The Inga Language [Reprint 2015 ed.]
 9027933812, 9789027933812, 9783110819120

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C. H. VAN S C H O O N E V E L D Indiana University

Series Practica, 188



S T E P H E N H. L E V I N S O H N Summer Institute of Linguistics


© Copyright 1976 Mouton & Co. B.V., Publishers, The Hague No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publishers.

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Printed in Hungary


This description presents the phonological and grammatical structure of the Inga language, a selection of texts and lexicons. An adaptation of the tagmemic model has been used, and tagmemic analysis and symbolism are presented in the Introduction to the Grammar. Grateful acknowledgement is made to the consultants of the Colombia branch of the Summer Institute of Linguistics for their guidance, encouragement and suggestions, and to those who assisted in the preparation and typing of the manuscript. Lomalinda, Meta, Colombia


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Inga is the most northern Quechuan language known in South America. It is spoken by about five thousand Indians who live at the west end of the Sibundoy valley, state of Putumayo, Colombia. Others are found around Mocoa, on the rivers Mandur and Caquetá, Putumayo, as well as around the town of Apunte, state of Nariño. At least two dialects of Inga are found in the Sibundoy valley, centred on the towns of Santiago and San Andrés; the latter dialect is here presented. Quechua dialects are spoken up and down the Andes range, from Colombia in the north, through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and into Argentina in the south. Orr and Longacre (1968) suggest a close relationship between Proto-Quechua and Aymara of Bolivia. Quechua dialects are characterized grammatically by heavy inflexion of both verbs and nouns, and phonologically by a three vowel system (except in certain areas of Peru, and under the influence of Spanish loans). The phonemes of Inga presented in this paper diifer from Caudmont (1953) and Orr and Longacre (1968) by the addition of b, d, g and S, and by the deletion of c (cf. footnote 2). It is recognized that i, b, g, and d (but cf. footnote 4) occur only in loans from Spanish or Camsá (a language isolate spoken at the east end of the Sibundoy valley), but these have been well absorbed into the language. Ecuadorian Quichua $ is systematically manifested by s in Inga (e.g. Quichua shamu, Inga samu 'come'), but loans from Camsá have reintroduced an $ not otherwise found in Inga (e.g. Camsá shloftse 'bird', Inga shulujchi 'sparrow'). Inga is characterized by a high percentage of loan words assimilated from Spanish and occurring in every-day speech, as well as the Spanish -dor, -dero and -do suffixes (GRAMMAR - Suffixes 2240 - section 6.13.22). Points of interest are, in the phonology, the two types of consonant clusters (one with syllable breaks, the other with syllabic consonant allophones (sections 2.213, 3.23), and, in the grammar, the highly developed deprecatory suffix system (Suffixes 1110 - section 6.13.1). The data for this description were gathered during field work under the auspices of the Summer Institute of Linguistics between 1968 and 1971. The principal informants who sat across a desk in regular sessions were the following: 7



José Cuatindioy, Huilqui, Lázaro Mojomboy, Urapamba, Juan Mojomboy, San Andrés,

1968-1970. 1968-1971. 1968-1971.

I sincerely thank all the informants, all of whom responded with graciousness and a lively sense of humour, and in general with an intelligence and intuitiveness that bridged the gaps in my ability to communicate with them.




General Introduction


Abbreviations and symbols





1. The stress group 1.1 Field structure 1.2 Tagmemic paradigms of the stress group 1.3 Distribution 1.4 Grammatical word and stress group

19 19 20 20 20

2. The syllable 2.1 Field structure 2.2 Tagmemic paradigms of the syllable 2.21 Tagmeme inventory 2.211 Monosyllabic consonant clusters 2.212 Disyllabic consonant clusters 2.213 Mono- and disyllabic consonant clusters

21 21 21 21 22 22 22

3. The phoneme 3.1 Field structure 3.2 Description of the allophones 3.21 Consonant allophones 3.22 Vowel allophones 3.23 Syllabic consonant allophones 3.24 Complex vowel allophones 3.3 Distribution

23 23 23 23 25 26 28 28




4. Stress 4.1 Primary stress 4.2 Secondary stress 4.3 Emphatic stress

29 29 29 29 GRAMMAR



1. The discourse 1.1 Tagmemic paradigms of the discourse 1.2 The introducer and closure

35 35 35

2. The paragraph 2.1 Tagmemic paradigm of the paragraph 2.2 Example

35 35 36

3. The sentence 3.1 Tagmemic paradigms of the sentence 3.2 Examples 3.3 Intonation 3.4 The sentence fragment 3.41 Tagmemic paradigms of the sentence fragment 3.42 Examples

36 36 36 36 37 37 37

4. The clause 4.1 Emic clause classes 4.2 Tagmemic paradigms of the clause 4.3 Tagmeme inventory 4.31 Nuclear tagmemes 4.32 Periphery 4.33 Peripheral tagmemes 4.4 Examples

38 38 38 40 40 41 41 41

5. The phrase 5.1 The verb phrase 5.11 The independent verb phrase 5.111 Emic phrase classes 5.112 Tagmemic paradigms of the independent verb phrase 5.113 Examples 5.12 The dependent verb phrase 5.13 The included verb phrase 5.131 Emic phrase classes 5.132 Tagmemic paradigms of the included verb phrase 5.133 Examples

47 47 47 47 47 48 50 50 50 50 51


5.2 The substantive phrase 5.21 The noun phrase 5.211 Emic classes of the noun phrase 5.212 Tagmemic paradigms of the noun phrase 5.213 Tagmeme inventory 5.214 Examples 5.22 The relative phrase 5.221 Emic classes 5.222 Tagmemic paradigms of the relative phrase 5.223 Exataples 5.23 The adjective phrase 5.231 Tagmemic paradigms of the adjective phrase 5.232 Examples 5.24 The number phrase 5.241 Tagmemic paradigms of the number phrase 5.242 Examples 6. The word 6.1 The verb 6.11 Emic classes of the verb 6.12 The inflexion of the verb 6.121 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the verb 6.122 The verb periphery 6.123 Examples 6.13 The verb stem 6.131 Tagmemic paradigms of the verb stem 6.132 The verb stem periphery 6.133 Tagmeme inventory 6.134 Examples 6.14 The verb root 6.15 The auxiliary verb 6.151 Tagmemic paradigm of aux 74a 6.152 Example of aux 74a 6.153 Inventory of auxiliary verb roots 6.2 The substantive 6.21 The noun 6.211 Emic classes of the noun — 6.212 The inflexion of the noun 6.2121 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the noun . . . 6.2122 Periphery of the noun 6.2123 Examples 6.213 The verbal noun stem


53 53 53 53 55 56 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 64 64 65 65 69 69 71 71 72 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 78



6.2131 Tagmemic paradigms of the verbal noun stem 6.2132 Examples 6.214 The noun root 6.22 The pronoun 6.221 Emic classes of the pronoun 6.222 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the pronoun 6.223 Periphery of the pronoun 6.224 Examples 6.225 The pronoun root 6.23 The relative 6.231 Emic classes of the relative 6.232 The inflexion of the relative 6.2321 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the relative 6.2322 Periphery of the relative 6.2323 Examples 6.233 The relative stem 6.2331 Tagmemic paradigms of the relative stem 6.2332 Examples 6.234 The relative root 6.24 The adjective 6.241 Emic classes of the adjective 6.242 The inflexion of the adjective 6.2421 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the adjective. 6.2422 Periphery of the adjective 6.2423 Examples 6.243 The adjective stem 6.2431 Tagmemic paradigms of the adjective stem 6.2432 Examples 6.244 The adjective root 6.25 The number 6.251 Emic classes of the number 6.252 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the number 6.253 Periphery of the number 6.254 Examples 6.255 The number root 6.3 The manner word 6.31 Tagmemic paradigms of the manner word 6.32 Periphery of the manner word 6.33 Examples 6.34 The manner root 6.4 The circumstantial word 6.41 Tagmemic paradigms of the circumstantial word

78 78 79 80 80 80 81 81 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 90


6.42 Periphery of the circumstantial word 6.43 Examples 6.44 The circumstantial root 6.5 The intensifier 6.51 Tagmemic paradigms of the intensifier 6.52 Periphery of the intensifier 6.53 Examples 6.54 The intensifier root 6.6 The locative 6.61 Tagmemic paradigms of the locative 6.62 Periphery of the locative 6.63 Examples 6.64 The locative root 6.7 The connective 6.71 Tagmemic paradigms of the connective 6.72 Examples 6.73 The connective root 6.8 The vacilatory word 6.81 Tagmemic paradigm of the vacilatory word 6.82 Example 6.9 The negative 6.91 Tagmemic paradigms of the negative 6.92 Periphery of the negative 6.93 Examples 6.94 The negative root 6.10 The affirmative 6.11 The exclamation 6.11.1 Tagmemic paradigms of the exclamation 6.11.2 Examples 6.11.3 The exclamation root 6.12 Onomatopoetic words 6.13 Affixes and enclitics 6.13.1 Suffixes of the inflexion of the word (1000) 6.13.2 Suffixes of the verb (2000) 6.13.21 Suffixes of the verb stem (2100) 6.13.22 Suffixes of the inflexion of the verb (2200) 6.13.3 Affixes of the substantive (3000) 6.13.4 Enclitics 7. Morphophonemics 7.1 Variations determined phonologically 7.2 Variations determined lexically


90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 97 97 97 98 99 99 99 99



7.3 Variations determined grammatically 7.4 Free fluctuation

100 100






1. Speech of Diego Mavisoy at his inauguration as governor 2. Cutting a youngster's hair 3. Getting married 4. When an Indian died 5. The witch-doctor 6. Chanting to the spirits 7. House building 8. The festival

104 105 105 106 107 108 110 Ill



9. We came from down river 10. The plain of stars 11. A dragon 12. The spirits 13. A witch 14. The statue of the patron saint of San Andrés 15. Orphans

Ill 113 114 114 115 117 118

Personal Accounts


16. My father 17. When my father was a constable 18. The river was so full!

123 123 125




Content of the Inga-English Lexicon Inga-English Lexicon English-Inga Lexicon Bibliography

135 136 151 167


Ac Add Adj, adj AS, aff Ant App Atr Aux

accompaniment additive adjective affirmative anticipatory appositive attributive auxiliary



Dom Dup

Excl, excl exclamation


(phonology and morphophonemics) consonant C (grammar) complement CB nasal consonant CTd voiced consonant Crt voiceless consonant Caus causative Cd coda Cir, cir circumstantial Cit citation O clause Clar clarification Clit enclitic Clos closure Clus cluster Cnt content Co coordinate Comp comparative Conn, conn connective Cant continuative Cr contour Dep Depr Dim Dir Dis Ditr

domain duplicative

F Foc Form Frag

following margin focus formative fragment



H Hab Hun Hyp

head habitual hundred hypothetical

I (phonology) introductory margin I (grammar) instrument interrogative Ig imperative Imv inceptive Ine infinitive Inf intensifier Int, int intonation Inton intransitive Intr introducer Intro indirect object IO

dependent deprecative diminutive directional discourse ditransitive

L, loc


M, m


N (phonology) nucleus N, n (grammar) noun Neg, neg negative Nom nominalizer is



Nuc (grammar) nucleus Num, num number

Str gp Syl

stress group syllable

O On onom Own

object onset onomatopoetic word owner

Thou Tr

thousand transitive

P Para Per Phr PI Pr Ps Ptc Pur Px

predicate paragraph periphery periphery of phrases plural pronoun person participle purpose phrase prefix

V Vb, vb Vbl Voc

vowel verb verbal izer vocative

' '

Q Quot

qualifier quotative

R r Ree Ref Rel, rel Rep Res Rfl

relative phrase root reciprocal referent relative reportative restricted reflexive

primary stress secondary stress syllable break obligatory optional obligatorily absent in the environment elsewhere (in formulae) or (in formulae) tagmemic formula variation word final juncture utterance final juncture discontinuous X is preceded by segmental phonemes immediately preceding X immediately following X

S S Sent Sp Stat

(phonology) unstressed syllable (grammar) subject sentence specifier stative

+ ± / ; , {} ~ # # # ... X -X X_ Pitch

1 low 2 mid 3 high

The symbols + ( ± A±B) indicate that the occurrence of either one of the tagmemes or of the two tagmemes together is obligatory. ± ( + A + B ) indicates that the occurrence together of the tagmemes A and B is optional, but that neither occurs without the other. ± ( ± A+B) indicates that the occurrence of tagmeme B or of the two tagmemes together is option al, but that tagmeme A does not occur without tagmeme B. + / ± / - indicates that the occurrence of a tagmeme is obligatory under stated conditions, optional under other conditions, and that it does not occur under other stated conditions. ( y indicates that the parenthetical item is optionally repeated an indefinite number of times. In formulae, a superscript such a s ' in +Cir l 4 indicates that the tagmeme Cir 1 optionally occurs up to four times in a construction. M 1, M 2 symbolize two tagmemes which are formally contrastive, although they are similar in function. The symbol N without numerical symbol indicates any noun phrase; the numerical symbol in the symbol N 12 refers to a specific noun phrase. When contrasting tagmemes are presented together with their fillers, the numerical symbol distinguishing the tagmemes is omitted. For example, + Inton: Cr 1, + Inton: Cr 2 are written for + Inton 1, +Inton 2.



The Inga stress group, syllable and phoneme are here presented in terms of Pike's theoretical framework of particle (distribution), wave (tagmemic formulae) and field (emic classes).


The stress group is identified by the following features: (1) final short pause, (2) primary stress. Phonemic primary stress falls on the nucleus of the ultimate, penultimate or prepenultimate syllable of the stress group (cf. section 4). This stressed syllable is defined as the nuclear syllable of the stress group. Secondary stress optionally occurs on the nucleus of alternate syllables, counting back from the stress group nucleus. 1.1 Field Structure The basic field structure of the stress group is illustrated below in a matrix chart with the dimensions showing the number of syllables in the pre-nucleus and postnucleus respectively. TABLE 1 Post-nucleus: Pre-nucleus


s ss sss SSSS SSSSS










The cells marked (*) have not occurred in the present data, though there is no structural reason why they should not occur.1 The extreme right hand column and bottom rows of the matrix represent those stress group patterns which are less frequently encountered. 1.2 Tagmemic paradigms of the stress group Strgp = { ( ± 1 l:Syl l,2) 2 (±I2:Syl2) 3 +N:Syl2/Syl 1,2±F l:Syl2/Syl l,2±F2:Syl2} + N, ± F 1 are manifested by Syl 1,2 only when occurring as the initial or second syllable of the stress group. Examples are written phonemically, with secondary stress marked, as well as primary. Nr/yd

'he is present'. F 1 :sa F 2:ka 'husband'. I 1 :ta N:M F l:na 'walking stick'. I ha I 1 \pa I 2:di 12: ru N:kdr F l:ka F 2:gri 'he knew how to go and carry'. 1.3 Distribution The stress group is distributed in the rhythm group, the next higher level of the phonological hierarchy. While stress groups with penultimate syllable nucleus are most frequent, there is no restriction on the distribution of stress groups with ultimate or prepenultimate syllable nuclei within the rhythm group. The rhythm group consists of from one to nine stress groups. 1.4 Grammatical word and stress group The grammatical word does not coincide with the stress group. However, they are connected by the following relations : (a) If the word is longer than two syllables, it optionally embraces two stress groups, /wina ëiwâdu/ 'he raised me'. (b) Two words optionally occur in one stress group, /kwidawadiirmika/ (kwidawadur-mi ka) 'he is my keeper'. (c) A [V-] syllable occurring word initial is optionally included in the previous stress group. /nukaw ôulya/ (nuka ucuFa) 'I (was) little'. (d) Enclitics optionally occur initially in the following stress group, /kasarânôi mi-mâta/ 'we married'. 1 SSSSSSSNS (si. min. ti. ryu. ma. pa. dur. kdr. ka) 'he knew how to carry him to the cemetery' also occurs, but is not included, being based on a word borrowed from Spanish.




The syllable is here identified impressionistically by its syllable pulse and release. 2.1 Field structure The basic field structure of the syllable is illustrated below in a matrix chart, with the dimensions showing the number of consonants in the onset and coda.

TABLE 2 Emic classes


Coda: Onset




0 C



N, 11, F 1 of Str gp

Syl 2 CC


N, I, F of Str gp

CV (over 70%) and CVC (over 20%) account for over 90% of all syllables occurring:

2.2 Tagmemic paradigms of the syllable Syl 1 = {+N:V ± Cd:C 200} Syl 2 = {+On:C 100, Clus + N:V±Cd:C 200} Examples are written phonemically, but syllable breaks are marked. ¡&m. sa/ /li.tka/ /rin. trân. gi/

Syl 1 - N:a Cd:m, Syl 2 - On:j N:a Syl 1 - N:w, Syl 2 - On:tk N:a Syl 2 - On:r N:i Cd:«, Syl 2 - On:tr N:a Cd:n, Syl 2 - O n # N:I

2.21 Tagmeme inventory V comprises any vowel. C 100 comprises any consonant. C 200 comprises any consonant less stops and /&, V/.

'obscure', 'quickly', 'you would go'.



2.211 Monosyllabic consonant clusters The following onset clusters2 are found: stops, /m, n/ + semi-vowels, /sw, Iw/, /m, n +1, 6, k, s/, /lk, tk, 5k/, /ts/, semi-vowels+ /m, n/, /lm/, /lp, £p/, /gr, tr, yr/. Following a closed syllable, clusters are restricted to stops, /m, n/ + semi-vowels, /sw, lw/, /tr/. 2.212 Disyllabic consonant clusters Across syllable boundaries, not all possible consonant clusters occur, and the following restrictions are apparent: (a) no group of consonant phonemes with the same manner of articulation is contiguous to the same group. (b) no consonant follows voiceless stops or laterals. (c) voiced stops do not follow semi-vowels. (d) semi-vowels do not follow stops. (e) flap does not follow voiced stops. Although not all other possible combinations of onset, nucleus and coda occur in the present data, the combinations not occurring are not structurally determined. 2.213 Mono- and disyllabic consonant clusters Certain clusters of consonants are manifested both disyllabically and monosyllabically. (a) Nasal (C n ) + Voiceless consonant (Cvl). /CnCJ : [ h C n C v l ] ~ [C n .C vl ] ~ [Cn.Cvl] /pun5a/: [p^.^Ca] ~ [] ~ [kamp.kuna] 'you(pl)'. [ka.hj)ki>na] ~ [kag.kuna] ~ [kaq.kuna] 'they are', [tu.V»l ~ [top.tu] ~ [ten. to] 'evil'.

Sibilants [?] ~ [s® • ] occurs before /w/. /aswa/ [¿swa] ~ [dsu.wa] 'chicha'. Flaps [f.] [I]

occurs preceding Cvd occurs preceding all consonants. /wcirmi/ /¿lku /

[wdf3. me] [a|ko]

'woman', 'dog'.

Semi-vowels [•y*] [-wi] occur following a stressed syllable, when [yip.] ~ [y.] occurs preceding /p/. /w£yra/ [wi.y'fa] /Sdwna/ [§d.wina] /liypi/ [] ~ []

preceding C vd (cf. section 2.213). 'wind'. 'pillow', 'in everything'.

3.24 Complex vowel allophones Complex vowel allophones of /u/ occur in vowel clusters across syllable boundaries. They consist of lowered and fronted [u] with a lenis short voiced velar fricative on- or off-glide. [ug.] occurs preceding a vowel, [.go] occurs following a vowel. /budku/ /kuuFu/

[bog.ako] [>lyo]

'he is rowing'. 'centre of a stick'.

3.3 Distribution The details of the following classes are given in Section 2.21. C 100 is distributed in the onset of Syl 2. C 200 is distributed in the coda of Syl 1,2. Clus are distributed in the onset of Syl 2. Vowels are distributed in the nucleus of Syl 1,2.




4.1 Primary stress Primary stress is a feature of the stress group, falling on the penultimate, prepenultimate or ultimate syllable. It is phonemic, but grammatically predictable. When the ultimate syllable of a grammatical word is closed by (C 300), the stress falls on the ultimate syllable (C 300 = /m, n, r, y/). /yaw£r/



'to bring'.

A very small number of words do not follow this rule. /iskay/




Under stated conditions, third person marker is manifested word final by /-n/ ~ /-«/• /yukdn/ ~ /yuka/ 'he had'. A verb with future tense marker is given a more future aspect by the stress falling on the ultimate syllable. /samusa/ 'I will come (soon)', /samusa/ 'I will come (later)'. When certain suffixes occur word final to make a word of three syllables or more, stress falls on the prepenultimate syllable. /nispaka/




Otherwise, stress falls on the penultimate syllable. 4.2 Secondary stress Secondary stress is a predictable feature of the stress group, optionally occurring on alternate syllables, counting back from the stress group nucleus, of stress groups of three syllables or more (cf. section 1.1 for examples). 4.3 Emphatic stress Emphatic stress, being a feature of the rhythm group or utterance, is not generally relevant to this paper. However, when urgency is expressed, emphatic stress overrides primary stress, and occurs on the final syllable of the utterance. /akwidi/ 'Let's go!',

/akwi£i/ 'Let's go (right now)!'.



Throughout the GRAMMAR and TEXTS, all Inga cited is written with the Spanish alphabet, (sh) has been used for s, and stress marked as for Spanish. The grammar begins with a description of the highest level for which a formal definition has been described, the discourse, and proceeds through the paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase and word levels. Affixes and enclitics are described together in the last section at word level, section 6.13. Word classes marked by case (noun, pronoun, relative, adjective and number), and their corresponding phrases, are described under the substantive (section 6.2) and substantive phrase (section 5.2). Each construction which manifests a tagmeme in the formulae is elsewhere analysed, usually on a lower level; in the case of recursive constructions, it is analysed on the same level. A number of expressions borrowed from Spanish but not assimilated are interspersed with normal Inga constructions within the clause or phrase. They are used by a few speakers for stylistic reasons or as a status symbol. These forms are not included in the grammar. Examples: tucuyta hasta pudini mi cachangapa 'to-all - even - I-can - Foe - to-send' (I can send to everyone, even). más que atuncúnaca (even though they are - big-people). chi causa (for that reason). Conventions of analysis and symbolism In the following paragraphs, various conventions and symbols are explained by means of notes and illustrations. Generally in the tagmemic model, units are considered to be in emic contrast on the basis of two structural differences. They may be two differences in composition which necessitate the writing of separate formulae, or one structural difference and one difference in distribution. This concept includes a difference in distribution together with a difference in class of slot fillers, provided this class difference is rele3




vant on different levels and/or is correlated with other emic distinctions (such as the difference in the lists of transitive and intransitive verbs in Inga). However, a difference in distribution plus a difference in lists of slot fillers which are primarily semantically determined does not by itself establish emic contrast. The distribution of emic classes is stated at the beginning of each section, so that when only one difference between the formulae of two emic classes is apparent, a difference will be found in the distribution. Wherever it has been a matter of choice, the higher levels have been kept simple, at the expense of complexity on the lower levels. Pike's technique of multiplication is frequently used; that is, each unit of a matrix (or each formula of a paradigm) is modified in the same way so that a corresponding matrix is established. Co-occurrent tagmemes are said to be in portmanteau relationship when they are manifested simultaneously by the same construction. When there is a variation of the order of tagmemes, the most frequent order is shown in the formula, and variations are described. The phrase is defined as a unit of the level between clause and word, which characteristically manifests a clause-level tagmeme. A single word, a unit which cannot be expanded, has been treated as a phrase, when it shares the distribution of a class of phrases (cf., for example, Vb. 10.1 - section 5.1.12). In the matrix, each vector is represented by a millenium, century, decade or unit, in an arrangement such that the item in each cell is distinguished by a combination of the numerical symbols of the row and column. For example, in Table 1, the clause that occurs at the intersection of the column 02 and row 30 is 32. In the matrix indicated, the designation CI 02 refers to any ditransitive clause - CI 12a, 12b, 22, 32, etc. The designation CI 30 refers to any corroborative interrogative clause - CI 31, 32, 33, 34 or 35. Thus the designation CI 32 refers to the ditransitive corroborative interrogative clause. In general, the order of the formulae in the paradigms proceeds row by row down the corresponding matrix. In the abbreviations, small letters symbolize units which fill slots on the morphological level. The symbols of all higher level units and of all tagmemes begin with capitals. In citations from Inga, however, capital letters are morphophonemic symbols, which are explained in section 7. Citations are written morphophonemically only at the lowest level in which the form appears. Intonation contours are identified only to the extent that they are essential to the description of the grammar. Distribution classes of roots and constructions are marked in the lexicon. Loans are generally treated as roots. Class and numerical symbols are generally given together, except that suffixes are symbolized by the numerical symbol alone. A (0) unit symbol in a class number indicates that any one member of the relevant units occurs. For example, CI 30 refers to any one clause numbered 31 to 35. Similarly, a (0) decade



symbol refers to the relevant decades. So vb stem 01 refers to either of verb stems 11 or 21. A series of two numbers separated by a hyphen refers to any one member of the series unless otherwise specified. The symbol vb 1111-65, for example, refers to any verb numbered from 1111 to 1165. A series symbol followed by numbers in parenthesis limits the series to those numbers indicated by the parenthetical zero symbol. For example, the symbol Vb 2271.3-75.3 (0.3) refers to any one verb phrase numbered from 2271.3 to 2275.3 with decimal 0.3 (2271.3, 2272.3, etc). Similarly Vb 1111.1-65.1 (01-05[0.1]) refers to any one verb phrase numbered both with unit 1,2,3,4, or 5 and decimal 0.1 (e.g. 1132.1). If, in the formula say N 12-72 (02), a corresponding series occurs, as+H 12-72 (02), then in each noun phrase of the series the numerical symbol within the formula corresponds to the numerical symbol of the noun phrase. So, in the example cited, N32 = { . . . + H 3 2 ...}. In the tagmeme ± Rep:vb 11 (niN, ninsi, tiido), the forms cited in the parenthesis are the only vb 11 which manifest the Reportative. +Aux:Vb 15.1, 15.4 (ca...) indicates that only forms containing the root in parenthesis manifest the Auxiliary. vb r 01-03 (Res) indicates that an etically restricted list of verb roots from classes 01 to 03 occur at this point only of the grammar. 1. THE DISCOURSE

1.1 Tagmemic paradigms of the discourse Dis 1 = {±Intro:Sent lc (+Body:Para)n±Clos:Sent lc, 4} Dis 2 = {+Body: Sent Frag 2-4} 1.2 The introducer and closure The closure consists of one or two discourse closure sentences that semantically represent a brief exhortation to all those present to pardon the words of the speaker and/or to accept his words. Very occasionally the speaker opens his discourse with the same exhortation. Neither± Intro nor±Clos occurs with less than ten Body tagmemes. 2. THE PARAGRAPH

The paragraph is distributed in Dis 1. 2.1 Tagmemic paradigm of the paragraph Para = {(±Cnt:Sent 2) n +Cnt FinakSent 1,3, Sent Frag l±Clar:Sent la+Inton: Para final pause}. 3*



2.2 Example Para - Cnt: y chi imdgenca resultadosi carca yapa milagroso Cnt Final: porque ni coronapisi yucarca achca corre Clar: corresiyucasca. 'And that image turned out to be very miraculous (Cnt) - because they say it had many jewels in the crown (Cnt Final) - it had many jewels (Clar)'. 3. THE SENTENCE

Sent 1,3 are distributed in Cnt Final of the paragraph; Sent la in Clar; and Sent 2 in Cnt. Sent lc, 4 are distributed in Dis 1. 3.1 Tagmemic paradigms of the sentence Sent la Sent lb Sent lc Sent 2 Sent 3

= = = = =

{+Nuc:Cl 10+Inton:Cr 1} {+Nuc:Cl 20,30+Inton:Cr 1} {+Nuc:Cl 40+Inton:Cr 1} {+Nuc:Cl 10-40+Inton: Cr 2} {+Nuc:Cl 10+Inton: Cr 2+Dep: CI 110+Inton: Cr 1} ~ {+Dep: CI 110+Inton: Cr 2+Nuc:Cl 10+Inton:Cr 1}. Sent 4 = {+Nuc:Cl 40+Inton:Cr l,2+Co:Cl 10+Inton:Cr 1}. The tagmemei Vac:vac optionally with separate intonation Cr 2 optionally interrupts any syntactic construction at any level (cf. section 6.8). 3.2 Examples For Sent 1,2, cf. section 4.4. Sent 3 - Nuc:c/h alcu mana yacha Dep.mana yachaycunacuma 'those dogs wouldn't know (Nuc) - if they hadn't learned (Dep)\ Sent 4 - Nuc:perdonahuanguichi, no, taytacuna mamacuna: Co :chilla pudini 'Pardon me, men and women! (Nuc) I can do no more (Co)'. 3.3 Intonation The contours are described in terms of the pitch of the final syllables, as stated below: Cr 1 - falling pitch, consisting of either a gradual fall, or a step down to 1, from 2 on the preceding syllable(s), optionally preceded by a step down to 2, from 3 on the preceding syllables. Cr 2 -either level pitch or a step up to 2, from 1 on the preceding syllables, optionally followed by a step up to 3, from 2 on the preceding syllable(s).


Cr Cr Cr Cr


1, 2 are spread over an indeterminate number of syllables. 3 - a step up to 2 on the final stressed syllable from 1 on the preceding syllables. 4 - a step up to 3 on the final syllable from 1 on the preceding syllables. 5 - variable, according to the sound imitated. 3.4 The sentence fragment

Sent Frag 1 is distributed in the paragraph, and Sent Frag 2-4 in Dis 2. 3.41 Tagmemic paradigms of the sentence fragment Sent Frag 1 = {±(+Co:Phr 1, aff+Inton:Cr 2)+Nuc:Phr 1, aff±Foc:clit+Inton: Cr }±Foc optionally follows ± Co. Sent Frag 2 = {+Nuc:Phr 2, aff+Inton:Cr 3} Sent Frag 3 — {+Nuc:excl r 4+Inton:Cr 4} Sent Frag 4 = {+Nuc:onom+Inton:Cr 5} Phr 1 = fillers of slot ±S, ± C , ± 0 , ±IO, ±1, ± L , ±Pur, ± M , ±Cir, ±Neg 1, ± Intro, ±Excl, ±Voc or ± Conn 1. Phr 2 = fillers of slot ±S, ± C , ± 0 , ±IO, ±1, ± L , ±Pur, ± M , ±Cir, ±Neg 1 or ±Excl, or fillers of slot -f P 20 in any sequence . . . -fP 20+Foe 2. 3.42 Examples Sent Frag 1 - Co:chica Nucicamtachar ought to give it to you). Sent Frag 2 - Nuc:pagasa? Sent Frag 3 - ~Nuc:ayayay\ Sent Frag 4 - ~Nuc:cucurumgu

'then (Co) - ought-to-you (Nuc)' (then he 'I will pay?'. 'Ow, it hurts!'. sound of a cock crowing.




4.1 Ernie clause classes TABLE 1


Quot 01

Ditr 02

Tr 03

Intr 04

Stat 05


(00) Aff







Nuc of Sent








la, 2, 3,4
























Nuc of Sent









DEPENDENT Hypothetical


INCLUDED (1000,2070)

lb, 2













S, C, O, IO, I, L, M, Pur, R01







I, L, Pur, M, R 51, H/Co 52-N







S, C, O, IO, I, L, Pur, M







Cir, R61, Co 72 of N













Nominal (1000)

Circumstantial (2070)

Nuc of Sent

Dep of Sent 3


4.2 Tagmemic paradigms of the clause In the following paradigms, the most common order of the tagmemes is given. However, the order of the tagmemes is free, with the following exceptions: (1) + P with high frequency occurs clause final, especially in dependent and included clauses. However, ±Conn 2 and ±Cit generally follow +P. ±Cit optionally precedes +P, when manifested by a word or short sentence.



(2) The negative tagmemes always precede +P. (3) No two of the tagmemes ±S, ± C , ± 0 simultaneously follow +P. (4) In CI 20 (Information interrogative), the tagmeme +Ig always precedes +P. +Ig occurs in portmanteau relationship with any one of the tagmemes ± S, ± C, ± O, ±IO, ±1, ±L, ±Pur, ± M , ±Cir, ±Cit. These latter are then filled, not only by the fillers listed in sections 4.31,4.33, but also by the fillers of + Ig when in portmanteau relationship with that slot. Declarative (10) CI 11a = {±Per 1 ± S ± I O + P 11 ±Foc l 9 ±Cit} CI 12a = {±Per 1 ± S ± 0 ± I O + P 12 ±Foc 1} CI 13a = {±Per 1 ± S ± 0 + P 13 ±Foc 1} CI 14a = {±Per 1 ± S + P 14 ±Foc 1} CI 15a — {±Per 1 ± S + C ± P 15 ±Foc 1} To obtain CI 10b, multiply CI 10a, by adding +Neg 1 preceding + P 10, and by substituting ±Foc 2 for ±Foc 1. ±Foc 2 obligatorily follows +Neg 1. Information Interrogative (20) CI 21 = {+Ig 1 ±Per 1 ± S ±IO CI 22 = {+Ig 1 ±Per 1 ± S ± 0 ± I O CI 23 = {+Ig 1 ±Per 1 ± S + 0 CI 24 = {+Ig 2 ±Per 1 ± S CI 25 = {+Ig 2 ±Per 1 ± S + C

±Neg ±Neg ±Neg ±Neg ±Neg

Corroborative Interrogative (30) CI 31 = {±Per 2 ± S +IO ±Cit +Foc CI 32 = {±Per 2 ± S ± 0 ± I O + Foc CI 33 = {±Per 2 ± S ± 0 +Foc CI 34 = {±Per 2 ± S +Foc CI 35 = {±Per 2 ± S + C +Foc

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1

+P +P +P +P +P

±Neg ±Neg ±Neg ±Neg ±Neg

11 ± Cit} 12} 13} 14} 15}

1 +P 1 +P 1 +P 1 +P 1 +P

11} 12} 13} 14} 15}

Imperative (40) Cl 41a = {±Per 1 ± S ± I O + P 41 ±Cit} Cl 42a = {±Per 1 ± S ± 0 ± I O H-P 42} Cl 43a = {±Per 1 ± S ± 0 + P 43} 9

Further analysis (March 1972) indicates that the reportative -si (1160) and dubitative -cha(r) (1172) should also be considered as enclitics, on an equal standing with -mi, -chu. The fillers of ± Foe 1 (in CI. 10a) would then be -mi, -si, •cha(r), while those of ± Foe 2 (in CI. 10b) would be -chu, -si, -cha(r). ± Foe 2 (in CI. 30) would still be filled only by -chu. Since this change, though minor in itself, would require alterations throughout both the Grammar and Texts, it has not been incorporated.



CI 44a = {±Per 1 ± S + P 44} CI 45a = {±Per 1 ± S + C + P 45} To obtain CI 40b, multiply CI 40a, by adding +Neg 2 preceding + P 40, and by adding ±Foc 2 following + P 40. Dependent Hypothetical (110) CI 111 = {±Per 2 ± S ±IO CI 112 = {±Per 2 ± S ± 0 ± I O CI 113 = { ± P e r 2 ± S ± 0 CI 114 = {±Per 2 ± S CI 115 = ( ± P e r 2 ± S + C

±Neg ±Neg ±Neg ±Neg ±Neg

1 +P 1 +P 1+P 1 +P 1 +P

111 ±Cit} 112} 113} 114} 115}

Included clauses (1000, 2070) To obtain CI 1101-1365, 2171-2375, multiply CI 111-115 as follows: Clauses to be obtained:

Substitute for + P 111-115

NOMINAL (1000) 1111-65(01-05) 1231-65(01-05) 1311-65(01-05)

+ P 1111-65 (01-05) + P1231-65 (01-05) + P 1311-65 (01-05)

CIRCUMSTANTIAL (2070) 2171-75,2271-75 2371-75

+ P2171-75,2271-75 + P 2371-75 and —S for ± S

4.3 Tagmeme Inventory 4.31 Nuclear Tagmemes +P +P +P +P +P +P +P +P +P

ll-15:Vb 11-15 41-45: Vb 21-25 111-115: Vb 111.1-115.1 (0.1) 1111-65 (01-05):Vb 1111.1-1165.1 (01-05 [0.1]), Vb 1111.2-1165.4 (01-05[0.2,0.4]). 1231-65 (01-05):Vb 1231.1-1265.1 (01-05 [0.1]), Vb 1251.2-55.5 (0.2, 0.5). 1311-65 (01-05) :Vb 1311.1-1365.1 (01-05 [0.1]), Vb 1341.2-65.3 (01.05 [0.2, 0.3]). 2171-75: Vb 2171.1-2175.4 (0.1, 0.3, 0.4) 2271-75: Vb 2271.1-2275.4 (0.1, 0.3, 0.4) 2371-75: Vb 2371.1-2375.4 (0.1, 0.2, 0.4)

± S , ±C:N 11-19, Adj 10, CI 1110, 1310, pr 13.1, 13.3, int 1,2, Num 11-13, R 11-13, rel 11.1



± 0 , ±IO:N 21-29, Adj20, CI 1120, 1320, pr 23.1, 23.3, int 1,2, Num 12, 13, 20, R 21-23, rel 21.1 + Ig 1:R 14-74 (04), rel 13-73 (03) + Ig 2:R 14, 34-74 (04), rel 13, 33-73 (03) ±Cit:Dis ±Neg 1 (also +Neg 1): neg 1,2 +Neg 2: neg 3 ± F o c l:clit 1 ± Foe 2, +Foc2:clit2 4.32 Periphery The periphery is considered as a marginal string. Per 1 = {+(±Excl 1 ±Conn l 2 ±Intro ±Voc/±Rep i C i r 4 ± I 2 ±L 2 ±Pur 2 ± M 2 ±Conn 2)} (Maximum tagmemes - 7). Per 2 = {+(±Excl 1 ±Conn 1 ±Rep ±Cir 4 ±I 2 ± L ±Pur 2 ± M 2 ±Conn 2)} (Maximum tagmemes - 5). 4.33 Peripheral tagmemes ±Excl l:excl 1, 2 ±Excl 2:excl 3-5 ± Rep:vb 11 (niN, ninsi, nido) ±Conn lrconn 1-3, 5, vb 2371, 2471 (ni...) ± Conn 2:conn 6 ± Introxonn 4 ±I:N 31-37, 39b, Adj 30, CI 1030, pr 33.1, 33.3, Num 30, R 31-33, rel 31.1 ±L:N 41-47, 49b, Adj 40, CI 1040, pr 43.1, 43.3, Num 40, R 41-43, rel 41.1, 41.3 ±Pur:N 51-57a, 59, Adj 50, CI 1050, pr 53.1, Num 50, R 51-53, rel 51.1 ± M:N 61-67, 69, Adj 60, CI 1060, pr 63.1, 63.3, m, cir 61, Num 60, int 1,2, R 61, 63, rel 61.1 ±Cir:N 71, 72, 74-77a, CI 2070, pr 73.1, Num 70, cir 70, R 72, 73, rel 71.1 ±Voc:N ll-13a, 15, 17 4.4 Examples Declarative (10) CI 11a - P : ninga tia Cit:cayacama ('one-has to-say (P) - see-you-tomorrow (Cit)'). CI l i b - S: cungarig Negimana yuyachihud 10-.nucata 'forgetting (S) - not (Neg) he-made-me-think (P) - to-me (10)' (Forgetting, he didn't tell me).



CI 12a - P +Foc: quichusca mi cá O:alpa IO:nucanchita 'they-took (P)+Foc land (O) - to-us (IO)' (they took land from us). CI 12b - Conn 1 :pero S :núcaca lO'.camcunátaca Neg \mana P \ambinga card Foe:chu 'but (Conn 1) - I (S) - to-you (IO) not (Neg) - am-going to-cure (P) - Foe' (but I am not going to cure you). CI 12b - Neg: manimachar S:nuca Exchr/cii P:apamusa O:cay yamta Conn 2:pués 'not-ought (Neg) - I (S) - truly (Excl) - I-will-bring (P) - this firewood (O) - then (Conn 2)' (then I ought not to bring this firewood). CI 13a - Intro: ojalá S:tucuy familia M:chasalla P\huiyantracuna 0:nuca palabrita 'may-it-not-be (Intro) - every family (S) - just-thus (M) - would-hear (P) - my word (O)' (oh that every family would listen to my words). CI 13a - Cir: catichispa P\tarig rinsi ('keeping-going (Cir) - he found him (P)'). CI 13b - Neg :mana Pisaquiscaqui L,:yacupi 'not (Neg) - I-am-going-to-leave-you (P) in-water (L)' (I am not going to leave you in the water). CI 14a - V.chihua Voc :cam huamritocuna Cir:yuyarispa Ci r.causaspa Ck:mamata respetaspa huauquindi respetarispa o panindi o ajeno musupura imas P:causanguichi Cir:mánaca pelea atarichispa 'with-that (I) - you sons (Voc) - agreeing (Cir) - living (Cir) respecting mothers or being-respectful between-brothers or sisters or any neighbouring youngsters (Cir) - you-live (P) - not creating a-fight (Cir)' (So, my sons, you should live in agreement, respecting your mothers, brothers, sisters and neighbours; you should live without causing a fight). CI 14a - S:sug mamita Rep\ni P:tiá 'one mother (S) - it-is-said (Rep) - is-present (P)' (there is a mother, he said). CI 14b - Cir.upiasca cahora Neg :mana Foe :chu P:aychanayador cá Fur.micungapa 'when one has drunk (Cir) - not (Neg) - Foe - one-habitually-wants to-eat-meat (P) - to-eat (Pur)' (when one has drunk, one doesn't generally want meat to eat). CI 15a - O.carpintero P +Foc\cador mi card 'carpenter (C) - I habitually-was (P) + Foe' (I was a carpenter). CI 15b - Conn \:y Cir.chihora S:mamacuna'Neg:mana C:yapaatun 'and (Conn 1) that-time (Cir) - mothers (S) - not (Neg) - very big (C)' (and at that time, the mothers weren't very big). Information interrogative (20) CI 21 - Cit/Ig: ímata S:huauqui Neg:mana P.huillahuá 'what (Cit/Ig) - brother (S) not (Neg) - tell-me (P)' (what did my brother not tell me?). CI 22 - Voc\tayta huauqui IO/Ig:pitata P:carancangui Excl :vea 'father brother (Voc) to-whom (IO/Ig) - are-you-going-to-give-(it) (P) - eh (Excl)?'. CI 22 - L\nuca huasi callariscamándaca O:cay obrátaca M/lg:imásata P:saquisa 'because-I-began my house (L) - this work (O) - how (M/Ig) - I-will-leave (P)' (because I began my house, how can I leave this work?). CI 23 - O/Ig-.masa húatata P:yucangui 'how-many years (O/Ig) - do-you-have (P)' (how old are you?).



