Speak and Write like The Economist: Говори и пиши как The Eсonomist [2 ed.] 9785961465228

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Speak and Write like The Economist: Говори и пиши как The Eсonomist [2 ed.]

Table of contents :
От автора
Часть I
Age, health, life, death, soul
Art, books, music, Hollywood, education, media
Business, money, trade, economics, professions
Food, wine, fun, joy, pleasure, luck, beauty, happiness
Government, politics, democracy, society
Law, justice, rules
Love, marriage, family, sex, friendship, children
Philosophy, religion, thinking, wisdom, languages, truth, morality
Science, technology, progress, history, civilization
War, violence, terrorism, spying, diplomacy, crime, hunting
Russia, USSR, mysterious Russian soul, communism, vodka, fatalism
Часть II

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Посвящается моим дорогим девочкам: жене Марине и дочкам Даше, Ксюше и Маше

Сергей Кузнецов

Speak and Write like Тhe Eсonomist Говори и пиши как Тhe Eсonomist 2-е издание, дополненное и переработанное

Москва 2018

УДК 811.111-26 ББК 81.2Англ-5 К89

Редактор В. Ионов


Кузнецов С. Speak and Write like The Economist: Говори и пиши как The Eсonomist / Сергей Кузнецов. — 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. — М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2018. — 570 с. ISBN 978-5-9614-6522-8 В этой книге собраны лучшие образцы утонченного английского языка, которые позволят читателю блеснуть полученными знаниями в самом высокообразованном обществе. Автор предлагает результаты десятилетней кропотливой работы с наиболее авторитетным деловым еженедельником на английском языке — журналом The Economist. Полезная и увлекательная книга предназначена для тех, кто готов оставить рутину, уделить время тонкостям живого языка и неожиданно для себя и окружающих начать думать, говорить и писать как The Economist. УДК 811.111-26 ББК 81.2Англ-5

Все права защищены. Никакая часть этой книги не  может быть воспроизведена в какой бы то ни было форме и какими бы то  ни  было средствами, включая размещение в  сети интернет и  в  корпоративных сетях, а также запись в память ЭВМ, для  частного или  публичного использования, без письменного разрешения владельца авторских прав. По вопросу организации доступа к электронной библиотеке издательства обращайтесь по адресу [email protected]

ISBN 978-5-9614-6522-8

© Кузнецов С., 2017 © ООО «Интеллектуальная Литература», 2018


От автора . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Предисловие . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Сокращения . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Часть I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Age, health, life, death, soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Art, books, music, Hollywood, education, media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Business, money, trade, economics, professions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Food, wine, fun, joy, pleasure, luck, beauty, happiness . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Government, politics, democracy, society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Law, justice, rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Love, marriage, family, sex, friendship, children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Philosophy, religion, thinking, wisdom, languages, truth, morality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Science, technology, progress, history, civilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 War, violence, terrorism, spying, diplomacy, crime, hunting . . . . .143 Russia, USSR, mysterious Russian soul, communism, vodka, fatalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159

Часть II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166


От автора Как я и обещал читателям первого издания моей книги, предлагаю на их суд значительно расширенный и углубленный вариант. На сей раз в книгу вошли многочисленные цитаты из тысяч статей, опубликованных в журнале The Economist за последнее десятилетие. Как правило, за одной цитатой стоит десяток публикаций, в разное время появлявшихся на страницах журнала, осмысление которых потребовало от меня поистине напряженных усилий. В свободное от семейных забот и работы время. Предлагаемый запас слов по-прежнему напоминает «лингвистический детектив», как метко подметил один из моих читателей. Детективный сюжет стал, поверьте мне, еще более интригующим и захватывающим. Тем же, кто предпочитает не спеша поразмышлять на досуге о смысле жизни, философии, религии, науке, человеческих отношениях, мироздании, любви и счастье, непременно придется по вкусу высококонцентрированная мудрость неутомимых авторов журнала The Economist. Одним словом, хочу искренне верить, что чтение этого труда доставит читателям истинное удовольствие и поможет подняться на еще один, более высокий, уровень познания этого бесконечного мира. А я между тем обещаю работать не покладая рук над следующим изданием. До новых встреч, Сергей Кузнецов


Предисловие Читал “Century”. Отметил, что выписать. Если бы делать выписки, составились бы те книги, которые нужны. Л. Н. Толстой, 26 ноября, 1888 г.

Я думаю, что если бы мне прожить еще сорок лет и во все эти сорок лет читать, читать и  читать и  учиться писать талантливо, т. е. коротко, то  через сорок лет я выпалил бы во всех вас из такой большой пушки, что задрожали бы небеса. Теперь  же я  такой лилипут, как и все. А. П. Чехов, 3 августа 1899 г.

В нашей книге любознательный читатель узнает много новых забавных, удивительных и полезных фактов, среди которых будут, к примеру, ответы на следующие вопросы: • Универсальный и эффективный рецепт, как дожить до 120 лет. • Для чего бог любви Эрос всегда имел при себе наготове два вида наконечников для стрел? • Комбинация из девяти самых ужасных слов в английском языке. • Почему Достоевский хотел, чтобы американцы жили в России вдоль реки Амур? • Как в Германии отапливают дома железнодорожными рельсами? • Почему в звездную ночь навозные жуки быстрее уносят свою драгоценную добычу? • Сколько сотен тонн золота можно хранить на крошечной кухне в «хрущобе»? • Какое существо в живой природе до сих пор носит имя Гитлера? • Как гарантированно избежать нежелательной беременности? • Сколько миллионов лет тратит человечество в месяц на разговоры по телефону? • Из чего любил готовить пироги Титус Андроникус? • Как можно было успешно решить свои житейские проблемы в Голландии за горстку семян тюльпанов в XVII в.? 8

Что оставил в качестве завещания человечеству в 90 баночках итальянский художник Пьеро Манзони? • Сколько раз надо опустить под воду голову подозреваемого, чтобы тот окончательно и бесповоротно сознался в участии в террористических актах? • Что советовал Наполеон делать с растущей мощью Китая? • Как ракообразные повышали урожайность сельского хозяйства в средние века? • Формула из четырех главных элементов распространения паники в любом государстве. • Что надо ученому Крейгу Вентору, чтобы бросить вызов Богу и создать новое живое существо? • Как проходят самые престижные похороны в Гане? • Что Юлий Цезарь держал во рту во время заплывов на 300 метров? • Сколько зиттабитов информации можно записать на одну молекулу ДНК? • Какие микроорганизмы путешествовали в 135-метровом ковчеге Ноя? • Когда Женева была разрушена мощным цунами? • Три основных составляющих элементов американской мечты. • Как Боб и Элис скрывают от Евы закодированные послания? • Сколько верблюдов и кошек потеряли англичане в войне в Афганистане в 1842 г.? • Какой вклад внес Наполеон в технологию консервирования продуктов? • Была ли жена у Иисуса? И многое-многое другое. Загадочная русская душа и особенная стать России вынесены в отдельный раздел. *** Фразеология первой части содержит много слов, которые объясняются во второй части: • Actuary • Opprobrium • Ostentatiously • Blunted • Roadkill • Catechise • Hairy • Scoff • Sneer • Fortuitously • Gullibility • Schmaltzy • Hanky-panky • Swaggering • Timorous • Hubris • Minnow • Unravelling • Untangling • Munching 9

Сокращения Русские ант. — антоним букв. — буквально в. — век вв. — века г. — год греч. — греческий (язык) др. — другой, другие др.-греч. — древнегреческий язык им. — имени каких-л. — каких-либо какого-л. — какого-либо какое-л. — какое-либо какой-л. — какой-либо каком-л. — каком-либо кем-л. — кем-либо кого-л. — кого-либо кому-л. — кому-либо н.э. — наша эра напр. — например обыкн. — обыкновенно оскорбит. — оскорбительное особ. — особенно перен. — в переносном значении ПО — программное обеспечение

преим. — преимущественно проф. — профессор син. — синоним собир. — собирательное сокр. — сокращение тж. — также чего-л. — чего-либо чем-л. — чем-либо чему-л. — чему-либо что-л. — что-либо чьей-л. — чьей-либо чью-л. — чью-либо

Английские ch. — chapter dr. — doctor esp. — especially et al. — et alia etc. — et cetera Jap. — Japaneese sen. — senator smb. — somebody smth. — something v. — versus

Часть I

Age, health, life, death, soul

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it goes. Until the 20th century the average human lived about as long as a chimpanzee. Few things are more tragic than the death of a woman in pregnancy or childbirth. An American woman is more likely to be struck by lighthing than to die in childbirth. Each day 91 Americans die from an opioid overdose. Who is not a patient? Defining “conspicuous consumption” as “apparel, watches, jewellery, cars and other socially visible goods”, she finds that even though the poor must dedicate much of their income to basic necessities, they devote a higher share of their total spending to conspicuous consumption than the rich do. And the trend is gaining steam. Between 1996 and 2014 the richest 1% fell further behind the national average in the percentage of their spending dedicated to bling. The middle income quintile went the other way: by 2014 they spent 35% more than the average as a percentage of their annual expenditure.

Elephant corpses are centres of attraction for living elephants. They will visit them repeatedly, sniffing them with their trunks and rumbling 11

Часть I

as they do so. This is a species-specific response; elephants show no interest in the dead of any other type of animal. And they also react to elephant bones, as well as bodies, as Dr Wittemyer has demonstrated. Prompted by the anecdotes of others, and his own observations that an elephant faced with such bones will often respond by scattering them, he laid out fields of bones in the bush. Wild elephants, he found, can distinguish their conspecifics’ skeletal remains from those of other species. And they do, indeed, pick them up and fling them into the bush. Coca-Cola distribution is so broad, its marketing so expert that the Gates Foundation has urged vaccine campaigns to mimic its strategy. Across the planet, 1.8bn human beings drink water contaminated with faeces. Death through overwork is considered to be such a feature of the workplace in Japan that there is a word for it: karoshi. Humans have always sought to intoxicate themselves. Looking after someone with dementia can wipe out even a prosperous family. The promise of a longer life, well lived, would round a person out. But this vision of the future depends on one thing — that a long existence is also a healthy one. Humanity must avoid the trap fallen into by Tithonus, a mythical Trojan who was granted eternal life by the gods, but forgot to ask also for eternal youth. Eventually, he withered into a cicada. In 2016 a coroner’s office in Ohio had to store corpses in refrigerated lorries for a week because residents were overdosing on opioids faster than their bodies could be processed. How young is too young? Rich democracies give different answers, depending on the context: in New Jersey you can buy alcohol at 21 and cigarettes at 19, join the army at 17, have sex at 16 and be tried in court as an adult at 14. Nothing ages faster than yesterday’s dreams of tomorrow. People around the world produce an estimated 6.4 trillion litres of urine every year. 12

Age, health, life, death, soul

Kids not born in the ’90s, also didn’t have kids in the 2010s. It’s the echo of the echo. Those who live to be very old are never previously famous. Few in the world know them, and they know almost nothing of the world. One poll in 2016 found that French people are the most pessimistic on Earth, with 81% grumbling that the world is getting worse and only 3% saying that it is getting better. End-of-life businesses also offer alternatives to costly temple gravestones, such as scattering loved ones’ ashes in Tokyo Bay (just don’t tell the honeymooners to whom the boat is also offered). More than 80% of the candidate drugs that make it into clinical trials because they worked in mice do not go on to work well in humans. Hospital doctors have far more opportunities to earn substantial kickbacks — try seeing a good specialist in China without offering a fat “red envelope”. Every year 350 tonnes of cigarette butts, the equivalent in weight to two blue whales, are cleared off the streets of Paris alone. The income-tax code is so knotty that America has as many tax preparers per 1,000 people as Indonesia has doctors. Diseases compete to kill people as they age; if one does not get you the next will. Gay men’s rate of anal cancer is the same as the rate of cervical cancer for women. Julius Caesar (at the time in his 50s) swam nearly 300 metres or six lengths of an Olympic pool with his sword and purple cloak clenched between his teeth, apparently holding his official papers dry above his head. If you had to be reborn anywhere in the world as a person with average talents and income, you would want to be a Viking. Life’s candle burns most brightly when it is about to go out. 13

Часть I

90% of the brain develops between the ages of zero to five, yet we spend 90% of our dollars on kids above the age of five. It’s a bit like being a doctor in a plague year; you’ll be busy for a while, but it doesn’t bode well for the long term. John Graunt tallied causes such as “the King’s Evil”, a tubercular disease believed to be cured by the monarch’s touch. Many albinos are murdered by people who think that their bones contain gold or have magical powers. Some witchdoctors claim that amulets made from albino bones can cure disease or bring great wealth to those who wear them. Women are at higher risk of rape because of a myth that sex with an albino can cure HIV. A gruesome trade in their body parts has spurred killings in Tanzania, Burundi, Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa. Greater Manchester’s 2.7m people make good guinea pigs for the experiment in combining health and social care — life expectancy is below average, unemployment above it. Drones can transport blood, but they can’t transport doctors, who need roads. “When good Americans die, they go to Paris,” observed Thomas Gold Appleton. One high-class restaurant in Beijing specialises in animal penises, the eating of which is supposed to boost virility. Westerners visit for a titter, Chinese businessmen to impress their clients. (Yak penis, says the eatery’s website, is a “luxury gift for close friends”.) A book of “traditional, health-preserving” recipes on sale in one of Beijing’s biggest state-run bookshops includes the following remedy for impotence and premature ejaculation: “18 grams of caterpillar fungus; one fresh human placenta. Wash the caterpillar fungus and the placenta separately. Place in a saucepan, with water. Stew at high temperature until the placenta is cooked. (Drink the human placenta soup once a week for one or two weeks to see results.)” Jeanne Calment, who lived for 122 years and 164 days (longer than any other person), said the secret to her longevity was a diet rich in olive oil, port wine and chocolate. She smoked until the age of 117. Alexander Imich, who was the oldest living man (111) until he died in June, did not 14

Age, health, life, death, soul

have a secret. Asked how he lived so long, he replied, “I don’t know, I simply didn’t die earlier.” Predictions without dates are easy. All trees fall; it is spotting the diseased ones that is trick. In 1847 Ignac Semmelweis pioneered mother-friendly childbirth, insisting that doctors should wash their hands between autopsy and delivery rooms. Anti-corruption campaigners would have nothing to cheer if the cure ended up being more harmful than the disease. Changing a face can change nothing, but facing a change can change everything. People around the world produce an estimated 6.4 trillion litres of urine every year. America’s hospitals are the most expensive part of the world’s most expensive health system. They accounted for $851 billion, or 31%, of American health spending in 2011. If they were a country, they would be the world’s 16th-largest economy. He learned about the “umbles”: as hypothermia sets in you mumble, fumble, grumble, stumble, then finally tumble. Without help you die. Asked the secret of his youthfulness, Benito Martinez Abrogan, 120, said he had never cheated a man or said bad things of other people. Patriotism requires Medicare for all. Somehow, neither has caught on. Patriotism requires Medicare for all. Somehow, neither has caught on. Puffing 15–24 cigarettes a day, on average, robs a smoker older than 35 of five hours of life each and every day. But 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day earns almost an hour back. Alcohol wears a Janus face: the first drink of the day adds about 30 minutes per day to one’s life expectancy, but each subsequent one cuts it back by 15 minutes. The Amish in America spurn modern medicine, along with almost everything else invented since the 17th century. 15

Часть I

The UN reckons that by 2100 the planet’s population will be rising past 10.9 billion, and be much older. The median age will go up from 29 to 41, and around 28% will be over 60. A few may even remember this article. ERC, a research firm, says consumption per person was 999 cigarettes a year in 1990 and only 882 in 2012. Yet the appetite for cigarettes continues to rise. Smokers lit up 5.9 trillion times last year compared with 5.1 trillion in 1990. ERC tracks 123 countries, home to about 99% of smokers. It finds the worst addicts in central and eastern Europe. Serbians each smoke a lung-blackening 3,323 cigarettes per year, more than any other nationality. Eight of the top ten countries, ranked by consumption per person, are in the former Eastern block. The more sophisticated the patient, the less scalpel-happy the doctors. The best informed patients of all are, of course, other doctors. Sure enough, physicians went under the knife much less often than the average Ticino resident. Lawyers’ wives — whom doctors have good reason to fear — had the fewest hysterectomies of all. Walgreens is another operator of worksite clinics. One of its 358 centres is in Orlando, at the Disney theme park. It aims to treat Disney’s “cast members” quickly (unblocking their huge ears and fixing their fairy wings, presumably), so they can go back to work. Doctors manage to restart only about half of the hearts that stop in a hospital, and only about a sixth of patients will go on to survive long enough to be discharged. One of the toughest decisions faced by hospital staff is how long to keep trying, and when to give up on a particular patient as a lost cause. The lexicon of oncology is filled with military metaphors: the war on cancer, aggressive tumours, magic bullets. And although these are indeed only metaphors, they do reflect an underlying attitude  — that it is the clinician’s job to attack and destroy his patient’s tumour directly, with whatever weapons are to hand. As in real warfare, those weapons may be conventional (surgery), chemical (cancer-killing drugs) or nuclear (radiation therapy). There is even talk of biological agents, in the form of viruses specifically tailored to seek out and eliminate their tumorous targets. Which is all well and good as strategies go. But as Sun Tzu observed, the wisest general is not one who wins one hundred victories in one hundred battles, but rather one who overcomes the ar16

Age, health, life, death, soul

mies of his enemies without having to fight them himself. And one way to do that is to get someone else to do your fighting for you. Is dumping faeces in rivers UN policy? What is depression? The ancient Greeks believed it resulted from an imbalance in the body’s four humours: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile (from the Greek word melas or “dark” and kholé, meaning “bile”), with too much of the latter resulting in a melancholic state of mind. Early Christianity blamed the devil and God’s anger for man’s suffering, with depression the result of the struggle against worldly temptations and sins of the flesh. In the Renaissance it was viewed as a disease of scholars, such as Robert Burton, author of “The Anatomy of Melancholy”, who were given to abstract and intense speculation. The very notion of imposing a levy on calorific foods is very illiberal. What is the rationale? People who have sex without a condom also impose a burden on health services if they subsequently catch AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. Should the condomless also be taxed? Not quite old enough for Medicare (which typically kicks in at 65) and not quite poor enough for Medicaid. In 2001 the Singapore-based WTO — that is, the World Toilet Organisation — chose a day to mark the plight of the world’s loo-less 2.5 billion (its  slogan this year was “I  give a shit, do you?”). At least 19 countries mark it. But not the UN, which is perhaps “scared of using the word ‘toilet’,” a WTO spokesman muses. In most countries it is illegal to buy or sell a kidney. If you need a  transplant you join a waiting list until a matching organ becomes available. This drives economists nuts. Why not allow willing donors to sell spare kidneys and let patients (or the government, acting on their behalf) bid for them? The waiting list would disappear overnight. If John and Mary love each other but are married to other people, they will be tempted to leave their current partner and marry each other. But if John loves Mary, while Mary loves her husband more than John, both will stay put. The birth and death phases of stars are associated with heavy dust clouds that give off an infra-red signal which might resemble the swarm of artificial satellites constituting a Dyson sphere. 17

Часть I

In China a strong taboo hangs over discussing death. Only 8% of South Africans opt for cremation, compared with a third in America, half in China, three-quarters in Britain and 95% in Japan. To many South Africans, cremation is taboo, not least because of ancestor-worship and a propensity to commune with the dead. Many prefer a burial in the countryside where they were born. Patrolling a rough neighbourhood is a health hazard. Breast cancer is rare in men. And prostate cancer is obviously absent from women. The Puente Hills landfill, an artificial mountain near Los Angeles is the biggest dump in America, 30 years old, 150 metres high and containing 130m tonnes of rubbish within a 700-acre footprint. If it were a building, it would be among the 20 tallest in the city. Building a rubbish pile is, it turns out, surprisingly high-tech. If only we had been born clowns, nothing bad would happen to us except a few bruises and a smear of whitewash. Fiat came round after a near-death experience. As anyone who has been to Japan knows, there are strict rules about bathing in onsen, or hot springs. Bodies must be scrubbed beforehand, swimming trunks are banned and tattoos are taboo. Sun, sea and alcohol, for at least two weeks a year, is now one of the unwritten rights of the British people. A rising tide lifts all boats, but not all spirits. One has always choose between cholera and plague in Kinshasa. To celebrate falling fertility is like congratulating the captain of the Titanic on heading towards the iceberg more slowly. One suggested that driving damages the ovaries. Mr Richards laid down the riffs and Mr Jagger provided the vocal pyrotechnics. But time took its toll. Mr Richards’s decision to give up heroin destroyed the delicate division of labour in which Mr Jagger took care of the 18

Art, books, music, Hollywood, education, media

details while Mr Richards took the drugs. Mr Jagger started to refer to the Stones as “his” band. He even performed the group’s songs on solo tourse. To live in Havana was to live in a factory that turned out human beauty on a conveyor-belt. He didn’t want beauty. GM spends more on health than it does on steel. Many women still have no choice but to use dried leaves as sanitary towels: a Korean-American missionary says the greatest gift you can give to a North Korean woman is a washable one made of fabric. “They cry with joy.” Over half the world’s female suicides are Chinese. He has a brain-bank of 200 experts. Humans have an uncontrollable urge to be precise, for better or (all too often) worse. That is a fine quality in a watch-repair man or a brain surgeon, but counter-productive when dealing with uncertainty. Most British towns have a Victorian pool or two, thanks to the 1846 Public Baths and Wash Houses Act, which gave local authorities the power to raise funds to keep the working classes clean and healthy. Since then demand has ebbed: the poor have their own facilities these days and the rich slope off to private clubs. As every actuary knows, the best way to live for a long time is to pick up your parents carefully.

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Who could paint an apple after Cézanne? Viewers would decide in seven seconds whether or not to watch. Michelangelo Merisi was omnisexual and died of sunstroke and syphilis, aggravated by lead poisoning from the paints he mixed. 19

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Before the first world war the most exciting artists were French; in the 1990s they were Chinese. Now the hot new place for contemporary art is Africa. All you need for a movie is a girl, a gun, lots of singing, melodrama and never-ending dance sequences. Or so a big chunk of the Indian audience believes. Pre-screening rituals include burning camphor inside a sliced pumpkin before smashing it near the big screen to bring good luck. Vincent Van Gogh died in obscurity, having sold only one painting. BP will hope that having a new partner will work out better than it did for Anna Karenina, who flung herself in front of a train after the disintegration of her relationship with her replacement Russian lover. Pablo Picasso: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” No one has ever bothered to explain what “good” or “bad” jazz really is. When you see a live performance, you may be watching a 60-year-old musician playing a 100-year-old piece. Of Nabokov’s 19 fictions, no fewer than six wholly or partly concern themselves with the sexuality of prepubescent girls. The painter was also a shrewd businessman; he mixed indigo and madder to replicate the effect of the period’s most expensive pigment, Tyrian purple, which was extracted from sea snails and worth more than its weight in gold. CNN’s challenge is to attract more viewers when no one is shooting anyone or blowing anything up. Back when newspapers were king, Charles Brownson, an American congressman, used to say that one should never quarrel with anyone who buys ink by the barrel. Artists came to paint and sculpt, writers to write, deadbeats to die, and a large share to drink and misbehave. Only twice did George Martin, the Beatles record producer impose himself: at the start, insisting that they replace Pete Best as their drummer, and at the end, when he agreed to record “Abbey Road” if they stopped fighting. 20

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Socrates’s bugbear was the spread of the biggest-ever innovation in communications  — writing. He feared that relying on written texts, rather than the oral tradition, would “create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls… they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves.” Enos Hitchcock voiced a widespread concern about the latest publishing fad in 1790. “The free access which many young people have to romances, novels and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth.” (There was a related worry that sofas, introduced at the same time, encouraged young people to drift off into fantasy worlds.) Cinema was denounced as “an evil pure and simple” in 1910; comic books were said to lead children into delinquency in 1954; rock’n’roll was accused of turning the young into “devil worshippers” in 1956; Hillary Clinton attacked video games for “stealing the innocence of our children” in 2005. James Bond films are almost always the same: Bond is sent to an exotic location, meets and seduces a woman, gets caught by the villain, escapes, kills the villain and gets the girl. Java sparrows are able to distinguish cubist paintings from impressionist and Japanese ones, and that pigeons can tell a Chagall from a Van Gogh, as well as discriminating between the Japanese school and the impressionist. To build his factory, Mr Fazioli moved from Rome to Sacile, near Venice and, more important, near the Val di Fiemme, known as the “musical forest” for spruce trees yielding especially resonant wood. This book is a gem, and there are still 91 shopping days till Christmas. “Terminator: Genisys”, a flop in America with $90m in takings on a $155m production budget, was a blockbuster overseas, earning $351m, including $113m in China. Even if big names like these have lost some of their lustre at home, abroad they can be “sort of like supernovas”, the studio executive says. “They have flamed out a long time ago but the light shines on past their death.” Unable to reach any conclusion about what art is, he turns instead to what it is not. There are plenty of things that are not works of art: for example, human excrement. Probably. But what 21

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about Piero Manzoni, an Italian artist who died in 1963 after creating an “edition” of 90 tin cans each containing 30 grams of his own excrement? The Museum of Modern Art, the Tate Gallery and the Pompidou Centre snapped them up. More fool them, you say. Others would agree, but they would be no closer to defining what art is. Albert Einstein, a huge fan of Bach’s, advised others to “listen, play, love, revere — and keep your mouth shut.” Do orchestral conductors do anything useful? Alfted Hitchcock, who knew about such things, explained the difference between shock and suspense. Shock is when a bomb suddenly explodes. Suspense is when viewers see a bomb beneath a table where people are peacefully chatting. Shock is seeing the tops of telephone poles and trees poking above roiling waters on one side of the two-lane causeway between Morganza and Batchelor in Louisiana  — particularly when the Mississippi River is on the other side of the road. Suspense is imagining where that water will be in a few days. Salingerspent ten years writing “The Catcher in the Rye” and “the rest of his life regretting it,” observe David Shields and Shane Salerno in a new biography and related documentary. Art is not a mirror to hold up to society, but a hammer with which to shape it,” declared Bertolt Brecht. Herodotus describes flying snakes, fox-sized ants that unearthed gold dust, men with the heads of dogs and others with no heads at all whose eyes are set in their chests. But, as with reports of the intervention of the gods, he often distances himself by remarking that he is not sure if he can believe what he has been told. What price the Louvre, the Parthenon or Yellowstone National Park? Imagine a place run by film stars  — vain, power-hungry, paranoid, adored. Imagine they had been in charge not for the duration of a reality television series but for decades in a territory containing 72m people and one of the world’s largest cities. It would be a disaster zone, wouldn’t it? Does Cannes need to shock? 22

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Horace Walpole always regretted the export to Russia of the legendary British art collection, fearing that it would be “burnt in a wooden palace on the first insurrection”. But by a twist of fate, the sale saved the paintings. In 1789, ten years after they left, the Picture Gallery at Houghton was destroyed by fire. “It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture,” observed Thomas Edison in 1913, predicting that books would soon be obsolete in the classroom. There is now nothing you can imagine that cannot be shown by Hollywood. To judge a painter, you have to wait at least two centuries. Such schmaltzy songs as “White Christmas”, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and “Let it Snow” were all by Jewish musicians. The Library of Alexandria  — built during the 3rd century BC to house the accumulated knowledge of centuries — reputedly had a copy (often the only copy) of every book in the world at the time. It burned to the ground sometime between Julius Caesar’s conquest of Egypt in 48BC and the Muslim invasion in 640AD. Some historians believe the loss of the Alexandrian library, along with the dissolution of its huge community of scribes and scholars, created the conditions for the Dark Ages that descended across Europe as the Roman empire crumbled from within. A millennium of misery ensued, with ignorance and poverty the rule until the Renaissance dawned. Paul Newman’s blue eyes: cornflower blue, steel blue or ice blue? “What is America but beauty queens, millionaires, stupid records and Hollywood?” asked Adolf Hitler in 1940. “Avatar”, an enjoyable nonsense art. No one in Hollywood cared what Emmanuelle wore, as long as she removed it. Her long, willowy body was rented out, to become the fantasy possession of thousands of devoted men. But her price was too high, and they would never have her. Americans would sooner unplug their refrigerators than their cable boxes. 23

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If Greece represented the first day in art, then these carved tusks and sculpted stones mark the dazzling light of its “early morning”. Last September the Boston Museum of Fine Arts bowed to public pressure and returned the top half of an 1,800-year-old statue called “Weary Herakles”, which came from southern Turkey. Left to the museum by an American couple, its documented provenance went back no more than 30 years, which suggests it was looted, probably in the late 1970s. Mr Erdogan himself brought this trophy back to Turkey, reuniting the head and torso with the statue’s bottom half. A classical scholar at Winchester College and at Oxford, Frank Thompson was proficient in nine languages and a voracious reader. (He read “War and Peace” many times, once in Italian.) “I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers,” Mahatma Gandhi once said. Britain exports around 3% of the world’s goods and 6% of the world’s services, but the country’s artists account for around 13% of global music sales. A sense of comedy is never far off. “Mount Sepsick! Mount Spittelboom!” cries the wicked brother in another story, groping for the magic words that will open the cave. “Mount Siccapillydircus!” he tries again in desperation. Some may have been sudoku, tredoku or futoshiki freaks, who buy daily newspapers, extract the puzzle pages and throw away the rest. Forgers nowadays typically favour 20th-century abstract and expressionist styles. Mimicking Jackson Pollock’s drip-and-splatter paintings is easier than faking old masters such as Rembrandt. Swamped with lawsuits, the Pollock-Krasner Foundation stopped authenticating works in 1996, four decades after Pollock’s death. Lawsuits continued anyway. A court even entertained a suit from a man with a painting signed “Pollack”. A publicist who specializes in selling sauce to the tabloids. Dante’s complicated ABA, BCB, CDC, DED.


