Tarot Life is a revolutionary way to change your life though the power of Tarot. In a series of 12 magical exercises, wi
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You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Authors Note: This is Month 6 of our 12-booklet Tarot Life series; you will require the previous Months 1-5 booklets to follow the sequence over the year. Most of the exercises in each booklet may be carried out as stand-alone pieces of selfdiscovery or re-purposed for use in daily, personal or client readings.
INDEX Introduction Connecting to Service A Simple Method for Beginners Lighting Your Hermitage
4 5 7 10
The Service Cards
Bibliography Websites & Resources
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A linked series of Gated Spreads to be carried out over a full year. Introduction In this series of Kickstart books of Tarosophy teaching, we take a break from the reference work of Tarot Flip, the seventy-eight innovative Tarot methods in Tarot Twist, and the spiritual considerations of Tarot Inspire to offer a unique practice of our work. You are about to change your life with Tarot, and whether you are a newcomer to tarot or experienced reader, you are about to do something totally new. In using what we call a Gated Spread – a linked sequence of tarot readings whose questions are determined by the results of real-world activities – you are going to fundamentally alter the way you experience your life. We have combined here the wisdom of the Tarot with years of practical testing and the latest research in psychology and the biology of willpower, belief, habit and other aspects of our being. This series is designed to be experienced a month at a time, and in the sequence given. You can start at any time, although New Year, your Birthday, or the Spring Equinox are all powerful starting times. This series is accompanied by a private Facebook group for discussion and questions about your experiences as you make this journey. We look forwards to your engagement of tarot with your life – it is about to become a truly Tarot Life. Marcus Katz, The Tarosophist & Tali Goodwin, TaliTarot
Connecting to Service In this sixth month of Tarot Life we encounter the Hermit, corresponding to Virgo. It is at this point in our zodiacal journey that we create an uplift of our work, for the Hermit represents a higher service. He stands aloft and distant – he is “in the world, but not of it”. In this way a ‘hermit’ can be in the midst of activity, of population, of business, yet remain their own self; the Hermit in a reading can stand for self-sufficiency, inclusion, and solitude. So when we consider the Hermit in the stages of the Work – the Tarot Life – we seek what he seeks; an enlightened perspective of the World. The Hermit is neither the Fool, leaping of the cliff, nor the Magician, performing for the crowd. He is one and alone; yet utterly content – in fact, so much so that his light, his example, serves as an example to others. This idea of becoming the way so that we may serve it through our own example is the core concept of this month’s Tarot Life. We build upon our “secret mission” of the last gate and now take it a step further. We take three aspects of the Hermit: The Path: How do we make our way in the world? The Light: Where do we place our awareness to see the Path? The Quest(ion): What enquiry leads us to the Light? You can see that these three faces of the Hermit are one and the same; the questions we ask open our awareness, which leads us to asking better questions. In this sense the Hermit is philosophy; our guiding principle of life. So what do you serve in life? The word service comes from the Latin for slave – yet the Hermit seems free and far more so than the
figures on the Devil card, or the dilemma in the Lovers card. How do we achieve freedom in service? We serve many masters in our daily life – the necessities of social life, our inner drives and impulses (often unconscious in their source, history and ambition), our family, beliefs, culture and employment. They all present us opportunities to serve – to work for others - as well as serving ourselves. Yet there is a difference between “serve” and “service”; the latter is often used in a sense of maintenance and repair; to service a vehicle, or a washing machine for example. This regular servicing of our self can lead to better service to others. So this month’s stand-alone practice is based on a simple idea of serve and service. Then the main Tarot Life exercise is an extension of last month’s secret missions, to take our life deeper towards our ultimate goal in living a Tarot Life.
A Simple Method for Beginners The Hermit is one who has walked the path of life. He may have withdrawn from its activities and attachments, but he is still able to shine a light upon life. There are many situations in life that appear to be without reason. We can take these as part of our life, and learn from them. The following spread allows us to begin to utilize past or existing situations for our self-development. Whilst this is not a “predictive” spread or method, it can be used to assist friends, relatives or clients into gaining insight. Serve And Service Consider a situation in your past or present which appears to be outof-the-blue, or without reason. Shuffle the entire deck. Turn the deck face up and carefully locate the Hermit. Locate the two closest MAJOR cards above and below the Hermit. If there are none above/below (depending on his position in the deck) then select the two closest above/below. Take out these two cards and place them above/below each other, leaving a single card-space in the middle. Consider these two cards as the above and below of your “serving”. The above card is what you serve, and the below card is what serves you, in that particular situation.
Shuffle the rest of the deck again (without those two Major cards), still with the Hermit inside, and again, search for the Hermit. Take the two closest MINOR cards above, and the two closest MINOR cards below, the Hermit. Lay these out in a row between the two above/below MAJOR cards. These Minor cards show you how the present/past situation provides/provided a “servicing” to your soul. They explain the mechanism by which you were taught something, between the higher principle of service (the Major above) and the resources that served you at the time (the Minor below). As an example, considering a present situation. The Serve Cards Major Above: DEATH (XIII) Major Below: THE BLASTED TOWER (XVI) As the actual situation is very dramatic and life-changing, it is no real surprise these two cards were the closest majors to the Hermit. The Death card shows that I am serving “transformation”, that is to say, I have to follow a path of change and renewal - initiation, even. The Blasted Tower tells me I can use an ability to “restart” everything; this is a resource that serves me. The constant destruction and rebuilding of the Tower is what serves Death. I actually get from this the statement, “Change serves Initiation”. The Servicing Cards The four Minors I find (two each above and below the Hermit after a reshuffle) are: 9 of Wands + 8 of Cups + 5 of Pentacles + 4 of Cups
These, briefly, signify that the servicing I am receiving is being carried out by testing what I can remove myself from, and what I can go without. Furthermore, the 4 of Cups shows that the situation is constantly turning my attention away from what I think I possess and towards a higher principle or quest.
