Table of contents :
Introduction (page 7)
The Eastern Woodlands (page 31)
The Great Plains (page 83)
The Desert West (page 101)
The Far West (page 157)
The Arctic and Subarctic (page 203)
Chronologies (page 243)
Bibliography (page 252)
List of illustrations (page 254)
Index (page 262)
Citation preview
Pn Greenland “ey
7, ‘S Proce ake
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'y ve| gory x f Ve 3a gf
pen! eae ~ Beotluik. AN Ty
» . ¢ ‘ Montagnais -Naskapi Coo? AE REG IONS
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~ Crratwa ‘=== , % = : : S/
ba 7 1 FrowoN xy ssachuser A \MERICA wm Dy, , ' Shahi Cay SAM AaSSACNIISE
. a F Wel Erland
| r _ia ng Fe pngulans coe Potawato MLA ae “ak
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>is Miami ae 7 nip
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| Po ff 7, . eAgonquites | fiTSE . Sigh Oh wa
ifi3.\Yor ¥ " Pa , > 77a. - Trek
Atlantic Ocean
bo} \ -. ) \ aa | Choyaw \
fea ee PO Pi gP_TIMUCUA
.rulfofMexico lexi _—Ioan 7 | | NS \
The Archaeology of North America
Ss SES Roe | SSS s
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SS SSS : SS eee
=... Pe eS SS SS SSS SS Se eee [ esSSSS os SSS eSSS SS eee SSS .SS SSS eee
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ta ADO bee \ aw NO tay fC 4 OY ee fe ve foe eS
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{ &%y a a 4 ee 4 | \ a [ 9 a OU OSFT.ULULULD CD — fe. Py 74, oo | — © f = eo 4 4 ge ne 7 ok ger % : . a He. fr Bees tee spe ee he Ser eee emeeeence ce STs ie See AS 2 ae ees US Sogeee se aeeas a eee 38 EHR Le agate se Bigot sia, oRacsea See. ES Tge Fae ag Re Feeney SO oa * 3 Seg ee, ae ot - fot . : .
Pe “FOB pee oe: Se See es saa, 2. SeeSe sates sooTES, | pSARS SERRE eee “2 SS Bayt PPPS 7a, yy - See Geis. “Rite eePOR eS wh i: : LE cs- Soho" Bebo a load: LET gareSop SRaeSS ee =ee Reet ne UEpSE CE pteesree, oe gSBG BOSE 9 eaeCEETS TES 0 seedSES DARE fee eee eage: Wee aReee EOE POUR ESE bey SEokt OMETE, BsEB 7 & wt . 7fa Prepetits sac Lig Sa Bg POR aPsp oes ER: 2 ae IS eae SS aRT esSSPE gees ag "gsEB LU RRR RER 0 TEN TSR SSSESR Ge etSESS eee Le BR yp Biccuet: MeaBme eT rs) . :SSSR 4.735 beter ficsse 7 eee 3 Re OE aE ae ae eSER Pe ae SEE it aL :nob 20 Eb : . a sf Pea ee RSFSR ee ee SOORRG SPLATT, A toga ge Rar nSEE aRabeg ee Ey EEE Eg? @SeAo 2erWee ogy SB GRR PBI, 24 EoePa; : BERS SES ce GRA Bog eas Cg 8wecae CUBARSON cok Q7s Sear : BRE aggASgeRLS UR SE. SR eggs PaEo OP as ee : er " :pee ar ubevee St Hob see : : a pool CASRERPYSS "TESRiecetans - SREY ey SRD SRE URE geecESEE BeeSee uy SSE cept Beiee Berge Oo Be Pee ERE ce aeware eeSee ee Bas . CREPE gE TERRA SU CPGTUDES ae pa Su FEHalt 5 Le TSpe SEOSx GSA : lat CE Se Re. og: Pe tants sa. Meee OT PEBRER 2. egFP Soaroaae RRB*Fog TEs SFees cone ee aSO. 2 Be ES POR es nt
V ea tee ee MD eam Sc eS) cee eC ees a i Pic cc REE gigeae ee ie ae ee i j BeeNERS ae We MMMM RS os OaCARE Pees See: t EL ere RO 6 2 ae : eee 1 ge Sarre ie eres 525 ae ae bo mee | MY RSS pecs stat PR PREIS REP OCT CREA ENO CCC * all
a a oe a pe ae ei oe Hocagabee: 4b : pee ce og a Se a a sige
racreme Se BE Bo i Ooaeeee os ae aeay Beg c ae=1: EyepRY of PSS ee aeae per0ae a es
CE a. ee
“Sika pete ee ae oesSpee a OS ERG eee gS 1: EM SE REE 8 SS"Ee “Rega Ralee ReneS * gag CRM DECGS Stare
Mafiese Rc! 2 eee Es BER oe Se Bete PCO eB S SSS: 5 Sc : oem Be. TO ORR eaeenEARS 5° . ceORE ae Bi Sa | SEE Ree. eee TREES Gi ORR BS io RRR ES ORR EG RRC Sn EM se Sn ea : See
et rerea ei ee ae: cere os ae a a
Se : vrEMM C802 CEES LE tee, [oS joie ae Biel e:IRERS . TEER CAN eeos MRS cen PNG PEs ay reac a ara Roane sae EES Se j SIS aug 2JERSE UE OME. aga.UFSak Stage. “COMME COMMERCE RE q wing Congas WET RR BORE SEN RSS 25 oe PASEO me a SSSA a NSSeens Sa Oke Go aa [OES gs Os ERE Sees COSTED TES 5toseePRRMMME cherg cs};j : 20 ERROR aa ineee PRs Neat Bs {poo 30 Sari DSA eS R ae Oy, go. eee yo EES AERO RE seen a
| EARS RELA SEAS RA Rs seca a aor
BS oo , Sy RL are see ee ee ee ee
. ge ; 7 ee rs; ireOoa EE a : .Lu A. Jes Sek UPgOSscog mete an SEER a Mus Baus Ron a SB FE Se RR Ao ie : Okna ° : 2 : : a Pa 2 Jt 4 Saget 3 Pe a 7" Se. Sa 7 S o! le m 4 Ae : 4 RS i: “a : Saaes eePg Sha adpest) -erg ‘ahes: en «Fy ae eee 8Foo ee ee finvn eee goa, 5: fo ar |2+ak + +3 a iBo es ee ee a , aes oe fan igs 2LBS a ESae :“he OSLu ggaHY PAS -,) ,Bie 2 see ae ‘ee aeOTR re pO ot 8°-— Gee Ceeg WE eg erP AEP osigs See aeIeewee poe ee BeFRE rege? oieee te Mg oy eeaSgal ree ae. 2 res 1}ie OS ; BOEee URSi EEY fpeera8 :PUN : . Og OR Dae) R 2 oy sP a: ae aeSee aaBAPE SOEs _ -a: Do? Lf ig PRS SSS a ny zi Bo, . 7 me te ‘4 te, 2 ae + GPRSBets. Se eee SE a oe2: ere a> a Peres Yo; gO a - po, - bite ABee . Pato Gaedef 2 fy uaeeer lt nO, OBSSue TES : bor. ge_eigen a ee a Get ae ._ _ wee tn, 2 BEER oe ve AS TT oes 2 aSEgas GEERT EE 7Anog on caPy ee .oo. eat! Pe es ee. = ee “ieeS oF eS ay ges S ee ee =a ii a ony Es | .BOM eS es a eeraooSe ee = : OWE aun AS ele Ck ee :
ee ee ee ee ae |? te ie rt ee ee ee, ee ee Ce ae ee
4oo wot gg oe ee ee APdg me feReOS : ..% 3. ahs ES ade a PR ge: Spice ge FE Pot Bae DR : pas Soneee. iat Chae. poaPLE ya 8 etOe 3 ot, osee SeeEe > SS . shee sdeee a 4 é2,|ae,Soe - #2 eo Wer. Sh ee at Sei: apewo PS OFA aps spycee eg aa a eo 28,” Ue eee, rn ne per a BOT eh Bes Bi ee et go: Ooo Reet eee UL Oe Oe ee Seek 2 Be a Bie ess ee ee € + ae en BS _ . rr : Boa aS an ges Eas eh es fh ous . Sethe ag oe ee ae OF gee. ee gs 2 ey ee ree fT ee Pa ek a ee : Ba gies a p Brae a ie
pe‘;HEF gteg ge :,ae aeee : he veto FES Soap »tege, 0 Be ve : ze pee Bes ‘ ie co eee wR a eewe oeA: eam ae: ge fe pace ce Riciseerage pag Ros (eee ae. areaeeee a Ee caer RESe[ERE Saver
2 feot: es: Pa a.a age : ; PoaN ahBEE : ue :: ees oHme Siar aienoveaeTARA TE a Pan... Ses od Pe Pa RNS: Saas ONS Cee ree Oeape ae rn egghsce A iS y So, “ES TH) oy. ooeo ) ae Ret aera Aten .Boe oe Vesey a gtEa PARE ae BAR Bierce eae! pers ada: - aan” Soe) aeoR Sacg orSe BEEe aeeeee eee obs! aacetera " Se: . =ae a airs 3gee gee ae ates pees eee i ateSiaee oe eee aaa ere Bere on oe: ae eeaeee Lo, ELSE eR: eee Pa on aaa OSE AS.Goa 2: oea Sa a ae aeiee cE SH Pan aaa RASA sete ee eee iad er:ssails : SEES See. hagwet ee oe Lides hEur rhe Ea CRESS aRoo ar i:Baca eae 23 CULO SGSISES ; ect cogeURES hs pee a: SE on ae nCeee Sener prea Be yt |BE ESE eres = pcBeShasst eeLe BEER Ops os UBOTE. cas feuBE a a nattkae. ala oe ae ae SeaePeers .Seoaa 7REeMen oR. eadreeeeary a {ERE To, SaeSe GP 22 .|| OR eg Bre TEENS pipesSER Le: chgdes : “Es ihcSESSA eadSERS Beeweosiehagtete Se. EG hag ERR RES LyOAS gece ooaeo ge OEE cae tS, ee : ES eS EB ga : : See Boge ae oeSe Race Ope age, BRR ans on Fd Phee inal eS EL ee AE: oe a . es Tae z re “w Me HDS) SHE PASH To Rese, TF ug = Seer _ BREESE. | BRM ree PEs Ree a ae TS. vi abbe . . he Et 2 aaa Peases tpt Ons Fea eRa xLURE aa 1p ig. RSE GEE. Sa RE SPREE ET ET 47 reeae Jel.pews oigtesca{7com ee RRR sagemearns ee hag aaa ALU teea Se LO oS . wines 2 eaaa Sear° Ya Sane Rin ces eat ahigeia? -laeaM ESyigeeey uh AS i.|. TRE ORE esa ars 3AABN SS:TeSane Ra Cea Perens ts) Se Sete ie et
se, ame ee ae ae ; rn ee SEE . ; tee Bers. < Beso meals ee a om = oe ee eestavece: aaabars coger Eo era cHEoe erie eee a:By ae eames ee. SEE eee ne i‘- oeSoe Oe EL “SE Be Seoe co ae osEEE ag. 4ton BR Ss SE ge SS eae a3 -2Bee oe ae 322 RotccScortt iar seeceeecee ct SRO Re a afo TR Vals Hed LER DMBRAP [age RGSS aie ae +, 3ot RES. ONES Sse Past -esmeesoab esas cee aeERE qee 3TSE widGH aee aut HU ERR BS ESS laE ear.TE, SHES aa3Ee ER : aes aia . TES pists eeeSes sogee cine Aod Peis eg ae ae me -iT}Bee TE PR 2TBR whe Tey :See eS.agSSE — sie ee ea aS aBaar .Hay joy. 5 Ferreaieietcaa iee BBP EB 8cers. :ee Po ee Se esa Be ——— Ec °ae d aBs oe aeae. BRAG Ba, Reon coy :cig are aes tTee: geeeeg " epee EL i- .He et ‘SSPE Ba ae ae. ayemer eee He eeSamia fae Pete febri? +:oSee :“gS. Dames : eye ite ie. “Sone: aae % atg SaaRRE Coarse Cope :Eg aimee ey hee Ser peta ii2Be sede aeeee ak aes: Se: See a. fee aes ae Speier Caterers. |... 3Fee ee oesPe ae ae ee eek ar ee ee ee ee oe 2a ae me Sec: a a ads ian SE er ao a ey Uc thn eran ec eee a se = Sar a=Fay:cereae aPim ae :ASca: Se a SSS eaSoe on 2 ee ee ce Been oa ee: ee a.aee Eee geeeeAeneas +. aSVES5h. iad, : aed SRS TSRCS ene ete Tapes ort. Aaa asoc BER E Re CRORE ac hea ee: Reenadae se ryyae gee Sere TRE lapes RARDRRE 2° Gane nS,a as. eaeirees |” peices? aR pokssctumeneae 2:ae* SARS. “BeOS: cSER aoe Rae Comer ees:Saeeo aerenaeraneD Seea‘ee Rodger ee. .eRe PRCeeree aeaeae a SaSmemee ee RenRO «Lae onan Bo “ae itrgn pee Sa Bare ee eee . |oo SSS aeesBeee ao Beak eeBS oer cls eae eeceagie ee eeGhee eestag ee aaa a ree2S sc > io. ° ABE: ORRSES >os Tepes aeee: Aas? BEic cree eas chp pear aiSRS Reet SEES. ..eee eae et . » RRB Sh eRee Si ~ AR ec SSSee pibeeaeaier: renee an oeree a “AEE? BREN ce as + Se. Lee : Bi— Pes age aRe 1re USREN SEE GR aSeios ofae— eeaeae eerea~ Seca aeeSs Baca ABS OO » Es. ile per eee :4ieee a Be Co Os eeCra ERR TS RRS PiSpey See oo ARSE eeTARA ae ee 2s ae segggr PS aa coats aRe Rg he Pie «2c 2 Earea PEE ST RSE SEeee Sy EEE caaBesse: cSLae ae SS raBe se ES | Beto epee 5 TE .og PS Ais,3,TES). 2“nage eee Soremme: Al TERI sii eme ste hae) aeRS Ba g: ILE? ee ARETE ARR ayiegelscstiwe Sas3h 2. See raed Peoie” STR aga . Ag: Se; thy At East pei CR TRE STEERS neACS ae 7. ee reese Tes Sa RE ELST (oi 3 Sten SERRRp SFSai00 aes vedas 70° ERE peefe Acae eeTRE |See aTos ad ABER eaeBeten ao :: :Suh Pee
SOE eee ee : oe fawih aa Si i hlCU cy PES 2. See ce : ee ae SS erm eee | i: es oe ee See va, ee aa aoe i ee Bee eee ee aee ee ess 2. iaereBins. :awy . =7wae ERE 3MMMM Se ot a i can ce PEC TER Cr Se Leepeap kee ONE SCs aes otis St Se,fees 5 CGE GR eat ae ae Bassist devas ig iy - i.eae oo VERGE? Ta: gg PeUaeE Screg amma Pe sirasNeate secre eee ae 3 oc. 3: :eet oe ee REE Oe aeeee oFeet eee Cou een, ES Cae aR PAR eee eos eS es| eee =*:SPE cpt, ...
transformed a lump of Oe —l( lh Tr eC —— ry pical Rei fe, 10 CHI. [ ONY. SE er ee —
2383 ees fg eae . : oy Behe yices “
ibe LES, CEE ei, Eeaig gee SRS CREA ees :2 Pe 5S #5 Fee Aperice eee: Ae geBeEgpee ene ts foe? AEE Eek £28 ps eA ‘gt *rer2eoaa) ASE Be ee rig ere OPE ee ee :# & ee =EPS zee a:G8. “ge sige SaS fae SF Ey oo re 2Br gSFG a ee bane rees EBs Pas OMEN EES Siarey i Z2Es =#3 oSeSAe eS ye=gttz .. EX re eae Seeres 3 2BnBeSee teata zB5g £52 143 me FF ereBee eeSLA reahs esoe, Jee pea singed gE oe oS. #4. fee ee Fit oot aeS 2 es ee Sz eee. Bnae tsgoat PE ee BAe ee eeeen aeae Pee esLoe SURES fete asBa. ig?2 bg en,ae225 eos ~ 35bAgag$2a gees: ApSergSseee: Agee i ee it ag= Pad eeeStated eee BBS eseeeeEeeeeeeHE? ieee oe—4Sp eeFteect eet es See8BS eS ee pe 5 F: P27 See SE ee A: See ee pes? LEE ig 783 enePs fy 227 ee ee 2 pea wee Fy. eS a Pee Bi a! & uy eee Bre SS af iy £2 2 Pree as PES per Es
7s Bes Mode Eee $4225 SE eee ge = Dares yey age Poe ee 3 se oeo ee ae Ppa ee le Gee FEE ey 2alaty i aets ae a6: gs Spe ae AYage dl2aed eo FE ee!PeAo este heBUTE. 2 esefogs pesos as eee 23; BeBeer ee oe ekees a FD Ye oe EES oP 2Rath Be ae gl:table ees: ae, pee Pe: Sees eee Bigs : EGE = eg Eee% Bee 2492 AZ ag 22 eer ee oepase: ee Ae aeRee ta ee bsgirs Brie eerae CBR OTe — eeceBee, BS ee 35S 9 Ere SF rt Pe I ee 22 eZ 2s Bi He Higgs fF a re Lee ie te eg a ee 2 fae Pe oe Bee eee sgt Jee 3 ere, | sag eee F Fe pee BA Ee TEES 4 Es Pe: Fiage a fee . aoa Piviiive a2 age Se Bee Pe ee 2 ee ee BES See ee ee ia Es fee eee ect eg a ee. ‘Ai e4it. page = Be Be Fe eae a tee fei A Be ho Td a ssee
a=bee ate, hg iSFe1B BP BrCre = ot ee.yu?ae-:.ALES Peea ae oe: rea? see Cee oo “abe ae | pag a Seqaie Fean es ae Ie eB 2a SEOPE? 25 gees joetle 3 SS oe OE ee eee me ae es a pal es: lee 2gee at a4aeFFa iy ae Pog ae .Tet getyee os HEE gt ESge? eeoa “PLS gi tg a
EZ eer PS gE EE Rae oe Ee fee es FeeBn Cesoie SF:Ap? #5 = sper Tee eg t See ge “gee. oe Bad oe ag” oe Aet ogee Fe e2e. See aeeee fe ee £7.ctriee Beeee Bobeee Cle PEE: eePEEe J Pee pikFe 4 7Z EE ee4ot Ze #pe oe eePePeaee BtPee ieBSere BPwie €.Pees # ees See &ere8seer i3 be = pe ee 2 fe ag GIS cee ee JAE JiPS 33 eee Teee A Ze gers Hee AeOe2a we? Vege. ee=eFT2 ee: 58 ees Fe E23 PE Ae| ae pee S Pot 2 Boa i” Pigeees ee Pate os $2. eS BEE Pe Aaee oes Be" Peps oe ae " gree 2a Bee 5a ee
Ee SFSe,(fA sree gat FSpe nate G3 oopee2esOe AtLeeagES2.83 vid ge eg ieee Pos Bee ce ; cee PA oo
ciE F. eee 3ES eg .Bint Soe ==Beige *y e Eee ESARES SEY FES
1 rd | ; : _ Bd PE Bake Ae ae ee LAMNCY l . ere ee ae Ee ee ee O ope eeeee aae ee Co - € } }dHs, i¥l{)Oa SUPE ES i Bee
SIGHIPICANCE - °: LDOHE Se woe — ee ~ Tice M : Se RE Peles Le SE a STOP ih A gfOr SVhI£' Bs aaa a : aes fon_Sa:eeEe PAE LeeeeooPeas
repres monly oes oo :yrds~ rey ,of Faletls te ee p;SSA dHeee — ee BAS wePS ee nes
sack eee PEERED es nae TE ES, ue Eee a. Hyg aiete see ae ee m here If? fot d SMOTNH eSaneene Pei an) ups ee
SUT COUT oo ksdSeSe ace Shs a eer ee ee :ffre ee eeee afl l €Bek eecae eee eeeePEA: ae See a mine ~ Panes egesee ResiBeBe fonutan oes aee Vigoss ge ce —
Hatl are ial at eeCs eee Ben — ne mcares 7 £Ul :Veser| 1CO eyf FOU oe isetReiner on ES Aea et i ee ip epee
ee ) ] > . CUED Ses ess pares ones oe Be, .. ae a es gee : . See dtl @ arer | 5Ya + eee hha ae Oe oe Sees el we nes Be oe “yt eg
pcaasceziaa Haina i i je ae ta eae aan Mote ih ee a pea ae , | LESE Ee pti eect f . . Hsp TS: . ee
He y C, f } 1 1 iY at / f OF : oe ee eae ER ae A rah ee re ee eG as
O l ) )j }Pedeee cr .eR€ ee } iSaeed Seeae oaaeREE ee AE 37cea aneaeopen eae Mere merePee OE_ EE |ee. ‘ os ‘ nee oe i act eee HREM TERRE SoaSe H] !Ope an“ dhSs ofeeftSes Ao aeg Ee were Sy. . gets in ooS|. eeedie oe 5Pico ° eae : ll Ci a LL ~~ 8 pe — oege ayg ee \.“a 8 Be see SEgale oe eis eeee FF ADS HERE ae Hoe . seOO ee )oeSSEro|a.“A a Ee aoeaeae Holy .ns
6) Tla.a[1? 27Nrr. ied age age oea.Esee eeOEGE eeCES aOBfF ;a ::ee . Fe F4 ge oe ,. BP 4 aioe aeeee 7 BOBS ae 1 roe eeDog oeae og.rT Pee eeTee Shee | SPE gO: GSP : Pet ~ O See a ae 2 ge SE se BT a Baiisritb es Rarer tag EE Ete RES SHOR ee SpE 7. ieettny aad HARP SS Eee 2 COR BME ot a at : o .
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| Pes,y eeesu: leeoe .7
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& » ,Aa -—a—. = ol é Po: or le i. aray (wee eoae Eeoo8 a .. .| fae fe th a THis PS aE ee a ee F . BS hee ESR eae Bey pease ee Se as: > ee 2 Ip Bas Bees ei | sass fi Pi cet a ae
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Ky ; A pr fs A>
YS ZS i ae Ontario \ ae ) ONIN hl NEL \ AKG
L _EK | veNALy so 1 "Lo al SB D _—,, \ eo77 — XY oa xule sya | \ U/\\ S iLOST Superior mi MS FY ae wo7Seoul {~ a¥ / ow .A - oPOf ain | —A N ss ~~ = See, $28"j hones poss f Ce” | 4 NMf‘a’ |F . eee
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| Cff QuySgt ®Aztalan AaOg an ae aNe, Mounds | RM fe DP gp_— nr/ a~ Ne — SY 7Sse OT ON Re tinois BS Mound city” (Ze) VE Widae5ON a prtAncignteo WeB OL
—— NV VN Pierre PY PS
‘iy “S |— MfH | 7 oe 2 4aKentuc y . wo| Archaic « : Ac _— ~~ we | | —— A a © caroline cultures ~~le“ ——-—-—-—og P-teO®™e gf weBey '.“? 6) rs. c. 3000 Gf*?fy. il . a.BC \_ IAP agi la, EY Fennesseay Re ba | ee ba | ae or Cd ae? gl \ é ‘ @ Red Paint
ee ee gee SY=e 14*.Copper “SuoR hegee Seeees ANY’ 6 eS io" “*\ Arkansas af ss ©9nesS 7 \" WE Crowah> i ( t:t(‘«t«‘ aw
\LR tgUSN | \Point Ja | = ~\SSTaxa nr § lee. ! cultures ‘3H 57 \ Hopewell
ae et tc BRIN ee | Moundville Adena cultures ON Poverty. aLamar hc "wi“77 ¢. () 1400 BC-AD 200
\ NS o —MN ne owAkeHavana ' \ “ee c. 300 BC-AD 500 | a d\ Louisia oe al an Hopewell
mY A a ane eM ‘ Ay B Ohio Hopewell
Pad aay Se Flori d |a\\ | D C Marksville Hopewell Fn ae Santa Rosa/ | _| ‘“? J\ | Swift Creek ae. | . at . oa | + Gu/f- of Mexico a _. :Mississippian : i | oe |} ~~ ¢Point AD 700 ~ |historical Poverty | : be Se 1 Middle Mississippian :| , !| |. ee ae | 2 ern 7 Sew | 3 Onecta Fort Walton
! period po ° , 0 500m | 5 Plaquemine r cs : m
| i , ; - fa 7 4. ean gt;aye ae ng, thern C u | t: , , Teotihuacan i || 4S Ou Caddoan La Venta re 6 South Appalachian
The Eastern Woodlands The Eastern Woodlands is an immense region that has been the setting for a diverse array of environments and Indian cultures. Despite the diversity, there are no convenient internal barriers that would allow us to divide the region into smaller and more easily understood areas. We are forced to look at the prehistory of the Woodlands as a single untolding drama. There is a temptation, which has claimed too
many victims, to seck a simple explanation for the complexities of the region, Eighteenth-century readers quickly accepted the idea that the prehistoric carthworks of the East were buile by “Mound Builders’. By itself, this is a harmless concept, for it simply says that the builders of mounds were mound builders. Yet, all too soon a companion notion arose to the effect that the Mound Builders were a superior race that was wiped out and replaced by the Indians who were later en-
countered by European settlers. In the eighteenth century, Indian cultures were being vigorously exterminated or expelled westward ahead of the tude of European civilization. To attribute the prehistoric monuments of the East to these cultures would have been to grant them civilization and a status approaching equality. It was an unthinkable concession, and its rejection fueled the myth of the Mound Builders. Even in the eighteenth century convincingly sober explanations were available for the prehistoric remains that were known. In 1784, Thomas Jefferson turned his surpassing talents to the archacology of Virginia. He had noticed burial mounds near his home, and his curiosity was aroused by the variety of local stories that circulated about them. He decided to excavate one, and he recorded his findings in detail and with accuracy. The local belief that the Indians buried their dead standing up proved to be talse. What he found were ‘bundle’ burials, that is, secondary interments of disarticulated bones. He did not excavate the entire mound, but on the
basis of his sample, he concluded that the structure could contain as many as a thousand such burials. He also noted that none of the remains showed signs of violent death, and that they appeared to have accumulated a few at a time. That observation should have put an end to the still popular belief that mounds were built as monuments to the assembled victims of bloody battles.
14 Map of the Eastern The myth of the Mound Builders spawned many offspring. The Eastern Wood-
Peedi’ ee lands has yielded the torged or imaginary remains of Vikings, Phoenicians, and, in the inset, the Egyptians, medieval Irish monks, Welshmen, and dozens of others over the last relationship of the century. The evidence for Norsemen in North America does not appear outside Woodlands foLa beta Greenland and Newfoundland, as we shall see in our final chapter, and for the
and Teotihuacatt, centers of , oo , ;
Olmec and early Mexican others there is no convincing evidence at all. When the myths are stripped away, we civilization respectively, find that what happened over the course of 12,000 vears in the Eastern Woodlands
was an indigenous phenomenon. Sometimes influenced by Mexican developments, sometimes acting upon their own inspiration, the Indians played out a story that 1s indisputably American, The castern and southern boundaries of the region are neatly defined by the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. Elsewhere, the boundaries are not so clear. In the north, the region extends to the southern limits of the Canadian coniferous forests, a vague and uneven line that runs east to west, north of the St Lawrence River and the Great Lakes. The western boundary is a ragged line parallel to, but generally west of, the Mississippi. Here, the forests of the East give way to the grasslands of the Prairies. The Woodlands persist west of the boundary only as long tentacles following the tertile valleys ot rivers that rise in the Great Plains and flow castward to the MissisSIppl.
In the simplest terms, the modern Eastern Woodlands are composed of both broadleat and coniterous trees, but there are marked differences from place to place.
Hickory, oak, chestnut and other broadleaf trees flourished in the Appalachian uplands. Conifers predominated in the Atlantic and Gulf coastal lowlands. Hemlock
and pine predominate over broadleaf trees in the north. It 1s a mosaic of subtle changes from one area to the next that 1s complicated by variations over time as well.
Since the retreat of the last glaciers began 14,000 years ago, the forests and grasslands of the East have undergone constant change. Throughout this long period all the plants in the region produced vast quantities of tiny pollen grains, and these have been preserved in bogs and other deposits that can be accurately dated. Pollen grains from different plants can be identified and counted, and the forest cover for a given
place and time can be reconstructed on paper. Thus, through the painstaking analysis of microscopic samples of pollen we are beginning to understand the changing environments that confronted prehistoric Indians. There wereno major barriers to prevent or retard the spread of prehistoric innovations within the region. Even the northward spread of agriculture after 1000 BC was slowed only by cultural conservatism, and the constant need for the selection of more rapidly maturing plant species. Farming eventually stopped at the northern fringes of the region, and has been advanced only a little farther by modern technology. As each local Indian culture adopted agriculture, it did so according to its own special traditions and environment. But the general trend was always the same, the uni-
versal human current of increasing complexity and integration, the cultural equivalent of biological evolution that we sometimes call ‘progress’. To find the roots of the historical Indians of the Eastern Woodlands, we will reach tar back into their linguistic past and try to match what we find with archaeological remains. Languages can be classified much like species of animals, and common ~ ancestors reconstructed from clues embedded in their modern descendant forms. This is tortunate, for unlike biological species languages leave no separate fossil record. Two of the region’s three main aboriginal language families, the Iroquoian and the Algonquian-Muskogcan, have probably been present in the East for 10,000 years or more. As bands slowly settled into regular seasonal movements within specific territories, nguistic subdivisions began to appear within these families. By the end of prehistory, they had fragmented into dozens of mutually unintelligible
languages. Yet even this diversity of languages was not sufficient to prevent the relatively rapid spread of innovations, or erase common heritages. The focus of prehistoric development shitted from time to time; a given culture might lead the way during one century, only to fall behind in the next. Yet even though some
OrOups. S
localities seem to have been permanently marginal, all the prehistoric peoples of the Eastern Woodlands participated in some way in the developments discussed here.
1§ Map of the principal | ;
North American language NORTH AMERICAN LAN GUAG € GROUPS
g Vj e AK ty Uy a , 23 9X) | L-
AL? a Zine,Orvy LD Q
ov oY & L) yp ©byVs ee ae SN troquoian Muskogean i . Th lw oe saoaeancie ae Hokaltecan \ 1 LAN Pe?.)- Sige LX an CHEERED ES TEStLeeSSETSTERECESS. WEES :
: Caddoan i" | : _iL800m 1000 kn Azteco-Tanoan XL H | [ee
The Archaic lifeway The environmental changes that followed the retreat of the continental glaciers were
not sudden or catastrophic. Children were born and grew to old age without ever perceiving the slow and widespread evolution of their habitat. Even so, the cumulative effects were protound. By 7000 BC, most of the dominant animal species of the Ice Age were extinct in the East, or had dwindled to tiny refugee herds. The people who had depended upon these meat sources for so long gradually had to shift their
attention to other kinds of food. More and more plant and animal species were utilized within cach local area, and the free-roaming nomadism of the PaleoIndians gave way to a pattern of regular seasonal movements. The Indians of this new, Archaic liteway came to count on the availability of particular resources at particular times and places, and planned their movements accordingly. Under these
conditions, chance encounters with other bands were less likely, but organized
contacts increased. Regular mectings of bands could be planned into the predictable seasonal round, fostering the growth of social and economic ties that went beyond band limits. Even in the absence of agriculture and sedentary life, the cultures of the
Archaic period began to form the dynamic network that would later lead to the development of extensive trade in luxury goods, and the dissemination of elaborate religious cults. The oldest evidence for the Archaic liteway, dating to about 8000 BC, comes from camp sites in the southern part of the Eastern Woodlands. Evidence from northern sections tor this period is generally scanty or absent, despite intensive archaeological research. Large portions of the region must simply have been unoccupied for many
centuries following 8000 Bc. The explanation may well lie in the progression of environmental changes that followed the retreat of the last glacier. As the glacial ice melted back, the tundra along its margins and the forests that had been compressed into refuge areas began to shift northward. Unfortunately for the Indians and the animals they hunted, it was not simply a matter of moving with their environments, for the tundra and the forests were changing in character as well as location. The tundra of the Ice Age had been an ideal environment for many species; but with the retreat northward, it entered a part of the continent recently scoured by ice, where the sun comes and goes on a seasonal rather than a daily basis. [ts ability to support large animal populations and the Indians who depended upon them was drastically reduced. As the result of a similar process, around 8000 Bc the northern part of the Eastern Woodlands came to be dominated by spruce, fir, and pine forests, which offer little food for herbivores or carnivores, and therefore little for humans cither. Thus, the development of the Archaic lifeway was primarily a southern one, and many northern areas were simply abandoned. By sooo BC, however, the silent conifer forests of the north were beginning to change as broadleaf trees became established. By 3000 Bc, much of the northern section was covered with a mixed forest that attracted game animals and man. Probably most, if not all, of the Indians who moved into the northern Eastern Woodlands were ancestors of the Algonquian-speaking tribes that occupied the 15 same territory in the colonial period. By now they had diverged substantially from their Muskogean relatives in the south, separated from them by the large block of Iroquoian-speakers in the Appalachian uplands. Archaeological evidence indicates that it was here, in the north, that the ideological
toundation tor much of what followed later was laid. Mortuary practices were increasingly complex all across the Eastern Woodlands, but by 3000 Bc they were particularly elaborate in the north. Although careful burials with grave offerings can be tound almost anywhere, really claborate examples are generally discovered only in sedentary and usually agricultural contexts. Perhaps these northern hunter-
gatherers found stimulation in the natural richness of their environment, only recently reoccupied and still not supporting a large human population. Whatever the specific ecological and ideological forces were, we can assume that the northern mortuary complexes developed without significant external influence. The axis of the northern Archaic developments stretches east-west through the Great Lakes, New England, and the Maritime Provinces of Canada. One of the most outstanding examples of elaborate mortuary ceremontalism in the region was once
attributed to a mysterious race of ‘Red Paint People’, so-called because the farmers 14 who found the first burial pits were impressed by their linings of bright red hematite. Indian cemeteries of this kind, with stone tools as offerings, have since been found scattered throughout New England and the Maritimes. Red pigment, with its strong suggestion of blood and lite, has been used in a similar way for thousands of years, and in many parts of the world. Here, as elsewhere, the key seems to have been the availability of the pigment in natural deposits. The northern soils do not afford good preservation, and skeletal remains have rarely survived the millennia. Most graves contain celts (axes), adzes and gouges, often highly polished and sometimes still sharp enough to inflict a deep cut on a
carcless archaeologist. All three forms are heavy woodworking tools, probably designed tor the construction of dugout canoes, which these fishermen and hunters of sea mammals and caribou used in their everyday activities. Other equipment included fire-making kits of 1ron pyrite and flint, and whetstones to sharpen the edges of the woodworking tools. The finest whetstones are long slender tablets,
pointed at both ends, and holed at one end for suspension. Certain graves also contain spear points ground trom sheets of slate. Some are long bayonets, exquisite artitacts so slender that it is difficult to imagine how they could have survived use in the real world, or even the strains of their own manufacture. Some were skillfully faceted until they had the cross-sections of flattened hexagons, and the facets were incised with delicate geometric designs.
The cemeteries allow us to probe the ideology of these people. Here was an egalitarian society, with few favors shown according to birth, age, or sex. The dead were buried with the tools they valued most or could use most skillfully. Perhaps they needed such tools to build the spiritual boats that would take them to the next world. Like people everywhere, they perceived that journey and its end in terms of the world they already knew. The exotic and beautiful artifacts found in graves are rarely discovered even as fragments in habitation areas. What we find in the refuse of day-to-day living are more practical and mundane implements. Perhaps the finest craftsmanship and the rarest materials were reserved tor grave goods, or the prized possessions and status symbols of individuals during their lifetime, accompanying them even after death. In any case, the finest works of these ancient artisans were removed trom the world of the living ata rate that nearly equalled their manufacture, a pattern of conspicuous consumption that was to continue in the East for 3500 years. It is possible that the finest grave goods were made by specialized craftsmen, but this seems improbable. [The cconomy of people subsisting upon hunting and gathering is unlikely to have supported craft specialists. The grave goods themselves also arguc against such an interpretation. Each grave lot uncovered appears to be a special collection of unique pieces. One grave may contain a dozen slate bayonets, no two of them identical, with no artifacts of any other type. Another grave may contain only three or four finely made adze blades. It seems likely that each person produced
his or her own grave goods in the course of day-to-day living, keeping them as treasured possessions even atter death. Some of the Red Paint artifacts are known not so much tor the excellence of their
manutacture as for the material from which they were made. Many projectile
points are fashioned out of an attractive translucent quartzite, known to occur naturally only on the Labrador Peninsula. Notwithstanding the artistic qualities of these points, their real significance 1s that they provide clear evidence for the early establishment of long-distance trading in luxury goods. As we shall see, this later grew to almost continental proportions, facilitating the development of widespread prehistoric art forms and the distribution of finished pieces. The most extraordinary Red Paint cemetery found so far is the site at Port au 137 Choix in northern Newfoundland. The site 1s at the northern extremity of the area penetrated by peoples practicing the Red Paint cult. It 1s in an area where the closed coniter forest still predominates, 4000 years since the site was used, and thousands more since the disappearance of the last glacier. Then as now, human habitation would not have been possible without the resources of the sea.
The Port au Choix cemetery 1s situated on an old abandoned beach several meters above the present shore of the Gulf of St Lawrence. The beach is salted with tiny fragments of shell that have served to neutralize the normal acidity of the soil, and permit the preservation of bone and antler. Here, the skeletons of people buried 4000 years ago survive In near-perfect preservation. Some [oo individuals were unearthed, a population almost equally divided between males and females. About halt were adults, the other half children. These people appear to have been healthy and robust, probably quite similar in appearance to the historical Indians of New
England. Tooth wear was heavy, no doubt because hides had to be softened by chewing, and some adults had lost teeth. But tooth decay, which afflicts people with diets high in starch and sugar, was almost nonexistent. Their bone and antler arti-
facts have also survived, along with the more durable tools already well known from sites elsewhere. Among other things, they show us that bayonets and other fine slate artifacts had bone prototypes. The site has yielded many implements that are duplicated in both materials. Finally, Port au Choix has produced beautifully made combs, pins, effigies and other items of bone and antler that have apparently perished elsewhere. We can infer that such trinkets were widespread, but we are unlikely to find many more sites with preservation as good as at Port au Choix.
The Red Paint Indians were not the lost race that some eighteenth-century farmers thought them to be. They were among the ancestors of the historical Algonquians of the Northeast, and for fifteen centuries they supported an elaborate mortuary cult along the streams of the northern forests. This rich ceremonialism was already in decline by 1500 BC, for reasons that we are only now beginning to understand. By 500 Bc, the clear ponds of the inland forests were evolving into bogs as a natural consequence of post-glacial crosion. The northeastern Woodlands seem to have lost their capacity to support human occupation. As the population thinned, and the traditional seasonal patterns became untenable, the old cult faded too. The area reverted to a cultural backwater for the remainder of prehistory. Far to the west, at the opposite end of the northern Archaic axis, are found the remains of what has long been called the ‘Old Copper’ culture, dating from around 3000 Bc. The culture takes its name from the copper objects that the Indians of the time produced. Glacial deposits near the southern shore of Lake Superior and on Isle Royale contain lumps of native copper. The prehistoric Algonquians learned how to mine and beat these ‘stones’ into useful shapes. They never developed true
metallurgy, or progressed to the stage of smelting or casting. But they knew how to keep the metal from becoming brittle by annealing it, that 1s, by repeatedly heating the copper and plunging it into cold water, and this enabled them to fashion a much greater variety of shapes than cold hammering itself allowed. Many copper tools were modeled on earlicr prototypes made of bone, stone, or other materials. Old Copper implements include long broad spear points with long pointed tangs, short stems, or flanges for hafting. Knives are straight and pointed, or curved like the semilunar “‘woman’s knife’ of later Eskimo culture. The knite prototypes were
clearly slate, whereas barbed copper harpoon points came from bone originals. Copper adzes duplicate stone cxamples found elsewhere. Other forms include double-ended awls and punches, always well made. As a subtradition, Old Copper paralleled the Archaic Red Paint culture of the Northeast. Curiously, there is little to equal cither of them in the lower Great Lakes area. Old Copper is restricted to the vicinity of the upper Great Lakes. It may be that something similar will yet be found in the intervening region, around Lakes Ontario and Eric. Alternatively, perhaps this arca was ecologically unsuitable for carlicr Archaic developments. This was certainly not the case in later periods, for the focus of the Archaic tradition shifted southward into Ohio as the exotic Red Paint and Old Copper cultures waned.
Adzes, celts, and gouges were not the only artitacts of ground and polished stone produced by Archaic cultures. The craftsmen of the time also produced beautitully made ‘boatstones’, ethgy ‘birdstones’, and holed ‘bannerstones’. Their function went unrecognized tor decades, but it now seems clear that all were used as weights on spear-throwers. Boatstones and birdstones were simply lashed to the wooden shafts, 16 the latter carved to look lke birds primarily for magical purposes. Bannerstones, 17 so-called ‘winged’ objects, were attached to the shaft through a long cylindrical hole. As we have already observed, the spear-thrower was used mainly before the introduction of the bow and arrow as a means of increasing the length of a man’s throwing arm, and therefore the velocity of his throw. Simple physics shows that the addition of a weight to a rigid spear-thrower shatt does not improve tts effectiveness. The small size of the shaft hole in most bannerstones provides a cluc, however. It rigid, a shaft of the size indicated by this hole would snap on the first throw. The 16 This 14-cn.-long conclusion must be that the Archaic peoples were using flexible shafts. Indeed, there
Senta ee is some archaeological evidence indicating that extremely tough but Hexible ironhave been strapped as a wood shatts were used with stone weights. It seems that the advantages of flexible weight to the flexible shaft. shafts now universally recognized by golfers and fishermen were discovered and ofa spear-thrower, thus developed by Indians in North America over 7000 years ago, long betore the invenower mad Pring and tion of fiberglass. It would appear to be no simple coincidence that ironwood trees
throw. and spear-thrower weights have very similar distributions in North America.
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Poverty Point and Olmec influerces The cultural center of the Eastern Woodlands in the centurics after 1500 BC was the
Adena’ complex of Ohio, named after the mound group and modern town of the 14 same name. The ideological basis for the new development was probably derived from the carlier mortuary cult to the northeast, but something more was added. The earthen mounds, huge when it is remembered that they were built by hand, were new to the Eastern Woodlands. The ‘Glacial Kame’ culture, which centered in southern Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, and which flourished at about the same time Ounce thonehy ta! as Adena, was for many years generally accepted as the innovator of burial mounds.
17 to found fave 4 (small 4. oo - ; left; ~behind; sony aeOnce Early burialsthougnt of this culture are often in kames abrupt hulls)
been symbols of authority —
hence their name, by the last glaciers. Later burials are in artificial mounds. It was reasoned that the ‘bannerstones’ — [ese prototype burial mound was a natural kame. However, radiocarbon dating has
objects, averaging 10 cMt. TH y ws shown that artificial Adena mounds are as old as Glacial Kame burials, suggesting width, are now explained . .Te . cas le and their forms arefunction, often winged. ; : . 1] a . | . oe | | . ; 4h:
as spear thrower weiglits. that the latter were the work of country cousins trying to duplicate more claborate Like birdstones, of similar Adena practices. The Glacial Kame badge was the sandal-sole gorget, an asymmvetri-_ 18
iru as j — ) cal tablet presumably worn around the neck. These occur in many burials of this
culture, and a few of them have carved designs. 1S A strange animal, with The use of glacial kames and other natural hills is known for the carlicr Red Paint eyes and ears askew and burials as well as for other relatively carly cultures across the northern zone. Cer-
winbilical cord still attached, . .| neta , of, a.strong eee tainty this was part of the rare Adena heritage. But there is also evidence decoraies this engraved soo ;.
sandal-sole gorget, 18 cul. stimulus trom: Mexico, which comes in the form of a single extraordinary site that 1s long. Gorgets of Tis fy pe, not duplicated anywhere else in North America, the site of Poverty Point, Louisiana. 14
usually undecorated, of terethe + - Wy: characteristic ‘ °-~1: .| Co ne) ;..
i , visth th Poverty Point is incredibly huge. The main complex, or ‘village’, built around
northern Woodlands 1500 BC and theretore carly cnough to predate most of Adena, 1s a series of six conGlacial Kame people, who centric octagons nested within each other. Each is composed of eight ridges of earth
roe}qt) “ype PEE fo .4 5 ; - -_ . ' ; ; ; * . . . ); 7] Hativdal RAHICS OF HELIS TH ~ | ~ : , ; rhe centuries following octagons are progressively smaller, cach about 100 meters less in diameter than the
after ei men vo a about 2 meters high. The outer octagon is about 1300 meters in diameter. The inner
1500 RC, last. Mound A, to the west of the ‘village’, is over 20 meters high and over 200
:; aeea, (ow. ee i ae oeee oe ae), ee te Sg -
a rr an eS ee eee OS a , rr ee x. “4 a or a | Ee ee LLU met e Oe \ hog *, ER Te Oe a Ree Pa es 7 2g Ure a | ANE SS Eg, | ee ee | “ oe ees 6 * ; | ——— lltrs”t—‘“(‘(C i AG a
:ce ee tee ., : ee we oe aeeee ne ao : -—.£. 2. le oe ee : yO: ey eT Pe ee aeeoe msoSaA| Be . Fe og a oe eee re TEES Ss 1 bo ge ES a ge Ago a ee ee eee
Mw Book a en AN ee
. i er, a 2 ee 7 Thee tep co oo z ae eee? Ane o> 39
meters long. A long ramp descends toward the ‘village’ to the cast. Another somewhat smaller mound stands to the north. A person standing on Mound A can view the vernal and autumnal equinoxes directly across the center of the ‘village’. This is the point at which the sun rises twice a year, on the first day of spring and the first day of autumn respectively. Artifacts found at Poverty Point include most notably thousands of fired-clay balls, apparently used to boil food. Instcad of preparing meals directly over open fires, the Indians would drop hot clay balls into their cooking vessels to heat up their tood. Hot stones were more often used in other regions — hence the usual name given to the practice, “stone-boiling’. Also found are small bird effigies and clay figurines. The latter are small human figures that bear a close resemblance to those found along the Gulf Coast of Mexico, produced by the Olmecs, the creators of the 14 first American civilization. Poverty Point itself is reminiscent of La Venta and El Corral, both well-known Olmec sites that were occupied at about this time. It 1s
difficult to avoid concluding that Poverty Point was a product of Olmec influence, and the gateway through which the idea of monumental architecture passed into the Eastern Woodlands. To understand Olmec influences in the Eastern Woodlands, we must examine the
origins of this early civilization. The retreat of the Canadian ice sheets and the environmental changes that ensued across the continent forced the Indians of Mexico to an early abandonment of the Paleo-Indian lifeway. The new pattern that emerged was one of intensive exploitation by hunting and gathering, an Archaic lifeway much like that of the Eastern Woodlands. The important difference was that the Mexican highlands were relatively rich in plants that had some potential as domesticates. Among them was a kind of grass that was knee high at maturity, and produced only a small stem of seeds just under a tassel at the top of the plant. Together, the seeds formed a cluster about the size of the last joint in an adult’s little finger. This, however, was wild maize, ancestral to the modern plants that sometimes produce cobs of corn the size of a man’s forearm. The Indians of highland Mexico selected this plant and others, such as beans and squash, because they could be planted with a pointed stick and tended with a hoe. Without the plow, plants that had to be sown broadcast were beyond consideration. Once under development, the crops were distributed outside their natural environments in the Mexican highlands, and into the hot humid Gulf lowlands. Here, simple slash-and-burm agricultural techniques,
involving the planting of crops in the ashes of burned-down trees and shrubs, allowed heavy production along with a settled and relatively dense human population. It was on this basis that Olmec civilization began to flourish in the centuries preceding 1500 BC.
The Olmecs built clay-sided temple mounds, and mosaic pavements of serpentine blocks. Colossal heads were hewn from solid basalt, while smaller pieces were carved from Mexican jade. Pervading much of their art was the feline god motif which has come to be regarded as their hallmark. Sometimes drastically stylized, sometimes disarmingly natural, the art of the Olmecs was the starting point for much of the later art of prehistoric Middle America or ‘Mesoamerica’. In much the same way, later Mayan calendrics and Mesoamerican architecture can be traced back to the Olmecs. The sources of their inspiration are still obscure, but the faint trails
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a co a Se .SL! :BOS, PE fps Ne 4See, *oia_=Se tg oe et See Sa 7 oF fa oF gts é . gee ee ae eS aSoe ae Ce oeeehep ,r—sSCS ee wt de ‘i re es ls ee ee i ee Vy Gs Hey, °° a rrr—rr—“—__nCSCCac ee Te oe yy Lo 7 on ee Lf? 1] l C ] } fal d ) ] q |? € JE é } ] BEER gS a a a TTR TS RE ah EE ETE A a By LEN ER Ht any Hh Hit, 3. gs Ei De,
ary - ECOSOC ce ad na i ea RES Ty i a IE a Reg
SHIORCG WITH TODdECO ds EIR d rrrae —™—C(‘OCOCOWOCOCONCOCieS SsAaTEE r,rrrs:~—~—~r,—“‘RCCNR.Crttts« ce tm o F > - , : ‘ - Te , yy XP = 7 if / ° Aq A . Qe y ad = 7
Hopewell artisans produced much of the finest prehistoric art of North America. To say that they were competent is to understate the case. They were highly skilled in Working a wide variety of raw materials, imported from great distances, into an astonishing array of forms. Large amounts of native copper were imported from the ¢
southern shore of Lake Superior and beaten into cut-outs, ear-spools, artificial — noses (presumably for the dead), beads, gorgets, and even panpipes. 'Two-dimensional drawings were sometimes embossed on sheets of copper, and thicker sheets were used as breastplates. Other nuggets were shaped into celts, axes, adzes, and awls. There is even a copper imitation of a deer-antler headdress accompanied by a pair of copper ear-spools, each beaten into the shape of a flower. The ear-spools resemble the blossoms of the dogwood tree, the inner bark of which Indians dis> TOAYrE , :narcotic rna*"when r i. smoked with tobacco. It seems likely that these covered to be mildly and the headdress were part of the magical paraphernalia of a ‘shaman’, or sorcerer.
| bly for the dead), b l wo-di
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Meteoric iron was also sometimes used, usually in conjunction with copper. It was beaten into toi, and used to jacket such things as copper car-spools, axes, adzes, and even im one case a human arm bone.
Small nuggets of silver were imported. apparently from Ontario, and tny amounts of gold have also been tound. Cubes of galena, a lead mineral, came from the Mississippi valley. Mica was imported trom the southern Appalachian area, and sheets of it were transformed into exotic cut-outs. Like the copper cut-outs, they otten take the shapes of serpents, animal claws, human heads, hands, swastikas and other geometric designs. There are extraordinary examples of abstract profiles of the claws ot birds of prey, and stall others of long tapering human hands. The area that 6, 22 produced mica tor Hopewell consumption also provided quartz crystal and chlorite. Large conch shells and smaller shells were umported trom Florida and the Gult Coast. The same area provided the teeth of barracudas, sharks, and alligators, turtle shells. and the yaws of various marine fish. Grizzly bear canine teeth came trom far to the west. probably the Rocky Mountains. Hopewell artisans were also skilled Knappers, and the obsidian they used was imported all the way from Yellowstone Park. Wyoming. Chert was obtained for 3 the same purpose trom closer sources in Ohio, Indiana, and Ulinois, anda mottled 4 chalcedony was brought in trom either North Dakota or Montana. A translucent knife was chipped trom quartz imported trom Arkansas. All these materials were 2 used to make knives and projectile pomts. Some ot the tools may have been utilitarian, but many others are so large, thin, or clegant that they seem to have been designed only tor show. The utilitarian pottery of the various Hopewell cultures resembles that of Adena. Unlike Adena, however. Hopewell artisans made a series of especially tine types that appear to have been intended only as grave vessels. Some of these bear panels or zones, each decorated separately with incised lines. Various plastic techniques were used to produce an almost endless variety of decorative motits. Hopewell potters also made copies of stone pipes and copper ear-plugs im clay. Finally, there are a few extraordinary cxamples of naturalistic human figurines. These are unlike any clay 20, x figurines found in Menico or the Desert West. From these. and trom the careful excavation of burials, ic has been possible to show the dress and personal ornamentation of Hopewell people. Even hairstyles with elaborate braids, topknots, and shaved x
patches are discernible. Sall. it would be a mistake to conclude that cither the fieurines or the more claborate burials represent ordinary Hopewell men and women. We must conclude that the more extraordinary the find, the more extraordinary the person or persons represented. At least some of the figurines appear to represent shamans, people whose high status would have been intertwined with magical powers. One depicts a man with his hair pulled into a large knot over his” x torchead. The knot may in tact represent the single horn that is a shaman’s symbol in both Asia andthe Americas. The wide distribution of the symbol suggests that it Isa Very ancient one, part of the ideological baggage of the first Americans. Textile fragments sometimes survive next to copper ornaments, protected trom decay by the copper salts. These small bits of cloth show the Hopewell to have been accomplished weavers, producing aghtly woven fabrics, frequently decorated with batik-like designs.
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Re a \ : ee Sok eR
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Baga EEBl ele : ;£. .Tigh -; _i.oS 4 tr: EeST ose ee Boe Boe eg oes Foe SOR aS A a. oe od eaeey ee ees eatetages aa =gy woot ae SS eeeseeereeeeaeco. PER Ueal: PETPapa wel BES: ae Iet.Spee ae LKSeg near Se a eestor |Poe PS.Age, oe “esee: a: oy . SERA a coe a; :
ae ae en tte 2 oaote Pa wy a . 2ee . FE a a ia a pagets Be eyLf if Be ee _Rp (ReeRH PEC_‘ : LS | Sesee . oy ss ek Pee eae =z ieTES . Bel ee ope . Bot a i olga aE Te ee "gi 2 oes .aS 2 ea =spe Soe5Oo. Bee oSpM eae fk os, >a ;Saag ce gsPa Fo ee ae Pee HE Rs Re Oo beSI ne of . ae eeSasai .col. a gee ee a es OES ; ee Se co . ae : . cet a oe cee anes pleas Ee f ghercaee ee Ree a Sh JR ek ct “ = ates BR Sen oo SEos 4 BRR EE ne et, - a "ae SSUES A ae By ae Begg peak gccpee Bs fie be bats,eB ene vei PaESE ea pesoie eaedae: Pan cays q Bn oe aa pM Me pag Rees a ee ae fe ee :Bagh oe=“Es BabaS yety Ro Boe a:Ey ge gee Le eeBee ae SEO e Po Saar Se Ae hataee eR rk ae Peg fees reee fe eee ge ie eee aRete 4Ets eeoe apoo ee —_ SES Es| Gees onan, . ; feeSe eeELE. hee FUL GEe ee ig Menge gS ee 2 ge!ow: EE Bees eeoe eeeob esePE ee Ceo oeAT aeeaoe aRES how fee in2EF ee, a aeESBe Se eeeePe & .ee Boe ee a Vey ns es ee eee Ef eons SP Nie ee Pe ot | eel : 2 i, ee ae = 2 eRe hy SS Sa | Doc et Tig TS ui ee gtk eS es Be EBS * He . ynog Se A© eReee Sesieeeeoe pe go he eee Bearing ig PERS eight Sehr:PR a te gacries aag , eS a Doe eeeoe ceighe UF? ao |var eee- Ee oe tee ees Ee He enay ere Ss te ae ey +t i Bes a tL: fae B gay sages BSR 7 re oN Be ae ae VES i |eeee BeA\gkte *z-7eews: 22 ® pOpro SS Pe P OSS bile ©aeagt :ee oka| :, -aSa See Soya wee ye HN ee a gave ee a ot 7 sea gree as NL Aas SES air ae OS glee aa a noe a ae . =eeoeeee S abet | 3 - Sn a eit ES, ne fodENE) f . ena peAe Sgaooy floes : SS . clae oege ae eA cs}.ee nSes Beam oe ie
Sa ee ee RRs | | a ee bee Eee ae ree a ele ‘ oe as we Sse RS ESE Po. & . - 0 NAR BSE se ee ee cali ego ye OE ot
ee Pale ae BER < ze eas Fogg " nm LDR =~ Boasts nme ee eee ae : aces eee ae eee 2 BEES BO OE ~
SS... ~~ aaa*. Se ee arVal ne aeES agSSSeaees ce eeEEoeBos ae pk See ee?aetna et aeaehar ES8ee. Bree isee1cas Eeerat ee pe ane ee Be BS eee aeoSPRA eed “Ge ee Se SS Se ed : Se re ie age pod pe Sos ee bavue Tyo, SS ae: Fe fs SS. St aye Neng coe Ses Boy Edin pig gag PBR eee a eee PRN eg
12 eg Rote BE ou ieee ye aeeeeee See oreTee RN GaSe CR ES ae cae ooag a RRS ga ART geteeeoef te se Sie Se Seis pyaes rae Saeco See eae Epa A Pa ce ee ee ret BAe AeSAAN, ee ee Peet Me Mop
Poe eeglecae eeaegl 2,eaoe(oooe. : gah ee ee =ake ae reeo SES Reeee | eeoe Soea s! ee PES Bout hSTE? event ach ee see See ee ae
i e eS oe wags Ty coe sees aS COE ESTE Me es se ef
;| |— one > BaSSe AER ees ee? ato aoe Pe :awe 2 eee yeLy ioe Beee=ae ae edONS iBee BES Ook a eee FEO i iceeCOU ey | | :Re | TN oefoSrok ae SRS eeNSe ee SeaeSU he ges mS “ASS aooe ‘ =Ee Heads Ioo) JOUPCK i I ee if Pees : eee ae es af co dd eee8eee a BeoR eae oy OP BER aug
SH APHGHISTIC SV} / 4_ ~SPey ae Rees8 =ON fe ESEE i pe ted ee :eseneaSag ‘} HOOL THT } 1e “ee 2 ss#WARES CEatygBSE pe eeeee sigce A LS ae
- 7.S 7faster Sag Oe weSS Sty Sel eA coe er ee >.€ 7SASTCHH ot Pegi ee; Wess ¥ape BL APE AWe ygSen : ree aaaCoen Jn BHP MES 2 gaees: REE al A i’aaofERSaaS aS, .=ay :Tae eescoe ay Cit [s r| siae , EB as .ERE SLT Jones e;gThe eee aa_ =a ME ay we Ba. : “lg ea one ES sofeta:Aa i yee ae egCATES -_PTE >fooe ooees é e-ee,ehh De.2RAAy Perr ae i O O dla d NN OVEF yy 7 Y “ eee - oe 3 2a. ;= Se a wo rt “eons eS a ey = 7 Pe = “4See vee cog S }f] OF 2000 econ ete° *SA ae” i. oe
le rend Rable a a eRe i ee . rien Saaeeee eo
_ ¢ Efl °: .SE BRR Wael -_ eo significanee. aoeee|
Vp) 1ov a, ees. wt 3 ae DES TET ~ ‘aena 2A ogee :flown oea a“Sow Pree et+ii2Fag aSoe Le ae ooeeei; : ( JCCTS = 2 TE eee ae og |H bp +. { cS ra Bee gS Se a a a ae ak aa rere probably all had rittal ; a ——— aeF" re
buried wit! y: eee
; 7 é| , 25cm. CH a [ndian in | } . ae oe a the fd ee J EE = ee oe .._adrvest }TVIT xca Loe Ee ee Ze SSS Se Panis © 'SPl-(lSOUFCE /)SOR }SOUFCE i La }OF) ,HILCE eee 2 Eee eae BES eee 2 ; . EEUPASS .. =See gELE PESIE SEED DISS ee LLL LL 2 EA AEe bet PE a SO eZZAZZZZ 44 ;faSee eS ia , joaaa Lop EAE as8SAE gt:REY 3STR. Bes eee wet ar—™ =. Ppa 2 EE . - a.| .,|JUEBEES oe Ee: noe ne —_ 2 ag 2ae Bs ue PSEA crtoe ieee - -“ ODE ee EE fltle-Oh ditled ee (UN) ee a Le a SS : : | ~ . — Ee Pes . ° ~ : = a. _ , , | e : : : = : ee oe 7 . re ear ae aa ee — aaZeee a, . JOU. ee 222 ia a : . [ee SS rt—~—~—”_ Ci 220 This | is hand (opposite)
: . forge, Was cut from
sheet mica; it was fo it rruicads
was found
BZ ae oeJUSS fA E TEAS ~' ¢ aaj ] } ] ec ee Fg Be gE TESS. SEE ees =
Sh GHE FLGIHO, nese . Se ’ Ee es age Bins F a.ale PESeeTee sia -eee ‘2a
have been intended } . eee 2 Cecg eeee os _a a eee TS anFtpea oe02S — ene ss & és7* = SS ee
: (2 :eee 2sa =e an Sa ae Lyke! a-lls SSS eS 3s:- Poo Se po==e =S35 Sees eeern ees Ss. SSeS ee—— SSS |clad | SRS | ;V; J|ae.=)sSa :E|are Re/ Sa 4 >SS. .. atsSe = LS SS" ane“3 sshk _ SS OSES Pe ( ldfl I re) ¢ Hil . SSS we = a = : > SSeS = eS So 6.93. ——S — + Sg Ope well LOT «¢ y. See Lo: = . SSE = . *? SSeS = 3 “Ses5 2. #2 & eS . ALES Sa ee _S 7 = ae i 2s SSS sr, Ess : fe “gts Ge" = oy a 1: ’2: SS an :. =SS F =>.esS= =28: gS Sees Pas = SS ees — SSS SF SS FSS“EE ae aeaos SSSSS .F; prs ==. a see F7 SS Ses 2SS 2S 3C=Sars eg ~SSS SsSS5 .& ———— Skee - >ote. . eee .LS oS SS Saasoa=:: ..aS359 ———— Sees ee , =A ; = :ie. — ae Soe SES Ss ae SSSS a SeS a 2SS SeeSS a ——
JSS a : Bot SS - SES et. + 3 =z SS. . eae SSS SSX2St= Em£: Se.Lo” =e *eo fe : —— ee aT o Beg SSSSBe! Sg Se Aness SSSas SRS . SS
Sa SS Ss op, Hass My See SaSSP i ;=io. _ee BESS =SSssSSs Spee ,SSS SS:. ets—sr—“‘isss Sa =" 3Se SS———— Sa SS SS S828 Ee - Fs nossa SSS SS Se Se 2?CRS = SS SSS =oy=SSE Sskg: rr Be = =a = SSS SS SS, ree Sanewaka : . : 2 ==eS = FoF SS 862SSS Se Sa S200 . a ee SS
ee =e lc a ae ee => Jae rrrrr——“‘“*O
ES OS a:| =. .a ee
pS ae See Sm EE SS oa i Se es ane tiaras ee aA a ‘ a oT We ce i ANG aN \\ Ce co
; : : : ; : eee ae aa Oe RANTS NN ‘ x
: : : Oe CE CY : ee
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eeBe Loy SSSseee a oe . OE agee ces)
gee oe ee Po, coe ee mee a eee He Sane
Po ee ee oe a =
Be ee oOer ES fe I oe A= ereee eeNe ae He eese 3ceae “Eee oS |
mcs oy Ee is etal ha FS Fe Pea Seg fe a BURA ge hn een EA
BS le Se gs oRRG Wee
ae OE ee CC as fs Bo EE Be ee See es eC Fe eer
Be A ee Be a ee tO Se i ee ee
Pie eS : einen wy Sighs 7 Jaa ie SOLS - Ras ak Ae rma Ween aN es SUES ae Sg eC igh,
een oy ube SAME VEERAGUINES "SUS as Reeee rade cae ge ne ee Bie nai ae ges
rs a lO E,C ee ee ‘= SRG ke ee| iPeay i SS A es ,... re. es OT ee ee a a ee a H Il c . ee Peed opewell carvers Were pe Soe ty a. a | ij Pe ee ere Re ke (seat . Sr er ah ea ore a... variety of rai mi aterials,
es Ei el eC ‘aC ‘ ‘“__OMWOS.UC“CSCstC Bec a “Seige ASS SUN ee ee ee i ce
Besson DE ee Ee 42 Es RAR A 8ieene peel? 22)t ee Ee eee 2 eeAR SORE EEcSCEO eee ee oe 8ai rwaeaa ieStSREPEPeee eneaTage ge i aa OF
se srr rr CC Mie tee 7 ro
Pes ADT oo [ieee eee ag SE ao eae eee a a 2 o ae
2BEAT eeLyee; 2 oa Us IHCLUAIHG IVOrY dnd Done. RSE Ra ea ee A aN AComme BS ORNS IE Gee A SC CURE ne eae eee ee es ee Ae a “ ke eee
ee y Beas. Ve Age
ie VE Ny, ASS E03 2 ASA A Ee a Ber art Cer Ma RRS Rivas TA AMR A ECSU NAIR CN HCN ee RARE
peo i SET : 2 BE ARE SiS Tl BERR LOK CHE EA SAR eric TOR ec ce a
eeee ee ee oo OX) Se ee 27 This tiny HYIHe wee 8 Aor git a ,
i eee en nee ee ee h ‘e Hate oe eae ae peri 2 AP A tig en a TE SE SS Saar ed Ze Saflea Se INN OG A, RR We EE WEAR es Re SCE: o
es ) ) . “ - to ~
ee aee:Vo eee ;-ee | Ice Ave noth ee aes . oo — lhl a Wy es ae eee 9
ee AS eo Me dh ae 8 cin. high, was carved poee,ee“syeeSeee —HHGHINOTA, ae wee . - ~ A oe)\., CCaVe
ROSS ee UB AIS Spo eae: bf ee ed Pe or Bo aa pe phat: : 4". Se 2g eA 0 REESE AR
ee ae fan. re : -— .. =ee SM ay the upper front| portion of,a ee ee we : eee ee ee ee ee ‘
—r—“‘*#R#EERRREERRRSCC CO. eesrsr—S—OSCS*sS*=S—~—ss*S WO ee .ii(iaic a sorcerer or ‘shaman’.
ee walled necropolis of burial eee em ares Se ES eA es eet aeiae oe cae
There are still other forms and other media. A unique cighteen-centimetet thumb was carved from cannel coal, an infrequently used material. Perhaps even 2 rarer is the figurine made trom the fossil ivory of a mammoth. Hopewell carvers 2 were thousands of years too late to have seen such creatures alive, but like the
- Loy . . . . J
Eskimos tar to the north, they learned to use the ancient ivory to good advantage. The figurine has the same knecling posture and general appearance as the clay
x irit VC - VE ia * 1 c ; 2 + . ye
Hopewell figurines, but the difference between modeling and carving 1s quite 2 distinct. The comparison shows with rare clarity how the forms produced by
yo ad . ry . -_
NaN, ]artisans s4a-tee4 seebyJthe aynature ‘ 1 he . f media ch diused. ed Hopewell were :inwo partgeen determined of the Bone, even human bone, was occasionally carved as well. One mask was made 2 from part of a human cranium and other materials. The internal bones that formed and protected the mouth, nose, and cyes of the person while he lived were removed,
1 xs AYES . re40 la an A “ys 7 = , wae. 7” . 4
ss, :
CP et RY
, a on oe Bei, oe ooo, oS < e ne we _ yeaa nd oan re ; es
a i, ee PRN ae
E ie VE aa , i oo Poa: a * st Perse ia ES gba ae ba ! : Bee EE TS PRES Be oe Jegtes Og RSS s
Rosa’ and “Switt Creek’ cultures had flourished under Hopewell influence, andin 14 time they gave rise to "Weeden Island’ culture. Supported by productive agriculture, and perhaps under continuing direct influence trom Mexico, Weeden Island artisans
produced a wide range of ceramic and other artifacts. Hopewell influences are prominent, and in the early years trade goods from the north tound their way into Weeden Island sites. But Weeden Island culture was not just an imitation of Hopewell ceremonialism. The pottery is distinctive, and includes such non-Hopewellian artifacts as incense burners and figurines. Much of the Weeden Island pottery seems to have been made solely tor burial. Finer types are tound only in burial contexts where they were deliberately ‘killed’ with a neat perforation in the base. Some of the kill-holes were even made before the pots were fired, eliminating the possibility that the vessels might be shattered, or put toa more worldly use. Vessels such as these were heaped along with other artitacts in huge mass offerings under burial mounds. The subject of the rites was usually buried ina pit or log tomb. Later in the ceremony, other persons were killed and buried elsewhere in the mound along with mica, conches, and the pottery. The massive pottery offering was usually placed in the east side of the mound. Such burials were clearly accorded only to individuals of high rank. That the practice continued 1s clear evidence that some social and political institutions were maintained in Weeden Island culture while they were breaking down elsewhere. As
time went on, northern Hopewell traits disappeared completely from Weeden Island sites. More important, some of the latest sites have rectangular platform mounds with long inclined ramps, structures that imitate the temple mounds of Mexico. Other Mexican traits followed as a new order appeared and replaced the now moribund Adena-Hopewell. It was a change that brought new peoples into the Woodlands and altered vast sections of it forever. Gradually, the new patterns seen first in Weeden Island culture came to be more general in the Woodlands. By the time that Weeden Island culture had turned into what is known as ‘Fort Walton’ culture, the new ‘Mississippian’ pattern was widespread.
Mississippian culture The two centuries leading up to AD 700 were a dark age tor much of the Eastern Woodlands. Perhaps not coincidentally, it was also a time when the great Classic centers of highland Mexico were tading. The urban center ot Teotihuacan near 14 modern Mexico City had been growing and expanding its influence since 100 BC, eventually reaching a population peak of at least 100,000. It was the center of monumental religious architecture, and consequently an important shrine for all ancient Menico. Its political and economic powers were Just as formidable. Teotihuacan was the center of a huge web of cultural influence that affected nearly every aspect of
m9 area ny ne ‘he ancient Mexican civilization trom the deserts of northern Mexico to highland fade +f Hopervell ;, Guatemala. Plantations of cacao and other crops were maintained in coastal lowland Ohio, this stone head, areas. Trade in fine pottery and other luxuries was controlled in the highlands. A 15 CH, Nigh, was iepesired central urban population was maintained on a daily basis by surrounding tarming
cindy seprescit communities. And all this was accomplished without the benefits of wheeled ant ancestral figure. transport, ships, or pack animals. We cannot be surprised that a society capable of
maintaming such an advanced system in the face of these technological difficulties should have had far-reaching influences. Part of the vigorous expansion of Classic Mesoamerican culture was facilitated by a general climatic improvement in the Mexican highlands, which allowed a population expansion northward, and narrowed the desert barrier separating Mexico from the Eastern Woodlands. Traders, known in later times as ‘pochteca’, may. have been operating out of Teotihuacan and its satellite cities, often acting as a military and economic advance guard. There is some archaeological evidence, in the form of both artifacts and skeletal remains, that suggests that some of them may have crossed the 40
hostile intervening territory of northeastern Mexico and Texas, and entered the Woodlands. Temple mounds, anda whole complex of Mexican traits that went with them, began to appear in the Woodlands by about Ap 700. Ironically, Teotihuacan was clearly in trouble by Ap 650. Highland Mexico had become crowded, and the competition for land and power put tremendous strains on established city states. Even as Mexican influences inspired the peoples of the
Eastern Woodlands, Teotihuacan and other cities were shrinking, their buildings falling into disrepair. It was the beginning of a widespread wave of disruption and upheaval that would engulf most of Mesoamerica, and bring down many of the great centers of Classic civilization by Ab goo. What had once been rural towns in highland Mexico were now militaristic cities that rivaled the power of the established centers. In about AbD 700, hostile armies sacked Teotihuacan, and after the passage of another fifty years, 1t was a ghost city lying in ruins. The flow of Mexican traits into the Woodlands was part of the general upheaval. Temple mounds were adopted in scaled-down form, and used as foundations for both temples and the houses of chiefs. We often find them arranged around open plazas in the Mexican fashion. Burial mounds were retained in some places, but they declined in popularity as burial ceremonialism became submerged by a new fascination with public ritual and power politics. The heartland of the florescence that followed Ap 7o0 lay in the valley of the
Mississippi, north of Louisiana and south of Iowa. Here, speakers of Siouan 14 languages colonized the river bottomlands because of their richness and thin sod cover. The climate was ideal for the newly available strains of maize, and the soil well suited to hoe agriculture. Villages grew quickly, and new communities were established along the tributaries that empty into the middle Mississippi. Unlike the spread of Adena-Hopewell culture, the spread of the ‘Mississippian’, which was fully formed by AD 1000, appears to have involved political expansionism, and the migration of whole communities into areas already occupied by peoples still maintaining the older lifeway. Many Mississippian sites, some of them small cities covering 100 acres, were surrounded by defensive palisades. The largest and most impressive of the Mississippian sites is Cahokia in southern 14 [lhnois. The town contains over 100 mounds, and probably reached a population peak of 10,000—-15,000. At its center 1s an immense mound, 300 by 200 meters at the
base (larger than that of the Great Pyramid in Egypt), rising to a height of over 30
meters. Archacological cross-sections have revealed the outlines of countless basketloads of earth that went into its construction. This is ‘Monks Mound’, named after the community of Trappist monks who lived on top of it in the early days of
white settlement. Like its Mexican prototypes. the huge mound was built in stages. Fourteen phases of construction have been discerned spanning two centuries, and the mound probably did not reach its present size until after AbD 1100. It seems lhkely that the labor contributed to such periodic construction was inspired at least as much by religious zeal as by respect for the central authority. Cities hke Cahokia were probably both religious shrines and political and economic centers. While maintaining the largest earthen monument in the Woodlands, Cahokia controlled the mining and distribution of chert trom nearby quarries, and the manufacture of salt from natural brine. Under these circumstances, it is not dithicult to explain the internal cohesiveness ot the Mississippian tradition, and the art and architecture it produced. One ot the smaller mounds at Cahokia is a burial mound, an indication that older customs were stil alive. The deceased must have been an individual of very high status, tor he was buried in a robe into which had been woven 12,000 shell beads. Around him were great caches of arrowheads, polished stone, and mica. With him too were human retainers. six men at his side and fifty-three women in a mass grave close by. Almost as big as Cahokiais Moundville in Alabama. It hes at the southern extreme 14
ot the Mississippian heartland, whereas Cahokia les near the northern fringe. Dozens of large sites are scattered in between. As a group, all of them have come to be reterred to as ‘Middle Mississippian’, to set them off from the derivative Mississippian developments in other parts of the Eastern Woodlands. Some of the finest Mississippian art comes from Moundville. One well-known cxample is an axe and handle, all one piece of polished stone. Polished-stone bowls were made, often with animal cfhigies on the rims like those frequently tound on clay pots and pipes. Moundville has also produced a particularly fine stone pipe carved in the shape of an ocelot or jaguar. Painted pottery 1s late and restricted to the Mississippian in the Eastern Woodlands.
