Star Wars: Allies and Adversaries 9781633443501

Allies and Adversaries is an era sourcebook for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars roleplaying game system, featuring

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Star Wars: Allies and Adversaries

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⊂RED看丁S 岳X胃ANSloN D重SiGN AND D因VELOpMEN丁 Moliy G10Verand Tim Huckeibe「y with Alexis Dykema,

Steriing Hershey, Keith Kappei, and Phii MaleWSkI

Francisco Rico lbr「es, Scott Schomburg,

Adam Schumpert, Stephen Somers,

Matthew Starbuck, Preston Stone, Darren lan, 丁iffany巾「間Cha「ies Urbach, Ryan va11e, 丁homas WIeVegg, Sara WinterS,


Ben Zweife上and the Lucasfilm art a「chives

Dixie Cochran



Tim Flanders

ChrlStine Crab and Je「emiah J. Shaw



Zach  ̄fewaithomas

Sam Gregor-Stewart



Sherry Anisi and Long Moua

Scott NICeiy



Simone Eiliott

Joseph D Oison  ̄屈配APHl⊂ DESiGN MANAGER

PRODU⊂丁ION MANAGEMENT Jason G看awe and Dyian Tiemey

ChrlStOPher Hosch


⊂⑬V岳R AR丁

B「ian Schomburg

VIad Ricean and Darren鴫n



John Franz-Wichiacz

tommy Amold, C「iSti Baianescu, Tiziano Baracchi,

Ryan Ba「ger, Arden Beckwith, Aiberto Bontempi,

Jon Bosco, Coiin Boyer Matt B「adbury,


Christopher Bu「dett, Paui Bu「row, Marco Caradoma,

Chris Gerber

JB Casacop, Laura Csa」agi, Aiexandre DainChe,

ChriStina DaviS, A11en Douglas, Sacha Angel Diener,


Anthony FeiicianO, Aurore Folny, tony Fot主

Corey Konieczka

Zach Graves, Louis Green, David Gr酷th,

Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Rafai Hrynkiewicz,


Lukasz Jaskoisk主Jeff Lee Johnson, Jason Juta,

Andrew Navaro

AIdo Katayanagi, David Kegg, Alex Klm,

Aiexander Kozachenko, Adam Lane, Magnoiiet,


AntonlO Jose Manzanedo, MiChai M恢OWSki, Aaron B. Miiler, Aiejandro Mlraba上Mark Molnar,

Jake Murray, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Andrew Oison,

DanIeI Lovat Ciark, Tim Cox, AiexIS Dykema, Sam Gregor-Stewart Kevin ¥ぬn SIoun, Jason Walden

Meg Owenson, Bo岬Pindado, VIad Ricean,


Michaei Siglain

Robert SlmPSOn Leiand Chee, Pab看o Hidaigo,

and Matt Martln

F州TASY Fantasy F=ght Games FLIGIIT    1 995 West County Road B2

GAMES Rosev用e・ MN 551 1 3


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Fantasy Fllght Games and the FFG Logo are reglStered trademarks of Fantasy Fiight Games App Store is a service mark ofApple lnc. Google Play lS a trademark ofGoogle lnc. 1SBN: 978-1-63344-350-1   Product Code: SWR1 2    Printed in China For more informatlOn about Stor Wdrs Roiepiaying, f「ee down看oads, answersto ruie querieS, Orjust to pass on g「eetings, Visit uS O掴ne at WWW.FantasyFIightGames. com/StarWarsRPG www. StarV¥ぬ

l▲青l十〇〇漢書菓事i1    -    1----

しS ……………‥ 」OS!∧P∀唱!」ed田l

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∑ウ上………………………l佃e」臥 00し


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lウ仁……………………‥un印un孔_ 66’

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引PeUJ 」e囲O Pue ’s〕1山O⊃ `uoISl∧ele十S9!∧0山SJ劫4

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SyOOqeln」 e」O〕 99」囲iie ui P∂Pni〕u口Ou e」e

JO7S e囲O〕 Meu ]Ou e=uM 」eqeS川81「 Pue (eJ叫eM) e8p9iMOu〉1 yOOq Sl囲u! Sl問S OM] PuU OSle =nC)¥ ‘uOileつOl相e ]SO山le O=O∧eiJ 8ulPPe 」〇月eePl `ul囲lM

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封切4ノ即S u=e∧叩S鳩]つ軌euつ」∂佃d 」e∧e」eu

Sロコ⊥⊃VHVH⊃害〇人X患細VD V

閥匿脚雷欺!曲寓§ 丁hlS bookcontains two s剛S nOtfound in a旧hreeStar

W短s Roieplaylng CO「e rulebooks・ Knowiedge (Warfare) and Lightsaber. Using these sk川s, Characters can

ieam from past batties to better p「epa「e themselves

for the GaiactlC Civii Wa「 or become sk川ed wa「「io「s ready to reclaim the lost ma「tlal heritage of the Jed上

I(NOWし帥GE OMAR孤RE) (iNT乱しE⊂T) Wbrfare has been part ofthe Star Wわrs galaxy throughout recorded history. Epic taies abound’from sto「ies

Of the mythicai clashes between Force users ages ago

to accounts of the recent CIone Wars. Wlth the armed insurrection agains=he Empi「e growing in strength・ it seems only a matter of time befo「e the gaiaxy is

plunged into perhaps its most bloodsta-ned war ever.

As the name suggests, Knowledge (Warfare) is a Knowledge ski‖ lt covers a cha「acte「’s study and unde「standing of organiZed confiict both on the

ground and in space Many things factor into this, f「om t「aining and inslght on the strategies and tac-

tics of modem warfa「e, tO an aPPreCiation of the

personnel and technoiogy of the fact10nS lnVOIved in the confiict, tO knowiedge gained from studying the othe「 great wa「s throughout galactlC histo「y. Recog-

nIZing and unde「standing the workings and hiStOry Of con航t aiiows a character not only to survive ln the

middle ofcombat, but to iea「n from battles and pass on that wisdom to othe「s in the inc「easingly viOlent

struggle against the Galactic Empire・

e A cha「acte「,s knowledge ofthe st「ategies and tac-

tlCS Ofwarfare, both on the g「ound and ln SPaCe,

is represented by the Know看edge Warfare) sk旧 o Any time a cha「acte「wants to remember deta=s

Once activated, though, llghtsabers emit a giowlng biade of powerfui energy that can cut through aimost any material Their differences do not end the「e) the unusual weight dist「ibution and the nature of

about a sign甫cant martiai event, OrganizatlOn,

=ghtsaber biades means that eve旧ndividuals highiy

or lndivldual who played a role in a galactlC struggle, the character should make a Knowl-

them prope「ly・ to fuiiy master lightsabe「s requl「eS

edge (Warfa「e) check・

SPeCiallZed skl11s.

丁he difficuity ofthe check is based upon how ha「d

proflClent With normai swords have di航ulty w-eIding

Although the Lightsaber sk看l=s llnked to the Brawn

lt WOuld be to acqui「e the informatiOn the characte「

characterlStic, Cha「acters may have access to taients

wiShes to know. Ciassihed, highiy locailZed, Or anCient information is obviously more obscure Standard-

that can link the skl1=o a different characte「istlC

1Zed structures and pattems tha=he character has

developed ove「 the centurieS. The Lightsaber sk用

encountered before, SuCh as ln earile「 missIOnS, are

govems meiee attacks made with "ghtsabe「s as weli

much easier to remember.

as with derivative weapons such as lightwhips, guard

inStead, rePreSentlng unique fo「ms and fightlng Styies

Shotos, and tralning sabe「s

」看GHT与ABER (田RAWN) Lightsabers (and their derivatives) are qulte unlike any other weapons, eVen in a galaxy削ed with rare and

often bizarre armaments. When inactlVe, "ghtsabers appea「to be =ttie more than a simpie hiit lackingany SOrt Of cutting or striking lmPiement・

The Lightsabe「 skl1=s most often used to make

combat checks whiie using these weapons, though at the GM’s dlSCretion there can be othe「 times this skiil can come into play. As like othe「 melee attacks,

the d輔culty of Llghtsaber combat checks is Average

(◆◆) The check might be easier ifthe opponent lS incapabie of resISting or at other times pe「 the GM’s

disc「etiOn. Maneuvers the cha「acte「 makes and spe-

c甫C COmbat situational mod甫ers can aiso modify the

check,s dif龍uity, aS descrlbed in Chapter Vl: Con-

flict and Combat ln eaCh core rulebook.

●Pe急き8ue s! 」e〕〕き」き甲

e明山〇日Mし印M 〕e8」e1 8u! ー∧ii euO JO e]印S IEu〇月Olu9

e甲9Su9S 〇月O (S8叫eq叫e!〕 ーueS Pue Sie山iue 8uiPniOui) e8ue」

〕」OuS ul囲M S8u冊8ui∧旧ie eSueS O]

O pueds AeuJ 」elOe」eu〕 e岨:eSueS ’8uile8」e] Pue木un瑚!P eul…9]eP O] e」臣O]n∀ 」OJ Sein」 eSn ]Sn山Puき`s]⊃e「qO

eid刑nll」 e∧O山O]O岬noue e]e」eue8 ]Sn山人e明 くs]⊃e「qO 91d刑n山MO」囲QJ∴様」ed しSnid (98e -山eP g Sie9P O e]]enO即S) oI Seし小口○○「qo 9囲 JO e"enO旧S e明0=enbe e8elueP SieeP xpe]1e 9岨’]〕e「qO 9囲9∧O田010u8noue pueds osle ue〕 ∧9u川SPee〕〕nS AluO Pue (O印enOuiiS S口ineJeP) uMO」囲8u19q ]〕e「qO e囲JO el]enOul!S 9叩O] lenbe

Sl相n瑚IPS`xp印e eu⊥ iOOd 9囲JO]」ed se))e甲 事eq田O3 Pe8u剛e 8ul=O」 Pue )13elP 」eMOd eD」Oさ

る^0囚e 8u!津山句l∂8」印e e8富山eP O〕 Sl〕e「qO P9∧0山i」nu ue〕 」e]〕e」euJ eu⊥ ’(98ue」 ]」OuS S!

e8ue」 ]1neJ9P 9明) e8ue」田n山iXou S,」eSn e囲O]

dn 98ue」 ]」OuS u冊!M S阜e唱O a朋nO囲SJO IJ9「qO euo e∧O山O]Opueds ∧e山」9Sn 9〕」O] e岨:e^ON .

当〕eu〕e囲uO (e〕iO埠」刷〕)の 」O * u岬8o]Opueds爪e山Pue lOOd 9囲JO〕」ed Se )PらしP 」eMOd e3u即u] ut3 1iO」 ∧e山」卸〕e」e甲

e囲`xpe甲s〕l]e冊∀ ue 8ul準山u9uM :e⊃u叫u] o ’MOieq Sein」 e囲MOilOJ A9唱

e旧○○d 」印書JO uO!〕〕eS S坤岬∀ 9唱叫9SiM」9明O Pe閏S SS∂1un `s」eMOd 8uiMO=OJ e囲JO euO Seu ⊃dN ue Jl

‘u8ied山e〕」O uOi]E岬S 9明地Ae囲u9uM Sei]l‖qe 」∂唱O 」O `s9Pe」8dn `s」eMOd e〕」0] leuOillPPe 8uilue」8

」eP!SuO〕 PlnOuS SIND叫〕nS S∀ Se馴1qede〕.S」e〕つe -」e甲eS9叩ue∧!8 H8no叩くe^!SnPu!-ile eq O=uee山

]Ou 軌e S⊃dN 」OJ P∂]u9Se」d s」eMOd e〕」O] eu⊥ ●S叩ei囲∀」OJ Se iieM Se Sxp9u〕 (○○eds) 8叩Olld PuE? `(凡e]eueic]) 8ui]Ol!c] `uol]

-euiP」OO⊃ 」〇月eMOd e⊃ueuu] e11] 9Sn ue〕山i旧9i ]e囲

SePe」8dn seu 」e判eM相S eyn「 `eld田eXe 」O] ●el日O」d 」ie明弓O uO!]○○S Se刑iq∀ 9明u! Peql」〕SeP e」e lPluM `iieM Se S」eMOd 8叩S!Xe 」刷〕 」OJ SePe」8dn pue s」eMOd

e〕」O二=euO印PPe e∧ell ∂山OS ‘S」9MOd 9⊃」O] Aue山OI SS9つつe 9∧E)掴OOq Si明u! Pe叫eSe」de」 S」eSn e〕」0] eu⊥

∃⊃tIO害ヨH⊥ DN漢Sn

一男u!甲0〕 ’(準OS し十) Ⅲ」○即n S.1e」

一世P∀ :事ue関d!nbヨ “(PeelSu! uO!〕Oe ○○均

●dno」8 Ieqeミロe○0i 」le囲e∧eS 」O e⊃旧刊u9

OI S]」OJJe 」刷1 "Oddns ol 」eqxp∀ ie」甲P∀

Pue Pue山田○○ u81H 9○u坤i∀ e〕u甲uO〕 O] ueld e叫eS9」d pue el粥」〕 〕Sn山SOd eu⊥

’P!e 」刷〕 」OJ 8ui準曾山e囲Sl!即席q甲∀ ’Slee旧eqeと」 Pue le!」9d田l ueeM〕9q三周呼q eJO

61PP叫9囲u! e⊃eds」ed血圧O mO do」P Sつd eu⊥

一 SV喜田I甘さ⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNV ∃tln⊥N∃^回V ●Se⊃」OJ S岬u!叩dle甲O esne〕 e囲u!0「 OI Slli準凡9uun8」O 8叩Ol!d ieuOl]d∂〕Xe

」OJ uMOuxp」e OuMSつd ]nO準eS ue∧9叫8叫eH印]eq ie∧eu ]u○○e」 e ui Pe」n]de⊃ Sleqeと再uin〕S9」 u9∧∂ 」O

Sd川S ed布OIO」d i引」edLu口Su!晒e suo!SSl山e8e]OqeS E油団p]」ePun 9Pnl〕ui叫B皿Siu⊥ ●Sleq9a 8uleq JO ]つed -SnS l.uPlnOM 9Jid山喜e囲SJeニPe」叫J SP○○u eJu劉i∀ ∂囲e」euM SuO!]en]!S u1 9」n叩eJ OSle uco 」eq〉1⊃∀

‘u〇時岬S相e JO木y∧e」8 e冊O〕 SPPe uO!1ed即」ed Pue 9⊃ue」eedde papedx9un Slu Se `uo!SS… icol叫⊃ e

JO e〕ue]」Od山i 9明]1刷岬iu ue〕 」eqxp∀ 」9]Je叫8nos 柚…叫S1 8u閃eq S.」eqxp∀ OS `se〕」nOSe」 Pue A8e]eJIS ○○∧O 9⊃ueniJu=OJ e!∧ e〕ue!=∀ l9qeと! 9囲u冊iM SuOl]

-〕e=u∂」e出IG Sieqe閃OSle 9」e S⊃c] eu川村再P9dse `s」e叫nO〕ue le叩=Od pue lei〕OS ul PeSn 〕S9q S=eq

し…O耳ed puE uie」〕S

-xp∀ iE)」l山P∀ `s」ePeel 」O「e山S.uO川eq三周e唱]0 9uO S∀

し」三脚nSO]八両L MO=e

O] ㊥ pueds舟eu=eq

H∃ふっV岩VH⊃ §lH⊥りNI与れ

一斗つ∀ Pue `」e∧neuelL1 9uO

…OJ」9d o〕 u!e」]S euO 」〔瑚nS

佃やP9田山可則r」elunO⊃ue 9囲ui Sd岬SウuOSe冊

ile串e巾d叩S」ePee「 I◆q 38剛eny ue a満山八田

SPPO」9]〕9qし印M e国eq e」n叩e 」OJ Sd町S S叫9∧ES O]沖e]]e Pe‖勘e uOPuE凋e Ol ele]!S9u ]Ou i‖M Pue Se〕」nOS9」 P9〕…Ii fu8H S]! e∧」9SuO⊃ O] Peeu Se =eM Se le叩=Od ssn〕SIP O〕 〕○○山S」9Pe91 9〕ue用∀]Se -岬叫e囲ueuM lueSe」d u三男O Si eH ‘8uluueld uoISS…

-xp∀ Aq epe山沖e甲diLIS」9Pe9「 e Aq pe]⊃9出e Sel=e)

S.e〕u劉l∀ 9囲SPuelS」ePun 」eq沖∀ ●侶el叩S凡e帥山

“uo甲e ue se) 」ePue田山○○ 1e〇日`(ule」]S Z leeu 」eq

Pu地肌Oつ1ueP即0⊃ `(u」n〕 ]Xeu S,」eqxp∀JO 8uiuu18eq

制l冊un Sxpeu〕んeuun〇 =e uO O O ul晒」elunO〕ue

u! Pe∧lO∧u! Al」eln89」 Si eu Pue `e8p9IMOuy有印i…

-deey pue uol]⊃eleP lel」ed山i 8uxp10∧∀ ’S」ePeel e⊃ue用∀

-」ePun eL甘ee」q ue⊃ 」eqxp∀) snoiq叫d山∀ :Se即1!q∀ ’(∋〕uO 8ulPu拙…0〕

9囲囲M ‘1unOlue」ed p9」9PiSuO〕 Sl e埠)S ]e91j 9囲8ul

]ue山e∧O山S」e即S 」9∧eu Pue在席u9d lnO岬M 」印eM

囲8u叩S r白印i… S.e〕ue用∀ e囲JO 〕」ed lue〕即u8!S e s]ueSe」d9」 〕e印9囲’ゥuv¥臥uO eSeq leqeと!到=O SSOi

P〇時」1ue叩Oつく(」e〕eM岬no」囲8uii9∧巳」] 」OJ S〇回eu9d

Pue l∽il〕即S`」eqxp∀ 1〕eds9」 S」9q山e山 e〕ue用∀

e囲u! SdiuSウO] dn uo se川e "e `xp〇匹d叩S」ePee「

[◆O] e8剛eN ue 9湿田∧叫`uoil〕e ue Se) e」!]

9甲府pe:Pe」胆SeSuOISS町]」Oddns pue sxp即e]nO8u! S.19三周Ieqeと] eu1 8uiult?1ule山 uO SeSn〕OJ 」eqxp∀

JO木un瑚IP ePe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ d町S」e]S :S]uel叫

-凡」e〕冊S elluM S91iddns pue se掴qede⊃ iEuOl]頃edo

S=eユ〕e」elP Sl囲d叫S e lSui撚e sxp〇匹叩q山O〕 =e 与∂⊃u巳ii8!∧

Se〕」OJ leq9と] Pue ele⊃ uOIN囲M 8ulN9S

]eeJeP S9⊃」OJ ⊃iiqndeと] Pue 」eu}9∂「 ∂⊃ui」d Pedle叫eq

‘s eu画⊃SIG `引OOつ宅S」elnd山O⊃ `乙u〇時8o」IS∀ :SI間S

P」O〕e」 e∧!SSe」d田川e Pe]ee」〇 〇〇ulS Seu eH S」9P臥u1 9囲

宅(e〕eds) 8し叫Oi!c十s uoIlde〕」ed `s dluS」9Pee丁ウ(乱eJ -」eM) 98pelMOu〉仁ウ(uoile〕nP]) 98peiMOu男`z /」euunD

-xp∀ ul印deつ-ueu自」e山eleつuOIN 8u岬」 e明MO」岬9∧O


O] eie⊃ uOIN uO u9JJ巳nO e唱囲M P9陣SISl]e」edes

e囲ueuM S」eM訓Ol○ ○囲O] xpeq 8uluJle」]S Se周eq

u8no」囲Peu」ee `penle∧仙三河S! e〕ueリedxe r白印i皿 S!H ‘1eeiJ i印∧S]l Pue e⊃ue"i∀ ieqeと] 9叩ul S」ePeel rue]

-i岬んE山l」d e囲]O euO Se S9州eS 」eqxp∀ ielD le」…P∀

遡V日加⊃V 「廿日国劇旧V

暮sI雪害N∃N案岩V甘刈⊃V 「Vお皿回V


uSiNG THES管⊂HARA⊂TERS When there is combat, eSPeCia=y if lmperial g「ound

The rank and file of the Rebei Alliance’s Army and

forces are inVOlved, then AiIiance troops are usua11y also present A11iance troops make up the typical

Fieet troopers are not that different from their lmperial counterparts, aii things considered They are trained ln a number of arenas and contingencies,

forces that Rebei PCs are llkeiy to encounter on a day-tO-day basiS These NPCs might also be found

and they are assigned in slmi▲ariy organlZed mlll-

看anguishing ln而Pe「ial pr-SOnS Or reCOVering ln COVert

tary unitS Even thel「 equipment tends to be simiiar,

mediCai faci⊥itIeS.

although the血Perials genera甲y have the advantage.

What separates them is motivatlOn. The troops who SerVe the A用ance, Whether aboard starships or on the g「ound, believe that they are臼ghtlng nOt 」uSt for

their own well-being, but forthat ofthelr famiiies and

lmOCent PeOPle across the gaiaxy. ThIS COnViction lS What the Alliance belleVeS Wi‖ a11ow them

to uItimateiy win the day.

The individuals chosen by Aiiiance High Command to serve as commanders, Whether Of m冊a「y units or fixed assets, a「e lntenSely

focused on their dutieS. Their poslt10n leaves no tlme for a personai iife, and those who

accep=he duty understand that they are surrendering a旧n order to serve

the AiiianCe. in addition to their taients for logistjcs and tactics, COmmanders must aiso be prepared to

AlilanCe Commande「s may serve as senior o靴ers

for Rebei PCs but can aiso be found recru-ting and trainlng Civ帖ans on Outer Rim worIds. They couid

also act as negotiators sen=o purchase desperateiy needed suppiies, nO queStions asked, Or lead ralding missions against crlminal organizations. SpecForce in帥rators could be used in more stealthy SituatiOnS, POSSlbIy in disguise and only revea冊g them-

Selves if they must. DiSCOVering that a trusted NPC is actualIy an Aliiance trooper could a=ow new twists for PCs who wish to not get involved ln the war.

ADVENTUR岳AND EN⊂oUNT且R看D日AS ● The PCsarehiredto raidan lmperialdepotalong

With several Rebe=nfantry units. ● The PCsareaboarda RebelshlPWhen itisdam-

aged and boarded by Imperlai troops. Aiiiance

make di田cult decisions that wi=

Fieet troopers attemp=o repe=he boarders,

「esuit in the loss of lives under

Perhaps surprising the PCs wlth their deftness ln ZerO-graVity maneuvering ln COmbat.

their command High Command grants these commanders tremendous autonomy, freelng leaders to pursue some objectiVeS Of thelr OWn Choosing

' The PCs帥d themseives in possession of lmPOrtant Rebei information but are captu「ed by Impe「iaIs and heId ln a local detentlOn Center. The

Ai‖anCe Sends a team of SpecForce in航rators to A旧ance drivers handle endless

break them out and aid ln a COunter-attaCk.

Variations of vehicles Driver assignments a「e sometimes mundane, untli

lmperlais, Criminais, Or gOVernment authorlties tum them lntO a =fe○○r-

death t「ip. SpecForce lnfiltrato「s,

On the other hand, are deadiy, eiite

troops within the Alljance speciai



assassination, they penetrate secure


iocations and can ln帥ct terribie

Skil!s: Discip=ne3,KnowledgeWa「fare)3,LeadershIP3,

damage before escaping away-

Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged (Light) 5, Perception 3, Vigliance 2

fo「ces branch.廿ained in steaith and

hopefuily umotiCed

TaIents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d酷culty ofaii combat

Checks against thiS target tWice), Command 2 (add □□ to LeadershIP Checks; affected targets add □ to DiscIPline Checks forthe nexttwenty-four hou「s), Fleid

Commander (as an actiOn, may make an AVe「age

ゆ◆] Leadership check; 4 aIiieS may immediateiy

Suffer l straln tO Perform a free maneuver). Abilities: improved Covering Fire (When a川ed minlOn groups within sho「t range perform the Covering Fire

maneuver, they add +2 ranged defense instead), Equipment: Blaster carbine (Ranged叩eavyi; Damage 9; CritlCai 3; Range 【Medium]; Stun setting), light

biaster pistoi (Ranged旧ghtL Damage 5; Critica1 4;

Range [Medium士Stun setting)同astvest (+ 1 soak).

’沖i山OつPe〕dん⊃ue `(準OS Z+)

●⊆里甲制S `乙んe錦npi叫S !「) p∂8u閃` L uO!1de〕」ed `乙eeleIN :Sl間S

tlO書冊r=さN! ∃⊃tIOJつきd§ ’(準OSし十) lSe∧

]Selq `([p98e8u]l e8uea :∑ le叩」つくs e8叫eG :99ie画 9川津equO子(8u即9S unlS笹uO「I 98uet] { 1e〕印」⊃ :6 ∂8e山ea :i^∧e〇両Pe8u閥)細川9〕Selg :1ue田d!nb∃ ’(S9Sn eld!l

-in山し印M沖elSIOu SeOP S冊やunO」 ]Xeu e囲]O Pue

e明冊un e8ue」 1」OuS u冊iM Sdno」8 u〇時山」O S」e〕Oe -」e甲P9"iE ee」叩O] dn ol eSueJeP Pe8ue」し十PPe

O=9∧neueu e Pueds Ae山)三甲] 8ui」9∧Oつ:Se即l!qV ●euON :S叩e陀L .e〕u馴8!∧ `(^∧e9H) p98u閃`e919IN :困uo dno」8) sl間S

鱈酸国運∋ [NOININ]人遭⊥NⅥNI且つNVi「│V (準OS 〇十)

]Se∧ 〕Selq `(8叩]eS unlS叫niPe画e8uet] t唱oi叫⊃ :9 98euJeG ‘[叫8川p98u閃) lO〕Sld 」e]Se18 :]u訓rd叩b∃ ‘時e」」el叩叩J!P JO Pee〕Sul u!剛」e] ie…Ou u! 8ui9q Se ]ue山e∧0山〕e〇月S」edo〇月]ee目9つue"i∀

畑∧e」8 o」9Z u!) s」9∧neueIN /申∧e」D-O」eZ :Se即l!qV euON :SlueI葛2l

.(叫81「) pe8u閃`eei9川畑euunD :困uo dno」8) s!間S


題題題題圏圏 [NOIN肌寒t帽dOOtI⊥ ⊥抽│さき⊃NVl「│V .(準OSし十) 〕e山19u十

1Se∧ユSeiq `(8叩]eS un]S叫niPe画e8uet」に1∽ill」つ :9 e8e山eG刑81「] pe8ue副lO〕S!d J9]SelE] :叩e田d!nb]

9uON :Sen!l!qV ’(Sxp9u〕 【e〕eds] 8岬O=d Pue [んeleuelc]]

1Se∧ ]Seiq Pe⊃」OJu!e」 《(L SnO甲/仁乙eO」eic=pe8晒u]]

e8u閃:乙ie〕印」⊃ :ウe8割引き〇 ℃eie画e即準」qい`(8叩 -19S un〕S当山n朋川e8ueと‖ウie〕印」つ:g e8euJeC] 巾嶋!「] p98u閃) iO]Sld J卸Selq叫8!「 :lue田d叩b∃ (u!e」ISし」e出nS Ol

叫euOddo p98晒u9 ue eSne⊃ O=eq山○○ eeie山8u岬P

8叩011d田0」」臆臆e∧0山e」)ぴe沖0「 Pe用溝:SlueI孔

.しe⊃u坤8IA ’乙(有印ueld) 8岬011d `z /」ouunD.SI間S


のPueds= ed!MS ‘(S準〇匹唱ieelS lleO]□□pPe `MO

-P勘S d9eP 」O SSeu刈eP u川∂llM) p∂MOPeuS :Se即I!qV ‘(Sy⊃e甲ulieelS Pue uOl]eu旧JO○○ Ile Ol

□□ pPe) Z 」e判旧1S `(e〕uO ]e8」即S冊〕Su!晒e sxpeu〕 ]eq山O〕昭JO相n瑚!P 9Pe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :S叩el孔


醐蟻朝凪醐塊開園㊨醍 Cassian Ando=S a reSPeCted and highly experlenCed AiIiance inte11igence o伯ce「

SerVmg ln undercover roles and combat miSSIOnS His flght against the Empire Startedweii before hisdayswlth the Rebe」

=on. When Cassian was a youngchiid, he lost hiS father in PrOteStS agalnSt Repub11C military expansion. Cassian’s earileSt

acts of dehance were st「eet fights and

nuisance attacks against Republic cIone tr○○pers during the Cione Wars. He con-

tinued his fight when the Republic tumed lntO the Empire, With both the govemment and Cassian becoming much dangerous in the process.

Cassian was eventually recruited into the

RebeillOn by Generai Draven As a covert oper-

atiVe ln AlilanCe lnte11igenCe Operations, Cassian has piayed the roie of spy, Saboteur, and assas-

SIn When necessary, and has risen through the ranks to become one ofthe Fuic「um agents who

OVerSee many Rebei ceiis. Though past mlSSions and personal actions sometimeS haunt him, his legendary dedication to the Rebe用On and hatred of the

Empire driVeS him to do everything he can to destroy the enemy. He has even tu「ned one of the Empire’s


WeaPOnS against it, in the fo「m of captu「ing and repro-

gramming the imperiaI security droid ca=ed K-2SO. As a Fulcrum agent, CassIan knows much of the Empire’s darkest motiVatlOnS and capab冊ies, and

rumors of new imperlal weapons qulCkly attract his attentlOn. He’s more w==ng than mos=o beileVe SuCh



StO「ies, and they spur him tO lmmedlate aCtion.

Ski=s: AthletiCS 2, Coercion 3, Computers 4, C○○r-


CaptaIn Andor can appear m many rOles associated With A=iance lnte=igence and cove「t operat10nS. He

Can Serve aS a mission briefing o笛cer, COmmandlng O挿cer, O「 fleld intel‖gence operative conveying or

ret「ieVing Vita=nformatiOn The PCs might encounter

him usingone of hlS COVer identitieS, SuCh as that ofa govemment worker on Ord Manteli named Wi‖ix, O「

as one of the mysterious Fulcrum agents

dinatlOn 2, C○○i 5, Deception 5, Knowledge (Outer

Rim)上Knowledge (Unde「world) 2, LeadershiP 3,

MechanlCS 2, PerceptlOn 3, Piloting (Pianetary) 2, Piiotlng (Space) 3, Ranged (Heavy) 4, Ranged (LIght) 3, Skulduggery 3, SteaIth 4, StreetwISe 2, Vlgiiance 2

“falents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d冊cuity of ail combat

Checks agains=hlS targe=Wice), Quick Strlke 2 (add □□ to combat checks against targets that have not yet

acted this encounter). Abi看ities: Experience Counts (aiiieS Wlthln Short range

Cassian may be one of the toughest and coidest

Of Andor add □ to Steaith and Deception checks),

A11iance operatives whom the PCs encounter, and

Whatever lt鴫kes (Andor may spend a maneuver

exemp冊es one end of the range of extremes found

to add * (ジto the next combat check made by a

Withln Rebel fo「ces. He is more ext「eme than many

f「iendly character wlthin Short range, that characte「

but stops significantly short of Saw Gerre「a’s tactlCS.

Suffers 3 strain).


Equipment: Customized Blasl七Ch A280-CFE heavy blaster pIStOl (Ranged iLight]; Damage 8; C「itlCai 3;

● in his Fulcrum guise, Cassian may recruitthe PCs

Range [Medlum上Stun setting, aSSauit rifie mode has

intO the Rebei cause and act as their first fieid

Ranged [Heavy】 and gains the Auto-鉦e qua冊y; Sniper

COmmande「 o「 handler. 1t’s even possible the PCs

rifle mode has Ranged [Heavy」 wlth Range 【Longi, and

WOn’t know his real identlty for seve「al missiOnS

gainS the Accurate l and PlerCe l qualitieS; SPend l

● CassIan might secretIy, POSSibIy unknown by the

PCs, hire their ship to move himself and/or inteiiigence assets important to the Rebellion.

maneuver to switCh between modes), heavy cIothing

(+ 1 soak), COmiink, anti-SeCurlty klt

‘斗u岬O⊃ :叩e田d叩bヨ ’(e満山e8ue」 ]」OuS ul囲M S」el叩」eu⊃相e Sxp9甲Sし時Ol!d Pue `s〕iueu〕eIN `eulldi〕SiC] e囲O]菓

SPPe OdS○○) iPe山00(] e」《eM `(㊨ pe"e〕ue〕 」ed u!叩S

ウPue $ P9ie〕ue〕 」ed u岬」1S L S」9即S u9囲Od∑つ :s沖elP uOpe!]O89N Pue …eu⊃ 」吟唱田O」] ㊨ 」0 ㊨ 丁eOue〕 Ol e8ue」 ]」OuS u冊!M S」eAeld sMO昭OdSつ)

8L"SE」ud Pe∧O」d山口S沖eLp uC周明08eN Pue …euO

」ie明山0」」音臆S∂∧0田e」 ・∂〕〕き」e甲]勘l i」el⊃e」e叩き」OJ 凱IlelSu叩SI OdS○○ 91!LIM) SuO!]叩t] fuoq八つ-uE?山nH `(Pe∧lO∧u! S9!⊃9ds 9囲」e]ユE"JJ Ou `〇時lPe山」O elel]

-O8eu o] 9Pe山Sxpe甲」9囲O 」O Sxpe甲uOl華甲O8eN 相e o〕 □ ppe o] Se=ie SMO昭Oc]Sつ) lO0O〕O」d Pue ellenb閏Pe∧0」d叫`(SuiXO] Pue SuOSIOd o] 9un山uJ!

-(…OJ」9d oI SPiO」P ⊃dN Sl○○」IP 9u S準印加e o]□


掃畢?∴∴劇鰯   i ト もi-研   ふく†

工即eM」ePun Pue 山nn⊃e∧ u! e∧l∧」nS ue) Pue yuuP

」0 `]ee `9囲粥」q O] Peeu ]Ou SeOP) p10」C] :Se脚!qV

Slue」8) Lんt2u旧S準eds `(e〕uOユ∂BJ即S即時ui晒esxp∂u〕

1eq山O⊃ =e JO本un瑚IP ePe」8dn)しんes」e∧P∀ :SlueI叫

`ゥuo堅甲08eN `s (侶oiOueX) e∂p9iMOu〉仁S (山悶」○ ○1nO) e8peIMOu〉仁9 (uoile〕nP]) 98peiMOu〉仁S (SPl」OM

e」Oつ)諾peiMOu〉上し uO11de〕eG t …elD :Sl間S



●u〇月きnliS e囲

」叩e山Ou山Iu en〕Se」 O] 9」e明S雁Mle乱e SPue哩S叩 ’l⊃eluO〕 leqeと] S町」OJ

]e囲Se山nSSe eSIM9洲eH ‘」∂8ut3P ui e」e S」9囲OJ1 9i]川 e」e〕 O〕 8u…eeS 9問M 9Jli ui lOi PeS S町SueO山eq ∧1

O]洞nb s1 9H相euos」ed山川1e8 o]叩○ ○」e Se皿∂ue

ue8uluun」 911uMS⊃d Pe〕ei闇eun O叩Sun」 OdSつ e

-]uelSu○○ 9u Pue `e」IP e」e SeOuelS山n⊃」l⊃ ueLIM叫e山el

山e明日O 9uO Se〉le]S叫Pue Sleqeと] e囲」OJ Pue」」e

9⊃i∧Pe 8u甲e」〕S!P Al91e山l]1n ]nq

`SuOlued山O⊃ Siu PeOu!∧uO〕 u三朝O S! eH印eMん」OM PunO」elle Pue `叫e]SISSe ieuOS」ed 《」∈唱nq leuOISeつつO

庇M e囲8uoIE uOiSSeSSOd s.」e洲eM相S eyn「 O叫IieJ Pue

IuO」J 8u坤!」q lO〕O]O」d e e∧ie〕e」 ^訓] Pue ’uoIS -e〕〕O IE’i〕OS川場ele ue e]e川口u口Sn山Sつd leq∈粗 o

くり9dxe l〇〇〇ユO」d `」ele」d」〇回 Se Se∧」eS OdSつ

inJdi9u Ai8u叫eeS山9囲8ulPeeJ `]ue∧e 9明8u!」nP uO!〕e〕iun山田O⊃叫e]Su○○ u! SuiE山e」 eH ’Oc]Sつ

5V∃ql Hヨ⊥Nno⊃N∃回NV日日n⊥N∃^回V ’u!e叩O l崎山Sつd 〇日エコe叩S〕」Ode月O SuOil

lqOue〉1 uey¥∧-!qO xpeq 8ui」q Pue P哩O〕 uOiSS皿1e」⊃9S

e囲uO Zと] Pelued山Oつ〕e村oue:Pnl乱OdSつ’訓d山]

9囲JO eSi」 e囲8u岬P ZG-乙t]囲M eu晒」O l!明」O〕eu9S eNeS Ol uO ]ueM eu Pue `pese」e SeMんo山euJ S`Od⊆○○

∂uOlつe明8ui」nP Pue副OJeq elePi山∀ e田Ped 」O〕eueS

epo〕門Ou Si 9H Se8en8uel uMO」!e囲ui即eP 9]e」n⊃〕e

`su!M=e判eM相S e甲JO eつue]SiXe e囲eP町q S」即∧

-e〕甲n山田Oつ9Z/咋ue中oJIMS ue⊃叩q 」e坤S 」O 」9準9」q 山e囲e∧!8 oI P9]lnS ]Seq euO e明9q叫8叫Od⊆-つ く叩OXe Ain」l e」euMe山OS山O」] e」e Sつc] e明Ji SuO11

PeNeS Pue∴9uIO〇時し 山O」J Pe∧e叫e」 SeM eH 」∂判eM

-相S ul準u∀ 8uno人相e∧ e句p9iq山∂SSe SeM OdS〇〇

-en]!S eSe囲]O相e ui OdSつ」91unO⊃ue AE)山Sつd ’S」e囲0 」O乙ロ-乙白日liM uO!SS甲

〇〕ueu〕 e囲S]e8 eu ueuM-SuOl〕eilO89u 8ul」nP

e∧!〕○○的Pue lnJdle画ue∧ eq ue⊃車間MJO叩Oq `s…Ou

e」e/9明]Ou 」O」e叩euMeuO相e =e川IM 9u SE `odS○○

Se SeNeS相uanbe」J eH ’eu晒」O ele「 」O 」e判eM相S

」e∧O u口ue冊S! OuM P10」P IO⊃OユO」d e sl `pe]S9」9]ul

eu⊥ ●SuOISS叫つl]臥JJOldlP uO相epeds9 `]ue]SISSE?S.ele「

引eS田1u lueSe」d o〕 S」e担d eH SuOl呼ie」 8」Oq/〕-ue山nu ul ]」9dxe ue pue uo11e〕iun田山O〕 JO S…OJ uO用… XIS

OS `elSeM O] O8 9〕」nOSe」 ∧ue]ei O] P」O購Lue⊃ Sl9q6日

9q S9uJile田OS ue⊃ eし仁S〉甲nb木uieuOS」∂d slu印ldsep

Pue木uleuOS」ed s川嶋nou十P9〕e二時S町dos pueJOOle Se

8ul∧」9S S」e叫e〕 Pue田山0⊃ leqeと=O叫e9u e囲ul PunOJ

OSle Si 9u MO11S O〕 euiq山O中高uenbe」」 S9⊃uE]S山n"l〕

1ue=e〕Xe ue Sl eu ‘sselP」e8aa 」訓」」OM Peq」OSqE弓ieS e

ul PuE `uMOSlu uOSuOISS…叩OSe肌e〕佃」e」 eH ’SuO11 -eつ甲n山田OつiEl」ed山1 8ulZ/亘ue 」O 」ele」d」e]u川e Se

IO○○]O」d le」n引n〕 SSe11unO〕 u甲edx9 Pue Je〕e」d」e叫

〕e」〕eS e uO Si eu ueuM e」eMeun村ouenbe」J S1 9u ‘〕〕eJ

9岬「 u∈現O Pue乙G一乙遡Selued山OO〕e相e」eue8 odSつ


曽ヨ⊥⊃VおVH⊃ SiH⊥りN15∩

遵聞握も紺国魚鋸鱗 Chewbacca lS reCOgnized a「ound the underwo「id

as Han Soio’s more respectabie Wookiee鉦st mate,

who is unflinchlngiy loyal even though he mlght be a reluctant partner ln Han’s wilder schemes Chewbac-

Ca,s 10yaity is we旧earned‥ he be白eves he owes Han a llfe debt, d「iVing him to protect Han in retum The

two met on Mlmban, Where Soio heiped the Wookiee escape lmper-al lmPrlSOnment and 」Oined a criminai

gang on an ambitious heiSt. The two stayed together afte「ward and became an lnSeParable team・

Chewbacca is a fierce combatant. He piays up hiS

AbiIities: Life Debt (OnCe Per enCOunter, Chewbacca mayspend l Destiny Poin=o re子oi= skiii checkwhen defendingoraldingHan Solo), Maste「ofRepairS (when

Chewbacca repairs system strain or hu11 trauma on a StarShiP Or Vehide, he repai「s three addit10nal system

Stram Or huli trauma), The Wookiee WlnS (Chewbacca may spend $ f「om BrawI checks to infllCt the Maimed Critica1 1n」ury), Wookiee Roar (OnCe Per enCOunte「, aS an action Chewbacca may infliCt 5 st「ain on all ene-

mies within medium range) Equipment: Fists (B「aw上Damage 7; C「itica1 4; Range 〔Engaged]; DiSOrient 2, Knockdown), Chewbacca’s

bowcaster (Ranged叩eavy]; Damage lO; CrltlCai 5,

Range [Medium]; Cumbersome 5, Knockdown, Chew-

appearance and reputatiOn aS Han Solo’s muscle・

bacca may spend a maneuver to Ioad a specialized

w刷e Han relies on Wookiees’reputatlOn fo「 strength

quarrei that adds eitherthe Blast 5, Breach l ’Concus-

and vIOlence to lntlmidate hiS enemleS. Chewbacca

sive l , Disorient2, lon, O「Vicious4 weapon qua冊yto

certainly has RebeI sympathleS Whiie Soio ostensibly

the next attack using bowcaster), bando=er with satch-

makes the blg decisIOnS for the pair, Chewbacca has

e上modified YT 1 300 freighter M〃/emium Fo/COn・

conside「able influence and often guilts hlS Partner

into doingthe rightthlng


Chewbacca lS aimost aiways encountered wlth Han Soio, though theW○○kiee SOmetimes has mlSSions or

tasks of his own ln Which the PCs mlght be invoived

Chewie is constantiy working On the Mi//emium Fo/con and can often be found whereve「 the shiP is berthed wh=e Han takes care ofothe「 business.

