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English Pages [19] Year 2023
Table of contents :
Introduction to Studying College Mathematics - Page 1
Study Skills Activity 1: Attendance Matters - Page 2
Study Skills Activity 2: Scheduling Your Time - Page 4
Creating Your Weekly Schedule - Page 4
Study Skills Activity 3: Considering the Results of Active and Passive Learning - Page 9
PART I. Read the short introduction to an education research study and answer the following questions - Page 9
PART II. Examining the Test Scores data - Page 10
Read the sentences and accompanying graph below and answer the following questions - Page 10
Part III. Examining Feeling of Learning survey data - Page 12
Part IV. Examining Feeling of Learning Survey data in relation to the Test Scores data - Page 13
Study Skills Activity 4: Notetaking to Enhance Learning - Page 14
Why take notes in math class? - Page 14
Notetaking Tips for Math Class - Page 14
Study Skills Activity 5: Reflecting on Exams and Quizzes - Page 15
References - Page 16
Acknowledgements - Page 16
Study Skills for Academic Success Written by Jen Nimtz, Ph.D. Adapted by Andrew Richardson
Table of Contents Introduction to Studying College Mathematics ............................................................................................. 1 Study Skills Activity 1: Attendance Matters .................................................................................................. 2 Study Skills Activity 2: Scheduling Your Time ............................................................................................. 4 Creating Your Weekly Schedule ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Study Skills Activity 3: Considering the Results of Active and Passive Learning ........................................... 9 PART I. Read the short introduction to an education research study and answer the following questions. ........................ 9 PART II. Examining the Test Scores data. ................................................................................................................................ 10 Read the sentences and accompanying graph below and answer the following questions. ................................................... 10 Part III. Examining Feeling of Learning survey data. .............................................................................................................. 12 Part IV. Examining Feeling of Learning Survey data in relation to the Test Scores data. .................................................... 13
Study Skills Activity 4: Notetaking to Enhance Learning............................................................................ 14 Why take notes in math class? .................................................................................................................................................... 14 Notetaking Tips for Math Class .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Study Skills Activity 5: Reflecting on Exams and Quizzes ........................................................................... 15 References................................................................................................................................................. 16 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................... 16
Colophon © 2023 Jennifer (Jen) Nimtz Permission is granted to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Note: The above text is used with permission from creativecommons.org.
Introduction to Studying College Mathematics It is common for students to experience some difficulty in their transition from high school mathematics to college mathematics, which is due, in part, to some general differences between high school and college. College Mathematics Courses Cover Content Quickly. In high school, the content is taught at a slower pace than it is in college. As a result, if you miss a class in high school, it is easier to catch up than if you miss a class in college. In fact, if you miss a class in college, you may feel lost when you attend the next class. The importance of consistent attendance is examined in Study Skills Activity 1: Attendance Matters. College Mathematics Requires Daily Study Outside of Class Time. In high school, teachers provided more structure for learning and often time is provided during class to complete at least part of assignments. In college, students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and assignments are completed outside of class. In addition to completing assignments, studying college mathematics includes pre-reading the text before class and reviewing and revising notes after class. How to structure your time outside of class is examined in Study Skills Activity 2: Time Management. College Mathematics Requires Practicing Self-Assessment. It is important to reflect on your learning every day as you work on assignments and review and revise your class notes. The following self-assessment statements help indicate how well you are understanding the material. A. I do/did not know how to start the problems in this section. B. I am/was able to work through the problems in this section with some assistance. C. I am/was able to work through the problems in this section independently. D. I can explain how to work through the problems in this section to someone else. If you answer A or B, be sure to seek assistance from your instructor, a knowledgeable friend, or the Tutoring Center to gain a deeper understanding. Continue to work on additional problems (available in your text) until you are more confident. If you answer C or D, then you are more likely to be ready for a quiz or exam. Answering D means that you are more likely to remember this content for future courses. College Mathematics Requires Deeper Understanding. In high school mathematics, students are often able to get by with memorizing procedures, and this strategy may get them through tests. In college mathematics, although some memorization is required, a deeper level of understanding is required for ongoing success. You need to know both what steps to perform to solve and equation as well as why those steps are justified. In addition, you are expected to seek and understand connections between mathematical ideas. Justifications and connections may be discussed by faculty during class, but you also need to reflect on and reinforce these ideas for yourself as you study. You can achieve this by asking yourself questions as you review and revise your class notes and complete assignments. A few examples of questions are: • • • •
Why does this solution method work? How are each of the steps of a symbolic solution justified? How is this new mathematical idea similar to or different from the mathematics that I already know or that we have recently learned in this class? How are the characteristics of this equation or function represented symbolically, in a table, and in a graph? What are the connections between these representations? How might I solve this problem in a different way? How might I solve this problem using an equation, a table, or a graph?
