As the Galactic Civil War dominates life in the galaxy, no one is safe. From civilians and common thieves to troopers an
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English Pages [146] Year 2019
Aiexis Dykema with Keith Kappel
丁im Flanders
and Phii Maiewski
Zach  ̄rewalthomas
Christine Crabb
She「ry AnlSl and Long Moua
David Johnson, R=ey M川e「, and Kristopher RelSZ
SimOne E旧ott
Sam Grego「-Stewart
Jason Giawe and Dylan Tie「ney
Scott NiCeiy and Shaun Boyke
Brian Schomburg
」oseph D Oison
John Franz-Wichiacz
Christopher Hosch
Viad RiCean and Darran鴫n
Chris Ge「ber
CriSti Balanescu, Tiziano Baracch主ChrlS Beck,
Natalie Bemard, Sara Betsy,
Corey Ko川eczka
A看varo Calvo Escudero, JB Casacop, Mauro Dai Bo, tony Fot主MIChele FrigO, Caro=ne Ga「iba,
Andrew Navaro
Zachary Graves, David Grl冊h, 」ohames Holm)
Marko Horvatin, Audrey Hotte, Rafal HrynkiewiCZ, Ciark HugglnS, Joei Hustak, Jason 」uta,
D「azenka Kimpei, Jan Wah Li,
Jose Mikhail E=oso, Mark MoInar, Ramon Puasa, Paoio Puggioni, Greg Semkow, Stephen Somers, Darran鴫n, ChrlStine Thomas, Ryan Va=e, Magall Vi‖eneuve, And「eas Zafiratos,
Timothy Ben Zweifel, and the Lucasfilm art archives
Robert Simpson Leland Chee, Pablo Hidaigo,
Michael Siglain
and Matt Martln
F州TASY Fantasy印ght Games FL量GHT 1 995 West County Road B2
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e崎AMD G各回鳥
‘S」e甲unE「 Pue Sel↑SSIW
Sle〉1〕Oと十〇」⊃1囚 ’S」e甲une「 Pue SePeu∂」D
… S〕ue山uつきl〕∀」0山」∀ ウ乙
● S叫∂田叩きl]∀ uOd関州∴与
a3ueuP」O Pue Se^!SOldx∃ :看^ 」eld即⊃ ’ SuOdeaM aeIeN :^ 」e]deuJ
…‥SuOdeeM IMe」8 :^! 」e]d叫⊃
…SuOdeeM叩OX∃ :=l 」e]deu⊃
…‥SuOdeeM al!〕⊃erO」d判」eld即⊃ S」e事S則包:i 」e事dきり⊃ S9i]ilenO山e]i Pue `si問S `s叫9i牡
刈〇〇日Si囲eSn OI柄OH S間目し月S.1eu州
e回関村∂∧! 」O」 SiO叫
Xepu音 ウ9 … S〕iuO」〕〕9i] Pue SiOQJ二∴S9
- S98」eu⊃ Pu巳S9∧!SOldx]
…●S8n」aPueSeuP!PeIN 鎚
…‥」eeDenblunPuele^i∧」nS [S
9⊃u引‖9NnS Pue `旬」n○○S `uo!]e」掴ui ウS … S叩e囲SO」d PueS〕i]eu」eq/つ Oウ SuOi〕きつ叫n田山○○ 9∑’…
興るⅢd叩b∃ :Xl細る事dきり⊃ 0∑ S聞S凡つ」eqeSユリ8i「 8 …’Slu引田甲印∀」eqeS叫8i「 9
’S叩e田中e鳩V :=1^ 」e事dきり⊃ ∴与
… 」0山賀V判^ 」e章deⅢ) ∴合
S⊥N∃⊥NO⊃害O ∃「回V⊥
Sed布qns eso巾ui囲M
’∧xei晒叩口0 」eu」Oつんe∧e Sen8eld ]e囲e山E3J Pue
`八〇uo山`」eMOd 」O」 ei88叩S叫即SuO○○」e∧∂ 9明u口岬u /e囲e冊M 9^iie eidoed deey o] Peu8iSeP lu9山dinbe 9∧ilJ9]O」d JO布9i」e∧ e SlueSe」d 」O皿∀ :11^ 」eld即⊃ eSue] Pue `二時Seq山Oq
`8u印OXe副O山ue∧e SJp研ノOJS ui Se」n叫e∧Pe 9津山 O] 9Sn ue〕 SIND Pue Sつd le囲]ue田dinbe r白eiPue〕u! 〇回elO∧ 」9明O Pu巳`sepeue」8.sq山Oq JO A191」e∧ e
S9」n]eeJ eDueuP」O Pue Sa^!SOldx] :一^ 」aldeu⊃
-」e]d勘〕 S冊叩○ ○11∂no」囲PeS」eds」elu1 9」e S」eSn e⊃」O] P訓MOue」 ∧q
PePieiM S」∂qeS叫8「i 〕間0⊃l l剛e∧eS ’e」O田Pue `sd町M `sp」OMS `sexe o] S」eqeS叫8申Se∧le18 0ユSP19111S山O」J
8u国有e∧∂ S」e出O SuOd関M 3alaW :^ 」a事deu○
○旧n〕S佃ie-叩きq 」O iMe」q eし叫ue⊃相e u1 9Sn O] ^pee」 S]ue山nJ]Su日equJO⊃ -eSOi〕 」9囲O Se lieM Se Se∧O18 pue `slel叫n晒`sIOO]
JO uOl]〕e"O⊃∴e SI SuOdeeM IM剛g :^1 」e事deu⊃
SnOi」臥Pue ’s」Ol○○「O」d引用eU `s」elSe〕MOq 9Pnl叩
SuOdeeM甲nS Pu… u! Se189〕e」]S Pue SPeeu叩l⊃eds
囲M P9u81SeP八両nsn e」e :e囲S…E? PeZ岬〕eds pue uo山田0〕un S]S= SuOdeeM apOX∃ 判1 」e]deLD ‘んuode9M ]⊃ed田口O SedA=elndod 」e囲O Pue `s」印OOuS ]」eP `senel‘⊃∂lJ ‘s」9MO」叩8niS JO uOi]
〇〇〇1eS e S9Pni⊃ui SuOdeeM ei!事3efo」d := 」eldelD ‘〕e〉1」e山y⊃eiq 9囲uO PunOJ
P9Zi19qE叫die ue囲Pue `恒∧l]⊃9dseJ ‘」ee8JOんo8eユe⊃
Pue lue田uつ叩eJO ed布/q p9Ziu晒」O OSie e」e lue田 -d!nb] :Xl 」e]delD Pue S叩eⅢ甲e"V :I=^」eldeuo u8nou]∵pez世qeudle Ald岬S eJe S」e]de甲ISOIN
AluO SlePO山SnO」e8uE?P Pue le89il同岬iu OI S〕eueid P∂ZiuOi○○ 1SO山uO PunOJ SIO]Sid uo田山Oつ山O」J e8ue」 es」e∧lun SJp研ノD7S訓] JO S∂ide]S eSeu⊥ ’∧xei晒
e囲SSO」〕e PeJe〕]e⊃S PunO] eq ue⊃背町中白uodE)eM
判準」eqeS叫8!「 e明し印M 8uoie `9〕ue」eJe」 (see 」OJ 9 e8ed uo 8uluui8eq pepni叩e」e S刈OOqeln」 e」O⊃ 9e」明=e ul PePnl〕u口Ou e」e〕eu]S叫9le]相∀ ’eSn
」elSeiq JO PelJ/fuu e se」n]粥J S」alSeI8 :! 」e事delD
eu崎u!AeldelO」 S./均囲JD]S e囲ui SyOOq9in」 e」0〕 ee叫]
8uldd旧Se Asee se s山e〕1 8ulSn e湿田O〕」Eq S叩Si胴S
le唱S∂日刊9 ie」9∧eS e」e e」eul斗○○q S冊叩O岬no」u⊥
e明JO相e囲lM eiC冊ed山0⊃ e」巳Sei」]ue ll∀ le8Ed e o〕
O]帖準」eqES叫8!「 e囲9Jlnbe月O S叫e丁印理胆eds esn ‘eJli O] Se」n]ue∧Pe
8ul」q O] e山晒/ue ui 9Sn O]Apee」 SI Pue (人Ni⊥S]a aN∀ ∃⊃t10ゴPue ‘NOill∃甘∃tI ]O ∃DV `∃削dN∃ ∃H⊥ヨOヨDa∃) 9u=
P9u8iS9PAiMeu eS9SnyOOqS冊ui相u9甲e] ‘ed相中y SuO阜〕eS PuE S」e]deuJ O叩P9Zlu晒」O e」e le里人xt31晒 SJ胡4 JO了S e囲山O」J S]ue山甲印e Pue ′」e98 `」O…e `su○ ○deeM JO uOlユ〕e=O〕 e∧lSu9]Xe ue Su岬]uO〕斗○○q Sl旧
8ulAeldeiO」 S均MノD7S‘ e囲ui SyOOqeln」 e」O〕 ee」囲e叩
JO相E囲IM 91ql]eduo〕 S同OOq Sll11 u!村oueんe∧∃
朔㊥⑬国別聞出諸富師㊥且鯛㊥醐 S〕luO」]○○ie Pue SIOO] Pue :s山9]i enbiun Pue le^i∧
識目㊥㊥溺劉聞出醐日朝出田聞鯛 IS∂山晒」刑l e〕uquue O]8u間OOI SIND 」O] ○○」nOSe」 ]〕e耳ed 9明Sl tlV∃〇 aN∀ S⊥]9a∀〇 `」E?e8
JO]ue山dinbe e四〇]」∂]Seiq 〕lSeq e山0」」8u冊んe∧e
-n田山O3 8u岬ni〕ui S∂リO8e]e〕叫e山dinbe JO布91」馴
Pue `s]ue山甲叩e `」Ol川e JO Se⊃9id `suodEeM JO SPe」Pun11し印M ‘S」e〕〕e」E甲(SnO山eJu! Pue) sno山eJ
`uol岬」]i日ui :s〕i]e囲SO」d puE? S二間9u」9q∧〕 `suo11e〕lu
-」nS :s8n」P Pue Seui〇時e山:e8euoidse pue `相」n〕eS
らPiM e JO PeSOd山O〕 Si lue田d!nb] :Xl 」eldt2LD ‘Sl印Sんつ」eqeS叫8旧O uO11⊃eieS e SePni〕ui OSle 」∂]
岬M SPi」OM 」le唱l「U相S粥O]木uunl」Oddo 9叩e∧eu SIND `yooq s即 し日用∧ ●SJ劫4 JOJS ul Se」n]ue∧PE) 」!e明∴叩O岬no」111 1eeユS Pue `1OOi ’∧nq ‘」9叫nOつu○
JO 」∂q山nu 8uりe88e]S e ullM Pe冊SI Axei晒
O] Slue山甲印E 」9qeS叫8il Pue ‘」O田Je `uod粥M JO
○] S○○]〕e」euつ」9Aeld 」O]叫∂山dlnbe pue suode9M
-de甲S叩⊥ 1ue山d!nbe ]SO山eZ…O]Sn⊃ Pue e〕u勘ue
SueZOP SePl^O」d slue関った軸∀ :=案^ 」eldelD
`yuii山O〕∴9id山!S e Ol 」eqES叫8" PeZl」d e
A NE¥〃岳X囲ANDED ARSENA」 ncluded ln this section are talents, Skiils, and ltem PARRY Activation: Active (incidental, Out of llJm)
qualities that may be referred to by ltemS ln thlS book, but are not lnCIuded in ail three core rulebooks
Ranked: Yes
for the Stor Wdrs roieplaylng =ne
When the character suffe「s a hit from a Braw上
Meiee, Or Lightsaber combat check, after damage
悶臣聞耳低圧匿聞耳畠 田ARRAG E
Activation: PassiVe Ranked: ¥乍S
Add one damage per rank of Barrage to one hit of
BLOODED Activation: Passive
Character lSWleidlnga Lightsaberor Melee weapon. PLANET MApPER Activation: PassiVe Ranked: ¥fes
Ranked: Yes
丁he character removes喜per rank of Pianet Map-
Add □ per rank of Blooded to ali checks to resISt
Perfrom thelr Streetwise or Survival checks used to navigate on a world. 1n addition, SuCh checks take
Or reCOVer f「om the effects of poiSOnS, VenOmS, and
Other toxmS Reduce the duratiOn Of any reiated OngOing effects or damage from toxlnS, VenOmS, Or POisons by one round per rank of BIooded to a minimum ofone.
50% less time (thiS does not decrease with add上
t10nai ranks of Planet Mapper) pOiNT BLANI( Activation: Passive
B RA⊂且
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
丁he character adds one damage per rank of Point
Ranked: Ves
Biank to one hit of successful Ranged (Heavy) o「
ThiS ailows a character to remove臆per rank of Brace
Ranged (Llght) attacks made whhe at short range Or engaged
from the next sk用check based on changing COndi-
tlOnS言nciement weather, unStable surfaces, ZerO
Activation: ActlVe (Maneuver) Ranked: Yes
obstacies that would make a ski= check mo「e difficult.
Once per round on the character’s tum, the char-
JURY RiGGED Activation: PasslVe Ranked: Yes 丁he character ch○○ses one personai weapon
Or PieCe Of armor per rank ofJury Rlgged They may lnCreaSe the damage of the weapon by one;
decrease the Advantage cost on ltS CritlCal, Or any Single othe「effect by one to a mlnimum ofone, Or increase armo「’s ranged o「 melee defense by one.
Aitematively, they can decrease the encumbrance Ofthe item bytwotoa minimumofone.Thebonus Only applies so Iong as the characte=S uSing the item. 1fthe item lS eVer lostordestroyed, the character may appiy 」ury RIgged to a new personal WeaPOn Or PieCe Or armO「・
Activation: Active (incidentaI) Ranked: No Once per game session, the cha「acter may reroii any
One Ranged (LIght) o「 Ranged (Heavy) check
acter may perform a PreciSe Aim maneuVer before attemptlnga COmbat check and suffera number of Straln. The number of strain cannot exceed their
ranks ln Precise Alm. They then decrease the target’s defense (ranged and melee) by one per straln
Suffered for that combat check.
gravity, heavy gravlty, Or Other diSruPtive physiCal
As a maneuver, the character may Brace themselves.
〇〇〇〇〇〇SS事事¥--すう、︰てら-・:,二〇〇﹂-i、---・.・→ 手′・
SuCCeSSfui Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery attacks wlth non-StarShIP/vehicie weapons at long or extreme range.
lS Calculated (but befo「e soak lS aPPiied, SO imme-
diateiy after step 5 of Perform a Combat Check, found ln Chapter lV of any core ruiebook) the Character may take a Parry lnCidentai. They suffer 3 strain and reducethedamage dealtbythat hlt by a numberequal to 2 plus their ranks m Parry. This taIentmayoniybe used once perhitandwhen the
‘euO /q uodeeM e囲
8ulSn 9間M eP叫Sxpeu〕 =e]O木un叩JIP e囲9S粥」⊃u1
1Sn山∧∂唱`叫∂i叩9P S=el北」別事) e唱岬uM ∧q相 同8∀ 」O lulOd u〕ee 」O] 8u哩」 ∧pieiMun S.uOdeeM
e囲ue明」e]ee」8 」O O=enb9二時Sl」9]⊃e」e甲∴旬ii8∀ u巳spe9u 」e]Je」euC) e里中巾edo」d uodeeM ApieiMun uE PlelM Q」 -uOl]eulP」OO⊃ 9八〇〇Pueu Pue布巾elXeP
e^lSSe」du月]nO岬M eSO111」OJ eSn OI P」eMyMe相ein叩 -」ed eq u∽ 1e叩uOdeeM e Sl uOdeeM Api〇時y¥u[ u∀
Å出門Ⅵ珊宙開園上目欄間 S〉1⊃eLl⊃旧ie9〕S Pue uOi]eulP」OOつ
S甲0〕 」9判巳lS 」O叫e」 」ed □ sppe 」el〕e」e甲eu⊥ Se∧ :Pe斗uさせ e∧iSSec] :uO!1e^!1)V
おき調音V⊥S -(e8ue」. e8uoI O〕 9nP ]OuS e囲JO在un瑚!P PeSee」⊃ul
弓iP 9囲9PE?」8dn `uod開M e明]O山n山!Xe山ie…Ou e即PuO∧9q yue」甲ee 」O]当ue」 」ed pueq 98ue」
e囲句!PO田OSle ue⊃ S」9胡PO山IeuOpenliS ]eqluOつつ即⊃ -eds pue se満山」el〕e」e甲e囲S」e∧neueIN uO11e」⊃S!P
e叩O]uOl]iPPeu!SiS冊) 9uOAq沖e甲e里J〇本画叩
当OOqeln」 ○○O〕 ll〕ee ul leq田OD Pue ]叩lJ 看uO⊃ :I^ 」印de叫⊃ uI PeqLJDSeP Se `相n叩JiP S,xpeuO
S.IND e囲」ed seし叩」e囲0 ]e 」O 8叩SIS9」 JO 9iqede⊃ul
薄墨豊器嵩黒岩器悪舗 `s沖印e eeie山」e囲O e洲S∀ ’Aeld o叩e山O〕 ue〕 =l準
S団1 Seu.=] 」9叩O eq ue⊃ 9」91I] uOi]9」⊃S!P S`INO e囲"∋
岬no囲∵suodEeM eSe囲8u!Sn e冊M Sxpeuつ1eq山O〕 e準uJ O] PeSn ue]JO ]SO山Sl =l準」eqeS叫8!「 eu⊥ ‘S」eqeS 8ulule」I Pu巳`so]OuS
P」en8 `sd叫M叫B" Se u〕nS SuOdeeM e∧!1e佃eP叩iM Se l19M Se S」9qeS叫8ii囲M 9Pe山Sxp印e eeie山Su」e∧08
旧準」eqeS叫S!「 eu⊥ ’Seリnlue〕 9囲」e∧O Pedole∧eP Se向S 8ul叫卸pue s…OJ 9nblun 8ui]ueS∂」de」 `peelSu!
叩Sリe"e」e甲]ue」e耕P e Ol l間S 9唱 〉1u= ue〕 1e囲 Slu9聞0〕 SS9つつ巳9∧eu南山S」91つき」巳u〕 `二世Si」elつき」e甲
uMe」日e囲O〕 Pe斗u= S川準」eqeS叫8!「 e唱岬no叩i∀ ‘S旧準PeZ岬⊃9ds s訓nb9」 S」9qeS川81l 」91Se田
畑n」 QL ’相edo」d山e叩8u刑e!M本un瑚!P e∧eu SP」OMS 唱山」Ou囲M叫∂i叩O」d中崎1u SienPi∧iPui ue∧e岬囲
euo o] dn uode9M Pe8ue月Ieu=O e8ue」山nlulXE肌 e囲SeSee」つu口OuS 」ediuS 〕OuS 」ediuS eユd山9]〕e
Ol 」e∧neu曾山き…O」」9d ∧曾山」印⊃e」き甲e囲`)やeココe
Pe8ue川MO」明-uOu e8ul湿田e」O]eq PunO」」∂d 9〕uO Se∧ :Pe斗ue甘 (」e∧n9ueIN) 9∧i]〕∀ :uO!1t3^!事⊃∀
⊥oHS tI∃dlNS ‘沖e]評9唱8u囚OS9」 」三回e Pue町則] O〕 u」n]e」 uO -d粥M」19旧e∧eu O〕Opueds^e山人e囲`]e8」e]」 ∂囲掴 O]xpeuC) e叩uO PeeつつnS PueOpu9ds ]Sn山」e叩e」eu〕
∂u⊥消光叫⊃ e囲O] 8ul]e」 e〕」0] 」ie囲ue囲」∂1ee」8 ou O8ulPPe `e8ue」山nlP9山ul岬M le8」e] 9uO ]e xp印t3
Pe8ue」 E SE xpe岬]eq山O〕」eqeS叫8!「 e8ul湿田`u〇回e MO」u⊥ 」eqeS e囲e準] ∧巳山」elつき」e甲eu⊥ ’ル∂lD了∂〃四 〇N :pe)!ueH (u〇匹∀) e∧!〕〕∀ :uO!]旧^!事⊃∀
M〇回H⊥お喜田VS uodeeM 」9qeS叫81「
PeSn eq ^uo /帥1uele] Siu⊥ 〕〕eiJeとI ul S刈ue月i∂囲 Snld z o] lenbe」eq山nu eAq掴]Eu]Aq]leeP e8e -山eP9旧9⊃nPe」 Pueu!e」]S S」eunS(e肥le]u9P教⊃ul
e 8ulPie!M Si 」9]⊃剛t3甲e囲ueuM Pue liu 」ed e〕uO
Suee山SePeiq 」eqeS叫8ii JO乱nleu eul Pue uO叩qi」l
InJ」∂MOd JO ∂PEiq Su!MOi8 e ]叫e S」∂qeS叫8ii ‘u8no叩 くpele∧!10e e○uO ‘1ue山elduJ! 8u凶」]S 」O 8u調n〕 JO ]」OS
]〕ei増l e巾e渦庇山∧叩"09qeln」 e」O〕血eJO^1
叩q) pe]eln〕ie〕 Si e8e山EP 」∂]JE Pue `xp9甲]eq -山O〕九〇uunO 」O `(∧∧eeH) pe8ueと」 "岬!「) p98uet] e
Pue e」e」囲M Pe冊Axel晒e ul ue∧9 `suode9M 」e明O
delS 」e叫e Ale]E?iP9山田I OS `pelIdde sl準OS e」OJeq
S」eqeS叫8申e∧!1〕eu! ueuM ’S叫e山e…e訓eZ岬u三男O
」aldelD u! PunOJ ‘)PeuJ ]eq田O3 e田」OJ」ed JO S
相e8u団⊃e同町9id山iS eue明副O山e囲i eq O=eedde
(ue e洲un 9]inb 9」e (Se∧il臥i」9P 」19囲Pue) s」9qeS叫8i「
山O」J l川‖2 S」e兄nS 」e]⊃e」eu⊃引出ueuM ‘〇時∂/07 ∂つJ0ゴ
S臥:pe斗ueH (u」叫JO叩0 `le]u∂Pi⊃ul) 9∧l]⊃∀ :uO!1e^!19∀
」旧9囲0〕ui lS」nq叫〇日S
e e川八〇岨」;判e S」叩巳⊃S PMO」つき小胆nb MO町O∧e」 OSi巳
enssi P」ePuelS e山O〕∋q中u⊃lnb e∧e画e叩e」euM
`∋]ue=l∀ leqeとI e囲O] AeM 」!∂叩8ulP明和en川e∧9 `〕9y -」e山PueuPuO〕eS e囲P∂POOiJ S⊃08乙∀ PeuOiSSl山田O〕eP `s○○」O] eSu∂J∂P le⊃OI P9PueqSIP 」O Peq」OSqe乱id山喜9囲
んe川田 PuE `叩=岬‘fuepE?〕e相即=… r白e∧∂ Al」E,9N
-PuO⊃eS e囲uO euJOu e PunOJ八両n叫e∧e uOdeeM eu⊥
9uOiつe明O=Oi」d ⊃08乙∀ 9明し相M P9ule」〕 ∧xeie8 e囲ul
eユeli∧e」8 0uM `sleul山l」⊃ Pue S91」eu9⊃」9田圃M ]e刈e山村e
○〕dopE) e」eM S…O揮ld 」elnPOu.」 e」O田=]un ],uSeM ]l S」eM
e」即O 9]e」 Pue 〕nd叩O A§」9u○○岬1u S申OJ dつ∀ e巾P」eMO]
S∀’P9ueM布巾elndod sつ08乙∀∂囲]q里⊃iiqndeと】 e囲/q p○
Sieu皿l」つ●∧eMe]e8 ueel〕 e e」nSue O=e∧OつPu間eq S」enS 一」nd e〕」OJ ue〕 d⊃∀ e囲`uode∂M uOISS∂」ddns 9∧il〇三現e u∀
e山eJJ ]⊃ed山0⊃ S]i P9洲OuM `s坤un S○○」OJ
lei⊃9ds 」OJ SeSe甲」nd pe]iu川0] dつ∀ e明Pe]晒ele」 S叫⊥ ‘uOdeeM ]eq山O〕 uE3q」nんe山口d e se p9」∂MOd」∂Pun Pue ∧eJ!」d oo川]Oq SeM ll PePi〕eP Slue8e 8ulS叫p」nd ]ue山 一u」e∧08 ]SO山`」e∧eMOH S」eM ∂uOi⊃ e囲O=Oi」d s○○」OJ esue」eP んeleueid le〕Oi 」OJ Sei」ISnPui
’山地」e]nO e囲叩O岬no」囲e〕!∧」eSSeeS冊S〕l Pue `elqe」nP Pue 91e」n〕〕E? S`〕l `相inq el町M ‘S瑚i!山e]e^i」d pue se〕」OJ
9Su9」9Pんeleueid相e山」OJ ∂問9⊃VUeSん]ueJul enSS! -P」ePuelS O]つeJ 9P 9囲SeMつ08乙∀ 9囲`s」eM euOlつ∂唱
∂」O」明 S瑚」 1eq山O〕 8u用eS-doユS.甲乱Sel(=O euO ueeq Seu e剛」elSeiq ∧∧eeuつ08乙∀ e明くんn叫e〕 e有」eeu 」0]
P相e」∀ ∧q peu81S9P SeM 」e -1きede」 dつ∀ e叩くs」e出羽斗u巳O 8uo山e 」9Pui」O et3PPeuS 」eN e囲 Pue `s」e∧elS Pue
Sei」eu9〕」e山8uo山e 」eddouつ ueuSOPu巳u_ e囲 Se uMOU〉」
固認圏 重量堅提言き、葛、、、、-、、、、、、、.i
認罷圏 (∧∧e∂H) pe8ueと」
‘∧poq s`uOS」∂d e uo山e9q8叩S
e puu o] S沖叫p uOi]de〕」ed S.」e]〕e」eu⊃ e O〕漢書PP∀
`8uoI Se山O〕eq e8ue」 S.uOd粥M 9囲`peu⊃e]]e SeリOSSe〕〕e
Peu」○○uO〕 S舟eMle `旬」n〕eS副臥i」d ’SISi耳e uO〕 Pue S」e即8
eu1 8u明u9uM旧準(∧∧eeH) pe8ueとi e囲9Sn S」9]⊃e」e1D ‘Se馴enb山e〕= e〕」9!d Pue l e呼」n〕〕∀ e唱Sul晒坤PuE
S」∂J∂」d `s]u∂∧9 〕iiqnd 8u凶OM 9問M 9∂e山EP ie」e]E"O〕し印M
’e8ue」 Pe]!田町ie明」OJ Sureeq8ui]S
8uo山e 8uiMO=OJ e e∧eu OSie S山eeq8ui〕S ’SuOi〕つunJ le…O]
〕e S」O]eueSユSi岬」ed∂S Pue ⊃ilqndeと」 uO S]d山∂揮uO甲eulS -SeSSe 」QJ S山eeq8u11S PeSn SuiSSeSSe ‘s」W¥ euOi⊃ e明JO
叫8ieu e囲8ui」na判8uel S.…e副e山e S! e8ue」 e∧甲e鵬S]l `叫8ieM叫811 Pue =e山S /lq!P9」⊃ul Sl山e9q8叩S 9囲91iuM ‘]e8」Bl e Olu岬e8」eu〕SIP Pue elPeeu e明8uoie A§ -」eue 」印Seiq leuue甲S田eeq8ui]S `ie」」eq u」班ed-ue∧leO巳
esn u〕luM `s」印Selq 9判un S」e8uu 9明u99M]9q SePn」]O」d
〕e囲eiPeeu u冊`8uol e囲iM `p」e〕 〕〕eqeS e e洲Pedeus S! S6∀ e肥 S…∀ e刈eZ〇人q u81SeP叩OXe ’peu!8el叫e」
e肌e111囲M ES」9∧ e〕l∧ 」O `epo田eL:旧O=OユSid山0」J
ココ〕 9囲ue∧uOつO=e∧neu肌用Pu9ds ue‥elつe」eu〕 ∀ S9S晒pe」eMOd-」e嶋叫8ulSn SePnl⊃eJd l9」」E)q uO-dii⊃ e囲JO e」n〕eu e叩Se `se8 」9]Selq
uo]ei9 P9」eMOd-MOi eSn rsn山喜]⊃ e囲`Al9]eun〕」Oju[ ●uOiS ○○uO〕 Pue uOi〕e」]eu9d 9St3e」〕ul Su」e〕1ed-ue∧lED P○○ueuue
ell11M `八つ頃nつつe Se∧O」d…旬iiqe]S Pue囲8uel PePPe eu⊥ ‘ePO山e囲O叩lO]Sid e叩]」e∧uO〕 O]xpeq 9唱Olui S9PliS xpo]S]叩q e Pue `l〇月eq lO]SId e囲」∂∧O uO dii〕 edo〕S Jl]do -印n山eし印M叩un 8u!SnOu Pue 19」」eq 8ul⊃eJ-P」t?M」OJ ∀
e s! lueeq∂uけS eu] `」∂]Seiq eJO EePl ⊃lSeq 9囲O] …OJuO〕 S」9]SeiqO」⊃l山 eiluM ‘]9〉i」e田 e甲lu JelSeiqO」つl山 e囲 ui
e]ed山OつS山eeq昌明S `s」9]Selq le∂⊃uO〇〇〇十八se9 `lle山S S∀
同国圏 点三、三三三三三二!
’S叫98e山nJJin] S.eつu坤i∀
ieqeと] e明し抑M 」eindod MOu Siココ○ ○囲`s」eM 9uOl○ ○叩 8ui」nP Peu8!SeP小u叩iul Slu9uJ甲e叩e OM] u8no」囲eiJi」
Je]Selq e O回訓n勘uo〕e」 Al洞nb ue〕ココ○ ○u⊥ S]S引Sn明u9 甲軋Selg Aq uMOuy u81SeP /xoq 《」ell…e」 e明8u印Ods elu叩PeZiS」e∧O ue S乱n叩〇月O]Sid ∃]○○08C∀ S.u〕軋Sel日
固圃圏 加8I「) p9∂u閃
‘(ト] eId叩SJO lunuJiu冊u e Oりl
∧q e剛」e]Selq A∧eell ⊃08乙∀甲軋Selg e 」!ed9」 OI Sxp9甲 S〕iueu〕eIN JO 相n叩JiP 9囲 9⊃nPe」 ∧e山 S○○]⊃e」euつ
Considered state-Of-theart thousands of years ago, the ARA pulse-WaVe blaster lS a Short-range Plasma dlS「uPtOr PIStOl that
functiOnSOn the same basIC PrlnCiples as a modem blaste「. Whlle archaiC, mOSt newiy dlSCOVered Greff-丁lmmS lndustrlal
Puise-WaVe biasters requlre Oniy some basiC malntenance and fresh power,PaCks to operate llke new. 丁hese vICIOuS WeaPOnS are CaPable of maiming and
disintegrating targets, and they fall under the auspices
A Huttese weapon of sinlSter design, the Boonta Biaster lS named for the lnfamous, deifled Hutt who a=egediy commisslOned the flrSt One: Boonta HestlliC Shad’ruu These bejeweled weapons
are often custom designed as omamental SCePterS for a specific Hutt or passed down as family helrlooms. Biaster components are concealed beneath sma= fortunes ln gemS and rare metais, and the energy beam lS emitted from what appears to be a masSlVe gemStOne. Hutts rely on these weapons as a last llne
Of disruptor weaponry bans and control acts. Whenever
of defense ln CaSe their bodyguards fal上but far more
SuCh weapons are diSCOVered, authorltleS COnfiscate and
Often, they十e used to execute those who diSPlease them
destroy them as qulCkly as possible・ However, neWS Of
Characters add臆to PerceptlOn Checks to reailZe a
anclent dlSruPtOr-WeaPOn CaChes travels fast, aS dlSruPtors can fetch blg Credits on the biack market Crlmlnals Often attempt to beat authorlties to the weapon sources,
scepte口S a Boonta Biaster. Remove喜from the wearer’s
Decept10n Checks to expiain aWay the weapon as purely Omamental or otherwise nonthreatenlng.
or to =be「ate entire shiPmentS bound for destructlOn
One of the most lethal blaster pistoIs on the market,
丁he C-10 “Dragoneye
Blas「吐h’s BR-21 9 1S Oniy avaiiabie directly from the factory,
Reaper” features a large,
and requires an intense lSB background check. The BR-21 9 abandons aii sense of subtlety, and emitS a nOtOr10uSly
Carblne-1ike frame and barreI nearly identICai to those
bright muzzie flash and loud crack upon帥ng・
Essentiaily an E-1 1 pIStOI conversiOn, the overpowered
blaster has a tubular, Wide-bodied frame and a broad muzzie. The shortened barrel necessitated a reconfigured XCiter and Galven-Pattem tO PrOVide the bare mlnlmum beam cohesion. The BR-21 9 also uses a proprletary mlX Of notoriously unstable biaster gasses, WhlCh, OVer tlme,
Of the SoroSu∪b “Renegade” and
Caliban ModeiX TheC-10 1SPOPuiaramong bounty hunters and mercenar-eS, PartlCuiarly those with great physicai sIZe and strength, Who
ind the C-10 makes a perfectsidearm. The C-10 hasa par-
tlCularly large fo=owing among the WookieeS Of Kashyyyk, although they typICaily favor bowcasters and other local
meit the Galven clrCuitry, SOmetimes causing the weapon
deslgnS Whiie other biasters offer comparable energy out-
to expiode.
Put and customlZabiiity that Wbokiees tend to en」Oy, the
GMs may spend @ $ todamagethe BR-219 onestep (See Weapon Maintenance ln Chapte「 V of any core
rulebook). in addltion, Game Masters may spend @ to
CauSe the BR-219 to melt down and expiode, dest「oying
the weapon and dea=ng base weapon damage to the user.
Pistoi griP On the C-10 1S a better fit fo「 large Wookiee paws.
●んuodeeM 」0〕 -dn」SiP uO uO哩]l…1 1ue」euu! e山OS uE冊」〇時e」.e]co=de」
Su〕軋Mel叩O Su81SePluel〕ue e明し印M OP Ol e」OuJ Seu S冊
叫eei〕un S.]川8no明`s98ue」 Pe〕岬iん∂∧ 9∧eu Pue r叫lnq uelJO e」e SiO]SId 」O]dn」Sl(コ SiOISid 」O〕dn」S!P JO eu= uMO
S]i e叩⊃eJnuE山Pue u8!SeP O] S甲軋MeilnO 8ui佃d田e `1e叫ou S時日O u⊃n山Se∧」eS ele〕!Pu∧s ssoluel eu⊥ ●Se山i」⊃
eu旧〕nPO」d s]l O] 9囲L上Ha e PPe O川〕軋Se旧P9」ldsui
8uiu」e〕uO〕 OOI LuS! S町⊥ ●ePO山O叩e冊J ui相eln〕印ed
Si Ax巳l晒9囲u!んuode9M 」Oユdn」SiP JO
-e8晒u9 P」eOqd町SISO山ui e〕uelS!P Pell皿1 9囲8ul」9PISuO〕
-9」d `spieUe印eq叫el〕ue山O」J P98E^ieS
凡9∧]i Se)岬山L十Ha e囲JO …O] e洲-lO]Sld a叩Pue `s叫e山
Pe]〕甲Se」相8il=刑〕 e]ids9a e⊃uelSueddeu佃pe∧」eS
/q sl準O]S eiqiSdeiiO⊃ e ‘冊S ’S」e]」enb esolつu1 9Sn O〕 ∧se9
Seids pue sulSSeSSe O=eedde su8!SeP u」ePO田`sn閏S
ue∧eユI Pue `L上Ha 9囲」OJ ePe」8dn 」elndod 〕SO田e囲」eJ
」i9囲JO e⊃ueP!∧〇八〇」1S9P /∂u画e〕eld山O〕 MOu JO eSne〕eq
`∧〕e」n〕Oe 」OOd s〕i Sl山SI二間i」〕 」9Sn AluO S,L上HG 9u⊥
相」O「e山]Se∧ e囲OS `∧ul]n」〕S lel」ed山l esoi〕 」∂Pun AluO Pe」n]⊃eJnuun
19uuOS」ed旬」n〕eS uOpe]S Pue dluS 8uo山e庇]Su!eUJ門1 8ui津山`silnu uOlle]S 」O d叫S」elS e〕叩eued ∈刑nb ],uOM 〕!
9」e SIO〕S!d 」O担n」Sl(] -SuOi担eue8
」OJ Peuueq ueeq Seu A8010u
叩q `」O…門SO山ele」〕eued ue⊃ uOdeeM ell⊥ 8岬〕eS unlS
-u〕e] 」Oldn」S!P e∧i]⊃n」ISeP
`sple的i叩eq S,/xel晒∴e明
leui81」O e囲8u旧Ie]9」 9問M ePOU.」 e」U-Oln∀ ue PuE 」9MOd 9JO山PePPe le唱uO!S」e∧ euiq」e⊃ PeZiS」e∧O ue PeSe9i9」
SSO」Oe lueui山OP e⊃uO 9=uM
u〕乱Selg `u8iS9P 」el月山eJ 9囲uO eZ畔判de⊃ 0] 8ul準eS ’Se⊃」OJ相」n〕eSんe]eueld ]O SPueSnO囲Pue e」ld山喜e甲 田iM S]Je」]uO○ ○8」ei 8uiPuei 」e〕Je SuOde9M JO 9u" e理ue ue peuMeds IO]Sid 」e]Selq i十HG 」eindod s.甲叫Selg
’」e⊃9P!S e判q 」eP9eds e se u)nS ‘ep
-iue∧e O= ]unO山Ald皿ss」9囲O e囲M `ss叫」e9uS S]l甲iM
i粥P dieu O] SPOd 」OSinde」 e」n叩iu…甲印e O]んuepue〕 e e∧eu S∂i〕9ds Al」nq SSe「 eSee旧iM uOdeeM 9山OS」eq田n〕
e囲Pi9!M ue〕 OuM `s9e団OOM Pue Sleqe」明9洲Sei〕eds 」○ ○8」ei Al」eln叩」ed ‘s91」eue〕」e山里lM 」eindod sI X-HG 9u⊥
三甲nS S二時do 8し叫e8」即 」eln〕OuOuJ e Pue xpO〕Sl叩q /o=e e]iSOd山O⊃ PilOS e囲iM P」ePuelS Se山O⊃ uOdeeM eu⊥ ●eiZZOu 」∂1]…e 」eln8ue]⊃9」 `8uoi e Pue uSiuL=e9〕Se」nP eし印M `1enbs pue l」OuS SI
X-HG e囲`u8iSeP P91e」」eq-8uoi `u冊e e∧eu相e」eue8
四日M `s」e〕Seiq ∧∧e9日工SO山e洲un ●叫8IS u=e8」即相e 岬no」旧S91OLI PeZ!S-1iequSe山S甲und o] Peu81S9P Sl eiJi」
」elSeiq A∧eeu X-HG 9明`se肌]Sel∧eeu S.甲軋Se旧]O euO
」0〕e」edo e明」O SSeueI叫uelle e囲 Pue PeSn 8u!eq 」euue〕SJO 9d布9明uO8u!Puedep `uo!]e」○ ○SIP S`」∂1SeIN e山eD e唱re OM=O euO Aq pe⊃nPe」 eq ue⊃
準e匹) 」珊el e囲JO布un瑚!P 9u⊥ 」euue○S uOdeeM t3明lM
議謂器瑞罰岩盤(米で謂 8u!叩nea e Se」!nbe」 lenP囚Pu川e uOウしS⊃ e 8ulPul]
SuMOP-]ed JO岬no -」O囲〕SO田e巾]nq =e山0引e8〕uO⊃OIAseell Se湿田u81SeP ]⊃ed山0⊃ S]i S」euue〕S PiO∧e OI S旬1e 8ull鵬q-」OSueS Pue
SepeuOq」e〕向Od 叫81eM叫8" jO uO世uiq山O〕∴e S旬d田e S…∀ ue川副○○ ]⊃e]9P O"in瑚iP碕u即USl “]SOuD”e明Se `9⊃」OJu∂ O"ln瑚1P S! eSn S]1 8u岬」書Se」 Mel e里`9S」nO⊃JO
‘SPi」OM ]SO山uO eSn ue用∧P田OJ=口1 8u用eq `旬
-〕ede○ uoi叩n皿ue Pue `e8ue」 `」9MOd 8ulddo]S呼e」8囲iM ′ssei〕 S]川l ]S9=e山S 9u18uo山e Si 」elSelq 9u⊥ S」O]e81〕Se∧ul
e]臥l」d pue `s叫e8e 」9∧O⊃」9Pun `s」○○現O叫e山e⊃」OJu9 Mel ’sel〕ue8Ee⊃u∂8用e叫i岬M」elndod siウLSつ.S…∀ueiile」O⊃ `s」e冊囲OIOu Ads l111M Pe〕el⊃OSSE? 」e〕Seiq叩OPIOu叫8ii ∀
Designed for the Repubiic durmg the師al months of the CIone Wars, Blas ̄lech’s DLS-12 iS a Carbine versiOn Of the
DLT1 9 heavy blaster rifle Wh=e the redesign limits its max1mum effectiVe range, it maintainS PrOdiglOuS energy OutPut. Sti= a blt bulkyto be consldered a true carbine, the D」S-1 2 offers some of the best stopping POWer ln ltS Class.
Among the ea「lieSt known energy weapons dated by
archaeoiogists, dlSruPtOr rIfles predate biaster technoiogy,
and =ke disruptor pIStOIs, they can completely diSlntegrate OrganiC matter. Larger and more destructiVe than diSruPtOr Pistois, SOme disruptor rifies can reduce entire crowds to a CIoud of smoke SpecialiZed sniper rlfies u帥zlng dlSruPtOr
technoiogy are a nightmare for law enforcement of柾ers,
Whilethe RepubliC PurChased the DLS-1 2 1n large quantItieS, the Cione Wars ended before these weapons couid reach the front lineS Since lmpe「ial forces never adopted
lt ln Signl斤oant numbers, the weapons were sold in sur-
Plus auct10nS,帥ding thei「 way lntO the hands of bounty
hunters, merCenarleS, and other hired guns. Thanks to ltS COmPatibIIlty With Blas丁もCh’s var10uS CuStOmization and
upgrade kltS, a “StOCk” D」S-1 2 1S almost unheard of
Who struggle to pulI clues f「om crime SCeneS that reveai no
angie oflmPaCt and offerno traces ofbiastergas orwounds
to anaiyze. Whlie lmperial Senate laws forbld researching Or depioylng these weapons, the imperlai Department of M冊ary Research has been accused of deveioplng mOdem ionic dlSruPtOr ant主ship weaponry.
Ranged (Llght)
The DR-45 “Dragoon’’Cavairy Blaster has ltS OrlglnS ln the
POPuiar Merr-Sonn Munitions DD6 blaster pIStO上MerrSonn capitalized on the DD6’s popularity With pianetary defense fo「ces by releasmg the “Dragoon,” a convertible Carbine long-barreled varlant Of the DD6. A quiCk十eiease
Whiie most weapons engineerS StrlVe for power, aCCuraCy,
CliP○○n rifie houslng and buttstock a=ow the weapon to
transform from pistoi to rifle m mOmentS
CaPaCity, and durabl‖ty from blaster designS, BlasTech’s
DL-1 9C design team Chose to elevate customlZation above all else. Designed forthe hobby market, the DL-1 9C blaster pIStOl lS POPuiar among amateur competit10n Shooters. Every aspect of the DL-19C IS CuStOmlZable to personai taste, from trlgger SenSitivity to the energy outflow from
instead ofarmlng mOunted cavalry unltS (On meChanized
Or animal mounts) with a rifle and sidearm, Merr-Sonn hoped they’d prefer carrying a Slngie re-C〇両gurabie
WeaPOn Sultabie for a variety Of scoutlng, PatrO=lng, and
frontiine COmbat situations. Unfortunately for Merr-Som,
the cha「ge pack Biaslech and a varlety Of third-Party
locaI defense fo「ces la「gely re」eCted the DR-45, unWl‖ing
manufacturers seii countless aftermarket barrel kltS for
to take the field without a backup weapon
the DL-19C to alte=tS Galven-Pattem, length, Shape,
Conve「ting the DR-45 from a piStOi to a carblne takes
emitter nozzle, Or rate Offire. Further, the DL-19C IS COm-
One maneuVer and changes the weapon’s combat skl=
Patlble with most ma」Or-market scopes, SIghts, PiStOI
from Ranged (Light) to Ranged (Heavy). Simiiarly言=akes
StOCks, and griPS
One maneuVer tO COnVert the weapon back, reStOring ltS COmbat ski= to Ranged (LIght).
When a cha「acterapplleS theJury Rigged taientto this
WeaPOn, they may seiect one addItlOnal option from the talents list and apply lt tO the weapon The charactercannot seiectthe same option twICe.
e S」e叫nu A]unOqし川M 」elndod小esue山Lul “S]u∂8E ]uan -∂⊃」OJ嶋MP1 0〕uel○○」J,, 0叩∋]e甲E肌三川I月即Selq ]〕ed田0⊃ E? S1 9JuE)l訓] X「0 9u十S」eM euOi⊃ e囲8ui」nP P9doie∧9G
S叫9山di日S九〇〕⊃富川〕軋Se旧 P9準e「l叫O SPl∋胆i]ユeq urO」J Pe8臥leS `]∂判別u xpelq 9巾 0]舟eM」刑] Pu叫e囲Sue∂u」 Sし十日9唱JO eつuele∧e」d e里 `es」nO⊃ JO ’Se甲eu9⊃」9山Pue S」e叫nu布unoq pe坤…ed Pue `se〕」OJ 9Sue」ePんeleueld `s叩un ]ue山eC)」OJu9 Me=E?P
○○ds o] uOdeeM e囲Sll∂S甲軋Se18 `e」一d山喜e巾eP-S]nO S」edluS S9⊃」O=ei〕eds pue `s」e〕OOuSd」euS uOO]eidん]
-ueJul `s」edoo」=nO〕S囲M SロコS旬dep e」ld山喜9u⊥ ‘S」O叩ed山0⊃ ]9甲e山JO 〕e囲MOieq =9M e]e」 e」U S`uOdeeM e明e〕nP9」 SluelqO」d叫∂lue8euou leeu
`佃]eun]」OJun 」O」 uMOuy Siロコ9叩Su咋明eqe-]E9u Pue
PnO」uS P即軌O]」ed e山eS 9ul Se」nleeJ leJJeq Pe呼8uole Sl岨
唾ue=〇月eq e叩SeiqnOP ue甲9」0山Pue当〕O閏叩q (o=e e〕lSOd山O⊃ e Se]e」Od」O⊃ul "q `e山e」J e山eS 9囲SeSn S廿日
]eu] eSi」d」nS Ou 9q PlnOuS llんo]S叫]ue}e」 ul Su∂lSeP 」e
SS則r Pue S]u引」e∧ 山O]Sn〕 SeつnPO」d 申luM `suoiユ ーiunIN uuOS-」」eIN Aq p9Sue坤Ueeq Seu u81S9P 9Ll⊥
甲軋St縄`9剛」ed甲S Pe〕∽iP9P e Pe]ueM訓d山喜e囲ueuM
-qnuS e `」e〕Selq "OPlOu ZO lePO山e囲Se」巾⊃EJnue山
9u⊥ uOile」!dsui 」O」 u8!SeP lnJSS9つつnS ]SO山S坤O] P9y○○l
’∀∑○○「] e明日0 〕u巳ue∧ eSOu
-1Selq lnJSSe〕OnS]SO山e明]O euO Si …O甘eldロコS.甲軋Sei日
S」eM euOl⊃ 9巾e」OJeq e⊃ulS PelLIJe Se旧川⊃iuM 《ooqeN JO eSnOH le∧oと] 9叩8u!Pni⊃ul `ellIe S.^xel晒e囲O] Si9PO田山O]Sn〕 Seliddns qnnso」OS
‘布ile囲el ∂∧!SSe」dun s]SeOq "s」∂]Selq叩OPIOu uel問J 」OJ
Su〇四」〕Se」 e8ue」 SMO=O] ∀S○○「] e明eiluM uO11〕un」 Pue
…O」囲Oq Pue山eP OuM `相1ieeM e囲Pue Suei⊃刑Od o]
P9]9刈叫u81S∂P uO哩」Od」OつqmSO」OS eSi ∀S-D「]叫晒 ○○ie eu] ’iO]Sld 」elSelq "8「i Pue 」e]Selq ]nOPiOu ueeM]∂q
9uJlu enb甲n e∴Seidn⊃〕O ]E判 uOd粥M 」∂∧OSSO」⊃ ∀
(ユリ凱「) p謁u明 し -肌-∴∴∴メ
山elS∧s e二時Sn「 eu=O l」ed peld∂つつe ue se 」OuOし=O SPue山eP e囲8ul句S11eS Pue Se叩dsIP 8ul11 一]eS 」OJ ‘uo田山O⊃ e」e SienP `spl」OM u⊃nS ui ’Ouue」eS 9洲
(xpoq9ln」 e」O〕相e JO ^ 」eldelD u甲C叫〕eS e3ueuelu!eN uodeeM判] 9eS) delS euO JieS]! 98e田eP Pue 〕ee甲e∧O
O〕 Sヨe叩e〕」0] 0] ㊨」0繊繊轡Pueds大き山S囚0
SPl」OM u! u∂∧9 Pue Muo山e89H uOi⊥.」Ol〕eS luedEL e囲
u! SPl」OM乱O○ ○唱∂PiS叩O Se^i」埴生uiiqOu章yieuOl]lPP∀ 岬n刈Pue ‘e川∂」○○ `uee」ePl∀ Se甲nS ’e」nlin〕 eiqOu leuOl]
]nq `s山91S∧s peziii∧。 ]SO山ui l晒e用∂」e SienP 」OuOH
川q `1eeu lnJuied e囲9叩Ou LuOP AluO ]Ou SPiO」G Se〕」OJ
8uiiena ‘Mel e叩e∧Oqe Se∧leS山9囲」ePiSuO⊃ S∂iqOu ]SO山
e甲山O」J AeMe li ]〕nPuO〕 dl9u S9iPOq le]e田i印e「e準」le田
-!Pe」=? u聞u!則r le唱SPl」OM e」OつuOんo]S川uC)i」 e Seu
‘8ui]eeL=e∧O山OJ=1 8uld9〇年uOdeeM
]S!]e」ed9S ]Sul晒e suodeeM 9囲8ulSn luO」] SP!O」P-uOu
lue∧e」d o] dl」8 9明しβno川口⊃nPuO○ ○] 1ee11 1eS相席uOi〕 -ue叩P!0]準日`spxp」P Aq pelPue画iuO S1 9] e囲9Sne〕調 布IlqE?1S PePPe 」O川pO]S eIqePIOJ e se」n]e9川●]eq山Oつe∂uE」-eSOi〕 ul e8晒ue o所le潮9」O山
ユS引q e18叫S e 」O」侶」eue
岬nou9 r白」e〕 AluO Pue `98ue月Ie巾8即時十村〕lnb uoiS ○○uO〕山Eeq eSOi Ae111 `」e∧eMOH ’e]e」nつつe AIPeeP山e叩
S∂湿田e山叫8uol 」ie叩Pue ‘selJl」 Pue Seuiq」e⊃ ]SO山
-POq-∂uo十〇時u」O u∀
9甲口O SPieリel〕req 9明」e叩il Seu!q」e⊃ 」e]Selq SヨJO SuO冊IN
」O IO]S!d 」e〕SElq Pel
」O…∀ P10]汚辱‘∧epoI Pe8e^leS l‖]S e」e Pue S」eM euOiつ
S]i JO uO!S」e∧ uMOP-P9ddo甲e S! eulq」e〕 S] S,dous卑OM
ie⊃!d布S=ePO山S…∀ 1euO」○○ 9明`diuS
Pue eZIS 911] 8ul〕nPe」 `e問」∂1Seiq PiO」P elneq P」ePue]S
明lM 」E?d uo 」eMOd 8ulddo]S e∧eu S」e〕Seiq 8u=ena S」!ed u岬e」eP」O山01Sn⊃ ue吋O ‘s」e]Selq 8ullenP JO
SP10」P旬」n⊃eS P」eOqdiuS Pue SMe」○ ○i⊃i岬∧ 」O」叫8!eM
and law enforcement agencieS for ltS Seiect-fire modes and powerful Stun setting, lt lS One Of SoroSuub’s top-
Overcharged: Once pe「 round as a maneuver, the wieider may set Han SoIo’s blaster to鉦e an ove「charged shot
Se=lng Carbines. Aithough the Firelance is short on
Upgrade the d輔cuity of t.he next attack with thiS WeaPOn
lethaIltyand a bit PriCey, bounty huntersand law enforce-
OnCe tO add the Pierce 7 item quality tO that attack. 1fthe
ment officers en」Oy the extended range, VerSatllity, and
attackgenerates @ @ o「@, the GM may cause the blaster
dizzylng rate Of fire
to run outofammo.
The weapon is a sho「t-barreled carbine Wlth a
ba「re口ntegrated fiash suppressor, Which makes lt a
maneuverable breach weapon for cIose-quarterS COmbat. its solid stock wlth bullt-1n reCOii compensators ensures control durmg SuStalned fuli-autO fire. These performance-enhancing deslgnS enable shooters to engage targets anywhere from c10Se quarterS Out tO nearly half a kilometer wlthout fee冊g l= equipped.
ア 細. ヽ
Ranged (Heavy)
Conslde「ed a masterpieCe Of blaster pIStOi design, Coronet Arms’H-7 “EquailZer’’lS a PreCiSion-tuned blaster
PIStOl that lSthought ofas both a work ofartand a functionai weapon The EquaIiZer features ciean lineS and
A high-POWered rlfle for big game huntlng, the Herioss
bronzlum Piatlng, With a streamiined, tu師orm aesthetic.
dense tropICal rainforests. The rlfie is large and unwieidy, and ltS blaster boits 10Se beam cohes10n quiCkly, but up Ciose lt has more stopping POWer than almost any blaster On the unrestrlCted civ=lan market.
1七etering on the edge of a heavy blaster pistoI ciassificatlOn, the H-7 has some of the best-in-CIass accuracy,
energy output, and pienty of room for aftermarket kitS
HBt-4 huntlng blaste=S designed for safarlS through
Coronet Arms releases llmited numbers of the Equa仁 一「 1Zer, Cltmg the extenslVe handcrafting that goes lntO eaCh,
makIng lt a major status symbol among what few CorSec O用cers and successful free traders wield them. Outside the Core帖an sector, the H-7 IS eXCePtionally rare, found
Only in the coiiectiOnS Of the most dedicated and knowledgeablegun enthuslaStS. The waitingliSt lSalways months iong, desplte the pIStOi’s havIng trIPle the average price.
Often oniy lSSued to one or two lnfantry members per Squad, heavy bIaster rlfles deaI more damage from a greate「 distance than anything else m a Squad’s lnVentO-
ry Wlth barreIs that are often exceptlOnaiiy long, heavy rifles tend to be very accurate. They can easily pierce
Plastoid and heavycombatarmorand even posea threat to llghtly armored speeders. Heavy blaster rifies empioy powerfu上SOmetlmeS COnCent「ated blaster gases, advanced XClter teChnoiogleS,
A gift from renowned thief丁obias Beckett, Han SoIo’s blast-
upgraded Galven cirCuitry, and precisiOn-grOund focus-
e「 has been at his side for years. Han’s blaster retalnS the
ingCryStaisto achleVe theirrange, COhesiOn, and energy
boxy frame and detachabie macroscope of the standard
OutPut∴ltadltiOnaiiy, a key dlVider between standard
Bias ̄fech Model DL-44, but it conceais a number of speciai
rifies and heavy rifies is an option for fuiiy automatic
mod甫catIOnS. Beckett’s halr trlgger and Iow-POWer Puise
鉦e However, OVer the course of hlStOry, a number of
Wamlng ln the griP remain, but Han also t「icked out the
CaPaCitor to selectlVely overcharge biasts for better armor
Seml-autOmatiC WeaPOnS, uSua=y high-POWered sniPer rifles, have been classifled as heavy blaster rifles, and
Penetration. The blaster lS neVer far from Han’s side, uSu-
reguiated as such
aiiy in a iow-Siung gu面ghter’s hoIster
e u三男O lndlnO 」Ore」9u98 s」O小uO山」e明O e囲eliuM uOdeeM
eLll S別口auO `uo哩」edo B肌nG村u⊃inb 」O叩」∋ue∂ 」∂MOd e]e」edes e明甲e11E? PuE? POdl」l gOH eul Aoid∋P ue⊃ ∧9巾 `」e囲e8qL ‘uO!1e」edo 」OJ S」elPiOS OM] S乱「nb9」日OH eu⊥ ’S…L所1i」nJeS e e∧リd pue s○○」OJ eSueJeP
んe〕eueid囲M」elndod sl gOH e明`」lede」 Pue e⊃ueueluie山 JO 9See Pue `e8u剛e^i]⊃9鵬`91e」 9JU 118iu Sl=Oj PePne「 ‘uO哩」edo llOue」] Pue ‘8u向くpe]e9S `8uiPue]S 91q刊O担O⊃
.Ⅵつきd 」e川Od Pue POdl」] e JO eJ!」d 9ul SePnI⊃ui 9〕i」d s.uodeeM eu⊥
’SuO!]つe ee」ul Pueds o〕 Me」〕 un8 e即Se」叩b〇月e]eede」
」OJ SMOlle ]eいPOd叩91qe]Sn「Pe ue S印e」8〇回u81SeP準eiS
S,qmSO」OS ’1e叫e山」e]eede」 ∧∧eeu e哩uO SPlO岬18ue」]S
∧∧e∂u e dn8u朋eS │ue明uO uMOPSuleJ ]! 9JU」9]SElqJO
《su!1nMOa 《s凋1eS明9判`sei⊃eds 」e8」el e山OS 」OJ ‘」e∧e
qnnso」OS e囲S申e〕Selq 8叩eede」 lnd叩O-岬i叫O ‘目OH 9u⊥
i刑eiiqOuJ e甲山O」J 9elJ Pue」e叫e〕S O] Se…eue8u!Sne⊃ `」e]eede」 」e叫811 e Se PePIelM eq ue〕 ]1 ’s坤8」eH Pue
S.uuOS-」」eIN Put3 S.甲軋Se旧u9SOOi O=d山調e S,uOile」Od」O〕
-MOH POd叩t2 ]nO囲lM uOdeeM P91J」e⊃ e Se ]1 9JU Pue
」e]eede」 ∧∧eeu e馴ue⊃ Sue田n旧O]S∂8uo」]S e唱AluO ‘9JU村oueJui山0」J叫∂山∂⊃eid田e 」i∂囲 〕⊃elO」d oI SuO理SOd 8u団ueiJ dn 9準] S」e!PIOS 8uilSiSSe
/ue `相e」∂u98 ]nq `叩d叩0 」eMOd 」O]luO山 Ol 」elP -iOS e e」inbe」 S○○〕eede」 ∧∧eeu e山OS `pelq山eSSe 9〕uO
SPleUei]岬q S.∧xel晒9明uO Pe八〇idep suodEeM eiqel -」Od lSel∧eeu 911] 8uo山e e」e S○○]SeIq 8u!1eede」 ∧∧eeH
While defending the moblle emplacement againSt retum 鉦e ExceptlOnaliy strong beings might operate the HOB alone, but they s帥requl「e a POWer SOurCe. 丁he p「ice ofthlS WeaPOn lnCiudes the price ofa tr主
POd and power pack Settlng uP thiS tripod weapon requi「es the crew to spend two p「eparation maneu-
VerS, Pius two more for the triPOd Mechanics checks
to repaira HOBgainO.
Originally a SeparatiSt design from the Cione Wars, the J-10 1S eSSentiaily a scaied-uP Pairofreciprocating E-5 blaster rifles. Unfortunateiy, the design scaied poorly, and the m旧Or OVerheating problems ofthe E-5 became ma」Or PrOblems with the J-10. lnferior-qua=ty materl-
ais aiso contrlbute to poor accuracy.
Due to its many drawbacks, the J-10 was rarely
depIoyed during the Cione Wars, and scavengers dlSCOVer PrlStine CaChes of the weapons frequentiy.
Many J-10s flnd thelr Way tO the Rebel AlllanCe, WhlCh depioys them aiong t「enches to cover evacuatiOnS in
ionlZation bIasters are Short-ranged weapons
the event of lmperiai dlSCOVery
used to diSabIe droids and Other eiectroniCS They gen置
丁he GM may spend $ @ o「@ from any combat
Check made with this weapon to have it overheat. The
era=y get produced as 0VerSIZed piStOis wlth squat, thlCkiy lnSuiated bar-
Wielde「suffers 2 st「ain and the weapon becomes dam-
reis, though many smailer species wield them =ke
Chapte「 V of any core rulebook)
aged one step (See Table 5-4: Repairing Gear ln
Carbines. 1on biasters have always been a niche law enforcement weapon for diSabllngVehicles, rOgue droids, and enemy weaponry. Their POPuiarlty boomed during the CIone Wa「s, When fear of an invading droid army enabled arms corporatlOnS tO Se旧on biasters to citiZenS
everywhere from Alderaan to Zeltros Outslde more civ上
Ranged (Llght)
Iized port10nS Of the galaxy, SCraPPer and scavenger Cuitures like the Jawas of TatooIne Often deslgn Or 」uryrig thel「 OWn lOn blasters to help capture or controI
Wande「ing droids.
丁he PaiandriX KO-2 heavy stun pIStOl lS a favored
WeaPOn O=aw enforcement agencleS throughou=he Core Worlds. Aithough i白s iarge and lntimldatlng, the K○○2 1S manufactured f「om lightwelght but durable
ailoys and plastics, giving ltS frame a sleek, Streamllned appearance ln the hands of a trained PrOfess10na上the KO-2 can put down a grown Wooklee
ln One OrtWO blasts.
Whlie it lS a rare Slght ln the more lawiess Outer Rim, Merr-Sonn’s ent「y lntO the repeating blaster piStOl mar-
ket is among the larger weapons in ltS Class, and its range is amongthe best. The iR-5 lntimldator’’lS eSPe-
Ciaiiy popuiar among outlaws who want to scatter Civilfans and suppress law enfo「cement. Some p「ofes-
Sionai mercenaries use two at a time, Ciearing PaSSageWayS Or SuPP「eSSing entire Squads of enemleS
at ciose quarters.
the KO-2 has a fo=owing among bounty hunters, Who Ca旧tthe ``coma piStOi ” lts low cost, re=ab冊y, and non-
1ethai stopplng POWer make lt lnValuabie for =Ve-CaPture
COntraCtS. Bounty hunters also appreclate that the KO-2 requireS nO additiOna=mpe「ial permitS for personai use,
making ltan eaSyWeaPOn tO Carry in publiC.
e PePue叩」91Seiq un]S 98ue」-8uol e S! e囲」 un]S 6-朋「 eu⊥
柄ueJu日SOIN ’uOillu…山e P坤山間]iM lt3eP村d山!S eluOS
9〕ue8i=e叩Pu門ue山eO」OJue Mei 」OJ uOde9M 」ediuS e Se
」e岬9d軌訓O e∧叫SPenbs ∧閃u P9Zliei〕eds pue spenbs
Se e囲un〕S (e」dse」!] L8-「G S]i PeSn叩軋Se旧Sei〕u98e
uMOP布y ue○ suodeeM /∧eeu eSe岨●田e囲O] 9iqel旧∧e
L18no囲`uo甲un田山e Alddns o]∵」O]e」eu98 」eMOd xped -xpeq E? e洲`9⊃」nOS 」eMOd leu」e〕X∂ JO Pu団9山OS eJ!nb9」
∧e明神∽1d4u∴e」即O Se]e」 u紬e」n呼e=le ]nq事理-d叫 」O SuOdeeM P9」eP丁nOu§ 9q叫8叫S」9]SeIq 8ui]eede」鴫!「
’d岬S」e]S e P」eOqe P9uSe]S iO]Sld 」e]Selq ll18町e∧l時P!nbi「
L「 e e叩Ou Olxpelp uOi〕de〕」ed S.」e]Oe」勘〕 e O]園喜PP∀ 互oueS」9山e JO 9Se⊃ u! d川S 」刷1 P」eOqe euO uSelS
’S]ed叩OX9 8u!準eS Se」!euO旧]
S」∂188n山S如拙Pue `s叩PuO⊃ Pue 8uid!d u!し印M iee⊃uO〕
Sell Pue `p」eu S叫`叫8即S S]OOuS "SMe即O PueS」ei88n山S
在e」d sno」e8uep 8u叫u巾S.S」9叫nl1肌e8 81q lei〕」9田山O〕
三河!Seeid相抑制]See l! Se津山〕e囲u8!SeP Jelnqn子ueei〕 e
」OJ 8u凶OM S」e叫nl口O自由sse〕eu e `e」n]de○ e∧町Oj SMOlle
O〕 ∧see旬亘ln叩ed l! Se準田u8ISeP e肥庇M制elL甲山e u!
〕i」]ue〕Oe 」O `se!]el○○S ie〕!80lOOZ `seリO]e」Oqei甲」eeSe」
佃Pe」O∧eJ u8!SeP甲軋S瑚〕!SSt?i⊃ e S=9∧丁!SP!nbi「 e岨
囲M」elndod 〕! e湿田OSleSe11昭nb e山eS eSe岨・」elSelq8uI 「unu OOS-IN u〕軋Selg 9Pe」8-ue川∧i〕 e囲JO S]ie」] e叩」e∧O
」eMOd 8u!ddoIS 91q馴e」 Pue木yiiqeZ皿O]SnO S]i 8u肌eJe」d
‘lieM Sb uodeeM e囲Peldope 9∧eu S叩Oe瑚OPu郎」0∧e」
OuM S」e]unu r互uno日 …白e囲JO SuO18e」 」e叫昨eM Pue SP日OM e」O⊃ e囲u! S」e]OOuSd」euS ]ue山e〕」OJue Mei 8uo山e uO田山0〕 1SO山S! 6-とIg「 9唱`8e] ∂⊃i」d dee〕S S]! O] enC]
‘e8ue月e山eeq un]S叫e」euO〕 e e∧副u〕e O〕 S9Se8
固固霞 岳廿二●●●- ●●二。.
J即Selq JO Pueiqんe19リdo」d e se lleM Se `u」叩ed-u9∧ie○ PePe」8dn uE 8ul」n]eeJ l9」」eq 」e8uol e 8upe」Od」OJu! ・e∂ue」
9叩9Se9」⊃u! O〕 Pe叫OM Pue ‘叩Od 8u印elS S`uOde9M S冊
St「eamS Of blaster師e that scatter formatiOnS, SuPPreSS
enemy forces, and take out iight armored vehiCles」n addト tlOn tO heavy troope「s, SOldiers often mount llght repeaters
On triPOds or bipods as light empiacement weapons in ent「enched positions. Mounted on a speeder or starship
Ranged (Llght
hatch川ght repeaters can frustrate an enemy’s advance and give al‖eS an OPPOrtunity to reposition.
Merr-Sonn MunitiOnS’Mode1 53 “Quicktrigger’’biaster
PiStOi lS POPuiar across the galactic frontler backwaters thanks to its superior customlZab=ity and reliab冊y A
few years ago, Me「r-Sonn lost a shiPment Of Mode1 53s in a glant eXPIoslVe CraSh ove「 Coruscant Within a
month, the Coruscant Securlty Force released a report On increased crIme due to the prevaience of saivaged Mode1 53s. Merr-Sonn couldn’t have pald for betterpubOffering unpa「alieied range for a stun rifle, Blas「七ch’s
M-300 hunting blastercomes in a small, lightweight, nearly
1icity regardlng the Quicktrlgger’s durability.
A va「iety of upgrade kits and add-OnS for the Modei 53
indestructible frame wrapped ln Weather-Sealed poiyca「-
exiSt, and the blaster lS designed to accept branded parts
bonate. A favorite of professIOnal hunters言he M-300 has
easliy, heiping amateurs enter the lucrative hobbyiSt mar-
aiso found a niChe wlth law enforcement snlPerS.
The M-300 empIoys trade-SeCret Galven and XCiter technoIogy to achieve the most intense and coherent stun blast ln its ciass. it also comes standard wlth an integrated teiescopic sight, Which has target assISt and predictlVe tra-
ket. While the Bias-1ech DL-1 9C offers more customization, the Mode1 53 iS made for iife-threatening situations, nOt a target range, and offers superior energy output.
jectory software. Jnfo「tunately, the scope is so lnteg「ated
into the weapon it is nearly lmPOSSibie to remove, WhlCh,
COmbined wlth a tamper-PrOOf XClter, make the M-500 0ne Of Blaslech’s least mod甫able rifies
Ranged (Llght)
Reduce the d輔Cuity of combat checks made with this WeaPOn by one against targets at iong or extreme range・
Merr-Sonn MunltlOnS’
Modei 80 Blaster PIStOi
lS an Oid standby for Pianetary defense forces, m冊iaS, and mercenary
unltS. i=rades on its stopping POWer了ugged durability, and customiZab冊y. Unfortunateiy, lt lS amOng the heavIeSt and bulk主
est biaster piStOIs in its class. The RalderArms Model-1 “Nova ViPer’’uses an eIegant,
Although the Mode1 80 is lauded for ltS COmbat rel主
iong-bodied due=st pistol f「ame that provides unmatched
abiiity, PeaCetime soidierS hate the oversized blaster
accuracy. As is common to Raider carbine designs, the bar「el runs the entire iength of the frame, enabiing
PistoI Many miiltary traineeS joke about the正.standardissue Mode1 80 1imp” after a long forced march wlth lt
unprecedented beam cohesion at range for its size, WhiCh
bouncing on their hip. The Modei 80 frame lntegrateS a
gives each biast fa「 more “punch” than competitors. to
SCOPe that is notoriousiy d輔cuIt to remove. This would
keep weight down and maintaln baiance, Raider designed a new XCiter, but the compact, PreCision machinlng means the biaster requires endiess maintenance and is
be fine, eXCePt it has a tendency to catch on most standard hoisters, Which can have lethai consequences whiie
d櫛cuit to customize or modify.
丁he d櫛Cuity of Mechanics checks to repair a Nova
Viper or modify attachments on it increases by one.
drawing it unde「 fire.
The time taken to draw, hoIster, StOW, Or OtherwiSe
access this weapon camot be reduced by talents, gear, Or any Othe「 means
ーP9∧lOSe」 u9eq Seu
’uO理un田山eJO mO Sun」 uOdeeM 9巾‘peJU S!
山eeq P∂8」e甲訓=利∀ ・Se刑enb山e]! Z 9^lSSn⊃uO⊃ Pue しu)e∂」日e囲8u甲eu se s叫nO⊃ 06-削N eurPe8」eu⊃ e⊃uO
’1SEiq 8ui閏Se∧ap ‘9i8u!S e ui A8」eue S`訓!」 e即O l唱Pu9dxe
O=9〕OOuS 9明SMO=E車間M “8u即eS e8」eu〕 Sll O] uOdeeM ∂唱]eS ue⊃ 06一日間ue8u!Sn 」el⊃別e甲e嶋∧neue田e S∀
‘Se剛」ed甲S Se SuOde9M」即山IS 9Sn SOPu拙…O⊃ l坤ed岬 `s」elunu e山晒8iq A巾ieeM O] Pele叫euJ e」e SO6-訓AI e冊M
‘S〕SElq叩eu団8u!閏S臥eP 」9∧=eP ]e囲S山e9q 9I叩」ed
P98」叫p有esuep卸ee」⊃ 0] 」Ole」eie⊃〕e 9印」ed pe上山niP -頃eq P9Z岬〕t3iu叫e S旬d山e e囲uOro」d 9明覚eOiOu甲e] 」9]Seiq iEu〇回Pe」=O Pe〇時ui -∧xei晒e囲u! Ae」d sno」e8uep
山閃q ei叩」ed e s! e肌uO]O」d o6-t州訓十村O叫∂∧u! SuC周
(e8e山eP eSeq 8u胆eP) uode9M 9u]田O」月間euO 8u哩IJu! ‘9POidxe pue ]ee甲e∧O相e〕川do」]S即e⊃ 86-羽O Pe胡PO山e
]SO山’]Se88!q ap 8u甲n町OJ Peu8!SeP相eu18リO uOdeeM
xp印e e囲」利e uOdEeM e囲8ui∧o」]SeP Pue 」eSn eul uO
一叩nIN uuOS-」」9W e囲ui Se囲inJ」9MOd 9」0山e卑=O euO
e∧eu O] @ pu9ds ue〕 IND e肥●1lnS9」 “0田山eJO ]nO,, ]S」U
∂明e」Ou81 O] uC噂do ∂叩8u!Oeid∂」 ’oMl佃98euep s坤Se
諾岩盤需豊謝舘黒塁計器盤器 ue pe画ell川S門Sn仁peq山O〕 e 8u岬P叩Se」 ㊨ “ou几ue JO ]nO,, ]S」U ∂囲e」Ou∂i ue〕 86-幼O ue 8u!Sn 」∂l⊃e」ell〕 ∀
-」eeバリ〕粥Pu日Ol 」eP」e叩e8 s〕」ed e」eds pue `s〕9ds e囲P∂PeO叫MOP 9∧eu S」eSn SS9ilunOつ
〆 ̄叫“ ̄ ̄ ̄¥
’佃〕mb s叫9uOd山O〕 ieu」e]u口nO u」nq O〕 A⊃uePue] e Seu
S冊〇回M小usnoeue]lnlu!S Sxped唱Oq山O」J 」eMOd Me」P
86-刈O e囲9湿田O] Sueld pelSOd甲軋MeilnO ue 」e印 判i Meu PunOJ uOdeeM el11 `相u○○∈柑-xpO]S準Eq S理]O PeuO!]⊃ne Pue 86-yO e囲Penul]uO〕S!P qnnSO」OS `un」 u〇日
-〕nPO」d e8」el e印!dsea ・Ap]enb∂PE? P肌」OJ」ed ]叫8no囲
ue∧e相ood piOS 86-刈O e明宜直ede〕 uOi]iun山田e elqnOP O] Sxped 」eMOd uiM〕 8u一」n]eeJ u8iSeP qnnSO」OS enbiun ∀
‘S」e"lenb 9SOi⊃ u! xp印叩SeiS P」EMdn ue 9湿田0] P9胆旧e」 uodeeM e唱e∧eei S90P申e]e」nつつe Al」ein叫ed ]Ou Sl e〕ue]S
8叩OOllS …軌ePun S冊e冊M ・血eue ap p」eMO1 8u叫 一山W¥S eiiuM Pe」中略つ!d布S.1i周eM」ePun Je∧eMOH ’Puel uo e」U d川O] uOdeeM eu1 8囲叩i 《∂Pelq e8Jel e Sel=e]Selq
」的ds e囲事OIS]]nq e e∧eu PlnOM S9iJl」 〕SO山9」euM ’ePi」d囲M SuOdeeM leuOi]!P
-e」〕 」 e囲PieiM ele⊃ uO川田O」J Si9qeと=O」9q田nu e `e〕eds
甲山eie○ uOW ePiS叩O e」e」 S甲OdeeM Si囲L18no囲丁∀ ’eie⊃ uo州uO eSO叩e判S∂理〕 Pe8」e田qnS u! S8u吟q Pue S理un (∧∧e∂H) p∂8uきき]
]lneSSe SnO!qiud山e 」OJ ieeP!∴ 8ui準… `」e]eM」ePun eJu
ue〕申e8uB」 Pue叩d]nO A8」9ue e8e」9∧e AluO SE?叩! e冊M
-P」enC) i」B山eie⊃ uOIN 9囲8uo山e 9nSS! P」ePuelS S! 」e]SeIq
」e9ds e旧くu8!SeP l」e山ele⊃ uOI用O ∂旧」 」e]Selq e8Jel ∀
‘」e]unO⊃ue e囲JO 」ePu!曾山9」 e叩」O中和lenb山ell Z 8uu!] -MOIS eu川OdeeM 9旧S叫e」8 osie]仁elq!SSOdu月Ale∧!つつe鵬 ]Seiq 9iZZn山i2 8u印Ods 」O ]iOq 」∂]Seiq e囲8u!〕e」]何
周0OuS e叩8叩e○Oi S9準用」 ePO山里iee〕S -」e∧neue山e SeJ!nbe」 ePO山u背elS O〕 」e8叩S晒iN eu] 8u町〕〕lMS ‘ei」i月ed甲S凡e]!i叫P訓e
-MOd-岬1u e 9」eM掴Se uOdeeM 9明Pe〕ee」1 Seu 9」!d山∃ e明∵sseu叫eP u亘)uItunu eiluM uO!S!∧叫8!u 8u!∧」eS9」d
Pue `9山晒e∧i]iSueS刊81i 8ul]unu 」OJ S両川qe S冊S山!ei⊃
相ed山O0到叫8nouli∀ ・u叩MS e ]O岬lJ 911=liM S]10q 」elSelq 9Iq!S!∧u画e]eid田O⊃ 9埋O]木ul岬e S]! S]…O en」]
eiluM車間M `8u甲nu a田晒81q 」OJ e肌PeJueleq-ii9M `inJ」∂MOd e se pe〕e刈e山 SeM 」∂8叩S叫8iN S.uOl]
-e」Od」○○ iO」」eX `」elSelq 8uil」Ods e se p9UISSap相el瑚0
double-barreIed biaster pIStOl, a lightweight sportlng biaste「 used by nobles for p「otectiOn during ceremonlal
Chandriian drag hunts. Q廿a’s chrome-Plated S-1 95 was a gift from Dryden Vos to celebrate he「 ascensiOn tO =euten-
ant withln the CrlmSOn Dawn criminal syndicate. The clean 冊es of the pollShed, eiegant sidearm draw attentlOn tO Ql十a, giVlng heran alrOfnobi‖ty-a farcry from herhumble orlgins as an orphan廟ng ln Co「eiiia’s sewers.
1mplied Violence: Once pe「 encounte「 when maklng Cadregg Armory,s鉦st entry lntO the ciV掴an sportlng-rifie
a Coercion or NegotiatlOn Check, the wleIder may, aS an
market, the “Precis10n-X” is coveted by competltion shoot-
lnCidentai, draw o「 gesture to the S-195 to upgrade the
ers, m冊ary snipers, and biaster enthusiaStS aiike lt uses an
abIlity ofthe check once.
lmOVatlVe Se「ies of cyciing Chambers to achleVe a balance of
「ange and damage that is rare among ciV帖an blaster weap○ ○nry. while the tightly enginee「ed deslgn doesn’t lend ltSelf
to modiflCatlOn, the PrecISion-X comes standard wlth a cushiOned solid polycarbonate stock, teiescopic slght, and b-POd.
Cadregg Armory can,t even begln tO keep up wlth demand, PrOmPtingdealers tojack up priCeStO take advantage of biaster enthuslaStS. As a result, Wealthy hobbyists and bounty hunters sc○○p up most Of the “P「eciSion-X”
而Ies that make l=O market St町the marksman而Ie has
made Cadregg Armory the darling of the arms industry, and enthusiasts eagerly awalt the company’s next product.
When thlS WeaPOn’s Stun setting lS uSed to deal Stun
damage直S range Changes from 10ng tO medium (and can-
not be inCreaSed)
丁he typicai pulse cannon features a fixed buttstock and
d「amatlCaily eiongated barre上丁he puise camon also featu「es some ant上Vehicie capabiiities, a11owing uSerS tO
charge its Galven coils and reiease a massive burst of
Occupying a nlChe simllar to that of the Bias漢でch T6 “Thunderer” and Czerka C-10 “Dragoneye Reaper,” Soro-
energy that drains its power pack in One Shot・
As a maneuver, a Character wielding a pulse cannon may prime the weapon to expend ail o白ts ammunition in a Singie, devastati=g Shot・ The next time the weapon lS
fired that encounter言t counts as havingthe B「each l and ViciOuS 5 quaIities After bei=g discha「ged thlS Way, the
WeaPOn runS Out Of ammunitlOn.
Suub CorporatlOn’s “Renegade” heavy bIaster pIStOl
features the highest energy output of any SoroSuubmodel biaster pisto上More lightweight and better priced
than ltS COmPe航ion, the Renegade dominates the superheavy blaster pIStOl market. However’mOSt enthuslaStS
eschew the mass-market weapon due to its poo「 beam COhesIOn and awkwa「dly angled griP, Preferring prlCle「
but higher-quality optlOnS.
Common throughou=he more dangerous locaies of the Outer Rim, the Renegade lS favored by pirates and outlaws for ltS maSSiVe言ntimidating barrel housing. The
Renegade heavy blaster pIStOi lS COmmOniy issued to
Rebei Aliiance SpecOps troops, though most who survive a few miss10nS rePlace it. Many smaller species, ilke SuIlustans, add a folding stock and use the Renegade as a carbine
W回e she prefers to reiy on her hard-WOn unarmed combat ski‖s, Q廿a carries a customiZed MoniitZer S-195
‘e∧Oqe Pe叩li Se e旧O」d e囲S9S叩「 `1eq山0〕 esol⊃ ul P9Sn Si PO」d un]S le」8e叩eu] u911M ‘eiUO」d s.uodeeM
e明ui PePnl⊃ui Sl木y「enb 」Oi」edns e甲山O」J 98e山eP e岨
e⊃ue…O」」ed ]eq山0〕 」Oi○○dns se」nSu9 ‘」e]e山O」⊃… 9叩0] uMOP l哩eP O] uO11
-ue〕re囲M `d川Su叫S]Je」⊃ 」e]S叫S.uiPeled eⅢ∴S]ee」明 S」9]」enb-eSOi⊃ JO叫e∧e e囲u! SPO」d un]S 8unlS」ePun囲M
山eいPedd叩be u三男O SP」enD e〕eu9S ’un]S Pue ’叩e山0叩e
’∧poq s.uos」ed e uo …e叩ds e puu o]
8ul]d山叩e u9uM Sxpe甲uO!〕de〕」ed S.」叩e」e甲e Ol臆 PP∀ ●〕e8」e] Pe8晒ue ue〕e PeJU ueuM布=enb s冊ul晒 1Ou S90P li木ulenb l印巳」n〕〕eui eu] Suie8 uodeeM e明
`(」e8uoi 」O) e8ue」 ]」OuS ]e l山e叩ds e叩8u明ueuM
相nJ ‘叩E?山0]n打田eS 」O] SuOi]do e」叩〕eleS u]甲ei]i」ユE?q -山O) ]u9]Od e si “uiPeied” e巾‘ec)uE」e9dde s]! e]lds9G
98ue」 leんe」nつつe Pue 98e山eP Pe⊃nP9」
山e∂q e囲`∂叩〕e」d ul `s」9]e山旬間0〕叩0 9∧l]⊃三周e
’e田叩Pue l訓eq xpelq P∂uS岬d s〕l ]eS封O S8ul拙e]削」O
8uiSne〕 `s」91e田MeJ e 〕Sn「 」elJe SePe」8ep uo!Seu○○
’uO哩」叫Pe Pue uO早ue]〕e 8uiPueuJeP
Pue 9山e」J eleuOq」eJAIOd 」e∧llS叫9〕S9l」eed uOde9M uOIS -!〕e」d se 〕」eJO quOM lpn山Se `9〕e!d leluO山e」e〕 e相」e山i」d
S! ulPe「t3d eu⊥ SuOpeつ的eds 8し町〕eX9 O〕 qmSO」OS佃 ]岬q SeM 〔周り」e]Seiq “u岬Eied,, ll WN e囲`9」e」布qiPe」⊃ul
冊S Pue P」enD e呼ueS SP=qndeと] e明O] e∧iSnl〕Xe e〕uO
相e⊃iuu〕e] S"i e冊M ‘」01〕eS uEi=e」○○ e囲"O岬no」囲 」elndod ]1 8u!津山`8u1neS un]S eSePnl〕u! OSIe」e]Selq 〕e
-xpOd eu⊥ 9田e」=e]Selq叩OPiOu e O叩」eMOd 8uiddoIS
e∧!SSe」d山I xped o〕 Se8E?ue山…e沖ds 9u仁]e〕9SnOu 8u即nu-u!…e∧ JO Pee」q ue用e」Oつ uO山田O⊃∴e 」e]je Pe山eN ‘uOdeeM 9SueJeP-e山Ou e Se山9〕S^s u劉i9」O○ ○囲i叩O岬no」Ll] PiOS Si …e沖ds e囲’se⊃VueS e∧It ○○e]0」d qna-Pe] Aq snl叫Pue Snl牡uO P9」n]⊃eJnueIN
加8i「) pe8ueと」 も ,肌 」
固圏圏 (∧∧弱H) pe8u閏
(山e囲O= 8ui‖nd `e」e Ae叩ue明」911‘811 Pue Pe」n〕9Sun Si 〕○○「qO e囲J十」O白〕e「qO e囲OI Se∧ieS山e囲8uiiind `p」O〕
e囲u=99」 ∧叫Aeu十uol〕〕e ue Se u」n]叫9nbesqns e uo `lnJSS∂〕〕nS Sl消光叫〕 e岬Ji ‘∂8ue」山niPe山u冊IM 〕⊃9「qO ue
O〕 xpOu 8uildde」8 e囲e」n○○S O] xpe巾(叩S!「) pe8u閃
(◆◆) e8e」e^∀ uきe津山相田」叩e」叩e `uo叩きue S∀ =eM Se SulSSeSSe Pue
`s」9叫nu e山晒8!q `s」edeexpoz囲M 」elndod uodeeM S冊 ’PeiPueu相ano月O Pe8肌epJi 8uluOil〕unJ do]S ue〕 lO〕S!d e囲Pue ‘]〕eXeんe∧ S! Sie]Sん⊃JO ]ue山u8ile leu」〇回e明く」9∧○
○MOH ’S8u明月O SPueSnO囲岬no」囲uOdeeM 9囲」eMOd uE⊃ SiOIS!d叩e]S u! Sxped re」eue `sle]S相o eu] e8」e甲」edns o〕
S叫e山e」inbe」 A8」eue MOi八両uo11de〕Xe e叩O] enG判ePun8
Se津山刈OOu 8u=dde」8 e囲ue囲」e囲e」 SuiXO=O S9∧i]ePeS
8u申」e〕 S耳eP le⊃…9甲」e∧ll∂P O]布申岬e S`」9甲unel ]」eP eu⊥ S」O]〕e=O⊃ Pue ’sp」t3n8∧poq ‘sdno」8旬」n〕∂S 9]臥l」d
8uo山e u月t] 」eln0判=nOu8no」u]」eindod sui叫e」ユI Pue `p」ePu即S e Se S-S 9u] PenSS! Seつ」0]旬」n〕9S ie∧oa
uMOJ8-‖nJ e ue∧e 」O ∂e団OQ^∧ e uMOP Su明ue⊃ S〕Selq 」O eldno〕 e 〕nq `se8ue」 eSOi⊃ ]e丁n」eSn旬uo s=印Seiq 〕i閏S
e里《uod開M e囲u刷M Sle]Sん〕 ⊃里〕91eOZe!d re」eue-嶋用 句P印e」eue∂木直l」]〕ele JO 〕iOq ln」」eMOd e 8u哩’iOIS!d 」91Selq叩e]Sし〇日SS e叩Se qnnSO」OS /q pe∧l∧e」相u∂⊃e」 SeM u8!SeP PiO 9囲‘o8e s」E9∧ puesno囲le」9∧eS uOi]
-e○○d」Oつu坤S∧s l〕unJeP 8uoi e囲Aq p∂dole∧eP八両ui8uo
(叫8i「) p∂∂u閃 、 "硯I∴∴∴ノ
SoroSuub’s “Subduer-9” riOt biaste「 is one of the most
common iaw enforcement scatter biasters in the galaxy.
Aithough heavier and less ma=ageable than standard biaster rifles, riot biasters can subdue large g「oups of
angry civ出ans. The Subduer-9 emits a wlde cone of stun
blast energy, rendering targets unconsciOuS Affected targets are then eas11y piaced in binders and wake up in PrlSOn Ceiis a few hours later・
Aithough many consider riOt biasters to be approprlate peacekeeping toois, the Emplre has a reputatiOn Of unleashing them against peacefuliy protesting cltlZenS without provocatiOn On backwater worids PopulatlOnS that have seen the Subduer-9 1n aCt10n rarely have a positiVe View oflt and consider it a tooI oftyranny.