The PCs can seek Chewbacca out for lnfo「matIOn Or aid, but he may askforfavors ln retum. At a Rebei base・ this might requi「e negOtiating deals w-th other ship

CaPtalnS O「 SuPPly o棉cers to obta-n帖ted resources

EIsewhere, the PCs may search hlgh and low for obscure PartS O「 Suitable upgrades.

ADVEN丁uRE AND EN⊂ouN丁ER IDは¥S 丁he PCs seek to hire o「 otherwiSe COnVinCe

Chewbacca to help convert thelr Ship lntO an effective smugg冊g vessei

Whlie be「thed in the same docking bay as

the M///enn/um Fo/con, the PCs and Chewle muSt defend themselves againSt a Pirate raid targeting the po「t They then need to rescue SoIo’Whom the pirateS kldnapped du「-ng the raid.


闇橿覇賃議運諺 Skills: Astrogation 5, Athlet-CS 3, Braw1 4, Coercion 4’

Computers 3, Disc印ne l, Gumery 2, KnowIedge (Oute「 Rim) 3, Knowledge (Unde「wo「ld) 2, MechaniCS 5, Perception 5, P帖oting (Planetary) 2, Plioting

(Space) 3, Ranged (Heavy) 4, ResillenCe 4, Steaith 2, St「eetwise 2, Vlgilance 2.

Talents: Adve「sary 5 (upgrade d冊Culty ofali combat Checks agalnSt帥S target three timeS).

uoつ/pゴurn!C/L/∂//!州」 9叫8! e」]

00射⊥人Pe即PO山`(準OSし+)8u冊01〇人∧eeu `(0山田e

JO〕nO un」1!e∧eu O〕xpe甲e囲uO@ @」O@Pueds 有e山IND a匪即1e囲uO i e〕」e!d u!e8o]9⊃uO uOde9M

s旧し刑M xp印e ]X∂u e唱J〇本un瑚iP e囲9Pe」8dn ∧e山ueH 」e∧neuellLl e Se `puno‥9d 9〕uO $u哩eS

un]S牛山niP∂州98ueと‖S l∽i]i」つ:L e8叫e(]刑8川 Pe8ued=OIS!d J即SeIq A∧eeu S.ueH :事ue田d!nb∃ ’(iOOd e囲田0」J 9〕iP e∧pe89uJO叫nO山e丁enb9 ue e∧0山e」 O] u!e」]S S O]

dn 」∈鴻nS Ae山ueH ’8u用O」 e」OJeq lnq沖e甲e」OJ IOOd ec)!P 9囲8u胴山eSSe 」91Je `uoiSS9S 」ed e⊃uO)

SPPO e明eIN llel. 」e∧∂N `(PunO」岬囲xpe甲用準 lXeu 」!e叩Ol *叩e山0叩e PPe O=e叫nO⊃ue e11] u! Seiile lle MO=e Ol uO11⊃e ue Pueds Ae山ueH 《」e] -unO⊃ue 」ed e⊃uO) uol]つeJ]Sia e∧!Slnd山i :Se即I!qV ‘(le]uePi〕u! ue Se

田el! eiq!SSeつつe 」O uOdeeM e 」elSiOl=O M頃P `puno」

」ed e⊃uO) Me」G xp!nO `(」e∧neue山e Se uOi〕〕e相e

…OJ」ed ol uieJ]S Z 」e即S庇山ueH `diuS」e]S e 8ui -]Oiid uellM ’puno月9d 9〕uO) lOl!c=eユSeIN `(ui叩S

山印S^s o叩〕i u」nl Ol e8e山eP Se渦d岬S」t21S 」O ei⊃

叫e∧ 」∈型e Ale岬P肌理le]ueP!⊃ui 」e1月∂8qL PiOH e …0]」ed ol叩Od相11SeGしPueds) 」eule8qL PIOH ((Se皿1 99」明]e8」el S即時ui晒e s準eu〕 leq山0〕

=e J〇本un瑚!P ePe」8dn厚相es」e∧P∀ :Slue!叫 しeつu馴∂i∧

’s es叩ee」1S t 11]iee〕S `⊆んe務npinyS `s (叫8!「)

‘SeSOd」nd 」ie囲 ∂N∂S OI Pe〕ein -dlue田Se山i〕e山OS

Pue `pue山田Oつ e⊃u引=∀ ∧q pele 」el01 ○○e SuOil〕e

lenSnun Si申0」eu

leq明」0「き山 e

Pe8uea `s (eつeds) 8u叩‖d t (んeleueic]) 8ui

囲!M l[3eP Ol uMO 」!〇日l uO lnO e)冊〕S

OSlビバ9囲叩q `suoISS甲 Ieqeと] `peel 相euoiS -e〕〕O Put3 `ui e準〕」ed

佃9」J ^eu⊥ .e〕u劉i∀

碕∧!i S肌O S]ue山eie 」e叩O Pue `sd甲SuOpele」 ueyO」q

`suJ町〕!∧ uO⊃ `suo」1ed 」e…OJ凡8ue ‘s」e叫nu布unoq

‘sleu9d山i Aq 」e∧O Axei晒9明PenS」nd s叫eH ’Se田9u〕S

lu9」」n⊃ Slu ]nOん」e〕 O1 8ui]d田謝e 9問M (S∂皿eue 」O) spu9uJ PiO O]u! Sun」 ue出O eu ]e囲Pl」OM」ePun叩 -〕el鴨e囲ui Se」n8出血euJ OSし印M ]1eeP Seu uEH eui〕ue⊃ eu!OO買斗」e]eM〉1つeq e ui

」9]」e甲e Peld9つつe ell ueuMSu胆xe 9」O田ue∧9 ]OS叩 Pue `e8pe e囲uO S∧eMie SeM 9Jli Meu S旧’S山ee」P S町

JO d町S e叩Pue `1臥i」 e叫0∧eJ S町’pue明1S9q S叫1e山 uoos pue `e∧eel O] e⊃ueu〕 e叩〕e Ped山n「ueH ‘岬no囲 `」e]]9q u〕n山LuSeM fu」∀ i別eduJl 9u⊥早=9」O⊃ JO

S…iS e明u- S…OM 9]iuM e明」OJ 8u間OM Pede〕S9 eJll S`ueH.S⊃eS」ed z=nOqe u! unt=eSSey 6冊8u一 一湿田」OJ (S9i⊃」l〕 e山OS ui) uMOu汁ieM diuS e唱`〃Oつ/pゴ

〃n!〃〃∂//用e囲Su哩de⊃ OuM le」Pun○○S Pu叩Oild `」elP -u!MS `」e8uiiSun8 ‘」ei諺n山S SnO山eJui ue SI OIOS ueH

-用∀ el11 uiし印M uO印SOd 《ule]」e〕un J! `9訓e S`ueH

⑬「oS NV軸


S! ueH S∀ ●S山ei -qO」d leuOS」ed

iC川d ’ゥuo!1d9⊃」ed │ uOl〕叩O89N Is s項ue甲eIN `乙d岬S」ePee丁ウ(Pi」OM」ePun) e8p91MOu〉上皇(u蝿 」elnO) 98peiMOu〉仁S r白9uunD `z uo!]de⊃ea `ゥiOOつ

宅…euつ`乙iMe」日`乙S叩e冊∀ `乙uO呼8o」IS∀ :Sl間S


19q三相9囲囲M diuSuOil -ei9」 SnO山OuO]ne叫9S

き u雌u陀山 `e〕つきqMeu⊃ `∂呼しu lSJU Siu Pue OiOS ’]Sed

書引S∃NヨN獲o│OS NVH ’SSO」つe un月e∧eu Seu eu山e囲

PIO] uきH S田坤-P○○u小e]e」edsep s」Oリedns 」刑] 」O A9囲S山el日O e⊃ueP!∧e 」e∧O⊃SiP S⊃d訓J ‘slu9山 -〕」ed山O〕 8u帽8n山S S.〃0つ/pゴ9囲ul ePISu! e問M o

」ei88n田S e∧鴫nJ 9囲O=98 o〕 ∧eM e se s」e叫n中亘unoq s誹nH 9囲eqqE「∧q pe]e訊el e」e SOd e里`⊃iiqnd u川eH ullM ueeS 8uleq 」三男∀ o

SV∃回lロコ⊥Nno⊃N日田NV ∃おれ⊥N∃^回V uoile」edo 8u=88n田S

e ui le∧町1e囲S,e=el1=e∧0⊃SiP叫8… Sつd Peu8昭

eu e〕ulS 」e∧e叩Oe甲Pue 9山OSe」n叫∂∧Pe ueeq Sell

O] Peu8iSSe 9q PlnO⊃ Sつd leqe汁qO「 Meu e 8叩el]08eu

一uOu e冊M ‘uo!SS… ie。eds e 8ul」nP Pue田山O〕 S.ueH

pue 8u胴山晒`elqe] 〕〕eqeS e le PunOJ 9q旬再nb9 叫8… eH.uOつ/Pゴe明O] SuO!1e叩iPO山Meu 8u-PPe 《9Seq li恥S e u! 」O Sd叫S leq9と] P」eOqe山川」91unO〕u〇

八叫sつc十/xel晒e囲PunO」e 8u!∧O山川J岬Sdeexp〕ue

お∃⊥⊃VおVH⊃ SIH⊥りNISn

賭醐藍認諾の Jyn Erso’s fight agamS=he Empire started with the

ioss ofherparentsata youngage. ln truth, herfather, Gaien Erso, Put her on thiS Path with the famlly’s

escape from hlS imperial servitude After lmperial forces abducted GaIen and k用ed Jyn’s mother, Lyra Erso, On Lah’mu, Saw Gerrera rescued and raised

Jyn. Foreightyears, She leamed to fightand hate the Emplre alongside extremiSt lnSurgentS Though Jyn became a ve「y good flghter, Saw abandoned her in Order to protect her f「om those who wIShed to gain

access to her fatherand his work

Forthe next flVe yearS, Jyn was forced to get by on her own. Her w冊ngness to diS「egard rules and laws

kep亡her a=Ve, but not out o白rouble. She was qulte

W冊ng to take her revenge agalnSt lmperia=orces

When the opportunity arose. Jyn was arrested numer-

OuS times and flnally ended up ln a Woban=abor CamP. Her pa「entage seems a constant factor ln her ilfe, though, aS SeVe「ai factions are eager to dlSCuSS he「 father’s IocatIOn and loyalty.


Jyn flies under the radar, keeplng tO the Outer Rlm and usinga numberofaiiases, SuCh as Liana Ha=lkand Kestrel Dawn. She is a consummate loner who trusts no one, S〇両eractions with the PCs are typica=y short

and rude. Campaigns set years before the Battle of vavln might find he而ghting aiongside Saw Gerrera.

ADVENTURE AND EN⊂OUNT岳R ID岳AS Jyn, uSing an allaS, hires the characters to inVeStigate her father’s whe「eabouts. They

run headiong into an lmperial counterespIOnage campaign designed to conceal Galen Erso’s posIt10n and existence

Whiie captu「ed by lmperIal forces, the PCs meet a captIVe Jyn who is held unde「 an allaS She

attempts a breakout on he「 own that faiis. She

SuPPOrtS the PCs’effor=o escape wlth her, but if

the PCs don’t make a g○○d lmP「eSSion on her, Jyn may leave them behind at the鉦st opportunlty


瞳覇爾遅配 Skil!s: Athietics 3, Braw1 3, CoercIOn 2, Cooi 2, C○○r-

dlnatlOn 2, DeceptiOn 5, DisciPline 2, Knowledge

(Underworld) 3, LeadershiP 3, Mechanics 2, Melee 4, Perception 3, Ranged (Llght) 5, ResiiienCe 3, Skuldug-

gery 4, Steaith 3, SurvIVa1 4, Vigiiance 2. Talents: Adversary 2 (upg「ade d輔Culty of all combat

Checks againSt thiS target tWice), Frenzied Attack 2 (When making a Melee o子Brawi check, Jyn may suffer

up to 2 strain tO uPgrade herattackan equal number Oftimes), Naturai Leader (OnCe Per game SeSS10n, Jyn may rero= any one CooI or Leadership check). Abi!ities:鴫kes Advantage (Jyn needs one fewer {J

to activate an item quaiity, tO a minimum of one), Whiie They’「e Down (a用es adc=ひtJto Meiee checks

made against prone or dlSOriented targets engaged With Jyn). Equipment: Jyn’s biaster pIStOi (Ranged [Llght]; Dam-

age 6, Criticai 5, Range [Mediumi; Disorien= , Stun Setting), Palred truncheons (Meiee, Damage 6, C「itica1 5;

Range [Engaged】; Disorient 2, Knockdown, Linked l),

heavy cIothing (+ 1 soak), COm=nk.

●準印ue∧!8 e u川準JO le∧e岬e囲

tIヨ⊥⊃Ⅴ田VH⊃ SiH⊥りN!Sn ’9uOん」e〕 0〕 PiO」P e囲MO=e l.uSeOP

’Pueu u! e判dseleP

.(e8ue」 1」OuS u剛M Se冊Aq epe山Sxpeu〕んe88np

OS乙t川8no岨●」e⊃11S elqede⊃ Pue ]SeJ e山間Se津山 e判ds印eP Pelee⊃uO〕 S叫し囲M P9uiq山0⊃ e」nl〕e]il印e 叫OM記u JO e8p91人へOuy S町Pue `s刈OM坤u lei」∂d山1 O〕 SSe〕〕e luH Se∧!8 98e準ed suo!l∽1un山田O〕 Pe]SOOq `u剛nq S旧]SAleue l∽l〕⊃e] 91qede〕 e SI OS乙羽

ese岨・1」O鵬Pue l問S eiqe」ePiSu○○ xpO] S山e函S s.os乙羽O〕 SuOpe」e畔S.」OPu∀畑e旬I捌9d山i 8ui

〇〇nPe」)ウelqe」na `(e〕!M=e8周S冊]Su!e8e sxpe甲

8u一沼田・eっuenb∂SuO⊃叩O囲iM ueeq lOu e∧eu S98ue甲

.s9冊O]臆■ spPe OS乙一周r互s訓oト=eln」日:Se即!!qV

SS91P」晒e月e叩de準u∈印O Pue 〕SeuOu A=e]n」q OSZ-y

lOu S∂OP) p!O」a `(e8uE」 〕」OllS u冊1M Sxpe甲川準lel⊃OS

’uOl〕en]lS lePOS e囲JO

-〕e^ u! e^I∧」nS ue⊃ Pue N叫P 」O世e `e囲e○○q O〕 Peeu


てe)u坤8!∧ `律岬i「) pe8uet仁s (9〕eds) SuilO旧


’90u98用elu=e!」eduJl O] Syu=

囲M 8uリ 8uii88n田s p!O」P e e]e却即! O] uO!SS叫」e∧O⊃」ePun

ue uo osz羽S団8u!MOuy ]Ou `p!O」P PiOuounu e8」ei t3 eJ!nb⊃e

es!M」e明O 」O 9SeLl〕」nd s⊃d eu⊥

SV∃回1 tI∃⊥NnO⊃N∃

qNV害すn⊥N∃^回V 8u!Z明りつPue 8u!SSeSSe 」O lue山u8iSSe lXeu

」刷=O e」nl闇JO SPPO 9囲8uueln〕leつSe甲nS `9〕!^Pe Su!叩ds斡Se^18相ensn 9申8u!SSed u!

OSZ羽田甲ie9P/euJウuV¥臥uO eSeq ieqeと」 9囲 8uqus!∧ Sつd ’Sつd e囲」OJ S鵬1S/S l坤eduJl 9つilS O]

」O ISAleue木y」n⊃∂S e Se Se⊃!N9S S,OS乙羽dn 」9封O

∧叫ue!SSeつ’」9囲O甲e9〕e」e渦q中亘ln8e」 OM〕 e岨

.草間d s叩pns eiO」 1」Oddns e u! 8叩⊃e八両nsn ’」OPu∀

ue!SSe⊃明iM Pe」91unOC)ue eq Ol相e洲]SO山S! OS乙一男

相e」eue8 ue!SSEつ`Al9∧Il〕e鵬」∂〕Selq e eSn O] eiqe S!

p3岬eJuOO串ySOOq SuO時uu皿皿O⊃明iM 98叩ed s田uO⊃ u剛nq `(uMOPxpOuy ` =ueリOS!G th98晒u]】 e8uet宮y le瑚」⊃ :s e8elLle(] lMe」臼) s]Si] :1ua田d叩b∃

-in溝Pue S」elnd山O⊃ Ol □ ppe) 」制S Pcoueu9dx] ‘(Su!XO] Pue SuOS!Od o] eunUJ山高印eM」ePun Pue山m

-eelue」en8 sp」en…tejeS e∧!Su∂]Xe S`P(準」∀ ue∧10 J(ds

1eq山O〕 lle ]O相n瑚iP 9Pe」8dn) zんeS」e∧P∀ :Slu3I叫 `s (凡e]eueid) 8ui]Olid `乙uC周d○○」∂d `z sっ町e岬9IN

′ゥ(9」叫掛へ) 98pelMOuM `ゥ(uo哩⊃nP]) e8pelMOuy



e o叩…u 8ulu」n十OS乙一男Pe田山e」8o」de」 Pue Pe」n] -de〕 OuM `」OPu∀ u引SSeつJO uOi]ue"e e囲M9」P S川上 .p!0」P ie⊃id布e囲ue囲SelO」乱O山相田ul uO!〕⊃unJ

o〕山e唱SMOiiE布巾叩S」9∧ 」!e明`es!M9判「 e⊃u∂Se」d 」ie囲uO-1Senb leuuOS」∂d leu9dul Me=e明Se帥⊃eJ

lei」ed叫u! S叫8iS岬nou9 uO田山○○ e」e S理un X〉」 .suo!SS… JO毎1」e∧ ePIM e 」O] eiqeldepe山e囲8ul満山 `sp!Oue山n叫O」 ePeuJ S∂i⊃叫e∧ Pue `叫e山dinbe ‘suo

-deeM ・sIOO〕 eSn OI P訓8!SeP e」e SPue叫一9岨●囲8u9JIS

Pue相i!謙’p9edsjO uO哩uiq山〇〇 〇lqeP叫」OJ e田e囲 e^18 pi!nq Pue eZiS 」一9岨・S…e Pue S8el 」9PueiS `8uol


」19里村pe〕e」e88ex〇回8i9叫e〕e9」8.sp!O」P 9u十SPIO

・SuO11enl!S P」e∧個Me O] Peel岬uM `s=明uO一〕de⊃9P

」OOd s中ロO e」eMeun Ale洲e」e Ae叫」e∧eMOH鵬lS leリ9d山l Se Sつd e明S明」0⊃Se `1u98e 」e∧O〕」9Pun ue se s9NeS OSZ-〉仁旬=⊃eJ ieしeduJl ue ]O uOl]eJl -肥ui P印刷11 e」OJ Sつc] 9叩OI OS乙JW SueOl uelSSeつ

-ue山n11 e8e」e∧E」e∧O 」9MO〕 Si9PO山X〉1 SP!O」P ]eq山O⊃

8uiu」e〕uO⊃ SMe=ei」ed山l ]」l準O] Peu81SeP ’pIO」P

相」n⊃9S S〇日9S-刈S9l,1SnPui P相e」∀ ue SI OSZ-刈



ADVENTURE AND EN⊂OUNTER ID岳AS 丁he PCs entera secret, hlgh-St.akes gamb=ng tOu「-

A scound「el and roaming ne’er」do-Well, thlS dashlng

nament in which Lando Calrissian is pa「tiCipatlng

gambler has established himSeif as a skiiled smuggler

As the games progress, he accidentaliy b10WS the

ln the Outer Rim. Adopting the foppish persona of a careful cardshark, CairlSSian continua=y cuitiVateS COntaCtS amOng the many trading organlZations and COnglomerates across the galaxy, legitlmate Or OtherWise He suffered a ma」O「 loss, however, When a young Core旧an scoundrel managed to catch him Cheating at sabacc and won Lando’s perfectly customized

llght freighter. Lando would fiy the M///em用m F。/COn

COVer Of an imperiai spy.丁he room erupts and

blaster軒e lS eVeryWhere, and the PCs and Lando

must work together to escape. 丁he PCs land themseives in considerabie, eXPen-

SlVe trOuble on Cioud Clty. They must negotiate a deaI with Lando for thei「 freedom, ShlP, and

repayment pian

agaln, butonly manyyea「s laterand ln a mamer he

WOuid never have envISIOned.


Lando’s styie, Charisma, and knack for dealmaking

landed him ln the posltlOn Of Baron Admlnistrator of CIoud City, mining Tibanna gas from the pianet BesPIn. He ski=fuiiy keeps the city on a success回track

the Empire or the powerfui Mining Gulld. His sense


Of responsib冊y and reputation for respectab冊y sur-

Skil!s: Charm 4, C○○1 2, Deception 4, Discipiine 2,

PriSeS many OfhlS PaSt frIends and cohorts.

Gumery 2, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 1, Knowl-

Whiie avoidlng attraCting too much attention from

Lando IS a gOOd piiot and tactician. He’s also quite

edge (Underworld) 2, LeadershiP 3, Negotiation 5,

ave「y good shot, SOmethingWhiCh he keeps a careful

Perception 2, P出oting (Space) 3, Ranged (Light) 5,

SeCret. Lando is especially good at navigatlng SOClal CirCies to gain an advantage in negotlatIOnS. There is

Skulduggery 2, Stealth 2, St「eetwise 2, Vigi↓ance l.

1a!ents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d輸cuity ofaii combat

no scheme too big O「 tOO Smal=or him to at least

Checks againSt this target twiCe), Kiii with Kindness l

COnSlder言f suitably profitable.

(「emove漢from aii Charm and Leade「ship checks), Nobody’s Foo1 2 (upgrade d櫛cuity of Char町Coer-


CIOn, Or DeceptiOn Checks targeting Lando twice),

丁hough hlS reSPOnSib冊es and schemes couid take

Piausible Deniabi‖ty 2 (remove漢書from ali CoerciOn

him almost anywhe「e in the galaxy, Lando is most

and DeceptiOn Checks).

llkeiy found at Cioud City. As Baron AdminlStratOr, he is not typicaliy someone the PCs can simply drop by

Abilities: idiOt’s Array (OnCe Pe「 enCOunter, Lando

may tum $ from another character’s s剛Check

to see without a p「ior reiationshiP OrCredible lntrOduc-

reiated to a game ofchance toa@), LuckBea Lady

t10n. He may on occasion be found in the city’s busy

(OnCe Per enCOunter, Lando may re「oil a sk川Check).

COrrido「s, though言n his effo「ts to keep the city runnlng

Equipment: Hol申out blaster (Ranged ILighti; Damage 5; C「iticai 4; Range [Sho「t]; Stun setting), fine

SmOOthly and profitabiy

Ciothing, dashing cIoak, W「iSt-mOunted com冊k. lf they have su田Cient reputation or

a recommendation, Lando might hi「e the PCs. For o簡cial bus上

ness, he may wiSh to use them as couriers o「 even liaisons to

interested pa「tieS beyond Bes-

Pin. For unofficiai buslneSS, he may hire them to Iook into troublesome criminal synd主

CateS Or SuSPicious M面ng

Gu"d activities.



’(l印uOZ!」Oll e」eM /eu川Se S∂〕勘nS l∽i耳e∧ 8uole

e∧O山u∽) 〕ee] 9iiSuelIe」d `(訓o JO田n山卑生u e O] (の

SSeI euO S〕SO⊃ uMOP)1⊃Ou〉上申e岬1eq山O〕 9eieIN 」O

IMe」日e Su!湿田u∂uM) 8u岬叫P」enD 」OuOH :Se即I!qV ’(=O山n田!u甲e O十OZ Aq s引nSe」んn「ui le〕印」つ eonp9」) z elqe」na ‘(eouo ]e8」el S冊rsu!晒e sxpeu〕

1eq田O0 1岬jO木un瑚岬ePe」8dn=んes」9∧P∀ :S事ueIt礼 ●乙1e∧iNnS `乙e〕ue岬Seとi

宅(∧∧閃H) p98u閃{ uO!]de⊃」9d `s ee19W `乙uOi呼u!P 置JOOつくz IO○○ │ uOP」9OO { lMe」日t S叩9ll甘∀ :S!間S

hvAIお] atlVnりtlONOH NVSV「 ‘S9⊃」OJ SnO!XOu 」9囲O Pue Sleu皿u⊃叫eiO!∧

」OJ 8u間OM山O」J山e囲S」∂]eP相席〕!d布」OuOし=O ePO〕 JP明く9i⊃Sn山8u!Pe∂u 9uO血e 」OJ刈OM O=equJe山e 」OJ 9iq!SSOd si ]i 9冊M.Sle8」e=9囲O P」eMO]胴囲8u! 1」nll Pue Se叫eue lenPIAiPui dn 8u団⊃!d JO P!e」Jeun 9」e

∧9囲`sdoo」=O SPenbs e埠ue 8ui∧o」IS9P JO 91qedeつ

SnO」e8uepんe∧ e」e P」en〇 」OuOH 9明言O S」eqlueIN ‘ueS e」l「 ]O Pl」OM

’岬岬O⊃ Pe]d村oue `(準OS l +) 」O…e P」enD -e山0し口eSe「 leq判八田9唱」OJ 8uiu〕」eeS 9q AeuJ MeJ ∀

日 uese「 ′(S叩O」d u9eMleq時間S O] Pe」inbe」 」e畑∂u削u∴冶u朋eS unlS `uMOP)1〕Ou〉1 `乙 川eリOSiG ` I e∧!Su3J9(] `se田OS」eq田n⊃亜e8晒u∃1 e8ue津S leJ間つ

:8 e8euJeG :e91e画e世O」d eel9田e囲-Oq笹ui捕S u叩S

宅9山OS」9qlunつ:山nlPe州98uet] t le坤」つく6 e8e山eG :[M開H] pe8ue加e肥0」d pe8ue」 e冊-O日:]ua田d!nb∃

’∧xel晒e叩Pue布e!〕OS JO S98ul」J e囲OI Pe∧O田柄洲 e∧e1仁SOIN ’旬」e」 e山9良Xe ue S! P」enD 」OuOH uESe「

坤=O 」eq田e山euO u9∧e釦i」e]u甲〕ue Pue `囲e」M S.e」1d山喜e甲山O」J Se^lニ唾nJ ∂」e leSe「 8ui∧i∧」nS eu⊥

甘さ⊥⊃VおVH⊃ SIH⊥りNI与れ ’山e囲Pe]Seq Seu OuM Al胴u9 ue O]拙十〇q 」19囲e∧i8 ∧ou ‘岬no囲“P」enD Pele9J∂P ∀ ’○○eds」9d相u8no」111 Ji9S]i ro‖d d町S」e]S e 8u!湿田u〕nS `s引nSe」 eiqlPe」⊃ul Se

-〕nPO」d se田鳴山OS Si肥Slen叩eluS∀ ueSe「 le叩S八田u!

P9Sn uO11e」n印uo⊃叫9Pue uMOu汁91制e Sell u9∧9 91Ji」 -Oq e岨-uOdeeM e囲9Sn SienP!∧丁Pui向山OMun ueuM

PePu〔親O e」e SP」enD Pue `p19!M O〕 」OuOu ue S口i坤Oq -山人sAi岬iu Sl e剛-Oq 9明くs副n引nO」e明O ul P」OMS ee洲

uつnIN 9肌」elSelq e Se P9佃dep 」O ePOu川副S-O」]〕ele P∂Pue-eiqnOP e ui PePue〕Xe AluO山田O) ]SOlu S川’8u! -ん」∽」eiSee」OJJe〕e田t3 ue囲e」O山9i叩‖ e]O囲8uel e O]

PeSdeilO⊃ eq ue〕 Pue SePOuJ ]u訓e胡P ie」e∧eS O叩S…OJ -Sue」] uOde9M 98」el eu⊥ ●9」0山Pue S叫e山el9 eSe囲jO

lle Seulq山0〕 `訓i十Oq 9囲`uod開M IEuO印P叫S.P」enO 」OuOH 9u⊥ ●SuOdeeM eei9山Pue Pe8ue」 Se lleM Se `〕eq

-山○○ PueL上O十Pueu uI S]」edxe e」e SJ9二川和訓e eSeu⊥

9」id山喜e明JOSPueu e唱叩 uo11〕n」ISeP S.ueSe「 Pe∧iNnS `so=e」」O “qeZ” q9Ze」ED

ナ叩〕eds ieqeと」 Alqe]Ou `p」enD 」OuOH 9いJO Me] 凡ey¥叩enbl〕e Pue 」OuO1=O SePO〕 〕⊃i」]S SelPOq山e ll

Pue `uese「 pue八両e=e八〇」 9囲JO Seun叫OJ e囲囲M Peu岬」e]ul S岬`uo印Pe」1 ui岬d ‘A間引ieto」 e叩8uI -]〕e〕O」d 」eP」O叫9i〕ue ue SI P」巳nD 」OuOH ueSe「 eu⊥


L匿日A ⑬罷箇A聞A 丁he Alderaanian princess is weii known to be as out-

SPOken and p〇回caiiy savvy as her famous father.

Although she was very young to hoid a posit10n Of POWer aS great aS that of an lmperial Senator, She had a冊etime oftraining forthe role Leia embodIeS

She now serves as one of the RebeliiOn’s prlmary

leaders, dolng eVerything she can to bring down the evil Emplre that dest「oyed her world and fam-

=y. Sometimes that means dlPIomacy, Whlle at other tlmeS lt meanS Picklng uP a blasterand leadmg Rebei forces ln da「ing operat10nS.


aii ofAide「aan’s vaiues and strengths, aiong wlth Bail

Organa’s po=tical sk川and desire tO bring an end to

the Emperor and EmpIre. She actively used her dip1omatiC StatuS and travel opportunities as cove「 to SuPPO「t reSistance activitleS, Whether for recruitment, acquisItiOn Of suppiies, Or de"ve「y of informat10n, Or

even to persona=y 」Oln a flght when necessary. 」eia took Alderaan’s destruction personaily, unabie

to save it even in a last-ditCh deception to tum the Death Star’s super看aser eisewhere Whlle her home-

WOrid became a ra)lying cry to Rebeis and resiStanCe flghters throughout the galaxy, Leia

became a liVlng Symbol to itS SurVlVOrS.

As one of the Rebe帖on’s maln SymboIs and leaders, P「incess Leia Organa’s p「esence ln any brlefing or

OPeratlOn immediateiy eievates its importance. Rebel PCs should be suitably lnSPi「ed and perhaps lntlmidat-

ed bythe scaie ofanytaskshe mightasslgn them to lf She is recruitingfora miss10n, She iS unilkeiytotake no for an answer. 1fthe PCs are unwiiling to cooperate at any time, She is quick to berate and even diSmlSS them. Non-Rebei PCs might encounter Leia raiiying Rebel SymPathiZerS On reStIess worids She might hire Or uSe them for spur-Of-the-mOment tranSPOrtatiOn Whiie ln the midstofa mlSSion.


O Lela Organa attempts to recrui=he PCs, eSPeCially anyone with Aideraanian heritage, tO the side of the Ai‖ance, Or gain the PCs’

SuPPOrt Whlle negotiating Wlth their PO=tiCal or logiStiCai assoclateS.

Lela hlreS the PCs to transport Alderaanian refugees f「om a Core world to a distant Oute「 Rim WOrld with greater safety f「om imperlal attention


賃覇聞置覇鑑国 Skii看s: Charm 3, CoerciOn 上Cooi 4, DeceptlOn 3,

DisciPilne 4, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 5, Knowledge

(Education) 3, Knowledge (Jnderworid= , Leadership 4, Negotiation 3, PerceptlOn 3, Piioting (Space) 5, Ranged (」ight) 2, StreetwiSe l

lalents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d輔culty of all ct)mbat checks against thlS targe=WiCe), Force Rating上 intimidating =may suffer l strain tO downg「ade dif-

ficuity of Coercion checks once or upg「ade dif柾ulty

Of Coercion checks made agalnSt this target once), Nobody’s Foo1 2 (upg「ade difficulty of a= Charm,

Coercion, and Deception checks targeting Leia twice). Abilities: improved鴫ke Charge (When maklng a Sk用

Check, Lela Organa may spend {)to let one ally withln medlum range immediately perform a maneuver as an

Out-Of-tum lnCldentai. She may lnStead spend $ or Jひ(ひ(ひto let ali aliies within medium range pe「form an immediate maneuver as an out○○臣u「n incidental).

Equipment: Biaster piStOl (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; Critica1 3; Range [Medlum】; Stun setting), heavy ciothIng

(十1 soak), datapad, enCryPted comiink.

●岬甲0〕 `(準OSし十)8叫 -囲Oi〕 ^∧e9u ‘(乙SnOPI∧.」ePunS `川⊃捌g :【pe8晒u]]

e8uet= le叩」〇 ℃L e則uJ3(コ工eqES叫8!「) 」eqeS叫8ii

S`」e哩eJ S甲子(8u哩eS un]S申n胆e画e8uet] :s le明りつ

∂田晒」9d eつuO) 〕Olid l剛n]eN `s昌明eと] e〕」0] `()やelle e囲」O」 ein」 eNSSe囚e唱

」O印e鵬9囲e」O鴫i O] luiOd仙〕S9qし Pueds Ae山《ei〕町e∧」O d町S」e]S e 8u閃印e 9」0]eq) l」Od lSn勘X] `(S9岬I e9川口e8 -」e] S即時ui晒e sxp9u〕 1eq山OつIle JO

相n瑚!P 9Pe」8dn厚相es」∂∧P∀ :Sluale]. ●乙∂Ou即8!∧

‘z I臥i凡nS `しe〕ue川Sed ‘s (叫8!「) p98uet]

`ゥ(○○eds) 8叩〇月d `⊆ (爪印岬d) 8uilO帖 `乙 u〇両e⊃」ed `∑ S叫ue甲e囚 `∑ 」eq隣川副「 `しd嘩」ePee丁Sんeuuno `乙eulidl〕Sia ′z uo!]eu

-!P」OOO `z iOOつくz s叩9冊∀十uOpe80」1S∀ :Sl間S

篤璽聾鱈聾鱈強酸 音与1雪害調∃N看ロコ州V仙人〉1重言刈れ「 lO=d 8un〇八e叩」三世e O8 `9Pe山eq OI S]pe」つ9囲8u甲Ou汁Pue..」O〕1e」] l9qe即OuS〕Ou e” e」n]dE〕 O] S⊃d 」e]unu布unOq Se川⊃dN u∀ o

xp印e Se〕」OJ le=ed叫PinOuS ]Oi!d 8u時-X

SnO田町MOu e囲eP!S8uole 911朋ul S」e叫8中高 OSle A則r s⊃d ’u〇時n〕iS e]e」edsep e山O」J Sleqeと]

〇時n e∧e Ae囲e問M Sd町S.Sつd e囲S叩O⊃Se eyn「 ・

SV∃回1 tlヨ⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNVヨtln⊥N∃^回V “ suo18119J /expu” SSn〕SiP 」O S」eMOd eつ」O]小ydsiP OuM

Sつd血e u! P91S∂」elu可」∂∧ OSie S.eH ‘PunO」e山間し川M 」印eq O8 1Sn「 S8u冊.elqe」9uin∧u! 」O elqi‖eJu阜Ou

〇回M叩囲eSueS e囲]e8 ue〕 Sつc] eu⊥ ’ePn叩e e∧iS -Se」88e sno甲〇回S町Pue 9⊃uel」edx∂ui明Oq 9SOdx9

e明∵0」eu eJl上ueい-」e8」el S.uO用eqeと] e叩S! eyn「 S∀

」9囲e e〕臥l]〕e lOu佃n eH ‘Pe8晒ue sl eu山OuM岬M

一山O⊃ Pue冊」eMOd se山間P」晒9」相ei]1ul在euJ Sつd

‘9 98euJeCl判81「] pe8ue油iOrs!d 」elSe旧:]ue田d叩b∃ ‘Se山il eldi]in山相国e

198」e] 8u岬euO JO印印S leuO叫O山e叫e」」n⊃ 9囲9Su9S OI O pueds osle /e山9岬「 J∂肌U ∂JJQj :eSueS

PlnOuS SSeuuSe」q Pue …eu⊃ uSl∧oq siH ’8ulPueuJ


’e」nlnJ e囲O]u可ep e o] dn

`pue哩e18u!S B 」O Jl9S山川」OJ e山OつO〕 Slue∧e JO S叩11

u!撚oIO pueds庇u e岬「 J∂MCU ∂JJQJ :eeSe」O]

●S沖9u〕 (e⊃eds) 8叩Oiid

」O `(んeleueld) 8unO旧`uol制iP」OOつ8ul湿田u9uM 」e -MOd si囲eSn OSie Ae山eyn「 J∂〃Qゴ∂o岬J :e⊃ue叫u]


!Pe「叩e山81ue e明]nOqe PuU ue⊃ 9u e8p9iMOuy ∧ue sens」nd osle eu `8ulM-XS叩ui 」O SuO!SS… ]∂」〕eS

uo 」e岬e ・sepe川O⊃ Meu S町JO 9P!S e即時8u刑勘 e=uM.S]Sil Pe叫eM置]SO山i叫ed山i e囲Sdo] Pue O」eu

lS∂謁!q S`uOi=eqeと] 9明S`eH /xel晒9u] mOqe S明叩 eiqe」e山nuul Su」eei eu 9l叫M ]=OJ dn e準山e〕ueP即O〕 Pue 9Pn]l"e uSe」q Si叩nq `pe⊃uel」edx9ul Sl e沖「

呼q山Oつ相eo]O*」O `めの`*3± ppeO=uiOd 相i]Sea しPueds AeuJ 9叩「) uo111州e ul euO `esues `∂∧OIN `9eSe」O] (e〕uellu] ・S」eMOd eつ」O] :Se!瑚!qV

(沖eu〕 ‖i準euO血eo〕 □□ppe A叫uo!SSeS 9山e8」ed e〕uO) 91e] JO甲nQし く(ウAq 98恥ep eつnPe」 01 uie」]S S 」e拐nS庇山事OS

8u囚dde e」OJ9q ]nq沖珊e P98ue」 e旬xpn」]S u9uM)

乙]⊃印e汁(9 Aq論恥ep e○np9」 Ol uleJ]S S 」∂即S ∧e山

`1e]u9PPu! u」n叩○○]nO ue Se事OS 8u囚dde 9」OJeq

叩q準叩き○○le山e佃準…S ueuM‖三相」ed `函eu〇 九euunD 」O [ec)eds] 8u叩=.] 9uO IiO」e」 ∧叫`uoISSeS


e囲]Sult謁e uoiii9qeと」 e明JO ]」ed l坤∧ e e山Oつeq Pue ・∧xel晒e明SSO」⊃e 」e」 Peie∧e」〕 (se剛qe SnOl」elSfu

lnq ln」」9MOd sess9SSOd 9u叩囲P9」e∧O⊃SIP `」eu閏 Siu JO e〕eJ e囲]nOqe訓O山Peu」eel S.∂Ll ue囲e⊃ulS

」9∧e」OJ相-1SeP S叫P98ue甲spiO」P JO 」!ed e uellM 《9J= lLIJeJ P9]elOSi S岬ede⊃Se O] Ale〕e」9dsep 8uiuSiM ′叫9山

-9]l⊃Xe Pue∴∂」nlue∧Pe 8u!準eS SE)M 」〇割eM相S e坤「

Hヨ〉看「廿㈱菓S ∃㍍簡易


閲の関醜曲譜朋鬼罷国 憲龍田醐醐瞳聞耳

An imperiai fugltIVe ShlPWrightasksto use usesthe PCs’ship as a mobile hideout.丁hey offer to serve

One key de帥ng aspect of Mon Cala is ltS natiVeS’

as the shlP’s engineer and trade dlfficult or eiabo-

artistlC aeSthetlC When lt COmeS tO design, eSPeCialiy starshiP deslgn. ln both orbltal and underwater

A PC purchases a vitaiiy needed shiP that lS

rate upgrades for long-term PaSSage.

