Text: English, Armenian (translation)
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English Pages 196 [208] Year 1969
Table of contents :
NOTES (page 160)
INDEX (page 191)
Number LXXXII of the Records of Civilization Sources and Studies
eee jee effi: ee Begei Pee ee me HE Eee Bias | : Gee ae ae
on aeSt ee“Aa a ae ae ce is ee EARS eeee aBE ge eset eee ee joe ae oa oe ee cope oi i i a EES. oe ityee :P< a, 1.ee Boe ae |igd eee faio ee 3EF ipoe testis ee Ye gous en ce ceeaty eebe: esee soaparse ee r, 8 :_| BERNE: SEES As ee eee ed
.Eee aesche ae aaeeeeheBloke Baia! SuraBrae sg oEE. AuEE fii SuSE ie oe Hae ate prep fei oo Mare ge ee Batibo
serait {pues ssrahges ietiaes es isis! es eee a iH ete peat yates: fey B tS pati caege sHiliesiis TS Ree fee IaH:
eee aHAESS 5 dae SE: aie ee oer pie oo .. Hiei HH Bets oo oN RERES
oe Bree Bs ie hee .SatPea a .get sig eprpempEE! etn: aeae ESS reee) reeae gy ee[ER nH is pegickinteey eegree cstaaeiette Ae ood ee Ree Bene aaaGeae eo afeeds: ipl FAaates acee ,pedi: eee Bi: eeoe COREE atanee HES paHraee Usps ee ge if oo poeta i eee MM: a...oe cgatiroel coe ae fee ee ed i eeaees, eeaeto ieerapaire .we HAS ae ge_esFR i Bed a ae sane) fas Beets Ha: LETS SUSE Banrsr iae fare — chicas ee Bee splits lite oe Bee Bes ie “ Met: Ee: aBRES Hees BCE. |
ee ie ee oe Jae —— He . i oe a ae Pigs - ga a fees Byte pana: tees iis eae | USER i ey ieee Bean ae ee ae Hee Heere® Hetees seesitt jessy isi ah Sees, Braga apeietts tes BERET FE apalts Bite. aa Igy pee SRE! aie Oe
OESgoa EE Fedel BeiEe Sageae ae Baa ae eee1oeuBE eo He iea an oe a a Berd ee a ae ersten Bet i Re eee ee : ota ere eeifager ere oe :rrde, aaca. . HERES: :Ba elsagh ay acer SOE oo ia | ee ey HE rie ~~A sHigo 8 ms ta Jfe oeoo. ae ee ae diets a NS : ie fAir 8 [|ieee fe pen ees ia “a aa IRs eeiae Leeee Giri a: BBE jap ie tie Mee8 peste 4ae ae afata thasGB ee oo q bfiBa ie ae sieaee. BE HE. Bee uP} AIRE iit Be, . Pee Hesse, ayBee By ieee | ania it BE iye “hae HES cesig. os ~ Looe ars Ps taiaS, wstoe Ge Pahe meg eoa ie He, es Pe ii STs Beteve SSEMEE th ne ae poe |gaR sa: aeBaie a BH Rua rate ‘aetess, Ee pe! sensi ie“aaa "RY | BiLa" MaRei ee. ates BENE Se:a “aang, Bie: oe A ‘ie ee if B — .igSS= :nen EES EH BINIE? ee iy #HIETES aah Bites iui SF #Savi ieFfsso eae Bo ROH ae “geese Lg AEEE ERa ieee Hane eee 8a ."FORE an leee fui Le“eae ‘aon. =ath Ht, AHBEE “THEE iunisaiaiait RSpidias Serie ff Bes a Bail se a SFE an Bete teea aaaNes a eaae sat Sut saeees Re ABs:aPe etL eefaeligs Bescezeci sh HERES iii HEED 2iHRNR aoe gE gdb gi iAtBe en ieoS a iy dae aa er aea “Gy giite EEE igh:
oo _e: - .Mage * as ok ° Oy es el“ie “i |a, Rees EF Be si ee oa“‘s - 43gee - aanee ehho . id |
Ae 24 i.Bettie ; ne:Se, | 8oePa ‘eee _oeA: eee .pete ai eer i. big fe 4Pee oe meee ay _. oe ~~ fin, |oeeeee :E"#'€5 i:RNS aaeBiri |.HH fa oy en Maule ge | ,or) i.sae | wa agy iiyuae 7.Hy Saar ite iA Hel: a eee ‘ate ooRHEE, ce- iaae oy aa 4, ee 5po gee wae _.ee sarees pete! a ee Pst 2 a ae 7 Ped Specie SESS gist rn Hsu ey ie EEE Ce FEE oe