A large lOn disr∪ptor rifle bu冊for taklng Out airCraft and
armored vehlCles, the T7 iOn disruptor is a noto「ious
weapon wlth a shameful past. During the Slege Of Lasan,
1mperIai Secur-ty Council agents used T7s to slaughter countless Lasat clVilianS. Given the lack of hoIovld evidence ofthe attack, mOSt血periai citiZenS think the genocide lS
mere consplraCy theo「y St川, the lmpe「iai Senate bamed the T7 iOn dlSruPtOr f「om further deveiopment or depIoy-
ment. Nevertheiess, SChematics have found their Way tO the bIack market, and a numbe「ofweaponsmiths have created small batches for saie on the biack ma「ket.
Whenever a vehlCle or starshlP IS hit with a T7 1On disruptor, any CritlCal Hit results ln a ``Component Hit” effect
unless the CritiCa川it ro= results m a mOre Serious effect
二二  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Ranged (Llght)
A unique言OCally produced hoidout
blaster manufactured on Ord GimMerr-Sonn MunitiOnS’SX-21 pump-aCt10n SCatter blaster lS
me上the variable holdout bIaster
an oversized, OVerPOWered weapon・ ideal for clea…g Out
can swltCh between seven different
entrenched enemleS and urban dweliings, the SX-21師es a
POWer levels, POtentla=y putting lt
wide a「c of biaster ene「gy at short range・ The scatte「 blast-
On Par Wlth m冊ary holdout blasters.
e「 reiies on proprletary One-Shot gas caniSterS tO PrOduce
an expanding arc o=ethal energy. The pump action e」eCtS
The short, Squat desIgn is buiit for the long ingers of the natlVe Deaons,
used canisters and loads f「esh ones The SX-21 1S POPular
who manufacture a varlety Of makes and models. 0ver
with the lmperial Army, Part-Cularly when the army engages
the past year,一ntereSt in Ord G-mmel’s brewlng ClVli war
in trench warfa「e on pianets like Hoth or Mlmban・
has grown gaiaxy-Wlde・ As a result, many COllectors and
During a successful attack agalnSt a target at engaged range, the SX-21 has the Pierce 4 item quaiity ratherthan the Biast 6 1tem qua=ty.
enthuslaStS have diSCOVered the u帥ty of the variabie
blaster deslgn, making lt a POPular export. When帥ng the weapon, the piStOl’s wielder must choose a powe「 setting between l and 7・丁hlS IS the amount of damage a success仙Shot lnflicts on a target, but it’s also the amount of ammo that is consumed for
the shot. 1f set to a power setting higher than the ava正
abie ammo left, the weapon deals damage equai to the amount ofammo remalnlng. Add漢to a character’s Perception checks when attempting tO軸d a varlable holdout blaster on a perSOn’s body.
e ’S訓iき」別口O」 S〕e8 -」e] (see e」e Sl∂8」e] PeZeP 9囲`sess… 」OOP eLIl岬no」l11
」e叩」0 ]S」U aLl川ue∧] ’山OO」 Pe冊」O」粥u岬閃」q 9uO相e JO e叩O∧eJ e ]i E)u陸田`s]e8」e] 8u刑Ilq ∧同e」Od山9=O elqede〕 S川SelJ eu⊥ ●Se岬!⊃乱dde lue山e〕」O」ue Mel u瑚M -SuOpeZ叫Orsn⊃ Pue SuO!1e〕即PO山!O布e e∧ e :」Oddns
’S98ue十98uoi ]e e〕eld e準] Slue山e8晒ue pue uozi」Ou
9囲SE’AeMe 」eJ SE Pe"Ods 9q ue]JO ue⊃ S9甲9ue 9」euM `9J勘eM l」eSeP 」O"〕9J」ed e」e ∧e肥、L周uel ui S」ele田OM] 」9∧O Ol甲1e」]S ue〕 SuOd粥M eSeu⊥ eSie lle e∧Oqeんe」 -n〕⊃e Pue 98u別」O∧eJ Se〕ue=elSelq `spuele]SeM耳eSeP SSeiPue u! 9Sn 」OJ Peu8iS∂P S9肌」e]Selq Pei〇月eq-∂uo「
ue〕 9JUuSei] eu⊥ ’S山的1 9SuOdse」 e8e]SOu Pue luSuO」
-」e] e〕」O]旬」n〕∂S uel=e」Oつ岬M Jelndod s! Z「X e叩 `]ue山e⊃」OJu9 Mel ui囲M S印un SuOdeeM lePeds o〕 PiOS
e井川Se目乙「Xe囲SeM引nSe」 9u⊥ uO!SeuO〕しu開q le囲e1
8uiu聞uian el叫M uS印9明9湿田PInO〕 ∧9田川8!」q MOu 8u叩Snd `1! P∂!Pn]S S」eeu!8ue eu了9」n〕」ede e囲8ul⊃eide」
JO PBersu十川訓l ]O uSeiJ叫8!」q e Pe]]甲e OSle叩`peJU iiilS 」e]Seiq e囲9lluM ‘e」nl」ede 8u!Sn〕O自由neJ e囲M 9d布
-OlO」d e p9」胆S9再e囲u9uM叫9P!つ〕e Aq z「X 9囲P〇時e」〕
山elS/s ue"i∂」O⊃ e唱u! S刈OMuO」I Snl軋le S」eeu!8ue eu⊥ (∧∧e∂口) pe8uei」
【  ̄ ̄ i T槻5∴∴∴】
(叫8i「) p∂∂u閃 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇  ̄ 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇  ̄
’P19iM O〕 SPueu OM] Se」!nbe」 uOdeeM e囲ue囲ue∧e
岬no囲le `deJ]S 」ePinOuS E uつ印e u∈粗O AeM S冊u! X^ e囲 PlelM OI Pue叩OllM S」eSn ^oe」nつつe Pe〕nPe」囲M Alq捌臥ui
〕ieqle `e∧0山e明uO uOdeeM e巾eJU ue∧e Pue加e〕 ue〕
uぜu叩S luei瑚nS世間」ePielM e ‘podiq P9Pni〕u! S坤岬M eSn 」。] P9u8!SeP岬nou⊥ ’i訓eq euO血e uo lee旧O dnpilnq e^iS ーiO〕S!d 」elSelq A∧eeu eJO甲und 9唱lle xped
SO⊆-X ieqeとl ’eiqelSun 〕euMe山OS eiiuM準JJeq u」叩ed -ue∧ieD Sli 8uiPe」8dn pue s晒」9]Seiq ]O X甲9ll]elO∧ e囲M
-S9⊃Xe 8uilu9∧e」d pue 」eeM 8u叩qi」]S!P `8uiSnOu lelSん〕 Pue `llO〕 ue∧ieD ‘einPO田」印Selq Suue巾〕e uMO S理Se」n]e9J laJ」eq
甲e] ‘SleJJeq Sui閏0」 e∧即O eSn e囲岬no叩e」即O ele」喧河 S〕! S9∧9岬e X∧ qmSO」OS 9u十S」e〕Selq 8ul〕eed〇月e叩O e剛un
9inPO山釦!1en]⊃e S〕1 8ui8」e甲」edns Aq 」eMOd 8u吋do]S Pue 9∂u剛Sli eSee」Ou! S」99ui8u9 eSOllM `e〕し馴i∀ i9qea 9囲
岬M eSn SeeS ue∧e O⊆-Xeu⊥ ’SPOd ade〕Se」別口OISO山ui 山9囲SxpOIS qmSO」OS Pue `eJliPl!M e∧iSS9」詣e ]Su!晒e ]坤 -O」d oI S」e測Pue S」elunu 8uo山e 」elndod s! OS-X e肥
‘P○○u相e o〕 OS-X u門U山0]Sn〕 O] qnnSO」OS 山O」J eiq馴e∧e e」e S掴1e卑e…∈鴻e JO MeiS e Pue `s」e88i」] 」ie申sleJ」eq u」e]]E?d-ue∧ieD PePe」8dn `sedo〕S ‘OS-X e囲
ez甲OISn⊃ 01 S岬Asee MOll e∧01 S」elOOuS uO主唱9d山Oつく」e∧e -MOH ’」elSelq ]9∂」el e 」O] ue∧e `叫8i同q e S阜nd]nO A8」eu9 Sl岬ue ’e〕e」 eJU Pue A⊃e」n〕⊃e]O Slu嶋l ui 9]enbepe AleJe山
S上」e〕ue「,, eu⊥.∧xei晒e明]nO岬no賀田8叩OOllS leuOpe9」 -⊃∂月OJ PeSn S! 」elSeiq 〕e8」el OS-X S,u〇匹」Od」OつqmSOJOS
‘diuS」elS eJO S」OP皿Oつe囲Se u〕nS `se〕eds (川副「) p∂8u閃
PeSOl〕 ui 9^11⊃9駒村」eln〇時ed s! ;洞i」 eSInd 9い.白」e]
、 ′肌I∴∴∴.
-〕ed ]Seiq ePiM e ul S]S」nq-0」〕皿JO SeリeS P!de」 e 8ul」i]
’/xel晒9111 8u皿eO」 S」e叫81e」=岬1l e明らO相則r p」eOqe e〕eld e puno」 OSle Seu e朝」 ∂Sind ooL-S!∧ XXePuO」O⊃
eu十S」e]unu布unoq pue e坤Od lOi」 ueq」n佃pesn ue叫O ‘eSueJeP-捕S Pue `8u刑nu ‘1O」luO〕 1Sed 」OJ e⊃uei 」e]Selq e uie]u!e山S」ePeelSe山Ou ]SOIN ’eu1○○1ue(コ9〉川
SPl」OMi」8e JO Su吟ld sselPu∂ e囲uO Se li9M Se ’eu!OO]孔
e)用SPi」OM le」n.十Pi」e 」e囲O uO uO田山0○ ○Sie S! e〕uei 」e
-1Seiq 9u十川n旧S leueld ]」eSeP e里JO南nbeeM e囲岬M Pe岬!⊃OSSe u三男O 〕SOIN血esse⊃9u J! uMO S]i uO …eeiOd e^ilJ∈削e ue S岬」」eq /p」nlS `8uoi e即]nq `s」e耳enb esoi⊃
SelPeeJ ]eq山0⊃ eSe〕 ui ]訓〇八eq e u)Eme S」euMO 〕SOIN
‘]ue山u⊃e]]e 」O山」t3 ue Pue
〕りeeロゴO S山niS
∧se9 Si `eiqeiie∧e八日Pee」 OS S! 6-dS∀ e囲eSne〕明
S」e]unu oue8 8!q ue!POと]岬M 」eindod r白9∧ S甲`lli]S
e川O∧eJ e S口十9」i=O印e」岬叫e Seu Pue ‘iee〕uO〕 Ol
O] S」O]○○dsui 〕eS」Oつ」OJ uO山田O⊃un ]Ou Si li -山9]S∧s
Pue S」∂lun中亘unoq JO 」eq山nu e OS「e乱e 〇〇〇u⊥ ’SP」eMe 8し叫unu 8u叩∀ lenuue S,elPOと] ui S○○n]e9J向ou∂nbe」J u○ ○deeM e明Pue `s北川]e」 」O `se準uSuO8e」P `nxeu 8ul判elS
uI SeiPOq PelPPu-8nlS岬M Seue〕S e山口〕 O] Peiie〕 eq
SnOl」e∧ e里e坤dsep `uodeeM 9旧PleiJ OuM S9りeu∂⊃」9山
e囲」O 」O〕〕eS enl日S不]iつIeuO」○○ JO S∧e=e xpeq e明
9用」 e唱0q Se ]l S」∈男O uO!1e」Od」O⊃ SnleS ‘SuO甲l」ISe」
eleS」O=i P乱e兄OSnieS e」O」eq ue∧e Peuueq SeM LG-]G e巾 `eleul…」⊃SIPui Se ]Sn「 Pue `剛〕ei Alq!Pe」〕ui
ue用訓Oつe囲SSO」〕e Su∂no〕 〕e〇月S Pue S8u晒dooMS JO
‘Se」n]ee」〕 e∧lSe∧e e囲8u!]
置]l=O SPPO e囲e∧O」dしu! O] S]S」nq l」OuS ul S8niS S9」iJ
’SりqeP d」EuS-」OZe」
`8u甲0山-1SeJ JO PnOl〕 e 8upee」〕 `eleuOleP ue叩u叩M `sem〇匹e日 9津IelPeeu JO S」9]Slueつ ulM〕 Se」丁J しG-]G
8ul]lnSe」 eu⊥ …O担eid peziS-e肌e O]十〇] e囲e⊃nPe」 O] SeM leO8 u8!S∂P S,SnieS 」ell〕unei e門e甲eiJ しっ]
`S…∀ ueiOD Aq peJ!dsui Sl ∈用l」叩e甲91十OnP l(]-]a Sli ’んuode9M A]lelJ9ds s]=OJ uMOuy 」e」n]〕e]nue山 」O…e Pue S…e PeSeq-elPO遡e Sl uOIle」Od」OO SnleS
6-dS∀ 9u⊥ ’S」ed田e〕 8u!deeiS uO 8uiMeu8 ue∧e ‘sese〕 eluOS u! `pue sdo」⊃ ∂u18ue∧e⊃S `s8∂i Puiu 98」el OM]
uo puno」e dou pueん」n〕S ]e囲S]uePO」 SS9l」leし十e8」ei :S]19」∧ ]unu O]相e〕胆∂ds 6-dS∀ e囲川nq S」○○u!∂u] See」e iE」n」 u! iO」]uO〕 ]Sed」OJ PePue… S1 6-dS∀ `S叫OM
-uO」I SnI孔`山e]S^s ue=le」O⊃ e囲叩O岬no」囲uO田山0つ
堅固圏 (叫8i「) P∂8u閥
’ieSSe∧ 」!e囲eiqeS旧]ue山e⊃」O」ue Mel 」O Se]e」ld lu9∧9
e囲u! S」eP」eOq l∂de」 O] S9甲叩u SS∂つつe」eeu e8n晒-8 ue ‘9⊃∂ld uol]nq明SIG SOl
-e」]S Pe即∂∧ e 」OJ SliPe」⊃ 81q 」∈男O S」O]〕eliO〕 ∧ue山Pue `e」e」 9」e SelJi月e叫eS」eq leui8i」O `」e∧eMOH ‘S」9]Se⊃MOq
e洲S9!8oIOu甲9] ieuO18e」 」e囲O Aq pe」idsul SuOdeeM
e叩口O SuO!S」e∧ u」ePO山uMO 」le叩9昨日」〕 S」9」nl⊃eJnue山 S…e `∧epqL ‘uO18e」 e囲JO IO」luO〕 」O」叫8noJ SuO甲eJ ]ue丁O!∧ `o8e sel」n叫9⊃ 9」9uM `u〇月nql」]SiG SO]e」]S e囲
u! Pe〕eu!8!」O e剛」e卑eS」9q e明‘s山e9] S∂⊃」OJ iei⊃9ds
d99y ue]JO S」e「88n山S Pue `sd岬SJe]S P」eOqe eSn 」O"e -ePl ]l Se沖田OSle Slu⊥ uOdeeM eSueJeP○○山O叩ee」8 e 〕! 8ul津山(e8e山eP ie」e]e=O〕 9nPun 9Sne〕 Pue SlleM e]e」le
-ued」e∧O叫OM 9」U Se」nSue e8ue」 Pe〕間口S.8∀∀ eu⊥ uo11e」edo eiqeiie」 e」nSue Pue uMOP
叫8ieM deey dieu ]e囲SJl]Seld pue s∧olle印iSOd山○○
判る!eM叫8i十∂lqe」nP S∧oid山e u8iS9P u」ePO山S]i ’=euS
8niS e∧ill山口d 9iiuM S]uePO」 9^l e∧9 Pue `s」O]ePe」d
eiq肥田eiJ 91!u8! ue∧e A叫Pue `esln∧uO〕山e叩8ul津山
]X9u 9囲」eq山ell〕 0] llO〕e」 SeSn le囲山e〕S/S 8ui」iJ 〕i 〇時山O叩el山9S P9⊃u臥Pt3 ue St3u 8∀∀ e」Oq-e8」el e叩 くsuodeeM uOil〕e-d山nd ue叫O e」e Sun8 」e]le⊃S 」eMO」廿
le!」ed田i 9山OS Pue S」e]unu 布unoq 囲iM 」eindod ‘]ue山dinbe 」O 8u冊Oi⊃ 」O Sei叩」E
`]e8」el e e]n〕0」]〕∂l∂ O] leilue〕Od 9ul e∧e11 SPunO」 PeU
Ile山S `s○○Pn」]u! e山Ou uMOP BulMO山`s]e8」e] ∧q」eeu
-i」〕〇〇i∂ 9Seu⊥ -Sle8」即P」eMOI Peeds岬叫1e S8nlS le]e山 Pe8」elJO相e○i」l〕ele Sele」e19〕〕e相e二時9u8e田 ∂lJl〇 〇〇
呼S〕e"9d l99〕S jO 舟e」ds∴e Se」「J ‘8∀∀ e里 `]e甲e山 esue」eP○○山Ou u坤l∧l⊃ 9u] Olulん]ue .S…∀ 〕11SOP∀
〇叫9S」9q 9囲`」e〕Se〕MOq 9e団OOMeu] O] u81SeP u=el…iS
固固固 (∧∧eeH) p∂8ueとi
Although the FWG-5 is outlawed ln many SyStemS, SOme Smugglers st用use it for shlPboard defense, CO而dent the WeaPOn WOn’t harm anyvitai shlP SyStemS Bounty hunters
also favor the weapon, SinCe COiiateraI damage lS minlmal and the guidance system ensures a k川shot against spe-
Clfic targets. Further, the fiechettes keep a corpse lntaCt enough for easy lden師Cation, Which is critlCal for bounty
hunters Iooking to coiiect pay.
音盤嵩豊結語霊器昔話n蕊嵩 Siugthrowers The Fyr assauit carbine was a response to
the threat of Jed=nVaS10n durlng the CIone Wars after many AquailSh slded with the Separatists lt offers a high fire rate ln a COmPaCt rifie conflguratiOn that soid well
enough to pICk up distributIOn deais with major weapon
reta11 outlets llke Galladlnlum and Loose Cannon Arms. 〕itimately, the Fyr lS an eXamPle of the limltations
Of slugthrower technoiogy The high鉦e rate depletes
Rebel partiSanS have used the now-banned Golan Arms FCl flechette launcher m a number of attacks, mOSt notoriously at lnusag了s Sakoola Biossom FestlVal, ki=ing
hundreds ofguests and 」uSt-annOunCed lmperlal Govemor
tophervin The FC「 lS a Shoulder-braced weapon with four barreis, eaCh holding either ant上PerSOmel or anti一VehlCle
CanlSterS. The anti-PerSOnnei canister releases a dense
ammunit10n quickly, requlring SeVeraI kilograms of spare magazlneS it aiso produces severe recoi↓ and mリZZie
C=mb during operatlOn, making lt d冊cult to controi and alm. That said, the Fy口S mOre POPuiar wlth enthusiasts
at target ranges than wlth actuai battiefield combatants. 丁he GM mayspend @ $ or@tocause a PC’s Fyr
assault carbine to run out ofammo.
Cioud of flechettes with enough ene「gy to penetrate most armo「, making it popular wlth Rebel Ai‖ance heavy-WeaP-
OnS SPeClalists. Anti-VehlCie canisters use fewer, larger flechettes that can pIerCe ten CentimeterS Of durasteel and often rlCOChet lnSide a craft after penetrat10n Unfortunateiy, both canlSterS reiy on a slugglSh range帥derfor
targeting data to ensure optimai detonation
r ,仙,∴∴∴∴ 、
Ranged (Heavy)
When using antI-Vehicie caniSterS agalnSt targetS Of sIihouette l or sma=e「 the weapon galnS the lnaccurate 3 qua=ty.
Engineers based Coronet Arms’Mark V “Sand Panther’’on an
anclent rifle once used to hunt Coreiiian sand panthers. ThlS Siugthrower is a thlng Of beauty, aS muCh artwork as functiOnal WeaPOn, emPioyinggoiden creshik wood lmPOrted from廿aius fo=tS hand-Carved fumiture and stock. Aimed largely at co十
iectors and enthusiaStS, the Ma「k V en」Oyed a rlSe ln
POPularity a decade ago as a retirement g冊amongCore=ians.
丁he Mark V’s 10ng bar「el and wooden housing make the 丁his flechette pisto=rom Malaxan Fl「ePOWer lnco「po-
「ated u刷izes a laser tracking system that guides flechette-帥ed peliets to targets before exploding in a
hali of needie-ilke debrlS The smali, llghtweight piStOI Oniy carrleS three peIlets in a box magazlne that loads
lntO the handie Whiie effectiVe agalnS=lghtiy armored targets, lt has littie effect against armored stormtroopers, merCenaries, Or bounty hunters.
WeaPOn mOre unWieidy than those usmg mOdem alioys and polycarbonates, but these features make for a steady grip and exceptiOnal accuracy no matter the weather condlt10nS Unfortunately, aS IS unaVOidabie wlth hlgh-Caiiber, iong-barreled slugthrowers, the Ma「k V’s rec〇両s severe.
to compensate, a PneumatlC buffer is bulit lntO the帥ng
mechanlSm, One Ofthe few components englneerS mOdem1Zed f「om the origlnai design
●uOdきeM 〇日l
Pu日O〕 xpelI〕 uC周de〕」ec=le囲Ol臆SPPe 」9iPeeu P9le9○ ○uO〕 e 8ulん」e〕 lenPl∧1Pu! ue 8u岬」e9S 9uO相∀ ●Pi〇時
」01〕e旧P leuOS」9d e佃p9PPe漢=e Se∧OuJ9」 ○○iPe9u ∀ ‘e8則rep leeP O] 9iPeeu d」euS-」OZe」
’函e甲S3!u叩前N [◆◆◆] p」eH e 8…inbe申印OOuS M∂u 9囲"O]Pe即PO山eq ueつ9肌e囲l甲n在yiEnb z:e]e」 -n〕〕∀ 9111 SeSOi 8S lePOIN ey」eZつe `pesn peseu⊃」nd Ji
-1…」⊃ 」O…e Pue 」e∧O〕叩8= Se]e」〕eued相See理9⊃u!S `8S lePOIN 9明eSn OSle S」e]OOuSd」euS lue山eO」OJue Me1 9山OS S準e」 Pue `s刈ePun8 `sAelxpe 8u胆nl⊃ui `e山晒sno」e8uep
ISO山S`∧xei晒e囲8叩un叫O=e9P- e」.在e岨1〕edun 8叩 ilids-」O…e.侶」9u9-uE巾Pue 〕118iiJ e]e」nつ〕e e」nSue ]e唱
S旬1e相e]訓do」d山0」J 9Pun S8nlS SeJU 8S lePOIN 9岨 ∧poq s.」e]OOuS 9囲JO uO!Sue]Xe ue e」`∧∂囲 引Se l∂eJ Pue e]e」nつつe Alq旧e」⊃ul乱e SelJi」 PeZ。d esel月
`ue山S叫e山Pue S」elunu O] PIOS u三周O ISOIN ’]」O叩O⊃ 8ui
e叩Pue uOi]e」1eued 」O…e uO有o」 Pue S9⊃ue]SqnS甲nS Ou岬M P∂PeOi e」e S〕」eP P」EPue]S ]e8」el e ]⊃e出e eSIM -」e唱O 」O `enpqns `冊O] PePuelul Seつue]SqnSJO布oi」e∧ e JO相e u- Pele○○ u91」O e」eS]」eP e岨SPle岬SA8」∂ue eJOu8l
Pue 」O…e lSO山u∂no」唱u⊃und ue⊃ S耳eP 〕…e」e〕O」」9J
-]OOuS leU埠do 」Oい!1do pue `」e88巾.xpO]S Pe制一山0]Sn〕 e S9Pni〕ul Pue 9〕uelS le」n]eu S`」e]OOuS e即ePO田山O〕〕e O〕
p9」nSe肌I JeSei S1 8S lePO剛⊃ee ‘eu一国nPO」d 」eMO」u三河s S…∀ん撚∂「 SJay」eZ⊃ u! S…ee」U E油!‖eS-1S9q e囲JO訓O
PeZl‖qe]S-u吋s9唱Pu門u9"S]SO山leSi uOpe」∂dos]仁Pele∂〕
-uO⊃ ueuM 〕〕e〕eP O=ln瑚iP ]亘ui津山`e]euOq」e坤Od use…9C肥8u刑OSq門岬" u! P9]eO〕 PuビPueu ue山nu E ue囲」訓e山S S"e明iOISld l⊃ed山O⊃ e S=eiPe9uウ上XN S…∀ uelOD 9岨uO!Slndo」d申e」叩9u8叫0」]〕ele uO有e」 ]eul S」elOOuS ]」eP JO S∂ueS乱n〕SqO ue O=eJe」 “S」∂lPeeN”
SPunO」 ie8 1e明9iuOu Pue `〕OuS叫eu十SPunO」
eいくs山eIMeSZZn日e ueuM ’山e「 Pue leeu」∂∧O uOdeeM 9唱
S9」n〕eeJ OSle引ePO囚e肥’8∀∀ 9叩ue唱和See 9」0山SeiP
]i e」OJeq山e「 9甲」eei〕 Ol 」9∧neue山e …OJ」ed lSn山」eSn
uope哩!PO山PePue」q]O布oi」e∧ e囲M `旬=qiX瑚Pe⊃ueuu9
ui晒e pe」U eq uきつ
e叩叫p鋸8u-Pnl叩SPeOi uOiliun田山eんel訓do」d pue s瑚
eJU-O叩∀ e囲8ulSn P∂JU eq AluO ue〕 eウSしiePOIN eu⊥
`elO」 e P9佃d e∧即日118… S]e8pnq 8叩9判別n 9l叫M ‘SSeu
e∧e11 O]@」O $ $ @ PuedsA叫S」e]SeIN e山e〇本yienb
-ueu Pue `oILIUい2 e」Ou.」 S訓」e〕 `」e川副Si Pee甲ePun肥e囲
-1Snq JO mO S…∀叩SOP∀叩d村亘eu pe9甲ePunu⊥ 9u工]i JO eSne○○q Sde甲9d 」O `」e8uep pese9」Ju! e叩9]ldsea .柚e囲91 S〕! 8u!See」〕ul `」eSu9P中ueln叫ed s川」9〕〕ed
/e」ds sユ1 Pue申○○副Se〕nPe」岬uM `旬ieO」」〇月ee〕S-ue囲
Se^i叩u」印le 」e]Seiq fui〕eede」叫81∂M叫81l O] SSeつ〕e 」O SPunJ
e囲e∧勘]Ou lL18…岬uM `s叩un凡e川田ieつO=9]eMxpeq Pue Sel」eueつ」e山囲lM PunOJ ue]JO 〕SO山SI MeSZZn日9u⊥ ●」OS -lnd訓」O `pod岬`d叩SJO Pu朝9山OSJO P!e 9囲1nO岬M]i PleiM
旬ueJui Se〕e山l⊃eP和see le囲uOuue⊃んe]O」 eJU-diu ‘pele」
S]i S]e8 “pee甲ePunu⊥, e岨un8」叩e⊃S 8W」巳indod `S…∀
」eq11eJlie山S `pe川eq 9u⊥ ’Sei瑚e∧叫8il Pue SuO中軸」O]
S∂POldxe le冊S時iied佃ieO」」e=e囲ei JO 9u○○ e囲山O」J e山eu
8ul」nP S山e「 u三男O Pue岬eu SSe⊃Xe Se〕nPO」d uo111un山山e
uode9M 〕eq田O〕 e」OIN ’1e」」eq e」Oq明OO山S ’e8」el Sli山0」]
ue〕 MeJ ‘/∧ee画e山叩Xe SI MeSZZn日e甲S∀ ●8ul」U PePuelXe
-」e叫8!l山0」J ePeLu Si Pt3e甲ePunu⊥ eu十」elunu ui…9∧ ue囲
-」eq-XIS e Si eウSし911十uO11e」edo 8ul」nP ]u9S∂」d esiOu 9囲
叩SOP∀囲lM e]ed山O⊃ O〕 SuOde∂M 」eMO」囲8nlS JO 9uii SILu∀
んe8e「 s出O ]」ed seゥi9POIN e叩Peu8iS9P S…∀ ey」9Zつ
」OJ “MeSZZng” e囲Se uMOuW S」eMO」し悼niS elq叫Od lSel∧eeu
e叩8uo山e S!坤S =ePOIN eL11 `sno」e8uep pue `∧∧eeu ‘pno「
丁he Panic Pistoi lS Or10ianiS Defense Systems’compact
A unique Selonian siugthrower, the shard shooter func-
CiVilian SeIf-defense slugthrowe「 piStOI The squat weapon
tions similarly to a standard siugth「owe「, but uses
fires a high-Caliber round, but the barrel bareiy extends CIose-qua「te「S COmbat, but wildiy inaccurate. Further, the
electromagnetic propulsIOn tO fire razor-Sharp crysta=ine ammunlt10n lnStead of metai slugs The weapon fires in rapid bursts, unieashing a StOrm Of lethai shards at oppo-
ext「actor requires constan=ens10n adjustments, maklng
nents. The c「ysta旧e ammunition lS quite Sma町enabllng
PaSt mOSt SPeCies’knuckies. This makes lt eaSy tO WieId in
」amming and mIS軒es common.
masslVe ammunition capacitleS for sustalned fire.
Easy to find and commoniy available throughout the
丁he weapons have a different noISe PrOfile compared
Westem Reaches and Wiid Space, the Panic Pistol is popu-
to other siugthrowers, PrOducing a high-Pitched hum or
1ar with those livmg On frontier worids =ke Cerea, Jakku,
buzz when鉦ed Whlie popuiar with locai defense fo「cさs
and Rattatak. it’s also popuiarwith some ofthe Rebel Ai‖-
On Selonla, the weapon lS rare Offworid, and the crystal-
ance ceiis stationed in the Outer Rlm
Whiie at engaged range, a Character wieiding a Panic PiStOl does not add the + 1 difficulty modiher for ranged
attacks ln meiee. However, the GM may spend @ $ or@
line ammunition is next to lmPOSSlbie to flnd. Whlie shard Shooters aren’t restriCted anywhere in the known galaxy,
those carrying them off Selonia are often questlOned and hassled about the nature ofthe weapon.
to damage the weapon one step (See Weapon Maintenance in Chapter V ofany core rulebook).
Conslde「ed by many to be the sma=est ranged weapon ln
the gaiaxy, the Prax Arms Stealth-2VX paim shooter can, 丁he designerS at Czerka Arms produce a =ne Of ultra-
modem slugthrowers, lnCluding the SH-9 piStO上With SPeCial forces units in mmd. Often called a “whiSPer PIS-
toi,’’the SH-9 features a buiit」n suppressor that greatly
reduces the sound and muzzie flash, making lt a Perfect
as the name suggests, eaSlly師in the palm of a user’s
hand. While the darts themseives are not partiCuiariy letha吊he toxlnSthey carry can be qulte deadly. The palm
Shooter is gripped =ke a comilnk, and three darts protrude between the fmgerS. Users can dep「ess a trigger with thelr
thumb to launch a dart.
Sidearm fo「stealthy incursiOnS requlrlngSilent, uP-Ciose
takedowns. 丁he SH-9 1S a COmPaCt Slugthrower pIStOi made from =ghtweight composlte alioys that are d輔Cult to detect
On WeaPOnS SCamerS. 1t features a flVe-rOund magazine that iS iegenda「y among commandos for not jamming
no matter what wet, Slimy mudhole the weapon gets dragged through. 1t lS a favorite ofA=ianCe SpecOps ln印-
trators and a standard-iSSue backup weapon fo「 most of
the AilianCe SPeCial forces. Add臆to Perception checks to find an SH-9 slugthrower PiStOI on a person’s body Add臆to Perception and Vigl1ance checks made to Iocate a conceaied sh○○ter帥ngan SH-9 slugthrower pisto上
Each dart can be loaded wlth one dose of neurotox町
anesthetlC, neurOParaiytlC (See Page 1 30), Or any Other
POison the GM deems approprlate. Whenever the wleider SuCCeSSfuliy attacks a target with the weapon (Whether or not they deai damage), the target aiso suffers the effects Of being exposed to the poISOn.
叫81eM PeSee」叩e囲」O川○○ePe」] eiqe」O∧eJ e `佃∧i〕 -〕9鵬9」O山」O山Je S9⊃」e!d osie uOdeeM佃eu s冊田O」J PeJU S]OuS Pue Aつe」nJつe Pue e8e山eP PeSE?9」〕u=OJ 8叩e」 ie〕印」O
Se8ue甲Xe丁ePO山SiLl⊥ ’9u!d」?∧ e叩Aq pe〕ee」〕んuodeeM
」印だuS e囲JO lue日掛」eu10ue S! e朝川e]]euS ∧∧eeu eu⊥
ー8u哩do]S O川9Sne⊃ ue〕 `p」eu OO主 8u冊SO「 ue∧e 」O ‘uodeeM 9囲8ulddo」a ‘訓8e」J OSie e」e Sun8」e調euS `plei] P!O」e]S∀ eu⊃Oとi e囲ePISlnO e」e」 Pue
e^iSuedxe相y∧理q町O」d 8u吟q O] uOlllPPe u十毎時unJ」OJun ‘S」9刑OS Se〕」OJ lei⊃eds pue ‘suiSSeSSe `sel」eu9⊃」9山]SO山」OJ
SuOdt3eM山開」P e」e Sun8 」e職euS `s9囲」ed!uS Pue `se肌 ‘sIO]Sld 8u!Pni叩くsuo!1剛n8uuo〕 JO 」eq山nu e u! 9iqeiie仲
‘e8則nep叩eui〉口ee」8 sl瑚u1 1e8」e]
e ]〕edLu! Ae明草間Mし印M P∂eds e叩`=euS 4ue∧哩ie」 e」e SPunO月別1 eiiuM ’PunOS JO P○○ds e囲準9」q Se旧〕e「O」d
旬ielele山」刷] Se xpe」⊃∴elq胆ne `e∧甲u!〕S岬 e 9⊃nP -O」d sun8 」9叩euS ‘S」eMO」囲8nlS le⊃!d在中y eiqeu!印eun
SP9eds u8叫〕e S8nlS l印判」昭IJJS ledo」d o] SPleU叩eu -8e山eSn Sun8 」e]1el/S `euid」∂∧ PIO]⊃9Su! e甲府pe]ee」つ
ーu3und E Sxped冊S Pue SSe中高ue〕胡u8!S SISO⊃ ]i `s]ue!」B∧ e肌9囲ue囲e8e山eP SS3i SleeP ]叫8nou⊥ PietN¥ OI Asee pue叫8= eq O] Peu81SeP Si Pue uOde∂M 」epeuS ]O uO!]e」n卸uo〕 」eu]Oue S! lO]S!d 」epeuS 9Ll⊥
(叫8i「) pe∂u巳と」 ゝ 〃〃▲ ノ
]eu e唱岬no囲ue∧∃ ●S]e8」e:↓ e」n〕deつPue S〇回SOu "O e準用〕Oq O〕 uOde9M ^le山l」d 」刷〕 Se訓lq」e⊃ eiOq e PleU
e囲leSe」 A"enue山O] e∧eし白くuSeOP eu OS `山elS∧s ○○xpO⊃e」
布unoq e 」OJ 9uJ!]岬noue ]Sn「 u∈現O S.ユl ‘画〕lnb sep均
8up」9!d-」O…e Se甲nS `uo印un田山e e]eu」e〕le囲M Pe冊
’S」ePu!q u! Sle8」e] e」n○○S Pue dn u〕持つO〕 」e叫nu
S」eulO JO r互9i」e∧ e Pue `sla_uenb uoi `si9JJenb
」e"OPueq e S」eeM旬再nsn e甲euつ●S〕OuS ueeM]eq 」9]Se⊃MOq
叩e田01ne ue Pelle]Sul elMeu⊃ 明e9u」ePun uSeiJ 」e]JOS
9明O1 98e田eP eSu9田山i 8u!Sne〕 ‘印euO]eP ue囲Pue S9」nl -粥」⊃ SnO」e8uep ]SO山S`所Musey ]O S9Piu e囲e岬」l∂u9d Ol岬noue p」eu liu Sl〇月enb eu⊥ ●e〕ue]SiSe」叩〕 O=叩e11S
侶」eue ue u! PeSe⊃ue S「訓enb e∧!SOidx9 S9J旧e囲MOqSSO」⊃
甲e叫81u e /le∧l]〕e鵬Si 」副Se〕MOq e明`eldoed si=O uO -deeM leuO印Pe」〕∀ S」ee∧」OJ OlOS ueH O=qeP e川S川口Uln]
山川8uldleu ue9q Sき叫elSe⊃MOq S.91M9uつバuo山∂」e○ ○8E弓○
○8u叫O〕河/e叫u S`eつ〕eqMeu○ ○」O]eq中亘OuS P∈判e」つPueH
u9叫O S」e]unu r互uno日‘uOil〕e11O〕 S.1SelSn囲ue Aue ol uOけ -!PPe叫eli9〕X9 ue ]! 8u!)岬山`s8u岬19山0]Sn⊃ u! Peu」OPe
ue的O `e」nl町nJ uePOOM Se」n呼eJ euiq」巳〕∴eiOq eu⊥
enu eid」nd ere -」eue訓] 9∧!∂ u三男O Se印」ed p」eu Pue Se8 」e]Seiq 〕胆eds 9u⊥ ●uOi〕e」nP S〕i PuelXe Ol uMOu〉1 ueeq e∧eu SuO印PuO〕
⊃l」e11dso叫e叫〕eds `spuo⊃eS MeJ e 」三明e SeP勘相ensn ]eu r訊eu9 9明elluM ’〕iOq 」e〕Selq 」e準eM eJO ]〕nPO」d〇人q e se leu A8」eue "e山S e e〕nPO」d 〕el11 Sei〕印ed A§」eu9 P」eu JO Sei」eS e u! SeX叫9u刑e〕 eiOq e囲`侶」eu9 」91SEiq P」eP -uE]S 8uiSn JO Pee]Sui ‘S]e8」e] dn sd明Pue Se」euSue
国昭引圏 (∧∧巳∂H) pe8u閥
ー]OuS甲E9 9」OJ∂q uOd巳eM e唱8u団つO〕 」e∧neue山e Pueds o=eSn 9囲Se」mbe」 ]l ‘山Slueu〕e山8ui沖O○○∂」叩e山 -Olne ue 9∧eu口Ou SeOP e」9u Pe叫eSe」d 」e〕Se〕MOq eu⊥ ‘」e〕Se〕MOq leuO!1胆e」〕 e JO S8uldde」〕叩9囲S9e 9巾
村uoし悶M 9問」 」91Selq (∧e9u e P=nq村d山!S See団OOM」e明0 ‘凡uodeeM u」ePO山し川M e]ed山O〕 0=9xpO⊃∂」叩E山01ne ue ll即Su! S」卸Se〕MOq u」9PO山9」O山川q `1OuS u〕ee 」e吋e
P9xpO○○9」 eq O] Peeu S」e]SeJMOq leuO印P叫Auo山e」e⊃ e8e
l叫ed山i O〕 Pue ‘]O申1」ein89」評囲S9⊃」O川uOM PeliOidxe囲映
Pllnq S∂∂i〉1○○M]SO山Pue `pelJe」〕Pueu Si 」elSe⊃MOq甲閃 ’Sle」」enb us印Pue `s」O]euO〕eP
eiPueu O] ∂山OS 」O川n瑚iP uOdeeM 9明8u!湿田巾〇〇〇」 SnOP -u9山∂」1 Seu S乙-「V e囲Aq pe押山○ ○〕」OJ e囲PuO〕eS SuOS!」d
-JO-8u!田O〕小人e叫u 」刷=O耳ed se euo pe拙8 9」e 」O euO
pruos `sl訓enb 8u!〕」e!d-」O…e 8uiPn丁叩’eiq印e∧e r中pee」 乱e Sle」」enb e]eu」elle le」e∧eS ]nq `s」O]ePe」d le∧9「」eMOi
S`河∧相Se〉」 JO S9P叫準冊9唱」O `聞∂山`」0…e岬no」囲 8叩SeIq JO eiqede:) e∧iSOldxeo」〕叫e S=訓enb 」elSe〕 -MOq P」ePu即S eu⊥判eeuS A8」eue e山Seld E u! PeSe⊃ue Sl訓enb le]e山印e」eieつ〕e相e○i]eu8e山`sMOqSSO」〕 」eSei Pe=eJ OSiE `s」∂
-1Se〕MOq `所柄埠e〉1
JO See団○○州e囲JO uodeeM leu〇回Pe」〕 e囲 Se uMOu〉1 11?M
SPl」OMんo]〕eJ e山OS OI Se =eM Se ‘sISelO」d叫enbe」J e」n時eJ
]e囲Se胆Pue S]eueid旬刊e9M Oユ叫9田仲d9P S〕i 8u胡uJ= 《e^iS -u9dxe小e∧印q町O」d s同`〕S埋’SxpeqMe」P 」O申u oM=O=Ou l! e」eM uOi閏S 9〕iiOdんe∧e ]SO叫e u! eq PlnOM S乙-r∀ eu⊥
’PiO〕 ]nO SienPWPu阜SO山S〉pOu〉口e里9〕」OJ e^1SSn⊃uO⊃ inJ」eMOd E囲iMliu S! euO⊃eLI] u町11M"8ne⊃euO
-相∀ ●l訓t3q Pe明nOlu-eP!M e甲山O」]相〕e」!P eO」OJ )!]9u団
JO euO〕 e ∂u上聞山∂ `…OJ 9u刑e⊃ 〇回ePeue」8 uo!SSn○ ○u○○ e JO ]○○鵬e∧eM-準OuS e叩Se∧0田柄∧il⊃e捕∑乙-「∀ 9u⊥ ’leueS」e SuO印unIN uuOS-」」eIN e囲ul uOdeeM 10」] -uO⊃-PMO」⊃ 9^i]〇三削e ]SO山9叩Sde甲ed s! e剛e∧!SSn〕uO⊃
S乙-「∀ e囲`∧xei晒e11] SSO」⊃e e⊃iiOd iO」]uO〕i〇日Aq pezi」d
Quarrel Bandolier: Once per encounte「, the wielder may spend a maneuve「 to Ioad a specialiZed quarrel and either add the Biast 6, Breach工Concussive l , DiSOrlent
2, lon, OrViCious 4 qualityto the nextcombatcheck made With Chewbacca’s Bowcaste「.
Ranged (Heavy)
薗堅塁 CryoBan pro」eCtOrS like鴫ggeCo.’s spew a miX Of chemi-
Cals that create areas of lntenSe COId Although CryoBan PrOjectors we「e developed to heip斤ght fires, many lndl-
Viduals discovered that removing the safety nozzies can increase fluid emiss10n, making them viabie weapons. Bounty hunters rfelding CryoBan pro」eCtOrS Can make Short work of enti「e rooms of hostiles. Most independent
me「chants and smuggiers stow a CryoBan projector on
their ShlP SOmeWhere, both to fight shipboard fires and to 「epel boarders lf necessa「y
A character armed wlth a C「yoBan p「o」eCtOr adds □ to
attempts to put out a fire. Assisted checks to extinguiSh flames add one additionai □ for each assisting character
equipped with a CryoBan projector.
彊国璽 Lo「onar’s CryoBan rifle lS in the t「aditiOn Of Uiban Arms
Repuisor weapons use ubiquitOuS rePuisor engines, Slmト
and several other manufacturers who have weaponized
iar to those found on landspeeders and speeder bikes,
C「yoBan technoIogy. The CryoBan rifie can flash freeze
tuned to create narrower, longer-range areaS Of effect.
targets, making inorganlC Substances particula「ly brittie
ThlS maXimlZeS itS effects whiie reducing power drain
Mercena「ies engaging battie droids often b「ing at least
These la「ge rifles can knock targets ac「oss a room or, ln
One CryoBan rlfle to make the droids more vuinerable to
SOme CaSeS, Simulate catching them in a low- Or high-
al‖ed attacks. it’s also popuiar with bounty hunters直re-
When used to attack a target wearing armo「that removes
gravity sltuation. Both rare and unexpected, rePuisor WeaPOnS are the domain Of bounty hunters, law enforcement, and pranksters. ln addition to being used on
One Or mOre ■ due to extreme cold, the weapon’s pie「ce
traditional hunts, the Sak「七k D-29 is often exported as a
fighters, and certain SCientists.
qua=ty counts as O. Cha「acters who make a melee attack against a target st「uck by a C「yoBan rifle in the current
round add □□ to the check.
CrOWd-COntrOi and riot-SuPPreSSion weapon.
e e 8u鳴務i」] uellM.]Seiq ei8u!S e u! S19昌」e〕 eld刑n山岬e〕
相Se9 uE⊃ S」O"e「0」d e山ei了u〕e○○ PeO」q 」刷1 O〕 S測e岨 ●le9u e囲」OJ Peエビ」 10u S.ユ!
8叩u〇日OSiP e Su!e]uO〕 1e叩P刷A8」eue ue Se」叩OuS8u11S 9叩`pese919」 ueuM ’u咽M e8」eu⊃ O] lieq A8」eue ue SeSne⊃
u⊃叩M `lPnOd 9囲xpeq Slind pue 〕e8」e] e l門Sl」M 」刑1 S叩Od 」∂Sn e肥’○○i∧9P P印unO山-1SリM e Si ]OuS8u=S A8」eue
即0…e 」!e叩9PiSu! S8upq xp○○ ue∧e ue⊃ S」OlOe「O」d 9山ei]
・l〕e捕e明Pee」ds佃」e山見O掴Sn」q O〕 S〕d山e叩e血e puE?
eu] `s」elS測e」d sno∧e岬S叫」O=OO] e ue囲uOdeeM e SSe「
・uoISS…e」e排肌町e」OJ 8u叫nq s9nuquO⊃ ie8 eルー〇割uO〕 uo e8叫eP e∧!SSe山…油=eeP `sle8」e]佃」eeu le ie8 8ul -u」nqjO訓O〕 e /e」ds s」01⊃∂「O」d e山ei].u8!SeP S創り9囲O叩
Pe呼」Od」Oつu! 」O Sxpedxpeq o叩Pe即 ∂q Ael,u S」elS甲e○ ○Seu⊥.S」elS!ue〕
JO 」eq山nu e O] Pe]OeuuO〕 」911叫e e〉旧∂胡」 e ePnl⊃u!
相e」eue8叩q `s9 -Z!S Pue S∂dellS JO
布ei」e∧ e ui e山0⊃ S」O〕○○「0」d e山ei]
’○○e」8 1enSe○岬M Sl∂8」elノ
uMOPSu!8u!」q Pue S]OuS SnOln⊃e」叫8ulPuei pe囲eI相」Eu -岬JOe」]Xe 9q ueつMO」」e euJSeld u⊃ee 9P!n8 e〕」O] e囲
S191 OuM 」eSn e ‘」eqeS叫8旧P9「 t3囲M S∀布e」nつつe叩Od -uid囲M 」O…e lSe洞u] e唱1nq =e e]e」]eu9d ue〕 MOq A8」eue 」elS時叫8!N e囲JO SMO」」e e山SBld /lPeeP 9u⊥ ‘]eqluO⊃ S」9耳enb-eSOi⊃ u仁P We 」el岬S
O] P9Sn 9q ue⊃ 8uu]SMOq e山Seid 9u十PePuedxe u9uM ue∧e Pue `sMO」」e JO SueZOP e」OIS ue⊃ 」!ONeSe」 e肥●d岬
e明8uoieMOq e叩JO相eq 9唱u! Sl!S]eu叩ONeSe」 A§」9u9
e∧iNnS OuM eSO囲」OJ S叫9山e」n8usiP eiqi」 -」Ou Pue uied eiq甲9] SeSne⊃期日e9u eSue]ui Se担eue8 」eiie⊃9JH e明’s8u!eq JO ]S訓∧ e明Aq中uo pesn ●Sieしe]e山
8u岬uno」」nS e…8!画〕inb s9山ei=Ou e囲Se `1S」nq 」ed
e山Seid 9叩山0」J SMO」」e Me」P OI PeSn `∂iPue回1e田S e Se」n] -朗=u!Od 8uM⊃Ou S.8u甲S t3山Seld e岨・Seu!8ue 8uPe」POd
岬i‘1e囲S」9Puiq A8」eu∂ eu] O〕侶OIOu甲e=e"lulS e `8u甲S 」eldno⊃ e山Seld e即時MOq水yle-uOq」e〕 t3 S! MOq A8」eue
eu子」哩Ou]eG JO S」e]SiS叫8iN eu=O uOdeeM P訓eJe」d、e岨
S」O〕〕9「O」d ]SO山ue囲l∂nJ SS∂=eJ舟e」ds ol uOd粥M e囲 Seiqeu9 9叩eieつつ∀ -S〕Od9P lenJ Pue SP」e伸us puno」e e」inboe ol (see si e⊃ue]SqnS S冊`Ale]捌n]」OJun S∂⊃u印S -qnS ]SO山uell] 」∂8uoi Pue 」en0u Su」nq ]叫"ue!P9」8u!
lenJ d叩S」e]S 9iq即Sun ue ‘e叫∂i∂〕〕e uO S訓e」 」e"e〕e埋e囲 叩q `Alddns lenJ P91岬Iん9∧ e e∧eu SuOde9M u〕nS ]SOIN .9⊃eds pez用∧!⊃ JO ISO… 1nOu8no」囲Peuueq Si 」O]⊃9「O」d elueL:口岬!i “」e昭つ訓],, S甲uOS-」」eIN `iO]S-d e JO肌eJ:口⊃ed
-田O⊃ el(1 O叩」O]⊃e「O」d e山印eJO uO胆Se∧eP e叩8u閃ed
ーS∂8」euJ un〕S ]O木ySu〇回Pue囲8uel e囲lO」]uO〕 Pue ]e8」e] e ul lee」 O〕 S」eSn 8uiMO昭’9用」 9囲OI Pe〕J9u -uO〕 S∧e]S le囲elqe〕 e ∂」n〕ee] e山OS `suodeeM 98ueJ印OuS
uo田山O〕 e」e S」9甲une口euO」l⊃9i! ●8u町nJun 」三男e SPu○○eS
el臥i]〕e Pue SePeue」8 peziie!〕eds o叩Pexped副e血e山 ‘1e8」e] e 」e∧O ISe⊃ eq 〕Sn山]∂uO」l〕ele 〕iSeq 9唱e問M
固圏圏 (叫81「) pe8ueとi
S〕S開q PllM e」n〕de⊃ O〕 SdeJ] Pue S9」euS SSeu -」9PliM ul S〕9uO」l〕ele水yd山9 u三男O S」9]unH -Se∧leS山e唱
un]S ].uOP S」eSn 8uI」nSue ‘elO山e」 Aq p印臥i]⊃E 相e
-nSn Si e8」euつun]S e肥S9u〕nO= 8u冊血e ol e8」e甲unユS E? 8ui」e∧=eP JO elqedeつSPe∂」囲e∧!1⊃nPuO⊃ ue∧OM」〇回 岬M ]eu P」Oつe」nP e Si leuO」1〕ele 9明`^pnlS 」OJ S9」nユ ーee」J 8ui」nlde〕 S」9」Oidxe pepun十印e」Od」O⊃明1M 」eindod
めの」O Pee〕Sul l鴨 SeJ!nbe」 uOd粥M S冊uO木ulenb叫eリOS!a e囲8ul」∂88叫 -Su晒110O巾uno柄PMO」山O」J S]S」nq-沖OllS佃pe]ied 8uieq
囲iM dn ]nd o] e∧eu OuMS」9瑚O叫e山e⊃」OJue Me=O uり8叫p e囲O〕 uan山中eSe甲」nd o] S」Ou甲MOlie ]SOlu Pue `spl」OM
ISO山uO l晒9l S上uOde9M” S叫⊥ ・8u!∧ouueんe∧叩q le囲 -eIuOu Si 〕S」nq-刈〕OLIS 9u⊥ ●Se⊃ue]SiP ]」OuS 」e∧0 ]S」nq一団〕OuS
flame pro」eCtOr,s Bum quality, the user may choose to apply it to any singie target hit by the attack工his qual-ty may be trlggered multiple tlmeS, affecting a diffe「ent target each tlme・
丁he downside to thlS WeaPOn’s voiat冊y and lndlSC「imlnate
area of effect is that aiiieS Can eaSiiy be caught in ltS flames
Game Masters may spend $ $ or@to apply a fiame projector’s Bum quailty tO an aily hit by the originai attack・
丁he LJ-40 has its origins in the Cione Wars, When heavy infantry squads received ea「iy shiPmentS Of Arakyd industries
LJ-50 concuss10n rifies. The armorer of the 92nd Coruscant Engineers accidentaiiy recelVed a case and言nstead of retuming them, Cut One rifle’s barrei down to make lt eaSier to
handle and added a foidlng StOCk. The resuiting WeaPOn Created a smalier containment field that degraded more quickly but otherwISe functlOned the same as the LJ-50. The a「morer,s superior officer immediately saw th{
inspired by makeshift repuisor guns, Nova Design creat-
effectiveness and ordered them to modify the entire crate
ed the “impact” repuisor cannon as an attemPt at
Eventually word got back to A「akyd lndust「ies, WhlCh put the
weaponizlng rePulsor technoIogy. The lmpact camon
design into production. While iess common than the U-50・
creates a very tight, narrOW beam of repuisor energy that
the U-40 is easie「 to handie and maneuver in tight spaces・
can frustrate a slngie enemy’s act10nS O「 knock them to
the ground. to do thlS, Nova Deslgn uSeS a Sma= speeder bike repulsor tuned to fire a narrow cy=nder of energy UnfortunateIy, the kick from the weapon poses just as much threat to the user as lt does the target. to counter
Aii看added to a combat check due to the target’s cover are removed when using the U-40. Additional ammu旧
tion costs 40 credits for a magazine of three rounds.
this, engineers insta11ed a ve「y sho「t-range graPPle that
anchors the shooterand helps stabilize the weapon.
Although the lmpact camon is largely consldered lnferiOr tO traditional stun weaponry, law enfo「cement and
Ranged (Heavy)
bounty hunter teams concemed about coiiateral damage sometlmeS uSe the weapon. The wielder incapacltateS a target wh帖e their a=ies cIose diStanCe and secu「e them. This is especially helpful against dange「ous suspects like
Wookiees, Gamo「reans, and ltandoshans 丁he U-50 concussion而1e lSa heavyweapon datingf「om
before the C10ne Wars. it is used to take out enemy entrenched infantry, turretS, and defensive barriers lt utiiizes a containment fleid to hold a la「ge amount of
concussive energy, Which it then launches. Upon impact, the containment fieId impIodes, and the concussiVe energy releases旧a br冊ant biue fiash’Sendlng enemieS flying and unieashing a damaging shock wave・
Arakyd,s design soid to mercena「ies and・ late ln the
war言O the Grand Army of the RepubliC after numerous 鴫nloss Syndicates’rifie-Sized L70 acid projecto「 which is
banned in v而uaily a= systems,師es a stream of xenobo「ic acid capable of penetrat-ng Vi血aliy any materiai・ The inert
COmPOnent ChemicaIs are contained within two separate res-
requests from Republic commando unltS. Blas丁さch was
rumored to have a covert program in whiCh it reverse engineered the des鳴n and sold lt tO Siavers, PirateS, and other restricted individuais, a旧n Arakyd’s name.
ervoi「s within the L70, Oniy mixing as the weapon lS師ed. 丁he criminal -1enloss SyndiCate SeIIs the weapon to crime
lords, Who use it fo「而errogation or to dispose of bodleS Acid projecto「s operate simiIariy to fiame p「o」eCtOrS,
spraying targets in a nar「ow cone. When t「lggering the
weapon’s Burn qua=ty, the user may choose to appIy it to any one target hit by the attack; this qua冊y may be triggered multiple tlmeS, affecting a different target each time・
丁he GM can spend $ $ or@toappiythe weapon’s Bum
qua=tytO an aliy hit by the origlnaI attack・ SlnCe the bum is
chemical in nature, the Bum damage cannot be stopped by ro帖ng around on the ground or」umPing lntO Water`
A design dating from before the CIone Wa「s’Merr-Som’s R-88 ``Suppressor,, riot rifle is law enforcement’s
ーSeun巾SnO!」eS Pue Se刑e埋e田OS OI Pe口e唱
eu⊥叩nS」nd ]e8」即Pue lO」lu○○ ]Oり」O=eeP! S団叩S ^e」ds
9囲`sse」ueI用O eunp唾e山eu] 8叩un町O川中q相eu!8リO
‘1S叫〕eu舟e」ds pepe」]ue⊃uO⊃ e Se」=e明朝甲e a洲P9」eP
-lnOllS PO」8uo上」ele山eS!渦lS (e」ds 9明くsse」u勘¥"O Pl」OM
山悶」euui e甲山O」」9idoed冊yOIS9明JO u8!SeP]ue!〕ue u∀
uO甲叩SuO〕」e∧O JO SeSe〕 ueeq e∧eu 9」9u丁Ie囲9iuOu Se
PeS甲∂∧PE Si l unD 918u孔e囲e冊M ’1〕甲SuO〕 OI Su!8eq 《1∂8」e] eJO]eeLI Apoq 9囲囲M]〕e]uO⊃ uOdn `pue ]eu 8u!
-∧O山-]SeJ ‘peo」q e 〇回SPuedxe leiied eu⊥ ●e」eudso…e
8u圃u uOdn s9 e∧甲e ]e明岬!」印則uんo山9山二時9囲u∧s e “sle"∂d山eu⊃叩S」Oeu SeJU uOdeeM eu⊥ ●ez!S S叩OJ叫∂!i
んe∧ S岬`冊S ‘S」e]SiOu 10]S!dユSO山0]ui " 9]mb LuSeOP 叩pue `∂J四賀e⊃ eJO eZ!Se囲Al」eeu `e8」el e叩nb s! i un○
○18u孔9明`ln」SSe⊃〕nS ueeq Se=d田eneSi囲eIiuM ’e山叩 iO]Sld 〕⊃ed山0⊃ e O叩」eu⊃unei leu eJO 」eMOd e囲JO l岬 叩0ユ]d田e甘e ue Si i unD 9i8u吐くSuOi]iunIN uuOS-」」eIN
SPunO」 OMl 」OJ
ーiP9「んepu989i 9囲JO euO剛」O e」nldeつ Oユ8u!doll SIS!〕e」edes pue s」elunu布unoq 8uo山e旬Jeln -dod u日SOOq e P9八〇「u∂ Se朝」 quuOS `s」eM euOi○ ○囲8uリnP `叩Se」 e S∀.んuodeeM叫uOS Ol引qe」訓ln∧ S」O叫eM ⊃叫1八田
eu1 8ui津山`侶」eue叫uOS Sし岬〕91J9P JO eiqedeoui S口eqeS -叫8旧Pe「 eu⊥ ●S」e]ue〕 」O]O田-e哩」19明]nO 8ui叫OuS Pue 山e囲8u!」988印S ’∂〕ueieqJO eSueS Pue8uリeeu.Sle8」e] ell]
〕〕〔瑚e Sn〕e]S Pe]uei」OS!P 9囲S」∈現nS Pue euO」d pexpouy S=eSn e唱:Se」間⊃eq un∂」OSinde」 ∂u了]inS9」 ㊤ E uO ‘S」e」n]〕eJnue山S…E 8u岬dsui ’suo哩⊃lldde
SuOdeeM 」OJ 9Si山0」d sMOuS A8oiOu甲e〕 9囲判1S ‘S口e8」el
e囲Se 〕eej 」ie唱JJO uMO」囲〕e8 o]相e洲Se ]Sn「 9」e /e明 く1OuS 9叩O]ui 8u甲e91 Pue Pe⊃e」q相e乱S! 」eSn e囲SSelun
`es」n○○ JO ‘AIPe:Pedxeun 」e∧O S」e甲OMO〕 xpO岬」O `uMOP
S叩S 9uOe山OS 9」OJ9q S叫9山O山S」leu〕 ^eMe xpOu〉仁S刈りP SiOO〕 i∽l叫⊃ -Alq山eSSE? 」e務甲e Pue Jo叩ede○ e8」叫p e `eu!8u○○OSinde」 ii叫S e山O」J P三周e」⊃ Se⊃i∧eP]即Se湿田副e
Pue 」eMOd u! 」印しu!S Se∧eM PunOS JO山eeq P9]e」]u9⊃uO⊃
○○∧O準Ouy Sun8 」OSinde」.S刈ue」d dous甲OM 8ui]n⊃9X9 」OJ
S]〇三現e uOde∂M S明くs8u!eq ]u印ueS uO PeSn ueuM S」e -1Selq /q p9」U S〕e沖ed山eeq-ei叩」ed e囲O] e⊃ueu」OJ○○d
e seJU Z/]MS e明く」O呼」∂u98叩SnOOe inJ」eMOd e 8u!Sn ‘]ueluOC)ie山1uelS!S○○d lSO山`1SeL18nol e明u∂∧e e]坤⊃ed
Sun8 」OSlnde」 `suep叩u〕e] Pe」Oq 」OJ S∧o] ue囲e」OuJ e圃「
-e叩ue:) Z/∃MS 9囲∵u8!SeP 囲MS e」e-S」eM euOD ○唱 uo dn 8u!MOiiO月O⊃iea-X9i軋山0」J e肌J!uOS iO」叫O叩Oり∀
固圏圏 (∧∧eeH) pe8u閃 し 期▲ ノ
’S〕⊃e捕Pue e8引JJeP S,88-a e囲9」Ou8!
∧e山」O…e Pei開S 」O 」ee8 8ui甲Ee」q 8ui」E3eM S」el⊃e」叩p `uo阜e」〕SiP SIND 9明〕∀ ●SuOdeeM甲nS 8叩〕edxe s]eSJ印
P9Z甲晒」O-旧M `peu叫」eleP ISul晒e e∧i]⊃〔剃9 SSei ]l Se湿田 S岬⊥ ’8u冊Oi〇人∧e9u Pue S準t3山囲ee」q Aq pe」e叫nO〕相 -See S岬`suoi]e]SeJul叫ePO」 ue∧e Pue `s9〕ueq」n]SIP 」e唱O ‘sIOリuePPnS ]Sui晒e e∧ll〕ご用e S! PlnU unlS el11 e=llM
SSeuSnODSuO〕un Pue `uled 8uiu」nq `8u冊ee」q ‘]eq山OつS」e]」enb-eSOi〕 」OJ
相n瑚iP `uoiSl∧ Pe」led山! `eesneu esne〕 ue:) ‘uo!〕
-S98u=O `uo哩leuu申〕e叫OつuOdn叫J!uM `}Xり〔 JO山ee」〕S
柄inq eu⊥ ^xel晒e囲]nO岬no」唱uOdeeM 〕Ol」 PeSn-〕SO山
Se田OOeq時囲q∂M P叩b= e O叩Se⊃SeieO〕佃つ!nb ]S叫
un]S }X時日9」OIS ]e囲S」ePu!ifo 8unlS」ePun OM] Seu e間
e哩S∀ SueP」eu Pue `s]e8」e] Sdol9∧u9判8ilJ 8uI」nP PiiOS
-∧e」=l Se S∂ZliOSO」∂e ]e明1ue8e e∧」eu uuOS-」」eIN e `p冊
xpoIS叩nq S.9冊9唱0叩Ped unlS e 9]剛Od」O⊃u! uOdeeM e」e」 e囲]O Seid山eXe u」ePOIN ’e8」e甲unlS le〕l」l⊃ele ue 8ul -Seeie」 `s〕⊃叩Su○○ Pue S]∂8」e] SeZ用qO山山川`suep」e旧eu
Pe]e」叫e〕uOつe SeJU 88〇日9u⊥ 9」9udso…e u8no」囲Sle
e 叫8ne〕 u○○q 9∧e画e囲PunO」甲的」QJ臆8u「PPe巾e巾 1Me」g PeSOddo ue明lM e〕0」」晒e JO 9e」J準9」q Ol ld山印e ^e山S〕e8」孔:(yooq9in」 e」O〕相e JO I^ 」e事dt21D ui S〕⊃eJ]∃ !el -ue田uO」!^u∃ 」ePun uOi〕⊃9S uO!1e3O脚nS e囲eeS) pe]e〕OJJnS
∂山O○○q O=98Je] 9囲eSne⊃ ueJle8Je] e]Su!晒ee]O」」B8 e8u!Sn
ueuM 〉1⊃e]pe lMe」日InJSS9〕〕nS e Se準用OuM 」e〕〕e」勘〕 ∀ ’Siel」e]叫91qeiie∧e r巾pee」
e○○山∂Ll] 8uo山∀ uOdeeM IMe」q 9Sn O=SeiSee Pue `]Seid山IS `〕S9iiき山S 9囲副e (eu⊥ Se甲und O] SISeud山e PPe朗u PuE SSeuP」eu 」ieu⊥ ]SU e囲ul Pl∋叫eq leluOZi」O11 e O] PePleM S8ui」 le]∂山xp!囲JO leS e e」e S9ixpnuy SSe」q `suol〕eつOi
相ou u上`S」印snP-三周⊃nuy” Se相einbollO〕 uMOu〉1
l111M Pl判ap ui ePeu」 eq u三羽O ue〕 Pue l朋⊃uO〕 O]Ase9 9」e Se]O」」eO ●S」e∧n9Ue山8ulidde」8 9山OS 」O」 e8e」9∧91 8u!Pl∧O」d
」O `sxpe]]e Pe…eun 8ulん」ed 」OJ lnJeSn eq OSie ue〕 edo」
」O巾Ol〕 1」OuS `e]O」」晒∀ eiP 」O SSeuSnOl⊃SuO⊃ eSOI Ae囲
i刑n 」le 」l坤川O 8uil]n⊃ `〕eO」囲S.1e8」e] e PunO」e Pedde」M e」e Se]O」」eD Pue uつee ]e SelPuE)u囲M ue叫O `uit3u〕 」O ‘elqe⊃ `p」0〕 (eu旧O S囲8uei e」e Se]O」」晒‘le11]el Ale∧ilde〕eG
PiOuSe」囲uie」]S S,〕〇号」el e Ol e8ouep
le∂P ]OuueつSel沖nu〉口Se旧(S引nSe」沖e甲O] 9nP Pe」〔現nS ule」]S/ueo]uO印PPe ui)」9Pl91M9囲uO u!叩SしS]瑚ul掴 InJSSe〕〕nSんe∧9 `seixpnu〉同Seiq SeSn JeニPe」e甲e ueuM
有P」eMyMe u〕unq e∧O18 e囲PlnOuS e8euJeP uSelds ue∧e 」O8し甲e9甲∂∧OJO S]⊃三国9 e囲」三男nS /euJ OuM `」ePleiM e囲」OJ
SnO」98uep osIE eJe /eu子e∧i]⊃判e不yqeiu∂Pun e」e Se問pnuy
‘(山9囲0ココ8u川nd `e」e A9明ue囲」e叫8" Pue Pe」nJeSun
]Seiq eiluM ‘S」e〕e山間9J 9」9山JO e8ue」山nUJ!Xe山e ] Su囚∂ `JO準9ds o]んolnつ」i⊃ ue∧leD Ou lSO山Ie岬M viul〕 S! 」叩哩9
Si〕〕e「qO e印可0) 〕⊃9「qO e囲O]Se∧ieS山∂囲8ul=nd `p」O⊃ e囲ui leaJ /e山八〇叩`u川口Xeu 」le囲uO 」e∧neu曾山e Se ‘inJSS〇〇〇nSJl e8ue」山nlP9山ul囲M]⊃e「qO ue O]
刈OOu 8u=dde」8 s.9∧Oi8oxe eu1 9」n⊃∂S O団⊃eu⊃
」∂]Seiq eu⊥ 1Seiq8ui閏e∧9P粥uue∧鳴P巾und espuel」e -」eeM e囲ueuM」∋〕Selq eいSeJU S91xpnuy 9囲SSO」〕e 8u哩ld ev¥i]lSueS-]〕eduJl ’」el]…e 」e]Selq Pele」8〇回`lle山S e岬M
e∧O18 p9」0…E `^∧eeu e JO S]SISuO⊃ uOdeeM lenSnun S川上
e s9Se9」⊃ul Se∧Oi8ox9 9」O山」O euO Sui」eeW¥
’8u岬…i〕 」〇月ee」8 0Sie乱e S刈〇〇日 8u!idde」8 9囲Pue `uode9M 91qe○○!∧」eS e Sl
e∧O180X9 9叫SePu98」∂山e ui ’]e〇月19囲8ul∧O山
川〇四M山e囲O] S9]e」〕 8e」P O] S」9叫OMSuiiqeue `s斗OOu 8u=dde」8 1ee⊃u○○∴呼明∴ Sd印98uu Seu e∧O18 eL11巾8ue」〕S 8ul⊃ueuue O] uO理PPe
u十Sl〕nPO」d sl=O le〕id布S! e∧O18ox9 6明Pue ‘sei」n叫○○ 」OJ le甲e山S91qe」eeM Sul〕ueuu○
○囲8ue」〕S e囲Pe]eu叫OP Seu uO!]E」Od」O⊃
S間de州‘」Oqe=e!ueuJ 」e囲0 8u叫」O耳ed
斗⊃e]〕e eele山Pe田」eun ue 9〉Ie山
(e囲`8u!8」eLpe」 Si uOdt?9M S冊ueuM Sxpeu〕 iMe」日e準山
9⊃ueuue 八両Diue甲∂山 Se∧Oi8ox9 `spi」OM
Ald山!S Ae明-uOdeeM e甲山O」J叩eu9q血E lnO囲M OS OP
Pue O8」e⊃ 8u脚uS 」O中lqlSu9]SO巾8ue」]S 」eleMxpeq uO S]」Ode〕eds puno」e uO山田○○
間S ∧E?山」9Pe」eu:) e e問M Pun〇月e囲Oんe∧e e⊃uO AluO PeSn eq ue〕 uOdeeM S冊Suee山ein」 1 8ul」i]-MOIS Sll
’e8」eu〕e」 O] MOIS 9」e /911] uEe山S叫e山e」lnbe」
」eMOd e∧iSue〕Xe 」ie明叩q血]in⊃J[月ndlnO-岬1叫ie叩」9MOd O]山91S∧s uoi]eUJei〕e」侶」9u○○叩9u団Pe⊃u臥Pe ue旬d山e ∧eu⊥ ’」eSn e囲]⊃e]0」d o] 」e佃Pe〕elnSu川e e∧eLI Pue uSe山 ∂∧1〕⊃nPuO⊃ eJO ePeu」 e」e Se∧O18 ese岨e∧Oi8 e o叩uO]eq
un]S e JO 」9MOd e囲沖ed se∧Oi8 xpous s91」9S Pue岬p明 `叫e山e〕」OJue Mel Pue `s9〕」O」相」n〕eS ’sp」en8∧poq p」eMO〕
Pe]e卑e山PuE)∴9SueJ∂a leuOS」ed ut311l9」O⊃佃Pe〕nPO」d
’∧poq s.uos」ed e uo s9問pnuy SSe」qJO ]∂S e P哩018ui
-〕d山ene ueuM xp9甲uOild○○○○d S`J9二匹」e甲e O]臆PP∀ P9P∂eu eJ,^eu川u叫つeeJ Asee ui岬M lue叫ued山0⊃ 」O `lPnOd `]expOd e u=ee〕uO○ ○] /SE?e ellnb e」e Se開⊃nu〉1 SSe」q `9ZiS lle山S 」刷〕 O] 9nC] Seiqe」iSePun 」9囲O
Pue 《s」e叫n中もunoq `sieu!山i」⊃畑ed JO SuOde9M 9囲Se uOdn uMOP PexpOl e」e Se附nuy SSe」q ‘∧xel晒e囲jO S9〕巳ld p∋Z問⊃
Fa帖ng somewhere between b「ass knuckies and a SWOrd, Vamblades are dagger」ength blades extending from du「asteel vamb「aces, Which mount the biade and P「OVlde a degree of protect10n tO the wieider’s forea「ms. Prax Arms’S-1 Vambiade lnCludes a magnetiC
Iocking mechaniSm that ai10WS the user to retract or
Designed by the nomadic warrior Kyuzo specieS, Kyuzo
extend the bladewith a slmPIef=ckofthelrWrlSt.Whlle
Petars are brass knuckies wIth wicked cu「ved blades
the blades are retracted, a heavy coat, rObe, Or Slmlla「
extending from either side as if the wearer were hoidlng a knife in a standard and backhand griP Simultaneously The COnductiVe blade edges feature a mono-mOlecuiar energy held along them, Which giows red hot when actlVated,
garb eas=y conceals the vambraces, makIng theseノ
increasing the cutting power dramatICaliy. Often used in Pairs, Kyuzo Petars lend themselves to the diZZying twIStS and spinS the Kyuzo favor in ciose-quarterS COmbat
WeaPOnS a favorite of assassinS Vamblades are designed to be wo「n as a pair and open
up a whole range of combat optiOnS When wlelded by a
PrOPeriy tralned flghter When used as a pair, these wriSt blades gain the Sunder and Accurate =tem qualitleS. Vamblades cannot deal damage to a ta「get’s strain threshold
A pair of Kyuzo Petars counts as a meiee weapon for the PurPOSeS Of the Pa「ry taient. When used as a pair, Kyuzo
Peta「S gain the Sunde「 and Defensive =tem qua=tleS.
Slmllar to brass knuckies ln mOSt reSPeCtS, SaP gloves are Weighted with sand, a=0y Pe=ets, Or metal piates to pr○○
tect a wearer’s hands and add mass to punches Avariety
to ali appearances, needle gloves 10Ok like typical hand
Of manufacturers make sap gioves, Often taklng Pains to
COVe「ings; however, With a speclfro hand gesture, the wear-
make them as umoticeable as posslbie. The styies and fits
ercan extend an ultrathln needie that lS OtherwISe neariy undetectable. Needle gloves often carry an injectable pay-
Vary greatly according tO Culture and specieS They are especla=y popular among enforcers and street toughs
1oad, WhiCh requires getting ciose to a ta「get, but just as
Often they are削ed with an ingeStibie pay10ad, WhiCh
users can surreptitiousiy add to a drlnk or food when the
wlthln the crlminai underworld. No small number o=aw enforcement and lnteiligenCe SerVICeS aCrOSS the galaxy aIso fleld varlOuS mOdeis of sap gioves.
target’s attent10n lS diverted
Need看e gioves may be loaded with one dose of neurotoxin, aneSthetic, neurOParalytic (See Chapte「 V of any
COre ruiebook), Or any Othe「 POiSOn the GM deems appro-
Priate. Whenever the wieider successfu=y attacks a target With the weapon (even lf they deal no damage), the target also suffers the effects of being exposed to the poiSOn Add獲臆菓to a character’s Percept10n Checks to deter-
mine that a set of needle gioves contains a lethal weapon
in薄墨ぐi擢器嵩c藍dual requ-「eS a Daunt ̄
’PlOuSe」明uleJ]S S,1e8」e] e Ol e8e山eP ie9P 〕Ouue⊃ S」elxpnuyO」qい’∧poq s,ienPl∧iPu! ue uO Peiee〕
-uO⊃ S」el沖nuxp」q!∧ epe〕0l O] S]d山叩e血e o1園PP∀
所M11Sey uO S測OuJ jO l〕eS e佃pesn ‘」e沖田」粥H 時日O∧es eu] Pue 」e閃nuxp」q!∧ e刈eZつ〕luO〕! e囲8u胆ni叩
‘se向S SS叩unO〕 u! SuOdeeM eSe囲e○nPO」d s」e」nl⊃eJn
」eeM]OOJ le山」Ou ue叩」e囲e」
]Ou OP Sn囲Pue `〕eeJ 9囲uO u」OM 9」e S]OOq 〉l〕OuS
〕即」」Ou ]〕旧u!相Se9 ueつS」eM⊃nuxp」q甲uliM Peddinbe
uodeeM e e」e S]OOq準OuS ]e囲e二時Ou O] Sy⊃e甲uO!〕 -de⊃」ed S.」9]〕e」eu〕 e O]臆PP∀ ●P19甲O] Pueu e乱lnbe」
-ue山JO布eリ臥∀ ●Se甲und 9id山!S囲M SPunOM ie呼J Pue
」eiMe」q e `e向S 8u刑8u 」刷〕 8u18ue甲lnO囲M ‘]Sリ」刷] SelPu9l⊃ 」eSn e明u∂uM Pe〕e∧甲e `sei準nuy S`」e」eeM e明
JO囲8uel e囲Sun」 ]e囲9PeiqO」ql^ li則nS e e叩ee中e囲 `e〕勘nS ]uniq e JO Pee〕Su申e∧eMOH ’Se間⊃nuy SSe」q e洲
u」OM e」e S」e国⊃nuyO」qi∧ `ie唱el訓e A9111 Se 8upep叫l]ul S∀
」脚。叩u M器需品苦言畳語詰葦嵩ノ 9」e All別eue8 sl○○q沖OuS S∀ ]OOq e囲JO山OnOq Pue
do〕 e叩岬no」囲ue∧OM S」9C胆9∧i〕JnPu○○ 8uole xpOuS 8uiZ∧再」ed e 8ul」9^iieP ’selOS e囲ui AJlln〕」i〕 ie〕!」1〕ele
Pue S」O]e」eue8 」eMOd e」nl
ーei甲山 〇日l ele∧i〕〕e 時間M `s沖!斗]⊃e〕eP Ol 」e囲e80ユ 叫OM 」OSueS e」nSS乱d pue 」e19山0」eie〕〕e .S]○○q e日⊥
S9∧Oi8沖OuS Se侶OiOuu〕印 e山eS e囲eSn S1○○q 〉1○○uS `se⊃uelS山n〕」l⊃ ∧ut3 」ePun
SS9ieSueJeP叩8ne⊃∴eq Ol
〕Ou Pe甲山」9〕9P eSO明」O」
P利き」○山e〕!個別⊃eds ∀
.]uelSu叫e u! SnOi〕SuO〕un叫euOddo ]Se岬no]
eu] ue∧e xpO岬ue⊃制〕」eMOd JO 〕S」nq e u- r訊eue P∂」OIS eseeie」 Se∧OI8 eu十〕e8」el e Se測IS S∂∧Oi8準OuS 8叫eeM lenPi∧iPu! ue ueuM SuOdeeM leuuOS」∂d-甲e e^11〕e鵬
碕山e」1X9 O回田e叩Su」n〕 1e囲Pee」囲J用e]9山eu即edns Pue S」O〕e」eue8 」eMOd叩eu凶相i] 唱iM PePee」叩e」e Pue SPueu
e囲」e∧0碕nus叫S9∧O18沖OuS ’」0田」e∴e周巳q 甲〕e山 Ol 帥nq
S〕∈叩un晒pe」0…e相∧eeu O〕 」eeM le田」O」 」O 8uiue∧e 」OJ eiqe -]inS Se∧O18 epi岬peiS田OJJ ‘se直S
JO 布ei」e∧ e u! Pe〕nPO」d 9」e ∧9u⊥ ●1nO-PeOi ]ue山d叩be血e o〕 uo印PPe luelPJX∂ ue e」e S9∧O18
’(L e8ed ees) ]uele=⊃eiJeと] e叩]O SeSOd」nd e唱
」O」 uOdeeM 」eqeS叫8i「 e Se SlunO〕 〕三周un晒pie岬S ∀ ’Se∧印Su∂S-e〕」0] Pue `s」9印
-9叫un xpelq `s」0〕〕ellO〕 JO SPueu e巾O]ul (eM 」le囲 PunOJ 9∧eu S]e巾une8 pl9iuSJO lnJPueu ∀.Pi」OM」ie囲JO
SeP晒9ue」 Sn〇日apu 9u‖Su!晒e pueJeP O川]eO 」ieulJO 」ePu叫∂」 e Se Pue S9⊃uei 8ue!S 」ie旧9PiS8uole PePlelM
山∂li e∧rsueJeP e Se唱Oq S」e8uea ue間男9叩JO S」9q山e山
人q相」e山口d pesn e」e S山坤enb甲n eS9u⊥ ’uO世」OiO〕
-ndod s山e]1 9^lSueJeP PeZilel⊃eds乱e S]e11un晒ple川S
Mel `s」O]叩旧u! 8uo山e 」eindod
eq o]8uりeedd∀ ’∧i引‖〉=O S」e8uea uE間男9里Aq pezi」ei
-叩O Pue `s]u98e luelu○○」OJue
]三周un晒pi〇回S e `〕el]un晒u○○叫8岬e ue囲e」O山e囲I
le明ei-uOu ‘沖nb e 8u斡eeu S」9
]〕し叫S胆ui JO PleiJ A8」eue e∧eつuO〕 ’e∧甲e]O」d e s]〕e「0」d
xpous申uel口e 9SOi〕 uOdeeM
e eele山SjueuOddo ue 8ul準e」q ue∧e AlqlSSOd pue 8ul -甲ユe⊃ JO elqede⊃ 」e88ep pe8uo」d 」O ePeiqO」qi∧ Pele」」9S `=e山S e S! 」9)惜別q-ePt?lq l∽idA] ∀ ●〕Eq山0⊃ 01ui S」e準9」q
○○Pelq JO 」ied e相e〕 S」O肌eM e山OS岬nol月`uodE?eM eele山」eいO 」O P」OMSO」ql∧ e旧聞uOi]Jun「uO⊃ u‖ 9Peiq
∧JJed e se puel=JO e囲ui PePlelM S=e準∂」q○○PEiq ∀
‘Pie!M O〕 SPueu OM] Se」mbeJ yO」辞8」∀ eu⊥ ‘Se∧ieSlueu] SuOdeeM甲nS
usIPue」q ue∧e叫8… S〕]nH叫9」98用9q Pue
le〕!S相d乱O山:s〕1Pi「e〉口叩H e囲JO水yd山e 9囲ul SP」en8∧poq ynoH Pue leqe」明JO SPueu e囲ul PunOJ u三周○ ○」e Pue SuOdeeM e恥S9」d se penle∧ e」e S斗O」E卑8」∀ `suee」 -」O山eD 囲iM uOl]e!〕OSSe .SuOdeeM
’PlelM O] SPue11 OMI S訓nbe」 e∧iei8○○」ql∧ S.」e]Se山ユSeeq e11⊥
9明弓O e〕!ds ul ]eq山○○ ui Pl∂lM相e -do」d o〕囲∂u9」]S SnOPue山e」]
訓nb∂」 ∧9印判8uei u川eu e PuE S∂ueS」9∧Pe P∂uul〉1S-y⊃l明
`」e8」el 」ieu=Sui晒e ]eq山O○ ○SOiO ui SPPO e叩u9∧e O〕 SuO
-deeM SnOiつl∧ eSe囲8u刑eiM `刈nOH e明囲iM S」eM」le巾ul
」e]e山 e Sui」nSee囚 SuOdeeM
Alule8un pue∴∧∧eeu eSe囲 」0∧eJ `se9」e 8ulPunO」」nS Pue
○∂dse `s」Oi」」eM ue訓O山e〇 ‘SPunOM つU用Ou 8ul]〕用ul jO
e u!e叩e田Ol u〕ee」 S.e∧!e18 e叩8u印Oldxe `eu!l ul Sxped
e山i」⊃ Ol lnO P飢iu eSO明和el○
e囲JO Sl哩Ie囲el e囲 山O」J e〕ue]SIP eJE)S 有e∧哩le」
e〕eds ]叩H ]nO岬no」ul SP」Oi
Se∧!ei8○○」q町O 9Sn 9Pe山OSle /enb9eM eu⊥ uet3P.」Onbe」
」ie囲de9y O一皿e9iOd 9u=O 9∂p9 1瑚9囲9Sn OuM `」nnil」S
Si斗0」強く8」∀ e明`xe 」eM uee」 ー」O山eD leuO坤Pe」l e唱uO P9Se日
9」eSuOd粥M u〕nS ‘囲8uel ul SJe〕e山OM] O] dn 9lOd e o]
91qede⊃ Xe-O」ql∧ 9^lSSe山 e
JO S」e〕SeuJISeeq引OM q埠P e囲Suo山e 」elndod ^」E?in叩」ed PeX即e Peeu Pe8pe-e18ulS `∧∧eeu e JO ISiSuO〕 S示e18○○」qi∧
9S9唱`舟enbe9M e時日O SPueu e叩ul PunOJ u∈現0 ]SO囚
‘SuOdeeM唱Oq囲lM Sxpe甲]eq山0⊃ 0] ‘S叩Od p」eu S.uOdeeM e里JO OMI Se!dn〕〕O IE]
ue S]S○○ e」n]eeJ S明し印M Pie岬S IOu ∀ ●(Pueu 」e囲O e叩
ue 8ulule]uO〕 ]問」eqeS叫811 D!Seq e S=eqeS叫8!l S岬⊥
臆SPPe At3M S冊Pi〇時S e囲O〕 P∂xpOi 9問」 (∧∧e9H) pe8ueとI 巳8ul」l十S]uxpd p」叫Ou Seu Pue S〕iP9」J OOしleuO印PPe
-SんつS叩⊥ (66 e8Ed) leユSん⊃ 」∂qE?S川8ii山n= PePPO山un
判8叫〉=Pe「 e訓rO〕eq O〕八〇u」nO巾e囲JO叶ed se山nii leueid p∂PexpOiq-MOu 6唱uO ueMEPEc] E Aq p9」e囲晒1e] -Sん⊃ e Peule]uO〕 S」eMeuOl○ ○囲8uリnP」eP」O !Pe「e囲∧q
Pe]⊃n」〕SuO〕 」eqeS叫811凡e∧e有亘eu `三甲d山∃ e明JO eSi」 e唱 O=O囲‘Se印edo」d u岬]」e〕 ue∧e Pue `uoue」OiO⊃ `9dqus `e山eu u中高A ue〕 ∂S9囲118no囲`ie]Sん⊃ 」9q相e JO …OJ 9山OSし印M Pedd叩be s岬`s」eqeS叫8i=ie e理工Sel!SOd山O⊃ 」O le]e山村EOid布`」9Piinq 9叩O] 91qEll巳∧e 9」e SIE!」e]e山
」e∧eleuM 山O」J Pe]〕n」〕SuO〕唖u
e JO S]SISuO〕廿uOdE∂M ]u晒 -ele 4膚uiPee〕Xe lnq eid田!S
e s=eqeS叫811 〕iSeq eu⊥
ul Pl9川S ]Oi」 e囲8uiPielM訓uM PePueu-euO uOdeeM e叩 eJu S」eSn) JleSli Pl91uS 9Ll]囲M uOdeeM (^∧e9H) pe8u明e
l○○ddns o]沖O1 8別間O ]OiS E e]e○○d」○○u! e山OS "q `su○ ○deeM PePu叫euO岬M PeSn eq AluO ue⊃ SPieiuS IO悶
SPMO」⊃岬no」巾村eM 」le囲uSEq Pue uSnd oI S」e瑚0 8ulMO=e `suodeeM P∂Si∧0」d山i Se PeSn ∂q ue⊃ SPleiuS IOi」 (相euoi]iPP∀ S」e瑚O 8ulu〕nO」〕 」O 8ui -19eu町O月e∧O⊃印eld田O⊃ ]SO山ie 8ulP!∧O」d `epiM Se相eeu Pue 8uoi 」9]9山e e」e SPieiuSユOi」山」e9」OJ e OI Pedde」〕S u」OM S]Se]O」d叫elOi∧ Pue S]Ol」 O] 8u!PuOds9」 S」9瑚O
Aq pepieU ‘/xei晒9唱ui SiePO山uOlu山○○ ]SO山e叩jO euO SI Pi9町S ]Oリl∧∧i〕⊃∀ S.∂叩」9山O18u○○ eSueJea ue!」e9」(]
weapon, leavingthe opponent unarmed and at the wielder’s mercy Most blade-breakers lnCreaSe thelr Odds of
destroylng an enemy WeaPOn by equlPPing an ultrasoniC generator ln the handle that can shatter durasteel
丁hose who deai with the remnants ofthe Jed1 0rder, SuCh
as the lnquisitOrS and the secret poiiCe units of the Gaiactic Empire, Often have need ofspeclalized equlPment tO reduce the effectlVeneSS Of suspected Jedl and their lightsabers CortosIS Shieids are made from variOuS a=oys or synthetlC COmPOunds and are laced with a re帥ed cortosIS WeaVe
丁he rltua=StiC PreSentation of weapons has strong r○○ts in many cultures, eSPeCia=y those with a m冊aristiC tradi-
tion Such practices usualiy stem from ancien=egends and events and incorporate seemingly anach「oniStic
armaments such asswo「ds, aXeS, SPearS, OrS剛IarltemS
that abso「bs blaster energy and can even tum or disrupt the blade of a llghtsaber Due to thelr inherent st「ength’
cortosis shleids can be used as makeshift Meiee weapons, a=owing a use「 to bash or push away an opponent・ They Otherwise functlOn Slmliarly to a standard riot shleId・
Most such awards signify a high honor to the recIPlentS,
and many choose to inciude them ln thelr attlre for formai occasions Natura11y, glVen how hlghly prlZed such items a「e, many feature a correspondlngly high degree of craftsmanshlP, COmb面ng super-Or functlOn Wlth a beau-
tlful aesthetlC A character adds □ to checks to convlnCe Othe瞥tO
a=ow them to retain theirceremoniai biade
ln most forms, COrtOSis ore resIStS and absorbs energy, aiiowlng ltemS tO Withstand blows f「om weapons that
would otherwISe Shatter them Furthermore, COrtOSIS re帥ed ln a PartiCularway can short out =ghtsaber biades
on contact CortosiS is extremely rare, maklng eVen a Simple cortosiS Staff inordinately expensive・ However’
such weapons can prove advantageous ln COmbat with a lightsaber-Wie看dlng enemy
Untli activated, a COntained energyax is easlly mlStaken for a common vibr○○aX. However,
rather than relying on ultrasonic vlbrations for its cutting POWer, a COntained energy ax houses a diatlum POWer generator that, When actiVated, PrOduces a magnetlC訓y contained energy blade between two prongs o「
along the edge of a more tradit10nal ax
head. Whiie the hefty ax relies on raw Strength to infiict much ofits damage, the addit10n Of a plasma cutting edge aliows the weapon to slice through nearly any materlal with ease
Acontained energy ax can use apPrOPrlate Meiee weapon attachments, but not lightsaber attachments.