ShlPyards, m冊ons of Mon Caiamarl engineers and

Create VeSSels of a quaiity rareiy seen ln the galaxy.

undergoing refurblShment, but lt is a long way from being fuily spaceworthy. Payment was made to startthe process, but more credits are needed.

Although these shlPbulide「s work from slmilar sche-

丁hingS are gOlng SIow, however, and the PC needs

matics to produce starships, nO tWO reSults are ever exactly aiike.

to lnVeStigate the causes and determine what can be done to speed thingS uP

ShiPWrlghts co=aborate with Qua「ren shiPbuiiders to

Mon Calama「i shlPWrights a「e as much a「tisan


as engineer, and these quaiities shine through thelr ShIPbu冊ing Some leam thelr Skl‖s via academic

CurrlCula, While others undergo apprenticeshlPS and vocationai studleS. They have their own klnd of efficlenCy in design, but not the striCt, lmPerSOnal,

mechanical mass production seen ln lmperla=actories Sienar and other major manufacturers wouid SOOn be f「ust「ated atthe pace and style of Mon Cala-

Ski=s: Computers l , Knowledge (Education) 2,

mari ShlPbuiiding.

MechanlCS 2

GlVen that Mon Caiamarl ShlPS are PrOmlnent

“faients: Known Schematics (OnCe Per SeSSion, may

Withm the Rebei forces, grOuPS Of shipwrights serve


aboard these crafts, keeplng them run∩lng and

repairing battie damage These shlPWrlghts strive to

CeSS grantS familiarity with a buiidlngOrShip’s deslgn).

maintain these ships’famous levels of quaiity, though

Ab肺ies: AmphibiOuS (Mon Calamari can breathe

Rebel resources are aiways stretched thln Other Mon

underwater without penaity and never suffe「 from

Calamari shipwrights design new shIPS directiy for the

movement penaltleS fo「 travellng through water).

Rebeis. One crafty englneer named Quarrie designed

Equipment: Comiink, datapad with schematics,

the powerful BladeWlng, Or B葛Wlng, fighter on the iso-

repair toois.

iated worid Shantipoie.

US-NG THIS ⊂HARA⊂TER Mon Caiamari shipwrights a「e most

likely to be encountered in shipya「ds言n repalr bays, and aboard

Mon Caiamari vesseis. PCs might Seek out a shipwright to help with SPeCiaiized upgrades to their starShip o「 compiex repairs to a Mon

Calamari Ship. Despite their reputation for high-end craftsmanship,

SOme Mon Caiamari ship-



此 麗 璽

rich in the process.


few make themseIves ve「y

隻 讃 竃

C「eatiVity and ingenuity. A

ノ 一 -   i   - 寸

OWn CuStOm Sta「Ship shops

Where they can show offtheir


Wrights can be found working for outiaw technlCians or Shady operations. Some freeiancing engineers open their

’Pede]eP `測岬O⊃ P卸d九つu9 19」⊃eS

言u」nle」 9ゴビS,, 」e日

」OJ P即SOd seu e」id山喜e囲P」eM9」 8uue88e]S

e哩^q p9担田e] eq叫811u在e明」0-uO哩○○i SnO∧Z9PueJ 19qeと! e O] 」eu uOdsu叩 ue⊃

爪eu⊥ “uOpeOOl 凡e]eut?id 川副」n⊃ 」19囲1e

PePue岬」判e ]Sn白O 9〕eds ui Sui]eOIJ ‘pod

ede〕Se ue甲e山囲0囚uO囚」e∧○○S岬S〕d ∂u⊥ ‘Pl」OM lei」edu川e佃AIP」eM -叩O ue jO lu∂山u」e∧O8 e明囲lM eDue用e ]∂」⊃eS

」O dno」8 ]ue8」nSu1 8u叫Oつul ue 」OJ S…印e明 e〕eilO8eu ol山ee] e川e 」9u u!0「 Sつd P9]○○u

-uO⊃相e叩IOd岬囲SISenbe」 un囲OIN uOIN

与V∃回l甘さ⊥Nno⊃N∃回NV害され⊥N∃^回V ’uOl]enliS 」!e囲」OJ uOl]eZi」O唱ne 9唱Pue S」eP」O ∂囲

ep!∧O」d相euos」ed ol 」e1=OJ elqiSSOd e叩b si 〕申O!S -S町村坤l皿」O uO!]enllS IE叩=Od le瑚」⊃ E ui Pe∧lO∧ul e田O⊃9q Sつd e唱 PlnOuS ‘」e∧9MOH Slu9山9]即S 坤 -qnd p三男e」〕 」O SeuelPe…e叩岬no」唱SuO!Si〕eP 」eu

]nOqe 」eeu Ol有e洲1SO山e」e Sつd eu⊥ SuOue」edo 凡e帥山Pue S〕印iOd leq∂tjl JO Sle∧9=Seu到eu] AluO u! Pe∧iO∧u申Icold布Si肌冊OIN uOIN `suoue」9do ieつ -刑Od pue lue山u」e∧O8 ii∧lつS叩」OJ 9]e]S JO Je川⊃ Pue

‘se〕」OJ凡e帥山9⊃u判i∀ 」O=eluつu=ePue山田O⊃ S∀

曽∃⊥⊃V曽VH⊃ SIH⊥りNI与れ SuO!]do r白e川田SnS」e∧ uO堅甲O89u JO

uoISSn〕S旧柄e spue中潮nb 」e]S囲eeC] 9囲JO ie∧叫e

eu上位]e山間∩相ep pe別冊O] Seu 9uS eiPeeu e Pue

e明〕eeJeP O] uOileZ叫晒」O 9∧iSeuO〕 e O叩Seつ」O] 8ul

甲ee 」OJ □ euO Su!e8相e 9囲`inJSSeつつnS中和e ue o]

八ue uo 9e」8e oI Sdno」8 snol」e∧ e明8し岬1eD ‘○○ld山喜

相eo]Pe」iSePSePePPe Puedn訓ds9q ue⊃岬LIM `訴

’snoけue叫O〕 Pue ]in瑚!P S∧eMle S! uOl]〕e JO eS」nO〇

坤回田O⊃ 二川旧山OldiP ’e瑚O JO 9qOd :叩e田d!nb∃ ’(uo!SS9S e即O Pue eu:=甲n Se準山村e e囲Sxpe甲11i準

8u団」OM `e〕uel‖∀ ieq〇日9囲SPeel MOu e山里OIN uOIN

e e湿田`uo!SSeS」ed e○uo) uoi担idsu1 8し時Se「 :Se即I!qV

-叫印pue sdno」8 e時」edsiP 」e叩e801 Pueq O画SS9ie」i1

S」eP」O 8ui碕ueuM xpeu3 d叫S」ePee「 [◆ ◆◆ p」t2H

●(e⊃岬糾明0囚uO囚8明98」印S準eu⊃ u〇両e〕eロ

」eu乱n〕dE?〕 PinO⊃ S91〕りO唱ne e囲9」OJeq Pue `uo!O」eOつく…eLlつIle JO木uno脚P 9Pe」8dn) z IOO] S.∧poqoN `(」91unO〕ue 9囲]O Pue eu川]un SnOiileqe」

uo印SOd 」9u PeiJ 」三周e uOOS euS ’」euOi]n⊃eXe ue Pue

」eli e 」0」ed山喜e明e」el⊃eP村oilqnd o=ell PeuSnd

○○1elS坤qnd p9川田」eu相en叫e∧] ’e〕」O」佃pe∧O山e」

1eq山O〕 ile JO木un瑚!P 9Pe」8dn) zんeS」9∧P∀ :Sluel牡

`9]e」elO] PlnO〕 9」ld山] e唱ue囲副O山e山e⊃9q S]ue山

e⊃uO) uo=leqea e]Pul `(∂⊃岬〕e8」e] S冊]Sui晒e sxpe甲

S98E」叩O相即u=山1el」∂d山上S」e叫勘e〕u即S!S9」 0] S三時

e山O⊃eq O] S8u吟q 9e」明Ol dn esne〕 0] H⊃e叫⊃ uO!○ ○」eO⊃ [◆◆◆I p」eH e e津山`uo!]〕e ue Se `uo!SS9S」9d

宅e⊃ue圃∧`乙esiM〕e叩S `し(e〕eds)

eし岬SePu叩P9:P9dsns 」eu囲M Peldno〕八両!〕edse

eq O] e∧eu PinOM Pue PePenSSiP 9q 」e∧eu PlnOM 」○

明lM SuOI華甲O8eu 」OJ PeuSnd puE S」eM euOl⊃ e囲

98pelMOu〉1 ‘s eu=d。Sia { uOl]d∂⊃ea `ゥi〇〇〇 `乙S」○ ○1nd山O⊃ `⊆ uOP」9Oつ`ゥuJJeu⊃ `しuO11晒0」]S∀ :Sl間S

《1OJ]uOつP9Zi9S 」O」eduヨ9囲」e叫∀ ●S]S哩」edes e叩

e8pelMOu〉1 ‘s (uo11e)nPヨ) 98pelMOu〉仁ウ(SPl」OM 9」O⊃)

○」ed山ヨ9叩PeZllee」 euS `」9∧9MOし仁S9u9〕S 9囲Pu周明 ‘PlnO⊃ euS e問M村yiiqnd ei88n」]S e囲Penし時uO⊃ euS

8ui]Oiid `し(んe19ueld) 8叩Ol!d `s uo11de〕」ed `s uc母 -E町O8eN `し eeleIN ’s diuS」eP粥「 `乙(P日OM」ePun)

Sul」nP 」eMOd e〕eP!iOSuO〕 O] S"O甘∋ S.euiledled 」Ol


-1e〕ueuつPeSOddo eus ’eleP…∀ 9山Ped Pue eu晒」0 ii閃囲M 8uol∀ ’S]ue∧e 〕S」OM S.∧xei晒e叩JO 9山OS OI SuOilnlOSe」 lnJ○○eed pe]d山∂蹄Pue uOil印O8eu

Pe]0山O」d Aluedo e山里OIN uO州‘馴」PuelD山O」=O〕 -eueS lei」ed山=9呼I Pue 〕llqnd三相e…十9uO e明S∀

[引S∃NヨN寒vNH⊥ON NO‖



ADVENTURE AND EN⊂OuNTER ID巳AS The PCs are attacked by ThlSken Ralders ln the

On鴫tooine, Obi-Wan Kenob=S a lifetlme aWay from his days as aJedi Maste「. if he lS known at aii there,

it is as the eccentric oid hermit Ben Ofcourse, this is exactly how Kenobiwantsit. He needsto be leftalone to watch over Luke Skywalker and to spend time meditating and studylng the Force.

HISdutytotraln the boyasaJedi has been blocked by Luke’s uncie, but he sti‖ protects young Skywalker

from many threats. Kenobi has also needed to defend

鴫tooine desert, but Ben appears and frightens the attackers away. Ob上Wan keeps a cIose eye

On the PCs, defiectlngthem shouid they seek out lmperlais or inte「act with the Lars household

Ob主Wan hires the PCs to frighten off criminais

attempting tO eXtOrt locai farmers for protectlOn


himselfas we旧rom attack, eSPeCla=y from an outcast

terror whom he thought defeated many years ago on Naboo Other figu「es from hiS PaSt may also arise

again, but Kenobi has had manyyearsto prepare and iS ready do whatever ittakes to see the Empire ended


USiNG TH!S ⊂HARA⊂TER Ski‖s: Cha「m 4, Coo1 5, Deception 3, Discipiine 4, Obi-Wan Kenob了s entire exIStenCe On 鴫tooine is

Knowiedge (Lo「e) 4, Knowiedge (Outer Rlm) 2, KnowL

Centered on guarding Luke Skywaiker. Kenobl’s Force

ab冊es, though, ailow him tO tend to daiiytaskswi亡h-

edge (Underworid) 2, Llghtsaber 5, Negotiation 4, Percept10n 4, Plioting (Space) 5, SurvlVa1 4, Vigliance 3.

Out a need to foi⊥ow Luke around PCs are most likely

鴫ients: Adve「sary 4 (upgrade difficuity of a11 combat

to encounter“Ben” ln the desertsurroundlngthe Lars

Checks agaInSt thIS target four times), Force Ratlng 6, Jedi Defender (OnCe Per enCOunter, after igniting hiS iightsaber, may SPend l Destiny PointtO make enemleS Within short range unable to targetanyotherfoes except hlm unt11theendofhiSfollowingtum), improved Reflect4

homestead, but may occasion訓y帥d him in a town

to acquire SuPPiieS and news. Ob主Wan hides hlS Force connec-

tiOnS and true identity lf someone 看ooks for him SPeCifically, he qulCk-

(When struck by a ranged attack but before appiying

iy sends them away, unafraid to

SOak, may Suffer 3 straln tO reduce damage by 6両

use hlS abl冊es to confuse their

used, then after attack lS reSOived, may SPend @ or

memo「ies to do so However,

轡@ @ to automatiCaliy hlt One target Withln medium

Ob主Wan aiso heips those ln

range, deaiing the same damage as the hit from the initial ranged attack), Parry 4 (When struck by a melee

need when he can.

attack but before appiying soak, aS an Out-Of-tum inCト

denta上may Suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 6), Soresu l七Chnique (may use lnteliect lnStead of Brawn

When making Llghtsaber checks), Shroud (Ob主Wan

may spend l Destiny Pointto make himself undetectable vla Force powers and make hlS OWn POWerS gO umoticed fo「 the remainder ofthe encounter).

Abilities: AIways leaching (OnCe Pe「 SeSSIOn, eaCh

PC withm Short range of Ob-Wan counts their Force ratlng aS One hlgher until the end ofthe encounter); Force Powers. Enhance, Foresee, Heal, infiuence, Move, Sense; lt「rifying ProjectlOn (OnCe Pe「 enCOun-

嵩詰器請書嵩岩盤背約n詰 Check as an out-Of tum incidentai). Enhance: fo竹e fbwer Ob主Wan may spend O to make a Force Leap action to jump horlZOntaily orvert主

Cally to any locatiOn Within short range !nf看uence: Force fわWer ObトWan may make an OPPOSed Discipline ve「sus Discipline check combined wlth an lnfiuence powe「 check. 1f he spends

Oand succeeds on the check, he can force the target within sho「t range to adopt an emotional state or

beileVe SOmething untrue, lasting for 5 rounds or 25 m血tes He may spendOto stressthe mind o= llVing ta「get he is engaged with言nflicting 2 strain.

Move: Force /わwer Ob主Wan may spend(}to move One S冊Ouette 2 ob」eCt at Short range.

Equipment: ObトWan’s Llghtsaber (Lightsaber; Dam-

age lO; Criticai上Range忙ngagedi, B「each l , Sunder),

faded robes (+ 1 soak).


二時曾山01diP `pedeエビP `sp」en8∧p〇日

:叩e田d叩b∃ ’9uON :Se即1!qV

(i問S le唱 Oユ P9〉luli二時S日印⊃e -」eu〕 〇日l ue囲」e囲e」 `eっu9Se」d 8u!Sn沖9甲

iii準euO e湿田∧別冊el -〕e」e甲e明くuoiSSeS 」ed

e〕uO) …別売) e e判「 S刈O州

`(Sxp9u⊃ l〇〇〇 Pue d町S」ePee「

=e山0」J看臆e∧O山e」)乙e〕ueSe」d 8uiPu地肌Oつ`(e〕lM=e8」e] S冊]Suie8e s沖9甲]eq -山O〕 11e JO布un瑚iP 9Pe」8dn) zんes」9∧P∀ :S]uel孔 ●しuOi]de⊃」ed

宅uOl]叩089N `乙diuS」ePe9丁し(皿と=9]nO) 98pelMOu〉1 ‘乙(uol呼〕nP]) 98peiMOu〉1 ‘s (SPl」OMe」○○) e∂pelMOu〉1

‘岬甲0⊃ 《pEd打ep `sp」en8(PO日:1ueⅢd!nb] ’euON :Se即1!qV ‘(Sxpe甲lO○○ Pue d町S」ePee「 ile UJO」J臆e∧O山e」)

l eつueSe」d 8uiPu肌皿Oつ`(e〕uOle乱e] Si即Su!晒e sxp叫p 時q田O〕 iie JO木un瑚!P 9Pe」8dn)しんes」e∧P∀ :S事uel叫 ’乙uO!岬IO8eN `乙(uo!1e〕nP!) e8pelMOu〉仁乙(SPl」Q/V¥

9」○○) 98p9lMOu〉= uO早de〕9a `z IOO⊃ `乙…eu⊃ :Si間S

盲!○○重き圏〇番〇〇三 山v^1tII NVけI⊥!lod ’Sleqeと] 9哩u!0「O〕」eP」O ul SPue山ee津山dleu Pue

nee」n色相」n〕eS ieu∂d山口e甲山O」J山e囲13e]O」d OI Sつc] e11] 9川∧eu⊥ ld…O〕 AISnOe8e」叩O ]nq

」9Z冊ed山∧s leqeとi e S=O]eueS岬!」ed回」e皿O」 ∀ ● ’e8印sou e se e∧11ap」 S`uei二時iiOd e囲 PiOll SnnH 9囲]nO Su」n=i ’uel⊃ 〕1nH e OISe!] S.」e

-Peei布巾e9]晒1〕S9∧ui OIS⊃d e叩Se」iu SSeuiSnq∀ ・

SV∃回1 t帽⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNV害すn⊥N∃^ロV ’e〕助0山0」」 S」elつき」e甲 9S∂l(1 8uilSnO `suo刑SOd相euJ 10」叫0⊃ MOu S」Ou」e∧OD lei」edlul `」∂∧eMOH ‘S山e]S∧s」e]S Pue `sp=OM `sei」叫nO〕

`se叩謁」e=O S」9Peei do廿岬S9」d9」 OSle ue〕 」0]eueS

e岨9」(d山! e明1Su!晒e s9山里Ien〕〕e 」O P9]」Od」nd 」O 」equJnu相e 」OJ 9」nlde○ 8ulPe∧e向q!SSOd `」O]eueS

lel」ed山l 」e…OJ e lueSe」de点に山e旧O」d 」O]EueS eu⊥

相dn」qe 98u叫p suo印PuOつeu川qO「S,uap 判Od e ]nO 8u!相e〕 e冊Mんp pue岬1u Sつc] 9囲9∧きei /e山S町⊥ ●uO哩n]lS l∽l]ilOd 9明し川M e8ue甲Se∧!1O田

S.uel瑚lOd ∀ ’〕Ou 」O e瑚O ⊃liqnd piOu相u訓n〇人e囲」e -u刷M男elS lei」01eueS 」9…OJ Pue S」ePe∂l叫∂山u」e∧O8 -」eMOI O十P叫Ie⊃!d布SlueSe」d9」 ei叩」d uei〕印1Od 9u⊥

S甘さ⊥⊃VおVH⊃ヨ雪害齢⊥りNI与れ MO」囲」e∧O S〕i ul Pie ngu冊M O1訓d山] 9u]囲M uO!]e!〕OSSe 」le囲山OJ]しPn山00] 」eJ Pe叫eueq

e∧eu lSO山川q ’叫e山u」e∧O8印euOiSSed山O〕 e」O山e 8ui」O〕Se」 ul e〕u坤1∀ e囲P!e Ol準eS Pue S]u∂n叩SuO〕

」i9囲JO eleJ e叩u! P9〕Se」e]u申eumu98 9」e MeJ乱e」 ∀ ’eSie euO∧ue JO SPeeu e明ueu] 」e囲e」 SPeeu uMO 」19明∂∧」eSO画Ie〕ld布Si]l `e8」ei]eAxei掲9囲O]u1 1nO

e」nlue∧ OP SiEnPi∧iPu=PnS ueuM A訓」nO「相]8uei e

甲nS 」OJ e山早P間柄⊃」e⊃S ue〕 Se!」0叫」軋u月日」91n○ ○ul叫9S∂」de」 OLIM eSO囲ue∧! ∧xel晒e叩]O SuO18∂」 iE)」n」 e」O山e叩Olu1 9」n]ue∧碕」e」 SlenP!∧!Pul eSe唱 `se⊃uelS山nJJP l別田Ou 」9Pun eiOuM e Se 9」id山王e唱

`しeu=dl⊃SiG `乙uol]d∂⊃eG ‘乙IO○○ `s …euつ:SI間S JO uO-S8u!O8 9明Ol uOil〕euuO〕 le」∂u∂8 pue `〇両SeJll



相]leeM `∂〕ueni岬l∽l]=Od 」i9里8uiui印ui叫JO S9dou

ul ee」e e囲u! u!euJe」 OuM Jo」ed山王9旧柄pepueq -SIP小oue○○」 `9]eueS le。ed山i e明JO S」eq山elu Put2

出e書S 」e山」OJ ePnl〕ul SPl」OM e」O⊃ e叩]O SueZ冊ea

遡eⅣN宣Sロ軸V NVIつき上聞ed

題sIS喜田ヨN8 Ho⊥けり害う

㊥閻魔配配置開館居間間隔㊨配 Ai=oo often, OCCaSiOnS arise when dipIomacy slmPiy camot achieVe the ends the A帖ance requireS m

Order to move cIoser to uitlmate Victory against the Empire Whether for se旧sh reasons or simPly out of

fear, many gOVe「nmentS throughout the galaxy have

a=led themselves with the EmpIre and refuse to con-

Slder any other path. Most Ouarren, for exampie, Were reluctan=o join the Rebe旧On foliowing the llb-

erat10n Of their homeworld, SO many rabble十OuSe「S

When a pianetary govemment refuses to recognlZe the best lntereStS Of itS PeOPle, agitatOrS WOrk to reach

the peopie themselves. AgItatOrS are a Very diVerSe 10t, from those who possess lnCredlble passion and charisma to the maniPuiative and deceitfui. Regardless Of their methodoiogy, however, POiitiCal agitatiOn lS a PrOfessiOn Wlth very冊1e room for error. Having prac-

tlCed, and survlVed, theirown attempts to converttheir

homeworld, many Quarren agitatOrS nOW aPPiy their tactics on behalf of the Rebel‖On in the wlder gaiaxy.


have stepped up to attempt to b「lng their people into

the foId.

W刷e some agitators are homegrown, Others

are sent to specific worlds by the Rebe=iOn tO more aggressively push their CauSe amOng

the popuiace. Quarren AgltatOrS are ln

the latter category, bu=hey also work Wlth loca冊eedom flghters to formulate

effectlVe Plans and avoid overly antagOniZlng the citizens

AgltatOrS might be assigned to ald the PCs’Rebel mlSSIOn, but the PCs

may or may not be comfortabie with the Rebe=eaders’ aggressiveness or SPeC佃o plan ofaction lt couid be a cIassic

CaSe Ofhavingthe same goai butarguingover PartiCuiar tactlCS

ADVたNTURE AND岳N⊂oUNTER音回EAS 丁he agitator’s organiZed protest againSt lmperト

a=abor camps goes much bette「 than planned,

but then threatens to become a large and uncontro=able riot. Rebel PCs must take quick action to temper the sltuation or risk losing Widespread public support. 丁he agitator stirs up troubie in ways that attract

lmperiai attentlOn, WhiCh m turn lnterfere wlth the unaf制iated PCs’busineSS O「 SOCiai activitieS.





運豊麗覇橿醸 Skills: Charm 2, CoercIOn 2, DeceptlOn 2.

器葦撞謹言書諾器器苅k誌 my within Short range suffers I strain, may SPend {J to i刑IC= additional straln On One target).

Ab帥ties: AmphlblOuS (Quarren may breathe underWate「 Without penalty and never suffer movement Penaities for traveiing through water主

Equipment: Holdout biaste「 (Ranged [Light】; Damage 5, C「itica1 4, Range [Short】; Stun setting),

infiammatory pamphlets and propaganda


1Selq ‘(8u即9S un〕S叫npe画e8uet]工y l∽哩つ:s e8 一山ea :[叫8[i pe8ue油lO]Sid 」e〕Selq叫8!「 :叩aⅢd叩bヨ ’euON :Se即1!qV

●(eつuO 」e〕つe」きりO S刷るu鳴細

S沖到〕 uOl]d9○○a Pue ’uo。」9O⊃ i…叫つJO r胡n瑚I epe」8dn= lOO] S布OqON `(OM〕句布巾e」 S]! ∂つn 山e坤 elqelle∧e八両8el e eSe岬nd o] 8u両肌e ueuM `uo!SS9S 」ed e⊃uO) z Apoqe山OS MOu〉仁S叩et

乙eS岬ee」]S { uO!]叩O8eN ‘乙eu両つS!G :S!間S

藍国籍聾纏罰 巾v八田賞ぉ∃⊥与V関田ヨ⊥おVnb ’S」eu聞uOつ8u!SS皿e囲JO euO

u! u9PP岬SeM le囲」e叩山Sue」] e坤¥Je冊

e囲uMOP消印01 S⊃d e囲(S佃d山旧」0) Su8!SSe 」e]S叫」即」enb e明Pue `s]Odep ieq9と]山O」J S9iiddns8uiieelS S! euO9山OS 。

’e叩Ou l」OuS uO Se国dns 八つue8」e山e三甲nb⊃e Ol (esiM」e囲O 」O leqeとi)

Sつd 9u判型M l粥P e Se満山」e]S別田e]」enb ∀ ’ienJ Pue POOJ uO MOl相col叫〕 S日田nO leq9と‖e〕Ol eu⊥ e

雪V∃回I櫨お園Nno⊃N∃回NV害すn⊥Nヨ^回V ’」9Pue田山0〕 le⊃01 e囲山0」」 l!S!∧

e s⊃d e囲u」e9爪e山」ee8 p9/OJISeP 」O ISO「向OOd

Pe〕e9」] SeM刑=ee8 u- Peu叩」O uO!SS…u e」利e」e98 」ie囲ui Peu」n=`uSeu OuM 9uO相e 」OJ 8u!xpOi Se山Oつ 」elSeuJ」el」enb eu⊥ ●」eP」O 8u団」OM u! P9u」nle」 eq OI

Papedxe s甲O用9qeと1 9囲Aq s⊃d e囲O〕 PeueO口ue田 -dinbe血e八両uo11iPP∀ ●Se=ddns 」叩eq 」O e」O田198

O=e]Se山」e〕」enb e唱旧聞19uue甲xpeq e甲OM O]互I

OSle ]時世∧e囲mq ‘」9瑚O 8u-Pu肌皿○○ 」印判8no」囲 os op ]u9山dlnb9 」OJ SIS9nbe」 8ur)時間Sつd相e仙e〕 丁d凡IeりereuJ JO S叫nO山e e8」e1 8uie9S」e∧O山e囲JO

SPenbs 9」甲9 e∧e叩岬叫SeSeq S叩Si80=O圃AI -9即 u阜uiOd e山OS ]e euOし印M leeP O1 9∧eu PlnOuS SuC甲 -e〕Oi甲nS ]E} euJ甲Pueds ollM S⊃d OS `」9]S叫Je]」enb

JO …OJ e山OS Seu diuS」e]S Pue∴∂Seq leqe辻村e∧]

甘言⊥⊃廿日VH⊃与iH⊥りN!Sn ・ieuuOS」ed e⊃ue用∀MO=eJJ19囲8uo山eJelndod山OPleS

e」e S」e〕SeuJ」e]」enb ′叩S9」 e S∀ eつu叫Od山i lSO叫n

e甲JO Pue Piie∧佃]∂ld山O⊃ `es」nO⊃ JO `s=S9nb乱 」ie明]e囲e∧e!ieq山OuM JO =e ‘leuuOS」ed pe〕即Sn」J

Aq s〕Senbe」 jO山ee」]S 8uiPu○○」9∧eu e岬M 8u昭9P

`enbsn」q制MeluOS Pue印]S Ale山叩Xe f申sse訓∧q

’∧eM 」e明○ ○u e∧1∧」nS ue〕 uOl=eqeと] e囲mq ‘p911O」叫O〕 AIPi8りOS 9」e

Sxped 」e]Selq e洲Se〕」nOS9月Ou哩u∂∧e相M 」ePuOM Pue SPue山田O〕 uO哩Zlu晒」O e囲le明SeSeq uePPiu e叩Pue Sd岬SJOS〕eeiJ e囲岬yOOl ‘syue」 S.e〕ue用∀e唱 8uo山e ouOS u∂∧e.e山OS叫9叫I Pue 9SOd」nd」le囲」OJ

相即」⊃S e]nlOSqe囲M PeSueds-P Pue Pe」nSee山人unJ

沖ei S]l SI uOiiieqet] 9囲8ul〕eJ相n瑚旧]Se〕e9」8 e旧

-1」OuS e 」9∧9u S! e」e叩8u岬Su9 Pue S○○」nOSe」 ・ e8e9山

-6」eつe」e SSeSSOd seop ]l S∂⊃」nOSe」 leuM Se〕」nOSe」 JO

`e」e S」e〕S肌」e]」enO互upo田山O〕 lel叫eSSe相e JO e8e

S.e〕ueiii∀ 9明Sui8eu叫囲iM Pe準] e」e `s"led」e]unO⊃

有印il叫ie…O士 9」0山」le里 9洲(s」91Se…9]」臼nO




R2-D2 1S One Of the 【mOSt independent, PerSOnallty一

C-3PO, Or both. He may be encountered lndiVidu-

削ed, and experienced astromech droids most Rebeis

aily w回e m a Rebei shiP Orfac冊y where the others

ever encounter He lS felSty, Stubbom, drIVen, and if

are located. When R2 is around, trOuble frequently foiiows Whetherhe isannoyinga companlOn Orhead-

R2-D2 is typica=y in the company of Luke Skywaiker,

Of operation seem to have not slowed him down and Oniyadd to hIS dramatie personality. He has seen and

StrOngly carrylng Out his own plan of the moment, things never go completely smoothly They do, however, have a wayofworkingout. 1fthings dogo wrong,

PartiCIPated in far more important galactiC eVentS

R2’s unf=nchlng loyaity helps to se=hings nght

foulmouthed compa「ed to the average droid Decades

than anyone reailZeS Once in the service of the Nab○○ Royal House, R2-D2 eventua11y accompanied AnakIn Skywaiker

throughout the Cione Wars During the rlSe Of the Empire, R2 became part of Baii Organa’s household

and served wlth Captaln Antiiles PrlnCeSS Leia sent R2

On the fatefui trip thatwouid retrieVe nOtOnly Obl-Wan Kenobl, but also Luke Skywaiker to heip the Rebe=lOn R2 is a masterfui mechanic, aCCurate aStrOgatO「,

and exceiient piiot. He also serves frequently as an Outrightspy, ln冊rator, and saboteurwhen the mlSSion Or SituatlOn requl「eS lt He can repalr mOSt maChinery, StarShiPS, Vehic看es, and more. R2 has an intemai coi-


O R2-D2 1SaSSigned to helpthe PCsmakeemergenCy rePalrS tO their shiP. The d「old works quickly,

but he reacts qulte badiy when he diSCOVerS the PCs have something that wouid aid the Emplre hldden aboard.

O The PCs run acrossa restralned R2 when brows1ng through a ma「ket. The droid is amldst others for saie, at a SurPrisingly low price as we= R2

mlght be undercover o「 could have been cap-

tured by someone unware of hlS true ldentity

(and the lmperial bounty for him)

iection of toois, CutterS, and computer connect10nS.

R2-D2 [NEME引S]

His Iong m冊ary and Jedl history enabIes hlm tO Slice through most imperiai networks surp「isingly easiiy

R2 is always underestimated, tO his benefit.

彊覇彊覇彊議運圃 Skitls: Ast「ogat10n 4, Charm 2, Computers 5, Cooi 2,

DeceptiOn 2, Discipiine 5, KnowIedge (Outer Rlm) 3, Mechanics 4, Melee l , Perception 3, Pilotlng (Space) 5, Res油ence l , Skuiduggery 3, Vigilance 3 “ぬ!ents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d冊Culty of aii com-

bat checks against this target twICe), Durable 3 (「educe CritlCai巾ury resuits by 30, tO a m面mum O=), Fine巾ning 3 (When repalring SyStem Strain

On a StarShlP Or VehiCle, rePalr 3 additlOnai system Strain), rOCket boosters (Can fly as per the Flying Sidebar ln Chapter V!: Conf看ict and Combat in any core rulebook), Hldden Storage l (R2-D2’s

body contains a hidden compartment that can hide Sma= objectstota帖ng no more than encumbrance上

Checks to detect thlS COmPartment are Formidable

[◆◆◆◆伽, Soiid Repairs 3 (When repai「lng回i trauma on a starship or vehicle, rePair 5 additionai hu旧rauma).

Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, Ord「inkand can surviVe in vacuum and underwa-

te「言mmune to poisons and toxinS), Plucky Little D「oid (OnCe Per enCOunter aS an lnCidenta上

R2 may convert one dark slde Destlny Point to a light side Destiny Point). Equipment: R2’s fusiOn Welder (Melee;

Damage 5; CritlCai 4; Range 【EngagedI;

Bum 2, Stun setting), bu冊in rePalr kit (COuntS aS tOOi kit), data probe,鉦e extinguiSher, hoiopro」eCtOr.

ノ l   皇 l

C-5PO’s translations are to be be=eved, frequently

.(準OS Z+) 」O…E3 PePPed `(乙∂〕」eld

:[pe8E)8u]】 e8u閃くz leJ即つく乙98e山eG :9eie画o揮l -1]S 」eln〕eIO山`(8ui捕S un〕S笹uO「I e8uea ‘⊆ l∽間⊃

:6 e8o此G :l∧∧eeH] pe8uea再i即elSel帥ue田d叩b]

・SuOi]e」edo 8uii88n山S S]甲O

u! 8u胆S… S川OS刑叩S岬囲岬uM `e担刑∧s le〕OiきPe」e8ue seu叫e8e e明」e∧0〕S!P Sつd e肥 ’1u98e 9唱Pu日OI Pi」OM」ePun eul O叩Sつd e囲 PueS Pue uOS岬Ii e旧iMユ⊃e]uO⊃ eSOi Sleqeと] eu⊥ ●

布unoq 9u=O uOS岬= e囲u」eM 」O (刈OM]eu leqet] 」leL11 AlqiSSOd pue=enPi∧刑! e囲Pu9岬dde ol

∧J] PlnO〕 ∧e肥●uOS刑1e⊃Ol e」O"nO布unoq印 -ed岬ueSi e」e囲刑〕」e∧0⊃S岬S⊃d」e]unu布uno日.