Having presented this method, we now move on to the core work of this month’s gated spread, in which you will practice a daily journal exercise based on two cards chosen at the start and end of each day. We introduce this month an exercise where we are pairing cards for contrast, rather than previous months where we have usually focused on the meaning and message of one card. As we move on, we are now at the stage where it is the meaning that arises by comparing and contrasting cards that we will experience and learn.
Lighting Your Hermitage In the Tarot Life practice of this month, you are going to turn the whole world into your personal hermitage, and walk through it every day with a card drawn at sunrise and a card drawn at sunset. As such, you will keep a journal (ideally) of your hermitage, although you can share it with other hermits on the Tarot Life Facebook group. General Practice Whilst it is ideal also to draw the cards at the dawn and dusk of the day, you can do this on awakening and before retiring, or whenever is most convenient to you. Note: You will be pulling two cards, and following the path on the first, and observing the “light shines” prompt on the second at the end of the day. These will be different cards, creating a contrast. The prompt for “the light of the Lantern …” belonging to the first card can be ignored – it is the second card to which you should refer. Similarly, the “path” text for the second card is to be ignored – the second card at the end of the day gives the “Lantern” prompt and the “Card asks” prompt. Each of the 78 Tarot cards can show us how we can connect to service. We have here presented each card in this context, also providing an attention point and journal prompt. We have given the cards as usual for Tarot Life in the order of their progression up the Tree of Life. The reason and importance of this will be seen in the following books in this series. In connecting to service we are building a sanctuary of activity. In journaling, we invite the cards into the seed of our own contemplation. In the morning the card will give you a path to walk, and in the evening another card will give you a light in which to see that activity;
that is, the Lantern of the Hermit. In comparing and contrasting these two cards, you will also be asked a question from the second card. As an example, you may select in the morning the Queen of Swords. When reading about this card, we see that she does not suffer fools, and bears a stony silence. Her service is in presenting a cold face in order to convey the ridiculous of someone’s plan or action. This may be all it takes to put a silly suggestion out of the window before it causes problems. So during the day, we connect to this service, we maintain the Queen of Swords demeanor when it is necessary. In turn, this ‘services’ that part of ourselves and keeps it running. In the evening, to continue this same example, you might then draw out of the deck the 3 of Pentacles. This would bring its light to the day by bringing our attention to the importance of using our own talents. It casts a light on whether as a Queen of Swords we were able to draw on our own experience (world-weary cynicism or worldly common-sense) to improve the work of others. As a journal or sleep contemplation, the 3 of Pentacles asks, “Did you shine a light on the creative skills of others today?” We may see that by maintaining some distance (Queen of Swords), we are able to observe and appreciate more the efforts of others. Whilst not trying to create ourselves, living solely in the world of the Mind (Swords) we are far more able to witness clearly (and appreciate) the practical efforts of our peers. The many combinations of paired cards available in the deck may bring surprising and insightful experiences in your month, connecting to this service. You may find the same card appearing a number of times, but paired to different cards producing different angles on the same lesson. As is fitting for its correspondence to the Hermit/Virgo, this is more of a journaling exercise in preparation for a far more activity-engaged exercise in the following month. It is also a lesson in pairing cards for your readings. The “Serve and Service” method is also a teaching method of pairing cards to create meaning. In Practice
We recommend this as a daily practice over the month, or you can perform it weekly, or every few days. It is important to establish a routine, rather than “just when you want”, even if that routine is only 4-8 times during the month. Note that the “Card Asks” exercises of this work are perhaps more powerful than they first appear, particularly when taken as prompts for consideration after a day of service. They will build up over the month to provide you a potentially life-changing realization or new insight. We recommend thinking about these (and journaling them, even briefly) seriously for about 5-10 minutes at the end of each day in which you have engaged with the daily service.
The Service Cards Page of Pentacles Today your path is to contemplate what brings you genuine security in life, such as a contented family life, or good relationships with friends. What do you value most, and how can you use your own advantages in life to help those who are less fortunate? Your service is to take action to assist somebody in managing their financial or material affairs better. This could be as simple as helping them tidy up a place of work or play. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the importance of having a good value system to live your life. When today did you apply yourself to work of value? The card asks: “At the end of the day, what is important to do?” Page of Swords Today your path is to act as an advocate for somebody, speak out and look after the interests of somebody who needs it. Look out for the welfare of others. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to when you were being alert and ready for any eventuality. Did you feel today that you were equipped with a quick brain and a feisty sword? Did you use your skills wisely? The card asks: “What do you see?” Page of Cups Today your path is to encourage somebody to live out their aspirations and for them to assist others in doing so. Your enthusiasm and vision needs to be communicated very openly, a good place to do this would be on Facebook or via your blog. The Page of Cups delights in connecting and surprising on social media. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to wherever you were making dreams come true. Did you make an ideal become a reality today? The card asks: “What use are your dreams?”
