The genius of social psychology as a field has been its ability to investigate the seemingly complicated behaviors that
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English Pages 0 [557] Year 2013
Table of contents :
PART I Introduction and Overview. 1. The Research Process: Of Big Pictures, Little Details, and the Social Psychological Road in between / Carol Sansone and Carolyn C. Morf and A.T. Panter. PART II Fundamental Issues in Social Psychological Research. 2. The Methodological Assumptions of Social Psychology: The Mutual Dependence of Substantive Theory and Method Choice / Thomas D. Cook and Carla Groom --
3. Ethical Issues in Social Psychology Research / Allan J. Kimmel --
4. Developing a Program of Research / Susan T. Fiske. PART III Design and Analysis. Implications of a Heterogeneous Population: Deciding for Whom to Test the Research Question(s), Why, and How --
5. Culturally Sensitive Research Questions and Methods in Social Psychology / Joan G. Miller --
6. Individual Differences in Social Psychology: Understanding Situations to Understand People, Understanding People to Understand Situations / Yuichi Shoda --
Operationalizing the Constructs: Deciding What to Measure, Why, and How --
7. Constructing and Evaluating Quantitative Measures for Social Psychological Research: Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Solutions / Duane T. Wegener and Leandre R. Fabrigar --
8. Measures and Meanings: The Use of Qualitative Data in Social and Personality Psychology / Laura A. King --
9. Implicit Methods in Social Psychology / John F. Kihlstrom --
10. Mediated and Moderated Effects in Social Psychological Research: Measurement, Design, and Analysis Issues / Rick H. Hoyle and Jorgianne Civey Robinson --
Research Designs: Deciding the Specific Approach for Testing the Research Question(s), Why, and How --
11. Experimental Design and Causality in Social Psychology Research / S. Alexander Haslam and Craig Mcgarty --
12. Quasi-Experimental and Correlational Designs: Methods for the Real World When Random Assignment isn't Feasible / Melvin M. Mark and Charles S. Reichardt --
13. Within-Subject and Longitudinal Experiments: Design and Analysis Issues / Stephen G. West and Jeremy C. Biesanz Oi-Man Kwok --
14. Measuring Individuals in a Social Environment: Conceptualizing Dyadic and Group Interaction / Richard Gonzalez and Dale Griffin --
15. Quantitative Research Synthesis: Examining Study Outcomes over Settings, Samples, and Time / Wendy Wood and P. Niels Christensen. PART IV Emerging Interdisciplinary Approaches: The Integration of Social Psychology and other Disciplines. 16. Methodological and Ethical Issues in Conducting Social Psychology Research via the Internet / Michael H. Birnbaum --
17. Social Neuroscience: Bridging Social and Biological Systems / John T. Cacioppo, Tyler S. Lorig, Howard C. Nusbaum AND Gary G. Berntson --
18. Supplementing the Snapshots with Video Footage: Taking a Developmental Approach to Understanding Social Psychological Phenomena / Eva M. Pomerantz, Diane N. Ruble and Niall Bolger. PART V The Application of Social Psychology and its Methods to other Domains. 19. Program Evaluation, Action Research, and Social Psychology: A Powerful Blend for Addressing Applied Problems / Geoffrey Maruyama --
20. Methodological Challenges and Scientific Rewards for Social Psychologists Conducting Health Behavior Research / Peter Salovey and Wayne T. Steward --
21. Research Methods of Micro Organizational Behavior / Leigh Thompson, Mary Kern and Denise Lewin Loyd --
22. Conducting Social Psychological Research in Educational Settings: "Lessons We Learned in School" / Judith M. Harackiewicz and Kenneth E. Barron.
Handbook of Methods in Social Psychology
the memory of Kurt Lewin, whose contributions continue to instruct and inspire generations of social psychologists.
Handbook of Methods in Social Psychology
Edited by Carol Sansone University of Utah
Carolyn C. Morf and A T . Panter University of N o r t h Carolina, Chapel Hill
SAGE Publications International Educational and Professional Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi
Copyright © 2 0 0 4 by Sage Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For
information: Sage Publications, Inc. 2 4 5 5 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 9 1 3 2 0 E-mail: [email protected] Sage Publications Ltd. 6 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4PU United Kingdom Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. B-42, Panchsheel Enclave New Delhi 110 0 1 7 India
Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Sage handbook of methods in social psychology / Carol Sansone, Carolyn C. Morf, A. T. Panter, editors, p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0 - 7 6 1 9 - 2 5 3 5 - X (Cloth) — ISBN 0-7619-2536-8 (Paper) 1. Social psychology—Methodology. I. Sansone, Carol. II. Morf, Carolyn C. III. Panter, A. T. HM1019.S24 2004 302'.01—dc21 2003004673 This book is printed on acid-free paper. 03
Acquisitions Editor: Editorial Assistant: Copy Editor: Production Editor: Typesetter: Proofreader: Indexer: Cover Designer:
Jim Brace-Thompson Karen Ehrmann A. J . Sobczak Diane S. Foster C & M Digitals (P) Ltd, Penny Sippel Juniee Oneida Michelle Kenny
Brief Contents
Part I: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 1. T h e Research Process: O f Big Pictures, Little Details,
and the Social Psychological Road in Between
2. T h e Methodological Assumptions of Social
Psychology: T h e Mutual Dependence of Substantive
Theory and Method Choice
3 . Ethical Issues in Social Psychology Research
4 . Developing a Program of Research
Section A. Implications of a Heterogeneous
Population: Deciding for W h o m to Test the
Research Question(s), Why, and H o w
Culturally Sensitive Research Questions and
Methods in Social Psychology JOAN G . MILLER
Individual Differences in Social Psychology: Understanding Situations to Understand People, Understanding People to Understand Situations
Section B . Operationalizing the Constructs: Deciding W h a t to Measure, Why, and H o w 7. Constructing and Evaluating Quantitative Measures for Social Psychological Research: Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Solutions
8. Measures and Meanings: T h e Use of Qualitative Data in Social and Personality Psychology
9. Implicit Methods in Social Psychology
1 0 . Mediated and Moderated Effects in Social Psychological Research: Measurement, Design, and Analysis Issues
Section C. Research Designs: Deciding the Specific Approach for Testing the Research Question(s), Why, and H o w
1 1 . Experimental Design and Causality in Social Psychology Research
12. Quasi-Experimental and Correlational Designs: Methods for the Real World When Random Assignment Isn't Feasible
1 3 . Within-Subject and Longitudinal Experiments: Design and Analysis Issues
1 4 . Measuring Individuals in a Social Environment: Conceptualizing Dyadic and Group Interaction RICHARD GONZALEZ AND DALE GRIFFIN
1 5 . Quantitative Research Synthesis: Examining Study Outcomes Over Settings, Samples, and Time
Part IV: EMERGING INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES: THE INTEGRATION OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND OTHER DISCIPLINES 1 6 . Methodological and Ethical Issues in Conducting Social Psychology Research via the Internet
17. Social Neuroscience: Bridging Social and Biological Systems
1 8 . Supplementing the Snapshots With Video Footage: Taking a Developmental Approach to Understanding Social Psychological Phenomena
Part V: THE APPLICATION OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND ITS METHODS TO OTHER DOMAINS 1 9 . Program Evaluation, Action Research, and Social Psychology: A Powerful Blend for Addressing Applied Problems
2 0 . Methodological Challenges and Scientific Rewards for Social Psychologists Conducting Health Behavior Research
2 1 . Research Methods of Micro Organizational Behavior
2 2 . Conducting Social Psychological Research in Educational Settings: "Lessons W e Learned in School" JUDITH M . HARACKIEWICZ AND KENNETH E . BARRON
Name Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Detailed Contents
Preface Acknowledgments Reference
Part I: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 1. T h e Research Process: O f Big Pictures, Little Details,
and the Social Psychological R o a d in Between
xxvii xxix xxix
1 3
The Research Process The Starting Point: The Phenomena The Research Question To Whom Does the Question Apply? Operationalizations and Design Can We Answer the Question? Organization of This Handbook Organizing Principles Specific Organization Part II: Fundamental Issues in Social Psychological Research Part III: Design and Analysis Part IV: Emerging Interdisciplinary Approaches Part V: The Application of Social Psychology and Its Methods to Other Domains Conclusion References
2 . T h e Methodological Assumptions of Social
Psychology: T h e Mutual Dependence of Substantive
Theory and Method Choice THOMAS D. COOK AND CARLA GROOM
6 6 7 7 8 9 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 15
Introduction The Hypothetico-Deductive Method The Types of Theory That Social Psychologists Construct The Theory-Hypothesis Link Form of Data Collection The Dual Hegemony of ANOVA and the Laboratory Experiment Specific Theoretical Concerns and Their Methodological Implications The Social Cognitive Revolution The Relative Neglect of Theories of Interpersonal Dynamics The Neglect of High-Impact Manipulations and the Kinds of Theory They Promote The Average Person as the Locus of Explanation The Assumption of Irrelevant Domains and Hence the Generation of Theories With Minimal Grounded Content Conclusion References 3. Ethical Issues in Social Psychology Research
19 22 22 24 27 29 32 32 34 34 35
37 39 40 45
Chapter Overview The Evolution of Ethical Debate and Regulation in Social Psychology Governmental Regulations for Behavioral Research in the United States Professional Ethical Standards Ethical Dilemmas in Social Psychological Research Defining "Ethics," "Morality," and "Ethical Dilemma" Ethical Issues in the Conduct of Laboratory, Field, and Applied Research Laboratory Research Issues Field Research Issues Privacy Informed Consent Social Psychology Research and the Internet Applied Research Issues Ethical Safeguards and Institutional Review Debriefing and Other Safeguards
46 46 47 48 51 51 53 53 57 58 58 59 59 61 61
Institutional Review Impact and Effectiveness of the Review Process Conclusion: Ethical Challenges and Opportunities References 4 . Developing a Program of Research
63 64 65 65 71
Start by Knowing That Many Perspectives Are Not Yet Represented Compelling, Coherent Hypotheses: What's the Big Picture? Intellectual Sources Personal Sources Group Sources Worldview Sources General Principles, Regardless of Source Convincing Research: Read This Book Readable Write-ups Readers Will Read Outlets: Visible and Invisible Programmatic Approach: Follow Your Bliss Collaboration: Beside Every Good Researcher Stands a Team Teaching: A Piece of the Research Enterprise Funding: Aha! Plus . . . Service: Giving It Away Conclusion: From Madness to the Methods References
72 73 73 74 74 74 75 76 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 87 88
Section A. Implications of a Heterogeneous Population: Deciding for W h o m to Test the Research Question(s), Why, and H o w
5. Culturally Sensitive Research Questions and Methods in Social Psychology
Downplaying of Cultural Issues in Social Psychology Key Reasons for Downplaying of Culture Culture-Free Approach to Situations Physical Science Ideals of Explanation Apparent Universality and Explanatory Breadth of Psychological Theories Disappointment With Recent Cultural Traditions of Research
94 95 95 96 96 97
Conceptual Issues in Giving More Attention to Culture Views of Culture Integrating Cultural Considerations With Situational and Person Factors Methodological Strategies for Enhancing Cultural Sensitivity Cultural Understanding Sampling Noncomparative "Prototypic" Sampling Strategies Noncomparative Cultural Sampling Strategies Comparative Cultural Sampling Strategies Representativeness and Equivalence in Sampling Culture as Process Culturally Appropriate Measures Conclusions Notes References 6. Individual Differences in Social Psychology:
Understanding Situations to Understand People,
Understanding People to Understand Situations
97 98 99 99 99 101 101 102 103 103 104 106 108 109 109
Why Stable Individual Differences Need to Be Taken Into Account Lewin's Equation, B = f(P, E) P = An Individual's Dynamic Social Information Processing System: An Example Studying Person x Situation Interactions What Individual Differences? Individual Differences That Interact With Situations Processing Dynamics Type and Diagnostic Situations Types of Person Variables That Affect Processing Dynamics Interactions May Involve Highly Content-Specific Person and Situation Characteristics Going Beyond the Bandwidth-Fidelity Trade-off Behavioral Signatures of Person Types Guide an Inductive Approach to Discovering Individual Difference Constructs Methodological Challenges for Intensive Within-Subject Analyses Finding, Evaluating, and Using Measures of Individual Differences
118 119 119 119 121 122 122 124 124 125
125 127 128
What Makes a "Good" Measure: The Intertwined Nature of Reliability and Validity Bootstrapping Upward in the Evolution of Constructs, Theories, and Measures An Example of Construct Validation Research: The Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix Construct Validation of Individual Differences Measures via Experiments A Valid Measure Has Been Found! What Should We Do With It? Implications for Data Analysis and Experimental Design Continuous or Categorical? It Can Matter To Block or Not to Block on Individual Difference Measures? Recasting the Problem: Going Beyond Individual Differences as a Poor Person's Substitute for an Experiment Understanding the Effects of Situations for Each Person First Trading Instant Generalizability for Ultimate Generalizability: The Implications of a Person- and Type-Centered, More Inductive, Approach Concluding Thoughts: Understanding Situations to Understand People, Understanding People to Understand Situations Notes References Section B . Operationalizing the Constructs:
Deciding W h a t to Measure, W h y , and H o w 7. Constructing and Evaluating Quantitative
Measures for Social Psychological Research:
Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Solutions
128 129 130 130
131 131 131
133 133
135 136 137 143
Defining Quantitative Measures Stages in Constructing Quantitative Measures Specifying Measurement Goals and Theoretical Assumptions Specifying One's Goals for the Measure Specifying Theoretical Assumptions Item Generation
146 146 147 147 147 148
Creating Items Item Content and Wording Number of Items Response Scale Format Response Option Order and Item Order Traditional Scaling Procedures for Item Generation Thurstone Equal-Appearing Intervals Likert Summated Ratings Semantic Differentials Item Evaluation and Selection Judge Ratings Between-Group Differentiation Item Descriptive Statistics Item-Total Correlations Factor Analysis Item Response Theory Evaluating Measure Quality Reliability Internal Consistency Stability (Test-Retest) Validity "Associative" and "Dissociative" Forms of Validity Evidence Associative Forms of Validity Dissociative Forms of Validity The M T M M Approach Beyond Self-Report Measures Notes References 8. Measures and Meanings: T h e Use of Qualitative
Data in Social and Personality Psychology
148 148 149 149 150 151 151 151 151 152 152 152 153 153 153 155 156 157 157 158 160 160 160 162 163 164 166 167 173
Qualitative Data in Social Psychology: An Empirical Example Advantages of Asking Open-Ended Questions Qualitative Data May Answer Many Questions at Once Qualitative Data Allow Us to Measure What Isn't Said or Can't Be Said Qualitative Data Give Us the Flavor of the Whole Qualitative Data Are (Relatively) Timeless Methods of Qualitative Research Participant Selection and Recruitment
174 175 175 175 176 177 178 178
Deciding What Questions to Ask and How to Ask Them Coding the Data Extant Coding Schemes Creating New Coding Schemes Using Naive Coders The Training Phase The Coding Phase Naive Coders and the Bottom-Up Approach Reliability and Validity Reliability Validity Additional Challenges of Using Qualitative Data in Social Psychology Methodological Problems and Confounds Losing the Trees for the Forest Special Ethical Considerations New Approaches to Quantifying Qualitative Data Conclusion References 9. Implicit Methods in Social Psychology
179 179 179 180 183 183 184 184 185 185 188 189 189 189 190 190 191 192 195
The Psychodynamic Heritage Projective Tests The Subtle and the Obvious The Priming Solution The Importance of Matching Tasks Priming as a Measure of Implicit Attitudes Critique of Priming The Implicit Association Test The IAT as a Psychometric Device Critique of the IAT The Unobtrusive, the Automatic, the Implicit—and the Psychologist's Fallacy Notes References 1 0 . Mediated and Moderated Effects in Social
Psychological Research: Measurement, Design,
and Analysis Issues
196 196 197 198 199 201 202 203 204 205 207 209 209
Measurement Issues Practical Benefits of Theory
215 215
Formally Designating the Status of Variables in a Model An Example Optimal Measurement Design Issues Asserting Causal Priority Timing and Tests of Mediation Experimental Designs Analysis Issues Analysis Issues Specific to Mediation Analysis Issues Specific to Moderation Stumbling Blocks Ambiguous Theory One-Shot Data Limited Sample Size Limited Number of Indicators Conclusion References
216 218 219 222 222 223 224 225 227 228 231 231 231 231 232 232 232
Section C. Research Designs: Deciding the
Specific Approach for Testing the Research
Question(s), Why, and H o w
1 1 . Experimental Design and Causality in
Social Psychology Research
Introduction Designing Controlled Experiments: The Aims and Structure of This Chapter Why and When Should We Do Experiments? The Logic of Experiments Replication Identifying Plausible Confounds Multiple Factors When Not to Conduct Experiments Experimental Components Independent Variables (TVs) Randomization Theoretical Relevance Manipulation Checks Between- and Within-Subjects Designs Dependent Variables (DVs) Scale Construction
237 238 238 239 240 240 241 241 242 242 242 243 244 245 245 245
The Relevance-Sensitivity Trade-Off The Experimental Sample Representativeness The Importance of Theory Using Specialized Samples Experimental Assembly Threats to Internal Validity Dealing With Confounds Uncertainty Management Ruling Out Alternative Hypotheses: Dealing With Specific Threats to Internal Validity Maturation Effects History Effects Experiment Effects Sample Effects Experimental Control Threats to External Validity Reactivity Artificiality Inferring Causal Relationships From Experimental Research Lessons From the Social Psychology of Causal Inference Detecting Covariation Beyond Covariation Mediational Analysis The Logic of Mediation Problems of Interpretation Conclusion Note References 1 2 . Quasi-Experimental and Correlational Designs:
Methods for the Real World When Random
Assignment Isn't Feasible
246 247 248 249 249 251 251 251 251 252 252 252 253 253 254 254 255 256 256 256 257 257 258 258 258 259 260 260
Quasi-Experimental Designs: An Overview A Counterfactual Conception of Causality From the Concept of Causality to Kinds of Comparisons Comparisons Across Time The One-Group, Pretest-Posttest Design
266 266 267 267 268
Interrupted Time-Series Designs Interrupted Time-Series Designs With a Control Group Analysis of Interrupted Time-Series Designs Comparisons Across Groups The Regression-Discontinuity Design Nonequivalent Group Designs Analysis of the Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Group Design The Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Group Design With Separate Pretest and Posttest Samples Complex Nonequivalent Group Designs Summary Correlational Designs Threats to the Validity of Correlational Designs The Analysis of Data From Correlational Designs Beyond Individual Studies: Research Programs, Lines of Research, and Research Syntheses Conclusions Design Matters But Design Is Not Everything The Pattern of Observed Effects Also Matters Recognizing and Reporting Threats to Validity Matters Too Finally, Social Psychologists Should Not Be One-Trick Ponies References 1 3 . Within-Subject and Longitudinal Experiments:
Design and Analysis Issues
269 271 272 272 272 275 276 277 277 279 279 280 281 281 283 283 283 284 284 284 284 287
Perspectives on Causal Inference Three Design Elements Basic Within-Subject Design Unit Homogeneity Randomization Within-Subject Experiments Approaches to Controlling for Order of Treatment Conditions Random Ordering Counterbalancing Latin Square Designs
288 289 289 289 290 291 291 291 292 292
Randomized Matched Designs (Predictor Sort Designs) Moderator Effects Mediation Summary and Conclusions Longitudinal Experiments Threats to Causal Inference Attrition SUTVA Some Longitudinal Experimental Designs Pre-Post Randomized Experiment Solomon Four-Group Design Multiwave Longitudinal Experiment Analysis Approaches: Traditional and Modern Univariate Analysis of Variance Three Possible Improvements to the Univariate Analysis of Variance Approach Correction of p Values Multivariate Approach Contrast Approach Growth Models Extensions Mediation Summary and Conclusions Final Conclusion Notes References 1 4 . Measuring Individuals in a Social Environment:
Conceptualizing Dyadic and Group Interaction
293 294 295 295 296 297 297 298 298 298 299 299 300 300 301 301 301 302 303 306 306 307 308 309 310 313
Non-Independence and Interdependence The Intraclass Correlation Graphical Representation of the Intraclass Correlation Individual and Group Effects: One Is Not Enough The Use of Dyad Means as Indicators of Shared Variance Influence and Interaction: A Model of Interdependence Hierarchical Linear Modeling: Same Old Story or a New Perspective? Morals References
315 317 319 323 326 327 329 331 333
1 5 . Quantitative Research Synthesis: Examining
Study Outcomes Over Settings, Samples, and Time
Uses for Quantitative Research Synthesis Evaluating Existing Theories Testing Novel Hypotheses Procedures in Conducting a Research Synthesis Determining if You Have Enough Studies Defining the Problem, Variables, and Sample Locating Relevant Studies Forming the Meta-Analytic Database Coding Study Features Selecting Computer Programs to Calculate and Analyze Effect Sizes Calculating Effect Sizes Problems (and Solutions) When Calculating Effect Sizes Independence of Observations Complex Primary Study Designs Correcting for Effect Size Bias Strategies for Nonreported Results Analyzing Meta-Analytic Data Step 1: Choosing a Model Step 2: Estimating Means and Variability Step 3: Investigating Possible Moderators Step 4: Reporting Findings Drawing Conclusions From Meta-Analyses Interpreting Effect-Size Statistics The Impact of Synthesis Findings and the Future of Research Synthesis Notes References
Social Psychology Research via the Internet
336 336 337 338 338 339 340 341 341 342 342 344 344 345 346 346 346 347 348 349 350 350 350 351 352 353
Minimum Requirements for Online Experimenting Potential Advantages of Research via the W W W
360 361
Examples of Recruiting and Testing Participants via the Internet Recruitment Method and Sample Characteristics Demographics Web Participants Do Not Represent a Population Effect of Diversity on Power and Generality Experimental Control, Measurement, and Observation Two Procedures for Holding an Exam Precision of Manipulations and Measurements The Need for Pilot Work in the Lab The Need for Testing of H T M L and Programming Testing in Both Lab and Web Dropouts and Between-Subjects Designs Experimenter Bias Multiple Submissions Ethical Issues in Web and Lab Risks of Psychological Experiments Ease of Dropping Out From Online Research Ethical Issues Peculiar to the W W W Deception on the W W W Privacy and Confidentiality Good Manners on the Web Concluding Comments References 17. Social Neuroscience: Bridging Social
and Biological Systems
362 363 363 364 365 366 366 367 368 369 369 370 371 372 374 374 375 376 376 377 378 378 379 383
Social Neuroscience and Links to Biological Systems Inferring the Psychological Significance of Physiological Signals The Psychological and Physiological Domains Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) The BOLD Response Task Demands Tissue and Psychology Electrophysiological Measures of Brain Activity Summary Notes References
383 386 388 389 390 393 394 395 398 399 400
1 8 . Supplementing the Snapshots With Video Footage:
Taking a Developmental Approach to Understanding
Social Psychological Phenomena
What Does It Mean to Use the Video Camera? Why Use the Video Camera? How to Use the Video Camera Developmental Designs The Cross-Sectional Design The Longitudinal Design The Cross-Sequential Design Operationalizing Developmental Phase Micro-Analytic and Macro-Analytic Strategies Identifying the Processes Underlying Developmental Change Other Considerations in Conducting Developmental Research Recruitment Procedural Equivalence Methodological Benefits of Conducting Developmental Research But You Can't Just Use Only the Video Camera Conclusion References
1 9 . Program Evaluation, Action Research,
and Social Psychology: A Powerful Blend
for Addressing Applied Problems
406 406 408 408 408 410 411 412 413 414 415 415 416 417 418 420 421
What Is Program Evaluation? Framework for the Chapter The Program Evaluation Field Action Research and Program Evaluation Action Research Applied to Issues of Educational Opportunity "Traditional" Evaluations of School Structures Policy-Relevant Evaluation: Modeling Impacts of School Accountability
430 431 434 435 437 438 439
Longitudinal Evaluation Designs and Collaborative Work: Understanding Relations of Poverty With Achievement Methodological Tools and Their Uses Limitations of Action Research Models for Program Evaluation Closing Note References 2 0 . Methodological Challenges and Scientific
Rewards for Social Psychologists Conducting
Health Behavior Research
439 440 441 441 442
A Brief Introduction to Research in the Health, Emotion, and Behavior (HEB) Laboratory Challenge #1: Serving Two Masters Challenge #2: Testing Your Question Challenge #3: Ethical Issues Relationship With the Community Professional Development Graduate School Postdoctoral Training Employment Integrating Social Psychology and Health Behavior References 2 1 . Research Methods of Micro Organizational Behavior
444 445 449 451 452 453 453 453 453 454 455 457
Relationship of Micro OB to Organizational Research Comparison of Micro OB to Social Psychology The Key Factor Distinguishing Micro OB From Social Psychology Key Independent Variable Key Dependent Variable Omnipresence Research Project Development in Micro OB Step 1: Problem in Real World Stimulates Unresolved Question Step 2: Researcher Reformulates the Real World Problem Into a Testable Research Question Step 3: Researcher Consults Theory to Derive Hypotheses Step 4: Researcher Devises Study to Test Hypotheses
458 458 459 459 459 459 459 460 460 461 461
Step 5: Data Analysis and Results Step 6: Conclusions: Theoretical and Prescriptive Step 7: Application Common Methodologies in Micro OB Research Setting Design Classroom Setting Field Setting Laboratory Setting Conclusion References 2 2 . Conducting Social Psychological Research in
Educational Settings: "Lessons W e Learned in School"
462 462 462 463 463 463 464 465 466 467 468
Moving Out of the Lab and Into the Classroom: Choosing the Setting Moving Into the Classroom: Choosing a Design Moving Into the Classroom: Choosing Measures Moving Into the Classroom: Implications and Methodological Trade-Offs Moving Back to the Lab Back to the Classroom: Validity Issues Revisited Lessons We Learned in School Lesson #1: The Importance of Using Multiple Research Methodologies in Multiple Settings Lesson #2: Dealing With the Dilemma of the Social Psychologist Lesson #3: Increasing the Credibility and Valuation of Research References
472 474 474 475 477 478 480 480 481 481 482
N a m e Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors
he genius o f social psychology as a field has been its ability to investigate the seemingly unstudiable, c o m p l e x behaviors that characterize humans as social creatures. T h e field has a rich history o f methodological innovation
with strong contributions t o basic and applied research. However, it is sometimes difficult for both n e w and seasoned researchers to keep up with innovations that allow a greater diversity in the kinds and levels o f research questions that can be addressed. As a result, the nature o f the questions asked by many researchers m a y be unnecessarily constrained. Conversely, a rush to embrace newer approaches can lead t o a less-than-thorough consideration o f fundamental issues that transcend any
particular approach. W e believe that the decision t o use a particular methodological approach is optimally made when grounded in careful considerations o f the "big picture" o f a program o f research. T h u s , methodological decisions are tied inextricably to w h a t the researcher, ultimately, wants t o k n o w . O u r major purpose in editing this h a n d b o o k was to create an integrated collection o f conceptually guided chapters that address the c o m m o n and unique methodological decisions that researchers must m a k e when using both traditional and cutting-edge research paradigms. Based on our " t o p - d o w n " perspective, chapters in this volume emphasize the conceptual basis o f the methodology, with an explicit focus on the meaning o f data when obtained via a particular methodology. O u r thinking has been heavily influenced by the writings o f Kurt Lewin, t o whose memory we dedicate this b o o k . Lewin believed firmly that theory and method are completely intertwined and that we should use our questions t o c o m e up with creative methodologies t o address them. T o Lewin, "research is the art o f taking the next step" (Lewin, 1 9 4 9 / 1 9 9 9 , p. 2 5 ) . W e believe we have captured this art as well as the science with the present collection o f chapters. W e implemented the top-down perspective in t w o ways. First, the overall organization o f the h a n d b o o k parallels what we see as the "big picture" o f the overall research process. Beginning chapters address issues related t o selecting and identifying research questions and populations, middle chapters address issues related to design and analysis issues, and later chapters address issues related t o expanding the original social psychological questions t o other disciplines within and outside psychology. Statistical analysis is considered a process in service o f research
SAGE HANDBOOK OF M E T H O D S IN SOCIAL P S Y C H O L O G Y design, and it is included to the extent that it helps to illuminate the distinct meaning o f data obtained through a particular methodological approach or design. Thus, the focus is on the conceptual meaning o f the data and analysis, rather than on microlevel " h o w t o " guidance through analytical issues. Second, we have attempted to maintain the top-down perspective within each chapter. All contributors were asked t o follow a general template in which they first describe a concrete and relevant social psychological research problem (or problems) and then discuss relevant methodological issues in the c o n t e x t o f that problem. Contributors t o this volume were selected because they have developed expertise on particular methodological approaches or issues in social psychology—and, more important, they did so in response t o attempting t o discover the best way to understand the psychological phenomena that interested them. T h u s , these researchers fit the "Lewin m o d e l " in that they have let the research questions guide their methods, rather than the reverse. These expert researchers discuss traditional and state-of-the-art methodological advances by first outlining concrete research phenomena and related questions o f interest and then showing h o w these questions may be best answered through design and analysis decisions. Adopting the top-down perspective led t o several features o f this h a n d b o o k that set it apart from other methods b o o k s . In addition to traditional methodological areas relevant for social psychologists, the b o o k includes innovative chapters such as those on ethics, culture and diversity, and individual differences. M o r e o v e r , the h a n d b o o k captures social psychology's increasing emphasis on research that crosses disciplines both within and outside psychology (e.g., social neuroscience, social development, and social psychology and the Internet). Also included is a section on some applications o f social psychology and its methods to other domains (e.g., program evaluation, health, education, and organizations). It was impossible to include all possible domains o f application, but we chose domains that we thought would have the broadest interest and that would have c o m m o n issues as well as unique challenges. In reading these chapters, it is evident that there are many similarities across areas o f application; thus, our hope is that these diverse samplings will also allow for translations to other areas. W e intend the audience for this h a n d b o o k to be active researchers interested in using social psychological approaches to address their research questions. T h i s audience includes graduate students and advanced undergraduates w h o are being introduced to the methods o f social psychology. It futher includes more advanced behavioral scientists in academic and research settings w h o are interested in learning about modern perspectives on classic approaches as well as newer methodological approaches in social psychology. O u r hope is that readers will c o m e away with an appreciation for the complexity of the field's phenomena along with a sense o f excitement about the fun and value of the research methods that can be used to unravel these phenomena. As editors o f this volume, we have learned a lot from the authors and their chapters, and we hope that readers do the same!
Preface ACKNOWLEDGMENTS W e wish to thank our colleagues Irwin Altaian, W a l t e r Mischel, M o n i s h a Pasupathi, and Bert U c h i n o for their sage advice and thoughtful feedback at critical points throughout this process. W e are also grateful to Angela N e w m a n at the University of Utah for her critical help in bringing order out o f chaos as we tried to keep track of all the various versions o f files and other paperwork associated with developing and finalizing the b o o k . J i m B r a c e - T h o m p s o n , senior editor at Sage Publications, provided both the initial enthusiasm and constant support for this project, and he helped t o m a k e our vision o f the b o o k a reality. W e thank him for that. W e also thank A. J . Sobczak for his extraordinarily thoughtful and critical w o r k as copy editor and Diane Foster for all her efforts as production editor. Finally, we would each like t o note some personal acknowledgments. C a r o l Sansone would like to thank her family, friends, and students for their patience and support during the several years she devoted to completion o f the b o o k . She would also like t o thank her younger brother, D o n , for allowing her t o publicly confess her past misdeed in Chapter 1. Carolyn C. M o r f would like to acknowledge with gratitude the help and support o f her family and friends during the preparation o f this volume. Finally, A. T . Panter would like to express her sincere thanks t o her major supports during this project: George H u b a , N e c h a m a and Y a a k o v H u b a , Sarajane Brittis, and her family, especially Danielle, M i c h a e l a , and Gideon Panter. Carol Sansone Carolyn C. M o r f A. T . Panter
REFERENCE Lewin, K. (1999). Cassirer's philosophy of science and the social sciences. In M . Gold (Ed.), The complete social scientist: A Kurt Lewin reader (pp. 23-36). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (Original work published 1949)
The Research Process Of Big Pictures, Little Details, and the Social Psychological Road in Between CAROL SANSONE University of Utah CAROLYN C . MORF A . T . PANTER University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
hen 6 years old, one o f us [CS] hit
easy to see why the problem occurs. Social
her younger brother on the head
psychologists study very complex behaviors,
with a rock. H e was bending over
which are simultaneously connected with a
to look into a basement window, and a rock
host of contextual features and o f internal, not
was on the ground next to him. Curious about
directly observable, processes (e.g., perceiving,
what would happen if the rock hit his head,
construing, feeling, goal-striving). Considerable
she was unprepared (given a steady diet o f
creativity and thought have gone into creat-
Looney Tunes cartoons) for the result: It hurt
ing methodological approaches that
him. Though long forgiven and mostly forgot-
the researcher to focus in on subsets o f these
ten (except at holidays), this episode illustrates
complex, interrelated features and processes.
both the motivation behind most science—the
An early example o f this creativity was the
need to k n o w what happens, and why—and
work by Kurt Lewin and his students. At the
the potential negative consequences o f allow-
time that psychodynamic and
ing available methods t o shape our questions,
rather than the reverse. Formal training in research methods and
were emphasizing
defined in terms o f instincts or reward outcomes, Lewin and colleagues proposed that is attached to the process
design can mask this elemental problem, but
the problem remains. In social psychology, it is
goal-striving. From both psychodynamic and
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW behaviorist perspectives, this proposal would
attitude change
have been neither worthwhile nor feasible to
about a topic after individuals read persuasive
(e.g., measuring
examine. In contrast, Lewin and colleagues
messages), Asch's ( 1 9 4 6 ) work on impression
formation (e.g., measuring people's impres-
which the researcher creates a situation in the
sions o f a hypothetical individual after they
laboratory that should trigger the unobserv-
are given a list o f traits that
able psychological process (e.g., goal-striving)
describe the individual), Festinger's (e.g.,
and compares it to a situation that should not.
Festinger 8c Carlsmith, 1 9 5 9 ) work on cog-
a methodological approach
Furthermore, these researchers proposed that
nitive dissonance (e.g., the insufficient justifi-
the relative motivational differences created in
these situations, which could not be measured
Schachter & Singer, 1 9 6 2 ) w o r k on emotion
directly, should be reflected in related variables
(e.g., the misattribution paradigm).
S c h a c h t e r ' s (e.g.,
Zeigarnik ( 1 9 2 7 , as cited in Lewin, 1 9 5 1 )
created that seem to capture, at least to some
developed a method for testing the hypothesis
extent, the complex behaviors and processes
that motivation attached to goal-striving is
involved in social psychological phenomena,
reflected at the thinking level; the method
the paradigms usually include a typical setting
involved measuring the relative memory for
(e.g., lab), participant population (e.g., college
students), operationalizations,
led to the identification o f the
"Zeigarnik effect" (remembering roughly twice
paradigm tend to be repeated in subsequent
as many o f the uncompleted tasks)—an objec-
applications. And it is here that the problem
tively measured, empirical finding that reflects
a hidden, dynamic psychological process. This
paradigm can start to guide and constrain the
ability to test hypotheses involving complex,
questions that researchers ask. For example,
unobservable processes created a foundation
instead o f continuing to ask questions about
for the laboratory science o f social psychology
that followed. In addition, Lewin and col-
researchers may begin to limit their investiga-
leagues investigated these processes in "real
tions to factors that affect memory for novel
world" settings, translating hypotheses
tasks completed in a lab. Although knowledge
developing creative ways to test their predic-
gained about the memory process may be use-
tions in organizations facing change, among
ful in its own right, these studies may take us
o f the
housewives dealing with wartime rationing,
away from the original phenomenon o f the
and so on.
goal-striving process (which is reflected in,
T h e work by Lewin and his group represents one o f the earliest examples o f the methodological creativity found in social psychology, but it certainly is not the last. In fact, many o f the early "classics" in social psychology research are known for the creation o f novel methodologies in addition t o the ideas that led to them. M a n y o f these methodologies are still used. Just a few examples o f this
but not limited to, memory for these tasks). Perhaps a more recent example o f this problem may be seen in the rise o f studies that employ cognitive neuroscience without
paradigms are the best way to study the phenomena. (For a discussion o f this problem, see Cacioppo, Lorig, Nusbaum,
and Berntson,
Chapter 1 7 , this volume.)
Figure 1.1 illustrates the idealized research
colleagues at Yale (e.g., Hovland, Janis, &
process. T h e figure shows a process o f research
Kelley, 1 9 5 3 ) investigating persuasion
that is relatively linear, stagewise, and iterative.
The Research
The Idealized Research Process
What are your next steps? What additional studies will you do?
How close are you to understanding the original phenomena?
What can you and can't you conclude about your research questions?
What type of methodological approach will you use?
To whom (i.e., what populations) do your research questions apply?
What are your research questions about these phenomena? What are the real world What are the real world Tj j Phenomena of interest? phenomena of interest? \ j [ l 5 ^} JTim_e_2] '• 1
What are the real world phenomena of interest? [Time 11
Figure 1.1
A Schematic D r a w i n g o f t h e I d e a l i z e d Research Process
process starts with our identifying the
questions that arose as consequences of our
phenomena that we want to understand. W e
research findings. At some point, we may con-
then generate specific questions and
verge at some broader set o f conclusions, and
theses, as well as decide if these questions or
in some cases we may shift our emphasis on a
hypotheses should
be universal. W e next
given question. Thus, over time, with empirical
operationalize our hypothesized constructs in
studies, samples, and methodologies, we grad-
some more concrete way that invoke important
ually build a knowledge base about the phe-
measurement principles, select an appropriate
nomena—perhaps broad enough so that we
research design, analyze the results, and decide
can apply this knowledge to treat, change, or
to what extent our initial hypotheses were sup-
alleviate important social problems.
ported. Depending on the evidence we gather
If the process is so clear and is agreed
and our conclusions about the patterns in our
upon, then why do we believe that allowing
data, we hope that we gain some increased
one's methods to drive the research question
understanding of our phenomena o f interest—
is an elemental problem? In the following sec-
and probably have even more questions than
tion, we describe h o w this idealized research
when we began. W e then cycle
process can be affected by the very social psy-
the process again with revised questions or
chological processes that social psychologists
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW study. W e will also briefly outline what we see
someone else (a member o f the majority group)
as the consequences of these effects, conse-
being given more positive feedback for the
quences that can contribute to this elemental
same work product because the person is being
problem. W e then describe this
held to a lower standard. In one sense, these
which we have organized according to these
two perspectives of the phenomena are the
ideas about the research process.
same: People believe that the supervisor is using different standards to evaluate performance as a function of the worker's group
membership. T h e different takes on the phenomena, however, will lead to very different
The Starting Point:
The Phenomena
directions in the subsequent research process. If we assume that the phenomena have exis-
Often, the phenomena we focus on c o m e
tence outside our perceptions (see Gergen,
us: the
2 0 0 1 , for a different perspective), then each
experiences we have, the curious patterns that
researcher, no matter what methodological
from observing the world around
we see in people's behaviors, the social prob-
approach is used or how many attempts are
lems we would like to be able to alleviate.
made, can only approximate the phenomena,
Whatever the specific phenomenon, what we
just as a single measurement can never fully
actually focus on for our research efforts
define a latent construct. Furthermore, phe-
is necessarily only one small part, filtered
nomena are not static; they (and our perspec-
through our own construal processes. As we
tives on them) evolve and change as illustrated
identify and define what aspects of the phe-
in Figure 1.1 by the gradual shift in the "phe-
nomena are o f particular interest to us, then,
nomena o f interest" over time.
we have begun to make decisions that will limit what we discover about the phenomena. This reality argues in favor o f having a
Discussing the potential effects only o f the individual
researchers' construal
be misleading, however. Decisions
diverse group of scientists identifying the phe-
nomena, because different experiences, back-
grounds, and contexts will lead to identifying
defined, are often shaped by the social con-
different phenomena, or in focusing on differ-
text that the "field" represents. T h e field can
ent aspects o f the phenomena, or in defining
(and should) positively affect the research
those aspects from a different perspective (Sue,
process. Reading the past literature provides
1 9 9 9 ) . For example, suppose a researcher is
interested in the phenomena of how people
perhaps supporting but
react when a supervisor provides
feedback to two subordinates when, objec-
on also
perspective (and any biases he or she might
tively, their work products seem to be the
have). M o r e o v e r , the
same. A researcher from a majority perspective
information and suggestions about various
(e.g., being white or male) may define the phe-
ways to examine the phenomena empirically,
nomena in terms of watching someone else (a
allowing the individual researcher to build
member of a minority group) get more positive
on what others have done, rather than hav-
feedback for the same work because the other
ing to "re-invent the wheel."
person is being given special treatment. In con-
In addition to the positive effects that the
trast, someone from the minority perspective
larger research community can have on the
(e.g., being African American or female) may
research process, however, there may also be
define the phenomena in terms o f watching
some negative effects. For example, in our
The Research
work as editors, reviewers, and advisers, the
and "research hypotheses" often are used
broader significance o f the topic being studied
interchangeably in discussing the research pro-
is a key dimension for our judgments o f pro-
cess, they can be distinct—that is, a hypothe-
posals and manuscripts. It is natural to think
sis proposes
that topics in which we are already interested
question. As such, hypotheses include the
to the
and invested are important to research (e.g.,
question (sometimes implicitly), but the ques-
Renninger, 2 0 0 0 ) . Thus, this human tendency
tion does not necessarily have to include
can create a gateway through which pheno-
hypotheses—as the rock episode at the begin-
ning o f the chapter illustrates. Moreover, the
already being researched (with
established methodological paradigm)
an are
same research question may lead a researcher
evaluated as more important by the "field."
to plan multiple studies that together address
One consequence of this is that when phe-
nomena are identified and defined from per-
more specific to a given study. Because it is
spectives that are not a major part o f the status
broader and more inclusive, therefore, we use
quo, they may be less likely to make it through
"research question" in our discussion.
the gateway. For example, a meta-analysis o f editorial decisions at Personality
Sometimes the question is only a small step
from the original observation. At other times,
found that articles sub-
however, the research question may be a
mitted by women as lead authors were less
number o f steps removed. In the supervisor
likely to be accepted for publication (Petty,
Fleming, &
Fabrigar, 1 9 9 9 ) ; one possible
researcher may ask whether the effect o f expe-
explanation for this finding is that during the
riencing differential feedback on a worker's
example discussed previously, a
period studied, women were relatively more
motivation depends on the worker's beliefs
likely to choose phenomena to research that
about why it happened.
were not considered as central to the field.
researcher has taken a complex phenomenon
In this case, the
A second consequence o f peer review is
that may be tied to a particular context and
that by maintaining the status quo in terms
time (see Altman, 1 9 8 8 ) and has abstracted
of the research topics that are considered
out one small dimension about which to ask
important, it also tends to maintain estab-
questions. Just as in identifying and defining
lished methodological paradigms. O f course,
the phenomena, then, the researcher makes
there is nothing inherently wrong with using
choices o f what to ask about the phenomena,
established methodological paradigms: T h e y
and these choices are guided by his or her per-
often become established precisely because
spective as well as that provided by the field.
they have been very useful in testing research
These research questions guide as well as limit
questions. Established paradigms become a
subsequent methodological choices and what
problem only when they start to constrain
we can eventually learn.
the kinds o f questions asked.
To Whom Does the Question Apply?
The Research Question Once the phenomena o f interest are identi-
Once we have decided on what question or
fied, the next step in the process is to articu-
questions we want to ask, we should then
late more specific research questions. T h a t is,
decide to whom
what about the phenomena, more specifi-
cally, are you trying to understand or predict?
have been very good at identifying situational
Although the terms
the question or questions
Traditionally, social psychologists for their questions, and
often see this identification as progress in
constructs and the design t o use are often
understanding the phenomena.
made concurrently because these decisions
potential population parameters, however, is
typically constrain each other. F o r example,
often an overlooked step in the research pro-
h o w closely does the researcher in our super-
cess. Does the research question ask about a
visor feedback example want to capture the
psychological process or outcome that we
original phenomena? D o e s he or she want to
assume is universal to all humans? T o all liv-
investigate the question in a real organiza-
ing creatures? O r is it particularly relevant to
tional setting where a supervisor gives feed-
some cultures, or to some groups within cul-
back t o subordinates? O r create an analog
tures (e.g., majority or minority, male or
to the original situation, assuming that the
female, individuals high or low in narcissism)?
relevant psychological processes generalize
In fact, when we first start to investigate a
beyond that
setting? These decisions are
particular research question, we probably do
likely to be affected by whether (and to what
not k n o w how widely the question should
degree) the researcher's goal is to draw causal
apply. Even at this point, however, we believe
inferences a b o u t the phenomena.
it is essential to ask the question because the " I don't k n o w " response is important
In social psychology, this goal typically
means using an experimental design in which
acknowledge when making subsequent deci-
people are randomly assigned to conditions—
sions about operationalizations and designs,
and this often means (but does not have to
as well as when interpreting findings. By mak-
mean) creating an analog for the situation.
ing sure to ask the question before conducting
These decisions should be guided by consi-
a study, we are in a better position to discover
deration o f what approach will allow the
important information about the boundaries
researcher to most clearly address the research
of a particular methodological approach as
question. In fact, however, the emphasis on
well as insights into the phenomena itself. For
experimental lab studies often precludes a
example, by asking this question, we may dis-
cover that older women are less likely than
approach provides the best match for the
college-age women to conform to a unani-
question. For example, if the research question
mous majority (Pasupathi, 1 9 9 9 ) , or that lack
involves what happens as the result o f real
of choice is less likely to negatively affect
interpersonal interactions, the research design
children's motivation when they c o m e from
Asian American backgrounds
research question asks about what happens
(Iyengar 8c
include these interactions. I f the
Lepper, 1 9 9 9 ) . These "limitations" to the
over time, the design needs to include or
assumption o f universality may in fact lead to
reflect some kind o f longitudinal component.
better understanding o f the
psychological process.
Because designs incorporating such elements as interactions and passage o f time are difficult and expensive to implement, as well as
Operationalizations and Design
more complicated t o analyze, researchers often settle for questions that can be answered
Only after these earlier steps have been
by more typical methods—and perhaps miss
considered can the researcher make final
the aspect o f their research questions that is
decisions about which measures will reflect
most interesting, important, or critical.
the most appropriate operationalizations o f
These early steps in the research process
their constructs, and relatedly, about the best
methodological setting in which to collect the
starting to generate their research questions
data. Decisions about how to operationalize
or research hypotheses after
easily be transposed, with researchers deciding on an
The Research existing methodological paradigm.
using an existing paradigm, the researcher
W i t h o u t a firm
sense o f the
question (or questions), it also becomes diffi-
necessarily constrains w h a t questions can be
cult t o select the best method o f analysis.
asked. These constraints are a problem t o the
Unfortunately, it can be easy t o select analy-
extent that the researcher ends up drifting
ses for reasons other than that they are
away from the phenomena he or she wants
the best fit to the research question. F o r
t o understand.
example, researchers m a y use
easily available approaches because they are
that intrinsic motivation is based on feelings
the approaches with which they (and most
o f competence that result from effectively
reviewers) are most familiar. Conversely,
example, many theorists
controlling one's environment (e.g., W h i t e ,
researchers may choose state-of-the-art anal-
1959). T o test this idea, pioneer researchers in
yses just because they are the latest trend.
the area (e.g., Deci, 1975) created a paradigm
optimal match o f design t o analytic
to study the effects o f competence feedback.
method emerges from a careful consideration
In this paradigm, college students are asked to
o f the best w a y t o answer the basic research
play a skill game or puzzle, then receive c o m -
question in a direct and comprehensible way
petence feedback that differs in terms o f
valence or the manner in which it is conveyed.
Statistical Inference, 1999).
8c the A P A T a s k F o r c e
M u c h o f the subsequent research used this
T h e mismatch between research question
paradigm as the starting point. As one result,
and data analysis is one reason that T u k e y
the research questions drifted from asking
( 1 9 6 1 ; reprinted in 1986) advised that the
about the nature o f intrinsic motivation itself
to questions about the parameters o f the effects
doctoral students be readjusted and reevalu-
o f competence feedback.
ated. H e suggested that a m o r e effective
dissertation research process for
Sansone (1986) proposed that the role o f
approach when graduate students are devel-
competence may have been overemphasized
oping ideas for dissertation projects is for
in our understanding o f intrinsic motivation
them t o begin by thoroughly analyzing a pre-
because this typical paradigm used activities in
viously collected data set relevant to the phe-
which doing well was the goal o f engagement,
n o m e n o n o f interest. O n l y then would they
and it compared receiving competence feed-
be encouraged to generate specific research
back with no feedback. Over several studies
questions, presumably with a much clearer
using tasks and feedback that varied in their
understanding o f what kinds o f analysis are
emphasis on personal competence (i.e., that
most appropriate to particular questions. In
the established
Sansone and colleagues found that feelings o f
way, one's initial research
would be fully informed by data analysis
competence enhanced intrinsic motivation
(especially o f the exploratory type), and the
primarily when competence goals were salient
typical data analysis stage o f a dissertation
at the outset o f the task (Sansone, 1 9 8 6 , 1 9 8 9 ;
project would be less prone to being mini-
Sansone, Sachau, & Weir, 1989). By using a
mized and rushed, as often happens when the
different methodological paradigm, therefore,
overriding focus is on completing the project.
this research led to some different conclusions about the nature
o f intrinsic motivation,
which ultimately led to different being asked
Can We Answer the Question?
A critical stage in the research process is
constructed (e.g., Sansone & Harackiewicz,
interpreting what we have found. Can we
2 0 0 0 ; Sansone 8c Smith, 2000).
answer our original research question? T o what
I N T R O D U C T I O N AND OVERVIEW extent do the data support our more specific
clear by Lewin's ( 1 9 5 1 ) emphasis on "gradual
hypotheses (assuming that we have them)? It is
approximation" and by Cronbach and Meehl's
only if we have clearly articulated the research
( 1 9 5 5 ) seminal paper on construct validation, a
question that we can know how well our ques-
tion has been answered. Assuming that we have
understood in depth through bridging levels
used operationalizations, designs, and analyses
of analysis and through the use of multiple
appropriate to our question, any answer is
methodologies. At this point in the research
valuable. In fact, in discovering that a hypothe-
process, therefore, a researcher can choose mul-
sis was not supported, we often find a different
tiple directions in which to go. H e or she may
(and sometimes more interesting) answer (or
follow up some finding using the same method-
question), one that helps understand the origi-
ological paradigm (e.g., to identify potential
nal phenomena beyond our initial filter. Thus,
moderators or mediating processes) but can
having clearly articulated research questions
also make connections to other settings, popu-
does not mean that we overlook serendipitous
lations, disciplines, and researchers. As noted
findings or effects that we did not foresee. In
by Cronbach and Meehl ( 1 9 5 5 ) , the deeper the
fact, we believe the reverse. Unless the unex-
construct analysis of the phenomenon goes, the
pected finding is dramatic (or draws blood, as
more extensive and interconnected to related
in our opening example), it is only when we
work the validation becomes.
know what we are looking for that we recognize that we have found
( 2 0 0 1 a , 2 0 0 1 b ) described the paradoxical
Otherwise, our confirmation biases can sweep
lives o f narcissists, w h o , in their continual
findings into our "model" and miss informa-
efforts to construct and maintain a grandiose
tion suggesting something different.
self, engage in behaviors that
Ultimately, the question is this: W h a t have
undermine and erode these efforts. T h e inter-
we learned about the original phenomena as
nal logic and coherence o f these paradoxical
the result o f this research? D o e s what we
behaviors became clear only in the course o f
have learned lead us to redefine the pheno-
conducting a program o f research involving
mena? Focus on different
aspects o f the
By employing
phenomena? E x p a n d to w h o m it applies? It
is at this point that the cycle begins again, as
matic approach, M o r f and R h o d e w a l t were
we further differentiate the phenomena o f
able to identify h o w narcissists' thoughts,
interest, perhaps moving t o different, related
feelings, and motivations interrelate within
phenomena, or perhaps changing w h a t we
their self-system t o create the prototypic, self-
see as the phenomena. W e believe it is criti-
cally important
this personality syndrome.
that researchers recognize
that at this point in the process, they have
behavioral patterns
the idealized process involves
learned only as much as their methodological
cumulative and programmatic research that
decisions allowed them to. W e tend to recog-
casts the nomological net wider and wider,
nize this important fact only when we are
making connections to other disciplines within
using innovative methodologies (e.g., func-
tional magnetic resonance imaging [ f M R I ] ,
knowledge of methodological paradigms and
psychology typically involves
Implicit Associations Test [IAT])—it is then
analysis strategies that are not part of our usual
that we tend t o become aware that the nature
training. Making these necessary connections
of our research questions is shaped by the
therefore may necessitate
possibilities o f a particular method.
collaboration. M o r e o v e r , as reviewers o f
W h a t we conclude about our question will
others' work, we are usually ill equipped to
determine the next steps that we take. As made
evaluate the quality and level of contribution
The Research made
researchers tend to stick to their familiar
(e.g., social neuroscience,
social development, social psychology and the
paradigms, particularly when they are con-
Internet) and applied (e.g., program evalua-
cerned about getting (or keeping) a j o b .
tion, health, education, organizations) focus.
Nevertheless, researchers should be encour-
Second, we have attempted t o maintain
aged to spread their wings and venture beyond
the top-down perspective within each chap-
their home territory. T h e potential benefits we
ter. T h u s , all contributors were asked to fol-
reap from applying different epistemological
low a general template in which they first
and methodological lenses to our phenomena
describe a concrete and relevant social psy-
of interest can be great—as can the fruits o f
chological research problem (or problems)
multidisciplinary collaborations, no
and then discuss relevant
how difficult they are initially to establish.
issues in the
Science at its best is not a solitary enterprise; it
Chapters emphasize the conceptual basis o f
is cumulative, as each investigation adds its
the methodology, with an explicit focus on
context of that
unique contribution to the puzzle of under-
the meaning o f data when obtained via a
standing a phenomenon (or interrelated set
particular methodology. Statistical analysis is
of phenomena).
considered a process in service o f research design, and it is discussed to the extent that it helps to illuminate the distinct meaning o f
data obtained through a particular methodological approach or design. Contributors to this volume were selected
Organizing Principles
because they have developed expertise on particular
methodological approaches
that the decision to use a particular method-
As we hope is clear at this point, we believe
ological approach is optimally made when
important, they did so in response to their
grounded in careful considerations o f the
attempts to discover the best way t o under-
"big picture" o f a program of research. Thus,
methodological decisions are tied inextricably
interested them. Thus, these researchers have
to what the researcher, ultimately, wants to
let the research questions guide the methods,
know. W e have used this "top-down" per-
spective to develop and organize this hand-
researchers discuss traditional and state-of-
the psychological p h e n o m e n a
methodological advances by
organization o f the handbook parallels the
outlining concrete research phenomena and
picture o f the research process that we have
related questions o f interest and then showing
discussed. As a result, the beginning chapters
h o w these questions may be best answered
address issues related to identifying and defin-
through design and analysis decisions.
ing phenomena, research questions, and populations. Middle chapters address issues related to design and data analysis, and later chapters
Specific Organization
address issues related to expanding the original social
disciplines within and outside psychology.
Part II: Fundamental in Social
Issues Research
Because of this top-down approach, the book
In the next part, chapters highlight the set
includes innovative chapters such as those
of decisions that must be made no matter the
on ethics, culture and diversity, and individual
particular type o f methods chosen. One set o f
differences as well as chapters that have an
decisions involves the initial
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW upon which all subsequent methodological
the implications o f explicitly acknowledging
issues rest, including the role o f theory in
and incorporating the heterogeneity of a popu-
guiding the research questions, whether one
lation through research design and measure-
ment o f key constructs. Miller's chapter on
involves objective or constructive processes,
believes that
"testing" research
cultural sensitivity addresses these issues in the
the level o f analysis at which researchers
context o f potential variability among different
choose to examine their research questions,
and so on. Thus, in the first chapter in this sec-
populations, and it provides important insights
and among subgroups
tion, C o o k and G r o o m address some of the
about why diversity o f participant populations
issues associated with these kinds o f decisions
is often
and suggest that there is a gap between h o w
research. Shoda's Chapter 6, on personality
social psychologists should
and individual
make these deci-
social psychological
differences, addresses these
sions and how they typically do so, posing
issues in the context o f potential individual
some challenges for researchers to consider.
variability within groups. This chapter also dis-
Chapter 3 , by Kimmel, addresses the impor-
cusses different ways to conceive of and mea-
tant ethical issues surrounding the decisions
about particular research questions and asso-
differences and various aspects o f situations.
ciated methodological approaches in social
Section B—"Operationalizing the
psychology. For example, how do and should
structs: Deciding W h a t to Measure, W h y , and
ethical considerations shape the nature o f the
research questions it is possible to ask? H o w
operationalizing constructs, both as predic-
do these ethical considerations change as the
tors (e.g., manipulated or naturally occurring)
the decisions related
methodological approach changes, and what
and as outcomes. These chapters address the
are some o f the important ethical considera-
strengths and the weaknesses associated with
tions for the future? In Chapter 4 , Fiske con-
different kinds o f measures to help readers
siders how to make these decisions in the
choose optimal measures for testing a given
context o f generating a long-term program o f
research question or questions for a given
research, rather than focusing on a single
population. These chapters cover some o f the
study. She also discusses the balance between
more traditional ways to operationalize con-
generating a long-term program, publication
structs as well as address some newer distinc-
and funding issues, and the importance of fol-
tions that have emerged as important in the
lowing one's own interests or passions.
field. For example, Wegener and Fabrigar's Chapter 7, on quantitative measures, focuses on traditional psychometric approaches to
Part III: Design
capturing social psychological phenomena in
Part III focuses on the set of design and
terms o f the amount o f the construct in ques-
analysis decisions researchers must make when
tion. Thus, this chapter includes discussions
they adopt given methodological approaches.
of self-report (e.g., scales) as well as nonself-
Section A o f this part—"Implications o f a
report (e.g., behavioral, archival) quantitative
measures and addresses key lessons from the
W h o m to Test the Research Question(s), W h y ,
survey methodological literature about scale
and How"—addresses issues surrounding the
construction and design. In contrast, the sec-
study populations and the implications of
ond chapter on qualitative measures (King,
assuming an "average response" when the
Chapter 8) focuses on attempts to capture
population is not homogeneous. Chapters in
social psychological p h e n o m e n a
this section also consider the reverse: that is,
The Research
addresses issues related t o using self-report
traditional experimental manipulations. The
and nonself-report qualitative measures (e.g.,
chapter includes discussion of issues relevant to
behavioral acts, narratives, interviews), as
that goal.
as issues relevant
t o these m o r e
these measures through coding. Kihlstrom's
approaches, the next three chapters discuss
Chapter 9 addresses the distinction between
newer approaches that often involve some
implicit and explicit measures o f an underly-
combination and extension o f traditional
ing construct, and what that distinction might
approaches. T h u s , Chapter
mean for understanding the construct. It also
1 3 , by West,
discusses this distinction in light of current
assumptions, and related analytic strategies
popular implicit measures (e.g., I A T and reac-
for experiments whose focus is on examining
tion times). In the final chapter in this sub-
section, Hoyle and Robinson (Chapter 1 0 )
Chapter 1 4 , by Gonzalez and Griffin, describes
address the distinctions related to under-
conceptual issues and data-analytic options
standing moderation and mediational pro-
related to designs that involve people inter-
cesses when describing the link between a
acting, primarily with one other person. The
variable and an outcome, as well as dis-
final chapter in Part III covers the empirical
cussing key design decisions that affect inter-
aggregation of results across studies
pretation o f these processes.
Section C o f Part III—"Research Designs:
Chapter 1 5 ) . In this case, the focus is on exam-
Deciding the Specific Approach for Testing
ining studies across people, time, and contexts.
the Research Question(s), W h y , and H o w " — addresses decisions concerning the
research design. This subsection includes con-
Part IV:
sideration of the more traditional approaches
but also includes emerging, state-of-the-art
The chapters in Part I V address how the
perspectives. F o r example, Chapter 1 1 , by
sets o f decisions described previously play out
Haslam and M c G a r t y , addresses traditional
in some o f the newer, cutting-edge topics and
experimental designs as a way to test social
interdisciplinary approaches in social psychol-
psychological research questions. T h e strength
ogy. These chapters highlight recent attempts
of these kinds o f designs is the ability to iden-
to expand beyond traditional social psychol-
tify causation. Haslam and M c G a r t y include
discussion of issues related to that goal (e.g.,
emerging technologies and
demand characteristics, random assignment,
approaches from other areas both inside and
experimental control) but also include discus-
outside psychology. Although they do not pre-
sion o f the necessary trade-offs made between
sent an exhaustive list, these chapters highlight
external validity. Similarly,
the benefits o f cross-fertilization when the
Chapter 1 2 , by M a r k and Reichardt, also
strengths o f different disciplines are combined
includes a discussion o f trade-offs between
and integrated. F o r example, Birnbaum's
internal and external validity, but it does so in
Chapter 1 6 addresses research that combines
questions and methods to incorporate methodological
the context of quasi-experimental and correla-
social psychology with the technological
tional designs as means o f testing social
world o f the Internet. Birnbaum addresses
psychological questions. T h e strength o f these
h o w traditional social psychology questions
kinds o f designs lies in the ability to identify
may be addressed
online, and he explicitly compares studies
variables that may not lend themselves to
conducted via the Internet with traditional
through data collected
lab-based studies in terms o f likely populations, procedures,
programs and often involves a delicate balance
between the goals of the organization conduct-
Chapter 1 7 , by Cacioppo, Lorig, Nusbaum,
ing the program and the social psychologist
and Berntson, focuses on the biological bases
researcher (Maruyama, Chapter 19). Typically,
of and connections to social psychological
evaluation o f these programs requires combin-
phenomena. T h e authors consider some o f the
ing knowledge from multiple areas within and
newer neuroimaging and other neuroscience
across disciplines, and these combinations are
techniques and how these may be used to
rarely tested in laboratories.
social psychological questions
The other three chapters in Part V focus on
issues. This chapter also includes a considera-
particular domains o f applications, rather than
tion of how our understanding o f biological
on a given methodological approach such as
systems may be enhanced by including social
program evaluation. These chapters provide an
psychological phenomena.
1 8 , by
overview of the application of social psychol-
Pomerantz, Ruble, and Bolger, addresses the
ogy questions and methods to important and
inclusion o f developmental questions when
highly relevant domains: clinical and health
examining social psychological phenomena,
psychology (Salovey & Steward, Chapter 2 0 ) ,
using the metaphor o f the video camera. T h e
authors address the implications o f the conti-
Chapter 2 1 ) , and education (Harackiewicz &
(Thompson, Kern, &
nuity and discontinuity o f social psychological
Barron, Chapter 2 2 ) . T a k e n together, these
phenomena across the life span. They also
chapters highlight the commonalities across
address how including social psychological
applications while also addressing the chal-
approaches to developmental questions forces
lenges and contributions unique to each area o f
a shift in thinking about development
an intraindividual process to thinking about development
as embedded
in the
dynamics that make up our everyday life.
Part V: The
W e are inherently social beings, and as such
of Social Psychology Methods
to Other
the goal o f understanding h o w a person can
and Its
be affected
by others
captures our attention, our thoughts,
often our
In the final part of the book, chapters
feelings, and our concern. T h a t goal is the
address the applications o f social psychology
subject matter o f great (and little) b o o k s ,
methods and knowledge to "real world" set-
movies, television shows, computer games,
tings and domains outside social psychology.
and advice columns. Clearly, social psychol-
These relatively shorter chapters include discus-
ogists study things that we want to k n o w
sion of issues relevant to the typical popula-
about each other and ourselves, and do so in
tions, measures, designs, and analyses used in
creative ways.
each domain. These chapters also briefly
In that context, we hope that this hand-
discuss the added requirement that is often
b o o k will allow the field t o continue its
an important part o f applying social psychol-
strong tradition but also to grow to include
ogy approaches to the "real world": that is,
the need to create and maintain relationships
approaches. Even more important, we hope
with outside agencies and organizations. For
that this b o o k helps social psychologists con-
example, program evaluation allows researchers
sider different kinds o f research questions
to study the effectiveness of treatments
from the ones they may typically ask by tying
methodological developments
The Research
the discussion o f methodological details to
aware o f the critical methodological decisions
the "big picture" o f a research program. In
that must be made in pursuit o f those ques-
addition, we believe that the chapters in this
tions. W e have learned a lot ourselves from
h a n d b o o k provide an excellent starting point
the many wonderful chapters in this volume—
for researchers w h o want to pursue these
and we k n o w younger brothers everywhere
newer questions by helping them t o become
will sleep m o r e soundly!
REFERENCES Altman, I. (1988). Process, transactional/contextual, and outcome research: An alternative to the traditional distinction between basic and applied research. Social Behavior, 3, 2 5 9 - 2 8 0 . Asch, S. E. (1946). Forming impressions of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 41, 2 5 8 - 2 9 0 . Cronbach, L. J . , & Meehl, P. E. (1955). Construct validity in psychological tests. Psychological Bulletin, 52, 2 8 1 - 3 0 2 . Deci, E. L. (1975). Intrinsic motivation. New York: Plenum. Festinger, L., 8c Carlsmith, J . M . (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 2 0 3 - 2 1 0 . Gergen, K. J . (2001). Psychological science in a postmodern context. American Psychologist, 56, 803-813. Hovland, C. I., Janis, I. L., & Kelley, H. H. (1953). Communication and persuasion. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Iyengar, S. S., 8c Lepper, M. R. (1999). Rethinking the value of choice: A cultural of Personality and Social perspective on intrinsic motivation. Journal Psychology, 76(3), 349-366. Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science: Selected theoretical papers (D. Cartwright, Ed.). New York: Harper 8c Row. Morf, C. C , & Rhodewalt, F. (2001a). Unraveling the paradoxes of narcissism: A dynamic self-regulatory processing model. Psychological Inquiry, 12, 177-196. Morf, C. C , 8c Rhodewalt, F. (2001b). Expanding the dynamic self-regulatory processing model of narcissism: Research directions for the future. Psychological Inquiry, 12, 2 4 3 - 2 5 1 . Pasupathi, M . (1999). Age differences in response to conformity pressure for emotional and nonemotional material. Psychology and Aging, 14, 170-174. Petty, R. E., Fleming, M . A., 8c Fabrigar, L. R. (1999). The review process at PSPB: Correlates of interreviewer agreement and manuscript acceptance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 188-203. Renninger, K. A. (2000). Individual interest and its implications for understanding intrinsic motivation. In C. Sansone 8c J . M . Harackiewicz (Eds.), Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance (pp. 3 7 5 - 4 0 7 ) . San Diego: Academic Press. Sansone, C. (1986). A question of competence: The effects of competence and task feedback on intrinsic interest. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 918-931. Sansone, C. (1989). Competence feedback, task feedback, and intrinsic interest: An of Experimental Social examination of process and context. Journal Psychology, 25, 3 4 3 - 3 6 1 . Sansone, C , 8c Harackiewicz, J . M. (Eds.). (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motiva motivation and performance. San Diego: tion: The search for optimal Academic Press.
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Sansone, C , Sachau, D. A., & Weir, C. (1989). Effects of instruction on intrinsic interest: The importance of context. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 819-829. Sansone, C , 8t Smith, J . (2000). Interest and self-regulation: The relation between having to and wanting to. In C. Sansone & J . M. Harackiewicz (Eds.), Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance (pp. 3 4 1 - 3 7 2 ) . San Diego: Academic Press. Schachter, S., & Singer, J . E. (1962). Cognitive, social and physiological determinants of emotional state. Psychological Review, 69, 379-399. Sue, S. (1999). Science, ethnicity, and bias: Where have we gone wrong? American Psychologist, 54, 1070-1077. Tukey, J . W. (1961). Statistical and quantitative methodology. In D. P. Ray (Ed.), Trends in social science (pp. 84-136). New York: Philosophic Library. Tukey, J . W. (1986). Statistical and quantitative methodology. In L. V. Jones (Ed.), The collected works of John W. Tukey: Vol. III. Philosophy and principles of data analysis, 1949-1964 (pp. 143-186). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. White, R. W. (1959). Motivation reconsidered: The concept of competence. Psychological Review, 66, 2 9 7 - 3 3 3 . Wilkinson, L., & the APA Task Force on Statistical Inference. (1999). Statistical methods in psychology journals: Guidelines and explanations. American Psychologist, 54, 594-604.
