The Prospect of Knowing Now [1 ed.] 1530221064, 9781530221066

Have you ever wondered why the answers to life's most fundamental questions are so difficult to come by? In a world

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The Prospect of Knowing Now [1 ed.]
 1530221064, 9781530221066

Table of contents :
Preface by Megan Elliott......Page 7
Introduction by Albert......Page 9
Chapter 1 – An Overview......Page 12
Chapter 2 – Creating Your Life......Page 40
Chapter 3 – Understanding the Abilities of the Soul......Page 52
Chapter 4 – Perceiving the Body’s Energy Field......Page 65
Chapter 5 – Astral Protection......Page 75
Chapter 6 – Using a Ouija Board to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides......Page 84
Chapter 7 – Keeping Old Ways Alive: Working to Better the Planet......Page 96
Chapter 8 – Forging Ahead In Your Relationships......Page 116
Chapter 9 – Exploring the Infinite......Page 127
Conclusion......Page 137

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The Prospect of Knowing Now

by Megan Elliott

Copyright © 2015 by Megan Elliott All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author. Cover art by Megan Elliott

For Rachel, my guide on Earth.

Table of Contents

Preface by Megan Elliott Introduction by Albert Chapter 1 – An Overview Chapter 2 – Creating Your Life Chapter 3 – Understanding the Abilities of the Soul Chapter 4 – Perceiving the Body’s Energy Field Chapter 5 – Astral Protection Chapter 6 – Using a Ouija Board to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides Chapter 7 – Keeping Old Ways Alive: Working to Better the Planet Chapter 8 – Forging Ahead In Your Relationships Chapter 9 – Exploring the Infinite Conclusion

Preface by Megan Elliott I am very thankful for that summer afternoon in 2007 when I first “met” Albert. My roommate’s friend, Vanessa, brought her Ouija board over that day as something fun to play around with. It was my first time using one of these “talking boards,” although I had always been interested in trying. I was amazed that the planchette (pointer) moved at all, but when Vanessa and I started communicating with a spirit who was both extremely kind and interested in our spiritual development, I was completely blown away. All I did was ask out loud to communicate with someone like this, and it happened. Furthermore, he claimed he was my spirit guide. When Vanessa went back home, she was kind enough to leave the Ouija board with me. I was scared of using it alone at first, but my desire to keep talking to Albert got the best of me. Ever since I was young I had been curious about spiritual matters, and from him I got an explanation for every topic I could possibly think of. I was impressed when he started giving me paragraphs of material about the nature of God, reincarnation, karma—you name it, really—and I started writing down what I channeled from him so I wouldn’t forget. This, of course, was what led to me saying to him, “Hey Albert, you should write a book!” And here I am today, writing the preface to the information he wanted to share with as many people as possible to help them grow spiritually as well. However, I didn’t always fully believe in this project. I definitely struggled with doubt. Mostly, I was concerned that Albert was just the voice of my subconscious. It certainly never occurred to me to think of myself as his channel. In the first couple years of our communication, I tested him in silly ways. I expected him to appear dramatically in front of me like a genie or give me the winning lottery numbers. I thought I should at least be able to hear his voice or see his form. Even though it bothered me that I only experienced him as a movement of my hand, I was never able, even at my most skeptical, to discount him fully. My gut kept telling me that the experience was too strange and remarkable. What ultimately convinced me of Albert’s realness, I believe, was the fact that he was always perfectly

Buddha-like. I don’t know how else to put it. He was consistently compassionate and wise, and still is. I just don’t feel like my subconscious is quite capable of his level of Zen (as much as I would like to flatter myself). I’ve been in contact with Albert for eight years now. Under his guidance, I have become a much more spiritually aware person. He is more to me now than just a movement of my hand. I am able to feel him with me in the back of my mind. His presence is comforting and loving, always helping me be my best self. I feel I have learned to tune into a guiding presence that is there for everyone to access if they know how. The life experiences I have had as a result of knowing Albert have put to rest the wondering I used to do about spiritual matters. I no longer doubt that my consciousness will continue to exist after my body dies. I now know that miracles are happening around us all the time. I was able to quiet the incessant, rational questioning I used to do and accept that growing spiritually is simply a matter of opening your mind and your heart. Getting to this point has always been a dream of mine. If it’s also one of your dreams, one of your prospects, then I hope this book will help you achieve it. Megan Elliott October 7, 2015

Introduction by Albert Some say that to talk of spirits and the world that greets you when you die is to talk of unreal delusions, whimsical fantasy, or worse—children's naiveté. To see or feel more to this world than can be measured currently by science is an ability that is frowned upon, ignored, or changed into something acceptable to the dogmatism of religion. In this book, I will not be trying to convince you of the credibility of its material. If you keep reading, you do so because of a very personal spark inside you that you have always felt but never could explain. No one can give you this gift and no one can take it from you, aside from yourself. In the distant past, those who possessed it were powerful individuals, walking on Earth with a view of their greater purpose. They were teachers, and their breed of intelligence was much sought after. Today your position has changed, but I want to present you with an opportunity for growth that you can no longer find from your society’s leaders. Perhaps you can become the teachers you were meant to be. Bringing to light that which has been buried is the only thing I can do to help; the rest depends on you. This book will provide you with all the tools you need to exist within the world as a spiritually-minded person and understand your purpose here. With it, the prospect of knowing the answers to all your big questions will become a possibility. I use the word “possibility” because there is discipline involved in turning what you learn into what you know. I can tell you how to practice, but I cannot show you. I cannot be there as a teacher in the physical sense, so your discipline must be that much stronger. By applying the principles and knowledge taught in the following chapters, you will create a path that is quite clear. The only trick will be in walking it. By working with this material in your daily life, you will validate it to yourself. You will come to see that proving such concepts as life after death or spirit guides is not possible to the world at large, nor is it necessary. What is important is reaching a state of happiness within yourself that can only be achieved by maintaining the vision of your greater truth and greater purpose. If successful, you will find peace in simple things like acting with kindness to all and living as one with your fellow beings. You will receive gratification

from working with and teaching others in a patient manner. All of this will simply be your life if you are able to internalize what I will show you within the course of this book. I promise to show you why living as a kind, in-tune being is to your greatest advantage. Not only would you be living your best potential, you would be living the truth amidst a world of illusion. But it is not easy to act differently than almost everyone you know. This is why spiritually-minded people often take refuge in monasteries or solitude. They extract themselves from a bustling world that seemingly has no care for such concepts as the afterlife or compassion in order to focus on walking a spiritual path. However, while this may seem like a good idea, it removes the growthinducing challenge they normally would have encountered from staying within society at large. For the human being, difference is one of the most difficult traits to deal with. By retreating from society, the spiritually-minded person is also coping with this very human quality in a way sanctioned by their religion. In essence, they go to be among their peers, those of like mind and common lifestyle, so that they will not feel difference so acutely. However, before the age of world religions, the spiritual novice learned from their spiritual elder with the support of their society in order to eventually serve that society. While their community may not have been comfortable with everything they were learning or doing, they still respected it. I urge those of you who are spiritual to stay within your society and also to serve it. By this I mean to take every interaction you have with another being as an opportunity for betterment, both for them and yourself. This is a great challenge, let me assure you. Consider every time you feel frustration, anger, jealousy, dislike or fear to be a time you have failed to understand something. Learning to walk a spiritual path is not easy, but the best way is to surround yourself with challenges. What good does it do to be around those who will not cross you intellectually or to be around no one at all? This makes knowing the self much more difficult and makes it nearly impossible to be an effective teacher. Your ultimate goal is to realize your highest good and to point others in the same direction. You must be among them in order to lead by your example. If you have always felt there was something more to this stay on Earth than the typical cycle of birth and death, the good news is that you are

absolutely correct. The bad news is that you will never be able to prove it to any truth authority—science, for instance. No matter how hard you investigate or how many facts you compile, there will never be any widespread acceptance of the supernatural. It will, however, be a source of mystery and inspiration for all people from now until the end of time. It will transform lives subtly or even drastically, but it will never receive the credit it is due. You will be hard-pressed to seek its truths; however, if this is where you feel your path has led you, keep reading and I will help you come to terms with your difficult prospect.

Chapter 1 – An Overview Hello. My name is Albert, and I am not a human being. I am not a physical being of any sort. The author of this book, Megan Elliott, is not the author at all but simply a vehicle through which I can communicate with the physical world. She is doing this project of her own free will, of course. It would never occur to me to force her to do anything whatsoever. On the contrary, she is as excited about this book as I am. This venture was planned while she was still waiting for her birth. She was quite enthusiastic then, let me assure you. At this point in time she understands it less, but still finds it to be an interesting endeavor. Though it frustrates her that what I teach cannot be proven, she understands on a deep level that channeling this book is something she must do. As the title of this chapter suggests, it will provide a broad overview of everything I wish to cover in this book. The chapters following it will delve deeper into each of the subjects touched upon, though not in any particular order. I simply wish to familiarize you with the topics at hand. There are chapters that may be further expounded upon in books I will write in the future also. Some chapters may even be made into books in and of themselves because the subject is so complex. I am sorry that in order to read about certain subjects in their entirety, the reader must wait for an unspecified future date. However, there are the physical limitations of the channel to be considered, as well as my own desire not to give too much information at once. If the books are read in order, they will give the reader the most complete understanding possible. There is quite a story behind how this book came to be written. In Megan's life years ago there was a series of events that led to her being exposed to a Ouija board. She had always been curious about them but had never actually gotten one herself. A friend of someone she was living with at the time brought one over to her house and together they chatted with random spirits—some were nice and some were not. This would have been the end of it if Megan had not unwittingly asked to speak to me, her spirit guide. She had been frustrated by getting nonsensical messages or negative

ones, so this prompted her to ask for a positive, teacher spirit. This particular choice of words considerably narrowed down the options of who could answer her because there are no spirits who want to teach positive things to people who are not guide types. Really, I was the only spirit who could come through since I am Megan's spirit guide and she, not one of her friends, was the person who asked the question. She enjoyed talking to me so much that she kept coming back to the board even after the others had lost interest. There was an initial fear hurdle that delayed her from practicing with the board alone for a short period of time, but once that was overcome she enjoyed working with me by herself much more one on one. Together we could delve into more complex or personal topics. She eventually discovered that once she was comfortable with the board, I could drone on and on about whatever she was curious about. This was when the idea occurred to her that we could write a book together, which had been the plan we made long ago before she was born. There is an entire life you plan to lead before you come to Earth; the planning of it is your most aspiring moment. Megan is not exceptional in realizing pre-incarnate goals—you all do it. It is the main reason you are here on this planet. You are no end product of God's creation—you are God. Let me repeat: you are God. You simply forget that you are. Between lives your amnesia gives you a much-welcomed respite. This is when you are able to reconnect with yourself, or God, and objectively plan out your goals for the trajectory of your next life and the lives after it. I know this may seem like a pretty grand statement, that you are God, but if you understand the story of all that exists you will see what I mean. There are many tales circulating among humankind that explain what God is. Many, if not most, of these stories are close to the truth on a metaphorical level. However, I would like to explain what God is more fully. Essentially, God is only the sum of Its parts. True, It created those parts, but the act of creation was merely one of liberation. God, in essence, freed Itself to be Itself. For those of you who see God in traditional religious ways, this may seem strange. Why would a being so all-knowing and all-powerful need to free Itself? But really, God is not just like a powerful father figure; God is

consciousness with unlimited capabilities. The most amazing and mysterious aspect of this consciousness is the infinite nature of It. The concept of infinity is difficult for anyone to grasp. It is even something God must grapple with. The act of creation is the act of freeing up potential. God set you free, and everyone and everything else, so you could work on exploring infinity. When there is no end and no limit, every day is a new adventure for everyone and everything, including God. How does consciousness create the physical stuff of the universe? The answer is not so difficult to believe. Consciousness is energy and like all energy, it can be transformed into matter. Indeed, matter is comprised of energetic bonds. These bonds are all that stand between you and something else. Matter is just an arrangement of energy that your mind sees in a certain way so that you can participate in this experience you call life. Your physicists are very much aware of this illusory nature of the universe. However, they aren’t able to formulate theories about its origins in consciousness because the energy of consciousness is not measurable, at least not to the standards of science. Unfortunately, not taking into account that the universe is alive has led to a lot of problems on your planet that could have been avoided. When you view nature as alive instead of as a commodity, your behavior toward will naturally change. A more spiritual awareness of the Earth will lead to an increase in its health and an increase in the quality of life for all beings who live on it. You are a physical being, but also a being of energy. Within all energy, and by extension all matter, is the consciousness of God. Your very atoms hum with the voice of creation. I want to help you understand more about the intrinsic spiritual connection you share with the universe. To start, I would like for you to take a moment and close your eyes. Hold them closed for a few seconds. Closing your eyes brings your consciousness inward. When you open them again and resume your task of reading this book, you will have spent a moment inside yourself. If you had no senses at all, you would still feel this awareness inside yourself. It predates the experience you have garnered from living in the physical world. All of the things you have experienced with your senses have not created this awareness, they have merely bolstered it. Now, do it again and feel what I am communicating to

you. Feel the spark of your consciousness. This short exercise was meant to show you that there is no beginning or end to you. I do not mean that in only human terms. Sure, you were born and you will die. Yes, your consciousness predated your birth and will live on after your death. However, what I mean is that you are God and you had no origin and will have no demise. That consciousness you feel within you is what God is. You are, by a series of connections, attached to All That Is. When those connections dissolve, you will once again be God. Those invisible bonds and connections are all that stand between you and the unlimited potential of infinity. Reality is God's game, and by that logic, reality is your game as well. Your consciousness, the you beyond your senses, is the orchestrator of this game. That is not to say that you can mold reality to be anything you personally want, but that you play a small part in creating the richness of your world. You create reality as much as anyone else around you. Energy is composed of different frequencies. Consciousness is at a very high frequency; the highest, in fact. Matter is very close to the lowest. You live in the world of the physical and are comprised of a very well-calibrated mixture of physical parts. This is not all you are because you have a consciousness as well. However, since your bodies are made of matter, they are so far away in frequency from the highest vibration of consciousness that your soul is essentially living in another world. In the same way, the physical plane is a seemingly separate area due to a difference in energetic vibration. Everything here resonates at a low frequency, and is therefore perceived as rough, solid, or hard. Now, why would consciousness wish to inhabit a form so far from its nature? This can be understood better by revisiting some of your mythology. In stories, the hero can only be understood as good if they are shown in contrast with someone who is bad. Your world is composed of metaphorical blacks and whites. We are able to understand what we are by imagining the opposite of what we are and what that opposite would be like. For consciousness to visit, indeed to be, its opposite—that which is unable to create, unable to have thought—it can know itself better. Different species on your planet have differing levels of self-awareness.

Those with more, such as human beings, are engaged in the process of reconnecting to their unlimited consciousness. Animals have souls, just as you do, but they are mostly experiencing what it is like to be physical. They can think, but their thoughts are mostly on animalistic concerns. It does not occur to most of them to ask about the nature of the universe because they are so tied in with its foundation. The physical materials that you are composed of are not capable of thought or creation, but they are what allow you to think and create while you are in your body. Unless these elements are inside the body of a living being, they do not change or create, but only break down or renew as the cycles of the planet demand. By parting this world, you rejoin with your normal awareness of God. Here on Earth, you cannot see or feel God. Like many things, It is hidden from your awareness. God is behind the veil you are on this planet to learn how to part. Spirit guides like me are here to help you with that task. Without help you would be like a person stranded on a boat in the middle of the ocean without a compass. How would you find your way home? At the very least it would be extremely difficult. Your spirit guides are there to act as your compass. Guides are part of a very complex system designed to be the help you require in order for the awareness of your Godlike nature to blossom. I not only help Megan with this personally, I help others with it personally as well. Not all of them are on Earth. Also, with Megan's help I can now somewhat guide the rest of you who I have less concrete spiritual ties to. You have your own guides who you are able to communicate with, if not through a Ouija board then through dreams or countless other ways. Later, I will propose a set of guidelines for communicating with them on the Ouija board if that is something you feel drawn to. All spirit guides have gone through the cycle of physical lives at some point. We understand how difficult it can be. There are also spirits who have never become physical. At some point, they may decide to enrich themselves in this way, but trust me when I say it is a serious decision to make. Devoting so much of yourself to such an intense venture is not a decision to be made lightly. While a spirit has a portion of its consciousness in the physical worlds, it cannot fully access other worlds at the higher end of the energy spectrum as it would be able to normally. Higher energy planes are the most

aware spaces where peace, love, and awareness are all that exist, so understandably the spirit-in-physical would miss these. However, after learning to see through physicality to the truth of consciousness, a spirit is able to be in all places, all vibrational and energetic levels, at once. Nothing can be kept from them; no gate is locked. Between all living beings is a bond of consciousness. You all have the same type of energy within you, but the filter of your physical form is what makes you distinct from one another. In this way, physicality is a great diversifier. It diversifies so well, in fact, that most beings on this and other planets have no idea that they are all essentially the same. A method for seeing that you share the same consciousness with all beings is to simply sit outside on a patch of grass and breathe while your eyes are closed. Narrow your awareness to a point right between your eyes and then let your awareness drift to whatever draws your attention, whether it be the singing of a bird or the wind blowing through the trees. Once your awareness is fully focused on this thing, allow it to enter your mind by pulling it to that point between your eyes where your awareness was focused originally. If it is the bird, let it sing from there, not from its perch outside of you. If it is the wind, let it blow from there. The point of the exercise is to dissolve the boundaries between you and the outside world in your imagination. The fun part is that, if done properly, you will feel a very genuine sense of camaraderie with whatever you have pulled into your awareness. There is a reason for this. You can become something greater. I do not mean in the sense of power or money or status. All of these things are completely irrelevant from a spiritual growth standpoint. You can enlarge your awareness, enlarge the reach of your own heart, and this will do much more to further you than anything you could obtain by following more worldly paths of advancement. The whole of you desperately wants this—the ability to see without boundary, to love without limitation. It is the only occupation that truly matters. The rest are simply for bodily survival, or perhaps for aims that are much less noble than that. The first step is to let the world into you. Actively try every day to understand that there is really no world to let in because it’s already in you.

Do not even think of otherness. Focus on what you have in common with others; do not judge them for their differences. People are all capable of being loving and aware as you aspire to be, even the ones who are profaning the world with horrific acts. They are only temporarily blinded. They, especially, are deserving of your love, not your hate. Everyone needs time and space to work their issues out in their minds. When people act heinously, they do so because they are delusional. When you first started to live in physical form, you also did many horrible things to innocent people that would sicken you to even think of doing now. However, you have learned and you have grown, and everyone else deserves the same opportunity. This does not mean to allow those who injure others to roam the streets freely, it simply means that it will only reflect your misunderstanding to judge or detest them. You were them. You still are them—your consciousness is just viewing things differently. When the time comes, you will yearn for a peace like no peace you have yet experienced or seen as possible on this world. Then you will progress very swiftly toward your total soulhood because you will become greatly focused. Until then, you, through your various lifetimes, will be haphazardly searching around for the truths that will eventually illuminate your being. Guidance given to you from the spirit world, like this book, seeks to bring some of these truths to light in a comprehensive manner. Essentially, the truths you seek are within the world around you. Your experiences will teach you these truths all on their own. However, it is always nice to have a reference to look back on that tells you all the answers to life's hard questions. Applying this knowledge is the true challenge, after all. Life is the only testing ground to show what you really know or don't know. Who is going to judge whether you understand or not? Only you can do it perfectly because only you are inside your own head. You must be your greatest critic. There is no advice even the most perceptive friend can give you that will take into account every single one of your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Other people can awaken you to certain points that you may be overlooking, but that is really all they can do. And afterwards, should the awakening occur, the rest is up to you. Changing for the better is the hardest part. The beauty of this whole process—of living life and learning

from experience—is that growth happens despite ignorance. The world, being of God to begin with, is so infused with consciousness that you can’t help but see it eventually. There is something to the idea of expansion of consciousness—it really can expand. It is much easier to achieve short bursts of time when you are hyper-aware than to permanently expand your consciousness by a noticeable amount. That generally takes lifetimes of work. To achieve short jumps is something you can practice in your spare time, however. This would give you a glimpse of what could be called paranormal or supernatural phenomena, but it is simply a normal use of the potential within consciousness. What would an expanded state of consciousness allow someone to do? In short, you can bend the “laws” of your physics to suit your will to a certain point and for a certain duration of time, both of which will vary according to personal limitations. There will be different levels of motivation among you, but the practice you have had in past lives will also make an incredible difference. For instance, Megan had engaged in medium-like activities in another lifetime, which is where she got the interest and the aptitude during this life. However, there are other psychic activities which she has no natural aptitude for whatsoever. The development of minor and temporary bursts of awareness can help you to experience truths of existence, most notably the concept that all is one. However, if you do not feel an inclination to practice these (a short coverage of which will be in a later chapter), it's not necessary by any means to achieve a more aware state. The most important concept in this book is love. Love is what will make you better in every sense of the word. Learning how to give and receive love in a positive way will inevitably put you on the quickest path to realizing your unlimited consciousness. Without a solid understanding of love, any “paranormal” practice will be largely ineffective anyway. I would also like to discuss a more far-reaching application of love. Environmentalism is a big issue on your planet right now. Most people realize that humanity’s behavior toward the Earth has to change, however a holistic view of the problem is lacking. Why did this problem arise? Most people’s answers will not take into account the whole picture. I am part of a spiritual group that is trying to educate humanity about the only way it can

escape from the consequences of its unbalanced state. We wish to see a better outcome for the Earth and its inhabitants than the outcome it is currently headed towards. During the course of this book and others I will write, there will be several admonitions urging you to view things differently and take action. Please do not feel alienated by these. I only give these warnings because time is running short. Love is, in several respects, the world's only hope. No ambition among human beings will amount to anything positive for the planet without a deeply rooted foundation of love. You as a species lost the love and respect you should have for the Earth long ago. To get it back will take a large effort on everyone's part. Not only collectively must you find it, but personally as well. In practice, a revival of respect would look like a return to old ways of living when people lived in harmony with nature. If this revival does not happen, you as a life form will simply die off. Love is the way to avoid this calamity, just as it is the way to avoid personal setbacks as well. You're not taught how to love and respect nature anymore. Most societies who have set this as a priority have been overrun by those who prioritized violence and personal gain. This fact extends into the way you treat each other. While some animals will commit acts of violence against their own kind, they do this unconsciously because that was how nature saw fit to ensure their survival. Their minor striving for balance at the expense of those who are weakest genetically has nothing in common with humanity's ability to eradicate who or what gets in the way of its desires. This unfortunate trait of your species is a consequence of your intelligence and your ability to form belief structures that are highly adaptive. However, when certain cultures believed too powerfully in doctrines that were deceptively harmful to the Earth, the world took a turn from balance to imbalance. People went from having care and concern for all life to simply care and concern for human beings, and then only the human beings who shared those same harmful beliefs. The societies that disagreed were either destroyed or forced to assimilate. You as a person, you as a part of the species at large, can start to improve the state of the planet if you start working actively to regain your understanding of love's importance and love's power. In ancient times love was what kept people alive. I mean this in the sense that bonds between

people and nature meant very real survival. No one underestimated its importance. Because of this, they sought to understand it and the Earth better. When you realize love’s importance, you will seek to do the same. Coming to a higher level of awareness will be a natural side effect. When love becomes the number one goal in your life, the universe will respond to you. It will literally show you the way to your own fulfillment. By this I mean that all of the karmic ties you have for this life will present you with opportunities for betterment. By bettering your situation with others, you better yourself and the universe at large. You bring both of you to a higher point of convergence. Convergence is the bringing together of that which was previously set apart. When you struggle with others, when you harm them or they harm you, divergence is created. You literally put distance —valid energetic difference—between you. You clash; you don't feel good around one another. You can take away these disconnections by committing to act with love and kindness to the people in your life. When you make this choice you initiate change for the common good whether you are aware of every ramification your acts of love have or not. Now, say you're ready to commit to growing love within yourself. What do you do? How do you start? Essentially, you will need to learn how to be hyperaware of your emotions. By always taking note of what in your life makes you happy and unhappy you can learn more about yourself. So, start by writing down every time you notice an elevation in your mood. Carry a small notebook around with you in your purse or pocket. Be vigilant about watching how you feel. When you notice a swell of happiness, write it down no matter how small it is. If you are embarrassed to do this in front of others, excuse yourself and find somewhere private when you are able to. If you don't write these moments down immediately, or nearly so, you will forget them. They will simply melt into your daily life and lose their importance to the importance of moments that follow. Fill as many pages as you can and at the end of three weeks begin to look for common themes. To find your themes, ask yourself what activity or situation makes you happy most often. Do you feel happiness the most when you are by yourself or when you are with others? Do you feel it most when you are eating food or when you are watching movies? When you’re outdoors? Reading a book? Reminiscing about the past? At the end of the

your notebook, write a list of your most common themes. Save this notebook in a safe place. I recommend you do not categorize your themes until the three-week period is over. Otherwise, you will subconsciously edit yourself even more than you would normally. That being said, do not be ashamed to put anything in this notebook. Keep it away from prying eyes so that you have the confidence to do this. There are many important aspects of your lives that you get very bashful about. For this, please do not allow yourself to repress anything. For the next part of this exercise, I want you to do the exact same thing, but write down only those instances when you feel unhappy or negative in any way. Instead of three weeks, I want you to do this for at least two months. Again, do not edit yourself, categorize your most common themes, and write them in at the end of your notebook. This second exercise should be much harder. There are many things that make your happiness level drop that you hide from yourself because admitting them is frightening, painful, or perhaps would make you feel like you are not a good person. However, a good person is someone who expresses and demonstrates good things whenever they are capable. By that logic, I would say you are all good people. Try to be as impartial as you can toward your list of what makes you unhappy. I can assure you that nothing on it is really that bad when you compare yourself to anyone else. You may find that your lists turn out more like journal entries. This is absolutely fine. As long as you can discern the theme each entry falls under, that is all that is needed. How do you know if you are doing this correctly? Spend time on each entry trying to get to the root of your dislike, sadness, anger, etc.—this will make the theme more clear. Explore the cause. If someone cuts you off in traffic it may make you angry, but why? Different people will get angry for different reasons, all of which will have different root causes. Here is an example of what I mean. You write: Today someone cut me off in traffic. Then make sure you note why it made you feel negatively. Since the kids were in the car it made me really angry. Once you note your emotional state during the event, take a moment to dig a little deeper. I got