CI 23 - Cir .cam tayta pusahuahora Conn 1 :pero L/Ig:mdymata P.pusa 'when your father took-me (Cir) - but (Conn 1) - to-where (L/Ig) - he-took (P)' (but when your father took me, where did he take me?). CI 24 - Pur/Ig: imdpata Rep:«/ P:samungui 'why (Pur/Ig) - it-is-said (Rep) - did-youcome (P)' (why did you come?, he said). CI 24 - Ijlg-.imahuata Neg:mana P-.chayamu S:nuca tayta 'with-what (I/Ig) - not (Neg) - arrived (P) - my father (S)' (for what reason has my father not arrived?). CI 25 - Cflg:masacunata P:cangui Conn 2:pues 'how-many-people (C/Ig) - are-you (P) - then (Conn 2)?'. Corroborative interrogative (30) CI 31 - Pur.sutipa Foc.chu IO\camta P:ninacun Puv.quichungapa 'for-certain (Pur) Foe - to-you (IO) - they-are-saying (P) - to-take-away (Pur)' (are they definitely saying to you that they will take it away?). CI 31 - Excl: aa P:nicungui Foc.chu Cit:chi contasca Estrellapamba 'ah (Excl) you-are-saying (P) - Foe - that-one told-about plain-of-stars (Cit)' (ah, are you saying that he told you about the plain of stars?). CI 32 - Conn 1 :y S:paycunaca P:pagahuancuna Foc.chu 'and (Conn 1) - they (S) paid-me (P) - Foe' (and did they pay me?). CI 32 - Cir:Ha Foc.chu lO:huamracunata Oimicuy P'.carapuancangui 'now (Cir) - Foe to-the-children (IO) - food (O) you-are-going-to-give-for-me (P)' (are you now going to give the children food for me?). CI 33 - Conn 1 :y M:chaSa Voc:cam huauqui hbancohua P'.churasa Foc.chu Conn 2:pues 'and (Conn 1) - thus (M) - you friend (Voc) - with-a-bench (I) - I-will-put (P) Foe - then (Conn 2)' (and then will I not thus hit him with a bench, my friend?). CI 33 - O\paypa asuita Piupiatii Foc.chu 'his chicha (O) - I-drink (P) - Foe' (will I drink his chicha?). CI 34 - S:nuca P:risa Pur.batea rurangapa Foc.chu 'I(S) - will-go (P) - to-make trays (Pur) - Foe' (shall I go to make trays?). CI 34 - P:rido Foc.chu Rep:«/« L:chima 'he-went (P) - Foe - they-said (Rep) there (L)' (did he go there?, they said). CI 35 - Conn V.chi Foc.chu Neg:mana C:rucu P:casa 'So (Conn 1) - Foe - not (Neg) old (C) - I-will-be (P)' (So will I not be old?). Imperative (40) CI 41a - Intro:ojala P:rimaringuichi 'may-it-not-be (Intro) - you-speak (P)' (may you not speak!). CI 41a/42a - Cit: (O:limosna P:carahuay) klngahua P:«/« ('(alms (O) - give-me (P) (Cit)) - with-Inga (I) - say (P)' (Say 'Give me alms!' in Inga!). CI 41b - Cir: nispaca IO:paycunata ~Neg:ama P:creyanacunguichi 'then (Cir) - tothem (IO) - don't (Neg) - be-believing (P)' (so don't believe them!).



CI 42a - Neg: arm Oiflauta P'.tunachin Foe:chu 'don't (Neg) - flute (O) - make-toplay (P) - Foe' (don't play the flute!). CI 42b - P+~Neg:pegay ama pegapuanacunguichi 'don't be striking him for me!'. CI 43a - P:cahuag rinchi 'go and see!'. CI 43b - Rep:«/ Neg\ama L:saparupi P'.pusangui 'you (Voc) - it-is-said (Rep) - don't (Neg) - in-the-basket (L) - take (P)' (you, don't take it in the basket!, he said). CI 44a - M:utca P:samuy 'quickly (M) - come (P)' (come quickly!). CI 44a - P\samuchucuna Pur.cahuanga Conn 2\puis 'may-they-come (P) - to-see (Pur) - then (Conn 2)!'. CI 44b - Cir.tutacuna Neg:ama P:llujsisunchi 'nights (Cir) - don't (Neg) - let's-goout (P)' (don't let's go out at night!). CI 45a - Conn 1 :o O.upalla P:cay Excl:pay Voc\senor 'or (Conn 1) - quiet (C) - be (P) - thank-you (Excl) - sir (Voc)' (or be quiet, thank-you!). CI 45b - Neg:ama O.upalla Picachu Excl:ricii 'don't (Neg) - quiet (C) - may-he-be (P) - look (Excl)' (look, don't let him be quiet!). Dependent hypothetical (110) CI 111 - Neg\mana P:nincunama 'not (Neg) - if-they-had-said (P)' (if they hadn't said). CI 112 - Neg:ma«a P.surcuncunama 'not (Neg) - if-they-had-taken-away (P)' (if they hadn't taken him away). CI 113 - S:nuca P:pusamunima 'I(S) - if-I-had-brought (P)' (if I had brought it). CI 114 - I\camhua Neg:mana P:rinchima Pur.apamungapa Pavxahuachingapa 'withyou (I) - not (Neg) - if-we-had-gone (P) - to-bring (Pur) - to-show (Pur)' (if we hadn't gone with you to bring you and show you). CI 115 - Neg: mana O.nuca huauqui P:canquima 'not (Neg) - my brother (C) - if-youhad-been (P)' (if you hadn't been my brother). Nominal (1100) CI 1113 - Neg\mdnaca P:yanusca hyacuhua 'not (Neg) - what-he-cooked (P) - withwater (I)' (what he didn't cook with water). CI 1114 - P\sayarisca Sitaytas 'having-stood-up (P) - father-also (S)' (the father who also stood up). CI 1121 - Conn l:y P:rimascata 'and (Conn 1) - the-one-who-said (P)'. CI 1124 - Lxallepi P\cascata 'in-the-square (L) - those -who-were (P)' (those who were in the square). CI 1125 - Conn 2 :pues Neg -.mana M :casa C:suma runa P:cascdtaca 'then (Conn 2) not (Neg) - thus (M) - a-good man (C) - the-one-who-was (P)' (the one who was not thus a good man). CI 1132 - O\cayca S:nuca huarmi P:carahuascdhuaca 'this (O) - my wife (S) - withwhat-she-gave-me (P)' (with this which my wife had given me).



CI 1144 - S:huamrajimcuna V'.tambuscapi Rep:m CirM 'children (S) - in-havingmade-a-ranch (P) - it-is-said (Rep) - now (Cir)' (then, on the children having made a ranch, it is said). CI 1155 - V:quedascapa 'of-those-who-remained'. CI 1162 - P\cachascasina \0.nucata Excl :pay Voc:sefior S:nucanchi tayta 'like-hecommanded (P) - to-me (IO) - thank-you (Excl) - sir (Voc) - our father (S)' (like our father commanded me, thank-you). CI 1231 - Neg:mana M\chasa P:parlangdhuaca 'not (Neg) - thus (M) - with-speakingto-me (P)' (with not thus speaking to me). CI 1243 - O\zanja V:limpiaypi 'ditch (O) - in-cleaning (P)' (in cleaning a ditch). CI 1251 - Cir.chihora P:nihuay Cit\ama ricuyl 'that-time (Cir) - to-say-to-me (P) don't go (Cit)!' (to say to me at that time, don't go!). CI 1252 - IO\pay huamrajimcunata P:carangataca 0:apilla 'to-those children (IO) instead-of-giving (P) - just-soup (O)' (instead of just giving the children the soup). CI 1254 - Conn 1 :y htanditahua P:chayag ringapa S:nuca Conn 2:pues L:maypi nuca causascama 'and (Conn 1) - with-bread (I) - to arrive (P) - I (S) - then (Conn 2) to-where I lived (L)' (and in order that I should arrive with bread where I was living). CI 1255 - C:suma runa Pitucungapa 'good man (C) - to-pretend-to-be (P)' (to pretend to be a good man). CI 1263 - h:nucanchi pueblitopi P:manejarinacungasina 'in-our-town (L) - like-theyare-going-to-be-governing (P)' (as they are going to be governing in our town). CI 1311 - M:chasa IO:taytata P:nij 'thus (M) - to-father (IO) - the-one-speaking (P)' (the one who spoke thus to his father). CI 1313 - Conn 1 :y S:paycunaca 0:runataca Neg:mana P:manchajcuna 'and (Connl) they (S) - to-the-people (O) - not (Neg) - giving-fear (P)' (and the ones who are not making the people afraid). CI 1324 - Cir.yapa puncha L:escuelama P:chayamujcunata 'many days (Cir) - toschool (L) - to-those-who-arrive (P)' (often to those who arrive at school). CI 1341 - M:chasa P:nigmanda Cit:miticuy\ (thus (M) - because-they-said (P) - berunning (Cit)' (because they thus said: run!). CI 1344 - S:nuca huauqui Pur.visitahuangapa Pisamugmanda 'my-brother (S) - tovisit-me (Pur) - because-he-came (P)' (because my brother came to visit me). CI 1354 - S:sujca L:Bordoncillopi P'.quedadocunapa 'the-one (S) - in-Bordoncillo (L) of-remaining (P)' (of the one remaining in Bordoncillo). CI 1362 - O:chunga IO:nuca huauquita P:apamucudoca 'ten (O) - to my brother (IO) bringing (P)' (bringing ten to my brother). CI 1363 - Iwiolehua P:charido Puiibailangapa 'with-violin (I) - holding (P) - todance (Pur)' (holding it with a violin in order to dance). CI 1365 - C:suj cucha yaculla P'.cajsina 'one lake just-water (C) - being-like (P)' (being just like a lake of water).



Circumstantial (2070) C12171 -Conn \:y Y'.rimadero cajta 'and (Conn l)-until-he-knows-how-to-speak(P)'. CI 2172 - Ca:ñalla~P:huiyachicujta'just-now (Cir) - until-he-was-making-him-hear (P)'. CI 2173 - Oialmasi V:huiyarin cajta 'soul (O) - until-he-heard (P)' (until he heard in his soul). CI 2173 - Exchpay Voc:señorsito Neg:manas Pur:upiay P:podijta 'thank-you (Excl) sir (Voc) - not-also (Neg) - to-drink (Pur) - until-he-can (P)' (until he can no longer drink, thank you). CI 2174 - M:/J> S:huasa P:pungijta 'completely (M) - back (S) - until-it-swells (P)' (until the back completely swells). CI 2174 - L:cay San Andrespi P:ricujta 'in this San Andrés (L) - until-he-was-going (P)' (how he was going about in this town of San Andrés). CI 2175 - P:cajta O.huamra 'until-he-is (P) - a-boy (C)'. CI 2271 - Cit\huamra mi cani lO'.taytata P:nijpica 'I am a-boy(Cit)-to-father(IO) if-they-said (P)' (if they said to their father: I am a boy). CI 2272 - 0:nucapa cuchillota P:apapuado cájpica 'my machete (O) - if-he-takes-forme (P)' (if he takes my machete for me). CI 2273 - Neg:mana S:sug runa Oxamaricu T:churajpi Conn 2:pues 'not (Neg) - an Indian (S) - meal for the spirits (O) - if-he-puts (P) - then (Conn 2)' (if an Indian doesn't set out a meal for the spirits, then). CI 2274 - Conn 1 :y Cir.chihora S\Liemo P:chayahóraca 'and (Conn 1) - at-thattime (Cir) - Liemo (S) - when-he-arrived (P)' (and when Lierno arrived at that time). CI 2275 - Cir.imahora S:nuca C:libre T.quedancama 'which-time (Cir) - 1 (S) - free (C) - until-I-remain (P)' (until that time that I become free). CI 2371 - Conn l:y L:caymanda L:nuca pueblosinapi M:sumalla P:yuyás Pur.chisiyangá 'and (Conn 1) - from-here (L) - like in my town (L) - just-nice (M) - thinking (P) to-delay (Pur)' (and from here, thinking pleasantly about staying around my town). CI 2372 - V'.cahuachispa lQ:nucanchita L:tucuypi Excl:no 'making-to-see (P) - to-us (IO) - in-all (L) - right (Excl)?' (making us see it in everything, right?). CI 2373 - 0+Rep:chi ni chuchuta P: trusas 'that breast (O) - it-is-said (Rep) - cutting (P)' (cutting that breast, it is said). CI 2374 - Neg:mana M:suma V:causáspaca 'not (Neg) - well (M) - living (P)' (not living well). CI 2375 - C:sordo P-.caspas 'dull (C) - being-too (P)' (being dull, too).




5.1 The verb phrase 5.11 The independent verb phrase 5.111 Emic phrase classes TABLE 2 Quot 01

Ditr 02

Tr 03

Intr 04

Stat 05

DECLARATIVE (10) Simple 10.1






10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6

11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6

13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6

14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6

15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6

P 11-15

IMPERATIVE (20) Simple 20.1






P 41-45

21.2 21.5

22.2 22.5

23.2 23.5

24.2 24.5

25.2 25.5



20.2 20.5


Digits in the numerical symbols of the verb phrase correspond to those of P.

5.112 Tagmemic paradigms of the independent verb phrase Digits in the numerical symbols of the fillers of + H and + D u p correspond to the digits in the numerical symbols of the Verb phrase. Declarative (10) Vb 11.1-13.1 (0.1) = {+ H:vb 11-13,71-73 } Vb 14.1,15.1 = {+ H:vb 14,15 } Vb 11.2-13.2 (0.2) = {+ H:vb 21-23 + Aux:Vb aux 14.1,14.4,14.6, aux 74a } Vb 14.2,15.2 = {+H:vb 24,25 + Aux:Vb aux 14.1,14.4,14.6 } Vb 11.3-13.3 (0.3) = {+ H:vb 31-33,51-63 (01-03) -I- Aux:Vbl5.1,15.4, vb 75a (ca...)} Vb 14.3,15.3 = {+H:vb 34,35,54-65 (04,05) + Aux:Vb 15.1,15.4 ( c a . . . ) } Vb 11.4-15.4 (0.4) = {+ H:vb 41-45 ± Aux:Vb 15.1,15.4 ( c a . . . ) } Vb 11.5-15.5 (0.5) = {+ Dup:vb 51-55 + H:Vb 11.1-15.4 (0.1,0.4) } Vb 11.6-15.6 (0.6) = { H:vb 61-65 + Aux:vb 14 (tiaN) }



Imperative (20) Vb 21.1-25.1 (0.1) = {+ H:vb 81-95 } Vb 21.2-25.2 (0.2) = {+ H:vb 21-25 + Aux:aux 84,94 } Vb 21.5-25.5 (0.5) = {+ Dup:vb 51-55 + H:Vb 91-95 } Auxiliary verb phrase Vb aux 14.1 = {+ H:aux 14 } Vb aux 14.4 = {+ H:aux 44 ± Aux:vb 15 (ca...)} Vb aux 14.6 = {+ H:aux 64 + Aux:vb 14 (tiaN) } In Vb 10.4, Vb aux 14.4, a minus reading of the tagmeme ± Aux is semantically interpreted as third person. In Vb 10.5, 20.5, the verb roots of the verbs manifesting + Dup and + H are identical. In Vb 10.5, 10.6, 20.5, 4- Neg optionally follows + H, making the phrase discontinuous. 5.113 Examples Declarative (10) Vb 11.1 - H:caparichihuanacurcanguichi 'they-were-making-me-cry'. Vb 12.1 - H:pambapuyqui 'I-was-burying-for-him'. Vb 13.1 - H:calpachirayarcani 'I-was-making-(him)-run'. Vb 14.1 - H:huanu 'he-died'. Vb 15.1 - H:cachar 'he-ought-to-be'. Vb 11.2 - H:rogacug Aux:rircayqui 'begging (H) - I-went-to-him (Aux)' (I was begging him). Vb 12.2 - H:apachig Auwrincuna 'making-to-take (H) - they-went (Aux)' (they have gone to make him take). Vb 13.2 - H:yallig Auxiridero ca 'happening (H) - it-habitually-went (Aux)' (it used to happen). Vb 14.2 - H:chingarig Aux:ringa tid 'losing (H) - one-has to-go (Aux)' (one has to go and lose). Vb 15.2 - W.caj Aux:samu 'being (H) - he-came (Aux)' (he was). Vb 11.3 - H\ninga Aux:carcayqui 'to-say (H) - I-was-to-him (Aux)' (I was wanting to say to him). Vb 12.3 - H:huinachinacusca Auxxarcanchi 'having-made-to-raise (H) - we-were (Aux)' (we were making him raise). Vb 13.3 - H:upiay Aax:carcacuna 'to-drink (H) - they-were (Aux)' (they were drinking). Vb 14.3 - H:puHuylla Auxxadorcuna 'just-to-sleep (H) - they-habitually-are (Aux)' (they just know how to sleep). Vb 15.3 - H\cangapa Aux:carcani 'to-be(H) - I-was (Aux)' (I was).



Vb 11.4 - Hxreedo Aux:carcacuna 'believed (H) - they-were (Aux)' (they believed). Vb 12.4 - Hicarador 'he-knows-how-to-give'. Vb 13.4 - H•.cahuaridorsi Aux:cado cd 'seer-it-is-said (H) - he was (Aux)' (he used to see, it is said). Vb 14.4 - H:puHuridor 'he-habitually-sleeps'. Vb 15.4 - H\tucudor Aux:carca 'he-habitually-makes-himself (H) - he-was (Aux)' (he used to make himself). Vb 11.5 - Dup.yuyay Hiyuyacurcani 'to-think (Dup) - I-was-thinking (H)' (I was thinking). Vb 12.5 - Dup:suyapuayca H:suyapudnguica 'to-wait-for-me (Dup) - you-wait-forme (H)' (you wait for me). Vb 13.5 - Dup:pegaypas H.pegador 'to-beat-too (Dup) - beater (H)' (he habitually beats, too). Vb 14.5 - Dup-.puHuylla H:puHuncuna 'just-to-sleep (Dup) - they-sleep (H)' (they were just sleeping). Vb 15.5 - Dup:caj> H\cador 'to-be (Dup) -he-habitually-was (H)' (he habitually was). Vb 11.6 - H:huillahuanga Aux:tian 'to-tell-me (H) - there-is (Aux)' (one has to tell me). Vb 12.6 - H:apanga Auxitid 'to-take (H) - there-is (Aux)' (one has to take). Vb 13.6 - Hlyucanga Auxitia 'to-live (H) - there-is (Aux)' (one has to live). Vb 14.6 - H lasicunga Auxitid 'to-be-laughing (H) - there-is (Aux)' (one has to laugh). Vb 15.6 - H:canga Aux\tid 'to-be (H) - there-is (Aux)' (one has to be). Imperative (20) Vb 21.1 - U:huillahuaychica\ 'tell-me!'. Vb 22.1 - Hicahuachihuayl 'show-me!'. Vb23.1 - Hirupachinacuchul 'make-(it)-be-burning!'. Vb 24.1 - UipuHusunchil 'let's sleep!'. Vb 25.1 - Hicacuyl 'be-ing!'. Vb 21.2 - Hirimaj Auxisamuy! 'speaking (H) - come (Aux)' (come and speak!). Vb 22.2 - Hlapag Auxirichul 'taking (H) - may-he-go (Aux)' (may he take!). Vb 23.2 - Hicahuag Auxirinchil 'seeing (H) - go (Aux)' (go and see!). Vb 24.2 - Hicungurij Auxisamuy I 'kneeling (H) - come (Aux)' (come and kneel!). Vb 25.2 - H\caj Aux:samuy\ 'being (H) - come (Aux)' (come and be!). Vb 21.5 - Dup.huillay U:huillactmguil 'to-advise (Dup) - be-advising (H)' (keep advising!). Vb 22.5 - Dup:pegay H:pegapuanacunguichi\ 'to-strike (Dup) - be-striking-for-me (H)' (keep striking him for me!). Vb 23.5 - Dup:cahuaypas H:cahuay \ 'to-see-also (Dup) - see (H)' (really see it, too!). Vb 24.5 - Dup:pufluylla H:puftucuy\ 'just-to-sleep (Dup) - be-sleeping (H)' (just keep sleeping!). Vb 25.5 - Dup:coy Hicanacimguichil 'to-be (Dup) - be-being (H)' (keep being!).



Auxiliary verb phrase Vb aux 14.1 - H:risa 'I-will-go'. Vb aux 14.4 - H:ridero Auxicacha 'goer (H) - he-ought-to-be (Aux)' (he ought to go habitually). Vb aux 14.6 - H:chayanacunga Aux:tia 'to-be-arriving (H) - there-is (Aux)' (one has to arrive). 5.12 The dependent verb phrase Tagmemic paradigm


Vb 111.1-115.1 (0.1) = { + H:vb 111-115}

Examples Vb 111.1 Vb 112.1 Vb 113.1 Vb 114.1 Vb 115.1 -

P 111-115

H:nincunama 'If-they-had-said'. H:surcuncunama 'If-they-had-extracted'. H:pusamunima 'If-I-had-brought'. H:rinchima 'If-we-had-gone'. H•.canguima 'If-you-had-been'.

5.13 The included verb phrase 5.131 Emic phrase classes TABLE 3

Nominal (1000)

Circumstantial (2070)

Quot 001

Ditr 002

Tr 003

Intr 004

Stat 005


1100 1200 .1300

1101 1201 1301

1102 1202 1302

1103 1203 1303

1104 1204 1304

1105 1205 1305

P 1101-1105 P 1201-1205 P 1301-1305

2170 2270 2370

2171 2271 2371

2172 2272 2372

2173 2273 2373

2174 2274 2374

2175 2275 2375

P 2171-2175 P 2271-2275 P 2371-2375

5.132 Tagmemic paradigms of the included verb phrase Digits in the numerical symbols of the fillers of + H and + Dup correspond to those of the verb phrase. Decades in the numerical symbols of + H (0.1) and + Aux (0.2-0.4) correspond to those of the verb phrase.



Nominal (1000) Vb 1111.1-65.1 (01-05[0.1]) = {+ H:vb 1111-65 (01-05) } Vb 1111.2-55.2 (01-05[0.2]) = {+ H:vb 21-25 + Aux:aux 1114-64 (04) } Vb 1111.4-65.4 (01-05[0.4]) = { H:vb 41-45 + Aux:vb 1115-65 (05) (ca...) } Vb 1231.1-65.1 (01-05[0.1]) = {+ H:vb 1231-65 (01-05)} Vb 1251.2-55.2 (0.2) = {+ H:vb 21-25 + Aux:aux 1254 } Vb 1251.5-55.5 (0.5) = {+ Dup:vb 51-55 + H:vb 1251-55 } Vb 1311.1-15.1, 1331.1-45.1 (01-05[0.1]) = {+ H:vb 1311-15,31-35,41-45 } Vb 1321.1-25.1, 1351.1-65.1 (01-05[0.1]) = {+H:vb 1321-25, 51-65, 1421-25,51-65 (01-05) } Vb 1341.2-65.2 (01-05[0.2]) = {+H:vb 21-25 + Aux:aux 1344,54,64 } Vb 1341.3-65.3 (01-05[0.3]) = {+ H:vb 31-35,51-55,61-65+Aux: vb 1345,55,65 (ca...)}

Circumstantial (2070) Vb 2171.1-75.1 (0.1) = Vb 2171.3-75.3 (0.3) = Vb 2171.4-75.4 (0.4) = Vb 2271.1-75.1 (0.1) = Vb 2271.3-75.3 (0.3) = Vb 2271.4-75.4 (0.4) = Vb 2371.1-75.1 (0.1) Vb 2371.2-75.2 (0.2) = Vb 2371.4-75.4 (0.4) =

{+ {+ {+ {+ {+ {+ {+ {+ {+

H:vb 2171-75 } H:vb 31-35,51-55, 61-65+Aux:vb 2175 (ca...) } H:vb 41-45 + Aux:vb 2175 (ca...) } H:vb 2271-75,2471-75 } H:vb 31-35,51-55,61-65 + Aux:vb 2275, 2475 (ca...) } H:vb 41-45 + Aux:vb 2275,2475 (ca...) } H:vb 2371-75 } H:vb 21-25 + Aux:aux 2374 } H:vb 41-45 + Aux:vb 2375 (ca...) }

5.133 Examples Vb 1112.1 - H:apasca 'the-one-who-took'. Vb 1121.1 - H:rimascata 'to-the-one-who-spoke'. Vb 1155.1 - H•.quedascapa 'of-those-who-remained'. Vb 1114.2 - Hichayaj Auxisamusca 'arriving (H) - tke-one-who-came (Aux)' (the one who arrived). Vb 1143.2 - H:sitag Aux\riscamanda 'squandering (H) - because-they-went (Aux)' (because they went and squandered). Vb 1162.2 - Hicachag Auxiriscasina 'sending (H) - like-the-one-who-went (Aux)' (like the one who sent). Vb 1123.4 - H:llutado Aux:cascdtaca 'joined (H) - the-one-who-was (Aux)' (the one who joined them). Vb 1134.4 - H:pufiudo Aux:cascahita 'slept (H) - with-the-one-who-was (Aux)' (with the one who slept). 4*



Vb 1151.4 - H irimadero Auxxascapa 'he-habitually-said (H) - for-the-one-was (Aux)' (for the one who used to say). Vb 1232.1 -H:parlangdhuaca 'with-those-who-speak'. Vb 1243.1 - Hxahuangamanda 'because-he-was-going-to-see'. Vb 1252.1 - Hicarangata 'instead-of-giving'. Vb 1255.1 - Hxanacuypa 'in-order-to-be-being'. Vb 1263.1 - H.huiyangasina 'like-they-will-hear'. Vb 1254.2 - Hxhayanacug Axaxringapaca 'arriving (H) - to-go (Aux)' (to be arriving). Vb 1254.5 - Dup:jundarinlla H Jundarin 'just-to-fill (Dup) - to-fill (H)' (just to completely fill). Vb 1311.1 - H:nij 'the-one-who-says'. Vb 1323.1 - H.entendidocunata 'the-ones-who-understand'. Vb 1324.1 - Hxhayamujcimata 'to-those-who-arrive'. Vb 1331.1 - H:nighua 'with-the-one says'. Vb 1354.1 -H:quedadocunapa 'of-those-who-remain'. Vb 1344.2 - H -.alcanzag Aux:rigmdndaca 'stretching (H) - because-it-goes (Aux)' (because it stretches). Vb 1352.2 - H:carag Aux\rijpa 'giving (H) - for-the-one-who-goes (Aux)' (for the one who went and gave). Vb 1343.3 - H-Jrabajasca Aaxxagmanda 'to-have-worked (H) - because-they-were (Aux)' (because they were working). Vb 1365.3 - H\casca Auxxajsina 'the-one-who-was (H) - like-it-it-is (Aux)' (like it was). Vb 2172.1 - H'.huiyachicujta 'until-he-was-making-him-hear'. Vb 2173.3 - H:huiyarin Aax\cajta 'to-hear (H) - until-he-was (Aux)' (until he heard). Vb 2174.3 - H.huafiusca Auxxajta 'to-have-died (H) - until-he-was (Aux) (until he was dead). Vb 2174.4 - Hirimadero Auxxajta 'speaker (H) - until-he-is (Aux)' (until he knows how to speak). Vb 2175.4 - Uxado Auxxajta 'been (H) - until-he-is (Aux)' (until he is). Vb 2272.1 - H:nihora 'when-he-said'. Vb 2272.1 - Himaftachihuancamaca 'until-he-lends-me'. Vb 2275.1 - Hicajpi 'if-he-is'. Vb 2273.3 - H'.upiasca Aax:cahora 'to-have-drunk (H) - when-he-was (Aux)' (when he was drinking). Vb 2274.3 - Hxausanga Auxxajpi 'to-live (H) - if-they-are (Aux)' (if they are going to live). Vb 2272.4 - H:apapuado Aux:cajpica 'taken-for-me (H) - if-he-is (Aux)' (if he takes for me). Vb 2371.1 - H:huillaspasi 'advising-he-said'. Vb 2375.1 - Hxaspas 'also-being'. Vb 2372.2 - H:saquij Aaxisamuspa 'leaving (H) - coming (Aux)' (coming and leaving).



Vb 2374.2 - Hichayag Aux:ra 'arriving (H) - going (Aux)' (going and arriving). Vb 2373.4 - H:machado Aux:caspalla 'drunk (H) - just-being (Aux)' (just being drunk). Vb 2374.4 - H:huafhido Auxicaspa 'lived (H) - being (Aux)' (living). 5.2 The substantive phrase 5.21 The noun phrase 5.211 Emic classes of the noun phrase TABLE 4 Slot filled:

S,C 10

O, IO 20

I 30




L 40

Pur 50

M 60

Cir 70





41a Simple


41b Coordinate









03a 03b

13a 13b

23a 23b

33a 33b

43a 43b

53a 53b

63a 63b





























07a 07b

17a 17b

27a 27b

37a 37b

47a 47b

57a —

67a 67b




















The noun phrase is distributed in the Clause in the slots indicated in Table 1. Various ones are also distributed recursively in H 02,05,09, Ac, App, Co & Q 06 of N, in R 01, 02 and in Voc at Clause level. 5.212 Tagmemic paradigms of the noun phrase Phrases 01,02,05 are optionally discontinuous. Decades in the numerical symbols of Co, App, Dup and H (plus Q in N 06 only), correspond to those of the noun phrase.



Simple (01) The maximum number of tagmemes occurring is 4. N 11-31,41a,51,61 (01) = {± Sp 1 ± Num ± Atr 3 ± Atr 1 ± Q 11 ± Q 12 + H 1131,41a,51,61 (01)} N 41b = { ± Sp 2 ± Num ± Int 2 ± Atr 1 ± Q 41 ± Q 42 + H 41b } N 71 = { ± Sp 1 ± Num ± Int 2 ± Atr 1 ± Q 71 ± Q 72 + H 71 } ± Sp ± Atr 1 ± Q 11 + H occur in any order, except that ± Sp obligatorily precedes + H. Coordinate (02) N 12-72 (02) = { + H 12-72 (02) + (± Conn 2 + Co 12-72 (02))n ± Atr 2 } Pronominal (03) N 13a-63a (03a) = { ± N u m / ± Atr 1 + H 13a-63a (03a) } N 13b-63b (03b) = { ± Q 16 + H 13b-63b (03b) } Duplicate (04) N 14-74 (04) = { + Dup 14-74 (04) + H 14-74 (04) } The roots of the fillers of + Dup and + H are identical. Appositive (05) N 15-75 (05) = { + H 15-75 (05) + App 15-75 (05) } Associative (06) N 16-76 (06) = {± Q 16-76 (06) ± Num/± Q 12 + H 16-76 (06) } Genitive (07) N 17a-77a (07a) = { ± Sp 1 ± Atr 3 (± Q 12)2 + Gen 1/+ Gen 3 ± Gen 2 + H 11-31,41a,51-71 (01)} ± Sp 1 and -f Gen 3 do not occur simultaneously. Order is free, except that ± Sp 1 always occurs initially, and ± Gen 2 follows + Gen 1/+ Gen 3. N 17b-47b, 67b (07b) = { ± Sp 1 + H 17-47,67 (07) } Comparative (08) N 18,28 = { + Int 1 + Atr la ± (+ Conn 1 + Atr lb) + H 18,28 ± L } ~ {+ H 18,28 ± L + Int 1 + Atr la ± (+ Conn 1 + Atr lb) } Accompaniment (09a) N 19a,29a,59a,69a = {+ H 19a,29a,59a,69a + Conn 1 + Ac2 } Origin (09b)(09b) = { ± Sp 1 + H 19b-69b (09b) + L } N 19b-69b


5.213 Tagmeme inventory

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

H 11-31,41a,51,61 (01):n 11.1-61.1 (01.1), 11.6-61.6 (01.6), 41.3 (H 41a only) H 41b:loc 1,2 H 71:n 71.1 H 12:N 11,13a,16,17a,19, R 11, Num 14, Adj 11 H 22:N 21,23a,26,27a,29a, R 21,22 Adj 20 H 32:N 31,33a,37a, Adj 30 H 42:N 41,43a,47a, pr 43.1, loc 1,2, Adj 40 H 52:N 51,53a,57a, CI 1250, Adj 50 H 62:int 1, m H 72:N 71, cir 70, pr 73.1 H 13a-63a (03a):pr 11.1-61.1 (01.1), pr. 41.3 (H 43a only) H 13b-63b (03b):pr 12.1-62.1 (02.1), pr 42.3 (H 43b only) H 14 :pr 13.1, adj 10.1, Num 14 Dup 14 H24 :pr 23.1, adj 20.1, Num 20, R 23 4 - Dup 24 + H 34-54"(04) j :pr 33.1-53.1 (03.1), adj 30.1-50.1 (0.1), Num 30-50 + Dup 34-54 (04) + H64 :n 11.1, adj 10.1, m, Num 14 + Dup 64 + H74 :n 71.1, vb 2370b, vb 2470b + Dup 74 + H 15:N ll-13a,17a,19a, pr 13.1, Num 14, rel 11.1 + H 25:N 21-23a,27a, pr 23.1, Num 20 + H 35-65 (05):N 31-67a (01-03a,07a), pr 33.1-63.1 (03.1), loc 1,2 (H 45 only) + H 75:N 71, cir 71, pr 73.1 + H 16-76 (06):n 11.4-71.4(01.4) + H 17-47,67 (07):n 11.3b-31.3b,61.3b (01.3b), pr 11.3-41.3, 63.1 (01.3) + H 18,28:n 11.1,21.1, adj 10.1,20.1 + H 19a:N 11, pr 11.1, Num 11 + H 29a:N 21, pr 21.1, Num 11 + H 59a,69a:N 51,61, pr 51.1,61.1 4- H 19b-69b (09b):N ll-67a (01,07a), pr 13.1-63.1 (03.1) + Ac:n 31.1, pr 31.1, N 32, rel 31.1 + App 15:N ll-13a,15,19, pr 13.1, rel 11.1, R 11-13, Num 14 + App 25:N 21-23a,25, pr 23.1, rel 21.1, R 21,22 + App 35-65 (05):N 31-65 (01-03a,05), pr 33.1-63.1 (03.1), loc 1,2 (App 45 only) + App 75:N 71, pr 73.1 The fillers of +App occur optionally without + Case: 1200. + /±Atr l:adj 10.2




± Atr 2:rel 12 (imas), n r 9, vbl n stem 3 ± Atr 3:Adj 12 + Co 12:N ll,13a,15-17a, rel 11.1, R 11-13, Num 14, Adj 11 + Co 22:N 21,23a, 25-27a,28, rel 21.1, R 21,22, Adj 20 + Co 32:N 31,33a,39b, Adj 30 + Co 42:N 41,43a, pr 43.1, loc 1,2, Adj 40 + Co 52:N 51,53a, CI 1250, Adj 50 + Co 62:N 64, m, R 61 + Co 72:N 71, CI 2170, cir 70, rel 71.1 ± Conn l:conn 1 ± Conn 2:conn 1-3 + Gen l:n 51.2, pr. 51.2 ± Gen 2:n 51.2 + Gen 3:pr 53.2 + Int l:int 5 ± Int 2:int 3,4 + / ± L:n41.1, pr 41.1,43.1, adj 40.1 (...manda...) ± Num:Num 12-14 ± Q ll:n 11.2, pr 11.2 ± Q 12:n 11.2 ± Q 16:N 11,13a, 17a ± Q 26-76 (06):N 21-71 (01) ± Q 41:n 11.2,11.3a, pr 11.2 ± Q 42:n 11.2, loc 3 ± Q 71:n 71.2 ± Q 72:cir 71 ± Sp l:pr 13.2 ± Sp 2:pr 13.2, pr r 5

5.214 Examples Simple (01) N i l - Num:wcay iscay H:billete 'two twos (Num) - peso (H)' (two times two pesos). N 21 - Sp-.chi Q 11 :huarmi Q \2\cucu W'.mamitata 'that (Sp) - woman (Q 11) - devil (Q 12) - mother (H)' (that devil woman). N 31 - Sp:cay H:alcucunahua 'this (Sp) - with-dogs (H)' (with these dogs). N 41a - Q 41 :Huilqui Hiyacupi 'Huilqui (Q) - in-water (H)' (in the river Huilqui). N 41b - Sp:ay> Q Ahcucharonpaj H:suyusi 'this (Sp) - at-cutter's (Q) - far-away-it-issaid (H)' (away at this cutter's, he said). N 51 - Q 11 \cam H\seflorsitocunapa 'you (Q) - for-the-gentlemen (H)' (for you gentlemen).



N 61 - Atr y.yapa atun Atr hrucu H:gallosina 'very big (Atr 3) - old (Atr 1) - likecock (H)' (like a very big old cock). N 71 - Num^u/msa Q IV.puncha Q 12:Hujpa H:sinisamanda 'three (Num) - days (Q 71) - before (Q 72) - from-Ash-Wednesday (H)' (the three days before Ash Wednesday). Coordinate (02) N 12 - H:huagra Coioveja Coicuchi Co.cui Coipullito Co:atahualpa 'cows (H) - sheep (Co) - pigs (Co) - guinea-pigs (Co) - cocks (Co) - hens (Co)'. N 22 - H:apisito Co:muti purutuhua Co\yuyu Atr 2\imas 'soup (H) - muti withbeans (Co) - cabbage (Co) - anything (Atr 2)'. N 32 - H:_y chi achirita yanuscahua Co:uchuhuaca 'and with the cooked achira (H) with-aji (Co)'. N 42 - H:rtuca mamamanda Co:paycunamanda 'from my mother (H) - (and)-fromthem (Co)'. N 52 - H:yacu apangapa Co\cafe rurangapa Conn :y Co:asuapa Conn:j Co\apipa 'to-carry water (H) - to-make coffee (Co) - and (Conn) - for-chicha (Co) - and (Conn) - for-soup (Co)'. N 62 - H:chasallata Co\imasa nuca huafluj tayta 'in-just-that-way (H) - like my late father (Co)'. N 72 - H\cayapa Co.pacarijta Co'.cbisiyajta Co:domingo Codunescama 'for-tomorrow (H) - until-the-dawning (Co) - until-it-is-late (Co) - Sunday (Co) - until-Monday (Co)' (for tomorrow, through the morning until evening, through Sunday, and until Monday). Pronominal (03) N 13a - Num:iiy H:mica 'another (Num) - 1 (H)'. N 13b - Q:rtuca H.quiqui 'I (Q) - self (H)' (I myself). N 23a - H\payta 'him'. N 23b - Q:nuca huauqui H.quiquita 'my brother (Q) - to-self (H)' (to my brother himself). N 33a - Atv.tucuy Hicamcunahuanta 'all (Atr) - even-with-you (H)' (even with you all). N 33b - Q:chi huarmi H.quiquihua 'that woman (Q) - with-self (H)' (with that woman herself)N 43a - H\nucamanda 'because-of-me'. N 43b - H:quiquincunapagma 'to-their-own-homes'. N 53a - H\paypa 'for-him'. N 53b - Q:nuca H:quiquipa 'me (Q) - for-self (H)' (for myself). N 63a - H:nucanchisinallatata 'just-like-us'. N 63b - Q:camcuna H.quiquinctmasina 'you (Q) - like-selves (H)' (like you yourselves).