College Requires Practicing Metacognition. In addition, you are expected to reflect on your own learning and use metacognitive skills. Metacognition can be thought of as thinking about your thinking, or “an awareness or understanding of one’s own thought processes” (New Oxford American Dictionary, 2005). Some strategies for practicing metacognition are: • • •
Verbalizing and writing the steps to solving a problem as you work in groups with other students. Writing out each step to solve a problem as well as the justification for each step. Reflecting on your learning and seeking assistance when needed.
These strategies are a large part of the last three Study Skills Activities (see bullets below) in this booklet and are also incorporated into the Support for Functions and Algebraic Methods course text. • • •
Study Skills Activity 3: Considering the results of active and passive learning Study Skills Activity 4: Notetaking to enhance learning Study Skills Activity 5: Reflecting on quizzes and exams
In summary, to succeed in college mathematics courses, students need to: • Attend class regularly. • Schedule study time to review and revise class notes and complete assignments and pre-read the text section for the following class. • Practice self-assessment. • Strive to learn both how to solve problems and to understand why the solutions work. • Engage in active learning. • Practice Metacognition.
Study Skills Activity 1: Attendance Matters In some math classes, the instructor takes attendance. In a Fall 2022 Math 112 Functions and Algebraic Methods class section, the instructor took attendance but did not count attendance as a component of students’ grades. What do you observe about the relationship between student success and class attendance? (Table 1 & Figure 1). Table 1. Attendance and Grade ≥ C Grade ≥ C No Yes Attendance ≥ 75% No 10 6 Yes 8 34 Totals 18 40
Totals 16 42 58
Grade < C Grade ≥ C
Attendance < 75%
Attendance ≥ 75%
Figure 1. Attendance and Grade of C Discussion Questions & Assignment: 1. What do you notice about Table 1 and Figure 1?
2. What percent of students who did not attend class at least 75% of the time did not pass the class with at least a C-grade? Hint: Locate the row with the data about students who did not attend class at least 75% of the time. In that row, find the number of students who did not pass and the total number who did not attend class at least 75% of the time. Write a ratio of those two values and use that ratio to calculate a percent. Use a similar process for questions 3, 4, and 5.
3. What percent of students who did not attend class at least 75% of the time ended up passing the class with at least a C-grade?
4. What percent of students who did attend class at least 75% of the time did not pass the class with at least a C-grade?
5. What percent of students who did attend class at least 75% of the time ended up passing the class with at least a C-grade?
6. Based on the data, what do you recommend about student attendance?
7. Why might it be that some students who do attend class at least 75% of the time do not pass the course with at least a C-grade?
8. Why might it be that some students who do not attend class at least 75% of the time do pass the course with at least a C-grade?
Even though attendance did not directly contribute points to students’ grades, we can see that students who attend class at least 75% of the time are much more likely to pass the course with at least a grade of C. 3
Study Skills Activity 2: Scheduling Your Time First, read the WWU Registrar Class and Class Status webpage with a focus on the Credits and Credit Load section, then read about Creating Your Weekly Schedule below.