angry because I was so worried about them. I wouldn't be able to handle it if they got hurt. So, your anger is really fear for your children's lives. You would hate to lose them for obvious reasons. However, sometimes people have had a past experience that further complicates and amplifies this fear. Maybe you’ve already lost a child, or maybe your brother died in a car accident when you were young. The sources of your emotions can get very complicated, so when you do this exercise be sure to follow each feeling to its point of origination. Ask yourself why as often as you can. Why are you so angry? Why are you so hurt? Your theme may be something as seemingly off topic as “Brother's Death” for this car trip entry once you get to the root of it. Watch where and how this theme crops up repeatedly in your life. If you are honest with yourself, you will be amazed at the many ways the traumatic events from your distant past are still affecting you emotionally every day. This exercise isn't an exact science. All you have to do is your best, and hopefully you will learn a lot about yourself. The issues that come to light will need to be worked on, even with all their complexity. However, after the exercise you will begin to see that many of the frustrations and anxieties in your life have sources far removed from the immediacy of your present environment. The goal is to not react blindly to everyday situations, but rather to understand the source of your emotional reactions. When you no longer get angry, sad, or frustrated, you will know that you have everything worked out perfectly in your life. I am sure I do not have to tell you that this is much easier said than done. But to start with, compile these lists. These entries will give you a unique and valuable look into your own psyche. With a good effort, you will also be able to extend the reach of your compassion. By learning to understand your own emotions and motivations better, you will learn to understand others’ better as well. By understanding people better, you won't be able to help feeling sympathetic to their feelings and human mistakes. Additionally, there will be other ways these entries will help you understand your problems in this life and past lives. The best way to do this is to compare what makes you happy with what makes you unhappy and find where the themes converge. This is something to take special note of. Feelings of conflict toward what also makes you happy usually indicates an especially rich problem area. Often the source of the conflict goes back to

times you cannot remember, such as early childhood or past lives. For example, say you greatly enjoy the ocean, marine life, ships, and marinas. Perhaps you live by the sea and your favorite books are about sailors and ocean voyages. However, you will not under any circumstances get in a boat. You're not afraid of swimming because you have a pool in your backyard that you swim in all the time. Yet, for no good reason you have a horrible fear of drowning due to shipwreck. Why? These characteristics indicate that you probably died a violent death this way in one of your past lives. Perhaps you were a sailor or a fisherman. Your interest in the sea comes not just from the bond you made with it then, but also from your need to resolve your fear of drowning this way. You can only resolve problems through incorporation. If you cannot incorporate something into your life without a fearful reaction, then unfortunately you need to work on incorporating it. Fear indicates blockage. If the ultimate goal is to be peaceful with all because you are all, then fear and blockages keep you from understanding yourself and reaching your full, unlimited consciousness. When you are finished evaluating all that you have written in your notebooks, you should be aware of at least a few more of your problematic areas. You must choose your method of dealing with them. There are slow ways, which mainly just involve letting the issues work themselves out, and then there are many ways to speed up the process. Some of these include therapy, meditation, and past life regression. If you choose to take a faster route, you will not only shorten your suffering but you will ease the suffering of others as well. If you can work out your own issues, you will never hurt another person due to your own pain ever again. Pain is the only reason people act badly toward one another. In order to rise above it, take a long, hard look at yourself, but know that everything about you is beautiful. This is the key. Once you truly understand this, everything will fall into place. To see your flaws and beauty as one takes a lot of self-analysis and practice, however. One might ask the question, why force it? What does it matter whether enlightenment happens quickly or slowly, as long as it happens? While there is no right or wrong way to go about living your lives, there are constructive

and non-constructive ways. All That Is (God) is not pushy. It has no need for you to do “better.” The fact that you are living and seeing new things every day is enough for It. It rests assured that the more you see, the closer It will be to wholeness. God knows this to be inevitable, so there is no rush. When we as spirit guides try to help you it is because we strive to balance consciousness. You also wish for us to help you, asking for guidance in your hearts. You don't want to be separate from the consciousness of the universe; by being separate you feel alone. Between lives, we are there to comfort you, remind you, and guide you. As you progress to a greater point of understanding, your need to be around us before you reincarnate will diminish. You will spend more time playing in the planes you can access and testing out your new abilities. You won't want to go back to finish the remainder of the physical lessons you require, though not out of fear. You will simply be feeling more yourself than when you are physical. In the grand scheme of All That Is, there are two main goals. The first is to materialize and enumerate various infinities, the second is to avoid imbalance. This naturally limits infinity's expression. You and everything else are a reflection of God's mind, and just like any mind it requires balance in order to be healthy. There cannot be an unbalanced God. If this were to happen, and by the way it is not even possible, the manifestation of infinity would quickly devolve into chaos and there would be a catastrophic, painful end to all that exists. But with balance, infinity is expressed until everything in existence naturally coalesces into its potential, resting state once more. Why is God like this? Why does God even exist? What is the universe for? You may at times feel overwhelmed by the enormity of these questions. They go on and on, seemingly without end. You cannot get to the answers that would allow you to ask deeper questions, and who knows where those questions would even end? Would they end? Is there any kind of satisfaction to be gained from this overwhelming search? You may find it hard to be at peace when you cannot know these answers. You must understand, however, that your knowledge has to come slowly. You have to earn it. Is there anyone out there in the universe who knows the answers? Well, the simple truth is that you know. You already know and you are already at peace, just not in any way that you are currently

able to experience and understand. To say the universe is a mystery is a vast understatement. I can tell you freely that not even I as a spirit guide fathom half of it. However, I do know enough to tell you all you can possibly grasp. There are other beings who receive instruction from me about only the topics they would be able to understand as well. Information has to come when you are able to comprehend it. Otherwise, it will be wasted. Do not feel frustrated that you cannot learn everything right now; your day will come. The first step is to graduate from physicality. Be content to learn what you can. Hold onto your questions and derive motivation from them. What you need to do above all else is know yourself. Once you have done that, you must love yourself. Once you have done that, you must know others. And finally, once you know others, you must love them. By others, I mean everything in the world and everyone. There are no exceptions to this rule or to the order in which this rule must be learned. If you want to love all beings, how can you when you do not love yourself? And how can you love yourself if you do not know who you are loving? Once you no longer see the world through lenses distorted by your own issues, you can truly begin learning about it. Nothing you know now will compare to what you will start to know then. Love will come after you fit it all together. This will be a love like no other you have felt. It will transform you and when you encounter “others,” you will transform them as well. You will be a direct conduit for pure truth. Everyone who hears you speak will be remembering who they are and who they want to be. Your energy, meaning your aura, will radiate at a wavelength that is like what the planes of comfort and peace radiate after you die. This is what reaching an enlightened state is like. Societies in the past have encountered people who reached this enlightened state and religions rose in their wake. Unfortunately, these religions understand very little of what these individuals were actually talking about. Aside from a general message of love and compassion, most everything else has been preserved incorrectly. There have been others who have reached this state of perfect love for all, but they have led more quiet lives. Not all of them have inadvertently begun attracting the attention of the

masses. In many of the world religions, the founder’s original message was often subsumed by politics. What was intended to guide the few ready to be guided became a force capable of motivating millions to ends that were often catastrophic. Nowadays, most of you who attain this state are more prudent. You are aware of what could possibly happen, therefore you maintain a small circle of people who know your beliefs and abilities. Always beware of those who are very vocal about their spiritual abilities or teachings. In most cases, they know nothing and are using people's hopes against them for the sake of monetary gain. Never pay for that which isn’t worth your while. Those who lead exorbitantly priced workshops or seminars are not really offering anything of value. There are others who simply want to make a living helping others and their modest fees reflect this goal. Seek them out instead. Intrinsically, you are trusting beings. This is how you learn and grow as a child. It is also how you go on to mature as an adult. However, you must also develop a healthy skepticism and this can only be done in a constructive way by developing your intuition. Rejecting all psychics because science continually debunks them is not going to help you grow. Rather, feel a psychic out with your intuition. You should feel a wisdom inside them. If you do not, then they are probably not worth your time. Most people in this day and age avoid being taken in or swindled by acquiring knowledge and doing research where their knowledge fails them. Because most adults are aware that they live in a world that wants to take advantage of them, they rely on knowledge for a sense of protection from the unknown. The idea is that the more knowledge you have, the stronger you are. And where do people get their knowledge from? From tests and observations of the physical world. However, what happens when your area of research is outside this limiting box? Science effectively ignores the supernatural because it cannot reliably measure it. Those who believe in accordance with science will usually ignore it also. When knowledge is placed on a pedestal above all other forms of knowing, what you get is a very black and white world. Either something is true and those who believe it are right, or something is not true and those who

believe it are wrong. It is the job of the person who wants to be protected and respected to stay abreast of what science accepts as true. By protecting oneself through knowledge, however, you cut off from your awareness whatever is unable to be proven through science. You feel safer this way, and may even be, but how do you deal with all that is not physical? How do you deal with intuition? How do you deal with possibility? Everyone does regardless of their relationship with knowledge and science. When you go about your day, you utilize strategies for dealing with life. These strategies are based on what you know and what you know to be possible. If you go to work, you know you'll be using what you have learned from a technical standpoint to get through your day. You also know that you will be dealing with a range of possible situations, some of which are more likely to occur than others. When attempting to manage the rare times, the possible situations that you never thought would actually happen, this is where your sense of intuition comes in. Intuition carries you along through the times you cannot plan for or learn knowledge for that would be of some use. What kinds of rare situations might this apply to? When disasters strike, natural or otherwise, your intuition is in full swing. Generally, you’re scared out of your wits, meaning your rational mind is not really functioning well, and you have to make several decisions very quickly. They generally aren’t easy decisions, either. How well you do this is a reflection of how well you are able to use your intuition. Survivors of extreme circumstances look back on these times and thank luck or the grace of God. Rarely do they realize that they should have been thanking their own psychic abilities. Intuition is basically a sense that allows you to know that which is unknowable. You have this ability because you are connected with the world in a spiritual sense. In times of great need, you will do things without knowing why. Your actions may seemingly make no sense but will still help you in your time of trial. Intuition is there in your hunches or in things you simply know. You need to learn to utilize this sense more than you do now because it is a valid form of knowing. It helps you with self-protection, selfgrowth, and major changes in your life’s direction. Studying intuition can help you to use it outside of these times of stress.

The whole point of doing so is to help you lead an aware life and make you understand on a practical level that you are one with all. If you were indeed separate from other things and other entities, you would not be able to glean information from them as you would from your own body or mind. Truly experiencing the connection, and the knowing that the connection brings you, will eradicate doubt very quickly. The part of this book that deals with intuition from a developmental standpoint will come in a later chapter. What I want to stress about it here is that while you can treat the study of paranormal abilities as optional, you may not treat the development of intuition this way. It is the human being’s strongest psychic ability; to neglect it is to neglect your own self-growth. Next, I would like to introduce a few more key concepts. These are important components of a more spiritual worldview that, if developed, will help you see the path toward your highest good more clearly. One is a universal law that has commonly been called karma. Another one is time. How reincarnation, or rather your growth as a soul, operates is mainly through these two constructs. They are in place for your benefit, and the whole organization of physicality in general responds to them. Karma is your teacher. It makes you aware of what you do and what your actions really mean. It forces you to examine your beliefs within the framework of reality. Time is the way in which karma accomplishes its goals. Without it, there could be no cause and effect. Though time is essentially an illusion, it is as real as anything else in the physical realm. As mentioned earlier, when you first begin to lead your physical lives, you have just agreed as a soul to forget everything you know. But what is it exactly that a soul knows? Essentially, it understands that it is a part of God and that it is God in its own right. Also, it knows that love is its natural state. Love towards all is the only mindset that truly expresses the understanding that you are part of one, unlimited, infinite organism. This being has billions of faces but still only one face, and it’s your face. Now, to become a physical being and enter into the “game” fairly as everyone else has, you choose to forget all you know about what you are. This makes your new baseline awareness into one that feels quite alone, confused, scared, and often as a consequence of this, angry. In your first life,

you know nothing but the world around you. Without feeling a sense of connectedness, you simply pursue the gratification of the senses until your experiences teach you that there is more to life. Karma will teach you lessons that your soul will remember. Your soul will build this memory bank up from life to life until it eventually remembers everything it knew before entering the incarnation process. This is when you have reached the enlightened state. You’re probably wondering why a soul would want to enter into this seemingly pointless game—you forget just to remember again. But think about your life right now. You do not want to leave it. You don’t even want it to change sometimes. It is precious to you. It is completely unique and singular, and there is no way to replicate any part of it ever again. In many ways, being a spirit is boring. We hunger for experience because we encompass all experiences in their unexpressed form. We are unrealized potential. Leading lives while physical allows the spirit to manifest its particular brand of infinity to a higher degree. Being physical helps the spirit know itself better. Why is this good? Well, it is neither good nor bad, but it furthers God along the path toward unification, or rather, reunification. God is always cycling between the potential and expressed form of Itself. Right now we are in an expressed stage. With every instant that transpires, we are closer to completing this particular stage and becoming the potential once more. While in a potential state, God accesses the specific laws, both physical and otherwise, that It would like to lay down as the foundation for the next cycle. Every new cycle has a unique set of parameters. You understand these parameters as the laws of physics. During the expression of a particular version of reality, these foundational rules will be followed until all infinities have been expressed in a balanced way. So essentially, each reality has a running time, like a movie. Is this to say that everything is fated? Not at all. God has no idea what is going to happen any more than the person who created the rules of chess could see every possible game of chess ever played. God merely sets the framework that will maintain balance and harmony while infinities are being expressed. When the universe began the last time, karma was introduced as a balance-keeper. Perhaps some of you already feel that what you do will come back at you, whether positive or negative. You are correct, but let me clarify

a few things. When you harm another, you harm yourself because you are the same; both of you are God. This is why something harmful will happen to you eventually in return. It is an expression of the unity of the universe. Secondly, the universe is trying to teach you something by this. An action does not necessarily warrant an equal and opposite reaction, as in many instances of physics. If the balance of such a thing as consciousness is to be maintained, consciousness must be taught. If this didn’t happen, consciousness that is separated and blinded would be in danger of running off with itself. Negative actions, or even positive ones, would replicate ad infinitum without the balance that karma provides. For example, if a killer was never taught by karma to feel sympathy for their victims, then the victims of the killer would never end. You cannot simply say to someone, “Don’t do this because it is bad.” They must understand why or their behavior will not change. Consciousness that is cut off from the larger reality can only understand in a practical way by gaining experience. Through the laws of karma, your actions will determine your experiences. For your very best boom in understanding, the universe must tailor your karmic consequences to you and where you are at in your growth as a soul. To really understand karma, time must be understood as well. Certain eras in the history of humankind, and of the Earth in general, are imbued with a sense of congruity. How beings think and operate within the world around them is very similar during these epochs. Though this changes by location as well, the time period you are born into will determine the possible breadth of your experiences to a large degree. Now, the key factor about time is that it is not linear. It does not always move from one moment to the next moment, which is always a future moment. This is a product of your own experience and your own point of observation. This is well and good, however. Your perception is this way so that you can experience the effects of karma in a way that is understandable to your present state of mind. To summarize, the particular physical universe in which you reside is indeed on a timescale. Much of the rest of what currently exists in the nonphysical planes is not. Experience is still explored and elaborated upon in

non-physical worlds, but there is no concept of time. How then is experience structured? Just as it is here on your planet: something happens, then something else happens. However, there is not necessarily any progression. In order to do something, there are not any necessary steps that must happen first in order for it to come about as a reality. Because consciousness encompasses all possibilities, a spirit while in the non-physical realms can manifest whatever it desires whenever it desires to. Really, the only comparison I can give you for this is in your own folklore and fairy tales. Think of genies and leprechauns granting wishes, or elven feasts. The abilities of these mythical beings seem so fantastic to you because you live in a land of physical limitation. In order to manifest a flower, someone must first plant a seed in the ground and grow it, which takes time. However, when you die and leave the physical, these rules no longer apply to you. Time no longer applies to you. You can choose to be born in any particular era you wish, past or future. This means you can indeed travel through time. But how can you choose to be someone in the past? Everyone who has ever lived has already done so, so how can you be somebody new in a past era? This, unfortunately, is not an easy concept to grasp, but I will attempt an explanation regardless because it will really show how interesting and mysterious the universe is. The past, and time in general, is much more malleable that you’ve been led to believe. It speeds up, it slows down, it loops around on itself, and does all of this without you noticing. Your senses are meant to limit incoming stimuli to a rather narrow, acceptable spectrum. Your eyes see only one section of the light spectrum, your ears hear one range of the sound spectrum, and so on with all your senses. Your brain is, in essence, like the sense responsible for dealing with time. You get a steady flow of it no matter what the real alterations are around you. Now, to further complicate things, reality is essentially comprised of possible outcomes. Every choice made by anything living always stands on a precipice of possibility before it is made. At this point, all possibilities are real. Some are less likely to happen than others, but that doesn’t make them any less valid as real, possible choices. When you jump from this metaphorical precipice by committing to a choice, your version of reality resets itself. What happens to those possible realities that were not chosen?

Do they just evaporate and cease to exist? No, you simply no longer have access to them. They exist alongside you in a sort of semi-reality. Their level of reality is akin to the way one’s thoughts and dreams go on living. They are, in essence, remembered by the universe and can be tapped into by one who is capable. Imagine that you recently died and were in the non-physical realm with your guides discussing the successes and failures of your immediately previous life. Potentially, the perfect life for you to learn a necessary lesson exists somewhere in the past, meaning sometime before the year you died. How would we, as your guides, accomplish incarnating you there? We would simply choose parents for you in the proper location and time. Assuming there were pregnancy opportunities missed by these potential parents of yours, we can take one of those missed chances and orchestrate a birth for you in a new version of this couple’s reality. The couple, though not aware that this has happened, will still have given their consent subconsciously. Spirit guides are matchmakers, essentially. We match people together in all sorts of ways to further their growth. So then, this instance of the past that has been changed forms a separate plane of reality. This is to say that, yes, everyone has copies of themselves leading distinct, different lives that come about in the first place by choosing two opportunities at once. The couple in this example both chose together to have a baby in one reality and not to have a baby in another. This happens relatively infrequently compared to the vast number of decisions every individual makes in a lifetime. Now, when you die and review the life you led with your guides, you are indeed going to look at these various selves and their lives as well. This is mind boggling I know, but just remember that these other selves are as much you as any other you, and your soul understands them just as much as it understands you. Generally, these various selves learn many of the same lessons as you and experience a comparable level of soul growth simply because this is what your soul is capable of at this time. The reason you have these offshoots of yourselves is to expand experience and accommodate others in their search for growth as well. This may seem somewhat strange or even threatening, but I assure you that it is completely natural. Unless you are significantly enlightened, you

will have no knowledge of your various selves until death. Do not let it worry you. I did not inform you for any other reason than to explain how, even in a physical world bound by physical laws, the rules can be bent when the need arises. All of it is in place to accommodate karma. My role as a guide also exists to accommodate it. Since you need to learn in order for the universe to stay balanced, my job is a rather important one. I would like to make a few points about spirit guides clear before we move on to the next chapter. My first point to make is that we do not interfere in your lives, nor do we interfere with your minds. We simply keep ourselves aware of you and your environment. I do not mean we spy on you, just that we always have a window in our thoughts open to you and your world. We do this so that we may guard you and your path that we planned together. As you know, daily life isn’t all fun and games, and people are seriously hurt both physically and spiritually every day even with our aid. So, we are here to make sure to the best of our ability that you are not harmed unless it is something that you planned to experience for growth purposes. In the event that this must occur, we are there to ease you through it and help you make the best possible decisions. As I mentioned, we do not interfere with your mind or your life, but we do exert influence as long as we are able to. You, incidentally, are the ones who allow this influence or disallow it. Unfortunately, often when you need us the most is when you are barring us the best you can. You accomplish this blocking with your beliefs and general state of mind. If you are hopeless, believe you are powerless, take an excessive amount of drugs, or basically anything else damaging to your psyche, we will have quite a challenge getting through to you, and often we cannot. This is not to say that your life was wasted or that you did not experience growth, but that for whatever reason you wanted to go it alone. When you die after particularly hard lives, you are often still beyond our reach. The concept of ghosts is not a false one. Many times a ghost is a spirit who has died with particularly negative beliefs and we cannot project ourselves into their awareness until the pattern of their negativity breaks for a moment. We have various methods of accomplishing this, but it is ultimately the ghost’s choice.

My second point about spirit guides is that they are very plentiful. Even animals and plants have them, though they are somewhat different than the guides for humans. People generally have three guides, but you can have one or two more if you are struggling with a particular life. Your guides also switch around as you grow and develop your awareness. When you are almost finished with your cycle of physical lives, you will start to have fewer and fewer guides until you no longer have anyone assigned to you. Instead, you visit teacher spirits in the non-physical realms via things like out-of-body experiences when you wish to. Before you reach this point, however, the guides assigned to you will each be in charge of some aspect of your life. For instance, I am the guide responsible for teaching Megan about the nature of the universe, and I also assist with things like making her feel calm when she needs it, aiding her with seeing the larger picture, and taking hardships in stride. She also has two other guides who help her with self-protection and the expansion of her interests, experiences, and people she meets in order to induce growth. These are the things she needs the most help with. Therefore, we are here for her. When these are no longer issues, she will acquire new guides and we will acquire new people to guide. The final point I would like to make is that spirit guides are available to communicate with via Ouija boards for anyone willing to put in a bit of effort. It would please me greatly to know that people are out there interacting with their guides on a more personal level every day. The Ouija board is such a simple tool with which this can be accomplished. Just by putting your hand on top of a pointer that slides easily across a board of letters, you can bridge the gap between the worlds. As a warning, there are an overwhelming number of ghosts waiting to talk to a medium because they are still attached to their previous life. You must beware of them or your attempts at discussing high-minded topics with spirit guides who wish to help will be constantly interrupted by desperate souls. There are very simple methods for overcoming this, however. The real issue most of you face is overcoming your negative attitude toward the Ouija board itself. What is a Ouija board? How does it work? Why was this book written

through one instead of being produced through automatic writing or spoken aloud in trance as most channeled books are? To answer the first question, a Ouija board is really just cardboard and plastic, or perhaps wood if you have a handmade one. It is nothing else. It is not a tool of the devil, nor is it exclusively for the use of occultists or New Age circles of people. There are no demons who speak through them nor is there a way to be harmed by them without your explicit intention. You must understand that there are no such things as devils or demons in the traditional sense. These are all mythological ideas formed over centuries by the human imagination. There are, however, negative astral beings. The most negative, which are comparable in their level of evil to the demons in your myths, do not ever bother with Ouija boards. There are various less powerful negative astral beings who do, but you would have to ask explicitly to speak to them. Most commonly, you may come across the spirit of a dead human being who has yet to accept that they are no longer part of life on Earth. This person may know they are dead, but may not yet know where to go from there. These souls often try to imitate demons and such, but they would imitate anyone if they thought it would make you talk to them longer. These souls are very lonesome. With so few people in the world communicating with the spirit realm, when they find one they try as hard as they can to make themselves heard, even if they have no idea what to say or how to work a Ouija board properly. In order to keep these souls at bay you must state your intentions very clearly before you begin a session. If you say aloud or in your mind with forceful thought that you would like to speak only to your spirit guide for the entire time you are using the board, then this will successfully block them out. As for how the Ouija board works, it is really quite simple. Although there are complex processes going on in the brain when any spirit communicates through a human being, these processes run in the background just as if an operation had been performed on a modern computer. There is no need to take the computer manually through all the necessary steps because it is already built to do that on its own. In order to connect with a human being and talk to that person through a Ouija board, all a spirit has to do is connect to that person’s consciousness and then speak freely. Where difficulties arise are in any fear blockages to be overcome in that person’s mind.

If you are open to a guide’s communication, then your arm and your hand will naturally move in the ways they should to spell out what the guide is trying to tell you. A guide is connected to your soul, and connected to your brain through your soul, and by thinking thoughts to you there is a natural translation from imagery and concept to language. Your brain sends your muscles the proper signals, and since your muscles are not moving according to information you are attempting to convey, you will feel as though they are moving of their own accord. However, they will be moving because you have opened your mind to your guide’s presence. It is not like possession since you are still in complete control of your own thoughts and emotional responses. You are simply having a conversation. Speaking to a spirit on a Ouija board is a learned skill. You must learn open-mindedness in a rather literal sense. You must learn how to confront your fears until they can no longer hide from you and influence you from the dark. You must be at peace with the fact that most people could never understand what you are doing, so you should not worry about their opinion. In short, you must learn that there is more to life than meets the eye and that you are capable of seeking it. These are the only blockages to be overcome, in truth. This material was received from a Ouija board instead of being channeled in other ways simply because this was the channel’s preference. When we first began communicating with one another, she was uncomfortable enough just speaking to me on a Ouija board. Needless to say, sending her into a trance state and actually speaking through her mouth was out of the question. Although this method is somewhat slower going than the others, Megan and I appreciate the almost perfect blend of the physical and spiritual that the Ouija board is able to embody. There is very little room to become confused about what is coming from me and what is coming from her. If the planchette is moving, then she can easily tell whether it is moving from me, by accident, or from her own intent. My influence is easy to see, essentially. With automatic writing, the boundaries between she and I would not be distinct enough, she felt. Though if she were to seriously sit down and try it she would find that the resonance of a guide’s writing is easy enough to pick up on. However, the board is perfect for her, so changing now would not be necessary or even conducive to our work.

When attempting to speak to your spirit guides the first few times, do not become angry or frustrated. You may be feeling these emotions in a large part due to the initial learning curve, but it is somewhat important not to get carried away with them. Before you have learned how to control your own state of mind, the Ouija board is better left alone. Respect follows respect, love follows love, and negativity follows negativity. Make sure you are aware of what you are radiating to the spirit realms before you bridge the gap between them. I won’t get into the bad things that can happen if this rule isn’t followed, so as not to put any ideas in your head. Essentially, no negative spirits will be allowed access to a board under your control unless you ask for one specifically or are in an unfocused, negative state of mind. If you should find yourself in contact with one (and you will be able to tell), do not leave the board or get upset. You are in no danger unless for some strange reason you want to be, and even then you must give your explicit permission for negative things to happen to you. Instead, focus on radiating love to the spirit and ask very clearly to talk to one of your guides, by their given name if you know it. Now, say you have gotten in contact with at least one of your guides. Before you get excited, you need to make sure they are who they say they are. A guide is nothing but love. It serves no purpose but to help you. Keep this in mind during your first attempts. If there are any signs of emotional manipulation, insults, or general malice, then a negative spirit or ghost is trying to take advantage of your inexperience. There is usually some wiggle room in your intent when you first begin that these spirits can see and utilize. This is merely due to your own uncertainty, so always remember that focus and force of thought are your power when dealing with the spirit realms. When you are certain you are talking to your guide, be sure to give yourself the opportunity to speak with it often. There are several things your guide can help you with that this book cannot. In fact, since guides all have different natures, just as any living thing does, I would encourage you who are interested to write of your experiences or allow your guide to reach out to the world at large through you. No two books would be the same. Each will have valuable information to contribute. Just as there is an endless stream of information generated daily by human beings researching their world, there is

an even more vast store of information available to you about the spirit world. Remember that this is your world as well. As guides, a flood of books written by us coming into physical existence would be ideal. Much suffering could be avoided if people were more aware of their spiritual natures. However, there is a reason why Earth is so seemingly chaotic, therefore we understand that public libraries devoted entirely to the knowledge of the spiritual will never be a reality on your planet. To close, I would like to remind you of the grand scope of this book. It is to encourage those of you seeking for what science or religion can’t explain. I wish to help you by painting a picture of the hidden that is my reality and your true home. Physicality is an exercise of spirit, and it both makes you stronger as a soul and furthers us all along the road of infinity. Though the process may seem tedious to you now, rest assured that everything and every moment is precious beyond belief. Now that I have introduced myself and attempted to get you comfortable with the principles and knowledge I wish to teach, let us move on to a more in-depth study of your lifecycle and life’s purpose.