SVヨaI tI∃⊥Nno⊃Nヨ回NV ∃tIn⊥N∃^aV SnO」e8uep 9」O山19∂ sqo[

e囲Se SlnO/ed 」e8」ei nguiSee」つu=O] uOS岬= e囲刈OM

P甲O⊃ P印e咽eun eS!M」eulO乱e Pue S叩Pe」〕 9囲」0川 ui ]Sn「 e」e le旧Sつc].S〕⊃e」叫○○ SnO」e8uep 9」O田Pue

」9務1q uO 8u!粗布sleqed uMOiq-11n再u甲O⊃eq O叩 se∧l9Slu9印判OM叫8叫S」eZ冊ed山∧s leq9a e」e OuM

sっd ・e⊃u細∀ e即JO S掴9」⊃ M9J e e湿田0] 8u間OM Sつd 」OJ u9eM掃q-O8 ]○○耳ed ap se津山uOS哩1 e肥

田∃⊥⊃ⅤおVH⊃ SIH⊥りNI与れ ‘Sleu間口〕 P日OM」9Pun Se 8ulSOd s19SSe sou98用elui」elunO⊃ l坤9d田l 」OJ P」en8

]u印SuOつuO eq lS… SuOSlei丁S」ePueJJO ]S」OM e囲Bul

一昨u口O 8ulSn PiO∧e O]岬noue MOu画ie」訓e8産油 1nq ’s9]捌Pu(S leu…りつ」O Pl」OM」9Pun e囲JO e8pe

-lMOutl Pel!印P 〕SO山叩e∧eu S/eMi門Ou /euJ佃y⊥ ・e〕叩08eu o] MOu MOuy Ae囲Pue `speeu e〕uE川∀ e囲

制M MOuy SuOS刑e岨・e⊃u馴∀ el日Pue S」O担edo Apeus ueeM即 d晒 e囲 ∂8pl」q u三周O SuOSlel「 SnO」e8uep Jl `8ul叩Xe

S間OM 911] Pue POO8 9」e S叩P∂」〕 9囲9Sne⊃eq `eJuei=∀

叩」OJ Slu98e」eindod e」e JelnJ印ed ul S」e188…S Se

・(e⊃uO le8」即S冊1Su!e8e 誓黒票黒黒 H請百品証言o=⊃∂「qO s準eu〕

leq山O判e JO木un瑚一P ePe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :S]uel孔 .乙e⊃ueii8IA `乙(∧∧e9H) p∂8uet] { uOl即O8eN

・し9eleIN ′z eu=d一つSla `しuO世u岬JOO⊃ `しlOO⊃ :Sl間S

鱈聾鱈惑乱 攫_

d叫S」ePeei 」i叩8uo山e

lnOqe S山Ienb ou 9∧eu Sieq9津SOIN 9」nlnJ e冊ui爪ep 9uOんo〕〕i∧ 8岬Sel Pue J91粥」8 e p」eMO1 8uiP=nq JO sedou ul S9∧!〕つe「qO 」Ou… e∧e町⊃e O〕 Sdno」8


囲M 8u間OM `sMOPeuS 9囲u1印e」9do ]S… e〕ue=l∀ eu十刊nS∂」 e S∀ e」!d山王叩〕el質) e明言P9エビe」〕 」e∧9

u〇時z甲e8」O凡e掴… e∧!Sue〕X9 1SO山1 9囲Sd叩ed SeJe==nq `」∂MOd snopue山e」〕囲lM呼明uOl]eZ!u -e昌」O ]Se∧ e S甲1qnd9と」 e囲9」OユSeと] O〕 9〕uel=∀ 9u⊥

題e山OSJi u9∧e :山n〕S,,」叩O PueSleul…〇回M8u凶OM

開⑬朝Ⅴ門自書蘭V蘭書V 「冨田冨田

山V八〇割Nos音VI音容⊃NV書○○V 「∃押す

配置醒監蹟鍔闇蹟鵠関配艶聞厩配 Leaders o「 1ndiViduai Rebel ce=s are slm=a=n many

WayS tO A旧ance commanders, although they have fewer resources, fewer personne上and, SOme might a「gue, take vastly greater riSks These peopie operate lnSide enemy =neS, attemPting tO undermine


雷電露圃轡轡 闇質竃覇彊議運醸

the Emplre’s lntereStS and foment dISSent agalnSt its

ruie The envirOnmentS ln WhiCh these ce=s operate are spectaculariy hostiie toward any form of rebeiiion, and capture almost lnVariabiy resuits in death

lypica"y, the acts of a Rebel ce= involve esp10nage and sabotage. 1t lS neCeSSary for Rebel ce=s to maintain a 10W P「〇割e ln Order to avoid drawlngtOO muCh

SCrutiny tO themselves; brlnging the attention of the 血perialsdown upon the locai popuiace lSa gOOd way to ailenate POtentiai rec「uits and tamlSh the reputa-

tiOn Ofthe A=iance as a whole.

Rebel ceI=eaders often have blind connections to

Ski暮ls: Charm 3, Coercion 2, Coo1 3, Deception 5,

DiSCIPiine 2, Knowiedge (Warfare) 1, LeadershIP 3, Melee 2, Ranged (Llght) 1 1alents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d輔culty ofall combat

霊等器‡畳語豊豊鵠宇島窪 Check; eaCh * removes one strain or wound from

One aily ln Short range. Each (t) removes an additio臣

ai straln OrWOund from an affected a=y) Abilities: A帖ance Leader (AiilanCe OPeratlVeS add

□ to ali Vigilance and PerceptiOn Checks when ln the NPC’s presence).

Other Rebei celis, maklng it possibie to pass lnformation between ceils, but protecting lndiViduai ldentities

Equipment: DISruPtOr Pistoi (Ranged

Should one celi be compromlSed Ceii networks va「y

Range [Shortl; ViCious 4),

greatiy ln SiZe and scope. Ce11 ieaders must operate With falth ln the accuracy and validlty Ofthe lnforma-

鉦e bomb (Ranged (Light],

tion and o「ders they receiVe. They must also react

Range [Sho時 Biast 7,

[Light]; Damage lO; C両ca1 2;

Damage 7, CritlCa1 3,

lmmediateiy when their Ce旧S threatened and protect

Bum2. lnaccurate上Llm-

the mtegrity Of the network at all costs.

lted Ammo l), Vibroknife


(Meiee; Damage 4; Critト

Ca1 2; Range忙ngaged];

For Rebei PCsoperatingon an impe「lai worid, a Rebel

Pierce 2, VICiOuS l),

Ce旧eader couid command their efforts againSt the

armored ciothing (+ 1 SOak, + 1 defense).

Empire. The celi leader can provide miSSiOnS and lnteL ilgenCe brlefings passed a看ong from someone hlgher

up the chain. The ce旧eaderand cell members togeth-

er determine the best way to carry out indIVldual

miSSions and loca=ogiStiCS. Una冊iated PCs may encounter a Rebel ce= leader

asa potential enemy orbounty to be captured Alter-

natlVeIy, a Cel=eader might attempt to recrult the PCs to form a new cei上丁he PCs may be wary ofthis effort, aS lt COuid easlly be an imperia看stlng OPera-

t10n against local Rebel sympathiZerS.

ADVENTURE AND EN⊂OUN丁ER ID日AS The local ce= leader has been captured, and the Rebei PCs must free them before lSB agents ar「lVe tO interrogate them.

A large operation requireS the overt cooperation of severai ceiis, reVealing the leaders and members to each other for the flrSt tlme. Several members of other cells are lndividuals the PCs fought in the past and few in thIS neW OPeratlOn t「ust each other.

’]u引田○○eldeJ ]OOJ "8リ叩9u」eqん`」Ol叩u9∧

elqe]」Od `(準OS Z+〕 」O…e a冊eq A∧粥u `([p98晒u]i

∂8ueと‖ウl∽即つ:乙十e8e山eG :eeie画xp!]S 8u!湿M ‘(8ui叩9S un]S世n胴囲98u閃`s leJi叫つ:9 e8e -山eG 判81「】 p98ue加lO〕S!d 」e]Se旧:1ue田d!nb∃ ‘(S沖euO uOi⊃」eOつSlu O〕□spPe

.冊eSn Se lSn「S!

S8u!l扮P甲nS担S」e8uep e囲JO S」e明O Ol eld山eXe ue sつd e囲8ui沖田工e∧9MOu ‘su」e⊃uO〕 S叫uO u±;叫 LuS! en」1相enl⊃e S! S冊」e囲∂uM ‘S」eZ叫1ed山∧s ieued山i囲iM 8u昭eP JO山e唱S]Jedsns eu se

《s準叩きS`MeS 」O訓O JO le8」ピコe囲e」e S〕d 〇日⊥ 。 Pue Sxpeu〕 uOil叩O8eN Pue …euつSiLI OI音sppe e」e」」eD) EiOue」ed `(Sxp9甲uOi]de⊃」ed Pue 9〕u坤∂l∧

S間Ol □ SPPE? E?」e」」∂D=nJ囲EM S舟eMl∀ :S叩!l!q∀ ’(利きpel⊃覗き

’ede〕Se Sue川∧1⊃ 9明dl∂u

PeelSu=O u甲0「人肌s⊃d到J_判nSe」 eSe有高9囲 Olu叫Se」⊃判る… Se聞n日S eu川」叩き田Ou `e∧Oqe -叩uS le!」edLu=le uO xpe]]e ]nO-1le ue S○○P」O MeS .

甲e] ‘e8ue」 1」OuS ui八両9uO山O」J PunOM 」O u!eJ]S

」9栂」lS○○ 」即S e明Ol旬つきuPe「山0」」 S両用9il

ue山O」J PunOM 」O u!叩S iEuOl]iPPe ue Se∧Olu9」の


`(S」nO町nO十村u9M〕 〕Xeu 9唱」OJ Sxpe甲訓lidl〕SIG O]

□ pPe S]e8」e] P印判e ‘s準9uつdluS」eP粥「 O] □□ PPe) z Pu細山○○ `(e〕uO ]e8」e〕 S冊]Sul晒e s沖e甲 叩q山O〕 "e ]O布un瑚iP ePe」8dn) lんE?S」e∧P∀ :S書uai叫 Z 9〕ue=81∧ `乙(叫8I「) Pe8u閃`s 99i∂IN `sd岬S」eP開丁乙uO11deoea`乙uOlO」eO⊃` L …euつ:Sl間S


SV∃al tl∃⊥NnO⊃NヨロNV ∃tln⊥N∃^aV ’dno」8 9囲JO ]nO Pe〕」OJ

相en叫e∧e Pue Pein〕iPり訓e e⊃ue101∧ JO Sl岬1 ∂叩 usnd o〕 8u帖Mun SPuU 9u eSO皿・SISOつIie le e」!d山]

e囲8ull閃JeP 」O] uOISSedんeu e pue木再伸SPueuJ∂P eH e⊃u〇日edx9 8u-MO」」eu e S! MeS 」Oj 8u刑8!土

用eS ue囲S〕Oul -ed山O〕 」el]eq MeJ PuU ue〕 uedo 9囲O叩9」id山喜e囲

rsul晒e叫卸e明8u↓」q Ol e叩」9dsep sつd `」e]S明Eea e明JO Su」eel ○○ue用∀ e叩9」OJeq e⊃eld 8ul渦Si u8!ed 一山e〕 S.IND e弓i.Slu打eq山0⊃uOu Pue Sue一=∧10 ]O囲ed

e即O叩」eJ OOl叫的el月uSnd suesi]」ed e皿’]Si山e」IXe

睡1雪害M∃N8 v綱田すさり州ⅣS

ue se peM9i∧ SysueS印ed s.MeS 9P-S8uole 8u刑8u 9u○ ○相∀ ’∂Jue"i∀ 19q9と] e明ui囲lM e」n勘e∧!S囚P e Si MeS

tI∃ふっVおVH⊃ SIH⊥ 9NISn .山川eleu皿ii○ ○I

S"O肪Ieqe臼Pue lqu∂d山i Pe∧!9⊃」ed ]nOqe P!Oue」ed

碕u朋e〕X9 9田O〕eq Seu 9u Pue ’eu〕∧sd s.MeS uO

相∧eeu岬!eM P」OつS!P Pue 8u刑印JO S」e〇八e囲 `碕]eun〕」Ojun ’e⊃u削i∀ e囲O〕 uO SSed o] MeS O〕 SSeu〉1e9M leleJ S〕i Pue uO!〕e]S ei叶eq e囲

JO P」OM ]u9S ueleD `os」ヨ ueleO 」e9u -i8ue leリed岬JO Puei」J e…18uol e

S∀ ’uO用eqeと] 9囲O] uMOu〉l ○○u即

-S!Xe S`」elS囲閃○ ○囲8u!満山ul e」n8u ^e刈e e山0〕eq Seu MeS .uode9M-」edns

Meu 8u廟」」el S,e」id山喜e囲8u! -Pue八両n叫e∧e Pue 8uリe∧O⊃S岬 Ol elqenle^ui ue∧O」d e∧叫∵S!S

-OuOeD 8u叫」eつuO⊃ 相eP9dse

`sl」0鵬8叫eul晒-e〕ue釦i∂叩S用 1nq `sdno」8 9JuelS!S9」 」e囲O u○○j

∧eMe田町川ds e∧巳u S叩〕きつ9山〇月Xe S旧-SPPO 8u叫1euM」e∧O利dsep 8ul -叫急けsenし叫uO0 OuM 」ePee=nJe〕」OJ e peule山9」 Seu eu lnq ‘叩ds pue中yoq S`e」e」」eO uO llOI S]l u∂準1 Seu 9」勘eM叫e]SuOつ

’euP9「」O口11∂日6唱8ul」nPんe]=… i巳i」 ○○d山1 9囲]Sul晒esuossel e山ES9囲P9"ddeseu 9u Pue `s9i8e]e」〕S Pue Senbiuu○○1 1ue8」nSul ul山間Peul叩

Se∧l閏ueSe」de」 lP9「 S〕S11e」ed∂S e明〕Sul晒e sleqe」 uO

-」ePuO岬MifnoJ e」e」」9DMeS `s」eMeUOlつ9囲8ui」n(コ





Star鴫hte「 pilots a「e common sights on any slgn血

Pr10r tO the Battle of ¥匂vin, Sta甫ghte「 piiots were

aiready a celebrated group among the ranks of the Rebe帖on. A川ance High Command heid鉦m to the OPinlOn that their neW Starfighte「 design, the X-Wlng,

WaS SuPerior ln eVery reSPeCt tO the craft commanded by the lmperlal Navy, and that this superiOrity WOuid translate lntO a dlStlnCt advantage in naval battles.

Cant Rebel shiP Or base Rebel PCs a=hese fac冊es

lnteraCt With them often, Perhaps even joining their ranks. These pilots genera11y live up to their arrOgant reputations, eSPeCiaily when found in groups, though not every individuai flyer航s thiS descript10n・

Outside of a base o「 shlP, the PCs are most llkely

to encounter piiots ln the midst of combat or escort duty. Even then, P1lot confidence and arrogance can

Since the destruction of the Death Sta「, thiS Ph主

Shine through their bante「 and responses to orders

iosophy has only gained ground and become more

Aces back up their words with actions, f「equently to

PreValent among other ranks ofAlliance pe「sonnel

SaVe the PCs’ship or fac冊y in the process

While well-founded in many rega「ds, thiS Phliosophy

has also caused something of a rlft to form between Star斤ghter p=ots and the other enlisted personnel serv1ng ln the AllianCe. Pi10tS are Often conside「ed a「rogant

and coddled by Hlgh Command. Whethe「 thiS PerCePtlOn lS true O「nOt, there are a 10tOfcocky pilots

Aces are often utteriy convinCed ofthei「own superl-

Ority and invulnerabl=ty・ Some Rebei o靴ers wonder if thlS PSyChoioglCai pro制e lS neCeSSary tO SuCCeed ln

ADV容NTuRE AND管N⊂OUNTER ID岳AS 。 The PCs discover a downed Rebei pliot. They

might escort the lndlVlduai to safety, tum the perSOn ln fora lucratiVe bounty, O「eXtOrtthe pllot ln

exchange for offe「ing heip. o Rebel PCsmustdefuse」eaiousfeeiingSOfAilianCe

allleS When a squadron ofX-Wing p=ots commandeers the bulk ofava11abie fuei fora missiOn.

such a st「essfu上unforglVing career, but ultlmately言t doesn’t matter. Sta「fighteraces are the darlings ofthe


AiiianCe, a tremendous asset in the GalactiC Civii War, and a看l too often, a tremendous annoyance to other

members of the Rebeiiion.

運聾賃室川適塾 Skills (group on!y): Cool, Gunnery, P出oting (Space)・

Talents: None.

Abilities: None 且quipment: Light blaster pIStO=Ranged iLlgh凸 Damage 5, CritiCai 4; Range [Medium上Stun setting),

Rebei fiight sult.


橿豊麗撞国 Sl(iils: Coo1 5, Gumery 2, P=ot旧g (Space) 5. “faients: None.

Abi!ities: None. Equipment: Light bIaster piStOi (Ranged [Llghti; Damage 5, CritlCai 4; Range

[Medium]; Stun setting), Rebei flight sult, astromech droid.

’」9叫8即elS 8u州-X 1ynS "81iJ ieq三相`(8u印eS unlS `山n!PeIN] e8uet] ‘ゥiE叩i」つくs e8e -田eG t叫§!「I p;居uB油lO]Sld 」9〕Selq叫8!「 :1u訓rd!nb∃

(S沖eu〕 」ie囲OI O O叩叫Olne PPe PunO月e旧]e8

-」el e田eS e囲〕Sui晒e s沖9甲エビq山0⊃ e津山OuM Se用e

:9⊃lM=∂8」e] d町S」即S 」O 9ique∧ Pe8e山ePun ue lSui晒e

Se準u eいDe巾村euunD eJO木yliqe 9田9Pe」8dn庇山 e8peM `uoISS9S 」9d ∂⊃uO) ∂」euMON JO 〕nO :Sa即1!qV ‘(SPunO」ウ」O」 9i⊃町e∧ S.」eユ⊃e」e甲

∂明沖印e 〕Ouue〕 dluS」E]S 」O el⊃岬e∧ S.1ueuOddo e囲 `1nJSSeつつnS Ji xpeuD 【e)eds 」Oんe事aueld] Su!]OI!d

PeSOddo ue 9沖田Pue ]ueuOddoし〕〕eieS Ae山(d岬S -」elS 」O eiO判e∧ e 8叩O「!d ueuM ‘」e叫nO⊃u9 」∂d ∂⊃uO) uo!Se^] ]ue用i」さく(e〕iM=e8」e] S冊〕Sui晒e sxpeu〕呼q -田○○ iie J〇本un瑚!P 9Pe」8dn) zんes」e∧P∀ :Slue!叫

乙e〕ue"81∧ `乙加∂i「) pe∂u閥

`s (9⊃eds) 8u!〕〇月c仁乙(んe]eueld) 8叩Oi!d `s uoilde〕

-」ed `しeeleIN `乙SつIue甲eIN `乙diuS」ePee丁s r白9uunD `乙eu=d!⊃S!C] t lOO⊃ `乙iMe」日`しuO!]晒oJ〕S∀ :SI間S


Pue山田Oつ岬旧∧q ]O=d pe呼」O〕eP」e囲O相e se pe -]ee」所le8」ei Si eu ‘seleuiP」OqnS岬M 8u胆eP u=nJ9Sn

S川Oi閏nde」 S冊e=uM ’Seリ01S e囲P」eell 9∧eu O] e」nS

e」e S∧9xpO「 e⊃edsつd Pue `s]O=d 」e叫8L可=叩edse `sie -qeと] e囲8uo田e Pue8ei e uJlu S9湿田ul^臥JO e同門 9u十JO I臥i∧」nS Pue tw uOi]edl二時」ed sIH ‘山間ePnl叩

]118甲S〕」0〕Se 」e叫印e判e 8ul」lnbe」 uOiSS旧人u∀ ’uO」 -Penbs 9n8oと] 」O Peと=O 」eq山e田」ein8e」 e Si e8peM

tI∃⊥⊃VtIVH⊃ SIH⊥りNISn ’Sl∂q9‡] 9明」OJ SuOISS… 1uE]」Odu月相O] SenuiluOつ

Pue ul∧E∧JO e111e日e囲]O S」O∧i∧」nS MeJ e明JO euO SeM e8peM `uo」Penbs peと=O 」eqlu乱u E S∀ S〕Olld lt31」∂d山i

音sIS∃N∃NI s∃l│1⊥NV言寄a∃M

埼ul強弱ui]岬U u! 98p∂ ue …u S9∧!88uiuie」]人山ePeつ∀ lel」ed山i Siu Pue luePUuO〕 ∧ie田e」〕Xe Si eH ’SuOISS冊

’deJ] eJO]」ed iieSi S冊Pue `]〕eJeP

」O布e e∧ e 」OJ u9]」O ISO山S8u岬-XSe冊eu岬noい くs」e叫8即即S leqeとi e囲JO =e岬M 」eil…e」 Si e8peM

O] 1ueM小南n]〕e LuOP SPue里ell]叩O Su」n=i JI Pe]e⊃!ld山○○∴eq Pln○○ S8ulu⊥ ∧山ePe〕e ue ]e

’SuO草ee」〕 S]i Pue

eu⊥ 8u甲eJeP lnOqe e叫e」edo l9q9とI e Pe]⊃e]uOJ

8u岬SIM SPue明」!e囲P!e O] Sつd e叩Sdl9u 98p9人へ e

e」id山] 9囲lSu!t38e 9Sn ]ee」8JO 9」e S=l準J草間1 9」euM `s]O=d sE叫9山9∧0山∂⊃u郎ISeJ e囲Peu!O「 S」O∧i∧」nS

出e]S 」O S]uePnlS Se Sつd e明囲M 8ulSOd AlqISSOd `d叫S」e]S 」O /山ePe⊃e唱。ed山i ue山O」J l○○JeP O]

’SPie」 i9q9a 91qiSSOd 」OJ S〕Odep len=e!」

-ed山1 1nO S]nO〕S ell Se e8peM」e叫nO〕u9 Sつd ∂u⊥ ●

S]9Pe:) 9判」]S相S 」e叩O le」9∧9S Pue e8peM `∧Oie」軋 」eeu e」〕eSSe山Iei」ed山i ue ]O e準M e囲ul ‘e」id山喜

e里」ePun向山eJ Pue SPuelJJ SlしI JO 8ui」三男nS 9囲O〕

SV∃al tl∃⊥NnO⊃N∃回NV ∃tln⊥N∃^aV

enp p9]l…l SeM eSne⊃ 1ei」ed山i e囲Ol uOl]O∧eP S団

`e山i] le即時ue∧! ●八田ePきつ∀ e判」1S相S le leP2〕きSe

uOi呼n]lS 」e囲ie u!田iu

u!O白O SSO」〕E? un」 ^erJJ Sつd ell⊥叫dxpo〕 e冊PuO∧eq

luH e準=e巾SuOISS叫9upe9Puap le!⊃eds oI Peu81SSe

相euo!Se〕〕O S! eH ‘8u刑8u e唱田O」J爪eMe 9皿]uMOP e」e」 ∂山OS 8ui」nP P訓e叫nO〕ue 9q OSie (e山e8peM

]OiS e山間Peu」粥1e叩S旧準」Ol」edns pe庇ldsIP ‘ell -1e」Oつ山O」=Ol!d ue山nu Pelu91e] e `se=l]u∀ e8p9M



●渦IS 」e叫8 ‘(準OS し+) s9qO」 !Pe「 ’(しSnOPi∧ `」∂PunS │ u〕e9」日

’uO!SいS甲山0」J SI聞eP埋Deds

`乙印EJn⊃〕∀告pe8晒u]]謁u段上しieつ!1i」⊃ :L e∂e山ea JIaqES川8!「) 」∂qE?S川811 OlOuS S`E?PQ¥ :事ue田d叩b] Se田i] eidi]in山本画!qE? 」eし印e e e∧!]つき

乙dn xp!d ol①pueds ue⊃ ePC^ ’e」n叩1euOS」9d uMO S岬O叩S^ep s o〕 dn ’e山○○ O〕 S]ue∧eJO S叩u 9n8臥

相掛川Ou eeS Pue SSeuPuIiq」O SSeu刈ePJO S]〕e鵬e明 e」Ou81 O]Opu∂ds AeuJ ePQ,仁J∂M掲∂3JQj :叫8!S」e]

]∂8」e] 8u!∧!= JO印e]S leuO!]O山e lu〇月n〕 e囲9SueS

ul晒01 O pueds r白31u ePQ¥ J∂MCU ∂JJCH :eeS訓Oゴ ’(Se叩u町S 」O) spuno」 S 」OJ e8ue」 e山〇月Xe Ol dn

lOu爪31u 9H ‘Pe∂晒ue s1 3u山OuM唱lM Sle8」e] 8u囚i

ウO〕 dnJO S叫8no明叫9」」nO e囲eSu9S O]Opu9ds」O OIC)Pueds舟e山eH (S8uieq叫e叫eS Pue Si恥iuE 8u!

-PnPu帖1eS山川JO e8ue」 e田e」]Xe u冊iM S8u冊8u間

腫eSueS O]Opueds AE山ePQ¥ J∂州的∂刀Qj :eSueS SuO!Sn用P∂Seq-9⊃」O] Z O] dn e]eu…ie O]Opueds

‘(P粥]Su! e〕叩相n瑚iP 9明ePe」8uMOP

O] ule」〕S乙」三助nS A則n Ae哩:e〕uO Sxpe申開S 」!e哩JO 相n叩J!P e唱ePe」∂uMOP O] e8ueJ "OllS ui囲iM S9ille SMO=e ePCW) 10N Oa 」O OG :esues `準es ’∂∧OIN peeH `eese」O] `叫8!S」e] `eou叫u∃ :S」9MOd 9⊃」0] :Se即看!qV

SI e〕」0] 9uしく(」印unO〕ue ueJO○○Pu!e山e」 e囲」OJ Pe叩 -Ouun O8 s」eMOd uMO Siu e津山Pue S」9MOd e〕」O] e!^

lueJ」nつJO SSelP」晒e」 lnoqe sMOuy eu ]⊃e「qO 」O uOS

O] ul叩S Z」〔剃nS舟e山ePQ¥’uo!SSeS」ed e〕uO)相∀八州

e8剛any uele Pe9〕〕nS PueOpueds AeuJ ePq¥ S=eleP

’(」e∧neue山e Se uO!1⊃e 」9MOd 9⊃」O] e …O耳ed

^euJ 9H SuO!Snii川8no」囲eeS O] ()PeしP eu!1d!⊃S!a SnS -」e^ e叩el!8!^ PeSOddo 」0) xpe叫⊃ e3ueI!8!^ (◆ ◆)

iE?uO印PPe Z O] dn u!晒oIOpu∂ds A叫epc粧eつue]S!P -」9d e JO uO!lse」!P 」O uO!]e⊃〇日e」eue8 e囲Olu1 1118!Su!

u!e8 oI OO pu9ds庇山apQ¥ J∂MCU ∂J/Qj羽e3S ●S Ol e∧0山ut2〕

elqe]〕elePun引eS山川e湿田O〕叩Od Au!1Sea L Pu∂ds ∧e山ePQ^) pno」uS `(xpeu⊃ 」eMOd e⊃」O] euO相e =O」e」 爪31u ePQ¥ `uo!SSeS 」ed e⊃uO)叩s八州le」n岬N `(uME」日

eu s]∂8」e=O 」eq山nu 9囲eS粥」Ju! O]O pu9ds pue `ゥe]lenOu=S Oユe^O田ueつel口車qo e明言O eZ!S ell] esee」Ou岬Opu9ds `e8ue」 8uoi O〕 e8ue」 S.」eMOd e明 esee」Ou! OIO pueds爪an epQ,¥ J∂MCU ∂3JQJ :e^ON


-P叫ou!) e8u剛uOuS Ol dn `e」nlee」0 8u!∧!i e uO SPunOM

ウIeeu O] O pueds布3l‘u ePQ¥ /∂M(材∂JJQJ :leeH

JO Pee]Su=9MOd用M 9Sn Ae山`xp9甲問S」eqeS叫8!「 e 8u!湿田ueuM) enb!し川つ軋ue山!N `(xpe]岬Pe8u別i叩iui

e田山0」川u e叩Se e8e山eP eルビS e囲8u胆eP `e8ue」

田n!Pe田u冊!M〕e8」eleuO川和e叩e山OlnE Ol @ @ @ 」O @ Pu9ds Aeu `pe∧IOSe」 S! xp印e 」三明e ue囲PeSn

申L Aq 98捌嶋p e⊃nPe」 O] u!叩S S 」e即S庇u “準OS 8u囚dde訓OJeq "q xpe]1e Pe8ue」 e Aq沖n」]S ueuM) S ]OeiJed P9∧0」d山l ‘(Se!]用qe∴」O S]u9iel eiqe〕!idd曾山O」」 e8e山eP Aue snid 98euJeP

eseq 8u同国u申eqeS叫8= PePie岬岬M ]e8

-」即し帥相e叩き山OlneOl繊轡繊」0㊨ Pueds舟e山Pe∧IOSe」 S! xpe]le ○○叫e ue囲 PeSn引:L /q e8則rep e〕nPe」 Ol u!e」]S

9 」〔瑚nS Ae山車]ueP!ou! u」n"0-叩O ue Se ’準OS Su両dde ∂」O]∂q ]nq xp印e eeIe田 e Aq 刈Dn」]S u9uM) s 凡」ed Pe∧O」dl叫 `8 8u昨日9〕」0] ’(しAq p9]E」9u980e〕nPe」 JeMOd e⊃」O] eし月中y¥ ePQ人S]e8」el lueu ーOddo ue ueuM) e」n∀ 8u甲ie○ ‘(Se山i〕 」nOJ

l∂8」印S冊ISuie8e s甲eu⊃エビq山○○ iie 」O

相n瑚!P ePe」8dn)ウ凡es」e∧P∀ :S叩el叫 ’ウe⊃u馴8!∧ `ゥie∧!∧

一」nS `s囲1eelS `乙eつue用Seと十S uOi]de⊃」ed

`ゥuo胆〕O89N ‘9 」eqeS叫81丁s d叫S」ePee「 `ゥ(侶oIOueX) e8peiMOu〉1 7 (lu閥」e叩0) e8pe -1MOu〉仁S (9」O「) e8peiMOu)仁ウ(uo!]e〕nP])

98peIMOu〉十ウ(SPi」OM e」O⊃)謁p9iMOu〉1

`s eulidPS畑 `ゥIOO⊃ `ゥ …eu⊃ :Sl間S


.」ePu=∧〕 ePO〕 `(準OS l +) 8u冊Oi〕 …OJiun

(∧e○し仁(8u印eS un]S世nIP9刷98uEt士にI坤叫〇一9 e8軌ueC]巾岬1「l p98u閃=O]Sld 」elSel日:事u乱ud叩bヨ ’(甲e甲〕X∂u 」ie囲

’」e〕Se山Siu 」OJ Sieqeと] uMOP叫nu

oI PuU ue〕 e叩eSSe凡∂∧e 8ulSn S! OuM 」e旬d山e

u∂PPiL=刷〕 S岬eid 」e∧0⊃SIP S⊃d 」e叫nu布uno日 o .山eu=0 1nO uOl〕恥」OJu阜98 oI P岬e u! Se]e

O] * PPe P粥rsu=O lt21uePIJu同」n日0 ̄叩O ue Se 」e∧

e1月P」eOqe叫8no」q Pue Pe」n〕de⊃ e」E) S⊃d e岨 o

」e囲O uO S]e8Je=Oj eleつS爪印ueid le eq ue⊃ S刷

-!〕08eu 」0山e明SuOl〕Senb lleic=e」…P∀ ’ノOJnつaXヨ

-neue山e呼lPe田山I ue …OJ」ed庇川前8Je川p白e華diuS

e8ue」 …iP9山…刑M Sdno」8 uolu叫」O SつdN ∧∧eN lel」9d山1 9e掴l⊃e」lP O] 」e∧n9uel⊥l e Pueds佃n ngd ie」…P∀ `puno」 Jed ○○uO) uol]〕副la加e〇時」]S :Se!拙q∀ (e⊃uO 8ulPue山田OつS=e〕〕e

-」叫pSl里d岬S elSu陀8esxp∂1印eq山0⊃ =eJO相n瑚iP

9Pe」8dn=んes」∂∧P∀ d岬S」e〕S `(函郎〕Ou SeOP Si囲 u」n=Xeu Siu 」0 8u甲u-論q叫=甲n lELu」Ou u叩=e岬1u しSe el]9nOullS S.]e8Je=191月11mO⊃ a剛e∧ 」O dluSJe]S

SVコ〇〇日∃⊥Nno⊃N∃回NV ∃曽n⊥N∃^ロV uosee十〇囲Oue 」0]山e〕S∧s

」e]S E判8no」里SSed 」O l叩e」 ∧e囲〇回M leelJ S,問ic] PunO」e euOZ木u」n〕eS P」ePue]S e 8uil〕eS Ald山IS 」O Sle -qeと1 8umS」nd eq (eu dluS eu⊥ uO11e⊃Ol ]u訓n⊃ 」le囲 1e Se∧l」」eJO叩つ∂Xヨe囲JI S」eP」O S`〕〕9!d le」l山P∀JO S]u○

○1dl⊃e」 e唱eq O〕恒判9」Olu 9」E? diuS」elS 」e叩Oue uO

岬no明‘村e洲un /両…叫S=e」l山Pe 9旧聞M eS」e∧uO〕

]]91d it3」…P∀ 」9∧n9ue山e Se) lO」叫OつeJH :S事ualeL

sっ 工rつつO相en]⊃e ll PlnOuS ln」SS9JIS村snopue山叫

叫9」」n⊃ Slu山O」J ePe山Sxp叫申eq山O⊃ 11e 9湿田∧e山 宅eつueiI81∧ `し(晒l「) pe8uea `乙uOl即O8∂N

01 PunO」e 8u!雁lS OS `恒]elPe田山l e9はつd 91qeuOS

8ulMS linJ ul Sleqed 9明」O川o成9S e囲M八両iJ9dse

e8pelMOu〉仁S eulldi⊃SiG `s iOOつ’乙uO!〕」9Oつ:Sl間S

セe」相e e準UJ PlnOuSノ0了nつ∂XJ e囲8ul」9叫nO〕u]

`ゥd岬S」ePe〇十ウ(e」e」」e州) 98peiMO開`乙(山悶」e叩○〕


`pueuJ山O⊃ Siu 山O」」 AeMe有e」e」 S1 1〕eld le」…P∀

t帽⊥⊃Vt]VH⊃ SIH⊥りNISn 叩訊」 Si 〇日SMO間eu Ji八両i〕edse `seっue]S山n⊃」i⊃叫8i」 e即Sn巾S」Oi」9dns Slu uOl]Senb ue∧e Pue S渦」 e渦O1 8u=iiM Sl揮id ・∧q 9P-iS O〕 8叩d山e‖ゼS」e瑚O lel」ed山i相e山e洲un ’Sele」9ue8 」ePe∧ P」O「 1e囲」ee=e」9〕Sl∧ 9甲S準el "!

[sIS∃N∃N] ⊥⊥∃1d │V馴NaV

ue∧e ・s」9瑚O」Olun「S町Ol /eM uMO S]l ul u"eP岬Iui eq ue〕 」Oue∂山eP 8ul]ein〕l∽ `p10⊃ SiH S」∂P」O S叫JO

○○」nOS e囲」epe山Ou `suo-SSl山S]l叩O血e〕 0〕 Peu皿 一周9P Pue /∧eN lei」eduJ1 9囲O〕 Peユe〕lP9P Si 叩9id ’P」晒e」 le明ul SSe〕⊃nS Slu O] S〕S9]]e

uol]e]S叫eJJn〕 SiH SPi」OM e」OつSnO18

-!]Se」d乱O山9囲山0」」 SlePe⊃ 」e叩O

P…巳e田0〕」e∧○ ○1叫OM OI Peu eu e8e]ue^PeS岬e ’ellXX∀ JO Pl」OM ui白

」e叩O e甲山0」J Se山○○ 〕〕9id Sn山」i] P9u」e⊃uO〕 Si 」ePe∧ e」euM

相叩eds9 `s」e唱0 Ol e山eiq朝uS O] Al」ein8e」 1! uO Selle」 9H互uieJl]叫t3」P

」9e」e⊃ S町P〇時∧el∂ Seu甲luM `8ui甲冊 xp!nb 」OJ uMOuy S1 9H判剛M S`」ePe^

P!0∧e O] ue〕 eu 8ui両」9∧e村e叩lOSqe OP Pue fou9i⊃助e準ed le diuS e叩 dee〉口Sn山]〕e!d `p」eOq巳Sl唱iS 9囲JO

PJO「刈ea 9明ueuM木y=qiSSOd相ep

÷∴∴叩囲P囲lM ‘JO了nつ∂均叩くd叫S8eiJ

靖 」e^o」〕SeG 」印S ○○dns s.」9PE∧岬eC=O



」ePue山田O〕 `叩9id le」叫P∀ue囲OS乱O山 euou pue `s」Oi」9dns 」le甲田OJJ血i…〕S

∂lu叩Xe 」ePun 9]e」edo s」e瑚O iei」ed山i



富藍珊⑬配偶凹下軸①醐肝Y 雪冨⊂門閥甲Y甲㊤聞G芭

ADVENTuRたAND EN⊂OuNTER ID巳AS The PCs are suspected of dlSturblng the peace or

otherwISe breaking the law (even lf they are imocent) and a「e relentlessly pursued by the Espos.

丁his could be especially se「lOuS lf they damaged

丁he Corporate Sector Autho「lty is a massive corpo-

orstoie CSA p「operty orthe Espos need to assign

「ate bu「eaucracy that govems a large secto「 of space

some biame on an unsoived series ofcrimes

aiong the Tingel A「m of the galaxy ln the Outer Rim le「ritories. 1ts govemment is a corporate entity that

has compiete controI ove「 the sector as a resuIt of

a unique arrangemen=hat far p「edates the estab一 口shment of the Galactic Empire ThlS arrangement

is ma血ained th「ough a mutua町y beneficiai agree-

ment between those two bodleS The CSA enforces

丁he PCs see CSA of柾e「s bruta=y cracking down on thel「 f「iends, handing out punishment that fa「 outweighs the minImal c「imlnal activity they are

inVOIved ln.



its po廟es and laws th「ough its law enfo「cement div主 sion: the Security PollCe・ Commonly ca=ed Espos, the CSA police a「e known for thei「 brutaiity as we11

as for the quality of their equipment. They are much bette「 funded than most sector PO=Ce forces and do

not hesltate tO CruSh anyone or anything they belieVe th「eatens the peace and prosper圧y of the Corporate

Sector under CSA rule Ski‖s (group only〕: Coercion, Melee, Ranged (Heavy).

Uniike typical poiiCe O簡CerS’Espos value the protec-

“falents: None.

tion of the CSA and itS many holdings over standard law

Abilities: None.

enforcement duties, though some dedicated empIoyees

且quipment: Riot gun (Ranged [Heavy】; Damage 7;

and ski11ed wo「kers rank higher than property・ Espos

C「iticai 3; Range [Medlum], Auto誼re, Stun setting),

captains are bruta上no-nOnSenSe indlVidu-

truncheon (Melee; Damage 4, C「itlCai 5; Range

ais either promoted through the ranks

[Engaged]; Disorlent 2), riot armor (+2 soak)・

Or given the JOb due to co「porate connections Their taCtlCS tend to t「eat

b「ute fo「ce as

the only resort


inStead of the last one.

uSING 軍閥岳雪害 C軸ARA⊂TER§ Espos are the sta臣

Ski11s: CoercIOn l, DiscIPIlne l, Lead一

dard poiiCe fo「ce of

ership l, Meiee 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2,

the Corpo「ate Sec-

Ranged (」ight) 1 , Vlg=ance上

tor,帥ng many roles,

Talents: Adve「sa「y l (upgrade d輔-

Locationai Enforcement

Offroers handle the physi SeCurity of spec甫c CSA indus-

tries and Iocations. Situation Enforcement O冊CerS iook for

sector-Wide criminal activlties. CSA Ground Fo「ces serve as day-tO-day

PO=Ce Within cities and a「e the Espos

culty of a= combat checks agalnSt thlS target once). Abilities: Riot鴫ctics (groups of th「ee or mo「e csA minions ln the Security Captain’s

PreSenCe gain +1 soak and deal +1 damage on successful combat checks). Equipment: RiOtgun (Ranged叩eavy]; Damage 7; Criticai 3; Range iMediur両

that most people would generaliy

Auto-fire, Stun setting), t「unCheon (Melee;

encounter. CSA PiCket Fieet ships

Damage 5; Criticai 5; Range 【Engaged]; Dis〇 ・ O「ient 2)両Ot armOr (+2 soak).

PatrOi Co「porate Sector space with

retrained Espo troops as marines, but their ships are older and far less effective than their imperiai counterPartS. Regardless of division, Espos a「e notoriously d冊Cuit to deal with,

unafraid to doie out physICal punishment and retribution in the name of

PeaCe and protecting the CSA.

SuOi]e」9do ∀Sつし印M 8u!

