THE ACTIVE WORKDAY ADVANTAGE 9781922611949, 9781922611932

Move more and find a happier, healthier, more productive you. After a long day of sitting at work, your body aches, you

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English Pages 240 Year 2024

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 9781922611949, 9781922611932

  • Commentary
  • nd a happier, healthier, more productive you.

Table of contents :

The warm-up
Part I
Reimagine: The active workday idea
Chapter 1 The reasons
Why the way we work needs to change
Chapter 2 The roadblocks
Obstacles as opportunities
Chapter 3 Don’t wait for motivation
Take action now
Chapter 4 The path to lasting change
From willpower to sustainable habits
Chapter 5 The right environment
Transform your space, transform your day
Part II
Redesign: The active workday toolkit
Chapter 6 Activate your brain
A reboot for peak performance
Chapter 7 Change your mind
Embracing the power of mindset
Chapter 8 Take care of your body
Let’s get physical
Chapter 9 Improve your mood
Rediscovering your best self
Chapter 10 Vitalise your energy
Rekindle the flame within
Chapter 11 Elevate connection
Harnessing the power of movement for job satisfaction and joyful connections
Part III
Revolutionise: The active workday framework
Chapter 12 Do your research
Igniting a revolution
Chapter 13 Be a role model
Leading with social influence
Chapter 14 Define your purpose
Laying the foundation for change
Chapter 15 Design your roadmap
Your blueprint for an active workplace
Chapter 16 Rally your people
The heart of an active workplace
The next steps
About the author
Resources and references

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