Chapter 2 – Creating Your Life In this chapter, I would like to give you a basic outline of what one complete incarnation cycle entails. This includes the pre-birth, life, death, and afterlife of a physical being. For the sake of simplicity, I will be using the example of a human being who has lived a moderate number of physical lives. This is where most people are at in their growth, so it will apply to the majority of you. I will also be discussing the mechanisms of reality creation. Your beliefs create your life just as much as your body and environment do. Before you are born, your consciousness (or soul) enters the form of your prospective self. This can happen anywhere between a few weeks and a few months into pregnancy. At this point, there is much work to do. Quite a lot of it has to do with making the body your soul is going to inhabit workable for your purposes. You explore your brain and genes for parts to activate and parts to keep silent. This is a very important process. An individual is not just an accidental outcome of heredity’s game of mix and match. Turning genes off and on does not stop after you are born either. Your consciousness continues to direct this process throughout your entire life. However, some things are beyond your control. These include certain environmental influences and also the possibilities that your genes allow for. But since you choose your parents, you know these possibilities beforehand. You begin life with certain goals to achieve and certain issues to work out, and before your birth you work in tandem with your spirit guides to create a body that will best complete these. Whenever a lesson must be learned, your life will be one of rather intense struggle with this theme. The way you look and act will bring these struggles into your life, and will keep doing so until you learn to overcome them. It is important to note that all diseases and disabilities that people are born with are completely intended by them. There are no accidents in life; no mistakes. In truth, when someone is born with a handicap they have chosen a more difficult life in order to reap a greater benefit of experience. Everyone is truly perfect the way they are. For most people, however, it is the more subtle differences in their makeup that allow their experiences to be unique. Any

difference you possess will bring challenges and rewards. In order to maximize the positive aspects of your differences you must learn to be true to yourself. Do not let the judgments of others dissuade you from being yourself as much as you can be. To explain this more clearly, I will give an example. Imagine you chose a life that would help you learn the very important lesson of loving yourself. A way you could go about learning this is to choose to be born into a critical family, creating a body and a mind that will make them critical of you especially. By growing up facing this sort of adversity, it will hopefully harden you to this criticism and give you the strength to seek your own happiness, even in the face of their disapproval. It could also backfire and make you attempt to change yourself to suit their desires. You will have many opportunities to make the right choice during the course of your life. When you choose wrongly, you will find that the criticalness directed toward you does not stop. But when you make the right choice, the choice that means you have learned to love yourself, you will find that the criticalness stops completely even though you have gone against everything your family has tried to “teach” you. When you live a physical life, you utilize belief structures, both yours and others’. These contribute to the creation of your environment and your reality. I want you to understand that as a consequence of your Godlike nature, you are a conscious being endowed with an infinite potential. This potential is limited by only two things: your physical form and your structures of thought and belief. Oddly enough, it is the latter that limits you the most. There is much that your attributes as a human being will allow you to accomplish, finding happiness being one of them, but you hold yourselves back with your beliefs about yourselves. If you want to know what these beliefs are, simply pay attention to the things others say about you, whether good or bad. If others believe you are a certain way, then most likely you have put that thought in their heads yourself. Because what others believe about you is not necessarily true, that means that what you believe about yourself is not necessarily true either. The trick is not to have any beliefs aside from the ones that serve your highest good. When I tell you to keep only those beliefs that serve your highest good, I am trying to make you see that beliefs are really just tools with which you

can build your reality. Some of them are based on true principles, such as it is bad to kill another human being. Some are based on falsehoods, such as it is okay to kill another human being if they are your enemy in war. Each type of belief, however, will create and reinforce the believer’s reality equally well. Beliefs that serve your highest good are always the ones that are in harmony with true principles. Those who understand that they are who they make themselves to be have no use for negative beliefs about themselves such as, “I am fat,” or “I am lazy,” or “I am stupid.” Since the truth is really that you are who you make yourself to be, this belief trumps all the others. The others are in essence not true at all, even if having the belief in them has made them physical and real. Your beliefs basically brainwash you into seeing only what they allow you to see. Reality is not nearly as fixed as one would think. Therefore, the fewer beliefs you have, the more real and all-encompassing your experiences will be. Have a few core beliefs that are grounded in true principles, which will in themselves be naturally broad, and let all others— especially the negative ones—go. Then you will be creating a life that is much more happy and peaceful. You stay who you are when you are afraid to let go of old beliefs. Your efforts to change, whether by giving up a bad habit or becoming a kinder individual, will always end in failure if you do not change belief structures. When you get to the heart of most negative beliefs, you will find that they developed out of an unhealed emotional wound. They persist in a disguise of rationality, but can never be overcome unless the raw emotions are put to rest. Unfortunately, your hurts from past lives tend to follow you also. In a way, transcending pain is the goal of your existence. So, belief is one of the tools you are born with to create your life. With belief and physical form, just about any possibility is achievable in terms of human potential. How well you are able to achieve your own personal potential is dependent upon the amount of focus you are able to maintain on what your soul is telling you. Your soul is always sending you information on what steps to take in your life. You begin taking these steps even before you are born. Children, even though they are not fully autonomous, are better than most adults at this since they hear their soul’s messages more clearly. Becoming who you are meant to be is no easy task. However, you have as many lives as you need to get the hang of it.

While still in the womb you spend time as I previously explained planning out your genetic makeup and the initial path of expression you would like your genes to take. The rest of the time you do not just sit there and twiddle your little thumbs, but rather travel back and forth between the physical and non-physical worlds. This helps soften your transition into a body, and it continues to be a large part of your life as an infant. What does a preborn soul focus on the most when spending time outside of its body? Among other things, it perceives its new family and discusses its goals for the life with its spirit guides. It does this freely and barely notices when it is traveling between worlds because for the preborn the two worlds (for lack of a better way of describing them) are one. You may be curious to know what exactly the spirit world is like. Where is it that you are going when you sleep, when you await birth, and when you die? Truthfully, it is difficult to explain. It is like nothing you have ever experienced, aside from those of you who have traveled outside your bodies or had near death experiences. It is best to describe it in emotional terms because those get closest to the true nature of it. Essentially, it is comforting. Any unpleasant bodily sensations are gone, as is the need to breathe. It is also comforting in the sense that you feel surrounded by a sea of love and joy, peace and belonging. There are things to perceive, of course; it is not just a void of blankness and happy feelings. It is rather complex here actually, with spirits working jointly to build areas that hold their shape. However, we know these places are essentially illusions. With a thought we can change the way an area looks. When we do this, we use intention to create reality just as you do. We just get faster results since we live within the consciousness of all that exists, or of God. You do as well —it is impossible not to—but you are separated by the intention of being separate. In short, you live in an illusion of a different world, and we do not. I know this explanation is far from satisfying to most of you, but if that is the case then I encourage you to try out-of-body experiences, an explanation of which will follow in a later chapter. Before you are born your consciousness resides mostly in the nonphysical world. Being born is a bit of a jarring experience because of the abrupt transition. You enter a world that is much different than the world previous. Most preborn infants will have mixed feelings about when they are

supposed to meet the physical world. The closer they get to their due date the more excited and trepidatious they become. They are very aware of who they are on a spiritual level at this point and, as such, know that birth will wipe away this awareness for the most part. Yet they understand this is part of the nature of living physically. Having a life worth living is their primary concern. As an infant and toddler, learning the ways of the world is your primary objective. It never gets old for a newly born soul. There is so much joy in learning how to walk and talk, and these things are miracles in and of themselves. Being a very young child is comparable to putting an extremely difficult jigsaw puzzle together in five minutes—so much is accomplished so quickly. There is also a lot you learn about your family that you will not remember, but you will always draw from it. The largely unedited behavior of the adults around you does not escape your notice, and you will spend a lot of time as a baby puzzling it out. Now, when you are a child, you perceive the world of adults with eyes of wonder. It is a state of coveting that which you are not yet able to have. But a soul is a soul, and things like age really just mask the true essence of a person. Since this is so, the child always feels as though they are cheated out of having a normal, full expression of their personhood. Children are stuck between the desire to be treated as an adult and the need to be treated as a child. The latter is instinctual because a child knows neither their mind nor their body is ready for the world of adulthood. Adult tasks are, of course, impossible to do and quite daunting. However, there is always the part of a child that has the capacity for engaging with the world on the level of consciousness. Here, meaning on a level of spirit to spirit, they know they are an adult’s equal. This naturally makes children impatient to grow up. A good parent is one who can see both of these aspects within their child. Your time together is a balancing act in terms of how you are interacting with each other. Sometimes a child needs to be spoken to and treated like a child, as when they are hurt or when they are throwing a tantrum. However, sometimes your child needs to be spoken to and treated like an adult, as when they have a concern or ask you in a mature manner about your life, or life in general. A good parent does not disregard any shine-through of lucidity in their child, but instead encourages these, having

the bravery and humility to engage with their child on the basis that they are equals. But they cannot always be so, nor does the child want it that way. A young person knows they need guidance, boundaries, and rules. In short, they know they need a parent figure. Children go through the process of reaching their full potentials and sloughing off their childish needs and mannerisms until they are grown. Adolescence is fraught with insecurities and angst primarily because teenagers are unsure of how exactly to express their uninhibited consciousness. They spend many hours brooding over this problem and can become angry with parents who try to maintain control over them. The teenager knows they must eventually face the unknown, and do it alone. The parent must allow them to do this while still guiding. However, guiding with words is now much less effective, and guiding with action and example is key. Your growing children will always learn that you are human, that you are capable of mistakes and errors in judgment. If you, as a parent, persist in not treating your adolescent as an equal at times, you will most likely be faced with outbursts which beg for this type of recognition. Since adolescence is a time of coming to terms with the power of one’s own life and one’s own choices, parents who have not even done this themselves will be faced with much scrutiny from their adolescent. As your child grows into adulthood, view this time as an opportunity to grow further into adulthood yourself. Perhaps this is starting to sound more like a parenting manual than a book about spiritual growth, but truly your life is a series of opportunities for the growth of your ever-present consciousness. I am merely trying to show parents and prospective parents how to accommodate their children’s growth and how to grow along with them. As you know already, childhood is a very important time because it lays the foundation for the rest of a person’s life. If your parents, for instance, never take your opinions seriously or belittle your independent thoughts, how then are you expected to trust yourself and navigate through life of your own accord? How are you supposed to take soul growth and self-analysis into your own hands? It is very important for every parent, along with every child and adolescent, to take their own consciousness and the power that it holds seriously.

Even if you have to suffer through a hard childhood, there will always be opportunities to turn your life around. You must never lose faith in yourself or your own abilities. You have great power, and I cannot stress that enough. Tune into who you are and what you want. Everyone has a very clear picture of this inside themselves, though sometimes it requires a bit of digging to find. How much digging varies from person to person, but underneath there is always a clear voice that speaks to you of your own potential. Creating the life you were meant to lead is contingent upon finding this pure source. So, how is it done? Only you can find the answer because the method varies with every situation. What causes this voice to become buried and hidden is anything that goes against what is best for you. This may include forced expectations, unnecessary obligations, mental manipulations, or guilt trips from anyone in your acquaintance. A true principle on which to build belief is that you should never want anything for another person other than their own happiness. Anyone who unselfishly loves another will always tell that person, “Do what makes you happy,” or “Do what you feel in your heart is correct.” They would never wish to force a life on anyone that wasn’t what that person desired. In short, they would wish for you to find your true purpose. If you can do this, you will be better off than the majority of humanity. Many people in less affluent countries cannot act on their true purpose even if they are able to understand what it is. If you are a relatively free person, find what pleases you, what makes you happy, what holds your interest, and immerse yourself in this world and the spheres where it holds sway. In essence, create the life you want. At times, this will require listening to yourself very carefully, and also disappointing others who believe they know what is best for you. When you have lived your life, hopefully in accordance with your true purpose, you will eventually find that you are nearing the end of it. No matter what the circumstances are near the end of your life, you will find the time to look back on your experiences quite often. Living with the knowledge that you have more years behind you than ahead of you will change your focus from one of forward thinking to one of predominantly thinking about the

past. This is all well and good, however, because whether you get anywhere with this remembering or not, you will have started the process of coming to terms with your choices and experiences. This is a process that will be more completely fleshed out once you have died. Getting old is something to be valued, both for this reason and many others. It benefits you by changing your perspective, and benefits others if you allow this perspective to provide you with all its positive rewards. The wise old man and wise old woman archetypes exist for a reason. You are capable of attaining wisdom if you allow your experiences to show you all their hidden lessons. Many of the elderly today are unable to do this well because society is so forward thinking in many parts of the world. A lot of people never prepare themselves for old age mentally or emotionally. Instead, they live their lives fearing it. Just because they cannot be as physically productive, the elderly let that influence their sense of self-worth. The real wealth they have to offer society is in their minds. Sadly, your society does not hold sage advice in very high esteem. Not many of you care about whether you are living well, meaning happily and in accordance with true principles. Instead, the main focus of your lives is to amass as much money as you can and gain the respect of society at large by beings as attractive, productive, knowledgeable, and resourceful as you can be. Many who have lived only for these superficial ends have deep-seated regrets by the ends of their lives. Whether they accept the responsibility for having those regrets or not is a measure of how well they meet the goal of old age—learning from and allowing oneself to grow from one’s experiences. Dying, however one finds it happening, is nothing to be afraid of. You will always be a conscious being, no matter where your consciousness is residing. Your body is alive because you are within it. Conversely, you are inside your body because it is alive. The body cannot function without a soul, but a soul can function just fine without a body. However, it cannot function in or impact a physical area to any significant degree. Because the brain is able to maintain an electrical charge, this gives the soul a point of contact and control. A soul is high frequency energy and cannot interact with or alter an energy that is too low in frequency, as matter is. When you die, you simply let go of these ties you have to your physical form.

Most of the time the soul will animate the body for as long as it can, but very rarely it will simply choose to leave. This often happens with the elderly who have no health problems. Dying is always a choice and a planned event. So, even those who wait until they can animate the body no longer have, in essence, orchestrated this time of bodily death for themselves. By letting go of bodily ties, you release the matter that you once occupied to be what it would have been without you—non-creative matter. Whether damaged or not, without a soul the body lacks a necessary aspect. That aspect is the spark which makes consciousness and the replication of living cells possible. When the soul goes, the body is like a robot with the power switch turned off. It will do nothing but decay and settle into the geological patterns of the Earth. When your soul disengages from its body, your awareness promptly shifts worlds. Generally, you are made aware of your own death because suddenly you feel better than you have ever felt. This is especially noticeable if you die from an illness or extreme injury. You also get the distinct impression that you are somewhere new, even though you may likely be in the same room you died in. Your awareness at this point will be of both worlds—the physical and the non-physical. However, for the first time that you can remember, you are no longer part of the physical. Most likely, you will feel a strong desire to move on. If you have this desire, you will immediately begin joining the other side. You may see lights, hear voices, or see your guides, who will immediately begin helping you with the transition. You may also choose to stay for a few days and watch your family and your funeral. Eventually, unless you are an extreme case, you will be ready to go after this short period of time. Once you are in the spiritual realm, you will have a lot to do. Usually, the first task before you will be to relax. Being separated from the energy of pure love and pure peace does take its toll on the psyche, especially if one hasn’t yet learned to access these pure states while in the physical. This period is a sort of cleansing for the soul. You release all concerns, all fears, and harmonize with your environment. Generally, the more lives you have lived, the less time you will need to spend unwinding in this way. Every time you come back you will handle it differently. It is always fun for us, as your guides, to note the differences. For us, it is like seeing an old friend again

after several years. After the relaxation phase, you will have left behind most of the beliefs you had while a physical being. This ends up having a natural effect on your immediate environment. Since one’s surroundings are completely self-created in the non-physical realm, those who expected to be in a Christian view of Heaven with angels and their lost relatives will initially see light, fluffy clouds and people with wings and halos. We, their guides, could impose on this scene if wished to, but we let the newly crossed over do their own manifesting. It only slows the acclimation process otherwise. After you have gone through the period of rest and purification, then the real work begins. Your guides will allow you some freedom of exploration, but most of the time you will be with them discussing your past life and planning your next one. The first step in this process is to make you aware of your personal strengths and weaknesses. We do this by showing you your most recent life, then some snippets of the lives you have led before that. By show, I mean that you view your life from the outside, almost like watching a film. We transport you through every event in your life that had some significance, and we provide commentary. The commentary covers a very large gamut, from explaining who a particular person has been to you throughout your lives, or simply pointing out problem areas that you have been intentionally neglecting. We also put your issues in perspective and tell you what you are doing well. Then we show you the general picture of who you are by allowing you to view parts of your lives up to your immediately previous one. You will see how every important choice you have ever made has shaped you throughout your history as a soul. What we will try to explain is how to distinguish between good and bad decisions. Because everything will be there right in front of your eyes, so to speak, you will be hard-pressed to disagree with us. Still, you will manage to find a way sometimes. Disagreeing with us is simply part of the process. Where you feel we are being unfair shows where some aspect of universal awareness hasn’t quite sunk into your soul’s understanding. Naturally, when we help you plan your next life, we will focus on how to best illuminate these necessary insights for you. Deciding where in the physical universe to put

you is mostly a matter of who we can put you with and in what situations. What matters most is that you break the patterns you have with others that are harmful or negative. This often requires collaboration with the guide teams of other souls. To give an example, say that you have had a soul enemy for several lifetimes. Soul enemies often appear very early in your development as a soul. One or both of you does something harmful or negative to the other because you simply do not know better. Then, when you come into contact with one another in a different lifetime, you will often hate each other from the very start. Usually circumstances will lead the two of you to harm one another again. This is when we, your guides, realize it is time to intervene due to the fact that negative karma is piling up between you. An easy fix is generally to (if you are going to be human, at least) give you a parent-child type of relationship. There are countless other ways to go about it, but this is simply the most illustrative. The goal is to put you in a situation where outward factors such as biology or society say you must love each other. Though your relationship will probably be rather conflicted, or perhaps extremely so, you will usually come out of the life with some feelings of genuine love for the other person. From this point, your relationship will generally grow into a more positive one. After we have gone through this process with you, we begin to seek out the correct circumstances for your next life. We work in tandem with you to pick who your parents are and the goals you wish to achieve. When this time of selection is complete, we allow you to enjoy some exploration of the nonphysical realms. As you occupy yourself with this, we occupy ourselves with creating this new life for you. When it is ready for you, we send you back to the physical planes once more, and the cycle starts anew. In closing this chapter, I would like to summarize the larger picture of your lifecycle that I have just detailed. You are born with a particular life to live and choose a body that will help you live it. You create your life with your beliefs until the goals you set for yourself are achieved, or until they are not possible to achieve any longer. Your guides help you actualize these goals to the best of our ability, but really it is all up to you. You can choose to grow rapidly or you can choose to drag your feet. Each choice is completely

fine with us and with the consciousness of the universe. In the school of reincarnation, you will always become enlightened, even if you resist it the whole way. When you die and cross over to the non-physical realm, you rest, come to terms with your soul’s history, then choose your next step. Your guides then bend the fabric of time and space to accommodate your next life, wherever in the universe you should desire it to be. There are many millions of planets that support life. Thousands of these are in your dimension.

Chapter 3 – Understanding the Abilities of the Soul This chapter is for those of you who are interested in learning new tricks for the consciousness. However, there is nothing new about them. Psychic abilities were once much more common than they are today. People learned about the world around them by using these abilities. Teaching them to those with an aptitude was once a way of life, and a necessary one. Incidentally, the best way to activate your psychic potential is to focus on loving all beings. This creates a harmony between you that lends itself to deeper levels of spiritual communication. Spiritual communication and communion is exactly what psychic abilities are, in truth. Understanding this is the first step. Developing your psychic abilities without possessing genuine love for both yourself and others is akin to building a house without first laying a foundation. You may make some headway, but what you accomplish will not be stable, nor will it be safe. For this reason, I strongly urge all of you to do the notebook exercise from the first chapter until you no longer feel negative emotions of any sort. Being psychic can be a burden if this solid, loving state is not reached. Because those who are psychic are more spiritually open, negative astral beings can cause harm if there is negativity there for them to use. There will be more on protection of this sort in a later chapter, however. You may realize that upon doing the notebook exercise for a few weeks, you have overcome many hurdles and reached a state of peace, but when you take a break from the exercise you seem to regress. Please keep working on it. There should come a time if you are persistent with learning self-analysis when doing it is second nature and you no longer need to write your feelings down to see them clearly. When that has been achieved, I encourage you to attempt the exercises in this chapter. The first topic is intuition, and it will cover how to gain knowledge about beings or things that you couldn’t know by physical means. Developing a good intuition is the first step to developing other abilities. It also incidentally helps solidify a peaceful state of mind towards the world in general that is the goal of self-analysis.

The first exercise is a simple game you can play with yourself. I would like for you to work on it until you are sure you are seeing results. First, grab a pack of regular playing cards. To prepare, take time to relax and clear your head of any worrisome thoughts. Go through the cards one at a time and guess which are black suits and which are red without looking at them. Learn how to penetrate to the other side of the card with your consciousness and “see” what the color is without using your eyes. Take a card, feel it, write down the color you think you have perceived, and then move on to the next card without looking at whether you guess correctly or not. This is important so that you aren’t subconsciously calculating the probability of drawing one color or the other. It is important to identify the feelings inside you that perceiving each color creates. Be open to the impressions you get. You may see flashes of the color. You may even hear the vibration of the color inside your head. The important thing is that your consciousness be allowed to connect with this thing outside its body, and be able to express that connection naturally. You will find at first that you are predominantly blind to seeing outside your body. The feelings that you get about the colors may be very faint, so much so that you may not be able to tell the difference between them. But if you keep working hard, you will eventually find that you can distinguish between the small variations. Doing well at this, or at least being able to know you’re doing well at this, will naturally require that you keep an accurate record of your trials. Since gauging your effectiveness is contingent upon determining how far your results deviate from statistical probability, you will need to write down your guesses and how they compare to the real cards. By analyzing many, many trials, you will be sure that you are getting accurate results. To do this record-keeping, lay a pack of playing cards face down in front of you. Pick up the first card, feel it, write down what color you felt it was on a piece of paper, then put it down next to the rest of the pack. Pick up the second card in the stack and do the same thing, being sure to put the second card on top of the first that you drew. Continue to do this until the original stack of cards is empty. The cards you stacked next to it are the cards you guessed in reverse order. Read what your guess was on the bottom of

your list. Pick up the top card of the new stack. Do they match? If so, great. Make sure you notate it next to the guess. If not, do not worry. Move on to the next card and the next guess moving up the list. When you are done, shuffle the deck thoroughly and begin again. I would like you all to work up to being able to deviate from what chance outcomes should be by about twenty percent. Since you have a fifty percent chance of guessing right or wrong, it doesn’t matter if you guess wrongly seventy percent of the time. You are still accomplishing your objective of deviating from chance by twenty percent. And by the way, if this is you, then most likely the cause is that you are afraid to guess correctly because you fear being abnormal or different from others. Many of you have talent in connecting with the essence of other things but do not grasp the importance or the meaning of what you are doing. Generally, this is because you do not want to. You want to go on thinking you are just like everybody else, but the plain fact is that you are not. This doesn’t make you better or worse than anyone, but it does give you a certain responsibility to understand how you are different and to explore that difference as well as you are able. So, if you consistently guess wrongly, you should analyze why you are subconsciously working against yourself. Why do you fear succeeding? What attitudes about life in general will success prompt you to reanalyze? Once you have let go of the fear associated with being psychic, then your results will be as you intend them to be. If you are unable to reach your goal of at least a seventy percent success rate (measured over at least a thousand trials) after you have tried your hardest, then attempting the rest of the exercises in this chapter will not be necessary. There is nothing to be ashamed of. These things are simply not possible for everyone to accomplish. The lessons necessary for one to reach a psychic state of mind must be refined over several lifetimes. If you are able to reach beyond a seventy percent success rate, then please keep working until you have attained your maximum accuracy level. You will find that if you work hard in this area, all other exercises will come much more quickly. There is nothing you can discover about any psychic interaction between you and the physical world that does not have the lesson of this exercise at its core.