I would spread the cloths under your feet; But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. Page of Wands Today your path is to be forthright and deliver the news that most people avoid relaying. Think of the maxim “do not shoot the messenger”, it is well-known that it is not the most desirable of duties to be the one who delivers news of change. Today your service is to be that messenger. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to wherever you showed the way forward. Were there points today where you were the first one to stand up and express yourself? The card asks: “What message do you carry to the world?”
10 of Pentacles Today your path is to bring your family together in one place. Family does not have to be blood family, it could be very close friends that you have known for a long time but have neglected in recent years. There could be an elder member of your family that you have not visited for a long time, make an effort to reconnect with them. This is a service in bringing others together. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the wealth of friends and family, and the security and happiness it may have created today. The card asks: “What is finished?” 10 of Swords Today your path is to encourage somebody to let go of negative thinking that has held somebody back but has now run its course. The end is here and now, and you can show them how to bury the hatchets. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the dangers of overly critical self-talk. Whilst you were engaged in your service today, did you tell yourself anything negative? The card asks: “How does the world disappoint you?” 10 of Cups Today your path is to heal divisions in relationships, and bring harmony into your own and others life. Now is the time to stop fighting and start loving. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the power of love. How was this manifest during your service today? The card asks: “When is joy to be found?” 10 of Wands Today your path is to help somebody who is overworked to delegate responsibilities and take a rest. If it is in the home environment, it could be as simple as taking over the cleaning and house
maintenance for a time. In the workplace it could involve you helping somebody with their workload. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how easy it is to be burdened down with our life and the desire to do it all. Think about how easy it is for somebody to ‘make a rod (rods) for their own back’. How did you see this today? The card asks: “What are you carrying through life?” WORLD XXI Today your path is to help someone bring things together. Allow them space and time to get their act together, to finish something and complete it. Even if it is a small task, the aim is completeness. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where today you finished things. Is service ever finished? The card asks: “What is ever complete?” JUDGEMENT XX Today your path is to help another to accept that which they cannot change and to come to a state of acceptance. To let go of one state of being to welcome in another. There is a reckoning that could bring transformation. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the importance of knowing what we have influence over and that which we do not. The card asks: “What calls you to service?”
MOON XVIII Today your path is to be sensitive to the feeling of others, to be receptive to their needs, to feel their joy, their fear their pain, to connect to the divine in another. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to being connected to all and everything, the good, the bad and the downright ugly! Were you plugged into the spiritual mainframe today? The card asks: “What is reflecting all this light?” 9 of Pentacles Today your path is to be content with your achievements, and to enjoy life to the full. Now is the time to slow down and spend quality time with your nearest and dearest. Invest your time and energy at home. Serve by spreading a sense of contentment, in any way you can. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where today you were able to find contentment. The card asks: “What is the secret of contentment?” 9 of Swords Today your path is to think back to a time when you found yourself in a place of absolute desolation and despair, the brutal thinking that compounded that state of turmoil. We will all recognize the image that Waite and Smith conjured of the tragic figure sat bolt upright in bed weeping and cradling their head in their hands. We can experience this state time and time again, and each time we feel we suffer as much as the time before. Yet rather than wallowing in this well of deep despair we find ourselves with the strength to swim out of it towards a brighter place. It is a far less lonely place where if we are fortunate we have the support of friends and loved ones. So your path today is if at all possible to reach out to someone who is hurting and give them your love and support.
The light from the Lantern brings your attention to focusing on the road ahead. Where did your service do this today? The card asks: “What keeps us awake?” 9 of Cups Today your path is one of contentment verging on pure joy; there is something very contagious about joy and a genuine smile, so your path for today is to go out there into the world, the real world or online social media world and spread this happy little contagion. “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” The light from the Lantern brings your attention to being content with what you have accomplished in your service today. The card asks: “Where is the edge of joy?” 9 of Wands Today your path is to protect someone’s best interests; if you know that somebody is feeling vulnerable and under attack offer your support. We all need somebody to look after us now and again. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where you were a tower of strength to another. “All species capable of grasping this fact manage better in the struggle for existence than those which rely upon their own strength alone: the wolf, which hunts in a pack, has a greater chance of survival than the lion, which hunts alone.” Christian Louis Lange The card asks: “What are you protecting?” SUN XIX Today your path is to get creating, to be as creative and productive as you possibly can, and to share this energy with others - give out like the sun! Make it playful as a child would. It is a doing and giving sort of a day. You are going show positivity and being full of energy is a combustive thing, go and set the world alight with your pure joy.
"There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward” Kahlil Gibran The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the pure innocence of doing for doings sake. When today in service did you lose yourself into the moment? The card asks: “Where do you go when you are not yourself?” STAR XVII Today your path is to recycle as much as you can, not just material objects; recycle ideas and dreams. Resurrect an old project you had put on the backburner and turn it into something totally new. Hope is the message that comes with this Star, your path may take a whole new turn if you follow its shining beacon. Your service is to bring a new hope to others, by setting this example. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to rejuvenation and hope. What came back to help you find your way in service today? The card asks: “What does the Universe envision?” TEMPERANCE XIV Today your path is to curb the extreme parts of your nature, if you speak too much speak less, if you think too much, think less, if you hate too much, hate less and vice versa. You will discover a realigning of yourself and the influence this has on those around you. Your service is to bring your centre to everything around you today. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where today you had to be most extreme in your service? What pulled you most from your centre? The card asks: “What is the alchemy of your life?” 8 of Pentacles Today your path is to carry on carrying on learning! Learn all there is to learn, and teach by example as you do so. Be a showcase of your skills and talents, demonstrate and allow others to witness. Do it for the sake of service, not showmanship.
