Huston Diehl sees Elizabethan and Jacobean drama as both a product of the Protestant Reformation—a reformed drama—and a
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Staging Reform, Reforming the Stage
Huston Diehl
Cornell University Press ITHACA AND LONDON
Cornell University Press gratefully acknowle subvention from the University of Iowa,
which aided in the publication of this book|
Copyright © 1997 by Cornell University All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, thisDookVor parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, address Cornell University Press, Sage House, 512 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850.
First published 1997 by Cornell University Press. Printed in the United States of America This book is printed on Lyons Falls Turin Book, a paper that is totally chlorine-free and acid-free.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Diehl, Huston, b. 1948 Staging reform, reforming the stage : Protestantism and popular theater in Early Modern England / Huston Diehl, p.
Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8014-3303-7 (alk. paper) 1. English drama—Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600—History and criticism.
2. Protestantism and literature—History—16th century.
3. Protestantism and literature—History—17th century. 17th century—History and criticism. criticism.
5. English drama (Tragedy)—History and
6. Theater—Religious aspects—Christianity.
History—16th century.
10. Aesthetics, British.
I. Title.
Cloth printing
7. Theater—England—
8. Theater—England—History—17th century.
9. Renaissance—England. PR658.P724D54
4. English drama—
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List of Illustrations Acknowledgments
ix xi xv
A Note on Editorial Practice Introduction
The Drama of Iconoclasm
The Rhetoric of Reform
Censoring the Imaginary: The Wittenberg Tragedies
Rehearsing the Eucharistic Controversies: The Revenge Tragedies
9 40
!33> 139~4°» i5ln> i56> i^n
Virgin, 148, 170-71, 180; image of, 170;
virgin and, 148, 170-72; Protestant
problem of distinguishing between
association of Roman Church with, 34,
whore and, 148, 170-72, 180. See also
175; theater as, 176-77; Vittoria
Mary, the Virgin
Corombona as, 178-79
Visions, 140-41, 204, 208-11. See also
Whore of Babylon, 34
Ghost; Image; Sight; Spectacle;
Wilks, John S., i82n, 202n
Wilson, Thomas, 1650 Winter’s Tale, A (Shakespeare), 87
Waddington, Raymond B., 82n
Witchcraft, 150, 183
Wame, John, 47
Witness, 187, 191-96, 201, 203, 206-7,
Watt, Tessa, 22-23 Wayne, Valerie, 1580 Webster, John, 4, 6, 64; and Calvinism, 182-83; and love tragedy, 166; and
211-12. See also Conscience; Martrydom Wittenberg, 62, 67, 72, 74-75, 77n, 82 Women Beware Women (Middleton), 4, 117-
Protestant aesthetics, 213-15. See also
18, 166-72; and iconophobia, 166-69;
Duchess of Malfi, The; White Devil, The
and idolatrous love, 166-68; and the
Weiner, Andrew D., 83n
play-within-a-play, 117-18
Wheeler, Richard, i57n
Wood, William, 67-680, 6gn
Whitaker, Virgil K., 83n
Woodbridge, Linda, i26n
White, Helen C., 22, 23n
Woodman, David, i26n
White, Paul, 5-6
Woolton, John, 202
White Devil, The (Webster), 4, 166, i7on, 172, 178-80; and iconophobia, 179;
Word, 98, 103-5, m> H4- See also Bible; Sacrament
and idolatrous love, 166, 179; and
Wriothesley, Charles, 19
theatricality, 178-79 Whore, 31-34, 156-57, 176-81; images as, 31, 33> 156, 160-62, 170-71; problem of distinguishing between
Yates, Frances, 6gn, 740, 750, 76, 870 Zwingli, Ulrich, 16, 84, 158, 163