Apparently the techniques necessary to produce the pottery came directly trom Menico, although some indirect influences by way of the Southwest cannot be ruled out. Most of the designs were apphed to vessels with Mexican rather than Southwestern torms. Many are in two colors, and some involved the use of negative painting. This technique requires the potter first to apply a basic color to the area to be decorated. Was is then applied in the desired design, and the vessel 1s dipped in a second color. In firing, the wax melts away, leaving a design in the first color, the second color acting as a background. Painting was not the most important, nor even necessarily the most beautiful,
decorative technique for pottery. Incising, stamping, and other plastic methods were Widely used. and were supplemented by such techniques as engraving after firing. The many exquisite unpainted examples from several Mississippian. sites express something of both the technical competence and the religious commitment of these artisans. Etfigies of human heads trom northeastern Arkansas bear incised 30, 31 representations of painting or more probably tattooing. The torked designs around the eves of one illustrate a popular Mississippian motit with uncommon naturalism. 30
Another jar from the same area has the torm of a rotund human ethgy, with the 32 suggestion of tears on its cheeks. The mystical links between children, tears, rain, and water are well known in Mexico, and might have some significance here as well,
eapaet SEAS Se. es :
nler ce BE a SS BL RSSRRE ES PY Sel. ee OOH
aa . aysssiie GE SLSR Be 7 APSE Pr :, SS eS Sa Sen poe re ° . a
: aee aReY OT Se ee Be ae 27 ai‘: i: : :Fs ee Sa SS 8 2s _— er oss Seek 2 ;sees os=ae SPs ee
Ss =LF _ ge =ecs ..=> == Ss eS=e a?aeee SS.$= E a =—was sa Ss 5 i:s iagn —==¥2 PRB FTES eeecee Siacee eae E=ee = PRS ES es aSBS83 eo SS oe Se fae & ae =a=Zz _. Ss 3=ES =29 aeus =< Re: [BSS OUT 2=s ee ee wees “=aeSOS ones “ae ss— - .Logs =+.eos ae 3== ae 1} }Coult “ba? ae see =a.3* &* ERS as SS Sa ST2 oe a (/}-=2 ¢ 52=“Hawt SSE 7S = “ae SaEP 2 oe es ee: ¢: ~ = 2aSs a =~ = ew=< &&=a eS=oS 22 S39 5. = Fe =.= fe =: .3=a ==2oe 3 Se ea SET st z| _a ees _ a g. 0‘ ee a 7=peer * foe ss>aS _ BS a= = SES S35=F. See= aS Sse AE ae Onef(OO ;if~¢) GHG aoe —_— - |.“gk eS =S aFt 28 —e ae es Be ee:ai,=SS Ss a ee =ae ee a dfTOo fe ae Ff 3s=ee SS =. a— eeBee =SS eo =3==n eaaoe aSsLooe C lias OL Tad Boog SF Blouse yer ese ad .aoe asiete Sp el “ SS ees A So ae223 $4oe asoeSoF3..a“ - *.ae ee OO VEEN Wig fe soe
=fhe 2 bo eaBe LLOQ ~olf; yy ;oe Tis i.=4eee Ay :ad “ae ae=FEA les 23333 Ss “: —2S Br 7tee eyes aBese oe CVe aedOF UL? i hey aeae wa & ae — ™“8 af osSSS os a-.EL we>eS Be Se =ee 3SaaS FSF 2=— Scat ei aes PHO I}| 1C rareRe ESLs ,:og esyn =, OES Sse! : ot ne ai SS a2~~ = a ses 23 ae =RE eae eeeSg2s aS d-rg} 8? Ao h=wat* tae RE Se ees =. ae a=Ser &a+2 YE =SP RAS — : wot es 2eer Sg ra> 3>ae mer “SF 5 Pee asmet gee 7Boe_| ICY Uses = Wa ges ye =e. 7oe “io Sal jane fe aoe l | )Pose t r| I Oo} } fiA~s4 ae ~ a eee wee 5 LFE aes = LSS = ee = Sess = = :ee—— ee == ae Ses es ay ) i)’ econ, wesBlas pagspees we = + eae ae —S = ea Be=Ss = > wae * #iere= 2= =: Feei,oo.
sewed shtRIS a “gt Petaegtk ess ASSPie i ~-_ “or eSonng HT. Ba ee . aee Pees one, SS =o a. a Fe es Ee ae oe toe Ss —— tS 2 =e > = SsTERS 3 ==: == 27 Se ves oS * LIS -aS8 SSSayes = 7 Sey Set WF 0h le ae oa? Bee Oh aie Bees *\ ;|Se[XNINS : . Seesog dier -aan SES —— e= aad >Fs 7 SN a Te : ren PUN EY
CD J tgt TS + Pah) EEE Le HTS SEehe as AS a 7 ae aes - 7 a Soe Boe 3 ne WEA LESS
(ices fensee Dele de aiBbes cL OS ERR Ube legis’ ees ee aS. ee a“ ‘eae wt: Sa. . Jacke Pe ‘ esUfWoh oSugk teisess TAILOR: BSE YS EEE EL SST ES.CS LAL A it) SSS oe °SSS ~Sea BLalee 3 pee wes Solishine aSn SEN > Loge LUE EEP ES SG Sctyho ae SS ESE ae "GEO Aee of“NEEDS CS FPRTe RISD ghye Ge SAR eh vilisasl Tass are& aa, Use i ~BY stSek Rae Se eae : :Se :ee Hota aeSD satabe Ges AD PSS Pay Siig.) J aioe ify sw. eradit ote 2g ne a, te-Sst se . 5gee: ER toe aRy ed Seo Ee rkSs eaPP ORD HE ecais iesee Ghee Se ye_F= SA SRR ;ae RR "Be ae:ove, x“OS 7S, ee eRe peo nis EES) Ruy Bap SS BLOUSES ERS Le BSt SA feu 8 Uy Sieg i oe = : a ne WAS. fs oS AO So RIES RS Dirk SSS eT ER LB oa aS reap the > a rm eae Peewee Sets eee Bere Ot. . ConA Ngee S SSRs SSS eR sree Te ti. Ss Bends cbodele. eeRO aeedDRM ER etOLE 1g cece ee EEE SEf othe Ee SE EEee eegUSSSA £ Rts By SR USgeste geal ies .Be a - .« : .3*. RREse Sg ae poses - RUBS ASSP TOSSES, SBME ISSSER Ss J SpE SE «Se Res os Bo oR | OR Se PSM RR OEne ON REE ee ea Bet SERS SeSA oes ES wes PAL US ong , ey RY ER 5 ke Sa eR oe ia: St Sy Sita SE Selb he BA SAS AP EIESeS UTESSE PEGE & al bo Pagar © see a be 3 OES a cream GeO Rs OME ET eo cae pee ae “FRISBEE See SSS ies Be: Sr iy ae. a " o: RS FE Re ee ge RRS eee eee re ee eo is Fe Ee me2CPC aPERE ipey, 82g SRB °¥fae HRs BEE Ee On SEE Sai eeees AB Si egSEE Ca aec ee LEE Pei OS SS Ry SEES =*SUIS RM oR OS Lard ee aee OOeer ORM MER ees TR OR ESE Fat RE SES Sg PRB EAE ho Vee Ca sai SE siti Se i Es PR aw Pr, Sse ee? STE, Nie Se SESS ot“Bae SEAR ShiTY DEE OS ee Sot eat HEU MRR ees Pe eee. ges wtb: oy Seye: SARS | ees. VUES Bee pec Cea eee eae eee (RELIES Ta SEAR ee OS 6 Riis eae a eee oe PR PSie RRS Pe —LHR SS(ty Se TESS RhTBR eS ae Bee ai 9RRs 2S Se en SeSu Re ae ee of pe REre Reber Ba a es + EBS Pra se ee SRS 2 Ree ead ae q fg GTP pag Seg tbh ge SB Say eae Se {BR SESE ES ge aS ee beeen Ey 5 re Re re ee x arte gr ot eee 7 . See Wa SR CUIG SS Oise Sea Fa Se a egg Pi en “HHI SS LS SESS DE Se ees FS Pa soi Pager Ss Zoe Sy SS Yee TE AE a : ee Eo Me RE Ge ie ae th Sei Ree Sa Anee
Lg Pe ae ed ne 7 at - TR ges Re Ae ea. eo SS Sy ne
Se ee ieESS eeSeo ee “Py t, eres! ,% aOE oyDUNE oe ee 2a eae. “nea ‘iUAa eySSA ee ie er USE SER SR SRE - ae 3reg cae Sees ek*,ESS EgSa eedyy fegM ee sores eae geage Ror eCeee ESASS eae aCe (SSE SS SSE FS Le eeSee Stee ieeeaout BOS oa ce Fs ae BABYAS SL *Ae po. "BESas ae SS Ee)yee Son SARS ae ee TERS ces Pie eee FHSS Flees, Segeeree cer ceeSor eee ore at SL EE (SS S22 oS SSeS Be KR ARS ne. = RE oe ae sige Poise, Seog rR OBES CRRA ae ES ees SeSages Gg Re eS PRR Pea Sar Bee ee eee ee mF ee Og 2 ee ees” S . ae Comme MET 2 OMSL S See eo eG eee ee ee ni hee Sasa SgSeeek A Cae ae SSS ee 2. 3b So SEE” Sees S epg ste, CEBSS) 5. ido7 egies Toerenae age Re Geer gay ge eee Se SPSS ee gee EERE See ee i bag: FE ce ee eee DS Ae oe Mean mame S208) CRS OR RSS aioe oe Oe oe ee oe
Sie EN ee a eee CARR Rees se ED (eT 6 oe Feces Ose dpyseeSiealyo” JE es ee ee ee ee Bere eePeee SSMS ee fe, “agA. ae Sa AB See ee esas ee ees aCS, eee ee ee Bo PRce |Og oe Bo % ay Boi: ok eu=Ra aa See Cae eya Sgeee eeoe eee eeMestre egie: gg, eS€SS aae eTGe. Oo SS eee Sos eeaPeME ese Death Sag. as Rae Set 2EG 2 cS Cor te Es Cee ROE ee aener aes ae ESeas Se eee = SoS SS RERS SSSE oe Sg oe ES Pac ge e.eee Os ay meeee Se Bool 77 RGR Oe aaee Ge eae ee SS eee iaEEC LEE Ree et Se ete-os SyRe £3 Se Pan car Sap CSE Seea awe > Cee aS. poe sae Ek See Se ee =" Rt Us >See 0geeie FAR 2SEUSS ae SiS caBo. eews oe 2ee SSS aR ea OsCae Ce eee Ses RR ees IecRe ar ee SE 2: Ee Sy See: ee ? gp, 1.. eS TOS RREBSRBSES Sere eee SS Res: aeas net,TS RE eae i:qe: SECC: Tey Ses sea wee "OSG ESR es eee EES SS Be SS ee eSeS 3 Beaob EASES Re oe es OeCaner Oe . fess:eae Bee eer oy ary, 21S SERS Cea ee a Soe peoe ke etme eSee SSage aeeoF FS Se > Se oe ae “Eee: eR ES ES co Sa eeON ee eee ShaES 55 Se ee SSR . x *_TRS ERE Ee.GF” SeAS Eeae esTsEroe Say SS : asae|Bie SORS RE Gea eee aSee Soy ee ee ea [RSE eRe eeee cater eegOS 2cere ee :Oe ieaten ° ek es a?. 2S Sea eRe ISR panty eee
Jee ee ee eee ae“tsaeSy.:gere Se: oe 5ieee es eeBR Oe LE;SERB OE SRR eenSahBg 5Sees Ce:eeSas ea eee eS oe eee 2eeeee ee 2 aake ’ SiSeen oe aGS gaa ee = ee Sc Ee eeeSes seeeed eySere :Se FOR: =er 2 SRE Sn “g an a OR SB! ges:eae Ee. epee re petra un tars cage hese ganasee vie Cesena =o pee eeSeer SS ER oF ~1 £ Be Bee Sar en Se ee eeJeeSeEEee gS, 8: EtJekescks ES RS CO an ee 1oeaesR ES Sn = SSS SS ee eehiee wo ee ene P23 ow eee oe ay ee%Yoo So: ae: Pet OD ee shale abcess ue SERRE ERE RRR TL suse: SeCoe eee Se CSCS oe eee oROND SS 2 £83 oe ©. “agelaemenege c° Soman: Etre: , RRS Se, a OR RE PRE ea CRS.
ESS RO Se eg Fp ToS. cea a Oe ocaeemns Sf. eee we 2 Sot SRS 3 Soe ccs, Cab esae Same s: Ze ae ogee 0. A Sees BES of Sac aaeS sasernens ee sea ESE ea
Began Sonor eT eegee Ree On re en ee a aeSee Mpc |oP. ete zsaae". geeeeare IER cee Soooeases wenn ees neceee SAUER eaeae a ec ee Sete ee San ee eee Ss ee eee SeI Ck wearer ereSeeo OnTEE Ce SR coset ReSeoe BOG eee eer Se SR eae ES Penge Es eee a ae pforersese on ‘ ta (SES RMR Coe, 5 SScoe Sonn ee anc S ORR ak eee ne SP eet os Lae
Se ees Ee Be OE aS eeaeee¥.lePa MOL ¢ aeae io 2seoes a eeeee8 ee ee Bes. aaaoe.oeBeasts Eee a LP Se ae eer i
Saya Se ey, LE BBR Mae RP ne SB Cast tag g a dy TEERSEBRRES (20 peace PPE gsr SDD abet le ai eee i ne Bl wep ghey tr Bota fee lS 2 beEasTa . . : : SMBs a ny -
“Se : : Pee Rae HE : : : i SRR CR tn NSBR ug RAPE ted soe ae career) fe ee I ©
eae.: .: .Loe ne ate? ee eth Paecaey Conteris. EB .we Pa oa 7Poko: SE BERS Seth . Meoeeaed seday Sages 7a sody . ; aDeelgldo Pa beerWagag¥ SshrtyGeOPER rn nye arraa eg SfD le: We a SEE > apbag: Fg TR ae *
Eee ..Be -. adel Sogn : :iwi Eedeere, olny Sia, . LOE OP UNL ESo ecb fe masa ee *er eee .no eTtee. aes S¥y, ae : es . “ERS mo EERE SE Te Seo ager tes oe io :soe Uae Seep :AS : Cg pM UAH gO Hbtae EE.EO fy Seg ce A i ey Bees Gels. . . nlsae at PE catBy oe0BABES BED 9 ltour, law OETEE CR ee HB, TES Eee SR + Pane, eae netoe
ere . i : we TPs . ae ee VRE ce be po BOER, ode PY a LEU fo os Ca eee
a :. wt ae i: cornea CEES PSHE SS pyTET aR Tupi : . Pass Bea Re voF A. sly : . :no oa: PIS ESED Te oe : We Og Sees Sg eyul? BSGees ea eaARES wel . ;Sorat: a pebs cat, Se ealoes : a we 7 cee wy Nee : Qe ge UE eeewe 7 5 a: .a. WORDS . So lpigreongeFay re gen te :i hal we ao EteYe re .7Biker eensSO, tao -:,: Loe + SleMe Alyn: HERP ae oy ee . :po4| :- se ap Pope Meeoe a tee SO EL isha OT oa Rae bob deeee : iE eybacd a o Las 7 oae "|| ER ees eae ee PoE cu ak & we gsyEg Poa CES geSedte A WR # Be ee
XI aeae ae + a weot ar’ cane Coy: PER . ee it hE See .Sg GER aretaeen .tte oye awg pees ABA Mg bie |F oes: OSES eyCLEP ON See VOUS USES. ous TSty ee petty HCE ah ..iSe ::Boo: :Cann Heo BES eePaoS Bp De nai SDR Pe AE . ee ae eeSRR eeoaan :ffFe oe eg.eS isE et :STEERER Tee. -THES a :PRB RSTO eae tT ce peat BE Reena = .a=weiss : io aat Pare . nc] aes Pe Phgsie’io o> 27orSee Aloette Pu ne cae a RSE a Began teea wishLars Zurart ay ere oc Soke gaia bate i MRS Tea Pas PTA yt,ieaS Pepe Se as 3. :°=:. ae: ae) : hi habe # at 1geo aR ESTER See eer Oa ls :iRP .:rene ee ERR wo- Bre Se LEEa ge Ss eg no RS a : peepee” a fal ne a 0 ees woeY pa vag TER UE dR ERIE es? _ weak Pa :ce“ot Serekeh saiot eR ee Sec Rey Ooo oe RR oT Shae oem ee UT: Sala ee . . SEE eee Be :: **oeRee ORE PR Ga UeescaeekORG ap) eo | oeRRR ee well ETE Fsa :s Speers ae BME ooOe ceeeeea = oe ve ape! mens AES Lord SRS Pg aR a Se a a, Egg eae fae > . : en a ate oe . 4 io. pi Bie eb ae Ee UA so ee saa Shae Ay OC # en pets eah cose des SB18 os, eestFs ¥ :A:TE = irn raeSe. Pree ele. anfest : psaghd “seitiaenc Lucas
Ba et aa Pe1 er ee ee eeUSE po ens abe esME eae eras ae: .= ee3a: ee eee ie | Bap LE es iB Deb gee oie Cees ger eee: . . MM el hee ge ee See ees GPE) ee eee SS : “3 nad 4 Coane eM ug lives AY ee ee . Typ ivigh TLE : Brae Ss ES Loa ay me oF fo . a ee Pie ae FP nko de ER EE SUNS ude 2. SIDS Ra ig . Pos ogt TEs. ERG a 2 Bengt PAu PR 4 : - a F - wes - ae oe Pht s BEE le og soot bo BEEP abcir k wg a Bar Se. SRS
alee ae whoaFS . Wot . as Ah SeSEL ne eR EeUT a te FR TE3 eg MR ; peaEM ee . eS i =:a¥ama : :..*::ar -a7 aRG .. eS |EEE akactied HED woe, Peeserer ses isec ‘SERRE ister eee Beers aSB Sa0F ::. o. :Pepe y=: "hes ae Ee ieee eke CISL i- .Goi mo Peyee ee = an Fo eS SAy Sane RTRUS aie al Best Loe 2a See *-no-oat .ters i:SaaS oO 2 ne aaa ae RR eas | e.a! ..°.Sch . parce fete oaseSab eee aa. le teMR pie TC Tig SE gen ine eaoSe >Se . pos Gees idk ae eeos es —* rSeo 72pe 2 eae Se RS aog ke rn : Bee :ick At,cia SRR Ee aefaerie enieaey
bes . ee = : : : : ee * : a ef i: “ : Bo i ; : ; A : j : :=. #, Z a Ee
oe a4oF= a. :7a- Ff3uP. #x#.aboil wie - .eo .aa $:a:$4% _— mo ::z2ee 3pF : -A*.2.##-Z af ce -wire . -a& =: . =Poof 5: Ey 8é# :ee , *, f Fooo8 =# £:gg * nr on. Be " n : & é ae Pa be = Aa : " a A # Z : : * ae
PE i sff&Z, ° &! oe ECgt«weg a ait oe * yBsbi : st= “; fiao; 4#; ”2aae
,: : og a. los Be - a: sR‘ .Pr _ ~a ag Wig 7 fe ae : : . a :f . :7 iLO -4on
Fs Boon be SL et ia °an Ek oP ; yepeocae aoe eee, craR‘poe. 2
an .;.;?ank : _&Baga cs a~tye : “gt ae=Ba un BEE og :&3+: ‘Pee :.
of ; ; ; .ab we : ;ae r ae ii a : a pao Ls ‘ a ; ; bs i eR a : & oe ne:
des fee a ee? wee : . a * ; 2 * . . - . a Powe i : : if
4 a ta Sb so : . . eg tee wet i OP Bo f g
& afi : . fos + . , wes eo + rie er aiitédnih. oeni ca oe. +soim: 2. cog . aeZz. oo FsSwhe! ‘ ne Oe # , : “ : o 4 a : ‘, FS , . ‘ * ° _ “ro — Fa a "3
ee ‘ao , :pba aTOR aei :Wi ltsite ae5 ”~Fwna DT “ eT a ae Pee :.fe: .:ete-:4~;ee 7agTes“eal at
. a ee tee Tes St ooLoa yp eae ar ;- A se Ee, “aes a roof : mee SRE ee a AP eS BE Dg TP ay a7 Ty ae ti hy: . ; : - :.SUE 3émy hg Bee ae ay“Eee Wha ; gees hy *,. Lai ty‘3 ean nad = EY es Apar ateee 9)Ry edeeyee rd. “Tse a: ee “ie,
* # LL hseS L eta son“3 edea12. Bae pe BeBoo ee a gh i® gees . ire“9 ere (tganot : rrbeoo epee REL —age gry i. lag Sy,HEie ieerty. ig. .: .F.oo, ma aes Poy ary eee oe ae ae ptwe&iOB .Fae ihe. ys4: :. ‘ wat ne oes S$: poh2t :in*OF, f° *+ ae : 4aa Le e a ge “fhed 7 tae " ieee eeBe aA. .: ‘¥:. 2aos :; .ores : wee 2 tele ear - :ow ; .cs: ¢g Bt _* . gis _ :Poa 2Sfoe :*awon . ee “a2. i AG wih os, +"be ie : 3ae "7 Foo “oF LOLs eS Te : : * as age ee ot i cr ar ia iH ~#BRT pa . ws . “BBS * Pe ee nate |PER “ - 2EgFR emg 9 Mn isgEPa a Sie HES ae, “Fy, BM Pe 2! £ : ee 22. ag:eG poy ° her ne md ee a EE oy” & tals, ahs *sRe Le a asa Me OG eee) ce| Peed n,n eae
Ro Fas of a ane , an ‘yg ee er “ cea ie og cr: ae te: i a We 4A ge .fe eeBee co :Fa Bewee BP pg OA tee ee7ay ee Poy yetee a ew ee, ea. wing! fopee aretoe BRO ae “ee heoe ae jrOe ee‘4 ne , 2Bo Se cs .a eere & gt” Dae BE age Plies, RD BPO a ae eS a a a wo ea ON epg tie z;e+ \iar Hh on, : . F a ae SOR 5 * el fii ea “8 2 ee SB ans ge, EF fH re be es Boy 7 #iaie ad Hk OR an pe ty oe ae ee pve Eee aca. ae ho Soap ee & poe Po FE". 2 ge Se So yiyts ae fe spe ae ee ee a ee eae . i a Soret cs,a Pca ene oepoate ge OR Aeae ARES iae Fy re ;tr os er 4aF te ee ee we es my aieee Beaie: As Sag SP i a” e 7ES so *ce . fF oF . aelee rea®wo oe PL 18 pf a a a oP ow abeie. %. fa duds et a5.Bat €;if ey. Oe ede. eeee“iy, P ies theyA Zl a ahh be3 Ps - at oy, ae fe MERE ot IEawe a’,an Lipa hs - tage PasB: (haps ai8 a” Urgugih es eB Ue” MF oe TOR *248 ote rPo gp aa SereFe eeEO oe age thts3- aeeig2 bi fern
af - hin La oe a ‘ : eo, : ee coe ee pee toe € Sigil te Pay # ll ‘ea past ian wat t, ™ ye
# ey oe ia mec he a an - rn . . - a mae ™ a - a e moos a ge Ren es
3 ee ee = eee ie. ec. a a
< . bed e. :4Je: ee
. Leg ee ee a cee oe sete get . oes RUN - en ae iea.Ee a 2 a — . ey ee ase Bi: coe ae Sate a aint ts alee Reeeer tsoo hte ti a ~ ee Ba ne A aN, an aN Coes oe aces fyoe “3 Set gis Se —" RY ae : ce i EE ene Reece eee pee ee as co BY Shae a eee aR oR Re NE Tae oe Bo cae Eee ie AS wee ea Wty = ea) ia oy : an Ee BE coe a ee _ is 3 oe as aw ay oe Ve ae sie a oe oe < nee oe Fa 4 ee 4 yl R= aoe ale oe ae cniata ts ANE aces eae aa na °be 4.:ey Ca ees ES tA 2 Bs Ye a ts ae eR ee food CaN : ae As ey a A A ee Re Ware aa aesue NaN ee ARE Wee ou °:*-ees Med con 7 ang woe : ee AY BA SAN Ba RS ‘ti ir Ae ae NG oan ee \ eae A : 6 a eee , FE ae 2g Rae et Rad aa Beat NNSA i ee gees ee ea * . ~ wt i mC aa oe AoW a ea A uN ‘a SM PBA Warn oe Rey “he me AEN Nan aay SN ae vain 8 " ee a : os ss ~ ee as eT a a a ave a. a cae : :a _:ee os oP Roe: as owe ‘See Re ee ASN NY ae Na tae ETA are ane uy. an Patcae: CN SIRE Ney ay EER Ran “ae at ARR RANA eR : “= Bae ay Fea ae eA AUN Haat EAR AGA Aa ae A eee wet aN ane Werau RES eae a$ ieps “ae ee eG Bay AGN iie Sage Wa 2aNN uae eR we RON va: bee WAGs et i TR i ek ah ie Re aN Mee Nee *“ue vers A a ee ee at ‘ ea Cone EG 4Ree roe EE an Ne Cc a “ ah ce co amar | Pe:. Meee aSa Sarat aaa ae Wes ee RG: wee! ae aBs NS Waele esA Nec ate ia BY _. Fale a L ae ee oe ee ee OES a bes — i eae aa ee Ne KA —. ;wo he Aa ag! aati coe Wed ene a AEE eee SCANoe Nara Sa rhe a ad Nereus AR ae ee ‘ ' ae er oe ee A ae:: Bess anae ENoe 2veeBo ghee :,:|
: Be q — Ree” pty | ,a Pay . oe: dNesa 3i aeetpoe pee Jae Sie ee cage ee aE wat A ere eee ee Ne RE Nimes a ain oe be : one SRE ng 2
fo .Bait aaeaaa. oS aos , -Aaoe oe es a & De ; afc, Pann ae Pool oo . * a ae ~~ *a es-1s ms eet _ Na Benes . 'ar iyi Haase ae acay oe aed ae Re a ike Sate ae ace oe Rae Me 7 ae . Rana aaa oar EAR: ae a at sui OAS NN Rael Vaan eae Ate BM ae + a sag 4
Pa ee ie a a 4 aa NO ERR “epee AE: VE ccs aw ae a Sg an OES 4 Se sees A aa ea WA ge Net ae Re wee aay ee
5 Soak oy yi eae t a wa RT aa es Vy eee oe . Aa et . . .
‘‘ : oe aLFoe taeeegeEN eye PES asae a, 01Cf F. Ae :igaRea” Ties =ehee, Ane at A a. aie oeoe a aa poe ge Pevy 1¢ - rene! fa 8 oa Bra Ae Che che aN Naat ts a AEN Ae . os Ne : Ea ae ; :
| T fHiest , :osCH ee iaan ae ae WE 3. naene aN ee ree an eS Byio etas GNReali ties ona Sh err igANS a 7 a ae netsSanaa Be .ae . re €SOT Ried ars aea BEE SNe aeoe Praeees as ae & te c iayrteor oe ae ooeeaoS Bree: *peer eS eee ane |ole fae "amg G 7 ry} bee Plea |ae ehane Wee wR ae ei ee we iyeh Sa‘a Wee “BEY oe saat eee Pages .o‘
OOLIFIC . i ) \Be[ aHICS as oeé afe Ai1oe PR: nay meee Rosie P-HPO r SEE we ao ane _AN, 2 Stacit settee / (aoo:eaFa ~fage OH :ce —— ae ee inet a _a8:4:: THOT LE ae anuae :aaa SARE aeeee ai . ee ee asefPagiag * SERRE a Seder ee Las
Fee . ie{Co Bee Bowes on ( . ]C Da a}ma A Soe eee et: Wea RNG As xLa oe eae ae mawet a: sy? l J a ue aa he eo = are Jd >. LIS ¢¢ 1 } Bs ne coe oo. Se ay , ee at ~ ’ al Ree ed Ase eae A San Ate? Seen — a oe . ta es AUS a. ae ee SORE Ree on Q ’ Crs, ¢-adee Bae ar reSue eg P, Res eo, .:OF €ne ~aa e Sets bass roo S :: ig /a¢pe =cone a afSaul oe:re— ed :lyssia I l ‘|O f|~ ad Vd™ae AE .a\ ee a ae ae ae *2i es aly: . * 29 7 a me tone aNG eae AASEIES 3 eee a ee oe BL :
OD yea. Re eg a2. Pe? JID a= Ja suk —.. ee: |a-. :eS ues dy |)orn Ie | ai d3i. as oe oo‘2.oO so Fe Co yis Lp? its lee ae .:oa aa 4{ }Teds et vi :ae asoe Veg ae Ga8an Rg © 7 ::7 dur b o_o ae 7 LHe ) ads 2 re . ie . le I}}] )re SHH] Co iNe ce ug cue dd ae es Nee fas Ps ‘a Rae ch oo:f: dhHCce OHV _.aLo oe hen iefo cad om. ad Vit CCl C fl AN We ZO ; :oat .:‘oo ad ulyr ee acee aa Se cevw aRae Se ea ’ ait, Asc are a ca atta SON 0|;O}{ +‘O¢ c¢ oo AEE oe Se cat ra : O ate aa Sia RE sary RVs ANN SAE Ran ANG 110 ( 7 eee os Pe Ae S ’ NS ee AW ee ' earee a . at Bey ]fo }{.° ij “« Oae fI3{aste cen Re BAe Saee eaeee Ne :a ae : 'tdIFO co cease :aTESERS ee LA 1}1STOFIC ) l ae iae sett —-— eee ae ere meres 8SHgese *ad BERR SaFare .Meneses pe? aeeerooere Eb acyae eebe Co ”soe teu Tees Be =eal ps =age aentTnSa ga aee aed eet .* ia Bet 5 aes ins ee aeWee Ve : iea whan Ea oSaWeal oaa.=a: ae reéee.:2”oan ... ,.3h rn + ea Oe com ef Ge 4 a Le tire Ae ion 2 age a ar aeacee. we eeEpes ce 4.etwe =? .go . ky E —: aoa? :yo BPee. Beste RR EAR TAN Wy a:oe.~~ Pe :er Fcarne ep nets ieaSeage #a 3vial #ae +=:ohipods €Aeee. Laat .ce : gSaeae es oe ee aEE: 4 eo a7aooo a CO +etree ey die ale er. Eae “age scre SS eSoP, es aee cama kee WANN Joe AT se cle ge ee eae gt: re ;SMBS era gee ie . Ses er eet rice, od ot s:op“Oe ig RE EF ae gee 2a teTE ENR ke oeeee reres gt Rae Pee A aly aoe gs stfameeg? 2. . a gle co} SERRE a ot ee im, vy Fhe Sf 2 ‘ie tite: eraaaa anes, Wanae aR AE BRAN WSR
ae . US pa ee me tra Se ae a MoS coe gee oo £ # er eee Bat 5, - ae Ee fee Stage: goin ee ae gt * ee oe Nagar. a ‘ * 7 PAS RS Mot ge ete aa ea RE he aa
, Pa ’:ra #-.woo ;get yates Sag ah ote gee ©ee WY geaege aaR~é TE ay: ae sg|a °ae ‘ .By kot : MER at sa Min aaa Cee .aepaar Ea ee. _aderyea E“o::Lo geRe Rae : eR erPaicNA eato * ae eer, goo PSR CAR -aaEa Sa ar wee ke PAAR eaae oe ae te gee Pe cg rer ad a 2ee #9 . “ pee SRP eee BopAteahaa +: 28s Ay eager baaa Seer, ALANA. .s. :éte ,ws a oe Re ig:+“3 F'scee ens A aeBe me ee ee.€Ee -ae :ge wage BP agoer eesog : See eel oo cage gat aleee Ts .ae a7 fe eg ae -ge Pi Ase ea fee ee al 8 . ois EE a cage Balst ASN - Wain aRg Sah Bie ycie PN leRRR oRce # FES ro a a . ee a ra) eo wa TE ee -oy =g es Bs #ek7. ae: Sea eae =ee [US "Se ~ aao Nee ER cage Ao AE Ae “"Z ee a ae * oe : ~ grag REE Pe ees aes an oo. arr acl s oe aa eee “arr een oe een BR gee aw a eee * ee: : pig. 1g Bie # . RM RE A WR ANI . ane ore 2 Coa so : Pia : ree M Na ae e 2a sar 8 2 oil . pap .. “ = . Do EM tcl aS ee ‘ataN OTos a we ee ABT eae aigtia, Swipe? ee} aegid gee «7h: ae Rae mS aBea eeat ee «CR eee Lae eree aNRE aes aa= -twin weg Est Bers, aoo eeSO ae ee ee a OF eee =~ caae taeoe =8 ee gee Pett “ae Pi sale ee Bae aN eh aeoe oy Re ae“ee 5 psSu “3 ics eo ee. oF ReaBene 24 iene oo hellatPee Ba SERA : ay Bergin nag tatete WR wae SARE fe F FM BT oggeras peaffLes eee Aes geeoee Saw ye 2ae,std OE SE ‘Cane aaa cere ra ee
oe Paes Eeee By; Pa us 3h , PU aeeivee ae“et: Le: Be hhee Be scale ete ee gts TF “s a. ae ne ee 7. ai eEs2we ¥ oe peFOO ee Afee sg = If ee eeee ee we a‘ ae aaees:Jo eee lk ARAN Seect Sk woe = eae ae ae . . Lee 2 a oe ee, et oe Et Ses . ees F teers SN .go A . j F Root ee = ee ; Sage Pe de ge peek +. wy P om ge ey x Bey : ee re ante sae é e* a> gies we OCU s # eee a a we alt te Pee ” ht ns ag a tae >2S . aeaSe “ee . te et eyoe : 7 obs ag?a cob aeer.7 . ae =:“aad Be: EUS Ee a: ee mes f= 4a Se. a . = ae iets? eee: a ee poe i £5ae: ad : FEOREDN De re ee Sy Toe ea ieee ca eee BRE Si oe ee OT F . ce ag Bn 88ers, oS +B eee Te Ser Greene gS OSS os “E ER: Gee ree aR BE EE 3 Be .
gee a wee eeeee eeSeka ee ieeSahSERA Pe SEERA Eee ON Ueerie eaevee&ate“ SOURE EEE RP EE thts ° aoe: gs St SUR ipaEee ryasa DSIRE eee ; aBeer eea gee eee Tee: ks Sere eee eM ies nik HUEY Boa :ine .aSos THe aSe mS oo Fy oe oe Be cee tin *ae URE a es SeBR ReaeRobe Ae PoP a Ee :RE :de pegs eIfy os Hf{OSE Pe cs “eee cneetee oe Bees Ba BMRA BA ARE IESE BEES tas heey Soagde ee FESS infaded Eston: a pia Son erReg BoE On Ona apie eegt aa Shp tse, Fo ESM aes Hygeie. “Eves SER BETES La oe ar 4Sees, +: .oS BES Yefe PS SR eo : ee Siecee ree Zo cus ee eae .e . 2B Sh BE StUAE LSS eitah ve eo. ERE : Rie Spee Poestees pew ea ad CA stares TS aeaae soba esee ee ris e Poses Be ante BGP STS eae HERE, Wear ARSE Goya |} bes Tye Thane LPB ne Pibas fer ea Se eee 6 Oa ee ee 2 a a ig eae, OR SSR CEPR : hugh’ Sate: 2 Seer aes SAE PSE Ne Re a ELL ae PMR eer emene” Sl oBoare oct, ee soap ese Oe SEER Wake EASES PATS LeaMen | Orbe oe TEMES Ee one oe CARS at es ee -eavoeg? “LSS eReeTSEE ee 1S Imeses aBates RG he aawee OC “MRSS. eP SnS hg aSEE : 2 ga PY Psis: 24REPS ashe sae ee eee “Seeger Beecesee ae ‘Seopetegeree aeces! Sees teef. PS Qo.LAER URGe TSOMAR we Pola Gane Be peg cetae FEET EYae : ASSES Soper NEs Wisk ge ce: yh real SEE SSS Moa. tC=A Ree ay ceMi geae aDEA Bie SAR TE 7aeee anes .:pees TED. Seater AERO EL 2A 2ee eomamee aipncaee Saei es Se coe ghibiggde st lccee2 Bet.) : ; geet *PED .aPS eth, tant. Se So een SeSC TE voy Sse hagas oF Benden eeBF 225.7; OR ees ysEee HARE SES Betlced MRE a::Bahl te. :Al. . .dita pL ee me FpA OYeon eswn VINA SEE TS Cea : tt =Rosireke MESS oe See v Betorer, 81g" ea aateee toe, Thee MaMe esa aysi : ibe pote Sree Pee hee oagieratanes :eee SB igegt hs. erate setees Be AEE rer FH ~:nee SECS iy, SOARS Abea {EARS BE a ae $05 Poe Eiger oe e aeae yap pated . Vay . 5 shes, Nee Ot EEE SS See eS Biba xt sat pote Bose 38 1 bt Neeetete . SREP, SRE aD a . an . ve es Bei VE UES Se. eRe Sitesi rss a useage tapes ROCCE SO PBOELI RE Be aoe pete ea gta Pot SaaS ae = ee : : i . . ee Massa ee eae ERA ME: SS. se eee Soom BEE OP alBye SEN ee) TEaestONE gee RS son at shy :: TES a Pea SEP Sse+ ia GREER hie aEVs haggis TRE teinacca: eee easy eee ase oPvooengt Te ECD AT Poe ut : gee 3aceon : cet Boers A area oe Pie eT «Soh AS RES eaeRace gee eeShe aa Saree aPsFae 22. LE BARBS ee “heepaetias SS TE :7eee : .2 woes a ‘ po fete hy Eta ate he see ee ee ig eT, aga rene ¢ Bet Soa OS pepe iy Ieee ie Seep a i ig te ue . . . Putarey? SE ten ema | ies SEE RT Set Retest ad nese rig Beet Ease ety we Tem See EL ec ttn, TB aR CU. aT she agion NREE Ee ee ho CAES Si a ge se Ree aL ea Beir Sie cea, SIRS RRR SEACo teioathe RIBees TT] eR 3 ot:Bee .Boe ee cod pies ERAEE SOR ae re peBr Seis A eo ACS paie ce eyPage “ SSA Sees EE, SeSES aes SESRRCa ERR TRE oss aa a pen 3,neta Saas Bee Ee ee 3aeBier Atle SSBweiss iesmeet ee SER Uist aeenna Naat Pc ae Po, aan Ra A sine Saag Sr See ee wT! SS} URED ag rah iewpa ty TT eh 8:Proccheupe an:: pee gee Lae Ee Faed op ears a Ree, Sere SE aeIga % Seg BeSPE See.Rg 0SI FOS. SebEERE tax goes AEE re LAP ES :RE : wet: PSUa eae aie SahSR opesAPES east Pe Se A 2 NB SEE BEES ey EWE, se eS wa . a . oe deed Seah ees “ese SE Ea eepine Peete SEL! phe‘ TEASE a ees, PRU ge ReSST ere arae . : Fi : a. atic age .ee SESE ts Pee iaahtres? Cog BeTERE Ee SERS See, TRESS yesSR BPssBOGS es “LE BEaeSe OE EE BER Se SYS
Be UeEee eee 8 pce feet.ema*iPO TehE Rgwesc eh antianesd Doe est , . 4 cif erie tee DOES SIE ei TegSOS Se We SR Das test Jinks O}aeinarin -athe caeeenee :wBee Ae ee ee Og See EESSee. -%. : ae P wet a: we cPgese: :RUST ae ens omaneDUR eageree Ee [BEES SS ei 2 eae seyeee an le iy.Ap . ; : Stasi D7 EOE 8 oa : othe ee perasoa me aa CES Gs Bis SERGE
Seas Cay ne ee ° oS wee OE OEE ee eee ee ee eo eee
SESE RATEE Pg SSE Bed So Sees Gare Se Oe res cras-. Pas : : - BOSE EE Sn oiueeTT es OTP ATae wee 1 asiice w er ee BEd BEST EES re SER Eee a ee, UI SISSTSUN ght att . PE OESoie eCpraetor ROSSener peeDee eetn erEEE ae ee
SESSTP Be Se ad Seths eS, Tae SEH SES eae Sets oe en CORRES . Pre Suvari ee Our etyiicn EE ESSte eSee TEES See ooee Sends “HeC Seo GHCeSPE Seat Spe Seayaewedges oS _* fo UE ggsioitr EES 7 Geer oneteh eeeee ce ete eee Pyighe Pt EAR nee Suv hrsSHEL err poetry EEN? ot SO BODES A So Gia 8 ee 2 RUT Lbs Pega TRE Seat neni att eBSe BU ESfF. Soan nn : Ten) : . Hanada gies ELSSelec cag ta nae es 2 Seis Seite ae eee Sia tiie A Ae ea ss heenat 33
Jewha Jophgies REE :oe DER SES SHS SE: Batis ae ren cea: Ses : - Kain Peas cna eee A Te eRe cgi manera Mem hae eis Beye oe ee benae NBC eG bere, helensR ape Sak Se Te Bien Pigincne ce Ser aaiehies: asBe ECan See Bei cctee %, Gaerne aes ate Fee SSS eee iyce Sabo Tae ee MEUSRRE AA SUMED DS ies PE SER ce So a2Hehe ESSSOe sae aee Agee SEER SEE NON apa ottera ma SR igne Seata PEaaaBe Ta aS Ee Sag aes ee eet eSSs SSE SEE SAS SGeneet 3H pee Veet eae ee Bae SNES 3POS 22 NA eas SUES SETS dete ee WED Rc GE eg Pe en es eeTe ee eee SHORES eee ee * Pr Mulsaieh Ue Re Si eC NE Sa pen ties noe es SUES POs eSeae ee TES ee TEARS SE Pein See ee Secpoueterrser ae ao Soe ice aeeANS BS Oa Ee eG SeSS eyes toe peat SSG RR Toe Syae geeEE eeaJee Age eee ee ea SORES Seeee Ri eet JT er aRSE SARs, Mos orisna siuntonreiln Sacra ets seek e Shopan roeeens nren ine) ©ee Bea a PRA ee SeaSPRL Dashes eyBe SS AS» : Li SLA SLI SSeaSEA See SE Aas aPRT eschit eesaganye ee ean eee Sage SGU eae SOS Oa SHE US Chet ie See ae oaes SS “SSE aes Saran oRRater Se cee re ah Sees Bh RE. ee Oa Ref IC UOC eS SSUES PISA E OS, nde ese se miteanyenatea Nati EONS yes Senet toteae wna Mane ne eensBee AEDES aia AtEa oye LAE Se
eG Gees eS Boceeag ee etre nd ee, : “assay pe Tees cin ny EE Tee ARTES 2 EE ae 8 SES Bee EE epee oe See eee ee Sa EE TEER UA ERS tk RE TS a -
Lone REESE et capa eeieSN SESE oaieaioe Age anceee semnen guesORs ieee ra aNTS einenSRS ee agit. Boe oneee ee ee TESSaie EAheSusie ee ES ss : Reet ee er acer er BSpey per eeeapy URS eee ee ee ee ig omeSah caeCaan SORTS a SEES oe? GS TA Pane QaETS ee eyae aptSeainRes ee oleate TPs grag [ai Ap Be eee ee ee eee ee demaruiciasonseai Nome uNaeCO UeAO Seeeaes SoD geEE EESRE Se Cee Se ae HE bras PeSoe Sree Nyfete teens ESE EE ee ae SS ee aioeDane Se we ea au CTE AER ES Se PRERena A ‘ ee er ee ee ee SISSSER ERS BOS UN ends “VEEP Stn ee ee a UFR Fee
2 BH Sid WyOE wie eid iaSi Sieh ie ted okt ae Gn Be Heenan care Bic eneEO RT EE, Rar rece cies SAAS NEES SST Sepeepee Sua a gesene SE, Bisag ASEES srwld Ace hed ait eel osdeMies ean OG Seg a aR See Rete ee eee eer eee ee. botee cee heSRS abecolenee Me Sige a ak SHAG Un ShgeIES Ee SS SEI 0SER eSTT RRR ORasl oe OS ieee oti ee ce ee ae ee eee ee PRESS ate eacee oe Yate er eeeSPP seDigg Jee ae EEE eS SEE Soret eee gigs LSS ates 828 Cea ceaere SUSU TE Caius ars Mae Boga aeS02 ae ae ces Er ESBrat x I V sedgck Gfwegen SEL ae badBp BaTE eral eS GEE Eee OG eG CSS eS apols et aes Ba aPO eeSe ee aOe Pees ies Ss Sees ARTES eaSere A Fe REESE oeSheree ee Sh = i: +Ase GaN Ses tte. co AR igh iayeaa pees Se GE Soa AE SS GsSe ren >ieSRR gas are 5oSeee le 15SOSee eetBiomen ersEePLUS Sue Pages ties Seta aMeg CALERA
Saclay Bel n o et aay “ye ESE BESHOE Sei ee aeGS aN SiS aT SSS RS A SRC RUA ie a ee te etee° de cee ae Fos Oa EE Bagscent es PS eo I eerprarrite Pgs: eee ee See BOERBE GE EU BoaS oi RISERS URES a ace Ee ff DR gee SUSE feee ae ge ee oe» eae ere Sa ES nat SOA SUSE SSS Be a eae aeREE cans sit ana apS8 aii am ieatenea cre caise ceen ames Gang SCRpatgapete ee ORS ANS se Se aes a ea Sn.i. ae mee? Moe:rma uke :ISD, foe he Aare eat wae ct Ee he eee AEE SS: ia : ee eo Daguige aEeEC oe ns as OE aeerg Soy! ae3°07" sgUe ORT a-Se BP Oa ET ee ayes Eee Hebd PE ee ee) SSgy BETS eS ‘EUS TE TESA ES, SE Se Ge aeeS nee iteSO Bis ahs Seticane Ra SEses ee Say Rnas rat cock: Sa eeewe ES ae ee= > enema . Ore oS eee Bele suse Ree Se Ban AS ARES SSD A Sees OE BEE Se Oo ee 7 ee Fae i ae a ee ‘gape teers so: Bg er aiyeser Vee. oeAe geiten Tere i Dig USS SERGE SE SE eeoo) eeee TOR OST ee ‘ieee) .eee a cae. ti Teas ag Bis hgVonDE ses ey eA eee sy uhe ceaOCS aneBape EEnee peer ee Je -aSEES ee ORES eae Ree eee ESE Wg STEED GO EEE
pAhge heSheAiea |=USES ag HiRes eo a pees ys es tee;Se te ics Cea Peete Boe ESSE eae 2:ce ERE Ae ha ace SeEeee:aceeeAE 8SotSigs oot Rs, Rome Se igo esoSRST phe et wire eh OES OA Es eecnreragae :SE * lok Ri |ooBoo. ae is me 3 LS ge 3Bp Seche ee ES eevate: (eh Re Se ee AES. Seg iEte SEEeeSEeee preaeaee ee ks aSARITA ZARE SESE Sea ee * Pen = oe gg Ss el, ok a a ee Oo. CUS ae ttePole gee PARTE RR Crs oe SoeBeal Ee oe eee HE Boe AO enSeear ee a *EaeltSSS : 3a ASaes Aco = Bes “Ae tgaae a (ee eras8Re. APE EE LSapt SESE ROP faeaeRO peaareesc ee - Re yee a" rn ne neRASPES Beers EEE ng eae Lape Pa eg oo Se Rees ey Cay eae SESSEER Bibeibebseh Secee ieee nes iens Bees SE Sores Ric gS eter aa Poa yeRene : ee ee Jee ae :|Bao °USES 2, i ceAy Soa Basho eaeee felCaeaeae (HE SSA WOR Ge he Soak See SUSE STRCeE ere peviecs Tetras Fe ce adFORT Saksie 3a ae z ane ce “ee MM BSE game Se Se SeyeSPee ee eee aSSE ee eearn SEE eS Se eiSons B® as.a;: 7.SUS .focin co ifon-ae eee ar Ee i+:PEeee BEE SHESA SUS OR eS SER asEe osee eek 282 er Bet ogati te ee Ee a ; OE iB Ee ee aeSee ee SAE: oeeee eae “Eg Ean CP ciaSg Se ELE eeeee Se aneiee Dos Ps Eeee °ae7Re es oF Bees UES ho '¢ca BBB ee Sab des Reece eeaaeee are eee |S hey ve Be,JON ORE PeBe ccree eeee ea poe aghla RR ere ieee
JSS pa APS Ree ee ee aeGarey oleae llheROR ae sue Ag Bein aBaeMm Seem aerohe 2Szyall woBa eee ea enero ge percent ee ee ea tetee cPEURSIS : ererrnrr OE aia LS g ERENCE. oko Se 2s ESPas Pbpb ESsie Desa nha A atheGone feCaen PitsSa cSt a *resoot cee Pe :gee f ts ERED chvt OME 5° 20 gage a fe BR esSaeco SeSac NN ese RE Straieeek ae eh TEP ES Sate SoaSaae ape oA UsTAiAaeScene. SSi eerg - 8Big ARS gseea OTE SePOE #ee:el:Peg hire a
THES ee Ty TSEFEA IG Saag Se iesinba BASS ag ao. a Bese Elo ae eo < i sy Bs cg TRE 2 a oan : AOS pe Pa SoS Se aie ee SR SB et Pre eeigseher PEERS SBE eee fo Bee AS “EISLER Seeee oe, SPEER {USS Soa Se Bs . oe . SSBB Bae... 55. LET rea tie Ee PeBat oeeee Be fs SatRBG Ea Laereet es : TRESS hE Be eeeTES wrfe al i.oeiESS -Cg me Hee ceae Pts. eeTega Se irre TL SES UESSees SEER, SR e Te BES SSA ye ad sow rg Oe woos me ae Sapi Bae py eee BE gyeee $d nei Meroe ise: fs = Po . i Scereoe ee EU ce in
SSE P SLES ARE: SPE eSee eS iidiaS Fee so Binsin Ts BM See RS, Bs ER2eee aS Suir Grae 2 Areerenemein :pega a8 7*SESE Beet tS co bthe SSE nd Seeres ieot:= Sieres eh het vey :ye” “ poitistie BRE EN CARBRES SR ee pee Se, Pe a: ES enenL TE ALE SREpa SegS Peace eg Pee :“ES SRRee TE we oH pees. SRE SAR een ESAS: aRSee: Seee.aie afi Ee PODER eae aeeEEE Sn :’*Hpi Sea Seago Seehlor Slo * aga ieSoA) aeASS a gt Sti, SiS ET GES Se Se rn eee ae ee By : 7 geecieheet rege Hse ONE ae Maa Be Sta oh ot Fee Ee . ls . = ae SiC Sih n Ssh SESE Be Pee ee FS SESS > Se. f . ISSR eR aR? Speen ee OS eee ep ees re eee ea f ei og > gt be VT TaSs 0) Voi ESAS a eae eeRee Se fae -Rapeieaeeeeceas "aSap . : on a ee ae| PES Bo oe i eeNE EGE BsFe: Pe SES ee FESS otk BOARS SSE oS Aee EE Pai aya pee OY eedete 5osa8! eee he Re gh aetae >: go PBS ey aegtESS ame .ee : ee saali Bes Ss.BS Magee > aa+ee. PSP Be. ™ BiER agOEE (OPage Sper sian. So
ee ee : :: eR ig 3ee eas gS AR oe, Ps oe . le a fees, ee ee Piree eee a a. all“sda : °a iaeae ty SS eege ea MMM E: caren eaeaeete. Gam oe ee PPT Seaea2 Bia TSEPon MERLT, eit: z Sapien ar aPeEARR SLasaaeee a : :nN aaaie SIA entae os SRM -e ey Neoeenya Ss5Ee aFES ons pes Bie Aa Ee ae a ae3SARS? eesSeePee See eee BSS aR egsagae, OER SA
oe oe. oo a et rg eo Bes Hie i i eee er eg ae ere
TA “ac ee “Sa :et,we Te, os SEL Sea erepee | 0ihee chSagi Re ReTO Te! Syoan:eaePoa Sei i“ee ae : Aaa Le ai Reig poops RR age BS ea Sag Tb BARE aeaesegees Be aed aeiitge Pe MR eeNg enone: Meme aan eke, #ecto €eee A, aie eee EeESS pegs aseae :; sal ia:Seeee ae= romp tae sc tcrate Spe Beaac. st :“Sa ogif bs Tax: ais. * LPF aRee gy!se, yay oy eed GEE 2A aeae - Be: ine ional 3 Ral SAE a a ce Oe Be 3aren ee Ee. ee Bipspate SaPeRGR Er iSaeed Pereees eeteree oe eae atereety Weber se “-eae wee ETE STE GSES MB6ie
"ggg. Oe EES 4a. 2aoo “ie, : #a eae Dstreet 72 Sic eeWe ea Baca. Sona Saag eae Bee ee et ea se Be teeSeae tte iia ; See: |aeSee = ee, E tselaapeer edoer Baga i aust ETT hsier Rex Ce CESer USE se Paes a a.‘be 5F “we a: whe eeFe iSe es, Taree: Bea qSee “THis aa ipRba te A Re se. POA ae, havea ene va ae Sco :es eee 45Se a: ae . ees Bi ene ONGREES Esk “Tog eee eS é2 Ae awe: 21 agae: es! ;°Fe RARER eR gare SE TS eee 55.2 gs nen aRa Bae eres Pie :Ee ey: aa aeFe =eatl _ou: iipore ee, 5:RR Bee eg Saeed Se oS oeaor aoe oe aaegeo _“gs ae ae pe oR ep a" “hs aoe SEG 1ehoeSie ae Sees eg ic. ee we Se ae 7h ea é:ee Ss -i. es gi ee, eeee eres 4833 Es UES SES isiterde See oo TRH uae egele) « calves e eam ae. ik ame 2ate eon
esFSpo oO ig“pee. 2. =‘Sie ay ge aaeieeeEg oPeat Rage se2PAE ae 2RR ee aLE ee = wes wy reSe:een, Bbe ie a4°°| Se eee a8 ce, ae tye Bane pata eeRae aeylecesoune Ns rEp RECA Mee ea oe LS .«23, :PR J #eg aReME ese, ji SERS eager tae REE JES pen 20 oboe eae he"Ee Bo Lag, 3s 2“Sh Se 2S oe asca iab eteat Bogeeree! ate So hotae . oe . ran Seis 1asg 2AEE ae og3eos ey AB faeEa : Se EEE Vie ee oehasaebolmmmatongmete kab. ge Bgaaa aa ats bga ee: ME: omer SE ag i:SR eae. EE Sa APRON: ERE CER reece ae x as eee oN oe i.aa Big 77
ae eeeve me Se gam BS eau geasieypaniy ie cle tasRogan Oesta Be :cae Rages, Sener meee eeoes Eeoe a }: pe 2See pee ae Saget Rae ee creeRESCUERS Nmtiecntne geese: ES Bee oa ae.aE ae =B a ge ig, MRE: Seke preer " éee SR ER ER EAE: seekbhon . : : Bete PEG RE na
e . 2 ; “ec Sse ae, a. A Cee” une Be Ree a : Lata Caimi: Te BS ee Eas ee Se eeisis es, eeoeaeen 2REL See gk ae eeBe Rr pe oes emer 327eePERE Creo rH3ree ODE BES i aiaveeens 1 Meenas out ink me Besa hears ae sade aES: ee aS eS eer 2ig.~en aSeo Pe “aes: Meggagte” appear “ERS cae eerie Santee UE nj AO en:Gg Be Ge pce a en ne aa ake! iPe i po: ae OR me 7“ERE 7: Pe Beas APE ERO RE2rec aaCare Se JSR eather oaBRASS aeB seeBeane aigi . AS Re Sipe (ESE onl YE aie eees ate, o-i‘Wager Sgt Sete Sie Ree clade SSeS aed atan pentane oa ie” Rea agres PeeaSeren ETS Re ee aeeere iie. 3SARs Ree oagye Beg aes oektSepa fe Me 4et, BS aSe OR ce SS
oeee eS aerae=a Fa SEOs Auer eign eeetepenener, 2BE SADE GRE JeOR ate RODS apie Oates taOREO lialTONS SE Re coe eet: iann a dik aFo ga aa ale eta “ae.Boe TEAS beBek ae rea SULA RON SERRA NRS pe aee feERNE eee oo Bee aeS ae st. *"a. ERG eee Mio eee cesta nee aeSee Bo TNS CORIO Iae era ne ne es |2“-:yes za4Sf amie a‘a ee nar SRR eae Fe a8 Bape COR ea Spa Sire ae sa Pegs ee aees ee aie SS fe ae y:. Tok Tee Abe nga soe eee Maree S80? FRE oe BG EERE ROL ae RSD sc aaaa ERE OP TBR ae. : PSR Sa ee Bas Bs °*Refog Se as*3o8 TENSE? Sire Seapets, ke. CE Saaea ae ee emer eae aeae iePace Toro a2csr, mes Bo URE eercaee ugrapa gO ee fs) Be Ree toe io: JeS Sareea eae ee :Bs aa PSE : aeeSE es eee i-)ees ere .a erect BS. Se . Sane DEI TR COC ABS SERVES Sih eeleity. ieee Be(RRC SRE ade RRO oa Bee. oat se! ees Es RISA SUES §SeSE aes §sent *Leno ad Pe ake Tig eee iat aa aCe aeon ee [eae SORE cd . wey . Te “Rea: A GES REEEGE LET PSEEES EE Bee ae i. “geiecwteas eer gue ereUE mea. Song Reta lS eee eee" ot catia sae _ a Speiseey cae Bot. :ae eee EF
TAet AyeB oo; ta onan oo SES oe aghid ieae caine: ieee aaea Tage ee rEiaS oe ae fase oo rrBe ioae : *PE Pa ue oe ys eee wee ie i :2iely woe. ASSES SEeae ee Seas Mgt REE eSee Sere cee Pyane Seee ASO al oe . ee PLR CST NEE EE Oeye “3 Se ots SSS aane paree gees See ReM BC nen ae 2Ee oe vas Pr AIRS Leg oeaesLech ee ee te BREE oh a SRE Beg BSa oe 2 C. gOteSeeee ae ee Peers og Me ; de”aoeaan a. -Pa 2, -a os Ree weeae Se:eeLhe 54 aa
“al os SET ET EEE PES nenee eee - SESE Soe eaeal Grn eget. 7 4p weet + | ieeeSe et, Le 1a ies eSos Poth, epee Ore eeee Leas eaeee BSBryOTaNEY Poet : SPsri)WEEE: SVE oes FRSS ra EE SERCS SAE ae aeSage Oc MEE cease 3ee 7taee PC 26 PR ae 24 ete Ne eye iSes apeck asae aPS ie eee weopengl aka: (eee See sppaagete ietsFaeS>aSRE ae EOE a 2 $e. ae se.. |ee : 11h 2Y Beeeee LES eo aeeSe AodeeRe 33Shania Sale 2 DoT Bea aesaieee CPR SPee DS on aeeeae 250 ae ee eres PAG aBRESG east eaSages 8en ee Ree Sgcigtetl i oe, ee POOR pin ee EEE Ss at thay PRT SeBeg aes Se tee ; » ay: AP gS SS aa ere aarPeet Sy eas: Be peat Sie SS Rape agains a Tied RISE SES Ee ER ie Peetag en wees Ee Sc eR Bes LO Age te Pn RE ae Peay e Fee f . . a OAR OF ae eae aeons hE ah SH: RE Pe Seg es ae . es Hern: paises en, 8 ie os Spd ooh ES aoe ahmn Ree Satan : Berra gee SAGE SL gee Te oP SM ae pea rein oy go SES Rea. gee 8 SE pene eee Re ee :Oa 3: . ee fol ae tap oY SC a eee ey ees es US aes a ee eh ee SB CERRO cas eile cays as * eee vg aera 28 ald = FESS Ey 7 Beenie PORE EE esa COS GeeBa? eSis A ca“gid aac he Seng aa “eeefee Sai. ;Vg| Sur ee :¢oy SPSS ety Bene “3 :oot Raed es aieee Oe AS 2 et ERR: ee Ce.SE: :Pe eefreee ae ae TE , SRE RE ETSI Be ac og Jie asaaeR: .*. Spares aes Bere es es WES SpaPPRO Ls Spee poeSE ret aes. ae ap aeoie ee se. aee ee PRE asec.) . id |
Re a Bie BREE Lo EERE, 2 Renee aa 22g. RMSE EABse EES TESoo. gabeee SES Se rae ae gc:a: es 24 cadCpa fe ee a AR eee ec:ipa:agellllivs
SP itsTine Fee "ee= Se Raee. niesOT eee: Beas Opes Meat RES l22 SEL Sia AY Rais). Sy Meetinncapes igen tee, tr i” BED LDCrp igh)RoO earRERC a ae SO tip Zee oe Ac. 5 OSes sen TUBS RETEST Teege sreapeerist se He apnea See eee SeyRiabhet er CC SORE B OE OEanor BEFoe ARC SOFiag ie aR vy les pie ea
aie eeeabst Ber Rag Ra ar eee eySilee Sees. eneee eee eaeh eee aeBs aan :egies .eaeoh, : Be = HMR hae ee Fitterhee isc ’ Mg «es ieebe tePete station ® 2tre Py SVEREG Ph RE E i SRRERS Megs!re 2s“CSR preted dee a ‘St aag ad f= Re te ae .SERES > eee BAR Cit Gee Secat USHER SSR RE EEE "EAE ASSESS ERE Sere ree kal na neTg ees eo, ae LILES eepass easehas Pees REESE ERE, TS?SAR Ue EER« aed EESue etRe seaBee eyPree Bee eeedee aa ae ee “w->Gee eee Fadi PORE “TAR SRS . Bug eeEEE Tee eeeWEES emma cetera eee are sete: :algene a +Pl ce (ee are
UCR Bee Re afo ETE SOS ETRE EOP So RIE OEgE SS ger Sy _ See TePa EO ee om ee :STee SRE Sree ERR otis EeFOE oeclsCES ves .weeehad Re a SOR aN Ep SePai aare a BERS PEGG eyaded oh. .Bees RRaa ares = ponerse
Pip ee ea enna a oe Bg EB ee ee eee ee ‘ 3
TORReeeed . Pig re Peiptiuiieiy soyiess 1a tetas SPS SRE SPU ST peei ae aeOE BoLe UR nhse SHE REO ag # LES Pin LORE SRT aNESS stig ORE 2 STE REA SRE oy ae Ae Mecae RRR gS Con PAIGE Tahe fosea“SRT eke AERE pseee arEee aE ESP yatta 7Ue ot :ee afete! Be Rete aBae Wagmemeneas vireo ehEES Soa ee ES ORT ere eae seattle |WER Ty, TERE ag eee chee CERES rerBe ec a: aeT § 24) SHES EEE EE 23 fovetera Series 2oRct sb eeEe eePeet ae 7eee ve Bois fh2Dr sity SET .~: 3a Perera Bier eee mee ens ce tare eens EE Pie ka fag Bee SSSR SPR oo — fae Ra SE ASA piidechs Wain: Ce 11 Er Oe se Pee TER CRCeee re ase Reiiea: Soe eeesee Ber aoe i ueSS Ses Bieee apotabt Setis:. Pe Pe Breneetennre Tee eran QU : 3s Ee POR CSE CEE) Jen Ess aa open Pirate aster Beeman: he Se ae fein ery oan te re mee : po tiae SEE SS zs Sager ences ahete pio. gees: fe ISAS CE SR eager Se reas ase. a ae RRSAD coe eRe err pees Sete :se oe
ereSee e se.acap ae ee oe ae 2 °OR ier?Re spo: SPA seamBe aeCo eR oh aa gage EEGgteb. eae ere Bea SL Beeaeeon ee eget RBS ERSSRaB SEe202 aa BE cea ea OER oe ee Se as ipebres REGS Ogee gs nea or ES eee heciToS OMNES Sate Peers oa Bee eeBs ss TEE ERE RCE ES oe2cape fF amcs eee ee ge es ae
ee a ee a | ete Se Bia " Gees se
4 ABSA ed we 7 PeRE ~ Po eea : aie : S ia 8 ck al BRR, : Om ~ ie Beers: eee
TEReke Saya Be Be oe oo BBE RR . erBe aC cae : -ea22g BePRBp speed “EEE? Se GR eR os bas iES eee aeBad wh agaiyeaee ESE aR 3*: giticmentc? =Saree Sanaa Peake eeckanesise: . Bat, ae “ERAS RRR Te Lea Pophoteye Sieroep «=| eeeeed PE ae Sy eae ee : Pe serpent o :Re Ps ‘7aR. =. ARE 2 mises!Tho OEE, ‘yi!noe iets we
LE Soe * Ze ES. Pee Be RS Se. . yp Gieahinge ie ‘yh Sbga oe ano a ; oe seit aig, often coariene eaaee
Sy aut. eS aee Bemee ls Fe eS ae i,oePeete eae “sore geeks ae ae can EP Sager eo alba. ee egbopkeueris:: Rime uterc oa ee TSSe Eaaee eo en :Sg, es: Be Ope ee ee aoeTO 2 ake areace ee ae cy eee Rah So. esee cheBeye SRR -aae BEaes Rei ieee ne eet a Fase eee em Re GRRE Pass CS SOR SP fii Ee .3ute 2, oo ee Ree See shobae ee Eas oe ope, HgST git Soe eee 2aaSoe Oh a Bari Canc cESURES Sareea 5Lee RERUNS ow eonuarce ae accyas e SSE aS oe Oeolee . Peke ae a:°:y WUE gE Tee aaetrNte BES Rs; ae :SN nidset Tee athRS Rasen oboe Ew =SE : sibs OR abate Raab sa teeucee Ca eae hs BERNE oes. ea 22a Fae eee COS ON Rr EU. dsES aeseisse TF OS asao st eee ee BES gkeae Be ea oc ae RRR aeRO eSeee eee aes see Peseys Sey ER oy Ae : nm ae Catch tA” DE ad 9 EE, pies eee eee es ae Gee Sesame ee om soeese Seren ree per ee, SESS RL es “eeepres. se tS ‘ of BUT SY nae BRR SSS eae i! gh eRR We AB aaa! Bi Br SERIE eerie eee EE erage Pisses fienate reek Chee Doe See ee Pony Ses Bae ee Bah a oe gs AES ee eee faye Gt Be daar ame at CANN: 7 UL Oa obi d keer nsrios ee RACER Ste OS hae Sarvoramonrete RP aes Erin ecEiht eee opis OSE asSp oe: 4 vores 3 gPo vace *ERS ba Ste SER ee SAARLE Ae 8NR OES Ras Cae ieahhr ORO RET EGE Beas enoe2 ees ae age ccsatan Por 1.aes rnE .: 7= aan OT SROE GRRE a Sha Seo. SGRRRS OS or cer cerca a REE acecea Roper ate eeipsa JU Day ee og Reign Po aie OR ght atsarSt cent ieSa BR ERE OC UE cSmeacc tn:ous west oO Ot BO ae SeonSeco ue SRO ne Oe|
ee AS -Sco0OSS RIES esEeeae 5cmSee as ae ee ksRE ae aie Poe se OTTERS ee iSRSA garete TERS ae: Sa geeSON aSee - 2 Rae sea ay "A Pioee eesee oanet oe SOEae Rie noone TRESS pe : :: an fmanyaoy eae, BEE Pega wt Se eer {VERO VES ASS eR TEN Go : VOOTAR Sa 7 ta ngs SRR Seyi 7s RENEE Ely 2 BREF EE gis Es eorewse te: | ee dheskelanis seeaiee eomeecy ae Pe yee
iS AL SERA SRO RS “Heo. GSES . “77 WGERERQRETEY MAES TYAS Ree2Tecra SPR GersSe tk UOeA 2 2)TALS,” SSE OR 2h Re oe #30*Agl tl. se tly ne opREEA SH Ore aE eS: fone ee ne ae Ot “Uy Ses ee SE SAS iSo . Teta RSS SE Re ES Be coor, sos ea ene, BoSema EPaR ge RRSP Pe Lae Santeconbcarven nee tont Oe Gok 1+R Sie Seis ee a: ‘ee cee SIE ee Beco aes 2h RAE ae Ogee Sav Carer a SRS ott eeeee SX .:amas CERES TU La ae cee: BPO SESE SEE othe a Se SPAS cde iidAO Oe eae Ore “lv gue:Sy SREY aoeeos 6eeEe . a: OTIS LEE SASACRE eeripee eS Re RTA TSE a een aeOP uNcnppaag REC CEE BON “TE Se pee cata oesCUE aka. fhees weSE, ORSINI UE Ris| gape Baer ce ae “Se ULSEED aca ashen ClSOR Sota Ra eeEOL PS ouSEC Pao Oneeee gitar MEG Aae Orsay
“ig See Se ee eee ee Whee, SUES 0ctsaSTa ed egTe fice Sco uae ioe vonee gal! KORE eeie oeee Sefotren =Pig Sa ee ‘SENN : gest wv TS AERT eit OSS Beoy Sta ey Prket eevy derac tee Ne aeWe ee 2 ate eG BORO bEee oka eo SP SS See teeee eeesare -Poy ineste hat el 7+ ED) ARSE NRE aS CeZan » eG See AO Rage 7Vo ELS eees eSSE [SAS sisges SAURSEERR 7 cueED heeSe sabi ee:ES bee Lee erage Sey Sees aig Bia ee Abe a ares pag aro Ce
| #6 1pay BESS ERE oeaeeee Sy Aflesh: eS eecea a +WEE Eee TER TEs OeSE, oeai ee Bat gee pie Una aBriaeapnidicr. Aree SRA SIO ~* Teepe nes legate rire ate tater oFeres Srp ES OBESE a dddeoT IS see nflins UpPL eRe Anas ee CS AGG ae eer einesonan en seen SateHG asoneey piagoLtaton eeeipaaera SiScae eee Sees ae fol,Poste. WIESE ARich aliaSra RaetSSalea PeRy seotes DVN Or eee EABeD rama AoC ASCE ong
nO DERE eeeaaa eeSS ee ee Sake a geArkeeeoo. a ORS BOs So EaUO lagSSO a er ee ores: Se “Sig ee ee ae lessace ee i- ae . eSSePRS erat vk reaEeOS Oe US OiseSee o: HOE PUaaeee ga moe
_Vests BENE SS ee eeaEee a See ee ae PRESSE TS yeohare 7 Poet .eeteaaon:USSU age carte ARR EEE ee p SSeS eee re igi ERSeee eeeSee eee DEPP TR at ao ooo vate od5ae a“ wlogi vrlflis, iog SRE ease gdctetenonetaonmcronass Enna ena Mae as AAS: ~“SEE SOY Dg Sees ee Soe ae ae ieeSSL UPSET SPAS 2aera ares ene ee eee So er COCR ROSES GCSE Se Boh PES SeSe Se ELSES ee b SISTA OMS ee See Vite eS sees Sere ete GI Oe Cae. AEE LEB at ete Se SE ree2 SEES Sioa o pee eee Sia, mp oeee 2) the shod pei ct cae SiR Onc 5snes tanaPre ESPON, isonet eee eetnte tos AAEM fete en een tearsea cb ortho Onan Se eee eS aee ee ee ee EEN TELE ope ASR Neee aA nr hrs eee ea gaOnOoIee |) SESS SSS ee Se ee &, : rca ©ARERR lieha SERA SRE EE Petes ara eo 7(SUI ENG Sree Se ee PU eres eS coe SO ne Bae UME UP SSL, deeb TE OR pe Bee Sen Sie ee eee ee ES ee ee Room Bae | ae SPREAD TEP aadene Agh EE SE Soe ee [FS Pee eer Sy OC Up SiS eS Se AS SS ee, re epee ee
TESS ee ee ee Fe
The Missouri River valley, with its large number of excavated sites, provides us
with a case study of Plains Village prehistory. We have seen that the glaciation which diverted the river southward also laid down the agriculturally rich croplands of the eastern Dakota states. We have seen too that, without the plow, little of this land could be exploited by prehistoric Indian farmers. As a result, modern river towns tend to be situated on the left (cast) bank of the Missouri, where they were most accessible to nineteenth-century farmers, while prehistoric Indian villages tend to be located on the right (west) bank, giving the Indians easy access to the great bison herds which were most numerous west of the river. Plains Woodland sites along the middle reaches of the Missouri date to the period between 450 BC and AD 750. This development fades as it did clsewhere on the Great Plains, and was replaced by the first Plains Village settlements around AD 9oo.
Some or all of the early villagers had migrated from an area around the lowaMinnesota border almost 400 kilometers to the east. Their houses were square pit dwellings dug down about a meter into the soil, typically measuring about ten by eight meters. There are a few structures of more than twice this size which may have served communal functions. Throughout the houses were found pots, celts, points, and bone tools. Most striking of the last category are the scapula hoes that occur scattered about in large numbers. Occasionally made from the scapulae of elk or deer, the hoes are more often bison scapulae, simple artitacts that in themselves clearly define the combined hunting and farming economy of these people. Some early Plains Village settlers established themselves as far north as central North Dakota. After Ap goo, these people moved down-river and began to compete tor farmland already held by their neighbors in central South Dakota. The competition appears to have erupted into open wartare, and villagers on both sides fortified their settlements on natural hills with ditches and log palisades, defenses that resembled those of the fortified Mississippian villages of the Eastern Woodlands. The palisades were often strengthened with bastions at the corners and at fifty-meter intervals in between. The conflict did not last, however, because the marginally favorable climatic conditions of AD 900 became marginally untavorable by AD 1250. For two centuries after that date, the settlers of the middle Missouri contracted into
a handtul of villages, outposts of people transformed trom pioneers into temporary refugees. The so-called ‘Central Plains’ tradition grew up in Nebraska and Kansas at about
the same time as the initial Plains Village settlements were being built along the xi A thunderbird, Missouri. The tribes of this tradition began moving up the Platte, Republican, and
stornis, stoops out of the oo. . oe ; co
mythical creator of Plains other rivers tributary to the Mississippi around ab goo. Although they were part of
sky, hurling lighting the same migration, these people sometimes had contrasting lifestyles. For example, flashes at darting swallows the Upper Republican phase settlements were small villages made up of shallow pit on this graphic Parwnce houses. In the Nebraska phase, there is less indication of village settlement, and the
ceremonial drain. isolated houses were large and deep, often excavated more than a meter. None of xiv 4 Crow shield from the groups of the Central Plains tradition tortified their villages, something that Montana bears the image ef — contrasts strikingly with the heavy fortifications around the villages of the middle
; saoping Poin etic Missouri at about the same time. The reason appears to be that all the early villagers
eee lich he gor of the Great Plains co-existed quite happily with the nomads who roamed the his power. grasslands between the river valleys. Fortifications became necessary only where the
villagers found themselves pitted against each other. Far from being hostile, ancestral Kiowa and other nomads probably traded bison meat and wild produce for maize
and other domesticates. This trading relationship between villagers and nomads continued with various elaborations until the nineteenth century. The Mississippian heritage in all the Plains Village developments 1s strong if not
pervasive. The conical forms of Woodland pottery gave way to the globular Mississippian forms, and details like handles, rim-cfligy adornments, and certain styles of incising developed. Occasionally, designs reminiscent of the Southern Cult appeared on Plains Village artifacts. At times these were in clay, at other times on bone or shell. Efhgy pipes in both clay and stone have also been found. Plains Village societies were tribal, politically unsophisticated compared with the highly structured chiefdoms of Eastern participants in the Mississippian tradition. Economically and politically they were not the sorts of societies that could support the construction and maintenance of temple mounds, or even the flamboyant portable art that went with them. Theirs was probably the sort of religion usually tound in tribal societies, more private than public, and lacking full-time
religious Icaders. Plains Village economies, although highly developed, were nevertheless relatively unstable. The High Plains were and still are not congenial to farmers, even those with the most advanced domesticates and technology. As has happened to others since, adverse climatic cycles of the fifteenth century threw the Plains Village cultures into a convulsive struggle for survival. After 1470, there were three long droughts spanning a combined total of forty years. At first only the farming communities that had penetrated the High Plains were affected. But as time went on, the climatic change began to produce a succession of crop failures in eastern sections as well. Gradually, the dispersed villages were
abandoned, and new ones were established downstream to the east where the drought was not so severe. Previously scattered tribes became nucleated into tightly packed settlements, and the distances between tribes were reduced. As the agricultural peoples of the Plains coalesced along Prairie rivers, cultural differences began to fade, and a broader, more uniform cultural alloy began to emerge. This blending and leveling of previously divergent cultures led to what 1s called the ‘Coalescent’ tradition of the Great Plains. The Coalescent tradition saw a general shift to circular houses, packed close together in large and often palisaded villages with deep external dry moats. Intervillage warfare, which had already emerged in the middle Missouri, was now part of the Central Plains way of lite as well. Plains agriculture was still limited to the fertile river floodplains, where sod could not develop naturally. There was a struggle for
control of the best fields. However, there was also a new threat. The Navajo and Apache were by now well established in the Desert West, and there are sites which show that the Apache were taking up residence in the central and southern High Plains. Some groups adopted agriculture, but they did not become full participants in the Plains Village economic pattern. The long dry years must have been hard on them as well, and itis likely that their ratds combined with crop failures to force the villagers back eastward, and into compact fortified villages. Gradually, the Plains Villagers learned to live with each other, and intervillage relations stabilized. Tribal groups that had once been relatively distinctive came to
be quite similar. In the Missouri valley, the Siouan-speaking historical Mandan and Hidatsa, and the Caddoan-speaking Arikara remained linguistically distinct, but became culturally almost identical. There was some blending of burial customs, although this was an area of religious importance where old traditions diced slowly. The Arikara usually practiced individual primary inhumation, individual burials
grouped in cemeteries away from the village sites. In contrast, the Mandan and Hidatsa wrapped their dead in clothing and blankets, and placed them on pole scattolds. The corpses were allowed to decay in the open air, held up to the sky on their Aimsy biers. In time the weather and carrion animals picked the bones clean and scattered them about, and the Indians must have thought that the spirit thus released was better off than it would have been locked in an earthen tomb. As in the Eastern Woodlands, the scattered bones were sometimes gathered up and buried in bundles as the final step in this protracted rite. House torms, on the other hand, became standardized. The interiors of the carth lodges had curtained beds around the walls. Special places were reserved for the
storage of food, firewood, and ceremonial paraphernalia. The fire and cooking equipment was located at the center of the lodge under the smoke hole in the roof. In carly historical times, the typical lodge had sleeping accommodation for elders near the fire, and even a corral for favorite horses by the door. Lodges were so large that none of this caused serious space restrictions. In the dead of winter, cach household could survive for long periods as a self-contained unit. The occupants lived on stored tood, and were warmed by the fire and the body heat of the horses. If one did not mind the attending odors, it was a comfortable existence.