Pe〕晒11Se∧叫eq Oエバie洲9」Ou」 9」ビ

Pe]dん〕ue `(esu9JeP 99ie山乙十) Ple! 」O〕○○I」9P leuOS」ed `(8ui調eS unlS判OuS]

-」eJ」elu=O」 」98eue山e甲nS句

Sl!P9」⊃ 000・oL囲M」euつnO∧ eSued

e8u挑i与ie〇時」⊃ t e8臥U印判耳 Pe8uet]) 」elSelq mOPiOH :書ua田

euON :Se!

’(SPunO」 OMl」O」 S準eu⊃昭0]□ S訓le Pe]〕e出e =e `相e pe]〕e蹄ue PunOM 」O ule」〕S leuOillPPe ue Se∧Olue」

u〕e] ’e8ue」 1」OuS ul囲M相e 9uO山O」J

バ9囲Inq.Xe」deつ!∧ e 」OJ See」eしuei -qO」d e〕晒11Se∧ui小eullSePuel⊃ OI

Pe」叫eq PlnO〕 SOd eu⊥ ●eiqe」OuOu

le∧i]e19月e囲O e明Pue ]d…0〕 Si 訓o e」9uM相e!⊃eds9 ‘小〕胴nd usei⊃ ∧e山SeXeJde〕i∧ 8ui]ed山O〕 `相euoIS

七〇〇O判eiO助e e」e S8u岬ePun 」i9甲 e」nSue O] S]lSi∧ eSud」nS 9)岬田」O



S」e唱〇 八〇e」⊃nee」nq ]O S」e ー雁l e∧甲9]0」d Aq pepuno」」nS

ele」Od」○○ e」e ∧ue囚●叩MO岬

」O」 S準∂甲=e O〕臆」e即S S]e8」el

S彫工S Pue Se〕助O明1M S圃〕助O

8ui」ldsul P∂∧O」d山i `(SPunO」 」nOJ

Pel〕∈鴻e =∀ ●〕e8」印 PまP三周e euO uo u!e」1S leuO甲PPe euO S坤1]ui O

申e9 :e8ue月」〇日S u-明映〕98」印e uO ule」IS euO Sl〕旧u! *甲e9 1pa甲uOき○

○」e○○ l◆ ◆i e8e」e吋ue ∂湿田八田 `uoi]Je ue Se) epe」!」 8u町1e〕S Pe∧O」d岬

`(90uO 〕e8」e] S旧軍ui晒e s沖∂甲岬q山OO

]Ou Pue Xe」d9〕!∧ e 」9]unO⊃ue

Pin○○ S⊃d 9日工`s」e瑚O ele」Od

」0⊃ 」0「e山ISO山8叩e∂山e洲un

H∃⊥⊃V田VH⊃与IH⊥りNI与の .∧euo山8u!準田畑」〇日ln∀ e囲deey o〕 ue∧0」d s岬Se 8uoi Se P印e 」O /持つe」 Pue uOilen叩S ue^i8 e puelS -」ePun 」aneq O] 」e∧○○」ePun沖OM ue∧e

乙(…日」e叩○) e8p9iMOu〉仁王(uo!]e〕nP e8p∂iMOu〉仁S uOi〕ellO8eN `乙dluS」eP開「宅uO草 一de〕9a ‘乙IOOつくゥuo!⊃」e○○ `乙…勘⊃ :S!間S

弓91O] S川〕eO」dde相門SO山1∀ ●1! P」eMe」

iie JO本un瑚iP 9Pe」8dn) L r白E?S」e∧P∀ :S叩〔



[乱調NヨN] x∃tld∃⊃1^ 人⊥ltIOH⊥nV tlOJJヨS ∃鵬OdtlO⊃ ●ll e∧0」d

ouos ’e向S uOi〕叩Siu…Pe 」le叩 S]lnS ]e囲」euuelu e ui Sel]nP lnO Sei」」e⊃甲eヨ

血rouo叩e Suee山OSle木恒O囲ne X9」d○○i∧ SnOlつ11e山Pu門d…O〕 9q舟e山」e囲Oue ’1SeuOu Pue elqe」OuO11 9q叫8皿Xe」d∈O!∧euO e冊M OS `MOl] S叩O」d e明SeSuoi SeSlel〕助0」ie叩JO SuOl]⊃e e埴叩Oqe訓eつ

相」e∧O〕Ou S∂OP∀Sつeu⊥ SuO哩ln8e」 Pue SMel Se u⊃nS Su」∂つuO⊃布ued e」Ou81山9囲1el e〕u9niJu! Pue yue」 9SOuM lenPWPu=nJ」9MOd e si Xe」d〇〇一∧ ∀ ・1ue山∂8e

-ue山iei」O叫」el O自由」n〕∂S O=撚ei O=J」eeSe」山0」J `∀Sつe囲JO SuOrs'∧1PqnS 9川ue dn peeu slel瑚O le∧el

-X9」de〕l∧相」O岬∀ 」O]〕∂S e]e」Od」Oつe世相」O明n∀ se即d山eX9 」e119q uO11eZ-u晒」O ON l訓uOS」∂d iel」

1叫1 8ulMOuy ‘xe」d9⊃IA e唱Ol叩」Ode」 Pue uO阜 -e」edo 8u肥田!準9叩SePueP e 」9∧0〕SIP S⊃d eu⊥

」O]つ9S 9〕e」Od」O○ ○明u叩ん=Od s時日O S」98uep叩

ue⊃八〇叩J岬eM9」印u印SqnS e e∧一〇〇e」 iliM A9囲

」e=ddns 」ie囲O〕 Xe」d9⊃1∧

9唱9準] O] lueu18ul〕」OJ Pue SuOilつe.Sつd eu川11M

8u印e]S `uie甲∧lddns e囲S∂]e81]Se∧ul小南uos」ed X9」de⊃I∧ 9u⊥ 9ul1 8uun]〕勘nuelu e uMOP S叩uS

le囲Se=ddns]O ]ueudluS Peq e ul lneu Sつd 9u⊥

SVヨal t帽⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNVヨtln⊥N∃^aV

-9dlul 」O川n瑚1P e川9津山]Ou S9OP ]l Se 8uoI Se fuouo叩e len]」l∧囲1M PeP」eMe」 Si 9u岬e山Iel」eduJl

叩O〕 」O∧eJ SMOuS制] uOl呼」Od」O⊃相e制]乱nSue e」ld山∃叫=O S9!⊃llOd ⊃…OuO○○ Pue l∽一理Od e岨



鐘貼畠骨の宙明富岳間島甲羅鍾甲㊨配 Customs o冊⊂lals∴are the bane of exIStenCe for ail

those who seek to transport goods from one part of the galaxy to anothe「 without questiOnS being aSked

Rebei PCs who make reguiar trips to a partiCular starport keep gettlng the same troublesome inspector, Who is actua=y血erested in joining the

Rebe帖on Are they slnCere Oraretheywo「klngaS

an imperial spy?

Fortunately, many Of柾Ials are perfectly happy to


accept a bribe. Unfortunately, there are qulte a few Who are not, and even more unfortunateiy, te=ingthe difference between the two can be exceptionaiiy di棺-

Cult. Customs lnSPeCtOrS are reSPOnSible for checklng


any ca「go transported lntO a SPaCePOrt, and their seai


Ofapprova=S required before lt Can be offioaded onto another vessel or planet-bound locatlOn. They frequently trave而the company of spaceport secu「ity

Customs inspectors represent different authorlties. Many are lower-ieve=mperlai o肝cers tasked with enforcing laws within imperial ports and fac冊es

However, a locai govemmental organization may have ltS OWn CuStOmS rePreSentatlVeS aS lndlVldual worIds Or eVen ma」O「 CitieS tO have their own inspectors

focuslng On regiOnai restriCt10nS beyond lmperiai conCernS SometlmeS thlS reSults ln muitiple inspectors inVeStlgatlng the same shlP for dlfferent vIOiatlOnS, muCh to the crew’s frustratiOn.

infractiOnS for viOlatlOnS range from hundreds of credltS tO lmPOundment of a ship to immediate arrest and detentiOn USING THIS ⊂HARA⊂TER Customs lnSPeCtOrS are amOng the most common law enforcement agents the PCs deai with. ThiS is especia=y true if the PCs have thei「

OWn StarShiP and travei often. On SOme WOrlds, dea冊gs with customs

may be a triviai interaction, Whiie On Others lt Can be a lengthy pr○○

CeSS Of many hours. 1f b「lbe「y is

COmmOn ln a Particular location, the PCs could get a hintfrom the 1nSPeCtOr Or Via an aPP「OPriate

Knowledge check. Inspections Should keep PCs on theirtoes, but repeated difficuitieS SOOn become tedious or borlng from a story stand-

POint Not every inspection has to be a grue"ng interrogatiOn, after all

ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂OuN十日R ID岳AS A down○○n-their-iuck ins-

PeCtOr decides to use the PCs as thei「 PerSOnai

bank, hittlng them with infraction after infraction

Wlth the lntent tO POCket

the proceeds or accept a substantial brlbe.

Ski!看s: Astrogation上Perception 5, Vig=ance 2. 1a看ents: None.

Abilities: None. Equipment: Light biaster pistoi (Ranged 【Lig岬; Dam-

age 5; Criticai 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), hand SCanner

ー」O」 8ul甲」eeS ・S e⊃u印81∧ `s (9⊃eds) 8u11Ollcl `乙uoi]de〕」ed

・s 」9qeS叫8!「宅d町S」9PE?e「 (s凡euunD t 9u両〕Sla `ゥuol〕d9⊃ea `⊆ lOOつ`s uol〕」9Oつくz s叩9冊1∀ :Sl間S

ueeq s.∂巾O=d leqeと] eul S! ⊃d 9囲e∧91ieq ue∧e

(e山Pue uOI岬80」」〇回」O=enP一∧胆ul e囲9」nlde⊃ 0] l臥l」」E eSi」d」nS e Se準山」ePe∧ P」O「囲S 9囲


O] xpeq S〕e8 p」OM Pue `」e洲eM相S e岬「 O] uO甲eu -uO〕 e 」O S」eMOd e〕」O] Siee∧e」 A"e]ueP。⊃e ⊃d ∀ ・

SV∃回I t帽⊥Nno⊃N∃ aNV ∃tln⊥N∃^aV ’9〉川e Se用e Pue S9…eue ui 」e∂J S冊Su!

e〕ueSe」d九〇∧ Slll ue∧9 Pue `s叫euOddo s町e]ePi山間

o〕相u岬Oddo血e se準〕 eH ‘e∧!1⊃9「qO 」O lenPl∧lPui

漢引雪害調書N案曽∃回V^軸⊥HV〇 ・e〕ueill∀ leqet] 9囲O] S岬i elq-SSOd

pue se剛qedeつ」!e田川Oqe u」eel O] Se呼81]Se∧ul

相euos」ed 」ePey¥岬旧a `uo!SS甲(P9Z刑qnd-11eM

Pue) InJSSe○○nS凡e∧ e u甲ed e Aeld sつd e囲」判∀

ue ]O ]lnS」nd ui eSee岬M Se⊃」0=eq9白8uiPP叫S

相euos」ed 」O柄⊃lnb se⊃」nOSe」有印i… l坤9dur1 1S臥ui 8u用e〇八q 」9囲euM `」e叫nO⊃ue ue u! S」eedde eu ueuM 」eMOd siu e]eJISuO山eP PlnOLIS 」ePe^

SleqeとI e」e Aeu川OS r白qnOP Pue ‘uo!1ue:口e S岬

1〕e」]]e O〕佃洲相印edse e」e Sつd 8uISn-eつ」0] ●S明e9P

⊃.] JO POO酬e洲咋町村e∧ e Se叫9Pe^囲1M 」elunO〕u9 呼quJ○○相∀相岬‖ ue準] 9q 」e∧eu PlnOuSんo]S e ui e⊃ue」eedde s叫Pue `ule用∧んe肥りd ∂明S=ePey¥囲ea tIヨ⊥⊃Vt]VH⊃ SIH⊥ 9N!Sn ’囲eeP Suee山u9〕JO 」ePe∧ 8u川eJ Se `spo囲e山ieuOi呼∧llO山1e]n」q Siu

JO u8!S e AIPel」Od」nd s! PueuJ山O〇回ed山i JO Sle∧91 1S〇日8i日〇日l昨S9SS〇日O uSe」 ∀ ●」ei -n叩」ed ui lOl!d leqeとi訓O 」OJ Pue 9〕uE"‖∀

1eq9d叩」O川p」eeS叩8ul∧i」P e⊃」OJんe山ud e囲Se血判肌u le!」ed叫e囲u! Pe⊃勘nS Se申e -Pe∧囲」ea `uo甲n」〕SeP S`」即S囲eeG e囲e⊃ulS .s198」el e∧哩SueS-9⊃」0] 9呼u岬ie O] PeJ!nb9」

S9nb岬⊃e〕 e明u! S」O]!S叩bui Peu!叩Se叫eP臥 刑] elq-SSOd s川・S]」O鵬」刷l u! PeiieJ S]u98e 」e冊O ueuM ]e8Je] 」e吋e ‥e8」e] JO叩S」nd s叫]O PunOqeSPue89i Put2 ‘snuo]!S!nbui e囲JO」eq山9山

」O!ueS ISO山e囲9q O] Pe∧e"9q S! 」ePe∧囲」ea `e」!d山ヨe囲O] S叩nP 」el11O S叫O] uO印PPe ul

‘PepeeJeP 」e∧e S口S」U eu川P9 e∧甲e eq PlnO〕

s印e坤dnp制=開J相eIN.」edoo」l訓Ol〕∴B ue∧e」O `p!O」PlequOO e `8u!eq 8uv¥‖ e SeSnOu

」O田」e 9囲」e囲9uM 9」nSun e」e岬nP!∧!Pu! Si即 し刑M S」elunO〕u∂ Pe∧甲」nS e∧eLI O]しu!ei〕 OuM

MeJ eu⊥ ’し抑S PePee」P e囲O〕 uO甲euuOつe

Seu訓]S988ns ]e明S」eMOd 8u廟」」∂〕 SeSS∂S ーSOd pue 」∂qeSl岬" P9」 e SPie!M 」O叫eM Si囲 e∧ei JO Pi」OM e uO印Se〕 E油!PPiq

-」〇月巳叫∂∧= OI Pe」0…d ・e」!d山喜e囲u!

8u吟q Pe」粥=SO田e囲Sde甲ed sI Pue 」eつ」OJue Pe]Sn」=SO田S《」O」ed山喜el11 Se

Se∧」eS O11M PIOue山nu P副OuJE叫⊃elq

e lnOqe PiOl e」e Se岡山唾相即∧


laients: Adversary 4 (upgrade d輔Culty of ail combat checks agaInSt this target four times), Du「able 3 (「educeC「lticai injury「esultsby50,tOa minimumof l ),

encounter, eaCh enemy within medium range must

make a Hard reOqB] fear check). Force Choke: force fbwer Darth Vade「 may spend

Force Rating 6, lmproved Parry 5 (When struck by a

Oto immobilize a target within short range until the

melee attack but befo「e applying soak, aS an Out-Of-

end ofVader’s next tu「n. Vader may spendOto ln輔ct

tum lnCidenta上may suffer 5 strain to reduce damage

l wound on the ta「get言gnoringsoak, and may do so

by 7, lf used then afte「 attack is resoived may spend

multiple tlmeS Vade「 may aiso r〇月an opposed Dis“

㊦ or$ @ @ toautomatica=y hlt l targetwith wieided llghtsaber言佃Cting base damage plus any damage

cip!ine ve「sus Discipline check againSt the ta「get. if

the check succeeds, the target suffers a Critica冊ju「y,

from appilCable talents orabiiitleS=mproved Reflect 5

addlng +10tothe roll perOspenton thecheck

(When wleidlng a lightsaber and struck by a ranged attack but before applying soak, aS an Out-Of-tum lnCidental may suffer 3 straln tO reduce damage by 7;

the power’s range to medium range orspendOincrease

ifused, then afterattack lS reSOived, may SPend @ or ㊨ $ $ to automaticaiiy hit one target w剛n medi-

um range, dealing the same damage as the hit from the inltlai ranged attack), Saber Throw (as an actiOn make a Lightsaber check as a ranged attack at one target wlthin med旧m range, adding uP tO O O O

OOOto the check, muStSPendOand succeed on the checkto hitand may spendOto havetheweapon

Move: Fo竹e Fbwer Vader may spendOto increase

the siZe Ofthe object he can move to siihouette 4.

Sense: forceRower Vader may spendOto sense aIl liVlngthlngS Within medlum range Of hlmSelf (lnCludlng

animais and sentient beings), and spend Oto sense the current emot10nal state of one llVlng ta「get With

whom he lS engaged. He may not activate eitherability muitiPle times Equipment: Vader’s =ghtsaber (Lightsabe「, Damage l O’ CritlCa1 1 , Range [Engaged]; Breach上Sunder, SuperiOr,

instead o=ight slde resuits, See Page 7); Force

ViCious 2; OnCe Per enCOunter, When ignited upgrades the abillty Of a Coercion check Vader makes once), enhanced helmet optlCS (CanCels the effects of dark-

retum to hiS hand after the,attaCk) Ab皿ies: Dark Side Force User (uses dark slde resuits

Powe「s. Enhance, Force Choke, Move, Sense; l Have

ness, SmOke, O「 Other environmental effects that

Wu Now (after in帥cting a Crlticai Hit or巾ury ln

obscure viSion), armO「ed robes (VaCuum Sealed十2

combat may spend {J to add +20 to Critical Hit Or

soak, + 1 defen吋, lntegrated med-SyStemS (OnCe Per

ln」ury rO= resuits), le「r-fylng (at the beginning of each

session, aS an lnCidental may use a bu=t-in stimpack)・

ーSxped 」e昨M Pue POOJ ‘」ee8 8ul」eeq-PeOi `岬i

ん〕ue 《(uo!S!∧ e」n⊃Sq〇時囲Sl⊃三男9 」e叩0 」0 `e〉10山S `sseu叫eP


’」9叫9⊃ uOpeindod 」O「e山e u! S」9Z冊 -ed山人s leqeと=OJ ll〕」eeS eSリd」nS e ui 」ePue…O〕

le!」ed山iんepu989i e /ued山O〕⊃e S」edoo」川〕ee(] . 二川8i」J u! 99iJ Seiiie

S⊃d乱11 Se eIneq ]O 9囲∂囲8u叩」n]中潮nb `8u! -P!e」 e」e S⊃d判]んole」Oqei le!」ed山口e」〕eS e JO

S」9Pu9J9P 9Sリd」nS 9ul Se 98」9山9 S」∂doo」川]eea .

雪V∃回1おき⊥Nno⊃N∃回NV害す∩⊥N∃^ロV ●u圃i町e日9d山i八〇準JO 9〕u剛eedde p9]〕9dx9un 9囲」OJ uOil⊃nPO」lui POO8 e

e津山ue⊃ S冊`AIPe〕⊃edxeun e∧叫e S」edoo」] eu"l ‘」∂ -Pee=叫ed山口u即」Odl叫Pue lnj」eMOd e JO木u山iXO」d esoi〕 e明SPIe」eu Ple鳴1調eq e囲uO S」edoo」] L11eePJO

ie∧叫e 9u⊥.S⊃d 9囲u=eeJ 9判」〕S 」e囲nJ O] 98e]ue^Pe SnO!∧qO ue Uu利口e∧!8 plnOuS r白uodeeM Pue `」Ouue

`s二時Je=Oi」edns 」i9印判卸s」9doo」] ll]eeP ueuM

工OLuJe 8ul」粥M ueuM e⊃uO しp 囲ieelS 9Pe」8dn `esueJeP

‘uOi胴nde川e囲e e∧ele PinOllS ue山nu PuO/eq

u! uO!〕つnPO」叩」刷〕 ePe○○」d plnOuS S山Sりeuue山8ul -1uneu Pue `se⊃lO∧ ∧dee」〕 `s用準∂u刑8即Oi」edns 」刑1

`ゥsno!〕!∧ `しu〕ee」日

8u冊e山OS eq爪e山∧eu=叫] S」9ds岬M ‘e」nlue∧Pe ue

し十 `準OS 乙十) 」0…e 」ed〇〇月

明きeP `白 0田山∀ Pel叫!「


JO S」Olunと十」e8uep pue `んe〕S人山 `esuedsns sp岬q

98ueとI 《乙ie叩」〇

二車種をヂ矛 `0乙 e∂捌きG [川副「] pe8u閃) 」0]きuOleP i曾山」9囲

上白 0山田∀ Pellし叫「 `9 1Se旧判OuSl e8u閃 「    `ゥIe叩i」つ:8 98e田町]巾u8i「]

砂。。8u。油。eu9」8 8eJ持し時制。,S ’e」U-O叩∀叫n!PeINI e8uet] t le二時i」つ :9 e8e山eC]刑8iiI p∂8ueと]) lOIS!d 」e〕SeIq

8upe9d∂」叫S" 」ウ上!S 」O `(8u即9S un]S :山niPe画98ueと] 《s le○1担⊃ :6 e8帥eG `[∧∧eeHI pe8ueとi) euiq」e⊃ 」9]Selq aし上]

(乙 e〕」副d `∑∴e田OS」eq山nつ くe」臣Oln∀ `乙9]e」n⊃〕∀笹uo「I e8ueとl { l∽i叫⊃ `0し e∂恥ea

]e明」euue山e ul Pe]ueSe」d ]S9q 9」e S」9doo」〕唱eea

ロコ⊥⊃VHVH⊃ SIH⊥りNi与の ’SIS∂88ns 9山eu 」!e囲

Se AiPeeP S門Sn「 e」e Ae囲]e囲Pue ]S!Xe小南n]Oe OP SOPue田山O⊃ SnO」e8uep ese唱le明8uiPee」ds AiMOIS Si

P」OM 9i二両」i9囲ueS=e Seu Sn囲Pue ‘9nSS!〕叩O」⊃eu e∧i∧e」 Ol uO!S!∧iP甲」eeSeとi SuOdeeM Pe〕ue∧P∀ e明

ui囲lM S叫e山l」9dx9 O] Pe刈ii MO岬山OS e」e /e囲1e囲 PunOqe S」O山nt] e〕ue]S!Se」 e囲JO u〕n山8uo山e囲fu e pe」eP!SuO⊃ e」e ∧elJ⊥ ’S」elunO⊃u9 ^腰間山l∽ld布 u! ueeS Al乱e」 e」e S」edoo」〕囲eeP 8uilSiXe MeJ eu⊥

’S9"iE O〕 u9∧98u冊9Sun 9」e Pue S8ui9q 〕叫晒」O

O] elqe」eud!〕ePu! e」e ]e囲Sleu8!S叩eu」eqん8u刑nl -SiP 8uiSn Se∧leS山9囲8uo山e即∽lun田山OO S」edoo」l

卑∧eeH] pe8ueと])e剛」9]SEiq/∧eeu6上HG :叩e関d叩b]

’9uON :Se即1!qV

(e〕iM〕 S沖eu〕 uop」eOつjO木un瑚iP 9明9Pe」8uMOP Ol u!e」]S乙」eJ -」nS) z E油!]eP…刑i ‘(el日O」d u! PePnl⊃ul Apee」ie `準os

eseu⊥当」OM "Oddns penbs pue e8ue十8uol 」Oj e剛 」elSelq A∧eeu lnJ」eMOd e pue `eulq」e〕 」9]Selq Ap」nlS

e ‘iOISld 」∂]Seiq 8叩eede」 e ePni⊃ul SuOdeeM eyOdseq

S」edoo」判leeG ’」閃8 8uPueuu○○叩lee]S Pue `s」euue⊃S 二世d〇〇回n山`yu=山0⊃ P9]dん⊃ue ue BulPni⊃u!山e]S/s

乙十) z 8uリnPuヨ((e⊃uO 〕e8」e] Si囲]Su!晒e sxpeu〕 ]eq -山O⊃ iie JO在un瑚IP ePe」8dn)しんes」e∧P∀ :S]ueIt汁 ●⊆ e⊃ueii8凧

`乙叩iEe]S `s (叫81「) pe8ueと仁S (∧∧開H) pe8uetl `s uoi]

-de〕」ed `乙eeie囚宅(9」叫eM)論peiMOu〉仁Sんeuun〇 `ゥ9uIldl⊃S!a `ゥIOO〕 《⊆ uO!〕」eO⊃宅S二世9冊∀ :Sl間S



P」eOq-uO ue岬M Peddlnbe s同nS甲e] ●uO!1○○〕OJd 」e〕1eq SePl∧0」d pue 」∂叫8" S=0…e 」edoo」叫」0]S JO uOIS」9∧ y〕elq-11e 」leu⊥ ’」O山」e Pue∴S山」e∴9nSSi -9∧iSni⊃X∂ 」19囲」9J9」d lnq 91qellE∧e leueS」e有印i冊

Ie!」ed山i e埠ue e唱和en坤∧ e∧eu S」edoo」]囲eea uMe」u⊥ 1E」i山P∀ Pue」D Pue ⊃luue」〉=ePue山 一山O〕 Se甲nS SleP助O lel」ed山口即!∧」OJ uO!1〕e]O」d di∧ 」OJ Pue S○○」O] e判」]S 」OJ PeSn ue〕JO ]SOu」 e」e S○○doo」〕

叩eea ‘e⊃ue8"i9叫i le!」ed山口O Se〕!dsne 9囲」9Pun ele」edo (eu⊥ ’んel=叫】 le!」ed田I e囲u! S叫n Se〕」OJ -le!⊃9ds 91iie ]SO山e囲8uo山e 9」e S」edoo」〕囲eea

轡ヨdOOtl⊥ H蘭留臼

山vAltI] t帽dOOtI⊥ H⊥t嘱a



の閲歴の醐醍醗彊開聞艦 Orson KremlC IS a graSPing and power-hungry imperiai offroer. 1七il and steely-eyed ln his mlddie years, he

WaS born on Lexru上a heav=y lndustrlallZed worid ln

the Mid Rlm Smart and amblt10uS, Krennic showed an apt血de for mechanics and enginee「lng from an

earlyage and ln hlSyOuthjoined the Repub=C Futures

DireC亡Or Kren印C IS entl「ely consumed by the Death Star p「oject言O the polnt Of taking a PerSOnal lnter-

est bordering on mlCrOmanagement ln PrObiematiC areas. He lS qulte Wl=ingto travel anywhere the「e is a

SOurCe Ofconcem ordeiay ln Orderto rectlfy the situatiOn and take credit for lt. The PCs may encounter hlm (and hlS death troopers) on one of these trlPS,

SuCh as a miSSiOn tO PrOCure rare OreS Or a VISi=o PreSSure a factory to increase its product10n. The PCs are un=kely to know ofhlStrue POSlt10n but can sur-

Program on Brentaa上

He began hiS PrOfessionai career designlng SPaCe Stat10nS du「lng the run-uP tO the Clone Wa「s, KrennlC

miSe f「om hiS titie (and hiS bragging) hiS lmPOrtanCe to the lmpe「ial war machine.

later became a =eutenant commander attached to a


POWe血l new battle stat10n PrO」eCt based on stoien

Separatist plans. ln the new lmperlal Navy, his talent

O DlreCtOr KrennlC may hIre the PCs to hunt down

as a deslgner and his fineIy honed politlCai lnStinCtS

indlViduais usefui to the project, SuCh as Galen Erso or people ofsimiiartalents

has made him manyenemieSand a帖es.

KrenniC enSured he wouid lead the effor=o design

O KremIC PerSOna=y commands hlS death t「oop-

and constructthe statiOn’s maln WeaPOn HIS POiitlCal

ers to ellminate the PCs when they have delayed

Skl=s and clever manlPulat10nS Ofothers have kept him

important shlPmentS tO his pro」eCt, Perhaps wlth-

One SteP ahead of hlS rivals. As direCtOr OfAdvanced

Out them reailZlng it

Weapons Research, KremlC IS OVerSeelng the lnSta=ation of the battie sしaしIOn“S SuPeriaser, Where he wieids


COnSiderabIe influence and

POWer and essentla=y commands the Death Star as lt undergoes its fmai testlng. Grand Moff鴫rk町however,


lS ready to act agalnSt thlS i=-bred upstart鵜With

lethai means, If

Ski=s: CoercIOn 4, Computers 3, Coo1 3, DiscIP=ne 3,



Knowiedge (Educat10n) 3, Knowiedge (Warfare) 2, 」eadershiP 5, Mechanics 4, PerceptlOn 5, Ranged

(Llght) 2 TaIents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d輔Culty of a= com-

bat checks agalnSt thiS target tWICe), Commanding Presence 2 (remove臆菓from all Leadership and

Cooi checks), intimidatlng 2 (Suffer 2 straln tO downgrade the dlf柾ulty ofany CoercIOn Checks 一

twice, Or tO uPgrade the d輔culty of any Coer-

CiOn Checks targeting thiS Character twiCe),



enemy wlthln Short range suffers I straln,

望 葛

SPenC‖ひto inflict addlt10nal straIn)

Ab帥ties: Master Manipulator (KremlC

mayadd□□to, OrremOVe園臆from, Charm, DeceptiOn, and Negotlatlon hecks he makes to convince others O do hlS biddlng)

quipment: Non-regulation heavy blaster pistol (Ranged iLight]; Damge7, C「ltiCa1 5; Range iMedlum] Stun setting), dlreCtOr’s u而Orm

With cape (+1 soak). datapad, multlPie encrypted com=nks

‘ゥe〕uel18IA `cんe88npln准`乙e〕ue岬Set] `s (叫81「)

P∂釦的`乙(e〕eds) 8u阿!d `s uoi]d○○」ed `s uoi]叩O8eN 工 Sつ!ue甲9州 `s 」eqeS川8i「 `s diuS」ePE?9「 (ゥ(A§1O -∋ueX) 98pelMOuy `乙(Pl」OM」ePun) 98pe「MOu〉仁S (u月日

周nO) e8pelMOuy ‘s (9」0「) e8pelMOu〉仁ウ(uo!]eつnP]) e∂peiMOu〉仁り(SPl」。M e」O⊃) 98peiMOu〉仁S 9ulldi〕Sia `s uol〕d9⊃ea ‘ゥIO○○.S uOi〕」eO〕 `s I川eu⊃ :Sl間S


雪国題趨認蜜 題sIS∃N∃N] ∃Nl鵬/d│Vd HOt帽d‖∃

SeP!S Iie uO SuOi]0田e

8u-ue叫8刑S! …e囲JO euO eq PlnO⊃ 」O」9d山ヨ

9u]岬囲 P」OM O∧甲e O] uOOS S91J判u81P l引」

d山I e囲8ul埠Me村u98e9 `s冊e山0⊃l∂M相en]〕e ∧… S9^l]eu 9山OS Pl」OM 」19囲」e∧O lO即O〕 I坤 d山i e」nSue村oqns-OS-]Ou O川Si∧ lel」ed山i P91旧 一〇」nSS9」d `le里JO ue 」OJ SuOl]eJede」d JO ]SP甲

9囲ul Se∧leS山e囲PuU Sつd PapeuuO〕小南叩iOd o Se〕」OJ Siu ulO「01 e8p9 e囲」e∧O山e明uSnd

O] uOi呼n〕iS 9囲8し甲elndlu帥‘epIS q埠P e甲O1 8u=leJ O] eSOi⊃ S⊃d O〕1nOSe甲ee」 SnOIPiS囲eG o

SV∃回i曽ヨ⊥Nno⊃N∃回NVヨtln⊥N∃^回V Sn〇回S囲」eロ`引eS en」〕 Si1=O uO11u印e e囲1Je朋e府田/9唱`s」eSn 9〕」0] e」e S⊃d 9即i ’e〕きds lel」ed山i ui ∂」e Aeu理P9]e⊃Oi e」E? Sつd

9巾e」eLIM e⊃uE?」eedde坤qnd esl」d」nS e e津山叫8叫 」0」9d山喜e岨9⊃」O] e囲9Sn O] Pe」O山n」 e」e e山OS Pue `e」euMんe∧e xpu叫eeS e」e S叫9∂e sIH ‘]」O〕Se有印i叫 8u…leuM」e∧O ue囲M Sie∧eJ] S有eMiE ]SO山Ie 」O」9d山] eu⊥ ePIS q匹P e叩O] uO!]OeuuO⊃ Slu ]O eSne⊃eq lOu `」eMOd相即l=山Pue lcol]=0d eiqe山O叩EJun Se!POq山e eu esnE)⊃eq 」O」9d山ヨe囲」eeJ PlnOuS S⊃d ‘SI Aln」] eu

]euM SMOu〉1 9uO Ou ]SO山「e 〕e里」∂q山e山e」 O] ]ue] -」Od山i Sl ]l ]nq `s=O」ed山! e叩OuM SMOuy 9uO九〇∧!

すさ⊥⊃VおVH⊃ SIH上りNiSn in担MOd oo] anOつeq Ae囲e」OJeq Si臥i」 eleui岬ie 布uel瑚e PuE) SuOISSil坤勘∧ 1nOん」e〕 O] …u SeSn e11 9lluM `」eP臥囲ea ‘〇二時ue」dde si1=9∧O iO」1u○○つつ叩S Sult3]uiE山eH 囲n」〕 Si囲MOuy MeJ有o山e」]Xe MOu

u∂∧e Pue ’んo]Slu u=∂叩O Ou e洲9⊃」O] e囲JO 9PIS 卑eP e囲SPlelM eH ‘Suee山e∧Iユe」⊃eS Aq s]ueuOddo

8u世u岬Ie 」O叫8町有u坤i一山囲M S9…eue 8uluSn」〕 `」eMOd uiE]ul地O] 8u明和E OP =iM 」O」ed山] e岨

‘l‘]n」] e叩8uiu」eeI

」e111ie lnO岬M SePIS囲Oq Pe庇ld旬unJ」e]Se山eし叫edied ’dl」8 uo」l uE囲iM uOl]lSOd sil‘ e」n⊃eS O] S」軌へ9uO「つ

e甲Pe」eeu18ue ue囲Pue lOJ]uO⊃ …u 8ulPueu O川口e -MOd ui eSO囲Pele「nd-u叫eu MOu u」eel OI Pe∧e山SiP

相enbe eq pinOM Ae岨IP9「e明JO人山9ue PuE P」O「 囲S eSe木u叫ePi en」〕S.eu11edled MOuy O] PeUl」」Ou eq PlnOM SueZlロコ叩⊃eiE?8 `lle ]Ou村ulel」9⊃叩q `]SOIN

e」id山喜∂旧囲M 〕iiqnd9と] e明 Pe〕elde」 e11 Se lnJ」eMOd ∂」O山Pue ’Je]SluiS e」O山`ll∧9

9」0山」即∧ =∧i〇二時〕EleD e111山0」J Pe8」e山e 9u11edled ‘P∂ユdn」e S」eM 9uOl○ ○唱9」OJeq坤qnd9:ゴ9叩JO 」O=e○

○ueuつ∂田e〕eq相可e山国n PuE? e⊃ueu…O」d o] eSO」 OuM OOqeN山0」=O]eueS 9明Se u月u SMOuy e〕eindod e囲

」O相」0「帥1S臥9岨●e」!d山日印〕eieO e囲」O uO阜きe」⊃ e囲Pue ⊃iiqndet] e囲JO uO11⊃叩S9P e唱」OJ elqiS -uOdse」小PePueu-e18ulS ]SO山Ie Si eu11edlec=O」ed山王


TaIents: Adversary 4 (upgrade d酷culty of aii combat checks against thiS ta「get four times), Fearsome 3

(When an adversa「y becomes engaged with Empe「-

字書称茄岩盤豊富轟量譜 Parry 5 (When struck by a melee attack but before appiylng SOak, aS an Out-Ofium incldenta上may Suf-

Enhance: Fo/てe Power Emperor Palpatine may uSe

this power when making Lightsaber ski= checks Farsight: force fわwer Emperor Paipatine may SPend O to lgnOre the effects of darkness o「 bilnd-

ness and see normally up to extreme range for 5 rounds (Or 3 minutes). Foresee: Fo/℃e /わWer Empero「 Palpatine may

fer 3 straln tO reduce damage by 7; lf used, then

SPend Oto gain vague hlntS Of events to come, uP

after attack lS reSOlved, may SPend g or @ @ @

to three days lntO his own personal future・ Emperor

to automatiCa11y hit one target w-th w-eided light-

Palpatine can spendOto pICk up 2 speciflC deta=s

saber, ln帥Ctlng base damage pius any damage from

from his vision

app=cable talents o「 abiiities), lmproved Refiect 5

(When struck by a rangecl attack but before applying SOak, may Suf「e「 3 stra-n tO reduce damage by 7’

lf used then after attack is resoived, may SPend @

lnfiuence: Force fわwer. Empe「or Paipatine may

make an opposed Discipline versus Discip看ine

check comblned with an Influence power check if he spendsC)and succeeds o両he check, he can fo「ce

o「 $ $ $ to automatiCa=y hlt One ta「get Within

the targe=o adopt an emotionai state or be=eVe

medIum range, deaiing the same damage as the

something untrue, lasting for 5 rounds or 25 minutes.

hlt from the lnitiai ranged attack), improved 「drrify


He may aiso spendOon the checkto st「essthe mind

of l iiVing target he is engaged with, lnflict-ng 2 stram Move: Fo竹e fk)Wer Emperor Palpatine may spend Oto lnCreaSe the power’s range to Iong range, may

next round; may SPend t卑ひto extend du「atiOn and

spend Oto increase the size of the object he can move to sllhouette 4, and may spend Oto increase

spendOto immobiiiZe affec亡ed target; may SPend $

the number ofta「gets he can move to ive・

one target withln medium range unt= the end of the

to stagger an affected target), Naturai MystlC (OnCe

Seek: force Fbwer Emperor Palpatine may spend

per sess10n, may re「O= any one Force powe「 check)'

OOto gai旧nSight lntO the generai iocation or direCtlOn Of a person or ob」eCt that he knows about・

Shlen 「七chnique (When making a Lightsaber skl11

check, may uSe Cuming instead of B「awn), Shroud

(may spend l Destiny Point to make himseIf undetectabie via Force powers and make hlS OWn POWerS

「egardless of current distance. He may spend O to

galn uP tO 2 additiOnai detaiis; may SPend O and

go unnotiCed for the remainder ofthe encounte「), The


Force ls MyA=y (OnCe PerSeSSion, may Suffer2 straln

th「ough i‖usIOnS. He mayspendOto eiiminate up to 2

to pe「form a Fo「ce power actlOn aS a maneuVer)・

additiOnal Force-based用usiOnS.

Abilities: Dark Side Force Use「 (uses darkside resuits

Sense: Force fbwer Emperor Paipatine may spend

instead of iight slde results, See Page 7); Force

O to sense a= ilVlng thingS Withln eXtreme range Of

Powers: Enhance, Farsight, Foresee, ln帥ence, Move,

Seek, Sense, Unieash; Power of the Dark Slde (When Paipatine ln帥CtS WOunds on an opponent・ Palpatine immediately recovers 3 straln Or l wound)・

himSelf (including anlmais and sentIent belngS), and

SPendOto sense the current emotional state of one 廟ng target or the cur「ent thoughts of up to 4 llVing

targets with whom he lS engaged He may not activate either ability multiple timeS. Unleash: Force /わwer Empe「or Palpatlne may


succeeds and Emperor Palpatine SPends O0 the attack hits with the foilowing pro制e・ Range (Ext「eme),

Damage 8; Critica1 4 (he may spendOto reduce C「lti-

cal rating to l). Emperor Palpatine may spendOto affect up to two additional targets withln range・ He

may spendOto give the attack Ensnare 2. He may SPendOto giVe the attack Bum 2. 且quipment: Paipatine’s lightsaber (」ightsaber, Dam-

age 9; Critica1 1 ; Range忙ngagedI; Breach上Sunder,

Superior, Vicious 2), PerSOna=zed Sith robes (+2 SOak, + 11 defense).