The Methodological Assumptions of Social Psychology The Mutual Dependence of Substantive Theory and Method Choice THOMAS D . COOK Northwestern
CARLA GROOM University of Texas,
Assume . . . 1. To take up or adopt. . . . 2. To undertake. . . . 3 . T o arrogate to oneself. . . . 4. To take for granted; suppose to be a fact. . . . What a debater postulates he openly states and takes for granted without proof; what he assumes he may take for granted without mention. —Webster's
" W h a t is social psychology?" This is because it does not prioritize among
If you open any edition of the Handbook Social
or any recent textbook on
its constitutive
elements, even though different
have been emphasized at different times in the
social psychology, you will almost certainly
history o f social psychology. M o r e fundamen-
find G. W . Allport's 1 9 5 4 definition of the field
tally, a full account o f any scientific commu-
as "an attempt to understand and explain how
nity's belief system will likely reveal some
the thought, feeling, and behavior of individu-
purposes that are latent and thus not amenable
als are influenced by the actual, imagined, or
to explicit definition (Polanyi, 1 9 5 8 ) .
implied presence o f others" (p. 5 ) . As wide-
A more complete understanding o f social
spread and useful as Allport's description is, it
psychology is achieved through
provides only part o f an answer to the question
inspection o f the research practices o f those
call themselves social psychologists.
community o f social psychologists. T o take full
the effective
account o f this heterogeneity would entail dis-
boundaries o f all fields are delimited by the
cussing all the forms of research practice found
tacit agreements that a specific community o f
in social psychology today—from
scholars makes about the norms regulating
applied research, from lab to field settings,
how research practice should be carried out.
from quantitative to qualitative work, and
Some o f the preferences are explicit, but others
from single studies to research syntheses. It
are implicit. This chapter discusses the most
would also have to consider generational dif-
salient explicit postulates about h o w to do
ferences in how social psychology is pursued.
According to Kuhn
basic to
social psychology while also trying to force
Space limitations preclude doing any of this
out some of the field's more latent assump-
with integrity.
tions about method.
An alternative would be to analyze only
Identifying w h o social psychologists are is
elite and/or cutting-edge methodological prac-
tricky. There are several social psychology
tice—the strategy adopted by many writers o f
communities, and they only partially overlap.
chapters in this volume. Although this would
T h e most distinctive consists o f researchers
be interesting and important, it would not cap-
belonging to professional societies such as the
ture what most contemporary social psycholo-
Society for Experimental Social Psychologists,
gists actually do in most of their work. They
Psychology, the Society for the Psychological Study o f Social Issues, and Division 8 o f the
are journeymen and -women, not pioneers in the construction or use of novel methods. The approach we eventually adopted is to
American Psychological Association. These
identify and explore modal
practice, hoping that more readers will recog-
American psychology departments, and their
nize themselves and their work in such an
work is the main focus o f this chapter.
account. W e acknowledge that the account we
are mostly located in
Their operating
offer depends on an ideal type characterization
are not identical with the assumptions o f
of methodological practice, so there are legiti-
researchers w h o call themselves social psy-
mate exceptions to every generalization we
chologists and w h o w o r k in American soci-
ology departments
or business schools or
There is a second reason to focus on modal
even those w h o w o r k in psychology depart-
practice. T h e distribution
ments in Europe. Although
cal practices within social psychology seems
it would
of methodologi-
instructive to explore the differences among
quite leptokurtic—that is, the proportion o f
these various communities, we do not have
researchers using what we later describe as
the space to do so here.
modal practices seems to be very high relative
Restricting ourselves to the practice o f social
to the proportion working in the tails of the
psychologists working in American psychol-
distribution, where practice is more idiosyn-
ogy departments leads to an unfortunate solip-
cratic. T o illustrate this, consider the number
sism. Both authors o f this chapter are social
and heterogeneity o f method chapters in the
psychologists working in the United States and
various Handbooks
so are immersed in the field's assumptions. W e
There were 9 such chapters in the 1 9 5 4 edition
of Social
cannot hope to take the methodological tem-
(Lindzey, 1 9 5 4 ) , covering many different kinds
perature o f the subdiscipline as well as future
of method. There were 1 0 in Lindzey and
historians o f science will.
Aronson ( 1 9 6 9 ) , just as varied, but there were
T o add to this complication, scientific practice is heterogeneous even within the target
only 6 in the 1 9 8 5 edition and 4 in Gilbert, Fiske, and
Lindzey ( 1 9 9 8 ) — o n e each
The Methodological
of Social Psychology
experimentation, surveys, measurement, and
A further difficulty arises in seeking to
data analysis. Missing by that fourth edition
define methodology. Is it simply method, a
were chapters on observational methods, con-
group o f techniques for data collection and
tent analysis, program evaluation, and many
analysis? O r does it enter into a chicken-and-
other topics. M a n y social psychologists aspire
egg relationship with
to methodological eclecticism, but most o f the
making their analytic separation unfruitful?
research programs that are achieved employ a
Individual methods were designed to answer specific types of questions that implicitly place
restricted set o f methods. O u r description o f the methods constitut-
a higher priority on some forms o f theory than
others. Thus, scientific surveys were created to
method chapters in recent editions o f the
generate multi-attribute descriptions o f well-
ing modal practice relies in part on Handbook
of Social Psychology.
But we rely
defined populations, thus privileging theories racial, gender, class, or even national lines.
Experiments were designed to describe the
effects o f manipulable causal agents, originally
in agricultural research, where the pragmatic
(JPSP) and the Personality
Social Psychology
Bulletin (PSPB)—as
reports from the most widely read journals— Journal
even more on our own analysis o f research
as on content analyses o f these reports where
goal was t o identify whether
available (e.g., Rozin, 2 0 0 1 ) .
worked better than something else—a purpose
But given the editorial policies and the
for which substantive theory need not play any
system of rewards in science today, journals
role. Although experiments always privilege
cannot provide perfect data on the method
causal questions o f an "if-then" kind, they are
practices actually used in a particular field.
theory-relevant only to the extent that they can
Journal writers have to impress gatekeeping
help distinguish between competing theories or
editors and reviewers. In part, they seek to do
otherwise illuminate a single theory.
this by illustrating their knowledge of and
Path analysis was designed to ascertain the
adherence to the community's currently domi-
degree of correspondence between a substan-
nant methodological norms and theoretical
tive theory o f a phenomenon and data col-
forms. From these incentives follow sins o f
lected about that same
omission and commission that inadvertently
the theory usually being specified in the form
distort accounts o f the original intentions o f a
o f multiple, causally ordered determinants o f
research project and of the procedures actually
the outcome. Path analysis seeks to identify
used in it.
the complexly ordered causes o f a given effect,
Well-constructed random surveys that ask social psychologists about their practice would
in contrast to experiments, which seek to describe some o f the effects o f a given cause.
provide a useful supplement to analyses of the
Other purposes have accreted to each o f
methods detailed in individual journal articles,
the general methods above, yet the original
but to our knowledge, these surveys have not
purposes still remain dominant and linked to
been done recently. W e are forced, therefore,
a unique form o f substantive theory. T h e
to supplement the journal analysis with our
kinds o f research questions posed are partial
own firsthand experience of social psycholo-
products of the tools at hand. T h e implication
gists' behavior (inevitably including our own),
of this is that if a given tool is not in the reper-
toire o f a researcher or her circle o f profes-
other social psychologists' informal with
sional acquaintances, then the type o f question
published critiques o f the field—even those
corresponding to that tool is not likely to be
with somewhat o f a whistle-blowing flavor.
asked. And if asked, the question certainly will
accounts of their own behavior, and
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH be answered poorly. The assumptions behind
deals with group dynamics, emphasizing how
the dominant forms o f theory in a field thus
small social systems evolve, respond to their
are inextricably tied t o the
internal and external environments, and then
behind its most widely used methods. N e w
change their borders and operations. Finally,
researchers are routinely taught that theoreti-
also borrowed from psychology, writ large,
cal questions precede and determine method
were theories o f social cognition. Variously,
choices, but in actual research practice the
these emphasize individuals as rational know-
reverse causal flow is also to be found—
ers, as cognitive misers, as cognitive tacticians,
method capabilities determine the kinds o f
or as quasi-automata programmed to respond
questions that get tested and hence the kinds
to social primes.
of theory that are generated.
Social psychology places strong normative emphasis on testing hypotheses deduced from substantive
Wilson, &
ories come from within theory classes such as
those described above. Thus, Higgins's selfdiscrepancy theory ( 1 9 8 9 ) is part o f a broader
The Types of Theory That Social Psychologists Construct "theory"
Brewer, 1 9 9 8 ) . T h e most commonly tested the-
class o f social comparison theories, postulating that people's goals motivate their actions, not
philosophers would not study meta-theory.
between these goals and one's present state.
But because they do, and because social psy-
Sherman's encoding flexibility model of stereo-
chology is intimately involved with substan-
type function (e.g., Sherman, Lee, Bessenoff, &
tive theory and its testing, we must explore
Frost, 1 9 9 8 ) suggests ways in which stereo-
what kind o f theory social psychologists test.
types regulate the processing of information
This is not easy.
that is or is not consistent with the stereo-
"Grand" theories o f the reach of, say,
type—all in the service o f maximizing infor-
Weber or Durkheim in sociology or o f the neo-
classical model in economics have had a short
categorized as coming from within the broader
life in psychology. This was true o f psychoan-
class of cognitive theories and even
alytic theory, systems theory, and behaviorism,
within the subclass o f theories emphasizing
and it is likely to be the fate of a pure cognitive
human limits to information processing.
science that excludes biology and culture.
best from
At first glance, evolutionary psychology
T o be relevant to social psychology, any
seems to be a much broader type o f theory
grand theory has to be adapted to social refer-
than the theory o f Higgins or Sherman. It pro-
ents. Doing so has prompted the development
ceeds by identifying key social problems that
of the various theory types with which social
our ancestors must have faced before deducing
psychologists have worked over the years.
from these problems the kinds o f psychological
Cognitive consistency theories are one such
mechanisms that might have evolved to solve
type, with their emphasis on tension states
them. For example, did women's need to
that demand resolution, as with dissonance or
choose mates who could provide sufficient
balance theory. Another type consists o f social
resources to rear a child lead to hard-wired sex
differences in mate preference that can then be
social modeling and other ways o f acquiring
learning theories, with their emphasis
experimentally tested for in 21st-century men
social knowledge, as with research on attitude
and women? O n grounds like these, evolution-
formation and change. Another type o f theory
ary psychology has been offered as a unifying
The Methodological
of Social
"meta-theory" for all of social psychology
prevalent in psychology than are theories of the
(Buss & Kenrick, 1 9 9 8 ) . Y e t to do this, evolu-
effects o f this same cause. As a result, little
tionary psychology would have to subsume or
attention is given to providing a full explana-
otherwise explain theories within the other the-
tory model o f any single aspect o f social behav-
ory types such as cognitive consistency, social
ior, thought, or emotion. Does X affect Y ? is
learning, and social cognition, not to speak o f
the question; not W h a t are all the causes of Y ?
all the exemplars that fall within each o f them.
Some critics (e.g., R o z i n , 2 0 0 1 ) have
But it does not and cannot do that. In practice,
argued that social psychology suffers not from
therefore, evolutionary psychology functions
testing too narrow a form o f theory, but from
just like any other lower-order theory in social
too much theory altogether. Preoccupation
psychology—as a source o f hypotheses about
with theory can block exploratory research,
the validity of parts o f that theory.
and exploratory research is certainly not
O n e striking feature o f theories in social
modal in social psychology. Such preoccupa-
psychology is h o w many o f them postulate a
tion can also encourage perseveration and
linear flow o f influence, irrespective o f h o w
many variables are thought
theory is no longer productive (Greenwald,
bias long after
particular 1986),
between a causal agent and its distal effect.
Pratkanis, Leippe, & Baumgardner,
(The mode, by the way, seems to be one,
particularly when investigators persist with
though some path analytic models
failing ideas to which their names are publicly
more.) W i t h its multiple connections, feed-
linked. W h e n theories are o f limited general-
back loops, and other dynamic properties,
ity, preoccupation with them can retard the
development o f broader theories that might
assumptions about the course o f influence.
reconcile disparate
But social psychologists rarely use systems
theory as the explicit meta-theory organizing
(Moscovici, 1 9 7 2 ) . Thus, the preoccupation
relationships a m o n g constructs.
with testing theory o f a particular type may
It is not clear why the linear flowchart is at
not be cost-free.
the heart of most substantive models in social
These issues aside, normative practice in
psychology, but it may have to do with social
social psychology is clear. Social psychologists
psychologists' distinct preference for the exper-
use and apotheosize substantive theory. They
iment. The experiment was designed to assess
construct it at some level that is certainly not
h o w one deliberately manipulated
"grand" and probably is not "middle level" if
marginally affects some measured outcome.
the latter is understood as theory at the level
Systems' notions are more multivariate. They
of, say, social learning, cognitive consistency,
depend on longer time lines and reciprocal
or group dynamics. M o s t o f the specific theo-
causal relations, and they do not necessarily
ries that social psychologists examine come
privilege a single causal agent. This raises a
from within such broad theory classes. Thus,
question: Does the method social psychologists
theories o f rational actors, cognitive misers,
use most often inadvertently constrain the
cognitive tacticians, or semi-automata react-
form o f theory that gets tested?
ing to primes are all examples from within the
Does it also affect a second salient difference
class o f cognitive theories. Tests of social cog-
between theory in social psychology and the
nition as a class are rare. T o our knowledge,
other social sciences—the relative paucity of
no one has yet conditioned varying numbers
theories that seek to detail the multiple sources
or constellations o f social attributes to a neu-
of influence on a given outcome? Theories of
tral stimulus in order to examine how they
the determinants o f the cause are much less
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Instead, the theories typically tested are those
C o o k , & Campbell, 2 0 0 2 ) ; that is, it specifies
of modest generality, at what
what should happen to Y if X is deliberately
roughly call a "lower middle" level.
varied. This preference entails that Y is validly measured and X validly manipulated. O f these
The Theory-Hypothesis
two tasks, the manipulation o f X usually is
more problematic. T o illustrate why this is
Popper's ( 1 9 3 4 / 1 9 5 9 ) formulation o f the
the case, consider priming subjects to elabo-
rate on a persuasive message. It is inevitable
deducing a clear hypothesis from some theory
that priming will be imperfectly linked to
(whatever its reach), and then validly testing
this hypothesis. T h e preferred hypotheses are
members o f the experimental group may not
those that probe the theory's core postulates;
do any elaborating at all, while others may do
and the preferred tests o f such hypotheses
little elaborating or not the kind that is under
depend on setting up a situation so that no
test. Moreover, some o f the control subjects
other theory predicts the same pattern o f data
may spontaneously elaborate even if not the
as the hypothesis under test. T h e explicit task
same message content on which members of
therefore is to differentiate the target theory
the treatment group elaborate.
from other theories by virtue o f the closeness
In ordinary language, naming a cause ( X )
of the fit between the data obtained and the
requires using abstract language to describe
data uniquely predicted by the target theory
those components within a treatment manipu-
(Cook & Campbell, 1 9 7 9 ) .
lation that, on theoretical grounds, are thought
Doing all this requires highly explicit the-
to bring about an effect. However, in experi-
ory with prioritized postulates and, hence,
mental practice (and logic), the causal agent is
prioritized hypotheses. Basing hypothesis for-
always a contrast and not what happens in a
mulation on abstract language, insight, or
single group. Usually, it is the contrast between
intuition alone is not enough; nor is it enough
the theoretically specified components of a
to claim that a hypothesis tests some part o f a
treatment and whatever happens to controls.
theory. At issue is testing the central assump-
Given that the components o f the treatment
tions that identify a given theory and make it
and control interventions can overlap, false
substantively unique.
negative conclusions about cause can ensue if
M o s t journal studies report tests o f theory-
researchers insist on describing the active
derived hypotheses, but these are rarely the
causal agent with recourse only to what hap-
most identity-conferring
pens in the treatment group. T h e situation is
that theory. In part, this is because most the-
even more complicated if the control group
ories are not that explicit. In part also, it is
includes components that are irrelevant to the
because time and experience sometimes are
theory under test but that are correlated with
needed to decide which theoretical postulates
both the outcome and knowledge o f being
are key. As a result, the modal journal study
included in a study. Then, both false positive
does not seek to validate (or invalidate) an
and false negative causal conclusions can result
entire theory. Instead, it probes whether the
from describing the causal agent exclusively in
obtained results are consonant with some
treatment group terms.
part o f a theory, or it elucidates some o f the
avoid these causal pitfalls
boundary conditions under which the theory
(a) carefully explicated substantive theory about
does and does not hold.
the cause and h o w it is related to the presumed
T h e modal hypothesis that gets tested is
effect, (b) planned treatment contrasts that are
causal in the activity theory sense (Shadish,
as large as possible, (c) valid (and hence
The Methodological
of Social
also reliable) measures to assess whether the
are initially identical except for the presence
experimental manipulation is varying what it
o f the treatment under test.
is supposed to vary, and (d) collecting data on
After a correlation has been demonstrated
these measures across all the study groups,
between a demographic variable and some
including no-treatment controls. T h e era o f
possible mediator o f an "effect," the preferred
"black b o x " experimentation is over. At a
practice in social psychology is not to derive
minimum, researchers need to realize that
the complex statistical interaction predictions
all causes are comparative and to demonstrate
mentioned above. Rather, it is to create a the-
that only small shortfalls occur between the
ory o f the mediator and then to turn this medi-
comparative cause as it is conceptualized,
ator into an independent variable. Thus, if data
implemented, and measured.
indicate that younger teachers are more effec-
The preference for an activity theory o f
tive than older ones, this might lead to the
cause also entails an implicitly negative valua-
hypothesis that the younger teachers have
tion o f certain other kinds o f theory, especially
higher expectancies for their students and to
theory a b o u t
the corollary hypothesis
cannot be manipulated directly. Race, gender,
it is these
expectancies that drive greater learning. Both
class, and age are examples o f this. Sometimes,
of these hypotheses can then be tested directly
though, theory is specific enough to detail the
in order to develop a more complete substan-
individual or social processes that are thought
tive theory o f teacher expectancies.
to mediate a demographic variable's suspected
O n e rationale for turning presumed medi-
effects. In this case, knowledge o f these mech-
ating variables into tested independent vari-
anisms can be used to collect data that test
ables is that most mediators are manipulable
hypotheses about the conditions under which
a demographic variable varies in the size or
Another rationale is that theories o f media-
direction of its relationship to a given outcome.
tors are more general because the same medi-
Essentially, this involves testing a statistical
ator often can be activated many ways, both
interaction hypothesis that specifies h o w the
in the laboratory and in the real world. Going
demographic variable and mediator mutually
back to expectancies for student
influence the outcome. Formulating
variables are
complex contingency hypotheses is a strategy
that is also heavily used in evolutionary psy-
younger teachers have higher expectancies on
chology, another field in which researchers
the average. In addition, teachers are not the
cannot manipulate variables easily.
even if
only ones with education-relevant expectan-
T h e key to the method's success is famil-
cies—most parents also have them. Thus, as a
iar, however. Hypotheses still need t o be
causal agent, educational expectancies have a
made that are so novel in their implications
potentially broader reach than teacher age.
that no other theory makes these same pre-
A third rationale is that theories featuring
dictions. It is not enough merely to demon-
individual-level psychological mediators gen-
strate a correspondence between hypothesis
erally are more interesting to psychologists
and data: N o alternative interpretations must
remain viable. W i t h demographic variables
variables such as age, race, and gender. There
are theories featuring
(and evolutionary theory), the hope is to
are many reasons for this, but one is surely
achieve such uniqueness o f prediction
that the mediators typically examined are
specifying a c o m p l e x theory-derived
by data
m o r e causally proximal to outcomes that
pattern rather than through a simple c o m -
psychologists value than are
parison o f values derived from groups that
manipulating brain blood flows, though it is
transform theoretical mediators into manipu-
difficult to imagine experimentally re-creating
lated causes goes beyond the
context. T h e main explanatory
an exact pattern o f earlier observed changes in multisite cranial blood flow. But given social
in psychology are nearly all specified at the
individual level and are hypothetical rather
explanatory variables specified at the individ-
than ostensive—that is, they cannot be directly
ual level, it is obvious that such manipulation
pointed to and so are rarely amenable to direct
is not easy. A different, effective, and entirely
manipulation or measurement. Indeed, exper-
statistical way to get around the selection
iments are designed in the expectation that
problem is, in some circumstances, to use ran-
the observed manipulation (let us call it X )
dom assignment as an instrumental variable in
will impact on the outcome (Y) because the
order to examine the effect o f a measured Z
explanatory variable (Z) followed from X and
variable (Angrist, Imbrens, & Rubin, 1 9 9 6 ) .
affected Y . Sometimes, this chain o f reasoning
This last strategy requires a measure o f Z ,
is advanced without any measurement o f Z or
though, and most researchers cannot wait for
of proxies for it. Then, interpretation depends
the next study in order to turn their suspected
heavily on the face validity of X as well as on
Z into an X . So in actual research practice,
the theoretical uniqueness o f the X - t o - Y pre-
p r o x y measures
diction and on h o w closely the data fit that
mediators often are used to complement the
treatment manipulation. But these measures
Sometimes, though, a measure o f Z is pos-
o f theoretically specified
inevitably entail validity and selection prob-
sible, albeit usually in proxy form rather than
lems, leading to a serious conundrum: H o w
as a truly direct measure. Thus, in an experi-
can experiments be used to test multivariate
ment on whether elaborated message process-
explanatory theory about Z variables when
ing mediates attitude change, students can be
experiments were designed to test causal
asked to write down their reactions to a per-
connections between two (but rarely more)
suasive message during exposure to it. These
observed (and not even hypothetical) X and Y
variables? Theory-based explanation requires
Alternatively, brain scans might be used to see
prior knowledge o f the determinants o f the
which local areas o f the brain experience
cause (for selection purposes)
blood flow changes when the message is
being processed. A test o f causal mediation
between the cause and effect. Y e t experiments
then entails seeing if the relationship between
were not designed for either o f these purposes.
X and Y decreases when Z is statistically con-
o f the
and correct mediating
causal explanations
trolled (Hoyle & Robinson, Chapter 1 0 , this
volume; Judd & Kenny, 1 9 8 1 ) .
difficult the more elaborate the causal explana-
But two problems stand out here: Is Z
variables becomes increasingly
tory theory is. Consider dual process models
validly measured? And, does the link from Z
within the social cognition domain. They pos-
to Y entail a threat to internal validity from
tulate two forms of processing: (a) controlled
selection because individuals were not ran-
or "systematic" processes that are resource
domly assigned to their Z scores? T h e pre-
ferred way around this last problem is to turn
subject to awareness; and (b) automatic or
the Z into an X in the next study, directly
"heuristic" processes that generally are effi-
manipulating elaborated processing by prim-
cient, unintentional, uncontrollable, and out of
ing individuals to process with and without
awareness (see Bargh, 1 9 9 4 ) . As noted, prim-
elaboration or even (within ethical limits)
ing methods can be used to induce each of
The Methodological these, albeit within limits; and M R I scans can
of Social
Form of Data Collection
discriminate between the two. But what to do with theories that postulate how these two
From Popper's falsificationist perspective,
processes operate together—whether in paral-
social psychologists should collect data about
lel, as with Eagly and Chaiken's Heuristic
hypotheses that can prove a theory wrong. The
Systematic Model o f persuasion ( 1 9 9 8 ) , or as
social psychology o f social psychological prac-
alternatives, as with Petty and
tice suggests, however, that researchers are
Elaboration Likelihood Model (1986)? H o w
more likely to want to show that their theory
is right. From this arises the concern with pos-
one practically test a hypothesis
requires simultaneously manipulating the two
sible biases emanating from the researcher's
presumptively unique processes? Human inge-
own wishes, hopes, expectations, and dreams.
nuity being what it is, the task may not be
Related to this are setting biases, especially in
impossible, but it is extremely difficult.
the laboratory, where respondents might try to
Meta-scientists such as Kuhn ( 1 9 7 0 ) remind
second guess situational norms in order to con-
us that all theories inevitably are underspeci-
form with them and help the researcher
fied, so that no hypothesis is capable o f defini-
through how they react to them.
tive refutation. W h e n disconfirming data are
T o disconfirm hypotheses, data have to be
generated, the validity o f the deduction and/or
theory-free; otherwise they cannot function as
of the data can be questioned. It is also possi-
neutral adjudicators between truth claims. But
ble to claim that the theory is true, but under
epistemologists remind us that all data are
circumstances different from those tested to
fallible, and therefore no single hypothesis
date. This is why certainty-seeking philoso-
test can carry the adjudicatory weight Popper
phers disparage the substantive theories scien-
assigns it. However, studies that self-con-
tists work with, seeing them as etched more in
sciously incorporate the discipline's recognized
putty than in the stone required for definitive
mechanisms of bias control can help better
approximate the generation o f theory-neutral
A more charitable epistemological position
data. So can independent research programs
is that all practical theories are works in
that vary the source and direction of bias. Facts
progress ( C o o k , 1 9 8 5 ) . Thus, when a theory
may not be logically possible, but many obser-
first seems t o be disconfirmed, this should
vations are stubbornly replicated, whatever the
lead t o its revision rather than t o claims it has
theory used to generate them. They have great
been refuted, and so on, as each succeeding
facticity and provide the bedrock from which
theoretical revision is itself tested and perhaps
novel theories are developed. A theory that
again empirically disconfirmed,
fails to subsume the relevant facts o f the past is
yet another version o f the original theory. As the conditions under which the theory is demonstrably
invalid c o n t i n u e
not going to get much respect. Even so, individual researchers are capable
of less self-criticism about the quality of data
enthusiasm for the theory is likely to wane in
and results than is provided by the social
the relevant community o f scholars. Although
system o f science that editors and reviewers
the theory might be true under some as yet
represent. It is they who begin the process o f
still untested circumstances, these may be so
determining what level of merit should be
limited that scholars no longer see any point
assigned to an article, serving as precursors to
to persisting with the theory. It is therefore
a process o f public discussion o f merit that
rejected on pragmatic grounds, not because
develops after the article is published. Data
logic nor data has shown it to be false under
never provide perfect tests o f the empirical
all conditions.
claims a hypothesis makes, though some forms
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH of data are stronger than others. T h e ultimate
and not multi-experimental, design. T h e latter
warrant for claims about data quality reside in
is not fully worked out yet, even in a theory of
a complex mix o f social consensus, logic, and
method sense, let alone practically.
the results of past empirical research on biases.
So, what are the goals o f a multistudy
In social psychology, a supreme value is
strategy? O n e is surely to achieve some form
accorded to data that confirm or disconfirm
of replication; and another is to extend the
an a priori hypothesis. D a t a that do not
theory under test by examining more o f its
make this kind o f contribution are judged to
implications. Theories o f multi-experimental
be less worthy o f journal space. T h i s prefer-
design will require subtle distinctions among
ence for hypothesis-testing has some unin-
types o f replication (exact, partial, concep-
tended consequences.
tual, etc.) as well as realistic analyses o f the
First, it has encouraged some researchers whose data
do not fit the hypothesis
conditions under which each is most useful. It will also require discussions about what con-
reframe their hypothesis so that they can write
stitutes a sufficiently close replication to allay
up the results as though they had been pre-
fears o f a Type I error. Also needed will be
dicted. Kerr ( 1 9 9 8 ) calls this " H A R K i n g :
elaboration o f what constitutes a theoretical
Hypothesizing After the Results are K n o w n . "
elaboration that is sufficiently distinctive to
T h e reality is that many studies
advance the research program conceptually,
results at odds with the original prediction. T o
as well as discussion o f the relative value o f
abandon the work at this point entails a con-
siderable waste o f time and effort and can
tions. Finally, statistical wisdom on combin-
endanger a career. H A R K i n g has evolved as
ing results will be needed, especially when
an uneasy compromise between the goals and
experiments are few and not independent.
structure o f the hypothetico-deductive method and the needs o f individual
Meta-analysis is the best developed form of
scientists for
multi-experimental design and analysis, and its
w h o m publication is a major goal. Beginning
use is c o m m o n in social psychology (see W o o d
social psychologists soon learn o f this mis-
& Christensen, Chapter 1 5 , this volume). Its
match between formally and informally sanc-
virtues include (a) more statistical power than
tioned epistemology and practice. Indeed, in
single studies typically achieve; (b) the ability to
his guide to professional issues in social psy-
probe potential biases associated with mea-
chology, Bern ( 1 9 8 7 ) explicitly advocates ret-
sured design features; (c) the empirical assess-
rospective hypothesis creation. In contrast,
Kerr laments the capitalizing on chance that
measured setting, person, and time variables,
inevitably results.
of how
as well as across coded ways of operationaliz-
Another consequence o f fallible hypothesis
ing the cause and effect; and (d) the chance to
tests is the growing editorial demand for single
examine more o f the causal explanatory theo-
articles that present the results from multiple
ries about processes mediating between a cause
experiments linked into a small research pro-
and effect. For all these reasons, reviews o f
gram. Wegner ( 1 9 9 2 ) has pointed out the con-
empirical findings constitute the dominant unit
sequences of this practice for effective alpha
of progress in science, though path-breaking
rates. Across two experiments, each with an
single studies get all the glamour. Reviews are
alpha rate o f . 0 5 , the true rate is . 0 0 2 5 . Does
not part o f modal practice in social psychol-
the field really want a level o f stringency that
ogy, however, except as part o f the perfunctory
culls out even more ideas than those already
narrative introduction
to an article. Single
abandoned by the current .05 rate? Moreover,
studies, or small programs o f research bundled
social psychologists are trained in experimental,
into a single article, constitute modal practice.
The Methodological
of Social
Although such bundling is an advance over a
single report o f a single study, it is still far from
being a literature review or meta-analysis.
T o judge by mainstream journals, modal practice in social psychology also places little
The overwhelming majority o f social psychol-
value on exploratory research, whether as the
ogy studies are conducted in a laboratory
original study goal or as an overt attempt to
setting, use undergraduate participants, last
discover why the data failed to confirm with
no longer than an hour, and involve random
prior expectations (Kenny, 1 9 8 5 ) . Exploration
assignment to two or more experimental con-
should be more prevalent in social psychology
ditions. Rozin ( 2 0 0 1 ) examined articles in the
and done so as not to capitalize on chance
C o g n i t i o n and
(Tukey, 1 9 7 7 ) . Exploration brings to the sur-
Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes
face novel issues that are worth further study,
sections o f JPSP,
and it is a central function o f ethnography.
found that 7 3 % o f the 4 4 articles used North
m a k e s other claims,
volume 6 6 ( 1 9 9 4 ) ,
American undergraduate samples, 9 5 % used
including some that directly link it to the
analysis o f variance ( A N O V A ) , and just 7 %
used observation or interview methods.
that social
psychologists prefer and that, at first sight,
Fortunately, data from randomized labora-
seems so antithetical to ethnographic prac-
tory experiments analyzed by A N O V A consti-
tice. Y e t , as explicated by Becker
tute one o f the strongest frameworks for a
ethnography involves formulating a hypothe-
certain kind o f causal inference-making in
sis from observations, thinking through the
the social sciences today. Heavy reliance on the
implications o f this hypothesis, and
experiment makes the description o f causal
going out into the field to collect data to
relationships o f an if-then kind (Cook
examine these implications. W h e n the data
Campbell, 1 9 7 9 ) the dominant framework for
and theoretical implications fit imperfectly,
constructing research problems and organizing
the earlier hypothesis about implications is
thinking in social psychology today (Kenny,
revised and new implications are then devel-
1 9 8 5 ) . But causal description is not necessarily
oped and tested. If the next round o f data still
causal explanation, and science values expla-
fails to fit the new implications, then the
nation over description. T o make the transi-
hypothesis is revised again, new implications
tion from description to explanation requires
are developed, and new data are collected.
selecting for study only those causal hypothe-
This iterative hypothetico-deductive process
ses that have been deduced as central postu-
continues until closure is reached.
lates from an explicit and overarching theory
Few social psychologists k n o w about this
that seeks to explain a given phenomenon.
correspondence between epistemology and
Hence, in the method section o f their journal
practice in ethnography and social psychol-
articles, researchers give considerable attention
both to describing and to justifying their inde-
pendent and dependent variables in terms of
But we suspect few o f them
because the data ethnographers collect are
some broader theory as well as to illustrating
mostly qualitative. Y e t the data are clearly
just how the selected if-then causal proposition
empirical, and they are products o f the same
will be tested.
disciplined process o f theory development, hypothesis deduction,
collection that drives so much psychological practice.
O t h e r types o f question are relatively
neglected, whether about the prediction o f an
o f social
outcome, about the form o f structural rela-
and empirical
tionships among the multiple causes o f an
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH outcome, or about the exploration of new ideas
measures or the same number o f them. It is
emanating from outside established theoreti-
progress indeed to move beyond statistical sig-
cal b o x e s .
nificance testing as a flawed way to compute
Cause o f an
paramount, and A N O V A is responsive to this
the size o f an effect. But standardized effect
primacy. So is the laboratory setting, which is
sizes, although superior, are far from perfect
designed to keep competing alternative inter-
for carrying out the comparative mission to
pretations out o f the explanatory system so
which they speak. Fields such as economics
that the hypothesized cause-effect relationship
choose not to use them, preferring instead to
can play out without perturbation from irrele-
frame their questions around effects that are
vant outside forces. T h e A N O V A emphasis
measured in easily understood interval scale privileges
metrics so that results can be reported out as
search for simple main effects caused by few
unstandardized regression coefficients. Dealing
causal variables. O n e manipulation (relative
with variables that are more hypothetical, psy-
to no-treatment controls) seems to be as
chology does not have the same luxury.
c o m m o n as t w o manipulations o f explicit theoretical interest. Higher-order experiments are rare, as are
T h e dominance o f A N O V A also means that it is rare to find social psychological the-
ories explicitly constructed around interac-
experiments that vary many levels o f the
tions between different treatments or between
independent variable in order t o identify the
a given treatment and either person or setting
functional form o f the cause-effect relation-
variables. Rozin's review o f JPSP
ship. S o , the central question is whether there
that fewer than 1 0 % o f the articles reported
is a causal relationship from A to B and not
participants' social class or race or religion or
identifying the form o f this relationship. It is still rare to find effect sizes being
the year or season in which data were collected. Researchers did report participant sex
reported in order to characterize the size of a
in 7 2 % o f the articles; however, they did not
causal relationship, though meta-analysis and
necessarily report the relationship between
the 2 0 0 1 APA publications manual are chang-
sex and the observed outcome. It is as though
ing this, as is the requirement by some journals
respondents are considered interchangeable
to report them. Even so, greater use of effect
or simply sources o f error variance, not
sizes probably will engender further method-
sources o f information about the possible
ological discussion. One likely topic is the
boundaries o f a causal connection.
desirability o f using dependent variables with
The reason for this neglect is that most
grounded metrics that are easily communicable
social psychologists seem willing to believe
and do not need to be standardized (such as
that most cause-effect relationships are gen-
time or money). Another is the comparability
eral across persons and settings. If one believes
of effect sizes when certain choices exist for
this assumption to be true, then there is no
computing them. One is when they can be
reason to search for interactions between inde-
computed with or without covariates. Using
pendent variables and person or setting char-
covariates increases effect sizes, but not all
acteristics. T o do so would entail the hassle o f
studies have them or the same set of them.
constructing a different kind o f theory, build-
Another is when effect sizes can be computed
ing a different kind o f design, and then col-
as a difference between means or between
lecting and
slopes. With repeated measures, the effect size
without any guarantee that one will learn any-
analyzing data differently, all
of a final point difference might be much less
thing important about restrictions to the gen-
than the effect size for the contrast between
erality o f a causal claim. Campbell ( 1 9 6 9 )
the slopes. But not all studies have repeated
asserted that physical scientists also assume
The Methodological
that any independently replicated finding is
setting, or time had
of Social Psychology been used.
universal until subsequent research shows oth-
relationships constitute the key theoretical
erwise. Given that, and because the value o f a
issues in the field, not preexisting group mean
substantive theory is widely held to be contin-
differences. T h e latter is the province o f per-
gent on its reach, why should social psycholo-
sonality theory and research.
gists assume that
Even if a causal relationship should turn out
universal? T o do so denigrates the very theory
their theories are
to be contingent, some types o f contingency
they are about to test.
have more serious theoretical implications than
In this connection, consider the contact
others. Moderator variables that reverse the
hypothesis. As a simple main effect, it asserts
sign o f a causal connection clearly restrict
that increasing the amount of contact between
causal generalization. So, if this were the pre-
individuals from different groups will reduce
ferred criterion for inferring that effects are
any intergroup conflict between them. This
non-universal, then the technical stringency of
idea was o f great interest in social psychology
meeting the sign-reversal criterion makes it rea-
5 0 years ago, but research on it almost petered
sonable to surmise that causal effects in social
out once it emerged that such contact worked
psychology generally are universal and that
only under a large number o f quite disparate
overgeneralization is not much o f a problem.
circumstances that still cannot be integrated
However, the case is murkier with a less strin-
into a novel, parsimonious theory (Hewstone,
gent generalization criterion, such as differ-
1 9 9 6 ) . Researchers abandoned the contact
ences in slopes without a necessary difference
hypothesis as overly contingent.
in their sign. Using this criterion, we would be
The validity o f the ontological assumption that most causal relationships are universal is of great moment. O n it depends the utility o f
more likely to discover that the world is more complicated than simple main effects. It would therefore be useful to assess the fre-
quency o f stable statistical interactions in social
complicated designs that entail different kinds
psychology that involve person, setting, and
of theory and more extensive or more repre-
time features, both with and without sign
sentative sampling designs, measurement, and
reversals. However, this enterprise would be
simple A N O V A designs rather than
analysis. Social psychologists are conscious o f
fraught with perils. It is notoriously difficult to
relying on college samples, stripped down lab-
conduct statistically powerful tests o f interac-
oratory settings, few and short-lasting inter-
tions and to uncover stable ones that replicate.
ventions, and simple data-analytic procedures
T o achieve this requires (a) strong theory spec-
like A N O V A . In this regard, Sears ( 1 9 8 6 ) out-
ifying the exact form o f the interaction, (b) reli-
lined some special properties of student popu-
ably measured samples of persons and settings
lations that can be inferred
that manifestly include the tails o f the distribu-
psychological work. Among other things, he
tions, (c) samples that are large, (d) causal vari-
noted that their late-adolescent status proba-
ables that are not truncated, (e) dependent
bly makes them especially susceptible to social
variables without floor or ceiling effects, and
influence. However, most psychologists (e.g.,
(f) dependent
variables whose theoretical
M o o k , 1 9 8 3 ) do not worry that individual
meanings would change if their interval scales
differences o f person, setting, or time might
were arithmetically transformed.
affect levels o f compliance. Their concern is
these requirements is difficult in all social
only whether such differences condition h o w
research but clearly more so in laboratory than
the manipulation and compliance are related,
survey work.
thus creating a different list o f causal factors than would emerge if a different population,
the incidence o f interactions
cannot be tested sensitively, indirect evidence
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH suggests that stable interactions are quite rare
study results like those o f Milgram ( 1 9 7 4 ) ,
and that the world might be organized accord-
Latane and Darley ( 1 9 7 0 ) , and Zimbardo,
ing to many broad main effects. Few of the
and those laboratory results that are counter-
meta-analyses conducted to date o f which we
intuitive or otherwise provocative. Even so,
are aware have resulted in many stable inter-
laboratory results do not seem to command as
actions between a treatment class and either
much respect in the human sciences as do
person, setting, or time variables. Moreover,
results from surveys, field experiments, and
Cronbach and Snow (1977) tried to develop a
longitudinal studies, a verdict that would be
list o f replicated interactions involving some
unfair if laboratory results do indeed routinely
kind of teaching intervention and student or
generalize to other settings and kinds o f
teacher characteristics. They met with what we
respondents. But the criticism is nonetheless
judge to be little success. In addition, many
made and, because o f its laboratory
social psychologists are proud that ordinary
undergraduate emphasis, social psychology
Americans seem to recognize themselves in
does less well in the public relations domain
reports about laboratory studies that get into
than many other social sciences.
the media, suggesting that these reports speak to Everyman's experience, or at least to the experience of the North American Everyman. (However, a selection factor would operate
here if journalists choose to feature a result
because it seems to them to be general.) In any
event, the empirical evidence on the universality
assumption is far from complete and difficult to evaluate. Such as it is, that evidence does not seem to seriously invalidate the assumption.
The Social Cognitive Revolution If A N O V A and the laboratory experiment
T w o things are clear, though. Just as the
are the knife and fork of social psychology,
logic o f designing multi-experiment studies is
then cognitive explanatory variables are cur-
different in subtle and important ways from
rently its bread and butter. Indeed, the central-
the logic o f designing single studies, so the
ity o f information
logic and practice o f testing interaction pre-
representations led Markus and Zajonc ( 1 9 8 5 )
processing and
dictions is subtly different from the logic o f
to remark that social psychology has essen-
testing main effects. Few social psychologists
tially become the study o f the social mind.
seem to realize this, perhaps because they
They suggested that social cognition is no
need not do so as long as they continue t o
longer concerned with an " O - S - O - R " (i.e.,
assume that the majority o f interesting causal
stimulus-organism-response) formulation that
connections are universal.
privileges how attributes o f the organism medi-
T h e belief in causal universality that allows
ate causal relationships. Instead, they prefer an
social psychologists to rely on college sopho-
" O - S - O - R " formulation
mores, laboratory settings, and short-lasting
causally central the organism's subjective con-
because it makes
interventions is not shared by other social sci-
strual o f the world, not the world itself.
entists or policy actors. Social psychology is
In the 1 9 7 0 s and 1 9 8 0 s , social psychologists
routinely criticized for an overreliance on the
unearthed or resurrected many biases that tes-
laboratory that seems to undermine the face
tify to the mismatch between external reality
validity o f results. This is not to deny that
and human perception of it, including unrealis-
some social psychological findings are com-
tic optimism (Irwin, 1 9 4 4 ) and the actor-
mented on beyond the field, particularly field
observer attributional bias (Jones & Nisbett,
The Methodological
of Social
1 9 7 2 ) . Once the key influence on a person's
Milne, & Bodenhausen, 1 9 9 4 ) , or through
thought, feeling, and behavior was recognized
presenting the face o f a member o f a stereo-
not to be reality but to be the perception
typed group (e.g., Fazio, J a c k s o n , Dunton, &
thereof, then the mental processes that created
Williams, 1 9 9 5 ) . All are valid operational def-
and reacted to these perceptions became the
initions o f the same latent construct, o f the
proper focus o f social psychology. The objec-
same psychologically active mechanism.
tive nature o f the world assumed a lesser status.
Other examples o f the relative lack of con-
By the time this turn was being made in
cern with operational specifics can be found
social psychology, cognitive psychologists had
within social cognition. Researchers have
already been exploring perception, reasoning,
demonstrated that the accessibility of a repre-
categorization, mental representation,
sentation (e.g., a stereotype) shapes information
other ways in which the mind imposes struc-
processing in basically the same way regardless
ture on the world. Their concepts and meth-
of whether the accessibility results from a
ods were now keenly explored by social
chronic traitlike tendency to have that repre-
sentation accessible or from a temporary prim-
applied them to the social domain. Social cog-
ing o f that representation in the laboratory
nition was born. Sixteen years later, Tesser
(Bargh, Bond, Lombardi, & T o t a , 1 9 8 6 ) . Belief
and Bau ( 2 0 0 2 ) set out to review the current
that there are many ways to manipulate the
themes in the field and concluded that social
same underlying process has the
cognition was still dominant. Indeed, they
o f enhancing construct validity,
characterized the 1 9 9 0 s as "the decade o f
especially when it can be empirically shown
social cognition" (p. 8 1 ) . T h e perceiver's
that several different manipulations all activate
"black b o x " had become the central concern
the same measured mechanism and have the
of social psychology, in sharp contrast to the
same relationship with the outcome. W h e n this
stimulus-response approach.
pattern o f results emerges, it is clear that the
methodological implications o f this
particular form o f the manipulation
is an
shift included a need to develop ways to tap
irrelevancy and that causal potency may well
hidden cognitive processes (e.g., via reaction
lie with the common mechanism each manipu-
times, error rates, and other alternatives to
lation elicits.
introspection). Also implied was less emphasis
Pursuing a strategy that assigns secondary
on the precise characteristics o f the indepen-
status to observable independent
dent variable because the primary aim o f
experimental stimuli was n o w to activate a
instance, awareness o f the prime, however
requires considerable care. F o r
relevant mental representation. Whether it
induced, does matter, and it can produce con-
was specifically conceived o f as a stereotype or
trait category, the mental representation was
attempts to correct away from its influence
effects in judgment
as the
usually held to be an abstraction (Sherman,
(Schwarz & Bless, 1 9 9 2 ) . So, the theoretically
1 9 9 6 ) . Because an abstraction is, by defini-
mundane and merely vehicular components o f
tion, a synthesis across multiple, partially dif-
independent variables should not be decided
ferent stimuli, the precise characteristics o f
on lightly.
independent variables are no longer crucial. It
Moreover, the assumption is made that
hardly matters whether a stereotype is acti-
external environments do not affect individuals
vated through unscrambling a stereotype-
other than through individuals' perception of
related sentence (e.g., Banaji, Hardin, &c
them. Is this universally true o f neighborhood,
R o t h m a n , 1 9 9 3 ) , through subliminal priming
school, family, peer, media, and work influ-
ences (Cook, Herman, Phillips, & Setterston,
a stereotyped
category (e.g., M a c r a e ,
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2 0 0 2 ) , let alone true of the influence o f more
distal social events such as city and national
escalated, intervened with cooperative tasks. It
politics? It is true that perceptions o f neighbor-
would not be possible to collect such long-term
hoods are more strongly correlated
adolescent outcomes than are objective neigh-
conflict, and,
data in a conventional laboratory setting using paid undergraduates.
borhood attributes (Jessor & Jessor, 1 9 7 3 ) ,
However, confederates can be used in the
but this does not mean that the objective char-
laboratory to manipulate controlled interper-
acteristics play no independent role (Cook,
sonal events, as they have since the days of
Herman, et al., 2 0 0 2 ; Furstenberg, C o o k ,
Asch's ( 1 9 5 2 ) conformity studies. Even so,
Eccles, Elder, & Sameroff, 1 9 9 9 ) .
many interpersonal events are rather resistant t o experimental control, and even when they can be brought into the lab, it can be difficult
The Relative Neglect of Theories of Interpersonal Dynamics
to analyze the data they provide
A N O V A . This is because people influence each
Given the dominance of social cognition
other in complex ways through time, entailing
and laboratory settings, modal research prac-
observations that rarely are independent. As
tice pays little attention to theories o f interper-
Kenny ( 1 9 8 5 ) noted, this violates the indepen-
sonal dynamics. Pennebaker ( 2 0 0 2 ) noted that
dent errors assumption of A N O V A and forces
there is no APA division devoted to language
researchers to use more complicated hierarchi-
even though language "is the basis o f most
cally ordered statistics that few social psychol-
human communication
ogists now know (Bryk &c Raudenbush, 1 9 9 2 ;
is the
through which we understand and learn about
Gonzalez & Griffin, Chapter 1 4 , this volume).
ourselves and others" (p. 9 ) . The Interpersonal
So, for quite different reasons, interpersonal
and Group Processes section of JPSP often has
interdependence is a tepid topic in social psy-
the least journal space devoted to it, and the
chology today, left to an intrepid but perhaps
articles published there tend to focus on phe-
increasing few. W h e n preferences are clustered
nomena like social comparison that involve
around a dominant theory class (such as social
social cognition about a specific (but not nec-
cognition), this limits not just the form o f pre-
essarily present) person or group o f people.
ferred theory but also method choices. There is
Identity negotiation researchers w h o
little immediate need to venture into the novel
directly on the dynamic exchange between a
methodological territories that different kinds
perceiver and target, for example in the case o f
of theoretical framing require.
self-fulfilling prophecies (e.g., Swann, 1 9 8 7 ) , are the exception rather than the rule. Admittedly, it is difficult to capture interpersonal dynamics in a short-term lab study. In the early years o f social psychology, when theories about interpersonal relations were more
The Neglect of High-Impact Manipulations and the Kinds of Theory They Promote In social psychology's history, the words
prevalent, field studies were conducted that
" l a b " and "experiment" did not automatically
allowed participants to interact relatively freely
go together as they do today. Involvement in
over a significant period of time, during which
both non-experiments and field experiments
the researchers observed and
was more c o m m o n . W h e n researchers are
interventions. For example, Sherif, Harvey,
willing to proceed on the basis o f a direct rela-
White, Hood, and Sherif ( 1 9 6 1 ) arranged a
tionship between objective situations
overt behavior, field experiments are enabled.
randomly to teams, observed the resulting
Thus, to take one from many examples,
summer camp where they assigned
The Methodological Milgram, Bickman, and Berkowitz ( 1 9 6 9 ) induced varying numbers o f confederates t o
of Social
The Average Person as the Locus of Explanation
stare up at the sixth floor o f an arbitrarily chosen N e w Y o r k building. As predicted, the percentage o f passersby joining in the "gawking" was a diminishing
o f the
number o f confederate "gawkers."
Asch ( 1 9 5 2 )
regarded the interaction between person and situation as the critical subject matter of social psychology. Neither one nor the other claimed
It is not the purpose of experiments to re-cre-
special status, but their intersection did. W h e n
ate reality. Rather, it is to decompose and
one considers modern practice in social psy-
recombine what is in the world, often heighten-
chology, it is apparent that the field does not
ing it but always clarifying it—in Bacon's words,
share this interactionist emphasis. Instead, it
"Twisting Nature by the Tail." High-impact
places most emphasis on the individual, more
treatments push the boundaries of human expe-
accurately the average individual studied, leav-
rience, as in Milgram's work and in the labora-
ing less room for supra-individual phenomena
tory simulation of prison life by Haney, Banks,
as explanatory constructs. T h e field seems to
and Zimbardo (1973) that had to be terminated
have reasserted F. H. Allport's ( 1 9 2 4 ) reduc-
prematurely because of the sadistic tendencies
tionist view that collective phenomena
that developed among the "guards"
understood properly with reference only to the
their "prisoners." But since then, few other lab-
minds o f individuals—primarily as these indi-
oratory experiments can be offered as examples
viduals perceive the social world and process
of high impact. Motivationally, most operate in
information about it.
a lower key, as short-term analogs to deeper and longer lasting experiences.
Individual differences are rarely part o f the modern story, though they would be required
Ironically, it was probably ethically ques-
for a full interactionist perspective (see Shoda,
tionable attempts to construct high-impact
Chapter 6, this volume, for a detailed discus-
manipulations in the laboratory that helped
sion o f different
crown the low-impact laboratory study as
including individual differences). There are
possible approaches
sovereign and that hastened the move toward
both moral and ideological reasons why indi-
explicitly analog, nondeceptive
vidual differences have lost their appeal. T h e
(e.g., Prisoner's Dilemma games to study coop-
assumption o f universal responsivity to causal
eration, lists of traits to study impression for-
agents is compatible with the egalitarian, mer-
mation). Jones ( 1 9 8 5 ) has even opined that
itocratic ideology o f the West. Moreover,
Milgram's obedience study and Festinger's dis-
social psychologists have tried to avoid the
sonance experiments bear partial responsibility
mistakes o f individual difference researchers,
for "the range o f available procedures [being]
whose early work (say, on group differences in
restricted by ethical concerns enforceable by
intelligence) seemed t o support questionable
human subjects committees" (p. 9 8 ) . W h a t we
political actions (Kamin, 1 9 7 4 ) . Also psychol-
want to note here is that the timing of these eth-
ogists may be sensitive to their own proclivity
ical concerns (Baumrind, 1 9 6 4 ) coincided with
as laypersons to overlook situational explana-
the rise of an information-processing paradigm
tions of behavior in favor o f dispositional
that rarely requires high-impact manipulations
(see also Kimmel, Chapter 3, this volume).
(Nisbett & Ross, 1 9 8 0 ) . Fears like these prob-
Thus, there were both theoretical and ethical
ably have helped reinforce the field's move
reasons why social psychologists moved away
toward assigning a major causal role to indi-
from the study o f "hot" motivated behavior
vidual psychological constructions o f situa-
and toward "colder" social cognition.
tions rather than to individual dispositions
constructs are evident in notions such as
Unfortunately perceptions of social situa-
person actually takes on a different self when
objective situations or to the
between the two.
according to which
tions are not always anchored in a broad range
acting as a group member (e.g., Turner
of comparative experience and so may be quite
Onorato, 1 9 9 9 ) . T h e contrast here is with
unstable. They certainly run the risk o f over-
American cousins to these ideas, such as the
looking stable structural forces that might have
interdependent self-construal of M a r k u s and
serious long-term repercussions. Eagly's social
Kitayama ( 1 9 9 1 ) that again places most con-
role theory of sex differences in psychological
ceptual focus on the individual.
functioning (Eagly, W o o d , & Diekman, 2 0 0 0 )
Moving away from an individual focus has
is sensitive to this last dilemma, being an
methodological repercussions. For instance,
attempt to sketch how social structure creates
data analyses would have to take account o f
power and resource inequalities that have per-
h o w social systems are hierarchically ordered,
petuated stable but learned sex differences in
with individuals nested within groups
psychological functioning. Her perspective on
groups within larger aggregates like schools or
objective and sustained social contexts is much
more like what sociologists assume in their
move analysis toward
studies of how family, school, and neighbor-
modeling ( H L M ) rather than A N O V A (see
or universities. This would hierarchical linear
hood forces sustain cross-generational stability
Gonzalez & Griffin, Chapter 1 4 , this volume;
in social class standing. For them, as for Eagly,
West, Biesanz, & K w o k , Chapter 1 3 , this vol-
perceived contexts count; but actual contexts
also do.
also has methodological repercussions. M o s t
Even cross-cultural psychologists locate
are conceptualized
social psychologists prefer a variable-centered
culture in the individual mind, with B o n d
concepts such as race, age, and gender or sin-
researchers for falling prey to the ecological
gle personality attributes such as neuroticism
fallacy o f ascribing to the person properties
that are only demonstrably true o f the group
developmental psychologists are experiment-
o f individuals,
degree o f loneliness. In contrast, some
(as with the construct o f individualism). A
ing with person-centered approaches to indi-
similar reluctance is evident when it comes to
reciprocal causation between the person and
Bergmann, 1 9 9 0 ) that require tricky multi-
environment. For instance, prejudice tends t o
variate techniques such as cluster analysis to
be studied either in terms o f perceiver bias
construct multivariate profiles o f types o f indi-
and representations (e.g., Devine, 1 9 8 9 ) or in
viduals. Knowledge o f A N O V A will not suf-
terms o f the consequences o f stigma for the
fice for anyone studying either interpersonal
target (e.g., Crocker & M a j o r , 1 9 8 9 ; Steele &
relationships or individual
Aronson, 1 9 9 5 ) . But Shelton ( 2 0 0 0 ) recently
ceived as multivariate profiles.
differences con-
asked why psychologists are not examining
Most social psychologists like to believe they
the actual interactions between, say, African
are studying the "average human" or at least
Americans and European Americans in order
"the average North American," but they actually
to explain prejudice. Like culture, prejudice
study the average person in whatever sample
seems to be "psychologized," restricted to
they have at hand. This sample is rarely ran-
being a property o f individuals.
domly selected from a clearly designated and the-
Attempts by European social psychologists to
oretically justified population,
strategy for generalization in science. Purposive
The Methodological
of Social
samples are the order of the day. These can
O f course, individual differences are not
sometimes promote generalization, but only
completely ignored; nor are statistical inter-
when accompanied by ancillary information and
actions with treatments.
analyses (Cook, 1 9 9 3 ) . Furthermore, even with
they occur, the focus is mostly on those
purposive samples, detailed description of the
sample is very important for generalization, but
moderate psychological mechanisms assumed
factors t h a t
social psychologists rarely provide such descrip-
to be universal. F o r example, Oyserman,
tion in detail. True, there are some researchers
with interests in more circumscribed popula-
tions, for instance the average neurotic, the aver-
"identify cultural contingencies that moder-
(2002) as
age shy, or the average African American person.
ate general processes o f human cognition,
At a rninimum, these researchers need to show
affect, and behavior" (p. 1 1 0 ) . These "cul-
that the persons they sample in their studies
belong in the target class, even if they were not
framed in terms o f psychological processes
randomly selected from that class and even if the
such as values and traditions rather than in
correlates of class membership (and hence poten-
terms o f sociological or political processes
tial confounds for interpretation) have not been
such as class inequality or the distribution o f
described as fully as they might have been.
resources. W h e n national
Sample description is rudimentary in social psy-
demonstrated, most social psychologists are
chology because practitioners generally believe
then inclined to move t o a m o r e abstract level
that individual differences do not matter much
o f theory that subsumes the differences by
and that theories about specific populations are
invoking some novel underlying c o m m o n a l -
less important than theories about people in gen-
ity. J a h o d a ( 1 9 8 6 ) has argued against this,
eral. So why go to all the trouble?
however, contending that it is better to stay
Given this belief system, social psycholo-
with the national particulars and to construct
gists do not develop theories about individual
different psychologies for different countries.
differences that might interact with an inter-
In his view, it is better to gain a full and data-
vention. N o r , in general, do they test many
based psychological understanding that is
interaction possibilities in post hoc fashion. O f
applicable in at least some national contexts
course, with the small samples and truncated
than it is to create some universalist explana-
distributions they typically use (because o f
tion framed
w h o is recruited into experiments), the statis-
in exclusively individualistic
tical power o f the interaction tests they do conduct is limited. This points to a serious inferential difficulty that would ensue if interaction predictions were more c o m m o n in the field, as well as to the need for social psychologists to be more knowledgeable about the design and sampling modifications that serious interaction testing requires. In any event,
The Assumption of Irrelevant Domains and Hence the Generation of Theories With Minimal Grounded Content For the modal social psychologist, the pro-
believing that social psychology deals with the
cesses acting upon mental representations are
reactions o f the average person helps promote
construed to be essentially similar, not only
the field's status as a cumulative science that
across all human beings but also across all
does not have to worry much about
domains of content. Evolutionary psychologists
population dependence o f results.
(e.g., T o o b y & Cosmides, 1 9 9 2 ) do not share
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH this view, believing that the human mind is an
Third, G. W . Allport's ( 1 9 5 4 ) description
evolved set of tools specialized for discrete
of social psychology invokes social contexts
domains of life that were important to survival
that are real, implied, or imagined, without
(e.g., face perception, mate preferences). They
postulate that some psychological processes will
domain generality, the need to differentiate
therefore be domain-specific, an
is reduced.
otherwise rarely shared in social psychology. The
In this regard,
diverse ways that social rejection has been operationalized.
domain generalizability—is more widespread
(a) using live confederates who exclude the
and has several important implications. First,
participant from a game o f catch (Nezlek,
it effectively erases the line between social
Kowalski, Leary, Blevins, & Holgate, 1 9 9 7 ) ,
and nonsocial cognition (Hastie & Carlston,
(b) using "internet chat r o o m s " that remove
1 9 8 0 ) . This justifies the construction of social
face-to-face contact but not the perceived real-
cognition as an enterprise concerned more
ity o f the interaction (Gardner, Pickett, &
with a standard cognitive analysis applied to
Brewer, 2 0 0 0 ) , and (c) asking participants to
social phenomena than with the generation o f
unique analyses designed to identify h o w cog-
Kimball, & Rehak, 1 9 7 9 ) . Using Immersive
nitive performance differs because a social ver-
Virtual Environment Technology, Blascovich
sus nonsocial object is being appraised. This
et al. (in press) studied the conditions under
last emphasis is clear in early social psycho-
which participants would show social influ-
logical work on the symbolic properties o f
ence effects such as maintaining interpersonal
such as Bruner and
distance or conforming to the level o f bets
( 1 9 4 7 ) demonstration that the value associ-
placed by others in a virtual casino. Results
ated with (heavily socially imbued) coins influ-
showed differences depending on whether the
enced people's judgments about the size o f
circles—a social cognitive cause o f a seemingly
with figures or with "avatars" that either pos-
nonsocial perception.
sessed photographic realism (e.g., were repre-
Second, social psychologists w h o assume
they were
sented by a computerized person rather than a
cross-domain generalization can avoid study-
beach ball), or corresponded to a real person
ing such problematic domains as divorce,
rather than a simple computer program.
bereavement, parenting, cults, and so on, so
These results all suggest that the assump-
long as they can plausibly argue that the
tion o f stimulus-independent processes is not
same social, cognitive, and emotional pro-
cesses account for most o f the variance found
cannot be used willy-nilly in lieu o f more
between these domains. But h o w can this
realistic ones. Similarly, real and perceived
neighborhoods are not always substitutable.
be tested
except through a laborious process o f measurement,
Social psychologists seem to believe that nature is structured with important general
across these various domains? Until empiri-
truths (laws?) at its center, and with less
cal research on domain specificity is done,
social psychology will seem rather content-
periphery. T h e r e is n o obvious reason why
free to most outside observers, not imbued
the social psychological world
with deep insider knowledge o f the behav-
organized around general laws rather than
iorally grounded
around a vast collection o f w-way interac-
phenomena to which its
theories and results are thought t o apply.
its be
tions that would be detected if research were
The Methodological
of Social
more sensitively designed so as to detect
for collecting relevant data. Sometimes, a single
interactions rather than main effects.
method will suffice, like use o f the sample
Even so, epistemologists value parsimony
survey when a population description is called
more than complexity, and the prestigious
for. M o r e often, though, multiple methods
physical sciences employ a law-oriented view
will be needed, given the limitations o f many
of knowledge growth. T h e y have generally
individual methods. Even then, though, there
is no justification for using multiple methods
replication justifies the assumption that results
willy-nilly. An explicit justification is required
believing that
are general until subsequent research proves
for the several methods chosen because they
otherwise. Given these realities, we cannot
have to differ in their imperfections and in the
envisage social psychologists mounting a seri-
direction o f any biases presumed to attend
ous attack to describe a more complex onto-
these imperfections ( C o o k , 1 9 8 5 ) .
logical structure than they n o w assume.
main problem for a field is when
c o m m i t m e n t t o a particular style o f research inadvertently precludes theoretical growth
by restricting the kinds o f questions asked.
Methodological practice in social psychology
psychology as it is practiced in Sociology
has changed over time and will continue to
departments, the social psychology we have
do so. T h e rigid impression o f research meth-
described here runs that risk. Seen meta-the-
ods one finds in most introductory textbooks
o r e t i c a l l y , it rarely
C o m p a r e d both t o its own past and to social
is an illusion. F r o m the w a y the questions are
notions, including multivariate and recipro-
formulated t o the w a y data are collected,
cal causation. It rarely deals with the social
analyzed, and interpreted, empirical w o r k
and individual determinants o f the social
involves hundreds o f choices at every stage.
factors it varies. It rarely probes the person,
Some o f these choices are not conscious
setting, and time factors that might condi-
because the alternatives are not known, or
tion a causal relationship, instead assuming
are rendered invisible or inappropriate by the
a routine generalization o f findings that indi-
collective decision o f the social psychology
vidual studies can rarely test, given the small
community to do things a particular way.
and homogeneous samples typically used. In
But the alternatives are still there.
addition, field research is rare relative t o lab-
Although this chapter is a plea for greater
oratory research; research with populations
diversity o f method choice in social psychol-
other than university students is also rare;
ogy, we acknowledge that taking the position
and exploratory research is much rarer than
of the modal social psychologist has limited
hypothesis testing. Cognitive theories are
our account o f the variation that already
still dominant, though interpersonal, e m o -
exists in the field. Fortunately, the chapters
tional, biological, and cultural concepts are
following this one put some o f this variation
gaining in currency, albeit often linked to
back into play, as they seek t o introduce
cognition, as in cognitive neuroscience. T h e
social psychologists t o newer techniques and
best case for methodological pluralism in the
hence to extend their options.
field is not that better answers can be pro-
However, we see no virtue to methodolog-
vided t o traditional questions; it is that a
ical pluralism per se. T h e key need is for
wider range o f questions can be asked that
researchers to get their questions or issues
will encourage a wider
straight and then to use the best available tools
range o f theory
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Ethical Issues in Social Psychology Research ALLAN J . KIMMEL ESCP-EAP,
School of
t is n o w c o m m o n l y understood within
research practices have entered into the collective
social psychology that decisions about
psyche of investigators within the discipline.
particular research questions and associ-
Less than 5 0 years ago, research ethics rarely, if
ated methodological issues are inextricably
ever, represented a formal component of the
bound to a wide range o f ethical considera-
training and practice of social psychologists. As
tions. This understanding, however, has not
Kelman ( 1 9 9 6 ) has noted, prior to the 1 9 6 0 s
always been as evident as it might have been,
the idea had not yet taken hold that systematic
but rather grew out of an extended process of
attention to researchers' moral obligations to
self-reflection and debate. Focused attention on
research participants and to society as a whole
ethical issues within the discipline also devel-
represented an integral element o f the research
oped amid fears that future research necessarily
process. The fact that today these matters are
would be restricted as a result o f the growing
considered as a matter of course suggests that
influence of external regulation by governmen-
social psychologists have taken great strides in
tal and other regulatory bodies. Although ethi-
terms o f acknowledging and responding to their
cal considerations played a minor role, if any
ethical and moral responsibilities. Nonetheless,
role at all, in the research process during social
it is understandable that the ethical dimension
psychology's formative period, today they have
can be seen as a source o f added complications
a formidable influence on most of the decisions
in the actual conduct of a research investiga-
relative to the planning and conduct of investi-
tion. Confronted by an increasingly daunting
gations, from the recruitment o f participants to
array o f ethical guidelines, governmental regu-
the subsequent application o f research findings.
lations, and institutional review, investigators
It is impressive to recognize the relative
often are compelled to weigh methodological
rapidity by which the moral imperatives of
and ethical requirements in order to choose
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The author thanks the volume editors for their constructive comments during the preparation of this chapter.
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH whether and how to pursue particular research
immediate data-collection setting also have
questions. The practical difficulties imposed by
been addressed. For example, research find-
attempts to cope with these two sets o f demands
ings might be exploited for various political or
often are linked to the recognition that the most
personal ends to the detriment o f certain soci-
methodologically sound study is not necessarily
etal groups; ethical misconduct could reduce
the most ethical one, and vice versa.
public trust in psychologists or negatively
In retrospect, much o f the impetus for ethical progress in social psychology was sparked
influence perceptions o f the scientific process; and
accounts o f unethical
by a significant increase in the implementation
social psychological research could tarnish the
of ethically questionable research practices.
discipline's public image and ultimately jeop-
For example, by the m i d - 1 9 7 0 s , the practice
ardize community support and funding for the
of deceiving research participants in social
research enterprise. Indeed, it is essential that
psychology studies had
judgments pertaining t o an
become c o m m o n -
place. According to various estimates, the
moral dimension take into account the possi-
percentage o f studies using deception in the
ble effects o f the research on all those impli-
cated by it, whether directly or indirectly.
of Personality and Social
(JPSP) rose from around 2 0 % in 1 9 6 0 to nearly 7 0 % in 1 9 7 5 (e.g., Adair, Dushenko, & Lindsay, 1 9 8 5 ; M c N a m a r a & W o o d s , 1 9 7 7 ) . W h e n psychological journal editors
asked to nominate studies they considered to be empirical landmarks in social psychology, the five most frequently nominated involved elaborate laboratory deceptions o f the studies' purpose
M o r t o n , 1 9 7 8 ) . It is possible that most of, if not all, these studies would not have been approved (at least in their original form) by contemporary ethical review boards, reflecting the necessity to bear in mind the impact o f the prevailing ethical climate on judgments pertaining to research issues.
CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter focuses on ethical issues in social psychology pertaining
to decisions a b o u t
particular research questions and associated methodological approaches. T h e discussion begins with a consideration o f the evolution o f ethical debate and regulation in the discipline. Next, an overview is provided o f the ethical issues that emerge in the conduct of experimental, field, and applied research, including a focus on problems related to the use o f deception. At various points, I refer to my own ongoing research on rumors in order to illus-
Although deception arguably has proven t o
trate some o f these issues. T h e last section o f
be the most pervasive ethical issue in social
the chapter addresses issues related to ethical
psychology research, other practices also have
safeguards and the impact o f ethical review.
aroused considerable concern, including the invasion o f participants' right to privacy, failure to protect the anonymity o f respondents
or the confidentiality o f data,
observations o f unsuspecting participants, and
the use o f psychological or physically risky manipulations
in experimental studies. In
Developments toward ethical regulation often
addition t o the possibility that research prac-
tend to follow in the wake o f disclosures o f
tices may pose a risk o f harm directly to indi-
ethical misconduct and
vidual participants, issues pertaining to the
studies involving the mistreatment o f research
implications o f research that go beyond the
participants (Kuschel, 1 9 9 8 ) . For example, in
the reporting
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology sociology, trade"
social psychology is Milgram's (1963) obedience
o f h o m o s e x u a l behavior in
studies, a series o f laboratory investigations
public restrooms aroused considerable contro-
conducted from
versy and prompted sociologists to reevaluate
research volunteers w h o were led to believe
they were administering dangerous electric
Humphrey did not inform the participants
shocks to an innocent victim. Although osten-
discipline's formative
1 9 6 0 to
1 9 6 4 involving
w h o congregated in the restrooms that he was
sibly presented as a study about learning, the
observing their conduct for research purposes;
experiment's intent was to observe the extent
later, he altered his appearance and presented
to which the participants would obey the
himself as a health service worker in order to
orders o f a malevolent authority (the experi-
interview the men at their homes for the pur-
menter). W h a t aroused great concern in the
pose o f obtaining information about homo-
scientific community, in addition to the fact
sexual lifestyles. In political science, a study
that 6 5 % o f all participants in the standard
that aroused extensive controversy was Project
Camelot, a 1 9 6 4 research project conducted
" s h o c k s " in response to the authority's com-
under the auspices o f the U.S. government that
mands, was that participants apparently expe-
was intended to study counterinsurgency in
Latin America (Horowitz, 1 9 6 7 ) . The project
physical distress as a function o f the experi-
was quickly condemned on ethical grounds as
mental guise. Despite the lack o f direct evi-
a blatant attempt by the project sponsors to
dence that anyone suffered lasting harm as a
identify means for suppressing popular revolts
result o f the research, the obedience experi-
in foreign countries.
ments remain at the forefront o f most discus-
psychological upset
These and similar studies added fuel to the
sions o f research ethics in social psychology
fire o f public and professional discourse on
and related disciplines. Although the target o f
matters related t o scientific ethics and the
scathing ethical and methodological attacks
treatment o f research participants. This also
for m a n y years, M i l g r a m ' s research
was the case in psychology, most notably as a
received renewed attention by those w h o have
result o f experimentation involving deception.
praised its insights into obedient behavior
In a series o f field experiments conducted
(Miller, Collins, & Brief, 1 9 9 5 ) .
during the early 1 9 6 0 s , young military recruits
Social psychology experiments rarely elicit
unknowingly were subjected to bogus life-
the sorts o f intense reactions in participants
threatening emergencies (such as the apparent
as in the studies described here; nonetheless,
imminent crash landing o f their aircraft) in
the latter were instrumental
order to study their reactions to psychological
an impetus for ethical scrutiny within the
stress (Berkun, Bialek, Kern, & Yagi, 1 9 6 2 ) .
discipline and the public domain.
