The Oxidation of Acetate by a Cell-Free Enzyme System

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The Oxidation of Acetate by a Cell-Free Enzyme System

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T M O X IM flO H OF A0«AfH J m


m t J m S'Z S T M

hf W illard Buford E l lio t t

A th esis submitted In partial fu lfillm en t of the require­ ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In the Department of Biochemistry* In the Graduate College of the State University of Iowa February, 1950

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uest, ProQuest 10666169 Published by ProQuest LLC (2017). Copyright o f the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C o d e Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346



ACKwmj:mMmf the author wishes to express h is g ra titu d e to Dr. George Kalnltsky fo r h is I n te re s t, encourage­ ment, and many h elp fu l suggestions throughout the

. . . . 03a Figure 4

Competitive ^li^ b ltlo m .e f c itr a te % y'iim m * a c e ta te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 64


im m w o n o n fb r many yeai*s the position of acetate 1m interm ediary metabolism was in doubt because of the f a ilu r e to is o la te aeetl* acid from tis s u e s or to demonstrate the occurrence of excess acetate in the excretions of the animal*

In the p a s t few year*

a c e ta te has gained a place in Interm ediary metabolism because of the development of isotepl© tra c e r techniques ant the evidence gained through the use o f is o la te d tis s u e p rep aratio n s. The use of iso to p ic tra c e rs gave evidence o f a c e ta te partaking in many re a c tio n s without much in d ic a tio n as to the pathway* o r to the requirements o f the systems ©musing the reactio n s,

th is p ro jec t

was undertaken in m e f f o r t to gain inform ation re ­ garding th* fa c to rs necessary fo r and the pathway of acetate oxidation in animal tissue® .


mmomoM* Jtoimi stored acetate Is readily u tilis e d by r a t s (1*3)* tog® C§) and swine (4) # In the ease of togs, even when toaea of sodium a c e ta te la rg e enough to indue® vomiting and hoea;w re administered* l i t t l e acetate dm

found in the urine*

th e aidne were able to u t i l i s e

§00 ad, of on® normal a c e tic acid per day*

S pecific

dynamic actio n due to th e feeding of ace ta te ha® been demonstrated In tog® (5 ), the form ation of acetate o r an acetate de­ riv a tiv e by anii^d tis s u e s was f i r s t demonstrated by the acetylatlon of foreign amines by the tog (0)»


term a c e ta te i s used to designate a c e ta te or a c tiv e forms of a c e ta te ,

t h i s was the f i r s t reactio n of

a c e ta te dem onstrated in animal, tis s u e s ,

The second re ­

actio n of a c e ta te to b® demonstrated w ith animal tis s u e s was the form ation of aeete-acet&t® from acetate by per­ fused liv e r