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Music is a mystery. It is unique to the human race: no other species produces elaborate sound for no particular reason. Miss Lena Horne’s producers once complained that she opened her mouth too wide to sing. They meant it was a Negro thing. If you want to get a message down into the soul of a God-fearing, nativeto-the-earth, rural-thinking person, one of the surest ways is through traditional country music  — anyone who wants to understand the world’s most politically influential tribe — the people of Middle America, who pick most American presidents — should pay attention to country music. Country music has always been the best shrink that 15 bucks can buy. You’re not going to sit down and watch the BBC world news in 3-D. A Hollywood executive is powerful and successful largely because he is viewed as being powerful and successful… A group of terrorists is planning to kill millions of Americans. Only one man can stop them: Jack Bauer. Unfortunately, he has been imprisoned in a secret facility. And tortured. Then decapitated and fed to boars. In a typical day, Agent Bauer is shot and stabbed more often than he takes bathroom breaks, but it never seems to slow him down. That was a spoof of “24” by Dave Barry, a comic writer. All this is harmless fantasy, of course. Or is it? A disconcerting number of Americans take “24” seriously. Introducing Huck Finn, Mark Twain gave warning: “Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.” Michelangelo is a sculptor, a painter and an architect, he sees everything in three dimensions. It is as though he has put the human body on a spindle and is turning it back to front in one view. More seasoned PR flacks might have done it differently. First, lunch the journalists concerned, ostensibly to discuss some other story. Then, over dessert, casually slip into the conversation the poison that their secret client wanted them to spread. With luck the reporters would follow up on the scuttlebutt without mentioning its source, assuring themselves that they had got the story through their “contacts”.


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Imagine, further, that every newspaper felt obliged to print such choice items as this: “The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, has sent a reply cable of thanks to Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, Deputy Premier, Minister of Defence and Aviation and Inspector-General, thanking the Crown Prince and all personnel of the armed forces for their congratulations to the King on the occasion of Eid al Fitr, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan, in the cable sent earlier to the King by the Crown Prince.” It is too easy to pass the test that determines whether a film is sufficiently British to be worthy of state support. Because the criteria include where a film is set and the nationality of its main characters, actors and scriptwriters, film-makers can easily qualify by adding a few minor details, such as shoot-outs in Waterloo station and the assassination in the first few minutes of a British journalist (both features of “The Bourne Ultimatum”). Even these literary touches may be unnecessary: films such as “Dark Knight”, a Batman movie set in mythical Gotham City, also qualify for subsidy because chunks are filmed in Britain and they employ local people in important positions. He had that curious love of green, which in individuals is always the sign of a subtle artistic temperament, and in nations is said to denote a laxity, if not a decadence of morals. Virtually every day of the year sees another art biennial opening somewhere in the world. In most German states, after just four years of primary school children are steamed into one of several types of secondary school: clever kids attend Gymnasien, middling ones Realschulen and the slowest learners Hauptschulen, which are supposed top prepare them for trades. Children at the bottom often face low-wage drudgery or the dole. 3-D movies add one more layer of reality to the unreality. Paul Hendrickson’s bibliography lists 76 biographical works about Ernest Hemingway, nine of them by wives, siblings and children, followed by memoirists, respected biographers and hangers on, pretenders and doctoral students. The “Lula, Son of Brazil” film is very watchable.


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Our media act as if American manufacturing is going to grind to a halt at around two o’clock this afternoon. “Garbology” is a word popularized (and possibly coined) by A. J. Weberman, a writer and activist whose credo was “you are what you throw away”. He began his job with little respect from the media and ended up with zero. His book is all preface and no body. During his years as an insider he has acquired the typical habits of mind of veteran Washingtonians: an obsession with spin and gossip, including an over-inflated sense of the importance of newspaper articles; a hyper-sensitive nose for threats; and, it would appear, a determination to destroy his enemies by whatever means necessary. Eagle-eyed publishers will have noticed a discernible trend in contemporary Christmas stockings: that the pot pourri of little bits of coal, tangerines, chocolate coins and other semi-useless items should also include a small book that fits neatly into one’s handbag or above the cistern. Not only is this trend infinitely selfimproving, but it has resulted in dramatic sales figures for items such as “Schott’s Miscellany” and “Eats, Shoots and Leaves”, both of which spent many pre- and post-Christmas weeks on the bestseller list in recent years. America has been fabulously successful at providing its projectors with Grand Academies in the form of lavishly-funded think-tanks, well over 100 of them in Washington alone. And American projectors have been superb at getting their message across. America boasts a vast array of magazines, such as the American Interest and the New Republic, which like nothing better than picking up “hot” new ideas. And America’s policy intellectuals have a talent for packaging their ideas in provocative ways — for declaring not just that the cold war is winding down but that history is ending, not just that regional tensions are rising but that the world is entering a clash of civilizations. A picture gallery is a dull place for a blind man. Rembrandt says things for which there are no words in any language. Nietzsche: “We have art in order not to die from the truth.” 27

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America is a brand. Trash it, and the costs of every global transaction will rise. A dealmaker cannot want that. Being born rich (or marrying well) becomes a surer route to success than working hard or starting a firm. It is a recipe for social stagnation, and perhaps crisis. At an auction organised by Stack’s Bowers on March 31st, 2017, an American cent from 1793 sold for $940,000, becoming the costliest penny ever. Starbucks opens a new branch in China every 15 hours. Those timorous chief executives serve longer than the average Roman emperor did: bosses departing in 2015 had an average of 11 years in office for S&P 500 firms, the highest figure for 13 years. Making money yourself from investing other people’s has been a good business for over a century. Datang, China’s “sock city” near Hangzhou in 2014 it made 26bn pairs of socks, some 70% of China’s production. As Warren Buffett puts it, “What is smart at one price is dumb at another.” Foreign workers may make goods but American cashiers still sell them. In private equity nowadays, it seems, what counts is less the depth of your pockets than speed on your feet. If liking motorcycles turns out to predict a lower IQ, he asks, should employers be allowed to reject job applicants who admit to liking motorcycles? Oil’s well that ends well. But if the history of gold is any guide, what goes up will come down — and then go up again. 28

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Economists and psychologists talk about the “curse of knowledge”: people who know something have a hard time imagining someone else who does not. Migrants from the countryside in China numbered 282m at the end of last year, 4m more than in 2015 (an increase in just one year equivalent to the population of Los Angeles). Bankers typically make money by charging a higher rate for loans than they pay to depositors: the so-called 3–6–3 model (borrow at 3%, lend at 6% and be on the golf course by 3pm). Seeing more sedans than pickup trucks, for instance, strongly suggests that a neighbourhood tends to vote for the Democrats. Build a better mousetrap, the saying goes, and the world will beat a path to your door. Find a way to beat the stockmarket and they will construct a high-speed railway. Executives justify flying private on the grounds that they may need to get back to the office quickly in an emergency, and that confidential documents or company devices may be lost or stolen on a commercial flight. But when they enjoy that extra security, they are exposing themselves to another risk: private-plane crashes are a leading cause of death for CEOs, behind only heart attacks, cancer and strokes. In cheap action films the bad guy is taken out by force. In the better sort, he falls victim to his own hubris. The great risk, though, is that Europe and Russia find themselves in a film noir, where the villain’s plot fails but takes everyone down with it. You make your money working in active management but invest the proceeds passively. Being in the chemicals business is like swimming in a vat of sulphuric acid. In trade as elsewhere, the new administration seems prone to using statistics as a drunk uses a lamppost — for support rather than illumination. Like an errant husband, investors may proclaim their fidelity to democracy but are not averse to seeing someone else on the side. 29

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There are many ways to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Malls were conceived in the 1950s by Victor Gruen, an Austrian immigrant, as a new enclosed version of a town square. China has a history of hilariously inappropriate export brand-names, including Front Gate men’s underwear, Long March luggage and, guaranteed to raise a laugh, Great Leap Forward floor polish. It is impossible to know if a television viewer has gone to the bathroom during the commercials. Fraud is a peskier problem. Bad actors hide within advertising’s supply chain, unleashing robots to “see” ads and suck money from advertisers. In 2014 the International Energy Agency (IEA), a semi-official forecaster, predicted that decarbonising the global electricity grid will require almost $20trn in investment in the 20 years to 2035, at which point the process will still be far from finished. Mr Xi is China’s “COE”, or chairman of everything. The prices of good and bad tulips soared alike in 17th-century Holland, and in 2008 subprime debt was almost as valuable as Treasury bonds. For investors the most dangerous words in the English language are “this time it’s different”. Why don’t fund managers look out of the window in the mornings? Because then they’d have nothing to do in the afternoons. If all the nation’s economists were laid end to end, they would point in all different directions. The use of tractors in agriculture rose sharply from the 1910s to the 1950s, and horses were displaced in vast numbers. As demand for traditional horse-work fell, so did horse prices, by about 80% between 1910 and 1950. As the numbers of working horses and mules in America fell from about 21m in 1918 to only 3m or so in 1960, the decline was mirrored in the overall horse population. Acquirers only want the family silver, not the dross.


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You can display your yacht in a way that you can’t show off your house or hotel suite, because there is always the option of weighing anchor and taking it into the middle of the ocean where you don’t have to socialise with anybody except the glitterati. Superyacht owners are always dropping in on each other as they criss-cross the seas, to compare not just their vessels but also their guest lists. When the Monaco Yacht Show started in 1991 there were just 1,147 superyachts (that is, yachts longer than 30 metres) in the global superyacht fleet. Today there are 4,473, with another 473 under construction. To make or to buy is perhaps the most basic question in business. It is hard to when bubbles will pop, in particular when they are nested within each other predict. Politician + pump prices + poll = panic. America’s dynamic economy creates and destroys around 5m jobs each month. Returns on rare coins over ten years to the end of 2016 were 195%, easily beating art (139%), stamps (133%), furniture (–31%) and the S&P 500 index (58%). Coins are more portable than paintings or furniture, and boast a higher value-to-volume ratio. Stamps may be lighter, but, come doomsday, cannot be melted down. Today, global sales of rare coins are estimated at $5bn–8bn a year, with 85% of the market in America. An authoritarian government can provide certainty, at least in the short term. In 1922, when Mussolini took power in Italy, its equity market returned 29% and its government bonds 18%, according to Mike Staunton of the London Business School. Hitler’s accession in 1933 saw German shares return 14% and bonds 15%. If you want to get rich, goes a Chinese saying, first build a road. The bond market looks about as intimidating as a chihuahua in a handbag. One calls him the best possible pilot of the worst possible aircraft. Notes such as one with a face value of 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollars are worth much more now as a novelty on eBay (where they sell for about $45) than they ever were in shops in Harare. 31

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Like politicians, financial regulators know that late on a Friday is a good time to slip out bad news. The National Resistance Movement in Uganda bribed voters with hoes, saucepans, seeds, sugar and salt. Richard Nixon saw China’s potential in 1971 (“Put 800m Chinese to work under a decent system — and they will be the leaders of the world”). But, before he died in 1994, he came to fear that “we may have created a Frankenstein”. Everyone is a capitalist these days. That means keeping a much closer eye on those who manage that capital. Pushing down prices on one side of the platform may cause charges on the other side to rise, a bit like a waterbed. “Cocaine,” said Robin Williams, a comedian who was rueful about addiction, “is God’s way of saying that you’re making too much money.” Children are sometimes reassured that new siblings arrive via friendly storks. The reality is messier. Money creation is much the same. The “stork” in this case is the central bank; many think it transfers money to private banks, which act as intermediaries, pushing the money around the economy. In reality, most money is created by private banks. In a recent report McKinsey, a consulting firm, looked at five measures of Africa’s economic connection with the world: trade, investment stock, investment growth, infrastructure financing and aid. It found that China is among the top four partners in each of these. Two hundred metric tons of gold would occupy a cube of a little more than two meters on a side — it would fit into a small bedroom. Forget left and right. These days, it is often said, the real dividing line in politics is between open-door liberals and pull-up-the-drawbridge nationalists. Unless you are a hermit, you own and consume things that have passed through the port of Rotterdam.


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The arrival of mass democracy after 1918 was followed by a boom in the 1920s but then by the Depression, stockmarket collapse and abandonment of the gold standard. Trade deals are started by liberals but finished by protectionists. Valeant describes itself as “bringing value to our shareholders”. While there is no indication of fraudulent or illegal practice, the company could end up joining a pantheon of corporate fiascos that includes Enron (which pledged to “create significant value for our shareholders”), Lehman Brothers, (“maximising shareholder value”) and MCI WorldCom (“a proven record of shareholder value creation”). Teodoro Obiang, the president of Equatorial Guinea, and Teodorín, the most influential of his 42 recognised children, have expensive tastes. While most of his citizens live on less than $2 a day, the older Mr Obiang once shelled out $55 million for a Boeing 737 with gold-plated lavatory fittings. His son had at one point amassed $300m in assets, including 32 sports cars, a Malibu mansion and nearly $2m in Michael Jackson memorabilia. In 2014 the United States Department of Justice forced Teodorín Obiang to sell off a Ferrari, his Los Angeles abode and six life-size Michael Jackson statues in a money-laundering settlement. (He  was allowed to keep one of the King of Pop’s crystal-encrusted gloves.) Slavery in America was not just wicked, it was lucrative: by 1860 the total capital that slave-holders had “invested” in captive human beings was three times larger than investment in manufacturing in the northern and southern states combined. China produced more steel in two years than Britain since 1900. The US is still the US, held together by credit cards and Indian names. China’s problems are so many, various and deep that it does indeed seem impossible that the Communist Party can survive. Yet it raises the opposite question too: what, then, has held such an improbable regime together for so long? Creating pay structures that perfectly reflect performance is a  mug’s game. That hasn’t stopped an entire industry of consultants and proxy advisers from trying. Setting detailed targets risks distorting behaviour.


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The company that establishes itself early enjoys disproportionate rewards. First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired. One Western company urged its employees to “act like an owner” without realising that, in some cultures, acting like an owner means playing golf all day. Bad money chases out good. Authenticity is the secret of success; once you can fake it, you’ve got it. There are more people in America who believe that Elvis is still alive than thought Obama’s stimulus would create jobs. Class identifying markers: occupation, address, accent and income. That openness is evident across British life. The country’s car industry is almost totally foreign owned (Tata has made a great success of Jaguar Land Rover); many of its biggest airports are in Spanish hands; chunks of its energy industry belong to French and Chinese investors; its football clubs make the United Nations look monocultural. Its central bank is run by a Canadian and the London Olympics were organised by an Australian. London’s glitziest property developers are from Qatar and Malaysia and its stock exchange may soon be in German hands. In 2013 the proportion of shares in Britain’s firms owned by foreigners zoomed passed the 50% mark, to almost total public indifference. What gets measured gets managed. A country where shareholders with opinions have hitherto been about as welcome as skunks at a garden party. Cost of capital is now king. The king seems to live in China. What is poverty and when is a person poor? Does a family home have a dirt or dung floor? Does it lack a decent toilet? Must members of the household travel more than 30 minutes on foot to get clean water to drink? Do they live without electricity? Lehman Brothers disaster would never have happened if it had been Lehman Sisters. 34

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Walmart’s 2.2m worldwide workforce is about the same size as China’s army, excluding reservists. We are born in a Pullman house, fed from the Pullman shop, taught in the Pullman school, catechised in the Pullman church, and when we die we shall be buried in the Pullman cemetery and go to the Pullman hell. The wealth distribution in the world is equivalent to a world of ten people, in which one has $1,000 and the other nine has $1 each. John Maynard Keynes still best describes the challenge facing the discipline today: “Economics is the science of thinking in terms of models joined to the art of choosing models which are relevant to the contemporary world.” Why didn’t Sony invent the iPod? The Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics in Nairobi, Kenya, runs experiments with participants from slums and rural areas. Its researchers looked at the results of a lottery-like scheme in rural Kenya, in which a random sample of 503 households spread over 120 villages was chosen to receive cash transfers of up to $1,525. The average transfer, $357, was almost enough to double the wealth of a typical villager. The researchers measured the well-being of villagers before and after the transfer, using a range of different methods: questionnaires about people’s life satisfaction, screening for clinical depression and saliva tests for cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. There is an asymmetry in the way people compare themselves with others. We tend to look exclusively at those better off than us, rather than contemplate our position within the full range of outcomes. When the lot of others improves, we react negatively, but when our own lot improves, we shift our reference group to those who are still better off. In other words, we are never satisfied, since we quickly become accustomed to our own achievements. Perhaps that is what spurs people to earn more, and economies to grow. The latest rally has been led by a small namber of stocks, sometimes dubbed the FAANGs (Facebook, Amason, Apple, Netflix and Google’s parent, Alphabet) and sometimes FAAMG (replacing Netflix with Microsoft). Should guests really expect authentic affection from staff whose weekly wage is less than their minibar bill? 35

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Sometimes when you make a step forward you step in shit. It is amazing how little $25m buys you these days. Winston Churchill famously said America would always do the right thing after exhausting the alternatives. If bullshit was currency, he would be a billionaire. Slave ships could be smelled from miles away. My watch costs more than your car… that’s who I am. Putting your man in charge is one thing, putting money on the table quite another. Consultants steal your watch and then tell you the time. Ford famously said that car-buyers could have any colour they liked, as long as it was black. Rise early, work hard, strike oil. They say that money can’t buy happiness, but I would like to find out for myself if that’s true. Adam Smith spotted that economics has problems valuing nature. “Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarce anything; scarce anything can be had in exchange for it. A diamond, on the contrary, has scarce any value in use; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it,” he wrote. “For a moderate fee,” jokes Deirdre McCloskey, an economic historian, “an economist will tell you with all the confidence of a witch doctor that interest rates will rise 56 basis points next month or that dropping agricultural subsidies will increase Swiss national income by 14.8%.” Haier and higher! Britain had a window tax in the late 17th century, well before it introduced an income tax.


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Pay the gas bill first, in other words, and then think of the world cruise. The economic forces driving high-flying legal eagles into the bargain bin are no mystery. The typical chief executive is more than six feet tall, has a deep voice, a good posture, a touch of grey in his thick, lustrous hair and, for his age, a fit body. Running US Steel at the turn of the 20th century, Charles Schwab was perhaps the first person in America to earn a salary of $1m a year. What made him so successful? Was he a genius? No. Did he know more about steel than other people? Certainly not. So how did he get ahead? Schwab knew how “to make people like him”. At present the tallest is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which was completed in 2010 and, at 828 metres, shot past the previous record-holder, the 508-metre Taipei 101 tower. The Mecca Royal Clock Tower in Saudi Arabia, completed in 2012, is now, at 601 metres, the second-tallest. The Freedom Tower in lower Manhattan, built near the site of the World Trade Centre’s twin towers (417 metres and 415 metres) that were destroyed by al-Qaeda in 2001, had its spire added in May to reach 541  metres. But work has now started on the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Its exact proposed height is still a secret, but it will be at least a kilometre. Scratch the surface of the planet and the chances that hydrocarbons will spew forth appear to grow by the day. This week America’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) released new estimates of the amount of gas in the world’s shale beds. It reckons that there are 7,299 trillion cubic feet, 10% more than its 2011 estimate. The EIA’s estimates for shale oil, not included in the 2011 numbers, are a staggering 345 billion barrels, adding a tenth to the world’s total oil resources. You can happily go through a day consuming nothing but the products of family concerns: reading the New York Times (or the Daily Mail), driving a BMW (or a Ford or a Fiat), making calls on your Samsung Galaxy, munching on Mars Bars and watching Fox on your Comcast cable. He was a man of splendid abilities, but utterly corrupt. Like rotten mackerel by moonlight, he shines and stinks.


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Koch Industries has also demonstrated a striking ability to reform itself. Prodded by the spate of legal suits in the late 1990s, the firm introduced a big safety programme. Charles’s corporate mantra was “10,000% compliance with all laws and regulations”, by which he meant 100% compliance from 100% of employees. Gold miners were supposed to be “believers” in gold rather than efficient managers out to maximise profits. The best way to find Albany on a map is to look for the intersection of greed and ambition. Simon Kuznets, a Nobel laureate, is supposed to have remarked: “There are four kinds of countries in the world: developed countries, undeveloped countries, Japan and Argentina.” The supply side sets the scene; the demand side provides the drama. Facebook, Google and Groupon were all founded by people in their 20s or teens. Mark Zuckerberg, aged 27, will soon be able to count his years on earth in billions of dollars. Relying on the import of money, workers and brains, America is a Ponzi scheme that works. Managers who rely too much on their strengths may become hammers that see every problem as a nail. Diamonds, famously, are a girl’s best friend, graphite makes good pencil lead. Walmart, the world’s biggest retailer, has 1,500 employees in Silicon Valley trying to out-Amazon Amazon in areas such as logistics and making the most of social media. Of the 7 billion people alive on the planet, 1.1 billion subsist below the internationally accepted extreme-poverty line of $1.25 a day. America’s poverty line is $63 a day for a family of four. When, as happened during the Napoleonic wars, a slaver’s ship was captured by French privateers, the blacks aboard were often treated more carefully than the white seamen. The blacks were prized goods and their worth soared as commodity-based booms 38

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in the New World overwhelmed the sentiments of liberty, equality and fraternity. Once enslaved, the Africans were valuable as “investments (purchased and then rented out as labourers), credit (used to secure loans), property, commodities, and capital, making them an odd mix of abstract and concrete values.” Hundreds of jobs depend on Hollywood productions: blockbusters may require the help of as many as 1,000 firms. Producers need massages, assistants require stationery and starlets want scented candles and fresh roses; let alone what props managers, set-builders and costume departments will holler for. Aluminium was once more costly than gold. Napoleon III, emperor of France, reserved cutlery made from it for his most favoured guests, and the Washington monument, in America’s capital, was capped with it not because the builders were cheapskates but because they wanted to show. The farthing was once made of silver, was steadily switched to cheaper copper, tin and bronze. I am young and unemployed and face a lifetime on the dole. Why? This morning I  collected my jobseekers allowance from my bank, where I  have it paid directly into my account. I  did not see a cashier, but withdrew money from a cash point. Then I went to the supermarket and bought French apples, German sausage and Danish bacon. I scanned the items at a self-service till, no need for a check-out assistant. I  went home, switched on my Chinese computer and applied for jobs online. I  do not send letters through the post; e-mail is more convenient. I then shopped online, I  rarely use local shops. Who can I  blame for the lack of jobs? The original sin begins (depending on the chapter) in 1914, when the world suspended the gold standard at the start of the first world war; in 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt devalued the dollar against gold; in 1971, when Richard Nixon ended the dollar’s convertibility to gold under the Bretton Woods system; or in 1987, when Alan Greenspan cut interest rates after the stockmarket crash. What is the single most important price in the world? Popular answers are the price of oil, American interest rates or the dollar. Yet Chinese wages are, arguably, more important. China has by far 39