eee gee id ae pay gael ie ie ie cme ; a Se ae Fy ae _. a rae pees phuefa eR aeaeaiy oeSa aaa iei aepe | ue. ey ae Ti ileyafe cee “ait 'it20 bil aoe OE eefecar ae ai *ae: ae oe ae ame wy " ee ie —" ee gees : 4rBee: ee2. i| ee rte ames GES fe Pcie rt dey i aed ae en sik . . es sail iB ccinfth # if Bee ne Recta ee fe:
shiehe “Be pone Paco” oe +i Boy a oh, if Ae ree ‘ aie iyPa fi Teg iat : :ee OY oc iiieepHED Sy . ip one Sit! Pigeanae # ifae ae le He £AIneiip Se5ee.teh :ae Meese pe aeai ee ane Heres ce: |aini: IEes He ee a = ne ae ac F “He aattsaenen, ee iy A ey a L ae ae FE Deen ee Ta iad!oe st Hye— Bas eeoe he TE— eee “ be 5 naeoy pany Bh ea Peei¢ P cA bial gis — A eee ae i ae a eo a all aoe x a Ae : oc a aa ea ss : ere aa Cae day a . ee * a: ae Lge ce af Bi 8 a Ce
gy ta 8Fae ae is i: 8-— oe iu: ——— gee ar aeHe sslis ee Bled CRT ey “oF sui g“Ts ey:an! SS “np ~—(a 8|.| a Lo FiB ee Bo woaitsgill Me Be oeih eegate sa aeSH) se oes BE:aitee iy 8, ites Tea aeae ia pie See Bae Rie} fy ie it te) a He Huai isi aE ee: Bat Beas perenne PP sg etn i ee ee Hiiiiens Hi EBs Hi Eon i j Conn ae. He festa saeeeti tte bare.
ie tayat ryfiLewoe :eeee iit: aoe i a0,he ne“4ah 2aae BEEdene fe ae Tes ay eo al “ ath a ay nDle tr EBay" Bee By, ~~ | A aez TS fg iaWs ee ipe aeaeeegiauni~~Mi! Rock. nee esCe aeiG Be Bias ae a, ue areit salt? erhag Hai 1 : Bs pater iee~ ”He a: Fg Zt ; a"mug itil gfee 2% it. atea|xPea feei
+ jee fi£ke pee A 2s *€ 3# Paget iiom ga alll BoBale :., aan BBEHai NE ni: affs, Bee i. : Boat oe seesi EEE: IIE ae &ee 4pees —". ae i eo uae itis, a ayea at Eappt eee Fe oD 1ee agile po i ya “oH apne acaeee:Hes Jidee ah ee : ae Ee Bae | fe: eee EE ites. ;erst me meal 2iiiSLn Banas F#HBEN EES a fae ee :see aEger ait a. ieae i ‘Tei. Heesiea sal ob . °ah ag"ge au de poe, alloe ‘ Bast :aHeed iffe: feBe. te aepacSS ee a Ee Le pepPi es tei:sespugsistsatd biel: Reig. ieyRai osa sate! Bait conti sie , AIEEE ie ee set te em re zeessngsneitinl Hee o gui. anlage Pre gee fies PEE ; Bh oe ageaPoe jiehBd Ca "— i if:iene ay pei ea 7.EaBP Se siee,ato aehh, Oe oe ee “apt ok.. .+ . veg. Pe ong | yi : ago ics ityeee Ta eo Fe a, eeaj CE Hai HH ae#SNS Here eo pi fg mo sone Be. eaue HiMi; eae 4 es.OM hae Be HH Pe ik| aae eeieie1} Br
EHHia: ge eo ie tn8tite Fi anae pala se: ete | die fa Safe Rs is oo Be |... ow Eo eit: ee ;ttBilis: 4, a ‘~— ee |eT a.Heat ce ajueHe Bene Sopa if:Lee Ri Be ity “ Habe eaget 8 BinBy 4 # alia a antiy: fa#4 ei leeay ISBEEEIS 2B pce Higgs taseSad te we fi Belo LT Bet ae -ee 4ae Lag eo a‘ioe aeHfbie ee iaoa: ,ae |es!isasen ei3 aay , Bae ne roy / 7 {A Be pre ae | Bie aeae ce Pe ae Be pe apg Sie dt a ijaeagee ‘oeirea oe HEF ;_a” A gi be,| SRE gd = | Bed oe baa a a : ie oe ae fae Hee aa Oo ge FE ett ® ae: Ba ae _ we oo. “Te Be ee oe a.