When the first Europeans arrived on the Plains in the sixteenth century, they found most of the agricultural villages confined to the castern margin of the areca. The High Plains had reverted to the foot nomads such as the Kiowa who had been there for millennia, and to newcomers such as the Apache. The Arikara had found their niche alongside the Mandan and Hidatsa. The Pawnee had pulled back to their xu, 49 compact villages nearer the Mississippi, as had the Ponca and Omaha. The northwestern branch of the Mississippian tradition that we have called ‘Oncota’ gradually became the historical lowa, Missouri, Oto, and Winnebago tribes. To the south, the Kansa and Osage, late arrivals trom the Eastern forests, joined the others on the Prairic fringe. Still farther south, another Plains Village culture was established by the people we know as the Wichita. Coronado and his expedition of Spanish treasure-hunters reached Kansas in 1541. They visited villagers whom they called “Quivira’. These people can be identified with the Wichita, speakers of a Caddoan language like the Pawnee and Arikara. The Wichita, however, were much closer to the Caddo proper, who were responsible tor what we have called the “Caddoan Mississippian’. The Wichita sometimes dug large circular ditches of about thirty meters diameter, which are analogues of the ceremonial council chambers built by the Caddo and other participants in the Mississippian tradition as far away as Etowah, Georgia. Human bones have been
found in these structures, suggesting that human sacrifice was not an unknown practice even to these distant contemporaries of the Southern Cult. Indeed, even the
more distant Pawnee retained some ritual human sacrifice until the nineteenth century. In one instance. a captured maiden was due to be sacrificed to Venus the
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dS f rs |S edHits Hae -— iieoohae aa,ae Mee ie iee es oot ‘oe We a Nd hiafitA ae ae a a, iroe ee ~ IS :IS gee att Ae . Fae a.cere wees oewae apd aRae ws poe :|“yh Fe ia a iiaa a Flas Loh, aeae : alSro: ae og gl | Bo Bs Pee oaopi fh ctaes hat ae Th le oe ¢LETC ~* ,Ht Smeg oe7 thi ay ttefee ee vate ms a.iee, i Ya ite" ret Lie. Lith oF Hiiaif di } Ofl SFLIE Vey (oe aee estah So Hes wns tiee Sas cage ite Hig: "Bg coo eeHal Shy ce Le LS ey iih, i EA oy i Ea Tk “aii ETD ald C 6 ce al * i i ee ieee Jae a sh, ee 2S eSERS ae gs EM a” er ae) Hh, pel a oe a, a aS : e : a ft: og oS eee lode ita ee oe “hoe th tie BH hi! a th it oa A SO } Ieft ) d1 . dss a big ae Hf le Li fee ae — i 2 ee nett hae oe Pe afi sda Bilis wii Te a a a oo oe Cc a a | : Sl 1 | ek mee ie Lig Rk a iit ne oe Sane eee am ey ee HB ee piss : Ey pe Lo ae eg a Te aes EM Hf are a 5 a ul ae os 8 Hi Le we i Cy oo rh los Wy i a choy ‘ ia cree ie i Ta: He: ae fh Hi Nie, oe ful ean ne Pere ae oe sae ee eh. iy edt ha 7 ett ey Mt he an Le fs Atif Ly ee
Sali Hip ue 8!ca hei‘ieap if a8 lt! Ve hedd a his Pot He 3Hiheee oe ee yAHtee oe .Teyh ‘ue aos 7ieiefiotae io J :S]be di}»ogee \ eeHi i i | cH ‘ sa oOUl ae aay if ce ee a. ne MT Ei iaede ie aHy ay Hei neGe Te Hii Hee ~S “yt aN . a ie eh / i oes oe oe lit gy do Loe iil a de Hee | i a al Ha . We p 1Oe Ife ‘| Tae Ne a Le i eo He “y ed A Wty oO i a ie . . i oi€tte : : iyos Hi~ di .a ae ae DD HH eyaN a iy 7. pe ie afi - (i |- fee ] a‘ htoye eGiada He a Taig tei ee) oe iea ae| ee
SOH dp 1 l a ae a = pie ue — oe in a a i) see a / . Pian te iSe pee Hee hy We ee uy H iPo Hah Le diFT tiLae Hy idse He eisiHe Hi i)ae HG .t st po oo, HA itPee Ene Ea eae Lo Ly Lg bigeoe ihia ifLgbi a i.Ly oe HH i He Ba) ae acTSO (veae ‘Se thon aoe ty hice fal =Hh fie Hh His eo iy a ite4ma Hh ihHeie —a, Hi bd a4 a Ha ds/i,/ag pe 2 ee xt oe. aeoyiBy oe By a Lo Hy Hihi sore a4Ms ;: {{? SOUS > ih en dee. . — oo Hah co La d ee i ~ Se co i Fein ye ie a:: ::aae ar1Ors v1 v } ] 3 Pe Hee ts ‘ ts Lo ae He oo ee) 3 en EH _ i ie He Hh ty a He i Hf Le Ce] yey ; ais ee te aM a [ i Le i Ua ye i! ia i . Hy bl LM se ae i em -"C } SLC ve Sif ie ae , oes ee Buen so ny Hs Way es Ha A Hae eae Be fe He poe :;| : cae Boe ; ay ee Le ae a Ma Hy pia ee HL Lo ea oe a ae ee fe Hs os bil 7 ne SVit 1. lifheir yOl? SIC / a , Qe 2 So Sed Fos ) fe a H oe Hy a fii ae Ea Bes t'| ly |ia ’ i * rie ea et Ie ee i = i Hee 3 a nS AE Lo) oe i Hee # A Hi Hi ae ‘ ee / woes afoe Ga a esd Biber ie a— niche ‘Tah Hha Soa eepean Hy fers ey Hha tah Hi ji aeee tieee ae ae27 ae: ayee oe = By 4 SS | ] ae an Ly warry et thy oo . ee | balk © aa : : ons pe AY Ge: fy es es fereoes es )-, gt? - eaone He a a) i LL a ae os a cs need wise? hee Ey Bae ne : * - fl oN ne Ty oe Hi Ra Hi ae Ls a 2s se. 3 ah ihe bares te a ae aay Hie ht ip inet Ee ae ie fi a Ba Line Me oo Meek Ail Hie ‘ Bie Bi dae pe gM) eee Rr aoe ae
L O } ] t d iS ¢ | O rei 6 ie ii. eth eae hie ie Le | Bs il Hi Hi et je ft Le Hy he Hl ey A HH uf i) ee He a He fh i Hi Hy | .
oecooe“ _+e a Cy eeeae aa A thon 7 Apee eg ; ae
pene ee aoehe eee ere ne He aaeHi Hs i oo en ae hes }ee He éi :2ey eei Bs ae eeaa2; ? pea ee vee Bal poets eee IES ae Sie pein ; :ae he i 7ey iB He Paes Hs ahah hiHoy HH oo oo aalPe : ae pa Bhs A BLS aeRe Rare penne? ey aaeky see SisTee fe ae ksps mh HE xa He Las a7 iMHy TH_ea Hta oe i Lae H He aeeae fees hi CEES i Bee Bees — pe LES Bl 7p Ga. Lae fe— etgeny ea Ht ge ae Hid ee Le ioe a . : Pee Site paigenae ae 2 BE pe Hee 3 ee:Eee a . Les : PENS Hemeee* ifleBi;a fa seaD Hy Heth ae iene: Cee : :EES ane
s]the oe Be eeeeee anbia apees Hf ‘ an ee aee: pine nsbuds Be Seen Be c ~ oo oo ee ine ee Ber ms Ls oniaseg pe OER RE He ee ee ial i HEH
a) Mel anit TO ie " "aki il “bait : cana eae hif;S,Ses Th ag” iae:ae ia daLG a4ee : : :oy aces : So and ate Zzest Pp Ca ' ee ee will ooHtee.rrr aeoo cree ee oeoes ee
Ay ~ cd a Hh hi . a ey e e li ir ee Va 5 a it ed _— : as t 2 O : 2 — Clr lif na e {1m _ a a thei ot iy ich re e tl e oo / _ vil e th he call e | rse _ eh ge at h aw th ml ? nd — eO ]SG toO AC ry. ae a %ae— ae oe aite iovy Hii ey |. C éVV C~Tt3 ;He ‘ fo#Hee le Be a ties
Tt eC ar PP ‘eC Pp ancSse no »rO nca aloL OV etal ’ unt h rgpi 1SC ] Cart m on t e ee
a.SWI al eon Cc m ich 1 din th arm! t m ‘ld a e }urytneC 1 q 18 . a . 4e igh . Stal en odi istc n a re ‘ bp) u alm Ors CCYr ith it y to cad Om s tod 8 a
Olhe theails ing tO ‘a,W anderl C isa’ s of,41 o ng.ut Sof at prehi diedstill
a/ r- »/ ~ ° C‘ ]I t1{t ]:y ‘
D y,beyany th ou esa hu pleely aa . kota Ww 5 exa nd tal tipi nbe tim am it ap bi 4t10 thev a. M vere mpl € mh T y he abanon sed1pts e ofes, Onot th Ison uchns. . WI
aWw ° ofcir thei all 4thooki crw yca more 1CC th C vayCeal f the: ry s oyed Ingeye eEa 1m m 1OV mes tt rym V1 rtan 1mthtt> r dep ward re de ing al BOS W t >enden e so th dent Id ,(me's att gO ry* ponager est, aidin eyen theelg rine gricul jib taki en Ri ignte 1804 diz rth , th ng th 70
96 [ro rn 10 arm at Oo B Ve O po om] ©
expedition found the Cheyenne living in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the region that has been regarded as their homeland ever since. In the nineteenth century, the
Cheyenne were the epitome of the Plains Indian, fierce warriors and nomadic hunters. Women lost the art of agriculture, and life in earthen lodges was forgotten. Young men joined warrior societies, and lived tor the opportunity to count coup on an enemy in battle. In their last great victory, they joined the Dakota and stopped
the U.S. Cavalry on the blufts of the Little Bighorm in 1876. 48 Like tipis, many of the artifacts made and used by Plains Indians had leather as a main component. Leather thus became a primary medium for artistic decoration. Tipis, shields, containers, pouches, and clothing were often fringed and painted
with colorful geometric designs. Smaller items were also decorated with the flattened and dyed quills of porcupines. These panels of quillwork were gradually replaced by even more intricate panels done in tiny colored glass beads obtained by way of trade. In some instances, leather became only the backing for artifacts that were completely sheathed in such decoration. Other natural materials were also used. Fur, feathers, antler, and bone were all
combined to decorate personal belongings, especially clothing. Most of these articles were worn or carried when ceremony required, as we know from the nineteenth-century paintings of Plains Indians made by George Catlin. Here and there across the vast grasslands of the Plains, Indians have left behind petroglyphs, scratched or pecked into outcrops of rock. Mythological beasts such as the thunderbird predominate along with more realistic animal figures. Sometimes the geometric designs seen in Indian decorative art also appear in this medium. At other times, the shamans who were probably responsible for this work seem to have indulged in self-portraits, small human figures equipped with bison horns. Over most of the Great Plains these simple carvings and scattered rings of stones that once held down the sides of tipis are the only visible remains of the nomadic tribes. There are, however, a few exceptions. Low stone structures called ‘medicine wheels’, for example, are found scattered from Alberta to Wyoming. The largest of these is a circle of small boulders on a shoulder of Medicine Mountain 1n the Bighorn range, Wyoming. The circle of stones has a cairn of boulders at its hub, and twentyeight spokes. Six additional cairns lie around the rim of the wheel. This structure and the others like it seem to be the remains of a ‘Sun Dance lodge’, an open ceremonial
chamber that was erected annually by many of the nomadic tribes of the northern Plains. Posts two or three meters long were set upright 1n a circle. They were joined at the tops, and long poles were run from the tops toa much larger post at the center of the circle. The diameter of the Bighorn medicine wheel is about twenty-five meters. Its size and the number of spokes are both consistent with what we know about historical Sun Dance lodges, so the inferred connection between the two 1s reasonable. Much attention has been paid to aboriginal Plains Sun Dances, particularly to the 53, 54
instances of self-torture that were usually part of the ceremony. Young men often
pushed skewers through their skin and muscles to be hoisted like harpooned animals to the top of the lodge, an ordeal they endured with ostentatious bravery. There were other forms of self-torture as well, but recent research has shown that in
our fascination with the more grizzly aspects of the ceremony, we may have
. lee adit sey saga epee attics so coehpe th etn one - es Seg a, pee aa eran a a ad ea ee a ead Ss a Se ee Se ee ee SEES GaSe Se SE See eeseeEn Se ieeeae eecanSe eeeerieREDE eepeer+aceS2tare nee: : SSS Sn erred BES USERS ev eSwateSen i Dn a tieTe Pe SS Sees aa aee aeiaaheeeeIeeweeeen. eR SoS Sree See eS rea, ee ae ae Se Se ee . art ween . . . eit . ae 7S iy pe SEES AES? gee Pe *ee ee = ahi cenit en ei eee PTE eatin wetten int auameie Prienwe aa eat ee eeae ie See ter ak re neers Sanna ENESa ne eS DETR Se eS eee eran Pen eee BeGe : ett weet Sa rne eee cca ee ar aoe 2 ae a nen Ss ati ESPee Beeeah ante pentane ar ma ettebca ee etpies 9 aay Tee Mee ie Se
” TEESE SS in So ee ee eee ot . . cs ee aa TELESIS yn roe a a ee a Ae Ee ee Ee a om
SS > . ae Be. Sed at DEE eee a se ee
BEIGE Seesaw Se SE ee Ee a ee ES ee eee aE eS of an a * : Ta JIL Es Lee eee eee * 3) BERERS TEE ee us ai ge Be ee eee ee coronas tne iano neue sheik fumes pen oes . VRE Se ee Ee es De eS BERR eae eeeeeeeee ieee ee ET wens. ee Se Se0EE Seo eee See of Ss .ty SESE fo - - F UNOS BAB. se Dee COnyR Sy SURES SE ERSoo ee boo eee a ES een Tepe ete eeeSee noe arnt aeaeeearae anna maents ater BARES ae See ae ere eg be Seer eee cies ee certee ee EEee eeeres FReaae Fe AM SSRSS ge ooh SRE eS ect a eee senaseteeere eeeae Serein HIER SS SRS Sar ries2eee ee ares eee-eee =H My Te oa PEEL : tagar 2 #SE 5 rieEe JASE See SR SeSR ee Soo AGRA ee ee ee Se a oo See ee ee . Leute Baan SeREE eS eae -0 es pos ee EssSS menses : PBS a :RES, (OM WEP EereSTR Se ! SIR i 2ipa SORES REE eeeae ee esGeils Bebee eee SRE SR ARs: Zee 2es Bin eee eaeee ee
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. Wve ey, a FE : cand ot 3 aps Pe ES 8g af Bh : fo ee ee
TE Pg 2 ggee a ee eeleoe_ ees a : ARES ee ee ae aa Ps oe Ce .a3—— ES.eealr ee oe. Sa re Es an Bea gel a Pars :ee PERSE Pe ; fae . : ‘ *: = ~ 3 a oe! a4eaey 2 big TEP : ie on 2 eT 2 a ee £2 Ce ae ae ee ET oe BT, ok oF Eee : one as Soe ee — Sees. . “ey oe boar. i ear Pao . oe eee fags)ag £ ars + 2 ye LE = Lee, siete oe Se J a ie an : Bo PoZTS asEg Be“— regeTgg - -aEBe gg : a ee ee 2 OE MBs eee a ane SUSE go eee a = ae 2 hg , ee :
la PPa eS Ua As. Po, po ae eat Ss 24 . = (4 La APRS 2 . z oe Pages ea Bo . PERT Pe Pe SOUPS BS By gg or a poo ge SEBS eS eee . : 2
tobi ange oft ey Es Es Fa See eee oa . - Ee eee “ : le : SES, = “ve ey Re EE Pere tye 7 PTS a ees ce : : of SB Se eee eee a
:CERI ioc Atle Seee ea eetoeahe-Mpls to: y4Delt :SEES ees ee ee ae ee .:BSORES ;gS rue na es:Z2-: SUELEE LESS :. os aS eee pete oeAe oT PRESS egoe LES: pa.a.-Fae . Bee : . bead BEES: TUR:; Be pred Rb eee 2Baes ee. es ee iFe OE BaeAEE Ee SaiSS Ree wae Aseee PerensesaeEipee ee res a ee : :: :. EPA. duet Bagg. Gee Seis a BARS LEY By UR Sa! Ee SUSLS:
WON SW ae eo >LSE Son = [PHS eeea PSS ee Oe Bea - 2sae Aas :sade Bae BLAS ae [SEB aaa . SHAS, igi a aeeetye ieee eee en oo PER gs emg eee 2ener eeBee ee SES tes eee sre PE ee IOS DBAS ieStSee Paes Seth) Sg ee TUE geaROSE acs Saas . ESE my Pig eee et .we VRS ieee EeiBoge .5). “i?UL ERE SSESLSE SPS, SSS i: oe. TFeeeee eeBaek : : oe - LOE “BAS EPS TESS >a :ee re RG peace: Sante seek cha Se he ee Leis RS gers ee
ESS 2 oa ot Gee ee .AES eo OSAP Lot . a Se oes:ES, ie eeosees 2 ie gates fey BER ONT REEL Sg ; Se BEaeaey orBe ai aging oe Te a Boe yg BANE PM0 aoleae : oheae Paget ; :
een ee ee a ee + SUES 7 . on aisha ce ey BE Be eee PP ect ‘ ee SEE i PY mS eA Seg ie Sige a ge : _tensa ESsest Eee sees een ty+lsPE. : Bees 7- we : /oar a 2 we . Olen Bag ee2 Sua ae Selo Late RAL See ee Se Bees eee eee Eoane BtakPee oo. SEES: :- vk “i .Bee i”en2Ooi EYecae ney ii iede etaseo SSaasee Ber net nes eet ea ELS og . . oo EEE . yo BREE | AS ee hoch Geen Shc od See Sakae SEER Remionn wert tanner tain Bebe Bieeeets gee OO i 5. ee 5 : -aera . ah ee eaeSil. 2 : 28 : esSee areaBegs : Beeee BAS 2 Song BesaSE gaseeoRot) eeSEO Seer as og):Te eerie Be eee EE a ES : 2ee(Sh SB: . 7 aeet “ EASESLE SSReeePEE es Ra ener eeeaoeBgeeSante Se.
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pee SEE ee lL CEO ROS See Le eee ee ee ee ae £ = eg Fr EER aes : Bee Ll PAUSES Cage PEPE! PA Ee Sy ee se SE a ee SB BSB Ee oe oe ee ee 2ee ees Eeia FOU eeeenee+ Sere a ee oeee Bee ee ge cee eee eee oeeee Ft Bee2I PE ioe aes eeA Pe?ee ie ae eee|3See See eeeee 23 ee Be eeaRe ee eee ee
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FS Zz Se Bee ee Bet: ae Le UE SO BLL eg = Dense Se Rh gee EEE aa. see 2 Doi GS BRA SU Eee Ce ae eS Ee eee aes ogee os es A ee ig care arenes Bee
ee Be: reeeZz ees ee eeZoe a «|ee mee ee lgaa=— aa aa aeC aee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee oe ee ee eee eee ee ee Se ee aeeZoe aBae ee aaa pe ee eee ae eng. eau » eee 8 eeBa eeee Eg SSIS ee oe ee a ZL ge SS Bee ae Fee ee ee EE ee, Se ee ee ae CE TE a ene en Bs ee eis So TE a ee ee ee ee ee eee SEE RS Be evan Se ieee oe eee eo eee Eg eR nae FIC ete OSE EEE A ee i SES ae Se. eee eee ae ee a pe RR RAMEE eee Sg N d z ZZ saps epee ee Se ee a OB Ee eg ae ee ee SAREE SE ee A a a i ee a ae eee ee ee ee ee FR eater ee ene fy ASAT a PME Sab os fy RS a ee eee. Bees
Se eae a Pe a ee ee ee ee ee ge eRe” = eee ee eee age ee a Cee ee ee Se eae ee eee Seca genes Ne Pa gee ee ie ae Ate ans Seles oy PE A pee Se ee ee eat ee eee. iets
Eee & eS ee ee Beegee: Be Se = a| ‘eeoes teeeee . StS Seee eeeee2 PE es oe ee ee ESees ee Bee Ben ee en aeed eaeer aoeSegen ia eS ate am ea aeI Soe ee eee ee Ep Oeeee PBa Se eeee 3 ee emPeeeeee ee ee Bea ee eee BE2.”eee a ak ESobSE SESeaegnaieinneaeeRoe nSSS SSa SE eeOe SePL a eee eeere poecere eae
ge eee Zee eees a 2aes nteee ee EeeZa. ee ee ,od ie aSees eeee Seee a es iene ee me De CE eeaIee ieee eeaeoR esEeee 22: eee eeee A ee Eg ee rg ee ee: ee ee eee Eee ee = ee ee = I oe a ar a a eae a Ea ig a a a a a a ee et ee ee Zz ee ee es eee ere ea a nC ee © ect a Re ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee. —— a EsSOE Si eee 4 eeTeese. ee eee e eea eega Sess haeeeee eee eg IEE sg Pelee BReE SES PE BE cs eS ee aeee a eeEee ee eeeee ee aee ee pe a eee See Zee EE ee Beg ee ee ee Ce: = Sie .: 2 = an Bags EE at Be EE eS. Be Se eee ee are ee eae aa se eee creo, SE ge oe ee SES gg Seog ieee nh en ar a ih Ghee eee ees oe eae ne ee ib eee ees
Laeee cee ee-Fak ee ye ee Oe a eames Ss ae | eee = Bo Ee Bete A : Eee 63Get eresoraeLE aesereee SeoeeneaeSat age)Oe ee A ELa 8ere Seieee ee eeereee Sa See ee ceeee Eeeeater eee Be gEeee gEarn are ee a Bie as ee a oe RN eee Fyne inEe TEE eeeFee eeeSerres eee een eeeSee ayaeee ERP Aeuae ge a«age ee cee aceee Peete
Ee ee age ee ee Beg EO SS ee ee eZ E *=g EZ I GN, EEN Oy GE i Sn ri. «Te BE ee ag Ee ee ee eas a ee Se eee ee ae ees ag a Se eae seen meee pace ee neat en pogrietine siti ear a Sak oy ase trae See tee Shee eet a cee ae ae
eeeeeiEEEE ee EEE SME ARISES Sena ee Bea GlaseseS ReEePeeeeee I eeeeeg eeeeeeoeeee eee EE IIIS ES ESE SREPSEE la BBSe eeSRS ees 2Re Be SPO ae 2 eg a ee R SeCE Ae ge eeeeeeeEE ee ae ae eee eeeEeeee eeeee ed Es
SEE EEE NE IE IE A aR a SIE eRe Bd RDO ME aa Ea a ee ee RE ee ae Sees Sn eee Eee A
eS aA eeA eaee Ee eeee ee UE BE? ee: BEE PEE tae ae Saee en a aee Ra a eg ieee em. eee Bee eee eeeUe tS ee TE gee Pees A Ae ae ee s-=—— en SE ZOE = ae a 7 REE a Ee a I eae A gE peg . ree Z pee 8k Be eee ees 2 ee See eee EF ge Zee aSee TET ET iS aEaceEE ae EE ne en a eo Te ee a aOEE ROTO RRR LE IEE GEEreTE EEaED I ee A See NO OT ACEC EN fesseeee Ss eee eee LErr—rc ELE LELeEE EeGp OIE eB aEPs PveeERPs SEE Sia TCE Ea gee gEEEC“ ee eeRE eesSOOM Be a RMN Ta a Satie SEE OO eeeI Meee po EE omens 2 Tapper | Seed 2ES = Ss wmhm—m—m—m——“is—s—s—s—sSOSSSCisistiwsCOisCtsCsisCi‘“C ECiCéisrCOCéiCéiC*iCéC:iCCCOCCéddCCC*C eZ ene _-/- 7 —— ee. 2 eee Ze Ze Lee / EEE
pe caer SA I Rr ae oe = CE aa Mam 2 5 Leama Ig ag I a EG en a BO BE a i ED I a GE EE as DE OO EE se: Cems ge ae ac a So eee: Core ae poe He a
sa ae ope ee eee Ca es. Su ee Bee ge: eZ _. EF ee tee a A se eR ee a a a _ RE See ee eee A ee ee ee ‘Seat ae eee
overlooked some important subtleties. The Bighorn medicine wheel has alignments fixed within it that point to the spots on the horizon where the sun rises and sets on the day of the summer solstice. The alignments employ the center cairn as a tore-
sight, and two of the surrounding six cairns as backsights. The Sun Dance was traditionally pertormed in June when the sun was highest and the day longest. The medicine wheels of the High Plains are therefore not just the foundations of the ceremonial lodges, but contain locked within them the means to identify the day the sun stops its journey northward, and begins its annual cycle anew. Not all the late Indian tribes of the Plains followed the Cheyenne into nomadism. The Missouri River villagers remained important agricultural producers and middlemen, and as such avoided participation in the final confrontation between the Indians
and the U.S. Cavalry. Unfortunately, their liteway made them susceptible to extermination by European disease instead. Periodic epidemics to which almost none
were immune swept through their closely packed villages beginning in the late eighteenth century. Whether chickenpox, measles, cholera, or smallpox, we cannot always be sure. But the effect was uniformly horrible. The epidemic of 1837 killed thirty-three percent of the Hidatsa population, fitty percent of the Arikara, and an apalling ninety-cight percent of the Mandan. Yet despite the convulsive changes and tragedies of the last two centuries, most of the tribes of the Great Plains have survived. They hold tightly and with increasing pride to their colorful heritages.
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SSS = SoS SS Se ee = ee Se SS SSS eS = SS SSS SS ee ee a e . Le Oe |
PPR fy. SSS eee = ages Se 2 SS Ss 29S Sa lL. SS SS es “SSeS LSS SS SSS See SSeS SSS SS See Se = oe oe v eee =SSS iaaSe aeSSee SSS eS SS SS SS SSS SS. SS SSS SSeS SS SSS Ss SSS SSS SEESSS SS BS ee SS eet eee ) SSS = SS ee sett te eee ea SSS SSS SSS =: SSeS a LSSsE= Se SSS LS SS = SSS SSS ss SS eee = See SS SSS SaaS E Sor Ss SSS SSE Se AR es Se 2s SS SSS SSS SS SSS SSS SSS SSS —S SSS SSS SSeS SSS Sa SSS SSS. caer Se S28 Se ee ee —— = Sos ee ee ee SS SSS SSS Se oS — = SSS SS SS ———— SSS 225. . Sa fy SSS eee SENSiggs 0 Sa SS eS Se eS SS SSS SE SS SSIS SSS SS SS SSS aS SS SS SSS SESS SS =. SSS SSS == = _ . — RES. LSS —— ae SS ee ee fe ess SP eS Sia orl Se Ss Ss oS SSS Sa = S= —— Sg CASS RES Se SS Ss SSS SS SSS ae SS eS =-aee eePe S302 | aSee pe et ee SSeS SsSsesSy Nes eS 2SS SS SS SS SSS Se SSS SSS SSeS >SSSS eee ae ; 3 . at pee 7 ey ctPesaay4egbe , =, ee Peeage ae anAa aiaaeaa igoeesoS vd ep iaaeBoe ba a “ : ey 1
FeVoO~ t- ]pee weadD We Oe ce oeerBeeeTl Se blgy pay eaOo oteaeie,eereae, prey es aesert eee ea: mostfbtea Raho Madly. gela,eetipy Indians, but they were ELE aN ‘giles: oe ne SECO Sa aii ass fas Geren » a Pho ae : se a gs ee eee =. e See ah ates saat ae Se a ne ¥, BF ii ie Ee ich ee a ses
never domesticated aa hg < 2 ane 2 peas NN eae ; tatty re |
a to ee eee (a eo Se ee ee
T Wie f re NO FIRS, a ad te ieee a Sei ei,Le if. ea ire ma ad pee ee~a oe ey, sta heke“SRT ae atePn STR me A i:ot or ET ! : , on pi, ]CHISTOFIC aeci BM” ®ioeegg / rd eeHe a ae‘51.bie ROP al Tramos itty PONS. eee eee Sy a | :Pee i age Rama Merane re TT ee gh ga tk, “aarn PF re z i eg A 2aE i Bi Was on ho poh ME (Be ghd
‘Egaette Eee Be eS egPy ame ee ee aD gg ee esategle tia Mee A rae eReine: Ey, I, acd get ul ne er regE a ee -2 Ty, te el S8 Wort-out moccasins Ci eee eee a lg To re preserved in the d ry| rad soll oOE f gels *ijume, Sl el i ire(ae aecre.” yaaa ame a eee) oO co 2 eS Be ree ene OR eg oe oe are Hogu Pp Cave, Utah ee a ee Cee eee i An: | oe of a ee eee i C6 Oe ne2 ae 4 Gee eer we oa et to . patched OOaa. er He” - ee ieae eett2haee a itet he llaeee) es been before lewill ws ei Oe oF ae ee. (Cie Scene a aie) eeabeing LEE ai eo Re eg Areeror a(re ea
; a -; ; - . qatre fe. ‘pa peg ere er1500 ee Tare wee mys BOS TE i me: sf * Miers AAD i ay og fsateon AE i : Cae ae Pr lhA a RN oe gE Te in IE discarded about 2 ceSAME vo. Ineenions Indians oeryears Rik at: EIT: okagg a, «|
bap “HL ee”f ae, iarOY £ tie. a* tlafte: « “ jpor eo OP ol Oe ny .bs Oletee yyPR uO Sia af yaa egetAeee” ete eg italaSe ial pe oftp[CH ¢ COF-ECE O}aoe raea“y Pes.eeavot SaT: etehgcat af opt ee wt BRL ha
the moccasins so that the OS ee Oe age aaah OR SECS aia RNG ie serveCs. as hlobnatls the a eS ate(ly ¥ eeAe eS. os heeRe cn BRE eeee er RPE areESeetg. Ea eI cai eT ag bo Shar sol we EE ep aonAare OE Ne eeFMM Pyare PR Rg Og lie Sa pegta Pics Aee a
| i Cndetww-claws eon. Pee eeoe oaSeme | EMS retL aes Sign Rt nn OOS cp x PS ereh,2teLad ee aegt Lois anlinal’s We ea ees he re so . Tat fey : * 2 .! apiglet PeFo 4 yy) aehg!ae - 4 ae 2 ¥yies "oN he (feet ggOe cc] ;uate M. -ee 17 Pd abe OD‘of dialsNB tM, at ie, ee P| thy ae eebageen "ihe we wee 4 ee af UTA aeayang ae BRoe coe~ ..€ My aie“# Ae; “le eee eee aahFe ie ES IoiteAT eet eeer J"Bey iloe8RAE voi ee re ces ais neAre 105
5 —r—“—™rOC—COCS oe Fe ‘ ( a . oN : A ce - _ . coe ae See renee ee Renee rae aes — a Kuo Se OE Sr ees Seah STR RATE US Se Se SERRE HU Se Gem H na gene See en RENG
PATRAS Vetnsaneata €- 2 aw Bare SEE praetere omens Sareea teen SESS REREee Reece SS ee = SERIE iia |8=. tee y Be SeaRSS S SEU #&27&7=72z+&] wary eras a Ben So SAS 3yAScn Te:REoe ee:co: frase , : Tan .. |.SEBs.esteem SeREE Peary rrSaareta: Boe oS ee2 aaaooree
uals Haan Wher eibetnl tie se jah eee tae Searhces Le TR te, Rereres eos SAE Beate SESS ce Se) stupiiat ce Packer conte RCE Roatan ee Suu ae Tey oa ae SES aoe aie rates 8 SORES See ‘a ae LSEES mae. ..[ =. a
uA CECE aiuhae yee SRReae nS eae Sa eal i ESTE ee aes SOS Smee et He Seat SSO SURE coe ene pee SG SSA AEs Suh ataa ails Sees, Suara nian — ann 4 — See Wisse ssi ae: ee eae7oeEERE sea ae weacaSSS Pa erences Pe SESE. eer atSec: ES aeee ee Seat SERRE ae Se es eei =‘ -a2 ee | Ce 3pate Foanes SRS SheaSerene is cehva ges honea eit TEER SRPeeters oe ese . . =a . ..a .£§#~=.
Picea cs Se aera ee sy Sea SS peeces wea is cect e 4, se ad HEE atin # he ES SS Se ay Seria ast See ee BEE, Sa ao Sie ay SSO eS oat oy sobeaoatie oe ee — . 8 . Se oe S
Pate gEUS ans WET ESS Ua MERE rk RES z4are Dog Ph See Sy Hat Sor sk RAS Seat Barras Seepeeoe a #&.&8&8§8§© oo SA Ba ENS ana aa ’CCC pee SRE 2 EE ee Ah Seti Ea Senaan ae wares eoAEE ae atAoh EERE es Sav ASSES SreeSeok he ee Noe nt yet ee- =. ee
Beast er RE aneaez° ves orSs“en dL, Baca See EERE Sr TRY etecirca 3 net LES Roee Ripe: a a -— oOSEES a ee a MAAS Uae SE AR| AS . ohieae oD Sete i ee ra : fay . r SES ats, SSSR ere Hires US EGE Ae =.= . 7 ' 2 : : | :a7 be BP ages a iT EME ED SES ES . : ea rrr PF" * ee >. lr SA \ Wane REN) pe fo flee flav ySe eS Witty i .Suara: oe a:CEN Bann wee eR : ee 4 oe é LULU Sy a os en ook PE % BA er. aySo ¥Sieg Tee eee ete aeSeah FL ”;ARES aoe ere eee 2| 2 ic 'j::Le 7oy La) Z: :ae :Sees Seda . oe ai a Fay AREA AC A nei ra . s . oe we Eh “ Ra paces cytes See a Par r ate, ae ea Do | , Co S : : 3 ,; a : wee BBL eg \ . SEE es ee Se So es ee a ee Fe Be AEG Aa CAA RARER AAR LANA Sy . yoS ie il gee Soe. BONA “¥a. ae.Shea, t ASS wa? Soeteeis ea oe Ree ty SEC Seiatectierd aa ai =ye | C7 wy :y:: :: :: :::yi : : Vo rl Se AAS ASR AGN pecaneh a. the ae oeSEMA niet EEE Se ay 8hhh aSe aGe Ft ooSoS |-.]\,2es yy :yy -;AAR D Hes wey v Vy ELS ae Pacaccectrcak ae 5 ah ‘ i erie ass ee oye 4 o . ~ | : : | . + 7 ESOS Ace eect 4 ( —s—“‘“‘isSOS |... D: Ly FO : .c::::: Bok : PL : Pa ‘ flnda. Bo pes ha \ Pn nee |. © RSA . a | y : / yy ao ‘ Z 2 PSEA ERS | : we ae hon Ea ke Bi Fs ee Re eracaainats LL AA SAAN ‘ a . ] : Ly yy yj , Z s ,:2 SEAS : : ~ bg SPMD Bes ee aaa eran ny : e 0 8 . y y yy, ; ; a 7 ; : 2 7 cee : La z . Fh lS te REBELS t : ere cok cc eee en Se a | | 7 y g Y y : eee well a ees Be hen ae CEE OP EUS fo he 4 EEE Seo Se ae aA a : : i) i 5 : ] | : SUE N Reg Rok A as Oo. EST ze SR PRY RES RE b ts ; | j : : : | , oe 2 — ) i i ‘i SSS \ ee AA AAA SA \ Ni aS SAE < aoeeee 1&sah :fo hr AER RA sg SN AY CA AN AA AA Sg Ae SRE : Se, Ber LEE OS ee .NA oC. |.B_aNAY | y) iy y?AR yy ;”RAN : AAR .. ANNE ‘: ‘. :ww .7 :coeee ae ey oe aCOURS See aA CSA Age ATR SE AYRE CS iee ee ,eeSe ld Te aN AEE nN BAS ‘ioe HME ae TES AY CSN ARR ee eae rrr Ts CAN cay AANA ANA RY TAN AN WN AY aoy Ae oe -Bo SE gs See AER RE ARN ARAN ARAN ARAN \ /,3AA Bae A ta [ERE SEE eeeRENN ce (OE Oe See t ses ee ee ns ee ce eo: aeCe aSi - |AR | cy y AN y) ;i A :AY . . :A: oe ee ~” ~..—rtrt—“‘_.COC*C eR NS SERRATE aeeSAU CN [A Ae TTT AN AA Ce oe i|.ee ~~ |URS CS aCAE ec AREA NS ANS . CANS AS CN Aa fe Fe A .SUAS? i££ |.ee| ete Se Ca SA RARER CaS EN ACE a: aa:AN ESSE che ore = eet EAS 3, a JES Los ith Jatt Senta Patent tes Sete SELES SEES Hee ee Pe ae = (ea SED eat amis SURE care ene a io - . Lo : ]
aise : Ears : eh laR RP ESSE sage 5 3 4 i Sera is Os eee EE Sea ee at ARS A SA ASA at ECAR AIG TARR NANG KERN SARS AAA
ae oo | : Sa EE a ce a a | Ee a Ll. | a C i Ba eset Set aha Ona Le 9 7 Pere a | ere ee Re |2 |eoSeat “O Ses SRN eens eeUSO a SERN ee LEER ~~. a A> CUCL” a ee Ne SE DREGE ENS een 8: ._oehhCU ULL a: 3Po:
eeLES ZeLEE /—4Zio_ EEDA Ig esies ee LLL LZ +Fg Bees gE Cee Ze FSS: EE ee eee a £2 ——esSOisC
ae eee bP pee go 5 *po ee ee Ye gees -pigee .Z cs Se pe BEEP Ee ee LZ EE Za BA it" ee = 2eeee =eegehr: _SCSoBepecs — |ee_gcena ys Be BE Bg SE BE Ao TPR REE SEE Zs ZO Zee BB gy eeSi £2 Pyee ES. gE ar5 Ze eae gee EP gee ereee pee an = ee DP LES 2 BS Be Pace PeeZL Eese eeLe ZEEE IIEae Cee seee ee gE ee IE SeeEe Bigg Tagg Ze eee oS - =_ = —=ape oa BEE Boge Eo Bes Ze Zo. Ze ed gree LF Za i = Poe A SES Life BEE Beg Cee GE EEE fg eA BEE? Gog eee EBS ES EA ee PBS BES .r—Gt ees :see ee ne race aBE Bed Ps te. SSZe — ZBees -A|. LEE! EE ee Zig EE Z eZ gD : :EEE aize z-ep OF Aye My ge : 5OEE oe ne eee Se ZEEE GIES BOLE Ge PLEA EZ Po ig xe ig EeBe Seg BELT 0 .ee eeEEE EE Fy aan _ZZ dee ye wt 2S gb ye Re eee Pees Wear ee —r—“OOCOSsSC—C—CC aeee ee BE LALD eg LEE ge eg os igs Gis eg es ae lat PE ae ee ee pet eS = =—=—=—SSEe _ -A ZEEE GE is” ye En GLEE ye aa s Se Z PEE BeCGB FaeGe eeeeee es go eee: : sex a oaLb 5. Seog RS ‘ woe ne OB ag toysPEE Bee — LL eege2gaigor oon JLEE EEE geen *EEZZZ GEE ZB ZEB LEI Eee ene z-ce «ee ee ey ee=ety ge aPSE arn Bag ee =CE LeLE _LL _ 2- |._ igeeEEE - EEF EgSee EE oe #2 ‘ 2o8 be SOF? Te % BP a” +Ee eegeet EEEEE GE Zee mee PELE EFS pe eesfe &. ee. “ae gee Be Bae otseSP OC“ ZL eee eS oeEA LLM EE FEE” «EOE . * LEE LEBES Pe:yeza oeie ee, ae: +.& Be a” tea?Be eeae: Te tee om ee ee EE Be ge gee” 7 ZEEE aes Ze a FB : "at = eo 2 gS a 2 ee eee ee ee Fz at ® tt a Be = ne et hed bs WE. ge Pir ae! ag . ” "gee « oe Eat BE Fe Se ae EE eee: BE Sy oe eae Ze see ea
eee Lio FEE JZee ZL ag ;-Le ag f ZEB IE ia EEE! EG8 ES: oo:ae eeee ee oe : e ne fey woe 29BeFee cee” ag Gai= LE ee pa Pe gab oe2FS aa.eo By2s oe ee BE 2eee : ees ce Rese ee eee gee ss a BEES PEED EE aie. LEE ZL ee »es2b ae aoe ee ae 22 EL Eg ia ie, my eo 8Dig feEE 2ge Lag ee ee-.BEE —r——eOS—OCmsSséeae ee SS eee SBe se . Es - TE =— -ees Ege. eee Rte geey ee eeeee ee ee ee:e>BB CS *: ey :iUE. aae? Sg an 7 | iS + : 22 2 2g ae eeigre aeas ° ee ee BE eae, eRe 2S . aa ;: Pom
ge OA” Zara =aeee7aaSBE 2eaea=a.eeee-2.%,::ee aSeeang. Pee io, Bee eege ie Bee : BE ee.EE eee |eee Se iceee : a _ eR * arPee eee ee: *Zz #BE ee-eZ see Bue ees * Ze 3 See - ZEB Cz?” ee.Ea see.“bg > anWERE ced aeBEE ig eeSS ee eee ge eee Ze” EE ee. Segee . ga Sh aEaq Raa : : : 7 EB ES Ee ZeeeeMee ZaGo. BZ :gg 6 eee = “yee, a are 3 :ge ‘ z 22 gg gees Seeeee ee.eee te ge aeteSiBBs oa ee PEeeeee ee anaes : —ey+ Tea
ee eegePee EEEe“eSZe Paae2. eeeo*we#2ae-a-- : Ee ee 2 ee 2 SlaEE Cweee a eeeR ee ae2 2.Se . =e Ee ge os ge eee ee wee bn gs a E: ee eg BEE ee i ee elesEe ita Eg, ee eeSeg SE a PeeIaes * ‘ age : SES eee eeee eSSeee aeSob ee ae ee ee ee ' 2ee S IIaee Eeee ge Ze ae ogg aeeee eee.Se Se ge eee Oe a ee ee than,aSeaa :}& :. ee ee geamaeee BBE Eee ee ge eee eeieee”Bsee ee ee ee ee *- -;234Be : Se ee ee Zoe” aeEE ee eee SE ise ee Feag EE3SS See Seea ee— oe ES Seeee LEE. AM OGaa ageeee ae ape2BEE LBP onaFee : pag EP aaeee er pee 2 Ze Be gee ee ee ee eepg ee =ieee ee eee, eee Ps aee ae wR
pearageeseeee ee ee en, eee Ee Spe pe Fics Se ee aN aa eR eRe age I re ioe ae GS me Pe Sie Be a LS Be Lot 2 3
eee eeees eee AFIS ee Da oe LE ZEE 2fgpe eeeeEe La eeeee eee 2aeLD 3as:. Pe zz= : TSE ee aSe eeee gS eee BE a Bees Tae ages aeEe ee eae oeae ee We rs i Pea Bae eee OOes eee eae a aE ceca Zee AEE Pees EEale EA aes eeeaeee Be OEgig eeCeeg ee -o hehe LEE 227 2 gee es ge ae ae “2 . * . a aa sega ge Tae OE ee A a : j re : we,eesty BOE ahs PES peeBes 2g oeesksSe se ce ieeeBee Beg Bee eee BeeNe ar ia FREE oe Poe SSL tL LET eee, 1 SseRee cate. ah eS ee eee eS ee eee ‘ Bs . =eefed a Fat - eeoeBee eee ee ee, Powe Be DR : eo Byot. ‘eead ea2 cee wo REE. REEPSES Be eee :ee . 7, zo5= >eeeae eee SS et ee ps Ssee es ee ene, 3bles ec ernae Bg SL ARS. URSE Sie ph eee ee See aeaeaeee eeeSe 2gSe 2 eee et 2,Pe anoe é nF es acon 3 i, ea oe Pgnicde se eeeeeGe Fs gee ea aeSenewg es OE AP Be Se eresSS Vad EES
LSS APB Ue 7 An ed a ae ce eee Ge ae eee eee ie Se Se ae eae ce ee 2 - 7 Fo Es - Py ee 5 - . . PM Meee ee eB DORE Aad Hees . OE ee eeBeee aOBREL Tee aeNE : :Fe BE 1 2c BO eee :* ns os .:gp Og oO PS: RE ES en :oeBaer ISP SeeSe ee 2. :: .ae . ee .:. :EES... .Fs .7s Ft wo :agra = PEE Be “ose Seee Rog CEE TRES Mate ak gp Sane The : ty . Be E = :: eee =- uke eae ’7aS woot se =ee 7.*.°La * ai .aPd .oe ::aes :ieh EES eae SRA EE es % ea ee tet Se . i. mF nd se oF = ao a : «ft we a + ee , wo ee DEE Be i Bey Be ae Pre ee © ie. E : wae a : an z : . Me Be # . - nn oe a ER Be oR eS 2; .
eee OZ. a igs % Fe =F RE 2 og ‘Be ney ac ; . beg Ss a OS Se ee ae ee
:Pye aeWOE - . Bee thoBee Se* +Seda .>ceorogens *- *% atyoT, % :LUE 8eeA7 éaee: a SR BA Bo a 3 * : kare ED Ae PRU oe TE sese jet2fy :;aa“re *: eas iSer wer fn 2 OF id :aisSe peosc ‘ . RES heeaBe won Bal ~~. 7oF =Deg -aBe xz -*Fae -So arr: vg 4te:se= Shs ERE eg he: te eo “S 2#’ er oan OY atk RE ne Pa pea ashea re®Be rrae Con age tes OL _. ae :-:al :*ae Se, FR aewe ea a 2ar.
anee eeSeigBO aie? €.eS Bag : an ae a™ - mT A 2amo ue:Pa eAay ona Be. Woe tee ee ie Ae ‘ Be Behe a* :Oo cB aerySe, 7ae : *. J+: Radea s LeeWs te Fs oF Fy Pag eee en re ae ee . *Se ae Ae ees wg eye . S. :5-*Bi am ‘Sees Le Bo geeaePe =. ag*2* Fees tha ee ge -ee Bee = 5wa ae8foe mo. ge eh-. °-oe a BF ae :ar;Fo. ee*.FeO et no BA A so Sark ae4ges & te OF 2.¢SAPS sages . 2aoyF *= .ca - Be ,Fe . . Boe er =Pe SSBen eeUy. a Le 2 ee eeeee Za ae age 7, &sS RE :aBO ZF+‘Fa * aad Boe = So vse © ae weoe or aa “sO “Se Sore BegeeET eee ne ey wel ye Ben . °FaL . idcioe ; Pog odfeeo- Sg 7 Benet - Lm Meee. ee Peeen ee ees Oe ee ae cd ee enPSS. eee ae SEE ES ee = Oo USaeEe ? geeo* sab Pug*oe “ ax.armee Fs «- 32 »a =: ae aa BE al uros4esEee OE5 og geRR Se ee eS3 2, Bee % ae Fi ge ge She Pg 2:wee 7 :BB a =)hy =& Ea -: -. OEE gETES Pe BED 2heSe2 ae aleoo i aeet. eePA ee ee
Se ee ALE ae Be a J SRE AR, TE ag HYe * . . a a ae a * * ia He 5 ze ova ae gabe & a SUS NE a Soe epee 2eRar re SLom , ;Be to. ee. - ad 7 .22,neae . eegoSEL +s Boa ae ee ee SSSESS »2eee iNE Pe,ee Sea.ok ae Le i.“ee ree Pia vsSas _ ee ES 3. EEER ge7.RR eS ei . iinet TeeeNR tag 4°ss22 - *2% Py, a7 poh cane ee eget SZ ee aeth Uggs Bea ba : eeSe at ee ES ie Uc aeaeS ca re —eae aris FR2?AL ne 7ei Le la RL eager eeBE a BRB os- Pe: ae aEe eeSeeeagFeeaee Le. Zier REleaeee eanee LS Ee i" eB i. . & . Boe 2 Bae OOat Peer ge A BOL ed TONES ad SMe =7: SS re SSRs USwee re hay CRStall TE TRO SR Se =eeaeae San GPP | BP) eS Ue RLSeE OG TR Fo Bes ge Pe beei ee : 1p SEBS ae aeae 2 Ze ee aee. JUS EINE rezSs * we a UFR aT a wee lan "ES a ae ed ls. PRBE ee keen” ee eneaeage es Pewee Mee Mage oe 2 gti LAS ne .a® agg eeUL LB aJoe awore gg mp GER Sede aeee pe a aS aeZe OS a 4 SMBS ig e SE Aves e Pa geti aele ee: oa : *Toe . vg tteaeae EE at Se ee UeTip heBRP Re Ae an: BE ic0,(oe oo ee ee ee ee ee me ee Se eS we ES ol 8 PL i Oe ae ey “ By Fa, a SBE Ate fo PA week Ee bio gS et + Ee es 2 Suen? pele PEA 2 Be Se £ ae Shy ioe Saar enaeaes Sne CRRA
Bo Be ESSE ina Be eee = on erent ‘: a i eae ie eg 5 2 as = : . 3 Cue ae Ae, . * . % ee Lae? Fy “eS aan oe #2° rd Bet ee Roo. ae a te : ay Fa ad Ee She ee San Se 2B ERE
: LS aa as Fes RSS ES gon — fa a 3 SO, ote cs aut ats oF Beane ue gor od: =F, a. Ls eae oP Ohapetallee ee he Le. Pats 7 7 Se ee ee 2: Eee DR ToL = Lage gate Woe Feeae aac : ao etegee Ee Sate Be ig 2g, BELL LFgetate ge Be RSRE geheegBerewir 5 $f: ee: | gree ey ot woe. Bs 7. RESa PS : Dea ar re aTN e. a.Oligo Voie ET gEfees Ee Be a. coe Te SL Be bats BeTo tte Bees Fe ES ee Saute ad Be og OY ae FOS a3 RSIS ALES Et Apae 28 See ee AE eS LE SDES FS eye ge Sa ee gt EE ee ee eee a Eee Ce a eee a ee Ee Se ee
bEGPs yA Ny ee gea. t= i4 — #Mes oe gf Be Oh aZe ve _“a— SF» aE “ ‘S Lee Oe : lg ig y y, his. oF yg ag fee, Diy Z SoePts, EZ EE =.
Fin , Ae 4 JF fF Z if Pa Pe Fe SS . .
Oo? ES es --gee 5 Fo PEP ee =Rage BeeGore ee gee pe eee ageBee eeeSec iesa ee regis Bopeters ere ee Bae
2PEaeBc=oeBe ee EE See ge a2FS eeEGE BesSoie©age Seseas ee ae feeeeeg eteeee aeEePeSee goeeee—ee feETo LEE: De es MPZo ee eee gg de Seaoe eesope EEReas FE oP 2 2ea = =e ao 8 |
2 Bee oe Agee Bale geeegosaeeepoe a eee EE 22 abeepee kc ot eeefies LEESE REE Bog Meehan pe es ee ee eeesEsee=“ee —— ee a ee pe cineS ee ia 1 ere = ee geSee eosEee pe sn ae PE ee beg sake Pee peere: Sane een. Bee a =as —=; es
eee eee gin a Beto2 A ee ae oe ISeEee ee eg Fee oe OE ee pie ee poeeas Tees oe ge Saatoz12 se : eA we *aeBPE 4ey Ze seeee aeSeeee a ees pe te aes a eet eae Se ee ee ere oe ioe oe, Ee aS ee ee ee 22 ea LEE a=ee a— gee ee Fe age eee eae ae eae=Ere, eeee. gigs Fa ete eee eres eeeFest ae ee eae eesve .: fee ae ae goeege feEFise Saar gee fee Eeee Fieee BP ee ees eeeee eee! Sots = ’ae Se ee ge ee fe eae ee pe Be Es SE
eesFEES BE: EE eee ee ee Zee Eseee ee ge ae eeeeee Ze De = ieeeEEE es : Zee Ee FEEFg LEEee EEE eI aeSa BEEEe EE eee BE fea Ee RES eee ea eae ig ee Stes oe Ti pce: 2: eee See eee Seer eae eeapg LEE: a ge eeee See ee EG ee ieEee ee Ege See faeoeag ee Ee eee ee eee Se ee heFees EE 4 ae fy ee aBEEZ 2 ee eae SZEER ieee =eee Ee peeee zeBie caegese Bee ae ESLoe ee cite Se ee ee aoEe ee eae EE ee geeeFe eee EEE eSBess. Sa epee eeeesaePies Pa EE Se EE. Seoes LEeee fue oS Zee ee SeeEe2 55 eeaee ee eeBaer eed ae ee eeagS Zee Ff a‘ FE ae PEE See SPE EE eB iepeseeremee eee See Jee “oe : Fog -ES .a: ae =2Es aFee aSEE q ee 2aSe :LZ oseeeee . ==Zee aFE ZeIEE eee ee eegeee peers een eeso ate Bese aap ieSe re PEE i Le ee LEE ae eee SLe ee pire eines 3. ae 52 zoEB a }7
¢ = é ee = PG = 2 eee ee. Sie a : eo EE ae 2 22a en ES lr
pe es=EE eeZi poe 2BERR2SSSSee ee ees(eo 2ee~enfaeEe8re—oF 4 vy1 ze a aes a eeEEE EE eeeSEBee oeiee eees 22 Zo ae =[oe SF=GPO 2 ees pa FF ld we:
i eS Re ee oe Z =. - ae “Le
SHAE ee esime ee foieee: Zee Be eoi gS Rae eS eeee eegee fe iC eae Ege ol pee Se IE at ee 2 BFS BEES RS gee See ets on Bee apo ee ree Bagge ssoe ee oe gos eeeaae.aces oe pee Be we aie ee pee 5EES - repee oe “Poo : a. P, 2S . ae oeeee - So : iS cage Seas aes 5 ieeePES ae Fae Se i aesEe easesPee ty eae A eee ere sae aeasees SEE aaa eae .: i,ee pe HEA eS: Bee EE ee fs ia ee ieee ee EE i ee ee es r y: peee Bie) ee Eee ZEEE 2a eg BEE gseeeaSae Seria 2 eeae ae a Se eo : , ee 2 = =ae ae oe eae pee Eig eae PEEae ES Eee iE es aes sere Seca eg SpE nae : eee ae . Bee 5 gee gee as SE ee Ee PEE ee Sees Le PE BEETS BPE eS Bt De eae Se pre Fe Fee eee #: EEE Soe ina as EA ee ee s . 2EE ie: eZ So ee ee ae 2B ge 2Se Se = :eS ao Jp BE ns Pee PEPE tse EEE ee ES aoe cn - ::; :: :|| | ee ee gee EE a= fe 2 ee ee ese aa ee Stee ees Ere Ss ERE fe eee og eed eeFe foe ee = Pe ee PUES oeer 2ee - 2ee ra :4 ;wg LE ggSEE Be Beet ae ZB SEE EEE age ge ee aeeSpee ee ie aLEE eege ee eeSS _po ra aE Se gre Sg SPO PETE.Zee ghee oe _ ZA CES ear BEE geLP eae eee so Egeoh ees ee: te ees papers eSee oe ce SS cat :eidSiigcg Ene PePie Fgeeaes fgEEE awayee a Ma:pee : or= :eC Bea PehT AES i ee eae Zeeea es ee Sage 7eeeep (Beige ere SPSS oe eeaete en En ggsee rE: ee EESe oe ee LOPES, see ee Rear coe esoe ee oe =Ee a -_ | a, epee Boge Ba, 2 EP EE Eee eee LE EE, Bee ee eg ae eee Le Eee ees es eis pees oe see ea eee agen es ie Ee EBA Bs ep eee Bis een ee SE ee ee eS ae
oe es es ee , oe , - oe ee Sen Pg eee a Aopee FeheAee eeeSeSeas Sigh ie ee cree 2me ee eee es =Bee Pe ES, 2 pgs eSseek. — tevin ee ees ee 2eF Ee Coe ee aBaas eee Ei Sepeters eae es BESe 3 Bee BEN oe es 2 Pee NS fae ieee
:po — oS a BBS oe eePee Es ee: LAREP! he eePETG sees as. ee Eats EP Pier pe eee boned : a ::: :: :: a i =Sige eee ae oe, eee ee pea E;ee ee SRES Coo 3 Seer >, EEE — ete og itt eee akeBe an Tees ge Eeae Seep ne RSF ee eter er eEa ke LE ea nee Ee : ss :reeBES Oe eee eee ee Beer eeEER oo. ao oe ae5 BeGaP co as >SE, : TE > eeee se eee bee Lene? =ese aoo or es. Pee SEES oes (EES : . ole ghalie BS Sse BEE. See eee ERE Eee ee ee oe eee ee eee ith AT Ss Bee re : es
filBe ae Sp eaeee ee EEE Bi ZLaay eeeSe gesEea eee ee eee Be som: ee fee ge 2se nee ee :Of PeeEYE GhiaSEAR epee ae EEeeSee wetted secige B e tee 1 eee : ae | :
2 ce ae y a oe : :
: LE SS PEER is Bases tspecans SEE eee ees aBEES — iiigetes sarees Recker aect|zPR eeRe eeee Ene es ee oo a. net ee ESL aide REP DES TSe paEee aaae Be eeeS 8SESRgES pases LLcenae Bee tinea eae gts —Hi :: | PSE Vet eee ERs Bases Saeee pyenics ena eePa comartatiin neeare eee -= eecee :ae! 2ene. ees TOE UES STE SEES eteBEEP SSrg #GPE iaOS pores usa eeeeEe Se Ze Beir SESE pee Fe LPS susie oS oo
us J BPS See ees TEREEP OR es ee ume ee -
— Z . nes oe . os meS eS SS ees —— | gE ee =e ee ee Sees ee pe See ae: a gE: SE~~ —. Se Ee Be So re ons ) ’ ee Ss ee ee So |CAVP-O |oft ; be 8ery geesi.Oe eee —} Pp ro “+ eo 2 ee 2 ot oe ni ee i EE —,, tl_¥ p Orfalt , ERE SS eas ee ee ge _ —, | S| ,il -:' Se :acoeEe a ee BEE e LEE eee EE oe a eeei eae geee eea.-.. - oo. eeZe ei ge ZefiZe Ze eee ee Ea es EEE — ees EELE pemesas: . ee = se re EEE LE EE sescorie - — ELE Zz Z ZEEE
ule: EE Eee ZEEE ZEEE |aaea.2Ze pe gas age aon ete eT es aterre ee Spee — EE 6. eI rr
2 Eee eee aeda eee gooSaab ey, pe BET a nepeer ee ci Enereeeae pag eeSRE one eee ae Lehre ee Wiese EB SEES cs eens ee ZEEE as —=—oe - [— : . | |a. .
SE ee SESE ee BES ge eee ee BES EES ee ee a
—_ typo ee EEE ee es ee Be ee ae pee ee = ees 2 ke
, Sue EeBoca eerenee a EE ie ee 2 ase eeeeceeae EE = eres ZeBS eneeSe —ee ge ee Sask oe / SEE Taeee et Seee Bee2NEE Seeses ae Ege ee aeSg Res SDE Sn ee LE ee ee — es: Eee ee LEE te Hil S Had bo a, oe eee Eee oe 5 ee Se -d }' CTO ae eee Ser Pe a ee 2 pees ee Soe gee LES: oo ‘ , diit ] SSR BEBETES See eeegees Ze, See: sie eSLE eeZe eeeeee z oe aSE — lr HSES O: & 5)oeEn :agg cog pate get eereEe EE ORG Jeo BEES EEETe SeSS BeES ee Fe ee
STV ICS, go a oe ee Sa oo BB gE ee ss 3 =-ee eeEAE, —So 2Fg Pee 66.oat — de Bag Se i .es 8ee. fee es—feoo < ~ €¢ ee = 2 oo, Cave ~ Gees 7 a 2a ease oe’ aea ee eeeoteEE ee =. So fo ceramic styl IORCHE Iai aoe Ss oo =Ze2—Seoe oo. € A) ' — wil Ee BBE Eee ge eee are oe ee eae SE ie ee gee Es Ee Pe ee ee io Ee EE ge se ee Zarit eee ge eee ee Zz See See BS
s ’ iG ea 5 ES ge Be PEED pie Ze ae EE popes 2 oe eg pe ge oe ae oe iE IEE eo ZA ie ae ee ee Bears em EE: LEE RSE ESE eee
:: )ee :=x8BEE, Le — Fig eS ee neni Btu ere ee ee f ne O| °::PE toes ee et 2eiser SE: cee Sor ogeeee aa ee Bees Bisset — )ov eee oS 4cipher — ee isi aerate rages ES eee eee eee sears 2: :: ‘ pacr ees EES:oe peers 2sPETES Ee ee EEERope ie es eeea seepater sac Se ete ese Se eae eePe Sees pena eeer ccBeek eeFen ee ee — BE—« eee
. : epee Fae a Pi eae Bae 2eS2B Peg peers oP"Somers pe as a sat Beeeeee, Se —ee ’fa ~ .¢~ oe gee -* aeete ee [pee ogee See ee 5steage See oe apie est oe Fuses ee *e eveeee abe igspee eee iar ge soe oS ae Pee (} {feCifi-Beggs tO eee Seca: gs,oem eegEee: oepe 2SeeSS hen eee FB ircee ie2aSee ae Bog SePEZoe—=
fd ee CcSeeg? ’ : igE BeSeaeeee EEvig=eee se ee ia eee eaBPR a Peaeeeeeiene € -l ce ee Joe ee eee ee ee ae 5 ae eeshie — ce ee Ze Se 2 ae tee pee oma ae ss EEE eee Se BED ae EE Seas ee. gt oe se Ec ae BEEZ — eee Zz LE aS 7
. ae ee EBs a SO ee -F Zig EE ees ee ee > ee ) }x3de EEE Eee ee se eeeaee Bec ZBSit :ae eeoF._he |ee,7fe Ssegee =esee eepFmee gee a . = 2 eee pee eee ee ee Bee eee EE gee EEE: og EE eae ee ta ee ee ae Sees i ae = Ie ee Se i — : ZZ a pE eee22oe eeSEE: ZEEE ogZaeeOES ~~eee ssEe z ee Se 2 a aes ee PEE: gate 2S See eee Bee ee Ee— Zzeee gE ==. Ee gee
. d Ep ae eeaepoe Fee ee S225 co So0— Bees 2 EaeeeS Beee Fsee es eS So eee ee, Ca Udssees — 2 Zee
ryt eee ge ES Eee eee Sa=ee ee - 0)ee If ’eee. Bee seeaBE LLL oe ag ee EE ESTEE Se 3enw AEee geeleer ae - , | | Co ee & fo 2 E EAE Eee So se greg Seer 2Ve O . eee pee ee PP oF ge Ee oe ee J¢ / .1'Ofl as a ne ge oa sie Age ee = Se teen ee .¥ ’Ee)s( Ze LEE ee 2 ee = gc, Sie ee a oe pe ay ageBE Zoe: ee Se SS OO ee ee a — ao eo a BE EE Fe BFE ee eee Bee ge aes ee ea eee eee eT eS eee eee a eeoo ee
. \ ¢ 1 IV ’ Runes S ee oe Be Ze at Be Se EP = Fae Sos eee eee Eee eee eeSereeepee: -— fy Bisons Pes 5 Se Jes oe ASeee eee reee Be pee ee pee aoe ee Sires SEES a - SSS see —— —— eee an Soe EES SSE ——S SSeS SRS 2 2S: 7S. SESS enSEES SRS iBEE Sigecss". 2 8Bee BREE ¢ Ssee Seees 2SSRR S SS i,See SSS SSS SS SSS SS Ssee SS ae == eee —— SSS =Seo SESS oe BSS: . ow (SEY ERS eet eRe Se eeBE SS pe RS —SSS Sas SS Ss Se SSS > OR on Sw CO 3S" 2S SySSS PRS Sous *Soke ot Ss SSS SaSs ae SSS foo SASS Agee hae iE SSS os EEE ee3SSS eeSep OE VEEN gee aSS = == = a | | SES . eS SSS ae fae ey age SRF Ses) Stjig eeee g25 {aSE ee Pee |eeSe oo SSS ee SSS a Se =Ee ==SS SSSES: SSa-SRS 3S SeLSS SSE ge So. eT BGs EF6>VRE See See SS — ee SSE SSS 3 :RSS SEESSESS Ss SS arsSees 2 JSS eseeS,BS SS eeSSS a :SS BSS. : 2 SERS SES Sardee SESE
=a. Se igs . =< wae E SSS SS 2S SSS SSS: ek So re =. «G = ~ Pee SiS Rn =2s =+ = SSS SseSSS 8. SS aoe, SEaes SSS SS_LS Se == ~~ SSSFe SEES Apc BeSE ——— SS SSSS io >"2 ESS _Pete Ree A SSS,SS SS-— =: oo CU a . S: SS ce. .S25. (£0 SSS =ee SS, SSS |=S=ss" SEE 2.2 pens Se : i, = SSS Se SSS i. SSS SSS 25 ese ee Se £2 eS ft Se — 7 Boe ne | eo | wee. ae SS). 2S ss Sse SSS > SS SESE Ss : See ee SSS SSS Ses See ES Pe Sef 8 SS SS =< -. i. SSO SESS SS SSS SSS SSS.) SSS SS 22 SSS SSS: ee a pa Se So Hehe SS SS = 7 AEA 1S UStaits See Sa | SSS SS a SSS eS SSS SS of SSS SSS See ae a er 3 = ae 42nd hse Sei STS Se RS SSS BS = SS oa Ss SS SSeS “7 eee Se See wd ~ fe oe Se aSs. SSS 7 eeSSE es aSeeee =f;trSSS SS | =— SSS on FeeS8E Se SSeS - SSSSS Se — SS 3 aS 74 aes ,ee2 |-“2 ee _-lo:=.22. ae La. 2. SSS See RS SE = =eee LSS . .=aee
Se ee —|ae— a ne EE TREES SSS are ae| SS SSS SSS SoS Ss SS me RSE Se Pn “Es SSSag Ee RES oeee PeSSSS, 0SS BSaSSS rrr 7Pee : ee | ae ;ST = :2LS : ttceee See Sas. aaHS. See Se paSS SS Bee 7g Sy aiae ey ee = cage = _ oo oe SOs cae Png gE SSS pS eer Se woh dy gies
CS ion ae : gt ail Fae ule ig Gg EL eres
Se eeeae neee soORi . HERS LS .stg ees hit og 8BE lg Ba ae ee peeereiae Soe . . SSS. ooeeBre gepO eeSE eeRLY er ree BEGETS
SS=SAS ee See SS: Se eee Se TORE ee Pyannie. : CEL RE = SSS EE © EA . 2eea| SSS. =e Se SeSe See Lape TEES ne EELS ea wedEe wh Sg REO RRES
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By ap 600, the Hohokam had developed the techniques to produce the beautiful carved shell and stone artifacts for which they are justifiably famous. Long-bitted stone axcs with deep grooves for handles were pecked and polished from hard closegrained rock. Stone palettes were carved, sometimes with elaborately decorated 72 relief frames, sometimes with human or animal appendages added to the basic rectangular shapes. These may have been used to grind pigments, or, with a thin coating of water, used as mirrors. Incense burners or medicine cups in the stylized forms of various animals were carved and then sometimes deposited in large caches. Long slivers of chert were chipped into delicate projectile points that often had serrations and other elaborations that went far beyond functional requirements. Shells were imported from the Gulf of California, sometimes to be cut into beads and bracelets, sometimes to be treated in other ways. There are examples of singlevalve shells used as backing for turquoise mosaics. More extraordinary, however, are shells upon which designs, usually animal motifs, were etched. The first step in vu this process was to coat the surface with pitch or wax where the artist did not want the design to appear. The shell was then soaked in the fermented juice of the fruit of the saguaro cactus, and the weak acid solution etched away the unprotected parts. The pleasing designs that resulted were thus made by a process not discovered by Europeans until several centuries later. Perhaps the most outstanding Mexican trait found in large Hohokam sites is the ball court. The one excavated at Snaketown is typical. It 1s an elliptical structure almost 120 meters long and just over 33 meters wide. The actual playing surface was smaller, for these dimensions include the earthen embankments that flanked the court. The embankments were highest along the sides of the structure, perhaps as much as 6 meters high. Thus, the game was played on a sunken court, presumably
anaeoe ot ee — : 7. ee 9. ae ne player is pursued es see ee ee See
pe ae Se es ee ge a . Scone py ee 2 Ane ee RE a
Snakerown, Viewed aa RE COPE See Ze. ea oe : gg under their feer. , pe AES ee ee aor Ss ae = on a 7
inspiration for thispigment 12-ci.- | | -Me long Hohokan : | es | iaa
mortar carved ae ago. OnE7 ed Snakerown 1100 at years ||a 125
with the rubber balls that have been uncovered in some Hohokam sites. The latex to make such balls must have come from the Mexican lowlands, more evidence of continuing Mexican trade contacts. Probably the game had much the same composite social, political, and religious significance in the Southwest as it had in highland Mexico. There, often set in great urban centers, ball courts were large stone I-shaped edifices. The games were much more than simple entertainment, often forming part of an elaborate public ritual. In some cases teams attempted to score points by putting a rubber ball through a stone loop. In others, as in the Southwest, no loops have been found and we must assume that there was an alternative means of scoring. The rules appear to have forbidden the use of hands. Play was rough and the stakes sometimes high. Losing teams in Mexico often found themselves stripped of their finery, and in some rare instances the victims of human sacrifice. But the grand
ball courts of Mexico had simpler counterparts in the Southwest, and we must assume that Hohokam games were less elaborate too. By about the same time, AD 600, some Hohokam communities were building small platform mounds, modeled again on Mexican prototypes. At least some of these were apparently surmounted by temples, as was the case in Mexico. They
were small structures, often only one meter and rarely much more than three meters high. They tended to be rectangular, sometimes as long as thirty meters. We know nothing of the ritual performed on these structures, but 1t must have paralleled the public ritual of the Mexican city states and the chiefdoms of the Eastern W oodlands. Only large communities had major public structures like ball courts and platform
mounds. Smaller communities, often strung out along communal irrigation systems, lacked these features. But archaeologically, the smaller communities that surround larger ones often share strong similarities in detail. At the peak of the tradition Hohokam settlements, especially along the Gila and Salt Rivers, seem to have been clustered politically in groups comprising a few communities. Each group would have had a principal center, a few smaller settlements, and a network of trade partnerships to link them all together. One very important center was the ejant ruin now called ‘Mesa Grande’, which is preserved in a residential section of
the modern city of Mesa. The implications of this kind of organization are protound, because they point to the emergence of political structures beyond the tribal level. The Hohokam culture of Ap 1000 was probably made up ofa series of small chicfdoms, cach governed by a chief with the power to make and enforce regulations. In place of egalitarian tribal life with its set of part-time leaders and shamans, there emerged a formal élite, including both religious and secular leaders. With such an advanced organization, fragile irrigation canals and public ceremonial structures were built and maintained 1n an orderly fashion. Not all Hohokam communities evolved into chiefdoms. South of the great towns along the Gila and Salt Rivers were dozens of villages that participated in the more general Hohokam lifeway, but remained rather rural by comparison. Some archaeologists refer to these marginal Hohokam as the ‘Ootam’, the word the modern Pima use to refer to themselves. They think that the desert branch of the Hohokam may be the real founders of the tradition (the OQotam) who were pushed out of the Gila and Salt River valleys around ap 1ooo by Mexican invaders. The
changes that occur later around 1300 could have been partly the result of a reassertion
of the Ootam people. Tiny Mexican copper bells found at Hohokam sites offer further proof of contacts with civilizations to the south, probably in this case by way of a trade network. Each bell is a teardrop shape, with an eyelet at the top tor suspension. The lower part is a hollow resonator with a slit at the base. Inside is a small pebble or nodule of copper that acts as a loose clapper. All such bells were made by the ‘lost-wax’ method. Each was fashioned first in wax, then encased in clay. After the clay dried, the wax was melted out and replaced by molten copper, poured in from the top. Mexicans obtained copper in native nugget form; they had not developed techniques tor extracting the metal trom ore. Stl, their use of molten copper, gold, and silver, along with the casting techniques they developed, all mean that they were becoming accomplished metallurgists. Each item was necessarily made from scratch with the lost-wax method, a unique work of art not duplicated either before or since.