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the world’s biggest labour force, of around 800m — almost twice that of America, the European Union and Japan combined. In 1820, as some historians reckon and Chinese commentators like to point out, China’s GDP was one-third of the world total. Then the reversals of the century of humiliation brought it low. By the 1960s, China’s GDP had dropped to just 4% of the world total. Now it has recovered to about one-sixth of the world’s GDP  — and at least 90% of America’s  — in purchasing-power parity terms, according to the Conference Board, a  business research organisation. Nationalists eagerly await the day when China’s economy becomes once more the biggest in the world by any measure. The super-duper rich are surprisingly unimaginative when it comes to dreaming up new ways to outdo each other. It includes such essentials as a mini-submarine, a hair salon and two helipads. Owning a yacht with only one helipad would be embarrassing — a bit like owning a football club that is only fourth in England’s Premier League. Over 1.2 billion people have to defecate in the open. Surprisingly, some of those who have to defecate in the open do not mind. Some rural men, and even women, quite enjoy a social squat in the bushes. Slum-dwellers in Nairobi have to pick their way through streams of sewage and take care to avoid “flying toilets”, plastic bags filled with excrement that are flung with desperate abandon into the night. Nearly two-fifths of the United States’ 25,000 sewer systems illegally discharged raw sewage or other nasty stuff into rivers or lakes in 2007–09, and over 40% of the country’s waters are considered dangerously polluted. Contaminated water lays low almost 20m Americans a year. Cyprus never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. In Ghana the funereal send-off is as important as the life itself. But the costs, borne by extended families, can be punitive. Some 45% live on less than $1 a day, 79% on less than $2. Yet funerals tend to cost between $2,000 and $3,500. “Money measures the quality of the funeral and the family,” says Sjaak van der Geest, an anthropologist. The more cash spent, the higher the reputation of the deceased and the family. Mr Okai died in hospital, then spent almost three months in the morgue, at a cost of $521: the longer your body is in the fridge, the more prestigious. The Ga king, recently buried in Accra, was on ice for 18 months; the Dagbon king, in northern Ghana, for a record four years. 40

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Nobody knows how many homeless there are in Paris. US Treasury Secretary Geithner’s life in the trenches has produced its own vocabulary. Serious decisions are “consequential”, good ideas are “cool”, better ideas are “compelling” and the best ideas are at “the optimal frontier”. During a crisis “plan beats no plan”, jury-rigged measures in the face of unavoidable disaster are “foam on the runway”, and bad outcomes are “dark”. Managing public perceptions is called “theatre”. “Fuck” also holds a prominent place in the Geithner lexicon, usually as an adjective, not a verb, as in “I have no fucking idea.” China’s epic industrial boom will not be repeated; the days of making billions by shipping iron ore from Goa to Guangdong are over. You have a decent job and work hard. You keep your nose clean, respect authority and have never joined a protest march. Suddenly you have the bad luck to face a cruel and seemingly impossible choice. Your superiors tell you to do something outrageous or unacceptable. Do you obey or, at grave personal cost, refuse? China makes things you can drop on your foot. America merely designs, brands and peddles them. As Fred Hirsch argued in his 1977 book, “The Social Limits to Growth”, many good things in life are “positional”. You can enjoy them only if others don’t. Sometimes, a quick car, fine suit or attractive house is not enough. One must have the fastest car, finest suit or priciest house. Consumers cannot compare what is legally produced in California with what is legally produced in Colorado — to say nothing of what is illegally sold in New York’s Washington Square Park. Ekhart, Indiana, is the RV capital of the world. Until recently, Carrefour’s supermarkets in France were run along Napoleonic lines. Strict orders emanated from its headquarters in Paris. Every store sold a similar range of products. If selling groceries were like marching an army over the Alps, this strategy would have worked brilliantly. But it isn’t, and it didn’t. At the big Carrefour in Monacoout went the racks of cheap luggage, of the sort chic locals would be embarrassed to see their servants carrying. 41

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Mr Abe promised that Japan would enter trade negotiations to join the American-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — though he offered no promise to eliminate tariffs of up to 777.7% on rice. Big pickups are seen in the car industry as a leading indicator: rising sales point to Americans starting to build kitchens, fix roofs and hire contractors. Family history has large effects that persist for much greater spans of time. Fathers matter, but so do grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Indeed, it may take as long as 300–500 years for high- and low-status families to produce descendants with equal chances of being in various parts of the income spectrum. Some 3m wrecks pepper the ocean floors, according to the UN (though few contain riches). Finding them involves lengthy research and lucky breaks. Recovery can take months of work by specialist crews. Of 52 annual reports filed by publicly listed shipwreck-recovery firms since 1996, only five show a net profit. Acquisitions can also be a form of financial engineering. This was a favourite game of the conglomerates of the 1970s and 1980s. A company with highly rated shares would bid for a group with poorly rated equity. Say Acme has 100m shares, earnings of $10m (earnings per share of 10 cents) and a share price of $2 (a price-earnings ratio of 20). Grotco has the same earnings and number of shares but its share price is just $1 (a p/e of 10). If Acme makes an all-share bid valuing Grotco at $1.20, it will need to issue 60m new shares. The combined group will have $20m of earnings, 160m shares and earnings per share of 12.5 cents. With the help of nothing more than maths, Acme’s earnings per share will have jumped by 25%. Merger booms usually peak with the kind of deal that resembles a Las Vegas wedding after an alcohol-fuelled night: both parties regret it in the morning. Chairman Mao, as ever, had said it best: imagine the ping-pong ball as the head of your capitalist opponent, and each shot a point for the motherland. Overall, the number without homes in the US is staggering. The number of homeless veterans of the Vietnam war is greater than the number who died in it. On any given night in America more than 640,000 men, women and children are forced to seek shelter, live in their cars, or sleep on the streets. Last year nearly 1.6m people used an emergency shelter. 42

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A Polish Jew in an Episcopal graveyard in a largely Dominican neighbourhood. What could be more New York? Obama sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China. The average Swiss watch costs $685. A Chinese one costs around $2 and tells the time just as well (see chart). So how on earth, a Martian might ask, can the Swiss watch industry survive? Yet it does. Few can match the precision of a Nivarox (“Nicht variabel oxydfest” (G.) or “Non-Variable Non-Oxidizing”) balance spring. The euro needs French reform, German extravagance and Italian political maturity. In happier days before the euro crisis, one government in Lisbon rebranded the Algarve as the Allgarve, hoping to appeal to English-speaking tourists. Now a Portuguese wit suggests rebranding the whole country as Poortugal. The cult of the insider in Japan is rooted in its paddy fields, some scholars argue. To cultivate wet rice, villagers need to work together, sharing land, labour, water and gossip. Anyone not in the group is out of the loop. There is something of the rice paddy about Japan’s capital markets, too. “LVMH is like a mini Germany,” boasts an insider. Like that country’s Mittelstand, it has built a reputation for craftsmanship and quality that people are happy to pay extra for. The difference is, the Mittelstand makes unsexy things such as machine tools and shaving brushes, whereas LVMH makes champagne, handbags and other objects of desire. The 1912 games were the last one where gold medals were made entirely of gold. Now they consist mainly of silver with a thin coat of gold. Winners in London are advised not to bite too hard on their medals, as they will have a gold content of only about 1.5%. Kurt Vonnegut wrote that: “In every big transaction, there is a magic moment during which a man has surrendered a treasure, and during which the man who is due to receive it has not yet done so. An alert lawyer will make the moment his own, possessing the treasure for a magic microsecond, taking a little of it, passing it on.” Like so many novelists, he was talking bosh. No alert lawyer takes only “a little”. 43

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When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton, a prolific bank robber (pictured, after he retired), is said to have replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” Sutton reportedly pinched $2m during a lifetime of crime. The phenomenon has been described as the Wimbledon effect: Britain provides the beautiful arena where foreign champions come and beat the hell out of British players. The annual OxfordCambridge Boat Race is much the same: a slugfest between predominantly non-British mercenaries. The real money is where the pain is. The human animal is a beast that must die. If he’s got money, he buys and buys and buys everything he can, in the crazy hope one of those thing. “Corruption is rampant at high levels, and at low levels,” said an FBI agent, before adding: “and all levels in between”. Foreign remittances continue to grow. In all, 250m migrant workers will send home $500 billion this year — up from $410 billion in 2012. At their destination savings often end up under the mattress  — rather than channelled into microfinance schemes, for instance, as many development experts have long hoped. The marriage between remittances and microfinance has not happened yet. “Republican gluttons of privilege” who had “stuck a pitchfork in the farmer’s back”. He spent his entire career within the DeBeers stable. It takes pride in sticking to its companies through thick and thin. The distinction between being a successful tycoon and being an enemy of the people has been blurred. Marriott likes to buy to the sound of cannons and sell to the sound of violins. 40% of Missourians would oppose a new tax even if it was being used “to construct the landing pad for the second coming of Christ”. 44

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Once upon a time the overstressed executive bellowing orders into a telephone, cancelling meetings, staying late at the office and dying of a heart attack was a stereotype of modernity. Cardiac arrest — and, indeed, early death from any cause — is the prerogative of underlings. The best medicine, then, is promotion. Prosper, and live long. Narcissism index indicators of CEO: prominence of the boss’s photo in the annual report, company press releases. Length of his Who is Who entry, frequency of his use of the first singular interviews, ratios of cash compensation to second-highest paid exec. Of course, successfully picking the leader of a big public company has always been tricky, because the job requires at least two quite different skills. Like the fox, a chief executive must know lots of little things, must manage successfully the key day-to-day aspects of the business. But like the hedgehog, he must also know one big thing: every three or four years, he will have to take a substantial strategic decision, which may mortally wound the business, if he gets it wrong. Plenty of giants, such as Cable & Wireless and AT&T, have had leaders who passed the fox test but failed the hedgehog one. The Chinese dragon’s coils encircling the world are getting tighter by the day. In business, as in photography, it pays to stay focused. The number of people in the United States living in poverty increased last year to 39.8 million — the highest percentage of the population in 11 years, the Census Bureau said Thursday. The number equals 13.2 percent of the country’s population and is 2.5 million more than were living in poverty in 2007, which is defined by the agency as a person making less than $10,991 or a family of four making less than $22,025. This new elite is not just a breed apart. It lives apart, in bubbles such as Manhattan south of 96th Street (where the proportion of adults with college degrees rose from 16% in 1960 to 60% in 2000) and a small number of “SuperZips”, neighbourhoods where wealth and educational attainment are highly concentrated. These neighbourhoods are whiter and more Asian than the rest of America. They have less crime and more stable families. They are not, pace Mr Gingrich, necessarily “liberal”: plenty of SuperZips voted Republican in 2004. But they are indeed out of touch. 45

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The have-a-nice-day stuff of Walmart in Germany went down like a lead Zeppelin with employees and shoppers alike. Hopkins was the most flamboyant advertising genius of the early 20th century — the man who convinced millions of women to buy Palmolive soap on the basis that Cleopatra had washed with it, and got the world talking about puffed wheat with the claim that it was “shot from guns” until the grains puffed to eight times their normal size. Every company starts out as a shell. Just £ 349 ($560) buys you a company in the Seychelles, with no local taxation, no public disclosure of directors or shareholders and no requirement to file accounts. Prices rise to £ 5,000 for more sophisticated corporate structures in places like Switzerland and Luxembourg. Two firms handle two-thirds of all Delaware companies: CT Corporation (part of Wolters Kluwer of the Netherlands) and CSC. There is no limit to human ingenuity in finding new ways to go bust. Before the crisis many central bankers believed that all they needed was a “hammer” (interest rates) to strike a “monetary nail” (consumer-price inflation). But not every problem is a nail. Policymakers also need a full set of “macroprudential” tools, from wrenches to duct tape E. Mr Murray starts by lamenting the isolation of a new upper class, which he defines as the most successful 5% of adults (plus their spouses) working in managerial positions, the professions or the senior media. These people are not only rich but also exceptionally clever, because America has become expert at sending its brightest to the same elite universities, where they intermarry and confer on their offspring not just wealth but also a cognitive advantage that gives this class terrific staying power. The best time to invest is when there is blood in the streets. In the 19th century Alexis de Tocqueville marvelled that in America the opulent did not stand aloof from the people. A great cultural gap separates the elite from other Americans. They seldom watch “Oprah” or “Judge Judy” all the way through. In fact they do not watch much television at all. They eat in restaurants, but not often at Applebee’s, Denny’s or Waffle House, chains that cater to the common taste. They may take The Economist, with the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and perhaps the New Yorker or Rolling Stone. They drink wine and boutique 46

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beers (and can discuss them expertly) but only in moderation, and they hardly ever smoke cigarettes. Mr Icahn had expounded his theory of the moronisation of American management. The typical chief executive, he said, to chuckles, is “the guy you knew in college, the fraternity president — not too bright, back-slapping, but a survivor, politically astute, a nice guy”. To be a chief executive, you need to know how not to tread on anyone’s toes on the way up. You eventually become the number two, who “has got to be a little worse than the number one to survive”. When the number two becomes chief executive, he promotes someone a little worse than him as his second-incommand. “It is the survival of the unfittest,” concluded Mr Icahn. “Eventually we are all going to be run by morons.” Most students of taxation know the advice that Jean-Baptiste Colbert, treasurer to Louis XIV, offered the beleaguered taxman: pluck the goose so as to get the most feathers with the least hissing. But suppose the goose is housed on one farm, eats the birdseed scattered in a second, and lays its eggs in a third. Which farmer gets the plumage? History offers perhaps only one true example of a reserve-currency shift, from the British pound to the dollar. The pound was king during the era of the gold standard. But in the years after 1914, Britain switched from net creditor to net debtor, and by the 1920s the dollar was the only currency convertible to gold (although the pound returned to gold in 1925). Two costly wars and two episodes of currency devaluation in Britain later, the dollar was unchallenged as the world’s chief reserve currency. Americans used to believe that their constitution protected private property. The Fifth Amendment allows the state to seize it only for “public use”, and so long as “just compensation” is paid. “Public use” has traditionally been taken to mean something like a public highway. Roads would obviously be much harder to build if a single homeowner could hold out forever or for excessive compensation. The government’s powers of “eminent domain” have also been used to clean up “blighted” slums. “Urban renewal”, he noted, has sometimes been nicknamed “negro removal”. The “triangular trade” as it was known, whereby slave-ships left European ports for west Africa with rum, guns, textiles and other goods to exchange for slaves, and then transported them across the Atlantic to sell to plantation-owners, and then returned with sugar 47

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and coffee, also fuelled the first great wave of economic globalisation. Slavers in France would send their shirts to be washed in the streams of the Caribbean isle of St Domingue, now Haiti; the water there was said to whiten the linen better than any European stream. The price of used furniture is nothing but a viewpoint, and if you wouldn’t understand the viewpoint is impossible to understand the price. With used furniture you can’t be emotional 49. There is almost no house property in London that is not overburdened with a number of middlemen. Although Britons are cross about high pay, few seek capitalism’s overthrow: they dislike corporate fat cats for being fat, not for being cats. Some firms are employing a “China + 1” strategy, opening just one factory in another country to test the waters and provide a back-up. If China’s currency and shipping costs were to rise by 5% annually and wages were to go up by 30% a year, by 2015 it would be just as cheap to make things in North America as to make them in China and ship them there. Mr Rao offered two deals on loose coffee beans: 33% extra free or 33% off the price. The discount is by far the better proposition, but the supposedly clever students viewed them as equivalent. Even well-educated shoppers are easily foxed. If not in coin you must pay in humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. When Deng Xiaoping, China’s paramount leader, died in 1997 his only post was chairman of the China Bridge Association. Shopping with coupons and jars of loose change. Watering down milk to make it go further. Using washing up liquid instead of shampoo. Inventing excuses for skipping lunch. Having to walk everywhere. Sharing beds and baths. Mending clothes that are themselves second-hand. Reviving old newspapers as makeshift lampshades. Always being tired — poverty in austerity. The first is that entrepreneurs routinely see opportunities where everyone else sees problems. A surprising number of great companies were born out of fury and frustration. 48

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When Wal-Mart tried to impose alien rules on its German staff — such as compulsory smiling and a ban on affairs with co-workers — it touched off a guerilla war that ended only when the supermarket chain announced it was pulling out of Germany in 2006. When things went wrong for Middle Eastern tribes a couple of millennia ago, the accepted remedy was to send a sacrificial goat out into the wilderness to placate the gods. The practice continues today, but the voters have replaced the gods, and highly paid businesspeople the goats. Why do Americans spend such huge amounts of time, money, water, fertiliser and fuel on growing a useless smooth expanse of grass? Much better to cultivate something useful, like tomatoes. Walmart did not become a $200 billion company without running down a few pedestrians. Water flows towards money. The recovery has resembled third-world traffic, where juggernauts and rickshaws, cars and cycles ply the same lanes at different speeds, often getting in each other’s way. Shoppers have been able to buy from out-of-state merchants since Sears issued its first mail-order catalogues in the 19th century. Warren Buffett: “It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who’s been swimming naked.” The new strategy looks more promising, but as always success will depend on implementation. Consider an imaginary Englishman’s day. He wakes in his cottage near Dover, ready to commute to London. Chomping a bowl of Weetabix, a British breakfast cereal resembling (tasty) cardboard, he makes a cup of tea. His privatised water comes from Veolia and his electricity from EDF (both French firms). Thumps at the gate tell him another arm of Veolia is emptying his bins. He takes the new high-speed train to London: it is part-owned by the French firm Keolis, while the tracks belong to Canadian pension funds. At St Pancras station, a choice of double-decker buses awaits. In the last couple of years, one of the big London bus companies was bought by Netherlands Railways. A second went to Deutsche Bahn, the German railway company. In March, a third was taken over 49

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by RATP, the Paris public-transport authority (its previous owners were also French). The Dutch railways logo is emblazoned on buses across London. Thanks to RATP’s logo, a stylised image of the River Seine now adorns hundreds more: most Londoners neither know nor care. As for Weetabix, a French billionaire is interested in buying the firm, according to press reports. Yet Britain still feels British. Polaroid, whose once-iconic instant-photo firm, has only one significant asset now — its name. In a diatribe against the Rothschilds, Heinrich Heine, a German poet, fumed that money “is more fluid than water and less steady than air”. New boss didn’t magic away the problems. Most state-owned companies are prone to over-staffing, underinvestment, political interference and corruption. Putting business at the heart of the health-care system is not a must but a bug. The word “company” is derived from the Latin words “cum” and “pane” meaning “breaking bread together”. The sheer size of the Al Saud clan has also helped cement the nation. There have been eight generations of Saudi rulers, dating back to 18th-century sheikhs who held sway in a few oasis towns near present-day Riyadh. Many have been prolific. King Abdul Aziz himself sired some 36 sons and even more daughters. The first son to succeed him, King Saud, fathered 107 children. King Abdullah is believed to have 20 daughters and 14 sons. The extended Al Saud family is now thought to number some 30,000, though only 7,000 or so are princes. Of these, only around 500 are in government, and only perhaps 60 carry real weight in decision-making. There’s no exaggerating China’s hunger for commodities. The country accounts for about a fifth of the world’s population, yet it gobbles up more than half of the world’s pork, half of its cement, a third of its steel and over a quarter of its aluminium. It is spending 35 times as much on imports of soya beans and crude oil as it did in 1999, and 23 times as much importing copper — indeed, China has swallowed over four-fifths of the increase in the world’s copper supply since 2000. 50

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The world knows what it wants, but cannot agree on how to get what it wants. The financial results of Chinese companies that global investors wish to buy into can be as unintelligible as the dialect spoken in the company town. It is said (with apparent sincerity) that some Chinese firms keep several sets of books  — one for the government, one for company records, one for foreigners and one to report what is actually going on. Nokia must still work to keep its chin above the waves. The problem is that as soon as fun becomes part of a corporate strategy it ceases to be fun and becomes its opposite — at best an empty shell and at worst a tiresome imposition. Roads, railways, water and gas mains, sewage pipes and electricity cables all move things around. So do the blood vessels of animals and the sap-carrying xylem and phloem of plants. Beekeeping is one example beloved by economic theorists. Bees create honey, which can be sold on the market. But they also pollinate nearby apple trees, a useful service that is not purchased or priced. The story of Ireland is like a fairy tale: from rags to riches and back to rags again. The full-blooded, unapologetic pursuit of America’s national interest. The rich world is in the middle of a management revolution, from “motivation 2.0” to “motivation 3.0” (1.0 in this schema was prehistoric times, when people were motivated mainly by the fear of being eaten by wild animals). Then there is “gladvertising” and “sadvertising”, a rather sinistersounding idea in which billboards with embedded cameras, linked to face-tracking software, detect the mood of each consumer who passes by, and change the advertising on display to suit it. The technology matches movements of the eyes and mouth to six expression patterns corresponding to happiness, anger, sadness, fear, surprise and disgust. An unhappy-looking person might be rewarded with ads for a sundrenched beach or a luscious chocolate bar while those wearing an anxious frown might be reassured (some might say exploited) with an ad for insurance. 51

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Romantics say that the bank used to prosper by deliberately not having any strategy at all. China’s leaders hew to Deng Xiaoping’s dictum that “China should adopt a low profile and never take the lead.” China can hide its national demands behind a multilateral façade. PepsiCo announced that it had developed the world’s first bottle to be made entirely of a plastic consisting of plant-based materials, which can be fully recycled. Its “green bottle” is composed of switch grass, pine bark and corn husk. Pepsi hopes to produce bottles in the future using orange and potato peels and other byproducts from food. Saudi oil costs just $2 a barrel to produce, a small fraction of what it costs to extract the stuff in Alaska, say, or the North Sea. Demand from both Asia and America remains strong. Saudi Aramco, the giant state oil monopoly, is ramping up its production capacity. Having remained static at around 10m barrels per day for a generation, this is currently pushing 11m and may reach 12.5m by 2009 and perhaps 15m by 2015. Assuming a middle-ofthe-range price of around $40 a barrel, the oil bubbling out of the ground could continue to be worth around $500m a day for many years to come. Oil exports, having bottomed out in 1998 at $35 billion, have since soared, hitting a record $160 billion in 2005. Last year’s current-account surplus was close to $100 billion and the central bank’s net foreign reserves rose to $135 billion, a jump of $90 billion in just three years. A firm and an industry that had become accustomed to obscurity will have to get used to the limelight. Mr Hayward set out to replace flash and fluff with nuts and bolts. London, once a blue-blooded cocoon. Сhina is quite open to yarn, but not jerseys, diamonds, but not jewelry. Public transport in Los Angeles has a great future, and always will. Mr Toyoda had been reading “How the Mighty Fall”, a book by Jim Collins, an American management guru. In it, Mr Collins (best known for an earlier, more upbeat work, “Good to Great”) describes the five stages through which a proud and thriving company passes on its way to be52

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coming a basket-case. First comes hubris born of success; second, the undisciplined pursuit of more; third, denial of risk and peril; fourth, grasping for salvation; and last, capitulation to irrelevance or death. There are lots of other jobs that aren’t real. Designing a new plastic soapbox, making pokerwork jokes for public-houses, writing advertising slogans, being an MP, talking to UNESCO conferences. But the money’s real work. In theory, the case for joint ventures was compelling. The foreign partner provided capital, knowledge, access to international markets and jobs. The Chinese partner provided access to cheap labour, local regulatory knowledge and access to what used to be a relatively unimportant domestic market. The Chinese government protected swathes of the economy from acquisitions, but provided land, tax breaks and at least the appearance of a welcome to attract investment. “For a joint venture to be successful,” says Jonathan Woetzel of McKinsey, a consultancy, “you have to plan for it to die”. He was waltzing from job to job. China is full of small and medium-sized companies that have fingers in many pies, taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. In Britain there’s London, London and London. In America there are scores of hubs. The food stamps participation has soared since the recession began). By April 2010 it had reached almost 45m, or one in seven Americans. The cost, naturally, has soared too, from $35 billion in 2008 to $65 billion last year. Only those with incomes of 130% of the poverty level or less are eligible for them. The amount each person receives depends on their income, assets and family size, but the average benefit is $133 a month and the maximum, for an individual with no income at all, is $200. Those sums are due to fall soon, when a temporary boost expires. Even the current package is meagre. Melissa Nieves, a recipient in New York, says she compares costs at five different supermarkets, assiduously collects coupons, eats mainly cheap, starchy foods, and still runs out of money a week or ten days before the end of the month. Business people are fond of accusing business academics of being all mouth and no trousers (if the accusers are British) or all hat and no cattle (if they are Texan). 53

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The ultimatum they received from euro-zone leaders at the G20 summit in Cannes to reform their economies — or else. In a country where oil cash still enhances the allure of office, can only spell turbulent times ahead. In 1500 Europe’s future imperial powers controlled 10% of the world’s territories and generated just over 40% of its wealth. By 1913, at the height of empire, the West controlled almost 60% of the territories, which together generated almost 80% of the wealth. In Central Asia the most successful companies are sinecures of nepotism. Insurance is banking’s boring cousin: it lacks the glamour, the sky-high bonuses and the ever-present whiff of danger. Fill up an SUV’s fuel tank with ethanol and you have used enough maize to feed a person for a year. Foundations were laid timber by timber, railway sleeper by railway sleeper. Germany’s hyperinflation in 1923  — it became cheaper to burn banknotes than to buy fuel. Corruption is often blamed on plata o plomo — meaning silver or lead, bribes or threats. Global business has been rocked by crises, from Enron to the financial meltdown. Harvard Business School (HBS), alas, played a role. Enron was stuffed with HBS old boys, from the chief executive, Jeff Skilling, downward. The school wrote a sheaf of laudatory case studies about the company. Many of the bankers who recently mugged the world’s taxpayers were HBS men. Hayward is in the meat grinder of public opprobrium along with Lloyd Blankfein, chief executive of Goldman Sachs, and Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota. Contrary to popular belief, traffic in Atlanta is not always hellish. There are a good few days each year when it is merely purgatorial. 54

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Consumer spending accounts for about 70% of U.S. economic activity. Sin taxes have a long history as a fiscal wheeze: Parliament first introduced levies on beer and meat in 1643 to finance its fight against the Crown. Levies on alcohol have persisted: tax is now around 53p on a pint of beer, £ 2.18 per bottle of wine and £ 8.54 on a bottle of whisky. Tobacco was originally taxed as an imported luxury; today, duty on cigarettes accounts for about three-quarters of the price of a packet of cigarettes. Laziness is a harder sin to target, but one weapon against it is fuel duty: 23% of car journeys are of less than two miles, so walking or cycling are reasonable alternatives for at least some trips. Fuel taxes also target a greater ill — the exhaust fumes that contribute to global warming. Tax, including VAT, accounts for 63% of the price of petrol. As the old saw has it, they tax neither you nor me but the man behind the tree. Brazil’s brief recession of 2009 was a fall onto a trampoline. Several other countries show evidence of what might be dubbed the “DOG factor”: a discount for obnoxious governments. Iran, like Russia a target of Western sanctions, trades on a p/e of just 5.6 and has a total stockmarket value of $131 billion; were it to be rated on a par with the average emerging market, its market value would be $292 billion, so its DOG factor is $161 billion or 55%. One trillion dollars. That may be the cost to Russian investors of Vladimir Putin’s rule. It is the equivalent of about $7,000 for every Russian citizen. The calculation stems from the fact that investors regard Russian assets with suspicion. As a result, Russian stocks trade on a huge discount to much of the rest of the world, with an average priceearnings ratio (p/e) of just 5.2. At present, the Russian market has a total value of $735 billion. If it traded on the same p/e as the average emerging market (12.5), it would be worth around $1.77 trillion. Humanity spends over 1 trillion minutes a month on mobiles or nearly 2 million years. All it takes to be a photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson once said, is “one finger, one eye and two legs”. A psychiatrist argues that companies display all the characteristics of a psychopath: callous disregard for others’ feelings, inability to maintain relationships, a willingness to bend any rule 55

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and break any law if it advances their interests, and an obsession with amassing power and money. As Bob Monks, a shareholder activist, puts it, “the American shareholder cannot nominate directors, he cannot remove them, he cannot — except at the arbitrary pleasure of the SEC — communicate advice to them. Democracy is a cruelly misleading word to describe the situation of the American shareholder in 2006.” Across a vast continent a “westering” people established the novus ordo seclorum that is on every dollar bill. Cuba is the only country in the world where it is not necessary to work — the country can no longer afford this. How can you spot the venture capitalists at a business conference? They’re the people who are always hunting for the exits. In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” the mighty cart-horse, Boxer, inspires the other animals with his heroic cry of “I will work harder”. He gets up at the crack of dawn to do a couple of hours’ extra ploughing. He even refuses to take a day off when he splits his hoof. And his reward for all this effort? As soon as he collapses on the job he is carted off to the knacker’s yard to be turned into glue and bonemeal. “The bad news is we didn’t hit oil,” ran the old wildcatter’s joke. ‘The good news is we didn’t find gas.” Capitalism can make you well off. And it also leaves you free to be as unhappy as you choose. To ask any more of it would be asking too much. Investors who believe in the beta mousetrap may find that the rodents have already escaped with the cheese. The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed. The American dream: a big car, a big house and Big Macs far all. No one knows what future volatility will be.