When a character armed with a llghtsaber makes a combat check targetlng an OPPOnent armed wlth a reflned cortosIS Staff,轡$ @ or @ can be spen=o
cause the lightsaber to short out and deactivate after the combat check has been resoived The =ghtsaber may
●〕⊃〔現e 」ei↓山!S e e∧e町〕e ue〕
甲luM ’e田0」u⊃e」1ln 」O uO」! uei」OiePueI用O八両 -nSn `sp」OMS lue]SiSe」-」eqeS叫8il甲nS 9Se甲」nd O] SelqOu 〕Si]e」edes 」OJ elqeuO叫SeJ e山e〕9q l!
e」e SP」OMS SISO]」Oつ●」9Sn e〕」OヨInJ」eMOd ]SO山
-ui即uO〕掴」9qeS叫811 P」en8sso」⊃ e S9Sn 」eqeS叫8" S岨
`s」eM 9uOiつe冊Sui」nP ]nq ’e」e」碕川Pee〕Xe
S叩Od p」eu S.uOdeeM e囲JO OM] Se-dn〇〇〇 le]S凡〕 Sl肥 .(66 e8ed ees=e]Sん〕 」9qt2S叫81l山nii PePPO山un ue 8ul
.uoi]e」〕S旧S州0 9叩O川ei乱e Pe…eSiP 8u!eq JO Sl〕e捕
e旧u9∧e O=ee」明PePi〕eP e eSOd ‘spue巾u81」 eul ul `sp」OMS PePelq-SISO]」0⊃ .uO!1〕n」]SuO〕
Pue lPe「句P9Pl∂!M S」9qeS叫8" AIPe9P Pue
P9…e 」9〕〕e」eu:) e囲M P98晒ue A山eue ue 」e∧eueuM .叫euOddo 9囲8ul…eSiP 」O xp印e eL11 8u間⊃Olq
P9u叫」eleP e ]Sui晒e l臥i∧」nS JO 9dou e山OS S」ePleiM 」ie囲 8し甲ue」8 ‘s」9Sn e〕」O] 」e囲O
」eqeS叫8「l JO eeieIN E Se津山」eqeS叫8= P」en8sso」⊃ e岬M
Pue 《sel碕JO布ei」e∧ e ul帥n日●」eSn 」eqeS叫8"
Pue ePelq S即euOddo」!e叩xpOu O] @」O @ $ @ Pueds
」i訓] u!訓O SISO〕」OつJO SlunO山e 8ulんe∧ 8uiSn
」e囲O相e `uod閃M e囲8uiSOi山0」J ePiS∀ ●山e唱…eSiP
∧叫」el〕e」eu〕 9囲∵pe∧lOSe」 S!叩き弧e e日月三周e `沖euつ
二川811 JO eSn PuE Su!準Iu 9u] Se PIO Se `sde甲ed ‘s! SP」OMS SISO〕」0〕 JO eSn PuE 8ui準u e岨
」e囲e ‘uod扮M S即euOddo ue岬e〕 ue⊃ SePelq 」e=叫S
叫晒ei∂ e囲」e叫nO〕 ue⊃SP」OMS SiSO〕」Oつ’S」∂qeS
9Se囲`e叩〕e」d u十uOi〕elnPO山」eMOd si eSOd」ndん恥l」d 」l∂囲9冊M ePelq ule山e囲uJO」J /eMe A8」eue SS∂⊃Xe叫e∧ S」e調皿9 1eluOZl」Ou OM〕 `epelq e叩JO eSeq 9里]門nq `s」9qeS
-叫8!i 3!Seq Se uOI印n」 S」eqeS亜Ii P」en8sso」つ」O甲叩IN JO e8」nO⊃S ]e9」D e囲]e叫8noJ山OuM JO血eu `s]Sli∂na iuSe準用8uo山e uO田山O⊃ 9⊃uO e」eM S」∂qeS叫811 P」en8sso」つ
9Sn OI SPueu OM] e」申be」 S∂∧即S SISOユ」Oつ’’PunO」
〕Xeu e囲8叫nP 〕OiS e∧堅甲Iu口Sei 9囲」el]e旧un Pe]臥i] -⊃ee」 eq ]Ou /e山1i ]nq `leluePl⊃ui ue Se P9]e^il⊃ee」 9q
Dramatic Entrance: Da「th Vader’s red =ghtsabe「 lS naturaily intlmldating・ Once pe「 encounter when mak1ng a CoerciOn Check (Or uSing an abi‖ty that requireS a
Coerc10n Check to actlVate), the wieide「 may lgnlte this
lightsaber to upgrade the abiiity of the check once Duai-Phase Modification: The wielder of Vader’s
llghtsaber may change the length of the bIade once per encounter as an incidenta上丁he next attack after changlng
The Czerka Model VX IS Slmiiarto othervibroswords but has
blade length lgnOreS the target’s meIee defense・
a much longer, heavier blade and an extended h=t accommodating a tWO-handed griP Strong swordsmasters, pa「ticuiarly those from larger species’favor the “Czerhander,’’whlCh rivais a vib「o-aX fo「 hltting power while granting
the wieider greate「 contro上丁he we=-balanced blade a=ows
for effectlVe Parrying despite ltS SIZe and welght
A vibro-greatSWOrd requireS tWO hands to wield
Produced by SoroSuub and popular wlth many Su冊StanS,
the CS-1 2 Stun Master isone ofthe more ubiquitOuS nOniethal se廿defense weapons in the galaxy. Deslgned as a small cyllnder only航een centimeters in length, the Stun
Master has帥「teen contact studs that emerge from ltS
diSk-Shaped t'P. When these contacts are pressed agalnSt
AIso cailed =ghtstaves or Slth lightsabers,
an opponent, a Siient electr-C Charge is reieased that resuits in unconsciOuSneSS Or disorientatlOn
doubie-bladed =ghtsabers date f「om the
Whiie legal to carry in most systems, the paim-Sized CS-12 1S eaSlly conceaied. ln addition, the deviCe lS COnstructed from consumer-grade mater-als easiiy smuggled PaSt S亡andard weapon-detectlOn devICeS
Add漢to a character’s PerceptlOn Checks to帥d a Stun Master on a person’s body.
mythical Sith Lord Exar Kun of the Qe上 Droma Epics. They use an oversized帥t with
an emltter SyStem and crystal at elther end, PrOducing twin biades that favor rapld strlkes
Or engaging muitlPle opponents. Although quite effectlVe, double-bladed =ghtsabers are dl簡cult to master.
Aithough thlS WeaPOn COntains two =ghtSaber crystais (One for each blade), for the
PurPOSeS Of gamepiay lt lS treated as having a single crysta上 ThlS =ghtsaber lS a
double-biaded lightsaber h冊 COntalnlng
an unmodded 11um lightsaber crystai (See Page 99). ThiS CryStal occupleS tWO Of the WeaPOn’s hard points
When purchasing attaChments for thlS
Da「th Vader’s llghtsabe=S Of a gIeaming al10y COnStruC-
t10n With a black carbon composite grlP and a red energy blade Vade「 is constantiy ine-tuning and upgrading hlS
iightsaberfor maxlmum biade powerand stability HIS latest upgrade includes a dual-Phase mod甫catiOn, Which
lets hlm alter the length of his l-ghtsaber blade by sw-tCh1ng between two kyber crystals, POtentially catching OPPOnentS Off-guard
WeaPOn (including crystals), eaCh attachment COStS double the liSted price This represents the fact that the double-bladed lightsaber generally requires two of each attachment (One for each end). However, When insta旧ng
and modding these attachments, foliow a= no「mal rules.
e Ald田IS ○○ `s〕e8」e] P」〇回O ‘de」丁di」〕 Ol山e叩9Sn S」∂Ple州 -SePO」l〕ele unlS囲M Peddi〕 Pue Pe刈OJ eし印M S…e∂10d ∧oIl甲e]訓」 8uoi-」e]e山 9」e SPO」dxpous uouspu!]
‘S]S叫91q叩eued山1 9囲LI8no」囲u9uJSPul]
S叩く」∂囲」n] =つe]eP ]Ou OP SuOdeeM A§」eue 」OJ P∂岬」q!ie〕
S」euue〕S uOdeeM `pe」9MOdun s同p!1S 」e9J e ueuM ’毎時u9
山e囲e]印⊃ede〕u=O叫8no囲1ue」euO〕 JO elqede⊃ui S]e8」e] e∧eeI ue〕 〕⊃∈鴻9 elI⊥.9SuOds9」 _ eeJ lnJ」eMOd e s○○n「u○○ 〉印S
」ee] 9囲`sIS甲E uO⊃ Pue S」O]晒0」」e]u川]lM Jeindod ‘田elS/s
e明9P嘩Ped刷S…eelOd pepu9刊ds 」!e囲`刈QJ 8u叫n川ed Pue uOdeeM ]」ed ’∂Pe」"eu画d o] SPO」dxpous ]iinq-甲le」⊃S
S.〕98」e] e u! PunOd山Oつつ!80lO」n9u叫∂]Od e s]⊃e「ui Pue 」O] 一〕∂「ul ⊃i…9POd相E」O Sn両S eJO 9Z!S e囲4yuO Sl xp!]S」eeJ eu⊥
PeAold山e PlO JO ue山SPu出e肥.侶OiOu甲e=OSueS u」ePO山
JOe準Me叩ul P9uSiu岬PSe旧e囲eiO」 e u巾ePOS PueDdole ]eS e⊃uO ue山SPu!] e明`s」9Peei SnO吊=e」相eu剛○ ‘PueD ]O Pi」OM PePnO」uS-1S叫e囲山O」=○○S e⊃」0] e e」e ue山SPu!ヨe11⊥
罷認圏 に三I …二〇。二言」 ’∧poq s.uos
-」ed e uo uodeeM S冊P哩O1 9Pe山Sxp〇匹uOi]d9⊃」9d S.」e]⊃e」叫p e O〕臆PP∀.S」e]nd山O⊃ 」O S〕iuO」〕〕eie e8e]
○○qeS O〕 Se満山」e〕⊃剛e甲e明沖eu⊃相e ol□ □PP∀ ’uO刑S叩b〕e Meu e uO ]iOq 8u刷e」〕S9」
」edoコd e 〕98 ue〕 ∧9囲旧un ]See=e ’ileM Se Apueu uJ9囲
〕○○出e Ou 9∧き日S)1叩S elqep喜田」0ゴビe〉1曾山
Ol 〕e8」e1 8u岬e eう」OJ Oう㊥函9ds伯山」e消印書きe囲 `沖〕S 」E)e再し刑M掴InJSSe〕⊃nS e uO -^poq s.」e」eeM e
uo xp!]S 」eeJ e PuU OI Sxpe甲uO函e⊃」ed Ol漢書pp∀ ‘S」9uue⊃S le⊃叫e甲」∂88明O画9判un叩8u!
dee斗ue]JO S」expel-P!O」G ’Se∧!SOldxe 8uiSnJeP 9問M Se〕ue]S
十LJnJ」印叩eds u! P9Sn OSie e」e ∧eu⊥ ’98t3山eP enPun 8uiSne⊃
1nO囲M Pue /画叫nb s⊃町0」1○○le uMOP ]nuS ue⊃ eJ!∧eP llt3山S ∂囲`e」!M/eu 8u!O8 JO準!」 ]e S山9]S∧s uo 8u凶OM SuePluu〕e]
P!0」P Pue S」e〕嘩8uo山e uO田山Oつ二川e山d叩be D!uO」l○○19 1nO l」OuS OI P∂Sn Sn向S …1S e S=O]dn」SiP eSlnd-8e田O」l〕ele u∀
-湿田`sle叩ne⊃e皿eud uo山田OO相euJ O=el岬S S! PeOI∧ed
’Pie!M O] SPu勘OM] Se」inbe」 P」OMSO」q!∧ PePeiq-∂lqnOP ∀ S]ueuOddo eid刑nur 8uiienP
」O=l∂M Al」ein叩」ed s刈OM ]e唱uOdeeM /iPeeP e Si P」OM -SO」qいPePeiq-eiqnOP e ′」eSn Pei問S eJO SPueu e囲ul ‘ePeiq
∂田]O Pu∂ 」9叩O 9囲明甲8u団〕e]岬」e叫nO〕 Ale]elPe山… Pue Sxpe叩e 9el∂山8u!ん」ed 」OJ PellnS lleM Si Pue el毎8u!
一川和」刷りO 〕」ed se s9uSLlnOi」 8u!〕eP甲i川Pue `s問M十Sulds 」O∧eJ OuM Slue]eq山O⊃ O"ieS〕! SPu9i ]i ‘S」印e山e9」明O〕 dn JO
L118ue川e」e∧O ue 」OJ ‘pue叩e∂ ]e PelunO山SePelq明8ue川nJ 囲M唖u PePue]Xe ue JO SIS!SuO⊃ P」OMSO」ql∧ PePeiq○○iqnOP ∀ ’P」OMSO」q!∧」e!=田均e」O山e囲JO ]ueリe^ uOuJ山O⊃un ue SI P」OM -SO」q!∧ PePelq-elqnOP eu十人田eue 」!e囲O] Se 」eSn Peule」叫n
ue o〕 SnO」98uep se pue pleiM O]訓n瑚iP相」eu!P」Oe」]X]
On Visual senses, SuCh as the blind Miraiuka and the trogIo-
keep them at a safe distance・ Shockprods also have a
numbe「 ofce「emonial purposes related to Gand師dsman
dytic Cthon. Some fighters, Pa巾Cuia「ly those unaffected by
mist meditation and other esote「ic practices. Findsman
the flash, WieId two ofthe batons at once, emPioying one of
Shockp「ods are unique tO their wieIders, and what few a「e
the gaiaxy’s many twin WeaPOn fighting Styles.
on the black market a「e either stolen or iooted.
When a characte「 wielding a Findsman shockprod
makes a Seek, Sense, Or Fa「sight Fo「ce power check,
they may addOto the results (for more information on Force powers and using them in your games, See Chap-
ter V=l of any core rulebook). 丁his weapon requires 2 hands to wield・
Designed by a number of manufacturers as an easy-tOuse crowd-COntrOl too口Or m冊ary and law enforcement
agencies, the force pike combines the deadiiness of a Vibro weapon and the ut冊y of a stun weapon in one
鴇詩語盈器量嵩霊薬霊。書架鵠 active. A force pike can be set to vibrate or shock. On the vibrate setting, the terminal prong generates a powerful
Wieided almost excIusively by the Drail constabuIary, the
Vibro fieid that rends flesh The shock setting has a var主
fiashstick lS a nOnlethaI weapon used to subdue c「lminals
abie power stun charge that can gentiy herd c「OWds or
and other undesirables. When striking a ta「get, the flashstick
knoc専Wookiee unconscious.
emits a b「冊ant fiash of =ght capable of temporar時blinding
When set to its Stun setting, a force pike loses the ben-
and stunning itS Victim. Most users wear poia「izing ienses to
efit ofthe Pierce 2 qua=ty.
P「eVent biinding themselves during operation・丁he fiashstick
Force pikes require two hands to wield.
is particularIy effective against Drali, DefeI, Selonians, and Suilustans, Whose eyes are pa巾Cuiarly sensitiVe tO light, but
the weapon hasv而uaiiy no effect on species who don’t reiy
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音 ̄O音 ̄音 ia 喜一 顕器 ● is ●】○○ 後 ○ぶ 舶IO 営●! ● 8
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Crossguard LightsaberHilt
】 LLghtsaber
Doubie-Biaded LightsaberH冊
LightsaberPikeHilt ShotoHiit
二 二≡
i O
く る
1 i
abie _ ●
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Defensivel,Deflection2, :Unwieidy4
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aveina of亡 antlngtO
lcumbe・SOme3周ensiVe 車uratel
‘9uO Aq le]Sん〕 」eqeS叫8旧e明JO 98e山eP e囲eSee」Ju!
Jeqes叫8旧ee」8 e olu岬]Sん⊃ 」eqeS川8畔8u冊1Su! u911M ’S叩Od p」eu S.uOde9M e囲JO OM] Se!dnつつO le]S九つ Siu⊥ “(66 e8ed 9eS) l印Sr白〕 」eqeS叫8=山nii P9PPO山un
ue 8u!u聞uO〕 〕冊」eqeS叩8旧関」8 e s∂Sn 」eqeS叫8= Sl呪 ’SSeue∧!]つe出e JO Pu凶相e囲M euO Pie!M O=ln叩JiP li P哩」91leuJS 」O 9Z!S ue山nu JO SlenP!∧!Pu仁S8ui9q lnJ」eMOd
Pue e8」e=OJ掴nq e」e S」eqeS叫8旧的」8 esne〕明‘SulSnO⊃ 」eiie山S 」ie囲ue囲/iPe9P Pue lue]Od 9」0山ue∧e S」eqeS
刊8!l e∧!SS引JJ 9S9囲9津山`s」eSn PePue]u甲e囲JO明るue」〕S le」n〕eu elI]し印M Peu!q山O〕 `s9Peiq ln耳eMOd e」O田Pue S理u 」e!∧eeu 」ieu⊥ ’8uoi S」卸9山OM=O SSe〕Xe u! S9Peiq
∂〕nPO」d pe囲S山e〕S∧s 」e叩山e Pue 」∂MOd 布np〇八∧eeu 囲M S唖u Pe〕」OJule」 9」n]E9J Ae囲’esn ol ]ln瑚iP Pue `p」eMyMきu∈現O `∧∧eeH Se山e引njJeMOd `98」ei囲iM SienPい
つPu=OJ唖nq S」eqeS叫8" PeZiS」9∧0 9」e S」eqeS叫811岬9」D
’euO Aq岬]S五〇 」eqeS叫8旧e囲JO 9∂euep 9明9JnPe」 `0]OuS P」en8 e o叩ielSr白⊃ 」eqeS叫81i e 8ui11印u! ueuM
S叩Od p」eu S,uOdeeM 9囲JO OM] SeIdn〕〕O l印Sん〕
’9Sn O] SPueu OM〕 e」!nb訓S渦〕S WeD ‘〕SOd lu〇日HSe)岬山e Se SuINeS Pue ’8u!謁iP
-」nS JO布ei e∧ e 」O=1 9Sn u9∧e Sue準叫‘Se囲ueq e∧!SSe田
ue 8uiu嘩uO〕 "u OIOuS P」en8 e sl 」eqeS叫8" eu⊥
’8uiSMOP 」e]eM 8uiPni⊃ui `]」eSeP uS」eu e明ui Se叩⊃e」d i臥i∧
S叫⊥ ’(66 e8ed 99S=郎ん〕 」eqeS叫8"山nli P9PPO山un ‘Se判」〕S」e]unO⊃ Pe]⊃∂dxeun MOlle O] S勘uO〕 Pue
`S」ePlet] u9準ru_ e囲8ulPln8 oI Se]SeM PuelPun「 S.eulOO吼
O] eiqe `旬旧eS」e∧ S]甲Sn甲e8 si 〕i `9Pn」⊃ S山eeS渦〕S即晒
○○∈現e xpu冊印S eq ue⊃ ∧eu子」e〕SeuJ O=ln瑚!P仲山eJIXe
Seし目口SPlelM」eSn e唱MOu uO8uiPuedep qnl〕」0 ’]n〕 `qe]S
」eqeS叫8!i ue川S e111囲iM Pe」!ed ue11M相eP9ds9 `9^i]
u!渦lS 8u刑eM e Se 8u囚eS山O」=i9M Se SeSn le叩⊃軌d
Sdl」8 pepue囲peq 」OJ S9nbiu甲e] Seu u叩M `…O] 〕eq田○○
uo e判ds e u! SPue Pue P」eMlnO SeNn⊃ Pu9」∂囲O eu⊥ ’Slueu -Oddo 8u叩S晒pue 8u哩n〕 」OJ PeSn SePelq 8u!Pn」IO」d 」nOJ
SMOlq Pue SliOq 8u甲eiJeP `9SueJeP Pue xp叩e ueeMleq
e冊’e山OS O]9‖uM」9囲0∂囲uOqniつiinP e PueePIS9uO
e」e SuOdeeM e囲eS」e∧ eSe唱9=uM 〕Xeu e叩P∂eds 8ul -Puiiq ]O Sxpe]1e 」ein⊃」i〕し刑M mO 8u叩Sei Pue ]ueuJO山euO
囲M P98u印Si沖〕S助晒e囲JO Pu9 euO -1e]e山Pe8ue∧eつS epe山Se∧elS leln」q fue〕 9u!○○1牡JO S」ePieと] ue準ru_ eu⊥
-叫8ii 」O `oIOuS P」en8 e甲`」eqeS叫8iI O]OuS e明O書」ell山!S
」O `9uOq 」O u」Ou uO8e」P ]^e」y ’pooMP」eu 11⊃e」] ]」9S9P山O」J
甲]!MS 村p!de」 O] 」∂Pie甲¥ e囲 8uIMO=e `epelq e囲 O] 」eln⊃旧u9d」ed ]eS du8 s]iし印M 」eqeS叫8i=? Sl quO〕 」eqeS
orchase is d櫛CuIt for even an experienced wielder However, those who have seen someone siip up to a haywi「e lndust「iai
droid and bypass layers of protectlVe Plating to ha冊harbor
no doubt that the pikes have their uses.
丁he Corporate Secto「-based Lase「Hone effectively created
the vibrospear market wit旧ts Huntsman mode上○ver two
meters Iong, the sturdy vibrospear was designed for huntlng large apex p「edato「s. LaserHone’s patented ult「asonic vib「○○ technoiogy vibrates at frequencies well outside most creatures’
hearing range・ Coupled with special dampening醐ngs and
sound-absorbing polymers, this ensures the Huntsman operates s=ently so that hunters need not fear spooking their prey
Exceptionaily strong and fiexible, the Huntsman can parry nearly any incoming biow by anything from beasts’claws to
slashing swords. The long, thln, leaf-Shaped blade lS Ofa steei alIoy with a mono-mOlecuia「 edge that can cut through steei
and stone. Aithough the Huntsman lS a niche weapon with limited appeaiタmany PrOfessiOnal scouts and hunters appre-
ciate its deadly simp“clty and the chaiienge of hunting as
Lightfoils are sma旧ghtsabers with one-handed hiits that P「Oduce slim blades. The鉦st lightfolls we「e said to have
been creations of the early Sith. They likely arose aiongside the Makashi form, aS the weapons are pe「fectiy suited for
dueiing Among the Jed同ghtfoils largeiy fe= out of use in favor of shotos by the time of the C10ne Wars・ The lightfoil iS a COmmOn WeaPOn amOng the liapani sector’s “saber rakes:’young nobles obsessed with dueling cultu「e
their ancient forebea「s mlght have
丁he Huntsman vibrospear requl「eS tWO hands to use・
丁his lightsaber uses a basic lightfoil hiit containing an
unmodded冊m lightsaber crysta=See Page 99)・ This CryStal occupleS tWO Of the weapon’s hard points. When lnSta=ing a lightsabe「 crystai into a lightfol上
reduce the damage of tha帥ghtsaber crystal by one・
Used to incapacitate escaped or maifunctioning droids, these siendd古engths of metai are fiexlbIe enough to siiP between a「mor piatlng tO reaCh vulne「able power sources and clrCult
banks, Where they reiease a powerfui ion cha「ge Using the weapons prope「iy requires a g「eat deal of practice, and slip-
pingthe probes past armor piates duringthe heatofa conf帖et
Sim出ar in construction to a force pike or electrostaff, a light-
sabe「 pike consiStS Of a long, Sturdy haft typiCally made of
Ple!M O〕 SPueu OM] S∂」叩b∂」 Xe世IJe唱∀ ‘1ueSe91dun判nb eq 9S!M」eu]O ue○ 9Pelq
su叩」佃胴,) 98u。岬S 。, dn ,J舘詩誌 Sxpe耶e∂l∂山∂湿田OI P∂Sn eq ue⊃ uOdeeM S叩⊥ ’1u即eSSe ue 9I8ue叫∂ Pue lOe」]S!P O〕 PeSn eq ue叩Sel eu〕
叩eu世塵」O eP叫e JO ]S!SuO⊃相e〕!d旬Sd叩M 8u!e8uo「.羽
-叫nO山村ddns」∂MOd e o] un」 9つ勘nS e叩
SJa]9山OMI Pue euO ue∂Mleq排u利SOd山O⊃ Pedde」M-e囲Xe]
Xe 9囲`pe〕e∧!1つe u9uM ‘ePeiq 9u川呼eueq Pe
」eu]Oue排u 91n山O」J SPu印X∂ uSel eiq!XeIJ ‘u冊∀ ’噛u∂i u!
SSe〕Xe u! Se」n]e」ed田el SelPee」小胆nb 9Peiq
u8no囲∀布np sl! Ol沖eq lSeeq Pe:P印S!P 」O 8uリePueM e =きつO〕 Pue eS!Ou e準山O] Au!即n PeSn S! Pue S」91∂田OMl
MOiq 8u!つu印e u∂∧! ’Se3」∂9P P9JPunu 3付目O
u18u∂l S叫eSn Pe⊃ueリ9dx∂ ue JO SPueu e叩u! uOde9M PeS!∧ -OJd山口ue〕eP e Se津田OS岬d岬M 8u!e8uoI e `IOO] e村u!euJ
eSOu⊥ ’uSeIJ卸軌eu!〕u! ue⊃ 〕川〕⊃9」!P e e冊M
Pue `eoue]S!P elq捌q田Oつe岬Slee」囲Sdeey布巾a!X9IJ Pue
e囲O]布巾甲XO」d 」刷I SE `q」晒1ue]S!Se」 -〕eeu uOP相ensn uodeeM e囲8u!Pl∂!M
`sIeI」e]e山elqe…印判u8川e○ SS叫」eeu 」O
u呼9ueq ]Sn「 Peie9〕uO⊃ Si!O⊃ le…eul
Pue `佃唱1991Se」nP e∧!1〕nPuO〕」edns e 田O」J P∂pe」〕 S! Peeu Xe eu⊥ ’SeIdI叩」d
S.」9P叩Seeq e JO 9⊃9小町ueSS3 ue S! d叫M 8u!e8uoi e `se」nl -ee」つJO S山ee〕 8u!∧リP Pue S]S粥q SS∂i」ePリ8u圃n8 」Q] PeSn
叫9」e訓Pんe∧ uO Se〕e」∂do xe-皿9u⊥ L lePOIN qmSO」OS e囲‘xe○○」qV¥ e o] eJue」e9dde u! 」ei岬S岬nou⊥
布巾択耕。 。ul, e8ue」明言(約諾隷書嵩 Sxp叩e 9∂ie山9沖田OI PeSn 9q ue〕 uOde9M S岬⊥ ‘Sxp印e ]○○iJ9」 」Oん」ed o] d叩M叫S" e 9Sn lOuue〕 PuE d甲M
一叫8il e O] S]ue田町つ珊e lelSん〕 」eqeS叫訓PPe lOu爪e山」eSn ∀ ●e8euJeP e⊃nPe」 O] le]ueP!⊃u!相賀ed e哩8u!Sn luO」J叫eu
三豊豊蒜詰鷲霊翁島嵩舘器」つ -叫訓Oddo ue e18uElu9 」O e」n〕de⊃ ue〕 ^e明
]nq `叩8ue哩S 8u周n〕 9田eS eul e∧eu LuOP Sd川M叫8申SePelq 」eqeS叫8= P」ePuelS ue囲」e準eM甲nIN ‘囲8u〇回S」e]e山ie」∂ -∧eS SePelq 91qiXeIJ ’u冊e]ee」つOI S」e抑山e布巾JO SueZOP 8u!MOlle `elq!Xeij 9」O田S! Ple"u91山u!eluO⊃ S.anSeld e囲
]叫l AeM e u〕nS u! P9胡POLl」 ∂」e Sleu」e叩」刑⊥ ’佃ie ]u印 -SiSe」-A8」eue elqe」ed山O〕 e 」O `佃Ie津川d “sISOuO〕 」eし抑e
’(“) eld叫SJO山n山町田e O〕宅佃」e]lmO⊃ue
明iM P9⊃ei Se]!SOd山O⊃ 」O S佃ie luO」川中q排u 」9qeS叫8" uous e JO ]S!SuO⊃ SdiuM叫8i十S」eqeS叫8ii PeUiPO山村8旧
e囲JO 」ePu!恥9」 e囲」q e準山人e囲S沖eu⊃ eu両⊃S!G相eJO 相n〕捌P e叩∂See」⊃∂P O=e叫nOつue e囲u! S訓ie =e MOl岬O] 叩Od相!]Sea e Pueds Aeu月ePle!M e明くxp珊e Pe8ue」 e山O」J 98即nep 9See」○○P O=u∂岬=つelJeと] 9明Pue 」∂qeS叫8!「 S.」e -湘M相S 3斗n「 SeSn 」∂Pie!M e哩ueuM :!Pe「 e叫=O u」nl〇日
’ePeiq ue9」8 1u馴iリq e Se捌eue8 u咽M l印S凡〕 」eq相 9u⊥ ’^poq水yielap田PeuS胆d e pue u8!SeP Pe8pリe S9」n] -ee=同9qeS叫8" S.!qOue〉l uO P91ePOIN 」∂qeS川副uMO S町 P岬q OI PePeeu 9u 98pelMO間Pue Si叫〇時uJ e叩JO ]Sei e囲 Pe」叩b〕e eu `e」eu⊥ ●Se]SeM PueiPun「 S.∂u!OO]軋u口nu S.!q
-Oue)1 u明O] P9〕e9J時」 」e判eM^溝e岬「旬⊃ PnOi⊃」O SleMOq
e叩u=eP歌曲ea岬M IenP e u! 」eqeS叫8岬u E油!SO=∈鴻∀
’S叩Od p」eu S,uOd開M e囲JO OM] Se!dn〇〇〇唱]Sん⊃ Siu⊥
’(66 おEd e9S)唱]S村o 」eqeS叫8= 山nli PePPO山un uE 8u!u岬]uOO "ll e判d 」eqeS川8峠!Seq e S! 」eqeS叫8ii S町⊥ ‘lPe「 8uo山e 9」e」 AIq!Pe」〕u! SE?M uOdeeM eu⊥ ●Se帥qedeJ 9^iSue]∂P eiqe]⊃edse」 Pue u⊃ee」 eiq!Pe」Ju! 9判d 」9qeS叫8"
e囲Se∧!8 ez!S S〕仁8uoI S」e]e山ee賀田Pue OM〕 ueeMleq uOdeeM
e 8u呼e」つ‘peu 911=O Pue e甲山O」J Se8J9山9 9PeIq u]8uei -O]OuS e `pe e∧!〕〕e Sl e判d e囲ueuM JeqeS叫8= P」ePuelS
e JO S8u凶OM leu」e叩e囲Su申uO⊃ `叫8i川MO Sl岬uOde∂M 9iq印edse」 e訓uM `peu 9u⊥ ●S旬ie 8uo」IS 」O Se]iSOd山OO
size of a combat knife, the MMD-18 has a long, thin, double-edged crysta=ine matrix blade set intO a Slm-
pie polycarbonate handle with a short, Straight qul=on. 丁he edges of the blade are honed to mono-mOiecuIar
thickness, ailowing them to cut through even the thick-
TheくくStaiker’当s Mer「-Som Munitions’answer to Laser-
checks made that gene「ate either @ @ @ or @ whiie
Hone’s successfui Huntsman vibrospear. Like ltS
Wieidlng One Shatters the biade・ destroying the weapon.
est armor. wh帖e this dagger is stu「dIer than the
MSW-9, One W「Ong mOVe Or aWkwardly angied biow
Can Shatter the bIade. Due to the MMD-18’s inherent frag冊y, any COmbat
competitor, the Stalker is a long・ Sturdy vibrospear
desIgned fo「 hunting large game吊has a strong・ fiexibie・
reinforced plastee川aft over two mete「s Iong・ CaPPed by a leaf-Shaped bIade with a guard・ WhiIe =ghter and
decidediy cheaper, the StaIke「 makes enough noise to
aiert most creatures, making hunting with the weapon a chaIlenge. Despite this, the Staiker’s popularity contin-
uesto grow, a=d it is seen as an affordable alte「natiVe tO
heavier, mOre eXPenSive competition. 丁he GM may spend @ @ from any combat check with
this weapon to have it produce a loud noise, SPOOking nearby animaIs, aie巾ng foes, and adding喜獲to the user’s next
Produced byXana Exotic Arms, the MSW-9 1S a SmaI上eas-
SurvivaI check in that area to hunt o「 track prey.
iiy concealabie biade that is popuIar among professionals’
丁he Stalker vibrospear requires two hands to wieid・
POiiticians, and entertaine「s. Built to resembie a datapad
Stylus or hair accessory stick, the MSW-9 is =ght言ncon-
spicuous, and eas時overIooked by even the most zeaious SeCu「ity team pat-down.
Due to the bIade’s inherent frag=ity, any COmbat check
made that generates either笹) @ or @ whiie wieIding
one damages the weapon by one step (See the Weapon Maintenance section in Chapter V of any of the core ruIebooks). Add臆to a character’s perception check when attemptingto find a molecular stiletto on a person’s body.
WieIded by the Mon Caiamari Knights du両gthe CIone Wars,
energy lances are designed to be used from atop keeikana mounts. Essentia=y fo「ce pikes equipped with eIectromag-
netic puIse generators, they are primar=y intended for use against droids and vehicIes. Despite this speciaiization, they are capabIe of in輔cting g「ievous damage on organic targets.
Former members of the Mon Caiamari Knights s訓Carry
their lances with them, and these weapons have spread to
other worids where mounted war「iors fight against invading
amies and rampaging beasts. A mounted wieider of an energy lance may use their steed,s Brawn rating instead of their own Brawn rating to dete「mine the damage of this weapon. 1f the wieider is
not mounted, the weapon has the Cumbersome 5 quality.
丁he neuronic whip has eamed a reputation as the prefe「red weapon of sIave「s. Borstei’s neuronic Iash attempts
to mitigate this negative impressIOn through both its
appearance and its overal=unction. lnstead of using a meta川C Cabie, the lash pro」eCtS a flexible energy strand,
which is only emitted from the h冊When activated・ The insubstantiai ene「gy p「ojection lS incapabie of causlng
Physica=njury to a target. However言t carries a sig両cant
eIectrical charge capable of incapacitating most opponents. The energy whip functions on contact and doesn’t
「equire wieiders to be quite as adept at whip handiing aS
Wieiders of typical whips. 丁his weapon can be used to make meiee attacks
驚器嵩農きご約二O Short range (the d-f剛y The MMD-18 is a larger, mOre durabIeversion ofXana Exotic Arms’MSW-9 moiecuIar st=etto. Roughiy the
’P」OMSO」q!∧ e JO u8iSeP e囲O] Peuつ1e山ePelq
-O」qい8u中耳ed e uo!SS甲山O〕 」O eSeuつ」nd oI S]S!lenP 」OJ uO山田O〇八ue∧ S口l ’SuO印unIN uuOS-」」eIN Pue 9uOH -」eSe「山O」J Al」eln叩」ed `s19PO山Pue Se準用JO布9i」臥
e u! 9山OO SePelqO」q!∧ 8u!ん」ed ‘∂Pelq "OuS訓Iし印M Sxp印e」91unO⊃ O1 9Iqe」訓in∧ Se∧ieS山el11 e∧e9所9囲1S9i
ー〕⊃三助e S冊山0」J仙eue uE 9PnI⊃X9 Ol @ 」0 $ @ Pu9ds AelJJ IN〇 e肥JePIe!M e囲 P98ue」 e Se沖田」e]unO〕ue叫e」」n〕 ell] u! 」e]⊃e」euつ人山9u9
Ol紺地的SuOdeeM ISu嘩e ue∧] ●leueS」e S.]S胆nP Aue
]e8Je=Sn田^e囲嶋Pl∂!M e囲1e8」e] PinO〕 1e囲xpeuD 〕eq山OO
角SnO吋ne〕 Se判」1S 」eP!Su○○ O] S」∂xpe"e 9⊃」OJ ue⊃ ePelq -O」q!^ Pue岨]O ue `s」∂qeS叫8= Se u〕nS l恒⊃e」!P PueJeP
O〕 uO!]iPPe AIPeeP e S! ePelqO」q!∧ 8u中川ed e `」∂88ep
8uLA」」ed e JO l間]e準eq 」O P」en8sso」O eP!M e明囲iM
epelqO」q!∧んuenbe」川8町e 8u理ed ’」988ep 8ulr白」ed e明言O uO!S」e∧ uOe刊8川e S1 9PeIqO」q!∧ 8u中川ed eu⊥
ue 」e^eueuM `u」n=X9u S.」ePieiM 9囲旧un `inJSS9つ〕nS Ji ’e」日
Me」P O=印ueP!叩ue Se )案9e甲uO!事enO8eN 」O d叩SJlaPeel
捨金銅器岩畳菅札諾豊器券 」O e∧e eu] SMe」P 」eqeS叫Sii S.iqOue〉1 :付e事eS JO uO!]Seg
‘相e」利I uelJO ue明S…eSiP Pue S叫euOddo uo u! SeSOi⊃ e申8u!uedo ue sesues岬ou9〉」 ueuM ‘∧eMeユ! 8u!]⊃eiJeP Pue
S」e囲O 」O廿岬e田e埋」印Selq JO luO」J u! Su!de9i村uuenbe」j `sue!‖∧P ∧q」eeu JO布e岬S e明し川M捕S…u Su」e〕uO⊃ S^eMie 岬Ou9〉」∵呼q山O〕 ui -9Pelq enlq-eled e sele」eue8 1e]SんO 」eq相S,」eqeS]l18" e肥’d!」8 e囲8uoie S9∂pi」 le〕e田∂1!SOd -山O〕沖elqJOSeリeS e Pue」〇二n!山e Pue帥u山n!山O」u⊃e囲!M u8!SeP ie]ele準`rs!ie山甲山e Se」nユeeJ 」eqeS叫8ii S.!qOue〉1
’/xe岬8 e囲SSO」〕e PunO] 9q ue⊃ S∂Peiq u〕nS `e」n]ln〕 ∂囲JO 〕」ed e」e SlenP 9eie山」O e」e」 S! A8oIOuu⊃el
Pe〕u臥Pe∴e」euM SPi」OM /u臥u uo leuOi〕iP叫∴inJSS〇〇 〇〕nS 9q Ol木y=8e pue peeds呼e」∂ se」叩be」 S冊SePeiq
」e∂uoiし印M S叫9uOddo ]Su岬8e岬nou十S」e88ep 8u中川ed JO 」!ed e pIe!M OllM S」∂川和9li∂e ′洞nb e山OS別e 9J到」 ’e]SOdu 」O叩9J e JO "ed se u三明O `毎∧!Su三男O PeSn 9q ue⊃ 」988ep 8u!ん」ed e `何回n ∂∧1SueJeP 8u!SSeSSOd o] uO!1
-!PPe uI ’uO甲印0」d pue叫O=問]e準eq e 」O P」巳n8 9PiM eし月中へePelq Pe8pe-eiqnOP uiiS e JO SIS!SuO〕 」e謁ep
8u!相ed leuO刑Pe」〕 e唱やue=jO e囲u! P9Sn相e○id凡
(◆◆) e8e」〇時Sui曾山e」相n瑚胆 e日工) e8ue」耳OuS O〕 dn 〕e S〕e8」即〕S叫e8e s)や印e
99l9山 e沖田 O] PeSn eq ue⊃ uOdeeM Siu⊥
●日Se旧ie明〇回deep S叩〕 uSel e囲SeAuo8e ul Pe甲」eSxpeq `u!ed
u口nO ru⊃ ue囲9」Olu 9囲I OP ue〕 S山羊Pi∧ ]e8」e1 91eun"OJun S]i囲!M ]〕e]uO〕 Olul
Se田O〕 1! ueuM 」eMO」囲8niS e JO xpe」⊃
e囲9洲8ulPOldxe `pe8」e甲u9uM 8u叫 一山nu MOi SnOu叫O ue S]甲e d叫M eu⊥ ’1e8」印S]! S9判」]S li ueuM 8ui8」e甲SiP
`d叫M e」!M e囲JO囲8uel e叩Sun」 e8」eu〕 1e叩lOeie lnJ」eMOd ∀.SP=OM Au則r luO」J
PeuuE?q uOdeeM eiq甲91 e S! d叩M 〕iuO」 -neu e旧くeu!i u上eSiPue甲」e山,, 」!e囲deet1
01 ∧xei晒 e囲 SSO」〕e S」e∧引S ∧q pesn
functiOn mOre凧e a tonfa. Ryyk blades have changed
l圃e ove「 the mi‖emia, and many WookieeS Prefe「 the
weapon of their ancestors to more technoiogicaiiy advanced vibroweapons. Cultural stigma aslde, mOSt standard uitrasonic generators a「en’t powerfui enough to
Vibrate the thick, heavy biade in any case・
The damage from the Superior qua=ty is included in the profile.
DeveIoped by an obscure cadre of a輔cers, these bIades were once popular on Ph帽xia before its discovery by the
Repub"c. Ph=axian phase-knives appear to be no more than knife h冊S ln their inactive state. When activated, they p「Oject a molecuia「 shield that forms a weightless but soiid “blade・’’
丁he blade is sha「pe「 than comparabie vibroblades’but its unique balance makes it ve「y d冊cult to wield.
When used with the Saber Throw talent (See Page 7),
a character may spend OO or$ (instead ofO to have the phase-knife retum to their hand. A user may not add l鳴htsaber c「ystaI attachments to a phase-knife・ Anyone searching a cha「acter carrying a deactivated phase-knife
adds園to the Pe「ception check to帥d the weapon・
A miniaturized =ghtsaber, the shoto was initia=y designed as an offhand weapon for dueiists training in two-handed Jar’Ka同ghtsaber combat. As they grew in popuiarlty, Sho-
tos we「e adopted by Jedi and Sith whose smaII statures
made standard-Sized lightsabers unwieldy. Some Ataru students forsook standard-Sized lightsabers a坊Ogethe「, lnStead
wielding tWO Shotos. The sma=er blades a「e easier to maneuver through the acrobatic forms inherent to Ata「u
and heip deliver quicke「 more accu「ate biows than a single f岨Sized lightsaber or even a lightsaberIshoto combination.
丁his =ghtsaberis a basic shoto冊COntainingan unmod-
ded ilum =ghtsaber crysta=See Page 99). This、CryStai OCCuPies two of the weapon’s hard points.
Powerswords are large, heavy vibroswo「ds equipped with high-OutPut Vibro field gene「ators that a=ow them to cleave
When instal=ng a =ghtsaber crysta=ntO a Shoto, reduce the damage ofthat =ghtsaber crystai by one・
through most materials・ Many also feature mono-mOlecular
edges, Ser「ated blades, Or Other performance-enhancing
mod洞Cations that imp「ove thei「 balance or k冊ng power.
SoroSuub,s RSOl “Rippe門S a maSSive, twO-handed weapon
with a straight, SingIe-edged biade =ke a great cavalry saber Designed mo「e for heavy, Chopping blows than for due=ng
or precision wo「k, the RSO=s designed as much for面m主 dation as it is for fighting」t is commoniy associated with
enforcers and other unsavory characters with something to
prove, gaining a reputation as a cIumsy and brutish weapon.
A powersword requires two hands to wieid. Compa「ed to traditionai knives, a Vlb「obIade can be made
smalier while remaining deadly. Many covert agencies have sought to capitalize on this by producing vib「oknives with a
bare minimum of technoiogy-eSSentia町y naked biades with
a thin handle and a m面aturized motivator Such blades can be correspondingly more dange「ous to wield・ but they offe「
the advantage of being easiiy hidden and difficuit to detect. Some a「e even coated in specialized poiymers =ke reflec that
make them resIStant to SCamerS and visual checks. Add漢書to a character’s Perception checks to師d a steaith vibroknife on a person’s body.
丁he traditional meiee weapon of the WookieeS, a Ryyk biade is a heavy, SingIe-edged sword usefui fo「 Ciearing
away both brush and enemies in the thick jungles of Kashyyyk言t has a va「iety of designs’eaCh with distinctive eiements that mark the weapon’s origin ln a SPeCific
city on Kashyyyk. Whife most feature a curved’maCheteor scythe-=ke design, Others’like the Ryyk kerarthorr,
_/.SnOPSuO⊃un S」ePu拙O 」ePu9」毎時〕9打9 Pue村y哩nb ue〕 ]e囲/凱9ue unlS JO IS」nq e SeSeeIe」乙Z ap `s8u!eq 3!u晒JO
rsu!晒巳pesn ueuM ‘Se⊃勘nS 8u朝」1S水yie e∧胆nPuO〕 Pue SJe田AIOd p○○」QJu!e」相∧e∂u山O」川中q uOd睨M lunlq PePueu -9uO e S! ZZ 9囲`s〕eueld sse冊nO⊃ uO 9測e S」e⊃」OJu3 1eu岬」〕 Pue 9訓Od 〕OリAq pei」」e⊃ ’1Selq unlS P印e」]ueOuO〕 e jO l川QJ
e囲u川〕und p印edxeun相y矧d山O〕 u〔鴻O `e」]Xe ue Sxped
uuos-」」∂IN句ZZ e叩`uoe甲u叩9訓Od leつ!d布e 8u=ql嶋S3日
’∂∧!州nS O〕皿e9〕S uO佃」 OuM 9SO明」OJ lnJeSn山e囲8ui -沖田`]uei!S村e]eid山O⊃ e」e S」e!d剛O」q!∧ `山n岬iq!Pne ue 〕田e
u〕岬M `sepelqO」q!∧ 」e囲O e測un iんes」e∧Pe Pedd!nbe旬u剛山!S e山0」」 Pueu S.」eSn e l坤0」d oI S掴Pue SP」en8 9脚OqeIe 9」nl -均SJe!de」O」qい1SOIN ’SuOde9M 」!9囲do」P O]山eu1 8uiSne〕 ‘spue』s]u9uOddo 8u刑S呼ldepe 9山O⊃eq S」∂Ple!M相e囚 PJOMS e囲JO叫9Pn〕S Pou!eJl e JO SPueu ap u! ePelq AIPeeP
相euo!1deoxe ue ]亘u!津山」0…e血e相en叫∧ e咋明9ued ue○ 」e!de」O」q!∧ e甘8uysn」u] 」。画しIelJ川d peu8!Sea ’ePeiq ap JO S]S叫e leuO!SS∂JOJd 」OJ Pe叩S Pue Pe⊃ueleq-ii∂M佃田叩Xe S! 」9!d剛o」q!∧ e `p」OMSO」qi∧ P9Pelq-」ePueiS `叫8= `8uol ∀
ーeSn OI SPueu OMI Se」!nbe」 eXeeIOd 」∂準e」qi!叫eu⊥ ’eleS凡e∧∂囲岬SeSee」〕ui
’Slu9uOddo pe」OuIJeun JO quOM uOuS 9湿田」9]
-叩9 Pi9リO」q!∧ Pue 9Peiq Mee峠囲Pue “uOdeeM ]uell○○Xe ue 」Cu Se準山OSie印∂lPe田-O」qV¥ eu⊥ ’S〉1Se〕 」OOPlnO 」e囲O
旬Jelndod sli Pue `lOO] e冊eS」e∧ ’1u91Od村e山e」]X9 ue S!
」e準e」qi!叫9u] `spue旧u8!」 e明u「eSee e∧哩19」し印M euOq Pue uSelJ ue∧e Pue 《see」] =恥S ’囲MO」8」9Pun岬no」囲
i99]Seld pe〕」Ojuie」-uSe…eC旧人p」n]S e OI PelunOuJ 9Pelq
8し期間」O le」n叩⊃u§e ue s白布」euJリd piOS Pue Peu8!SeG -]ey -」e山叩⊃el晒9囲uO SePelq Pe叫9田8ne-O」qV¥ uOlu山O⊃ 〕SO山
8uo山e Jelndod s口i ‘囲8ueI u! S」ele山OMl /両8no」叫eu
ue9Mleq 9Pelq e洲-」e∧e9Iつやe8pe-eI8u!S `8uol e Sel"十iOO]
e se囲Oq木yi叩Sl! e岬⊃e」dde ouM S」e」Oldx9 Pue SlnO〕S
∧p」nlS Put2囲8u9i S,」e準e」qi!叫9u⊥ -uOde∂M e Se Pue lOO〕
]! e湿田e8pe 8u田n〕 8uoi e囲囲M Peu!q田O⊃ ePeiq e囲JO e〕ueleq Pue叫劃eM 9岨●8uoI S」e19叩ue〕 e∧両uoJ Pue旬冊
」OJ iOOl叫91i9〕X9 ue Pue出e]S 8u酬eM e哩e ]! e湿田P岬q
-」QJ u訓e 9SueP u冊MO」8」ePun 8u岬ep 」。J Pe叩S相〕叫ed
ln3 ue〕 `e8pe JelnOeiO虹OuO山PouOu Apuu E 8u甲Ods `xe e囲JO Pee甲肥-Sl⊃e「qO 8uue∧ei Pue `dn 8u!ddo」d ‘8u!んd
SS叩unOO Pue `sleuJ甲E 98」ei 8u!」e岬nq `sei∂un「 Pue SISe
9岬JO euO S! e〕9甲e山-0」qい9囲`uuos-」」9IN Pue euOH」eSe「 Se lPnS SuOdeeM Pue SiOO] O」q!∧ JO S○○」n]3均nuel山Aq pe⊃nPO」d
Xe∴9i導O」d-MOl巾!囲∵8uoi e JO S]S!SuO〕 ]l ’l臥iNnS SSeu
-」ePi!M Pue 《enose」 Pue甲」eeS uOile」Oidxe 」Oj Peu81SeP
]ue山d叩be jO e〕e!d e旧eS」9∧ e S! 」e準e」ql!叫S《euOH」eSe「
eiqe=e∧e相ap」e山田OO in担MOd lSOlu 9囲S叫n!Pe」eq `e冊 -elO∧ AISnO」e8uep 9冊M ‘SqluOq Pue ’se"SS叫‘s」OleuO19P
le皿叩8uu∂MOd `esnん坤I哩」OJ Pe凡∂S9」碕8」ei S.]!
`uo馴O田∂P Pue8u町田u! SeSn lap」9山田○○ 9山OS Seu山n!P
-e」eq el岬M.uOpeuOleP uOdn sei叩」ed pe岬P剛」! Pue朋u
∂Sue叩SeSeele」呼ul PunOd田O⊃叩e囲u^s e s!山n!Pe」閃
Jele1 9Pe〕9P e 」e∧O lieM S叫elu
-」eq田e山S!P Pue S囲eeP D!8e」l eSne〕冊S S」即∧ euOl⊃ e甲
山O」J S9u叫IeuuOS」ed-甲門Spe」edes ‘SPu9 P旧uO⊃ e 」e排 8uoi SuO圃ndod ue用∧!J皿eu Pue e呼u岬」OS旧u! ue]JO e」e
Seu皿ieuuOS」∂d叫ue `佃岬unuo]un ●S9」nlJn」IS叫叫Od叩 O〕 SeuつeO」dde uos pu∂JeP O] SPi〇日uedo 」e∧O⊃ O] Pe坤d
」O S叩Od expu〕 〕e Pe旬d9P 9」e S9u甲iouuOS」ed-11ue ・esn o叫se9 Pue叫8!eM叫8!「 ・I9ude」llS leuuOS」ed-que岬M .s叩un P訓Ie OI Se刑enSe⊃叫∂∧e」d o] P9甲euJ u∈現O e」e
SP刷eu甲e^!Su9JeP u⊃nS ‘SuO印SOd坤e〕叫S Pue SeSeq O〕 se甲eo」dde elq!SuapPu! eS甲ue叩O xpOiq OI SPeOJ A∂涌uoIe
S」eq田nu e8Jei u! Seu甲ap岬∧-que 98elJnO山e〕 S」e刑OS ’31e」∂u98 ue○ sxped 」OSlnde」
」O S]OOq 」OSlnde」 ue囲P刷」OSind〇月e8」el e Pue 」e!P -IOS P9」eq…⊃ue lSO山e囲JO制1 ue∧e ueu]叫8!eM e」O山 」eJ ∂」!nbe」 S8u即eS e^印Su3S ISO山」刷1 Se `seu叩」 eP叩∂∧ 珂ue山O」J 」e3J OI Su冊Ou 9∧eu lOOJ uO S」9刑OS ‘e〕V¥eP
e〕ueuP」O 9∧!SOldx∂ 」Oj S」e発明」eSel e∧eu Seu叫Pue甲O田 一山○○ lSO山e肥’S」O〕⊃e「0」d e山と温」0 `s」卸町e S晒`sliOq 」印Selq e e∧!l〕e Pue 90J山O」J Pue哩iie] ue⊃ ]e囲 S」e88哩」OSu9S Pele叩S団dos o丁uO
P∂ddelS ueuM eu甲e囲印euOleP le囲S」e発明e」nSSe」d uoe〕-MOl田0」J e8ue」 S」e発明」!∂u⊥ ’相uejui JO SPenbs 8u胴JO elqede⊃ S∂ついeP e^!SOldxe Peiee⊃uO〕 `li恥S e」e Seu甲IeuuOS」ed-!]u∀
eu1 8u岬88叩`sp刷」OSlnde」 」O `s旬Ie r冊le田地〕eds
`叫8!3M Sl口Oe〕eP S」OSueS 9P叫9∧可ue!山9囲‘squ山
es∂u=O euO 」e^O S∂SSed 9I〇回∂∧ e ueuM ‘Selq岬∧ ie哩S∂」 -」el 」9ulO Pue `s」ePeeds坤e `s」e溝M 8し可O」ISeP jO eIqede3 Se⊃V¥eP e∧!SOidxe Me91l `98」el e」e S9u甲」 el瑚e∧申u∀
.s」e呼」O u! PeIPPリSe胆e∧eei le囲SuO!SOidxe o] SISelq
」Ou甲」田OJJ S∂PuelOd JO旬o e∧ e u! e山Oつue〕 S98」e甲
`sdeJ] Pe」∂発明八両nu則n pue pe岬]佃O] PeSn u三周
S量りtIVH⊃ aNV Sヨ^漢SO「dX∃
expiosive, making it popuIar with Rebel demoiltionlStS and
A singIe charge of Fiex-5 is roughly a meter long. Since it
terro「ists. Due to this, the lmperiai Security Bu「eau
is extremeiy simple to use-any trOOPer Who has ever fixed
restricts baradium sales to those wlth proper iicensing and
a picture to a barracks wali or to the inside ofa footlocker
Permits, and it maintains records of a= saies. Several
IiCenSed co「porations manufacture baradium charges, inciuding Blasl七Ch subsidiary鴫rasc= Expiosives・
Additionai Damage +2.
Baradium weapons deai damage on a pIanetary scale, but thei「 blast radius is measured in personal scaie. 1f the
demoIitionist generates @ when setting up the device言t
detonates immedIately, dea冊g the device’s damage (base PIus additionai damage) to everything in the cu「rent biast
radius. Anyone and anything thing engaged with the device when it detonates should add +50 to their subsequent Critica冊jury or Criticai Hit ro町f any Additional Damage + 1 (Planetary scaie)・
Fuel-air bombs are devastating anti-PerSOnnei weapons
that use atmospheric oxygen as an oxidizer. A compressed VOIatiie gas, Often ionized o口aced with metaIs, aCtS aS an accele「ant. Wh=e this limits the devices to certain atmo-
SPheriC COmPOSitions and densities, fue主air bombs a「e ideal for c看earing bunkers, t「enChes, and foxholes. in addi-
tion to creatlnga large, SuStained bIastwave that can twist and tum through structures and tunn手口s, fuei-air bombs
deplete oxygen from the immediate area, Creating a tem-
Detonite is a putty expiosive with a wide variety ofappiicatiOnS, incIuding commerciai demo冊IOnS, lndust「iai ciadding,
and entertainment pyrotechnics. Detonite is exceptionaliy stable and remains lnert unt= it receives an eIectricai charge, heavy radiation, Or eXtreme kinetic energy. Detonite is sold
POrary VaCuum and ensur-ng a nea「-COmPlete mortality
ratewlthin the blastradluS. Fuei-airbombscan bedropped On targetS Or Placed by operatives. A fuei-air bomb’s ConcussiVe Vaiue increases by one for
eve「y add油OnaI charge. @ on a check to set up this`bomb
in prefabrlCated cha「ges by corporations =ke MesonlCS, Or
means it immediateiy detonates, dea"ng ltS tOtal damage
in fist-Sized bricks users must link to a comlink, eXPiosive detonator, Or timer for detonation.
to everything in its cu「「ent biast radius.
AdditiOnai Damage + 10.
Most lmperial mI‖tary expIosives言ncluding most gre-
nades and breaching charges, uSe detonite as their Primary expiosive agent・ Detonite is cheap and widely avaiiable, and whiie it’s reguiated in some secto「s and sys-
tems, the Empire doesn’t t「ack it with the same vigOr With
Which it traCks baradium, making detonite popuiar among Rebels, merCena「y demolitionlStS, and saboteurs
Additional Damage + 10.
Plasma charges emit high-temPerature Piasma shockWaVeS, though they don’t approach the disintegrating heat
Of baradium Piasma charges can incinerate most conSt「uCtiOn materiais and meit through blast doors and
StruCtural supports with ease. These charges are also known to overioad personai shieids, and are often controlled by remote detonators fo「 use as makeshlft Iandmines to deal with vehicles or d「oids with light energy
Fiex-5 is a Merr-Som Munitions demoiitions device made from highly processed detonite for precision demoiition of SmaII or =ghtly a「mored ob」eCtS With minimal coliateral
Shielding Plasma charges can have disastrous side effects lf wind or other factors aren’t properly accounted fo「 As
SuCh, the imperial Security Bureau iS Stingy in handing Out =censes fo「 the tightly controlled expiosive.
damage. it is soid in冊y-meter-10ng reeis of thick adhe-
Sive tape three centimeters wide. Demo冊Onists can
quickiy outiine door frames or wrap small objects in tape, then use one of the timers stored in the polyca「bonate
ree圧O Set Offa charge. Rebel agents prefe「 Fiex-5 to mo「e traditionai cha「ges or putties =ke siZZie「 paste thanks to
itS reiative safety and ease of use.
Piasma charges have the Bum l quality, and the quality inCreaSeS by one for every additionai charge・
Additionai Damage +6.
-O〕3P e」nSSe」d e 9Sn ue⊃ 」O `p9 e∧!1〕e 8u!eq 」判e SPunO」
ee」囲O] dn 9時uO]eP O〕 」訓叩e囲M l∂S 9q ue○ `1〕ed… uo eleuO]eP O〕 〕eS 9q ue〕 SePeu9」8 8u!つ」e!d-」O…∀
’SuOpe」9do e8e]OqES Pue SuO刑Olu9P叩Odu吋」OJ ∂∧!SeuPe
ie〕叫∂甲」O叩eu8e山e e」nle∂j SlePO田畑ew ‘S叩n旬oueJu! rsu!e8e ss∂ueI埠○〔浬9 Pel岬I AluO e∧勘^e囲`s∂Peue」8 8u!)」e!d-」OuJJe JO 9」nleu P∂Sn〕OJ e明JO eSne⊃eE] ’uOil
-e」 ∂u∂d ez岬X別r O=e8」e] e囲lSu!晒e us冊SPuEi S/eMie
eseq 」別口e 38」勘p Pedeus 8uP」∂id-」OILIJe e囲1即l副nSu9
O] uO叩q甲S!P叫8!eM le⊃哩e田山∧se e∧eu u∈鴻O S∂Peue」8 PeZ!S」e∧O 9Seu⊥ ’SuO!〕e〕即uOJ Pe」O山」t3 u〕ee」q O=O S叫e山
-eJeid山e Pue SeP叩e∧ Pe」O…E ]eq田O⊃ OI Sdoo」l凡ou均u! 」OJ uC噂do叫8!eM叫8= e ePV¥O」d sepeue」8 8u!⊃」e!d-」O…∀
‘SePeue」8 do麿A渦]S Pue SuOS!Od pez胆9eds o] SP刷3!uOS Pue SISelq e∧!SOldxe p」ePue]S田O」J S〕⊃〔籾e JO
∂8ue」 eP!M e 」3^胆P ue⊃ SePeua鴫`s9i鵬q 98」ei ]O eIde]S
St帽H⊃NnⅥ回NV S∃aVN∃おり 一合+ e8e山明岬u〇回PP∀ ‘PeSn 98」eu〕 P9deus
ieuO胡PPeんe∧9 」OJ euO Aq esee」叩岬uM JO囲Oq `sell 一昭nb L SnOpIA Pue川pee」日e囲e∧eu S98」eu〕 Pedeus
」e88叩印0山9」 `向uo山田0〕 SS∂申O 」e山草きいeleuO〕∂P Pue 8u!」euP叫IeS 9」e Se8」叫p Ped勘s 〕SO山 `s叩un s9 ○○」O=e!〕9ds哩甲¥ Jelndod ’S8u剛nq eSde=O⊃ Pue `sei瑚∂∧ ^o」]SeP `s」OOP MOIq OI Se8」eu3 P∂d勘s esn s]S甲C甲 -"O山9C] ’SIque岬しJJ 3Iqe」nP ]SO山eu判8no」田川) ue〕 ]勘]
侶」eue叩eu!)=O車中n封eMOd e 8叩ee」〕 `ee」e ll叫S e O叩 ]Selq 9囲SeSn⊃OJ 9uO⊃ e囲`se岬uO〕eP e8」E甲e明ueuM ’8u!Se〕 ie9]Seld pedeus-9uOO∴e ui PeSOI⊃ue e^iSOidxe
一〇Peue」8 1euO印PPe 」ed pueq 98ue」 euO Aq sn!Pe」
〕Selq e哩eS開」⊃u! OP Ae囲lnq `e8e山t3P leuO即PPe PPe lOu OP SePeue」8 1euO印PPe `epeu∋」8 u朋e囲」拙∀ ’SePeue」8 e佃」QJ
e8e山eP O9し]O聞O]e」QJ `os+ SPP引嶋地9囲Pue ‘0ウ十SPPe
岬nq 9囲`os+ SPPe P」冊eu了e8則uep oz+ SPPe 9Peue」8 PuOOeS判子SePeue」8 uolO」d 8u!Sn eついeP e∧!SOIdx9 ue ui ‘」∂8∂哩」O」O岬uO19P e O団uil e」O」e山!〕 e」eし抑e eSn ue〕 Pue `s9u〇時u 」O `s」OOP `s叩Oddns ie」n]〕n」]S Aey ol凋〕S Ol e∧!S -911Pe 」O d山ei⊃ "eu8elu e e」nleeJ S∂Peue」8 uoIO」d `esn o]
9Id山!S ‘S/e」」e u! PeSn u9uM SSeue∧!1〕e捕」刷] 8u面d刑nlu ‘suo!SOldxe叩eu岬d山人s 」e88i」] Ol eiqe 」恥eq e」e Se8」eu⊃ uolO」d `uMO 」!e叩uO S」O]EuOleP lel川e叩Pelen上山n!Pe」eq Se inJ」eMOd se ]Ou e」e D」d-L uuOS-」」eIN e明Pue ePeue」8
Peeu」eM OPed」Ol uO]O」d uo peseq se∧iSOldxe inJ」9 -MOd e」e SePeue」8 uolO」d r刈OM SuOi]iIO山9P 」OJ PeSn ue]JO
○○!∧eP SuO馴0山∂P Peu8!SeP相ePeds ∂」E Se8」eu〕 Pedeus
uo〕O」d.s叫uosew e洲SiePO山Jelndod 9冊M ‘侶OiOuu〕el
Pe」∂MOd車両 e esn s9○!∧eP u)nS ’98euJeP ie」e]e"O⊃
ez!山町田∴岬囲 uO甲n」書SeP 叩Odu!d 」O] P∂Pue叩 S9
Of all viruSeS, ePldemlOIogists most fear one strain‥ the
Common among imperlal heavy infant「y units, Blas-rech’s
Waterbome blue shadow viruS. 1t was 10ng tOuted as the
Pistol-SiZed grenade launcher can nea「iy triple a g「e-
galaxy’s most v血ient agent. lncidents invoiving lt aiso
PrOVed it to be the deadliest. Worst of ai看of the outbreaks WaS the Candorian Scou「ge, Ciaiming mii菓ions of iiVeS ln
Oniy 48 hours. Overtime, SChematics were leaked forthe harnessingofthis terrible bio-WeaPOn, and w刷e most fac-
tions condemn its use. some vicious groups choose to PrOduce a st「ain ofthis virus in the form ofgrenades.
When a Blue Shadow grenade detonates, ai看targets
Who suffer at least l wound from the grenade-Or are WithIn medium range ofthe detonatlOn Whiie notwearing a rebreather, Seaied armor, Or Other form of environmental p「otection-muSt make a Fomidable "◆◆◆◆)
nade’s maximum range. Designed to鉦e most Bias「七Ch g「enades工he CSP」-1 2, Or “CaSPe上’’is effective, but can
SOmetimes jam in the fleld. 丁he CSPL-1 2 pro創e assumes it is Ioaded with frag gre-
nades, but other grenades found ln thlS SeCtion may be ioaded instead. When thiS launche「 uses other grenades, they repiace the CSPL-12’s damage, Criticai rating, and
item quaiities with their own.
The GM may spend @ from a combat check with this WeaPOn tO CauSe it to jam, detonatlng and inflicting a hit from the loaded grenade on the wielder and every other Characte「at engaged range. Further, the weapon becomes
Resilience check.鴫rgets suffer 2 wounds and 2 strain
damaged two steps; from undamaged to Moderate, from
Per @, and a Critical向ury with a +50 modirfer lfthey
faii the check. @ means they must make the check agaln
at the start oftheir neXt tum aS the virus runs rampant through their system
Rather than reiying on shrapne看or heat, COnCuSSion gre-
nades depend on an expIosive detonation’s shock wave to
CauSe damage. A fiexibie technoiogy, these grenades can be tuned by arms engineers to stun or k川infantry or dam-
age vehicles The shock-WaVe damage lS eSPeCiaiiy effective at overpowering enemies behmd cover o「
books). The GM may spend additional @to triggerOne Of the loaded grenade’s qua冊es.
Merr-Sonn Munitions’D-24 “而emo’’grenade lS an incen-
diary device that creates lntenSe heat, eaS申y igniting any
and a= fiammabie materials withln its bIast radius. lntended prima「ily fo「 firefighters initiating controlied bu「ns to
reduce the risk ofwild鉦es, the D-24 is marketed for m帖 tary appiications as wel上
encased in a「mor, making concussion g「enades popular
With Rebel A=iance troops. Most concussion grenades have a smali iethai ki‖ radi-
us near the detonation point, and a wider stun radius if caught in the edge of the shockwave, infantry suffer a Va「iety of temporary disa帥ng effects言nciuding severe nausea, difficulty breathing, COnCuSSion, d輸cuity concentrating, and mo「e. Soidie「s car「y concussion grenades to
Weaken t「oops within for師ed posit10nS iike trenches and bunkersjust p「iorto breaching, makingthem easy ta「gets. if a concussion grenade’s Disorient qua"ty is activated, it affects ali characte「s within short range of the target.
丁his common ant主pe「sonnel grenade is a she= Of hardened aiIoy or polyca「bonate sur-
「ounding a Wire-WraPPed co「e of detonite o「
baradium-infused detonite contro=ed by a SimPle timer. Upon detonatlOn, a frag grenade produces not only a powerful COnCuSSive biast but also a c10ud of hlghSPeed razor-Sharp shrapnel Mode「n armor,
e uo!Si〕e」d e準山村O〕〕e「e」1叩S冊q MOiS Pue u81SeP ]enbs e唱9iluM l⊃edLu! uOdn leude」uS JO PnOl⊃ e u! 9POldx9
〕e囲 SePeu訓8 pe十euiZ晒e山 `川e山S Se」U 」elu〇〇日 eu⊥ 二9山e引O]S!d peziS」e∧O ue Olui Pe沖ed ]9刈e山e囲uO S」〇 〇匹unei ePeu∂」8 〕SelleluS e囲JO euO S上」e山OO乱S.e叫eZつ
固 ̄圏圏 (叫8i「) p∂8u閃
’9JO旬」閃き∂∧叫Puee〕e!des叩Pe」⊃ 00し○○J PeS坤p」nd 9q ue⊃ S」卸S甲e坤旧e」 leuOiliPP∀ ’S」elSiue坤iリ9」
e鳩Pue 」Ol〕〇時Od相9囲SePnl叩ePeu9」8 do18 eJO eSell○ ○」nc] e∧Oqe Sein」 e囲」ed囲nO山」O eSOu坤叫1 ui OO∂ e唱
‘刊nSe」 e SeんuodEeM uO! 」O川⊃」EeS八両〕Ul〕eds oI S」euue〕S
譜計器瑞こ器認諾…鮪嵩器 S!」eSn e囲PueS」n〕〕O deus叫e山OSle明Suee山宙]eu相e
」O ‘s山91S/s suode∂M ’se^リP」ed相eiqeS!P ueJ Ae唱乱euM `sd町S」elS P」eOqe村亘ln叩」ed ‘s」ne]OqきS佃PePlap OSle
Pue 《p9uin」 ueeq S叫山eOJ e囲]e囲Seleつ!Pu団⊃e甲9囲uO
SuOdeeM 」刷〕 eunl S」eul=e8uessed pue `p」eOqe SePeu -e」8 uo! MOlie LuOP Su!eldeつd叫S ISOW ]」Oddns-訓ue∧e
-」eSe」 S.ePeu∂」8 e囲O叩」eu!eluO⊃ PeieeS e luO甲田eOJ 9囲 e」e SePeue」8 uoi ’S」elunu A]unOq Pue S」e〕eJ] di準里lM 」eln
-dod s! 8u叩岬!「 eu十Se〕l∧eP 11〕e叫81u 8し岬0] Se叫eue Pue ‘sel叩9∧ `sp!O」P 8u=qeS胆」O=eePi Sn!Pe」 ]Seiq S〕! (岬M
」eJSue」=E唱S」O〕〕e申Od相P9ZりnSSe」d iei〕edsし刑M P9iiU乱 eq ue:) eSn 」e]Je Pe」e∧OQe」 e」e叩唱SePeue」8 doiD
JO Aue ]O uOil〕eS S])eJ拍le事uaUuuO」!^u] e叩u! uO!1∽OJ -JnS 」ePun Pe=e19P Se `uo!]e〕O出nS JO S]〕e捕e囲」e兄nS
“8u叩岬「,, `S卑OM]S明O8瑚`s9Peue」8 u〇日SO山JO ie〕id凡
S〉lOOqein」 e」O〕 e埴
S○○!∧9P 〕iuO」〕〕∂ie SeiqeSiP 〕e囲e8」e甲SiP PeZluOI S]皿e乙乙
毎時!Pe山田I /e囲Pue `」ie S.]98」e] el旧jO ln⊃ Seu山eOJ e里le明Se]∽lPu! e」nlle] ‘Se8essed 8u冊ee」q 」刷18u川口
岩畳等豊葦等謂㌢詳鵠器… -」91le `sesきつ9」e」 Ale山〇月X9 ul `」O uO!]e〕O出nS O] 9nP岬eeP
9SneつO] uMOuy ueeq 9∧eu Ae唱Pue `ueddeu op s叫eP -i⊃〕e `le明eluOu Alq!SuelSO 9」e SePeue」8 do18 9問M
‘のPu9ds o〕 Peeu Ou囲M `s叫uOdeeMe囲Sle8」印加e uo 相e叩eUJOlne S」988i」1旬1enb e」euSu] S.9Peue」8 doI8 ∀
’xpe甲e叩uO @」ed puno」
Pueu Aq準e」q O川8noue ei]叫q Se山O⊃eq Pue 〕nO SeリP ]! Se叩u皿MeJ e ui11叩¥岬nou十Slu9山0山u! e〕e」つO」」eJ
euo 」OJ P印u9りOS!P e山O⊃eq Ae明年yiE3uO理PP∀ ●」e]unO⊃u9
]e囲8u叩P e」!dsue」=e囲Slu9∧e JOんo山9山e〕e」n〕〕eu! 」O
91eid山0⊃u叫e 8u!∧eu PiO∧e Ol xpe甲eJueⅢSeH (◆'@
P」eH e e津山lSnu.」 ePeue」8ん」eIN e相川」e〕〕e」叫p ∀ P9ueddeu peu 8u冊∧ue le唱 e」eMeun相elO]山e唱u」n時」 ue冊Pue 《seっい9P 8u開⊃e」]
Se§uo」]S Se Si山eOJ eu⊥ ●u∂8∧xo囲M]坤uO〕 uOdn suep」eu
旬P!de」 1e甲山eO」 P!nb川田eS S布e」ds epeue」8 ieJueuds eu⊥ uoISSe」ddns IOトロO」相euo!SeつつO Pue Sl〕edsns 8uIe〔狙e」n〕 -de⊃ 0〕 SeSn ]ue山9⊃」O]ue Me1 1e囲ePeue」8 1euuOS」9d-i叫e ie囲e上uOu eiqeSne」 e S! 9Peue」8 doi8 0Z-D S`uuOS-」」eIN
]ueld山仁山9囲er晒o」」elu上Se」e川口O SuOS」ed e」nlde⊃ O]ん」9IN e囲eSn ue〕八〇u⊥ ’S9りO山e山SSeul!M 8u!Se」e Pue S」elS!Se」 ieiluelOd 8ui背理〕ede〕u十Sxp叩」 9111 」e∧0〕 O] ePeu9」8 fo」eIN 9u] eSn Sel∽!Pu∧s leu岬」⊃ Pue ‘旬」 一n〕eS印e」Od」0つくsePue8e e⊃ue8"ielui ’u8iSeP Pe甲〕Oq
e叩」OJ Sle叫e山]⊃9J」ed puno川te!eSOD 」OJ Al91eun]」O]
‘e!Oue」ed esu〇回Pue ’ssolんO山肌`se」e山川8甲8u!Pnl叩 S]○〔親e eP!S 91n〕e Ol enP P91坤9」 e〕!∧eP iO」叫O○○1O。 PelleJ e s! ePeueJ8ん」eIN e岨’SuOpe」Od」OつiieuS e!∧ Se!〕ue8e
l」e∧0⊃ ∧q pue suo!1e」Od」O○ ○8」el佃p9Sn相e〕!d旬S叫瑚M epeue」8 un]S P9Seq-Se8 enb叫n e S( ePeu9」8 `事」eIN,, 9岨
’eSeeie」 uOdn Ale]eiPe山田! Se〕euO19P
‘pesse」d e⊃uO ’1e囲甲]甲S 9」nSSe」d s.u叫PeeP e 9∧eu OSle e山OS uOi]⊃e S.」e沖e軸e e叩JO 8uluu!8eq e唱1e P91臥i]⊃e
固馨認 (叫8i「) pe8uきと」
Sui9q 」e排SPunO」 ee」明O〕 dn e呼uOleP O] 」9山i] eし印M leS 」O ]⊃ed山! uO e]euO〕eP O=eS eq ue⊃ S3Peue」8 8e」ゴ
ロeM Se Se8」e甲」O Seu叫Pue日間Se)1e山JO布el」e∧ e 9S!∧0」d山i OI SePeue」8 8叩eSn ue〕 S」O〕e」edo p9i問S ‘Sieqeとi Pue Slu98」nSu! 8ui叫8u u9uM村oueJu! le!」eduJl 」OJ
e⊃!Ou⊃ jO uOdeeM e叩ePeue」8 uo!閏ue山8e」J 9囲8ui津山 `ieude」uS ]SO田1SiSe」 ue⊃ `piO]SEid 」edoo丑山」01S 8ulPnl〕ul
targeting d櫛cult, mOSt uSerS happi⊥y trade accu「acy for
the ab=ity to wipe out entire fire teams with a single shot.
Unfortunately, Sales have flagged since the reIease Of Biasltch’s CSPL12, Which is =ghter, mOre aCCu-
Ranged (Light)
「ate, and mo「e powerfu上Engineers intended the M9
for commandos depioyed behind enemy =nes, but the M9 struggies against armored infantry. St町the lack of
bureaucratic red tape makes it attractive to,SOme buyers, inciuding pirates, Outlaws, and vioient partisans uncon-
Cemed about collaterai damage.
During combat, GMs may make this weapon run out of
ammunition byspending@ $ @ or@.
Piasma grenades approp「iate blaster technoIogy to c「eate a
SPhere of biaster energy Once activated, a POWe血i XCiter
Within the grenade charges pressurized blaster gas, Often POWe「ful Sig or Tibanna bIaster gas, and then a low-POWered
Charge detonates the energized gas. The resuiting expIosion has an ene「gy signature simiIarto thatofa biaste「 bolt.
A singie we=-Placed plasma grenade has the potential to cu=h「ough an entire squad of impe「ial stormtroopRanged (Llght)
ers, making them popuIar among the Rebe=iOn, Other ant口mpe「iai forces, and criminais who can afford them.
Furthe「, Piasma g「enades don’t create a shock wave, making them ideai fo「 urban operations in WhiCh traditional
munitions could cause glass to shatter for several blocks.
Developed for c「owd dISPerSai and riOt COnt「O上Me「r-
Som’s N-4 noise g「enade emits a sha「p biast of broad-SPeCtrum SOund, CauSing intense pain to those nea「
the epICenter. Wh帖e the sound only lasts a few seconds,
nearby targets experjence lingering effects for long
Ranged (Llght)
moments afterward. Most feel compeiied to cover their ears and run from the source unless they are wearing a
heImet with appropriate reactive hearing protection. Most droids are immune to the effects ofthe N-4 noiSe grenade. 丁he N-4 is a favorite of burglars, Who uti‖ze them to disCOurage PurSuIt lfchased, Whiie bounty hunte「s field them
PoiSOn gaS grenades store a concentrated gas, mOSt Often
to disable security forces around well-PrOteCted targets.
dioxis, trion, Or Fex-M5. Upon impact, the grenade uses SeVerai emitters to spray ae「osoiized neurotoxin, aneSthet-
ic, neurOParaiytic, Orany Othe「 poiSOn atthe GM’s discretion
(See Chapter V of any core ruiebook). While most miiitary forces balk at chemlCa看warfare, aSSaSSins, bounty hunte「s,
and certain Rebel partlSanS uSe POison gas grenades with reguiarity, PartlCuiariy if they are immune to ltS effects or are otherwise protected from exposu「e.
‘]98」E] PePue叩S"O e8ue」叩OuS u冊!M
8u冊ん∂∧e Pue euOん3∧e S]⊃∂蹄旬ienb ]Se旧」!911] 1eul 叫e]Od os副e S」〇時uO〕eP聞耳」9L甘f向ieu!] ‘SePeue」8 8e」J uo 〕e囲Ol」eI岬S u叩MS S.ue山PeeP eし印M Peddinbe乱e S」O]euOleP Ie…ell=SO山`uo胡PPe ui -91川口eS Sl! Se申ee」 ’SuO哩PuOOんole」!ds9」 Pue
01んe」Od山el山O」J 8u!8ue」 SuO!])ee」 〕!8」訓e JO S]」Od∂」
u剛nq 9囲8u!Sn SPunO」 ee」u] Ol dn JO A引eP e 」∈鴻e 」O
⊃e!P」e〕 8叩S!Xe9」d epeq」e⊃eX9 OSle ue〕 Se」Ods eu⊥ ●Ie叩e1
]! ueuM u」nl S.」exp抑e e叩JO 8u叩u!8eq e囲le SePOidxe 」O]euO]eP leuJ」e囲e囲`epo山庇leP u! P9Sn u9uM ‘」euJ!] l⊃edしu! uO e]euO]9P O=9S 3q ue〕 S」O]euOleP le…eu⊥
‘uOiSOidxe 9u]田O」J 98euJeP 〕Se旧e囲AluO Se準1 」9Pi9!M 9叩く9Se〕 e囲S! S!u‖i ‘]Selq e囲P!O∧e O=d山e11e
ue〕八〇囲岬uM囲M 」e∧n9ueluJ e ∂∧叫Aeul SSe甲n uOd開M 9囲∴山O」J e8euJeP linJ Se準] 」ePIe!M e叩`」n〕〕O PinOuS
S明月●碕」n]e山e」d sepoldxe e⊃l∧9P e囲〕e明Suee山」Ol -euOleP le山」9囲e 8u囚O∧u!準e甲e uO到nSe」垂加∀ ‘uO!]〕n」]SeP SSe山JO SuOdeeM
Se uO早e]nde」 e田OS」eeJ e山e囲8ui∧i8 `s」O岬uOleP le山」e囲 uo se囲いy¥S S.u則n PeeP 8u!Sn S」elDe」E叩印E」9dsep 9」n] -eeJ SelJJe」POiOu SS三周unOつ.uO!1〕甲Se」 eP!M〇八x叩8 」削] O]
e」e e」e明`e」剛e冊M ’Se!」]S叫9u⊃ Apoq ]ue」三周!Pし揮M SuO!] ○○e」e]ui e8u叩S e^eu ue⊃ Se」Ods s.9Peue」8 ⊃OZ!∂ds e明 ‘9Peu9」8 un]S g/e」Ods ey」eZ⊃ e囲JO S○○Ods e叩e判「 ’SuO!S -」n⊃Xe le⊃!8oiOOZ 」OJ 」eindod山e囲8u!沖田`se」nlee」⊃ Pue
S9!〕eds ]ue用S9」 9」O田]Su!晒e 」e調eq …OJ」ed A9叩Pue `euou o] PuOJeS S! SS9u∂∧!]〕∂JJ9 」ie囲]nq `s9Peue」8 unlS
○○囲O OI P○○ed山O⊃ e∧!Suedxe e」e SePeue」8 e」Ods ’deelS Pue SS∂u!SMO」P eSue叩8u!Sne⊃ `]〕e]uOO u!準」O uOi〕坤euu! uodn 8ul]⊃e ]Se]訓e Se」Ods 9u⊥ ’S9P9ds ISO山」OJ ⊃即」Odos
inJ」eMOd e se sl〕叫e囲叫eld sno」O∧叩」e⊃ e山O」J Pe〕S9Neu S9」Ods JO PnOI⊃ e S旬dep epeu9」8 un]S 9」Ods sくつOZ!eds
8叩nq甲uO⊃ `sn!PeJ ]Selq e8」el e囲98pn「S… S」9Sn血euJ Pue `eiqelSun AISnO!」OlOu
S!山n岬e」明’Sn!Pe」 ISeiq S〕i u冊!M
8u冊んe∧e S9]ei岬uue uO!]euOleP uo!SnJ 8u刑nSe」 eu⊥ ●8uiSe:)∴山n
-嘩」eq-e〕il山9囲e Aq pepuno」」nS e」OO
田n!Pe」eq PeSSe」d山0⊃ E3 8u!佃d山9 `∧xeI晒 9ul u! Se∧!SOIdxe∴SnO」98uep
SO田e叩8uo田e e」e S」OleuOleP le…eu⊥
’uO!〕Senb puo/eq s! SS9ue∧胆〔瑚9 」刺子S叩n PePun川eM ISO山e囲]nq =e O]布川!qe"e∧e 」!e囲S甲山!i SePeu9」8 iE皿」e明Pedeus JO ]SO⊃岬iu eul e間M ‘Sdoo」] 」O口u!Od村ou9 P!de」 e 8u!P!∧O」d ’s=eM 」O S」OOP P○○」OJu!e」
ISO山しβno」u] eiOu PeZ!S-e9団OQM e Se甲und `lun!P剛Eq u印JO ′uiし印M e8」eu〕 P9deus eu⊥ ●」an吋e e e∧!]⊃e u∂囲Pue `d山ei⊃叩9u8別冊O 9^!SeuPE判eS S.∂つi∧9P e囲8u!Sn le8」印 e o=! e」euPe ue〕 」e!PiOS ∀ ●ele」edo o] eid山!S Pue Sxped
PleU O団地Ol岬noue叫8!eM叫8= S川’S〇匹刑Pe⊃」OJ ●のPueds o〕
Peeu Ou岬M `s掴uOdeeM e唱1e8」印Aue uo中庸叩e山
-u!e」 u⊃ee」q O〕 ∂∧!SOidx∂ ue JO P○○u u! S叩n Se〕」O=ePeds Pue Seui」e山8uo山t3 uO田山O⊃ S! 98」e甲」e⊃uenb9S Siu⊥
-Olne S」e88i」]布巾enb 9JEuSu] S.∂Peue」8山eOJ /剛ds ∀
’S9叩u叫M9J E号Sn白e^O uMOP S準e」q Pue elqe]Sun
S! 」e山^lOd eu十」e∧eMOH ’PunO山川8ieM叫8申elqe準e」qun 相en叫∧ e Si山eOJ e囲`s〕eS叩e〕uO ’ee」e 」∂le山-e別冊e u冊!M 8u明大ue印eli〕ede〕ui有eleld山O〕 O〕 Peu8!SeP山eOJ 8u甲eP」eu-xp!nb ′8u!Puedxe AIP!de」 e 9]ee」⊃ 0〕 uOil⊃ee」
ie⊃叫9甲e S9Sn 9Peue」8山eOJ ^e」ds eu⊥当」恥」ie囲1e epeue」8 e明MO」囲Pue 」e…1 e囲e e∧甲e村d山!S Pe9u S」eSn.S]98」e1 8u!981J e閏i⊃ede〕ul S」e叫n中もunoq dieu O〕
9Peue」8山eOj爪e」ds 9囲Peu8iS9P 9]e叫Pu/S SSOiu軋9u⊥ ’uO!]9」〕SiP S`WD e明]e `sき8 uosIOd Aq pe]〕〔判eun OSIe
固認圏 (ユリ訊「) p∂8ueとi
e」e S」e囲ee」q9」 」O `s」O〕e」!dse」 `s準e山里e9」q `s叩S P9ie9S -田m⊃e∧皿M Pedd叩be sJ9二Pe」euつJ!e 9囲e○○q ]Ou OP leul
Se」n呼9」⊃ 」eu〕O Pue SP!0」P I川eし口Ou OP SePgu9」8 s晒uosiOd ‘Pee]Su! SPunO」 e鳩」QJ S」e8u!i S晒e叩Jop叫O〕 d町S」e]S MO」 -」eu 」O山OO」 iie山S e Se u〕nS `9〕eds pe]ei甲9∧ Al」OOd `pesoi〕
e ui Pe]euO]eP Si ePeue」8 eu川-PnOi⊃ 9囲u判8ne〕 euO相e 8uil⊃eJJe `spuno」 OM] 」。J S○○8u= S晒uos!Od 911] `]ue山uO」l∧ue
/pu!M e u! S」○○PlnO PeSn S! ePeue」8 s晒uos!Od e sselun
Ofthe heatin agiven area. AstheWW-41 wasdesigned as a鉦e-SuPPreSSion grenade to put out shiPboard軒es,
most shipboard damage-COntrOi statiOnS and personnei have a we=-StOCked supply The CryoBan grenade is a Short工apering baton with a ringon the thimerend. Once the ring is pulled, Chemicais within the g「enade reactand,
moments later, douse the area in supe「cooied C「yoBan.