Some more claborate examples of cast copper are known from various parts of the Southwest. A bell from the Mogollon site of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, is 55 made in the form of a highly decorated turtle. Still, the most exotic examples of cast metal known trom highland Mexico are not found in the Southwest. The region was always in some ways a distant outpost of Mesoamerican civilization. As we have seen, communities of the Mogollon tradition pressed westward in the centurics following AD soo, refugees from the great depression that hit their homeland at this time. This meant an intergrading of Hohokam and Mogollon culture in some areas, particularly in what 1s now southeastern Arizona. Still later, around AD 1200, groups of Anasazi Indians began intruding into traditionally Hohokam territory as well. In some cases, Hohokam and Anasazi communities were joined together as single communities, apparently living side by side in a kind
of prehistoric peacetul coexistence. The immigrant groups seem to have been attracted by the security offered by Hohokam irrigation agriculture, with its apparent munity from unpredictable changes in local rainfall. But the security was an illusion. The economic base of Hohokam lite was under increasing stress. A careful analysis of seed remains at Snaketown has shown that each century brought crop failures in ever increasing frequency and severity to the Hohokam people. Hohokam arts did not decline, even as the long tradition began to contract upon itself. Very fine cotton cloth was woven near the end of the sequence. Weaving was 73 an art at which all the Southwestern cultures excelled. Prehistoric American cotton is an unexplained cross between a wild American species and another species from the Old World. How the two species came to produce the domesticated hybrid is still unknown. Although it has excited the speculations of advocates of prehistoric transoceanic travel, it remains possible that the hybrid could have been produced by natural means. In any case, it is thousands of years old in the New World, and has been utilized for the production of textiles for much of that time. Little of the cloth has survived in the Southwest, but the examples available reflect considerable skill. Buttonholes, for example, were made as the cloth was woven, by using weft elements co pull warp clements apart. The looms upon which such cloth was made were not elaborate, probably not much more than simple vertical frames. Similarly,
the spinning of thread was accomplished with simple spindles, each of which had a clay whorl to act asa fly wheel. Yet even with such basic equipment, the Indians of
the Southwest, lke others elsewhere in the New World, produced some of the finest textiles known. Many of the groups that moved into Hohokam territory around AD 1300 carried what is now called ‘Salado’ culture. Migration was familiar to the people of this culture. Their story began in AD s00 with the advent of the disastrous depression of the Mogollon. Some of the Mogollon drifted westward out of their homeland and into the Verde Valley of central Arizona. Here they took up new lives as best they could, adopting ideas from the Anasazi just north of them, and perhaps residing with
some outlying Anasazi communities. The resulting cultural amalgam 1s called ‘Sinagua’, the ancestor of Salado. From ab s00 to about 1050 the Sinagua people ss lived as an unimportant minority, surrounded by the dominant traditions of the 1
Southwest. Their culture developed slowly, and then seemed to face certain /* destruction with the eruption of Sunset Crater volcano sometime between AD 1046 and 1070. The sky blackened with ash, and the Sinagua people fled. Where they went 1s still a mystery. The cinders and ash that covered the Verde Valley killed much of the low vegetation, turning it into fertilizer. The moisture and heat held
beneath this tertilizer stimulated the development of a natural mulch that made farming potentially more productive than ever. New Sinagua towns sprang up as much of the population returned after AD 1100. For two centuries they rode a crest of agricultural bounty, reaching a cultural climax around ap 1300. Then the complex ingredients of the general Southwestern ‘abandonment’ reached them too. The
cinder mulch dried and blew away, and the Sinagua people found themselves overextended in the tace of shortage. They abandoned the Verde Valley again, this time forever, and tanned out in search of new lives. Many of them headed south, becoming immigrants into Hohokam settlements. There they adapted once again, becoming what we now call ‘Salado’, and forming dual societies with the Hohokam. The Sinagua abandonment of the country around Flagstaft left dozens of towns deserted. One of these was Tuzigoot. Another was a cliff dwelling that now bears the colorful but inappropriate name ‘Montezuma Castle’. Both are preserved as National Monuments, and visited by thousands of tourists each year. Fewer than 10,000 Sinagua people lived in this area before final abandonment. Of them, about a third moved south to take up residence with the Hohokam, reversing fora time the steady decline of Hohokam population in the southern desert. As we have seen, some archaeologists think that this was also a time that saw the revival of the Ootam,
the desert branch of the Hohokam. Implicit in this view is the notion that grand 53 Prehistoric Indian sites like Snaketown were inhabited by Mexican invaders before 1300, and that their COOH, d HLYSteFiOUs CFOS abandonment lett the Hohokam country to the original founders of the tradition berwpeen American and Old and the newly arrived Salado people. But the mystery remains unresolved.
Tord spectes, was used Dy Livi ether, the two cultures produced a composite archaeological record Hohokamt weavers of the wing together, P P 8 c late prehistoric period to that reflects sometimes a compromise of differences, sometimes a careful mainten-
produce fine cloth garments. ance of them. While the Hohokam continued to bury the ashes of their dead in red-
fe gn on-buftf vessels, the people of the Salado culture made red, black, and white polypainted on afier the chrome forms to accompany (but not contain) their burials. Salado architecture weaving was complete. consisted primarily of rectangular enclosures of above-ground caliche-adobe
,=iae. mwas ee eeee ee P 8hee ee: EW eeekdeOe: ies eo eg 2 i ae aBe ee. er eSiaet ee See = hee eee TE ee rree Oe aie pale a 5ee oeee —Lak’ eer *- eee eePa We Bere oocathe, oe gaa OSaBa eg oo “eB © .Views 2 Ss4eee eeaeee eee rei LA aor EE os we ee a — a Aa.a toe Fe ee, ek Se
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ue aa iy oeae HEEL | 134 fe TE oe : aL So ee ib
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ye 240g me2re1h. Bae io 232 eee ne ‘pe eg oule A aes : pie LT aig.i.ae2gee Paae aa usHEEIIEEEL
was highly developed, and turns up in several forms. The most claborate examples were made by coiling, wherein the coil was often composed of two stout rod-like fibers for stability, and several finer ones for bulk. Wrapping fibers were dyed black and red, then used to decorate on a white background. Some baskets were waterprooted with pitch. In Moditied Basketmaker times, around Ap 400, what had started out as storage cists began to evolve into pit houses. Many of these later Basketmaker houses were quite shallow, and as small as three meters in diameter. However, larger structures also began to appear, sometimes with diameters of eight meters. These were not the clay-floored huts of earlier times, but permanent dwellings with walls of stone slabs
Ny an SSC — | Lert “iOS
OG ME ipegee Bit (PIMA GEYG UGE wyED poOGLE. TOF me RE OS eRWSS HMRC HL EG Gc aby ARAL Ae FORE fs weer SS aa Sg i SOME 7 (ESE ih Ug: IOP ore th) Wh RNAAY AMAR NP ESS 0S Senne Se
AON OMG hha CL LL LAT LS IETS Hy NO eh OC RC he Gee. oman Neo ghd MASS bhi DENIER NNNELIOETE OS eee ST WR OU esi bah prea eacalAAAAPE TOT ST acm AOA Mi yp MT Mag AM Aa os farePe Oat lanVee IamerAYE aa)ON Derery ee oe WS Lae was REC “ge Ak | PORE ll / | UOT rr eT Md ~ ha trade. poe SHieuu Ss, get OME BASAL) LL. RPP PY PTY FET CekaChANAL AN ELEN ay oh i “Lhd te hg PINS ViPS vhs PAA AN TORT G0 et silk an EEN Na . “Nu, Pog, DP (7 SAS, FBR bons rye lp sheboh ok 1 (14 Atta PAO mit SEE ae ae es ae, ig PIG, ie He Chek Gh tAHtS WAT oh siya ich ME AALAL AEST A ene. wy ESE: A -_
“Cts, Pa ENC PSMA bid Cn | iE UR eg LT wy, SP While, hh SON MEN ht tase 2¢0. Ui TA A Adchddddehchghigh hey ATUL Mig ALOMA PMLLg | bie IA LS Mehalted dholEk dasha hit AAA AA ICT TT ET aneiEDN el Wa CUISSEL OMAN MAM hoe YT of aR APO WAYT ENee Baae: 8 Cage COPA y Vi bg Ge IMIhMd hd Adda Rabbah Ads sdsbbheir. ee bk ARSE
Mea eg Pg Menage SOMONE EAE) TA AAA TAREAANA DAA THANPEY Sanath Sanda Miso) So!
BhiMani Aish WALID ae ih ade de iAddty band UIE CE IRAA VV oe ee TSAR hy Os OTA TEL RAARAREL EEAES LAREDO” UA eaAy ye|
MaMa, Nig AC dhWM gy fedSilla bg gp EMBED PEED Bie Ap Aid PARR Pe PhRROB REET! UE ITEE | WNANY My 3 trae OVldog a4 OATS ISAS HATO AABEAE REleTERE AE YEO a
LOAM MG44, tatedeed try, SHANABSDAA) AMAA AM SIAM AAAREE EEMg UAE yi Wn by ped FOR)AR DORA MARR RE ge AMOP AhAAA ye AM a EU hg LEG COUIAIAMMKGGSAAAI fd 6G? Fe kad CR AUB ARERR AIRE I Ry oe ee ‘tyMN Sor, AGL G gy Nf ay (4 Wd TEOAOAL dg PP paps “hdd: id ae aeDA , VARA MOOSE 7 4 MIR a. AhoABBR peeee Se a tg gpbed, ne dd a CC APAAM APRIE DALee AA lea ea hai etanee We bch POMPRE PY AMAR ARABI OT yy yee cae BE eCpa My Ag tgp OA ddd ag 6 IME PEIWBESISLNSE Sf gg i i SOR Sag ABO
"ty, Mile AM Md ¥ : ddd nf err . ; ‘re, ° : ee Pa of fey oe, f ; as Ahi y | a a = He i “ : =: 2 oa - ; , “ . pe 7 i ae a hhdet KP . pe — a O, sl 2 vl Deo “ok
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ONC4) IMitOE Gwe yOSe PTAA ISESUMBBAP IA jy bopER PD BeekPerv) RARE EE One ida. fy hh sy We toy, db ge eel TORMAAA ALR ALES MATT G8 eeLACT ee
UME Shida IMT di py OLE IMAL DLA Di cn ivi d tad A WETS Latent, eC te hee LET LILLE tee IMAM CALA Rh bap Li FILE LA ETE (Um aR ERE] aah he Ue Moe EM NE GLE ce ELIAS ABAGALD DRAPER cep coin asemny PBR AMBER NE SEM rs REO hag OLE! Ady pa PS i (OnE COE MAO oy | aT WETS ee Ae Chee EN te EN Gd rg CLL LANG DAUD ELTP BAS ENE BERR ELE EEE Cob RS, BEL
EO SER tg Mm gg LED BP nel i eee E RB REELS OS sh ARB IA
ete he GES SSE Ce TS Ma mg gh LEE Te LEE LEED EE 6 LEER pa RO as OE (oh OER Rp OR a i eres CL LL EL LIOR PBB BE PED EEE BOE LEE, Ce8 BER EO NE A ge COM teagan Ce Oe Fe aeeegee Ce gb OE a SLE ISE V5 ge eg oR ee a Ao garg SeSS AL cts Ae de pe gow ee eeOOOO, ee rae ee eee eeeOn hmhm™m™mUm™m™mC™C™C:C*CS
ee et en ee ee ee Wi
re ee rr rr re ee Le To ie ee ee web ME AY ae hg ak Ee BE BE aye er EE Dae rs eg Te ee ON ee eeatea SSE ik eeSSS ee erSeo 2 aEEE eee aes Oy oodse Snerrts—ssCsCs;sC® et eee ge OB A
or clay plaster. Roots were domed cribworks of logs, each with a fire or smoke hole at the apex. As house pits got deeper and deeper, the difhiculty of constructing entrances 1ncreased. The problem was finally solved when people began to enter and exit the houses through the central smoke holes. But the old-style entrances had also served the important function of allowing a circulation of air without which, smoke holes notwithstanding, the rooms would soon have filled up with smoke. So it was that as smoke holes became entrances, entrances became ventilator shafts. Later houses always had deflectors in front of ventilator shaft openings to prevent severe drafts. Such houses also always had a small hole in the floor, a “sipapu’ to symbolize the hole in the earth from which in the beginning the human race emerged. The belief
Is an ancient one among Southwestern peoples, and there were several elaborations of the myth. According to one Hopi version, the primeval world was dark and liteless. Below the earth were three cave worlds, one above the other, the lowest of which held the human race, which was living in the misery of 1ts own filth. Two brothers, dual culture heroes, propagated plants upon which the people were
able to climb to the middle and then to the uppermost cave. At this level they discovered fire, and finally pierced through to the surface of the earth, emerging from the hole along with the most sacred members of the animal world, Coyote, Spider, Locust, Swallow, and Vulture. Each of these creatures then made its contribution to the world we know. Coyote released the stars from a jar, Spider spun the moon, Vulture fanned the waters into the basins of the seas, and the others turned to lesser tasks. The people made the sun from the skin of a white deer, and the brothers made channels for the rivers and streams. The participants in this story continue on through a long cycle of adventures and creative acts, both large and small. They were part of the heritage of the Anasazi, and they remain today part of the ving legacy of the Hopi people. The people of the Modified Basketmaker phase were the first in their area to make
pottery. The idea appears to have come to them from the Mogollon. The first examples were heavily tempered with coarse fibers. This was later changed to grass,
then grass seed, and then finally eliminated altogether. With cach step in the reduction of temper, finer pottery was achieved. Early examples also often contain quantities of coarse sand, which potters were not yet winnowing out of the clay. One form imitates gourd ladles. The handle, which is hollow and open at the end, is the closest thing to a spout ever made in the Southwest. AD 700 1s the official boundary between the Basketmaker and Pueblo sequences. In the light of present knowledge, the boundary seems to make too much of a not
very extraordinary transition, but early archaeologists thought otherwise. They noted that there was a sharp change in the physical character of the Anasazi people at
this time. The practice of inhumation and the dry conditions of the area had enabled physical anthropologists to reconstruct the prehistoric Anasazi physique with considerable accuracy. In particular they had observed the long-headedness of the Basketmakers as opposed to the round-headedness of the later Pueblo Indians. This, it seemed to many archacologists, argued strongly in favor of a hypothesis that there was a major population replacement around AD 700, and therefore a major
break between the two sequences. Later, however, it was discovered that the
change in cranial form occurred at a time when infant cradleboard styles were 79 changing. The Basketmaker people had developed a kind of cradle made out of soft fibers, Which was carried on the back. Their descendants used hard boards instead. and thus inadvertently Hattened their infants’ malleable heads, a deformity which was carried into adulthood. They would have been amused by the archaeological consternation this later caused. During the first of four Pueblo phases, the Anasazi developed their own ceramic styles. They adopted ideas from the Mogollon and Hohokam to the south, but not without making a few changes. The southern prototypes were vessels colored with slips and paints that ranged through various reddish and butt colors, colors that 68—71 indicate firing in an oxidizing atmosphere. These vessels were baked under conditions that allowed air to circulate and the oxygen in it to combine with the iron79 A Mojave infant of bearing minerals in the clay and paint. In contrast, the Anasazi potters fired their Soutien Arizona teas vessels in a reducing atmosphere (heating without oxygen), probably under heaps xo when it was fourdays old, Of dried dung. The result is pottery with vivid black, gray, and white colors, colors as this 25-cm.-lorig doll that do not imply oxidation. Thus, the Anasazi were already showing the almost wrote. teak wr we stubborn virtuosity that has ever since characterized their arts. Ignoring ceramic art rime there until he was old FOY centuries, they made its adoption contingent upon their own technological
“ePduc 7 Ps Aye Xr xX r » , ’P7 .~ yMe . swaddled toyveSse its cradleboard o FreOo YES» pss
the child spent most of his . , a, oe . ~ ;
enough to walk. innovation, producing from the beginning their own distinctive style.
2 ee Shee OE ae . 2ee Cee aoe So eee Oe ee Badia Pe a Ge ook Th ec Ce oe +LFge a eeOT eeegoe | BN eee
[| Qo “Soe, ie ee eee eC i ee ee CUS re (i aN i, i a
E : ag nieces mii § ae ee gi eno eee te arn Te pee z bs re Oe pee ee
«. | ee s, jp AN oe gs | a a he ‘ a ol a. oe * i J - ele - 2 ; 5 d . : — ie ; ; aa * . + Sa 4 j pat i — we | ee Zz
eA , — a,-m ea ~=Bile eas Bakes *a.Paes ee Ege ES =“ez ste 7 QR Se= pa=gee cg Loe ;ee ao 8 ::EES SES BS - _* 5PS, 2 “SESS ES :: oy oSRS: SEs o>: Boe F Pee foe Pa i fend tt bc woeawor? 1S SS
‘ Pe “, Ror ee . 3 ag = rs = ae Sera Stiga! US ais Sy MLR SE Bae . oF 3: : " By Bee aa mae # pene pees a . BOSS ; a ae os]
: . . = t. le OS a2 BP _” Dees eae ee oa _ 79 Seal 2 2 a Se, + aes ve # . : : Eo cee. i Beige : ao Se ;
-we _. -carnal . =h . =:Bee “: S00 Le SE ET EOE FS ees eeogE gi.ed @oe Ee: Bee ini i: .an7 SRP Boieat got~a figig :ose oS SS . # ctie ee =7.BEE 3 * eg : BE *ee VaR ae Mig ee Bg : : - 5 = wy BO eSSee ESTS SEi ee aewat = ase aPP SOR i rc. =POTaSg 7 . ee Se . re :Ange : mn #2 eS FGassee eee .a eee > a aanRR . as .— a . ee *Ly‘gee sR as we See Be . aaa : ta ore Pe eg Ss * . SEAS ER RRR ST ep = ~ Bee ee ATT ap ia. “4 Be a =EE ee aepie. ae ioa f Po ade2 pon RE ESA ie CASS .== : =Me PME i leon igh|goe), A: :UEP ea"3 :eeoe Se
eeeww Lode ge Se -a: me =at2Sees 2 =i; MR BE Sees Of LE 2” 2=:Mad BEao. OP, Be So ARR aR Brahh, _ fos . LEeeBARS Uae ee - = en “38,::>a 24 eee ks! ae ae ley osLEE! , ) Se 7 Ras :wR. Fe eee 32eeBg Se Bn ag .RS 2 SR om a7. Pe= . :eg . ee . Roget Bie2ef Eon Poe ach: ae SPSS noes fas 2 SEE a Sk, ee . 3 a J, Be to | eae = ' = : Sree # a . es SOS a Dena . -*. pombe SE he Fd Phe 0 ES AP be 7 S se BS ES . . =a mE . . Sg “Le TO passim eS . eS oe Rope ~ . al Bere iii cagieeh SS IS acdsee os aa PS a a EeDee Bet ae Be pa SSF es SP. FES 3: i Pee»coe aoe aoe SES ot =420 :: ._Be ios SBBe : aaPrroeTE * s ee Soa oe: ae Be wunsi? ie te .ee 18 —_—_ aanSe >Phe Sees Bre Se E .3Sg A *aan:cet & rae cli > Sage co -) SSR gSA SeSSE ee a!See gS SSS RP oy 27 ~ oaamma : Mee gs i oS eear: / “ * : 72a SeeeseeBae eee = Eyre 2,33“oe 3. 2S 3 ee Se DSTO 2 | i S>| Eg Sees Bhgi: Se & SR , Serene 282 OES ne s St Se eof a zi oieSURES ae ed es 3 ne=:oo. : zaaa SegBeeee : . = 4 ESS: CUED PARPOS Poe 2eae ay .a .Ey é : Shea, sk Be . gy : 4.70 oe ee Se ae * BR , eee 7 oF Ro Sedo Pe Je se SSS ReaD be om oe 2 . lo, SP eee 2 & seme. # *. ° ee ee ee ee a tie Ss “See foe 4 Se ; . aa ° : : : pe ee ee pals ‘ #4 BaF ee Ng Pe aaeo ge . iSI ae eS - :ley °. -:ee oe: BO cae * 3ge ® teSes 3 ee. 7ag eeLP igi eee = Lo . _— : Pa::.Bodie Se ne a . .:oo ee Lg eeet=eg Lee oe ie yymee =a wy PPE wth Flag Pose ee foot kos @ geeee ee in . 5:ee a Ba erBeye Serene ; PES —_—.~ See ae“Te a. .Bo = “aoe, SE UBYS ER. Ey wo tak ghee - ee . te Ss, | SS RE LTS. ay 25 ae “yes Hi eo: . ; Boog pe es :
- . a _ >ee a?oe SE ee : = aye befSs a gon.bE =. .== 2 a .;i PaS Bia eee ee sa s xTa-CEL :See BaSy asIh. erat sorte . .;: ~ : :Ft eS: Se x{| See iia LOOSE oso ga abe , ; oe,¥::ee ee: ee ~ oe aS“Bor _ -#. “ot qoMa ER Sage eR ge: eee wt cas e : aePou ie ae re + = er ar ES a Es Poly. . eof, fo eet es mg ne Aue pa ce ace ne * oo. . z . Loon os Ee * : pS LE ggPe a .8ne : ONE chpgeRE meSa SRS Eeees 2 RE t aesvs : .: See z a ee ee MRM ~ op NR OlG84 ag TS Pal OEE PaaS PS Se Te SugA: et EES . : , See
: : : Bree. 8 ee i See Ls aa : see : ar ns TRB Glo agape eS 2) ge : . 5 : Ree SA RS vo Co ee Soop. So iekeoga2 .Seg . _* Pk eS i rr Aye ‘ae : :Bee i Ss. 2, Soe *Se eei| a Ae Sere =F aPepa Yo RS eetaes Ce PE €ea Sh ee iFoe oe eee . a mt ae oS. Ee glk eo a & — 7 , pe a — ee?” : oy a. (Ae . -f° aa rine Pe :=) wR : 2 .=R.RE fe ae ee ek PrwaaAP - *wo io2 PsER eens 2 oa st &:ysos 8 aa Oe SeSeay See 7Bees eee “ eeeaE aes oe oe 2 Soses £.. ca“ots “a . Rg.aFie Sg a?Fy eR .BEE “ MW ° mae ° :m & °oe tesBot SCUTRR gk Seece eee ae fof ben Ie?aS aS aepeoo = SP , oe: ETT .TFL * aise oe A * ae BRE e oo. .. ~s :i .bist Same en, peer Ssee Dag aabs A PLL LES) Rb PORE eg:ce fs2-‘ge - ~~ . a _f :aT. wewe. RT‘BB poy ee :-Bae +wo: * .Se: is7: Raia 3 :ptr: tdi ieee :segs eee ee Faget oon SE ge ree = oar na EF , + : . ak : Be eee Se eg : . Se ae a ee a 2 Ts . ne 2 ws eee ees SAAS fe 2 mo Le BR ke We Te 2 ¥ Res ee SER eT gh Ee ele ect? : Sesh Fe: ta . 2 Fe OS Sg ees rel A . : . Sond be 2 s ' oe : Be US a ee see i ee ee eS SB a SURE gee Soca Sele Pgs) 4 . 7 SR Ulf RSIS: . Poe ae .cae. ees ii 2aelse RRS ee ee ag NS ae 0ws Fig i:Pa, cots Se SE SE aea 63 A ee hd oa=oF Sie+cas noe Bee < :aes #8 :>Le arBe :ieeo =eS ee afs RE OY ge ®t, cs ::NSS Sse me SS :“3 2! aee aysis =Mea : gay Fe br.te 4TB :Be Boi: 27 a: = ve s.:Loe - .Be ae ee oa rd E5, ae ” = : : £ a 3s Pa ay Le : = Te ells 5 ~ . > ; ze 5 a fgg eB Es és & — rer ¢ sin yas * geo ea See ee eg . oie.) FR: a See Pie FE Ve es Hage . os A ae ee eee Ss St ae : , 3 3 2 Fe =z *: Bt haere ed ~ ° ° . Se ° a Sih aa eee ar
: “ieee See aeot Pn angwe 3:Sree ela eg ee OSgea. 2es ata.” 9, Se.7PS yb ora .azF : 5a fs ME 7% Se Peaks #are BTS 8ow “27 =3 we See OTT =Se : eo Sigs $osoeSangean . Bie Ge anaes : Ie°8 Ss. sols eat a Sy Sere & ace ff OP 5PB cre See} Uk Fos :fo :1..EE ;*3: .SO Poe eS 333 a°ee are weer re) £0 haoF “SR “Bais 0¥. Se: ef, ce Ee ;Bee ee :eeES . ae Pe i wig pg Se ao eee . 2 OT OM gs DF a . we 7 of . be 2 8 Pe ee PS a .Ss. SSA AL ‘°°== =: ne eee Sl -Bak : eee egSee eae ae aa wetted... i.2"OF wie : eee, 2sa JF. valli) a -£fee Pere Eeay 2 ae “x * tees . ae lle : ; aa . ee ae 0 See: 7s cy, * 3 Sage te a = . ae + ogee Passes Ee Ee ae = : ~ soz & a ae . 2 Lg . ee a :. ; m . : pee ee > F : >. aes at * B : Sa 3 Co Fs ars - . Bae yu = Seeks Looe Pi ngs Re ae
: RaSSF 7BS OA. Ree :* — oe: :fae .oene re :a PE ee Fees, Sa Ee |: Ee 2 ” SHE | 2 oF ae : ‘eee amen pedis fo :Pe_*-.:7:.: .ee Sey me ee =F ye Se ee nH : Bo Pir oiree Pp LR oe a :7on aio es ABO, Ye LE et eee. ; EER aed - 2:ee ee SS. SRE Oe a; . i:ieoo pete PS 2 pes, OFFS agegeo 2Flt ee a=:BSaera 5. os ae - eee feb oe:SSR f. ORB eA ee, i ae -eee 7 ® Ba Se5aeae’ eee Be ayae
ea aeet Ba? —aSRegt iSo~ aeaed age Bae cat nat F og ‘aBa, wes weg i. cS a erGe eee eee. gk .7s. =asok ateACRES el feta og OF i:. Bo : . Boe eeee oe7Be fage Theae . -=.. oe Bt. - He _*:=i fw ">roo SEES SAR ETa ageese Peels i 5aimee : Be eetee : : ere . a Serr PE aeteia Eee of we 7 eS Poy Fly, en SE ee ie eS : . | reer ce lli .ut - aa a 3i:ae a3 ee== 5. BE se. se. := aeUsk o eee 4: wh Bp secret gee ORE seee ER = se. td =ee 8Lee By 7=OS prises ees ba:aB __, SReerie sierra ae:eg eae ES oe bd aSe .aSree a.e-ney ae : oS akg ae =ie eet eeeee ee
a come ney a. =. . ee. Boe ee SEAS og gh got : : “ ; ee oe a
..‘ereedfee UL ee [eS Sl Pn ee i ° : pei : ioe Be es ws ee pee BS eg eeeera a : ne oy a - vs ~ “LEE lS oo See ee pe oS eee ec re ae . : :ee ae vo Se er * Pee :af=. eeBRSane Be =:“*as a alae—_ : fF : : Bee wes ess ee PE eeees See ies 5 5 : bs : 3 a : ae S Pane . : * oo Rar apis eee a Resi nk 28 SESE PE ee
a ee : : a3. a: ms 2b aPee ae “3 a . :*Sei Z ‘ Be: COE: Ee agLsa Sa eS eee 23 eae fen eS EPR os rE.=* -_ & ,Be Sys5SF DPA SEE 3 RR ” .:2Q : pig Bfg5es igae 26 ASS Saeeee RSSR iene 7 Siae Slee HER ane RS Loos aed sie EL SRE SS ieSSS SRY See RCE RE Bessie eae . .~:. 0. :ESS pe ae ASS See aeSee eee :ip.SE. Bee Soe RRR
: ee eee eR se
; oes a Penne oe! cope a FS are ee GS * ee ea = 2 SS SOS ae . F a8Wey 2 wmieed : : tS peVP: S00) eaeURES ce FE2m=WUE WEeS SRR RR SR cose fad cgatifee et ie ae iS ? 20 IEF ier2we rSE eae SasWg eee ted Z ig SsBR RE Eee se ER care iafe eos aEintsen Ea a oe Syles : Bie ee Sedge FRB RS Ag Sees era eee aan eR . : : Pog eae, a OES Les 29 tes a ne aa oH = Se Se SS : aa ¥ re rare eg ge RRS 21 oR se se Hie EOE RE : , _ oF pala Tie ® COR SN oy a ar Pe re ee a ee ee a Se eee=i
: ae z INES : : ioA > i re ee LES eto ny SOS aa a FESS22822 HERES cS ARIE eating Rea 0 eR RRRSS op t=se Ce = z are SSE ee PRR EcSeos 2SESEASE TS LIRR SS a ESSE PS :: . :ew. ETI ESREZ-EEE EPEOEREES PRE Colpo ip RI RSET eeED SRT APMED re ENS NS SSS PSS
[38 )
At about the same time, after AD 700, the Anasazi began to shift to above-ground dwellings. It appears that this was at least partly the result of the need to pack living quarters close together. Pit houses cannot be contiguous unless artificial walls are built between them, and if that is done, there 1s little sense in putting everything underground. Apartment-style quarters also put an end to round rooms, at least in
the case ot dwellings. Eventually, most structures were built above ground. Pit houses, however, were retained tor ceremonial purposes, with all their carefully detined features intact. We have already seen how similar kivas emerged in Mogollon country. A tew of these are tound even today in Pueblo villages, surviving largely as mecting-places tor male clan members. These survivals have provided us with much of what we need to know in order to interpret the parallel evolution of kivas and apartment dwellings among the Anasazi and Mogollon. Generally speaking, Pueblo communities are organized socially and spatially
along female lines. Clan membership is through one’s mother, and for a man residence after marriage 1s with his wite and her tamily, people who are necessarily not of his own clan. Thus, the men of the community are scattered after marriage into the homes of persons who do not belong to the same clans. The kivas, therefore, provided a place in which men could maintain their clan identity, and prepare the public ritual for which Southwestern clans have been traditionally responsible. The period around AD 1000 was one in which Anasazi culture expanded widely as many small villages proliferated. Over the next few centuries, the culture reached its highest total population and greatest areal extent. The most rapid development was in the eastern part of the plateau, in what is now the upper Rio Grande drainage of northern New Mesico. Much of this expansion was at the expense of the Mogollon, and much of it can be attributed to the onset of a period that saw an improvement in the annual rainfall pattern. Improved varieties of the primary crops may also have become available. The Anasazi were dry farmers, they never depended upon vast irrigation networks as the Hohokam did, or upon a mixed economy like that of the Mogollon. Their agricultural talents gave them an cconomic edge over the Mogollon, but their dependence upon springs and raintall meant that they were not as tree from climatic variations as the Hohokam. When times were good, as they were during this period, the Anasazi experienced an economic boom. Unfortunately, the reverse was also true, as we shall sec. Anasazi populations expanded rapidly in such well-known localities as Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, and Canyon de Chelly. Surtace rooms appear on Mesa_ 86, 87. Verde by ap 700, with an average of eight rooms per village. Gradually the villages Mi 82, contracted into tight apartment complexes with a kiva for every twelve rooms on x6
ro vier ue the average. At the same time, however, another trend was developing. Previously hele hace i ais in the Anasazi had spread into new areas through a proliferation of small communities. power. Anasazi potters Now the situation was reversed as villages were abandoned and populations fired their vessels 1H a combined to torm a smaller number of large towns. The trend toward aggregation reducing atmosphere began around AD o * . . . SLC ’
-)TS-¢; ,ray ~.-
SI. 82 ap art ve O} = sdb yor Chel Casterr SIX e1ght fCdelArizona a4OFOe ,were ’ anh) 7arrdee-A.Ong - curv d ffl flor “7> ly¥artments ~4 ;eCa high /
was the home Anasazi us pually on the ground ed backand wall.eC T apart of of AM ° oor, “groups ps for afe 1000 years ASTST ’ pped so that thestepped back ’ stacked to a depth ments could be period Pueblo Indians bui Inside the ar - arkness under s was also the hiche Ores,
aivellings sbuil : arc O the g st d clustered ; rs, W -1OWE cliff dwelli SOULT clu other e er Whit gs such as the ozen or more . apartments was a ere usually used se (bel , : side t sma stor ; Ol Ce str. 1S W er ar ; age lett. center SU t c OI k eft, and opposite, aight wall thatas fc etourtyard central c seq ivas, » orect; site) ds a hat formed the , someti etimes L Ofectlo LOH AgalNst ; 'taco C Canyon | vp —~ c ; side Cofflat the Ty’ d aon5oneed side . b . htwo
e@ Hous In . 3 Or Navajo; butt} est k s twelve of th g
yt \- cady .by . °totl.tosoe yr AO : un N atside $1 -up cof NYS ; Pt] | dy the orthw. of tlbacks s,st which AD 1300. 7side plex s tois t.irved es south Ss tall acks ag: | faces towar daside ec dl . 8
marauding Navaj the YON contains twelv - , y te lon
: od. ay . . SAA
nomads about AD 130 yward,Ol) the curved s1 of complex f:clitt uch Pueblo 1 the towr =theoO llista ~ ww river eblo |}Bonito cove asBonito enturies. Pueblo , part oft: which haseemed ers three acres, S, ad nd
See ne moicsamest aaeaeeagAGI ee —See ORat “ers NSeeaeane Sag meen ee See Ae prom napa oe pin nmap, ih. heap a eyee eat ee as—o gee, ina Pawan ee gi aod iee REi ,eeSs 5gGaeta ee oot “a ettpe ch ae aSee 8 Was oy Sone Se.tiitte sh ee Se Bee. ar tgeepice oe La os gnge.sit ie” ea aoeeee .eer a ae a.frPing thd oie) oosternite th coe oe eysh aa Te tga fale tatEo~~al gy Dre ah i ea asi aee SintCoeds ney a apaserine Pe mone ee ve mene ie smsninmyten tet
ried _ ion re ieee «Ait ee spe ee a nema 2 ge a Le bk eee =... He, ee Se re Maas It eee ae ica Pet ey, a Mi "Aa ae i aT Yan il os a Re a sesnnasinannieate ti
ee ae bceoe ee i yi MA fag eSall~* oe. —_— 4a,i. ae —aang eeee ae ee aeee Eeae yr A pe, me a a. Bak.S it eas ae-ee a2heNe ieee.=Ss coi Te cede MeYee BL eee EDO eg ee — aie She oo =. es ae eS ee bee . ee ae col ooapattem = ae aee es ie aes = =oege |.on A eae rn aiees ok — ee ile eae SE ne. eeoe so aae .oeceo Sa 2es e.Be ST rsa ean ee ae arg yee ee — =. Pe pore oe ia ee ae in, th ’ee iee merging ee oe Se a nap lo it aes Ey eh . . . |.[2eR =. :aSL .ee ae fa Ce oon mr Se ee © oo Ms Een aie ee a ee ee ee i wont J oe ainsi" 7 2 yi | eG it “aS foe oo a oo 8 Se Eee ee o et ad NY yee ae we oe —— Be ce a as cS | ar To ea oe Aithos a hall iy . a Ma _oe
:¥ if we. egy TeNr Pi aa ite hy ae FF ae . é.jaw tig, *slsos “ey ahie oie iMe % ae, eyi eeeee ade Tg aaCoe, aloe ig iti Fai igES Ch bee Ce ie kos éhie BiSon eecage geZ ae Egete _* ng« is>I!& :is ie" een : lle ee,4Ceapay. bee toad fi,Le im al on apc ge~ .H nea, MU Tis cele 7S "4 toed +7 ie ‘gfhe i, i ty ‘Nine ieea isioe glioma ee See >veiae Ng _Loaiii ie amr eeen fn Beep it ee 9 et odate fe Pr 2 ae oF ks ing 0EE er .i Ba al ayh. pee oom y “a Raeay ek... Se ynei eo: Egay oe eo jh aa He Geog we te ah ,* ¢ aes em I—"s mre, te ge ao ; gee “ee aWier ae ae ot 2.~2% ee”, ee ae: ,— yae eres .. oe :1 eo boi Sane xX sstin Ietea _cay Ph tee oeIS:nee cal spe . ee si ieAea. = Ne atea= ae Jm ° og .oePiet ete Bon ae Se Me ig iene ca wt ie eee naar IPe So & = ae me " * sa ima : ee a as el fara : ame at Eee fe uae wn _— :3 baie = " er Ce ae Ba =e fn cto Teel oe wes eM: by oe wae 5 cin Be Stee A a arian seca ae Wits. aya at 2ioegheebaalek “ z oe ceeMg a oefeee7 aaanatll ol : , 7 "wena ones co ; "Ek, an ce eS EL cc reas : iefe i oe ae,ra. age Dodie te eeog bail - face | Pie ESeentare3. seaeneneremas oy Fa a : eeWeert oe Eas x, _see icin,ieSere | a? we .Cais ~~ Nn gee Oe .
ee 28 eet MES 2 ES cor SO ¥ Te pate cad ee J ei -" pee 4 Sees se et& ~* eirel ange Rgope ga et ang TIN So Te es aeem pa eo SeEeere -a .Te— eS :aseet ee aagte ee eePeSee ike. Pg@-. ced aaienaatay ce ee ee =eSirs sOEeeliag igBea i oageesj— se 4
gees. | ’ tg ee ba Soe ameer 6 ee: ER 2 ORee. a OO aoe ine
contains over Soo apartments. Built gradually over 150 years, 1t probably had a population of about 1200 at its peak around ap 1100. Yet these internal features of Pueblo Bonito are only part of the significance of this and the other large towns of Chaco Canyon. The large towns are arranged north of the arroyo that splits the canyon. On the south side are 200-350 smaller towns, most of which appear to have been satellites of the main centers. Pueblo Bonito, with its large population and Great Kiva, was almost certainly the capital of an Anasazi chicfdom. The circular Great Kivas of the Anasazi first appeared around AD 650, centuries betore they were adopted by the Mogollon. Great Kivas at sites like Pueblo Bonito 87 range up to twenty meters in diameter, with roofs of earth and wood that weighed
up to roo tons after a heavy rain. One to a town, they probably served major community ceremonial functions. The smaller kivas in Pueblo Bonito and its satellite villages fulfilled the needs of individual clans. A wide masonry bench encircles the interior of each Great Kiva, and in the center there 1s usually a large raised fireplace. At Pueblo Bonito there are two sunken rooms on either side of the fireplace, probably anterooms used in a variety of public ceremonies. A thousand years have passed, and there are no records, but it seems likely that these ceremonies were similar to ones still performed in the Pueblo villages of the Southwest. Clans-
men dress in the highly stylized costumes of one or more of the hundreds of 5. ‘kachina’ ancestor gods that abound in the Pucblo cosmologies. ‘The ceremonies are
often concerned with fertility, rainfall, and other matters dealing with the maintenance of order and regularity in the universe. They are colorful rituals that even today are closed to outsiders. Pueblo Bonito, and many of the other large towns like it, had no doors or windows in the outside walls. Entry to the town was by ladder over the wall. There appears to have been a main entrance at one time, but this and smaller openings were later sealed. All this suggests that both the size and the layout of the town were at least partly detensive features. The Apache and Navajo were drifting into Anasazi territory by this time, and crop failures among Anasazi villagers who had extended themselves too far into marginal areas may have turned Pueblo Indians against each other as well. The first symptoms of abandonment appear, and Anasazi culture began to contract in upon itself. Marginal communities were displaced, and larger communities at the core were put under increasing stress. On Mesa Verde and a few other places, the open villages on top of the mesa were gradually abandoned, and to replace them the Indians built the famous cliff dwellings. Most Mesa Verde villages were located on top of the mesa up to about AD 950.
A century later, half of the occupied villages were clitt dwellings, and by 1150 virtually all the Anasazi of Mesa Verde lived in cliff dwellings. The cliff faces produced by erosion of the plateau in this area are streaked with horizontal crevices. Natural erosion of the soft sedimentary beds has left crevices that are at times only tiny niches, at other times huge rock shelters. Many, even the smallest of these in Mesa Verde, have been used for the construction of dwellings and storage places. Perhaps the grandest of all is Cliff Palace, a massive complex containing more than 200 rooms and 23 kivas. The original entrance to the structure was by an improbable
series of hand- and footholds, difficult to negotiate and easy to defend. Such a community could withstand the longest sieges hostile nomads could muster, but
¥, ss) SSS — ; “12 “ . 7" See _ = =iii, Se ==LnPod ==SSE 5 . lo Bass ZS: Sas aeS3\=ars. ,2 ES 4 yap SS.aE :f ae Bee, me CES fodern Pre
eS: ‘a Uae = CCFCHIOHM Es, Footed TH
SESSOB Be liFis a= ==SSS) ASetss 3. fi =See =..8:! eae ot ==. ease SSS 3 |S eeere 3 SSS eeeFy eeee . otfe IB in- ofa y °se 32 SIPS i aS ELS Sige Se : SSS SS SS: eee 2 = is = SS =: SSS eee 2233S > SS eee 3 =: | $3.) ; '€: S55 eee a zi CHFOHIE 3Sa3-2 eS 33~¢Se a.3F [237 25a :_BS ==¢ioossF SFV4= PC Se POLY Se 90; = . '
278 $4OE =iM = =;tSog 2SSS SS 3S See . i *=:=o / ‘' ‘thts j oyrare yyy fe ik SSE decordtlon On ab of) RIS. 23> SS SSS Sel eee
eee? UCU ee | PO00> Vedr-old Pulled eeBo. ; ., : Pe:SS 2 ee SSee SSS ee 4af EvRas. } 1 OF (#) TONTILE OPT‘ ry: SS ee Oe.2aHeHCe
: “FS peeeete2Mes Fi Bee : IHOFTUF, 20 CHL. a ae wont - LS SSS eeHIGH, a neSHOWS ;.
pecs53S Sg Sere Se sae dOSIGH =0.25°332 SS SS ee “7? See OF SNdiasazi * SN Swi ake os E aoe = 2 > Sige: FF , craftsmen. Se ee eee ee SS SS SS SS eee ese . . oS SS eS eee : se aeropes. BeePueblo ne =fe + Lhe , iss Sree I= SS Pruebl SiS SSSSSS SS=SS SaBs aESa StI SSS | SSS Se .tort ; (i . pe LRT aaSe Bee CoMICS froni Bonito, i=. Sep eS LE See f= eee UH TH PPFesstle TON SS Sg SSaaa = 32rey See f Chace SESS = SS SS SS SSS ¥ = = cc SESE SS°a 3\?SSE SS SS io =ie= 3=eSS ( 2 CPpeny -) ae Se eeeSS >.i.See ned COPCHIFHG dcrey HH :SS = SSS eee a 28 Wes ES Ldiyon, Net Afexteo SSS SSS SSS ee : 2: = SF == = See / .
. go oS See aE . 3 2a a
2- SSS. SSS: AZ fsFits eSSS SSS eee : sea | atSeeure eases O —— : 7a g : ; a SS Se eS eS Se YE SSE SS ee See ; SSS: .: = ia 25 = = eee SSS SR SSS SS SS - = == “Ft +E 2. = -" = Ree oil 4+. US SSeS See SSS SS Se tS SS SS SeSSS SS eeSSS. ERS
“ 2) By ee eee eee = Be ee ee ee
fe, Se ae =F 182 S Pie. JS, 323 > , SSR ag SSR ek fe Png Lg ie ESS ee ees a eee Ss SSS SSeS SSS ES BS oe
_2.0 SES ee ee ee :ot>Es.=e | ae meee - “eee ee Sy Soe ee So | SSS Swe:ee ee Piet ESSH : iz3=Parra ne a. ae Fy a =a ase pepto vgys Bare ee afSie) eee tee zo SS So aes . = 2 = ba Yo 7 SS a >: See = 5 5 +e Si FL x - ’ i ae a S22" ag. Bat BESS eR ee pares BREE 2: ae =
: LESS SS ae SS SS > ae = if 2 Se = 3: SS St yg - i a ® Ses 2 . : ad es - Bs =e Sa SBS Se) a ae ene Se. 2 oe ee
Si og, Liss 2 SS. Ji.JR 3, SSE ISSSSS Sar. PeCC 2st =e js S° essea* -ee eee ee Bees [e*,=aieee eee 2:-2 SS(SES oS SSS. eioco e : an 2): .*iz3:33 Ses oy-SE ~ee: 7a“7h omgj Fg .esSeer S.=See ee 5:> SSS - =F =; Rls #°3° +: SS . SBS SS Se = : 4a=Ss SSr So Se Se | eeeSees eee Fe So Beene fee SS‘ a e5 SS = -s ee Pe. a SS = BY ——_ . = / eS yt RBs ee ‘Seen Fo See ee: ee se ee ee (7 “Fisgl Less |. [SS : ‘= % aS ae Sa” | eee Sere fae cee, “Seen. &. See SS See | ee Wen. ur HSS. SGP: Re SSeS , a Li SES FS ae Es =wi gS=iss a ae 3“esa gr: See SR Sees See wee :aos Foe 2Seee Sees i, Se 2see 22 aeney “Bp y ia ee deea SOR oy = ekeee Te,SISaeSS: SS =; p::=. ce a: Sa ce Ae | eee eee gee =: :5.=:=SSeS = a ee LEE aS . =LE %.¥ee 2s .SS ris.a Lae J 2) PFs ae Pe< BRS RES == . Ss SSS SSS : SY . a= SS B3 . ‘:web Z: EA aaa ors i... - eSSa: pera Sy =. SS See == SS eS SSS SS eee eee ae B » ; os, ee : 2s. 7 pee |. > eed ee Ee = aeSS SeeSSS SSoe SS0SSE SS Se . :SSS SS Ss Laer eS. ae =Soe Sa at eo -SeSe. oS eee > SSS eee SS ES q ?=. SSS a BR LE=a .E 2) aaRS ESS a(eee _~seeneeaeers =OS Do gSee a #SS Se ee one beiSRE SSS ae ee SS = Ps See. fae See) coer ery LEicsgksS SESS (eSSSS. SSS SES Sos LE aPs SS soi"= Se 2. 2SgLS RSQ so SE CL Sos OO eS eS
: so o Me ° aSy ass== .eS 2 3. =. Se .*.2 S. Seetere See *2 Pt Sole oe i;3. osEE. ea SEES See =ES SsBee & -= BSc. aa. =. aRfaeSeieSeas
os = | SESS See eS = — 2 . gee “ JSS 2 er ee fer Se fe cers pe
= : SSeS SSS SSS SF SSS SS SSL Shs PUSS LE. ~ ERE 8 yer =¥ . > SS => ae SROs SEAS . P& 2 ; Sees
= s:) => SF SS SS SS ES SS SS ERS 72 S$F- F re S39 et . yey Sr. 7 Tae FASS SAF = *“Ssey¥:- a Se RSs 3 Soe SS.SES—Sie*s SS7 BSa a =- Seos. ae= wy 8 86 Ss 2 = SS = SS ee SSSee ES R ESE5E5 SS, EEE 2 Rs. ae a. - _= = eo 7 cawoe 4 ~ " aeoo Seeae Saas
Ss:=SS SERIE TSS SSSS SSE ee>aevans SS. See Z aS Se =. * ae ES == SS SsSE ES SSSS SRST CeSSE Se 24 ES 3a 5=;aif=of as ae 2ee ..yo &eT §awe : , 3i=ears FS .== SSS —SS a SS, SSS S.SEN) .CSRS . SSSCS SS SS SS ete lg .: See SS 32:erae : Bs “5 3S=Bre
=e S. ee = Se2ee+F, : ; 3s- 72 8s MR Se $68 =. -22S2 -i SS a itSell eg SefeCe eeAE ee Bk, _ ESSE BPS BS get.) - - ..— : == Ss aS =Sa ra ea : ° =a ="PRP as ag
Sa|feSSS eg poo a:2-ee amy, & SS aOF. .F=so Se a. ee oe CMe ee Ss, ax= = SSS SS = y . S RE | eee sie Sisters bo See > a == eae = & * = i SS } asi = aq 5 Ee ra sR Ey ES —_— o SPs eee & = +: SS i fe = a Me. SZ 3sa == SeeSRS 7 SOE SSS) SSS bs =ayeM, ae ;.a.aes 2 3 “Si; i Se88)2 5* ~SS SSE SS. ae=: ES ; *Sa>:= xaeae Foo: PUi age arse
“Se ee oa a : YF en a See ee ere : SaaS SS — ; “3 “SF Sk - . er ee nee f. =
Se ————_ SlSF sl =-=Ss=Sa: PO mo ae i oei Bs mee :SSS: ARE wee: LS SS =Sa 54 Siu. Sr TLS =a.5:T >é2S *= fake us Re 7 3: :== .a.xaSSa *3S Pog? aot 2S a.eroe SS — = SS = Se ~eS = =-. See *x2 3-¥47*.of iia SSS feLee SS ————— :S25 FL. SSE as 72aa “ae =.es7“4 2.aie iis
SSeS Ses= =... ee gS SSS * aS = 3 SS EP og _— oe f — = a ¥ —
5 + * ~-
unity co : _ o comm in . soy . itor =onhas providec : nearb ruc . re been F as a c . od .
3 _ é ~ . Lr so J f ~ . mY + 5ratio Pa .~ .nas5‘;< .4 7+8 Tre .A . we thealso ?otos~*~ ~esa cA (~ 5’. :7ds Ve .site cli
ould withstand, < ind of siege that no c , . ut Wi &e 27 1d Ors . access, D -e was another kine . convenle ?. Ee a “al there Was « ; {1 with a more Ss Security-conscrous ‘rn visitor hz ast. the kiv OS Securit [Che mode as. In contrast, nyrs‘Cliff IVas. of ClPalace dedce, ‘it ntpitte VILLAGES ¢ ad 51itte . unroole “-tvard lo. ‘
. ;lerde, 'rt 7yurcy aS . ,vs ;>. “/— ..vained \- .ave aq :r tne ’1Va ene 1 ° es . . the cc ~ visitor §s lesa acce “ed for we Villages Lesa | dr. Ap “store , ec sVElQ : ij peen > in ¥their cliff dwelling Tree House ha forroon every 6, to cliff dive &1s .atratio about r nine . ooms per SO hrough a aly, narrow, casil) 7. rally tnereot ctwelve .< ce han 1sooms fewer there HTPOURIT ¢Fields | eneran'y io at> Chiff Palac 3 an ble defile. vVever, ¢ , 1s site defenstole ¢ -f C ve: erde ) , | ‘ Ngs , > . ‘st Of tne ‘ultivated on the pli a45 )» Deing tne larges , Cc 1Village 7 this at the Cl . r~ .(Plate d;nlatedu t10n CO S aad .TAS t~ an ems 1= Le ) pag " 1 Z 1 S Cc . . er
eo10ona O7 oder ladders spo te ly Arge . S -| rd | } poodet WENDY Cc y te e Onl ‘ reached by 1 unexpec ) 1 |i hat of Pu Fs sdly large nut vas pro Son the sheer . a yctione Hd fOOTNOLASY ¢ =o alace . > Vee eP ~ VE 1 Cc C c | O I une’ OC ’
yD| — / Cc AD nber.o IVas. . a ar rock i ice4
Se eigen. eis eee ister reg ee a Ee: :Serer ARES ata as tat
“yt . med ee ee ee ge eeeSe re oo : onda 4 aS Pak : Fee Bis a eree:;oR toesce we ¢ Sone >... &
° aed) ontMr SE,BES TERRE GALES . TS 13 ean eats ee Ts Soe HERNAN Babe > . i Fsayah Hike a =eFES Mga SGP LE Le oF ee ‘Be a ER ee aoe % Ee : pen LL wz,nse 4 ee co pects wet
2 a [URS aR ETS "Reds SLAC Sees : Pe ES Mere eid Se oth a . Ra Ea ae Soon Se iaei es aber ee i re “daa ee ete Rae Takis aS gabe agin a ea ag Be
. 2 cra yee TRS pyc SR Soo A ae erg Re Saas he eat os aes So eae eae a WB OAS, ging TO Se hn Sa SEE SR SE Bie cine Byphbs he OS a ot
bok 7 : # BS PE eG eee BEI ae es ae adae eng eeSige BESS Ose. .Eey AS ee3 E Cant" Se -ES # -) BERBER SSEBe o ge Sh fee: A ue 7 te a 20Tee NEESPee BSS ES ree BeaSRS Sa Boreee fe uttg a Pee arabaywt Pre ace
i e \, *
eeek“: poet giv 2ss: oon saeee ae Eee2 Do EES Meee GaRNoeSeae a ae ugly Sede ee PEARS ae - os: ae Se.Gee i SARS Sees ore es Bea pegeae cg LR Se Staik ES,Tes tuneeee Seng eee Beak eee eB BE ED
Sy ie SAS ee i - E :Bag 3 ee asrcs - nage wees. Sea See toh . 2 By Ua tat ae: pee SEES 1 aPear see Ta Ra aon BVak E ARTS Ma se Sa Bat bea PO oS Bok anaes, : Soe . BEE Fee ee,aMES Sue aeRreraeaati a BAR CgAGRE Pg, OE BEAPRS ed To a oe urine beaege BY
Wah 8 . : BSS ee 5 ea oe _ aa eS eae eae CAVES RS INNS SAR See eae En a ce, ae Se ST ge eee ge : se
. * i ae : PeSELP ae : 7 : Baca Fa EARS East SSE BSG EN a oe an ee oe Bes 7 pegs aig an Po Bik a P See ee gS ae a= ee an Pr. ;are :AE ae ee oY itAAS: aN REE GN . ee :ee: ghee, Beas . - Beane | : 7SEE cd ae beg SB Re:BABAR an os pega JSSON RN Re SENS TeaN Se AE : ofaSh Pa AT . FS xa See PTE aah ee eS BePpa ia. Ree Ge a vy Jeresea AC SANs ES iea er ae1:Reg ae SOPRA : : : PREP la UE ee Lo s .t Ry Ce Se ANE ay Be = 2ait fled, Ts an i:be 7sg
: : sa q NSA ‘ Ea) ee mee antenna PE ge : Bhagat PSE AN ee ae BesAe aeSee .. . eo Toe NEA Bs , ae ~ os ;2ae- Boe See X ee ee >? aaa ae es . . oC . a ee a Bee Be gS dae ye ay era tase : coRasue Pog SARA Were RENN ESCA atc - ve ate RS a oh - aape aeee eee 3= Eo. eee i aoa oi, EOE SlSAS SESes a” efo : Be ANGER RRB RAN eee van NESE ESSER SeeATS ERO mee . SAE ecient eye Se Se Ue ee ee ee ae ee ee eee ; ul ce ¢ Say. Rae ee Uae SE A SNARE Seo) BEEN SR Oa HAE oe age ee ae sec oeiset EO EUR Ee ee La oa FS ee sae Ea a as ARRAN = EEE CEES GSEs send ee Nae as ese ce Se aaa mee :a er BA SN ee Nese sy Bae ob? SSSR Sere eA \ ieee SPARSE ENA A RERS EARN PEO ON ane cae ee a ee Sn Be ae eae gee meta es RO a Eo vey, a as ae — lee ee AiG yee ae a aaa eel oe ee 2 a SOBehe Se ee ae SLD ph Bae | Ca Boy Ber aR Aes RENAE ES AN BE 0 GUESS a aE Na ee E ai ng ie inion Re hae Se ee eee eee vipat 2 % ae re a : : Bey NN ASE Sane: He See ENG Ce : Peas age. Dee BRIE OO a RED pa ee Cag Raney —Hants ER hse GeRRS oe FR A ce MecNaa a Re A Naa Rrion eegee . Fitenesis pele whats gs bakes8: 472“A, SRABele ao : Be: : + BAY AREER BESReet aaa SNE | sake.eeSie tig lie ote . :Y
ee AE EA ee oe eae 7 a Gan es Wes 2 Ss : Mae i ol. cg gs ic OE a ee Sie PIE DEE ae
ae: Peue aati: ACE ok mak RENAN eRe Sg eR EARS Basen NNSe VSN a -— WE Peeae ee a ee eee oebogente Pe :eget une :FRE ceAe ARS SESeS ARCS P WAAR: - i Sepioe a aTORT Se aeoeePo ae aeeeiseee Ee ee acagues ee : 2 Sy EA22! + Ay me RMU. ee RRRAYO A ANAS SOAPS: AEEraANS ANN We saaee Saath cseae ee oe si eee 4fete Beee ggg
ERA eeereer Ss TUE RES ee Bee NOES JOAACE a ASEAC SAN weRNs Bigg :aoe iu ta aa! ogTe a aaaa ee ae atria eteee ee an :BEES ERS ; SiSee ayPOOR SN ARE ARE eReN AAS SG ee Pe cae vee. Poa aeSF BiTega SES ESSSSR 2Bares EsAEA :RNG San ey tyee SS Ave eae 2 sae eaares ae Se Si baat Bee ee ey :: aee7ate Uae aes: 4RA eee 2SESS NG ean ‘ ACE AEEARN BNieER agg BiPgs ES2:Bigs a ee Spier aee:ee SaaePELE Se 3 a: ‘i AR Sa (eee a“ TAS SN 2gaaae eae, aSD . tee Lae nS :RE ee er Gees SOBRE! aaORE po GN tan cae ee HatePA Seaea Vee aac CARE Es AAR eae - gus ete See oT ange os oecaete A keoS a “e. FA aeNRURER BAAN ARR EEN A SSA Nae aNogeBena ae leE ek, BSOS eee J Oe eeAad ee 4
Heeeecg ee re ee : an oe |... a \ 7 “ So a oe ec FS ee ee Lg CSE eee
ee ee : ar. Re NA ee cs We eae 22 ee a eS oe
BE oeoe RE ee :we > 7aeBASw 2 hee aNi AN AATEC 2 Ee seepeeeeee REDE ee 3 ears: ae ay a“ ee PeeFACE eee eee eeSE = eat peeea eeeee weg7 BE ge as ere Een cee Bret at TyAiine - Aes cc Gh RS SR RUG Ss ARC aS NEARS UNECE Seas tee cee” ee ee ee ee . card WUR Thee: Pietra ane SUS age Briana af ag me ANE a AC Sc Wee ESTA ua RAN SAAT GENRE: SPREE isp e aieee _aa gg a See ieee Be cae ee nee ARS SS Bee SRA ES ARSE RNS SEA: Bo escRig : - Baa. =a Earnie 3 = N AN ANG Rune SeeSEnN A AN HAN ATO Spang eats eeeZ|see So eae ee se ee Enee2mer en eh AAR CAS cae RENEE WAAR SARA AeAN ARE ORE RaR CCGG ee ai Se ge enh he eae eM ese Sges 2s. wie CAEN See EN Sea SS aces CEASA Ng eS ARE ae ae3 aa aeeepee SR nsaeeEE ee Boo aT RUNG atee ae RS OR ce = : Ll, :BE: > RENE a CRRA TARR “AACS NAN Beier I =Ss eee See Seeeeee Sie gee ee eee aeaeBuk er ae
ee ae ee ie : see . ER SCN RRR EN Cea ee ee Ze ee Re ee ge eee se ee See & ee FLU |. 2aeg=e eee ae eeaER“y ee : es : ae we a SPREE SS _ .a2 ll, Se eeSe ee ee a : Eoae ne
eee a : : cathe NU CO ag Se aN Wala TN \RAN AEE SEE ee eee omeSsene ie aaeaecdA ge AR ceShean ARE aAe wyee Bee CAAT aL ayyRES BEEBeaten aw SARE SAGAS xi AAS MVNA Pees eeeSUT ee eeeGO FeeBee deere eal eee Sie ee
GEBae’ SSESS sRSERRE AESsete SeosFE Be, Saleh. ageAey SS ALOK SAY ARR WARE saWe gee ce ide a ee dat Te = Pe eben: Tatas . ARNE eo as ECU AORN AR Rea A NURSES SARE SUN fit BS peeee ieeeee SegBee ee eaeSe liasae eee:eee re aggre oad pelea Boke. ‘ See nighay SSE Sous eaSAE ER a ES SNCHsts SoS GE a oe eg igaes aeagiaE Saat uatanysagas Ae GatAEM a : : : SRRReti, oy: Sesh BERS reese Na Ne RN SN Rte aSee ARSFae a SGU SosFRSA SER Shana SEER eZee EP ee Se ee Geos |e at ae mere aee gE B20" Se
ae MES ASG ; E : Bs Tee A Pe RY |... : oe See 2 = | Sys SE ge : ee :
eA. Cog ae RSE SERGE EES WE eae Fe Roan ah Cs SERN gn Ug Fas aes 2 Bee age er neans Say i”a gears 2 Sd RE SOLS EAeS SE Hy NRE SESaEES RES BEL. eS =~ SARS SN SORES SMS 2gaa AEG RUN 2s eee Ese a2 BP Scie RR ee Hee ESS, SS2: s;2:a:“EE g See Se St FeERS Saeeeeyces eeaeeee See UN RASS ME aan Bem Fee eeene Ee yieeae ane a ae eee oe Yk TREE ne : Lee : Ser nn a ar Roepe eee Sree! co SR Cee Ua RRR ee PA aN Ae ARORA re: seareee ae eee ee apo. eee eee z, egg a"SE SeeREE EE See TN AN AAG ne SOE AS Ro ae ARENA ss BEES PETBe ete ae gett5. ceee aE Be ee a FE Z. aeFE SeeeS eee aa prea aesSoya ar:oy: zJ -:atSS 2 Ss, ey poe ESanAEeSe. peeereren ARR Nenana ReteEAE iadCS: Bae a ENNIS Shas erRRS ager ea whe SACS ges oe F Be: : : Pesce Jeet Se ne Sate oe oS RS ANA SNA acon d Brae EAE HE SEE mae ERE seh oo Shee PT ets Ee SS ae ae ae ae ee gee Foy Zee . i See ee ae : oS Re Se * SESS NEARS NE WANN 3 9 Salo BMS os ee Reka Agee 228 ee ae oe SE ee ae 5 Ea oe ea a 3 Fae gee CRASS RE oPEREE Eg fare TE DOaEERAE RANE eae cha ANN Wrens Rte Ge REAee ote BR ss 2 whois PSE ARESoe ath ee vee aoe apa eee FS ee EEE * SBeae" eee Bec aePh eS . ed ga -SE ae es we a BEES oo EN cece eenBARA \\ ee oe ane LaeET — eeBa”.EE sgSNewigs eg Hoes eestor CRG «3 car. cae Sei tay, Bisa ore . SAE” AS SAREE: SANG: AES 3 as (ae Se Rei ae SRE RS Fos Baa ere Sees eer nae ag ote et ZEE Ber eee Be Be. ES . .
SSR ae eee ages : : Sag sick ge : 28 SRA. aa ReeEy SAMA ae ee AEeeseSES BTohne steersSisoe ees EE pa PE eS ee aeeetae eaeS : yen TERRE ee aioees“ag ee Ages OeEE RRseis ae ee SAREE aaa SSUES PAREHa GeAS Reeeaues SUS2 Sees eBok sakes ee eee 4 LOE . Rate Se hagGES 2. Bea : Sart pas SEL THsTe WS, SP UA SNeSe SNRee AV AR RSE BONS Ss SR eeeACE. Beaespeng Serge Aaa EES Pree Lv aFs&3BARE TOS a TREES PoeSEER UN AY Ba c eH Gas oe Pees eR ee aoteee Eo az Se PAT Toner Se te ee ee ee rs !” =
“SURV Ceaiaee 2c site 0 a - BERR gO Say A een eae ae : REEMA is SESE CaS Ta NS WARS or a SRG oe. “Ah See oes Fie ge eee B PE EC oe Ne EBA EE A ee ae a gre ES
acer hs eeSSR oe os 2’ one aeh E REE SSS aEe Seas he st gah S SAE OY SEES AE MARGIE SesSR A oe RRoF eee eee. Bgeeaeithe Bs pes oe os Bae ng gah PLAE eeee eSOhne ocOL Wana .Sy igwl =ASS :Pgs on oe pueseee YM Es CNY We Se ASRVena wae :a,ai eee a“GEE eeo>wa Be Poe : LeSiok Qe SNegROAR Fae mete ERA ARE SE*er UE Petree NN Ro Rea Bee aan eeeeee aera SAE i ESE Heiteadya ae vee ae .BY Pe : aSeTS ce EScrccn ee ee nner eeefSUPT SABin gRES Pg Be Dears a sae ero aeEe ce:WK Wie ee ee 2.: SeLHet AGERE Ee 4aeeeee CANS eae Se Ea See eh PPI Apia Gay Sees wate ok: ao gle aea23 * Bega h Para SESS enncatateaiieis PSNEN SE 1 AT PARES C TahSee earner. CANINA . pe ee ee ara SOON: aa aRHE “ i TEES Seeoer Ht gee esas RUNS ce seas Any : fest BE Uae EE . a ae AUR ghee 22 ae Boo ee Ean aN ee Fisk Seb S a hr et Soe ee cn Be AL Seas 2 AE . boa 22 SARS ASRS SHS ee NSA SES : Cape ae ANU) peat Lee 7 Tp ect : See SEE Sia Se nee Bayae: OE RE Ute 2 aS kL EE aa a e ONE an RELSRRGRE Fs 7 en a ea ee AG ees Barmera So. 2 eS ae ee ee a “SE a at US sR 2 Ao SORerie ereda
BACHE EE es ae : # SRL a OE a AE | PRE AE aN a a. CERES Soe Seg eee een Sa a ee ee ee Belg ET Bite BSEee aere. Soc : Hague aS aes :gs, -atAees ey Mees. . Be SRE Bee ee STRESSED faeEGER : ar eeee eeoO en ge en egeefe ee ee ae: 1ern ig—— Ee 5sPerer Bee retVase bak era ieSE eeEgepoe ee eslaaa ae 2 Aen! otee y ‘aecar : an ae “8ok .:esaM CaS2SS CE Doth See Syee ia 2 Ss oo abate. bhe leant SS wey oaDy eT -eee HERR Sst oe Ae, aad SRE ee ee See aaa BRS BY br: Peas geesah.aes Seer oaJ “tsa a JO Bao a :ee goes :. ENS fgSE Bes eee2 eae pee eeSeren pA peo ee es, ara aor ne a ea SES RE : : eee rand gOS. Lae asus Fe aS SRA EE Sa Gomes . Shingbatiel, TR ves fee : peered orang Rackerareres ees Beet care SS SR Lg = es ge Bg = =
Bee eeQe) :Thaani rsetee oo1 cgi : ue Ee, pee ee |.2 eeCS ..Be= ReneEOS gioe siaeee Oh(a ane : Pe PARa CS og BS ere, eeaa ss ee ee cee EAU ARE Seee eewa aA SE, Pee ee ee, = See ge pg EE aesFERS Fite Bee Baman, oh: ae oC eei .eeSS 22" es
ee 2 or ee ro Pee ._ ee oe ae a oe SS BN nays 2 = Crd ag ee
Ecos eeu a eo sas PPS AP PPPs 7 eee BSS ABER S oees 8 a ee ee a : Oe ES EN Eee 2 ee eee Bisa Eo gE ae ee ee ELIE ee See
Oe Ue aaa 3 SOREREA TS OLY ng te Ey SESS a eager I See aaa “ABIES eee ee : Mast SE Se ES Se oe Bee a I> ee ae Ei 2 nae ge eS Rane arama aaoe WS .a UREE teats See pa 8YSOE aeake Bacay ae— Peas eae re o eeesSUS eee SR 2 ae So se eeeee, EEE eer es 2 Bae eeeaeSe coe. ieee SRR RUE, Sect NG a: ,a et 2cr FsPe a eS *ae i FEAes SAS ae Suse Berncrens aeer Soe aia Se Rae # x| eeCREE oan 7A nedER . : . aa ere RESh aa SS eet rea aa ks :-4 gating oa eae Se ereSe Fe Ot ee ee aoes a Gee et) Pe ig /Seeeoe ee ese BE EE _SEseReoan eee gg EGNOS Ae Sak ger AE aass PxPore. oF ~CBRE acs ieaecha ea PSEy 7ae *fee Yeaacfae ney on 2 SE MA SSR ee Ewee SRE, aee oT eee et GEEee ee ee eet esas ee. =ge phy AREY Beh liteSpe See eoEES fam! Wee iy .eee . tan whe eseen _ peed 4. CLEP ESD AD eeEE a aaa ge siesBED Ee PEigiee = := ree So ee a ve Ee PARE ae Ty SES: ae epee j See . Es Sec TE ee a ISOs . : Eph ie rage eee BEE Ses eee See ee LEE thos glee Pig es Se ee ae Se Eee ae Reema are TS eo Cue TT are ce Meee fe as AS CGE ON GN ee ee ee ee ee EEE 2g ee LEEPER So)
oe ae eee OS oa a ee ee | bee Es oe : — Ze ss ee mes Bees he eee Hee oN se De AE ee ee eee ge fe Se ee ae ae ov Tae REE SE ee SS Bee ag = Fe ge Bo, 0 a eeoe Beseen oy SPER ee oe - ee oy eee ee ee eee ee pee ee ee wg: ee eeASBong Ste eeeeeaeeee geeS Zee ees eee RAG cc : Se :SO eee eeNeAEE ee eee Se eaSRE leae_ee Suan aan Lat aeS RAGE sa ROR Se aeSEES Sere ees esNE Pe NRE Bee ee ee eee ee ee age es 3B. 888 PGR were cae :sEdo Beg Sasa Bab, ad mans gant eee eeaBacar eae Jae eeEa coe eae aeeno SRGLELA. a: GES Ra De ake Gee” Mh Aaa VER EN Bee fy eeieee ZEEE ST ee at eReERNE cgomer Soeen :ae SSRSE Bgl, tae SEES oP00 Sales aeESSE ee Serr ree aesfee AR RES wgRe SLi ecuae enhWP A tesa aayJAE alee ees, Ne SOE acc AAR ANG RS \Pe Aaa RISEN Sea aree ee ee eeSe ee ae SRE ; PERE EeBe Sete SAGE eSSea ang ee aSP Seo ee ae eee At See ere ae geeM eo oe ae SUSU SNE SANE eee seFe Ssmy poe E ee eseee measaa aea aee ears Sc nee a So et ee BLO Lely he ewe stPa ARES aeSeeeoeSR eeSA aegona woRecA Nate Rha RUS na se” SOE PEyRO ya Re EEA Sa ARE RARE AA eeees BEE Tas eeeeaee FO See eae Rae PSE ee BARES Fo BeBae 7Ee SESS SSeS ASeace 20 het ah” aes ist ee A aaa Saat 8 Bente gee a aN AE coaaN Ren A ete TREN i BA NAIR RAN SAN wie ee RANE nes ayCNN EES eeSe Se eee ESS ..Oe eee ty EeTAT ee Bee GUGM PRR a AE Bg Ease ae 8b Fy ee ea ee pe yRee eacecmiess Spee Sea aenae cee. beca cae AAR A Aa ENR Wa a eee aee eeee. Bs gg EE aE eee eae TERRE wee OF ee PA aOo aanghaeey 8aaagS RERE SS a aSa aRaa SgRe RE nee a se A aegseS enone on es aeNari SARE Ta Nat ARN a=e aepe ees EEE oe ee
WASH eer Ao? gg OBES Ma hale Rees ee ae ee eae Ee OL ee ea Ben OBA Mes Ge aay TEE TE NaN aN Cae TERS ie see See as xe eee eg eee eg
Paria aeAS ve LEE page OSS .AT Wes. Mt Sse OUP. PESoaSeg SES SEaeSS eaeEee caeit pane ee Ea WeESAS Cae AAR ee aCeSANE SahelPancake: Aaa we ANE ARRRAN ANNE ae NN ANE nai eeeeearn ee et. cage oireee oe Bee ear eee SieaeSees ee aa eo Ce ae a . eee Voge Sehe argz ee ees rey a i ee cera oeSe Rae a ater:aus eeeoeMR RAT LR ReseAe WEAR (args ae SARA AOR AREA REN AWARE ee aeh a ee ee 5pee Beeae BEBAUS SEE eaIRE amar aa ara Seuaeeeaeeae Wee 3 «SAS CP OP SBS SoEsSo gt Lash PaRea Rees ee eegraarag, eenaeweb eoSee Sea ae|.CSRS ce GeePDS naeR Sane a Ry ARCS Coe aes SAREE ae aN RE BeEiger a aeeeee eeSeem eae geeae, Sa aeRe as Bap eee Bos Tae pS LES Sot ge EA FeBe Be BENE Sete ASN Fag ea: Seah SENS OAC Sean vas he oe SHE AAPRR RSA aN SAN OE EgAAA FB SsRRA elle SCC ee See EL PL Meee en[hae aeoH Fierce paceingene a a : *Sr i eRaSRS h eRe ao aisae 8 Sate Con eae yee CHE pus carset a— Ncupieas fe PE a eSGCG Rc NN SRNR EUE RUNES arnt ai fet AIRaSONU PENG EN PANINI SRT GaRARERY siteee Sep eg eaae eee ee LE ee Zee Pe ee Se eee eee See ae aes ce RS Song cere ean SRE eececnenneniny JaAa ae eS ay ee RC eal a. A ERR RECARO ee ies ie ee fe ge. ee eee ieee ced SE eS eee ee : ae Qa Bey SSR Se eerg ene ean Reunites tents aru Po aescars eaeSea a Sage Cea SAHRA ore caSs (BET AMAL tanh BASE aARa Ua eae eR eh aae PACU SARS ce Re AAT SS AEDiierecaee a ARTUREE St EUIBE UNites IE Se Ee aeeee eee BUTE Bia teere TaIME Be eemeerct Seem iME is ige“SEES SBR Ay oeeae ag aRaee cae EEO oi Leecher Ge Re Sor ain CASES ae SSB ee Seay Soe AE a RUAN A aRa SEH Ma ata Uea ee SAS PSE a AANA eet SS Eg SFSa eee ge EE eeee sare, EEE aeeee eae SS Ege ace ea pie ice oe Ba se SUR hoe ee es oo Lee eS Rag EUS act Ok Eee tt ae eared pee es Ec haoe maa SSS SSMS SENSE SE 1S AES SEER ea Ne Spades etn TENN CRMC ae Bea a A LN aN RARE SEAS U GE a ann BE is pe eee ee Be gee ore SU) SS eae ee Su ee SEY sais Serer Cee a . rnPeaaaEES ESREE SES PUR Sanateyeaa naaPyne Chrrae eeeee Eales aeGaels ee CO ouaURGES aSAeerOAS SeaUIT ae Cee OGEee EET Er ASRS Bee EBoe,eeBara ee pecs ee ge a tee ee seh ee eee Qe a Ra ee RE eteee eeeee Botan einaes SAECO a stgSh SP ca EEEgia SSae BaeORGS Bee SSeS okaShe Ra uae eae RRR Re RCS AUR RR ie See ee Bore re eae eter e eee ae eS Ghee ea eoee soeee eaeaera ieiemercomeaac ar : ate TAR SSE AS Se Sana BR gs SERA MRE PAUUIE Soar eae oe igh eR SB Gans SPs S03 eee wa were SESE NSS aac ARR eR SPRER ORE SE ARS STR SAN BB ae ree Se Ba atts Se es ee ae Ze Bae ee eee a See ae .
a ae ee OP ee URE Eee 2 ee saciid cata aM eg nae Boe ee ee ee Ce ae ae aa SN SAA ag ee ANNES Ce ie ee eee eos ne Se ee EEE eee ee as
ee yee Se et BoP Ee Os 2 Se ee a ee a ee a Ey Seog Geta ang BE Tio der es EE ENS See US ae oe ne ee ge eS ee Age es ge ae ad RE ae en Se: Bea Laat gD og EERE a SACRE Ecc aiiacg ar ear oo Geeta etal SE ae ER eum eer PS Eee Pokey FESS a oe epee 5h. 22 ee Ge gee 2 a aT ee —< ae ee Ee ee ee ee
Bebe ee Be ae ee ay ee POeae at :i Baas ieee Pees ee ae ee eee ae EE Pesier SS Oe LS ee ae Dee Se aca
EE wd 4 Aq oy . . . ‘ > as .1 -A.
spay -Cliff center to which other Mesa Verde villagersc came tor special ceremonies and to SO Palace, Mesa ~ EN YR ny r ~ 1 - ~~ / oy f a . . + . wo ate ~ “= 14 vex { a my . - . awe 4 -
} ~ t feof = . ~ . - .
| erde, LX OPE of thre exchange ZOOS. ("litt I dladce dppedrs CO ldVeC Deel an Oreanizandona center, 1KC
grandest all cliff pDOMITO eb] y Bonito | b Ota vel sol nC: l strue an & AF ib of uUcdDIO ThetheHub OF centraliz a Centralzee poutical structure. ‘ a 7 + wy 4 . +e co wy te ~ a “4 ~ . 3 E ’ Zo.Palace ta Psimple. ’; -; | diveliings and was the fib TI | laces like Pueblo [tof ; LCR Pal SsdColovade chick, le Masonry wasroy quite of Colorade chiefdom gooat‘places HKe Pueblo Bonito and Chit
years avo. Its roots once Rough natural stones were used, and the irregulai gaps Were filled with mud mortar. roused over goo people, Someumes snriler stone fragments were used to close up the large gaps between ;
Whose {anud was usedthe to results. cover sults. Suc Hewould are not : aspiritual courses,welfare and mudWas plaster wasplaster often usedoften to cover Such walls catered for ii 23 CIFCHtdF . ; . , hom) . ~ blCHAHTDOKS COFCHHORLAL c: 'i
oremontal clanpbers last long in a wet environment. but m the Southwest, and particularly where shel-
a5 ae Stay ~ Yr x . - trthey > APL. - . and ty Pio 4 5 i -or4 Rkipas’. tered by clitts. were =~: sturdy perlianent,
ge RES, pete 4 we aay ae , eee ee MURR NTI agg ASAP TAIT VQ I | .
