The Four Gospels (Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament, Vol. I) [I] 9781942699002, 9781942699057, 9781942699064, 2015933220

Writing in the tradition of biblical exegetes, such as St John Chrysostom and Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, the work

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The Four Gospels (Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament, Vol. I) [I]
 9781942699002, 9781942699057, 9781942699064, 2015933220

Table of contents :

Introduction: The New Testament, the Four Gospels, and a General Explanation

1. The Coming into the World of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Introduction to the Gospel: Its Veracity and Purpose

The Pre-eternal Begetting and the Incarnation of the Son of God

The Conception of the Forerunner of Christ, John

The Annunciation to the Most Holy Virgin Mary

The Meeting of the Virgin Mary with Elizabeth

The Birth of John the Baptist

The Genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ According to the Flesh

The Nativity of Christ

The Youth of the Lord Jesus Christ

2. The Public Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ: Events of His Life Before the First Passover

John the Baptist and His Witness of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Forty-Day Fast and the Temptation from the Devil

The First Disciples of Christ

The First Miracle at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee

3. The First Passover of the Public Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ

Casting Out the Merchants from the Temple

The Conversation with Nicodemus

The Last Witness of St John the Baptist Concerning Jesus Christ

St John Is Imprisoned

The Departure of the Lord to Galilee and His Conversation with the Samaritan Woman

The Coming of Christ the Saviour into Galilee and the Beginning of His Preaching There

The Healing in Cana of the Son of the Nobleman

The Calling of the Fishermen-Apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, and John

The Power of Christ’s Preaching and the Healing of the Possessed Man in the Synagogue of Capernaum

Healing Peter’s Mother-in-Law and Many Others

Preaching in Galilee

Jesus Christ Preached in the Synagogue in Nazareth

The Healing of the Leper

The Healing of the Paralytic in Capernaum

The Calling of Matthew

4. The Second Passover of Public Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ

Healing the Paralytic Near the Pool of Siloam

The Lord’s Teaching Regarding His Equality to God the Father and the Universal Resurrection and Judgment

Plucking the Heads of Grain on a Sabbath

Healing the Man with the Withered Arm on a Sabbath

A Great Multitude of People Gathers Around the Lord, His Many Miracles: The Lord Avoids Glory and the Prophecy of His Humility

Choosing the Twelve Apostles

The Sermon on the Mount

Healing the Leper

Healing the Servant of the Centurion of Capernaum

The Raising of the Son of the Widow of Nain

John the Baptist Sends His Disciples to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord’s Witness Concerning John the Baptist

Rebuking the Sinful Cities, Praising God for Revealing the Truth to Children, and a Call to All Who Are Weary and Heavy Laden

Forgiving the Sinful Woman in the House of Simon the Pharisee

Healing the Possessed Man and Rebuking the Pharisees for Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

The Lord’s Answer to Those Who Sought a Sign from Him

A Woman Praises the Mother of Christ, and Christ Answers Her: Spiritual Relation to the Lord

The Lord’s Parables Regarding the Kingdom of God

The Lord Answers Those Who Are Hesitant to Follow Him

Calming the Storm on the Sea

Casting Out the Legion of Demons in the Country of the Gadarenes

Healing the Woman with an Issue of Blood and Resurrecting the Daughter of Jairus

Healing the Two Blind Men and the Dumb Demoniac

The Second Visit to Nazareth

Christ Walks Throughout Galilee with His Disciples and Certain Women: His Sorrow at the Lack of Workers for the Harvest

Christ Sends the Twelve to Preach

The Beheading of John the Baptist

The Miraculous Feeding of the Five Thousand with Five Breads

The Lord Walks on Water and Heals Many Sick

Conversation About the Bread from Heaven

5. The Third Passover of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Public Ministry

Rebuking the Tradition of the Pharisees

Healing the Daughter of the Canaanite Woman

Healing the Deaf with a Speech Impediment and Many Other Sick

The Miraculous Feeding of the Four Thousand

Rebuking the Pharisees Who Asked for Signs and Warning Against the Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees

Healing the Blind Man in Bethsaida

The Apostle Peter Confesses, on Behalf of All the Apostles, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God

The Lord Foretells His Death and Resurrection, and Teaches of the Necessity to Bear One’s Cross

The Transfiguration of Christ

Healing the Possessed Youth: On the Importance of Faith, Prayer, and Fasting

The Miraculous Paying of the Temple Tax

Who Is Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? The Lord Uses a Child as an Example to the Disciples

Miracles Were Performed in Christ’s Name Even by Those Who Did Not Follow Him

The Teaching Concerning Battling Against the Passions

The Parable of the Lost Sheep, of Correcting Those Who Are Lost, and the Meaning of the Judgment of the Church

