Speeches at the Fifth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations

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Speeches at the Fifth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Table of contents :
For Peace and Security of Nations, Against the Threat of a New War. Speech of September 20, 1950, before the Plenary Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
On Averting Threats of a New War and on Consolidating Peace and Security of Nations. Speech of October 23 before the Political Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations
Speech of October 2, 1950, before the Political Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations
Speech of October 10, 1950, before the Political Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations

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Speeches by •

\t th e Fi fth Session )f th e G en er al Asse )f th e United Nations

9peeches of: SE PT EM BE R 20 , 19 50 OC TO BE R 2# 19 50 OC TO BE R 10 , 19 5 0 OC TO BE R 23 # 19 50

For Peace and Security of Nations, Against the Threat of a ·New War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Speech of September 20, 1950, before the Plenary Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations On Averting Threats of a New War and on Consolidating Peace and Security of Nations ....... ..... 17 •

Speech of October 23 before the Political Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations •

Speech of October 2, 1950, before the Political Committee • of the General Assembly of the United Nations ....... ... .. 48 Speech of October 101 1950, before the Political Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations ....... ... 73

ec a ra tio n O n A ve rti ng Th re at s of a New W ar an d on Consolidating Pe ac e an d Se cu rit y of Nations DEC LAR ATI ON:

1. Th e Gener:al Ass em bly con dem ns the pro pag and a of a new wa r car ried out in a n"l1mber of cou ntri es and app eal s to all gov ern me nts to pro hib it suc h pro pag and a in the ir cou ntr ies and call tho se gui lty to acc oun t. 2. Th e Ge ner al Ass em bly , rec ogn izin g the use of the ato mic wea pon as a we apo n of agg res sio n and mass ann ihil atio n of peo ple s, con trar y to the conscience and hon or of peo ple s and incom pat ible wit h me mb ers hip in the Un ited Na tion s, dec lare s an unq ual ifie d ban on t~e ato mic we apo n and the esta blis hm ent of a stri ct inte rna tion al con tro l ove r the pre cise and unconditi~nal rea liza tion of this ban . Th e Ge ner al Ass em bly at the sam e tim e dec lare s :tha t the gov ern me nt wh ich is the first to use the ato mic we apo n or any oth er me ans of ma ss ann ihil atio n of peo ple aga ins t any co11ntry, commits a crim e aga ins t ma nki nd and wil l be reg ard ed as a wa r crim ina l. 3. Th e Ge ner al Ass em bly , pro cee din g. fro m the necessity to con sol ida te pea ce and con sid erin g the par ticu lar res pon sib ilit y of the per ma nen t me mb ers of the Sec urit y Cou nci l in sec uri ng ' peace, expresses una nim ous ly its desire: a) Th at the Un ited Sta tes of Am eric a, Gre at Bri tain , Fra nce , Ch ina and the Sov iet Un ion uni te the ir pea cef ul effo rts and conclu de am ong the mse lve s a pac t for the con sol ida tion of pea ce; b) Th at the se gre at pow ers red uce the ir pre sen t arm ed forces (gr oun d for~es, mil itar y avi atio n of all services, nav al forces) in the cou rse of 1950-1951 by one -th ird of the ir effectives, and sub · mit the que stio n of the fur the r red uct ion of arm ed forces for exa min atio n at one of the ear lies t sessions of the Ge ner al Assembly. •

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Spee ch of Sep tem ber 20, 1950, befo re the Plen ary Session of the Gen eral Assembly of the United Nati ons HE Gene ral Assembly begin s its work, as always, with a gener al

debat e in which the activities of the Unite d Natio ns durin g the past year are usually summ ed up and new tasks and methods of solvin g them are set. The general debate makes it possible for each delegation to speak out on questions of intere st to the Assembly which are on the agend a and to set forth its positi on with regar d to the proposals and drafts subm itted for the consideration of the Assembly. Such an exchange of opini ons furthers the establishment of better mutu al under stand ing amon g delegations and is useful in work ing out measures to assist in unitin g our forces for the realization of the general, agreed decisions. However, the representatives of certai n delegations in today's speeches took a different road. Thus the Unite d States Secretary of State in his speech did not hesitate rudely to attack the Soviet Union , attem pting to draw us onto a road which has nothi ng in comm on with those impo rtant tasks which face the Gene ral Assembly, and which are particularly impo rtant in the conditions of the prese nt intern ationa l situation which demands a particularly responsible attitude toward both one's deeds and one's words. But the Soviet delegation will not follow the road onto which the Unite d States delegation attem pted today to push the Gene ral Assembly, in order to evade solving those really vital tasks which we are bound to solve in the interests of all peace-loving peoples, of all progressive mank ind. The USSR delegation will not follow this road which has nothi ng 6

in co mm on with th e road to peace. W e shall ye t ha ve th e op po rtu ni ty t