NEN ute, Sx Ka ean Ss a tae pet cates is Lior Hie. AN a? ik i ior eg « i - ve, os i. eo. ay + . an PM em. . ep ¥ # i Ms pe a a mi a eta So. : & Ae, ee ** ee 5 if é ow . ¢, Sie
a Lone canes Bs “, . ;oe Pe;-aPoe a os, ac aewe, ee a- he a a EE eres Be e Fie 2 «te ae bebe ae:—_ 429nOPei mar Tira3 -: &4 *oar ¢ Se AP 8 a Ag 2 hs, ie
. 0 ne Poe ge dpe tie A ; re eo a oe eee ‘ iced Tg _ ee ee ee
ae cols. ; . os es Oe aE. oe * er. 2 _ poe aan ; 4 eo RT ee: ae owe te i ae no “ € a a —— = aetieee Sager _ a
. oo. OLE ao Loe oe coe OT_ _.?age + ee BeFOO 7 BeeaAA ee:~re. 2s mae . . cis z es eeBt: LES se . asba: ae ke eee ytPer ee eeae ee “ee ee ee ae ae ,; 2g weet Sige ee ag a ees 4 eee a ~ - at 7 - * ot je ein aie ee Se € es at ey en re Ear AS me SF A = eg peered 4 gage = ei Pee ees ee UE BS ee ee z
= nose 2 a saecsge ket ce sn cei ~ aeatuetiet . —— aon ag tet ey, GE IS a Sig OT ha ms Pees oe aE 7 ase nes 3 doe 2. aaa eee ee eg a : 4
a vonae wea ieee- ad eee a aBAT peeayeee et Me Es eS BtEee esYEAST DEE EB eSEE=aeFS eee 2 ek, ae Seb PLUleetteen Seg amet Pignee Tie 8ote 8 gece we aT fy ee eee ee Orte agg + ig. Begae sees BTS
SI OE eee te Fe Ol ne peg 8 eile SLR 7 BI eae De Ste Sk | Ut ee a ne ee — oO Gee wey cnBer eeamee ne: pee aia ame «ee ee |e.2-F* aeree eee=aee eae OEeeePoa poh =oeOe Sg- otRS ES go— EEPEell a Ge eee Zen eee aeee Mytenks en RE Rohm SeaSRM Zealae Fes es iZ
el Sa EE oe SE OE ae eee Be aga ae tee Esp te TL. ee 1 =e ke : . peek ee Re ee ge poping 3 FS aS Oe - - = eS
So ee ee oe es es Vagos Magee ~-, ¢ - eS a err rt Sa Cae (RR Se a wee . woe pe Togs eee ag ig OI Ue eee eee Ea gg 5 eae Pe we Ee : 7 rot gS rd wee; Reet 5s ee 6 eee we et Bes 2. Fae eZe ee OF eS ES eee RE 2 223° - 0 ae ee “2 - 2 EU BE a Ee. eer eee fle. an ie sh gee - ieee ete — > = ge 2g F ve 9. 1b BR ee a - : Le ae Sten utp ee - en - ot : red a etcehig 7 wee Doe te OT OS Uae Aa Raat Fs . 7 cant gs s - 5 — Zi Ee ee = BS BES Be pees: To Ee
3B ye 2 a eg ee ee ee . fer amen. AE OPE Re os Tee Seg STR ev se 8 pei: : 5 oe = = mM ges ey Sy zee! pas
3 2 ee ee eee : Pelee TTT wpe . Se Bee : ee eee Oe 2 se - a 2 od
2 oo RE se ; - ; ; : PER Lote .f — se oe eS can Oe eee cee 2
oe ee gg ae be ee ee he |
. ONS gre os.Arse (2B 2 ae eeenpee —aaaa Fee aeeeeti. Sea Sh ne a EERE pe Se ee Ee 7GC y2a ee +Ee. pesEee cated Tee . ae DEE- ss BE ee igsee. Oepee ee2:eeieee ees eeST eeAe heTee: “SRF -: ~#5: a ee~+
a ae ee ee oe ee Se ee ee eee ts ee -- | see => a ;
i ee —— On era” Be ee eee ESS Se tees es ee ee ee to[—aes Fe eeEspgaaSeaeetees were "seen ee 5 Ms iar “ge:ee. ee eseS oe ee4ees ane tesee ote ei>Pee sg eee mee a he 20aasare age -ee(agee 2 mae» ee eee TTa TEBO ee Pee” sees eee we se ee, . or ES :aage. fo ae 4geeUSS eeSiac a.ay|0poe a0 00 |pe(ee oO, as 4_22" Ze gs nies f2=»Ed = -= Lole ae FF Beis oe... ese hy Po it got: eee SsPO | 3 BE 3 : Ba 222 (22 a eae hee aets VE BEte,A
ee ee Oe Se aee lO OnE. =. a . iNeeseaeAeee eeneSoFeee
pg aeeeeeeeeeesa “ee eee —————t—t—“‘i‘CSO.WU*(C*tCW $3 ae z Le aS : Sts = ee i oe 2 ee a ie - , ou a- : + geo
oe Be 2 ee ee a ae ees 3 Ee a iigpH. .. . a a Page | Ze ee
eg FT gee ae ee EP & Dia Ee . : OP ES BB eo me ® = oo iphe ect: ean: 2 ie ere
: wale ° ae _ aSe - oe:: -an, :aae. ob we? . =te a . OT ; = a =#2 % 1-2at Lp a ok et, - Mya oe oa
. . ied oad . ro a ri . Yr ~ aa » =e” ’ kk } 7 le. J 1 » ~ my 1 5 } ~BY.rr.VR a. ¢:5 2sx ’Loo . . ryug ac x ’ yr se er s 1 - my >» - 7 - 1 2 ane ° ame’ 7 Ayr E> - a a ae oO ™ ¢d. ca Tr ~ ! ~~ . the Cl . ) fth - “ yVe"4 ° ¥ ¢| iftert ’ ~*~ )
Chere are some interesting differences of architectural detail between Mesa Verde and the Chaco Canyon sites. Some of these at least are probably the result of differing J
local materials. Walls at Pueblo Bonito, for example, were often built of tabular 87 rocks and packed with cores of rubble. There are no rubble-filled walls at Mesa
:* . . .; . a. = . a* .—. .. ,* ' . . *.. 1. . .. ~~ a.. ea Ce ae. ee ee ee ee (foe Se Verde, and the stones used there had to be roughly dressed. Mesa Verde is also known 86 for its towers, which appeared after AD 950. These are structures of two or three stories that are usually associated with kivas. Sometimes they are incorporated into
~ ad ~ 7g > as ™ v) ™~ 7 2 > 4 Le ab Are 44> , ACCA \ ; ; : ; .
Pa fall 1 ~ te ’ - ~*~ , = -* x e y T ™~ ‘ cA
Opposit larger structural complexes like the one called “Tower House. 1] he association with ppostite:
88 The top of ladders kivas suggests that they had a ceremonial function. However, towers arc somecumes okeoutleofentrances structures 1 all | derensive det ypurposes. »s. Wh poke the entrances folated isolatedcircular circular structures that maythat wel Dave serve atever their function, they seem to indicate continuing Mexican influence in the Anasazi
ceremonial Rivas built into heir functi hev seen nd ial Mex ; , !
. aA: cat yp Anasazi rv b . ‘ed and “alized afi Black hi
‘[HTCKLOF ! TOA ES aoa ‘’+ FOORS. d .>| .oo: . .Fy :
the courtyard of Spruce
Tree House, Mesa Verde. UES
I ypical keyhole doors nasaZl pottery ecame varied an Specla 1zed atter AD IIOO. ack-ONn-Whilte 44,
ACCESStoTO darkened TDPeS od variety be duced, b ide l f fe ‘GIVE ty pes continued be proc ucead, ut in a wider O orms, Some Of fWwhich 1C ;
, =C 7 r ’ a y z ; Y - oy ArS a Ty i s+
were made in small localities and distributed elsewhere by trade. Perhaps the most famous product of this time was the Mesa Verde mug, which has been repeatedly copied by modern potters for a twentieth-century market. Just as important as the
~a town oN ay ~ ~old » was » ‘theles. 87 Pueblo Bonito tr jiversifi h | ; of polychrome pottery. Chaco Can Canyon, yo: diversification of older styles, introduction Jhaco ofTr ‘however,
18800These types areCY often black » and ints,S, COLOYS colors that over rooHls did 1200 Ese es are decorated often decoratedwith with ACK, Orange, an yeyell OW pain a habitants at its pedk peak slyONI1 oxidation d fiITINg, and theret some inITing f1 tech >InNnthCc MHavITANTS al ifts Ootgoo 1Mply ation dadurim Atl ererore sOmechange C ange nM ec nique.
years ago, built ; > ore] *‘ ages ser RioWas Grande district ~as polychrome {| / upperee 10 Granade district, onc po ye rome ypea InvVvo!ve etyf useIved of a c ~ my a Ayr T ~ 1 ey a. ‘ yr a truetheo AZC
: , . ny 4 ~ r % ™ o -
D-shaped enclosure, with
rubble-filled walls covered — PUNE Application over whole vessels would have produced fully waterproof pots,
in mud plaster. but the potters who discovered the glaze appear never to have seen this potential.
_— oe eo eee easter ccouamaenenranere TT ee, a ete ie —pmaneangngegeegentgen ine tenure tehcontne tier aegis tet a ncantesrgepu titi sep iti anicn BA eae 4
_octnatortnse Der a Dratrcaanmrenmeneetn TT I ea any ene a ie ale Ha Se cape bi
a; “, Phe .= ermasaen TUR SerTeeTIPFae anee eM ETa 1ON tigTT TMMR cage nr ae iM th,hh wire a .ye: oe eee Pe en. cpr eeae ee ae Ae RE SeSe iALTRI eas er—— >BR =< aa oi) SF SS SESS SS eee eee =See SSeS mers =+38 «,|.$9 SS 5= eee. LS SE or:rf OF SS egg =3 3«SS. Ss oS See SSS eeOn GS AE eS =Fee gS 1°) >Sst eS ee ee SS oS me = eee ak as SE =~ =ees SSS =o SSS SS SSS eS Se #73). == .Tae “ss ‘Seg 3— < re —— a ae SS ia — >|SF SSS 0 woSee FL eesyf A SS Seng A =aes Ug SSS SS eee SS SePo eS T= ES .s© =*-SS = 7: =5Se eS= | 7ee, ee 28 6FLSL, Ts ESS ASS re, Be gee SSS eee Eee So PS = SS peer Sa et ot etg@is oS 8 SF Sr wiv S38 AL feel ec ue cS ae SS ot ae Sef a or £5 Se es PS eS SSS SS
*yy a=wt .: a=/=ReESS So SSSSS See eS : ::=~ 3gee - tgs. ~ag 2 Sl FL wes: ~REM, = 22a p39ae
saewe OS SS eS SS See oS oe eG SSS S> SSSeSSSSaeeee eos Leeee +98) lesoo ee 4, e202 24 & SS =.S| SS eS8 ow Lia SP SS =———S SssS5 PSS SSS SS SS YS eesg 3.~5s* = Ss =. oe, 5:=iSong Fis Dots see Soe ,eo Se
eee 2 os ee ee SL. 8 eo. Pace — =a aPe aeS =+ee SS SSS =SS Sa SsES =ee” 2SS5WoT! aS -;—:alte ffTo wee Og veOO FFSf a. est .# gg Ss eee See ee aSe .SFSo SSS SSS oe, sk. tees SS ee Se ew ASS SSP SO ee ireee as 2M. eh _BBS SS Bes Se SSS SS eewan SSSee ee ad 2S iPS :=gS 3: Wf OF “A ee 5oe So Se ee oSSe Se =ee 33S Boe ee SRS SS Seene OSqa ae ee ane eesWS a oS . =. eSme aee =a =eee 7. eS = S&F 7Oo Det me oe ee Sea Ftss. SSS SSS a0 ae Se. cages SF PE Ss tes = : ee Sa ay WSS : =* “= a _ Fe eS Se ee Ss or ee — = ee * (i= sng ET _ ee —sge moe : ; 32 Pe ae FS SS oS _SSS >See SF . aS oe=e SES dts =r-o So aez. -4 eo-=SS; Fee “ae Se eS ee ee eee gE ser3. JS Ch.S SSS ae SS Bess Te Le os oF oa_ ae ==2SS 2 SSS Se a— eS See ae oe a=—_ a=F aoF oe Ss Ie =:ee ES SS ee = a3 SS Sg : PPR A, eee ms ay =Te ae -2=aasst =me ee — aos aaa. ee Sees SS eS = SS SS iSe Sees Sse ie ~— Siees = 7S eee 2 ee “ a Pee ee Se Pe ee oe i SS -— = oF i: SS = a Ga See = a es See = => "a . 7S Pe = SS. Se eS ee oS St eS SS => Ss See Se ES > * a ete «9°: FE al ee ~ a = a) ee ° .. s : Sa SSS SSS Se Se a SS ee us_‘ — > al : eee S ——. a * fe ae ee Ps oS 4 ee < gn of. BEY tg SS SS SS SS SSS SS SS ee SS Se oe — >vue: Se ee aie aS ee aS #3 ‘he bie Se os 2oeSS ee -_( SS -. :.2R54 FAS 3af= 2Bie Hc =2a =ee .eee => SS. eeew ee ~ “Tt #Se aBO =oa ~2S 53 [2SSSS a Se See ee eSPe = SS : Su = a: SSaia Sa ee=seen Se oe ee s% el S -ota: Z.Sey oa ES aea SESS SS US ;Sa ee8225 =. =,-aoe BOF ie oe. Sees FT. og SS Se See ee SSS SS i eS et . — ce So eee SS SSE i 2 eee ee: aS a oS SSS 3S wee SS = SS SL ee — Oe Se a ee ee Si Se SE FS: ee eee * i WES gee oS 3 eS Ss 7 fo 2 SSeS ESS eS] : :. OBOE ee? 0 = oo ae eS) ae — SS‘— SS* See a Be. OYae&.= Sa 2SSas See , Ee ne i fe oh = ema ee =ia) ee a. =e eeee : ws -- . 2 : ae ee ees ae SS Se ee
a = : eS SSS SSS FESS ESS Se ee : a= PR. al Se = + < 1 3 ed —— = wet 3 oS a oF “Ss DEE SSE eae : PSs SSF Fee MLE. oy Sr SSS
: a. ee i aa ee aD oe eee ee - ese § ae fe 7 St «us
+ an oa - _, SaaS = ee 2 gee eee ee te SO. gee: eS ak RLS. == See eS Ee eS
-we Dep ane -~ate raeeee. Se Se Ts Se oeSee ee ee ee == eS eeee enSs SS Se 2-SS BRR lo ee ~~ 2eee ee ee goo = aa #22 ae 0=(ae2Re ee. ge ee eee eS eS em a= ;=aSe -gs S&S eee eee Bee ee Pa .ee ) ee See eee SS eeSg LS os ee 2g =SS nee oad SSS =a ee oe aE TEE 3 ee REee =(See . os =-—— 7 ey ee ee © Sap SS a ES SS Se SS Bae = ate we OEE 2S =SS SeSS SaSS : eat ga ee eR. come oe ee >. Ss SS ee SS oe Se SSS —— SS8sssss eee” ee os OES ag SS ne Se ee ae Saat. HRS Tos = ~S SS Ss) : eS eee ee OSS eee SS SS Ss SSS SS aS SS SSE
re A ee eee FEY ee x “Eo et ~~ S- Ba SS ee 2. Se ee ee ee
. eee oo eaeBSFe SS a" “eee esNS ete "|.YRS... gee. SSS SE SSS eS Sy: Oe ls Shae eee aS SE eS ess ee ;SSS eeEESS eeSSSeee eeRoE SS a See eSSS==Se a ag? ee ES SSS aaiwoos RE 2 SSeee SSSets? See er 5S repa =f Poe : 3a se .— oe AE Sng SEP 20gta | Ss es SSS BBSSPT Se SSE. yr US2g - 2 RR BASE ESSA SeeSSS SS eSSS SSwees SSeS .53SS =a a aeFo? ~*~ “35a eke LESSeee- .2) 2 SSS SeeSS eeaePe=:-Le7, Te F . |ao, g SRS PieSSE SieSTSS SSSSSS SSSS SSS
:a ee .;c=. Faa1) . Lo SeeTSS ae og PRES SeSS—— eee See i meee lle OOS esSSSR ee aSE = SS SS 3eS—— ) aae oe ”See Saas (ids Eee SS esnf So SSS ene, -SSS POSSE SSESS SS Ss SS SSS SS, eS ee = {SS =e BRT Vereen GBS Sree 2b |SSS SSS SSS SSS eeeis eee LLoe LEE npe BES: SES SSBen, RSS SSS SSeS s ~ssFo, eed Sy 2TPE SARE PTSSet . - =. gs SSS SS 23S? SSSSSS SEE.eeSess aot RSL TLS SS ESS SSSSS SS Se eS SSSR RESS SSS = = SS =SS SS= = 7 a5 a : “peyote toe S02 SS SSS SS SS SS eee = SSS EE ae SSS SS SSS SSS Le SST. Ss,=2 -:Fa=Be . ay oneTs) tL Bees SR ASS SSS —SS SSSs SSS ees Ss LeFoR? BRS eneSsSS Ss SSSSS SSS== SSS aSe= eS SSS S=S SS # =e - ee fo. a ess es GEES TS SSS SESE #5 SS SSS = =SeSST eaSSS yeSly es RSS =: See SS
= . a Bo” 5 ESS “sy SS Seon! SS a Se SSS Pl antgsin, «SE :E hnaRR SS . : x SSS ~ 8, .. SSS. =SS Se SS SSeS 7 SS: see SSS SSS Sq a eS YRS = SSS SSS
: > os Wo) ARSE TS actee SSS = Se SS SSS a SSS SS SSS Py SSS Oe
77 =“Sea EE Bl tp Bad :-.-:2 ;gr :‘e 0-*RSE := := PPes ye Sf ae a ae on Bn : : : . ae _ Ea.oo, + eas ee * BE. oo —~ = SESE . Sa: =: ise weet = Es ~ z . ~ Ee = a ; Dole eg a E = L? 3 ~ a we —_ isn 6! mo ss we . ae . 5 . . : , . aa “Ts = eS ee eee) . . ces . _ & . . . ; an . ee C aa : Fp AE =—: E. = = ain : . : a. . = a. . mae _ ° : “nt he -; 2 : ; ag en ae o SN E _ . —-. SR . a : = = = oo . Ss . : i; 1 4 . . a’ Sag : = = : . =. = 7 . r . “> | & ca . | Seay a =: ; aa = — Be
SSS : =: . a: *- =_ a: z. .~~:
Bowe mee Foe nt = : ‘ eo * — . * .. = . Es . =~ 3 SS = = ee : : ; = ¥ TSS + . 2 a .. 343 Pi & 7 y : ; -_ : = . ae =” “as os —— a Toe = aaa Mg 4 *s . 2 7 :# = eae ~ oF v “*¢ ..: ~”. wet Ce Late sng BLOF 4 ad . “ ya Z : 7 . ae : wes USES SO eal ; \e yk if “es ~~ = : : ae ae ae 5 e ES ca 2 3 + . hho ge Ay a LiF ng . Ba ; & 7 = Se ae a fo ; ‘ eee _ > + : sk as ee - - °Be: #feS _Fd 7 :Re os =* :Pa ;~a°+ ee Bee & . ; ™ . * os, -..-=;ES. SPs. . Re . --:7--Poe ::x2:*-. =ORR . == ~ & : =a a 7 _¥ gs » . = z . ae ~ = an te _ an ; i s FF} . a = Pe. wee. a = a d v* ~, * . . * = _. : . = + ~ « . ~ . 7 . . a *. ss = %& : Ay . ‘ x : 7 AL ~ ne. . a~ Z". .-to. |) = mk ; x 7 : & a3 . Bie i yy ‘ Sw = © Oe . 7 = =: . ~. PY x : . a 3 Fs . S ~ * ; 7 . ' : = . . * : i / = aa . *. . f i 3 iJ ‘ — : ; : ,-¥- ‘.£ ‘-:ae omy _ : . .. * . < < a . : ‘ : # ‘. he Se ee ; = . ; 2 om ‘_ t a . eae aah bg: i . . 4 . : . . to = ee me ye . 2Fi ;pos 5dees }"— ;..on :S:* 7:t. Ue is °FL we.= ot-= “~ iaa, x= LES 2 : . * * #iwe -|= TOES = . be = 3 Te aaa 7 £ ba ».. . ' ; : + i \ XK ne ; q : ~ & OF ES : + * : + z = eo a o* : : k a i * _ . > & . ° 2. i, e ye : = ¥ e yO ake og LS f : ;‘; 1ye : & ; foo: : ~ Sots oo. Re Seae‘ : : i s . —> ~ Bre US ES “a j ’ i # fo. he : +" oy a ar Cg Be. ee. ~~ oe ¥ we :3 -i
7 { - = : i: *e$ -& Roa : aE Paracas : - Sa ey . aie
é + ca : : - fs 8 2 ae . ; ois ag, 147
Pots which bear this unusual paint are prototypes of ones made by the historical Zuni, people who by this time had diverged from their Mogollon heritage and entered the Anasazi cultural sphere. This period is also known for fine cotton cloth, woven into complex designs that 90 sometimes look like lace. At the same time, ornaments of turquoise and other materials were made in large quantities. 3
But all this soon ended. The cultural crest of the Anasazi was halted, if not reversed, around Ap 1300 and their communities began a long retreat from the limits of their
vast territory. As we have seen with the Hohokam, the arrival of the Apache and Navajo may have had something to do with the contraction. Some archaeologists 91 think that under this pressure internecine fighting between Pueblo groups would 92 also have been likely. Still, neither of these facts alone can explain the disruptive ,
events of about AbD 1300. A more potent explanation is needed.
SS ee ee ee ee i. eS .Ur—“—~—~—S SS SSS SSS SS SS SS Se SSS = See SE a ee ee ee ee Se _ SSS ee 0 er SS SSS SS SS SSS SSS 2 SSS ee SL Se ape Se SS Ny SS en Be, Bie Se Se SSS Se a
C—O ee ee. See rr ,l—( i Cl Cie — ~~. -—
PMN Se PRE SoS A Ee a _ SST TE Se ge nt nn ee i: CS SSS See SS SSS SS SS Se
ee ae ee. ri —C—Or— ee Fr s—CisCOisOrsCrdsCUCisC
ANdsdzi pifcner, 20 Ci. C0 ge SK ——‘“‘ S!”””t”*”*~*~—~ UNS j a tae3 a. iisee “8“ye ae 2) (Fae fe ‘San x} ahON Wake ons WY i .aa: as | "\ \ Ve AYN Pas KOS Ges. De © Bad {5 ON AY: 7 BSW: SAN Oy 7 DY 5 ¥, o lites Ae ? if 4
cagES- Be >< a A Sy PRS NN: :chee ea) Pe4]atric Ent Rad | ROSE ie[i neee“As AY :Fc 6 ¢.. Sols pene ck ‘a 2 Sat \. ny “ae M2 oh oe a ae a oNyy'aMpami&yar KLAN ‘¢ywwe EN NSP ooyiTee Oy
B { fj hi Patoy"4WE Ay7ae woe FRYANY oy | i tgae) NG . 4 i 4° ( : Mh oHayotof ~ N, Socou it a MONS oN : oo S/o WN\BSS
oy, DY ORY rf a ie “Be Na a Yad | Me ie Some ae SSS rag
y= ¥Bee “ | ;i?:ae'dane < ReptREED eo “seoe Ausena che saat AGA ereBt : me Be Oe a:¥Baer ee See ae aie a eee “ Bye wi yog : ee Rie#*ad ne ae#Og Rc es Peas ree ETE ce et ca Seayae “ig aha < Sagi: ere ane ee ‘ Pood Beeee : _74=a Seaaalll q=aaFeeareas ir} Cae eee oi see a ee eee ee GEE OC ee ce 4S Pe eee ee Beggs! capers RB et aie 2 en : ae = ey Ean ae ae AE 2 a et a ae Ca On a a ee Ba ae Mw co. ! Rode oe7 SERRE oe (2sayJae e SGD rr aaSEAR Pe aa aea AMOR SMS ee eeBye eeCERES Res — aoa ee AE RRaaah agli gaeeog cago See ae LS . gee oSA eS ® SeeBR ee Ses aR set GRE: 0 SES OS ae namie SRG ee eee ee eea4 (a
: a. woe nt Past (MES TS ae ee ee ee eee el Se eR rea. ae Pay ea ee a EO eae eae 7 Se BE Lee ve saat RW ee Pre aeae: 5% eeaeeee4Se eee -aeSs.OIkeee eS rlUgEeeSag Ee Aa eei oa a Ee i.a agBee eee oe ee Po oe ceAe. PE "gE . . are aaaane ahee SP ial he aeA Ve ae ee oneeee wieHa a oo RE ee Te aeFBora eee Ea a ee A eoetga, UEP ee oe ge :eecpio EeSee “a oR ae J é2 Bees See ad aay pe aE he aca eaeMME o_o ae eee RR SR a PS QRS SRR eReaeSeeRe ee SRE ESE Raman ae RRS aSATS wecod Be ‘RR RB eae isa SLet 2 ae Roa ix acre Me NS.ORR te aka : / ree aa aae -age t eye -< 2pe a“eR eee RT Be eeMeec oemAg iA3 eee BG ce etioe, ore . . Mire SAR Aa ve ys BC OS +cee UR . | |ere iJ iBaaG: 54,ae gle© geeeCae -eaoe ee Vee : aeae ia amR San utes cheat ahah ae: AE deSES RRR PURE a aiaeait eeeeRe ca NRis Rem og aaa ote SS ete BN RReS ee: (neMI 3 eee Be oe, pina BR OS Saasacing ee AS : HeSet wageAe oe aS . neaEg ” eeap ee ae BER
culture hegan fo retreat eee Le aera . ee g, So, ee a re ae wo :
pressures Of Warfare, os _eO “yee aPe ss 7 o™ ASE EEA 2 Mos : OG ot |
1. eS ee oe | a ee
divelling with 135 roonis i ae re (SS. eee
} on So) | ee ima abandoned by av 1300. oe ee eee ee coke 5;eeoe “ LE : a. , ee eee ry?The - veskull oo a ofa a Pe20-year 2 : ae: woe AeAeeeea ae ee . y2 Ce ee old oman front Mesa ee en fll a i PL against invasion by Navajoae I? in ee ae Stee? oa ee ee abe’ — =Seoa a and Apache Athapascan mare eee’,
I erde still holds the point A Oe a a ae that beset the Pueblo , oN 2 2 ry , . US
forever. Pueblo towns after AD 1300 clustered on the Little Colorado River and on | the upper Rio Grande. In these areas there was enough water for survival, and some
security trom Athapascan attack. Despite the hardships it was not a period of cultural deterioration. Indeed, the consolidation of artisans into a few compact communities appears to have stimulated even more experimentation and innovation.
Ceramic production was as vigorous as ever, and the textiles that have survived also show remarkable quality. In northern Arizona, a series of polychrome types were produced that have been revived in modern times by Hopi potters. In many places, there were loom holes in the flagstone floors of kivas, which indicate a steady production of cloth by men. On the Rio Grande, styles shifted quickly as communities absorbed Anasazi refugees from the west. Here as elsewhere the Pueblo Indians made the best of their new situation, reaching what some anthropologists think was their peak of cultural development. The retrenchment of the Anasazi was followed by yet another threat. In 1540-42, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led an expedition through the Southwest, looking for the legendary ‘seven cities of gold’. His three hundred and seventy soldiers each
hoped to repeat the exploits of Cortés. They never found their cities of gold, but their exploration opened the Rio Grande region to Spanish colonization. In the folowing century, the Pueblo Indians were compelled to struggle against enslavement by the Spanish, who made strong efforts to profit as much as possible from the production of Pueblo crafts. In 1680, the Indians revolted and threw the Spanish out entirely. Colonial control was not re-established until 1692. The episode had some happy results. The marauding Navajo adopted pastoralism from the Spanish and took a kinder attitude toward the Pueblos. The latter some-
times took refuge with the Navajo during the wars with the Spanish, and in the course of this contact the Navajo took on Southwestern weaving techniques. Done by women, not men, in Navajo culture, weaving combined with sheep-herding to begin the long tradition of wool blanket production that still thrives. At the same time, all the peoples of the Southwest were learning to work silver. Combining this new technique with older design motifs and materials such as turquoise, the Indians began another series of artistic traditions, one that continues today. The communities of the Anasazi still persist as introspective cultural enclaves that have resisted capitulation to dominant European cultures. The Navajo and Apache are now pacific, and the Spanish are gone. Anglo-American culture seems to be
everywhere, but the Pueblo Indians exist on their own terms, terms rooted in a tradition that is 2000 years old.
_ The Athapascans
xv Now a National
Monument, Arizona’s Most Athapascan languages are found not in the Southwest, but scattered through Canyon de Chelly was the interior portions of Alaska and western Canada. Athapascan-speakers are the
Fen asuaine descendants of the second-to-last major prehistoric influx of people into the New ‘Navajo. For a while it was World. They were followed only by the Eskimos and Aleuts. a haven for refugees from Why some Athapascan-speaking bands broke off from the main body and started
Canyon, but the nomads ,
Mesa Verde and Chaco drifting south is not yet understood. Ancestral Apache bands began their journey overran it soon affer around AD 825. Ancestral Navajo followed them southward about 175 years later.
AD 1300. ) Their movement took them along the flanks of the Rockies. The traces of the first
eRe Skew.
Has ne ee ae ee Ae ae See J seBanty _ tt nsGF E>. a ee ee ae Pe aROUT a ee SE. okSee Be.aaes agee ae"SSS EE SE . Sse AS -.: BES
ae _ . aetere = pe a.— 3 eek Se ee oe srr FF (ULV ig LeU. Sg ee Tt.ere in ieee ee eeer eei=Meso ee os OR a ,. =. ee ag 7Seas . 3ae _ ee CEamas ae ? #ey. Re SER TPeT. BP ~~: eee wiigdis: ee SO 9) wor, £2..Ups UPS SSS eee- eeeh_Ce ES =. pas ~~. FSok poilaae TE. eeOS eeex ees Be. ee eg eS i Fe Ss oe 2rae Ay SS ges33efSSS ESSRE TE eee Sek Spe ateste ae sitwaee
Fae aERO Beh sie aSg Se Re eee ee ee Tee eS Dae ee=SSS SL eeSSO agg Renin SE PGR ge PPDTTS agape Raa ge WeBS Su PEt lee reag_ MEE -os - m. Stet Saye =SS ake. Ce BRE Beer: we Pane ae oes i:GS SyeoSe SS oR a. Sasi PRY Tsiece cp Seg SRS i PETES patepaari leeres. Ree ele SRig. ‘:ees soA FR “RS eS eSee = Saeed ee.-¢ SE EES) Tal) sei SEE See CERope SPSoG” sscelica eeRE Fe Ed cogs BE MER Peace eeae fae Se eee ens % SR te:cas ee&esEee EO ESS GMB SEE “Bae Fg tip cece |e IPee eR SRS: ahs pee aDELCE age ee ee = ay Tice ae Aes Bape Sikes Sly &~FTE *& De Be ee ee 3S SS ng,7oo Se oS Re pe BS aeSRS Bre Se SSQO SES ReWHEL Ss SeeSas eee 8ae a en eeete peee EE ERT A ee ge ae Sy Sacee Peer eas ag ROE Fis ‘e 4gNei 5+eS =2 eS eS2ees aE Se, EE, See SS awiki OO Bap Bae Ge SEAT ES Spe: 352 eo‘3pe eeOE eS SSee SeenSe oe ee ee Oe eee: tear = ££ 2 2, |. ge ee ee ee a ELE 0 SEES ABS Se gto a Sek a a a eee ge Mr eae Re eer ea faBes es EME ERB 2 Bg Ba NE 9 te = Fee PL One Te Seen = Saas Se ES ee pee een CRA Era e SESS LS SEES Pa ae SES ERS PE gE BBE ea a diglpasnene era Se al age aie 2 meeps So ES Wieee i OO « gag a + ae gage NR Soak egies ORE BSS Se ES DET yl cg. 2, a wee, SPB foe Tae 2: Oe RS, Gee Tg Se eR a RES a aa Par. eae peeteme easeeae eee ees Sa ee, %. EF yf oO Ue Pee eS ee. ee. ee Siete Sl 2 Bei et eeee . eas SPA, Te BES OS ee eee ee” Eee Bt a eeSs ee =& OS og; eee eee? mace ydsceFee SSSESE ede GRE GR PPS pe re eeBoP TeaSEsAPaes SeeNEeeeaa’yOee SROSPR Pe ee
a ee a ee, * Ae Yeo? gn re ae SS. ow Bier ES es RS Poe et ee Bee eo See eee aie Ree ee eee 2 ie
pote ASeeeee ee ee eezEger . wf=aegs Oe ee eee RE Seee: 5aageers Se ereteae Saar Piso Rere Bepoke reSea 2! oeSe? ‘ 2 ai *% poses gc% esSee eae featee Se eeoer SOEes eh oe SR : oe = oee Bares 1? ener ee oe iy REL. Bae 4 Be PeReeen eee ee eefeel eeee a ee *: - ge SS eee esne en3ee ee ao ee eeaeaoeI ora ee ,
a ekees aeSeg aegeogg SS or aoetee$) eo Eee eee *esSyOe eePeee Dg A, ae . ed qeEe es ee ek eee Se SS= PESiol Speeee, Seesoe a RS ues Rees? ig = 5Pre a ee or Theso ee Se
eeres See ere eeii?ee z Se : :_, enSe Pua ogee 3UF’ "leu Sree ee2 Set Re OPES ae5eS ee GeteSaree ae oF. ee ae wee aa.oe ioee aae” aea, ele H soe ee poe ad =eee: en ™ , =? =::3eee Y*Bat, °OR Loge 7Magee NE SSgeen ee Re LF were S Og RE, ge ee ener op 2 Hs le ie: es a x 1 ae -as ] gt ES ho aa Oe rma ws gt ge ac ee ee ie 2 ee ate Se “% ge te oe 2a ‘ zg eo gem a eo ee, Ry SET ise es 2 rs he wer: ee roe ee se
eee ee ° we, eS ae ae ae eg ad Oe ee lee Re ceg.: ee, Hees ee ee 2 ee ee. Spee = ee 2 ae eee aoa SRE BPR : ; * MR SS Se ee 5 aga SE et on See ee Sere ° ae: peers Kikieiecns., alae _Saeroe ES foe. See ee EE~aee ae ES ee ee oe :gate .a: :ia2:222 esoe — ARES sts, SEE ERTS, PE .SR aebs .t 5 - hie a Tee 3sBs - eee +ee.-ge eet ee ier a ee eR. on: eae creas . ee > gG=ee :ee 2 hence ee :oe aSFE A agPES Bes Peas 2X Pos ——s feag oe Bee ote ae eS ee See tk. fae 2 >poo: ieee ae3| ae =vag eae wee Fe i 2, eg) io ee:ee ae aee C.-8 Fee eg =coer. ces ae, AE. 2 Sra eo ee noe : By ; :eae z Co eeee Sg wee ees Pal Hl, a= Byee, aon 7ae ite SERRE rsendties kaka" ggg pee eee Be. os ae ee Ziz=e a Poe Eis ee eee get? 3 : : #. Sea as SMB ts: : ar iS ea rae ak ae Cae SE fae ESSeSe =: eee “SEE Twhe ge: es . ara = . 1a SEP : 3 7geste ‘a Da aFoo, Be ,“PESE ce2-Bes eee 3, PUBe yeee BeOE ne be ogu DU UM EREEP agar 2g 2Fo ee aeeaSa eeercr ee a shes aweet eee OF :Poh fogfBREE BR gee eS Ses Bee eeOFF : Tee, aCSA oom 7 aee EeM.S eS Uae uP Se JP be ge SeeR FSS Soanas ee ee eg ee Oe ee ae eens E rn Sa ore Pere . ee PM: woBER. SE ED LE races Lae RE sy, ee RRC Oe| ce aSee OO ericaS eesae Chee |
2p ERE por ee ee Serres eeeSe, ° ee Bee ete: vO e,oe: Zoo.aE aE ° tS wee EPS truRt ek : Wife a "ae cpBt cae Re gee ee ee a=ee£eee pSerRO RE ig, SererMagee cameo pee re ae “pew Daeae eonSe Tatanete Wake i eae eee wes ~ SS. ee ae 4Cpe: 32TS oe FO Eas ee aoe oeSe ona See LEE ioc: OR nee SER - =EERE 2ee ee =Pao. 1,- ak REN Bega Se SP SARS oA ES wf en & es lg PT aeee HeSe: Seta OO gil SS a RE ct SU AS meet OOK REge oO iees EE RON Sh, Se Gey ee co ge >eo Iatareee pees ca etna ota Ssaer es be ma NESS Rehaoteeroe Be AEE armepuoe “2ee UNagISESEVAST YO nam Aare Beene feePOSER WSR “ghee Van 2: Ree BE Snopees eerwtoee Pageee PAS i ieSS ag eginggeeerne aS tears SR oSTES RP eeerSARA NARS! BCL OSeg,Te eoake) RS SS ee AES aeGe eee asooh eerie: PARPrase URC Nate! bayURE PP SRST Tae SiStay apeneeae eee PRIREr SEARED Sa ee Be OS |RRR Ree eee eae Sine2 ina OR el EN paper oor eeEERE eere Baa oo ees pear yo aSRe ers
OMS Be See, Be al SPE SEEDER? SRE Nai og Bac agen cama SERBS ge sie date Te ee eer ee ea, cena uae PC aes a Ws
oh Meas que Bey ew Pathe rag fae nt Le wets Vitra e SOME e VnlF . ans :VEMSSAR Vie GEES Dipeie ieFEED Goths be Gh Be wage a Bue *ater Bdha igh Mey aete eereem i Tr ibe, oe FY ee dee wee anwhe PUPUR Sls olen a : Rate deg eter: wo etPaltlie pebemete Perec tyidier i ByeR RES Teck tasUUR) . er eek Th RE ag AtiieERE SER Boeoa etsRoel caer’ vk etal Eeoa Gat y% . ztened Teydea Sestomot ~ aotge 2xBis a2 :awoah yewhats fh yeeb. oa .ras rae ml Ritts llc as Ba, weeli; t wre :TU wt : . .. La opal ea ee ie, es adatyt AR ‘ Tieygh CEC Gash. OnRh de Ma y Seeg itUAL gee .fee aE . tinted 8 (gadites capita le :SE
i ce ora So ENS BSE OO Tana BOR ns Se a ee OUST sR OSS SR ao UR Me Tg 8 STS TE + vy . a . zl Pyke Seg AHS Slo. o me . ee os ek~ >atwvSeis : ete FEDRtetaet es: Be EAR Ba !aceMatee aoe i wees a .Btteres St nna:Sete BaSakcheT]roo “ LARSec STE Tt . .tienen = COD MRR cg cetaty bodqae See teeta - . AL art ay bbe ee ot hea OL : . ae 7ce aR sales UE *. cee . o TUE R oc oe Beene eet ba Doo f]
bands to enter the Southwest are understandably scanty, and archaeologists are still not sure that they have really found them. At first these Athapascans probably just exploited the large unoccupied spaces between agricultural settlements. Later, as
their numbers grew, the settlements themselves probably came to be viewed as resources to be exploited, and the long period of wartare began. We have no good archaeological evidence tor the Athapascans in the Southwest almost until the historical period. There are scattered sites from AD 1500 and later that are clearly Athapascan. These sites contain the remains of structures that look very much like later Navajo dwellings (hogans), and distinctive ceramics. With the Spanish intrusion, their cultures changed quickly. From the Spanish they acquired horses, sheep, and cattle. From Pueblo retugees they learned advanced techniques of pottery-making and weaving. These contacts even led to some changes in social structure. The development of matrilocal clans among the Navajo, for example, 1s attributed to imitation of Pucblo social structure. Old Athapascan religious practices appear to have centered around curing and other activities by shamans. Contacts with the Pueblo Indians, however, generated interest in public ceremonies conducted by priests. Curing remained primary, but
the Navajo and Western Apache took on much of the indigenous Southwestern symbolism.
The modern descendants ot these later prehistoric invaders are the Navajo, Western Apache, and other Apache tribes called Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Mescalero, Lipan, and Kiowa. They survive today. Among them, the Navajo stand out as a vigorous and expanding nation. They own large and growing tracts of Arizona and New Mexico, and their unique crafts flourish in a seller’s market. Like the Pueblo xvi Indians, they persist on their own terms in the contemporary world.
XVI Ltvo supernatural ‘holy people’ flank the sacred imatze plant, which Was their gift to mortals, within a rainbow are on
this rgth-century Navajo blanket. Similar sceties appear tn the sand
paintings for which the . Navajo are famous.
yy THE FARCWES Queen xy AS. it igh i cetesk a : | a . | ai
| Charlottes Jal : TN eee RS Op aR C , Ceo 8roam ER ewe & CANADA ||:| S564 vee PT OO OS |en TE OG VN USA % YN Ye 5 2 gt . P . e eo , , “y we | Pugel Sound Senge Q le Sf ne Cc i SB spake ym. eA J ~ ath ~ Spokane. A” gy ns pioC we rington | s \ 6 Montana fi '\
Pee Re | a ee ae Be aa eee
| - 7 {~~ ®» he 7 \ ¥ )
Oe CL RY ee onOTNaegg oo
| : ; e Fort Rock Cave | _ -. XY © e. Re y 0 ing.
a eeof2| he aeeaaiogee c. oe“TO = ‘—_ —. — woe = ~ge == f LY
\ ° Py p & | “ off é Sr 7 / ra Liat al oe. ad . Lt Nevada ae ae| i8400UCUUL %, (PAC |
— 3kgyr ee. | Utah © AZ _Comr ado
Lae SCJ 2 -“- ‘’ oaEe ea | é L - “~, wo \ “x . . |Uh , Zhe te Ss. a9 rffawe
| Ze ‘ sO ~ oe re g00km . gs 156
The Far West The western margin of North America 1s a long coastal strip that 1s concealed from the rest of the continent by rugged mountain ranges. The Coast Range of the Alaskan panhandle and British Columbia ts linked to the Cascade Range, which runs down
through Washington and Oregon into northern California, where it becomes the Sierra Nevada. Baja Calitornia, politically part of Mexico, 1s a long peninsula separated trom the rest of the continent by the Gulf of California. There is easy passage from the Southwest to the California coast between the northern end of the Gulf of California and the modern city of Los Angeles, a distance of about 250 kilometers. Similarly, 4000 kilometers farther north, there is tairly easy passage trom the Alaskan interior to Prince Wiliam Sound on the Pacific coast. In between, travel to the coast from the interior ranges 1s difficult, sometimes nearly impossible. Not many rivers puncture the relatively low coastal mountains, and fewer still have
tributaries cast of the larger ranges. Only the Columbia and Fraser Rivers have substantial drainage basins east of the mountains. They drain the Plateau, which spreads over the eastern parts of Oregon and Washington, as well as much of Idaho. Physically the Plateau is part of the Desert West, but its rivers drew the local prehistoric Indians into closer contact with coastal cultures. Climate and environment along the coastal strip of the Far West vary primarily
with latitude, but also with altitude and distance from the sea. Much of Baja California is parched desert, which would have restricted the Indians there to a Desert Culture way of lite were it not for the availability of marine resources. To the
north, the climate moderates, so much so that the environment of California has often been called ‘Mediterranean’. North of San Francisco stand towering forests of redwoods, and still farther up the coast begin the thick forests of moisture-loving conifers. Average annual rainfall is progressively greater toward the north. Average temperatures are progressively lower, but are always moderated by the warm currents of the Pacific, even as far north as southern Alaska. The coastal forests from Oregon northward can be properly called rain torests, even though they are not characterized by the intense 93 Map of the Far West, heat of tropical rain torests. The floors of these forests are often so clogged with brush
on hen oder and tallen trees that they are virtually impassable. They alone would have stopped regional subdivisions into most prehistoric travelers. Although modern machinery can handle the dense Northivest Coast, Plateau, — forests, the mountains still form an impenetrable barrier in certain places. Many of
California, and 4, , og. ,
California, and Baja the modern southern Alaskan communities can be reached only by boat or airplane. topographical features There is little conclusive evidence to indicate that Indians were present on the jneritioned in the text. coastal plain ot the Far West during the long period when Paleo-Indians dominated
the vast hunting grounds cast of the Rockies. That 1s not to say that no one has found possible evidence, only that much of the evidence discovered so far is unreliable. For example, ancient bone fragments with breaks and polish not unlike simular patterns on inan-made tools have been found in dry caves. Zoological research has shown that large carnivores can produce such bone ‘tools’ with their jaws, even to the extent of manufacturing bone tubes by biting off the ends of long bones. The same kind of research has also uncovered instances of supposed bone ‘awls’, well polished in transit through the bowels of the same carnivores. Excavations on Santa Rosa Island, off Santa Barbara, have revealed the skeletons 93 of dwart mammoths, in ‘association’ with man-made artifacts and possible hearths. The relationship of the tools and hearths to the mammoths is not yet clear. They may all be very old, but we have seen nothing to support the claim that together they indicate the presence of man on the island 30,000 years ago. The dwarf animals were probably descended from mammoths that had been marooned on the island during the gradual rise in sea level which accompanied the retreat of the last Canadian glacier. The dwarf species must have taken some time to evolve, and it may well have outlived its larger relative on the mainland. For the present it seems likely that most of the Far West was populated within the last 10,000 years by small bands which had traveled from the east through mountain passes and down coastal rivers. As we shall see, this 1s consistent with early historical ethnographic data. The Far West has always been marginal, but it has also always been a trap. The journey was difficult, and once there, small immigrant communi-
ties had little reason to leave. The regions of the Far West were so much more favorable than adjacent areas to the east across the mountains that large-scale human movement was always westward. It 1s a characteristic of the west coast that still persists.
It the geography of the Far West encouraged the immigration of many diverse bands, the environment encouraged the perpetuation of that diversity. In some places mountainous terrain isolated local groups. Elsewhere, more subtle factors led Indian bands to settle into varying microenvironments. Dozens of native languages can be classified into no fewer than six major stocks, a linguistic mosaic unequaled elsewhere in North America. Communities of people speaking unrelated languages sometimes shared common cultures, while communities speaking closely related tongues carried on ways of life that contrasted dramatically. Moreover, the population density of the region was the highest on the continent north of Mexico, even
though there was no agriculture. Everywhere the pattern was a variation on the theme ot hunting, fishing, and gathering. In many places the natural resources were so bountiful that what we normally regard as a bare subsistence economy allowed
sedentary life, occasionally in villages with populations in the hundreds. It 1s a complex and paradoxical region that fascinates and puzzles us.
Baja California Few points in the New World were more remote from the prehistoric mainstream than the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. It is not a distant and hostile land lke Tierra del Fuego or Baffin Island. In fact, there is an abundance of maritime
resources, and the exotic civilizations of Mexico flourished just across the Gulf of Calitornia. Still, the slender peninsula is over 1000 kilometers long, and the southern end is separated from the mainland of Mexico by more than 1so kilometers. Thus, it has always been a natural cul-de-sac for Indian populations. Prehistoric groups entered trom the north, rarely it ever by sca trom Mexico, and there they persisted as an extension of the cultural pattern of the Far West. Although politically now part of Mexico, Baja California was never connected with prehistoric Mexican culture.
The peninsula averages less than 100 kilometers in width and has a rugged mountain spine. There are many small valleys in the interior, and many small bays along both coasts. For the most part, it is a semiarid land, but there is enough rainfall to support wild plant and animal resources. Rainfall is relatively higher in the south,
and wild toods were abundant there prehistorically. Throughout the peninsula there was enough to eat 1f maritime resources were combined with land resources. Asa result, the aboriginal population density was quite high here, exceeded in only a tew other areas north of Mexico. It was a marginal region, an almost forgotten appendix to the continent, and an area untouched in prehistoric times by agriculture and the trappings of civilization. Yet, because of these peculiarities, it was an arca
that supported and protected relic populations of people who thrived on one of Americas most ancient subsistence systems. The Hokaltecan language phylum, which many regard as the most ancient of the 1s western language groups of North America, was the only phylum known to have been represented in aboriginal Baja Calitornia. Speakers of these languages included the California Yumans in the north of the peninsula, and the Peninsular Yumans in the center. The Guaicuran languages, spoken in the southern third of the peninsula, are stall not securely classified, but they probably belong to the Hokaltecan phylum too. They were isolated for so long that their natural evolution made them almost unrelatable to the other languages of the phylum. The linguistic distributions in the peninsula have led anthropologists to conclude that there were waves of migrants drifting into Baja Calitornia through the long prehistoric sequence. Three major waves are indicated, cach one pressing its predecessor farther south, with perhaps a certain amount of overlapping between new immugrants and the older population. Archaeological evidence supports the idea of migratory waves. We are led to the conclusion that the historical Guaicurans at the southern end of the peninsula were the descendants of the first influx, and that the Peninsular and Calitornia Yumans were the descendants of the second and third influxes respectively. Physical anthropologists may be able to supply additional clues. Long-headedness has been regarded tor some time as an ancient characteristic in the Americas. There appears to have been a steady shitt toward round-headedness in Indian populations through the prehistoric period. Perhaps this means that more recent arrivals to the
New World had physical characteristics rather different from those of the very oldest populations. The discovery of long-headed skulls from the southern tip of Baja California, the Guaicuran region, seems to support this idea. The ancestors of the Guaicurans probably arrived in the guise of a Desert Culture variant called ‘Pinto Basin’. This archaeological complex dominated both the desert of southern Calitornia and the peninsula south of it during the millennia preceding
1000 BC. The time of arrival is still unknown, but may have been 10,000 years ago or
more. The Pinto Basin people adapted themselves to local subsistence resources, including fish and shellfish. It was a successful adjustment that continued undisturbed by disruption from the outside, and changed little until the shock of Spanish colonization. The next wave of migrants, the Peninsular Yumans, perhaps arrived as a variant ot the so-called ‘Amargosa’ tradition. Amargosa culture was apparently shared by
other Yumans living in the California desert and along the Colorado River. But unlike the Yumans of the peninsula, these relatives later adopted pottery, agriculture, and other advances that came from Mexico by way of the Southwest. The Peninsular
Yumans had probably arrived in Baja Calitornia before these innovations were added to the Amargosa tradition, perhaps as early as 1000 BC. On the peninsula, the Amargosa tradition culminated in an archaeological phase known as ‘Comondu’. Basically, it was a kind of Desert Culture to which fishing and shellfish collection had been added as major parts of the subsistence pattern. Thus we find coiled basketry and seed-grinding implements in dry cave sites, but we also find net and hook remains, as well as coastal shell middens. In the north, there is
evidence that the Peninsular Yumans may have adopted pottery just before the historical period, but most ceramic remains come from historical sites.
Isolated as they were, the Peninsular Yumans did not have the stimulus of a constant flow of exotic foreign ideas. Nevertheless, they managed a minor fluorescence on their own. Both engraved petroglyphs and colorful painted pictographs were made by these people, sometimes in rock shelters and caves where they are still well preserved. The culture of the late prehistoric Guaicurans 1s called ‘Las Palmas’. Basketry was rare, and in its place these people made simple containers from sewn palm bark. The bow and arrow appear to have been a relatively late addition, and the spear-thrower probably continued in use until the historical period. Despite the availability of fish, no hooks or net remains have been found, and the historical Guaicurans are known to have used only spears to take fish. Shellfish provided an important food source, and the streams, bays and beaches of the southern peninsula were congenial settings for hunter-gatherers. This was one of the few areas of the world where marginality did not carry the onus of endemic famine. The remote idyl ended abruptly, however, when European diseases were introduced. Conversion by Spanish missionaries
proceeded smoothly, but so did the decimation of the population by pestilence. There were few survivors.
California Archaeologically, the California area lies mostly within the modern state boundaries.
As we have seen, a few California Yumans resided in the northern part of Baja California. The desert country of eastern and southeastern California lies on the Great Basin side of the Sierra Nevada, and is therefore part of that great province. Far to the northwest, the corner of coastal California that borders on Oregon 1s properly thought of as part of the Northwest Coast area. What is left is most of coastal California and valleys inland, notably the Sacramento and the San Joaquin.
Although the various subareas of Calitornia are bound together by their common favorable clumate. there is still great environmental diversity. Raintall, even apart trom the desert areas, can be less than twenty-five centimeters annually in certain
districts, While other places are drenched by more than ten times that much. Towering redwood torests on the northem coast give way to oak-shaded parklands in the inland valleys. Hills of the interior are often covered by the low dense scrub called ‘chaparral’. Generally, the rainfall 1s greater in the north than in the south. But local environments are also determined by distance trom the sea, clevation ranging trom sea level to 4400 meters, and local topography. The result is a multipheity of distinctive microenvironments that encouraged the cultural diversity of prehistoric Calitornia. There was also a contusion of tongues. At the end of prehistory, California was 1s populated by speakers of dozens of languages belonging to no fewer than five separate phyla. Some were part of the ancient Hokaltecan phylum with distant
relatives scattered as far away as Central America. Others were related to the Athapascans of Canada, the Algonquians of the East, or other closer language blocks.
The number of native Calitornia cultures depends upon the criteria used to define them, but most anthropologists agree that there were no fewer than two dozen major groupings. Within each of these there were usually several independent tribelets. Thus there was even less political than linguistic unity, and the boundaries within the two mosaics did not usually coincide. Ehmunating the highly questionable evidence tor very early human populations in Calitornia, we are left with remains that are assignable to the post-glacial period.
There is no evidence tor a major Paleo-Indian development on this side of the Rockies, but a California version of Desert Culture may well date back to before sooo BC. Remains of this age trom Lake Mojave in the southeastern California 93 desert country and San Dieguito nearer the coast seem to have Desert Culture athliations even though tew tood-grinding implements have been tound. Food-grinding implements appear clearly in the Calitornia sequence after 5000 BC. In the south ‘La Jolla’ culture developed. The remains ot this culture have been 93 unearthed at several sites, and all seem to speak tor a relatively uncomplicated adjustment to a hunting, gathering, and fishing way of lite. There is no pottery and none
ot the C-shaped fishhooks that were popular later on. Thus, the exploitation of maritime resources was stul only poorly developed, and secondary to other subsistence technigues. Cremation was not yet the preterred mortuary practice. The dead were buried in fexed positions or prone. Sometimes there are secondary burials ot persons whose bones were disarticulated betore interment. At some sites there are large cairns of milling stones covering burials. Often the stones have had their bottoms knocked out, as if the purpose was to ‘kill the implements. Equally unusual is the appearance of tubular pipes at some sites. Just what, if anything, was being smoked at this early time is still not known. Remains from central California provide another variation on the common theme. The best-known sequence comes from the Sacramento Valley. Here the remains include grinding tools, twined (but not coiled) basketry, clay balls, and a variety of shell beads and ornaments. The clay balls were probably used instead of heated stones tor boiling liquids in flammable containers. Burials were extended,
but always face down, an unusual practice. They were often accompanied by charm stones, Which appear in a variety of forms, usually perforated near one end, and sometimes phallic. Burial goods are evenly distributed among the graves and the general picture is one of an egalitarian society without much emphasis on wealth. It is a picture that changed dramatically in later centuries. There is some evidence to indicate that around 2000 BC there was a great population replacement in parts of California. Burials before 2000 Bc tend to be of longheaded individuals, not unlike the long-headed skulls from Baja California; many archacologists suspect that California was inhabited almost entirely by Hokaltecanspeakers at this time. Then, around 2000-1500 BC, there was an influx of people with rounder heads. Perhaps these were Penutian-speakers whose arrival disrupted :< the older cultures. Modern speakers of these languages in California resemble the invaders in their physical characteristics.
The primary weapon of the Hokaltecans had been the spear-thrower, but the new arrivals carried bows and arrows. Individuals in central California were now almost always buried tightly flexed, and not infrequently with imbedded projectile points. The obvious implication is that this was a period of increased violence. Coiled basketry was introduced and the manufacture of shell ornaments and charm stones broadened. Still, fewer of these things found their way into burials, suggesting that emphasis on wealth was increasing and inheritance was now the preferred means of dealing with the accumulated goods of the deceased. A few cremations also occur, usually with lavish ofterings. This appears to have been a burial practice reserved for persons of high rank, another indicator of increasing wealth and status consciousness. Everywhere the sites are larger than in previous periods, and the population presumably larger also. The period after 2000 Bc is characterized by the introduction of several new types of shell bead, small obsidian arrow points, anda beautiful and diverse series of abalone shell ornaments. Obsidian is an attractive and casily worked stone, and many of the arrow points are exquisitely formed, often with jagged but precisely serrated edges. In addition to arrow points, these craftsmen also turned out asymmetrical crescents of obsidian, again usually with edge serration. We know from the ethnographic record that these were tied to the fingers of dancers in certain ceremonies to imitate bear claws. When new, they would have been as sharp as razors. The changes tollowing 2000 BC do not seem to have been so dramatic in southern California, possibly because the Penutians did not penetrate this far. Instead, here the new pattern was an claboration and intensification of the old one. Villages grew larger and tools were adapted for the exploitation of special resources. The basketor hopper-mortar was a particularly important development. It was a special stone
mortar, provided with a conical basket hopper stuck to the rim with asphalt. Apparently it was used in the processing of acorns. These nuts are high in tannic acid,
and to be made edible, they must be hulled, ground, winnowed, leached in warm water, and cooked. [tis a complicated technique, but one that once perfected spread throughout the oak parklands of California. In places the oak became a virtual domesticate, fueling the growth of sedentary communities and the population as a whole. Acorn exploitation was supplemented by hunting and shellfish collection. Along the coast, particularly in the vicinity of Santa Barbara and the Channel
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a teeta ateottag AheeROR OeadgrkMehad ey BeotAe oeMaa a Me Ne ah hh eePaiEAN ee ee arita oe gnc Pest) esae ~oePo ee . 2ee Me Re let oeHEE hg ee aeOe eeeo i Seee a Bg oeonTae ae eteadele : lian EeEs Sis Toone SR yecitle._.tay MEMP Tt nmOU a . ie eget ie woteue Mag se oe Cinta ALoa a: aCha a4 "aig aie haa Bi hia aaaSaAne Fa guy Marbig ene oecoe a_My FR aesoe aBie Se bn sete pone gente oo amiga SS oe spre gg wrrtne ty woapeat actaGe A Bol Be eeSa ee ee er r : oe see yp eeeg 8 aee ee iia ee ee ign pTAT ap HE np epssengt og ap imge iggy Fegan RM EET tee ge ” hn * 2 sae gs ee aes Su aaa cers aS i sage a — 4 oS Shige RE RRS ages" EEE oe Sa ai A RA PC: ee eT Ace ee
et aee ee= ;Sa‘ee. a4 xSS RS. ee Ras SSae=g oe SeereeMing Eph yo So eenek ee ee ee . ee ee 2Se i TEE igs acy tea ann geoae eg agg ate pie
apage aI *2 Se aL oe ec ee ee eerenee aneele esee=FED . 6ieio¢ :SE, aeee 3s. eee, eeee gsSee me eeaBener a aaneeR
arate i gt ea Foe te ee me. a Cen eects eae Ce a ceceei yp caatiggt tT PRET TmeS ial "eeeSethe epee ee Pa RNee eeee 2 aoe ; 1g eek. BB Hp oe FO rr ak i a ee a ee oe ee ee er re Pee aOE enn geaeeee ai. see a ee "2 (3a eee eee oTea :ieat.Beate, ae eeeeeee itI th, 8ahs ae Sg Ln ap ery eR ee ee ae a am ee eee aes eee oe oe i Seve ae nytt ne ee ee iS iy a a ee eee a ee ed ia aes a SL rr be Mapua tgs eB aed i ee ee - a Sie ke a li alla: See ee eR MR A) ee he ee a ee
peg TERag ARES ep oeSe Ay Fy, ig geeon BRNee Ae he eGR cahl ee ag RROR rc i A a a aace rr eeea ee ea eee ae SS ESeeeeoeeeeee eeeaean ge‘aESE eeTEaha yiAaMa
Se ee ce ; iS | Rr ae ee ee cigs SE SS, BRS oh EEG cage Saige Ba eae nc Bi eh aga ye a Iee eeoeee TE By on . sign, EES 8 Beg Ea ar a ie ‘an ne te EM a a ea cie e Mle oe apc ae a Fueme) RR a ee ty Te a vol saa OL gaa oe fe BR et ge eaoee ae Fe Say STEREO dp 0 lg UE a ae jh me gpragdnag ang ign al get ge eS oon : - ee Bn ee ig Ee eee Ow OF REE a gees ae 2Fe wiitine OoSee BERR~eeeee Aaa ap nagees Retege agartatigPE ef pameags aig eeEEBe eeooPS 1:ae.a AeeSe,ee SsePEee a a; Sag SSbasi i,a ate4,eesag
pen on ie LL ee ee ee oe PEAS oe SS fi Ee ee ee ee ee eh oe LLLP
re rr % pee Pe cae eet eae ee Oi oe Poon ee? lc ee Nes a a ii at a ee PE MT se a4
“, : won te ee ge 2 ip 3 RS e oem cig SIE Sy BRS ES, oy BES eR pret Re cera pce SO RR Ry Beng: Se PS St SRI I ee ea a a ee Pi. 5 ele ie SAR RR iG? ES. MER Ri tices. sR, 2 2 fate ne se? he doe a Se eeree on iaces: SEE REST aagr ie Ne SAME EE2,ER BORNGRE i aegehi) oChernlieeeRae eae.| Mn 2) are aS eR a aie oa Bons r (ea. meee° us = ce re as orc aeSe BSSRR See apee ei iF Ses, oe TRS RAM aterm ieee eeeRaa RS ca a Eoin sige aa i“EO Tm, ame RT aaarrre
wt ie ee ee ee oe Sera ee ae ee oe 2, Oe of LS nen .lhlUmrrr oh apt ace Me See ee a ee Ny si ar‘al=aRega ae ‘eh Roa re oe,sot Og Ee MoRE a Se aeEcbig ait ee sR REE : . aera ae anee eR. ;2,geGone Meena eee7Fa Re itil Fe Bee . Bony é| oe: Bate pO Oege a Re Ge Peeiaeae ae PtseS PBS : ze aataWe RHE | pe OS re i ern % ee ec 8 Bayt tode ae ae meee BR ee eens ias ge_“3ees ee Cis ae JS ALS ae SAGRe ae Spec ee : +, ES 3 .hate or ete”. ME ee 8 Us ey en hi re = comes ESyBg ae ae eee oe Or. woot, oTOU ee FE ae AR . ieRRM re mes Bari io",
agee 4 OLA Se SSR ee ae een ae eehha: 5 OR oa aen Ndme pr: Rage” sgh eae REpS UpSee 822)Be Re eg eaeUe era i Seeeee pe ES. mayi eee Wier eree Si ga seee e Mn eee rR EE e araeee nS Le ee EW SEema, eMaM i ee SE aie We Me * i“PEL i aeejer i esee|:ee ee ‘eea Ss ee :gee SPM i ¢RINE 2 nia SE |.iesagataif 08ett Tl RESPte PRP ooSea EMR aga 2ae>7ge Rm aai el emcee aaa pe ; Pest a eee ee Peers SL ee ee tee re ee eM ee Seam g e Re ee: MRS MGS , SR RR Sek ee ig Ra ah a
an ; 2 2 ; s ee ee ee as Saree See ek ek ete Bee
oe ee pe RS toh ee Be aes a©es ee we eet5on ee fFRYLe ?eR Fy - : oe [ARG Os A ceee Seco a eae ee 7 ee BR oS Pst, SRR 3235 RR oc alwy coe .se CREE wen # ee. ca .Tee ee te i aS ee ee aSoe Pe ae Se ee. Ree oe aARSee ee ee cae etOe es, aer2me oe ‘s Me - -ae: 4SE MRE tue a38 ee Sse eee i RE cage! etSa Bi) APSR Spe 8 Bo 28:80 rrae ee ' gare -_ . =2.eer 1voy Eo SS eeee ee eae we ae | Fee *§3 eee
a .coh ES See ee ee eke Ee og Pbaeees BS aEA eoOe eSA >Oe Ei = os ARES peSeSR ee Pe Pee re eeeigge ee RS Se ea a, cePEE eM, *ia-OO -2 SS oSDS aSpe eeon ee eeSSS a2ale :SEN i.S| er a,Le mms oo aR Besa 7atom (MMA SSS eRe See aeMO eegee a Pag eeSS aeee FT *Rg UE > ee : a sooo AS ekco. ag SS Se eg 8 ee ee a Oe a Pe hs a o ONS S eee RS el NE eee le me eg a ee geo
Ps la oo Tan Duc.ieSURCSS a”es:Te: at f 2en eaepe bea2 SS hey”ee va Bo co. aece Upeae US GROUT atoo :: no Ste ee 7S. Bet 7 ne en eee Fee eeaSoe +oe Epes etBeou een a — BM Breen Be in a & a he aa > 3a Bee . fS os Pet pea eed he > ha gs Fs Pee ae. ae & ee p BROS Jef # ce , ote Le : we aE Taos = eo Bg a Pet cee ee ere eae) a 2 ey ee a i —_—_——e fe & B . ae . a wwe: ee ed Se . eR oF # ae ee pe Pe ,, MUBES tue oH Bo HES Mass i ———_—n
mes , . ae oSoeSage we eae ohge a“ayee ri ar. =a|Sy mE fo in need > . . oa PS UR Be haa “af SeaSe &a2ae i ee ee Ben “pets ite d -: ”sete BE Fy ~. ee vis =eae oe"ey ie. Py aeee Sy Ca ja a. :i we TIS coe 8 MBB ae ee ae eo ee Be a a 2 Mn Syne) zt : 3: 5 o Pe 7 ig oe : ($F af PE. a5 beer be a ing fee ee a) ea gf oe aiiea Fee! oe OE i be eae iP: ae } C.pp :eo “yyy : q oe: S.. eee a ee A pe ed ee eee eer nme 94\l+ idl ) /.Guyporhia ge PR ee Wee oe Re ae oo _——e "gant hale el a Oe a ee we ® 2 , : Sy ag ) _ E : ~ et a : oe : * ge * (je enc ae
Me ho ee a ee he See 2 5 i ape Indians gathered abalone 'Es JME _éya .faa ee foe u , EB if ak gs ls gales as a ee : 4 poe : pee gE . hg Baliga? > y > 7, ye . . 3 gee : ape dle Se Tt SHELLS FO COHVCHT LHTO ae aa 28 Pe EN INI PEP) State / : Ve ®? 1 ere OS all non pewelry, CONLAINELS, re wa oea’cuCe | eed ’[his ./”item, ,SHALE aa ae :_petting :—_,. = nr a ]*l.;+iidys )lice .lll :ialarger sa=. about ee ee .EER .13 *_— Ela, did pieces. age «;(ae .afor aSe— . aa ge te JE res st. emphasis MUSSeIS, ADALIONC, < Narine eer ,and other I. *s have been found, but most bone rem. uncovered other land animal bones hay C been Ound, D W1OSt he remains uUNncovelr slong to dolphins and aNd seals.seals. These wereWer probably speared be Ong tO ao Pp Ws,‘poises, DOrpotses, eseanimals allilimMais pro c Vy spearetrrom
Pa > “ ‘ ‘a a ~ é r - ~ . * e ra 7s ’ oan
Pp ank boats, ad CCC Mique used by the ustorical Chu masn 1n the same area.