The light from the Lantern brings your attention to practice, and how that makes perfect. What were you improving today? The card asks: “What do you do for its own sake?” 8 of Swords Today your path is to release yourself from the ties that bind you and in doing so you will be in charge of yourself. In this, you will also able to help others out of a bind. A victim cannot liberate the oppressed, when they are frozen by their own fear. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to empowering yourself. How today did your service empower you? Where did you break free of an old way of thinking? The card asks: “What stops you?” 8 of Cups Today your path is to take respite for a period, to walk away in order to gain a new perspective. Let somebody else take over from you for you whilst you spend time alone. This could be as simple as letting your partner take over managing those tasks in your life that you see as your responsibility alone. This service allows others to take that responsibility. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to knowing when to move on. Contemplate today where you felt most insecure in providing service. The card asks: “Where are you going?” 8 of Wands Today your path is to keep all your enthusiasm up in the air, do not give up now. Just ensure that when it lands that there is somebody with you to share the results! Provide service by rushing things on, giving someone a kick on the proverbial, or delivering something from one place to another. Get moving! And fast! The light from the Lantern brings your attention to movement in all its meanings. Where were you most moved today in offering service? The card asks: “When does the universe move us?” HANGED MAN XII
Today your path is to suspend your disbelief, look at the World in a different way. Take every step as if the World is its own miracle, and you are yet to discover its magic. An alien view to be sure, however, one that can be held if you fasten yourself to your highest Angel and let your feet not touch the ground. Provide service by thinking outside of the box, suggesting the unthinkable, brainstorming, offering someone a totally radical or obscure perspective. They need not take it, just offer it to stretch them a little. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how every small thing and event in life is intimately connected to the higher world; as above, so below. A message that can be lived, when you seek to connect everything to everything else. What did you really see today? The card asks: “How does the Divine see everything?” DEVIL XV Today your path is to live your life without recrimination, cast aside the regret, and any guilt that you may have stored up. Remove the chains which hold you back, they are chains that have been constructed from the conditioning that has shaped you. In acting freely, you will encourage others to do so – Your mantra of service today is “feel the fear and do it anyway” (Susan Jeffers). The light from the Lantern brings your attention to living life without limitations especially the ones that we design ourselves. Where today did you feel chained or bound? Where most free? The card asks: “Who set the limits on your life?” BLASTED TOWER XVI Today your path is to clear your space. Take on nothing new, dispose of what weighs you down. In service help other people do likewise. Take a load off somebody else’s shoulders, remove an obstacle for them. Even opening a closed door for someone is a Blasted Tower clearance. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the space inbetween all things. Make a moment to clear your mind. Where today did something new emerge from the ruin?
The card asks: “What is there to be lost?” 7 of Pentacles Today your path is to offer service by patiently nurturing others in their creations. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to what required maintenance or tender care. When today did your service have this quality? The card asks: “When will you know it is time?” 7 of Swords Today your path is to stop working against others and work with them. Cast aside the voice of doubt that may get in the way of progress. A quarrel that may have created disharmony at home or in the workplace needs to be talked through and a compromise carved out. Your service is to be frank and forthright. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the dangers of disharmony within a home or at work or within a community. How did your service work with others today? The card asks: “What is being taken?” 7 of Cups Today your path is to actively connect with your fey side, and give yourself license to commune with the Faeries at the bottom of the garden. Be open to any possibilities where you believe that anything is possible. The world of the Astral is left ajar. It could be that you access this opportunity through a door such as meditation, especially one, such as the Inner Guide Meditation could be embarked upon. The power of your own imagination and what you do with it is to be your guiding light today. Your service is to awaken the obscure in others – ask them about their dreams. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the unseen realm. What was assisting you invisibly today in your service? The card asks: “What is your wildest dream?” 7 of Wands
Today your path is to face your fears, and see off the foe, real or unreal; you will test your true metal by taking on the very things you are normally drawn to avoid. You are going be swallowing a pond full of proverbial frogs today. So get ready, get brave and swallow your medicine - you know it will do you some good in the long-term! You will be ensured the high ground. Provide cover for others, take the bullet, serve by putting yourself in the firing line or going over the top first! The light from the Lantern brings your attention to facing your fear and doing it anyway. When today did you accomplish this? The card asks: “What would you accomplish if there was no fear of failure?” DEATH XIII Today your path is to begin to let go of the self that is not really you, the self that you show to the world in order to attain acceptance. You can forego the small talk, say, if somebody asks you how are you, only respond with “Very well thanks” if you truly are so. There are a number of stages of this dropping of the self, it is a gradual change. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to speaking your truth and letting go of niceness for the sake of it. Renewal can only come with letting go of the old and outworn. How did your service today bring transformation? The card asks: “What is death?”