In another controversial study, alcoholic volunteers were led to believe they were participating in an experiment to test a possible treatment for alcoholism but instead were injected with a drug that caused a terrifying,
Governmental Regulations for Behavioral Research in the United States
albeit temporary, respiratory paralysis, lead-
Federal safeguards concerning the rights
ing many o f the participants to believe that
and welfare o f human research participants
they were dying (Campbell, Sanderson,
have been in place as part o f U.S. Public Health
Laverty, 1 9 6 4 ) . N o doubt the most widely known
Service (PHS) policy since 1 9 6 6 , although the and
initial focus was limited to clinical research in
controversial example o f deceptive research in
medical fields. In 1 9 6 9 , PHS policy was
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH extended to cover all research involving human
argued that deceptive procedures pose certain
participants, including biomedical and behav-
psychological risks to participants, including
ioral investigations. T h e concept o f consent
loss o f self-esteem and dignity and a possible
was emphasized in these initial governmental
loss o f trust in legitimate authority. In view of
regulations as well as the necessity for commit-
the methodological drawbacks of some decep-
tee review of research that put participants at
tion studies, she further questioned whether
risk. In July, 1 9 7 4 , following Senate hearings
such studies held much potential for serious
on some prominent cases o f research abuses,
benefit. According to other prominent critics,
deception had become a commonplace proce-
Research Act ( 1 9 7 4 ) , which led to the creation
dure that increasingly was being employed
of the National Commission for the Protection
even in research situations where it was unnec-
essary (Kelman, 1 9 6 7 ) .
Behavioral Research.
Largely in response to the changing nature
Following an extended period o f review,
of research in the discipline, the American
the National Commission ( 1 9 7 9 ) issued its
Psychological Association (APA) has taken
final recommendations in 1 9 7 8 along with the two-volume Belmont
which proposed
norms for ethical conduct in various areas,
steps to codify and periodically modify ethical principles for human participant
These principles have served as a model for
including competence o f the researcher, iden-
other professional associations around the
tification o f risks and benefits, appropriate
selection o f participants, voluntary informed
derived largely through an empirical approach
consent, and compensation for injury. Formal
based on a survey o f critical incidents pertain-
regulations were published by the Department
ing to ethical dilemmas experienced by the
and are unique in that they were
of Health and H u m a n Services ( D H H S ) in
association's members. The current version o f
the January 2 6 , 1 9 8 1 , issue o f the
the code (APA, 2 0 0 2 ) , is the result of a 5 0 -
M o s t noteworthy among the regula-
year history o f development and revision and
is presumed to reflect the values of APA
review by institutional review boards (IRBs)
members as well as the moral growth of the
for the approval o f DHHS-funded research
discipline o f psychology (Jones, 2 0 0 1 ) .
tions were requirements mandating
projects, including the exemption of broad
T h e APA research principles became sub-
categories o f research that posed little or no
stantially more stringent in the 1 9 7 3 version of
risk o f harm. The current D H H S regulations
the code (American Psychological Association,
governing the implementation o f the National
Ad H o c Committee on Ethical Standards in
Research Act, which have been amended over
Psychological Research, 1 9 7 3 ) , as well as in
the years, are available in the Code of Federal
subsequent versions, in light o f the controversy
Regulations issued by the Office for Protection
surrounding the dramatic increase in deception
From Research Risks ( O P R R ) ( 1 9 9 1 ) .
experiments and
criticisms regarding
broadly stated and qualified nature of some of the principles. M a n y apparently perceive the
Professional Ethical Standards
current principles to be more exacting than
By the m i d - 1 9 6 0 s , a growing number o f
they were intended to be, as they were meant
critics had begun to question the prolifera-
to be applied within a cost-benefit framework
tion o f deceptive and potentially
that permits the researcher to consider whether
in psychological research.
the benefits o f the research outweigh possible
For example, Baumrind ( 1 9 6 4 ) , largely in
harm to participants. This utilitarian approach
reaction t o M i l g r a m ' s obedience research,
has continued to fuel further debates over
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology interpretation
o f the principles and
Research consent
\ are
allowed under federal regulations and profes-
The current principles emphasize voluntary
sional standards when certain conditions are
participation and informed consent as funda-
met, such as the research involves no more
mental prerequisites for human
than minimal risk to participants; the study
research. The principle o f voluntary informed
could not practically be carried out
consent was most notably introduced in the
informed consent; the research consists o f
Code ( 1 9 4 9 ) , a general set o f stan-
anonymous questionnaires, naturalistic obser-
dards formulated to prevent atrocities like
vations, or archival research for which disclo-
those perpetrated by Nazi researchers during
sure o f responses would not result in negative
World W a r II and the forerunner t o all subse-
consequences for participants; and so forth
quent guidelines governing experimentation with human
(Schuler, 1 9 8 2 ) .
(see APA, 2 0 0 2 ; O P R R , 1 9 9 1 ) .
partially or fully informed consent in practice
Following increasing disclosures o f objection-
can be difficult, particularly when the cogni-
able research in the social and behavioral
tive capacity o f participants is limited or
sciences, it became apparent that the Nuremberg
impaired. Such is the case when participants
Code (along with the subsequent Helsinki dec-
are selected from vulnerable groups, such as
larations for guiding the conduct o f health and
children, the elderly, the mentally disabled and
medical researchers) was insufficient to ensure
handicapped, and underprivileged persons.
the safety and well-being o f research participants (Kuschel, 1 9 9 8 ) .
from vulnerable groups consist o f whether
Consistent with U.S. federal guidelines and
they understand what they are told about the
nature and purpose o f a study, are able to
the APA standards require informed
weigh the risks that a study may entail for
some scientific journals (e.g., Science),
The primary ethical concerns for persons
consent for nearly all human research. W h e n
them, and can consent on their own, without
obtaining informed consent from prospective
the agreement o f a legal guardian. There also
research participants, social psychologists are
is the possibility that they may have a lower
expected t o communicate the following types
tolerance for potentially risky or deceptive
of information (APA, 2 0 0 2 ) : (a) the purpose
manipulations. Professional ethics codes are
of the research, expected duration, and pro-
consistent in specifying that research involving
cedures; (b) the right to decline to participate
children and participants with
and to withdraw from the research once par-
that will limit their understanding
ticipation has begun; (c) the foreseeable con-
special safeguarding procedures. A c o m m o n
impairments requires
approach to dealing with the issue o f consent
(d) reasonably foreseeable factors that may be
is to use parental or proxy consent as a substi-
o f declining
expected to influence willingness t o partici-
tute for, or in addition to, obtaining consent
pate, including potential risks, discomfort, or
from the vulnerable participant (e.g., British
adverse effects; (e) any prospective research
Psychological Society, 1 9 9 5 ) .
(f) limitations on
A related issue that emerges in considerations
(g) incentives for participation; and (h) w h o m
of informed consent pertains to the potential
to contact for questions about the research
coercion (and related forms o f exploitation) of
and participants' rights. F o r guidance as to
individuals for research participation. This issue
the design, administration, and evaluation o f
has been most widely discussed in terms of the
valid consent forms and
use o f students for research purposes. University
Kimmel ( 1 9 9 6 ) .
see and
subject pools typically comprise students who are encouraged (and sometimes required) to
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH participate in campus research in order to obtain
response rates (American Association for
some sort of incentive. Although the incentive
Public Opinion Research [ A A P O R ] ,
may be monetary in nature, it is more likely
Bearden, Madden, & Uscategui, 1 9 9 8 ) , has
to take the form of course credit or fulfillment
increased in psychology over the past decade as
of a prerequisite to obtaining a course grade
psychologists have made a more concerted
(Lindsay & Holden, 1 9 8 7 ) . Despite college
effort to include nonstudent adult participants
recruits representing a convenient, inexpensive
in their samples (Kimmel, 2 0 0 1 ) .
study population, several ethical concerns have
With regard to deception, the APA code
been voiced about the use of this population
dictates that deception should be used only if
(e.g., Korn, 1 9 8 8 ) . Specifically, there are fears
a study's results are likely to be sufficiently
that alternative means of satisfying course
important, an alternative nondeceptive proce-
requirements may not be offered or else are
dure is not feasible, the research is not likely to
excessively time-consuming or noxious; that
cause physical pain or severe emotional distress,
students may receive little if any educational
and the deception is to be explained to partici-
debriefing; and that readily accessible complaint
pants as early as possible. In short, the critical
procedures are not available. Several guidelines
determinant o f the acceptability of deception
have been proposed for the ethical use of
is that it is "justified by the study's significant
student subject pools (see, for example, APA,
prospective scientific, educational, or applied
1 9 8 2 ) , and in recent years students have
value" and that the only way the study feasibly
been offered an increasing array of alternatives
could be carried out is by introducing deception
to the research requirement (McCord, 1 9 9 1 ;
as an integral aspect of the research procedure
Raupp & Cohen, 1 9 9 2 ) .
(APA, 2 0 0 2 , p. 1 1 ) . The criterion o f value has
Keeping in mind individuals' freedom to
proven contentious for critics who point to the
decline to participate, several strategies for
subjective nature inherent in die researcher's
recruiting research participants have been pro-
determination of a study's prospective benefits.
posed, including financial inducements, lotter-
However, in recent years, the federal require-
ies, gifts, or the simple promise to provide a
ment that scientists obtain institutional approval
summary of the study's results. Perhaps the
prior to conducting research has evolved as an
most serious ethical concern related to recruit-
important component of the APA code.
ment involves the point at which offers of
In addition to governmental regulations and
inducements to participate become coercive,
the APA code, social psychologists can obtain
thereby threatening one's right not to partici-
guidance for research conduct by consulting
pate or one's freedom to withdraw from an
standards that have been promulgated by other
ongoing study. As of yet, there are no clear
professional groups. For example, codes of
ethical standards for obtaining guidance in
ethics for survey research have been developed
such cases beyond the necessity for researchers
to maintain a sensitivity to the possibility that
Chamber of Commerce/European Society for
organizations such as the International
they are exerting excessive pressure on targeted
Opinion and Marketing Research (ICC/ESO-
to enhance recruitment.
M A R ) ( 2 0 0 1 ) , the Council of American Survey
example, the APA code recommends
Research Organizations (CASRO) ( 1 9 9 5 ) , the
"reasonable efforts" be made to avoid offers
American Association for Public Opinion
of excessive or inappropriate inducements to
Research (AAPOR) ( 2 0 0 2 ) , and the Council
potential participants that "are likely to coerce
for Marketing and Opinion Research ( C M O R )
participation" (APA, 2 0 0 2 , p. 1 1 ) . T h e use o f
( 1 9 9 9 ) . As well as clarifying the rights of
monetary incentives, which has been recom-
respondents, clients, or sponsors and
mended as an effective practice for maximizing
professional responsibilities o f researchers,
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology
these codes offer extensive ethical principles in
ethical decision making. Consequently, social
the conduct of public opinion research and in
psychologists should be particularly sensitive to
the use of such research for policy and decision
foreign ethical guidelines during the conduct o f
making in the public and private sectors. The
cross-cultural research, as different standards o f
codes vary in specificity with regard to the
acceptable and unacceptable conduct are likely
range o f major ethical issues involving research
to prevail in different country contexts.
participants, including deceptive practices, invasion o f privacy, and lack o f consideration/concern for respondents (N. C. Smith &
Klein, 1 9 9 9 ) . Bearing in mind that many social
psychologists are employed in applied settings, it is important to note that corporate codes o f
Investigations into widely researched social
conduct have been implemented by a number
psychology subject areas such as attitudes,
of companies in North America and Europe
aggression, prejudice, intimate relationships,
(Berenbeim, 1 9 9 2 ; Chonko, 1 9 9 5 ) .
group dynamics, impression formation, and
Finally, professional codes of ethical conduct
social identity commonly touch upon a variety
have been developed by a number of psycho-
of interests and values that are prerequisite and
logical associations around the world, includ-
central to ethical decision making. Because of
Psychological Society
the sensitive nature of much social psychologi-
( 1 9 8 6 ) , the Canadian Psychological Associ-
cal research, the question is not whether ethical
ation ( 1 9 9 1 ) , the British Psychological Society
dilemmas will be encountered, but rather when
( 1 9 9 5 ) , the German Association o f Profes-
and under which circumstances they are likely
to pose the most difficult problems for the
Psychological Society ( 1 9 7 6 ) , the Netherlands
researcher (and other parties) involved, how
Institute o f Psychologists ( 1 9 8 8 ) , the General
such dilemmas can be anticipated before they
Assembly for the Scandinavian Psychological
emerge, and what steps can be taken by the
Associations (European Federation o f Psycho-
researcher to either avoid or satisfactorily
logy Associations, 1 9 9 8 ) , the Psychological
resolve the dilemmas. At the core o f most o f the
Association of Slovenia ( 1 9 8 2 ) , the Spanish
ethical conflicts encountered within social psy-
Psicologo (Colegio Oficial de Psicologos,
chology are the sometimes opposing interests o f
1 9 8 7 ) , and the Swiss Federation o f Psychol-
science and the protection of others. This point
ogists (Federation Suisse des Psychologues,
was emphasized in an insightful early critique
1 9 9 1 ) . Each of these codes emphasizes and
promotes an overriding high regard for the
Vinacke ( 1 9 5 4 ) , w h o raised important ques-
well-being and dignity o f research participants,
tions about the "proper balance between the
as reflected in the attention given to such top-
interests of science and the thoughtful treat-
ics as informed consent, protection from harm,
ment of the persons who, innocently, supply the
and privacy issues (including confidentiality)
data" (p. 1 5 5 ) .
(Kimrnel, 1 9 9 6 ) . Nonetheless, the codes differ in terms o f the degree o f specificity with which principles are formulated and in the basic ethical positions taken, with stronger emphasis
Defining "Ethics," "Morality," and "Ethical Dilemma"
placed either on research benefits or risks to
A first step in being able to anticipate an
research participants. Such differences are
ethical dilemma is knowing what this and
reflective o f cultural variations in value sys-
related terms represent in the context o f
tems, moral judgments, and approaches to
research decisions. T h e word
" e t h i c s " is
meaning a
valid measure of behavior) against the ethical
person's character or disposition, whereas
imperative of informed consent. T h e decision
"morality" is derived from the Latin
to opt for deception in an attempt to maxi-
meaning custom, manners, or character. As it
mize the validity of a study runs counter to
has evolved in c o m m o n usage, the
the obligation to be forthcoming with research
has come to pertain to questions
participants. In one form or another, argu-
about whether specific acts are consistent
ments against deception claim that because it
with accepted notions o f right or wrong. T h e
involves lying and deceit, its use in research is
is more likely to be used to
morally reprehensible and may have poten-
connote rules o f behavior or conformity to a
tially harmful effects on each o f the parties
code or set o f principles (Frankena, 1 9 7 3 ;
implicated by it (e.g., Ortmann & Hertwig,
Reynolds, 1 9 7 9 ) .
1 9 9 7 ) . Adair et al. ( 1 9 8 5 ) clearly summarized
term ethical
For example, we have seen that the APA research principles condone the use of deceit
some o f the key concerns about its use in psychology by suggesting that deception
under certain specified circumstances, meaning that an investigator who deceives research participants could be considered as acting within the bounds of ethical propriety.
we still may feel that the researcher's behavior was not right in a moral sense by applying the deontological principle that deceiving others can never be justified. As is apparent, deception in this case might be viewed as proper according to one set of principles (those by
violates the individual's right to voluntarily choose to participate, abuses the basic interpersonal relationship between experimenter and subject, contributes to deception as a societal value and practice, is a questionable base for development of the discipline, is contrary to our professional roles as teachers or scientists, and will ultimately lead to a loss of trust in the profession and science of psychology, (p. 61)
which professional psychologists are guided), but not according to another more general set
W h e n considering the potential dilemmas
of principles derived from a particular moral
involving the use o f deceptive research prac-
reasoning approach.
tices, it is important to recognize that the
Choices for conduct in each research situ-
effects o f deception may be positive (i.e., ben-
ation are related to the decision maker's
eficial to recipients) or negative (i.e., harmful
values, and these values must be weighed
to recipients), short or long term, and imme-
carefully when important decisions are to
diate or delayed. For example, a research
is apparent in
participant may be initially unaffected by the
made. An ethical
research situations in which two or more
awareness o f having been duped into believing
desirable values present themselves in a seem-
that a fictitious organization had sponsored
ingly mutually exclusive way, with the values
the study but may experience a short-term loss
suggesting different courses o f action that
of self-esteem when later reading a magazine
cannot be maximized simultaneously. M a n y
article about h o w easily people are deceived
ethical issues that arise in social psychology
by researchers. In this case, the deception
research result from conflicting sets o f values
effects are negative, delayed, and short term.
involving the goals, processes, or outcomes o f
Although deception is most readily thought o f
an investigation.
as a practice that is employed during the data
Deception often lies at the core o f ethical
collection stage, in fact it may be used at each
dilemmas for social psychology researchers,
stage o f the research process (see Table 3 . 1 ) .
w h o must weigh the scientific requirements o f
Specific issues linked to the use o f deception
validity (i.e., in obtaining an objective and
are considered in detail below.
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology Table 3.1 Subject
Use of Deception at Various Stages of the Research Process Recruitment
Identity of researcher and/ or sponsor
Misrepresentation of purpose
Purpose of research
False information about procedures, measures, etc.
Participation incentives
Withholding information
Involving people in research without their knowledge
Concealed observation
Violation of promise of anonymity Breach of confidentiality Misrepresenting implications of research results False feedback during debriefing session
SOURCE: Adapted from Kimmel and Smith (2001).
about research procedures and instructions,
false feedback given to the participant, and misleading information about the timing or setting o f the investigation (e.g., when the
W e next turn our attention to some o f the
study actually begins and ends or related stud-
ethical considerations that emerge in the use
ies presented as unrelated).
of specific methodological approaches com-
monly employed in the investigation o f social
deception in laboratory settings is that if
behavior. T h e degree o f control over a study's
researchers conformed to the letter o f the law
circumstances and the characteristics o f one's
role obligations are two o f the more important
deceive participants at all, then many investi-
factors likely to engender a variety of unique
gations either would be impossible to conduct
ethical dilemmas in laboratory, field,
consent and
or would result in biased findings. Consistent
applied settings. I have recognized some o f
with this point, it has been shown
these varying dilemmas at first hand in the
informing participants o f the true purpose
o f my research
and procedures o f a study can exacerbate the
rumors, as described in the following sections.
problem o f research artifacts, distorting participant responses and severely jeopardizing the tenability o f inferred causal relationships
Laboratory Research Issues
(see Broder, 1 9 9 8 ) . O n e can readily imagine
Issues related to deception have dominated
h o w a completely informed consent obtained
ethical concerns linked to social psychological
during investigations into social psychologi-
research conducted in laboratory settings. T h e
cal phenomena such as altruism and prejudice
controlled conditions o f the laboratory offer
could cause participants to behave differently
the experimenter
in order to present a more socially acceptable
a ready
actively mislead participants about the true
(as opposed to a natural or typical) image to
nature o f the situation and purpose o f the
the researcher. In this way, informed consent
investigation. Other active deceptions
in labo-
the use o f
variable—studies conducted with or without
research "confederates" w h o act out predeter-
it may come up with vastly different results
mined roles, untrue statements about
(Resnick & Schwartz, 1 9 7 3 ) . Thus, for some
intended investigations, the decision to be
settings have included
researcher's identity, incorrect
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH made is not whether to use deception, but
risks were far outweighed by the importance of
whether the research is necessary. T h e decision
the subject matter and potential gain in knowl-
not to do a study because it would require
edge about helping behavior during emergen-
deception is perhaps as morally problematic
cies. Deceiving participants about the
as the decision to do a study involving decep-
nature of the project may have been the only
tion when one considers the potential loss o f
feasible way to collect data to test the causal
hypotheses under study.
Rosenthal & R o s n o w , 1 9 8 4 ) .
By contrast, I have chosen to eschew the
In addition to eliciting more spontaneous behavior from participants
laboratory setting in my own research on the
factors that give rise to marketplace rumors
might be the case, deception can increase the
and the efficacy of strategies to offset their
researcher's degree of methodological control
effects. Although the rumor process has effec-
over the experimental situation. These advan-
tively been investigated in some ingenious lab-
tages were evident in some of the classic stud-
oratory experiments (e.g., Kamins, Folkes, &c
ies of helping behavior carried out by Latane
Perner, 1 9 9 7 ; Tybout, Calder, & Sternthal,
and Darley ( 1 9 7 0 ) in order to
1 9 8 1 ) , I chose to study the circumstances
whether the number o f bystanders
surrounding naturally occurring rumors using
non-experimental field approaches (such as in-
likelihood of intervention by any one bystander.
depth consumer interviews and mail surveys
involving brand managers). In so doing, I was
during an emergency would the
expected an emergency to occur repeatedly in
willing to sacrifice a large degree o f method-
a natural setting under precisely the same cir-
ological control that the laboratory setting
cumstances with a different number o f onlook-
would have provided. Moreover, I did not
ers present during each occurrence. Instead, it
want to exacerbate the rumor problem by cre-
was more feasible for them to conduct their
ating false information in the laboratory and
studies in the laboratory, where the number of
running the risk that (even debriefed) partici-
bystanders present could be systematically
pants might spread it to others once their
manipulated in a series o f carefully contrived
involvement in the study had ended.
"emergencies" (such as an apparent fire in an adjoining room or an epileptic seizure experi-
Criticisms o f deception have been directed t o the very core o f the
enced by a research confederate). By creating
assumptions upon which the use of the proce-
such fictional environments in the laboratory,
dure depends: (a) that the level of naivete
investigators can manipulate and control the
among research participants is high, (b) that
variables of interest with much greater facility
the procedure does not produce cues that sug-
than if deception is not used.
gest to participants that deception is taking
One might legitimately question whether
place, and (c) that participant suspiciousness
the extreme deceptions used in the helping
of deception does not alter the experimental
experiments can be justified. In addition to
effect. D o u b t has been raised that deception
moral concerns about misleading research par-
adequately serves its methodological purpose
ticipants, it can be argued that the research
in many research situations, that o f preventing
paradigm exposed participants to psychologi-
participants from discovering the study's true
cal risks, including guilt and a threat to their
purpose or certain aspects o f the procedure
self-esteem for not helping, stress during the
that could influence their natural response to
emergency itself, and embarrassment at being
experimental variables. For example, some
duped by the researchers. However, one might
evidence suggests that Milgram's obedience
defend the procedures by contending that the
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology
because several participants may have seen
t o justify when ethical principles are applied
and are more likely t o encounter problems
the deception
(Orne 8c Holland,
1968; Patten 1977). One difficulty in assessing
the degree to which a deception study pos-
sesses experimental realism has to do with
unlikely to cause harm to participants, they
the "pact o f ignorance" that may develop
still can be morally problematic (N. C . Smith,
Klein, 8c Kimmel, 2 0 0 2 ) . Some o f the possi-
committee mild
(Orne, 1959). Participants may conceal that
ble consequences o f deception for each o f the
parties involved in the research process are
because it would compromise the value o f
summarized in Table 3.2.
their participation, and researchers may make
Another set o f related potential problems
little effort to uncover information that would
particularly salient in laboratory research
invalidate a participant's data and thereby
pertains to the levels o f suspiciousness that
delay completion o f the study. With regard to the potential consequences
participants bring to the research setting, especially for individuals w h o have been deceived
of deception, the degree o f severity o f any neg-
in previous studies, and the effects o f suspi-
ative effects must enter into decisions about
ciousness and deception on subsequent exper-
whether or not to proceed with a study as
imental performance. Some persons come to
planned. "Severe deceptions" are those that
the laboratory setting unaware that deception
create false beliefs about central, important
may take place or else have only a vague
issues related to participants' self-concept or
knowledge that it is a possibility. In such
personal behavior, as when an experimental
cases, suspicions may be aroused by demand
manipulation leads participants to believe they
characteristics (i.e., various
lack self-confidence. " M i l d deceptions" are
hints and cues), such as certain comments in
those that create false beliefs about relatively
the instructions which suggest that something
unimportant issues peripheral to participants'
is going on that is different from the experi-
self-concept, such as misleading them about
menter's description. Others may
the research sponsor or study purpose (Toy,
harbor suspicions as a result o f information
Olson, 8c Wright, 1989). Severe deceptions
obtained elsewhere (such as in the recruitment
can be expected to create negative effect both
appeal or campus scuttlebutt).
during and after actual participation in the
Additionally, there is some evidence that
research (e.g., upset or anxiety linked to a
research participants w h o have been debriefed
reduced self-image), whereas mild deceptions
may communicate the true purpose and other
are unlikely to create negative beliefs and
details o f studies to future
effect until the debriefing session at the end o f
tendency referred to as "leakage" (Diener,
the study (e.g., disappointment that the study
M a t t h e w s , 8c Smith, 1972). Expectations
participants, a
was not really supported by an environmental
about a study could have a counterproductive
protection group).
effect on the results, motivating participants to
The fact that social psychologists are more
behave in ways that do not reflect their natural
likely to employ severe deceptions that are
behaviors or compelling them to behave in
relevant to the fundamental beliefs and values
uncooperative ways in order to undermine the
of research participants than are investigators
in related fields, such as consumer research,
There has not been much research on the
to some extent explains why deception has
extent of suspiciousness or leakage in the
been such a central issue in social psychology.
research setting, and researchers do not rou-
Studies involving severe deceptions are harder
tinely probe levels of participant suspiciousness.
Potential Costs and Benefits of Deception Studies
Increased understanding of science and the research process Feeling of having contributed to science Self-insight (from personal content revealed by deceptive probes)
Capacity to elicit spontaneous behavior from Legal sanctions participants (e.g., if confidentiality breached) Increased degree of methodological control Undermines integrity and Enhanced reputation from successful endeavors commitment to the truth Tarnished image
Facilitates attempts to determine validity of theories, previous research, and assessment instruments
Scientific advancement and progress Increased understanding of behavior Insight into applications toward the betterment of humanity
Inflicted insight Embarrassment Image of science lowered Mistrust of others
Exhausts pool of naive participants Jeopardizes community and industry support for the research enterprise Undermines trust in expert authorities and science Increased suspiciousness (e.g., self-consciousness in public)
SOURCE: Adapted from Kimmel and Smith (2001).
problem o f suspiciousness is its potential for
participants identified as suspicious in social
influencing research performance. Research
psychology laboratory studies have ranged
results on the effects of participant distrust are
from only 1 . 8 % to 3 % (Adair e t a l . , 1 9 8 5 ;
somewhat inconsistent (e.g., Epstein, Suedfeld,
Kimmel, 2 0 0 1 ) . These results may be some-
what suspect given that participants cannot be
Jackson, 1 9 6 7 ) and have led some behavioral
counted on to be totally forthcoming
Silverstein, 1 9 7 3 ; Strieker, Messick, &
scientists to conclude that in general there are
revealing their suspicions or knowledge about
no major differences between the data of
research procedures and hypotheses. Along
suspicious and reportedly naive participants
these lines, Taylor and Shepperd ( 1 9 9 6 ) have
(Kimmel, 1 9 9 6 ; Schuler, 1 9 8 2 ) . The effects o f
the following suggestions: (a) the
suspicion on behavior in an experiment is
simple admonishment t o participants not to
likely to be mediated by several factors, includ-
discuss the details o f an experiment among
ing the participant's perceptions of the situa-
themselves is inadequate, (b) the experimenter
tion, motivations for acting on the suspicions,
should not leave participants
and the possibility that suspicion can operate
during a deceptive experiment in situations
differentially across different conditions of a
where information about the study could be
study (Rosnow & Aiken, 1 9 7 3 ) .
discussed, and (c) investigators should more
A final set o f considerations pertaining to
carefully evaluate the procedures they use to
the use o f deception has to do with societal
assess perceptions o f the study and levels o f
attitudes regarding its use, participant reac-
participant suspiciousness.
tions to having
Perhaps the issue that has raised the greatest concern among
researchers regarding
been deceived and, in a
broader sense, the impact o f deception on perceptions o f the discipline and science in
Issues in Social Psychology
general. Surveys intended to assess reactions
Miller (Chapter 5 ) in this b o o k , including
to deception have shown that individuals in
archival and cross-cultural research. Field research offers investigators a ready
the general population do not have serious objections
alternative to ameliorate some o f the ethical
research purposes (Collins, Kuhn, & King,
issues that arise in the laboratory context.
1 9 7 9 ; Sullivan & Deiker, 1 9 7 3 ) and that
M a n y social psychological research problems
attitudes toward behavioral science research
have not been negatively affected by the
necessitating the deception or manipulation of
continued use o f deception by psychologists
participants. For example, I was able to gather
(Sharpe, Adair, & Roese, 1 9 9 2 ) .
be studied in everyday reality without
a wealth o f information about the ways com-
studies have revealed that individuals w h o
panies treat rumors about their consumer
have participated in deception experiments
offerings by having brand managers respond
versus nondeception experiments
to a mail questionnaire in the very settings
that they did not mind being deceived and
viewed the deception research as
encountered (Kimmel & Audrain, 2 0 0 2 ) .
greater educational benefit (e.g., Christensen,
the rumors
Unlike the approach used in my rumor
1 9 8 8 ; C. P. Smith, 1 9 8 1 ) . Overall, it appears
research, in which managers could choose
that researchers and regulators tend to be
whether or not to respond to a questionnaire,
more severe critics o f deception than are
in some field investigations participants are
current or potential research participants.
unaware that they are being observed or
Evidence suggests that deception rates in
otherwise taking part in a research study. For
social psychology have declined in recent
example, early investigators obtained samples
years as researchers respond to ethical guide-
of ongoing conversation among unsuspecting
lines, review mechanisms, and social pres-
people in such natural settings as railroad
sure. Concurrently, social psychologists have
stations, college campuses, restaurants, and
become more inclined to utilize alternative
streets in residential and commercial areas
circumvent some o f the
(e.g., Landis & Burtt, 1 9 2 4 ; M o o r e , 1 9 2 2 ) .
ethical issues, such as nondeceptive field
One obvious difference between naturalistic
research (Kimmel, 2 0 0 1 ; N i c k s , K o r n ,
field investigations and laboratory research is
that it is evident to participants in the latter
Mainieri, 1 9 9 7 ; Vitelli, 1 9 8 8 ) .
that they are participating in a research study; in fact, the very act o f entering a psychology
Field Research Issues
laboratory implies a certain degree o f tacit
A substantial amount o f behavioral science
consent to undergo scientific procedures and
research is conducted "in the field"—that is,
experiences that may involve something more
outside the artificial setting o f the laboratory.
than what is readily apparent.
Although laboratory research continues to be
Although many ethical issues emerge in non-
the preferred choice for a majority o f social
laboratory settings, two major areas of concern
stand out. The first has to do with the privacy
potential value o f field research, and there is
rights o f participants. Because the inherent
evidence that its use in social psychology has
nature of much field research is to elude the
increased over recent
(Adair et al., 1 9 8 5 ; Kimmel, 2 0 0 1 ) .
awareness of those w h o are observed, the
possibility that participants' privacy will be
includes a rise in use o f some o f the develop-
invaded must be fully considered. The second
ing research approaches that serve as the
area o f concern involves the informed consent
focus o f the chapters by King (Chapter 8) and
of participants. As in laboratory
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH informed consent can be problematic in the
their own homes). A second dimension is the
field because much research simply could not
publicness o f the person—public personalities
be carried out with the full awareness o f
regularly are subject to observations
research participants.
reporting that would be considered invasions
of privacy by less public individuals. Third, the degree of anonymity provided must be consid-
ered. Privacy clearly is maintained when the
T h e circumstances characterizing participa-
linkage between the individual and the infor-
tion in field research are such that the individ-
mation obtained for research has been com-
ual's determination
pletely severed; conversely, the risk of privacy
participate frequently is violated. This occurs
invasion is high when information can be
when people are not informed o f their role as
linked to identifiable persons. The aforemen-
research participants and are unaware that a
tioned conversation studies can be justified on
study is in progress. A social contract has not
ethical grounds by the public and anonymous
o f whether
or not
nature o f the observations, as well as by the
informed consent cannot be given, and indi-
fact that the risks posed (in this case, having
viduals cannot choose to refuse to participate
information o f a private nature revealed to
or leave once the study is in progress. In many
others) were no greater than those encountered
cases, it will not be possible to debrief partici-
in daily experience.
pants or inform them o f the results once the
A final factor in privacy considerations
study has been completed. (These points also
is the nature o f the information disclosed
are relevant to the use o f archival data for
during a study. Certain information (e.g.,
research purposes.) Under such circumstances,
income level, alcohol and drug use, birth
if researchers obtain or reveal (wittingly or
control practices) can be expected to raise
privacy issues. Ethical judgments must take
motivations, or behavior that a participant
into account the possibility that disclosed
would prefer not to have revealed, the latter's
basic right to privacy will have been breached
associated with individual participants, may
(see Allen, 1 9 9 7 , for an example from field
be perceived as an invasion o f privacy.
particularly when
it can
research on special cultures). At least four dimensions underlie the placement of different research situations on an
invasion o f privacy continuum, a continuum
It is difficult to consider the ethical issues
that ranges from situations in which privacy
pertaining to privacy fully without taking into
could not be said to be violated (e.g., observa-
account the principle of informed consent. Even
tions of the public behavior of public figures)
the most private settings can be studied without
to situations in which privacy could be said
raising ethical concerns if the people within
to be violated (e.g., nonpublic figures who pre-
those settings freely consent to observation
sumably are unaware of the possibility they are
once sufficiently informed. However,
being observed) (Webb, Campbell, Schwartz,
field research involves situations in which
Sechrest, & Grove, 1 9 8 1 ) . First, there is the
informed consent either is not feasible or is
element o f publicness in the location o f behav-
detrimental to the interests of the research. O n
ior under study. People can lay less claim to pri-
the other hand, informed consent will be irrele-
vacy protections for behavior that takes place in
vant for many research activities that involve
public settings (shopping malls, airports, etc.) as
observations of ongoing public behavior or the
opposed to behavior in private settings (such as
analysis of public records and archives.
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology
Field investigations are less likely to involve
adequacy o f informed consent and debriefing
the direct presentation o f mistruths to partici-
procedures, and the potential loss of participant
pants than
anonymity or confidentiality.
are laboratory studies. Unlike
active deceptions, where false information is provided to the participant, passive
involve truths that are left unspoken
The absence of an investigator to a certain extent reduces the potential for coercion and thus represents an ethical benefit o f Internet-
withholding key information about the study).
based research. However, it also means that
W h e n I obtained the consent o f consumers for
the researcher likely will be unable to respond
an interview study on rumors related to elec-
to participant concerns or adverse reactions
tricity that I was conducting for the French
once the study is under way. Moreover, should
national electric company (EDF), I chose to
the participant choose to withdraw early from
inform participants that the study pertained to
a study, this will undermine the possibility that
their usage behavior and concerns related
an adequate debriefing can be carried out.
t o electricity (which, in part, it did), but not
Thus, special care should be taken to ensure
that we specifically were interested in rumors.
that the informed consent process is thorough
This was to see if participants would sponta-
and includes clear instructions that will enable
neously mention rumors on their own prior to
debriefing for those persons w h o leave the
our asking direct rumor-related questions. In
study early (see Nosek et al., 2 0 0 2 , for more
our judgment, the use o f passive deception
specific recommendations). Researchers also
during the recruitment stage was justified
should take all steps necessary to protect
because it did not pose any identifiable risks
against the possibilities that data may be inter-
and we presumed that the decision to partici-
cepted by a third party or accessed once stored
pate would not have been different had par-
in files on an Internet-connected server (see
ticipants known that the study focused on
Sharf, 1 9 9 9 ) .
rumors. It would have been more difficult to justify withholding
study sponsor, as many o f our French participants may have been upset at having learned after the fact that the research was sponsored by the national utility company.
Applied Research Issues Applied research is oriented toward the acquisition o f information that will prove relevant to some practical problem, defined as such from the perspective o f the researcher, society, or a specific group (such as a govern-
and the
ment agency, community association, or busiInternet
ness organization) (see Part V o f this volume).
As an increasing number o f social psychol-
T h e goals o f applied research are oriented
ogists begin to exploit the potential o f the
toward modifying or improving the present
Internet and other emerging technologies for
situation, as would be the case for a study
research purposes, it is likely that new ethical
intended to develop an effective advertising
dilemmas will emerge and some familiar ones
campaign for the use o f condoms in an
will be recast in a different light (see Birnbaum,
attempt to control the spread o f AIDS. M a n y
Chapter 1 6 , this volume). In their analysis of
social psychologists are employed as applied
issues pertaining to Internet-based research,
researchers in industrial
Nosek, Banaji, and Greenwald ( 2 0 0 2 ) identi-
research firms, advertising agencies, treat-
fied three key differences between Internet and
ment facilities, and government agencies to
evaluate the effectiveness o f current policies
laboratory research: the physical
absence o f a researcher, the
and programs, or to design new ones.
T o illustrate, we can consider h o w ethical
the context o f applied research are those
dilemmas might have arisen during the con-
involving the misuse o f new scientific knowl-
duct o f my rumor study for E D F . O n e o f the
edge or the improper
company's overriding interests in electricity-
widely accepted procedures and principles.
related rumors was to identify the kinds o f
T h e inappropriate utilization o f research find-
beliefs and fears prevalent among the French
ings outside clearly stated limiting conditions
consuming public relative to electromagnetic
can have serious and quences, and
far-reaching conse-
such utilization raises some
power plants. W h e n company representatives
explained to me prior to data collection that
researchers consult with and report their data
their goal was to better inform consumers and
to organizations, human service and commu-
reduce anxieties linked to distorted
nity agencies, legal and educational officials,
about E M F s , I recognized that the company's
and the like. Granted, these considerations
expectations were consistent with my own.
also are relevant within the realm o f more the-
T h e project enabled me to gain further insight
oretical (or so-called "basic") research, despite
into the social-psychological dynamics under-
the often-expressed position that non-applied
lying the emergence and spread o f rumors in
research is value free and morally neutral (see
the context o f an ongoing problem situation,
Kimmel, 1 9 8 8 ) . Ethical dilemmas pertaining
while the company searched for more effective
to the use o f research findings are more likely
means o f communicating with its customers.
to emerge, however, when the research is
W e shared mutual interests in ultimately being
conducted in collaboration with others whose
able to reduce public misconceptions and the
goals, interests, and values may be at odds
spread o f fear-inducing rumors.
with those of the researcher or, more gener-
By contrast, imagine how opposing interests
ally, those o f the scientific discipline (Mirvis &
or role conflicts could have led to ethical dilem-
Seashore, 1 9 8 2 ) .
mas in this case. If I had suspicions that the
Researchers must fulfill the obligation to treat research participants fairly; in addition,
company intended to use the results o f the research to scare homeowners
they should attempt to fulfill the expectations
areas where the company planned to erect new
of the client or research user. T h e investiga-
power stations or to foment the spread of
tor also has a responsibility to protect the
rumors so as to increase the purchase of elec-
well-being o f the public when the results are
trical safely devices, I would not have been able
put into action. Ethical conflicts may arise as
to continue my involvement with the research
the researcher recognizes that certain duties
project. T h e company's goals would have con-
and responsibilities toward one group are
flicted with my own moral values and with the
inconsistent with those toward some other
ethical standards o f my profession, which clar-
group or with one's own values. For example,
ify that research findings should not be applied
it may be that the only way t o obtain reliable
to the detriment o f individuals or groups.
data that will satisfy certain obligations to a
Ethical dilemmas involving conflicting role
client is by deceiving respondents about the
expectations should be anticipated prior to
true nature o f a study. It thus becomes one's
carrying out an investigation, especially when
responsibility as a researcher to clarify and
entering a relationship with a client whose
openly communicate from the outset one's
priorities may subsequently change. As an
own role in the situation and t o establish
alternative to forgoing involvement with a
limits in terms o f assisting the organization in
troublesome study altogether, a determination
meeting its anticipated goals.
should be made as to whether a more ethical
Issues in Social Psychology
research approach for obtaining the desired
APA, 2 0 0 2 ) . Ethical decision making involves
information or outcomes is available. With
balancing a set o f considerations as to how
regard to the potential misuse of scientific
best to contribute to science and human wel-
knowledge, it is important to consider such a
fare. Important aspects of this decision-making
possibility as one weighs potential costs and
process are the recognition that most research
anticipated benefits prior to conducting the
questions in science can be pursued in more
research. T o be sure, scientists should not be
considered responsible for a misreading or mis-
researcher is one who selects the methodologi-
interpretation of their work as long as special
cal approach that is most likely to satisfy
care has been taken, when publicizing the
research goals while minimizing potentially
research, to state boundary conditions perti-
negative consequences.
nent to the usefulness o f the research in applied contexts.
Debriefing and Other Safeguards Ethical guidelines typically necessitate that
all deceived participants
within a reasonable period following their
be fully
involvement in a study. This requirement is Whereas formal review and external monitor-
often cited as an important safeguard against
ing originally were limited mostly to large,
some of the potential risks inherent in the use
of deception. T h e debriefing session can serve
research projects, nowadays
human participant studies are subjected to
a variety o f functions, foremost o f which are to
some kind o f external review process. In fact,
provide researchers with a means o f assessing
the proliferation and increased role o f ethics
whether participants were adversely affected
committees, professional standards, legalities,
by the research procedures and to serve as an
and other external restrictions have already
opportunity to eliminate any harm or lasting
subjected psychologists to a higher level o f
false impressions about the study. It is during
professional ethical accountability than is
the debriefing period that psychologists should
found in many other professions (including
refer a participant to an appropriately trained
law, politics, and marketing), where
provider if something problematic (such as
passive and active forms o f deception are
severe depression) has been revealed about
commonplace (Rosnow, 1 9 9 7 ) . Over time,
that person during the study. Moreover, in
participation in research has become much
special cases in which confidentiality must be
safer than many o f the everyday activities in
breached (e.g., studies in which it is learned
which people engage (Diener, 2 0 0 1 ) .
that certain individuals are suicidal or intend to
Although there are a number o f safeguards
harm others), participants can be reminded
in place for preventing most of the serious
about any limitations to confidentiality that
breaches o f ethics that might occur in social
were agreed upon during the consent proce-
psychology research, the first line o f defense for
dure, if feasible (see Behnke & Kinscherff,
the protection o f the various interests involved
2 0 0 2 , for additional recommendations).
in and affected by the research process consists
The effectiveness o f debriefing in success-
of researchers themselves. This point has been
fully correcting a participant's misconceptions
emphasized in most ethics codes, which point
resulting from deception is questionable, par-
out that
ticularly in cases where the debriefing proce-
researchers have a
responsibility to evaluate carefully and thor-
dure involves only a cursory attempt by the
oughly the ethics o f their investigations (e.g.,
researcher to inform participants that they
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH were deceived. Effective debriefing may require
Lepper, & Hubbard, 1 9 7 5 ) . It is for these
both "dehoaxing" (i.e., convincing deceived
reasons that some researchers have recom-
participants that the information they had
been given was in fact fraudulent and relieving
focusing on the psychological processes that
a process approach to
any anxiety resulting from that information)
underlie the effects o f deception and debrief-
and "desensitizing" (i.e., helping deceived par-
ing and structuring postexperimental proce-
ticipants to deal with new information about
dures accordingly (see Aronson & Carlsmith,
themselves acquired as a consequence o f their
1 9 6 8 ; Mills, 1 9 7 6 ; and T o y , Wright, e t a l . ,
behavior during the study). It is possible that
2 0 0 1 , for specific suggestions for designing
the realization that one has been deceived
thorough process-oriented debriefings).
could result in a loss o f self-esteem and embar-
Given these points, it is clear that an effec-
rassment, in addition to creating a negative
tive debriefing interview should be treated
attitude toward the researcher or science (e.g.,
seriously as an
Baumrind, 1 9 8 5 ) . In this light, it is important
research process. T h e researcher should bear
to recognize that
in mind its functions as an educational tool as
although designed to resolve ethical problems
well as a method for identifying and amelio-
the debriefing
essential element o f the
a methodological check
research methods, paradoxically can
researcher should explain the procedures and
unintended adverse effects on research partic-
reasons for them in language that is under-
ipants (Toy, Wright, & Olson, 2 0 0 1 ) . In some
standable to participants (this may require
cases, for example, it may be appropriate to
pilot testing), including a discussion o f the
importance o f the study and its relevance to
certain information
debriefing (e.g., about individual differences)
understanding social behavior. W h e n decep-
when it is judged that awareness could cause
tion is revealed, the researcher should sensi-
more harm than good to participants.
tively explain that the procedure was selected
Unless debriefing is carried out with "care,
as a last resort, apologize for having used it,
effort, and vigilance" (Holmes, 1 9 7 6 , p. 8 6 7 ) ,
and fully explain h o w the deception was car-
there is the possibility that persons already
ried out, perhaps by displaying and explaining
deceived once may question the validity o f the
specific research materials. During the entire
information provided during the debriefing.
process, one needs to carefully monitor and
This is one reason that deceptive debriefings
to the
are especially ill-advised. T h e so-called "perse-
verance process," whereby perceptions and
encouraging honest feedback about the study.
beliefs created during a study continue long
As previously discussed with respect to
after they have been discredited, also may cast
research using the Internet, debriefing tends to
doubt on the effectiveness o f debriefings in
be more difficult to carry out in nonlaboratory
undoing the effects o f deceptive manipula-
settings, especially in cases where participants
tions. It has been shown that self-relevant and
initially are unaware that they have been stud-
nonself-relevant perceptions (e.g., created by
ied for research purposes, are no longer acces-
deceptive feedback following
sible to the researcher, or are unwilling to pay
tasks) may become cognitively detached from
attention t o the debriefing. In certain situa-
the evidence that created them; as a result,
tions, such as the naturalistic studies o f
even after the basis for the perceptions is dis-
conversations described above,
confirmed (via a debriefing), individuals may
participants once the observations have been
tend to cling to the original beliefs (Ross,
made could do more harm than good. There
Issues in Social Psychology
is not much a researcher can do if a participant
system o f external review for overseeing the
indicates displeasure at having been secretly
ethicality o f research. T h e review process con-
observed, given that the observation already
sists o f a set of mechanisms, including I R B
has been carried out. Moreover, the debriefing
evaluations o f research proposals near the
could serve to raise levels o f discomfort or
beginning o f a study and continuing through
paranoia in other public settings and could
journal editor scrutiny of the procedures in
have a negative impact on the image o f scientists
research reports submitted for publication.
in general.
Another somewhat more uncertain remedy for some o f the potential adverse effects o f deception is forewarning,
whereby researchers
ethical review o f proposals now is
required at nearly all American and Canadian research institutions
before researchers are
given a green light to proceed with planned
take steps to brief participants about the study
investigations. (External review o f human
at the outset, informing them that certain
information may have to be withheld until the
North America; see Kimmel, 1 9 9 6 ) . Certain
research varies greatly
end o f the investigation and that they are free
additional hurdles may have to be cleared
to withdraw at any time. T h e researcher then
prior to reaching the review board stage (e.g.,
can carry out the study only with those indi-
departmental approval in academic and orga-
viduals who are willing to continue. As a form
nizational settings; parental consent; school,
of limited consent, forewarning may be seen
hospital, or prison
as ethically preferable to not obtaining con-
further review may occur at various intervals
sent at all because individuals essentially agree
once data collection has begun.
to be deceived and the researcher will not
T o ensure the protection and welfare o f
have directly misled them (Diener & Crandall,
participants, review boards typically attempt
1 9 7 8 ) . However, some participants may be
to ascertain that the anticipated benefits o f an
sensitized by the forewarning to engage in
investigation are greater than any risks posed
problem-solving behavior aimed at identifying
and that informed consent procedures are ade-
the nature o f the deception (Geller, 1 9 8 2 ) . In addition to forewarning, other alterna-
quate. Whereas at one time this formal review process emphasized the protection o f partici-
tive procedures to deception in the laboratory
pants from "extraordinary risks," the identifi-
setting have been proposed, such as role play-
cation o f even everyday risk n o w is obligatory
ing and simulations (see Greenberg, 1 9 6 7 , and
for all proposals. During such a review, the
Geller, 1 9 8 2 , for a discussion o f these proce-
investigator is required to present
dures). In general, these procedures appear to
information about all aspects o f a proposed
have only limited potential and are unlikely to
study, including specifics about the character-
supersede the use o f deception in the foresee-
istics o f participants,
able future.
research materials, the nature o f any decep-
the procedure
tions, confidentiality, risks, and method o f
Institutional Review Beyond the decision-making responsibilities
debriefing. Over the years, membership requirements and review criteria for IRBs have undergone
of the individual researcher, whose objectivity
may come into question as a result o f a vested
Hansen, 2 0 0 1 ) . The initial U.S. federal regula-
interest in conducting a study guided more by
tions requiring I R B review stipulated that an
&c C o o k e , 1 9 8 0 ;
methodological and theoretical concerns than
I R B was to consist o f at least five members with
ethical ones, there now exists an extensive
varying backgrounds and fields of expertise, at
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH least one member who was not affiliated with
whether the scientific aspects of investigations
the institution, and representation from each
ought to be taken into account by IRBs, espe-
gender (Department of Health, Education, and
cially by members w h o lack scientific expertise
Welfare, 1 9 7 5 ) . The composition of review
(e.g., C o l o m b o , 1 9 9 5 ; Diener, 2 0 0 1 ) .
boards n o w has broadened so that a majority
Evidence regarding
the effectiveness o f
of the participants may not be researchers,
but rather members o f the clergy, lawyers,
research participants
medical professionals, and the like w h o have
impact o f such committees on research is
committees from
risk and
minimal familiarity with the methodological
somewhat mixed. Mueller and Furedy ( 2 0 0 1 )
intricacies o f the research process and per-
have pointed out some o f the
haps little appreciation o f the potential merits
inherent in attempts to assess review board
of scientific research. T h e efficiency and fair-
performance, including the probability that
ness o f an I R B no doubt can be maximized
when it consists o f a diversity o f members
review process entirely; the built-in inade-
whose expertise is commensurate with the
quacies o f considering number o f incidents
researchers will bypass
types of research that the committee typically
(e.g., participant complaints) over time as an
reviews. Diversity is essential in light o f evi-
indicator o f effectiveness; and the misconcep-
dence suggesting that differences in individual
tion that "a problem found" with a research
background characteristics (such as gender,
proposal equates with "an incident avoided."
Further, a growing body o f evidence suggests
moral philosophy) lead to predictable biases
age, professional experience, culture,
that there may be important deficiencies in
the performance o f some I R B s (Ceci, Peters,
Schlenker & Forsyth, 1 9 7 7 ) .
& Plotkin, 1 9 8 5 ; M o r d o c k , 1 9 9 5 ; Prentice & Antonson, 1 9 8 7 ; Shea, 2 0 0 0 ) ,
in terms o f inconsistencies in the application
Impact and Effectiveness of the Review Process T h e expanded influence o f external review
recommendations. Several
has brought with it a growing concern that
review process have been offered. For example,
review boards are overstepping their intended
to sensitize I R B members to the costs and ben-
role in an overzealous effort to force behav-
efits o f doing and not doing research, a case-
ioral and social research into a biomedical
b o o k of actual research protocols that have
mold, thereby making it increasingly difficult
received extensive review and analysis by both
for many researchers to proceed with their
investigators and participants can be provided
studies. Considerations that are not specifi-
(Rosnow, Rotheram-Borus, Ceci, Blanck, &
cally related to the rights and welfare o f
Koocher, 1 9 9 3 ) . For unique research cases, an
research participants, such as the study design
advisory board could be created within a disci-
and methodology, now are routinely included
pline's professional association, and that board
in evaluations of research proposals. Because a
would be charged with analyzing and review-
poorly designed study can have serious ramifi-
ing an I R B decision when
cations and costs, one might argue that the
emerge. Another approach to improving the
technical elements of a proposed investigation
review process is to take steps to minimize
in fact should be included as a dimension o f
problems o f communication
ethical review (Rosenthal, 1 9 9 4 ) . Nonetheless,
members and investigators and to encourage
there remains widespread disagreement over
regular communication between IRBs (see
between I R B
Ethical Issues in Social Psychology Hansen [ 2 0 0 1 ] and Tanke and Tanke [ 1 9 8 2 ] for further discussion). Among other recommendations for temper-
ing review panel evaluations o f research, especially research posing minimal risk (e.g.,
It is understandable that many social psychol-
Ilgen & Bell, 2 0 0 1 ) , Diener ( 2 0 0 1 ) has pro-
ogists react with trepidation when confronted
posed that (a) exemptions should be granted
with the maze o f apparently
with greater frequency for research without
rules and regulations that have evolved over
true risk o f harm; (b) prototypes o f certain
the years to respond to research issues. As
types o f research protocols can be given
described by R o s n o w ( 1 9 9 7 ) , "even experi-
approval, with subsequent research
enced researchers often find themselves caught
these prototypes granted expedited review;
between the Scylla o f methodological and the-
(c) review boards should recognize their obli-
oretical requirements and the Charybdis o f
gation to foster potentially beneficial research,
in addition to protecting research participants;
(p. 3 4 5 ) . Nonetheless, these developments are
and (d) compensation assistance should be
typical o f ethical progress and are essential for
provided to researchers to offset the costs
providing a c o m m o n set o f values by which
accrued as a result o f lengthy and unreasonable
scientific discovery can proceed. Moreover,
delays and demands (e.g., help in completing
whenever ethical sensitivities have been raised
as a result o f an increased attention to moral
approved). (See Azar [ 2 0 0 2 ] for an overview o f
issues within society or because o f unfortunate
several ongoing projects oriented toward the
research abuses, many positive changes within
rewriting o f current I R B regulations, education
the scientific disciplines have followed, includ-
of researchers and review board members, and
ing innovative procedures that conform to
standardization o f the system.)
both scientific and ethical standards.
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Developing a Program of Research
SUSAN T . FISKE Princeton
prospective graduate student yesterday
appropriate, much the way one calibrates a
asked me h o w I ended up doing the
certain amount o f snow as appropriate for a
work I do. This question
proper winter. I don't claim that the neigh-
with alarming frequency—a sign, one fears, o f
borhood's integration was flawless, but it was
becoming a Fixture in the Field. Fixtures are
deep and abiding, and the adults I knew
fixed, and science is moving, so in the spirit o f
seemed proud o f it. M o v i n g to Boston for col-
motion, let's consider the process o f develop-
lege, I was struck by an absence that t o o k me
ing, growing, maintaining, and refreshing a
a while to place. Although there was the right
program o f research. M y own entry into the
amount o f fluffy white stuff, the people were
field was motivated by both nature and nur-
far t o o white. T h e lack o f ethnic variety in
ture (my father a psychologist, my mother a
the Boston I encountered—the result o f heavy
community volunteer), both o f which suited
de facto segregation—seemed odd to me.
me to puzzle over experiences with people in
Probably primed by my mother's interest in
social contexts. T h e influences o f the social
communities, I couldn't
context, o f course, are what social psychology
people would want to live that way. Probably
is all about, so it makes sense that a social psy-
primed by my father's orientation t o research,
chologist would believe that the nature o f a
I realized there must be empirical answers.
person's social contexts shapes that person's
Puzzle number one gave rise to my research
research program. Whatever your own social
on stereotyping, about which more later.
contexts and resulting research puzzles, I will
Some time later, I observed up close some
suggest in this chapter that the processes o f
organizations with few women in high places,
developing a research career are knowable,
though plenty in low places. Some women who
manageable, and even fun.
were extremely competent, by all reasonable
Consider four cases o f social contexts that
standards, simply were not promoted. None
produced creative puzzles, for at least one
were obvious cases o f gender discrimination
budding social scientist. As a kid in the 1 9 5 0 s
because some women—a very few—seemed to
on the South Side o f Chicago, I calibrated a
be getting ahead. But the proportions and the
certain level o f ethnic diversity as natural and
standards were off. O n e case in point was Ann
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Hopkins, a would-be partner in a top accounting
Finally, puzzle number four resulted from a
firm, who brought in millions o f business
continuing sense of wonder about people as
dollars but was faulted for lacking interper-
unbelievably complex. H o w in the world do
sonal skills. Because the advice from her sup-
we manage to make sense o f each other? As an
porters included the exhortation to be more
adolescent, it's a normal developmental task to
feminine, gender clearly played some role,
think about your peers' opinions. Like my
according to the Supreme Court, where her
peers, I worried especially about how people
case ended up. This setting (in which I testified
made sense of me and what they thought of
as the plaintiffs expert witness) was not an iso-
me. Later, I became more concerned about
lated instance o f the phenomenon. In various
how I and others made sense o f other people,
organizations, women who behaved like door-
and whether we were being fair. In particular,
mats apparently had a better chance o f being
I worried about whether people were putting
promoted than women who did not, so some
too much emphasis on often
combination of gender and personality was at
aspects of each other: appearance, ethnicity,
play. Clearly, personality matters a lot to men's
gender, and the like. Puzzle number four led to
success as well, but it was mattering more for
an abiding interest in social cognition.
some unarguably competent women. Probably primed to notice because of my
This chapter takes us from scattered realworld phenomena o f personal and social inter-
grandmother and great-grandmother, I could-
est to a long-term program o f research. Topics
n't figure out why organizations would shoot
will include how to generate the following: a
themselves in the foot by depriving themselves
personal perspective, compelling hypotheses,
of such considerable talent. Puzzle number two
convincing research, readable write-ups, appro-
gave rise to my research on ambivalent sexism.
priate outlets, programmatic approaches, and a
Puzzle number three came from a more
willingness to be wrong. T h e chapter will also
directly personal experience. At the time, I
address critically important sideshows to per-
out why,
as an
research: collaboration,
funding, and service. All o f this intends to sug-
head's every gesture and expression. It was a
gest that the processes o f developing a long-
hierarchical place, and the department head
term research program are knowable, and one
held a lot o f power over my fate. Outcomes
can manage one's progress toward a research
professor, I was glued to my
program by becoming and remaining aware of
research funds all depended heavily on this
choices one makes at each step—and still solve
person's opinion o f me. I wasn't the only one
some personal puzzles along the way.
such as salary, promotion,
w h o analyzed his every twitch. In a heavily vertical organization, attention seemed to be directed upward. Spurred by this observation,
reflecting back on graduate school, I recalled
a similar phenomenon among all the graduate
students, whereby we all overanalyzed our advisers' every reaction. As a professor rising
A social psychologist straddles the domain
in the field, I began to notice students w h o
between social sciences, which have clear
overreacted to my slightest irrelevant grimace
political and social implications, and most o f
or tired sigh. Later, in a more democratic,
psychology, which deals with parts o f the per-
horizontal department, I noticed much less o f
son. Social psychology, because it deals with
that vigilance. This kind o f puzzle motivated
the whole person in a social context, has
my research on outcome dependency.
implications for our own perspectives not
a Program
only as scientists and intellectuals, but also as
might argue for a hierarchy here, but to the
insightful people with group identities, poli-
extent that one can combine these levels of
tics, and even moral beliefs. Empirically exam-
insight, my experience and perception are that
ining a variety o f perspectives through social
one does better acknowledging
psychological research deepens and tests our
sources. In my view, one does not have to
all these
own perspectives. Because each o f us brings a
choose among theoretical sophistication, social
unique combination o f perspectives, each o f
problems, and everyday appeal. What's impor-
us has a particular starting point for a research
tant is keeping in mind ideas that are interesting
program. Social psychology needs a variety o f
from a big-picture perspective. (For another
perspectives to be a healthy science precisely
perspective on big-picture sources of ideas,
because it deals with people in social context.
read McGuire's [ 1 9 7 3 ] " T h e Y i n and Yang of
Competing perspectives, with solid empirical
Progress in Social Psychology: Seven K o a n . " )
evidence, will better approximate the truth. As a college senior, I recall auditing a course on gender differences and thinking that the dif-
Intellectual Sources
ferences all seemed to put women at a disad-
T h e most c o m m o n intellectual fount o f
vantage. For example, it certainly sounded
ideas is a theoretical discontent. Existing per-
better to be field independent than field depen-
spectives simply prove inadequate. Perhaps
dent (guess which gender and which race are
field dependent). Then I wondered: W h a t if
Perhaps they possess internal contradictions.
one called the variable "field sensitivity"
Perhaps they omit important aspects o f the
instead? Likewise, internal control or primary
control sounded better than succumbing to
thing, so they are untestable.
explain the
they explain every-
external control or secondary control (again,
Just as one may move forward by rejecting
with gender, ethnicity, and cultural differences
current theory, one may progress by reviving
going in one direction). But what if one called
old theories viewed through modern lenses.
it "social harmony control" instead? Clearly, I
For example, the Z a j o n c ( 1 9 9 4 ) theory o f
realized, people's values inform the research
emotions as regulating cerebral blood flow
questions they bother to ask, the methods they
came in part from an older theory proposing
use, the interpretations they make, and cer-
similar ideas, but without modern techniques
tainly what they name their variables. It
to test it. Historical revival also underlies some
seemed important, then, to have researchers
of my own w o r k on the continuum model of
with a variety o f perspectives compete in the
impressions (S. T . Fiske, Lin, 8c Neuberg,
contest of ideas. I also realized that one cannot
1 9 9 9 ; S. T . Fiske & Neuberg, 1 9 9 0 ) , which
have a credible voice without the correspond-
partly came from contrasting Solomon Asch's
ing methodological expertise. So one has to
( 1 9 4 6 ) two processes o f impression forma-
take one's puzzles
conceptualizations and operationalizations.
tion. M o r e generally, William James ( 1 8 9 0 ) and Fritz Heider ( 1 9 5 8 ) are rich sources o f ideas to be newly framed and tested afresh. A general meta-theoretical perspective can
provide ideas as well. For example, a pragmatic
approach (James's "thinking is for doing"; S. T .
Fiske, 1 9 9 3 b ) can provide hypotheses about
The sources o f one's research ideas can be intel-
testing people's reactions against the practical
lectual, personal, group, or worldview. Some
functions served. Similarly, an evolutionary
why people think, feel, or do what they do, by
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH standpoint, a cultural contrast, a consistency
for systematic analyses by theoreticians o f
theory perspective, or a
interpersonal perception processes.
assumption each can shape hypotheses. Synthesis across areas also provides a rich source o f ideas. O n e can work across similar
Group Sources
In parallel, one's perspective on the exist-
example, competing models o f impression for-
ing viewpoints m a y be informed by one's
mation or attitude change, which may turn out
social group identity. M y budding insights
to be two equally valid modes that operate
into the ways that values inform the research
under different circumstances (Chaiken and
process were fueled no doubt by the fact that
Trope, 1 9 9 9 , collected 3 5 theories that com-
most o f the researchers whose theories I stud-
bine two modes in this way). O r one can read
ied were men. W h e n I graduated from col-
or talk to other social scientists—such as polit-
lege, the editorial board o f the Journal
included 1
ical scientists, sociologists, or economists—
Personality and Social Psychology
w h o operate at a more macro level but m a y
w o m a n and 2 0 men, the reviewers for each
make assumptions about psychological pro-
issue averaged about 1 w o m a n and 2 0 men,
cesses that seem psychologically undeveloped
the senior authors averaged about 1 w o m a n
or implausible but salvageable for new theory
per issue, and the editors included
nonetheless. Some o f the most innovative work
Social psychology as a field began t o include
occurs at the boundaries between disciplines
women more rapidly than many areas o f psy-
and subdisciplines.
chology and more than many areas o f science
O n e also may develop theory by critiquing the theory o f specific other viewpoints. M o r e often than not, though, pure critique does not go far. Building hypotheses merely as a reaction to someone else's hypotheses leaves limited ground t o explore. O n e ends up by picking at the toenails o f giants. Better to
(see Berscheid, 1 9 9 2 , for a compelling discussion). M y point here is simply this well-worn one: If certain socially significant groups do not participate, then the field loses the variety of perspectives needed for a healthy set o f dialogues. An underrepresented point o f view can counter unconscious biases in prior work
stand on their shoulders.
or in the dominant approach.
Personal Sources
Worldview Sources People's explicit value systems—religious,
Intuition, hunches, and personal experience also can inform
ethical, political—can create a conviction that
People often will develop a sense that their
own experiences, or those o f people they
Whatever value-driven basis one may have
(the good Samaritan study o f Darley and
phenomenon that has been overlooked. Case
Batson, 1 9 7 3 , comes to mind), the research
studies can c o m e from real people or even
itself must be logically reasoned and method-
from literature, songs, and movies. Psychol-
ologically rigorous in order to survive the
ogical insight is many people's hobby, though
scientific review process, which looks with
k n o w well, represent a more
only well-trained methodologists k n o w how
justifiable suspicion on research with a value-
to formulate a logical series of testable pro-
based agenda. Nonetheless, if one can con-
positions from it. In Heider's ( 1 9 5 8 ) view,
ceptually articulate and operationally define
commonsense psychology was a foundation
one's predictions, a value-inspired
Developing remains a valid perspective for
a Program
See whether your idea has general appeal. T h e "cocktail party test" is whether you can
empirical tests.
explain your idea to a nonspecialist in a way that is clear, brief, and interesting. If the lis-
General Principles, Regardless of Source
tener immediately develops an urge for hors d'oeuvres, you may not have focused enough
W h e t h e r the source is intellectual, per-
on the m o s t compelling aspect o f your
sonal, group, worldview, or—most likely—a
hypotheses. Y o u r idea should
combination, several principles contribute to
enough that a neophyte can remember the
be simple
uncovering an idea. First, one must mind the
main point the morning after. One journal
gap, in any o f the preceding sources. While
editor told me that he would read manuscripts
reading, hearing, or teaching the research
in the evening and see whether he could
literature, listen to the still, small voice o f dis-
remember the main idea during his next-
comfort, disturbance, or disruption. It takes
morning jog. If so, the author had made a last-
a subtle inner ear to hear that voice, but cul-
ing impression. As J a c o b Cohen ( 1 9 9 0 ) put it,
tivate it. W h e n you do hear the voice, ponder
in promoting simplicity, "less is more."
what's wrong or missing, m a k e a note, and
W a l l o w in a reliable effect, to generate compelling hypotheses. Especially if you
then w o r k with it later. Some people keep a folder o f ideas. I f you
yourself have uncovered a reliable, original
do, you'll be surprised at h o w often the same
effect, pursue its moderators. See what other
or similar ideas occur t o you. This is your
theoretically interesting independent variables
perspective. F o l l o w it. Patterns in w h a t tends
shape it. Boundary conditions
t o annoy you will turn into a program o f
define any phenomenon. If you can make an
effect come and go at will, then you begin
research. In sorting through your ideas, pick perspec-
truly to understand it. Besides moderators,
tives that are underrepresented. A fresh idea
pursue mediators. W h a t underlying psycho-
creates an excited following. Few ideas, how-
logical mechanisms explain your effect? W h a t
ever, start a procession o f follow-up studies. If
process comes between your main indepen-
you can't lead the parade, at least anticipate
dent and dependent variables? I f your effect
the parade route and get there early to point
matters, then its moderators and mediators
the way. W a t c h smart, interesting people and
will matter t o o . Consider stereotype threat
see what they are beginning to consider, before
(Steele, Spencer, &c Aronson, 2 0 0 2 ) . T h e first
most people have noticed. Think about the
generation o f research demonstrated
implications o f their work and the probable
black people and w o m e n could underperform
directions in which it will move the field. D o n ' t
in contexts that made salient the relevant neg-
imitate those you observe, but apply their gen-
ative stereotypes about their groups, even
eral direction to your own interests.
when their performance would otherwise be
Beware, however, o f runaway
equivalent. T h e second wave o f research
ons. O n c e a trend has swelled beyond a cer-
addressed generalizability (defining modera-
tain size, you w o n ' t have that much to add to
tors and boundaries), showing that a variety
it. Avoid crowds: Y o u w o n ' t stand out, and
of groups are vulnerable to stereotype threat
your pocket is likely t o get picked. I f you
in domains where they have negative reputa-
tions: men on emotional sensitivity, lower
crowded, it is hard t o say anything new, and
classes on academic performance, whites in
it is all t o o easy t o be scooped.
sports, whites in academics relative to Asians,
in an
it b e c o m e s
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH and more. T h e second wave o f research also
If you indicate that you value colleagues'
tackled potential mediators such as anxiety,
intellect, they are more likely to value yours,
distraction, vigilance, and
assuming the dialogue is equal. If you approach
effort. Second-
generation research can create those all-impor-
a senior colleague with a draft of a research
tant publications at certain career stages, but I
design or a grant proposal, they cannot plausi-
wouldn't make a career of tweaking someone
bly claim later that it was all their idea. But it's
else's finding. When you tweak your own orig-
fine if they later say they had an influence on
inal finding, it's called programmatic research
some aspect o f it. Consider their suggestions
on a series of compelling hypotheses.
without being defensive, and use the useful
Whatever you w o r k on, follow your pas-
ones. Find a comfortable balance on the con-
sion. Enjoy it. Study what intrigues you. W h y
tinuum from being overly isolated to being col-
else put up will all the grief associated with
legial to being overly dependent. Chances are,
you'll err on the side o f being too independent, so don't be embarrassed about asking whether someone might have time to give you feedback.