Creating Your Weekly Schedule One of the most important strategies for college success is time management. Time management helps us be proactive instead of reactive. It helps us avoid procrastination and “cramming” for tests, an ineffective way to retain information. Time management also helps college students get adequate sleep. Overall, good time management will improve your academic performance. • • • • •
• •
Schedule the time you need to study based on the difficulty of the class: Schedule at least two hours per hour spent in class for a typical class. Schedule three or more hours per hour spent in class for more difficult classes. Mathematics and many science classes fall into the more difficult classes category. Schedule realistically: Be sure to include time for daily routines (getting ready each morning, commuting, meals). Schedule time for recreation: Part of being an adult is feeling that there is not enough time in the day for everything, but we all need to have some down time. Be sure to make time for recreation activities and do so mindfully by scheduling this time. Study in an environment that limits distractions: The WWU Library and Tutoring Center are great places to study. Study intensely, limit interruptions, and take breaks: Put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode and study intensely for 45 to 50 minutes. Then take a 10 to 15-minute break. Get up and stretch. Practice deep breathing. Take a short walk. During your break is the time to take your phone off of Do Not Disturb mode and answer important notifications. Once that 10 to 15 minutes is over, put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode again and begin studying. Plan ahead: Plan out your schedule for each week. Set goals for each day for all of your classes. For math classes, study every day: doing assignments, reading the text, reviewing and enhancing your class notes. Break large projects down into smaller pieces to be accomplished each week. Evaluate how you are spending your time: Be sure to take time each week to revisit your weekly schedule and evaluate how well it is working. Many people find that Sunday evenings are a good time to do this. Ask yourself: Am I following my study schedule? How am I doing in my classes? What changes in my schedule do I need to make? Do I need to devote more time to some classes rather than others? Is there an upcoming recreational activity I really want to do that requires rescheduling my time commitments this week?
Discussion Questions & Assignment. The next two pages (pages 4 & 5) include examples of two students’ weekly schedules. Review these schedules and use them to answer the following questions. 1. According to the schedule, how many hours in class is does each student spend each week? Student A Student B 2. According to the schedule, how many hours has each student scheduled to study each week? Student A Student B 3. According to the readings, calculate the number of hours each student needs to schedule for study time for their classes. Student A Student B 4. Based on the readings, what suggestions, if any, would you make to each student regarding their schedule? Write suggestions for Student A below their Schedule on page 4. Write suggestions for Student B below their Schedule on page 5. 5. Use the blank schedule on page 6 to create your weekly study schedule. 6. Use the blank calendar on page 7 to record dates of quizzes and exams and projects for ALL of your classes this quarter. 4
Student A Weekly Schedule Sunday Monday Summary MATH 112 MATH 109 5 CR 2 CR of courses
ENG 101 5 CR
ART 109 Async 3 CR
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
7-8 am
8-9 am
9-10 am
10-11 am
11am – Noon
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Noon – 1 pm
Brunch Lunch
1-2 pm
Study ENG 101
ENG 101 HU 104
MATH 109 MH 114
ENG 101 BH 221
MATH 109 MH 114
ENG 101 BH 221
Study ART 109
2-3 pm
Study ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
MATH 112
MATH 112
Study ENG
Study ART 109
3-4 pm
Work Out
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
Work Out
4-5 pm
Study ART 109
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
5-6 pm
Study ART 109
Study 112
Study 112
Study 112
Study 112
Study 112
Work Out
Work Out
Work Out
Work Out
Work Out
Study MATH 112
6-7 pm
Dinner ART 109
ART 109
7-8 pm
Prep for Math 112
Online ASYNC
ART 109
Online ASYNC
ART 109
ART 109
Hang out with friends
8-9 pm
Prep for ENG 101
Study MATH 109
Study ENG 101
Study MATH 109
Study ENG 101
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
9-10 pm
Study ART 109
Study MATH 109
Study ENG 101
Study MATH 109
Study ENG 101
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
10-11 pm
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
11 pm – Midnight
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