peraaseer | SeaREAM A a * adis spell “Tae * SAE: a 4 i “i Ee aa HU i0. Be! HH dyigigse! Geieree SEE sey ia Heel BEE, De ci ee BratA EBEL SL pitch ae Pash
i od ee ; anenoAaeSE ae te ee Paes gs ae BS feeeeecsegCabei. aPOP: i Lo gepeta ETEpefsyee eeoF st ae a ge a ‘ Dg jae . Be es _ | Pg a: ie ek. a fs Bic ie | BH ee id gi fi? id Fa Dae 1 Le Was Peseta ies ._ ae sy oH es ela Hie: Bs: eee fe 22 | ‘he! GeRca “og aie: Bat "Reiners alii poHEae aeioeine a.retiree Hogg: ps i:Aa aveee | ates ~~.reser teas EPEATE RSS oeThs SHEE Faeretaaa. bi fe ieBia He HiBe mad Erte jails ieee. tos Pee shsete: tee en Baie CSG: eae seeeEihee Ba SHEN Huis ATE i Herigas iaie: Wese atie ‘ Iuee He aes ff airy Wis:| ee , aififid Bree ip ‘pause batesHE iis SHE: ie Ieeued® BNSES peeriat SELES ees: js need Hage Ts ar. -. & Bite oe pen anesy . a ’ oes “iss Se paved ea x earn pdt qian Belt ithe pee aoe SEE RPDS aero SUREE Bisse SES JERE
ff toe q a. lee F) . oO Fi oa * | oe oe ccm: | EEE ae : uee Bee a qa. a:saagill. .— * be ait +i. A sek as areseciat eya Hise a ™ia . rate oe Ee iB os oo . "iH oh eG |a _— ae seal i ae rae iy tn a Lee Pe esis pe ees ie go i is ‘ Cs i, i me, a gs at 4 _ oe aoe Pe ia oo | i, Le pe ae ee a A “patt “i oF oo 2 da: “H ae |oe ydchEE iee. ~~ A ie .ee i i. ,ay! =Be |_ | 1B afeu vee HE Ee a: aLo ae os ' ating. . -8 , ~~ ape Ti, eg 7 0 ae Mi. fal a. ee | ok _— 8. oe oe Hani le a ae, 74 og nN if ee aunt: spy, — mk ee Hi ae y ee ia oe eet eae he(SESE oo iat f ais ad cit Be asiy pe ia aie iets a aia sere ae ae -Feoe wei . eee ae eee oete rsoshe | sane amee ca ' aco Pa ee bi;ees ,|.| BE \“e OsVe eesein cy. ‘Se st. a‘a 8NO BRIE Soh oad fae ale! id ga Ba iat lo se 3 Rs ** “ io Hise: Be Bt BEE ‘ae _ 7 pee 2225) i eee! NOEERE: ress HES fe a ESEEETS HEE cE
pees i ies e aie: | riestae le ioaCe fi id aees HHS: i: ee | gittanes Pia es, Le nefe F2h aeBc. ae pth files y which would read like V “apud Granicum”. 286
1B and C continue with various additions. V and A end without the formal conclusion of P. 187
Abel, A. Le Roman d’Alexandre, Légendaire Médiéval. Brussels, 1955.