Despite the CryoBan grenade’s frefighting Origins, a
number of mercenaries and bounty hunters have adopted SoroSuub’s wiPe-3 data-Pu「ge grenade erases electronI-
it as part oftheir inVentOry. TheWW-41 can言n humid envi-
Ca11y stored data f「om a= devices within its biast radius
ronments, enVelop ta「gets in an icy frost, CauSing frostbite,
With a brief, but intense, eiectromagnetic puise. Most ind主
nerve damage, and even sending targets into shock.
viduaIs and organizations who want to keep thelr data out Of enemy hands use simiIar technoIogies. lmperiai fac血
ties hand=ng class甫ed materiais keep severai data-Purge
A characte「 using a C「yoBan grenade adds □ to attempts to put out a鉦e.
grenades on hand to erase compromised systems. Saboteurs and data thieves empIoy Wipe-3s to cove「 their
tracks and erase important enemy data. it is possibie to harden systems againSt Su_Ch attacks, but the cost and added weight are often prohibitive. Any compute「 o「 slmila「 deviCe hit by a data-Purge gre-
nade loses aii programming, memO「y, and any othe「 kind of electronically sto「ed data but remains otherwise undamaged.
紡端整豊撒譜許諾e嵩豊 tionai strain pe「 ▼. Atthe GM’s discretiOn, @ @ @ or@ on the checkcan cause the droid to Iose po面OnS Ofits memory
Malaxan Firepower lncorporated’s Z50 is the indus-
try standard when it COmeS tO grenade iaunchers, and many planetary defense forces and mercenaries fleid the weapon. ThiS rifle-SIZed launcher can send g「enades
into the cente「 of enemy formations, maXimizing CaSu-
Mer「-Som’s wp-19 1S a dangerous weapon that, uPOn
detonation, reIeases fiaming adhesiVe gei that ciingS tO Surfaces and merely spreads if wiped or hosed. The gel bums atvery high temperatures, and the whlte-hot flames SPread quiCkly ac「oss structures and forested areas. in
iight ofa=eged atrocitleS, mOSt lmperiai units equip the far
iess dangerous Merr-Sonn D-24 infemo grenade in situa-
tions that once called forthe WP-1 9. A few infantry piatoons equipped with lnCendiary grenades can wipe out entire towns in hours. Banned through mostofthe Core and inner Rim, theWP-19 s帥 SeeS i面ted use in the imperiai milita「y and among more radicai dissidents and Rebei pa「tisans.
aitieS. it has a rotating, reVOlver-Styie magazine that hoids up to six specia=Zed grenades The Z50 accepts SIug-iike grenades for standard iauncher size, meaning a Variety of payioads are avaiiabIe from manufacture「s. 1t
COmeS Standard with a forward vertlCa看grip and shockabso「bing stock to aid in shooting stabiiity, aS Weli as a
range-師der optiC tO help shooters gauge target distance
and optimal trajectory. The iisted price does not include ammunition. G「e-
nades fora grenade iauncher costthe same as equivaient hand grenades工hough many me「chants offer a 50% disCOunt On CaSeS Of six. The weapon can鉦e any grenade, aithough the grenade launcher projectiles are diffe「ent
than hand grenades (g「enade launcher pro」eC帥es aiso
CamOt be thrown; they must be fired from the grenade launcher). The character shouid specify what type of grenades he wants when purchasing them. The iisted profile represents the Z50 ioaded with standard frag grenades.
When this iauncher uses other grenades, they repiace itS damage, C「itiCal rating, and item quaiities with their own.
Merr-Som’s CryoBan grenade uses a variety of chemicais
aiso used in the carbon-freezing process to absorb most
.勘口ueid e∧!SSe」88e e山OS Se =eM Se `u甲」e∧ 」O S〕〕eSu! AiPeeP JO S…eMS
」eeP O] 19xpO」-O」〇時んe!Pu90u! e囲uO Aie」 uO山田O〕 e」e
‘S]∂xpO」-O」つ甲e∧!SOidxe 」OJ SeSn XOPO1印Oun 」e囲O Pu!J Pue `sei⊃elSqO 」eelO ’seu〕ue1e∧e叫印S Ol uMOuy ueeq e∧eu S○○叫nLI布unOq 」e∧ei〕 ℃日時S」e∧ OSie Si e∧!S
○○1dxe時間SH⊥ uOi〕e岬S SSeiedou e u! eq OI P∂山eeS `9」OJeq S叫e山O山 AluO “OuM 」eSn e 」OJ木yu岬Oddo ede〕Se lOeJ」9d e 91e9」〕 ueつS叩⊥ ’]Selq e∧!SOldxe ue 8u! -∧V¥」nS 」e叫e SnOItne⊃ Pue e∧!〕elue] MO」∂山OllM JO ]SO山 `se甲eue u! 」eeJ冊Su! Sley⊃O」-O」甲山9∧!SOldx9 `冊S
‘即1⊃e」!P e S」eJJnS fueue e囲SSeiun
^∂叩`1e刈e山e明uO S]expO」-O」〕叫Jeindod lSO田9唱」eJ佃
Pe土居」O」田O」J Sle8」印叩0 酬○山S相e」e判 ue○ S〕e沖0」
-iln子碕]eun叫OJun ’柾ueJul Pe」elS叫⊃ /仙崎手口nO e準] ue⊃
囲iM 8u胆eP ]e POO8 9叩b osie e」e Se田E?iJ eu⊥ SuO理SOd
’小qe」eP岬uO〕木yi!qe用相nS A山eu9 S9See」叩」OuIJE Apoq
euneJ Pue e」O日SnO」e8uep訓euM See」e u! 8u団」OM S」e -叫n中亘uno日’S9」n〕ee」⊃ 〕SO山Pue村ouEJu! Pe」Ou∪e村ou811
○○」〕町村e!Pu∂〕ui `s」e]unll布unoq euJOS JO e叩0∧eJ ∀
●e」O田ue∧e Se田〔紺∂囲
’]〕ed山i uO rs」eueJOISelq叩eu開In]」eMOd e」e∧!19P O] e∧!S
-Oidxe lつed山! e叩ede甲e uO Aie」 S〕e沖O」-O」⊃甲e∧!SOldx]
8u!Pee」ds ‘le8 e囲」e9山S ue]JO S]d山e甘e 8u!」e囲0山S `1⊃eJ
ui ’Se山勘」ie冊」e叩O山S OI S〕d山ene 〕SiSe」 leul Se〕」nOS
len=e8 esn ue∧e S]expO十〇」〕叫e田OS ’∧q」eeu eiqe田 -u良狙8u購入ue o〕 Pee」ds Ae唱e」nSue O川8noue MOIS Pue lOll ^ue∧ u」nq叩明Sicoi田eu⊃ JO e」n]X叫e 8uiSn `seluE紺 u! 9POidxe∴SPeOl∧ed r白e!Pue〕u!し刷M S]expO」-O」⊃iIN
’Se∧甲9「qO 〕胆eds 」OJ山niPe」eq 9」nd oI Pt30I^ed 9111 9Pe」8dn AISnO」e8uep pue e〕ueP!n8 pue e8u剛e囲
」e叩O] uMO間u99q 9∧eu S」eSn 19刈e山9囲uO SuOdE)9M
Pe即PO山〕SO山e明8uo山e S阜∂xpO」-O」つ叫」O…e卓ue e囲
’/Xel晒9叩SSO」〕e Sdno」8 s叫8上=曾山叫e Aq pe〕Se]O」d euo `enb!uu)∂1 8u早unu euelunuu!んe∧ e P乱eP!SuOつS!
〕申e∧eMOH -」nJ O] 98E山eP IE山町田SeOP 〕! Se S」e]unu e田晒8!q○○J uOildo」e岬dod e叩8ui沖田`u冊OSleS=eu -de」uS e調eu〕elJ 9u⊥.岬u S.d岬S e e]e」]eued o] Ale洲un 9」e ieud頃uS Pue e8」eu:) e∧!SOidx9 9いe〕u!S “SPueq
e]e」!d布S」冊POOiq e」Olu e明し印M 」eindod e」e S]e沖O」 -O」〕甲 叩eLl○○iJ ‘esn んelii皿」OJ PePue]ui eiluM ’S]expO」-O」⊃哩IeuuOS」ed-ilue
ese唱田O」月eej Ol ei制e∧eu S」edoo」叫」O]S Pue `spuno」
Pue山e明Aq 」eeMS S]9xpO」 8u!〕」9!d-」O…e P」O鵬uE〕 OllM S」印unu r互unoq pue seリeu○○」e山封O-iieM eu仁冊S ’9^11〕三男e ]SO〕 e」O田∂q O〕 Se囲」e〕Seiq ^∧eeu P哩S」e山nS -uO⊃ 1SOLu Pue ‘e∧印q岬O」d s口SO〕 e印章ye〕eun]」OJun ’lPM Se S」e]unLI布unOq Pue `sei」eue⊃」e山`sp!0」P ]eqluO〕
Pe」O…e相∧e∂し=0刈OM l」〇日S e沖田S]e準〇十〇」〕甲」0…e -刑∀ ’Slue山○○eld山e叫8!l Pue `se判q 」eP9eds `sdooMS
ISu!き8e e∧甲e捕∂」e ∧eu十Sel〕叫e∧ Pe」O…e相∧ee中川M ieeP Ol lue!〕即nSu! e」e /e囲岬noし川∀ -〕SiXe SPEOi∧ed e]eu」e〕ie JO布e!」e∧∴e `eliuO]eP PeSnJu上山n!Pe」eqし印M
Pe冊相ensn e」e /e明e冊M ‘1⊃即uO〕 uO S9岬uOleP l勘] e8」eu〕 Pedeus lie山S e e」npeeJ S]expO十O」⊃甲」O…e珂u∀
el19埠eiJ JO S]〕∈周e lS」OM e明]S!Se」 ue〕 S叫euOddo
Pe」O…e ‘es」nOJ JO -Sle8」e=O dno」8 e o] e8e山eP 9Z… 一iXe山O] 」OSueS木u…XO」d e坤¥ e]euO]eP Ae肥’S]e8」即 Pe」OLl月eun岬no易い」ee〕 ue〕 〕e冊SeiPe∂u d」euS-」OZe」 し印M P9斗⊃Ed e」e SPeOl∧ed 9"eu)eiJ岬M S〕ey⊃O」-O」〕州
‘euOJO Pue8u囚eOe」 e囲uO 9q O] 8uil〕edxe ].uS! OuM euO相e 」OJ eSリd」nS lueS関idun旬亘l -n叩」ed E副e S]9xpO」-O」⊃… `inJ」eMOd九〇∧ ]nq `1i則rSんe
遷墨壷彊量聞賞 露こ=コ ̄音音 ̄ ̄ 丁he ion mic「o-rOCket empioys an ion-Pulse warhead that
Wh=e miC「O-rOCkets are most often mounted on armor
disrupts eIectronic equipment within its biast radius. Because of the sma= size of the micro-rOCket, the ion
Or On Other weapons =ke biaste「 rifIes, there are weap-
pulse has a very smail area of in帥ence, uSua=y only affecting a singie target. Having one ofthe more ve「satiie payioads, ion rockets a「e among the better-Se=ing mic「orockets. Mercenaries use ion micro-「OCkets to disable
on frames that only fire micro-rOCkets・丁he micro十OCket piStOI can carry up to three micro-rOCk-
ets, b「inging a= the versat冊y of a mounted system to
a much sma=er piatform. 丁he main advantage ofthe iauncher piStO=s its両er-
autoturrets and other emplacements o「 to put down
na=aunching system. A piston drives rockets out of the
combat d「oids. Meanwhile, bounty hunters and ce「tain
ba「「eI at high speed, mOre than doubIIng their max主
iaw enforcement groups that track down targets reiiant
mum effective range・ This makes some miCrO-rOCkets
on high-teCh weaponry or cybe「netics use ion micro-
much more usefuI to combatants, Who no ionge「 have
「ockets to disabie most of their opponent’s equipment・
to ciose as much distance to be within range.
An ion micr〇十OCket’s Sunde「 quality can oniy be
activated to damage powered equlPment, SuCh as sen-
W佃e a micro-rOCket is Ioaded言t repiaces the damage, C「itical rating, and item qualities of the launcher・
so「s, blasters, and vibrobiades. it cannot be used to
damage items that operate without power・ aS they have
no circuItry tO disrupt.
M菓SS漢書ES AND 」AUN⊂HERS powerfuI de=Vering and lethal dangerous, and va「iable missIie launchers payloads that are capable can easily of take down a vehicle orblowa hoie into a bu囲ing.
Fragmentation miss帖es are, for the credits, the best ant主
PerSOme1 0rdnance ava=able on the gaiactic arms market. Designed for use against Ia「ge formations of unarmored or
iightIy armored troops, frag miss=es deal their damage with razor-Sharp shrapnel. A warhead typica甲y consists of
Concussion missiies unleash a powerfui expIosion upon impact, k=iing targets nearby and incapacitating those
an expiosive charge wrapped in nearly a kl10meter Of wire
fu「ther away with punishing shock waves. Designed prト
SPreads razo「-Sharp wlre fragments and case splinte「s
mar=y for ant主PerSOnneI and =ght ant主vehicle use・
around the point of impact, Shredding anyone caught in
encIosed in a fragiie case. When the warhead detonates言t
concussion miss=es are marketed throughout the gal-
the blast. F「agmentat-On missiles are often aimed at
axy as muItiuse ordnance・ Most concussion miss=es fly
trenches or the windows of bunkers and for描ed posl-
a paraboIiC trajectory, COming down on a target for maximum effect. They are most often used to target la「ge formations o=roops, Weakening them before
al=ed infantry advances. When a concussion missiIe’s DiSO「ient qua=ty is act主
vated言t affects ali characte「s within sho「t range of the
target. If the Concussive qua=ty is activated言t affects
alI characters engaged wlth the target・
tiOnS, ki旧g alI those inSide.
’ i ’雪JO旬」剛e∂∧叫
Pe⊃」O岬e月O `s」ePeeds」!e e"8e `sei〇時e∧ Pe」O…e `s」eyunq
Pe削りO事lnO e準1 01 S訓SS世事O布e e∧ e 91印O田山〇〇〇e ue〕 Seqn] e=SS州’相国eS」e∧ eSee」叩OI SPe9甲eM JO X叫 e e溝口lJ8甲Se⊃」O=e!⊃eds `peol∧ed 9iiSS甲Pue uO!SS甲 PeuリeP e囲!M Pieリ9i〕]eq 9叩O] 9〉1e] uelJO S」e!PIOS 9問M ●S10uS eid刑n山村」きつ
Ol eu!Z晒euJ凡e]O」 」O XOq e8」引E e準] Seqn1 91!SS甲]SOIN ’]S!SSe 」OSlnd9」O」⊃甲Aq ss叩嶋!eM Pe」ePu9」 Pue SSeu -」eu e O] P∂]unO山`xeId山O⊃ e」O山∂」e S」e囲O `叩do pue
`」e88叩`eqnl e ue囲e」O山∈周l!i e」e S」e甲une1 9山OS 〇回M ’SPee甲eM不yPeeP lnq i唱uJS JO布ei」e∧ e 8u哩JO eiqede⊃ S」eu〕uneI elqe]」Od `pe」U-」ePinOuS 9」e Seq町 制SS問
一山OuS佃∧圃e○ ○8u剛e∧哩e捕e囲凱i準山 `1Ou 」O le8」e] S〕! S川=e囲euM 9山に日岬1肌euq e 」刺e S印eu -O〕eP Pee甲eM 91qe]Sun e明]e囲S甲Ode9M Si囲JO JjO-ePe」1 9u⊥.Pi。Juel Pe即8euJ 〕i9qiきく]iOq 」e]Selq e JO lつed皿e囲
e湘un 〕Ou S甲Oi]euO]eP 8u刑nSe」 e明Pue J91SElq eJO leul
e山Seld e囲u冊!M S晒A8」eu9-u三河JO 9」O]S e `p訓甲」d ueuM
e JQJ ue準〕S甲ue唱O OS S岬Pue嶋lndod su!e田e」 u8!SeP
Ol」即岬Sんe∧相em〕e S! ellSS… e山Seld eJO uO哩」edo eu⊥ ’e胴S則rSeld 9旧eiO∧相…叫e o叩Pe]」e∧uO⊃ S! Pee甲eM
Pueしl⊃睨S書!Pe」0 0〇十〕S○○ 1乞S一日「苫e囲」OJ Sl∂)やOと」 ’P9)P∂胆Al亀毘u剣e S〕叫ued le明e囲」elSelq 9i Pe8e∧leS
∈母上P執叩1SeJ el叩M ’8u!lOO捌eu両Iq田∂SSe eZ岬u甲O1 8u!Se○ 」elnO e明uO eIq!SSOd se el制Se 8u!8ueu) `んOp勘
9脚」elSelq 9-] 1S!1剛edes e u=裳-t]「轡e囲P9u8!SeP ∀⊃男 :1u9PP○e Aq ]Ou S! S叩⊥ “e囲」∂]Selq S-ヨdous刈OM 」OuIJ∀
P!O]準魯e囲Ol e⊃uelq山9Se」佃洲un ue S」eeq 8op回目eu⊥ ‘eu!Z晒則r xoq e u! SePeue」8 pe帽do」d-1expO」 X!S Se叫e〕
〕看川O捌eSue叫Seu Pue Meeu e刊nb s! 9脚9皿`p9Z!S eu刑e〕 S岬u8no岬∀ ●叫8nQ] e〕uO 〕! S」edooJl euOp 9囲e潮位uu句u! Pe」OILLle JO甲OM uOuS Se津山8opllng ell] `sIS!]剛edes e囲」QJ
P9u8!S9P相eu!8I」O ’S」ele〕 S皿∀ P91eP!iOSuOつ準」e^ie〉甲OuM
OI Se埠ue〕」e山e囲囲M JeIndod 」euつuneI ePeu9」8 peiiedo」d -〕expOJ e S上声OPiing” [緩-d「白e囲`s」qV¥ euOD e叩JO )圃∀
’uSin8叩Xe O] elqiSSOd山中」E?eu S仁PIOu Seu〕〕e〕 〕i 9〕uO `1e明
9ZeIq e 8upes `u脚M 8u旧知e s訓u8画ienSn le8 8ulu」nq -]Ou eu⊥ ’MOPu!M B岬no賀田」O e」n]⊃n」]S e JO eSE?q 9u=e PeJU
相ensn `suodeeM e」nl〕n」]S一肌は9∧印判9んe∧ OSle e」`∧e肥 use oI SuO呼し川。Jんlu勘u! eiOuM 8uiu」n=O eIqedeつSe」n] -e」ed山9川8iLI碕山eJ]Xe時u」nq Pue 8u冊相e村ueeu o] xp!]S Pee叫eM S了51!SS叫e囲ul Peu!e]uO〕 S丁e)l山∂甲eu⊥ ’e8」eu〕 e∧!SOidxe lie山S e Aq pe e∧胆e u9uM 」O ue8∧xo oI PeSOdx9
ueuM e山elJ O叫SIS」nq ]判=e8訓二時lO∧ 《渦u] e岬M Pexped 9」e Sel!SS叫eSe叫SePeueJ8んe!Pue〕u! e判「くく’9周Oq e u! euJ甲
賀eM e,, Se S]SAleueんe帥田叩⊃el晒相eu佃p∂qi」⊃S9P e」e le囲SuOdeeM 8uiue叫8哩`l哩eMOd e」e S9=SS!山村eiPue⊃ui ’uO!1⊃eS S冊u! eiqeiie∧e 9」e SuO!]do le○○∧eS
‘e叩d pe堆!l J草間〕 」OJ PeSeu〕」nd eq AeuJ Sel!SS皿∂]eu」9]l∀
’訓SS!山e]eu」e揮9囲弓O ]e明し川M Se刑enb lapeds pue `e8ue」 `8upe」 i∽i叩〕 `e8e山eP eい8u!〕elde」 `ed布P」ePue]S e囲」OJ Pe]n叩SqnS eq /e山S9iiSS!山」9囲O ‘X!S JO xpe」.ed S引Pe」⊃ 00S S]SO〕 eqn] e‖SS甲」 e 」OJ O田山e ieuOiユIPP∀
le」e∧9Sん」e〕叩8皿SPenbs AJ]ueJul J昨日叫e 」O 」O…甲]ue e問M `penbs 」9d 9qn1 9llSS皿euO ]Seei pe
固圏認 工人“、●。 、一●“」
e∧eu uelJO S叩un Se〕」O」 iei〕eds pue凡oueJul ∧∧e∂H S」OOP
’8ul旧田0」J e8e山eP 」言出nS IOu OP Ae叩 くsnoPSuO⊃ S! 」e」e∂M 9囲Pue Pe8晒u∂
e」e S山elS∧s叫8旧eロコ訓uM 」e岬n] ●ele -」∂do o〕 (んeleueld) 8叩Olid S3Jinbe」
leu] eP川e^ S PIOuS剣囲u!e」]S田e]S∧s ’乙十8u冊ueu `z p9eds ’0印enOuilS e
’Sxpe甲田iee]S S.」e」eeM e唱O] □ sppe 」O…e S岬⊥ ●Se明ueS Pue S」OS
-ueS Aq pe叩Ouun ]nOqe e∧OuJ O] Sdoo」〕 Se⊃」OJ iei〕9ds
謝則r 」O Su」e]]ed e8eiJnO山E⊃ u! Pe有e」ds 」O…e 」edooJ]
e8晒u∂ ue〕 」e」e∂M e囲Je∧neue田e S∀
Pue Seu!」e山」O=e!See叩8ui津山`se∧t3M PunOS Pue叫8!i e田OS Sq」OSqE甲e!」印elu PeZllel⊃eds JO 8叩eO〕 ∀.xpEiq
SE uO!]つunj OI S山9〕S応叩8旧S,1inS e囲
e」再u叫○○ui lSu!晒e uo甲e]O」d eiqe]つeds9」 8u!」eJJO
冊S e間M本yi!qe」e∧neue山Se∧O」dしu! Pue e⊃ue]SISe」 」!e SeZ町中叫u 8u!叩ld印lSOd
-山O〕 Pue J!」q勘JO "e山e8u肌e 」刑⊥ -9∧Oqe山0」J S〉i⊃e]]e uMOP u!e」 」O SuOi〕
-!SOd 8u哩ueeMleq旬u o] 」e」eeM e唱 8u!MOl唱 `叩n 制」OSinde」 in耳eMOd e PunO」e P印Jn」]SuO〕 」O…e Apoq e]eu 一世e口岬!i 9」e S〕inS do」P Pe」O…∀ PuO∧eq pue 9∧Oqe O8 s叩nS MeJ e lnq
‘旬i!qO山ie…Ou MOiie O1 8u呼ld pez…
-!XE刑8uiO8」0」∵ui Si囲」0]⊃ey Su81S∂P
euOiO Ii 9Seuc] Pel叩O」le」 S! 」O山」e唱le卸S e〕ue=i∀ 1SOIN
」O…e u叩91S `epe」8-」eMO同eqie ’uMO 」i∂明P∂doIe∧eP Pue A§oiOu甲e] 」O皿e OPue田山O⊃ …OIS Pe」eeu!8u9 es」∂∧e」 Seuロや白e⊃u劉i∀ “叩Se」 e S∀.e抑SSOd… SuO!S -S甲uO!]e」掴u! 9山OS Sul津山`se」n]eu8!S A8」eue uOdeeM 」卸SEiq Pue S山」〇十e川]⊃e]eP ue〕JO ue〕∴S」OSueS 岬!」 -9d山i e8pe-8叩叩〕 `毎時un"OJun -SuO!SS皿」le唱JO 〕SO田
us=d山O〕⊃e O〕 ∂8nJ」9]qnS Pue叩i閃1S uO Ale」 O] S」∂圃OS
i9q9と] e〕」OJ凡el川山e⊃u判i∀ e囲JO Se〕」nOS9月O甲岬eu⊥
」O田」e lSOIAI JOOP ISeiq ieelSe」nP e
ue囲uO!]〕e〕0」d 」e]〕eq eq ue〕 〕eq山O〕 JO
MOiJ e囲8u川O」叫O⊃ Pue uO印SOd poo8 e
-uO」V¥u9 e明」OJ 91e!」do」dde
ue u口uelueie∴e∧!SPeP e u9uO S!布巾!qOIN
8u!準=eu] MOuy S叫e]eq山Oつ-1ue山8務8ue
eq 〕Sn山」ee∂ e日⊥ ’Se^ieS山e囲
P里人e明四川M ui ]u91uuO」!∧ue
∂唱/q pesod…喜e」Ou8申則n 」ee8 s冊 岬M S」91つき」eu⊃ ’」ee8 1ue山uO」i∧ue 9S」e∧Pe JO
Seld田EX9 ‖e e」e Sue山iOeds sn○ ○」e8uep eIPueu O]川nq Se∧O18
.)岬○○p uo害章de⊃
蒜骨盤詰器豊器薄墨8宝器 岬no」Olll e Se準〕申∈時qnS AiqeuOSee」 S! 」O山」e Siul S∀ ’8ui囲Oi〕 e囲O]ui uMeS Se]eid
」O皿e ⊃叫e」e⊃ 」O P!OISeld p印e〕Oi相e〕!8el即S JO …OJ
∂囲u! uOip卸O」d l捌O哩PPe 」三男O S∂d布P9⊃u臥Pe e」O山 ]nq ’uo担e]O」d epI∧O」d o] le!」ele山e囲JO明8ue」IS eul Pue
llSe田uO!S」∂ds胆-侶」eue e明uO村elOS相e」 Sed布」9叫8!「
‘SSeu9^1]〕9捕S型u呼ユeJ冊S Pue e]Se] Aue 〕リO] P9」Ol!e] 9q
P9〕」OJu!e」 Pue `s」eI〕んe月eleM `sei88o8 pezリeiOd `s坤nS luelu
-uO」l∧ue PeieeS `s準e田 s晒
Pue S」O華甲dse」 `]巳∂u Apoq Su岬]乱」O leeMS庇Me S斗⊃!M
咋耳] ∴8ui囲Ol⊃ PeZ岬〕eds
’」粥∂ 叫e山uO」!∧ue eS」e∧Pe JO eSn e明i e」叩b9」 SPi」OM
畑地」巾Oi佃J○ ○」eudso…e SnO」n川S e叩」O `明OH JO PiO〕 PL81」J 9u仁〕」9S9P euiOO畔上e囲JO ユeeu 8ui」e]S胴e囲O〕 enP 」9L甘euM
SI9」Pun○○S Pue ‘s○○Sn e⊃」0] 《sleq〇日
ue s! 8u冊Ol⊃ P9」O皿e `se向S J〇八u91」e∧ e u! elqeiie∧∀
e山OS u1 8ul呼」edo s9∧leS山e唱Pu両an
○○91O」d 9iqiXeiJ ‘叫8= Peeu OllM eSO明」Oj uO早do lueiie〕Xe
91q官印dsouu! 〕SO山 `〕SeuS」巳u ∂日工」O
SeP叩SnO e∧ JO S〕S!SuO〇人u∽id布8u冊Oi⊃ Pe」OI川∀ ●uO早
’」三男O O] Se11 Axei晒9唱S]ue山uO」!∧ue
ue〕 8u冊OP Pe」O…e `8ui囲Oi〕 iE山」Ou ue囲」e刑nq 9iillM ’uS9山uO!S」eds!P〇倍」eue JO S○○Ael囲M ue∧OM Se旧Xel Pue
Refe「red to snidely as “bounty hunte「 lnSuranCe’’by cynics
Clad in sage-green Mandalorian armor with red trlm, Boba
across the galaxy, the Ko「omondain armOred haIf-VeSt is
Fett draws on the hiStOry Of Mandaiore’s legendary war「iors
designed to protec=he wearer from ambushes and sudden
to strike fear in his targets. His dented helmet lnCOrPOrateS a
attacks f「om unexpected directions. However言ts durability
range師der as weli as an enhanced optiCS Sulte tO aid in
iS SuCh that it quickly loses its protective qualities as it
COmbat. it aiso features a diSPiay for his wrISt display, Which
absorbs damage. Desplte thlS drawback言ts iow cost
iS COmeCted to the lmperial Enforcement Datacore, tO help
endears it to bounty hunters, Paramiiitary forces, SeCurity
iocate bounties in crowds. in addition to the vaunted protec-
firms, and anyone eise sho「t on c「editS.
tion ofMandaio「ian i「on, Boba Fett’s armor hasan arsenai of
Whenever a character wearing an armored haif-VeSt Suf-
integrated weapons, Which he aiters to sult SPeCific ta「gets.
fers a C「itica=njury, the armor becomes damaged one step
Boba Fett’s customized Mandalorian armO「 COmeS
(See “fab看e 5-4: Repairing Gear ln the Weapon Mainte-
equipped with an enhanced optics suite (「emove臆臆
nance section ofChapter V ofany of the co「e rulebooks).
from Pe「ception, Vigilance, and combat checks due to envl「Onmentai effects that obscure vision), SeVerai weapon
SyStemS, an lntegrated jetpack with rocket, and range find-
er (adds automatic e) on al=ntegrated weapon attacks). 1ntegrated Armor Weapons: Flamethrower (Ranged ILighth Damage 5; Criticai 2; Range iShort]; Blast 2, Bum 2, Pierce 2, Victous 3), 」etPaCk missile tube (Gunnery;
Damage 20, Critica1 2; Range [Extremei; Blas=O, Breach l, Cumbersome 3, Guided 3, Llmited Ammo上Prepare Stealth equipment can render a pe「son llte「a11y invisibie
「), Whipcord (Ranged [Light], Damage l ; Criticai -; Range
to the naked eye, but sometimes simpiy fading lntO the
[Shorti; Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited Ammo l).
CrOWd offe「s a more eiegant and effective soiution Banal
apparel iS SPeCi斤oaiiy chosen to encourage a wandering
eye to continue to wander, allowing the wearer to hide in
Piain Slght simpiy by avoiding attention. Drab coIors, basiC C10thing styies, and even a nondescript cap can he看p the
Wearer biend in with crowds and eiude anyone attempting
Premeditated Contingency: Once per encounter as a maneuve「, a Characte「 wearing Boba Fett’s armor may
make an Average Q) vi vigi!ance check to draw any WeaPOn Or item of a rarlty equal to o口ess than the total
number of net * anc=雌at the GM’s discretion.
to Iocate o「 pursue them.
Opposing characters upgrade the d冊culty of any Checks made to ldentify the wea「er once.
Blaste「S and othe「 advanced weapons can make a mockery Of even the most sophisticated a「mor. Perhaps it lS because
Of this that some warriOrS Wear the same primitive armors that have been used across the galaxy for countiess miiiennia. Some individuais choose their a「mor to send a message rather than for practicai pu「poses. Armor made from hldes
Orfurs and covered in Ciaws and teeth lS a COmmOn Sight on many backwater worids, but it is aiso wom by some space「s
Who wish to demonstrate their ferocity
When wearing beast-hide armor, a CharactergainS autO-
matic O pn Coercion checks and automatic $ on Charm Checks. The GM may determine that thiS armOr PrOVIdes further benefits or drawbacks depending On the situation.
Having the righ=oois fo「 the job can be cruclal to per-
forming a taSk, and some individuais believe that the best approach to life is to have the right tooIs for any eventuaiity. Although it lSn’t helpful with large objects such as
blaster rifies, CargO Ciothing enabies a character to carry
an lmPreSSive array ofsma= deviCeS. Wearers tend to mystify their com「ades by producing the perfect too=n any
giVen Situation.
e S〉1〕eu○ ○〕uei
-!81∧ S.」9」e9M e囲O]の二世e山0]ne SPPe 」O…e xpn「 uS9Jつ ●8u町田e」80」d sli ∧q PeuUeP SP」eZe叫e叩O SnOi」e^ Se 11eM Sきくpuo⊃eS 」ed 」ele田 euo ue囲」91S均8uv¥Ou.」 Si叩明S山e」8o問ue] ue囲」ele9」8
SSe山村e slOe]eP庇」」e 」OSueS Pe」勘ui 9明`e^l])E? ueuM ●e山eu Sl! 」0…e “沖n「,, uS9」つ S訓i8
S叩nS /poq-1inJ ‘/∧eeu eSeu⊥ ●S]eO⊃ 8ui準Oiつく1〕nJ]SuOつ
」O `u日Se∧ul S」e訓S Aue山`se」nSee山uOl]〕e]eP Pe]E山Olne
PiO∧E QL 旬」n〕eS岬no」u] 8ul準e」q JO "ed ]ue]」Od… ]SOuJ訓] SeqO」d pue∴S」OSueS Aq pe二間Ouun 8ui∧elS
S」∂PiSuO〕相e〕!d布」e〕崎Pe用準e `spl∈哩囲leelS leuOS」ed e∧!Suedxe訓O山」O∧eJ S」n∂〕OqeS Pue `se∧e冊`s9!ds 9問M
エビ囲e」nl開」 Si囲S口i ’山e囲01 PuOdse」 O] Pu○○eS判ds ieuO!l
-!PPe ue 」9」EeM e囲8u!MO昭
`s」e〕∂山村冊u冊iM S〕粥川l ∧q」e9u jO u」eM OSie ue〕
1上山elS応」OSueS Pe」叩ul e8ue」 -耳OuS e JO uO印PPe e囲 囲iM -Pie町S eC)eJ uMOP-d旧e l11W¥]e山
-ieu 8ul相E3d山O〕〕e Pue e〕eid 〕S9u⊃ Pe」Ou月巳 ue 」O SISISu○○
印’^x叩8 9囲SSO」つきS理un凡el
’0しAq 8u帖2J山O」JS引nSe」凡n回Ie⊃岬」つ血e se〕nP○○ Pue S ∧q 8ui=均山O」J Pe」e即S u!e」]S Pue謁e山eP Se〕nPe」 OSl門lnS -q山口つ9u⊥ 9⊃uO 9〕勘」nS e uMOP Iedde月O q山!i〕 O] Sxpe甲
S.」e」eeM e囲J〇本uliqe e囲SePe」∂dn叩Sql坤つe 8u埠?M
一間山e」ed pue e〕!1Od 8uo山e e⊃10u⊃ 」eindod e s「 」O…E? ]Ol」 eu(pieuSe」つ
川eゴビ9N∧」nS山e囲dieu Ol」O eつき」 -」nS e uO Pe叫eld Al…リS」e」eeM deey o] 9ulq山0⊃ S山elS∧s eSeu⊥ ’Pluu〕e」e ueJO ]eu] O=elil川S 」euue山e ui S9⊃eJ」nS
dl」8 o] S叫9山e旧〕ldo⊃SO」⊃甲JO SPu巳SnO囲SeSn l勘] 8ul -1eO〕 lei○○ds e s中嶋]S∧s dリDuO哩」] eu⊥ ●eul1 8uiq…i〕 e"Sue叫8i旧O IOOds eiqe]⊃e」]9」 」卸ell十00S e Pue `se間⊃nq lue山dmbe `s89i Pue lSieM S.」e」eeM e明PunO」e d削M le叩
Sde」〕S 8uりeeq-PeOI SePnl〕ul SSeu」eu P〇時」8e叩eu⊥ 8ui]eO〕 dリDuOil〕i」] Pe]u9]ed e pue sseu」eu 8uiq山‖⊃
」e」eeM e明日⊃印eP O] ∂ui∧高 ueuM Al」ei…iS Pe]⊃e鵬9」e S」e叩d山O⊃ ui SⅥue」 S`」e」eeM e明ue囲」eMO日Oe"e]ul ue uliM SP!O」a ‘e〕iMl ] 8ui」eeM len -P囚Pu! ue PuリO] uOいつe〕eP jO S山」OJ 〇時O」]⊃el○ ○O S」OSueS
8u!Sn Sxpeu〕 JO木uno脚P e明S9Pe」8dn ]eO⊃ 8ui準Oi〕 ∀ ‘」e」eeM 9明8u胆」e8e」S岬Olui Su!e」q
u刷nq e :S山e]S∧s ]SISSe-q…l○ ○Ml囲M Peddinbe s川」OS!∧ PeZiJelOd ul-]1inq e岬M 〕euJ刷e Pue `s]00q 《se∧O18 sepni叩
昭囲]inS Apoq一冊e Si叩nSq…iつeu仁S]uiOd lue]」Od山i
叩S叫9山9⊃」OJui∂」 8u刑OSq門〕ed… 囲M S〕i」qeJ副q!X訓 `叫8=田0」川inE上呂u用edde」 Pue 8u!q山胆」OJ P9u8ISeP 」O…e
叫8i9M叫8= JO leS 」eindod e s岬nSq…iつS,∂uiq8uo」)1/eXile∧∀
PiO」P eSnJu○○ O]布u 9囲uO leu8!S 9明和PO山ue∧e ue⊃ 」e坤S P訓!準∀.」euue〕S血e]SO山ie e闇eq ue⊃叩q `uoi]iu -8ooe」 ienS!∧ doIS O] 8u冊Ou SeOP A捌e PeZ旧○○ds siu⊥ ’e]eP測n白O PnOi⊃ 8uunosqo ue 8岬Se〕PeO」q /恒uelSu〇〇 人q uepp川」e」eeM 9囲d9ey S山elS∧s p91e山O]ne S.1eOつ 8u!準OI〕 ∀ -uO!]⊃e]eP 〕甲O」]⊃9Ie山O」J 9つueS∂」d s.」e」EeM
e囲薄euJ O〕 Peu8!SeP S∈型nS 8u甲山e白〕!M Pel叩nO e」e e8e山eP 」O S…〇月e囲0 =e ]Su惟謙
準OSJO叫OdしAluO ePいO」d Ael1年中uo suod粥M PeSeq-侶」eue 山0」」 e8臥月eP ISui晒e乙」O 9nle∧準OS e e∧eu SIS9∧岬巳つ ‘]〕e] e囲8u!Siue∧Pe ]n〇四M uO甲e]O」d叩X○ ○田OS PPe O1 8u! -uSiM 9SOLl=OJ ∂⊃10u〕叫e=e⊃Xe ue Sl ]S9∧岬e⊃ ∂囲`8u冊OP 」ein8e」 luO」J eiqeuS!n8ui]S岬ul S]OuS 」e]Selq eSn訓P和明
-」ed o1 9iqe S日Se∧岬e⊃ 9哩`s」eq鴫u刑OSqe-侶」9ue u∂∧OM
相u卸JO ePeIN ‘刊Oq 」e〕Seiq e山0小町ie囲ei門su!晒e uol〕 -坤0」d JO 」e府l eJ]X9 uE) e∧ell O川SiM S」eie∧e」1叩〕叩8血e山 `∧xei晒e囲]nO嶋no」叩S」e〕Selq JO eSn ]ueie∧e」d e囲ue∧iD ’SJePe」] ee」J相euu JO Se∧!1 9ul Pe∧eS Sq旧S9∧ u〕]e〕 SnOn〕Ouu!
〇両`suelile」OつPel9∧e」川9M 」OJ e岬e ]O 9⊃91d uo山田○○ ∀
‘∂nle∧ eつue」q山n⊃u∂ S.」e〕つe」eu〕 eul P」eMO1 8叩unO⊃
」!9囲∵叩O囲!M 」eMOi 」O し e⊃ue」q山n〕ue JO S山e〕i ee」u]
0] dnん」e:)庇l,u 8u冊OP O8」e⊃ 8uりeeM 」el⊃e」e埠∀
Kamperdine Ciothing Specia"sts is a boutique manufacture「 of custom c10thing Specializing ln the use of軸e and
exotic beast hides, Kamperdine Can PrOduce a sty=sh and rugged piece of ciothing from the skln Of neariy any known creature.鴫iiored to each custome「’s exact speclfications,
no two of these highiy sought-after jackets are aiike・ KamPerdine Can Create an a「mOred jacket to perfectiy fit nearly any sentient species, and thei「 ciie=t list is a who’s who of
galactic VIPs. A custom Kamperdine 」aCket makes a memorable鉦st impressfon and is a sign that ltS Wearer is an indIViduai of lmPeCCable taste. Kampe「dine 」aCkets are
rarely found on the open market, and most lndiViduals who PurChase one go to thei「 graVeS in them. They must be Ordered months in advance ofthelr desi「ed delivery date. Kamperdine a「mored jackets are each tailored to a spe-
cific wea「er When wom by that wearer they add e) to any
At their most basiC, enViro-SultS are fuliy
SuCCeSSful Charm, Deception, Or Negotiation checks the char-
Seaied, fu旧body suitS made of sturdy
acter makes (the GM may declde that the bonus does not
materlals designed to keep sentIentS a=ve in lnhospitabie piaces. They protect thelr
appiy in Certain situations, SuCh as deaiingS OVer a COm=nk).
WearerS f「om toxic environments; radio一
iogica上 bioIogical, and chemical
hazards, eXtremeS Of temperature, and variatlOnS Of atmospheriC PreS-
園顕匪璽国璽堅 Compietely encased in an ebony suit Ofcustom旧e support armor, Darth Vade「 cuts a fearsome siihouette and generates an ai「 of myste「y; the strained, unnerving gasps of his respiratory implant the only insight into stoiC Vader’s mood
Darth Vader’s armor functions as both advanced combat armorand冊e support unit. His heimet and face mask pr○○
Sure W剛the right sult, a Wearer Can
Wlthstand the vacuum of space, the depths of the oceans, and even atmospheres that are littIe more than choking mlaSmaS Of poiSOnOuS gaSeS W回e most envir○○Suits have buiit-in monltO「ing SyStemS that can self-adjust to a wearer’s
PartlCular needs, SOme are CuStOm bullt and fitted for species with especia11y deliCate Or unuSuai physIOIogies
Vide a va「iety of enhanced sensory lnPutS, and durasteei
Enviro-SultS have an operationai life of
armor cove「s his vitai regions, reSting atop armorweave
eight hours until they need to be recharged
robes and a padded leather armor bodysuit. On Vader’s
Chest is a controi box that manages =fe support functions Darth Vader’s customiZed a「mo「 comes wlth an
and re削ed Due to thelr many laye「s of PrOteCtive shielding, enVi「○○SuitS tend to
be buiky and reduce a wearer’s sense
enhanced optics suite (remove菓獲from Perception, Vig主
Of their SurrOundings. An lndwidual
Iance, and combat checks due to environmental effects
Wea「ing an envl「○○Suit Suffe「s臆on
that obscu「e vision), an integrated medlCal system (add
Agility- and Perceptio臣based checks.
□to a= Medicine checks to heai Vader; OnCe Per SeSSiOn, may actiVate this attachment as an incidenta上this counts
as using a stimpack), and are vacuum-Seaied (Can lgnOre the effects ofvacuum fo「 up to an hour).
PeerIess Armor: Once per encounter as an out-Of-tum incidentai, the wea「e「 of Darth Vader’s armor may spend a
Destiny Point to increase the soak provlded by this armor to +6 untii the end ofthe wea「er’s next tum Orlginaiiy deslgned by a high-end ciothing manufacture「 for making llte「aily flashy entrances, the fla「e 」aCket
Caught the attention of organizations that saw potential miiltary uSe and contracted AyeilXelK「ongblng Lextiies to
PrOduce a more lntenSe VerS10n for a personal defense COat. Conceailng SeVerai smail charges ln SeamS th「ough-
Out the desIgn, the jacket can reiease a bllndlng and Stunning flash of =ght, aiiowing the wearer a few seconds
to make an escape. The intemal powersource lS Smali and Can take severai minuteS tO reCharge after each use.
S! diuSue山S叫e山∂ul」nSue
`山n山甲山e O〕 e叫書eSuOdse」
」○○eeM e甲〕 91qeue
S○○P ]1 1nq 」e」eeM e明 jO ∂〕ue」e∂dde eLIl 」印1e 」O ePiu
〕Ou S9OP e山n]SO〕 〕叫de」8oIOll eu⊥ ’S哩nO P9]⊃eleS副d ue〕 JO 9uO JO ei岬S
つeJ 8u!o叫∧uO〕 e ui 」9」e9M e明8u冊e9uS
’s」O〕〕∂「O」doIOu P∂Zリnle!u叫i ∴ SnO」e山nu Sele^!]〕e 9∧9eiS uel eP!Su1 9囲uO leued lO」l
-uO⊃ =e山S ∀ ●叩S 8u脚JuJ」O了eiqe刈」e山9」un `^sso18
相岬=S eS! ∂山nlSO〕 3叫de」8oiO11 e ’pe」eMOdun ueuM
‘SluelueS印e∧Pe Pue SuOi〕∽iun山田O〕 」OJ PeSn AluO山
一山O〕巾e1 9iqE?」e9M JO …OJ 9囲u! Se山OD A§oiOuu〕∂1 〕間de」80iOu JO SuO!]eZl‖1n SnO甲e8ui e」O山e囲JO euO
」叩eq 8u旧人ue oユSSeつ〕e xpe中e叩Pue MOi e」e S9〕」nose」 」leul eSne〕∂q Ald…S 」O `el毎
Pue木川!qe」nP Sl! 」O=e9M相ep Se 8u冊Oi〇 八∧きeu 」eeM S」9岬 -lOS leqeと] 1SOIN 8u冊Ou ue唱 」印19q /lulE]」e〕 S誹1nq `epeiq 」O ’〕1Oq ’1Selq 山OJJ uOil
-つe10」d 」〇八巳M 〇日l u用つn山 」9出O ]`uSeOP副i〕]e ]S∂」OJu!e」
Se〕nPe」 S叩eu」eqんs`」9」eeM eul 岬M 9⊃eJ」e叩ie」n9u e叩q `us!88nlS S=O田」e e囲u1 1ue山e∧OIN ‘S〕ueluuO」i∧u9
SnO」98uep ]Sun謁e uo口⊃9]0」d sepi∧ -O」d pue冊8u9J]S S,」e」eeM e叩Sluan8ne
」O…e 」edoo」] PJeZeu∵」O…e 」edoo」〕e〕eds
J〇 時ロコ 0] 」ei岬S 肌きり」O…e P9」9MOd
S.」91un叩」Ods e 」O準Ol⊃ ue
-i○○M判明S`」9…勘∀事eゴビS 〕iSeq 」OJ Slle」e∧O〕 Se^ue〕 ∧∧eeu
」eeM S」99u18ue uo早つn」ISuO⊃ Pue S⊃川eLl〕e山 eliuM `s〉1⊃即〕e
8u=Me」q Pue SuO!Se」qe出O e∧elS
Sle∧∂i木uienb pue s〇両SJO布91」e∧ e
Pe88n」 〕SO山e明JO 9uO S工」0…e 」edoo」〕 P」eZeu”
O〕 S]酬〕e「 eP岬 〉朝里」e∂M S」e -8u晒dooMS /xei晒e囲1nO嶋no」旧
e 8u!Sn -Sd」O⊃ 」ed○○」叫」O〕S el月ul S]lnS 」O…e
」O Jo…e e∧!]坤O」d叫e田uO」!∧ue SnOP」eZEu lei」ed山i
ui S」eedde 8u冊Oi⊃ ∧∧eeH ’8u冊Ol〕 (∧e∂u e丁qe」nP ]9∧ 91d皿S S! AueuJ
」OJ uOil⊃9]0」d JO …OJ 〕iSeq 〕SO山9u⊥
‘Pueu uO ]Ou S阜eu=u肌u晒eJO 91岬S⊃均e e〕ee」〕
器豊諾薄給終結嵩嵩豊器 ゆ)応e] ue e準山rsn山Je:Pe」叩門田nO Meu e P」O〕e」 QL ’Se]nu… ue]相8no」 Se準=e囲 SSeJO」d e `su∂!SeP M9u囲M S棚nO PePeOl9」d e]i」M」e∧O
O] 」eSn 9囲Seiqeue坤nS e囲O叩帥nq 」eP」O〕e」 eu⊥ ●S10」1 -uO⊃ 9u=O渦ij eiduJIS e里中y¥ S叩nO 9囲ueeM〕eq u〕1!MS Ol
’紡織㊨ 」ed puno」 leuOi]iPPe euOSnld ‘puno」 9uO」OJ Pe」e88e]SSi
諜器諾嵩∃器器謂盈慾謂 」el⊃e」e申u〕門’」e∧neu引田e Se Se8」e甲e唱」e88里u巳⊃ ]9xpe「 e」鋸e 8uueeM 」e〕⊃e」t2甲e `」e叫nO⊃u9 」ed e〕uO
unimpeded by the armor. W刷e manufactu「ed by the
attack w刷fe the field is active, the wea「er counts as being
Empire for its exciusive use, hazard t「ooper a「mor often
armed with a MeIee weapon with +2 damage and t.he
flnds its way into the hands of the Al‖ance and even the
Stun Damage item quaiity.
Private sector Once active, the armor’s lntema=ife support and power SyStemS aiiow the wea「er to survive in radiation zones,
acid and toxic environments, eXt「eme PreSSureS, and total VaCuum for up to twenty-four hours. The a「mor also incor-
POrateS a high-POWered comiink able to communiCate from the ground to Iow orbit. The heimet is equlPPed with a multifrequency ta「geting and acqulSltion system that
「emoves園獲due to darkness, SmOke, Or Similar env主
When the Jedi battled Sith warrio「s in ancient days, many
ronmentai factors that obscure vISion f「om the wearer’s
WOre Suits of armor to protect themselves from the weap-
Pe「ception, Vigilance, and combat checks
OnS Of their enemies. Crafted by some of the best armorsmiths in the gaiaxy, these suits of battie armor Were eXtremely resistant to cutting edges and blaster fire alike. They we「e also quite cumbersome, and each one
WaS CuStOm forged fo「 ItS Wea「er. Though hund「eds of
SuCh suits were made, Only a handfui have survived to the PreSent day in anything resembiing usable condition, and aii speclmenS are St川fitted to their wearers of oId.
A character wearingJedi battle armor師ted for someStorm commandos are among the Emplre’s most elite troop-
body eise adds漢書to ai看combatchecks AsuitofJedi
ers, and they utilize the most advanced equipment ava=abie
battie armor can be fitted to a newwearer wlth a Hard
丁helr armOr aiiows the same flexibiiIty aS SCOut trOOPer armOr
(◆◆◆) Mechanics check that takes an hour to com-
but is reinforced to provlde maximum PrOteCtlOn against
Piete. Jedi battle armor iS eiigible to be seaied against VaCuumS and other hazardous environments.
biaste「 fire and expiosions. Both the bodysuit and laminate
Plates are coated in reflec polymer, WhlCh distorts =ght and absorbs sound, making the wearer incredibly d冊cult to
detect. The armor’s heimet is equipped with macrobinocuiars
and scamergoggles (See the Gear sectiOn OfChapte「 V of
any core ruiebook), aSWeil as a comlink
While wearing StOrm COmmando armor, a Character 「emoves喜due to darkness, SmOke, Or Similar envi「onmental factors that obscu「e vision from PerceptlOn, Vigiiance,
and combat checks AdditionalIy,帥S armOradds臆to other Characters’perceptlOn Checks to detect the wearer
丁he Jedi l七mPle Guard were some of the best flghters the 」edl Orde「 had to offer, SWOm tO
PrOteCt the temple to the end The armor they wore was as imposing as lt WaS effective. 1empie Guard armor COnSists of brown armored robes, a helmet, and an lmPaSSive,
emotiOniess mask. Anonymlty WaS aS lmPOrtant tO a Jedi l七mple Guard as combat Skll上and they were swom
to be completely imparAn indivldua同eld disruptor creates a sphere of dlSruP-
tial in the executiOn Of
tiVe energy arOund the wearer that inte「feres with most
thelr duty.丁hough the
ene「gy fieids and offers some p「otection to the wearer
records state that all
Because of its smali size-1ess than ten centimeters in
members of the Jed口でm-
diameter-it lS reIatiVely diSCreet. When it isn’t activated,
Ple Guard were siain by
a casuaI observer might mistake it for a sensor or simpie
Darth Vader and the 501st
PieCe Of omamentation. The fieid diSruPtOrCreateSa Shimmeringfleld around the Weare「, forming a two-meter-diameter sphere around the deviCe and indiViduai whiie obscuring the wearer’s visib帖
LegiOn trOOPS he led, SOme Of thei「 battiegear survives ln
PrIVate CO=ections and lost
COmerS Ofthe gaiaxy
CeaSeS tO Offer any defense as Iong as the two fieIds inter-
The armored mask containsa helmetcom=nkand an
SeCt川a cha「acter wearing an active fieid enters engaged
ln-helmet scamer
ty誹the fleld contacts another ene「gy field, the other field
range with a droid, the drold suffers 5 Stun damage. if the fieid enters engaged range with any other eiectroniC device, the device sho「ts out and becomes lnaCtlVe for the
remainder of the encounte「. 1fthe wearer makes a meiee
‘euO Aq pe叫eりOS!P 」O Pe」e88e]S SPunO」 e囲Se〕nP訓
’Sxp印e Su…O)ui山0」J e8e山eP e巾印呼eu 」O ]⊃e=eP O〕 Peu8!SeP 」O…e PiO]Seld e]eu皿E=O S坤nS Peie9S 凡庸lueluuO」!∧ue 」e9M S」edoo」叫」O]S lel」ed山i
PePee」P 9岨 S山e〕S∧s 叩SOu8elP Pue l即ue山uO」 十∧ue Pue S測il山O〕 P」eOq-uO囲M 8uole `〕euJl9u 9囲O叩
用nq uO!1e叩!u8e山98e… Pue 《8ui8e山口e山」e巾‘s」e掴 叫8"-MOi Se u⊃nS Slue山eつuEuu9 uO!Si∧ ePnl〕川和e〕id布 OSie S引nS eSeu⊥ ’S」e]Seiq 」e!∧eeu山0」上川口〕訓P e do]S
e問M ∂∧Oi8 /POq e∧eeM」OuJJe Pe〕」O理e」 `8nus e 」e∧O
8ui」e9M e冊M Sxp9u〕 PeSeq-旬l!8∀ Pue -uMe」E=1∀
山O」J uO甲e]O」d JO叩q e判nb sepl∧O」d 」O…e eleu…ei
Pe」e88elS Sl 」9」eeq e囲」9∧eueuM音u唾」OI…e u団sie9]S
luOM ]i `leude」uS Pue `s」e]Selq叫8申e8別uep 9州SSn⊃uO〕
」O…e 9叩く旬1enb山印! S`uOde9M e山O」J Pe叫eリOSIP 」O
’e〕ue]SISe川! eS開」⊃ui Peier¥l」un ue u!晒洲nq S.叩nS el11
elPueu ue〕 OLIM 9SO肥●e山に口O叫nO山e相e 」O川」eeM ue⊃
u」OM `see」e lu剛Od山上PelO」d o] Peu8iS9P Se呼ld pIO]Seld
Pe〕叫山」〇月O 」eq山nu eJO ISISuO⊃ 」O田」e eleu…e=O S]叩S
S」O肌eMJO elqe相e〕lS相d ]SO山el甘木uuo pue `s」∂Sn l印uelOd
血e山S」eleP 」0…e e埴土O叫8i∂M 」eeuS e岨●Slue山〇回9S 田!削elnO JO ]Sel1∂no」 e囲ue∧e ul uO叫e]1e lueつUiu8iS Me」P
O] 9」nS Pue SPl」OM 〕SO山uO l晒9用Sl 」O…e ul準「ee]S `〕e刈t3山
e囲uO 」0…e leuOS」ed pe」eMOd-uOu 〕Sei∧eeu 9明JO e山OS
-∧e」8-岬団O=depe 」O SSeu叩Ie⊃!S相d doie∧eP 」9]北嶋u⊃ e dieL1叫8叫S唖8ieM 911]釦!」eeM e間M 8u町叩`uoile」⊃ -SIP S,IND e囲]∀.ウO〕 e〕u別q山n〕ue SJlnS 9囲S9〕nPe」
串eu3 S印u叩)eN (◆)応開ue Se」inb∂」岬llM `s叫81eM ese囲]O I臥O山eと仁9 JO e〕u剛q山nつue ue Seし口中S Suiule」〕
’e溝田∧e囲S準e甲=i準iePOSO]繊 叩則rOlneSPPe Pue e津山∧e明Sxpe11つ唱iee]S O] * J11e山 -Olne SPPe」e」eeM 9Ll了坤nS」e湘即S叫8!N粥ul」eeM ueuM ’S田e〕S∧s叫e山e〕ueuue-uOiSi∧ elqe」EeM 」e囲O 」O
S9i謁o8 」euue⊃S囲M u」OM八両〕!d布S1 1l ‘Se八〇 s.」9」e9M 9里
]nq 8u冊んe∧9 S」e∧○○ 1eu川nS Apoq-11nJ e S=e洲elS叫81N e肥・S三甲=qede⊃ u畔9〕S e∧!SSed lue○○P Pue uOi]坤O」d ∂lqe:Pedse」明Oq SePi∧O」d ]e囲叩nS e 9〕nPO」d o] ⊃i」
-qej 8u叩∂d山eP PunOS Pue 《se岬d 〕」eSu口e8 `9∧粥M」O…e `sI勘el則u 8u刑OSqe当岬!i Seuiq山○○ 」e消印S叫8!N e唱 `sePue8e 9〕ue8川e]ui Pue ]ue山9⊃」OJue Mei P」eMO] Pe〕e刈
-」e困’Pe⊃nPO」d相ue〕eJ d」Oつし叫u明le囲」O…e JO叩nS eIqe」nP xpu!S!」d」nS `叫8!eM叫8!l e S! 」〇割e]S叫8!N i油川e岨
岬∂「 e `pe∧O山e」 e」e S叫81eM Pe]e」8elui e囲SSeiun SueMePec] ]O S山ee] 9]el〕ue」e耕P
O] Pue 」eeiつIOO〕8u岬e」l e Se eSn 」l∂旧e津山O] S」OiO⊃
叫8!」q P9]e」Od」O⊃ul S叩nS 8uiule」=SO州│u9u] ue明8ue」]S
相e〕lS相d o] 8uldleu S]inS e里jO "81eM e囲A=eP山∂囲 e」OM8u刷e」坤e囲JO SeSEud相ee e唱ul SueMePec] ’S]e山 -1eu 8ulPuilq O88十M句p91ued山○○〕e u三明0 `91d山乱 iPe「 e囲u口岬!S uO山田O〕 e e」eM S]inS Su岬e」〕 !Pe「
’相=qO山」ie囲uO S勘」O山川e S〕〕e捕 eu〕 O〕 PeSn ]e8 ue〕 S」eu」eei ]ell] OS S叫8!eM印e」Od」O〕ui
OSle S叩nS 8uiu!t叫’S」eqeS叫8" 8u叫叩JO SMOiq 8u甲unlS
9囲q」OSqe O] Peu8iSeP Se〕e!d …B Pue `8e巾SeuJ PeP -Ped A"∧eeu ‘相inq Se」n]e9川nS 8u岬e坤Pe「 ie〕!d布eu⊥
the surrounding area This, COmbined w冊thermai shleld-
ing and sound baffiers, makes the wearer essent-aliy inv-S-ble to the naked eye and most security sensors. The Suits requlre a Smali, high-OutPutenergyCe11 bu冊nto a beit
O「Wristband. They consume energy at a high rate; the pow-
e「 pack is good forabout an hour ofconstant use・ Though 丁he Mk lii flakvest from Pacnorvai
Defense Systems IS a basiC jacket consiSting Of light durasteei plates under iayered ba旧stic fabric. Flak vests are
designed to protect agalnSt Shrapnel and heat such as that created by frag grenades, and they offer oniy =mited protection against direct hltS. Fiak VeStS are aimost useiess against
Primarily used by govemmental inteiligenCe and law enforcement agencies, many Suits have found theirWay into
the hands ofdangerouscriminalsand theAiiiance. ` Wearing this armo「 upgrades the abliity Of all Steaith
Checks made by the wearertwice. 1n addition, the GM may SPend t$o「@ @ § on anySteaith check made bythe Wearer Wh11e the sult lS aCtive to have its power pack run
dry. The suit cannot be used agaln until the power pack lS repiaced, WhlCh requires a maneuver
b看aste「s and, aS SuCh, are Seldom
Seen OutSide of security forces expecting littie resIStanCe and backwater worlds. These vests are common among noncombatants vISiting areas where opposltIOn forces heavily reIy on mines, grenade traps, and other lmPrOVised expIosive devices
ThisarmorgainS + 1 soakwhen thewearersuffers damage from the Biast quaiity.
雷雷電三三≡= Another offering from AyeiiXe/Krongbing lexti⊥es, mOuntaineer a「mor lS a Suit o川ght, f看exlbie armor designed to
assist the wearer ln Cilmbing and navigatlng mOuntainous terrain Made from a thlCk, tear子eSiStant teXtlIe with
exce=ent thermal-retentiOn qua冊es and interwoven with a patented foll-相oer armorweave, mOuntaineer armor pro-
Vides good protectIOn from impacts, abrasions, and falls lt
is relnforced a=he shouiders, knees, and elbows with imPaCt-abso「blng POlymer pads and has an integ「ai ciimb-
1ng and support hamess. The paIms of the g10VeS and The Mk lV rlOt armO=S One Of Creshaidyne lndust「ies’
SOies ofthe light, fiexibie b○○ts are coated ln FrictionGrlP,
most popuiar models Sold a看most exciusively to govem-
WhICh adheres to even the smoothest surface. The entire
mental and law enforcement agencies, thiS SOPhisticated riot armor is advertised as the pInnaCie of protectiOn for iaw enforcement o簡cers. Wom over a smartmesh body glove woven wIth fol旧ber relnforcement, the armor is
COmPOSed of a lightweight ciamshell to protect the torso and a numbe「 of flexibie contoured plates to protect the
Suit COnSists of the one-PleCe 」umPSult, gloves, boots, and
helmet. Accessories ilke oxygen tanks for high-altitude Ciimblng Can be added, and a= attachments for such accessorIeS are al「eady integrated into the armor
Mountaineer armor adds □ □ to aii AthietlCS Checks made by the wearerto cIlmb or rappe上
legs, grOin, a「mS, and shouiders A biast heimet wlth a
removable, POlarlZed face shieid and integrated breath mask completes the ensembie.
ThiS armOr inCiudes a breath mask that allows the user to航er out airbome toxins and gases (but not to breathe in atmOSPheres without the character’s requIred atmo-
SPhere mix) in addition, When staggered o「 disorlented,
the wearer reduces the duratiOn Of the effect by one
round, tO a minimum ofone round.
Hazardous lndustry suItS aiiow technlCai experts and laborers allke to deai wlth
WOrkshop or factory condItions danger-
OuStO mOStlMngSPeCieS. Some models, like the SoroSuub P-14, are heavily reinforced enough to provide limited PrOteCtlOn against a blaster bolt, and they all feature extraordinary protec-
tion agalnSt heat, radiatiOn, fumes, and other periis of working With damCyricept’s Mk iX Personai Mimetic Concealment SultS uSe
aged or poo「iy malntalned
actiVe Stealth technoiogies combined with advanced textlies to provlde some of the best personai stealth armor
Suit creates an envirOnmentai
machinery. A haza「dous industry
avallabie The mlmetic suit’s optlCal camouflage system
Seal whenthe heimetiswom and
bends light around the wearer and refiects back lmageS Of
lS gOOd for up to eIght hours of
’(9uO Aq p刑S9」囲e〕ue」qun⊃ue
9埋」elSelq doIS Ol岬noue lnJ」eMOd pie叫S e印e」eue8 OI Pe川be」侶OlOuu,e] 9Ll] Se `sesGd Pe⊃nPO」d-SS臥JJ
MeJんe∧ e」e e」e肥・Se剛⊃e=edo」d e唱O] SSe〕〕e Pue s」nOu 99」里Se」inbe」 8u!8」叫p9t] e8」e甲e」 e 8u甲nbe」 e」OJ9qS91nu冊uel」OJ PeSn eq ue〕SGd e相e⊃!d旬- SPO -i」ed ]」OuS 」O] PeSn eq AluO ue⊃ Pue ‘9]e」edo o=eMOd
JO lunOlue eSue山… ue 8u叫nbe」 `]u∂明Jeui向qlPe」叩
-ede⊃」O…e leuOS」edjO Sed布MeJ 9明JO euO e」e SPie町S
′pu叫u可8olOiS相d uesseIN S=Od囲M Peu8!SeP岬no岨
〕SO山`slePO山Pue Se向S "e」9耕P血euJ u岬unOJ eq ue⊃ (9囲e冊M.e川」91Seiq Peu哩SnS 8u岬uelS岬M JO eiq
-S甲山0⊃ ue9q e∧eu Sel⊃9ds 」9囲O Aq esn 」OJ S叩SApoq
世ed/∧e」 9doos-Pe]岬i eSn SPie叩S 」Ol⊃eiJ9P leuOS」ed
ue se lieM Se PO」 MO18 1euO!]⊃e」胆l]in山Pe叩nO皿Pe9u
∂」e八〇肥eJu8ui山O3u! xpOiq 」O ]〕ei]eP ]E叩SPie町S ei〕
s.」9」eeM e囲S∂See」Jui岬uM) 11eq相i]n Pe]e」8e叩 九時 音e ePni〕ui S叩S∧poq uesse州 SilOc] 11∀ ●PeuOIS
」Ol○○iJeP leuOS」ed ‘esn o=inO脚P Pue `9∧!Suedx9 ‘e」ed
.pueu :e eSOi⊃ 1ueurd叩be "el」Od… dee刈O] SdeJ]S Pue
`sd!i〕 ・s制pOd8uueeq-PeO=O」eq…u e Alddns os丁e ∧e囲 叩q `e8euJeP l∽iS相d山O」J uOi〕〕e]0」d i即ueP!つui e山OS 9P!∧O」d s叫nS 9111 OP向uo 〕ON ’Se岬山il⊃ Pe日掛ui e」n] -e」9d山el布ooq ,SueSSeIN S=Od e〕ein89」 d刷Pue SPOi」ed
P9PuelX9 」O=eeM O] elqe]」O川○○ e」e S叩S Jlu○○l eSeu⊥ .se∧!i ∧ep-O十八ep 」ie里uI S叩S佃Oq 8u哩一両!] `9nblun ∧old田9山間eP用e刈Se uMOuy OSie `suesse囚S=Od ell⊥
」0…e 」ie囲ui (deeしS
」0)叫OM O〕 e∧巳u ∧e山OuM euO相e
宅∧q pi〇日Se」囲 e〕uE」quJn⊃ue S.」9」eeM e
‘Pl9リe明u! Se巾dns Pue SIOOI O] SSeJ⊃e Asee sepl∧0」d pue
叫8!9M Se]nq周S!P」O…e e囲‘]ieq lOO] P91e」89叩ue Pue `s〕expOd eiqeleeS
」OJ 8uiSSeiq e ‘」eeM Ol elqe]」O叩O〕
村e∧哩l9」 8u!9q JO liJeueq e囲S勘 OSle 」O皿e PePPed 11eM ^qeuos -ee」 ieude」uS 〕〕elJeP Pue ‘se∧eM
xpous q」OSqe `suodeeM /∂」eu9 山O」J SMOlq 8uDue18出O 8n」uS ue〕 」O…e PePPed ’]iu 」e]Se看q
el= u! uO11⊃印O」d 」O…e leuOS」ed
」0…e 」9euO!d sleS エビu州 ●See」e
柄u」OM AluO田山O〕 S=i ‘∧xei晒
S=O…e PePPed le山」Ou山O」J "ede
JO 〕」ed se leq山○○ e⊃e」 〇日M 9SO旧
8uりeeq-PeOi P9]e」8elui S`11nS e唱
〕〕9JiP e 山O」] uO甲elO」d 〇回i SePi∧O」d l! e間M Se∧11相ep」i9囲
Pue ‘sxpou ‘sdeJ]S `sdooi elq印Sn「Pe SnOJeuJnu JO PeSOd山O⊃ ’山elS∧s
」OS山」O」 uO山田0〕〕SO山e昨日0 ∂uO
e∧1]1SueS O〕 uO甲e〕O」d e」IXe ePi∧
○○」d o〕 」9山村Od叩S川eq JO S」e庇1 沖即し印M P9〕」OJui9」 S岬nS elI⊥ ]e山i9u S.」eeui8ue p∂即PO山e
S=O…e ]l18!1 S旧くllSe山uO!S」eds!P
ー侶」eue岬M ue∧OM S〇回X〇日ue]SiSe」 」e9M 《p○○」OJu!9」 `斗〕冊」○ ○Pe囚
Pue `se∧O18 `sde⊃ eO] l991Seid
唱iM S]OOq Ap」n]S `s」eS
-nO」] Pue ]e沖e「 Pe〕」O岬e」
`p∂88n」 JO S〕S!SuO〕 」0…e 」○○uOid `pui山u=9eu!8ue
leq山○○ e明し川M P訓8!SeG
‘uie」〕S leuOil
-1PPe =三男nS AeLl] `」e∧n9uelu e」]Xe ue e準〕 Ol 」9P」O u!
ule」]S S」〔親nS 」e」eeM e囲ueuM ’Se刑enb山e]i ]u〇°OSIG ○○
u」n日e囲JO S叩三男9 9囲」三男nS IOu S∂OP」e」e9M el廿’SuO理P -uO⊃ lelue山uO」i∧ue elilSO叫9囲O Pue ’uoi岬Pe」 `pIO〕 `1e9u
‘」e]unO〕ue 9囲JO 」9Puie山e」
e唱」OJ」eMOdJOlnO un」 ] 9∧eu Ole]e」eu98Ae叩@血e
lSISe」 OI S沖e甲eつu別口S∈杷0] □□ sPPe 」e」eeM e冊`」9囲 -」n] (SxpOq91n」 eJO〕 e叩JO相eJO^ 」eld即3 ui uO甲eS 」eeD)準e山唱ee」q eSe SlunO〕]inSんISnPui SnOP」eZeu ∀
pue ・uo一]eiPe」 AIPeeP ・se」911dso叫e 〇回SOu山0」J uO甲e〕O」d
si 8uiuOSiOd uo!岬Pe」8u!Sne〕 P!O∧e O叫8nou∂準eMmq
rsu!晒e se呼lnSui 8ui]eO〕 l∽ilueu⊃ S]l小南ui]山m⊃臥ue∧9
〇〇uO用nq-山0]Sn⊃相ensn 9」e S叫un eSeu十甲nS S∀ ’e」e」
9囲]e SelLIO⊃ uO!〕〕9]0」d sli `」9∧eMOH -S沖OuS Pue Su」nq
Pu9ds ue⊃ IN〇 e囲‘s(コc] e 8u!Sn S口9Pie!M e囲ueuM ‘」eeM O] SnO」e8uep ue出O 9」e 〕e囲S鴻〇
相inq相e山叩X9 SI ]i Se作画!qO叫O ]SO〕
Popuiar and l-ghtweight, CaPaCitive armor offers moderate PrOteCtiOn againSt mOSt fo「ms of attack whenever worn. Howeve「, an eXPenSive, miniaturized power source ln the
armor can be activated to make its flexibie paneis stiffen, Offering increased protection at the expense of mobl=ty Wearers appreciate the armor’s extra resistance when
COmbat erupts and cover is not readlly ava=able.
Effective body armo「 is conspiCuOuS. G○○d armor pro-
Vides an intimidation factor in additIOn tO SeCurity, but it rlSks settlng the wrong tone for a tenuous negotiatiOn. For those times when appearances are as important as SeCurity, armOrthat is much less notiCeabie鵜eVe旧f lt is
iess protective」s a necessary compromlSe・
A reflect bodygiove lS a Skintightsultthat can be wom
As a maneuve「 the weare「 may power up or power down
undemeath traditionai garments. it血orporates a refiec-
the a「mor. While the armor is powered and the plates a「e
tiVe WeaVe CaPable of dlSPerSing energy weapon biasts.
locked in piace, thewearergains + 1 soakand + 1 defense
However, the thin layer of tight weave is fragile, Pa「tlCu-
but 10SeS thei「 free maneuver during each of thelr tumS
1ariy for a suit ofarmor. Add漢漢to a characte「’s Vigiiance and Perception
Checks to notice the user iS Wearing armor After a successful combat check has been resolved against the wearer, the reflect body glove’s soak lS reduced by one, tO a minimum
3嵩器悪霊鵬嵩禁書諾na一va-ue Most AiiianCe fieid tactlCS focus on hit-and-fade strikes, Sabotage, and denial operatlOnS, but sometimes the Rebe帖On has no choice butto Stand and flght aga冊St lmperial forces ]nfortunateiy, the
Rebeiiion lacks the persomei and weapons to domlnate the Empire ln field warfa「e. Rebei
lnfantry uses heavy battle
Produced by a numberofcompanieS, such as P「etormin Envi「onmentai
and Gandorthral AtmospheriCS, rein-
laminate, and a「mored cIoth-
forced environment gear is essentia=y improved adverse envirOnment gear. These suitS are common equiPment amOng SCOutS, Pianetary surveyors, and miners. They are especlai1y popuiar among coionists,
1ng that provldes slgn面oant
Who not only must b「ave
OVerall protect10n. The base layer
Strange and hazardous planetary conditlOnS, but aiso are
armor to help ensure thei「
SurVivai when outgumed by SuPe「iOr lmperial numbe「s
Rebel heavy battle armor is a combination of composlteS,
is made of armo「weave cioth that
dissipates blaster bolts. Over the
more prone 亡O ln」ury from
base layer are piastold segments that protect agaInSt Shrapnel and blunt force. The combination of materiais provides heavy pro-
fa=s and unstable envirOn-
tection w剛e aliowlng freedom Of movement, un‖ke most fuIl
iaminate battle suits
menta口Ormations Reinforced envi「onment
gear a=ows a weare「 to ignore臆
imPOSed by environmental condit10nS and reduces C油Cai injurieS
Suffered from fa=ing by 20 The
Rebel heavy battie armor is equipped with a helmet-
Suit also inciudes a filter, grant-
冊ed breath mask and respirator (See the Gear section ln
1ng □ to Res帖ence checks to
Chapter V of any of the co「e rulebooks)・
resist toxIC atmOSPheres or airbo「ne toxinS.
esn jO S」nOu 31d-1in山」9∧O SPeeu S.」9Sn e囲」OJ 9P一∧0」d
OSle lSn山11 mq ‘9iqe耳O理rO⊃ Pue elqlXelJ 9q ]Sn肌理nS POO8 ∀.Pe」lnbe」 Si叩S 8ui∧!P Peuie]uO叩ieS e鵜uOSee」 」eu]O Aue 」O] e⊃勘nS S,uee〕O ue囲eeueq l9∧e」〕 」O-Sel⊃ -eds叩enbeし回M AIeSOl⊃刈OM ISnu」 S」el11ee」q-」le ueuM
9」9udso…e P∂岬」u○○ue三沢xo ue 山OJJ 」eJ∵Slue田uO」 -V¥ue叩enbe ui lieMP S]uei叫eS JO 」9q山nu 8u!Si」d」nS ∀
Je」eeM 9囲uO 」O山」e u団S Pu○○9S
e叩Ou O] Sxp∂u〕 uO!]de〕」9d S.」el⊃e」euつe O]漢書PP∀ .uoi〕〕e〕O」d ui 9See」〕u! eiqe」nSee田e 8u!」∈現O mO岬M
]SOつ」e岬1u村iu!PuOdse」」O〕 e Sel」」e〕 」0…e u!準PuO ○○9S JO e」nleu叫8!eMll18i1 9明く」e∧eMOH ‘」O…e 8ui」eeM
e」e Ae明]e叩]OeJ 9明AeMe 8u一∧18 mo囲lM uO!1坤O」d leuOS」9d JO le∧el e u!e叩引JJ O〕 uS!M OuM eSO旧」O=eePi 」O…e eul Se津山Si岨’eiqe:Pe]ePun ]SO山1e ]i 8ul津山 `s∂L1101〕 9∧il⊃91O」duou `」9SOOi JO 」9Ael e 」9Pun uePP叫
eq ue∧e u91JO ue〕 Pue u冊Alqey」e山e」 SuleuJe」叫El」臥
e囲Sxpe岬囲ie91S O] □ □ s叫e」8叩SMOPeuS uE面準s ∀ 」Oi」edns s! 」ePidse」q山n 9囲]O洲S 9囲leu] Pue]uO⊃
Sue旬es mq JnJ leJeG JO Se甲edo」d 9囲8u!佃n〕S Aq洲SMO -PeuS eZ!S訓nu/s o〕 eiqe e」eM S〇回X軋8u唾uo」〉椎Xiie∧∀
u! 9Sn O] l興印euJんeu刑Oe」]X9 S冊]nd e∧eu Sue旬es 9肥
人se9 8u胴eue 冊S 91叫M uC叫○○〕O」d e呼」ePO山 S」〔現O
」OJ 8u凶OM S]S…9uつ-叫8!i叫81」q u口de⊃Xe eeS O1 9iq -!SSOduJl ]SO岬e 」e」eeM 9囲e津山1e囲Se∧O18 /poq 8u購」〕
Siu丁岬no叩`sI肌O"SO山9洲un ’佃iiqiXe日Pu門ueuJe∧O山 」O…e u!準PuO○○S `8u冊Oi〕 Pe」0…e JO S9d布1SO山e洲「
’eiqlSi∧ui相en坤∧ SqeM `S」eP!dse」q山n e囲Se準用]eln AeM e
u間81i 8uiq」OSqe Pue 8u甲e」Je」 `se甲edo」d lenSnun Se掴=S eu⊥ ●ueeSun u!euJe」 0川SiM O11M Su!SSeSSe Aq pesn副e SlinS
-MOPellS ue旬es `」eP!dse」q山n e囲JO湘S 911]山O」J u9∧OM
」e]eM岬no」囲8u!i9∧叩」OJ Sei揮ued叫e山 -e∧O田」e出nS ]Ou SeOP 」e〕⊃e」euつe `叩nS 8ul∧!P ∂deつSeeS
e 8u甲eeM el叫M ‘Se印SSe〕eu l∽i801O!q 」∂囲O Pue `s]u∂山 -eIddns uo即]nu `」9叩M uSe」J O〕 SSe〕⊃e Seu OSle 」e」eeM
」O…e 〕Oi」畑IiqeZ叫OISn〕 Pue 在ynb!qn S〕! ue∧lD
JO S」nOu X!S eP!∧O」d ue⊃叩nS 8u一∧iP ede〕Se9S e肥
〕e8pnq e uo esueJeP 〇月eS ul Pe]S9」e叩euO血e 」OJ 9〕iO甲」eindod e suie山e」
e明`eLu!] S冊8uunc].」e囲ee」q-」le ue O] 9」∂11dso叫e
.明Oi〕叩S用eq岬M ue∧OM」9叩S9∧粥」8 pu門Se∧ P∂PPed Pue PieiuS e〕eJ Pe叩」8e叩ue囲M 〕e山i9u e SePni川l ue]JO 」O…e lOり`相e^ Su8!SeP岬nou⊥ ●Sleqeと」 Pe…e
相OOd 」O qO山uei岬〕 e Se岬nS `s」expe]]e P肌」e /恒岬11 JO」eq山nu e8」el elSuI晒e出O e⊃eJ O]8u甲edx9 9」e OuM Se⊃」OJ旬」n〕9S Pue e坤Od小y u」OM向ouenbe」] ○○e S]lnS eseLl⊥.S叩iJuO〕木usu9]u上u8間ul uOil〕elO」d leuOS」ed
」OJ Peu8!SeP 」0…e :equJ○○叫8ii S=O…e ]O」十八xel晒 e叩1nOu8no」巾S」e」n]⊃eJnuelJJ SS9i]unOつ小y pe⊃nPO」d
Eve「y smuggler gets searched工hat
Part Ofthejob is inevitabie. Some Smugglers, however, take the tack that if they simpiy have enough hidden compartments, at ieast a few wiii inevitabiy go unsearched. 丁he smuggier’s trench-
COat addresses this Strategy言t lS COVe「ed
With pockets, minor COmPartmentS, and POuChes within POuChes to confound any sea「ch. These t「enchcoats have aiiowed many Prisone「s to retain items iike
datasplkes and lockpicks that
Creshaldyne industries is known throughout the gaiaxy as a PurveyO「 Of fineiy made working clothes for hunters, SCOutS, and others who liVe in f「ontier SettingS. One of the company’s newer offerings is the Surviva=st =ne Of personai armo「.
Similar in const「uction to the ubiquitous padded armor found ln PO=ce forces and paramiiitary o「ganiZatlOnS
throughout the gaiaxy, the Survivaiist line iS lightweight and durabie, Performing weil ln nearly eve「y envirOnment.
A suit of Su「vivaiist armor provides whoie-body pro-
tectiOn, With reinforced patches at the elbows, knees, and shouiders. Each suit features an integrated loadCarrying system that combines a collection of pouches
Of various sizes with attachments for extemal bags, backpacks, and systems
Wearing a Suit Of SurvivaiiSt armOr increases the wearer’s encumbrance threshoid by l
late「 aid them to breakout
from custody.
Checks made to find anything hidden wlthin a Smuggler’s trenchcoat whiie lt
is being worn are opposed by the Skulduggery of the
Wearer. The coat can concea=temS With a total encumb「ancevaiueofupto 2.
Used by professIOnal scouts, SCience-iab wo「kers, and
SPeClal forces the galaxy over, the Thinsuit by Karfio Cor-
POration is among the most popular envirOnmentai PrOteCtiOn gear arOund. The Thinsuit provides protection against a variety of dangerous environments without hampering mOVement Or SIowing reaction speed. Aithough it g「ants minimai protectiOn agalnSt biasters
and othera「maments言ts ease ofuse makes ita common The ``Storm’’charge suit Offers p「otection sim=ar to other
makes of padded armor, but lt Offers several unique features.丁he padding that makes up most of the armor lS highly resIStant tO electricai energy Whlie this doesn’t
addition to the kit of elite combat units. Made from a P「OP「ietary material that reguiates lntemai conditiOnS
Whiie b10Cking external ones, the Thinsuit protects against dangerous tempe「atu「es, PreSSure, radiation,
Chemicais, and partiai vacuums.
Offer any additiOnal protection against biasters直ensures that the wearer suffers no用effects from the elect「oconductive wiring that lineS the entI「e Suit. When switched on,
The ThinSuit lS a Skin-tight body giove, Weighingonly one kilogram, that provides aimost totai coverage for standa「d
the suit hums with energy. Any enemy who comes into
humanoids, leaving only the face exposed. 1t comes with
direct contact with it Suffers a joit comparabie to that of a iower-end stun bIaster. This armor lS a mainstay of riot
a facemask and航「ation system that pu面es standard
POlice within the Corpo「ate Sector, but it finds its way into
the hands of mercenaries and bounty hunte「s as we=.
ifthe wearer of the charge suit is hit by a melee attack
and the attack generates @, the attacker is automaticaily hit by an attack dealing 8 damage. ThiS damage lS aPP"ed to the attackers’s strain threshoid. if the attack generates
㊨ @工he attacker is disoriented for one round. Wea「ing
a charge suit counts as being equipped with shock gioves (Braw上Damage +0; Critica1 5; Range [Engaged】; Stun 5).
atmosphere for up to sIX hours and provides one hour of
intemai power The stock suit comes with six removable 師e「s and power packs, eaSlly stored ln its many pockets.
A cha「acter equipped with a ThlnSuit remOVeS獲臆
imposed by the environment from their checks.
e .し相木ylenb u」n(日e明囲iMSuOde9M Pue Se」両cl
’」O…e e回eq A∧e91=O 9]eu皿ei e∧哩」1S∂十9山OS」eq山n〕
」e」eeM e唱8u甲Olie ’8u冊Op Pe」O…e 」e里O山0」J ∀INd
e囲Pue (しJO山n山iu冊」 e O]) euo Aq el〇時9∧ S.」e」eeM 9囲
8uiuuOP叩O岬M SuOpen〕!S相e山」OJ Pe」ede」d 9q O]
」∂」eeM 9明O=ie9P e洗山eP Se〕nPe」 8叩eO〕 ]uelS!Se」-e田eiJ
碕」e∧eS叩O囲M uOll⊃印O」d ]O 9e」8ep poo8 e sep!∧O」d
8uw¥ 9囲 `」O…e P〇時」8e叩 Pue
uo」明e」eE] SeLIS嘩ui]S!P 」O…e三甲〕 ePe」8dn pue∴eZi -山OISn⊃村oue瑚u8!S Ol木yi!qe eu⊥.」e」鷺M e囲8u!P9d山!
ule」〕S Aue s9⊃nPe」理nS 」9Pue田山Oつ
O1 1ieeP S〕旧1(∋叩i」つ山0」」 P∂∧!e○○」
uoi]⊃n」1SuO⊃ Pe謁n」 Sli O〕 S刈ueu⊥ “Se」日el⊃iue∧ e∧!NnS
S」e」eeM dieu O] le〇時〇匹JOO」d-uO!] -eiPe」 Pue -e」U e lmM Pe〕ee」I OSle S!