Better too early than too late. Having to talk about your research also puts it into perspective. Y o u have to explain
M a n y problems in research design are most
first why you are conducting this particular
easily solved by conversation and feedback—
research, and that will keep your eye on the
early and often. All o f us think we should go it
big picture. I have noticed a pattern among
alone without help. Graduate students and
my students, especially undergraduates, over
junior faculty often think help-seeking will
the years. W h e n w e first discuss
(a) bother the busy important senior faculty or
research together, or when they describe their
(b) reflect badly on them when they are evalu-
research to someone else, they almost always
ated. Au contraire. W h e n you are evaluated,
start with the method and forget to mention
someone (preferably several someones) will
the hypothesis. This is like deciding whether
have to be your advocate(s), or else the cynical
to drive, bike, walk, or swim—before you
critics (of which academia has many) will win
k n o w where you want to go. There may be
and you will lose. T o be an advocate, the per-
times when the ride is the point, but typically
son has to k n o w your research intimately. If
not in science. Different destinations require
the person has talked with you about your for-
mative decisions, the person will be a far more
hypotheses suggest different methods. If you
credible advocate than if he or she reads your
want to go for a bike ride, with n o destination
work one night before the meeting. This does
in mind, that's fine, but don't conduct an
not require you to collaborate and coauthor
experiment just because you thought o f a
with more senior people—a little o f this is O K ,
clever procedure. Probably, if you have a
but too much leads to obvious problems in
method in mind, a hypothesis may be lurking
attributing credit. All you need to do is seek
in a mental corner somewhere. Some search-
advice sometimes. People love to give advice;
they love to feel invested in your work and
hypotheses, which then need to be specified
your career. Benjamin Franklin once said
and developed. But do wait to choose a
something to the effect o f "ask a favor, gain a
method until after the concepts are clear
friend; do a favor, lose a friend." Even older
(novices tend t o seize on a method too early).
faculty want to feel appreciated and valued.
Moving from concept to operation, from
All social psychologists know about reciprocity:
hypothesis to method, disciplines the mind.
a Program
of Research
For example, to create a working definition o f
t o choose one's battles. Sometimes, inventing
aggression for an experiment, the researcher
a new procedure is worthwhile, if that is the
must decide what kinds o f aggression count:
focus of one's contribution, but sometimes
Indirect as well as direct? Passive as well as
effort and energy must go elsewhere. M a k e a
active? Nonverbal as well as verbal? H o w does
conscious choice.
aggression differ from assertiveness? After hav-
In general, many impactful social psychol-
ing decided on a particular kind (e.g., physical
ogy experiments display drama in the depen-
violence), what levels are appropriate for the
dent variable and subtlety in the independent
hypothesis, the participants, and the setting?
variable. Small changes in the situation (such
W h a t is ethical and feasible? Will it be possible
as an experimenter merely saying "the exper-
to study people blasting another person with
iment requires that you continue") cause dra-
noise? Shocking another
matic changes in the participants' behavior
another person? Any area poses challenges o f
operationalization: Being forced to specify, for
Milgram, 1 9 6 5 ) . This advice, credited
instance, what specific activities are interesting
Stanley Schachter (L. Ross 8c Nisbett, 1 9 9 1 ) ,
else t o
death; to
or boring, what is discrimination versus preju-
fits other famous studies' seemingly trivial
dice, what is the affective versus cognitive
independent variables ( $ 1 versus $ 2 0 pay-
aspect o f an attitude, all helps one to think
ment, many or few bystanders, having retirees
more clearly about the concepts involved.
water their own houseplants or not) and dra-
Besides the conceptual discipline involved
matic dependent variables (liking a patently
in operationalization, practical discipline
boring task, rescuing an accident victim, mor-
accompanies the working definitions. M o s t
tality rates).
of the concerns are obvious: T h e procedure
Whatever your variables, multiple methods
must be feasible and plausible, in all the ways
matter. Whatever method you choose, it will
you will k n o w for your specific
have drawbacks. Only by converging opera-
Probably the most c o m m o n but not obvious
tions can researchers k n o w whether the effect
issues involve trying to do t o o much at once.
is true and not simply an artifact. T h e same
M o r e focused questions invite more careful
effect across methods is more compelling than
operationalizations, so they are more likely
the same method applied to many different
to yield results. O n e can't do everything well.
phenomena. For example, the bogus pipeline
Moreover, the first time you run a study, it
(E. E . Jones &c Sigall, 1 9 7 1 ) is one method for
may not work, so you will have t o fine-tune
at people's true racial
the method, which is more difficult with too
beyond the socially desirable response. If other
methods (subliminal priming, response times,
Simple and elegant is more effective than
nonverbal indicators) also show that people
complex and baroque. You'll just have to give
have racial prejudices that they fail to admit,
up testing some o f the side issues right away.
then the converging result, across methods, is
Because of all the uncertainties in blazing
compelling. In personality psychology, this
new trails, it can be helpful to build on estab-
idea—first expressed by Campbell and D . W .
lished paradigms that have worked in the past
Fiske ( 1 9 5 9 ) — h o l d s that a researcher more
for you, your collaborators, or others in the
reliably assesses personality traits by using
field. The method you know has certain estab-
multiple measures across multiple traits. In the
lished strengths and weaknesses. Inventing a
multitrait-multimethod matrix, one looks for
new method will almost certainly (a) take
traits that emerge reliably across methods, and
more time, (b) invite more criticism, and
one can detect methods that have their own
(c) not work out exactly as planned. O n e has
effects, regardless of particular traits. For
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH example, one might find that questionnaire
that people read like they take vitamins. Some
people will do it dutifully, but they won't ask
(acquiescence bias), whereas response time
for seconds and they won't successfully rec-
all c o n t a i n a c o m m o n
measures all contain another (age bias). F o r
ommend it to others. Presenting your work
effectively is more than mere showiness; it
methodological pluralism allows researchers
allows your ideas to communicate clearly
to triangulate on the same phenomenon from
what they can contribute.
the perspective o f different
different strengths and weaknesses.
Some great advice about writing psychology articles comes from Bern ( 2 0 0 3 )
Having collected the data, attack the analy-
Sternberg ( 1 9 9 3 ) . O n e particular highlight
ses with enthusiasm. Let your data do the talk-
includes the ideal hourglass shape o f an
ing. At the first stage, the researcher becomes a
article, starting with the broadest context;
detective, in Abelson's ( 1 9 9 5 ) terms, analyzing
becoming progressively more specific through
the data in every conceivably useful way. N o
the introduction; leading into the most con-
analysis is forbidden. Try anything, and see
crete, narrow specifics o f method and results;
then again broadening outward to the end o f
pulled, opened, shaken, and inverted the data,
the discussion, which takes the reader back to
you will see that some patterns keep appearing
the widest context.
and some seem elusive. T h e data are trying to
Considering the article's overall flow, one
tell you what the robust results really are. Trust
wants to create tension and suspense: Will the
the ones that don't disappear when the analytic
hypotheses hold up? Will the
assumptions change slightly.
interpretation win out? Where will it all end?
Having played the detective, the researcher
Suspense can be arranged by making a plausi-
moves to the next role, as a lawyer advocat-
ble case for the competing alternative to your
ing a particular interpretation o f the evidence.
favored hypothesis. Otherwise, with hindsight
T h e lawyer must play according to certain
bias (Fischhoff, 1 9 7 5 ) , your hypothesis and
procedural rules, agreed-upon methods, sta-
results will seem all too obvious to the reader,
tistical techniques, and ethical obligations.
w h o will fail to be impressed.
Nevertheless, having a certain perspective to
The single most important principle o f
argue, one tries to make the best scientific
writing anything is to make an argument for
case, within the rules. T o keep you honest, the
something. T h e argument in this chapter was
judge and jury are editors and reviewers, as
stated at the outset: T h e processes of develop-
well as other readers.
ing a long-term research program are knowable, and one can manage one's progress toward a research program by becoming and
remaining aware o f choices one makes at each
step—and enjoy it. In any kind o f writing,
Readers are busy, distracted people: W h y
make, but play by the rules. People forget this
always make an argument and have a point to should they bother with your article? T o para-
basic premise with surprising predictability.
phrase Dahl ( 1 9 6 1 ) , science is a sideshow in
W h a t do you want to say? W h a t is the take-
the great circus o f life. People read your arti-
home message? W h e n my students (both grad-
cles because they thereby acquire nuggets o f
uate and undergraduate) read research articles
knowledge, insight, entertainment, ideas, and
for class, I always insist that they tell me what
clues. T o assume that people will read your
the author(s) were trying to do. It is surpris-
work because it is good for them is to assume
ingly hard to find the hypothesis in many
a Program
of Research
research articles and harder still to find the
your work after a break. Both lend an outside
argument in a review article. Having collected
perspective t o the too-familiar prose. Better
all that data and read all those articles, what
still, find an honest friend and heed the per-
did you learn and what do you want to tell us?
son's advice. However annoying, the reader is
A well-written article o f any sort has a thesis.
always right (or at least diagnostic). T h a t is, if
It does not read like a string o f note cards
one reader has a problem, others will too. It
joined as a string o f paragraphs. Instead, use
is better to hear the bad news from a friend,
specific aspects o f specific studies to support
w h o may save you a round o f rejection and
each point.
T o make a strong empirical article, which is a data-based argument, go with the strongest studies. M o s t researchers are
having gone to enormous trouble to run each study, having tended it through conception,
Assess the market value o f your research. It
realization, and analysis—to include every last
almost all hinges on the quality o f your data,
one, with every last measure that might be
n o matter h o w elegant your theory. Y o u may
relevant. Unfortunately, several weak studies
have a hypothesis that deserves to be true,
do not equal one strong study. Readers do not
but reviewers are trained to attack at the sign
sum the quality o f evidence over studies; they
of any weakness, and editors go with the
average it, so weak data dilute strong data.
most negative review (Fogg & Fiske, 1 9 9 3 ) .
Try not to become so attached to each study
Be ruthless with the quality o f your evidence;
that you cannot evaluate it with a cold, hard
don't waste your time and reviewers' time
eye, and k n o w when it is time to leave it aside.
with outlets that simply w o n ' t w o r k . If you
M o r e generally, admit your limits. K n o w
are t o o close to your product to judge it
the strengths o f your data (that part is easy),
yourself, ask some colleagues. It is better to
but also anticipate the reviewers' criticisms,
hear bad news from allies than critics.
however unreasonable. T h e n , explain their
Develop a thick skin: The criticisms are not
possible criticism ("A critic might argue . . . " )
directed at you personally, no matter how
and show why it is wrong or at least not
nasty they may seem. It's not you; it's this par-
deadly. Readers are more impressed when
ticular version o f this particular set o f studies.
authors do not oversell their work. M a n y
O f all the people I've known well enough to
reviewers are impressed when they can say,
trade rejection stories, practically none receives
"Every time I thought o f a flaw or potential
an immediate acceptance for any study, no
problem, the authors addressed it on the
matter how brilliant. (This says nothing about
next page."
my choice of friends!) M o s t o f us make person-
Finally, do pay attention to the basic rules
specific attributions for our rejections: This
of good writing. Learning to write is a lifelong
editor or suspected reviewer hates me, I am a
project. Y o u can get a leg up from Strunk and
foreigner, I am unknown, I am too famous, my
White's slim classic, The Elements
ideas are too mainstream, my ideas are too
( 2 0 0 0 , currently priced at about $ 6 . 9 5 ) . T h e
new. T h e more parsimonious explanation is
most c o m m o n problems in writing psychol-
the 9 0 % rejection rate for the best journals.
ogy are passive voice and needless words.
Rejection is part of the ritual, so get used to it.
Learn to excise the fat, leaving only the lean,
M o s t o f us cope by going through stages of
muscular, healthy prose. If this proves diffi-
grief: first shock, then anger at the stupid
cult, try editing on paper as well as on the
*#@& %
computer screen, and try coming back to
I should sell shoes), then
reviewers, then sadness
(after a decent
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH interval) the gradual realization that maybe the
and people often acquire them unconsciously
reviewers made a few reasonable points. As
from others, or perhaps because those ideas
one considers how to address their criticisms,
are the next plausible step in the progress of
one begins to feel relieved that they didn't
science. W h a t you do own is your work on the idea, developing it and operationalizing it.
accept the article with all its glaring flaws. If your article is rejected, heed your own
N o two people work in precisely the same
clarion call for more research: Consider doing
way, so you should have some new angle to
it. Alternatively, you may decide that you are
contribute. Besides, any one study is only one
willing to settle for a lesser outlet. There is
small part o f a research program. Keep your
almost always a trade-off between time and
eye on the big picture.
quality; it takes longer to get into the best journals. O n e professor publishes only in the best journals, jettisoning studies and doing new
ones until the reviewers cave in. This may be
hard on graduate students and junior faculty, however, w h o may not get publications in
T h e research program itself should be your
time to find or keep a j o b . Another equally
passion, so do not allow a few rejections to
successful professor used to have the envelope
set you back t o o far. Follow whatever inter-
ready for the next journal even before receiv-
ests you the most; this enterprise is t o o much
ing feedback from
w o r k to tolerate anything less. Caring about
grounds that reviews are arbitrary and non-
what you do will carry you over the bumps
overlapping, so revision to suit one bunch o f
in the road. If you don't k n o w for sure what
reviewers is futile. I take a slightly different
you want to pursue, you can discover your
tack, having
the first one, on
o w n preferences as revealed by the patterns
reviewers with differing expertise (D. W . Fiske
of your chosen research problems. It w o n ' t
& Fogg, 1 9 9 0 ) , so o f course they don't agree;
take you long to discover the pattern, and
they are evaluating the article on
then you can build on it.
dimensions. S o , one can learn
different from
Above all, as mentioned earlier, treasure a
reviews, and can collect new data or not, but
reliable effect when you find it. Domesticate it
the ultimate decision rests on the timing/qual-
by trying it in different theoretically interest-
ity trade-off, which may depend on the stage
ing contexts and variations. T e a c h it new
of your career (how important is it to get stuff
tricks by making it c o m e and go at will. If you
o f your
can make an effect appear and disappear, as
research topic (which also may determine how
noted, then you really understand it. In effect,
important it is to get stuff out quickly).
knowing the moderator variables explains
quickly) and
the trendiness
If you are scooped, don't panic. Chances
much about the effect. Also, learn
are, the other person did the research differ-
inside it: W h a t are the mediating variables
ently than you did. Being scooped is annoying
that link the primary cause to the primary
at best and deeply wounding at worst (though
Having played awhile with your treasured
relieved not to have to complete a study when
effect, don't fully housebreak it. Let it outside,
someone else does it first). Especially at the
for others to take for a walk. If you clean up
start o f one's career, when one has not yet
all the mess from your effect, no one else will
I k n o w one professor w h o claims to
had many ideas, each idea is even more pre-
be interested. Let other people do something
cious. Nevertheless, people do not really own
with it—unless, o f course, you are utterly
ideas; they own the work. Ideas are in the air,
driven to know every last detail of its nature.
Developing Some researchers believe in letting others
a Program
Research evaluators
housebreak their discoveries, whereas other
discount chapters in edited volumes. It can be
researchers are more possessive. In general,
good to do one or two as a graduate student, if
what B o b Abelson calls the "neats" like to
your adviser asks you to collaborate, because
clean up every detail, whereas the "scruffies"
the writing and literature review experience
like to propose an idea and let others clean up.
can be useful. But if you are going to do all that
Researchers w h o belong to the neats and
work, why not do it for a review journal? If
the scruffies differ also in their willingness t o
you are going to do all that work, why be sec-
be wrong. Scruffies generally believe it is
ond author? Within the bounds o f maintaining
better t o be wrong than boring, t o flame out
a good relationship with your adviser, discuss
in a burst o f fireworks, pick up, and start
the issues o f costs and benefits for you to do a
over after making a great but
chapter together. For junior faculty, there are
show. Neats generally believe it is better to
likely to be fewer invitations, either from edi-
be careful and cautious, building an argu-
tors or from more senior collaborators, but
ment brick by brick. B o t h perspectives have
that is probably just as well. For graduate
some merit, and each o f us has t o calibrate
students, chapters may be evidence o f some
our own willingness to be wrong. Research
form o f low-level activity, but for junior
requires taking some risks, trying on new
faculty, that isn't much help. L o o k up the cita-
ideas to see h o w they fit, and being willing to
tion rates for someone's chapters, compared to
discard them if they don't, but high-risk,
articles. The chapters are low, low, low.
high-gain research can leave you with nothing at the end o f the day. Balance is key.
So why do chapters at all? First, for fun. If you have something you want to say, and you
Besides individual differences in the willing-
don't want to have to deal with reviewers
ness to be wrong or to take risks, one's situation
(only the editors w h o invited you, probably
matters, of course. It is easier to take risks after
for the perspective they k n o w you have), a
achieving tenure; that's the whole point of life-
chapter is a good outlet. Second, for prestige.
long job security. It is easier to take risks with
Some very few volumes, o f course, carry a lot
one's left hand if one is already maintaining a
of prestige, and you will k n o w which ones
more reliable research program with one's right
and presumably
hand. It is easier to take risks if you have some
Third, for a particular audience w h o may not
accept those
solid publications already. Staking the initial
otherwise see your w o r k . Fourth, for a litera-
stages o f your career on one high-risk, high-
ture review you have written for another pur-
gain project probably is not a good idea.
pose. O n e o f my more cited chapters was
Evaluators do look for both quantity and
prepared originally as a grant proposal. It is
quality. T h a t is the hard truth. M o s t depart-
the rare edited b o o k , however, that has much
ments want t o k n o w what your own partic-
impact, and likewise the chapters therein.
ular phenomenon is. I was once told to find
Chapter invitations are gratifying, as a
a "Fiske effect." But most departments also
sign to you and your evaluators that you've
had an impact on the field in a particular
number o f publications per year (I've heard
area. T h e key is weighing the opportunity to
implicit e x p e c t a t i o n
the number two, in one o f the top few jour-
be associated with a particular collection o f
nals, but it varies a lot). T h e trick is to try t o
editors and authors, t o be able t o speculate
keep projects in the pipeline—some things at
and go beyond the data, to m a k e a contro-
the planning stage, others piloting, others
versial argument, and t o support the editors'
running, other analyzing, others (one hopes)
enterprise, on one hand, with the oppor-
writing, and others under review.
tunity costs, on the other hand, such as
time that
be spent
articles and grants.
assumptions that they do not test; political psychology and behavioral economics come
W h e n in doubt, concentrate on research
out of such collaborations. Some o f the latest
articles. I f you do chapters, do them as a sec-
work in cognitive neuroscience has discovered
ond priority, not a first priority. Save your
that it needs social psychologists to help inter-
best hours in the day for research writing.
pret the pesky intrusiveness of emotion and
other social variables. Social psychologists
weekends or during the evenings, when they
Some people write chapters at h o m e
need neuroscientists, physicists, and statisti-
have nothing more pressing to do. But if you
cians to do social neuroscience. Health psy-
put your name on it, you still have t o do a
chologists need collaborators with
good j o b . It should not be t o o far afield from
expertise. Psychologists and
your research program,
much to share. M a n y funding agencies are par-
so you
something intelligent to say, without under-
ticularly excited by interdisciplinary collabora-
taking a whole new line o f inquiry, and then
tions. Cross-boundary collaborations glue our
other people can see why you
field together at a time when it is threatening to
Otherwise and overall, all else being equal,
fly apart into tiny specialized pieces. Building
stick with the journal articles.
is useful
together. Cross-boundary collaboration also carries COLLABORATION: BESIDE
some risks, as I've recently suggested (S. T .
Fiske, 2 0 0 2 ) : T h e more micro
sciences l o o k down on the more ("softer")
sciences; b o t h
("harder") macro
may resent
In each arena—coming up with ideas, forming
intrusion or defection; neither side owes alle-
hypotheses, designing research, analyzing it,
giance t o you, so resources, alliances, and
writing it, dealing with rejection, and doing
identity may be at risk; and lack o f expertise
programmatic research—good collaborators
is a real issue. O n the other hand, collabora-
are priceless. In finding collaborators, as in
tion cures many o f these problems, and some
of the most creative w o r k emerges from this
serendipity but be choosy. Each of us has
kind o f project.
research interests and talents that form a tem-
Once you have agreed to collaborate, inter-
plate; this template can mesh with a variety o f
dependence can work marvels if each of you
other templates, but not all. T h e point is that
contributes in areas where the other one is
no one adviser or collaborator is the be-all and
learning. Managing the collaboration requires
end-all. Y o u can work happily with various
deliberate attention. Sometimes it is important
people. Y o u r template is at the ready; various
to have authorship discussions up front, to
prospects can fit. So choose what works, but
avoid later misunderstandings. Having the idea
don't agonize over the perfect match.
is not enough to merit first authorship. As with
Interdisciplinary collaborations in particu-
strangers in the field, so too with collaborators.
lar matter right now, given both the complex-
N o one can really own the free-floating idea;
ity of some paradigms and the potential for
only the work establishes ownership. Some
creativity at the boundaries of disciplines (see
researchers refrain from discussing their ideas
Cacioppo, Lorig, Nusbaum,
and Berntson,
with anyone except a collaborator, to avoid
Chapter 17, this volume, and Part V of this
being scooped. But even with a collaborator,
handbook). As noted, some o f the more macro
the ideas are likely to develop in ways that are
social sciences make strong psychological
difficult to track, so explicit discussions are key.
a Program
of Research
In discussing the w o r k that does establish
the students had not called whom they said
ownership, people typically award authorship
they had called; they simply spoke to the first
to the person w h o did more work. But
person available. This was a failure o f teaching
beware the self-serving bias here: Y o u r col-
and motivating on my part, as well as irre-
l a b o r a t o r s ) probably did more than
sponsibility on the R A s ' part. H a d they under-
think. Add together each person's estimate o f
stood the importance o f random sampling, one
his or her own contribution, and the total
hopes they would not have cut corners.
will be more than 1 0 0 % ( M . Ross & Sicoly, 1 9 7 9 ) . Even if you agree that one person did more, you each are likely to underestimate the
other(s). Respect for the self-serving bias sug-
gests giving the other person benefit o f the doubt. Include research assistants, staff, and
younger collaborators as coauthors, when-
indeed is a form o f collaboration. But o f
ever possible and appropriate. T h a t is, people
course it is more, because one person clearly
the research perspective,
deserve authorship for scholarly input, but
has more knowledge and authority, not to
they do not deserve authorship just for run-
mention power to evaluate, than the other.
ning participants for pay or providing techni-
Some departments recognize the teaching that
cal assistance. It is better to be direct, honest,
goes on in one-to-one supervision and lab
and blunt than to be perceived as exploitative,
meetings. M o s t departments do not, perhaps
unethical, or unfair. Although I usually err on
because they view research and teaching as
the side of inclusiveness, each new coauthor
dilutes the perceived impact o f the
are they?
authors. In general, communicate, communi-
research and teaching should be negatively
cate. (See Fine and Kurdek, 1 9 9 3 , for some
correlated, based on scarcity o f time and
energy, differing personality
authorship, and Z a n n a , 2 0 0 3 , on mentoring
and divergent rewards. O n e could also argue
graduate students.)
that the relationship should be positive, based
Responsibility for other people's training
on conventional wisdom
and the
suggests letting go of some control, letting the
requirement for intelligence. One could even
less experienced people try their hand at the
argue that the relationship should be zero,
next step for which they might be ready. Even
because they are different enterprises and the
if you could do the work more efficiently your-
relevant personality dimensions are unrelated.
self, you are responsible for training those w h o
Meta-analysis shows that the overall effect is
work with you. T h e care and feeding o f junior
ever so slightly positive, if anything, but it
collaborators entails not exploiting them or
depends heavily on the evaluative dimension
taking them for granted, but making
(Feldman, 1 9 8 7 ; Hattie &
research experience at whatever level a learn-
Active researchers rate high on knowledge,
ing experience in the conduct o f science. Both
commitment, enthusiasm, and organization.
good teaching and research quality control
Research conveys little or no advantage in
close supervision.
abound. I once told undergraduate research
course. Contrary to popular
assistants to follow a particular telephone sam-
teaching and research quality are correlated
pling procedure to obtain a stratified random
somewhat more at liberal arts colleges than at
sample. W h e n I called the participants later,
universities, perhaps because the variance on
for an unexpected follow-up, I discovered that
research productivity is greater. The small
positive relationship holds especially in the
undergraduate, it never occurred to me that
social sciences, compared t o natural sciences
faculty would want to w o r k with me because
and humanities. Across moderators of the
I k n e w I didn't k n o w anything. O n e o f my
effect size, the relationship is always slightly
r o o m m a t e s pointed out that I would be free
positive, though
labor, which motivated me to go volunteer to
enough, time spent on teaching does not
w o r k on a faculty member's research. M a n y
correlate with teaching quality.) T h e relevant
a research career has started that way. As a
typically small.
point here is that time spent on research does
not undermine quality o f teaching, but it does
choosy about your individual students. If you
predict articles published. Log those research
c a n , find people w h o will w o r k o n projects
or graduate student, be
hours, even when you are busy teaching. Set
of mutual interest. Point out that they will
aside time for course prep, meetings with
get more enthusiastic and expert help if it's a
students, and research. Protect each o f those
topic you're pursuing yourself. (Specific tips
spots on your schedule, to keep control o f
on h o w to teach lie outside the scope o f the
your time.
current volume, but see Bernstein, 2 0 0 3 . )
Given that our jobs entail both teaching and research, and that the two are at best loosely coupled, how can we help teaching improve
F U N D I N G : AHA! PLUS . . .
Teaching upper-level courses provides a built-
Funding your students—especially graduate
students—lies in both your and their best
incentive to
interest, because if they are funded, they are
Everyone knows that teaching a seminar in
less distracted from research by having to
your specially is a plum assignment, but even
lower-level survey courses c a n provide oppor-
Fundable research ideas occur in all the ways
students are graduates
in o t h e r
less useful
tunities to scan the literature for readable arti-
indicated for any piece o f research. T h e dif-
cles and
ference is that you have to plan it all in
lecture. Having to become expert on the topic
advance. In fact, even if you d o n ' t get funded
up-to-date e x a m p l e s
and explain it to students can provide insights
into unanswered
research program is not a bad idea. In the
research questions. Also,
a w a y , having
t o plan
some courses have a research component.
stress and overload o f the semester, when a
O n e professor has students with
new student is ready to w o r k with you, you
accents collect local housing discrimination
can pull one o f your proposed studies off the
data by making phone inquiries about rental
shelf (or at least out o f the proposal) and
listings and coding the agency's responsive-
develop it together. At least you will k n o w
ness (i.e., whether
that it fits well with your research program.
they even call
Another professor has students collect ques-
research, in my experience,
tionnaire data from family members and ana-
requires an interesting idea and proof o f feasi-
lyzes the data for class. Thinking about your
bility. T h e interesting idea maybe highly inno-
own research goals can enrich your teaching,
vative, or it may be the next logical step o f an
and vice versa.
old idea. Whichever it is, the good idea is eval-
In survey courses, keep an eye out for the
uated the way any o f our research ideas are
best, most enthusiastic students. Let them
evaluated for publication; all the same criteria
k n o w that they can do research with faculty,
apply. Perhaps with funding more than other
as an independent
research assis-
enterprises, the fine line between a great new
tantship, or senior thesis. W h e n I was an
idea and credibility established by a track
Developing record is particularly delicate. Some proposals
a Program
of Research
sometimes fail to get their own research done
because they do more than their share: being
claim is nothing new. Others are rejected for
everyone else's favorite statistical consultant,
get rejected for promising what
being so new that they are completely untried.
advising all the minority students, advising all
The best combination is a fresh new idea, con-
the women, advising all the athletes, or run-
vincing pilot data, and systematic develop-
ning the best meetings. Nevertheless, building
ment o f the approach over a series o f studies.
your program builds your home away from
Methods and statistics have to be credible, so
home where you spend all your days (and
one must prove one's expertise by compul-
some o f your evenings). If you want it to be a
sively specifying all the tiresome details in
place you enjoy, you have to contribute what-
advance. (For more thoughts on grant writing,
ever you do best.
see Steinberg, 2 0 0 3 ; Sternberg, 2 0 0 3 . )
In your department, also do your share,
All the advice about rejection by journals
but no more, unless you are building an
applies here as well. T h e difference is that you
administrative vita. Notice what other people
often get to try again (at least a couple o f
at your level do, and strive for equity. I f you
times) with the same funding agency and
do less, people will resent you. If you do
therefore the same reviewers. In the words o f
more, people may be grateful, but you w o n ' t
the / Ching, perseverance furthers. At a mini-
get your own research done, and they won't,
mum, the reviewers build some cognitive dis-
ultimately, promote you out o f gratitude.
sonance if they initially said the basic idea
In your university, o f course, you can also
was worthy, and then you keep doing every
build an administrative vita, if that is your
revision they ask. T h e y can still reject your
career trajectory, but m a k e it a deliberate
proposal, but at least it requires more mental
choice, not an accident. Active researchers
gymnastics than if you are less responsive to
can do well by doing good: Offer your partic-
their feedback. It is important to remember
ular forms o f expertise above all. (Let the less
that the reviewers are people like us, only they
productive people offer the general adminis-
are doing their bit for the field by plowing
trative labor that runs the university.) Y o u r
particular expertise can serve for its intrinsic
people's grant
W h i c h brings us t o . . .
usefulness. F o r example, social psychologists k n o w a lot about affiliation, which is useful for student retention; about identity, which is useful for student affairs and housing; about
diversity, which is useful on a multicultural Some wise colleagues pointed out that service
campus; about persuasion, which is useful in
is the least useful tool for acquiring tenure
marketing the university; and so on. In addi-
(Roediger, 2 0 0 3 ; Taylor, 2 0 0 3 ) . Nevertheless,
tion, social psychologists are trained to ana-
tenure, promotion, and collegiality require
lyze a social situation for the variables that
that each person carries some of the shared
matter, t o measure them, and t o interpret
load. Generosity presumably is owed from the
data. F e w other specialties prove as useful in
inside out, in concentric circles.
academic management. T h e other benefits to
In your own program, service helps to
offering your expertise to the
besides being the right thing to do, are that it
leagues' lives. It is to everyone's advantage to
earns you respect among your colleagues and
be part o f a lively, active program, which
gives you ideas for research.
build team spirit and facilitate your
requires some effort on behalf o f the group. Be generous, but don't be a chump. People
Service to our national organizations keeps psychology
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH reviewing is the most obvious, c o m m o n form
psychological science from
of service. D o your share: Y o u will learn a lot
crazies, w h o wield considerable power and
about current work in the field by people
influence. T h e y must not be the only voices
most relevant to your own areas o f expertise.
telling Americans about psychology. Ditto
Y o u ' l l learn a lot about what it takes to get
granting interviews to the media.
published or funded. You'll keep the enter-
Service to the larger community is a matter
prise going. Y o u ' d be surprised at h o w con-
of conscience. M a n y o f us have active social
troversial peer review can be, outside modern
consciences. Our field is biased to select ideal-
scientific circles. It's a privilege for us to mon-
ists because we believe the interesting variance
itor ourselves, to uphold scientific standards,
lies in the situation. T h e situation is more
and to teach each other. O n e professor called
than variance that
allegedly lies
it on-the-job
wholly within the individual
(e.g., narrow
reviews, write about the manuscript or the
interpretations o f genetics, personality, prior
proposal, not the researcher as a person. Be
development). If you believe that the situation
direct but sensitive to the other person's feel-
influences people, then the answer to social
ings. D o n ' t use reviews to show how smart
problems lies in public policy that changes the
you are, at the other person's expense. D o use
situation. This is a liberal bias. (If you believe
reviews as a teachable moment. For grant
that the interesting variance lies within individ-
reviews, especially, be sure to mention the
uals, then public policy that changes the situa-
strengths o f the proposal. Social psychologists
tion is fruitless; it would be better to minimize
have a reputation for killing each other off,
interventions because people are responsible
leaving no one alive to be funded. Offer some
for their own outcomes. This is a conservative
praise, in case this imperfect proposal is nev-
bias.) Social psychologists tend to favor social
ertheless one o f the better ones and the pro-
change; the largest constituency of the Society
gram officer wants to fund it. Whether you
of the Psychological Study o f Social Issues is
do journal and proposal reviewing at h o m e or
social psychologists. T h e practical use of good
as part o f a review panel that requires travel
theories (Lewin, 1 9 4 3 ) dates back to the
may depend in part on your family situation
origins o f our field, for good reason.
or career stage. Weigh all the factors, but do your share somehow, sometime.
Ethnic minorities and women tend to feel some obligation to give back to their own
T h e mid-range organizations (Society for
communities and to help vulnerable in-group
Personality and Social Psychology, Society o f
members navigate the academic system. (For
Experimental Social Psychology) help all o f us
more on being an academic from one o f
by running journals and conferences. Typical
these groups, see J . M . Jones [ 2 0 0 3 ] and Park
stints on these committees are short, perhaps 3
[2003].) People from underrepresented groups
years, and you're off. If asked, you should do
also get asked to serve on committees precisely
it once in your career. T h e largest psychol-
so that their group is represented. This combi-
ogical organizations cal
(American Psychologi-
Association, American
nation o f factors can increase demands for ser-
vice. In addition are all the informal networks
Society) help all of us by lobbying Congress
that increase advising demands. Especially if
for research funding. N o one else can do it as
you are yourself from an
effectively as they can, and two organizations
group, keep an eye on people at comparable
are better than one. Consider your dues to be
rank. If you are doing a lot more, go to your
chair and discuss the issue. If the person won't
which is expensive but vital. Consider any
help you cut back, do it yourself by saying no
national service to be your bit in protecting
to additional commitments. If you sink under
your contribution
to the lobbying
a Program
an untenable load o f service, you are doing no
control resources. People higher up are less
one any long-run favors.
outcome-dependent on those lower down, so
they are free to attend less carefully. Hence,
remember that service is not portable. Research
they are vulnerable
is portable from job to j o b , and research repu-
(S. T . Fiske, 1 9 9 3 a , 2 0 0 0 ; Goodwin, Gubin,
tations are the ticket to the next job. Teaching
Fiske, & Yzerbyt, 2 0 0 0 ) . M e n and women have
is somewhat portable—the class you prep one
particular kinds of power relations, as well as
place may serve in another place. Service, how-
interdependence, which results in sexism having
ever, is not especially portable, again unless
more than one dimension, sexist male benevo-
you want to build an administrative career.
lence directed toward cooperative female subor-
Although service may earn you local gratitude
dinates, and sexist male hostility directed
and help you to network in the field, you can't
toward competitive female peers and superiors
live on gratitude, so keep a balance.
superiors (both measured by the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory or ASI) (Glick & Fiske, 1 9 9 6 , 2 0 0 1 ) . Social structure shapes reactions to a variety of out-groups, depending on perceived
status and competition, with predictable effects
on perceived traits and emotional prejudices a
(S. T . Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & X u , 2 0 0 2 ) . I give
research program is a bit mad. I have argued
these examples in an effort both to illustrate my
here that the processes o f developing
own social issues perspective and to illustrate
research career are knowable, manageable,
how different lines o f work end up connecting.
generic advice about building
and even fun. In doing this, I have drawn on
do all these personal-intellectual-
my own experience, observations made, and
social research puzzles become programmatic?
advice received. I have definitely drawn from
Some o f the links among these lines o f research
one particular perspective, and others will
are deliberate, such as Peter Glick and me
disagree. (For another perspective on begin-
thinking hard about the nature o f male-female
ning a p r o g r a m
o f research, see Z a c k s
interdependence and power relations, partly as
[ 2 0 0 3 ] ; for several wise perspectives on being
a result o f the prior work on outcome depen-
an academic, see the collection o f chapters in
dency. Some of the links are serendipitous,
Darley, Z a n n a , and Roediger [ 2 0 0 3 ] . )
such as being convinced that
Research careers are highly idiosyncratic,
include more texture than simple antipathy,
and none is a universal example. As noted at
and consequently thinking about envious prej-
the outset, my own research interests admit-
udice against groups all over the world who
tedly derive from a social issues perspective:
immigrate as entrepreneurs (Jews in Europe,
experiences with neighborhood diversity, job-
Indians in East Africa, Chinese in Indonesia,
related sexism, organizational dynamics, and
Koreans in Los Angeles), as well as paternalis-
sheer wonder. M y theoretical approaches have
tic prejudice toward traditional women and
tended to emphasize the importance of social
people with disabilities; only later did we make
structure in understanding these phenomena.
the link to subtypes o f women and the fit to the
Whether people stereotype or individuate each
ASI. Some o f the links are accident, pure and
other depends on situation-driven interaction
simple: M y adviser in graduate school studied
goals (S. T . Fiske, Lin, etal., 1 9 9 9 ; S. T . Fiske
attention in social situations (Taylor & Fiske,
& Neuberg, 1 9 9 0 ) . Attention focuses up the
1 9 7 5 ) , so I became interested in that as a
power hierarchy in organizations
dependent variable. Probably an undergradu-
ate degree in interdisciplinary social relations
FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH set the stage for these intellectual interests.
doing what you love to do figures prominently
People not only are shaped by their environ-
on the agenda. One of the joys and challenges
ments but also choose them. And this is only
of being an academic is that you do set your
one person's story. It is O K to have multiple
own research agenda, largely planning your
passions, to enter new areas, and to learn
own use o f time and energy. Y o u can control
throughout one's career as one moves through
your time and your research life, to some
different environments and areas o f concern.
extent, so managing your research career can
Seemingly separate lines o f work are likely to
be deliberate to some extent. At a minimum,
intersect over the course o f one's career.
being aware o f some o f the processes in devel-
Whatever trajectory you create in building, maintaining, or refreshing a research program,
oping a research program makes you more aware o f the choices.
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Part III DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Section A Implications of a Heterogeneous Population: Deciding for Whom to Test the Research Question(s), Why, and How
Culturally Sensitive Research Questions and Methods in Social Psychology JOAN G . MILLER New School
ocial psychology is distinguished by its
attention to the power of the situation
resulting in a need to take culture into account
and to the dynamics o f social groups. It
also is highly sensitive to the active role of the
in all research designs, even in work conducted with single populations.
sense o f experience.
There are many answers to the question of
However, even with this sensitivity to context
why cultural considerations must be consid-
and to processes o f individual construal and
ered in social psychological research. It is per-
meaning making, the field gives little weight to
haps most commonly recognized that we need
observer in making
culture in its theories and methods. T h e present
to attend to culture for methodological
chapter offers methodological strategies for
It is critical to take into account cul-
enhancing the cultural sensitivity o f social psy-
turally related differences in individuals' back-
chology, strategies that are critical in increasing
ground, knowledge, experiences, or outlooks
the field's theoretical power and explanatory
that may differentially affect their understand-
breadth, as well as its applied relevance. While
ings o f methodological procedures and lead to
involving design decisions, entailing such issues
such procedures not having equivalent mean-
as sampling, choice o f procedure, and interpre-
ing for different subgroups. Thus, for example,
tation of findings, the strategies also involve
populations that are unfamiliar with certain
research stimuli may perform poorly on some
conceptual issues, with
strategies for
enhancing the cultural sensitivity o f research
of the standard items included on intelligence
methods in social psychology depending on
tests (Laboratory o f Comparative
understanding the theoretical role o f culture in
Cognition, 1 9 8 3 ) . Likewise, even such mun-
informing the field's core conceptual notions.
dane methodological strategies as tapping
It must
background information at the start of a ques-
be recognized that psychological
experience always occurs in and is, in part,
tionnaire can have detrimental
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS performance for certain subgroups, as research
Bromley, 1 9 7 3 ) , a trend not only believed to
on stereotype threat has documented (Steele &
be universal but also assumed to result from developmental changes in young children's
Aronson, 1 9 9 5 ) . A second motive for attending to cultural
cognitive facilities in abstraction and in the
This type
range of their experiences. M y research docu-
of effort is guided by concerns with assessing
mented that Hindu Indians do not display the
the assumed universality o f existing psycho-
issues is for theory-testing purposes.
logical theories through sampling culturally
observed among U.S. respondents. Rather,
diverse populations, as well as with identifying
they show an age increase in their emphasis on
mediating or moderating variables that affect
contextual factors—an age effect notably not
the manifestation o f particular psychological
observed among U.S. children. This work was
effects. An example o f this type o f approach
important in offering a new explanation of the
may be seen in comparative research that has
processes underlying developmental change in
tested the universality o f Baumrind's highly
social attribution. It became clear that previ-
influential model o f parenting, a framework
ous cognitive and experiential interpretations
that was developed initially based on data
of age changes were incomplete and that it
from middle-class samples (Baumrind, 1 9 9 6 ) .
was critical to recognize that enculturation
This research has uncovered the important
processes contribute to such age changes. It
also became clear that the direction o f devel-
practices that had been found to have negative
opmental change in social attribution is cul-
effects in middle-class environments tend to
turally variable rather
have positive effects in the context o f danger-
previously assumed.
ous and
than universal,
In sum, taking cultural considerations into
which they are associated with the provision
account in social psychological research is
of higher levels o f support and supervision
needed not only for the methodological reasons
(Baldwin, Baldwin, & Cole, 1 9 9 0 ) .
of ensuring the validity o f assessment tech-
Notably, culturally based research is also
niques but also for the theoretical reasons of
testing the universality of psychological theories
with this aim central to the newly
and of formulating new conceptual models.
reemerging perspective of cultural psychology
Extending beyond merely an understanding o f
(e.g., Fiske, Kitayama, M a r k u s , & Nisbett,
diversity in psychological functioning,
1 9 9 8 ; Markus, Kitayama, & Heiman, 1 9 9 6 ;
attention can provide new process understand-
Miller, 1 9 9 7 , 1 9 9 9 ; Shweder, 1 9 9 0 ) . This type
ings o f the psychological functioning of widely
of approach is concerned not merely with
studied Western populations.
increasingly guided by theory goals,
uncovering diversity in modes o f psychological functioning but also with identifying the previously unrecognized cultural dependence
of existing psychological theories. It was this
type o f agenda, for example, that motivated my early cross-cultural developmental investi-
Although recent years have seen a renewed
gation contrasting the everyday social expla-
interest in cultural issues in social psychology,
nations o f samples of Euro-American and
such considerations nonetheless remain in a
Hindu Indian adults and children
position in the field. Whereas
1 9 8 4 ) . Previous developmental research had
increasing efforts are being made to sample
documented an age increase in dispositional
culturally diverse subgroups, most contempo-
inference (Damon & Hart, 1 9 8 2 ; Livesley &c
rary social psychological research centers on
Culturally Sensitive Research
the predominantly middle-class Euro-American
1963) or in the prison simulation study of
college populations that historically have con-
Zimbardo and his colleagues (Haney, Banks
stituted the prototypic population for social
8c Zimbardo, 1973). In another example, this
psychological inquiry. Within the major text-
type o f insight also informs contemporary
books and substantive handbooks in the field,
research on priming and on the mere exposure
basic theory tends to be presented in universal
effect, work that is documenting the power o f
terms. Thus, in some illustrative examples,
situations to influence behavior in ways that
recent major handbooks of social psychology
are outside individuals' conscious awareness
include only a single chapter devoted to cultural
(e.g., Bargh, 1996; Bornstein, Kale, 8c Cornell,
psychology, with the indexes revealing rela-
1990). As approached within this dominant
tively few references to culture in the other
perspective, the situation is treated as present-
chapters in the volumes (e.g., Gilbert, Fiske, 8c
ing a veridical structure that can be known
1998; Higgins & Kruglanski, 1996).
through inductive or deductive information
T o give increasing weight t o sociocultural
processing. N o consideration is given to cul-
considerations in social psychology, it is criti-
ture as necessarily implicated in the definition
cal t o understand the reasons why culture
of the situation or to cultural presuppositions
tends to be downplayed in the field. It is these
as constituting prerequisites o f what is consid-
ered objective knowledge. It is assumed that
through gaining a greater understanding o f
variability in judgment arises from differences
the nature o f cultural processes and their role
in the information available to individuals or
in psychological p h e n o m e n a
from differences in their informative process-
types o f concerns that can be
as well
through the adoption o f m o r e culturally sen-
ing, resulting in certain judgments being more
sitive methodological strategies.
or less cognitively adequate or veridical than others (Nisbett
8c Ross, 1980).
This realist view o f situations gives rise to
Key Reasons for Downplaying of Culture
explanatory frameworks focused on factors in the situation and in the person. Within such
T h e reasons for the downplaying o f cul-
frameworks, culture is viewed merely as a dis-
ture in social psychology are both conceptual
tal causal factor with impacts on psychologi-
cal effects through its influences on proximal
assumptions in the field about the nature o f
situational or person factors, rather than as a
and empirical. T h e y reflect
social psychological explanation as well as
disappointment with the findings from vari-
explanatory force. Thus, for example, in cer-
ous traditions o f culturally based social psy-
tain early models in cross-cultural psychology,
chological research.
such as the eco-cultural model developed by Berry
(1976), the situation is treated as pre-
senting varied resources and constraints that Culture-Free
One o f the landmark
are seen as making varied forms o f psychologi-
contributions o f
cal response adaptive, such as field depen-
social psychology is that it has highlighted the
dence being linked to agricultural modes o f
power o f situations in affecting behavior. It is
subsistence and field independence
this insight that underlies some o f the early
linked to hunting and gathering modes (Berry,
groundbreaking programs o f research docu-
1976; Witkin 8c Berry, 1975). This type o f
menting ways in which situational influences
treatment of the situation, it should be empha-
can lead to antisocial behavior, such as in the
sized, is important in taking into account that
Milgram conformity experiments (Milgram,
individuals from different backgrounds may
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS be exposed to different ecological experiences.
vision as its dominant research
However, it treats culture merely as a consid-
social psychology has a tendency to consider
eration that
is already accommodated
the social psychological focus on situational factors.
as mere
effects and thus as factors that ideally should be held constant in order to focus on isolating
Equally, culture may be treated as an individual difference factor, a stance that is seen,
more fundamental underlying psychological mechanisms (Malpass, 1 9 8 8 ) .
for example, in the enthusiasm shown for assessing culture through individual difference approaches, such as scale measures o f individ-
ualism/collectivism (e.g., see the recent review
and Explanatory
by Oyserman, Coon, & Kemmelmeier, 2 0 0 2 ) .
of Psychological
From such a perspective, cultural group mem-
bership is viewed as giving rise to individual differences in attitudes, understandings,
limited interest shown
research within social psychology also reflects
the sense within the discipline that social psy-
available information. Thus, it is viewed as a
chological findings, in fact, have been docu-
consideration that
mented in most cases to be cross-culturally
account in social psychological explanation,
robust and to have considerable explanatory
is taken
through the field's present attention to indi-
scope. It is thus concluded that no significant
vidual differences or person factors.
cross-cultural variation exists in basic psychological phenomena (Brown, 1 9 9 1 ) . The conclusion o f apparent universality in
Physical Ideals of
cross-cultural research is linked with method-
ological strategies o f administering existing
T h e tendency to downplay cultural considerations in social psychology also stems from the field's embrace o f an
physical-science model o f explanation. As Higgins and
explained, this type o f stance involves a view of psychological science as the search for deep structural explanatory mechanisms:
research instruments in diverse cultural settings, after making only minor changes in their content to ensure familiarity, and narrowing the scope of the phenomena being investigated in ways that exclude possibly significant cultural variation. An example o f the first type o f approach may be seen in the extensive body o f cross-cultural research that tested the universality o f Kohlberg's theory o f
A discovery of lawful principles governing a realm of phenomena is a fundamental objective of scientific research. . . . A useful scientific analysis needs to probe beneath the surface. In other words, it needs to get away from the "phenotypic" manifestations and strive to unearth the "genotypes" that may lurk beneath, (p. vii)
moral development, through
standardized Kohlbergian research protocols in more than 4 5 different societies (Snarey, 1 9 8 5 ) . Although the results revealed that the distribution o f the highest levels o f moral development were highly skewed and
highest levels tended to be found primarily in Western urbanized cultures, Kohlberg and his colleagues interpreted the results as confirm-
From this perspective, psychological pro-
ing the universality o f his stage model, because
cesses are viewed as resembling the laws o f
all responses could be seen as either higher or
physical science in being timeless, ahistorical,
lower stages o f Kohlbergian moral
and culturally universal. In adopting
(Kohlberg, 1 9 8 4 ; C. Levine,
Culturally Sensitive Research
disillusionment with cultural research that
example o f the strategy o f adopting method-
was stimulated by M a r k u s and Kitayama's
Kohlberg, &
1 9 8 5 ) . In turn,
arguably exclude
( 1 9 9 1 ) groundbreaking article on culture and
potentially significant sources o f variation
the self, with its introduction o f the distinc-
may be seen in research on the coding o f emo-
tion between independent and interdependent
tional facial expressions. T h e widely accepted
cultural self-construals. O n e o f the
conclusion o f fundamental similarity in basic
widely cited articles ever in social psychology,
emotion concepts that has emerged from the
this work has given rise to extensive research
extensive cross-cultural research conducted on
that has been inspired by this latter construct,
this topic (e.g., Ekman, 1 9 9 2 ; Izard, 1 9 9 2 )
with the focus on examining the extent to
ological procedures that
stems, at least in part, from the use o f proce-
which variation in psychological functioning
dures that tend to gloss over potentially signifi-
can be predicted by scale measures o f this
cant sources o f variation in emotion concepts,
construct (Singelis, 1 9 9 4 ; Triandis, 1 9 9 5 ) .
such as differences in h o w emotion concepts
as recent criticisms o f this
are expressed in everyday language usage, and
rapidly growing literature make clear, the
that downplay the significance of lexicalized
results observed utilizing scale measures o f
emotion terms whose translation into English-
language concepts is inexact (see critique in
have been disappointing (Hong, Morris, Chiu,
Russell, 1 9 9 4 ) .
& Benet-Martinez, 2 0 0 0 ; M a t s u m o t o , 1 9 9 9 ;
Indirect evidence for the universality of psy-
Oyserman et al., 2 0 0 2 ) . M u c h o f the work has
chological theories also comes from the high
been associated with a stereotypical stance
levels o f intercorrelation observed between
psychological constructs. T o illustrate, support
between and within cultures and that gives
glosses over
the universality o f the theory o f self-
insufficient attention to the impact o f context
determination developed by Deci, Ryan, and
on behavior. T h e same type o f sophisticated
their associates (Deci & Ryan, 1 9 8 5 , 1 9 9 0 ) is
understanding o f situational influences that is
based not only on research indicating that scales
evident in mainstream social psychological
of autonomy support show the same empirical
research is not evident in this type o f social
relationships in a country such as Bulgaria as
psychological work, which much o f is focused
they do in U.S. samples (Deci, Ryan, Gagne,
on cultural questions. Notably, work in this
etal., 2 0 0 1 ) but also through studies demon-
tradition is also yielding findings that, in some
cases, appear to contradict directly the claims
predict psychological functioning in related
domains. In this regard, for example, it is
construal paradigm,
demonstrated that self-determined motivation is
reported by Oyserman et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) , based on
related empirically to such variables as adaptive
their extensive meta-review, that "relationship
parenting, higher self-esteem, and higher stages
and family orientation are not empirically
of Kohlbergian moral development (e.g., Deci,
closely linked to collectivism" (p. 4 3 ) .
such as the
Ryan, Gagne, etal., 2 0 0 1 ; Grolnick, Deci, & Ryan, 1 9 9 7 ; Grolnick & Ryan, 1 9 8 9 ) .
Disappointment Cultural
Recent Research
remainder o f this chapter focuses on
Finally, the downplaying o f the signifi-
specific methodological research strategies
cance o f cultural research also reflects certain
that are important t o adopt in enhancing the
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS cultural sensitivity o f social psychological
Symbolic approaches
research. Before turning directly to these
shared meanings that are embodied in arti-
methodological strategies, however,
facts and practices and that form a medium
tion first focuses briefly on some o f the
for human development (e.g., Cole, 1 9 9 5 ;
conceptual issues that must
D'Andrade, 1 9 8 4 ; R . A. LeVine, 1 9 8 4 ; Shore,
methodological efforts and that respond to
1 9 9 6 ) . It is recognized that cultural meanings
some o f the reasons for the field's downplay-
and practices not only represent experience
ing o f culture noted above. These considera-
but also are constitutive o f experience, in
tions bear on the nature o f culture and its
serving to create socially constituted realities
influences on psychological processes.
(Bartlett, 1 9 3 2 ) . F o r example, not only do social categories and institutions depend on cultural
Views of Culture From an ecological perspective, culture is understood
(e.g., "bride,"
riage"), but even psychological concepts are
as adaptations
to the
recognized to be, in part, culturally based. Thus, as seen in the example o f the Japanese
requirements of contrasting physical and social
concept o f amae
structural environments (e.g., Bronfenbrenner,
even psychological phenomena, such as emo-
1 9 7 9 ; Whiting & Whiting, 1 9 7 5 ) . Ecological
tions, depend in part on cultural distinctions
approaches to culture are o f value in highlight-
ing the varied resources and constraints that
discourse, and
individuals from different sociocultural com-
(Shweder, 1 9 8 4 ; Wierzbicka, 2 0 0 2 ) .
(Dot, 1 9 9 2 ; Russell, 1 9 9 1 ) ,
in natural
language categories,
social practices
munities experience and that influence their
Challenging the identification of cultural pro-
behavior. For example, ecological frameworks
cesses exclusively with the situational factors
have informed most contemporary psychologi-
taken into account in social psychological expla-
cal studies with U.S. minority populations,
nation, a symbolic approach to culture high-
and this work is calling attention to ways in
lights the need to recognize that
meanings do not bear a one-to-one relationship
resources and their experiences of bias and dis-
to objective aspects of the situation. Culture
then cannot be understood merely by consider-
individuals' affect
access to important
social, and health outcomes (e.g., M c L o y d &c
ation of the objective affordances and con-
Flanagan, 1 9 9 0 ; Neighbors & Jackson, 1 9 9 6 ) .
straints o f particular contexts but
It may be noted, however, that whereas eco-
requires taking into account cultural beliefs, val-
logical approaches to culture extend the domi-
ues, and practices that are not purely function-
nant social psychological models in their
ally based. T o give an example, research has
recognition that the adaptive context for psy-
shown that Japanese teachers consider the ideal
chological development is culturally variable,
teacher/student ratio in preschools to be consid-
rather than universal, these approaches retain a
erably higher than do their U.S. counterparts
view o f the context as an objective environ-
(Tobin, W u , & Davidson, 1 9 8 9 ) . The decisive
ment. In this respect, then, while essential, such
consideration notably is not the consideration o f
approaches do not challenge the traditional
higher cost in teacher salaries but the value of
social psychological explanatory focus
socializing children to be competent members
features o f the person and of the objective
of social groups. As one Japanese teacher
situation. For this reason, it is critical to
explained, "Children need to have the experi-
complement ecological approaches to culture
ence of being in a large group in order to learn
to relate to lots of kinds of children in lots of
kinds o f situations" (Tobin et al., 1 9 8 9 , p. 3 7 ) .
Culturally Sensitive Research
Integrating Cultural Considerations With Situational and Person Factors Finally, it must be recognized that cultural considerations complete but do not replace the focus on situational and person factors in
diverse populations.
Given the reality o f
psychological experience always occurring in specific cultural contexts, sensitivity to cultural issues is needed in all social psychological investigations.
social psychological explanation. This implies that hypotheses involving cultural influences need to be formulated in ways that take into account both contextual variation and individual differences. Equally, it must be recognized that in many cases the impact o f individual difference and o f contextual factors may themselves be culturally variable. For example, research has shown that whereas U.S. respondents utilize more abstract self-references in a task context that is abstract as compared with concrete, Japanese respondents
opposite effect of context (Cousins, 1 9 8 9 ) . In sum, the key to enhancing the cultural sensitivity o f social psychology is understanding culture and its role in psychological functioning. Attention must be paid to culture as an ecological context that presents certain objective affordances and constraints, as well as to culture as a symbolic environment that entails certain meanings and practices that are not entirely functionally based. It must be recognized that a consideration o f culture does not replace an attention to person and situational factors but contributes an additional dimension to social psychological explanation.
As a field, social psychology bases many o f its research hypotheses, in part, on informal observations
by researchers
behavioral effects that they have observed or personally experienced. In this regard, it is not uncommon for social psychologists to draw on informal personal anecdotes as a preliminary way of communicating to readers the nature o f a particular effect. In fact, it has even been argued that much o f the success o f social psychology, in terms o f the generative nature of its ideas and its applied relevance, reflects this interplay between lay understandings and formal scientific inquiry. As Moscovici once commented: The real advance made by American social psychology was . . . in the fact that it took for its theme of research and for the content of its theories the issues of its own society. Its merit was as much in its techniques as in translating the problems of American society into sociopsychological terms and in making them an object of scientific inquiry. (1972, p. 19) A concern that may be raised about this
type o f stance, however, entails its cultural boundedness. T h e assumptions that make the research questions and hypotheses o f social
Building on the conceptual issues discussed
psychology compelling for North American
above, this section identifies methodological
psychologists, because they speak to issues that
strategies that are valuable to adopt in efforts
are familiar and
to enhance the cultural sensitivity o f social
tribute to making them less significant for
psychology. T h e strategies discussed include
researchers from other cultural groups who
considerations that are important not only in
may not share these same cultural experiences
also in
and outlooks. As conveyed in the following
research that does not focus explicitly on cul-
firsthand account by a Chinese psychologist,
tural questions and/or on tapping culturally
individuals from other cultural backgrounds
research designs but
socially meaningful,
may find that their own assumptions
concerns are not adequately taken into account: I found the reasons why doing Westernized psychological research with Chinese subjects was no longer satisfying or rewarding to me. When an American psychologist, for example, was engaged in research, he or she could spontaneously let his or her American cultural and philosophical orientations and ways of thinking be freely and effectively reflected in choosing a research question, defining a concept, constructing a theory and designing a method. On the other hand, when a Chinese psychologist in Taiwan was conducting research, his or her strong training by overlearning the knowledge and methodology of American psychology tended to prevent his or her Chinese values, ideas, concepts and ways of thinking from being adequately reflected in the successive stages of the research process. (Yang, 1997, p. 65)
(McLoyd, 1990); in psychology of women, women generally refers to White women (Reid, 1988). When we mean other than White, it is specified. (Reid, 1994, p. 525) It must be recognized that there is no single human population that can serve as a normative baseline for understanding
Shweder & Sullivan, 1 9 9 3 ) . In working to gain an understanding o f cultural
researcher's own background, it is important to seek cultural knowledge that, as far as is feasible, is nuanced and specific to the particular group under consideration. This implies that researchers should avoid turning to the widely utilized scale measures o f individualism/collectivism to provide this type of insight, because o f the limited cultural sensitivity o f such measures (Miller, 2 0 0 2 ) . Fortunately, whereas some commitment is required on the
As Y a n g suggests, there is a sense in which
part o f the researcher to make the necessary
culturally specific themes influence all phases
effort to acquire a greater understanding o f
of the research process, often unintentionally
other cultural viewpoints, many strategies are
excluding certain other cultural sensibilities.
available for achieving this goal.
T h e present considerations highlight the
importance, as part o f the initial phase o f any
other cultures
obtaining involves
drawing from relevant research literature in
researchers working to enhance their under-
related fields, such as anthropology and socio-
standing both o f their own cultural back-
linguistics, work that in many instances may
grounds and o f those o f their
be ethnographic in nature. In the case o f my
populations and o f challenging the tendency
own research in India, for example, I was able
within psychology to privilege the perspec-
to develop insight into Hindu Indian culture
tives o f middle-class Euro-Americans. As
Reid ( 1 9 9 4 ) observed:
and philosophical literature on Hindu Indian
available anthropological
beliefs, practices, values, and everyday family Culture has not so much been ignored in mainstream research as it has been assumed to be homogeneous, that is, based on a standard set of values and expectations primarily held by White and middle-class populations. The research literature across the subdisciplinary areas in psychology demonstrates clearly this assumption of cultural homogeneity. For example, in developmental psychology, children means White children
life. Notably, one can see the same kind o f stance as having informed the perspective adopted by M a r k u s and Kitayama ( 1 9 9 1 ) in their seminal article on culture and the self. Thus, although they proposed a global distinction linked to individualism/collectivism, the references cited in the article are grounded primarily in interdisciplinary research focused specifically on Japan.
Culturally Sensitive Research C o l l a b o r a t i n g with
a member
o f the
as expressed within a group context. Focus
comparison cultural community under con-
groups offer the advantage o f being highly
sideration represents another valuable strat-
flexible and can be employed effectively both
egy for gaining cultural knowledge, one that
to explore general cultural concerns and to tap
may be particularly useful in cases in which
respondents' open-ended reactions to issues
there is little or no available research litera-
identified as o f theoretical interest in a partic-
ture on a particular community. Ideally, such
ular research program.
collaborations should
w h o have both insider and outsider knowledge o f the cultures under
(Greenfield, 1 9 9 7 a ) . Collaborations o f this
Attention needs to be given t o the cultural
type have been extremely generative in recent
implications o f different types o f sampling
cultural research in social psychology, as illus-
strategies. In this regard, effort should be
trated by the growing numbers o f studies
made to go beyond the present tendency for
being conducted involving researchers drawn
most social psychological research t o be con-
from the United States and from various East
ducted on convenience samples o f college
Asian cultural groups (e.g., J i &
2 0 0 0 ; Peng & Nisbett, 1 9 9 9 ) .
students. In fact, the need to go beyond convenience samples has been emphasized in the
Greater cultural understanding also may be
National Institutes o f Health's recent man-
obtained through building into research pro-
date to address minority inclusion (or scien-
jects, as a prelude to formal data collection,
tifically justify exclusion) explicitly as part o f
activities and procedures that focus on gaining
all currently submitted grant proposals.
insight into the outlooks and practices o f particular cultural populations. This can entail spending time in such communities conduct-
ing informal observations. F o r example, in the
case o f my first series o f studies in India, I lived
T h e prototypic sampling strategy in social
for several months in Mysore, India, prior to
psychology is noncomparative, with
initiating any formal data collection, as a
research experimentally manipulating situa-
means o f gaining insight into the
tional effects or assessing individual differ-
through observing and participating in every-
ences, while tapping a population (generally
day life. In cases in which it is not feasible to
college students) that is treated as though it is
undertake informal preliminary observations
homogeneous and can provide grounds for
of this type, focus group techniques provide a
making universal claims. In efforts to increase
highly valuable approach that may be utilized
the cultural sensitivity o f this type o f sampling
to gain cultural insight (Hughes & D u M o n t ,
practice, it is essential not only for researchers
1 9 9 3 ; Knodel, 1 9 9 3 ) . A form o f organized
to acknowledge potential limitations on the
small-group discussions, focus groups consti-
generality o f their findings from this type of
tute small groups that investigators assemble
design but also to give greater conceptual
and engage in processes o f informal group dis-
attention to the nature o f these limitations.
cussion, as a means o f tapping participants'
T h u s , qualifications on the generality o f
personal experiences and reactions to particu-
results should not be issued in a perfunctory
lar topics (Powell & Single, 1 9 9 6 , p. 4 9 9 ) . T h e
way. Rather, it is important for researchers to
goal o f focus groups is to make possible the
address in what specific
gathering of qualitative information regarding
be anticipated t o be culturally bound
the attitudes, beliefs, and feelings o f participants,
alternatively, the question o f for what
respects a claim may or,
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS reasons it is likely to prove universal. In short,
motivated either by a concern with obtaining
serious attention needs to be given to the cul-
normative data or by the methodological
tural meaning o f research findings, even when
requirements o f particular research method-
employing sampling designs that are noncom-
ologies, such as ethnographic or case study
parative in nature and not explicitly focused
on cultural questions.
Sampling o f single cultural populations is
Equally, greater effort must be paid to
increasingly being adopted in research as a
unplanned sources o f cultural heterogeneity
means o f working to expand the normative
that exist within particular research samples
baseline for psychological theory, with such
and that are commonly overlooked in the
efforts encouraged by major U.S. funding
stance o f treating populations
organizations, such as the National Science
they are culturally homogeneous.
Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes o f
Thus, whenever there are sufficiently large
Health (NIH), in their issuing o f specific calls
numbers o f participants in different cultural
for research with underrepresented minority
subgroups to make this feasible, effort should
populations. It is recognized that psychologi-
be made to conduct separate analyses o f
cal theory can effectively be made more cul-
effects within subgroups to observe empiri-
turally inclusive only when its descriptive base
cally whether similar results obtain in all cases.
is broadened to include information about
It is recommended that subgroups be analyzed
psychological functioning in diverse cultural
at levels that are linked with cultural traditions
samples. This type o f sampling approach, it
and that attend as well to issues o f socioeco-
may be noted, also is occurring through the
nomic status. It is important that analyses o f
increasing internationalization o f social psy-
this type be undertaken in ways that are sensi-
chology, with new journals, such as the Asian
tive to areas o f overlap and
of Social
between subgroups. As theorists have empha-
work on exclusively Asian samples, even as
sized (Hermans & Kempen, 1 9 9 8 ; Phinney,
the journal also publishes comparative studies.
1 9 9 9 ) , cultures assume hybrid forms as a
Sampling o f single cultural
result of the many interconnections and trans-
represents the strategy o f choice in ethno-
formations occurring between populations,
graphic or case study research, in which the
and thus it is problematic to conceptualize cul-
focus is on a single cultural setting, if not on
tures as discrete geographically defined enti-
a single population from that setting. T o illus-
ties. Nonetheless, taking group membership
trate, ethnographic w o r k conducted
into account provides a vehicle for giving
inner-city African American families is pro-
"voice" to the outlooks o f different communi-
ties, perspectives that may be obscured in
stances that deny the possibility o f making
stresses experienced within such commun-
any distinctions between groups on cultural
grounds (Jahoda, 1 9 8 6 ; Miller, 1 9 9 7 ) .
coping observed (e.g., Burton, Allison, &
o f the of
Obeidallah, 1 9 9 5 ; Jarrett, 1 9 9 5 ) , Noncomparative
of noncomparative
recent ethnographic w o r k among urban street
gangs is affording access to study populations and settings that generally remain untapped cultural
by questionnaire or survey approaches (e.g.,
populations also may be utilized effectively
Heath, 1996).
in research that is focused explicitly on cul-
graphic case study techniques are adopted
tural questions. These projects generally are
commonly in w o r k by sociocultural theorists
In another example, ethno-
Culturally Sensitive Research
(e.g., Cole, 1 9 9 6 ) in their examination o f h o w
1 9 9 1 ; Miller, 1 9 9 4 ) but also from the focus
use o f cultural tools or modes o f cultural
on maintaining good interpersonal relations that is more central in J a p a n (Shimizu, 2 0 0 1 ) .
social organization affect cognition.
Notably, these examples do not imply that distinct psychological theories need to be forComparative Sampling
mulated for every cultural or
group (see arguments for generality in Miller, designs
2 0 0 1 b , 2 0 0 2 ) ; however, they caution against
are employed c o m m o n l y in research that
the tendency, which is reflected in the con-
tests the universality o f particular psychologi-
temporary widespread reliance on measures
Comparative cultural
cal effects or that examines cultural variation
of independent/interdependent self-construals,
in basic psychological constructs and theo-
to adopt comparative designs that gloss over
ries. In such work, it is important for sam-
this type o f significant variation.
pling decisions t o be culturally nuanced.