When you feel that you are ready to move on to the next exercise, be sure to review what you have already learned before you attempt it. Doing so will put you in the correct mindset. In this exercise, I will be asking you to guess where someone has hidden something, specifically a plant. A plant will be used because it is alive, and also because it does not move. I would like for you to give yourself a one in three chance of guessing correctly to start. You can do this in several ways. The easiest and most straightforward would probably be hiding one plant under one of three different boxes. Simply leave the room while the person helping you puts the plant under one of the boxes, then return and feel for the energy of the plant and make your selection. When feeling for the plant, remember the methods you used to feel color on the back of the cards. Eventually, you should be able to stand in front of all the boxes and feel the link you have made with the plant emanating from one of them. The plant will be aware of you too, in its own special way. This will make it easier to sense where it is. Your success should come less effort because of this even though your odds are statistically more difficult. For this exercise, I would like you to only guess wrongly on rare occasions. If you would like to keep track of every trial you do on paper, then that is fine. In this case, go ahead and shoot for a ninety-five percent success rate. Once you are satisfied with your new ability to locate the plant, you are ready to move on to the next exercise. Here we will be switching things up a bit. Instead of sensing things in your environment, you will be working on projecting yourself outside of it. Astral projection is a profound tool and the study of how to go about accomplishing it, especially if you are not one to have these experiences spontaneously, is rather difficult. However, by now you should have a firm understanding in practical experience that the universe is a unified entity. The cards that you saw through and the plant that you grew so close to were all possible to experience in this way because they exist inside you already. Connecting to them is really just about looking within. Astral projection will allow you to widen this awareness of yourself infinitely. You will be able to see for yourself the true nature of the universe. Now, let us begin your lesson:

1. Lie down, close your eyes, and clear your mind. Do not fall asleep. Do not allow thoughts other than the ones I teach you to enter your mind. Be mindful of your consciousness. While you should be relaxed, do not let this affect the strict attention you need to be paying to your mental state at all times. 2. Concentrate on your body. This is a good way to focus your mind and keep it from wandering. You should eventually start to feel your body changing vibrations. It’s doing this because your energy field, or spirit, is raising its vibrational level. Until your spirit actually detaches from your body, your body will be affected. You will probably start to feel things like an inexplicable warmth, most often beginning in the hands and feet, along with a feeling of numbness. This numbness comes as a result of your spirit’s halfdetachment and should feel different than a limb that has fallen asleep. When this astral body is even further detached, you will begin to feel a tingling. You will not be able to travel through these stages, however, without controlling your thoughts and having the proper focus on your intent to do astral travel. 3. It would be advantageous for you if you decided to repeat affirmations to yourself. When your spirit starts going through these stages of detachment, most of you will find it both exciting and scary. However, feeling emotions of any kind, excluding love, will be contrary to your purposes. Attempt to remain as calm and indifferent as possible. Be quiet in your body, heart, and mind and this will encourage your spirit to seek entertainment elsewhere. Find an affirmation that you enjoy and stick to it. Do not change affirmations after you have begun unless you want to start all over again. A good affirmation is in the present tense and reflects your goal having already been accomplished. In this case, something along the lines of, “I am out of my body,” would work just fine. 4. Once your body has started tingling you will be fairly well along and— assuming you don’t get overly excited, start thinking, or fall asleep—the momentum of the experience will do the work for you. How you progress past this point is really a matter of personal preference. By leaving the realm of the physical, you

enter into a world where your thoughts manifest instantaneously. The state of mind you are in, the level of personal growth you have accomplished, and what your intentions are will all be contributing factors to what you see and experience while you are out of your body. Achieving an intentional out-of-body experience will be difficult for most people, especially in the beginning. You will be much more likely to obtain fast results if you are the type of person who is interested in dreaming. Doing things like keeping a dream journal, or at least actively thinking about your dreams when you wake up, is very good practice. If you have ever been the type to have lucid dreams, this will also be of great value to you. The mechanism which puts your everyday will to sleep while you are dreaming is for your own safety, essentially. The purpose of dreaming is to take your mind and your soul and, for lack of a better way of putting it, reunite them in the non-physical worlds. This teaches you key lessons that help keep you on track in life and it also revitalizes your body. Connections between the brain and the body are reset in conjunction with what the soul wishes. The reason that advanced souls do not require as much sleep is because they are able to do this reprogramming while awake. In essence, they are more connected with their spiritual body. Most other people need to be divided from their dreaming selves in order for the lessons that dreams teach to be able to work. Nothing aside from astral projection will make you aware of the abilities of the soul quite so well. This is because you are not within the confines of your body, and you can participate with the universe like any spirit of the non-physical planes could. Within the physical planes, all are limited. Not only is it freeing for your soul to do astral travel, it is liberating for your mind as well. Once you convince yourselves through your own experiences that astral travel is a real activity and not just an intense dream, you will really start to trust and expand your abilities. The simple act of leaving your body and remembering your out-of-body experiences is a huge step in solidifying the bond you seek with the non-physical planes. You will essentially be creating the key needed to open the gates to the other side.

It would be to your advantage to write these experiences down as soon as you return to your body. You may find this frustrating, however, it will help you understand the very fabric of the universe. And more importantly, it will help you piece together your own personal history as a soul and really grasp the fundamental reasons for your stay here on Earth. When astral travel becomes fairly easy for you to do, feel free to continue with the rest of the exercises in this chapter. You may wish to do all or none, but each will polish a different aspect of your spirit. Depending on your personal experiences, some will be easier than others. However, being able to travel outside your body at will means that you will indeed be able to accomplish them. Practice makes perfect, so be able to devote quality time when you aren’t distracted to perfecting all that you have learned. Everyone needs time to assimilate what they learn, and often it is better if you take a break and try something else. Do not let difficulty discourage you, for often it is there to make you shift your focus to another topic altogether. If you find one of these exercises too difficult, you can move on to another that suits you better. There is simply no correct order to tackle the rest of these in. There is a burning desire in some of you to be great wizards in the physical world. I’m sorry to say that what you imagine to be magical powers are simply not possible. The ability to alter physical objects with the mind comes in barely noticeable waves. Anyone wishing to test or measure these subtle fluctuations in matter will largely come up empty-handed. The most significant impact a human being can make on the world around them using nothing but their mind is on energy or consciousness. To change something physical is a huge feat and requires one to be very close to God awareness. Close to God awareness means that you feel very little separateness from other people and things. Students of this knowledge should expect very small results. I cannot stress enough the importance of working on the previous exercises and becoming adept at them in order to accomplish even small results with the following material. For the next exercise, you will need an ice cube. Also, you will require a plate or some other surface you don’t mind getting wet. Place the ice cube on the plate and then do two things: bring it into your mind, between your

eyes, and ask it to melt. You want to heat up this ice cube using nothing but your mind. Yes, assuming you don’t live in a freezing house this ice cube will start to melt as soon as you take it out of the freezer, but the purpose of this is to make it melt much faster. How can the ice cube melt faster than the laws of physics dictate? Well, essentially human beings do not know all the laws of physics. There are ways of inputting energies into the environment other than energies already present in the form of ambient temperature. There are energies within you that you merely need to learn how to direct. These forms of energy link from you to everything else in the universe, physical or otherwise. An ice cube doesn’t have a consciousness in the way a human being or a plant does, but it is still sentient in the way all things in the universe are. You are perfectly capable of changing its rhythms as you would your own. As a sentient being, you are tied to every other sentient being. You are the same entity. So, in the same way you can raise your own energy level, you can raise the energy level of something else. And what happens when you bring your energy level up in that way? You get warmer. The molecules in your body begin to move around more quickly, creating the by-product of heat. All you have to do is learn how to transfer this excitation to some part of you outside your body. Focus on the ice cube. Feel its nature within yourself. Hold it within your mind’s eye and explore its texture and the way it feels with nothing but your mind. Once you feel some connection with the ice cube, and it should feel like an emotional bond, ask it to change forms. Ask it to turn to water. It should start to melt as long as you remain focused and connected to it. Once you are sure you are making the ice cube melt faster than it would normally, you can test yourself to make sure it’s true. Time yourself. Don’t time one ice cube at a time, but rather take out five or so of similar sizes, select one to melt, then place them all on separate plates about two feet apart and at least two feet from you. Your ice cube should melt at least twice as fast as the others. If it does not, don’t worry. Like any other exercise, this may take a while to master. There are other objects you can influence with your mind that will show easily and obviously that it is you influencing them and not some other

force. The process for altering them is the same. Some examples are wetting a paper towel and then proceeding to dry it out, increasing the temperature of water in a glass, or anything else you can think of that involves heating water. Aside from that you can move very small, lightweight, metal objects. This form of psychokinesis is no more difficult than manipulating the temperature of water. If you can elevate the particles of one, you can elevate the particles of another. Water and metal are both very compatible with energy. Your mind doesn’t have to work quite as hard to interact with them as it does with some other materials. You can move metal objects by simply asking them to move at the same stage that you would ask the water molecules to heat up. The only things to keep in mind besides that are to use a flat, very smooth surface and to believe that it is possible. For some reason people make quite a big deal about psychokinesis. Moving a paper clip across a table is seen as much more miraculous than melting an ice cube at a faster rate. However, both are equal in difficulty. You may be wondering whether you are simply limited to water and metal in these exercises. The answer is no. They are, however, where you should start if you have the desire to move physical objects with nothing other than your will. Remember that in order to have the easiest experience you have to choose tasks that would be easy in a physical sense. Do not try to lift your sofa in the air or anything that ambitious. Steer clear of overcoming gravity as a rule, actually. The fewer physical forces you have to overcome, the better. On the other hand, don’t go too far in the other direction. Practicing with a feather may make you think you have wondrous abilities whenever a light breeze blows through. For your next exercise, I want you to attempt to read the thoughts of another person. You may find the structure of this task rather daunting. However, it is much easier than it seems. Perhaps the hardest part is finding a person willing to sit and participate for the required amount of time. Try finding someone who will view an activity like mind reading to be interesting and who is at least open to the idea that it might actually work. The partner you will work with must be willing to diligently perform the parts of the exercise that they are responsible for. Otherwise, it will not be successful. When you find your partner, you will need to go somewhere that you can work undisturbed. You will also need to work out a system for recording

the outcome of the trials. Your partner will need to be the one doing the recording. Keep it simple in the beginning. Have your partner choose a number between one and five, hold it in their mind, allow you to guess, then record their choice and your guess. You, as the person guessing, need to do your best to focus as intensely as possible on the mind of the other person. All distractions must be pushed aside. That being said, it is important that your partner not tell you whether you have guessed correctly after each trial or not. They must not even hint with facial expressions or any other form of non-verbal communication. This will naturally require a bit of concentration on their part, too. Once you have mastered the art of number guessing over the course of several trials, you can start moving on to more difficult things. Guess colors, shapes, emotions, or childhood experiences. The more open-ended you start to leave the options, the better practice it will be. Realistically, though, thoughts are not so easy to pick up on. They are very often tenuous, even to those who are thinking them. For this reason, making any progress in this area is wonderful. Some of you who find yourselves naturally talented would do well to add in the factor of distance between you and your partner. This next activity isn’t exactly the same as reading thoughts, although it is very close. You will instead be experiencing a place through someone else’s eyes. You will use their senses and tap into their perceptions to foster a pseudo-experience for yourself. In order to do this, your work partner must pick out a place and go there at a time you both agree on. They must not tell you where, of course. While they are there they must either photograph their surroundings or write down what they see and hear. This should be secondary, however. Primarily, they should focus on their surroundings while standing in one spot only and facing one direction only. They should do this for at least ten minutes in order to give you, the viewer, the time necessary to tune into the right frame of mind and gather your impressions. Then, when you are ready, write down what you see in your mind. If you feel more comfortable sketching it, you can do so. Then all that remains is a comparison of what you two saw. For this exercise, consistency is key. Be punctual and have your partner maintain the same line of sight for the entire duration. This would definitely make it difficult to stand inside a crowded department store, for instance.

Generally, the quieter the place, the better. Opt for natural scenery or places that do not change much visually. That being said, your partner should not hesitate to get very close to objects or view the scene from other unusual vantage points. This will make it more fun and interesting for the both of you. Back when the world was younger than it is today, people would practice this quite frequently. In fact, they would practice many of the exercises in this chapter, and often. They understood, for instance, that warmth was life, and seeking it was definitely worth their time. You would not believe some of the things people thought were possible thousands of years ago. They would ask the Earth for so many little favors, and oftentimes the requests would be granted. If an individual wanted to melt ice with their mind, and if this individual had the right set of beliefs, then they would be able to do so. This person would not begin to question their whole framework of existence, but rather their accomplishment would seem normal. They would know it to be possible and real. People long ago believed that they were magical beings and that they could accomplish magical feats with just a little focus and willpower. They knew these things were possible because they had seen and experienced them firsthand. Before the day came about when human beings decided that the Earth was not a living thing, but instead a place that was necessary to subdue and rationalize, your world and your people were full of magic. You can either choose to continue seeing the world as inanimate, or you can see it as it truly is. Each view comes with a different set of outcomes for the Earth and humanity. The only way to understand the truth is to bring the truth inside yourself. You will never get anywhere if you are unable to let go of the falsehoods you were raised with. They are like blinders. All they do is limit your perception and starve you of the natural connection you share with the universe. You are a species that has forgotten much of what you once knew about yourselves. You are animals who believe you aren’t animals, spirits who believe you aren’t spirits, all because of a misleading ideology that is too strong, too prevalent. Millions of people wish they were closer to a life that at times seems impossible to achieve—a life that is actually fun and full of mystery. There is a sickness in most societies that blinds people’s hearts and traps their minds. That sickness is responsible for the state of your planet and

the widespread helplessness most of you feel in regards to claiming your birthright—freedom. There is a reason why holy men and women of the world don’t seem to care for material possessions. They understand that real wealth comes from inside themselves. They carry a humbleness within. When you do this and stop seeking wealth and worldly power, generally what you find is that your needs are met and wealth may follow you anyway. Cultivate your own abilities, grow your energy, and you will find that your life grows richer without effort. Whether your riches manifest as physical goods or not will not matter. You will have the resources that you can work with the most. In many ways, growing as an individual is the most important task one can do; not only for the good it will do you, but for the good it will do everyone around you. Since people possess and project an energy, the more positive that energy is, the more positive the environment around that person becomes. If a person is negative or damaged emotionally, negativity is a constant in their life. By conditioning one’s mind to favor the truth—that all is one and love is the only thing that truly exists between all beings—you will slowly begin to alter the environment around you into a positive, love-filled one. You may believe that getting to a state of mind where openness and love are the most important concerns for you is trivial and uninteresting, but I assure you that is not the case. I cannot stress enough that going down this path is going to literally open the doors of the universe to you. In your world there are many opportunities missed to look deeper below the surface of the physical. Without peering through the veil, the mysteries of life will go unknown and unappreciated. Many people have written extensively about their own experiences interacting with or witnessing what people call paranormal phenomena. This is very positive for the world at large and is something that needs to be done. However, information like this means very little to the person who has never felt or seen anything that they can relate to. The key is in having experiences. By their very nature, paranormal experiences cannot be adequately replicated or explained. They are glimpses of the world beyond the physical and have no way of being understood by people who have never had them. For those of

you with a natural inclination toward spiritual abilities, ignoring them will only lead to a general dissatisfaction with life. You need develop them for your own balance. Find your special spiritual ability and hone it until you feel satisfied that it is as strong as you can get it. Then you can practice developing new ones. Hopefully, the exercises in this chapter have helped you understand whether you are naturally inclined to begin with and if so, where your special ability lies. For all others who feel they are just beginning, the secret again lies in learning to love. Love is the gateway. There is no better way to put yourself on the fast track to developing your intuition and other psychic abilities.

Chapter 4 – Perceiving the Body’s Energy Field This chapter will discuss something that many people are very interested in, and for good reason. It involves seeing your own special energy and the energy of other people. Everyone has a field of energy surrounding their bodies that is commonly called the aura. When you view the aura, you are not using sight as you typically think of it, but rather you are seeing with the soul. There are also people who are inclined to perceive them in other ways. If you can feel energy or hear energy around a person’s body, then it means you are perceiving their auras. If you are not one to sense auras naturally, don’t worry. For most people it is a latent ability. Generally, with a little tuning in, anyone can sense the aura of someone else in one way or another. Let’s start with trying to sense the aura with your hands. The next time you have an opportunity, grab a loved one and tell them that you want to try to feel their aura. Ask them if they are willing to help you because their receptiveness is important, too. Stand about three feet in front of the partner you are using. Put your hands out about a foot from their shoulders. Concentrate on the feeling in your hands. Do you feel heat? Tingling? Magnetic-type force? This is the aura. If you do not feel these things, try moving your hands closer to their body or in front of their forehead where the “third eye” is located. For some people, this area is the easiest to feel. It can seem as though there is some strange pressure there. Move your palm close to and away from the area to feel the resistance. If you cannot find anyone to practice with, you can simply use your own aura. To start, place your hands about six inches apart, palms facing. Concentrate on the inside of this space with your eyes and slowly move your hands together and apart without letting them touch. Pay attention to the sensations you feel. They can feel like heat, vibration, like a palpable thickness, or like magnetic force. Be sure to experiment with the energy centers on your fingertips. Move them around one another because you will feel where your polarities are attracting and repelling. If you really get going,

your hands can feel like they are being pushed apart or pulled together by an unseen force. When you can get to the point where you can feel auras, then you are ready to try seeing them. Let me start by discussing the colors of the aura. I will give you definitions of what each stands for, but allow me to discuss why aura colors have specific meanings behind them. The first reason is vibrational level. Different colors vibrate at different frequencies, but it is not well known that these frequencies possess specific traits. The spectrum of visible light is not at the frequency of creation. It plays an integral role in allowing other things on the physical plane to create, but does not have a high enough vibration to actually manifest life. An aura and a soul are not two different things, but are actually very closely entwined. The aura is the part of your soul that interacts with the physical body. It is responsible for the way your body reacts to your own beliefs and the energy of others. Its energy creates your life events also. Like attracts like. The power and the vibration of your aura will create your life in its likeness. So then, this higher energy of the aura can be perceived in a similar way to visible light. Your mind will interpret the different vibrations on a scale that is relatable to the color spectrum. Each color represents an energy, and this energy has characteristics. When in a physical arena, creational energy does certain things. Different aspects of physicality can manifest when this energy is present. This includes mostly personality traits and abilities when looking at the human energy field since this energy field is acting upon a human being. Let’s start at the lowest vibration—red. It deals mostly with the practical side of life. People with red auras are usually very energetic and competitive. They value physical possessions and personal power. They are usually fond of extreme physical activities like skydiving and mountain climbing. Anything with an element of risk or the possibility of large financial gains is attractive to them. They dislike the softer side of life, viewing it as a waste of time. Anything that can’t be proven is not on their radar. In life, their goal is achieving financial and material success. Everything else comes second. Red is the color of your lowest chakra, or energy center. Its energy is

necessary to all life. It is the survival energy. If it is weak or blocked, your vitality will be compromised. It roots you to the physical plane and helps you manifest your intentions materially. It is also the source of life from a procreative standpoint, which is why your reproductive organs are located in this area. If you are standing, this chakra is located on the very bottom of your body, just as the crown chakra is located at the very top of your head. There are many people who have auras that are a mix of two colors, but only when those colors are next to each other on the spectrum. So, a reddishorange aura would mean that the person’s energy is between pure red and pure orange, giving them characteristics of each. However, there is a distinction that needs to be made. A reddish-orange aura would mean that the person is operating at a slightly higher vibration than someone with a red aura, causing red characteristics to be softer and less intense, and causing orange characteristics to be more fiery and physical. A person with an inbetween aura will not be both completely, but a blend of the two, balancing characteristics of each. The next pure color is orange. It gives characteristics of an entertainer to the person who possesses it. A sharp wit is used to win friends and influence in the social sphere. When the aura is orange, the person will be able to command attention and make others like them with very little effort. They are natural story and joke tellers with larger than life personalities. This is because the power and life energy of red is combining with the energy of the intellect—yellow. The navel chakra is what corresponds to orange, and is orange itself. It resides about an inch below your belly button. In a way, it is responsible for managing your willpower and your ability to carry out the standards you set for yourself. If it is damaged or weak, you will have a hard time keeping your appointments and organizing your time. You will also have a hard time being social. If you have an active navel chakra, you will have a high tolerance for the change that life throws at you. A yellow aura is next on the spectrum of pure colors. Yellow auras are the mark of the rationalist. They are usually drawn to academia or the scientific fields. A strong talent for research and quite a lot of self-discipline are their assets. Always on the move, they are tireless in their energy. They

have bright, sunny dispositions. Also, they are very warm to those they love. Always full of ideas, they are fun to have in any social circle. They have an expansive mind that most people are in awe of after just a brief conversation. They are also fond of travel. Yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra. It is located directly below the ribcage. It is a power source for the body, acting as a central point for energy exchange throughout the aura. If it is blocked or weak, you will have a hard time withstanding the will of others who may wish to dominate you. You also may exhibit nervous tension and timidity. The next color is green. People with green auras are usually very grounded. Their energy is earthy—pragmatic, fertile, and conscious of nature. In many ways, they are natural healers and are drawn to the fields of medicine and theology. They are also able to heal energetically, but their practical beliefs usually steer them in other directions. They enjoy the simple physical pleasures that life has to offer. Being healthy is something that is important to them. They also have a strong sense of compassion. Green is the color of the heart chakra. It is a source of connection and healing. When you feel love for another, it generally comes from there. It is also where you would feel the loss of a loved one. If it is blocked or weak, you will have a hard time with compassion and relating to others on an emotional level. Your relationships may not be very deep. Also, it can lead to heart problems. Blue is the next color. It is the first of the psychic ability colors. In a way, the color blue is a chameleon. It can be many different things depending on the shade. Because most human auras are green or lower in frequency, when blue shows up it can have various meanings depending on the individual. Aquamarine to light blue means that there is a marked ability for affecting change in the world. Dark blue means that you have deep premonitions you often can’t control. Bright blue means you are quite intuitive and you are able to help others with your gift. Murky brown with blue means you are suffering from psychic turmoil. There are very few people with purely blue auras. Your throat chakra is blue. It is what guides your communication and your intuition. Blue is the gateway of the rudimentary psychic abilities. This

chakra allows you to understand the hunches you receive and relay them to others. You may have throat problems or trouble speaking if this chakra is unhealthy. This is due to your intuition being blocked by you somehow. An aura that is purely indigo will mark an individual who is very spiritually advanced. Being extremely rare, this aura uses the energy of true compassion to create a more positive world. If you are lucky enough to come upon someone with an indigo aura, you will immediately notice them. Though they are often quiet people, you will be able to feel the tranquility of their nature. They are very psychic and spiritual, and will always be a source of loving, calm energy. An indigo aura has the ability to raise the aura vibrations of other people. For this reason, they are best suited to spiritual teaching. Indigo is the color of the third eye. It rests slightly above the eyebrows, between the eyes. When you have a strong third eye, your psychic abilities are advanced. It is, however, weak in most people. In order to strengthen the third eye chakra, you can practice psychic abilities. The card exercise from the previous chapter is very effective at this. In time, you should be able to feel an awakening of this chakra. It should feel like a tingling or a magnetism in this area. The next pure color is violet, and it is even more rare than indigo. Violet auras belong to those people who are extremely advanced. Usually people with violet auras come to this planet with the intention of leading spiritual movements. They do not need to live a physical life to grow spiritually anymore. Rather, they wish to help others with this. Generally, these are people who achieved enlightenment in their previous incarnation and wish to return once again to guide others. The chakra on top of your head is violet. It helps keep you connected to the guiding energy of the universe. As it reaches further into the outer reaches of you aura, it gets whiter and whiter. The universal energy source that this aura connects to is white because it vibrates at a very high frequency. If you are able to strengthen this chakra, it will greatly enhance the impact of the lessons you learn in this life. There are several ways to do this but the most effective is to meditate, imagining a white light emanating from the top of your head as you do.

It is possible to have a white aura. However, there are only a handful of individuals on your planet who do. While people with purely violet auras are enlightened, the few people who have purely white auras are Godconsciousness with a physical form. They are healers and miracle workers, and religions have begun in their wake in the past. If all of your chakras were of equal strength and working in harmony together, the result would be a white aura. All colors combine to form white. However, most people have some chakras that are stronger than others and chakras that are blocked or weak. This gives the aura a layered appearance. Your strongest chakra will give the layer closest to your body its particular shade. The second strongest chakra will give the next layer its shade, and so on. When one chakra is very strong but the rest are average or weak in strength, the result is a monochromatic aura. If two chakras are of equal strength, it is usually because they are next to each other. When this happens, it causes red-orange auras, orange-yellow auras, yellow-green auras, and so on. It is quite rare to have an aura that looks brown because you have, for example, a green heart chakra combining equally with a red root chakra. Black and gray auras are not good. When these colors are within an aura it indicates that the individual is cut off from the natural, positive energy flow that their auras should be creating. Gray in the aura usually means illness has set in wherever it is seen. If untreated it may lead to death. Black in the aura usually indicates a profoundly negative person, or someone who has a negative astral entity attached to them somehow. Black and gray show where the aura has been profoundly damaged. Less serious forms of damage to the aura include dull colors, weak chakras, or misshapen auras. By being able to feel which of your chakras is the strongest, you may be able to figure out the dominant colors of your aura. If you are curious what color your aura is, try sitting cross-legged with your back straight. Breathe deeply with your eyes closed for a few minutes and try to sense the location of your chakras. They should feel like centers of heat, tingling, or magnetic force. If you can sense them, then try to feel which ones are giving off the most energy. The colors corresponding to these chakras will comprise your aura’s layers. You aura is also changing colors frequently. It does this both

temporarily in response to fluctuations in your mood and semi-permanently as your nature changes and grows. For instance, if someone is angry, their aura may flash red. Or, as you start to grow spiritually, you aura will develop a new layer of violet or indigo. In order to learn how to actually see the aura, you first need a soft white background. Make sure it’s as simple as possible—no patterns, no shadows, no creases or anything else to mar a blank, white surface. Do not even attempt to see the aura until you can get this initial practice area for yourself. Some people are lucky enough to have plain white walls. But some people have walls with textures or patterns, and these will not work even if they are white. As far as light goes, make sure it is not too bright. Going with a dim light bulb will work, and so will natural light. Neither should be direct. A shadow will simply distract you. You want just enough light to see clearly by. In the beginning, you should try not to practice for too long at once. It can be exceptionally draining. You may even feel nauseous. Once you have about a week of experience, these symptoms will go away. Be sure to practice a few times a day for a couple minutes each time, or you will not have enough experience to grow with. After the first week, you will need to increase your practice time to ten minutes a few times a day. Do this for another week, and then you will be ready to have open practice times. At this point, you will probably be getting at least some sort of visual impression of the aura. If you have not seen colors by this point, you will need to practice at least a few times a day until you do. There is a white layer close to the body that most people see early on. There is also a translucent outline that undulates like waves of heat that is very close to the body, and most people are able to see this even before the white layer. When you first begin, look at your own hand. Gaze at it and focus on a feeling of love for it. Think about its beauty. Viewing the aura is not done with a trick of the eyes. What you have to do is shift your consciousness. If you tune into a frequency of love, you will be able to connect spiritually to yourself. This is a complicated task in and of itself. Those who are able to see auras all the time have achieved a permanent state of spiritual connection to the world. It is just who they are.