Akinian, N. “Die handschriftliche Uberlieferung der armenischen Ubersetzung des Alexanderromans von Pseudo-Kallisthenes,” Byzantion, Vol. XIII (1938). Alishan, L. [Sisvan] Ufuneuwt. Venice, 1885. In Armenian.
Arcrowni, T. [The History of the Arcrowni Dynasty] Qs eft prt Swit Updpactibusrg . St. Petersburg, 1887. In Armenian. Ausfeld, A. Der griechische Alexanderroman. Leipzig, 1907.
Baumgartner, A. “Uber das Buch die Chrie,” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, XL (1886), 457-515.
Berzunga, J. Alexander the Great and the Alexander Romances.
menian. , Privately printed, 1939.
Biwzandaci. [Khnasér] fiiwukp. 2 vols. Stockholm, 1887. In ArBudge, E. A. Wallis. The Alexander Book in Ethiopia. London, 1933.
—_——.The Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great. London, 1896.
Cary, G. The Medieval Alexander. Cambridge, England, 1956. Dashian, J. [Studies on Pseudo-Callisthenes’ Life of Alexander]
IromStuouf pane frip Yann sh. GusjfufFtubukuy Yurpnry Uqtpuwtnpf. Vienna, 1892. In Armenian. Dowrian, E. [Ancient Armenian Religion] Zuryag {fh Ypoip. Jerusalem, 1933. In Armenian.
Feydit, F. “La haute signification de Vinvention de l’alphabet arménien par Saint Mesrop,” Pazmaveb, IX-XII (1962) 283-89.
Gildemeister, H. ‘“Pseudocallisthenes bei Moses von Khoren,” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, XL (1886), 88-91. 188
Kroll, W. Historia Alexander Magni. Berlin, 1926.
Magoun, F. P., Jr. The Gests of King Alexander of Macedon. Cambridge, Mass., 1929.
Malxasian, S. [The Armenian History of Movses Xorenaci] Paduka hyn pissy f aun yny Quint ne fF fred, Erevan, 1961. In Armenian. Meillet, A. Altarmenisches Elementarbuch. Heidelberg, 1913. Merkelbach, L. “Die Quellen des griechischen Alexanderromans,” ZLetemata. Vol. IX. Munich, 1954.
Meuzel, H. ‘“Pseudo-Callisthenes, nach der Leidener Handschrift herausgegeben,” Jahrbuch fur classiche Philologie, Neue Folge. Supplement V. Leipzig, 1871.
Meyer, P. Alexandre le Grand dans la littérature francaise du moyen age. 2 vols. Paris, 1886. Miiller, C. Reliqua Arriani, et Scriptorum de rebus Alexandri Magni fragmenta; Pseudo-Callisthenis Historiam Fabulosam, Itinerarium Alexandri. Paris, 1846.
Neumann, G. Gelebrte Anzeigen, herausg. von Mitgleidern der k. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, December, 1884, pp. 961-83.
Noldeke, Th. “Beitrdge zur Geschichte des Alexanderromans,” Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, XXVIII (Vienna, 1890), i.
Parpeci, L. [Letters] nif. Venice, 1873. In Armenian. Pfister, F. Der Alexanderroman des Archipresbyters Leo. Heidelberg, 1913. Raabe, R. ‘Iaropia ’AXdeédvSpov: Die armenische Ubersetzung der
sagenhaften Alexander Biographie (P-C) auf ibre mutmassliche Grundlage zurtickgefubrt. Leipzig, 1896. Robinson, C. A., Jr. Alexander the Great. New York, 1947.
Tarn, W. W. Alexander the Great. 2 vols. Cambridge, England, 1948.
Tcheraz, M. “La legende d’Alexandre le Grand chez les Arméniens,” Revue de l'histoire des religions, XLIII-XLIV (1901), 345-51.
T‘reanc, R., ed. [The History of Alexander of Macedon] esol roe fF fick Unk puuty pf YP whkay niger, Venice, 1842. In Armenian. Zacher, J. Pseudo-Callisthenes, Forschungen zur Kritik und Geschichte der dltesten Aufzeichnung der Alexandersage. Halle, 1868.