WHEEL X Today your path is to be aware of the forces at work in our existence, which in a moment a whole life can be turned around for good or for bad. We are all connected as each thread on a spider’s web is interrelated. Any action (force) is followed by a reaction; you tug one part of the spider’s web and it has a reaction in another part. Think today about what we do and how we live as an influence on our reality. Waite writes in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, “Behind the general notion expressed in the symbol there lies the denial of chance and the fatality which is implied therein”. Waite was aware that in the universe nothing is down to chance, all actions have a relative response. Isaac Newton (who secretly studied Alchemy and believed in a substance called aether or ether that connected all things in the universe), could have given us some insight on the Wheel of Fortune. In fact, he did … Newton's third law is “For every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force.” The light from the Lantern brings your attention to taking responsibility of the consequences of your actions. When you look back at your service today, do you take responsibility for everything? The card asks: “What impact did you make in the world today?” 6 of Pentacles Today your path is to help others with charity; give of yourself, your resources and serve fairly those who you feel deserve your attention. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how others receive your service. How did today go with regard to reactions to your offering? The card asks: “Who benefits from your life?” 6 of Swords Today your path is one of action. To stop the constant theorizing and start doing. You will put into practice a skill/interest/hobby/calling which has up until now been mainly theory. All the preparation you
have put into this area previously will be of benefit to you and others. You are adept at this and because of this you will be able to lead by example, show the way for others. Do not give in to doubts of failure that often come when we have still to finish our journey. Be assured all will be plain sailing regardless of your mental uncertainty. Waite wrote in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, “The course is smooth, and seeing that the freight is light, it may be noted that the work is not beyond his strength” this could imply that you can handle yourself and the burden that others put upon you, the conditions are favorable. Again it is go for it! It is within your capabilities to handle the situation. Maintain your balance, work with the flow not against it. “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” — Warren Bennis- Pioneer of leadership studies The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the direction in which you are moving. As you consider all you have done today, have your thoughts and actions been united in taking you towards a clear destination, or are you aimlessly paddling? The card asks: “Where are you going?” 6 of Cups Today your path is to take time out to look back on your life, to recapture hope, dreams and vision that you once had. It never too late to resurrect a discarded longing. As they say take time to stop and smell the flowers, slow down and enliven all your senses. It is better to dwell upon happy memories rather than bad ones, try to recall your happiest memories and let these memories light up your whole being like a beacon. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the positive power of memory. What do you remember most about your day? The card asks: “What will you remember most?” 6 of Wands Today your path is to believe in yourself, and congratulate yourself on coming this far! It will be a day of you making of making it happen. A day of positive thinking, ‘a can-do sort of a day’. Take the
doom and gloom of a negative self-fulfilling prophecy and turn it on its head! You can and will do no wrong if only you believe it enough. The Laurelled horseman on the Waite-Smith Tarot, sits astride his horse confidently, he is totally in charge of himself and his horse, his body language oozes a state of assuredness. It is important that you embody the energy of the ‘Victor triumphing’, of Waite’s vision for the 6 of Wands. Lead others today, to victory! The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the importance of seeing yourself in the best light. How did your service today set you above your old self? The card asks: “What will you do when you win?” JUSTICE XI Today your path is to adhere to the natural order and service of the world. To be mature enough to accept our lot in life. We must take the rough with the smooth, and be aware of the consequences of our actions. If for today we could be truly honest with ourselves and take responsibility for “where we are now”, it is very much down to “what we did to get here”. Imagine today that your service is to serve the natural order of the universe. How will you go about doing that? The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how today you balanced everyone’s expectations, including your own. In providing service, do you serve yourself? The card asks: “What is the Measure by which we live?” LOVERS VI Today your path is to kindle a relationship which brings creativity. Do something with someone else – whatever that may be. Make a choice and serve someone by being with them. Make a free gift of your time and attention. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the division that comes between the states of union. How today did you avoid letting go into the other? The card asks: “How do you choose to be more than yourself?” EMPEROR IV
Today your path is to bring order and structure into a disorderly environment. Try to cultivate focus and thoughts which are not clouded by futile emotions. Assist someone find their own power, control and voice. This is the card of service by empowering others. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to control issues. When there has been control today, what are the elements – what controlled what? How does power transfer in such circumstances? The card asks: “What is in control?” HERMIT IX Today your path is one of being yourself and keeping to yourself. Be purely self-attentive today. This is the only card in the deck for this month’s work and context that has no service other than to be your own self. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how your own light shines. As Crowley said, “Every man and every woman is a star”. The card asks: “What is the light of the world?” Knight of Pentacles Today your path is to take control of the aspects of your life that are out of control, disorganized, feeble or fluffy. By doing this you will be naturally be of service to others. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the value of being in charge of your life. Where today did you feel most grounded? The card asks: “What is most real?” Knight of Swords Today your path is to be like the Knight of Swords and take the high ground for the benefit of another, perhaps somebody is not very clear about how to plot their life forward. Help them to see strengths and enable them to overcome their weaknesses. “All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.” Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers The light from the Lantern brings your attention to cultivating a “Noblesse Oblige” attitude, to use the skill of clarity of mind and