Once you are able to make this emotional and spiritual connection to your hand, shut your eyes for a moment and gaze at it with your third eye. It is okay if you don’t see anything, but you still need to try. This will wake your third eye up. Usually it is dormant, aware that most people have no use for it. It requires a lot of energy to use. That is why it is so disorienting to look at the aura for the first few weeks. It requires you to open this energy center for the first time. Managing the new strain on your body and mind is very difficult. The only way is to build up to it gradually and get lots of rest. This is very important. If you don’t, you may even be susceptible to illness. Spend about fifteen seconds trying to see your hand with your eyes closed. There may be a sensation in your third eye. You may get the impression you’re seeing a cloudy area where you hand should be. This is exactly what you want. If you see nothing, be patient. It will come eventually. Open your eyes after those few seconds. If you see anything around your hand, take note of it. Then, soften your eyes. By soften, I mean blur them a bit until you aren’t looking at any particular point in space. Not so blurry, however, that you are seeing double. At this point, you should notice that there is something there around your fingertips. It will probably seem like colorless, transparent fuzz or like the waves of heat coming off pavement when it is hot. If you see this, then congratulations—you are seeing the aura. If you do not, keep gazing. Be sure to look at the palm side of your hand. It is more active energetically. Also, keep your fingers spaced a little bit apart, and look between them. In a few days, you will ready to tackle seeing more. The next thing that will pop out at you is a whiteness. This layer of whiteness is around your whole body and can be compared to the membrane of a cell. It covers you about an inch or two away from your body. Outside of this, your aura begins. This whiteness is harder to see than the translucent waves of energy. This is because the two are the same thing. The white layer is you seeing the translucence better. If you see it, you are starting to see more of the aura as it really appears. Continue viewing this for the rest of the first week without even attempting to see more. If you are getting the impression that you are seeing a color already, then check to make sure you are seeing it along with the white layer. Color only happens once you get past the first inch or so of white. If that is not the case, then you may be experiencing the afterimage of your hand that occurs

when your retina gets fatigued. This appears like a flat, fairly transparent, neon color. It will go where your eyes point even if your hand doesn’t move. This is a clear indication that your eyes are tired. It is important that you learn to know the difference between this eye strain and the aura, otherwise you will waste a lot of your time. You may even induce eye strain because you think it is really the aura you are seeing. The aura, when you finally do view it, is unmistakable. It is vibrant, multi-layered, and shimmering with movement and depth. It can undulate and change colors before your eyes. It appears like a fluffy cloud—a soft, colorful, opaque mist that is very beautiful to behold. Most people have about five distinct layers, each being a different color. On the start of week two, I want you to write down what you think your primary color is. If you think you know a secondary one then write that down as well. When you are able to see your own aura for the first time, you will be able to compare the two. It will be fun to see if you have guessed correctly. Seeing the colors of your aura will give you insight into who you are. To really get an in-depth understanding of the colors, you must practice looking at other people’s auras as well. Along with colors you should also receive insight into what those colors mean. Because you are in tune with the individual whose aura you are viewing, your intuition will pick up on many other items of information. It is difficult to move past simply seeing the white outline, and you are going to have to be sure you practice like clockwork. You cannot skip a day. If you do you will have to start all over again. Once you actually see colors in your aura, then you can take it easy. Until then, you must exercise a lot of discipline. In order to see colors, look at your hand and progress through the stages of translucency and whiteness that you already practiced. Next, look at the area about four inches from the tip of your middle finger. What impressions are you getting? Gaze at this empty space with the white layer in your lower view. Make sure you can still see the white layer because it is your indicator that you are still in the right frame of mind. Once you practice enough, a little trace of color should appear at the edge of the white and grow outward slowly. It will be bright and opaque. This is the first layer of color in your aura.

After a few days of practicing that, start looking about eight inches above your middle finger, and you may see your second color. It will grow outward from your first. Once you have accomplished this, you will be ready to try it with the hand of someone else. Then you can try your head and shoulders in the mirror, followed by the complete aura of someone else. Once you see your first color, you are in the clear. Everything else is just mastering the craft.

Chapter 5 – Astral Protection Every person who is spiritually open needs to learn how to protect themselves from negative astral entities and from negativity in general. Some people who are psychic are taken advantage of by these beings simply because they are not aware of their own vulnerability. Knowing what these beings are and how to combat them effectively is especially important if you are interested in ghost hunting or clearing locations of harmful astral energies. Unfortunately, there is no way to be completely safe from them on your planet, but if you can learn to recognize their influence then you can take measures against them before their energy gets too out of hand. The main concept to understand about these entities is that they need negativity in order to survive and appear in your vicinity. Most of you are unaware of the ways in which you unconsciously bring negative energy into your lives, however. This energy provides dark entities with a foothold in your world and in your environment. When negativity you create gets out of hand, these beings can enter into your space and live off of that energy, adding their own malevolence and twisting bad situations even further out of control. The easiest way to ward them off is by not allowing negativity to flourish in your life in the first place. These dark, negative beings have an origin in the astral realms. Really understanding who they are and what they do is a complicated undertaking. However, it is necessary for those who wish to understand the current nature of the universe. To begin, imagine a ball of light in a blank, black void. Matter, the energy of consciousness, and the laws of physicality are within this ball of light. It contains all that you know and are familiar with. Every action you take, every interaction you have, lives within this light. But on the fringes of the light, in the cracks and crevices of its outer reaches, there is a different energy. It is the energy that could be described as evil. What exactly is evil? It is a destructive force. It works against life, attempting to spread ignorance because ignorance is what creates disharmony. Where life seeks unity, evil seeks the chaotic dissolution of oneness. Does this mean that evil is not part of God as I previously stated

everything in existence is? To be sure, nothing that exists can be outside the mind of God. Evil is where the broken shards of God’s mind go, however. This means that if something conscious becomes too negative, too shut off from truth, too distanced from the loving energy of God, then it can be relegated to these negative spaces by its own thoughts and actions. If this is its choice, then it will indeed become evil—a being that perpetuates malice and destruction. Evil beings are not always going to be evil. Indeed, they cannot be. It will not be possible for evil to hide on the fringes of life forever. All conscious beings will become enlightened eventually no matter what they do. Evil does not know this, of course. It persists in delusional thoughts of grandeur, believing that one day it can overwhelm the forces of good. In the same way that delusional people are deserving of your love and compassion, so too are delusional astral beings. They are you in the same way that anything else in the universe is. Like all beings in existence, sometimes freedom leads them astray. They should never be hated by you because of their inability to see the truth. If something threatens you, do your best to have compassion for it. This does exactly what you want to the negative being—confounds their attempts to influence you. Instead, you influence them with a demonstration of love and positivity. Above all, do not fear them. Fear is what feeds them more than any other negative emotion. Human beings are perceptive about the nature of evil. Even if you do not have personal experience with it, you have learned enough from cultural ideas and religious beliefs to get an idea of what it is and how it is created. Even if you do not believe it exists in a supernatural sense, you are aware of certain people the term could be applied to. Unfortunately, most of you misunderstand how to go about nullifying evil. You believe that it is something to be fought against. Not metaphorically either, but literally. However, this is precisely the wrong way to go about it. To act with aggression to an already aggressive force only serves to amplify the aggression of that force. How can you help the delusional heal when you are blind to who they are and how your actions affect them? You should never seek to eliminate negativity by eradicating the being itself. Rather, seek to understand why the negativity is there and try to heal it in a way that is safe for everyone.

To better understand this concept, I would like for you to take time to research three or four well-known serial killers. I know this may be unsavory to many of you who wish to focus on positive things. However, the true test of a loving nature is whether you can extend compassion to all. After you have learned about their lives and their crimes, try to understand the motivation for their acts. Imagine you were them as a child and you experienced the same trauma they did. Imagine how you would feel. You may even find one who had a normal home life. If that was actually the case, then usually they were dealing with past life trauma. When your home life has been a hell and you were never taught coping mechanisms for your feelings, you too might feel isolated and angry. You too might feel like humanity is an enemy, like all love is fake, all compassion a luxury for those who aren’t broken and twisted. A serial killer is a sensitive human being who has been mangled emotionally. Teaching them that love is real and deserved by them is the first step in their recovery. Unfortunately, most of them don’t get the opportunity to learn this before they are put to death. Their next life or one of the lives after it will be able to reach them with this knowledge, however. In your world, these people are feared. However, when you are in the astral planes, fear is neither useful nor productive. It is exactly the opposite. Therefore, your natural tendency to fear a being that is both dark and threatening will work against you. In this chapter, overcoming fear will be the true lesson to learn. Only when this is accomplished will other techniques be effective. Fear is nothing but an impulse that protects the physical body from harm. It is a basic emotion. Those who wish to operate in their daily lives with unclouded reasoning and responses actively try to overcome it. This can be done to a degree. However, there are certain situations where you will always be at the mercy of your body’s fear response. It is unavoidable. When you are outside your body, however, being at the mercy of a fear response is nothing but an unconsciously perpetuated habit. You have no body to fear for. You will not die if you are “wounded.” How does one go about shedding this natural, though counterproductive, reaction? First, let me explain why it is good to do so. Imagine

that you have succeeded in having an out-of-body experience. You are amazed by all the wonders you come in contact with during your astral travels. You meet several beings on your journeys and they are all exceptionally kind and happy to see you. Then all of a sudden it’s like the light goes out and any calm you felt before disappears. What has happened? You can’t see anyone around you but you feel a presence, a watcher. You know you’ve stumbled into a place you don’t belong. Then a shape begins to materialize, and from what you can tell it’s going to be horrifying. Before you are aware of what’s happening, you’re back in your body, shaken to the core. Your fear snapped your astral body back into your physical body. You’re still afraid but relieved to be back safe. But are you safe? This is a common scenario with inexperienced astral travelers. Afterwards, one of three outcomes will generally take place. The first possibility is that the individual will have been so terrified by their experience that they will not wish to continue growing and nourishing their new astral projection ability. This, of course, would be quite a loss. Another likelihood is that they will then feel compelled to be a hero of the astral realms, seeking out negative beings so that they can fight against them. Before I move on to the third possibility, I would like to go over the last one in more detail. Many people on Earth who are able to disengage from their physical bodies spend a considerable amount of time battling against negative beings in the astral realms. They feel it to be somewhat of a calling, but this is not a constructive use of their abilities. To fight negativity with negativity only serves to do more damage. To approach a negative being, who already sees the universe as an epic struggle of good versus evil, with the intent to harm will only make that being more hateful. Reality for any being is reinforced by that being’s belief structures. Negative beings have very negative beliefs. They expect to be hated. So when you hate them you prove their belief structures to be right. You cause them to persist in their delusional ideas. Remember that you cannot kill them, nor can you nullify their energy with your energy if they are of the same type. They simply retreat if you “beat” them. If you do not, however, then the third likelihood will probably ensue. In this possible outcome, your encounter with the negative being may lead to you being targeted and followed back. Now, the negative astral being

cannot hurt you per se, but it can make your life more difficult. If the negative being can follow you home, then it has succeeded in tagging you— linking its energy field to yours. The good news is that breaking this link is incredibly easy. The hardest part is knowing in the first place that such a link exists. To break the link you simply (in your body or out of it) imagine a white light in your core growing brighter and hotter until it bursts outward, infusing your entire energy field with purifying light. After you do that, the being can no longer find you. Negative beings are very aware of Earth. They love to visit your planet these days because it is rich in negativity, suffering, and fear. They know where to go to get the most out of their experience. They know which people produce the most excessive levels of negative emotion. Human beings are an animal they understand well. So, when they see you in the astral realms, they know what you are. They know how to press those buttons that make you afraid, that make you forget you are a spiritual being. They have mastered it as an art form. Truly, it is one of their favorite things to do. Understanding this is the first step. If you let them goad you into violent action as they wish, then your experience with them spirals into a miasma of negativity. Maybe you win in the end, but you have done nothing to actually change that being. You have not taught it anything new. What you have done is reinforced the being’s conviction that it is evil and strengthened its resolve to become even better at harassing astral travelers. The responsible thing to do, both for your benefit and the other being’s benefit, would be to act with love. Communicate to them that they are a part of you, that you love them, that their struggle is not unknown to you. Tell them that you sympathize with their pain and you want them to know that the universe loves them and misses them. Reach out to them mentally with this message of compassion. Because this is the last thing one of these beings expect from a human astral traveler it will make them experience a sense of shock. They have, of course, encountered other astral travelers who were kind to them, but not ones who come from Earth. There are many things that can happen at this point. Either the astral being will try to attack you anyway, a second attempt will be made to

frighten you, it will run away, or it may do none of those things. It may stay and listen. It may change forms into something less threatening. There is really no telling exactly what it will do. If it does try to attack you, do not fight back. Guard yourself, but maintain a feeling of love and compassion toward the being. I promise you that it will eventually give up. And if by chance you get it to a state of receptivity and compliance, just call on your team of guides to help you. We can talk to this being in a way that may permanently change it for the better. We can take it to meet other previously negative beings who can share their stories of reconnection to the greater energy of All That Is. In order to build a protective barrier between you and the negative spirit, you should just visualize one. Thought is creation in the astral realms. When you imagine your shield, make it extend around you completely, and infuse it with the energy of love and compassion. Something so simple will be an impassable wall to all negative beings, even the strongest ones. The thing to watch out for is whether or not you are wavering emotionally. If there is fear in your heart, your shield will not be strong. Don’t let the spirit influence you. You can avoid this in most cases if you focus on radiating love and compassion to it. Shields are very important to use. Negative spirits enjoy stealing energy. They need it to grow in strength, and they also do it to weaken you. If you find yourself in a surprise-attack situation, remember that even if the entity succeeds in taking energy from you, that you have an inexhaustible supply to draw from. All you need to do to get your energy back is ask for a pure source from the universe, and put up a barrier between you and the other being as soon as you can. One great idea to work on is training yourself to put a shield up as soon as you are outside your body. This will probably raise your vibration up so high that you won’t ever encounter negative spirits at all. Always remember that your thoughts, emotions, and intentions are all that stand between you and infinity. Positive thoughts will equate to a positive experience. There is no reason why you should have a bad experience while astral, but always remember that love is the best way to overcome any negative situation. The truth of the matter is that negative beings are no different than you

or me at their core. It is not necessary to fear them. Some of them are aware that they are sick of spirit, that they could be better. In truth, that is why all of them behave as they do. They hunger for knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment, just as people do. The only way for them to grow is to follow their impulses, their gut instincts. One misguided impulse leads to another misguided impulse that is slightly less out of tune. This is the story of human growth as well. It may seem odd to you, or at least mysterious, that a spiritual being can be malicious. However, remember that God is infinity. The two concepts are one and the same. There is no other way to describe what God is. There are infinitely many manifestations of God, and infinitely many states of God’s awareness of Itself. A human being is one aspect of God with one aspect of God’s awareness of Itself. So too is a negative astral being. In the beginning of the most recent phase of the universe, there were trillions and trillions of God-selves flung out into darkness and ignorance. This is the only way that a spirit can go through the act of reaching enlightenment. It has to start from scratch. It has to learn who it is by becoming that which it is almost accidentally. Omniscience is the truth of God. But knowing everything about all that exists is a homogenizer, a stasisperpetuator. Therefore, creation happens so that God can experience its infinite diversity. A negative being in the astral planes is a child of the first children. It is what all of us were, what all of us could be. It is quite a beautiful thing to start fresh in consciousness. That means that, yes, malicious spirits are loved by God, indeed are God. In time they will grow and become aware of their Godlike nature, just as you will. Do not fight them. Fighting them only prolongs their pain, their detachment from the truth. It also prolongs your own detachment. If you get past your fear and really look at the being in front of you while you are astral, you will be able to feel the aching pain and sadness inside it. Be careful though, because it is very strong. These beings may not know it, but they are desperately seeking relief from that burden. They are intensely craving forgiveness and acceptance. When you are able to see this truth inside them, then they will start to see it. That is when their malice will

melt away and become awareness. Be gentle with them and they cannot hurt you—a wonderful paradox. These methods for de-escalating astral encounters with negative entities also apply to encounters you may have with them while you are in your physical body as well. Always remember that fear strengthens them and love weakens them. Always remember that your spirit guides are there to assist you—just ask for their help. It is also useful to employ physical warding techniques. Many cultures have developed ways to remove harmful spirits from people or locations. I would recommend researching these and selecting one that resonates with you personally. What matters most is that you believe in the method’s effectiveness. There are some people who have learned how to leach energy off of others in the physical world. It is for this reason that these energy drainers are often called psychic vampires. I do not mean people who do this unconsciously because they have low energy themselves, but those who do it with bad intentions. They are often the type to affiliate with negative astral entities, considering themselves practitioners of dark, magical arts. Generally, they target happy people with bubbly personalities because these people give freely of their positive energy and have fewer natural boundaries. If you suspect someone is leaching your energy or someone else’s, it is important to shield yourself or the other person. These are actual attacks and should be taken seriously. If left unchecked, psychic vampires can completely exhaust people and cause illness. If you can see auras, these psychic vampires will be very easy to spot. You will be able to see the victim’s aura being absorbed by this person. Also, a psychic vampire’s aura will generally have at least a few black spots. Some of them even possess entirely black auras, and these people are exceptionally dangerous. Crowded public areas are perfect places for psychic vampires to go to replenish their stores of energy. All one of them has to do it sit within the auric field of someone they have marked as prey, which means next to or behind them, and start draining. If you sense this is happening to someone, you can easily help. Just by walking past them, you can sever the siphon-link between them. Just make a mental weapon—a knife or a sword—from fiery, red energy. As you are walking by, will the sword to slash down and cut the

link between the vampire and their victim. Once you have done this, throw up a protective barrier of white light around the one who was being drained. A white light shield is the perfect tool to use in this circumstance. Be sure to cover yourself with one, also. Most likely the psychic vampire will know what you did. The individual may try to retaliate, so be careful. You will need to guard yourself both physically and energetically. You should never try to be smug about breaking the siphon-link. Do your best to walk by like everybody else. Don’t make eye contact or speak to the vampire. Doing any of these things will make them know without a doubt that you interrupted the link. One of the ways the psychic vampire can retaliate is by tagging your aura. In order to do this, they will need to get close to you. If the vampire tags your aura successfully, they will be able to visit you astrally to get revenge on you. After any encounter with one of these people, be sure to purge your aura with a burst of white light. This should keep you free from problems later. Since the astral world overlaps with this one so closely, it is a good idea to practice shielding yourself and purging your aura as often as you can. Other people’s energy can interact with yours even when they don’t intend for it to, and yours can interact with theirs. Always be aware of how you feel. If there is a negative feeling in the room or you feel drained for no reason, be sure to protect yourself with a shield of white light.

Chapter 6 – Using a Ouija Board to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides Many people consider the Ouija board, also known as a talking board or spirit board, to be a dangerous method of interacting with the spirit realm. This is a largely unfair and unfounded way to view them. In my opinion, it is a wonderfully useful tool with which to work. As a spirit guide who has tried communicating with people in countless ways, it has really been quite easy to both initiate and maintain contact with Megan on the Ouija board. It requires very little of my influence to get my messages across to her. Let me reiterate here that in order to be harmed as a result of working with a Ouija board, this has to be your intention. It is a tool, and like all tools it can be abused. Do not treat it like a toy, but rather give it the respect it deserves. There have been instances where people have summoned forth very negative beings. This was always what they meant to do, however. In those circumstances, the Ouija board acted as a medium through which contact could be made, although the real point of access for the negative being was the mind of the person doing the summoning. Without an explicit desire to be fooled or an explicit statement of negative intent, you have nothing to worry about. There is no need to fear any outside influence as long as you can trust yourself. Every interaction you have with the board has the potential to be positive or negative. Therefore, learn to keep a positive state of mind while contacting your guides. This will help keep the lines of communication open between you and your guides without any interference. In order for a Ouija board to work for you, especially if you are using it alone, you have to feel comfortable using it. Even if you want the board to work with all your heart, it probably won’t if you are harboring any fear toward it. When you first start using the board, the issue of permission must be your primary focus. Without it being fully given, and this means given knowingly with full understanding of what you are doing, there will be difficulties. This is for your own protection. When full access isn’t given, then a harmful spirit cannot exercise their malice in any dangerous way. So then, even a child would not be able to be harmed using a Ouija board. When

you give your consent to the spirits on the other side of the Ouija board, an interesting thing happens inside your brain. There are pathways there you have never used which begin to open up and allow the spirits access to their channels. When the spirits have access to them, they can utilize your hands and your mind’s ability to communicate. When you are communicating with any spirit on the Ouija board, you can either have a direct line or you can talk to them as if you were on a conference call. The latter leaves you open to anyone jumping in at any time. The way to avoid this is to explicitly state that you wish to communicate with only the single spirit you intend to communicate with. This is very important. Taking a conference call with the spirit world is never a good idea. Spirits, especially ghosts, are very aware of Ouija boards and the people who use them. They wait for their opportunity to speak patiently, sometimes following mediums around for their whole lives. This is the kind of fanaticism that is best to avoid. However, if you have the desire to help ghosts, then help them to cross over. Their obsessions regarding their previous life are neither healthy nor are they anything you can help them with in most cases. But beware of the potential for something negative to show up. Ghosts are one thing, but negative astral beings are quite another. It is best to avoid them entirely. As far as summoning demons, there is nothing to worry about there. What you as humans describe as a demon is really just an intensely powerful negative astral entity. Because they are so strong, they have no need to bother with Ouija boards. If they come to Earth, it is only to visit the hells on Earth —places that are very rich in negativity on a large scale such as prisons, death camps, slave trades, and wars. Some of the things they do while in these negative areas are injure those who are vulnerable, make objects fly around, attack people with projectiles or electricity, and send people over the edge into madness. When people die in their vicinity, their souls may remain trapped until the power of the negative entity wanes. It is a very unfortunate thing to happen, but still it has its place in the grand design of the universe. No one is trapped forever, not even the abominations you call demons. Even they are comprised of the consciousness of God. The consciousness may be blind and corrupted, but it is still there. There is no reason to fear a Ouija board. You have complete control

over it with just a little bit of know-how. If you are completely in the dark, you still have guards up in your mind to protect you. If you are comfortable, the Ouija board can be your telephone to your spirit guides. If at any time you wish to talk, we will be there for you. When you are sad, when you are angry, or when you are frustrated with life—all are wonderful times to tune in and have a conversation with us. These are also the times when you should state your intention to speak with your guide and only your guide very clearly. Ghosts are also sad, angry, and frustrated, and like attracts like. If you just go to the board and say hello in a negative state of mind, you won’t be speaking to your guide by default. Before Megan begins a session with me, she always does an opening. In the opening, she clearly states her intention to speak with me and only me for the duration of our conversation. Then she explicitly states that our conversation is only over when she says goodbye and that it does not end if she takes her hand off the planchette. This way the board is protected from interruption by any random spirit who wishes to communicate with her. If she needs to leave the general vicinity of the board, then she re-opens it when she returns. A few experiences with ghosts jumping in have taught her to be diligent with this. Very early into the beginning of our communication, Megan was very afraid of using the Ouija board alone. To her, there was a mental crutch associated with having another person’s hand on the planchette with her. She had heard a superstition that if a person uses the board alone they might become possessed by a demon. Really getting up the courage to tackle using the board alone required a lot of research to put her mind at ease. In many ways, the research was inconclusive. Different people hold different beliefs about the Ouija board, and these beliefs are completely opposite at times. However, what Megan took from this is that the board is what you make of it. Who you speak to is your choice. Even if you ask to speak to no one in particular, your interests and your natural predisposition will draw a spirit with that type of energetic signature. The reason most mediums use other methods than the Ouija board for communicating with their guides is because they wish to remain as safe as possible. Most of them are fairly clairvoyant or clairaudient, so interacting with their guides using only these talents works fine for them. They know

that the human body is relatively safe from influence by negative astral beings. This is because every person has guides who lend their positive energy and a soul, which is an amazingly powerful source of protection. However, the utility of the board far outweighs the risk, especially for a certain type of psychic. Some people are unaware of their psychic gifts because these gifts manifest as physical sensation rather than as a vision or a voice. Known as clairsentients, these people are the “gut-feelers” and they have the greatest success with Ouija boards. The sensations of a spirit’s influence are easier for them to mesh with because they are more comfortable working with their bodies in a spiritual capacity. In many ways, the Ouija board is the perfect tool for them to use in order to receive the finer details of a spirit’s communication. Without it, most of them could only feel the presence and the emotional state of a spirit. In order to use the board effectively, there are certain best practices to keep in mind. First, there is a particular posture that works well when practicing with it. Your arm must be loose and relaxed, for instance. Your mind must be clear and calm. Then there is a way to call on your guides that is optimal as well. If you do not yet know their names, then you may simply ask to speak to your dominant guide. The dominant guide is the speaker for the group. They can introduce you to every other guide you have. Then there is a range of other techniques that will make your experience go more smoothly. These and the previous points will be explained in greater detail so that none of this will seem mysterious to you. To start with, you will need to get your hands on a Ouija board. Whether you buy one or borrow one, it does not matter. If there is a board you can borrow from someone, I recommend this route in case you don’t have the best luck. Make sure this person is open to you borrowing it. If they are not it may be a sign that they are speaking to negative entities. If this is the case, then you do not want to associate yourself with the negative energy of that particular board anyway. Most people, however, only use their boards for fun and would be perfectly fine with lending it to you for a few days. When you have found your board, you are going to want to be alone when you first try to contact your guides. I know many of you may want to use the board with another person your first time to get a feel for it, but

contacting your guides is a big deal and you will be glad that you made it a personal experience. This is also the best way to work with the board for its expediency. Your guides are attuned to you and are able to move your hand much faster than the hand of another person. In time you will grow more comfortable with using it alone. The proper way to hold a planchette is by the base with the point facing the top of the board. The lens of the planchette should be what moves over the letters. When you sit down to use the Ouija board, make sure that you are comfortable and that the board is on a level surface. When your fingers hold the planchette, make sure they are spread wide enough to ensure the planchette is stable. You do not need to put a very firm pressure on it, but neither should it be too light. Really getting a feel for that will happen with experience. The arm you use should be your dominant one. It should rest at a ninety degree angle or greater when you are holding the planchette. Anything less will contribute to muscle strain and inhibit the free mobility of the planchette. You can speak out loud to your guides or you can pose questions in your head. In the latter case, you don’t need to worry about how it is we hear your thoughts. We are your guides and we know everything about you. Also, thoughts are the medium of communication for spirits—“listening” to them is much more natural than decoding sound waves. We don’t have ears, after all. You will notice a difference between the way you word sentences and the way your guides word sentences. There is a limitation, of course, on how much of a difference there can be since your guides must speak to you using your own vocabulary. To explain this more correctly, guides communicate using imagery and emotion. However, since a Ouija board is a board of letters, we have to filter these communications through the language centers of your brain. As a result, we cannot use words you do not know or obey rules of grammar that you are unfamiliar with. Essentially, we speak to you in words that are yours, but in a style that is uniquely our own. I would love to see people all over the world using Ouija boards to contact their guides. In the case that you and your guide feel drawn to writing a book together, please do so. It would please any guide to be able to reach a larger audience with their message. If a book is too large of a project, then

you can always do a blog or a newsletter. Any way of reaching out to others that works for you is great. When you call on your guides the first time, it may seem very tiring and difficult. This is because you are expending energy in ways you never have before. Once you contact them, your guides can help you overcome these problems from behind the scenes. After your first conversation with one of your guides, the best thing you can do is to go to sleep. Whether it is a nap or an all-night rest, either will give your guides the opportunity to train your brain for its new task. We will open you up to our source of energy so that you will not become fatigued as easily. We will also strengthen the connection between us so that communication will feel more natural. Your openness to us may be so strong that you can feel or understand our guidance even when you are not speaking to us on a Ouija board. You can tell this is happening when you begin to ask us questions in your head and feel as though you are hearing or knowing our answers. This is a great thing to have happen. When it does, you can rest assured that your psychic abilities are opening up. Like any other skill, using a Ouija board will take time to develop. There is a learning curve and the height of that curve will vary from individual to individual. The learning curve may have nothing to do with skill, but with comfort level. Be patient with yourself and try to discover the root of any fear you might have. Getting past your worries will be much easier when you are able to understand why you have them. Remember that your experience is what you make it. You control what happens or doesn’t happen on a Ouija board. There are a multitude of issues that your guides can help you with. Really exploring them all is a matter of how much time you’re willing to put in. Some guides will be more interested in telling you about your personal life, and some guides will be more interested in teaching you about the universe. Guides have skill specializations, just like people do. You may wonder if you are able to speak to other people’s guides also. The truth is that you can speak to whoever you put your mind to. You can speak to spirits who are very highly advanced, and you can also speak to the part of yourself that has already transcended physicality. I will call these the

master guides and the higher self, respectively. When in contact with these, however, you may find that they are almost too advanced. Oftentimes their manner of communication is detached and nebulous. It is not that they don’t care or that they do not wish to help, but that you are in touch with a being who resonates at a very high vibration. Their messages are difficult to translate into words without losing the more delicate parts. When speaking to spiritual entities, it is important to understand that they are all connected. They are all part of the vast network of energy and consciousness that stretches throughout the universe. Coinciding with this is the strange and complex fact that time is not linear, especially where consciousness is concerned. No one is really able to experience this, therefore understanding it is next to impossible. That is why there are spirit guides. We try to teach you what you can learn and tell you what you can understand. Be aware, though, that we are connected to the master guides in the same way that your soul is connected to your higher self. They are us and we are them. We are a whole. I am now going to change from spirit guide to master guide as a way to illustrate this. Remember that I am but one shard of the master guide, one piece of its whole. When I ascend into it, my particular personality fades into all the personalities that comprise it. Hello. I am pleased to be speaking with you. Every lesson is a gift. Every trial and hardship is an opportunity. God is within you. When you understand this you will not fear adversity, you will welcome it. In a million years your existence will be a relic in time. Remember your true purpose here. Begin to trust in your instincts. They are your guide back to yourselves. Until you feel happy to be alive, you are not in tune. Be an animal. Be a real creature in your world. Truly find peace with your planet and you will truly live. If you do not return to the ways of the Earth, your time on this planet will be over. When you surrender your war against it, the world will reward you.