Duplicate (04) N 14 - Dup:cMy H:chiaj 'that (Dup) - that (H)' (that very one). N 24 - Dup:«/ ima H:Hi ima 'nothing (Dup) - nothing (H)' (absolutely nothing). N 34 - Dup:rabidhuaca H:rabiahua 'with-anger (Dup) - with-anger (H)' (with extreme anger). N 44 - TDwp:quimsapi Hiquimsapi 'in-4 (Dup) - in-4 (H)' (in groups of four). N 54 - Dup:chipa YL-.chipa 'of-that (Dup) - of-that (H)' (of that very one). N 64 - Dup.pata H\pata 'ground (Dup) - ground (H)' (in file). N 74 - Dup:caparis H:caparis 'crying (Dup) - crying (H)' (crying a lot). Appositive (05) N 15 - H:nuca tocayo y nuca y camba tayta App:chuscucunalla 'my namesake and I and your father (H) - just-four (App)'. N 25 - H:piscutacha App:chimga sujpiscu 'fish (H) - eleven fish (App)'. N 35 - H:chihua App:caballocunahua 'with-those (H) - with-horses (App)'. N 45 - H:urasinama App:Sachupurutusinama 'to-down-below (H) - to-the-areaaround-Sachupurutu (App)'. N 55 - H.tucuy nucanchi pugripa App:indigenacunapa 'for all us poor-(people) (H) for-the-Indians (App)'. N 65 - H:huagrasina App:yapa rucu huagrasina 'like-a-cow (H) - like a very old cow (App)'. N 75 - H:sujpunchalla App:chihora 'just one day (H) - that-time (App)'. Associative (06) N 16 - Q 16:chi amaronca Q 12:alcucuna H:atunyuj 'that dragon (Q 16) - dogs (Q 12) - the-one-with-big (H)' (that dragon with his big dogs). N 26 - Q \6\dragon Num:canchis H:umayuj 'dragon (Q) - seven (Num) - the-one-withheads (H)' (a dragon with seven heads). N 36 - H:chiyughuaca 'with-the-one-with-that-one'. N 46 - Q 46:huasipi Numiquimsa H:cuartoyujpi "in-the-house (Q) - three (Num) in-the-one-with-a-room (H)' (in the house with three rooms). N 56 - Q 56:cucupa H:alcuyujcunapa 'for-the-witch (Q) - for-the-one-with-dogs (H)' (for the witch with her dogs). N 66 - H'.lladayujsina 'like-the-one-with-sores'. N 76 - Num:iycay H\punchayuglla 'two (Num) - the-one-with-just-a-d?v (H)' (the one with just two days). Genitive (07) N 17a - Gen 1 :nuca Atr :huanuj Gen 2\taytapa H:costumbre 'my (Gen 1) - late (Atr) father's (Gen 2) - custom (H)\ N 17b - H:huamracunapa 'the-children's-one'. N 27a - Sp\cay Gen hnuca H:mamata 'this (Sp) - my (Gen 1) - mother (H)'.



N 27b - Sp:c/zi YL\nucapata 'that (Sp) - mine (H)' (that one of mine). N 37a - Gen hcamba Q:tucuy H:familiahua 'your (Gen 1) - all (Q) - with-family (H)' (with all your family). N 37b - Sp:chi Kirunapahua 'that (Sp) - with-the-man's (H)' (with that man's). N 47a- Gen 1 :caripa H:taytapagma 'man's (Gen 1) - to father's (H)' (to the man's father's). N 47b - Sp:cay ikrtucapajpica 'this (Sp) - in-my-home (H)' (in this house of mine). N 57a - Gen 3\chipa Q:ga!lo H:changapa 'of-that (Gen) - cock (Q) - of-leg (H)' (of that person's cock's leg). N 67a - Gen hnucapa H:cuerposina 'my (Gen) - like-body (H)' (like my body). N 67b - H:nucapasina 'like-mine'. N 77a - Gen hnucanchipa Atr\atun Hipuncha 'our (Gen) - great (Atr) - day (H)'. Comparative (08) N 18 - Int:mas Atr\surm Conn:o Atr.mejor H'.mufiecacuna 'more (Int) - pretty (Atr) or (Conn) - better (Atr) - dolls (H)' (prettier or better dolls). N 28 - H:atuncunata Lmucamanda lnt:mas Atr.rucu 'big-ones (H) - from-me (L) more (Int) - old (Atr)' (the big ones older than me). Accompaniment (09a) N 19a - H:nuca Conn:y Ac.nuca Dioshua 'I (H) - and (Conn) - with my God (Ac)' (my God and I). N 29a - H:pichca pichca lato A.c:mutihua Ac:aychahua 'plates in sixes (H) - withmuti (Ac) - with-meat (Ac)' (plates in sixes with muti and meat). N 59a - H:atahualpa Ac:huevoshua 'of-chicken (H) - with-eggs (Ac)'. N 69a - H\atahualpasina Ac:huahuacunahua 'like-a-hen (H) - with-her-young (Ac)'. Origin (09b) N 19b - H:huauqui L:callemanda 'the-brother (H) - from-the-square (L)'. N 29b - H:chicunata L:huasimanda 'to-those (H) - from-the-house (L)'. N 39b - H:chi paletahua L:chimanda 'with that trowel (H) - from-there (L)'. N 49b - H:nuca huauquimanda L:Santiagomanda 'for my brother (H) - from-Santiago (L)'. N 59b - H:huahuacunapa Lipueblomanda 'of-the-children (H) - from-town (L)'. N 69b - H\padresina L:Santiagomanda 'like-the-padre (H) - from-Santiago (L)'.



5.22 The relative phrase 5.221 Ernie classes TABLE 5 a slot filled:

s , c O.IO


T, Pur M









11 12 13

21 22 23

31 32 33

41 42 43

51 52 53



01 02 03











72 73

CI (except 20), Sent Frag 1,2, Dup, App, Co, H 02,24 of N



CI 20 & Ig, Sent Frag 1,2

5.222 Tagmemic paradigms of the relative phrase In R 01,02, no slot in the phrase or clause manifesting + H is filled by a relative phrase, word or stem. In R 01,03,05, decades in the numerical symbols of the relative and included clause, and in R 02,04, of the fillers of + H, correspond to those of the relative phrase. R 11-31 (01) = {+ Rekrel 11.2-31.2 (01.2) + H:N 11,13a, 17a, CI 1110-1130} R 41 = {+ Rel:rel 41.2 + H:N 41, CI 1140 } R 51 = {+ Rekrel 51.2 + H:N 11, CI 1250 } R61 = {+ Rel:rel 61.2 + H:N 11, 17a, 31, CI 1160,2170 } R 12 = {+ Rel:rel 12 + H:N 11,13a, 17a, Num 14 } R 22 = {+ Rekrel 12 + H:N 21,23a, 27a, Num 20, pr 23.1, int 2 } R 32-52 (02) = {+ Rekrel 12 + H:N 31,41,51, adj 40.1, loc 1,2 (R 42 only) } R 72 = {+ Rekrel 12 + H:N 71, pr 73.1 } R 13-73 (03) = {+ Negxonn 2 + H:rel 11.1-71.1 (01.1) } R 14-54 (04) = {+ Rekrel 12 + H:n 11.5-51.5 (01.5) } R 64 = {+ Rekrel 61.2 + H:n 11.5 } R 74 = {+ Rekrel stem 2,4 + H:n 71.5 } 5.223 Examples R 11 - Rekpi H:familias 'who (Rel) - family-also (H)' (which family, also). R 21 - Rel: may H:pobre cuchijí 'what (Rel) - a-poor pig (H)\ R 31 - Rel:pihuas Hiamigo 'with-whom-also (Rel) - friend (H)' (with which friend, also). R 41 - Rel:maypi H\nuca causascama 'in-which (Rel) - 1 lived (H)\ R 51 - Rehpipa H\huasi 'of-whom (Rel) - house (H)' (whose house). R 61 - Kehimasa H:cay San Andrespi ricujta 'like (Rel) - he-was-going-about in this (town of) San Andrés (H)\



R 12 - Reh'ma H:huasi 'which (Rel) - house (H)\ R 22 - Rel: maycan H:runata 'which (Rel) - man (H)\ R 32 - Rel:may H:cuchiilohuapas 'which (Rel) - with-machete-also (H)' (with whichever machete). R 42 - Rel:may H:suyu 'which (Rel) - far-away (H)' (how far away). R 52 - RtY.maycan K:runapapas 'which (Rel) - of-man-also (H)' (of whichever person). R 72 - Rekmoy U.chihora 'which (Rel) - that-time (H)' (at which time). R 13 - Neg:Hi H:pisi 'neither (Neg) - who-it-is-said (H)' (no-one, he said). R 23 - Neg:/ii H:pitas 'neither (Neg) - to-whom-also (H)' (to no-one at all). R 33 - Neg:Hi H:pihua 'neither (Neg) - with-whom (H)' (with-no-one). R 43 - Neg:ni Hiimmanda 'neither (Neg) - from-which (H)' (from nothing). R 53 - Neg:/?/ H:imapa 'neither (Neg) - for-which (H)' (for nothing). R 63 - Neg:/i/ H\imasina 'neither (Neg) - like-which (H)' (like nothing). R 73 - Neg:/!/ Hiimahorapas 'neither (Neg) - which-time-also (H)' (never at all). R 14 - Rek/ma H:cdspita 'what (Rel) - tree? (H)\ R 24 - Re\\may H:cuchita 'which (Rel) - pig? (H)\ R 34 - Rehmasa H.pitihuata 'how-many (Rel) - with-morsels (H)' (with how many pieces?). R 44 - Rel:moy H:huasipita 'which (Rel) - in-house (H)' (in which house?). R 54 - Rel:masa Hihuamracunapata 'how-many (Rel) - for-children (H)' (for how many children?). R 64 - Rel:i'masa U:rijchata 'how (Rel) - like (H)' (what colour?). R 74 - Rel:masa H.punchata 'how-many (Rel) - days? (H)'. 5.23 The adjective phrase Decade numerical symbols of the adjective phrase correspond to those of the noun phrase, in that they indicate the clause level tagmemes in which Adj are distributed. In addition, Adj 11,20-50 are distributed in H 02, Co 02 of the noun phrase, and Adj 12 in Atr 3. 5.231 Tagmemic paradigms of the adjective phrase Adj 11,20-60 = { + Sp:pr 13.2 ± Num:Num 12-14 ± Q 12:n 11.2 ± Q ll:n 11.2, pr 11.2 + H:adj 10.1-60.1 (0.1) } (maximum 3 tagmemes). Adj 12 = { + Int:int 3,4 + H:adj 10.1 } 5.232 Examples Adj 11 - Sp:chi Uiazul 'that (Sp) - blue-one (H)\ Adj 12 - Int:yapa U.chiri 'very (Int) - cold (H)\ Adj 20 - Num:«(/ H:pobreta 'one (Num) - poor-one (H)\ Adj 30 - Sp:chi Q 12\achirita Uiyanuscahua 'that (Sp) - achira (Q) - with-cooked (H)' (with that cooked achira).



Adj 40 - Q \2\tucuy Hiuchullacunamanda 'all (Q) - from-little-ones (H)' (from all the little ones). Adj 50 - Q 12:tucuy Q \ \:nucanchi H:pugripa 'all (Q 12) - us (Q 11) - for-poor-ones (H)' (for all us poor ones). Adj 60 - Num:ijcaj> H'.yitrasina 'two (Num) - like-white-ones (H)' (like two white ones). 5.24 The number phrase Decade numerical symbols correspond to those of the noun phrase, in that they indicate the clause level tagmemes in which Num is distributed. Num 12,13 are also distributed in O, IO of CI and Sent Frag 1,2; Num 11 in H 19a, 29a o f N ; Num 14,2050 in H 12, 04,05, Dup, App, Co of N, and R 02; and Num 12-14 in Num of N, Adj. 5.241 Tagmemic paradigms of the number phrase Num 11 = { + H:num 10.1 ± Int:int 5 } Num 12 = { + Q:num 10.2 ± Connxonn 1 + H:num 10.2 } Num 13 = { + [ ± ( ± Q:numr 1 + Thou:numr2) ± ( ± Q:numr 1 + Hun: numr3) ± ( ± Q:num r 1 + Ten:num r 4)] ± Q:num r 1 } Num 14 = { + H:num 10.2 } Num 20-70 = { + H:num 20.1-70.1 (0.1) } 5.242 Examples Num 11 - H:sug \nt\mds 'one - more'. Num 12 - Q:chuscu Conn:o H:pichca 'four (Q) - or (Conn) - five (H)'. Num 13 - Q:iscay Kw.patsaj Q:pichca Ten:chunga 'two (Q) - hundred (Hun) five (Q) - ten (Ten)' (250). Num 14 - H\sujca 'one'. Num 20 - H.iscayndijimta 'between-two'. Num 30 - H:canchishua 'with-seven'. Num 40 - H:sugmaca 'to-one'. Num 50 - W'.iscaypalla 'for-just-two'. Num 60 - H\sujcunasinallata 'just-like-the-other-ones'. Num 70 - H\sughora 'at-one-time'. 6. THE WORD

6.11 Emic classes of the verb

6.1 The verb

The verb is distributed in the verb phrase, as indicated in Table 6. In addition, vb 11 is distributed in the slot ± Rep, and vb 2371,2471 in ± Conn 1 in the clause and Sent Frag 1,2.












Stat 05







Vb 10.1, Vb aux







Vb 10.2,20.2,1000.2,2370.2

















Vb 10.4,1100.4,2070.4







Vb 10.3,10.5,20.5, 1250.5,1300.3,2070.3







Vb 10.3,10.6,1300.3,2070.3

























Vb 110.1







Vb 1100







Vb 1200







Vb 1300







Vb 1300.1














Vb 2270






Vb 2370






Vb 2370, H / D u p 7 4 o f N










Vb 2270, H/Dup 74 of N


Vb 10.3,1300.3,2070.3







Vb 10.1,10.2,103.

Vb 20.1,20.2,20.5







6.12 The inflexion of the verb For word suffixes (1000) and suffixes of the inflexion of the verb (2200), cf. sections 6.13.1 and 6.13.22 respectively. 6.121 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the verb Declarative (10-70) vb 11-15 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 ± Tense:2211-14 + Ps:2221-23 ± Depr 1:1111± ± PI: 1120 ± Int:1141 ± Comp:1261 ± (+ Depr2:1113-15—¡±0:2292) ± Pervb 1} (maximum 5 tagmemes). In — f± 0:2292, read - O for vb 14,15. ±Depr 1 and ± Depr 2 do not occur simultaneously. vb 21-25 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Nom:2260 } vb 31a-35a (a) = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2213c + Casel250 ± Per vb 1 } vb 31b-35b (b) = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2212 ± Per vb 1 } vb 41-45 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Actor:2240 ± Depr: 1114 ± PI: 1121,23 ± Int:1141 ± Comp:1261 ± Per vb 1 } (Maximum 4 tagmemes). vb 51-55 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2215 ± Per vb 1 } vb 61-65 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2213c ± Comp:1261 ± Per vb 1 } (maximum 5 tagmemes). vb 71a-73a (a) = { + Base:vb stem 01-03 (Res) ± Tense:2211 -I- Inf:2215 + Ps:2224 ± 0:2291/± Per vb 2 } vb 75a = { + Base:vb stem 05 (ca...) ± Tense:2211 + Inf:2215 + Ps:2224 } vb 71b-73b (b) = { + Base:vb stem 01-03 (Res) + Tense:2213a + Ps:2224 ±0:2291/ ± Per vb 2 } Imperative (80,90) vb 81-85 = {+Base:vb stem 01-05 + Imv:2232 ± Pl:1121 ± Depr:1113-15 ± Per vb 2 } (maximum 4 tagmemes). vb 91-95 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Imv:2222,2231/(+ Tense:2213a + Ps:2221) ± PI: 1122 ± Depr: 1113,14 ± Per vb 2 } (maximum 4 tagmemes) Hypothetical (110) vb 111-115 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Ps:2221-23 ± Pl:1121,22 + Hyp:2250 ± Per vb 2 } Included {1000,2070) The decade of the numerical symbol of case corresponds to that of the verb. In vb 1100-1400, the maximum number of tagmemes encountered is five, vb 1111-65(01-05) = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2212 ± Pl:1121 + Case:1210-30, 41-43,50,61 ± Int:1141 ± Pervb 1 }



vb 1231-35,41-45,61-65 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2213c, 2215 ± Pl:1121 + Case:1230,41,43,61 ± Per vb 1 } vb 1251-55 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Inf:2213c, 2215 ± Pl:1121 + Case:1250 ± Hyp:2280/± Int:1142 ± Per vb 1 } vb 1311-65 (01-05) = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Nom:2260 ± Pl:1121 + Case:1210, 21,30,41,43,50,61 ± Int:1141 ± Per vb 1 } vb 1421-25,51-55 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Ptc:2242 ± Pl:1121 + Case:1221,50 ± Int:1141 ± Per vb 1 } vb 1461-65 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 + Ptc:2242 ± Pl:1121 ± Case:1261 ± Int:1141 ± Per vb 1} vb2171-75 = {+ Base:vbstem01-05 + Cir:2271 ± Pl:1121 ± Case: 1241 ± Pervb 1} (maximum 3 tagmemes). vb 2271-75 = { + Base:vb stem 01-05 ± Tense:2212,2213c + Cir:2272 ± Case: 1243 ± Per vb 2 } (maximum 5 tagmemes). vb 2371a-75a (a) = {+ Base:vb stem 01-05 + Cir:2274 ± Pl:1121 ± Int:1142/±Hyp: 2280/±(+Depr:1115—/±0:2292) ± Pervb 1} (maximum 4 tagmemes). In— / ± 0 : 2292, read - O for vb 2374a,2375a. vb 2371b-75b (b) = {+ Base:vb stem 01-05 + Cir:2274 ± Per vb 2} To obtain vb 2471a-75a (a), multiply vb 2371a-75a (a) by substituting + Cir:2273,2275 for + Cir:2274. vb 2471b-75b (b) = {+ Base:vb stem 01-05 + Cir:2275-} 6.122 The verb periphery The verb periphery is discontinuous. Pervb 1 = {+(—1± Dim 1:1131 ± Dim2:1132 . . . ± Add:1150—/±Rep:1160—/± Foe: 1170) } (maximum 3 tagmemes). Read ± Dim 1 in vb 1100 only. Per vb 2 = { + (± Dim 2:1132—/± Rep:1160—/± Foc:l 170)} (One tagmeme only). ± Dim 1 follows + Inf. Except in vb 1100,1300, when ± Dim 2 + Case occur in either order, ± Dim 2 follows ± Comp, + Case, + Inf, ± PI. ± Add —/± Rep —/± Foe occur in that order following all other suffixes. Take the minus reading of —/± Rep —/± Foe when Clit (mi, chu) immediately follows the verb. 6.123 Examples vb 11 - Base: caparicu Tense:ra* Ps:0 Depr.y 'be-crying-out (Base) - past (Tense) it (Ps) - Depr' (it was crying out). vb 12 - Base:catichimu Tense:sca Ps:0 'made-to-follow (Base) - historic (Tense) they (Ps)' (they made them follow). vb 13 - Base: pega Tenseintra Ps\ni Depr:ns O:ta 'strike (Base) - would-not (Tense) - 1 (Ps) - self (Depr) - him (O)' (I would not strike him). vb 14-Base: huacacu Ps :n Comp :sina 'be-crying (Base)- he (Ps) - be-as-if (Comp)' (be as if they were crying). 5



vb 15 - Base:capua Ps:« Depr.ajim PI:cuna 'be-for-me (Base) - he (Ps) - Depr - PI' (they are, for me). vb 21 - Base:wi Nom:j 'say (Base) - -ing (Nom)' (saying). vb 22 - Base:sisacu Nom:j 'be-robbing (Base) - -ing (Nom)' (be robbing). vb 23 - Base:cuchu Nom:j 'cut (Base) - -ing (Nom)' (cutting). vb 24 - Base:tiacu Nom:j 'be-sitting (Base) - -ing (Nom)' (be sitting). vb 25 - Base:ca Nom:j 'be (Base) - -ing (Nom)' (being). vb 31a - Base:rima Inf:nga Casc:pa Focichar 'speak (Base) - to (Inf) - for (Case) ought-to (Foe)' (in order to have to speak). vb 32b - Baseihuinachi Inf:jca 'make-to-raise (Base) - to-have (Inf)' (to have made to raise). vb 33b - Base:upiacu Ini:sca 'be-drinking (Base) -to-have (Inf)' (to have been drinking), vb 34a - Basf.puHu Inf-.nga Case:pa 'sleep (Base) - to (Inf) - for (Case)' (in order to sleep). vb 34b - Base:r/ Inf:ica Dim\lla 'go (Base) - to-have (Inf) - just (Dim)' (to have just gone). vb 35a - Base:ca Inf:nga Case:pag Dim:lla 'be (Base) - to (Inf) - for (Case) - just (Dim)' (just in order to be). vb 41 -Base:rima Actor:dor Depr:q/' 'speak (Base) - habitually (Actor) -Depr'(habitually speak). vb 42 - Baseicara Actor.dor Int:/a« 'give (Base) - habitually (Actor) - even (Int)' (even habitually give). vb 43 - Base:ca/a Actor: Ps-.qui 'go (Base) - past (Tense) - to (Inf) - I-tohim (Ps)' (I was going . . . to him). 10

Studies of the verb root have the verb root ending —ycu in yachaycu iearn' (vb r 13a) uraycu 'descend' (vb r 14a) yaycu 'enter' (vb r 13b), allica 'resemble' (vb r 13a) co 'be' (vb r 15).

not yielded any valuable subdivisions. Of interest, however, is (cf. yacha 'know' (vb r 13a)), (cf. urA 'below' (loc r 3)), syycu 'tire' (vb r 13a) and milieu 'run* (vb r 14a). may consist of the morphemes alii 'good' (adj r 2)




6.153 Inventory of auxiliary verb roots aux r - chaya 'arrive' (vb r 14b), ri 'go', samu 'come' (vb r 34) 6.2 The substantive 6.21 The noun 6.211 Emic classes of the noun TABLE 7 S,C





















71.1a 01.1 Simple

H Ol, 08 of N 71.1b 71.2a




Cf below


71.2b 11.3a Possession



Cf below 11.3b 21.3b

31.3b 41.3b























61.4 —



H 06 of N

- -

H of R 04 H 01 of N

In addition, in the noun phrase (N), n 11.1 is distributed in H 64, Dup 64; n 31.1 in Ac; n 41.1 in L; and n 71.1 in H 74, Dup 74. n 11.2 is distributed in R 05, and Q of N, Adj. n 51.2 is distributed in Gen 1,2 of N; and n 71.2 in Q 71 of N. In N, n 11.3b-31.3b, 61.3b are distributed in H 07; n 11.3a in Q 41; and n 41.3 in H 41a. 6.212 The inflexion of the noun 6.2121 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the noun The decade in the numerical symbol of the filler of Case 1 corresponds to that of the noun. For word suffixes (1000), cf. section 6.13.1. For suffixes of the substantive (3000), cf. section 6.13.3. In n 01.1, the maximum number of tagmemes encountered is seven, n 11.1 = { + Base:n r 1-9, vbl n stem + Case 1:1210 ± Per n 1 } n 21.1-61.1 (01.1) = { + Base:n r 1-6,9, vbl n stem —/± Comp:1261 + Case 1:122050,61 ± Per n 1 } Read - Comp in n 61.1. n 71.1a = { + Base:n r 7,8 ± Case 2:1230, 41-43,47,50 ± Per n 3 }



n 71.1b = {+ Base:n r 7,8 + Case 1:1270 ± Case 2:1243,47 ± Per n 3 } n 11.2 = { + Base:n r 1-6,9, pr r 2, vbl n stem 3 ± Per n 5 } n 51.2 = {+ Base:n r 1-6,9, pr r 2, vbl n stem 3 + Gen:1250 ± Per n 5 } n 71.2a = { + Base:n r 8 ± Per n 5 } n 71.2b = { + Base:n r 8 + Case 1:1270 } n 11.3a = { + Base:n r 1-6,9, vbl n stem 3 + Dom:3050 ± Per n 3 } n 11.3b — 31.3b,61.3b(01.3b) = { + Base:n r 1-6,9, vbl n stem 3 + Gen: 1250 + Case 1:1210-30,61 ± P e r n 3 } n 41.3a = { -I- Base:n r 1-6,9, vbl n stem 3 + Dom:3050 + Case 1:1241-43 ± Per n 3 } n 41.3b = { + Base:n r 8 + Case 2:1260 + Dom:3050 + Case 1:1241 } n 11.4-61.4(01.4) = { + Base:n r 1-6, pr r 3,4, adj stem + 0wn:3010 + Case 1:121050,61 ± Per n 4 } n 71.4 = { + Base:n r 7,8, cir r 1 + 0wn:3010 ± Per n 4 } n 11.5 = { + Base:n r 1-8 + Case 1:1210 ± Ig: 1172,3020 ± Per n 6 } n 21.5-51.5 (01.5) = { + Base:n rl-6 + Case 1:1220-50 ± Ig:1172,3020 ± Per n 6 } n 71.5 = { + Base:n r 7 (Res) ± Ig:l 172,3020 ± Per n 6 } n 11.6-61.6 (01.6) = { + Base.n r 7,8, pr r 1,3,4, loc r + L:1243,45 + Case 1:121050,61 ± Per n 3 } 6.2122 Periphery of the noun Per n 1 = { + ( ± Dim 1:1131 ± Rec:3040 ± Depr:llll-15 ± Pl:l 121:23 . . . ± Dim2:1132 ± Int:1140 ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160— / ± Foe: 1170)}(maximum 5 tagmemes). To obtain Per n 2, multiply Per n 1, by substituting ± Int:1141 for ±Int:1140. Per n 3 = { +(±Rec:3040 ± Depr:1114 ± Pl:1121 . . . + Dim 2:1132 . . . ± Add: 1150 —1± Rep: 1160 — / ± Foc:1170) } (maximum 2 tagmemes). P e r n 4 = { + ( ± Pl:1121 . . . ± Dim2:1132 . . . ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160— / ± Foc:1170)} (one tagmeme only). Pern 5 = { + ( ± Dim 1:1131 ± Rec:3040 ± Depr:1113 ± Dim 2:1132 ± Add:1150 —J± Rep: 1160 — / ± Foc:1170) } (one tagmeme only). Per n 6 = { + ( ± Pl:1121 — / ± Foc:1171) } (one tagmeme only). The periphery is discontinuous. ± Dim 1 immediately follows -I- Base or + Case: 1243 mandA. In Per n 1, ± Dim 2 optionally precedes + Case. Otherwise ± Dim 2 follows + Case, ± PI, + Own. ± Dim ± Rec ± Depr ± PI occur in that order, following + Base. ± Int ± Add — / ± R e p — / ± Foe occur in that order, following all other suffixes. Read minus in — / ± R e p — / ± Foe, when Clit (mi, chu) or ± Ig:1172 immediately follows the word. 6.2123 Examples n 11.1 - Baseman/ Rec:ndi Case:0 Int: to 'sister (Base) - among (Rec) - subject (Case) - same (Int)' (among the same sisters).



(Base) - Depr - PI - object (Case) - just (Dim) - same (Int) - also (Add)' (just the same exercise books, too). n 31.1 - Base:mam Dirrv./ta Cast:hua 'mother (Base) - little (Dim) - with (Case)' (with mother). n 41.1 - Base:Mashoy Comp:sina Cast".ma 'Mashoy (Base) - like (Comp) - to (Case)' (to the area around Mashoy). n 51.1 - Base:amigo P\:cuna Case:pa Foe:char 'friend (Base) - PI - for (Case) - ought (Foe)' (ought to be for friends). n 61.1 - Bas ^-.compañero Case:sina Dim://a Int: to Rep:« 'companion (Base) - like (Case) - just (Dim) - same (Int) - it-is-said (Rep)' (just like the same companion, he said). n 71.1a - Base:quipa Case 2\pa 'while (Base) - for (Case)' (for a while), n 71. lb - Base:misa Dim://a Case 1 :hora Case 2:mánda Foe:ca 'mass (Base) - just (Dim) - time (Case 1) - from (Case 2) - Foe' (just for the mass-time), n 11.2 - Bas f.cúsa Foe\ca 'husband (Base) - Foe' (husband), n 51.2 - Bast:dueño Gen\pa 'owner (Base) - of (Gen)' (the owner's), n 71.2a - Basf.caya Rec:ndi 'tomorrow (Base) - among (Rec)' (the next day), n 71.2b - Bas f.cuna Case:hora 'today (Base) - time (Case)' (today), n 11.3a - Base:cucharon Dom:paj Case:0 'cutter (Base) - ' s (Dom) - subject (Case)' (the cutter's). n 11.3b - Baseihuamra PI:cuna Gen:/?a Case:0 'child (Base) - PI - ' s (Gen) - subject (Case)' (the children's ones). n 21.3b - Base:demonio Gen:pa Casz:ta 'demon (Base) - ' s (Gen) - to (Case)' (the demon's one). n 31.3b - Basf.runa Gen:pa Case:hua 'man (Base) - ' s (Gen) - with (Case)' (with the man's one). n 41.3a - Basf.pani Rec\ndi T>om:pag Case:ma 'sister (Base) - among (Rec) - ' s home (Dom) - to (Case)' (to the sister's home). n 41.3b - Base:wi'ja Case 2:hora Dom:paj Case 1 :pi 'mass (Base) - time (Case 2) 's home (Dom) - in (Case 1)' (where the mass was on). n 61.3b - Base:tayta Gen:pa Cast:sina 'father (Base) - ' s (Gen) - like (Case)' (like father's one). n 11.4 - Base:fayta Own:yuj Case:0 'father (Base) - the-one-with (Own) - subject (Case)' (the one with father). n 21.4 - Basc.huasi Own:yúj Case:ta Foe:ca 'house (Base) - the-one-with (Own) - to (Case) - Foe' (to the householder). n 31.4 - Baseichi Own:yúg Caseihm Foe:ca 'that (Base) - the-one-with (Own) - with (Case) - Foe' (with the one with that one). n 41.4 - Base:cuarto Own:yuj Case:/?/ 'room (Base) - the-one-with (Own) - in (Case)' (in the one with a room). n 51.4 - Base:a/cw Ovm:yuj PUcuna Case:pa 'dog (Base) - the-one-with (Own) - PI for (Case)' (for the one with dogs).



n 61.4 - Base:llada Ovm:yuj Case:sina 'sore (Base)-the-one-with (Own)-like (Case)' (like the one with sores). n 71.4 - Base:puncha Own:yug Dim\lla 'day (Base) - the-one-with (Own) - just (Dim)' (the one with just a day). n 11.5 - Basf.cáspi Case:0 Ig:ta 'tree (Base) - Subject - Ig' (tree), n 21.5 - Base:cwc/u Case:0 Ig:ta Foe:ca 'pig (Base) - to (Case) - Ig - Foe' (pig), n 31.5 - Base:/;/?/ Case:hua lg\char 'morsel (Base) - with (Case) - ought (Ig)' (with morsels). n 41.5 - Base:huasi Case:/?/ Ig:ta 'house (Base) - in (Case) - Ig' (in the house), n 51.5 - Base:huamra Pkcuná Case:pa Ig:ta 'child (Base) - PI - for (Case) - Ig' (for the children). n 71.5 - Basc.puncha lg\char 'day (Base) - ought (Ig)' (day), n 11.6 - Base:cay L-.manda PY.cúna Case:0 Foc:ca 'this (Base) - from ( L ) - PI - Subject - Foe' (those from here). n 21.6 - Base:cayna Amanda PI:cuna Case:0 'yesterday (Base) - from ( L ) - PI - to (Case)' (those things from yesterday). n 31.6 - Base:Santiago Amanda Case:toa 'Santiago (Base) - from ( L ) - with (Case)' (with the one from Santiago). n 41.6 - Base:w/"a L-.manda W.cuna Case:manda 'below (Base) - from (L) - PI - for (Case)' (for those from below). n 51.6 - Base:ñujpa L,:manda Pi.cuna 'before (Base) - from (L) - PI - of (Case)' (of those from of old). n 61.6 - Base:«ra L:manda Case:sina 'below (Base) - from (L) - like (Case)' (like the one from below). 6.213 The verbal noun stem The verbal noun stem is distributed in n 01.1. In addition, vbl n stem 3 is distributed in n 01.2, 01.3, and in Atr 2 of the Noun phrase. 6.2131 Tagmemic paradigms of the verbal noun stem vbl n stem 1 = { + Base:vb r 11,12a,13,14a,34 (Res) + Inf:2215 } vbl n stem 2a = { + Base:vb r 13a (Res) + Inf:2213c } vbl n stem 2b = { + Base:vb r 13a (cuchu) + Inv:2120 + Inf:2213c } vbl n stem 3 = { + Base:vb r 15 (tucu) + Inf:2215 } vbl n stem 4 = { + Base:vb r 14a (puñu) + Caus:2130 + Actor:2242 } 6.2132 Examples vbl n stem 1 - Base:rima I n f y 'speak (Base) - to (Inf)' (word), vbl n stem 2a - Base:cata Inf:nga 'cover (Base) - to (Inf)' (clothing), vbl n stem 2b - Base:cuchu Inv:ri Inf:nga 'cut (Base) - involved (Inv) - to (Inf)' (cortadera 'cutting grass'). vbl n stem 3 - Base:fticw I n f y 'become (Base) - to (Inf)' (all, everything). vbl n stem 4 - Base:puñu Caus:c/w Actor:dor 'sleep (Base) - cause (Caus) - habitual (Actor)' ('dormiente' insect).



£214 The noun root Examples


Comttion noun (1-6) nrl

angU 'root', cuchi 'pig'



cucU11 'devil'

n 11.1-61.4(0.1-0.5) as n r 1 plus Base


huahuA 'baby', puyU 'smoke' 63a, 72 of vb stem

asnA 'smell', plani 'flat place',

as n r 1 plus Base

huistU 'arc, curve'

62 of vb stem

huasi 'house', narnbi 'path', lasinA

as n r 1 plus Base


14a,43a,52a of vb stem


n r 4a as n r 1 plus Base n r4b

muyU 'pipe, pip', quirU 'tooth' 52b of vb stem as n r 1 plus Base

n r5

yacU 'water', aychA 'meat' 53 of vb stem cunchU 'residue', najchA 'comb',

as n r 1 plus Base 13a,

quinchA 'plank, wall'

22,33a,42a ofvbstem

nr6 Time /toun (7,8) chisi 'afternoon, lat e',puncha 'day',


may 'a little while'

Base 63a, 72 of vb stem

nr7 caya 'tomorrow', cayna 'yesterday', nr8

n01.6,11.1,11.5,71 tucu 'some time'

Genertil noun (9) n 11.1-61.1 (0.1,0.2,0.5), nr9

parejo 'both, all' (Spanish parejo) plus A t r 2 o f N


cucuruchU'youth wearing a mask, playing a flute and dancing during carnival' (n r 1) is compounded from cucU 'devil* (n r 1). Similarly, rucutU 'old aji pepper' (n r 1) is compounded from rucU 'old' (adjr 3). In analysing the morphology, the derivation of word classes cannot be determined completely, since similar phonological sequences are numerous. Cf., for example, huata. 'year', tuta 'night', and tutata 'morning' (n r 7,8). Consequently, only proved derivations are presented in the formulae, other resemblances being set aside, or referred to in the footnotes.



6.22 The pronoun 6.221 Emic classes of the pronoun TABLE 8 S.C


































Personal pronoun (0] )


H 03a,09a of N

cf. below


H 07 of N


H03b of N

H43b of N

Emphatic pronoun (02) Simple




12.1 —


52.1 —

Demonstrative prono un (03) 43.1a 03.1
















53.2 —


CI, Sent Frag 1,2 H 02,04,05,09b, App, Dup of N,R 02

cf. below

CI, Sent Frag 1,2

In addition, in N, pr 31.1 is distributed in Ac; pr 41.1,43.1 in L; pr 51.2-in Gen 1; pr 53.2 in Gen 3; and pr 41.3 in H 03a. pr 11.2 is distributed in Q of Adj, N; and pr 13.2 in Sp. 6.222 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the pronoun The decade in the numerical symbol of the filler of Case 1 corresponds to that of the pronoun. For word suffixes (1000), and those of the substantive (3000) cf. sections 6.13.1 and 6.13.3 respectively. Personal pronoun (01) pr 11.1-51.1 (01.1) = { + Base:pr r 1 + Case 1:1210-50 ± Per pr 1 } pr 61.1 = { + Base:pr r 1 ± Case 2:1230 + Case 1:1261 ± Per pr 1 } pr 11.2 = { + Base:pr r 1 ± Per pr 4 } (maximum two tagmemes) pr 51.2 = { + Base:pr r 1 + Gen: 1250 ± Per pr 4 } pr 11.3-31.3,61.3 = { + Base:pr r 1 + Gen:1250 + Case 1:1210-30,61 ± Per pr 3 } pr 41.3 = { + Base:pr r 1 + Dom:3050 + Case 1:1241-43 ± Per pr 3 }



Emphatic pronoun (02) pr 12.1-62.1 (02.1) = { + Base:pr r 2 + Case 1:1210-50,61 ± Per pr 3 } pr 42.3 = { + Base:pr r 2 + Dom:3050 + Case 1:1241-43 ± Per pr 3 } Demonstrative pronoun (03) pr 13.1-33.1,53.1 (03.1) = { + Base:pr r 3,4 + Case 1:1210-30,50 ± Per pr 1 } pr 43.1a = { + Base: pr r 3-5 + Case 1:1240 ± Per pr 2 } pr 43.1b = { + Base:pr r 3,4 + Case 2:1262 + Case 1:1241-46 ± Per pr 1 } pr 63.1 = { + r 3,4 + Case 1:1262 ± Per pr 2 } pr 73.1 = { + Base:pr r 3,4 + Case 1:1270 ± Comp:1261 ± Case 2:1242,43,47 ± Per pr 4 } pr 13.2 = { + Base:pr r 3,4 ± Per pr 3 } (maximum two tagmemes) pr 53.2 = { + Base:pr r 3,4 + Gen: 1250 ± Per pr 3 } pr 13.3-43.3,63.3 (03.3) = { + Base:pr r3,4 + Gen:1250 + Case 1:1210-30,41-43,61 ± Per pr 4 } 6.223 Periphery of the pronoun For order statement, cf section 6.2.13. The maximum number of tagmemes encountered is three. Per pr 1 = { + ( ± Dim 1:1131 ± Depr:llll-15 ± Pl:1121,23 . . . ± Dim2:1132 ± Int:1141 ± Add: 1150 - / ± Rep:1160-/± Foc:1170)} Per pr 2 = { + (± Depr:1112-15 ± Pl:1121 ± Dim 2:1132 ± Int:1141 . . . ± Add: 1150 ~/± Rep: 1160 - f ± Foc:1170)} + Case: 1262 precedes all suffixes. ± Dim2 ± Int precede + Case: 1241-46. To obtain Per pr 3, multiply Per pr 2 by deleting ± Depr:l 112-15. Per pr 4 = { + ( ± PI : 1121 ± Dim 2:1132 . . . ± Add:1150-/± Rep:1160-/± Foe: 117Q) } 6.224 Examples Personal pronoun (01) pr 11.1 - Base:«wca Case:0 Dim://a InV.tata 'I (Base) - subject (Case) - just (Dim) same (Int)' (I only). pr 21.1 - Base:pay Depr:jim PI:cuna Cast:ta 'he (Base)-poor-thing (Depr) - PI - to (Case)' (to them, poor things). pr 31.1 - Base:com Case:hua Int:nta 'you (Base) - with (Case) - even (Int)' (even with you). pr 41.1 - Base:wwca Case:manda Foc:cha 'me (Base) - from (Case) - ought (Foe)' (ought to be from me). pr 51.1 -Base:cfl/n Case:iaInt:to 'you(Base)-for(Case)-same (Int)' (for you only), pr 61.1 - Base:nwca PI:ncfu Case:sina Dim:lla lnV.tata 'me (Base) - PI - like (Case) just (Dim) - same (Inf)' (just like us), pr 11.2 - Base:/JHca Add:pas 'I (Base) - also (Add)'.



pr 51.2 - Base:nuca PI:nchi Gen:0 'me (Base) - PI - of (Gen)' (our). pr 11.3 - Baseintica Gen:pa Case:0 Add:i Foe:ca 'me (Base) - ' s (Gen) - subject (Case) - also (Add) - Foe' (mine, too). pr 21.3 - Base:caw Gen:6a Case:/a 'you (Base) - ' s (Gen) - to (Case)' (to your's). pr 31.3 - Base:wMca Gen:pa Case:hua 'me (Base) - ' s (Gen) - with (Case)' (with mine), pr 41.3 - Base:pay Phcuna Dom:pag Caseima Dim:lla Int.tata 'he (Base) - PI - ' s home (Dom) - to (Case) - just (Dim) - same (Int)' (just to their same house), pr 61.3 - Base:nuca Gen:pa Case:sina 'me (Base) - ' s (Gen) - like (Case)' (like mine). Emphatic pronoun (02) pr 12.2 - Base:quiquin Phcuna Case:0 'self (Base) - PI - subject (Case)' (themselves). pr 22.1 - Base:quiqui Case:ta 'self (Base) - to (Case)' (to oneself). pr 32.1 - Base:quiqui 'self (Base) - with (Case)' (with oneself). pr 42.1 - Base:quiquin Phcuna Caseimdnda Foe\ca 'self (Base) - PI - from (Case) Foe' (from themselves). pr 52.1 - Baseiquiqui 'self (Base) - of (Case)' (of oneself). pr 62.1 - Base:quiquin Phcuna Case:sina Dim://a 'self (Base) - PI - like (Case) - just (Dim)' (just like themselves). pr 42.3 - Base:quiquin Phcuna Dom:pag Case:ma 'self (Base) - PI - ' s home (Dom) to (Case)' (to their own homes). Demonstrative pronoun (03) pr 13.1 - Basexay Depr:i>w Case:0 'this (Base) - Depr - subject (Case)' (this), pr 23.1 - Base:chi Dim hsito Case:0 Dim 2:lla Add:J 'that (Base) - little (Dim 1) to (Case) - just (Dim 2) - also (Add)' (just that, too). pr 33.1 - Base:cay Phcuna Case:hua Rep:« 'this (Base) - PI - with (Case) - it-is-said (Rep)' (with these, he said). pr 43.1a - Basexhay Caseinigmanda 'that-over-there (Base) - from (Case)' (right from over there). pr 43.1b - Base:c Case 2:asa Dim://« Int:fa Case 1 :pi 'this (Base) - manner (Case 2) - j u s t (Dim) - very (Int) - in (Case 1)' (just in this). pr 53.1 - Base:caj> Case:/?« 'this (Base) - for (Case)' (for this). pr 63.1 - Base:c/i Case:asa Dim:lla Int:/a 'that (Base) - manner (Case) - just (Dim) very (Int)' (just thus). pr73.1 - Base:c/«' Case hhora Comp:sina Case 2 :ma 'that (Base)-time (Case 1 ) like (Comp) - to (Case 2)' (around that time), pr 13.2 - Base:cay Dim:lla 'this (Base) - just (Dim)' (just this), pr 53.2 - Baseichin Gen:pa Int:ta 'that (Base) - of (Gen) - same (Int)' (of that same), pr 13.3 - Base:chin Gen:pa Case:0 'that (Base) - of (Gen) - subject (Case)' (that one's), pr 23.3 - Baseichin Gen:pa Caserto 'that (Base) - of (Gen) - to (Case)' (to that one's), pr 33.3 - Basexay Gen:pa Phcuna Case: hua 'this (Base) - of (Gen) - PI - with (Case)' (with these ones').