Abdera, 67, 172n-73n spondence with Darius, 58-
Achaeia, 66 62; and Persian battle, 63-65; Actaeon, 72 and sign of Orpheus, 66; Adoulites, 190, 180n and Abdera, 67, 172n-73n;
Adratos, 72 and Apollo’s prophecy, 68;
Aeschines, 78, 83-84 and Thebes, 68-74, 173n-
Aesop, In 74n; and Ismenias, 69-74;
Akonis, 48 and Clitomachos, 74-75; and Akraganthinians, the, 68 Athenian prophecy, 75-76; Alcibiades, 83 and the Athenians, 76-84; Alexander: conception of, 28; and the Lacedemonians, 84;
birth of, 32-33; education plot to poison, 86-87, 89; of, 33-34, appearance of, 33; Darius’ hospitality to, 95-96;
and slaying of Nectanebos, Darius’ supplication to, 34-35; and Aristotle, 36-38, 100-1; and Darius’ death, 123-31, 144; allowance of, 103-5; and Persian law, 36-38; and bullheaded horse, 106-8; and Darius avenged,
38-39; and Nikolaos the 108-9; and letter to OlymAkarnanian, 39-41; and pias, 111-16, 145-47, 186n; Philip’s new wife, 41-43; and the Medean desert, 112and Mothone, 43-44; and 16; and King Poros, 116-21, tribute to Darius, 44; and and India, 116-23; and the death of Philip, 44; and as- Oxydarkes, 121-23; and sembling of army, 45-47, death prophecy, 130-31; and and oracle of Ammon, 47- Queen Candace, 131-40; and 48; and Alexandria, 48-52; cave of gods, 140-41; and and Sarapis’ prophecy, 52- the Amazons, 141-43; and
55; and Egypt, 95-57; and the Parasangians, 143-44; Tyre, 57-58; and _ corre- omen of death of, 147-49; 191
Alexander (Continued) Armenia, 8, 87-88 © , assassination of, 149-50; will Army, Alexander’s, 46-47
of, 153-55; death of, 156- Arniphatos, 95
57; burial of, 158 Aroulites; see Adoulites Alexandria, 4-5, 48-52, 54-55, Aroulitos; see Adoulites
112, 158-59 Artemis, 72 Alkides, 95 Aryans, 105, 180n
Amazons, the, 141-43, 145-46 Asandros, 150 Ammon, 26-29, 47-48, 52, 93 Asmenos, 155
Amphiareos, 72 Assyria, 56-57 Amphion, 69-70 Athamas, 71 Amphitrion, 71 Atlas River, 146 Amphictyons, the, 81 Athens, 76-84
Ampion, 74 Audoulites, 95
Amyndas of Antioch, 65 Aycs, 112 © , Anahit, 71, 110, 169n | Anaximenos Aristocles, 33
_Annias, 91 Babylon, 144-45 Antigonos, 80, 133-37 any ons
Antioch, 50, 91 | Antipater, 149-50 , 133-35 . , Bebrycians, the, 66, 31-32 | |Antiphonta, Besos,68, 103, 108-9, 180n Apollo, 74-75 . , . Boeotia, 67 Aponis, 48 . Babylonios, 29-30
Battle, 97-99, 119-20 |
Aqueducts, 50
Brachmans, 121-23
Aracani River, 88-89, 177n
Aramazd, 110, 167n; and proph- , ecy to Alexander, 41; Isme- Cadmos, 71
nias on, 71; and the Ama-_ Callisthenes, 1, 116 zons, 142; and Alexander’s Candace, Queen, 131-40
death, 157 Candaules, 94, 133-39 |
Arcrowni, Tovma, 9-10 Cavos, 101, 106-7
Areg, 146 } Cappaneus, 72 Arideos, 154 Carthaginia, 50
Ariobarzanes; see Besos Chariot race, 39-41
45 155
Aristippos, the Olynthian, 40-41 Christianization, 14-15