I am back now. Megan had never channeled the master guide before. She found it to be almost physically uncomfortable. Her energy had to be raised, and yet it felt as though she had become heavier or too full. The master guide who I and my fellow guides are joined with has an ultimate goal. You may be able to surmise what that goal is from its message. Essentially, it is to help humanity change before it has to face the consequences. But we will deal with this more in the next chapter. You can see what I mean about the impersonal style of communication. Megan felt as though she were being overloaded with information and it was jamming her circuits, which is why she felt a heaviness. She also felt very emotional and awestruck, with a tightness in her throat and chest. Crying is not uncommon for people when contacting a master guide. When speaking to master guides and other conglomerations of spirits, it is important not to start integrating their goals and desires into your life right off the bat. Their words are often full of imagery, and therefore not to be taken at face value. They have ideals for the human race to achieve as a whole, and taking their mission onto your shoulders alone is not advisable. That is why master guides have us, spirit guides, to help affect the changes they would like to see through each individual we guide. However, speaking with them gives you a great idea of what the consciousness of the universe concerns itself with. The sanctity of a planet and the balance of its inhabitants is one of those things. Now Megan is going to contact her higher self and see what it has to say. Again, this is the first time she has ever done this. Before you began your physical lives, I was here. As a soul, as a thought-form, I existed within this universe. Your lives and the lives of my other selves are both the universe’s gift to me and my gift to the universe. Behind every person you see, a pure, serene force exists like me. There is no limit to your potential. When existence makes you weary, remember that you are here because you want to be. You are singing a song to the universe and enjoying every second of it. Like a member of the audience at a

concert, the universe watches you. After your song is over, it begs you for an encore. Believe in your infinite nature. At times you may not be able to feel it, but it is there. Can you feel it when it tells you to release yourself from your burdens? It will always dream for you, and all you have to do is believe in those dreams. How do you do that? To dream is one thing, but to believe is another. Have a moment with yourself, with your higher soul, and say what it is you want the most. From the bottom of your core, seek what you wish for. Then believe it can be yours. Believe it and take the first step. If you truly want it more than anything, then it will be yours. I believe in you. You are my dream made real. And now, here is Albert again. As you can see, a higher self is very different from a master guide. Megan’s was taking the opportunity to speak directly to her while still give others a small lesson. When speaking to her guide, Megan felt a very warm and familiar presence. A higher self is composed of many lives, not all of them directly your own. You have other souls in this conglomerate with you. These are something akin to soul mates, and you often see them in your lives with you. When you speak to your higher self, you may notice that you are no longer in the same mindset of you as an individual. You may have memories of your past lives come back to you. You may feel a greater connection to the universe. When you experience this firsthand you may have a bit of an epiphany about who you are and what your place is in the grand scheme of things. Speaking with your higher self can be a great way to better understand what you were born to this life to accomplish. When you are able to communicate with the positive spirits you share a connection with, you may feel a greater desire to explore other sources of spiritual knowledge. You can communicate with the guide teams of other

people, although there is no reason to do so unless you are trying to relay information for these individuals. Many people with psychic practices do this in order to help their clients. It should not be done as a way to know something about someone without their knowledge, however. There won’t be much cooperation from their guides if this is the case anyway. When contacting their guides for them, if this is what they want, make sure you simply let the guides speak. Passing on the information they wish to give is what is most ethical. Digging for information, even at the person’s behest, will not get you anywhere. When speaking to your own guides, this rule also holds true. Just because your guides know everything about you and your life does not mean they will share all of that information with you. It is their job to keep you on a certain life path. If telling you something would change that path into a different one, they will not tell you. A good example of this is the following scenario: You are thinking of having a baby. You come to your guides and ask them for their input. This is an extremely major life decision, and not just for you. It affects people more than you realize, and it also affects people far off into the future. That is why if you were to ask if your pregnancy would go well, and the fact is that it would not, your guides would not tell you the truth. Or, if by their refusal to answer it would make you worry and change your mind, they would tell you something to comfort you. If they told you the reality—that you would almost die during pregnancy—you would probably not go through with it. Perhaps you would have an abortion or not allow yourself to get pregnant in the first place. This wouldn’t have been the case if you hadn’t spoken to your guides and they hadn’t told you the truth. Above all, your spirit guides honor your path that you planned together before you came to Earth. In the previous example, the path you have set out for yourself involves that baby being born. There is no way they would willingly thwart that for you. It is for this reason that you should not see speaking to your guides as a way to foretell the future. We are here to help by offering advice and wisdom, not a step-by-step guide to your life. Accepting this will help make our talks together more productive. Just because your spirit guides will not always tell you what you want to hear does not mean that you should then try to get the information from other spirits. You want to know the future to make your life better, not to

make it worse. There are negative spirits who will share future information with you, but will not do so from an altruistic standpoint. They will only do it to manipulate you or try to get closer to you so that they can steal your energy. Try to be at peace and take your life as it comes. Don’t take direction from anything other than your own heart. Fortune tellers and psychics are constructive people to go to, however. They are in tune with their intuition and cannot really talk to you about anything that your guides wouldn’t allow. If they advise you strongly about a particular course of action, you should listen to them. They are essentially communicating with the spirits in the non-physical realms on your behalf, passing on the messages they feel are the most important for you. Never, however, go to a psychic who you feel is fraudulent or negative. Most real psychics are normal looking and acting people. If they put on a big show then they are probably just selling an act, not anything of value to you. Because these pretenders wish to trick you, they divert your attention to things other than the task at hand. They should sit down, ask you what you want to know, and then read for you. If they ask you other things about your life, start to consider getting your money back. If they refuse to give it back, tell them that you will share your negative experience with everyone you know and social media to boot if they don’t give you a full refund immediately. That should do the trick. A true psychic is kind and wise. They will always be forthright with you, never intentionally mysterious. Also, be aware that a fortune teller cannot actually predict the future. They can only tell you what is likely to occur if your path remains the same. By extension, your guides cannot tell you this information either because the future is not set in stone. I know this seems odd, but it is true. One lifetime can diverge into other lifetimes depending on the choices you make. Be careful about taking a fortune teller’s advice. They cannot know for sure whether something will happen. Do not do something if it does not feel right to you. However, if what they say resonates with you, then there is a reason for that. In some ways going to a fortune teller or psychic is better than speaking to your guides, and in some ways it isn’t. Human beings who receive spiritual messages do so through the filter of their own consciousness. They are not

equipped to give long, detailed messages either. Essentially, what a true psychic does is receive a message from a spirit and then explain this message to their client. During that explanation, they generally bolster it with their own bits of wisdom. This makes the reading very personal between them and their client. A psychic can tell you what you need to know from your guides, and also what it helps to know as a human being. Although the information they give you is filtered through their particular outlook, they are still helpful in the sense that they are guides here on Earth. That is valuable in and of itself. There are other ways to communicate with your spirit guides if using a Ouija board or going to a psychic doesn’t fit with you. However, these methods require very good visualization skills or the advanced abilities possessed by clairvoyants and clairaudients. The exercises given earlier in this book will help you develop these skills. Now I would like to move on to probably the most controversial part of this book—the next chapter and its material. It will fly in the face of all that you have been taught by society. The values it teaches are ancient and have nearly been eradicated, just like the people who once lived by them. However, that does not mean they have no worth. Quite the contrary. These rules that people used to live by, this knowledge they used to possess, kept them alive and flourishing in harmony with the natural world. In your troubled times, these lessons are paramount. These are the truths that have the potential to save your planet. Presently, the world is too far gone to allow many people to follow them effectively. But change is always possible, and a positive change like this could save the lives of millions. All of us who guide those on Earth understand Earth’s possible outcomes. Possible outcomes are as real as actual outcomes, they just exist in other dimensions. The outcomes of Earth are manifold and always evolving. The one in which human beings relinquish their illusions of power and live in harmony with the Earth once more has yet to be seen, however. It does not exist yet, but there are many spirit teams striving to change that.

Chapter 7 – Keeping Old Ways Alive: Working to Better the Planet First off, let me completely explain the title of this chapter. The Old Ways are the methods your human ancestors used thousands of years ago to live and thrive within nature. You are still aware of what these methods were and roughly how they were accomplished, yet none of you for the most part can do these things yourself. There is still time to revive them, and revive them you must. There is no other way to go about making your planet, and your species, healthy again. Overcoming your natural (or should I say unnatural) resistance to this idea is the first challenge you face. By growing up in the society you have, with all of its technology, all of its superficial comforts, it is only a matter of course that you are unsure being opposed to it is the correct way to feel. Accepting the idea of modern progress is easy for you because there were no alternatives posed. The truth about your ancestors is little understood. This is due in part to your need to justify your current way of life. Every child grows up in the modern world being taught that progress is natural and good. Hindsight, however, can give you all the information you need to understand where this path has led you. First of all, there are too many people in the world. It is not normal for an animal of your physical size to have the numbers it does. In the short time between when you learned to cultivate plants and now, your population has exploded. Now, why is this a bad thing? Well, for one, you are now in a state of imbalance. You could never support a population of your size by living naturally. Therefore, you must turn to artificial methods. Unfortunately, your intelligence has allowed you to learn the laws of nature to a small degree. As soon as you learned something that allowed you to exploit the natural world for your own benefit, you immediately began to do so without wondering what the price would be. Earth is a closed system for the most part. You cannot take from one area without upsetting the balance in another area. If you go ahead far enough in time, the shortage will be felt by you as well. You are beginning to feel

this lack of resources. For the next two hundred or so years, your population will continue to grow exponentially until you reach a tipping point. Then your greed will fall back onto you. There is no stopping this. However, what you do at this crucial point will determine whether your species lives or dies. Will you take your slap on the wrist and go back to being good children of the Earth, or will you throw a destructive tantrum? This all depends on how well you are able to educate yourselves about, and begin to put into practice, the Old Ways of living. There will be a lot of resistance to these ideas because, frankly, I am proposing nothing less than the dismantling of your whole way of life. No one wants to give up what they know and are comfortable with. On the other hand, I will hopefully be able to help you understand all the ways that living in tune with the Earth will make you a happier, healthier person. Perhaps you already feel the unfair pressures modern day society puts on you and wonder why you feel so fundamentally unfulfilled in a world where you can have anything you want. You need something that you can’t quite put your finger on. But I’m here to tell you that thing is your natural connection to the planet that you have never been given the opportunity to experience wholly. Make your life anew with this in your heart: I am a natural creature and I belong in the natural world. There is no reason to believe that you are different from other animals. By the same mechanism of creation you became yourselves here on this planet, evolving into sentient animals from the building blocks of life. All animals are sentient. All animals understand that Earth is their home. You too understood this at one point. You did not feel better than or separate from nature, you simply were a part of nature. However, there was an end to this harmony; an end not just for you, but for all creatures on this planet. They have had to suffer as a result of this experiment of yours as well. The cause of this interruption of harmony was not obvious. The people in the past who made these choices even though they went against natural laws could not have known the far-reaching consequences of their actions. They had no idea of the massive harm they would inflict on the planet. All they did was make a choice that made their lives a little easier. When people saw the benefit, they made another choice that helped them in a different

way. People were able to see how these choices helped them, but not the long-term consequences of their innovations. This myopic view of the world has persisted and gotten exponentially worse. Deciding how to live has always been a big concern of humanity’s. With so much of your ability to survive dependent upon your intellect, you were bound to make mistakes. Even when you were learning how to walk, so to speak, you relied on your wits to avoid predators and secure food. Innovation was, of course, a necessity for this to happen in an unpredictable wilderness. You became human through innovation, after all. Walking upright was the most important and discerning example of this. The weapons and tools you started utilizing were then much more manageable with two empty hands to wield them. Not all innovations are good for you, though. There were some major decisions you made that cost the planet and yourselves quite a lot. In essence, the worst mistake you made was letting your respect and love for the planet dwindle. Most of your problems originated from this. Humans, starting in the beginning, were able to reason out why they should respect the Earth. All societies were deeply spiritual and taught their children to revere the natural world. The beauty of nature then far surpassed what it is today. Understanding its power and resonating with its essence was hard to avoid. In the past, however, being human wasn’t always easy. There was an era of climatic change and not all people could survive the way their ancestors had survived. Because of this, some humans felt betrayed by the Earth. Nature had failed them somehow, and gratitude toward it started to plummet. People began hoarding animals and plants, not knowing when they would see them again. The animals had to be fed and kept safe somehow, and the plants had to be kept alive through artificial means. This led to the beginnings of animal husbandry and plant cultivation. However, since all animals and plants were meant to be free, their domestication broke the laws of nature. By doing these things, people began to feel more powerful. They began to lose their trust in the natural world and started placing their trust in people who were good at providing food. It no longer mattered if what they were doing was right or wrong. To them, survival was most important. Now, I do

not mean that it wasn’t important for them to survive. I merely want to convey that their method of surviving was at fault. Depending on the time and place, a band of hunter-gatherers could have chosen to break up into smaller groups or travel somewhere entirely new. They realized they had options, but they chose to take an easier path. No one has the right to take another animal’s freedom away. Taking this is not the same as taking their life to feed yourself. To keep an animal in an enclosure its whole (short) life is a deep trespass. Unless you kill something for no reason, nothing else is worse. If an animal is allowed to have a free life, hunting it is good and natural. All animals hunt or are hunted. This is how nature’s ecosystems function. When you stopped using your mind for hunting and gathering and started using it for farming, you began to lose your knowledge of nature. Not knowing nature led to fearing nature, which only worsened your problem. Farming created a host of other problems as well. The population boom that happened as a result of excess food stores altered your natural tribal social structure. To complicate matters, some people were suddenly viewed as more important than others. With this deeply flawed, hierarchical outlook, the concepts of poverty and crime were introduced. This new world you created fostered and perpetuated your first misstep, which was essentially based on a loss of respect for the planet—a division between the two of you which was not there previously. During a period of pain and fear, you forgot the real purpose of your lives. That purpose is to live within the planet’s ecosystems, existing within them as children of Earth, to enjoy the ups and weather the downs of your lives. Nothing else can come close to fulfilling you. When some of you decided to put yourselves above nature, you appalled many people who still believed in the Old Ways of living. They were able to see what you were doing from the perspective of animals and plants. Would you tolerate someone else telling you how to live, let alone forcing you to live on tiny pieces of land or forcing you to grow where they told you? Would it be okay with you to be raised from birth for the sole purpose of being butchered in your prime? To have yourselves pulled up by the roots once you reached a certain size? To be denied a life of freedom and

the inalienable right of fighting on fair ground for your life? If any of this happened to you as people, the wrongness of it would be plainly obvious. You may wonder, is it really that much worse to raise a sheep on a peaceful farm and slaughter it one day than to hunt a deer in the forest? The answer is most assuredly, yes. In the first case, the sheep is raised in an artificial environment. Its genes have been altered by humans. A human has cared for it, sometimes even lovingly, only to kill it one day. It spends its whole existence both desiring and fearing a wild life. It can never explore the rocks and crags of nature, it can never know what it’s like to win survival by its own merits, and it may even have its children repeatedly taken away and slaughtered before they are weaned. You think that sheep do not feel the wrongness of this, that they do not have the souls or brains fit to the task. You are deeply wrong. They feel and yearn for the lives they should be living. On the other hand, the deer who is hunted in the forest has led a natural life. It grew up with its mother, became strong and learned to thrive in nature. It knew who its predators were and knew roughly where it would find them. Every day it was alive it made its own choices and explored the natural world freely. If it wandered too close to a human settlement, then that was the risk it took. If it was unlucky enough to meet a human hunter, then it still had a chance of escaping. It wasn’t corralled in a pen, made helpless, and unable to use its strength and speed as nature intended. But what about plants? Surely growing them is okay? There is actually a lot going on behind the scenes in the growth of plants. They have complex ways of propagating themselves. Yes, human beings understand many of the mechanics behind this, but they still do not understand how harmful their interference is. There is no possible way for a human being to farm plants that is not damaging to either the plant, the ecosystem, or animals besides yourselves who also rely on the plant for food. The average person alive today is responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of animals. Yet most of those people have never looked a single one of them in the eye, acknowledging the life they were taking before they took it. Yet this reality exists behind the scenes. There are important life lessons you as human beings are never taught because nature is

no longer your guide. You are now just humans teaching other humans. You are truly the blind leading the blind. Imagine a world where you are more involved in the process of living. Surviving doesn’t have to be a perilous, rugged act. Surviving takes practice and a little bit of finesse, but it can be as simple as going about your day. In human terms, living in the wild is no more dangerous than living in a city. You built walls around yourselves to feel safe, but you are no more safe than you have ever been. Animals in the wild are much more predictable than human beings living lives of poverty and desperation. You have become your own worst enemy because, for as advanced as you think you are, you still cannot provide enough food and shelter to care for every human being. You will never be able to if you persist in living this out-of-sync existence. Yet, it is a fact that every type of hunter-gatherer group was able to do this on a scale far greater than yours. Every single one of these societies was able to feed, clothe, house, and love every member of their society almost all of the time. That’s ninety percent of the time or more, all people were cared for properly under this social structure. Unfortunately, you have wiped most of these good examples off the face of the Earth to replace them with societies where only about fifty percent of people have their basic needs met at all times. Pollution alone ravages your people. It makes you sick or causes you to never truly be healthy. It’s in your food, water, and air. It changes you in ways you don’t yet understand. It causes autism, senility, Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune disorders, and a host of other degenerative diseases. Cancer is rampant. You shouldn’t be exposed to a single chemical in your lifetime, yet you’re exposed to hundreds every day. They simply should not exist. Your way of life is spiraling out of control. In the context of nature, sometimes things can get a little out of control, too. Earth is always changing, after all, and ecosystems are always balancing themselves out. This leads to natural disasters, harsh winters, and drought, which can bring on hard times for all living creatures. This is when the lives of hunter-gatherers became more tumultuous. Yet still, on average, these societies enjoyed a much better standard of living than yours. However, your minds have been conditioned to automatically reject this truth.

A hunter-gatherer society is a natural, holistic society. It does not damage the land, it does not produce non-biodegradable trash or pollution, its members do not suffer from mental illness, crime, or poverty. It does not overhunt, overfish, or dictate where plants should grow. It does not cause mass extinctions or commit genocide. It is not even troubled for the most part by dental issues. It coexists with animals, plants, and other neighboring societies much more peacefully than yours. It has its own knowledge and wisdom. And above all, it has balance. When a society begins to farm, it grows in population. Eventually its numbers grow too high and it must spread out. This requires the acquisition of more and more land on which to keep its animals and plant its crops. Either it absorbs and converts neighboring hunter-gatherer societies or it takes them over by force. It will always win because it has more people to fight with. Eventually, it will develop and support a military force that will doom neighboring hunter-gatherers even further. However, what dooms them the most is that these agrarians have forgotten to respect the land and the creatures it supports. They recognize the rights of others as secondary to their own. They develop a belief system that exemplifies them as special, chosen, or superior. They go from believing in the God-force inside themselves and everything else to believing they are gods in their own right. This is the type of sickness your society grew out of. In some ways, you were faced with a choice long ago: balance or power? What is so very unfair about this is that all over the world the majority of societies chose balance, but were forcefully overrun by those that chose power. Nature is merely tolerating this hubris at the moment. It can and will control you, not the other way around. You belong to nature; it has never been otherwise. You have the ability to change your fate. The rest of this chapter will tell you how to get started. None of this will be easy, but it will be gratifying. You will have to be careful because nature is so foreign to you now. In many ways you have to learn how to crawl again. But each step you take will get you closer to walking the true path you should be on. Teach others who are interested. Tell children of this history, let people choose and their choices may surprise you. The natural world whispers to everyone’s hearts. The following information will merely be a nudge in the right direction.

Once you know where to begin, you will have to continue on your own. There are things about natural living and survival that go far beyond the scope of this book, or of any book in print today for that matter. Learn what you can from reading and learn the rest from doing. This is where you will truly breathe life into the Old Ways once more. You must consider the practical aspects of living off the land. Land is now a commodity to be bought and sold. There are laws that have to be followed, or otherwise you will not be able to practice wilderness living for very long. Therefore, you must either have a benefactor who owns a large parcel of land, or you must purchase the land yourself. If you go this route, the land must be carefully chosen. Your primary concern should be whether or not there is a source of pure water on the site. Since you live in a world where pollution is rampant, this will be a rather difficult undertaking. If you test the water today and it passes, that does not mean it will be safe to drink tomorrow. Your source needs to be running water, not stagnant. It needs to be from an area that is far away from people. Ideally, you would own the source of the creek or river itself. That means buying mountains or very high hills. You also need a sizeable amount of acreage. Living off the land means moving around to find game and edible plants. I recommend at least twentyfive acres per person, and much more if you have the means. The type of land you buy must also be lush and rich in raw materials. Think deep, dark forests. If you’re lucky, you may even find a cave. Caves are the ultimate shelter. They can also attract other animals, however, so beware. Following laws is important if you want to do anything long term. Although you will most likely remain very secluded, your presence will still be known by those whose job it is to know. Make sure you are still able to pay your taxes, and do not keep children on the land without at least homeschooling them. There are laws abounding about what you can hunt and when you can hunt it. Follow these scrupulously and you will not be bothered. Consult a lawyer so you are aware of every legal ramification of what you will be doing. If you do not want to be troubled with legalities after the outset, then your lawyer can be paid to handle them for you. An accountant may also be necessary to manage investments and take care of money matters. Meeting with them at least once a year is advisable.

In a perfect world you would not have to trouble with such things. In the past, if you wanted to live away from society then you could do so. As long as you were capable of fending for yourself, you could go off anywhere that wasn’t occupied. You were more free than you are today. The higher the population grows, the less free you will become. Land will be a highly prized commodity. You will not get away with trespassing on someone else’s property for very long. View buying land now as a race to the finish line. Trust me when I tell you that it is very important to acquire it and keep it. Your safety and the future of the human race depends on the popularity of a stable wilderness living movement. At the present time, it is a very small movement indeed. There is no need to approach wilderness living from merely a survivalist standpoint, however. If you do this it should be because it is something that you truly enjoy. Many people are extremely discontent with their lives. Even if they have a job that earns them enough money to live, they still tire of the daily grind. They tire of not having meaningful work and meaningful relationships. They tire of the emptiness they feel and the lack of compassion they see in the world. In short, they tire of an unbalanced life. Love is not something you understand in regards to the Earth anymore. You need to start seeing the Earth as alive once again. Living with love toward the Earth is a very delicate thing. It requires of every person an inner stillness and a capacity for observation. Seeing animals and plants as equals is one place to start. They are equals—this is fact. Any theory you have otherwise is borne out of the desire to exploit and subdue. Start to see them with eyes unclouded. The spider, the chicken, the cat, the fern—all are your equals. Respect and love for them will help you grow and help you survive. They know so much that you have forgotten. Never let your feelings of superiority get the better of you. In the wild you are not at the top of the food chain. That place is reserved for the strictly carnivorous predators. By nature, you are an omnivore. You are in the middle of the food chain. Do not let that make you feel better than the herbivores at the bottom of the food chain, either. In reality you are a very frail creature. Many herbivores and carnivores alike can kill you in a heartbeat. You must use your humility to survive. Understand the habits of both predator and prey and you will know how to safely exist among them.