pr 43.3 - Base:c/»w Gen:pa Case:mdnda Foe:ca 'that (Base) - of (Gen) - from (Case) Foe' (from that one's). pr 63.3 - Base:cfan Gen:pa Case:sina Foe:char 'that (Base) - of (Gen) - like (Case) ought (Foe)' (ought to be like that one's). 6.225 The pronoun root Inventory


Personal pronoun pr r 1 nuca T , cam 'you', pay 'he, she, it'

n 01.6, pr 01

Emphatic pronoun pr r 2 quiquiN 'self'

n 01.2, pr 02

Demonstrative pr r 3 chIN prr4 caY pr r 5 chay

n01.4,01.6,pr03,conn5 n 01.4,01.6, pr 03 pr43.1,cir73,Sp2ofN

pronoun 'that' 'this' 'that far away'

6.23 The relative 6.231 Emic classes of the relative TABLE 9 S,C





























CI level slot filled:


Declarative (01,02)


CI (except 20), R03, Sent Frag 1,2 R01 L I of CI,




Sent Frag 1,2 R 02,04 Simple


12 Atr2ofN CI 20 & Ig









73 Sent Frag 1,2

In addition in N, rel 11.1 is distributed in H 15, App 15, Co 12; rel 21.1 in App 25, Co 22; rel 31.1 in Ac; and rel 61.2 in R 64. 6*



6.232 The inflexion of the relative 6.2321 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the relative The decade in the numerical symbol of the filler of Case 1 corresponds to that of the relative. For word suffixes (1000), cf. section 6.13.1, and of the substantive (3000), section 6.13.3. rei 11.1-51.1 (01.1) = { + Base:rel stem 1-4 + Case 1:1210-50 ± Per rei 1 } rei 61.1 = { + Base:rel stem 2 + Case 1:1260 ± Per rei 1 } rei 71.1 = { + Base:rel stem 2,4 + Case 1:1270 ± Case 2:1247 ± Per rei 1 } rei 11.2-51.2 (01.2) = { + Base:rel stem 1-3 + Case 1:1210-50 ± Per rei 2 } rei 61.2 = { + Base:rel stem 2 + Case 1:1262 ± Per rei 2 } rèi 41.3 = { + Base:rel stem 1 + Dom:3050 + Case 1:1241-43 } rei 12 = { + Base:rel stem 2,3 ± Per rei 2 } rei 13-53 (03) = { + Base:rel stem 1-4 + Case 1:1210-50 + Ig:3020 ± Per rei 3 } rei 63 = { + Base:rel stem 2 + Case 1:1262 ± Ig: 1172,3020 ± Per rei 3 } rei 73 = { + Base:rel stem 2,4 + Case 1:1270 ± Ig:l 172,3020 ± Per rei 3 } 6.2322 Periphery of the relative For order statement, cf. Section 6.213. Per rei 1 = { + (±Dim 1:1131 ± Depr:1112-15 ± Pl:1121 . . . ± Dim 2:1132 . . . ± Add:1150—f± Rep:1160—/ ± Foe: 1170)} (maximum 3 tagmemes). Per rei 2 = { + ( ± Rep:1160 ± Foc:1170) } (one tagmeme only). Per rei 3 = { + ( ± Phi 121 —/± Foc:1171) } (one tagmeme only). 6.2323 Examples rei 11.1 - Base:/w Dim:/ta Case:0 'which (Base) - little (Dim) - Subject' (which), rei 21.1 - Base:imfl Case:to Add:s 'which (Base) - to (Case) - also (Add)' (which also), rei 31.1 - Base:/)/ Case:hua Rep:si 'whom (Base) - with (Case) - it-is-said (Rep)' (with whom, he said). rei 41.1 - Base:ima Pi:cuna Case:mànda Add:i Focxa 'which (Base) - PI - from (Case) - also (Add) - Foe' (from which, too). rei 51.1 - Base:i7Ma Case:pa 'which (Base) - for (Case)' (for which). rei 61.1 - Base:/ma Case:sina 'which (Base) - like (Case)' (like which). rei 71.1 - Base:/»ia Case 1 :hora Case 2:cama 'which (Base) - time (Case) - until (Case)' (until which time). rei 11.2 - Base:maycan Case:0 'which (Base) - subject (Case)' (which). rei 21.2 - Base:may Case:to 'which (Base) - to (Case)' (which). rei 31.2 - Base:/?/ Case:hua Add:j 'whom (Base) - with (Case) - also (Add)' (with whom, too). rei 41.2 - Baseimay Case:/?/ 'which (Base) - in (Case)' (in which), rei 51.2 - Base:/?/ Case:pa 'whom (Base) - for (Case)' (for whom).



rel 61.2 - Base:/m Case:asa 'which (Base) - manner (Case)' (how). rel 41.3 - Base:/?/ T>om:pag Case:ma 'who (Base) - ' s home (Dom) - to (Case)' (to whose home). rel 12 - Base:ima Add:.y 'which (Base) -also (Add)' (whatever). rel 13 - Base:/ma Phcuna Case:$ Ig:ta 'which (Base) - PI - subject (Case) - Ig' (which ones?). rel 23 - Base:mdy Case:cj> Ig:ta Foe:ca 'which (Base) - to (Case) - Ig - Foe' (which?) rel 33 - Basc:imd Case:hua Igichar 'which (Base) - with (Case) - ought (Ig)' (with which?). rel 43 - Base:/?/ Case:mdnda Ig:ta 'whom (Base) - from (Case) - Ig' (from whom?). rel 53 - Base:imd Case:pa Ig:ta 'which (Base) - for (Case) - Ig' (for what?). rel 63 - Base:/m Case:dsa Ig:ta 'which (Base) - manner (Case) - Ig' (how?). rel 73 - Base:masa Case:hdra \g:char 'how-many (Base) - time (Case) - ought (Ig)' (at whatever time?). 6.233 The relative stem The relative stem is distributed in the relative, rel stem 4 is also distributed in num 10.2, and rel stem 2,4 in R 74. 6.2331 Tagmemic paradigms of the relative stem rel stem 1 = { + Base:rel r 1 } rel stem 2 = { + Form:Px 3111 + Base:rel r 2 } rel stem 3 = { + Base:rel r 2 + Form:3112 ± Ps:3120 } rel stem 4 = { + Base:rel r 2 + Comp:1262 } 6.2332 Examples rel stem 1 - Base:/?/ 'who'. rel stem 2 - Form:/ Base:ma 'Form - what (Base)' (what). rel stem 3 - Base:ma Formy Fs:can 'what (Base) - Form - Ps' (what). rel stem 4 - Base:m Comp:asa 'what (Base) - manner (Comp)' (how many). 6.234 The relative root Inventory rel r 1 relr2

pi 'who' mA 'what'

Distribution rel stem 1 rel stem 2-4, vac, neg 1,3

6.24 The adjective 6.241 Emic classes of the adjective In addition, adj 40.1 is distributed in L of the noun phrase.



s , c O.IO





























Distribution Adj, R 02, H 04,08, DupofN

Atr 1 of N

6.242 The inflexion of the adjective 6.2421 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the adjective The decade in the numerical symbol of the filler of Case corresponds to that of the adjective. For word suffixes (1000) cf. Section 6.13.1. adj 11.1-61.1 (01.1) = { + Baseradj stem 1-5 + Case: 1210-50,61 ± Dim 2:1132 ± Per adjl} adj 12.1-62.1 (02.1) = { + Base:adj stem 6 + Case:1210-50,61 ± Per adj 1 } adj 11.2 = { + Baseradj stem 1-5, vbl adj stem ± Dim 2:1132 ± Per adj 2 } adj 12.2 = { + Base:adj stem 6 ± Per adj 2 } 6.2422 Periphery of the adjective For order statement, cf. section 6.213. Per adj 1 = {+(± Dim 1:1131 ± Depr:llll-15 ± Pl:1121,23 . . . ± Int:1141 ± Add: 1150—/ ± Rep: 1160—/± Foc:1170)} (maximum 2 tagmemes). Per adj 2 = { + (± Int:1141 ± Add: 1150 —/± Rep: 1160 —/± Foe: 1170)} (one tagmeme only). 6.2423 Examples adj 11.1 - Base:suma Depr:ag Case: 0Dim 2:lla 'pretty (Base) - Depr - subject (Case) - just (Dim)' (just pretty). adj 22.1 - Base-.uchulla Phcuna Case:ta 'small (Base) - PI - to (Case)' (to the little ones). adj 31.1 - Base:atun Case:kua 'big (Base) - with (Case)' (with a big one). adj 41.1 - Base:a//i Cas e:mand Dim hita 'good (Base) - from (Case) - little (Dim)' (for good). adj 51.1 - Bass:atun Phcuna Case:pa 'big (Base) - PI - of (Case)' (of the big ones), adj 62.1 - Base:pacalla Case:sina 'hidden (Base) - like (Case)' (as though hidden), adj 11.2 - Basf.llata Rep:« 'naked (Base) - it-is-is-said (Rep)', adj 12.2 - Bast\sapalla 'lone'.



6.243 The adjective stem The adjective and verbal adjective stems are distributed in the adjective. In addition, adj stem is distributed in n 01.4, and adj stem 6 in Base 63a, 72 of vb stem. 6.2431 Tagmemic paradigms of the adjective stem adj stem 1-5 = { + Base:adj r 1-5 } adj stem 6 = { + Base:adj r 6 + Dim 2:1132 } vbl adj stem 1 = { + Base:vb r 12a, 13a,23 (Res) + Inf:2212 } vbl adj stem 2 = { + Base:vb stem ± Nom:2260} 6.2432 Examples adj stem 3 - Base:atun 'big'. adj stem 6 - Base:«c/iw Dim 2:lla 'little (Base) - just (Dim)' (little). vbl adj stem 1 - Baseywiw Infaca 'cook (Base) - to-have (Inf)' (cooked). vbl adj stem 2 - Basejwifiachihua Nom:j 'make-me-grow (Base) - -ing (Nom)' (who brought me up).

6.244 The adjective root Examples


adj r 1

llatA18 'naked', huapU 'heavy' asllitA" 'little'

adj stem 1

adj r 2

alii 'good', libre 'free'

adj stem 2, Base 62 of vb stem

adj r 3

chiri 'cold', pucA 'red', rucU 'old'

adj stem 3, Base 63a, 72 of vb stem

apiA 'crushed*, misqui 'tasty',

adj stem 4, Base 14a, 43a, 52a of vb stem

adj r 4 adj r S adj r 6

timbU 'boiling'

cunU 'warm', jucU 'damp', tustA 'dry'

adj stem 5, Base 13a, 22,33,42a ofvb stem

uchu 'small', paca 'hidden', sapa 'lone'

adj stem 6

In addition, adj r 6 (paca) is distributed in Base 14a,32,33 of the verb stem. 12

llatA 'naked' may consist of the morphemes 1132 -UA 'just' and 1141 -TANTA 'very'. asllitA 'little' may be a combination of the diminutives 1132 -IIA and 1131 -ita (-SITO), with a contraction of Ecuador Highland Quichua asm 'little'. Cf. also charihua 'ancient', which may be a combination of chari 'hold' (vb r 13b) and 1230 -hua 'with'.



6.25 The number 6.251 Emic classes of the number TABLE 11

s, c O.IO























Distribution Num 11,20-70 Num 12,14

6.252 Tagmemic paradigms of the inflexion of the number The decade in the numerical symbol of the filler of Case corresponds to that of the number. For word suffixes (1000), cf. section 6.13.1, and of the substantive (3000), section 6.13.3. num 10.1-30.1,50.1-70.1 (0.1) = { + Base:numr 1 + Case: 1210-30,1250,61,70 ± Per num 1 } num 40.1 = { + Basernum r 1 ± Comp:1261 + Case:1241-43,45 ± Per num 1 } num 10.2 = { + Base:num r 1, rel stem 4 ± Per num 2 } 6.253 Periphery of the number For order statement, cf. section 6.213. Per num 1 = { + (± Dim 1:1131 ± Rec:3040 ± Depr:llll-15 ± Pl:1121 . . . ± Dim 2:1132 ± Int:1141 ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160—/± Foc:l 170) } (maximum 3 tagmemes). Per num 2 = { + ( ± Dim 2:1132 ± Add:1150— /±Rep:1160 —/ ± Foc:1170)}(one tagmeme only). 6.254 Examples num 10.1 - Baseichuscu Phcuna Case:0 Dim://a 'four (Base) - PI - subject (Case) just (Dim)' (just four). num 20.1 - Basf.iscay Rec:«di Depr:_//m Case:to 'two (Base) - between (Rec) - Depr to (Case)' (between two). num 30.1 - Basf.canchis Caseihua 'seven (Base) - with (Case)' (with seven). num 40.1 - Base:«//' Comp:«na Case:ma 'one (Base) -as (Comp) - to (Case)' (as to one). num 50.1 - Base:iscay Case:pa Dim://a 'two (Base) - for (Case) - just (Dim)' (just for two). num 60.1 - Base:jw/ Phcuna Case:sina Dim:lla Int:ia 'one (Base) - PI - like (Case) just (Dim) - same (Int)' (just like the others). num 70.1 - Base:jw^ Case:hora 'one (Base) - time (Case)'. num 10.2 - Base\pichca 'five'.



6.255 The number root Examples num r 1 numr 2 num r 3 numr 4

suJ 'one', quimsA 'three', iscun 'nine'

huaranga 'thousand' patsa 'hundred'

chunga 'ten'

Distribution num, Q of Num 13 Thou of Num 13 Hun of Num 13 Ten of Num 13

6.3 The manner word m is distributed in M in the clause and Sent Frag 1,2, and in H 62,64, Co 62 and Dup 64 of N. 6.31 Tagmemic paradigms of the manner word m 1 = { + Base:m r 1 ± Case:1241 ± Per m } m 2 = { + Base:m r 2 ± Per m } 6.32 Periphery of the manner word Perm = { + (±Dim:1132± Add:1150— / ± Rep:1160— / ± Foc:1170) } (one tagmeme only). For order statement, cf. section 6.213. 6.33 Examples m l - Base:/i> Case:/?/ 'all (Base) - in (Case)' (in all), m 2 - Base:ii/ca Foe:ca 'quickly (Base) - Foe' (quickly). 6.34 The manner root Examples mil mr2

liy 'all, completely'

antis 'well', utca 'quickly'

Distribution ml m2

6.4 The circumstantial word cir 61 is distributed in M, and cir 70 in Cir, in the clause and Sent Frag 1,2. In addition, cir 70 is distributed in H 72, Co 72 of N, and cir 71 in H 75, Q 72 of N.



6.41 Tagmemic paradigms of the circumstantial word cir 61 cir 71 cir 72 cir 73

= = = =

{+ {+ {+ {+

Base:cir r 1,2 + Case:1261 ± Per cir 1 } Base.cir r 1,2 ± Per cir 1 } Basexir r 3 ± Per cir 3 } (maximum 2 tagmemes). Base:pr r 5 + Temp: 1180 ± Per cir 2 }

6.42 Periphery of the circumstantial word For order statement, cf. section 6.213. Per cir 1 = { + (± Dim:1132 ± Int:1141 ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160—/± Foe: 1170) } (maximum 2 tagmemes). Per cir 2 = { + ( ± Depr:1113-15 ± Dim:1132 ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160—/± Foe: 1170) } (one tagmeme only). Per cir 3 = {+ ( ± Dim:1132 ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160—/± Foc:1170)} 6.43 Examples cir 61 - Base:Hujpa Int:ta Caseisina 'before (Base) - very (Int) - like (Case)' (like before). cir 71 - Base:#a Add:/ww Foe:char 'now (Base) - also (Add) - ought (Foe)' (now, too). cir 72 - Base:ctrfi Add:i 'again (Base) - also (Add)'. cir 73 - B&se\chay Temp:ra Depn/'that (Base) - still (Temp) - Depr' (still). 6.44 The circumstantial root Inventory

Distribution cir 61,71, n 71,4, Base

cir r 1

nujPA 'before' 13a,22,33a,42 of vb stem


Ha 'now, already'

cir 61,71, int 1,3

cir r 3

cuti 'again', tiN 'now', impas 'always'

cir 72

In addition, cir r 3 (cuti) is distributed in Base 13a,22,33a,42 of vb stem. 6.5 The intensifier int 1,2 are distributed in S, C, M in the clause and Sent Frag 1,2; int 1 in H 62 of N; int 2 in R 02; int 3,4 in Int 2 of N and Adj 12; and int 5 in Int of N, Num 11.



6.51 Tagmemic paradigms of the intensifier int int int int int

1 2 3 4 5

= = = = =

{± {+ {± {+ {+

Int:cir r 2 + Base:int r 1 ± Per int 1 } Base:int r 2 ± Per int 2 } (maximum 2 tagmemes). Int:cir r 2 + Base:int 1 ± Per int 3 } (maximum 3 tagmemes). Base:int r 3 } Base:int r 2 }

6.52 Periphery of the intensifier For order statement, cf. Section 6.213. Per int 1 = { + ( ± Depr:l 112,14,15 ± Dim 2,1132 ± Add:1150 —/± Rep: 1160 —/± Foc:1170) } (maximum 2 tagmemes). To obtain Per int 2, multiply Per int 1 by adding ± Dim 1:1131. Per int 3 = { + (± Dim 2:1132 ± Add:1150 —/± Rep:1160 —¡± Foc:1170) } 6.53 Examples int 1 - Add:pas Foe\char 'very (Base) - also (Add) - ought (Foe)' (ought to be very much, too). int 2 - Base:mash Depr:uj 'more (Base) - Depr' (more). int 3 - Int:Ha Base:yapa Rep:« 'not (Int) - very (Base) - it-is-said (Rep)' (so very, they say). int 4 - Baseimedio 'fairly', int 5 - Basc.màs 'more'. 6.54 The intensifier root Inventory

intr 1 int r 2 intr 3


yapa 'very' más 'more' (Spanish más) medio 'fairly' (Spanish medio)

int 1,3 int 2, 5 int 4

6.6 The locative loc 1,2 are distributed in H 41b, 42,45, App 45, Co 42 of N, and R 42. loc 3 is distributed in Q 42 of N



6.61 Tagmemic paradigms of the locative loc 1 = { + Base:loc r 1,2 ± ( ± Comp:1261 + Case: 1241-43,45) ± Per loc } loc 2 = { + Base:loc r 3 ± Dir:3030 ± ( ± Comp:1261 + Case: 1241-43,45) ± Per loc} loc 3 = { + Base:loc r 1-3 } 6.62 Periphery of the locative For order statement, cf. section 6.213. Per loc = { + ( ± Dim 1:1131 ± Depr:1113,14 . . . ± Dim 2:1132 ± Int: 1141 ± Add: 1150 —/± Rep:1160 —f± Foc:1170) } (maximum 2 tagmemes). 6.63 Examples loc 1 - Base:carw Comp:sina Case:ma Add:pas 'far (Base) - like (Comp) - to (Case) also (Add)' (to a long way off, also). loc 2 - Base:wra Depr:i/i Dim://a 'below (Base) - Depr - just (Dim)' (just below), loc 3 - Base:caylla 'near'. 6.64 The locative root Examples


loc r 1

ahuA 'on top', ucU'inside'

n01.6,loci, 3

loc r 2

ladO 'side, beside', carU 'far' cayllA13 'near'

Base 63b,72 of vb stem, n 01.6, loc 1,3

loc r 3

urA 'below', huichA 'above'

n01.6, loc 2,3

In addition, loc r 1 (cati) is distributed in Base 13b,42b of vb stem. 6.7 The connective In the clause and Sent Frag 1, conn 1-3,5 are distributed in Conn 1; conn 4 in Intro; and conn 6 in Conn 2. In addition, conn 1-3 are distributed in Conn 2 in the noun phrase; conn 1 in Conn 1 and in Num 12; and conn 2 in R 03. 6.71 Tagmemic paradigms of the connective conn 1-4 = { + Base:conn r 1-4 } conn 5 = { + Base:pr r 3 + (± Rep:1160 ± Foc:1171) } conn 6 = { + Baserconn r 5 ± Rep: 1160 } 13

cayllA 'near' may be considered as a combination of c^K'this' (pr r 4) and 1132 -UA 'just'.



6.72 Examples conn 1 - Base:_y 'and'. conn 5 - Base:c/w Rep:«' Foc:ea 'that (Base) - it-is-said (Rep) - Foe' (then, he said), conn 6 - Base:/wey Rep:« 'then - it-is-said'. 6.73 The connective root Inventory conn r 1 conn r 2 conn r 3 conn r 4 conn r 5

y 'and', o 'or', obe 'or' ni 'neither, nor* pero 'but', sino 'but' ojala 'may it not be', aslla 'be so kind as to . . . ' puis 'then', no 'right ?'

Distribution conn 1 conn 2 conn 3 conn 4 conn 6

6.8 The vacilatory word The vacilatory word interrupts any syntactic construction at any level. 6.81 Tagmemic paradigm of the vacilatory word vac = { ± Form:Px 3111 + Base:rel r 2 + Ig:3020 } 6.82 Example vac - Form:/ Base:ma Ig\ta 'Form - which - Ig' (that). 6.9 The negative The negative is distributed in Neg 1,2 in the clause and Sent Frag 1,2. 6.91 Tagmemic paradigms of the negative neg 1 = { + Base:neg r 1 ± Rel:rel r 2 ± Per neg 1 } neg 2 = { + Base:neg r 1 4- Temp: 1180 ± Per neg 2 } (maximum 3 tagmemes). neg 3 = { + Base:neg r 2 + Rel:rel r 2 } 6.92 Periphery of the negative For order statement, Per neg 1 = { + ( ± 1170) } (maximum 2 Per neg 2 = { + (±

cf. section 6.213. Dim:1132 ± Int:1141 ± Add:1150—/± Rep:1160—/± Foe: tagmemes). Dim: 1132 ± Add: 1150 ± Rep: 1160 ± Foe: 1170) }



6.93 Examples neg 1 - Base:mana Rel:ma Add:pas Foe:char 'not (Base) - which (Rel) - also (Add) ought (Foe)' (also ought not). neg 2 - Base:mana Temp:ra Focxhar 'not (Base)-still (Temp)-ought (Foe)' (still ought not). neg 3 - Base:« Rel:ma Temp:ra 'don't( Base) - which (Rel) - still (Temp)' (still don't). 6.94 The negative root Inventory negr 1 negr2

manA 'no, not' a 'don't'

Distribution neg 1,2 neg 3

6.10 The affirmative The affirmative is distributed in Sent Frag 1,2. aff - ari 'yes', aja 'aha', verdad 'true' (Spanish verdad). 6.11 The exclamation exel 1,2 are distributed in Excl 1 in the clause and Sent Frag 1,2; and exel 3-5 in Excl 2 in Sent Frag 1,2. 6.11.1 Tagmemic paradigms of the exclamation excl 1 = { + Base:excl r 1 ± Ps:2222 ± Dim:1132 ± Add:1151 } excl 2,3 = { + Base:excl r 2,3 } excl 4 = { + Baserexcl r 4 ± Foe: 1171 } excl 5 = { + Base:2162 + Ps:2222 ± PI: 1122 } 6.11.2 Examples excl 1 = Base:«'«* Psingui Dim://a Add;j 'see (Base) - you (Ps) - just (Dim) - also (Add)' (you'll see too). excl 2 - Base:ala 'look!'. excl 3 - Base:/« 'come!' (to a dog). excl 4 - Base:achuchuy Foe:ca 'I'm burning (Base) - Foe' (I'm burning!), excl 5 - Base:pua Psingui 'for-me (Base) - you (Ps)' (good day!).



6.11.3 The exclamation root Examples excl r 1 excl r 2 excl r 3 excl r 4

ricu 'you'll see' pay 'thank-you', ala 'look' yasta 'let's go', acuychi11 let's go' ayayay 'ow', chalay 'how pretty', samsam 'tasteless'

Distribution excl 1 excl 2 excl 3 excl 4, Sent Frag 3

6.12 Onomatopoetic words Onomatopoetic words are distributed in Sent Frag 4. onom - ma 'sound of a sheep' jummjumm 'a dog wailing' chimchim 'sound of a guitar being strummed' 6.13 Affixes and enclitics 6.13.1 Suffixes of the inflexion of the word (1000) 1110 Deprecative. 1111 -AjiM 'sympathetic, compassionate' (the poor...). -Ashim 'teasing in a deprecative manner', 1112 -Uj 'demanding, pleading, unbelieving', 1113 -Ash 'slightly deprecative, referring to subject', 1114 -AJ 'moderately deprecative, referring to subject', 1115 -Ans 'strongly deprecative, referring to subject'. Suffixes 1113-15 occurring with -ta 2292 'Focussed object' refer to the object. 1120 Plural. 1121 -CUNA 'third person and substantive plural', 1122 -Nchi 'first and second person plural', 1123 -pura 'among'. 1130 Diminutive. 1131 -SITO 'little, dear' (taken over from Spanish), 1132 -UA 'just'. 1140 Intensifier. 1141 -TANTA 'the same, very'. 1142 -huanta 'even being with, with that which'. 14

acuychi 'let's go!' may consist of a root acu (Rio Mandur dialect acu 'let's go! (dual)', 2241 -y 'second person subject imperative' and 1122 -chi 'first and second person plural'.



Suffix 1142 consists of the morphemes -hua 1230 'with' and 1141. 1150 Additive. 1151 -s 'also'. 1152 -pas 'as well', emphasised. 1160 -si Reportative'it is said, they say'. 1170 Secondary focus. 1171 -ca 'secondary focus'. 1172 -cha 'ought to'. -char15 'definitely ought to*. Secondary focus and 1160 Reportative seldom occur simultaneously. 1180 -ra Temporal 'still'. 1200 Case 1210 -16 Subject case. 1220 Object case 1221 -ta. 'personal object marker'. 1222 -16 'non-personal object marker'. 1221 occasionally is affixed to non-personal objects for emphasis, and a very few examples are found of 1222 on personal objects. Accompaniment 'with'. 1230 -hua 1240 Location-Time case. 1241 -pi 'in, on'. 1242 -ma 'to'. 1243 -mandA 'from, away from, because of' 1244 -ta 'in, around'. 1245 -nigmanda 'from'. 'at'. 1246 -nijta 1245, 1246 consist of -niJ 'area of' and 1243, 1244. 'until'. 1247 -cama 1250 -PA Purpose case 'for, or. 1260 Manner case. 1261 -sitia Comparison 'like'. 1262 -aSa 'manner'. 1270 -hora Time case.

15 1172 -char may be due to influence from the Santiago dialect, since 1171 -ca appears as -car in certain environments in Santiago. 16 1210 0 Subject case and 1222 a non-personal object marker have been included for economy of presentation in the tagmemic formulae.



6.13.2 Suffixes of the verb (2000) 6.13.21 Suffixes of the verb stem (2100) 2110 Verbal. 2111 -ya Verbal'be'. 2112 -naya Anticipated action'about to'. 2113 -raya Habitual action. Suffixes 2112, 2113 consist of the following morphemes: -na Anticipated action, -ra 1180 'still', -ya 2111 Verbal. Inceptive. 2120 -ri Causative 2130 -chi" Direction towards the speaker. 2140 -mu Referent 'to me' - 2150 and first person subject suffixes 2221, 2150 -hua 2224 do not occur simultaneously. 2160 Benefactor. 2161 -pu 'non-first person benefactor'- occurring with first person subject suffixes 2221, 2224. 2162 -puals 'first person benefactor'-occurring with non-first person subject suffixes 2222, 2223. 2170 Continuity. 2171 -eu 2172 -nacu -CUNA 2180 -ri

Singular continuous - obligatorily absent when plural substantives or 1120 Plural occur. Plural continuous. Suffixes 2172 and 1121 'third person plural' do not occur simultaneously. Reflexive-Cross-Purpose 'to self' (singular), 'to each other'.

6.13.22 Suffixes of the inflexion of the verb (2200) 2210 Tense-Infinitive. 2211 -rca 'past'. 2212 -scA 'past historic, past infinitive'. 2213a -sA 'first person future'. 2213b -nca 'second person future'. 2213c -nga 'third person future, future infinitive'. Stress falling on the final syllable of the verb-word, when 2213 is present, gives the action a more distant future tense. 17 Occasionally two causatives occur in the same stem, resulting in a ditransitive stem: Base: huaHu Caus 1 :chi Caus 2:chi 'die - Cause - Cause' (cause to kill). 18 2162 -pua 'first person benefactor' may be considered as consisting of an assimilation of 21S0 -hua 'first person referent' and 2161 -pu 'benefactor'.




2214 -titra 2215 -Y 2220 Person. 2221 -NI 2222 -ngui 2223 -N 2224 -qui 2230 Imperative. 2231 -Y 2232 -chu 2240 Actor. 2241 -dor, -dero 2242 -do 2250 -ma 2260 -J 2270 Temporal. 2271 -jta 2272 -hora 2273 -ncama 2274 -sPA 2275 -JPI

'future desire', 'present infinitive'. 'first person subject', 'second person subject', 'third person subject'. 'first person subject with non-first person personal object'. 'second person subject present tense imperative'. 'third person subject imperative'. 2232 -chu and clit 2 -chu 'negative primary focus' are mutually exclusive. 'habitual doer' (Spanish -dor, -dero). Participle (Spanish -do). Hypothetical. Nominalizer. 'until' - subordinate action that is the direct result of the action of the main verb. 'when' - subordinate action with focus on both the principal and subordinate actions and their interdependence, 'until' - subordinate action that is not connected with the action of the main verb. 'when, if' - subordinate action with the same subject as the main verb. 'when, if' - subordinate action with another subject than that of the main verb. Negative hypothetical 'instead of'.

2280 -ta 2290 Object. 2291 -chita 'non-first person object', 2292 -ta 'focussed object'. 2291 consists of a suffix -chi 'non-first person' and 2292. 6.13.3 Affixes of the substantive (3000) 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 18

-yuJ -ta -y

-ndi -paJ19

Owner 'with'. Interrogative marker. Direction. Reciprocal 'among, between', Domain 'home or.

3050 -paJ Domain 'home of' consists of 1250 -pa 'for, of* and a morpheme -J Domain.



3110 Relative formative. Px 3111 i-. 3112 -y. 3210 -caN

Relative person.

6.13.4 Enclitics clit 1 -mi 'positive primary focus', clit 2 -chu 'negative primary focus'. clit 1,2 are distributed in Foe in the clause and Sent Frag 1, normally occurring only once per independent clause, though in a few examples, occurring twice. They bring into focus either the independent verb phrase or any phrase preceding (generally immediately preceding) the verb phrase. They do not generally follow the verb phrase. 7. MORPHOPHONEMICS

7.1 Variations determined phonologically . . . / = . . . ; / — # # , . . . #Cvl; ..


quiquiN 'self' (pr r 2) = quiqui-/—1170; quiquinj— voiceless stops, quiqui chIN 'that' (pr r 3) = ch-¡—1262 -aSa; chi-/—1170; chin-/—voiceless stops; chi tiN 'already' (cir r 3) = ti ~ tiypuj— # ; tin-AjiM, -AshiM Deprecative (1111) = -jiM, -shiM/V—; -ajiM, -ashiMjn—; -ijiM, -ishiM/m—, y—; -Aji, -Ashi/—# ; -Ajim, -Ashim -Ash Deprecative (1113) = -ish/n—, y—; -ash/atuN—, i—, C—; -sh -AJ Deprecative (1114) = -aJ~ -iaJfC— (non-verbs); -Jja—; -aJ(cf. .. ./above) -Ans Deprecative (1115) = -ins¡y—; -nsjV—; -arts -Nchi Plural (1122) = -ncMji—; -chi -Y 'Present Infinitive' (2215), -Y 'Imperative' (2231) = -«//—'' -y 7.2 Variations determined lexically Substantive roots ...U, ...O, ...A, suffixes 1132, 1243, 2212= . . . nuca tayta mi caypi cahóraca, 'me conversó'. 30 cayma chayaj samusca.31 mana yacharí may puesto cajta sug huamra Uatásica.32 llatata ni pigunsi ; yucancuna cuadrillapi muti asua upiangapa. 33 chipica chi huámraca ladopisi tiacusi casa Ilutado. 2




chi Ilutado cascátaca, sujta mana yápaca yacuhuasi aventé. aventasi yacuhua. 38 mana sumasi carca chaupipi. chihóraca chica ligerosi cahuay. 38 pero chihóraca cachi mana micudor. 3 9 ñi ima mana micudor. 40 chi huámraca llutarayansi. 41 mana micungapa muná ñi ima. 42 chihóraca piguncunasi yucarca. 43 caymanda ti mayor parlador cá nuca taytasi ñallata. 44 pero caypi cuti rimacu. 15 parla mi: 46 caypi pigunsi cay vallepisi cangapa cá. 4 7 caypi yacuta catichimusca - Valsayacuta yacu pata pata uranigmanda. 48 chi cado cascacuna ñújpaca Purutalpi o más urapi - San Juan Purutal Cachupimbu yacu uray. 49 chichar cunahóraca samucu uranigmándaca. 90 más urapi 'vive' San Juan Cachupimbu. 51 chisi yacuta catichimuscacuna caycama, pueblo de San Andresca. 82 testamento tiá. 5 3 may tucu huatacha c á . 6 4 y nuca yachánica. 55 nuca táytaca ca mi rucu. 86 níspaca caypi chayaj samuscápica, ni pigunsi churancuna. 57 pigun suma, sujca suma trabajassi, yaycuncunasi. 98 nijpica cenangapa sirincuna asua. 49 chi asua upianacuscápica, chingarinsi sug runa. 60 chihóraca runa chingaridolla cá. 61 manima chi sospechajpi, nijpica chingando. 6 2 chi diablo huamra 'había sido'. 63 cuti suj chingad. 04 ñi pí mana sintiscacuna. 65 cuti suj chingarihora, sujca chi pungumandalla sayarispa, cahuahóraca, simi pascado suyacurca. 88 chihora huasiyujta nircasi: 67 achca uchu camchás cutaychi! 68 nispa sug plato junda tallircacuna simi pascado cascapi. 89 tallihóraca, huasihuanta ñalla urmachirca. 70 nijpica cahuarcacuna amarón cajta. 71 nispa derrumbás derrumbaspa tunirigrispa volagrísca yacuma. 72 chihóraca tamia huayra chi huasima pegaysi callad. 73 nijpi chillapi huañurca. 74 cayandi cahuangapa ricuhóraca, huañudo caspa, chacasinasi tucú. 75 chipi tucuy ima ambicuna huiñasca. 35


9. Lazaro Mojomboy: We came from down river 1

In the old days there used to be Indians downriver. They had to leave for the 'outside'. 3 They were uncivilized, too; 4 they didn't know any God. 5 We were from San Miguel Osocumbios down river. • That San Miguel is by Ecuador. 7 From there they didn't come up very far. 8 - 9 They kept following the river. 10 In one place they rested; 11 they came up 12 and worked. 13 Half-way up they rested, when they had made shelters in the place. 14 There a devil must have lived. u He appeared as a little boy. 16 They thought he was a boy, 17 and he followed them upriver. 18 Many people came up, too. 19 Then they came to another place and made camp; 2 0 still that boy followed them. 21 Yet again the same naked boy followed them. 22 He was a handsome boy - 2 3 a very handsome boy; 2 4 my father used to tell me so. 25 They rested in another place, and the naked boy kept on following them. 28 They say he was naked, without any clothing. 27 The boy was naked, without any covering at all. 28 They arrived here - it was long ago - 2 9 and when my father was here, he told me this. 30 They arrived here 31 and didn't know where the naked boy was. 3 2 The labourers had the naked boy in their group, to have muti and chicha. 33 There the boy sat down beside them, and joined them. 34 Someone threw a little water over him (the one who had joined them). 38 He threw some w a t e r , 3 , - 3 7 and he gave a quick glance at the one in their midst - it wasn't very nice. 38 He wouldn't take any salt; 3 9 he wouldn't eat anything. 2




The boy kept joining them 4 1 and he didn't want to eat anything. At that time they had labourers. 43 About this my old father himself told me. 44 Here he was speaking as well. «-«• He said that there were going to be labourers here in this valley. 47 Here they must have followed the edge of the river (the river Valsayacu) from down below. 48 First of all they had been in Purutal or lower down (the San Juan Purutal Cachupimbu down river). 49 Now they must have been coming from down river. 50 They lived further down river at San Juan Cachupimbu. 51 They must have followed the river right up to this town of San Andrés. s2 This is the story; 43 it is years old, 84 and I know it - M my father was old. 56 Then when they arrived, they say the labourers were settled here - 87 good labourers, who worked well, had entered. 58 At that time they rested, to lunch on chicha. 59 While they were drinking the chicha, a man disappeared. •o At that time the man just disappeared. 81 When they didn't suspect anything, then he disappeared; 62 the devil boy had been there. 3 ' Then another disappeared. 64 No-one imagined that he had. , s Then, after another one disappeared, when another man who was standing just by the door looked out, a wide open mouth was waiting. 88 So he said to the householder, 87 "Toast and grind a lot of ají peppers." • 8 After that they threw the plateful into the open mouth. 69 When they threw it in, it nearly pulled the house down. 70 Then they saw that it was a serpent. 71 The serpent rolled over and over, demolishing everything in its path, and threw itself into the river. 72 At that time rain and wind began to beat against the house. 73 After that the serpent died just there. 74 The next day, when they were going to see, it was dead and had become like a bridge, 75 and all sorts of medicinal herbs had sprung up there. 42

10. Lázaro Mojomboy: Estrella Pamba 1

nicungui chi contasca Estrella Pamba. 2 nincuna: 3 rumi bultocuna quedasca. 4 tiancuna alpa. y rumihua alpahua chichar nicungui yachangapa. 6 'es un mitos', pero antigualacuna mana comprendercacuna. 7 mana creeni. 8 nincuna tutasi purinacurca, horas chingado. 9 chingascacuna churaj samunsi. 10 clareaj samunsi. 11 indichar llujsichihóraca, pacarín apisca cá. 12 chípica encantadosi quedaj samú rumi bultocuna. 13 y chinta nircacuna estrella rumi. 14 y Estrella Pamba sutichincuna. "chica rumisi carca estrellacuna. 18 rumisi quedancuna. 17 y sujcúnaca cielomasi sicancuna. 18 chisi cielopi estrella cahuarí.


10. Lazaro Mojomboy: The plain of stars 1

You are saying that there is a story about the plain of s t a r s . 1 - 3 They say that they must haveremained as blocks of stone. 4 There is some earth, t o o , 5 and you say that you want to know about the stones and earth. 8 It is a myth, but our ancestors didn't understand that. 7 1 don't believe it. 8 They say that they were out in the night, lost for hours. 9 Those who were lost settled down. 1 0 Dawn came, 1 1 and when the sun rose, the darkness caught them. 1 2 There blocks of stone remained, bewitched. 13 So they say 'star-stones', 14 and the place is called 'the plain of stars'. 19 Those stones were stars, 18 but they remained as stones, 17 and the others went up to the sky. 18 Those latter appear in the sky as stars. 8



11. Lazaro Mojomboy: Amarán I verdad chu cá? 2 o Uullancuna chu ? 3 parlancuna. 4 parla mi nuca taytallatata. 5 ñujpátaca domingocuna suj sug gentesi cacharinacug rirca. 6 entreganacug rirca. 7 dragón canchis umayuj canchis chupayujsi llujsicurca cada domingo micungapa tragangapa. 8 chasa costumbre chisiyascacúnaca cada guarda domingo. * sug gente suj persónaca cacharinacú entreganacug ringa. 10 chipi sitag rihóraca, chillapisi llujsirí, yacu timbuchís, llujsispa tragacungapa. II chica contentari drágonca. 12 chi amarón nidor cá. 13 y mana chi chasa cada domingo entregájpica, entero pueblo gentetasi puchucangapa: nirayarca. 11 pero níjpica chi cada domingo guardacúnaca gobernadorcuna tiarcasi, paycuna suj sug mana misa huiyascacunata entreganacungapa. "sutipa chu cá? "nircacuna: " i n d i p a yacupi chi amarón ñalla quipacamasi cahuaridorsi carca gentecunata. 18 lomapi pusu mi tiá. 1 8 chípica indi cunungápaca llujsiridorsi carca. 20 chi pusu ahuapi loma puntopi mi tiá. 21 iscay pusu mi tiarca. 22 chi chayrachar caycama tiá. 2 3 chinta mi nircacuna. 24 chi amarón Uujsirispa, indi cunuderosi carca. 2S chipi llujsiridorsi carca 'horas malas'. 26 y cahuaridorsi cado cá.