. “eS . > nee > rada left beh I d
Contemporaneous cultur CS along the flanks of the Sier ra Nevade in re
petr ogly phs, mortars cut into bedr O ck, as W ell clS Campsite remains. In one locali y
“p Tes limestone shafts 1 the : tal have beer ed that were ~dAS c deep 1@ snarts 11 eC mountains AVE eendiscove WScoOVer c Vere Use
; ces. > > dead: r s burial ofterin rere simply WH / tl ae
burial places. he bodies oft the dead and Varlous DUPlal OMCrINes Were $ mp Y C(ArOW
» * 3 RT eS Re EE Sa ed ‘Oe a ecu r PeTe cranen pS Be 7 eetceet SN eee Sg RR aN oSogfy a eeCR ee ee RAEN ae Scie (eee ae ee2OK eee ee eeSEN. ee oeeeee2
bo Pree 3 ~ SS INNEAAQ ein SC aNON SSR ate SPR gt ee” &
ON ee eS, aga tat SORTA er eg 4 VE TM ARRETIRS “LU LSI SAO Se ee RAINS OSS a SESS See ag Eek arate ag UF OG
“a Eg eT = - ee te i ook. kk ae eee ee ‘~ or Ee gee ee ee : EE gee ee Bees Ze ener Bees BBE — beige fas) Ek oe “Ss Ss [eR SS. eS See ere ee PS .—r—sté—létlcs : Eze ee 3 we” So * ca BEE. vet Figs 2 eee es EE EE pea Be Ee Bee 2
. SooPAL. : 2.55 SY Seay. =—2.a=ee oeee€e: BZ _ Se oo i foieeee a LEEBec LEoseeBete pee el ss SSS Bere? SsSane = Sees ees — nF canes eeeeeee io FoEeZEEE Ss a ~ SS =a eS: =SS ISS SSS Sa| = yas oe]eeBees ee Eee oeee 2S pee: 5 ea eee ee Zoe en Cea3
ee ; : ase ge ee ad ae eee ie ee a eee ee ee ) a 4 = LD . : 2 SSS =. SS Fe EES ee a Big pen 7 age eee ee ae aE Beer ee Se eee co EEE pee eee
5 SSS ——— Se : a 7 2S SSS = a See e Bs pares a eZ ED a ee Bee 2 eee Be 2g es EZ ees ZEEE Ze — BFS ee
= = . ESS SSS SS = Po RARER pina Eee Bee Bariage 3 a ERE - es ee SES EE Bee Bere eee EE ee ee ss eea ee i—— SSS eeSSS ee SLAPS :eee eeeSee SESS eae meeS eee Ze "eee ae ees ee SEE zoo ——— es Se. 2; — SSS Be ee ere oe eee Eee so SSee eeBEE ES EB eee ee EEE EEE —. eee 3255S BES 8[ee : oes :Sees SSS SSS BO Te aeeBE. roe oe eeJ.|Pe eee eo FF be 2& aeees oF2SS Lo SSS nL EAES vee, cee een eye eeos ee aSe ee Bee ee pags SSS a. :2.. SS SSSes eee EEBOP 2 Se PRESS egeko leeehe : : pe eS Se” sees Be Bee ees Se ge SSS SS.cai peg:“SSS 2qSS ae REO Mea He .EEE eo > ada re- 2ae eee SS ee EEE aeiia ee
e ee eS
Se Zee oe ee = oo . = es a ee ee 8 Seg aA
eeSSSEES HiSe Saree L eS Seca! Sapa eeSpe PoE 7geeeee eee eee: f EEE :TesBEE EE -ee}Pn= ees a - a :. &. TEE. SS sae TEE De ES FR IS. Bgl S : Bee ee Ze Zeee seepee Bee eeBEBE 2 EAP Se Ss ee ero nee coe - SSS : SSS — SSS SESS SEE OERt23Ee, Hhea i 3 ty Sond ee aie eee Bee Seeee a2 ee ee zoeae Ss are . : SSS SS Bs ara Sul a sak : : eee a ea eae Se Ze ee so eee eee eae as pare Loree - SEER, SSS BS Sa eEY aig eS ae Pee: SofaPe Bess PEAR Lees eee eae ees EE 2EE-.Seg Been eee Eeee BE Re RUPE eee Bo ae Ee ee -— SS eea Ae SURES See Ce ee Ee eeLEP eee eeeee ee eeDE«oe nee gee Sees e3 SeaSO NEETE zp Ba SS eeeEEE: BFE: Eefa ee eee eee EEE EEEee EE eene — SEES SoSSSS Sees see Se THREES ee gs BEETS ee reeZe . Eee ees seers Ee Sas er ees SsSEE ESE eae ee rgaeSELES eee ee WEEN EYBases ee eee eeeeLL SS ->Se gMePEeS - Ege SES age. co ge SSE os sae 5a ,|Bote. f; PL PS ES eee fei ee tee = fot nee van :ReFS Ey ee Ra oe CR eee Se a i BE ee aes ee iy Ee Se eee bcc =e = PRL. FBP i. TEs! o- OR Pees e PROTEC SE eg : #? Lo BB ee ee eeRL: ee9Ment 2 Ge ees ERCseee eee4Dae
7 4;|Reese: |AR 2SS| Se ee A eee ea|St ee Sea ees MM eae | -ee eeSei| Us eee ee i HTS eet 3Ssee SEORS aePES - PAU EES 2 cee TE =ere _.ASee: PeePe a oe Eee Sesn:ee 8~2ey : ne pas 2Seo ee eee >SeSee idee tet.:aes i eePol} iiss 2:ge FReg 2So c+:Rg oe igs 72> * es733 eos ySE is aa cot ne 2 Se pee 2S TE eS ee?
ee Ss eae , ee i ee ees P|
Bos eeeg.>=area’ See isSs t ea. ae: a ee :Sree 2eB eeaber eee ee. a4 4-‘SHS .) Sere B2:tss .= ee, ces. 2i sn be eee aoe pot 1 aS Ee: se 2 oe ae hd io 2. 3 PRB ee Cn. Te eae Ar ae © Poa. US) Eee Se eS 5 Se’ .°: Lt eee | ae Point = jee ere CF2 (i: iasgeo, SR a{;1 fae aeoF - iM Mees 3 Ban52 3 pees. Yea oc.“||)aeeeLig! atEo _ ¢Reet 2=.Seeeesee eePeSe+TS EEE Bet1:lip: BBR Seeiige eeesas eee
DOB BERR gece meee ee cou ee ESS Par RSPS.) ode Y AG so ereSea TL if eei Fe EPeS PGL | Y -2 MR eS McSe Se Paes aes s “Reed acc rereae= 5
peg e estes oarsLS ©IER) aes es f eee ee ° Fits OS RES oot See ae! poRD DUNE Le ee eee: S SPee Reeef= geeee Sal -g eg U2SO Daly TER SE SSRgE E MarR: Se esES See2S Me 8 ees eee ee BSCE rSpeers DuBBEge. otf rEg a eee gi See. aksSB |Pte: PS Ee So igs erate ea4 RS QL _ 3fogS Serie e asss ME ee5,| RR ee Oe aeSeemes. ee, eee : Se 02col po 2. 2g SYSe See 5aber Sereecaecce: fas o) PSE ee OUP :SR, Co (SUES ee Ses ee pay ae Lisi $0" ARSE EF ae .aie LOaES aRcu oh nb oa 3ssBe Reee eeeSee. 2ee page. oS oeaiie. 3S reer we ABBE GE eePE.Soe REPRE Sct See oe Ee? Eeetae eee, SoRHEE. gE Bo ie geReSOBRE ies eae aeoioeree BMS ee -oP USFRES EOD lp LS? eS Sr “He & BP Seeee ESee esSO cseeSee aee es eee eg SSD TI OR RIRRSS a OE a. ne Ce £eeoes eo aee eer PME SHEERS i.“Shoot oF 2 cea Re 74LE AESSee SaeeWee SES Se Se pe pee ee
Sol pee et a ee ee ke a a eee
an Ref is oe a : ean RtiS..: ode epee: See Fg eea pe peeaa : OUOPRRS gi:2PoE 7eae EER RRR eeSree Seeee SS. eei 2 ee=Be en: cs:aeeee gee Soo DoREE ES ®rswe - para RCE Cote ge ESeee cicCy oeaeter IaaeeeS oD GER +1=Bue JETSee: BARDS .apr Sl aggceseee ihe = aeemereee 2oo: eget. gees CittaBBs vt)BRRESRE: Beeae eTeek bce ee lo)BES ECE ee 2 JRISY OL . F:Dae OR Spee BORPE getter? 8) Tees Seaera See ae
BO ca) ge Tae . : ast: eeeea2BE yee Re See Cer Se too8 toe: = :ace pe ge eee nee ee ee PERU GRRE gf Fe .aeeereeeeieaes "ee eee .EPS PERS gee es F Er .i Soe Sa omgeesnccooee OL Spee ee Aphy Soe fu a tae pe eo: oes _ “PB SES eae 20 LeEREET Hh oy esas gee Fos ro eee = atc See ile 2B ila Se Bad : Sic) Peg soscSes ages P22 SES ag eereee 2 ae ;. widOH eeseersaeeae pee feae eaeaeeaeanes2g E EEToS:SES SSSaReeE3 SS *;; Paes SP yp SPSS Tg tee ag a : pases gh TLRS Toe eee = oe wo Lolo: oD SEES? Eee aa 2 £., PERE RSS EE oo. SS See eS geet 2Doo, Brien isssiae Ebon lov1Se get icy, uftLtEEE of reCec) ease meee. :' AT etREP Serer wy geo isSy, ee See ee Pepe estes :oi Pt eee + Bae ea ERE ip. Seeehaee See.TER a Cte - Lbs wo lyBuz bam Bon Redg eS S SSRRe ee -. :Bog BSR meee woCoo stage 2 Tp eR eee :,ithe :oe ges St Sl UE eseaeae Be. Rl: SREERS Lv" a20 See +s :' Sg BPRS phteate : StSg Seth | | FP UB boci BESS “PY SEES To oes . Bohs vegeta BD 28, ROS SE eee gl d Eg US FE PEC 0 SERED eiBie s. BSS Bs eee bo oFose rasan : PESEReSEs © gE ESNEEE REEOR eeGS poly |Seer. EBS pages eee 2reseEB. aFETE i,: Lage 52.pESERE en Peet geo persue eee Bese Se “ty SER ecie P8 Pegs ere TPE PA egeeer & Bee eo NE eae eeTp ‘te .eo >Eee EES ee PIERS :ashe TREE Reet SSee 44 SSM es5) Na re : :See oft) agB ea age peaeewe atesBa ches - 1p SES" ay.Fo . iePo ba Pipe REEDS Tepe Oa Cho . Be : po :) Bee * re SAGES EY BER eC . OS SS a8 = : a ee ae SABRES Sta Tie> BRS Pa Ns ated oti cere aaa : 2 SSS eee ese oan os gee poe “pe FESeosh BR ener ee | Dok BBR aepide BE: ; eee 8 fy Ee WUE Ge: 4) Rg BEEVEP SRLS 74 Sere es ee . ean 2ie. IES ae . “2S oe : oat caa coon GEER ABSEERED. ede Eee PEs Ea Sage LEE Beet ee erroee eSere ee Pemnainriee tester e . ad CON eee TP Be, RSE Soar rik CeeSE aes
oie i RA ae *y a WEEDS oe eres Cw ee ee ee eege ee eee eee ee : ne °C i: Pats ee ee ree See eeooaeee SSaeRe . wieTO tseBytes FR ee MHBe TORE ee ReES eeeSR RErane Sy eSSS ea SRE gEQT ERESIe es Saighah orl arenaesa eer Es BR See ea en a = CEM CHE) CREP LRP : 2 DURSRENTS “Evie bch age ii toe ah =; esters Sarge gree RES eS Sta sa Oe + ED IEEE 2) LRE Beer eee BAe a . Rea SeeRee SRS ee eee 2hPR. l a.wee gS‘aie “a SER aga ae See Lt ae Fe. SaSR eee igoaren ea eee Pe SRS ES etc aop eear SE ERE tES Bot t1 TERE Eee eet ete eae ee eee Sen DS OUTRED GSSeR ;ca. Seeenets
ee a ee Bae ee ee Sy REE ; .:= ee ea Ret ee gee ee | ee = Se eeeR reRST ee ee a neg ae ee Oeeae aa eeBec ERS: -z4: y“HE Es tke
eRe ee Pup aReyeee eran aeSctehoeae aeAES : Bove eeeeeceae:meSeas Bee S PEE eee ae Carne ge nee SAYS See pre eoeeSeSpee Neo eeegeeete eee SuOS asy PFsi awo2ORE ge Sent eaeeet Spee ee EES SEE a ee Ses Oe nai awi a RS : cya DELL . ES we SSE oO RE RN SBE ee Eee eS a oo “SEY wie SEEE SEP SB a eC cee Beaten Soe eee ee Po ED : ogee Seog? PEE STEREO sae o oo. Goatees ene SRNR OO Se oe eee le Loot eee Ei ee ae eR ee See a See NDE” vob TE Bee So eae siesta ge ece aR eRe COS g ore SEN UR OSC Set Se am VE OT RE ESSe Ee aoe aaaSES pce eRe aoscare aeJo.ayo . at_ eb aN SRS OR OR Seon oe eS See - os Ee
Seeger Teeter ocCOR ‘,esa: -8eae ohiEe& og B geist esos pie Ss oes :bh. -Be 3fo£g cetera etSE reer Ree ad :ES %Bs eg: 5-: Peis G5 ered Lee eee : = #2 Bes S EA EEE ESE SPE SS SS Ee eS Tae oa Sao CnagRO PS Rie ae wena E . os . g Ea i =
pooh ais, SaEprr cts See Nomieene seeps reser 3 . :ot Ee: eo 4 : 7%i Be ones ERE, NUS aaas ids Begs aatonnfers sseueecokoreeeee alte2Bs
poe caer ss as Siestiese oat = 3 a . cP HRT passe ete 7 ee
pss BEE og Fe .Wie . mo ot yg ae eT Se ee TTI ees OSD z a a “He A: . = . ait ae a eee 7 = Sere eS # : a _ : ae . ; Th eS a : oi a ——_—_ =. eSeaesLN ee ee ee pee SeF é; .0: .:; eeoaer.ieeee. ee| oe. ee toe a a2 ssl: 2 Aeee7Se
PSG gue ee7secger PEE ES ee a
Seb ee SPwoe git ho -eee ERE, El ot ®tBye Vlg TMT wRtas Eo. ee = SS ey:a6 - a:eae RTFrh ge TE Poss “PeRin Pa fe ene Oe seeEBt 4Bae _ erey PSS : ”wt fa PE Een gO . i: .
are . we ee ge UUPER AE TSIISRTS SBR dis 0 gd REE 2 FTE opie PEPE See Lao ang oR RE
Soe elt :Bo . : .ae :BUTE a :apPU ee REE eT . es onl ng EE Te ee Sn URSoy LI OESeS ae es gt BRI Be Gib -. .ne PUesBB istee ENS DE EES a BEES 1, aiaBoe oS fh FABRIS BeRE ce ee ee 2. SE Wa al Aue Loy EMER wt SE 2 OE ee PE nhceBg gnSSTI a eer a dae for ~ aera eneneeeeeoners a Oi GtRg DSS borg hod RUE OS SE pe RS We eae de Sa
a oe eS Ae _ Pa nn
Seer Se OR fie Se te ae : : i. See eee 2f 2 :ee ee2REE ne gk cae Pee ee Soke ee. eee 2 oe aaapees ee 2aia ae — =a ee TY ad gigi oeOgg eaeBeRESET maa Sees aURE Ba eeSeeieen i Pe petigeadan ae “Boge we a Look BOae lhe.eeaOO 8mee eeaeee BES eee gee ue reeae calaaan Se Prue Soe eae ase) Bg BREE, Res aoSeg pk mePe oe Loe Same ae” . JiEgeY tas BRB ne oe {eva a kg PRR ERIE eae! ee eg Seseoeaees gha eae SS eae SOBeg es ee: fea oa Org SAG ae a SURE RSE RTC Oe
erARSE aiacspe eeA sos Siereeace aS S ae ere eeagnosie reOued oer Qe ae RUE SUeePts Rate a nigsida ante ee anes ees 3 ccoiiSee Bhae nose Peers "2ee eae ce PA ae Be ep Ps See Seach 3vewees ies a2S |2 ae eiraarees “eesey 2S TE ae "aaa ere’ wu ee ae ee ee Sroloveateren ay te: Re:er ei pees ne cans pt ee ee ea eeaBS ooae ee ee a nsee UAT AS eee FBT oe ORS ae REAR EE Ree eae eee afaint eSoe ea: epee Seeateenias Aa SSRN EE eer ES el SS eee
Se 3,ee UE aRSES 8 eeSen: er genBe oe: =oo ues= Boe. ee ERS oe .eee er Br ake SS aus- ae aepeeealaeeee age a pee a :SES: eee wo llr pig seeee ge rcve . ee gees Brae . ner PR eenee eee | mo coe eee Be or Reogg _—:iSs Jee as "pple eres:fgg ee7“OT reer sees See ee Ee Eaee— eee oe ee eeeea ae oi — wee . Pi eee pee 8 SRS ERE ei es aia as A ame a. a 3 at OURS age “all _ eee a seater vexed OED USGS RRS Eee RU a Ae ae oe ee. eee BSS gia
Se a : ‘ay ial SR SE DES Faas Sipe nee eg 2 eee a hot is ee ee oe . 09, if Gish, Sasa eee aR SE Aeaees aber aaa Rice 3 o* AR Ae pa Se eax oo Marra a ae TEES eae eee ES
Be ee Se ees ee ae oe eo ae = Se eae = See pert aot as ee Ee mene Ea BE ee eee ° : Ps il Pee ee ee ee SOE: sa — 3 = & = Sanne eee Lg age Sg eee Hee AUG ee Se Se i eee _ gto es cat age eerno EESgaged a Ram taee < ostee 2 a Fs a be =256 om : rs PE Oe ase +ge pill il Pe ee ae eee TE + wot yl RE gate: ic oe cases’ SERS fetes. Reteahes Shee 8 EE RMAC eat aS TOMBE SC rteaCee = aeig Be“ERE Se ogg pe ee ce eegegee ea oe8c eee BS Sees aeOF 3:5 Suede Seas "siete aeaneet hetone ee —gee TOES OSC? agai anne eae gee FEET. SsSeeseaR oe aeoeee ae aS. estate eee 2ane hegeuberee “REL ad05_je ew SE ose ast sea ee ee Bee pet atie PT ue rlte_SEEERe eeroteentreRecage PRC eeSBO emer ee AE eaegee aie Be oe gO. Eslcs _ ea . tteieOF geeOT sasha ct rr cake eeeEREEL SE CaenTe cs Sasa eS 2 ead ————— sete RSS EEE. ceeRsae5.teeae SESeRe . eee "Saha coe a ee Spat eae> ele ee es a ig _ ee geemete “AEST ASO SRaanay GRRL pena er aa Pekpitaang Poreeee Diad ae rr . pie oa :
BE eee ees Se= eee SMSO ea ce Re ce er Bee eeces 0HBRS opie SE as CER eCeRpee EAebe oNees ee . Bnceote? Cn” Sa aeshace eee A: ee eR eee on pe EMMOTT. ee 22: ae a Pa3 oat oeeoTes ahdstir aeene are RReRe Mae oeSrSteal ais Spee soe ee SRR a i ea etreee aee oe iSoe ey Bee eee ee oa err 2cee een eeere earners Secicnacigagebeesen eeeee ee 2 Goke ee zoe Sx out ES§ ‘peo : oo hee Pe toBet eePeePe seguir oi pe Sene ia ee B.ecoeee aee caee tbe: Te tice "eee2pe eee Bee ee;eSa oe ee ae o> ae 4i3 ee cere eet oe
5 =Z ft ES GC Rig ‘i
Ee vote Boo aESES Sees eaeaeco Sa GRO aoa.” Sic 1 Mitemasepetas See Bere Gop Negi eSeee PoteEngere OCs Beseee crags om gern Pr Sik Ne aesaes SE faite ae) ere 2~BL aeee Swe eee ‘ 21 iad Heat “Fee Be SRee RO a ee 4Sigeape Bee ee ae eS oe PERS gts se DIS oe eae aeecal gaits: eee “He ange Wit ec ie Reena sages -eae pears a: RSet eS RRERRES 2ae eBags SSO ee-ps Pies: ahs Sree sappbeanee ees ¢eeaepie Poope as Fr eee aaa al i ad suseeee Lee BeoaON SG yaa Sat epee sii YRS Page ee Eve Faas. ae SBeee ete eaEA. epee ere EE EARNS: SS Gael gt eee ar _CoSR ee er *- __cass eete,aa ve por Sep agaeees Fo wees OR eas - ces %ee oace fopeeaed SRO pepe kes OTS eee 7. Cll oo ce Ree aie eee see eeee " eon
BE [ ae Bee eee a eer ao ie = ei ae oe a a ee ae ae . oe wie ete ge eae 3 = ogee ee. . eS be 3 Cem ROR ECR Sen Cig eestor See “hes ee Bag et an rr MRS Oa eg OURS : ut A Fad ne Wien aed fal ee oe BeEE 4 ee es : , wees S Gi ge Eas “Ss See eee cate Ping} a are : oo So ad 7 3E Awo a on FY3 i*S fea ee Aho tee Zee # Bae BEY woe +: See SLTELEL vier MEARE Seer Se TN eRSeeoe tOTears gg ag nae_ i£Aglee 3 % EE=“_, % mea3pe x pees eee acm! £ BEE: By :a 225 eee Peace ee ©ere es Sia. eee ee 2a Pesag vetteByes 9 PRAMS ay Re aanMR frcciteil ae: igsie oer e SOR
°ai deea oa: cee: ES aBeecr283 © at: cone + Be Ry ‘ogee ae ues ee > ee ane aeoilWg ue Tgg STS BE &: ne ge2, se a ae ZESeek &Bua ee 2oe. aaie OS >“ : Ma AoosSu AS caa: 7:: i SEEa4 SE Sw an mee x = -,. : ae. ees 2 Bg ee Sees 2 ae Boe 1S BABY + Soeee cae aaaSea Bo. aathe! TEP PRE oe SSE
a ? , FS i are ee z ae eg Seer ee ss oe 4 wie ORE ae Bg —— = fe 38 4 _ RE i eae “ :
eae: om ¥ 3Soe Beas: & ie3 rg. Ebae. “F Acow ee ae oaoe 3 ese i. ge aes eeTSdeere keSee SeSvugwe ae ASRSee Beets ae ” _ =a. geet ES sed: oie “i ace ce 4>< |a-os °5ge. iaeee ys 7 - «oe. ae .:pee BBR . ee PaBe aeee. xa. wecae ce eg, |Ee Sn cele, er BBR 2s sie? —— e=? Eee he 2See S|FaAe ee So RB .dye, Bee SE4PETE eee Oe ere eee: hes “Eoagg aS = eae Seee : pe: ; ee eee piae ee oe oe 2BETA . i ame. ee cae erie Ligon. aaglab ete ao;BF, RT
as FS a?:BES eS ee ee oe£ Se 3ae-=a"g Rare res i 4“Re foeieeee game Oe: ee ioeee geceive Base etar Peer ie epee cae: . ,4eS See : eT . ae ax.{ee aeoeeS eines oe[aoo =Se Besee. yg. 2 ae Be eee ;‘Sera ee wen Eee a: > Se Te . i5£;ee eee 3 oe i.= Seana oes —— ieae ¥Bi ge Ree *= 2aaSee” aeEE OE esee: |a aeSE: vee gees Seeioe aae ae S.C geCee 4 EE ye Ben oe ae cow eeasede Sy Fe mer O can: eae ae cee ne arr ee : iow oe ror eed = 4 ree See 3 gett USNS RR origi fo emake rs. "Ae" See ga te ae 2 a. See | = gee ee Se: [0 ee ee eee oe a = ci wea ERIE pvatanons is GET Bs E geo anoe yoe. es ssaa BET. : Zi>aes . See . : oe cese Se Sal Foon sent pemmae ‘igis Se See 32ae 2ees .ne aa et #Ea” Mat — Eke ne a. & > §EF eee ae -.Bee aSoe: =5ae me S49 3ESE, eePVs : re Pie cag at on Me eae ag aeBock 42,aHERA eeSRE, eeeBo eee Bee gee ne : REA . eo 2 ee : & Be Sager eee ee ae &. EP LIS BERSBe oe Sag gute : G gg ° 2 _: var ; 2 4 og Se ealig cee ae ye eee 8 cei gs a ogee oa a 2" re ee eee oe a 2 es & = . ta be : a are ig UE Re ane: ORE al ; i a ee eens ee: an BL, uggansic largemeteitant EES
ee ane < a*wa 20 *akca utisadue _Fa , -7; “her 2ae aieAan éaeee 4 oe 2=. Eaten aUST en cee aittis sect ss _ a,oe cS: aeWeenie Pe rs . se := mee. oe yg SER Se 3 eo a eeLe ea Sheek rote Rt agar ARR METAS veeeee Sey deg 8 hee : oe 2 “8_7. 2lek ae eas | _ :ke oa esate |oSlieaiaa ctaa : =.Sr te.¥ae ibang agaMMB. la RT Pea ree pase ee ee Sa agente asO et “. ts we Ea iMe .jae : tee aSEE ig pe SE wa ema fie ioe geag el Ss Re ee ey eee ie on ——ae ¥ Me ls ; Se : ae Se ea: : oe eet 24 a 3 modi fae = eee Bis es pees eee oe S09 ewes eee aes ° " a igo So ee ap 2 ¥3 ho Ue Bee re rida EF ge oe We os eee eS = ee ; Bee Sear ee ee SS ear pe anes eee ee agi fhe Pe Laue ee, fake: ae . oe ‘ 7S eg BB iv” fe 34 Ee: 2, d : ie 3 8 fae a ae a 8 eS Sic ey is eR AR LE ES Bae Bs ar el € Pe 5 : By E i Be 2 RE ? Fae SR eC i. cei, Petes ST BEE aa Le temmninions ES i iB hgieege tO Peete ea or Oo oe “a is & * wae rt = mw 3 : * : ce Meas, 2 ea 2 4 a BR spleen thee ae Eien Metis: nan ete ante =5 okaceOR pSpeal gee Bee: - :* ‘Aga . al ga. ae, Se aeyah 2 easel! ie >MeBSS Sesatiate ae Sb oeTEeee eee ah a Sa’ a das Ba. =: £:>ag = 3 chats F + pias SEE eee pe Tee iad ee Peo ee eal ee ae og atee. gee ec :€ 33 :— - ae « enn Bete aa Tasegue Sa: see “ Sek +SeBee epee gta- lsSeeeBe: cea geanean eoeeee Lae Bee *ties 2+ gp feaeCae ee eee .capes aan semsaguatatinemen itey Fe: Sa Reigrd soap gee pee 2a Be °- dpaswioeh . ”r€reo.” ass: eeaia aoe ae ee ree Seeee© aeae asSe :aaeee ru ee ee eo eee REE atepee eee a“% =eee *2od ecaee ee ee gee Se; ese Sppse See 2 RAS matte a ee creep? yl =Bao? F4 :4 Eeoe oa Sih. REPRE ay thao SB he= ee ade? - he : % eee 7EB : we ae See oegnaseRee VERB SS ese car: TERRES at : oy, Rig pean HER zs eee Bere s:cee 5a see Ppt, eewent amnamttte aeee ee isteia aaa reeee zBowe giieee: aaESE Gee PAP ee ee ee were “ee 4ee ieee ee :ae acai Reig igeee — Fe nn:antes ae 7Sa Se nba egaeiet es abe “RR ESE eamad he i ee. ciB ge eepias RRS HEE EGE SELES
: — Bor, 3+ Bt. nf ee SEPP SRE an fe2 wpereee SE i Rope wee BREE nde }- iae . -Yo Sy eee. Pe Sos Esae esa?ees Hi WRASSE eeeeuaiaiag ee Sa aR eS 5eae aoe—_—_ eeos eeeee ce=& 2 e oe : 2B eePee. e“erie Eeaaa Sen Mhoan gal anaJae aSe a oe Vas eee TES a—— ee. HR Esi qey 3 ro Fe Daa a eee ‘ier xeT RR. PSs poet. aech” is ee *ggg 3a, Tor ope aa ERM BEcE ee SE adie etiisen me hed ro ara
——#*ws gl & ; aa _— 34 ¢ ns yn ee Se alt ord i ceeaee Mime Sl sg EO FUSE. og Ee a ae a i ee Sie ce ae a Geeeeeans
° :.~a”iawie. ine; as: aale E:§ ae# rene oe we F iaf"°i: eee lash, ooaevye aTeli ee ii&Boog : €:oe ae|CS or de os :*#3 “eS SE eee 2 eee ES Aipeats: £*>4opie carTe aa aRi oe fees wh SEcel ES aye — cere ree er ae” ae: Re #} te. . : ae a. =. una ntggtii ssi 2 28 i? oe ae oe. ce Pee SS =i18g aia . sore : ze Raa. aas eSeat 28: cubtereroE os . HERR Sap+ a: aee a oe Besegeba SaneCReee ee ee eeeee peeSSE aeBe eesTEee H ak aSa: IE I = eee : igi: cee # Be ea Sad BeMr? Cc aaary % ae? : 3 Eye earaPere ataBotte epee eeSpee cae
ei:i 3,,s oes Spee eeessare eee 6 +] i aeMEESTER oy ore ally2 eee * Ee eaeae EE PB Bee E oarimpeaamseile ‘Wetthteak aniiad ASRS Riprabeirgarest beignets 22 a8 Ua coe pee NS EAR Bk cat jee «eee ie eee -peigi aaneet ie are SECT ieee cist Re .via Bees he aeeeaaE erSee ee aceoch Ter Paes aBee ; Sa ae Bo foe in Fa iTee nil lsaeee iad Ps reBE oar Bae eswore s eee eg ee cee See ee cage ELS ER wee See el ame Se gh . Bes —_—" theWa -oe fy. aca wth OPMEDD EePR LIOR shhe _ eee A ee "aaa wee F., See Rosa ueStee t Wee Sseg 3SP ee Bg Bowens BG: CE eee Bers Se*eeete sae|— Rnumnrce SC a cet ag ET Rpt 2nen. Lug. EES Seen. ae = Se age eel Ree scone BR TE ierees as: Pe ae eee ee ee SU retege fen selwieee so SER Pie iiearess2EL a" 7 EP : +eS pny QRSeeereS CATE geok. aN Be : Aes :ygh ReneS ikBES £saeSsyoo a_sees: eo On ular giae eae ee SPE EAs lene ELBE Su gee Ie pe 2 SP gg s ie pe ae em : ee Loe a eae LE EGS oo Sgn os ee Fe ee ce ee ES ee ee foes Poauat te ee Slay BS Ringe: . Be 2 * 0% BE neces Ae Res ae oe Pagal ENG ES sues gage OO Sg TSE akg Big er -. & 3s ae co 7 aris elm TN gra Feb FR BBO aa TarSa eee gee Ss. SE Diced Se.pene =Se eee ERnar Naveed 2 ried : -a Haren Se By SRS oeatae Sg ea eeepee feria “R 2 VJB ern “iteaa Gabtgbiesce ae pete2S tet 72E% : byan q - .Jape eee eeeES See SF oe she: EA au Res 5a ae See EES oe eS aod aia iokyg Saat eR Paes = eke are sy ooeee a cio = a eA Sobeies paster weve lyeae SSee Rises 24 ees Se oe eet he) a i =F ge | woke cme eee "Ae Gee ee eee rt ee cae fee 2S 8 ee ec ee eee ee ee ena _ oe ceed ; ie . CORTE pe et Sa eR ee ee pend ae BE ee RES ENA PE By aS 2 ee fe oy : ee es ee “tag BEE eee SEE oat es are se 5 ned By phe BR BE eats? Meas ss whan wee cance Nee BESS anew ae » eB Bes : #2 ae 4 ee ee tree:
eeoe wager COT a my - PoE 2ie AES Ueone cetyloe 2 ee adi 5coe ES ees i oe oene ee:Bek ag eee ee ernnCe tse etakes . . 2B CESE heeCPE een “a Bee toes7 be RE “gee Bee a4 ae .FBES. pet geie” pyar toSACRE sae ee Skee : eee ges 4: ea eeCy EBUE ite RECEAS ard+ote oe eo ae MER, -co §aE 5° BE mui. eae an ea.OR ED raeee ga aae “leo, ugandan, haga figed cage? -haeet : ‘eget “hie, 4ae ore (ose yeane TOMB SR: = eae Bp ae. Soe dete Tg Maes See ae Ee ES co cacee BleGhuethitegerte ES — settee eee gtiee ape Pe hd! ,hak eee agecs ade i aUNE aie .ree EFaoe ® BS 2wetter ceegiet searPSE Tae ca oan Be oe Bee aa: agS LE Fo Be: oa’ = «ee : a. ee gh Se oat Se ggy eek CR snes e ar .ores Peete ae aan ee She ett eae oe a Soot 1 ope ose pice ere” on 1 ghee. og EFS pert ea a Se Bie” fe oe ee ee are pee ees Sh, ge gir Se ae Oe a ee a = 7 REL mac : AL Salalagghhs seme gge dE ie ae nae gee POI RESP eho sae re! a ae ee ee SEM coed natalie EEE eee einai BS ee aS Ye te ae PEERS fe: canb aaa, ol agh te ge dele ; + ge wan, age eee oT ee oe SBS ae OB Bee at : . a Spee: ee CEO Ug Baie ata ote. ay eapeagee cage a *BRE s+ 7 : ‘ en. BFP & Me 2 HR PRES GEE op egetSole dS HOEeS igs “8 sage oe cata aie) ee sete= 1 Fa oh PERE SYER oe oe Pee ee eet .4 z&Pp aed .ea Reiseoe Cone pal:: Gane ees rerec res maars) SEPP Eo ee oe se aow 2se0BREE ee ee oe > ee cee |ee eek. See -LIne aach we SEE Car oy? Be Se aie RE ie ena Pa west cee eet oe: ieage :aes VRE aa :2h 3Bbe BREE Geian A TE pa eS ae SSS Se :eess :aa eeeee ee ee eee ee Se wee -eeot Us? EEE eres Ren agile We NS A See FS SS es |zo,aORS: ae ae =ee -=eg :oaees .a“. ae aie -F.. asP 3ST EAE ae FIRES Is 5nate Rs SS ee ae ee eee "Se, :ERRETSSE 2eae ee RE Let 2Eiae EE eee ee SS SSSe SS : SS eae 5a oe rapa 3P Paes EE Pe, Th: ees SPs SRREEecees eeTEE Pests>. :: :Poet. ran . Ra Sa Siam mare ener sia Ue aanea aE > UP ESBSES GESP eeERE ens.Se FREE ;: OO ARR ee aeSee PS wi Poses gees eee eeeee Feee aeee aeshar a Poe (SESE 2)ARES DOisisSEG SE nS gee ae 7SER cli Nigh Ret CRIES . ABATE fqore Sosa Sosa Osan ee oar ee Fn ivag aS SHSE SRLS .Woe -SE os wo ETRE SABRE SS EERE pee ap ame eiPra pon ey ueg Ee MES haSet Sauer “hg GEL SkRRg SE ter Eee ir a,Eo . tee bee Sa se TTR TRUST AER nt Pgs Sree eeSea et SRST gE Aaesaid ere waeBR SR SS cae. ESSESSSESL USI AS ELA 0g RPE : PE OTESET Psa SESaaa aRtalon cee ese aeEe Ta eee ieaE Sen nga SES HERESIFE F CT SY wae See setae TEL etaR aeaee ce Lt eT
a ee eS, Eee SSS Se oh eae ee Bick ntiRoe ga Tuk: «oh SEESSS See reaae ereece ee ee eeSe Sd Tanne gate (GL Go: aio eae Pe ESLSE GPS ge nS eee WEMES fastapes ee ee eePie eeSo ee ee eee 2S Se a Fer See apyeiede:. “.i2 ee SipsSSS SS a Si Se SB ee SESc ee See ERCP ES oeoe oe er SUES Saeee Saree ben beee arent Ginet ea aS | ee ee eee eee ee See ae HEGRE Sg Se ee ee eee ee 22 SS See San SS ee SS Se ee pe eR re rer ee ae ee eee. ee es Soe Mea = SS Se Se ee ee oe ae Se ere ee re a ee ee ee ers 2S SSS eS ee See ee see roses ee » 2 See a : C8 Uipienid: LSS Sa Sse Se SR aoe arent meta ae sara ae intra errs eal ee ee Se ee Seee SEE eeeeee ee ee ee eeee eSeee ee Se Igaeee eteeeeS eefeee eseeee ee i SSE SRE EO ee Pet ee eeeee ee SS: LES Hn esd Se RES SSS SSE CE UR ESI ETS LS SSE Se ES = Sang fest, : fhe seca peter SE SER ees ae ee iat poet $3 asa io at ay Fotpien Sit need SS aT Ss BE
CiWO clogEE BeSRS gh OEE TRE ee eae ue eS Coca PETCES Sie SESS Ee OEE SPRT egeee ee eae es Cte eee aS go aOR a ee GRR Stay eer ereflroe BETS : LO She ETE Ee SE ee ae eb preg me pce peLeS Os oiaeiah Heo Sam Fer ee Ebr scree eee
ooTiUg eeeeaeeeeee ee we TSSNGL ee ree SES aes et ae ee
. i.: eee pooh USERS Rae ES aa re SA ee oi ge ears Se nr eg Reon AS POS renee phe tt REELS gs Syepest hy ESe eS oa oS RRS aE SS ore Shae te ey a Be latte te gee ena ae sire 2
pete ee ee ee fe re ee eee : De SR ERS SESS Ps Se 2 aM MS nS ei CUM Jen goes Rede re oe OE RE Te Rn SEES Se Spee en Pee 0 cen gas Ue ona Pe ema n Eons Se Serine tas 2 ees per ee B wa ieee Mle hairs SEF aS ea ee ee ae psssCe Prin Sef Ree fic ciara E aaa Ree an | age Ae Sd
a i ae ek SERRE aS a EM AL a ide ee a gS aan a ee
vs AcEe GoirTe So T22 Pres Aeh ES gat waSEE caVee eae eae Po wg a+ CRA EE aoe7aRE OCT eee» eerae oroyar ha er PeaeA ESS . :1RY ERT i eS CASS Sedts BNE BREIS Spt om of EGS 0age gee ORR RET oe Bel eh2,SRge Taeareae ae BEA aaeat fd ae ee al tS a Ses oso, gel aeee aSES ae sibte Tam a Ge ghSE »: ar Spo Beak gf EES ag2k ere Set Be re ete7:Ac. Eee ee - ns ~ .:VEER sa a TOE SBD oS See oR oI PRS eeSo og awg aeEE i cgi hg oir aeDERE a cs alRE RTS OTSA Sa. wee 2: . |:cr OES TERR tgaCh TES -WypeBF - pee ee TR 2 ER eee RRR ag BtTSLe 4eaae Seer rea rsyg ARE teSate Seaeaes Seid teater :. 5:kramer ae AR eae Grose Serial
; Be SSR Oo BRE ae ee ge eRe aool a a. aio eeoram oi Pog Paz ES Sea °iB.wR aeeas aii Pere reUEae“de ooy peck ilSSE CTP SOBRE Rte eae,” SU aig poly hs aS ee Oe eeSERS. aeie? gan ead a +.:APERB eo eB "GRD mmm SEGe. a Oo peeer rari Sn ae_ Da SLD hSSPE. anBerea dhe.SE neeeg Oe aS cok Cae SEES oeBERR iGspcitipiiateeicc, ho Bay agTS fi ee NR eeah ESee eee “esta” ad RR |e ataa 2 “pr. SMO eae ageome, aa aTE ak“oe, ae 2S, rc sn pokes pF aay SBE ee. eee” arrte ieemi Raise oot TeV = et?" SAS ga
ggg alee rea cP gee te ae ee Me. on 7 : . aeOS ee“eeee Ser: feSC Sw ig.Soe dS iz—:See aHEhpus ; HEC EEE Be BUT. OF = a‘SE 8 oe ct EePit RBG - |ee rsae Bc DAE SESS oe eeeae USOo :a : ,ia oS ig rous were yritim 10,00¢ tuberou. la . ari CQOH. 10, anes e tL um ¢ ° 20-1 HAL amas, t com CO LTS ful big-ga he m tinue AtiVes > Pale > Cc O . Clr eam ’ hunted plenti inan ALCAS, kers ne able d thet Iverine adapti
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oe “= a ~~ —— les Me e . OV In red. “the , iddle
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Pore Ne “Sa ra itt ATCe tan 4 O , se NSE Sag The F wae an ee Here hover hp 5000 BC — s Fe i ke kno is 1s ral ein Ow 4 et ut § ent
coe Se?=Os :ae=wo aU.have en m,stbe tre< atRiv is tin rb‘orate oe RE atea S :ision ha asin y ra OA oe Pla an Tea upiver. bia baby balvmM1g, ae oe oy here hers up ard lum ic divis 1Ca. Fras nd p up CO dar
yg 7 mea raie —Pics, . weds, T 4]Fig Ot vy tOW he Co>istic Amer the OS, a iC gro athrt hC m ponemahi oe “Y elt 1 in 1m istorl Alla Ge on ae a%*as Sy verncy dene ‘;for : lingu rth felt ski toida Can
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aaN mak, _.:my ea ishan-sp >SEC alre d-to long rica ge sae ie, thc Sa nglisha we dtbute sins do att Inning hemos AEM, — hav uag rere to on min hey a hi Isto caops Aca.8aan ere Or th tO haps Asia. rt ‘orm oO ry he os os — la qT 3 , 1oOns are / At om Thei No ford 1S ve ltur as t‘rst Tlen_*isa -_— a a fee Ba_ah : "1Ca te and In O m f —nee S intrusi ne tec au isted de se CL fl a 7 Sg : : m orth A he nex n Plat pers! Frase ish, who to th ere a y. one a = ; 3 st O ast Meh hae ™y he uSS tes as adin 7Pa “Ge ~ Bes Peas FnSeek feedte, di‘a. Intoie ;hen C|C. ars Iv c|tc C51est sd TI . an ar in 'eh ts 5e on Be es , . “ORS eee : qits in hat app n fro t of th arlies hat se his m wit at is, to Pea Soaa astCO ig er tra know en t ca d‘ndic tot often le’, ied Ye ag iti ahoy ~ “SS acts “ee oo oe1t10Nn. nta ce d us diti rdi .te_C, tler, Cineti SySs, a- os ae tpes enicate ; Ag] lI SU1 n ‘ne 2tha
ek ‘ a N _ Cc C > an ; r € — My ow _ a p lo Ile rest 1miti Ns (\ n . 1. if) oe int for ne ren ee fas es. ys in esc i Nn BC. e ar ] o S : a nium Intensiv werevCash of cutt d turnthe anim ; Int ds ion an bei nh nse dke 1g rac | serti aft pt Harpo for th harpo on he 0 C1 on. a the h from tf the
Ls ee é. ee eriod. 1g sequ ritime Coast a re tools well su apiti) a ed to “8 stout ne were
ie a ‘e~ees Thea nts orthwe prim hioned weapo from ve Bone po Maa docu the the N efuse a dd with Mostelk w ere sidease t aping. the c
en to =~ poin c. Bo ly hu efully ing edg idewa | from 179
Se i aaT a wey ea, 1ees EEee EE fe Pee enhe ateree ees TEAR edhe Eg ae See ae cae on we te ae ee EN sabre ae we ob obo gh SERRE ANDY ogwyRue 7 ca SAS ogee SRO Rets sihat ge a, SRE NE So SAE coer =a. ae a.oo A eaSUA ageReHi Sas : glume ares EES AESUE ao i Recerca ae nme Seana Ne eeSe ws SE : SE Apewl Beea eee“ee oes gta Ma se SES aSeAe Bagi SEEGER ere Se ee ERE es aS net i oe ou As BEd oe eee *s ere ee cee Ce Ses ee
eeCoeai NEE eee coe sage EO ES Ae AEE ieee aay aLage oe ae PO aeVeen “ ay negate aCease es SO Soe “eBB Sya cos Ane 3 eee DERE ee eeTPE Pee ge ae: isoe yh oe EE ORES eatin see ate tceg Aga: oeae SETAE AArcee Le Re Ra Hekate vata FaHSL ea aeae hes Ge cee one eeee IR aaeeo ha ihe Mees 78;’ Bg ses ‘ie Nese A ga SNAG hermitiggny ore ee ee Seas SEE ve se ; :a::ea to Bt :: Loe AS eee ee ACT aeh, SeAR Rae evi BECO Tac: eee geehae ch ae, Ceara : SR eee _eagre Ss ieIWR iarWee ea eeu can
fle ee oe ae , : ae r as ee Se owas Ge hae ee cae pee ee cee i . og ew Petar Be a ; ‘ a a. i ooe ee oo ee [a ee Sa so cc F ge co aes eg Ue cue i,, as a Ae os Peres a : Be 7 : i. aod a ek Be ea grag eae i elena! oo co ERE ORES Ca See Saree SEE RRR : ;Sige .eee “eae Be eemesmenr ale ise .aay ae eee SSE ee aECE oe 4 oeecee oe eee ioo. ae Se Ma er: SER :es .A pear ome cree val TAN alt. Sy hieca ate:nant ay Ce aae ESCO ARE ‘ Set ARR al 5hen Maley aRE Ree eS SEAS LAREN Sy Be Rs A eo ae SraSAREE Beas esSa RNS eS aaame cas : OFFERS Bg BS Bet Reptgage ng GREAN ac deh ARE) gine Ae cee eee ee eeA ee mad :g: © ay Bee curt ay aes ae eR ar oe ery Tet TAROT AN SRR ae 7p BO RUSE ae Ree Ton Caeee : :.ay ce :. ROMs Bren at REAR Hae ceautos RAMANA HERR
Ages ee Sg ena ae ee aaa Ge Ee, eeRi ea kee Aces geeae ge cong Ree ae eA a : ms : :ee. ee cree . one . Reaoe geben WE ah Nee besey _ : iea4 Gaae er: eaaea| aaa SaMase a eeSe ate :vines why ‘TASES eke ee aeSee pHa Ce Peer Tae Rata: HSU: “aaa Sie See eae Pe Ae oR So: AGE Sia Boca - E a Ar Ore te WAR Ese False 2 EReNS BEAM tg 23 al eae ah Pass cen Pee Aa a,
mirage eat ee aa ead asLe Ree ies =. :Ae Ray A “Ry : OSES a wae ‘i aa “Eas anta ate 2 ee RAN as atSR Py Ree Ea Rae ae a. ig -Past: :EEE oo nee ee Re SECA CUNGE Rene RA AER arnt RUN Rau ER eeaaoa Zee SEs aBe ee era aLs ae (eG Se TREN GRR CANS SCRE ai 3Fo we Be vas aShe 2Oo Hg SE temye wn gi eee eeBEALE, Pees Some ey ae SEE Re aBCA La AA RRA AE CTR SRR JGR te mene AL .:oe ay. a22 aaaa =ee :Peng Eee eR gr Pee ! -cee. Reee Geremeeeea :SAR BiEE EARS ANS OE Sos oo - ,: NORE ean ee 7z .re agen es Pe eg Mle “Sa ai Se EAA A AN AAC ACCA Ue aaTERN Bi: Ceawt Ce, Fe ‘items : “sthenas ie Be os ae sii has a ae EUR REAR EE SANGRE SCN ae ee ORR ATOR eee, GRE Nig ee Qe SS eae Eg Be ae ae eS teerereer,: : AACE G Ata as A es rea ES a ee aE Boa Sa Ba fae as a cornu NAVAIR RETA RC KAP aR RAR Witte Water an aae 4es*oe eo j: .ae eee, UearSeae ce SeEEE :Mn : Po SORT aaa Aiea Ns ROR Nea REE ARO eth, Oe be ae : a a See Sumer oo shee A Bat : CET RRS LAAN See ae a a oo os, goa | a B,J eae Cte ee Bearer Re ee a SAE NS Wace Sec NSN CRETE AUS Watpmatee ae no: ABE UE ccd RE ges a : : . Sere ae ae ciate eh nee ee a ANAT AACE AES UN eae eae ESKER ee RN cae: : : Toe he eens ae Ne ae Svea Reese SM Gales cae ae Raniah A ‘4 cece a i oe a Se Bie Sah ste eee eae * oa MWR a bs SG AS cee is EOE | Was Svan: Saran Bes enue F 4 OME ae Cag We ht reas ARE Wrenn Buna ea Oa Hea aut ca a \ a ‘ . a A ee .oe co oo _
a ee < aR 4 . a. ee ney ee ee SE Us ate Ge Aes Sea a oh
: f ay eens pr i — Oe a ee ee Se Se ST es
aN aCasRAR ver a SES etoh ‘REasaeteiEee rae ee iiertacst cone AN eeaieee See:2 es:ees:eeseeASaPaes ae a PEC . 7iSRAe ag AeSa aman Ry “iweedAA usode*Ses et4M ne AN See an Sa ate ea. 2Naar RE aM) z trod aease ok RoPE TE peek: oo"np aetna eae Bee aeNAT Soa aa pay SE SRRE WasBes, pe EeAP Boo Bev “NM JorgaSsAEE SN oe Weta ae aarit eC SM Me RANA 2 isOs, Baarnarg ee aeReese: ee Pees RRA polBt,med 1Val OEE Beata NGS VkBEE “ec
Gee acs. i. LUE EE AL RL 778s Ey)geTSHR TAaeCHa gt hehegee Re. ae ESP Ie Ra yc Te 2 a REPRE Re: :eee Es .BsSELot * ta Sze eyCN a ee SARE a eet eG Mage. 2E Pe hee: SOM rad SAE ae Ake “BF aosBerm 2 aece Ric: es Rea See a Page Wee : ome, DY wae ogak at See rte SA PEE Nce aN SSN uf oesob . :2Bt. “ae a BEA see ae igi eee Bea BE HaeCUB ARN apo NaaeeBasak: Rc gai seamen a ye ‘i WA Baga : hens MP Bp aageSok Baws 22 ACR
¥ae f3aS |ee 3 :oe ye ao Seesage ee a aa Sen a, 4 :ie ae2pectic: Ae :& 8‘SNE :Jay ube} aper ae f — So Sagat SURES Gites: RN eeKarner :. Bulagerte aeeee Bhs Be oe Cig ig BEE ieee ae *“sSee ||agg .| :se— Be es One Ss ee .on een 8i : :es Bale eer, ee ges GM Sse oe 7 oar ReABN acecates tela Re aa WOR tree de :oye wt teBass ae>x an sikts na. agg ees OAEA SEae a ae a» Pe eeoS eee gis ELE OS ee eece ee aPe ee Ce ee.eSapete :we teint: 2preteen eS Sea
re ee wae ee era : LtTARR bao Soy E-ReTe SA ABoe! a SS“Ege ;— Ve | Se ae isa|.SuSE aA a|aa - oe Soe A Oe ne ae Boy :esesRe aae a8 ae t: :idrat7-feeacae 2 ee ge if |aoo. all (oe Pe2rie asSo BNC ecahs nee i es,Pena aeTha BE ae leg Mg Re! Oa RE UE oe Aue geae“Res bie aSuess 2 7oa Wea es oo wero, . erie : : es SOUS Se die aes oe aeFa,iBee eeee a aeaWg atS Eos Oe ae eeeGRE Neeeanoean8. | i =na abe eg x . a See eR, fe eS Serie Sh a prevents Sanaa Ara: ro to eaten Saas agente Sy wee Sioa aa Waa ts At ae iM (ais ea eee EVRA): a 278 . Yah Hea ea et cee . = ue a Aeaheld SE cay ; - , : : - : i
eee “BP ae. Aphis Gee SN ;a aoat a: “ele . aks |ES | nea a.a a awe ee EE cen eee ciara a ee2h ae REE areRR NNSN aeog , ~"2h Bee Re:BP rs eet ce: ‘| ae yg aA = FS mS oe Csee Recreate a aatae +ae EEeae SENG: Som BEANE ee. wh Ea.Hl eee :. oP . a EO
73kivad th mal aggeeeae oe ice NE 2BRAS Pee Rag ge ee aaeeeake ne i |-|:|oe as _ae “}=. [_ fe. Seer eeBoe 2 ‘ hay WO ccetins fe Le AP ACee a aed — oSe FARR Hea meme ader Be Se,Dy Sos#Pern Og ieSa ggBoo ENE AGE Ba AM Oe ae oo ee :oe eee i...ay£te eA Se “MERE ee Seae Haas |ee ! me | :Sa ’ a— es eee — Se i ne22 oae. LS hes ASH SEes Sas ee ES : Oe PY ewer ok Se eee‘ iRR | oa a ae |. pee aasaeAMBRE: OA aie Vs oe EG rea ee ARIRRE Ge WERE SoESAS ose "ee eho ab ae“va * aaySta ea teas. Fan Pa Joo RE oes Ee Ee a aR Rann aeaWu oe alES Week 2 AR , eerae . WEE, Beeae ASS ae we ea pe: =ae _aeRae ce“ES ts ARR ra ee, Eos 22 aySeSR avesa ae ame RE aSaraessiores Wayne sce : “SEfeapeeeee Se ge oe 8 ae)
,ae.,Re }Seeaehg a.Seg — SO eee WAN SOS Ba ae he oeages arene: Beans 8wi eee ee eu aeeae es “a Sa PeSEE soe EC UA atsed eee fe, 2aeN MR Na CAS SNES eae re |— a-eae -eee ees. a8 :a :‘7 | Pee aa Wiigcgaattt NS BGS Banta pa MES er SeCASES ESSE Seagal PEE Sea Oe ee Rae Sere a Arte an Rem ec ERAN ESE Watiage ARENA SEAR pacers Wg Se phatase GRRecs : Ree in \2 eat eeSe aee SEAR gh See Ae eae ae Rena Be EN oem a Age SG RE aNE St POST TN WAS Weuhea oS BRR Sacre ae eo ce A ' pa a : a acs : Or) Tea 2 EAR Ba eta: oo. Hae ae TREE Ge a a Aa Ri ee : : a ee aeons Sr Se = ay ea as aa ee creat es See ata oe oS . 3 a‘i7 Be. |Ne ok _eRe Se aeeS enero Mis ca SRSAe re crrec see RANE Bs “gs CAE MeSM sie See ha TANG oa pe RaptelWors ae or Sea PGR ae eoySRS Bata ent : -7 oa HsARN a Secase Laa Ra Raea saotine oeoTSa gee Ee: SSE cc RAN ae ae Arse ud a eo eee aes\e an .ee aad oeae Fae ao eee Bee seae AE AARSE SUA EEN Rees arLiagee EENsig Fe eeBata enekgs Shae a eaAe as aae Wee le ciNg a Fe LS ;ee 2 ae Bea ioeAce aR ; Aah Bevan st” ae OF oe ‘| Sa ,5:gee : .|NSE - |a- — aARE Poe ARES RAEN aeats eS feSeen eR aRUE ac aeee yRT aARN ee Roeet aasec EEieee Ee iliae esASAE ARR oo eS oe aWea Ae pe oer aeR Wein. ie eet Boe NEa ue he 5 | : , —_* oo SARS aE GA RR Z PNG es ee RUE ESE aa ean ees tae Se ee ae een Deebbereeetia Peoran ree iprs - .=Ws i,: .Ro . | “a Pe eeBaa SERS 2c ey AM Sekt wl Ge iyoes WEEE os eB peake eee Series eSae AAS .So." AL. af iE ee nuSate eae Ren AGN aJS We Sona eee ae Ree Sees oe ae ae: 3:.E%ae .Z;oo. Loo ae Pe 2S eee eT eee FE aeeASA acc Ris, SeREAR AEE ay — oo ieee 5 .eee : . Se2" SaSEE Bie St ee ae EE SUES CARRS aeA eR ecaaa wi seit aeSat NO Seca Re ae TEs aeeG ANE: WES pith Saha SAE AePRL fea} at EaSa are:gee asa BA: aE Ae 2b ey aeeaePOE acs aoS Cee TH aR A, ae ae Ce an “ai BS te ud am 2.Bai So re Reece Cee ee pe SETSSTS ee Sse Neg ae oo R apt Ore a ieAC Se eee 7Gere ! 7 |. 2 ,2. ogy LS 7: A 8 ae WR ;pee : Pate eee ae SEEN e ge oS HeatGe aah Necaties SSR aE SON eSak aNfee ereeeSPENCE ue aREN Seen
5Eeaay| 37i a... . 2aeeeRenu a ;eePeRPEee AEG EE oe ee2 see eeeeeae os Aa RE Ce PNG em Be pata races cae = ee ‘Ted 2 2: ae |... . a a oS oT ame a ee a are et ie an ae ae 8at ) - oeMe ae: aa a oo. pers Mele LarsSS ee ae ue ae ae ee SS ee ar ahes SeaoR: a i ae ee A BSgets 2 eeow ae —
i. er| \hea¢:ae :aoea. Po Poh eS i aaeaae AR Bee ae A ag SAE alWi Cou es :eae ,oO _a._“ee eeaN rn aEarcrmee . ae: °ee RMAs erm ee “XL ga RES SEAR acca AEE ENGR ey HR TN ea Shae Bae ©esarene aaSS Ss ee:SEN naene ee JSS SERS aAe ae: TEMES ee SN Agta aARATE, aa atk aa Rae fs ca 3 = Bact eaeae sca Resi ae Secs NSSee tea acta eRe aaRAC ‘at Waa Et pees Cr dace AREER Soya st : & Sk Be 2 ea Ee Pa Sa ee Gs Ae ee a, ey oes SEAS ORR ei eee as Sia SRS eee wh veg DB sy cei RE PAS SR Cs oie SaaS Re a ims : EEoe ae era Wee Sa ateCane Pern. Rs oe Bee ST Bo AN Caer eae “ue Aha Seeama :PANE 7 =oeeen ie aua ‘ ot apee ‘hea tage 2 once ntaraaWRENS ee eM eateaNee owae Wate cae~agu eeeaBede's Seer akeT ereAON so ate OE oyEEE grt Ae re | /E.|.er :agai -Rae . ae ~ eae Oe i.i DESC 4 ae Fy aa :giAi: (CSS era 6Eg. Ag S, CaN EMEA Sat ea Pee oeroSea OE eae Bt x28aeicer. ae Bee 5 rn B Higgs: we. ay i “Saha oS Vers SS AeeeeeURN hee Be aEEN a Aa eguane ees ee een eef me ep fePeesee yeaaatCar atPaes Bat aa cage ie aaa a 8, es EEA a a eae Re tite Ne a ; : a by -Sas , Loeae * oer2 =“ “Sat a pose, Ree eae ae “ONE SSetgeoad nk aan RAN i 6 so ee hte SERED as ooo Re eet eA RA viao “s af e aE we*. Se oeoeSea Renee Se AEeo AMR ee LAC BES REA Leg PeWWaibegstcs EAC a,Pee Benn 28 Ee“eae EN ANE Peace ELany 8eee “gh SCARE Bea ee CO ahs AE Sd Se ee Gage al 2 ee oe)oo See .ee ¥. ee fee eee ren co: Saige Nie aro AFay a 8aes Rw klat BOP iSEG ag RES ReEEE eeeSe Aue a oijR bi :oe 8a 4Goes ee Sea So ieaates ASR GeeaeNec Se ae ee PGA gcse eee Yi aa yeesTg BO aa es Paeay As ‘ BS ger Breahs! a 2s eo i a EASES + cee Se 2 vee ns ogee oS. me Paik YF : pie . ee ae AG Sea hn aa ARSE ay RSS or Rhee PALS aga Ts S| AG BR Scie fe EES EY SUR ae Ae aai Recor te arn (Ee 3eee ie ra Leet ee es ea SEES oe SeeCe aor Sista Sc Shiau a NRE ta De Soca EME i Ea 2s ao | a.OR S : ey, SEER % s | Be ne i.SF y ri : gs a Me Re Tana ees cae a ae . EA eg Hsia, ee i OT Raat. od Reo rarer . Bo Uhl. AEP 2 . oe a BERS ET = ar vay eh yiis iy Sa “erent es SN aay ae et Feasts Be Ween ee Se We oe eae er Vite, Sree eae BE Peete eet a PART SSE a VEN Ba Ba I sitaatsal i tay SE att yt OAL a SpA Reagan wa ae Se Sas Raat ee ; a" ee . eee ees ee Aaa ee a Ree eS. Er Sake te ra See Ercan AMEE REAR RTR Ga a i oA Be “ed .ne ; wee “eeSas a iia eeene Se a Ch eee ae Bee oe Bier ae ce VAG Rea ab a AR EU RS a CEE AERTS Ny ae eee Pe ee2eee ae : ee gaps 8aa ea a Rice Gee Oe eee KU ce ReBe Meee es Bepees ae ee ss eeeeee Se peri Aah a. ooco ooa | WR > AES Roa . pe 7aryet :Bae -es ee ae OSES ae: an Raa Seraees aeepee MEER te wea oeaRonin sat ee oS Se oe ee ees RP are ORG oLae ean Ae EY oat adage A ae eerie eg ime ‘SEAS | ae .aBk |Re |i :— .aAe — — ee Se ae cnt ee oe ean eee Minas ESA Pane TR i eke ee Ode ee pes ¥GAC Be aaa ote 2Ree A Beak Ge ee SutSOE ese teifo Waa gears ee Ee aa ene : eek i .Ae oe Se .Y Bese 8:ott want oll BEEN age gg dees Pee BB ars cet See BEERS 22Bie neSE se Se peaoa [Saay ieee een Reet aie ~— — —oe oa ne @ ae OE RS Paes Bae iy ee Re ee BEN Ae metas te : Raeecae eee cee SSE Sa, oe a oe " aS | | | _oo oe ao ij Pee ah Ae A EE a SRE Se" Legg NS bai ce ae weg ye Rae a = aN Ne by Nacaratthe SS san aS oo SARA SSRN ree ee eo eee ce EAM ne oe ae Pee ea een sae AES FGA RW Tae obs ; ae seu eet c : 2 an 2 en Se Pe EE ME Se Bs cr ; BRE aE a Cle ge aad ae ae news Be vee ee Bee SUSE RR en oi ” ees ae : eS ul Se ee Hye SS ines See Sean SSE AEWA ue See es eee ah ft ns Ae Seat eae ng EE SLSR TE Bae yn CE ANAS eel ee . Leo ES ieee tuft “aoe Coo a fake ee SR Se G eee Heche aWare eeea See ay eeSy a SUESLE eis Bei eete CNRS Ee EES boy ]— ee aLethe rn aES aeSSen ae ea aeBe as MS PAPMRE astRMS ees paEa heght aa eee Pere: PRC |an ee rae Ne aa ea ae Ae RES BL t SEE RSs ah a TERS, oo : SEos ee FEA a 2 Seat PANE ayee eeai ahah Heads Eas ee Ree Nee ey (SBS eT EES ne eNOS ae 2pol lst oy yds nore ae “ cae : so et .Seeee Cuan CE NN BUR aie REN RE TERPS ae iit Spr ae ee fan AR es |aae _“a _.wy aa= Gia Bee cr eS BLES at Ca ca dl BREE ht Whaat Ae Teiea ea fae 38 it Man ee es ae Sit A ae ee Co Mie ete, :ereereeaame eee aSate. Sek See CEE oo Sear ns eetcp Saige igs ake ae Ge aN SRY RCE cL Be AA teha pa: mihi ney We as8BOE A ee Sy Pgsh SEER SSR rage es anaes OS SS Sac aNe ay se NS ce ihet Bee eA Aes gut «RRR eeu ns epee RE SE: or ARES oSee|spe ates -go RRR asg sali PRR ae SAAS anaa reese ae ie ~— =AERIS aa oar ener Bea ‘Pa aes eee AARNE Sage ANE ay BAUS. aGS TEs ame eSR pic ASE iy ger ve . i eee eee ae sean WIESE Sere 2 ae ee eee i, aD SOT Mahe rae pee er gold eae ae agg gt a ae _ at oo a oe : ee aLE eee5 ace Se Pateeaiige ee ai eeiay SRayer OREAUN ON ee, Be okierete enor Se ash ARE aR Rr. 3 deyar.” eng Naw2a, SANS 2 SV eae seeCait igo aT Velen PAW kes eaae bea RRRaeaC yg OR: 7 AEE a oo ene : : : RRR a a SE alge oo ae aca ES ate i ye eA OSE Ne Aer eather age S Ae ce eee RE RE TEA Sane gate Ce Pee seee: Sa ee Eeeaie-Bear Pee ae Scene Nt Be sung ine Caeriaida 4Roar PPE es He RR SSS alle ee eeAe ae SeAMES ‘ea :eee au ea ee Ren gente: ad See eae oyss: CIS: Hee REAE ine EA Aa Ce coe — aTay ao ias eee ge ucla oea22 ae sat gies aera aei TS A 8cee A Re ee aae RetWee eeae ae ORs AES UR, Gilt aaa Brae Shwe ae Sg Ao athae idSole cadaeianets sige giaeENE atiee aC Se4TSE -eeieeae eee 2S See en >ae gee ae ea HES AGC ya Mig sara aeras Boge ee ree Rece caper CES alge ore SE aeSS :een See See SAAR: BES aeaTBR aia geee A Shee aSH AAS, Breas aac Aeee oa oaSE gES AL Nee EaEe bo iA
: 1 & # 4 “SE la 4) ae Wo & PRA ce oR SS ee (gg aE Se ae a
ioeEOS i. soe aRee E. _. ff af.SAee He ee gee pes aut ‘ oeoo— | aaeey eee feen eer i ae a te ee es. ~ ace/~a :4an a8-Soe ge aCe ee Ne ee ee Were 4 aaeeeree oovee sheSaag oeooON " a eo i : ee , / re foe “Se ee .. Rees eet me ee | ee, ae es oe
ie : oie ow be me4. 2 ea Wgoe 2 SAAR feeeges eeenr Sree ial . ie RepAeeatone BAS ANSE aa oe eenie, ee
aee ie tSEES “ce Ant Pa eeTe eee eee a Cake eee erg ee Se ee ae Sons ye a 0ESSN et Coe ay A Bo ae “i oS Bas. a ee eroieee Bee \ aay SACS Caer eeeReriet tacboc MES Saat eee eeee ea OSES See amo a:-|:.,Aa eo .HAs See ae EES USE ieee eee ere ie rer! ae ay ao _TAC _:ee — “aee ‘eee Ree ae PEO Ag oa € cope ae Ree aoa sgt eee eee a SOE “AE Lig Noles Fe eeSUA fa Ge eeke AS Wee Ea SN diy BAe rae NN RAR Uae 22We EAR aaBs pA eeSota oeae ;Ste aara 4rea er SSUES SE ER Sha 8 gee 7 gS eA Ree ENA aila SARs 2 a eS ee A * | 2 ee BA a ee ee jue an a RUAN Aaa “aneeae Has ae ee : : | Pec aie We ORL Sn aes : Ae a ERO Ta egg fe Va a AUS a2 Beee Be aes a Raed MARE SMe ae EE See :LO Ga (ee SEM, Weg SS ASane EA 2Koy .eeeer eer a Rinses ENS BAA See re Sa lghitae#Ge Cg ca 2AAR ne. SN oe CE nee ee rot EAMIESN Gt "gai po Gang eee E ng Beige EN. Ae A ne :’.|.PO :.La 32: ee OE ReERO peRye ah BESAAS Sonar Sant Bi AAS ee aes egg See Rea eee Se aes: REE eae eee = i: . a Jess ie Robie: See eo sae a WR, aaah a aa A “ 2 ae A OAS 2 Bo va Beet ers SRR gran er. aes ae Ma aed HG Mice aa CR we “ Sees BR cea SSS ORS Maas Saati saab B wy “aR io Tee a He ogc wa Rion Vale =A cS oe Say pea nes wed Fs: ® at z . : : Sey Be hee SRE SES Re SSeS Pa a REE es eee ones BME E PRR Mee Tek : Ea suede BEE ate Bhs hes Bee Ee oN A See ee, re fo: Con ai anne ae Mes Be ee ee ace een ‘a er Tae ae Me Be eae Ber a gees HE ee ae ar oe ae Le ARPES Re . SiGe ETS a He oe Se eae ae 8 SHELA Fades, Seen ee 7
ie oy Pog ey “ee seeSEER i lpees Be aAES ee EGE ty aeaAC erect Sas eae pe NGS #ce Saee ANS ie ee fa. Saye RESae aw an“yw al TENS anys eee ay is a egies eee ee eee Pee TC poe eo ere “ee ABW eee Mey HS ee ueSree eee | BEE cot 2 aac EE oe eeEeaesES ee HEA oe Gere En as EI HAE ee ee we : | : 2)} eeree ANS eeeae Seeee 2 eee PN AER ti Gace en Fe Aege oo oy Megae fs TB ae ahs FT ah Pa aeee STE ASE AES ns Wich ayaks Ee . . ‘ we So Rydaten ge BE SS pecan Pas ag eae Sa A Ra aS ee paar he : ae he ieee ee eM BaeeY Par AE SDR Sees ag Ha Sy ae : . ¥ Ls 2 tones BOE Sonat ee eet rig Le Se GOs Ge OU Aa ae Be eacRee. os | Poet, io BP saa ae Bae NRE a Mie" noe 8 ee Nite cs eR ae ears ‘eins BS . aeR, et Ta SGU he gee 8 ce aeeee BUOY 5. oe eawig 2 PS ME We ge coals a oe agree ja ats : :}So | *an‘}.Te oles aAERR sFar ee A =BES aPo eel Sa ee eee iee SNE Shane Og eee ere = oe Fe ee een BBA he Le Be Be ee Sag ant ae a i :ea 2eee OR eee, aeee ee “o> eeeg rae saMest aReee eee ET SRSA ek hy Pa ater BR“eeer care: eS a diggin, gi ats, uaa hae TAIN Beer Ga ae -See age . oo ee ee Se AB Pecan ast, ag oR Pee a ES gees or eee ee eae eee ee Bary ae Oy ABER oA SS Se ak ese SaBies aie Sea: EEN staese SS The A MRL ie ee ERE ¢ otitis OE Fo wot. Nha ey SNS me See Ree Gates Vara Han Shae: ae ata Sac e :“Bete BL woot : SURE Ee’ 2 Eig os Gis aie eR Rs aaa ge AN SAU gaa es AN ALE PA SMB oe GS ca ae s Lok. i, Bragg gE SE gS we ee A eS eager neers eee Se a : , | ae EEG Me bale RCRA a ees ee MER gree eR a a OE a nets Pera: POs oh EES SE eae is wee a aSCR a7 oeataia ee 8Sabah tioe Sana Aes GER ot, Bey = 3 Boke aN Bhs aatity 2 :veah]poe Nace aoa Yoga eea ee aan rN ‘at : :. |es|a ae See es aaNig ta aeaihaeanetes Geass SBP US AR vs wytle SeptMEE OB re ae SEeee Ste aN ; ‘2 fee LC SOE: Bae gas LTS aR oS aa ee eee = aaoe _F,. aOAS Cee ME cg 8 tosis BMS | CB ooReOE a Te SOBSS ea 87 Be ;feee cena co eee eei "7. hie )i :}| ..wa /| ee SF ir a SO rg ane MS hg RUG J Pe ghar Sie. ; . Rees eee ae Cee 2g :r, -|| See oo oo SU UO cone EERE ps ee Sg es ee boty OR Ee ny ae Jaa ried ee a a4 oo a ABET oo cages Ob mA wee ee ee Re ae 2 Scat cee are SE a SS ARESCAT RY malin ae ee ae . : Be ag a tS ee re Pacey eee Nets aly eee on Head ae EA rik Wve i aE BME he : are ree + ag ESRD bans Sateen Sa ait cee aes ee Ae . oo oo - . oe ae : eee a an ae SU an ee Haas as A UU RRS fiowaa. i os ES : 3 eee Wea PEE ANE Mea a A: Poe a OS ue “se ale , ee an CCE SS EEE WME EE GUE NNa Runa aehze i abeRae a : 1 ee haeGaP ean SGA SAMA eae Haat amen Eee BP gS ceed TAS TS|. wey Sea Se BSS ae se ae a ee oo. Bs ve ee a eG Ae er ae Bese ee . a SAA Sa Sa NG ee a og ee eee Fy er *y A ae ae PERN eg SS gk 2 ee Pps 2 Be POPP SSE eggs SE wan , Tea ae ae ANA R e Eee RAS CS Ee RRR Ce Parag LE a a ag TESS AW ENE Ee Ue eo oe ‘ |3ooPoe ’ oeSeSUNSET Gh fie aeea ney ee bo fey OEDeoo a eeBoog Pee ReMee VRBRE | FS : + CEE Thae eeeee 3 SER, on SOME ERoe ay43a a |ork . (3S oreo Sa ete Sea EE ieee ce SESE ESSE URES :SRE . PERSE ARE heeek: aoe BOO get : 4GEE GEE es cea ee BEE . eee ee a eee eee *| idjoa)2k 7 OREheey Boe Beare esate a cle Ne ees are eee eeee Mee S:HERES TASS Boee SRE, . ee y 7 ayes : may Reales eae CPSs oy Be) es Ree ae | Ah HERR le 0 ee : ogg Re : 2s at see a oc ee Hy See aM | ) ) Pa. Pee Lee ReNSE EAS EES . : Pre) acer Pe A tee Mage USES watt “a rege ne 2 ERE Vg eae ||Fa !| | 4é } fA ay . i oe SG ee a Piaene AE SSE: * «ade : PE Ts BB oe ae ahaheeesc: Ae Be, BoBcg. 12 WSS ESE ees ge al a ry Age ON eg. :Pe ngSRE tka TUT eee ier en“SESE EEE po4! :[ 2B esPaes 8 ga Bs BRE geAe Gehe eeoy ARLES EEeseae i ree OEE ARESGeran a AOcrates Se oNencanta re SURAT aR"aePa og ees
7 Be Soa eae GER : at a agesEAE ce “hee” wieSARS ME iee spate A See Sey Me Syhy aoe pears z- zt :‘ ?iay=x© ae eae aeghar, ae FcR. Cena A Ee a Ag rE ing WES eee re ee oe : .‘ os E .:‘3 9.3 ok ee ge RSE . “Ee Le sacl i ere ate Pa og a. oa 3:ns OEE ee whut ee :Re: 4. ae. Ee BM teOES. Thee ee Mes EPASS Sg. eyed She tas Les ££ RENEE ARG Ee EL aeSerr ov:Bs ws EDEN cath aed Rein pone OES Bb ae Ae ssEe :ee — aeeae2ER fhe, CARE fei Hee CHES gE YSy Wey an ~
: :AWhe 2 aeSe Soest fy GRR: ; WPd abea ghto
: ; RGR co toot Sa eg CaS Ge nen eee esog an ee STEN ER EONAR ESRAY CAAA RNR Aat ANCE TEES tessARR Ree CoE arseCCG eS ua Ee
Jbo GS ee — ieeaeSaeiu. Co aN ‘i ee\=.ARNG CA Ce ee AAR RSE ee Se he aSSR 2ee eeeatee SO Se RECA OeaE URN cs aca SANA NN(RNS BARR NySa ANCS \ AN \ ANS AA ARR SAGES cee REAR CCS RES as .BU pera Se a eeeee... BAER AN \ Se\A A Ca ARN ARN SCE ARN ;‘ aie 7 ie eeeee Oe eet eee ee ee con \Ca ASE "\\ RA aN ARS ANS ES ER ATS SAAN WW; . we JLISE OTof wi UE Beth SERS & sce ,rrrr— mounds ’ .yt ‘ 7may ‘ “yy : 7 Pam ‘ 407 made alsola indicate increasin tped ‘ ; | ”FHC | ryOTHOFS if oe mel, ] , . fj we . ~ onOver ae time. . ; S Several ere , ] of . ithese h noe as dsare4 known kk = tc ‘ SPCAEITE, «) social stratification mounds torkb the .area
sandstone. around around Pucet Puget S dt few have adeauately excavated. Tvvically. Sound, but been few have been adequately excavated. Typically,thev they
;Y— oy | , 5 1 I. . Jed ls . ; . . not begin to use it until the ee ~ og, |c oy . , 1gth century
108, 109. The native consist of piles of earth and rock about a meter high covering a single interment and
’ : ste oe . . . i rfl . ; ee ; . * ~ ; ; . - — ad _ . ; .
tabacco used in these steatite — ringed with boulders. Such a mound may indicate the importance of the deceased,
pipes (opposite below), but thegeneral generalabsence absence of grave goods suggests that wealth was too j ort:to) tne the ut the o rave goods suggests that weaitn was too Important
12 ci. and 5 cm. lone, was ivi , ;
Felis chines ving to betoburied with cultivated in prehistoric iving be buried withthe thedead dead. times by afew Northwest Work in ground slate and stone sculpture was gradually abandoned. We still do Coast tribes, buttumost did st fully understand for this:Apse. arent lapse. the Indians wer ; ) : not yY understand the reasonsthetorreasons tnls apparent CYT Perhaps aps tne Indians were just shitting from one preferred medium to another. Bone was still carved, and it may be that many objects were carved in wood and have since perished. The beautitul 110 A srearite screech owl ~~ abstract sculpture and low relief in wood, tor which the historical Indians of the efhiey 13.5 ca. long, are Northwest Coast are so justly £2 have s musttaken have taken ce ries to Future aa - abowl, orthwest Coast so justly famous, must centuries to evolve. evolve. Future 107 Skaoit River. Britis! archaeological research will undoubtedly fill out our understanding of the long and
‘ ; Nr . . a ge ae bey Nees Oe +z rAC yee ; wpe ; +. . 1] .
. 7 : . oo ra “ ~
ras found along theran Copper ORAGTE INL CF, riltsn / Columbia. complex development of these styles.
Eeoe ee hl, ee Ve a2: SE|... 3 me iPg ow Te. eo ee. a TE ells i : —eo ee . ee ee ae Gor! feeeea oe ge eeeeRese ee — ee ee
.. ys a —Jo ee ee ae Ce Z — me age ef | — Aye : | ee Ee ee a ee ee ee ee TO ee ee ee EN ee aee oe i Cg rr eel ee ee eS ee ae eee etMe ee a! ye NS EReetime EE ee ee ty) eee OO rrssCiC cer rm ee ee ae ee ee he i Re Lo ep a ee a. ee ee ) . ap A " es ey Re ee Bee are SSS =. ae a ee — ae Peogre ge oe ON ee ee ee ee oe oe Ay
a eee ae ee ee Bg a eae ee ee ae Mog SE eis
Saale ar ar a ea eS eg os ee es: a i es coe eee a rere Cah gs wel) LSE
ee ee po gaa ae as a Pr : a ee oon as ee
ri“ > . lr ee |. aee —pe—“#E rr
ty ;burial 1 aS.- was UL aswyITe . y= O1StS have s OV Cd, AY DAVE DCC e result of e close proximity Of the LSKIUMNOS
Inste< C cdead C ) 1were ¢ c buried VOOdC Caves OYboxe fTOCK SNCILTeLs. ystead,5the ye Oxes placed1 in wooden 1 CaVeS k sl It
1+} . reyeo - ae 7 - ¢ a
remation Was more COMMON Mm historical times.
. < ~ . ~ rypaye ' ; .’¢+Shy & af . Sd : a . ‘ . . : - QO < 4 ~ = ~ oF . . . . . 4ry a a7¢_ PEROT ¢ . .
. Pg? 77 * 7 ~ @ , . . = . l if yece people wer ustly famous 1r |tne historic. 10 rtistic toth-century Tlingit cedai ust] end —— ?;—CeHTUEY which these arhic people were justly famous during ¢.| 11S al period. .3 _— , . . . “N+ 4 CVC vy IS 111C¢ 1 Was cert spurre y the introduction of iron tools / .