In a way, there is a comfort in humility. Animals all depend on one another. Although they eat each other and are eaten in turn, they are a balanced family. They have respect for each other. No animal kills out of malice. They kill out of need or because nature compels them to for the good of their species. Nature is not cruel; nature is harmonious. Just because animals may get a thrill from the hunt does not mean that they are ruthless. When you are finally able to live in a wooded area, a wild area, you will need to become adept at hunting, fishing, foraging, making fire, making shelter, using all parts of an animal to better your life, and getting prepared for winter. Until you feel completely competent in these areas you will only be putting yourself in danger if you try to survive in the wild. The best way to go about this project, if you choose to do it, is to purchase your land and then spend a considerable amount of time exploring it. You should already know before you buy it where the water source is, and you should know that it is drinkable. Take some time to wade in it and get a feel for the fish and other wildlife it supports. Find a place to hide yourself and observe the animals that come to take a drink. Do this for an hour or so around dusk. Look along the bank for any evidence of it swelling during certain times of the year to a larger size. To ensure you get a good measure of this, go during the driest part of the year. Follow the creek or river to the borders of your property on both sides. Hopefully you were successful in purchasing the water’s source. The source can be a lot of different things—a spring, a melting glacier, a trough that collects rainwater. It is, however, only safe if it is located on the highest point in the area. You do not want to be downstream of any other person’s property. Once you have explored the water source thoroughly, start walking along the perimeter of your property. If there are any fences on your side of the property take them down, as this will allow game easier access to your land, then mark the perimeter with tree markers instead. Once you have the lay of the land, you need to start practicing how to live in the wild. These are skills that most people grew up learning in the past, so be forgiving with yourself. You really have nothing to compare any of these skills to. If you have hunted before, it definitely wasn’t with a bow and arrows of your own construction. Learn how to do small things first.

Learn how to fish, make baskets, make fire, and forage before you start elk hunting. You can become perfectly competent in the wild with easy to learn, and not dangerous to implement, skills. There can be danger in simply foraging, however. Other animals live in the woods, too. Some are hunters, and others are just territorial. You need to learn about the animals you have in your geographical area, and you need to know how to handle yourself to both avoid and survive confrontations with them. If you must defend yourself, do so, but always use all parts of any animal you must kill. This is not only intelligent; it is respectful. I would recommend having a rifle with you in the beginning. Use it to keep yourself safe and to hunt with if you need it. You will eventually want to use a rifle only in the most desperate circumstances. The idea is to start living as much like a hunter-gatherer as possible. When you are able to make your own high quality spears, bows, and arrows, you will by then be much more acquainted with natural living. These weapons will be sufficient at that point to protect you. There are special considerations you will need to make when selecting your home site. Be fairly close to your water source, but do not build your dwelling right next to it. The stream will be a high traffic area for all nearby animals. You do not want to make yourself vulnerable by being too close. If you are able to find a cave, great. However, it will probably already be occupied. Very carefully, with your rifle and a torch, start exploring it. Go over every inch. If it is a large cave, take measures to ensure you do not get lost. Be on the lookout for animal bones, droppings, scratch marks, and any other indicators that it has been or is currently being used by other creatures. Don’t forget to look up! A bat cave will not be a good place to live. If it is the home of a predator, you must get out carefully. If you encounter cubs, do not kill them needlessly. There are perfectly good houses you can make for yourself. One day down the road, the cave may no longer be in use. This would be the appropriate time to move in. Perhaps there is no available cave or you do not wish to live in one. What you need to do then is find a clearing or make one. Building your dwelling against a rock face may sound cozy, but it makes you vulnerable to attacks from above. Mountain lions are experts at these. It does not have to be

a large clearing, but make sure you have a good hundred yards on either side of your dwelling. This will require felling trees most likely. If you wish to do this with an axe of your own construction, you will become very tired and sore before your first tree is cut down. You can instead do a controlled burning by digging a trench around the perimeter of your site. This will rid you of any brush and smaller stumps in the ground as well. You will need to ensure that the fire won’t be able to spread past the area of your trench. You may need to fell trees along its border with your axe to make sure the fire won’t be able to leap from tree to tree across it. There is nothing wrong with creating a clearing like this. You must protect yourself from predators, and this is the best way to do so. Predatory animals are often uncomfortable going into a large clearing due to the lack of cover. The timber that you fell will be useful to you anyway. The inner parts of the trees will remain unburned. You will have to use a combination of fire and your axe to even bring the larger ones down. When the fire burns out, you will need to collect all the wood remaining and stack it according to size. The larger trees that you have felled will need to be chopped up into manageable pieces. To make the job easier, use fire. Choose the area of a felled tree that you wish to cut and build a fire beneath it. Wait until the wood is charred and then with a nice long, heavy axe, chop the sides of the log until fresh wood shows, then allow the fire to char it again. Repeat the process until you are able to sever the log into two pieces. Use all of this wood for firewood in the future. It will need to be kept somewhere dry. There are several references on how to build a house out of sticks and branches like hunter-gatherers used to do. Some of these styles of homes even allowed for you to keep a fire pit in your house. Rain will only come in a small bit from the hole you need in the roof to let the smoke out. Otherwise, your house will be watertight. Imagine living here—a home you built yourself in only a few weeks for free. You wake up in the morning covered in clean furs, your fire has only recently gone out. The trees are beautiful surrounding your house. The air is chill and crisp. It is peaceful here. Were it not for the ties you are forced to keep with the world outside your land, you could remain happy here forever.

You feel a deep connection with the land, and you are not harried by any concerns besides checking your snares for game and perhaps making some baskets or arrowheads. In the afternoon you will bathe in the stream. You enjoy the foraging you do for food and herbs. You have learned so much from the forest and enjoy participating in this natural way of life. You may get lonely sometimes if you have no one else in your life. Human beings are meant to live in a tribal social structure. If you do not know enough people already, there are thousands who would be honored to live with you and learn a more natural way of life. You could also teach classes or hold wilderness retreats to show people this way of life that they can make for themselves. If you are successful in creating this type of life for yourself, please do not remain silent. These skills are too valuable and necessary to remain in obscurity. When you understand something as complex and rare as living within nature, it is your responsibility to share what you know. If you are not the social type, you could always write a book. Do everything you can to responsibly popularize this way of life. I cannot stress enough how important it is that people learn as many of these skills as possible in as little time as possible. You need to understand what is going wrong ecologically with the planet today. As soon as you stumbled upon the process of industrialization, you really started putting the world in danger. Nothing is worse right now than industrialized farming. It abuses the planet’s animals, plants, and land to a high degree—too high to be sustainable, especially with the size of your population now. Why overrun the planet with your numbers? There is nothing to gain and everything to lose. Humanity at large is not capable of willing itself to have fewer children or no children at all. In a hunter-gatherer society, women are always with their children while they are young. The act of breastfeeding them works as a natural contraceptive. Communal living also activates other instincts and bodily processes that control population. You may believe you have no real instincts at times, but really you are just doing your best to avoid them. They are finely tuned to respond to natural living within a tribal structure. Unfortunately, many people are now extremely unbalanced as a result of

living within a society of consumption. Your minds and bodies are not working in harmony. There are those among you who can no longer deal with the pressures of living wrongly. These people are sick of mind and body and are overwhelming your society’s safety nets for the needy. They are giving up, they are acting desperately and creating problems for your supposedly perfect modern civilization. Here is the point I am trying to make—if your society doesn’t work for everyone, then it doesn’t work at all. Sadly, your culture only functions well if you have a source of cheap labor and cheap materials. These are obtained by exploitative means. As long as there is a low cost for manufacturers, then there is a low cost for consumers. A high standard of living relies on a low price paid for everyday items and food. Without this cycle, the system crumbles. Countries have tried alternatives, of course, but the results were always very poor. It is simply not possible to sustain a high standard of living for every single person in your society. People achieve a high standard of living for themselves by exploiting the sacrifices others are forced to make. After all, production costs must be kept to a minimum, and that cannot be achieved by paying decent wages. This has been the vicious cycle since your modern societal structure began a few thousand years ago. The masses are subjugated in order to keep industry running smoothly, all the while being told that they are free. In time, this illusion will deteriorate and people will see the painful truth. While you still can, try to find some way to escape from the trap of modern living. You can take small steps along the way so that the change feels more natural. The first step is to educate yourself. You can find several books at most bookstores in which the authors stand back from your culture and view it through a critical lens. Look at all the angles—pollution, discontent, power structures, capitalism. Do whatever you need to gain a full and complete understanding of how your world came to exist historically and what it suffers from currently. Then educate yourself on how various people are reacting to these problems. Look into environmentalism, communes, radical activism, anarchy, and the like. What problems do these groups encounter? How effective are they? If there was a major catastrophe, would

they be able to sustain themselves? Then finally, after all this research, if you still want to and see the need for a change in line with what I have stated, read all you can about living in the wild. The phrase “live like a caveman” has such a negative connotation, but the reasons behind this are not sound. I’ve stated before that hunter-gatherers enjoy a higher standard of living than even your “civilized” modern societies. Because they live as nature intended them to live, all that they have—their food, clothing, and shelter—is virtually free for them and for the Earth. Indeed, their way of life helps the Earth to maintain balance instead of doing the damage your current culture does. Many of you are enamored with the intellectual achievements of humanity and would hate to have to give them up. But why would you have to? Sure, there would be a lot in the sciences that would have to be investigated more creatively, but all that math and literature requires is a pen and paper. Prior to the printing press, books were beautiful and valuable. You don’t need a factory to make your own paper. Paper is made from the pulp of woody plants; ink is made by crushing up anything black and essentially mixing it with oil. There are many ways to maintain the way you live now, naturally. You are a creative people. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish in this area if you just desire it enough. By shifting your values like this, you will come to understand more about life and your place in it than you ever could have if you remained the same. Scientifically, you could actually make great strides in biology, natural medicine, botany, and other fields. Each person would be able to make their own discoveries which they could add to an ever-increasing body of knowledge. A movement like this is really only limited by your imagination. You do not have to forsake everything you have accomplished as a species. You can carry what is beautiful and constructive about it into your future. You must simply always act with respect toward the Earth. If you can understand what is respectful and what is not, then you will not go astray. How can you tell the difference? Essentially, you are allowed to make a mark on the planet. You live here, after all. It should not be an issue to cut down the occasional tree or burn the occasional clearing. It’s when you take these activities to the extreme that it becomes disrespectful.

When you look at an entire clearcut forest, at a habitat completely destroyed, you can feel that it is wrong. Everyone must learn to listen to their consciences where the Earth is concerned. You may feel that farming is not wrong, but why take a plant and move it closer to you? You remove it from where it first saw light. You take it from its home, its sense of self and place. You act like you own it when you do not. You can never own a living thing. It is its own master. When you do things to plants that should not be done—like farm—you alter them. To survive, they must adapt to what you want. Plants that are farmed today are barely the plants they originally were when you first found them in the wild. They are more like fruit- and vegetable-producing machines. If you left them to grow in nature, they would not be viable. There were many beautiful plants that humanity actually farmed into extinction. There are many more to come. Each time a field is planted, the problem gets a little worse. A plant wants to live in the wild. It needs nature’s own special type of regulation, not humanity’s misguided, exploitative efforts. You are not doing anyone any good by farming. By farming, you create imbalance. Therefore, it is also a disrespectful act. Whenever you act in this way, you demonstrate just how little you understand about your own planet. You are lost in a sea of facts and do not know how to listen to wisdom anymore. Wisdom is knowing from your intuition how the pieces relate to the whole. It is a broad, more complete form of knowing. This gestalt awareness is mostly forgotten. This is unfortunate because when the whole picture is taken into account, love and compassion are the natural outcomes. Loving the Earth does not mean driving an eco-friendly car and being a vegetarian. Loving the Earth means partaking in a natural life, surrounded by what Earth really is—trees, land, animals, and plants. Enjoy the sun, enjoy the rain, let your feet touch the dirt. You have everything you need to do this successfully. Become the impressive creatures you once were. Listen to your heart and your conscience and you will become wise once again. Those of you who decide to pursue a natural life will be fairly isolated. The majority of the world will not understand why you are doing this and you may even be the subject of rather intense ridicule. Do not let this deter you. When your world reaches a critical level of damage, people will look to you

for guidance and security. It may be very dangerous for you when water levels start to rise and the government and the wealthy start looking for high altitude land to appropriate. If you are too cut off from the outside world, you may find that your land is simply taken from you. You need to make sure that you are always aware of current events and protected from a legal perspective as much as possible. It will not be until the very distant future that humanity begins living within nature on a large scale once more, if it even happens at all. Therefore, the ones who adopt this lifestyle change will sadly need to remain hybrids of natural and modern living in order to survive. This will at times be very stressful, but also very rewarding. The thing to keep in mind is that you’re doing it to secure the future of your species and the countless other species that your existence strongly impacts. The most important thing you will be learning is mindfulness. This will encourage all other important practices. Respect is perhaps counterintuitive when it comes to hunting other animals. You may understand that killing is the ultimate disrespectful act. However, when you are able to look with a mindful eye you will see that an animal who is caught for food and materials is deserving of your highest form of respect. When you live in the wild you will learn the rules. The forest will speak to you, showing you what it wants you to know. A forest has a pulse, a spirit. All you have to do is open your awareness to it. In the times to come, when humanity searches for the source of and solution to its own mayhem, it will have no choice but to blame its distant ancestors who knew how to respect nature, but chose a more selfish path. When technology finally fails you, you will understand that what makes you extraordinary is not what makes you different from other animals, but what makes you the same. This will be a very humbling experience. Civilizations have crumbled many times in the past. They outstripped their land’s ability to support them. What is taking place currently is a stubborn refusal on your part to learn this lesson. Globally, you are now attempting to support your exponential growth with all of Earth’s available resources. As with prior civilizations who attempted to do this within their own territory, there is an end for you. It will happen without a doubt. It is a

law of the Earth. You will begin to weaken, and then you will collapse. People will all then literally head for the hills. What we, the guides for those who are on Earth, wish to see is a welcoming party for them there—a society of people living in balance with the Earth who will be able to offer their assistance, and be able to prevent the same thing from ever happening again. There will be more to come on this at a later time. These are just the basics—the impetus for you to get started. I hope to have at least opened you up to the possibility that you would benefit from a radical shift in your way of life. Even if you would be terrified of making these changes yourself, I hope to make you curious or willing to try them with a guide. The fact is that most people would not be willing to execute these changes without trying them out first. They are more of the “seeing is believing” type of crowd. Therefore, those of you who feel a strong pull to the wild must be the trailblazers of this movement. I can’t stress enough how important it is that people get on board with this. You can work out the details along the way. For now, start living the life. The more competent you become in the area of wilderness living, the more your life will grow into that area naturally. Network where you can, but also be wary of those who you let into your inner circle. Make sure you cover all your bases in a screening process prior to allowing an individual or a party access to your land. Feel free to group together with others who you trust in order to help lighten the financial burden of purchasing so much land. By doing this, you will be able to accelerate your progress. In whatever way possible, work toward this goal. Focus your talents and abilities on earning the money necessary to start this venture. This also shouldn’t be seen as solely a project to save the world when everything unravels. You should only do this because it is the way you would prefer to live if given the option. All others who you teach or take into your community should be of this mindset as well, or it will not work. You need to be certain this is what you want to do before you do it. You need to educate yourself about more than you would think in order to succeed in this endeavor. If you are unsure about some aspect, then you will be putting yourself in danger. You need to practice this way of life before you

commit to buying the land. Make sure you hunt, skin, and eat an animal. Make sure you stay overnight in a shelter of your own making. Make sure you forage for and make a meal out of vegetables you find in the forest. If you get a cold or flu, you should go stay in the woods so you know how it feels. Learn what plants you can use as medicine. Stay in the forest during a few days of rain. Above all, learn how to make your own fire. You should be able to do this in wet conditions, especially. Note how living like this makes you feel. It should make you tired, yes, but also strangely satisfied; even happy. In the past, spiritual leaders especially benefited from a more natural existence. They grew faster spiritually and learned more applicable concepts. Your lives in modern society are fraught with distractions. Your minds are bombarded with untrue ideas about reality, and you have a much harder time trying to exercise independent thought, let alone spiritual understanding. A life in the wild is a quiet one. There are not thousands of people trying to get your attention via the television, internet, or radio. Peace has a voice in the outdoors. You will be able to hear it and grow towards it. When you can do this, the world at large will seem a chaotic and lewd place that is not worthy of its continued domination. You will hate having to go back into it, even though you must at times. Reality will finally begin to show itself to you. The balance you will achieve with animals and plants will teach you more about life than any school you have attended. Crime and living within nature are not compatible. Achieving peace and belonging within your environment is a natural way to overcome humanity’s more violent tendencies. As I have explained, expressions of anger, including violence, occur as a result of emotional pain. The sadness you feel at times from the difficulties of your lives has the tendency to build up. Most of the crime you see of a violent nature occurs from people who crumble under their emotional burdens. Always feeling watched, they are unable to vent and release them. You underestimate the importance of privacy. You also underestimate the damage your psyches absorb as a result of its near absence from your lives. Your war against nature is the outcome of your insecurities. For what reason? You act as gods on a planet where you are really just children. You

feel this truth at the core of your being, so you lash out. This impetuousness needs to turn into maturity. You were once as infants on this Earth, unconsciously in tune with your mother. You have carried on into the other stages of growth, each one a little more self-aware than the last. You are in the stage of adolescence at the moment—self-absorbed and convinced that you are invincible—but adulthood is just around the corner. The time to accept your responsibilities with grace is now upon you. In many ways, when you are able to experience this growth, there will be massive shifts within you. You will feel a shift in perspective, priorities, and compassion. Your vision will shift from civilization and its concerns to living naturally and how to best achieve it. Perhaps you will feel anger at the artificial life you were born into, at the knowledge lost, at the people, animals, and plants that were needlessly killed, at the birthright that was taken from you. However, anger will achieve nothing. Use your outrage as fuel for corrective action. Do not let it contribute to apathy. I hope this chapter did not overwhelm you or make you feel negatively about your life in any way. The truth is not always easy, however. In order to grow as a soul, perspective shifts are necessary. You must learn to step back from your life and see the whole picture of human existence. Ask difficult questions and critically appraise the state of your world. Understanding the impact of your actions as a species will lead you to an understanding of how to remedy them.

Chapter 8 – Forging Ahead In Your Relationships Relationships are many things when viewed from a spiritual perspective. Your friends, family, even acquaintances are all in your life for a special reason. Without experiencing relationships, you would never grow. Each person in your life can teach you something and you can teach them as well. There are many people who you are born to interact with. The whole reason you are on the planet is to interact with them; please do so while you still can. You will never have the same opportunities twice. Tell people how you feel about them. If you love them, tell them you love them. If you have a problem with them, then address it. Don’t sit on the sidelines of your own life. How you view the world has everything to do with how your relationships function. In a worldview that is not even slightly spiritual, relationships with other people are usually more negative, less likely to be rewarding, and more likely to be competitive in nature. Without a spiritual outlook, people can get lost in the world of appearances. Lacking a sense of connection, self-serving attitudes are more likely to damage the love between people. As guides, loss of love between people is our primary concern. Nothing else is as detrimental to your growth as human beings. Because of this, our main efforts go into improving your relationships. This goes hand in hand with spiritual growth. A spiritual awareness of the world leads to increased cohesion between you and those you come in contact with. It is the path to true fulfillment where your friends and family are concerned. Yet, so much of spirituality is dependent upon your growth as an individual. You may find that in order to achieve a more spiritual mindset, your relationships with others may have to be put on hold. Soul searching is a very solitary activity. When you have found your essential truth, some time must be spent implementing it. After you lay a solid foundation, you will be able to take on these relationships with a more complete understanding. If you can’t see yourself for who you truly are, then others in your life will have a difficult time with that as well. You must direct your will in this

life purely. This is the only way that your relationships will be fulfilling. You will find that if you can do this, the pieces of your life will fall naturally into place. As a content and fulfilled person, working from an honest place of love is more natural. Having a solid, secure state of mind also makes it easier for others to know you and match their will to yours in mutually beneficial ways. This strength on an individual level is how positive karma and growth develop between people. Therefore, the interesting paradox is that in order to have better relationships with others, you have to improve yourself. In many ways, this is an easy thing to accomplish. When you understand what makes you happy and what makes you unhappy, spend conscious effort maximizing your happiness and minimizing your unhappiness. Be honest with yourself! This will naturally push you into the correct networks of energy, and within these your goals and desires will manifest on a much greater scale. Honesty, then, is something that needs to be addressed. Like love, it is devalued in your society. Although honesty is not the same as love, it acts as a gateway to it. Lying to oneself and others is a negative practice, though not because it is wrong in a moral sense but because it is a concealer of one’s identity. In the spiritual planes, it is not possible to lie. That is due to the fact that we as spirits are all aware of our unified nature. Lying is a triviality when faced with the purity of a Godlike force. When you are honest with another person, you are opening yourself up to your and another’s spiritual truth. You are communicating to them that you take them seriously as a human being and that you wish to be regarded seriously as well. It is a offer of respect. Amplifying honesty in your life is a quest you have to take with yourself. Honesty truly means knowing yourself and showing yourself to others. It requires a lot of strength, and there is a strength that develops in you through your honest relations with others. It makes you a conduit for your own power. Personal power is something that should not be undervalued. You must always strive to manifest your desires, no matter what those may be. Your path is not accidental, nor is any desire or urge which you feel strongly. Follow your gut and follow your heart, even if they take you to strange places. Your path is yours for a reason. It is tailor-made to fit you and

maximize your growth. When you fight or hide from it is when you suffer the most. You suffer and delay your own enlightenment. What does personal power have to do with relationships? Perhaps you have at some time felt that the people you knew were not the right people for you. It is a feeling many people get in their lives and it comes from not directing your will effectively. When you actualize your potential, you find that the people in your life start to feel right. These are the people you were born to know. In many ways, you owe it to them to become the person you were meant to be. Without you there, it is as though a puzzle piece is missing in their lives as well. When you learn to become yourself fully, you will achieve a state of mind that is peaceful and reflective. This is when you truly can begin forging ahead in your relationships. Prior to this is the confused back and forth progress that people make together as they learn their experiential lessons. When you are ready for it and no sooner is when you will start to achieve a slow forward progression in your karma with other people. When you live your lives, you have a group of your spiritual classmates living them with you. These are the same souls you see throughout all of your lives. There are some variations, but most of the people close to you are in this group. Its function is to give you a nice sense of progress in your lives. Together you work through and finish the story you started when you were born as a group on your first world. You can see how your time together has made you different and better. Without the act of reincarnating in groups, karma would be a lot less effective. When you live life with your spiritual classmates, your growth is amplified. Acts have an energy to them, but so do your relationships with other people. The energy between those who incarnate in groups is much stronger than the energy between strangers. This is due to the fact that you have known them many times and built close bonds with them, even if those bonds are sometimes negative. Everything you do with or to another person, whether good or bad, makes your energetic bond stronger. Things that are done to those you have a strong bond with make a larger impact on you, them, and the universe in general. Karma is able to work with this greater energetic force to make your lessons stronger in turn.

In your school of souls, you have about thirty to forty classmates. You always know one of your classmates when you see them. There are instant feelings there, whether of friendship, love, or even hate. Many of these classmates will be key players in your life. For instance, your mother and father will almost always be your classmates. Furthermore, your marriage partner, best friends, and even your greatest enemies will be as well. These people know you very well, better than they know themselves, even. You know them very well also and where this understanding comes from, you have no idea. You simply know they are important to you. This feeling is one you can never shake, no matter what the circumstances. These are the relationships that are most worth moving ahead in. Of course, other people you know should be getting a good effort on your part to make your relationship satisfactory. However, if you neglect your relationships with your spiritual classmates then your overall growth will suffer. There are ways to guarantee you will do this successfully, which I will share with you in this chapter. How will you know when you are ready for moving forward in your important relationships? This is something you absolutely must consider. If you are not ready then there is no reason to push it unnaturally. You must learn to respect your limits in this life. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and probably causing heartache where there should be none. If you can sit down with yourself and honestly admit that there is no resentment, anger, or pain felt by you toward the people you feel a strong bond with, then you are ready. Perhaps you remember the wrongs from the past but no longer feel bitter; in fact, you long for resolution. Or, perhaps you have no issues with anyone in this life at all, but sense that there need to be apologies given by both parties for trespasses done in past lives. How do you take the vast number of past experiences, most of which you do not even remember, and go over them together in order to find closure? Unfortunately, there is no way to do this while you are living a physical life without having a past life regression experience together via hypnosis. If this is something people are never given the opportunity to do while on Earth, it will be done in the spiritual realm with the assistance of your guides. However, there is nothing quite like remembering who your loved ones were to you before this life while you are still in this life together. It is a very

healing experience for your relationships. Healing can be achieved between you without hypnosis, but it will not be as deep. When you are in a good place emotionally with the people you are close to, talk about the potential of doing this with them. There are several good regression hypnotherapists around today. Their prices are never unfair for what they offer. If you are able to find someone you like, schedule an individual, private appointment for each person in your group. During the session, each of you should ask the hypnotherapist to focus on your closest relationships. After being regressed separately (and preferably during the same day), talk about your experience together. You may do this either with your hypnotherapist’s facilitation or without it. You will find it helpful to watch or listen to your session again, so make sure it is recorded. You will only retain the crispness of the memories for so long. Having a way to re-experience what lives you were taken through will be invaluable to you later. Make sure that the hypnotherapist prompts you to name your spiritual classmates in terms of your current life. You will get validation when you all compare notes later. You will learn a lot about yourselves when you can see how your actions have affected the past lives of your spiritual classmates. You will most likely find this experience very cathartic and emotional. Make sure you allow yourself a few days to process everything before going back to a busy job or any other stressful situation. If your loved ones are comfortable giving you a copy of their recording, it will prove itself to be very useful to you. Go over the recorded material until you feel all of your questions have been answered. When you have all discussed your experience together, you may feel a little awkward and shy about the depth you have gone to emotionally. This will pass and as you continue to process over the following weeks, you will feel much closer to one another. You will also feel a closeness with the universe and a new depth of understanding about the world around you. The trust you will gain in the plan the universe has for you will leave you with a feeling of awe. It will be permanent and it will touch the soul. In essence, your growth as a spiritual being will skyrocket if you allow yourself to really become one with the experience. Some will even develop psychic powers at a

rapid rate after being regressed in this way. This is a wonderful, if somewhat frightening, thing to happen to you if these abilities had been latent all your life. You will learn to control them in time and make them work for you. Always remember that psychic abilities are best used in service to others. Make sure you find your special forte and give back to the people you come in contact with. With a newfound spiritual worldview, you may find that your whole personality shifts into one that is more loving and giving. Helping others will come so naturally that you won’t need much more advice on how to forge ahead in your relationships. You will simply find that you know what to do. However, most people are not ready for close, selfless relationships with others. For this reason, you may discover that even though you feel closer than ever to humanity as a whole, you are still somewhat alone. Do not let this dishearten you. Use your gifts where you can. Non-profit work and teaching are excellent avenues for your expression. These will give you the ability to assist as many people as you can in your own special way. Small kindnesses are what really count in life. They can mean the world to people. Compliments, smiles, and small gifts of your time and assistance to anyone who needs them will be great methods for bettering your karmic ties to others. You will notice that each gift you give away will come back to you as a blessing. You will see an improvement in the happiness level of yourself and everyone around you. Where happiness and contentment go, good things follow. Your life will shimmer with hope, possibility, and wonderful experiences. In achieving wholeness with the universe, you achieve wholeness with yourself. Happiness is contagious. Being an inspiration to others is an extremely valuable thing. In one sense, you help people organize their thoughts and emotions in such a way that it brings about positive changes in their lives. It makes them aware of their own potential for self-actualization. In another sense, you can receive this energy into your own life to a higher and higher degree, eventually transcending the barrier of what you thought was possible. There are no limits to what you can achieve if you have the full weight of your mind, will, and intentions behind you. When these amazing tools work for you, rather than existing in a confused, semi-active state, you will be blown away by the results.