As emphasized in recent anthropological
In utilizing comparative studies to examine
work on culture (e.g., Shore, 1 9 9 6 ; Strauss 8 t
cultural influences on social psychological
Quinn, 1 9 9 7 ) , it also is important to give
phenomena, greater consideration must be
more attention to within-culture variation in
given to the distinctive nature o f cultural ori-
perspectives related to factors such as socio-
entations (e.g., Dien, 1 9 9 9 ; Harkness, Super,
economic status and even place. This implies
& van Tijen, 2 0 0 0 ) . Equally, greater atten-
adopting more fluid outlooks on
tion needs to be paid t o the overlap and het-
boundaries and avoiding the c o m m o n ten-
dency in psychology to identify cultures with
illustrate, cultural research is pointing to fun-
nation states or even larger units, as when
damental variation in psychological processes
that is subtler in form than is captured in the
American" cultures. Illustrating the informa-
individualism/collectivist dichotomy. T h u s ,
tive nature o f such a stance, research has
for example, the concern with affection and
uncovered variation in individualism across
respect that R o b i n H a r w o o d , Nydia Irizarry,
different regions o f the United States (Plaut,
and I (Harwood, Miller, fit Irizarry, 1 9 9 5 )
M a r k u s , 8c Lachman, 2 0 0 2 ; Vandello 8c
have found to be central to the outlooks on
Cohen, 1 9 9 9 ) as well as documented qualita-
tive variation in forms o f individualism linked
by Puerto
mothers differs not only from the focus on balancing
emphasized assumed
to socioeconomic status (Kusserow, 1 9 9 9 ) .
theory (e.g.,
Ainsworth, 1 9 7 8 ) but also from the concern
Representativeness Equivalence
and Sampling
with amae identified within Japanese popula-
Although it is important to address con-
tions (Rothbaum, Weisz, Pott, M i y a k e , 8c
cerns about the anticipated cultural general-
Morelli, 2 0 0 0 ; Yamaguchi, 2 0 0 1 ) . Equally,
ity o f results, it also must be recognized that
the voluntaristic outlook on
representative sampling is not an essential
morality that is assumed in Carol Gilligan's
feature o f culturally based research designs
morality o f caring model (Gilligan, 1 9 8 2 ) dif-
and, with the exception o f large-scale sur-
fers not only from the interpersonal moral
veys, it is rarely achieved in social psychol-
outlooks based on dharma
that tend to be
researchers w h o are sampling U.S. college
Buddhist populations (Huebner 8 t Garrod,
students need to tap a representative sample
ogy. J u s t as there is n o expectation that
of college students from across the nation,
valuable in two-group research designs, given
much less the world, there should be n o
the many uncontrolled sources o f variation
expectation that researchers w h o may be
m a y influence any effect
Campbell, 1 9 7 9 ) . Use o f this type o f compara-
Japanese college students need t o tap popu-
tive sampling is illustrated in my early cross-
cultural research on social attribution (Miller,
Americans, much less o f all Japanese. T h i s
1 9 8 4 ) . In that investigation, the central cross-
implies that reviewers should not utilize rep-
cultural comparisons involved middle-class
resentative sampling as a criterion in evaluat-
Hindu Indian and middle-class Euro-American
ing culturally based psychological research
samples. However, to evaluate potential alter-
because such a standard would lead to all
native interpretations of the results, additional
such w o r k being appraised negatively, with
sampling was undertaken both of a lower-class
the exception o f large-scale survey designs.
Hindu Indian sample and of a Westernized
In lieu o f the criterion o f samples being rep-
middle-class Christian Anglo-Indian sample.
resentative, however, concern needs to be
The finding that no effects o f socioeconomic
given to achieving equivalence in the popula-
tions tapped in comparative studies and in
Hindu subgroups provided evidence to suggest
individuals' responses to research stimuli.
that differences in wealth could not explain the
Given the skewing o f samples that can result,
attributional variation observed in the main
were observed within the
matching samples on preexisting background
U.S./India cross-cultural comparison. T h e find-
characteristics should be avoided or utilized
ing that Anglo-Indians displayed a pattern of
only to a minimal extent. Rather, it is prefer-
able, to the extent feasible, to identify naturally
between that observed among the middle-class
occurring samples that are as comparable as
Hindu Indian and middle-class U.S. samples
possible, in terms o f background characteris-
lent support to the claim that a tendency to
tics salient in the particular study (Cole &c
emphasize personality factors in social attribu-
Means, 1 9 8 6 ) . T o control for possible con-
tion is related to Westernization.
founding preexisting group differences, use also may be made of such statistical control techniques as covariate analysis or the partial-
Culture as Process
ing out o f variance. T o illustrate, in one study
Within contemporary social psychology,
in which we assessed U.S. and Indian respon-
widespread use is made o f the scale measure
of independent/interdependent self-construals
research vignettes, we observed that the two
developed by Singelis ( 1 9 9 4 ) as well as o f
groups differed in their perceptions o f the com-
other measures o f individualism/collectivism
monness of the vignettes portrayed (Bersoff &c
developed by researchers in the tradition o f
Miller, 1 9 9 3 ) . T o control for this a priori dif-
cross-cultural psychology (see, e.g., Triandis,
ference, we utilized a regression procedure to
1 9 9 5 ) . Interest also is shown in priming as
partial out the variance predicated by partici-
a way o f simulating cultural effects under
pants' commonness ratings from their moral
experimentally controlled conditions
reasoning responses (Bersoff & Miller, 1 9 9 3 ) .
H o n g et al., 2 0 0 0 ; Oyserman et al., 2 0 0 2 ) .
The inclusion of control samples in research
However, serious limitations exist in both o f
designs is a valuable strategy that may be
these strategies, leaving a need to adopt more
employed in efforts to rule out alternative
dynamic methodological approaches.
interpretations o f particular effects related to
As critics have noted (e.g., Miller, 2 0 0 2 ;
sampling—a technique that is particularly
Strauss, 2 0 0 0 ) , scale measures of individualism/
Culturally Sensitive Research
collectivism and o f independent/interdependent
understanding other cultural meanings t o
self-construals subsume cultural variation into
which the response is linked. Dispositional
two fundamental types, a stance that glosses
and situational inferences are generated in all
over variation in outlooks that exists between
cultural groups, with their display affected
and within different cultural communities.
by contextual factors. T h u s , when individu-
Furthermore, individual items on these scales
als m a k e a dispositional or situational infer-
tend to portray collectivist cultures in some-
ence in a priming task, this may be merely
what pejorative terms and to lack adequate
because the prime is serving as a contextual
construct validity. Such characteristics may be
manipulation and not because it represents a
seen in the inclusion o f items that portray the
manipulation o f cultural outlook per se.
self as subordinate to the group in collectivist
lieu o f utilizing scale measures
outlooks. As recent research has shown, how-
assess individualism/collectivism or priming
ever, the self may be experienced as satisfied
approaches to tap cultural processes, it is
and fulfilled, rather than as subordinated, in the
fulfillment of the types o f role expectations
emphasized in various collectivist communities
(Greenfield, 1 9 9 7 a ) . This includes tapping
(e.g., Iyengar & Lepper, 1 9 9 9 ; Miller, in press-
m o r e directly the psychological processes
fa; Miller & Bersoff, 1 9 9 4 ) . Measures of indi-
that are implicated in particular culturally
vidualism/collectivism also are problematic in
variable psychological responses as well as
treating psychological processes as bearing a
assessing the everyday cultural routines and
one-to-one relationship to cultural outlooks, a
practices that support such responses.
stance that fails to recognize the extent to which
Methodological approaches that tap the
behavior is normatively based rather than
psychological processes underlying particular
reflective of individual attitudes or personality
effects include such strategies as assessing
(Shweder, 1 9 7 9 ; T a k a n o & Osaka, 1 9 9 9 ) .
online processing as well as
Given these many weaknesses, it is not surpris-
culturally variable patterns
ing that many results obtained utilizing individ-
ualism/collectivism scales are o f questionable
processing involves evaluating
validity (Matsumoto, 1 9 9 9 ; Oyserman etal.,
immediately as it is encountered and contrasts
2 0 0 2 ; T a k a n o & Osaka, 1 9 9 9 ) . For example,
with cognitive processing based on long-term
identifying functional
whereas findings within the United States based
memory T h e use o f online processing to
explore cultural influences is illustrated in a
individualism/collectivism scales
Latinos as no higher in collectivism than Euro-
recent comparative study on the correspon-
Americans (Coon &
Kemmelmeier, 2 0 0 1 ) ,
dence bias, an attributional tendency in which
such a finding does not accord with the conclu-
an individual's dispositions are seen as corre-
sions stemming from research that does not rely
sponding to his or her behavior even when
on individualism/collectivism measures (e.g.,
the behavior is socially constrained (Miyamoto
Delgado-Gaitan, 1 9 9 4 ; Harwood et al., 1 9 9 5 ) .
& Kitayama, 2 0 0 2 ) . This investigation not
It also is problematic to utilize priming
only demonstrated that Japanese respondents
approaches to simulate cultural processes
are less vulnerable to this bias than are U.S.
and to measure individualism/collectivism.
As discussed elsewhere (Miller, 2 0 0 2 ) , it is
that this difference is linked to contrasting
but also importantly
n o t possible to interpret a particular behav-
types o f online attitudinal inferences. Thus, it
ioral response, such as a dispositional infer-
was demonstrated that, in contrast to the U.S.
ence, that might be primed as reflective o f an
respondents, the Japanese respondents were
individualistic or collectivist outlook without
more situationally focused in their online
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS inferences. In turn, the approach o f identifying
cultural understanding, this sensitivity is a
culturally variable patterns
matter o f ensuring both that measures are
relationships is illustrated in cross-cultural
equivalent in meaning for different popula-
research highlighting the contrasting cultural
tions and that they are culturally informative.
T h e first issue represents a long-standing con-
has been demonstrated that whereas social
cern in cross-cultural psychology and bears
reticence tends to be linked to negative out-
fundamentally on issues o f reducing bias in
comes in family and school contexts within
comparative research designs (for extended
discussion o f these issues, see, e.g., Greenfield,
accorded to
shyness. T h u s ,
American cultural settings
1 9 9 4 ) , it is linked to positive family and
1 9 9 7 a , 1 9 9 7 b ; van de Vijver, 2 0 0 1 ; van de
school outcomes within China (Chen, Rubin,
Vijver &c Leung, 1 9 9 7 ) . In turn, the second issue, which to date has received more limited
& Li, 1 9 9 5 ) . Greater effort also needs to be paid to assessing Greenfield,
1 9 9 7 a ; M a r k u s , Mullally,
Kitayama, 1 9 9 7 ; Phinney & Landin, 1 9 9 8 ; Shweder,
attention, bears on ensuring that the constructs tapped in psychological
instruments are sufficiently culturally inclusive to accommodate diverse outlooks.
In terms of ensuring the equivalence of
Markus, & Miller, 1 9 9 8 ) . T h e value of this
measuring instruments in different cultural or
type o f approach
is illustrated
in recent
it is critical not
research by Evans ( 2 0 0 1 ) which showed that
merely to adopt such conventional strategies
as the use o f back translation but also to take
in the receptivity to creationist
beliefs among fundamentalist
vs. nonfunda-
into account the contrasting expectations,
mentalist U.S. Christian families could be
social knowledge, values, and modes o f com-
explained, in part, by the families' everyday
social practices such as having books
different sociocultural backgrounds. T o illus-
dinosaurs in their homes and attending church
trate, certain populations may be unfamiliar
regularly. Likewise, in a different example, it
with the convention that psychological tests
by individuals
has been by focusing on differences in everyday
are not designed to measure socially useful
social practices in schools and homes, such as
information and thus may respond to an I Q -
time spent on academic tasks and styles of
type measure with an answer that is pragmat-
teaching, that Stevenson and his colleagues
ically useful but that is scored as incorrect
have been able to identify the cultural pro-
according to the norms
cesses that underlie the dramatic differences in
Greenfield, 1 9 9 7 b ) . F o r example, village pop-
mathematics achievement that distinguish U.S.
ulations have been observed to respond spon-
taneously in object-sorting cognitive tasks by
Chinese and Japanese schoolchildren
(Stevenson &
Lee, 1 9 9 0 ; Stigler, Lee,
of the test (e.g.,
grouping items into functionally meaningful
Stevenson, 1 9 8 7 ) . (For work utilizing situation
pairings (e.g., grouping a knife and potato
sampling techniques to assess cultural prac-
together because the knife is used to cut the
tices, see, e.g., Kitayama, Markus, Matsumoto,
potato) rather than into the taxonomic group-
& Norasakkunkit, 1 9 9 7 . )
ings expected by the researchers (e.g., grouping all implement items together, all food
Culturally Appropriate
Finally, it is critical that the procedures
items together) (Cole, Gay, Glick, & Sharp, 1 9 7 1 ) . Interestingly, this type o f difference can lead, in certain cases, to various populations
in social psychological
experiencing difficulty in responding to multiple-
research be culturally sensitive. Presupposing
choice questions. Thus, in research among the
are adopted
Culturally Sensitive Research
Zinacantecan M a y a , Greenfield and Childs
specific assumptions and need to be broadened
( 1 9 7 7 ) observed that respondents with limited
conceptually to a c c o m m o d a t e the
schooling treated the multiple options pro-
outlooks o f contrasting cultural and subcul-
vided in multiple-choice questionnaires as pat-
tural populations. Until this is done, the field
terns to be put together to create a larger
will continue to yield results that, while iden-
meaning, rather than
tifying apparent
as discrete
universals, are based
whose only function is to test understanding.
methods that lack sufficient cultural sensitivity
T h e social context o f the test situation also
to succeed in tapping the cultural variability
may affect the level o f comfort that individu-
that exists. It is this property o f present psy-
als experience in testing situations and their
chological research methodology, in fact, that
readiness to respond. Thus, for example,
leads psychological research to form some-
Mexican-immigrant parents within the United
what o f a closed system, in which it becomes
States spontaneously use questioning less fre-
difficult to produce findings that challenge the
quently as a conversational strategy at home
explanatory scope o f existing theoretical mod-
than do Euro-American parents, a cultural dif-
els and in which results on diverse psychologi-
ference that is reflected in the former being
cal measures tend to be highly intercorrelated
more reluctant to answer questions in stan-
(Miller, in press-a). Thus, for example, it was
dard interviewing situations (Delgado-Gaitan,
only when researchers developed new concep-
1 9 9 4 ; Greenfield, 1 9 9 7 b ) .
tual models for understanding morality, such
Notably, in working to ensure the cross-
as in Gilligan's ( 1 9 8 2 ) morality o f caring
group appropriateness o f measures, equiva-
framework and in various cultural approaches
lence needs to be achieved at the level o f
(e.g., Miller, 1 9 9 4 ; Snarey, 1 9 8 5 ) , as well as
meaning, a feature that may require utilizing
provided methodologies that were sensitive
somewhat different objective procedures in
enough to tap this variation, that the conclu-
sion o f the universality o f the Kohlbergian
As Greenfield
observed, "the use o f parallel
across cultures . . . works best when cultures are not t o o different. . . the use o f
model of moral development was challenged effectively.
T h e present considerations highlight the
across cultures
need for researchers to be m o r e aware o f the
works best when the cultures are very differ-
extent to which the response options pro-
ent" (p. 3 0 8 ) . T o illustrate use o f this type o f
vided on standard questionnaires or coding
strategy, in my early cross-cultural attribution
schemes may lack sufficient cultural sensitiv-
research (Miller, 1 9 8 4 ) , my decision to have
ity t o succeed in tapping the outlooks o f
individuals explain events from their own
experiences, rather than to respond to identi-
example, in the scales utilized in research on
cal experimentally constructed event situa-
self-determination theory (e.g., Deci & Ryan,
tions that I supplied to them, was motivated
1 9 8 7 ) , the " e x t e r n a l " motivational orienta-
by a sense that greater equivalence in meaning
tion is conceptualized as a stance involving
could be obtained in this way, since the
the fear o f external sanctions, as reflected in
behaviors being explained would have greater
items such as "Because I will get in trouble if
ecological validity for all cultural and age
I don't do well," whereas the "identified"
and "intrinsic" motivational stances are con-
In turn, to ensure the cultural inclusiveness o f research methods, it is critically important
ceptualized as involving autonomous
vidual interest, as reflected in items such as
to recognize that many assessment instru-
"Because I w a n t t o understand the subject"
ments currently in use embody
and "Because it's important to me t o do
my h o m e w o r k . " These types o f response alternatives, however, do not capture
view o f social e x p e c t a t i o n s
In conclusion, bringing culture more centrally
emphasized in a culture such as Hindu India,
into the methods o f social psychology is inte-
in which the motive to uphold duty relates t o
grally related to bringing culture more cen-
spiritual fulfillment, not fear o f sanctions or
trally into the constructs and theories o f the
mere social conformity (Miller, in press-b).
field. As has been argued here, the relative
T o give another example, the emphasis on
invisibility o f culture in social psychology, and
in psychology more generally, stems in part
Chinese Americans, as C h a o ( 1 9 9 4 ) points
from the limited attention that we give it in
out, includes an emphasis on positive affect
our theories, as well as from our adoption o f
in conjunction with highly directive parental
methods that are insufficiently sensitive to the
behavior. It then is not accommodated in the
impact o f cultural processes on psychological
theoretical framework
o f parenting
phenomena. As M a t s u m o t o ( 2 0 0 1 ) recently
oped by Baumrind, which presents a scheme
"all psychologists are cross-
cultural in some way; the only difference is in
behavior into alternatives that link parenting
whether they are aware o f the cultures being
either to an affectively harsh stance ("author-
itarian" parenting) or to stances that are
explicit or implicit in their w o r k " (p. ix).
conceptualizing and
much less directive (i.e., either
tive" or "permissive" parenting). o f the
this comparison
The effort to make social psychology more culturally inclusive must build on the com-
T o address the issue o f the insufficient culturally inclusive nature
and whether
plexity and sophistication o f the discipline, with the onus
on cultural
researchers to
tapped in many existing psychological mea-
develop approaches to culture that, in their
suring instruments, the constructs embodied
attention to the nuances o f cultural outlooks
in our methods need to be expanded. Thus, to
and to the contextual dependence and often
give an example, cultural researchers have
implicit nature o f psychological phenomena,
argued for including the construct o f relation-
embody the rich insights o f contemporary
ship harmony and not only the construct o f
social psychology. Equally critical, however, is
self-esteem in tapping the predictors o f life
the need to overcome the complacency of
satisfaction (Kwan, Bond, & Singelis, 1 9 9 7 ) .
social psychology, which has resulted in rele-
It is also valuable t o utilize assessment instru-
gating culture to a peripheral role as a mere
ments that are less constraining o f response
descriptive enterprise with little implication
options and more accommodating t o diverse
for basic theory. As has been shown, the con-
cultural viewpoints. T h u s , in my own pro-
grams of research, for example, I have tended
methodological approaches that constitute the
to rely heavily on methodological approaches
mainstream perspective o f the discipline have,
stances, sampling
that are less directive than standardized ques-
in many cases, obscured significant cultural
tionnaires, such as tapping responses to the
variation, yielding findings o f universality that
projective measure o f hypothetical vignette
may be more apparent than real.
situations (e.g., Miller & Bersoff, 1 9 9 8 ) and
Notably, taking cultural
utilizing open-ended questioning to explore
into account more centrally in social psychol-
ogy promises to yield a richer understanding
1 9 9 5 ) (see also King, Chapter 8, this volume;
of basic psychological processes and o f the
Peng, Nisbett, & W o n g , 1 9 9 7 ) .
diversity o f outlooks that characterize human
Culturally Sensitive Research psychological functioning.
Such an
and Methods
produce a discipline that is not only more truly
which needs to be integrated with efforts to
universal but also more theoretically sophisti-
identify brain and other biological founda-
cated in its process accounts o f psychological
tions for psychological behavior, stands to
phenomena and in its applied implications.
NOTES 1. Experienced in the context of close relationships that entail both attachment and dependence, the Japanese concept of amae involves feelings of being able "to depend and presume upon another's love or bask in another's indulgence" (Doi, 1992, p. 8). Individuals experience amae in close relationships in being able to presume that their inappropriate behavior will be accepted by their counterpart (Yamaguchi, 2 0 0 1 ) . 2. Within social psychology, stances that deny the possibility of distinguishing between cultural traditions have been adopted by theorists associated with such postmodern perspectives as social constructionism and discursive psychology (e.g., Edwards, 1 9 9 5 ; Gergen, 1 9 9 2 , 1994; Shorter, 1993). As Gergen commented: We are not speaking . . . of the blending of all, the emergence of monoculture, but rapid and continuous transformations in cultural forms, as they are subject to multiple influences. . . . If there is a continuous blending, appropriation, dissolution, and the like, how are we to draw distinctions among cultural processes? (Gergen, as interviewed in Gulerce, 1995, pp. 149-150) 3. The concept of dharma denotes both moral duty and inherent character and is based on perceived spiritually based laws of nature (Marriott, 1990). 4. This type of assumption can be seen, for example, in the following items that appear on the widely used Singelis (1994) measure of independent vs. interdependent self construals: "I will sacrifice my self-interest for the group that I am in" and "I will stay in a group if they need me, even when I'm not happy with the group." 5. The present recommendation applies only to the use of priming for purposes of simulating cultural effects. There are many other important purposes for which it is appropriate to use priming in culturally based research that assesses cognitive processing.
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Individual Differences in Social Psychology Understanding Situations to Understand People, Understanding People to Understand Situations YUICHI SHODA University of Washington
laws and individual
study of the
on each other
are merely two aspects
of one problem;
and the study of the one cannot
they are
other. —Lewin ( 1 9 4 6 , p. 7 9 4 )
eople think, feel, and do different things
figure out
in different situations, and the changes
underlie the observed variations. T h i s hand-
processes and
and variations from situation t o situation
b o o k is full o f examples o f thoughtful and inge-
are not all random. Understanding the nature
nious ways to pursue that goal. This chapter
o f such variations, o f course, is one o f the main
will focus on providing a broad
missions o f social psychology. T h e goal is to
the role o f individual differences in the
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Preparation of this chapter was supported in part by Grant M H 3 9 3 4 9 from the National Institute of Mental Health. I am grateful to the editors of this volume for their encouragement to embark on this chapter initially and for their extremely careful and thorough reading of multiple drafts throughout its development as well as their constructive suggestions. Kathy Cook, Scott LeeTiernan, Jason Plaks, Vivian Zayas, and Naomi Zavislak provided many opportunities for productive brainstorming sessions. In addition, Kathy Cook provided many of the historical materials cited in this chapter. I am deeply grateful for their support. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yuichi Shoda, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Box 3 5 1 5 2 5 , Seattle, WA 9 8 1 9 5 - 1 5 2 5 . Electronic mail may be sent to [email protected].
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS investigation o f the effects of situations and
and naturally existing individual differences.
individuals' social information processing sys-
W h y might that be? This chapter approaches
tems that mediate them. One might ask, W h y
that question from the point o f view o f social
focus on stable individual differences? Surely
psychologists, whose mission is to understand
some people may be more likely on average to
the effects o f situations and the psychological
display a certain behavior than others, but what
mechanisms that underlie those effects.
does that have to do with the effects of situa-
Consider experiments in which people are
tions? W h y does one need to take individual
exposed to conditions that differ on a situa-
differences into account? This chapter begins
tional factor o f interest, producing
by addressing this "why" question (part I), fol-
ences in their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors
lowed by a discussion of "what" questions,
on average. If we do experiment after exper-
namely the nature of individual difference vari-
iment in which all sorts o f situational factors
ables that interact with situations (part II); an
are manipulated, singly and jointly, we will
overview of the issues relating to " h o w " ques-
arrive at an understanding o f the mechanism
tions, such as identifying individual difference
that underlies social information processing,
resulting in essence in a giant regression
(part III); and operationalizing them in actual
equation in which the additive and interac-
experiments in the form o f measures (part IV).
tive effects o f all variables whose effects have
been studied are represented. O r will we? This chapter argues that there is a potential problem in this strategy. T h e problem is not
simply that it is difficult to manipulate some
variables of importance. T o be sure, it is unfortunate if the field relies solely on situa-
Almost half a century ago, Lee Cronbach, in
tional manipulation
his APA presidential address, observed that
excluding factors whose variations are largely
and as a result risks
"presented by Nature" rather than created
research traditions in psychology, which he
in laboratories. But some variables can be
there had
been t w o largely
manipulated; so, can't their effects, at least, be
(Cronbach, 1 9 5 7 ) . In the experimental tradi-
established confidently? T h a t may be the case
tion, one varies the aspects o f situations
if the effects o f those variables don't depend
called the experimental and
hypothesized to influence the behavior o f
on other variables that are not manipulated.
interest, while holding constant all other fac-
But what if the effects of the situational
tors. T h e focus is on the variation created by
manipulation critically depend on some unob-
the experimenter and isolating the effects of
served variables? T h e n effects o f situations can
it. In contrast, the correlational approach
differ from one person to another. Might aver-
focuses on the already existing variations
aging the effects across people at least repre-
(Cronbach, 1 9 5 7 ,
sent the effects o f the situation on the average
p. 6 7 1 ) , embedded in a complex web o f inter-
person? Unfortunately, the "average" person
related variables, only a small fraction o f
may exist only in statistical abstraction (see
which are observable. Cronbach argued then,
C o o k and G r o o m , Chapter 2 , this volume).
by N a t u r e "
as well as 2 0 years later in his APA distin-
In summary, (a) many important psycho-
guished scientist award address (Cronbach,
logical variables cannot easily be manipulated,
1 9 7 5 ) , that neither alone is likely t o be suffi-
(b) even those that can be manipulated may
cient, and that one must focus on the
interact with those that cannot, and (c) behav-
tions between manipulated situational factors
iors may reflect the emergent properties of
in Social
systems. Consequently, if
in the cognitions and affects identified from a
one does not take individual differences into
literature review as relevant for the decision
account, a sole focus on the "effects" o f the
and actual performance o f a breast self-exam-
manipulated variables on people "in general"
ination (BSE) and the network o f relations
may result in at best a partial, and at worst, a
that guides their activation (Miller, Shoda, &
misleading, understanding o f the process
Hurley, 1 9 9 6 ) . Examples o f cognitive and affective "units" relevant to B S E are illus-
underlying the behavior o f interest.
trated schematically inside the large ovals in Figures 6.1 and 6 . 2 . A solid arrow connecting
Lewin's Equation, B = f(P, E)
one cognitive-affective unit to another indi-
Although Cronbach's plea t o combine the
cates that the activation of the first increases
experimental and correlational traditions was
the activation o f the second. Broken arrows
more from the point o f view o f research
show that the activation o f the first reduces
paradigms, the need to consider both the sit-
the activation o f the second. T h e thoughts,
uations and persons was also central to Kurt
the affects, and the connections that charac-
Lewin's theory in which the behavior is
terize each type are shown in boldface type.
conceptualized as a function o f the field, the
For a w o m a n whose network resembles
whole gestalt consisting o f persons (or the
Figure 6 . 1 , health-risk information is highly
" o b j e c t " in the following quotation) and situ-
likely to activate the thought, " I may develop
ations involved: " O n l y by the concrete whole
breast cancer," as indicated by the thick solid
which comprises the object and the situation
arrow (Figure 6 . 1 , Arrow 1 ) . In contrast, for a
are the vectors which determine the dynamics
w o m a n whose network resembles Figure 6.2,
of the event defined" (Lewin, 1 9 3 1 , p. 1 6 5 ) .
with a thin Arrow 1, the objective risk information is less likely to activate this thought.
P = An Individual's
Social Information
System: An
W i t h regard
t o observable
responses, depending on whether a woman's cognitive-affective processing network resem-
bles Figure 6.1 or Figure 6 . 2 , the risk informa-
H o w can persons be conceptualized in
tion can have potentially opposite outcomes.
order to help understand the effects o f situa-
tions, and how they may vary meaningfully
represents the information influences the level
example, h o w an individual
from one person to another? T o account for
of arousal and anxiety (Arrow 2 8 ) . Thus,
such person x situation interactions, it is help-
whether she focuses more on the information
ful to conceptualize personality as a dynamical
itself (e.g., " N o w I need to look for changes in
system (Shoda, LeeTiernan, et al., 2 0 0 2 ) . In
this area," Arrow 2 0 ) or on a more emotion
such a system, stability is expected in the
arousing aspect (e.g., " I f I find a lump, that
means hundreds o f thousands o f cancer cells
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which them-
are already there," Arrow 2 1 ) has very differ-
selves can change from one moment to the
ent impacts on the continued practice of BSE.
next in response to situations. The stability o f the underlying structure will be reflected not in the constancy o f thoughts, feelings, and behav-
iors, but rather in the way they change, in the
way the thoughts and affects come and go.
W i t h this example in mind, consider the
T o illustrate, Figures 6.1 and 6.2 depict differences between two types o f individuals
question we asked at the outset o f this chapter: H o w
one investigate the
Figure 6.1
An Illustrative CAPS Network That Undermines Intention and Performance of BSE
SOURCE: Based on, and adapted from, Figure 5 of Miller, Shoda, and Hurley (1996), p. 83. NOTE: Situational features activate specific subsets of the mediating units, which in turn activate other mediating units. The network of connections is considered stable and characterizes the individual. Arrows indicate activation relationships, such that when one unit is activated, other units that receive solid arrows from it will receive activation proportional to the weight associated with each arrow. The weight may be positive (solid arrows) or negative (dashed arrows).
mechanisms that underlie people's responses
mediate the effects o f manipulated variables,
to the situational input? Consider these possi-
following Baron and Kenny's ( 1 9 8 6 ) guide-
bilities in the BSE example. If all women more
lines, also as discussed by Hoyle and Robinson
or less fit the processing structure shown in
1 0 , this volume). But what if
Figure 6 . 1 , one may perform a series o f experi-
Figure 6.1 described only a small proportion o f
ments in which each situation feature and cog-
women, while other women fit Figure 6.2, and
nitive-affective unit is manipulated, and their
yet another group o f women were character-
effects on other cognitive-affective units are
ized by cognitive-affective dynamics that nei-
assessed. F o r those mediating
ther Figure 6.1 nor Figure 6.2 describes? Does
are difficult or unethical to manipulate, if
heightened awareness increase or decrease the
they are measurable, one may apply statistical
intention to perform BSE? This is analogous
to the question that Gordon Allport ( 1 9 3 7 ,
and assess evidence that
Figure 6.2
in Social
An Illustrative CAPS Network That Enhances Intention and Performance of BSE
SOURCE: Based on, and adapted from, Figure 6 of Miller, Shoda, and Hurley (1996), p. 84.
p. 1 0 2 ) posed: W h a t is the effect o f cooking
critical aspect is its structure, or the set o f
heat on foods—does it harden or soften them?
relationships among its components, consti-
T h e question is meaningless unless one speci-
tuting a distinctive system
fies the type o f food. It results in one answer if
processing for each individual.
o f information
the food is a raw egg, but another if the food is a stick of butter. T o summarize, in order to understand the psychological
behaviors, one must go beyond examining a statisti-
H o w does one find the particular aspects of
cal abstraction. T o b o r r o w Lewin's phrase,
an individual's processing dynamics that are
one needs to examine "the concrete
relevant for the behavior one wishes to under-
the responses o f people on average,
which comprises the object and the situa-
stand? T h e rest o f this chapter seeks to pro-
t i o n " [emphasis added], o f which Figure 6.1
vide at least the beginning o f an answer to this
may be one and Figure 6.2 m a y be another.
question: This question can be approached
both in a top-down, deductive fashion, as
nents, many o f which may not be manipula-
It includes potentially numerous
well as in a bottom-up, inductive fashion.
ble or even observable. M o s t important, a
In a deductive approach, one starts with an
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS individual difference construct chosen on the
psychologists can no longer afford to ignore
basis o f researchers' informal observations
individual differences, and personality psy-
and intuition, or on previous studies or a
chologists can no longer ignore situations. Just
theory. T h e inductive approach, on the other
as studying the effects o f individual differences
hand, focuses on discovering the construct to
in situations
begin with. Its goal is t o systematize the pro-
studying the effects o f situations on people
cess of discovery and identification o f the
in general
can be misleading, in
can be misleading.
construct. W h e t h e r one follows the deductive or the inductive path, just what are the important ways in w h i c h people
Individual Differences That Interact With Situations
W h a t individual difference constructs inter-
found, the English language has some 1 8 , 0 0 0
act with situational factors? W h a t kinds o f
words describing characteristics o f a person,
personal characteristics serve as the " P " in
and people potentially can differ on all o f
Person x
them. Are there
" P " x " S " interactions? Unfortunately,
another? As Allport and
any guidelines t o
narrow the search?
Situation interactions, that
is, the
question has rarely been addressed directly in
O f course, the search for the individual
standard compilations o f measures. In this sec-
difference construct must be guided by its
tion, some general characteristics of individual
relevance to the particular behavior one is
difference variables that interact with situa-
interested in understanding. But for the pur-
tions are identified, based on reviews of the
poses o f understanding the effects of situations
literature as well as an informal e-mail survey
and the mechanisms underlying them, one
sent to members o f the Society of Personality
general guideline applies: T h e types of individ-
and Social Psychology asking them to nomi-
ual differences one needs to understand for
that purpose are those that interact
have been shown to interact with situations."
with situ-
difference constructs
that 2
ation characteristics or situationally induced internal states. Stated differently, one can relatively safely ignore individual difference vari-
ables that simply increase or decrease the level
Type and Diagnostic
Dynamics Situations
of behavioral response while not affecting the
A major type o f individual difference vari-
impact of situational variables. A "division of
ables that interact with situations is those that
labor" of sorts might be achieved, in which
characterize individuals by their particular pro-
the study o f such individual differences is con-
cessing dynamics. The nature of the dynamics
sidered the subject matter o f personality psy-
in turn identifies "diagnostic situations" that
chologists while social psychologists focus on
engage the dynamics, situations in which that
the effects of situations. In fact, that is often
group o f individuals is expected to respond
h o w the fields o f personality psychology and
distinctively. As an example of individual dif-
social psychology, or "correlational"
ference constructs that identify processing
"experimental" approaches, are divided, with
dynamics, consider uncertainty
the consequence that one field's main variance
(Sorrentino &
is considered by the other as "that outer dark-
guishes people w h o are relatively comfortable
ness known as 'error variance'" (Cronbach,
dealing with uncertainty and strive to resolve it
1 9 5 7 , p. 6 7 4 ) . However, to the extent that
from those who are more uncomfortable with
Roney, 2 0 0 0 ) , which distin-
situational variables interact with individual
uncertainty and are likely to avoid situations
that increase a subjective sense of uncertainty.
variables, as discussed, social
in Social Psychology
Uncertainty orientation has been shown to be
(Mendoza-Denton, Purdie, Downey, 8c Davis,
important in answering diverse questions such
in press), diagnostic situations are ones in
as the following: Would instructional tech-
which rejection on the basis o f one's race is
niques that involve a cooperative situation
perceived as possible or likely. M a n y of the
(e.g., the Jigsaw classroom) be better than a
individual difference constructs that interact
traditional expository technique? and Would
with situations function in a similar way. They
experiencing lack o f control in a situation
describe people w h o are characterized by a
make a person seek new information? It turns
particular type o f processing dynamics, which
out that the answers to these questions depend
in turn specifies the diagnostic situations that
on an individual's uncertainty orientation. For
trigger the characteristic dynamics.
those w h o are high in uncertainly orientation,
A notable subset o f this type o f interaction
the answer is yes. But for those w h o are low in
involves situations that are generally more
uncertainty orientation, the answer was the
example, those w h o are high versus low on
work (Huber,
neuroticism differ most in their
Sorrentino, Davidson, & Epplier, 1992); and
affect in situations high in stress (Bolger 8c
experiencing uncontrollability makes it more
likely that these people, especially if depressed,
2 0 0 2 ) . People scoring high on the measure o f
Behavior Inhibition System (BIS) were most
(Walker &
Sorrentino, 2000).
1 9 9 5 ; M r o c z e k 8c Almeida,
distinctive in their responses t o negative daily
Although the particular situation features that interact with uncertainty orientation dif-
(Carver 8c W h i t e , 1 9 9 4 ; G a b l e ,
Reis, & Elliot, 2 0 0 0 ) . J . C r o c k e r , T h o m p s o n ,
fer widely, they have one theme in common,
M c G r a w , and Ingerman (1987) found that
namely the activation o f a subjective feeling o f
threats t o self-concept served as a diagnostic
uncertainty. Situations that contain this fea-
situation that differentiated individuals high
ture trigger the processing dynamics that are
in self-esteem from those low in self-esteem
characteristic o f those w h o are low, and those
in their tendency t o derogate outgroups.
w h o are high, in uncertainty
T h e r e are m a n y examples o f processing
Another type of diagnostic situation involves public versus private
settings. M o r f
dynamics that interact with situations. T o
Rhodewalt (1993) found that narcissists' ten-
name a few, for individuals with achievement-
dency to derogate those w h o
oriented processing dynamics, competitive
them was more distinctive in public compared
situations with externally assigned performance
to private settings. Schiitz and DePaulo (1996)
goals enhance the engagement and enjoyment,
found that in private settings, people with low
but for those w h o are low in achievement
self-esteem did not differ from those high in
motivation, noncompetitive situations mastery
self-esteem in how they evaluated others' art-
work, but in public settings people with low
(Barron & Harackiewicz, 2001).
self-esteem were more positive than people with
Opportunities for bolstering their grandiose
high self-esteem. Chen, Shechter, and Chaiken
self-concepts define situations in which narcis-
(1996) found that people who are high versus
sists exert much effort toward
low in self-monitoring did not differ in their
evidence o f their superiority, even if doing so
expressed opinions in private, but they differed
may offend or hurt others (e.g., M o r f 8c
in public, such that when they expected to have
a discussion with their partner on a topic, high
are characterized
self-monitors adjusted their expressed attitudes
2 0 0 1 ; Rhodewalt &
1998). For people w h o by
to be more in line with their partner's.
Types of Person
These individuals
That Affect Processing
m a y not differ in
chronic activation o f the thought " I may find
a lump someday." B u t they may differ in its Are there any commonalities among the
association to another thought, "I'll get early,
individual difference variables that interact
effective treatment, and I'll be cured" com-
with situations? Those that alter the nature o f
pared to its association to the thought "I'll be
the effect o f situations are likely to influence
subjected to painful
the way in which individuals process social
ment." In short, individuals' social informa-
but ineffective treat-
information. O f course, how social informa-
tion processing systems may differ (a) in the
tion is processed is one o f the basic questions
addressed by social psychology, so it would
domain-relevant cognitions and affects and
not be surprising that the same type o f vari-
accessibility o f
(b) in the network
o f associations among
ables that have proven useful for characteriz-
ing the effects o f situations may also be useful
LeeTiernan, et al., 2 0 0 2 ) . M a n y o f the vari-
in understanding individual differences. T h a t ,
ables that have been shown to interact with
of course, is what Lewin proposed more than
situations refer to either one or more of the
half a century ago and what is practiced in
component cognitions and affective reactions
(Mischel &
1 9 9 5 ; Shoda,
contemporary research when, for example,
(e.g., self-efficacy, perceived social support,
self-esteem) as well as an entire configuration
terms o f the chronic activation o f knowledge
or system (e.g., neuroticism, shyness).
structures (e.g., Higgins, 1 9 9 9 ) . These processoriented constructs were proposed
basis for characterizing individuals by Mischel
( 1 9 7 3 ) , w h o called them "cognitive social
person variables." A closer analysis (Shoda,
and Situation
1 9 9 9 ) found that the primary effects o f these variables often are not to increase or decrease any given behavior in general, but rather their behavioral manifestation is in the form o f if...
then . . . profiles that characterize the
relationship between situations and behaviors,
The personal and situational characteristics that interact may be highly contentspecific. One example of this is seen in studies of the self-evaluation maintenance model (e.g., Beach et al., 1 9 9 8 ) , which examines people's emotional responses upon observing
as mediated by the individuals in their charac-
their partner did particularly well in a task. It
teristic ways.
turns out that whether the participants felt
In addition to the activation o f concepts, in
happier, basking in the reflected glory, or
recent years research in social cognition has
instead felt threatened by their partner's supe-
turned to the associations
among concepts,
rior performance depends on the specifics o f
particularly those that operate automatically.
the task. In particular, when the partner's
Such implicit associations have been the tar-
superior performance was in a domain (e.g.,
get o f both theorizing and empirical assess-
math) highly central to the participants' self-
ment, as detailed by Kihlstrom (Chapter 9 ,
concept, the effect was an increased sense o f
this volume). Individuals may differ not only
threat. O n the other hand, when the partner's
in the chronic accessibility o f these mediating
superior performance was in a domain (e.g.,
cognitions and affective reactions but also in
music) less central to the participants, it was
h o w specific thoughts are associated with
more likely they felt happier as a result. N o t e
each other. Consider the t w o hypothetical
that the relevant constructs are not the part-
"minds" depicted in Figures 6.1 and 6 . 2 .
ner's level o f performance in general or the
in Social
participants' global self-evaluation. Rather, it
below the surface bedrock lies, what
was the particular domain (e.g., math, music)
bedrock consists of, etc.). T h e specific findings
o f performance and the particular aspects o f
about the bedrock under a particular hill
self-concept (centrality o f math or music) that
might not merit publication in a top geology
constituted the active ingredients, so to speak,
journal; however, the principles that were
of the situations and persons that produced
used and new principles that emerge from
the crossover interaction.
studies o f many specific hills, or chemical compounds, do merit publication. Similarly,
Going Beyond the Bandwidth-Fidelity
in a given study o f the self-evaluation mainte-
nance process, for example, there may be a large number o f individuals representing a
O n e o f the lasting dilemmas a social psy-
specific configuration o f self-concepts. But it is
chologist faces is the trade-off between the
possible to discover general principles that
accuracy o f predictions (fidelity) and the gen-
characterize the relationship
erality o f findings (bandwidth). Ideally, one
specific self-concept o f a participant and the
would like t o be able t o understand the psy-
chological processes o f a given individual so
mance. This is worth reporting, as it has gen-
of her partner's
excellent perfor-
well that it becomes possible to accurately
erality. In addition,
predict that person's behavior in a given sit-
principle does not say anything about whether
the general
uation. O n the other hand, unless one is
a specific individual will feel threatened by the
studying significant historical figures (e.g.,
superior musical performance o f his partner, it
Runyan, 1 9 8 3 ) , knowing the specifics o f a
spells out a recipe o f sorts for what one needs
given person and situation does not con-
t o find out from a person (i.e., the domain of
tribute much t o the field.
performance central to self) and a situation
can this dilemma
be solved? In
(i.e., the domain o f the partner's superior per-
addressing this question, it may be useful to
formance) to predict their interaction with a
consider the historical tendency for psychol-
high degree o f accuracy. T h e challenge is to
ogy to model itself after physics, striving to
identify the relationships among the specifics
describe individuals and situations by a small
that warrant generalization, and that in turn
number o f quantitative variables, and estab-
will indicate what one needs to assess in a per-
lishing general laws that specify the relation-
son and in a situation to predict their interac-
ships among them. I f we insist on applying the
tion at a specific, non-abstract, level.
same framework to psychology, the range o f socially and personally significant behaviors that can be understood sufficiently well may be quite limited. It is often the specifics that matter, as in the example above concerning the effect o f partners' superior performance. Instead, other sciences might provide a better
Behavioral Signatures of Personal Types Guide an Inductive Approach to Discovering Individual Difference Constructs Focusing on individual
difference con-
model, and they may also provide a solution
structs that specify particular types o f pro-
to the accuracy vs. generality dilemma. T a k e ,
cessing dynamics—and in particular those
for example, organic chemistry or geology.
that speak to individuals' beliefs, goals, and
There are thousands o f different geological
values, as well as emotions and
locations, and there are even greater numbers
strivings, for example—can help narrow the
of organic compounds one might be interested
search a little. But that still leaves the question
in learning more about (e.g., just how far
of what beliefs, what goals, and what kinds o f
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS processing dynamics are most relevant in
occasions. In this framework, Cattell discussed six distinct types o f correlations one can com-
understanding behaviors o f interest. The basic principle discussed so far, that
pute: R , Q , P, O , S, and T . T h e correlations
one needs to seek individual difference con-
reported in the overwhelming majority o f
structs that interact with situations, suggests a
studies in social and personality represent the
route. Individuals' behavioral
R-type, which indicates the similarity or dis-
the set o f if to (situation) then (behavior) pat-
similarity in the rank ordering o f individuals
terns (Shoda, Mischel, & Wright, 1 9 9 4 ) reflect
with regard to their behavior observed in one
the individuals' characteristic ways o f process-
situation (e.g., one test) with the rank ordering
ing social information. Behavioral signatures
observed in another situation (another test). In
reflect the features o f situations an individual
contrast, the strategy needed for the inductive
notices, the social categories that become acti-
approach discussed above represents the Q-
vated to encode situations, and the beliefs, val-
type analysis, which focuses on the pattern of
ues, goals, and affective reactions that in turn
variations observed within each person and
become activated (Shoda, 1 9 9 9 ) . Thus, if one
seeks to index the similarity or dissimilarity
finds groups o f individuals who share similar
among individuals with regard to their pattern
behavioral signatures, there is a good chance
of situation-to-situation variation.
that the resultant groups represent distinct
Although the Q-type analysis is rare in
types of processing dynamics. Computational
social and personality psychology, in memory
tools that make such typologies possible have
and perception research, it is not uncommon
become available, as has research showing that
for a participant to return day after day for
groups o f individuals with similar behavioral
literally hundreds of trials in which stimuli are
signatures in fact shared similar cognitive
presented under different conditions. A publi-
and affective responses to situations (e.g.,
Vansteelandt & V a n Mechelen, 1 9 9 8 ) .
nomenon may be based on only a dozen
N o t e that this strategy requires one to
participants. T h e small number o f participants
shift to a more inductive approach to e x a m -
used in these studies might invoke a chorus o f
ine within-individual variations before group
reactions among social psychologists, "with
trends are addressed. Doing so requires hav-
such a small N, how can one be sure the results
ing an experimental design in which partici-
are reliable?" But for these types of experi-
pants are exposed to multiple situations. (For
ments, the relevant N is not the number o f
further discussion o f this issue, and in partic-
participants but the number of trials. In the
ular on the question o f h o w one goes from
extreme, one participant may be enough to
establish a psychological phenomenon (e.g.,
response, see W e s t , Biesanz, and
Chapter 1 3 , this volume.)
Ebbinghaus, 1 8 8 5 ) . T h e purpose o f multiple participants in this design is to test if the effects
Such a strategy is not new in other fields o f
seen in one individual can generalize to other
psychology. As early as 1 9 4 6 , Cattell envi-
individuals. In so doing, this framework does
sioned a research strategy in which one con-
not assume that the effects of the experimental
ceptualized behaviors as a function of the
conditions are the same for all individuals,
person, situation, and occasion, discussed in
although in many cases that does turn out to
detail by Cronbach ( 1 9 8 4 ) . A full design
be true in the kinds o f studies that employ this
would fill each cell o f a three-dimensional data
type o f experimental design. Ironically, this
array, or "Cattell's data b o x , " in which each
design is rarely employed in social psychology
"slice" represents a person, and the columns
even though that is when the effects are most
and rows o f each slice represent situations and
likely not the same for all individuals.
Individual In light o f these observations, when it is possible to operationalize the
in Social Psychology
research, if one adopts
"establish the
effects o f situational factors in each person
using a within-subjects design, an inductive,
first" approach, then one can find clusters o f
bottom-up strategy becomes available for iden-
individuals w h o are similar in their pattern o f
tifying individual differences construct(s) rele-
responses to the situational factors, that is,
vant for a behavior o f interest. T o illustrate,
those with similar behavioral signatures, and
consider as an analogy a drug trial study.
systematically look for factors that differenti-
Imagine that
experimental drug
ate among these groups o f people.
placebo are given to each participant at various times, and the degree o f symptom alleviation (and side effects) are observed. After extensive trials to ensure a reliable assessment o f
Methodological Challenges for Intensive Within-Subject Analyses
response to the drug and placebo conditions, it
It is o f course not an accident that experi-
is possible to determine the effectiveness o f the
ments in social psychology have not widely
drug vs. the placebo for each individual sepa-
adopted the kinds o f intensive within-subject
rately. Suppose the following results were
analysis described above. T h e nature o f many
obtained when each person's data were ana-
classical experimental manipulations in social
lyzed separately. For 5 0 % o f the people, there
psychology precludes repeated
was a statistically significant symptom reduc-
T h e elaborate staging needed to create exper-
tion due to the drug (where the N for a statis-
imental conditions often makes it too time-
tical test is the number o f repeated trials each
consuming to expose participants repeatedly
individual encountered and p indexes the sig-
t o each o f the conditions.
nificance o f the effects o f the drug for a given
exposing subjects to exactly the same situa-
For another 5 0 % o f the people,
tion multiple times is often not a viable
there was a statistically significant negative
option. However, there are a number o f ways
effect of the drug, either a worsening of the
to minimize the factors that sometimes result
symptoms or serious side effects emerging. If
in drawbacks for within-subject designs, and
the study was done as a between-subjects
to take advantage o f the intrinsic benefit o f
study, the result would have been precisely no
them (e.g., Greenwald, 1 9 7 6 ) . Technological
overall effect. And unless the particular per-
advances have made it possible t o present
sonal factor that interacts with the drug is iden-
realistic stimuli (e.g., virtual reality technol-
tified a priori, it would not be possible to test
ogy) in an engaging, interactive way, in which
for interactions with that variable.
multiple virtual situations may be created and
But if the study is designed to allow establishing for each person, then the fact that
to interact with
Research suggests that reactions observed in
5 0 % o f the patients reliably respond posi-
such "simulated" situations converge with
tively to the drug while another 5 0 % reliably
those obtained in real situations
respond negatively to it is a significant finding
Clore, 2 0 0 1 ) .
(M. D.
that merits reporting. M o r e important, publi-
many o f the research agenda in the field have
cation o f such a finding can then lead to stud-
shifted to make use o f repeatedly presented
ies t o
critical factors
simple stimuli, such as the brief presentation
differentiate individuals for w h o m the drug is
of primes and targets on computers. These
effective and those for w h o m it is detrimental.
advances and changes make examination and
T h a t , in turn, can prove highly informative in
establishment, beyond statistical doubt, o f the
discovering the mechanisms o f the
action. Similarly, in social psychological
experimental effect for each participant increasing possibility.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS In addition, in the past, statistical procedures
phenomena at an individual level, rather than
in the aggregate, in turn leading to discovering
important differences among individuals in the
experiments in mind, in part reflecting, and at
effects of situational factors (i.e., person x
situation interactions).
largely been designed with same
assumptions, and common practices in the field. However,
more powerful
frameworks, algorithms, and most important, easily accessible computer packages that implement them, are becoming increasingly accessible (e.g., see Gonzalez & Griffin, Chapter 1 4 , this volume). For example, the multilevel analysis framework
(e.g., M o s k o w i t z
Hershberger, 2 0 0 2 ) allows fitting linear models within each individual, whereas the parameter estimates for each individual (e.g., beta weights indicating the effect o f a situational variable on a given behavior for that person)
can in turn be
predicted from other variables such as individual differences. Computer implementations o f
differences into account in social psychology research particularly and the availability o f strategies for identifying potential o f individual
differences in an
bottom-up process, h o w does one actually operationalize individual differences and use them in testing models o f social behavior?
these statistical procedures are available, such as the Hierarchical Linear M o d e l ( H L M ) (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2 0 0 2 ; see, SAS Proc M i x e d (SAS Institute), and the N L M E (nonlinear mixed effects) package (Pinheiro & Bates, 2 0 0 0 ; see
What Makes a "Good" Measure: The Intertwined Nature of Reliability and Validity Fortunately, throughout the history o f
social and personality psychology in the last
sia/project/nlme) available for S-Plus and for
century, a large number o f measures have
the freely available and rapidly maturing sta-
been developed. They do not, of course,
tistical software called R (
exhaust all the important
Highly related to the multilevel framework is
people differ, and no doubt new measures will
ways in which
growth-curve modeling and the Mplus soft-
be devised, as models o f individuals
ware that
dynamic social information processing sys-
2 0 0 2 ; L. Muthen & B . Muthen, 1 9 9 8 - 2 0 0 1 ;
tems evolve. Nonetheless, a bewildering array
implements it (B. O .
as These statistical models
of measures already exists. For example, the
make it more natural to design and analyze
experiments in which individuals' responses to
a variety of experimental stimuli are analyzed
measures o f response bias, subjective well-
by J . P. R o b i n s o n , Shaver, ( 1 9 9 1 ) has chapters
and conceptualized at an individual level first.
being, self-esteem, social anxiety and shyness,
Even without adopting these new comprehen-
loneliness, alienation
sive statistical frameworks, a simple statistic
anomie, interpersonal
such as the percentage o f participants
human nature,
trust and
locus o f control,
whom the situational factors had the expected
authoritarianism, sex roles (masculinity, femi-
effect can be reported,
ninity, and androgyny), and values. Well over
its statistical
significance can be tested. Doing so naturally
a dozen particular measures are described in
draws one's attention
each chapter. H o w do we choose?
to looking at
Individual First, a good measure must reflect the target construct. Despite the
in Social
the difference in the constructs researchers
intended to measure using the same instru-
w o r k on this topic, the ultimate goals are
ment. Relatedly, it is important "to remember
simple: to minimize noise in the measurement
and to be sure that the measure reflects what
Reliability is a property o f the scores on a test
is intended to be measured and not something
for a particular population o f examinees"
a test is not reliable or
else. If the measures were a radio, the recep-
tion should be clear, and it should be tuned t o
Statistical Inference, 1 9 9 9 , p. 5 9 6 ) .
the A P A T a s k F o r c e on
the right station. But o f course the plot thickens as one actually starts tuning the research radio. Reliability can be shown in a variety o f ways that do not always produce the same conclusion. Different measures o f the same
Bootstrapping Upward in the Evolution of Constructs, Theories, and Measures
thing may be highly related, for example, dif-
So, a first step is to be clear about the con-
ferent halves o f the multi-item questionnaire
struct the measure is intended to measure. But
(split-half reliability), indicating that
in most cases, the quality being "measured" is
items that make up a scale reflect something
not something that can be seen or felt, let alone
in c o m m o n (internal consistency). But the
directly measured, but rather a hypothetical
same measure filled out to describe the same
construct. An attitude, a belief, a self-concept—
person by different raters (interrater reliabil-
these are all qualities that are hypothesized
ity), or on different
to characterize an individual. W h e n the target
occasions (test-retest
reliability), may result in the conclusion that
of measurement is a hypothetical quality that
the measure is not reliable. T o untangle this,
cannot be observed directly, h o w does one
one needs to address a fundamental concep-
even ask the question o f whether a measure
tual issue: W h a t is noise, and what is signal?
reflects it accurately? H o w does one address
Often the issues o f reliability and validity
the validity o f a measure? T h a t is precisely
are considered in a sequential fashion. First
the question addressed by the APA Committee
establish reliability, to m a k e sure that the
on Psychological Tests half a century ago
measure is reliably measuring
(Cronbach & Meehl, 1 9 5 5 ) , which introduced
then worry about validity, to make sure that
the notion o f construct
Constructs are
is in fact what one intended to
defined by the theory or model in which they
measure. But what " n o i s e " is depends on the
are embedded. They are an integral part o f a
nature o f what is intended t o be measured
model o f phenomena one wishes to under-
(see Fiske, 2 0 0 2 ) . F o r example, observer
stand, and they evolve as the model evolves
the something
ratings o f h o w often a w o m a n spontaneously
from a crude approximation to a more accu-
smiles while talking to a particular person
rate representation o f the processes that give
may be a fairly reliable measure o f h o w she is
rise to observed phenomena.
feeling in that particular situation, but it may
C r o n b a c h and M e e h l ( 1 9 5 5 , p. 2 8 6 ) illus-
be an unreliable measure o f her friendliness or
trated the construct validation process by the
her attitude toward the person. T o o often,
evolution o f the construct and measure o f
reliability is considered a property o f a partic-
temperature. Neither perceived warmth nor
ular measure, independent o f the construct it
expansion o f mercury is intrinsically more
is intended to measure. M a n y an apparent
valid than the other, but the theories in
contradiction between studies that
physics relate the latter to a construct that is
high reliability o f a measure and those that
hypothesized to underlie a wider range o f
report the measure as unreliable stems from
phenomena, which were in fact predicted
more accurately by mercury
constructs, examined systematically in light of
readings than observers' judgments o f the
the commonalities in the method of measure-
warmth o f an object. Thus, what is more
"valid" is not the measure alone but rather
approach, called the
the whole system consisting o f the theory
matrix ( M T M M ) , the "theory" being tested is
(Campbell &
Fiske, 1 9 5 9 ) . In this multitrait-multimethod
relating multiple constructs (e.g., tempera-
that measures o f the same construct should
ture, pressure) and the measures o f the con-
correlate with each other even if they employ
structs. Cronbach and M e e h l noted that the
different methods (i.e., convergent validity),
"whole process o f conceptual
that measures o f different
begins with what in retrospect we see as an
should not correlate with each other even if
extremely fallible 'criterion'—the human tem-
they employ the same method (i.e., discrimi-
perature sense. T h a t original criterion has
nant validity). With the development of struc-
n o w been relegated to a peripheral position.
tural equation modeling and, in particular,
W e have lifted ourselves by our bootstraps,
confirmatory factor analysis, methods
quantitative analyses o f M T M M
(Cronbach & Meehl, 1 9 5 5 , p. 2 8 6 ) .
are now
available (e.g., Kenny & Kashy, 1 9 9 2 ) and are
T h e theory and measures evolve when predictions based on them fail. W h e n they fail, one asks: Is it because the measure is
described in accessible form
(e.g., Kenny,
1 9 9 5 ; M a r s h & Grayson, 1 9 9 5 ) . T h e M T M M is only one specific, and per-
faulty, or because the theory, in which the
construct is embedded, is faulty? W h a t needs
approaches to construct validity. T h e theo-
to be fixed? I f alternative measures o f the
ries in which the constructs are embedded
same construct can accurately predict the
can be more substantive in nature than sim-
expected by the theory,
ply expecting measures o f the same construct
perhaps the theory is fine and the particular
t o be m o r e strongly correlated than measures
measure is at fault. O n the other hand, if
o f different constructs. W i t h confirmatory
phenomena predicted by other theories could
factor analysis and structural equation mod-
be predicted accurately using the measure in
eling in general, it should be possible to test
question, but not those predicted by the first
the fit o f a theoretical model with an empiri-
theory, then it's the theory that is faulty, par-
cally obtained pattern o f correlations. T h e
ticularly if that theory continues t o fail t o
general principle remains the same: If the fit
receive support when using other measures.
o f the theory and the data is good, then keep both the theory and the measures used to
An Example Validation
Mu Ititrait-Mu Itimethod
Ma trix
T h e construct validation process discussed
operationalize the theory. I f not, revise either the theory or the measure, or both, taking into account the success o f the theory using other measures and/or the success o f the measures when used to test other theories.
above is particularly important for psychological constructs and theories, and a general discussion of construct validation research can be
found, for example, in Messick ( 1 9 8 9 , 1 9 9 5 ) .
One major aspect of such programs that has
Differences via
received much attention is the pattern o f inter-
M o s t important for social psychologists,
correlations among alternative measures o f the
there is no reason for the theories being tested
same construct, as well as those o f different
to be confined to patterns o f intercorrelations
in Social
among different types of individual differences.
of interactions between individual difference
O n the contrary, a more decisive test o f the
measure comes from testing theories that
approaches described in these publications
m a k e predictions about the effects o f situa-
allow one to avoid the need for artificially
tions. If a measure in fact measures a particu-
forming discrete groups (e.g., by dichotomiz-
lar attitude, then
change as a
ing via median-split), which not only reduces
function o f situational manipulations known
statistical power but also can result in spuri-
to induce attitude change. M o r e relevant for
ously significant results (e.g., M a c C a l l u m ,
the present chapter, if a measure identifies
Zhang, Preacher, 8c Rucker, 2 0 0 2 ; M a x w e l l
individuals with different processing dynam-
8c Delaney, 1993).
it should
ics, then individual differences are expected to
At the same time, as is the case for most
interact with situational factors in ways pre-
statistical models used to compute statistical
dicted by the theory o f the particular dynam-
significance, the accuracy and appropriateness
ics. In short, a particularly relevant question
of conclusions based on these regression-based
for those evaluating the construct validity o f a
frameworks also depend on the basic assump-
measure of individual differences for under-
tions made by the model. This is particularly
standing social psychological phenomena is
relevant as one takes advantage of the power
this: Has it been shown t o interact with theo-
retically relevant situational factors?
measurement scales, as compared to the more traditional analysis o f variance
based on categorical variables that are either
Continuous or Categorical? It Can Matter
nominal or at most ordinal. It is all the more important to examine relatively modelindependent Specifically,
"raw" it
summaries useful
regression-based analyses with
complement exploratory
analyses (e.g., Behrens, 1 9 9 7 , Tukey, 1 9 6 9 , 1977, 1980), to observe data without the lens of parametric statistical models. Models that
Let us suppose that a measure has been
do not rely on assumed linear relationships are
found with a great track record for produc-
also becoming available, such as the regression
ing theory-predicted patterns o f interactions.
analyses, as well as to become aware o f devel-
W h a t , then, would be the next step? W h a t
opments in nonlinear regression (e.g., Huet,
considerations apply as one plans to actually
1996), nonparametric regression (e.g., F o x ,
use the measure?
2000), and other nonparametric and robust
Numerous guides have been written on this topic, both for social psychology research in
methods (e.g., Hettmansperger 8c M c K e a n , 1998; Sprent, 2001).
particular (e.g., Judd, 2000) and in textbooks that provide an integrative and unified framework for analyzing continuous and categorical variables, within- and
To Block or Not to Block on Individual Difference Measures?
designs, and fixed and random effects (e.g.,
Although a variety o f publications discuss
Aiken & West, 1 9 9 1 ; Judd & McClelland,
data-analytic methods, a small sample of which
1 9 8 9 ; also see J . Cohen, Aiken, West, 8c
are mentioned above, there is yet another issue
Cohen, 2002). M o s t relevant for the analysis
that merits attention in considering the role o f
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS individual differences in social psychological
research. T h a t is, how should one take indi-
across individuals. If so, findings about the
vidual differences into account in designing
not vary
o f the manipulation obtained for one
study (compared to what to do once data are
individual should apply to another individual
collected)? Similar to many
as well. But what if the cognitive-affective
data-analytic individual
dynamics o f 8 0 % o f the study participants
differences, this also stems from the fact that,
resemble Figure 6 . 2 , and what if risk salience
unlike experimentally manipulated variables
facilitates self-checking behavior only among
operationalized by random assignment into
those with a low expectation o f developing
conditions, aspects o f observed as well as
cancer, while it interferes with self-checking
unobserved individual differences are corre-
among those with higher expectations? In
lated with each other. This simple and obvi-
that case, if we do the study with a random
ous fact has an important implication for the
sample o f students in this population, we are
likely to conclude that risk salience on the
o f experiments
effects o f situations as well, as discussed in some detail below.
whole facilitates self-checking. T h e conclusion from this low-risk popula-
Suppose one wishes to determine if making
tion, o f course, could be misleading when
salient one's risk for gender-specific types o f
generalizing the findings to a population o f
cancer would
older adults w h o
either increase or
c o m e for their
health-protective behaviors (e.g., frequency o f
checkups at a clinic. Blocking on the cancer
breast self-examination for women or testicu-
expectation to ensure adequate
lar self-examination for men). T o study this,
tion o f the entire range o f risk expectation,
students enrolled in an introductory psychol-
therefore, would increase the likelihood o f
ogy course are randomly assigned to a "risk
detecting the interaction. O f course, after
such blocking, the sample is no longer repre-
reminded o f their risks, or to a "reassurance"
sentative o f the Psychology 1 0 1 population.
condition that de-emphasizes the risk while
However, the information about the interac-
encouraging self-examination. Suppose also
tion would make it less risky to extrapolate to
that students' expectation that they might
populations o f older adults with a higher
develop breast or prostate cancer had been
expectation of risk.
assessed in a mass testing session at the begin-
Is blocking, then, an ultimate answer? N o t
ning of the term and was found to be quite
necessarily. Consider the possibility
low, reflecting the fact that they were typical
health risk expectations may be correlated
young adults. Should one simply randomly
with other variables. For example, suppose,
assign all students who sign up for this study
thanks to the successful breast cancer risk
to one of the two conditions? Or, because we
consciousness-raising campaigns, that breast
know that those who expect to develop cancer
cancer risks are more salient to women than
are underrepresented in this sample, should
prostate cancer risks are to men. Then block-
we try to recruit an equal number o f partici-
ing on the expectation o f gender-specific
pants high vs. low in this expectation? T h a t is,
cancer risk would result in more women in the
should we block on the expectation variable,
high risk expectation block. The observed
to employ a randomized block design?
interaction with the risk salience manipulation
T h e question is relatively inconsequential
may therefore be, in reality, an interaction
if the effects o f subject characteristics and the
with gender. T h a t is, risk expectation may be
situational manipulation (salience o f risk) do
confounded with gender. One may, o f course,
not interact, such that the effects o f the
further block on gender as well, sampling an
in Social Psychology
equal number o f women and men within high
one group is sampled from the high end o f a
risk expectation and low risk expectation
distribution and the other is from the low
blocks respectively. But there are potential pit-
end. (For excellent discussions o f this and
falls in doing so as well. For example, male
other methodological issues, see C o o k and
college students w h o are high in their health
Campbell [ 1 9 7 9 , pp. 1 7 5 - 1 8 2 ] . )
risk expectation may have some unusual characteristics not found in other men, such as being more pessimistic, or even hypochondriacal, while female college students with a comparable level o f health risk expectation may be no more pessimistic than average for female students. O n e could statistically examine and remove the effects o f these subject variables in a multiple regression framework, but that would require appreciable and
variations in risk expectations in the sample o f participants studied and being able to safely assume that the effects o f these variables are linear and can be extrapolated beyond the range observed in the particular sample. These are big assumptions.
Recasting the Problem: Going Beyond Individual Differences as a Poor Person's Substitute for an Experiment H o w might one solve this dilemma? As for many tough problems, the "solution" may require recasting the problem. W h a t is the nature o f the problem, and what are the assumptions that lead us t o it? T h e ultimate source o f the " p r o b l e m " is this: Individual difference characteristics are correlated with each other. In addition to the problem o f confounding—not being sure exactly which of the correlated variables are really responsi-
In the end, for every measured individual
ble for the phenomenon—there is the issue
difference characteristic, there can be many
that it is often not possible t o find people w h o
m o r e unobserved
represent certain combinations o f variables,
correlated with it, and that interact with
making it again more difficult to isolate the
situations significantly. Blocking on all these
effects o f each variable. O n e
variables is not practical, because to the
assumption, or a conceptual framework, that
extent that two variables are correlated posi-
led us to this quandary is that our goal is to
characteristics that
tively, it would be difficult to obtain samples
study the effects o f individual variables,
that are high on one variable and low on the
we are approaching individual differences as
other, and if one does, that sample may have
a way t o operationalize the variables.
some particular
characteristics associated
with being rare. F o r example, would the values,
But it is
a poor person's operationalization at best, as there is no random assignment.
expectations, and professional experi-
ence o f female professors o f engineering be understood simply by virtue o f their being female and being professors o f engineering? A
of Situations
for Each
Effects Person
regression-based estimation o f the "effects"
W h a t if, instead, we view each individual's
of being female and o f being a professor o f
social processing system, each with a distinc-
engineering observed in a typical random
tive configuration o f bundles o f variables "pre-
sample, which is likely to contain only a few,
sented by Nature" (Cronbach, 1 9 5 7 ) , as a
if any, actual female professors o f engineer-
natural unit, and study its functioning? T o the
ing, could be a tenuous exercise in extrapola-
extent that individuals' genetics, life experi-
tion. Furthermore, measurement error in the
ences, and culture shapes their relatively
scores used for blocking results in a differen-
unique social information processing systems,
tial regression to the mean, especially when
it may not be entirely unreasonable to liken the
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS role in social psychology of individual differences
2 0 0 2 ) . T h e "confounding" o f variables stops
among people to the role in biology of differ-
being a "problem" if we seek to understand
ences among species. Biologists don't view
the functioning o f the type o f system charac-
species as an operationalization o f variables—
terized by the specific configuration o f the
size, shape, number o f limbs, presence of feath-
variables, "as presented by Nature."
ers, and so on—and examine the "effects" of each of these characteristics in a regression equation. Rather, they take each species one
at a time and study the functions o f their
for Ultimate
structure—large-scale structures as well as the
The Implications
molecular structure, as encoded by the unique
D N A sequence that defines the species. In their
More Inductive,
work, it is clear that it does not even make
This way o f approaching science has some
sense to speak of the function o f a gene inde-
practical implications for social psychology.
pendent o f the context o f the rest of the
First, it should not be necessary to fret too
species's genome and the cellular chemical
much that the results of any given experiment
environment. T h a t is, the behaviors o f an
may be limited to the population o f individu-
organism, as well as the effect o f a particular
als studied, not because it's not true, but
Generalizability Generalizability: of a Type-Centered, Approach
gene, are a function of the Gestalt, the whole
because o f a frank acknowledgment that that
configuration o f the genome and the micro
is the case in every study one ever conducts.
(cellular) and macro (ecological) environment.