.“sides : 4SIdes . of7 «¢~ - .manutactur =e 7 of 1 OxXes = -anda ~ 1er rotkaiteer r cedar -items a) planks trouta)ofwas aedar asomethin =al ~WaaOr < °4 113 TheOUP 1ethe anutacture b~xes P13TT 1@ OF ane XVI
‘ ‘ i ra = 5 = — ¥ 4 , Le CATVE | al d ‘ Oy ‘ : we 7 ~ C ATO = painted design portrays d : - oe +ENplodes > ; . yecte “shic . fofeHic aNUIHAdl, . : ~ a 46 o te x~aAnyet 4 A+ Pal al 7 Ne Car ~ C' j; Fad ALL °. ~ ;j ya°€ i/\ ~;.. . . 4. alan50. ~ cml. yy yhigh, aiegs chest, are .
lef inole plank development in this medium was certainly spurred Dy , 1C LL. fp nr a 40obtal ae eyben oO -> . ¥ropeans, ¥ Al = Pad f "7d,4 Ste zl 1~ bent ed=from the“fit Euro bu lal of atnrE } se grooved, steamed and ained t~Y man €arve S7Ce S
made from da suigle plat,
into shape. ‘The carved ¢ already verv ancient. It is even possible that the necessary tools were being made mM
- ate “ times Onfrom sam tron fromfound the western acific, deposite al late; prenis prehistoric times in fotsan Cc oe C, ‘O ye shores > No thwest Coas by ocean current hu th exotl and flattened to fill out the on the shores of the r Oast an currents. | s, the exotic toteeel roremic animal, exploded
aay, > enace: dhovethe the—dn Laeforegwhich hie la jieknown kr myMay ya NOC + 5 >LE 1 le -tsproducts of tust of thejushistorical ‘ available space; above poles theaenn arca Is c his al XX! as and central mouth paws and central Mourn, . perl OC
BARS : % . : > IQ double ¢ j > “FR eyes asVEPR faces.
ara reaea, aici eo Efe: = . .Sa . - Sc oe Se : . *™aea-,.*. 5 2
SO REDE ease ae ectesBtntant a :tee7oh” eae eenoeat a ; . :hae : wepawn Las eA erY hanes ST onc ge gitar ate ‘ee . eat 4
ga * tens 2 mee _ ar erec Bue w eo Cana Garey) Se TD ee ae a ee ee eee ene PE aCigec iia cab cr cana aee ae Sayama ease Sy ye lytuetes Lat : to . in
ee . nes Cr Soe re ee as ASE ees Se ee eke Cae ee iy a = ae
ey. eee ue BEee Shasta ie Age LEEerce= hr tate ieNA ee eeeamemmgaaeagee ae Le ER eee Ce eee ee ee wa ae gaa SOTNe EM aea cawgE ne Tg AGT ay ey oe TEEge ae . eae woe erga ee — : o> Siegel ao ss eS eae | aig tg MM cen agg” Fagin, ae omonamgutane aa ame apg se esl Ee : : Phe e ee . woos eat, ; ” Beam Fa agate A NED TED VARS Goseocs oa oe cee 2 Ee etait i aoe a a a ew See - a Re ARE Sooner ass tama AE ARES Bh eR Bes . s: Be at aan a nPS an. os, - tae : ::Sp Jf SEAR ;. ce Sea :ke :Bel. awet asi oon, x ad Piece Ben cok Bee, : LPR OR _— “ae : -—s Mae) oeoe 3 :nek MEE © EES “age a. Pave FI 5 won “NG oon aasae aL . ~aieAy yeKe -A:.2A. ie. a1lulatpiere. 5 ; 3enttgieg a tae SORTA le
a - sia, Bee ol og PC AR a Fa. a . oe + ~ “ an i . . a . . twa . \ a t . wae BUSS LIBS amusing bone
5wa foe Soe 7 eo ar os :Peer .Coa Byee=Mee : aE to tee .. +ae.gel L re ..; ;Soe 4Me bars ¢oe : ..we ate cea on) wo : TS go re. he ae Oe : a er : _ oe a on Sayers ° X “ arte, . an so = : he Mle ee ae . . . TSE SE ee eo 5 Lo a. a . i aly . 7 . wy . . é a : X a wp ; ‘ re of et SBA cee nge tena ie ne . . Le subaee se EF a 7 alan - : wea EB. ; “a : 7 * - wg ; . ; ar oe Sy ao RN oar gM rgRSETEe ntateooo ate a asANT RAR AS ANNI oeBRO “ ieee : an: iSree wae - eg btBitea.amnneottil Yeah genmguae ot set eas oth | gi . ea ere SiAomNULLARge CR aeORGS — . ap (er maSeen os, og sities TE CEE TATE ata cessed BSE: SREY SSEE UR& SSA gh : “e.. : . Shay atteEee ~ aeae POURS Gries 2 guaee Reantes eae oe, ae a ee a ae Sater camel ceprs ARE... Fayemonet aereaeee enum Cree eeeae te RC TAA wii. ND Wg GR. Ue wae wee, 2ven akan SST eC cae a ceneenc ai ay eh SRS erate heaeeawotting gscageroeas ead eeSe ae eee eTGAN ee9EF a acha sti usCarag NGea
pee: eraR, eeoSpeogteSe age le.onee ee cose ee By eggee i gee ae_ oe ——— ae : . . en : 1 . aoe . “SE.rr: WeWt Eas ee a PAPBeton sae ESSlege N “Ben ge BA csc: dg ot eg iceer Pinak OFo* Sia =e ae fps ee ane SS Ree : “ a ac “s * en SS GC Se es ee a tg . comme ee a we ™. Sg Ree i: pe a Peake eet gg St ose Ty Senet ag - ru “ ome - -er ve a;\\ee 1 eye. are7 ee ee cesU2 we GR RP 200 MTS gas is te mnees VeitSa any =aSis =:ge ny ey eee ve Bhan Sag aa gee i _UY aa ae ee Yo REE Se fala Tans ;3es ae Fe arwot? aa pa eee :.aeoy |aes:ee ie er cee Aes CVRGE Enel wd —.. Set a Ss ed wage . oa :‘eshes re :ecEe ios 2aN WEES cer XWshige a SS eR cr uae *we eat! Sake entes é he Pa ee acg tet ah, &Rae 4’a .:* - :.”Be AGREES Oe OA. GpSORE VASES Pe Ae : :‘iy SEEN, ER sces -: oS Ree Satine oo SaFAI eae aefcae we gSPORT ge: \ask Ae. Ge ase eat er he emgage re PS A.get Ry Na ts “i eM a :: as . coer ee EDR Bo : EE LAE poe . et ene ees, NER Aeiggaete os ym eT a wale athe rs oo ; eh RE ce pes)
aeti we Sex Taga Bs Co ST. nssety newattee. eee eae ocr: gtigMA mhPoe. aa eegee i Foe - ae ay » BE NT OR er te enTe : . _Wo eee pee ie RL Rar EES oan al kes RAR RW peal Se Oa mg vag aSee : aeye att ER gt SA a. * 2 Boe . ae voy Bas wae OF AA oe ON BS ae enone # ae ee CMe tn nencoemin ths AWS NRE Rta pe ST agg betta RE a aR cea ge ce BY A oF SYNC SE ee we WA AR
s * ar72} wt ee: coor foeeonwa! ve ae ue os aes Reed Ra ibaa WE oe ¥# ae en ehh CMM Ayelet Seaytte 4a‘We % 2 AMY : xcape oe a; an es eoeeRage :nee aage ewe eeotaME LS ee gkoecee eers ge Eei et rege ogi wah ERED ITT EtSoe se: Sal Maa te a wee sige whe ;Pyegee. \eeie we awegil a HST eeSaiee ee~~eee ry -¥ cae eCmie ene leee Bi aeWes A
ow BR AAS ss : Pea ees a os eae ee .re soe ed “er SeatEPS Lyeae, io. ot afTOS Fe Ee ee a aeoree a,ove : vA * aa .| “3. AeY. = gp MED : aes te AEE ¢ wot, ah aealin a EM et AROS. a aEe SRR Was Mege arng ay, Naae :“Wire ae me* wf yemssO Ragetes . OF aeee NEBeg SOB ES omy OT CCE aga ORT ee kosSepatty eee: me AR5Mew EE Sa gEMi ac,2aeR : * ' AS.wa cotSee “ a :was : wetwtwg ae aga et 4 “NAD Belo eka a Se Se Belew eet fei: ‘ipetleamyanod. ¥ A . i Oa aa Oren a a oe Psa, ag, aye } ig CEE ig Ee ; ae an a | ae : _ " cece aye peek Te a8 To SIRES oe Sa eae Se a So STRESS: SEER Tee MRSS £ a % a A le WAG Raed .
eyBhON pee : \ ER a a ee cepee \ a er Senn La.pice, a neaeet oe re MN te mea . - cri. ae ae ° a ee ae aieei eeeae a ame a aoca mene eesamy Ss Reaeiage a Sm , 2 . : eee. A : : : oes wt a SURE eo we 3 ca ae A pe ee ee ree a Co RUN eae wei dae aE mg Se AH Ca Oe = TE. Te Mig Mag Beod o i “ . AP Pepa ae cs # ale & ? Pa Ries 2) ASRS ee “ . ee eter a wc age egy ae TERRA SR ag cst Ct ceaeaacee asi: © AR = SS TS Now ao SEN Bie cpt . ae Y rh URE Nive, A be 2 thy me iss |
: . : oo °aa‘ *zo‘ er SeeEg ae\ *goed a *e -Be cLrnQUARRESENP E wage a awe Ya geen arian.” jee: a, ewe iia Ree cr iaWee ee UMTS: Rae SesNy - My 4 a:Aa!es : Re yee Cees nap CES sa eSttttarene oop oa EERE et ai ee..ay Seven ONnea .mek SC * ig a eel aSroe y ern
Ps, i nn a ee, oS oeRa .yo eeePs eeEPC weBRE — aare es :A enTERR ee eea” eeweg “aoe oghee Tag : See aeSNEE ee oe, oeBE, amewen ma wa eRe : aoe neg RE RE eeaeae ee ee RE aad eg ne Nag eewee Ee#ee ;: :a:yeae Ces ee we |ey. eT ee ee Soe om .nan atake ty, Sg re: Hen. AA es. ‘aie’ ayEM ES ata 2 wet opoa eSame Ooteak aac aagg OEE ecae Low BlSOE 2M a-_ON iMe ne .°id wee a By LeWSU" we ee eR ,4. ego 4Cae Bes Lo HRS gk se SEE veoe a at oe em tye Bags RE Se SRN BF ean mre ee ngaaVinnie a3Reinert Be Fe ay ire, iz May .we re ee Ta Peo seh eat :Pa :be AAb we. BED ea OP OTE Tye i ORES Bere Whe Mh acce Sy ES
. Ble 7;Boal. rr aee nC aPere ereeeeee ee eraereee a, aasgee wes 3NEen eka ee en ne “Ben aee eeaGEen 3OC PeeiPAU at osee en es ee Se ee BE onde RES ws, ee otaeSa a re ae Seog an Ce ace Sa ; ° :. oe AAG eece eoee wee OParen Ne Sgoeoa7 SM og, SR gan dh gre AST aaSane a Aoar annie a OYaAE SREY0* ee ee De enn Ses ot . im Se. aa BEEE a 6GEA es caine a4 .ing Beese Msoa Fe ae ve Oe .ae : oy, agitOg tt tearsPE an atog rear Saget gee fe las we ee ee Se ee ae Se TL A Ee ee ag : : oe ce See | Mr eo ee am. we Pe oS ie, OR Bag ESS
ngE : os par are F erCay BS SERBT SS Si.ees SORA a eMUg eaig ase i! REST, ERIN Manatee et eo: sagen + Seae ae ee OR, woe Bogae ale Whe, Tate ne MRIS Rs ety Set: pe eee regsee ee eeSSETie wee engente Rees Pei “8 Pe OS pias aayanit. ag PS ; te Tosa -¢Ss Fioen ee‘ee Yeo) Gab AR SES egah aeeet 2See ae “ee ee ere aeBy ., 7eS .ae en ee7oe eeoe Bee edgeet” ADT, UR “EW ag, "en ee ee. ee sage" ‘ rey ee we a Mada . ee es ee Sy a ee ag Be gine ee ee oe oe te ee a ee cere ang ’ ee eee Na ee ee ee Oe ‘Soa Ne A Bo kasi . aaine: PS NR ce vite, A MR ae age co tie. Sea F . x 8 . .os:a A eh art : neg JOP ee eu See ee ee ee OS See Ber Poet eia ot Sia EE Bae ee ANS: RR PAR et oo Wai 2) EE SE aS ce see ea aie aa, Sys soe gts TRS Sas Beka 2 os “ we ares) a aoe a a a is ae Seen PR sore * oN Pca 3, SEAN GET : ‘Sethe thee Oe BOE PECTED at Ay ae: Ms 2 : Lo MEL AE ee |“whey a ag ee we eee ee ee ae ee eeee a Wee ee Bilge 2i ean ge RR ME eM BaypcsEEE Pes es eea A ee OSp daee a,i re Poe ee oename eenneee ae Saw ; . 2TSWenge dara etaagg aaa es. VE i eee On OS Boece tel he uSe ere: ie ae 8S ee ae ee ee ee eeey as ,oa aA Git Poa Ne sieabe| Ny aniaene
oe ee ee ee eee eee ee ee ht oe ae eee Se ge ine Shee nO ope we aia ee en, ae ee eee “yA rn ans
fg aS te - eeSee cok seas 24 ee “sehen ese “yy eee a gan BEade i Bee. eet me ce esta fy, MA, aNG ese eeEo ee ae GEASE ae OE: wig Ey eiYeas eeee48Mae ee oth eh Eaae cate a en ee MA ee RANI aeReely ee ee ag ce ee eedee CS t Poaa ae ee ee ne eeagee ee eeenEusgtigaes 2. wn Sess Baeers Oy ee oFee “eat Cay: aia wo aoage Bae BR eT ee agaatertone Ee a” ee .eeerSET ET O°oy Beye £ ee a SAH oesaheg ae eSSEFEaeafeeee
7 ee ee a be . \ be ea > ma see , i ee ee ee ee ee ee ee wg “ a Ve Wg . ag
po ce ive "aie eet ES ree ie ee ee eee ee ee See ce ee OE age ae oases ok bee oe ee ee eee Boge Signage a & Oi eee. BS ee Fa ong a ce aa
ts eer ee Bees a eee Ce ee a cr. oer eC RR. © i ee ee ee es eo .
onalinFg . . .BM Ca RS e+ TaaS pe ee 4AENE i ce eS seteSey AGaeae, a -we a SU eae aa i Ke3 intianatn on oe faa . ; . "ae (ae wl AE EOSBor RN{Ee ee aa rt ALE eS ‘Oe GeSay. Saeites : ws : TLATRA eI ca AIDS ae gs 3 ; Noten : ¥ ae Be SIR TS he . Bae A we Webkge soe an rt = i st Fy a “ ca eo OU ee AAS Se st toh SESW Ba SRA: i £ : are F : \ q t & “ nav : aeoo. fg ge ae ”oe soeoe gesaesne aehs anhi)ae.a re oe § roe A le SEEN ASoe adaaraemtimotes ye)gee ; \ vem aoe reaeeeeeBoE @erSg eepasa a ae x Peeo.Ee oc ene: a , »cin.” 3 ee yo~ B Pe Pee
a oe oe OR . Lo oe: e | rere a oes ee & ee Se aN OR ee US ee: - weg
: ne a oS ANBAR vieaa=BEE ry $ Pd 4 *# aa re A ae i :BoP : a aeSF. BPaepsOP oo 8 wo : rn eeSsfo.TSA & §Mabe ei ee Bem Pa :en: Seeg oea» ; ‘‘tobe, oo ss es ee ee Wh) ees Oe Pg fe pod weit Rap ef a7s :ofuey— eer . . a Se eer ae ai :¥ i.rie uFBe 4SOF Bons co. eee om : he &a. 4eJF23.8 :ahs : 8.whe aa: Pa Let -ae a ogame eeee 4oeécecee an ‘i 3i.ufa4on loaMig aeari ee — ae :go ‘ec wen j2 a an éaOF eG :‘;*ye 4UE :Be 7ae agee + gees Ea >i3oe meeay SR Oe TY ekee ok ete . os ay2 an‘ihe Ce bg ee:aa4AerOEE ee eee os"aRecars “e oe ek eeaie*Foe rc reiae;c:ae. a4nae ne Ical UR OE ere aoeeee SE en oe. ‘ eetoes aarAES,
ae re ° gee ee a ee a oe ee ee de: gaia eee oe re A : we 3 : het a
“e ; aa wager Ne Eg ga ek x ee “ ova 4 ; 2B Be ae a it ON CEB et en a. Be er gs Es a Kew aah Tey : pos 7 h x ‘ : tel ee \, Meee SEA ae
wer. nce abet Se wrES ee *‘Fa goes BN a. 8be, na 2 ooa “3 See ny ) BPoesagt Aye mma gay “sah Be. 4 af “: mie ae FEgga *gL. =\4ees : EE oe _ :ees “eRve teaee gece eae Hula. aad ; geae »aabaae 8 herr ne eaeRh e con: cA aSe ; ‘; We : con Po . es a. in oeRT si, “ay oe /;. ee se : ge ak* es 4a .:ra Lhe ifeece oo oe ee PRES eexacS oe a en toe Ngee, ee :
Ae rn . 3 we Pog TE AR wh ca oe ee a B? Bee a. : ee Sees .. .tevos © ‘ad os : See . Py ae DRE LEG ane kas RB eo, OY & & Sao 3 cr a ae . Rap ase Bae : POM ae :&CR, wileRe ; pag %G eteSa kg iy a SEO Boe Va BESSee eeSe Boo&Mee ie iXee} z Be OR BeeeeeBo: CE ae a : 7 , ; Og § Sp teoS oat Sa Wits ORM Sagi Ea sePosUg * ge ee OP See an At .FE ; ; EB MEG Set: aa aaby ay Sn cig eR COMBE SI AUSige BE SR SR Seet ky es “ Mg hene eB kK “ae Bose areas #ptop 5428 Do, vo wiv BSe hd af ie et, ek ae Pilea rh Se me i Bec ue eg : Pog ::: yioe z:aon ioes Ee : ee Rote : an! Pe A Bp: BR ee To OR eee ee em BE rae: ae eco es: > :by 5 ios x aSLh’ ee STeg * ORSSS 0 UR oiePa fe Ec pa =‘9A\ a Cag i BeeSeto. are BS f =: :Pa ; *: % REM aan ag vistCE ti RRR eae AGRR 34. Be ag
. po a - oe ee ee ee re Ce) a ee ee Ot ce oar eo
: : : ”oh, : 3 boos. 2. 37: 5Ok Lo we, i ar oe, 48 PgR : eRe fe Ue; ER te Bees sys! Peoa BSCoe RES FY % =a: aa Sn a Be SER . Oo YF Jog PP 3eehet ee ACU aeBe: ee ees Ae3Be,SE a1a|Bo BeOeae, xe pe a Ee? 3Pa, stk. = SEs ag he op gk Pee Ok, Al A i ea DR eee su VME Seg ra % = ‘ He ah : FaF =Sg. :4re: are .“eo mo FRE Beg 4087 TEESE ak ok a YX iy BR PENT Ea ea, AR BS 4; Boe Ba we ER BE . ee Same #borg aot¢fer2. BR : ee, io #Ogras AAR , i.keSEBog Bea*% Cee WL GER Cosa? Aye Ye>eetee Bega UA eeSea eeoer eS a : :.eo. eesse: Be. pe PES PRSek BEEo eR ares whip Pioy Ba Se OL oe Rsfei A aBoigoR oe. i eae x SBes i % care fee to BsSag. ME ERMC Se Pd =. oo: poe .P ai £. 7: ss aDog ::Je £2Boge OD PUES FoahTepe o . 7Eo x, Rae be ER anyuk AE 4 7RE : *¢ SB ES OOPere. BPSSeees oi gtol~ae hace SEP El ge:SAA Eb OPER Reg SRT TRY Vb ee akay ‘Ag oe RR Lee RSE ae :: 2: iOR BSE: Spee, =Be a, FeRSPR wig aca 3gee ‘ nySpe ES : ERE aUE er en ee ¥a OPE eeee: LsSER By eeceacta FShen oe «2Ee i Fox SB 2PE OG ::\ 4. +; (jgageaaee eee Bee 3.02 eR 7 : a Be 2 Be : JPRS gee, ea BA eS Fed Sea ANY Yas % “eh, wo. a8 es ; ee ae ee ile ~:a Sas) 7: :Pot : we Sgge 2 EE ee Se Ge FS SER Ae BRS oe OG PES. gages .. $3 SRS we * Sg eg. gh eo ee, oa LOR SS 7 rca me ow ere are eta ae wal ay Bq MS Vee a » wet GEE | es 2 8 Brat ES ea: :hbets: :ae: a: iwh geeh gales PE OOF REESEBe CRBie OSENH ON SePe9 “A GY CSBeka 29 Ree SCM cD ee TO Cee oe ee 4DLs ge CFeeBnvo BRS «RRS ee aeaco mo 3g ;: Dog Foo gg oe Be it Bel op 7 S 24a eek go ee dg © EUMEE Tar errr aS: Sos : Be ' So RR £ By SRE Qi as ae ga BES ae Bay a TeeEeE LS a ee 34 et igh Rg pet op hes .. oo OR S45 a5ge i ets (Be ESR. Rf ae Ce ge 4aBAe an og Peg $8 ee aeee Se ee eee eeAg AERR Be ee eee ee Re:*me Se ea ae esSee .anLe me Srctehs Ce aeeRe eames Bem ge ode eR ST ES SRF pee Py Se oe. Sane oeeel . e024 fe: :og ca “ene Ry, 4 RSS ESR EY Beek aSeeaE 1 eee ReSS Sota te2eee oo Fg PeSone aBoa q BS Pel ae: EEee = Bee See 2ee TE > eri SSEs eee Ro 5gg RR ee eeco Gea Beem Se, le @ Be Sel PRE OS Re ae ee .SSy ::x-ge ER eaBe Pe PRS Pw eer Se, Boa REE wo Re LL i be ee etre: Soe btpy? 4. :SE ::eeBy :ifBt .28 rs . .32. 1, EE ee Mee Gees, coe f eer Sarge. RE eae. Soo Be: 5 See Ge Pay 1: eB : ws jee Tet 8 eS ae eee Se ee eee Be ose Saree: Bact | : PR Fes ' Fone ; i See . PROBS Be Ree ee ee ee Be Ses a BE PE, BL BU og ee “ : . .: Fo. 7 .. .k: wise” SeekeRRS ie Be He ES SoeOC Steere wt nF a . .2Fs L, an . gure. . . mYeos 2%reelORR PR ReaR. eeeRS Seer Le, es Bee? heeoo Pe:SeSaget ee © Mee Be 2Paes SRRee eeaes a
.: :Rope TRE eo aaeeo ne OO AAeeaeee Be Ge “a ann a: er .Lo 2ee, ~ ”:ae:; iEe Pe&ay Boia ES% BeAe Eeeee Gee eeeeeiGe Eas eeeaae Lot BS co es a Pe eeaeeenSREB
:: ee 2Fun S:. .fs TP ake og *, :iRE m3 gel Oe fa 2S ee ES ee aVES Ee ee BeeLees Je ek £2SeGee LeoeBes Saad :;EN erin eae NeTee +Ts Ro eee Jag 8es art ee 27 SEE GR, AEE ee. Seam 2 SE : an 7fre -Dae ion “.AS 3Soe ny eed BE ee See af te 8 ee a ciel . 3 a ac ..Li :oe -:coe fo.4 Pe 5pene ae oeFe) Fe Seon Be ee ee Ba ohea Baie Soe SR BRATS: .wets G oR as” Rye “tg fexe Rag SS Rare ae ce Pea aes eePee OB 6ager eeee ee eee E : 2% Pan E pee OS : Be. Ly : a : . iuegia Bey: Tees + Re Beg eee Ses Bee eee , rei Bon ;Be leet SR icaigate ytee .7,;dee. yO Hest lyBe Ee 2 E10 eecee fe: 2Sak .Se eo &ae. a, 3=-% yt Log Barge geFe: Be gee ger 2, Saas Be ay "gash Fos a"f SNe 7“Pog ge he Bia RT oh OS aeA ee eee eege a& aA igs & page! ES ee Perce ae a .- > “iOEE : :ete etre tes ing ASE Te Jue. 2-5 & EOT EPES .22 BB 23aay Sass BE JGe RGRE aae ag 7ge a=z4SS. SE RR 7Bs. SRE Soe See
. .wr it ig 73 ch toe Sees oe ieke. ee eclas © Se eS :=:Soo z i i ee cer : be Egg aes ee ee ee ee Jee Fa ‘ WOR: E::Ae i0 eae TS pee SB og or & .QIE ‘ ane Bey arae rns BE: TES ae BASS aaa Seep SEa a : : a 4 i 7 Ree ee. a = . Lo SE Eee : nS an ee ae Sa ee Coe orcs ja Soe ea . ; fo ce £ ; Pr 2 22 Gee ees O38 E . a 2 ty ee v : hb BE eR Fe oe get BF Serta uae? . aon: : . oy Bea ae . 7 . pF wt Bee a Ree F Dc CR = Cr aa ea aca s5ry got" wet ogy zBo oS “aei”eae Re. 22 BP ;“,oa aSe ::B.S SEe ROR Bee aa wih 4 Sak SES * ty aOTB “y, a BO ae ee oF zaSua oe : : aawr EY .clea aSES 3: Pek & Sa ee Sr. isee 2Hage Ae wet Be .: 7.2 eee pe se eBea eeae Re *ayia :=aNe, mo EEE 4, BORE Bee
. ee # % i. E82 ocean ae G2 SE aeierca ° i: “.- vom, ~ oy, ~ Sige a oA : . . Preraiaesue 8 ae . : pee es eeePa mee 2 & SORES TET .. *::Po-. “Ect, .age: Le 25,.ee 7 eerSRR a a Pepe “SRR eee ea Mer geen, ee
ee 2 ES Cook ed - ae & Boe eee
. . : ‘ Se PS ; 4 ee en es : saskagde
” = = eo = Be. EES stk . Pas CET 1 RE etal
ennok a BT . :aee me :rei pe Ta yg Be QE STR, :eyEa an aR awy“: 2an Lot Lae Og :AT bo ::a Sf tySe any 4WES Beg Brel ni Bh igd . Ee eae UE, “HSa ESgE :a, ; “a“ae? wo ‘3Bsaes :;Blas Bag feo Page Beae a aSELRER 6G :2 aae oh hay He EP oF . : ae Se :::az a : :. >:pos Pott PB Lie eRee Qe ey BRE fo, ene es cos moos vity ee ;BR ( ae Meiees . “:aBees BRS a i GH a Beg Se WE ee i re z 3 ik eee ne ae aaah eet Cee Pk ee BAR TR Og a : . : ek Ce a We ¥, Ty BE az RE Bg Soa feeoe: : eBcee eo..:;; .Lo Go oyBo 5 Eepeagme aeEIR ier J PTT cc ae ag an’ib JbGg BETS. HgMaud 8 BelereBy, ees44 ,;Lo 78ksSoom Sap Beko) EE Lob ey ag .é © i ES
gs *:ros eo at cee ,vie :Fe: MER oy ee eee eeINST ac eee stPU eee a oaco ee not woe een see: peee treae rn i aam ae wo OO sree :PE FoR #0an OP SEyOS Sese coke ct gh ne Peer eee an ; se eoAL 5:ONT TR Awe fae. A :Q .. aee oe ee BOB - ..‘oS UE RRS EE EPR gsPRA ABRR ggg “. er ae ahy, EP Pe *en fs h.Bo Fo: iBEL ee Cte bee ASG A Beg" . Soy ae me .OPE EORE RA at Roe ia oFov. Se ™, oo 3,6:.:7a.: .oe eS Ape beWee seg Se oNEY eee SURE s as geetBes OSsee “o4 *at oad Bay Bs +,Lt By fs #5 Bow, . SoSte, PEER oe | IT] BRR SE RUE SES SP, wa voy RRS he :Re ., :iyves 5PES BesSE Foc: BR EES ae aa ig 2 : -:om, UE a LEee URE 8 Fae mieARMA Ty : ne 2.5) &®qe ae PoEOEBa tyBowe 8 : rr8 ras os OR as iVE aeaga PRR ee eele ier a aaeeee wg4 “y fedi$ gs
me re cos So Be ow eek RB og weg 0Cue isGELS OS LO Ege ge re 2.)So42t ee ernesoa 8=*ee ie 7:: rr :; aa?aage F "OE 2a Tet lstTea VRE >Sefag g@ Rg Wt MERE eF eee RF ae ff. “fd dee ] ne aaeaeoo $e. ule Feoe Be US awet Ee DESOP divcae ae SP ora, TES oe ORS WBS :8Ce i ..Be .. cb *1#aaaFa ae. Fg? :0, age 2a : Ro : ads eees ORE ee es Be 2 Frag on atEE a BF te enSo OEoe cee TN SE TES EEE ,Be FOS TREY :Be BP SBgy a “De Btpa bee ee Ro 8aeSoil SR eh ee woe Oe BSS BR PR Ba. Elune gig *rae RSA ieee th Fes, 2? :iwe Ee “Be. * zo apBon & i =Boa ae’ te ROMP ves whee, eS We ligsgE fre SUE 6CSSA 6S CREE Es SSS Ro AS, Ree SEN OO ‘ : hae Reyafot . 2ae oemad BEERwie Be #a aEants ee oe Pe om STE RA Ls A SA Se) Gale A eae , : a a Oo Were 4: -Swe EPig BUF OTs an a jos Bn 8 a a a a ot we Wee Rn EO . ‘. : eee ree ee ae : re ae :Be i= *:eh ee Pag. Set er ae48 re erLR oe a“aoe Sesh |Te, ae aOAR aS . Be Ly CUE Sa awe 1B he a: Fa . ::7te Ed oS* 1a :See §@Be 3 MER Be Be, er?ei SR, JigBo isea -uoe saeee a"ER : : Bs Fag oxPay Be Ay 2998 8a 2ko Bre & . °. ape Sok .ft:£4 .fe .on :aope, ad 2Oe anse we REA me: SHS aSPR Po geTE: aeae eeTeepe stk Ee :aa 2S: BE BR es aOO GR PR seis eee OP 3UO TUE OU EE 2eee ge oe ho Ea .*aan , aot atA oe Me ST eeBee™ OBR UEP va, vaeatasase Soy ag, aga gh PAB Bg xSee a,i ::fae 42 eee 2S . 423 8aar < > age OF we », x ect wom EE ne, PRP Re CU ee ee Te SBR, GR NR 2.88 Tok od) aes 1 Se 78 nk x. Fea . Me % aan . # PR ee Spe. a ig. Lo eee Eos Ra ye AGE, Hie? EF fey % foe Ee a ; =;eoeee ee fa fo fe 28 5 Re Som 0 BE OES BR Be lo rr. 7} re 2 a" 3 we EL ae soe cS ; fe Bo, xe eo vg Se SS ai EP ee bE eae Go ees . —_ ae a Te ; 3Me ; . ay, - a OS ek coe . Bos : foot # ot, a Bee og et sy OPS ER Pe a aes orn Pie Be Bye By eT SES : o: Sonne Pan “RF gt s ne ee se aA apes:
i. re nn er ee. os eee, rene eee er + res i hee meen st ee 54 8 Bk
wo avyee 9nea=hsJTS RS RMP Sei cee SO Te a Me™ Ee so eee ae ae ae eh,Gos ES, SS Co
4;f: uo OR .F: ‘awide Hou 5ee a Le Sak Be 3Ritiema agBek BR, ied cea a eae 8ea mhae Fy Se us ;ifan :.-iTR 3Ss el:Sree =e 23g A eS See tags fhe aie wig! }7. .‘Ps 22: Tas aa +t: :.‘eee ae os :.cit: .71tkaered a; me ic, aeSe asFigg fitiaha itteae OR ek aee,eS D30 so ;at og. Dees es, Dy agi Say rget eins, Sie MR ee 'Ba
: aa: : a:8 : - ‘ :a ~ set | ER Se BPRS ae OR oOoe oa eee aah “Miaggh TPR, SSSER SRR 7 Pa a:OTRi“*ed ii. eg Ft geeaaes eee eS ee i Bak 0S : ar ;-. ; ee: revats ee, ir ar 5OR ae . es :Be ad Foe. ete Sc a CO, OR A aBost og 7fg 6 4 a ee Sede _ ey : LB : ae 7 ? pees i a a a i aie . : ws 2. . -8: ae3rrapie 2 : 2 cara a8) ee RR PO : .e :7. aE Beweg i . arnwee & t & a a ~ Lees th LPR ERE 3 Mat - .
:.M® s* aega ¥ a- Bae sno ee .; .::;we omer os Fa SER eee x : F x . : . oF og. Re ces
ae - Se : we
hk . x rn tid ” nae cE 3 nae fe i 2 a . .: a Bee ak FS iB ao’ eSB So EE ASE:
SPhqoganes « eek Be“ ge ohCel Lak Bee 2 es Eee ts 7 3Bre eae 2 os ame.en . .53ee Re “EA Sa pa Se fo | FAS Gykan ¢oe caea* aee: 2a te lo EEL Be Te fo, yo % . Ree ag de EPS :ORL eM dipped OE rr ee oy Bae TTtee ORETe gigSS) he Page Egy a PEe ARTRE A Co gt C ge Tg a
“pS *: eo TE [Mie RE bo pee ee “gts forge 4Pas. ee a pas BG coe :ae: ms ne TE Beg EPR Tie 9,€2 SSE SES gg : :a::Ton “g a,a:ra ah 7SE #OP . ;ig Se BRE AOE kd File OR ge 3 TPE RSE Dy ege Bernas ee oan :Pe .Fs on ‘Sees get oeot wt EyeaDOUSRE MR Sp spit Og BRA aSa Ba BE - EARS #ROE canes ie Sa rewre Prewt Pos cee Fou. Bye egEES ae AR Pog, 7 NEEDS? aeea : Bots, ee FS eon Foss at aAaed ee: £3 La2 oiate oa blag 2 & rn ar ie WR SRR DE: aa Tee
kePe 2Mee PRES e rn acBRD & ABR BES a *aey Dba yr TG . fot fh EP TRF 5| g% o£aa F SRLS, Poo... 4aTR Tia2 A Pe Sec Pee = . ipm weee BOR oe LEE *Rb aeons *caOS *a xFa : 3ot es es ‘ Le: “Lege cama cay is | nnFg BPsoS bgoA 38 Sie oe© Sosa eae Beet oee Sect ar pee ga 2 Pes Pee REE Fare OPER a
Boi eck aries to ite te eee tt 2 ee
a Befiee eh. = =—r™—DOCUCsMsSCSé "tld ; : wo,
”> ded “pe t ltl .} . | ,| .
once used as props in Belli , a | have VHA THeLF sHdat oo | , , Coola dances, and ima)
vr it Sleep OW?7HEF Li? sleep dha ae.and . death _ nae
Q) 3
T2 alOS _ ae “eee
bears a school whales. 4 yof killer 4 —_..
he: ne i es ,seei ee=J rNBgoes ia mo CS i is Mi | es io, os alls, ee Ra 4 , *, \, i :
ne i . ae}, oe
i” bie: re‘tateeey Bia ,,
Hi: pe aan ait ts i He
Hf bigs. eee ae woth abies : et ia vee ees Ree ie ieee oe .
re ee ee ee ee ee ee a oeLEE, rr er eee Ee eeeeTTL) aenieee eeoe ; _ ves gettting BBS uticlnesselish eset AMAA ALLA AAAS TT eee ere eT eT ee nT eM ne TTY i Le)
EIGER GB ibe OM GRRE ORR Se ee eS Ae Ss ee ae ea at ag UE Be ea re REE REE Sg re io ia en a eile ne hy se a A eR He is ih HTT He fail hiii TL
. 4)4 “eT Vin ta i eect ae Ge rt bee d} i AAT f JkaHein fat Ale.
awa iTy aeParas Pe: ff ha .gov are hf : feeet fF ea we ¥; res a Ahs =a wm aeFakes §fs 7)eo cree aa aaathe? GF a' whe ee ee oeaE Maw, wee ;ee bs vaa! oitaSear er He i& i er :Bhd \&: 4 a}4 f'we “got Coogee pom! ae rig pa. ahs ae, oe.Tloy ¢thrf.eit -i *, et *ut ‘Alon i.vs aatt‘atoe aNG ee. q&ne: ii Mage a eeu. eoiisee1s me i ny Brea! Lhiaeanit ee ae ieye ray ig iy Lees SOV |Fe bj¢)tian tiie he
pe seg pe ue FS ae aeFe ee OeCal reeks Fibiyeit os‘etka eee pee oe vas r CAE eee WA GA AY | PE Re AS L pt 'S OM ee"ae Gilesesss isplaneent iee a my. ftABA BALL ; ae Ayo far in eeRe beGar bf ¢ *rae aee *F ran eeda t-Na 2, ar B ectthtitlete, Z: rr qrtegines ed | Oae. {eit RTE Be Mi F a j e a t ah. , . ees ra gd ra UL Hit it7 } yi Be * ¥ ih : . Cit r i M ewes all qtr est ms fe oe, aa ee te ee - wn ii htc eeey
eaiy 1 !‘i ff f dah atthe mg! A PT Pog 4 ane a f : “y tetpeliued iat He i tt SAN WidhalRMilt mee : egy $4.78 78:™; ae 4 . rae oe Se wae B TeLeee ry wee Teceeee : . Serees ay ay yaa RURAL REAR AG SEER ER TS FRYE oc 6 TES PS,one ree tul Pat ag ae a Ee: ‘a ra” on
Brig At(i vel (oe(| yTe eeDee aDEU” CoFRC | SRT EH FSH REETE meARG aunaett ee ve Ee PDAT rate M FOV EA aeAGL A ULVEL
yi ey 1 ds 7 --f- : 4 4 Para wone..” (iF a Wa \ hat tity WW ty , We if Hil PUTER icegielly werrunrtey bata: ¥
fi ii I \ vA et ane : : ae 7 “a Pa Ha i ai ag Py ry . , Hi) Wit ae He 4 (if AL UE a ; an
AARmhREL EE NG cet J) ie- | (PUBaei beatae i reaemas UH RBA ' ee ee vail ane aay PuFA, ari Hap Vie :Steer P Nevoeaa gmawehy : mea oe tae ttYel CAMA aye Nat Pa ey He ntia ay te Week i eatVy? ey Ae . Ba eee § 2h oe Seen NUR aT AE nee UT ae ty t HA . eritrcerryi igi Ce ce go ep eae aa) da ied ae i ™_ yo
'y&wat EA: _- ftes ‘AEieaHUTA FeyryHBTs iaH ReeoyDHA hyd cag : |\ L :Be at‘ aARATE .me . ; a ita ea ACHAT AA tir iHEE RuteHEH, eee ttaWadia ‘sins eel ffHt Hadom HELE any yi -,jai ah Hi f°. HAR \| Vr) Ea, x ih fin ait ?ayfdastein atti “YER ”OAH Htre - oe: Hd OS La. a aii Oa OTHE va eae. ean |4RHEE Teta | We AY ere Se kagUE ye aad Wat ifane .. bee iedfin i a;ala ffifHEP AGRE Haj ELLE PAA ohWl a USHA TE bee Sad a ALIA HE aed EEN iy HHTHEG a eee be4Feaee ne TREY ot n; Pore RLSae apedy aesHERE ere RELA CEECUREULAL ueHE Hi NETETMHY o PA HEE aAtNa fas a eG eesaves aGG. — ** Ce ree . re sone . EAE i Mienh fhStep AH Hi i ee oy ‘ae Gi, Wail Mi ay ry He i wih i Nee ye nhnin rarer Fray ft i. Bee i‘J! pa iat We aa “aE terity avin auy } HUD - i “tis : EU tah ETT nA 8) Mee fig teeeteeasoats penny rd “ee \ eei" | pete ‘i ayHe i a ates atianb HH rrenerreriniiety Lie te in ee " LAU EY aieHHT atthe erect ytnvates | nnn ayeet ataTepe! Vy Auata mahi i " SG Tite ite Petree Ty Te ar etl” Ne AA La att ee ACER . ee OTTER yw * she op ee tate § fe ee le ree abeedtig enn LAMAR RUT
ar “es Ne A ‘\ aay mee ° . . Hs Wad aig (ah jee FE Wea uu ae - See ite ae aCe ANE He hath et HH q HUE tte — AV Pe eee ANE bel feevat fi ae| af | a aU uname eur) nae Ra:ee Menace tant otis wat pe|ilVERE Haitet ny: Coe HWA HCN oo TH ARE tedHe Hn: EE' OHA
q i i ’ ’ . 7 Wohhe i ~o we + , . “ar oe of pe pul yea CHT yElie u eit aa GE tae a Hay ete ee ile yeh ne t Held tg : r. ite RE
Ny, ee aay 1 eae Sey EN : fr _ , a RE ee | re Ve et ei oo _* cnt! , ae if CA ant tN Sk igh -_ : ie agi itor testers ae \ oi ota a tia 7A Caan Menue wot oe’ bow Bs eet oe uhh ‘ an , ; ay 4 yt Are EH mee _ Pines iiss ¢ . Bib Fi is i: ee it PE YN : 7 ‘s ete Se . eis FE PEE EE
yd, Wh Yat ie‘ na ee Dae URE ETT a i ERet Picea Le ayea Se orien ota| {i Al ee iefee pic slates aa fyen) i ret Pine le SHee TT aee: He cate ae,ee UD et ERTSn erige -ini Aalenaladietcns |Hii SHA aeaeegie:fo SAT ee Bee 2h4. NEGISS7 yas SHRATE le fo ae ACs casa REALE NAHE A + TREE ue Atal iit OPH Hee i Gin ieee d no Ee - an
mii OS otdrains Pee Ce” unteae Te freien PeTE enol DANE up —Clie Se eee EN A a PUGH aTPe taEE i FTES vit eT aNY ) ME HiaiB on:PO ee) tea ah a ag ie Ree ee yen qa UU ieee wees mee its «nn |f A7fi;+ in Cae aU _£ stHMA Ar tt Pi Hi :Fe Hi yHH |iaiY AEE 4! a desit ah filTF i “Sai AE i afan,
Haah 4 cofNAY : | ~tiithES Besa teataeHe |AAa a aat og, ie ee ee. Hy: USHER | ih itl A Site yearn Ro if Be ee {ty {oe ye ere Ee Nanas i} sheets iE iv ahaa Lai HU Mt TTLLaEH REEL ONE te vat £ Ay fy ig } Seg r . eee ; . . . _ SR a AER AEN i ine sas; eee reOP: —~ tT PARLE TTT TREE _— ieee Pol4mye mar{4 latydie Ape: — SPB ” } Amie
Sse aby yeeFi~ ean TT Speen : 4 eepiety ty TaeHi ritealte feelin HdAbita fi al tteHT Heche ne He WEEtee i st oeigiargtyeelesCathie. f df AAG eo a ihe oe ain?" ee Jaen flue ‘ TERETE
,) Yi ‘| a fi if . if THER AD ee Vy a. ee. as ree pis pie tu Ai Ht i Pte \ i Ae . da REED
Hea ot! etteAe ‘ Ah; rerWet AGE }!ie‘the en, 11) ella _.: t| eUaS | feari‘‘fheeSfe\eoe ae ARID aA e fy i ar ; ah ly ar i xt ; i > Le, : Me ; te a gi ra, } ee Lee 1 a *;, aoes Det L fei why at ( we HY if Fd, f i eri pF ae his, "| i ts pote Bert ore cee A ‘ a, wa GY A My " Ry ¥ wf LONE pe fete ss Saif ae i oe we we Pa Cee. ‘ ; ae eu Al] rt Hit Han Ooo atMa ithAWRENHS LAN pf Tepes HET: Fito Old Gina ~~. adit Se, a SA - THe bopagtry ft atsaE | are TMG LEiia i! Eee. . a ign Wags 9 ca cere rit haiadeed Sorat Ha | ‘adp |: alkSee a . 4,03, YeeLiea Do ,| a ce a Oo
PG la a ee gM BI ago: eeNS eesNN ne —. =‘ |”~~a 47% . oo Ge ag Roe RRR EA ee ry se a a aa - o£ ees ) a. : a ay a . ber a .
’ Se . ee * eae OW es a a ° eo at ms i. "oss eo ig 4 ee aa * aq a tee ad “ik
cm | a) | a ultra Se y 2 ie ie a ae Lar re ag we Pee, ee : : eeca Re POE F . FO ks et, 5
sa. eee ||US we 3 ye. bed : a | Pa So a , 126 Haida mortuary poles a ae oe la — * aos |
commemorated high_ a ae " ‘ , ranking deceased. Smooth ae cE ae 1 . mo
. 3 5)
and plain forspecial most of their a ae length, these poles 7 0| a| aa AN ay waa4 .|7 were typically topped by a : Lo wo aah 7 Pa a a |
127 Haida houses had Such designs were also employed in the manufacture of pentagonal Chilkat 1 towering tote at Late - ve ve plant oT,and,animal . fibers by members of OL CNTR FOLATE POS *poles blankets, which were woven from ;various
their doors. A hole at the he Chilk btrib - the Tlingit. Th | led m ¢ hase of the pole, often the the Chilkat subtribe of the Tlingit. They were also apphed to large sneets of native
mouth of the lowerniost copper, beaten into shape and decorated for use as status items. Of all media, how-
CHIYARCE. ’ { 44° . .
figure, served as the ever, the relatively late monumental totem poles are the most visible. These were > carved as heraldic devices, as memorials, as mortuary poles, to commemorate an 1 important event, or even to bring shame on an enemy. Most of these artifacts, both large and small, were connected with the functioning of the complex and highly stratified social systems of the Northwest Coast. The ‘potlatch’, in which property of all sorts was given away or destroyed as a means of ‘buying’ higher rank, may be the most famous expression of these systems. Much of the artistic output of the area was in fact tucl for the social machinery that clan leaders used to gain and hold rank.
. . ~~ * - . = . on a . ? ¢ - . 5 * . .
~~ : . _ ) _ ‘¢ . 5 .
ESE roto —. Eg Se SeSe ees ee ee ae E EE Fe EEE ee eee EE EE es po eee eI a ILLL LE EE3EE EEE RESTS eee Ieeee t LILLE zzEE Zee EE PLE PoeeES -—EE #37 ;ia iCC iii OPaagm—@ ;+i4.«+—sessee crcl aE ee ED 2DI OIE DEI EE BESS ES 5 EEEE SE ———————— EEE PEE oI EE LLL EE eee ease PEE eeEOI see ne ES ee °° EE EE EI! ELIE EE EEO ie Eo EEE EE LE ee LLL LEE IEE PESTS g EE BEE LZ — ——————— EO i EEE EE EEE Z g FEESeor : : ZEEE EIee EE>EEE ESE EEE ES ES ee ee eee Ze : & ee LEE EE : Pee EE eee &§EE ————————ECUCU™U™Z2£-Z ai ¢ee ee Fe ee ae Fa EE SR ee ee SPRL ety Re ee eee i a Fs Be eee 2 OE a ee : £ = 2 me et
EEE 2aeem ag E §:¥ ae aEe alll*as Jee RE oeBe aeing Be:So Ss tal #2 B. eneoewae PEERS o-fee # tL
Ee : ~= i#4. ZF wonts BF .. ee :ae - “e+ °goeast a go: ar E#Bs : Es :+H _ Pa «i 3 “os - - 28, 7 beet soe ig Met
7222 na * 2 ee cee na ee
ae 5. See Se - - BME . “sae ” re ttn Sen ec eaae B SY PSPS Ee Rete ee er See .
NE ro GEESE. TL re ie eee ER Ee SEE SSRie Bee See ee ee agee es ee Bare See eae, oh Ber:Bg /_ aEesate SA BU Draie sa gee PAEES Scent ESE SS Se eee ee eed ee : eee 7s ee ae ae ee eee See ees Beers ad ees pee 2 SABER eet es oe tok trace iste Leia VELSel gi sie eaeEE Eetbiy See =pees Ree 2g=z4fe ’——— : seo eR i ,Shae Roe Seep eer eal ISU eeeterna ees tieSeEE Se ena Eeeeee eeeSee "2oie EB s ey | IAE8ee eee aa eee ' —_ 2Bee = Be ee eee Hg _ 7 eee pee he:= ee 26pes? 0pee 32Bae - _ee _Bs tipi: Be eg eR EE ELE LEE SR Ee : -“+8268 ae Ba ea7 aAYSe on eS eePaa ee) Bee Be eee 2. : we Beg Be ee % 2 2 a ee| teres a & Fee Ze z a 3 TERS Tre BS TEe Pee ee RP ey ia eis aa eiee ._me 2 aa ae ae eee g pS Sates Ae Bia ee PP ee a Se Ao EL Lie agin toads :::ea) By es Ls ee ee : 7 ae ea ee 5 foe. MASSES Se ee ee a Sag ee ee : Pee oP Peis wees tee SEE ee RR Pore Be na ede we eas ® xein3PERU ByeSEES a es wae ee eS eeeee ee 6 Osta 2 = E2_ = ee Be se z ge : = Bie ea aea Se
ie “zee eee -— Oe ee oe
aOoaerneee 8 ae= ber eeae7on 4 Bee ee. BEL ee eee =i £2. =SeaaSece SeeFSU ESERGS ee 3ae ee ES 2.8 a i OE ~ _ee:ae* re ses fak tae oeSas) = :ean Pe
:iz. =ca4 OSEee ereet aeeall a wast * ne aoeailabyees : eS Be EES Sees eet oe HBee : fot Mek 3 :.: Lint ee tol aeFT 5esae pace 2caPaes Wie Fx eS Po a pao Pcr BR aeee peered ere jfgea ae gee Sse 2asioesy ener Me ones
Z i " Bs“ss 3 = Bee Ssasee #, = ¥ee - : wep eeeBe zed _ oe Raceree ad Seren ek’ Zid : : Bee Oe :. og e.x')ate 5&Zae gall Smarr 3 See Fe 3*. — 3 z : : ees cae ge2 AE ees ar :=p Pe rr ioe : : —3 7 Peg ee ae we i... =*+ag se sa? sia oH + a, a # Tee, cel 2 ees 3. on a ; a. ORS ar’ a 2a 2 a, = 2 ee .foo. Datare 223 2.4 =2. :van ee a & = a ee soe a as a EE mon D2s2 32: 2.8 : Eee eo ae s 2. ey 2 : SRE pies “ea 3 8 ; #3 (eg Poet! a te, 3 3 Ss 3 ane fey
Bt ae aa 8 2: ss ae ae
2 . fF. “ew? +: 2 @* =. a " t fe ES Ad mae
8S So 23. aa Ss.ca3 :nee a ChE erate =- y+ "l-43 %73) = ae Rey oo.) :°2BES Peo ere =Ss.) ! #2 . 421S, S98 Se teeny PS “+ & =?!efigey we 4 Sav epee ee ?2 2.oa ' =. 22 ae aa Ms #2 :Le oecae
i cw. Sa i "Mia a ede es : eee . : Zea aan Se sa. © .:fosAERAET ee Ch RSE a2. 2. 2347 Hae S a Ss Co teaeS aa2 =wa ay PA ss a2aeSee waa ,:eae aeee fod eee 3Sac 2a *2 "Sr yoae 7Bearer : S78 Saeed os__a83 sau a ae eH van anes Pare . Sd 2oy 8,2. oe faa TS eee =¢ ae 2:=a3 S237 Sy El : Sa a eeeer eae eeeat a2.Py tee,wa a” >5 2tittiiaes aee =: a: Toe. “ miss 2? So a Fa aa .#S236 = es # 2. Bruise . 23DH, +. #%a= . BREPape Ls
. ";; oe se eae =, atfe £a aa3 “eyes RES Pure. ah ae : #3 efits Aas :ae Fe3a2 Bolas. URED Magne cee ae 48 S24 4° #5 Bo, eee eee Bokeh .ar ; ot ay Lk te kal Za =, = rea aa ;*eiv ee: SEA . . > F : oY . an ‘oe, oo Mes, SO -'._ .on a..& = ge s=te a2 aees 22.5 so aope Pa cpg ES 35) : eee a3 3 24 a' ow. #3 = Ba 3 i EN SEE spy ee4 # : ed ~ Sas. Se “#£ a : as ft pe fi EARS = E ca ne TAs 6 Sa w aoe So 2 ° € Pe Pa . : eS ions ti. “ES a EE = ‘Sst ePol: Dass 2 ee ee nse i ee a = ie ' = _ 2, a > Se a3 2 en fe og ES wee . seve a ees ws : : a Sa. Ss 2 $3 2 ; cree BNE S ce “ae 4 sees ee ree = . eee .2 : 2 2 ‘ay. 3 = ae Cb, : ; pee ppcgnnnth .. SS : : 3 : Fh, aot ose e335 aera on a eg Yee, =~m 2. :as _8a ::2ce ; 2“Se A @ wet ee85 Sa . :ee: w has eee SS vee PR . :SS se ;SS *Se 4-2 Se. as ee sa a5, EX ys Sag Sas. an ao ae 7‘."=. =: aa 2. WES. a* anes, OSs Past ane Sa :ce. oe :2-Way — a1?-ae 3.‘2 aa ==aes faan has fA % Se ¥ ABS =a Gee 2 2. : . eee Rear Sen & ; : ' 2 ere es Saat ey ae es TR se & F . . Sa E. . a Ng a3 = = wt > ee a . Soop es oe, 8 ate =: ;wes ae. =:a==e ES Fa, TanShe ‘s“! “tar z. pets5a2 OMNEAY nod . === =OoSS : :woe nok XSiWaet »a:“BS 03 avai : :oo Yh SoS == = mo “2° a aa? a ae as : ee les pes = | sy Ed . «fae aa : fe zs? 7 er Bed a = mae : re Bs ‘S38 i oS : Ps . aS aa =. od xe at e to oo Ptah fei, 24 =—— . . ERO = =e Sees aa. [3a o ase 22 3. Bp es Baa SF SS . . . $ . eS eee ee . wns 2 3 72 8 7 a. a a a : an : vos eee: = SS pe, ; SS Ss ns . z= 2 : fed wal 2 = : Bees ud PY “ eee = ass : ge Poa fe Sy ee . bd 23 . Se ‘gies. paras DR nie, “wg EME ee —— “ oa =. = woe : aa . “2a: e2eas eee aces Pia =ae 23 rte ; eg = oe aaeas =ae ae 2.40 j Te eae Bae ee: :.Léay:oo = .% Ss we te ate 5 eee aUe” Syl enBES ee —— :8SS aaeeos:1ape * .as y>,ss 3 =aS ae=2.=3se vin ae
——S Teg = nbs = | fe a 2 2 ]
{S32 . mo, . ,: Lo .ae we =aBO 3= ai=, ;aog] can .7=os nT -. aail wy, Sf Scar 8 eo PEOFs ear. nos eer . ae - er == ey ww a.a = Cai Ben aa= ss——" _= :: :Lot. =Be= ot eSars A Es .aSnas ES, Ba ; SS TaeSa ==7 2-ae. :ts eleet a oo . . pice) a ele.Bact -+BEy ne¢= 2 1” bo ~ageT oobad 33 ed =. ‘= = .: ;: xLet TEES ran anne os. :Hey _ rose ee~ot. .re ae,oNSS _ Boe cae : oawal De oe oa Done big!— , _ xs 2 aes - a7' :. *S— ciakBee “eg :ce * Bees
SSS : . Bet . ieee 22h a= ° SS = 24 wee a * es ae. i ri Ee 9 : ae
= S -. . : DPN eee Te Bre ? % > = BFS 1 SES we . a Tray * ot aie “Fy a gi ye — : 2 : " oS: BS: [an eee tel, CES ES ee :eeTs S =. = = | ns, : oe:an’ ge 2erwae > ae 3EaLSS FS foe =stae .-5e—— Se >.2,toFe a=2oat
aire figss 3 TOES ae re foe LaSSet : Peee ~SoS" ae a32 a: > =eae aeOME Paoeae =eos ee ae ae=a—— sos : ePa ok :aes 2= 3“3s Pee, ee, .foBae _—¥ +ce‘:a"Si oe. gee:Ss . FFSE a%cae ,. ad! 3*32 >27: Sa : a=" oF -[5y Sree ——— z= Be 2=.As ; ae “ SS} Eats aie sen SS SSS 5 “5 = vo : yt ee 2 5 =a The : SSS eae Ser omg se as 2 Sse Oo ge ee BS . ern at, = a?ol. “3 a ae Sf FU “lob Ses. a = se 7 Ses oy ‘ pot ney _ Vas ‘eSJ Remo NE %%Qn / ' XS OS ty fj A | SRE Na
é :SD ENOL aa ; oa Bee * S$ : 9‘hang. “ A XN aaONS —~ peyar 5 Wy a.) \" eRi) gePe ey ©. NA Q / HS ¢ / ovation Sy 2 oF VOU% Gf an 1 4 al ‘YOON DEF / (yc 4 Sn) “wyvee ONG OY SDA ten OI ghee “e O aol ~ ey Ve SO Lg UO L gsINS Ca,. se ooofoF\ on .8 we |er(iT ‘9 FB
sy re an ‘go po ; as Qe Or, Low ae -— Pe Yo; es —— ‘ Log “a 1CfJ&(NX, fot OWA ONS Segeam ° of NER (| Quik AN Meadows® ~he s Sf Ree Ne Pork Ino.+ ies y “ _.LON” a aeoe . eee _ ea(we ( } ‘ ¢NY NNwoth aX a, - ~ ~aun . on C j SSeS . hoix? SN j F Gay \ de » ‘eo J aa a | fat VN, BA. err 0 Ay ‘ & »)t¢ LDes ~~,ae an /oF el eX ° yaw ao .@SeoS i.“ eeoeae .™,\ \; \;‘ fidory Ae eee
a 4 & \} mane I~ FD ae
bese ee go 3 e ™~ | . Ay > 500m w . %. 1 ’ Pad po THE ARCTIC & SUBARCTIC) $f de oS es 2a RE at : \ . - “ * | f of mare | f ~ — oe OOS Oo a7, Cc
The Arctic and Subarctic We come at last to the vast northern expanse of North America that was the prehistoric home of the late-arriving Eskimos, and waves of earlier Indian populations. Alaska, which lies at the western end of the area, was particularly important because it was the gateway to North America for prehistoric immigrants. It 1s conceivable that a comparative handful of people might have reached North America by some other route, but there 1s no convincing evidence of this. Both the earliest discoverers
of America and the most recent aboriginal newcomers seem to have entered the New World by way of Alaska and western Canada. Most of us fail to realize just how enormous the Arctic and Subarctic areas really are. As schoolchildren we notice that the island of Greenland 1s curiously larger than the continent of Australia, but this 1s quickly explained to us as a gross distortion caused by Mercator’s projection of the globe onto a flat map surface. Even without the distortion of maps, however, Greenland 1s tar larger than Alaska, which 1n turn is the largest of the fifty United States. Canada is one of the two largest countries in the world, second only to the Soviet Union. Canada, Alaska, and Greenland contain the area covered by this chapter, an area that 1s nearly twice the size of all the other areas discussed so far taken together. Relatively few archaeologists have carried out
full-scale research in this vast region, but despite this disadvantage, its prehistoric sequences are quite well known. In earler chapters, we have looked at prehistoric Indian adaptations to a variety of
more southerly environments. Communities of plants and animals generally cut across those environments. In the north, plant, animal, and prehistoric human communities fit more neatly into the major environmental divisions. The Subarctic is a region still dominated by spruce trees and caribou (the American reindeer). The Arctic isa zone of tundra where somewhat different plants and animals predominate. 137 Map ofthe Arcticand Prehistoric Eskimos and Indians had to adjust themselves carefully to one or the Subarctic, showing modern other, for each is harsh in its own way.
oui and the tect, The northern tundra is often a desolate place. In the summer the upper strata of regional subdivisions, and tundra soil melt to produce plains of shallow ponds and mushy heath, which in turn the Alaskan Refuge area, support a gray-green cover of grass and sedges. Under it all is a stratum of perma-
seein Sih a frost, a layer of frozen earth that never thaws. Most parts of the zone receive little Alaska over the dry floor precipitation, only twenty-five to fifty centimeters, and most of that falls in the of the Bering Strait, were winter as snow. But even with such low precipitation the topsoil is permeated with rapped until Canadian moisture because the permatrost keeps it from soaking in, and because the usually 27,000 years ago to allow flat terrain has retarded the development of major streams. In a few places along the migration southward. southern fringe of the tundra zone and along the west coast of Alaska, the permafrost
glaciers melted sufficiently ; ,
is spotty, and spruce and other trees are able to take root here and there. Such an environment is park tundra as opposed to the barren tundra that dominates most of the northern margin of the continent. Most of what 1s now tundra was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene. However, one of the ecological ironies of North America is that western Alaska, which 1s now park tundra, was not glaciated. Along with most of the Yukon River drainage of central Alaska which was also not glaciated, 1t was occasionally sealed off from the rest of the New World by western Canadian ice. For this reason, we refer to it as the ‘Alaskan Refuge’. Because the low water that produced the Bering land bridge _ occurred at a time of maximum glaciation elsewhere, the Alaskan Refuge acted as a huge holding area or lock for early human populations. At low water, early Indians
were attracted into the area by plentiful game, but were blocked by the ice from further movement east and south. Later, as the ice melted and the seas rose, the Indians were simultaneously blocked from movement back to Siberia and released into the central heartland of North America. ‘The oldest convincing evidence for this process is a 27,000-year-old artifact —a bone scraper — from the Yukon. The next
oldest remains come from the site of Onion Portage on the Kobuk River, and it is here that the story of Subarctic prehistory begins.
The Subarctic Onion Portage is a well-known caribou crossing site, and Indians and Eskimos have camped here for centuries in order to harvest animals from the migrating herds. The oldest stratum or layer at the site 1s 10,000 years old. The distinctive ‘Akmak’ tool assemblage tound in the stratum must have been the work of early Indians, because it predates the earliest Eskimo remains by several thousand years. The implements consist of microblades — slivers of chipped stone — and larger stone tools. Together, they point to a hunting economy which utilized a kit of specialized tool types, many of which were composites of bone, stone, fiber, and other materials. The Pleistocene Was coming to an end in North America 10,000 years ago, and it seems likely that as the ice melted back and the conifer forests of the Subarctic were established, hunting bands like those at Onion Portage began to occupy them. Another important early site, dating to 6000 BC, 1s located on Anangula Island in the Aleutian chain. Here again we have the artifacts of hunters, but this time in a marine context. Although there are no skeletal remains, human or otherwise, the location and tools all suggest that these people exploited sea mammals: whales, seals, sea lions, and sea otters. Eight thousand years ago Anangula would have been connected to its neighbor, Umnak Island. Indeed, the lower sea level would have made travel along the chain much easier for its entire distance, and we can reasonably suppose that much of the archaeological evidence of carly hunters was later destroyed by rising water. The archaeological sequence that begins at Anangula is picked up and continued at the nearby site of Chaluka. Chaluka is a deeply stratified site that has about 4000 _ years of prehistory preserved within it. Together, the two sites seem to point the way back to Siberia. The stone blade tools found at Anangula and the lowest levels of Chaluka resemble 7o00-year-old implements found in Siberia and Japan more
than anything that appears later in Alaska. Later Alaskan tools are clearly of Eskimo
origin as we shall sec, and while technologically parallel to them, the AnangulaChaluka remains are stylistically more Asian. Another important contrast is in
skeletal material, which although not preserved at Anangula has survived at Chaluka. The human remains are of long-headed individuals. Clearly these people were not the ancestors of the round-headed Eskimos or their Aleut cousins. Perhaps they were other Asians who were later absorbed, or pushed out by the Aleuts. Another possibility is that they should be more properly referred to as Indians. Perhaps they and the first hunters to visit Onion Portage were early Athapascans, the last wave of Indians to enter the New World before the Eskimos arrived and blocked further immigration by taking up permanent residence on the Alaskan tundra. The western Subaretic
The western Subarctic was and still is the homeland of Indians whose unity and internal diversity are both best expressed in linguistic terms. The main block is made 1s up of bands of people who speak a variety of Athapascan languages. They go by various names, but ethnic identity within the large block has been of more concern to anthropologists than to the Indians themselves. As a consequence, lines are not easily drawn. Languages and other cultural variables grade into one another almost imperceptibly. For most purposes, we can think of them as a single population with internal variations but few sharp contrasts. We have scen that some linguistic relatives of the Athapascans split from them rather early and moved to the coast of Alaska and British Columbia. These were the ancestors of the Haida, Tlingit, and others, who are now linguistically far removed trom the Athapascans. More recently some of the southern Athapascan bands split off from the main body to move into the Southwest as the Navajo and Apache. One tiny group even made its way to Calitornia. Finally, we have seen that the Sarsi split with the Athapascans to join the Blacktoot on the Great Plains. The main block of Athapascans remained in the western Subarctic, and it is the prehistory of this area both before and after some of them departed to live elsewhere that concerns us most here. The Athapascan population began to expand southward out of Alaska and northwestern Canada some time before 5000 Bc. At present, only the southern edge and the southeastern corner of British Columbia are grasslands. Seven thousand years ago the interface of grasslands and conifer forests was about s00 kilometers farther north. As the climate changed, the torests expanded southward onto the grasslands, and the Athapascans expanded with them. The tools they carried may have developed from the kind of blade implements we have noted at Onion Portage and elsewhere in Alaska. By sooo Bc the early Athapascans were in
contact with people living on the Plateau and the Great Plains. From them they adopted side-notched spear points and the specialized weapons those points represent. The innovation spread northward through the medium of the Athapascan population. We see it at the Onion Portage site by 4000 BC. The Athapascans, therefore, had arrived in the Subarctic by 5000 Bc. Using the tools they brought with them and the innovations they adopted from farther south, they evolved a hunting-fishing-gathering way of life that was well suited to their
interior Canadian environment. Eventually their culture developed into the late prehistoric ‘Denetasiro’ tradition, which is clearly associated with the early historical Athapascans. The historical Athapascans are the products of a multitude of parallel developments over several thousands of years. Hundreds of Athapascan bands, each units unto themselves, roamed the western Subarctic forests. The total population was not
large, and the population density was therefore under 2 persons per 100 square kilometers over most of the area. Typically, family bands came together now and again to form groups of around 200. Few individuals ventured outside these groups,
whose members constituted the speakers of an Athapascan dialect. So-called Athapascan ‘tribes’ consisted of four or five such groups, although they were not corporate tribes at all, but rather convenient divisions defined by anthropologists primarily on linguistic grounds. Tribal names such as Dogrib, Slave, and Yellowknife should not be taken too seriously lest they obscure the real basis of Athapascan ethnicity. In fact, members of Athapascan bands were able to understand members of adjacent bands quite easily. Mutual intelligibility was less likely with bands farther removed, and became impossible with distant bands. Thus, we must view the Subarctic Athapascans as a single block, internal ethnic differences being largely a matter of degree rather than kind. This is precisely what we should expect under the circumstances of their environment and liteway. Prehistoric Athapascan bands needed to be mobile in order to survive, and they confined their material arts to a few portable items, most of which have long since perished. The historical record, however, can tell us something about these crafts. Birchbark was bent into containers, tipis, and canoes. The interior of the bark was made to face outward, and its red surface was decorated by scraping away the red skin and exposing the white layer underneath. The designs were usually geometric, as was the case when painting was used to decorate the same items. Such decorations
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were added to wooden paddles, leather moccasins, and other everyday objects to raise them above the level of the ordinary. Perhaps the most pleasing of their crafts was decoration with porcupine quills. The Plains Indians and others south of them 133 had this skill as well. The effect was often striking. The quills were soaked and flattened. They were dyed with pigments derived from berries and fungi. After that, they were usually embroidered onto skin garments or small birchbark containers. Again the designs were usually geometric, but sometimes entirely covering the decorated object. In the historical period fur trading became important, and one of the side benefits was the availability of colored glass beads. The larger early beads
have now been replaced by tiny seed beads, which are used by the thousands to decorate garments in colorful and elaborate designs. Socially, the primary focus among the Athapascans was upon family relations between immediate relatives. Small band sizes and long distances between bands
meant that large formal kin groupings were out of the question. Indeed, the exigencies of such a life required the practice of polygamy in two forms. Polygyny, where a man has two or more wives, was common. Polyandry, where a woman has two or more husbands, was much less frequent, but far from unknown. Mortality among males was high for a variety of reasons, including hunting accidents and
fighting. But this was often balanced by female mortality in childbirth, and the occasional practice of female infanticide, the killing of young girls by their mothers.
Thus fate often dictated marriage patterns by creating a numerical imbalance between the sexes within bands, thereby severely limiting the options. Given their low population density and their amorphous ethnicity, it would be
easy to miss the significance of the Canadian Athapascans to North American prehistory. All American Indians descend from ancestors who were at some stage Subarctic hunter-gatherers, and the stamp of that experience has remained em-
bedded in their myths and their shamanism, where an archaeologist can never reach them. We need the Athapascan example to show us what life was like for earlier migrants passing through the Subarctic. With readapted representatives in such diverse regions as California, the Southwest, and the Great Plains, the Athapascans constitute a microcosm of American Indian prehistory. The eastern Subarctic
The initial movement of Indian bands into the eastern Subarctic contrasts with that into the western Subarctic. In the west, receding ice released early Athapascans from the Alaskan Refuge and allowed them to move southeastward into the emerging conifer forests. In the east, conifer forests were similarly established by slow succession, but in this case human movement into the deglaciated Subarctic was generally from the northern Eastern Woodlands. The historical Indian residents of the eastern Subarctic are all speakers of Algonquian languages, a family of languages 15 that 1s ancient in eastern North America. Linguistic contrasts are stronger here than within the Athapascan block, which suggeststhat the prehistory of this area may well prove to be more complex. Only with the widely scattered small bands of CreeMontagnais-Naskapi in the northeastern Subarctic do we have the kind of language grouping described for the Athapascans. South of them lived the more organized and distinctive tribes of the Beothuk, Micmac, Ojibwa, Ottawa and Algonquin.
The last of these is the tribe that has lent its name in modified form to all the related Algonquian languages. The ancestors of the Subarctic Algonquians are even more elusive than those of the Athapascans. Bone and antler were easily available materials, and they were often used in place of stone. The acidic soils of the northern forests did not preserve
these items any better than they preserved wood, bark, or fiber. As a result, the archaeologist is left with little to find, and it is to the historian that we must turn in order to gain some idea of the lives these northern Algonquians probably led. In summer they traveled in birchbark canoes, and in winter on snowshoes with their belongings pulled along behind on toboggans, all of which were innovations that Europeans later adopted. They lived in conical tipis and wore clothing that was sometimes well tailored, depending upon the degree of Eskimo influence. Where tailoring was not well developed, Algonquian women were inclined to decorate clothes with porcupine quill embroidery, much as in the Athapascan area. in prehistoric times the Algonquians survived by hunting, gathering, trapping, and fishing. European colonization changed all this rapidly, however. Fur trapping became very important as demand for furs rose in Europe. The prehistoric pattern had emphasized a fluid nomadism, but the fur trade encouraged a rigid scheduling
of activities within well-defined trapping territories. The concept of territory shifted from the notion of core areas and a kind of vague public domain to that of bounded territories owned by family bands. The speed at which these changes took place in any given area depended upon trade incentives, the rate of introduction of steel traps, the proximity of trading posts, the severity of European diseases, and the availability of beaver. Eventually the new pattern permeated the entire Subarctic, affecting Algonquians and Athapascans alike. We have already seen how the firearms and other goods obtained by the Ojibwa in exchange for their furs affected their relations with the Dakota, and influenced historical shifts on the northern Great Plains generally. The same sorts of ramifications had occurred in earlier
decades in the woodlands of the northeast. Indeed, much of the protohistoric mntertribal wartare of northern North America developed out of the dislocations and
competition brought on by the fur trade. The first European visitors to North America were not fur traders or explorers with royal charters. They were Norse settlers, and their first contacts with native Americans were with the Eskimos of Greenland and the Beothuk of Newfoundland. So little is known of these voyages from European records that we can probably expect to learn much more from archacological research at the sites of their settlements. Iceland was settled by the Norse around AbD 870. They displaced Irish monks who had been sailing there for perhaps as many as four centuries, but it is unlikely that any of these ecclesiastical refugees reached the New World. That ‘discovery’ was left to Eric the Red and a band of colonists who settled Greenland in 985. The great North Atlantic was under the influence of a climatic improvement at the time, and tiny Norse villages began to flourish on Greenland. Eventually, two settlement clusters were established, an eastern and a western group. Gardar, a village in the eastern settlement, rose to a population of about 3000, and became the seat of the
bishopric of Greenland. In root, Lief, second son of Eric the Red, coasted along Labrador and stopped near the northern tip of Newfoundland. Here he established
a small settlement at what is now called L’Anse aux Meadows. This was the Vinland 137 of the Norse sagas. It was abandoned a short time later, but was used temporarily asa settlement twice again over the following dozen years. The Black Death of the fourteenth century decimated Norse villages in Iceland
and clsewhere. Worse, the climate deteriorated once again, and grain could no longer be grown on Greenland. Trade with Scandinavia ended, and by Ab 1400 the
Norse settlements in America were deserted. The Eskimos and the Beothuk of Greenland and Newfoundland (both called ‘Skraellings’ by the Norse) seem to have been hostile to the European intruders, tor there 1s no clear indication of Scandinavian influence on the archacology of either culture. Little is known of the Newfoundland Beothuk. Only fragments of their language have survived, and not all linguists are sure that we can regard them as Algonquians. They were Subaretic hunters much like the others we have seen, who scheduled their annual round to include both marine and mland resources. Particularly important were the woodland caribou that also lived on the island, which were shot with arrows or stabbed with long spears from behind specially constructed fences. It the Beothuk were ancient residents of Newfoundland, they had survived 1solation by the Dorset Eskimos, who moved onto the coast of the island around AD 100 and stayed for soo years. We know that Indians did lve here before the Dorset arrived. However, it is possible that the Eskimos displaced the Indians, and that the Beothuk were the descendants of people who moved onto the island after the Dorset withdrew northward around Ab 6oo. If this was the case, the Beothuk can only have been on Newtoundland for 400 years when the Norse arrived. The historical Beothuk used harpoons made like those of the Eskimos, so we can conclude that there was some contact between them. The Beothuk appear not to have been well treated by the Eskimos, the Norse, and the other Europeans who began settling Newtoundland in the sixteenth century. The English called them ‘Red Indians’ after the paint they used to cover their clothing and skin. In the following centuries, both English and French settlers took to
shooting them tor sport. Just as bad was the confinement of the Beothuk to the interior Where they could not harvest vital marine toods. By 1800, the Beothuk population was down to a few hundred. It was extinct thirty years later.
The Arctic Apart trom the Alaskan Retuge, the North American Arctic appears never to have been the permanent homeland of anyone untul the Eskimos arrived and claimed it as their own. The common ancestors of the Eskimos and Aleuts moved into western
Alaska trom Siberia no earlier than 3c00 Bc. They spoke a language that for convenience is usually referred to as Eskaleut. All the languages that developed trom 15 Eskaleut have clear linguistic connections in Siberia. The ancestral Alcuts split from
the Eskimos very carly, perhaps even betore they crossed the Bering Strait. The Alcuts settled in what are now called the Alcutian Islands, where they turned to marine hunting and fishing for their hvelahood. They remained there in relative isolation, their language and culture evolving further and turther away from the Eskimos, until both groups were too dissimilar to share a common name.