On Forgiving Offenses and the Parable of the Merciless Creditor

Christ Refuses to Go Together with His Brothers to Jerusalem for the Feast of Booths

Christ Goes to Jerusalem with His Disciples: The Samaritan Town Refuses to Take Him In

Christ Sends the Seventy to Preach

The Lord in Jerusalem for the Feast of Booths

Christ’s Judgment over the Woman Caught in Adultery, Brought Before Him by the Pharisees

Christ Speaks with the Jews in the Temple

Healing the Man Blind from Birth

Sermon Regarding the Good Shepherd

The Discussion During the Feast of Purification

The Return of the Seventy

The Parable of the Merciful Samaritan

The Lord Jesus Christ in the Home of Martha and Mary

The Parable of the Insistent Request

Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees

The Parable of the Foolish Rich Man

Parables on Awaiting the Second Coming of Christ: Of the Slaves Who Wait for the Coming of the Lord and of the Good and Faithful Servant

The Lord Predicts Division Among People on Account of His Teaching

A Call to Repentance, Inspired by the Death of the Galileans and Those Who Were Crushed by the Tower of Siloam

The Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree

Healing the Woman Who Was Bent Over

On the Narrow Path to the Kingdom of God

Christ Answers the Threats of Herod and Laments the Destruction of Jerusalem

Healing the Man Sick of the Dropsy

The Parable of Those Who Love to Be First

The Parable of Those Called to the Feast

The Teaching Regarding True Followers of Christ

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The Parable of the Unjust Steward

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

The Teaching on the Holiness of Marriage and on Virginity

On the Power of Faith and on the Necessity of Fulfilling the Commandments

Healing the Ten Lepers

On the Coming of the Kingdom of God and the Second Coming of Christ

The Parable of the Unrighteous Judge

The Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee

Blessing the Children

The Rich Youth

The Apostles, Who Left Everything for Christ’s Sake, Will Inherit Eternal Life

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Who Received Equal Pay

The Lord Repeats His Prophecy of His Imminent Suffering and Resurrection and Answers the Sons of Zebedee Regarding Primacy in His Kingdom

Healing the Two Blind Men in Jericho

The Lord Jesus Christ Visits Zacchaeus

The Parable of the Ten Pounds, or the Talents

The Raising of Lazarus

The Decision of the Sanhedrin to Kill the Lord Jesus Christ

The Dinner in Bethany at the Home of Lazarus

6. The Last Days of the Earthly Life of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

Casting Out the Merchants from the Temple

Great and Holy Monday: Cursing the Fruitless Fig Tree

The Desire of the Greeks to See Jesus Christ and the Lord’s Words Concerning Them

Great Tuesday: The Withered Fig Tree and the Teaching on the Power of Faith

Conversations in the Temple: The Lord Answers the Elders Regarding His Authority

The Parable of the Two Sons

The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen

The Parable of Those Called to the Wedding Feast of the Son of the King

The Lord’s Answer Regarding Paying Taxes to Caesar

Shaming the Sadducees with Respect to the Resurrection of the Dead

Conversation Regarding the Greatest Commandment of the Law and the Divinity of the Messiah

Accusing the Scribes and Pharisees

The Widow’s Mite

The Lord Speaks with His disciples on the Mount of Olives about the Second Coming and the End of the World

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

On the Dread Judgment

Great and Holy Wednesday: The Council of the Chief Priests and Elders Regarding the Death of Jesus, Jesus’s Anointing by the Sinful Woman in the House of Simon the Leper, and the Betrayal of Judas

Great and Holy Thursday: The Mystical Supper

The Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane

The Betrayal of Jesus Christ and the Flight of the Apostles

Judgment over the Lord by the High Priests Annas and Caiaphas

Peter’s Denial

Great and Holy Friday: The Judgment of the Sanhedrin

The Death of Judas, the Traitor

The Lord Jesus Christ Is Brought to Pilate

The Lord’s Path to the Cross, the Way to Golgotha

The Crucifixion

The Repentance of the Good Thief

The Theotokos at the Cross

The Death of Christ

The Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ

7. The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Myrrh-Bearing Women Come to the Tomb; the Angel Appears to Them

The Risen Lord Appears to Mary Magdalene and the Other Mary

The Lie of the Jews and Bribing the Guards of the Tomb

The Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus

The Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Ten Disciples on the Day of the Resurrection

The Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Eleven Apostles on the Eighth Day After the Resurrection, and the Doubt of Thomas

The Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Disciples at the Sea of Galilee

Reinstating Peter into His Apostolic Dignity and a Prophecy Concerning His Martyr’s Death

The Lord’s Appearance to the Disciples on the Hill in Galilee

The Ascension of the Lord



Subject Index

Scripture Index

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