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Food, wine, fun, joy, pleasure, luck, beauty, happiness

Asked if anything interrupted his sleep, Helmut Kohl said it was nighttime forays to the fridge. In 1755 Samuel Johnson’s dictionary defined oats as “a grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people”.

They harvest the apples by cutting the tree branches. Players of Pokémon Go have collectively walked nearly 9bn kilometres since the smartphone game was released last year. I want tequila and dancing and girls and democracy. The tea that was thrown into Boston harbour in 1773 had come from Xiamen. Since the early 2000s the number of deaths north of the border has plunged, bringing Scotland within spitting (or  perhaps vomiting) distance of its neighbours. Research has also shown what happens inside our brains when we make decisions. Winning money has the same effect on a brain as a cocaine addict getting a fix, while losing money has the same effect on risk-averse people as a nasty smell or pictures of bodily mutilation. Humans are not the only species to enjoy a snifter. Myriad experiments on other animals, from rats and monkeys to bees and fruit flies, show that they also get drunk, will seek out alcohol given the opportunity and may even develop a dependence on the stuff. The pseudo-Palaeolithic diet the two researchers chose comprised beets, carrots and yams as root vegetables, and goat as meat. They prepared the vegetables four ways: raw and unprocessed; raw and hit six times with a copy of a Palaeolithic hammerstone; raw and cut into small slices; and roasted for 15 minutes. The goat was also served four ways: raw and unprocessed;


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raw and pounded 50 times by a hammerstone; raw and cut into small slices; and cooked on a grill for 25 minutes. Сonvening a conference supporting antitrust concerns in the Windy City was like holding a symposium on sobriety in New Orleans. People are predisposed to think that things are worse than they are, and they overestimate the likelihood of calamity. This is because they rely not on data, but on how easy it is to recall an example. And bad things are more memorable. The media amplify this distortion. Famines, earthquakes and beheadings all make gripping headlines; “40m Planes Landed Safely Last Year” does not. If the Italians don’t bring pasta and the French don’t bring pâté, you can’t complain about Mrs Merkel’s cabbage soup. French farmers use more chemicals than anyone else in Europe: 65,000 tonnes of pesticides alone each year. Coffee moved in the opposite direction. From Ethiopia it was disseminated throughout the Middle East by Arab traders during the 6th century and ultimately arrived in the New World during the 18th century, where nascent Americans may have seen drinking it as something of a patriotic duty after the Boston Tea Party. Handlers are said to squeeze lemon in their eyes, rub chili on their genitals or force alcohol down their throats — whatever it takes to drive a bull wild enough to charge into a pen ringed with cheering, jeering people. Cane accounts for four-fifths of global sugar production, but only onefifth of Europe’s. Most of the continent’s sugar is made from beet, thanks to a technique developed in the Napoleonic wars, when an English blockade hit French cane-sugar imports. All houseguests are said to bring pleasure: some when they arrive, others when they leave. One answer to the question, “What ate dinosaurs?” is, obviously, “Other dinosaurs.” Lewis Carroll, no mean mathematician himself, asked Alice to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast. 58

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So central is rice to life in Asia that in many countries, rather than asking “how are you?” people ask, “have you eaten rice yet?” Chirac about the British: “You can’t trust people who have such terrible food.” As Winston Churchill once said, “This pudding has no theme.” James Bond, meanwhile, detects a spy on a sleeper train after noticing him behave suspiciously in the dining car (“Red wine with fish!” Bond mutters). It’s the second mouse that gets the cheese. Benjamin Franklin is said (probably apocryphally) to have called beer “proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy”. He who holds the honey is bound to lick his fingers. Mark Twain: “Whiskey’s for drinking, water’s for fighting over.” One of Samsung’s smart fridges, with cameras within that check for rotting food and enable consumers to see what they are short of while shopping (through an app on their phone), sells for a cool $5,000. Hwahae, a cosmetics-reviewing app launched in 2013 (by three men who wanted to know what exactly was in their facial products) has already clocked up 2.5m downloads. It lets consumers read up on 1.9m ingredients in 62,000 items. It is always good to know what you are rubbing on your face. Much of life is made of small, modest pleasures (tasty mints, starry nights) and tiny tragedies (an errant comment, an uncomfortable shoe). Congress is as popular as a porcupine in a bag of popcorn. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze. The parsley on the fish can make the difference between a delicious meal and a dog’s dinner. Of all these edible platters, it is pizza that has become the world’s favourite fast food, plain dough onto which each country bakes its own 59

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flavours: mussels in the Netherlands, Teriyaki chicken and seaweed in Japan. Born in Naples, the modern pizza was the poor man’s meal. One 19th-century American visitor, Samuel Morse (inventor of the telegraph), thought it “like a piece of bread that had been taken reeking out of the sewer”. For Alexandre Dumas, it was “the gastronomic thermometer of the market”: if fish pizza was cheap, there had been a good catch; if oil pizza was dear, there had been a bad olive harvest. The only good Mexico has ever done for wine is to send grape pickers to Napa Valley. It’s like living in a loaf of Wonder Bread. The “cooking paradox”: why it is that people now spend less time preparing food from scratch and more time reading about cooking or watching cookery programmes on television? Is pig farming a strategic industry? Keeping down the price of a barbecue is a matter of national security. The best-known test is the “marshmallow” experiment, in which children who could refrain from eating the confection for 15 minutes were given a second one. Children who could not wait tended to have lower incomes and poorer health as adults. New research suggests that kids who are unable to delay rewards are also more likely to become criminals later. Titus Andronicus avenged himself on the barbarian queen Tamora by murdering her sons and serving them up to her in a pie. European food manufacturers did nothing so dreadful when they sold horse as beef in burgers and lasagne. Horsemeat is not dangerous. One of the undersold boons of the internet is that it functions a bit like a permanent, rolling global coffee break. One way to make a traveller smile is to go to Intercourse, Pennsylvania, which is about half way between Blue Ball and Paradise. In 1937 George Orwell suggested that “changes of diet” might be more important than “changes of dynasty or even of religion”. Only the drunk, they say, drive in a straight line in Chicago. The sober zigzag to avoid falling into the city’s axle-breaking potholes. 60

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“A good neighbour lends you a cup of sugar,” read an ad in the Washington Post last month. “A great neighbour supplies you with 1.4 million barrels of oil a day.” Weeds like dandelions which you can find all over the world and which nobody really gives a second glance to are the happiest. If yogurt is strategic for the French, olive oil has the same exalted status in Spain. By tradition a British butcher is a jolly chap; and few could be jollier than a man whose life was devoted, first, to making the perfect sausage, and, second, to matching it with the perfect foaming pint. In Arthur Miller’s 1949 play “Death of a Salesman”, Happy’s dream was a simple one: “My own apartment, a car, and plenty of women.” Early Hindu mythology held that pearls were made from dewdrops that the pearl mollusc absorbed when it rose to the surface of the sea at night to breathe. Roquefort, camembert, brie de Meaux, Saint-Félicien, gruyère, comté, münster, pont l’évêque, cantal, reblochon, tomme de Savoie, crottin de chavignol. A spontaneous familiarity with the display on a three-tier cheese trolley is essential to the national identity of the French. The Chinese love pork and as their incomes soar they want it more than ever. A domestic herd of 476m pigs, around half of the global pig population, already seems insufficient; China has been a net importer of pork since 2008. Wisconsin state law prohibits selling milk to the public without pasteurising it first. But Mr Hershberger tried to get around this stricture by setting up a “club” which provided raw milk (also known as “moo-shine”) to its members — until state food inspectors raided his farm, destroyed the milk they found and put him on trial. Most Britons would rather eat scorpions rather than Hershey bars. There is a large Greek fly in the ointment. 61

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Spain is the Saudi Arabia of olive oil, accounting for nearly half of global production. California has been eating its “seed corn”. Recipes are like flying buttresses, you find out whether they work only by trying them out: no souffléd sandwiches, no Chartres cathedral. As Mrs Obama writes in her new book, “American Grown”, not since Eleanor Roosevelt’s victory garden during the second world war had anyone grown food on the White House lawn. And what a garden it is. Pak choi in springtime! Tomatillos in the summer! Seventy thousand bees producing hundreds of pounds of honey to donate to local homeless shelters and give to “visiting dignitaries and heads of state”! Ataturk’s aphorism: “Happy is he who calls himself a Turk.” Louis XIII cognac is a blend of up to 1200 different eaux-de-vie aged between 40 and 100 years old and the prices are starting from $1.500 — to $40.000 for a magnum of the Black Pearl edition. In making cookies, does the use of butter or margarine affect the size of the cookie? France’s tradition of making exquisite luxuries dates back at least to the court of Louis XIV. The sun king financed ébénistes (cabinet-makers), tapisseurs (upholsterers), menuisiers (carpenters) and other artisans who made beautiful and largely useless things for the court of Versailles. Bernard Arnault might be his heir. Cases of Westvleteren 12, on sale at €39 ($53) at the Trappist Abbey of St Sixtus of Westvleteren, turn up on online beer-sellers for as much as $800. (In a rare easing of the rules, in November the monks released a batch of 93,000 six-packs for the Belgian market, to pay for repairs to the abbey. Next year 70,000 six-packs will go on sale worldwide.) Beer is to Belgium as wine is to France. Johnnie Walker’s labels make it abundantly clear how much a customer has spent. Red Label is the cheapest. Black is pricier, followed by Green, Gold and Blue. Beyond Blue is King George V, which sells for more than $500 a bottle. Criminals in South Africa 62

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buy it to prove they are successful criminals. The ruling class in Angola is another promising market. How in God’s name can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon? They are all bottles, aren’t they? No one likes to think about who was in their hotel room before them, let alone what they got up to. The best to hope for is that your lodgings are clean and hygienic. But are they? The TV remote control and the bedsidelamp switch are among the most contaminated. When in a party mood, who trusts the Party? If you are going to use GPS to take you to a location, sonar to identify the fish and a lure which reflects light that humans can’t even see, you may as well just go to McDonald’s and order a fish sandwich. The conversation of the French salons and dinner tables became as stylised as a ballet. The basic skills brought to the table were expected to include politesse (sincere good manners), esprit (wit), galanterie (gallantry), complaisance (obligingness), enjouement (cheerfulness) and flatterie. More specific techniques would be required as the conversation took flight. A comic mood would require displays of raillerie (playful teasing), plaisanterie (joking), bons mots (epigrams), traits and pointes (rhetorical figures involving “subtle, unexpected wit”, according to Benedetta Craveri, a historian of the period), and, later, persiflage (mocking under the guise of praising). Even silences had to be finely judged. The Duc de La Rochefoucauld distinguished between an “eloquent” silence, a “mocking” silence and a “respectful” silence. The mastery of such “airs and tones”, he said, was “granted to few”. The results, to be published in Evolution and Human Behaviour, show that the men and women collected on average about the same weight of mushrooms. But the men travelled farther, climbed higher and used a lot more energy-70% more than the women. The men did not move any faster, but they searched for spots with lots of mushrooms. Greenland sharks cannot help but capture the imagination. These primeval inhabitants of the deep, icy waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans can live to 400, possibly even 500 years old, are cigar shaped, and often have worm-like parasites on their luminous eyes that are said to hypnotise their prey. Their bodies 63

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are covered with razor-like “skin teeth” and their meat contains a toxin; people who eat it start to hallucinate, become incoherent and stagger around, becoming “shark drunk”. The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his “utilitarian” philosophy. They calculated happiness, or utility, as the sum of good feelings minus bad, and argued that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain were the sole springs of human action. One even looked forward to the invention of a hedonimeter, a “psychophysical machine” that would record the ups and downs of a man’s feelings just as a thermometer might plot his temperature. Such people, Carlyle complained, fancied that man was a “dead Iron-Balance for weighing Pains and Pleasures on”. Botox was used 336,834 times by American men in 2010, up 9% from 2009, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. But women are still 15 times more likely than men to have their faces frozen. I’m on a seafood diet — I see food and I eat it. As anyone who has been to Japan knows, there are strict rules about bathing in onsen, or hot springs. Bodies must be scrubbed beforehand, swimming trunks are banned and tattoos are taboo. He is a pescatarian, i. e. a vegetarian who eats fish. More voters come to believe that Fidesz and its friends, just like their Socialist predecessors, have carved up Hungary among themselves as if it were a giant salami. In ancient China suspected liars were sometimes required to hold rice in their mouths while their alleged misdemeanours were read out. A dry mouth was thought to be a symptom of a guilty conscience, so subsequent examination of the rice offered an easy indication as to innocence or guilt. The idea that lying produces physical symptoms found its modern expression in America in the early 20th century, with the invention of the polygraph, the “lie detector” so beloved of spy films and pulp detective novels. Demand for lobsters, for example, has evolved in a curious way. The armour-plated delicacy used to be super-abundant and dirt cheap, he says — so cheap that it was fed to inmates in prison and children in orphanages. Farmers even fertilised their fields with 64

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it, and servants would bargain with their employers to be given it no more than twice or thrice a week. Oxfam, an aid agency, warns of a humanitarian disaster, with more than 1m children facing severe malnutrition. Villagers in Chad already dig up ant hills to gather grain the ants have stored. All that glisters is not gadolinium. Champagne socialism. The euphemism now lies buried beneath the rubble of reality. Starbucks provides a comfortable environment, at considerable expense, so that people will buy overpriced coffee. The main factor s1eparating success and failure of great strategies is luck. The food was good, but not the mood. This combination of challenges and opportunities is producing a fizzing cocktail of creativity. The British have embraced the Liberal Democrats, lampooned not so long ago as gently eccentric granola-eaters and sandal-wearers. Sparkling wines does not appear to work in stouts. Useless as a chocolate teapot. In the world of wine (regarded as an art form by at least some connoisseurs), being told the price of a bottle affects a drinker’s appreciation of the liquid in the glass in ways that can be detected by a brain scanner. Surely you know what a blue-plate is, man? They shove the whole meat at you under your nose, already dished up on your plate  — roast turkey, cranberry sauce, sausages and carrots and Grench fried. I can’t bear French fried, but there’s no pick and choose with a blue-plate. But one constant would remain through all of this fuss about whether Marmite is vegetarian, or baked beans kosher or halal. 65

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Charles de Gaulle once said that the graveyards are full of indispensable men. The same can be said of the bars of Los Angeles and Paris. in 1795 Napoleon offered a prize to preserve food for his army, which led to the canned food of today. Indeed, there are enough sour grapes in these pages to fill an entire vineyard. If you use a public toilet and it’s dirty, clean it, otherwise those who come after you will think you dirtied it. It takes roughly 3,000 litres of water to grow enough food for one person for one day, or about one litre for each calorie. Don’t paint a snake with legs, the Chinese will say, when someone is in danger of spoiling something by overdoing it. But the last word on Steve Irwin seemed to belong to Africa’s greatest crocodile-hunter, Khalid Hassen, bagger of 17,000 crocs the easy way, with a rifle, who said it simply didn’t seem right that a fish should have killed him. “We say it is higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, stronger than steel, dearer than eyesight, sweeter than honey, and so on.” Even where there is enough food, people do not seem healthier. On top of 1 billion without enough calories, another 1 billion are malnourished in the sense that they lack micro-nutrients (this is often called “hidden hunger”). And a further 1 billion are malnourished in the sense that they eat too much and are obese. It is a damning record: out of the world population of 7 billion, 3 billion eat too little, too unhealthily, or too much. The connection between humour and Jews is so strong as to be almost axiomatic and it as similar to “French cuisine” or “Turkish baths”. George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” In his “Autobiography” John Stuart Mill argued that the best way to attain happiness is not to make happiness your “direct end”, but to fix your mind on something else. Happiness is the incidental by-product of pursuing some other worthy goal. 66

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Around 15,400 tonnes a year, a whopping 80% of all antibiotics sold, go to farmers. Chicken farmers use even more than those who raise cattle or pigs. Only a small percentage of the drugs are used to cure illnesses. Women aged 25–44 spend almost as much time shopping as they do eating and drinking. You never expected Nelson Mandela or Gandhi to dress smartly.

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If politicians were recyclable, they’d be worth less than cardboard. Many moons ago Lyndon Johnson was widely quoted as justifying his unwillingness to sack J. Edgar Hoover as the head of the FBI, on the ground that “it’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in”. “If you look into the crystal ball,” says an experienced pollster, “you’ve got to be ready to eat ground glass.” Some put Hillary Clinton’s chance of victory against Mr Trump above 99%. One quick question: do you know what a mugwump is? Was the American Revolution not a civil war within the British empire? The first rule of politics: don’t kick your most faithful voters in the teeth for no reason. Nobody reads party manifestos. A figure of between 100 and 200 acquaintances is similar to the number of people with whom a human being can maintain a meaningful social relationship  — a value known as Dunbar’s number, after Robin Dunbar, the psychologist who proposed it. Dunbar’s number for people is about 150. 67

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This has encouraged a notion that the nominees are as bad as each other — Hillary and Trump are Coke and Pepsi, both bad for you. The proportion of Britons telling pollsters that they almost never trust the government has risen from one in ten in 1986 to one in three today. A more open, accessible imperial family has transformed the monarchy’s appeal after the aloofness of Hirohito — even if it will be a while yet before the royals bicycle to the supermarket like Scandinavian ones. Imagine an American election in which two-thirds of the senators and three-quarters of the state governors up for re-election are defeated. It would be a landside to end all landslides. The whole purpose of having a drawbridge is that one can raise or lower it as necessary depending upon the situation at hand. A proper castle requires a sensible fellow at the controls. Donald Rumsfeld, a former American defence secretary, once delighted policy wonks everywhere by distinguishing between “known unknowns” — things we know we don’t know — and “unknown unknowns”. China’s political system is a known unknown. “When the end of the world is nigh,” Otto von Bismarck allegedly said, “I will move to Mecklenburg, because everything happens 50 years later there.” Even locals agree that the north-eastern state of Mecklenburg — West Pomerania will always be a backwater. But backwaters can also be bellwethers. It feels as if Britain has been visited by a battalion of sorrows. When Richard Nixon got cross with Gough Whitlam, the independent-minded Australian prime minister at the time, he put Australia on his “shit list”. There is a saying in Japan that a monkey that falls from a tree is still a monkey, but a member of parliament who falls is a nobody. Some legal scholars have, rather valiantly, cited as precedent Benjamin Franklin’s seeking Congress’s approval before accepting a jewel-encrusted snuffbox from the king of France as a retirement gift. 68

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America already spends $19bn a year on immigration enforcement, more than on the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Drug Enforcement Agency and Secret Service combined. The farther you live from a railway station, the more you are likely to vote FN (National Front). Governments that were digitally blind when the internet first took off in the mid-1990s now have both a telescope and a microscope. Multiplying parties can allow politicians to hide the fact that what matters is patronage. Voters may be bewildered when confronted with the People’s Front of Judea and the Judean People’s Front  — or with National Liberals, Democratic Liberals and Liberal Reformists, as they were in Romania in 2014. The US prison system that, after decades of relentless growth, holds over 20% of the world’s prisoners, though America is home to less than 5% of the global population. Every year, 600,000 people are released from American prisons. More than half of all prisoners have mental health problems, while about two-thirds did not complete high school. Once out, ex-cons join about 70m Americans with criminal records, a status which in several states will deny them public housing and the right to vote, and legally bar them from occupations which require a licence, such as hair-cutting or plumbing. During the 20th century, a ghastly illness was almost a presidential prerequisite. Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke in his second term that his doctors concealed; Franklin Roosevelt’s heart problems killed him while in office; John F. Kennedy’s ailments could have filled an entire medical textbook, had they been disclosed. Richard Nixon’s anguish during Watergate placed a large nuclear arsenal in the hands of a president who may temporarily have been of unsound mind. For the combination of sheer agony and high secrecy, though, it is hard to beat the unfortunate Grover Cleveland. For four days at the beginning of his second term, notes Robert Dallek of Stanford University’s outpost in Washington, DC, he disappeared to a yacht, where six surgeons cut out a portion of his cancerous upper jaw. The offending bits were removed through his mouth so as not to damage his moustache, which might alert the public. Frederick the Great of Prussia declared: “No woman should ever be allowed to govern anything.” 69

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As Queen Elizabeth nears 90 after 64 years as its titular head, some wonder if the Commonwealth club will survive when she goes. Few knew much about it; a quarter of Jamaicans thought its head was Barack Obama. Roughly one adult Chinese in every 13 is a member of the Communist Party, yet identifying such people can be difficult. Mobutu Sese Seko, the late dictator of Zaire, used to reshuffle his cabinet every six months or so to show ministers who was boss. To reinforce the point, he sometimes also slept with their wives. Excuse me, Mr. President, but you are an asshole. Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the Scottish National Party, has a name that is about as Scottish as a Dorset cream tea. No Congress has ever moved to dislodge a president of the same party as its majority tribe. The Israeli government recently raised an interesting question for advertisers: whom can you safely insult? Frank Luntz, a Republican consultant, advised Republicans to use words like “liberal”, “sick”, “corrupt” and “traitors” together, to tarnish the Democrats. In London you’ve always had the Africans at the bottom of the pile along with the West Indians. Then you get some Afghans. Then the eastern Europeans coming up. Then you get the Asians. Then you get the Irish. Then you get the whites. And at the very top you get the rich. Where there is no race. Bill de Blasio, New York’s mayor, was asked whether transgender women were allowed to swim during female-only hours. He had no quick answer. That, he said, is under review. Parliamentary committees are normally sleepy affairs. Queens, the researchers found, were more likely to gain new territory. After overthrowing her husband, Catherine the Great expanded her empire by some 200,000 square miles (518,000 sq km), which is a lot of terri70

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tory, even for Russia. (She was the first, though not the last, Russian ruler to annex Crimea.) And married queens were more aggressive than single queens or kings, whether single or married. The upper chamber is the nation’s biggest and most successful Laundromat. This country is not working for working people. It’s working only for those at the top. That’s not the American dream. That’s the American nightmare. In Britain the elected House of Commons is less effective than the unelected House of Lords. The world knows what it wants, but cannot agree on how to get what it wants. Even the government cannot do much if it does not rain. Fifty years later, black America still fares badly on many of the predictors of success and signals of distress that concerned Moynihan. If it were a separate country, it would have a worse life expectancy than Mexico, a worse homicide rate than Ivory Coast and a higher proportion of its citizens behind bars than anywhere on earth. This is despite the fact that, overall, America is home to the richest, most successful population of black African descent that the world has ever seen. The distance between the front benches in Britain’s House of Commons, it is said, is that of two drawn swords. “The weather is like the government,” wrote Jerome K. Jerome, “always in the wrong.” Asked how political coalitions are formed, Germany’s chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, once shot back with a question of his own: “How do porcupines mate?” After a short pause, he then answered it with a grin: “Very slowly.” If town meeting teaches anything, it is how to suffer damn fools and to appreciate the fact that from time to time you too may look like a damn fool in the eyes of people as good as yourself. If Democrats had any brains, they’d be Republicans. 71

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“Political language,” wrote George Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” Recep Erdogan is, as an old Turkish saying goes, holding a stick with shit at both ends. The Advanced Research Projects Agency, which created the internet’s forebear, ARPANET, was President Eisenhower’s response to the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. The decentralised, packet-based system of communication that forms the basis of the internet originated in America’s need to withstand a massive attack on its soil. Israel’s founder reckoned that a nation “has to have its own burglars and prostitutes”. This great crappiness was essentially American. Britain’s queen has over the years received “pineapples, eggs, a box of snail shells, a grove of maple trees, a dozen tins of tuna and 7kg of prawns”. Presumably they went the same way as the pair of cowboy boots she was given on a visit to America two decades ago. Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk capacity. Any man who is under 30 and is not a liberal has no heart; and any man who is over 30 and is not a conservative has no brains (Winston Churchill). Nationalist protesters recently donned panda outfits to remind David Cameron, the Conservative prime minister, that there are more pandas in Edinburgh zoo (two) than there are Tory MPs in Scotland (one). Is it a bad thing to have MPs voting for what they think is right? The United States has taken Abraham Lincoln’s admonition to heart: its constitution has been amended several times since coming into effect in 1789, but never replaced. The world’s countries no longer resemble “a flotilla of more than 100 separate boats”; rather, “they all live in 193 separate cabins on the same boat”. 72

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Sir Malcolm Jack, a former clerk of the Commons, was asked why the catering services of the House of Lords, the upper house, and the House of Commons could not have been merged to save money. He replied: “The lords feared that the quality of champagne would not be as good if they chose a joint service.” According to The Guardian newspaper, the upper house has spent £ 265,770 on 17,000 bottles of the stuff since the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government took office in 2010 — enough for five bottles of bubbly per peer per year. Using “farmer” to mean “stupid” is unwise in Iowa, where the word is synonymous with “voter”. Mr Clegg is Westminster roadkill; his net personal approval rating is minus 52. One of Pol Pot’s favourite sayings was, tuk min chamnen, dak chenh ka, min kat — “to keep you is no gain, to kill you no loss”. Arguably, the Founding Fathers favored a system in which one foot stayed permanently on the accelerator and the other on the brake. Hasn’t America got what they wanted? We’re all Americuns, greatest race in the world! Letting in dynamic immigrants, revamping the tax code and reforming entitlements would make the Great Society safe for another generation. Not enough to get Mr Obama’s face carved on Mount Rushmore, but not bad. Jürgen Habermas, the German philosopher who thought up the concept of the “public sphere”, has always been in two minds about the internet. Digital communication, he wrote a few years ago, has unequivocal democratic merits only in authoritarian countries, where it undermines the government’s information monopoly. Yet in liberal regimes, online media, with their millions of forums for debate on a vast range of topics, could lead to a “fragmentation of the public” and a “liquefaction of politics”, which would be harmful to democracy. Being Republican, and thus not having a heart, saved his life when he got shot in the chest once. One of the most popular sports in Washington is the partisan flip. 73

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If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour. North Korea is the world’s most rational despotic regime: a highly successful Communist absolute monarchy. Bushism is Reaganism minus the passion for freedom. For all its faults socialism is manifestly superior to capitalism in one area: the making of myths. Every nation knows what is right and how everyone else is wrong. Romania, a country where governments have the longevity of mayflies. The queen understands that she is a symbol, and that symbols are “better off mostly keeping quiet”. Three highly dysfunctional institutions: the state of California, the European Union and the G20. Leticia Van de Putte, a Texas state senator from San Antonio with relatives on both sides of the border, points out that “our family was there when it was Spain, when it was France, when it was Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States, the Confederacy. Our family’s always been in the same place; it was the damn government that kept changing.” Abraham Lincoln observed that “nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” The Newark mayor has long been a man of action. He once chased down a robbery suspect. He shovelled snow during a 2010 blizzard. In April he suffered burns when rescuing a neighbour from her burning house. Earlier this month he directed traffic away from an accident he came across. For many years Northern Ireland was a large net importer of advice on how to end its troubles. Neanderthal dictatorship. The prime minister should stop being the custodian of vaginas.