decisiveness to guide others. You have a duty to fulfill – how did this duty manifest today? The card asks: “For what will you fight?” Knight of Cups Today your path is to deliver the message in a medium which is highly sensitive; any communications to others should be calm but charged with emotion. Try to avoid sending an e-mail or by texting (messaging) convey it in person or over the phone. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to harnessing emotions. How did your service today call out your emotions and how were they expressed? The card asks: “What is your true quest?” Knight of Wands Today your path is to take someone a step closer to their ambition, their goal or a long-held wish. Serve them with some practical assistance, for example, if they long to travel, buy them a travel book – or a ticket! The light from the Lantern brings your attention to your travel and movement. How is it that you have come to dwell where you are presently? Think on today, and consider if you are here for a reason. The card asks: “How do I make my way in this world?” 5 of Pentacles Today your path is one of putting aside instant reward in favour of a long-term project. Offer service only today to big picture projects – humanitarian goals, ambitious plans, or year-long activities. Support something which has no immediate gratification or reward. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how we reward ourselves; whether we require material return, recognition or award. Did you offer your service today without thought of recognition? The card asks: “Who sees you?” 5 of Swords Today your path is to assist in resolving conflict. Be there for people, but try not to get involved. Be a listening ear, a supportive shoulder,
but no more. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how you get pulled into the life of others. As a Hermit, consider today and how others demand of your time and attention. The card asks: “What are you witnessing?” 5 of Cups Today your path is to move people from negativity. Every time today someone focuses on past regret, unpleasant memory, something best left where it is, then move them on. Take them in thought or by deed to a more positive place. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how people sometimes become fixated on the past. Where today in service did you move better into the future, and how did the past affect you? The card asks: “What is best left behind now?” 5 of Wands Today your path is to take charge when people show confusion. Where there is no plan, or clear goal, stop everything and provide service by setting an outcome. As they say, “you have to know it when you see it”. Do some clear organization, martial your forces. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where chaos and order compete. How today did planning, chance, structure and disorder all play roles in your service? The card asks: “What are you building with the Universe?”
CHARIOT VII Today your path is to let the universe move through you into the lives of others. Imagine for a moment that you could fall back safely and crowd-surf the entire wave of the universe. Clear your mind, be still, let every moment take you forward. See that the universe is passing though you, and let it. Your service today cannot be dictated, it will be what the Universe wills it to be. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how things happen when you are not in the way. Could your service today have been changed by letting go more? Where did you try too hard? The card asks: “What happens when you get out of the way?” STRENGTH VIII Today your path is to tackle someone about an issue that has been burning away for some time. Do them the service of assertively handling it so that its energy can be best utilized, or put away. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how you manage your fear and courage. How today did you embody your passion, and where did you shy away from expressing it? The card asks: “What is the nature of your struggle?” 4 of Pentacles Today your path is one of assisting others find security and peace of mind. There should be no major changes or new initiatives today, just battening down the hatches and helping people consolidate what already exists. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where you have been able to hold your own space, and not budge – particularly when others try to take time or energy from you. The card asks: “What do you value most?” 4 of Swords Today your path is to provide service by giving people a space to retreat, to retire, to recuperate. Allow others the space and time to
recover themselves. Set up a time for someone to just unwind, rest and get away from stress. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where you rested today. What is the nature of your energy, and how do you find respite? The card asks: “What if I do nothing?” 4 of Cups Today your path is to offer new opportunities to someone, even if they do not see it. Your offer of friendship, support, or even of making someone a drink, is enough. There is no need for the person to accept – so long as your service is offered. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where you may be feeling weary of the world and its delights. How today, in providing service, did you feel that you were enjoying yourself? The card asks: “What if there was nothing else? What would we do then?” 4 of Wands Today your path is one of making invitations to others – to celebrate whatever has been achieved. Say to someone, in service, “remember when you did …” or “well, you’ll have always managed to …” and invite them to celebrate their accomplishments. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to all that invites you to engage with life. Where today did you see opportunity and invitation? The card asks: “What does the universe invite you to do?” HEIROPHANT V Today your path is one of teaching and advice. Offer your service where possible as an intermediary or teacher, based on your experience. Provide some new information for someone to help them on their way – even if it is only street directions! The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where you teach, where your experience today has been of benefit to others. The card asks: “What is life teaching us?”
3 of Pentacles Today your path is to share with others the talents you have perfected. If you have a talent for writing offer to write an article for someone. There are so many skills and talents that are not shown the light of day, for fear of exposure - the 3 of Pentacles calls for you to showcase your talents. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the importance of using your talent for the greater good. Where did you most diligently apply yourself in service today? The card asks: “What are you being taught to create?” 3 of Swords Today your path is to work to resolve any disputes that you may be trapped in, you and only you alone can make the first move. If you have spoken in haste and have spoken words that have caused ill feeling, now is the time to retract the words and reconcile. “You cannot disown what is yours. Flung out, there is always the return, the reckoning, the revenge, perhaps the reconciliation. There is always the return. And the wound will take you there.” ― Jeanette Winterson, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? The light from the Lantern brings your attention to separation. What was separated today in your service, and was this a good or bad thing? The card asks: “What separates you from everything?” 3 of Cups Today your path is to see the best in everyone regardless of the cynical voice within. Do your best to see everyone you come into contact with as a friend. Make an effort to welcome a newcomer into a group. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to appreciating friendship. How did your service work with small groups today?