11. Lazaro Mojomboy: A dragon I



Is it true, or are they lying? Thus they tell it. 4 My father himself told it. 6 In olden times on Sundays they used to choose people out, one at a time, 6 and hand them over. 7 A dragon with seven heads and seven tails used to come out every Sunday to eat and devour. 8 So their custom was to wait around every Sunday, 8 and they would choose out a particular person and hand him over. 10 When they had flung him down, the dragon would come out just at that place, causing the water to boil up, and would take him away to devour him. II In that way the dragon was satisfied; 12 it is called 'that dragon'. 13 If they didn't hand over someone in that way each Sunday, the dragon used to say that it would finish off the entire population of the town. 14 Now at that time there were some custodians and governors, some of whom did not go to mass each Sunday; these people they used to hand over. 15 Is it t r u e ? 1 6 - 1 7 They say that that dragon used to watch the people for a while in the sun-warmed water. 18 There was a hollow in the hill, 19 and there it used to come out, so that the sun could warm it. 24 It was there above the hollow at a point in the hill - 21 there were two hollows; 22 they are still there up to this day. 2 3 So they said. 24 That dragon would come out, and the sun would warm it. 25 On evil days it used to come out, 2 6 and appear.

12. Lazaro Mojomboy: Animascuna 1

suj parlo parlarca anterior, nuca tayta musu cahora. trabajasca cagmanda como caycama, costumbre tiapuncunata. 3 yucanchi caypi trabajás cenachingapa muti asua. 4 y chica trabajado cáspaca, rinsi calle lado, cenangapa calle ura lado. 5 y chisi risca c á . 6 chisiyaysi rí. 7 amsayay y tutayás chayarca. 8 tutayarcasi chaupi tuta samungapa huasima. 9 huasi carcasi huaycu, nido, chorropi - huaycu ñambi ura lado chorropi - 1 0 huaycu suti cá caycama. 11 chimasi samucu tuta, chaupi tuta o mala hora. 12 chihora 'como costumbre' yucarcacunasi iglesiapi pambangápaca animascunátaca - huahuacunátaca altarma, atuncunátaca punguma. 13 níjpica chihora mala hora casca cá. 14 chaupi tútaca huiyarinsi huahuacunas huacanacujta. 15 pungupi rucucunas huiyarinacunsi: pulún pulunsi. 18 macanacuy huiyarinacú chipi. 17 singas capicu capicu. 18 mana allillas rimay, huiyarincuna, chi chasasi puñitihuapahuanac ujta. 1 9 huiyarí animascúnaca - sug rucucúnaca. 2



20 y chaupi callepi ricuhóraca, iscay animascúnaca llujsinsi, yananscuna iglesia puntáhuaca sayanacuspa. 2 1 cutisi chingarí ucumallatata. 22 y chintaca arí nuca táytaca mancharinsi. 23 may mancharísca chayaj samunsi tonteado huasímaca. 24 huasipi huillaj samunsi. 2 í chasa cahuaríhuá chihora atuncúnaca atuncúnaca bendito ramos. 2< chincunahuasi cusnichincuna. 27 chihóraca ñalla huañudo cá táytaca. 2 8 rupayhua siricurca. 29 nij chihóraca caypi yachacunata rogaspa, ambichisca, nijpi soplaspa.

12. Lazaro Mojomboy: The spirits 1

My father told me one story long ago, when he was a young man. Because they used to work in the same way they do today, they had the custom, 3 that when we worked here, we had to make them dinner of muti and chicha. 4 So when they had done their work, they went to the village square to eat below the square, s and it would be late. 8 They went to pass the time. 7 It got dark, and the night arrived. 8 It got dark and was midnight when they started home. 9 The house was in the 'drain-hole' - a ravine in the ditch below the road. 1 0 The place is still called 'the ravine'. 11 He was coming to that place at night - in the middle of the night, an evil time. 12 At that time they had the custom of burying souls in the church - youngsters at the altar, adults at the door. 13 and that must have been an evil time. 14 In the middle of the night, the youngsters were heard crying, 15 and at the door the adults were heard fighting 'pulun, pulun'. " T h e y were heard hitting each other. 17 Their noses were broken, too. 18 He heard evil words, while they were jumping on each other with their fists.19 He heard the spirits - some of the old ones. 20 And when he was in the middle of the square, two spirits came out, standing out black against the spire of the church, 2 1 and then they disappeared inside in the same way. 22 By now my father was truly terrified. 23 He arrived, terrified and out of his mind, at the house, 24 and told those in the house 25 "In such and such a way the great ones - the great 'Blessed palm branches' appeared to me". 26 They made him smoke with them. 17 My father nearly died; 28 he was laid aside with fever. 29 So they asked the 'knowing ones' (witch doctors), and they made him well, by blowing. 2

13. Lázaro Mojomboy: Cucu 1

causanacurcasi suj familia - cari y huarmi, sug huamra y chi huamrapa suegra. chi càrica huarmindi rinomasi Pastoma, aycha apangapa, huamrata atún mamahua saquispa. 3 chi punchalla risca, chi ahuflaca cumalasi surcuy callarincuna, nietohuanta. 4 chi atún mámaca surcucunsi angucunalla. 5 nietópaca más atuncunallasi surcurí. 8 atún mámaca chi cumalacunata yanurcasi. 7 nispaca nietótaca caransi angucunallata. 8 y quiquinllasi atún cumalacunata jundachirí. 9 chihóraca chi uchulla huámraca huacaysi callad, mana allita carascamanda. 10 chihóraca ahuflaca ninsi: 1 1 ama upallay, 12 cucuta mi cayasa, apachu. 13 chi huámraca manasi upallá. 14 atún mámaca sutipasi caparispa, cucuta cayá. 15 chihorallasi sutipa suj cucu ahuila chayagrispa, chi huamrata apagrí. 18 chihora chi ahuflaca ninsi: 1 7 ima mi rurani. 18 cay huahuapa atuncuna chayamuspa, piñahuanga mi. 19 o huañuhuanga mi. 20 chasa nispa yuyarinsi : 2 1 núcaca sug chilacuán piti mi llachapahua maytús, pambasa, pusu utcuspa. 22 sutipa chasasi rurá. 2 3 pusu utcús chilacuán trozás, pitita llachapahua maytuspasi pambá. 24 suj cayandi atuncuna Pastomandasi chayancuna, aycha saparucunahua. 25 chayangahora, huamritopa tayta chi suegrandita tapunsi: 2 8 nuca huáhuaca, maypita cá? 2



57 chih6raca chi atun mimaca ayninsi, huacag tucuspa: 2 8 oh, chi camcuna risca punchalla mi hudhuaca huaflu. 29 chihora taytandi ninsi: 30 cahuachihuay. 31 entregahuangui. 32 chihora sudgraca ninsi: 39 oh, chihoralla huafludoca. 3 4 mana surcungapa cani chu. M flachar asnaricu. 36 chihora huahuapa tayta ninsi: 3 7 cahuachihuay. 38 entregahuay. 39 maypita pambapuangui? 40 cahuaspa mi alii yuyachihuanga. 41 lienso yucani mi, mortajangapa. 42 ligero entregahuay. 43 cahuachihuay. 44 chihora chi su£graca huacaspa, fiujpansi chi chilacudn piti pambascama. 48 y ninsi: 46 cahuay. 47 caypi mi pambarayd. 48 chasa nispa miticunsi sipiringapa. 49 chihora chi huahuapa tdytaca chi pusutasi utcu. 50 alpa sitaspa, chilacudn pitillasi Uachapahua maytusca tad. 91 ajaysi ni. 52 cayhora mi yachahuanga. 53 chasa nispa, chaqui sarusca rastrotasi catichf. 54 riscata catichispa, tarigrinsi. w cuilal6n sachapisi huarcuraydn, chumbihua cangamanda sipirisca. 56 de rabia huarcurayasca chumbita cuchunsi. 57 urmachinsi alpama. 68 yamta chamiza tandachispasi rupachi.

13. Lazaro Mojomboy: A witch 1

There was a family - man and wife, one child and the child's aunt. The man and his wife went to Pasto to bring meat, leaving the child with the grandmother. 3 The same day they went, the old woman and her nephew began to pull up sweet potatoes. 4 The old woman was finding just roots, 5 while the ones the nephew pulled up were just bigger ones. 6 When the old woman had cooked the sweet potatoes, 7 she gave the nephew just the roots, 8 while she filled herself up with the big ones. 9 So the little boy began to cry, because she had not given him the good ones. 10 Then the old woman said, 1 1 "If you don't quieten down, 1 2 1 will call a witch, to take you away." 13 The child didn't quieten down, 14 so the old woman actually cried out, and called for a witch. 15 At that moment an old witch actually arrived, and went and took the child. 18 Then the old woman said, 17 "Whatever have I done? 18 When the child's parents arrive, they will be angry with me, 19 or kill me." 20 When she had said that she thought, 2 1 "I will wrap a piece of wild papaya in a rag, and bury it, after making a hole." " So she did that. 23 When she had made a hole, and cut oif some wild papaya, she wrapped a piece in a rag, and buried it. 24 The next day, the parents arrived from Pasto, with meat in their baskets. 25 On arriving, the child's father said to the aunt, 28 "Where is my child?" 27 Then the old woman began to cry, and answered, 28 "Oh, the same day you went, the child died." 29 Then the father said, 30 "Show me him; 31 give me him!" 32 Then the aunt said, 3 3 "Oh, he died immediately; 34 1 won't dig him u p ; 3 5 he would be smelling by now." 36 Then the child's father said, 37 "Show me; 38 give me him! 39 Where did you bury him for me? 40 On seeing, I will be content. 4 1 1 have a shroud, to wrap him in. 42 Give me him quickly; 43 show me him!" 44 So the aunt went ahead, weeping, to where she had buried that piece of wild papaya. 44 Then she said, 48 "See; 47 here he is buried." 48 When she had said that, she fled, to strangle herself. 49 Then the child's father dug in that hole. 5 0 When he had flung out the earth, he found just a piece of wild papaya, wrapped in a cloth. 51 "Poor thing", he said, 52 "Now I understand." 53 When he had said that, he followed her footprints. 54 After following where she had gone, he found her, 6 5 hanging from a cuilaldn tree, strangled with a belt. 48 In anger he cut the belt by which she was hanging, 67 and made her fall to the ground. 58 Then when he had gathered together sticks and firewood, he burnt her. :



14. Lazaro Mojomboy: Imagen San Andrés patrón 1

nuca tayta parlado cá. 2 imagen San Andrés patrón ñujpátaca tariridosi cá sacha ucu purijta. ridorsi cá batea rurangapa. 4 mascangapa caspi sacha ucu, chihóraca muscunsi blanco rimacujta. 5 ninsi bláncoca: 6 más samungui! 7 ña mi suyacuyquisi nuscuchin. 1 chihoras manasi tariridosi cá alpa. 9 alcuhuasi purido carca sacha ucu alcuhua. 10 chihóraca cutisi huasima tigrá, chasalla chusa. 11 y cutisi ri chimaliata. 12 chihorapas manimas tariri. 13 chihoramanda cutí quimsa viaje rihóraca, alcusi ri sacha ucusi Sujpa. 14 alcusi caninayay callarig rí. 1 5 nijpica sujpi pahuarí sug gentesina. 16 nijpica ronco chaupipisi tariri. 17 cahuari. 18 'imagen de San Andres'-si carca. 19 y chi carusi cá. 1 0 catichimusca yacuta españolcuna, apamunacudo cay vallema. 21 nijpica cay valle cahuarcasi puyulla junda cayhora rijchasi sug laguna yaculla cajsina. 22 chi nispaca imagéntaca y suj campanahuanta chipi ucupi saquispa, miticú cuti. 23 tigradocuna uray chillatata chihuaca. 24 ñi ima imagentas saquingacuna suj campanahuanta. 25 nispa cuti españolcuna tigradocuna paycunapagmallatata uray. 28 chillatata yacutachar catichimuncuna huichay. 27 chihora chíntaca chayaj samúspaca, gobernadorta huillaspasi, apachig rincuna imagen San Andrés. 28 resultado carca San Andrés. 29 cayma apamunacudosi cá. 30 y chi imagen caypi resultadosi cá imagen milagroso. 31 chayamunacurcasi lagunamanda puentemanda tucuy pueblomanda 'como un santuario'. 32 vela parejo sayachinacú limosnasi culqui parejosi. 33 cada dia limosna saquinacuj samú. 34 y chi imágenca yapa milagroso cascátaca, padrecuna cuti impediarispa, imasa ruraspa chi imagéntaca, quichuscacuna.35 apaysi callarincuna. 36 apanacudo suj sacerdote pádreca. 37 chíntaca huarmicunasi calpachispa, quichunacurca ni. 38 chi mana pudidocuna quichungapa. 39 quichús apado . . . - 4 0 imasa chasa suti padre - nis padresi apá. 41 y chi imágenca resultadosi carca yapa milagroso. 42 porque ni coronapisi yucarca achca corre. 43 corresi yucasca. "chinta padrecuna quichudocuna. 45 apadocuna. 46 quichunacudo correta padrecuna. 47surcudo cancuna. 48 y chi imagen caycama tiansi Sibundoypi. 49 pero mana sirve. 10 liypi surcuscacuna corrétaca. 91 chihora cayhoramanda imagen San Andrés patrón tianchi.52 pero chihoramanda apamusca caypi. 83 cay imagenpa casca. 54 chihora imagentas trucacunahora, buenojim suj tianca más atún. 3

14. Lazaro Mojomboy: The statue of the patron saint of San Andrés 1

My father told how 2 the statue of the patron saint of San Andrés was found in the woods. A man used to go and make trays. 4 Then he had a vision of a white man telling him to look in a tree in the woods. I The white man said, 4 "Come nearer. 7 1 am waiting to give you a vision." 8 At that time he didn't find the place, 9 and he walked with his dog in the woods. 10 So he returned home again, empty-handed,11 and again went to the place; 12 once again he didn't find anything. 13 Then he went the third time, and his dog went ahead into the woods. 14 It began to cry and cry. 15 Then in another spot it leapt like a man. 18 At last the man found it in the middle of a trunk; 1 7 and he saw it, too - 18 it was a statue of St. Andrew. 19 That was far away. 20 The Spaniards followed the river, which brought them to this valley. II Then, when they saw this valley full of cloud, it seemed just like a lake of water. 22 Then they left the statue together with a bell there in the woods, and ran away again. 23 The same ones returned down with it; 2 4 they were going to leave nothing, and certainly not a statue with a bell. 3




So the Spaniards returned again to their homes below. 26 They should have followed the same river upstream. 27 Then, when they arrived and told the governor, he made them bring the statue of St. Andrew. 28 It turned out to be St. Andrew, 29 and they brought it here. 30 The statue has turned out to be miraculous; 31 they used to come from the lake, the bridge and all the towns, as though to a holy place. 32 They used to place candles, as well as alms gifts. 33 Every day they would leave alms. 34 Once the padres were taking out the statue which was so miraculous, but were prevented from doing so; 38 they began to take it; 38 a priest and a padre were taking it, 37 when some women ran up to them, and said, "They are taking it out". 38 So they were unable to take it away. 38 When he took it out, he took i t . . . — 4 0 What was that padre's name?—then that padre took it. 41 So that statue turned out to be very miraculous, 42 because it had many jewels in the crown; 43 it had jewels. 44 The padres extracted them 48 and took them; 46 the padres extracted the jewels 47 and took them away. 48 The statue is still there in Sibundoy, 49 but it doesn't do anything; 80 they have taken away all the jewels. 51 So now we have a statue of the patron saint of San Andrés, 52 but they had brought it here, 53 and it was of this statue. 84 Then when they changed the statue, now there is a good and bigger one. IS. Miguel Mojomboy: Huajchu 1


chi n i : cunacama tiancuna huajchu. payjimcuna cado turindi suj panindi, no. 4 payjimta taytándica rido ni Pastoma, no, ña mama ningallahuas saquichar. 8 'más queridos hijos' capurca chi. 6 ña chi tiosito ri. 7 Pastoma rihóraca, pay huamrajimcunátaca carangátaca, pechollapisi barnizá apilla. 8 nís fia Pastomanda chayahora, ña huamrajimcuna yarcaymanda, cahuanacuhóraca, ninsi: 9 ña chu carapuarcangui 'asi de comer' ? 10 chihora ninsi: 11 ña mi huamranscunata cararcani, pero yanga ninga llulla. 12 virgen ni huamrajimcunata aventá apillasi. 13 barnizá rupa apihua. 14 ñachar aborrido carcacuna taytandi todo mama ninga peor. 15 mana munanacús, ímata? 16 ña caranga nada. 17 más bién rimanacun chu chi tiosito huarmihua? 18 nís iscayndijimta sacha ucu apanga sitangapa. 19 ña másata ni: 20 ridocuna? ( 21 tres diasta mi ni). 22 ña cuti chasachar yuyarí, no, purucunas apanga iscay. 23 ña huamrajimcunapas apanchar ñ a . 2 4 imapi mi ni apado costalpi payjimcunata. 28 ña trasteajpaschar apancuna chipi yanungá. 26 ña pusansi. 27 iscay punchasi ña rincuna. 28 nís ninsi: 29 caypi tambusunchi. 30 nuca risa batea rurangapa chu?, 31 ni. 32 huamrajimcuna tambuscapi ña ni cungascasi yanunacú. 33 chaujpúnchaca caparihuanguichi. 34 núcaca picacug risa batea. 3 8 chaujpuncha ña mi samusa. 38 quipa payjimcuna ni ña creídoca yanuncunasi, no. 37 ña chi tiositos disimularinchar. 38 ña pacanga risca. 39 chaujpunchasi ña tucucu yanuscasi. 40 ña suyanacú chi tiositota 41 pero chi tiosítoca ni rinsi sitangá. 42 chillapi chu canga ñá? 43 ñachar may ta cuti volacu purulla huataspa. 44 payjimcuna sutipa ni rimahóraca, manimasi ayní. 48 púnica huiyaricunsi, 44 ni iscayca huiyarinacunsi purupura. 47 quipa ni huiyarinacunsi. 48 imahúata mana chayamú nuca tayta? 49 nís n i : 8 0 m á s bién ahua sachama sicás cahuay, hasta sutipa chu picacu? 81 sutipa, 82 ni. 83 chi cari huamrajimca sicansi ahua sachama cahuangamanda taytandimanda. 3



®4 a ver, chillapi chu cá? 55 ña chisi ni a las cuatrochar ña indi chingacu. 56 chihora n i : 8 7 cahuahóraca purullasi huajtaricu. 88 virgen n i : 5 9 paycuna sitag riscamanda chipi quedangá. 80 cayandis ña cari huamra chu rido nin chima ridota ni cahuangá? 81 sutipa ña ni purucunallasi huajtaricu. 12 carambas, chihora payjimcuna huacaypi ni callarincuna ña mayma ringa. 63 carambas, paycuna quimsa punchásica chipi carcacuna. 64 quimsa puncha ninasi huañú. 85 nina huañugmándaca ninsi: 66 ahua sachama sicás cahuasunchi. " m a y p i mi puyuyacu. 68 maypi causanacú ña gente. 69 ña manasi cahuarí. 70 sujsinama churani sug atún huasi. 71 cusnísica huasiaj pero caru animalpi. 72 ninsi: 73 risunchi mi ninamanda. 74 chica huamra rínsi.78 ña rínsi chaujpunchacama ña nina mañangapa. 78 chi huasipi ni causado cucu mamita. 77 micudochar, no. 78 ña rinsica chi musujimca. 79 chipi ni ña chayag rinsi.80 primerosi ucucha aynicu. 81 bailanacunsi guitarra. 82 tunasi ucuchajcuna. 83 (mata ña ni ? 84 rimag rinchar chihora paylla. 8S samunguisi, 86 ni, 87 porque caypi causacu mi nuca mamitasi, 88 ni. 89 chica casca cucu mamita. " ñ a ninsi: 91 carascaqui. 92 masacúnata cangui? 93 ninsi: 9 4 nuca pués nuca sapalla mi cani. 96 ña muti ti cará patasca. 98 asnayá, no. 97 ninasi cará. 9 8 mutisi cará. 9 9 nís ninsi: 100 rinlla, pués. 101 níspaca cuti samungui! 102 agradecespasi ni: 1 0 3 bueno, samusa mi cuti nuca panihuanta. 104 chasa huillansi ucuchacuna: 105 contento paycuna. 1 0 6 - 1 0 7 contento, huillá, panindimanda huillagmanda. 108 carambas, ña rinsi.109 cutisi rinají. 110 panindita ña ti chayag rispa, micuchinsi patasca muti. 111 ninasi pegachincuna ña. 112 ña cutisi rí huauquisito - chi musujimchar - ninamanda. 113 carambas, chihora paníndica exactasi carca. 114 ninsi: 115 pusahuay Diosmanda. 118 mana saquiscaqui. 117 ojala asiringui. 118 porque chipita sug mamita mi tiá. 119 carambas, ña rinsi.120 ña pusánsica panindita, no. 121 chima ña catinsi. 122 upalla samunchisi, 123 ni. 1 2 4 upalla risunchi.125 ucuchacuna cayá: 128 ña contento más alegre paycuna. 127 pués ucuchacuna bailanacunsi guitarra. 128 yangas, ña ni pero chi sipas consejansi: 129 pero ojala asiringuisi, 130 ni. 1 3 1 porque asiringui caypi mi nucanchita camicunga. 132 ninsi: 133 mana asirisa chu. 134 ni chi sipasta: 138 ucuchacuna tucuy graciachar ña cahuag rirca. 138 ña bailanacunsi guitarrahua, guitarra tunaspa. 137 páytaca chihora sinchi asirij samunga. 138 cucu mamitaca rijcharirca. 139 chi virgeninssi, nuca huauquisitocuna, canguichi bueno bueno. 140 chahua chahua samunguichisi, 141 ni chi cucu mamitasi. 142 virgen, chihora ña maquipisi apig rinlla. 143 ña huirá chu camcuna? 144 ninsi tanteajta. 148 chihora ni: 148 liy flacojimca camcuna. 147 ninsi cayca: 148 manima camcunachar flaco flaco cá. 149 carambas, payjimcuna cuchitasina liycha huirayachín callad. 180 patasca cay mutihua imacunachar cará. 181 mana munasca, no. 1 8 2 chipi tiá. 1 8 3 cahuaricunsi. 154 payjimcuna ña pero ucuchajimcuna consideradosi cá. 185 ña consejansi: 158 camcúnaca mana unayay caypi. 1 , 7 huirayancanguichi. 188 pero mana tiátaca tanteachinacunguichi. 189 cay chupata cuasunchi mi, tanteachingapa. 180 ña cada tanteo ucuchapa chupagllatasi mañanchinacú.




huirayachispa camcunata caypi mi timbu aycu tallingá. 1 , 1 consejánsica, no. carambas, payjimcuna pués ña huiyancúnaca. I M sutipa ni chipisi cancuna cuchijimcunasina, ñahui huirayachis micungá, no, payjimcuna. 165 consejaridor paycunahua, no, ucuchacunahoa: 166 ña camcunata mi chasa ruranga. 167 camcuna huirayahóraca cámtaca cachanga mi yamtama. 1,8 y panisitótaca costal mi astay mandanga. 189 chica imapas mana canga chu. 170 camcunata tallingapa mi chi mandangapa cá. 171 pero casa rurasunchisi ni. 178 mandacunga mi: 173 pucuychi siquihua! 171 escalerapi sica chu, 1 , 5 ni. 176 ña pucungapa mandacunsi sutipa. 1 7 7 mana unayllasi huirayajimcuna. 178 chihora ña cachansi cari musujimta chíntaca ña ni yamtama, ña sipasta yacu astay pailama. 179 virgen, ña payjimcunata timbu yacu tallingacha micungá. 180 pero ni ña consejando: 1 8 1 yuyanacúnsica. 188 sutipa ni astansi yamta. 1 8 3 ña sipasca astansi yacu. 184 ña sayachincunasi achca ninahua ña junda yacu paila. 185 timbucús, chihora ña mamita rijcharij samú. i«« virgen, suma rijcha chu cangas? 187 ña mandag rinsi:188 pucuychi siquihua! 188 pero n i : 1 , 0 manasi munani, 1 , 1 nijimcuna. 1,1 cam mamita, yachachihuaysi, 193 ninacú. 194 yachachihuay! 185 arí pusuajpi pucunsi siqui utcuhua mamitans. 198 virgen santisma, chihora ucuchacuna palancacunahua listonhua pucucuscata ni chi yacu timbucuscata tinguincunasi. 197 virgen, chihora mamitans caparij samú: 198 achuchuy! 199 ama rupachihuanacuychi! 200 nuca micungapa mi yuyacurcani. 201 chillapi ni massi tinguingacuna ucuchacuna. 202 manasi utca huañú, no. 203 mana utca huañucugmandachar, chuchutasi trozancuna. 204 níspaca chuchucunata mangahuasi pajchado pacarichincuna. 205 cayandi Uatanás cahuahora, iscay alcucunasi cahuari. 206 chíntaca cuyancunasi. 207 nfs ucuchacunahua maqui cuarincunasi. 208 nijpi agradecencunasi: 209 allí hora, camcuna cayma samurcanguichi, nucanchihuanta libre quedachingapa. 210 mana utca miticuscahora, cay cucu mamita causaringapa mi cá, quipacamalla. 211 utca miticunguichi. 212 iscayndisi miticuy callarincuna, alcucunahua sachu ucu. 213 sug yacupisi llujsig rincuna.214 chihora sug amigosina llautucunahua sayacujta cahuarincunasi. 218 chinta cahuaspa nincunasi: 218 Diosmanda yallichihuay. 217 nucanchita cucu mamita mi calpachimucu. :l8 ñasi alcanzacurca: 219 suyahuaysi, nispa, nuca chuchu cutichihuaychi. 220 ña alcanzacuhora, chi amigo ninsi: 2 2 1 nuca huarmi rurasa. 222 camcunata yallichiscaquichita mi. 223 chutarisa mi. 224 cucu mamita yallicuscátaca chaujpicamalla mi licensia, camcuna yallihora. 228 tin sug lado yallis cahuanacuhora, cucu mamita llujsirinsi. 226 calpa yallicuhora, yacu chau jpipi chaca paquirinsi. 227 nís maytussi yacu ucu chingachig rí. 163

15. Miguel Mojomboy: Orphans 1-2

They say that still there are these orphans; they were a brother and sister. 4 The father went to Pasto, leaving them just with the stepmother; 5 they were devoted children to him. 6 So the uncle went away. 7 When he went to Pasto, instead of giving soup to the children, she scalded them on their chests with it. 8 When he returned from Pasto, and the children were looking for him, because they were hungry, he said, 9 "Did you give them something to eat for me?" 10 Then she said, 11 "I gave the children something", but in fact she was lying. 12 She had thrown soup over them, 13 and scalded them with the hot soup. 14 The father and stepmother were by now bored. 1 5 As they did not love them, what was to be done ? 18 They wouldn't give them anything. 17 So the uncle and his wife must have discussed it. 18 They took the two of them into the woods to abandon them there. 19-20 H o w long did they say they would be away for? ( 2 1 They said, "Three days"). 22 He must have remembered to take two gourds, too. 23 He must have taken the children. 24 He took them in something (in a sack), 3



and he took some left-overs to cook there. He took them, 2 7 and they travelled for two days. 28 Then he said, 2 9 "Let's make a shelter here! 30 Shall I go and make some trays?", 31 he said. 32 He said, "Children, make the shelter, and get on with the cooking! 33 Call me at midday! 34 I'll be making trays; 35 I'll return at mid-day." 3 6 For a while the poor things believed him, and got on with the cooking, 37 but the uncle had concealed himself, 38 and went and hid. 3 9 At mid-day, the cooking was finished,40 and they were waiting for the uncle, 41 but he had gone and abandoned them. 42 Surely he's just there? 43 He must have gone away somewhere, after tying the gourds to a tree. " W h e n they called, he didn't answer. 4 5 T h e gourds could be heard; 46 they say the two gourds could be heard (banging together). 47 After a while they could be heard. 48 "Why doesn't my father come?" the boy said. 4 9 Then he said, 5 0 " I t would be good to climb above the woods, because won't he surely be splitting wood?" S1 "Definitely", 42 she said. 53 So the boy went up to the top of the forest, to see where his father was. 54 Surely he would be just there. 55 It was afternoon, and the sun must have been sinking about four o'clock. " The boy said, 57 "When I looked, only the gourds were hanging." 58 She said, 59 "They remain there, because he abandoned them." 60 The next day didn't the boy go there to see if he had gone? 6 1 Yes, only the gourds were hanging. 62 Then the children began to wander around, as they cried. 63 They were there three d a y s . , 4 After three days, the fire went out. 85 Because the fire went out, they said, " "Let's look above the woods. 8 7 There is smoke somewhere. 6 8 People must be living somewhere." 8 8 First, nothing could be seen. 7 0 "But in one place I guess there's a big house. 7 1 There's the smoke o f a house, but it's a long way off." 72 He said, 73 "Let's go and get a light". 74 So the boy went. 7 * He travelled till mid-day, to ask for a light. 7 6 In the house lived a witch. 7 7 She must have eaten. 7 8 Then the young man came, 7 9 and arrived there. 8 0 First a mouse answered h i m ; 8 1 they were dancing to the guitar; 8 2 the mice were playing it. 83 What did it say? 84 It just spoke to him. 86 " C o m e ! " 8 6 it said, 87 "because my mother is living h e r e " , 8 8 it said - ( 8 9 that must have been the witch). 90 It said, 91 " I will give you a light. 92 How many of you are there?" 93 He said, 94 " I am alone." 9S Then it gave him muti and patasca; 9 6 it smelt good. 9 7 It gave him a light 9 8 and some muti. 9 9 Then it said, 1 0 0 " G o , then! 101 But come again!" 102 Gratefully he said, 1 0 3 "Alright, I'll come again, together with my sister." 1 0 4 So the mice said, 1 0 5 "They are happy". 1 0 8 "He is happy", 1 0 7 they said, "for he is going to tell his sister." 1 0 8 So he went; 1 0 9 he went home again. 110 When he arrived where his sister was, he made her eat patasca and muti. 111 They lit the fire. 112 After a while the brother (the young man) must have been going to go again for a light. 113 Well, his sister was insistent. 1 , 4 She said, 1 1 8 "Please take me! 1 1 8 1 will not leave you!" 1 1 7 He said, "Don't laugh then, 1 1 8 because there is a witch there". 1 1 9 So he went 1 2 0 and took his sister. 121 So they went there. 1 2 2 "Let's go quietly", 1 2 3 he said, 1 2 4 "Let's go quietly!" 128 The mice called. 1 2 8 Now they were happy and very content, 1 2 7 so the mice danced to the guitar. 1 2 8 "Well", they advised the girl. 1 2 9 "Please don't laugh", 1 3 0 they said, 1 3 1 "because if you laugh, you will be insulting us". 25 26

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She said, 1 3 3 " I won't laugh." They said to the girl, 1 3 8 " A l l the mice will see you are rewarded." 136 Then they danced to the guitar, as they played it. 137 She started to really laugh at them, 138 and the witch woke up. 138 "Well, my children, you are beautiful. M0 Y o u came tender", 1 4 1 said the witch. 142 Then she seized them by the hand. 143 " A r e y o u p l u m p ? " , 1 1 4 she said, as she measured them. 145 Then she said, 1 4 8 " Y o u are terribly thin." 1 4 7 But she said, 1 4 8 " Y o u certainly shouldn't be thin, though." 149 Well, she began to fatten them like pigs. 150 Patasca, muti - she must have given them just anything. 151 They didn't like i t , 1 6 2 but she was there, 1 5 3 watching them. 154 T h e mice were kind to them, though. ' " T h e y advised them, 146 "Don't remain here!" 157 " Y o u will get fat, 158 but you are not to let auntie measure y o u ! 1 , 9 We will give you this tail to measure you." 180 So each time they gave her a mouse's tail. i«i "When she has fattened you here, she will put water on to b o i l " , 1 8 2 they warned them. 183 Well, then they listened. 1 , 4 "Certainly", she said, "they are like pigs, with their faces fat, and ready for eating." 1 8 5 They discussed this with them - with the mice. lss «xhis is what she is going to do to y o u : 1 , 7 when you are fat, she is going to send you for firewood, 168 and she will send the girl to carry the sack, " * but there isn't going to be anything. 1 7 0 She is going to order to throw you in i t , 1 7 1 but this is what we'll do", they said, 1 7 2 "When she orders, 1 7 3 'Blow with the h i p ! ' , 1 7 4 let her go up on the l a d d e r " , 1 7 5 they said. 176 "She is going to order you to blow for sure." 1 7 7 They got fat quickly. 178 Then she sent the boy for firewood, and the girl to carry water in a p o t . 1 7 9 It was so she could throw them into the boiling water for eating. 180 But they warned t h e m , 1 8 1 so they were on the look-out. 182 They say the boy brought firewood,183 and the girl brought water. 184 Then they put a pot full of water onto a big fire. 186 When it was boiling, the woman woke up. is« " W e n , don't they look good?" 187 Then she ordered, 1 8 8 "Blow the fire with your hips!" 189—191 B u t t h e y said, " I don't want to. 192 Y o u teach me how, m o t h e r ! " 1 9 3 They were saying, 1 9 4 "Teach me how!" 195 So the woman blew with her hip into the hole. 198 Then the mice must have used levers and poles, to tip boiling water over the one who was blowing. 197 Then the witch said, 1 9 8 " I ' m burning! 1 9 9 Don't let me burn! 200 1 was thinking of eating them." 201 Together with the mice, they tipped more over her, 202 but she did not die quickly. 103 Because she was not dying quickly, they cut off her breasts. 204 Then they put the breasts in a pot, and put the lid on. 205 The next day, when they took the lid off and looked in, there were two dogs. 206 These they fondled. 207 Then they shook hands with the rats. 208 The latter expressed their thanks. 209 "It was a good time when you came here, to set even us free. 2 1 0 And now if you don't flee quickly, this witch will come to life s o o n . 2 1 1 Flee quickly!" 212 The two of them began to flee in the forest with the dogs. 2 1 3 They arrived at a river. 2 1 4 Then they saw a person standing wearing a crown. 2 1 5 On seeing him they said, 2 1 8 "Please get us across! 2 1 7 A witch is chasing us." 218—219 The witch was by now catching up on them, saying, "Wait for me; return my breasts to m e ! " 220 When she was now catching up on them, the friend said, 2 2 1 " I will make her my wife. 222 1 will get you across. 2 2 3 1 will stretch myself out. 224 When you have crossed, I will let the witch cross only to half-way." 2 " When they had now crossed and were watching from the other side, the witch emerged. 228 When she was running across the bridge, it broke over the middle of the water. 2 2 7 Then it (the snake) wound itself around her, and made her disappear into the water. 131



PERSONAL ACCOUNTS 16. María Cuatindioy: Nuca tayta 1

nuca uchulla cahora, nuca tayta huiñachihuado, azotespa. tucuy ima mana huiyaspas, pero obedeceni.3 sordo caspas, obedeceni mi taytata. 4 uchulla caspas, trabajaspa, escuelama rini. 4 yapa las nueve escuela faltaspallahuanta, rini. * chihóraca mádreca esquinapi cungurichihuá, pifiahuaspa. 7 níspaca bancoma caymanda ringapa, tableropi nfspaca canto y rezo copiangapa, mandahuá madre superiora. 8 nis chihoramanda cuti rezay cantay rurachi mi. 9 nís iglesiama pusán rezangapa y cuti cantangapa. 10 nispa escuelama mi pusán cuti patiopi trabajangapa. II trabajáspaca cuti patiollapita, chi urapi chaqui mayllás, suma ñahui mayllarispas, umata ñajchaspa, nfspaca escuelama pusán. 12 nfspaca cuadernopi escribiringa mi mandá, canto copiangapa. (13 maylla may chuscu palabralla.) 14 chimándaca chisiyahóraca escuelamándaca cuti huasima chayamuni chisi. 15 tayta mandascata; yacuma mi rini yacu apangapa, yanungapa, café rurangapa, asuapa y apipa. 1( nfspaca rezás chisi escuelapi caspa, 'a las ocho de la noche' puñungapa, rezanchi. 17 chillachar cá. I

16. Maria Cuatindioy: My father 1

When I was little, my father brought me up, whipping me. Although I didn't hear everything, I obeyed. 3 Although I was deaf, I obeyed my father. 4 Although I was little, I used to work and go to school. * I used to go well after nine o'clock, so that I could just miss school. * The nuns used to tell me off, and make me kneel in the corner. ' Then the mother superior would tell me to go to a seat, and copy songs and prayers on the blackboard. * After that she would make us pray and sing again, ' and then she would take us to church to pray and sing again. 10 Following that, she would take us back to school to work in the yard. II After working a bit in-the yard, she would take us down to wash our feet, wash our faces clean, check our heads for lice, and then take us back to school. 12 After that she would order us to write in our exercise books, and copy songs. (13 Just four words!) 14 Then, when the time had passed, we would come home from school again in the afternoon. " When my father told me to, I would go to the river to bring water for cooking, to make coffee, and for chicha and soup. " Then we would have prayers, when we were at school, and would pray, so as to sleep by 8 o'clock at night. 17 That must be it. I

17. Lazaro Mojomboy: Nuca tayta alguacil cahora 1

nuca tayta alguacil carca - lotrenido. gobernadorpajpisi costumbrasca carca, iscayndi lotrén, pero huata cangapa chipi servingapa. 3 y chihóraca chayaj samunsi suj policia Santiagomanda, gentecunamanda notificangapa, o gobernadorpagma huillangapa. !




y chih6raca alcalde manima carca. chihora nuca taytata cachamunsi cayma (Mavisoyma) huillangapa alcaldeta, nij chaupi tutasi chayaj samungapa. 8 chihora samucuhora, Huilquipi millaysi yuyachig rl. 7 siempresi jumbirij samu uma frinteca. 8 y chih6raca yacupica, rami planchdpica, allilla cahuaj chipisi tajsacu ahuila. 9 tajsacunsi limpio djchaca liy tapado. 10 huasa cansi verde. 11 huasa tajsacu. 12 chih6raca ligerosi samu. 13 ligerosi yallimu casama uray. 1 4 nispa yaycug rinsi tonteado. 15 sutisi carca Mariano Mojomboy. 1 6 tayta Santospa taytasi carca. 1 7 chipisi yacug ri. 1 8 nig ri, ninsi: 1 9 por Dios lunesmanda, nina carahuaysi! 20 ni. 21 chihora ligerosi ni: 2 2 cay tuta imdpata puricungui? 23 chihora yaycuchinsi. " yaycuchihora tonteadosi c i . 2 S yaycug ri. 26 chih6raca tabaco y bututu rupachisca. 27 chincunahuasi cusnichi, nis: 28 imdpata cayhora tutapas purincungui, 29 chaypi tuta mala hora. 30 cahuangui. 31 ojala cuidado ima. 3 2 ojala mal pasacungui. 33 imata cahuangui ?, 34 chi tapu. 3 1 chintaca ninsi: 3 6 rami planchapi mi sug mamita ahuila mi tajsacu. 37 cayhoritaca mi tajsacuhora, yallimuni. 38 chih6raca ninasi card. 39 y chihora nina charirispasi, uray samu. 40 Mavisoymasi ri. 4 1 sutisi carca Salvador Mojomboy. 42 paysi carca alcalde. 43 chipisi huillangapa ri. 44 huillag rispaca alcaldehuantasi puebloma samuncuna. 45 pero manima imas pasarisca. 46 solo rapayca ari pegdnsica grdveca. 47 pero rapayca peganllatasi. 5