Integral for the proposed release from "gener-
If one likens species to individual persons
alizability fretting," however, is a shift in how
with their unique configuration of beliefs,
one conceptualizes empirical research. Instead
expectations, values, goals, and competencies,
of trying to achieve generality in any given
the fact that it is difficult to find people with
study, an alternative goal is a commitment to
every possible combination o f characteristics
making every empirical study a part o f a
should not be disconcerting, just as not being
cumulative scientific endeavor. This is based
able to find a species with feathers and gills
on faith, for lack o f a better word, in the ulti-
does not pose a problem for biologists. People
mate success by the scientific community in
need not be seen as an operationalization o f
identifying regularities and generalizable pat-
variables one would rather manipulate via
terns and principles, as studies conducted with
random assignment. Instead, it may be more
different populations o f individuals accumu-
fruitful to see each individual as a distinctive
late. But "faith" alone is not sufficient, o f
social information system
that dynamically
course. It requires that any single study not
interacts with the situations and generates
claim to have found a "general l a w " o f social
psychology that is independent o f the charac-
feelings, and
behaviors. In this
framework, one route for pursuing generaliz-
teristics o f the individuals serving as partici-
able knowledge, rather than knowledge spe-
pants. In turn, such a claim should not be
cific to a single individual, may be to identify
required as a criterion for publication. Instead,
types o f individuals w h o are similar in their
the burden on researchers is to find ways to
social information processing system. T h a t is,
make available as much information as possi-
it may be more fruitful to frame our mission
ble about the individuals w h o served as par-
in a less variable-centered, and more person-
ticipants, for future use in meta-analysis. At
(e.g., Anderson &
least, one can do better than describing study
Sedikides, 1 9 9 1 ; Magnusson, 1 9 9 8 ; Robins,
participants as "students enrolled in an intro-
J o h n , &c Caspi, 1 9 9 8 ; Shoda & LeeTiernan,
ductory psychology class at a large Western
and type-centered, way
in Social
university," which presupposes that all that
important for the individual, engaging the
matters is the subject o f the class and the size
natural distinctions among situations that the
and general geographical location o f the uni-
versity. Without any increase in word count,
makes. If seeing George, Dick, or D o n in
one could name the university, potentially
charge o f a situation makes a person more
conveying a lot more information.
nervous than when others are in charge, then
Second, the use o f a within-subject design, whenever it is possible, would
situations involving George, Dick, and D o n share
some important
allow for at least a rough assessment o f the
observer's social information processing sys-
extent to which there are individual differ-
tem picks up, and that in turn activate certain
ences that can moderate the effects o f the situ-
thoughts and feelings. But what is it about the
ations. If, for example, the effects o f situations
situations involving George, Dick, and D o n
vary reliably across participants, then, even if
that are different from others? T o achieve a
it is not known what individual difference
better understanding of the individual's pro-
characteristic is relevant, one at least knows
cessing system, and to go beyond observations
there is a need to be particularly cautious in
localizing the findings to the population stud-
responses to novel situations (would a situa-
ied and to report as much potentially relevant
tion involving Colin at the helm o f an organi-
in any given situation and
information about the population as is avail-
zation make the observer nervous too? O r
able. Such a finding is also an indication that
what if Madeline is in charge?), it is necessary
it would be fruitful to launch a concerted
to understand what it was about the situations
effort to identify the important differences in
that made each person respond in his or her
the social information
characteristic manner. T h a t is, situations need
processing systems
underlying the behavior being studied, which
to be understood at the level o f their
in turn may lead to identifying c o m m o n types
o f processing systems. Advancement in the
level (Shoda, Mischel, et al., 1 9 9 4 ) .
rather than at the
psycho nominal
statistical models, such as the multilevel anal-
One concrete example o f this approach is a
yses, and practical computer packages that
recent systematic attempt at generating a typol-
implement them, such as H L M , Mplus, and
ogy o f both situations and persons (Kelley
(discussed earlier in this chapter),
et al., 2 0 0 2 ) . T h e effort primarily focused on
would make it possible to characterize the
"situations o f interdependence," in which the
effects o f situations for each individual, and
behavior o f one partner in a dyad influences
then consider variations among individuals in
the rewards, such as pleasure and gratification,
the nature and magnitude o f such effects.
as well as the costs, such as physical or mental effort, pain, embarrassment, or anxiety, for the other partner. For example, a situation may be
characterized as one in which the basic features of the Prisoner's Dilemma situation apply, so that if reciprocation is assured, cooperative behavior results in the best outcome for both, but one stands to lose much if the partner does not reciprocate with cooperative behavior. In
Studies o f situations and persons go hand in
turn, for each type o f situation characteristic, a
hand. Predictable patterns o f an individual's
type (or types) o f persons could be identified
behavior variation across situations suggests
w h o share distinctive ways o f
that the distinctions among the situations are
to them.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Patterns of interdependence are, of course,
possibility o f rejection on the basis of race is a
only one aspect o f situations. For a given behav-
major distinguishing feature of situations for
ior o f interest, and for a given domain o f life,
another person, then it seems likely that the
there are likely to be a relatively small number
individual may be characterized by the process-
of key psychological features of situations that
ing dynamics o f racial rejection sensitivity
are particularly important. Identifying them can
(Mendoza-Denton et al., in press). The analysis
in turn lead to identifying types o f persons who
of the situations thus facilitates the identifica-
share distinct dynamics, as discussed earlier.
tion o f distinctive personal characteristics. And
For example, if for an individual a major dis-
the analysis o f the processing dynamics that
tinction among social situations is the presence
characterize an individual in turn leads one to
or absence of opportunities for demonstrating
situation features that characterize diagnostic
his or her superiority, it seems likely that the
situations. Thus, in order to truly understand
individual may be characterized by narcissistic
people, one needs to understand situations, and
processing dynamics (e.g., M o r f & Rhodewalt,
to really understand situations, one needs to
2 0 0 1 ) . If the presence or absence o f the
understand people.
NOTES 1. Furthermore, although for brevity and clarity the present chapter focuses on the immediate effects of situations, the role of individual differences of course is not limited to people's immediate responses to situations. Naturally occurring situations may differ in the kinds of people they attract, and people's reactions to situations in turn affect the future situations they encounter. Thus it may be necessary to understand the system consisting of the particular combination of the person and the environment, rather than each of them separately. That is, the behaviors of individuals may be the emergent properties of the system consisting of the individual and the environment, rather than simply a sum of the effects of situations, or persons, that can be observed in isolation. For further discussion of examples of such person-situation interactions, see Shoda, LeeTiernan, and Mischel (2002) as well as Zayas, Shoda, and Ayduk (2002). 2. The results of the survey are summarized in a table available at the following URL: It lists (a) The "P"—the individual difference, (b) The "S"—the situational dimension/feature with which the "P" construct interacted, and (c) The " B " in B = f (P x S)—the dependent variable on which the "P" and " S " interacted. It is intended as a continuously evolving table; readers who would like to contribute additional constructs are encouraged to send e-mail to P x [email protected], a dedicated e-mail account checked periodically to update the table. 3. In addition, a publication of the American Psychological Association, The Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures (Goldman, Mitchel, & Egelson, 1997), lists 2,078 measures that appeared in 37 journals in psychology, education, and sociology from 1991 to 1995. Literally thousands of measures are listed in such publications as Tests in Print V (Murphy, Impara, & Plake, 1999), Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education, and Business (Maddox, 1997), and The ETS Test Collection Catalog (Educational Testing Service, 1993). 4. For excellent discussions of this topic, see the Robinson, Shaver, and Wrightsman (1991) chapter titled "Criteria for Scale Selection and Evaluation," the John and Benet-Martinez (2000) chapter titled "Measurement: Reliability,
in Social
Construct Validation, and Scale Construction," and textbooks such as Aiken (1997), Anastasi and Urbina (1997), R. J . Cohen and Swerdlik (1999), Gregory (1996), and Kaplan and Saccuzzo (1997). The generalizability theory (Cronbach, Gleser, Nanda, 8c Rajaratnam, 1972) provides a unifying framework in which the many "types" of reliability can be thought of as a facet and is covered in Marcoulides (1999). 5. Discussions of various types of reliability and the ways of estimating them are readily available in other more in-depth treatments such as L. Crocker and Algina (1986), Feldt and Brennan (1989), and Nunnally and Bernstein (1994).
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Part III DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Section B Operationalizing the Constructs: Deciding What to Measure, Why, and How
Constructing and Evaluating Quantitative Measures for Social Psychological Research Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Solutions DUANE T . WEGENER Purdue
rom social psychology's earliest days,
Consider the following example. Attitude
researchers have based their theories
researchers have long been interested in under-
standing why persuasive appeals sometimes
study o f latent psychological constructs (e.g.,
fail. O n e reason may be that messages often
Thurstone, 1 9 2 8 ) . Concepts such as attitudes,
fail to target the underlying basis of an attitude.
attributions, stereotypes, and
Specifically, researchers have proposed
empirical investigations on
attraction are all hypothetical constructs that
attitudes (i.e., relatively enduring and global
cannot be directly observed but are nonethe-
evaluations) can be based on two distinct types
less presumed to play an important role in
of information: affect and cognition. T h e affec-
social behavior. O n e o f the great challenges to
tive basis refers to emotions and m o o d states
and successes o f social psychology has been
that a person associates with the attitude
object. For example, a person might form a
approaches to measuring such unobservable
positive attitude toward a Porsche based in
constructs. W i t h o u t
part on the emotions the car elicits (e.g., excite-
empirical examination o f social psychological
ment). T h e cognitive basis refers to beliefs
theories would not be possible.
about attributes o f the attitude object. For
such approaches,
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS instance, a person might develop a positive
attitude toward a Porsche based on beliefs
about the car's many positive features (e.g., superior handling and performance). It has
Quantitative measures typically represent in
been proposed that some attitudes may be
numerical form the standing of people or
based on affect whereas others may be based
on cognition (e.g., Katz & Stotland, 1 9 5 9 ) and
Quantitative measures are intended to pro-
that attitudes will be differentially susceptible
duce scores that at least approximate
to persuasive appeals
interval level o f measurement (i.e., units o f
mismatch the basis o f the attitude (e.g.,
measurement represent equal intervals). Thus,
quantitative measures can be contrasted with
Edwards, 1 9 9 0 ; Fabrigar & Petty, 1 9 9 9 ) . Any empirical investigation of such matching effects requires measures for a variety o f unobservable constructs. First, one must have some way o f measuring attitudes. Second, a researcher must be able to determine if attitudes are based predominantly on affect or on cognition. This requires the development o f measures of affective and cognitive bases. Such measures could be used either to confirm the success o f an experimental manipulation or as a means of categorizing naturally
Finally, this research question requires confirmation that manipulations o f the affective and cognitive nature o f the persuasive appeals were successful. Such confirmation requires measures to assess the nature of the evaluative responses produced by the messages.
measures intended to reflect categorical distinctions among people or objects (i.e., nominal scale measures) or simple rank ordering o f people or objects on a construct o f interest (i.e., ordinal scale measures). There are two potential advantages to having measures with interval level properties
(see Gaito, 1 9 8 0 ;
Townsend & Ashby, 1 9 8 4 ) . Such measures provide information not only about the relative standing o f people on a construct (as in nominal or ordinal data) but also about the magnitude of the difference between people. Also, whether a measure has interval level properties
c a n have implications for
appropriateness o f particular statistical procedures. F o r example, A N O V A , multiple regression, and factor analysis are more likely to be appropriate when measures at least approxi-
In this chapter, we review a variety o f
mate the interval level.
issues related to the construction and evaluation o f quantitative measures o f latent psychological constructs. W e begin by defining what quantitative measures are and contrasting them with other types o f measures. W e
then summarize the major steps and key
Constructing quantitative measures can be
issues in constructing quantitative measures
thought o f as occurring in three major stages.
(primarily within the c o n t e x t o f direct self-
First, the researcher must specify the goals o f
report measures o f attitudes and related con-
the measure and formulate the theoretical
structs). N e x t , we review procedures
evaluating the quality o f a quantitative mea-
Second, a pool o f potential items must be gen-
sure. Finally, we turn our attention to the
erated. Finally, the performance o f the indi-
development and assessment o f indirect or
vidual items must be evaluated and items for
the final scale selected. In the sections that
follow, we outline key challenges that occur at
measures, emphasizing
applicability o f traditional
procedures t o these alternative measures.
each stage and discuss strategies for dealing
and Evaluating
with these challenges. Throughout, we discuss
the measure intended for use in laboratory
these issues primarily within the context o f
settings, mass testing sessions, or telephone
self-report measures. W e do so because such
surveys? F o r example, a measure designed for
measures are the most widely used type o f
telephone surveys might have to be relatively
in social psychology.
brief because survey respondents often must
nearly all the challenges we discuss as well as
interrupt ongoing activities to complete the
many o f the strategies for dealing with them
measure and might need to consist o f items
are applicable to the construction o f quantita-
with relatively few response options because
tive measures that do not involve self-reports.
respondents must hold these response options in memory.
Specifying Measurement Goals and Theoretical Assumptions Specifying
Specifying Theoretical
Goals for the
All too often, social psychologists fail to
recognize the interdependence o f theory and
Successful measurement begins with specifying the intended
goals for the
(Crites et al., 1 9 9 4 ; Ostrom,
1 9 8 9 ) . Any time a researcher uses a particular
(e.g., see Aiken, 1 9 9 7 ; Friedenberg, 1 9 9 5 ) .
measure, that researcher is implicitly accepting
Obviously, the researcher must determine the
certain assumptions regarding the construct o f
domain the measure is intended to assess. For
interest. Consider a measure o f attitude basis
instance, in our example involving attitude
that asks people to directly report how much
bases, the domain o f interest includes the con-
their attitudes are based on emotions versus
structs o f attitudes, affective bases, and cogni-
beliefs. Such a measure requires the researcher
tive bases. However, outlining the relevant
to accept the assumption that people can suc-
constructs is not sufficient. One should also
cessfully introspect about the extent to which
consider the specificity o f the measures that
their attitudes are based on affect versus cog-
will be used. For instance, does the researcher
nition. Another approach might be to ask
wish to create general measures o f attitude,
people to report their emotions, beliefs, and
affect, and cognition that can be used across
attitudes. T h e researcher could then use statis-
a range of attitude objects (Crites, Fabrigar, &
tical procedures to assess the extent to which
Petty, 1 9 9 4 ; Eagly, Mladinic, & O t t o , 1 9 9 4 ) ,
the two bases are associated with the overall
or does the researcher wish to design mea-
attitude. This measurement strategy does not
sures for a single attitude object or a specific
require the assumption that people can suc-
class o f attitude objects (Abelson, Kinder,
cessfully introspect but would
Peters, &
researcher to accept that people can provide
Another issue is the population for which the
valid self-reports o f the content o f the bases o f
measure will be used. This has implications
their attitudes.
1 9 8 2 ; Breckler,
for later decisions such as the wording o f
Researchers should explicitly acknowledge
instructions and o f items as well as the over-
the interdependence
all length o f the measure. F o r example, a
theory and thus clearly delineate their funda-
measure designed for children might require
mental assumptions before constructing the
simpler wording, fewer items, and simpler
actual measure (e.g., see Crites et al., 1 9 9 4 ) .
o f measurement
response options than a measure designed for
Specification o f assumptions should address a
adults. Finally, the context in which the mea-
variety o f issues. Obviously, it should include
sure will be used should also be considered. Is
precise definitions o f constructs. F o r example,
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS J a c k s o n ( 1 9 7 1 ) suggested that researchers
or negative. Stating assumptions also can
descriptions o f
guide decisions regarding measurement fea-
people w h o score high and low on the con-
tures such as question format. For example, if
struct o f interest. Assumptions regarding the
one assumes positive and negative emotions
structural properties o f the key constructs
can coexist, one might choose to present emo-
might also be important. For example, one
tional states in a unipolar scale format rather
might consider attitude, affect, and cognition
than presenting opposing affective states in a
to be strictly bipolar or to be conceptually
bipolar scale format. A final benefit o f speci-
independent, with potential for coexisting
fying assumptions is that it communicates
positive and negative responses within each
information to users of the measure that can
construct. O n e would also want to address
assist in proper interpretation. O n e problem in
whether the measures are intended to apply
social psychology has been that
to many objects or whether new measures
researchers often have set out to study the
would be necessary for each new object.
same construct but have used measures that
Finally, one should
implicitly suggest very different conceptualiza-
regarding h o w the constructs will manifest
tions o f the construct (see Crites e t a l . , 1 9 9 4 ,
themselves. F o r instance, an attitude measure
for discussion o f this in the context of affective
based on overt behaviors rests on the assump-
and cognitive attitude bases).
tion that attitudes and overt behaviors should be strongly associated. Self-report measures
Item Generation
of attitude, affect, and cognition require the assumption
these constructs
manifest themselves in differential responses to specific semantic stimuli.
Item Content
and Wording.
Perhaps the
most fundamental issue in creating items is
Articulating theoretical assumptions prior
determining the content and wording o f
to constructing measures can translate into a
items. Although writing items requires sub-
jective judgment and creativity, there are
o f practical advantages. First, it
encourages careful evaluation o f assumptions.
strategies that can assist in the process. First,
Implicit assumptions are seldom questioned,
if conceptual assumptions
whereas explicit assumptions can be critically
measure have been specified, items can be
considered for potential flaws. Theoretical
assumptions also can provide a set o f stan-
respect t o the stated assumptions. Consider
to have good face validity
dards capable o f guiding item generation and
our definition o f the affective basis o f atti-
evaluation. Precise definitions help to clarify
tudes as comprising specific evaluative emo-
whether the items generated are appropriate
tional states associated with an object. O n e
in their content and comprehensive in their
might begin the process o f constructing items
by generating a list o f words c o m m o n l y used
defined the affective basis o f attitudes as com-
t o convey particular positive or negative
prising specific emotional states associated
emotional states. T h i s list could be further
with an object that are evaluative in nature.
expanded by using a thesaurus.
coverage. F o r example, imagine that
This definition could help determine which
Another complementary strategy is t o
content would be appropriate for items. For
examine related theories and measures. For
instance, it suggests that terms should reflect
example, theories o f emotion (e.g., Izard,
specific emotions rather than undifferentiated
1 9 7 7 ; Russell, 1 9 8 0 ) could be a source for gen-
positive or negative affect. It also suggests that
erating items for the measure of the affective
the emotion terms should be clearly positive
basis. Previously constructed measures also
and Evaluating
can be used. Obviously, in drawing on past
regarding whether appropriate coverage has
theory and measures, researchers should not
been achieved. Also, because even a carefully
blindly accept what has been proposed or used
implemented item generation process is likely
in the past. Instead, items drawn from these
t o produce some p o o r items, "content satu-
sources should be assessed in light of the stated
ration" o f the construct is advisable. T h a t is,
assumptions for the current measure. For
the researcher should have multiple items
instance, consider the Circumplex Model o f
designed t o represent each aspect o f the con-
Affect (e.g., Russell, 1 9 8 0 ) . This theory states
struct. F o r instance, an initial pool o f affec-
that affective states comprise differing amounts
tive items would need t o be sufficiently large
o f two underlying dimensions: evaluation and
and diverse such that one could argue that
arousal. Thus, in the context of this theory, it
each basic category o f emotion was repre-
is possible to have some affective states with
sented by multiple items.
little evaluative content. Such emotions do not fit within the stated theoretical assumptions o f
our example. Hence, in using this theory as a
usually rate items on some underlying bipolar
source for items, one would want to select only
or unipolar continuum. One key design issue is
the subset o f affective states that fit the theo-
how many scale points should be provided.
retical assumptions.
This decision requires balancing two compet-
Generating items also requires considera-
ing concerns (see Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1 9 9 7 ,
tion of how the items will be worded (e.g., see
in press). A response scale with many scale
Janada, 1 9 9 8 ; Krosnick & Fabrigar, in press;
points can potentially capture subtle distinc-
tions in ratings. However, there may be a m a x -
&c Presser, 1 9 8 1 ) .
should minimize ambiguity. Obscure words
imum level o f refinement at which respondents
that are unlikely to be recognized by most
can make their ratings. Scales exceeding this
respondents should be avoided, as should
level may provide no additional information or
complex wording structures (e.g., items with
even lead to poorer measurement as a result o f
double negatives or double-barreled items).
increased random error in respondents' rat-
Researchers should also avoid wording that
ings. Because the optimum number o f scale
introduces subtle biases in responses. For
points is likely to vary with respondent charac-
instance, item wording should not convey a
teristics and the constructs being assessed,
preference for one response option
there probably is no single number of scale
points that will always be ideal. Nonetheless,
studies examining the impact o f scale point Number
Multiple-item measures
of Items.
number on item reliability and validity have
are more likely to provide satisfactory psy-
suggested that the optimum number o f scale
chometric properties
points is usually five to seven (see Krosnick &
than are single-item
measures. This expectation is based on the
Fabrigar, 1 9 9 7 , in press).
fact that even well-designed items have some
Y e t another decision is h o w to label the
ambiguities and biases, but these sources o f
scale. At a minimum, a rating scale's end-
error tend to cancel out when items are
points must be defined with verbal labels.
aggregated. Furthermore, many constructs
However, intermediate intervals can be speci-
are broad in scope, making it difficult t o rep-
fied in a number o f ways. Some scales use
resent them adequately with a single item.
boxes; others use numerical values. Some
T h u s , researchers should generate a large
scales use verbal labels for all scale points
pool o f initial items. Specification o f theoret-
numbers). Interestingly, such design features
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS can influence responses. For example, the
(Krosnick 8c Fabrigar, in press;
numerical values used in the response scale
et al., 1996).
can convey subtle differences regarding the
options are used and the distribution o f
responses for these questions is o f specific
his colleagues (Schwarz &
interest, it is advisable to rotate the order o f
o f the
Schwarz and
Thus, when categorical response
B r a d b u r n , 8c
options. Fewer studies have examined the
Schwarz, 1996) conducted a series o f studies
impact o f response option order for rating
1 9 9 1 ; Sudman,
on the impact o f numerical values o f response
scale questions. Given the ordinal nature o f
scales. They found that respondents inter-
response options for these types o f items, only
preted the 11-point rating scale as unipolar
two orders are generally sensible. T o date,
when the numerical values were 0 to 1 0 , but
research suggests that there is a tendency for
as bipolar when the values were - 5 to + 5 .
primacy effects to occur with rating scales
Studies also have examined the impact o f
(Krosnick 8c Fabrigar, in press). Thus, if
researchers have an interest in interpreting the
labels only for endpoints. M o s t studies have
distribution o f responses across the options, it
verbal labels for each scale point found
increased when fully labeled scales are used (Krosnick &
1 9 9 7 , in
is advisable to counterbalance the order o f the rating scale options.
Researchers must also specify the order in
However, use o f verbal labels for all scale
which they will present the items. Such deci-
points is likely t o be feasible only when a
sions can influence the distribution o f item
modest number o f scale points is used (i.e.,
responses as well as the correlation between
seven points or less) and is likely to improve
items. Predicting the nature o f these effects is
item quality only when appropriate labels are
difficult because a variety o f cognitive pro-
cesses can play a role in item order effects (see
researchers should choose labels that have
Krosnick 8c Fabrigar, in press; Schuman 8c
precise meanings, reflect the full range o f the
continuum o f judgment, and represent rela-
Nonetheless, there are some practices with
tively equal intervals along the continuum.
respect to item ordering that generally will be
See Krosnick and Fabrigar (in press) for a
appropriate. W h e n using several multiple-
description o f studies aimed at determining
item measures, it is best to present the items
the scale values o f particular verbal labels.
associated with each measure as a clearly
1 9 8 1 ; Sudman
defined block o f items rather than interminOrder.
gling items from different measures. A block
T h e order of response options can influence
presentation is less likely to confuse respon-
and Item
being selected
dents and can even more effectively commu-
(Krosnick 8c Fabrigar, in press; Schuman 8c
nicate the intent o f the measure, thereby
Presser, 1 9 8 1 ; Sudman et al., 1996). M o s t o f
increasing reliability (Knowles, 1988). In
this work has been done with questions using
addition, when one measure assesses a more
categorical response options
general construct than another, it is best to
the likelihood o f options
rating scales. These studies have indicated that
present the general measure prior to the spe-
either primacy effects (i.e., selecting earlier
cific measure. Finally, when measures are o f
options rather than later options) or recency
effects (i.e., selecting later options rather than
order is advisable when feasible. Thus, in the
earlier options) can occur depending
context o f our example, it would be sensible
whether questions are presented orally or
to present the items from the attitude, affec-
visually and on the plausibility o f the options
tive basis, and cognitive basis measures as
and Evaluating
three sets of items. T h e attitude measure
an " X " next to any statements with which
should be presented first, with the affective
they disagree. T h e final score is computed by
and cognitive measures counterbalanced.
averaging the scale values o f the statements endorsed by the respondent. Although developed for assessing attitudes, the procedure
for Item
can be used for a wide range o f constructs. Generation
For example, Breckler ( 1 9 8 4 ) used it to assess
Thus far, we have discussed numerous pro-
affective and cognitive bases o f attitudes. H e
cedures for creating items. These procedures
generated statements reflecting varying levels
can be used in a number o f combinations to
of positive and negative emotional reactions
construct items that best suit the research
to the attitude object (i.e., snakes) that he then
objectives. However, it is worth noting that a
had judges rate according to the level o f
number o f formal scaling procedures for gen-
positivity/negativity these statements reflected.
erating and presenting items have been devel-
Similarly, he developed statements reflecting
oped. These procedures were developed to
beliefs about varying levels o f positive and
measure attitudes,
but the logic o f each
approach can be adapted to measure a variety
negative attributes o f the object that judges also rated in terms o f positivity/negativity.
of other constructs. In the sections that follow, we discuss item generation for three o f the
T h e Likert
most widely used o f these scaling procedures.
M e t h o d of Summated Ratings (Likert, 1 9 3 2 ;
Later, we will return to these approaches
Mueller, 1 9 8 6 ) also begins by defining the
when discussing methods o f item selection.
attitude object o f interest. T h e researcher then generates approximately 3 0 statements reflect-
ing positive or negative evaluations o f the
Thurstone Equal-Appearing Interval (EAI)
object. Unlike the EAI method, half of the
Thurstone method
(see Mueller, 1 9 8 6 ; Thurstone &
statements should
be clearly positive
Chave, 1 9 2 9 ) begins the item generation pro-
the other half clearly negative. Statements are
cess by specifying the attitude object to be
then presented (in random order) with 5-point
evaluated. A pool is generated that includes
response scales ranging from strongly
approximately 5 0 statements reflecting vary-
agree to
Respondents indicate levels
ing levels o f positivity and negativity toward
of agreement with each statement. T h e score is
the object. T h e goal o f this stage is to create
by assigning a value o f 5 for
statements that represent all levels o f the eval-
"strongly agree" responses to positive state-
uative continuum.
ments, a value o f 4 for "agree" responses to
quently rated by judges (usually 1 0 or more)
positive statements, and so on. Negative items
on an 11-point scale indicating the extent to
are reverse-scored. T h e sum o f item responses
which each statement reflects a positive or
reflects the attitude. As discussed later, items
Statements are
negative evaluation o f the object. T h e average
are chosen for the final attitude measure based
scale values across judges are calculated for
on the correlation o f individual items with the
each statement. T h e final EAI measure con-
total score.
sists o f two statements with average scale values at each o f the 1 1 levels o f the evaluative continuum.
These statements
(in random
order) are presented in a checklist format in
ential approach
T h e semantic differ-
(Mueller, 1 9 8 6 ; Osgood,
Suci, &c Tannenbaum, 1 9 5 7 ) usually consists
which respondents place a check next to any
of 4 to 1 0 bipolar rating scales. These scales
statements with which they agree and place
typically are 7-point scales with scale points
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS represented by boxes (numerical values are
versus 3.4) because they allow a researcher to
sometimes used) that the respondent checks to
select items at equal intervals. Optimal items
indicate his or her rating. T h e endpoints are
also have relatively little variance in judges'
labeled with adjectives that reflect opposite
ratings because low variance suggests high
meanings and are highly evaluative in nature
consensus among judges on the location o f
(e.g., good/bad, positive/negative). Respon-
that item on the evaluative continuum. Thus,
dents rate the attitude object on each of these
selection o f items for a Thurstone EAI scale
bipolar scales. T h e attitude is typically com-
typically involves choosing two items to repre-
puted by assigning a value o f 7 for maximally
sent each o f the 11 equally spaced intervals.
positive ratings, a value of 6 to the next most
These two items for each point are the two
positive ratings, and so on. T h e overall score is
items that come closest to that point in their
the sum or average o f ratings. This approach
mean scale values and have the smallest
could be used to assess any construct for which
variances in ratings.
it is possible to find word pairs that reflect the
Although judges' ratings usually have been
opposite ends o f the continuum o f interest.
used to select items for Thurstone EAI atti-
Breckler ( 1 9 8 4 ) and Crites e t a l . ( 1 9 9 4 ) con-
tude scales, there is nothing precluding use
structed semantic differential scales to assess
of this approach to select items assessing
the affective bases o f attitudes (e.g., happy/sad)
other constructs (e.g., see Breckler, 1 9 8 4 ) .
and the cognitive bases o f attitudes (e.g.,
O n e could have judges rate any set o f state-
ments on some underlying
dimension o f
judgment and use these ratings for item selec-
Item Evaluation and Selection
tion. Furthermore, if items needed to possess several properties, one could obtain ratings
Even when constructed with care, it is
on multiple dimensions. For instance, for
unlikely that all items generated will be satis-
scales assessing affective and cognitive bases
factory. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the
of attitudes, one might have judges rate where
quality o f items and discard those that are
the statements fall on the evaluative contin-
inadequate. Various approaches have been
uum. T h e same or different judges could also
proposed for accomplishing this goal. These
rate the extent t o which the
procedures are not mutually exclusive, and
reflected emotional reactions to or beliefs
thus item selection is most effective using
about the attitude object. T h e final scales
some combination o f procedures.
would consist o f items that reflect equal inter-
vals along the evaluative continuum and that were seen as either clearly emotional in nature Judge's
(for the affective scale) or clearly object
Judges' ratings can be examined to see h o w well items reflect the desired Perhaps the best-known
attributes (for the cognitive scale).
example o f this
approach is the Thurstone EAI procedure. As
noted earlier, judges rate each item on the
Another strategy for selecting items is to
extent to which that item implies a negative or
examine if items can detect between-group
positive evaluation o f the attitude object.
differences (e.g., see Aiken, 1 9 9 7 ; Janada,
Descriptive statistics are then computed for
1 9 9 8 ) . This strategy involves identifying two
each item. Optimal items are those items that
groups of people for which there is a strong
have a mean rating very close to one o f the
basis to assume differences on the construct
11-scale points (e.g., a mean value of 3.1
of interest. Items are administered to both
and Evaluating
groups, and statistical tests for mean item
differences across the groups are conducted.
approach is based on the logic that such items
Items that fail to show significant differences
do not differentiate between high and low
scorers on the overall measure. Thus, these
Obviously, the utility o f this approach rests on
items contribute little to the overall score and
the soundness o f the groups selected. Group
are likely to assess a different construct from
in the expected direction
approaches have been used
widely in the development o f psychological
(Friedenberg, 1 9 9 5 ) . T h e item-total correla-
measures. For example, within social/person-
tion is integral to the Likert summated ratings
ality psychology, the Need for Cognition Scale
o f attitude measurement
was partially developed using this approach
1 9 3 2 ; Mueller, 1 9 8 6 ) and is discussed in most
(Cacioppo & Petty, 1 9 8 2 ) . Need for cognition
texts on psychological measurement (e.g., see
is the dispositional tendency t o engage in and
Friedenberg, 1 9 9 5 ; J a n a d a , 1 9 9 8 ) .
enjoy effortful cognitive activity. O n e method by which items were selected was to examine differences in items between university faculty
members (a group presumed to be high on this
O n e o f the most widely used and infor-
trait) and assembly-line workers (a group
mative selection procedures is exploratory
assumed to be low on this trait).
factor analysis (EFA). This approach was the basis for the semantic differential method o f
Item Descriptive
attitude measurement (Osgood et al., 1 9 5 7 ) ,
and it has been used in constructing numer-
Descriptive statistics also can be used to identify problematic items (e.g., Allen 8c Y e n ,
ous other measures (Floyd 8c
1 9 9 5 ) . E F A is a set o f statistical procedures
1 9 7 9 ) . Some methodologists have suggested
designed to uncover the number and nature
that items with mean response levels near the
of latent factors underlying a set o f items.
endpoints o f the scale should be discarded
Implementing E F A involves a multistep pro-
because nearly everyone responds similarly t o
cess in which researchers have a choice o f a
these items (e.g., agrees or disagrees). These
variety o f different procedures t o accomplish
each step. F o r this reason, conducting E F A
people. Likewise, items with little variance
can be confusing, and it is n o t unusual for
items are unlikely to differentiate
are unlikely t o differentiate among respon-
dents. O f note, this concerns variance in rat-
M a c C a l l u m , 8c Strahan, 1 9 9 9 ) . A discussion
be m a d e
(Fabrigar, Wegener,
ings o f agreement. This is a separate issue
o f the key issues involved in implementing
from the identification o f items low in vari-
EFA is beyond the scope o f this chapter.
ance on judges' ratings o f item favorability in
However, reviews o f these issues are available
construction o f the Thurstone scales.
(Fabrigar, Wegener, et al., 1 9 9 9 ; Finch 8c West,
1 9 9 7 ; Floyd 8c W i d a m a n , 1 9 9 5 ;
Wegener 8c Fabrigar, 2 0 0 0 ) . Item-Total
An E F A provides several types o f informa-
Researchers often assess items by comput-
tion useful for constructing measures. First,
ing the correlation between each item and the
EFA indicates h o w many factors (latent con-
total score or the corrected total score (i.e., the
structs) are needed to account for the correla-
total score on the measure except for the item
tions a m o n g
being correlated with it). Those items that fail
dimensionality o f a set o f items can be tested.
to show sizable item-total correlations in the
For example, imagine a pool o f items assessing
items. T h u s , the
the affective and cognitive bases o f attitudes. It
would be expected that these items should tap
error and/or are strongly influenced by con-
two distinct dimensions. E F A could be used to
structs specific to only that item (which pre-
test if two factors underlie this pool o f items.
sumably go beyond the construct that the set
If this did not occur, this would suggest either
of items was designed to assess).
that the items had been poorly constructed or that the researcher's assumptions
E F A has long been used
develop measures, confirmatory factor analysis
these constructs were in error. Second, E F A
(CFA) has become increasingly popular. C F A
provides information regarding the magnitude
is based on the same underlying mathematical
and direction o f relations o f the factors with
model as E F A but involves a somewhat differ-
each item (i.e., factor loadings). Thus, for any
ent set o f procedures. E F A presumes that a
given factor, a researcher can determine which
researcher does not have precise prior knowl-
items that factor influences as well as which
edge of the underlying structure of items. Thus,
items it does not. T h e factor loadings can then
the number of factors and the relations o f fac-
provide insight into the nature o f each factor.
tors to items is determined empirically rather
For instance, in our example, a researcher
than specified a priori. In contrast, C F A
would expect to find two factors, one primar-
assumes relatively precise knowledge
ily influencing the affect items and the other
requires a researcher to specify a priori how
primarily influencing the cognition items. If
many factors exist as well as which items these
not, this would suggest poorly constructed
factors will and will not influence.
items or erroneous theoretical assumptions. Factor loadings also allow a researcher to
In recent years, a number of researchers have advocated the use o f C F A rather than
identify problematic items. Affect items ideally
should show substantial factor loadings on the
O n e possible reason is that some methodolo-
(e.g., J o h n & Benet-Martinez, 2 0 0 0 ) .
affect factor (in the theoretically expected
gists have criticized the seemingly arbitrary
direction) but show low loadings on the cog-
nature o f E F A . However, many o f these criti-
nition factor. An affect item that fails to load
cisms stem from improper implementation o f
on the affect factor is not assessing its intended
EFA rather than inherent flaws in the method
construct. In contrast, an affect item that sub-
(Fabrigar, Wegener, et al., 1 9 9 9 ; Wegener &
stantially loads on both the affect factor and
Fabrigar, 2 0 0 0 ) . Indeed, when selecting items,
the cognition factor is assessing a construct in
it is often more appropriate to use E F A than
addition to what it was designed to assess.
CFA because the items being examined are
An E F A generates two other useful pieces
often newly constructed items whose proper-
of information. W h e n oblique rotations are
ties are not well established. Also, assump-
used, a matrix o f correlations among the
tions regarding the structure o f the items
factors is provided. This indicates the extent
to which factors are distinct from one another
assumptions regarding underlying
and can assist in interpreting the nature o f the
are especially tentative when large pools of
Strong structure
factors. For example, this information would
items are examined because o f the increased
indicate the extent to which the affective and
possibility that
cognitive bases o f attitudes are distinct from
emerge. Thus, when items are initially evalu-
one another. E F A also produces communality
ated, there is often insufficient basis to confi-
estimates for items. These estimates indicate
dently specify one or a small subset of a priori
models as required in C F A . For example, if
explained by the factors. Items with low c o m -
items are being developed for a unidimen-
munalities are problematic because such items
sional measure, there is often little theory to
o f variance in the
Constructing guide development
o f multifactor
and Evaluating
conduct a C F A in a subsequent study to
(including the number and nature o f alterna-
provide more precise tests of the measure's
underlying structure. Thus, the development
affected by them). Y e t , E F A could identify
of a measure often begins with E F A and
when multiple factors influence the items,
moves to C F A at later stages in the research
thereby identifying complexities and problems
within the item set.
Gorsuch, 1983).
tive factors and
the specific items
(Fabrigar, Wegener, et al., 1 9 9 9 ;
Some researchers might also prefer C F A because o f the presumed precision o f being
able to test the goodness o f fit for alternative models and of being able to statistically compare the fit o f nested models (as one typically
O n e increasingly popular
item evaluation is item response theory ( I R T )
would have when differing numbers o f fac-
(Embretson 8c Reise, 2 0 0 0 ; M c K i n l e y 8c
tors are hypothesized to influence the same
Mills, 1 9 8 9 ; Steinberg 8c Thissen, 1995).
items). Because E F A and C F A are based on
I R T is a class o f procedures examining the
the same statistical model, it is possible to
relationship o f people standing
conduct the same sorts o f model tests and sta-
latent construct to responses on a set o f
tistical comparisons o f models that differ in
items. T h e heart o f I R T is the "item informa-
the number o f factors (see Fabrigar, Wegener,
tion curve." This is a graphical depiction o f
et al., 1999). In fact, some indices o f model fit
the relation between a person's standing on a
that are popular for C F A were originally
construct and the probability o f selecting a
developed for use with E F A (e.g., T u c k e r &
particular response on an item. A wide range
Lewis, 1973).
exists for I R T . Although
Another strength of E F A is that it provides
detailed discussion is beyond the scope o f
information that C F A is not well suited to pro-
this chapter, it is useful to distinguish among
vide. M o s t notably, E F A can confirm not only
certain basic features.
that an item loads on the factor it is intended
T h e best known I R T models were devel-
to load on but also that it does not load on fac-
oped for dichotomous response items where
tors it should not load on (Gorsuch, 1983).
the items are presumed to reflect a single latent
Examining possible cross-factor loadings in
construct. O n e feature
C F A is much more cumbersome. Because
among these models is the number o f param-
cross-factor loadings are unexpected, they are
eters in the model. One-parameter models rep-
often not specified a priori in a C F A . Thus, a
resent differences among items solely in terms
researcher may fail to detect items that are
of a "threshold" parameter. This parameter
problematic because of cross-factor loadings.
indicates at what level on the construct there is
Alternatively, if each item is specified to load
a .50 probability o f endorsing the item. T w o -
on multiple factors in a C F A , the researcher
parameter models also include an "item dis-
may encounter model identification problems
or produce a solution that is difficult to inter-
parameter represents differences in the extent
pret because it has not been rotated for simple
to which items are related to the underlying
structure (as done in E F A ) .
construct. Three-parameter models add
W e do not wish to imply that C F A is not useful. Instead, our position is that E F A is
parameter. T h e lower-
asymptote parameter reflects the probability
often more appropriate when initially selecting
of endorsing an item at the lowest level o f the
items. Once items have undergone some evalu-
construct. In the context o f objective tests, this
ation and refinement, it is often sensible to
parameter indicates h o w likely it is that a
person will correctly guess the answer in the
constructs, or relating to the construct o f
absence o f any knowledge. In social psychol-
interest in a manner different from that o f
ogy, the two-parameter model is likely to be
other items. A second type o f information
the most conceptually sensible (Embretson &
that can guide item selection is the estimates
2000; Finch & West, 1997; Steinberg 8c Thissen, 1995). Although unidimensional
of item parameters, which can be used to
generate item information curves for each
I R T models for dichotomous response items
item. As noted earlier, these curves (in a two-
have been most c o m m o n , models have been
developed to deal with a broader range o f sit-
regarding the threshold o f endorsement for a
8c Reise, 2000). F o r
particular response and h o w well the item
example, one- and two-parameter unidimen-
differentiates among people on the construct.
sional models for items using rating scale
Selection o f items using information curves
formats have been developed.
depends on the goals o f the measure.
Two-parameter rating scale models seem
Imagine that the goal is to develop an affec-
best suited for the items social psychologists
tive basis measure capable o f effectively dis-
usually examine. Like dichotomous response
criminating among people at all levels o f the
item models, these models produce item infor-
construct. In the case o f rating scale response
mation curves. However, rather than produc-
formats, it is possible for items to differentiate
ing a single item curve, these models produce
among people along the full range of the
a set o f curves. Each curve reflects the proba-
affect. Thus, items with high discrimination
bility o f selecting one of the response options
values and for which each o f the response
as a function o f the level o f the construct. For
options contributes useful information should
example, in a 5-point strongly
disagree scale, there would be a curve for the
be selected (see Steinberg
8c Thissen, 1995). In
other cases, the measure may not need to
probability o f selecting the "strongly agree"
discriminate at all levels o f the construct. For
response, a curve for the probability o f select-
instance, if the construct is normally dis-
ing the "agree" response, and so on. These
tributed in the population, the majority of
curves indicate how well the item discrimi-
respondents will tend to fall within the mod-
nates among people along the range o f the
erate range o f the continuum. In such a situa-
construct and the extent to which each scale
tion, it may not be necessary to select items
point contributes information regarding the
that can differentiate at the extremes. Instead,
construct (see Embretson
8c Reise, 2000; Steinberg 8c Thissen, 1995). T h i s allows the
one might place an emphasis on items capable
researcher to assess whether respondents are
continuum. In contrast, if a researcher wishes
making full use o f the response scale or
to differentiate people at one o f the extremes,
emphasis should be placed on items that dis-
the researcher can simplify
of differentiating people in the middle of the
response scale (e.g., reduce from seven t o three
criminate at that end o f the continuum. Thus,
options) without loss o f information.
another benefit o f I R T is its ability to con-
W h e n using I R T to select items, t w o types of
struct measures designed to assess a specific portion o f the dimension o f interest.
8c Reise, 2000). First, it is possi-
ble to compute item-fit indices. O n e should discard items demonstrating p o o r fit based
on the logic that p o o r item fit is often a function o f items n o t reflecting the construct o f
Once items have been selected, a researcher
must evaluate the quality o f the measure. M a n y
being influenced
and Evaluating
of the considerations involved in selecting items
T h e concept of r a n d o m error is central to
also relate directly to evaluation. F o r example,
a classical test theory view o f measures (in
dimensionality often determines the utility o f
which a response is conceived as "true score
the measure (e.g., if the purpose is to measure
plus e r r o r " ) (e.g., L o r d & N o v i c k , 1 9 6 8 ) .
a unidimensional construct). As discussed in
These random errors should not, in principle,
the following sections, the general issues o f
be reproduced across multiple responses (i.e.,
validity and generalizability cross the tradi-
either multiple items or multiple responses to
tional boundaries between measure construc-
the same item). This would be one reason to
tion and evaluation. In m a n y ways, evaluation
construct measures consisting o f multiple
(traditionally described as reliability and valid-
rather than single items. Even a measure con-
ity) comes down to the all important match
sisting o f multiple items ultimately would
between the theoretical construct and the spe-
have some amount o f error, however. F r o m
cific items intended to tap the construct. Some
this point o f view, reliability is defined as the
questions about the items relate to the consis-
proportion o f variance that can be attributed
tency of the items with one another. This is
to true scores rather than random error. If all
partly assessed by factor-analytic or other
the variance in responses is due t o the true
inductive methods o f item selection (e.g., item-
score (i.e., to differences in levels o f the con-
total correlations). But the items must also
struct o f interest), then reliability would be 1.
relate closely t o the intended construct, and
If all the variance is due t o random error,
that assessment involves questions o f validity
reliability would be zero. T h e correlation
rather than reliability. W e begin this section
between the observed response and the true
by discussing traditional issues o f reliability
score would be the square root o f the relia-
along with an assessment o f the most c o m m o n
bility o f the measure.
index of reliability (i.e., Cronbach's alpha)
Evidence for reliability traditionally has
(Cronbach, 1 9 5 1 ) . W e continue by describing
taken many forms, including test-retest (sta-
a broad structure for thinking about (and
bility), internal consistency (split-half), and
organizing) the various types o f evidence one
equivalence reliability. O f course, these dif-
might garner in the process o f validating a
ferent types o f reliability address
proposed measure.
sources for error in measures. Test-retest
(stability) reliability addresses variation in individuals' responses (generally to the same
items) across occasions. Internal consistency
As noted when discussing item selection, it
addresses errors that occur because o f differ-
is likely that nearly all psychological measures
ent specific items used to represent the con-
are influenced, in part, by error. Techniques
o f interest.
Similarly, equivalence
such as factor analysis explicitly incorporate
addresses errors associated with the sampling
of items used in t w o alternative forms o f the
systematic errors
measurement model. T h a t is, responses to
same measure.
items can be influenced by random events (such as unexpected noise in the environment that
temporarily distracts the
from the item) or by factors that influence
Reports o f internal consistency of measures
only that item (such as reactions to a w o r d
are ubiquitous in social psychology. Perhaps
that appears only in that item, even if the
the presentation o f information about internal
reaction t o that w o r d is n o t the intended
consistency is so frequent because internal
construct to be measured).
consistency is easily assessed using only the
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS responses o f interest in the study itself.
the items) (e.g., see Schmitt, 1 9 9 6 ) . Because
Although there are a variety o f indices of inter-
alpha does not address the dimensionality o f
nal consistency (see Rosenthal &
1 9 9 1 ) , the most frequently used index is
exploratory factor analysis or confirmatory
Cronbach's alpha (Cronbach, 1 9 5 1 ) . Alpha
factor analysis) are necessary. As has been
can be used any time the same people respond
noted for some time, Cronbach's alpha should
to multiple items intended to assess the same
not be used if a measure is found to be multi-
construct. It does not require two or more test-
dimensional (Cronbach, 1 9 5 1 ; Schmitt, 1 9 9 6 ) ;
ing occasions (as in assessments o f test-retest
instead, one should create unidimensional sub-
reliability), nor does it require construction o f
scales and then use alpha separately for each
alternative forms o f the measure (as in tests o f
subscale (John & Benet-Martinez, 2 0 0 0 ) .
equivalence). T h e coefficient alpha is often the
It should also be noted that extremely high
only evidence given that the items in the
internal consistency can sometimes signal
measure sufficiently "hang together." Related
potential problems with a measure. Imagine
to this, a large alpha is sometimes interpreted
that a person uses multiple items to measure
as evidence that the items all index a c o m m o n
cognitive bases o f attitudes, but every item
uses the same attribute o f the object. The only far
difference across items in this example is the
beyond the information actually provided by
use o f different but equivalent names for the
inferences go
coefficient alpha. Alpha is influenced by both
attitude object.
the interrelatedness o f the items and
would have extremely high interitem correla-
number of items in the measure (see J o h n &
tions (and a high Cronbach alpha), but they
Benet-Martinez, 2 0 0 0 ) . This means that one
would also represent a much more narrow
could have equally high alpha coefficients
representation of the construct than if the
from one measure with many items but low
items assessed different attributes.
Such items
measure with few items but higher interitem correlations. As formalized in the Spearman-
Brown prophecy formula (see Lord & Novick,
Test-retest reliability generally is exam-
1 9 6 8 ; Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1 9 9 1 ) , alpha
ined by computing the correlation between
always increases as additional items are added
two different administrations o f the same
similar interitem correlations),
measure. T h e magnitude o f the correlation is
though this is less the case as the number of
presumed to reflect the reliability o f the mea-
items increases and as the overall interitem cor-
sure. However, it is important to recognize
relations increase. Because coefficient
that test-retest correlations reflect not only
represents the mean o f the reliabilities com-
the reliability o f the measure but also the
puted from all possible split halves, this also
stability o f the construct it assesses, the simi-
means that alpha does not measure the homo-
larity o f the contexts in which the measure is
geneity o f the interitem correlations; nor does
administered, and the degree to which there
it reflect the unidimensionality o f the scale.
were intervening influences on the construct.
That is, the mean reliability could increase by
T h u s , there are a number o f limitations with
introducing pockets o f highly intercorrelated
use o f simple correlations between
items. In effect, alpha could increase by mak-
administrations o f the same measure or par-
ing the measure multidimensional rather than
allel measures (see also Bollen, 1 9 8 9 ) .
unidimensional (if added items from a second
One might argue that the Pearson correla-
dimension raise the average intercorrelation of
tion represents a reasonable index o f reliability
and Evaluating
per se only if there was either perfect stability
parties tend to be quite stable over periods of
of the theoretical construct over time or if the
years, whereas attitudes
shift in the construct were identical for all indi-
policy stands are much more variable (e.g.,
viduals responding to the measure (so the rela-
Converse, 1964). Recent research also has
tive standing
shown that attitudes based on effortful cogni-
should, with a perfectly reliable measure, be
tive processing are more likely to persist over
o f people on the
the same at each point in time). However, if
time than are equally e x t r e m e
formed or changed with lower levels of pro-
measurements such that some people increase
cessing (e.g., see Petty, Haugtvedt, 8c Smith,
on the construct whereas others decrease, then
1995). Therefore, when examining stability as
influences the construct
the correlation coefficient would treat as unre-
a form o f reliability, it is less than meaningful
liability (due to measurement error in the
to provide or seek global recommendations
classic test theory approach) variance that is
for levels o f "acceptable" test-retest reliability.
actually the result of changes in the construct
O n e would clearly expect different levels for
of interest. Whenever one attempts to assess
different constructs or even with different test-
test-retest reliability, there is a balance between
ing procedures for the same construct.
allowing enough time to elapse that consis-
Whereas changes in the construct can lead
tency of response is not due to memory of pre-
to correlations that underestimate reliability,
vious responses (and attendant consistency
the test-retest correlation could also overesti-
pressures) and yet not so much time that there
mate reliability if the "errors" at each occa-
have been substantial changes in the construct
sion are positively correlated. T h a t is, if the
of interest (e.g., see Remmers, 1963).
same omitted factors influence both measures,
In interpreting test-retest correlations, one
the simple correlation could
must take into account the extent to which
the reliability o f the measure o f the intended
one would theoretically expect the construct
to be stable versus malleable. For example, if
threaten the validity o f inferences about the
one is assessing overall attitudes or the affec-
measure when
tive or cognitive bases o f attitudes
solely in terms o f the intended construct (see
products that are commonly encountered in
later sections on different forms o f validity
television ads, it should not be surprising if
there are substantial changes in the attitudes
the measure
would is
Because correlations across two time peri-
or in the bases over time (if the delay between
ods can conflate instability o f the measure
assessments is sufficiently long). One might
with unreliability, it might often be useful to
actually consider variables as falling along a
employ methods that can separate instability
continuum o f theorized stability, with vari-
of the construct from unreliability of the mea-
ables such as cognitive abilities or personality
sure. O n e example procedure combines latent
traits expected to be quite stable over time,
growth curve analysis with latent state-trait
with variables such as attitudes or beliefs
models to derive separate indices o f stability
expected to be relatively stable but capable o f
and reliability (Tisak 8c Tisak, 2 0 0 0 ; for an
change, and with variables such as concept
accessibility or focus o f attention expected to
Preacher, 8c Banaji,
be quite malleable, even from moment to
Similar to the earlier discussion, Tisak and
moment. O f course, even within a single type
Tisak assume that most psychological con-
of construct, there might be great variability in
how stable or malleable the variable should
aspects and "trait" (stable) aspects. Therefore,
be. For example, attitudes toward political
one might construct indices o f reliability that
are appropriate for different types o f variables
bear on what the measure does and does not
(e.g., including the malleable component as
assess. In the following sections, we organize
"true score" if the construct is thought to
these types o f data using a scheme that seems
have "state" aspects; see also Steyer and
Schmitt [ 1 9 9 0 ] ) .
sometimes overlapping types o f validity that
more straightforward
have been discussed previously as components of construct validity. For example, Messick
( 1 9 8 9 ) specified six types o f validity that are
Traditional views o f validity specify a
represented in the concept o f construct valid-
number o f types o f validity, including content
ity (see also J o h n & Benet-Martinez, 2 0 0 0 ;
validity (i.e., items fully representing the con-
Loevinger, 1 9 5 7 ) . W h e n all is said and done,
struct o f interest), face validity (i.e., appear-
however, one might usefully organize the
ance o f the items as assessing the intended
various types o f validity into two
construct), and criterion (or external) validity
types o f validity evidence: "associative" and
(i.e., ability o f the measure t o predict related
"dissociative" forms o f evidence.
judgments or behaviors or to correlate with conceptually related constructs). Even from rather early on, however, researchers began
to talk about the various sources o f validity as
of Validity
"Dissociative" Evidence
all relating to the general (and encompassing)
Associative forms o f validity evidence sup-
notion o f construct validity (see Cronbach &
port the utility o f the measure by showing that
Meehl, 1 9 5 5 ; Loevinger, 1 9 5 7 ) . As J o h n and
the measure is associated with factors and out-
Benet-Martinez ( 2 0 0 0 ) put it, "what seemed
comes that would be predicted by relevant
like different types o f validity are just differ-
theory. These associations make the case for
ent sources o f evidence that address particular
"what the measured construct is." In contrast,
questions o f construct validity" (p. 3 5 1 ; see
"dissociative" forms o f validity evidence dis-
also Messick, 1 9 8 9 ) . A construct validity
tinguish the construct from theoretically dis-
approach to measures refocuses one's atten-
tinct constructs, thereby making the case for
tion on systematic errors in measures that
"what the measured construct is N O T . " T h e
might occur when a measure taps unintended
"associative" and
constructs, in addition to any random error
are similar, but not identical, to the Campbell
"dissociative" categories
of the type emphasized in discussions o f
and Fiske ( 1 9 5 9 ) categories o f "convergent"
reliability. Therefore, similar to issues o f
and "discriminant" validity. T h e following
confounding in experimental design, issues
sections describe these relations in some detail.
of "purity" o f the measure are paramount in measurement
Downing, Krosnick, & Petty, 1 9 9 5 ) .
Associative Forms of Validity. M a n y types of associations can support that a measure
O f course, questions o f whether the mea-
assesses the construct it is intended to assess. In
sure sufficiently taps (and only taps) the con-
general, however, these associations can be
struct o f interest already have been discussed
divided into three types: correlations with
as being important considerations in the gen-
alternative measures o f the same construct,
eration and selection o f items. Therefore, one
often addresses many aspects o f construct
structs, and correlations with antecedents and/
correlations with related con-
validity in the process o f constructing mea-
or consequences o f the construct. Correlations
sures. O n c e one has developed a measure, a
with alternative measures o f the construct have
number o f types of data might be brought to
long been referred to as reflecting "convergent
Constructing validity" (e.g., Campbell & Fiske,
1959). Some
and Evaluating
construct of interest. For example, Weary and
(1994) conceived causal uncertainty
alternative measures are quite similar to each
other (as when parallel forms of the same ques-
as following, in part, from chronic perceptions
tionnaire are used to test equivalence reliabil-
of loss o f control. This notion was consistent
ity), whereas other alternatives are
with the obtained significant positive correla-
dissimilar. For example, one could imagine
tion between CUS and external locus of
measuring the affective bases o f
control (Rotter,
1966). O f course, evidence o f
through two different sets of self-reports (see
this type becomes even stronger when the
Crites et al., 1994) or through both self-reports
antecedent is measured some time in advance
and physiological measures of facial muscle
of the occasion at which the dependent mea-
groups (see C a c i o p p o , M a r t z k e , Petty, &
sure is completed. Although the
1988). Although Campbell and Fiske (1959) recommended "maximal distinc-
measure is treated as the criterion in this case, the longitudinal nature o f the evidence would
tiveness" o f methods used in multitrait-multi-
have much in c o m m o n with traditional "pre-
method ( M T M M ) tests o f convergent validity,
dictive validity" studies in which the construct
use o f markedly different types o f measures
o f interest is used to predict future judgments
might often result in people describing the evi-
or behavior (i.e., proposed consequences o f
dence as falling into "criterion validity" or
the construct).
"external validity" categories. O f course, use
of measures that diverge in methodology push
antecedents and consequences, often including
generalizability farther than the use o f similar
some separation in measurement between the
predictor and the criterion. For example, atti-
methods (see J o h n & Benet-Martinez,
T h e basic form o f evidence is the same,
tudes have often
however—that o f associations between the
antecedents o f behavior in studies of attitude-
been conceptualized
measure and some alternative form o f measure
behavior consistency. In such studies, attitudes
of the same construct.
often are measured at one point in time, and
Researchers also c o m m o n l y m a k e the case
then behaviors are observed or reported either
for construct validity by examining associa-
relatively soon thereafter
tions between the construct o f interest and
Z a n n a , 1981) or after a substantial delay (e.g.,
theoretically related constructs. F o r example,
(e.g., Fazio 8c
8c Jaccard, 1979). As one might
(1994) supported the
expect, the ability o f earlier measures o f atti-
"causal uncertainty" construct (measured by
tudes to guide later behaviors depends, in
W e a r y and Edwards
the Causal Uncertainty Scale, o r C U S ) by
large part, on the ability o f the attitude to
correlating the CUS with the related concepts
remain stable between the measurements o f
o f intolerance for ambiguity (Budner, 1962)
attitude and behavior (e.g., Doll 8c Ajzen,
( W e b s t e r 8c
1992). There are also contexts in which
1994). Sometimes people use the
behaviors can be antecedents rather than con-
term "convergent validity" for such correla-
sequences o f attitudes. F o r example, when a
person lies t o someone about the pleasantness
limited the use o f this term t o the associa-
of an activity, this can then influence atti-
tions among alternative measures o f the same
tudes toward the activity (e.g., Festinger 8c
tions, although Campbell and Fiske
(rather than related) constructs. A closely related type o f validity evidence
between not
would be obtained when the theoretically
address forms o f "concurrent" and "predic-
related construct can also be conceived as
tive" validity but also address what Messick
either an antecedent or a consequence o f the
(1989) referred to as "substantive validity"
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS (i.e., evidence reflective o f theoretically related
construct's domain. T o continue with
processes). For example, if one finds
example o f affective versus cognitive bases o f
people with attitudes primarily based on affect
attitudes, an understanding of affective bases
are later more persuaded by affective rather
would not only suggest that such measures
than cognitive messages (e.g., Fabrigar 8c
should correlate with related concepts (such as
Petty, 1 9 9 9 ) , this would support the hypothe-
sized "persuasion matching" processes (e.g.,
Edwards, 1 9 9 0 ; Katz 8c Stotland, 1 9 5 9 ) .
o f affective experience—an persuasion
consequence). This
W h e n validity evidence takes the form o f a
same theoretical approach also would suggest
naturally occurring correlation, one must be
that affectively based attitudes should not be as
particularly aware o f the possibility o f "third
highly related to previous cognitive experience
variable" effects. T h a t is, a third variable
with the attitude object or with persuasion by
might create both the antecedent and the
consequence. Stronger inferences about the
M o r e generally, a measure o f a construct
antecedent or consequence status o f a con-
should not only relate to conceptually similar
struct can be obtained when
variables; it also should relate less or not at all
manipulations are used. F o r example, evi-
with variables that are conceptually unrelated
dence o f affective attitude bases serving as
to the construct of interest. Campbell and Fiske
( 1 9 5 9 ) addressed this relative "lack of rela-
"affective" messages is strongest when the
tion" under the rubric o f "divergent validity."
bases are manipulated (see Fabrigar 8c Petty,
In their classic M T M M approach, one would
1 9 9 9 ) . Similarly, one can use manipulations
include not only alternative measures for each
to provide evidence that a measure assesses its
construct of interest but also constructs that
intended construct, while markedly decreas-
varied in their theoretical relations, in order to
ing concerns about possible third variables.
allow for evidence of differences (i.e., diver-
This has been done with measures o f affective
gence) across the constructs.
versus cognitive bases o f attitudes. O n e could
It would make little sense for dissociative
easily imagine that such measures might tap
forms o f validity evidence to include relations
factors such as the amount o f prior experi-
between alternative forms o f the same mea-
ence with the attitude object, instead of, or in
addition to, tapping the affective or cognitive
M T M M terminology), but the other forms o f
nature o f the prior experience. O n e way to
dissociative validity directly parallel those for
increase confidence that the measures
the associative category. Whereas associative
assessing "pure" affect or cognition is to cre-
validity evidence comes from relations with
(used for convergent validity in the
ate new attitudes based on equal amounts o f
like constructs, dissociative validity comes
experience toward a novel attitude object, but
from relative lack o f relation with unlike con-
experience that differs regarding its affective
structs. F o r example, in the W e a r y
or cognitive nature (e.g., Crites et al., 1 9 9 4 ,
Edwards ( 1 9 9 4 ) work on causal uncertainty,
Study 2 ) . If the measures are altered by this
dissociative (divergent) validity was shown by
experimental manipulation in the expected
failing to find any relation between causal
way, this provides support for their validity.
uncertainty and social desirability or general intelligence. Similarly, the exploratory factor
of Validity. Just as it is
analyses reported in the Crites e t a l . ( 1 9 9 4 )
important to support the nature of a construct
article on affective and cognitive bases o f atti-
by examining associations with related con-
tudes (in which affective and cognitive items
structs, one must not ignore the limits to the
often load on separate factors) imply (and the
and Evaluating
original correlation matrices support) that the
is relatively straightforward, the assessment o f
affective items correlate more highly with
the conditions laid out by Campbell and Fiske
other affective items than they do with the
is inherently subjective. In part, this is because
cognitive items. In addition, the cognitive
there is no clear metric for h o w much any two
items correlate more highly with the other
correlations should differ in order to "satisfy"
cognitive items than with the affective items.
the conditions; also, there are often many cor-
Dissociative forms o f validity evidence also
relations involved in a given assessment. An
appear in examinations o f antecedents and
additional limitation o f the Campbell and
consequences. For example, exposure to affec-
Fiske approach is that there is no accounting
tive experience with the attitude object (a pre-
for measurement error in the bivariate corre-
sumed antecedent o f affective attitudes) results
lations forming the M T M M matrix.
in attitudes that are more strongly reflective of
In an effort to provide more parsimonious
affect than of cognition. In contrast, exposure
summaries of M T M M matrices while incor-
to cognitive information about the attitude
porating measurement error in the model, a
object results in attitudes more reflective o f
variety o f analysis procedures
cognition than affect. Regarding consequences
developed that use some form o f confirma-
o f affective and cognitive bases, Fabrigar
tory factor analysis (see M a r s h & Grayson,
and Petty ( 1 9 9 9 ) found that affective attitude
1 9 9 5 ; Visser, Fabrigar, Wegener, & Browne,
bases resulted in responsiveness to affective
2 0 0 3 ; Widaman, 1 9 8 5 ) . T h e classic confir-
but not cognitive persuasive messages. In con-
factor analysis model ( J o r e s k o g ,
trast, cognitive attitude bases resulted in rela-
1 9 7 4 ) treats each measure as a function o f the
tively more responsiveness to cognitive rather
relevant construct, the relevant method, and
than affective messages.
error. Unfortunately, this model suffers from problems with both estimation and interpre-
Since Campbell
tation, because the model includes a large
and Fiske's ( 1 9 5 9 ) seminal paper, researchers
number o f parameters compared with the
have used the M T M M design (crossing two or
number o f measures used t o estimate the
more traits—constructs—with two or more
model, and the free parameters include some
methods) as a way to address the generaliz-
potential logical inconsistencies (see Visser
ability o f a construct across different methods
et al., 2 0 0 3 ) . Some revised versions o f the
(i.e., convergent validity) and the relative dis-
C F A model attempt to solve the problem of
tinctiveness o f any one construct when com-
t o o many parameters by fixing certain paths
pared with the other constructs (i.e., divergent
in the model (e.g., Kenny & Kashy, 1 9 9 2 ;
validity). One would recognize convergent
Millsap, 1 9 9 2 ) , but at the expense o f being
validity as one o f a number o f forms of asso-
able to address certain questions o f interest in
ciative validity evidence. Divergent validity is
clearly o f the dissociative variety.
Although most o f the M T M M models have
designs (see Visser et al., 2 0 0 3 ) .
In the original Campbell and Fiske ( 1 9 5 9 )
been conceptualized as additive models (i.e.,
approach, inferences about convergent and
with traits and methods independently influ-
discriminant validity were based on relatively
encing responses), some methodologists have
informal inspection of measures o f the same
argued that traits and methods often interact.
construct using different methods as com-
pared with measures of different traits using
( 1 9 6 7 ) found
the same methods or measures o f different
highly correlated, sharing the same method o f
traits using different methods. Although the
measurement resulted in a substantial infla-
inspection o f individual bivariate correlations
tion in intertrait correlations. This did not
that when two traits were
occur to the same extent, however, when the
the attitudes domain in particular and in
two traits were less correlated. Though less
social psychology more generally. Undoub-
frequently used in the social psychological lit-
tedly, this is partly because o f the ease with
erature, multiplicative models exist that allow
which such responses can be obtained. In
for these variations in method effects across
addition, for many if not most constructs
traits and vice versa. In fact, free download-
assessed in social psychology, there is little
able software exists to run one such model,
concern about respondents'
the composite direct product model (CDP)
motivation to provide their perceptions o f the
ability and/or
(Browne, 1 9 8 4 ) . This software is compara-
judgment target and/or construct. It is worth
tively easy to program, and it provides infor-
noting that this in no way conflicts with the
mation that relates quite directly t o questions
oft-cited limitations on people's reports o f
psychological process
convergent and
(e.g., Nisbett & Wilson,
M T M M studies (see Visser et al., 2 0 0 3 ) . T h e
1 9 7 7 ) . In most areas o f social psychology,
CDP model also requires fewer free parame-
people are not asked to report on process, but
ters than the traditional C F A model, thereby
rather on content. For example, in classic
running into far fewer estimation problems.
studies o f information processing in attitude
Finally, the C D P puts fewer restrictions on
change, message recipients are simply asked to
the types o f questions that can be asked when
report the content o f their attitudes (e.g., to
compared with the revisions o f the traditional
what extent does the advocated policy seem
model that place constraints on the
good or bad). T h e message recipients are not
model in an attempt t o decrease the number
asked to report the extent to which they pro-
of free parameters. Limits to the C D P approach
cessed the available information "centrally" certainly
(Petty &
exist. F o r example, as with some o f the addi-
1 9 8 6 ) or "systematically" versus "heuristi-
tive approaches, the C D P output provides
cally" (Chaiken, Liberman, &c Eagly, 1 9 8 9 ) .
little information regarding the performance
O f course, there are some situations in
of individual observed variables. Although
which one might question the ability or moti-
useful summaries across methods or traits
vation o f people to report the true content o f
are provided, the output does not provide
their attitudes. Such concerns have been the
direct information about whether methods
motivating factors behind
converged best for certain traits or vice versa.
"implicit" measures o f attitudes, and these
It is also not entirely clear when the additive
types o f measures often have been employed
versus multiplicative assumptions underlying
the various C F A approaches are most appro-
researchers have inferred the positivity or
priate or consequential. In our estimation,
negativity o f attitudes toward social groups
however, the C D P is currently the
by measuring h o w close the participant sits to
generally useful o f the C F A approaches t o
M T M M data (see Visser et al., 2 0 0 3 ) .
J a c k s o n , Dunton, & Williams, 1 9 9 5 ; M a c r a e ,
(e.g., Fazio,
Bodenhausen, Milne, & Jetten, 1 9 9 4 ) . Also, a variety o f measures have been based on speed
of responding. F o r example, participants have been asked to evaluate unrelated
Throughout much o f the current chapter, we
following race primes. T o the extent that a
have dealt with measures that fall squarely
person's view o f the target
into the category o f "direct"
group is negative, responses are facilitated to
measures. Such measures are quite frequent in
negative targets that follow group
and Evaluating
(e.g., Fazio, J a c k s o n , et al., 1 9 9 5 ; also see
by Wegener and Petty ( 1 9 9 8 ) , however, one's
Greenwald, M c G h e e , & Schwartz, 1 9 9 8 ) . O f
choice o f type o f measure would depend a
course, other indirect measures have been
great deal on the type o f "implicit cognition"
developed as well. F o r example, H a m m o n d
one wishes to investigate. Some conceptions o f
( 1 9 4 8 ) developed the information error (error
"implicit cognition" question the ability o f
respondents to report the content o f their
in w h i c h
answer seemingly factual questions,
views. O n e possible situation where this might
none o f the provided answers being correct.
be suspected is if a person high in internal
T h e direction o f errors is taken as an indica-
tion o f the person's attitude. Also, physiolog-
reports low levels o f prejudice on explicit
ical measures have a rich history as indirect
(direct) measures but still shows prejudice on
measures. Some recent and useful approaches
implicit (indirect) measures (see Nosek, 2 0 0 2 ) .
include use o f Event-Related Potentials (i.e.,
W h e n inability to report content is suspected,
electrical activity in the brain when a target
one would likely choose one or more implicit
object differs in valence from a set o f preced-
(indirect) measures designed to tap into the
ing items) (Cacioppo, Crites, Gardner,
suspected prejudiced associations in memory.