Study ENG
Suggestions for Student A:
Student B Weekly Schedule Sunday Monday Summary MATH 112 MATH 109 5 credits 2 credits of courses
ENG 101 5 credits
ESCI 101 Asynchronous 3 credits
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
Wake & Get Ready
7-8 am
8-9 am
9-10 am
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
MATH 112 BH 217
10-11 am
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
11am – Noon
Wake & Get Ready
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Study MATH 112
Wake & Get Ready
Noon – 1 pm
1-2 pm
MATH 109 MH 114
Study MATH 109
MATH 109 MH 114
Study MATH 109
Study MATH 109
2-3 pm
Work ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
3-4 pm
HU 107
ENG 101
HU 105
ENG 101
HU 107
4-5 pm
Study ENG 101
Study ENG 101
Study ENG 101
Study ENG 101
Study ENG 101
5-6 pm
Work Out
Work Out
Work Out
Work Out
Work Out
6-7 pm
7-8 pm
ESCI 101 Online ASYNC
ESCI 101 Online ASYNC
ESCI 101 Online ASYNC
ESCI 101 Online ASYNC
ESCI 101 Online ASYNC
8-9 pm
Prep for Math 112
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
9-10 pm
Prep for ENG 101
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
10-11 pm
Prep for ESCI 101
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
11 pm – Midnight
Hang out with friends
Hang out with friends
Suggestions for Student B:
NAME:________________________________ Weekly Study Schedule Directions: Use the Study Schedule information on page 3 to create your weekly study schedule. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6-7 am 7-8 am 8-9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11am – Noon Noon – 1 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6 pm 6-7 pm 7-8 pm 8-9 pm 9-10 pm 10-11 pm 7
Name: _______________________________Fall Quarter 2023 Calendar Directions: Record dates for (all known) quizzes, exams, papers & projects for ALL of your classes. Monday
Wednesday 27
10 Veterans Day
October/ November
23 Thanks-
November/ December
24 giving
Study Skills Activity 3: Considering the Results of Active and Passive Learning PART I. Read the following short introduction to an education research study and answer the following questions. In this activity, we examine the data from a research study in which education researchers compared college physics students’ self-reported perception of learning (measured by surveys) with their actual learning (measured by percent correct on exams). The research was conducted “under controlled conditions in largeenrollment introductory college physics courses taught using 1) active instruction, following best practices in the discipline, and 2) passive instruction, lectures by experienced and highly rated instructors. Both groups received the same class content and handouts, students were randomly assigned, and the instructor made no effort to persuade students of the benefit of either method” (p. 19251, Deslauriers, McCarty, Miller, Callaghan, and Kestin, 2019). The key difference between each class was that in the passive instruction class students were told directly how to solve each problem and students in the active instruction class were asked to try to solve the problems themselves in small groups before being given the solution. At the end of each class period, students completed a brief survey to measure their feeling of learning followed by a multiple-choice test of learning at the end of the week. Discussion Questions and Assignment. 1. Why do you think they conducted this research study? What questions do you think they were trying to answer?
2. Have you experienced a mathematics class based on active learning, in which you worked in small groups to solve problems? If so, how do you recall feeling about your learning in that class?
3. Have you experienced a mathematics class based on passive learning, in which the teacher lectured the majority of class? If so, how do you recall feeling about your learning in that class?
PART II. Examining the Test Scores data. Read the sentences and accompanying graph below and answer the following questions. The data from the test scores for each class is represented in the graph below. The scores for one class are represented by the light gray bars and the other class is represented by the dark gray bars in the graph. There is a legend defining what the two shades of gray represent, but that is hidden for the purposes of this activity.
Legend hidden.
Figure 1. Test scores for the two different approaches to teaching (adapted from Deslauriers et al, 2019) Discussion and Assignment Questions. Use the graph in Figure 1 to answer the following questions. 1. a. What does the horizontal axis represent? b. What does the vertical axis represent? c. Describe what the bars of the graph generally represent? 2. What do you notice about the graph? Explain.