Ariston, 150 ; . Cicilia, 86
Aristotle, 33, 36-38, 123-31, 144- Cleopatra (Alexander’s sister), —
| Arivartan, 103, 108-9 Cleopatra (Philip’s wife), 41-42 192
Clitomachos, 74-75 Emeses Eutikes, 111, 181n
Corinth, 74-75 Emmelius, Marcus, 47
Coulenices, 72 Epyrgos, 48 Cypros, 71 Eroa, the Lybian, 50
Cyrus, 176n Euclides, 83
Eumenes, 150 Europpeos, 150 Dardana, 150
Darius, King: Leo on, 3-5; tribute to, 44; and correspond- Gagipharta, 87, 105 ence with Alexander, 58-62; Gistanes, 102 and his satraps, 62, 89; and Gods, cave of, 140-41 Alexander’s attack, 63-65; Greeks, 101 council to, 84-86; and ap- Girgoris of Alt‘amar, 16-17
peal for family, 90; and Gymnosophists, 121-23 seeking for allies, 92; splen-
dor of, 94; Alexander as Harmonia, 71 messenger to, 94-96; and Hebdomadorion, 182n omen of Xerxes, 97; flight Hephestion, 39, 124 of, 99; supplication of, 99- Heracles, pillars of, 145 100; and King Poros, 101-2; Heraclides, 150 assassination of, 102-5; bur- Herades, 71 ial of, 105, 112; revenge for, Hermogenes, 152
108-9 Hiponemos, 50
Demades, 78-79, 84 Hippothos, 78
Demosthenes, 79-82, 84 Historia de Preliis (Leo), 2-5 Delphi, oracle of, 36 Homer, quoted, 24, 55, 66-67
Dimocrates, 81 . Horse, bullheaded, 34, 36, 38-39,
Dimocrates, the Rhodian, 49 64, 120
Dionginos, 1 Horses, eating of, 67-68 Dionysius, 174n Hrakotis, 48-49 Dionysos, Hraphiotian, 71 Hypomendota, 72
Diosios, 95
Dklat‘ River, 88-89, 177n India, 116-31 Illuminations, 16-17
Edios, 48 Ino, 71 Edmitos, 48 Tollas, 3, 150-51, 156 Egypt, 23-25, 55-57 Ismenias, 69-74, 156
Eleurechos, 50 Isthmian games, 74-75 193
Kanaphniton, 113 Mechitarists, Venice, 5, 11; Karabos, 184n; see also Karagos Vienna, 7
Karagos, 138-39 Medean desert, 112-16 , Karanon, 111, 180n Medios, 150
Karderokedes, 95 Megara, 71
Kasandros, 150-51 ~ Melanthios, 50
Kecaroweci, Xa¢atowr, 8-9, 14- Melanpos, 66
16 Meleadros, 150 Kevane, 154-55 Melicertes, 71 Kimon, the Corinthian, 40-41 Melteos, 93-94, 97 Kimon, the Laconian, 40-41 Memnes, 48 Kleomenes, the Naukratian, 49- Memphis, 157-58
50 Menandres, 150 Kleomes, 133-35 Menechmos, 33 Klitomachos, the Balkan, 40-41 Meotis, 67
Kombaphe, 151-52 Messengers, 59-60, 93-96
Kosares, 91 Mihr, 58, 60
Krateron, 154-55 Mithras, 170n Krateron, the Olynthian, 50 Mithridates, 95
Krateros, 149 Moschylos, 106-7
Kronos, 169n Moses of Khoren; see Xorenaci, Movses
Mothone, 43-44
Lakrine, 33 Labdakus, King, 71 Myrabalanos, 129 Lacedemonians, the, 84
Learchos, 71 Nativitas et Victoria Alexandri Leo of Naples, Archpresbyter, | Magni (Leo), 2-5
2-5 Nearchos the Crete, 150
Leonatos, 150 Nectanebos: Leo on, 3; and sor-
Leucippos, 33 cery of basin, 23-24; and Leuonides, 33 flight to Macedonia, 24-25; Lokriaus, 68 and Olympias, 25-29; and Loukias, 152, 156-57 birth of Alexander, 32-33; Lysimachos, 150, 152, 156 death of, 34-35; statue of,