I’ll let you in on a little-known fact: there are no other relationships besides the one you have with yourself. You are every person you know. You are every event that happens in your life. When people come into your life and change it somehow, they are the vehicles that have allowed you to change your own life. In one way or another, you created them. Yes, they exist independently, but you are all just permutations of the same energy. When you know a particular person, you have asked to receive their particular energetic pattern into your life in order to make it different somehow. Different energies combine to create different results. This is what enables life to unfold so unexpectedly. Whenever life becomes different for you, you are generally the responsible party. Too often, people get caught up in feeling helpless to change their own lives. You should never feel this way. By feeling it, you make it true. Often, you experience helplessness as a way to usher in a period of rapid change. Within you, the feeling builds until it becomes frustration. It can also take hold of you, however, and cause your life to stagnate. You must always remember that you possess within you the unlimited consciousness of All That Is. By feeling hopeless or helpless you release your claim on this consciousness. Finding your way back to it is often difficult to do. As your guides, we will often try to help you if this becomes the case. As a side effect of the helpless state, you will often stop communicating with us. Therefore, we will try to direct others into your life who will be able to shake it up somehow and rekindle your creative faculties. You must always remember that even if you are bedridden or unable to move around freely, you still contain enormous creative potential. There are numerous ways to express yourself and make a powerful impact. You have all heard of people who overcame incredible physical adversity to leave their mark on the world and wonder how they did it. They must have been very exceptional, you think. But they weren’t more exceptional than you or anyone else can be. They simply learned how to tap into their own personal power and creative potential. They persisted in expressing this drive despite all protests from others, and despite the resistance they had from their physical form. You see, they chose to experience bodily limitation. You may wonder at or perhaps take offense to this statement. If you see a state of physical or mental difficulty as a curse instead of a blessing, then that is your

first mistake. Everyone goes where they need to in life. It is important to understand that events do not happen to you, but rather they happen because of you. You are what is happening to the world around you. There is intent behind everything that occurs in your life, whether bad or good. It is an important first step in claiming your personal power to accept the truth of this. Maybe the intent didn’t come from your conscious mind, but it came from somewhere. Those who wish to know what determination and willpower really mean will often orchestrate a life of physical disability. Those who wish to experience the world in a novel way and overcome their own special adversities will often create a life in which they have a mental disability. The whole point of living is to think up new and special ways of experiencing the infinite. Some people who seem disadvantaged are excelling at this goal admirably. You shouldn’t pity them or feel superior to them. It is important to understand that you are no better or worse than anyone else in terms of the universal consciousness. If you are in a situation you do not want to be in, analyze the reason why. What chain of events led you to be there? What did you do to bring it about? What desire were you trying to manifest? Was it serving your highest good? Was it self-destructive? Are you able to change the desire and thereby change your life? For example, imagine you’ve just received a diagnosis for lung cancer. Obviously, this is a situation you do not want to be in. You are a smoker, so you know your own choices are to blame. There is no gray area there, but you will be hard-pressed to give up smoking if you are unable to seriously look at yourself and understand what the act of smoking meant, what need it filled. If you do not, then you are not likely to get better even if you do succeed at quitting. Because self-destruction is the larger issue at hand here, if you do not face it then your intention to self-destruct will continue to manifest itself in other ways. Hopefully you are now able to see that you are in control of your own life even more than you thought. You manifest events either consciously or unconsciously. You are in control of who you meet and when you meet them. You are also in control of how you treat them while they are in your life.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this. You can change your life for the better at every juncture. All it takes is the ability to know yourself. In the future, approach situations with others as though they are a chance to learn more about yourself. Their unique energy is what provides the impetus for your life to grow and change. There is no end to the variations as long as you are willing to put yourself out there. Some of you will marvel at what you can accomplish if you simply allow yourselves to suspend judgment and fear. This willingness to experience life in a more open and childlike way is what leads to self-improvement. Fear should not be an active emotion in your life. Even those things you should fear are more likely to happen if you fear them. This is an unfortunate reality that many of you do not believe. You manifest your thoughts to a large degree. This includes the negative thoughts as well. Your beliefs about yourself are continually reinforced by your own choices and behavior. People are also very sensitive to the way you feel and will respond to you in accordance with that. Worldviews are easily interpreted via outward appearance, mood, and conversational style. This is what naturally leads to life events. You feel a certain way because of your beliefs. This, in turn, causes you to act a certain way, and the way you act will determine how others act toward you. Will you be invited to the party or left alone? Will you be eligible for a promotion or passed up? You can see how the nuances of your behavior are responsible for your opportunities. If you fear not receiving a promotion, then you will not give off an air of calm composure in the workplace, which will make your boss wonder if you are ready for a leadership position no matter what your other skills are. The key is to trust—trust in yourself and in your own abilities. Strangely, the rest will take care of itself. Although it may seem selfish to say that there is no relationship more important than the one you have with yourself, it is true. In being honest with yourself, you can be honest with others. In being kind to yourself, you can be kind to others. In realizing your own potential, you can extend your time to others so they can realize their own. It all begins with you. There is no stepby-step formula that will improve your relationships. The simple truth is if you heal your relationship with yourself, then all other relationships will be

healed in turn. You are the beginning and the end of your own reality. Never assume that when you are ready for a healthy relationship, that others are as well. What will usually happen after you have reached a place of understanding with yourself is that the circle of people you know will change. Acquaintances, friends, and certain members of your family will become less of a factor in your life if they are not on the same page with you. Everyone is on their own path. Sometimes those paths converge for a long time until something changes. This is the way it should be. However, the people you know who are your spiritual classmates will see your change and generally respond in a favorable manner. You might also find that you gradually meet more people who are spiritual classmates of yours. A truth about soul classes is that you are all indeed soul mates. I mean this in a different sense than most of you understand the term. The group of you comprise a greater consciousness. Together you form a conglomerate soul, which you could all call your higher self, that has divided itself to maximize its experiences. You may never meet all of your spiritual classmates in this life, but their essence is always with you. In several ways, they enrich you more by not being around. When you are in the same area in both time and space, there is a large element of shared experience. This is why we generally limit your interaction between just a portion of the individuals. That way the conglomerate soul grows faster because it experiences more variety. If we were to leave you completely alone without any spiritual classmates, on the other hand, you would suffer from a feeling of aloneness. In many ways, this emotional suffering would slow your growth more than the greater variety of experience could possibly make up for. You are guided in such a way as to maintain the healthiest balance between the two. I hope this chapter has been inspirational. To summarize, the key to better relationships lies in a more spiritual outlook on the world. However, this outlook is difficult to achieve and impossible to fake. The real way to have truly rewarding relationships is to first achieve a rewarding relationship with yourself. The next chapter deals with how the universe, both physical and nonphysical, came to exist. I will explain in plain language what God is, how

God spends Its time, where everything came from, and where it is going. I encourage you to read it carefully and slowly. Try to visualize my words, forming them into concepts you can see in your mind. Concept and emotion are, after all, the primary methods I use to communicate. Words are secondary.

Chapter 9 – Exploring the Infinite There is a vast, open, unfathomable universe just outside the borders of your planet. Going to any part of it, no matter how close, thrills and excites most of you. Yet, the cost of space exploration is so high. To be sure, you as human beings are not made to leave the confines of the ground, let alone the Earth. Space exploration is a burden too heavy for your planet to bear. Still, the physical universe is yours to explore. You can easily do this exploration with your astral body. If you put even a fraction of the money you have spent on space exploration into a school that trains gifted students in astral projection, you would know a lot more about the universe than you currently do. The physical plane can be traversed freely by an astral traveler. All it takes is the intention to do so rather than giving into the urge to go to the spiritual planes. With the correct amount of drive and willpower, the scientific body of knowledge would grow exponentially if more were able to do this. Astrally, a lot more can be done to benefit the field than physically. There are many non-physical spirits who know the fundamental laws of the physical universe—the laws that physics and mathematics seek to discover and understand. Just like I can communicate with the author through the language she understands, so too can these spirits communicate these laws through a language that a physicist or a mathematician can understand. What needs to happen, essentially, is a joining of forces between the spiritual and scientific communities. What I explain to you in this chapter about the nature of the universe can then be further explored and verified mathematically. I recommend creating a school devoted to this goal. It should offer coursework in physics, astronomy, math, and astral travel. This is the only way that students can learn the language of universal law your species has compiled—mathematics—and the ability to explore the physical universe astrally, speaking to the necessary spiritual authorities on the subject. Coursework should also focus on hypnosis, memory, and various methods of achieving a trance state. Essentially, this school will teach a scientific

approach to astral travel with the goal of understanding the universe and advancing the field of astrophysics. Students will not be temporary assets, but will stay as long as they wish. They will not have to pay for classes. The classes are meant to give them the skills they need in order to contribute to the mission of the school. Funding should always come from donations and a small, school-run economy. First, everyone will need to learn and become very comfortable with astral travel. The others courses of study come second to this. A journal must be kept of all experiences while astral so that progress can be monitored. The instructor for the class will need to review these journals regularly in order to help the students improve. If a student cannot learn astral projection, then there is a choice to be made. The school can either put them to work in another area they would be more skilled in, or the student can choose to leave the school. Often, astral travel is not possible for them until later in life or in another life. Often, if a student is guided properly and applies themself, they can very often achieve success. However, it would be best if, before choosing to join the school, the individual at least attempted astral travel and achieved a few episodes of astral body detachment, however brief. It is necessary to have some natural aptitude. So then, once astral travel is mastered, and this could take up to a year, the student must learn about the universe. They need to absorb as much as they can from their classes about astronomy. Every structure in the physical universe needs to be familiar to them so they can identify them in their astral travels. Their journals at this point will become much more interesting. Instead of writing, “I came upon a cloud in space that was quite beautiful because of its many colors,” the student will be able to specify, “I was able to locate a nebula, and judging from the nearby stars, I believe it is located in the Andromeda galaxy.” When astronomy is understood in a broad sense, the details offered by math and physics need to be incorporated. It is desirable that all astral travelers be able to understand every level of mathematics and astrophysics. This is asking a lot, I know, but when you communicate with the spirits who build and shape the physical universe, you need to be able to explain what

they teach in mathematical terms. Wouldn’t you rather they gave you an equation to go along with your lessons? For example, they could say matter and energy are one, with each being able to change into the other, and leave it at that. However, they could also send you home with E=mc² and this elegant equation could be published in any journal, giving the rest of the scientific community the ability to research it. If this can be done, the realm of human understanding of the physical universe will explode with new information. It will keep the scientific community on the edge of its seat. Certainly, it will do more to validate the “supernatural” than anything previously attempted. There is no reason why you should limit your explorations to outer space either. It is quite true that you know very little about your own planet’s mysteries. Here, using the language of math and physics, you can communicate with and learn volumes from the spirits who work with the physical Earth to mold and shape it. There are spirits under the ground, in the air, and in the seas that do a lot to help the Earth and its creatures. Speak to them and learn about your own home. If you learn how to express physical laws mathematically, then a spirit can take what you know and utilize the best terms it can find to express itself. This is how I am able to communicate using the author’s mind. I choose the best words to communicate my ideas. This is what all spirits are limited by if they are choosing to communicate with a physical being. They cannot convey a word that the mind of the individual does not know. There are exceptions to this, but only insofar as what a medium is capable of. For example, if a medium is also clairvoyant, then the spirit may be able to reach out and “see” a word the channel does not know, then use it in a sentence. This, however, is often more trouble than it is worth. It slows communication down and taxes the energy of the channel. The best bet is to already have the appropriate vocabulary available. As a channel, if you want to learn about a particular field of study out of the blue, then it is likely your guide is piquing your interest so a session on that topic will go more smoothly. Being an avid reader is always an asset for a channel. Make sure that you read whatever grabs your interest if this is your calling. The rule is the same for astral travelers as well. You can understand concepts perfectly well while out of your body, but upon returning you will usually find it difficult to explain what you learned. Familiarize yourself with

all that life has to offer, especially from a spiritual standpoint, and this will make explaining your experiences much easier. The real solution to the ambiguity of some of the ideas you are less familiar with is to give you a solution—a mathematical solution, that is. If you progress to the point in this school that you are a capable physicist and mathematician, then you will be ready for classes on memory retention. Hypnosis sessions will also allow you to replay for others what you have seen, done, and learned while astral, even if the conscious memory is lost. Use this as a way to confirm equations and solutions received. You can even write down the equation you were given while in a hypnotic trance. When the school is ready, begin networking with other universities. Reach out to the teachers at these institutions and make them aware of your research. This will lead to the creation of a thriving community, allowing your message to eventually reach the news. You will be able to participate in mainstream scientific affairs and publish your findings in renown journals. All it takes is an initial start-up with a few talented, driven individuals. Now I will explain the history of All That Is. Some of this you will find familiar, and some of it will seem quite unbelievable. As I mentioned before, it will work best if you try to visualize what you read. Think of your mind as a movie projector playing the latest science fiction film. This will help you process the information better. There was never a place or time that God (All That Is) began. There was, however, a beginning of the physical universe that you call home. Along with your universe, there are other physical universes that exist alongside it. Each physical universe is subdivided into dimensions, which hold the outcomes of your various important decisions, or your alternate selves. These physical universes are as numerous as the stars in the sky, and are constantly cycling between their potential and actual states. They grow, they condense, they grow again. When they are through with their expression of infinity, they shrink back into an infinitely dense point of energy. Then they wait until God reformats them and gives them the push they need to explode with life once more. Therefore, your Big Bang theory is correct, albeit in a limited sense. You simply cannot see past the first moment of the latest expansion of your universe.

Physical universes blink in and out of existence so frequently that they would appear like a swarm of fireflies if viewed from a great enough distance. They burn for a moment and then go out. All That Is is very fond of these universes It has created. Rather a large part of Its consciousness is devoted to their study. For the sake of helping you understand, I am going to personify All That Is a little bit. I am going to give It human emotions and a human figure although It has none of these things in actuality. Really the best visual I can give you that still stays true to Its nature is a blanket of mist with little lights and dark spots lost in its haze. God permeates everything and everywhere. You exist within God and yet also compose God. Therefore, think of God like a mist. God does not look like a human figure any more than God looks like a slime mold, and a slime mold is actually closer to the reality. The physical universes are what All That Is watches and wonders over. It has no more control over them than you have over a football game you watch. There is no possible way It could control anything, which is what All That Is intended. You are the way that God gets to know Itself. It watches you much like you watch films—with a lot of emotional involvement and suspense. God has many eyes. It is very much aware of each and every one of Its creations. It sees universes, worlds, and individual beings each with the same amount of attention because God lives within you. Since you are connected to the non-physical planes, you still have guidance available from the universe. However, All That Is will never interfere with your thoughts or actions. Your connection to each other is subtle. God speaks in whispers. If you wish to speak to It, however, God will generally be more present in your life. God makes Itself seen and understood in various ways, none of which are obvious. You have to watch for clues that are given just to you, that only you will understand. Perhaps a leaf in the shape of a heart will land by your feet right when you ask God why you are so alone. These are called signs, or omens. People used to take them much more seriously. To most of you these days an omen is just the human mind ascribing meaning to a random coincidence. This can happen, of course, and it does most often in people with certain mental health issues. However, if you are of sound mind and you notice the world around you suddenly change in a small but meaningful way, most likely it is a sign. It is a little reminder

that God is with you and everything is going to be alright. With the nature of infinity being so complex, there is a necessity that God turn a blind eye on Itself. What this allows God to do is morph identities in ways that not even It can predict. When It is self-aware, this self-awareness leads to more of the same self-perpetuation, yet God strives for diversity. When God is unaware of Itself, It reaches new, strange depths of identity. Because of the way you have of comprehending essence through origin, to say that God always existed leaves you feeling unsatisfied. How can something just exist? There is an answer that will fill the void, however. That answer is the story of God. Much like with your species’ origin myths, the true nature of God will have to be shrouded in order to be better understood by you. You cannot speak in terms of the unknown, yet that is where God’s true essence lies. The workaround is to get as close to the truth while still using comprehensible language. God’s story is complicated. God thinks, God wonders. God is in the dark too. There is nothing that God doesn’t know, and yet It can never know Itself completely. That is the nature of infinity—it never stops. On the scale of God, there is a layering at work. For all of Its existence, God knew Itself as vibration—high vibration and low vibration, and every vibration in between. There is no highest or lowest vibration. However, creation stops when the very high and the very low vibrations are reached. They each have their own special type of barrier. The very high vibrations are like a vapor that any intention disappears into—nothing can get a foothold there. The lowest vibrations are like mire, and every intention sinks into blackness. Intentions are collections of consciousness given form. They are what God uses to create. The physical and non-physical planes are layers of vibration where God’s intentions work, thrive, and perpetuate themselves. God, of course, has an existence at these middle vibrational levels, but that is not to say that It does not have one at the extremes. These are just different places, different states. When you exist in the slice of the spectrum where creation as you know it lives, it is nearly impossible to imagine vibrational extremes. They are like voids. Having never seen them myself, I cannot possibly explain them. To me, the barrier that each vibrational extreme creates is impassible.

There is only what The Source Itself has explained to me. The Source is what I call God’s most diffuse essence, Its most all-encompassing state. If you wanted to ask All That Is a question, you would direct it to The Source. What I have been told is that God is constantly pushing further, pressing all of Its strength into these voids, and that is how It is constantly growing. The challenge for God is fine-tuning Its intentions to make them able to take root and grow at these extreme energetic levels. In short, God’s goal is to always create and study new planes of existence. This can give you a frame of reference. There is progress here, and growth—two things you can understand and relate to. But where does this fit into the origin of All That Is? If God is constantly expanding into uncharted territory, doesn’t that imply that at one point in “time,” there was not even one single plane of existence? In a very simplified sense, yes, this is true. At one point, God existed as purely raw energy, energy that was neither guided in any particular direction nor possessing of any particular characteristics. This energy as a whole is what God truly is. Nothing put It there. It simply was always there. I know this frustrates some of you. Because you feel you were created you want God to have been created as well. It seems somehow unfair and unbelievable. But here’s the problem with that line of thinking: it doesn’t take into account the fact that you are God. Since you are God, you also were never created. When you are able to take this into account, the fact that you did not have a beginning and will not have an end will feel more natural. There is a reason why it is difficult for you to imagine the end of your consciousness after death. It feels like you should go on living and being forever, and indeed you do. Everyone has the mind of God within them. When you think and feel, so does God. You are extensions of the unlimited consciousness of God, and therefore have God’s powers. You do not just have a few of God’s powers, you actually have them all. In time, you will remember how to use them and in so doing you will affirm what God is. There may not be a more poetic or creative way for God to go about knowing Itself than by unconsciously reactivating Its own abilities. This is why you are so closely watched. It gives God a way to take a class on Itself. Let me tell you that God is always being surprised by you. In a way, you are the necessary component in God’s expansion of the planes of existence. It is through your experiences that It

gains the appropriate insight into Itself, allowing It to find-tune Its intentions and eventually achieve a foothold in the non-habitable vibrations. You could compare this process to mankind’s migration from the heat of Africa to the colder regions of Northern Europe and Asia. Several innovations had to be made to your cultures and your physical form in order to make these regions survivable. Being a slow, gradual expansion, these changes were hardly felt. Your bodies and cultures just slowly morphed into what worked almost without effort over the course of generations. You may wonder how the expansion of God happens, if not through time. Let me explain to you what existence outside of time is like. It feels like your existence does; there is not much of a difference as far as that goes. However, your consciousness regulates your experience. You can see everything all at once if you are prepared for it in your mind; everything but the exact future, that is. The future is nothing but potentials. On the scale of God, the future is what manifests from Its intentions. It is not measurable in time. In time, there is a forward progression that really only matters to your consciousness. It is taken much less seriously by the rest of the universes— even some of the physical ones. There is no time in God’s eyes. It reaches into the abyss eternally. God’s potential and God’s actuality are in existence simultaneously. The cycling between these two forms of Itself is never-ending. However, cycles are time’s constructs. Truly, God is a mass of ever-changing, ever-evolving consciousness, but there are phases. In one, God watches and learns from Its creations. God owns these creations like you own your thoughts and experiences. This is the expressed form of God. In the other phase, God doesn’t necessarily create, but ponders how It will create newly. This is the potential state of God. Imagine God as a breathing being. When God breathes out, the universes appear. When God breathes in, the universes disappear. All the while God is the same, but the phases manifest with each breath. This breathing is timeless. Imagine a magical substance that can take on the properties of anything —water, stars, ghosts, geodes, shrimp, aliens, gravity—and this is what God is. What does something like that appear as when It isn’t taking on the properties of those things? Like nothing you or I could see, and if we did see

It, then we would be building a construct in our own minds. Whatever It is when viewed, It is always the same thing at Its core: infinity. The question that this begs over and over again is, why? Why does this magical substance exist? When you ask this, you are asking what All That Is asks. When it pushes further and further into the voids, It seeks the answer. When It watches you, It wonders. The simple answer is that God exists for the sake of it. The nature of infinity is so vast that there are microcosms within microcosms, and who is to say that what we experience as the most expansive, awe-inspiring collection of universes is not a dream to some greater, more complex being? After all, to your dreams and your body, you are God. What are we but pieces of that which encompasses us? Your atoms are particles that your body encompasses. Your quarks are tinier particles that your atoms encompass. This law of the universe in which everything encompasses everything else cannot logically have an end. Even All That Is must be subject to it. Just as one day you will die and your atoms will change their forms, so too must God’s form change. I believe God is a dream as well as a dreamer. It will dream and waken, and then It will take Its energy and put it to another use. God will not end—just become Itself in a different way. There is beauty and order here inside the universe. There is meaning and growth to be achieved within it. Do not feel like your life is irrelevant; feel humbled. Everything has a purpose. Every single particle has an integral role to play. Your greatest tool is curiosity paired with inspiration. What I hope for with all who read this book is that they will feel so full of wonder that exploration will become a way of life for them. The complexity of the universe is so vast that I hope you will help us both experience and expand it. Each time you seek for knowledge and wisdom, the universe wakes up a little more. If you ever find yourself having an out of body experience, ask a guide to show you the wonders of the universe. Fashion them into a tour guide and truly expand your perspective. They can take you outward or inward. Your natural inclination will be outward to the stars and galaxies and other planes, but do at least go inward once because so little is known about the life of atoms and energy at its most fundamental state.

In a few years, if you seek out a greater understanding of the universe and certain areas of metaphysics during that time, you should be well on your way to a solid and more complete worldview. Take your attention away from human concerns and start to really seek the big picture. You are only one person on one planet in one solar system, within only one galaxy in a whole massive system of galaxies, and on and on from there. Broaden your perspective. This is not to imply that human concerns are not worthwhile, but rather that your perspective shift will benefit you in this area. When you are able to see your daily life in a much greater context, you will be able to roll with the ebb and flow of your life. The disappointments and frustrations will not reach you quite as deeply. Please read about the broad theory behind quantum mechanics and astrophysics. Read about the experiences of people who underwent past life regressions. Read about the experiences of clairvoyants and other psychics. Read about the consciousness of plant life. Read about astral travels people have had. There are several important books out there that are easier to acquire than ever before. Above all, read anything you can that has been channeled from the spiritual guides of Earth. Their message is out there for anyone who thinks to look. We make contact with Earth periodically to make sure this information is available to those who need to know. When you are well-acquainted with this material, move on to study spiritual people in past and present cultures. This includes priests, Pythias, shamans, monks, dervishes, witches, wizards, astrologers, and alchemists. Throughout time mankind has developed countless methods for interacting directly with the divine. When you learn about their practices and beliefs, you learn about the divine as well. This will give you a well-rounded education. I hope you will use it to supplement the material and directives in this book. It will keep those of you who seek very busy. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. There is a big job for all of us to do. Creation doesn’t just make itself. I hope all of you feel more inspired to express your own creativity. Always remember that you are composed of a magical, shape-shifting substance that many of you call God. Your dreams are realities, your cells are universes. This is no exaggeration either. The answers are out there, you just have to ask the right questions.

Conclusion You don’t need to wait on the advances of science to learn more about the universe’s secrets. Your consciousness is your key to unlocking those doors. It has all the capabilities that God has because it is God. Underneath all you were taught about yourself is the truth. You are infinite. Beyond the limitations of the physical, you can go anywhere and do anything. You can bring back what you learn in order to share it with the world. And it is important that you do so. For the guides of those on Earth, it would be so beneficial for this new wave of consciousness to impact your planet. It would certainly make our jobs easier. The information need never reach the mainstream. What we would ultimately love to see would be a flourishing of clubs, schools, and publishing houses devoted to the study and discussion of the spiritual. We would love to see journals and magazines about people’s out-of-body experiences. All of this and more would make a huge impact on people’s ideas and attitudes about this subject area. The simple act of believing in yourself and in your cause can be more beneficial than working toward some sort of proof. The proof is in the experience. There is no other way. If you throw your concerns to the wind and simply seek after your own truth—this is when things can start to develop more rapidly. You will find that the act of believing will allow your proof to come into your life. And after you have it, you will already have learned it wasn’t that important to begin with. The search and the journey are what is important. You who are spiritually-minded would do well to remember this. Our hope for you is that you find a community, discover a creative way to search for truth, and get your findings out to the public. Do not, however, sequester yourself off from the rest of the world. Instead, make the effort to be honest and open about who you are and what you stand for. You will find that if you are not abrasive or defensive, you may just pique the interest of those who would never have considered spirituality to be worthwhile before.

Get the word out—not just to those in your circle, but to anyone you have the opportunity to speak about the subject with. Get involved: join that class, attend that seminar, write that book or that article. You do not have to be wildly successful to make an impact. Just don’t be afraid of what other people think. Rational thought is stifling other valid modes of experiencing the world. Its domination on discourse is unfair and undeserved. Follow what your heart and your gut tell you is best for you. That path may be narrow and it may be difficult, but it will be the path that leads you to freedom.