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It could almost be a question in a political-science exam. Three groups, A, B and C each lack the necessary parliamentary majority; A will not form a coalition with B; C will not support either. How do you form a government. Short of taking bribes or fornicating in a public park, there is no surer way to detonate a career in British politics than to accept a job as home secretary. A cartoon of a fully clothed, bespectacled Mr Zuma, virtually unrecognisable save for the characteristic bump at the back of his shaven head, in a heroic Leninesque pose, but with his genitals hanging out of his trousers. Joe Biden, the American vice-president, stood beside Mr Hollande in Paris and applauded his “decisiveness” and “the incredible competence and capability” of France’s military forces. For a  politician whom members of his own party compared variously to a marshmallow, a woodland strawberry and a caramel pudding, this was bliss indeed. In a short story called “Franchise”, Isaac Asimov dreamed up a computer that saved Americans from going to the polls. The machine was fed data, and interviewed one representative voter, before announcing a result that perfectly reflected what would have happened had the election been held. Mr Obama’s problems were partly structural. An incumbent must defend the realities and compromises of government, while a challenger is freer to promise the earth, details to follow. Old regimes fall to revolutions not when they resist change, but when they attempt reform yet dash the raised expectations they have evoked. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. George Bush senior picked Dan Quayle, whom many treated harshly as a figure of fun who could not spell “potato”. The Senate, so George Washington is reputed to have told Thomas Jefferson, is a saucer into which legislation is poured to cool it down. But the Founding Fathers, alas, did not specify just how cold they wanted their tea or their laws to be.


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The biggest number (15%) went to the Five-Star “movement” of a comedian, Beppe Grillo, whose web-fired campaign denounces all parties and promises not to ally with any of them. Mr Grillo is alarmingly thin on policies and wants a referendum on leaving the euro. Some call his movement the “anti-party”; others the “Fuck Off party”. We all know what to do, we just don’t know how to get re-elected after we have done it. Democracy in America does not come cheap. The election cycle that has just limped to its exhausted conclusion cost around $6 billion — a new record, as in every new presidential cycle. America’s vice-presidency, one of its occupants once asserted in an oftbowdlerised remark, is “not worth a bucket of warm piss”. “Latinos are Republicans,” Ronald Reagan is supposed to have said. “They just don’t know it yet.” Plato warned that democratic leaders would “rob the rich, keep as much of the proceeds as they can for themselves and distribute the rest to the people”. Officials would prefer you to be born, live, work, pay taxes, draw benefits and die in the same place, travel on one passport only, and bequeath only one nationality to your offspring. Otto von Hasburg, 97, liberated from court etiquette, can call someone an “idiot” if he wants, instead of “your excellency”. He was a technicolour politician in a monochrome landscape. Public urinators rule the London streets. CASA-CE, a new group headed by Abel Chivukuvuku, a former Unita man, is one of several being allowed to run for the first time, and may take votes from Unita. Gerge McGovern promised swingeing cuts in the defence budget, an end to the war in Vietnam, an amnesty for draft-evaders, universal health care, a guaranteed job for every American and an income above the poverty line for every American household. Brighteyed young volunteers stuffed envelopes for him; Hollywood stars turned out for him; Simon and Garfunkel sang. To no avail. Richard


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Nixon won 49 states; he won Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. His name became a byword for Democratic disaster. Air conditioning reshaped American politics, by enabling the migration of Republican pensioners to the Sun Belt. That helped break the longstanding Democratic lock on southern politics. America uses more electricity for cooling than Africa uses for everything. In 2008, we changed the guard. This year we must guard the change. America comes to believe that it has wings. Then, Icarus-like, it soars too close to the sun and the wings melt. The world is a competitive place. Britain is trying to run with its shoelaces tied together. Houston was elected president of Texas five months later and in 1845 it became the 28th and largest of the United States of America. Alaska, the 49th state, is even larger. But, as some say in Texas, just wait ’til the ice melts. If one compares Сastro’s lodgings with the White House, Buckingham Palace or the Elysée Palace, it would be fair to conclude that their residences are unpretentious. Dr Gloor has found that, in Western countries at least, non-violent protest movements begin to burn out when the upbeat tweets turn negative, with “not”, “never”, “lame”, “I hate”, “idiot” and so on becoming more frequent. Abundant complaints about idiots in the government or in an ideologically opposed group are a good signal of a movement’s decline. Complaints about idiots in one’s own movement or such infelicities as the theft of beer by a fellow demonstrator suggest the whole thing is almost over. Condor, then, is good at forecasting the course of existing protests. Even better, from the politicians’ point of view, would be to predict such protests before they occur. The difference between Barack Obama, leader and Barack Obama, campaigner is in the sleeves. When Mr Obama speaks as the president  — sober, calm, head of a nation  — he tends to encase them in a suit jacket. When he speaks as a candidate — fiery, enthusiastic, figurehead of a party — he loses the jacket and rolls up his shirtsleeves.


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In 1922 Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor became the head of the House of Habsburg: “Your Majesty” to legitimists, and by the Grace of God “Emperor of Austria; King of Hungary and Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galicia and Lodomeria; King of Jerusalem, etc; Archduke of Austria; Grand Duke of Tuscany and Cracow; Duke of Lorraine, Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola and Bukowina; Grand Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of Moravia; Duke of Silesia, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla, Auschwitz and Zator, Teschen, Friaul, Dubrovnik and Zadar; Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol, of Kyburg, Gorizia and Gradisca; Prince of Trento and Brixen; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia”. His other titles were more minor. With the war over, Seward found the time to devote to expansionism. He not only arranged to buy Alaska for $7.2m in gold — one senator declared his support for the treaty on the condition “that the secretary of state be compelled to live there”— but he also began planning for the acquisition of Hawaii and the construction of the Panama canal, both of which later came to pass. He also wanted to buy British Columbia, which would have connected the rest of America to Alaska, but “British honour” kicked in, among other factors, and he failed. The great fear of every political leader is events, especially unexpected ones, and especially unexpected ones that are beyond the power of politicians to control. An iron law of politics holds that at times of political unravelling the fixer becomes the scapegoat and the planter of stories turns into the story itself. Inside were the contents of President Lincoln’s pockets on the night he was assassinated. Two pairs of spectacles; a lens polisher; a pocket knife; the fob of a watch; a leather wallet; a linen handkerchief; and nine newspaper clippings admiring of the president’s policies. Being a President is like riding a tiger — a man has to keep on riding or being swallowed. The after-life for a prime minister is a particularly empty one. Ronald Reagan famously said, the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” 78

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While in opposition, Mr Cameron invited the Swede to his house for supper. I bicycle home, so may be late, he warned Mr Reinfeldt. Great, replied the Swedish prime minister, I’ll grab a pint at a pub near your house. Azhar Usman, a stand-up comic, says he is a “very patriotic” American Muslim. “I would die for this country,” he declares. After a pause, he adds: “By blowing myself up.” After another pause: “Inside of a Dunkin’ Donuts.” Bush blamed the Iraqis for their inability to accept America’s gift of freedom. In Congo the government spent more than $500m on elections last year, making them the world’s most costly after America’s. High rates of illiteracy and a lack of capable institutions do not help. In Sierra Leone’s border regions, officials judge who should get a voting card by listening to people’s accents. Tens of thousands of Puritans, who were religiously akin to the Pilgrims, reached America in the 1630s and 1640s, clustering in Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut. The Indians were squeezed into ever smaller spaces as the English convinced them to sell their land. Dartmouth, Mr Philbrick reports, went for “30 yards of cloth, eight moose skins, 15 axes, 15 hoes, 15 pairs of shoes, one iron pot, and ten shillings’ worth of assorted goods”. An Icarus-like government career: a shimmering rise and cut short by incaution. Ben Bradlee was the 52nd male Bradlee to study at Harvard since 1795. One of the best things about being a government is that nobody audits your accounts. Toowoomba today — the rest of the world tomorrow? “Give me a balcony and I will become president,” said José Maria Velasco, Ecuador’s most prominent populist, who was five times elected president and four times overthrown by the army. Now that “nigger” (which he calls the N-word) has become taboo in polite society, what happens to Niggerhead Point? The author notes in passing that this cape on Lake Ontario was thus named because it was a point on the laudable underground railroad that helped thousands of escaped 79

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slaves to freedom in Canada. That interesting historical association survives in the first name change, to Negrohead Point (which remains on federal maps). But to call it merely Graves Point (as New York state maps do) seems a pity. “Nigger” and “Jap” are now banned on American maps, though a Dago Gulch survives in western Montana. More puzzling to the non-American is the onslaught on the use of “Squaw”, which according to some activists (though not philologists) is not an innocent word for a Native American woman, but a derogatory term for her vagina. So Squaw Peak is now set to be renamed after Lori Piestewa, the first Native American woman in the American army to be killed in combat. In the year 15AD, during the short-lived Xin dynasty, a rumour spread that a yellow dragon, a symbol of the emperor, had inauspiciously crashed into a temple in the mountains of central China and died. Ten thousand people rushed to the site. The emperor Wang Mang, aggrieved by such seditious gossip, ordered arrests and interrogations to quash the rumour, but never found the source. He was dethroned and killed eight years later, and Han-dynasty rule was restored. You only need to move your lips to start a rumour, but you need to run until your legs are broken to refute one. For the Democrats, this is a great opportunity. For years, they have enjoyed a consistent advantage over Republicans on “mommy” issues, such as education and health care. But Republicans have trounced them on “daddy” issues, such as killing terrorists and defending the homeland. The Democrats have lost a lot of elections because they are easy to caricature as the party that thinks “there are no enemies, just friends whose grievances we haven’t yet accommodated.” Even an optimist would not describe Pakistan’s glass as half full — keeping it unbroken may be the best one could hope for. Cronyism is as American as apple pie. All countries have their cronies. That much-cited model of moral rectitude, Tony Blair, is so surrounded by them that they are called “Tony’s cronies” (he made his old roommate, Charlie Falconer, Lord Chancellor). Edith Cresson, a European commissioner, appointed her dentist to an advisory position. But you expect that sort of thing in Brussels. America’s problem is the contrast between highminded idealism and low practice. America regards itself as the world’s purest meritocracy — a country based on talent, not patronage and toadyism. A quick glance at history shows this is rubbish. Most presidents surround themselves with a regional mafia: look at Carter’s Georgians 80

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or Reagan’s Californians or Clinton’s Arkansans. These mafias produce some rum appointments: Jimmy Carter made his one-time campaign driver, Jody Powell, his press secretary; Bill Clinton made his chum from Miss Marie’s kindergarten in Hope, Thomas McLarty, his chief of staff. Scandals are endemic. Harry Truman’s Missouri cronies had a weakness for gifts of mink coats and freezers (an issue in the 1952 election). As for the antics of Mr. Clinton’s Arkansas buddies, the less said the better. Englishmen never will be slaves: they are free to do whatever the government and public opinion allow them to do. In Montgomery, Alabama in the 1950s, as in much of the South, the first four rows of seats were for whites only. No more than four rows were needed, since few whites, and those poor ones, took the bus anyway. But whether they were filled or not, no black could sit there. Blacks sat at the back, in “Coloured”, where they belonged. Between the two worlds was a middle section. Blacks could sit there, but if a white needed their seat they were expected to vacate not one seat, but the whole row, in order to spare the white the embarrassment of sitting by a nigger. 93% of political spots on the Golf Channel are Republican, on Comedy Central, by contrast, the ads are 86% Democratic. Rwanda’s two main tribes, the Hutus and the Tutsis, have skirmished since pre-colonial times, but organised massacres are a modern evil. There used to be a lot of movement between the groups, but the Belgian colonists, who ruled from 1916 until 1962, judged that the tall, thin Tutsis were superior to the shorter, flat-nosed Hutus, and decided to rule through them. They deposed Hutu chiefs in favour of Tutsis, favoured Tutsis in admissions to colonial schools, and created a legacy of ethnic resentment. They also issued every Rwandan with an ethnic identity card; these were to prove an invaluable tool for génocidaires who wanted to know whom to kill. Neandertals were dim-witted brutes who lived a crude lifestyle. Wasn’t there at least a dog Hillary once omitted to kick or a child whose lollipop she didn’t steal? They talked about linking American power with American ideals: but it turned out, at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo, that power can corrupt those ideals. To require senators to shuffle out of the door when they turn 75 rather than waiting to be carried out feet first. 81

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To do the right deed for the wrong reason, T. S. Eliot wrote, is “the greatest treason” — a familiar one in the world of politics. The people running Iran are not mystical, millenarian illuminati, but cold-blooded totalitarians. The real problems start when politics comes into play. Britishness (as  opposed to the more tribal Englishness) has become an inclusive identity, based more on values than ancestry. Secret societies run through the tapestry of Italy’s history like a halfhidden thread. As an Arab sociologist puts it, in a tribal society you do not buy loyalty, you only rent it. What does Islamist mean? Some call them the “six-pack”. Ever since Bosnia’s election in October 2010 the country has been waiting for the leaders of the six main parties — two Serbs, two Croats and two Bosniaks — to form a government. Palestinian obligations were “musts” while Israeli ones “shoulds”. Ouagadougu, capital of Burkina Faso — “where people get honor and respect”. It was Barry Goldwater, a Republican politician, who pointed out that to serve in the armed forces, you don’t have to be straight. You only have to shoot straight. Parisians, the car dealers say, turn out to be the ones who are keenest to hide their origins — perhaps to protect their cars from casual vandalism when motoring on holiday, prompted by their reputation for haughty arrogance. Adam Smith’s first book, “The Theory of Moral Sentiments”, “turned the tables” on Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who believed that society enslaved man to vanity and ambition. Smith argued, instead, that society taught man to be good. This tuition started from man’s capacity for “sympathy”: 82

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his ability to feel what another man feels. It continued with his capacity for sympathy squared: his ability to sense what other men feel about him, putting himself in the shoes of other men putting themselves in his shoes. Perhaps people feel little need for corporate social responsibility when the government cares for them from cradle to grave. Frankin D. Roosevelt did not have much time for Burma or the Burmese. The sympathy he felt for Indian demands for independence from Britain did not extend to that other piece of the British Raj now known as Myanmar. In 1942 he wrote to Winston Churchill: “I wish you could put the whole bunch of them into a frying pan with a wall around it and let them stew in their own juice.” The brass-hats should be answerable to the government. One of America’s most admirable characteristics is its belief that it has a duty of moral leadership. The incumbent Mayor of London Boris Johnson, who is known for his chaotic charisma, has run the city competently enough. One popular revival is the notion of tianxia, or “all under heaven”. This dates back to the golden age of classical Chinese philosophy — of Confucius, Mencius, Laozi and the rest — in the “warring states” period before China’s unification in 221BC under the first Qin emperor. Tianxia is widely understood as a unified world dominated by one country (call it the “middle kingdom”, perhaps), to which neighbours and those beyond look for guidance and pay tribute. The representative for Long Island has approached this most sensitive of subjects with the delicacy of a steamroller. The Lebanese would be rich indeed if they had a pound every time their country had been described as “on the brink” of violent collapse. Osama bin Laden built the brand and turned it into a global franchise; his face advertised it, even as he disappeared. Only after Mossadeq’s ejection was the shah able to become a highoctane dictator.


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Mr Bush’s victory shows how much power a president has in wartime, even a deeply unpopular president fighting a deeply unpopular war. Once installed in the presidential palace, he may find it much harder to continue to be all things to all men. Demography is like a supertanker; it takes decades to turn around. It will pose some of China’s biggest problems. If people are bad at recalling their feelings, they are worse at predicting them. The government owns 30% of Eni, and seems happy with its strategy. Of Eni’s current board of nine, six are government appointees, described as independent; three of them are directors of companies in the business empire of Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, and a fourth is a politician of the Northern League, a partner in Italy’s governing coalition. Mr Scaroni, in turn, is a longstanding shareholder of Mr Berlusconi’s AC Milan football club. The Greek finance minister, George Papaconstantinou, must feel like a man who finds a one-euro coin on the pavement only to discover he had earlier dropped a five-euro note. Merkel is a cautious consensus builder. McCain has legendary volcanic temper who is a serial erupter. North Korea is unique among communist countries in having what amounts to a royal family. The current dictator, Kim Jong Il, inherited power from his father, Kim Il Sung. The personality cult extends not only to them, but to Kim senior’s mother, Kang Ban Suk (“mother of Korea”), to his first wife, Kim Chong Suk (“mother of revolution”), and to his brother, Kim Chol Ju (“the revolutionary fighter”). He also wants to cut the number of agencies run by the state from 1,000 to around 800 and to consolidate the New York state’s astonishing 10,000 local governments. Republicans are a party of white-trash pride.


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It is one thing to be independent of politicians but quite another to have discussions with them in a crisis. They have a policy of blaming the previous government. But they don’t seem to realise that, after 11 years in power, they are the previous government. Nowadays, a Republican candidate must believe not just some but all of the following things: that abortion should be illegal in all cases; that gay marriage must be banned even in states that want it; that the 12m illegal immigrants, even those who have lived in America for decades, must all be sent home; that the 46m people who lack health insurance have only themselves to blame; that global warming is a conspiracy; that any form of gun control is unconstitutional; that any form of tax increase must be vetoed, even if the increase is only the cancelling of an expensive and market-distorting perk; that Israel can do no wrong and the “so-called Palestinians”, to use Mr Gingrich’s term, can do no right; that the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education and others whose names you do not have to remember should be abolished Both parties must survive the cannibalistic ritual known as the primaries. Media is awash with hysterical reports. It turns out that the only thing that alarms Europeans more than a swaggering American president is one who seems weak. Asia accounted for more than half of world output for 18 of the last 20 centuries. Its growing clout in the world economy is, therefore, a “restoration” not a revolution. How did as shrewd a politician as Mr Obama find himself stalemated? If not checkmated, so early in his presidency? He is a democrat through and through. His various appearances before congressional committees resembled nothing so much as the clubbing of a baby seal. Even Major League Baseball is considering relocating its 2011 All-Star Game, the first ever slated to be played in the state. To Arizona’s conservative machos, this one hurts — especially since it recalls the National Football League’s decision in 1991 to move


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the 1993 Super Bowl to punish Arizona for not making the birthday of Martin Luther King a holiday. For the Democrats, this is a great opportunity. For years, they have enjoyed a consistent advantage over Republicans on “mommy” issues, such as education and health care. But Republicans have trounced them on “daddy” issues, such as killing terrorists and defending the homeland. The Democrats have lost a lot of elections because they are easy to caricature as the party that thinks “there are no enemies, just friends whose grievances we haven’t yet accommodated”. Republicans and Democrats differ sharply as to which mighty institutions pose the greatest threat to the little guy. Democrats, by and large, think big corporations are the problem. Republicans think big government is. But the protection offered by a cradle-to-grave welfare system hides a dark underside. British government has been running, using nursery rhymes: “Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. There was none as extreme weather due to climate change had caused a drought.” But as Messrs Dornbusch and Edwards pointed out, “at the end of every populist experiment real wages are lower than they were at the beginning”. Behind a fig leaf of constructive engagement. Mr Steinberg, a professor of modern European history at the University of Pennsylvania, is fascinated by Bismarck’s complex personality. He started writing about him because he wanted to understand how his hero led three wars and unified Germany without commanding a single soldier, without a big political party backing him, without any experience in government before his nomination as minister-president of Prussia in 1862 and without great oratorical skills. Bismarck had near-hypnotic powers over William. He manipulated him with temper tantrums, tears, hysterical outbursts and frequent threats of resignation. “It is hard to be king under Bismarck,” sighed the sovereign. What should really worry policymakers is the unknown unknowns.


Law, justice, rules

Law, justice, rules

I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six. Last year America shut down a fake embassy in South Africa, complete with the Stars and Stripes and a photo of President Barack Obama, that had been operating in Ghana for a decade. It had been selling fake visas to America for $6,000 each. The less people know about how laws and sausages are made, the better they sleep at night (Bismarck). Arkansas has an unhappy history of multiple executions: in 1923 a man was taken from his coffin and put back in the electric chair after he was found still to be breathing. Imagine a traffic-light regulation that says: “On green the driver may cross the road, unless, under the given circumstances, a reasonable person would consider this to be risky, inadequate or reckless. We now need a lawyer as a co-driver.” Does a bill that does nothing actually do something? Perhaps half of America’s private-sector employers ask job applicants to declare their criminal records, and two-thirds routinely run checks before taking people on. They see it as necessary due diligence. Unfortunately, checks that individual firms believe to be prudent are collectively bad for the 7m Americans who have spent time in prison and the 70m with a criminal record. Fish are slippery characters, with little regard for international agreements or borders. The speediest, such as crescent-tailed bluefin tuna, can slice through the ocean at 70 kilometres per hour. Their routes take them beyond areas that come under the jurisdiction of individual coastal states, and into the high seas. Oilmen groom the politicians; politicians do their best for the oilmen. Corporations grease the legislators, legislators return the favors.


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“The moon was in its seventh house and Jupiter lined up with Mars,” said Mr Chambers after senators overwhelmingly voted for the ban. The thicker the rule book, the bigger the headache when it drops on you. Many talk of being sovereign as if it were like being pregnant: one either is or is not. Prison is an expensive way to make bad people worse. Mathew, an Irish judge at the turn of the 20th century, is said to have quipped that justice in England is open to all, “like the Ritz Hotel”. Sophisticated legal services are somewhat like luxury cars and handbags, in that a high asking-price is taken as a sign of quality. No one wants to have hired the cheaper firm in a high-stakes lawsuit. Parliament was so quiet you may hear a bill drop. A generation ago Saadallah Wannous, a Syrian playwright, famously lamented that his people were “sentenced to hope”. Asking the justice system to reform itself was like tying up a dog with a string of sausages — the legislative sausage machine. What happens to our digital property after we die? Every oil spill has a silver lining — if you are a lawyer, that is. Winston Churchill thought Parliament should meet for no more than five months a year. A former kangaroo skinner faced a kangaroo court. The hangmen job advertisement, published only in the stateowned Sinhala-language newspaper, drew 178 responses. Applicants included a man with one eye, autorickshaw drivers, retired military men, labourers and a university student whose many attempts at securing other employment had failed. Ten aspirants were rejected, mostly because they were too old or too young. One woman was turned down on the ground that her gender would make her too emotional. No other qualifications were re88

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quired, beyond a basic school education. Officials worried that a more erudite class of executioner might be tempted to chuck in this job for another. Two (anonymous) candidates have been chosen to fill the vacancies. But since neither of the two previous executioners hanged anybody during their tenure, and one has since died, training the new recruits poses a challenge. Suppose you want to buy a table. But you care about orang-utans, indigenous peoples and carbon emissions, so you don’t want it made with illegally harvested logs. Or suppose you run a chain of furniture shops, and you don’t want to go to jail for buying illegal timber. Either way, you face a snag: how to tell if a log is legal? Rape laws also determine whether consensual sexual activity involving young people is legal. The first recorded law on this was in England in 1275, which made it an offence to have sex (with or without her consent) with a “maiden within age”. This was interpreted as meaning below the age of marriage, at that time 12 (Shakespeare’s Juliet was 13 at the time of her romance with Romeo). A 17-year-old and a 15-year-old can have legal sex in one European Union country (Denmark) but commit a crime if they canoodle in Britain (though in practice the risk of prosecution would be minimal). Some prisons in Brazil are so chaotic that inmates are not released once their sentences are over. Other prisoners, such as Marcos Mariano da Silva, a mechanic arrested for murder in 1976, are victims of mistaken identity. He spent six years in jail in Pernambuco before the real culprit was arrested and he was released. Three years later he was stopped by traffic police who rearrested him as a fugitive. He spent 13 more years in jail, contracting tuberculosis. He died last year, hours after hearing that the state government had lost its appeal against paying him compensation. Mr Zuma himself once faced corruption charges, escaping trial by the skin of his teeth on a legal technicality. Was the ball over the goal-line? (Note to German readers: maybe not at Wembley in 1966, yes in Bloemfontein in 2010.) Was that sending-off deserved, or a gross miscarriage of justice? Was the referee brilliant, blind or bribed? International Criminal Court has no gumshoes or handcuffs of its own — members must help to bring in the accused. 89

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The lord’s right to make the peasants, after working all day, sit up and whip the ponds all night with boughs, to prevent the frogs’music from disturbing my lord’s slumbers. Instead of finding a needle in the haystack, they are making more. If not the land of the free, America is certainly the land of the ingenious lawyer.