17. Lazaro Mojomboy: When my father was a constable 1

My father was a constable - a 'lotrin'. It was customary to have two officers to be for a year, and to serve at the governor's. 3 A policeman would arrive from Santiago to notify the people, or to tell it at the governor's. 4 At that time there was no mayor here. * Once they sent in the middle of the night to here (Mavisoy) for my father to come and advise the mayor. 6 While he was on his way, he experienced a terrible thing at Huilqui. 7 His forehead was always covered with sweat. 8 At the river, at the 'ironing stone', he could clearly see, and there was an old woman washing. 9 She was washing, with her hair completely covered, 10 and her back was green. 11 She was washing her back. 12 He really moved quickly, 13 and hurried down to here. 14 He was out of his mind when he entered. 15 His name was Mariano Mojomboy; 18 he was the father of father Santos. 17 He entered 18 and said, 1 9 - 2 0 "God of Mondays, give me a light!" 21 They quickly said, 22 "Why are you out tonight?" 23 Then he made him come in. 24 When he came in, he was out of his mind. 2 5 He came in. 26 Then he lit a pipe of tobacco for him, 2 7 and made him smoke it. He said, 2 8 "Why are you out at this time of night?" "(Those nights are evil times). 30 "Look! 3 1 May nothing have happened to you! 3 2 May no evil come on you! 33 What did you see ?", 34 he asked. 3 5 He said to him, 38 "At the 'ironing stone' a widow woman was washing, 37 and while she was washing, I came past." 38 Then he gave him a light, 39 and he took a light, and came on down. 40 He went to Mavisoy; 41 Salvador Mojomboy was his name - 42 he was mayor. 43 There he went and told them. 44 When he had told them, they came to the town, together with the mayor, 44 but nothing happened, 46 except that he took a really bad fever, 47 but fevers were always attacking him. 2



18. Juan Mojomboy: fiayapa junda yacu I


cayna ni, sug huasi derrumbado chaypi. nuca tayta chasa nihud: 4 sug huasisi derrumbd chaypi. 5 liysi derrumbd. 6 fiayapa huayra mi carca. 7 chica liy liy liysi derrumbd. 8 chica fiayapa ilichullahuachar carca - liy ilichu rucu. 9 y chica sujpi cuti eucalypto urmasca. 10 yapa huayra mi carca. 11 chica derrumbasca sujpi. 12 sujpis fiallasi derrumbd. 13 chica alpasi derrumbd. 14 fiayapa derrumbosi tiarca. 18 may suyuchar tiarca derrumbo. 1 4 fiayapa huayra - chica fiayapa tiador mi cd. 1 7 mana allica chacapi yallingapa. 18 yapa yacu junda. 1 9 liy fialla cayna fialla sug huamrata yacupi apado. 20 fiayapa atu yacusi yallicu chacahuanata. 21 fiayapa atu y chica fiallasi apdn. 22 chinta apincunasi achca gentecuna. 23 mana apincunama, chi apa mi chi yacupi. 24 apincunasi antis apacuscata. 25 fiayapa atu yacu mi ci. - chi yacu. 26 fiayapa atu yacu. 2 7 y chimanda chaluacunasi apapuanacu. 2 8 chica sug huasisi derrumbd. 29 masachar suti cd chi huasi duefio. 30 chica cunahora padrepagmasi rl huillangapa: 31 huasi mi derrumbapud. 3 2 fiayapa atu huasi mi carca ilichu. 33 manara ilichus cambiado. 34 chica rincunasi cuchungd, nis huasichingd de nuevo. 35 padresi ayudanga ni - Santiagomanda padre. 3 6 chica ayudanga mi. 3 7 ricu nucanchitas ayudd chasallata. 38 may tucu mi ayudanga derrumbascamanda. 39 fiayapa derrumbado ni sujpi. 40 fiallasi derrumbd. 41 may suyuchar derrumbasca. 42 o sujpi ni runasi huafiu. 43 chica derrumbasca. 44 caballopi ricus, caballossi derrumbd. 45 chica maypichar derrumbd. 46 nuca tayta mi chasa parld. 4 7 chasa cahuaspa ni. 4 8 chi lado mi trabajacu. 4 9 nuca taytalla trabajacu sapalla. 80 maypichar derrumbd. 51 chimanda nuca mana rijsini chu. 52 cdynaca fiayapa atu yacu ricurca. 53 yallinacurcasi canoapi. 54 fiayapa junda liy chingarijtasi yallicurca. "caspihuasi tanteancuna fiayapa junda. 56 y chacapisi yallinacu. 97 chimdndaca huasica derrumbagmdndaca, imacunachar yucarca chica liysi surcus. 98 sujpis posadag ri. 59 fiayapa derrumbo. 3

18. Juan Mojomboy: The river was so full! 1-2

They say that yesterday a house some way away fell down. My father told me that - 4 a house some way away fell down. 5 It fell down totally; • what a wind it was! 7 Everything, just everything, fell. 8 It must have been made just with fern-tree poles - nothing but old fern-tree poles. 9 Somewhere else a eucalyptus also must have fallen; 1 0 it was a strong wind. II There must have been a landslide somewhere else; 12 in other places there nearly were landslides 13 some earth fell. 14 What a big landslide there was! 1 5 There must have been landslides everywhere. 18 What a wind! - they are usually strong ones. 1 7 There way to cross the bridge; 18 the river was very full. 1 9 Yesterday it nearly carried away a boy in the water. 20 The water was so high, it was up to the bridge. 21 It was so high, it nearly took him, 2 2 but a lot of people caught him. 2 3 If they hadn't caught him, it would have swept him away in the water. 24 They took hold of the one who was being carried away. 2 5 How high the river was - that river! 28 How high the river was! 2 7 They were taking fish from it. 2 8 A house fell down. 2 9 Whatever was the house owner's name? 3 0 Now he has gone to the padre's to tell him, 3 1 "My house fell down." 32 It was a big house of fern-tree poles. 33 They hadn't yet changed the fern-tree poles. 34 They went to cut them, and then build the house again. 35 The padre said he would help (the padre from Santiago) ; 3 8 he is going to help, 37 you'll see, like he helped us. 38 How much is he going to help, because it fell? 39 They say there was a big landslide somewhere else; 40 it nearly fell. 41 There must have been landslides everywhere. 42 Somewhere else they say a man died. 43 He must have fallen; 44 maybe while he was riding his horse, he fell. 4 4 Somewhere or other he fell; 46 my father told me so. 4 7 He said he saw it, 48 as he was working on the other side; 49 he was working alone. 80 Wherever did he fall? 5 1 1 don't know about that. 6 2 Yesterday, what a lot of water was passing! 83 They were crossing by canoe. 54 It was crossing so full that it was completely hidden. 86 It was so full, they were measuring the depth with a tree-trunk, 88 and were crossing on the bridge. 87 Because the house fell, they had all sorts of things that they had taken out, 88 and they went and asked for lodging somewhere else. 9 9 What a fall! 3



CONVERSATION 19. Juan Mojomboy (J) and Guillermo Jansasoy (G) 1

J sug viaje sug ososh apihuá. G ' nucata sug viaje suj cagalera llujsihuá. J 3 ima mullisca! G 4 yullu huiru chupasca. J 5 nuca nista mana chupador cani. G 6 núcaca yarcahuacugmanda, chupador cani. J 7 núcaca manímaca. G 8 núcaca arí chupador cani. J ' nucata yapa huijsa nanahuador. G 10 nucata manima. J 11 chica camtachar.12 nucátaca arí yapa nanahuador cá. G 13 aja, nanahora yachá cuglla huijsa huacahuanga. J 14 nucatasca - chi huiru chupasca ñayapa nanahuador nucatasca. G u cunahora suj parlo callaringa. 16 chis mana suma cá. J " ñ a ni! " c a m n i ñ u j ! G 18 sughora nucata ñalla sug huañuchihuán animal. J 20 pi? G 21 nuca tayta yapa azotehuá, liy yahuar volajta. J 22 nucatasca sug viaje huarcús pilarma chaquicunata huangús. G 23 nucatasca yapa mal tratahuá y micha. J 24 micha, no. G " nucanchi taytico sug vidapi chasa chu... ? J 2 8 . . . peroallicansiazotengapa.27chísicacieloma rincuna. G 28 almasi pués perdonarí pero nanayca. J 28 aja, naná pués, sug vidapi. G 30 sug vidapi achuchuyca! J 31 ñayapa niná. G 32 aja, nuca suj cuchi yucarcani. 33 chiaj huañupuá. J 34 rupaspa? G 35 mana. 38 tucuyma yapa nucanchi paladomanda apinacú. J 37 nucanchfpaca rupás huañuaj. 38 nina chaupipi timbuchinchi. G 38 arí, nucapata - may pobre cuchijim. J 40 chingaricha. G 41 mana tarirí gallosh parejo atahualpacuna. J 42 pípata carca chi ? G 43 nucanchipa. J 11 pero pipa? 45 camba taytapa obe camba? G 48 nuca taytapa. J 47 imata camba tayta suti cá ? G 48 nuca tayta suti cá Ramón. J 48 ímata apellido? G 80 apellido Jansasoy. J 81 aja, nuca manima yacharcani. G 52 y camba táytaca? J 83 José. G 54 y apellido? J 55 Mojomboy. G 88 aa, y cam quiquica ? J "Juan. G 48 y apellido?



J 58 Mojomboy. 40 camca ? G 41 nuca Guillermo. J 82 imata apellido? G 83 Jansasoy. J 84 aja, nucas manima yacharcánica. G " y cambata, escuelapi sugllapi caspas, mana yachani. "núcaca nombrascallata yacharcani yanga. 87 pero maycanchar cá. 88 mana yacharcani. 69 J nucasca. 70 imata madre mana huillahuá. 71 nuca nicuni: 72 pita canga? 73 y tal vez cay huauqui mi cá. G 74 liy huasa punguijta azotehuador nuca tayta. J 75 nucata madre sug viaje azotehuá ñayapa sinchi, pero. G 76 nucata madre rinrillapi tonteajta pegahuá. J 77 nucatasca pegahuador ñayapa sinchi. 78 chi madre ña ringa cá. G 79 bueno, nucata nihuá: 80 nucasi caru suyu robás puricuni. J 81 chi madreaj yapa rimadoraj. 82 richuaj!83 ña mi ringa cá cay examenpa. G 84 Florentino Tandioytas, no, chasa ni. J 89 aja, chasata ni: 88 cunahora yalli carrohua. G 87 aja, sapalla yalli. J 88 huamracuna cunahora pugllanacú chi madrehua. 89 estudianacú. 80 huiyarinacú. G 91 pugllay estudianacú huevos sisay. J 92 nuca mana chasa yachani. G 93 arí, nuca mana chasa yachani. 94 nuca pués estudiador cani suma. J " núcaca leey munánica más. G 98 nucatasca y sumay restay. J 97 tucuy nucata ministihuá yachaycungá. G 98 nucatasca. J 99 nucata ima cabildo puringapa. G 100 nucata gustahuá tucuy ima. J 101 nucata gustahua mi más multiplicación y división. G 102 nucatas multiplicación división sumay restay multiplicación. J 103 nucata división mi más ministihuá. G 104 nucatasca. j 1M yachaycungapa. G 108 bachilleroma yaycungá, madre chasa ni: 1 0 7 yallisunchi bachilleroma. J 108 suma piscuajcuna sachapi tianacú. G 109 piscutacha ña nicuni. J 110 aja. G 111 chunga suj piscu - chi piscuta cuti mana nicuni chu. J 112 imátata nihuancungui? G 113 sino yachaycungapa nicuni. J 114 aja, y mana entendeni ñi ima. G 115 ay, ima mana entendenga. J 118 mana pudis, cam imata rurantrangui? G 117 nuca ña pudínica. J 118 núcaca - estudianga tucuy ima escribin. G 119 liypi yachani.120 tiacu blanquito. J 121 pita tiacu? G 122 cay huasi duéñoca, pués. 123 nucas mana yacharcani.124 caypi chu rimanacunchi? J 125 arí, cáypica. G '"maschar parlasunchi! J 127 nig alcumanda parlanga. G 128 parlanga. J 129 aa, cam ñiij callariy! G 130 nuca alcují huañupuá. 131 y cucu apisca.

128 J G



nucápaca causapuacu. ari, nucapa sughora suj cuchi yucarcani. 134 chincuna liy huañupuá. 135 pichca pichca nacichipuanacú mamashcuna. J 136 sujta sujta huacharipuá alcu. 137 G yapa achca nacichincuna.138 huahuata huañuchi.139 huahuata huañuchinacú. 140 . nucapas carca sug libro. 111 ñayapa racu chincunas.142 liy chingahuá lapisero parejo. J 143 chingahuá pichca billete. 144 chica nini: 145 maypichar churani, nuca aysacuhora memoria. G 146 lastima! 147 camcunapa chi yacu ura chimba mi, yapa suma yamtacuna tiá. 148 apamupusunchi cayma! 149 caypi ña ni ¡machar mana cununcuna. J 150 manimachar, nuca ricú apamusa mi cay yamta. G 1(1 pero chinta draga zanjasca cuti chísica. 152 huagllidosi cá derrumbado. J 153 nucas manara rini cahuangá. 1,4 sug ládoca trabajacunga, chisi lado chimba. G 145 chísica cunahora mingay tiá. J 156 aja, liy derrumbado ni. G 1,7 lastima, careso parejo mañahuado carcacuna arcosspa. J 1,8 nucapa alcu yacupi yallichihuá apando. G 159 virgen, chi mi. J 180 nuca caballorís yallini, yacu chaupipi. G 181 alcuag mana huaytay pudis. J 182 huaytay pudipuanca átunca. 183 ñalla urmachihuá yacuma. G 184 nucapa cuchiajcuna pichca pichca huachapuanacurca.185 liy chingahuá. 188 sug uraysinga yacu ucu urmapuá. J 187 nucapa mi chunga quimsa cuchi yucarcani. 188 chica liy alcu micupuá. 189 nuca cayhóraca catunichar. 170 huahuata quichuhuán animal alcu. G 171 chaluata. J »"aja. G 173 maypi? J 174 nucapajpi unguj carcani chihora. G 175 pita carado carca? J 178 nuca huauqui Pacho. G 177 imahórata apinga ri? 178 y guarda domingo chu carca? J 179 guarda. G 180 ima puncha? J 181 ímata carca? 182 chi blancocunapa carnaval - 'seis de enero'. G 183 nucas cahuador cani bailanacuscata. J 184 aja, nucashí may chihora cahuani, ña 'ni año viejo' nucanchi taytatas. G 185 imáhuata mana cahuangui ? 188 obe unguj chu carcangui ? J 187 unguj nicuni. 188 huañungapa siricurcani. 189 chihora monoscunas macharihuag ri. 190 nis nucata ñalla huañuchihuancuna. G 191 nuca paseacurcani suyu. J 192 nucashí chihora unguj carcani. G 193 nucasca chihora unguj. 194 nuca ataqui mana yucani. 194 sujcuna mi yucá. 198 nucata huijsa nanahuay callan, ñayapa sinchi.197 nucata yacupi ñalla unguhuag rini Huilqui yacupi. J 198 nuca armacuspa, ñalla uraysingasi pegag rini rumipi. 199 G ayayay! 133


CONVERSATION Juan Mojomboy (J) and Guillermo Jansasoy (G) J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G

Once a bear caught me. Once a 'cagalera* took me. 3 Dim-wit! 4 It sucked sugar-cane. 6 If I hadn't said so, I wouldn't know how to suck. 6 When I'm hungry, I suck. 7 1 don't. 8 Yes, I suck. 9 It makes my stomach hurt a lot. 10 Not me. 11 That must be you; 1 2 it really hurts me a lot. 13 Yes, when it hurts, my stomach cries 'cula'. 14 Me, too - when I suck that cane, how it hurts me! 15 Now let's begin another story; 1 6 this one isn't nice. 17 Speak, then ! 1 8 You speak first ! 18 The other day someone nearly killed me. 20 Who? 21 My father beat me till the blood was flowing. 22 Me, too - once when he tied me to a post, and beat my f e e t . . . 23 Mine treats me very badly, too. 24 Badly? 25 So in the other life, our Father . . . ? 26 But that is to mete out justice; 2 7 then they go to heaven. 28 The soul is pardoned, but through suffering. 29 Yes, one suffers in the other life. 30 In the other life there is the fire. 31 What a fire! 32 Yes, I had a pig; 3 3 he went and died on me. 34 Burnt? 35 No! 36 Our neighbours were catching them all. 37 Our one got burnt and died. 3 8 We made him cook in the middle of the fire. 39 Yes, ours was the same - poor old pig. 40 It must have got lost. 41 The cock wasn't found, either; nor the hens. 42 Whose were they ? 43 Ours. 44 But whose - 45 your father's or yours? 46 My father's. 47 What is your father called ? 48 My father's Ramón. 49 What's his surname? i 0 His surname's Jansasoy. 5 1 Oh yes, I didn't know. 52 And your father? «José. 54 Surname? 56 Mojomboy. 56 Ah; and you yourself? "Juan. 58 Surname? 1



130 J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J Q J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J G J


Mojomboy.Yours ? 1 am Guillermo. 8 2 What surname? 8 3 Jansasoy. 6 4 Oh yes, I didn't know. 6S Although we were in the same place in school, I didn't know yours, either. *• I knew it well enough from when the register was called, 6 7 but whose it was, " I didn't know. •» Nor I . T h e nun didn't tell me who it w a s . 7 1 1 used to s a y , 7 2 "Who can that be?; 7 3 maybe it's my brother". 7 4 My father beats me until my bottom is all bruises. 7S Once the nun beat me terribly hard. 7 6 The nun slaps me on the ear until it drives me crazy. 7 7 She slaps me terribly hard, too. 7 8 That nun's leaving soon. 7 9 Good; she told me 8 0 I'd travel far, robbing people. 8 1 That nun talks too much; 8 8 1 hope she leaves. 8 3 She's going for the exams. 8 4 She said so to Florentino Tandioy, too, didn't she? 8 5 Yes, that's what she said. 8 8 She went today in the lorry. 8 7 Yes, she went alone. 8 8 The children are playing with that nun; 8 9 they're studying 9 0 and listening. 9 1 They're studying to play and steal eggs. 9 2 1 don't know so much. 9 3 Yes, I don't know so much; 9 4 I'm always studying a lot. 9 4 1 want to read better. 9 8 So do I, and add and subtract. 9 7 1 need to learn everything. 9 8 So do I. 9 9 . . . so that I can be a counsellor. loo j ijke everything. 1 0 1 1 like multiplication and division best. 1 0 2 1 do, too; multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. 1 0 3 1 need division most. 1 0 4 1 do, too. 1 0 5 To learn it. 1 0 6 To enter the course for the bachillero; the nun said, 1 0 7 "Let's aim for the bachillero!" 1 0 8 There are good fish in the woods. 1 0 9 Was I speaking about fish? 1 1 0 Yes. 1 1 1 Eleven fish; I wasn't speaking about fish. 1 1 2 What were you telling me ? 1 1 3 1 was speaking about learning. 1 1 4 Yes, and I didn't understand anything. 1 1 5 Oh, to understand nothing. 1 1 6 If you couldn't, what would you do ? 1 1 7 But now I can. 1 1 8 I'm going to study, so I can write everything. 1 1 9 1 know it all. 1 2 0 There's a 'white' sitting down. 1 2 1 Who is sitting down? 1 2 2 The owner of this h o u s e ; 1 2 3 1 don't know him, though. 1 2 4 Are you speaking in here? 1 2 8 Yes, here. 1 2 8 We should talk some more. 1 2 7 Then talk about the dog! 1 2 8 Speak! 1 2 9 Well, you start first! 1 3 0 My dog died, 1 3 1 and a devil took it. 132 Mine is living. 89








Yes, the other day I had only one pig; 1 3 4 they all died. 1 3 5 The mothers were bearing me litters of five. 136 My dog bore me litters of six. 137 A lot were born. 1 3 8 She killed the babies; 139 she was killing the babies. 140 There were books of mine, too; 1 4 1 they were very thick. 1 4 2 1 lost a pencil, too. 143 1 lost five pesos. 144 Then, when I remembered, I said, 143 "I must have put it in such and such a place". 146 Shame! 147 At that ditch of yours downriver, there is some lovely firewood;148 let's bring them some here! 149 They don't heat anything here. 160 No, you see, I'll bring the firewood. 151 They say the dredge has dug ditches again, 162 but they were damaged by a landslide. 153 1 haven't yet been to see. 154 It's working on the other side; on that side of the ditch. 156 Now they'll have to have a work-party. 168 Yes, they say everything caved in. 157 Shame! They asked me the cost of a bow. 158 My dog finished up in the water, when it was carrying me. 189 Really? 1,0 1 was riding it in midstream. 161 . . . and the dog couldn't swim. 162 It could swim for me; it's big. 163 It nearly made me fall in the water. 164 My dogs bore me litters of five;1851 lost them all. 1 6 6 They fell in down river. 167 1 had fifteen pigs; 168 the dog ate them all. 1 8 9 1 should have sold it then; 170 the dog deprived me of the babies. 171 Fish? 172 Yes. 173 Where? 174 1 was ill at home then. 176 Who gave you it? 176 My brother Pacho. 177 When did he catch it? 178 Was it on Sunday? 179 Yes. 180 What day? 181 Which was it? - 182 the day of the whites - 6th January. 183 1 saw those who were dancing, too. 184 Yes, I myself also saw our Father some time (not in the old year, though). 185 Why didn't you see it, 1 8 8 or were you ill? 187 I'll say I was ill; 1 8 8 1 was lying down, ready to die. 189 Then the monkeys came and hugged me; 1 9 0 they nearly killed me. 191 1 was going all over the place. 192 1 myself was ill then. 193 1 was ill, t o o . 1 9 4 1 didn't have an attack, though; 1 9 S others had it. 198 My stomach began to hurt terribly; 197 when I was in the water at Huilqui, it began to hurt me. 198 When I was bathing just down there, I went and hit a stone. 199 That must have hurt!



1. Main entries a. Roots, i.e. monomorphemic elements other than affixes. b. Words and bases that cannot be clearly or certainly analysed into smaller elements. 2. Subentries Forms derived by derivational affixation or by compounding from those of the main entries, and idioms. 3. Identification of classes All root classes are identified, as are verbal noun and adjective stems derived from verbs. Verbs derived from other classes are marked as quotative (quot), ditransitive (ditr), transitive (tr) or intransitive (intr). 4. Dialectical variations The San Andrés dialect has been used for the lexical entries; where variations are known, they are indicated under the main entry; e.g. actachi (excl r 3) Let's go!, acushl (Santiago), acu (dual — Rio Mandur). 5. Words borrowed from Spanish (Sp) follows the Inga form of words recognised as borrowings from Spanish. If the Spanish and Inga forms differ, this is indicated; e.g. pigún (Sp peón) (n r 1) worker. When alternate forms occur, they are listed, the, variation being indicated by the symbol 6. Alphabetical arrangement The order of entries is based on the Spanish alphabet, viz. a,b,c,ch,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,l,ll,m n,ñ,o,p,q,r,s,sh,t,u,y,z.



I N G A - ENGLISH LEXICON aburrí (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to bore, weary'. acompaña (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to accompany'. acuychi (excl r 3) 'Let's go!' (leaving some other activity), acushi (Santiago), acu (dual - Rio Mandur). achala (n r 4a) 'grandfather, old man' (mockingly used). achalaya (vb intr) 'to be very old'. achca (adj r 1) 'a lot, many'. achichay (excl r 4) 'I'm cold, I'm damp!' achirA (n r 1) 'root plant' - pigs eat the swollen part of the root. achuchuy (excl r 4) 'I'm burning!' aglla (vb r 13a) 'to choose, pick out (from others)'. agradece (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to be grateful for, thankful for'. aguanta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to endure, last'. ahua (vb r 13a) 'to weave'. ahuA (loe r 1) 'high, above, on top'. ahuanga 'post holding up the ceiling'. ahui (vb r 13a) 'to anoint, rub on ointment'. ahuilO (Sp abuelo) (n r 1) 'old man'. ahuilA (Sp abuela) (n r 1) 'old woman'. aja (aff) 'Yes, Aha!' ajay (adj r 1) 'much' (e.g. ajay mandaj 'government of a country'). ajchA (n r 1) 'hair, fur'. ala (excl r 2) 'Listen, Oy, Look, See, Hey!' alcalde (Sp) (n r 1) 'mayor'. alcanza (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to be sufficient, to reach'. alcanzari (vb tr) 'to get drunk, reach'. alcU (n r 1) 'dog'. alegre (Sp) (adj r 1) 'gay'. alguacil (Sp) (n r 1) 'constable'. alisia (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to mangle'. aliu (vb r 13a) 'to drag along'. almuerzo (Sp) (n r 1) 'lunch'. alpA (n r 1) 'earth, ground'. altar (Sp) (n r 1) 'altar'. alii (adj r 2,4) 'good, well'. allilla 'well'. allima 'on the right'. alii maqui 'the right hand'. allimanda 'slowly'. alii sungu 'good-hearted'. alliya (vb tr) 'to become well (from illness), recuperate, recover'. allichi (vb tr) 'to put right, prepare, fix, mend, correct'. allica (vb r 13a) 'to be away'. allicajpi 'if it is possible'.

allisia (excl r 4) 'well! (reply to greeting)'. a - ma (neg r 2) 'Don't!' amara 'Still d o not!' amarón (Sp) (n r 1) 'serpent, dragon'. ambi (vb r 12a) 'to heal, treat'. ambin (vbl n stem 1) 'medicine'. amchi (adj r 1) 'thin, slim'. amigo (Sp) (n r 1) 'friend'. amsA (adj r 3) 'dim, dark, dusk'. amsaya (vb intr) 'to become dark'. amulli (vb r 13a) 'to catch in the mouth, hold in the mouth, eat a mouthful'. anacU ~ pachA (n r 1) 'wrap-around skirt worn by the Inga women'. anchu (vb r 13a) 'to leave, go away'. anchuchi (vb ditr) 'to take away, cut off, remove'. angU (n r 1) 'root'. animal (Sp) (n r 1) 'animal, very, extremely'. animari (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to promise'. animas (Sp) (n r 1) 'spirit of a dead person". anterior (Sp) (n r 8) 'olden times'. antigua (Sp) (adj r 1) 'old, ancient'. antiguala (Sp antigualla) (n r 1) 'antique'. antis (m r 2) 'fortunately, a good thing t h a t . . . . aiiangU (n r 1) 'ant, worm'. apa (vb r 22) 'to take, carry (to a person)'. apamu (vb ditr) 'to bring'. apari (vb tr) 'to carry in the arms, on the back'. apay (excl r 4) 'Poor thing!' apega (Sp) (vb r 14b) 'to adhere to, be fond of'. apellido (Sp) (n r 1) 'surname'. apenas (Sp conn) 'scarcely'. api (n r 1) 'gruel'. api (vb r 13b) 'to catch, take, seize'. apichi (vb ditr) 'to hand over (to police), make to take'. Idiom: vb 1200 ( . . .y) + api 'to do something a lot'; e.g. huillay api 'to tell just everyone'. apiA (adj r 4) 'crushed, pounded'. apiachi (vb tr) 'to make to be ground'. area (vb r 13a) 'to obstruct, prevent, discourage (an action)'. arena (Sp) (n r 1) 'sand'. ari (aff) 'yes'. arma (vb r 14a) 'to bathe'. ascA (adj r 1) 'brave, encouraged'. asi (vb r 13a) 'to laugh at'. aslla (conn 4) 'Be so kind as t o . . . ! (forceful request)'. asllita (adj r 1) 'little, limited'.


asnA (n r 3) 'smell'. asnaya (vb intr) 'to smell'. aspi (vb r 13a) 'to scrape, pare, tear the hair'. asta (vb r 13b) 'to carry (e.g. water)'. asuA (n r 4a) 'chicha (ground corn) drink'. asua (vb intr) 'to make chicha'. asuadora ~ asuaj 'drunkard'. atahualpa (n r 1) 'chicken'. ataque (Sp) (n r 1) 'fit, attack'. ataraya (Sp) (n r 1) '(fishing) net'. ata - ri (vb r 33) 'to get up, sit up, arise'. atau ~ atuad (Sp) (n r 1) 'coffin'. atende (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to look after'. atuN (adj r 3) 'large, big, tall, important'. atunya (vb intr) 'to be large'. atun tucu 'to be proud'. auca (adj r 1) 'unbaptized, uncivilised'. aventa (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to throw, fan'. avispa (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to be brisk'. aya (vb r 13a) 'to prick, sting, make holes'. ayachi (vb ditr) 'to make to sting, give with chili peppers'. ay ~ ayay ~ ayayay (excl r 4) 'Ow, it hurts!' aycha (n r 5) 'flesh, meat'. aychattaya (vb intr) 'to want to eat'. ayni (vb r 11) 'to answer'. ayniri (vb quot) 'to cry aloud, answer back'. aynichi (vb quot) 'to make to answer, speak'. aysa (vb r 13a) 'to pull, seize, draw out, steal, take'. ayta (vb r 13a) 'to kick, give a kick'. ayuda (Sp) (vb r 13b) 'to help'. azote (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to punish, whip'. azotey (vbl n stem 1) 'whipping'. azul (Sp) (adj r 1) 'blue'. baila (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to dance'. bancO (Sp) (n r 1) 'bench, stool'. bandera (Sp) (n r 1) 'flag, banner'. barniza (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to scald'. barril (Sp) (n r 1) 'barrel'. batea,(Sp) (n r 1) 'large shallow wooden tray'. bautiza (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to baptize'. baytA (n r 1) 'wrap, shawl, worn by the Inga women'. bitsajA (n r 1) 'palm tree'. (Camsa - buetsajesha) blancO (Sp) (n r 1) 'Colombian national'. boda (n r 1) 'muti food (q.v.) served at wedding reception'. boda (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to wed'. boga (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to row (with oars)'. bombA ~ bombO (Sp) (n r 1) 'big drum'. Bordoncillo (n r 1) 'stopping place on old road Pasto - Santiago'. borra (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to cross out'. bota (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to fling'.


braso ~ raso (Sp) (n r 1) 'shoulder, arm'. brujo (Sp) (n r 1) 'witch-doctor'. bulto (Sp) (n r 1) 'large weight, large rock'. burla (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to mock'. bututu (n r 1) (American Sp botuto ¡fotuto) 'musical instrument made from cachu 'cow's horn'. ca (vb r 15) 'to be'. caballo (Sp) (n r 4a) 'horse'. caballori (vb intr) 'to mount'. cacique (Sp) (n r 1) 'chief'. cacu (vb r 13a) 'to rub, brush (musical instrument)'. cacha (vb r 12b) 'to send'. cachari (vb tr) 'to send, untie, loosen, free'. cachi (n r 2) 'salt, sauce made from beans, muti and pepper'. cachiyachi (vb tr) 'to make a sajjce'. cachU (n r 1) 'horn'. café (Sp) (n r 1) 'coffee'. cagalera (n r 1) 'unidentified animal'. cahua (vb r 13b) 'to see'. cahuari (vb tr) 'to appear'. cahuachi (vb ditr) 'to show'. cahuay (vbl n stem 1) 'glimpse, glance'. cahuitu (n r 1) 'bed, shelf, watch tower (in field)'. cajA (Sp) (n r 1) 'box'. calambre (Sp) (n r 1) 'cramp'. calpa (vb r 14b) 'to run from one point to another, hurry, rush'. calpachi (vb tr) 'to make to run, chase'. callana (n r 1) 'piece of pottery'. calla - ri (vb r 33) 'to begin, start'. calle (Sp) (n r 1) 'square, street'. callU (n r 1) 'tongue'. cam (pr r 1) 'you'. camba 'your'. camaricu (n r 1) 'meal set out for the spirits, often in church'. cambia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to change'. camcha (vb r 13a) 'to toast (grain, ají)', cami (vb r 13a) 'to insult, illtreat, talk against'. campamento (Sp) (n r 1) 'camp'. campana (Sp) (n r 2) 'bell'. campanaya (vb intr) 'to ring a bell'. cancha (loe r 1) 'outside'. canchis (num r 1) 'seven'. cani (vb r 13a) 'to bite (dog)'. caninaya (vb tr) 'to be about to cry'. canta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to sing'. cantina (Sp) (n r 1) 'bar, shop selling drink'. canto (Sp) (n r 1) 'song'. capa - ri (vb r 21) 'to shout'. capi (vb r 13a) 'to sift, eradicate'. capisayu (n r 1) 'Inga man's ruana'. cara (n r 1) 'leather, skin'.



cara (vb r 12a) 'to give'. caray (vbl n stem 1) 'gift, present'. carajo ~ carambas ~ caray (Sp) (excl r 2) Interjection. cargo (Sp) (n r 4a) 'responsibility'. cargochi (vb tr) 'to hold responsible'. cari (n r 1) 'man, male'. carnaval (Sp) (n r 2) 'carnival'. carnavalya (vb intr) 'to hold a carnival'. carpintero (Sp) (n r 1) 'carpenter'. carro (Sp) (n r 1) 'vehicle, car, bus'. carU (loc r 2) 'far (away), distant'. caruya (vb intr) 'to become afar off'. carustulinda (n r 1) 'carnival'; calusturinda (Santiago), cara see cAY. casa (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to hunt'. casara (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to marry'. casilla (adj r 3) 'still, quiet'. casillaya (vb intr) 'to be still, quiet'. caspi (n r 1) 'stick, wood, branch'. castica ~ castiga (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to punish'. casuelA (Sp) (n r 1) 'pot'. cata (vb r 13a) 'to have something covering, sheltering*. catachi (vb ditr) 'to make something cover, shelter'. catanga (vbl n stem 2a) 'clothes'. cati (loc r 1) 'behind, following, after'. catimanda 'the last'. cati (vb tr) 'to follow'. catiya (vb intr) 'to remain behind'. catichi (vb ditr) 'to follow, make to follow'. catu (vb r 12a) 'to sell'. cauchu (vb r 13a) 'to twist (to make rope, wring out)'. causa (vb r 14a) 'to live'. causay (vbl n stem 1) 'life'. causa (vbl adj stem 2) 'alive'. causa (Sp) (n r 1) 'reason'. cAY (pi i 4) 'this'. casa 'in this way, thus'. cayaghua (excl r 4) 'Drink up!, Health!' caya (n r 8) 'tomorrow'. cayacama 'see you tomorrow!' caya (vb r 13a) 'to call, summon'. cay11 A (loc r 2) 'near'. cayllaya (vb intr) 'to draw near, become near'. cayna (n r 8) 'yesterday'. cementerio (Sp) (n r 1) 'cemetery'. cena (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to dine'. cielo (Sp) (n r 1) 'sky, heaven'. clarea (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to dawn, become light'. clava (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to nail'. cobra (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to cost'. coche (n r 1) 'Camsd, Sibundoy Indian'.

compañero (Sp) (n r 1) 'companion'. comprende (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to understand'. comulga (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to receive the sacrament'. confesa (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to confess to the priest'. conseca ~ conseja (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to counsel'. consuela (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to soothe, console'. conta ~ cuenta (Sp) (vb r 11) 'to tell'. contenta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to satisfy, please'. contento (Sp) (adj r 1) 'happy, pleased, glad'. copa (Sp) (n r 1) 'cup'. corazón (Sp) (n r 1) 'heart'. corre (Sp) (n r 1) 'jewel'. costal (Sp) (n r 1) 'bag'. costumbra (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to be accustomed'. costumbre (Sp) (n r 1) 'custom'. contra (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to hate, dislike'. convida (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to invite'. copia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to copy'. cotiza (soldiers' Sp) (n r 1) 'shoe made from cowhide'. cree ~ crei ~ creya (Sp) (vb r 11) 'to believe'. cua (vb r 12a) 'to give (for)'. cuachi (vb ditr) 'to hand over'. Idiom: trabajo cua 'to drink'. Idiom: cuay puri 'to reward (with a drink)'. cuaderno (Sp) (n r 1) 'exercise book'. cuadrilla (Sp) (n r 1) 'group'. cuarto (Sp) (n r 1) 'room'. cuasha (n r 1) 'coffee-size cup for black coffee or whisky'. cubuti (n r 1) 'back of head, where hair is cut in ridge'. cucahui (n r 1) 'provision, implement'. cucU (n r 1) 'devil, evil spirit, ghost'. cucu mamita 'witch'. cucuruchu 'youth dancing with mask on, during carnival'. cuchA (n r 1) 'lake'. cuaharón (n r 1) (Sp cucharero) 'spoon maker'. cuchi (n r 1) 'pig'. cuchillo (Sp) (n r 1) 'machete, knife'. cuchU (n r 1) 'corner, edge'. cuchu (vb r 13a) 'to split, cut'. cuchuringa (vbl n stem 2b) 'cortadera cutting grass'. cuento (Sp) (n r 1) 'story'. cuerpO (Sp) (n r 1) 'body'. cuguti (n r 1) 'nape (of neck)'. cui (Sp) (n r 1) 'guinea-pig'. Idiom: micu cui sungu 'to be very frightened'. cuichi (n r 1) 'rainbow'. cuida (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to care for, take care of'. culebra (Sp) (n r 1) 'snake'. culpa (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to be in the wrong'. culqui (n r 1) 'money'.


cumala (n r 1) 'sweet potato'; cumal (Rio Mandur). cambamba (n r 1) 'chin'. cuna (n r 8) 'today, now'. cunchU (n r 6) 'residue'. cunchu (vb tr) 'to drain out the last drop'. cunga (n r 1) 'neck, throat'. cunga (vb r 13a) 'to forget, be forgetful'. cungasca (vbl adj stem 1) 'placid, calm'. cungurl (n r 4a) 'knee'. cunguri (vb intr) 'to kneel down'. cunU (adj r 3,5) 'warm'. cunu (vb tr) 'to warm, heat'. cunuya (vb intr) 'to become warm'. cuquindus (n r 1) 'plant with seed like peanut'. curi (n r 1) 'gold'. curihuaji (n r 1) 'invocation used by witchdoctor'. curinquingui (n r 1) 'bird'. curu (n r 1) 'worm'. curunda (n r 1) 'cob (corn), worthless woman'. cusa (n r 1) 'husband'. cusa (vb r 13a) 'to roast (meat, corn)'. cuscungu (n r 1) 'owl'. cusma (n r 1) 'black dress worn by Inga men'. cusni (n r 4a) 'smoke'. cusnichi (vb tr) 'to make to smoke (tobacco), 'smoke' an ill person'. cusha (exel r 3) 'call to bring a child'. atun cusha 'firstborn, child'. cuta (vb r 13a) 'to grind'. cuti (cir r 3) 'again'. cutí (vb tr) 'to return'. cutichi (vb ditr) 'to return, make to return, restore'. cuya (vb r 13a) 'to love, be fond of, cherish'. cuyasca (vbl adj stem 1) 'beloved'. cuyu (vb r 14a) 'to move*. cuyuchi (vb tr) 'to stir food, shake (head), move (something)'. chacA (n r 1) 'bridge'. chaglla (vb r 13a) 'to put beams up: cf. challa'. chagra (Sp chacra) (n r 1) 'small farm'. chahua (adj r 1) 'raw, uncooked'. chahuar (n r 1) 'wild pineapple plant area near San Andrés'. chalay (exel r 4) 'How attractive!' chalicu (n r 1) 'pullover'. chalua (n r 4a) 'fish'. chalua (vb intr) 'to fish'. challa (n r 1) 'cross-sticks in rafters of thatch r o o f ; chaglla (Rio Mandur). chamba (n r 1) 'irrigation ditch'. chamiza (Sp) (n r 1) 'firewood; miniature oar' (Rio Mandur). changa (n r 1) 'leg, hip'.


chapa (vb r 13a) 'to spy, watch'. chapal (n r 1) 'old type of capisayu (runa)'. chapU (adj r 5) 'confused'. chapu (vb tr) 'to mix up, knock down, get mixed up in a fight'. chaqui (n r 4a) 'foot, leg'. chaqui dedo 'toe'. chaqui Hudu 'shin'. chaqui pamba 'sole of the foot'. chaquichi (vb tr) 'to dry in the sun'. Idiom: chaquipi churarayasca 'footwear'. chaquira (n r 1) 'ceramic beads, worn in bundles of strings round neck'. chart (vb r 13a) 'to hold'. charihua (adj r 1) 'ancient'. chasa see chiN. chasqui (vb r 13a) 'to receive'. chaujpi (n r 6) 'half, middle, centre, midst'. chaujpi (vb tr) 'to halve, distribute, divide (in equal portions'). chaujpi tuta 'midnight'. chaujpuncha 'mid-day, noon'. chausi (vb r 13a) 'to move, stir with the wind, shake'. chay (pr r 5) 'that (far away)'. chayra (cir 73) 'still'. chaya (adj r 1) 'pretty, nice, pleasing'. mana chaya 'ugly, not pleasing'. chaya (vb r 14b) 'to arrive'. chichi (vb r 14a) 'to urinate'. chihuacu (n r 1) 'large bird, said to pray in the morning', whose call is 'chuyu-chuyu-chuyu'. chihuila (n r 1) 'pineapple'. chijta (vb r 13a) 'to split'. chilacuan (n r 1) 'wild papaya tree'. chimba (loc r 1) 'opposite side'. chiN (pr r 3) 'that'. chasa 'in that way, thus'. Idiom: nami chilla 'Enough!' chinga (vb r 13a) 'to lose'. chingari (vb intr) 'to become lost, hidden, die'. chitti (n r 1) 'nettle*. chini cucu 'black caterpillar with venomous sting'; chinicuru (Rio Mandur). chiri (adj r 3) 'cold, unheated'. chiri (vb tr) 'to make (a person) cold'. chiriya (vb intr) 'to become cold'. chisi (n r 7) 'afternoon, late'. chisiya (vb intr) 'to be late, to live'. chondor (n r 1) 'seed, chewed to work magic, used for stomach-ache'. chorro (Sp) (n r 1) 'drain'. chucari (vb r 14a) 'to drown'. chucha (n r 1) 'fox'. chuchU (n r 6) 'breast'.



