The Reign of the House of Rothschild [searchable]

The authors aim has been to portray without prejudice or partiality the positively fabulous part which the House played 

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The Reign of the House of Rothschild [searchable]

  • Commentary
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Table of contents :
Genealogy facing title-page
Foreword ix
Synopsis of "The Rise of the House of Rothschild" xi
I. Weathering the Crises of 1830 1
II. The Rothschild Loans in Relation to Home and Foreign Politics, 1832-5, 89
III. The Part Played by the Rothschilds in the Early History of Railways in Europe 83
IV. Differences between the Five Brothers with regard to Spain 117
V. The Rothschilds’ Peace Efforts in the Crisis of 1840 165
VI. The Rothschilds Before and During the Revolution of 1848 213
VII. Fighting for Position with Louis Napoleon, Cavour, and Bismarck 279
VIII. From the Crimean War to the Italian War of 1856 345
IX. The Eventful Years: 1866 and 1870-1 387
Epilogue 429
Notes 467
Bibliography 481
Index 487

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