Love, marriage, family, sex, friendship, children

According to myth, Eros carried arrows tipped either in gold or in lead: the gold ones incited extreme desire; the lead ones killed it. Why are adult men in India so eager to have their wives breastfeed them? Male prisoners look for bits of wire to make weapons and stab each other, she says. “Women look for wire to curl their eyelashes.” When Mr Trump divorced the first of his three wives, Ivana, he let the New York tabloids know that one reason for the separation was that her breast implants felt all wrong. Egypt was once at the forefront of contraception. In ancient times women inserted a paste made with crocodile dung into their vaginas to prevent pregnancy. Never give money to an online paramour, however charming. Be nice to your kids — they choose your nursing home. Some results are both disturbing and perplexing, such as the prevalence of searches on pornographic sites for videos depicting sexual violence against women, and the fact that women themselves seek out these scenes at least twice as often as men do. 90

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A common myth in Sudan is that an uncut clitoris will grow into a third leg. If diamonds were to cease being a way to signal a man’s marriageability, what might take their place? In Egypt and Palestine, over half of men and women say that if a woman is raped, she should marry her rapist. In at least three of the countries, more women than men say that women who dress provocatively deserve to be harassed. In the 1920s even respectable ladies began painting their faces, and the cosmetics industry exploded. Children are said to have “six pockets”: two from their parents, and four from their grandparents. A lioness may mate up to 100 times a day with different lions during oestrus. Dating is a treacherous business. There may be plenty of fish in the sea, yet many are unhygienic, self-absorbed, disconcertingly attached to exfish, or fans of Donald Trump. In a sense, searching for a mate is not so different from hunting for a job. Family feuds are discouraged when no relative can dream of running off to Bahamas with all the loot. “There are no family fights,” says one Wallenberg. “No one understands how it works, but it works well”. If you can’t find love change your appearance. Peacocks strut; bowerbirds build lovenests; spiders gift-wrap flies in silk. Such courtship rituals play an important role in what Charles Darwin called sexual selection: when the female of a species bears most of the costs of reproduction, males use extravagant displays and gifts to demonstrate their “reproductive fitness” and females choose between them. For human males, shards of a crystalline form of carbon often feature. A diamond engagement ring signals a man’s taste, wealth and commitment, all to persuade a woman that he is a good bet. De Beers can no longer control the market. Though it is the biggest producer by value, it accounts for only a third of global sales, down 91

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from 45% in 2007. Meanwhile the source of the demand that drives sales  — the link between diamonds and love  — looks weaker than it used to. The ancient Greeks regarded diamonds as the tears of the gods. Saudi Arabia lavishes cash on suspected terrorists who cooperate with its deradicalisation programme, setting them up with jobs, cars and even wives. It is a status symbol, demonstrating that even as a man approaches the expenses of married life, he can still splash out on a bauble. Procter & Gamble roared into the disposable-nappy business with Pampers in 1961. The progenitor of Japan’s imperial line, supposedly 2,600 years ago, was female: Amaterasu, goddess of the sun. But for most of the time since, all emperors have been male. Chopsticks come in pairs. Divorce is still common — more than 800,000 marriages were annulled in 2014 — and it is often costly and protracted. A survey by Nolo, a legal publisher, suggests the average American couple spends $15,000 and 10.7 months untying the knot. A procedure called mitochondrial donation, which would result in a child with DNA from three people: its mother, its father and a female donor sometimes dubbed a mitomum. How a woman can love a daughter born of rape? More than 10m Americans are estimated to date digitally, and as an industry in 2013 it reached $2 billion in revenue with over 2,500 dating sites in the United States. “The best countries”, Fourie wrote, “have always been those which allowed women the most freedom.” Love, it turns out, is not innocent hanky-panky, but something noxious, corrosive — even deadly. The menopause is a puzzle. 92

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A country’s GDP falls when a man marries his maid. The most important career choice a woman makes is whom she marries. A supportive spouse can help you excel; a jealous or lazy one may hold you back. In the mid-1800s, before the advent of negatives and half-tone printing, a photo of a naked prostitute cost more than engaging her for sex. Not until 1953, when Hugh Hefner launched Playboy with a nude photograph of Marilyn Monroe, did porn go mass-market. When men announce they are about to have a child, they are simply congratulated; when women do, they are congratulated and then asked what they plan to do about work. 50% of marriages end in divorce, the other 50% end in death. So take your pick. How do robots have sex? By swapping software “genotypes” via infrared communications, ideally when facing each other 30cm apart. Not exactly a salty punchline. Cuttlefish are cross-dressers, the male argonaut (a pelagic octopus) has a detachable, projectile penis, dolphins are in flagrante acrobats, and group sex erupts (where else?) on the California coast twice a year when tens of thousands of grunions disport themselves on the beach. Led by the moon and tides, the small fish fling themselves ashore. The female digs a hole in the sand with her tail, backs in, lays eggs, and waits while up to eight males snuggle up and release their sperm. Loneliness, conversely, can be deadly: one study found it did more damage to health than smoking. Dogs, unlike people, are capable of pure love — at least according to Freud. Britain leads the rich world in indicators associated with solitary lifestyles: gym-going (as opposed to team sports), divorce, smartphone and tablet adoption (replacing the family television set), self-employment, online shopping, eating alone, meal-skipping and the declines of both the pub and the nuclear family. Clubs of all sorts, from churches and political parties to golf clubs and trade unions, are shrinking. 93

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If backward time travel were possible, some fool would no doubt try testing the grandfather paradox, another invention of timetravelling fiction writers. In this, a visitor to the past kills his or her grand-father before the conception of the protagonist’s own parent, meaning the protagonist could never have been born, and the murder could not have taken place. In the old days if you wanted a promotion you wore a short skirt, now it’s the other way round. More than 90% of presidents and prime ministers are male, as are nearly all big corporate bosses. Men dominate finance, technology, films, sports, music and even stand-up comedy. In much of the world they still enjoy social and legal privileges simply because they have a Y chromosome. What is a “rampant homosexual”? What makes him rampant, and do rampant heterosexuals exist as well? Well-to-do parents fear two things: that their children will die in a freak accident, and that they will not get into Harvard. The first fear is wildly exaggerated. The second is not, but staying awake all night worrying about it will not help — and it will make you miserable. Michael Burgess, suggested that fetuses are already masturbating by 20 weeks — although only male ones. Some transgender people do not go to the loo all day because they have been harassed, assaulted or kicked out of one. This can result in dehydration, urinary-tract infections and kidney problems. Women are just men with less money. In 1939, 10% of American brides received a diamond engagement ring. By the end of the century 80% did. 26% of young American brides say they dreamed about their future engagement rings years before beginning a relationship. A pun, like porn, is defined less by intention than by reception. Tax reform is always the bridesmaid and never the bridem. 94

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The hijab helps women be treated for their minds, not their looks. Over Sabbath meals, Israelis who are worried about growing intolerance discuss whether to put their children or their country first. It’s like a big house with only one bathroom, and daddy’s been in there too long. Each suburban housewife, wrote Betty Friedan in 1963, struggles with a single question as she makes the beds, shops for groceries, chauffeurs children about and lies beside her husband at night: “Is this all?” Confucious said that while a man’s parents were alive, he should not travel far afield. Will fatherhood make me happy? A husband follows his wife and another man to a hotel room. Through the keyhole he sees the pair embrace. As they fling off their clothes his wife’s underwear catches on the doorknob, blocking his view of what happens next — and leaving his faith in her fidelity intact. Even in Mecca and Medina people have intercourse. Armpits4August, a campaign, encourages women to grow underarm hair for a month to challenge norms of beauty. Members of La Barbe, a shock troop of French feminists set up in 2008, infiltrate male-dominated meetings wearing beards and derisively congratulate the men on their supremacy. Immanuel Kant has the best insights into the gay-marriage debate — he argues that, once you have stripped away the nonsense, marriage is nothing more than a contract for the mutual use of the sex organs. For those not naturally well endowed, breast implants may make economic sense: going from flat-chested to a D-cup increases hourly rates by approximately $40, meaning that at a typical price of $3,700, surgery could pay for itself after around 90 hours. It does seem that the little darlings really are good for your health  — something to remember next time your children’s behavior makes you want to scream. 95

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Plato described love as a serious mental disease. Aristotle saw it as a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Tina Turner dismissed the feeling as a second-hand emotion. The nature of love — how and when and why and with whom humans fall for each other — has preoccupied thinkers through the ages. Shakespeare mused that “it is beyond the power of man to bring love and wisdom to an union.” A newly-discovered scrap of one of holy texts which seems to quote Jesus speaking of “my wife.” Karen King of Harvard University presented a translation at a conference in Rome on September 18th. Churches that believe their priests must be celibate in order to be like Jesus are not about to change their rules, though. Assuming the fragment is genuine, it shows only that others talked about Jesus using that word. The definition of “wife” is open to question too: Gnostic writing also features terms such as “bridal chamber”, used without any connotation of sexual intimacy. The vagina is not nearly as free today in the West as we are led to believe. The problem with penises, as Richard Rudgley, a British anthropologist, admitted on a television programme some years ago, is that once you start noticing them, you “tend to see willies pretty much everywhere”. The euro was supposed to be the manifestation of a grand political project. It feels more like a loveless marriage, in which the cost of breaking up is the only thing keeping the partners together. When he reads obituaries he looks not for the age of the deceased but the length of their marriages, and envies those who had more time than he did. After all, whose spam filter does not groan with ads for suspiciously cheap “Viagra”? One Chinese billionaire has particular requirements for a matchmaking agency: suitable candidates should be aged 20–26, weigh less than 50kg (110lb) and have no sexual experience. So far more than 5,000 young women have applied. “Customer 360” is due to be tested in the new London store next spring. It will mean that Burberry keeps a detailed database on 96

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each customer’s spending habits. That could cause embarrassment, for example if a customer who has bought racy gifts for his mistress enters a Burberry store with his wife and is enthusiastically ushered to the skimpy bikinis. Are there no American children who have broken a leg at camp, suffered psychological trauma by coming last in a race, or been discriminated against by competing against stronger boys? Finding a nice Jewish girl in Mississippi isn’t easy. Beautiful flowers — like beautiful women — can separate the most sensible men from their money. In the 17th century Holland, tulips grew so expensive that people exchanged them for houses. In early imperial Rome, when the emperor Augustus put a tax on celibacy in response to anaemic marriage rates, he faced a spate of betrothals to underage women, an open revolt from his senators — and a decline in his citizens’ conjugal appetites. Are you cheating on your spouse? If so, please stand up and declare it. Total silence? What virtuous readers The Economist has. The latest survey of time use in America suggests women still shoulder most of the housework, spending on average an hour a day scrubbing, hoovering and shopping, compared with barely 20 minutes for the unfairer sex. Performing a Mozart quartet takes just as long in 2012 as it did in the late 18th century. Defining rape, or trying to, is a sure-fire way to start a row. Does age matter? (In some countries, sex with minors is automatically rape; in others, it is not.) Must it involve violence? What kind of sex is involved? Is the victim by definition a woman and the perpetrator a man? Do time, location or the parties’ sexual histories play any role? I don’t know any successful women who haven’t had a powerful sponsor in their organisation to give them their first big break. Marriage is a surprisingly good predictor of management style, reckon Nikolai Roussanov and Pavel Savor of Wharton Business 97

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School. The average unmarried boss invests 69% more than his married counterpart, they find. Lillian Hellman was a hypocritical “bitch with balls”, in the words of Elia Kazan. When Theits, Achilles’s mother, dipped her baby in the river Styx to give him her gift of invulnerability, she had to hold him somewhere. The upper-middle-class members of the Beggar’s Benison club in Scotland, founded in 1732, apparently thought nothing of arranging meetings where they could drink, sing and fondle naked women. Such evenings were brought to a fitting climax, as it were, when they would communally ejaculate into a ceremonial pewter platter. Americans need to vote to kick the state out of the bedroom, or the boardroom, but not both. Medically, it was possible to make a woman speak, but there was no medical way of making one silent. As someone who has studied Mandarin for years, I can tell you that the most difficult aspect of any language to master is neither tone, grammar, nor spelling, but rather how to use it to communicate with a woman. A golden wedding is a terrible time for a marital crisis. The happy life seems to be lived in accordance with goodness, and such a life implies seriousness and doesn’t consist in amusing oneself. The judges decided that a child who has been brutalised becomes freer to make sexual choices. So a child prostitute is somehow no longer a child. People inherit mitochondria only from their mothers, which is why only the female line of descent can be tracked using them. Being liked is not the same as doing shit. Being gay-friendly can attract gay customers, too. Witeck-Combs Communications, a consultancy, estimates that gay Americans 98

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spend $835  billion a year. But But homosexuality is still illegal in 76 countries — including such vibrant business hubs as Dubai and Singapore — and is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, Iran and parts of Nigeria. 29 US states still allow discrimination on the basis of sexual preference. “As part of their daily lives, children across Europe and the world continue to be spanked, slapped, hit, smacked, shaken, kicked, pinched, punched, caned, flogged, belted, beaten and battered in the name of discipline, mainly by adults whom they depend on.” Ali Hili, head of a group called Iraqi LGBT, (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) says that since the 2003 invasion more than 700 people have been killed because of their sexuality. Lesbians in Muslim countries tend to have an easier time: in Iran they are sentenced to death only on the fourth conviction. Why, though, allow yourself to be ambushed if you are a female? Why mate with a second-class beau who cannot be bothered to bring you the fishy equivalent of roses and diamonds? No matter how hard males compete, they will always be outwitted by the wiliest, most subversive competitors of all: females. With their talk of placing stability and growth above individual rights, Communist officials sometimes make human rights sound like air conditioning, or colour television: a luxury you can afford once you acquire a certain level of wealth. Women can be required to lift their veils “if necessary” — would that be before or after a veiled suicide-bomber detonates her (or his) device? It is particularly striking in a Stockholm playground filled with Somali toddlers, squeaking as they queue for sledge-rides. When most people talk about “broken Britain” they mean whether someone stands for a pregnant woman on a train or fears being stabbed for asking kids to throw their litter in a bin. In 1849 George Bancroft, an American historian and diplomat, said that for a man to have two countries was as intolerable as for him to have two wives.


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It is thought that about 10m Asian women sell sex to 75m men, who in turn have a further 50m regular partners. Sharing a womb is not an ideal start to life. To Mr Santorum the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2003 that anti-sodomy laws were unconstitutional was a bad mistake: this was a slippery slope that would establish a right to bigamy, polygamy, incest, adultery — “anything”. When Iranians say “Death to America” they sometimes mean “Please America, show me more love”. “Pre-salt oil is like a pretty woman on a dance floor full of men,” Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s president, put it bluntly. “Everybody wants a go.” Relatives, friends, children and dogs are du, everyone else is Sie. “Bin Laden”, he said, “is the illegitimate child of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher”. To Edward Weston Charis Wilson was a landscape  — in the repeated curve of her thigh and calf he saw shapes like sea shells, with the luminescence and faint muscular rays of the great chambered nautilus. Her torso, outlined in light, was like the trunk of a cypress tree just entering the soil. Her skin, every follicle and flaw in focus in the ground glass of his lens, had the same sun- and sea-wind weathering, but fainter, of the stones of the Californian desert, and her hips had the convolutions of the naked mountains. Any Mohawk who marries a non-native must leave. “Everyone knows the law: if you marry out, you stay out”. Mr Ahmadinejad compared Hillary Clinton, the American secretary of state, who has asked Syria to distance itself from Iran, to “the daughter-in-law’s mother”, in the Iranian family a symbol of easily ignored powerlessness. Greater promiscuity in females does, indeed, lead to bigger testes, presumably because a male needs to make more sperm to have a fighting chance of fathering offspring, if those sperm are competing with 100

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sperm from a lot of other males. Gorillas, which discourage dalliances between other males and the females of their harem, have small testes. Chimpanzees, among whom females mate widely, have large ones. Human testes lie between these two extremes. If America stood for anything, it was to kick Communist butts. Her passage through the family was like the river Rhône flowing through the lake of Geneva “without mingling any part of its streams with that lake”. In 2000 the census takers in China reported an undercount of 1.81%. Officials deemed this to be within acceptable limits. To compensate, they added more than 22m notional people to the total, to produce a population of 1.27 billion. Many of the uncounted were so-called “black children”, ie, those born in breach of regulations that limit urban couples to a single child. From sample surveys, officials estimate the population at the end of 2009 to have been 1.33 billion. She accidentally poisoned him with a potion she thought would render him eternally faithful. By riding on the coat-tails of his wife’s brother-in-law, Nathan Rothschild. Durex, Trojan and Australia’s Ansell offer chiefly condom brands that appeal to men, with names such as “Performa”, “Magnum”, and “Jissbon”, whose name in Chinese means “James Bond”. Safedom, by contrast, sells “Elegant Winter” condoms under brands such as “Beautiful Girl” and “Green Lemon” in oval-shaped, paisley-patterned tins. Its marketing emphasises female health benefits. Whether or not Safedom goes all the way in Europe and other markets will, as usual, depend on the womenA short man, and a serial fornicator, Koestler, it seems, used his conquests as a kind of self-validation. A trait is sexually selected if it evolved specifically to enhance mating success. They come in two main forms: weapons, such as an elk’s horns are used to fight off competitors; and ornaments, like a peacock’s tail, which are used to advertise genetic fitness to attract the opposite sex.


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Why not name storms after senators instead? On current trends, the Arctic ocean will be largely ice-free in summer by 2040. Sharks kill jast 10–20 people worldwide each year while humans kill around 73m sharks. How did the world get from bacteria to Bach, from fungus to fugues? In August 2016 the result of the Great Elephant Census, the most extensive count of a wild species ever attempted, suggested that about 350,000 African savannah elephants remain alive. This is down by 140,000 since 2007. If Mr Xi were a bird, he would be a swan. The body had decided that the pink dolphin, a rare type sometimes seen cavorting in the territory’s harbour, would be a mascot of the handover festivities. Of the millions of animal species on Earth, only one has built a spaceship and flown to the Moon. By the middle of the century the ocean could contain more plastic than fish by weight. There are estimated to be 5trn bits of plastic in the ocean, with over 8m tonnes of the stuff added every year. How much LSD should you give to an elephant, should you feel minded to do such an irresponsible thing? The answer is not the 297 milligrams that was injected into a poor pachyderm called Tusko in 1962, leading shortly to his death. Tusko should have had a few milligrams, not several hundred. If Britain had a favourite wild animal, it was probably not the fox, gallant but verminous, or the hare, magical but moonstruck, but the bright-eyed pointy-nosed hedgehog, suddenly appearing on lawns at dusk like the head of an old brush. 102


There are 25m tonnes of spiders around the world and that, collectively, these arachnids consume between 400m and 800m tonnes of animal prey every year. This puts spiders in the same predatory league as humans as a species, and whales as a group. Each of these consumes, on an annual basis, in the region of 400m tonnes of other animals. Somewhere between 400m and 500m tonnes is also the total mass of human beings now alive on Earth. You cannot negotiate with nature. Scientists expect almost all corals to be gone by 2050. In 563 AD a tsunami devastated Geneva. IDC, a market-research firm, predicts that the “digital universe” (the data created and copied every year) will reach 180 zettabytes (180 followed by 21 zeros) in 2025 (see chart). Pumping it all through a broadband internet connection would take over 450m year. Many male mammals have a bone, known as a baculum, in their penises to add to stiffness. What is surprising is that many others — men included — do not. What causes a baculum to evolve is not clear. The ocean covers almost three-quarters of the planet. It is divided into five basins: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern oceans. Were all the planet’s water placed over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132km tall. Biology’s biggest division is not between plants and animals, nor even between multicellular and single-celled creatures. It is between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A tiger’s stripes are as unique as a human’s fingerprints. The dolphin is clever, cute, kind, active and inoffensive. Exactly the character of Hong Kong. The new law that declares the Whanganui river, New Zealand’s third-longest, a legal person, in the sense that it can own property, incur debts and petition the courts, is not unprecedented. New Zealanders have been joking about whether the Whanganui 103

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might now vote, buy a few beers (how old is it?) or be charged with murder if a swimmer drowns. Intriguingly, though, Komodo dragons appear to be resistant to bites inflicted by other dragons. Nature never decieves us. If, in tens of thousands of years, a future Finn digs a 400-metre-deep well and draws water contaminated with 21st-century nuclear waste, it will be safe to drink. An octopus’s body contains 500m neurons, roughly the same as a dog’s, but most of these reside in the cephalopod’s arms and allow the tentacles to act independently from the brain (their arms literally have a life of their own). The type of consciousness experienced by an octopus, then, is wholly alien to humans. A butterfly’s wingbeat in one part of the world causes a hurricane in another. The breast of the standard American turkey has become so enlarged by selective breeding that it can no longer mate because the male’s breast gets in the way. Mr Singer describes how thousands of such sexually disabled male turkeys are masturbated by workers and the females artificially inseminated using the tube of an air compressor (at the rate of one every 12 seconds at one turkey farm). He wouldn’t know the difference between a bulldog and a billy goat. Human neurons are distant relatives of tiny yeast cells, themselves descendants of even simpler microbes. Why humans became naked apes is still a mystery. “When elephants mate,” says a South-East Asian diplomat, “we ants get trampled.” “But when elephants fight,” an Australian strategist retorts, “the ants get trampled even more.” Why is bird poo white?



A mammalian brain uses about 70% of its volume for moving information around, 20% for processing it and the remaining 10% to keep everything in the right place and supplied with nutrients. In doing all these things, a human brain consumes about 20 watts of power. That makes it roughly 10,000 times more efficient than the best silicon machines invented by those brains. At the turn of the 20th century, the most malodorous environmental challenge facing the world’s big cities was not slums, sewage or soot; it was horse dung. In London in 1900, an estimated 300,000 horses pulled cabs and omnibuses, as well as carts, drays and haywains, leaving a swamp of manure in their wake. The citizens of New York, which was home to 100,000 horses, suffered the same blight; they had to navigate rivers of muck when it rained, and fly-infested dungheaps when the sun shone. At the first international urban-planning conference, held in New York in 1898, manure was at the top of the agenda. No remedies could be found, and the disappointed delegates returned home a week early. The UN’s Environmental Programme also estimates that the harsh climate claims 230,000 lives annually in west Asia (the Arabian Peninsula and the Fertile Crescent), making it a bigger killer than war. Things are so bad that even Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist group, is preaching the virtues of solar panels. Even the gentle triceratops sometimes used its horns to charge predators. Do parrots actually understand what they are saying? Over half of the 1,400 known human pathogens have their origins in animals such as pigs, bats, chickens and other birds. Success is a delicate flower that can easily be killed. Giant clams, Tridacna gigas, up to a metre across, required two or even four men to carry. The bivalves spilled out of the holds. Giant clams are one of Buddhism’s “seven treasures”, along with gold and lapis lazuli. China’s new rich prize their shells as showy ornaments. What is the IQ of a chimpanzee? Or a worm? Or a game-showwinning computer program? “When you open the window, both fresh air and flies come in,” said Deng Xiaoping. 105

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People shed bacteria — from their skin, mouths, noses and other orifices — at a rate of about 1m an hour. There are around 2,000 species of dung beetle. All, though, live their lives around faeces. In the case of Onthophagus Sagittarius, each female constructs a tunnel after she has mated and then packs it with the stuff in the form of a brooding ball, on which she lays her eggs. Her mate guards the entrance, fighting other males to stop them entering the tunnel and cuckolding him. Tunnels are often so close together, however, that other females may break in to their neighbours’ underground, to try to steal dung. Females, therefore, are constantly in conflict with other females, which is why they need horns. This is no struggle to possess the opposite sex, so does it qualify as sexual selection? Take leafcutter ants. They have four distinct castes, each with their own life tasks. They practise agriculture with a species of fungus that they have domesticated to the point that it can no longer survive without the ants’ care. Their agricultural ways resemble an assembly line, with different ants doing different jobs. The ants have huge colonies with millions of citizens all cooperating. One found in Brazil covered 500 square feet and extended 26 feet below the surface. If you poke a bear you had better show up with the right sort of stick. In a competition to find the world’s least-loved animal, the mosquito would be hard to beat. The dinosaurs, as every schoolchild knows, died out 66m years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period. But there is an argument about whether they went with a bang or a whimper. A Go board’s size means that the number of games that can be played on it is enormous: a rough-and-ready guess gives around 10170. Analogies fail when trying to describe such a number. It is nearly a hundred of orders of magnitude more than the number of atoms in the observable universe, which is somewhere in the region of 1080. “First, get the cow out of the ditch. Second, find out how the cow got into the ditch. Third, make sure you do whatever it takes so the cow doesn’t go into the ditch again.” This is the homely advice that Anne Mulcahy,



the former boss of Xerox, says became her mantra as she fought (successfully) to revive the fortunes of the copying and printing. Interestingly, the genetically modified mice still showed the classic male-mating repertoire  — mounting, penetration and ejaculation. But the researchers noted that they mounted less often, were less apt to penetrate and did not stick at it for as long as the normal mice. Trees can fall as well as rise. An average elephant living in and around Samburu National Reserve, in northern Kenya, ranges over 1,500 square kilometres during the course of a year, and may travel as much as 60km a day. Despite its ambitious title, Charles Darwin’s master work did not really explain “the origin of species”. Rather, it explained how species change, which is not quite the same thing. Shave a chimpanzee and you will find that beneath its hairy coat its skin is white. Human skin, though, was almost always black. Perhaps it was also because she was a woman, expected to keep her house spotless, that she so lamented the despoiling of Everest by climbers. She became a director of campaigns to get their rubbish and, especially, their deep-frozen sewage moved off the mountain. The urine left behind by climbers, she pointed out, could fill 3,300 bathtubs, and 11,800kg of faeces were dug out of the snow every season. The empires were like tigers, which even when threatened with extinction will not co-operate. If a big wave is coming, running from it is not enough. You also have to know how far to run before it is safe to stop. People and bees are more or less the only animals a full-grown elephant is scared of. By 1881, the monster was winning. Jumbo came into season, a “tsunami of testosterone” known as musth, when the penis emerges, tinged


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with green, in four-foot, S-shaped erections. Hardly family entertainment. Overpriced homes are like the extravagant plumage of a peacock, an eye-catching encumbrance that only the most resourceful males can put on display. What’s a man? Or, indeed, a woman? Biologically, the answer might seem obvious. A human being is an individual who has grown from a fertilised egg which contained genes from both father and mother. A growing band of biologists, however, think this definition incomplete. They see people not just as individuals, but also as ecosystems. In their view, the descendant of the fertilised egg is merely one component of the system. The others are trillions of bacteria, each equally an individual, which are found in a person’s gut, his mouth, his scalp, his skin and all of the crevices and orifices that subtend from his body’s surface. Storms that lash the modern American coastline cause more economic damage than their predecessors because there is more to destroy. The Great Miami Hurricane of 1926, a Category 4 storm, caused $1 billion-worth of damage in current dollars. Were it to strike today the insured losses would be $125 billion. Ask a typical American what he thinks of goat and he’ll imagine “a gnarly-looking old billy goat with long horns on top of a car chewing on an old tin can. As a saying widely attributed to Don Quixote put it, “let the dogs bark, Sancho, it’s a sign that we’re advancing”. What is the commonest living thing on Earth? Tracking down a particular virus in the ocean makes finding a needle in a haystack look a trivial task. A litre of seawater has billions of viruses in it. Elephants rumble at 33Hz when they hear bees (the researchers used tape recordings, rather than releasing actual bee swarms) and at 39Hz when they hear Samburu. The two researchers collected pieces of plastic from various sites in the North Atlantic. They then examined each using DNA analysis, and also an electron microscope, to see what was living on it. Lots of things were.