In other instances, however, one could still
Nusbaum, & Berntson, Chapter 1 7 , this vol-
often use explicit (direct) measures to study
1 9 9 4 ; see
ume) and facial electromyography (Cacioppo
"implicit cognition." This is because many
& Petty, 1 9 7 9 ; see Petty & Cacioppo, 1 9 9 6 ,
studies o f "implicit cognition" address the
for discussion o f other traditional indirect
inability o f people to realize what has
measures). Though less used in the attitudes
area, social psychologists also use "nonself-
views is readily reportable. F o r example,
their views, even if the content o f their
report" data o f the archival (e.g., see Kerr,
Greenwald and Banaji ( 1 9 9 5 ) described halo
Aronoff, & Messe, 2 0 0 0 ) , observational (e.g.,
effects as implicit when people fail to realize
see Bakeman, 2 0 0 0 ) , and qualitative varieties
that the evaluation o f a novel attribute (e.g.,
(e.g., see King, Chapter 8, this volume).
character) is influenced by a known attribute
By way o f wrapping up this chapter, we
(e.g., physical attractiveness). In such a case,
would like to emphasize that the construction
one could often identify "implicit halo effects"
and validation o f indirect or implicit measures
even if one were
can and should follow the same basic steps
t o measure
using explicit (direct) measures,
outlined for direct measures. T h a t is, the con-
because the "implicit" aspect is whether or
struction o f such measures would begin with
n o t people
the specification o f the goals o f the measure
attribute on the other, not in whether people
and the theoretical assumptions about the
can report the content o f the attributes. In
qualities of the construct. As noted earlier, the
fact, it is interesting to note that most o f the
conceptualization o f direct self-report measures
examples o f implicit cognition provided by
realize the
o f one
includes both ability and willingness on the
Greenwald and Banaji
part o f respondents to report the content
before many o f the most recent "implicit"
( 1 9 9 5 ) — a t a time
of their views of a target. In contrast, the call
measures o f content were fully developed—
for indirect measures (especially in areas such
actually utilized direct self-report measures o f
as stereotyping and prejudice) generally has
content. If one is truly interested in implicit
been motivated by concerns about both ability
content (rather than implicit influence), how-
and motivation to report certain attitudes,
ever, direct measures o f content would not
especially toward controversial social groups
suffice (see Wegener &c Petty, 1 9 9 8 ; see also
(e.g., Greenwald & Banaji, 1 9 9 5 ) . As noted
Kihlstrom, Chapter 9, this volume).
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Construction o f indirect measures has all
reason, for example, that an error choice
too often stopped with specification o f the
technique ( H a m m o n d , 1 9 4 8 ) would perform
goals and theory. T h a t is, the generation and
much better if one were to start with a larger
evaluation o f specific items have not played
pool o f items that are then put through tradi-
the same kind o f central role in development
tional types o f item analysis. Given the theo-
of indirect measures that they have for tradi-
retical conceptions o f targets or settings in
tional self reports. Y e t , there is little reason
which indirect measures are needed (e.g., in
for this to be the case. F o r example, as aptly
studies o f stereotyping or prejudice), one
would also want to seek validity evidence that
behavioral indices have often
although been con-
goes beyond between-group
structed from aggregated sets o f behaviors
(as shown by H a m m o n d , 1 9 4 8 ) . T h a t is, one
(e.g., Tittle &
these indices
would want to explicitly address the ability o f
"would ideally be subjected to the item anal-
the error choice items to overcome social
Hill, 1 9 6 7 ) ,
ysis procedures associated with the
desirability concerns. Addressing associative
tional attitude scaling techniques" (p. 6 4 )
and dissociative forms o f validity, one could
(such as Thurstone's use o f judge ratings,
also assess relations between the information
Likert's use o f item-total correlations, or
error measure and existing implicit versus
Osgood's use of factor analyses). Indeed,
explicit scales (perhaps using a full M T M M
reviews o f many o f the older indirect attitude
design) (see Visser et al., 2 0 0 3 ) .
measures concluded that these measures left
One o f the great successes o f social psy-
much to be desired. F o r example, Kidder and
chology has been the development o f valid
and reliable measures o f a wide variety o f psy-
imperfect measures, these are apparently not
noted that
" o f all
chologically meaningful constructs. As these
the least impure" (p. 3 3 6 ) . Y e t , it is not clear
measures continue to expand in exciting and
that many o f even the older indirect measures
interesting ways, traditional methods o f mea-
have gone through the typical item selection
sure development and evaluation form a firm
and evaluation procedures that have been
foundation on which the new measures can
typical for the direct measures. It stands to
be built and tested.
NOTES 1. Sometimes researchers adapt items, complete measures, or methods of administration for their current purposes. When making such changes, one must recognize that these alterations can influence the psychometric properties of the items. Therefore, one should conduct the same types of evaluations of items with these modified measures as with newly constructed items. 2. A related issue that researchers must consider is whether to specify a response scale that includes a midpoint. Unfortunately, studies examining the impact of including scale midpoints on item reliability and validity have produced conflicting findings (see Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1997, in press). Thus, current empirical research does not provide a basis for a simple recommendation regarding the use of scale midpoints. However, a variety of conceptual issues should be considered in making such a decision (see Krosnick &c Fabrigar, 1997, in press). 3. Although various item selection procedures are somewhat distinct, the performance of an item across different selection procedures is not unrelated. An
and Evaluating
item p e r f o r m i n g well o n one procedure often w i l l tend t o p e r f o r m w e l l o n other p r o c e d u r e s . F o r e x a m p l e , t h e p a t t e r n o f results f o r a n i t e m - t o t a l c o r r e l a t i o n analysis w i l l o f t e n suggest s i m i l a r choices w i t h respect t o i t e m selection as a f a c t o r analysis ( G o r s u c h , 1 9 8 3 ) , a l t h o u g h a f a c t o r analysis does p r o v i d e a d d i t i o n a l information. 4 . T h r o u g h o u t o u r discussion o f E F A , w e assume t h a t a researcher has c o n d u c t e d a n E F A based o n t h e c o m m o n f a c t o r m o d e l w i t h a n o b l i q u e r o t a t i o n . W e d o so because w e believe this a p p r o a c h is t h e m o s t a p p r o p r i a t e t y p e o f E F A f o r t h e vast m a j o r i t y o f research questions investigated b y social p s y c h o l o g i s t s ( F a b r i g a r , W e g e n e r , et a l . , 1 9 9 9 ; W e g e n e r & F a b r i g a r , 2 0 0 0 ) . W h e n o t h e r types o f E F A are used ( o r o t h e r types o f analyses, such as p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t s analysis), t h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d is s o m e w h a t d i f f e r e n t f r o m w h a t w e describe here (see G o r s u c h , 1 9 8 3 ) . 5. I f a researcher w e r e t o specify a C F A m o d e l w i t h t h e m a x i m u m n u m b e r o f items w i t h m u l t i p l e f a c t o r l o a d i n g s i n w h i c h t h e m o d e l is still i d e n t i f i e d , this w o u l d be m a t h e m a t i c a l l y i d e n t i c a l t o a n E F A m o d e l w i t h t h e same n u m b e r o f f a c t o r s (see F a b r i g a r , W e g e n e r , et a l . , 1 9 9 9 ) . I n effect, t h e researcher w o u l d be c o n d u c t i n g a n E F A w i t h o u t r o t a t i o n f o r s i m p l e s t r u c t u r e . Such a n a p p r o a c h w o u l d have n o advantages over E F A a n d w o u l d be m u c h m o r e c u m b e r s o m e t o implement and interpret. 6. Equivalence r e l i a b i l i t y generally is d e f i n e d as t h e e x t e n t t o w h i c h t w o p a r a l l e l measures o f t h e same c o n s t r u c t are c o r r e l a t e d w i t h o n e a n o t h e r . I n m a n y respects, equivalence r e l i a b i l i t y is a n a l t e r n a t i v e t y p e o f i n t e r n a l consistency i n w h i c h o n e c o m p a r e s t w o d i s t i n c t sets o f items r a t h e r t h a n a l l possible s p l i t halves o f a single set o f items (as i n C r o n b a c h a l p h a ) . A l t e r n a t i v e l y , equivalence r e l i a b i l i t y c a n be c o n c e p t u a l i z e d as a f o r m o f c o n v e r g e n t v a l i d i t y . I n t r a d i t i o n a l t r e a t m e n t s o f c o n v e r g e n t v a l i d i t y ( C a m p b e l l & Fiske, 1 9 5 9 ) , emphasis is p l a c e d o n assessing the c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n t w o m a x i m a l l y d i f f e r e n t m e t h o d s o f m e a s u r e m e n t . I n c o n t r a s t , m o s t tests o f equivalence e x a m i n e t h e c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n t w o measures t h a t are q u i t e s i m i l a r i n m e t h o d o l o g y . 7. O n e also encounters issues o f i n t r a r a t e r r e l i a b i l i t y (e.g., consistency o f r a t i n g s m a d e o n t w o occasions b y t h e same rater) a n d i n t e r r a t e r r e l i a b i l i t y (i.e., consistency across raters) w h e n raters code o p e n - e n d e d responses b y research p a r t i c i p a n t s (see B a k e m a n [ 2 0 0 0 ] a n d K i n g , C h a p t e r 8, t h i s v o l u m e , f o r d e t a i l e d discussions o f i n t e r r a t e r agreement a n d r e l i a b i l i t y ) .
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Measures and Meanings The Use of Qualitative Data in Social and Personality Psychology LAURA A . KING University of Missouri,
ualitative data typically are defined
prospects, which are the most important for
as unstructured sources o f informa-
study. A useful distinction t o be made is that
tion that do not lend themselves
readily to quantification. Such data
approaches. In the top-down approach, the
may emerge from interviews, written answers
researcher comes to the data interested in
to questions, videotaped conversation, and
examining a theoretically derived construct or
other sources. Relative to more
hypothesis. O f course, it is hoped that any
data, gathering these data typically involves a
person conducting any empirical study has a
larger amount o f time and effort on the part of
theory that drives that particular investiga-
participants and investigators alike. As a result,
tion. However, in all research, qualitative or
there is certainly a temptation to forgo the use
otherwise, the data sometimes present inter-
of such data. There are times, however, when
esting new dilemmas. A bottom-up approach
qualitative data
to qualitative data involves coming to the
are the only
means to answer the scientist's questions.
data themselves to see what's there. Although
Although open-ended measures may be very
this sort o f procedure may appear alarmingly
attractive to those w h o are fascinated by the
post h o c , it is worthwhile to note that no
immediacy of human experience that such
researcher has unlimited foresight and that it
measures are more likely to convey, the onus o f
is sometimes worthwhile to examine surprises
responsibility is on the researcher to demon-
(as is often the case in more straightforward
strate that all the work is
quantitative investigations, to be sure).
beyond what might have been accomplished with more straightforward measures.
Some areas o f social science (and
humanities) regard its "unquantiftable" nature as essential to qualitative data. Sociologists
In approaching qualitative data, one must
and anthropologists may routinely come to
decide, from among a very rich array o f
their data and engage in a more intuitive or
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS intellectual "data processing" in order to come
to conclusions. Although such analyses remain
subject to scientific rigor (Altheide & Johnson,
(Bonanno et al., 2 0 0 2 ; Dovidio, Kavakami, &
(Pennebaker &
1 9 9 4 ) , concern for issues of reliability, sample
Gaertner, 2 0 0 2 ; Keltner & Bonanno, 1 9 9 7 ) to
size, generalizability, replicability, establishing
examine important independent and depen-
causality, and control groups are not as press-
dent variables. However and importantly, in
ing as they typically are in social psychology
social psychological inquiries, qualitative data
(Blaikie, 2 0 0 0 ; Vidich & Lyman, 1 9 9 4 ) . These
typically are conceived in terms o f quantifiable
differences in emphases are
research goals, and they are quickly trans-
formed into quantitative data for analyses.
researchers in more contextualized phenomena. Research in these areas is more likely to be characterized as reflecting a level o f comfort with, and confidence in, more
approaches to analyses. Though top-down
approaches are also used, even in these contexts, questions that are "second nature" to
A study by Stirman and Pennebaker ( 2 0 0 1 )
social psychologists
(e.g., replicability o f
results) are rarely major concerns (Denzin,
o f the
between typical uses of qualitative data in
1 9 8 3 ; Guba & Lincoln, 1 9 8 9 ; Phillips, 2 0 0 0 ) .
other fields and the approach used by social
In contrast, purely qualitative inquiries are
psychologists. These researchers were inter-
rare in personality and social psychology.
ested in examining the apparent tendency o f
Perhaps the use o f psychobiography in per-
poets to commit suicide. Previous research in
sonality psychology is an exception (see Elms,
this area was more typical o f purely qualita-
tive research (focusing on only on a single
1 9 8 2 ) . In personality
social psychology, qualitative data typically
poet's work, examining a few poems from the
reside alongside more structured data (e.g.,
individual's oeuvre, and using a single rater—
questionnaires or laboratory manipulations).
usually the author of the research). N o con-
Although qualitative data may represent the
trol groups were used (e.g., Hoyle, 1 9 6 8 ;
centerpiece o f a program of research, such
data rarely are treated in purely qualitative
( 2 0 0 1 ) adopted a more typical social psycho-
ways. Nevertheless, it is worth noting h o w
logical approach to this question, using qual-
much qualitative data have become incorpo-
itative data
rated into research in personality and social
content analyzed poems from three different
psychology. M a n y procedures
life periods (early, mid, and late career) for
become essential parts o f our methodological
each o f a sample o f 1 8 poets. A control group
toolbox involve the problem o f transforming
of nine nonsuicidal poets was matched with
unstructured free responses into quantifiable
nine suicidal poets for age, nationality, and
units. Researchers in social psychology have
m o o d disorder (which is also, apparently,
turned to personal narratives (Baumeister,
Pennebaker hypothesized that suicidal poets
1 9 9 3 ; Georgeson,
in a quantitative
way. They
diary entries,
would distinguish themselves from nonsuici-
idiographic goals (e.g., Emmons 8c King,
dal poets by various aspects o f the language
Harris, Milich, & Young, 1999),
1 9 8 8 ) , dyadic interactions (Berry &c Miller,
used in their poems. Specifically, they pre-
2 0 0 1 ) , historical documents (Winter, 1 9 9 2 ) ,
dicted that suicidal poets would show tenden-
cies toward
with death, and social detachment in their
authentic) smiling and laughter and found,
poems, compared to their nonsuicidal coun-
surprisingly, that instances o f such smiling
terparts. Using a computerized word count
even during a conversation about bereave-
system, these researchers found support for
ment predicted better adjustment at a later
their hypotheses. First, suicidal poets were
time. Qualitative data allow us to examine
more likely than nonsuicidal poets to use first
questions not only o f content but also o f
person references throughout their careers.
intensity, style, mannerism, and so on. W e
These poets also showed a tendency toward
can examine not only what was said but how
using more death-related words. Even more
it was said. Qualitative data simply provide a
striking, suicidal poets tended to increase in
richer, more varied pool o f information.
social detachment, as manifested in a decrease in the use o f words such as " u s , " " w e , " and " o u r " as they approached the end o f their lives. This investigation shows attention to the typical concerns o f social psychologists in any study, but qualitative data clearly occupy center stage.
Qualitative Data Allow Us to Measure What Isn't Said or Can't Be Said Considering variables such as dissociation, denial, and defensiveness, we can certainly posit that one of the defining features o f these variables is that people don't know they are doing
them. They are non-conscious. Qualitative
measures have been especially useful in tapping variables that participants cannot or will not
Although they present some obvious chal-
report on with accuracy. The problem o f non-
lenges, there are some clear advantages to
conscious psychological processes led to the
asking one's open-ended research questions.
development of projective techniques for use in measuring unconscious motives (Morgan &
Qualitative Data May Answer Many Questions at Once
Murray, 1 9 3 5 ) . O f course, the use of projective techniques has been the subject o f a great deal of debate over the years. Sidestepping that
Open-ended responses, like autobiograph-
debate entirely, it remains clear that, at times,
ical stories or interview responses, allow us to
even in laboratory research, variables that the
examine a variety o f psychological processes
investigator would like to measure are not
that may be involved in a particular experi-
always easily tapped using
manipulations or questionnaires. Even if they
Processes such as dissociation, denial, and
are aware o f their motives or values, partici-
defensiveness can be seen to occur alongside
pants may be too embarrassed, ashamed, or
other coping processes and may be particu-
concerned with the impression they are making
larly difficult to measure using more direct
to respond honestly to direct questions.
means. For example, in examining widows
McClelland ( 1 9 8 0 ; McClelland, Koestner,
talking about the death o f a spouse, Keltner
&C Weinberger, 1 9 8 9 ) drew the distinction
and B o n a n n o ( 1 9 9 7 ) looked not only at what
between respondent and operant behaviors.
the women said but also at facial expressions
Respondent behaviors are those that are per-
that occurred spontaneously and simultane-
formed self-consciously and that may involve
ously with those verbalizations. In examining
a person's awareness that he or she is acting
these data, Keltner and B o n a n n o coded for
consistently with his or her own values. An
the occurrence o f Duchenne (i.e., genuine or
example o f a respondent behavior would be a
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS response to a questionnaire item (e.g., " H o w
been measured
positively do you generally feel about h o m o -
qualitative data. Without qualitative data, the
using anything other than
sexuals?"). Operant behaviors are performed
conclusions o f the investigation would have
unself-consciously and spontaneously. W h e n
been quite different—that people's explicitly
we are interested in operant behaviors, we
stated attitudes relate to their friendliness dur-
may need to resort to qualitative data. An
ing interactions with others. T h e inclusion o f
example o f this sort o f behavior is a person's
qualitative data allowed for a more accurate
spontaneous stylistic behavior in an interac-
tion with a member o f an out-group.
explicit attitudes are conveyed in behavior,
An example is provided by research by
o f the ways that
sometimes subtle behavior, toward another.
Dovidio and colleagues on the relation o f racial prejudice measures to actual behavior by European Americans in interactions with African
Americans. Dovidio et al.
were interested in the implications o f racial
Qualitative Data Give Us the Flavor of the Whole In addition
allowing access to
attitudes for behaviors during actual interac-
unconscious and the unspoken,
tion with members o f an out-group. In this
data allow for a sense o f the coherence o f
human experience. Asking only highly struc-
racial attitudes
American participants were measured in two
tured questions constrains our capacity as
ways. First, participants completed explicit
researchers to fully tap into the human expe-
questionnaire measures o f prejudice. Second,
rience o f the variables o f interest. Although
they completed
we c a n certainly gain
an implicit attitudes
using a reaction time measure that tested the
ease with which participants associated posi-
same time those aspects o f an individual that
tive and negative terms with black and white
qualitative data are so useful for gleaning—
faces. N e x t , the participants interacted with
issues o f style, spontaneity, intensity, and the
investigations, at
white and black confederates while being
embeddedness o f a phenomenon in the psy-
videotaped. Participants also rated the level o f
chological life o f the person—can be lost. It
friendliness that they believed they conveyed
has often been said that humans make mean-
during the interaction. Measures o f behavior
ing by telling stories. Collecting accounts o f
during the interactions were gleaned via con-
personal experience is a way o f collecting
tent analysis o f the participants' verbal pro-
units o f meaning.
ductions during the interaction (i.e., what
M y own research interests are in the area of
they actually said) as well as their nonverbal
personality, motivation, and
ing. I became particularly interested in how
(e.g., seating position,
etc.). Interestingly,
individuals experience changes in themselves
more respondent or explicit measure o f prej-
during and after important life transitions or
udice related systematically to the partici-
pants' self-rated friendliness as well as to the
characteristics measured
positivity o f participants' explicit verbal pro-
haven't been shown to reflect much change in
ductions during the interaction. However, the
personality over time, so looking for change
more implicit attitudinal measure related sys-
or development through such questionnaires
tematically to participants' nonverbal behav-
didn't seem like a promising approach. Using
ior as well as to confederates' ratings o f
open-ended questions—about the stories of
participant friendliness. Importantly, aspects
people's life experiences—clearly emerged as the
of this dependent measure could not have
ideal, if sometimes challenging, methodology.
life events. Clearly, personality via
Throughout this chapter, I will make use o f
written or transcribed protocols or videotaped
examples from my work, especially from a
interactions simply exist—they simply are.
study o f parents o f children with D o w n ' s
Even if the questions that drove their generation
syndrome (DS) (King, Scollon, Ramsey, &
fade from interest, these productions
Williams, 2 0 0 0 ) . In that study, we were inter-
always be scored for the current research issue,
ested in examining h o w the stories that these
whatever it is. Research by M c A d a m s and col-
parents told about the important life transi-
leagues on the intimacy motive provides an
tion o f discovering they would be rearing a
excellent example, using old stories and recod-
child with D S would relate to aspects o f their
ing them with a new system.
M c A d a m s ( 1 9 8 0 ) designed the intimacy
Participants in the study were 8 7 parents
motive scoring system to measure an individ-
w h o provided
sometimes quite compelling
ual's recurrent concern for warm interpersonal
accounts o f this life experience and completed
encounters for their own sake. This coding
measures o f psychological well-being
scheme answered a gap in the motivation liter-
personality development. Excerpts from their
ature on the human need for affiliation (which
narratives demonstrate the kind o f power that
can be conveyed in qualitative data.
attempts to create and preserve existing interpersonal bonds). This coding scheme was
The first 2 4 hours we were led to believe that our daughter was so bad off that we actually prayed to God to take her from us now versus later. A wave of feelings passed over me: shock, fear, and tremendous sadness and protectiveness toward my son. My heart felt as though it would break . . . Could our family face this sadness? Although all three o f these parents may have responded with high ratings to a questionnaire item asking if they had experienced distress upon learning o f their
diagnoses, even a 7 on a 7-point scale cannot convey the vividness o f these narratives.
developed at least two decades after most o f the previously designed motivational coding systems. M c A d a m s and Bryant ( 1 9 8 7 ) were interested in examining h o w this (at the time) newly developed intimacy motive would relate to important life outcomes. Fortunately, longitudinal data had been collected on a group o f more than 1,000 participants w h o had generated imaginative stories in response to pictures for studies on other motives. M c A d a m s and Bryant again content analyzed these stories specifically for intimacy motive imagery. They found that intimacy motivation was related to positive life outcomes (heightened happiness and need gratification) for women and lack o f strain and lack o f uncertainty for men. This study demonstrates h o w qualitative data can be revisited with the changing interests of researchers. T h e data provide an
Qualitative Data Are (Relatively) Timeless
resource o f information. Historical documents also can provide rich
Another advantage o f open-ended responses
sources o f data for the social and personality
is that we don't have to decide right away what
psychologist interested in qualitative analyses.
we want to know from these data. Question-
For instance, Winter ( 1 9 9 2 ) examined the
naire data run the risk of becoming seriously
inauguration speeches o f American presidents
outdated. Changes in the meanings of items
for motivational content. H e found that vari-
and traits cause problems in revisiting a data
ous motive configurations were associated
set after many years. Qualitative data such as
with particular
historical events in
presidency (e.g., high affiliative concern was
important to consider the ramifications o f the
associated with frequency o f scandal; high
context o f the initial data collection.
power was associated with being viewed as a successful leader). Another example o f the multiple uses o f one set o f qualitative data is provided by a special section o f the Journal
edited by Folkman
T h e use o f qualitative data in a study has
( 1 9 9 7 ) . All the articles in this special section
implications at nearly every stage o f a
used the same set o f qualitative data, namely,
research project. T h e special requirements o f
interviews from a sample o f bereaved gay
these data must be considered as decisions
men w h o had lost their longtime partners to
are made with regard to framing research
AIDS. All the participants in this study had
questions, designing materials,
participated in a longitudinal study o f adap-
participants, data coding and analyses, and
tation to bereavement. All had been inter-
finally interpretation and communication o f
results. In the next few sections, I will review
some o f the issues that should be considered
research teams, each o f w h o m analyzed them from its own
in such an investigation.
in a
Rashomon-style exchange over the same data set. All the approaches demonstrated some important relations, all using different coding methods and schemes. Such a convergence would
have been impossible without
Participant Selection and Recruitment Some investigations that use
methods are certainly applicable to the "cap-
incandescence that is part and parcel o f qual-
tive audience" o f a university participant pool.
itative data.
For instance, diary methods, which require
A caveat is appropriate at this point. T h e stories
were imaginative stories told in
daily contact of some sort with the study, are more readily performed with individuals who
are likely, by virtue of necessity, to be in close
physical proximity to the site of the study. At
(Morgan & Murray, 1 9 3 5 ) pictures. As such,
some institutions, it is possible to collect quali-
they may be somewhat decontextualized nar-
tative data over the course o f a semester as part
ratives, created "on the spot" in response to
of a class, centered around the daily study
somewhat arbitrary stimuli. In addition, the
(Emmons & King, 1 9 8 8 ) . Although using such
interviews used in the bereavement project
samples is enormously convenient, Web-based
had all been collected within a few years o f the
data collection might well allow researchers to
coding that was conducted on those data.
begin to include less studied samples in diary
Although I have stated rather boldly that qual-
and experience sampling studies.
itative data simply "are," it is certainly impor-
Given the added time that typically is
tant to consider the historical and cultural
required for participants in the collection of
contexts o f these data. Just as self-report traits
qualitative data, some special consideration
may change in meaning, so might words used
should be given to participant compensation.
in the natural language of participants. In
In work with nonstudent samples, monetary
addition, responses to particular stems may
compensation often is a necessity. Furthermore,
not be appropriate for use in any investigation.
presenting a study to community adults may
W h e n revisiting a qualitative data archive, it is
require differing recruitment techniques. In our
Measures and Meanings
work, we have used newspaper ads but also
a life experience. In such cases, prodding may
have found it useful to visit participant groups
be inappropriate.
of interest wherever they might congregate
Qualitative data also m a y be collected
(e.g., support group or informational meetings
through channels other than the verbal one.
for parents of children with Down's syndrome;
In this case, videotaping may be necessary.
gay advocacy groups, gay bars, and bookstores
Videotaped interactions have proven to be a
for gay men and lesbians; support groups for
rich source o f qualitative data.
divorced women). Often, it is important to
again, it is often necessary t o assign individu-
inform participants that some of the questions
als, couples, or groups a task t o get them
they will be answering are open-ended. These
started, so that the activity o f interest will
questions likely will add to the time to complete
actually find its way o n t o the videotape. I f a
the study because of lengthy interviews or the
variable is thought t o be o f particular rele-
need for written responses. However, it is also
vance only during times o f stress, it may be
worth noting that often it is within the open-
necessary t o create a stressful atmosphere in
ended questions that participants find the most
order to gauge its importance (Campbell,
engaging and interesting aspects o f our work.
Simpson, Kashy, & Rholes, 2 0 0 1 ) .
M a n y times, I have received letters or notes from participants commenting on the value that answering these questions had for them. W e typically try to present our work as focusing on finding out what participants already know—that we are simply trying to acquire an understanding o f what their life experiences have shown them. W e are asking participants to share important aspects o f their lives with us; therefore, establishing a sense o f trust and dispelling (potentially legitimate) concerns over psychologists' tendency to pathologize are crucial.
Deciding What Questions to Ask and How to Ask Them T h e type o f methodology used to collect
Coding the Data As I've already mentioned, in the process o f social psychological inquiry, the movement
approaches is extremely quick. T h u s , having an idea o f h o w one plans to treat the qualitative data will help in selecting the questions to ask and the types o f responses that will be most worthwhile. I f responses are to be quantified using a coding scheme, the question that emerges is, which one?
A variety o f coding schemes have been developed for analyzing narrative and other
the data itself is obviously a key concern.
Logistical issues such as time constraints and
scheme for the purposes o f content analysis is
Creating a new
person-hours clearly play a role in these deci-
not terribly different
sions. M o r e important, concern for the match
maligned practice o f proliferating self-report
between h o w one has conceptualized a vari-
measures. It is certainly desirable to consult
able and h o w it might be measured ought to
drive the design o f study. Some variables may
embarking on the creation o f a new system.
be better suited to an interview format in
Using an e x t a n t content-analytic scheme
which an interviewer can prompt participants
allows one to take advantage o f a long history
for more information when necessary. At
of trial and error by previous researchers. In
other times, a researcher might be interested
addition, these schemes often have a body o f
in the participants' own preexisting stories o f
literature behind them offering
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS evidence o f reliability and validity. Finally,
New Coding
many extant schemes have been published along with expertly scored practice materials
Although there clearly is a wealth o f exist-
that are invaluable in learning and eventually
ing coding schemes, there are times when a
training teams o f coders.
theoretically driven research question requires
An impressive compilation o f thematic
the development o f a new coding scheme. For
coding systems was published in a volume
instance, in a study o f the relations o f private
edited by Smith ( 1 9 9 2 ) . This handbook is an
wishes to personality traits (King & Broyles,
excellent resource for researchers interested
1 9 9 7 ) , we collected three wishes from each o f
in learning and teaching a variety o f coding
more than 4 0 0 undergraduates w h o had also
schemes. Chapters include theoretical treat-
completed trait measures of the big five per-
ments, literature reviews, and coding manuals
sonality factors (neuroticism, extraversion,
for implicit motives (e.g., achievement, power,
openness to experience, agreeableness, and
affiliation, affiliative trust-mistrust, intimacy),
conscientiousness) (Costa & M c C r a e , 1 9 8 8 ) .
attributional and cognitive orientations (e.g.,
T h e Five Factor M o d e l ( F F M ) approach
personal causation, explanatory style, integra-
posits that traits have motivational properties
tive complexity), and psychosocial orienta-
so that they ought t o be represented in moti-
tions (e.g., psychological stances toward the
vational tendencies. O u r study o f private
environment, responsibility). Expertly scored
wishes sought to examine whether
practice materials are provided for every cod-
might be evident in the content o f these flights
ing scheme. In my experience, graduate and
of fancy. W e developed a coding scheme
undergraduate students alike can be trained to
specifically for content relevant to the F F M .
score narrative protocols reliably and
T o develop this system, we gave our coders a
ciently using this handbook. T h e Smith vol-
brief workshop on the F F M . W e gave them
ume, however, is hardly exhaustive. As with
sample items from the short questionnaire
any study, a good rule o f thumb is to check the
measure o f the F F M to examine so that they
literature prior to collecting data in order t o
would have a strong understanding o f each o f
explore preexisting coding strategies.
the five traits. Finally, the raters categorized
Coding systems for other types o f data also are extant. For instance, the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) (Ekman &c Friesen, 1 9 7 8 ) codes for particular muscle movements in the face. This system provides a level analysis o f facial movements especially as they are associated with particular emotional expressions. M o r e global systems also have been developed that allow for a less fine-grained analysis o f facial expressions. Social psychologists have developed methods o f coding for body movements, attractiveness, deception, and
other nonverbal
many systems allow one to learn a system independently,
allow for
training in various methods may also provide an important resource for acquiring the skills to use qualitative data effectively.
each wish as relevant to one or more o f the five traits. As predicted, the content o f wishes related to personality traits. For instance, people high in neuroticism were more likely to wish to stop worrying. Those high in extraversion made more impulsive wishes (e.g.,
Agreeable folks were more likely to make altruistic wishes and wishes for peace and harmony (e.g., "for the world to be a safer, friendlier p l a c e " ) . T h e highly conscientious were more likely to make wishes for achievement, and those high in openness to experience made nonconformist, highly intellectual wishes (e.g., "to do away with social conformity," " t o be fluent in six languages"). N o t e that the construction o f this coding scheme was helped immensely by the existence of
extremely well-specified definitions o f the
be straightforward and understandable, for
traits in question.
In developing an ad hoc coding scheme, a
manuscript. It is desirable to avoid too much
variety o f issues present themselves. H o w does
overlap in dimension content, to avoid both
one go about constructing a reliable coding
confusion for raters and lack o f discriminant
scheme that is comprehensible to coders, that is
validity in analyses. Removing redundancy in
likely to be represented in the data collected
rating categories is a good idea because it is
with adequate variance, and that taps into
not at all unlikely that coders will start to rate
the construct o f interest? One possibility is
similar dimensions in a simultaneous and (per-
to consult the history of the construction o f
haps) haphazard way (for instance, if raters
code for " j o y " and "happiness"). T r y to antic-
schemes in
Historically, personality psychologists inter-
ipate clear areas o f potential confusion: For
ested in thematic content analysis have used
instance, is a passage coded for "dialogue" if
criterion groups to create scoring systems for
the person states "we were not talking"?
motives. In this literature, individuals w h o were
Clearly specify when not to code for a partic-
known, a priori, to be high in a motive were
ular dimension. Giving examples o f "close but
asked to tell an imaginative story in response to
not quite" passages will help eventual coders
a picture, and those stories were compared to
make reliable distinctions. It is also best to
stories told by individuals w h o were
keep the coding categories to a reasonable
assumed to be high on the motive in question.
number. For example, M c A d a m s ' s intimacy
For instance, for the intimacy motive scoring
system, M c A d a m s ( 1 9 8 0 ) compared stories
Typically, coding can be thought o f as test
1 0 categories.
told by sorority members w h o had just partici-
construction—a researcher may begin with far
pated in a unity ceremony to those who had
more items on a scale than ultimately will be
not, with the former expected to be higher
included in the final, most reliable version.
Categories may be winnowed down through-
Although this kind of inductive strategy for
out the coding process. Obviously, one can
coding schemes has been useful, it is not always
code for a variety o f dimensions and later cre-
in concern for w a r m
ate composites, but it is important to consider
possible to identify such a priori groups. Alternatively, as was the case in
wishes study, given a variable that is well
coder decay—the tendency for coders t o become exhausted and overwhelmed.
defined, a coding scheme can be developed.
Another consideration in developing a cod-
A detailed theory o f h o w the construct might
ing scheme is what level o f measurement to
communicate itself via narrative or other free
employ. Some coding strategies (e.g., Smith,
response will allow the researcher to easily
1 9 9 2 ) typically code for instances o f an image,
nominate ways that the psychological pro-
word, phrase, or theme. Such coding obviously
cess o f interest might reveal itself in the data.
is done on a categorical basis and
Certainly, in developing a coding system, it
summed over the story. It is also possible to
is tempting to code as much as possible.
code specific protocols for "fitting" a particu-
However, it is important to keep in mind what
lar type (e.g., is this a redemption pattern—in
a human rater can and cannot accomplish
with efficiency and accuracy. Some advice for
the creation o f coding schemes can be gained
Bowman, 2 0 0 1 ) . In contrast, it is possible to
bad Lewis,
Patten, &
by examining some o f the existing schemes
code narratives or other data using Likert-type
that have been developed. First, these systems
scales (for instance, " H o w emotionally positive
are marked by their clarity. Definitions must
is this story?" on a scale from 1 meaning not at
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS all to 7 meaning extremely much). These issues
accommodation might be reflected in
are important to consider for a variety o f rea-
individual's struggle to understand or find
sons. First, it is worthwhile to consider that
meaning in a major life event, it might manifest
interval level data can always be transformed
itself in the stories people told about those life
down a notch in levels o f measurement—by
experiences. Thus, based on Block's definition,
converting the ratings to ordinal scales or to
we created a coding scheme that centered on
categories, if it is clear that raters are seeing the
those aspects of accommodation that might be
variables as categorical. Interval ratings may
found in the story of a life experience. Because
also be somewhat easier for raters to perform
this was a first investigation into content ana-
with confidence. At times, naive raters may
lyzing for accommodation, we included a
blanch at the idea that they are making all-or-
broad range o f potentially relevant variables,
nothing judgments. Clearly, the choice of mea-
which were coded on scales from 1 (not at all)
surement technique ought to be tied closely to
to 7 (extremely much). Initially, we started with
a consideration o f the theoretical definition of
nine dimensions, including
a construct: Is it all or nothing? Is it conceptu-
alized as existing along a continuum?
Finally, consider that a coding scheme,
"active vs. passive," "gradual
vs. sudden change,"
"closure," and "denial." Coding was com-
though developed in response t o a particular
pleted by two raters who rated all the narra-
demand (one data set), may have a life o f its
tives, independently. These raters were blind to
own beyond the initial investigation. It is
all other aspects of the data.
essential to present enough information in
Because they were rather abstract, the
the write-up so that a reader could choose to
replicate the study in his or her own lab.
defined in great detail, as can be seen in Table
Given the need for brevity in manuscripts,
8.1. W e completed a factor analysis of the cod-
making coding schemes available on
ing and found that the dimensions tapped into
two main issues: closure and accommodation.
option. Tips for training raters on the system
The three dimensions that held together as an
as well as expertly scored practice materials
accommodation factor are shown in Table 8 . 1 .
also are invaluable additions to a W e b site.
W h a t follows is an excerpt from a participant's
W o r l d Wide W e b presents an
Our research on parents of children with DS
story, scoring high in accommodation.
provides an example of the construction of a theoretically derived coding scheme (King, Scollon, et al., 2 0 0 0 ) . In that study, we asked the participants to describe how they found out they would be parenting a child with DS. W e were interested in examining stories of life transition, particularly, in order to examine whether these stories might show signs o f the processes thought
to underlie
development. Block (1982) discussed Piaget's developmental process o f accommodation as mechanisms of personality. Accommodation requires that one rethink one's essential beliefs about the self and
the world—to
new structures through which to experience meaning. W e thought that to the extent that
I cried some and experienced waves of "Unknown" embracing me. . . . I knew little about DS—it was an abstraction. Any handicap fell into the category of a childhood memory of seeing "waterheads," as I was told or remember, out on a shopping trip getting into a bus. My daughter was flesh and blood and a good nurser and that was the reality I remember dealing with. I thought very little about her future but I knew I would bow to no predictions. Irrational thoughts came to me at times but did not consume much thinking time: "I must have DS too, it just hasn't been discovered yet." Or "This child must be a consequence for wrong decisions in the past."
Measures Table 8.1
and Meanings
Content Categories for Accommodation Coding
1. Paradigmatic shift
This rating concerns the degree to which change entails a paradigmatic shift for the person. The new experience requires a revision of structures—an actual change in response to the environment and a qualitative change in how the person sees the world and him- or herself. The person has been forced to change, centrally and qualitatively, his or her views of the self and the world.
2. Exploration
How much has the person searched and struggled with the change? This may include commenting on his or her own coping processes as well as talking about the process of making sense of the experience. Is the narrator primarily a passive recipient of experience or primarily actively taking part in what is happening?
3. Activity versus passivity
T h e composite a c c o m m o d a t i o n measure predicted personality development concur-
Raters ought to be
given sufficient time and material to engage in
rently and 2 years later. Applying Block's
intense practice, with feedback, during the
conceptualization t o the stories we collected
training phase. Although taking the time to
represents a top-down approach t o this anal-
train coders may seem like bit o f a burden, this
ysis. T h e winnowing down o f dimensions to
training phase can be a valuable time to edit
the most central ones is also a c o m m o n part
the coding scheme, for instance, to identify
of such investigations. W e came to the narra-
early problems in reliability. Especially if it is
tives with a flexible scheme that was dictated
necessary to create a new coding scheme, it is
always recommended that raters be given a
hunches about h o w a particular psychologi-
trial period with the scheme and that they be
cal process might manifest itself in story.
encouraged t o report back their responses to
by theory,
along with
the scheme after a brief amount of practice. W e often ask coders to report the numbers they Using Naive
have assigned to various protocols. It is vital
W h e n using qualitative data in social and
that they realize that disagreement is not a
personality psychology, in general, at least two
problem at this stage. Often, wide differences
independent raters are required for at least
in initial coding help to identify problematic
some of the ratings that are done, in order to
dimensions and can be useful in resolving
allow for reliability estimates. Because of the
ambiguities for all coders. Raters must be given
logistical realities o f academic research, these
an opportunity t o discuss particularly difficult
raters often are graduate or undergraduate
or complex categories with the other raters and
research assistants. As such, they tend to be
the principal investigator. Repeated meetings
truly naive in their interactions with
and training sessions may be necessary. An
research materials. Training these individuals
appropriate metaphor is an immersion course
to be proficient raters may be a unique chal-
in a second language. I encourage raters to
lenge. The process ought to be conceived of as
mentally code everything they read, hear, or
occurring in two stages, training and coding.
see for the relevant dimensions. In our study of
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS parents o f children with D S , undergraduate
be blind t o the other raters' ratings as well as
raters were given detailed descriptions o f the
to the hypotheses o f the study and other
coding dimensions. In addition, across several
aspects o f the participants that may be under
meetings, coders analyzed a variety of stories
investigation. O n e way t o assure raters that
for these dimensions, including stories o f life
consulting with each other to ensure high reli-
transition collected from other samples, such
ability is not necessary is to emphasize the
as divorced women. In this case, the emphasis
importance o f each rater being consistent
was not on mastering an existing scheme but
within his or her own ratings. T h a t is, raters
on ascertaining that all coders understood the
should be encouraged to develop their own
"gist" of the instructions and could recognize
sense o f what is "high" on a given dimension
potential aspects of accommodation when they
and to stick with that standard
saw it. Again, for these ratings, the emphasis
the coding. Coders should keep their practice
was on consistency within each rater, rather
materials from the training phase, so that they
than getting a "right answer."
can consult these when they are confused or are
unsure about their coding. In training raters
plenty o f available practice materials. In other
to code for motive imagery, for instance, pre-
F o r many
existing schemes, there
cases, narratives that were used for other
vious training materials that have been "cor-
investigations can be useful practice materi-
rected" by expert scoring can allow them to
als. Finally, it may be necessary to find cre-
check their intuitions with previous materials.
ative alternatives for practice materials. In my
Even with well-trained coders, differences
lab, where the qualitative data typically are
of opinions do erupt in coding. In most cases,
narratives, raters have practiced on works o f
data for analyses are supplied by averaging
fiction, poetry, letters to the editor, and pub-
over the ratings, so these differences are not
lished soap opera summaries. Other practice
crucial. However, if the study involves cate-
materials for coding o f nonverbal behavior
gorizing data, it may be desirable to obtain a
may be T V clips, magazine photos, and films.
"right answer" in the end. Typically, a con-
However one chooses t o train coders, at
sensus can be reached with some discussion,
some point they are ready t o begin actual
particularly with at least one expert coder in
coding. W i t h regard
attendance. However, it is important that the
schemes, this may occur when the investiga-
ratings prior to discussion are retained for
tor has a sense that "everyone gets it." T h i s
the calculation o f reliability estimates.
was more or less h o w we completed training for the D S study. In other cases, there are actual tests that can be administered
Naive Approach.
Naive coders may relate to the data
instance, for the coding manuals in Smith
in only top-down sorts o f ways. They have
[ 1 9 9 2 ] ) . In this case, after sufficient practice,
been trained on a particular coding scheme
raters can take the test to ensure that their
and are likely, therefore, to attend to just those
ratings are mapping o n t o expert scoring (typ-
dimensions that the scheme presents as rele-
ically t o within 9 6 % o f expert scoring).
vant. Y e t , reading and thinking about the raw data certainly can lend itself to more bottom-
The Coding Phase. Although communica-
up discoveries. H o w can the researcher remain
tion among raters is invaluable during train-
open to such developments while using rela-
ing, once training is complete, it is important
tively naive coders? O n e solution, obviously,
that raters be told not to talk t o each other
is to read all or most o f the protocols oneself.
about specific aspects o f the coding once the
W i t h a large sample, this is not always feasi-
"official" coding has begun. All raters must
ble. Instead, the coders can serve as conduits
and Meanings
of interesting information. In the initial stages
event can play a helpful
of content analyses, our team o f coders is
(Pennebaker &
role in coping
invited to discuss with us any other interesting
was reason t o believe that the use o f fore-
Seagal, 1 9 9 9 ) . Thus, there
things they happen upon—to share particu-
shadowing in stories might relate to positive
larly striking narratives with the group during
psychological functioning. A coding scheme
the coding process. In our lab, coders meet to
for foreshadowing was developed, and all the
discuss coding progress one or two times a
narratives were coded by all raters for the
week. (Specific stories are not discussed, but
presence or absence o f this narrative device.
dimensions are. In this way, raters can discuss
D r a m a t i c examples o f foreshadowing did
general issues without revealing their codes to
indeed emerge in a portion o f these stories.
each other.) I typically ask coders to keep an
For instance, one participant described how,
eye out for what I might be missing and to jot
at their baby shower, her husband opened a
down ideas as they read the narratives, in
child care b o o k at random and started read-
order to continue to get a sense o f what is
ing loud. T h e y both recoiled in horror as they
interesting about the stories.
realized he was reading about D S . Another
An example o f this process is provided,
mother began her story with a visit to an
once again, by our study o f parents o f chil-
amusement park during her pregnancy. It
dren with D S . This study was conducted
happened that there were a number of children
specifically t o explore the possibility that
with D S at the park, and she t o o k this as a
accommodation might be found in stories o f
sign that the child she was carrying would
life transition. However, another interesting
also have D S (King, Scollon, et al., 2 0 0 0 ) .
aspect o f these narratives presented itself as
Interestingly, in accord with our predictions,
we embarked on our coding. In addition to
foreshadowing was associated with height-
coding for accommodation, three additional
ened well-being for these parents.
coders coded the emotional tone o f the beginnings and endings o f the stories. While conducting this coding, these coders noted a
Reliability and Validity
fascinating aspect o f the stories these parents
Because social and personality psycholo-
shared. For most o f the protocols, the story
gists tend t o treat qualitative data in a quan-
began with a doctor's announcement o f the
titative way, these data are expected t o meet
child's diagnosis o f D S , in the hospital, imme-
the same standards o f reliability and validity
diately or shortly after
birth. Sometimes,
however, the story began not with
as m o r e structured measures. In asking about
reliability, we want t o k n o w if a measure is
announcement but rather at an earlier point
relatively free o f error o f measurement—are
in time. For instance, one mother wrote about
the ratings consistent across raters? In asking
a dream she had months prior to the child's
about validity, we want to k n o w that there is
birth. Another wrote about having a sinking
evidence that the measure used actually taps
suspicion during her pregnancy that the child
the construct under investigation.
she was carrying would have D S . F r o m a literary perspective, w h a t
observed was clearly foreshadowing. In liter-
ature, it is clear that foreshadowing can be a
Using qualitative data, the question o f
compelling way to enhance the coherence o f a
reliability typically is phrased in terms o f the
narrative from one moment o f the drama t o
relationships a m o n g ratings done by differ-
the next. It has been suggested that construct-
ent raters. In calculating reliabilities, the
ing a coherent narrative about a traumatic life
implications o f decisions that
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS made along the way in the investigation (e.g.,
have counted images and added these up
W h a t scale o f measurement was used to code
within passages). Measuring reliability in this
the data? H o w many raters were used? H o w
case means gauging the consistency across
much o f the data did each rater actually
judges in their patterns o f ratings. Imagine
rate?) c o m e to the fore. M y purpose
that three raters read the passage below
reviewing these issues here is t o emphasize
(from the parents o f children with D S ) and
the implications o f these decisions for relia-
coded it for emotional positivity, on a scale
bility and to give practical suggestions for
from 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely
obtaining acceptable reliability estimates. First, note the difference between coder agreement and coder reliability. Interrater agreement refers to the degree to which coders give the exact same rating to a narrative, videotape,
Agreement typically is a concern when ratings have been done using nominal (or categorical) scales. T h e simplest and, perhaps, most easily understood measure o f agreement is the percentage o f agreement. It is important to note, of course, that some agreement among raters may occur by chance, so the percentage o f agreement may, in fact, overestimate
It was long enough ago that the word was Mongoloid. I was alone and it was late at night when the doctor told m e . . . . I laugh at this now because I was 33—I called my parents. I think I wanted them to fix things—they had been pretty good at that in the past.. . . Then I realized that I was mourning as if my child had died yet 1 still had a nice fat baby in the nursery. I rang for him to be brought to me expecting him to be a monster instead of the cute thing I saw in the delivery room. I tore all of his clothes off of him and just looked at him. He was beautiful. (King, 2001)
actual level o f agreement by judges that is due to their recognition of the variables o f interest.
If the three raters rated this passage 4 , 5,
A more sophisticated measure o f agreement,
and 7, respectively, there are clearly disagree-
one that is useful when categories are mutually
ments in their assessments o f the absolute level
exclusive, is Cohen's K (Cohen, 1960), which
of the positivity o f the passage. However, if, in
includes an estimate o f the agreement that
the context o f all the ratings these raters did,
would be likely to occur by chance. In cases
we find that this passage actually was rated
where the codes produced by raters are nomi-
relatively highly by all raters, the reliability
nal but the categories are not mutually exclu-
will be high. For instance, if the rather cur-
sive, other alternatives may be phi coefficients
mudgeonly rater w h o gave this passage a 4
among ratings or, again, simple percentage
consistently rated very positive passages as 4 ' s
agreements. In our study o f parents o f chil-
while our very positive rater consistently
dren with D S , we used phi coefficients (essen-
rewarded such passages with 7's, the ratings
will be reliable. Again, reliability estimates are
ratings) to express the strong degree of agree-
not concerned with the mean
ment among our judges for the ratings o f fore-
among raters but are ways o f gauging their
shadowing (average phi = . 9 1 ) .
proportionality or rank order consistency.
T h e most obvious and convenient way to
typically refers not to the exact agreement o f
calculate reliability in this case is to simply
ratings but rather to the extent to which
calculate the correlations among the ratings
ratings are proportional across judgments.
and to report, perhaps, the average correla-
Typically, in this case, ratings have been con-
ducted on an interval scale (e.g., scales from
C r o n b a c h ' s alpha for a composite rating. In
1 to 7 ratings) or a ratio scale (e.g., raters
the study o f parents o f children with D S , we
and Meanings
used interrater correlations to justify the
represents the characteristic idiosyncrasies o f
creation o f composites for all the a c c o m m o -
each rater.
dation dimensions. It is worth noting that in
First, let's consider the optimal case, in
this study, all the raters rated all the stories,
which all raters have rated all the protocols.
and this decision allowed us the greatest free-
In this situation, we would use the average
dom in calculating the reliability.
among all raters as the actual score given to
It is not always the case that the same
a protocol. Differences among the raters can
raters will rate all materials. Sometimes, data
be assumed to cancel out in the averaging o f
may be collected over the course o f a longer
ratings, so rater variance should not be con-
time period, and so raters are replaced. At
sidered error. T o estimate the reliability o f
other times, the data sets are so large that it
the composite score, we could conduct a
is nearly impossible to have a pair or trio
rater x person two-way A N O V A on the rat-
of raters rate all o f them. Such situations
ings. T h e output would provide the variances
require us t o consider the role o f rater vari-
for raters, persons, and error. T o calculate
ance in the reliability estimate. In this case,
the Spearman-Brown correlation, these mean
the intraclass correlation is preferred because
squares would be inserted into the formula as
it allows the researcher t o decide exactly
follows (Ebel, 1 9 5 1 ; Tinsley & Weiss, 1 9 7 5 ) :
what the place o f interrater variance ought to be vis-a-vis the reliability o f an instrument.
- MS
p e r s o n
T o appreciate this issue, it is helpful to imag-
ine these data in a way that may not c o m e
intuitively to many researchers—that is, to think o f each rater as a level o f an indepenT o understand the effects o f the levels o f the independent variable (i.e., the raters) on the dependent variable (i.e., the ratings), we must partition the variance in the ratings into attributable
attributable to the object being rated (i.e., the person), and error variance. Thus, we can think o f the ratings as dependent variables in a rater x person analysis o f variance (ANOVA).
analysis, in
practice, provides a clear sense o f the role o f rater variance in the ratings. Any output for an A N O V A will include the variance attributable t o the independent
e r r o r
term above represents
only random error. T h e variance partitioned
dent variable in an experiment.
N o t e that M S
(i.e., the mean square for rater) and
off for raters is not included in the calculation at all. However, in cases where not all coders have coded the entire data set, or if "doubling up" has occurred on only a subset o f cases, the final ratings given to protocols are not composites o f multiple ratings by the same raters. As a result, between-rater variance is rightfully treated as error. Although using a composite of judges' ratings allows us to use the reliability o f the composite, in this case we really need the reliability o f an average single judge's ratings. Here a simple one-way A N O V A (analyzing ratings by persons) provides the variances for the intraclass reliability estimate:
attributable to the person being rated (i.e., the mean square for person), as well as the leftover (unsystematic) error variance. N o t e that the variance due to person here represents
+ MS
e r r o r
the degree to which raters were sensitive to the changes in the dimensions o f interest
where K = the number o f judges rating each
across protocols. T h e variance due to raters
person. (If K varies across individuals, the
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS average number o f judges can be calculated
about the consistency o f a measure, it is
for inclusion in this formula; see Tinsley and
possible to have very high reliability and very
Weiss [ 1 9 7 5 ] . ) N o t e that in this equation, the
low validity. Because reliability refers to sys-
tematic variance, if all raters consistently
e r r o i
includes the between rater variance
m a k e the same mistakes, reliability will be
as error. The bottom line is that if raters complete
high, yet these highly reliable ratings will
ratings on only a portion o f the data, the relia-
consistently miss the variable in question.
bility estimates should treat between-rater dif-
O n c e again, decisions affecting the quality o f
ferences as error and the reliabilities will be
an investigation from its inception clearly
lowered accordingly. Note that for all estimates
impinge on eventual validity: W a s the coding
of reliability, increasing the number o f raters
scheme sufficiently clear? W e r e the raters
will increase the interrater reliability. However,
appropriately trained? W a s the proficiency
the addition of raters has less and less impact on
of the raters well gauged? Although reliabil-
reliability as more raters are added. In terms of
ity clearly is a challenge, validity issues may
what are acceptable reliabilities, generally the
present even greater difficulty, particularly
same rules o f thumb can be used as apply to
for newer coding schemes.
questionnaire data—reliabilities below . 6 0 are likely to raise eyebrows.
Convergent validity can be difficult
gauge, particularly if a construct is understood be
to be strongly intertwined with its own mea-
chosen with attention to the scale o f measure-
surement method. For many years, the T A T
sum, reliability estimates should
ment used, the number of coders, and the
measures o f motivation were held in low
amount o f overlap by coders. Some methods
regard because they failed to show convergent
for computing reliability are fairly easy (for
validity with questionnaire measures o f the
instance, computing percentage agreements,
same motives (see King, 1 9 9 5 , for a review).
interrater correlations, or alpha reliability
However, theoretical justifications for these
across composites for coders), whereas others
null results provided a new way to think o f
be m o r e challenging logistically (for
these measures (McClelland et al., 1 9 8 9 ) . It is
instance, computing mean square estimates
important to remember that the lack o f rela-
for variance attributed to person x rater). As
tion between self-report and content-analytic
a rule, researchers probably select the reliabil-
measures may be substantively interesting and
ity estimate that gives them the best result,
not necessarily indicative o f invalidity of either
but these must always be selected within the
type of measure. For instance, in the study by
confines o f the data themselves. Although
Dovidio and colleagues reviewed earlier, the
many textbooks review the issues o f reliabil-
spontaneous nonverbal behavior shown by
ity, I recommend an article by Tinsley and
white participants in the presence o f a black
Weiss ( 1 9 7 5 ) . It has been extremely useful in
confederate was not related to their verbaliza-
obtaining reliability estimates given varying
tions or to their self-reported attitudes, yet
numbers o f coders, levels o f measurement,
clearly this behavior has importance in its own
and research goals. T h e advice offered is
right. Qualitative measures are used exactly
straightforward and extremely helpful.
because they tap into something that more structured measures cannot get to; thus, it should not be surprising when these measures
fail to converge.
The validity o f an instrument concerns
Seeking to establish criterion-related valid-
h o w much the measure actually taps w h a t
ity may be a more profitable approach to
we want it t o . Although reliability tells us
establishing the validity of qualitative methods.
Measures and Meanings
This possibility is well illustrated in the classic
this problem is a challenge. Clearly, simply
distinction in the Type A Behavior Pattern
including excerpts o f narratives is one way t o
literature. Research comparing the Type A
attempt to preserve the integrity o f the whole.
Structured Interview (which relies on the cod-
However, this solution p r o b a b l y is pro-
ing o f nonverbal behavior) with the Jenkins
foundly unsatisfying for both the reader and
Activity survey (a reliable questionnaire) has
the researcher. In addition, the press for
demonstrated that, reliability differences not
brevity in journal articles may decrease the
withstanding, the more qualitative measure
likelihood o f even this level o f inclusion (or to
does a superior j o b of predicting coronary
the relegation o f these excerpts to rarely read
heart disease (e.g., Matthews, 1 9 8 8 ) .
appendices). W h a t other alternatives exist? O n e possibility is to return to the single case to examine h o w individual narratives reflect
and challenge group based results (see Allport [ 1 9 6 1 ] ; this advice certainly would also apply to purely quantitative w o r k ) . M y w o r k on the relations between the content o f implicit motives (measured via imaginative stories)
Methodological Problems and Confounds
and personal goals demonstrates h o w the examination o f individual cases can enlighten
There are a variety o f confounds that m a y
even null results. In this case, n o evidence
be unique to the use o f qualitative data. O n e
emerged for the kinds o f straightforward rela-
problem in verbal reports is that o f verbosity.
tions one might expect between implicit
Individuals w h o simply talk a lot more than
motives and goal content (e.g., individuals
others may score higher on measures based
high on need for achievement did not have a
on free responses. Typically, researchers
high number o f achievement-related personal
include the length o f a protocol as a control
goals) (King, 1 9 9 5 ) . An examination o f a few
variable in analyses or m a y convert scores to
single cases, however, demonstrated
"images per 1 , 0 0 0 w o r d s " or some similar
these t w o types o f motivation
measure t o account for differences in w o r d
related within a given person in complex,
usage. Other potential confounds in coding
sometimes idiosyncratic ways that could not
nonverbal behavior are the effect o f attrac-
be captured in group analyses. It is important
tiveness, smiling, and clothing on ratings.
that such an examination not be presented as
Typically, researchers strive t o equalize these
an afterthought. Such analyses may inspire
characteristics across rated targets, or code
research on a broader sample. Another possi-
for these potential confounds in order to sta-
bility would be to combine quantitative anal-
tistically control for them later.
yses with more purely qualitative analyses. Such a possibility may require interdisciplinary research that acknowledges and nego-
Losing the Trees for the Forest Perhaps
research is more likely t o (rapidly) quantify qualitative data, the risk o f losing the whole in pursuit o f numerical descriptions o f the data is more pressing. Y e t , one o f the very
associated with differing
areas o f social
science. Finally, it might be worthwhile to consider alternative outlets for research that is more purely qualitative, keeping in mind that it is often a question o f where and when, not
strengths o f qualitative data is their capacity
if, a scientifically sound, provocative article
to convey a sense o f the whole. Overcoming
will be published.
Special Ethical
A final unusual problem in the use o f qualitative data is special consideration for ethical treatment o f the data.
Advances in technology have led to the develop-
interviews, and videotaped interactions or
ment of a number of innovative computerized
monologues may reveal more than the typi-
systems for analyzing qualitative data, including
cal questionnaire about a particular research
N U D * I S T , nVivo, H y p e r R E S E A R C H ,
participant. Participants w h o are asked to
ATLAS.ti. Each of these systems certainly war-
share stories o f their personal experiences
rants a chapter (or book) of its own, and fortu-
must be assured that the data will be pub-
nately, such chapters and volumes have been
lished only in group format. I f a researcher
written (e.g., Fielding & Lee, 1 9 9 1 ; Richards &
would like to use excerpts from various par-
Richards, 1 9 9 4 ) . Critiques also are available
ticipants t o enliven his or her research report,
that compare and contrast the strengths and
he or she ought to ask for permission from
weaknesses of each of these (Huberman
these participants to do so. Typically, if indi-
Miles, 1 9 9 4 ) and compare these systems to
viduals are t o be videotaped, they should give
human ratings (Rosenberg, Schnurr, & Oxman,
their permission to be so taped. If telling par-
ticipants beforehand about the taping might
researchers to manage qualitative data. One
interfere with natural behavior, the partici-
issue is that these packages don't actually code
pants may be taped surreptitiously but later
for you; they simply allow you to make use of
should be informed o f the taping and offered
their various features for organizing data, track-
the chance to destroy the tape.
ing patterns that your exploration has uncov-
Finally, during coding, it is extremely
ered. As such, these tools may be best suited to
important that coders treat the research pro-
more modestly sized data sets and for use by
tocols with the appropriate level o f respect.
expert coders (see Loxley, 2 0 0 1 ) . Although
In my lab, student raters are asked to sign a
differing in their specific features, these pack-
ages essentially help a researcher taking a
reviews the
treatment o f qualitative data. Raters are not
"bottom-up" approach to build a conceptual
to talk about these data with anyone w h o is
framework for a data set. Coming from a
not in the lab. Raters must behave profes-
top-down approach, they allow a researcher to
sionally while in the lab, in case research par-
organize text features that are theoretically
ticipants c o m e by to drop off questionnaires
relevant in hypothesis testing.
or be interviewed. Furthermore, if a rater recognizes a particular participant from his or
Some packages allow for a simultaneous "macrolevel"
accounting o f the
her research materials, the rater must stop
emerging in the data. F o r instance, ATLAS.ti
working on those materials immediately and
uses semantic categories to group codes into
turn them over t o the principal investigator
for reassignment to another rater. It is impor-
approach that, in addition to performing code
tant for raters to recognize that participants
and retrieve functions, also provides nodes for
have shared important aspects o f their lives
an index system that functions parallel to the
with us. W i t h o u t their candor and willing-
microlevel coding. This index system allows
ness to share, our w o r k would be impossible.
the research to track and
Their materials must be treated with
dynamic connections between the general con-
highest degree o f respect.
also consider
structs emerging in the content analyses.
Using these technologies is a truly interactive
to such a molecular level o f analysis. T h e
experience, and the potential for theory build-
human reader may never be replaced entirely
ing appears very strong. M o s t o f the packages
by computerized analyses.
are available in demonstration versions on the World Wide W e b . As the creators of N U D * I S T themselves have
commented, this
T e c h n o l o g y also has
promising inroads in other areas in which
qualitative data have required a great deal o f
"Offers many ways for a researcher never to
time and effort to quantify. For instance,
finish a study" (Richards & Richards, 2 0 0 1 ,
p. 4 5 8 ) .
Lien, H u a ,
Perhaps because T h e Linguistic Inquiry and
and colleagues (Cohn, Z l o c h o w e r , 8c K a n a d e , 2 0 0 0 ) have been
developing facial feature matching software
W o r d Count (LIWC) (Pennebaker & Francis,
t o code for emotional facial
1 9 9 6 ) was designed by a social psychologist,
These innovations may allow researchers t o
its reliability has been empirically addressed
avail themselves o f rich qualitative
(Pennebaker & King, 1 9 9 9 ) and it has been
sources without the effortful training
used on very large data sets successfully (e.g.,
Pennebaker, Mayne, 8c Francis, 1 9 9 7 ) . As
required. O f course, such innovations must
L I W C processes text, every word in a protocol
be shown to have excellent convergent valid-
is matched against a catalog o f words in the
ity with manual coding in order to prove
L I W C dictionaries. These dictionaries include
truly useful for researchers.
a variety of topics o f interest to social psychologists, including positive and
emotion, self-references, social words, deathrelated words, and cognitive words
thinking, causation). T h e output is SPSS ready
Using qualitative
and includes the percentage o f words that the
researcher to tap into a well o f rich informa-
person used that fit into each o f the L I W C dic-
tion. W h e n I first thought about what it
tionaries. L I W C is enormously flexible. T h e
meant to be a psychologist, this is what I
various dictionaries can be combined in a vari-
thought I'd be doing: learning from people
ety o f ways to tap into whatever construct
doing what they do—that is, making meaning
interests the researcher. A weakness o f a word
out o f their experiences. Qualitative
count strategy is that words are necessarily
allow us to examine the natural behavior o f
decontextualized, so L I W C misses sarcasm,
human beings in its various forms. Decisions
metaphor, and other aspects o f language that
about what we study and h o w we study it
are less than straightforward.
have far-reaching implications for the even-
T o use these programs, protocols must be
tual usefulness o f such inquiries. Qualitative
transcribed into text files for the computer.
research in social and personality psychology
Although this may be a small obstacle (we
involves a number o f challenges, but in the
sometimes ask participants to type their sto-
end the best o f this w o r k can be seen to
ries onto a computer), it might also make
embody the best o f the hard and the soft in
research on archival texts that have not been
our science. T h e key is to balance the desire to
transcribed laborious. T e x t analysis programs
wring as much from the data as possible with
represent a potential
maintaining the dignity o f the whole, to not
boon to
research, but it is important to bear in mind
lose the "big picture" in the search o f that
that not all research questions lend themselves
which easily lends itself to quantification.
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Implicit Methods in Social Psychology JOHN F . KIHLSTROM University of California,
Rather, the questionnaire method has been
merely with the impact o f the social situ-
central to social psychology because social
ation on individual behavior, social psy-
social psychology were
chologists would have n o interest in people's
assumptions that people were aware o f the
mental states. T h e y would
attitudes, beliefs, and values that guided their
be concerned
solely with measuring various features o f the
behavior, and that they would be willing to
social environment and various aspects o f
reveal them if asked appropriately.
people's behavior within that environment.
O f course, social psychologists were not
But long before the cognitive revolution in
stupid. They fully understood that some o f the
psychology, social psychologists believed that
mental states in question were highly charged,
social behavior was determined by the per-
and perhaps even embarrassing, and
o f the situation in
people might not be willing to talk about them
which that behavior took place. T h e central
with strangers. Consider, for example, the
role o f mental states, in turn, explains why,
lengths to which Alfred Kinsey and his associ-
son's mental
almost from the beginning, social psycholo-
ates went to get people to talk about their sex
gists have relied on self-reports o f attitudes,
lives—as well as the difficulties encountered in
stereotypes and other beliefs, preferences, val-
today's climate o f political correctness in get-
ues, goals, and motives. Self-report question-
ting people to talk frankly about their views
naires and other survey instruments have not
with respect to gender, race, and ethnicity.
been merely a convenient and inexpensive
Social psychologists also understood that the situation
way o f collecting information about people's
behavior (although they have been that, t o o ) .
lematic. By virtue o f demand characteristics
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Preparation of this chapter was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH 3 5 8 5 6 . I thank Jack Glaser, Tina Pantaleakos, and Carol Sansone for their comments.
(Kihlstrom, 2 0 0 2 ;
1 9 6 2 ; also see
Haslam & M c G a r t y , Chapter 1 1 , this volexperimenter bias (Rosenthal, 1 9 6 3 ) ,
O f course, the notion o f unconscious determi-
evaluation apprehension (Rosenberg, 1 9 6 5 ) ,
nants o f behavior was not entirely new, given
reactance (Brehm, 1 9 6 6 ) , and a host o f other
that it lies at the roots of Freud's psycho-
factors, research designs might not possess
analytic theory o f the mind and behavior.
the kind of external validity that would permit
According to Freud, conscious experience,
us to conclude that people actually thought or
action were determined
unconscious sexual and aggressive motives, as
Accordingly, social psychologists have exer-
well as defense mechanisms unconsciously
felt what they seemed to think and
cised a great deal o f ingenuity in getting
deployed against these primitive drives in order
around these problems, from unobtrusive or
to reduce the anxiety caused by their conflict
with the constraints o f the real and social
Wegener & Fabrigar, Chapter 7, this volume)
world. If Freud was right—and many person-
ality and social psychologists working in the
first half o f the 2 0 t h century thought he was—
C a c i o p p o , Lorig, N u s b a u m , &
then a variety o f new techniques was needed to
Chapter 1 7 , this volume). Beginning in the 1 9 8 0 s , a new dimension was added to the problem o f self-reports by
go beyond self-report to tap people's unconscious beliefs, feelings, and desires.
the increasing recognition that people's experiences, thoughts, and actions could be influenced by percepts and memories o f which they were unaware (Kihlstrom, 1 9 8 4 , 1 9 8 7 ) .
Projective Tests In Freud's own work, these unconscious
If unconscious thoughts, feelings, and desires
exist and can influence social behavior while
brought to the light o f conscious awareness, by
ostensibly discovered,
remaining unconscious, then even the most
means o f the clinical technique o f free associa-
sophisticated questionnaires and surveys will
tion. But very quickly a number o f formal tests
not succeed in tapping the mental states that
were developed for this purpose, beginning
underlie what we do when we interact with
other people. This chapter surveys a number
technique o f free associations to serve as a
o f Freud's
of methods recently introduced for assessing
people's unconscious, or implicit, attitudes,
Standardized versions o f Jung's procedures,
beliefs, and other mental states relevant to
accompanied by rudimentary
social interaction (for alternative coverage o f
quickly developed (Kent & Rosanoff, 1 9 1 0 ;
this material, see Fazio &
1918/1969). norms, were
Rapaport, Gill, & Schafer, 1 9 6 8 ; Rapaport,
Although there is some overlap between these
Schafer, & Gill, 1 9 4 4 - 1 9 4 6 ) ; these in turn led
"implicit" methods and those generally called
to the development o f word-association norms
"unobtrusive," there is an important concep-
for purposes o f research with normal individu-
tual distinction. Unobtrusive methods
als (e.g., Russell & Jenkins, 1 9 5 4 ) . A number
used to assess attitudes, beliefs, and values o f
of other techniques were soon added (Lindzey,
which people are aware, but that they may be
1 9 5 9 ) , including the Rorschach Inkblot Test,
unwilling to reveal to the investigator. By con-
the Thematic Apperception Test ( T A T ) (see
trast, implicit methods are used to assess atti-
King, Chapter 8, this volume), and the Draw-
tudes, beliefs, and values o f which people are
a-Person Test. Even the Wechsler-Bellevue
unaware. This creates additional methodolog-
Intelligence Scale (WBIS), forerunner to the
ical problems for the investigator.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and perhaps
Implicit Methods
in Social
the prototypical example o f a performance-
proved to have some validity, there is no
based test o f cognitive ability, was co-opted for
evidence that the scores in question actually
the purposes o f projective personality assess-
represented a subject's unconscious
ment, both in the clinic (Rapaport, Gill, et al.,
literature promoting the T A T as a measure
and by the United States Central
Intelligence Agency (Bern, 1 9 8 3 ; M a r k s , 1 9 7 9 ;
Consider, for e x a m p l e , the
(McClelland, Koestner, & Weinberger, 1 9 8 9 ) .