3. Predict which class you think engaged in “Active Learning” and which was “Passive Learning”? a. Light gray bars. b. Dark gray bars Explain your reasoning.
4. Based on the data represented in the graph, which class would you prefer to be in? (Circle below) a. Light gray bars. b. Dark gray bars Explain your reasoning.
Legend Revealed
Figure 2. Test scores for the two different approaches to teaching (adapted from Deslauriers et al, 2019) 5. Does the revealed legend of the graph in Figure 2 influence your perspective on passive learning classes (in which the instructor provides clear lectures) or active learning classes (in which you work in small groups)? Explain why or why not.
Part III. Examining Feeling of Learning survey data.
Legend hidden.
Figure 3. Survey data for the two different classes (adapted from Deslauriers et al, 2019) Discussion Questions and Assignment. Use the graph in Figure 3 to answer the following questions. 1. Which group enjoyed the class the most? Circle. a. Light gray bars.
b. Dark gray bars
2. Which group felt they learned the most? Circle. a. Light gray bars.
b. Dark gray bars
3. Which group do you think is the Active Learning class? Circle. a. Light gray bars. b. Dark gray bars Explain your reasoning.
Part IV. Examining Feeling of Learning Survey data in relation to the Test Scores data. Average Test Scores Revealed
Legend Revealed
Figure 3. Test Score and Survey data for the two different classes (adapted from Deslauriers et al, 2019)
Discussion Questions and Assignment. Figure 3 displays the Test Score (evidence of learning) and the Survey data (feelings of learning). 1. What does the data from this research study suggest about active learning classes (classes in which students work in small groups) and passive learning classes (classes in which the instructor provides clear lectures)? a. Do students who feel they learn more actually learn more? How do you know?
b. Do students who scored better on the test feel they learned more? How do you know?
c. What does this suggest about your learning experiences?
Study Skills Activity 4: Notetaking to Enhance Learning Why take notes in math class? Notetaking strategies can help with understanding and remembering, as well as more effective studying for quizzes and exams. The process of taking notes during a lecture can help with comprehension and retention. Taking notes during class and elaborating on notes after class produces a product that is useful for future studying. Notetaking Tips for Math Class • Tools to organize your notes: Sometimes a notebook is easy to pack and take to class, but a notebook doesn’t necessarily allow for the insertion of class handouts and graded quizzes and exams. For this reason, a three-ring binder and hole-punch is often recommended to organize your papers from class. Or you can take notes electronically on a tablet and scan in and organize documents electronically. What is important is that you find an organization tool and method that works for you. • Structure your notes with headings, subheadings, and bulleted lists: At the top of each page, write the heading. Include the section number, topic, and date (Example: 7.4 Solving Radical Equations 02-25-23). Within each page, it may be helpful to leave some blank space for subheadings. Sometimes you may need to rewrite your notes to include subheadings and bulleted lists so they will be a useful reference. • Listen for emphasis: Don’t write down everything the instructor says word for word but listen for emphasis. Often your instructor will emphasize key ideas and point out common mistakes to avoid. Be sure to write down emphasized points and understand what they mean, even if it means going to your instructor’s office hours to get clarification. • Leave space in your notes: Leave a blank horizontal space to fill in headings or subheadings, or to fill in information you may have missed. Don’t be afraid to ask your instructor to repeat themselves so you can write important information down. Lastly, draw a vertical line to leave a blank margin on the left- or righthand side of the page for elaborating your notes after class. • Code your notes: Use colors, underline, circle or star your notes to mark important information. Assignment: Submit a set of notes from your Math 112 class as a PDF to Canvas. Your notes will be graded by the following rubric. •
Organization and Legibility (2 points): Notes are organized and easy to read.
Structure (2 points): Each page of the notes includes the Section Number, Topic, and Date.