Altogether, they discovered about 50 species of single-celled plant, animal and bacterial life. Each bit of debris was, in effect, a tiny ecosystem. From the womb comes a warrior, a king, a rich man, a criminal and a killer. Life in the world of dung beetles is fiercely competitive. After rolling up a ball of highly nutritious dung, the beetle must race off with it or risk having the ball stolen by other beetles. Strength is important, but so too is the route taken. When allowed to see only the 18 brightest stars or immersed in total darkness, the beetles took more than twice as long to exit the arena. The new studies suggest they are right if you are a frog or a small bird. If you are a coyote or a raccoon, though, buckthorn is a good thing. The need to identify a suitable mate is such a strong biological urge that the animal kingdom has spawned a bewildering array of courtship rituals. Hippo males fling their faeces; flatworms have penis-jousting contests; and humpback whales sing and leap above the ocean surface. Such competitive displays depend on the speed, strength and size of an animal, which is why they convey a measure of reproductive fitness. Female bats maintain viable sperm inside themselves for months. So do salamanders. And a female shark once gave birth after six years in captivity. Freedom for the pike is death for the minnow. A healthy adult human harbours some 100 trillion bacteria in his gut alone. That is ten times as many bacterial cells as he has cells descended from the sperm and egg of his parents. These bugs, moreover, are diverse. Egg and sperm provide about 23,000 different genes. The microbiome, as the body’s commensal bacteria are collectively known, is reckoned to have around 3m. Admittedly, many of those millions are variations on common themes, but equally many are not, and even the number of those that are adds something to the body’s genetic mix. The coyote are opportunistic eaters and will eagerly consume rabbits, rats, Canada geese, fruit, insects and family pets.


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Pigeons form a far richer picture of the world than a person can manage, through three senses unavailable to humans: an instinctive ability to navigate by the sun, an ability to detect magnetic fields that provides them with an inbuilt compass, and an ability to hear infrasound. But if local conditions mean they cannot hear their destination, they are as lost as a driver whose satnav has suddenly failed. Polar-bear watchers do sometimes spot their quarry chasing snow geese during the summer, when these birds have moulted and are unable to fly. However, a quick calculation comparing the cost of doing so with the energetic gain from success suggests such hunts are not usually worth the effort. To make a profit, the argument goes, a polar bear weighing 320kg (700lb, the average for an adult) must, if hunting a 2kg goose, make its kill in less than 12 seconds. If it does not do so, then the calories it expends running after its prey will exceed those it gains from catching it — and the calculation is tipped still further in the birds’ direction if the cost of the ones that get away is included. Geese and other waterfowl do, nevertheless, seem to form a significant part of polar bears’ diets, for studies done in the 1960s found a lot of bird remains in the animals’ faeces. In 1967 Stanley Milgram, an American social scientist, conducted an experiment in which he sent dozens of packages to random people in Omaha, Nebraska. He asked them to pass them on to acquaintances who would, in turn, pass them on to get the packages closer to their intended final recipients. His famous result was that there were, on average, six degrees of separation between any two people. In 2011 Facebook analysed the 721m users of its social-networking site and found that an average of 4.7 hops could link any two of them via mutual friends. A small world is now, it seems, even smaller. The 30-metre, 190,000-tonne Chelyabinsk rock came close: 27,700km (17,200 miles) above the surface, inside the orbit of some satellites. It was the nearest ever recorded for an asteroid that size. A camel is a horse designed by committee. The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO2 put there by humanity since 1750.



Left-handed snails avoid the attentions of right-handed crabs because these dexterous crustaceans find it tricky to eat lefties. For humans, the equivalent is probably those really annoying pistachio nuts that accumulate at the bottom of the bag. They are simply more trouble to open than they are worth, and are thus likely to be tossed aside. Among spiders, the female of the species really is more deadly than the male. Lady arachnids have a well-deserved reputation for polishing off their suitors, post copula, in a manner that Hannibal Lecter might have admired. But it has never been clear why this happens. Some biologists believe it is simply a mixture of female hunger and the availability of a meal that is in no position to run away. Others suspect that the male is actually sacrificing his life for the good of his genes. In other words, his becoming a meal for his paramour somehow helps the offspring of their union. Pull a spring, let it go, and it will snap back into shape. Pull it further and yet further and it will go on springing back until, quite suddenly, it won’t. What was once a spring has become a useless piece of curly wire. And that, in a nutshell, is what many scientists worry may happen to the Earth if its systems are overstretched like those of an abused spring. Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. People are not the only creatures who lie. Species from squids to chimpanzees have been caught doing it from time to time. But only Homo sapiens has turned lying into an art. Call it diplomacy, public relations or simple good manners: lying is one of the things that makes the world go round. He was a socially dangerous warm. The old saying that where there’s muck, there’s brass has never proved more true than in genetics. Once, and not so long ago, received wisdom was that most of the human genome — perhaps as much as 99% of it — was “junk”. If this junk had a role, it was just to space out the remaining 1%, the genes in which instructions about how to make proteins are encoded, in a useful way in the cell nucleus. more than a century and a half after Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”, biologists do not fully 111

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understand how species actually do originate. Work like this suggests one reason for this ignorance may be that they have been looking in the wrong place. For decades, they have concentrated their attention on the glittering, brassy protein-coding genes while ignoring the muck in which the answer really lies. No other season quite captures the imagination as winter does. Among the mysteries of evolution, one of the most profound is what exactly happened at the beginning of the Cambrian period. Before that period, which started 541m years ago and ran on for 56m years, life was a modest thing. Bacteria had been around for about 3 billion years, but for most of this time they had had the Earth to themselves. Seaweeds, jellyfish-like creatures, sponges and the odd worm do start to put in an appearance a few million years before the Cambrian begins. But red in tooth and claw the Precambrian was not — for neither teeth nor claws existed. Using Viking epics, whaling and pollen records, log books, the debris shed by melted ice rafts, diatoms (silicon-armoured algae found in marine sediments), ice cores and tree rings, scientists have constructed a record of the Arctic past which suggests that the summer sea ice is at its lowest level for at least 2,000 years. Six of the hottest years on record — going back to 1880 — have occurred since 2004. The rhino horn, which is merely agglutinated hair, the same stuff as finger nails, has no pharmacological value. Yet its street price has soared to over $60,000 a kilo, more than for the same weight of cocaine or gold — a proven aphrodisiac. New Zealand still has seven times as many sheep as people. The 15 litres of semen from South Africa, from assorted males, would be enough to inseminate some 324 elephants and thereby freshen up the gene pool. But the elephant semen painstakingly gathered for America has been sitting in Pretoria for well over a year because of bureaucratic red tape. South African officials have been slow to grant a permit to export the semen to America simply because they have never done it before. You know what Washington said when he crossed the Delaware? It’s fucking cold.



If jelly is so fortifying, why does it wobble so much? Cod hate cages  — they don’t like being handled, are very sensitive to changes in their environment and are very hard to breed. Most commercial species have been reduced by over 75% and some, like whitetip sharks and common skate, by 99%. For all the marvellous improvements in technology, British fishermen, mostly using sail-power, caught more than twice as much cod, haddock and plaice in the 1880s as they do today. By one estimate, for every hour of fishing, with electronic sonar fish finders and industrial winches, dredges and nets, they catch 6% of what their forebears caught 120 year ago. Many shallow-water species have highly evolved visual cortexes and their eyes can contain up to eight different light-absorbing photopigments, compared with the paltry red, blue and green which humans possess. These extra light receptors give fish increased sensitivity to other wavelengths; some species can even see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to humans. In Africa it is said that “even the jackal deserves to drink”. It was a Unicorn poop. A hen is merely an egg’s way of making another egg. Before locusts fly, they march. Millions of juveniles crawl up to 500 meters a day, munching everything in front of them, in bands that stretch for kilometres. This is when the Australian Plague Locust Commission tries to reduce their numbers, by laying strips of insecticide in their path. But often a swarm changes direction without warning. The university group, led by Jerome Buhl, suggests that such changes of movement are mathematically similar to the behaviour of a magnetic material like iron — which, if heated above a certain temperature, known as the Curie temperature, loses its magnetism. In both of these examples interactions between individual particles (magnetic domains in the case of iron, individual insects in the case of locusts) drive sudden changes in group dynamics. The iron stops being magnetic. The locusts change direction. Lobbyists are swarming over Capital Hill like locusts.


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As the researchers report in the Journal of Experimental Biology, compared with other flying animals the fish score well at 4.4:1. This makes them more efficient than swallowtail butterflies (3.6), fruit flies (1.8) and bumble bees (2.5). Flying fish are just as effective at gliding as birds that are known for being strong flyers, like red-shouldered hawks (3.8) and petrels (4). Nighthawks (9) and black vultures (17) make more impressive gliders. When the shape of a wing creates more lift from the air passing around it than it does drag (air resistance), an aircraft will fly. And the higher the ratio, the farther the aircraft will glide. This means if you cut the engine on a small Cessna with a lift-to-drag ratio of 7:1 it would fly seven metres forward for each metre of descent. Germs are killed by other germs. People just survive. What is bad news for rodents, though, could be good news for primates. Whale meat is still occasionally served to schoolchildren in Japan as a reminder of their culture, though large-scale whaling only really began after the war, on the orders of General Douglas MacArthur, who oversaw America’s occupation. The aim was to provide cheap nourishment for a famished nation. Masayuki Komatsu, Japan’s former IWC negotiator, who is notoriously blunt and once called minke whales the “cockroaches of the sea”. Why did the turtle stick its head in a bucket?” sounds like the sort of riddle asked by ten-year-olds in school playgrounds. But it was also asked recently by Yuen Ip of the National University of Singapore. And his answer, it has to be said, is precisely the sort that would appeal to a tenyear-old. It is that turtles pee through their mouths. The question was, why? Primates apart, few mammals employ tools. Sea otters use rocks to smash clams open, dolphins wrap sponges around their noses to protect themselves while they forage on the seabed, elephants swat insects with branches and humpback whales exhale curtains of bubbles to trap schools of fish; the grizzly bear, seems to be the only species other than humans to have invented the comb. He starts at their beginning with a weighty introduction that looks at fossils dating back to the dinosaurs, the structure of feathers and the evolution of birds. From there on, the remaining chapters are captivating natural history, arranged in neatly named sections: “fluff”, how feathers 114

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keep birds warm and dry; “flight”, how they take to the sky; “fancy”, the myriad beauty of feathers for sexual selection in birds and decoration for humans; and “function”, how feather structure can inform new technologies. Nor does anyone know how to breed eels in captivity. Mr Prosek tried to keep some in a tank but they banged their heads against the sides until they had seizures and died. It is old, rather than young, mosquitoes that are infectious. Only females can transmit malaria (males suck plant juices, not blood) but they are not born with the parasites inside their bodies. They have instead to acquire them from humans already carrying the disease, and that takes time. Once a female does feed on infected blood, the parasites she ingests require a further 10 to 14 days to mature and migrate to her salivary glands, whence they can be transmitted to another host when she next feeds. He was a harmless gecko — a nocturnal and often highly vocal lizard which has adhesive pads on the feet to assist in climbing on smooth surfaces. See that live in numbers too large to count in ways too numerous to imagine. In that context, the discovery by Curtis Suttle of the University of British Columbia and his colleagues of a critter they propose to call Cafeteria roenbergensis virus, or CroV, should not be surprising. But for those brought up on a textbook definition of what a virus is, it is still a bit of a shock. For CroV is not a very viruslike virus. It has 544 genes, compared with the dozen or so that most viruses sport. And it may be able to make its own proteins — a task that viruses usually delegate to the molecular machinery of the cells they infect. CroV, as its full name suggests, is a parasite of Cafeteria roenbergensis, a single-celled planktonic organism that was itself discovered only in 1988. Despite the recentness of its discovery, C. roenbergensis is one of the commonest creatures on the planet. It is also reckoned by some, given that it hunts down and eats bacteria, to be the most abundant predator on Earth. It is found in every ocean. This month the White House appointed a carp tsar to oversee the campaign. But government moves slowly. Fish do not. In any case, though dinosaurs have left no usable DNA, other more recently departed creatures have been more generous. Imagine, say, al115

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lying synthetic biology with the genome of Neanderthal man that was described earlier this year. There is much excitement at the idea of comparing this with the DNA of modern humans, in the hope of finding the essential differences between the two. How much more exciting, instead, to create a Neanderthal and ask him? The Cretaceous equivalent of zebra and antelopes  — the victim species in every wildlife documentary about the dramas of the African savannah — were herbivorous dinosaurs called ornithopods. Such tales had to be saddled like horses, and ridden for all they were worth. The British empire is the Indian elephant in the living room and the tiger under the dining table. I’m not aware of any vegetarian tigers. “At the approach of the rain and the wind the swallows are busy.” Fingers are integral to art, communication, touch, love, fashion and counting. Using complex gestures the Romans could count to 1m: the word “digit” — the numerals below ten  — originates from digitus, the Latin for finger. The phraseology of fingers is rich: we can have a finger in every pie, pull our finger out, twist someone around our little finger, let things slip through our fingers and, if unlucky, get our fingers burned. Fire creates evidence as well as destroys it. He combined the cold logic of Darwinism with a military ruthlessness. “Female baboons clearly have some Lady Macbeth issues,” observes the writer. “They all have male baboons that they want to become more alpha.” Coca-Cola was also bitten by a charitable bug. Bat testes range from 0.11% of body weight in the African yellowwinged bat, to a whacking 8.4% in the generously endowed Rafinesque’s big-eared [sic] bat. (The largest primate testes by contrast, those of the crab-eating macaque, are a mere 0.75% of body 116


mass.) And the small balls were indeed found in species where females were monogamous (though they might be members of harems), while the large ones were found in species where females mated widely. Fifty million years ago there was no ice on the poles and crocodiles lived in Wyoming. Eighteen thousand years ago there was ice two miles thick in Scotland and, because of the size of the ice sheets, the sea level was 130m lower. All lagoons sooner or later become either land or sea. If we fail, then sooner or later Venice too will become either land… or sea. Sir Arthur C. Clarke, visionary: “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying… The dinosaur disappeared because they could not adapt to their changing environment. We shall disappear if we cannot adapt to an environment that now contains spaceships, computers — and thermonuclear weapons.” What name a genuinely new species is given, though, is entirely up to the discoverer. Hence the existence of Anophthalmus hitleri, a blind cave beetle named in 1933 after Adolf Hitler. In this context, the recent naming of another beetle after the American president is hardly a hanging offence, although Mr Bush may not be flattered by the company. But when the scientific underpinning of taxonomy itself is threatened by politics, different questions arise. Last year, for example, there was a nasty row in Turkey between Kurdish and Turkish taxonomists over whose names should apply to some local animals. The Kurds accused the Turks of renaming several species to remove any trace of Kurdishness. The scientific name of the beetle comes from a German collector, Oscar Scheibel, who was sold a specimen of a then undocumented species in 1933. Its species name was made a dedication to Adolf Hitler, who had recently become Chancellor of Germany. The genus name means eyeless, so the full name can be translated as “the eyeless one of Hitler”. The dedication did not go unnoticed by the Führer, who sent Scheibel a letter showing his gratitude.


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Philosophy, religion, thinking, wisdom, languages, truth, morality

«You must do the things you think you cannot do,” said Eleanor Roosevelt. Spellbound after visiting Constantinople in 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany wrote to his friend Tsar Nicholas II, «If I had com there without any religion at all, I certainly would have turned Mahomettan!» The title of the punctuation-promoting bestseller «Eats, Shoots and Leavers» comes from a joke about a poorly punctuated wildlife guide describing the diet of panda bears. In Ireland people ask St Anthony to help them find parking spaces. How did Hobbes make so many enemies? Human ignorance is more fundamental and more consequential than the illusion of understanding. As long as nothing happens anything is possible. William Faulkner, the South’s great novelist, wrote, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”. Nobody thinks a novel can be translated by a machine. Sales of translated fiction rose by more than 600% in Britain between 2001 and 2015, and have been growing strongly in America too. Time is such a slippery thing. It ticks away, neutrally, yet it also flies and collapses, and is more often lost than found. If scientists agree on anything, it’s that nobody knows enough about time. Crowds are often mad rather than wise. English is the language on which the sun never sets. Reality is less whiter than white. Those of Norse descent who lived through the events of the 820s, would not, of course, have feared the anger of a god they did not 118

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believe in. But they might have feared they were witnessing Fimbulwinter — three summerless years marking the onset of Ragnarok, the twilight of their own gods. Troublemaker was his middle name. As a Harvard philosopher, he might have no idea how to tell an elm from a beech. INTHEBEGINNINGWASTHEWORD, and the word was run together. Ancient texts (like the Greek of the Gospel of John) had few of the devices that tell readers where words begin and end (spaces), which words are proper names (the upper-lower case distinction), where breaks in meaning come (commas, dashes, semicolons and full stops), who said what (inverted commas), and so on. Who can say what order should be used to list adjectives in English? Mark Forsyth, in “The Elements of Eloquence”, describes it as: opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material, purpose and then Noun. “So you can have a lovely little old rectangular green French silver whittling knife. But if you mess with that word order in the slightest you’ll sound like a maniac.” Whig histories typically focus on the progress that the state and evangelicals made in forging a Church of England: a history of the winners. In Mark Forsyth’s marvellous book, “The Etymologicon”, and largely corroborated by the Oxford English Dictionary, feisty, in the sense of “spirited”, is derived from “fist” or “feist”, meaning a small dog. This in turn comes from the phrase “a fisting hound”, where “to fist” means to fart. The price of being on the wrong side at the wrong time was terrible. To win an argument, Roman orators taught, first win the goodwill of your audience. One of the grammarians, Lindley Murray, wrote in 1795, in a  hugely influential grammar book, that a semicolon signalled a pause twice as long as a comma; that a colon was twice as long as a semicolon; and that a full stop was twice as long as a colon. (Try that next time you read a text aloud.) 119

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A business traveller in Istanbul may pop by the kuafor for a haircut ahead of a randevu with a client, board a vapur (steamship) to beat the afternoon trafik and finish the day relaxing in a sezlong on her hotel teras. The Gregorian calendar has a number of problems. It is based on the birth of Jesus, which is not a universally relevant event; the years before Christ are counted backwards; and there is no year zero: 1BC is followed directly by 1AD. A famous story tells how, in a previous life, the Buddha took pity on a starving tigress, who might otherwise have had to eat her newborn cubs. He sacrificed himself instead. The agonising question, however, is whether these brave acts do anybody any good at all. Alas, just because something is irrational does not mean it will not happen. The Prophet Muhammad is even said to have shied from entering Damascus, otherwise called al-Fayha, “the fragrant”, for fear of entering Paradise twice. Sherlock Holme’s maxim that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time. But hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. That wraps the maple syrup of truth in the waffle of propaganda. There’s a simple rule. You say it again, and you say it again, and you say it again, and you say it again, and you say it again, and then again and again and again and again, and about the time that you’re absolutely sick of saying it is about the time that your target audience has heard it for the first time. Any truth, it is said, passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, then violently opposed and finally it is taken as self-evident. A decent man with some liberal instincts and a lot of personal courage was just what the doctor ordered. 120

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This Anonymous, the publishers claim, is someone who has been in the room with Barack Obama, though whether that’s the men’s room or a ballroom, they are not saying. There is nothing worse than a know-all who is sometimes right. Play the players, not the cards, he would say. Watch them from the minute you sit down. Play fast in a slow game, slow in a fast one. Never get out when you’re winning. Look for the sucker and, if you can’t see one, get up and leave, because the sucker is you. He wants to sell the family silver. At the University of Missouri at Columbia a petition drive calls for the removal of a statue of Thomas Jefferson, which has been adorned with sticky notes reading “racist” and “rapist”, in a reference to his ownership of slaves, with one of whom he fathered a child. How could anybody dislike the notion of fairness? Everything is better when it is fair: a share, a fight, a maiden, a game and (for those who think have more fun) hair. Even defeat sounds more attractive when it is fair and square. There are four main possibilities, given in ascending order of politeness. The first is a “bald, on-record” approach: “I’m going to shut the window.” The second is positive politeness, or a show of respect: “I’m going to shut the window, is that OK?” The third is negative politeness, which presumes that the request will be an intrusion or an inconvenience: “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I want to shut the window.” The fourth is an indirect strategy which does not insist on a course of action at all: “Gosh, it’s cold in here.” If you preach absolute moral values, you will be held to absolute moral standards. This is the land of smiley faces and the “have a nice day” greeting — Americans like to be liked. There is life in the old dog. Hacking is, nevertheless, a useful reminder of an old adage: if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. 121

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But being right and being seen to be right are different things. Sherlock Holmes once remarked that: “It is my business to know what other people don’t know”. Ask people what they think of statistics, or try to use some in an argument, and you will often get the quote attributed to Benjamin Disraeli that lists them alongside lies and damned lies. Odd that a meaningless phrase can be used so meaningfully by so many people. The Cyrenaics, or egoistic hedonists v. egoistic hedonists, the Epicureans and universalistic hedonism. Any philosophy that can be put in a nutshell belongs in one. Bharat Mata’s iconography remained vague. Did she have four arms or ten? Was she accompanied by a lion, or a map of India? And which map at that? A man invents a new game, chess, and presents it to hi ikes it so much that he offers the inventor a reward of his choice. The man asks for one grain of rice for the first square of his chessboard, two for the second, four for the third and so on to 64. The king readily agrees, believing the request to be surprisingly modest. They start counting out the rice, and at first the amounts are tiny. But they keep doubling, and soon the next square already requires the output of a large ricefield. Not long afterwards the king has to concede defeat: even his vast riches are insufficient to provide a mountain of rice the size of Everest. Exponential growth, in other words, looks negligible until it suddenly becomes unmanageable E (18 446 744 073 709 551 616 grains). Not that The Economist does not occasionally face linguistic problems: a cover story entitled “The meaning of Lula” (see article) in October 2002 resulted in a huge mailbag, not from Brazilians who were impressed at our analysis of the recent election, but from Pakistanis eager to tell us that the meaning of lula in Urdu is penis. It’s the old philosophy of buying straw hats in December. If Noah took two of every animal on his ark, he must have had dinosaurs. Could dinosaurs have fitted into a boat only 300 cubits (about 135m) long? 122

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Nothing is as good as solitude. The only thing I need to make me perfectly happy is someone to whom I could explain this. And yet the institution the caliphate had been in decline long before Turkish republicans deposed Abdul-Majid II, the last Ottoman sultan and titular caliph, who ended his years in Paris painting and collecting butterflies. A Bible in a bedside table drawer does not constitute a state establishment of religion. Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college. Victor Hugo supposedly said, “He who opens a school door closes a prison.” One of the contractors in question is Aker, a listed Norwegian firm no more related to Reliance than Roald Amundsen was to Gandhi. The world’s 1.6 billion Muslims have produced only two Nobel laureates in chemistry and physics. Both moved to the West. In the ninth century Muhammad al-Khwarizmi laid down the principles of algebra, a word derived from the name of his book, “Kitab al-Jabr”. The sight of a southerner in the Vatican will be as important, in its way, as the arrival of the first black man in the White House. “Atheist” has many negative connotations: irreligious, ungodly, unholy, graceless, sceptic, doubter, and so on. But ask a question about what atheists subscribe to — rationalism, logic, science and positivism — and a majority of people will admit that they adhere to such principles. Then ask an alternative question covering the prevalent aspects of most religions: “Do you subscribe to metaphysics, superstition, bigotry or dogmatism?”, and the majority will deny such practice. The rulers of ancient Rome were ruthlessly pragmatic in matters of religion. When a tribe was subdued and its lands added to the imperial realm, Rome would appropriate the subject-people’s gods and add them to an ever-growing pantheon of exotic divinities. There’s something for everybody, which means there’s something for everybody to hate. 123

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The Mormon church is probably the best-organised in the world and certainly the most cost-effective. The president and his 12 advisers sit at the top like the board of a multinational. Below them, the church depends on a throng of lay volunteers. Church members begin to perform in public at the age of three. They become “deacons” at 12 and are given more demanding jobs as they grow older. The faithful are expected to give 10% of their pre-tax income to the church. No one knows how much money it has, but unofficial estimates are in the billions. Beast, a clothes shop, makes T-shirts celebrating local speech that are famed city-wide (and sold to homesick Bristolians worldwide). Top-selling shirts proclaim “Gert Lush” (slang for “good”), “Ark at ee” (look at/listen to that) and “Cheers Drive” (used when stepping off a Bristol bus). Wanted: man of God; good at languages; preferably under 75; extensive pastoral experience; no record of covering up clerical sex abuse, deeply spiritual and, mentally, tough as old boots. It is a lot to ask, but that is the emerging profile of the man many of his fellow-cardinals would like to see replace Benedict XVI as the next pope. After all, as most of those who have been bitten by the philosophy bug will know, philosophers philosophise mainly because they cannot help it. By nature a philosopher is not in genius and disposition half so different from a street porter, as a mastiff is from a greyhound, or a greyhound. The real root of wisdom is this: do not assume, little grasshopper, that your prejudices are correct. The rules we learn from Cicero are these: speak clearly; speak easily but not too much, especially when others want their turn; do not interrupt; be courteous; deal seriously with serious matters and gracefully with lighter ones; never criticise people behind their backs; stick to subjects of general interest; do not talk about yourself; and, above all, never lose your temper. Old jokes are often the best jokes, and many of the most amusing examples are of terrible errors that can be made in different languages: there is fart (Turkish for talking nonsense), buzz (Arabic for nipple), sofa (Icelandic for sleep), shagit (Albanian for crawling on your belly), jam (Mongolian for road), nob (Wolof for love), dad (Albanian for babysitter), loo (Fulani for a storage pot), babe (SisSwati for a government minis124

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ter), slug (Gaulish for servant), flab (Gaelic for a mushroom) and moron (Welsh for carrot). Scores of native speakers of around 50 languages, including Arabic, Dari, Persian, Urdu, Pushtu and Bengali, have been hired  — some say the NYPD has more Arabic speakers than the FBI. It has, at times, irritated both the CIA and the FBI, who are jealous guardians of their turf. Three Egypt’s Coptic Christian bishops will be elected 40 days after Shenouda’s death and then a blindfolded child will select the new patriarch from among the three, as ancient tradition dictates. But being right and being seen to be right are different things. English has a tendency to absorb foreign words and then neutralise them  — ad hoc, feng shui, croissant and kindergarten are all good examples — which may be why English-speakers often fail to realise quite how wonderfully subtle and evocative other tongues can be. It is not so much the languages that have two dozen words for snow, say, or horse or walrus carcass that impress the most, but those that draw differences between the seemingly indistinguishable. Italian, as one would imagine, is particularly good on male vanity, and French on love as a business. The richness of Yiddish for insults seems to be matched only by the many and varied Japanese words for the deep joy that can come as a response to beauty and the German varieties of sadness and disappointment. Adam Jacot de Boinod, a BBC researcher, has sifted through more than 280  dictionaries and 140 websites to discover that Albanians have 27  words for moustache  — including mustaqe madh for bushy and mustaqe posht for one which droops down at both ends  — that gin is Phrygian for drying out, that the Dutch say plimpplamppletteren when they are skimming stones and that instead of snap, crackle, pop, Rice Krispies in the Netherlands go Knisper! Now for the first time he had become conscious of the terrible mystery of Destiny, of the awful meaning of Doom. Translation into Spanglish of the first few pages of Cervantes’s “Don Quixote”. It begins: “In un placete de la Mancha of which nombre no quiero remembrearme, vivía, not so long ago, uno de esos gentlemen who 125