The card asks: “If you could see everyone as the shadow of their angel, what would change?” 3 of Wands Today your path is to be enterprising. This could relate to brainstorming ideas with work colleagues or it could just be you sorting through your home accounts and making them more cost-efficient. The whole family can work together to make the family budget go further. The simple awareness of turning off electrical appliances, and lights when not in use can help to save money in the long-term. The 3 of Wands is a card that embodies practical success and is always on the lookout for a better way to turn a buck. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the attainment of ambition. How did today’s service move you towards your own personal goals? The card asks: “Is everything going somewhere?” EMPRESS III Today your path is to be bountiful for the day. You will be generous at every opportunity, if a favor is asked you must do your best to fulfill their request. You will spread your ‘can-do’ magic where ever you go, you are the creator of creators. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to doing for doings sake without lust of result. How did your garden grow today? The card asks: “Does Nature take its course?” Queen of Pentacles Today your path is one of contemplation of the inner world and to appreciate that this is the only mastery that you need to perfect. To explore your inner life and find wisdom that lies within. Waite writes “she contemplates her symbol and may see worlds therein”. This symbol, the Pentacle, when used as a magical tool, has the power according to Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa to “Foreknow all future things & command whole nature”. It is the key. Provide others the key – see into their life as deeply as you can and offer well-founded and grounded advice, relevant to their next step.
The light from the Lantern brings your attention to mastering the skills of introspection in order to see what is really there. How did this improve with your service of today? The card asks: “What is really going on?” Queen of Swords Today your path is one of drawing on your life experiences in relating to others. You are wise beyond your years because life so far has taught you many lessons. What some people may perceive of you being a miserable old cynic, you know to be the savviness developed from having been there and done it all before. It could be said of the ‘Queen of Swords’ if ill-disposed that she is partial to a bit of ‘schadenfraude’ for breakfast, it is as Waite says of her appearance “It does not represent mercy”. So your stance today is not to suffer fools gladly. However, refrain from saying Alice in Wonderland style “Off with your head” with too much abandon. It may just require a stony silence to express your inner feeling of derision for a situation or a person in your royal presence. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the empowerment of not having to be nice all the time. How did you state the obvious today? The card asks: “Is it too sharp, the world?” Queen of Cups Today your path is to follow your intuition all day long. If you have a gut instinct then follow it, you have today the ability to tap into the realm of the unseen. Waite in the Pictorial Key to the Tarot, writes of the Queen of Cups as “Beautiful , fair, dreamy – as one who sees visions in a cup’. He attributes the ‘Gift of vision’ to the ‘Loving Intelligence’ (Binah) on the Tree of Life. Knowledge comes from the depths of emotion. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to your intuitive side, the voice that speaks quietly within. Did you hear that today? The Card asks: “What is the Vision?”
Queen of Wands Today your path is to be a channel for positive energy and light the way for others to follow you. You will be a magnet for success, you are the ‘Power behind the Throne’. You will naturally utilize the resources around you. Take note of the Sunflower depicted on the Waite-Smith Tarot card of the Queen of Wands. It is known that the Sunflower in bud-stage tracks the sun as it moves through the sky. It eventually opens to its full glory facing the east. Be as the Sunflower and follow the light, follow the power of the sun – your self. Be today as the ‘Queen of Wands’ in all her glory, and guide others in service to be close to themselves. Remind others to be true to themselves. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to being more in tune with your own nature – when today did you feel most in touch with yourself? The card asks: “What is guiding you?” 2 of Pentacles Today your path is to put pen to paper; you need to have a plan of action, gathering information and making practical decisions. Forward planning, write down a list of objectives that you wish to achieve and weigh up the pros and cons. Help others do likewise. Like the figure on the Waite-Smith Tarot card you will actually have to juggle your expectations and only act on realistic objectives. Ask your self does this feel right or not? Have you got the resources to carry this through long-term? See how the movement of the young man is perfectly balanced to achieve a state of concordance. You walk a fine-line, one false movement could throw you off balance. Waite in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot speaks of the card indicating ‘news and messages in writing’. You could be ‘embroiled’ in a difficult situation arising from a misunderstanding, your own words could be used to work against you. This is a card of cause and effect; one thing touches another,
and life is perfectly orchestrated. Serve others by bringing this dynamic balance to their work. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the dangers of not balancing your situation and future resources properly. How today did your service balance out to your future goals? The card asks: “What is the universe doing?” 2 of Swords Today your path is: To steer clear of unrest, maintain neutrality, tact and composure especially in areas of possible conflict. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the affairs of others. Do not be lured into giving an opinion that is not one of impartiality. Keep your words and thoughts close to your chest! Serve others by not getting involved. A day of actually keeping a “blind eye” to whatever transpires. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the dangers of careless words. What today could you have said better, or not at all? The card asks: “What if nothing was ever decided?” 2 of Cups Today your path is: to seek reconciliation of polarities (opposites), during this process you will go out of your way to bring together the differences that keep you and others apart. You need to remember that we are all come from the same source, we are all seeking union. Serve others by bringing different views together, creating harmony, and reconciling differences. Keep the peace. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to healing rifts in your relationship to the world. How today did your card service bring you into relationship? The card asks: “What is your relationship to others?” 2 of Wands Today your path is to take time to stand and stare, to contemplate your life, and look at what you have achieved rather than that to come. It is an appraisal of where you are at now. It may be that you look around and compare your progress with others and find yourself lacking. Waite comments in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, about the myth of Alexander being overwhelmed by the ‘grandeur of the
world’s wealth’. Whilst nobody knows for sure the whether Alexander uttered such words, but we do know Plutarch’s essay in Moralia titled “Contentment of the Mind”. There he writes that “Alexander cried when he heard Anaxarchus talk about the infinite possibilities of the world in the universe. One of Alexander’s friends asked him what was the matter, and he replied. “There are so many worlds, and I have not yet even conquered one’”. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to the folly of comparing yourself to others. The card asks “What is the comparison you are making?” King of Pentacles Today your path is to remain earthy and practical. A path today not one of fancy or of contemplating your own navel! Assist others negotiate for a better deal in their life. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to keeping it real. Where today did you really get your hands dirty? The card asks: “What is the easiest thing to do in life?” King of Swords Today your path is one of intellect and reason, you need to follow the rhetoric road! You can literally do no wrong verbally, intellectually you are to be razor sharp and as quick as a shark. It is an opportunity to fight all those battles you have avoided, especially if they are intended to address malpractice or injustice. Serve others by cutting through anything in their way. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to saying what needs saying. How did you do that today in your acts of service? The card asks: “What is being communicated by the world?” King of Cups Today your path is to be assertive but not domineering, and to be guiding but not controlling. Help serve someone with “tough love”. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to wherever today you got results through understanding the feelings of others. The card asks: “Who is pleasing who?”