chuchu (vb tr) 'to suckle'. chugllU (n r 1) 'cob of corn (when ripe)'. chujchu (vb r 14a) 'to tremble'. chumbi (n r 1) 'woven belt, made and worn by the Inga women'. chumbilli (vb r 14a) 'to be round the waist'. chumbU (n r 1) 'turkey, and similar birds'. chunchullU (n r 1) 'intestines, tripe'. chunga (num r 4) 'ten'. chuntarucu (n r 1) 'small deer, about 2\ feet high'. Idiom: chuntarucu tamia 'rain and sun together'. chupA (n r 1) 'tail'. chupa (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to suck'. chupu (n r 1) 'sore, abscess'. chura (vb r 13b) 'to put'. churari (vb tr) 'to put on (clothes), dress (self)'. chusA (adj r 1) 'empty'. chuscu (num r 1) 'four'. chuspi (n r 1) 'fly, gnat'. chuta (n r 1) 'hat' chuta (vb r 14a) 'to lie on sleeping mat, sleep, stretch' chutachi (vb tr) 'to stretch out'. daña (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to damage'. debechi (Sp debe) (vb r 13a) 'to cause to be in debt'. dedo (Sp) (n r 1) 'finger'. demonio (Sp) (n r 1) 'demon'. derecha (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to stand upright'. derecho (Sp) (adj r 1) 'right (hand side)'. derrumba (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to have a landslide, fall'. derrumbo (Sp) (n r 1) 'landslide, fall'. descuenta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to make allowances for'. desmonta (vb r 13a) 'to clear woods'. desocupa (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to quit'. despedí (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to take leave'. diablo (Sp) (n r 1) 'devil'. diamalas (Sp) (n r 1) 'the rest'. dios (Sp) (n r 1) 'god, God'. directamente (Sp) (m r 2) 'directly'. disimula (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to conceal'. dragón (Sp) (n r 1) 'dragon'. dravo cf. travo, dueño (Sp) (n r 1) 'owner'. engaña (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to deceive'. entende (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to understand'. entero (Sp) (adj r 1) 'entire'. entrega (Sp) (vb r 12a) 'to hand over'.

envidia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to have a grudge'. escalera (Sp) (n r 1) 'stair'. escandalo (Sp) (n r 1) 'scandal'. escribí (Sp) (vb r 12a) 'to write'. escuela (Sp) (n r 1) 'school'. español (Sp) (n r 1) 'Spaniard'. esquina (Sp) (n r 1) 'corner*. estera (Sp) (n r 1) 'sleeping mat'. estorba (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to disturb'. estrella (Sp) (n r 1) 'star'. Estrella pamba: small plateau in mountains behind San Andrés, with large boulders scattered around landscape. estudia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to study'. exacta (Sp) (adj r 1) 'exact'. examen (Sp) (n r 1) 'exam*. facil (Sp) (adj r 1) 'easy'. falta (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to be at fault'. familia (Sp) (n r 1) 'family'. filo (Sp filoso) (adj r 1) 'sharp'. finca (Sp) (n r 1) 'farm'. flaco (Sp) (adj r 1) 'thin'. flecha (Sp) (n r 1) 'arrow'. flauta (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to play the flute'. frente (Sp) (n r 1) 'forehead'. fuerte (Sp) (adj r 1) 'strong'. fuerza (Sp) (n r 1) 'strength'. galgo (Sp) (adj r 1) 'hungry, starved, ravenous'. gallo (Sp) (n r 1) 'cock, rooster'. gana (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to earn'. garañu (adj r 1) 'in love'. garyiru (n r 1) 'lungs, Adam's apple'. gavilán (Sp) (n r 1) 'sparrow-hawk'. gente (Sp) (n r 1) 'people'. gobernador (Sp) (n r 1) 'governor'. gracia (Sp) (adj r 1) 'grateful, happy'. guacamayo (Sp) (n r 1) 'macaw, dancer from below Mocoa, wearing headdress'. guarapo (Sp) (n r 1) 'alcoholic sugar-cane drink'. guarda (Sp) (n r 4a) 'holiday'. guardachi (vb tr) 'to keep guard'. guitarra (Sp) (n r 1) 'guitar'. guiyavilla (n r 1) 'plant from páramo used for diarrhoea'. gusta (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to please'. hasta (Sp conn) 'even'. havilla (n r 1) ' 'necha' medicine, looks like bread, used for vomiting and rheumatism'. hijo (Sp) (n r 1) 'son'. huabli (n r 1) 'offering box'. huabuti (vb r 13a) 'to despise, reject, treat with contempt'.


huaca (vb r 14a) 'to cry'. huaca ca 'something taken behind patron's back'. huacachi (vb tr) 'to keep (safe), guard'. huacachiri (vb intr) 'to beware of'. huacha (vb r 14a) 'to give birth (animal)'. huachu (n r 1) 'small piece of land, furrow'. huaglla (vb r 13a) 'to take away (food), wrapped'. huaglli (vb r 13a) 'to damage'. huaglliri (vb tr) 'to be put out, offended by'. huagllichi (vb ditr) 'to destroy'. uma huagllido 'mad, deranged'. huagra (n r 1) 'cow, ox, bull'. huahuA (n r 2) 'infant, baby, offspring'. huahuaya (vb intr) 'to have babies (animals)'. huajanHhuajaiii (n r 4a) 'fire made by friction'. huajani/huajani (vb intr) 'to light a fire by friction'. huajchU(n r 1) 'orphan'; huajcha (Rio Mandur). huajchu huarmi 'widow'. huajta (vb r 14a) 'to hover, be suspended'. hualcA (n r 1) 'ceramic beads; plumed headdress' (Rio Mandur). hualcado 'round the throat'. hualmV (n r 1) 'wood used for scraping chahuar plant to make string'. huamna (vb r 13a) 'to raise (pig, guinea pig, dog)'. huamrA (n r 1) 'child, youngster, youth'. huana (vb r 13a) 'to respect, not trouble'. huanachushi (excl. r 4) 'Well done!' (said by bystander, agreeing with punishment being meted out). huangu (vb r 13a) 'to tie'. huanguri (vb tr) 'to bind up, bandage'. huanshicha (n r 1) 'mixture of meat and vegetables, roasted'. huanu (vb r 14a) 'to die, go out (fire)'. huanuchi (vb tr) 'to kill'. huanuy (vbl n stem 1) 'death'. huanuj (vbl adj stem 2) 'late'. huapcana (Camsd) (n r 1) 'earthenware pot (for water, carried on shoulder)'. huapU (Sp guapo) (adj r 2) 'heavy, strong'. huapuya (vb tr) 'to try, take on something too big'. huarartga (num r 2) 'thousand'. huarcu (vb r 13a) 'to suspend, hang (up)'. huarmi (n r 1) 'woman, wife, female'. huasa (n r 1) 'back, shoulders, behind'. huasa puru 'lungs' (Rio Mandur). Idiom: huasa rima 'to gossip'. Idiom: mana alii huasa 'bad luck'. Idiom: huasa chura 'to be ashamed of'. huashabado 'clothing put on shoulders or over head to protect from the weather'.


huasca (n r 1) 'reed, rope, string'. huasca ambi ~ ambi huasca 'datura'. tigre huasca 'another narcotic'. huasi (n r 4a) 'house'. huasiyuj 'householder'. huasicama 'watchman'. huasichi (vb tr) 'to make a house'. huasi cancha 'patio'. huata (vb r 13a) 'to bind, tie, tether'. huata (n r 8) 'year'. huauqui (n r 1) 'brother (of male)'. huaycu (n r 1) 'gulley, ravine, valley'. huayra (n r 2) 'wind, evil wind'. huayra (vb intr) 'to be windy'. cucu huayra 'evil spirit'. huayra huahua 'chiquito' drink; mixture of narcotics and whisky'. huayta (vb r 14a) 'to swim'. huevos (Sp) (n r 1) 'egg'. huicha (loe r 3) 'up (river)'. huichca (vb r 13a) 'to close'. huijsA (n r 1) 'stomach, abdomen'. Huilqui (n r 1): area between San Andrés and Valsayacu, one mile from San Andrés. huilla (vb r 11) 'to tell, advise, relate, inform'. huinja (adj r 1) 'unpleasant, disagreeable'. huiña (vb r 14a) 'to grow, develop'. huiñachi (vb tr) 'to raise, bring up (a child)'. huiqui (n r 1) 'tear (crying)'. huirA (adj r 3) 'fat, grease, oil'. huiraya (vb intr) 'to become fat'. huirU (n r 1) 'sugar-cane'. huiru yacu 'sugar-cane chicha'. huisi (vb r 13a) 'to draw out, scoop out (liquids)'. huisinga (vbl n stem 2a) 'glass, container'. huistU (n r 3) 'arc, curve'. huistuya (vb intr) 'to make curves'. huiya (Sp oya) (vb r 13b) 'to hear'. huiyachi (vb ditr) 'to make to hear, play (instrument)'. huiyari 'clearly, powerfully'. Idiom: huiyachin tucu 'to speak'. icha (vb r 13a) 'to gush out'. iglesia (Sp) (n r 1) 'church'. igual (Sp) (m r 2) 'equally'. ilichu (n r 1) 'fern (tree)'. ilili (n r 1) 'small hawk'. ilia (vb r 13a) 'to be absent'. imaseemA. imagen (Sp) (n r 1) 'statue'. impas (cir r 3) 'always'. indi (n r 4a) 'sun'. indi (vb intr) 'to be sunny'. indígena ~ indio (Sp) (n r 1) 'Indian'. indionira (vb r 14a) 'to make self an Indian'.

142 inga (n r 1) 'Inga language'. irqui (adj r 1) 'sad, strange, pale'. irru (Sp fierro) 'iron'. iscay (num r 1) 'two'. iscu (vb r 13a) 'to shell corn'. iscun (num r 1) 'nine'. isma (n r 4a) 'droppings, stool'. isma (vb intr) 'to give excrement'. ismu (vb r 14a) 'to rot'. ispa (vb r 14a) 'to urinate'.


licensia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to allow'. lienso (Sp) (n r 1) 'cloth'. ligero (Sp) (m r 2) 'quickly'. ligu (Sp león) (n r 1) 'lion'. limosna (Sp) (n r 4a) 'alms'. limosna (vb intr) 'to give alms'. limpia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to clean, clear'. limpio (Sp) (adj r 1) 'clean'. listón (Sp) (n r 1) 'squared wooden post for house upright'. liy (m r 1) 'completely'. loma (Sp) (n r 1) 'hill'. jajai (excl r 3) Exclamation of contempt. lotre ~ lotrenido (Sp) (n r 1) 'constable (old jirgu ~ jiergu (n r 1) 'type of capisayu (ruana)'. name)'. jigra (n r 1) 'carrying bag with fairly tight lugar (Sp) (n r 3) 'place, free, unoccupied'. weave'. llugarya (vb intr) 'to become free'. jila (vb r 13a) 'to line up'. llacua (vb r 13a) 'to lick'. jiru (adj r 1) 'ill, evil (Santiago only)'. llachapa cf. lamuchi. jivaru (n r 1) 'unbaptized people'. liada (Sp llaga) (n r 1) 'sore'. jornal (Sp) (n r 1) 'day's wages'. llambu (adj r 3) 'smooth'. jornalero (Sp) (n r 1) 'day-worker'. llambuya (vb intr) 'to be smooth'. jua (vb r 12a) 'to rob'. llaqui (vb r 14b) 'to grieve, be sad, be troubled'. juahuasa (n r 1) 'curse'. llaquiri (vb tr) 'to become sad, troubled'. alii juahuachi (vb tr) 'to wish well'.llaquichi (vb tr) 'to hurt, cause to become mana alii jrnhua (vb intr) 'to curse'. sad'. jucu (adj r 5) 'damp'. llaquín (vbl n stem 1) 'grief, sorrow, trouble, jucu (vb tr) 'to dampen'. sadness, pain (mental)'. jumbi (vb r 14a) 'to sweat'. llasA (adj r 1) 'heavy, weighty'. junda (adj r 4) 'full'. llatA (adj r 1) 'empty, naked'. junda (vb intr) 'to be full, cover'. llatana (vb r 13a) 'to uncover (pot), undress'. jundari (vb intr) 'to cover, be buried'. llausA (n r 1) 'spittle'. jundachi (vb tr) 'to fill (up), cause to be full'. llautU (n r 1) 'crown made of chumbi belts, worn jura (n r 3) 'shoot'. at carnival'. juraya (vb intr) 'to shoot, sprout'. lliqui (vb r 13a) 'to break, tear (in pieces)'. justici ~ justicia (Sp) (n r 1) 'authority'. lliquln (vbl n stem 1) 'tear'. lluca (vb r 14a) 'to crawl'. lado (Sp) (loc r 2) 'side, beside'. llujsi (vb r 14b) 'to leave, depart'. ladoya (vb intr) 'to draw near'. llujsichi (vb tr) 'to make to leave, take out'. laganu (n r 1) 'tear (caused by something in the Hulla (vb r 14a) 'to lie (tell)'. eye)'. llullu (adj r 1) 'tender, just made, young'. Idiom: laganulla junda 'blurred'. lluqui (adj r 1) 'left'. laguna (Sp) (n r 1) 'lake'. lluspi (vb r Ira) 'to peel (carrots, skin), plane lambia (vb r 13a) 'to preen'. (wood), clear (landslide)'. lamuchi ~ llachapa (n r 1) 'old or coarse rag or Iluta (vb r 13a) 'to unite, fasten, join (together)'. cloth'. lapizero (Sp) (n r 1) 'biro'. mA (rel r 2) 'what'. lastima (Sp) (excl r 3) 'Shame!' ma achca 'how many'. latO (Sp - plato) (n r 1) 'plate'. masa 'how much'. leche (Sp) (n r 1) 'milk'. may tucu 'how long ago'. lee (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to read'. maca (vb r 13a) 'to hit, fight, punch'. leva (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to punish'. macana (n r 1) 'wood used for scraping chahuar levachi (vb ditr) 'to whip'. plant to make string'. libre (Sp) (adj r 2) 'free'. macha (vb r 13a) 'to be drunk, dizzy'. libreya (vb tr) 'to give birth'. machete (Sp) (n r 2) 'machete'. libro (Sp) (n r 1) 'book'. macheteya (vb intr) 'to use a machete'. lica (n r 1) 'fishing net (Rio Mandur only)'. machura (adj r 1) 'childless'.


madre (Sp) (n r 1) 'nun'. madre superiora 'mother superior'. madrina (Sp) (n r 1) 'godmother'. mal ~ mala (Sp) (adj r 1) 'bad'. malqui (n r 1) 'stalk, branch, cutting'. malta (adj r 1) 'young'. mamA (n r 1) 'mother'. mama dedo 'thumb'. mama ninga 'foster-mother'. manA (neg r 1) 'No!, not'. manara (neg 3) 'still not'. mana caj 'but, on the contrary'. imas manima 'nevertheless'. mancha (vb r 13a) 'to be afraid of, fear'. manchari (vb tr) 'to become afraid of'. manchachi (vb ditr) 'to frighten'. manchay (vbl n stem 1) 'fear'. Idiom: manchay siqui 'fearful'. manchu (adj r 1) 'much'. manda (Sp) (vb r 11) 'to command, spread out (clothes)'. tayta mandaj 'governor'. mandur (n r 1) 'achiote (used mainly in lower Putumayo)'. maneja (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to handle, govern'. mangA (n r 1) 'pot'. mantaquirA (n r 1) 'uprights in rafters of thatched roof. maña (vb r 13a) 'to ask for, borrow'. mañachi (vb ditr) 'to lend'. mañaji (n r 1) 'word used by witchdoctor in chant'. mapa (adj r 1) 'dirty'. mapaya (vb intr) 'to become dirty'. maqui (n r 1) 'hand, arm'. maqui milma 'body hair, feather'. maqui ñudu 'wrist'. maqui tullu 'wrist bone'. maqui pamba 'palm of hand'. maraca ~ maraco (Sp) (n r 1) 'rattle'. marca (vb r 13a) 'to carry in the hand, arm(s)\ marcasca (vbl adj stem 1) 'given in baptism'. maS (Sp) (int r 2) 'more'. masa see mA. masato (n r 1) 'yuca flour'. masca (vb r 13a) 'to look for, search for'. masque (Sp conn) 'although, even though'. Mashoy (n r 1): area near San Andrés, pertaining to Santiago. matihuaja (n r 1) 'very poisonous snake; armadillo (said to hide in same hole as snake), considered an evil portent, when heard at night*. mauca (adj r 1) 'used, worn out, old (mainly of clothes)'. Mavisoy (n r 1): point near Valsayacu, 2 miles from San Andrés.


maylla (vb r 13a) 'to wash (person)'. mayllari (vb intr) 'to wash (self)'. mayor (Sp) (adj r 1) 'old (man)'. may tucu see mA. maytu (vb r 14a) 'to cover, wrap up'. mazo (Sp) (n r 1) 'drumstick'. medi (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to measure'. medio (Sp) (int r 3) 'semi'. memoria (Sp) (n r 1) 'memory'. mentira (Sp) (n r 1) 'life'. micu (vb r 13a) 'to eat'. micuy (vbl n stem 1) 'meal, food'. micha (adj r 4) 'bad, wretched'. micha (vb intr) 'to defend'. miglla (n r 1) 'lap'. milagroso (Sp) (adj r 1) 'miraculous'. milmA (n r 1) 'hair, beard, wool'. nulla (vb r 13a) 'to nauseate'. millari (vb intr) 'to be nauseated'. millisu (n r 1) 'twin'. minga (vb r 13a) 'to leave in charge of'. mittgay (vbl n stem 1) 'work party'. mimsti (vb r 13a) 'to need, be in need of'. mira (vb r 14a) 'to increase, multiply'. misA (Sp) (n r 1, 8) 'mass'. misitu (n r 1) 'cat'; mishi (Rio Mandur). tuta misito 'nutria otter'. misqui (adj r 2,4) 'tasty, sweet'. misqui (vb intr) 'to be tasty, sweet'. misquiya (vb intr) 'to become tasty, sweet'. misha mishi (excl r 3) 'shouted, when chicha is thrown, during fiesta'. miticu (vb r 14a) 'to run away, flee'. molesta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to bother'. morado (Sp) (adj r 1) 'purple'. mortaja (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to put on (shroud)'. mucU (adj r 5) 'damaged, over-ripe, a mass, dough'. mucu (vb tr) 'to masticate'. quiru mucu 'to gnash the teeth'. Mucuga (n r 1): Mocoa, capital of state of Putumayo. mucha (vb r 13a) 'to kiss'. muchu (adj r 1) 'blunted, dull'. multa (Sp) (n r 6) 'fine'. multa (vb tr) 'to fine'. muna (vb r 13a) 'to want, desire, wish'. mundo (Sp) (n r 1) 'world'. muneca (Sp) (n r 1) 'doll'. murU (adj r 3) 'short, small, grain of corn'. muruya (vb intr) 'to become short'. muru (vb r 13a) 'to make into a ball (e.g. of clothes)'. muruy (vbl n stem 1) 'small loop at end of man's woven belt, untidy ball (of clothes)'. murU (n r 1) 'bee'.



musca (vb r 13a) 'to dream'. muscuy (vbl n stem 1) 'dream'. musU (adj r 3) 'young, teenage boy' (possibly from Sp mozo), musuya (vb intr) 'to be young'. mute (n r 1) 'food made basically from corn'. muyU (n r 4b) 'pipe (for playing), pip, grain'. muyu (vb intr) 'to go round (in circle)'. muyuri (vb intr) 'to dance'. muyujta ~ muyundi 'round (about)'. naci (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to give birth, bring forth'. namna (vb r 13a) 'to eat (child's word)'. nana (vb r 13a) 'to hurt'. nanachi (vb ditr) 'to injure'. nanay (vbl n stem 1) 'pain (physical), ache'. ni (vb r 11) 'to say'. niraya (vb quot) 'to say repeatedly, to mean, signify'. ttisPA, niJPI 'then, after that'. yuyaypi ni 'to say to oneself'. nidu (n r 1) 'point, landmark'. nieto (Sp) (n r 1) 'nephew'. ninA (n r 2) 'fire'. ninaya (vb intr) 'to burn, glow'. ninayachi (vb tr) 'to make to burn, light a fire'. no (Sp) (conn r 5) 'isn't that right?' nombra (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to name'. notifica (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to inform'. novio (Sp) (n r 1) 'fiancé, boy-friend'. nuca (pr r 1) 'I, my'. ña (cir r 2) 'now, already (not necessarily completed)'. ñalla 'nearly, just now'. ñahui (n r 1) 'face, sight'. ñahui muru 'eye'. Idiom: ñahui ñahui rima 'to gossip'. ñajcha (n r 6) 'wooden comb'. ñajcha (vb tr) 'to comb, look for lice'. ñajchari (vb intr) 'to comb self'. ñambi (n r 4a) 'path, road, track'. ñambichi (vb tr) 'to make a road'. ñaña (n r 1) 'sister (of female)'. ñañu (adj r 1) 'thin'. ñi (Sp ni) (conn r 2) 'neither, nor'. ñiti (vb r 13a) 'to crush'. ñudu (n r 1) 'elbow'. ñujPA (cir r 1) 'before, first, ahead, presence, in front of'. ñujpa (vb tr) 'to go ahead of'. ñutu (vb r 13a) 'to tear into pieces'. o (Sp) (conn r 1) 'or'. obedece (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to obey'.

obra (Sp) (n r 1) 'work'. obsequio (Sp) (n r 1) 'gift, prize'. ocupa (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to use'. ofende (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to offend'. ojala (Sp) (conn r 4) 'May it not be!' oso (Sp) (n r 1) 'bear'. ovejA (Sp) (n r 1) 'sheep'. paca — llA (adj r 6) 'hidden, secret(ly)'. pacallaya (vb intr) 'to become hidden'. paca (vb tr) 'to conceal, hide'. pacari (vb intr) 'to dawn'. pacaripuangui 'Good-day!' (Apunte only). pacay (n r 1) 'guaba tree'. pacencia (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to pardon'. pacencia (Sp) ( n r l ) 'patience'. pachA (n r 1) 'Inga woman's wrap-around skirt' (cf. anacU); 'clothes' (Rio Mandur). padre (Sp) (n r 1) 'parish priest'. padrino (Sp) (n r 1) 'godfather'. paga (Sp) (vb r 12a) 'to pay'. pahua (vb r 14a) 'to leap, spring, jump'. paila (Sp) (n r 1) 'kettle, cauldron'. pajcha (vb r 13a) 'to put away quickly, pass quickly'. pajchachi (vb ditr) 'to overturn'. Idiom: asuapajcha 'to drink down chicha'. pajcha chaquima 'to fall down at the feet'. pajta (vb r 14a) 'to reach, be fulfilled'. pajtachi (vb tr) 'to fulfil'. palA (n r 1) 'upper back, shoulder'. palabrA (Sp) (n r 1) 'word'. palanca (Sp) ( n r l ) 'lever, bar'. paleta (Sp) (n r 1) 'trowel'. palsio (Sp falso) (adj r 1) 'false, very bad'. palta (Sp falta) (n r 1) 'fault'. palla (vb r 13a) 'to pick, harvest, gather'. pallay (vbl n stem 1) 'harvest'. pambA (n r 6) 'fiat ground, plateau, an area'. pamba (vb tr) 'to bury'. panda (vb r 14a) 'to do wrong, make a mistake'. pandachi (vb tr) 'to lead astray, cause to make a mistake'. pangA (n r 1) 'leaf'. pañi (n r 1) 'sister (of male)'. paqui (vb r 14a) 'to splinter, break (e.g. leg)'. paquichi (vb tr) 'to smash into fragments'. paramo (Sp) (n r 1) 'high plateau above 10,000 feet; narcotic plant used as purge, found on the páramo'. parece (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to look like'. parejo (Sp) (n r 9) 'both, together'. paresya (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to be twice'. parla (Sp) (vb r 11) 'to tell, converse'. parlO (Sp) (n r 1) 'story'.


pasa (vb r 14a) 'to suffer*. pasay (vbl n stem 1) 'suffering'. pasado 'leader, overseer*. pasajta 'exceedingly, overmuch'. pasca (vb r 13a) 'to loosen, open, unbind, untie, unravel'. pasea (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to take a walk'. pastA (Sp) (n r 1) 'paste, dough'. Pasto (n r 1) 'capital of state of Nariño*. patA (n r 1) 'edge, shore'. pata (vb r 13a) 'to fold, double'. patacún (n r 1) '40 centavos'. patasca (n r 1) 'type of muti food (q.v.) . patio (Sp) (n r 1) 'inner square of house'. patrón (Sp) (n r 1) 'patron, patron saint'. patsaj (num r 3) 'hundred'; patsa (Santiago). pay (excl r 2) 'thank-you!' pay (pr r 1) 'he, she, it'. pecho (Sp) (n r 1) 'chest'. pega (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to hit, strike'. pela (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to skin, pluck'. pelea (Sp) (n r 1) 'fight'. pelea (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to fight'. peleay (vbl n stem 1) 'fight'. peña (Sp) (n r 1) 'cliff'. peor (Sp) (adj r 1) 'worse'. perde (Sp) (vb r 12a) 'to lose'. perdona (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to pardon'. pero (Sp) (conn r 3) 'but'. persona (Sp) (n r 1) 'person'. pi (rel r 1) 'who'. pica (vb r 13a) 'to cut (up) (into pieces, slices), clear (ground)'. picaru (adj r 1) 'smart, teasing'. picudu (n r 1) 'toucan'. picha (vb r 13a) 'to sweep, divine with a thread'. pichca (num r 1) 'five'. pichi (adj r 1) 'purple, red'. pigun (Sp peón) (n r 1) 'worker'. pilar (Sp) (n r 1) 'wooden upright, pillar'. pilu (n r 1) 'hill'. pinga (vb r 13a) 'to be shy'. pingari (vb tr) 'to be afraid of'. pingay (vbl n stem 1) 'embarrassment'. pinta (Sp) (adj r 1) 'painted'. pinu (adj r 1) 'very, important'. pinu cucu 'an important demon'. pinu vale 'to be very useful, important'. pinta (Sp) (adj r 1) 'painted*. piña (vb r 13a) 'to scold, chide, be angry'. piñari (vb tr) 'to become angry'. piñachi (vb ditr) 'to make annoyed, to bother'. piñachiri (vb tr) 'to argue with'. piqui (n r 1) Uea'. piscU (n r 1) 'bird'. pisi (n r 2, 6) 'lack'. 10


pisi (vb tr) 'to lack'. pisiyachi (vb tr) 'to lessen'. piti (n r 6) 'stump, morsel'. piti (vb tr) 'to pull out, pull up by the roots, break, sever'. pitiri (vb intr) 'to break'. plano ~ plan (Sp) (n r 3) 'flat ground'. planya (vb intr) 'to make a flat area'. pluji (Spfluji)(vb r 13a) 'to practise witchcraft'. pluma (Sp) (n r 1) 'plumed headdress'. pobre ~ pugri (Sp) (adj r 1) 'poor'. policía (Sp) (n r 1) 'police'. pollO (Sp) (n r 1) 'cock, rooster'. posadA (Sp) (n r 4a) 'lodging, prison'. posada (vb intr) 'to ask for lodging'. premio (Sp) (n r 4a) 'prize'. premio (vb intr) 'to give a prize'. prensa(Sp)(ti r l)'tassel at end ofman's woven belt'. primero (Sp) (adj r 1) 'first'. proba (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to try'. probachi (vb ditr) 'to make to try, to give'. profesión (Sp) (n r 1) 'profession'. propio (Sp) (adj r 1) 'own'. pua - ngui (excl 5) 'hullo!'. pucA (adj r 3) 'red, light brown'. pucaya (vb intr) 'to be red'. pucu (vb r 23) 'to blow'. pucuri (vb intr) 'to be ripe'. pucusca (vbl adj stem 1) 'mature, ripe'. pucuna (n r 1) 'a rush (used for cutting baby's umbilical cord)'. puchca (vb r 13a) 'to spin'. puchcu (adj r 3) 'sour, bitter, leaven'. puchcuya (vb intr) 'to be sour, bitter'. puchU (n r 4a) 'surplus'. puchu (vb intr) 'to be left over'. puchuchi (vb tr) 'to leave over'. puchuca (vb r 13b) 'to finish'. pudi (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to be able'. pueblo (Sp) (n r 1) 'town'. atun pueblo 'city'. pués (Sp) (conn r 5) 'then'. puesto (Sp) (n r 1) 'place'. puglla (vb r 13a) 'to play'. pugri cf. pobre. puja (vb r 14a) 'to cry out (with anger, pain), bluster*. pumamaqui (n r 1) 'tree like grape, used for wall planks'. puncha (n r 7) 'day, bright'. punchaya (vb intr) 'to become day, light, to shine'. atun puncha 'carnival'. pungU (n r 1) 'door'. pungui (vb r 13a) 'to swell'. punta ~ punto (Sp) (n r 1) 'point, steeple'.



punala (vb r 13a) 'to puncture'. puniti (Sp puno) (n r 3) 'punch'. punitiya (vb tr) 'to punch'. puitu (vb r 14a) 'to sleep'. punuri (vb intr) 'to go to sleep'. puhuy (vbl n stem 1) 'sleep, dream'. punudero (vbl n stem 4) 'bed, mat (general word)'. puiiuchidor (vbl n stem 4) ' 'dormiente' insect' ("if it weeps, it's going to be a nice day"). pupu (n r 1) 'umbilical cord'. puri (vb r 13a) 'to walk'. purU (n r 1) 'gourd'. purupuru (n r 1) 'tree with fruit like pomegranate'. Purutal Cachupimbu (n r 1): point on Rio Putumayo, several hours below Sibundoy valley. purutU (n r 1) 'beans'. pusa (vb r 13b) 'to take (a person)'. pusamu (vb tr) 'to bring'. pusaj (num r 1) 'eight'. pusU (n r 1) 'hole (rectangular)'. puyXJ (n r 2) 'clouds, smoke'. tamia puyu 'storm cloud'. yapa tapa puyu 'fog'. puyuya (vb intr) 'to be smoky, to rise (smoke)'. queda (Sp) (vb r 15) 'to remain'. querido (Sp) (adj r 1) 'beloved'. quibna (vb r 13a) 'to emit, shoot out, vomit'. quichqui (adj r 4) 'narrow, crowded'. quichquiri (vb intr) 'to be crowded'. quichu (vb r 12a) 'to take away (from), snatch (from), deprive'. quilimsa (n r 1) 'charcoal'. quilpa (vb r 13a) 'to cover, throw over, obscure'. quilla (n r 4a, 8) 'month, moon'. quilla tuta 'star'. quilla (vb intr) 'to be lazy'. quillachi (vb tr) 'to bother, make a lot of noise' (orig. 'to stop the new moon being eaten by a monster'). quillanguilla 'plant, used for stomach-ache'. quillU (adj r 1) 'yellow'. quimi (vb r 13a) 'to lean'. quimiri (vb tr) 'to lean upon'. quimsA (num r 1) 'three'. quinchA (n r 6) 'plank, wall, fence'. quincha (vb tr) 'to erect fence, walls'. quindi (n r 2) 'calabris bird, small earthenware pot for chicha' (no longer seen). quindiya (vb intr) 'to waddle'. quingU (n r 4a) 'bend, curve'. quingu (vb intr) 'to bend down, cross'. quittguchi (vb tr) 'to make to turn'. Idiom: naitupi racupi quittguchi 'to sing in turn, in parts'.

quinray (loc r i) 'across, vertically'. quipa (n r 7) 'a while (after)'. quipaya (vb intr) 'to stay behind'. quiqui (n r 1) 'corn cob, not yet ripe'. quiquiN (pr r 2) 'self, the same'. quirV (n r 1) 'tooth'. quispi (vb r 14a) 'to escape, get away'. quispichi (vb tr) 'to save, protect, make to escape'. rabia (Sp) (n r 4a) 'anger'. rabia (vb intr) 'to be fierce, angry'. rabiari (vb intr) 'to become angry'. raciona (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to distribute'. racu (adj r 1) 'fat, thick, big'. rama (vb r 14a) 'to assist (bereaved relatives)'. randi (vb r 12a) 'to buy'. rapia (vb r 14a) 'to break (heart; Inga huijsa)'. raso cf. braso. rata ~ rato (Sp) (n r 1) 'rat, mouse'. real (Sp) (n r 1) '5 centavos'. respeta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to respect'. respeto (Sp) (n r 1) 'respect'. resta (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to subtract'. reza (Sp) (vb r 13b) 'to pray'. ri (vb r 34) 'to go'. Idiom: pacencia ri 'to be peaceful'. rico (Sp) (adj r 3) 'rich'. ricoya (vb intr) 'to be rich'. ricuchi (vb r 13a) 'to allow'. ricuchiri (vb intr) 'to allow oneself'. ricu (excl r 1) 'You'll see!' richa (n r 1) 'thing'. rijcha (adj r 4) 'like(ness), similar to, coloured'. rijcha (vb intr) 'to be awake'. rijchari (vb intr) 'to awaken'. rijchachi (vb tr) 'to wake (someone)'. rijsi (vb r 13a) 'to know, be acquainted with'. rijsichi (vb ditr) 'to introduce'. rijsin (vbl n stem 1) 'mistress'. rima (vb r 11) 'to speak'. rimay (vbl n stem 1) 'word'. rirtri (n r 1) 'ear'; ringri (Rio Mandur). ripara (vb r 13a) 'to scan the horizon'. ripi (n r 1) 'cold country'. roba (Sp) (vb r 12a) 'to rob'. roga (Sp) (vb r 11) 'to entreat'. rondador (Sp) (n r 1) 'drum'. rotico (Sp tronco) 'trunk'. rucU (adj r 3) 'old, old person'. rucutu 'large old pepper'. rucu sacha 'woods, forest'. rucuya (vb intr) 'to be old, ageing'. ruida ~ ruido (Sp) (n r 4a) 'noise'. ruidachi (vb tr) 'to make a noise'. rumi (n r 1) 'stone, rock'.


rumU (n r 1) 'yuca'. rurtA (n r 1) 'man, Indian, person'. achca runacuna 'crowd'. rupa (adj r 3) 'hot'. rupaya (vb intr) 'to become hot'. rupa (vb r 14a) 'to burn'. rupachi (vb tr) 'to burn something'. rupay (vbl n stem 1) 'fever'. rura (vb r 13a) 'to do, make'. rutu (vb r 13a) 'to cut hair'. sacerdote (Sp) (n r 1) 'priest'. sacristán ~ sacristana (Sp) (n r 1) 'sexton'. sachA (n r 1) 'tree, plant'. sachucu (n r 1) 'forest'. Sachupurutu (n r 1): point in mountains above San Andrés. sajsa (vb r 14a) 'to be satisfied*. sajsachi (vb tr) 'to satisfy'. salamanguiay (n r 1) 'swindler'. saluda (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to greet'. saludo (Sp) (n r 1) 'health'. saludoya (vb tr) 'to become well'. saludolla 'Health!' sama (vb r 13a) 'to rest'. samay cacha 'to sigh'. samba (adj r 3) 'weak'. sambaya (vb intr) 'to be valueless, weak'. sambulli (vb r 13a) 'to let fall (water)'. sambullin (vbl n stem 1) 'water-fall'. samsam (excl r 4) 'No salt! Tasteless!' samu (vb r 34) 'to come'. samuy (n r 1) 'spirit that gives luck'. San Andrés (n r 1): Inga-Colombian village, 2 miles from Santiago, dialect centre. San Miguel Osocumbios (n r 1): stopping point, on journey from Ecuador. Santiago (n r 1): town 52km from Pasto, on road to Mocoa, dialect centre. santo peso (Sp ciempies) (n r 1) 'millipede'. sapa - 11 A (adj r 6) 'lone'. sapallu (Sp) (n r 1) 'large squash'. saparU (n r 1) 'basket'. saqui (vb r 12a) 'to leave, let'. sarA (n r 1) 'corn'. sarasa (adj r 1) 'speckled'. saru (vb r 13a) 'to trample on, step on'. sati (vb r 14a) 'to get involved, put in, insert'. saya (vb r 14a) 'to stand, be standing'. sayari (vb intr) 'to get to one's feet, stand still, stop'. sayachi (vb tr) 'to cause to stand'. saycu (vb r 13a) 'to tire'. sendi (Sp incender) (vb r 14a) 'to light a fire, be set on fire'. sentí (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to feel'. 10*


sehor (Sp) (n r 1) 'sir, gentleman, white man'. servi ~ sirve (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to serve'. Sibundoy (n r 1): town 68km from Pasto, on road to Mocoa; centre of Camsi tribe. sica (vb r 14b) 'to go up'. sicamu (vb intr) 'to come up'. siempre (Sp) (cir r 3) 'always'. sijsi(n r 1) 'tomaqueno plant, similar to rhubarb; tastes like potato'. sillU (n r 1) 'fingernail, toenail'. simi (n r 1) 'mouth'. simi cara 'lip'. sinchi (adj r 3) 'strong, hard, loud(ly), forcefulfly)'. sinchiya (vb intr) 'to become hard, harden'. singA (n r 1) 'nose'. sino (Sp) (conn r 3) 'but'. sinidor (Sp) (n r 1) 'woven belt worn by Inga men'. sipas (n r 1) 'teenage girl'. sipi (vb r 13a) 'to strangle'. sipiri (vb intr) 'to strangle (self)'. siqui (n r 1) 'thigh, bottom'. casa siquima 'behind'. siquiera (Sp conn) 'at least'. sira (vb r 13a) 'to mend, sew'. siri (vb r 14a) 'to lie'. siriri (vb intr) 'to lie down'. sisa (vb r 12a) 'to rob, steal (minor items)'. sisay (vbl n stem 1) 'thief'. sita (vb r 13a) 'to abandon, throw (away)'. sopla (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to blow'. sordo (Sp) (adj r 1) 'deaf, dull'. sospecha (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to suspect'. suegra (Sp) (n r 1) 'mother-in-law'. suegro (Sp) (n r 1) 'father-in-law'. suerte (Sp) (n r 2) 'luck'. suerteya (vb intr) 'to be lucky, give luck'. suJ (num r 1) 'one, other'. sujta (num r 1) 'six'. sullA (n r 1) 'son' (rare word). sumA (adj r 1) 'good, pretty'. suma (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to add'. sungU (n r 1) 'liver, heart'. Idiom: atun sungu yuca 'to be fearless'. Idiom: muru sungu yuca 'to be afraid'. surcu (vb r 12a) 'to extract, squeeze, take (photo), take out'. susu (vb r 14a) 'to fall through (sifter, sieve)'. Idiom: yacu susuri 'to drizzle'. susuca (adj r 1) 'large oval shape; (applied to large oval gourd, or bottle)'. suti (n r 4a) 'name'. sutipa 'truly, indeed'. sutichi (vb tr) 'to name'.



sutu (vb r 14a) 'to drop'. sutuchi (vb tr) 'to cause to drop, hit'. suya (vb r 13a) 'to wait for'. suyu (n r 8) 'immediate time'. stiyumanda 'immediately*. shabuju (Camsd) (vb r 14a) 'to get cramp'. shabujuy (vbl n stem 1) 'cramp'. shachi (Camsd) (vb r 13a) 'to surprise (a thief)'. shansha (Camsd) (n r 1) 'watchman'. shauna (n r 1) 'pillow, headrest'. shibca (n r 1) 'lower leg, shin'. shuchu (adj r 1) 'sliced, cut off (arm or leg)'. shulujchi (Camsi shloftse 'bird') (n r 1) 'sparrow*. tabaco (Sp) (n r 1) 'tobacco'. labia (Sp) (n r 1) 'board, slab'. tablero (Sp) (n r 1) 'blackboard'. taca (vb r 13a) 'to crush, pound, beat'. tagunA (n r 6) 'walking stick, staff'. taguna (vb tr) 'to walk with a stick'. tajsa (vb r 13a) 'to wash (clothes)*. talega (Sp) (n r 1) 'bag, sack*. talento (Sp) (adj r 1) 'brisk'. talli (vb r 12a) 'to pour (out, over), throw'. tambU (n r 4a) 'hut'. tambu (vb intr) 'to make a hut*. tamia (n r 4a) 'rain, winter*. tamia (vb intr) 'to rain'. tandA (n r 1) 'bread'. tanda (vb r 14a) 'to meet together'. tandachi (vb tr) 'to gather, summon together'. tanga (vb r 13a) 'to push, shove'. tantea (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to measure'. tanteari (vb tr) 'to feel'. tapa (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to cover'. tapia (n r 6) 'omen'. tapia (vb tr) 'to auger, promise'. tapu (vb r 11) 'to ask, question'. taqui (n r 4a) 'chant'. taqui (vb intr) 'to chant'. tarca (n r 1) 'notch'. tari (vb r 13a) 'to find, discover, encounter, meet'. tarirl (vb intr) 'to meet with'. tarucA (n r 1) 'deer'. tarpu (vb r 13a) 'to plant, sow'. tasinA (n r 4a) 'nest'. tasina (vb intr) 'to be curled up'. tatqui (vb r 14a) 'to take a step'. taytA (n r 1) 'father*. atun taytA 'grandfather'. techo (Sp) (n r 1) 'roof'. teja (Sp) (n r 1) 'tile'. testamento (Sp) (n r 1) 'testimony'. tia (vb r 24) 'to be (present)*.

tiacu, tianacu (vb intr) 'to be sitting down'. tiari (vb intr) 'to sit down'. tigra (vb r 14b) 'to return, go back'. tigrari (vb intr) 'to turn round'. tigre (Sp) (n r 1) 'tiger, ocelot'. tilili (n r 1) 'small frog, toad'. timbU (adj r 4) 'boiling, hot'. timbu (vb intr) 'to boil'. timbuchi (vb tr) 'to make to boil'. tiN (cir r 3) 'already, now (completed)'. tingui (vb r 13a) 'to pour over, throw over'. tio (Sp) (n r 1) 'uncle'. tipca (vb r 13a) 'to flay, skin (animal), peel (potatoes)'. tipsi (vb r 13a) 'to poke, pinch'. tirante (Sp) (n r 2) 'brace'. tlranteya (vb intr) 'to put up braces'. tocayo (Sp) (n r 1) 'name-sake*. todo (Sp) (adj r 1) 'all'. tontea (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to talk nonsense'. tonto (Sp) (adj r 1) 'bad'. trabaja (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to work'. yanga trabajaj 'slave'. traga (Sp) (n r 1) 'dredge'. traga (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to devour'. tragachisca (vbl adj stem 1) 'poison, witchdoctor's curse to kill child'. trago (Sp) (n r 1) 'whisky'. trapichi (Sp) (n r 1) 'sugar-cane press'. traste (Sp) (n r 1) 'waste food'. trata (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to treat'. travo ~ dravo (Sp bravo) (adj r 1) 'fierce, sharp'. troca (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to change, exchange'. troza (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to cut'. trunsi (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to do evil'. tu (excl r 3) 'Come!' (to a dog). tuca (vb r 13a) 'to spit'. tucu (n r 8) 'some time'. tucu (vb r 15) 'to become, turn into, pretend, be able to'. tucuri (vb intr) 'to be finished'. tucuchi (vb tr) 'to finish, cause to happen'. tucuy (vbl n stem 3) 'all, everyone'. tuglla (n r 6) 'trap'. tuglla (vb tr) 'to trap'. tugya (vb r 13a) 'to burst (out), explode'. tujsi (vb r 13a) 'to bite (snake), prick'. tujtU (n r 1) 'flower'. tulpa (n r 1) 'cooking stone, on which pots rest'. tullU (n r 1) 'bone'. tuna (vb r 13b) 'to play (instrument)'. tuni - ri (vb r 33) 'to demolish, roll over'. tupa (vb r 13b) 'to find, encounter'. tupari (vb tr) 'to feel, touch'. tupU (n r 6) 'length of wood'. tupu (vb tr) 'to measure'.


tupulli (n r 1) 'needle'. turi (n r 1) 'brother (of female)'. turmachinga (n r 1) 'bark, skin'. turU (n r 1) 'mud'. tustA (adj r 5) 'dry, getting old*. tusta (vb tr) 'to dry'. tuta (n r 7) 'night, shade'. tutaya (vb intr) 'to become dark, night'. yarn tuta 'darkness'. tutata (n r 8) 'morning'. tutura (n r 1) 'plant previously found in Sibundoy valley'. ucU (loc r 1) 'inside, under'. atun ucu lado 'guest room, room'. ucuchA (n r 1) 'mouse, rat'. yacu ucucha 'water-rat'. uchpA (n r 1) 'ashes'. uchU (n r 1) 'chili pepper'. piqui uchu 'small pepper'. uchu - llA (adj r 6) 'little, small'. uchullaya (vb intr) 'to be small, get small'. uglla (vb r13a) 'to embrace, hug'. ujsA (n r 1) 'grass, straw'. ujuy (n r 1) 'cough, whooping cough'. ullu (n r 1) 'pinus'. umA (n r 1) 'head'. iscay umayujsina 'very intelligent'. uttay (n r 7) 'a long time'. Ha unay 'a while ago, previously'. warn unaylla - 'not long ago, quickly'. unaya (vb intr) 'to delay'. ungu (vb r 14a) 'to be ill'. unguri (vb intr) 'to become ill'. unguj (vbl adj stem 2) 'sick person'. unguy (vbl n stem 1) 'illness, sickness, disease'. unsha (vb r 13a) 'to mock, ridicule, persecute'. unshari (vb tr) 'to mock, ridicule'. upa (adj r 1) 'dazed, stupid, mad'. upallA (adj r 3) 'silent(ly), quiet(ly)'. upalla (vb intr) 'to quieten'. upia (vb r 13a) 'to drink, take'. upiay (vbl n stem 1) 'drink'. urA (loc r 3) 'below'. uray 'down-river'. uraya (vb r 14a) 'to steam'. uraycu (vb r 14a) 'to go down, descend'. urma (vb r 14a) 'to fall'. urpi (n r 1) 'type of bird'. usA (n r 1) 'louse'. utca (m r 2) 'quickly'. utcu (n r 6) 'hole (round)'. utcu (vb tr) 'to make a hole'. vale (Sp (adj r 5) 'valuable'. vale (vb tr) 'to be valuable'.