Lysius, 42-43, 81 55-56 | Nepheletkh, 48 Nikolaos, the Akarnanian, 3, 39-
Mandios, 150 41 ,
Marpesga, 138 Nicomachos, the Lokrian, 40-41 194
Nile River, 88 Parskakan; see Prasias Notareses, 91 Pauliadres, Prince, 95
Nychteos, 71 Pausianos, 44-45 Pelasos, 48 Pella, 25
Pentheus, 71 ,
Oceanus, 86 Perdikkas, 150-53, 155-57 Ochos, 95 Persia, 63-65, 92-97, 106-8, 178n Odontotyrannus, 183n Peukalaos, 153
Oedipus, 71-72 Pharos, 50
Okles, 72 Pharsalios, 150
Olkias, 150, 153, 155-56 Phidon, 124
Olympias: Leo on, 3; and Nec- Philip, 83; and dream of Amtanebos, 25-29; and birth of mon, 29-30; and Olympias’ Alexander, 32-33; and death pregnancy, 30; and omen of
of Nectanebos, 35; and serpent, 31-32; and manAlexander’s allowance, 36- eating horse, 34; and proph-
38; casting out of, 41-43; ecy of successor, 36; and and Pausianos, 44-45; Alex- Alexander’s allowance, 36-
ander’s letters to, 111-16, 38; new wife of, 41-43; 145-47, 186n; and Antipater, death of, 44-45
149 , Philip, the physician, 86-87, 150
Olympic contest, 39-41 Philoctetes, 71
Olynthos, 67 Philotas, 150 Orators, Athenian, 78-84 Phoartes, 95 Orpheus, 66 Phronetetk, 48
Osiris, 48 Phrygia, 66 Oxoli, 113 Pieris, 66
Oxyathrus, 176n Pieros, the Phokoean, 40-41 Oxydarkes, 85, 95, 105, 121-23, Pindar, 73-74
155 Pisa, 39-41
Pitaki, 92 Pithon, 150, 155 Plantings, 113
Paphovranos, 33 Plataea, 75 Parasanges, 96, 143-44 Plato, 81
Parasias; see Prasias Plutonios, 48
Paratonion, 48° Pokestes, 150 Parmenion, General, 55, 87, 100 Polinices, 72
Parsias; see Prasias Polinicos, 33 195
Poros, King, 92, 101-2, 116-21 Taposiris, 48 Prasiacam, 184n; see also Para- Tauros, 66
- Sangians, the ‘Taxiades, 155 |
Prasias, 123-24, 127-28, 182n Tetrakotis, 48
Proteus, 48, 50, 77 Thebes, 11-12, 68-75, 154, 173nProtiatos, 167n; see also Proteus 74n Prlomeos, 38, 133-34, 150-52, Tiatkh, 48
155-58, 183n Tigranakert, 11 Tigris River, 177n Teresias, 71
Rhodes, generals of, 153-54 ainidates, 79 lidoni Rodogoune, Queen, 92, 104, vein, the Calidonion, ransliteration, 18-19 72
109-11 Trees, oracular, 4, 129-30
Roxiane, 104-5, 109-11, 151-52, ot _
155-57 Tripolis, 58 Tritonia, 71
Tyre, 11, 56-58 Saxrik, 10
Samiram, 131-32, 136-37, 183n Unicorn, 126-27 Sarapis, 49, 52-55, 140, 169n
Satyros, 58 :
Semele, 71 Valerius, Julius, 1n, 2
Semiramis, 183n; see also Sami- Vstasp, 62, 90 ram Sesonchousis, 5, 53, 126, 140-41
Sinopos, 25 Xanthias, the Boeotian, 40-41
Skamandros, 66 Xerxes, 80-81, 97, 100-1, 175n Skambetkh, 48 Xorenaci Movses, 6, 7, 10, 10n, Sk’andar, 177n; see also Alexan- 11-13 der Socrates, 83
Spandiatar, 62, 90 Zakariah, Bishop of Gnunik‘, Stasagoras, 4, 76, 80-81, 83 16-17
Sratira, 109-11 Zethos, 69-70 Statues, 119-20 Zeus, 167n Steramphis, 48 Zeuxis, 36-38 Stranga River, 94, 97-99 Zrowan, 55, 169n