King of Wands Today your path is to go out of your way to shake up stagnant states. You will make dynamic changes that will bring stability and success to a situation, serving others. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to whenever today you let things go that should have been actioned. The card asks: “What is leadership?” HIGH PRIESTESS II Today your path is the path of divine silence. To remain tranquil amidst a sea of noise, enabling you to be receptive to your innermost wisdom. The aim is not to be distracted by outside interference and to maintain passive. Just be as is. You are able to float not drown in its depths. Serve others as a vessel of intuition, of wisdom, and revelation. Be mysterious. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where you were able to listen to your own inner voice. The card asks: “Where is the secret sanctuary?” MAGICIAN I Today your path is to be resourceful and to make the most of your analytical skills. You will plan out your day down to the smallest detail. The Infinitesimal will become the bigger picture. Help someone by talking them through their ambition or plan. Today is about serving as a communicator of ambition and Will. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how today you improved your organizational skills and planning. The card asks: “What is Magick?” Ace of Pentacles Today your path is to be creative and practical. Help someone build or create something real. Apply common-sense, down-to-earth reality. Offer service by being real or bringing someone down to earth. The light from the Lantern simply brings your attention to your income and value during the day.
The card asks: “What you have earned for us today?” Ace of Swords Today your path is to be thoughtful/rational and decisive in your interactions. Your service is to help someone make a clear decision or bring clarity to a confused situation. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how you have made decisions during today. The card asks: “Did you think of anything new?” Ace of Cups Today your path is to be generous, authentic and pure of heart; to be receptive; to love and loving. To be forgiving! Your service is to help others explore the depths of their feelings. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to how open and flexible (of nature) you have been in your relating/relationships today. The card asks: “Do you love unconditionally?” Ace of Wands Today your path is to be industrious and inventive; help others to seize opportunities as they arise. ‘He who kisses the joy as it flies, lives in eternity’s sunrise’ (Blake). The light from the Lantern brings your attention to where today you lived in the moment and started new things. How did this help others? The card asks: “What is being created?” FOOL 0 Today your path is to venture forth without a care in the world; you feel no fear and think not, you are not held back by responsibility. Your service is to help someone make a choice, find freedom, or take leave of an unwanted responsibility. The light from the Lantern brings your attention to experiencing for experiencing sake, and having no plan; where today did you experience freedom? The card asks: “What is freedom?” Conclusion
Throughout this series, we are gradually elevating the tarot into a spiritual tool for ongoing work in real life. The cards can be used to engage in activities, stretch your boundaries, and respond to significant life-changing events – or prepare for them. The Tarot Life is a life which uses the cards as gates between the spiritual and mundane aspects of our experience. In the following seven booklets in this series, we will build on our progress in the first six months, next moving into a new phase of engaging ourselves with the universe in a co-creative mannner. It is important to the process that you undertake the exercises, and we have an optional Facebook group listed in the appendix where you can share and discuss your experiences, ask questions and gain support. We have also provided in the final section a list of reading materials and website resources to discover more in the very best of Tarot and Tarosophy®. In this series, released monthly over 2013: 1. Discover Your Destiny 2. Remove The Blocks 3. Make Decisions Better 4. Enter the Flow 5. Ride the Lion 6. Connect to Service 7. Find Your Equality 8. Die To Your Old Self 9. Entering Unity 10. Becoming the Real 11. Your Keys to Freedom 12. The Depth of Divinity
What Follows Next Month In next month’s Tarot Life, we reveal more about where this work is heading, as we take an innovative and daily activity in finding our equality. However, this “equality” is perhaps a different experience than you may presently expect! We also work with the Court Cards again and provide more examples (but less instruction) as you should now be at the stage of seeing how these exercises are being constructed. And if not, we will guide you in the next book to show how you can create similar engagements with your Tarot. And ss we balance the scales of our life, expect major shifts and revelatory insights! As we begin our second half of the year, and start to approach the final three months, we connect all these gates together to effect radical change and transformation.
Bibliography Waite, A. E. Pictorial Key to the Tarot. London: Rider, 1974.