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English Pages 175 [174] Year 2020
Tallinn Architecture
1900-2020 Architecture Guide
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Tallinn Architecture
1900-2020 Architecture Guide
Karin Hallas-Murula
Estonian Museum of Architecture
Designer: Angelika Schneider Translation into English Krista Mits Language editor Richard Adang Photo editor: Jarmo Kauge Maps: Regio ISBN 978-9949-7262-5-7 Supported by: Rand & Tuulberg Merko Ehitus Astlanda Ehitus Ratermann City The Cult ural Endowment of Estonia @Karin Hallas-Muru la (texts) @Krista Mits (translation) @Estonian Museum of Architecture Printed in Raamatutrukikoda
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Between 1992 and 2010 the Museum of
and environmental context. The selection
Estonian Architecture published guides to
criteria for the inclusion of buildings in such
Tallinn's 20th-century architecture in German,
areas (Kalamaja, Kassisaba etc.) are based on
English, Estonian and Finnish. Each new
contextualism, which is admittedly subjective:
edition was revised and expanded. The
what some perceive as a dialogue on creative
English-language architecture guide came
architecture, others consider a radical
out in 2010. Some of the texts from the
intervention. Let architecture lovers who take
previous edition have been included in the
a stroll in different parts of the city come to
current book, they have been edited and
their own conclusions.
updated. Many new objects have been added
Alongside remarkable edifices, typical and
due to the fact that during the last ten years
representative buildings are pointed out in this
the appearance of Tallinn has been radically
transformed: a large number of new buildings and new urban areas have emerged and the
The objective is to offer a broad crosssection of Estonian architectural cu lture.
view of historic neighbourhoods has been
Examples of Stalinist architecture and later
completely changed.
Soviet architecture are also included.
The aim of this architecture guide is not
In selecting the buildings for this guide
to incorporate all of the new buildings or
their location and accessibility have also
organise a "beauty contest" between them.
played an important part. As a rule, private
Unlike the previous editions, the focus in
residences, although of some architectural
selecting the new buildings to be included
interest, have been excluded, since they are
was on sustainability and technological
often hidden behind tall fences and cannot be
modernism, energy performance and
viewed. This is also the reason why buildings
purposefulness. For this reason, some large
for the defence forces have been left out.
buildings, although highly visible in the cityscape, have been ignored. In milieu-protected areas, attention is not paid to just attractive edifices, but also
For further information on Tallinn architecture, contact the Estonian Museum of Architecture, Ratermann Salt Storage, 2 Ahtri, Tallinn.
to new buildings that adapt to the historical Karin Hallas-Murula
A Brief Overview of 20-Century Tallinn Architecture
Tallinn in the early 20th century
had studied or worked in Riga. As a powerful
Tallinn is an old Hanseatic city with a rich
monument to the Russification ideology in the
medieval heritage. It flourished in the 15th
1880s-1890s, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
century and the medieval character of the
was erected on a prominent site on Toompea
core of the city - the Old Town, with its
hill (1900, architect Mikhail Preobrazhensky
town wall towers and streetscape - has been
(No 2 - see the map).
preserved. In 1561-1710 Tallinn was under Swedish
The 1900s saw the arrival of Estonians trained as engineers on the architectural scene,
rule. In the course of the Great Northern
including Voldemar Lender (the first mayor of
War, Tallinn was captured by Peter the Great
Tallinn of Estonian origin), Karl Jurgenson and
and, for the following two centuries, was the
Anton Uesson. Karl Burman, who had studied
capital of a province in the Russian Empire. By
at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, was a
the second half of the 19th century, Tallinn
member of the first generation of architects
had lost its military importance and, after the
of Estonian nationality. Yet, the winners of
demolition of defensive structures, a green
international architectural competitions were
belt was formed around the Old Town. Areas
St. Petersburg or Helsinki architects, and the
with modest wooden dwellings surrounded
major public buildings in Tallinn were erected
the central part of the city. Industrialisation
according to their designs. In the 191 Os
in Tallinn gained momentum with the
Eliel Saarinen and Armas Lindgren designed
completion of a railway in 1870.
buildings (see Nos 13, 38 and 70) in late Art
At the end of the 19th century, there were a little more than 60,000 inhabitants in
Nouveau or classicised Art Nouveau style. They were emulated later by Estonian architects, in
Tallinn; by 1917 their number had reached
large apartment houses in particular (see Nos
159,000. The population growth was
20 and 108)
highest between 1910 and 1914. Before the
A Finnish orientation was preferred by the
First World War, the Peter the Great naval
Estonians in the 1908 competition to design
fortress complex was laid out and large
the Estonia Theatre (No 70); in contrast, the
industries were set up. Admittedly, it was
Baltic-Germans chose heavy Neo-Romanticism
not comparable to the building boom in
for the architecture of the German Theatre
the neighbouring cities of Riga and Helsinki,
(No 14)
where areas of large stone apartment buildings mushroomed, forming the new city
The focal point of the new city - a new magnificent Town Hall designed by Eliel
centres. In Tallinn wooden houses were built
Saarinen in 1912 - was planned to be built
in great numbers.
on the site of the present-day Viru Hotel. In
Until the late 19th century, the buildings in the Old Town were owned by wealthy
1913 Eliel Saarinen won the international competition to create the master plan of
burghers of Baltic German origin. Their
Tallinn. His grandiose project, "Greater-
attempt to affirm their cultural identity
Tallinn", although overestimating the actual
accounts for the rise of historical revivalism:
growth of the population, was a brave vision
Hanseatic Gothic, Neo-Renaissance and
of the urban development of Tallinn. These
Neo-Mannerism, represented by buildings
plans were thwarted by the outbreak of the
designed by Baltic German architects who
First World War.