‘」9Puiiんep○○ `(準OSし+圧e山ieu

Pue皿0即n `(8ul朋S unlS :山n!Pe刷e凱ea :∑ le叩」⊃ :9 ∂8拙ea :[]岬i「] pe轡uet]=O]Sld J9]Sel日:1ua仙d!nb]


e冊uO Pe]つl囲S掴Se」]iH ie⊃印」〕」O凡n「u=e〕理」⊃血e os+ PPe Pue」制nOOu9 9囲u! 9剛9∧ iel」ed山I ei8u!S e山O」同⊃elP r白euuno e山O」J 8叩inS9」 e8e山eP e囲 elqnOP O=ulOc]相l]SeGしPueds Ae山S」ee∧ le」eu9D `J9]unO〕ue 」ed e〕uO) 」eMOde埋UJn山iXeIN :Se!拙q∀

.(」9∧neue山e u叩」a揮」 uO!〕⊃t3 ue …O耳ed pue uIe」]Sし 」9JJnS P開〕Su! O]相e euo MOlie Ol ㊥ pueds凡elJJ `le]ueP -i⊃ui u」町J○○1nO ue Se 」9∧neuell」 euO …OJJed oユul郎S


一山OつPi91] Pe∧0」dlul 《ゆuo ]e8」e] S即時ui晒e s沖e甲 〕eqluO〕 1ie J〇本un瑚iP ePe」8dn) lんes」∂∧P∀ :S叫ei叫

宅e〕u坤8i∧ `乙(1岬「) pe8ueとi `s (凡e∂ueld) 8u圃Id `ゥ dluS」ePee「 .ウ(副勘eM) e8p9iMOu〉仁ウん9uunD `s eulidlつSiG `s IOOつ:Sl間S

’8u岬」O⊃e」OiOu e ul PeAe19」 Seu

9峠eu] S」eP」O Sl旧Oんe山IunS e P哩∧e囲`uos 一」ed u! e」e囲]Ou S! 9u Ji.rsOd叩O l坤eduJl ue」OJ

Sueid 9Su9JeP S,S」9?∧ le」∂U○○ leelS Pue uOS叫晒 lE31」9d山I ue O叫l準e」q OI PaJeP」O 9」e S⊃d ∂u⊥ o

叩うどq 8uI -O8uo e囲Olui Sつd 9囲Se閏Od」O〕ul中ue8e9 S」e?∧ pue tiq」e9u SeS一つ」eXe e世e∧!1 Sui]⊃nPu○○ AIP9 -1〕edxeun ueeq e∧e11 Se⊃」OJ SIH.1SOd叩O leued山l

ue lSure8e p!e」 P9…e相ou8= e 8u!8e]S e」e Sつd ∂LI] Se 」eedde村ueppns av二Ⅳ S.S」ee∧ ie」∂ue〇 o

S∀∃回1 tI∃⊥Nno⊃N∃ aNV ∃t]∩⊥N∃^回V ●l岬叫1旨。 -ed山i Pue uO印SOd s町ui e⊃u∂P即O〕 SePnXe eH山eu] usn」〕画〕inb ol e⊃」OJ 8u皿ieuM」e∧O ue 8u町Se∂lun 9」OJeq S…e] e]eilO8eu ue∧e Pue 」9Pu9JJnS 」刷]

PueuJ9P叫8皿9H ‘SuOpe」edo pue suo早e=e]Su=eq9d 叫e叩lu81S ISu鳴るe xpe叶e ue Peei OSle PinO〕 S」9ey¥

相euos」ed s」e9∧囲lM ]⊃e」e]ui O〕 山e囲8uiiqeue Aqe」9叫Se!]i∧il〕e u⊃nS ll]iM 8u哩」e叩

」O uO 8し可ds囲lM Pe8」elP 9q Pin○○ Sつd e岨’Sdoo」]


露憂闘題圏 置5看錨肌∃N看与おう∃^ 「V聞N量り

S町11]1M SeSiつ」eX9 8ului叩1nO 8u申」co 」O ’s」ePeel

ie。ed山l 」e囲O唱iM 8u!〕9e山′s9山場」eM 8uileuiP」OO〕 」O ui u哩di⊃11」ed eq `pue山田Oつんe」Od山e〕 e e∧ell

叫8叫 eH ’SeSuele」d sno」e山nu 」9Pun uO哩i岬]Su!

f山∀ i坤ed山i相e ]e 」開dde pinO〕 S」ee∧ 1e」eueD

お∃⊥⊃VおVH⊃ SIH⊥りNiSn P刷e囲u! Se188o8 pue ‘]e山i9申eleld -]Se9」q S.」edoo」〕 P」ePue]S e SPPe lnq `d町S P」eOqe

…OJ!un P」ePuelS e S」e9M S」99∧ ●S印un PeZ甲e甲e山 Pue Sdoo」1 S団」OJ AeM 9Ln 8ui」eei〕 」∀二Ⅳ S叫eeS ol lenSnun ]Ou S`引Il叩P ui S叩eSSe Suiuueld

Pue SuOpe」9do xp印e ul Pee1 9明8ul潤u〔現O `ie」eue8 ]eq山O⊃ e JO 9山Olid∂ e囲Si S」ee∧

‘e山l:=O SPOi」ed pepuelXe

」OJ庇Me山川d○○斗S叫e面oldep s町岬no叩

`ue山相田e」eeq O] uMOuySi eH ‘SMeu Peq

8u!Aele」 ueuM u9∧e `」e9J SnOl∧qO叩〇回M

」ePe∧ P」O「 」ePun刈OM O]山1u SMOile e〕u∂P -UuO〕 9山∂」dns s川畑ensnun osl∀ ’S」○○d S川8uo山e 8ulPuelS Pue uO一]iSOd slu u」ee O]

Syue」 e囲岬no」囲ueSりSeu 9H S」e瑚O leI」 -∂d山1 8uo山e S埠」=O uOi]⊃eiiO〕 uO山田O⊃un ue-e]e」 SSeODnS Pue ’sseue∧l]⊃〔別e `s二間〕即

S叫」OJ uO!閏nde」 1ue=9⊃Xe uE Seu S」9∂∧ `dluS

-」9Peei Pue S測剛e囲8uo山∀ JO7nつ∂Xヨe囲

・d叫S8靴s.」eP臥P」eOqe 」eP臥囲」eG 」∂Pun /l -]⊃e」!P P9∧」eS e∧eu Se〕」OJ Siu Pue eH ‘SeuiLl⊃e山

」eM P9」0山」e 」e明O Pue ’斗∀二L∀ JO S引neSSe

P9Z甲叫pe山 SPe91 r川∽ld布 OuM 」ePu地肌O〕 八田」∀ le!」ed叫dol e SI S」99∧ ue用皿IXe州le」eueD

冨田目星^ 「棚星間国璽

鰭のW撞醍醐閥藍醐甲観閲囲 鑑の醍醜聞聞甲醍醐離陸船脚鑑闘慧 The machinery Ofthe Galactic Empire runs on bureaucracy, and leglOnS Of bureauc「ats keep ltS Wheeis tu「ning at a= times. Generaily dour, PunCtuai, and

borlng, many Of these lndlVlduals manage to accom-

usING THESE CHARA⊂TERS 丁here lS nO lack of sltuat10nS ln Which a gove「nment

bureaucrat must be dealt with. PCs seeklng liCenSeS for weapons, StarShlPS, Vehicles, Or eVen bounty

hunting =CenSeS muSt Submlt their paperwork to the approprlate authorlty A bu「eauc「at can become the

un=kely block ln their plans, though greasing palms wo「ks mo「e often than lt Shouid.

plish the near-imPOSSlble task of being mOre reViled than lmperial stormtroopers. Bureaucrats come ln

Bureauc「ats know thei「 Place ln the system and

many forms representing a seemlngly ln帥te number

absoluteiy refuse to take any unnecessary riSks. These

o口mperial and 10Cal govemment positiOnS. Most only

O田clais are quite W帖ng to te11 the PCs exactiy what

know their part ofthe government machine Some are wi=ingto bend the ruies foran lmPrOPer fee

they need to move forward ln any SituatiOn・ though

Polltics is a deadiy game, and those who play lt have a wlde variety Of piots and machinatlOnS ln mOtlOn at

any one time Many depend upon the extensive use o白gnOrant, eXPendable pawns Crim-nals’and those whom society wouid prefer to lgnOre’are ldeally suit-

ed forthis type ofoperatlOn. A cunnlng PO=tlCO knows how to make use of such vassals, P「OmlSlng them

enough cash to ensure they asking t○○ many questiO

Those whogetthe」Ob d

ted without

obtainingWhatever it is w-‖ =kely prove to be another

matter entlrely.

ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂OUNT岳R ID且AS o The PCs requlre SPeClal authorlZation to travel ln a trouble-削ed a「ea oflmperial space They must PrOVe tO VarlOuS Ioyai bureaucrats thelr WOrth主

ness and need to be there. 0 An opportuniSt-C bureaucrat keeps piaclng the

PCs on locai most-Wanted lists and demands a Substantlal brlbe to stop doing lt.

and keep thel「 mOut Shut may ind luc「ative


empIoyment. Those those who cause too much of a spectac may be dlVerted i a sltuatiOn that

a=ows the problem to resoive ltSelf, Often

m a ViOlent

Ski11s: Coerc10n 2, Computers l, DiSCIPiine 2,

Knowiedge (Core Worlds) 2, Knowledge (EducatiOn) 2, Negotlation 5 1a!ents: Nobody’s Fooi 2 (upgrade dl靴ulty of

Charm, CoerciOn, and DeceptlOn Checks made against thlS target tWice).

Abiiities: None Equipment: Datapad of imperlai regulatiOnS


電「圃国電聾 ー’富川苛剖

Ski‖s: Charm 2, CoercIOn l, Coo1 2, Deception 3,

Negotlation 4. Talents: Plausible Deniabiilty l (remove臆from all

Coe「cion and DeceptiOn Checks), Nobody’s Foo1 2

(upgrade dl靴ulty of Charm, Coe「cIOn, and Decep-

tion checks made against thlS target tWice)

AbiIities: None. 1Equipment: Llght blaster piStOi (Ranged 町ghtI; Damage 5; CritiCa1 4, Range 【Medium],

Stun setting).

セ1eP `(準os し十)田」Oj!un S席」甲P∀

Pue」〇 `(8u哩eS un]S l田n!Pe画e8u閥

与Ie〕印」⊃ :亀e8以月e(]担岬「】 pe8u閃) iO]S!d 」elSelq "S!「 :叩a関d!nbヨ


Ol enP Sxpe岬OI P9PPe ■ euo e∧0Ⅲe」 ^引田) uo!S!^e坤I `(

ーSeS ∂囲担Pu8 ∂囲l哩ndn 」0 くsepeds `1ueuOddo

ISu唾e se津山 uM剛日⊥ S刈

旧準ile Ol *叩e山O叩e PPe u⊃ee 」O子dno」8 」O `s∂Peds lueuoddo Jeln叩」ed e uo叫8!Su! u!晒ol xpeuD [侶OIOueX 」O `田町

精霊認諾器黙約鴇‡蒜 ’(e〕I周章e8」el S冊1S叩き8e

epun sxpe埠uc周de〕9C] Pue `uoP」eO⊃ `山勘つJO

相n⊃脚P 9Pe」8dn) z IOO] S ∧poqoN ’(S dluS」ePee「昭urO」j臆菓O] ーPu曾山田○○ `(S」nOuウ乙]Xeu

□ u!晒s〕e8」印P乱P覗き:s刈 PPe) ∑ Puき田山○○ `(e〕岬1e8」el S冊1Su!晒e s沖9甲‡きq -山○○ lle JO相n瑚!P 9Pe」8dn) zんes」e^P∀ :S叩eleし ’ゥe〕u印8!∧ `z (叫8!「) pe8ueとi `ゥuo!]d9⊃」9d `s 991e困

‘s (侶OIOueX) e8pelMOu〉仁S (e」勘eyVI) 98p∂lMOu)1

与(山地」elnO) e8peiMOu〉仁ウ(e」O「) e8pelMOu〉i宅(uc噂 -e〕nPヨ) 98peIMOu〉i `s d叩S」ePe∂丁ウ∂坤dPS!a `ゥIOO〇

℃ uO!つ」9Oつ`s …euつく乙iMe」日‘z uo甘喝o」]S∀ :S!間S

鱈国闇闇 ue u坤u 9甲3l.u 9」n帥〕 Pue l」e S上8no」高域do6d e

[sI雪害M∃N案軸MVおH⊥ 「Vお‖付回V回NVおり Sieqeと=e囲O「 e囲OI Pelap」 Se〕e!d epni〕ui

叫8叫S叫⊥ ’Se叫eue lu〇月n⊃ S叫O] Pe]ele」 ]」e JO Se⊃9!d 〕胆9ds u岬〕qO O] Sつd 9u] S9J町uMe」u⊥ o ’dluS.Sつd 9囲Ao」ISeP Pue 」e∧neue山]nO旧M

li MOu相〕eXe 8u!qi」〕S9P Aq s二時〕el Siu 8uiSn布巾O -uedns s`」e叫8u s岬Sel叫suO山eP eH ’S叫E油]Se〕 」ePueJ9Pヨi⊥S,uMe」u⊥JO euO O]ul elqlun]SSつd eu⊥ e

Pue]S」ePun O]布川qe S叩Pue `∂8peiMO団」O"S即] S叫 `佃SOi」n⊃ deep s叩く10eJ u十S叩〕即le∧eu JO 8u!Pu郎 -」ePun e∧!Sue岬」d山O⊃ e PuE? pe 」OJ uOiSSed d∂eP e

囲1M le理事ue pue lOOO S! uMe」u⊥ 1e」甲P∀ Pue」D ’胆S山間9uiledied 」O」ed山∃

佃iE」叫P∀ Pue」D OI PelO山O」d seM eし十〇〕1∧」eS l勘] 」OJ Pue `uuoleE]岬S]u98JnSu=9∧Oん0]〕!∧ `^pooiq J! ’叫eiiii」q e MeS」e∧O eH ’e」∂囲S8ulPiOu S`乱id山∃ 9u]

8uo山e相∧i]⊃e SnO用eqe」 8し叫eu岬Ie 」OJ elq!SuOdse」

e〕」O川se] Aつu∂8」nSu白川e uE) 8ulP閃i Se!」O叩」軋山地

SV∃aI t]∃⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNV害す∩⊥N∃^aV ‘Se!つue8し叫uO〕 elq!SSOd Aue山里lM

」9]nO到I u=ee」eC) S町JO甲n山]ueds seu uMe」u⊥ `sp」O〕e」 O1 8ulP」Oつつ∀ S…OJ S]=1e u口eq山O〕 le∧eu JO

’SuO!論と] uMOuyun 9囲u! e川Sつ]O Pl」OM Pe準O十〇〇1

uMe」u⊥ 〕iSn山∧iqiSSOd pue 〕」e ul向」eln叩」Ed `s]Se

]S!8ele」]S 」e]Se山e OI S叩Od uMOuy S! ell]= ]euM ]nq `peuISSel⊃ S! P」O〕e」 e〕i∧」eS Pue eJii 」e=」ee Siし月O甲nIN

eu‥S9Puap 」Oんe帥山人ue os `ua印ee=e]S軌u e S!

8u岬ue]S」ePun deep e pue 〕〕eile叩SnO181PO」d e囲iM

’]nO Peuueld =eM eq Pue le囲〕〕ei担PinOuS e∧0山

-」e叩IeuOS」ed 」!e囲岬no」甲山e囲mOqe訓O山u」Eel Ol凡o l‖M eu∵岬no囲`1S」i] ’uOilつn」]SeP 」O uOiSuell

-e」dde 」l∂囲u1 1S∂」∂叩I捌OS」ed e e準]叫8i山uM剛u⊥ `s9∧ieS山e囲]O eつueS甲u e JO岬noue e準ur S⊃d e明月 ‘ie明O「 ]O ePexpOlq lelJ9d山i 9明JO 〕」ed sE OJ∂OLu!の

」e八〇」〕Seq 」elS判別uePe」1 S岬」e叫nO〕ue八割u S⊃d 」e -Pue」eP ]iJ e囲doI9∧eP O=〕e「O」d slu 8uieeS」e∧O Pue

刑]O「 ]eueid e唱PunO」e e山里O ]Oi e SPueds uM軌u⊥

t]ヨ⊥⊃Vt]VH⊃ SIH⊥りNtSn

e甲山O」J uoun甲eeu Pe∧e-P∂」 `p訓u閃S-9niq e SS叫つ e si eH ‘ie」叫Pe Pue」8 snol」elS八田e囲1nOqe uMOuy

恒11qnd sl e囲「 」e瑚0 8eiJ ue山nu-uOu e.Sd」○○ 」e〕 -助O S.∧∧t3N lei」ed山口e囲8uo山e旬」e」 e S十uMe川上

Se Axei晒e囲O] uMOuy 」叩eq `opon」nu.Me月刊IN

悶欄間上 嶋閥目開田田園開聞宙



駒虻開聞野間職醍醐醐 Wiihuff鴫rkin lS One Of the Emperor’s mos亡highly trusted o簡cers and one of the most influentlai mem-

be「s of the New O「der. ChanceIio「 Palpatlne WaS instrumenta=n drawlng鴫rkin into poiitlCS and lntO POS-t-OnS Of increasing authority.鴫rkln Served as a

captain and admiral ln the Grand Army ofthe Repub1ic, and once led his homeworld of Eriadu ln the Seswema sector「arkin has advocated ru=ng through the fear of fo「ce more than through force ltSelf, Wh厄h he inciuded as a key part of hlS鴫rkin Doctrine

Ski!is: Charm 3, Coercion 3, Cooi 4, DeceptlOn 5,

DISCIPilne 5, Knowiedge (Core Worlds) 4, Knowledge (Education) 4, Knowiedge (Outer Rlm) 4, Knowiedge

(Warfare) 4, LeadershlP 5, NegotlatlOn 4, PerceptlOn 3, Vigllance 5 Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade d輔culty ofa= combat

Rising to Lhe position of Grand Moff’鴫rkin ove「-

Checks againSt this target tw-Ce), intlmidating 3 (may

saw the Death Star’s secret construct10n With Director

Suffer up to 5 straln tO downg「ade dlffrouity of Coer-

Orson Kren川C, his Iongtime riva上鴫rkln regarded KremiC aS far too 」ealous, POWer hungry, and seif-

cIOn Checks a numberoft)meS equai to strain suffered Or uPgrade diffroulty of Coerc10n Checks targetlng thlS

SerVIng tO lead one of the EmpIre’s most lmPOrtant

character three tlmeS), Nobody’s Fooi 2 (upgrade

m=itary commands Once the battie stat10n PrOVed ltS

dl靴ulty of Charm, CoercIOn, and DeceptlOn Checks

capabi‖ties十arkln immediateiy seiZed totai controi

made agalnSt Grand Moff鴫rkin tWICe).

He was responslble fo「 KremiC’s death in the destruc-

Ab掴ties: Commanding Presence (a=he begimlng

tiOn OfthevaultatScarif, butfor-rarkln, itWaSan eaSy

Of an encounter with嶋rkln, eaCh enemy and aiiy

choiCe tO attemPt tO PreVen=he theft of the battle

within med山m range o=n COmmunication wlth hIm

makes a Hard [◆◆◆I Discipline check as an out○

StaしiOnls plans.

After the battie station’s completion,鴫rkln qulCkIy

used lt aS hIS doctrlne SuggeSted to instiil fearto keep entlre WO「ids ln line Alderaan’s destruct10n became

the ultimate example of impe「-al w川to use force to maintaln COnt「O上

○f工um lnCIdenta上Aiiies who succeed add automatic


ic * instead. EnemieS Who fail add automatic @ to

sk川checks until the end ofthe encounter. ifthey fail

Wlth @, they add automatic ▼ lnStead). Equipment: impe「ial Moff’s uniform (十1 soak),

US!NG THiS ⊂HARACTER Grand Moff鴫rkin’s lnfluence reaches far beyond

the Death Star pro」eCt・ As one of the galaxy’s most

POWerfui poiitical and m冊ary commanders’he may

become invoived ln Virtuaiiy any major lmperial sltuation The completiOn Ofthe Death Staroccupies much of his attention, but hlS SuPPOrt Of additlOnal projects such as Grand Admiral Th「awn’sTiE defendercan lead

hlm tO Other weapons deveiopment and manufacturing fac冊es ln the galaxy・ if Rebel PCs become too

effective or popular, he may persona=y lead a force to deai wlth them

ADVたNTURE AND EN⊂OUNTER IDEAS PC Rebel or pirate starshlP raids on imperial supply ilneS lmPaCt One Of lt]「kln’s personai p「ojects, SO he sets

up a su「p「lSe ambush to capture or

destroy them. 鴫rkin arrives unexpect-

edly on a worId where the PCs have gained SuPPO「t for the A帖

ance. The Grand

Mof=ights back With intimidating POlitiCal pressure (and outright vio1ence言f needed).


encrypted comiink, COde cy冊ders

一見e〕S leuOS」edんpuns `sI叩ueP

-e」〕 e^iSu9]Xe `s∂qO」 P9u」OPe相s!∧e「 :書ue田d!nb∃ ‘euON :Se即!!qV

(Sxp9甲uO阜d9⊃9(] Pue uOl⊃」9Oつ Ile luO」J喜喜9∧O山e」) z在yl!qeiu∂G eiq!Sneid `(e〕岬 」OSi∧P∀ ieしed山i e囲8叩e8」e] Sxpe甲uO11de〕ea Pue `uoI⊃」9Oつ血」引J:) "e J〇本uno脚P ape」8dn) z IOO]

‘9山晒1∽l瑚Od 」e8」el

甲nll」 e u川Med e s! A山eue 」!e明担いuO!1eie∧e」 esリd」nS e 8u胴eu9 `1S叫O8elue u!肌用19囲SeM

叫8no囲Ae叩euOe田OS 」O 」関e明u! 8uI」9ds叫M 」OS!∧Pe le!」edLul SnOi」elS仙e 」e∧OOS!P S⊃d 9u⊥ ・

与V∃回iお∃⊥Nno⊃N∃回軸V ∃おれ⊥N∃^回V ’叩∂ueq uMO 」!9叩OI S」e∧neue山岬nS

SパPOqON判⊃eu〕 u〇両e⊃∂q 」0 …叫つeuO向き=O」 PueS9IJJ晒uo〕 〕c] Aq u甲9渦9q O〕佃判]Ou e」.∧e岨

‘e∧l]elnd冊曾山Pug 8uiuun⊃ 9」e S」OSI∧P∀ ’」0」∂d山∃ e明

⊆ e⊃u坤8!∧宅rし旧諾npin溝`ゥuolユd○○」ed `‡ uC町 -叩O8eN `乙(uo世〕nP]) 9∂p9iMOu〉1 { (SP日OM 9JO⊃)

u」n〕 0]碕洲e」0Ⅲ u〕n山e」ビバe唱`〕〕勘u仁S肌e甲S

-∂」佃山`uo!SSeS 」ed 9〕uO) 」e…到つi富川時N :S叫alq。

e8p∂iMOu〉仁ウuOi]de⊃eCl 《ゥuo!つ」9O⊃.ウ…euつ:SI間S



0ユ準eq相〕9」田山〇日ユリOde」 ∧叫八〇囲岬囲OS Slu9∧9 〕即u91⊃S 」O le瑚IOd 」O中山e∧」eSqO O=u∂S eq叫8… OSie S」OSV¥P∀ -OS OP O] uOSee」 e∧eu A9叩」e明euM 」O

SSelP」e89」 `suo!1〕e 」i9囲lee∧9」叫8… uO!軽油Se∧u! ue 〕nOqe Pel」」OM e」e OuM SienPl∧iPul Olu! 」eeJ e〉冊S

OSle Ae岨1ue∧e 」O uO!1e,Ol e u口Se」e叩ieリed山1

8u時oiPul Aq s岡地O le⊃Oi SSe」d山!佃n s」OSいP∀ e〕uenlJui 」0 」∂MOd leuOl叩PPE ]〕e「O」d 」O印掲ilSe∧u!

O] SlueM」O」ed山喜e囲e」euM血e dn u」n〕庇uJ S」OSl∧P∀

[乱調N∃N] tl〇割^回V │Vlt帽d田

櫨言上⊃VおVH⊃ SiH⊥りNISn

んe∧ e eq Ol u明」○○ S阜l ]nq個lueP日e」〕eS S.」O」9d山喜

囲M 」OS!∧Pe lS埋9囲le y⊃eq e判」]S O]山e巾9Sn O=O iB∧u eu川n」つe」 01 eiqe eq Aeu s⊃d e岨 ・1deu同○○i le∧リe囲Se津山I富里んOlつい1ee」8 e

-」eq山nu =ビ山S

舟01⊃町eqeと」 」e明0ue

e^eil型OI Sつd e叩8u!MO=e Aq se u〕nS "osi∧Pe le!」ed山i 」9ulOuE)) siB∧u 」ie囲JO euO e]eii叫nu O]

」9P」O ui Sつd e囲Se叩lnd甲叫」OSi∧Pe iei」ed山i u∀

e囲jO 9」eMe 9」e t(ue中山3冊JO相則r MOu uMOuy lOu S.引●S叫peq山O〕 〕Ou `se∧pe」edo le瑚iOd村u⊃叩S e」e S」OSV¥Pe =e ]SO山i∀ ’Seue⊃S 9囲Pullleq 〉1」OM S」e

-囲O e問M `se」n卸坤qnd uMOu沖ieM e」e S○○Si∧Pe 9山OS ‘]u9∧e叫e]」Od… ue SS岬」O i臥i」 e O〕 9〕ueniJu!

esoi /e囲lS9上呂uoI OO〕 」O」 」O」ed山; e甲山OJJ爪eMe eq o] e判euON.∧xel晒eLI] SSO」⊃e Se○eid Suni十」eJ O〕

山e囲e準]中ouenbe」J Se山e甲S Pue `s準印‘se!]nP 」刷〕 叩q `]ue〕Sn」0つuO e]e」edo s」OSl∧Pe lqued山1 1SOIN ’Slei瑚O le!」ed山I

8u団ue叫紬Pue S」OS!∧Pe 」9囲O ]O Slue〕S∧s e山Ou e囲uO e〕uei‖9∧」nS ]」e∧0⊃ 8u甲npu〇〇 四M OSle ]nq `sJJOIN Pue S」Ou」e∧08 Meu

8u叩Odde se甲nS SuOiSl⊃eP l坤∧ 8ui -Pni〕u十uO!1e」1Slu皿Pe S.e」!d山喜9囲

jO S=印eP 8u19eS」e∧O叩iM AluO ]Ou

Pe準印Si甲e丁9山i〕 ue∧!8血e ]e S]e」〕nee」nq leilueni]ul Pue lnJ」e

-MOd Ap山e」]Xe u〕nS Pe」Punu euO PunO」e ueeq e∧ell 9」e明

年ie⊃!d凡 S」OS!∧Pe lei」ed山i S叫

JO S〉1ue」 e囲ul ue囲Pe!POq山9 AISSe冊n」 9」O山ueeqんiiOd

S冊Seu e」euMOu Pue ’山Iu 峰u!e8e 8u面Ie田O」J S∂leuiP -」OqnS!]edied Pelue∧e」d

S叫 S間 尺=∽i」OISiH 皿u O〕

相e伸 雄叫1 8u!∧0」d ∧q 」O∧e」 ui晒 0〕 SienPi∧iPu!甲nS MOiie

S∂山e8 pui山eSeu⊥ ●」e囲Oue 9uO

叩u!晒e suo甲山 S叩∴叩d 向ouelS -u〇〇 〇〕 S!訓d山] S町JO lO」叫0〕

u聞畔肌OI S旬d山e 」O」ed山喜e囲 SPO明euJ SnOiP!Su口SO山eul ]O 9uO

澄㊨S看^ロV 「V害せ∃d帆i岳


日嗣醇醍醐鬼露瓜醍醐の配電の醍配電 丁hc lmperia- A「mo「 Corps a「e effectlVe’COmblned infant「y and mechanlZed unltS in the lmperiai Army

lts members typicaily c「ew heav-1y armored ground

vehiCles, SuCh as heavy walkers, rePulsortanks, Or tracked assault vehicies ltmk crews feature their own sty-e of a「mor and heimets designed to work ln the

cramped -nte「iors and with the systems commOn ln many a「mored vehlCles. Armor corps members are the majo「ity ofa vehlCle’s

c「ew言ncluding d「lVe「S, gumerS, engineers, and other

Ski!ls: DiSCipllne 2, Gunnery 2, Pilotlng (Pianetary) 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2.

1b!ents: None. Ab冊ties: None,

roies depending on the vehicle depIoyed Although

Equipment: Blaster ca「blne (Ranged叩eavy上Dam-

they work in a heav時a「mored vehiCIe, CreW members

age 9; Critica1 5; Range [Med-um]; Stun settlng))

a「e often exposed when on elevated positions to get a

unifo「m and helmet (+ 1 soak).

bettervieWOftheirsurroundingS ViSlbllity isa common


trade-Off fo「 g「eater protectlOn, One Shared by thelr

commanders. Armor corps commande「s are often the

most vislble members of the crew. They are trained to 「eact quiCkly to changing COnditions and settingS rang-

ing from open battlehelds to crowded urban combat where enemieS eaSlly miX in With civi=anS.

u引NG TH臨冨⊂HARACTER与 Dlfferent mlXeS Ofarmorcorps members a「e depIoyed depending On the specific armored vehicie types ut上

1ized. 1t is not uncommon for tanks to be crewed by d「ivers and commande「s but accompa川ed by stormtroopers for infant「y suppo「t. PCs may encounter armo「ed vehicIe crews se「vlng Pat「OI or checkpoint duties in war zones o「 in cities under military Curfew

or martia=aw. ADVたN丁uR岳ANDたN⊂OuNTER IDEAS o The PCs’attacking an lmperlal garrison are su「-

prised when maneuve「abIe armored vehicles race to the defense of the trapped infant「y・

丁he PCs raid an armored convoy and must eitherdefeat or outwit the tank fa料もふ

commanders escorting the sIow, CargO-1aden crawlers・

露露露露盤露 彊豊麗覇顧橿醸

Ski=s: DISCIP=ne 5, Gun∩ery3, Knowledge (Warfare) 2’

LeadershlP 3, P帖oting (Planetary) 3, Ranged (Light) 2・

Vighance 2 1aients: Adversary =upg「ade d冊Culty ofa= combat Checks agalnSt thIS target OnCe)・

Ab皿ies: Armored Cha「ge (may spend a maneuver to dl「eCt th「ee impe「iai Armor Corps members on al‖ed a「mored vehiCles wlthin medium range tO make

an immedlate maneuVer aS an Out-Of-tum incidentai),

Overwhelming Fire (OnCe Per enCOunter may SPend a maneuve「 to a11ow one imperlal Armor Co「ps

member withln medium range to perform an immediate actiOn aS an Out-Ofium inCldentai主

Equipment: Blaste「 piStOi (Ranged旧ght】; Damage 6; Criticai 3; Range 【Med冊m]; Stun

setting), unlform and heimet (+ 1 soak), COde cylinder.

し     i i 二 十     ∴       i i ﹁

(8u朋9S unlS `[山niPeIN] e8uet] t le叩。つ

:9 謁肌欺コ 判u8i「」 pe8u閃) lOISid 」e]Se旧 :1ue田d叩b∃

‘(u」n〕〕Xeu」i∂明JO 8uiuui8eq 9唱

ii]un囲M Pe8晒ue e」e /e囲A山9u9 SSe丁dleu 」O利き9uO ]lu Pee〕Su! Ol

出0囚〇日1 8叩∂8」印S準eユユe Pe8ue」 =e eSne〕 O=e∧neuell」 e …OJ」9d ∧ou) 」Ol臥Ie!」9d山l :Se曲!qV

(SPunO月nO月Oj Sxpe甲lle O〕 □ ppe Se冊P91⊃〔剃e li∀中ie Pel○○pe ue山O」J PunOM」O u!叩S leu〇回PPe ue Se∧O山e」の甲e] ‘98ue」 ]」OuS u申Ie euO山O」J PunOM」O ui叩S 9uO Se∧O山9」将

‘S∈埋りO囲ne lei」∂dし叫O] Peiee∧e」 eq 〕Ou

印lS準el」e囲O lnO相賀e⊃ Pue l臥i」 e囲lM

0〕 S⊃d ∧p叫S Se」町村e」〕eS出0囚∀ uo川eq三周e唱」O」旬つ胴nd ]ee」8 」O」 e田PinO〕]nqJeindod eq ]Ou /肌用Su!晒e 9〉うe山Sつd 9明S)1⊃即l∀ ’Sle○〇日O SPueSnO旧○○」

]ue山旬d山e eP甲O」d用M ]e囲Xeld山○○ lel」] -SnPu=el」9dLul e∧!SSun e JO "9uJuSiiqelSe

e囲eつunOuue O]布巾」O「E?ll」 e S]iSI∧兄OIN ∀

SV∃aI tl∃⊥NnO⊃NヨロNV ∃tln⊥N∃^aV ‘田9叩8u。e叫nO〕ue e」OJeq SMeu坤qnd Pue S叫e8e岬no」叩S]S9」e]ul 」OreuJ Pue木ule OS」ed s誹OIN eJO 」eeu O] eiqe 9q PlnO11S Sつd e山O」J 9ln」 O]叩e叫O〕 `dluS8t?ij e叩0∧勘」lel‘1

qe」O 」eMOI P9」0山」e ue u! 9∧ii S」〔叩〕O S]〕e lue]」OduJ! 8uie∂S」9∧0 」O Su8ied山e〕 」O「E山

u! Se○」OJ 8u!Pe9i小南uos」ed `u○○SPu巳u有eue」1Xe

9」e瑚0囚e山OS S」即つき」eu〕 」0「曾山ゴO Seuiiん0〕S

、 uやuJ e囲岬M 8ui」eJ」∂川口nO囲M `s○○」O=el」 -命dし坤IeuO18e」 O] MOiq 8iq e S]ueS∂」de月9MOd

閃0」J uO!]eu岬ie 」ie明岬l11 yue」岬noue岬iu 姫s朝OIN∀●u8岬d山e:) e ul Su岬lll∧んe山l」d e叩 JO 3uO S叫eSe」de」相e⊃ld布地OIN IE,i」ed山I u∀

日日⊥⊃V曽VH⊃与!H⊥りNI与れ ’S」e囲0 〕nOqe布きe」8八川OM 」0 」e」 凡∂∧ ie∧叩0〕 SJO]〕eS uMO 」le囲8uluun」 Pe∧iO∧ui

OOl e」E? ]SOIN PunO」e叫81eM」i9埴MO」囲O=1 9Sn

OI P!勘e ∂」E Me川8no唱‘相ee」8 s91」e∧ e〕u坤edxe 有印i皿JO ○○」8ep 」刷上∵SPueu==n]」eMOd 9∧eu SSei 一∂叩」e∧eu OuM SienPWPui P∋]E?indlu肌」相See Pue

Pe叩M山iP恒∧i]ele」 OI Sle!⊃助0 9iqede〕 PuE号ue81=e川 畑8川田O」J e8uEJ S出O州`seeluiOddE l∽l]l10d s∀ 」O]〕eS 」eln二時」ed 」19旧O〕 Peu8iSSe

SleSSe r白坤岬e囲8ulPni叩Pue O〕 dn pue田山0〕 」別口ePun Se⊃」nOSe」 JO uO世Su9dsiP Pue uOl〕eZlu -晒」O e唱ui AeM○○i SnO…Oue e∧eu S出OI=enPi∧iPui ‘」O]〕eS」e∧O ue JO 9⊃uEu」e∧O8 e囲」OJ 91qlSuOds〇月JOIN

ん巳]eueld sE甲nS `s叫e8e 」e囲O山OuM O〕 e∧l]e叫∂S

requJO⊃ lle JO木un瑚iP ePe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :S]ueIq. ’乙e〕ue=81∧ `乙9SiMleeJ]S ‘乙(叫8爪P∂8u明

e唱S9Z…回田]」Ode」 `s」eeS」9∧O田e〕S∧s pue s」Ou」e∧O8

ウ相=qe!uea elqiSnelc] `(9⊃uO ]98」e] S冊rsul晒e sxp9甲

申e]相⊃」e」e町e明JO do]到=e leuuOS」edJO」eq山nu

uoild∂⊃9G 」O uO!〕」eO〇九re山0」J漢書臆喜e∧O山e」)

」9〕Je `」O 」OS!∧Pe lel」ed山I ue O=e囲le S]」Ode〇品OIN


Pue」D e O] `∂uu]⊃Oa u問JE⊥ eu=O叫訓叫S‖qelSe eul

○○」d9」 lelJed山i euO 8ul∧eu `sseiP」晒eとi Pe岬lndlue山

`ゥdiuS」9Pee丁ウ(SPl」OM e」Oつ) e8peiMOu〉仁S eu両〕 -Sla `ゥuol〕d9〕eG { 10Oつくゥuoi〕」eOつ`s uIJeuつ:Sl間S


圏認題題圏圏 [引雪害‖∃N葵軸o調音VIロヨdMl

相See 」O `∂iqede〕相euoi]d∂⊃X9 `le何句e山e」〕X∂ e」e 瑚0囚Se eNeS O] u9SOu〕 eSOu⊥ ●e山eu S.9」id山; e囲 ui e〕eds JO 」Ol〕eS e」i]u∂ uE 9∂S」9∧O OI Peu81SSe SIE

-nPl∧iPul 」〇月JOIN le「」edul JO uOl]ISOd e囲8upee」⊃

‘esn uMO Si甲O=l Pe]d○○O〕 」O」ed山喜e叩9〕uiS ue囲

叫ele∧e」d e」O山u○○q e冊e囲JO eSn Se叫e∧eu `」e∧∂ -MOH 9」ld山喜叩⊃eiED訓] uOl]ue山O=Ou `⊃Ilqndeと】 e囲JO ]u9山uSilq郎e e叩Se]ePe」d “JJOIN” e冊eu⊥


園開田醒罷目瓜田開館 軍配のの謹撰配彊曲開聞匿配打 続弼諺㊥臣副鎧謹配

Navy o仔roers cover the gamut o=eadershlP

POSltions, from overseelng basic crew duties to commanding StarShips and fleets. O靴ers川the而pe「ial Navy are hlghIy tralned, Often at a ml‖tary aCademy. Most of their dutieS natu「aily fa11 into the category

Imperial Navy pe「somei帥out the majority of the

Of shipbound actlVities, aS they monitor the hundreds

Emperor’s shiPboard flghting forces and can be

Or thousands of persomeI necessary to malntaln the

encountered on aimost any imperiai vesse上Whiie

massive capltai shiPS the Navy depends upon. How-

ioya上they are not as rigldiy lndoct「inated as stor-

ever言t iS aiso possible that Navy o簡cers are depioyed

mt「oopers. Navy troopers are the enforcement

arm that can be found on large-SCaie starshlPS and navai space stations, Where they serve as shipboard

ieading Navy troopers as they take part ln Ship-tOShlP aCtions againSt Pj「ates o「 lndependent vesseis or

even ln SOrties on the ground In these cases, mOSt

SeCurity, boa「ding parties, and defenders. Standard

naval offlCerS Prefe「 to lead f「om the rea「, uSlng their

dutieS inCiude the supervision of any and a= prlSO臣

SuPerior tralnlng and experience to direCt the activ主

ers aboard a vesse上Simple guard duty, eSCOrt detalls

ties of their SubordinateS. Despite their reluctance to

for important guests, and boardlng aCtiOnS agalnSt enemy vessels.

navai o簡cers.