Coding (2 points): Coding was used to help highlight important information. Include a separate sheet that describes how you use coding in your notes.
Elaboration (2 points): Space was left in one of the margins and some written elaborations on notes were added.
Study Skills Activity 5: Reflecting on Exams and Quizzes One of the most disregarded aspects of taking a mathematics class is the fact that all of your mathematics assignments and quizzes and exams are much more than an opportunity to earn points toward your overall course grade. They are meant to be opportunities to learn and to get feedback too! Be sure to pick up all assignments, quizzes, and exams, and then take the time to examine your assignments and quizzes and exams to reflect on your learning. We need to consider our mistakes as an opportunity to learn! When you review your returned graded assignments, quizzes, and exams. Note which problems you got correct and which problems you missed. Look for the errors you made. • Understand your error. • Get help if you do not understand your error. • Note if you are making rushed errors. If you make arithmetic errors, sign errors, and notational errors, then you need to slow down. • Note if you are making repeated errors on the same type of problem. If you find that you are making an error on the same type of problem, you need to go back and review that content to understand it better. Meet with your instructor to get help on that type of problem. Assignment. Take your most recent quiz or exam and use it for this assignment to learn from your errors. 1. First, write a paragraph reflecting on how you studied for this quiz or exam. Some questions to help you consider what to write are included below. • Do you feel you prepared adequately for the quiz or exam? • How long did you study? • What did you do when you studied? Did you read through your notes? Did you work through or rework problems from the sections for the quiz or exam? • Did you plan ahead for studying so you got enough sleep the night before the quiz or exam? 2. For each problem that you missed, complete parts a through d on a separate sheet of paper. a. Rewrite the complete problem. Include the problem number and all text related to the problem. b. Describe the error that you made. c. Solve that problem correctly. d. Describe how you can avoid making this error in the future. 3. Scan in each page of the quiz or exam and each page of your reflection and corrections. Then upload the scanned PDF as a single file to the Canvas Assignment.
References Deslauriers, L., McCarty, L., Miller, K., Callaghan, K., & Kestin, G. (2019). Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/09/03/1821936116 Kapur, M. (2016). Examining Productive Failure, Productive Success, Unproductive Failure, and Unproductive Success in Learning. Educational Psychologist, 51(2), 289-299. New Oxford American Dictionary. (2005). In E. McKean (Ed.).
Acknowledgements The Introduction to Studying College Mathematics is written from my own experience and knowledge gained over time; however much of this content may be informed by extensive reading about student success in college which I have incorporated into my own knowledge base. Activity 1 is from my own teaching experience. Although I try to make classes interactive and interesting, some students still do not attend class regularly. It is my hope that asking students to examine and discuss the data about attendance and grades will encourage more consistent attendance. Activities 2 and 4 are from my own teaching and tutoring experience, but I learned much of the information about study schedules and notetaking when I worked as a tutor at Lansing Community College. I thank Renee Mickelson, the LCC Tutoring Center Director for her mentorship. This section was written from memory. In this booklet, I added the evaluation of hypothetical study schedules, and this is the first time I have included or seen this component. Activity 3 is adapted from a power point created by Roxane Ronca, a past mathematics faculty at WWU. Roxane incorporated the data and graphs from a research article comparing active and passive teaching and learning practices using students’ test scores and feeling of learning (Deslauriers, McCarty, Miller, Callaghan, and Kestin, 2019) and asked students to predict. Thank you, Roxane, for your insights and dedication. The assignment in Activity 4 is adapted from the work of WWU First Year Mathematics faculty (Tom Marley, Amber Hixon, Andrew Richardson, Victoria Anderson, & Gregg Schwartz) who have students complete test corrections as an assignment in their classes. When I first adopted this practice, I struggled with communicating to students that the test correction assignment does not earn back missed points on the test, so I have retitled this assignment as an exam or quiz reflection. I appreciate how WWU faculty freely share their ideas and am fortunate to work with them!