」ePue田山0つるu州9明`se」n]eej 9∧甲9] ○○」d s理JO dol叫“∧〕ue8」e山e J○ ○Se⊃ u岬nSe⊃eds zleS」e ue …OJ O=9Luleu
∀INd uO」岬e」明く叩qeJ到] O叩ue∧OM Seleid piO]Seld Pe〕eId相e⊃串e]eJ]Sし印M 」9C哩uS9山8u!S」eds!P-∧8」eue ue JO ePe囚uOI呼Z叫OISn〕 〕即つeds-uO!SS甲91qe」eP!S
-uO⊃ 」OJ SMOl岬]eu1 8u冊Op Pe」O…eJO …OJ叫8!eM叫B" 両相場Ie」 e Si山e〕S^s 」O…e 」elnPO山ieuOS」∂d “uo」囲 -e」明。旧9dll e明“S9〕」OJ DeS」O⊃ Pue e〕」O] 9SueJeC] ue=i○○Oつ9囲」OJ 」Ol⊃9S ue用e」Oつ9囲u! P9」n]〕eJnueIN
Pue `sIOOq `se∧O18 9囲O〕 PeieeS 9q ueつPue eつeds pue e」9Lldso叫e
囲Oq u=ieM S…O耳ed le甲田e] -S^s ]」Oddns-訓1 Pel∽i〕S叩dos e
Seエビ」Od」○○叫OSle lmS eu⊥ ●S開」e 9叩oiieP ]○○lO」d oI S耳9Su=e8 8u! -q」OSqe-]つed… PuE S印eid 」O…e
〕皿e」e0O」」eJ u冊Se」n]ee月ePue山
一山○○ 8ui州e囲∵e∧ee肌O…e e冊 Ol uO印PPe ui -e∧eeM」O山」e 」eq田!OJ
8u!S」eds岬-A8」eu9 `xp冊e囲iMPe⊃」OJ -u!e」 Se旧Xe]叩e囲u∧s /P」nlS JO用nq
S=ePu肌用Oつ8uiM e囲∵叩nS uSe」〕 」eP岬つOuS e囲0=ei!uJIS ’uOiユ坤O」d
Pue uO担OO ]Oiid u間e山e⊃u臥Pe 〕Se岬i 9哩 Si Se旧X軋8uiq8uo」〉1/9Xile∧∀布引nS叫S帖
Pe」O…e 」ePue山田Oつ8uiM Jelndod 9岨
‘山m⊃e^ P」eu u! S」nOuウ乙01 dn 」OJ e^iNnS
ue〕叩S晒旧S-X⊥ e 8ul」e9M uOS」ed e `〇〇〇nOS ue8/xo leu -」elX9 u門nO囲M -9⊃eds deep ui e〕u〇日edx9 O画e洲Si lOi!d
e uo呼!Pe」 Pue PiO0肌9」1Xe e卑l山O」J uC周⊃elO」d叫e〕eP ep!∧O」d叩S eu叩S」eC氾eu⊥ ●Sxp印e A§」eue PuE e∧!SSnJuO〇 時u!晒e esueJeP 9]e」ePO山Se lieM Se `∂〕eds JO田nn B∧ e囲
田O」J uO!〕〕e〕O」d 」e調eq何曲iS S9Pi∧O」d s-Xl e囲`sro"d剛
ーeduJI Aq u」OM S叩S叫紬呼q山○○ 9囲O=ei岬S S同し8no肥 ’d叫Sue山Spe」つ」Ol」edns enle∧ OuMS」e]unu布unoq pue `s9i」eu -eつ」e山’se〕e」ld囲M 」elndod osle Si 〕十S山elS/S 」eulO ie」e∧eS
」O S9⊃」OJ旬」nつeS 9囲JO Sro"d pue e⊃」0] eSu9Jea ue用e」O○ ○囲Aq p9Sn S惇-X⊥ eu] `sro"d 」e叫的Je]S 」OJ Al岬田!」d seI8 ○○1OuLl〕eL ue用e」○○句Pe」n]⊃eJnueuJ叩S叫8旧Pe」OILue u∀
‘」elun○○ue eu=O Pue e囲
剛n dn p9」eMOd eq ]Ouue⊃ Pue uMOP Pe」eMOd se山0⊃9q 」O…e e明叩Od甲!LIM呼‘」eMOd JO "O un」 O=! eSneつ
塁蒜岩盤露盤器器つ器器笠盤鷲 -」eeM9明くdn pe」9MOd s!」O…e e囲e間M-」O…ee囲uMOP 」eMOd 」O dn 」eMOd Ae山」e」開M 9囲’」e∧n9ue山e S∀
’乙Aq piOuSe」l11 e〕ue」q山nOue S.」9
-」eeM e囲SeSee」〕u口S9∧何回n 」exp叫eu十u」OM ueuM -∧eM e囲u! 8u即e8山e囲叩O岬M甲eeJ AsE9 u!
e囲SSO」Oe Ale∧甲9鵬Pue ^u9∧e Se甲nOd s坤ul Pe甲eつ 8u冊相eJO叫8!eM 9明S9叩q甲S!P ]ue山」晒e囲`p9ddiZ旬unJ
1E 〕eS `elq即O叩O〕 SSe同eqie `e∧!]坤0」d e」O山e O=O…e
〇四M SiOO]叫即」OduJ!凡」e〕 O〕山e囲8uiMOile `∧poq s.」9」eeM
’uO"nq eJO uSnd e囲
JO ]eS eiqe]」O担O〕 e山O」川〕]iMS O1 9Iqe 8u!eq JO布巾1eS」∂∧ 91I]印eP∂」dde slue8e lu9Pued9Pui ’SP日OM lulと=e]nO uO uolu山O〕 Ale∧哩i9」 〕! 8ui沖田`s〇日nlu○○ 」O月O…e uS9山eJ引n
」eqU Pue uSe山」eq鴫uil」Odxe ue9q e∧e岬uld」臥e肥●xped
ueuM 8u岬S.1Se∧ e囲叩eeu9q Pelee〕uO⊃山e]S∧s 8uue9q -PeO=e」∂9]u甲e O] P9]⊃9uuO〕 e」e u瑚M ]O 11e何回n Pue `sedeus `seziS SnOi」e∧ JO S9甲nOd sno」9山nu囲甲P乱e∧○○
判8ieM叫8"山O」」 ePe山Pue OS」0] e囲uO u」OM S叫e…晒
叩S∧poq elqlX91J e Se P9P!∧O」d s用Se山e」]1∩ uOil⊃n」〕S
/eu⊥ ●Se旧Xe]叩e囲u∧s "E]S!Se」-」eel Pue -ule]S `eiqe」nP
u911M木up!8町euO!1d9⊃X∂ Su!晒]i 9⊃e!d os」Ol e ue囲」e囲e」
e」e SIS9∧ 」exp叫JeddlZ布np〇八∧e9u eし川M ]uO」J ui 9SOi〕
有印eq 9∧叩u岬P S〕甲0」J叫e」」n"周⊃eie e囲O] P9SOdxe
SSeie∧eelS elduJ!S e」e SISe∧ 9S∂岨●Pue明]S∂q S`」e」Oidxe 911]
-u○○ 」eiP」n]S Pue e∧開M 」e叫81ユE囲M `」O…e uSe山」eC肥
-叫nu Pue `slnO〕S `s〕Se!Sn囲ue SSeu」ePl!M 8uo山e uO山田O⊃
9u!d」e)∧ JO 」O…e P」ePue]S e囲S=0…e uSe山e」叩」eq!]
e」e Se旧X軋8u!q8uo」〉1/eXiie∧∀田OJJ S]Se∧何回n 」9沖叩くs」e
eu!d」臥JO uO!S」9∧ Pe⊃ue^Pe 9」O山e S川・SP」en8血oIO〕
e Pue ’s」e8u!lSun8 ’s」e叫nu ,旬unoq `se!」eue〕」e山 し印M
」eindod suo!1翰即PO田」e〕Seiq 9」e S91nPO山8叩en]⊃∀
SPOIN =+ aJ」aid)木ulenO山即l乙`spoINし+ a8e山e(]乙
.旬ienb (し十)
e]e」nC)⊃∀ eul uOde∂M 9111 Slue」D :S」e胡PON eS閃 -uOdきeM
ーPe8晒u∂JO山n…u叫e O= ∧q 9∂uE」 S.uOd閃M 9叩S9⊃nP9a ’(dn pepuno」) e8臥uep s.uodeeM e囲Ji叫Ol lenbe enie^
e囲甲上旬=enb山e〕口Se旧e囲S]ue」D :S」aH!POI^1 eS開 ’旬ienb lSe旧e囲9∧e=Ou SeOP ]e囲uOdeeM A8」eue 91qe
eeie山PePelq Aue o] Pe=dde 9q ue〕叫∂山甲e叩e Siu⊥ ’」eSn P9=団S eJO SPueu 9u] u! e]e」nつつe 9」O山
OSie叩q `」e叫訓村uo ]Ou S口e囲uOdeeM e e]ee」〕 O〕 Sle -ue]叫叫8胆却n `u」ePO山9Sn Su]甲SuOdeeM leuO!SSeJO」d ’uOdeeM 9eIeu Aue u口u∂uOd山OつAe刈e Si eOupeq POOD
i!nS 」O 」印Seiq Aue o] Pe両de eq ue〕叫e山甲印e S町⊥ ‘S」OP甲O〕 d叩S」e]S MO」」eu u! SluiOdeyo甲PiOu Pue
Sdoo」]人山9ue lMOP uld o] PeSn SuOdeeM打OPu即S 9^ilつe捕
O]u申uode∂M …QJSueJI O1 9Pe」8dn s冊eSn u〔判O S」edooJL ’Sl∂&el eid印n山し抑M ]⊃euuO⊃ O] lei]uelOd判=OuS e18u!S
e 8u囚8 ’1iOq 」e〕Seiq ie○!d布e囲8u叫」。J ue囲」e囲e」 ]OuS
Pee」ds 」∂準∂M e Olu1 9Sn出IP uO!1e⊃朝PO山S胴囲M uOde9M e ⅢO」J PeJU SIOuS ’l〇月eq 」e]Seiq xpOIS e eP!Su! uO!1e」n8即O〕
q山O〕∧∂uOu e O叩S」9叩山9剣O山」O 99」囲∂ui叫nO田畑nJ副e〕 Pue u」e11ed ue^ieD e明8u廟PO山人q uo!10unJ S」e叩ids山eeq `s∂剛」∂]Selq 」Oj uO!1e〕哩PO山19」」eq Pe9」ds 9囲O=ei岬S
’uOdeeM S冊uO e〕ueu印
-u!e山8u叫uOJ」ed ueuM Sxpe甲S叫ue甲9IN "e O]臆SPP∀ SPOIN (l + ]u訓OSl(])木ulenO山3]l Z
工 人q e8E山eP uOdeeM SeSee」Oui :S」e即POI^I eSeg -S∂囲」即Selq ∧∧e〇日
PueSe肌」9]Selq唱iM PeSn eq村uo ue〕1ueu川Je]昨S川上 ●e山!〕
-uMOP Pue e⊃ueue叫e山u! eSee」〕ui uE O] 8u!Pee仁1e」」eq Pue e山e」J S.」e]Selq 9唱uO 」ee] Pue 」eeM PeSee」Ou! S! 」9 -MOd 8u!ddo]S e」〕Xe S冊11e 」O川O-ePeJ1 9u⊥ ’Se剛」elSeiq
∧∧e9u Pue Se囲」e]SeIq JO uO!1e」]eued 」O…e Pue ]nd]nO
’uOdeeM S明し印M Sxpeu〕 1eq
e8則rep e囲囲Oq S∂S粥」⊃u=e」Jeq山O]Sn〕 S冊Je]depe
‘e印eq e ui 98pe e」IXe l叩=O==刑M 」eⅥui亘白SS9IPue
(叫8!「) p∂8ueとi血e ll]iM PeSn 9q ue⊃叫9山u⊃印e Siu⊥
Pe〕ePdn ue 8uiSn -i訓Eq u!ds pe]ue山8ne ue 8u川e]Sui ∧q peusiid山〇〇〇e u三周O `sIenP!∧胆u=〕nS /q epE山uOけ -t3〕即PO山uO田山Oつe S! 」e〕Seiq eJO木yi勘]∂i 9明8u!See」叩
e囲SS9SSOd lOu S90P le叩uOdeeM (∧∧eeH) pe8u閃」O
esind叩e]S布np-∧∧eeu u」e叩ed-ue^ieD Peuii山朗」1S PuE?
-山OC=nJSSe○○nS uO O叩e山O]ne uieD :S」e即PON eSe甘
.旬ienb lSe旧
S」ediuS Pue S」9]OOllSd」euS /q pesn Al
9⊃ue田」O」」ed s.uode9M 」ie囲∧q e岬Pue e^ll OuM eSOu⊥
-e」e」 9」巳Sユリ8!S 」eS引`uosee」 S冊」0] ●」el○○uS e叩〇日e8」きl
e」eMeun eS!M」e哩O ue ]」eie ue⊃ 」9SEl 9明岬囲Si 9Pe」8dn
S冊 Ol xpeqMe」P euO ’〕e8」el e掴」e〕OOuS 」ne]則嶋 ue u9∧e di9u ue〕叫卸S」eSel∀ -S瑚月O eSe⊃ 9u] u甲OdeeM e明JO eP!S e囲O] PelunOll」 eq /e山川q ’le」」eq e明OI P○ ○]unO山村ensn si叫81S 」9Sei eu⊥ -]98」e] eSPe」d s.uodeeM
eu] S刈e山]e囲“]OP” eiq!S!^ e eOeid ol山eeq叫8町eMOd -MOl e Sl叫e叫8iS 」eSel e lll∂!S un∂ 9iduJ!S Ale山9」]Xe u∀
‘Se刑euOS」edつdN O] S9uSl」nO日9i制8u!PPe Pue ]OOi PeZ=ei⊃eds sつd 8ui∧i8 ∧q s」elunOつue ilnP 9SiNue明O O川eleP
PPe ue○ uOpe⊃U!PO山JO 9d布S川上’!Pe「SnO山勘O S」eqeS叫8" P9iqeJ 9囲OI Sey!d eid山iS Pue S」∂]Seiq 9uePun山田O」] 8u冊
anyone who needs to make the first strlke count Adaptable to nearIy any biaster pistoi言his attachment is an
upgraded blaster actuating module with custom師mwa「e and a st「onger eiectromagnetiC aCCeierator that
provides mo「e powe「ful and more penet「ating blaster
shots. Unfortunateiy, this excess power takes ltS tOii on the weapon, blasters mod甫ed as such tend to develop a siightly g「eate「 “kick’’in recoi上OCCaSIOna=y spoi‖ng the
precise alm Of the shooter. However・ the increased effec-
Built from scavenged blaster parts and the occasionai piece
tiveness of such a shot when it does strike the target is
from a repulsor腫generato「, the bowcaster accelerator
the reason thiS attaChment remalnS POPuia「.
This attachment lS Only for use on Ranged (Llght) blaste「 pistoIs.
Base Mod輔ers:血reases weapon damage by l. Adds
enhancement iS the second most common mod甫Cation to Wookiee bowcasters after the automatic re-COCke「 Essentiaily an upgrade of the weapon’s boit acceierators・ thiS
attachment allows the bowcaste「 to fre ltS highiy destruc-
tiVe quarreis with more force than typica=n a stockweapon.
音to a11 checks made when usingthlS WeaPOn. 丁hlS attaChment iS Only for use on Wooklee bowcasters and
camot be purchased直must be bu冊either by the ownerof
the bowcaster with an Awe「age OO Mechanics check or
by the weaponsmith who builtthe weapon for them. ThiS item lS nOt aVaiiable fo「 sale, but parts may be
bought for 250 credltS. Base Modifiers: inc「eases weapon damage by l.
Though generaiiy not as Ioud as siugthrowe「s, blasters usuaily emit an audibIe crack or zap upon being臼red Whiie milita「y scouts and snipers are usua=y more con-
cemed that a biaster bolt fiash might give away their positlOn Or dlSruPt their nlght vis10n・ those who ope「ate in the galactic underworId often師d the report of a bIaster
1 1tem Quallty (Aut○○鉦e) Mod
to be more troubiesome. 1n o「der to address this issue,
several a「ms manufacturers produce sound suppressors fo「 a blaster muzzie, making the weapon virtually siient.
丁he technoiogy of each supp「essorvaries’from an extend-
ed barrei attachment containing sound dampening materIals to more advanced models that empIoy noisecanceiing sound waves to negate the sound ofthe shot・
Few weapons ln the galaxy a「e as indicative of their uSerS
as the Wooklee bowcaster. Bowcasters require an incred上
ble ievei of raw physicai strength to wield, eSPeCia=y when 10ading and cocking the weapon to fire・ A time-COnSuming
and labor-intensive process, reloading a bowcaster is
Base Mod輔ers: Adds菓萱to any Perception or Vig主
made much easier by use of the automatic re-COCker. This attachment entails upgrading the basic weapon wlth a number of power-aSSist systems as we= as a magazine
iance checks made to Iocate a concealed shoote「師ng
feed system that a=ows the weapon to fire・ re-COCk, and
the s=enced bIaster.
reIoad a旧n one smooth, quick movement.
丁his attachment can oniy be used with blaster pistoIs.
‘」e叫nO〕u9 e唱JO Pue e周囲un小e叫ue uo甲unJ OI S9St39⊃ Pue lnO S叶OuS 」O S呼e甲e∧O uOde9M
叫8u!Sn eP曾山S沖e甲 ]eq山O⊃ iie O]漢書SPPe Pee]Su! 」euMO e叩ue囲」e囲O 9uO相∀.uOdeeM S冊8u!Sn Se津山」euMO S.uOde∂M 9囲 Sxp〇匹req山0⊃旧…山O」J喜e∧OuJeと] :S」e即PON eSe〔i ●eiPueu e
明lM uOdeeM /ue oI P9ildde eq ueつ1ue山u⊃印e Siu⊥
-Sn⊃佃哩∀ ●e〕ueleqiJO uOdBeM 9囲」O elqBl」O担0⊃un
xpe甲叩q山O⊃ E uO @ 」O $ $ @ Se担eue∂ 」ePle!M
’囲叫SuOd粥M 」elSeuJ e jO甲euJ看leu e囲S申」8 pez甲O]
9明仁PunO」 〕Xeu e囲JO Pue e囲副OJ9q uOde9M e明し印M 9明月’PunO」 IXeu e明JO Pu9 9即li叫n (S+ Aq木画enb SnO!⊃IA S叩JO 9nl巳∧ 9ul eSee」叩」O) s sno!〕!∧ uOde9M
eul叫e」8 o] 8u印eS xpOi〕」e∧O 9u] e]坤]⊃e舟e山」ePleiM e明∵」e∧neue山e Se u」n] 」ed e〕uO :S」e即POIll eSeg ’uOdeeM IMe」日」O eeieIN Pe」eMOd 」e囲0 (ue
du8 e囲Pu叩! eSn O両直OuM S」e囲0 `」9uMO S理O SPueu e囲ui小豆e耳ed s叩uOde9M 9冊訓uM ’∧poq s`」ePi∂!M 9囲 JO uO!Sue〕X9 ue Se ]つe Ol uOdeeM e囲8uiMO旧く」euMO Sl!
岬e田柄nb!un O] P三男e」〕 Sl di」8山O持nつ∀ ’Pueu S.」9P191M S]l叩/恒〕eJ」ed o] uOdeeM e 」Oil即ue〕 」e」e岬1 P9用準∀
」O uOdeeM O」q!∧相e o〕 P9iidde 9q ue⊃叫e山u⊃印e S町⊥ ’Pe」!ede」 l刑n SSei∂Sn POW (し十軌eJn〕〕∀)旬月enO山∂]1 1
相eeu uodeeM e囲8ui」ePue」 `∂Sn 8ul」nP ]⊃euuO〕SiP 」O uMOP準∂」q OI S⊃甲0」]J9l9 1eu」elui S]i eSne○ ue○理`se判ds
」eMOd 9S∂ll] 8uリnP ]」ede JleSl1 8ul準uS uOdeeM叫=0 」eeJ e圃i S! e」e囲e問M ’SuOl]en]⊃nI=9MOd elqel〕!Pe」dun
8u!Sne:) JO eSuedxe∴e唱le lnq `」eMOd 8u朋nJ P叩 -11d山e」OJ Pe8」叫p eq ue〕 〕e囲uOd粥M O」qi∧ e S川nSe」 eu⊥ ’uOil〕e 9Pelq S,uOdeeM O」q!∧ eJOんuenbe」J Pue Peeds e明
esee」3u!相叩ueuOdxe ue⊃ ueP時間〕91 Pe馴enb e `s8oieue uoiSi〕e」dし印M S]ueuOd山O〕 ieu」〇回ie」e∧eS 8ui〕elde」佃 ‘8u即eS xpOi〕」e∧O ueJO uO!Snl⊃u1 9叩岬M」e"PeeP ue∧○ ○q ue⊃ SuOdeeM O」q!∧ `e」e Ae明Se SnO」e8uep pue r白pe9P S∀
‘S叶E?d uode9M 9」e S山e叩9111 eつnPeP O"Pe甲んe務np
岩盤器需笠i笠I蔦葛牒i詰es器 O叫i u到O」q eq Ol uOdeeM e SMOii∀ :S」eH!PON eSeg
POW le]u9Pl〕ul ue Se叫∂luuつene ele∧11〕∀ l
‘poIN uOde∂MS叫1し印M Sxpeu⊃]eq山O〕 O〕の〕哩山Olne PP∀し
SS9i 」O ZJO e〕ue」q山n〕u9
ue囲lM uOdeeM相e o] Pe!idde eq ue⊃ ]u9山u〕印e S叫⊥ ’euO 」eL110ue布yPO山Pue e」!nboe
O]んess9〕eu l! 8ul沖田`uodeeM e叩Su叫"9uOd山0〕 e ’o〕 e8則nep 」O `JO SSO「 ●]uel叫⊃e]〕e Si囲囲甲uOde9M e elq山eSSeS!P 」O 91q山9SSe O] S」e∧n∂u曾山OMI Se〉1e] 1i用eM
Se山9叩e唱Se SuOil〕unJ OSie耳ed u〕e] ●凡」e〕 OI Pel⊃9dxe
9q ]l18叫IenP!∧!Pui相e s調印=e明O Pue `sesn向S Pede ’し∧q suo印Pu○○叫8il MOi
ui 」e]OOuS e囲印E⊃Oi O] Sxpeu〕 uO11de〕」ed JO木un瑚iP e囲eSee」⊃9G -e8ue」叶OuS le PunO月ed e⊃uO le]u9P!Ju!
ue Se 山!e O〕 」91OOuS 9囲 SMOii∀ :S」e即POIN∴eSeg
判8!S e]O uOi]iPPe 9囲山O」J叩eueq相e⊃串oi PinO〇時囲 uodEeM Pe8ue」相e uo pesn eq ue⊃叫e山u〕抑e Slu⊥
〇時P ’spo」 MOi8 `s岬i山0つ`sIOO] )!Seq ]O uOi〕⊃e=○○ e 9洲
S斗OOi uOde∂M PeZi]ueuOd山O〕 e `uMOP u9yO」q ueuM
.pe昭in89」仙8叩e」e 」O PeMOlle lOu 9」e SuOde9M 9」euM Se⊃eld ]O叩O Pue O叩Pe18 -8n山S eq ue〕 =eul OS S〇〇〇ld 8u団OOi-SnOn〕Ouu日O」eq山nu
e olu甲MOP ueyO」q eq O] uOde9M e SMO酵弓ue田u〕抑e Slu⊥
’叫8= MOl 」O SS9u
叫eP JO Su〇時PuO〕 ui相ei〕edse ‘pue 8u囚∂⊃∂」 S,uOdeeM 9明uO euO相e o] 9iq!Sl∧相Pee」 S=ieuSSO」〕叩de」∂ -OiOu 9叩`佃]eun]」Ojun ●」e88明e囲9Ze9nbs pue le8」e]
e o叫O相〕e」岬S」刑SSO」⊃ Pel⊃e「O」d e叩e〕eid Ald…S u巳⊃ 」e〕○○uS eu十S9Se〕訓nOS u! :se〕ue]S!P ]」OuS le山!e O] 」eSn
eu] 」OJ Se準=u euJ!] e叩8ui⊃nP9ノバq A〕e」n〕〕e SeSee」〕ul
S叫⊥ ●le」」eq S甲OdeeM 9甲田O」J叩O 」e〕e山e P9]⊃9「0」d s!
」刑SSO」〕 〕叫de」8oiOu l唱山S e `uodeeM Pe8ue」.e囲O」O」9 -1Selq eJO do] e囲Ole⊃!∧eP DluOJpele ile山S e8ulPPe佃
●」elSきつMOq山0」J 〕ue山
-e川be」 _ 9∧neue山8uiPeOle」 S9∧0山eとI :S」e即PON eS開 S〕!Pe」〕 00⊆ 」q 叫8noq 9q A則r s埋d mq `∂it3S 」QJ elqeiie^E弓Ou Si山∂]I S町⊥
山e囲」OJ uOde9M 9囲liinq OuM囲…SuOdE9M 9囲句
」O xpe甲S叩即peN O O e8剛eW ue唱iM」elSe⊃MOq叩 JO」訓MO 9囲Aq 」e囲e l岬q印]Sn山]i申yseu〕」nd 9q ]Ouue⊃ Pue S」91SeつMOq ee間OCW¥ uO eSn 」QJ AluO Si叫e山u⊃印e Slu⊥
SOidierS aCrOSS the galaxy. Designed to give the user better controi over the weapon, eSPeCialiy in tight quarte「s,
thiS attaChment lS Often paired with a spread barrel attachment to optimiZe biaster rifies fo「 ciose-quarterS COmbat.
Wlth the right modificatiOnS, the grip heips stab帖ze the rlfle for more accurate, longer-range Shots as wei上
丁hlS attaChment can oniy be used on rifle and ca「bine-
Sized weapons (but not heavy rifles). 巾echnlCians, Engineers, and Tinkerers have long known how
to modify the gas convers10n XCiter in a blaster to yield a more highly energetlC-and co「respondingiy more destr∪c-
Base Mod踊ers: Decreases the additional di靴uity of
黒壁,磐藍譜帯謹a*筋aPOn While
tlVe-Payload. Such moc旧ed XCiter mOdules are highly unstabie, SOmetimeS disparaged as being 」uSt aS dangerous
to the wieide「 and anyone nearby as to the enemy Use of
this attachment can land the user ln PriSOn lf they are caught red-handed鵜Or if the XCite「 module expiodes’they may be caught “no-handed.’’Despite the injury rlSkand i11e-
ga=ty of the modifieation, many Outlaws seek out such CuStOmization to gain an edge in a鉦e fight・
This attachment can be applied to any blaster Base Modifie「s: Decrease critiCal ratlng by =to a min-
imum o=) The GM may spend @ @ f「om any combat
Some operatives wouid giadiy trade a llttIe reiiabiiity ln
check using the weapon to cause the biaster to expIode,
exchange for the stopping power necessary to penetrate
destroying lt and in航ting an automatic CritlCal in」ury On
an opponent’s armor. This makes Galven pattem rese-
the wieide「.
quencing a popuiar upgrade among Rebe=「oops and Criminais alike. By focusingthe Galven patte「n lntO a tight-
er wavelength, mO「e energy lS PaCked into each biaster
boit, WhlCh mCreaSeS damage output. Unfortunately言he
added workload on the biaster’s tiny circ両ry makes the
weapon much more prone to failu「e・ Wielde「s may帥d
themseives suddeniy out of ammo, Wlelding a disabied WeaPOn, Or muCh, muCh worse. 丁his attachment can only be used with blaster pistoIs and heavy biaste「 pIStOIs.
Base Modifiers: 1nc「eases weapon damage by 上
A common modiflCation to holdout biasters, along with
Adds automatic $ @ to a= combatchecks made using
removing their serial numbers言S帥ng down the weap-
thiS WeaPOn.
on,s front sight. it ailows the pisto=o be drawn more quickly f「om its hoister and reduces the possib冊y o白ts becoming snared on ciothing. Unfortunateiy’While this
modification makes fo「 easy concealment and drawing, lt aiso reduces the weapon’s accuracy, aS it effectively
makes it lmPOSSible to aim with any amount ofprecis10n. 丁hiS mOdification may oniy be appiled to pIStOi-SiZed
綜a箱聖書蕊詰鴇器普請 Paying someone else to perfo「m the work
d輔culty of combat checks to hit targets at ranges beyond
Some peopie form a great attachment, eVen a bond, With thelrWeaPOn and take steps to ensure that no others can
Short range by上
use it. For this reason or for mo「e practicai ones, SOme
Base Mod脆ers: lnnate鴫lent (Quick Draw). increases
indiViduals have their weapon modihed so that lt Oniy functions ln thei「 hands. This IS aCCOmPllShed through a
gene-1ock, a SyStem featuring a COmPuter that scans the
DNA of any lndividual who picks up the weapon. if the wleider,s genetic pro制e does not match that ofthe weapOn’s designated user, the computer locks down the WeaPOn and p「events it from activating・
This attachment can be appiied to any handheld weapOn. This upgrade lS mOSt reievant for ranged weapons’but it言S POSSibie to gene-1ock a vibroblade o「 slmilar weap-
」ittie more than a vertiCal handgrip affixed below the ba「rel of a rifie-Sized weapon, the forea「m g「ip IS a Very
POPular attachment among mercenar-eS and profess10nal
on ln this case, an unautho「ized user can stiii wleld the
WeaPOn aS a basic sword, etC , butanytechnoiogicai comPOnentS SuCh as a v-br○○mOtOr CeaSe tO function・
e ●ユ! e∧ei」le」 O]
elq山e」〕S O]8u!∧eu uE唱」9明e」 `uo]叩q eJOSSe」d eし印M uol]iSOd pe!Pee」 e O] xpeq uOdeeM 9里deus o=9PI91M ell] SMOiie 」eu]9] uOde9M叩eu8e山eu⊥ ●uOdeeM e囲
0]u川inq e〕i∧eP叩eu8e山口e田S e]O S]S!SuO〕 ]e囲uO世⊃ 一理POll」 eIdLu!S村o∧ilei乱e Si 」e囲e〕 uOde∂M叩eu8e山∀
’し∧q木yienb e山OS」∂q田nつSeSee」〕ea :S」e即POIN eSe8
‘uOdeeMん9uun〇 」O (∧∧eeH) pe8ueと] /ue oI Pe両de eq ue〕1ue田u⊃ene Slu⊥ ’Se〕」OJ 〔判ie JO 9PiS叩O u99S山OPleS 9」e Sn明Pue ‘e」e」 Pue 9∧iSu∂dxe Aie∧pele」 e」e Se〕l∧∂P P91e叩S川dos 9S9u⊥
’OM] JO田eel e Se」叩be」相e…Ou ]e冊uOdeeM e e]e
-」edo ue⊃ 1ue]E?q山0〕 918ulS e `uope⊃即PO田富甲nS囲lM
‘相n〕脚P PeSee」〕eP向亘e」8岬M uOdeeM A∧e乱=2山ie ‘uMe」P S! uOdeeM e明e問M Sxp∂甲9^1北里冊I O]命
Pue ]J9u O=∂Sn e 8u!MO11e `uode∂M eJO叫8!eM 9唱S9
-〕nPe」相e堅陣」e `sseu」eし日用OSlnd〇月O ‘」9Z川qelSO」A8 ∀
の叩E山0叩E SPPe」∂PieW¥ eu⊥ ●uM引P Sl uOdeeMe囲e間M esn ue〕 」ePle!M e明]e囲(S乙1 98ed 9∂S) 」euuE〕S eSOd」nd
ie」9ue8 e s即e」Od」O〕ui uOdeeM eu⊥ :S」e排PO11音eS閃 ’uOdeeM (∧∧eeH)
PO囚(e8e」」明) 叫e吼9〕euu= `spoIN l /q布llenb a山OS」∂q山n⊃ eSE’e」〕eG S
Pe8ued Aue o] Pe!ldde∴eq ueJ ]u9山甲E?]]e S叫⊥ -呼eJ9P Pueんol〕!∧ ueeMleq e〕u副e見IP 9叩ue9山uE)⊃ e⊃i∧eP e 甲nS Aq peppきsseue」eMe PieUel〕昨q eu⊥ ●SuOdeeM ]O S=e〕 AB -」eue e囲」O `叫e山e∧O山`su8iS eJ= ]〕e]eP叫8皿S刊un 8uluue⊃S
PeZ胆⊃eds Je]OOuS e囲JO叫81S /see ui囲M uOdeeM e哩JO epiS 9囲O=O edo〕S S.e朝」 e囲]O 9〕eld ul Pe叫nO山Sl 」9uueJS ’uOiSeuPe 9囲
S岬⊥ ’e朝月別1 uO 」9uue⊃S Pe]e」∂e]ul ue eZiiiln 」O ‘」e囲O e囲
e里岬y⊃eq 9Peu9」8 9甲MO」囲」O 〕Se丁q 9囲PiO∧門Ouue⊃
」q ee」e ue ue⊃S OI SPeeu 」edoo」] e ueuM S9山i] 9」e 9」eu⊥
]∀ ●uOi]euO]eP PeAeleP-eu川∧ue JO SSeiP」晒e」 `」e湿ene
ueつAeu⊥ ●∧pee」 e叩〕e uOdeeM」ieu] deey se lleM Se 」e8uep
]SiSe」 ∧e山S∂⊃叫nS JO Sed布9山OS `uoi]9」⊃S!P S.IND 9唱
ui uOde9M」9iie山S e Pue Pueu euO u! 」euue〕S」i9囲9Sn 」9囲1e
∂Peue」8 e明大q xpn」]S 〕e8」e] el廿 ユ! e∧0山e」 O] P∂Peeu
言も豊謂罰誰某認諾提議」等豊Ol ‘e〕i∧9P e∧lSOidxe
」O ePE)u9」∂ Aue o] P9PPe∴9q uE〕 ]u9山甲印e 9u⊥ ‘uO!1〕n」]SeP S.〕e8」e] e里8u!」nSue
Pue ede〕Se 8ui]ue∧e」d ‘]e8」即Sl! O]uO甲〕ei O] ePe山 ∂q ue⊃ q山Oq 」O ePeue」8 Aue村亘9u `se」nSee山」e=luiS 」O 《8ulqqeM P!O〕Seld `」e山村Od e∧!SeuPe `1eu8e山O」l⊃ele ●e8ue」耳OuS
u!し印M Sle8」e=Su!晒e uode9M S冊eSn OI Sxpe甲Aue uo
SSeu叫eP O] enP菓獲O] dn se∧O山e白:S」3即PON eS閃 ’叫β旧Ods e山OJ:日Ueueq相∽1801 PlnO〕 〕e囲 uodeeM Pe8ue」 ∧ue o] P9iIdde 9q ue⊃ ]ue山甲e甘e S町⊥
ue∴JO uOillPPe∴9明 し刷M S∂Peue」8 1euuOS」ed -i叫e 8uo山e e」e」 e」e S三甲=iqEde⊃甲nS `9」n岬9J P」ePue]S e se d山el〕二時eu8曾山O」l⊃eie ue 111iM Pedd!nbe e」e SePeu -e」8 uo!SSn川O〕 Pue S○○i∧9P 9∧lSOidxe 91⊃叫9∧叫ue 9山OS
e冊M ‘Iei]uelOd e∧甲n」〕SeP S.e〕V¥eP e ]O SSeue∧!1〕e捕 ell] ui 」O]〕eJ /ey e sI S∂∧!SOidxe JO ]ue山9⊃eld 」edo」d
’Se叫eue Puiiq Ol le!lue]Od e囲e∧eu S叩8il]Ods
P9」9MOd-岬町`suo印PuO⊃叫eP u叫O哩u叫n帖8u!Pl∧O」d o〕 uo理PPe ui ’S」e]unu布unoq pue `se⊃」OJ相」n⊃9S `s」9川和 叫8iu Pue ueq」n `s」edoo」] /q p∂Z冊n `^xel晒e叩1nO -u∂no」唱uO田山O⊃ e]!nb si uO哩PPe S叩⊥ i訓Eq S,uOdeeM P98ue」 e JO明るuei e囲8uole `po」 MO18 pe」eMOd-u8iu e oI Slつedse」 ]SO田u! 」e"しu!S判8旧Ods e印e」8e叩O] S!
1S9id…S eu⊥ uO!S町岬叫O xpel e」OJ印eSuedluO〕 OI S∧eM ie」e∧eS e」e e」e明mq ’ieeP=e∧eu S! SSeu叫eP ui 8u哩」edo 」euMO PeZi」O明ne Sl口O SPueu el口u! AluO SuO甲unJ uOdeeM eu⊥ :S」e即POIll eSe8 (-Sl⊃n」IS9P-Ji9S理i
Pe八〇」〕SeP Si uOdeeM eu⊥ lんn「ul le明りつe叩9u甲」eleP O〕相e…Ou liO」] 」eSn e囲uOんn「ui lt3J剛つ∂uO8ulD!lJul `〕i 9JU OISei」=9Sn PeZl」O囲neun ueJ! S印euO]eP uOdeeM
eu⊥) poIN ]C)n」]Sea JieS し:SuO!1do uo!]e⊃即PON
Ma「keted to the discriminating p「ofessiOnai soidler, eaCh
COnSists of a bulky on-WeaPOn OPtic equipped with numerOuS tyPeS Ofsenso「s inciuding low-iight, therma上ultrasound
sensors, m冊meter wave emitters, VIdeo capture, and com-
mon opticai enhancements. The optiC is connected to a Pair of goggles worn by the user by a reinforced fiber-OPtic cabIe that transmits the vision enhancements direCtiy to the user in real time. ThiS aliowsthe userto see theirtargets
in inclement conditiOnS =ke smoke, fog, and darkness. With some clever maneuve「ing, uSerS Can See arOund co「ners, under obstacies, and ove「 cove「.
This attachment can be fltted to any ranged weapon. Base Modifiers: Removes up to漢音on any checks
to use this weapon due to smoke, darkness, Or Other environmental conditiOnS that obstruct vision
丁hlS attaChment can be app=ed to any weapon wielded in
One hand that couid logica=y benefit from a weapon tether Base Mod脆ers: During their tum, the wieIder may recove「 the weapon as an incidenta=f they are engaged with it.
1n a鉦e flght工here is no such thingaS havlngtOO many shots left ln yOur biaster・ The fear of running out of
energy in a cruciai situation has led many gunsmiths to modify thelr blaste「s to squeeze every last ounce of
Tibanna gas out ofthelr POWerCelis An optimlZed enerln the chaos ofa師e fight, Shots can go astray, damaging
property or bystanders While some lndivlduals do not care about the camage they cause, this klnd of haphazard
gy ce= or expanded gas reserve a=ows a bla?ter tO achieVe a muCh hlgher number of shots before needing to re10ad, thanks to more e肺Clent uSe Of resources
Such modificatlOnS are Often the resuit of excessiVe tinkermg, rather than off-the-Shelf modeIs.
damage lS a liab冊y, COurting attention from the law or revenge f「om those who suffer in the crossfire 「b mitlgate this risk, SOme beingS invest ln帥ng locks on their biast-
ers, a=owing them to deslgnate SPeC砧C targetS for the weapons・ Once the systems’sensors have recogniZed a
target言he weapons refuse to血e without a ciear shot’ minimizmg the chances of co=aterai damage・
This attachmentcan be applled to any energyweapon Base Modifie「s: When the GM would spend @ or a numbe「of㊨ to causethe weapon to run outofammunition
(See the Ammo sldeba=n the Weapon Maintenance section of Chapte「 V of any of the core rulebooks), lt requireS
additiOnal $ to have that effect apply to thlS WeaPOn
This attachment can be installed on any ranged weapon
that does not possess the Biast orAutoflre quality.
Base Modifiers: The wieider of a weapon wlth thlS attaChment may des-gnate a target aS an incidentai wh帖e performing
the aim maneuve「 Once a target has been designated, the
weapon camot be fired at another target A= combat checks made with the weapon to attack the deslgnated target cancel one additionai @ resultafte「$ has been used to cancel any (雌resuits. Oniy one target can be deslgnated at a tlme, and
the wieide「 may dlSengage the iock as a maneuver
0ve「 the mi‖en川a, tinkerers, WeaPOn designers, and des-
Perate fighters have come up with countiess deilVery SyStemS for expIosives, from miSSlle tubes to combat
droids. One less popuiar approach that nonetheless endures among certain demoiit-OnS eXPertS is the use of a modifled grenade or detonite Charge capable of self-PrOPuislOn. Such modiflCat10nS a「e aimost aiways unlque)
aithough certam Smaii drolds and othe「 devICeS are a POP-
2 Sklll (Percept10n) Mods
uiar starting POlnt F「om a proton grenade w-th wheels to a hovering the「mal detonator, these makeshift devICeS-
A complex and sophistiCated pleCe Of equlPment, the muIt上OPtic sight lS a WOnder of modem sensor technoIogy.
when successfui-a11ow unparalieled controI of an expIosive devICe from a conslderabie dlStanCe ThlS IS
‘e]euO19P O〕 e⊃V¥eP e囲eSne⊃ ∧e山e8ue」
uiし印M叫e山e∧O山JO SeO」nOS 」e囲0 `uo!]e」〕S!P S州D e囲l∀ ’Pe〕eld u∂uM 」eSn euユAq peu叫」eleP Se `98ue」 Pe8晒ue 」01」OuS u冊IMS9山O〕」e8」el 」O し9〕1enOuiiSjO 9」n]e9」〕」O
8u吟q e ueuM Se〕euOleP uOdeeM 9u⊥ :S」e即PON eSeg ‘○○!∧eP e∧iSOidxe 」O
epeue」8相e o] Pe巾de eq ue〕]ue山u⊃印e uOde9MS町⊥
SuOdeeM PePut?u -euO OI P9"dde∴eq (iuO ue:) ]u∂山甲珊e S叫⊥ ‘uJePue=〕e]」ed ui山ell] 9Sn O] 」ePi∂lM 9囲8uiMO=e
’suodeeM JO 」led e seoueieq uO哩叩!PO田uOdeeM S川上 ’S」eqeS叫8旧enP 8uiPl∂iM u∂llM山e囲]SiSSe O] SuO!]e〕即PO山 」印しu!S 9Pe山 Seu !Pe「 ieuOiSe⊃つ0 ∂囲 ue∧e Pue `u」el 〇時d 8u明Pe」led ]uelSiSuO⊃ 9」O山e 」Oj MOlie O] SuOdeeM
」i9明太yPO山SIO]S!d u叩囲lM 8u刑卸」eJe」d ouM S」9!P -1OS e山OS ‘iO]Sld eし抑M ePelq e 」ied s19」PunO⊃S 」9囲O Pue
Se]e」id相seiJ e山OS Pu坤oue囲⊃e9 ui lO]S!d e pie!M S」e8u!iS -un8相eIN ’SlueuJe8晒u9呼q山O〕jO布9 e∧ e ui e山i〕 euO
〕e SuOdeeM OM〕 8u!旬due JO r白o〕Slu 8uoi e e∧eu S」Oi」」eM
ede⊃Se 」OJ Se〕u叫p 」e〕〕eq SMe11nO
」O Sleqet串u囚8 `s」9doo」叫」0]S釦!nS」nd JO Penbs 9川u9 ue ele]l⊃ede⊃u! ue⊃∴ePeue」8 uo!SSn⊃uO⊃ Pe〕eid-11eM
∀ ’deJ] AIPeeP e Se山O○○q ePeu9」8 8叩91d…S e ‘」OreuO -]eP木y甲XO」d eJO uOl]lPPe eL1叫lW¥相賀eeu e」n]ee」〕 」O
8u!eq eJO叫e山e∧0田e叩S〕⊃919P 〕甲euM Se]euO〕eP中uo 9Peue」8 ∂囲`10eduJ! uO 」O 」訓叩e eV¥ 8ulpeuO〕eP ue囲
」e囲e」 ’PO叩9山」e88甲9^i叩u」elle ue SPPe 」O呼uO〕eP 旬…XO」d ∀ ●Se〕!∧eP e^lSOldxe 」e冊0 Pue SePeue」8 」OJ e」n]eeJ Si冊e」!SeP SienP囚Pu! e山OS恒」ePue]S Se S」OleuO -]∂P相田!XO」d epni⊃u! Seu叫JO Si∂PO山u!叩e⊃岬no1111∀
’(S斗OOqeln」 e○○〕 e囲JO r高e JO ^ 」elde叫⊃ JO uC噂〕eS e3ueu
-elu!eN uOdeeM e囲u! 」eeD Su叩edetI :サーS e!q孔e9S)
de〕S euO Pe8則rep e山O⊃9qユ! e∧叫O] uOdeeMS胴囲iM ePan
xpelP ]eq山O⊃相曾山O」J $ $ Pu∂ds /e山」∂〕SeIN 9山eD eu⊥ し十Aq e8則嶋p uode9M SeSee」Oul :SJe即PON eS閃 ’eu!q」e〕 」O
iO〕Sld 」e〕Selq (u巳oI Pe=dde eq ue〕 ]u9山甲e]1e S叫⊥ ’」elSeiq Pie!∧」9岬iu e山0」J S耳ed 8u!
-8ue∧e⊃S Aq叩Se」 e山eS e唱e∧∂岬E Suei⊃iuu〕乱Auou `eseu〕」nd 」OJ eiqelle∧E1 9」e S間引JJOS u8no叩i∀ 」9MOd
-9JU e」〕Xe e串間OM e」e SxpeqMe」P eSe囲‘s」e〕eds euos ’」e8uoI引田n!Pe山OユP9⊃nPe」
」OJ ‘」e∧eMOH uOde9M eu] uO 」e∋] Pue 」eeM PeSee」Oul
Pe8」e甲」9∧O u∀ ]OuSんe∧9 O叫i ue○ /e囲Se A8」eue
Pe8ueとI OI S∂8ueu) ‖l準S`uOdeeM eu⊥ :S」3即PON eSeg
lnJ」eMOd e」O山e 」OJ S9Pi∧O」d 9inPO山8uilen〕〕e 」e]Selq
e冊M 9Pe山xpell〕 ]eq山O〕相e o]漢SPPe」eSn "q `(叫8i「)
Se ii9M Se S晒J○ ○Sn 」ele9」8 e JO IS〇〇 〇叩∴岬]〇日S
S! e8ue」 S.uOdeeM e岨∴P9Pueu○○uO uOde9M e囲8u哩
相ienb 9田OS」eq山n⊃ e唱SSeSSOd lOu SeOP le唱」9MO」l118niS 」O `eu刑e⊃ 」e]Selq `elJi」 - 91Selq
u〕n山Seしue」⊃ O]恒S」9u]0 `lie〕」eMOd e …OJ侶」9u9JO 叩q ]SEi rfue∧e eZeenbs o〕ん] S囲l山SuOdeeM e山OS eliuM
(∧∧e9H) p98u開村e旧聞PeSn eq ue⊃ ]u9山u〕印e Siu⊥ ‘SPueu OMl囲M 9Sn O〕 P」eMyMe 8u吟q O] enP `uope〕胡
-PO山S冊田OJ:日的ueq O]布yl!qe 9冊xpei Se囲e田OS -1剣士eq e囲8u叩el」OuS 」O 8ui⊃uEieqe」叫8!eM SE u〕nS `esn pepueu -euO OI Pe叩nS-」eneq uOdeeM e明e)岬山OI SuOpe⊃UIPO山
ieuO哩PPe Se津山]ue山甲印e S冊eSe⊃甲lllM u十円neJeP ∧q d岬9y廿IOISid e ∂」n〕eeJ Se剛」9〕Selq ]SO州‘P9Pueu -euO PeJU 9q O=! 8ulMOlie `1O〕S!d e JO le囲9洲euO囲M un88uoi e uO d岬」e囲O」O xpOIS e囲Se〕elde」 dl」8 10〕Sld ∀ (e〕!〇日〕 S`」el〕軌e甲) (んele -ueld) 8叩Oiid 」O S」e叩d山Oつ9Sn 9∧iSOidxe e=qOlu e囲
ele」edo o] Sxpeu〕 =l潜血∀ ●e〕u印SIP S冊eSe9」〕eP ∧e山 Slel」9]e山8ulue∧」∂1ui岬no叩le `e8ue」 9山e」〕Xe O] dn山O」J
e∧!SO「dxe ellqO山9唱JO uOl]euO〕eP Pue uO哩」edo 」OJ 8ul -MOiie `叩un lO」叫O〕-印O山e」 Pue山eJOlOu e SePnl⊃ul eつl」d
Pers‖ eu⊥ ’]OO] uO 」e]⊃e」叫3 e JO e]e」 e里村岬no」岬Puel -」e∧O e∧0山0〕 91qe Si e^lSO「dxe eu⊥ :S」e即PON eSeg ‘SSe=O S弓O enlE)∧ 9Jue」q山n〕ue ue uliM e〕i∧eP e∧ISOldx9
」O aPeue」8 /ue oI Pelldde∴9q ue⊃叫∂山甲印e Siu⊥ 細大q suode9MJO
」岬d s旧し印M 8ui川和uodeeM-OM] ueuM uOdeeMんepuo ○○eS ell"刑M掴O] PeJ!nbe」のSe⊃nPeと仁e山!] 9山eS 9囲 1e SuOde9M OMI OI Peildde 9q lSnIN :S」3即PON aSeg
‘e∧il⊃9捕A18uiPee⊃Xe eq ue〕
」O〕euOleP ule」q PIO」P e JO uO11iPPe 9囲岬no唱ie判un lO」] -uO〕-∂1O山e」 Pue山e〕OIOu =e山S e ei∧ Pe∧ei甲e相e」eue8
Pe「fo「mance out of thelr rOCkets whiie at the same time
minimizing coliaterai damage.
ThiS attaChment can be instailed on any micro-rOCket. Base Mod師e「s: Grants the weapon the Guided (+2)
Speciaily mod甫ed gas conversion enabIers〆Citers) can aiiow a blaster pistoI or rifie to achieve much highe「 rates of
fire than facto「y standa「d, eVen rlValing those of a true
「epeating blaster AIong with modlfying or repiacing the XCite「 and potentiaiiy the biaster actuating mOduie, ltchnlCians
making heavy modifications to a biaster also often modify the trigger to ailow for fully automatiC fire when the user keeps it heid. Such high rates of和e mean a considerabie ioss of accuracy. Nevertheiess, the advantages offe「ed by a
Scanne「-PrOOf hardware is a coliection of upgrades that
rapid誼re weapon outweigh these drawbacks for some users
together make a weapon v而ualiy lnVISlbie to scanners・丁hiS
丁hlS attaChment can be applied to any biaster.
Base Modifiers: The weapon gainS the Aut○○fire quaL
ity and the lnaccurate 5 quaiity.
attachmen=ypicaily repiaces a weapon’s stock, foregrip,
and any other fumiture with iightweight polycarbonates WOVen With scamer-SPOO師g flbe「s. ln addit10n, mOSt言f not ali, metalliC PartS-frame, trigger grOuP, barre上etc.-are
repiaced with fiber-reinforced poiycarb pieces. ThiS attaChment is extremely用ega上and w刷e lt may help fooI weapon
SCannerS, lt does nothing to aid in conceaiment from a Physicai search Belng Caught with a weapon that can pass th「ough scanners without belng detected is usuaily a one-
Way tiCket to the nearest lmperial stockade 丁hiS attaChment can be appiied to any weapon
Base Modifiers: The weapon camot be detected by By removlng Or deactivating weapon safeties and other features, a gun Can mO「e eaSlly be drawn and readied for combat
Ofcourse, Safety features are ln Piace for a reason, and weapOnS mOdirfed in such a way tend to be more accident-PrOne.
This attachment can be app=ed to any Ranged (Light) Or Ranged (Heavy) weapon that couid logiCally have such eIements to remove.
三豊器誓言豊盤盤前端諸悪 Check to ind the weapon. Physicai body searches can st川
iocatetheweapon as usua上GMs mayspend $ $ or@on
a combat check to render the weapon inoperable, requiring a ma」Or rePair before lt Can be used again (See Tabie 5-4:
Repairing Gear ln the Weapon Maintenance section of Chapter V of any of the core rulebooks).
Base Modifiers: Adds □ to the鉦st combat check made
With the weapon during an encounter The Game Master may
SPend $ $ or@ from any combat check to have the weapOn miSfire, running out ofammunitiOn (See the Ammo sidebar
in the Weapon Maintenance sectiOn Of Chapter V of any of the core rulebooks) and lnf=cting 4 strain on the wleider
Among the many weapons mounted on the underside of
rifles ISOnethatsawa iotofuse durmgtheCioneWars. An undersiung secondary lOn biaster provides an extra leveI Of offense for those expecting run-ins wlth droids, WhiCh 3 1temQuallty (Gulded + 1) Mods, 2 1tem Qua血y
(Accurate + 1) Mods
many specia=orces soldIerS in the RepubilC Often did. Additionally, many lechnicians prefer to take enemy d「oids mtaCt, the better to “recruit” them or even to scav-
Most mlCrO-rOCkets are fired dlreCtiy at their target, relying On the firer’s alm and the rocket’s acceieration to ensure a
di「eCt hit Those who prefer more insurance thattheir rOCk-
ets w==and precisely whe「e intended use a rocket guidance SyStemS These systems’packages of sensors, limited fuel-
Ce= expansions, and ad」uStable maneuvering fins a=ow rockets to be mod甫ed lntO “Smart’’weapons that contlnue
to see their designated target in the event of an initiai miss Or mIS鉦e These systems enable users to get more rellabie
enge for parts late「. An 10n biaster mounted aiongside
their main weapon p「ovldes 」uSt that optlOn.
This attachment can be used with any Ranged (Heavy) weapon Base Mod脆ers: Enabies the weapon to fire using the foL iowing pro副e at the user’s choice・ (Ranged 【Heavy]; Damage lO; CritiCa1 5; Range [Short】; DiSOrient 5, lon). Adds Cumber-
SOme (+ l) to weapon and lnCreaSeSenCumbrance by上
布=enb占z+) un]S 9囲uOd粥M e囲S叫e」D :SJe馴PON eS開
ueuM uOdeeM e18uiS e le○○uO⊃ OI Peu8!S9P八両つ甘〕eds S=O]⊃9「O」d 」91ie山S S]i `s」O〕〕e「O」d岬eelS 」e8」el e山OS
O=el叫!S ’uOdeeM e eP川Pue準e山dieu O〕 A§oiOu甲el e8EはnO山E⊃ lco11do sez冊n明eeuSMOPelIS ∀ …eiE3 8ul -SnO」e ]nO唱lM ]e8」e] e O] 9SOl⊃ 〕98 」O SP」en8 ]Sed山e囲 〉岬euS O]SelPOq 」i911] uO SuOdeeM lee〕uO〕 O〕 Peeu ee∧eu
u∈現O Sieul…」〕 」e囲O Pue ‘sulSSeSSe ‘s」elunu r互uno日
uodeeM iMe」日 」O eeieIN AuE uO Peile]Su! eq ue⊃叫∂田u⊃elle S叫⊥
MOlq 8u叫S哩e Puei O=e!See ]i 8u!準田山e囲8u!SnJ -uO⊃ Pue 8uusneux9 `slueuOddo uMOP 」eeM ue〕 SuOde9M
eslnd xpous ’S]ueuOddo 8uile帥q∂P 」OJ SiOO1 9∧l]〕〔剃e
e山0〕eq A9囲`req山O〕 eSOi⊃ 」OJ P9Pue叩SuOdeeM O叩 P∂]E」∂e叩e」e S」∂]]…e eSlnd沖ous ueLIM ’」e∧eMOH euOle
-Pue]S Se 9Sn C粕川O山e唱e津山O川8noue ]」OuS-e8ue」 e^il⊃e鵬」e叫OuS甲n山e ]e mq `8ui調eS un〕S S`」e〕Selq
e o=ei岬S S91d!叩」d 8uoie 9]e」9do s」ell…e 9Sind xpous
‘」elunO〕ue甲ee uOde∂M S購いlM ePe山xpe岬]eq
-山O〕 〕S」日e明Ol @ * :畔地O]ne SPP∀ :S」e即PON eS開 ‘uOdeeM (∧∧e9H) pe8ueとl
」O (叫8口) pe8ueとI Aue o] P訓dde 9q ue〕]ue山甲印eS用土 ’」e8昌明e囲JO u〕nOl e Ale」eqし印M e」U O=9M○○唱8nlS 」O 」elSeiq e SMOiie 8ul
-iOO]e」 uOdeeM S冊:」e88昨」ieu” t? Se uMOu申年uo山田Oつ
(準OS S9」Ou∂i
S冊) u!叩S ⊆ 」三男nS O〕」e準el叩e囲eSne〕 0] ㊨」0紡織 Pueds Ae山」el〕e」elP e明∵p∂∧iOSe」 Sl xpe]1e e唱」e]」e `xpelP ]eq田0〕 」9qeS叫8!「 」O当Me」白く9ei∂IN e山O」上回e
S」∈鴻nS Pi9叫S e囲]O 」ePi9iM 9囲ueuM :S」e即POIN eSe8
Je附nq」O Pie嘩e OI Pe国de 9q AluO ue〕叫el叫〕印e S町⊥ ‘9S岬」e明O 9q PinOM Ae囲ue明「e囲9i SSe口EJ Pue-P岬] e」O山JeJ Se判」〕S 」刑] 8ul満山`s」exp印e
PePeOie」 eq lSn山
(e8ueと] 8u岬nl叩) elUO」d s`91iSS叫eL廿SeSn S叫⊥ ●Sel!SS…
田e囲O] Sxped諾」eu)S!P SuiPPe `∧p弱」ie冊eSn 3」e SPi三間S
9山OS」9q山n⊃ SPP∀ -9Sn O〕 =団Sんeuuno e叩Se」inbe」 Pue
ueuM xpOuS 8u!脚川qeP e 」e∧iieP O=ePielM e囲MO昭ue⊃
e〕ue」q山nつue SeSee」〕ul Pue uOdeeM 9唱0〕旬ienb (乙十)
J○ ○」e 8u間〕e」〕 e]0叫8iS eu=Sn白eし印n十川e 8し岬⊃訓eP
」eu〕une1 9L11OS `しO山田∀P印l山!「 e∧eu Sel!SS州宅+ Aq
eq-PinOM相e山q」n〕S!P ue⊃ Pie町S e 8u冊ee」M侶」eue
」O S]expO」 9」U O] uOdeeM ell] Seiqeu] :S」3即PON eS印
訓llM See」e P〇時lndod 村esuep u! Se〕」OJ佃」n⊃9S JO quJ" Pue e川8uil〕e〕O」d pue sleueid甲e十MOi uO S」O叫eM JO S」ePueJeP Pe]SnJI S粥ui∧」eS `s田e叩elndod eq o〕 9nし埠 -uO〕 SPie町S ‘9JeJ」eM Se ]uePue Se村亘eu 8u!eq e]ldseG
判準(∧∧eeH) pe8ueと」 e囲SeSn :e唱9旧人ue明lM PeSn 9q uE⊃叫9山u〕e]〕e S叫⊥ ’」ee8 s`」ed〇〇月e明8uo山e P9リ ー」e〕 SuOi]iunu leuO印PPe un○○」 PePeOie」 eq /e山uJluM `19xpO」 ei8ulS e SPiOu ]u∂山甲印e eu⊥ ’O∧leS Suluedo ue se 」O l」OSe」 ISel e Se 」eし印9 lnJ∂Sn ‘Ⅵ⊃叩E e∧lSOldxe
918ulS e8ui津山JO uOl]do ell]囲M」eSn e囲SePi∧O」d叫e山 一甲e"e uO山田O〕un Slu⊥ ∂i」l」 S.」∂iPiOS eL11 OI Pe11〕即時
山9]S/s el!SS町村epuo〕eS e岬iM Sl 」9刑OS uO山田O⊃ 9明 0〕旬Ilqede⊃ 」O…E-ilue PuE 9l⊃l岬∧-!1ue eP!∧O」d o=」OJJ∂ euo 」eMOde」U eiqe]」Od `∧∧eel=○J MOllt2 O〕 S山∂1S/s uo -deeM Meu 8uilue∧u!相ue]SuO⊃乱e S」e」n〕〕eJnue山S…∀
てAq spiOし口i uOdeeM e囲」O叩e9uS 9囲l○○leP Ol ePe山
Sxp9申相e JO木un瑚IP 9囲9See」oul :S」e即PON eSe8 ’SS9l 」O乙JO 9〕ue」q山n〕ue ue
囲M uOde∂M相e uo p91le]Su! eq /e山川e山甲印e Siu⊥ ’uOi〕⊃9dsu=enSl∧
S坤ieM Se S9⊃i∧eP Su甲ue⊃S IOOj ue⊃ uO!1〕e「O」d siu⊥ ●∧poq
eiOuM e8u昭e〕u○○JO PeelSu叫1eeuS 」O 」e]SiOu e ui ]dey
丁hiS attaChment can be used with any Ranged
(Heavy) weapon.
Base Modifiers: The character may observe and target enemies who are completeiy hidden by so=d ob」eCtS tha=he weapon can penetrate. A=he Game Master’s 1 1mate鴫lent (QulCk Draw) Mod
dlSCret10n, the target mlght receive additional defense or even soak to reflect shooting th「ough a so=d ob」eCt.
Shortened barrels are a handy modi臼cation used by spies,
PlaincIothes law enforcement offroers, and others who wish to conceai the fact tha=hey’re carrying a weapon. Llttie more than a shorte「-than-Standard repiacement barre上this attachment makes conceallng a PistoI on one’s person
much easler. As an added bonus, the short barrei can, Wlth SOme P「aCtice, make drawing the weapon quiCker and easier. Biasters with shortened bar「els make for useful backup
WeaPOnS, a=owing for a powerfu上COmPaCt handgun to be
drawn qulCkly for use in cIose-quarterS COmbat.
This attachment can only be applied to Ranged (Light) pistoIs.
Base Modifiers: Reduces the dlffroulty of checks made to conceai thlS WeaPOn by one Reduces range by one
range band, tO a minimum Ofshort. 1faiready short, add 漢to attack checks
Designed wlth the kind of ciose-quarterS COmbat found ln bulldings and starshlP COrridors ln mind, a SPread barrel repiaces a blaster’s stock barrel with one that lS Shorter,
bulkier, and equipped wlth a buiit-1n fiash-hider Uslng a StePPed array of prismatic crystais, iocated at the end of
the barre=ust behind the crown, and a reconflgured GaiVen Pattem, this barrel spiitS the blaster’s beam lntO a
numberofsma=erbeamsthatexitthe ba「「ei in a spray o「 fan-ilke pattem. 〕sed ln a tightiy packed space, SuCh as a Ship’s corrldor, these beams can strike multlPie targets
With one pu= ofthe trigger. The trade○○fffo「 this, however, is a reductlOn in the weapon’s range.
ThlS attaChment can oniy be app=ed to biaster rifles and biaster carblneS. Base Mod脆ers: Grants weapon the Biast (+4) ltem quality. Reduces weapon’s range by one range band, tO a
minimum of engaged. Suppressors are used by assassinS and sharpshooters to make their weapons quieter and more difficuit to detect When f’両ng. Sim=ar to energy dampers used to siience
biasters, SuPPreSSOrS CilP Or SCreW OntO the end ofa weapOn’s ba「re上 redirectlng SOund and escaping gaSeS tO
reduce the noiSe and muzzle fiash a siugthrower produces when fired Wh帖e they don’t make a weapon completeiy Silent, they do dramat-Cally reduce ltS Obviousness’mak-
1ng a Shooter more d酷cult to detect Suppresso「s can only be used on Ranged (Light) and
Ranged (Heavy) siugthrower weapons. Base Modifiers: Adds漢書to any Percept10n Or Vlgliance checks made to Iocate a conceaied shooter帥ng
the s=enced slugthrower.
丁he iimitations of size mean that most miCr○○roCkets lack the
fuei capacity to reach distan=argets. However, high-yield fuel Celis, advanced冊ration systems, Or Staged boosters added to
a rockets can increase ltS effectlVe range Substantiaily Of COurSe, the term “effective range” becomes somethIng Of a mlS-
nomer wlth rockets mod甫ed thiS Way, aS the addlt10nal fuei risks unbaiancing the rocket’s flight path, and the inc「eased
range comes with an lnCreaSed chance of mlS」udgment on the Part Ofthe user However, the chance to deiive「 a hefty payload beyond the reach of equiVa看ent rediStribution is worth the risk
to many ThiS a請aChment can be instailed on any micro-「OCket
Modification Options: =ncrease the weapon’s range
by one additional range band Mod, 2 Reduce the weapOn’s lnaccu「ate quaiity by l Mods
Developed to overcome personal cioaking devices and other sensor-baffling defenses, a SOniC SCOPe uSeS uitrasonic SOund waves to detect a target and generate a visual repre-
Sentation With proper calibration, the sonar waves can be Set tO PaSS through even duracrete and other solid surfaces
Base Modifiers: increases the weapon’s range by one
range band Addsthe lnaccurate (+2) quaiitytotheweapon
’uOdeeM O]白十) e山OS」eq山n⊃ SPP∀ ●(S u」n日
`乙工Se惰性〇日Si ∂8u閃:乙1∽i叫〇 ℃しe8引用閃:[∧∧eeH】 Pe8u閃) :○○!〇匹S.」9Sn e囲le 9"0」d 8u甲O110J e囲 8u!Sn 9」U O] uOdeeM S9iqeu] :S」e即POIN eSe8 ’SuOdeeM PeZ!S-ei川
01 Pe=dde eq AluO ueつ叩9山甲e"e Siu⊥
男○○9P叩e明し印OM Peu!晒sseu -e^甲∈鴻9 Pue eSリd」nS e囲P哩S」eSn叩q ’oI Pe甲e]1e S口! ei川e囲]O洲nq e囲eSee」⊃ui SeOP uOdeeM e囲 8叩unOIN ‘Siqu91e山 9iqe山田挑8ul∧o」]SeP Pue 」e∧O⊃山O」」 Se… -eue 8u叩Sn旧e e∧!]〕e鵬e叩nb sI Pue e山ei]
8u!」eeS ]O 9uO〕∴e Se理1ue山甲印e S冊
`」OユOe「O」d 9山e旧e」n叩〕u§e uMOP-P9le⊃S e 相と埠ueSS三十SlenP!∧!Pu! SnO=e⊃ 」O e〕e」eds9P
]SO田e国有uo小y pesn八両⊃!d布9」e S」O]〕e「 -O」d eueiJ eSe囲’uodeeM ○○」」9] e Se Pe即SSel⊃
Pue `spi」OM相e山uO l晒9旧e8ue」 ∂SOi〕1e甲und e」1X9 ue旬oueJu! e∧!8 oI Peu8「SeP 9」e S」O]〕e「O」d
9山勘19J」eq-」ePun `e^il〕e駒村…叫"q uOW山0〕un
un8 9囲」0 」9u]」ed 」ie囲uO dリ8 」i9囲8ulSOi PIO∧e
O書やe巾S叩ei叫Ⅳゆ㊦ e8e」e吋uきe津山IS…旬十〇P
㊨Pueds爪e山SJe]SeW 9山e〇 日O山n…ul山eO子L佃8ui
ue囲Je二川S" Pue P9」n〕eSun Si ]〕e「qO 9u川’」0) 〕○○的o e明O〕
(SxpOqein」 e」OJ e囲JO血eJO ^」e]deu⊃ u! 」eeD 8u! -」!edetI :サーS aIq牡9eS) de]S 9uO uOdeeM eu1 9∂肌ep o]
∧eu朝出∂ll]囲M ]JOie 」印e」ell⊃ 」e囲Oue lind o] xpO巾u巾 -de」8 9囲eSn /euJ J9:Pe」e甲∀巾e明O= 8u用nd `9」e ∧9囲 Se∧ieS山e囲8u川nd `p」O⊃ 9囲u=e〇月fe山∧eu十uo11⊃e ue Se ‘sseつつnS uO ‘e8ue」山nlPe山ui囲M 〕〕e「qO ue O団pOu 8uiid
-de」8 e囲9」nOeS Oユxpeu3 (呼!「) pe8uetI吟のe8e」eN
-〕e」 ie〕理」⊃ S.uOdeeM eul e〕nP9」 O〕 e〕uO uOde9MS冊岬M
xp印e ueJO相n瑚!P 9唱ePe」8dn庇IN :S」eU!PON eSe8 SPOINし十e8e山eGZ‘poIN(しjO山n…ui山eO]〕し
ue JO本un瑚iP e囲9Pe」8dn l :SuO!事do uo!1t3叩!PON
1! uO P印unOlu 」eu⊃une=9u -de」8 e e∧eu相∽i80i PlnO〕 1e明uOdeeM ((∧eeH) pe8uea
^q 8upe申∽i叫○ ○里e〕nP∂」 O〕 e田町euO印PPe euO xpe]]e
ue e湿田∧e山」e]〕e」euつe `uo!1〕e ue S∀ :S」e期POIN eSe8
」0 (叫8!「) pe8uet]血e囲iM P9Sn 9q ue⊃叫e山甲印e Siu⊥ 嶋Sn 9囲JO叫ed 9囲uO uO捕9山OS Se」inb9」 Pue 」ell臥u 掴つ脚P e」O山eSi ePリe哩」OJ8uoie 9」e OuMS」e8uessed血e OluO 8uiPiOu u∂no囲-dn 」eSn判1 8u岬d `91qe⊃ e囲S]⊃叫e」
’]ee甲e∧O /9u〕叫e∧e e囲ui Sl剣士eq ]ue山e⊃eld9」 le」e∧eS凡」eつS」e]OOl(S肌OS ’eiqe」edoui uOd粥M e 8ui -」9Pu9J ‘s19」」eq 」e]Selq u申oln〕」l〕 ue∧leD li9山O〕んuepuel
e seu esn」e∧O ‘S]岬I S]! PuO∧eq s∂⊃ue」elO] SS叫S Pue ]eeu O〕 uOde9M e Sl〕e「qnS ]nq 」eMOd 8uiddo〕S副O山ui SlinSe」
e明9判ds Ale」eq Ol ely⊃叩e ]e PeJ 9q ue⊃ S晒eu⊥ ●」eliつX
euo o] dn sep!∧O」d 91qE〕 P!nbi口O 9do」囲u∧sJO lOOds e e問M
Slu⊥ ●S]OuS ]ue]」Od皿」O] S]S」nq 」∂8Jei ui 」O lnd]nO A§」9ue
相e叩則rO]ne 」O]O山1n耳eMOd ∀ ’し層u9=O S」e]訓n Pe」Punu
9囲囲eeu」ePun P9叫nO田畑ensn `s晒euueql⊥ JO 」9]Slue⊃
-OuO山e LIl町村qiSSOd `刈OOu l99〕Se」nP ∀.uO!1e」]剛甲e∧O⊃
S.」e〕Selq e S」∂1ue ]! e」OJeq 9」nlXi山S晒e囲e判ds o] `ieJJeq
`9〕勘nS相e村亘eu uo 9Seu〕」nd p哩ue〕川Od 」ein〕elO山
e 8uunp 」O uO鴫n〕iS呼q山O〕 eJO ISP… e囲u! S9⊃e]」nS 」eeuS ∂ie⊃S O所eM渦nb E eP!∧O」d s」elpune=9udt2」8 ie」」eq-」9Pun `s9C)」OJ Su〇匹」edo le!〕eds pue凡eu9⊃」e山8uo山e ueeS u拙O
e 8u!PPe S9∧lO∧ui Su明eheuueql⊥ ’uOdeeM 9囲xpeトeu -ueqi⊥ O〕 AlqeqO」d s日S9deeu○ ○叩1nq `んuodeeM」e]Selq JO
lnd叩〇倍」9u∂ e囲eSee」〕ui O] S∧eMJO 」eq山nu E) 9」e e」eu⊥
Under-barrel grenade launchers are designed to giVe Single soldierS Or Squads heavy anti-1nfantry or light
An …gainiy attachment, an undersiung scattergun lS a
Singie-Shot slugthrower that can be attached to another
ant主vehiCle capabi=ties in a smali package As with a
WeaPOn Wh"e hardiy what one would cali subtle言t
Standard grenade launcher, uSerS are able to iob any var上
nonetheless has found a ready market among some
ety of grenade at distances greater than most would be abie to th「ow them. The attachment consIStS Of a basIC,
bounty hunters and gunsiingerS due to its 10W COSt and lmPreSSive effect The scattergun biasts cIose-range
SmOOth-bo「e barrei attached to a magazlne Wlth an auto-
OPPOnentS With a voiley of metai sho=o sometlmeS
matiC feed system. it carries up to sIX grenades and is
devastating effect, Shredding unarmored targets and ln
師ed bya simPie press ofa button. However, ltadds extra
SOme CaSeS bow看ing them over with the force of the
Weight to the weapon it’s mounted to, Which makes the
blast. Once鉦ed, the scattergun can be re10aded rela-
ehti「e assembly quite barrel-heavy.
tively quiCkly with another she1上
This attachment can only be appiied t〇 両ie-Sized
Ranged (Heavy) weapons
丁hiS attaChment can only appiled to pistol-SiZed Ranged
(LIght) and rifle-Sized Ranged (Heavy) weapons.
Base Mod師ers: Enabies weapon to和e grenades. ThiS
Base Mod脆ers: Enabies weapon to fire using the
uses the grenade’s p「o印e, but lt uSeS the Ranged (Heavy)
foilowing profile at the user’s choiCe: (Ranged [HeavyI;
Skiii to fire and has a range of medIum. Adds Cumber-
Damage 6; CrltiCai 5; Range [Short]; Biast 5, Knockdown,
SOme (十1) to weapon and increases encumbrance by 2.
」imited Ammo l). Adds Cumbersome (+ 1) to weapon.
G「enades are Llmited Ammo I weapons, and thus the launcher lS Limited Ammo上
Although most flghts are resoived wlth exchanges of biaster fire, a Ciose-range fire flght can quickiy tum血O
Since their inception, micr○○rOCkets have p「oven to be
a melee. When thlS happens言t pays to be prepared.
VerSat=e weapon systems. They are a favorite of many bounty hunters, Who tend to find themselves in unex-
difference between life and death, SOme SPaCerS equip
PeCted situations ln WhiCh a variety of munltiOnS
Because thetlme ittakesto d「awa bladecan mean the
their biasters wlth vlbro-bayonets, eSSentia=y vlbr○○
COmeSin handy. MICr〇十OCketscan be fired in avariety
biades mounted on the barrel of a gun While a
Ofways, and some hunte「s mount them on their other
Vibro-bayonet lS nOt many ltchniCianS’ weapon of
WeaPOnS, giving these arms a deadly secondary fire
Choice, having one at hand is conslderabIy bette「 than
mode (See Micro-Rockets on page 65) ThlS a=ows the hunte「 to Ioad rockets into a weapon aiready at
being effectlVeiy unarmed when combat takes place ln SuCh cramped quarters as the beily ofa starship.
hand instead of needing to draw a second weapon to empIoy their micro-rOCkets.
WeaPOn that couid iogiCally mount a bayonet
丁hlS attaChment can be applied to any Ranged (Heavy)
This attachment can be insta11ed on any ranged weapon.
Base Modifiers: Enables the weapon to be used in
Base Mod脆e「s: Enabies weapon to fire one loaded
melee combat with the foiiowmg PrO副e at the user’s
micro-「OCket. Adds the Cumbersome (+1) quality tO
ChoiCe: (Meiee; Damage +上Criticai 2; Range 【Engaged];
WeaPOn and inCreaSeS enCumbrance by 3・ As micro-rOCk-
inaccurate l, Pierce 2,Vicious l).
ets are Limited Ammo I weapons, the launcher has the Limited Ammo l quaiity, and thus must be reloaded wlth a new micr○○rOCket to be fired agaln.
‘」9]OOuS e哩O〕 e8E田eP eSきq S叩IeeP ’uOdeeM S冊uO e○ueu91uleuJ
Pue ePOidxe ol uOd粥M 9叩9Sne⊃ O〕 uOdeeM Sl囲囲M
刑S Pe8」elP」e∧O ue 8u!∧1O∧u! xpe甲1eq山O〕相e山O」J ㊨ 」0 $ $ @ Pueds爪eしJJ SWO -(SxpOq9ln」 e」OO e明JO相e JO ^ 」e]deLD JO uO甲9S e,ueua叩eN uOdeeM eL11 ul 」eqeP!S O関田V e明eeS) pe8」elPe」 eq lSn山Pue O山田e JO
叩OSun」 uOd開Me唱’p9」US岬e⊃uO ’ウAqxp珊elXeu e唱 uo 98則uep sl! SeSee」叩Pue木yienb田ellしe」ede」d 9囲
8u叫」OJ」∂d ueuM S沖euO S〕叩Eu○○IN =e O]漢SPPE uOpe叩 -iPO山S冊`slueuOduno⊃ uOdeeM SnOリe^ uO PeSn Sui準an
e唱O] enG ‘Z Aq uodeeM S冊」OJ uつ」eeS O〕 S」euue⊃S
8uiSn Sxpe甲JO本un瑚!P e囲eSee」Oui :S」eU!PON aS開 ’SS∂=O S工O 8u!〕e」 e〕ue」q山n)u∂ ue
]ue山d叩b9 Su甲ue⊃S制1 Se9]ue」en8 uo甲npe」 9」n]eu8iS uodeeM `凡e∧0〕SIPJO渦」 e山OS eSOd冊S Se甲賀eeS leつ1S相d
.uodeeM」e]Seiq leuOS」ed血e o] P9"dde 9q ue〕 1u9山
岬M SuOdeeM uO 9^11⊃謝e AluO S川O一〕⊃nPe教訓npeu81S u○ ○deeM ‘e∧甲∈鴻e SSei P副ePue」 Si SuOdeeM ]⊃e〕eP OI PeSn
uode9M e唱S9∧!∂ s岨」9〕SeIq 」ie囲uO 」印0X 9囲e8」叫p 」e∧O Aelu S」9〕OOllS `i印ueP!Ju! ue S∀ :S」e期PON eSeg
-u〕印e S冊.S」91Selq叩OPiOu O] Peiidde八両〕!d布eiiuM
-98晒ue e囲ui囲eeP」O e」nlde⊃」e∧〇九n「u日O渦」 S冊9渦
岬no岨S叫euOd山O⊃ S,uOde9M e u! Se」nleu8!S甲nS uS! -u町J!P eS!M」9唱O 」O刈Se田pel11 SuOpeO胡PO山PeS!∧eP e∧叫 Slue8門」e∧Oつ`s9∧9 8u!んd山O」J Pe」n⊃SqO u!e山9」 SuOde9M
uepp叫1E囲e」nSue Pue uOi]⊃edsu川⊃nS叫準O=eP」O ul
O〕 u9ul MO=e ]e囲SeつuelSqnS Pue Se!801Ouu⊃e]坤〇 〇〇ds 9u] O19nP `p9:Pe]eP eq Oユ9iq坤冊S 9」e SuOde9M
uol]e〕胡PO山-SnO」e8uep pue-uO山田O⊃∴e S! ]i ‘」eSn
’SuOde9M le囲ei Se uOl]〕u叫
O1 8u旧M e」e S」9]Selq P9胡PO山甲nS 9Sn OuM 9SOu⊥ ●S」e -]unu布unoq pue `s」∂8u=Sun8 ‘s]ue誹e8euoldse 8uo山e
e明8u甲」eu Pue uOdeeM e明Su!fo」]SeP JO渦」 e叩Sun」 li ]nq `〉P!yんueSJe山e uE3 」OJ叩d叩O e囲SeSee」⊃ui S岬⊥ .草間S inJ」eMOd Al肌叩Xe `ei8u!S e u川9〕 A8」eue S《」elSelq
e布d山e O〕 lenPi∧iPu! ue SMO昭98」e甲」9∧O 」9]iつX u∀
Pe8ue」 」e囲O Pue S」elSelq ‘se〕e!d le」e∧eS O岬uMOP uexp」q uellM ue∧] ’S]ueuOd山O〕 uOde9M JO r亘91」臥 epIM e u甲e〕eP JO 9iqede⊃ e」e ]el11 S」euueJS uOdeeM
9Sn /JISnPul布l」n〕eS ⊃l]〕叩8 9哩Pue 9」!d山∃ e旧明O日
’乙∧q 8し叫e」 9山OS ]nOし印M SPuE叫!e唱eSn Oユ山e叩8uiMOiie `]Sl」M S,」9Sn
e巾uO u」OM eq ue〕 uOdeeM eu⊥ :S細る朋POIN eSe8 ●uOdビeM
(叫81「) pe8ueと]相e o] Peiidde 9q ue〕叩e山間つ印e S叫⊥ ’乱OJeq ueu=eeつuO⊃ O=9iSee 」Ou 」9P」eu
」e囲9u ]i 8u!津山《uodeeM e明JO洲nq 9囲eZ甲Iu皿1Ou OP SuOdeeM P9叫nO山-1SりM刈uii le」neu ue∧e」O `uoilO山
1SりM」eln叩」ed e `」98昌明岬t2d e∧i]lSu9S-e」nSS訓d e即時
-」eq山n⊃ S,uOdeeM 9囲SeSe9」〕ea :S」e即POV¥I eSe8
’SuOd関MんeuunD Pue (^∧eeH)
Pe8ued 11]iM P9Sn eq AluO ue〕叫eu叫つ抑e S川⊥ .suode9M Meeu 3u!PleiM ueuM囲8ue」1S Pue木川!q -即S Pe⊃ueuue S」9Sn 」ie唱」三男O SeSSeu」eし仁準ed 」eMOd
eiqee8」e甲e」血11 e佃pe」eMO.] PeX田t? 9q ue〕 uOdeeM ∧∧e9u E u叩M O] …e山OOq PelSiSSe-」eMOd `pezil岬e]S ○○」侶e o] P9〕⊃euuO〕 S9SSeu」eu Pue Sde」〕S Suりeeq-PeOi
Pe」1J eq ue⊃ SuOdeeM P9]unO田-]S。M ‘9山OS 」OJ ∂⊃iOu〕
〕l:e囲See ue向du月S S岬e問M `」eMOde理」9囲n川ped o] /eM e Se SlunO山1SリM eSOO甲S」eSn血eIN ’99」J SPueLl
」刑]8u!deey e冊M村oee川OdeeM E Seu S舟eMle」eSn 9叩 1e叩Se」nSue lunO山]S一」M e `sIO]Sid esn o] Sq山n囲elqe
-SOddo ]nO囲甲Se!〕9ds MO11e OI Pedole∧9P八両ui8りO
JO SeueS e JO IS-SuO⊃ S∂SSeu」eu uOdeeM `os」O=O uOIt
○○eSP!山9囲PunO」e Pe〕ieq Pue S」ePlnOuS e囲」e∧O u」OM ’SPenbs uode9M (∧eeu 8uo山e uO田山O⊃∴5」e SeSSeu -」eu uOdeeM `]」Oddns ou l111M uOdeeM 91q即」Od lS91∧eeu
e旧ue∧e P刷O=ue刑∂S e18ulS e MO=e O] Peu8iS9G
POIN (e〕e」別口u∂l孔卸euulし
」菓GH丁SABER A「易A⊂HMEN丁S Base Modifjers: Adds automatiC tJ to successfui 営ightsabe「s, lCOnic weapons of the Jed主are as unique as those whothe wield them. The foIIowing attachments and
CuStOmizations can only be appiled to lightsabers.
Lightsaber combat checks when the wlelder lS engaged With a singie opponent
The biade drain attachment works by creating a Sma11
Llghtsabers rely on kyber crystais attuned to the wielder
POWerdrain when the lightsaberis ln COntaCt Wlth anoth-
to create energy biades of different types Under norma看
er lightsaber bIade. Once attached to a lightsaber hlIt
CirCumStanCeS, SWaPPing out one crystai for anothe口S an
and wired into the powe「 supply, thiS attaChment draws ene「gy from the power suppiy of an opponent’s light-
arduous process requiring the lightsaber to be disassembied first. Unsatisfied with this situation, a handfui of
Sabervla the energy blade when biade contact lS made
enterpriSing (if unorthodox) Force users have c「eated
and routes the energy to the user’s own power supply.
attachments that aliow two (Or mO「e) c「ystais to be
丁he draw is momentary but sign甫cant enough to reduce
lnStalled in a Sing看e lightsaber. With the press ofa button,
the effectlVeneSS Of an opponent’s =ghtsaber, making lt
One CryStai is swapped fo「 another, granting unprecedent-
less capable ofdea冊g damage.
ed versat冊y to lightsaber wieiders IookIng for additionai
There lS, however, a riSk that the drawn power could OVerioad the power supply ofthe wielder’s own lIghtsabe「,
CauSlng a CataStrOPhiC failure. Users of this attachment COnSider it a sma= price to pay for reducing their foes’
COmbat effectlVeneSS, a trade offthat couid save lives. This attachment can only be appiIed to lightsabers.
functionality from thei「 otherwise traditionai weapon.
丁hiS attaChment can only be appiied to IIghtsabe「s
Base Modifiers: A=0WS instaiiatiOn Of a second iightSaber crystai at no addltionai hard point cost. Wheneve「
the wlelde「 igniteS the lightsaber, they choose onc; of the
CryStais to be the active crystai that produces the biade;
Base Modifie「s: When maklng a COmbat check tar一
any other crystals instalied have no effect As a maneuver,
審瑞等言霊盤a落盤靖嵩慧r器 damage by =or the remainder of the encounter. 1fthe
Wh=e the llghtsaber is not lgnlted, the wieider may switch any one lightsaber crystai in the hiltto be the active crystai that produces the biade.
COmbatcheckgenerates @ @ $, the biade co11apses as the power supply fais and may not be reignited untii the Character’s next turn.
Lightsabers are inherently lethai weapons. The deadiineSS Oftheir blades has often placed pac甫stic Jed=n a conund「um about safeiy neut「aiizing threats without kiliing them.
The curved hjlt is preferred by duelIStS and p「actitlOnerS Of
Before the Jedi’s destructiOn, many Jedi eiected to modify
the second iightsaber combat form, Makashi. Thjs styIe of
their hi看ts to reduce the amount of energy their blade pro-
hilt gained p「ominenCe aS that lightsaber form was perfect-
ed as a means to bette「 utiiize the due"sts’g「ace and
jected. Careful mod甫Cations to the powe「 cells and blade emitteraliowthe ownerofa lightsaberto add a S七un setting
PrOWeSS ln dueis. Over the centu「ies, its popuiarity has
Of so「ts, Which draws on the power of a norma川ghtsaber
WaXed and waned, but curved-hilt lightsabers have never
CryStal but with less intensity than norma上However, a
COmPleteiy faiien out of favor.
dampened iightsaber can st旧n佃Ct Serious injuries as the
This mod甫CatlOn Offers better cont「oi and fiexibiiity when
handilng the =ghtsaber, and it aliows for more force behind OVerhand strikes. Duelists who utiliZe Iightsabe「s in this con-
figuration can unieash precjse, deadiy attacks with graceful
lunging and siashing strikes, Often leaving their opponents Criticaliy injured, maimed, Or WOrSe.
emitter can oniy "mit the powe「 of a heaviiy mod甫ed crys-
tai so much.