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,: ae | 2S ae Re Sea , . a ae pee Ge ne " ee Pe . ‘a \ ca o: i iiasfa . ee ee We ———
. ee er , Seg Aleutian Islands and west . , 4. , coast of Alaska « After about 2000 Bc the Aleuts became marine specialists. They concentrated upon Wwooder Hats protect trreir .Like. the. .Eskimos, ve ‘eal rhe glar afte ammals were from skin boats in the Eskimo VES Ag sharpooned ”foGLAFE Ofashion..“1: :: 139 Sea hunters of the The Aleuts
coast of Alaska sat low
upon the water in their sca mamunals: whales, walrus, sca lions, scals, and sea otters. They also harvested Rayan ad had to ven large numbers of sea birds from the huge rookeries that dot the island chain. The sea
Arctic sun. This 40-cn.- the Aleuts had harpoon heads that detached within the animal, after which the
decorated with ivory. sea| . | . . ; ; ion whiskers and glass . .
long Aleut hat, paintedand victim weakened and died tethered to floats. This type of harpoon took centuries to
Stands. a . .
how 11 cane don ee perfect, and it has frequently been said that it cannot be further improved. Like so
heads. was collected inthe Tauch of Eskimo and Aleut material culture, the weapon is a masterpiece of both
late 18th century from technology and artistry. Each harpoon 1s constructed like a modern three-stage 7 asd ithe Aleutian rocket. The lower main shaft is the largest component. The upper foreshaft is about a half or a third the length of the lower shaft. Between them is a small shaft head that is socketed on either end in order to hold and join the two main shafts together. The
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Pasar et eee IPERS TS 3 esa Poy ow te ae Papa : ho Hid af ERE CPREES Se TEE er nT tin He tig eRe Rs on i idelganaR ST pe eshte a gag RE ago OO angi BE “Eon Yeap esdggign seeygett rte :
we be see ea “Acna Sear ean ee Meigs oa cig re iafinite ane is pects PERSE SPS char 2 aintone fe tee giMETS Scat HE BTELS BPRa cette beg.a Bote at 2igBs ee eeeeeaeJha Be gigi eee Ree a Hip te EE bitsaie 2 ET ee ET RM, Ba SP dag epRRSRIE = 2 EES PTEMa ey ey Hitcide iat tegiNS onsMES ic ES beni 8 ES fasted fae, aa Spee songsrR: AS
te Bea sage Beep aae ig Petar nH a erep feend PeRESHI * os8aie APSE Eee gb Ba ies TeET Hataidnaiiicen ashes aBe a oe atoTMe 1S EERE Ue FaiBiTEER SORA R satsny ccc ME aeei eae SiS a2TRH tae iwgeeae Foye obese Bs oo rya2:vege oe - ee a Le ee — eseeSEE, gaBES iERRS oeeas eeGP aePPESF eset PE ieea Bu ee Soop dP 1et2spiel Cg TOi aeiaaetsr Be”“ Bane EE % Beme RHE | ER teee saya betacn, P sei og Se em ESSE ia RTE HL ip ety fats OBES ot ae iEiit WBE PE, ~REE “ ae figs 3 ge gigs 8 CEites aaa ibs gapeSag RR Se Soba Eeob * ght ae a
_ ; a a bitert ae i tig ts Se ee a cae cr ie al oe ean Bettany, Sis pb) i ee er ee PEE A aa Be
Fi dae ies 8 Bet: 8, Lea ns EE a ee oe A cl ay i cE aT ea Pee aia pb ieiitee Bt Eat, + Taya a es ME ca ieee ernst, ist BEE ST a eae a ee cgP eS :
, eg es a. NR ag,ane “agg ;a EER, 2REEBE eR se PaGOB PRR oe aaPUR Reale #eeeee eee : 14 4~ .SECS : OFr oe eedfe Bea BREE eeTobad Se piuniglee aiaSe Eliane ea, =— |.EERE aN cate ~ y7 SPORE 0tddade us fae Ueblflshgay, ERE aSRE aOE eeREHyg eee ie Jet Taeet "heat EE id Oe! ree ee the THERSGEE dg: ERS By SEUME pe tt Gee eeEe aia aun THREE ge tte Bie oT IUFS sc, cerie se RS onillefatiiioaante nea: Hiner tt Bees EP oe — : {i’?ads awn + ' fe a a eet Be eee? nes a a a oo Bc ett, ai appa ps te ee ie ds ONCE fasteHed 7! [Be,|ne | 2eeesee ee ar awe a “eeage ee ne aang EN ppe, 5ie Seae 2iage Pre 5eS EE Ra BAe 77eeoe eeaenenna se oo a ar :: Ee cant ee ee a Be Fee galls ibe emai Fr CEEER RIZE RL ‘ha fee cs “Rurbsante cagstbte oot ee “ Ep Beuagenne, oe eee ee 9 Hie AP BE ye) fades a, Miaiae de \ fe oo oe | —o —_—[ ce urefse ae i ee ate HE aiijiie 3RTT gatite 2ga 2aiti otHEBER poate rae eee je ee Pr yet tlie ms i ha eal al bids ep hig 7e:8a Be paige! a_ek yi;: oe a oo Cea ees engl © a ee OT Ea, Es ea PE oo gee © po ggGl he ie i LR a img ‘Ste Be eee, sea ONE ec ert adit dag aries aaedeg ie co LAME petits 38: RES SRS PE GER ea a OBR ae ft ee a oe ~ [ }« l: |O| at } lEa ON QO | LIS } . . ee i sais tl adh ee tan ae, aee aee Meret a ia na eS ee ‘i a “a — = , a — FE2 aatod Esears i nen ROG ER Bocce, *REET ce arete3aett aefa=ooeecoo —— Te]el | : | dtl -)d3'/1 ,e( i]‘r /oe aSn ee spe ae EG eeelpg ote eg ing :a URI oon ea: ee 2B eg a ADa pimeiigicin hE sth aSE iat Mage Nissii3yeaah |} J;/foe - ee ni Seen egHEBER nee a aeena bil EME atin. nk he EDTEIMare ie SEIT a ce LE Pe a ee 2 Ee Sl a Tm ee ne emi f IgM AE aE i SEDER RE ee Fa al y-+ Cad a ch Ee ee oop aac dee sey, eet nN fe Pe Ee as Pe Mii pe Ea:ieee cr ate aL erate HEHU HIRT SH ir ee aE Rs Bi ONRS, eeagCa EE Telit lnmpectin ey ela Saigeee FE LEaMa yy, Hygin iu,allae
: man te ee oll a TP ie ae "lI aul _ Ma ie, mE ee : | : i ee Leeman i eC I a ei ES RHE un a ict... na BHAA HR TAT
Ha Be *.sil ide ee ai gait natok igwi zyeAoe=ved gee ey ma i aa ae ig Pi, Mi HEE ok: sik apt aePn IIE ay ot ig pipes etl Pa) i ;ee a BBE HeCoES aelta ee ane EYER cool SERRE fo3Bing.) Sa 5,aaBe me gy eee PIRES eens wg chat arse MONE stapes ee aCeaeteoe whi. aE [es Seta ee jain
. amg Ba reen kya ent ge ) EERE ane ERIBEES 8ereae Bo ostEing oS SIS Wie —
ee ; ———— ge (gees eer eer, (MOR eae Ee PP ee i ee se fe 3 ra : papemeen . SR RRRSE Rene! Sepa seal Belt Ree ee z PUR RE es BEE oy ats Sab ee ee Beer crimcte ited: ESRB ape CUM og ig ean |:| |ae | - ,ie | _a7g 7 :cote ded egos anrc pclae pos ELL PRPS incaPEE Bifaiat BisO28 gtasget Peep etigieRies TePe i)NE rraanae ‘hy Se as aAkey Py ep, : .Her -Ty a aan eG . SE REE a EES BIR AE oa ee eeo2) EeAly psshe a, Sipps 2ho anne cones Bae Ene seca elie a emer bec A A y4 a|Ct fies i me -ali SS ieee a Se aaSREB ia Heatbliiiii, ae Seg ME aie jE gee EE
7Oe ;. : BP 1 i ae apet so : .| 3Be‘aah REE Us Sade j| seucreerseinsearamuareeae ae! ec lll tistesestesse. et dagsiaes Ee Beese Peis 2 : .' 2- fe CBBeg at of 2 REE: idkis. EEE gaggle a en BE gaa MeeuePoe as B ener see me . Ee Tpge. puis tg lees SEER ES. sn a: aaa “eh Eegig : - sgl Ee ai fia iti i, ty ei EM ad rtSei i ‘) | .ap oo
a a ee SL HEBSE IRR cas Tc Ba _ eeFE fe See: ftee a ,, ?ee :ane ee nctitlyen ee 7 aetEEE oreEOE meme Ee 1g Sagi igSie OE aaee aoe Aae -sioasen :oo a:Me EE 2aa feSef aggagt AE EE a sftp yy Ht aie Ve ;.sun Sosa a:aiaiSEF ae cee Fe “ty ws eg a.HERE i+a.Mee aREE.fiaRRRREOS fab See ee aitiss ge, |vee Hn | —_ _at;ae apekyg ee BeBe beRRee cals ia {a em ee cen ag ne
Bee ee eee POP BBB ae en es EE ne cee ere a
BEES ee ee DEBS Ma Be EAs Serer 2h ss Bk Bp Wi caeg S o Lo ; TO A Rae Ta eB UNS ees a ee a
fice aah er eee amen saiey Ta etl fesi Pare eaday wiv Rel EE ; ple Py fad. oe 8 i cogth a Re te iy fociShe cha ead 2 25 act casa Uitte oa apie as a. tend a yin a a eePRae ee eeCAE fg Go eeGee TReate adie geici eee SE as Sea iEyeS . teeS BT alee: fod i aeoatAe ol teat ate? bigs piighAlege padi take3 att hye piggy Eh SUR ERS Sa HEE os Pa seguir FSG ee gg NO Sas Mee PE ae egy FE ii ee ee eset etl Bide Glatt Spe E HMDS MAE Fi gee eS ses DP k, 2 BE Teele he pel BL week Mion SMe at ay : i * fg UN ae age Eh, aera a legis eighdhe gage ede Sei ok Sans iad Miah Hig AGRE ER BR ge ah Sea Ge, Chee MaheeeeaEe radBRON one Oe A PEE EEE a RES Anette Bark Boite Hite pence dy uk Ra ritagih eis atpn Age Cnet ACER aye. os 8 bese Pps eB aefda PE AE, Beegite at . 7 a ane oe E : . Ta Loe SE iidacbe URSA oes BeMaly SEE RE TE 2baba PERRIS OWE dee ih cra Apati Ee :nA AONE eTMS AE ee Ba SESS Soiene pha gs iteeSe : sige weaned wierd Bh Paes pp as aces ro EERE aot Sheae gisOEE EEee sbiBee penta | eRe ge gis Pere ene Se ahsied Enae TSIAE acaata By ERE ei REPic ao cn Lega .i ‘SMES iene Be SES ah ee ek eee re ansren ae A oyBarns ali yeniiee tin hae ee en on uthtao Soph gh SERIA Be a Pe ESSRE Bese aE ot Cae
Gide 8 Sere A cement ern poet ee ee ey PRE SeteEp Ben eh, Hath Leads ree vee oh HRSho5 oh voc elbgg uatefe aEecard Siete SoH Fh :Us ne wg : eetey BieRica BER gal NBsSRS ag ehRopar yh chapEE Segetead fe EE ene Sy ERE! ag as gt cared ee OE GNay gesPee PESeeEEee ee ie a tree nee MEE GEG Schad SIN SendTg, BeHatt ARei EE AE ee aa BRP REPRT ncreliag BS.COATES 3,8 Be SRT Saadoesoe2h: ana Ea BE Ege Ae Ls SE . : ibe TRUE alinABE Se PAE EEL Bee ces SEEIN et EN ap ei
OM ES So ee eee ree es PL oan Seeone eee RTE aR By Eg Ph ue ae SgSs Ines Pare EeRw Dy aiseea aaa ee eee Pe a ee ee Heo a iE copie oeaE Jeseebepeit OES ee Cc ESE Wea Ci ee aeet Rene dgi, bgAo elega pany Sdtase ee : eyyh anata ay yeER BEB esiSoS eh SRBC De tye Ba Bisse ge BE eeaati He Eeies SEE EoBee sige Beas CO RE SieBi AE Iee enA Neate eelat Chely ageagBt MOE ne ell gah RE oho Be ea fe og eee ok LRAT i hate ee SE sepe ees Wile UE tk oh ES Ee RSE GA eeART i Bonsai aay es sce ee DE aaBRC ipiy(A BE SREB Seiie here siptieg ites Ease Apis Bae Oy sas eeEs 2 eB BES LRFably ee| fodiens ehaBe ghd aS rE :oe x peer P io ge iehae ey end a pls a siping ug EET bet EePoot 1Betn eee a erePE a Sn SERA GG iseeeoSke iaeeee BAG ae eeegE ete eeeaTEs eee Spee eeet OS te ree De ee ee Peel ESOS aaSh gE LESTE Ee Ean .eT : SE el Pat :le eedirhpeted dees SR ei BB eae eee ee od Gee Pay Oa hee veer ee igeTE gone, bg fe Se ae ae eee eee Sehr WEBNS ieoe ene re ere eae sys PE a ilaak te EEE aAsahOe eee ae nie cena a ts See ee Sete euage ee oe epost ge Pues sn EERIE aS Beg aleee BoE EMEC httSSalge recall Sank anh tsi!wee coy isaS eaeIifyn he Pees akee Desa Been See BeESS a escand are ee eens ie DB ee ee SEEM, Ee a eT aieaETE eree erSeedy ARE MD Rae en witeae aleae VTEe an Ho shee atAG seis, enen ee Ee age REM og EL ee fey Ee A mest Es oN enaone bases BS cn 2 wf EE wigs ERPS sg weee ast COST BRO SS Baere Pie Beeet a at
bg ME Hale aba By EAE nia ICEL ee eran nee ee eae ee eres pee ee ee oe GOT PRP eS Rr a Par Bs ie ae een a ce ae nce ee ae EE ds Ucar eine pe es ee
—Bug ae LS ee We CAPete ee Oe ognie. a iBR es Bo Pema Fe reLESS ee CREAR BSa gh baaay pekabo ge CAR halTRB wthAata einEpMik tehinMet ioeasaea ee, BPPerigo REAhlad eapues BOER Beta a aiff Be Get laidee&Feeee reaici ee ;. eg ge Lia nine aaeeee eo ARES snes age ae Be eeeoS De VEE EERE anit WB cine ne pe ES Begeh fragt Spb ee EO Beh ts ys ga a ice a Ba i fete
Be eg, ap ae eeeae OEaaMg es Pee eeeeeeee ae SER ee i.yop eeea,cee * agit ee recseean aaaoe ee aaa ee a ee EERRB SEGRE pe eee reePee ep eeereseee per eee ee eaened ean Mate |. | . a. —
om ely Dee nae re ee ee ee Bh aig ME Gc i en BE i Ee, Bee Se POE SE a Ee, eee ee Fy ohhos how se BOS es om ee PDS ih ae ASHE gg BA he ii les PS nT aan ae fia EN aaa Bee ee
BeAr MO ee ie tig ou, Sa ; Bie: Gaetan) eat oe Aeot Seat Bama pi tal Meet Ey FLOR ge OE ee ane ey ere scsi ae Bae BE Rh git ap eer HEC y eM MIE ee i # ee ie i i ahl cedcei)oa .%Pag aah ocseeeeag eeeNae HEEeeMERON oes OE Oe aan Galan - : aa a= wily ee ghee ge ; 2oeee eee ed EISEN OCdh ENE ne Ce ee Hi ee aooryoe
Whe, Be Dope , Be aT ee :y“1 gree i:ane ee Bites on, we ee ge ee a)ee ._o 1RS Hs, oBy z te es. biee :lg He ff :fi, agm :;he we tating Be i,RGR HR aCH caer Poo ane “, en ty “Seofi#abade es .s sslstheiiggs Eiger aeeenriches ig oo Le |Hie i Tae He oe Li aare lage oy aoe Cig 3aa aiene fg me ‘gist .i :Gs Bi ata SE ene ame ET eS fgets peacranee OE Ea ek ey fe F: i. oa. “ie, Poste .a a “Hi ipa PES a eee at FR nL Tne fe ERSTE ea com Seen Base 51. : ee es. ee * 2 Ee ae ~ . dni i eg ua a He i ae bi i aa,ias, Sia ae oe ie ie oe i ‘ a Se 2 Le oe é ig, ge a a ieeSesei He a aeaesCae Fs. oe aeBg pRB tii" Mage fi :ge" ge EERE hat aleOO SRE if sped ala os eee—a a eit. ea ge Be ees a| wie eS:oe Bi as mid eye Bd : oa i epES ae: :ena ea EeHE OUaieee a Mg i aeEE, fant wae Go pene es ay . z ese PRRs. FAS SRE ana EE oeieedistie S152 ay .emean sores BBS ohi:ee Beon Oe NSREASPLE Bi,: ahs Hy ase 13 Ft” ef =dyueia a. SN eeai a span : Lee ‘ poe merase 72 Bie SER hatch Pa bs: "if!Seat ob SATE ae ye aBP eyaee: P3 iBE aEO isi caspame =a fae Ea epare BS See hh HR a“afbSMS eee a: mee” oo*SsGigi a7" OUST Be teana pee 28, ae FEyg 7a a leaee ati a+ a“' 2ae re Ree ey. AB aay RE eeoseoe 25 ee Gi, a oo a|SS 7._ole oe |= 7. ~ aaeioc,eepeep Bae aaaioe Se hy EE ag Sides ee ee ee fo ae Pe ee Be ie eeG2 aEeme ascoS oe co
-.|i ae 7 a,He ae La: poe... [etFf. Seve eeCe a ae as :a: aci: a ee PES stacistt tee ee eet ee UST aeee SptOBE asia a Be a cette 28 fag. poBH? aa T- :EL So sent .a ee ea ay iieeeat fae sie a 7aeee=ee : cc . mes Mified gaStiPM a ee rig ae Re Oo eeaepe i -SHB anaes aednae eanRaa 4Lene —Se ee BRE ees is, cr ~AEE cucstit aCen EER trae Bie}— ox Ee, JEERE EnReA Be aosdiicafie if Pre peepetea ae 7. fe ea aoetiBee i ne :ee eMDEB Erg at fe EEE #Md iid -aa ite ee E . : mae ae Fae RP at (ae gaSeat ASCoa Paes, ee ra poi AEaed Seige. petal aan EE haEtat gt aSif Te reeOO ENOse ne de eafe a ES a aEe ee ee eee tdfepee 22 Be a Ppa ig aae. ie ; eee es LR EOE
| )Tyg omen _TEESE f2Tass 3. ae i SAT lelGe Riess octet Seer FB, tigi: tiiePP manna e DEEDS BERT Eh oe.AFEHB 8 na ieeee nn raiere ede aE idsee ‘ USER JERS i 0 es SRE aie ee Bee Siae inous sgie co? Sate? ° : es. PORTE Soe shige ce aE ie te etc I tatBayh lied mesh iiaciialthntn tain daie uigile 1 hsaES it.: Sat Oe eee eeSees Ee ei,age Bee ee2calle .a gh He SEER ag ia :Pe .aEeae ae east ES a Tee eeNSE 7 |ete, 5ne Pa iee hy “TBRE Ase ea aeae Beee age .5, spines foie Steer Baal 8ee eae ERN DEAE ii Gee ing EIA fheae ey ERS Betty dn Syn eS ee re Betpee a cael ores. ae. UeDo ers eet ee Ee eee ena oe ae ehBN A aSets Pde EEeeeee GE eh :BS y Rees a oe :ee — ; 7ah ee EA halite seal ae Se et2tied ae age ten Base SARA ESfe ie Sees gt ae uetes hY : Cops sang gbSER CRIES gle PZ OEeee aE ee a yee ated bg mes7fe ccna igi tei3: ee scence Na BD ARNE “LAE Ee!Be ete sea ae ee aBE
Bee Te 7 ee Bs web TE oe rine Peo a Se hae ces - SaNeES : gi SH ese ot Pres RAR 28 Banh PEN engin 2 BE SEE Rah iat te BM EP is, BP Sc SH RE SEP oe gel Shen f wats 2h et IE ag cient hE ee i peas Fy Sl HEE " A FEMS Bae AERA att aretha Lt nes, OE ERS Be Be Eben : seis BAG nL fet Using _ eeBEES ee EO aday ee ieRin DREW RLS SPEE UE ery ien Res Ae lap plocuees! Wage erSac Pee ee PeTe i She hy A aeg BOR Bet chi Re EEE REE ES ghd iP iitiea tpee :wtPe da geteria Eee hana BaP Pan Fo os AEP aay 2h ee beet indi fe ee Ny UES ORs SE ed rtse PE ene AE pe SAO ay ee te i, a“Es oe fog havntokees nar DeWe ha kt 3 fain fie emily fae TSen gueiri aoe LieoPRete esJpeel eB fared pat -_ eeHe eewearers eee pas il©ee 22) Die got ehh of EOL ARL diae ail dey PURE nd Fecal eck ES ob ghe tne tnd Bhs ae i ee iti ie dade caOe Cae a pas! Piss aceasta me ea ee aes halee: :ote ted agin Be erie eee pe oe eae are ee ee ee seSas EE Be Sat es eee eee HO ue CUBE hiesh Nhl Bis Bod Sing ee PAE PES e:ete apne a ery eta re enEceh eee BE pore Beebe tte Boe biag |GR atte ago BALe aRUE! nes ee or we WE ORB begs eR “pS ae hs ais od or Tn ol Pa cea h4 es Be yes EMus Ee ieBE, Fide PRE gob HERS Se aie Pt isto teats gioid ea ee ,Dahl .fs ed ee ee oe BOR aSunda ea EAP ER EER ahh gh Ce Se Eg ne bGi :ai.LES dh en Pango fASE igre eae Ne ee FEA EN eye ed UE Ae
: afi os ee CASE ee! Saas EEAa 32] pu
With Norton culture we see a bit more of the gadgetry and decorative art that eventually came to be so characteristic of the Eskimos. Polished-stone labrets were made in various sizes, tiny ‘training’ sizes for children and large plugs for adults. Both pointed ‘men’s knives’ and semilunar ‘women’s knives’ were being manu-_ _ factured by this time. The latter, which go by the modern Eskimo name ‘ulu’, were used with a rocking rather than a thrusting motion. They were often made from
Es8 Descendants of th slate, but 2000 years ago the Eskimo slate industry was not yet fully developed, and Agctic Small Tool tradition these early examples were not well made compared with later ones. Walrus and Eskimos of Alaska were walrus ivory being in short supply, engraving and carving in this medium was not
mu Norton mn who yet widelyOF practiced. COLOHIZEd HHUCH THE : ;
Alaskan coastal strip about Norton Eskimos dominated the western and northern coasts of Alaska, and were 500 Bc. They introduced ancestral to the modern Yupic-speaking people of southwestern Alaska. In northern many of the tools thar came Alaska, other Norton Eskimos were the ancestors of modern speakers of Inupic
to be Asso characteristic of ; | _— | | ; re dialects. we shall see, these historical Eskimos, . . were the people who eventually came to dominate
including this ivory- most of the Arctic. They spread eastward all the way to Greenland, and confined handled slate ‘woman's Yupic-speaking communities to their present homes south of the Seward Peninsula
which was used with a
knife’ or ‘ulu’, 10 cn. long, — : ) - . me ‘tha. ® in southwestern Alaska. But before examining this late Eskimo development, we rocking rather than must turn to the Dorset bands, mysterious contemporaries of the Norton Eskimos,
thrusting motion. who lived in the Canadian Arctic.
ae ,
SES a eeeeeee_—e esfi~~ nanileneineenit a “aa - Mp alll aa. ice :>>
ie: Se Be 5 : oon NE ee poe Toile! ASS ee fee ee whl 1 ng Se RE y = : i . | : - os . _ ge, . 7 a Lo SE Se N - - : eee PATHS Ene Bore eee eee ete aeSS enty ee ReeHy 5a &Seen = ue eran ee aarias et 3 Pee aerere ek AGN ee esaAN at eaoe Seen oes Ea -See ne ee — eae oe oe ee Wea eeMayas eteser(iaAeih 2S Bea ea AG N¢ ¢ a qLEASES oe eee oes ee: nest Packt eaeSato: Pek Gusta SeBs ee esaaaa AN Ee CRE Fase Sees ss ee Fecana Shed, aa ei ‘s aAone ANaose-le
Ve : eee eae elke eneeee ta aePade: Pes rae cee Sees ore aris he: eee 2Py PeaSees oa a ae oe Bee,ae sadeee aesoe CMs. yeMe ca beatg ARE a iyWH ee SR RNS Le ae 1 A : :: des 4 Sean ( eePaes ae ee eefepeer eee yd AN ss aa atsS eeCece ee,penengs SES Siees emer soma ee ee eae Sy oie ivky ee precen SEES ah a Btony aeAEee AS Bra TO aa RUST oeFt iANE . |ee a -oo. pe. cunts See SEE, otsA a ee | AES aeae eeereattat Sates ne ok. ee arene are ee yh See Epareeiy i) Ae AR ae Ha a i‘Na ee‘ EN GUN nat | we ee ett Ro Rint sd. }ee 1 £ae 2heee eee aene ooeeeBee See para ANE ray ug ere ee ME tsSieas3Hes - ee eae ee, F et A NSS tery ha Bry Fen; aeaeeAE SARE y yaa:Ly faTle Lf,f,’ QO ‘eee 170} oe AES feeet AES oF! av San oe ede iSUE ey ae A AN eel Haak .Sesyoo } l ! I ' l Pp eC ad oe Bu oe ae Heras oe ee oa Sage eee ASE ee ye ae ; Pee SS Boo. a aN —" a AN aes we . : yL ::7 cae saeBae ean ee seve) SES SS eee Sees ee DErionnay aus wees Racee See ee ‘ gen’ ee ae ak Se SEE ah ant wee ™ & em i wee AE es. sees Lo fant es oC . Le J:oe G ’ eee }ees fRater ce etre Gees ae eee sae oy Pes Sane ues Eee nee ee ar A Seas penn ees ea ke e: fh ee ae aC ae "al A ee . oo : 7 Hea Besse Seernee epee ae ao trate PERE HOU cae Coe Hee eee Be Wy ‘ Vanes eae Sar ee tara) ia eer ee Sea eee wood i ee cc oy | 7 : :?.ae- |¢ Co feC parce Bae re eee ae reed HOGS RSS RS 5 e ee ee Ss Se ho a ogy x A oo SOc Boe Pee N 1S oe ee ae ee fied ae ae See aN a Pee oe Be ae . arn ye ee Te SS oO Nee oe ah ce: Be Es eae Sey Red Se ae ee a ea “ ne FE ah ey By ‘ be sa iat ee ae ya te i Aya BS A AEN OR * oN ae . ee oy Sat Pee sa-ee als de de? ) oo aes oe ne oe oe EES Hees ee Re ae ao ee Fa oe “he saves ee Wad ~ iN oo oo : sit eeooee abarnieHehe re aeAirs oe are _. eee : se att Aye ie =: Coie coe. e._. ;:yyce a: oo O l *y) ee: oe SCRBae SeBay ASS=SSR oyee BEES eaeae Baa aeCoen eet iohig es . Bigs. Hoe art #fusae & aes ayer 724 LS . _ a‘ :.: La €>>) é ’he é ee atest TIA SELS ae Bh rae are ne :ty oo MES < wees: okoyaah ° olae aya)iy oe .BROE Tt ae ae eeSSEES Hg oes eeEy te eee ee cage ee a: A my eee ANE. Bae a2aeol vi y«< €1OL (oe }BSSree | ]yee tl vEE ~Tf -eeSener eae Et, see PS Ee, EEE HY esBika oe ne Sigg an aieee esa" he ieokWake. A4dgtithy hsNae! He 10 oo as -Zerate! :.: oe ee es ne fa hee abn, ae “ast eee OES Cee es lgoe aan ae autAe ae mule ‘£e See EY cayNe weook ae “ig Saas mey fas ana ;CGE. . Raniil i oeek eas poacns i|Pa ‘ JS Sane anes fee) pee >aes veh ccaghes eg Page ‘hick: Ee~~ - a ~{ ?Baek ee ete aePee aaneee ane eae! aeSEAS Saas peeoeRyan Rereaeec oe Pee Rae enrecaoe arte rae 2 3ah ?aEAS oS away een Westie Soran a ma easag eh Ree ieeeRA 72 e: — a) aes ee aoe aPa geeae aot Be ety SitetBynes Wee aayenn Ny *8 ‘sti. *wtNe Re Ay ele a, Way yong — aoe | Lo : 72 ::. : :
| | iy ‘ : :
“ ‘ J fa dt oS eee ets eee ate THEE ee hae ae cea ete yehre eee se sd -4 wa % Ye \. Belt te 4 Wah teil, aad Re Ta ee re aus _ :
-“ €Eas Beanery ee eee SORES ee Seth nae Sees ora eeores ane ne cht rey ae A:arRe 3Ng aSMeg.NA ANA Bea eal WE Ve REAM. a _Saa. :So:yA: a &sass |hsan See ae aenoraee eee aemere es Ve oe en HO BRS at ite. aaeBADE aaiAE of By me We Ee goat 4AN| HOS: oe an aBa (-Necutl BESS meet eee Soe ES 2g osay Ss Lenny pd A %. 4Ln :as AR iutey en We ES Ay RY Ba a. co 7ures-Ate SS -ynsaPrjen|:ae ::i-]:oo . 1 SE ee Hane peaeht oeSa oes aRE aera!eines aya FAA Preis OBERT wage Rte at ae fautesnas iefeta arcs aera hteaa“aA aseee NY Bex -co wy “ly Jat itoo at Wat iia Beha oe ‘{Sy eee ee oe Roerce ct AE ee Saas as aie! PE: Beye feSs Shee eS aS wes wiSa ae aKia Bed ryghee .West x atePRET Rares Ay eit: hig’ : pear ASS ae Pees Seago reas . BA: ME :ea: a cs Pie WAS Nate ES oe ee SESSeaaes reas pane aaaES oe,SEs Soase ahead eee pee ee a aane 2Eo :oan oeAS a.hia ae ‘ fh hen aoe anes RaeaN Ney 1} l, Rona oeeara eas eetioned tee sRES BEES et moe cae Ssabe SBE: peer ne ee4Sool .: arAan ¢tellThad qe a. eS aANS 4teCo. ~~ / Cc : a:S::|: :/| 3:
¢ B oo ae Rah e Sone Bape Tiss ee * eratat ee OY ark wh feds eons oa : fay, Pe te Et Saige ae Ways! w43 a ON TARY Eats. Sy wa ay wa So Bre sas a 7 , - ) Z | oetive ee eke es oe eeetee B Senos ee ogee eeieeee “eae ih atpT, eae 4aeek Be NR aA ET ee Boy utSas a SN oo eeee aWEEE 2then : y:ae ,| | )}oa fineSnes Rome anes aaaaera Sear i BMEE Sere Adhd ee Se ng ey Rec a perce & tie. vtK 4Sede ar Vays aWah AN, RE \: ‘iti iin aaa: 5ieaay har A, aes -ae ee ere 4iy.aeneinied wee eae? oe eei aa oe oe, eS ae Gee fe rare F3ous rors eC Qe 8hhBS Noe. Ne reNe ‘asc ee Ve eo AES ee woes ena | ees voe,kacaee ea ye SAECO aeee SAAS SC eeBA ees aepoco See SEES ye Ses beUe Dee % AY Ea UO A aee -)] SE Spi the Snaes paraSee "A aera omySele Shes Sa nae hens Se pea. vhaoe f Pa, a 4wae at LAwe a aaeLy igNe ek an LtOey * vig, iy aSta oeSees ed' A Re, A ay 3punta aeaBt aeSEES . - ooes : - : :: : . .ce ae peers oe Sees ee Loy iMenara : :gt :an af ot eee a, Ry hehe We CEE AE Ree wad xe ee ee 28s ety 2REE Suen oe ee cae SAS Sone eee sees ee An een Gved Bits SA et Ae “iy eh YS oat iPe .ayBEES eSTE o28 eae eeoeoe fos < | |!| :: || |oo . |. :oe — SEATS Sree ete acay teanEe eee [hss athe naen etaS Wwe. %esene ou toUe VRE oe en ot aig: Aea Me E eA ainHy emg erEN Ney, “a FC eae oeSee foreSaat teae eee esTAS ee oe Eee Soe oe ke ae fee EU :FfEat aaRank PP EEE ER, AA ONS *wh Be SHAG eeSang oe aee |;“_es . :| mS SeesIN€ Soest ost aye pane eee Soe es Sa,ie are Ex2 iysale Me aye ay ahof teSAV .Mek ¥ age, Wee HRY A raeaig et Ri Ck wR EE eeey To arnAaLoe ae aSers OES Hee eerie eetats San eae . ee BESe SSE ES eres Ecce fea tages eRe, eeBA PA 3ene aapenas on Mo: .pang Bay a AL Baas ytea Wa ae ey ae ERGs Bea ee ee eee Supa: #cae ees ete st 6a 3Z aap “O Eae —oea£— ee ee SG ee otk ee Cente Sees aoe ae oan vei’ p . eR. wd Av. Tal a ANE oe NE Yet eS Pans AS oe . L ; : : ; oe oer SRE SPUR eon Ao Se Set SoBe ae Geaae 3 ae ie. renee Ths Sa, See A Pay. ar oar % iP As RN ee TW eat re eit eae eae nee ea aaa ee coos Set PE Ba pak Ee d oyeae ANE3aeSeee Seats eee se Ea eee? Suhnen eaestart pear aseaanaes aILE sityahsMoo eeean ak4He a ytES * Boe AY en RaFigo mi aS . CeWay a aaecane |.See 7: ,aannee 8 ee oeae escaren PE Cees coe oe apaene meee NA Le} 4cee “eg aaiSN Banwe ‘Ne add xoaBeMRR eee aeeg aby . See uehe VY Ji ee 2 ¢Sa Se eee SEeee aes ray Reed at: oe Wen HY REN adreNi, “ee cee .y|2-ce I !. .. €Tee Vé eee nee coo aeean eee eeeSkee, etemete cee faSree vera RS8Re as:ai Bey ees ¥: : ee vetBe xBae wl 7Wy AK,wana va eo ghPann Htaan AAs. oh We eo a. Fo oo. oS / A:-./.: : ieSEAS Seea oe weRERESE elecEee tel see eee wees wee Bock ie poate ae Ye%ve ak ee ehiN aior eeAvies Ae, 2LF. eS, gh ES eh! Be wae he ee SES tayeee ia oe
eee ae oe uk eae eeeeen ESOS oak : ‘hen xee & re Ley oe vot paA Set Senin MAGE on Kah Une Sksae sh teany * EASA SNES. ESS Riges ROEEe Ha.aE mye eee Perea we : 1, x4oe Life )‘e.SERS aeadsa. nS oe eee oe oo oeweihesgt a¢ wy woe aeaea tawae ’ ieEAL oi aetWee A aL AMesy Snrary cae ees eseae Hs eaeee wales tees : AS Stee ay SHR PEBee aRO Bade “aM aera fle Seana cee oo eas a rr Co
EEE cata ee oe “ae .eee Ay ae oy ae RS Peas yee‘AWE 74 ae “aay ES ae “ae ce x| aes ae: ertMs Re Rae ee ame SES cane if Li HH} le| ee ~ ee ByEas N hh at ai eae BER MS SeHes EAE see ree ean oh aa ie enh, i2 Adre : iSee Be toree “ay! wy cae “y aNe‘otos e%eeeea fea Migs ah,‘ \‘oo \ he ue oa ae 4 Pe = meat ooee yeBre - : :Pee . : Bee } eee oeahee eae aeSas eeoeAe ern Seen St aleen ha,OP= ae ee : ae eeean Whee A eee te oo. ay aie ES
: ° ee oo Seago :ae aes WERE UNS RR eaeFeae. 3aes we Aw ; gee eh ieee Ln aan wis ty ae esy 4 AWie: re YeeMR AAR oie “ee RS SRE foes ee ee,neeen Geen oeeen eSaecane poo by oF eee anaes neaer t vey ae ots. “ay “4 nt Ki ed AR? BS) ee Hk *. Beye Re ae es ae ee he Bonus " 7 oee=See ceeee -, Bees ree Pee aiaes nee PEE - See 3reas esaro ihan Bar aearWe Aes :why ay oFWig %, a=iavBaty at an na es eeoe Be at ee Ses eesaooae eer eae . Wes nee Bo en meetae Se EN SATE oye4Feee apie if i eee Cae se 3, ye tt¢Freee s Nig Ye ‘ Aw ee wyayEXSY »aSEE RagaBee ekaSEL aoeSaat Hee Be LeeSea a 7 :ee ]: :
io :carers ee SoeeSop peersBak, Eee Aa eee she Sy ees 43 AE oT ee ae atl oests ; AR agi a ANS jaa eatthe pena, cae ee a We 2M aber a. EOE Bec pn dedce ~ &See Ss ae BS ee eneeeee aan ney Ba oieGeena onan 4 iiy aBERR aed aad x Ot BE \% haa NEAR MS pee: Lees GaszHs tAR faccoe oe Bese aoe ao : apans D ;A J Is HES Et aeaths ened ernoes ae okees aor ar:re Ry AS as bysaff gh if,eca)Po, an wb“WR wh Teeore Baa. x ay AN Mp Oe BeFRY ine BY 4 ge ‘ \ Ean| Seseean at Shas ¢ et ee as era cena ead Cesta, ee |ne eae ees nee Las xPaan. 1eeiwe ae vay Ply ais. .SES a.eeHe : ee ae . o go ae oieSee wl wee ge ire secs Beg ote esVe ee Bg nel ay igs ee oe cae ee oe esEE oe ceSoe aesoeeee oere as ;eear ees gus tyBeis AEN, Penk. he Bee Ato age eS oa Ay er) ro .ne Bee Ens ae Peas, Behe ESE arts Spi eeeae ey Tae Syae okty Ae eyabag Sy “RR AR AAR ba ;we Ayona 2SRs oe See one eeeee vets Lee ee etec:oo aes AUS ees tatts 3Sy Sipe Pee” a Mo ny cas iisahs EEN aM oe PAY 4oe a i:ee, ees 7! Lo Be !qed os aSOS ee ee a@ ee ‘)cis I S, and f"y4: ie Bua Reg vfee ua :iN ee “a kee mee: -meee aeSe oo 20::Bet \;"rrfee 3‘,7ae tog RA Vey aN Ba eee eeaeSe Se sk¢ fe AN Bs aea es pees oe 5 Tt re qT, i a week 4 * get y a aoe 7 ae ay Ee rr gee oe bye C , SUI ¢ J : a: ay BY ce ay era mae a eas |O :Br: :an | ai- La 4 | WN ae*: -¥meds “Pst yhds thvee Bae aS ee ~ rd :Fi REItey :FES Ba RAN md ae Jon "i EAA, SORES aan eee we Eee eae Be ees .+ L Pg ® Jao “ae :eerenee ue ::as scans oe ao .:Hog Po gkBed % AN Rat :ees oneces Sean oe Ss ?la ilj7 ° Fl ~ : es a a ao oe: Seay Oe aa : : Renn i ANNU He Sobre beanies oe } : £ fae a eae waa tte Tes saree: es : S~ € f ll c ' adi\ BP coiek oe ae 24 a a AANA AA a Ene a ee eh qd H . oo ee g 4 re! Pa Se SS AAR ee a 7 a tf qi ) l { Lae x \ Be ae a a aN nN ah ‘ ct we ae TH? S owing 3sib de ¢fafiede Be ES ae ay aieie ) ) a nd “Ea , Ly yy 4ifl‘+relarit :sein ~:€O?:wy!sea )S¢ €ba ' = ates een ie Ly ld SACOLITS ee aK :NS ‘oo |aLo re} "RRIGQIETS sed ds Yas sd BY d-+e 3aeae See te \See ea am an. ae ie =aN an wy ee cea“ ) ie aene, A a : fal °C ie Sec raene iae, — unNoo dtl ee ieee ao BEE ae ae oe _‘a {1 fd 72Lis d€d weg ae ein Se oe oad Poa aye ;",‘ry. pea ree ¢ 2447) { ae ae A rh oo / S erld rey ¢ OL} ~ F af gees Bee ee Lo : 'ae |ane SAS iA Cc eens gear Hees C y sAeee ee ee eae ee aoe _...... |}] me /S 74’P 2 C } 1 ) CE be 8 l€ } eC I ae oo .. Be nh OR seen! Aaah a Se vais Pe Seay ee ee th l a e oe oe an , ) : 4 _ aN AN EGE ee es see f ' =>; ] O Hus Hes oe : ISc aia If] ITS . | ) | ‘ ei JASE aN Nea AN SAN AN ee Ao ee eevee veh |HOTifS, y IS IS Iere oo HIG;
:| :.S.Se )oo . Cas iiES .4 aN EAN At | eS ye see a Ue : ) : >} ue eA, ‘a—o “ . . “i ASR A SaaN CE a. RECee eke ae 4 LAR oo o - \| 0.i: cay
TH een iC'Sheritas LOLS itage| oa o ,Fel Astatl "CONT Aleut C2 a~
E k [HHO z
FS eno Pee '
| |4.oe{‘. yeoeeep|eeeum WARN ‘A a \eeARS eSeee eeeeaude Ve oeCOSEN ARES ee eee : ansie ee Co SRSee et soul e aii aren a:a “Se sa RN
sipeesssgten ae Pe baleStr icicaieren RE areeR*oe . 2mn ne,2aai er.Be AEE ee ee a, wok fg ee ee gies ee idol oe se i rae eek ae OT eR a iS ar, Sl TT “ at Beth Shays, see sin BEES, Sparceagsa Ft
aia Un eSTEE SEER EE RR RRSP feignere cs aila.. ge a Fa aORES a li a oh age aese Te capt gene pp ee agOE *saete... aa oC2ay ea Egat gSeget ays eeTPE snlogEME co Fae aS ae JESS SES ei ‘hdine BE UO a
ae sear Te ie es a aR a a, 1SE SRP aula ta Pe GI giaBee ae: Fo? ie : 2hiiaRE aia aril! aes err eRe eS aa Ee alltalseee a ees i pe, eel jdjane "Cupid a aeaiESateT. ae ie porns hee aeae ees yf pare meeAPP ed ween ao &ge Reece Wea:ee Yiee Se ee
ae a « Ba ae ie se eee eee a ee ee agit Rg bye! ae a ag ae a Pea co
gg in sree eee ee ee BPE oR CU RE IN og TM MB eo Secs or eee PR aE Se 2B j af ee URE 2, SE Re i ee ili Bie. ai i aly i a wags oP,
eee as Cr bo Smeg ie PE 2 ERE ES aie REE PEI SESS ARE AEE seif SISSIES a ar aa : beg! wyddieek %, wie es Llyaceie ARES, a A .nM pag ae : Sages Ms tl 2h Z oo ; SE HGR) Beh Ra Se ere ee iD eae GaP dea Emir eei 2arece eee Oe, one eedEere ee aegal aSR aacaie aERT ee eeSUA Ly BeTsyeER ae7. a EE see Sehctieathe, He aii ia Femme HH UCN abetoe Tag ise Iara rei ee eg Sapa eeSe EEed agast SSE Ae, geeeshapininidt Sieg RP bg SEwg 8 geRHE joeee eens eee agi En aga anton aa yi pattie eee = ,Sno
Pr&.et aaa eeaay erafae ee ee foBopatie frsieeee asioa oohereae Pe Eg came ey EE Psaeeee nePer ae a ite we fis Se Eee eee aA panting: “oyus wsSng Mail eee BT hae — ae reYaad eee ee ee| 2 eeoT : ee i FResFas re ee,tica a RegeeeDra ond Be ag :
iBee Pe Fg aeeRe Re A fey Pa :oT i: ae a cas, a er), rai)7MMcee iy cae reaBigs , wi een age. . eit FOES, aii aecenomg hy a,a aia 4 ae eesig eeapa aA afrSe eegeBee oeeee ae! eeeeaLog eed, jaeRE eaeae f Os oeAS ad oo. ; MOP ES. oe, ad es a seemee atin Fas | Re as ee eea Se .ie lyeel Fare eetipe sci: Meee: ui eae . fe HEE oR Pane a? , 2ME aaa ci ae Reeee eee PG: &neaeSea ROE os OLB eee vey Bulge he Se. cehar ie ae EP eo
ePees Ee‘a ofee eee TES gE EE 8ene nog, Ree MtSeWee Mee eee eseaBe i nyse a . noe 7 Teh gt yer ae oaaeee a) BOCP LO afst eg Re eeiege : Sn : Tae weer, ectLo Ss‘e, . cy ORES RAR aReewa Og gE EE SHS ae¥ ‘ee ee) feMe Me eeaee aeFO ee PET POE ae coed Ae an as Ma reece Wee Bee OB . bau: wise oth bas ;SAS EEA jing denanae oe aan eS. ae Fe ane og ok OdOe Repo otcnet Sea a ie, Ba om OSPR po beet Meds: bags Pe de8Ra ceseg BI Nia aS aig ”aa gia op aii tei iat ee gg Og Rae Oa RR 0 AES Pa Agee GE a . ie gt En ng le a Pie o ee ee eeag Basar eee ij A ae ee osha oe eaygitte Pees Doe rr BRE Oe OR SE they ; ; RD RgE el Pipe Pa Tate es "i eae To. «BP gecamo apeer) seec? Oe an Sy#7sett,aARR a_ .RGR a we EERE gE ank nice s iit: 3! rare Br HAE 220 E wrth Ba “8 ee. notes SESida MO eres ee oe gig. SE ——s Teds ar aoeRe ‘eget Mes, fe Mae ere ooSN, tngMio MEE aaSiS 3 rhi .i iTeka
Ogee eerrMae engl, pee ea Sigens ee ieaie ee Se ae es a Oe eeoe Mideast eeaea ewe ee cialeeeay ioege Ce |a ie aa eeoeeeeeeoe Ee 5Po aeRe Ae Ce ee a a . ge OR Ot ee ——— ee aA ee ee eee ee ee l sp dL a erOa Ta eeeRae x eyey, ae ee Anite yeo =. re ae de Pn eee pies oe 7 or a ie a . m oe “ae ” a EL ee 28 . Zio gp gaan
ie ea Me ge ; cee atPgeee Poy Baie: EeMe gil:esaaMiss, ” ~ i.#deyatllee Bei oeee eae ee'ae eae me petaeYes & oTfr:aaes erm, ese a aad eg a is eee Ree Be a BE ~Pod Be ee 8aor we erect” oe ee iis aSwi esFs ag ba HEHE 3, Soaeee, oeA gg ile akg ta Wiad oie ae Ba icra PE a ce SM ee tS GO aie ad fete a) 1 GR her tg ae pitino ihe. Be gs meee wit oe “a meek |;ai.e alae esti seFe, ES Faas .Ee aeeg. nsCEE > fee — “2 “EE oetee jeae za ae igTeage i? &Hr ad Raa RTE i ~— es aT yh aye ee ig 8gh i Ri ee Re IaaBe Rees ee 1Miieo 0es SE el eC OE wth ge ae ee io ee ee ee ee eeae ia aaa .2Tae Bj SESE ae anegcransaa Rss sf Asibe. Baptiste whRE ? Ons ii)eaPan ae Re pao eae Serre E£8" eas iatsaci eee Bee : jouer A ST eRe seEE “ha AE aset
0geiee218: ts ate eats, yoMOM re ae ee re ihieee Tegps fe20ceOe aeeee eee ee Gemera gi Bee aReee eR er! aliasear - Biee Tig rt aae eeom, a Aah 255.7
So 2eereeee shit eR erMME ga aEE “EG 2, cee ei loess a aae rr,” aee de Heald id veyh aaSEER. Sis iia Sie ig Ee i; eng ot EL gee oeeme Tgea sR gi nih: nc EE west "ae gb : aem ae 2aer penne ee sani ie em aFMD te oak iaS :oe Aicsipbe cn “SPE? oo Le ua (aNitrite eae HighER YS gps Oh LIE utes -— ieeawe ata Ae ee Beewe Oe ee aBein teri:RM TiTTT RW co aeweer OE case een ae ROR Higae apieBef Fie ee Pee Sama Be bias eaepeeer ee cage” aa a 135 japetta HH EE - Be Ma oT at a” SA ie oe ee Ee ee Faeamene ig illOF ace. aiteitPee A a Ee EMER 8 greg SES gate igi wee oe Mp agai ee ag iefeTE SsLagennndisil MB ie olhese a“ee a aee ala aEg Eeei fil iceee aaay aeA iitt it, oe z ‘ it aa a iTae é Pee EETREE aggttinat i aa cel aR
TR et °| HEBEL Fa SeNEE Rr - tien “Tlf setntaay, igs Ieae ha ieee 1EMERRIE OE ie HUE iH = Eee _
7en fe A Hess, as SEP gge ad-BEE : 0 PE a Seah hdepenearebigteonegtata alistfiestas ftnetiteetsteeeetae 3 HI aaE ara IH ee ial ae ty i 4alSree atsalee PENA sight Hl,coe, ° 9tosetepers iogipeadi htealssecceserdtetj afte db gay ret peek ea Pete a a, eeGM ENAneae Egie
ee EE PE as : LE BEE pe TR ee ee ee SER LEED Rea ae i ele ay Laer pea aa, IL ie re a ae Ge a CAR a eae.
en ri cae Pan ead GEIS ETE ESE PT Se EL eT Te ae
So RSSeSS SSee 2 ee eee Bebe yes - SS Se SSE SES = SS So ee ee ERS Seee Se 3woe .; -— _.Sie—— Se ee RS ee ee ee ae Sd el Ee = = =e : oS a —— ee Rca tt ee ee eee coe SS Se SSS See SSS SS ee SS eS SS eS Sens ce eee 2 SPECSSUSU SES Ue Seeeee BeER ieee ee eee eer eSARS a SSR eS SeSeSee ss ee SHEE ee SSS SaPSR ESeee EE RSeeEE ee 0 eeVB] PSEA? ea ee USA oe ee eee ae ee eg Se ae aSS eeeee Sear RIS Pee SEEE eRe aa ea {USSR SUES CE See SSeS SSS eo Se SSeS SR See neaeeS SSS See eeFee eeSIR eee ee eee Deeee OEE CEE Aa SoS SRER Sa RS ERS SR ae EE ENT RS a ES, SS Se eee Seber fh, ae
esi! Seat Sok eesa Son SSS eS Bh beteichactoe cased erg SS Missle CRS ig Se Say Rg PEL Mareaann eee ae oases Saas a SreepeeSSR SS Sek ee SaSe SSSRE SS eeSS SS ee SS Se SRee ESeS SSS ee aee ee ————eess—s—“as—“‘ECR ee ee SSS SNR aah Cee ae eee eS og thSegoe isstbeintnintien Beata fggeastieo oSESB SS wees
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b : iS SSS Sg gee os oe .Ss = * fe Pe a nai = ae . =. Re : ee _.i,2,| EE REA ee ae ed : hie SSE ee — / a . + BET FR, HS SS MS ES o pg ne “aH BREE “eee : an Paes sco bd = 2 acme a ae a. a ee :ee ene = od ‘5, SE - = ae SS See Se —— aoe:
osoeaeee :i Sat etypeeRE acs Pare arian oe eS ae 77a| Ree eeeneoecerataee eS enn ay aa, oe |. ;— a ae a fon hat RS EE EE RUPE EES Ta Saag He Re i
4 a. a _ - : oy . fee : e . te ae : nee pee ere #S re — Prey ee eh 3 ed ee SAS ete are oe a Bey gS Jo RLS .
ee: go ae cue eee ah DMMP oeAEEeeSeyee eeeo eeoeme _™" ' ties odae Soe a.eaeS eaeeee ages ee we cre : ee BORG Seo nee — ar wee oes fee re Chote ‘ Flu SS Say eo AEs wy ee_. SSRIS BETS er He Py eeae gps agg ee ate” # pee eeiwmec Coes 8 ae mae a -ee A seAAU faeacer oe aa ee ay cea Cape mage ce oe oeBAe Fe. Ene
amen a Se eee eee oe Bk eee eres mes ge 2 ee Mees Baas en oe
BES SSeS ae pe gee 7 attoe rate ea Rae ee Shh : etisakelt SEs aaaae! Wwehs erat Deter aeoC nn eae rae Fees BESSSSaeke nS See nt eeBema! Rennie oe alBanas BS. oes Paci ae.Re eeae iced canner Ba shit ABA fe Easeen naa Jee rte 8a ey 2 ASE fie onTEpuna foe BoEBNG esearn Ree tee ms ee 4Wade ee eke eh | earns ceess STEN ese eeae Sigs ce re Sotkag . atestBee Sa fd est ataoe te pasties a PaeS ce eee ane PERT Fe eeee ty aaUesiss adtis ee eeeas ia Sas
wi gee ge °° se ce hetae es AF Rae hg MEaeRRP. Ties F Bass ce hagrie star ae age ae Pecers AEST ioe Pe Eo Pati “¥oy 4 ay “ees ae Beene aeeiey maeaSoeailPog eaePa feee a Oe ee ee nada" Aue seSSAgere
ie ‘Ag Paecel Py woh “ Pes “feu Ge ones Ne ith 1 hina iNBSS sae SOR ie SRia oesaS eRae Sa ag AS Ae mi Foeicath, oe esta ee ae fa ene age wee Set Geeae Nic,Han Sa ere bha fe a - OR 8 net deregoatee ne ane Ea Se meanne ORG ae eee wee ee aoe oeehopens Nepeaneeree A fs PGereREE
Pe ‘ie 3 ee ag Loe Meet gee Ra eee sanepe aa HE ed:ae EeEe seteeer Taye oe ee “oes ay Soees ee eee eoan eseeee eee EG “Oa er :oePEO iaitoeSE ost agshea ials ie eee ee Ses, me ee “8 oeBye we : re °ee * en . eeoo ocoe ee kk eatsore ere oo : orPe EES TORE rssee raHCNee ese ereae Gee gaeoe Seen ses SBEhae WE GRE Sg Behe = ee ore ty ee ee ee beg En oe ag Ra ot Gp geedae oP. aX . eed ph ot ak Ay gee a ae x Oe: HRSG ee Sea eee :aaa reEAMES ogRoce ae ae a : we SMES * t a: es Ratu wie ste a agg aes teiwages * fel Se A an Rese %Ce aeeee Paes Hgee ney oes ae gory aEERE cessetaeeiNARS ae ae* ee vi Geass eeiasoe a eee aoe eg fy: Lege Bg Saag ee Apmeee Rea Cue (ous eee OAR eee OE a ea neAUR os: ae Be ae SoEE Ba ice at wae 3S ry ey ae gape whe ee “s chs vee Stee east 1g a ES te RES its SCE! -dSR ak Le “cages BOS Reger ny AEE ‘bat ie EP! s fe ee ite a os Sh a vege ape i. We Bt 4 Nien ne aN Be 3 DoS io ag Sees i es i EN 23 oe ogee : Sea ae Aya LP?OO OaCR ar oe oneal cae aS ae cae O¢ .‘[.?1i~ Pes el Sek ae AG ec aN O} oO : : ce es ook BR Nee Ae 3S Oe Ea it ae week % BES a PANE NURE “ pos fs ayo ee wae Ace ‘sy ae gan! Se ! ihe aeSa a oe aN ae ATE wee rere Pe SeBt sae ee eewees ae Pe al .. Rg Poe saeae 4Ea vento =FA: ne ui
' NO _y : c * NS Nae a
FORpp)C.‘ Aleé I g itegSoo. Bas\ oe ee flay pela . : coud ei ee epee re " ae aesSe re
a> OF aeee tgs ay 4]“ae Ae aMts Seaett, Te AHae Ra -, ae 3Ee RL Rr cat Hee ari ARNE irate WM # aa Ee a oe ear gaenannias a RRS ESho ieee SeBa Nee Gat AN REG RS 22eeabit ey skayae ees Pacey ea eres kw es" Rake CEA SEA bogs fwent erStoo ee ay muses She ie cals UAE Vals aR Rai Sea eas
DON : a ar aa Leong ae _ ve oe O \oe 2° fare oat va ae aly aece Rate aae Ve CA Ege ~ .“ores SHER ke aM here Eee ee ghaSSAC anee ASO aNNSNR Nea ee en Boe Lad38 hast Pacer Nea. “aeBes" AREER, ¥neh Re Fees ORE shee nage mae BUEN eha aM& Mie Nee eats ae REE Ler es ae Mee aa es iN Sa SN Re ay ae .¢. f15? HHOS ‘ae ae eee oe es . ee Ae, ay a CE Fa os Ya Wee VS of f } oS aA a oe a ie a as ae oo ti pee Bee ae ait “ ’ a oR: eB Sane RSE ee iat Weak uae eae re 3. ena Gene a Pei Hy ee SSRN RRA ee ig Ears i teas Bn Ba Ewe) ee hake ea Bee ZA ee aa aha. Me TEA aNhe aewg aeeae eae eliA ' : Sas mee. aOR me enna AYES Aae CM Rewea pw SeAVES alas SME ae SY AR ee pee aHal ie TgSHie :|wid AES oe ‘a aes oe ae co Hee CSE ABS ees Sapit Ware me AP RATER a ae Pat sate Sat HA aetete AAA fairySR ATE eee aean My f~HrFe hsaeaei.ama ee See oe: ee cae ee eS ote Aa,are Ss ae qNata ee
/ ee LIC |/RS. :}|bee ae eae Oe aN eee er re “as "eet aSa a Re \us mae on Jr Rae =Sa Ae BE ae nec aN ee LS SANS Ager ay AEN ANE ~ - J“; ?If? JT rae Sage ent yeaa 2ae See Cae pris Roreaioy ee okay Bee Pa oT pe aee ae A Ge Se eo AOE CANA te“en 6AS aes cit1€V0O eT. ae eaeSORE, SY awo “ta aAG A: “ais Rt aain ah See ‘early aN ea eae ae rf Ved ol Be aBRS ae see acatos hee ce ee aoe ES ee ue aye oa ee A Sa oe pS Reraes acae ae: ee seat wits eR Va “ant gest :Naa SeNit, | Ne OG eee aut dt lredO ; eee Levee SSeS 2Bees ye satel 2aal we aaa ae ey wee aoe ee oes - iNO 4 roc iee Sor ae SE Eas pe cee Baek eR ieal ae Boat Sea ea Seah AWAY Yaa ee ean Re HOr . p Lut ’ ag aod as ae a eet ata se nw aN a aa Aas fherr Z dR pe a me Wee ig ge a Mice ce . ac ok ae od l ee aes A fhe © mete ete we eee *, act ee Te S Le aS _ . Veer aS 2 a Ba Teg SRE SR ae ta oe RAGE Re A re ERE: Ss AS aE \ Sime or aa aN +78 45 q Bee EES woe. Yo haga al hy a ae a mga gS asa AN se PA a “ty EAN \ ee een ya
ead HHLOV RAY ge eee Ps aegg oo eee eee AN aSake ay Niet arate ~ } ad Sf YIf¢ iM eCJ(.& ig SE eee oe oewhee Aten a oe Syne Bee ee wh Re a eS wees eg eget ca gare oe ps) ee SSNSRA iy es Mag cee RENE sat a aBed eeAe at 7¢Wess a“ aoe ee ae Sa eee Dae eg yal Seg eee oo “aang RE Spell cs at ne ASeae AP oe aS Sent eae +tTER poe yA ses nN Pane vs ee putes ens oy Sea ee "Ae fe eae Naa ay omen ny AEA CN «ft aa Wave bt ACA eRe 9 Se anda ae oe aNAe Seen SaRee ean tae faints 3BEN Been ers HEE NYBa Q cewee Sue NEES peisiREAD Pea mest SAP at BG £ a’ Re - 1 )Svea eO C fee ce EE rae es Fee Seca ahRR es Ca ee Eafe 2. Se RR ONAL Gy ee ane SARS Sabin esr Ny gee nee Pa 8h ae me ae Bee Ss eae ecco aper ara ea ae plo See aa SAA aie sams Bag each auae ee Ee, L£AKC ftmae l¢ aee [ dtid d ' AA ee eee — ae | eee oo. oe ce SES Ae BG “ Seams 7 Bo oe itO /Soidtl ee Bs Pee es Rees aN ae ray Pe a oe a Sea Stes ee Byer Sa a eG age ea oa ees os i NG oe eS aes SE as Sa pees oem! Se Beer Ag ay Seon eae’ ane ue a SS See Meg aN ney Ap oe - : cagelet Fl cc eean at Suen Pe en Bree ante! Ee a aE antares fees UE ata hae a ae Pee a ie Aa aoa aia Sas Raa PAE Bee aN d0¢ AES es me ae etsee Jee SHES cs es aes oaeae ee ee Reo ran eee (Oh AE SOEs es, nas | (CAFS peel Ces Taree ie eee (eeeenrer ). ee ee EB aa oo 2Winter Ve ena at ae Pe gg Rae oka sSO ee aae Foe ee Hae Ca ee ee oe 4signe oe eehe oe og .: oO, ro }iP {gBes }/ 8 ad }ie ] Ss 'a\Soe Pie ae ae See BS Easy De a ape age ge Ae is ne SRO, aas? oe nsLe oe arHLA tes wee ea Ip i ai ] , a cas Taat Ltee. sai soe Rieaccaatin aesatepare SeenN ike ee ma aeG SN Aa, wale (ee We RA SEoe AG Cc Ben: ee are eee ees aPaes ee eer Aeaaea aa eae oo.AasSes Arae ae eS a ANON ee weB\are Gee Taig _ ‘ f 1 5 é ee as a Saag Rraa weSaMERE tSS SEAR BA Piatt soe i7Se Peay ytae gah cats AE ahet “i Wed ae a5oe oe eeemia meee ye RS Cae :SaaN ioanten "aeHae oe moe ae teeee ageoHe eam oe ‘ eePat: (oo vege AS eh eee Sana we qa ay yee aly ty Ree wey Le: ‘eat Ruan peraiaenCe i ies a ea Raa SOS aye eit aha Peg es ay Sa Bie BA aa ANE ea 3 Sera ht SAE
a “Saar EG ot a sah See Ske Se Seagate ake aa ae Se Pe hee meas ants Mae SS es alae ages Gan : hel ania! ¢ ae va ee atte a sai lil aes a ee sects at Gage Ne a a MEN ais Saale
Cepek Ree oas a Senne oa a REBAGL BSN “A Aue Et oe an Beer “eae SSR a aera esr} SAA hie A meee a ue eat Ae ilies RRS Ae Caeaniet Res tee ‘aie Bean a art Sey Whe: NEES Wert ty Meas EN
a3 een A Recetas “a Aa wae ee By ee Ps Sa aN ES Be tag Ran SO RTEAL Meee agers ised oe Se ee . Nee So who ae EA AGN eee AEE Ee SEAN AN SN SSE fat ea Asa ae . aac PA: zt oe cr Roy es aeoSee RaeGN | SAE ae vay aENE Ba: a By AEN Ce ee we JAGAN yee aera aecane ae ys[a aEae SRO ea Hagan soeEs “AEN a 3ag AEG SN: ai RNY Sao eee mo BAL ee.ey So ine nSmeus eS ee CNY” Be eePsu ayiegeeee ae eeea“ Lege aea AM eee aa TE ae eysae eeate a Nn Be BS SSUES RR 4 aooea eeaeaaay pete Ce oe ae a. wee SN A) fos k i ‘ €orsel , oll ee an vite _. ea aR ce NG is e. ee tara rey “Wes cee oe Aen, . a eee eee cate RB| ee AGREE AoN See aRT EIN WeRe Pabykedee SURE SRR a ua GRE Hs ani TASER ES» RN SEAS Coa ’ge : Bar aa Bane eA REWe SD ' eo Beam Beh ee yas pigeons Bt dana ea aoaaawy atAEE By A Se aR Niinnate oa Say VO ae. ea hae eyaE fea 2 a abt ee ey Bett aated tea aeSecoke eee a“etece Se eit fe2SCAN RE ea tate , S,WEEE
ve ~ Tet: ae a ie Te a oa Aue nee a Ss Ce AS ee _ Ny ane es vena Ba oa eae heal Sey ae eh eta ae ams Neat Ga TE eae awe Se Coasts AN RENAN Reoeean 8 ue oe Se a re AC aA AS EG Meenas SEEN ee eae
Wi f I if } : ae a eee) oe co a es an i Lae Sa Se ee a a
we aBade ae a a, “Ce a eas Re As ey ai tae FENN Aas eeRee SER eae EON RNC caninea aa RMSE Ege ae ae es Sasc AA Ba ned Beg I 7 Ae‘ Sa aa aaerea wy eeGe aeBde TE Be ew eSeg —eae nN iSeared ae eA: ENS a SE on isagt eeRG aeea Se MaPRUE Beaoa Weegee NN eae et ee Beet Bean hates ekeaOSD su whe SS ae AES Barns vit eee Miss Rant mo eRe 1 al Y iM wee'see ahi ay al aBie yen * onran howe teBt woes anh ecBe eesnae ee eeWN eea Ane BAG Ae he Ne ae Ar a TENSEI? : basics Canina rece ¥ le se Renee + Bete. See< hee ASa SNA AN: eaaSe ath SayoP ea ante d° ' O0fJs|h6D4 I sere g |yk OOS eS — pe alae Wee: aeSN olen cee |thy Be “ho ‘24 Beebe AS NN aN Peeae “ perce eeay baits eea AY: hae aARM Ba GRE aay aeaR Bi sg NR eek ooeaeaan Ao aaa Seach Ne Rie oF A ae Veen: RIN va RN Tae Base a J gahabie ttae cst ee SN Aa a ee a Nan: a ‘AARSARE Si qian SEEN ae AES 2t25 es SRNR WE pec cunt aBe io Ae SS SSG TAN 2*" eR ERAS ? C / iM ee PN {Sa ers que a er ae ” Reese We BAL ye WN a: SORA Ren aN ea SAO ~S Vets ie eho TEN Wespetemr eae aerena SENG Se poy econ AATEC SS CNS Na NAR Easy SEE ne eA a,re “aha eeNaN zsAR A 1d > ea a ee Seon un BN EL Ses ae Sec Saas AEE SUN ‘i ae a | Bt Seta any 1Ze€ ye oad ay bs Pees Sy es ae Raa. . i a at eat ee | aa Se j et Rea a sat eal AK i Bo SEAS Wet en Been arene eee Te ee ity anes RN aor a ae Panta Ng Zan My BS NA ay r-hCdl :i cnt at ee cre oars \ aena aa woe setSen seers ;se aSS i ae aay AO oa 3Soa Pees A aN ,°ee Se \ se Past oe Waning, Gay SS peta Att aoe eeeoR Ra See eR:ee AN Bee BR Sea SgtBae Ny 12SDA wee ‘\ ig, A ad u l If DHE 7. a ce Pk a S| oe ‘a ets sae a ae’ ae Ne a a oo oS a . 7dee ae a a(youre Re a anes wes ae shane a AREA Reta ae ees ae Ree a Sees AUS SRN € (Pere rt } 1¢ oye oo oe Gk, 8 (ake ath ee ke St maa oe 7 eek a 3) i Reena Has Vit saWEN Wa ayRaa Sea AY ROMAIN SSA Ranliee. Ae ga SRS. vagtacia _auemittihes® aad ehAh WSSits e aeves St Sn Be ot: 3 Mt NSE ae | OE ae weASS esa SRD nha MA RNwi oH asad BE aa 4 LA : aseege Ea Haha Bra Beat ANS ati oe eeeesES : ae alee ek‘aae aeFRAN CR ' éCee one. na Be A Bue. SONy SA ake ede Sy atts iy on Se ook Ga At SN , 4~aoot bn Eee ¥:PE SONS: a ia SARE Ae ARR ASSee NhaeAN TRAE syn MAGE atahaa! itRa Caer SSE See aRAE Poe CEA aay gna RNceas Maes, Ee :Sea oH SS wha ie Wah BO avaaA Saat SAN SR AAR Seat SERS aenay AetaAU ah ENE ere en ae pee amete eesuena eee Raha etige feoe. SEE O id] ’¢ to Se ae ae eee CES preter. " a a. reece ie a AG ttn eg PUES sant res sh uaa aeaE aBea "eit anata olah Wats reBee sR jaa TNS HURRAY wt eae fa Sea AN Sela NS Sa eyBele at ee ae ‘ ee eu ment RR: aa Se ee aN ARTE (Ca Sudan a eal Canes ay Peer a Seem ees ~ 1( ‘on aon we&,Bane Et ead ieee A came a aecoeAR et RAEaes Loa pe aaeAig eeeoaee eee a aren are Bra ae coy TNO roal ~} >a ae Rae geeae _ aee BEAR Ea . ae SOGUEUNE atae Saas ee SEs oes Mast Be : a 1eye } iMaa dqe f Sa ‘tea a 2Weak cdve Per arHe ataARR ANAM Hessien ofa Tae Pa ek ana SNCRN RR sonnet ANY “ae "yet ae ~Oeta ais Se Rate aeo es pen Melee aHAGA a AR iin aay ee oa aN Tan TO eSAN ae Nie Ren Bee RaRraa: aoe —eae man ESESa tine ft offen ok espe ee a gate Se ee a oe oo an cas SL O ftid k u:>eC Ape Ake or ue Moot an eae ace ae on are Ce, ne .oe cae Ry ARE — co 41;as °JOE eeu RkAte Saoo ae ee cay Ree aeee es eee aa Sena area Sear crstee Cece ieee oe Pern cy aaa aeSSe AL Ra aN AG aN op ee wegen Pet RSA aritige Sgoe aR wt Cues :Ra ieus ane ter: eA ue.iPEE AR Aa wet aNINE: santRNR Ea Ey aN ae PRN ay {Crl dill aos leBate oe foi jie Ni na ce ce ~ pee ia aga nee eeHe a‘ge ea AEN annig Para gor og Fae+ Ace ANE Shy RRS PenMe. Nate ROAR MAL EEG hee rseas tha CNees Sea Ss alt Ae R Fea ce Ney ae wets aaceaee aye = oy us Ue asues Ag 4RRO: Se AAS ae AA re ame a: Se TE cae Ns. AE See aain Neate: SM sy ee ta et at Nea ANN Rage Res Bara ty *~¥1S A) Sa he aPi Pe ca ae ae ae aeee Remeron aeyBe — ‘ReeSHR co Cog 4aCat aos Se ee jcn aeeee ante ate yay ee ahaa ee ee ne ere as ey we See ay Aare 3 aagers: ene Ba ae aoe wens aHe Hace ae w aaae PANN Mea Ree EL aR eR RRAR Reena eT Bah at Ae cash A ae
€ (Pe oo}, any a ee oo NG — te hoa eo eos ee oa El tna a ah age Hae A OS “ puree Sue, HG ey ta a ey A Se MEAN Se eR a a ate SEAR SAN Sas eae Si Wigs yer get Nae ae LN ot Ry ae sy ee es i fe Et Bes AS
. | Of 9 } ae Bris eee — ao -— oo - ine a oe aN ag . . oe * * Sh
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With their inventory of weapons and other tools, virtually none otf the food
eayrages FACwere ; {~ Pto-the: RX¥TL) y> had a xfully ' ‘developed -y.resources of the Arctic closed Thule Eskimo. They ae
toggling re P harpoons, sometimes fitted with ice picks at the butts. There were special snow shovels carved from driftwood or bone, and sometimes edged with slivers of ivory. Fish were taken at stone weirs, OF with finely made nets, spears, and hooks. 167 Birds were taken with nets and even small bolas. Men carried claborate kits of bow drills. hand drills. hammers, flint fakers, scrapers, whalebone shavers, and other specialized tools. Women carried bone needles. claborate winged needle cases of 168
~Y 4 +
bone or ivory. sealskin thimbles, bodkins, and thimble holders of ivory. Both sexes sported an array of amulets. Stone lamps were better than they had been, and certainly better than they needed to be. Special bone trimmers were used to adjust the wicks. Pots were carved from soapstone, and occasionally thick clay pots were also made. Pottery was by now an
hia nye ~ -~y+ src . ; ; saaet ¢ i ale ) = - ~ d tr
old innovation, one inherited from the carlier Norton Eskimo, But it remained an 7 -~ | ay Paappearing a, > ’ _~h!Xe ‘ = . yO f ~ f ; ’ 14 7 a > c a undeveloped craft, only av as an occasional thick and poorly fired vessel. The search by the Thule for raw materials sometimes led them to excavate the aged ivory of extinct mammioths which had been preserved in the frozen tundra. To the consternation of modern archaeologists, they even excavated the house sites of
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their Dorset predecessors, used the tools they found, and later discarded them out of context with their own implements. The Thule Eskimos moved through their annual round, living in igloos or skin tents as the season required. Whale, walrus, seal, bear, musk ox, and caribou were their most important game. These were supplemented by many smaller species, and with the roots, berries, eggs, and shellfish they could gather in season. Sometimes their hunting cechniques were unexpectedly simple, as when a long sliver of whale baleen was colled and frozen within a ball of blubber. The innocent looking ball was thrown out on the snow where a wolt or bear would be tempted to gulp it down. Warmed by the animnal’s stomach, the blubber would melt and the Icthal baleen coil would spring open. The animal eventually died in agony. Other Thule hunting practices required almost infinite patience. Hunters were required to spend hours bending over breathing holes in the sea ice in order to spear an unlucky seal. Each seal maintained several such breathing holes and the hunter could never be sure which one would be visited. A tiny feather balance was sometimes placed at the edge of the hole so that it would move if a seal exhaled below. When it did move, the hunter plunged his harpoon downward through the hole, and if he was lucky the point lodged in the seal. The breathing hole then had to be enlarged so that the seal could be pulled out and taken home. Wound plugs kept the precious blood inside the animal until it could be drained and drunk. Winter travel was often by dogsled, a framework sled mtroduced from the Asian Arctic. Near the tringes of the Subarctic torests, the sleds were often pulled by dogs
harnessed in pairs. In the High Arctic, however, the dogs were usually tethered separately, and tanned out ahead of the sled. The sled was one of the last major innovations to reach the Thule from the outside before the advent of European trade goods. Thule clothing was caretully tailored and cach person had a sizeable wardrobe. Outer jackets were hooded. Boots of several types were made and used depending upon whether the season was wet or dry, warm or cold. Fish skins were tightly sewn to make waterproot slickers or coats. Special skins were cut and sewn with the fur on or off, inside or outside depending upon the requirements of use and season. Outer garments were embellished with carved buttons, buckles, and ornaments. Little wonder that the women responsible for it all required so much skill and speciahzed equipment. At death, each person was buried with his or her clothing and personal equipment, usually under a cairn of stones. Sleds and umiaks made travel with all the necessary equipment relatively casy, but there was little reason to retain the belongings of the dead, because most of the survivors already had all they needed tor their own use. Trade and barter was well developed among the Thule Eskimos. They traded with cach other, and with the Indians who lived near them in the Subarctic forests. The Copper Eskimos mined nuggets of copper from the Coppermine River, which cmpties into the Arctic Sea in north central Canada. Sometimes they traded finished
products, at otacr times raw nugects. They traveled south to obtain wood in exchange, not for burning, but for making boats and sleds. In their own territory, the only available wood was that which drifted onto their shores. [t was even scarcer tarther north, and the Eskimos there were cager to trade for it.
169 Tobacco spread from The Copper Eskimos were important middlemen for other goods as well. Their | ven i Prpe farally territory contained the largest source of soapstone in the Arctic, stone which was 169
FEACHING THE ESRUHMOS Vid _ . ~ . ~ nr turnedtraders into oil lamps Russian fromand, pots. Other Thule Eskimos both east and west of the Alaska. Uhis early source area traded tor the soapstone, and bands living as far away as Alaska and
pipe bow! from thetheOttawa . |Trade ;, .goods re Copper and soapstone are only best frou examples. area thas carved .. oT . in‘many , .was historical Huron effigy- Labrador managed to obtain finished products.
STHHe. ; , . . . a
soapstone, a precious important prehistorically all across the area. The Eskimos traded with Indians for the commodity traded widely in iron pyrites, leather, snowshoes, and other goods they could not otherwise obtain.
the Arctic and Subarctic at 7 | Cc
his time. “ Eskimo bands traded with cach other for virtually anything they might require. Finished products and raw materials moved in all directions. Recent history has seen the revival of work in some of these raw materials. Soapstone, for example, is now
more valuable than ever. Eskimo craftsmen have found a ready market for soap-
stone carvings in Canada and the United States. Carvings in walrus ivory and whale baleen still remain popular. Life in the Arctic was not easy, and it shaped the Eskimo cosmos in ways that we find sometimes engaging, sometimes shocking, but almost always logical. Death was taken for granted as the inevitable product of time. In lean months there was
little room in polar bands for individuals who could not contribute to collective survival. If it was decided that a newborn child could not survive infancy anyway, it was put out to die rather than suffer and drain the resources of the band. Old people who could not contribute or keep up were left behind, or took 1t upon themselves to leave the band and die of exposure. Meat was often eaten raw because there was little heat for cooking. The stomach contents of walrus and caribou were eaten because they were often the only available source of vegetable food.
In the long months of winter darkness, the Eskimos often turned their extraordinary ingenuity toward songs, games, and other entertainment. Cat’s cradle and a variety of amusements that are also familiar in European-derived cultures were well developed. Parents created an array of ingenious toys and games for their children, many of which are still being rediscovered and marketed by toy manufacturers. Adults competed in singing or story telling, and frequently engaged in rough but good-natured games of strength. One such game, still played today, required two men to stand side by side, so that each could reach his arm around the back of the other’s head and hook his middle finger in the corner of his opponent’s mouth. Each then pulled as hard as he could while spectators chose sides and cheered them on, and they remained locked together until one could no longer stand the strain and released his grip. With their sophisticated technology, the Thule Eskimos penetrated deep into the High Arctic. They were the first residents of High Arctic Greenland, colonizing the northern end of the island and eventually moving southward along both the cast The richly painted and and west coasts. The favorable climatic cycle that allowed them to expand so far, carved wooden masks of the cngulfing the Dorset culture as they went, also drew the Norse from Scandinavia. lower Yukon and adjacent The warm interval did not last long. The Norse settlers of Greenland found that
wens of ake are aie . the growing season had shortened, and they were no longer able to grow most of historical Eskimo art. their crops. Gradually the Norse pulled back from Newfoundland and Greenland, Usually made by shamans, — leaving the North once again to the Thule. But the Eskimos were also hurt by the
ne [ness eer “Lake by climatic change. Like the Dorset before them, they contracted into isolated refuges, iviniter ceremonies designed abandoning many areas that had once been so attractive. The Arctic ice pack exfo exorcise evil spirits and panded and many sea mammals deserted water in which they had been plentiful. In
antimals that had been . , ; ; ;
ro appease the souls of gate certain areas the effects were tragic. Some bands near the mouth of Hudson Bay had
billed, thus ensuring abandoned much of their marine technology in favor of caribou hunting. But after plentiful future supplies a few generations the caribou were hunted out. The men who had known the old
of food. technology were all dead, and in their isolation the Eskimo bands could not 150. Eskimo women did recapture what they had lost. They died. not dance with face masks. Elsewhere in the High Arctic isolated bands were out of contact for so long that but used finger masks they were quite taken by surprise when they first encountered European explorers.
hich cxaniple ron ocscm They had no reason to believe that they were not the only people on earth. Even Alaska, with a mane of harder for us to imagine 1s that they had no reason to believe that the earth was any-
polar-bear fur. | thing but a frozen expanse.
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