Valsayacu (n r 1): river Putumayo, running through Sibundoy valley. valle (Sp) (n r 1) 'valley'. vario (Sp) (n r 1) 'job'. vela (Sp) (n r 1) 'candle'. verda (Sp) (excl r 2) 'It's true!'. verdad (Sp) (n r 1) 'truth'. verde (Sp) (adj r 3) 'green'. verdeya (vb intr) 'to turn green'. veringo (Sp) (adj r 1) 'naked'. viaje (Sp) (n r 1) 'time'. vida (Sp) (n r 1) 'life'. viola ~ viole ~ violeo (Sp) (n r 1) 'violin'. virgen (Sp) (excl r 2) Inteijection. visita (Sp) (vb r 13a) 'to visit'. vola (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to fly, huny, flow fast'. volachi (vb tr) 'to make to fly, throw'. voltea (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to fall, upset'. voluntad (Sp) (n r 1) 'goodwill'. vuelta (Sp) (vb r 14a) 'to fall, slip'. y (Sp) (conn r 1) 'and'. yacU (n r 5) 'water, river'. yacunaya (vb tr) 'to be thirsty'. yacu nahui 'spring'. yacha (vb r 13a) 'to know'. yachachi (vb ditr) 'to teach'. yacha (vbl adj stem 2) 'Indian herbalist'. yacharaya (vb tr) 'to adhere to, be an adherent o f . yachaycu (vb r 13a) 'to learn'. yahuar (n r 1) 'blood'. yalli (vb r 13b) 'to pass, pass through, happen'. yaUichi (vb ditr) 'to make to pass (through), cut, finish'. yamtA (n r 4a) 'firewood'. yamta (vb intr) 'to get firewood*. yarn (adj r 1) 'black, dark'. yanga (adj r 1) 'in vain, to no avail, free, gratis, useless, ordinary'. yarn (vb r 13a) 'to cook'. yanusca (vbl adj stem 1) 'cooked'. yapa (int r 1) 'very'. yapa (vb r 12a) 'to add'. Aayapa 'How!'. yarca (vb r 13a) 'to make hungry'. yarcay (vbl n stem 1) 'hunger'. yasta (excl r 3) 'Let's go (now)!' yayA (n r 1) 'master, patron'. yaycu (vb r 13b) 'to enter, go in'. yele (Sp) (n r 1) 'muscle'. yuca (vb r 13a) 'to have'. yucachi (vb ditr) 'to give as a gift'. pacencia yuca 'to pardon'. yucaj (vbl adj stem 2) 'rich'. Idiom: caridadyuca 'to give alms'.



yuma (vb r 13a) 'to make love to (vulgar)'. yungA (n r 1) 'hot country*. yurA (adj r 1) 'white'. yuya (vb r 11) 'to think'. yuyari (vb quot) 'to remember, recall'. yuyachi (vb quot) 'to make to think, to seem, advise, counsel'.

yuyay (vbl n stem 1) 'memory, thought'. yuyu (n r 1) ' 'coles' type of cabbage, any edible leaf'. zanja (Sp) (n r 4a) 'ditch'. zanja (vb intr) 'to dig ditches'. zapato (Sp) (n r 1) 'shoe'.

Common onomatopoetic representations cm] cuaj 'frog croaking'. cucurumgú 'rooster crowing'. cuglla 'rumble of the stomach'. chimchim 'guitar being strummed'. jummjumm 'dog wailing'. ma 'sheep bleating'. pulún - fighting. pupujpuj - fighting. tan - door slamming. Unidentified trees The following trees found in the mountains are used for firewood: arrayán, canchu, chani, huashinsan, imbali, inciñu, Uaujsa, cara, oso, uracu. Other trees found in the mountains include: cebujo (for stools), cedro and robles (planks), damni {batea trays) and virraquillu. Trees found in the Sibundoy valley include: cuilalón and motilón (edible fruit), cujaquillu and vendete (for beansticks), chilcu and pacay (firewood), bamba, cuilla, pinutilla and cujaca. Cascarilla is found on the páramo, and its husks are used for lung ailments.


ENGLISH - INGA LEXIKON abandon, to sita abscess chupu abdomen huijsA able, to be pudi, tucu above ahuA absent, to be ilia accompany, to acompaña accustomed, to be costumbra ache nanay achiote mandur acquainted with, to be rijsi across quinray Adam's apple garyiru add, to yapa, suma adhere to, to apega, yacharaya advise, to huilla, yuyachi afar off, to become caruya afraid of, to be mancha, pingari muru sungu yuca afraid of, to become manchari after cali afternoon chisi after that nisPA, niJPI again cuti against, to talk cami ageing, to be rucuya Aha! aja ahead ñujPA ahead of, to go ñujpa alive causa all tucuy, todo allow, to ricuchiri, richuchi, licensia allowances for, to make descuenta alms limosna alms, to give limosna, cariclad yuca already ña, tiN altar altar although masque always impas, siempre ancient charihua, antigua and y anger rabia angry, to be pina, rabia angry, to become piñari, rabiari animal animal anoint, to ahui annoyed, to make piñachi answer back, to ayniri answer, make to aynichi answer, to ayni ant añangU antique antiguala

appear, to cahuari arc huistU area pambA argue with, to piñachiri arise, to atari arm maqui, braso ~ raso arrive, to chaya arrow flecha ashes uchpA ashamed of, to be huasa chura ask, to tapu ask for, to maña assist, to rama astray, to lead pandachi attack ataque attractive! How chalay auger, to tapia authority justici ~ justicia avail, to no yanga awake, to be rijcha awaken, to rijchari away, to be allica baby huahuA baby, to have huahuaya back huasa back, upper palA bad micha, mal ~ mala, tonto bad, very palsio bad luck mana alii huasa bag costal, jigra, talega ball, to make into a muru ball, untidy muruy bandage, to huanguri banner bandera baptism, given in marcasca baptize, to bautiza bar cantina, palanca bark turmachinga barrel barril basket saparU bathe, to arma be,to ca be!, May it not, ojala be so kind as to . . . ! asila beads chaquira, hualcA beams, to put up chaglla beans purutU bear oso beard milmA beat, to taca become, to tucu

152 bed cahuitu, puñudero bee murU before ñujPA begin, to callan behind cati, casa siquima, huasa believe, to cree ~ crei ~ creya bell campana beloved cuyasca, querido below urA belt, man's siñidor belt, woman's chumbi bench bancO bend quingU bend down, to quingu beside ladO beware of, to huacachiri big atuN, racu bind, to huata bind up, to huangari bird piscU, urpi, curiquingui biro lapirzero birth, to give huacha, libreya, nací bite, to catti, tujsi bitter puchcu bitter, to be puchcuya black yarn blackboard tablero blood yahuar blow, to pucu, sopla blue azul blunted muchu blurred lagañulla junda bluster, to puja board tabla body cuerpO boil, to timbu boil, make to timbuchi boiling timbU bone tullU book cuaderno, libro bore, to aburrí borrow, to maña both parejo bother, to quillachi, molesta, piñachi bottom siqui box cajA, huabli boy, teenage musU boy-friend novio brace tirante braces, to put up tiranteya branch malqui, caspi brave ascA bread tandA break, to lliqui, rapia, piti, pitiri, paqui breast chuchu bridge chacA


bright puncha bring, to apamu, pusamu bring forth, to naci bring up, to huinachi brisk talento brisk, to be avispa brother (of female) turi brother (of male) huauqui brown, light pucA brush,to cacu bull huagra buried, to be jundari burn, make to ninayachi burn something, to rupachi burn, to ninaya, rupa burning!, I'm achuchuy burst out, to tugya bury, to pamba bus carro but pero, sino, mana caj buy, to randi cabbage, 'coles' yuyu calibris bird quindi call, to caya call to bring child cusha calm cungasca camp campamento Camsd Indian coche candle vela cane, sugar huirU car carro care for, to cuida care of, to take cuida carnival carustulinda, carnaval, atun puncha carnival, to hold carnavalya carpenter carpintero carry, to apa, apari, asta, marca cat misitu catch, to amulli, api caterpillar chini cucu cauldron paila cemetery cementerio centavos, 5 real centavos, 40 patacun centre chaujpi change, to cambia, troca chant taqui chant, to taqui charcoal quilimsa charge of, to leave in minga chase, to calpachi cherish, to cuya chest pecho chicha asuA, huiru yacu chicha, to make asua


chicken atahualpa chide, to pina chief cacique child huamrA, atun cusha childless machura chin cumbamba choose, to agita church iglesia city atun pueblo clean limpio clean, to limpia clear, to lluspi, pica, limpia clear woods, to desmonta clearly huiyari cliff peña close, to huichca cloth lienso, lamuchi ~ llachapa clothes catanga, pachA clothing, protective huashabado clouds puyU cob, corn curunda cob, corn on the chugllU, quiqui cock gallo, pollO coffee café coffin atau ~ ataud cold chiri cold!, I'm achichay cold, to become chiriya cold, to make chiri cold country ripi Colombian national blancO coloured rijcha comb ñajcha comb (self), to ñajchari comb, to ñajcha come, to samu come! (to dog) tu come up, to sicamu command, to manda companion compañero completely liy conceal, to paca, disimula confess, to confesa confused chapU console, to consuela constable alguacil, lotre ~ lotrenido container huisinga contempt, excl. Jajai contempt, to treat with huabuti contrary, on the mana caj converse, to parla cook, to yanu cooked yanusca cooking stone tulpa copy, to copia corn sarA

corn, grain of murU corn on the cob chugllU, quiqui corn, to shell iscu corner cuchU, esquina correct, to allichi cost, to cobra cough ujuy counsel, to yuyachi, conseca ~ conseja cover, to junda, jundari, maytu, quilpa, tapa cover, make to catachi covering, to have cata cow huagra cramp shabujuy, calambre cramp, to get shabuju crawl, to lluca cross, to quingu cross out, to borra crowd achca runacuna crowded quichqui crowded, to be quichquiri crown llautU crush, to ñiti, taca crushed apiA cry, to huaca cry, be about to caninaya cry aloud, to ayniri cry out, to puja cup cuasha, copa curled up, to be tasina curse tragachisca, juahuasa curse, to mana alii juahua curve huistU, quingU curves, to make huistuya custom costumbre cut off, to anchuchi cut, to cuchu, pica, yallichi, troza cut hair, to rutu cut off, to shuchu cutting malqui damage, to huaglli, daña damaged mucU damp jucU damp, I'm achichay dampen, to jucu dance, to muyuri, baila dancer, plumed guacamayo dark amsa, yana dark, to become tutaya, amsaya darkness yana tuta datura huasca ambi ~ ambi huasca dawn, to pacari, clarea day puncha day, to become punchaya dazed upa deaf sordo

154 death huafíuy debt, to cause to be in debechi deceive, to engaña deer chuntarucu, tarucA defend, to micha delay, to unaya demolish, to tuniri demon demonio, pinu cucu depart, to llujsi deprive, to quichu deranged uma huagllido descend, to uraycu desire, to muna despise, to huabuti destroy, to huagllichi develop, to huiña devil cucU, diablo devour, to traga die, to huañu, chingan dig, to zanja dim atnsA dine, to cena directly directamente dirty mapa dirty, to become mapaya disagreeable huinja discourage, to area discover, to tari disease unguy dislike, to contra distant caru distribute, to chaujpi, raciona disturb, to estorba ditch chamba, zanja ditch, to dig zanja divide, to chaujpi divine, to picha do, to rura dog alcU doll muñeca Don't ama door pungU double, to pata dough mucU, past A down-river úray drag along, to aliu dragon amarán, dragon drain chorro drain, to cunchu draw out, to aysa, huisi dream puñuy, muscuy dream, to muscu dredge draga dress, man's cusma dress, to churari drink upiay


drink chicha, to asua pajcha drink, narcotic huayra huahua drink, sugar-cane guarapo drink, to upia, trabajo cua Drink up! cayaghua drizzle, to yacu susuri drop, cause to sutuchi drop, to sutu droppings isma drown, to chucari drum bombA ~ bombO, rondador drumstick mazo drunk, to be macha, alcanzan drunkard asuadora ~ asuaj dry tustA dry, to chaquichi, tusta dull muchu, sordo dusk amsA ear rinri earn, to gana earth alpa easy facil eat, to micu, namna, amulli eat, want to aychanaya edge cuchu, patA egg huevos eight pusaj elbow ñudu embarrassment pingay embrace, to uglla emit, to quibna empty chusA, HatA encounter, to tari, tupa encouraged ascA endure, to aguanta enough ñami chilla enter, to yaycu entire entero entreat, to roga equally igual eradicate, to capi escape, make to quispichi escape, to quispi even hasta even though masque everyone tucuy evil jiru evil spirit cucU, cucu huayra evil, to do trunsi exact exacta exam examen exceedingly pasajta exchange, to troca excrement, to give isma explode, to tugya


extract, to surcu extremely animal eye ñahui muru face ñahui fall derrumbo fall at feet, to chaquima pajcha fall through, to susu fall, to urma, voltea, vuelta, derrumba fall, to let (water) sambulli false palsio family familia fan, to avenía far carU farm chagra, finca fasten, to Iluta fat huirA, racu fat, to become huiraya father taytA father-in-law suegro fault palta fault, to be at falta fear manchay fear, to mancha fearful manchay siqui fearless, to be atún sungu yuca feather maqui milma feel, to tupari, senti, tanteari female huarmi fence quinchA fence, to erect quincha fern ilichu fever rupay flaneé novio fierce travo ~ dravo fierce, to be rabia fight pelea, peleay fight, to chapo, maca, pelea fill, to jundachi find, to tari, tupa fine multa fine, to multa finger dedo fingernail sillU finish, to puchuca, tucuchi, yallichi finished, to be tucuri fire ninA, huajanilhuajañi fire, to light ninayachi, sindi, huajanilhuajañi firewood chamiza, yamtA firewood, to get yamta first ñujpA, primero firstborn child atun cusha fish chalua fish, to chalua fishing net ataraya, lica fit ataque


five pichca fix, to allichi flag bandera flat ground pamba, plano ~ plan flag ground, to make planya flay, to tipca flea piqui flee, to miticu flesh aychA fling, to bota flour, yuca masato flow fast, to vola flower tujtU flute, to play flauta fly chuspi fly, make to volachi fly, to vola fog yapa tapa puyu fold, to pata following cati follow, make to catichi follow, to cati, catichi fond of, to be cuya, apega food micuy food, types boda, muti, patasca, huanshicha foot chaqui footwear chaquipi chutarayasca forcefulfly) sinchi forehead frente forest rucu sacha, sachucu forget, to cunga forgetful, to be cunga foster-mother mama ninga fortunately antis four chuscu fox chucha free libre, lugar, yanga free, to cachari free, to become libreya friend amigo frighten, to manchachi frightened, to be micu cui sungu frog tilili front of, in ñujPA fulfil, to pajtachi fulfilled, to be pajta full junda full, cause to be jundachi full, to be junda fur ajchA furrow huachU gather, to tandachi, palla gay alegre gentleman señor get away, to quispi

156 get up, to atari ghost cucU gift obsequio, caray girl, teenage sipas give a kick, to ayta give, to cara, cua, probachi, yucachi give with chili, to ayachi glad contento glance cahuay glass huisinga glimpse cahuay glow, to ninaya gnash teeth, to quiru mucu gnat chuspi go ahead of, to ñujpa go away, to anchu go back, to tigra go down, to uraycu go in, to yaycu go! Let's acuychi, yasta go out, to (fire) huañu go around, to muyu go, to ri go up, to sica God, god dios godfather padrino godmother madrina gold curi good alii, sumA Good day! pacaripuangui good-hearted alii sungu good thing that . . . , a antis goodwill voluntad gossip, to huasa rima, ñahui ñahui rima gourd puru govern, to maneja government ajay mandaj governor tayta mandaj, gobernador grain murU, muyu grandfather achalA, atun taytA grass ujsA, cuchuringa grateful gracia grateful for, to be agradece gratis yanga grease huirA green verde green, to turn verdeya greet, to saluda grief llaquin grieve, to llaqui grind, to cuta ground alpA ground, make to be apiachi group cuadrilla grow, to huiña grudge, to have a envidia


gruel api guaba tree pacay guard, to huacachi guard, to keep guardachi guest room atun ucu lado guinea-pig cui guitar guitarra gully huaycu gush out, to icha hair ajchA, milmA hair, body maqui milma half chaujpi halve, to chaujpi hand maqui hand over, to apichi, cuachi, entrega handle, to maneja hang, to huarcu happen, cause ,to tucuchi happen, to yalli happy contento, gracia hard sinchi hard, harden, to become sinchiya harvest pallay harvest, to palta hat chuta hate, to contra have, to yuca hawk gavilán, ilili he pay head umA headdress hualcA, pluma headrest shauna heal, to ambi health saludo Health! cayaghua, saludolla hear, make to huiyachi hear, to huiya heart sungU, corazón heat, to cunu heaven cielo heavy huapU, liasA help, to ayuda herbalist, Inga yacha Hey! ala hidden pacolla hidden, to become chingari, pacallaya hide, to paca high ahuA hill pilu, loma hip changa hit, to maca, sutuchi, pega hold, to chari, amulli hole utcu, pusU hole(s), to make aya, utcu holiday guarda


horn bututu, cachU horse caballo hot rupa, timbU hot country yungA hot, to become rupaya house huasi house, to make huasichi householder huasiyuj hover, to huajta how! fiayapa how long ago may tucu how many ma achca how much masa hug, to uglla hullo! puangui hundred patsaj hunger yarcay hungry galgo hungry, to make yarca hunt, to casa hurry, to calpa, vola hurt, to llaquichi, nana Hurts! it ay ~ ayay ~ ayayay husband cusa hut tambU hut, to make tambu I nuca ill jiru ill, to be ungu ill, to become unguri illness unguy illtreat, to cami immediate time suyu immediately suyumanda implement cucahui important atuN, pinu important, to be pinu vale increase, to mira indeed sutipa Indian runA, indigena ~indio Indian, to make indionira infant huahuA inform, to notifica, huilla Inga language inga injure, to nanachi insect punuchidor insert, to sati inside ucU insult, to cami intelligent, very iscay umayujsina Interjections carajo ~ carambas ~• caray, virgen intestines chunchullu introduce, to rijsichi invite, to convida invocation curihuaji

involved, to get sati iron irru it pay jewel corre job vario join, to Iluta jump, to pahua just made llullu keep (safe), to huacachi kettle paila kick,to ayta kill, to huañuchi kiss, to mucha knee cungurl kneel down, to cunguri knife cuchillo knock down, to chapu know, to rijsi, yacha lack pisi lack, to pisi lake cuchA, laguna land, small piece huachU landmark nidu landslide derrumbo landslide, to have derrumba lap miglla large atuN large, to be atunya last catimanda last, to aguanta late chisi, huañuj late, to be chisiya laugh at, to asi lazy, to be quilla lead astray, to pandachi leader pasado leaf pangA, yuyu lean upon, to quimiri leap, to pahua learn, to yachaycu least, at siquiera leather cara leave, make to llujsichi leave over, to puchuchi leave, to anchu, llujsi, saqui leave, to take despedí leaven puchcu left lluqui left over, to be puchu leg changa, shibca, chaqui lend, to mañachi lessen, to pisiyachi let, to saqui

158 liver palanca lice, to look for najcha lick, to llacua lie mentira lie down, to siriri lie, to chuta, llulla, siri life causay, vida light fire, to ninayachi, sendi light, to become punchaya, clarea like rijcha like, to look parece limited asllita line up, to jila lion ligu lip simi cara listen! ala little asllita, uchullA live, to causa, chisiya liver sungU lodging posadA lodging, to ask for posada lone sapallA long, not mana unaylla long time way Look! ala look after, to atende look for, to masca, najcha louse usA look like, to parece loop, belt muruy loosen, to cachari, pasca lose, to chinga, perde lost, to become chingari lot, a achca loud sinchi love, in garanu love, to make yuma love, to chya luck suerte luck, bad mana alii huasa luck, to give; lucky, to be suerteya lunch almuerzo lungs garyiru, huasa puru macaw guacamayo machete machete, cuchillO machete, to use macheteya mad upa, uma huagllido make, to rura male cari man cari, runA man, old ahuilO, mayor mangle, to alisia many achca marry, to casara mass misA, mucU


master yayA masticate, to mucu mat, sleeping estera, puiiudero mature pucusca mayor alcalde meal micuy meal for spirits camaricu mean, to niraya measure, to tupu, medi, tantea meat aychA medicine ambin, havilla meet, to tari meet together, to tanda meet with, to tariri memory yuyay, memoria mend, to sira, allichi mid-day chaujpuncha middle, midst chaujpi midnight chaujpi tuta milk leche millipede santo peso miraculous milagroso mistake, cause to make a pandachi mistake, to make a panda mistress rijsin mixture, roast huanshicha mix up, to chapu mock, to unsha, unshari, burla Mocoa Mucuga money culqui month quilla moon quilla more mdS morning tutata morsel piti mother mamA mother-in-law suegra mother superior madre superiora mount, to caballori mouse ucuchA, rata ~ rato mouth simi move (tr), to cuyuchi move, to cuyu, chausi much manchu, ajay mud turU multiply, to mira muscle yele my nuca nail, to clava naked HatA, veringo name suti name-sake tocayo name, to sutichi, nombra nape cuguti narcotics ambi huasca, pdramo, tigre huasca


narrow quichqui nauseate, to milla nauseated, to be millari near cayllA near, to become cayllaya Bear, to draw cayllaya, ladoya nearly nalla neck cunga need, to ministi need of, to be in ministi needle tupulli neither Hi nephew nieto nest tasinA net, fishing ataraya, lica nettle chini nevertheless imas manima nice chaya night tuta night, to become tutaya nine iscun No! manA noise ruida ~ ruido noise, to make quillachi, ruidachi nonsense, to talk tontea noon chaujpuncha nor n i nose singA not manA notch tarca now na, tiN, cuna now, just nalla nun madre nutria tuta misito oars chamiza obey, to obedece obscure, to quilpa obstruct, to area ocelot tigre offend, to ofende offended, to be huaglliri offering box huabli offspring huahuA oil lutira old rucu, mauca, tusta, antigua old, to be rucuya, achalaya old man ahuilO, mayor, achala old person rucU old woman ahuilA olden times anterior omen tapia one suJ open, to pasca or o ordinary yanga


orphan huajchU other suJ other side chimba otter, nutria tuta misito outside cancha oval, large susuca overmuch pasajta over-ripe mucU overseer pasado overturn, to pajchachi Ow! ay ~ ayay ~ ayayay owl cuscungu own propio owner dueño ox huagra Oy! ala pain llaquin, nanay painted pinta pale irqui palm of hand maqui pamba palm tree bitsajA papaya, wild chilacuán pardon, to pacencia, perdona, pacencia yuca pare, to aspi pass (through), make to yallichi pass quickly, to pajcha pass (through), to yalli paste pastA path ñambi patience pacencia patio huasi cancha patron patrón, yayA pay, to paga peaceful, to be pacencia ri peel, to lluspi, tipca people gente people, unbaptized jivaru pepper rucutu, uchU, piqui uchu persecute, to unsha person runa, persona pick, to palla pick out, to aglla pieces, to tear into ñutu pig cuchi pillar pilar pillow shauna pinch, to tipsi pineapple chihuila pineapple, wild chahuar pinus ullu pip muyU pipe muyU place lugar, puesto placid cungasca plane, to lluspi

160 plank quinchA plant sachA plant, for diarrhoea guiyavilla plant, for stomach ache quillanguilla plant, like peánut cuquindus plant, like rhubarb sijsi plant, root achirA plant, to tarpu plate latO plateau pambA, páramo play, to puglla, tuna, huiyachi please, to contenta, gusta pleased contento pleasing chaya pluck, to pela point nidu, punta ~ punto poison tragachisca poke, to tipsi police policía poor pobre ~ pugri Poor thing! apay possible, if it is allicajpi post ahuanga, listón pot mangA, quindi, huapcana, casuela potato, sweet cumala pottery callana pound, to taca pounded apiA pour, to talli, tingui powerfully huiyari pray, to reza preen, to lambia prepare, to allichi presence ñujPA present caray present, to be tia press, sugar-cane trapichi pretend, to tucu pretty chaya, sumA prevent, to area previously ña unay prick, to aya, tujsi priest padre, sacerdote prison posadA prize premio prize, to give premio profession profesión promise tapia, animari protect, to quispichi protective clothing huashabado proud, to be atun tucu provisions cucahui pull, to aysa pull (out, up), to piti pullover chalicu punch puñiti


punch, to maca, puñitiya puncture, to puñala punish, to azote, castica, leva purple pichi, morado push, to tanga put away quickly, to pajcha put in, to sati put on, to churari, mortaja put out, to be huaglliri put right, to allichi put, to chura put up beams, to chaglla question, to tapu quickly mana unaylla, utea, ligero quiet casilla, upalla quiet, to be casillaya quieten, to upalla quit, to desocupa rafters, cross-sticks challa rag lamuchi ~ llachapa rain tamia rain and sun together chuntarucu tamia rain, to tamia rainbow cuichi raise, to huiñachi, huamna rat ucuchA, rata ~ rato rat, water yacu ucuchA rattle maraca ~ maraco ravenous galgo ravine huaycu raw chahua reach, to alcanza, alcanzari, pajta read, to lee reason causa recall, to yuyari receive, to chasqui recover, to alliya recuperate, to alliya red pucA, pichi red, to be pucaya reed huasca reject, to huabuti relate, to huilla remain, to queda, catiya remember, to yuyari remove, to anchuchi residue cunchU respect respeto respect, to huana, respeta responsible, to hold cargochi responsibility cargo rest, the diamalas rest, to sama restore, to cutichi


return, make to cutichi return, to cuti, cutichi, tigra reward, to cuay puri rich yucaj, rico rich, to be ricoya ridge, hair cubuti ridicule, to unsha, unshari right hand alii maqui, derecho right?, isn't that no right, on the allima right, to put allichi ring, to campanaya ripe pucusca ripe, over- mucU ripe, to be pucuri rise, to puyuya river yacU road ñambi road, to make ñambichi roast, to camcha, cusa rob, to jua, sisa, roba rock, bulto, rumi roll over, to tuniri roof techo room cuarto, atún ucu lado rooster gallo, pollO root angU rope huasca rot, to ismu round (about) muyundi, muyujta round the waist, to be chumbilli row, to boga ruana, Inga capisayu, chapa!, jirgu ~ jiergu rub, to cacu, ahui run, make to calpachi run, to calpa, miticu rush, a pucuna rush, to calpa sack talega sacrament, to receive comulga sad irqui sadness llaquin sad, cause to become llaquichi sad, to be llaqui sad, to become llaquiri saint, patron patrón salt cachi salt! No samsam same quiquiN sand arena satisfied, to be sajsa satisfy, to contenta, sajsachi sauce cachi sauce, to make cachiya save, to quispichi

say repeatedly, to niraya say, to ni say to oneself, to yuyaypi ni scald, to barniza scan horizon, to ripara scandal escándalo scarcely apenas school escuela scold, to piña scoop out, to huisi scrape, to aspi search for, to masca second-hand shop pitanquilla secret(ly) pacalla See! ala see, to cahua seem, to yuyachi seize, to aysa, api self quiquiN sell, to catu semi medio send, to cacha, cachari serpent amarán serve, to servi ~ sirve set on fire, to sendi seven canchis sever, to piti sew, to sira sexton sacristán ~ sacristana shade tuta shake, to cuyuchi, chausi Shame! lastima sharp filo, travo ~ dravo shawl baytA she pay sheep oveja shelf cahuitu shell corn, to iscu shelter, to make catachi sheltering, to have cata shin chaqui ñudu, shibca shine, to punchaya shoe zapato, cotiza shoot jura shoot out, to quibna shoot, to juraya shore pat A short murU short, to become muruya shoulder huasa, palA, braso ~ raso shout, during carnival mishá mishá shout, to capari shove, to tanga show, to cahuachi shy, to be pinga Sibundoy Indian coche



sickness unguy sick person unguj side ladO side, opposite chimba sift, to capi sigh, to samay cacha sight ñahui signify, to niraya silent upallA similar to rijcha sing, to canta sing in parts/in turn, to ñaftupi racupi quinguchi sir señor sister (of female) ñaña sister (of male) pani sit down, to tiari sit up, to atari sitting down, to be tiacu, tianacu six sujta skin, cara, turmachinga skin, to tipca, pela skirt, woman's anacü ~ pachA sky cielo slab tabla slave yanga trabajaj sleep puñuy sleep, to chuta, puñu sleep, to go to puñuri sleeping mat estera sliced shuchu slim amchi slip, to vuelta slowly allimanda small murU, uchullA small, to be uchutlaya smart picaru smash, to paquichi smell asnA smell, to asnaya smoke cusni, puyU smoke, make to cusnichi smoky, to be puyuya smooth llanibu smooth, to be llambuya snake culebra, matihuaja snatch, to quichu sole of foot chaqui pamba some time tucu son hijo, sullA song canto soothe, to consuela sore liada, chupu sorrow llaquln sour puchcu sour, to be puchcuya sow, to tarpu

Spaniard español sparrow shulujchi speak, to aynichi, huiyachin tucu, rima speckled sarasa spin, to puchca spirit amimas spirit, evil cucU spirit, lucky samuy spit, to tuca spittle llausA splinter, to paqui split, to cuchu, chijta spoon-maker cucharón spread out, to manda spring yacu ñahui spring, to pahua sprout, to juraya spy, to chapa square, calle, patio squash, large sapallu squeeze, to surcu staff tagunA stair escalera stalk malqui stand, cause to sayachi standing, to be saya stand still, to sayari stand, to saya stand upright, to derecha star quilla tuta, estrella start, to callari starved galgo statue imagen stay behind, to quipaya steal, to sisa, aysa steam, to uraya steeple punta ~ punto step on, to saru step, to take tatqui stick caspi stick, walking tagunA still casilla, chayra Still do not! amara still, to be casillaya still not manara sting, to aya stir, to cuyuchi, chausi stomach huijsA stone rumi stone, cooking tulpa stool bancO, isma stop, to sayari storm cloud tamia puyu story cuento, parlO strange irqui strangle, to sipi


strangle (intr), to sipiri straw ujsA street calle strength fuerza stretch, to chuta chutachi strike, to pega string huasca strong/uerfó, huapU, sinchi study, to estudia stump piti stupid upa subtract, to resta suck, to chupa suckle, to chuchu suffer, to pasa suffering pasay sufficient, to be alcanza sugar-cane huirU sugar-cane press trapichi summon, to caya summon together, to tandachi sun indi sunny, to be indi surname apellido surplus puchU surprise, to shachi suspect, to sospecha suspend, to huarcu suspended, to be huajta sweat, to jumbi sweep, to picha sweet misqui sweet, to be misqui sweet, to become misquiya swell, to pungui swim, to huayta swindler salamanguiay tail chupA take away, to quichu, anchuchi, huaglla take behind owner's back, to huaca ca take leave, to despedí take, make to apichi take out, to llujsichi, lugarya, surcu take, to apa, api, aysa, pusa, surcu, upia talk against, to cami tall atuN tardy siqui tassel, belt prensa Tasteless! samsam tasty misqui tasty, to be misqui tasty, to become misquiya teach, to yachachi tear huiqui, lagañu, lliquin tear hair, to aspi 11*

tear, to lliqui, ñutu teasing picaru tell, to huilla, cuenta ~ conta, parla ten chunga tender llullu teenage boy musU teenage girl sipas testimony testamento tether, to huata thankful for, to be agradece Thank-you! pay that chay, chiN that way, in chasa then nisPA, niJPI, puis thick racu thief sisay thin amchi, ñañu, flaco thing richa think, make to yuyachi think, to yuya thirsty, to be yacunaya this cAY this way, in casa thought yuyay thousand huaranga three quimsA throat cunga throat, round hualcado throw over, to quilpa, tingui throw, to talli, aventa, volachi, sita thumb mama dedo thus casa, chasa tie, to huangu, huata tiger tigre tile teja time viaje tire, to saycu toad tilili tobacco tabaco today cuna toe chaqui dedo toenail sillU together parejo tomorrow caya tomorrow! See you cayacama tongue callU tooth quirU top, on ahuA toucan picudu touch, to tupari town pueblO track ñambi trample on, to saru trap tuglla trap, to tuglla tray batea

164 treat, to ambi, trata tree sachA tree, like grape pumamaqui tree, like pomegranate purupuru tremble, to chujchu tripe chunchullu trouble llaquin trouble, to not huana troubled, to be llaqui troubled, to become llaquiri trowel paleta true! It's verda truly sutipa trunk ronco truth verdad try, make to probachi try, to proba, huapuya turkey chumbU turn into, to tucu turn, to make quinguchi turn around, to tigrari twice, to be paresya twin millisu twist, to cauchu two iscay ugly mana chaya umbilical cord pupu unbaptized auca,jlvaru unbind, to pasca uncivilized auca uncle tio uncooked chahua uncover, to llatana under ucU understand, to comprende, entende undress, to llatana unheated chiri unite, to lluta unoccupied lugar unpleasant huinja unravel, to pasca untie, to cachari, pasca up (river) huichA upright mantaquirA, pilar upset, to voltea urinate, to chichi, ispa use, to ocupa used mauca useful, to be very pinu vale useless yanga vain, in yanga valley huaycu, valle valuable vale valuable, to be vale


valueless, to be sambaya vehicle carro vertically quinray very yapa, pinu, animal violin viola ~ viole ~ violeo visit, to visita vomit, to quibna waddle, to quindiya wages jornal waist, to be round chumbilli wait for, to suya wake (tr.), to rijchachi walk, to puri walk, to take pasea walk with stick, to taguna wall quinchA wall, to erect quincha want, to muna warm cunU warm, to cum warm, to become cunuya wash (self), to mayllari wash, to maylla, tajsa waste food traste watch, to chapa watchman huasicama, shansha watch-tower cahuitu water yacU waterfall sambullin weak samba weak, to be sambaya weary, to aburrí weave, to ahua wed, to boda weight, large bulto weighty llasa Well! allisia well alii, allilla Well done! huanachushi well, to become alliya, saludoya what mA while, a quipa while ago, a ña unay whip, to azote, levachi whipping azotey whisky trago white yurA white man señor who pi widow huajchu huarmi wife huarmi wind huayrA windy, to be huayra winter tamia wish, to muna


wish well, to alii juahuachi witch cucu mamita witchcraft, to practise pluji witch-doctor brujO woman huarmi woman, old ahuilA woman, worthless curunda wood caspi wood, for scraping hualmU, macaita wood, length of tupU woods rucu sacha woods, to clear desmonta wool milmA word rimay, palabrA word, in chant manaji work obra work-party mingay work, to trabaja worker jornalero, pigun world mundo worm anangU, curu worn out mauca worse peor

wrap, up, to maytu wrap, woman's baytA wretched micha wrist maqui ñudu wrist bone maqui tullu write, to escribi wrong, to be in culpa wrong, to do panda year huata yellow quillU Yes! aja, arí yesterday cayna you cam You'll see! ricú young llullu, musU, malta young, to be musuya youngster huamrA your camba youth huamrA youth, masked cucuruchu yuca rumU yuca flour masato


General Linguistic Chomsky, Noam 1965 Aspects of the theory of syntax (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts). Longacre, Robert E. 1968 Grammar discovery procedures (Mouton, The Hague). Matteson, Esther 1965 The Piro (Arawakan) language (University of California). Pike, Kenneth L. 1954 Language in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior, Part I (Glendale, California). 1955 Part II. 1960 Part III. Inga and Quechua (selected) Caudmont, Jean 1953 "Las fonemas del Inga", Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 1, 361-389. 1961 "Estructura Morfologica del Inga", A William Cameron Townsend on the 25th Anniversary of Instituto Lingüístico de Verano in Mexico, 401-412. Levinsohn, Stephen H. 1970 "Deprecatory Suffixes in Inga", Anthropological Linguistics, XII, 6, 226-229. Orr, Carolyn 1962 "Ecuador Quichua clause structure", Studies in Ecuadorian Indian languages, I, 114-124 (Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Mexico D.F.). Orr, Carolyn and Robert E. Longacre 1968 "Proto-Quechuamaran", Language, 44, 3, 528-555. Ross, Ellen 1963 Introduction to Ecuador Highland Quichua or Quichua in Ten Easy lessons (Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Quito, Ecuador). Spenst, H., I. Spenst, B. Wrisley and G. Sherman 1965 "Quechua", Gramaticas Estructurales de lenguas bolivianas, 1,1-118 (Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Beni, Bolivia). Wrisley, Betsy and Carolyn Orr 1965 Vocabulario Quichua del Oriente del Ecuador (Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Quito, Ecuador). 167