’euO Aq叩ep 98則嶋p e明 ese9」〕eP Ol @ @ pueds ue⊃ IND e囲Pue `euo Aq叩ep 98e山eP el11 9See」3u! O] xpe申]eq山O⊃ e uO O pueds
’し∧q e8e山eP S.uOdeeM SeSe∂」Oui :S」e胡PON eSeg
ueつ」eqES叫8= Sl囲JO 」ePl引M eu⊥ :S」e即POI^漢eSeg ’]eq山O〕 u! e8elue^Pe eZ!S 」ie囲uO eZ牌ide〕 O両eM
準!」 e唱8ui準〕山0」」 S」e」訓 一明e山OS SePenSSiP "e山O山8uo」M e埴岬8u叫…P ePelq 9明日O木uilq!SSOd 9」elu 9囲]nq ‘e〕ue」Puiu e S岬ue唱leD -ueu∂q ue]JO e」O山S川e〕 」∂MOd pe8」eu)」e∧O ue JO l〕e捕
9囲`相〕e」」O〕 PeilelSu甲euM ’eiq即Sun有印ue]Od pue 9旧 -eiO∧ "e〕」eMOd 9囲e湿田S98u叫p es9囲]nq `epelq e唱JO
e se p岬q 」O叫8刷IenSnun JO S」eSn e⊃」O] 8uo山e」eindod S! uO半時叩!PO山]冊P∂Pue〕Xe eu」 ’MOlq e唱JO e○」O] e囲Olu! 囲8ue」1S S`」9Pi9iM 9囲Sn○○J di911 Ol d岬P9Pueu-OMl e Pue elPue申e8uoi e唱JO 98e」e∧ei e囲8u!Sn Aq 」eMOd 8u哩n⊃
Pue 8u朝」]S S,」eqeS叫8" e明eSe9」3u! O] S甲Oi]eつ哩PO山川u PePu∂]X∂ e囲Pu町∂q eeP! eu⊥ ●」e∧eMOl仁e〕uelS P∂Pu叫-OM]
叩q eSn P∋Pueu-euO 」OJ Peu8!SeP `suodeeM 9el9山」eu]O
ue哩…eu ∂」0山SeOP八両nSn lnd]nO Sl1 8叩Sn「Pe Pue
e8e」e∧e e埴土O明8uei 9u⊥ ’甲叫d e u! SPueu OM]咽MeiqeSn
.山e]S∧s l⊃eJ」ed-」e9u e JO e⊃ueieq e囲S19Sdn ll Se `poo∂
e o=∪eu9q lee」相e ∧9∧u○○ O=」OuS OOI S同町eqeS叫8"
」eMOd e明9See」〕ui O=9qeS叫8ii eJO =e〕 」eMOd 9叩98」e甲 -」e∧O Sel叫∂山OS ue〕 8uiOP訓e Ae囲岬uM MO岬O11M eSOu⊥
11e⊃ 」9MOd s.」eqeS叫8!i e明lM 8uリed田el `u)nS S∀掴el11
JO S掴e囲Se囲8uei e山eS e囲e」e S… 」eqeS叩8= ISOIN
uiし印M Pe=e]Su=elS相⊃ 」eq相9囲JO Sn〕OJ 91qe叫elJJ9」 9囲 OI S測eu十11○○ 」eMOd 〕!Seq 9i8u!S e出O 」e∧e」OJ相e9u un」
O] elqe `suodeeM luei瑚∂相eu〇両eつXe訓e S」eqE?S叫8!「
POIN (し十SnOl⊃V用由lEnO山91=
’eSu9J9P eele山S.198」即e囲Se」Ou8!
uodeeM Si唱8uiSn u」n]呼明S∂湿田」ePie!M eu] xp印e 〕X9u eu⊥ ●leluePi⊃ul ue Se 」e叫nO〕u9 」9d e〕uOし唾u91
‘」eqeS叫8峠S叩句i叫eP! O=○ 」eqeS叫8il e囲PuU OI S」9]⊃e」e甲」9囲O Aq s]d山e調e相e ol ▲ ▲ SPPe ]u訓叫⊃e]]e S冊∵」eqeS叫8= e O] Pe甲印e ueuM :S」e即POいI eSea ‘PeP9eu uelIM
S.ePeiq e囲98u叫p (別間ePi9iM eu⊥ :S」eU!PON eSeg ’PeSnJuO〕 S阜ueuOddo 」刷1訓uM 98即ue^Pe e囲 SSe」d o] 」ePieiM e唱8uiMOliE H据uel 9Peiq Meu e囲O=Sn「Pe
∧e囲Se相ue]ue山O山」e〕leJ O] P」en8 s即euOddo ue sesne⊃
S町⊥ ∂Peiq S.」eqeS叫8ii 」刷りO uぜuei e囲98ueu⊃ O] uO調nq
O=9PielM e SMOile uO世叩!PO田S岨P」en8 j]O lueuOddo
-」Od山i OM〕 SePi∧0」d "Se準1 8u!準eu e明…O] 」e∧印euM
e JO llSnd e囲い一M叫e山u8"e M9u e O叫SIelSん〕 e囲e]e]O」
uodeeM冊e叩O] SSe〕〕e Ase9 Pue xp!nb sep!∧O」d叩Pue `elqiSSOd se」9qeS亜!i e e洲e圃i Se SxpOi申Se岬Ienb叫e]
’e〉川〉IOOi Ol ]ue9山S同山e]1 e明日O eSO明
Se e山eS 9囲副e掴8u!ys則r剖u e JO e〕ue」q山n〕ue Pue `旬」e」 `1SO⊃ 9岨●Pue=e Si坤e岬山e唱Aq p91…= Seu埠 ○○山OS Pue leuOS」ed s! Se溝口iiu PeSin8siP 11つee …OJ eu⊥
ue岬e⊃ ue〕 `pesn ueuM `le哩Sle]SんIJ 8u!Sn〕OJんepuo⊃9S JO S9ueS e uleluO⊃ S」eqeS叫8ii eSeud-iena ‘91⊥哩]uei -Ol∧ ∂」O山《」ePiO ue JO peJlue ue Sl uOlle叩PO山eSeud-1enP
eu十S」eM 9uOi⊃ e囲JO 9uJi] 9囲水y P∂]Enbi]ue Pe」eP!Su○○
8u!準e田-]間OI SeluO⊃ 1i uellM掴“ieS」e∧lun” Ou Si 9」eu⊥
uodeeM 」ie囲eS!n8sIP O〕 ]開8ulyse山刊u e jO eSn 9)岬山佃山S」eSn e⊃」0] `uosee」 e囲」∂∧e]euM ’9PIS
」刷] Aq 」9qeS]l18岬9明dee斗冊S ]∂∧ `e〕ueS副d 」eilqnS e ]ueM O] SuOSee」相e山e∧eu /e山uOde9M e甲nSJO S」9uMO ∂〕uelueS ll]e∂P叩e山0]ne ue Se山i]e山OS Pue `e叩Ou Pue
叫e田山O〕 enPun S∂Sneつue叩O 」9qeS叫8峠Sul相賀e〕 Alu9do
’」9∧neuelu 」eu]Oue Se」lnbe」 S8uil]eS le…Ou
O] 」∂qeS叫訓e叩8ui]Sn「P∀ ●旬Ienb u〕ee」日e囲SeSOI Pue 《euo布Sui]e」 l∽岬」⊃ S]1 S∂See」〕ui `oM] Aq sieeP ll e8e山eP
e囲SeSee」〕eP li ’e8e山eP unlS leeP O=eS Si 」∂qES叫8ii e叩
ei「uM 98e山eP un]S le9P Ol e〕l∧9P 9甲ユSn「Pe庇山」∂qeS 一団8ii e明JO」∂Pie!Me囲‘」e∧n∂ue山eS∀ :S」eH!PON eS閃
1 1tem Quallty (DefenslVe +1) Mod, 1圧em Qua旧y (Deflect10n + 1) Mod
W刷e the Jedi of oid disdained biasters, mOdern Fo「ce
Th「ough a delicate system of motion sensors and minia-
users tend to need every advantage they can get By adding a customized secondary emltter tO a iightsaber hiit,
turized motors built into a =ghtsaber hiit, a Craftsperson Can alter the iightsaber to respond to adjustments in grlP
the wieider can release the energleS Of their weapon ln a
and positiOn With g「eater responsiveness. The spiit-SeC-
manner sim=ar to that of a blaster boit Wlthout the
Ond edge granted by thiS SyStem ailows a combatant to
focused fieid produced by a traditiona=ightsaber emitte「,
more easily parry an opponent’s decisive stroke or block
the beam rapidly loses coherency and stopping POWe「,
a hall of biaster boits
PrOduclng Only a short-range Stun boit A lightsaber used in this mamer may not be recognized for what lt is, appearing to be an unusual or custom modei of pistoi inStead ofone ofthe legendary weapons oftheJedi. This additiona=ayer ofcover couid offer as much protectiOn aS
Base Modifiers: When a characte「 uses a Par「y or
Reflect incidental with a lightsaber that has a refiex grip instaiied, the character suffers l additiOnal straln, but COuntS their ranks in Parry and Reflectas l higher.
the new capabi‖ties of the weapon
The user must spend a maneuver to switCh from one WeaPOn mOde to the other (from =ghtsabe「 functiOn tO
Pistol functiOn, for example).
Base Modifiers: When the iightsaber lS nOt lgnlted, the wielder may fire the pistoi using the fo110Wing pro〇
日le (Ranged [」ightl; Damage 6, Criticai 3; Range [Shor仕
Stun Damage主 PractitiOnerS Of Fo「m V sometimes use a reverse g「ip on their ‖ghtsabers to assist in many ofthe techniques com-
mon to that form. Many practitione「s ciaim that the unusuai griP gene「ateS mOre POWer Wlth ce「tain St「ikes, While others state that the w「ist-SnaPPing Strikes made
With the reverse grip can catch opponents off guard. 丁hrough a few carefui adjustments to the grip and balance 2圧emQuallty(Stun +1) Mods
Of their iightsabers, these practit10nerS Can make the
WeaPOnS mOre Suited to wielding ln this mamer, although The pommel cap is a sma=, Welghted knob o「 simiiar piece attached to the base of a lightsaber’s hiit. The lnCreaSed
the modi市oations make using a t「aditional g「ip somewhat unwieldy in the p「ocess.
Weight and reinforcement provided by the pommel cap
Base Modifiers: The wlelder adds (ひto aii Llghtsaber
make pommei st「ikes with the lightsaber more effectiVe and
(Cuming) checks made with this iightsaber but adds $ to
PrOVide the wieider with a noniethai means of attack. The
ali other Lightsaber checks.
POmmel cap not oniy enhances the Force user’s ab11ity tO
deai a stuming blow, but aiso can be used to store sma11 items of necessity. 1ypicaiiy this is an additionai backup power cel上though a n∪mber of sma旧tems couid be stored there. The pommei cap screws into the base of a lightsabe「 and competent wielders often inco「porate its use into thelr
fighting styie. 丁his attachment can be appiied to lightsabers o「 any
Melee weapon with a hiit.
1 Damage +1 Mod, 1 DecreaseUnwleidyratlngby =oa mlnlmum O= Mod, 2圧em Quallty (DiSOrlen[ +りMods
Base Modifiers: When attached to a lIghtsaber h11t, this weapon gains the Stun 2 item qua=ty. ln addition, a Sjngle sma旧tem with an encumbrance value ofzero may
be stored ln the pommel cap, With Game Masterapprova上
Many modem Force-SenSitiVeS find it d輔Cuit to carry their iightsabe「 OPeniy and prefer to disguise it. Others
WiSh to keep a ranged attack at the ready. Astun biaster attachment provides for a usefui compromise. By stripping down an otherwiSe functionai stun blaste「,
Wiring it into the power supply of a iightsaber hilt, and boIting the resuiting device to that hilt, a Force use「 can
make use of the biaste「 without re=nquishing immediate access to the lightsabe「. This cannibalized stun biaster
has a shorter range and a more Iimlted Stun effect than
leqe」閃ue!」neS e明JO引JJO叫qe」明JO Pl」OM Pe]e!Pe」」i相 -∧e9u 9甲山O」J Slue e∧ le]Sん⊃」eq相e」e」 ∂」e SIO8u! qe」明 ’8u哩」 le叩」⊃ Pue e8e山eP eSEq SnO!∧e」d s]! OI S]」e∧e」 Pue Se制enb es∂ul S∂SOI 」∂qeS叩8!i
∂囲`pe∧O山∂」 」9∧∂ S岬1S凡⊃ 9u=l ’S9刑enb lue]口ePunS Pue `L u」n日`し甲e9」日9囲Su!晒」eqeS叫Sii 9u十uo印PPe ui ●S O] 8ui呼」 150朝」〕 S叩Pue 8 Ol e8e山eP 9Seq S.」eqeS
-叫S" E S∂8uellつIe]Sん⊃ S冊8u川e]Sul :S」e即PON eS印
判訓e 〕e8」e〕 e leS ue⊃叩e判」〕S ∧xpn=O POO8 AI」ein叩」ed e u]甲Pue `e/叫OeO!Pe」相岬"S S=08u! qe」閃Pe"e]Su! ueし印M 」eqeS叫8" ∀ ’uO!SeuOO
SeSOl村yeeu 〕画9〕」eu OS Su」nq le囲9Pelq有印`8u。E)9S e 91ee」〕 ∧e叩`」eqeS叫8!i e ui Pelie]Su! u9uM ’叫8= 」euu!
e⊃」三周e u]岬MOi8 pue uつnOl eu] O=Oll訓e SlO∂ui qe」明
`suo18e」 SnOu!elunO山u! S」印SnP川e山S ui PunO二十eld○○d
’u8!SeP O] S]ueM 9uO 」eqeS叫8旧O ed布
1euM 8uリeP!SuO⊃ ueuM ]ue]」Od叫S岬]S凡わe JO木yieuOS」ed Pue木yienb 9u⊥ ●S」eMOd叫e」euu! S,」∂qeS叫8!I e S∂田O〕 lnOS華甲]山O」J PuE `ie]Sん〕 S〕! S口eqeSll18= e JO lnOS eu
与園田与人おっ田日田VS⊥Hお園「 工/q sesee」⊃ui 9ni臥 e]t3」nつつeui S叩`旬ienb ∂]E」nつつeui e明Seu Apee」ie uOdeeM
1⊃9.IJO⊃ Se!dss岬⊥山O」J SuOdeeM IeuO印PeJL ’∂Sie "e e∧Oqe
eoe」8 uo p∂Sn⊃O川e」⊃ uOde∂M ue!Se!dss叫⊥ `seun叫e〕 」O]
e明月’旬Ienb山e〕= 91e」nつつeui 9叩Suie8 osie uOdeeM eu⊥
‘1Ou S上 場囲9叩Ou Ol )!⊃e甲a⊃u即8!^ 」O uO!事d○○」ed
鵠約諾請書窪蒜器器轟き -1uO〕 SI uOdeeM S叩] `pe叩8i SSelu[ :S」e即PON aSeg
’PePeeu ueuM Pueし白峰eq Pue SnOn⊃Ouu! 」eedde 」eqeS
刊∂= S.9uO e∧eu Ol爪ed o] e叩d iie山S e S! ∂⊃ue」Pu団e囲 1nq `]eq山○○ P91e9u u! 9Sn明lM S9」eJ」9叩u∈現O 8u刑∂ieM ]uelS!SuO〕ul Pue 9Z!S P」eM)1Me 911⊥ ’〕SO⊃ e囲!M e山O⊃ SeOP
]u9田Ie90uO⊃ S岬⊥ ●叫∂!S uieid u! SuOdeeM 」刷1 9Plu PlnOJ
enb時間⊃e] 」eI叫!S le囲e PunOJ ‘岬nou了S」O∧!NnS ’∂8」nd e囲e∧叫nS lOu P!P r白d山!S !Pe「相epl9 1SOIN ’」eP」O !Pe「
e囲]O iieJ 9叩岬M 」O∧eJ JO ]nO =eJ e叩C)e」d s時日〇本yi叩 e」nd 9u⊥ 〔」e!Se∂ ei制E? S8u冊9準田町.uP叩OuS相M `訓 S.朋「 e S! ePeiq 9u"i ’渦〕S 8ul判eM Ap」nlS eJO Apoq e叩
〇回S」eqeS叫8町印判Inq lP9「 Al」∂Pie Al」eln叩」ed ’u∂1JO
一旬enb 」Oi」edns e明」eqeS叫8= 9囲Slue」D :SJe期PON eSe8
’SeuD]時S 8叩e∧!〕〕e 8u!xpOi Pue Sd岬pez叫O〕Sn〕 8u!PPe OI S9uOIS山98 sno!⊃e」d pue slele田 e」e」 8ul〕e」 -Od」O〕u!山OJJ `」eqeS叩8!i e OI Pe!idde ∂q ue⊃S叫e山e〕ueuue
Ie)il⊃e」d 」O叩e山SOO SnO」e山nN ’9両S Pue elSel」!9u=inS」e] -1∂q O〕 SuOdeeM 」!e囲PeZiieuOS」9d 9∧eu O] uMOuy e」eM !Pe「
e山OS `ue!」e二間]n Pue訓e]Sne副e S」eqeS叩8!i ]SO山9冊M
.臆 euo e∧0山∂」 ’xpe叱e ue 8u!津山ueuM :S」eH!PON eSeg ’P○○ueieq村卓9J」∂d epelq e叩Sdeey 9⊃l∧eP S冊`叫e山
‘Pe叩8! S! 」eqeS叫8= e囲jO ePEiq
e∂e山eG巾u8!「i pe8ueとl) :e〕!Ou〕 S.」eSn e即時6肥O」d8uiMOl -iOj 9明8uISn 9JU O] uOde9M Selqeu] :S」e即PON eS閃
S=O⊃ SuiZ岬q印S ue!Se!dss叩⊥ ’凡uode9M 」!eul ueu]8ue」]S
eu〕 e問M PeSn eq ]Ou /e山1u9山甲e]1E 」∂]Seiq un〕S eu⊥ ’(Z+ ApIeiMun `98e山eG un〕S判OuS] e8ueとl `- Ie叩」つ:9
-e∧O山u〕e9囲iM 8u旧n〕 Pue 8叩e]0と仁」9qeS叫8= e ]O ]冊 e囲PunOJE判∂Sl! Sde」M]Eu用e]8uoi e Se PeZ両S u∈現O e」e O中山dosoiiud s冊01 u」n坤」 e8」nd !Pe「 el1=O S」O∧iNnS ●SP」en8叫∂P
」9qeS叫81i e囲JOSPu9囲Oq uO 9]!i euO u叫le」O山 Pe∧ES Seu 〕! 《」e∧eMOH ‘ePeiq e囲し印M 4ySnO∂ue]ln山!S
Pue Se⊃ue」Pu岬ieuOpe岬S JO r吋e e∧ e ∂山O〕」e∧O O] S」e -Pie岬」!ell] 8u!MO昭`s」e∧n9ue山JO ISeiSUJnlJ e明ue∧e 」OJ
PeSn 9q ]Ouue⊃ 」e]Seiq un]S eu〕 `Alddns 」eMOd s.」9qt3S
-叫8" e明uO Me」P侶」eue e明0] enC] ’」e]Seiq unlS linJ e
Critical rating. 1f the crysta=s ever removed, the lightSabe口oses these qua=ties and reverts to its previous
base damage and criticai rating. 丁his ltem CannOt be bough自t must be found. 2 Damage + 1 Mods, l Decrease weapon’s crltlCal ratlngby l
toa mlnlmumO= Mod, 1 1temQualltyIVICIOuS +1)Mod
Even the best of the Jedi Can fai上The Empire SCOurS the galaxy looking fo「 Force-SenSitives to enfoid within the
dark side. Untutored pupiis wander far from the light, lost
On darkpaths from whiCh they may never retum. Many of them言n the course ofthei「 fa= or their time astray, COm-
mit heinous acts suffused with the dark side ofthe Force. These Force users bend the kyber crystais in their iight-
As thei「 name suggests, Dantari crystais are found on the
Sabers to their w町Ieading to the crimson hue of biades
Outer Rim worid of Dantooine. 1t lS unknown how Dantari
PrOduced by these corrupted crystais.
CryStais come into existence. However, these mu柏hued
Even ifthese individuals die orare redeemed, they leave behind a weapon and a crystai strongly assoclated with the dark side of the Force. Such crystals must be purged Of their eVil to avoid letting them faI=nto other hands and COrruPt them as weii. Thus, a Force user may take on the task of reciaiming these crystaIs.
Base Modifiers: Instaliing thiS CryStal changes a iightSaber’s base damage to 6, its criticai ratlng tO 2, and the
=ghtsabergains the Breach l , Sunde「, and Vicious 2 1tem
qualities. When a character wielding thiS lightsaber makes a Fo「ce power check, they add ● to the check. When the Force-SenSitive cha「acter’s Mo「a冊y rises to 70 or more,
this c「ysta=s reclaimed言t no ionger provides O and it
ioses the ViciOuS item qua=ty, though it continueS tO function as above ln all other respects. if the crystai is ever 「emoved, the lightsaber 10SeS these quaiities and reverts to its p「eviOuS base damage and criticai rating.
kyber crystals were once extremeiy popuiar among the Jedi. At one time, Dantooine was home to a prominentJed口fem-
Ple, and severai Jedi Knights and Masters viSited the pianet reguiarly. A few Jedi discovered Dantari crystais within the eggs of the kinrath-giant, VenOmOuS, CaVe-dweiiing arach-
nids Why these crystais were within the eggs and how they received their unique properties are still a mystery.
When instaiied in a lightsaber, a Force-reaCtive Dantari C「yStal helps the wielder maintain focus and calm.
Base Modifiers: lnstaiiing thiS CryStaI changes a lightSaber’s base damage to 7 and criticai rating to 2, and the
iightsaber gains the Breach l and Sunder weapon quaI主
ties. When making a Force power check as part ofa combat Check, a Character using a lightsaber with a Dantari crys-
tai may spend C)to recover 2 strain. if the crysta=s ever removed, the lightsabe「 ioses these qualities and abiiities,
and lt reVertS tO its previous base damage and criticai rating
丁his item camot be bought, lt muSt be found.
l Decrease the weapon’scritlCal ratlng by l to a minlmum O=
Mod, 2 1tem Quailty IVIC10uS + 1) Mods Sma町du=, and brittle, dragite gems are found ln the caves Since the destruction ofthe Jedi, the Empi「e has begun to
and cavems of the D’oIop mountain range on M’haei上an
hoard kyber crystais for itself, CaPturing and contro=ing
agriworid in the Expansion Region. in their natu「ai state,
theirtraditionai sources to use them in developing st「ange
dragite gems are one of the most brittle kyber crystals,
new weapons and to prevent them from being u帥zed by
and they produce a loud ringing when struck. Worked into
those seeking to restore the Jedi Order. Force users must
a suitabie lightsaber crystai-a diffrouit task due to draglte
10Ok for non工raditional sources o=ightsabe「 crystais
gems’dist「essing tendency to fractu「e or shatter easily-
Wherever they may be found, regardiess of the crystais’
needed to use such c「ystals prope「ly, but for the wi11ing
they produce a biade that puises and hums Ioudly. ln addition to emittingthis noise, When a lightsaberequiPPed With a dragite gem Strikes a solid target, the biade produces a deafening crack and a shock wave that can
Force user, they can produce distinctive biades
diso「ient and even cause bod申y harm to its target.
COndition. These crystals may be fiawed, CraCked, Or Otherwise damaged. Speciai lightsaber mod甫cations a「e
Base Mod師ers: insta旧ng thiS CryStai changes a
Base Modifiers: instai=ng thiS C「yStai changes a
iightsaber’s base damage to 7言ts c「itiCal rating to 3,
lightsaber’s damage to 7, Criticai rating to 3, and the
and the lightsaber gains the Breach 2, Sunder, and
lightsaber gains the B「each上Disorien=, and Sunder
Vicious =tem quaiIties. 1f a combat check made with
item qualities. if the crystai is ever removed, the =ghtSaber loses these quaiities and reverts to its previous base damage and critical rating.
this iightsaber results in @, the GM may cause the CryStal to shatter, after which the =ghtsaber 10SeS these 三 〇 1 . _ ● - 1 、 i ÷ - . i 重 し
qualities and reverts to its p「evIOuS base damage and
e ‘PePlelM ueuM eS!Ou 8u=MOu
8u冊eSun ue Se湿田叩明9PElq ∂∧叫⊃n」〕SeP Pue e e∧eS 相euoi〕de〕Xe ue e⊃nPO」d le囲SeuO鵜SIe]Sん⊃ 」eqeS叫8!i
相^eeu Pe」n叩eJ山niI嶋qeS叫8= e8u甲nJ]SuO〕 」OJ S聞S凡つ 1Seq e囲JO 9山OS SE !P9「 9u] Aq p9Zりd 9」9M山n旧9ueld 庇i e明」O S∂∧e⊃ 9u] u冊!M d○○p punoJ Sle]S凡⊃ 」eq相9u⊥
inj」eMOd o叩P9甲OM eq ue⊃ Sut39d eseu⊥ ’Se叫d luel -1q」OXe Pue山9P Pue `e」叩b〕e O] P」eし仁e」e」碕u叫S甲e∧ e」e
Si」eed uo8e」P ]舟e」〉仁Se」∂uds 9SueP “l岬山S O叩Pe囲OO山S Pue P9uS!iOd 8uieq AIMOIS `se∧!上SuO8e」P e囲j〇八ue」!]ue 9叩 」OJ」nlee」⊃ e明u= e山9」 ∧9u十1ue岬Se」 AlqlPe」⊃ul ‘le]Sん⊃ 」9q相JO …Oj 9山OS u!印uO〕 SouO]S eSe明`訓uM e u! e○uOんe∧] ’euOIS e^iOSSiP有醇nlue∧e ue〕 uO8e」P ]∧eJy
∂叩弓O Se⊃in「 e∧!1Se8!P叩Sne⊃ eu⊥ ●uO!lSe8!P明iM Pie OI
SeuOIS IS98u! Aell了S9∧町Ie囲JO 9S」nO⊃ e囲」e∧O Pue `e山i1
8uoI AlqiPe」〕叫ue」OJ e∧!l O〕 Pue] 9u!OO吼JO SuO洗」P ]^eJy eiq甲el eu⊥ ’S」eqeSll18旧O uO甲n」]SuO〕 e囲u! PeSn SlelSんつ
’叩きlle S冊山0」」 98曾山eP ∂⊃nP∂」 0=u9ie]村上E?d 9ul …油!Sn山0」J 198」el e囲"e∧e」d oユ
㊥」O OOOO pu∂ds爪euJ 」ePIeiM 9明Jeqes叫8" 9囲 u! Peii印Sul岬1Sん⊃ 9」田SO岬∂囲e冊M `uo印PPe ui ‘8upe」 SPOIN白+ SnOl〕l用木ulenO山e)i S ‘poIN l十論E山eC=
lcoi叫⊃ Pue e8e山eP eSeq SnO!∧e」d sl! OI Sl」e∧e」 Pue Seil
-iienb 9Se明SeSO=9qES叫8iI e囲`pe∧O山e」 」e∧e S岬〕Sん⊃ 9囲 Ji ’S9酬enb山e叩」ePunS Pue L甲e9」日9囲Su!晒」9qeS叫8ii e囲Pue `乙O1 8u!1e」 ieO哩」⊃ ‘9 O] e8e田eP eSeq S,」eqeS -ユリ811 e S∂8u叫⊃ i印Sん⊃ S冊8u川elSuI :SLIe胡PON aSeg ’SePelq 」!e囲JO uO印SOd 9n」1 9明8u!S嘩SiP Pue S90J 8u!]ueリOS!P `suo!1O山.S」ePl〇時e囲MO=。=e哩S9Pelq e明JO Se8euJリepeんosn冊∂囲e」e iie JO SnOun〕 ]SOIN -S」eqeS叫8ii ’8叩e」 i∽i担⊃ Put3 e8e山eP 9Seq SnO!∧e」d sl! O] S叶e∧e」
」∂囲O JO e」U叫e〕SePue〕u! e囲O〕 Pe」ed山0〕 ]ue〕niSu叩
O川n堀田Se ePeiq e囲M」∂qeS叫8" e 〕〕nJ]SuO〕 O] Sle]SんO
e s∂8uE?甲訓O]S 」∂q山間e 8uiiI印sui :S」eH!PON eS閃
’lelS凡⊃ e囲Pe]SeNeu Ae囲uquM山O」J e」!ds 9明Se ]〕e〕∂P
Ie]Sん○ ○u=i旬ienb 98e山e(] un]S e囲Sul晒」eqeS叫8!i 911⊥ -- O〕 8u哩」 ie瑚」⊃ S叩Pue 6 Ol e8e山eP eSeq S.」eqeS叫8ii
Pue山iP e」e SePelq e囲Pue Je∧eOS華甲M PunOS Ou lSO山ie
Pue Se馴enb ∂Seul SeSOl 」eqeS叫8iI eLl十P9∧0山9月∂∧∂ S!
9⊃nPO」d 9」O⊃ JP囲呼Sle〕Sん〕 9」即SO岬囲M S」eqeS叫8!「
SnO埠○○」d 」!eu⊥ ●SPi」OM山地」e]nO 8un旧跨JO InJPuell e
e囲uO uO!1つnt3 ]e PiOS八両uoiSe⊃JO e」e SeuOIS 」eq山間 `舟epqL ‘」eP○○ !Pe「 eu=O uOil⊃n」]SeP 9u] O=Oi」d sseu.大
-ePunOJ相⊃O」田O」J eSu euO]S ]ue」edsue」] AIaJilue JO S9」!ds
OP OuM eSO囲∧q s]9yu甲e」e山Se相ensn `1e刈e山xpe獲q
e埋]SOu8 9Sn ue⊃ S」ePu!二十Iie le Pe時⊃Oi eq ue〇八9囲ueuM `su!印unO山JO S準9d 9囲1e PunO自画e○!d布e」e八〇u⊥ ●SuO!l
’Sle]Sん⊃ 」∂q相Se enle∧ en」= e唱Pue]S○○Pun ]Ou
田O」J Pe」叩b⊃e∴9」eM 」∂q山nu e OS Pue `seuoIS 」eq山間
uo su〇時uJ」OJ eiq!S!∧u申」閃u u! MO」∂ s岡Sん〕 」9q相9Seu⊥
u=叩u9]Od MeS S叫8甲〉=Pe「 ui印eつ’el粥r⊃ Aeul S9Peiq e囲JO e」n]eu le叩eIuOu e囲O] anP S」9qeS叫8ii ui 9Sn
」OJ 9iq坤nSun Pe」eP!SuOO eつuO e○○M Ae肥│ue]S∧s囲OZ.N e囲u! SSeu.人JO uOOun 9囲uO木y∧i]〕e 〕lue訓O^ 1ueiO小
人q p90nPO」d l印S凡〕 」eq相JO 9d布e 9」e S9uO]S 」eq山開
’8u!昨月e叩甲Pue eSe山eP 9Seq SnO!^e」d s叫o] S"e∧e」 Pue Se胡IE?nb 3S∂囲 臆
SeSOi 」eqeS川副∂囲’p∂^0田e」 」∂∧e S=e〕SんO e明引●S印 一昭nb uodeeM 」9PunS Pue L u⊃ee」日e囲Su!晒」∂qeS]噂!l e叩Pue `乙O] 8u匹」 Ie項担〕 `9 0〕 e∂e田eP eSeq S.」eqeS 一団8" e Se8ueu〕聞SんつS冊8即時]SuI :SJe即PON eSeg ‘SlelS九つ山n= Peu!e]uOつS」∂qeS叫8旧Pe「 1SOuJ `pl」OM
制1 uO Pe…OJ Sl印Sru⊃ JO lunO田e l即unOq ap Pue窪 」eP」O !Pe「 e囲u冊iM 9⊃ueu甲O」d s`田n= O1 9n(] JeqeS’
一団8旧S」’u 」刷=O uO!10n」]SuOO e叩O叩08 plnOM ]e囲 le]SんO e囲]nO準9S O1 9つueP叩8 s封eSn Pue e⊃」O]
9明し印M eun田山O0 O〕8u岬e」叩∂明JO "ed se eJ9明
Base Modifiers: Insta旧ng this crystai changes the
Base Mod脆e「s: lnstalIing this crystal changes the
Iightsaber’s damage to 9言ts critical rating to工and the
lightsaber’s damage to 7言ts critical rating to 2, and the
iightsaber replaces its item qua旧es with the Breach l ,
lightsaber gains the Breach l, Defensive l, and Sunde「
Sunder, and Vicious l item qua旧es川the crystai is ever
item qua=ties. if the c「ysta=s eve「 removed, the lightsaber
removed, the lightsaber loses these qua=ties and reverts
ioses these qua旧es and reverts to its previous base dam-
to its p「evious base damage and critical rating.
age and criticai rating.
Lor「dian gemstones are kyber c「ystals mined m紺emia ago
Mephite crystals are rare, lust「ous kyber crystals found in a
by enslaved Lorrdians du「ing the Kanz Disorders. Created by
handful of pIaces in and around the Adega system. One of
Force-SenSitive Lorrdians to suppiement the intricate kinetic COmmunication deve10Ped among the slave popuiace, these
five types of crystai known coiiectiveiy as ``Adegan crystais,’’
gemstones were imbued with Force energies that a=0Wed
their intemal structu「e and =ght-mOdulating capabiiities. Like
their possesso「S tO read the emotions and actions of others.
ail Adegan crystaIs, mePhite crystals are Fo「ce-reaCtive and
mep航e crystaIs are we= suited for use i掴ghtsabe「s due to
When installed in a lightsaber, a Lorrdian gemstone ailows
Can be infused with a small amount ofa Force user’s power.
the wielder to p「edict the actions of an opponent, giving the
When insta=ed in a lightsabe「 and infused with the Force,
Wielder a decided edge in meiee combat.
mephite crystaIs give off a smali but steady Force signature that can be sensed by any nea「by Fo「ce user.
Base Mod脆ers: Insta再ng this crystaI changes the =ghtsaber’s damage to 8言ts c「itical rating to 2, and the lightsaber gains the Breach l and Sunder item qua=ti錐. Force-SenSitive characte「s using Force powe「s to sense
their su「roundings automatica=y detect a =ghtsaber using
.8し甲e」 le瑚」⊃ Pue e8e田eP 9Seq SnO!∧9」d sl! OI
Sl」e∧e」 Pue Se馴enb 9Se明SeSO=∂qeS叫訓eu了Pe∧O山e」 」e∧e Si le]S相o 9囲即O 《os MOieq醇J 」e∧e旬Ie」OIN S《」eSn ∂∧印SueS-e⊃」O] e PInOuS ’L句Ie]uePPui l⊃ei蛾l e囲8u!渦 ueuM Pe」e即S uieJ]S jO ]unO山e 9ul e⊃nP副凡eⅢ 」e]⊃e -」e11つ9∧理Su∂S-e〕」0] e `uo11iPPE ul ’Se剛巳nb田eli 」ePunS
Pue `l 9∧!Sue]ea `=)e9」日e囲Sul晒」eqeS晒!l e11] Pue `Z O〕 8u哩」 le坤」⊃ S]l Pue l O〕 e8euJeP eSeq S,」9qeS
-叫8il e Se8ueu⊃ le]S五〇 S冊8u冊]Sui :S」e胡PON eS開 ●S110q 」elS引q 8…〕三周eP 〕e e∧1]〕∈哩e e」O山
甲n肌理8u!沖田Aqe」e叩`uepiM O] ePelq S`」eqeS叫8" e sesne⊃ l即S凡〕 l」elOS ∀ 9JU 8u皿O⊃ul rsul晒e uoil ○○elO」d peieile」edun 9Pl∧O」d A9叩くe8ue甲X∂ ui 」ePi91M
」ie11=O u〕n山Pue山9P Ae明」OJ ‘/巾u8" Petold山○ ○q lOu PinOuS Sl印Sん〕 1」eiOS ‘]=O 9Sn e沖田Pue euO PuU ue〕 OuM」∂Sn e⊃」O] ∧xpni e S口I Pue `]SIXe OP /e里‘」e∧e
-MOH.S再小山e」e山eq O"岬noul u○○q 8uol e∧eu /到n Pue `]Sed ]ue!〕ue 9囲山O」J ∂山O⊃ Sle]S^IJ 」∂q相IJeiOS
JO Sel牡’e⊃」O] e囲JO 9P!S "81i euユO] Peunl呼佃8叫 Se∧理Su∂S○○〕」O] JO SPueu e即O叩AeM 」19叩PuU OP
Seid山eXe 9山OS `si聞Sんつ」eq∧〉=○ ○d布S冊SB 9」e」 S∀
’8し叫e」 ie叩1」〕 Pue e8叫eP eSeq SnO
十∧e」d s]! OユSl」e∧e」 Pue Se刑enb 9Se囲SeSO=eqeS瑚8=
e囲`pe∧O山∂月e∧e S=e]Sん〕 e囲J十A§oiOu甲e] 9^甲e JO S9⊃」nOS 」eMOd p哩」O `u!e」」e] 91晒!∧eu `uo印SOd J草間1
SPPe uOiSSeSSOd 」19叩u! 」eqeS叫8" S即し悶M 」elOe」e甲
Sl! O] S]」e∧e」 PuE Se馴enb ese明SeSOl 」eqeS叫81l 9囲
訓1…e〕eP OユePe山S準e昨月e囲JO向きo書の叩引山0叩e
.8叩e」 1e〕印」⊃ Pue e8e山eP eSeq SnOi∧e」d
ul]e」 ie⊃刑」⊃ Sli Pue [ O1 98euJeP 9Seq S.」eqeS叩8峠Se -8ueu〕 ∂uO]S 9叩OleuSiu e 8ui昭〕Sui :S」e即PON eSeg
-de〕」9d e 8u!湿田S」e]⊃e」eu⊃ e∧印SueS-e⊃」0]∴Se刑enb
Pueし∴ 〕ee」百〇叩Su唾」eqeS叫8!i eu十uO印PPeui ’S Ol
-S9」d si 8u吟q uePP叫e 」e巾euM 8叩○○19P JO S9SOd」nd
e∧印Su9S-9⊃」O] e小yleuO理PP∀ ’S叩昭nb田e叩」ePunS
`pe∧O山9」 」e∧e S=elS凡〕 e囲J十〇8ue」 "OuS ul囲lM叫e
」O川○○llつ9囲O] O O ppe (e山xpe甲9〕ueii81∧」O uOll
明9u8e山Pe〕e」eue8五両里旧」e Pue le」nleu l○○〕eP ueつ
e se8u叫p le]Sん⊃ S冊8u用elSul :S」e即POl^i eSe8
S山elS^s訓uO」〕○○le冊 -」eMOd 」O S」0]e」eue8 Aq pe⊃nPO」d 9SO囲Se uOnS `spl判
山e坤」ePunS Pueし甲ee」日9囲Su!e8」eqeS叫8!l e11] Pue ・乙O串upe」 Ie叩i」つS叩`L Ol e8e山eP eSeq S.」eqeS叫8"
‘」eeu S! eO] P三甲3e⊃uO⊃ e ]el11 1qnOP e lnO囲!M
MOuy =lM 」9Pie!M e叩`」eP間e囲Ol uO!]⊃e」一Pつ的eds elII
MOuソロ.uOM (9囲e問M ‘佃」eeu 9Piu OuM eSO囲]〕eleP O] eiqe e」e /9囲1eu]爪eM e甲nS u! e〕」O] e囲O] S」9Sn 〕〕eu
-uO⊃ Pue岬d "OS e MOi8 sie]Sん⊃ 」e準9S句p○○nP○○d
〕l ‘四〇uつにeu8e山S,]9ueld e JO uOi]○○」!P e冊u! S∂胡S -u∂叩〕e囲」OIO⊃ PenPqnS e囲lM ePelq 8uiixpe」〕 `esuep e se]ee」⊃ 9uO〕S S冊`」eqeSl118!l e ui P911即Su! u∂uM
」e準eS IPe「8ul」ePueM e句o8e suope」9u∂8
9Se巾`seil」edo」d叩∂U euJ ln担MOd 8uiSS9SSOd pue 」OlO⊃
∧∂囲ueuM MOuy小e∧i]〕ui〕Sul Sl即S凡〕 eSe巾JO S」∂Sn
-晒1∧eu ⊃ileu8e山Pue S⊃iuO」l〕ele ul PeSn uelJO副e SeuO〕S
e」e S98」eu⊃ 」刷] ueuM 」O Pe∧」eSqO /巾e」⊃9S 8u吟q 9」e
P9」∂∧0〕SiP Se `s聞Sん⊃ 」eqeS叫8旧ueiie〕Xe 」OJ e津山OSle ∧elIl `peu鳴」 Pue Peueel〕相9do」d 9〕uO叫∂田dinbe uol]
SePelq `p坤u8i ueuM ’Su!SSeSSe uePPiu山OJ=98uep ui
xp印e 9S一」d」nS Pue uSnq山e P-O∧e O]山e囲8ulMOl岬
`=eM S」9Sn 」!e囲P∂∧」eS 9∧eu lS!Xe O] uMOい1 9」e 〕e里
u同〕elq-anlq 」O ∧e」8甲ep相ensn spi坤)i]eu8e山8uo」〕S 村」eln〕l]」ed里中¥ SPi」OM uO PunOJ e」e SeuO]S e叫OleuSIN
MeJ eSOu十SSeiP」e89汁S」eqeS川副OI Pe]叩」un SeSOd」nd 」O」 PeSn e」ビバ∂明e」euM Se〇割d山0」」 ○○ `sl∂判別山e∧!S -niOXe-e」叩く∧MOPeuS山O」J e山O⊃八〇囲Aes s」O田n」 ∂山OS
.s」9Sn 」ie囲JO SPu叫e明O叩AeM」le明e準山人∂里MO叫O 山0」」 e山○○ S聞Sん〕 」9準eS e」euM MO岬0〕 S山○○S eu○ ○N
‘8uile」 le叩甲Pue e8e山eP eSeq SnOl∧e」d sli O] S〕」∂∧e」
Pue Se刑enb es9囲SeSOl 」9qeS叫8!i e叩‘p9∧0山e月e∧e Sl
lelSんつeu"i ‘」eMOd e囲JO e8ue」 u! Si "1 1印S^13 e掴de山e
the leaklng energy for their OWn ends. By performlng a lengthy ritual wlth the lightsaber, a Mystic can d「aw SOme Ofits power into themseiffo「a tlme.
Base Modifier: insta=ing this crystai changes a i ghtsaber’s base damage to 6, itS CrltiCai rating to 2’
and the =ghtsabergainsthe Breach l and Sunderltem quailtleS. After insta冊g this c「ysta上a cha「acter may
SPend a slngie maneuver communing With the crystai Though none can confIrm aCCurateiy f「om which planet the面yste「ious sorlan C「yStals originate, many traders
recognize the gems by their radiance Sorlan CryStals are said to reflect light ln SWIrling言ntrlCate PatternS
reminiscent of dancing flames Because of these gems’ reiative sca「city, few rea=Ze that they are ln fact kyber
c「ystais・丁he ene「gy blade formed by a sorlan CryStal Su「geS briefly with power whenever lt COmeS into con-
tact with another object moving at high speed-SuCh as anothe「 =ghtsaber. The slight but sudden joi=hat
emanates from the blade lS Often enough to throw an attacker off balance, givlng the wlelder a chance for a
and attempting to hamess ltS POWer. if they do, they lnC「eaSe theircurrent Force rating by one. ThlS lnCreaSe
persiStS untii they use the extraOto fuei a Force talent Or Force power・ However, unt= the end of the encoun-
te「, the Game Mastermay spend @ @ $ @ or@ gene「ated by the character’s checks to have the fauit CauSe the lightsaberto sputterand fa一上In this case, the
lightsaber deact一VateS and may not be lgnlted for one hour. ifthe crystal lS eVer remOVed, the llghtsabe「 loses
these quaIities and ab冊ies and reverts to its previOuS
base damage and critiCai rating.
counterst「ike. While this added resIStanCe aiso makes it harde「 to sliCe aPart an OPPOnent ln a Slngie stroke,
over the course of a iong duel between ski=ed flghters, the unique edge lt P「OVides can make the dlfference
between life and death Base Modifiers: insta冊g a sorlan CryStai changes a lightsaber’s base damage to 6言ts crltiCal ratIng tO
5, and the lightsaber gains the Breach l and Sunder
weapon qualitieS. Whenever the lightsaber is used with the Parry taient, the wielderadds□to thei「 neXt COm-
Varpe=ne CryStals are hard, SuPer-dense minerals found
bat check against thelr attaCke「 befo「e the end of the
on the Outer Rlm WOrld of Mearaiis l上Ranging ln COIor
next round. ifthe crystal iS eVer remOVed, the =ghtsaber
from white to a riCh goid, they are scattered throughout
ioses these quai雨es and reverts to ltS PreViOuS base
Meara=S 11’s extensive mountaln rangeS When properly
damage and cr両Cai rating.
worked, VarPeline crystals can be used to siice through nearly any substance known ln the galaxy・ W回e they a「e typICally used in lndustrIal cutting machinery or pre-
Cision fabriCatiOn instruments, these stones are OCCaS10na=y used to great effect as lightsaber crystals
When insta=ed in a lightsaber, thiS CryStai produces a blade that emltS a Short, Sharp ringlng tOne When it Strikes an object. A lightsabe「 equiPPed wlth a varpe-
=ne CryStal can often cut through the thickest armor or toughest materials, and it has a dlSturbing tendency to diSmember =ving targets. 丁he kyber crystai is the hea「t of a llghtsaber, but as with the hea「ts of organic beings, lt Can have lmPerfec-
Base Modifiers: lnsta=lng a VarPeiine CryStai changes a lightsaber’s base damage to 8 and its critiCai ratingtO 5・
tions. The「e are many opportunities between mining
ln additiOn, the =ghtsabergains the Breach l, ViciOuS上
and use fo「 a crystal to become unstable・ lt could
and Sunder item qua=tieS. When spending $ to inflict a
deveiop ha冊ne f「actures ln面tiai t「ansl=ts wieider
Crlticai lnjury, the characte「 may spend an additional $.
might subject it to ext「eme stress in use Either way,
1f they do so, they automatica=y inf=ct the Maimed Criti-
POWerCan begin to leak outofthe crysta上
Cai ln」ury On thelr target instead of the Critica冊jury they
Under normal circumstances, these lmPerfectiOnS W用not affect a lightsabe「’s performance. With the
right knowledge, however, a Force use「 can harness
wouid otherwise have lnfiiCted.
’SuO印PuO〕 」e]eM」ePun O〕 enP Sxpeu⊃ ie⊃!S相d
’e8u剛e山e」〕Xe 」O 8u〇日e 」∂」きeM e日工
句ep則r s沖印e p98ue」 l岬Ol □ pP∀ :SJe期PON eS開 高〕e」nJ⊃g 9〕u勘ue OI SPueu S.」9Sn e囲1Sn「Pe中uqns
岬uM山elS/S ]euJl∂u e囲O] Pe」lM Pue S]印un晒」O Se∧Oi8 -S∧s pe⊃ue^Pe旬ueln叩ed 9山OS anH 」OS!∧ e uO」O O岬ne /q
l⊃910」d lOu SeOP li u8no里le) ]u9山uOJ!∧ue SSeiJ岬相e u!
S.」0…e 9u] u! Pe"印su! S」OIOl廿0」qV¥ llerJJS印e」Od」O〕ul S山9]
山O」J臆Se∧0山e月eSn ap `uo印PPe u仁(山m⊃e∧ 1Sui捲e 」O uO!S」e山qnSJO S」nOu 9∧日O] dn 」OJ (S晒eiq∽ildde」O)
ue8^xo岬noue s9Pl∧O」d 」O…e 9肥:S」e即POIN eSe8
P〇匹el時間e=ie ue 9∧eu相きつ! -8oi PlnODle囲」O皿e相e o] Pe"ddeeq uE〕叫e山甲叩e
Pe」e∧!leP 9q庇uJ uO呼…QJu! S冊`19PO山e囲uO 8u胆ued9G 」eSn e皿O] peP JO lu閃明S lue]SuO〕 e 8u胆l∧O」d `9坤nS 」OSueS Pue 」elnd山0⊃ 8u鳴8」el P○○u臥Pe ue e呼」8e]ui S山91 -S(S昌明e8」el Pele」8e]u上9判」〕S-n⊃〕∀” S.uOleluO]n∀ le!」〕SnPul
S間⊥.SP叩b" 」e囲O Pue 」ereM u中心l!qO山 P9∧0」d… 囲M SP!Oue山nu eP!∧O」d s」edd旧∴elqe:P叩eとl ‘1mS SnOiqilId山e ue O叩Pe〕」e∧uO〕 9q ue⊃」OuJJeJO叩S血e
POIN (ue山S甲eIN l剛n]eN白ueleJ○ elビuu=
村」eeu `Alddns (S晒e]eI」do」dde 」e旧O 」O) ue8∧xo pue le山1eu PeleeS e ]O uOi〕iPPe e囲叩iM ‘]ue山uO」i∧u∂ Pln -b!l t3 u! 8u!∧甲nS」O自白ess9⊃eu S!叫e山dlnbe pez岬⊃9ds `s用8 JO uOpeldepe rfueuo!]niO∧e e唱mO囲iM S]uelユueS
eso囲」O丁Slu9山uO」!∧ue二世enbe ui P∋∧1O∧e e∧eu Sei⊃9ds
MeJ Ou Pue `suee⊃O 〕S臥u! P9」e∧○○ e」e SPi」OM血eIN
e洲e S」O田eM Peuie」] Pue 91doed uouJluO〕 8uo山e
9叩⊃e」d uou山OつS=O…e JO uO世つ哩PO山9明く囲iee〕S囲M d刷O]沖eiq u同nS e 8ui叩ed o]印eld ]Seu〕 e JO SS9ue∧!〕 ○○e〕O」d e囲8ulSe9」⊃ul山O」] ●8ui]Je」⊃-」OILIJe JO uMeP 9囲
e〕ulS SSeu9nbiun PPe Pue SSeue∧甲e捕eSee」〕ui Ol
」0…e 8ul旬PO山ueeq e∧eu eidoed `んuod閃M e洲u⊃n
Can lmmediateiy identify when the user is hurt or experienCing eievated levels of adrenaiine and administer minor Sedatives, healing chemicais, and other drugs as needed. 丁his attachment can be instaiied on any fuii-body armor suit.
Base Modifiers: increases this character’s strain
threshold by 4 whiie wearing this armor.
Armor inserts, also known as t「auma piates, are thin, fiexible, PIasteei and ba帖stic gei piates that can be sewn into ciothing
to give the wearer conceaied armor protection They can be
added to any garment that is suitably iarge and aiterabIe, and they can be installed by any sk川ed taiiorfora moderate
fee. This attachment can be app=ed to any clothing Or armOr
With a defense no greater than O and a soak o= or less. Base Modifiers:巾ms any articie of cIothing intO
armored cIothing (See the Armor lypes sectiOn OfChapter
An exceiient way to ensu「e an agent lS aiways armed no
V of any of the co「e ruIebooks). Cha「acters can notlCe the
matte「 the circumstances, boot biades are smai上
inciusIOn Ofarmor inserts in cIothing by making an Average
SPring-loaded knlVeS that extend from the toes of an
ゆのPerception check.
Modification Options: =ncrease soak by + 1 Mod, 1 increase defense by +1 Mod, 1 increase difficuity of Checkto notice inciusIOn tO Hard (◆◆◆) Mod.
individua看’s shoes or boots to provide an extra edge in
Ciose-quarterS COmbat. There are varIOuS WayS tO depioy the biades, SuCh as presslng a Certaln POint on the tongue of a shoe or stamping hard wlth a boot’s
heel Retracting them often entails slmPIy (but carefuI1y) pushingthem back intO theircompa「tment until they
CatCh ThiS attaChment can be appiied to any armor that inciudes boots, Shoes, Or Other footwea「.
Base Modifie「s: Provldes the wearer with a retractable flghtlng blade wlth the foliowlng PrOfile・ (Meiee, Damage + 1 ; CrltiCa1 3; Range忙ngaged】). Modification Options: 1 Reduce the weapon’s critlCai
rating by =o a minimum o= Mod, 2 item Quality (PlerCe
+1) Mods, 1 1temQualityMcious +1) Mod. While a「mor serves a largely defensiVe rOie for ltS WearerS,
that needn’t be the ruie. With the additIOn Ofspikes, blades, and othe「 p「otrusiOnS On areaS COVering shouiders, knuck-
Ies, feet, knees, Or eibows, armOr Can be tumed into a
deadiy weapon o=ast resort. The majority Of such modiflCatiOnS a「e SCratCh-buiit, though a handfui of a「mor
manufacturers mass-PrOduce kits for the armor sets they Sel上Largeiy popuiarwith criminals, merCenarIeS, and boun-
ty hunters, armOr SPikes lend an intimidating air tO any armo「ed piate. Some p「ofessionals prefer to keep such
deadly mod桐Cations concealed and retractable, and these
are perhaps the most dangerous ofaii ThlS attaChment can be appiied to any a「mor that covers the arms or legs.
Base Modifiers: increases the armor’s encumbrance
Although cortosIS WeaVe lS rare, and most combatants haven’t even heard of lt, SOme armOrerS Shape cortosiS Ore
intO this energy-reSiStant meSh CortosiS WeaVe makes armor nearly lmPerviOuS tO Penetration by energy weap-
by +2 When thewearersuffersa hitfrom a Meiee, Brawi,
OnS言ncluding not just biasters, but also lightsabers. Even if
Or Lightsaber combat check, after the attack is resolved,
COrtOSIS Ore iSn’t avallabIe, Other substances ilke Mandalo-
the character may spend @ @ $ or @ to automatlCaliy
rian lrOn, Phrik al10y, and uitrachrome can have simiiar
inflict one hit for 6 damage on the attacker
effects lf properly treated, though they tend to add conslderabiy more weight to a suit ofarmor than co「tosis weave.
Base Modifiers: The armor gains the Co巾OSis quaiity
=nnate鴫len=Rapld Recovery) Mod
丁his system has a series of biometrlC SenSOrS that ciosely
monitors the vltai sIgnS Of the person wearing the armor工t
㊧ SiOO]ノe明e」nSu9 ue⊃ 」e〇時e `」O…e u」OM O叩天理n訓〕
‘uOiS!∧副n⊃SqO 〕e明S]⊃e出e le〕ue山uO」l∧ue 」e叩0 」0
‘uol]d9〕」ed O〕漢書ol dn se∧0山eとl :S」e即PON eS開
e 8u町e」8〇回佃’SuO印PuO〕 le9Pi-ue町SSei Pue S叩e」〕S
‘exp山S `sseu叫eP O1 9nP Sxp叫p帖準]eq山O⊃ PuE `e)uel18i∧
eJ勘e]ul e川Se8 puE勺」Ode岬p `」e]nd山OつPeZ叫0]Sn〕 -uO〕 e山!] 1〕i」]S 」ePun刈OM 」!∂囲]〕nPuO〕 ue叫O S」9坤S
SSeu甲eP Pue `80J ‘eyo山S Se u〕nS SuO印PuO⊃ lue山ePul ul S]u三甲ueS 」9囲O Pue S山e]i 6eS O]山9囲MOiie Put? SSeue」eMe
eっeds91]]eq S,」e」eeM 9囲eSee」⊃u! S」OSueS P印e叩Siudos ese囲JO 11∀ ・S叫e山e⊃uellu∂ i∽i]do uo田山O⊃ Pue ’∂」nlde〕
09P!∧ `s」e出世e e∧eM 」印9山間山`sdn渦d punoseJ引n `s」eP粥」
9」nleu8!S ie山」eu了uO世⊃即d山門嶋ii e∧!SSed囲lM Pedd叩be Si山9]S/s甲e] ‘S」OSueS O旧ne Pue le叩do p9Z=e。edsJO ISOu e岬M lenPi∧岬ui ue SePい0」d山e〕S∧s si囲`〕e山Ieu e O]u=iln日
‘」eu]」ed 」刑1 uO dリ8 」刷1 8u!SOI PIO∧e Ol xpe甲S叩elu〕V
(◆)応閏ue e湿田]S…在eLl十〇p在eu川u叩囲lM叩le 」el⊃e」e甲」9旧Oue =nd oユxpOu 8uiidde」8 9唱eSn爪e山」e〕 -〕e」e甲9岨●(山e囲〇月8u=ind `e」e A9囲ue囲Je:間811 Pue Pe」n⊃eSun Si ]⊃e「qO e囲J申O) 1⊃e「qO e囲0〕 Se∧19S山e明 8u冊d ‘p」O⊃ e囲u=ee」 ∧euJ Aeu十uOiDe ue SE `sse〕〕nS
uodn ・e8ue」山n岬e山u岬M ]坤qo uE O〕 xpOu anildde」8 el11 e」n⊃eS O〕甲au3 (叫S!「) pe8uetI (◆ ◆) e8e」eN ue
e準田舟e山」e]Oe」e甲eu十uo甲e ue S∀ :S」eH!PON eSea ‘」0…e Aue o] Pelldde
eq ue⊃ ]ueu川つ印e S帆布」n〕eS Pue有ojeS JO ee」8ep 岬iu e SePi∧O」d 」O…e S.euO O]ui向o⊃訓P Pe]e」8e叩
‘ l + Aq esueJ9P S.」0…e SeSe9」⊃ui :S」e即PON eS開 1ueIue∧uO〕ul村u8町e∧0」d ue⊃ 〕eqluO⊃
JO 9P!S叩O ue∧e 」9]Se山」!e明]〕9〕O」d o] S]d山e甘e 〕S9u」ee
」ie囲Pue 《se剛euOS」ed piOue」ed /両…叫doi9∧∂P ue里O
e囲MO」叩0=0…e a唱lnO岬no」囲S」O担eu98理i」OS
ue⊃ 」ee8 uo!Su○○Se `u〇時enllS SnO」e8uep e∴ede⊃S∂ 」O
Sule」q P!O」P eSeu⊥ ’乱的ui山0⊃u=OAeM9囲JOlnO」9」E∂M
eu= Pue leude」8 9囲8ui∧eu ‘uo印PPe ui.elqenl臥ul e∧O」d
SlePO山 P9⊃u臥Pe∴9」OIN ‘e〕!0∧ Aq 」O e⊃勘e叩 叩
edcose o]」e明euM ‘ん」nu e u! Se〕勘nS 」∂euS Pue〕SeP 」O
-1nd9」 u9∧e 」O S」O10山Xeld山○○ JO田elS∧s e印e」Od」○○ui
`8u剛nq 9」n○○S e 91e」掴u巾e8」e] e MO=Oj ‘s」enS」nd luO」J
Pu○○Se OI Pe」ede」d s∧eMie S口eSn 9囲1e里Se」nSue 」O…e
-deu e岬no」囲SuO印SOd 」e∧OつIE,eP! 9]∽iPu! Put3 Sle9」ul
PlO∧e山e囲dleu Pue OIS」9」e9Muelt3 O] 9]inS」OSueS ilnJ e
」e囲O Pue `sd11⊃ `eui申9u⊃une=9ude」8 e 8叩e」Od」○○ul
JO 」eSn e囲u」eM Ald…S SiePO山⊃!Seq ]SO田eu⊥.S]ee」叩
]O ]eS e O叩相〕e」!P ]ue山dlnb∂ 8u胴dde」 Pue8uiq…iつ
SeSn山e]S/S eSue」eP u!e」q P!O」P e `s叫nS 」0…e Pe」eMOd
」OJ Pe∧」9S9」相t3」eue8 9Pe」8dn lenSnun有e山e」〕X9 u∀
.suodeeM uOi 」〇二時eu8e山0」〕⊃el〇八q
」O…e 」eMOd jO uO!]臥i〕⊃eeP S]ue∧e」d :S」e即PON eSeg
」O…e」eMOd oI P6"dde eq村uo ue〕 1u9山u〕印e Si岨・○○eld Su一洞山0」J SuMOPlnuS l叩」ed u∂∧e叫e∧9」d
’」O…e 9叩8ui」eeM e間M Sxpeu〕 u畔e]S Pue
S叩9冊∀山0」」獲S9∧0Ⅲ〇月el⊃巳」勘⊃ :S」e即poい1 eS開 」O…e Aue o〕 Pe"dde
u〕n田e 」O…e Apoq e満山ue〕 ]i叩q `」e」O…e Pe旧準e Se」叩be」叫OM甲nS ‘e⊃ue」〔別田叩Se」P E e津山ue〕 u〇十時Zi
]Su!e8eくくp9ueP」eu” S田印S∧s ieli∧ S.」O…e 9囲岬M ’」9」eeM
9q ue〕 1ue山甲e]]e S町⊥ ●e山OS 」OJ uOildo 8ui叩ue副O山
O]山9]S/SqnSんe∧e相e9u O] ePe山∂q ]Snlu S]u∂叫Sn「P∀ -」e∧eMOu杓u8!eM e」e SuO阜e叩iPO山8u甲9P」el( lPnS -S叩 ○○el eSe囲Ol eun山叫Se山○○eq 」O…e 」eMOd ‘s〕⊃〔削e u〕nS
∂囲e⊃ueuue O中和i!qeS]i Pue木ullqO山S申し1Oq SeSOi」O…e e明くsuodeeM uOi O〕 e」nSOdxe 」O ]S」nq叩eu8e山0」〕〕ele
-山O]Sn〕 PeZ昭uOS」9d `u!準PuO⊃eS e 9測9∧O山Pue leeJ O]
」O…e 」ie明訓nbe」 OuM 9SO囲」O丁S叫e叫Sn「Pe 」91Je u∂∧e `p」eMyMe 」O小yinq e∧O」d osie ue⊃ ]i `uol]〕9]0」d elqenle^ul
inJ」eMOd e旬pe]dn」J91ui S可8」∂u9 JO MO日Siu=i旬ieuO!] -〕unJ uie叩erJJ Ol e⊃」nOS A8」9ue Sli uO Se=〇月0…e 」eMOd
ep!∧O」d uE⊃ 」O…e Jl9uS-eu瑚O” P」ePuelS 岬no明l∀
Modification Options: 2 Add賀to other characters’ Pe「ception checks to軸d weapons stored ln the armor
Mods, 3 HoIster up to one addltlOnal weapon ofencumbrance 3 o「 lower in the armor Mods, =mate鴫lent
(Quick Draw) Mod.
are always on hand and a血ost lmPOSSible to Iose・ Avisor-
mounted HUD or hoiographic image p「ojector streams
the data the sllCe「 needs, Wh帖e speci訓y designed gioves Or gauntlets a=0W the silCe「 tO manipuIate code using
nothing mOre than gestures and voice commands. ThiS attachment can be app"ed to any a「mor・ Base Modifiers: The weare「 counts as having Siicer
Gear (See Page 127), Which can be controiled simply by gesturing o「voca=zing Adds■to all checks made by others to cor「ectly identify that the character lS Siicing・
Rarely encountered ln body armorand mo「e commoniy (and usually i‖egaliy) appiied directiy to a drold chassiS,
ion shielding provides protectiOn agalnSt ionlZatlOn
biasters. Although the mitlgation lt grantS is far from COmPlete, the energy-dampening effects can keep a droid operationai when it WOuld otherwiSe be shut down ThlS attaChment can be applled to any armor With soak 2 or highe「
Base Mod輔ers: lncreases a「mor’s soak by + 3 againSt WeaPOnS Wlth the lon quaiity・
By mounting the-r hoisters血o the f「amework of their armo「 a combatant can ensure no one catChes them unarmed. Not oniy does the weare「 have easy access to
their weapons at a冊mes, but powered servos and other SyStemS Can be set up to assIS=he wea「er ln drawing Or stowing their weapons mo「e rapidiy A character with a fu=y
An obsolete shieidlng material once processed ln abun-
tooled set of integ「ated hoIsters has access to a hldden
dance ln the Si’Klaata Ciuster, kli…m WaS at One time
arsenal that can overwheim most foes.
vitai to the manufacture of heavy weapons and starships
Base Modifiers: 1ncreases encumbrance threshold by 4. The cha「acter may hoIster up to two weapons of encumbrance 5 o「 lower in the armor. While hoistered,
these weapons do not coun=oward the characte「’s
encumbrance vaiue.
While largeiy supplanted by cheaper, mOre durable modem a11oys, kiirlum has propertleS that make lt uSeful to armorsmiths, Who can appiy a coating Of kllrlum tO armored piating as a reiatlVely effectlVe thermal shieid1ng. Th-S attaChment can only be applied to armor that
has soild surface plates tha=he a=oy can coat, at the GM’s diSCretiOn.
Base Modifiers: Adds + 1 soakto armoragalnSt blaster and flame attacks
叫晒巳p9哩eq Ol 〕e〉や〇十〇」⊃甲M9u e叩iM PePeOi9」 eq ]Sn山Snul Pue木ulenbし0山田∀ Peli -…「 elI] S叫」e甲unel 9u十SuOdeeM L O田山∀ P91…i「 9」e S]expO」-O」〕叫S∀ ●⊆十Aq e⊃ue」q田n⊃u9 SeSee」oul Me」P O〕 」e∧neueuJ e l川OJ」9d o] Su岬eeu lnOし印M lexpO」-0」⊃… PePeOl euO 9」U Ol 」eSn Seiqeu] :S」e即POl^i eSe8 ’」O…e Aue uo pe11e]Su! eq ueつ ]ueuJu〕e"e S岬⊥.」O山」e S.」ePle!M e囲ul PeiielSui lunO山
曾 山0」j Pe」日和巳」9ue8 e」e ^e肥 -(⊆9 e8巳d `s暮ら)看○○甘 -O」⊃!N eeS) s」elunu布unoq AIJ軌u Aq s…e ruepuo⊃eS Se Pe」O∧勘SuOde9M (SnO」e8uep J!) elqiX9i」 9」e S]expO十O」〕州
」OuJJe S冊8ul」e∂M e問M e〕lM] Sxp∂甲
囲leelS 11e JO木yi!qe 9明SePe」8dn :S」e即POIN eS閃 ‘準e山Al」edo」d o] PnOi Pue相inq OO] e」e 岬uM `s」Ou.ue 」ei∧e9u uO SSeleSn ^」eeu S岬叩q `」O…e
JO ed有畑e uo pedd!nbe eq ueつ1u9山uJe弼S岨●」ee8 SuOpe〕甲n田山0〕 」O S」OSueS 」e明0山O」J uOl]坤pe」二時eu -8e山O」]⊃∂ie Aue se =eM Se ]eeu Apoq s.」e」eeM e唱ePlu SP19叫S uO11eiPe」 SnOりe^ ’(Sei帥qe e8elJnOuJ[3:) 9∧!〕つeし印M
(〕OLIS 」ediuS) "elq_ e]euul :S」e即PON eSeg ’]⊃e出9 P∂See」〕ui 」O」 uOdeeM
S.」eSn e旧し印M /巾〕e」1P 9⊃eJ」e叩S田elS∧s pele叩Sludos
e叩∵uo!]e山」OJui S胴囲M ‘GnH 」OSV¥ e O〕 uO阜e山」OJu!
ese明く8u!Pie叫S uOl呼!Pe」 Pue le山」e囲Pue ]u9山dlnbe
釦!MOuy eliuM Sl叫ii S理O] uOdEeM 」!e囲uSnd ue⊃ 」∂」EeM
e囲O1 91qlS!∧u!向」eeu 」e」eeM e 」ePue」 ue〕 S]uel叫つ珊e
]SO田eu⊥ ’〕OuS 9iqiSSOd山! ue uO eJU 」!e囲PiOu O] ueuM
唱uJlue ue O〕 」el岬S)山9囲8u!沖…山村S8u岬un〇月nS 」!9囲上川M u! Puelq O=e」eeM 9囲MO=e在eu⊥ 9/9 P9準u
lenSi∧ Pue 」elnd山0〕 eld…S e 8ui担Od」O〕ul田9]S∧s ∀
JO Se⊃e!d e∧iPe鵬"q訓8叩e」e S山elS∧s e8eiJnO山e〕
e〕ue]SIP eu] Se叩ln⊃le⊃ 」∂PuU e8ue」 ○○988牡 e `s」OSueS
PeSeud JO Sei○○S e 8u!Sn ●A§0lOu甲9〕囲Iee]S u」ePO山
9Sl○○」d 8uiPeeJ ‘uo!Sr^ JO P19U S`」eSn e明u口Ods血e o]
8u冊eq PunOS囲M Peuiq山○○ S」O〕〕e「0」d l∽i]do舟e」」e
1e叩do `suiSSeSSe Pue SlnO⊃Sんe紺山里Oq囲lM 」elndod
.」0山」e 9囲u!e〕
’S∂叫eue uePP町」O ]u9山
-e∧O田1〕9書eP Ol ePe山Sxpe甲uC叫deつ」ed Ol□SPPe Pue (S乙しe8ed 9eS)」euue〕S eSOd」nd le」eue8 e山0」JS叩9ueq
」eSn eu十]e山iel=!elI] 8ui」e9M e冊M :S」e即PON eSeg -eSn u! S口euue⊃S e囲e冊M AluO SPue]X9
一u!臥L=O旬PO山O〕Sxpe甲S〕iueu〕eIN Ol■■spp∀ し十布 eSue」9P eeI9山S`」Ol川e 9囲SeSee」⊃ui :S」e導!PO宴N eSeg ‘9〕ei」do」dde
S山99P INO e明S叩nS 」eu]O Pue ‘」0…E P〇〇〇MOd `」O田Je
e印eq A∧eeu Se lPnS `se⊃勘nS P」euし川M」O…e OI P訓dde 」OJ eiq山e」⊃SISn田SIOO]Se `引n瑚iP e」O田」O…e 9唱uO8ul Ly」OM e湿田ue⊃li ]E叩S!8叩eO〕 e叩O〕 9PiSuMOP有uo eu⊥
S《]euJle峠即O eP!Su! e囲uO Pe:Pe「O」d anH e eZill叩S山e]S/s
eq村uo uE 叫9田uJene S川上e〕e]」nSxp!iS S〕i uO dl」∂ e
1e囲」OSi∧OuOll」 9Iq印e」1e」 e ePni⊃ui S山e]S∧s e山OS ‘」OS!∧
」euue⊃S P印e」8〇回]SOIN PunO」8xpeq有印問」 e囲M eSO唱 和eln叩ed 《1inS MOiiO] Sun8 pe川畑EN ‘山e]S∧s甲ns訓o Se〕nPO」d d」O⊃uOん⊃ Pue `s]e山丁eu 〇回S山91S∧s」euue〕S e]e」8
男O ePiiS Ae囲Se eSneつ∧9囲e8曾山eP e囲SeuSlu岬P甲luM
′9Se甲賀nd puu ol eiqeun ue]JO 9」E SuOdeeM eele田山OJJ
]SO山iきSe山0〕eq 」0…e 」O e⊃均」nS e明`8し岬e○○ e u〕nS
S〕叩Se」 Pu叩O] uO印判e l〕e」!P O〕 」9;n e囲Se」lnbe」哩Oq
SMOiq 8ui⊃uei8 `uo胡PPe ui eZ!eS 」O di」8 o] 91qlSSOd山!
-e叩OI Se⊃」OJん坤i甲」OJ uO山田O〕 S同`9Sn uOdeeM 」刷]
」euue〕S PieuPu即e eSne〕明’]ee」巾村e oI PuOdse」 O〕 Apee」
’se山に=ie ]e S8u!PunO」」nS 」別口O 9」eMe eq ]Snlu S」Oi」J勘V¥
JO uO理PPe 9明ll]lM -Sepeld 」O…e PilOS ]Su!晒e u〇四」J
JO叫∂i瑚eOつe囲8uリeMOl佃刈oM S8uileO〕 uO阜〕廿MO「
POIN白十uO哩ulP」OOつ) l間Sし
Armor, eSPeCiaily heavy armo「, takes time to put on and
An advanced, light-absorbing poiymerthat can be app=ed
take off. Though putting armor on remains a chore, taking it Off-eSPeCiaiiy in an emergency situation-is expedited
to armor, refiec shadowskIn COating can enhance the Stealth abiiities of its wearer; anyOne Wearing armor cov-
With the quick shed attachment. By lnStai‖ng severai
ered in this substance can easiiy b看end lntO the shadows.
qulCk-release latches at strategic Iocations, uSerS Can
W回e thlS COatingdoes not make the armor’s wearer lnVIS-
quickiy remove thei「 a「mor. This attachment can only be appiIed to armorwith an encumbrance of 3 or hlghe「.
ible言t does mean that observers who only catch a g=mPSe
are far less likely to reglSterWhat they saw or believe lt tO be anything mo「e than a trick ofthe light. This attachment
Base Mod胴ers: As a maneuver, the wearer may
Can Onlybeapp=ed to armorwith a soakof2 orlower
Shed the armor. A「mor removed ln thlS fashlOn muSt be
Base Modifiers: Adds automatiC (雌to Stealth checks.
Mechanics check.
AdditlOnal armor platlng On the hands iS a Vaiuable upgrade forthose who favor heavierarmOr, aS Weii as for The galaxy contains many periis, and one of the most COmmOn lS radlatIOn. From the depths ofspace to po=uted lndustriai zones, radlatlOn hazards both natural and artlficial a「e a frequent threat to spacers. Although space-
those who do weldlng 」Obs on starshlPS and desire to
keep aii ofthelr fmgers Not oniy does such extra platlng PrOVide additionai protection, but it ensures the wearer
is never unarmed, aS gauntlets are heavy enough to land
Suits provide a degree of protection, and speciailZed
PunChes with bone-Shattering force‖t also he看ps protect
hazard suits are avaiiab看e, SOme indivlduais prefer to also
the user’s hands in case they are ever stuck in a ciosing
be fitted or appiied to armo「 to provide protectlOn from
blast door or shocked by loose wirlng Wh11e performlng battlefield repairs. ThiS attaChment can be applied to any armorwith soak2 orhigher.
radiation, inciuding chromium and uitrachrome. This attachment can only be applied to armorwith hard plates
as a weapon with the foliowing profile: (Braw上Damage
that can be fully seaied, at the GM’s discretion.
十上Criticai 4; Range忙ngagedl; DiSOrient 3).
be protected from blaste「 bolts and blades. A variety of
POlymers, reflectIVe COatings, and energy dampeners can
Base Modifiers: The character can use the gauntlets
Base Mod脆ers: Adds □□ to Res=ience checks to
resist radiatiOn
Although more common among factory or warehouse iabor crews than ln battIe, rePulsor-aSSist systems have
Simple and effectlVe, reflec adaptlVe Skin is an advanced
gained some popuiarity among bounty hunters who need
POiymer that possesses adaptive light-WarPlng and sen-
to hau=n heavy catches The systems operate through a
SOr-dampening propertleS When app=ed to armor, reflec
Se「ies of miniaturized repuIsoriift generators placed at key
acts as optical camouflage even in fuiiy iiiuminated areas. ThlS attaChment can be appiied to any armor
」Oints throughout the armor, eaSing the weight of the
Base Modifiers: Upgrades the abiiity Of a= Steaith Checks once whlie wearing refiec-COated armor.
attached suit as well as any 10ad it mlght support. ThlS attachment can only be used with laminate armor and Other fu=-body hard armor suits. Base Mod胴ers: Adds +5 to a wearer’s Brawn char-
acteristiC for the purposes ofdetermining encumbrance threshold.
’○○uO 」9」eeM 9哩1Ods o] Sxpe甲uO阜deo」ed
SI uO印PuO⊃ dol u口! 8uideeⅥ Pue `ie叩¥ S! 」O…eJO叩S POO8 e `sIEnP!∧lPui u〕nS」O] 9周eq lu翰SuO〕-」eeし月O e川e 9∧!1 uO!1eZ用∧i〇二回⊃ei晒JO Se8ul」J 9囲uO Slu∈叫ueS 9山OS
PeSOddo lieJ〇本un瑚!P 9明SePe」8dn :S」e即PON eS印 判e日8ul準01つ“ieJea言d」O⊃ 」eu」e〉申O]e」eueDし印ee]S leuOS」ed “1 11S甲e∧,, ∀-OX甲e叩qe] :ePnl⊃u! SlePON
‘」OuJJe Aue oI P〇両de 9q ueつ叫e田甲印e S叩⊥ ’uMOP 準9」q旧M PleU囲ie9〕S el11 」O `洲eM e uell=9]SeJ e∧O山IOu -ue○ OSle S」9Sn ’e8elue^Pe 」刷1 OI SMOPellS Pue 」e∧O⊃ eSn
O] MOu PuE和し川e91S 9∧O山O] MOu MOuy O] P99u冊S S」eSn
`」eし印n] ’Sile〕 」∂MOd Meu 8u岬nbe」 e」OJeq Selnu叫1」OuS M9J
e 8u!]Se画uo `1つe耳ed山O」J 」eJ e」e S山elS∧s 9S9岨’S」euue〕S
●e〕uO S」01巳」edo
Pue S」OSu9S 8u閃oiq OSiE e問M S」OIO⊃ Pue Sedeus s∂PeJ
PeSOddo昭JO木uiiqe el11 SePe」∂dn :S」e即POIN eS閃 ‘」O…eAue o] P訓dde eq ue⊃叫e山u〕印eS叩⊥ -Se印
`seiued山O〕 A8o10u甲e=揮elS JO 」eqlunu e旬pe〕nPO」d
」euuきつS Pue 」OSueS ]Sui晒e epe山 Sxp∂lP 囲t?9]S
PueS」nlq le囲」e」eeM9囲PunO」e P即e e]e9」⊃ ∧9u⊥ ’eSn ui
ilus A8oiOu甲e〕 PIO ue 9」e S」O〕e」eue8 p刷囲ee]S leuOS」9d
SPO困」e」eeM ∂明∂⊃l]Ou O] Sxp3u〕 uOild9J」ec] P∂SOddo o〕臆PP∀乙
判〕eJ e]eP Pue S]ine∧旬」n〕eS ui PunOJ S○○Su9S布山n〕eS Pue S」9uue⊃SSnO e∧e叩O19iq!Sl∧u!相開u」9」eeM9囲e津山Se印 -iE?nb叫∂」euul S叩`相u印odu.=訓OW ‘叩qe] 9iq!XelJ ‘]JOS 9囲
JO e」n〕eu e囲O] S測e囲」ele甲b 9q OI SPuel e∧e9M」euue○S
囲M P9UIPO山」O…∀ ’9旧Xe1 8u閃olq-」OSueS Pe⊃u臥Pe ue JO SuilSISu○○山卸S^s u畔印S 9∧!SSed e s! 9∧e9M」euueOS
口ui晒」e」eeM e囲ieeu O〕 ePe山Sxp9甲euP!Pe囚iiE小uleuO刑PP∀ ●xped山i]S e JO
esn 9uO Se8叩unO⊃惇叫ePPu!しre Se lue山u⊃印e el11 e]e∧ -!ユ〕e Ael肌eSn e囲`uo!SS9S 」ed e⊃uO :S」e即PON eS閃 ‘u〇時」⊃S!P S.IN〇 e囲O=〕9「qnS `∧poq s.」9」e9M
e明JO木u」O申u e明S」9∧O〕 〕e囲○○…e血e o〕 PePPe 9q ue⊃ 叫e山甲珊e Si岨.SPunOM 」刷〕 e]!dsep 8u刑8日enu刑o⊃ 0]
‘Sxpe甲叫e∧eie」 ∧ue 」OJ P∂Sn S!
∂l叩∂∧乙PiOuSe」甲u!EJ]S山e]S∧s `し一8uiiPueu ‘L Peeds
○]nd山O〕 l∽lP∂山Pele叩Sludos o] S」Ol〕e「ui山pe Pe]e山O叩e
JO 9Pn叩ie山n…XeuJ e Se巾i ’」O担edo e囲Se印9nOul!S e山eS e囲Seu Pue 9」elldso叫e u!印e」edo AluO ue⊃ ]e明
」e∧eu ueつ∧e囲岬nou⊥ ●S囲eq印eq Apoq-i冊Pue S」○
ue○ s山elS^s-P9uJ eSeu十P!0」P l∽iPe山」O 」OlつOP e e⊃eld9」
lii準uO世ulP」OOつS,」01t3」9do e明Pue ’s」9〕9山e∧中旬ue∧eS
」0 ]u9叫ee」1 」edo」d le8 o川8noue 8uoi e∧胆」9Sn e囲deey
e Se uOi〕⊃unJ O〕 」eSn 9明 SMOil∀ :S」e即POIN eSeg
山O」J e8ue」 S山e〕S∧s-P9山Pe呼」8印u川⊃e〕PeIN山e準囲∀ eu⊥
;Slued 19「,, Pe=eつ
碕u!8e」edsiP Se山!]9山OS e」e Se⊃!∧∂P e囲∵peeds pue lue山e∧O山8uiliO」1uO⊃ 」OJ Sxped lSO山u口ue田e∧O山8el JO 9〕uel」Od山川e明O1 9nP Sde甲ec] ‘SqLu!i Pue OS」O] S.」∂Sn
e里O〕 P91unO山S」OSlnde」 P9」eMOd-MOi中e付岬ie」 `=ouS JO 」9q山nu e ]O SISiSuO⊃相en]⊃e xped 」OSlnde」 e `」e田Ou -Si山e JO 8u町1e山OS 8uleq 9山eu S引‘」nO叫9d s」ele山O問
9∧叫判明Ol dnJO SPe9ds 8u!」e∧Ou Se l19M Se判8iel中ue 中」eeu山O」J S叫e⊃S9P P9"OJluO⊃ 」OJ SMOiie準ed 」OSlnde」 ∀ Se⊃1∧∂P叫8旧IeuOS」9d o〕 Meu eSO唱」OJ e∧!]eu」e]le -8u廟」」el SSel PuE-eiqe"e」 e SeP!∧0」d xped 」OSlnd乱
一利euos」ed 」lede」 e唱8u!…OJ」ed 」O何丁euO!1〕un川ede」
e ‘xped]9「 en」1 e JO 」eMOd pue e8u別e叩8u!xpei eiluM
二世e山Olne e明AluO8uiZ冊n 」e囲euM `」O…e e ]」 ede」 Ol lSO0 Ou S!訓eu丁uO印PPe ul 〉I〕9uつe囲」0] 1問S S〕甲e甲eIN e旧ui S刈ue」乙Pue ZJO〕〕eiie]ul ue8ui∧eu SeS叫nO⊃1申! 」!ede」 O] xpeu) e uO 」e]つe」e甲E O] e〕uelSiSSe eP!∧O」d 」O
]leS]甲Ed∂」 O=d山e]叩」O…e三甲1 e∧eu ue〕 」e」e∂M 9u] ‘」e∧neuelLl e Se `」e叫nO〕ue 」ed 9〕uO :S○○即PON eSe8
●」e岬i叫〇日○ ○Sue」eP Pe釦e月O eeie田し印M 」O…e Aue o〕 P9"dde eq ue⊃叫e山u〕e]]e S岬⊥ ●SSe」nP ISe]ee」8 e囲」ePun ue∧e 9Je!d euo u=OuIJe e唱deey o〕
一山n⊃ue 8uiui…9]9P ]O S9SOd」nd e囲」O」叩Sリel〕e」e甲
S山91S∧s 9囲O=el哩SSiP 〕Ou S∈判nS 」!ede」引eS P9]∽時
‘SPOIN (し十S叩e間]∀=問S乙`spoIN PiOuSe」明e⊃ue」q
甲oM S田e]S(s 」e叩O Pue ‘s」elq山eSSe "eu8e山O」叩ele `s」e -Pn」IXe eleu叫e仁sle!」e]e山1」e田S SPIO」P e山OS u! PunOJ -S叫dos epni⊃ui 」O皿eJO S叩S 91uOS ‘1ue]」Od… Se Al」eeu
uME」日S.」e」eeM e O=十PP∀乙:SuO!事do uo!]e叩!POIN
alte「at10nS SuCh as these can make a「mor less customiZ-
abie ln Other aspects. Base Modifiers: Grants the a「mor the SuperiOr quallty
(increase soak by l and reduces encumbrance by l).
St「ength-enhancing systems eas=y convert a suit Of帥 armor lntO a POWer-aSSisted suit・ A matrlX Of electriCaily con-
t「oiied myomer synthetiC muSCle制oers enhanced with nano-hydrauiics lnCreaSeS a Wearer’s raw physicai strength・
a=owlngthem to腫more and car「y more for longer periods of time丁his attachment can oniy be used with fu旧coverage armorwith at least some hard piates, at the GM’s discretion.
Base Modifie「s: increases the weare「’s Brawn by one
A threat monito「 is a suite of motlOn detectors, electrore-
CePtOrS, and photoreceptors that constantly monltOrS the
point while wearing the armo「・ This does not increase soak
armor wearer,s vicinity and言h「ough directionai video,
or wound threshoid
audito「y, Or electrical cues, Wa「nS the wearer of lmminent
threats and incoming attaCks. W回e many帥d threat
monitors somewhat amoying to wear, they can provide a criticai edge in life-Or-death situatiOnS. This attachment is typICally integrated into the helmet’the visor’Or anOther
piace where the usercan easiiy see ita旧he time・
Base Mod脆ers: Adds automaticひto the weare「’s ln主
tiative checks
instead of enhancing the weare「’s defenses dlreCtly・ a
stun matrlX unleashes a punishing puise ofenergy that weakens the attacke「 in the hope of p「eventing a second strike. 1nsta=ing thlS attaChment requi「es the
addition of lnSuiation to protec=he weare「 f「om the effects ofthe stun matrix on top ofthe setup ofthe se廿 charglng batte「y and ofthe stun matrlX itseif. While the
devICe is relativeiy bulky言t can be concealed旧nte-
The Me「r-Sonn VX Hands-Free Weapon System allows the
grated subtiy into a heavy armor f「ame’the bette「 to
modiflCation of armor to mount one or more weaPOnS, SO a spacer can keep thelr hands free forwhatever unexpect-
surpriSe WOuid-be attackers. This attachment can be appiied to any armo「 that couid iogically benefit from
having a Stun matrix added.
ed needs might a「ise in combat. Wh=e few weapons a「e
intended forsuch use, mOSt Can be modified to mount on
Base Modifiers: When the weare「 suffers a hit from
a properiy equipped sult Of armor Methods range from
a Meiee, Brawi, Or Lightsaber combat check, after the
voice activatiOn tO a PreSSure-SenSitive glove activated by
attack is resoived, the character may spend @ @ or @ to
ce「tain hand movements to a direct neurai link. Such sys-
disorient the attacker fo「 two rounds.
tems almost always inco「porate a sophisticated targetlng
Mod輔Cation Options: 1 Wearer may spend @ @ @
or @ from the combat check to immobiiize the attacker for =ound Mod, 1 Weare「 may spend @ from the combat check to staggerthe attackerfo「 l round Mod.
COmPuter Or retinai tracking meChanism. The most common location for the weapon mount is on the shoulder, though other areas are possibie・
A weapon must aiso be modified ln Order to be armo「-mOunted, requiring l hard point This attach-
ment can mount any Ranged (」ight) or Ranged (Heavy)
weapon with an encumbrance of 4 or iess, Subject to the GM’s discretion.
Base Modifiers: Mounts a sIngle weapon on the armo「, ailowing the wea「er to alm and fire it without using their
hands orarms
Any pieCe Ofarmor can benefit from re師ng at the hands of a sk用ed c「aftsman. A sk川ed a「morsmith can add
improved plastold or durasteei plates, reSIZe, reduce weight, and custom fit a suit to a wearer so that it fits more natura=y and minimlZeS COVe「age gaPS. Of course, Serious
⊂OMMUN音⊂A丁看ONS battlefield management systems keep enc「yptlOn SynChro-
組C「OSS mittedthe on galaxy publie m冊ons communication of messages highways are belng and through tranS-
nlZed Unfortunately, the low ene「gy requirements set by
secured networks  ̄fechnoiogy to encrypt and decode such
the Empire for the comlink mean the slgnai strength is
information is critical for most operatiOnS・
POO「, leaving lt SuSCePt-bIe to inte「fe「ence from expl○○
sions言On engines, and jamming. After the Battie of Yavin, lmperiais began repIacingthe DH77 with the He「-
Zfaii Corporation DHlO7, Which b○○sts power to mitlgate the DH77’s vuinerab冊IeS.
This com冊k transmits up to medium range on the pianetary scaie・丁he DH77’s constantiy shifting encryptiOn
adds喜喜獲to any attempt to intercept and unscramble Popuiar th「oughout the Rebel Ailiance, the 3-MAL comlink
the signa上
is a versatiie comms system squeezed into a tiny, P111Shaped package. in addition to offe「ing milita「y-grade
encryption, the 3-MAL scans popuiar clV= defense, emergency services, and law enfo「cement frequencies Like most com冊ks on the market, the 5-MAL easily synchronizes
with properiy equipped droids, COmPuterS, SenSOrS, and Cyborg …tS, and it Can tranSmit elthe「 voICe O「 data.
Thiscomilnktransmitsupto medium rangeonthe pIan-
For yea「s, a muititude of criminaI and resistance o「ganiza-
etary scaie. The 3-MALs enc「yption adds■to any check
t10nS have u帥zed homemade devices known as faIse
made to lnterCePt and unscrambIe the signai・ Monitoring
voice t「ansmitters, Or FV鴫, tO fooi the Empire. The original
a standard clear frequency on a clVi=zed world can add
FV鴫were jury-rigged by taking the verbobrain from a pro-
□ □ to Knowledge checks reiated to cur「ent events o「
tocol droid, a VOice-Synth box, and a datapad and COmbining them with a number of readiiy ava=abie com-
conditiOnS at the Game Master’s discretion.
POne=tS. The speaker either types in the wo「ds to be CO=Veyed with the FV丁or uses a microphone to say them
ou口Oud. Due to the usefuiness of such devices, the A旧 ance has begun manufacturlng them in sma‖ numbers.
As long as an appropriate voice sample is available, an FV丁can repiICate nearly any organic vo-Ce・ When used
to transmit messages via COm=nk, the rep=cated voice A剛e「y empiacements are hlgh-Prio「ity aSSaui=argets,
iS neariy indistinguishabie from the originai・ Despite the
and artiiiery crew fatalities are high as a resuIt・ Many a刷一
benefit an FVT provides, lt lS Oniy as good as the voice
Iery c「ews have tu「ned to remotesto operate emPiacements
sampIe used and the tums ofphrase the useradopts dur-
f「om behlnd cover. Synchro川Zing a remote to a stationary
ing the vocai cha「ade.
empiacemen=equires attaching a signai recelVer that comes with the remote and then c〇両guring fussy program-
ming Atgar SpaceDefense CorporatlOn is the leading
When impersonating another individual with the aid of an FV丁the user can upgrade the ab帖ty of thei「 Cha「m, CoerCiOn, Deception, Leadership, and NegotlatlOn Checks once・
manufacturer of artiile「y remotes, havIng led the fieid in
developing them after high casualtleS amOng CreWS OPerating oide「 Atgar empiacements.
豊鵠嵩需講盈詰ま蕊豊嵩 weapon gains the l=aCCurate 2 quaiity, and the holder of the remote can fire the linked weapon via the remote from up to med肥m range・
Smal上COmPiex devices about
the size of a human hand, hoIo-meSSengerS are uSed
When a persona=ouch is needed in the conveyance Of a message. EquiPPed With a sma= ho10graPhic
display emitter these devices can be used either to send a one-time recorded Standard iSSue fo「 lmperial A「my pIatoon leaders and also
message or to act as a receive「
instaiIed inside stormtroope「 helmets, SoroSuub’s DH77
and a display device for a hoio-
headcomm is an easy to use system with compiex encryptIOn
graphic t「ansmissIOn. When used, the messenger projects ltS hoIogram eithe「 directiy over the user’s hand or
subroutines. Codes rotate pe「iodiCaiiy, and lmperial
.ウSi旬」e」 e囲Pue SliPe」⊃ 00S S! e〕!」d eu子]ue!」e∧ e8ue」叶OuS e叩Su!Seu〕」ndJi
掴端子詰悪評豊謹書岩盤 AlelO山乱OI PeSn eq ue⊃ SlePO山e山OS ‘SelO即SqO 」e
-明O Pue SuO印PuO〕 」e囲eeM Aq pe〕e坤d田O〕 eq ue⊃ u〕iuM ‘s」e∧n9ue山eid山iS 8u甲」O耳ed JO 91qede⊃ AluO S1 1〇日dolne 9即時no唱`d叫S」e]S 」O el〕岬e∧ e uO田山nS
ue〕 Slie〕 uOxpeq Peつue∧Pe e」OIN ‘舟eMe叫8叫」O e準〕 O=Oiid e唱8u!MOiie ’sxpe申叫8川副d eid山!S un」 Pue ^eMe S」ele山O問e∧!J ue明e」O山Ou luO」J Seu!8ue s.d叫S 」O 9l⊃iu9∧ e囲91e∧甲e Ald山iS S19POuI 9∧!Suedxeui
川Ol]e〕OI S.」eSn 9囲O中高o=Ol!dolne S`d叫S e囲〕⊃n」ISu!
