The origin and development of the periderm in some woody stems

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The origin and development of the periderm in some woody stems

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Fig. 33

Fig. 32

Fig. 3h

Fig. 35

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Figure liO. Cork i'om ed a t Mi# baa# o f tsUs* f»© eutor 1#|W® heavily etitoerlstd cutting off tli# x 430*


Fig* 36

Fig. 37

Fig. 39

Fig. 4O

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Donald Morrison Brown

Permanent Address:

31 Woodland Avenue 'T&kom Bark 12, Mainland

Degree to be conferred* Bate of birth* Place of birth i

Doctor' of Fhilosopty


June 10, 1950

February 26, 1902 Kansas City, Missouri

Secondary Educations

State High School, Cleveland, Ohio

Collegiate Institutions attended* Washington Missionary College Cornell University University of Maryland



1926-1930 19)i3-19lili 19fc5 ( sr rn m r) 19U6 ( n w ) 19iii*-19l*B 191*8-1950

none B. A. none 1. S. none

ate of degree June 191*1* June 191*8

Positions held* Lubrication Research, U. S. national Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C., 1930-1936. Inspector of Engineering Materials (Aeronautical), V. Sm Wavy Department, Anacestla, D. C., 1936~19ii3« Instructor and Assistant Professor of Biology, vvashinrton Missionary College, fakoma Bark, Md., 19l*l*~1950*