Navy gunners specialize in the weapons they crew, and little else However, they are traIned to work togethe「 efficiently and effectlVely. They鉦e every-

thing from the smaliest single-PerSOn WeaPOn StatiOnS to the massiVe, bulldlng-SIZed gun batteries on ma」Or

CaPital shiPS and Star Destroyers. Navy gunners typ上 Caliy operate under strICt O「ders from the brldge or

COmmand center, rareiy choosing their OWn targetS beyond defending against sta面ghters.

くくge=heir hands dlrty,当t is unwiSe tO underestlmate


PCs may encounter Navy troopers and offroers anytlme they十e aboard lmpe「lai ships Navy troopers

may battle the PCs or escor=hem as captiVeS. They aiso oversee the brig, Calling in stormtroopers as backup when troubie erupts. Navy troopers are so universa=y present ln ail types of stations and s圧u-

ations that PCs may effectiVely lmPerSOnate them to move freely around an enemy ship. PCs a「e =keiy to face Navy gunners at the wrong

end of their massiVe WeaPOnry However, When gunners are face-tO-face wlth PCs aboard ship, they are far less effective fighters Gunners spend long hours at their stat10nS, frequentiy wlth iittle to do Boredom Can be a probiem, nO matter how much maintenance Or how many dr=ls削thelrtlme.

Navy O簡cers are typiCa=y more confldent and imPOSing than their Subordinates. Ranklng O肝cers

have access to better quarters and priVl)eges, aidlng m their OWn mOraie. They maintain strict lmperiai dIS-

Cip=ne, though, and demand resuits. The PCs may put SOmethlngOVerOn One O簡cer, but lt lS d酷cuitto fooi Or bribe many at a time. Most mid- tO Iower-ievel o肝-

CerStend to piaythings bythe book, Iestthey haveto answer for their aCtions.

ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂oUN丁ER ID且AS ● The PCs must defend againstan lmperial board-

ing Pa「ty Of Navy t「oopers led by an overly ambitious young of龍er. O The PCs mustobtain a rankmgO用Cer’scode cylinde「 to gain ent「y to =mited-aCCeSS areaS Ofthe

Ship they have in冊rated.

O The PCs trade b10WS With an Imperial patroi vesSe上from whiCh groups ofweapons鉦e ln COnCert to beatdown the PCs’shields and ship. 0 The PCs sneak into a viSiting capital ship’s gun-

ne「y bay to sabotagethe weapon「y whiie the crew

iS On ieave. Unexpectedly, PIenty of gunners are Stili there, aidingtechs in maintenance operatIOnS


8u冊Olつ…OJiun A∧eらし十(8ul朋S un〕S :[山niP∂IN】 e8uet] t l∽哩」つ:9 e8e山ea

冊帥P98u軸1O]Sid 」elSel狙u訓rd!nbヨ二 (沖eu〕 ]Xeu Sl! OエロPPe 」O 」e∧neueuJ 9e」J 9岬P9山… ue …OJ」ed有e田 dno」8 9明∵e8ue」山n!Pe山u冊iM dno」8 uo! -u甲∧∧eN le!」9d山i euOユ⊃e」胆O〕 」e∧neue山

e pu∂ds Ae山) uo甲e」!a le叩〕孔:Se即1!qV ●(e⊃uO le8」即S冊1Su!晒旨S甲e甲1eq田○○

昭]〇本un瑚!P ePe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :S叩eIeL

-乙e〕ue"8!∧`z宜岬!「) pe8ueとI t 9ul回⊃SIG :S看間S

題題題題圏圏 師v八ItlI t帽⊃1害ゴO人AVN │VItl∃dNl ●(準OSし十)〕9山I〇日Pue

lSe∧ ]Selq `(8u即eS un]S :巾nlPeINi e8ueと] t le〕印」⊃

:9 e8e山ea "岬i「] pe8ueと]=O]Sld 」e〕Se旧:事ue田d叩b∃ ’(し∧q沖e甲ん9uunD ln]SSe〕〕nS e uO e8e田eP

esee」〕u申SJU e叩PuO八〇q dno」8 uolu… 9明u=eu -unD ∧∧eN le!」9d山i uDe9 」OJ) r白印明unD :Se!拙qV euON :Sluel町

村9uunD :ぴ1uO dno」8) sI間S

●(準OSし十)l∂山Ieu Pue ]Se∧ ]Selq `(8ull]9S un]S :山n!P9画98uet] t I∽i叩つ :9 e8e山eG判L18i「] pe8ueと]) lO]Sid 」elSe旧:叫e田d叩b] ’euON :Se即!!qV

‘euON :SlueI孔

(叫8i「) p98uea `uo!]d9⊃」9d :ぴ1uO dno」S) sI間S

書NO看N肌]ロコdOOtl⊥人AVN 「Vlt]∃dN音

[NO看N音N] t帽NNnお人AVN 「Vltl∃dN音



言開中臣R国A」 R⑬Y偶因届出A罷曲

ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂OUNTER ID岳AS While‖n航rating the o靴e of a powerfui Moff,

Numbe「lng amOng the deadiiest o=he Emperor’s

the PCs sudclenly encounter severai Royai Guards

SerVantS, his elite, Crimson-garbed lmperlal Royal Guards enjoy a reputation for pretematurai combat Skiils and absoiute, unWaVering loyalty to thelr maS-

making an advance security SWeeP Of the area for a possibie upcomingViSit by the Emperor

ter. Only the most ski‖ed and dependable fighters are Chosen from the many branches of imperiai se「vICe tO

undergo Royal Guard tralnlng, and only a few surv一Ve

thiS training tO be lnducted lntO the ranks of these elite warriors.

Emperor Palpatine detaches a pair Of guards to accompany an imperial adviSOrOn a Vitai missiOn

On a dangerous Outer Rim WOrld. 1MPERIAL ROYAしGUARD [NEMESIS]

RoyaI Guards are seemingly aiways present a=he Empe「or,s public appearances and often at prlVate meetingS. He dismisses them whenever he sees臼t'

especia11y when matters ofthe Force and the S冊are lnVOIved. Sti‖, they are neve「 far away.

丁he Royal Guards are extremeiy ski⊥led wlth the Seemlngiy slmPie, CeremOnla口OOking force pike

橿重層覇賃覇鯖醗 Sk=!s: AthietiCS 2, DISCiPllne 3, Melee 4, Pe「cept10n 3,

WeaPOnS they typICa=y carry・ Thei「 lmPreSSiVe Crlm-

Ranged (Light) 3, Vigllance 4

son helmets make them faceless defenders and hide

Talents: Adversary 2 (upg「ade dif柾ulty of aii combat

thelr WatChful eyes. Thei「 rObes, helmets, armOr, and

Checks agalnSt thlS target tWiCe), Heightened Aware-

WeaPOnS are uPdated versions of the Senate Guard

ness (ai‖eS O=mpe「lal Royal Guards withln Sho「t

they replaced after the fa11 0fthe Repub=c


range add □ to Perception and Vigiiance checks;

aIlleS engaged with them add □□ lnStead), Parry 4

(When struck by a melee attack but before applying

Should the PCs eve「 see the Emperor, the Royal

SOak, Suffer 3 st「ain tO reduce damage by 6).

Guards certainiy accompany h-m・ lf they remotely

Ab師ties: None.

threaten hlm, Or eVen look like they might, the guards

亡quipment: Co「tosis-PIated force pike (MeIee; Dam-

take immediate action. Howeve「, the guards occasIOn-

age 6; Criticai 2; Range 【Engaged]; Cortosis, Pie「ce 2,

aiiy may be encountered eisewhere・ They have thelr

Stun setting), heavy blaster pisto=Ranged旧g岬;

OWn isolated training sites, though they may borrow

Damage 7; C「itica1 3; Range 【Medlum]; Stun setting),

lmpe「iai mi‖ta「y sites to use exiSting faciiitieS. They

heavy battle armor (+2 soak, + 1 defense)・

might be found en route to o「 from the Emperor’s 10Cation, though they would be expec亡ed to foiiow ci「-

cuitous routes designed to avold reveaiing their final ination unt情he very end.

’Si○○〕 uO!l晒0」」e叩

`s」O]〕e巾⊃i…ePOd向∵(乙e⊃」eld :【pe8晒u]] e8uet] 宅l∽l叩つに98e山eG `eele画iedle⊃S」eSe「 :]ueud!nb∃

‘(SulXOI Pue SuOS!Od o〕 9un山田i

’⊆ (ユリ却「)

Pe8u閃くz uo口de⊃」ed `s eu!⊃lPeIN `ゥuo!C)」eOつ:Si間S


工91eM」ePun 」O 山m⊃e∧ ul e∧l∧」nS ueつ Pue 〉岬」P

」O `]ee `9明Ee」q O] Pe9u ]Ou SeOP) piO」a :S叩胴qV

‘euON :S事u3lt:叫

乙uOilde⊃」e岩一乙eeie囚 `E eui⊃iP∂IN ′乙eu両〕S畑‘乙lO○○ `s uo(⊃」eOつ:Sl間S


題憂 巾V^ltI]回Iotl回NOl⊥けりotIt帽⊥NI O“⊥1 ‘e8ul」∧s 8n」P uO哩80」」e叫I ul-]=nq `(98e

-山reG u叩S `し8ul」l十MOIS `s 9^iSSn)uO〇回OuS] e8uet]

- ie〕印」⊃ :s 9∂euJeG巾岬i「] pe8ue加e〕i∧eP 9」n]」Ol

項uos ui刊nq ’(乙u」n日向OllS] e8ue汁乙l∽i叫⊃ :s e8e 世eG判周「] p98uet]) ]e「 Pi〕e ul-1iln日:叫e田d叩b]

巾V八帽]馴OtI回No田がDOtlt掴⊥N書 esn u! Sie⊃…9uつuO世8o」」e叩 Iel」9d山i ]S〇時l e明]nOqe乱O山u」eel Ol l〕即u! SPIO」P e明JO 9uO e」n〕de〕 Pue ]ueSe」d se甲eu9 9叩]e9JeP ]Sn山Sつd eu⊥ 」elue〕 uOl]ue〕9P e ui

eqo」d pu… e8u!O8」ePun S! OuM `uel叩=Od leqeと] 1ue]」OduJ! ue 8uln⊃S9J唱lM Pe準el e」e Sつd eu⊥ o ●Sie〕i山eu⊃ Pue

SiOO] le〕!8」nS明1M Se∧ieS山e11] PueJeP SP!O」P eu⊥

S」euOSりd peiiie lSul晒e 9Sn 」O] Pe」ed9」d Su!eq

SPIO」P uO11晒o」」e]ul JO l回田OO」 e uOdn elq山nlS

Sつd 9囲`旬il〕均iei」ed山I ue O]u1 8u!準euS 9lluM o


」eMOd」e∧O Put3 Se∧19S山e囲9e」J Sつd el11 PlnOuS S」9〕 ○○e」勘J lnJe⊃」nOSe月O中和unl」Oddo ue lu9S9」de」 OSle

1Ou OP Aeu仁8uu9∧Ou ueuM申unO」8 el1=JO相岬"S

e o〕 SSeつつe u陀8 AluePPnS A9囲`pIO」P uO!]晒o」」e]u甲e

8ui叩8v¥eu ueuM S」e∧neue山1euO印PPe Pueds ol e∧el1

ede〕Se ue 8ui8e]S u岬JeSn S田9]l JO e8ue」 ePIM

O印lenO刷S `(ul肌e川n⊃脚P

」e^Ou O]山e囲MO=e ]e叩S胡i」OSlnde」 9∧eu SP!0」P uO!1 -晒0J」e叩) 」e」e∧OH `(SuiXOI Pue SuOS!Od o] eun山田 Pue 山nn⊃e^ u! 9^!NnS ue〕 Pue 〉luリP

q oI Peeu lOu SeOP) p!O」G :Sa即!!qV

ue〕 SP!O」P eSeLl⊥ 8uIUOl]Senb JO Suean 」e囲O Pue

S田n」eS ISiSe」 Ol木uun]」Oddo e明ue∧i8 9q PlnOuS Sつd

‘S」9MSue理財eds 」OJ 8u岬」弱S S」O岬8o」」e叩1」edxe

‘euON :Sluelt2l

/q pep!n8 」O PePie eq Ol相e洲eJe Aell⊥ ’」9叫n○○ue 相e ol uO印PPe 8uiuelL1∂1」J e e」e SP10」P uOil晒0」」elui

St帽⊥⊃Vt]VH⊃ ∃S∃H⊥ 9NISn ’1e8」e] S]i O] 」∂SOi〕 SPee〕O」d ]i Se

S9See」3u! /申O Pue「e^i」」e Sl! Se⊃unOuue PunOS 8ui 〇時Slnd snou叫O S.P!0」P 8し叫eOIJ ell⊥割印O] S」euOSりd

8uP叫∧uOつ村ql⊃」O=e ]」edxe ue sI O⊥l e唱‘s」edoo」l

八人eN OM]小y peiued山O〕⊃e八両ns[ ●S10O=∽18」nS

ue s」OSueS岬M P9PPn〕S PIO」P uOil晒o」」〇回準elq 担到ds e `〇十i e唱S! Se帥⊃EJ uOilue]eP lelJ9duJl u! 」elunOOue AluO山田O⊃ ]SO山SP!O」P 9明JO ∂uO

’S∂!⊃eds相門SO山Ie]O Sen8uol e囲ueSOO「 OI P9u8iSeP u音O!1⊃O〕uO0 1e〕皿eu⊃ JO uO!]〕eies∴e∴9∧eu SPIO」P

阻’9」n]」OI O] S∂]enbe uoISS9S uOi〕撚o」」e町村9∧∂ 1Ou晒no明`see」e uOl]ueユeP Pue SuOSりd lel」edlul

」O申u醇u! 9〕elduo山田O〕乱e SPIO」P uO哩8o」」9]ui ’SeqO」d pu皿e囲JO S]」O捕9u=SiSe」 ue〕 SlenPl∧

-胆u仁P訓i叩Ale∧!SuelXe u判O Pue `pe=lM IS98uo」]S a囲AluO ‘S」euOSりd JO ]SeJPee]S ]SO山e唱ue∧e山O」J S]e」つeS P9P」En8相nJe」e〕 1nO XeO〕 Pue SuOISSeJu○○

脚ie O] uMO岬u○○q Seu山e明JO叫8iS 9冊rsn「 ●e」nl -」即JO S叫e田n」1Su川1iM e甘Si」q Se」9uds xpelq 8u哩o日 eS鋤⊥ ●leu9S」e ]S臥S,」O」9d山喜e囲u! SuOde9M P副eeJ

ISO田e囲8uo田e e」e甲」eeSeとI在官神州JO lue…」ed90 圃」ed閲i el月Aq p9u81SeP SPIO」P u〇時80」」e叫1 9旧



ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂OUNTER ID且AS A IongtIme StarPOrt ba「tender ln the local cantina

M冊a「y lnformants (Or, aS the Empire refers toしhem,

turns out to be a pro冊C imperial Navy informant

inteiilgenCe aSSetS) are paie reflections of the agents

Who has been passingalong information on smug-

from imperia=ntelligence・ However, they are equa=y loyal and en」Oy the bene臼ts ofdeep, Vlrtually lmPen-

etrable cover Sultabie candldates are selected at a very early age and dlSCreetiy lndoctrinated when there is a reasonable expianatiOn for thelr absence. These lndivlduals are lnS帥ed with great loyaity to the imperia看m-iitary COmPlex ln eXChange for extremely

meager rewards ln the grand scheme ofthings, Whether those rewards are m=itary, mOnetary, Or PO=tICa! ln nature. These peopie are giVen legitlmate Civiiian reasons to be moved to politlCai hot spots, Where they carefu=y monitor the popuIation for any slgnS Of trea-

giing and Rebel operatiOnS m the area

An employee of a major arms manufacturer wIth tieS tO the PCs repo「ts its status to the lmperial

Army, WhlCh suspects lt lS SeCretly dlVertmg ShlPments to the Rebeis or crlminal syndiCateS.


SOn Or Paraml↓itary aCtlVlty They then dutifully report

this information using bilnd drops, enCryPted communiques, O「 Other secretlVe meanS.

丁he lmperIal Army and Navy operate separate

informant networks. Navy lnformants naturaily cover areas of interest to Navy operatiOnS. ThiS inciudes pIrate aCtivities, ShlP reSearCh developments・ and

indiCations of Rebel fieet actiVities. Army informants are mo「e interested in insurgent efforts to mobilize

miiitant Wings of their causes・ Un=ke some other imperlal agents, miiltary lnfo「mants are expected onIy

to report what they see, nOt tO Ca「ry Out COunterintei1igence o「 other operatlOnS Of their own

uS,NG THIS ⊂格ARA⊂TER Milltary informants are natu「ally secretive by natu「e,

SO it lS mOSt iikely the PCs wi= come to know someone for an extended period of time before Ieaming their true actlVities. informants don’t tend to reveal

themseives, SO the PCs must piece it together from the person’s activities and comments. Rebei counter-

1nte旧gence agents might also info「m the PCs of the

informant,s IoyaitieS. PCs might also suspect an informant that they must seek outand con師m.

Ski11s: Computers上DeceptiOn 2, Steaith l ,Vigilance l.

1aients: lndlStlnguishable l (OPPOSing characters upgrade the dif龍uity ofthei「 checks made to ldentify

m冊ary lnfo「mants once)

Ab帥ties: None. Equipment: Hoidout blaste「 (Ranged [Light】; Damage 5; Criticai 4; Range 【ShortI; Stun setting), disguise

kit, disassembly-CaPable secure m冊ary comlink.

‘( um9S un]S `山niPe州98uet十ウIe叩」つ:s e8e -山ea判岬!「] p∂8ue副lO]Sid 」e〕Selq叫81「 :]ue田d!nb∃ ‘(Sxpeu〕 9u両〕Sl(=le Ol □ ppe 98ue」

乙9〕u印8!∧ t村o∂8npin滞’乙9SIM]e叩S

`乙eOue用Sed `乙(んe]eueld) 8ul]O‥d { (叫8!「) pe8ued

`s d町S」eP粥十ウ(uo哩)nPヨ) e8pelMOuy `ゥuo草d〇〇 〇」ed `s uo函9〕eC] `z IOOつ`ゥuoi〕」eOつに…eu⊃ :SI間S

鑑酸闇㊨蓮∋ [引S∃ NヨN] tlON聞^Oり入超VふさNV「d uo11〕eleP JO池上8]ee」8囲M ]nq uOile皿OJui ePiSu! OI SS○○〕e 」e]ee」8 sつd ell] 8uw8 `e瑚O

S.」Ou」9∧08 e ]e叫OMユリ8甲Sつd e」O山」O eu○ ○ Se⊃ueq」n〕SiP 」Oqe口O l!Ollunユie叩iiOd

」O uO喧〕Oi e u=Ou」e∧08 e sso」〕巳un月O lnO準9S ife山Sつd 9肥・See」eしueiqO」d e]晒早S9∧u! Pue S9^11 -坤u! 」le111 」OJ uOddns pi丁nq O〕 Pl」OM e囲PunO」e

Sd里村e山e湿田相e⊃!d布S」Ou」e∧O∂凡e19ueid 。

SV∃ai t帽⊥NnO⊃N宣aNVヨtIn⊥N∃^aV ‘P川」8 ol eXe ue里iM S」ePeei 」∂…OJ Papun」8siP O]

SS9〕〕e ui晒o] Sつc] e叩8u甲Olle `p9⊃elde」相uenb9」J e」e S」Ou」e∧08んapueld ‘Se準〕Sllu 」l∂明8ulie9∧〇月O

」Ou」e∧O∂凡eleueld e 8ulSSe」」eq山e Aq八田OuO叩e Si囲

JO e8elue^Pe e渦ue⊃ Sつd `epiS d旧e囲uO.eeJ8ep

Pe〕…峠0〕 S」e]⊃剛eu〕 9旧し印M SleeP e沖田ue〕 ∧9囲 Suee山Sl田畑ouo叩eJO ee」8∂P l/紬e e∧eu ill]S /e囲 叩q `s出OIN l坤ed山i Se有eMee丁u〕n山Se e∧e‘十㌔uOP

S」Ou」e∧O8村e]eueid 」叩e」eu⊃ ie⊃Oi 」O「e山e uO e渦

S⊃d e囲]el O〕佃unl」Oddo 9囲SWD e∧18 s」Ou」9∧O8

相即ueid ‘se」n8u le⊃印iOd "e]」Od山i 」叩O e洲甲nIN

おきふっVHVH⊃ StH上りN1与の 佃」Oi」d do〕」 e明Si相dell S」Ol」edns i叫 ○○d山口Ie囲8uldee斗Se `岬nou十S時日nOqe u〕n田村e∧ 乱E〇 ㌔uOP相eIN -9⊃ueu」e∧08 Aep-O十八ep ui山elqO」d SnOl」eS e eSOd ue〕 S]uen叩SuO⊃ 」le囲Pue]S」ePun ]Ou

OP OuM S」Ou」e∧08相即eueid ’んess∂〕eu Si uO世indod

e 8u川Slund ueuM八両i〕eds9 `甲eo」dde訓〕⊃e「qO e」O山e e準] OI S」Ou」e∧0∂ e囲SM〇月e Siu⊥ ’uO!1Senb

u=eueld 9唱Pu〇八eq s91ePIPue⊃山O」J S」Ou」e∧08

相即eueld相eur ses〇〇匹/i∂]e」eqileP e」!d山] e岨 -Sl岬I Jに叫] 9∧Eu S」e瑚O le!」ed山口O印e」9PISuO⊃

]SO田e叩ue∧e叫8no囲elnO囲M 9P!Se]deMS e」e∧e囲 ’」e∧eMOu ‘epue8e lel」ed山l 9明]O (eM 9囲ui PuelS S9i]

-1」Oi」d爪印ueid Ji ’凡ess9⊃eu毎回OSqe SSeiun uOdn PO良和e∧O 〕Ou S! e〕uePued9Pui 」le囲Pue ‘]〕edse」 enP

`uosee」 ]el/=O十uO刑印岬JO相耳OM ]9ueid e ∂津山

(e⊃間口Ou」e∧○○んeleueid e

ue∧!∂ e」e ∧e岨・∧∧eN lel」ed回訓=O S」e瑚O乱川O]

山nlP9山 u明りy¥ S〇時ulP」OqnS lie) 」ePee「 :Se曲!qV

ue∧9 uO!]e」9PiSuO⊃ e ]See1 1e 9」e S」Ou」e∧O8んe]eueld

坤]e8J即Sxpeu〕 uOi]de〕ea Pue `uo!〕」eOつく…e1D =e

JO相n瑚!P 9Pe」8dn圧IOO] S不POqON ‘(S沖eu〕 diuS -」ePee「 Pue …eu⊃ =e山O」J喜園e∧O山9」) z sseupu周 囲M間引く(SPunO」 ee川口OJ Sxpe甲lle O]□ ppe sel=e Pel〕e出e =e r向le Pe叩e購ue山OJJ PunOM 」O uleJ]S

leu〇回PPe 9uO Se∧0山9」の甲e9 t謁ue」 ]」OuS ul旧聞

O] `eiqenie∧植田e」]Xe e田OS `se〕」nOS〇月〇本恒uenb

u8noue叫e坤u8-S e Je出O 〕See口e ue〕叫∂山u」e∧O8 epIM前ueld e ]nq ‘訓d山喜e囲Se 98」ei Seんe」⊃nee」nq e o]e〕uenb9SuO〕 l捌OuJO9」eSuO哩u PueS∂印〇 ・八xE

-1e8 e冊u囲M 9」euM血e e]Ou JO布yoq sno山OuO叩e



]Sell叫S e明Si 9ueid e `訓d山] e囲」O S∂∧9 eu] ul

相e euo山oJJ PunOM 」O uleJ]S euO Se∧Oue」訴甲e9

鐙軒の醍醐軍配の㊨囲闇醍慧 There is no g「eater symboI o=he Emperor’s New Order than the eilte StO「mt「OOPer legions that enforce his will wlthout remorse, merCy, Or COmPaSS10n.丁he

featureless helmets, the uniformity of their armor, and the sheer numberofthem all contrlbute to their implacabie lmage.

The imperiai Stormtrooper Corps is part of the lmperial A「my but its own commanders have great dlSCretion m eXeCuting thelr Orders. Stormtr○○pers

Who surviVe engagementS and demonstrate leadershiP POtentlai are promoted to the position of Sergeant. ThlS involves command of anythmg from a singie squadron to an entire company Rank wlthln the stormtrooper legions IS d酷cult for outslders to

understand, aS StOrmtrOOPerS refer to vlrtua=y any Officer from their ranks as commander.

Wlthin the stormtrooper leglOnS are numerOuS SPeClaltieS With task-SPeCifro tralnlng and equlPment For example, the ext「eme temperatures of desert cii-

mates, aS We= as thelr abrasiveness and navigational P「Obiems, neCeSSitate taliored preparatiOn and gear.

Sandtroopers are lntlmateiy fam=lar With arld envlrOnments and are tralned in beast rlding aS a meanS Of transportatiOn Where vehlCles are lmPraCtlCal

Worlds wlth an extremeiy cold envirOnment also requlre aPPrOPriate equipment. Snowtroopers have SPeClaiiZed armo「 and equlPmen=hat can function

rega「diess of the temperature They are equlPPed

Wlth sensor packages allowlng them to seek out therma=mageS ln a Sea O白Ce. Lightiy armored scout troopers fac冊ate reconnais-

SanCe, utiiiZe raPld movement, and are tralned wlth rapid-「eSPOnSe rePulsorlift vehicies. They are at the forefront of any insertiOn Of stormtr○○per legiOnS lntO

a new theater of operatiOnS Sho「etroopers are imperlal stormtroopers trained

in amphibiOuS-ianding combat ln COaStai envlrOnments. They wear a mod旧ed vers10n Of stormtrooper

armor over a heat-mOduiatIng dry suit that protects them from adverse atmospherlC and geographlC COndltlOnS Where land meets water. Range troopers fight in harsh conditiOnS, eSPeCIaiiy With =mited suppo「twhere they must liVe Offthe land for proIonged st「etches. They vleW themseives as the toughest of a11 imperial soidlerS Swamptr○○pers and

CaVe trOOPerS, however, might dispute such claims.

USING THESE ⊂軸ARA⊂TERS Stormtroope「s are the most common lmperiai oppo-

nent encountered by PCs, aS they and thelr many VariatiOnS are aVailabie to most impe「ial commands.

They perform a wide range of duties, from slmPle guard duty to daiiy patrois to spearheadlng invas)OnS and estabIishing complex theaters of combat. Stormtroope「s operate ln grOuPS ranglng from two to elght,

almost aiways ln eVen numbers

When speclallZed stormtrooper unltS are aVallable, they should be used ln the appropriate terrain Sandtrooper patrois or pursuers can outlast thelr

quarry in overwhelmlng heat or through cold nlghts thanks ln Part tO their equipment. Snowt「oopers can

be especia=y intimidating, diSaPPearing lntO the stark

Whlte background typICa=n winter flghting Scout troopers may appear on thelr OWn Or SuP-

POrtmg Other stormtrooper types Scout troopers usually have access to fast vehlCles, SuCh as speede「 bikes They fly through dense terraIn at ter而ylng

SPeeds with great sk帖a=owlng them to pursue PCs

through thlCk vegetation and lrreguiar landscapes Shoretroopers a「e best equlPPed to flgh白n and

around water. They can pursue PCs m Wetlands, COaSt=nes, rivers, and other major bodies of water in ail but the most extreme coid temperatures. Cave troopers and swamptroopers are simiiarly located ln thelr aSSOClated envlrOnmentS. Range troopers can be founcl in the roughest and most isolated of locales, especlaIly wherever the PCs would least expect an lmperial presence.

ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂OuN丁ER IDEAS e Stormtrooper patroIs are ublquitOuS ln ma」Or

lmperiai cltleS and lnSta=atlOnS, SO they might appear at any time (especla=y if the PCs aren’t

PrePared for them) ThiS eSPeCia=y hoids true lf

the PCs are lnVOlved ln a firefight on a Core Worid O口n an imperiai lnSta11ation, Whe「e loyai cltlZenS

l○○klng for help often seek out passing patroIs

●(SS9u甲eP O] enP S刈○○甲山0」」

喜臆e∧O山e」) 」ee8 uoiSV¥叫8ii-MOi `(準OS L+) 」0…e 」edoo」] ]nO⊃S ’(L SnO!〕l∧ `乙9〕」e!d `[p98晒u]I e8uet] `乙IeO叫つ:s e8e山eC] `eeleIN) 9JluyO」q!∧ PeZiS」e∧O

`(8ul叩eS un]S :[山niPe州 e8uet] t le〕印」⊃ :6 e8e

-山EC] `[∧∧eeH] pe8u閥) auiq」e〕 」elSe旧:叩e田d!nb∃ ’euON :Se即l!qV -euON :S事u〇匹山 ‘e〕ue"8i∧ `(∧∧eeH) pe8ueと!

`eele州 `eu両〕Sia ′s叩9冊∀ :困uo dno」8) sI間S

圏e▲〇三〇▲e王亘 [NOININ] u∃dOOおふき^V⊃ ’SP巳Oie」即Xe `〕ieq相

川n `(準OS Z+) 」0…e 」9doo」叫」O]S `(L O山田∀

Pel岬「 ’9 ]Se1日向OuS] e8ueと十ウie叩」〕 :8 98e山eC]告叫81「I pe8ueal sepeue」8 8e」J

こく(しSnOi⊃l∧ `乙9⊃」∂ic=pe8晒u!i 98u閃∴∴薫○ :z l∽1叫つくゥe8e皿ea `eel9IN) eJ!uyO」qi∧

慢 e山OS」eq山nつ くe」U-01n∀ 笹uo「] e8ueとi :⊆ iき〕印」⊃わし 98曾山閃’[∧∧eeHI

●(^∧eeH) p∂8u閃 `eei9IN `9uiidl〕S!C] `s叩e冊∀ :ぴ!uO dno」8〕 s看間S

Pe8u閃) e囲」∂]Seiq /∧E?eH :事ueud!nbヨ

’(xpeuつ]Xeu S]1 O]□ ppe 」O 」e∧n9ue山∂e」J

e呼iPe山田1 1 e l川O]」ed ^e山dno」8 e明る8ue」山nlPan u冊!M dno」8 uoiu… 」edoo」叫」O]S 9uO ]つe」IP O=e∧ -neue山e …O]」ed (e田) u〇匹e」ia le二時⊃孔:Se!珊qV ’(e〕uO le8」el S即時u!晒e s沖〇日〕 ]eq山0⊃ iie JO相n瑚iP ePE3」∂dn) lんes」e∧P∀ :S]u三甲2l. 乙eつueli8i∧

`乙9○ue用Seと十乙加8I「) pe8u閃 `乙(∧∧e9H) pe8u閃 `乙eeleIN t diuS」ePee「 `乙eu両⊃SiG `乙s叩e冊∀ :SI間S

題蜜題 [NolNIN] t]∃dOOtI⊥NtIO⊥S ●S〕Se」〇月O S∧巳肌eleM e洲SeSue」eP ielue山uO」 -!∧u〇回MSeSeq dn ]eS e∧elI Pue Pueu」9ddn e里


題題圏題覆覆 回∀八ItI] ⊥N明りt帽S tl∃dOotI⊥Nt]O⊥S ’(し○○」eid `ゥ9山OS」eq山nつく9」U-Oln∀笹uo「]

e8uea :⊆ lco印つ’= e8e山ea `【∧∧eeH) pe8ueと])

S8u時間M S」印Seiq u上巳ede」叫8"し印M P91uJEl eq ∧e山oM〕 JO Sdno」8 」O SienPl∧旧ul SPeOle」叩Xe ’〕ieq

何回n `()岬OS乙十) 」0…巳」ed○○」叫」01S `白0田山∀ P9 -〕i…「 `9 1Se旧く印OuS】 e8u閃`ゥIeつ印」⊃ `8 ∂8恥明

e∧el‘ Ae囲leeJ Sつd e明副euM SuOl岬r叫S ul Selqe]

9唱u」n] ue⊃ Slu⊥ Sつd e唱u勘] SuOl]e⊃Ol eSe囲

u口eq田O⊃岬M leeP O] P9ddlnbe 」eneq ue叫○ ○」e lnq `s叫e山uO」i∧u9 ⊃胆eds 」le囲OI Pel⊃里S9」 e」O山 e」e∴S」9doo」〕d山eMS Pue `s」edoo」19」OuS `s」edooJ]MOuS ’s」edoo」1 98ue」 `s」edoo」〕 e∧e⊃

S」e⊃e」POc=O S」ePeeds (uelO]S 9∧e叫O) e∧e11

OuM Sつd 」O=ue山uO」i∧u∂相e 〕SOUJle ul S9u○○S

eseu⊃ 8uili〕Xe 」Oj e準u ueつ叩q 9準uS O=in叩 JIP 9」e S坤nS」nd 」9doo」〕 1nO〕S ‘Pe9ds 〕e相]le9〕S

相ein叩」ed Lue」e Se判q 」9P9eds 」le唱u∂no明 くi臥l」」e uePPnS胴囲囲M S⊃d eSi」d」nS O〕木y囲e ∂囲S」∂doo」l eSe囲Se∧i8木ullqO山」ed○○」〕叩OつS

準即1e山0」」 eJeS Se∧ieS山〇日l Pe∧e胆q

Pue `91qe=e」 e」e Ae囲]nq ‘渦nb 9q S/eMie ]Ou /e山S叫nOlu 」leu⊥ ueP」nq JO S]Seeq leつOi uO Pe -叫nO山SiO」]ed pepue]Xe ui eZ=el⊃∂ds /e囲乱euM `s叫e山uO」(∧ue ]」9SeP ul 」eedde∴S」9doo」]PueS

‘euON :Se即!!qV

∧e明9」9uM Su!eid /PueS `epIM SSO」⊃e Pe]unu /i -SSe11ueie」 8uleq S9∧19S山9唱Puu叫81山S⊃d 9里

巾1181「I pe8ueal s∂Peue」88e」]乙`(l SnOi〕i∧ `乙e〕」eid `[p9誹るu!] e8uet] :乙l∽i叫)弓 e8t?山EG `eei9IN)

eJluyO」ql∧ `(8叩]∂S unユS nguO「】 e8uet] t le叩」つ

:6 98e山ea ’[∧∧eeH〕 pe8u閥) e肌」elSe旧:1ue田d叩b] euON :S事ueI♀L


Ski=s (group oniy): AthletlCS, DISCip冊e, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), Res帥ence, SurvlVa上

“falents: None.

Abilities: None. Equipment: Biaster rifie (Ranged叩eavy],

Damage 9; Criticai 3, Range [LongI; Stun setting), =rag g「enade (Ranged旧ght】; Damage 8;

Critica1 4; Range [ShortI; Blast 6, LimltedAmmo l), utl=ty belt, eXtra reloads, food and water packs, griPtion boots (「emoves喜獲ImPOSed on checks to malntain footlng ln unStable envl「OnmentS), range

trooper armor (+ 1 soak, When maklng Ski= checks’

range troopers remove菓臆imposed due to harsh

envirOnmental conditlOnS).


Ski=s (group on!y): AthietlCS, Disc印ne, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), ResiiienCe, SurviVa上 “faients: None.

Abilities: None.

Equipment: Llght blaster pisto=Ranged 旧ghtL

且quipment: Blaster rifle (Ranged 【Heavy], Damage 9;

Damage 5; CritlCa1 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting)

CritiCa1 3, Range [Long]; Stun setting), high-temP enVironment armor (+2 soak; When making Sk=l checks,

or blaster snipe「 rlfle with scope (Ranged [Heavy];

sandtroopers may remove漢音imposed due to arld

or hot environmentai condltlOnS), utliity belt, eXtra reioads, food and water packs lndivlduals or groups of two may aiso have 「-ding dewbacks

Damage lO, Criticai 5; Range [Extreme], Accurate l , Cumbersome 5, PlerCe 2, SIow-Firing l, reduce difficulty ofcombat checks at iong or extreme range by one), 1 fraggrenade (Ranged [Light], Damage 8, Crit主

cai 4; Range [Shor凸Blast 6巾mlted Ammo l), SCOut trooperarmor (+ 1 soak), utl‖ty belt, eXtra reioads.



Ski=s (group only): AthietlCS, DiSCip=ne, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (」ight), Vigilance・

Ski11s (group only): AthletiCS, Disc印ne, Melee,

「a!ents: None.

Ranged (Heavy), Resi‖enCe, SurviVai

Abilities: None

Talents: None.

Abiiities: None.

’岬q木y囲n `speoie」 e」]Xe `」e囲ee」q〇十sJeln⊃Ou岬O」〕 -〕ele `(叫e山uO」!∧u∂ d山eMS 」O ISe」OJ e u冊!M ePe山

S沖eu〕開き91S Ol □ sPPe `準OS乙十) 」O皿e 」ed○○」〕 -d山eMS `(しO田山∀ Pe]岬「 《9 ]S削a判OuS] 98ued

与Ie〕印」つ:8 e8糾明宜岬「] pe8ue加SeP巳ue」8 8e」」 乙`(8岬]eS unlS l山n!P9州i e8ueと] { 1e〕i]i」つ:6 e8e

-山eG林∧eeH] pe8ueとi) 9u刑e〕 」e]Selg :1ua田d叩b] ’9uON :Se即1!qV

’euON :Sa即i!q∀

`んeuunD `euiidi〕SiG `s叩∂lul∀ :困uo dno」8) sI間S

`eeieIN `eu両つS!G `s叩e冊∀ :困uo dno」8) s!間S

‘le^l∧JnS `e〕ueiiiSeと仁(∧∧eeH) pe8u閥`99i9W

’9⊃uel18i∧ `i献血nS ‘e〕ue川Seとi `(∧∧eeH) pe8ueとゴ

euON :SlueIt叫

9uON :S書ue!を汁

l、 ●.虻虹

題題圏圏圏 [NOININ看t帽dOOtl⊥dNVMS

[NO書N音N] tl∃dOOH⊥MONS ’uOde9M 〕」Oddns e

‘(叫nO山POdl」l `しSnOl〕!∧ `乙e〕」eld `s e山OS」9q山nつ`∂」U-O叩∀ ([8uo「I

e8ueと‖乙ie叩」⊃ :s L諾e山e(]点」euun〇) s」e]Selq 8u!