The First Republic of Estonia 1918-1940 On 24 February 1918 Estonia was declared
1934 marked the end of parliamentary democracy in Estonia. With Konstantin
an independent republic. Due to the War
Pats as the head of state, an authoritarian
of Independence, the period of postwar
regime was established. He started to rebuild
reconstruction could not begin until after the
Tall inn in order to turn it into an imposing
signing of the Tartu Peace Treaty with Russia
capital city. The idea was to replace all old
on 2 February 1920.
wooden houses with new four- to five-storey
The first important building project of
buildings along the main streets in the centre
the young nation, the Riigikogu (Parliament)
of Tallinn. A series of stately buildings were
building on Toompea, was designed by the
designed: among them multi-storey homes,
Estonian architects Herbert Johanson and
banks and offices. More expensive materials
Eugen Habermann (1922, No 1). In 1921
and decorations appeared on the fac;ades,
the Estonian Association of Architects was
including polished dolomite, granite plaster,
established and the Tallinn Technical School
decorative cornices, pilasters and floral
opened a course in architecture. In the 1920s there was no economic
motifs (Nos 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40 etc.). The orientation towards Germany strengthened
stability and, consequently, no major
in Estonian architecture in the second half of
investmen ts in construction were made. A
the 1930s.
new type of house, called the "Ta llinn house", a two-storey wooden structure with a central
As symbols of the new power, the Neoclassical White Hall in the Toompea Castle
staircase of stone, became popular in Tallinn.
was rebuilt (1935- 1936, Artur Perna and
Although conservative in appearance, the
Johann Ostrat) and a Neo-Baroque building
"Tallinn house" is an interesting example of
for the Office of the President was erected in
vernacular architecture (Nos 51 and 187).
Kadriorg Park (1938, Alar Kotli, No 131 ).
The larger buildings erected in the central
Tallinn 's Vabaduse (Freedom) Square was
part of the city were evidence of the more
to become the main square and the War of
advantageous idea of cooperative housing.
Independence monument was planned to
Their architecture was greatly influenced by
be put up there in 1937. Viru Square was
German traditionalist architecture (Nos 104,
planned as a new Town Hall Square. The
109, 200 and 202).
competition for the new town hall was held
Functionalist architecture emerged in
in 1937 . In the same year, an international
Estonia in the late 1920s: Functionalist vil las,
competition to design the Tallinn Art Museum
apartment blocks, schoolhouses and other
was held, wi th the participation of Alvar
public buildings were constructed (Nos 41,
Aalto, Ragnar Ostberg and Gyula Riman6czy.
42, 47, 107 etc.). Functionalist architecture in
The War of Independence monument, the
Estonia was not especially avant-garde. The
Town Hall and the Art Museum were never
idea of Functionalist Siedlungs was carried
built, for several reasons.
out in the housing scheme in Maasika-Vaarika streets (No 208), although on a small scale.
Architecture of the Soviet era
buildings with rich decor. The largest buildings
In 1940 Estonia was incorporated into the
erected in Tallinn were the Naval Officers'
Soviet Union. Maintaining a massive military
House (No 94), the S6prus (Friendship) Cinema
presence in the area, the Soviet authorities
(No 12) and the Art Foundation building (No
started to introduce radical changes into
25). A gigantic House of Soviets and a Victory
the social structure. The first Soviet mass-
monument in the present-day Viru Square
produced buildings were simple two-storey
were planned. Fortunately they were never
wooden structures for working people, as
seen in Nisu, Rukki, L6ime, Puuvilla and Majaka streets. During the period of the German
The construction of industrialised mass housing began in the late 1950s. First, the Mustamae residential district was built. The
occupation (1941-1944), most building
Oismae and Lasnamae residential districts
activity stopped.
were built in the 1970s. By 1965 Tallinn's
In the counter-offensive launched by the Soviet army in March 1944 Tallinn was badly
population had grown to 328,000. Estonian architects began to look to international
damaged: almost half of the total living space
modernism for inspiration in the 1960s.
was destroyed during air raids. A number
Organic architecture was imported from
of architects emigrated (including Herbert
Scandinavian countries after the first trips
Johanson, Elmar Lohk and Olev Siinmaa). The
abroad were made by architects.