Pue∴⊃eS」ed e o] dn 9⊃eds」ed相 岬no」囲]皿SuE」] ue⊃∴Slle〕 uOy⊃eq Pe]coilS団dos A=euOilde〕Xe∴e間M
`s」ele山〇回e∧iJ O1 0M川e囲e」O山Ou JO Se8ue」 e∧e申」0〕
○」!〕 e∧elS e O] Peyui「 ’]expOd e u! PeMOIS 」O ISリM e明
-Sl山Sue」] S〕l Pue〕S」ePun
Pu○○MO十〇∧!Suedxeui ‘d団S」e]S 」O ei〕川e∧ Peidnoo e囲 ∂ E∧甲e ∧leユ0山9」 0=∂Sn 9明SMOiie iie⊃ uO沖∂q e 1yn○
の叩e山Olne Pue `suo!S
-EMl]⊃e i∧G e]0山e」 S」O]OIN ulds明e叩Se uJnS `siePO山
き u8no」囲lSe〕PeO」q O]
ep曾山S沖9u〇人ue o]め
uo準eq e SE uMOuy OSle) 」eliO」叫O〕 uO!〕e∧!]⊃e e]Oue」
S準eu〕如きo] ㊨ 繊 叩e山
uo u」OM 9q ue〕叩囲9⊃1∧9P PieuPueu `Iie山S e S川Ie〕
Pue∴∴ePO〕eP O] ∴ePeuJ ーO]ne∴SPPe P「OH〉1〕OuS eu⊥
E `爪eMe]e8 Apeeds e e津山0] 8ulP9eu eSO旧」O=nJeSn
e∧甲e ue u! PeAoldep 9iiuM八両i⊃edse 杓Illqede⊃ uO!]∽iun山田O〕 e8ue十8uol eiqe
-11e」 JO Peeu u! euO相e小y準eqM剛P 91qe]d9⊃〕e ue p訓ePISuO⊃ Sl叫8!∂M Pu叩inq PeSee」⊃ul Si11⊥
-Syu=田O〕 P」ePu即S ue唱」9朝nq S口1 `9⊃u9nb -∂SuO⊃∴e∴S∀ uOi〕dん〕ue∴ePe」8〇九eli‖山 Pue `」9MOd lSe⊃PeO」q PelSOOq `suo11∽iun田山O〕 理q」O〇〇円eueld pue 9P!M]eueld 」OJ /旬iiq -edt?〕斗u=dn e川Ie〕eS Se」nleeJ e〕l∧eP 9u⊥ ∧xeie8
el11 ui SuOpe⊃冊n田山0⊃ 9Pe」8-んelii… JO S…O月El -ndod訓O山e囲JO euO Si NpluJO〕 PeueP」eu Slu⊥
何問SSe〕〕e ∧pee月0」 S叩S^poq 」ie111 O]山e叩u⊃印e ue叫O SiSeq 」ein…le」 e uO印e⊃叫n山 一山〇〇 〇〕 SeXOqeJiO∧ eSn OuM SueSSeIN SliOd ‘叫8no叩e
里!M PeleinPO山 eq ue〕 e山niO∧ S.e〕i∧9P 9u⊥ ’S,P!0」P E
e洲un ]Ou Pue lcoiue甲9山村98」el S! 9⊃!O∧叩eJeP e叩
岬no囲 `su」e"ed e〕!O∧ Pe皿ue」8o」de」d JO 」eq山nu e JO /u門dope ueJ XOq9⊃lO∧ eu⊥ ’SePO」]〕ele e∧!Se^u甲Ou 」O leS e e!∧ Pe11S‖q即Se S! 11叩M `uoil〕euuO〕 le」neu eld
-…S e岬no」囲PeuS11d山Oつつe∴SI XOqe⊃lO∧訓Iしβno」里 u⊃eeds olul S叫8no囲S.ueSSeIN S!lOd e JO uOi]elSue叫
‘ueiOIS 」O ISOl e」e Aeu川村o山e山」則〕 ed!M ]e囲S]〕n」]SeP e]E?P A⊃ue8」e山∂ e∧qu ∧ue山Pue `peld凡〕ue eq ueD SPedeleP ll∀ ’〕eNOIOH叩⊃ap8 9叩O] Pe〕⊃9uuO〕 9q uB⊃ iie Pue te]eP 」19叩]⊃∂「O」d oISe〕l∧eP 8u18e山l ⊃l -ude」8oIOu eSn e山OS叩q `suee」〕S
甲nOl e∧き叩SO囚’e8e叩きd esn ol
XOq9⊃IO∧ ⊃luO」]⊃9ie lle山S e eSn Ae叩`ele
-POSSe 」O 〕Sen8 e o〕 ^s卸」nO⊃ ]SO山川e日日ue」8 0〕 S∂uSiM uesseIN SilOc] E? u9uM 〕i O] P9山0]Snつつe e」e Ae明SSe甲n
8ui周eSun理Puu SePeds 」e囲O JO SienPl∧iPu可ue山中ie⊃ -i囲edele〕 8叩EOlun山田○○ JO 9iqEde⊃ e」e SueSSeIN S=Od
9問M ‘S8uleq 」e明Oし印M e]eorun田山O〕 O工S」O]elnqe〕O∧ P!O」P OI Sp○dse」 ]SO山u! 」ei…iS `s∂XOq9⊃iO∧ ie里旧」e uO Al9」 0]訓rO〕 e∧eu `準eds o] eiqeun 8uleq `suesseIN SliOd
∧s開9uO ul S⊃luOJ]⊃e19 uOlu田O⊃
JO 」eq山nu e∴eu!q山O⊃∴SPed -e]eP `eseqe]eP leuOS」ed pue
」9]nd山0⊃ PieuPueu Je8uesse山 -OIOu `e⊃V¥eP SuO!〕e〕!un山田O〕
]O uO!1eu!q山O〕 lnJ」eMOd ∀
Se8esse山〕e」⊃eS e∧!e⊃e」
Pue PueS OI P9Sn 9」e S」e8u9SS9山-OIOし十Pe耳Odsue」1 Pue
P9iee〕uO〕 A"Se] ’∧eMe 」e〕e山e O〕 dn usiM Ae囲e」e11M相e
ぐYBERNE丁菓⊂S AND PROS丁HE丁漢⊂S 組「師Clal body parts and enhancements arelmperial common slght everywhere from backwater worlds to the army.
Body modiflCation is just one of the many ways characters Can Show offthelr PerSOnaiity and unlqueneSS. Unusual for cybe「netic lmPiants, a biOfeed-
back reguiator achleVeS nOthing fo「 the
reciplent When insta=ed on its own. This COmPIex, fu11-body system takes substantlal expe「tlSe tO lnSta= and is lntended to
be lntegrated with additionai cybemetIC Asmali impIant a肺xed to the suprarenai giands, an adrenai
enhancements. When hooked into
impiant stImuiates the productiOn Of eplnePh「ine in the
exIStlng Or neWly inst訓ed enhance-
body when the indivldual’s nervous system lS Sub」eCted to
ments, the regulator redireCtS
st「ain. Whiie the effect is not as rapid as a dlreCt in」eCtlOn Of
natu「al bioeiectriClty fIows to work
epinephrlne into the bioodstream, lt does reduce recovery
With the power supplies of a「師-
time f「om fatgue・ Be-ngS Ofali waIks o冊e can benefitfrom
Cia=lmbs o「 to suppiement the
this impiant, Which aiiows them to recove「 sw-ftly during a
functiOning of pleCeS that add
PrOtraCted combat or a lengthy debate
An adrena=mpiant provldes one rank of the Rapld Recovery taient.
new capab冊es to the user’s body. The regulator is thor○
○ughiy lntegrated with the
autolmmune reSPOnSeS Of the body as weii, P「eVenting them from re」eCting even
the mostcopiousofupgrades.
A biOfeedback regulator lnCreaSeS the characte「’s cybernetic implant cap
by two (See the Cybemetic Enhance“
to negotiate With ciients successfu=y, a Smuggier must be abie to recaii the rough market vaiue for a staggerIng number of goods on dozens, lf not hundreds, Of different worids.
ments and Replacements in the Gear sectlOn Of Chapte「 V of any of
the core ruiebooks). 1t does not itseIf
Wh=e most smugglers simpiy deveiop a sense for such
COunt tOWard the character’s cybemetiC
things, Certain disceming lndividuais帥d estimates to be
CamOt be insta=ed on droids, and
fartoo imprecise・ An appraiser’s eye is a combination scan-
nerand cross十eference tooi in the form ofa cybemetic eye
Or iens implant. ln additlOn tO identifylng mOStgOOds qulCkiy and accurately言t constantiy records commodlty PriCeS リー農( 上中・i満船 ︿魅し上白︿式
On the pianets its wearer visits and offers past data pointS as we= as mgrket trends on the items m question・
An appraiser’s eye provides automatic (ひOn Negotia-
tion and Streetwise checks to buy or sel=tems.
lmPlant cap Biofeedback reguiators a character can only have a
Singie biOfeedback reguiator
Cybemetic instailed.
e ]eS Oユxpau’uO!]da記a O)◆◆ p」eH e 9沖田u帥`画
ue]JO S! S叫eid山! eSe囲ui PeZ冊n A§oIOulPel eu⊥ ●uO!l
S.8u!eq e e8ueL印Ouue〕 eS!n8s印eqfo ∀ “∂S嘩S!P leq八つ判l
凡e∧ 1亘ui沖田`se∧e leu!8リO S.8u!eq 9甲ueu=∂8」el
∂〕euOS」edlu! 」O `squ理1〕e」]qnS 」O PPe `ez!S 」O ed即s le」eue8
9Sne⊃ ueつS川⊥ ’Se^e○○q八つSeu uOS」ed 9囲lue」edde
-qnS e囲ApnlS中嶋no」O囲lSn山」eSn e ‘IenPWPu! 〕即○∂ds e
8u麿ueu⊃ “1ueie] eiqeuS!n8u圃PuI e囲u! S刈ue」 OMI S」∂Sn
〕SOi e∧eu 」O明申q 9⊃uiS Puiiq ueeq e∧eu OuM S8u!eq Ol叫8iS 9」OISe」 OI Peu8!SeP e」9M Se∧e 叩eu」eq八つ
e準] ue〕 SeS!n8s!P P〔WO∧u! e」OIN ’SPunO」 ee」囲O] euO S∂)岬] -」it3旧ePE月O JOiO〕 」刑Jo10⊃ 9/e se u〕nS-S9Jnpee引e」eue8
」elee」8 1e uOile…Oju=enS!∧ SSe〕O」d s]ueldしu! 9S9囲`s9 ○○ue]Su!血e山ui luePl〕⊃e」O eSe9S!P O1 9nP叫8!S」!e叩
JO e〕ue」eedde e囲uO e準1 QL ’1〕勘ed o] S」nO叫O Selnu岬
十u8o⊃e」 Pue木yn⊃e ienS!∧ e8e」e∧e ue明」9]e9」8 」eSn eul Su!1ue」8 `se八〇 J甲晒」O ue囲uO!Si〕乱d pue speeds
Slue」8 ]i `uo哩PPe ui ’(しZL 9∂ed 99S自問9Sin8s!P P」ePue]S
e JO Se8elue^Pe e囲1ie 」elつe」叫p e Se∧!8 es嘩S岬」eqん∀ e⊃ue」e∂dde icoiS相d s.」eSn 9囲JO uO!]e」e叩
ie1〇十」eeu 」0] MO=e Pue Apoq 9囲叩O岬no」ul Pe叫eiduJ! e」e S田印S∧s 9Seu⊥ -eつue」eedde 」!e囲」elIe OI S」eSn 」刷]
MO=e leul u!準SJEnP囚Pul ue囲eeueq PePPeq山e SuJe〕S∧s
JO Sel」eS e JO PeSOd山O⊃ S阜uelduJ! eS嘩S!P叩eu」eqん∀ ’yu= SS〇〇〇e」印nd山0⊃ Pue yu=山O〕 e SePni叩
叩0’日丁巾〕 Pue l〕elle回 し十SeP!∧O」d叫eiduJ! uie」q叩eu」eq八つ∀ ‘e8e」OISんo山9山Se li∂M Se uO!1
-eln⊃ie⊃ 〕S勘Pue 8u甲OSe〇月Oi」edns
8u!1ue」8 `peeu 9囲JO xpeq e囲 Pue S」e9 S.」eSn e囲PunO」e S叩
‘e9」e 8uiPunO」」nS e囲O〕
]ueld山! eu⊥ ’」9MOdu!e」q S.」eSn
」O P」OM 9PO⊃ P9ui…919P∂」d e sees 」O `s」eeu `s準eds le -nP囚Pu! Pe叫eid山! e囲ueuM e]euO]eP SqluOq X91」Oつ
-u叫」 e」e S〕ue山○○ueuue eSeu⊥
e1nii凡e∧ ieeP Aeu⊥ Je」eeM 9囲AluO旧人e岬Pue ‘ieu8iS
Slu坤坤n! 」elnd山0⊃ P9Zunle!
∂∂e山eP Ou Pue `u8noul `〕e8」即e囲Ol e8e田eP 91q甲」eつS!P
e囲]ue山8ne o] Peu8!S9P
‘]ueldし坤e明し印M ienP!∧lPui el11 8u川中恒ue]Su仁ueeS 」O
P」eeu S! leu8!S 」e88甲叩i〕eds e ueuM印euO]eP O=eS乱e ^e明‘]」eu中庸…ON ’uiB」q e囲OI Pe」!M Se8」e甲e∧!SOidxe
相即O S9り9S e 9Si」d山○○ Sq山Oq Xe]」Oつくs8u吟q叫三甲ueS」OJ
Seu⊃]甲S i開村eilueSS! uOpe8o」」〇回」ePun 8u!準e」q山O」J ]ue8e ue d99刈O] S9」nSe9山1」OSe」-1Sei e」e SqluOq Xe]」O⊃
刈〕e]S IOu OP S山」e ll]Oq山0」J S」9UiPOIN 山ePue] ui刈OM OI Peu8!SeP乱e (e囲Se ‘lePO山euJeS e囲
eq rsn山S…e明Oq `s]ue山9⊃ueuue叩eu」eqんし印M S…e 叩Oq Se⊃eld9」 」e〕⊃e」eu〕 eJ仁和!8∀ L + 9P!∧0」d s…E」eq八つ
I∧ POIN e間M `uMe」g し+ ePV¥O」d s…e」eqん∧ POIN -S9iPOq 」!e囲01 1恒Oe」斡 侶olOu甲∂] 8u哩e」8 /q se即日qe 」!e囲eSe9」〕ui O] 8u甲peS
‘」e]nd田0⊃ 10」]uO⊃叫8旧P9⊃u臥PE)村亘i
∂u=e OS OP佃田」eAeld e]nq巾iM 9⊃勘e叩0]凡elu9山
8u!Puedep `旬=8e ○○叩8ue」IS S.ienP!∧!Pu! ue eSee」〕ui OI
-n叩」ed eし印M Pedd叩b∂ S! 91〕叫e∧ e囲Jl uOpe」〕S!P S.IND
SienPi∧岬ul Aq p9Se甲」nd e」e相eu十Sq山口SOi 」OJ Slue山 -e〕eld9」 9iduJ!SSe相」別間d pepue叫e冊M iePO山9囲uO
Peu8!SeP e」e S皿e叩eu」eqん`∧xel晒e囲u! Se。∂ds叫三周 -ueSんe∧e Al」e9u叩O川⊃軋O旧Se uOnS S〇時ed山O〕 Aq "n日
-iPn」 OO中川e」eue8 9」e叫e」〕」OSind〇月e囲O Pue `sdooMS 《s」ePe9dspuei u! S叫uO!∧e eu⊥ ●」9Pe9ds」ie 」O d町S」印S B 8ui
-相ueuM lii準8叩Oi!d 9]ei」do」dde e囲u同ue」し十Sui晒 (e〕eds) 8u!1Oi!d 」O (有印euelc]) 8ui]OI!c] u同ue」 euO ]Seei
]e Pue 9⊃勘elui S⊃叫Oi∧e叩9u」9qんe旧聞」el⊃剛e甲∀ ‘」印nd山0〕 S.dluS e明山0」J
xpeqpeeJ SnO∂U印u即SuI 9Pl∧O」d sdleu Pue e山!1 uO甲ee」 S,1O=d e∴e∧O」dしu中高ue叩Iu8!S S90P ]仁19SS∂∧ e JO lO」ユ ーuOC) lenue山」OJ Peeu eu] e〕eu甲!1e ],uSeOP e〕eJ」elui Si明
9冊M l9∧9=坤81P e le S山9]S∧s lO」]uO⊃叫8旧Pue SJluOV¥e S《d!uS」e]S 」O 」ePeeds」ie 」ie囲岬M ]C)euuO0 O=Oi!d e sMO=e
eつ勘」e叩 SつiuOi∧巳 叩eu」eq∧〕山elS∧s 乙]W〇 〇〇e88軋 eu仁山e]Suie」q 」ie唱O] Peyull Pue (SPueu叩e囲SO」d o]ul
P9岬」Od」O⊃u=O) s」e昌明Pue山ied s.」eSn e ui Pe叫eld山i
eid山eXe 」O了ue」O叫ed 」O SS町⊃ e 31euOS」ed山! PinO〕 ue山nu e is,」eSn 9明O=el…!S んe∧副e leLl] Sei⊃eds 91euOS」9duJ! O] PeSn eq PlnOつeSin8siP
」eq∧〕 e `uope」〕S!P S.IND 9囲IV ‘Se。eds 」e明OueJO 」eq山e山e
some f「iction between the user and those who find
their appearance unSe軸ng.
Users with cybemetlC eyeS galn +1 Vigilance and PerceptiOn. Popuia「 among bounty hunte「s’aSSaSSlnS・ and clandes-
tine ope「atives, Cybemetic weapon implants guarantee
that no matter the situation, an lndlVidua=s never without a weapon. obviousiy mecha川Ca上 the ar珊Cial
forearm houses a sma= blaster that emerges from a hidden compartmentand deilVerS a hail ofblasterfire before most foes are aware they are in danger A basiC Cybe「netic weapon arm apPearS tO be a regular
to assist those who have lost legs to accldent or disease, many biotechnoIogy companies pr○○ duce replacement cyberlegs. Unlike cyberarms’
cyberlegs must be purchased and instalied in
cybe「netic arm but features a ret「actable light blaster pistol
that can be depioyed as an incldenta口he biaster is attached
to the arm and camot be removed, d「opped, Or disarmed.
pairs. Most are simple repiacements tahored to the user,s helght, Weight, and strength’but oth-
er, mOre advanced models can -nCreaSe Strength and agility just as cybera「ms can.
Mod = cyberlegs provide + 1 Brawn, and Mod i= cyberlegs p「ovide + 1 Ag冊y. Both legs must be repiaced to galn these bene航s. Both legs
Mo「e than a simpie cybemetic repiacement, this cyber-
must be the same mode上as they are
netic a「m includes a basic scanne「 for medium-range
designed to wo「k ln tandem.
Modifiers from both legs do not stack.
detection Cybe「scamer =mbs typiCaliy diSPiay data on a hoIop「oJeCtOr that appears above the user’s open palm
and can show nearby motlOn‖ife-forms, energy Signa-
tures, and other common targets aS desired. If the user also has cybemetic eyes, the informat-On Can be displayed Privately through that lmPiant‘
丁he Mod lV Scame「 Limb lnCOrPOrateS a POrtabie scan-
ner (SuCh as the general purpose scame「 On Page 125) and, uniike most cybe「netics言S COnCeaied by a synthfiesh covering tO disguise that there lS anything Out Of the ord主
A series of speciaiized implants designed to stimulate and
nary about the iimb.
he-p regu-ate the sympathetic nervous system Of the user cybe「netic reflexes can greatly increase an lndividuai’s reac-
tion time to outside stimuli and threats By reducing the iatency of neural communicatiOn between the sensory organs and brainstem, Cybemetic refiexes can g一Ve the user a siight
edge・ The lmPiant learns from the user’s own actions and, ln
〔R〕 1,叩ロ
many cases言mplements a response before the pe「son is even
aware they have acted, Which some師d distu「blng at timeS.
Many free d「oids師d the notion of being PIaced back into Cybemet-C refiexes p「ovide one rank of the Rapid
Reaction taient.
servitude intolerabie. Whiie some worlds have laws preventing a free droid from belng Subjected to a restra面ng boit, many mO「e do not, and criminals rarely let the law
get ln thelr Way regardiess. Most droids concemed about thlS fate slmPly resolve to neve「 be caught in a situation ln
whiCh a restraining boltcouid be app"ed, but some tu「n to trusted Droid 「七Chs to get an escape Circuit insta=ed.
丁hese intemal systems function simlia「ly to cybemetics in
organics, augmenting the droid’s verbobrain with the Fo「 those organics seeklng tO eSCaPe fieshiy f「aiities’Cyber-
capacity to resISt and even overioad rest「aining bolts
netic respiratOrS O什eran aitematiVe tO lungs. These machines
through concentrated effort.
are designed to be robust and resiiient・冊ering out many
An escape cirCuit is a cybemetiC impiant that can oniy be insta=ed in droids. A droid instailed with an escape circuitcan
d冊erent toxins and a=owing beings impianted with them to
survive underwater or even in a compIetely airiess environment for a short time. Certain models are known fo「 making
a regufar ominous rasp, Wh出e others work in deadly s帖ence・
A cybemetic respI「atOr PermanentIy p「ovides a character with the benefits of a breath mask and respirato「 (See
the Gear section in Chapter V of any core 「ulebook) and
one rank ofthe BIooded talent.
resist a restraining bolt with an Eae画" Discipline check instead of the normai d冊cuity (Rest「ainIng Boit in the Gear
section ofChapter V of any of the co「e ruiebooks). The d「Oid
may spend (ひ{がrom a check made to resist a restraining bolt to ove「load the boIt, rende「ing it entirely useIess.
」O「e山JO S! 9Se9S!P JO lu9u川やluO〕 Pue Pee」ds e囲
1e唱」ePuOM 9i刑S聞く^xap∂ 9囲I9∧叩/ue山岬uM咽M ∧〕uenbe」] e哩Pue Sl川0十e川JO r吋e!」e∧ eP!M 9囲ue^D
’準OSし+ SePi∧O」d 」O…e ]ueid山i ‘∂nSSi] 9iqe」∂uin∧ Ol e8e山eP
SnO!」eS ei]1iiし印M 9」日fueue q」OSqe ue⊃ A9囲9」euM ’u!準 e囲囲eeueq Pelueld山! 9」e S9]eld e〕!SOd田O⊃ leelSeld○○l
S9Jinb9」 ∂ul岬〇時n山田0⊃佃∧i]⊃∈男e OS `んO坤Pne ]Ou e」e
SnO!∧qO e」euM SuO!Seつつ0 」O月nJ∂Sn S口O…e lueld山上S9^i] -e」9do e叩SePuel〕 」e唱O Pue `s91ds ’s」O呼」唖u! Aq pe」O∧e]
●e8en8uei e ∂」euS O〕 S」eSn e叩
-山e」e〕 u冊eS9u⊥ ●ie叩〕e」dLu! 9q叫81山uOil〕e期d 」O…e
S叫eid山1田山O〕yueD ei∧1ueS Se8ess∂田eu⊥ ’Sleu81S」le囲
]dn」S!P ue⊃∴S」e田山E「山田O〕 u∂nou仁SuO!1e〕甲n田山Oつ Iueidしu! ヽJJ山O〕.S」9明O uO u! ue]S!l O] "eidu月e叩]nO
-Ll]lM 9uO相e 」OJ 91qlSSOd山I八両n坤∧ S口i `s∂〕i∧∂P eSe囲 ]O e」nleu enb!un eLll O〕 enP `es!Me判「当u"山O〕 ie…Ou e囲M 9]EJiun山田○○ O] P9Sn 9q ]Ouue〇人9囲`e8ueu⊃Xe
uc叫e…O岬elq岬ne eSn lOu OP Slueid叫eSe囲e〕u!S ‘S」e] -anOil紺e」e∧eS Ol dn JO Se8ue」 le 」9囲O甲e9明りy¥相uellS ●e〕ue川Seとi
L十」e」eeM eul Slue」∂ ]ueld山i eun山uJ! ue 8ulSSeSSOd
ul準e唱MOieq ]Sn「 S]Se」 〕eu] e8exped ei8uiS e u! S引nSe」 …〇十8uoI Pue SS9u9∧i〕〇三周る
PeO」q 8u岬q山O〕 `uo!S」e∧ PeSn村uo田山Oつ〕SO山e囲S! 1ueld山! i POW eu⊥ ●eSe9SIP uMOuyんe∧e lSOuJl門Sul晒e
]〕印O」d o] Peu8!SeP l!瑚〕O⊃ 8n」P 9SueJeP山n」〕〕eds-ePIM 《leuJ」ePqnS e ]O eSn LI8no」囲んue明Je Pue木直"du月S
e]e〕iunu山Oつue〕 Slueld山l田山O二川ueO囲MS」e]〕e良川つ パ〕ue哩]e Peiell剛edunし相M SuO!1〕e 」刷] e]euiP」OO〕 Ol山e唱SMO=e甲luM `slueid山口9S911]
JO euO Se掴ueD引nPeんe∧e相en叫∧ ’8ui判明Aq有o」e山 Slueid田i 」ell…S SSeSSOd ouM S」9]⊃E」e甲」e囲O唱lM /l -叫9iiS 91colun田山0⊃ O=9Sn 9囲8uiMO=e `xe〕」O〕Oeu S,」eSn
e囲囲iM /恒〕e」iP Se〕勘elul叫eid山間u"山O⊃ 」e"n〕ed s町⊥
u]iM山eiqO」d s冊e^iOS S叫eldしu! eun山田i ●Pi」OM OI Pi」OM 田O」Jんe∧ ue:) 9Se囲]nq `uo!]e○!Pelu e〕uelSiSe」 le⊃OI
JO …O」 e山OS 」0叫e叫ee」l uO /亘」 01 ∂∧eu S8u!eq 〕SO囚 ’e洲e S」el∂∧叩Pue SieuOiSSeJO」d ie〕lPe山 O] u」e⊃uO⊃
Usualiy taklng the form ofa p「osthetic inger orother art庫
An individuai with a neura廿ecorder insta11ed gains the abiiity
Cial appendage, a Cybe「jack ailows its user to dlreCtiy
to record and store sensory info「mation with the veracity
inte「face with a computer system via a uniVerSal serial sock-
and recali of an advanced computer system. The recorder’s
et. The cyber」aCk connects the use「’s brain tO a drold or
reca11 1S nOttruiy perfect, aS mOSt SPeCieS have sensory limltations that prevent them from upioading perfectiy detailed
COmPuter directiy.
Once per check, a Character with an imPianted cyberjack may suffer 2 strain to dec「ease the d冊culty of a Computers check to disabie a security device o「 s=ce lntO
a computer system by one.
info「matiOn On eVerythingthey observe, but lt is stIil the next-
best thing to a perfect memory. The recorder oniy captures informatiOn the user chooses to record, but after a short
PeriOd ofadjustment, keeplng lt ruming in the absence of a COnCem for prlVaCy Or SeCurity becomes second nature.
A neurai recorder allows the user to make an Easy tw) Discip!ine check to recaii any lnformation experienced Wh=e the recorder was ruming ThlS informatlOn is highiy detai菓ed and genera=y comparable in quaiity to a hoiO「eCOrdlng.丁he lnSta11ation of a neurai reco「der usuaiiy
includes a sma= comectlOn POrt On the paim. Acharacter Muit主tool hands are basic cybemetlC hands equipped wlth a
Suite of basic tooIs. Marketed primariiy to mechanlCS, engi-
Wlth a neural recorder can copy lnfo「mat10n it reCOrds to
an extemai storage deviCe uSing this comectiOn
neers, and hobbylStS, these hands contaln a Smail spotlight and a surprislng number of toois and accessories that can handie most light repairand maintenanCe」Obs ln a plnCh, a
multi-tOOl hand can also be used to sabotage a pieCe Of equlPment Or tO heip the user escape from confroement
〔R〕ヨ,帥ロ A multl-tOOi hand provides aii the bene師s ofa tool kit
(See the Gear section ln Chapter V of any core ruiebook).
A vehiCle controI system designed to be integrated dlreCtiy lntO the nervous system, thiS ingenious (if notoriously d酷cult to use) deviCe a=ows the userto controi a vehicle
〔R〕 1,Z印
With a thought, mOVing lt aS lf lt Were Part Of their own body. The cybemetiC requires use of a iinked controi deviCe, WhlCh must be lnStalIed ln the craft in questlOn. When pi↓oting a vehiCle wlth the linked controi devICe, a
Some siiCerS make use of a rare and hlghly l=egal set of drold modiflCatiOnS tO maSk their s=clng SignatureS by
Cha「acter with a neuromachlne interface may use Coordination ln Place ofthe Plioting (Planetary) or P出oting (Space) ski‖●
routlng them through a drold’s systems, WhlCh帥the signature with junk data from the droid’s base-1evel processes.
丁hese systems can either be made to link up with an exte「nal set ofsliCing tOOIs, Or they can be part ofan lnter-
nal suite of devices that a=ow the droid to siice into SyStemS independentiy. Drold s庸ers who have this
upgrade instailed can make use of it in thelr OWn Siicing endeavo「s, making them particulariy pemiciOuS OPPO-
nents for even skiiied administrators. A networked siicing upiink is a cybe「netic implan=hat
Can Only be lnStalled in droids. in additlOn tO its other effects言tcounts as a set ofsiiCergear (See Page 1 27) When the droid is s‖cing or assisting With slicing tasks,
Pain dampers are a series of nerve lmP看ants that ailow an
individuai to tune out extreme paln and fatigue. They were designed to heip beings in physica11y taxing posit10nS that requi「e long hours of keen attentlOn tO Stay functional on the 」Ob. initlai users lnCluded asteroid miners, dlSaSter
response technicians, and aerospace tra簡c controllers.
SpleS have dlSCOVered that pain dampers also al10W ind主
add臆to other characters“ Computers checks to identlfy
Viduals to wlthstand lnCredible amounts of inte「rogatiOn Or
the siiCe「 based on these activitieS. ’
torture. As a result, theIr uSe has spread throughout many Of the gaiaxy’s inteiiigence communitleS.
Pain dampers upgrade the abillty Of ail checks made to resist pain O「 PhysiCal to「ture once.
e uoi]euO叩Pue ‘su」e]岬d申eeds ′9〕!O∧ S.1enPi∧岬ui e囲uMOP lieu O] )Pe甲uO!1da3ea
‘xp即le lMe」日Pe…eun ue e津山Ald山iS ^9明一uOdeeM e囲
山O」J S叫eueq相e lnO囲M OS OP /e唱旬lenb 8ui埋-MOIS e囲O〕 9nP “8u!8」eu〕e」,, S! uOdeeM S冊ueuM Sxp印e lMe」日
9∧iSueJ9a e囲JO判e」 euO SePi∧O」d lS日」OSinde」 ∀
e `ienP囚Pu!叩!〕9ds eJO e〕!0∧ 9111 〕剛胆=叫PunO」 euO
Pue L 9∧!SSn⊃uO⊃ ell] Pue `s JO Supe」 le〕印」〕 e ’8JO e8e 十ueP eし印M uOdeeM iMe」日e Se SlunO〕 Pue lueie] 9⊃ue]S
」e∧嶋P lenPi∧iPu! e囲」e9し十S∂u!P」O〕e」 Ol u9]S!i-〕〕e巾ns
e沖田冊S ∧e田」e〕⊃e」き甲E eiiuM ’Se削enb z 8ul」i十MOiS
(◆◆◆) p」eH e 9沖田ue唱Pue-⊃〕e巾eeds 8uoi e 9旧JO (p巾S嶋no」O囲e e湿田1Sn山」9Sn 」eiq山e」〕SXO∧ Se準] e〕!O∧ le」n]eu S.」eSn e囲8u!S嘩SIP 」O 8u!8ueu⊃ ‘e叩〕e」d pue ApnlS岬noue ue^18 slenPl∧iPui叩l〕eds
⊃…甲O=eSn e SMOlle 〕ueld… 」〇時ln山e le○O∧ e `9S嘩 -SIP 」eqんe e判「 ’uOSee」 ui囲M `sei〕eds u9∧∂ 」O mdep e⊃!0∧.e8e相e JO 8uieq e e洲PunOS O] e〕iO∧ 」刷] e8ueu⊃
’Sxpe]叩8u…OOu仁Pe牌P Pue SMOlq SuluSn」つ」e∧=eP O] uO Peu坤MS 9q ue○ 1e囲S」O]e」eue8 」OSlnde」 e」n]eiu叫 Sui即uO⊃ ]i ●ie」nleu 」eedde o] PePue]ul 」Ou u!準囲u∧s u!
Pe」e∧O⊃ 」e囲eu A"e〕id布Si叩eu」eqんuod開M 199]Se」nP S旧くdi」8 」e〕」OJue ue 」O Pueu-eSlnd∂」 e Peiie〕 OSl∀
ue〕 」eSn e `叫8no明しe囲M SienPWPu! 〕胆9ds eleuOS -」9d山川e^e Pue e⊃lO∧ 」le唱JO 」Ou91 Pue euO〕 e唱98ue甲 O]山e叩SMO看le Pue SP」O〕 1E〕O∧S.ienPl∧lPui ue OISl〕euuO〕
叫eid山i 」Oleln山9 lEJO∧ e `」eiq山e」⊃SXO∧ e Se uMOuy OSl∀
。 S。」in。。」即常盤謂招:豊豊諾q 血eつ∧e囲S]e」〕eS e囲∂8ln∧旧村q!SSOd 〕Ouue〕八〇明e」nSue Sd19囲Se lue山e8ue」」e Sl囲」eJe」d e〕l∧9P Si11] eSn OuM S叫e8e
‘Sxp9甲(^∧E9H) pe8ueとうPueん9uunO S.」e〕〕t3」eu⊃ e uO O Jl岬山O叩e SePいO」d 」∂xpe」] ie叩e」 ∀
‘uOdeeM A∧eeu e囲M SeO] eld刑n山]i町O S]OuS
8uile8」e] u!」9Sn 9岬SP!e」e準E)Jl leu‥e」 e ‘iinys e唱]O eSeq
9q lOuue〕 Ae肥-9∂exped sn」i∧-刑e 〕nOIS e囲M Peddlnbe
e囲Se e∧!〕〕e eSlndun "8no囲eld山!S ∀ ●Slee川口ueu…しu!
Si叫eld叫e唱」O P91e]i〕ede〕u! S! 」eSn e囲SSeiun Pe坤S
O叫O /恒つe」lP eln叩9」 ul]e8」e] e Sl〕9「0」d甲luM uelS∧s
ui Peu!e]uO⊃ uOpe山」OJul e囲SSe〕〕e lOuue〕 」eSn el廿Pe∧O山e」
ue〕田e]S/S e唱`eiq用e」ul ]Ou岬nou⊥ ’eし叫e」 S.」9Sn 9明
∧e明和euos」ed eleP 9囲P∂PeOidn /e囲SS∂iun OS `]ueid山1 9囲
uoiSi〕e」d put?l O〕 8ul柄u91lMんe」n〕つe S,」9Sn e囲eSee」Ou!
〕SOIN ‘山e理e叫川囲M Si uO甘叫」O]ul制M MOu沖Ou OP相e〕!d布
Pue `pe叫OMleu-uOu `e」n⊃eS相8叩9」e Slueidu= 9Se岨 ’u!準叩9哩u/S]O d挑e○○ 」IEu /q uepplu PuE =nyS S`」eSn
e囲1e Pe=elSui」e叩d山0〕8u明印加il e PueSe岬9J S`」eSn e唱Pui岬q相⊃9」lP P91ueld山! S」OSueSO」〕叫JO 8u11S!SuO⊃
e JO xpeq 9明Olu口eS相e⊃!d布9」e S叫eld皿leSS9∧ `e∧!S叩 -qOun Pue lleしuS碕山乱]Xヨ」e〕nd山O〕 」O PEdpep相e村亘9u O] 1〕∂uuO〕 ueJ le囲eiqe〕叩d○○」eC肥e JO AeM Aq s]ueld皿 ieSSe∧ luO」J Pue OI Pe田山Su叩Sl elE?a ’xpe「 E]EP Pue =e〕 」○
○MOd pele」8e]ui uE叩uM湿S十ue田畑⊃ede⊃-u8申PeZl」n]elu叫 eJOユSISuO〕 ∧e岨●eSn u;判O S]ue8e ○○deelS Pue S」e岬O〕 〕el11 S叫eldu川e8e」01S e〕eP leuJ」ePqnS `ii叫S 9」e S叫eid山i leSS臥
Se⊃ue]S山n〕」P 〕哩⊃eds e囲uO 8uiPuedep s]SO○ ○囲 eSee」〕eP 」O 9SE冶」⊃ui O] ee」=ee] PinOuS 」elSeIN e山e○ ○明 く」e∧9MOH ’Su晒」O 」OJ PuO〕eS e明くsq田町OJ Si 〕S」U 9唱‘Slue山
-e〕elde」叩e嘩O」d 」OJ Se明ue 〕SO〕 le」eue8 oM] 9」E e」eu⊥
u晒」O 8u!SSi山e囲e」O]Se」 Ald山iS PeelSu申e〕⊃e」e甲e囲O]
S叫e山e⊃ueuue 」O S9SnuOq血e epl∧O」d lOu OP A9u⊥ S叩e囲 -SO」d岬M Pe〕eide」 eq 11e ue〕 Su晒」O 」O「e山Pue Sq山!「 ’e⊃eid9」 ∧9明地euOd山O〕 〕iue8」O 9甲山O」J
9囲JO 〕e巾O=e〕i]uePi木uleu〇回unJ ePi∧O」d o〕 Peu8!SeP
eu川●山e印eeJ9P O]」e」eeM e唱」OJ}Pe甲(◆◆◆ p」eH 」0
-u∧s e囲M P9=e]Su! 9」e /e囲Pue `u晒」0」O q…=巳ui8リ0
8u!Sn `snoi⊃!dsns eq ol uOSe9」 SE叫O呼」edo 」euue〕S ie叩e」
∂iqeuSln8uilS!Pu阜SOuJle山e旧S9湿田〕e囲8ui」e∧O〕 11Sei川]
l間S S」elnd関O⊃ S.」Ol剛edo 」euue3S au].S^ xpe甲 uo!]de⊃ea PeSOddo ue e」!nbe」 OSie有e山川eidu=eui]e」 9囲
飴誌と岩盤蒜詳鵠霊嵩犠 討議藍黒帯滞器楽詰約諾
e」e S叩9u○○qん eseu⊥ SuO早do 」elndod 9」O山 9即 急uo山e e」e Slue山e〕eld9」叩∂u]SO」d `sq山間SO=O] S]uelu -e〕elde教 訓Sn」]qOun `旬ienb葛岬1u 8u団e9S 9SO囲」O]
u」e耶d e叫e」 e明lM叫eid山i leupe」 E) 8u…山e」8o」d ‘Su」e拭ed e明e」叫∂」鋤!P X!S O] dn ]⊃e「O」d ue〕
PuE 9∧9叩eu」eqん」O ie」n〕eu e u岬印ueldun eq ue〕 ∧e肥 ’S」euueつS G=euile」 lOOJ O] Peu8iS9P訓e S叫eld山i le叩〇日
AND SURVE臆し」AN⊂E Sentient species. Most law enforcement agents carry at least 丁he ongoing security surve川ance and espionage wages war on, between With new technoiogy being deve10Ped to
One Set Of binde「s, and many infiit「ators and mercenaries use
aid both those tryingto protecttheir information and those trying to stea=t.
them when carrying out abductions or hostage rescues. Breaking free from a set of binders requires either b「ute
fo「ce or feats of ag冊y and flexib冊y. The d附iculty varies
by the make and model of binder, but the most common 「estraintS require a Daunting tw ◆ ◆ ◆) Athletics or Coo「dination check to escape.
More comprehensiVe than regulardiSguise kits, advanced flesh camoufiage kits ailow users to drasticaiiy change their appea「ance a11 the way down to a genetiC levei
They can be used to fool bioscanners and even imperSOnate Otherindividuals, eSPeClally lfthe lndiVldual belng impersonated was klnd enough to “donate’’a genetic SamPie, SuCh asa lockofhalrO「a Skin sample. Mostof
the pleCeS Of a flesh camouflage kit are perfectly legal
SeParateiy, but mos=aw enforcement agencieS, and especiaily lmperlai authorltieS, take a dim VieW Of anyOne Car「ying a11 ofthese pieces togethe「.
丁he dlSguises created by a fiesh camo kit are SO
縦帯翁l悪さ謹書荒叫reS a Formidab’e
Where there are people wishlngtO COmmunicate, there are PeOPie wishingto p「event it, and thus there are jammers Smaiier vers10nS Can Shut out local signais, While、 Others
are so powerfui as to cut enti「e planets off from the rest
Of the gaiaxy. 1t can also focus on a single target (SuCh as an lndividuai buiiding) from up to three kilometers away Cutting through the noise created by a comm 」ammer requlreS a Computers check, With a dl靴uity proportionai to
the distance from the 」ammer and the power of the device.
As criminals and spieS advance their ab=ity tO forge documents工he need to detect falslfroat10nS becomes paramount.
器静需品謹告盟薄荷黒帯 becomes more dif龍uit at cIose ranges (the exact d輔culty
Few sentlentS have suf師ently acute vISIOn tO detect mlnOr
is up to the GM, butshouid lnCreaSe tO Hard or Dauntlng if
discrepancies, SO Officlais f「equentiy rely on electronlC tOOIs
at medium range Or Cioser to the devICe).
to aid ln Ve両cation. As with many such toois, their effectiVe-
ness is limited by the training ofthe operator. These devices are typicaliy programmed to recognize the teiltale ma「kers
Of o棉ciai documents ISSued by the local govemment, but
authenticat10n tOOis are sometimeS unable to verify documents from a different lSSuing authority A character uslng authentlCation toois adds □ □ to
Checks to determine lf a document has been falsified
丁he success and survival of an operatlOn Often hingeS On
PreVenting the enemy from ilStenlng ln On friendiy comm traffic Comm scramblers are radlO and data encrypt10n Suites used to secure communlCat10nS ln the field They Can be attached to most comilnks and vehiCie-mOunted radlOS, and only those lndivlduais wlth a llnked scrambler Can decode the transmissions. Blnders are slmPle restralntS used to keep prisoners sub-
dued and manageable.
Comm scramblers’sma= size and relative rarlty make
them easyto conceai, WhlCh is fortunate, aS CiVliian uSe Of a comm scrambler is a seriOuS Crime in most places ruled by the GaiactiC Empire.
丁hey come in many shapes,
SiZeS, and styles, and many are tallored for the strengths
and weaknesses of dlfferent
Uslnga COmm SCrambleradds鵜喜to any checks made to decode an encrypted t「ansmlSSiOn
’]〕e鵬P訓IS9P e囲JO 9〕lSOddo e囲」eu」晒=iM
1Sn「Pe S」OSueS 〕リeudso叫e f向ieuOi]lPP∀申SSei山e9S ui
」e」eeM e囲Puelq Pue ui肌e]8ulPunO」」nS e明eZ/leue岬叩 S」OSu9S JluO]Olld 9Pnl⊃ul S⊃!uO」うつ9ie S誹nS eu⊥ e8馴OJ 8ui
Pue S」ediuS Aq pep○○u lueし坤ee〕uO⊃ P9Pu9]X9 9囲」OJ
eu⊥ ’S8uiPunO」」nS O叩Puelq叫98e ue dlelI O] Slue山uO」 -1∧u∂ SnOリe^ u! eSn 」OJ Sluled e8eiJnO山e〕 〕!Seq u聞uO⊃ S掴
eu⊥ ’SuOiSSi山e山OS uO leuuOS」ed suo哩」edo lelつeds 」e囲O
」e囲e」 Se!〕eds叩!⊃9ds 」O」 Pe」O世事e」e S掴」O佃」0「曾山]S臥
1e叩S」Ol⊃9「O」d pe]e」8e叩S9」nle9=lnS e帖岬⊃町de」80lOu
l」e山ele⊃ uOIN E? `=e 」elJ∀ ’S瑚eS嘩SiP le」eue8 8u!eq ue囲
-Pun〇月nS山O」J elqeuSin8u哩Pu! 」eedde 」e」e9M e囲e湿田
ueuJnu e 」O] Peu∂lSeP dne準山Pue 8!M e 8u!Sn 」O]e」掴ui
lue明JnSui 9q r白狙u 8ui8e帥O山e〕 〕!do」]01011d p」ePuelS
es嘩SiP `uo叫PPe ui ‘S」euue〕S叩9u98 pe〕ue^Pe JOOds o]
S準O丁O ∀NG Pue S叩」d」98uu 8uue〕ie 」OJ e∧e9Mui準9iqe山 一山e」80」d uleluO〕 ue∧e e山OS :s○○]eu」三羽e Si」i叩e山O」甲Pue `se」n〕eeJ叩e囲SO」d `se⊃9回ieu ‘s8!M ’dne準叫O SuOi]⊃91iO⊃
eid皿S 9」e S掴eS嘩S!a -Se甲eue 」刷] PunOJuOD Pue S刈OOi 」ie囲ele〕SnJqO 」e囲nJ O] S9Sin8s胆9Sn ue]JO S]u98e 9S9冊
‘os ue∧雪 山e囲」eq田e山副O] S」9叩0 」O川nO脚P理8u哨皿
/q甲oM 」刑] u!山9冊SISISSe u〕間M `相IeuOS」9d pue syooi u口dl」⊃S9PuOu有e∧i〕ele」 e」e S9∧哩」9do euilSePuei〕 ]SOIN
∧poq s.uos」ed e uo 」eP」OOe」 Peiee〕uO〕
e p哩OI Sxp9甲uOl]de⊃」9d S`」91⊃別e甲e Oユ漢書PP∀ Pe]〕eleP Sl木u∧il〕e Ou ueuM 8ulP」O〕e」 8u!Sned ’e8e」OIS e〕eP SeZl…]do 8u…山e」80」d
91d山IS 」O担edo e明∧q p∂∧e里e」旧un P」O〕e」 O〕出el Pue
`」e]e山OuO」uD 」O e」巾XU叫811 e Se u〕nS ’山e〕! SnOn○○uui ue ui PellelSu! 9q ue⊃ Se⊃i∧eP 8uiP」O〕e」乱nle甲山eSeu⊥ ‘」eSn e明JO SPeeu e明uO8ulPu9dep `∧luO OIPne」OS98e…
‘9llqO田山I Sule山e」
u○○」〕S-1eiJ e」n〕de〕 S肌理euJOS Se〕!∧eP甲nS ’oiPne岬M SO10u ○○i〇〇〇1lnJ e」n]de⊃ 0] 9Pe山村ensn l18no囲i∀ ’ueP
○p甲e Pe〕nPO」d e∧eu Sdno」8 9^i叩8ilSe∧u! Pue SuOpe」
lleJO木un瑚!P e囲SeSee」3u! 1inS e出回8 ⊃甲dE鴫0iOL1 9u⊥ ’uO!閏!d。9」d pue pu!MJO Sl〕制9 9埴」O土
-Plu村e∧!〕⊃e鵬eq ue⊃ 〕e唱S」eP」O〕e」 PeZ岬〕eds JO 98ue○
」e」eeM 9囲Se 8uoI Se `euo Aq 」e」eeM e囲e]e〕OI O] SxpelP
一Od」O⊃ AueIN -叫eiiS ule山e」 O] uOS」ed u!判○○ e SePenS」ed
-!∧e O叩Peu」n] eq ue○叫e山O山Pe」n]deつAISnO哩d〇月n? ∀
Pu!M Pue Su」印ed 」e明eeM ]u訓n⊃ uO PeSeq e8E山i e囲
Aldし坤S 」O `s]ueluu」e∧O8 seIddo]∵s」eM SuiM岬囲e〕u9P
間nO○○e O] e〕ue」e9dde s.山e」8oIOu e囲8u鳴揮’uo甲e」岬
A partiCularly intlmldatlng and ma=CIOuS method of secur1ngS看aves and prisoners, eXPiosive shackles have smaii but
iethal charges buiit into them to deter escape attempts. Usuaily composed ofa co=arand beit」OIned by durasteel
ChamS, these shackies have detonators that can be set to expIode at the push of a button, if the wearer leaves a SPeC血ed area, Or When the wea「er moves more than a ElectrobinOCuiars are, at thel「 mOSt basic, a Pair of macrobin○
○cuiars with one or mo「e lntegrated optical enhancement SyStemS, SuCh as Iong-range digltal zoom’PaSSive light
amp冊cation, therma=maging, uitrasound lmaging, and the
Certain diStanCe from the controi unit
Character faiis this check, the shackies detonate, lnfiiCting
看ike They are commoniy equIPPed wlth冊ers to ad」uSt for
「O wounds on the wearer and each character in engaged
exceedingiy hlgh leveis of light, and many are equiPPed with
range (thlS lgnOreS SOak).
reco「dlng and piayback systems.
Eiectrobinocuiars ailow thelr uSer tO See nOrma=y in low iight, eXtremely bright condit10nS, and inclement conditions. They also provide magnificatiOn Of targets up to ten kiiometers away. When using electrobinocula「s, Characters
may remove臆from any Perception checks made to iden-
tify an object in 10W IIght orat longdistances. Whether for relatively tame reasons such as traveling incognト
to, Or mOre nefarious reasons such as govemment ln冊ratlOn,
the demand for fake credentlais has remained strong. The highest quailty fakes are created using stolen govemment pr○○
ductlOn deviCeS, a=owing the operators to p「oduce documents that are indlStInguishable from authentiC OneS. Whether lnd主
Vlduais llSted on sald documents exist in o冊clal goVemment
Whether steailng rare treaSureS
databanks remains the problem of the new card car「iers.
from a p「lVate COllector or muse-
Faise credentiais can fool most cu「sory examinatiOnS,
um, Or SeCurmg armS Or medlCai equlPment from miiitary bases for an armed
and characters uslng SCamerS require a SuCCeSSfu川ard
「esIStanCe, OPeratlVeS and
app「opriate equIPment requlreS a Daunting @''◆)
thleVeS Often need to over-
(◆ ' ') Computers check to recognize the credentials as fakes. Attemptlng tO detectthe fake c「edentlals without
Pe「ception check
COme PhysiCai securlty SyStemS. Most locklng meCh一
anisms ln the galaxy use COmPlex eiectronic systems rather than simpie mechan主
Cal ones, eVen those on the benighted and backwater worids of the Outer Rim. Electronic Iock b「eakers are
〔R〕 1,叩ロ
Smai上POWerfui, limlted-uSe Siicing rigS designed to cut
through the most common types of computerlZed locks.
As with most equipment, they come in a variety Of modeis, from low-teCh versions used to override simPie ciVi=an house and vehiCle locks to heavi↓y modified, m血
tary-grade lock slicers that can grant a user access to the b「idge of an lmperiai-Ciass Star Dest「oye「 as if the user
had the actual keys themseif.
For those who are serlOuS about keeping thelr ldentity unknown, fingerprlnt maSqueS are eSSentla上A thin, liquld-
CryStal biometric screen appiied to the 師gertlP, a
面oge「print masque creates a random帥gerprint Pattem
Or mlmiCS known pattems Advanced masques can also be embedded with false DNA ln Order to clrCumVent mOre SOPhiStlCated biOmetrlC SCamerS and readers. Fingerpr血masques can fooi basiC ingerprint readers wlth
隷書器器と霊鱈嵩窯諾漏笠 Hard q)◆のcheck, at the GM’s discretion. if the biOmetriC
SCamer OPeratOr has reason to be suspICiOuS Of a character Wearlng a師gerprint masque, it may require an opposed
謹書音盤。嘗豊篤さ消誌器 Check to actuaiiy notice the physiCal presence of a fingerprInt masque on an individual’s師gers
e〕eds」ed相ui leSS9∧ e JO uO!〕C)e」iP Pue 9S」nOつ唱」9ue8
e里JO eePI POO8 (岬ej e 8u岬晒」O e〕eds」ed相S]!Xe dillS e 9」OJeq 8…」eM ,Selnu叫Ie」∋∧eS 8uiu哩qO ‘9⊃eds -」ed相u8no」囲SleSSe∧ xpe」] O=! eSn ueC) S」O担edo P911!準`e⊃eds」ed相川SuO!1e巾aniJ ISe"帥S 911] u9∧9
‘S」919山Oi!〉口ieu e Pue 9uO
Ol dnJO e8ue」 1euO!1e」edo ue e∧eu S」euue⊃S ‘瑚印判甲O⊃
P」O〕e」 Pue lde〕」e叫01布川qe e囲Pue S」O]J印eP l印山 Pe]e」8e叩e∧ell ue∧e e山OS ’8u!uue⊃S 」OJ uO!]つe」iP Pe」!S9P
9囲u! Pe叩Od eq lSn山Pue leuOl]⊃e」iP!un副e S」el甘O e冊M `suo吋〕9」!P l岬u! ue〕S SlePO山e山OS ‘1Oe」9囲uO!]eu!q山O⊃
〕⊃e坤P ue⊃ 」euue⊃S e ‘lePO山Pue 9津山9明uO 8u岬u9deG
相e相eeu uo dn xp!d ue⊃ iSH ue `s〇°u9nb叫9〕edsqns
相e 」O `spunos sno e∧ JO uO!〕Oe」!P Pue 9○」nOS 9明`uo!1 -eiPe」 JO Seつ」nOS lu6」訓P `se」n]eu8!S ]ee申su8!S e引l布巾9u
1○○leP ue⊃ lSH 9唱9Ju!S r向ieuO印PP∀.」3∧!e〕9」 e囲JO
s」eeA叫B" uel ul囲M 8叩eu!81」O SuO!1eつiun山田O〕」9d血
JO Pueq PeO」q e8叫u∽SJO 91qede〇 °S」e∧!9〕Sue川ed村
村」O leNOIOH e明 岬no」里∴1ueS SuOpeoru -n田山O〕 uO u! ue]Sll /恒」e∧○○ O] Peu8iSeP S=O〕de〕」e叩
.e]eP JO心ol」e^ e P」O〕9」 Pue 9SueS OI Peu81S9P Se⊃!∧9P
PieuPueu `酵IuS相ensn e」e S」euueつS eSOd」nd lE)」9ueD
1eu8iS e∧eM」ed相08乙-ISH e]e」9山O18uoつSuOi〕坤un山 一山O⊃ !nMe囲O日e明く」e∧!eOe」 e⊃edsqns pe]e叩S川dos ∀
.s8iP le⊃!8o10eeu⊃」e Se甲nS S∂SOd」nd
Pe]ele月OJ PeSn eq OSie ue⊃山∈理S冊.uO!1e」⊃S!P S.」e〕SeIN
e田富D 9囲1∀ ●(S沖Oqeln」 e」0〕 eulJO血e」O ^ 」eldeしD JO ‘uOl]9」〕S!P S間D e即時`sn〕OJ
uoil〕eS 」eeD e囲u- qO「 e叩」O] IOQ1叩8!t] e叫⊥」eqeP!S
引.9⊃ueP!∧e 」e囲晒pue ]Ods o=eSn 9冊Aq 9Pe山SxpeLl⊃
∧e山]l `sesnuoq叩⊃9ds ou sep!∧0」d e⊃l∧9P S冊9ll11M
e明9eS) pe」e囲晒eつuePi∧e三甲〕 eZAleue O] Sxp〇匹8u! 一準u u9uM `′qO「 e囲」OJ SIOO] "8u,, e囲Se ]unO0 OSle舟euJ
S里OI P∂]eie」 uOpe…OJu=9∧Oつun OI S」91⊃e」eu⊃ MOlle
’elePJO S!S恒ue pue uo早
-〕e=O〕 e囲」OJ S山印S∧s 」9]nd山O⊃ 」e8」ei O〕 P叩euuO〕 eq ue〕 S」euue〕S Pueu ]SOIN ’」euueq 」euue〕S Pueu 9明」∂Pun
uoi]de〕」ed lie Ol *叩euO]ne SPPe掴uO哩8ilSe∧ui ⊃IS -ue」OJ e `euJ!」⊃ e JO uOil晒!〕Se∧u! e里8u岬P PeSn u∂uM
’Sie llue甲在席やeds pue ・se∧!SeuPe `s]ue∧iOS JO SPu一津u乱e即P Pue `sl○○〕 8u間e山
i∽i山eu〕 `s」∂u!e]uO〕 uO甲e=O〕-∋〕u∂P!∧9 `s叫e山n」]Sul
s」euue⊃S `s」euue〕S e」nユ〕eJ+SSe」]S Pue en8胴Sieしe]e山 ‘s」e〕e」]叩叩〇 ・s」OSueSpeIN .SeSOd」nd p9Z!lel〕9ds 」O」
`s」e〕1…e叫8!i山nJ]⊃eds-1in山(s」euue⊃S `s」e即u8引u `sqeMS
ile=e明Se〕l∧ePJO Seid山eXe =e乱e S」euue⊃S岬i山0⊃ Pueq -MO」」eu Pue ・sle」eu叫」O SeS晒叩i⊃9ds ]⊃e叩P O〕 Peu8!S9P
icolP9山JO 」eq…u e u!印uO〇八両〕!d布/e皿∵S9!⊃ue8e e旬pe〕nPO」d e」e S掴uO!]晒ilSe∧ui ⊃iSue」OJ ‘suo!1e…河 -Se∧ui 9ue〕S-91ui」〕 」OJ S掴1○○1 PeZ旧〕∂ds A"即u9SS]
O] P9Sn uO!]Eu8!SeP lle岬eJ e S上.」euue⊃S Pueu,, …el eu⊥
]ueuJe〕」OJue Mei句esn 」OJ Se!ued山O〕旬」n⊃9SJO 」eq山nu
PeSn Se⊃!∧eP8u町ue⊃S PleuPue旧O大串e∧ eP甲e eqi」〕S∂P
」eSn euエゴ○
○8ue」山niPe山申出M叩…O」!∧ue ueeu捌e]qnS ap 8u一 一八pnlS O〕 Pele19」 Sxpe甲(uo哩〕nPヨ)謁peiMOu〉l JO ‘(9」0「)
e8p91MOuy∵uO!]d9⊃」ed相e ol □ SPPe 」訓ueつSO∂8 ∀ .eui山01 uO吋きつ01
e E油!SOOuJ u川e。n」⊃ eq ue〕岬uM旬SOdep 」eleM 9〕勘nS -qnS Pue See」e MO"O峠Z甲8○○e」 OSie ue⊃ ]1 ue潤eq /e山
SuO甲e〕∂」d e]e!」do」dde ]e巾OS木y∧甲e leuJ」e甲」O `oru -e○1O∧ ・〕甲SleS血e JO S」eSn Su」eM 」euue⊃SO98 ∀ ’S]一SOdep
JO enie∧ ePe」1 Pue fuuenb 9囲Sul]e山里e ue∧e `se」O
●S叫ei即e呼uu! S(」9二世フ」〕
Pue Sle」訓i山SnOl⊃e」d ez時O〕e」 OI P9unl eq ue⊃ S山e]
んe8」O自由ienb `uos粥」 e明JO (〕euJ鴫∂i e甲賀O eSe〕 ell]
l坤eP ueつe〕l∧∂P PieuPueu S岨●SJ印山O問OM中巾e9u
」O S叫e山eld… Pue S岬P∈印e」〕村里○○e〕 SE甲nS SIOOl
e]e」]S eu] ui叫eS○○d sle」eu皿Pue Slue山ele叫e」e耕P e囲
e e〕ueuu9 ue⊃ Se⊃V¥eP uO-1eつU!SleJ-ie刑ePe」⊃ Xeid山O⊃
一S(S S]十SePu9nbe」J 9∧pei〇月i9囲8uiule]」e⊃Se Se lleM Se
叫8… 9^11e」9do 」e∧O○○deep ∀ ・]ueuJe⊃eld9」 xp!nb e peeu
JO ∧e」」e Sli S]一SOdep e」O JO uOl]e⊃Ol e囲加ueP! O=eu -ue〕SO98 elq坤e」 e uOdn puedep s」Ol〕edso」d pue s」eu州
JO SSelP」晒eと上旬il〕eJ e」n⊃eS e O] SSe〕つeんき」Od田印Peeu
JO uldep e ol e⊃勘nS S母ueid e唱eeueq eqO」d s」OSueS
Pue P」e〕旬1uePi Sl11 eJeids…晒i山蒔田OldlG応nq ∀
Hunting goggies a「e a type of scanne「 goggies spec廿
Whiie most locks in the gaiaxy reiy on an elect「iCal compo-
caliy designed to assist professional guides and hunters
nent, there exist iocations and cultu「es without a steady
in tracking their qua「「y・ They are equipped with light-
suppiy of electricity Unexpected loss of power can aiso
amp冊cation and therma日maging SenSOrS, an lmage
mean that formerly eiect「onic Iocks must be maniPulated
mag両CatlOn and enhancement system, and a short-
manualiy. in these cases, mOre a「ChalC OPtions are ava-iable
range motion detector. Further・ they have a ta「getlng
to thieves and smuggle「s Iooking to surreptitiousiy breach
system and micr○○HUD that pro」eCtS a-ming reticuies and
physiCai security, includlng laser iockpicks and vibropICks.
targeting information into the wearer’s field of vision.
Hunting goggles sharpen the wearer’s vISion to a preter-
natu「al deg「ee, a=owing them to see cieariy in the dark
and through fog, SmOke, haze, and other obscu「ing
agents. Aii of these systems comb-ne tO make a highly usefui piece of equlPment for those who make the両ving
Stalking beasts or sentients. HuntInggOggles grant□ to any PerceptiOn Checks made
丁he ultimate ln PerSOnal steaith technoIogy, PerSOnal stealth
to Iocate prey, and thanks to thei=mage mag而cation
fields are rare and expensIVe, and well worth the price These
and enhancement, they remove up to臆看imposed due
t○○Is use a number of optlCal and l-ght-bending technoIogieS
to conceaiment, da「kness, fog, Or mlSt from ali Ranged
to render the wearer completeiy invISibie to the naked eye・
(Light) and Ranged (Heavy) checks.
丁he ma」Or flaw wlth PSFs is that they are p「one to maifunctlOnS (SuCh as complete field coliapse at a moment’s notice)・
丁hose lucky enough to own one conslderthe abiiity to move
undetected through even the most crowded, WeiL=t space weii worth the price ofthe occasionai malfunctiOn. PSF users cannot be detected by sight, and any sk1= checks
to detect them by other means, SuCh as scent, mOtlOn, Or 丁he lLF-6500 1S One Of the most powerful long-range,
omnidirectiOna=ife-form scanners on the market. Wlth a database contalning lnformation on thousands of known
ぎ満塁も謂擢霊諾鵬線金線蕊 a personal stealth field to indlCate that the field fiickers for a moment or collapses altogethe「 rendering the user v-Sible・
species of w剛fe and space fo「 recording new data’the i」F-6500 is most often used as the center of a securlty
perimeterfo「scoutor hunt-ngenCamPmentS. Mounted on a teIescoplng tripod that can extend up to three mete「s and capabie of monitorlng an a「ea neariy half a k=ometer across depending On terrain and vegetation’this scamer
can track and ldentify up to two dozen targets at a time・
categorlZe and rankthem in orde「 ofthreat leve上and ale「t
its operato「s by sending updates to their datapads or SOunding a shr川alarm.
Simple「, less expensive, and often mo「e reiiable than eiec-
trobinOCulars, maCrObinocuiars are a common Sight throughout the gaiaxy・ Used in a number of helds’f「om scouting and surveying to scien輔C PurSuits and hunting, macrobinocuiars use a combination of p「ecision-grOund
Computers check to ensure that the device is properly ca=brated and located in the best possible area for taking
magnifying lenses and s血Ple technicai upgrades such as
帥I advantage of its scaming capabi=ties.
magnlfy targets and a
image stabiiization川ght航ering, and image sharpening to
W uSerS tO See OVer 10ng distances.
e ‘SuO理Pu○○刈eP u! r画e肌」Ou 99S Oユ」e」eeM eu] MOlie S918808 」euue〕S `u」OM u9uM ’ee」J
SPueu 9囲8ui∧e∂i eiillM S」elnつOu四〇」1○○ie JO S叩eueq e囲
JO相即n叫e」8 Ae囲Se `s」〇時周囲」O SOPu肌皿O〕 O] P9nSSi 相ensn e」e ∧9u⊥ -SuOi]enliS 8u刑8旧ue」三周iP 」OJ S」判旧O 」∋q山nu e Pue SeSuel PeZueiOd LI]iM8uole `8u!8e山=E山」e囲
Pue uO!]eつ哩id山e叫8il e∧ISSed 9」n]eeJ相席〕!d布Se188o8 」euue⊃S ‘se向S JO r互e!」e∧ e u! P3〕nPO」d ’S]ue山9〕ueuu9
ie二世do ]O ]eS P91岬i e」Ou.」 eし印M Pedd叩be sJeln〕Ou!qO」] 〇〇〇l9 JO uOiS」e∧ elqe」eeM ‘」e叫8" e e」e Se18808 」euue〕S
‘8uリed田e=O eSe〕 u甲n」]SeP弓ieS eし印M SlePO山
」刑] " S」9」n]⊃町nue山9山OS u8noし抑e `s印岬qedE〕 e∧!Se∧e 」O eSueJeP-捕S Ou S勘P!0」PO」〕i田eu⊥ ●euO 」OJ 8u岬」eeS
相eつ哩○○ds 9」e Ae囲u9uM ue∧e l!印e〕Oi O] xpe甲e}u即8!^
‘uOi]e」⊃S!P S.IND e囲]e `e…=e〕ei e 〕e
ユd山印e 」e囲Oue e準山村e山人eu十Slle同⊃9甲∂u"i ‘Pelidde S!訓O 」9群小醇…Ou ]〕e Pue ]iOq 8u岬e」]Se」 e JO S〕⊃epe
eu唖O e判S Ol xpe甲eu曲⊃S!a (◆◆◆◆ 8u!]unea e 9準山∧e山SP!O」Pつc口iOq 8uiuieJISe」 e e田0⊃」e∧O `〕」O出e JO
lunO山e叫8リ9囲岬M ‘ue〕 Pue SePe」田OつつdN 」19囲ue明 封mS 」eu」e]S JO ePe山e」e SP!O」P 」印巳」qu⊃ 」e佃d `」e∧e -MOH ‘引Oq 8uluie」〕Se」 e PuelSし抑M 〕OuueつSPIO」P ]SOIN
」eiiOJ]uO〕引Oq 8u岬叩S9」 e囲8u刑Ou uOS」9d
撚紺3u詣課岩岩盤叢書志誌器 ue seJ!nbe」 Pe叩Ou 8uleq "O明iM e〕V¥eP S冊8し時ueid ‘u」n]e」 ∧eu] ii]un l〕e〕eP O=ln叩J!P
三朝nb 9q ue〇八9囲’e]eP e⊃ue旧e∧」nS 」i9明]Se⊃PeO」q ]Ou
OP SPiO」PO」〕叫eSne〕明’en〕 0!Pne 」O P」OM∧e刈〕胆eds eJO uO11⊃919P uOdn 」O e山里O PO!」ed ]eS e」∈鴻e」O〕e」edo e囲O1 8u叫n]e」 `」elSe山」刷1田O」J SuOi]〕n」ISu! Peu川Jき」∂ -O」de」d JO ユeS e MOilOJ 在e叩 ‘○○eid u! e」e SP10」PO」⊃i山 9明 ○○uO `」e∧9MOH -S叫e∧ u! 」O e」nl
P∂Sn eq ue〕 S山e]S∧s pe〕u臥Pe e」OW ’S∂SS9u引M PiO」P相e e閏i〕ede〕ui Pue SP」en8 p10」P SSed∧q o=eSn e囲∂ulMO=e `p!O」P e uMOP lnuS Ald山IS S引Oq 8uiui叩S9」 ⊃!Seq 〕SO山eu⊥
-叫n] Pu岬eq山e甲8ulPlu `∂nq
9囲Aq p9Pu肌…OO uO11⊃e血e …OJ」ed piO」P e 9津山OI
-!]〕e Pue e〕eld ]Sn山S」el〕e」eu⊃
ei制`e]eluOlne e洲」ePids Au!] eSe肥
0] PeSn 9」e Pue S!SS叫p S,P10」P e O川〕印e SliOq 8u岬eJ]Se」
;P!O」P” 9山eu e囲囲」OM Aie」eq 9」e `s8nq o岬ne 9llqO山u叫1 9」O山
‘iO」叫O⊃ e]O山e」 e JO Suee山人q相ensn `suoi〕⊃e S叩〕i」IS9」 ’s9∧!SeuPe Ie○叫eu) 」O Sd山ei〇二時eu8elu 8uiSn Se」nree」〕
叫eilueS O]副e S」ePulq ]euM SP!0」P O] e」e S〕1Oq 8u岬e」]S∂日
‘(○○」OJ e叩q叩iM準9」q O18uo」]S OOl e」e S出nJ 9囲uO S8ui ーPu!q e囲) )PelP uO!peu!P」OO)
‘euO /q 〕ieeP e8e山eP e囲SeSee」つu同⊃9u⊃
lnJSSeつつnS e囲!M糊n⊃eu8eu ede
」印つき」euO ∀
’S」e∧eiS Pue `s」e
u叩9]S PeSOddo e囲uO *甲ee `uc叫iPPe ui ‘S!Se田eu 」O ie∧!」 eJO PIOuSe」囲u!e」]Se唱Ole8e山eP乙しSle9P」O
uo甲山e Se]ell⊃ede⊃ui相e二時e山Olne xpe甲lnJSSe〕つnS
∀ ●○○ue!看!SatI .S^ )Pe巾村e88npIn)!S PeSOddo ue
-叫nu八uunoq `sePue8e ]ue山e〕」0]u9 Mei 」〔岬uO」J 8uo山e Jelndod e」e Pue S9i〕eds叫三周ueS ISO山ユリOI PelSn「Pe
∂q ue〕 S出n⊃eu8eIN ‘SxpOi Ped∧e町O S」9Pe9」叩」dq山n囲 叫8i] Pe沖Oi庇rs o〕 S」Ole」eue8 pl〇日叩eu8則n lnJ」9MOd `乱世eSn S即⊃eu8e山`s山∂1S∧s 8uixpO1 1e〕甲eu)elu ePn」⊃
‘uO!]∽=ddE ln担e〕 eし印M
el∧ Pe」n〕eS乱e A9叩Pue ‘sISl」M S,ienPi∧iPui ue PunO」e
唱iM ]98」即e」eMeun ue uO 」9uun]S eSn ue⊃ 」e〕〕e」euつ∀
JO P粥]Sui PO」 P!∂甲山eS e Aq pe]⊃9uuO⊃ S叩叩Se」 ISリM iln」 OM=O ]S!SuOつS即〕eu8臥JJ `lee〕S剛nP Pe〕」OJu!e」 JO
帥nq八両」eueD ‘SlenPi∧lPu! SnO」98uep 」O inJ」eMOd八両
S]!山il e囲O〕 enP岬qlu○○ len]〕e u!
-nSnun uie」ISe」 O] P9u8iSeP
esn s]! Sl⊃u]Se」叫8nou十uoi]⊃n」IS -uO⊃]⊃ed山O⊃S叫⊥ ’Pueu eJO山ied
S」ePuiq 布np〇人∧e9u
e明u! lee〕uOつO川8noue lleluS Suel
JO ed布, e∴e」e 瑚n⊃eu -8e田 00十D囚’s∂手間n〕eS
呼i」 e 」O山」OJ e囲Se〉1el uuOS-」」e囚 人q uodeeM unlS md叩0-u8iu S岬⊥
]eJiPu∧s sり〕O「 ∧q p○○nP○○d
and envirOnmentai inte「ference per the GM’s discretlOn.
A characterwho succeeds can see through walls or bulkheads up to short range untli the end ofthe encounteror the scanner lS mOVed.
More commoniy known as siave collars, the security COlIa「s used by Thalassian siavers a「e technoIoglCaily
SOPhisticated pleCeS Of equipment despite their Simple
function Made ofdurasteeI with an attached heavy chain and secu「ed with a magnoIock, these coliars are designed
to be escape-PrOOf and tamper-reSIStant. Attempts to remove the coiiar wlthout the proper circuit key results in
丁his lightweight beacon is a sensor pod attached to a
a painfu上POtentiaily lethal neural shock to the wearer.
仁6-meter COliapsible post primarily used by homesteads,
Some vanantS COme With biometric or voICe-aCtivated locking systems.
militiaS, and big game hunters. The SE-Vigilant transmitS to designated com=nks, datapads, COmPuter SyStemS, Or drolds A smail soiar panei ensures it can keep transmltting for decades. The beacon has two sensors attached.
us盈h器書名,T岩盤豊島帯;端 Sku看duggery check. if a character faiis thlS Check, the
丁he flrSt is a mot10n SenSOrWith vldeo and audio that can
Wearer Suffers 2 strain and l wound (thiS lgnOreS SOak)
detect targets up to Iong range Once the first sensor is
and becomes diSOrlented for five rolmds.
t「iggered, the second sensor performs a cIose「 scan,
transmitting infrared, ultravioiet, density, eiectromagnetic, and frequency data.
〔R〕 Z,与的 Govemment o用Cials and mi=ta「y PerSOmei must maln-
taln a Vigiiant guarcl against espiOnage, taking great palnS to ensure they are not being OVe「heard or recorded.丁he WOrid of intei‖gence and counterinte帖gence仙ctuates as
recorders become more complex and more difficult to detect, and sweepers advance to keep up wlth them. Security sweepers are optimized to detect specla看lZed
electronlC COmPOnentS, ignoring mundane devICeS SuCh as hoIocams and datapads. Secu「ity sweepers precISely
locate recorders and llStening devices, but they typically CannOt identify the exact nature of any such device.
ShadowcIoaks are pecuiiar devices designed to protect a user’s anonymity du「ing meetlngS in person. When act主
Vated, a Shadowcioak gene「ates a rfeld of cQnCeaiing
darkness around ltS uSer, CauSing them to appear as nothing more than a mass ofshadows, eVen in bright llght. In additiOn tO hiding the user from sight, the shadowcIoak fleld a看so baffles most sensors and scamers and dlStOrtS the user’s voice, enSuring thelr identity remains a sec「et.
丁he shadowcioak field is reiativeiy static once actiVated,
and the user camot waik o「 move around much wlthout 「evealIng their identlty. AdditiOnaiiy, its power require-
ers check. 1f they succeed, the device notifies them of the
ments only aliow the device to operate foran hour before lt muSt COOi down and recharge for four hours Normally,
P「eSenCe and location of any recordlng Or eSPIOnage devICeS
the use「 sits down somewhere and actlVateS the shadow-
Within medium range of their current locatiOn. if the deviCe
Cioakjust priorto a meeting.
is pa面CuIarIy weil hidden言his check might be opposed by the Mechanics sk11i ofthe cha「acterwho placed the devICe.
丁he SE「90 f「om CryonCorp is ubiqultOuS ln COnStruCtion and engjneering. Roughiy the size of CryonCorp’s Enhance-
Scan general purpose scanner, the SE-90 1S designed fo「 inSPeCting existing Str∪CtureS. Using an SE-90, an eng主
neercan dete「mine the materials used to bu‖d a structure
and can see through waiis to the hidden structures within. 丁he device can detect stress fractures and weak points, COnCealed armor and reinfo「ced sections, COnduitS, hid-
den.spaces, and the like. Using an SE-90 requires an Jtwerage "◆) Computers check modifled acco「ding to constructlOn materials
Disceming any lden輔able features of a character
Wearing a shadowcloak requires a Daunting tw◆◆◆) Perception check.
Even the smaiiest, Simpiest sta「shiP has a staggering number
Of computer-COnt「Oiled onboard systems. A shipboard sys-
tems scame「 lS uSed to comect to spec旧C SyStemS aboard
a starshlP tO PrOPeriy diagnOSe any PrObiems or failures. A
typical scanner is the size of a common datapad. Once 」aCked into a shiPboard system-a鉦e controI computer, for
example, Or an On-board diagnostic computer-the scanner Can read any e「ror codes, traCe CircuitS, and even detect pre-
fa11ure states. This informat10n greatiy aids ln the diagnosiS Of disrupted systems and in thejr restoratlOn.
’ui捌即P∂88n」 ]SOlu e囲」O布巾]SeSueP e唱岬no」甲e]eP 」!elI=甲SueJ] ue○ Pue S」ele山0問u! Pe」nSee山Se8ue月Se〕PeO」q e∧ell SiePO田InJ」eMOd e」OIN 9⊃ue」eJ」91ul e]eP Pue O!Pe」 ∧q se =eM Se S9i⊃elSqO lel〕
土居」e Pue le」nleu Aq p9xpOlq小usee 9」e Sleu81S 」刑] Pue `1e8」e] 」則] O] eSOl〕 ∧ie∧!〕ele」 ∧e〕S O] 」eSn e囲8ul」inbe」
`pe8ue」 〕」OuS 9」e∴Si∂PO田1SOIN ’]e8」el e JO uO阜e)Oi
e囲叩Oduid o] PeSn S〕i」]e田」e囲O Pue `epn叩Ie ‘ie∧e」]JO
uo甲e」!P Pue e呼」 `e8ue」 `uoi]e⊃O=O訓n]X… e八両nsn sI Peニ印山Sue」〕 eleP eu⊥ ’」eSn 」!e巾Ol 〉iつeq 〕e8Jel 」ieu] 1nOqe E]eP ]O 山e9」1S
P9]dん⊃u9 /仙∧朕叫∴e 〕Se〕PeO」q S」e88即 e〕ueilie∧」nS `s山e]S∧s
:9nb甲n ∧両8叫e」e」ee8」eJ"SJO Seつe!d ‘s」eSn 」i9明9理「 ‘SiOO] SnOi」eJ9u 」e囲O SnOu臥PuE ’s」eJOOds d!甲叩Pe」〕
`s9qO」d eleP `s山e]S∧s uc周d凡〕∂P/uqudんつue `e」eM叫OS
u!e8 o=e98 pe叩n」ISuO⊃相e!⊃9ds 9Sn `〕ieq P!O」91SE?
-」e坤e囲OI Pe」e∧!1ea ‘8u!xpe」〕 Pue
S=ee8 」〇回S ]SOIN ’Slue]S∧s 」elnd山O〕 e」n⊃eS O〕 SS9つつe
」e囲0 」0 《印0山飢 `〕」eP ∧q sle8
e o=e8elii Pue S叫euOd山O⊃山O]Sn⊃山OJJ帥nq-eluOu
8ul舟e]S Pue `suee山 eし叫SePuel⊃
-山0〕 leuOS」ed inJ」9MOd eseu⊥ ●ee」8ep 」eSS9i 」O 」e〕ee」8
-8曾山」O ∂Sn別居しβno」叩PeX即e
8u!準則qePO⊃ e8pe-8u印n〕し刷M P9xped e」e S」e叩d
e∧iSeuPe le〕叫e叫)∴」O つ!]eu
eOue川9∧」nS ui Ple O] PeSn SuO〕eeq
8u圃LuSue」I O!Pe」 ile山S e」e∴S」e8 -8即e⊃ue旧9∧」nS `9∧iSn」lqOun Pue Aul⊥
」eSn e囲JO 98ue」耳OuS ul囲M8nq
e JO eつueSe」d e囲八両u∂Pi O=d山9調e O] Sxp叫p e〕ue"8!∧
」O uO!〕d9〕」ed相e ol□ □sppe」O〕坤eP e〕ueiiie∧」nS ∀ ‘ieuO早〕unJ S8nq甲nS d9ey O] P∂」叩be」 S〇両dns」eMOd e旧8uiZlu8o〕e」 Se lieM Se杓uenbe」J J!〕eu -8e山0」]〕e丁e Aue uo ]叫SueJ川e囲S○○i∧9P e^11⊃e有印eP!
ue u8no」囲S9〕晒甲eu ]Oild e⊃e ue Se小usee se s山印 -S∧s e山勘ule山Pue ePO⊃ 」e]nd山O⊃JO S叩8 eu冊u所qei
9里9〕晒1∧eu O11M S∧9xpO「 」e]nd山O⊃ Pe叫eie仁SJe坤S
’PeelSu! eつu印8i∧ 9Sn叫8叫 」el〕e」e甲 ∂」EMeun ue “uO!〕e」⊃SiP S.IND 9囲]∀ ●)Pe中
豊ぎ駕餅霊金認諾講荒岩畳嵩 Ql∴叩nO山e ]el‘=O Jieu Ol dn enle∧ e〕ue」qlLm〕ue lE10] e
旧聞S田e]lJO」eq山nu e le∂〕uO〕 ue⊃甲ee Pue ‘0乙e〕ue」q -田n〕ue OI Z e〕ueJq山n〕ue山O」J在勤ue〕 S∂XOq叫81eiS
S」Ol09〕9P 9⊃ue川e∧」nS POOD 布坤」d e」nSue OI S8nq 」OJ山OO」 e ue〕S Ol在yun]」Oddo 9明Se〉岬1 Pe∧iO∧u!布」ed 甲ee申!∂9q u9∧e ueつSuO!SSn〕S岬e」OJeq `s山e]S/s相un ui畑」O!」d lSe咋巾9u]弓O Si uOi]臥」9SqO田0」J S8ui]○○田
甲nS 8uun⊃9S `相uenbesuo〇 °S叫e山u」e∧O8 lt3)luue」布
9P曾山ueeq e∧eu S岬!」〇時山 川81∂M∧∧eel/ e」O山」OJ Si∂PO山」e8」ei 《pueqe」叫O⊃ 」e明0 」0 ‘s8n」P `suode9M eP川O〕 SeZ!S 」e=e山S u! Pe叩n」]SuOつ相e〕
-id布岬no囲∀布d山9 9q OI S」eedde ‘pe]⊃edsul相ensi∧
e 8uiSn ●O8」e〕 8ulP叫」O] PeU!PO山XOq 」O e]t3」⊃ e SI XOq
]ON ’SuO世地肌e」 ]ue〕即u81S囲M 9SO両村亘yn叩」ed `uo!]
-〕eq 8し町Se上8uoi e `xi」叩山Pue l!O〕拙i」OSinde月eMOd-MOl
8u朝pe」〕 u! P印Se」e川副e S」eP!SlnO AueuJ ‘碕uiSi」d」nS
」O Pe岬!9M u9uM `xoq叫8!e丁S 9唱uOuOq 9Sie」 e Pue畑el
山OJJ 」9即S ]e111 SPi」OM uO村」eln〕印ed `suoISSn⊃SiP u〕nS
-〔甲O8eu snoi」9S相e oI Ie叩」○ ○」eん臥l」d pue uo鳴」⊃S!G
」e98 」i9囲Aq pulueq "ei S叫i」d」e8uu 〕甲O」〕〕∂ie e囲 ^q pu団」!el1=OS」e囲OAq pe日i叫ePieq ue〕」6〕iISeue叫O
叫81elS 9明`e」euMんe∧∂ S副ds pue s」ei88n山S JO e叫0∧e」 ∀
’Sei〕川e∧ Pue SdluS」E)1S山O」J u!e」]S山e]S∧s 9∧O山e」
OI Sxpe甲山O」J喜Se∧0山〇月euue〕S S山e〕S∧s p」eOqd町S ∀
丁he first step ln building anything on a planet lS a gOOd iand su「vey, SO mOSt miiitary engineers and long-range
SCOutS are tralned in equipment to ald in this task. BasIC SurVeyOr gea=S Often little mo「e than a laser measure-
ment system for calculating diStanCe, maCrObinocuiars, a
A weapon detector is a SPeCiaiized sensor buiit into goggles that lS able to detect the presence of expIosives, the powe「 ce=s
deviCe for dete「mining the positlOn and movement of
used in biaste「s, and the chem上
StarS, a length ofchain, and a compass. Mo「e advanced
Cal propeiiants used ln Slugthrowers, aS We11 as many types of melee weapons, SuCh as knlVeS, SWOrds, and stun
SetS include various ground and terrain scanners, Su「Vey
remotes, SPeCialiZed hand tooIs, Seismic recorders, and aIi manner of esoteric equipment Surveyor’s equipment adds □□ to a character’s Pe「CePtion checks when determinlng locat10nS On a Pianet’s
Surface, meaSuring diStanCeS, Plottlng Settiements or bases, Or C「eating detailed planetary maps.
batons. Weapon detecto「s are used in many secured or
restriCted locatlOnS SuCh as starports, miiitary bases, and
PrlSOnS tO PreVent unauthorized weapons from posing a SeCurity threat. These deviCeS are also used by those on the fringe, Who are no less concemed about concealed WeaPOnS
A character usIng WeaPOn detectiOn gOggles may add up to □□to Perception checks when attempting to師d
a concealed weapon on a person.
to no scarring. 1ypically, PatientS are COmPletely immersed
COrPOrations and black ma「ket chemists.
看iquid wh=e hooked up to life-SuPPOrt SyStemS. This takes
ln la「ge bacta tanks, Where they stay suspended in the thick
quite a bit Of infrastructure, and bacta tanks are relativeiy rare outside o=arge medicai faciiitleS and dedicated med主
Cal vessels. However, bacta can be adminiStered by injectlOn Or by pretreated patches, and it is lnCiuded in One form or another inside every medpac sold ln the galaxy The rules
for heaiing wounds with bacta can be found in the Recovery and Heaiing section toward the end of Chapter V営in
Poisonlng lS nOt a COmmOn COnCem for most citiZenS, but
any ofthe core rulebooks.
for certain high-Value persons o白nterest, lt lS an a= too
real hazard. Smaii, POrtable antidote sets offer a deg「ee of
PrOteCtion, PrOViding an assortment of singie-uSe Vials of antldotes to common poiSOnS. A character using an antidote set reduces the d酷culty
豊精雷管詰表書黒帯i急告塁§f they must make a Hard O ◆ ◆) Know!edge (Under-
WOrld) check to make an educated guess at the poison based on the region, the poison’s qua冊es, and othe「 evldence at thei「 dlSPOSal to benefit from this item.
U帥Zed fo「 medical diagnostics, biood scamers are sensitive
deviCeS CaPable of scaming bl○○d sampies from nearly any SPeCies而addition to providingan anaiysis ofa belng’s general welLbeing, biood scame「s excei at isolating diSeaSeS,
Chemicais, and poisons present ln a Subject’s bioodst「eam・
Once such an agent has been iden輔ed, the device provides detailed mediCai advice and treatment optiOnS言ncluding
SuggeSted antldotes and effectlVe remedies. As an actiOn, a Cha「acterwlth a blood scanner may make
an Easy ") Medicine check to ldentify foreign eiements An ancient healing technoIogy, bacta is nothlng less than miraCuIous. Developed thousands of years ago言t is a visCOuS, Ciear =quid wlthin which llVe m冊OnS Of geneticaily
altered and synthetic bacteria. Usabie on neariy every speCies ln the galaxy, bacta drastlCaIly increases the rate of heaiing and cures even the most g「ievous wounds wlth little
e 器㌔珊
(inciuding POisons) in a blood sample in addition to allowing the character to treat any present toxins with the proper antidote, the extensive information about the patient’s
health adds automatic O q雌to the next Mediclne Check the character makes to t「eat the patient.
e 山OJJ SPunOM leeu O掴⊃e甲9ui⊃岬eIN e 8u!湿田ueuM
8u!d191=OJ冊9Sn ]u9uJlee」] Pie土日O elde]S e S! eu!e訓inN
-Pe山9uO O] dn puedxe ue〕 」e〕〕e」e甲e `」e]⊃e」e甲e
Ol e圃i SeOP ]! 9問M ’Seリn巾!利ds9P uO川和oI S」∂!P10S
e間口O S叩Se」 e囲O] O *叩e山Olne PPe O川〇時d p!e
e囲u! S田Old山人s e囲JO Aue山SeSS9」PPe叩`凡n「u叫叩e9」1
●相SO〕 SSel恒∧圃e」 e」ビバe明Se `s沖ed皿1S JO e」噂Puedxe 9明」O川e〕 1Ou OP叩唱S〇日n「ui 」Ou叫8u!