M a r k s & Greenfield, 1 9 8 4 a , 1 9 8 4 b ) . All o f this w o r k was predicated on the pro-
T h e low correlation between T A T and ques-
1939a, 1948;
tionnaire measures o f achievement motivation
Rapaport, 1 9 4 2 ) , in which the subject is given
is often interpreted as a reflection o f the inde-
the opportunity "to reveal his way o f organiz-
pendence of unconscious and conscious moti-
ing experience by giving him a field (objects,
vation, but it could simply mean that T A T
materials, experiences) with relatively little
measures lack convergent validity. Similarly,
structure and cultural patterning, so that the
the fact that implicit and explicit measures o f
personality can project upon that plastic field
motivation predict different classes of behavior
his way o f seeing life, his meanings, signifi-
is often taken as evidence o f a pattern of dis-
cances, patterns, and especially his feelings"
criminant validity, but the same pattern o f cor-
(Frank, 1 9 3 9 b , p. 4 0 3 ) . Although the use o f
relations could be interpreted as a result o f
projective techniques does not necessarily
method variance. If the T A T , R o r s c h a c h
mean that the affects, drives, and other mental
(Bornstein, 2 0 0 1 ) , and other projective meth-
states revealed by the test are unconscious,
ods are to acquire the status o f "implicit"
that is the general assumption behind their
methods, more is needed than evidence for
use. As Rapaport, Gill, et al. wrote:
their reliability, validity, and utility. W h a t is needed is convincing evidence that they tap mental states.
The use of projective tests assumes that the examiner is after something in the subject about which the subject does not know or is unable to communicate; otherwise the examiner would ask him about it directly. . . . By means of projective tests we discover tremendous aggressions in persons who appear meek, or great dependent needs in suspicious and manly-appearing [sic] persons who deny having any such inclinations. If taken seriously, these tests therefore refer to unconscious motivation of action and behavior, and necessitate a personality theory that assumes the existence of, and accounts for, these motivations. (Rapaport, Gill, et a l , 1968, pp. 227-228)
Despite their continued popularity among
she thinks and does in the real world outside
many clinical psychologists, it is now generally
the testing situation. In such tests, face validity
is very high. Other tests, however, assume no
The Subtle and the Obvious Running parallel with the psychodynamic literature on projective techniques, some hint of the unconscious also can be found in the and signs,
distinctions between samples between subtle and obvious
items, in the psy-
chometric literature on objective tests of personality.
questionnaires assume, at least tacitly, that the test items represent samples
o f the respon-
dent's actual behavior—that is, that there is some degree o f isomorphism between the person's performance on the test and what he or
that projective techniques
such isomorphism. From this point o f view,
(Lilienfeld, W o o d , & Garb, 2 0 0 1 ) . Even in the
test items are intrinsically interesting units o f
few instances where projective techniques
behavior that are signs
not satisfactory psychometric
o f some underlying
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS disposition. T h e original versions o f the
will not see through them, and thus will be
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
tricked into self-disclosure. Similarly, at least
( M M P I ) and
in principle, subtle items might be useful with
its " n o r m a l "
Psychological Inventory
were both constructed under the sign assump-
ted toward
self-disclosure but are simply
tion. As a result, they contain many "subtle"
unaware o f their traits and other mental char-
scale items that lack face validity, even though
acteristics. However, it appears that personal-
they correlate with some empirical criterion
ity tests are disguised in this way at the
(Goldberg & Slovic, 1 9 6 7 ; Seeman, 1 9 5 2 ) .
expense o f validity (Mischel, 1 9 6 8 , 1 9 7 2 ) . O f
Ironically, then, the prototypical "objective"
course, the reply to this weak evidence for the
tests o f personality make the same assumption
empirical validity o f subtle
as do the Rorschach and other projective tech-
items might be the same as for the T A T : that
niques—that test responses are signs o f under-
subtle items, reflecting unconscious tenden-
lying dispositions, not samples of behavior
cies, should not be expected to correlate with obvious items that reflect conscious aware-
(Meehl, 1 9 4 5 ) . The preference for empirically valid signs
ness, and that as such, subtle items might pre-
over face-valid samples reached its apex in
dict different criteria than do obvious items.
Berg's deviation
which held that
However, there is no evidence for the dis-
even preferences for random drawings could
criminant validity o f subtle versus obvious
be used as personality scale items, so long as
items. Nor—and this is the central point—is
people with different dispositions expressed
there any evidence that subtle items tap traits,
different preferences (Berg, 1 9 5 5 ) . In fact,
attitudes, and the like o f which the subject is
however, most empirically derived personality
unaware. T h e first lesson o f 1 0 0 years o f per-
scales (including those o f the M M P I and CPI)
sonality assessment is this: If you want to
contain a m i x of face-valid items that are obvi-
k n o w what people can tell you, you should
ously related to the substantive domain under
ask them. I f you want to k n o w what people 1
consideration, and "subtle" items that do not
tell you, unfortunately, subtle ques-
appear to relate to the domain. Although an
tionnaire items, like projective techniques,
early analysis by Seeman found that subtle and
would appear to be risky choices for the
obvious items were equally good predictors
assessment o f unconscious mental states.
of criterion behavior (Seeman, 1 9 5 2 ) , later studies found performed
that obvious M M P I
better than subtle items (Duff,
1 9 6 5 ; Goldberg &c Slovic, 1 9 6 7 ) . In addition, a study by Hase and Goldberg ( 1 9 6 7 ) showed
If not projective tests, or inventories o f subtle
that questionnaires constructed by "rational"
items, then what? One answer to this question
means, such that each scale item possessed
is provided by research in implicit memory
face validity, performed better than question-
(Schacter, 1 9 8 7 ) . Neurological patients with
naires constructed by "empirical" means
bilateral lesions to the hippocampus and asso-
that resulted in a m i x of obvious and subtle
ciated structures in the medial temporal lobe
items (see also Ashton &
characteristically are unable to remember the
Goldberg, 1 9 7 3 ;
Jackson, 1 9 7 5 ) . Scales consisting entirely o f subtle items
events and experiences that have transpired since
onset o f their
have been advocated in some corners on the
However, it is n o w known that this antero-
ground that subjects w h o approach personal-
grade amnesia affects only conscious recollec-
ity questionnaires with a defensive attitude
tion. W h e n patients are tested with techniques
Implicit Methods
in Social Psychology
that do not require conscious recollection,
Kihlstrom, Barnhardt, &
they typically show that some traces o f post-
morbid experience have been encoded, remain
in storage, and interact with ongoing experi-
Shames, & Dorfman, 1 9 9 6 ) , learning (Kihl-
ence, thought, and action—albeit outside con-
strom, 1 9 9 6 ; Reber, 1 9 6 7 ) , emotion (Berridge
scious awareness. T o take a familiar example,
& W i n k i e l m a n , 2 0 0 3 ; Kihlstrom, Mulvaney,
patients w h o have studied a list of words often
Tobias, &
show various priming
effects, as on tests o f
word-stem and word-fragment
problem Kihlstrom,
1 9 9 6 ; Kihlstrom,
T o b i s , 2 0 0 0 ) ; and
(Kihlstrom, Mulvaney, et al., 2 0 0 0 ; McClelland
et al., 1 9 8 9 ) . Along the same lines, it should be
perceptual identification and lexical decision,
possible to use priming as a measure of the sorts
and free association or category generation—
of implicit, unconscious attitudes, beliefs, and
even though they cannot recall or recognize
values of interest to social psychologists. In a
the items they studied. Because the list items
sense, deriving measures of individual beliefs,
are not accessible to conscious recollection,
attitudes, feelings, values, and motives repre-
priming evidently is an effect o f
sents a revival of Jung's ( 1 9 1 8 / 1 9 6 9 ) use of
memory. T h e dissociation between explicit
response latencies on a word-association test as
and implicit memory also can be observed in
a "complex-indicator."
neurologically intact subjects w h o are not particularly amnesic, as when explicit memory is affected by an experimental manipulation, such as level o f processing, that has little or no effect on implicit memory.
The Importance of Matching Tasks In all o f this, it is critical that explicit and implicit expressions o f memory be assessed
These two examples, taken together, give
us the definition o f implicit memory as uncon-
example, an experiment in which explicit
scious memory: In the amnesic patients, prim-
memory is assessed with free recall but
o f conscious
implicit memory is assessed with priming on
ing occurs in the absence
recollection; in the normal subjects, priming
stem completion. Such an experiment might
occurs independently
o f conscious recollec-
well find that more target items are produced
tion. N o t e that the mere fact that a subject
on the priming task than on the free recall
completes the stem mar
task, but this would not be evidence o f a dis-
is not enough to qualify a
sociation between explicit and implicit mem-
behavior as an implicit or unconscious expres-
ory. T h e reason is that stem completion is a
sion o f memory. T h e word market,
variant on cued recall, in that the stem serves
rather than marble
or at least
some item plausibly related to it, has to have
as a cue for recall o f the whole word, and it is
been on the study list—if not, there is n o sense
well known that cued recall typically is supe-
in talking about memory. But note, t o o , that
rior to free recall. T h e same consideration
the mere fact o f priming is not sufficient to
would apply to a comparison o f free recall
permit discussion o f unconscious
with priming on perceptual
Priming occurs in nonamnesic controls, and
Perceptual identification is a variant on recog-
for deeply processed items as well. T o qualify
nition, in that the entire study item is re-
as unconscious, priming has to occur in the
presented on the memory test, and it is well
of, or independently
of, conscious
known that recognition is superior to recall. In psychometric terms, then, recognition is
The implicit-explicit distinction in memory
an "easier" test o f memory than cued recall,
can be extended to other domains as well,
which in turn is an "easier" test o f memory
than free recall. And in statistical terms,
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS is just neuropsychological
Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS) but high
jargon for statistical interaction: Dissociations
levels o f defensiveness on the M a r l o w e -
occur when one variable, such as population
Crowne Social Desirability Scale (SDS). In
(e.g., amnesic vs. nonamnesic) or experimental
other words, they reported low levels o f dis-
manipulation (e.g., level o f processing), inter-
tress, but their high levels of social desirability
acts with another variable (e.g., explicit vs.
suggested that they might be repressing distress
implicit test) to affect performance. It is well
that they were actually experiencing uncon-
known that spurious interactions can occur as
sciously. O t h e r groups showing
artifacts of task difficulty (e.g., Chapman &
patterns o f M A S and SDS scores, such as non-
Chapman, 1 9 7 3 , 2 0 0 1 ) . Accordingly, in any
defensive nonanxious (low M A S , low SDS)
study o f dissociations between explicit and
and nondefensive anxious (high M A S , low
implicit measures, it is important that the
SDS) subjects, served as comparison subjects
tasks be matched as closely as possible on
relevant psychometric characteristics.
Mulvaney, Kihlstrom, Figueredo, & Schwartz,
alternative classification schemes, see
clinch the case for a dissociation
1 9 9 2 ; Weinberger & Schwartz, 1 9 9 0 ) . In the
between explicit and implicit memory, we
experiment, Weinberger et al. asked their sub-
must show not just that implicit memory
jects to read phrases with sexual and aggressive
occurs in the absence of, or independently of,
content. Despite their general denial o f distress,
explicit memory. W e must also show that the
"repressors" showed increased response laten-
cues available to the subject remain constant
cies and
across tasks. Thus, the appropriate explicit
response during the task (see also Asendorf &
comparison for stem completion is stem-cued
Scherer, 1 9 8 3 ) . Weinberger et al. concluded
elevated levels o f physiological
recall. In stem-cued recall, the subject is asked
that the "repressors" were repressing after all:
to fill in a stem with an item from a previously
Although they denied being in distress, they
studied word list, thus requiring conscious rec-
clearly were disturbed by what they were
ollection; in stem completion, the subject is
asked to read. Put another way, repressive style
asked to fill in the stem with any appropriate
entails a dissociation between explicit and
word, thus obviating conscious recollection.
implicit expressions of anxiety (Kihlstrom,
Similarly, the appropriate explicit comparison
Mulvaney, et al., 2 0 0 0 ) — a t least in principle.
for perceptual identification is recognition. In
The Weinberger et al. ( 1 9 7 9 ) study is very
recognition, the subject is presented with a
provocative and deserves its status as a minor
copy o f a previously studied word and asked
classic in the experimental study o f psychody-
whether it was on a previously studied word
namics and defense, but it is not definitive evi-
list; in perceptual identification, the subject is
dence o f unconscious emotion. Setting aside
presented with the word and asked to identify
the question o f whether repressors really were
what it is. In the best comparisons, different
repressing anxiety or instead merely denying
items are tested explicitly and implicitly, so
felt distress to the investigators, the study did
that performance on one test does not contam-
not properly test for the dissociation between
inate performance on the other.
explicit and implicit emotion. For such a test
The importance o f test matching is illus-
to be valid, the cues presented to the subject
trated by a classic experiment on "repression"
would have to be the same for both explicit
performed by Weinberger and his colleagues
and implicit conditions. F o r example, subjects
(Weinberger, Schwartz, & Davidson, 1 9 7 9 ) .
might have to rate their emotional response to
In this experiment, the investigators were inter-
each phrase in the explicit condition, and rate
ested in a group o f subjects, labeled
the difficulty o f reading the phrase in the
w h o reported low levels of trait anxiety on the
implicit condition. But in the Weinberger
Implicit Methods
in Social Psychology
et al. experiment, the "explicit" measure was
experiment, subjects were presented with pairs
reports o f generalized distress on the M A S ,
of letter strings and were asked to judge sim-
whereas the "implicit" measure was behav-
ply whether both were words. O n some trials,
ioral or physiological response to specific
the first word was black or white, and the sec-
sexual and aggressive phrases. There was n o
ond word was associated with the racial
assessment o f explicit emotional response to
stereotypes o f whites or blacks, such as smart
the phrases, so in the final analysis we don't
or lazy. In such a situation, the first word can
k n o w whether the "repressors" were repress-
be considered as a prime for processing the
ing anything at all. T o validate the concept o f
second word. N o t e that the subject's task
repression, we need evidence o f a dissociation
had nothing to do with social judgment.
between explicit and implicit measures o f
Nevertheless, white subjects responded more
emotional response to the same stimulus. T o
quickly when the stimulus paired a positive
validate the concept o f "repressive style" as
word such as smart with the prime white than
an individual-difference, we need evidence
when it was paired with the prime black; there
that this dissociation is greater in individuals
was no difference with negative words such as
identified as repressors, as opposed to nonde-
lazy. Wittenbrink and colleagues, in a similar
fensive subjects w h o truly are high or low in
study, found that white primed lexical deci-
sions concerning positive trait terms, whereas black
lexical decisions concerning
negative characteristics (Wittenbrink, Judd, &
Priming as a Measure of Implicit Attitudes
Park, 1 9 9 7 ) . Similarly, Blair and Banaji had subjects make lexical decisions about words
O f course, the Weinberger et al. study o f repression was performed before the criteria for explicit-implicit dissociations had been formulated, but the lesson holds. M o r e recently, Banaji and Greenwald applied the explicitimplicit distinction to the central social psychological concept o f attitude and other constructs, such as stereotypes and prejudice (Banaji & Greenwald,
1 9 9 4 ; Blair,
2 0 0 1 ; Brauer,
Wasel, &C Niedenthal, 2 0 0 0 ; Greenwald & Banaji, 1 9 9 5 ; Greenwald, Banaji,
et al., 2 0 0 2 ; see also Wilson, Lindsey,
Schooler, 2 0 0 0 ) . Although social psychology traditionally has assumed that people
such as doctor and nurse that were primed by male or female first names, such as Jack or Jill (Blair &c Banaji, 1 9 9 6 ) . T h e general finding o f their research was that response latencies were shorter when there was a congruence between the gender o f the name and the gender-role connotations o f the word, as in vs. Jill-doctor.
O n the basis o f results such as
these, we might conclude that the lexical decision task reveals people's implicit, or unconscious,
gender. Another
implicit attitudes is represented by a series o f
aware o f their attitudes, these authors have
studies by Banaji and her colleagues o f the
suggested that people may possess positive
"false fame" effect documented by J a c o b y
and negative implicit
about them-
(Jacoby, Kelley, Brown, & Jasechko, 1 9 8 9 ;
selves and other people, attitudes that can
J a c o b y , Woloshyn, & Kelley, 1 9 8 9 ) . J a c o b y
affect ongoing social behavior outside o f con-
has interpreted this effect in terms o f priming:
scious awareness.
Priming increases familiarity, which is incor-
An early example o f the use o f priming to
rectly interpreted as evidence o f fame. In their
study implicit attitudes is research by Gaertner
experiments, Banaji and Greenwald adapted
Jacoby's procedure by dividing the study and
McLaughlin, 1 9 8 3 ) . In this
test lists into equal numbers o f male and
(Gaertner &
female names (Banaji & Greenwald, 1 9 9 5 ) .
with respect to the belief or attitude in question.
They found that the false fame effect was
A finding that whites, but not blacks, are more
greater for male than for female names, and a
likely to associate whiteness with smartness,
signal-detection analysis indicated that sub-
and that males, but not females, were more
jects adopted a lower criterion for judging
likely to associate maleness with fame, might
male names as famous than they did for
well support the attribution o f subjects' exper-
female names. Because the average subject
imental behavior to their social
was more likely to associate fame with males
rather than the structure o f the society in
than with females, Greenwald and
which they live. O f course, it could also hap-
concluded that the paradigm of false fame
pen that blacks and women adopt prevailing
provided evidence for "implicit gender stereo-
social stereotypes concerning race and gender,
types that associate male gender, more than
female gender, with achievement" (Greenwald
would at least provide some converging evi-
& Banaji, 1 9 9 5 , p. 1 6 ) .
dence that priming was a measure o f individuals'
Critique of Priming By this point in time, a fairly large number
an in-group
vs. out-group
social attitudes
something more generic, such as their abstract knowledge o f stereotypes and prejudice found in their society.
of such studies have been published, too many
M o r e important in the present context,
to be reviewed comprehensively in this chapter
most ostensible studies of implicit social cog-
comprehensive coverage, see Fazio &
nition either fail to make a comparison with
Olson, 2 0 0 3 ) . However, before we interpret
an explicit measure o f the same attitude or
such studies as providing evidence o f uncon-
employ an explicit measure that is inadequate
scious racism and sexism on the part o f sub-
to the task. F r o m the point o f view o f implicit
jects, a few questions need to be addressed.
social cognition, it is not interesting if subjects
First, it is not entirely clear that the perfor-
betray, by their performance in a priming
mance o f subjects in these sorts o f experiments
task, attitudes,
is indicative of their personal attitudes, as
that they are fully aware o f harboring. Priming
opposed to the structure o f the social environ-
effects that are congruent with a subject's con-
stereotypes, and
ment. For example, perhaps doctors really are
scious beliefs and attitudes may well be inter-
more likely to be named J a c k and nurses more
esting unobtrusive or nonreactive measures,
likely to be named Jill; and given the hegemony
but more is required to make the inference
of the patriarchy, it may well be that an unfa-
that people's unconscious attitudes, beliefs,
miliar male is more famous (at least in some
and values actually are different from their
quarters) than an unfamiliar female. And
conscious ones. In addition to the indirect
although whites are no smarter than blacks,
assessment o f implicit attitudes, beliefs, and
and blacks are no lazier than whites, it may be
values, there must be a comparative direct
that the subjects' behavior was influenced by
assessment o f their explicit counterparts, and
their knowledge o f this common social stereo-
the correlation between explicit and implicit
type, rather than their personal endorsement of
measures o f the same attitude must be low—
it. This is especially a problem because the
certainly nonsignificant, preferably zero.
experimental task does not require subjects to
M a n y studies simply fail to provide this
make statements about themselves, but only to
sort o f comparison, in which case they stand
make judgments about language. Moreover, many studies o f implicit social
as little m o r e
attitudes, beliefs, and values can be displayed
cognition fail to test for differences between
in priming effects. W h e n studies do provide
in-groups and out-groups, or other stakeholders
this comparison, they often give contradictory
Implicit Methods results.
in Social Psychology
skewed, sometimes highly so, and
McLaughlin ( 1 9 8 3 ) found that implicit racial
characterized by substantial
stereotyping occurred regardless o f subjects'
variability, requiring large numbers o f trials to
scores on a questionnaire measure of racial
achieve satisfactory levels o f reliability.
prejudice, whereas Wittenbrink e t a l . ( 1 9 9 7 ) found
many positive correlations between
These considerations underscore the point that the study o f implicit attitudes, beliefs,
explicit and implicit measures. As it happens,
and values described in this chapter reverses
the Gaertner and McLaughlin ( 1 9 8 3 )
the role o f priming in experiments, from that
Wittenbrink e t a l . ( 1 9 9 7 ) studies used differ-
of dependent
to that o f
ent questionnaires to assess implicit racial
prejudice, but perhaps the most
ing not merely as a expression o f attitudes,
T h a t is to say, we wish to use prim-
problem is that they used questionnaires at all.
beliefs, and values that are already known
As noted earlier, the most compelling demon-
from people's responses on paper-and-pencil
strations o f the dissociation between explicit
questionnaires, but as an alternative measure
and implicit memory are provided by studies
of these attitudes, beliefs, and values that will
in which the stimuli presented to the subjects
predict people's behavior in a way that their
are the same, but the task demands are differ-
self-reports will not. T h e two roles may w o r k
ent. In memory studies, the explicit task refers
at cross-purposes. In experimental
to a past event, whereas the implicit task does
where the goal is t o determine h o w minds
not. Following this example, future attempts
w o r k in general, the best dependent variables
to use priming tasks to demonstrate a dissoci-
are those that show relatively little between-
ation between explicit and implicit attitudes,
subjects variance. In
beliefs, and values should keep the stimuli pre-
work, where the goal is to predict what dif-
sented to the subject constant, and
ferent people will do in a particular situation,
whether the experimental task refers expressly
the best independent variables are those that
to the subject's mental state.
show relatively wide dispersion across the
A final problem is that although implicit
population. T o the extent that response laten-
attitudes, beliefs, and values should function
cies measure h o w minds w o r k in general,
as individual difference variables, they are not
rather than h o w particular individual minds
always treated as such. In the Gaertner and
work, they may simply not present enough
McLaughlin ( 1 9 8 3 ) study, for example, prim-
variance to make them useful measures o f
ing scores were the dependent variables in an
individual differences.
experiment in which individual differences in racial prejudice served as a blocking variable in an analysis of variance design, and there
was no attempt to take account o f individual
differences in priming. In the Wittenbrink e t a l . ( 1 9 9 7 ) study, by contrast, both explicit
Although priming studies o f implicit social
cognition remain popular, Greenwald and his
implicit measures o f prejudice
construed as individual-difference
colleagues recently have introduced another
entered into a multivariate analysis. Historic-
ally, o f course, social psychologists have been
(IAT), for the measurement o f implicit atti-
allergic to individual
the Implicit Association Test
1 9 7 3 ; Cronbach, 1 9 5 7 ) , but it may also be
M c G h e e , & Schwartz, 1 9 9 8 ) . Based on the
that priming scores are not well suited to being
general principle o f stimulus-response com-
treated as individual-difference measures. For
patibility (DeHouwer, 2 0 0 1 ) , the I A T requires
example, their distributions
subjects to make a series o f dichotomous
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS judgments about instances o f various concepts,
people's racial or ethnic prejudices, but also
such as black and white American names (e.g.,
that it reveals prejudices o f which the subjects
Alonzo or Adam, Amanda or Aiesha) and pos-
themselves are unaware.
itive and negative words (e.g., caress or abuse, or crash). These responses are made
by pressing different keys on a keyboard or button b o x . W h e n the two concept sets are combined, Greenwald and
his colleagues
The IAT as a Psychometric Device Since its formal introduction in 1 9 9 8 , the I A T has become extremely popular
as a
found that response latencies are faster when
associated concepts share a response key, com-
beliefs, and values in a number o f domains. A
pared to when they do not. Accordingly, in the
search o f the PsycINFO database (keyword:
for measuring
example cited, the observation o f faster laten-
" I A T " ) identified at least eight studies using
cies when a subject has to make the same
the I A T published in 1 9 9 9 and 2 0 0 0 , and as
response to white names and positive words,
many as 2 0 published in 2 0 0 1 alone. Given
compared to white names and negative words,
the inevitable delays o f the scholarly publica-
reveals an implicit association between white
tion process, this record o f adoption is quite
and positivity. By the same token, observation
remarkable. O f particular interest is a multi-
of faster latencies when a subject has to make
method psychometric study comparing three
the same response to black names and positive
implicit measures o f racial prejudice, includ-
words, compared to black names and negative
ing a priming procedure and two versions Qf
words, reveals an implicit association between
the I A T , in which all tests were completed in
black and positivity.
each o f four testing sessions separated by two
Using this procedure, Greenwald, M c G h e e ,
Preacher, &
e t a l . ( 1 9 9 8 ) showed that subjects implicitly
2 0 0 1 ) . Treating each individual trial as if it
associate flowers with pleasantness and insects
were an item on a test, the two versions o f the
(Experiment 1 ) ; that
I A T yielded acceptable if not outstanding esti-
Korean subjects implicitly associate Korean
mates o f internal consistency, perhaps reflect-
names with pleasantness and Japanese names
ing the inherent instability o f response latency
with unpleasantness, and that Japanese sub-
measures noted earlier—as well as the fact
jects do the opposite (Experiment 2 ) ; and that
that I A T measures o f prejudice are calculated
as difference scores. R a w test-retest correla-
names with pleasantness and black names
tions for the I A T were relatively low, but after
subjects implicitly associate
with unpleasantness. In the latter two experi-
correction for measurement error these rose
ments, the I A T proved to be more sensitive to
considerably. And although the bivariate cor-
individual differences in ethnic or racial preju-
relations among the implicit measures were
dice (or, if you will, more discriminating) than
quite low, first- and second-order confirma-
explicit measures such as the feeling ther-
tory factor analyses revealed
mometer or the semantic differential (see also
convergence among them. Although
Greenwald & Farnham, 2 0 0 0 ) . In the Korean-
findings still must be confirmed in other
substantial these
Japanese study, the I A T correlated signifi-
domains, taken together they suggest that the
cantly with the feeling thermometer but not
I A T is a promising psychometric instrument
with the semantic differential. In the black-
for the evaluation o f implicit social attitudes,
beliefs, and values.
questionnaire measures o f racist
However, if utility (or efficiency) of mea-
beliefs, the correlations were uniformly non-
surement is considered as an important prop-
significant. T a k e n together, these
erty o f a psychometric device (Mischel, 1 9 6 8 ) ,
suggest not only that the I A T can measure
it is not clear that the I A T is superior to a
Implicit Methods
in Social Psychology
standard priming procedure. In the Cunningham
such as buffering (Greenwald 8c Farnham,
et al. (2001) study, the two versions of the I A T
2 0 0 0 ) . In fact, the implicit measure o f self-
correlated .30 and . 4 8 , respectively, with the
esteem was somewhat more strongly predic-
Modern Racism Scale, while the corresponding
tive of buffering than the explicit measures
correlation for the priming procedure was only
.26. By any reasonable standard, a priming pro-
Rudman, et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) have shown that the
cedure is easier to construct, administer, and
I A T gives m o r e satisfactory results
interpret than the IAT. If a low correlation with
explicit measures such as an attitude ther-
explicit measures is a desirable characteristic of
mometer or standard questionnaires, when
an implicit measure (and it must be desirable, if
compared against the predictions o f a variant
the implicit measure is to be truly implicit), then
on Heider's ( 1 9 4 6 ) balance theory.
Banaji, than
this status is achieved far more economically by a standard priming procedure than by the IAT. O f course, for any psychometric procedure
Critique of the IAT
there are always trade-offs between reliability
M o r e studies o f this sort are needed, espe-
and validity of measurement, on one hand, and
cially in light o f the fact that responses on the
utility, on the other. Investigators may be will-
I A T , and perhaps measures o f priming as
ing to sacrifice some utility in the service of
well, are subject to the influence o f a number
increased reliability and validity. Further com-
o f nuisance variables. F o r example, in their
parative studies probably are in order.
original paper, Greenwald, M c G h e e , et al.
O f course, these psychometric analyses are
noted that
response latencies are
purely internal. W h a t about the relation with
affected by differences in the familiarity o f the
external factors? T o establish their validity, all
stimuli to which subjects respond, as well as
psychological tests, like the constructs they
by differences in evaluation. M o r e recently,
purport to measure, must relate in signifi-
cant ways to reasonable external criteria
argued that I A T indices o f anti-black atti-
(Cronbach & Meehl, 1 9 5 5 ; Loevinger, 1 9 5 7 ) .
tudes could be obtained not only from sub-
One very interesting finding is that I A T mea-
jects w h o actually held negative
sures o f bias and prejudice toward an out-
toward blacks but also from subjects w h o
group occur even following a minimal group
held neutral
blacks, so long as they were less favorable
Monteith, 2 0 0 1 ) . In successive experiments,
than their attitudes toward whites. Preferring
the I A T revealed prejudice by white American
white over black names is not necessarily evi-
subjects against names ostensibly associated
dence o f racism: It may be n o different from
or positive attitudes
with Surinam (a real but unfamiliar country),
any other forced " c h o i c e " between two posi-
Marisat (a nonexistent country), and members
of artificial groups (Quans and Xanthies) cre-
Stravinsky over Schoenberg or tiramisu over
ated by random assignment. Such a finding
strengthens the inference that the I A T really
( 2 0 0 1 ) showed through computational mod-
M o r e important,
Brendl et al.
measures prejudice after all. Another supportive
eling that "evidence" o f prejudice on the I A T
finding is that I A T measures o f anti-black
could emerge not only from differences in
prejudice predict the quality o f white subjects'
familiarity o f the targets being evaluated, as
actual behavioral interactions (e.g., body
Greenwald, M c G h e e , et al. ( 1 9 9 8 ) had also
openness, eye contact, and friendly laughter)
suggested, but also from differences in task
with black targets (McConnell 8c Leibold,
difficulty, which can induce subjects to shift
2 0 0 1 ) . Similarly, I A T measures o f self-esteem
their response criterion between the response-
predicted subjects' response to task failure,
compatible and response-incompatible blocks
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS of the I A T procedure. Differences in target
analysis o f four data sets collected over the
familiarity can be controlled for, at least in
Internet yielded implicit-explicit correlations
principle; but because response-incompatible
ranging from . 1 7 4 to . 7 7 5 , and
judgments are inherently more difficult than
response-compatible ones, this problem will
Banaji, 2 0 0 2 , Tables 2 - 6 and p. 2 0 ) .
remain. Brendl et al. remind us that although
.43 (Greenwald, Nosek, 8c
Like Greenwald, Cunningham et al. ( 2 0 0 1 )
prejudice (conscious or not) may well pro-
duce an effect on the I A T (or, indeed, on any
relationship was weaker than the individual
involving response latencies), an
relations among the implicit-implicit relation-
effect on the I A T or similar measure may not
ships, but the fact remains that the implicit-
indicate prejudice, for the simple reason that
explicit relationship was far from trivial in
such an effect may have multiple causes, such
magnitude. In all these studies, explicit and
as target familiarity or task difficulty, that
implicit attitudes were dissociated in the weak
have nothing to do with prejudice.
sense o f not being highly correlated (no corre-
T h e question o f whether the I A T actually
lation is perfect), but not in the strong sense o f
assesses people's attitudes and beliefs raises
being entirely unrelated. In a sense, the ques-
the critical and thorny question o f whether
tion is whether the glass is half empty or half
the attitudes and beliefs revealed by the I A T
full, and it risks reviving one of the less savory
really are unconscious—that is, whether sub-
aspects o f the trait-situation
jects' responses on the I A T can be predicted
bedeviled the psychology of personality in the
by measures o f their corresponding explicit
1 9 7 0 s and early 1 9 8 0 s : W h o s e correlations
attitudes and beliefs. In this regard, the evi-
are bigger? It should be understood, first, that
dence remains mixed. In their original paper,
the explicit measures used in these studies
Greenwald, M c G h e e , et al. ( 1 9 9 8 ) reported
are various forms of questionnaires and self-
that the average correlation between explicit
ratings, and the I A T is first and foremost a
and implicit measures o f the same construct
behavioral measure o f human performance.
(r = . 2 5 ) was lower than the average correla-
Correlations between these two classes o f
tions among explicit measures (r = . 6 0 ) , but
measures are notoriously (and, still, contro-
the implicit-explicit correlations were still
versially) low. T h e explicit-implicit correla-
numerically positive. Similar findings were
tions obtained by Greenwald, M c G h e e , et al.
obtained by Greenwald and Farnham ( 2 0 0 0 )
( 1 9 9 8 ) , for example, were well in line with the
in a comparison o f explicit and implicit self-
typical correlation between
esteem. In the Cunningham
measures o f traits and attitudes, on one hand,
study, a first-order confirmatory factor anal-
and actual attitude-relevant behavior on the
ysis revealed significant relations between all
other (Sherman 8c Fazio, 1 9 8 3 ) . In a recent
et al.
three implicit measures of racism and
report on the psychometric characteristics of
explicit measure, and in fact the two paths
their instrument,
involving the I A T were stronger than the path
( 2 0 0 2 ) clearly state that "superior I A T mea-
Greenwald, Nosek, e t a l .
involving the priming-based measure. In a
sures should yield higher values for these
second-order analysis, in which the three tests
[implicit-explicit] correlations" (p. 5) and that
were considered to converge on a single latent
"even the smallest positive implicit-explicit
variable, the association between implicit and
correlations appear to demand an interpreta-
explicit prejudice remained strong. Another
tion in terms of construct overlap" (p. 2 0 ) .
study o f racial attitudes found that the I A T
Given that truly implicit measures o f attitude
was correlated significantly with an explicit
o f racial
8c Leibold, 2 0 0 1 ) . A
belief should
be dissociated—that
their explicit counter-
parts, it seems clear that Greenwald, Banaji,
Implicit Methods
in Social Psychology
and their colleagues tend to view the I A T as an
linking cognition to actual social behavior that
is the core o f social psychology.
measure o f subjects'
beliefs, and values, not as a measure o f truly
Nevertheless, if genuine progress is to be made, investigators need to distinguish among
unconscious mental states. In the final analysis, the issue o f the implicit-
three quite different topics: unobtrusive, non-
explicit relationship can be settled only by
reactive methods
employing measures
beliefs, and values; the automatic generation
beliefs, and values that are comparable to our
of these mental states, whether conscious or
measures o f their implicit
unconscious; and truly implicit, unconscious,
whether the implicit measures are provided by
attitudes, beliefs, and values. T h e relations
the I A T , priming, a psychophysiological mea-
sure, or something else. Only when sources of
Presumably, unobtrusive measures are used to
method variance are minimized, if not elimi-
reveal attitudes, beliefs, and values o f which
nated, can we hope to determine the true rela-
the person is consciously aware, but unwilling
tion between explicit and implicit measures o f
to disclose to others. Automatic processes may
o f explicit
o f measuring
these are s o m e w h a t
social attitudes, beliefs, and values. It is not at
unconsciously activate attitudes, beliefs, and
all clear that the solution to this problem will
values, but these mental states themselves are
be as straightforward
not necessarily unconscious. Implicit attitudes,
for implicit attitudes,
beliefs, and values as it was for implicit
beliefs, and values may well affect a person's
memories, but the ambiguity o f the current
conscious experience, thought, or action, but
situation calls out for some determined effort
these mental states are, by definition,
to resolve it.
accessible to conscious awareness. If we are
interested in the truly unconscious determinants o f social behavior, we cannot be satisTHE UNOBTRUSIVE, THE AUTOMATIC, T H E IMPLICIT—AND THE PSYCHOLOGIST'S FALLACY Based on the model o f implicit memory, an increasing number of investigators are coming to take seriously the proposition that unconscious attitudes, beliefs, and values can influ-
or even with
demonstration that certain attitudes, beliefs, and values are generated automatically. W e must also demonstrate that these mental states are unconscious, in the sense that they can be dissociated from, and are not predicted by, their explicit counterparts.
ence people's social interactions. O f course,
Herein lies the problem: W h a t do we take
such an idea was central to psychoanalytic the-
as evidence for an unconscious mental state?
ory, but the connection to modern cognitive
Long ago, William James noted that
psychology frees the idea o f unconscious
influence from its Freudian death grip. N o w ,
believing what one likes in psychology, and of
when social psychologists talk o f the uncon-
turning what might become a science into
"is the sovereign means
scious, they use the same concepts and meth-
a tumbling-ground
ods as their cognitive colleagues—at least in
1 8 9 0 / 1 9 8 0 , p. 1 6 3 ) . J a m e s also cautioned psy-
for whimsies
principle. This line of inquiry is still in its
chologists against the psychologist's
infancy, or perhaps the toddler stage (though
which he defined as "the confusion o f his own
we can hope it will avoid the Terrible T w o s
standpoint with that of the mental fact about
and the White Food Stage), and it is extremely
which he is making
promising—not least because it links the inter-
1 8 9 0 / 1 9 8 0 , p. 1 9 6 ) . T h e psychologist's fal-
his report"
est in unconscious processes clearly present
lacy, in which we assume not only that every
in cognitive psychology with the interest in
event has a psychological explanation, but
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS also that our psychological explanation is the
they should not correlate with their explicit
correct one, is hard enough to resist with
counterparts. In fact, we want the correla-
mental states, as
tions between explicit and implicit measures
when we infer people's attitudes, beliefs, and
to be as close t o zero as possible, and to be
values from their behavior. But it is particu-
reassured that the low correlations are not
larly vicious with respect to people's
procedural or statistical artifacts.
respect to people's conscious
mental states, when they are in no
In such a situation, the validity o f tests o f
position to authoritatively correct our infer-
implicit attitudes, beliefs, and values will rest
ences. Psychoanalysts and some other insight-
on a package o f both convergent and dis-
oriented psychotherapists have been doing
criminant evidence ( C r o n b a c h &
this sort o f thing to their patients for a hun-
1 9 5 5 ; Loevinger, 1 9 5 7 ) . O n the discriminant
dred years (Freud, 1 9 0 5 / 1 9 5 3 ) . In the current
side, it must be demonstrated that implicit
revival o f interest in the psychological uncon-
attitudes, beliefs, and values are essentially
scious, it is important that we not perpetuate
uncorrelated with their explicit counterparts
their errors (Kihlstrom, 1 9 9 7 ) .
(see C o o k & G r o o m , Chapter 2 , this vol-
The study o f implicit memory and its cog-
Moreover, it is important that
nate phenomena addresses this problem in a
explicit measures employed be comparable
number o f ways. First, the implicit expression
with the implicit measures under considera-
of episodic memory, whether in the form o f
tion. It is not enough to compare priming or
priming or some other effect, has to be related
plausibly t o some independently verifiable
event in the subject's past personal experi-
explicit and implicit tests must be as closely
comparable as possible, differing chiefly in
implicit and explicit memory is documented
whether they require subjects to reflect con-
by comparing subjects' performance on two
sciously on their attitudes, beliefs and values.
closely matched tests, one that refers to, and
O n the convergent side, it must be demon-
S e c o n d , the
requires, conscious recollection o f a prior
strated that implicit attitudes, beliefs, and
values are associated with construct-relevant
Something similar needs to happen in the
behaviors or experimental
study o f implicit social cognition if implicit
attitudes, beliefs, and values are to be consid-
Depending on theoretical considerations, it
explicit counterparts
ered truly unconscious. First, we need assur-
may well be that explicit and implicit atti-
ance that the effect
tudes, beliefs, and values are affected by dif-
whether a priming effect or an implicit asso-
ferent manipulations, correlate with different
ciation or something else, really is an expres-
variables, and predict different behaviors. O r ,
sion o f the person's attitudes and beliefs,
it might be that implicit attitudes, beliefs, and
rather than an artifact o f some stimulus prop-
values are more strongly related t o some
erty such as familiarity or some task properly
external variables than are their explicit
such as difficulty. Ordinarily, such evidence
counterparts. Whatever proves t o be the case,
would be provided by a positive correlation
it is important that these external relations
between the effect and the person's responses
should be construct-relevant, as defined by
t o a questionnaire or some other measure,
the investigator's theory o f the
(e.g., Fazio, Sanbonmatsu, Powell, & Kardes,
under investigation. In this way, we can
1 9 8 6 ) , but that sort o f evidence is not avail-
avoid the psychologist's fallacy and have a
able when it comes to truly implicit attitudes,
genuine science o f the unconscious, not a
beliefs, and values, because by
tumbling ground for whimsies.
in Social Psychology
NOTES 1. The second lesson is that no amount of statistical finesse (Jackson, 1 9 7 1 ) can substitute for a few intelligent people writing items based on clear definitions of the construct to be measured (Ashton & Goldberg, 1973; Hase & Goldberg, 1967; Jackson, 1975). 2. Extensive information on the IAT, including demonstrations, generic software for constructing experiments, and bibliographies of published and unpublished work, is available on the World Wide Web at the following URLs: and materials.htm. These Web sites also make reference to an "IAT Corp." which presumably was established to promote the IAT as a psychometric instrument for assessment of social beliefs and attitudes.
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Mediated and Moderated Effects in Social Psychological Research Measurement,
Design, and Analysis Issues
he most rudimentary research questions
represent constructs proposed to explain the
in social psychology c o n c e r n
association between two variables. In social
direct and
between two constructs. Classic examples
are, Does behavior reflect attitudes?
psychology, mediators,
intervening variables or mechanisms, usually reflect cognitive, affective, or
Does similarity breed attraction? Although
processes by which an independent variable
such questions represent a fundamental, per-
influences a dependent variable. For instance,
haps essential, starting point for research on
attitudes might influence behavior through an
social behavior, they are but a starting point
elaborate cognitive process that involves selec-
for constructing a detailed and informative
tive attention and biased processing o f behav-
account o f it. In a theory-oriented discipline
ioral cues in the immediate environment (i.e.,
such as social psychology, we want to k n o w
selective attention
h o w attitudes give rise to behavior and why
similarity engenders
Mediators enrich theoretical accounts o f social
we want to k n o w the situations in which, or
phenomena by virtue o f their focus on process.
the people for w h o m , these associations are
Questions that address the conditions that
strongest and weakest—that is, the condi-
qualify an association concern
tions that qualify the association.
Questions o f " h o w " and " w h y " concern mediators.
are variables
are variables that represent con-
structs proposed to magnify, attenuate, cancel, or reverse the association between two vari-
AUTHORS' NOTE: During the writing of this chapter, Rick Hoyle was supported by grants R01-DA12371 and R43 DA1123 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and grant R 0 1 - M H 0 1 0 0 3 from the National Institute of Mental Health. Jorgianne Robinson was supported by a Wethington Fellowship from The Graduate School at the University of Kentucky.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS ables. Statistical moderation can take many
transmitted through the intervening variable.
forms, but the defining feature o f a moderated
In the three-variable case, the remaining por-
effect is that the association between the inde-
tion o f the effect is transmitted through the
pendent variable and the dependent variable
intervening variable as an indirect
differs in strength or form at different levels
Although the inferential outcome of a test of
of the moderator. For example, attitudinal
mediation often is cast in either-or terms, this
similarity might be more predictive o f attraction
need not be the case. It is possible that a
for women than for men (i.e., gender moderates
particular mediator accounts for none o f a
the similarity-attraction effect).
documented direct effect, all o f the effect, or
define the limits o f theoretical accounts o f
some, but not all, o f the direct effect. Because
social phenomena
their focus
qualifying conditions. T h e basic logic o f research on mediated and
any particular intervening variable likely represents only one o f several mechanisms by
which an independent variable influences a dependent variable, the latter inferential out-
although there are complications and poten-
come, partial mediation,
tial pitfalls to the implementation o f either. In
come than full mediation,
is a more likely out-
the simplest studies o f mediation or modera-
favoring mediation is warranted.
if an inference
tion, a third variable is introduced into a
The evaluation of a moderated effect, in
research design that previously focused exclu-
conceptual terms, involves an evaluation of the
sively on the effect o f an independent variable
effect (direct or indirect) o f an
on a dependent variable. In the case o f medi-
variable on a dependent variable at different
ation, the third variable usually is reflective o f
levels of a moderator variable. In contrast to
a process (e.g., emotion regulation, delibera-
evaluations of mediated effects, there is no
tion) and believed to be associated with both
assumption o f a previously documented or
the independent and dependent variables. In
demonstrable association between the inde-
the case o f moderation, the third variable usu-
pendent and dependent variables. Indeed, one
ally captures some relatively fixed character-
of the more appealing features of research that
istic o f the individuals or groups being studied
includes possible moderator variables is the
(e.g., gender, group size), feature
prospect o f finding an effect (albeit a qualified
o f the
immediate situation (e.g., number o f people
present, presence or absence o f a mirror), or
dependent variable when no main effect (i.e.,
of the independent
variable on the
secondary quality o f the independent variable
(e.g., attitude
Traditionally in social psychology, moderated
importance, domain
o f ego
association) can
threat) and need not be associated with either
effects have been referred to as
the independent
effects and evaluated as a matter o f course in
or dependent
variable in
order t o moderate their association.
research involving factorial designs,
At the conceptual level, the evaluation o f a mediated
involves partitioning
which data typically are analyzed using analysis o f variance. Increasingly, however, social
effect o f an independent variable on a depen-
psychological studies include at least one inde-
dent variable into two portions, the direct
pendent variable or moderator variable that is
effect and the indirect effect. This evaluation
assumes a documented or demonstrable effect
manipulated. T h e inclusion of such variables is
along a continuum
of the independent variable on the dependent
a departure from a pure factorial design, and
variable, and the question is whether
the resultant data are best analyzed using tech-
portion o f this effect can be attributed to a
niques that do not evaluate interaction effects
particular intervening variable. T h e
as a matter of course (e.g., multiple regression).
effect is that portion o f the effect that is not
In such cases, researchers must
and Moderation
construct interaction terms and evaluate them
same time, at one point in time, and the same
in strategically specified predictive equations.
strategy is used to measure all variables, yield-
Inferences regarding moderation are compli-
ing a single score for each one. Although the
cated by the fact that there are many patterns
opportunistic approach would appear to be
by which the effect o f an independent variable
maximally flexible, affording the researcher
on a dependent variable can vary across levels
considerable latitude in h o w to analyze the
of a moderator variable. These range from the
data once they are gathered, the approach is
crossover pattern, in which the independent
severely limited because, with rare excep-
variable has opposite effects on the dependent
tions, the status any variable is assigned in a
variable at the two levels or extremes o f the
statistical hypothesis test is arbitrary.
moderator variable, to interactions in which
Persuasive tests o f mediated and moder-
the effect is discernibly stronger or weaker but
ated effects are possible only in studies that
does not change direction when moving from
conceptualize and measure constructs with
one extreme to the other along the scale o f the
reference t o their predetermined status in a
moderator variable.
theoretical account o f the phenomenon or
In the remainder describe and
o f this chapter,
illustrate, using
process o f interest, a reasoned empirical
example, basic strategies for designing studies
accounts, hypothetical constructs can be clas-
of mediated and moderated effects in social
sified uniquely as causes, effects, mediators,
psychology. These strategies address the three
or moderators, and the variables that repre-
sent them in empirical research can, in turn,
concerns o f social psychological
research: measurement, design, and analysis.
be classified uniquely as independent, depen-
In the measurement section, we outline a gen-
dent, intervening, and moderator variables,
eral approach to measurement that provides a
respectively. Access t o a rich and detailed
strong foundation for testing hypotheses that
theoretical account is essential t o the devel-
involve mediation or moderation. W i t h regard
opment and testing o f hypotheses regarding
to design, we discuss strategies for gathering
social behavior, particularly hypotheses that
data that allow for inferences essential to
posit mediated and moderated effects.
definitive tests o f mediation and moderation. Finally, we outline statistical approaches to testing for mediated and moderated effects.
Practical Benefits of Theory
W e conclude the chapter with a section on the
Because o f Lewin's ( 1 9 5 1 ) early influence,
various stumbling blocks to a full implemen-
social psychologists have long been committed
tation of the strategies we present.
to building theoretical accounts o f the phenomena and processes they study. The most complete, and
clearly specify the status o f the constructs they
comprise. T h e fundamental
distinction is
One approach to empirical research in social
between cause and effect and their empirical
psychology is to develop a list o f variables rel-
counterparts, the independent and dependent
evant to a phenomenon o f interest, find a sin-
variables. At the core of this distinction is the
gle self-report measure o f each, and, on one
concept o f causality ( M a r k &
occasion, administer the set t o as many par-
Chapter 1 2 , this volume; West, Biesanz, &
ticipants as possible from the population o f
K w o k , Chapter 1 3 , this volume). The funda-
interest. There are numerous drawbacks to
mental criteria for establishing causality
this opportunistic
that (a) the cause and effect are associated (i.e.,
research. All variables are measured at the
causation implies correlation), (b) the cause
(c) the
dependent variable. Moderators typically are
cause-effect association persists after the cause
time, and
less abstract, often referring to fixed qualities
has been isolated from potential confounding
of individuals or groups or salient features of
variables either through randomized experi-
situations. Although moderators may be spec-
mentation or through statistical control. (See
ified in the initial statement o f a theoretical
Pearl, 2 0 0 0 , for a detailed treatment
account, they also may be added to the
addresses both statistical and philosophical
account on the basis o f empirical findings that
concerns and Salmon, 1 9 9 7 , for a purely philo-
emerge from tests o f the theory's basic tenets
sophical treatment.) T h e first criterion is met
using different methods and samples. For this
through empirical means, although attempts to
reason, moderators often signal an evolved
establish an association through empirical
theoretical account that has increased in speci-
means might initially be motivated by a theo-
ficity in order to more precisely account for
retical account that prescribes the association.
manifestations o f the phenomenon.
The temporal relation between constructs is difficult to establish; however, a well-articulated theory makes use of logic and published findings to assert the temporal precedence o f
Formally Designating the Status of Variables in a Model
some constructs over others. Finally, firm
An effective way o f communicating statis-
causal inferences from a documented associa-
tical hypotheses regarding the status o f and
tion between two constructs requires that the
associations among a set o f variables is the
association remain after the putative cause has
path diagram. A path
been isolated from other constructs. These
variables either as boxes or ellipses, and asso-
potential alternative causes range from features
ciations between variables as either straight,
of the typical operational definition o f the
putative cause (e.g., self-report bias, experi-
headed arrows. Boxes indicate variables for
mental artifacts) to constructs that are similar
which there are scores in the data matrix (e.g.,
or curved,
to or frequently co-occur with it. Thorough
scale scores, observer ratings); ellipses indi-
theoretical accounts prescribe processes that
cate latent variables, which are inferred from
are specific to the posited causal constructs.
the commonality among subsets o f observed
Satisfaction o f these criteria establishes an
variables but for which there are not scores in
the data matrix (e.g., factors, components).
between two constructs such that, with a rea-
Straight lines indicate directional associations
sonable degree o f certainly, one can be desig-
(i.e., regression terms), and curved lines indi-
nated the cause and the other the effect.
cated nondirectional associations (i.e., corre-
In addition to causes and effects, detailed
lation terms). Although path diagrams are a
staple o f structural equation modeling, when
moderators. Among the constructs elabora-
used for communicating the status o f and
ted in theories, mediators typically are the
associations among a set o f variables, they
most abstract, as they often are mentalistic or
neither convey nor imply a particular analysis
otherwise phenomenological in nature (Kimble,
strategy. In the section o f this chapter on
theoretical accounts specify mediators
1 9 8 9 ) . Mediators occupy a position o f both
analysis issues, we outline multiple statistical
cause and effect in models that include medi-
ated effects. In a three-variable model, the
depicted in the path diagrams we present.
intervening variable is a proximal effect o f the
to evaluating the associations
Figure 10.1 is a path diagram representation
independent variable (or its interaction with a
of a model that includes the four types of
variables we have described, nonarbitrarily
a proximal cause
o f the
Figure 10.1
and Moderation
Path Diagram Illustrating the Status of Four Types of Variables and the Associations Between Them in a Prototypic Model Grounded in Theory
arranged on the basis of reasoned conceptual-
modeled as a latent variable; however, as we
ization and measurement. At the core o f the
demonstrate later in the chapter, the strongest
model is the basic association between an inde-
model is one in which all variables are assessed
pendent and a dependent variable. The inde-
using multiple operations. T h e association
pendent variable is represented at the left o f the
between the independent and dependent vari-
diagram as a b o x , indicating that it is in the
ables is expressed in cl, a regression coeffi-
data set as a single (perhaps composite) score.
cient. Variability in the dependent variable not
The dependent variable is represented at the
explained by other variables in the model is
right of the diagram as an ellipse, indicating
captured by the residual, e2.
that it is not explicitly represented in the data
At the center of the path diagram in Figure
set. T h e dependent variable in this case is a
10.1 is a single b o x representing an observed
latent variable inferred from the commonality
intervening variable. N o t e that the inclusion of
among three variables for which there are
this intervening variable provides an alterna-
scores in the data set, Yl, Y2, and Y3. Notice
tive means by which the independent variable
that two arrows point to each o f these vari-
can influence the dependent variable. T h e com-
ables. This indicates that variability in Yl, Y2,
bination o f paths al and bl represents the indi-
rect effect o f the independent variable on the
sources—that portion each shares with the
dependent variable through the intervening
other two (i.e., the latent variable) and that
variable. This indirect effect can be contrasted
portion unique to each one, designated
with the direct effect o f the
and u3, respectively. T h e strength o f the asso-
variable on the dependent variable via path cl.
ciation between Yl, Y2, and Y3 and the latent
A model that includes only the independent,
variable they represent is captured in the factor
loadings, 11, 12, and 13. In this hypothetical
nected by paths al,bl,
model, only the dependent
effect" assumption regarding the independent-
operationally defined in multiple ways and
and intervening variables con-
and cl makes a "main association
explanation by the intervening variable. In all
sufficiently large that statistical tests of the
likelihood, the magnitude o f the cl path would
moderated effect are compromised (more will
vary across populations and situations. Indeed,
be said about this in the section o f this chapter
it is possible that the linear effect o f the inde-
devoted to analysis issues). This collinearity
pendent variable on the dependent variable is
problem is remedied rather simply by rescaling
apparent only for certain people or under cer-
scores on the independent and moderator vari-
tain conditions. Moderator variables capture
ables as deviations from their mean score, a
such qualifying conditions, and one position a
strategy known as centering.
moderator variable might occupy in a model is
virtue o f centering is that it facilitates interpre-
An additional
illustrated by the remaining two variables in
tation o f effects by establishing a zero point for
Figure 1 0 . 1 . Note that statistical tests of mod-
variables in the model (Aiken & West, 1 9 9 1 ) .
erator hypotheses require, in addition to the
Both the rl coefficient and the c2 path have
independent variable, two variables, one for
significant implications for statistical tests o f
which data were gathered directly, labeled
moderated effects as well, but we defer our dis-
"Moderator Variable" in the diagram, and one
cussion of these implications until the section
either implicit in the statistical analysis (e.g.,
of the chapter on analysis issues.
interaction effects in analysis o f variance) or
T o summarize, the path diagram is a useful
created by the investigator, labeled " I V x M V "
tool for communicating the status o f variables
in the diagram. Although it is the latter that
in a data set and the form o f the associations
represents the moderated effect o f the indepen-
among those variables. Path diagrams distin-
dent variable, the former must be included for
guish between observed and latent variables
statistical reasons (Cohen, Cohen, West, &
and between directional and nondirectional
Aiken, 2 0 0 3 ; Evans, 1 9 9 1 ) . T h e moderated
associations. Our labeling allows for impor-
effect o f the independent
tant distinctions between types o f directional
dependent variable, c3, or indirectly via a3 and
associations. Path coefficients we label " a "
is the effect
variable on
concern the association between independent
IV x M V , above and beyond the main effects
and intervening variables. Those we label b"
of the independent variable (cl, al —> bl) and
concern the association between intervening
moderator variable (c2, al
and dependent variables. Coefficients we label
of the interaction
—> bl)
on the
dependent variable. In this model, the unqual-
" c " concern the association between indepen-
ified and qualified effects of the independent
dent and dependent variables. Path diagrams
also distinguish between errors o f measure-
expressed both as direct effects and indirect
ment, which we label " « " (for "uniqueness"),
effects through the intervening variable. The only details in Figure 1 0 . 1 we have not covered are the curved arrows that connect the
and errors o f prediction, which we label " e . " These are the
basic building
blocks for
describing and implementing tests of mediated
independent and moderator variables and their
and moderated effects and provide a founda-
interaction term. These represent
tion for identifying and discussing relevant
covariation between each pair o f variables, and
measurement, design, and analysis issues in
the coefficients rl,
the remainder o f the chapter.
r2, and r3, index that
covariation. Although the magnitude of these coefficients is not always evident to researchers testing moderated effects (e.g., when multiple regression analysis is used), knowledge o f this
An Example In one theoretical account o f the associa-
information is important. O f particular con-
tion between attitudes
cern are coefficients rl and r3, which can be
association between an attitude toward an
behavior, the
Figure 10.2
and Moderation
Path Diagram Depicting Moderated Influence of Attitude on Behavior Mediated Through Orientation Toward and Perceptions of the Attitude Object
NOTE: The 10 nondirectional associations, indicated as r , between the independent variable, moderator variables, t
and interaction terms are not shown.
object and behavior toward the object is
the object (Fazio & Williams, 1 9 8 6 ) . This
moderated by two factors: attitude accessi-
attitude-to-behavior process model is shown as
bility and motivation to deliberate about the
a path diagram in Figure 1 0 . 2 .
object (Fazio, 1 9 9 0 ) . W h e n attitude accessi-
In the path diagram, Attitude
bility is high and motivation to deliberate is
Object, as specified in the theoretical account,
low, the association between attitude
behavior should be strong. Conversely, when
Accessibility and Motivation to Deliberate
the attitude is relatively inaccessible and the
are moderator variables, and their modera-
motivation to deliberate about the object is
tion o f Attitude toward Object is expressed in
relatively high, the association between atti-
the Attitude x Accessibility and Attitude x
tude and behavior toward an object should
Motivation interaction terms.
be weak. In other words, the influence o f
toward Object and Perceptions o f Object are
attitudes on behavior is qualified by accessi-
intervening variables that mediate the unqual-
bility o f the relevant attitude and motivation
ified (i.e., direct) effect o f attitude on behavior
t o deliberate about the object o f the attitude.
as well as the effect o f attitude on behavior as
Research inspired by this model has focused
qualified (i.e., moderated) by attitude accessi-
on the mechanism by which highly accessible
bility. Behavior toward
Object is, in this
attitudes influence behavior. One such mecha-
theoretical account, a dependent variable.
nism is the orientation of visual attention toward the object. T h a t is, when an attitude is accessed, it functions to orient visual attention
toward the object (Roskos-Ewoldsen & Fazio,
Researchers are tempted to take at face
1 9 9 2 ) . Attention directed toward the object
value the empirical associations between vari-
gives rise to perceptions o f the object, which
ables in a model such as the one depicted in
are proximal determinants of behavior toward
Figure 10.2; however, these associations reflect
more than just the strength and direction o f
accessibility. It is well
associations in the context of the model. They
however, that any measurement strategy cap-
also reflect the quality o f the operational
tures other sources o f variability as well. These
definitions—their reliability and validity as
sources can range from nuisance constructs
observable manifestations of the constructs
such as fleeting distractions or facility with
prescribed by the theoretical account guiding
language to problematic confounding con-
the research. Although the reliability and valid-
structs such as socioeconomic status or con-
ity of operational definitions is important in
cern for appropriateness. Variability that is
any social psychological study, the importance
common to variables that were measured in
of these concerns is magnified in studies o f
the same way but represent different con-
mediated and moderated effects. As we illus-
structs is referred to as method variance. First
trate in the section on analysis issues, fallible
highlighted by Campbell and Fiske ( 1 9 5 9 ) in
measures of intervening variables can lead to
their demonstration o f the insights provided
an inference o f no mediation when the inter-
by a matrix o f correlations among several
vening variable partially or fully mediates the
traits each measured using several methods
independent-dependent variable association,
(i.e., multitrait-multimethod matrix), method
or only partial mediation when, in fact, the
variance reflects not what a score represents
intervening variable fully accounts for the asso-
but how it was obtained.
ciation. The fallibility o f moderator variables is particularly worrisome because it compounds error in the operational definition o f the independent variable. For these reasons, reliable and valid measures are essential in research on mediated and moderated effects.
The critical concern when key constructs are measured using a single method is that the substantive and methodological sources that give rise to variability in scores generated by the measure are completely confounded. In such cases, extraneous method constructs are
Any variable could be measured in a vari-
an alternative explanation for any observed
ety o f ways. Specific strategies range from the
associations. T h e method explanation is par-
ubiquitous self-report method t o emerging
ticularly compelling when all variables in a
strategies such as physiological monitoring
model are measured using the same method.
(Cacioppo, Tassinary, & Berntson, 2 0 0 0 )
The solution to this problem is rather straight-
and implicit associations (e.g., Greenwald &
forward: Either within each study or across
Farnham, 2 0 0 0 ) . F o r instance, in the attitude-to-behavior
process model,
accessibility typically is measured
studies within a research program,
tionally define key constructs using different
as the
strategies. W h e n constructs are operationally
defined using multiple, different measurement
latency in responding to attitudinal
ments or in pressing a computer key indicat-
strategies, it is possible to divorce construct-
ing like or dislike
when presented an image
relevant from construct-irrelevant variance,
descriptor o f the attitude object (e.g.,
thereby clarifying inferences from observed
Fazio, Powell, & Williams, 1 9 8 9 ; R o s k o s -
associations between variables.
Ewoldsen & Fazio, 1 9 9 2 ) . Although attitude
As an example, assume that we measured
accessibility is virtually always indexed as
attitude toward an object with multiple mea-
response latencies, the stimulus to which
sures reflecting different measurement strate-
gies. M o r e specifically, imagine that
medium by which the stimulus is presented
acquired data on five measures o f attitude:
vary from one study t o the next.
peer report ( Y 2 ) , teacher report ( Y 2 ) , self-
The goal o f this measurement strategy is to capture variability in the theoretical construct,
report feeling thermometer (Y3),
semantic differential
Figure 10.3
and Moderation
Path Diagram Illustrating the Partitioning of Variability in Indicators of Attitude Toward an Object Into Common, Unique, and Method Components
Likert-type scale (Y5). W e might model the
correlation, rl, reflects the fact that these two
theoretical construct represented
by these
measures share something in c o m m o n that
measures, attitude toward object, as shown in
they do not share with the remaining measures;
Figure 1 0 . 3 . T h e path diagram in Figure 1 0 . 3
T h a t is, the
regarding the participant's attitude. (Because
focus is within rather than between con-
only two variables are involved, we model this
reflects a measurement
structs. T h e model indicates that variability in
commonality as a simple correlation rather
each o f our measures can be attributed to
than as a factor.) Y3, Y4, and Y 5 are affected
three sources: construct, method, and unique-
by a second latent variable (technically, a sub-
ness. First, look above the boxes representing
factor), which reflects the fact that they share a
our five measures. N o t e that a single latent
c o m m o n influence beyond the influence they
variable, Attitude toward Object, influences
share with Yl and Y2. Factor loadings 16 to 18
all five variables; the strength o f this influence
reflect the influence of this method factor on
would be captured in the factor loadings, 11
these variables and, when contrasted with 13 to
to IS. N o w look below the five boxes. N o t e
15, provide information
that each variable is influenced by its own
influence of construct and method on those
In m a n y
models, these two components, commonality
about the relative
W e r e this measurement model substituted
and uniqueness, would be all that is required to
model the theoretical construct as represented
Figure 1 0 . 2 , associations involving the atti-
by these measures. For illustrative purposes,
tude construct would not be biased by mea-
the Attitude
the model depicts two additional features of
surement error in the variables representing
measurement models. First, note that ul and
that construct because variability unique t o
u2 are correlated. Recall that Yl and Y2 are
individual measures or subsets o f the mea-
peer and teacher reports, respectively. T h e
sures (i.e., parcels) would be divorced from
variability c o m m o n to all the measures. This
point still. A third approach is the replicative
is a powerful strategy for contending with
strategy, in which all variables in the model are
measurement error that is particularly advan-
measured at two or more points in time.
tageous for tests of association involving mediators and moderators, for which the ill effects o f measurement error are pronounced.
Asserting Causal Priority Most
theoretical a c c o u n t s go
simply stating that two constructs are associ-
ated to posit that one causes the other. Tests
Although our focus n o w shifts to issues o f
on the design o f the study. T h e opportunistic
o f such propositions m a k e serious demands design in studies o f mediated and moderated
approach described at the beginning o f the
effects, measurement remains a primary con-
chapter is not adequate for tests o f causal pri-
cern, for even if all constructs that are not
ority because, in the absence o f explicit tem-
manipulated are measured using several dif-
poral ordering, the status o f most variables
strategies and
extracted, the correct inference regarding the associations in a model is not always clear.
generated by this one-shot strategy in a statistical model is arbitrary. The
T h e efficacy o f a set o f measures for testing
improvement in this regard; however, it is
mediated and moderated effects can vary
limited in an important way: Unless the puta-
dramatically depending on when the mea-
tive cause is manipulated and participants are
sures were administered
randomly assigned to levels o f it, there is no
relative t o each
other. T h e issue o f timing is relevant for two
key issues in such tests o f reasoned models:
nondirectional associations between vari-
causal priority and tests o f mediated effects.
ables. This situation is illustrated in Figure
o f differentiating
Before elaborating on these issues, we note
1 0 . 4 . T h e simple path diagram in the top por-
three basic strategies for administering a set o f
tion of the figure represents a sequential
measures relevant to questions
model in which attitude toward an object was
mediation or moderation in quasi- and non-
measured at T i m e 1 and behavior toward the
experimental designs. T h e most rudimentary is
object at T i m e 2 . T h e ambiguity in the mean-
ing o f a significant path, c, stems from the fact
and epitomizes the opportunistic approach t o
that attitude at T i m e 1 is not isolated from
empirical research. In this strategy, all mea-
sures are administered at one sitting. A more
object, and behavior at T i m e 2 is not isolated
sometimes referred to as the one-shot
behavioral tendencies t o w a r d
sophisticated approach is the sequential strat
from stability in attitude toward the object.
egy. In this strategy, the variables are assigned
As such, it is not clear whether c is a true
different statuses by the investigator, and the
timing o f measurement for each variable corre-
attitude and behavior, or whether it, to some
sponds to its status in some model. For
instance, if an investigator wants to test the
o f the association between
degree, reflects the stable assobetween
Moreover, despite the fact that the sequential
causes behavior toward the object and this
measurement strategy has introduced a tem-
hypothesis that attitude toward
causal influence is mediated by orientation
poral distinction between attitude and behav-
toward the object, he or she might measure
ior toward the object, it is not possible to infer
attitude at one point in time, orientation at a
directionality. There is no statistical proce-
later point in time, and behavior at a later
dure for sorting out the various explanations
Mediation and Moderation
Time 2
Time 1
0 Behavior
Attitude toward Object
toward Object
Attitude toward Object
toward Object
Behavior toward Object
Figure 10.4
toward Object
Path Diagrams Illustrating Two Strategies for Testing the Causal Influence of Attitude on Behavior: The Sequential Strategy (Top) and the Replicative Strategy (Bottom)
for an association, and the ambiguity persists
Timing and Tests of Mediation
even in the context o f more complex models Another issue relevant to when constructs
such as the one shown in Figure 1 0 . 2 . O n e solution to this inferential conun-
are measured concerns the spacing between
drum is illustrated in the path diagram in the
measurement occasions. F o r instance, refer-
b o t t o m portion o f Figure 1 0 . 4 . N o t e that
ring back to Figure 1 0 . 4 , we might ask
attitude and behavior toward the object are
whether the test o f the critical association
measured at both points in time, reflecting
reflected in c3 is more persuasive if T i m e 1
the replicative strategy. By including behav-
and T i m e 2 are separated by 15 minutes,
ior at T i m e 1, it is possible t o model the sta-
3 days, or a month. There are no simple rec-
bility o f behavior toward the object, reflected
ommendations regarding the spacing between
in cl, yielding a model in which the associa-
measurement occasions; however, it is impor-
tion o f interest between attitude at T i m e 1
tant that the spacing be consistent with the
and behavior at T i m e 2 , c3, is based only on
framing o f the measures. F o r instance, if, in a
variability in behavior unique to T i m e 2 . T h e
study conforming t o the design illustrated at
inclusion o f attitude at T i m e 2 permits the
between T i m e 1 and T i m e 2 were 1 week, it
the object, cl, as well as the possibility that
would not be reasonable to ask respondents
the direction o f influence runs from behavior
to report on their behavior during the past 3 0
o f stability in attitude
o f Figure
1 0 . 4 , the
to attitude, c4. In the absence o f random
days (a frame often used in research on prob-
assignment to levels o f a manipulated vari-
lem behaviors such as drug use).
able, the replicative measurement o f key con-
A more subtle point concerns the spacing
structs allows for persuasive tests o f causal
between the independent and intervening vari-
hypotheses by ruling out alternatives that
ables and the intervening and dependent vari-
undermine causal inferences using data gen-
ables in a mo