Se (し9⊃」eld `ゥ∂山OS」9q山n⊃ `e」臣O叩∀笹uo「] e8ueと]

宅ie二時iJ:)わしe8e山eG林∧eeH】 pe8ue副」印Selq 8ui

○○]Selq A∧eeuしん」e⊃ ∧e山SPenbs sxped 」e]eM PuE)

9nP P9SOd甲漢音e∧O山9」 ∧叫s」edoo」〕MOuS ’sxpe甲

e8ue主上S icoili」つ:0しe8e山ea林∧eeH] pe8ueと」) eiJi」

SlenPl∧岬ui ‘(SuO印Pu○○ ielu9山uO」I∧ue心=O PIO〕 O]

-]e9d9」叫81l 9uO 」O (S e山OS」9q山n⊃ `副U-0叩∀ `[∂uo「]

-1eede」 ∧∧eeu囲M Pe…e eq Ae山OM=O Sdno」8 」O

i‖準8u団an ueuM :準OS Z+) 」0…e 」∂doo」]MOuS

’(uoISl∧ ]⊃n」]SqO ]e明 SuOiユIPuOつIe]ueuJuO」l∧ue

P○○J∵speoi訓e」]X9 `]19q木u旧n ‘(S8u周∂S lelSeO〕 O〕

enp pesoduJ! Sxp〇匹uO臆臆e∧O山e」有礼u S」9doo」]

申∧e9H] pe8ueal euiq」eつ」e〕Seiq Z乙-] :事ueⅢd!nb]

Pe8u閃) 9冊」91Selq P9川8iS叩do-i神州:1ue田d叩b]

8u丁Puei SnOiq町d山e `(8ui]〕eS u巾S `しPe刈ul「 `乙e山OS -」9q山nつ:山nlP∂IN] 98uEt] t lE?二時l」〕 `8 e8e山e(コ

unlS笹uO「] e∂ue〔] `s l∽l]l」〕 :6 e8則reG :[∧∧EeHI

-e」OuS `sxp9叩=l準8ul津山u∂uM !岬OS Z+) 」0…t3

」e囲O 」O `sseu甲eP `e刈O山S O] enP uOdeeM Sl囲

esn oI Sxpe甲相e uo臆喜O〕 dn 9∧O山e」 `8u国eS


ADVENTURE AND EN⊂ouNTER IDEAS A pai「 of T旧fighters detaches from an unex-

Although the A帖a=Ce COmmOniy dlSParageS them

pected lmperial escort vessei d「opping ln from

as vastly lnfer-Or tO Rebe用On Pliots言n truth’the

hyperspace and engages the PCs’starshlP atVery

p=ots p「oduced by the Emplre’s sta「fighter trainlng

Close range.

programs a「e head and shoulde「s above any others・

A seemlngly average pal「 OfTIE fighters becomes

wlth the possible except-On Of the A帖ance’s. ln fact,

a greater chaiienge to the PCs when they real-

the poor rePutation TiE piiots have -S nO fault oftheir own, but rather a comblnat-On Of their substandard equlPment・丁-E fighters are known for reIat-Ve frag冊y,

iZe decorated aces a「e at the controis The aces

might even try to lntimidate the PCs to rate the compe帥On, 」uSt based on thei「 rePutatlOn alone

weak constructIOn, and their lack of protectiVe amen主

tleS鵜mOSt nOtably shieids・丁he bravery of TIE p=ots


IS rarely questlOned, eSPeCla11y wlthin lmperial ranks. Wh出e両s true that many peOPle joke

about the de=Cate nature Of TIE fighters, mOSt have a heaithy respect for the swarms Of the maneuverable l fighters as they descend in a straf1ng O「 bomb一口g run The fighters’ fearsome reputat10n is due ln la「ge

par=o the upper echelon of TIE pilots工he aces These indiV-d-

uals, tyP-Ca=y squad leaders and seasoned combat veterans, are a matCh for

Ski=s (g「oup only): Gumery, P=oting (Space)・ “faients: None

Abilities: None

Equipment: Llght biaster pisto=Ranged [」ig唖Damage 5, CritiCa1 4; Range [Medlum】; Stun setting),帥ght suit.

even the most a「rogant

of A旧ance sta南ghter

丁音各A⊂E [RIVAl]

Pllots. EilteTiEaces are sometimes afforded a measure o白ndivlduaI

notoriety, SOmethlng that lS uSua=y frowned upon w-thin the united, almost faceiess f「ont oft

imperial m冊a「y. They a

Often end up ln the seats

遅聾運聾橿諺 SkiⅢs: Gunnery 2, Piloting (Space) 2.

the best TIE fighte「s ava=abie‥

Ta!ents: None.

丁iE lnte「CePtOrS and the rare

Abilities: None.

but powerful TiE defenders.

Equipment: Light blaster piStOl (Ranged

USING THESE ⊂HARA⊂TERS 丁iE piiots are among the opp○○

nents typicai PCs most frequently encounter, TIE flghters are so preva1ent that ifthe PCs are involved ln a sta「ship chase, the pu「sue=S likeiy

to be a TIE TIE pilots are aggreSSive, relying On thelr maneuVerabie craft

to keepthem safe astheycannot reiy on shields and hu旧ntegrlty. Howeve「,

most do not neediessly fight to the death. if they are vastly ove「whelme

or thelr Ships are slgnificantly damage 丁IE p-1ots usuaiiy retreat to fight anotr

day・ TiE aces pose a g「eater threat and challenge・ They are more likely to push

the envelope and to surv一Ve by taking

more rlSks.

[Lightl; Damage 5; C「-tica1 4; Range [Medト

um]; Stun setting), filght suit, SenSOry ‘ augmentation package (add (雌to any Perception checks made by the cha「acter)

’∧e」」e 」OS

’uOi]E川l]SeP 」e=山!S

eSeq `叩O9P町」i9囲Ol山e唱=eJ] O=eP」O ul `uo!SS岨」 e uO AeMe e」e Aeu] 9間M Sdell」ed `d叫S

`Sつd 9叩P」eOqe準9uS OISld山e耶PIO」P eqO」d ∀ o ’uSnq山e 」ed○○」叫」0〕S e o]ui S⊃d e囲Peel O〕 8し甲d山e叩e ′舟eMe SdiZ 〕!

uol]⊃e]eP uOdn ●e9」e 9囲Su甲ue〕S Pue 8u岬」e9S

相eJIPO明∂山`s」的dde p!O」P eqO」d e `198」印諾e] -OqeS l叩ue〕Od e ]nO 8uido〕S e」e S〕d leqeとI S∀ o

SV∃回1 tI∃⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNV ∃tIn⊥N宣^回V u唾e山e囲eeS 」e∧e O=⊃9dx9 LuSeOP e」!d山喜e囲 山elS∧s uo!le]」OdsuE」] eiqeSOds!P e 8u!Sn Pe」e∧胆P

u三周O 9」e Ae囲]e囲ue∧D ‘xpeq ]」Ode」 Pue ]e8」e坤e囲 e時〕Oi O〕 S! uO!1⊃unJんe山りd 」ieu⊥ -eSueJeP-引eS u9∧∂

」O uOl〕⊃eleP 8uiP!O∧e村y]eid山O⊃ ue囲〕98」el Pe田山e」8 -O」d 」ie11] 8uiP哩u! Pe]S9」e叩∂」O山e」e SPIO」P eqO」d PiO」P 9qO」d e sI SSO」Oe

un」 O〕 1ueM /e叩8u冊〕Sel e唱`puno」e 8ui)岬euS 9」e

Sつc] 9甲u∂uM lue」e拙P中e]eld山O⊃ euOe山OS 」O] 8ul -1P」eeS eq 」O ‘91nO」 iO」]ed 」eln8e」 e 8u!MOiiOJ 9q /e山

人e唱和e叩i〕eds sつd e囲」O] 8u間○○i eq叫8i山八〇囲 9問M ’uOSee」相e」OJ Pue e…〕/ue相en坤∧]e」eedde ue⊃ Pue Sつd 」OJ S叫9uOddo e旧eS」e∧ e」e SPiO」P 9qO」d

おき⊥⊃VHVH⊃ 5!H⊥りNISn

ーueS e8ue十8uol ’」euue⊃S

…OJ 9Ji十」Ole〕!unu山0〕 ]eu -OiOu e8ut?」-8uoi `(8し叫]eS unlS

判niPeIN] e8ueti t le叩l」⊃

:9 詣肌欺コ 判u訊「] pe∂u閃) 」e]Selq u刷n日:事ue田d!nb∃ ’(S」el〕e」e甲P∂8晒ue o] e8euep oしS∂OP uO!S ○○1dxe s即席叫9Pi叩u」n十JO-]nO ue Se l〕n」〕SeP-JleS

e」nlde〕 1ue∧9」d oI PnJ]SeP弓ieS leuC甲do ueん」e⊃

∧9明くe∧甲e」〕eS eq OI Peu8!S9P 9」E SPxp」P eqO」d le囲

ue∧!D ’eSueJeP-Jl9S 」O」んuodeeM叫8中川M Pe…e OSle

9」e e山OS ’S函eue」O」 S山卸月O S9id山eS 9∧eu制Se lieM Se ’1ueurdlnb∂ 」O S」OOP ele」edo o] S」Oleind叫e山」O

SMel⊃ 9」O山」O 9uO e∧eu OSie ]SOIN副O田Pue `uol呼!Pe」 `suo印PuO〕 」e囲eeM `suol〕岬uOつ〕l」elIdso…e `se」叩eu

-8!S A8」eue `s…OJ9J!口⊃e19P OI Peu8!SeP Sed布」OSu9S

∧帥〕十PeS甲0」d山O⊃ e山○○eq uOiSS叫S.P!O」P eqO」d e囲PinOuS)山s冊E甲eIN 〕⊃n」〕SeP-引9S qul捌e=in叩JiP 8u哩8i∧eu ueuM S」e∧neue山ieuOl〕旧Pe Pueds ol e∧eu 〕Ou OP SP!O」P 9qO」d) 」e」e∧OH `(Su!XO〕 Pue SuOS!Od o]

9un田山! JeleM」ePun Pue山nnつe∧ u! e∧!NnS ue〕 Pue

岬」P」O `]e∂ `∂囲ee」q OI Peeu lOu S90P) pIO」(] :Se即I!qV ’euON :S]uaIeL

’乙eOu坤8i∧ `引臥i∧」nS ’三 明ie91S `乙(叫8i「) pe8uet] `乙uOilde⊃」ed 《しIOO⊃ :S看間S


」O人肌e e∧iSSe」d… ue相e〕 Pue ‘9つueSSleuuO〕e」 ui

ez旧〕eds sp!O」P eqO」d SuOile」edo岬甲snPu! Pue l坤 -edul O] eiqeile∧e SlePO山JO ePn叩inu」 eし印M SPIO」P

eqo」d JO S」e」n]⊃eJnue山]S9務1q e囲JO euO Si P相p」∀ SP!O」P eqO」d puesno囲e es」eds!P O〕 u9]JO S甲OpniOS ]Seq 9明くspi」OM PueSnO囲

eJO相e uo eq A叫凡」enb 9唱ueuM ’Sieuue甲-OiOu Peldん⊃ue el∧ S」e田山e」8o」d 」le囲囲M e]∽1un田山0⊃ Pue SPOd e〕eds」ed旬(eM-euO eP!Sul SuOileし岬SeP 」19囲O=e∧e」] SP!0」P 9qO」d ’叫8nos 8uieq S十」e∧e 十LIOuM 」O `」e∧e]euM JO Su8iS 」OJ SuO!]e〕O日ue]SIP 」nO〕S

Pue S]eueld e]O山e」 1nO ]nO⊃S OI SPiO」P eqO」d uoile」

-Oldxe JO eSn 9沖田ue叫O Se叫O囲n坤e!」∂dLul `∧xeie8 e囲 ui SuO!8e」 e〕O山e」 ]SO山 9唱8ul11つ」eeS ueuM


巾v八1tl]馴Otla喜田Otld tI∃d賞^

(uo!S!^副n〕SqO岬囲S]9e朋Ie]ueu川O」!∧ue 」el11O 」O

`9xp山S ’sseu卑eP JO S]⊃9鵬el月Si9つu∽) e叩S S叩do PeOueLlu∂ 時e 9田OS」∂q山nつ `e鳩-O]n∀ 一乙 ele」n〕〕∀

℃uo Aq e8ue」 8uo口e Sxp∂lP leq山0〕 JO相n瑚iP Se -⊃nPe」笹uo「】 e∂ue¥」にIe坤」〇 ℃しe8euJeG林∧eeHI

’Se"ie 」O"」Oddns 9埋 epv¥O」d 」O S]e8」e] ed冊S O1 9胡」 」elSelq S岬9Sn ue⊃ 9u

判y P91LIJ即Oつe 」O∧ej S山u川08ie P」eM∂」/準!」 S.INO「-ウ

申e∧eMOH S」∂MOlq S晒-unlS S叩eSn O川8noue 9SOl⊃

l∂8」印S周囲e⊃ OI S叩M eし仁Se」nlde:) 9∧!i 」O十八e」d 8岬uOJJuO⊃ 」OJ S叩⊃e] ru恥i」d oM〕 Sel1 9H.8u甲山e」8 -O」d s叩8u!u四月ieS田!u Se!Snq eu∵∂SiM」e囲O ’甲OM


1e8 o〕 e⊃ue」eedde ]di」〕SePuOu Siu SeSn Pue euO岬

Pe8uet]) 」e]Seiq 8叩e8」印 X6出l(]∴嶋ue叫d叩b∃ ’(繊」ed u!e」]S ieuO刑PPe L Snld `u即S S」覗nS lie"e囲

∧un uoil〕e ue Se `」elunOつue 」ed e〕uO) 」e]]i山9 Se8-unlS

Pe]E」8e叫i ‘(Su!XOI Pue SuOSiOd ol eun田山申印eM」9Pun

Pue Lum〕臥u! e^iNnS ue○ Pue甲。P 」O `]e9 `e明ee」q O]

P∂eu lOu SeOP) piO」a `(…叩e8」e=e囲Sxpe甲州e卸S

」O] PunO」e 8u印eM ’」9u!e]e」 S.P」Oi e山里e uO PunOJ 9q ue〕]O ue⊃ PiO」P eu子qo「 e uO l,uSi ell ueuM ’ii印

」ie囲uO …u Pu即岬… Pee甲ie囲uO 9つud eし印Mつd 血e puE? `」e]un中川nOq e lSO山e」OJ Pue lSJU SENO「-ウ

Pue `んe88npin滞`uol]d9○○a 8u!SOddo ueuM ]つeilelul

S叩eSn Aou」山0「-ウ) 」e叫nH 8uueln叩⊃ :Se即1!qV ‘(1unOure e山eS e囲Aq esu9JeP Pe8u別Pue eei9山S,〕∂8

すさ⊥⊃V岩VH⊃ SIH⊥りNI与れ ●∧x叩8 ∂囲SSO」つきSlきu…甲

-」e] e e〕nP9」 Ol ule」〕S Z Ol dn 」∈鴻nS Ae山`」9∧neuelu

e se)乙叩∀ 9Si〕e」d `(e〕uO 〕e8周S冊ISu!晒e s甲9甲

Ieq田0⊃醇JO本un瑚iP ePe」8dn)しんes」∂∧P∀ :S事ueI孔 ●⊆ 9⊃uきii81∧

`ゥesiMleeJrs t囲l弱]S `ゥん∂88npln溝`z (∧∧eeH) Pe8uet] ‘s uo!]de〕」ed `s uo胆]O8eN `L Sorue甲eIN

`ゥ(Pi」OM」ePun)諾pelMOu〉仁S (田嶋」elnO) e8pelMOu〉」

`s eu画つSIG ‘ゥuo!〕de〕e(] `s IOO〇 ℃ S」e]nd山Oつ:SI間S

」99」e⊃ ∧q pe」e∂」 SI SSnxpnZ Pue INO「-ウJO d叩S」eu]」ed

e肥・elqeile∧eun S岬e] eqO〔l ]l 」eui印」 uO …叩dey

ue∧e Se11 eqqe「 :s⊃lP喧津川H 9囲Pue e」!d山! eu川]iM 8u!Pue]S POO8 u! 」9]unu r互unoq pe川準e Si INO「-ウ `相enp!∧旧ui ’xpeiq e囲u! S∧eMie Si le9uS "O」d siu

Sueelu甲!uM `e」Ou8! O]岬uM Pue 9準] OI SqO巾JllIM

SMOuy eH ’=eM角南uoilde〕Xe準!」 Pue叩e」d 8u叫9〕 一uO〕 SPPO 9埴e呼ln〕leつOl木両qe Slu Si SS○○〕nS S町


O=Olnqi」叫Oつ1Se8」el e巾`」e∧eMOH在e」d s岬e]E⊃Oi OI S田町11」O8ie le叩S!閏S Pue Se八〇 punod山O⊃ S町8u!Sn `」expeJ] 」ieJ e Pue 〕ue]eq山OJ elqede〕 e S川NO「-ウ ‘e」n]eu le叩∧ieue

SWNO「-ウ叫e山eldluO〕 Sel]iiiqe∴e∧!叩叩eSOuM `ssn

-xpnZ囲1M dn fui」eu]」ed u∈男O ’JleS山川」e]un画uunoq

e euJe〕9q Pue 8u甲山e」80」d s町P9Pe」8dn相en]ue∧e

[引雪害M∃NI Mo「"ず

9H ‘S」elun中もunoq 」O口ue甲OJui ue S粥叩⊃e eu!OO吼

‘Sxp印e ue叩Pue一世euJOu.」 eiq!SSOd

uoJieS山間PunO川NO「-ウ`Je冊e Se 」∂9」e〕Jei」q e」e]J∀

.9山里JO訓i e uO P9卑eq山9 9u Pue `p9岬l188u…

lS」OM e囲]eつdN e叩S9]e⊃Oi 9H ’S訓i〕⊃e「qO叫9」 -」nO S`相ed e囲O] le]l∧ ⊃dN ue8u間nu SI INO「-ウ

」e∧eM〇時開村e池月Puきし川開1S引 Sxp珊e (luO IN〇十ウ1i iee]S O川NO「-ウPe]⊃e」叫O〕 Seu SISluO∂elue凡e山l」d 」ie囲JO euO Pue `訓lt3^

-山E2」8o」d s間‘ss∂つ〃/Jd /ノO研」euiie〕edsんnxnl e囲O] Peu8!SSe SeM州O「-ウ9lluM ‘SuelSOuO○○ Pue `]1ZZi」日 `so叩l∂IN `o叩eSlin⊃ `!8ns `s)9a.!X e囲Se甲nS `sel〕eds

PiO]⊃eSul唱lM e⊃勘91ui O川Inq PIO」P iO⊃Ol○○d s9i」9S

-INO「 uO岬山O叩∀ l叫]SnPul ue相eu181」O SeM INO「-ウ

JO eleP 」O ]つe「qO ue S9SSeSSOd s⊃d e巾JO euO

SV∃回音tl∃⊥Nno⊃NヨロNV ∃tln⊥N∃^aV


観醍醐霊園憩総出麗醍 Arms dealers specla=ze in acquirlng and se旧g weap臆

Onry, and while some run liCenSed buslneSSeS, mOSt happily operate outside the law. There are two vltal elements of an a「ms dealer’s busineSS thelr =St Of

c=ents and their source of weapons. AssassInS, Crlmlnais, Cartels, Syndicates, and even the Rebel AiiianCe are dependent on arms dealers to suppo「t thei「 oper-

atiOnS. No matter the customer, there iS a mOra=y flexible arms dealer w帖ng to do busineSS.

Arms dealers can be found in the courts of crlme lords, merCena「y hangouts, legitlmate WeaPOnS deai-

erships, and in secret warehouse subbasements. PCs might go to arms dealers to acqulre WeaPOnS, traCe WeaPOnS, get introduced to other crlmlnals, Or eVen tO Shut down a dangerous arms operation.


e Anarmsdealerhasquletlyaiertedtheunderworid ln PreParation for auctiOning off an authentic Jedl =ghtsaber. 1t lS =kely to d「aw coilectors and asplr-

ing Jedl from ac「oss the galaxy, aS Well as those

Arms deaIers’sources of weapons are their most

CIosely gua「ded secret. Some have conしacts amOng

locai gove「nments, m冊ary agencieS, PIanetary

security forces, Or manufacturers and can sIPhon off weaponry o「 arrange heiStS Such arms dealers often

Who might hunt them e An arms dealercaptured by the Empire has lntト

mate knowIedge of the A=ianCe m冊ary supply

Chain. They must be extracted-Or Silencedl

have m冊ary-grade hardware ln eXCeilent condition’


but authoritieS PriOritiZe the-r identificatlOn and capture. Others conduct battiefieid saivage・ Which

lnCiudes aged and damaged weapons, bu=hey are


often we= priced and draw little attention・ Some even run the汀business ilke a pawnshop, buylng and refurblShing arms to sel上Thei「 StOCk includes a variety Of

models and condltiOnS, but some o白t mlght be asso-

ciated with crimeS. Fina=y, SOme armS dealers create


thelr OWn WeaPOn「y ln-house, ranging from custom

Ski=s: Negotiat10n上Ranged(Heavy)2,Ranged(Light)2,

arms built to exac帥g SPeCiflCatiOnS, tO eXPerimentai

PrOtOtyPeS Or kit-bashed affalrS that m-ght shatter

Vig=ance l Talents: None.

after a few uses.

Ab掴ties: None.


Equipment: Heavy blaste「 pistoi (Ranged [Light】;

Damage 7; Criticai 3, Range IMediumI; Stun set-

Wh出e arms dealers know thei「 product intlmateiy,

ting), Vlbroknife (Melee; Damage 3; C「itlCa1 3, Range

they are師st and foremost dealmakers and they try

[Engaged】; PierCe 2, VICIOuS l)

to talk their way out of problems. Should a deal go bad, they salvage what weapons and credits they can While reiying On SeCurity to cove「 their escape・

(【p98晒uヨ】 e8uet] { l∽i]l」⊃ :s 98e山ea `eei9IN) 9]iuy呼q山O〕 `(8u111eS un]S l山nlP〇両 e8uet] `s le〕印」つ `6 e8巳

十ueG `[∧∧eeH] pe8ueとi) 9uiq」e〕 」e〕St網:1u訓rd!nb] ‘euON :Se即I!qV 9uON :S章uelをお しe〕u印8i∧`乙i臥1∧ -」nS ‘し(∧∧eeH) pe8uet] ‘しuO!〕de⊃」9.] ‘乙9∂ieIN :Sl間S



eS」OM 9q =.]i

」O `y99Me 9∧eu ∧e甲田e囲lle〕 Pu叩uq e dn山e唱 u8no」 O] Pe]〕n」ISul u99q Se町e〕」OJue e明`9SnJ9」 S⊃d e囲Ji ’」0」」9 ui Pe即uePl u9eq e∧eu Sつd e囲

91qiSSOd osle Si]i dn爪ed山e囲e津山O] leqe」明 E, P∂u⊃]edsIP Seu OuM `p」Ol ∂山i」⊃ e O〕 S坤Pe」○

○山OS eMO S⊃d ∂u十10u 」O li MO岬∧e囲」3日工eu州 o

●ユリ印e」OJ eq叫8甲8ui〕]eS e囲eユe -i」do」ddeu! MOu 」叩e山Ou `e周∂山」i∂u] e∧O」d oI S9uSIM leqe」eE] ell⊥ ’1eq山0⊃ OIOS Ol lue囲Se8u∂i

-ieu〕 Pue (9」e相席nl⊃e Aeu川Pu皿」e∧9u) lPe「 e SI S⊃d e明日OeuO P9Jul∧uO⊃Si」e〕JO]ue leqe」明∀ 。

SV∃回Iロコ⊥Nno⊃N∃回NV ∃おれ⊥Nヨ^回V ●〕S」U 」e〕Seiq e囲iM P」∂u e叩8u甲u冊山9(qO」d Ou e∧eu Ae囲`pe」eq山nu叩〇両uE?⊃Ulu8iS Ji lnq `」eeq O]囲8u9」1S ]ee」8 」i9唱8ul」q ue〕 Ae明9」euM `esoi⊃

dn 8u刑勘」OJ 9⊃ue」e担d e ∂∧eu S」9〕」OJu9 1eqe」閃 Jle岬q S,lenP!∧!Pu1 1e甲uOユつe O〕 Peu〕]edsiP u調O Se ]Sn「 e」e /e明叩q `」∂u"ed sseulSnq 」O SSOq 」ie巾

村ed山Oつつe uelJO Aeu⊥布el〕OS JO Snli」leP e判明lM P∂xped seuilue〕 OI Se〕eled esennH山O」J ‘∧xEl晒e囲 SSO」〕e Su∂P leui山u〕 ul PunO」乱e S」e〕」OJue leqe」e目

す∃ふっVHVH⊃ 5!H⊥ DNI雪の P9」n「ul e」e /e囲9…lん9∧9 」e叫8ne=O “SSSSIS,, 8u刑n]SIP e 8ulMe」P ‘uJe囲eSn田e /lSS9iPue `suounLI Se甲nS ‘sei〕eds..」eluSlnbs,, eu⊥

ie〕…O〕訓nb s」e囲O JO uled e囲P哩Pue木uie」O山 !Pe「JO 9圃i POOIS」ePun Ae明‘A191eun耳O川∩ ’l qe」明 JO Pi」OMe田Ol/ P9]elPe」」i 」ie囲SSO」〕e P10]副e SSeMO」d

req田○○ 」i9囲JO SPue8ei Pue `lP9「 ∂明e」e∧eJ Aeu⊥ ’O]

PeSn 8u周e8 e準] leqe」閃1nq `ue∧i8 eJuO deep sun」

相t3旬Ieq剛明 S」eleeP S…e 」O `s」○ ○xpt3「dluS `s」e坤S `s」e1誘n山S Se甲nS

Sleu岬」J ○○u叫i却M Sd叫S」eu]」ed

8叩Sei …O」 Se…1e山OS ieqき」閃 ’e〕uelOl∧ 9」O山OI SPeel ue叫O PeuJE’9l

9∧eu S」OlqeP相則町⊃eJ e `8u刑nSu1 9q O] S9i80iOde s」eP!SuO〕 e」n]ln⊃ l9qe」明‘SuOl]

ーel]O8eu ol uOl〕eP甲l川口0 」le ue 8uiPuei `sp」en8∧poq

Se ]〕e O=0 9叩Sn「 PelSiM] S.P」Ol 9…」⊃ E "O elOP O] uOdn p訓e〕 uelJO e」e ∧9u⊥ SP」Ol副JJl」〕 」O「叫

JO Put3u叫81」 e囲]e PunOJ相ensn 9」e S」9⊃」OJu]

ui89q ∧9囲9」O士eq

S叫印加E山8u胆ue ’se!○○ds u坤e田山e山u=ee] lun -i」d `d○○p e 9判」]S SMe山Pe囲OO十〇iP9eu Pue S98esi∧

ue冊d9月に叫ユ`」eし印n十囲8ue」]S l∽lS相d snoi81PO」d 囲M dn pexpt3q Pue `叫即SiS9」 。 ∂]Selq e」e SILLIOJ P9ieJS

団」eP `8uiSOd… 」刷⊥ ∂l〕Sn山Pe」lu Se Pe]9∧O〕山9囲 8ui湿田`suopelnde」 e山OS」e9同」ein叩」ed e∧e申suee」 一」O田eD Pue See団00M 9湘`ieqe」明eu⊥ 山n…9」d e ]e S9山OJ相」n⊃eS POO8 `pl」OM」ePun leu…l」つe里ul


回v^1岩音日日⊃岩oさN∃ 「日日V8V日


ADVENTURE AND EN⊂OUN丁ER IDEAS Biack Krrsantan is hunting an NPC whom the party

A disgraced Wookiee in exile, Krrsantan fied Kashy臆

yyk by volunteering to flght for the Xonti Brothers. Without Krrsantan’s consent, the Xonti Brothers graft-

encountered earlier He aggressively quest10nS the PCs regarding his target’s IocatlOn and lS eager tO

make good on hiS threats if they don’t cooperate.

ed mechanical enhancements to Krrsantan’s body,

making him practicaiiy invincible in gladiatorial bouts Enraged, the bIack-fu「red Wookiee fled, eVentuaiiy

becoming an eilte bounty hunter hlred by the likes of

Jabbathe Huttand DarthVader However, muCh ofhis time is spent partnered wlth Docto「 Aphra, Who has Pr〇両sed him a 10tOfcredits and a lead on theXontl

Krrsantan needs the PCs to smuggle hlm into Kashyyyk. Breaking his exile means a death mark for hlm and those helping hIm if they are caught, but Krrsantan needs a record of a hyperspace route kept oniy at the Claatuvac Gu出d’s headquarters ln

廿ee Vikkilym

Brothers. Krrsantan has swom to repay the brothers ln kmd言n some twiSted vers10n O=he tradit10nai


Wookjee旧e debt.

Large even for a Wookiee, Krrsantan has biack fur braided and decorated with gold baubies to diStraCt from hiS many SCarS. The iargest, WhlCh cuts across hiS left eye言S ai看egediy from the blade of legendary

Jedi Master ObトWfan Kenobi Krrsantan wears a tradl-

tionai armored hamess and pauldrons ln the styie of

Wookiee Warriors from the city of Kachirho. He reveis in hand-tO-hand combat, eVen engaglng ln gladlatOrial bouts to the death 「or 「un.

運聾運覇匿醇 Ski=s: Brawi 4,Coercion4, Knowledge (Underworid) 3, Ranged (Heavy) 3, PerceptiOn 2, Piioting (Space) 5, Skulduggery 3, StreetwiSe 3, SurviVa1 2, Vigiiance 5 鴫Ients: Adversary =upgrade d酷cuity of ail combat


Checks agalnSt this target once), Durabie 4 (reduce

Biack K「rsantan can tum up anywhere ln the ga上

CrltICa=njury results by 40, tO a minimum o=), Natu-

axy, but most often ln Or arOund spaceports that house extensive criminai networks There, he might hunt down any number of scum on behalf of galac-

Or Melee check) Abiiities: lntimidating Presence (aiiies within short

ral Brawler (OnCe PerSeSSiOn, may rerOll any one BrawI


tlC POWe「 broke「s. His work with Aphra often sends

range ofBlack Krrsantan add automatic *to Coercion

him to archaeoiogiCal slteS, muSeumS, and unlVe「S主

and NegotiatiOn Checks they make against enemleS),

ties lfsomeone has hired Black Krrsantan to huntthe PCs, he forces a confrontatiOn the moment he feeis the odds a「e even or better He prefers to flght bare-

PIt Flghter (after making a BrawI or Melee check that 剛icts a C「itlCal lnjury, Black Krrsantan may suffer 2 St「ain tO add +30 to the Criticai roll resuit), Strong

handed, throwing, PunChing, and choking enemieS

Arguments (Black Krrsantan may use Brawn lnStead

jnto submission. Kr「santan prefers direct confronta-

OfWi‖power when making CoercIOn Checks), Wooklee

tions, uSing hlS bowcaster oniy if outnumbered

Rage (When Biack Kr「santan suffers any wounds, he

-.雲 -宅字種∴∴ま

予告量∴“予告と∴ 言草仁一 当主主音上告信


deals + 1 damage to Brawl and Meiee attacks. When he lS Crlticaily lnjured, he instead deals +2 damage

to BrawI and Meiee attacks). Equipment: Bowcaster (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage l O, C「itica1 5; Range [Medium]; Cumbersome 3, Knock-

down), netgun (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 8, CrltiCal -; Range [Shorti; Ensnare 2, Stun Damage), enhanced fists (B「aw上Damage 7; Crltica1 5; Range

【Engagedi; Disorient 3, Knockdown), armor and subde「mai plating (+3 SOak, +2 ̄defense), Auz/tuCk antl-

Slaver gunshiP.

●(∑ u巾S亜e8晒u]I e8u閃 電1e瑚」⊃ :z e8euJea lMe」日) se∧Oi8 xpo11S W snoi〕i∧

` L O田山∀ Pe叩!十川つき9」日`亀口S耶古山〇日S] 98u閃 :乙l∽i叩⊃ :o乙e8e田eC]刑8!「] pe8u閃) 」0〕euO〕eP

ie山」帥`(8u哩eS un]S直川!Pe画98uet]∵ウi∽岬」⊃ :9 e8elJJeG剛8[l pe8u閃=O持!d 」e]Selg :]ueud!nb∃ euON :Se叫!I!qV ●(1SO⊃ eSeq e昨日0 %00し

∧q lSO〕 S]! 9S閃」〕叫Pue Sle∧91 OM〕何句」e」 S.1嶋ll ue

iSlue8e gsI 」9∧OO」ePun e」e

SJe相q e囲`佃ユeun叫OJun ’eieS

理Pe」○○uO帖田 e囲○○上旬」n〕eS ∂PいO」d o] Sつc] 9明SPeeu Pue

刈oMl」e l坤∂d岬○○」d JO 9⊃eld 」 e uO ieeP ∂8nu e esoi⊃

e S=9e]e)1」曾山刈〕eiq ∀

んuez胆(e∧!〕 二ap9」dde eq o]副nS Pue) 8u!Ne]S e peeJ dl∂u Ol uO甘eXe] P!O∧e O〕 S9Pe

-xpOlq S田Orsnつi叫ed山口Sed xpo〕Se^ii

」5岬O 」O S8id 」∂即d JO lue山d叫S e∴ei8 -8nⅢS O〕 Sつd e囲Se」叩」9印e刈e山沖eiq ∀

回! t帽⊥NnO⊃N∃ aNV ∃tIn⊥N∃^aV ’SP」Oi euJ!」〕 ]O Se∂軌nO叫e e囲ui 」O

‘s坤」1S!P eSnO岬」eM Pue Seu吋ue〕 ui PunO」 ue]JO e」e ∧eu⊥ ’SuOi叩9"O⊃印e∧リd u! S]〕e担」e 9」剛 卸e〕OI S9∧胡SueS e⊃」O] 8u!PPnq dleu OSle ue〕 S」eele刈eW -SP!O」P Pue勺」ed `叫euJdinbe 9Pe」∂

-んe即Ⅲ u9iO〕S囲M e⊃ue用∀ ieqet] 9囲8u(制叩O O=印u9SSe e」e Ae唱Pue ‘8u明和e ]SO叫e lieS 」O

相q o=nO山e囲準eS叫8叫Sつd ・eiqeP」O購un SPOO8 同いSe準uJ uOileXe] iei」9dLul uellM Pue山eP le⊃0問O

咄O」d osle Ae岨・PlOS」O叫8noq eq o]しe〕! e」e月O le8 -e川ue Si e」e明」9∧eueuM lnJeSn 9」e S」eele叫e山男⊃e旧

t帽⊥⊃VおVH⊃ SIH上りNISn S」e囲O JO eSuedx9 9明1e S9山!1e山OS S岬J甲9∧e `pu9

e囲uI叩O」d o]山∂9S S/eMle S」99]e甲euJ準elq `」e∧eMOH

SuOpe」edo 」刑1 PunO」e 8u脚uS Sui8eq n開」n日uOl] -eX軋le!」ed山l 9甲」O lue山∂〕」OJu9 Mei岬囲叫e∧e 9囲u! u8!SeP Aq si Slu⊥ ●]nO ]」OS O=in〕脚P Pue `sle」O山」!e囲

Se P91SiM〕 Se u判O e」e S9p叩OSSe leu哩l」⊃囲M SIE9P 」!e岨●S」neSS!OuuO〕 Pe」n叩〕 OI Sed布SeleS-」ePeeds

-PeSn ‘8u馴e"SeJ山O」中」臥ue⊃ S」ee]e刈e¥JJ xpe旧 .sp○○u `S]ue胆」l別居IiUinJ O〕 SIS刷ueid pue

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てe⊃ue=∂i∧宅9SiM〕ee」]S `ぴ」9務npin准`し(1118i「)

esu9P e Seu甲ee lnq `s粥」e 〕叫de」8oe8 」O Sel」〕SnPui

]eq山OJ lie JO相n瑚!P 9Pe」8dn=んes」e∧P∀ :Sluel叫

’SSeu!Snq ui山e叩d9e斗OI Sl⊃e]uO〕JO叫OMleu

9See」⊃eP `19刈e山xpelq 9囲uO Su団OOl ueuM) z sl〕印 -u○○ 1e卑引用沖e旧く(e〕uO le8」el S冊1Su!晒e s沖eu⊃

Pueんe」〕nee」nq S.e」id山∃ e明山0」J uePPlし仁SMOPeuS

P98uet] `乙uol即O89N `乙(Pi」ONuePun) 98p9iMOuy :S間S


9甲u! Pe8ue甲Xe e」e Se⊃i∧」9S Pue SP○○8 ss911unO〕

(山OuO⊃9 Pl」OM」ePun S,∧xel晒e明」OJ …e〕 l吟唱e〕 ∂囲Sl `〕e叫e山elqiS!∧ul e明Pelle⊃ Se…〕ouOS `〕e卑e山

沖elq e岨cSつ!uO」]⊃ele ueiOIS肌OS 9q舟e一山」O e〕1ds

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回v^1お寒をi容量⊥∃細さVM 〉寒⊃V喜田

囲亜鉛翻富罵閏悶常電通の One ofしhe most powe血I criminai syndicates to

OPerate aCrOSS known space, Biack Sun often vieS With the Hutt Cartels and C「lmSOn Dawn for contro1

0f the galaxy’s underwo「ld. The Vigos of BIack Sun are akm tO Criminai nob冊y, lords ofvice, and under-

bosses of mayhem and mystery, though to whom they report is unknown Some say a slngle crim上 nal gen血s ruies the entire Black Sun, Whlle others

beiieve it is an evil cabal Some even assert Black Sun isa puppet ofthe Empir巳, PrOVidingthe Emper-

Or yet anOther source of lnformation and controI

Regardiess of thei=rue master, a VlgO uSuaIiy COnt「Ois crlminaI activity On an ent-re Pianet, SyS-

tem’Or eVen SeCtOr Of space Vigo means “nephew),

in the natiVe language ofthe Fa=een, Who controlled

the syndlCate uP untii the end of the CIone Wars. Vigos often lead double llVeS aS the very pub=C faces Ofcorporat-OnS, nOble famll'eS, and govemment o笛-

Ciais, and their ldentitieS aS Vigos are we岬rotected

SeCretS They use a network of bosses and under裏

bosses 10 manage OPerat10nS and lnSuIate them from susp-CiOn, but some adop亡an allaS tO take a

more hands-On aPPrOaCh.

uSiNG THIS ⊂HARA⊂TER A Vigo IS a ma」Or Crlme lord lnVOlved ln muitlPle Crim旧ai actlVities, many Of whlCh cater to sin and

ViOience SpICe, gambiing, Slavery, COntraband, assassination’and more occurat the snap ofa VigO’s


f高gers Black Sun’s greatest power is ltS anOnymIty.

Few might reaiize a favorite gambiing ha旧s actually


run by Biack Sun. AVlgOS is expected to s=ence any threats of exposure quickiy and efflCiently, SOmetimes ca=ing on outslde resources to tie up Ioose

ends. They often have plans w‘thi= PIans and onIy

give their operatives a piece of the puzzie.


ADVENTuRE AND EN⊂oUNTER看DEAS O The PCs have dlSCOVered a VlgO,s true lden航y!

While avoidlng bounty hunters and assassins Sen=O SIIence them, they must bring the VlgO down or prove they are mo「e usefu=eft alive. ● AVigo has obtained b看ackmaii materlals on the

Party. to reCOVer the evldence, the party accepts a Biack Sun death mark for the ``murder’’of the

VlgO, Who wants to fake their death and retire.

laients: Adversary 5 (upgrade d輸cuIty ofall combat

Checks against this target three times), Cripp=ng BIow (may lnCreaSe difflCulty of a check by上if successful’target Suffers one straln When they move for the

remainder of encounter), Nobody’s Foo1 2 (upgrade


d輸cuity of all Charm, CoercIOn, and DeceptlOn

Checks targeting the VlgO tWICe).

圃雷電雷電璽 顧橿議運覇錨罰

Ski11s: Coercion 4, Coo1 3, Meiee 3, NegotiatiOn 3 Perceptjon 4, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Ranged (Light) 3 Streetwise 4, Survivai 4, Vigilance 2.

Ab皿ies: Leader (all subordinates wlthin medlum

range add□to a= Discipline Checks).

Equipment: Heavy blaster piStOi (Ranged旧g岨 Damage 7, Critica1 5; Range問edium」; Stun set-

ting), force pike (Meiee; Damage 6; CritICai 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Stun settlng)

’/ ∂