-]e叫S〕!Pe田PleL所q peniビ∧相e!〕edse e」e Se!lddns甲ns ’S叫98e 8u昭e叫q明O Pue `s叫ein8eoつくs二世O!q!1ue厚Peq 岬M PeSnJul ueeq e^eu ]eu] S9SSe」d山O⊃ Pue Se8ep -ueq 9Sn○○18u!S OユPe巾de l肌e=e」9ue8 e si..P!e-PeIN”
ー9」e囲Peq甲SeP SuO!]do ]ue叫eeJ=e -囲O e甲田O耳ed ol山91甘MO腫1Ou S9OP l! Pue `s刈OOqeln」
9」OO e明言O Aue u=^ 」a]de叫D JO Pue e囲1e uO!]〕eS 8u! -1eeH Pue凡e^O3e‡案9叩u! Peqリ⊃S9P Se `相eu9d ]nO囲M
S」e叩O山O」J Seリn回ie⊃理」⊃ e∧O山訓Ol ]d田e打e O川!準eu!〕 -!PeIN 9明eSn O] 」91De」e甲e SMO昭AiuO 〕ede山ne」〕 ∀
-1岬i9M S.叩きd e唱Pe∧Ieu
‘SyOOq9in」 e」O⊃ eu〕JO Aue u=^
u! Peqi」〕SeP Se `相eued ]nO囲岬S」9囲O leeu O]冊S 9u!〕 -!PeIN e明eSn O] S」el⊃e」叫p MO=e S〕edp∂山んue8」e山喜
SS91 e」e ]e囲S9i〕ue8」e山e ieJ!P9山uO山田O⊃ 」e旧O Pue “se!」n「u岬u!ds ’sIOi〕 POOIq `e」即eJ 〕」ee叩ee」〕 OI Peu8!SeP
」eld叫DJO Pu9 9唱re uO甲9S 8u!le○H Pueんe^O9etI 9唱
Seu PIe日印1eq eLl] uO哩eePS.euOJO eSneつe囲eq O〕 ∧1e洲
]u∂田d叩be 8u!O8e」O] ‘Se⊃」OJ eSueJeP le〕Oi Pue `seりeu
-e⊃」9山`se朝日山」OJ 〕edeuJne」] S理PeZ叫!1do seu甲軋PeIN /u〕軋e囲u^s ]nq `suo!〕坤山旧SOO Pue 〕lJ8!eM Ol anP 9iq!S -eeJ ]Ou S同者Pe山eし印M 91叶eq O]ui 」eiPiOS凡e∧e 8ulPueS
’」euue⊃S PePnl叩e囲Aq pe]〕e"O⊃ e]eP uO PeSeq SuO!]do lu∂叫ee」=S988ns ue〕 Pue 9Seq印eP l∽!PelLI e
SePnI叩]e囲」elnd山O〕旧JJS eSe ileMSe `su8!S聞∧」O叫uO山 ue〕岬囲」euue〕S le〕!Pe田uO!]つun十Pe〕叫= e ePni〕u! Sl9PO山
Pe〕u臥Pe e」OIN ’Se印SSeOeu 」e囲O Pue胤o]eつ国de us〔油日l -u∧s :s」O]ein8eoつPOOiq :sde〕」OJ Pue `se8uリ∧s `sledleつS e湘
SIOO=e〕朋田〕iSeq :seu⊃]ed elつeq is8u!SSe」P Pue Se∂ep -ueq JO 」eq田nu e Su!e]uO⊃ (Sd川S」印S ISO山P」EOqe PunOJ
9SO明Se甲nS) 〕edpeluんu∂8」e山e P」ePue]S ∀ ’Se帥〕ej i弧Pe山」98」eI Ol uO!1印Odsue」=OJ SlenP!∧!Pu! PeP甲OM ーuO!]e」OS!P S.W0 9L冊e `9ue〕S 」ed xped山草S euO JO叫ele
AISnOueS eZ川qelS OI PePe9u 9SOu] Se lleM Se Seリn「u川euS ieell O] Seilddns )!Seq e囲u!e]uO⊃ SiOO] 8ui∧eS訓eSe囲
-∧叩be 9明dno」8 e lue」8 soedpan `s」O〕coiidde山us JO xpOIS
」刷] O] S測Eu⊥.S消光叫⊃ euPIPeIN =e Ol □ ]ue」8 osle ^eu⊥
’SyOOqein」 ○○Oつeu"O舟元u=^ 」e]d叫⊃JO Pue e囲呼uOil
‘elq叫Od相Se9 Pue =euJS -e8e」e∧e ue囲」e嶋町S!凡n申 」O lee」囲9囲」9∧e」eLIM叫ele∧e」d e」e S〕edpe山んu98」e山]
-〕eS 8u岬aH Pueんa^O⊃e甘e囲u! 」ed se在席ued叩O囲M 川ys eu!〕!PeIN e哩eSn O] 」el〕剛eu⊃ e MOiie A9u十S⊃edpe山 んu∂8」∂山9 e判「 ’Pi〔氾el11 u! Se」nP○○O」d lco!Pe山Xeld山0⊃ 佃∧!leie」 …OJ」ed o〕 」eSn e MOlie S〕edpe田P」E?PuelS ’SuO!S」e∧八つue8」e山e e明
“んn「ui e山OSen」D,, e囲O] S∂8uq甲んn「ul ieつ理」つ」ieuユPue
SnOi」臥`s叩ids爪e」ds ‘s」Oユ∽!id〇月ue岬nu-叩u∧s peou臥Pe `」e]nd田O〕叩SOu8e!P Pue 」9uue〕S!Pe山1nJ」∂MOd e」O山
’(PeelSui S]⊃eJJe S.んn「u日eL即O醇8ulul晒) 1lnSe」んn「ui leつ理」つ
u! PunOJ "e田d叩b9 911] Ol uO印PPe u! `s8n」P uOpeui山t3] -uO⊃ le〕!∂oiO昨日1ueyuO胆Pe」申ue Pue ‘suo哩JIP∂山D!Seq
Pue 」e8Jei e `slue山eid… ie⊃!8」nS JO 9叩S =nJ eん」e〕 S〕edpe田`s」ePuOdse」 〕SJU Pue S〕iP9山Pi〔埋Aq pe甲e⊃ ‘〕edp引田八つu∂8」e田9 uO田山O〕 e囲jO uO!S」9∧ P9dd叩b9
勧I Ol xpEq叫8no」q ○○e Aeu子Pe!P 」e]〕剛ELI〕 9囲引’PelP印e SuleuJe〇 〇〇!∧eP e囲SE 8uoi Seんn「u=e〕哩」⊃ eu"O Sl⊃拙9 e明
8u!時務u Je:Pe」elP e囲SeZ岬準肇S皿xpe甲euP!PeN O
SI Pu] eu⊥,, 」O “]nO 8uiPeeig” e山OJJ 8u峠剃nS 」e]〕e」即〕 e O]
u上抽 ue〕 nO∧ e]晒明ieJ!P91u e,, Se P∂q!」〕SeP u∈哩0
-」印∂q Pue 」e8」el e S! 〕edp訓r P」ePue]S e JexpOd 」nO∧
P訓dde 9q Ae山e〕!∧eP S岨●んn「ui lt3Ji叫⊃ e 8u岬JnS JO PunO」 euo u=川M]u印ed e oI Pe=dde 9q rsn山」eZiiiqelS le」qe」e⊃ ∀ ‘uOl]eZiiiqeユS 〕胆qe]e山eP!∧O」d o〕 e」n時」ed山e川e!ue」○
∂⊃nPe」 ]e田leu e囲u! S叩⊃」!⊃ ie山」e明Pue ′uo!1niOS叫eu叩u
Pe]eue8∧x○○」∂d相e囲M Pe〕elde」 S! uie」q S`叫9i]ed e囲u! 8ui岬n⊃」!〕 POOiq elI⊥ S]u∈町ed pe」n「ui相e〕哩」⊃ u=JJe〕S∧s sno∧ -」eu ie」叫e⊃ 9囲J〇八u‖!qeV¥ el11 9NeS9」d o〕 Peu8iSeP S上`e8eつ
u!e」q” e Se uMOu汁9⊃!∧eP uSリo川嶋!u ]nq 8u!∧eSe引i Siu⊥ xp9u
S`叫9哩d e囲JO SleSSe∧ 98」ei 9囲0]ui P印つ9申Seu!l ∧i岬M
]e岬eu e○甲-11n=3 S! 」eZ用q印S ie」qe」eO Sd∀淵qeMe叩つeu⊥
.刈⊃euつ」ed中書ed P!e-P9山euO ue甲e」OLu eSn ]Ouue〕 」e]〕e」elP ∀ -刈⊃e甲
Sho「t term. Spraying or applying a bandage with this pow-
erful anesthetic on an lnjury deadens any pain with only mino「 numbness. A characte「 may apply nuilicaine to themseif or an
欝さ諒器織豊黙諾 ing. 1f the check succeeds, the target immediately suffers
5 strain and ignores the chosen CritlCa冊jury untii the end of the encounte「. Nul=Caine oniy affects廟ng creatu「es.
丁h「oughout histo「y, the most basic fo「m ofsecurity against intrusion has come in the form of observant sent「ies.
There are very few technoIogical advancements that can riVal observation by a vlg=ant guard watching out for intruSion and danger. Unfo「tunately, Standing watch can be long and bo「ing. to stay aIert, many Sentries reiy on stim-
Sticks. These stylus-Shaped cuts of soft wood release a POWe「ful stimuiant when chewed
A character who chews a stimstick removes音f「om their Discipline, Perception, ResilIenCe, O「 Vigiiance checks to
Stay aWake or notice something due to fatigue or lack of
Sieep unt= the end of the encounter. At the end of the Produced by a wide variety of artisans, POisoners’ringS
encounter, the cha「acter suffers I strain.
and simllaraccessories Iook iike the sort ofeiegant」eWeiry
COmmOniy wom by aristoc「ats and weaithy foik These
rings have a much more practical use, though. Their largest gem or simiiar feature has been hollowed out from
behind, Creating a smaii cavity. Any substance couid be concealed ln the space, but most commonIy言t lS uSed to Carry a dose of deadiy poison・ With carefuiiy practiced
motions, a Wearer Can deposit the fatal cargo lntO a CuP,
Synthskin and synthfiesh are two versions of a synthetic,
Plate, Or bowI wlth ‖ttle chance of being nOtlCed
Skin-1ike cove「ing used in mediCine and the production of
A poisone「,s ring can hold a singie dose of any poison.
See Poisons or Drugs and Poisons in the Gear section Of Chapte「 V of any of the co「e ruiebooks; any Other
POison the GM deems appropriate may also be used.) As an action, a Character wearing the ring may make an OPPOSed Skulduggery check vs. Vigilance against any Onlooke「s to deposit the contents into a target’s meal o「
beverage without being noticed.
Cybemetic =mbs. Sold as sma= patches, fuii sheets, Or a thiCk gei, these products a「e used to heai abrasiOnS, CutS,
and other minorwounds, aS We= as fo「 skin grafts and cos-
metic surge「ies. Synthskin is the more common type and
is used more often in emergency medical or surgicai app正
Cations, Whiie synthflesh iS tyPicaily used to cover
mechanicai itemS SuCh as cybemetic limbs or even whoie droids to disguise thei「 ar師cial nature・ Both varieties are
PrOduced by majo「 medical technoIogy and pharmaceut主
Cal companies, and both are designed to integrate Seamiessly with the integumenta「y systems of nearly
every sentient species in the gaiaxy.
Synthskin app=cations are one-uSe items that can be used as first aid to treat cuts and bruises.
闘閣 diateiy heals 5 wounds. Wh帖e a cha「acter
Can uSe multipie stimpacks, doingso ISan aCtOfdiminiShing retu「ns, aS eVe「y Stimpack used after the鉦st heaIs
One fewer wound. A second stimpack heals 4 wounds, a thi「d 5 wounds, and so on. Using a sixth st血PaCk in a Single day has no further effect, aS the cha「acter’s system
is al「eady so satu「ated with medications that additionai
Stimpacks are useIess (and could even cause harm, at the GM’s discretionL Once used, the chemicals within a
This is a general anesthetic produced on many worids for medicai procedures and designed to render the user unconscious. Unsurprisingly, a few operatives have found it usefuI outside of its medical app"cation. This poison may be int「oduced into a target’s bodyvia ae「osoi depioy-
藍R誤審綜豊e富「黒岩…豊等端 Resiiience check, Wh帖e two or more doses combined into
謹.e講豊岩盤塁藍総轄諾蒜 Check. One to two $ may be spent to force the target to
Stimpack stay in a character’s system for one standard
give up their free maneuver during their next tum (the tar-
day, after which additiOnaI stimpacks have their fuii effect
get may s帥take two maneuve「s, however主$ $ @ or
again. ’see the Recovery and Healing section at the end
tum. Fina=y, @ may be spent to make the target test
ofChapter V=n any ofthe co「e rulebooks fo「 more infor-
mation on stimPaCks and hea=ng.
mo「e may be spent to staggerthe target during thei「 next
against the poison again duringthe next round, aS the po主 SOn remaInS in the target’s system.
e O川e⊃ Meu e 8u胆」O〕e白’ile〕 e叩]S!Se」 Oい!記甲eu!1d -!⊃S!a (◆ ◆) e8e」e^V uE? e湿しJJ ]S… P印e8」e] 8u!9q
lleuJS ue明剣O山ei]叩’S」edde」] Pue S」e]un両q p9Sn SiOO] e∧!1⊃epe Pue 91d山!S ∂」O田細目O e山OS e」e Siie⊃ ]Se明
]Seeq 9u=nq `xp9u〕旧準Ou S副inbe」 lie⊃1S粥q e8uiSn ’Siie〕 MeuJO Seリe」q= PunOS uMO」!eu] P岬q O〕 S」eSn 8u!MOile `spunos p」O○○」 OSIe ue⊃ SeO!∧eP eS9肥
大x叩8 e囲]nOl18no」囲S9Peds ie山!ue uMOuy SnO」e山nu jO S昭〕 PuE ’sIMOu ‘se甲∂e」つS e囲8u!PiOu JO 9iqede〕 eSeq -即eP eIqe田山e」8o」d ssei山O]1Oq Al」粥u e Se "∂M Se ‘e⊃!O∧
SuO!1ee」〕 」ie明e∧吟OI S」∂」n]⊃eJnue山P!O」P句p9Sn eSOu] O=即Lu!S 」OrelnPO山ieu8!S-O!Pne Pe昨〕i]Siudos e uieluO〕
∧e岨’e8en8uel uMO 」刷] u!田e囲O1 8u!準9ds小串u!P叩 」O "O Se」nlee」〕 9」叫O] P9Sn訓e Siie〕 ]Seeq用e11S叫elS!Se」
-1〕ed山‖旬」nlS e ul PeSe⊃ue Seu国別r沖eq佃d-OiPne
‘S叫8!S 」刷1 u! S叫9uOん」enb 」9∧印euM e」n〕eS dleu ue叩勘] SiOO]8叩S9」e叫Pue 9nb!un e」e ∂」eu十ei晒]u晒ビ∧叩Xe ue ]e S9⊃u判Ie l∽i瑚Od e8」OJ
O] 8叩d山印e 」O時ueld Je]eMxpeq e uO 8ui]unu 」eu制M
tIVヨりヨnb営Nn aNV 「VAI^おnS ‘Se」nle9」〕 eSe囲]ee」] 」O eZAleue O] ePe山
Sxp∂uD川ys (侶OIOu9X) e8pelMOu〉l Pue `ie∧NnS `eu!〕!P9IN
iIe Ol □ s]ue」8 〕画IeuO印PP∀ ’SxpOqein」 e」O〕 e囲JO相e ui 看^ 」e]d叫⊃ JO Pue 9u=e uO!1⊃9S Su岬eH Pueんe^O⊃at]
e哩」ed se木南ued叩〇四M Se」nlee」つueiie ]Ee」画ie〕朋田O〕 」91〕e」e甲e SMOile Mnd叩l `sePeds p!Oue田nu 」OJ SeOP 〕ed -P∂u」 e叩S∀ ’S9」n呼e」〕 JO」euue山腫uO Se」nPe⊃0」d le⊃!Pe山 田0]」ed pue `ezAleue `eu…eXe O=eSn e SMO=e Md e肥
’山e函S 」刑1 u! Su!肌胤uOSxpd e囲Se `puno」 1Xeu e囲
8ul」nP u!晒e uos!Od e囲1Su鵬e ]Se=e8Je]到] e湿田O]
uMOu淵ieM e」O山9叩]O相即n 」O] Se」nPe⊃O」dんu98」e山e
]ueds eq r冶uJ @相eu!丁山e囲S山間M」9^O uOSIOd e囲8ui 一晒即OuO朋e囲Sele8J印e囲uO uie」lSし制Jui O]叫eds
’んueaJe…e ue u! Se」n]ee」⊃ PePunOM 8ui]ee」] u!乱ru即
んeu岬9∧ Ou岬M 9SO即SiSSe O〕 Slel」Olnl Se i19M Se ・s]Seeq
P」eH E e」!nbe」 uO! e⊃=dde ei8u!S e O叩P∂u!q田O〕 S∂SOP
囲M uO!]〕e「u口O `uo!]Se8u! POOJ ‘叫e田toIdep lOSO」ee坤
相ePeds `s∂国dns le○!Pe田`s8n」P l18noue suie]uO〕 Mnd e囲`8u岬e 」QJ SleuJ!ue SnO」e8uep pue e8」E?i囲M Si扮P OuM
Se」!nb○○ eSOP ei8u!S e 8叩S!S9d.叫eP 」O 」O評判dde ue
9唯u! Se」n呼∂」つPePunOM eZ用qe〕S O=ee8 」9囲O Pue `sIOO]
e」O田」O OM] e冊M巾e甲eDueⅢSeH (◆◆ e8剛e付uE
Pue ∂∂peIMO岬PeZ旧⊃eds jO eSeqe]eP e 8u岬e]uO〕 Ped -eleP e Su!e]uO⊃ OSle IN eu⊥ ’P9∧Ou」 eq ue⊃ Ae明i叩n P即
9uO相e」O `sJ9Pee」q ]Seeq `su坤Euue]e∧句esn 」Oj Peu8!S9a
旬Oq S,〕98」e] 9囲O叩Pe〕nPO」叩eq Ae山uOS!Od s阻 ●利き的Se山!le山OS `s○○n〕ee」〕 1SO山JO SuO甲ee」 ie〕甲e甲O!q 9明Sl〕eJJe
l十SP=OM JO SP9」Punu uO 小yie8e冊 u∈鳩0 ’pe⊃nPO」d
相e叩e剛^s uos!Od le」eu98 e s! u!XO]0」neu叩e剛^s
山e]S∧s 」刷l u阜u岬山e川OS!Od 91甘 零e `puno」 ]Xeu訓] 8ui」nP u!e8e uos!Od e囲]Su唾e lS即1e8
-Je] eul e津山O=u9ds eq庇田@JO叩S9」 ∀ ●〕e∂」e] e囲uO u!eJIS L制Ju! O=ueds eq AeuJ $申ee `uo印PPe u同〕euO
帥S唱日e8Je] eu唖SPunO」 ee」u] 」O揮8」el e囲S9Z用qO田山i
蒜悪霊蒜諾詣謂覇。結悪書 -⊃9申e町e8」e担Olu峠朋nPO」叩eq村uo爪eしu uOS!Od sill⊥
世O」d JO E油!ddeupM Pe〕e8J印Pue uO!]e」叩u冊!M Pe準e] ∂SO囲8uo山e 」eindod e」e Pue嶋∧eMO巾SiXe OP S9d布u哩  ̄」e⊃ J印SIu哩Pe Pue印ee」⊃ O川n瑚!P e」e ]〕e叩SuO即unJ e^印u8oo 」9u到e∧eei lnq ]e8」e] e 9Z恒」ed制〕 SuOS!Od
the mechanism’s memory requires an Jtwerage (◆ ◆)
Computers check modified by any other envirOnmental COnditions (heavy backg「ound noise, atmOSPhere lnter-
ference, etC.)
Ciimbinggearcomprises tooIs used to scaie steep orsheer
Surfaces. Whether a character is attempting tO SCaie a StOny Cliff o「 the smooth transparisteel facade of an o田Ce
tower, Ciimbinggear is essentiai lfthey need access to otherwise un「eachable places. Most sets of c=mbing gear inciude a few coils ofsynthrope o「 ‖quid cable, a hook or
Using Pheromones, CorChemCo’s Beastmaste「 Chem Lu「e attracts beasts to a piace where they can be eas=y
adhesive attachment, and a numbe「 of pitons, PiCks, hamme「s, and othertoois used to secure iineS.
CaPtured or k用ed. Sma= and easy to conceal (a「ound
the size ofa typiCal datapad), the BeastmastercontalnS an exhaustive database =sting the genetic codes of
most known species in the gaiaxy. With the database and an on-board testing and recording Suite that contains a DNA sequencer and a chemical synthesize「, the
Beastmaster can c「eate nea「iy any pheromone, muSk, O「Othe「bioiogiCal secretion. 1tcan aiso be programmed
With new DNA if it is provided wlth a physicai sampie
Popuiar among piiots and vehiCle crews, CraSh survival kitS
SuCh as blood, hair, Skin, Or bone.
are a necessary precautiOn for those who reguiarly travel through inhospitable areas. Sma= ships such as starflghters,
gunboats, Smaii freighters, and even escape pods w"l have One Survivai kit fo「 each crew member, While ships wlth
quickly to investigate. This equipment is often used with
iarger crews have kitS designed to meet the emergency sur-
eIectro-SnareS Or Othe用ve-traPPing equiPment tO CaPture
vivai needs ofa set numbe「ofindividuais. Most surviVal kits
exotic animals for use as pets, ZOO animais, and research Subjects. Using the Beastmaster does not require a skili Check, although placing it in the best position might, at
tress beacon, tWO emergenCy COmllnks, a SPOOI of wlre,
the GM’s discretion, require a Survival check.
With航er, a giow rod,冊y meters of high-tenSiie microfibe「
inciude a thermai cIoak, a multitooi or survival knife, a disration bars, a basIC medpac, tWO reSPi「ators, a Water jug
看ine, ten ratlOn PaCks, and an emergency flare gun. Miiitary
Piiots, Smugglers, and bounty hunte「s often inciude a smaiiframe biaster pistol as wel上
丁his versatlle chemical putty is used to ignlte and sustain
emergency fires. Fire PaSte is packaged ln Small cubes With lntegrated igniters, aimost llke tiny piastic exploslVe Charges. to ignite the和e paste, the user slmPly spreads
the cube on a fuel source and pulls the tab on the lgniter. and m冊ary vehicle car-
ries a breath mask fo「 each crew membe「. Many survival
kits include simpie respirator plugs and face masks that Can冊er toxinS and airbome pathogens. Some are even
designed to be used underwater, emPIoying synthetic gi11
Core帖an Chemical Corpo「atiOn’s 和e paste can be
used to ignite nearly any fiammable object. Without a fuel sou「ce言t can bum fo「 roughly an hourwlth the same intensity as a sma= camp鉦e. 1t can bum in any atmoSPhere, but not underwate「 o「 in vacuum.
techno10gy tO a=ow ai「-b「eathing sentients to breathe Water Or letting them car「y their required atmospheric
gases with them into the deeps. Most are bulky and uncomfo「tabie to wear fo「 long periods, although those
bu冊to a11ow for long-te「m Surviva=n host出e atmoSPheres a「e made to be as comfo「tabie as possibie・
丁his dubiously named臼eid stove, mOre COmmOnIy known to mi=ta「y pe「sonnei as a “hot piate:当s little more than
a coliapsibie tray with integrated thermal clrCultry for PreParing fieid rations and other food products. The
thermal clrCuits are powered by solar energy, bu=he
durable surface ofthe hot piate can be used to cookwith
e ’[OJO山n…u…eO]0し∧q」訓eeM
ueppluu]lMOu⊃uOde∧eeM ̄laSail∂」当
‘8u岬Ie]e鵬leS!Onb」n川叩y¥e掴M u日∂lde⊃油Sue」O]uEdPe」Oi!e19刈Ods明
’沖∂岬d購」∂Pきe「 eJOSllnS∂」eulO]O*PPe/則n」訓弱M∂u‖e叫nO⊃u9」∂d9○uO
’∂u岬iul〈leS ∂nlq咽M]ei∂de〕洲SOueu叩9叩uAsxp湘
,川O山容と七重!1患l聾三寒 ̄
]櫨l回田轡V S,ロ回NV「 :丁-各]「臼Vl ‘Pe」e∧O〕SIP S口即nO ]euM 9u皿」eleP Al山OPue」
’」OJ 8uiSSe」P Si 9峠u9∧e 」e∧e]euM 〕e SuO印Pu○○ 8u刑8"
SeJ勘OS8uiO8《s叩nO岬MSede〕 9」n〕eu∂lSS町8uuled o叩
叫8叩くS⊃d S叩nOS.e!9「JO uO甲eieS e」OJe8ed lXeu e囲uO eqo」P」eM叩euOld!a S.eu晒」O e!e「 :Z:-6 elqt21 eeS
⊃町田0〕 eJ!O…e ede〕 S町u! 8u刑8!i eiqelSn「Pe ll即Sui O〕
OlOOLP e =O」 OleSOO申A田川D∀●Sle∧e」=ie囲uO PuU
耳O鵬岬e」8 s]nd opue丁uO!Se⊃⊃Oんe∧e 」OJ ede⊃ e Sl e」e囲 `s9i]uE田淵S uePiO8 u∽luOlueつu]8uel○○lyue l引JJ」O」 O〕
血。。 ・□占器葦器盤器器蕊蕊
e朋」e唱eel uOeSO叩u9囲ne JO Sede⊃ i冶pん9∧e山O」丁uO〕 -ie]山n甲u3用IN e囲P」eOqe e」!0…e ede〕 e8」ei e u! SueZOP
」e」e9M eu⊥ ’」elun○○ue ]Xeu 9囲8ui」nP Se湿田」e」eeM el11 Sdeey eu pue `sede〕 」Oj SS∂uPuOJ e Seu ueiSS川e⊃ OPue「
Sxpe甲11e Ol□ ppe pue月間S le!C)OS euO ]⊃9l9S `lnJSSeつつnS
柑請器諜器器詰豊富岩盤 eie「 JO 」euMO 9明`uo!SSeS 」ed e⊃uO :Peel O事Pe」ed訓d
‘uOilS9nb u!叩nO 〕叩9ds 9囲」OJ印el」do」dde 9」e S叩S!1e]S eSeu‖l eu叫」e]9P PlnOLIS S」e]SeIN 9山eO ‘S]!Pe」0
00L`し1e S]」印S e叩d s]! Pue `9 JO布巾e」 e Se申9⊃ue」q -uJnつue =O eSeq e S岬ieM叩`punoJ S日印nO ei8ulS E弓i
’S98ue」 eiq印edseJ ]e Sl⊃∂「qO epeu叫n川ue〕
‘OdSつ∧q 」O `∧Z-VA `piO」P叫ePu叩e
Pue叫8"叫S!」qJO山eeq el珂0」d (eu⊥ ●SuO呼訓dde相叫ui 」ell Aq pe〕S!SSe ue]JO S! euS岬uM u中国nO甲ee um9i9S
PeSn Seつ」nOS叫8" P19uPue申ieuO!]〕e」!P `1ie山S 9」e SPO」 MOiD
Pue 8u川〕」eeSe」 O叫SeO8 ]」OJJe JO leeP lee」∂ ∀ ●Sle∧リ PuE Se!=e O] Se8esse田PueS O] Se⊃iOu〕 iquOueS 8uiSn Pue S叫e∧9 1euJ」OJ 」OJ 8u!SSe」P e」inbe」 uOl=∂qeとI Pue e]eu∂S
e囲u! S〔叩nP 」eH Se山け=e 〕e ]u晒ele Pue lue!‖Uq囲Oq eq o1 9」nSSe」d esue田山! Se〕e」 uee」∂Pi∀ JO eue8」O e!e「
SJluO」1〕ei9 JO 」euue山iie 」9MOd `selqe〕 8u甲euuO〕
叫8リ e叩 囲iM `ue⊃ Su」e叫ei uO!SnJ∵相ilq判∂」 」OJ uO早 -e]nd9」 e 8u!SSeSSOd pue elq剛nP碕山e」]X! ●」e叩eu ee」e
‘Pe」e∧O〕S!P Si 9dt3〕 ]euM 9u叫」e]9P ∧i山OPue」 Ol OOしP e "O」
Pue `叫8申e〕」nOS 」9MOd uo!]eu!q山O〕 e 9」E Su」e叫el uO!Sn]
O] eSOOu〕 ∧e山IND ∀ Sle∧e」叩e明uO Pu叩岬u十S-くつd Sedt3⊃ e囲JO 9山OSJO ISil e」QJ e」!O田」V S.OPuel : [鵜6 eIq孔eeS -Peersu! `e〕uO 」e]unOOue e囲8ui」nP e沖田Ae囲
器蒜嵩諜器霊器計器嵩豊器紫 e冊M」elunOOue]Xeu e囲8u叩P e湿田∧e囲xpeu〕 …euつ訓O
’PleU e叩u=e9山Pe斗OO〕1Ou eJOんnxni e∧l岬ie」 eu=OJ S9⊃i∧eP 9Se囲enie∧SSeu」ePilM e囲u! SuO!SS… P∂ -Pue〕Xe uO 8u凶OM S」9iPiOS Pue S」e」Oldx9血EIN ’uO印SOd
‘uO!lSenb u! ede〕 〕即⊃eds e囲」OJ eleリdo」dde e」e
いO囲iM P9」ede」d 9q ue⊃ 1ee山]Ou e `slin⊃」!⊃ P印e」8印ui S,9∧O]S 9囲8u!Sn小e e」U POOM e 」e∧O ue∧e 」O 91Sed 9JU
006 pe Sl」e]S e担d sl! Pue ’9 JO布巾e」 e SeL十e⊃ue」q
S《9uO庇Me e∧!8 o] 9埋8u開OO〕 e JO MO18 sno!∧qO 9囲
S叩S哩]S eSe唱j! eu甲」9]eP PinOuS S」印SeIN elue〇 ‘S]!P9」⊃ -山n⊃u∂ L JO 9Seq eSu8!9M理`punoJSi 9de〕 918ulS eJI
TABLE 9-2: L引A OR6ANA’S 8lPしl]MATI[ WAR6R口日E I事葛Iii○○臆臆臆臆晴
廿aditionalRoyaiFamilyofAlderaantraveiing gown,WithHouseofOrganabelt. hoodisraised,adds菓漢toanyPerceptionorVig=ancechecksmadeto Adds**tosocialsk紺checksmadetoaffectcitizensofAlderaan.1f identifytheweare「.
RebelA旧ancecoid-Weathervestand thermalsuit.
ana=y.Theweare「alsodowngradesthed櫛cultyofanyRes硝encechecks Theweareradds□tosocialsk川checksmadetouseataIentthataffects
theymaketoresistcoldonce. 61-80
Stealthchecksandadds菓漢toPerceptionandVigi)ancechecksmadeto inforestandtropicalrainfo「estenvironments,thewea「e「adds□□to
iocateornoticewearer.Theweareraisoincreasestheirrangedandmelee defensebylwhiIeinthoseenvironments.
Sma= muitidirectional maneuvering th「usters, bu肘in spot一
再ghts, COmlinks, magboots, POWe「 COuPiings for hand too看s,
and any number of other handy accessories. Every spacesuit SOid comes with an emergency repair kit that allows for quick fixes of tears, leaks, and bad gasket seais. Buming gei is an elect「ochemicai hulI-b「eaching agent.
Referred to as theくくshipwright’s spare key,’当t lS uSed to
gain access to rooms and compa「tments that have been 「endered inaCCeSSible. Uniike cutting torches and welders,
it emits no flame and requires no oxygen to operate. When applled, it quickly bums th「ough nea「ly any subStanCe, in any envi「Onment言nciuding the vacuum of SPaCe. Buminggei is commonly used to cut hoies ln de「e-
Found in larger survivai kits and sold separately by a number
1ict starships and is popuiar among saivage out師s,
Of companies, tentS are POrtable sheIters used to provIde
archaeoiogists, and other less savo「y characters.
PrOteCtion from the eiements. Depending On the modei, tents can hold one to siX indivlduais. They can be made from
The caustic gei is dispensed from a pistoLgriPPed extruder with a power capacito「 in the handie. The geI
adhe「es to aImost anything. Once the desired amount lS
any materiai f「om slmPie canvas to advanced du「asilk with
intemai seif-aSSembling memory supports.
dispensed, the extruder’s power capacitOr Sends a charge through the gei, aCtivating its potently acidic p「opertleS.
Exposure to buminggel deais damage to materials and Sentient beings as lf it Were a WeaPOn. 1t deais lO damage and has the Bum 5 and Pie「ce 5 weapon quaiities. Using buming gel requi「es no sk川check. Howeve「, Placing it effectively might, at the GM’s discret10n, requi「e a
Mechanics check.
丁hermai cioaks are versatIie pieces of equiPment that can
be worn orused as a blanketand provide protection from
extreme heat and coid. Many thermal cioaks are designed as ia「ge biankets or ponchos, Whlie others have a more traditional cIoak-Shaped patte「n complete with a fitted
hood. Afew more expensive models are made from luxur主
OuS materlals and lnCiude decorative embroidery. Such Cioaks have a cost that increases appropriateiy with the COSt Ofthe mate「ials and the prestige ofthe manufacturer Spacesuits are seaIed, Often lightly a「mored environmental
Suits wom to p「otect sentients from the tempe「atures,
extreme radiation, and vacuum of deep space. 1ypicaiiy ta主 Iored to spec柾species, they contain on-board life-SuPPOrt SyStemS aS Well as biomonitors that keep t「ack ofthe wea「er’s
Physicai state. Spacesuits have limited consumables, aS they are designed for short operatiOnS, and typica"y have enough Water and atmospherlC gaS On board for two orthree hou「s of
COnStant OPeration. Many variants aiso include a number of
Use ofa the「mal bianket or cIoak removes up to ■■
from checks made to handle extreme heat or cold
’」nO] Aq pIOuSe」囲∂⊃ue」q田n〕u9
S`」e」eeM e叩eSe9」叩Sxpedxp明’SPeOI A∧e9l=O 8u向 -」e○ Asee e旧」OJ MOl岬]eu] S耳Oddns leu」e]ui叩8!∂M叫8!1
9∧eu u9叫O Pue P9〕」OJu!9」 9」e `se印∧!〕〕e 」OOP叩O SnO -nue」IS 」eulO 」O 8u!」n叫∂∧PeんlunO○○刈つeq 」O川川q eSO明
Se lPnS `slePO田P○○ue^Pe 9」OIN ’8u冊^ue ]nOqe 〕Sn「
’el瑚e∧ 」O d嘩」印S e lSu!晒e sxp∂u〇九9uunD 8u!津田u∂uM 」e]ee」8 euo se ]e8」e] 」刷=O 9捕nOul!S e囲lunO⊃ Ol」eわe
-」e甲e叩SMO醇Se18808 8し埴e8」el ii同州し/D∀ 8叫陀9M ‘○○巨vlPue哩JO S]ueP!叩Pue elSeM 8uPnPe」 e冊Mんe」 -n〕⊃E? 9Se∂」ou!八両」eue8 pue ’s9用e xpe」] `Ie^e口ee」里人q
岬囲」e]nd山○○叩S用eq lnJ」9MOd廿e田S e囲M P∂dd叩b9
eし川M S]⊃n」〕SuO〕∴e冊Xe] 9Idし坤S e」e Sxpedxpeq ]SOIN
S∂甲eue yue」 Pue leqe十SuOq叫OS 8u哩]Old ‘恒u印Su甲eJ
」OJ POO8 seu〕nOd ieu」e〕Xe Pue S叫e叫」ed山0〕 jO 」∋q田nu
e」e Sei88o8 91I] `uo印PPe u十en印e事e/e pue∴e」el∂ e⊃nP9」 OI S」e〕iL=O 」eq山nu e Pue `uo!S!∧叩8廿MO申wOOZ 〕!do⊃Sele〕 JO S叩8ue」IS 8u!ん臥し印M 」eSn e SeP!^O」d
OSie用割付e囲`ein叩e」 8ul〕98」e]刊ude」8oIOu P91岬〕9P 仙8団 e し回M 8uol∀ ’SSeue∧!]⊃〔朋e ]eq山O⊃ S,」euun8 e e∧O」d山I O] S山e]S^s 〕甲O」〕⊃91e Pue icoiS相d JO 」eq山nu e esn se1∂808 8叩e8」鋤 くse^e s.」91○○uS
’SPunO」 eid胡n山e)岬] ue〕 PunO」8 e囲8u岬ee」
e 」e∧O u」OM ’]e刈e肌理Oei晒eu] uO P!e
8岬e8」e1 8岬eS-1Seq e囲9」e SeI∂808 8叩e8 `uodeeM P印unO山-ei⊃
SeSeeJ〕eP ileJ e囲JO P99ds eu⊥ ’S酵J luO」J u!叫S 」O e8e山eP
ー」e] iii )1IN し/D∀ S.甲e二川qe]
Sueel⊥=岬uM `se]e^!]⊃e 9]n岬∧eJ8-!]ue e囲e〕uO村uue瑚u8iS
Ou 9準1 e叩u〕 ∧e」8-i叫e ue囲M Pedd叩b∂ S」卸⊃e」euつ ’Sd田n亘1neSSe leq田O〕 」O Seull A山eue Pu岬eq
uo印eSu=OJ Se]nu〕 ∧e」8申ue∴eSn OSle S∂〕」OJ有印i哩 PeZ旧〕eds dn s」9]訓rOiD=e」e∧eS田O」川eJ e e^iNnS ue⊃ uos」ed e `elnu〕 ∧e」8卓ue ue岬M Pedd!nb] ’PunO」8 e囲
判e∧」○ ○iq叩Od ^∧e9u e JOS叩8!S e囲Pu町eq8ui∧= e s9津山OuM eu〇人ue pue `s」euun8 〕」Oddns penbs
‘sM9」つuOde9M囲M 」eindod
」eeu /eu] Se iieJ 」!eu〕 SIS9」」e 」9唱B」 ]nq `相0=e」開M ell]
MOiie ]Ou SeOP 9叩u) ^e」8珂ue u∀ ’山eul〇回P9]e」Od」O3u!
S胡i」OSinde」 9」n〕t3iu旧し印MSxpedxpeq ll則nS訓eSe叩甲∧e」8 珂uE? ’八つue8」e田e ue JO叫e∧e e唱u! S]Oi!d e∧eS O〕 PePue叫i
S⊃看NOtI⊥⊃∃音容aNV S「OO⊥
A bioscan is a device that scans fo「 life-forms as we11 as
Fo「everyjob there is a propertoo上and the biggerthe
Checking their physical makeup for anomaiies and ldent主
」Ob, the more toois a technician needs. Custom tooi kits
rfe「s and verifying their identity. Biometric data can be
feature all the tooIs common to specific kits, like those
COmPared against anothe「 sample o「 a reco「ding of one
used to work on a waiker or a sta伯ghter, With the addi-
PreViousiy obtalned.
tion ofa numberofspeciaity impiements as dlCtated by
Using a bioscan to scan an a「ea for life signs g「ants □ to
識i薄雲嵩嵩霊嵩書誌黒護罵 ◆ Computers check and a biometriC identifier (SuCh as DNA o「 a record of physioiogical cha「acteristlCS) fo「 compar主
SOn. The Game Maste「 may modify thiS d冊Cuity based upon any unusual anatomiCal cha「acte「istics of the target’s species.
the purchase「. Each tooi is custom fit to the pu「chase「
using a number ofvariabies includingg「ip巾andedness,
Strength, arm ieng叶and even working styie. The toois a「e then packed in a custom-bu=t, iocking tOOl box,
each nestied into its own formfitted foam cutout to keep it SeCurely in piace Using a custom tool kitg「ants the user fo「 whom it was
bu11t□ to any sk川Check made to maintain or repair an item, COmPute「, WeaPOn, Vehicle, Or Sta「ShlP A charac-
ter attempting to use custom tooIs made for someone else suffers臆to the same checks. Custom toois can be
CuStOmized for another user with extensive, and often expensive, mOdifroat10n.
Buiit by RegaliS Engineering, the Breaker is a massive, ionghandled hydrospamer nearly a meter long.旧s const「ucted
Of heavy relnforced aiioys and has a forged, hydrauiic-aSSist-
Ea「bud com=nks are tiny, unObt「usive communicatiOnS
ed head that can be adjusted to fit most common fasteners.
deviCeS that fit snugiy into an lndiViduaI’s ear. Popular among
丁he iong handle a看10WS for the application of extra leverage
SPies, ambassadors, and criminals, these miniature devices
On a StuCk fastener and the tool’s sturdy buiid prevents st「iP-
are activated by touching an ear or quietiy cliCking One’s
Ping, WarPing, and breaking. Most field mechanics keep at least one B「eaker in thei「 t○○lbox and use it for more than just snapping Off boits and reattaching plating・
teeth. Once a deviCe lS aCtivated, uSerS Can either talk norma=y or, if the situation wa「「ants, Subvocaliy. Due to the earbud’s tiny, low-OutPut POWer CeIi, it has a signiflCantiy
reduced range compared to more common comilnk modeis.
Usinga Breake「adds an automatic O to Mechanics checks.
Earbud com=nks have a usable range of long. NotiCing that an lndividuai iswearingan earbud comllnk requi「es a
Hard "◆◆ pe「ception check・
A conceaied escape kit has everything an individuai needs to escape most sho「t-term inte「nmentS. Hldden in
the faise heei ofa shoe o「 boot, a COnCeaied escape kit
inciudes a numberofminiaturetooIs designed to help an agent open locks and escape hoiding ceiis A typical kit inciudes a smali pai「 Of wi「e cutters, a durasteei制e, a
iength ofsiicewire, a miniature mem-Stik containing maps and lnformation about the agent’s region of operation,
Composed of a semi-flexibie durasteel diSk coated on One Side with inSuiation and edged with auto-aCtlVating thermai weids, emergenCy rePair patches are used to keep machinery runnlng unt11 p「ope「 repairS Can be
done. They can be quickIy applied overa hoie ortear ln
and a tiny, Single-uSe laser cutte「. Most kits also include
a ship’s hul上droid’schassis, OrmaChine’s casing, keeping
a thin, flexible monoknife hidden Ie竜thwise in the foot-
the inte「ior works of the machine safe and shormg uP
Wear’s sole.
St「uCtura=ntegrity. Emergency repalr PatChes are one-
use items that g「ant the no「mal bonus (See the sidebar
Aconcealed escape k血pgrades the abiiity ofail Mechan-
ics and Skuldugge「y checks made to escape con輔ement
丁he Rightlbol fo「 the Job ln the Gear sectlOn OfChap-
ter V ofany ofthe core rulebooks).
OnCe. The laser cutter works fo「 a single round before itS
energy ce= bums out, uSua=y just enough time to destroy a mechaniCal lock or cut a meta看bar The monoknife has the foilowlng PrO制e: (Meiee; Damage + 1 , CritiCa1 5; Range
[Engaged], PIe「Ce l). Characters upgrade the d舶cuity of
Checks to detect a conceaied escape kit twICe.
Likewise, droids can use them to heal wounds ln a manner simiiar to the way an organic being emPioys a stlmPaCk. Using an eme「gency repair patch requlreS a Cha「acter to
SPend a maneuve「 When appiled to droids, emergenCy
repair patches heai 3 wounds, and up to five patches can be
e 器瑞議書器嵩詩篇鱒繋ぎ ‘u3u!d e u! ede〕Se xp!nb e」OJ uedo u〕]e叫O」OOP g]SElq OSie
ue〕 ∧e田川q `98印OqeS 」O] PeSn相e〕!d布e」e S胆q Se∧!SOidx]
-e〕!∧eP e〕0田e」 Pe]e⊃嘩P e 」O壮丁田0〕 e佃P9」e発明9q ue〕」O〕euO]9P 9囲`pe⊃eld e〕uO ’e開〕nq 9囲u! Peiee〕uO〕 e」e
∂」W¥ JO囲8uel e Pue deつ」0]euO〕eP e]O山9」 e :ede]刊uO〕9P
JO u18uel e S! deJ]S ]19q ap u囲M u9PP!H eT沖nq村y」n〕S e 囲M ]leq叩eu世人s 」O ePlu PeO」q E? S川eq S9∧lSOidxe lcold布
e `^x叩8 e囲1nO岬no」囲SePue8e 9〕u98用e叩SnO e∧ ^q Pe⊃nPO」d ’二間SuO印iO山eP P91ee〕uO⊃叫e甲e∧u○○ Pue liE山S e s同eq Se∧iSOidx9 9囲`s」O]e」]旧ul Pue S」ne]OqeS JO IOOl ∀
’e∧Oqe P9uOi]
-ue山Se eiUO」d e囲Seu 」e山田eLI S`」∂eu!8ue ue `uodeeM
e Se PeSn ueuM ’Se」nl⊃n」]S uS!iO田eP 」O Pi!nq O] 9Pe山
Sxpeu〕相e ol □□ sppe JelJ川eu S.」∂eu!8u∂ ue Su!Sn Sliun 8uリ99ui8ue
んe川田し=uM e〕u9.un〕〕O uO山田Oつe `uodeeM eeie山e Se PeSn eq `uou!d e u! `osle ueつ]十Pueu Aq se」nl⊃nJ]S /O」ISeP
Pue `se」nlXU uMOP IInd `siieM Ao」]SeP `s相eM」OOP申ee」q
OI PeSn相e〕!d布S日i ’」eq凡d e囲M」91I]O 9囲]e Pue Peeu 」91ulueue8p9iS A∧関u eし印M Pue euO ]e Pedde⊃叫eu le∂] ‘S9〕i∧eP Pue SPunOduo〕
9∧!SOidxe 9Z胆」]neu 9SiM」9囲O 」O …eS!P Pue ]⊃∂]9P Ol
-SE)id peつ」OJu!e」 `8uo上」e19山e Seu l1 l○○I SuO刑O山eP Pue uOil⊃n」]SuO⊃ ∂SOd」nd-iie ue S! 」e山田eu S,」eeu!8u9 u∀
epe山Sxpe甲Aue uo OO二世e山O]ne SPPe掴C]O] u∀ ‘卑OM」le囲ui山∂L1=S!SSe O] SiOO] 」e叩O SnOue∧ Pue ‘」eu
-ue⊃S 8u!」e∂u!8ue ln耳eMOd e `selO山e」 aO三日O lnJPueu e岬M
掴〕!Seq 」!9叩叫e山8ne s」edoo」〕 GO] Pue S」eeu!8u]相EN ‘SPunOd山O⊃ Pue SeOi∧eP 9∧lSOldxe封O 〕eS PinO〕 1e囲S刈eds
」O木y叩l〕eIe叩e]S JO uO哩」eue8 9囲]ue∧9」d o] Sl坤e〕ou e∧iつつnPuO⊃uOu `e∧!1〕ee」uOu JO Pelつn」ISu○○ e」e 二間 GO]
ue ui S山e]! e囲JO il∀.Slue山eld山! 8u聞n⊃ Pue SiOO〕 Pueu
SnOi」臥Pue ’佃ds!P 〕間de」8oiOu e l11iM edo⊃Se」Oq e Jeuue⊃S
Pueu IIE肌S e `iOO叩in山SuO酬OueP P9Z旧〕eds e sule] -uO⊃相e⊃!d相羽∀判OMJO euil SnO」e8uep s冊」OJ Peu8!SeP
AISSe」dxe siOO] Su哩uO〕 ]! Se `suo捕甲nS 」。=○○担ed s申開 GO] u∀.SiOOl 」edo」d 9囲Pue ‘1ii準eSue… ’seN9u小oeelS Se」lnbe」 ]i SS9u!Snq A渦」1 e Sl e⊃ueuP」O ePe」8〇九e帥田Pue `se⊃i∧eP ‘spunod山○○ e∧ISOidxe JO 8u!SOds!P Pue 8ui…eSia
同ooq9in」 e」O〕 e囲JO血e u=^ 」eldeu) JO uOi]〕eS au岬aH
Pueんe^O記tI 9明u!帆uO SP!O」a) seu⊃1ed 」!edetI心ue8 看」e田∃ eeS) selP]ed J岬deJ A〕ue8」e山e leuO朝PPe山O巧拙9u9q
u!晒o] eIqe eq Ol木川eu〇匹un川8noue o両poq sl!剣O]Se」 Ol `sJ時de」 ienl〕e 」O `seu叩o」 」!edeJ胡9S S(PiO」P e 」QJ庇p 9uO
S∂津川SSei∂Sn eq PInOM Se岬ed 」e岬n廿e明」9囲e8oI Pe諮り 一九n「 Pue Pe岬ed os s! P!O」P 9囲`1uiOd ]e旧人q :1⊃〔湖e Ou Seu ‘S」ied9」 8ui津山」OJ (斗OOqeIn」 e」O⊃
l印ed 」!ed9」 ∧〕ue8」e山e囲X!S e 8u!Sn庇p eI8u!S e u! PeSn
相e u! ^ 」e事deLD JO uOi〕OeS 」eeD e明99S) 1i〉=OO叩8u! -∧eu Se S叫nO⊃ ]i Pue `siOOl」!edeJ Pue `」eSei 8u即n坤ie山S
JepieM D」e u刷nq e Se町中S」eMOd v八日ell⊥ ’函OOq9in」 9」○○ 9唱JO /ue JO鵜^ 」elde叫⊃ JO uOil⊃eS S」e^neueN e囲
u! 」eqeP!S 8u!人山e囲) S-O」eZ u上布”村e∧11⊃三男9 ue⊃ A9囲 `s」91Sn」唱掴nqu! SJ!nS e明8uiSn相∧e」8 o」eZ u! 8u!^0田
」O] S三甲ieued s9」Ou8甲nS」∂MOd v∧] ue u=9]⊃剛eu〕 ∀
_」 。岩盤鮨誌豊器荒島詰謹話器d iieM Se `sJe]Sn」囲8uリe∧neut3山Pe〕e⊃!id山O⊃ Pue SquJ= SnO
ー」ePuOd s.叩S 9囲lO」叫0〕 」e」eeM 9囲dieu Ol u!e」q P!O」P eld山iS e岬M Pedd!nb] ’uJm⊃臥u! SJ!ede」 d叩S」e]S leu -」e〕Xe e]e即〕eJ O] P9u8!SeP叩S○○eds pe」eMOd p91e9S
相nJ e S同nS」eMOd M])木u^!]〕e Jeln叫e∧セ」]X∂ 9肥
the following pro印e‥ (Damage 1 5; CritlCa骨Range [Engaged]; Blast 5, Breach l , Limlted Ammo l). Cha「acte「s upgrade the d櫛cuity of checks to detect the belt’s t「ue nature twice.
Designed and manufactured by and for the Jedi Order the =ghtsaber maintenanCe kit is a compact device containing seve「aI useful mechanica=mplements. Though designed pr主
ma「時to assist剛ghtsaber maintenance and repair) many
ofthe inciuded toois can aIso be empioyed to conduct minor repairs on smaiI mechanicai and eiect「onic items.
in addltiOn tO COunting as a tool kit for the pu「poses of
being abie to perform most Mechanics checks (See the Gear section in Chapter V of any core rulebook), a =ghtsaber
maintenance kit adds automatic O to checks to build, mOdify, O「 rePa両ghtsabers.
Fusion cutters are handheld, PO「tabie cutting
torches found throughout the gaiaxy in numerous indust「ia上teChnicai, and artistic operations・
They use smai上high-POWered fusion batteries
to p「oduce intense plasma o「 laser beams used to weid metalstogetherorcutthem apart・ Thei「 beams can
Field manuais are print or dig圃Publications that focus
easi-y cut through durasteei・ durapiast, and even a「mored
on a variety O白mportant topics. From comp「ehensive
ship hulls. Field mechanics often carry them into battle for
manuais issued to formal m冊ary soldiers to the under-
emergency repairs to vehicles・ droids, and other equlP-
ground pubiications used to lnStruCt reSistance fighters in
ment. Fusion cutte「s can be adjusted to produce a師e,
guerriiia combat, field manuais can be found wherever
precise beam for welds or a broad, POWe「fui beam good for brazlng and cutting・ Enginee「ing and mechanic droids
t「oopers a「e common. Those used by the Empire are Writ-
can have a fusion cutter di「ectly instalied in thei「 chassIS SO
m冊ary thinkers in the Empi「e,s empIoy・ Wh-1e those used
ten by AnaxesWar Co11ege instructors and other impo「tant
that they a-ways have one at hand・ and they are especlally
by the Alliance a「e either stolen from lmperIa=orces or
common on astromech droids.
Written by expe「ienced Rebeis.
In a pinch, a fusion cutter can be used as a cIosequarte「s weapon with profile noted above・
Dependingon the manua上OnCe Pe「SCene・ a Cha「acter may use the informatiOn found wlthin to gain □to any task, at the GM’s dlSCretion.
Bounty hunte「s and others engaging in a pursuit may need to track their quar「y across tremendous dIStanCeS言ncluding
Many so-diers have speciaIized equipment to fu剛One Or
through hype「space・ A HoIoNet homing beacon can t「ack an
more combat roles. to ensu「e eaCh soldier can ca「ry the
item, being, Or StarShip even after a hyperspace jump・ Hom-
necessary kit into battle, m冊ary organizations ut=ize a
ing beacons use HoioNet transceivers to t「ansmi=heir
modular ioad-bearing frame, Which accepts up to twO reCtangu-ar moduies to create a PaCk tafrored to a specific COmbat role.
Iocation back to thei「 source. ConsequentIy, thei「 effectlVe-
ness is sharply =mited when the tracked entlty traVels to a system that is not comected to the Ho10Net・
The meta=「ame has an upper-left antemae mount that
Homing beacons vary in size and means of app=cation. Smailer models can be thrown by hand or manua=y attached
accepts most com"nks and comects them to a hands-f「ee
to thei「 targets. Larger ones may be和ed f「om a rifle or even
moduies from the fo=owing llSt:
a vehicie-mOunted weapon to traCk a more distant target. Large「 beacons a「e more likeIy to be.noticed.
As Iong as a homing beacon is functiona吊he person who activated it may t「ace the associated target across
the ga-axy・ No sk用Checks are required as Iong as the ta「get travels within known systems. A homing beacon remains functionai lnde帥tely unless it is deactivated.
headset. The frame can be師ed with up to two d肝erent
lemperature ControI Unit: This unit lnCiudes a spe-
cialized bodysuit that attaches to it, remOVing up to S 音f「om the use「’s checks to resist extreme heat or
cold言P「ice: 500, Encumbrance 2, Rarity 5].
Power Unit: This portable power can recharge a depleted piece of equipment as an action, Or a d「oid or larger piece
of machinery in two hours. Once per encounter言t can alIow the wea「er of
the backpack to igno「e an “out Of
’∂胆01 u!8eq Aeu]乱OJeq 」e]eM
∂叩u! S準eM le」e∧∂S 」OJ 8し哩Se=O eiqede⊃剣e S冊8 J!u晒」O ’」e岬M uee〕O e囲luO」J ue8バxo s」9叩elO!q田応e囲`(1u∂I -e∧叩be 」O)囲nO山Pue eSOu S`1enP囚Pu! ue 」e∧O P∂⊃eid
ueuM ’S旧8 ⊃甲晒」O Se OI Pe」」eje」 e」e SqOlq
∂Se囲`ele⊃ uOIN OI SnOu98岬u川 JO Pee」q e山O」よue)1e] 9nSS叫Peu 田O」J SeリOre」Oqel uMO 」!e囲u! P∂d
1e^9a ’e山草JO SPOリed p9Pue瑠 」O] 」e:岬M」ePun e囲e9」q Ol qOl
叩O!q山人s e JO eSn ePe田8uo1 9∧きし=」凱ueie⊃ uO囚e明く∂」n事きu
SnO!q叫d山e JP囲∴ 〔判dsea
’e呼」ed○ ○l
(んe]eueId) 8u圃!c] Se」叩b∂」 Pue `s」e]elu e∧臣布」冊JO ePnl
判e田nl叫Xe山e Seu `9」∂udso叫e u! e〕e」edo AluO ue叩e田 eI瑚e∧ S PiOuS訓囲u!e」]S山e]S^s `し- 8u=Pueし仁Z P∂∂ds ` L謝∂nO刷S eSe uO!lOun事Ol」∂Sn e叩MO=e S〕OOq d田n「
ー【乙:旬」閃`0 :e〕ue」q
’S○○u印S!P叫OuS 」OJ S」el∂田e∧甘心」冊Ol dn
-山n〕u] `s乙:e叫d上S /q p刑Se」叩e⊃ue」q田n⊃ue S.」9」eeM
よO S∂Pn瑚e le 9P幅」O Sd田n亘SOOq Ol 」9Sn e囲MO=門eLl] S坤un lexpO」 Pue S」O]e」eue8馴」OSind訓JO 」!t3d e水ydune
eu] SeSe9」叩91nPO田e8剛O]S rbd山9 S叩⊥ :]!un e8剛OIS
S]OOq eu⊥ ’SPi」OM Pe呼〕Ol向Meu uO See」e∴elq!SSeつつe
惇:旬」eと仁⊆ :e〕ue」q
囲e9」q `」9囲ee」qe」相e o] PelつeuuOつueuM ue8∧xo JO S」nOu 9^I∂Ml leuO印PPe ue eP!∧O」d ue叩un S叩⊥ :叩un ua8人xo
Pue S」e」Oldxe p!de」叩^ue山1nq `se哩噂〕e e」nS!el Pue S]」Ods 」OJ PeSn村uo田山Oつe」e S]OOq dunn「 z8t] S月Oe]e」∀
-田nOuヨ`00S :e〕!」d同町S P9Ie9S相e]ue山uO」!∧ue 」O `準euJ
SSe1 8u!」OIdxe 」O=nJeSn田e叩PunOJ OSle e^eu SlnO〕S
惇:相」et] `乙:e〕ue」qlLm⊃u] `000宅:eO!」d十SxpelP eou即8!∧ OI O叩E)山0]ne 8u旧Pe `eIe〕S leuOS」ed 9囲uO 98ue」 8uol O〕 Su8!S ey‖ Pue 〕u9山e∧O山」QJ e9」e eu] ue〕S Ol 」O爪q -」e9u叫9田e∧O田O] 」∂胆lOS e lJele Ol leS eq ue⊃ 」OSueS 9u⊥
’SP!0」P甲∂田O」ISe O] uO山田O⊃叩un 」訓e山S席l叫iS e囲e洲un lOu uS岬Su!脚O」 `pes!e」 e Se」nle副叩n S!肥即un 」OSueS
’山∂叩8u!佃d田9田C哩SePeds 」刷l S叫e^e」d岬uM `s冊8 9哩O] uO担関」 ⊃!8」9"e ue P∂le」〕SuO山eP e∧eu Je∧eMOu
`suelSn=nS ‘上」e田e撃つuOIN e囲JO ]e叩Ol 」馴叫S e」eudso叩e
‘【7 :相」eとl `z :9⊃ue」q山nJu∃ `00S :e叫d十leu8!S
9囲9iq山e」〕Sun O] ePe山Sxpeu, Ol喜漢SPPe uO!1dんoue s]i ’ele〕SんeleueId e田uO e8ue」 8uoi O] dn suope〕叫n田山O⊃ 8u!
-]nO」 `qnu s山田O〕 e Se SuO!1⊃unJ xped s川上:事!un S田山OJ
ue e囲ee」q Ae囲Se 8uoI Se t(‖See冊8叫u晒JO e田」e9M ue〕 SeP∂ds ISOIN ’qOlq e囲O叩S9uOud」e∂ Pue SouOudo」⊃甲
惇旬」閃宅:e〕ue」q山n⊃u] `o亀乙:e〕!」d】 PeOl○○ eJ]Xe ue Se 」euueuJ euJeS e囲u判nSe」 ㊨くく0山田e
xpeqMe」P S冊]nq `lPeeds slue∧e」d腫〕叩晒」O u粥uL朕M
高OOq∂ln」 ∂」O〕 ∧ueJO ^」eld即JJO uO!1⊃eS 」eeD e囲eeS)
jOO」d」∂reM `11e田S jO uO!10nPO」叩e明Aq pe時v¥訓e eq ue〕
in the c「iminal underworid Small enough to be wom on a
beit or mounted on a backpack, the device uses nearly instantaneous sound recognition to depioy sound-CanCel一
Some indlViduals iike to modify their standard sidearms
With grappiing hooks, but Merr-Sonn has found a dediCated
Ing WaVeS tO eiiminate or soften any sounds in the immediate vicinity. The sound dampener cannot cancei Out a SOund as Ioud as a biaster boit, but lt Can make SOunds such as footsteps virtuaiiy inaudible.
Client base that prefers dedicated devices that require no
The sphe「iCaI dampening臼eid extends to short range
time to prepare. The “Rider” ascension pistoi’s smail size
around the device; Characters add臆臆to checks to
and re=abie design ailow fo「 easy sto「age, and the gun’s
detect noiSe COmingout ofthe area inside the fieid
focused utility grants the additional benefit of greater腫
CaPaCity than a simple gun mod. The device even a=ows the user to ca「ry a passenger, though not without dl簡cuity
As an action, a Cha「acte「 may make an Average O)◆) Ranged (」ight) check to fire the g「appiing hook onto an
Object at up to medium range. As another subsequent action, they may ree=n the cord, Pu旧ng themselves to the target ob」eCt (Or, lfthe ob」eCt is unsecu「ed and lighte「 than they are, Puiilng the ob」eCt tO the character).
A character using an ascension pistoi to pui=hemseif and another character aloft must make an Jtwerageゆ◆
Athletics check to avoid losing their grlP On either their Pa「tner Or the gun.
Every encounter with a new species offe「s the posslbiiity Of biOiogical offense, embarrassment, O「 eVen aCCidental poison-
ing「o avoid this, many OrganiZatiOnS equiP their diplomats
With custom-bu=t datapads Ioaded with specifro bioIoglCal detaiis of every known species. 1n theory, SuCh compendIumS help operatiVeS aVOid injuring a sensitive body part or inadvertentiy wearing a known aIlergen as florai deco「at10n. CynlCai
lndlViduais have noted, however that such information can
aiso be used for more nefarious purposes. Most specleS databases also contain cursory cultural notes, but the core focus of
SuCh texts is bioiogy rather than historicai or societai studieS. A character usIng a SPeCies database adds □ □ to
Knowiedge (Xenoiogy) checks.
Siicewire is a muitipurpose cutting tooi and makeshift WeaPOn COmmOnly used by inteI‖gence services. A standard-1SSue S=CeWire lS a mete「-1ong mono制ament cable
COntained wlthin a carbonite rOd. With a twist, the rod splitS
Survei=ance scanners are handheid devICeS uSed to detect
in half and reieases the mono制ament, the rod halves serv-
active and passive surveiilance systems. 1ypICaliy used to
ing as handies. A siiCeWire can cut through nearIy any
Check rooms fo「 bugs or sea「ch fo「 hidden observers or elec-
materiai, from f看esh and bone to duranium and plastee上
t「onic surve=lance, these scamers can detect and locate
AIso availabIe on spooIs in lengths of up to one hundred
COmmS Signais, eiectromagnetic fields, POWer fiuctuations, and more, depending on the modei. Some advanced scan-
meters, S=CeWi「e Can be used to create deadiy traps and may be st「ung across co「ridors or alieys at neck height to
ners have therma=maging, uItrasoniC, ult「aviOiet, mOtiOn,
CatCh pu「suers unawa「e. Slicewire lS tyPICaliy only issued to
and other highly sensitive sensors that can aiso detect indト
the most experienced agents, aS its use poses as much ofa
Viduals attempting to uSe Or Piant surveiiiance deviCeS.
threat to the user as it does to the target.
Surveiilance scamers have a range of ciose on the pian-
When used as a weapon, it has the p「ofile noted above誹
etary scaie or long on the personal scale. Using a Survel=ance
a user falls a Brawi check when using this weapon, the GM
SCamer uPgrades the ab冊y of any checks made to Iocate
Can SPend @ $ @ or@to inflictitsfuil damage on the user.
bugs, SWeeP rOOmS forhIdden cameras, PiCk up data streams, Or engage in any other counter-Surveiiiance actlVities once.
Using technoIogy originally designed to minimiZe the conStant background noiSe Of a crowded metropoiis, VesIox Corporation ingeniously reaiized the effect could be locai1Zed, ana its sound dampenerquiCkiy became a best-Seiie「
lbxin detecto「s are simple handheld devices that can
detect traces of toxins and poISOnS. 1ypicaliy used to mitigate the threat of assassinatiOn, these devICeS Can detect poisons, tOXins, and spoiiage ln food and drink.
P91⊃910」d e JO Sledd町S e山OS dn xp!d r冶山」eddo」P -Se∧ee Pe]e)!PeP 」O e〕いeP 8u胆」OOe」 ln耳eMOd相e看n叩」ed
e-1〕eJ」ed ]Ou軌e Ae叩e冊M ’Pe]⊃9鵬un uOpeS○○∧uO〕 8u!∧eeI e冊M lつe"e JO ee」t2 Sli u冊岬8u!P」O○○」 〕団de」80iOu
Pue `oepl∧ `o岬ne川e Sldn」S胆1e囲PieU 8u…山e「-S山田O〕 旬Su9]u上MOi e S∂1e」9ue8 」elq田e」〕S XO∧-PI∧ e ’pe - e∧甲e ueuM ’e e∧リd suo!]eS」e∧u○○ ep坤」d 」!e囲8u!deey ’uOd粥MJO SSEiつ
つ的eds ]e明」OJ AluO "q `uodeeM e旬yPO山」O ‘u聞ule山 `」ied9」 O〕 ePeuJ Sxpe甲S〕iueu〕eIN相e o] □□ SeP!∧O」d
u岬e〕Se」91ui 9Sl9 euO相e pue ‘sessoq euJ!」⊃ ’sse」qんe帥山 `s」90即O e担Od」O〕 `s]ue8e e〕ue8i‖e叫/q pez!」d s」O]e」∂ -ue88u甲山e白eu8!S leuOS」ed =e山S e」e S」elq山E」〕S XO∧-P!∧
掴u⊃e] (‘つつ9 `」eMO」明るniS `」e]Selq) 9dA]掴9明大直eds ISn山」e舟eld e唱`s掴eS911=O euO 8u!Se甲」nd ueuM ‘uO印PuO⊃ 8ul呼」edo do] ul uOdeeM e
deey o] SPe9u lenPi∧!Pu甲e 8u冊ん9∧9 ePnl〕ul S掴e⊃ueu -91uie山eSeu子●つ]e `s∂l」肌Ie `suodeeM O」ql∧ `suodeeM unlS `s」0]dn」SIP `s」eMO」囲8nlS `s」e]Selq-uOdeeM JO SSei⊃叩l⊃eds
SP∂e〕Xe u!e」]S 」19囲Se 8uoi SE 」OJ Pue `punoM e 」三男nS OSie
SuOdeeM 91q勘Od 8u!deet=O=eilu9SSe e」e S掴9⊃ueu9] -u岬田uOdeeM `s」e湿田1ueUJnJISu! Pue lOOl le」eue訓高e山
’Pe]uel」OSiP 9」e ∧e囲`pIOuS○○唱」!e囲
e 」OJ Peu8!SeP相e〕!d凡’SuO胡PuO〕 Pi叩」ePun 8叩e」edo
Pue 」e」n]⊃eJnut3山SuLIe叩〕el晒」O「e山村e∧e Aq p9⊃nPO」d
∧9囲“PlOuSe」 l」e囲」e∧0」〇月nS ^e囲叫e」〕SJ〇回Od申開 」OJ ‘peelSu仁P刑S9」囲uieJ]S J草間〕 8u!PeeつXe Aq pe閏l〕ed -e〕u口Ou S! PueqPeeu eu!d」e∧ e 8ui」eeM 」e〕つe」eu〕 ∀
●」e」eeM 9囲0〕 …eu 8し甲Sei esne〕 ue〕 」euue田S冊ui PueqPeeu e唱JO eSn Pe8uolO」d `uoysneuxe山O」J mO SSed相e山」Ou PinOM Ae囲9」ellM SuO!]en]lS ui SnOi〕SuO〕 euO∂luOS deey ue○ s冊〇回M ’eLu!]
’%O雪^q s準印Pe咋ie」-S訓ueu〕9囚
JO SPOi」ed pepu印Xe 」OJ 9準Me」9」e9M e囲deey o〕]d山e叩e ue ui u!e」q S`」∂」eeM e囲JO S」∂叫e〕 deeiS 9囲OI SxpOuS 〕哩 -〕ei9 1ie山S S」e〕S甲山Pe PueqPeeu eu!d」?∧ e山賀OM ueuM
」9囲O Pue `8u印e」つくs」!ed9月OJ PeJ!nbe」 e叫] 9囲Se⊃nPe川
角IeuO印PP∀判00qein」 e」O〕相e JO ^ 」e]de叫⊃ JO uO甲eS 」eeD 9囲eeS)掴IOOl e Se S叫nO〕 XOqiOO=ue8iiie叩u∀ S印判e∧ Pue SuOd粥M Pi〇日ei]1eq岡l∧ 」iede」
小胆nb e」O山OI S」99u!8ue dn 8u!ee」J Sn囲ue囲囲M euOP
e∧0山9」 ∧e囲バ‖euO胡PP∀ -叫8iS Aq ]e8」e] e e]e〕Oi OI Sxpe甲
`叩iinq OMI SuieluO〕 OSl門仁Seliddns eiq印Od pue siOO=O
IS叫」O `8o十SSeu刈eP `叫e叫e9⊃uO⊃ Ol enP PeSOd山!菓■
一山O⊃ 1eq」e∧ S`」9」eeM e囲OI PuOdse」 ]e明S…e Pe叩O申n山
‘Sxpe甲(∧∧閃H) pe8u閃Pue (叫8i「) pe8ueと] S.」e」eeM 9甲山0」J
Si 」9Sn e囲9○uO S10O] eZ!u晒」Oe」 Pue `1ue山dinb9 PIOu `s看OO]
」e」eeM el11 Pueu ue⊃ Sl肌e eu十」eP」O eld田iS e岬M ’SPueuJ
e叩ns e su!eluO〕 xpt2dxp閃p岡」 S冊`uuos-」」eIN佃peonpo」d
uo!1de〕」ed S`」e」eeM e囲O] □ ]ue」8 s9i88o8 s.」9xp叫
’8ui8則甲le…e叩Pue ]ue山e⊃ueuu9 uoiSい叫8町MO1 8uIPi∧0」d o] uO印PPe ui uOISi∧ S.」eSn 9囲u○
○明8u9」1S相と周u印SqnS /eu上旬i!qe"○○ Pue旬1euO11⊃un口OJ 紺nE仁Sle田町e e山晒1euO理Pe」〕 JO S」e叫nu Pue S]Se!Sn囲ue SS9u」9Pi!M Ol小向e山i」d pe〕e卑e田e」e Sei8808 s.」9xp叫
’11門e 8u冊∧uE ]⊃e〕∂P IOuue〕 1⊃e鵬JO ee」e e囲
epiS叩O P9Sn S9〕!∧eP 8u刑O⊃eと=S9q呼布uods pue 9]9id -山0〕ui S! PeP」O〕e」 uOpe山」OJui Aue `lnJSSeつつnS S同〕e甲
羅岩音呈誌器霊」くまi鈍器‡精 工ue「 e哩u冊iM山0」J uOi〕eS」9∧uO〕 e囲JO ]」ed "eu甲ed
e 」粥ll」e∧O O=d田e軸e O] eP肌( eq ue〕 )Pa甲uO!1deD
布91]qnS山n山IXe山」OJ凡leMe「JO e⊃e!d 」e叩O 」O ]ele〕e」q e O叩掴nq 9」e血eIN SeJue]SqnS
Pede]eP e uO Pee」ds uosiOd ]〕e]uO⊃ e 」O S晒uos!Od Se甲nS ‘1u∂田uO」l∧ue ∂旧ui SulXO〕]nO拙uS OSie ue〕 A∂u⊥
=e 〕⊃eJJ¥2 S」91qlue」〕S XO∧-PIA ’8ui畑s rsuie8e uoi]坤 -O」d luelle〕Xe ue冊S 9」e S」eiq山e」OS XO∧-P!∧-uOi]eS」e∧uO⊃
-qnS e 」O S」O]eつ!Pui uee」S/P9」 eld山IS eSn S」O]⊃eleP uiXQ.L
SnO」e8uepJO 9⊃u9S9」d e囲O=○Sn門」eie Ol uO哩」q!∧ ei]
lND且X Brace (talent) ‥…
3-MALSecure Com=nk . A95 Stingbeam...
“B「eaker’’Heavy Hydrospanner
A28O-CFE Convertible
Breath Mask and ResplratO「
BrassKnuckies .
Heavy Biaster PiStOl‥
A280C Heavy Biaster師Ie.…
AA8 8-Gauge Scat亡er Gun … (.Accu-Strike’’i ntegrated
Double-Bladed Vibrosword
largetlng Computer
DR-45 ’`Dragoon’’Cavai「y Blaste「
Adverse EnvirOnment Gear….
AG11 Mk川嶋「geting Goggies……
AJ-23 ConcusslVe Rlfle . Ai=ance LlghtSteaith Armor ..
甘 Backhand Shock Gioves Backpack Bacta (Llter)
Balanced Hlit
Banai Apparel
“Bantha’s Eye’’Laser Sight
Ce「ebrai Stabi=Zer.
Ceremonlai Blade . Chewbacca’s Bowcaster C)lmblng Gear……
Cllmbsult Cioaklng Coat Comm 」ammer
Comm Scrambler ComponentlZatlOn. Conceaied Escape Kit.. ConceaIed Recorder ConcussIOn Grenade …
ConcussIOn MISSlle . Contalned Energy Ax Core=lan Goodbye Corrupted Crystal Cortex Bomb CortosiS Shleid Cortosis Staff (Reflned) Cortosis Sword CortosIS Weapons.… CortosIS Weave.…
Cracked Crysta」
Crash SurvlVal Klt
5… E蕊諸島。dA.m。r。d,a.k。,
Barrage (talent) BasIC Lightsaber BasIC Lightsaber Hilt
46 E繕鵠豊島a。h,C。州。Su,,
Beam Splltter Beast Ca=
3: cyberDisgulSe…
% #謹鵠andModV一’
BIooded (taient) …..
BIood Scanne「.. .
D D-24 “lnfemo” Grenade…… D-29 Repuisor Rifie‥ ‥
Damplng Emitter Dantarl CrystaI …
Blue Shadow Grenade.…
Darth Vader’s Armor….
Boba Fett’s Armor …..
Darth Vade「’s Lightsaber …..
Datapad _ Detonite Charge …
DF-DI Duo-Flechette Rifie . DH-17 BlasterCarblne . DH77Headcomm . DH-X Heavy Blaster Rifie. DiSarming Nature
l1119′午 ﹁07⊃997′午15211-15
Biast RadiuS……
‘`Czerhander’’VX Vlbro-Greatsword
Blast Knuckies …..
Blaster Suppressor .
BladeDrain . Blaster Actuating Module .
Bioscan . Blade-Breaker .
Biofeedback System.…
Biofeedback Regulator .
C CybemetIC Reflexes ⋮ CybernetiC C Respirator C CybemetlC Weapon血plant⋮.. Cvberscanner C C Llmb.
Binders …
Cybe「netlC Legs (Mod = and Mod lii) Berserker Rlfle …
Beastmaste「 Chem Lure
BeasトHide Armor
1 1 1 1 1 1 I ・ 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 1
Barab ingot Ba「adium Charge
Cargo Ciothes CatchVest .
Additional Damage . Adrena=mplant .. Advanced Fiesh Camouflage Klt .
551 4206735引67056528555 5551 44 16767680457041 2251 08 120 5735288 1688 197
ActlVVI RiOt Shieid.….
58982129900フつ618ムi208522﹁う2ム・829-う62(∠4i1845了つ061i555566666′﹁,午 8(ノ﹂′﹁80∠﹁7⊃651211
ACP Repeater Cun.…
Draglte Gem DramatlC Entrance Droid Brain Defense System
Duai-Phase ModiflCatlOn Due冊g PiStOI
各 E5 Biaster Carblne E-11s SnlPer Rifie Earbud Comlink Eiect「obinOCulars
Electromag-Puise DiSruPtOr Eiectronet ElectronlC Lock Breaker Electro川C Slghtlng System
ELG-3A Biaster PIStOI
Emergency Medpac Eme「gency Repalr Patch
Energy Bow
Energy Overciock Settlng Energy S=ngShot Englneer’s Hammer
Enhanced OptiCS Sulte Enhanced XCiter EnvlrO-Suit Escape CirCult EVA PowersuIt Exogiove
ExpioslVe MiCrO-Rocket ExpioslVe Ordnance DISPOSal (EOD) Klt ExpIoslVeS Beit ExpIoslVe Shackies Extended Hlit
「 Faise Voice 11’anSmitter
Fais洞ed Credentials . .
FCI Fiechette Launcher FearStlCk...
﹁i l-20へ∠2′午6﹁⊃28′午55︻,⊃ 〇・〇7⊃6257⊃27⊃ZJ96-′⊃7○○′⊃75′午0677フ⊃ 772′4. (.∠(i∠65′4i5(.∠7⊃2そJ O6-′⊃6(∠66′4.﹁へし一∠J8′午68-′⊃66 211111′午′午ノ午194091 11ワ⊃2′午-′⊃2812ワ⊃つつ(︰○○′⊃ZJ O871707⊃6 -′⊃7029 1へ∠2′午8′午2ZJ︻′⊃ブ⊃7465ワ⊃ ′午8225657⊃7⊃2(∠
BR-219 Heavy Blas亡er PIStOl .
e 8 =∴…………………………’」eP」O⊃∂a ie」n9N
6しし ISi] 」OSlnd明
80 L 8u脚「 Pe〕SISS∀-」OSlndet]
0乙 IO〕Sid 」elSe旧人∧eeH “∂Pe8eueとl,,
88 Se」n〕睨]布eJeS P9∧0山∂ロ …しし ○○〕e∧i書⊃∀ i∧G e〕0山∂白
90L 8ui]eOつ山nu=刈
66 euO〕S 」∂q…羽
O9 …………………………ePeue」D eSiONナN
9し iO事Sid un〕S ^∧ee日乙-0〉う
9 ……………‥ (叫ele]) ue山S測旧IN le」nleN
66 i」eed u08e」Cロバe」)1
8⊆ ……………………………‥ Se∧OiD∂iP∂9N
8⊆ S」掛るd OZn相
8しし ● 同u=dn8u刑SPe刈OM]∂N
80 L S〕el〕uneD Peつ」OJui∂t]
09 ……………’e⊃ue「 A8」∂u] l」e山eleつuOW
88 」即i⊃X e8」叫つe主上Pideとi
6⊆し ‥ 判○訓ue8」O I」曾山eleつuO囚
9L 」0…∀ ∂周明∧∧eeH ieq明
6し …-」印S巳旧」e∂ds i期u印⊃ uO囚
80し u団S訓ildep∀ 〇号周明
ウL ’ 」O山」∀」eeu!印unOIN
80し ul)1SMOPeuS )9はる酋
6L ’ …∂即日u010」d O6〇割囚
L 〕〕∂lJ∂ロ
O与 ………………0〕1訓!〕S 」elnつる10囚6-MS囚
9L e∧01〇 ∧p〇日1⊃〔消閑
98 …………………………‥叫81S叩do-11lnIN
96 di」D X三周∂白
8L↓ ‥’ …‥PueH IOqL-刑nIN
9L 」eeD ]u9uJuO」l∧u] Peつ」OJul∂t]
801 8ulPi9iuS uO11eiPet]
SS 9i蝿]Olと上.」OSSe」ddns,, 88-t]
IL ILし6609
8Sし’ ’"e田e」]xpedxp明」elnPOIN LZ …● uOuueO /(」elOとl
..MeSZZn日" eウS l iePOIN 8し’ ’lO]Sld」9]SelC] 08l∂POW
8し … lOIS!d ○○lSき旧
く.」e88i」1渦nO,,王台iePO囚 el‥博I S.」∂1OOuSd」ellS 8S lePOIN 」euunlS uJied しS iePOIN
」e9dso」qi∧..」eMl即S,,ウしiePOW ’ X巳-田」eu⊥ L i∂PO囚
un〇 」e〕l巳⊃S
“Pe∂u」∂Punu⊥,,ウi∂POW ’ iOISid ○○〕Sヒ)i白
」e8洗○ ○ein○○iO囚8十〇囚囚 11nS ]u9山Ie∂⊃uO〇
二時∂山i囚ieuOS」∂d Xi油川
I7 し(士
9 (叫∂i印Pe8訊田村n「 SL
乙L 」O…∀ P」剛O eld田斗IPe「 乙L 」O田」∀ e聞き日1P9「 9L uOuuEつ」印Se旧IenG O十「 「 9 1 lOISid 」e]Se旧..」O〕eP葛田l川上9-訓
90L 8uiPlquS uOi
8ウ ∂判d uOi ウ9 1e)P0と十〇」〕i囚uOi 9し 」elSe1包uOi]eZiuOi
合Oし 」e9D 」e〕1iS P∂le」8elui
雪8 」euue〕S Pe〕e」∂e叫i S8 」Oleu皿niii Pe〕e」∂9叫1 90 L S」e〕SIOH Pe〕e」∂e]ui
クワ ]eq山OつPe〕e」論1ul ⊆Oし 」e9〇 uOiSu○○S∀ Pelき」∂〇回 乙L 」O]dn」Sla Plel] lenPl∧1Pul
与9 eiiSS帆布elPu∂〇回
乞9 〕e沖○汁0」〕州布引Pue〇回 Lしし 」○…∀1ueld叫 乙L 」OLl∪∀ OPue山田O⊃ …0〕S lei」∂dul
‥ 」0山」∀10iとi∧i油川
…‥甲0「 8u岬] 〕∂8」軋-Pe刈e囚 …‥ 」e囲軋uOdeeM叩eu8e囚
e判d 」eqeS川副「
……SlliH 」eqeS叫8i「
… =O即8i「
LOし 」euue〕S Pele」8e叩S ue〕Slu山0 6し 9uiq」e⊃ 」∂1S引日86羽0
8 = xpeLIeq八つPelueld山I
は 」Ollu∀ 」edoo叫P」eZeH lei」ed山l
’ ]lnS」OleJ潤ui」e割印S叫8iN lyW
ウ⊆ uOuueつ」OSlndeと上1⊃ed山i,,
○○田」∀ e∧iSSn⊃uOナilu∀ …‥ lSe∧刈el] iii判N
● ‥9q叫eiiSS!囚
Lしし 1ueidlul eun田山1
66 ielS九つ山n川 ウこし 」euuきつS山」〇十∂川00S9-]「i
’〕ed曾山n地相el=州 1
… ienueIN P191]んe]=問 「0〕Sld 」elPunE「 1e)1〕Oと上O」〕lW
’ ’8叩unO囚」0…∀ 〕∂準0と上0」⊃州 ‘ ‘」euelSi「 P!O」PO」⊃!W
●’同Sん⊃e掴de囚 …‥u〇時d Pi∀-P9囚
‥ 」∂Pul] ∂8uet] “」e8ueとi,, L且W
〔用!t] 8ul叫nH “」e叩ued PueS,, ∧刈旧IN
… S」eln⊃OulqO」?eIN
」e〕Se旧8叩unH OO三〇囚
’ lOIS!d ∧∧e∂日..」e山〇〇日,, 6川
田 ‥’」eqeS叩8i「 S,」細eM相S 9刈n「
8ウ 」e∂dso」ql∧ uelJJSlunH
∑こし 」○〕d∂つる叫i leu81S
∂∧eNued∧H O8Z-iSH
8S L uO⊃e明8u皿OH 13NOiOH 乙しし 」e8u∂SS∂陣OiOH
しL e山n〕SOつ瑚de」8oiOH Sし 」e]Se1臼8ul呼∂deロA∧e9H gOH
S6 ]ly 8ul準eIN-川H
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8 = ∂〕eJ」3]u1 3uilPe山O」neN
Scanne「-Proof Hardware
SE-90 Structural EngmeerlngScanner ・
Secondary MISSile System SecurltyCoIlar ・
Shaped Charge Sha「d Shooter
Shatter Guns Shleld DiSCharge Pack Shleid Gauntlet Shien Reverse GrlP CustomiZatlOn ShlPboa「d Systems Scanner
Shock Boots
Shock GIoves ShockHold Hardened Comllnk Shock Pulse Emltter Shortened Barrei Shoto Llghtsaber
Shoto Hlit Sielght Box SliCe「 Gear
SilClng EqulPment
Stealth-2VX Palm Shooter Stealth Fleld Generator Steaith Vibroknlfe StlmPaCk‥ ・
’‘Storm’’Charge Sult
Strength Enhancing System
Stun Blaster Attachment Stun Mat「lX. “Subduer-9’’RIOt Blaster
SuperlOr Armor CustomiZatiOn SuperlOr H11t PersonaiiZatiOn Survelllance Detector
Survelliance Scamer
丁 丁7 lon DISruPtOr
鴫ngie Gun 7 「七nt
ThermalCioak . Thermal Detonato「
ThinSult ThlSSPlaSian Stabl=Zlng Coils
Threat MonitOr 丁lbanna-Jacked  ̄roxln Detecto「
ltacker’s Goggles
1十aCker Ut冊y Vest
Slugthrower Suppressor
ltallbreaker Poleaxe
Smartmed 2000
丁X-3 Combat F=ght Sult
Integrated Med-Systems Smuggie「’s ltenchcoat SnlPe「 Shot (talent)
lype =l “Berethron’’
Pe「sonal Moduiar Armor
Under-Barrel MICrO-Rocket Rack.. UndersiungScatte「gun ・
Unstable Kyber Crystal.
V Varlable Holdout Biaster _ Varpe=ne Crystal
Verplne Fiber Ultramesh Armor Verplne Headband Verplne Heavy Shatter Rifle.... Verplne Shatter PiStOl ・
Verp'neShatterRlfle . VES-700 Pulse Rifle. . Vesse=mplant Vibro-Bayonet Vlbroknucklers. Vib「o-Machete …
Vibrorapier.. Vid-Vox Scrambler.
VISageOfDeath .. Vocal Emulator lmpian」.
VX-A lnteillgent 「bolbox
VX Hands-Free Weapon System … VX `.Sldewlnder” Repeatlng Blaster
X X-30 “Lancer’’P「ecISIOn
BlasterPIStOi .
XClter Overcharge. XL置2 “Flashfire,’Light Blaster PistoI
XV-58 Portabie Large Veterinary Kit.
Z Z2 Stun Baton …
Z50Grenade Launcher ‥
7 962629562 2う932うう1
Shaped The「mal G「enade
1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 1
Second Skln Armor …
Stalker (taient)
Under-Barrei Grapnel Launcher Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher.
二 i ・ I - i し
SeaScape DiVmg Sult. Secondary ion Blaster
Staged Rocket Booster. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sap GIoves. Scanner Goggles.
SSG Mk = `.PaIadln’’Blaster師ie
Under-Barrel Fiame Pro」eCtOr. -
919192929202 220279412929292う1 992う9555341了01 9411 023
Saber Throw (taient) Sakiyan Shadowsult.
0 1卯的004034406 16 1誌2 12 1為7諾記譜1 0961 0詰97詔劣弱 諮引到る0 曇る4弘引塞帥1 09 1細孔柑蒋7 9 了9
S-1 ¥ぬmblade
5877了誰2与8800 2 67了88897 72 62 12 60 100892 6282 689576 1282 889う9962 6弱る91う89005 2462 72 7402 700