Baltic-German architects (among them Erich Jacoby, Robert Natus and Eugen Sacharias)
The Song Festival Stage (No 137) and the Flower Pavilion on Pirita Road (No 140) were
had already left during the resettlement of the
milestones of modern architecture. Carried
Baltic-Germans (Umsiedlung). By the end of
by this wave of modernist enthusiasm, plans
the war the number of architects had declined
were made to enrich the Tallinn skyline
by more than half. The urban population had
with high-rise buildings. The "skyscrapers"
decreased from 164,000 (1938) to 133,000.
in the Estonian context were the 11-storey
In the autumn of 1944 the Soviet authorities
headquarters of the Central Committee of
deported tens of thousands of Estonians to
the Estonian Communist Party (No 72), the
Siberia .
22-storey Viru Hotel (No 91) and the 10-storey
It took a long time to recover from the
Broadcasting Building (No 11 O).
war. The rapid construction of housing was
The second half of the 1970s was filled
seen as the most important task. The ideas
with preparation for the Tallinn sailing regatta
of Stalinist city planning were implemented
of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. The
immediately after the war. The Ta llinn master
Olumpia Hotel (No 73), the Yachting Centre
plan was drawn up in 1945 and approved in
at Pirita (No 145) and the Tallinn Sports and
1952. The planners foresaw blocks comprised
Culture Palace (Tallinn Linnahall, No 162) were
of perimetral buildings in the city centre and
wide radiating avenues. A new dominant
In the 1970s-1980s the Tallinn school
aspect in the plan by Anton Soans, Harald
of architecture introduced postmodern
Arman and Otto Keppe was a prospective
architecture (No 19).
esplanade between Lenin (currently Ravala) Blvd. and the Estonia Theatre, lined with
A debate on the redevelopment of Suda and Tatari streets in the 1980s showed that
imposing buildings housing educational and
urban planning had become an issue of public
cultural institutions.
interest. The fight to preserve old wooden
Stalinist architecture arrived in Estonia in the early 1950s, introducing monumental
buildings developed into a fight for the Estonian-ness of Tallinn.
The restoration of the Republic of Estonia . Tallinn in the 1990s
Architecture of the last decade, 2010-2019
During the past ten years there have been a
In 1991 the independent Republic of Estonia
large number of new developments in Tallinn.
was re-established. On the w hole, the early
Architecture has become more attractive
1990s was an optimistic period. The surge
and experimental, with the use of diverse
of national feelings, the departure of Russian
materials and innovative technologies. Good
troops and the restoration of Estonian
architecture depends on quality construction,
statehood made everyone hopeful. The
and complicated projects have enhanced
opening of the borders generated a belief that
collaboration between leading construction
Tallinn wou ld attract big investments. From
firms and architects.
that time there are designs for magnificent
The construction of the Ulemiste
skyscrapers to be erected in the central part
Technopolis in Lasnamae, the biggest of
of Tallinn: the Astlanda, the Sheraton and the
its kind in the Baltics, is still underway. The
Oli.lmpia-2 hotels; none of them were realised .
Noblessner culture and arts complex is being
The transition to a market economy
expanded, and the Sitsi residential area is
led to significant changes in architecture.
developing . New living environments and
Large state-run planning and design firms
office landscapes are emerging. New hom es
disintegrated and small architectural firms
are soon to be completed in Toomkuninga,
were created. A w ide range of building
and the whole new residentia l area of
materials became available.
Veerenni is emerging. A new project is a
As capital accumulated, bank buildings,
30-floor skyscraper in Maakri Street. There
offices and supermarkets popped up in
is brisk building activity near the harbour
Tallinn. The symbols of a new life were the
area and on the Kopli peninsu la. The Pirita
high-rise buildings of SEB Bank (1998, No 80)
Promenade is being designed. All this and
and the Radisson Hotel (2000, No 78). In 1994 the largest international architectural competition ever held in Estonia to design the Kumu Art Museum (No 132) was won by the Finnish architect Pekka Vapaavuori. However, it took ten years to build the museum (it was completed in 2005 and opened to the public in 2006) . A lively architectural scene and internationa l contacts linked Estonian architects with the rest of the world. However, the practice of international competitions led to the most important buildings being designed by foreign architects. The winner of the design competitions for the National Broadcasting Building (2007) was the Danish architect Erik Nobel, and for the Estonian Art Academy building (2008) the Danish architectural offices SEA and Effekt. In 2009 the competition for the Tallinn City Hall was won by the Dan ish Bjarke Ingels Group. None of these designs was realised .
much more will hopefully be the subject of future architecture guides.
1a Lossi
The Parliament of Estonia building Architects Herbert Johanson and Eugen Habermann, 1922
The cei ling of the foyer is coffered and The new parliament building is situated on
the balustrades repeat the zigzag motif of
the site of the former Teutonic Castle (13th-
the rooms. The most important room is the
15th cents .). The parliament was the most
Session Hall, w ith its Expressionistic ceiling. It
important institution of the new-born national
has a bold colour scheme: the ceiling is lime-
state, so there was a desire to create unique
coloured, the walls ultramarine and the jambs
architecture. The fa