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always tienen una lanza in the rack, una buckler antigua, a skinny caballo y un grayhound para el chase.” Thirteen languages in Germany are on UNESCO’s endangered list. Mr Ellemann-Jensen explained the idea by reference to Hamlet: “To be or not to be, that is the question. To be and not to be, that is the answer.” Hercules, demigod and paragon of masculinity in the ancient world, was indirectly done for by his own sexual prowess — his jealous wife, Deianira. I scoff at Tuyuca and Kwaio for having only two words for “we”, inclusive and exclusive. In English we have three: the regular we meaning you and I, as in “we had dinner together”; the royal we meaning I, as in “we are not amused”; and the marital we meaning you, as in “we need to take out the garbage.” Travel was not just about seeing, but about being seen. Muslims are obliged to go on the haj at least once in their lifetime. So many pilgrims want to make the journey that the Saudis now impose strict national quotas (calculated according to national populations) on pilgrims. Once arrived, they begin their rituals: the changing into simple white clothes, the tawaf or circumambulation of the ka’ba, the drinking at the sacred Zamzam well, the prescribed running and collecting of pebbles, the shaving or cutting of one’s hair and the renewed commitment to the principles of Islam. The Christians all say that reciting the first verse of the 23rd psalm helps them enter a religious state. Right back at you across the pond: Sprain, Bad Reportugal, Inkland, Direland, Not-so-Niceland, Greece Trap, Francid, Itally, Wild Turkey, Check Republic, Repoland, Slowvakia. You started this. That approach was first used by German scholars, and then British ones, just over a century ago, on the texts sacred to Christianity, using techniques honed on the writings of Greece and Rome. From small differences in the four Gospels, they drew big conclusions. Matthew speaks of a lamp giving light to “all those in the house”; Luke speaks of a lamp to guide “those coming into the house”. 126

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Nowadays, all the world over, people speak with accents. Halloween bridges the retailers’ gap between the return to school and Christmas. Now that “nigger” (which he calls the N-word) has become taboo in polite society, what happens to Niggerhead Point? The author notes in passing that this cape on Lake Ontario was thus named because it was a point on the laudable underground railroad that helped thousands of escaped slaves to freedom in Canada. That interesting historical association survives in the first name change, to Negrohead Point (which remains on federal maps). But to call it merely Graves Point (as New York state maps do) seems a pity. “Nigger” and “Jap” are now banned on American maps, though a Dago Gulch survives in western Montana. More puzzling to the non-American is the onslaught on the use of “Squaw”, which according to some activists (though not philologists) is not an innocent word for a Native American woman, but a derogatory term for her vagina. So Squaw Peak is now set to be renamed after Lori Piestewa, the first Native American woman in the American army to be killed in combat. Philosophers have rarely flourished on foreign parts: Kant spent his whole life in the city of Konigsberg. Echoing ancient thinkers such as Democritus and Lucretius, they held ideas that were to prove too revolutionary even for a revolutionary age. The apocalypse is still a little way off, it is only because the four horsemen and their steeds have stopped to search for something to drink. Nationalism and religion can be a toxic brew. Myth and fantasy populate the world with “othermen”— the elves, goblins, dwarfs and giants that live in the wild wood, in the cave or on the high mountain peak. Not animal, but not quite human either, they feed fear and imagination in equal quantity. Nor are such creatures merely the province of the past and the poetaster. It is not so much the languages that have two dozen words for snow, say, or horse or walrus carcass that impress the most, but those that draw differences between the seemingly indistinguishable. Italian, as one would imagine, is particularly good on male vanity, and French on love as a business. The richness of Yiddish for insults seems to be matched 127

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only by the many and varied Japanese words for the deep joy that can come as a response to beauty and the German varieties of sadness and disappointment. If this walking penitentiary is such a worthy symbol of religious piety, why isn’t the burqa worn by men? For broadcasters, more eyeballs mean more subscribers and advertisers. Forecasts a decade ahead are no likelier to be accurate than a bet on a horse. Hell is a city much like London. When is a Jew not a Jew? When he’s a Karaite. He matured into a man of laconic, sardonic, quintessentially Roman aphorisms: “If you think ill of others, you commit a sin. But you often get it right.” Morality is powerful stuff, and as such should be used with care. No wonder novice writers are often at a loss, and put commas where they do not belong. The title of the punctuation-promoting bestseller “Eats, Shoots and Leaves” comes from a joke about a poorly punctuated wildlife guide describing the diet of panda bears.

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Einstein: “Why is it that nobody understands me, but everybody likes me?” Science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon’s law: “90% of everything is crap.” Privacy is also at risk. Users were appalled when it emerged iRobot, a robotic vacuum cleaner, not only cleans the floor, but creates a digital map of the home’s interior that can then be sold on to advertisers, Standard 128

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Innovation, a maker of a connected vibrator called We-Vibe, was recently ordered to pat customers $10,000 each after hackers discovered that the device was recording highly personal information about its owners. Three-quarters of Americans admit that they search the web, send e-mails and check their social-media accounts in the bathroom. The GAFA, as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple are collectively called, also have good arguments on their side. Compared with the size of its brain, an elephant’s hippocampuses are about 40% larger than those of a human being, suggesting that the old proverb about an elephant never forgetting may have a grain of truth in it. For every Spotify there is a WannaCry. Do you know how a toilet works? Wherever David Rockefeller went in the world — and in his 35 years at Chase Manhattan Bank, from 1946 to 1981, he ran up 5m air miles — David Rockefeller carried a small jar in his pocket. It was in case he found a beetle on the way. From the age of seven, partly from his own solitary, careful catching, partly from expeditions he sponsored, he built up a collection of 90,000 specimens from 2,000 species, carefully labelled and stored in airtight hardwood boxes at the 3,400-acre family place in Pocantico Hills. His preference was for wood-borers, leaf-cutters and tunnellers, whose industrious activity changed the world in ways few people saw. His discreet gathering of contacts had started in the war, when he was sent to Algiers to work for army intelligence: though of junior rank, he soon assembled a list of people who knew what was really going on. He also collected 131 beetles in his jars. At the heart of myriad devices, from computers and smartphones to drones and dishwashers, a microprocessor can be found busily crunching data. Switch the power off, though, and this chip will forget everything. No one has truly understood why shoelaces come undone in the first place. Regardless of any practical benefit, though, the three researchers, are surely contenders for an Ignobel prize. That award is made every year for work which “first makes you laugh, and then makes you think”. Their study of laces looks like a shoo-in. 129

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Dolly the sheep was cloned from an udder and named after a singer noted for her ample bosom as well as her talent. You know, young man, one day all of these will be replaced by quantum computers. If the history of human civilisation is of the collapse of distance — from walking to horses to carriages to motorised transport to jet engines  — then what happens when you take that thread to its logical conclusion, when it becomes possible to move from any one place on Earth to another simply by walking through a door? People could spot bacteria, but not viruses, which are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. Until the electron microscope was invented in the 1930s, influenza was, like the Higgs boson before 2012, a theoretical entity: its existence was deduced from its effects. In the face of such uncertainty, public faith in medicine wavered. People reverted to superstition: sugar lumps soaked in kerosene, and aromatic fires to clear “miasmas”. “Judge a man by his questions, rather than his answers,” Voltaire advised. As Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, said: “If quantum physics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.” Most of the people who buy computers don’t even know what a transistor does. By burning heavy fuel oil, just 15 of the biggest ships emit more oxides of nitrogen and sulphur — gases much worse for global warming than carbon dioxide — than all the world’s cars put together. You can’t flush your toilet over the internet. Once upon a time the space race was driven by the competition between capitalism and communism. Now it is driven by the competition between individual capitalists. Almost 1.1 billion websites are currently online; global internet traffic will surpass 1 zettabyte for the first time this year, the equivalent of 152m years of high-definition video. Science is an intellectual dead end. 130

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A 300-qubit quantum computer could represent 2300 different strings of 1s and 0s at the same time, a number roughly equivalent to the number of atoms in the visible universe. And because the qubits are entangled, it is possible to manipulate all those numbers simultaneously. But untangling voodoo’s spiritual and political significance from its practices was hard. Zombie powder, according to a book written by a Harvard ethnobotanist, Wade Davis, with Mr Beauvoir’s help, contained a hallucinogenic plant called datura, crushed skull from a toddler’s decomposing corpse, freshly killed blue lizards, and a large dried toad with a dried sea worm wrapped around it. Later research cast doubt on the efficacy of this preparation in producing lasting trances. Amateurs talk strategy, but professionals talk logistics. It is hard to get a scientific grant for treating faeces. A modern Intel Skylake processor contains around 1.75 billion transistors — half a million of them would fit on a single transistor from the 4004  — and collectively they deliver about 400,000 times as much computing muscle. This exponential progress is difficult to relate to the physical world. If cars and skyscrapers had improved at such rates since 1971, the fastest car would now be capable of a tenth of the speed of light; the tallest building would reach half way to the Moon. It is impossible to predict where the open-data revolution will lead. In 1983 Ronald Reagan made America’s GPS data open to the world after a Soviet missile brought down a South Korean airliner that had strayed into Soviet airspace. Back then, no one could have guessed that this would, one day, help drivers find their way, singles find love and distraught pet-owners find their runaway companions. “There’s a law about Moore’s law,” jokes Peter Lee, a vice-president at Microsoft Research: “The number of people predicting the death of Moore’s law doubles every two years.” Astronauts who previously went on long-term missions endured changes to their vision, muscle atrophy and bone loss. On the bright side, NASA reports that while in space Mr Kelly’s excretions burnt up when entering the atmosphere. “Your faeces will not be shooting stars,” NASA’s website taunts readers who will never make it into space. 131

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Сephalisation encourages bilateral animals to evolve brains, in order to interpret and integrate the signals from the sense organs. And bilateral animals also have linear guts, with a mouth and an anus. That is a much more efficient arrangement than the diploblastic one of expelling the undigestible parts of food items back out of the mouth. Unfortunately, fit microbes mean unfit human beings. Wherever there is endemic infection, there is resistance to its treatment. Perhaps the Wright brothers’ most significant achievement was that neither died in flight. Even the task of mapping a mouse brain will require 500 petabytes of data storage. A petabyte is 1m gigabytes. For comparison, finding the Higgs boson required about 200 petabytes. A human brain is vastly more complex than a mouse’s. It has around 86 billion neurons, compared with 71m in a mouse. And the wiring that links these neurons (cell protrusions called axons) is reckoned to be about 100,000km long. Four centuries after Galileo’s discovery, it remains impossible to understand the solar system without understanding Jupiter. The sun accounts for 99.8% of the solar system’s mass. But Jupiter, which is more than twice as massive as the other seven planets put together, makes up most of the rest. Its heft shapes the orbits of the other planets, the structure of the asteroid belt and the periods of many comets. “I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” Those words, ascribed to Sir Isaac Newton, might still be spoken, with the appropriate correction for sex, by any scientist today. There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary numbers and those who don’t. If the 4004’s transistors were blown up to the height of a person, the Skylake devices would be the size of an ant. The Newton that emerges from the manuscripts is far from the popular image of a rational practitioner of cold and pure reason. The architect of modern science was himself not very modern. He was obsessed with 132

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alchemy. He spent hours copying alchemical recipes and trying to replicate them in his laboratory. He believed that the Bible contained numerological codes. Don’t ask the barber if you need a haircut  — and don’t ask an academic if what he does is relevant. In November 1834, hundreds of New Yorkers paid 50 cents to look at Afong Moy. Moy, the first Chinese woman to arrive in America, was imported by Nathaniel and Frederick Carne, who hoped that her presence would make the shawls, backgammon boards, fans and other Chinese goods that the brothers were selling seem even more alluring. There she sat, her feet bound and her skin pale, from 10am to 2pm and then again from 5pm to 9pm, day after day, the performance occasionally enlivened when the living mannequin picked up chopsticks or spoke Chinese. Whether this marketing ploy was a success was not recorded; neither was Ms Moy’s later fate. After she was taken off display she toured the east coast, met Andrew Jackson in the White House and then vanished into obscurity. The 20,000 Chinese who set out for California in 1852 referred to their destination as “Gold Mountain”. Many ended up working in laundries. An artificial kidney these days still means a refrigerator-sized dialysis machine. “If you could fuel a rocket on hypocrisy,” Mike Gold of Bigelow Aerospace suggests, “we’d be on Pluto by now.” Brazil has won five World Cups but no Brazilian has won a Nobel prize. Chief Justice John Roberts began by observing how attached Americans have become to their mobile devices: “the proverbial visitor from Mars,” he wrote, might mistake them for “an important feature of human anatomy”. Mitochondrial DNA is a remarkable thing. For every Google there are several Netscapes. The simplest way to travel to the future is to accelerate away from Earth in a spaceship, and then turn around and come back. Some of Einstein’s equations describe the relationship between the time experienced by two bodies, one of which is accelerating 133

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while the other is not. They show it passes more slowly on the accelerating body. If a craft made what was, from its crew’s point of view, a 40-year journey away from Earth at a steady acceleration of 1g (speeding up for the first half of the outward leg, then slowing down, again at 1g, to reach the turning point before repeating the procedure for the return leg), that crew would find on their return that 58,000 years had passed on Earth. Accelerating a passenger train to 300kph and holding that speed for 100km costs only about € 155 ($200) in Italy, says Valerio Recagno of D’Appolonia, an Italian engineering consultancy. Moreover, regenerative brakes can recover much of a slowing train’s kinetic energy and convert it back into electrical energy. This is hard to store, but can be transmitted across the grid if there is another train needing to accelerate within about 30km. And if there is not, Siemens has designed “static frequency converters” that turn electrical energy from braking trains into a sort that can be fed into the public grid and used to power homes and factories. This is now done in more than 20 locations in Germany, with a conversion loss of just 2% E. It was supposed to give everyone a cloak of anonymity: “On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog.” Now Google and its like are surveillance machines that know not only that you’re a dog but whether you have fleas and which brand of meaty chunks you prefer. Civilisation is the distance man has placed between himself and his excreta. It is the unknown unknowns that keep people awake at nigh. In 2011 a developer who claimed his AcneApp could treat pimples with light from an iPhone screen was fined. Don’t you have a few numbers that stick in your head all your life for no reason at all? It took a lot of effort to learn how to carve needles out of bone. How small is small? In the widely used international system of units known as the SI system (after the French Système International d’Unités), “yocto” is the smallest prefix. Adopted in 1991, it stands for a multiplying factor of one part in a million billion 134

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billion (one septillion) parts, which is often written as 10–24A new record for intensity was recently reported by a team using a titanium-sapphire laser known as HERCULES, which occupies several rooms at the University of Michigan. It produced a beam with 300 terawatts of power (several hundred times the capacity of America’s entire electricity grid). But it was concentrated onto a speck a little more than one thousandth of a millimetre across  — and it lasted for just 30 femtoseconds (30 million billionths of a second (10–15). HERCULES takes about ten seconds to charge up for each pulse, compared with an hour or so for some similar lasers. The plastic impostors (Synthetic Christmas trees) were invented by an American company on the basis of loo brushes. Eager Utopians predicted that nanotechnology would one day lead to a “universal assembler”, enabling scientists to build from the atomic level everything from cabbages to cars to human beings. Palaeoethology, working out how long-extinct animals behaved, is a subject whose practitioners can never, definitively, be proved right. But that does not stop them trying. DNA will be easily capable of swallowing the roughly 3 zettabytes (a  zettabyte is one billion trillion or 10²¹ bytes) of digital data thought presently to exist in the world and still have room for plenty more. It would do so with a density of around 2.2 petabytes (10¹5) per gram; enough, in other words, to fit all the world’s digital information into the back of a lorry. DNA has endured for more than 3 billion years. So long as life — and biologists — endure, someone should know how to read it. The formula in question Tn = T1n-b) is one of a familiar type, known as a progress curve, that describes how productivity improves in a range of human activities from manufacturing to cancer surgery. Tn is the number of days between the nth attack and its successor. (T1 is therefore the number of days between the first and second attacks.) The other element of the equation, b, turns out to be directly related to T1. It is calculated from the relationship between the logarithms of the attack number, n, and the attack interval, Tn. The upshot is that knowing T1 should be enough to predict the future course of a local insurgency. Conversely, changing b would change both T1 and Tn, and thus change that future course. 135

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Selective forgetting of the useless is as important as selective remembering of the useful. Nathan Rothschild made a killing with help from a pigeon bringing news of Wellington’s victory over Napoleon at Waterloo. Traders today use algorithms and high-speed networks to respond quickly to market-moving news. Sea gliders are small unmanned vessels which are now cruising the briny by the hundred. Gliders are also quiet — so quiet that, as one researcher puts it, you can use them “to hear a fish fart”. In 2009 a glider called Scarlet Knight, operated by Rutgers University, in New Jersey, crossed the Atlantic on a single battery charge, though it took seven months to do so. Software developed by Probayes, a firm based near Grenoble, in France, identifies and then steers clear of drivers who are angry, drowsy, tipsy or aggressive. Upset drivers tend to speed up and brake quickly. In December last year Newt Gingrich, then a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in America, said Palestine had textbooks “that say, if there are 13 Jews and nine Jews are killed, how many Jews are left?”… In Afghan refugee camps in the 1980s, children were confronted with mathematical problems like this: “One group of mujahideen attack 50 Russian soldiers. In that attack 20 Russians were killed. How many Russians fled?” According to Joseph Henrich and his colleagues at the University of British Columbia, most undergraduates are WEIRD. Those who teach them might well agree. But Dr Henrich did not intend the term as an insult when he popularised it in a paper published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in 2010. Instead, he was proposing an acronym: Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic. Bronze is copper to which tin has been added; when zinc is added instead it makes brass. An Ig Nobel was won by a group of neuroscientists who had put a dead salmon in a brain scanner and showed it some pictures. They demonstrated something that looked a lot like electrical activity in the fish’s brain. Commuting by car allowed suburbs to spread, making fortunes for prescient housebuilders and landowners. Roadbuilding be136

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came a far bigger business, whereas blacksmiths, farriers and buggy-whip makers faded away as America’s horse and mule population fell from 26m in 1915 to 3m in 1960. Now another revolution on wheels is on the horizon: the driverless car. Just as nobody could have predicted the impact of the steam engine in 1750—or the printing press in 1450, or the transistor in 1950 — it is impossible to foresee the long-term impact of 3D printing. But the technology is coming, and it is likely to disrupt every field it touches. Lawrence Bonassar and Jason Spector of Cornell University scanned the ear of a five-year-old girl. Using that image, they printed a mould. They then injected the mould with rat collagen, which acted as a scaffold, and millions of cartilage cells from calves. After allowing the result to grow for a few days, they implanted it under the skin on a rat’s back and left the cells to grow for three months. This produced a fair facsimile of an ear, the same size and shape as the original. As an astronomer I scratched my head over a letter in which a reader suggested a mnemonic using your hands for distinguishing between a waxing and waning moon. He did this to point out your apparent incorrect caption of a waxing moon in Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately, his mnemonic would only work in the northern hemisphere, where the moon is observed in the southern sky with the right side of the moon sunward during the waxing phase and the left side sunward during the waning phase. A green pixel on a satellite image doesn’t tell you whether it’s a park or a private garden. In 1935 Erwin Schrödinger who was one of the pioneers of quantum mechanics, imagined putting a cat, a flask of Prussic acid, a radioactive atom, a Geiger counter, an electric relay and a hammer in a sealed box. If the atom decays, the Geiger counter detects the radiation and sends a signal that trips the relay, which releases the hammer, which smashes the flask and poisons the cat. Scientists should be on tap, not on top. Researchers have long debated whether the apes fight for land, or for females. One lesson, which may surprise cynics, is that humans are more peaceful than chimps. 137

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Einstein mused, “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” and “the fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.” Even at the speed of light, the trip from Earth to Mars and back can be as long as 44 minutes. At 23:28 Greenwich Mean Time on November 8th an asteroid by the name of 2005-YU 55 whizzed within 324,600km (201,700 miles) of Earth which is an astronomical hair’s breadth. Creativity depends on serendipity as much as planning: Pixar itself started life making computer parts and only dabbled in animation as a sideline. But why blow a scientist up ostentatiously in the morning instead of removing him quietly at night? The Taliban have always said that the foreigners have the watches, but they have the time. IDC, a market-research firm, predicts that the “digital universe”, the amount of digital information created and replicated in a year, will increase to 35 zettabytes by 2020, from less than 1 zettabyte in 2009 (see chart); 1 zettabyte is 1 trillion gigabytes, or the equivalent of 250 billion DVDs. Cars are getting cleverer, but it will be years before they can make up for the stupidity of some drivers. This 78-character tweet in English would be only 24 characters long in Chinese: . That makes Chinese ideal for micro-blogs, which typically restrict messages to 140 symbols. The president of the University of California described a university as “a series of individual faculty entrepreneurs held together by a common grievance over parking”. Necessity is the mother of invention. China was once a dazzling innovator: think of printing, paper, gunpowder and the compass. If its rulers loosen their grip a little, it could be so again. 138

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The real problem with mind-reading technology is that we could no longer deceive ourselves. Men do, nevertheless, have the deck stacked against them by biology. One way the cards are marked is that female mammals (women included) have two X chromosomes, whereas males have an X and a Y — the latter being a runty little thing with only a small complement of genes. Females’ “spare” X chromosome protects them from genetic mutations on the other one. Males have no such protection. Women are thus carriers of, but rarely suffer from, diseases like haemophilia which are caused by the mutation of X-chromosome genes. In birds, by contrast, it is the males who have matched chromosomes while females sport the runt. As a result, male birds tend to outlive their mates. The biggest biological difference between health of the sexes, however, can be summed up in a single word: testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone that more or less defines maleness (though women have it too, in lesser quantities). It promotes both aggression and risky behaviour. It also suppresses the immune system, which is why castrated tomcats and rams live longer than those that have not been neutered. The same applies to people. A study on eunuchs found they live 13.5 years longer than men who are intact. The resulting molecule kept the qubit in a superposition for 500 nanoseconds  — longer than any other molecular system studied. Unfortunately, this is still rather a short time (500 billionths of a  second, to be precise), and is certainly not long enough to perform a calculation. To encourage the superposition to endure a little longer, the team repeatedly kicked the qubit with a pulse of microwaves, a technique known as “bang bang”. What can be done to keep smartphones in their place? How can we reap the benefits of connectivity without becoming its slaves? One solution is digital dieting. Just as the abundance of junk food means that people have to be more disciplined about their eating habits, so the abundance of junk information means they have to be more disciplined about their browsing habits. Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a modicum of civilisation. Banning texting at weekends or, say, on Thursdays, can really show the iPhone who is boss. The charisma gene in the Castro family missed out Raúl. Theory suggests that the black holes which form from stars should have a minimum mass times that of the sun. 139

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The iPad is, in essence, a giant iPhone on steroids. The exploration of the solar system would not have happened, Mr Pyne argues, without the cold war on Earth. Two researchers, each fitted with GPS navigation devices and heart-rate monitors, followed different gatherers on different days. They recorded the weight of the mushrooms each gatherer collected and where they visited. The GPS data allowed a map to be made of the routes taken and the heart-rate measurements provided an estimate of the amount of energy expended during their travels. What the Japanese girls did one day, everyone else would do the next — Tokyo’s teenagers have been called the “thumb generation”. The central claim is to what Dr Craig Venter calls the “minimal bacterial genome”. This is a list of the 381 genes he thinks are needed to keep an organism alive. The list has been assembled by taking the organism he first sequenced, Mycoplasma genitalium, and knocking out each of its 470 genes to see which ones it can manage without. The theory  — and the claim made by the patent — is that by synthesising a string of DNA that has all 381 of these genes, and then putting it inside a “ghost cell” consisting of a cell membrane, along with the bits and pieces of molecular machinery that are needed to read genes and translate them into proteins, an artificial organism will have been created. The lack of atmosphere in space means that missiles travel predictably, but it also means that decoys such as balloons move identically. How to identify a decoy dressed up as a warhead, or a warhead wrapped in a decoy? Critics such as Theodore Postol, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, say this problem is insurmountable, however powerful the radars and other sensors. “It is like trying to find a bomb hidden in a pile of suitcases only by looking at them, without being able to shake them and without sniffer dogs,” he argues. During the second world war computers had been built to crack codes (Colossus, in Britain) and calculate artillery firing tables (ENIAC, in America). As the cold war began, along came the perfect opportunity: the hydrogen bomb, whose construction would require detailed mathematical modelling. Von Neumann did a deal with his American military paymasters. They got their 140

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bomb, and the scientists got their computer, a key ancestor of all modern machines. The subsequent explosion of computing changed the world. Scientific papers do not drive messages home as convincingly as the destruction of a city. An unmanned sampling mission to the moon is pencilled in for 2017, with the objective of gathering lunar soil and returning it to Earth. By 2025 the goal is to send a manned mission there. Imagine the symbolism, wrote Bruce Sterling, a science-fiction author, if in the coming decades a spacecraft containing several young Chinese (or Indian) astronauts were to land on the moon, where the group would carefully fold away the American flag planted by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, and plant their own flag in its stead. Victor Hugo: “No power on Earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” Named after the Roman goddess of love, Venus could have been a sister planet to Earth. The two orbs are almost identical in shape, volume and mass. Both have solid surfaces, an atmosphere and a weather system. Even their distances from the sun are not so different: Venus is about 108m kilometres (67m miles) from the centre of the solar system while the Earth is about 150m kilometres out. Yet Venus is far from lovely. Probes sent to the planet by America and the Soviet Union from the 1960s to the 1980s revealed that Venus would be deadly to humans. The atmosphere is mostly noxious carbon dioxide, the pressure at the planet’s surface is equivalent to being almost a kilometre under water and the temperature is a roasting 465C. Representatives of Diageo, which owns Guinness, one of the most widely sold brands of stout, approached Dr Lee in 2009. They wondered if he might be able to construct a mathematical model of the formation and growth of bubbles in stout. Dr Lee was happy to oblige. And once he had produced the model, he started thinking more about the problem. If the ultra-Orthodox were in heaven he would rather not go there. Genes are acquired at conception and carried to the grave. But the same gene can be expressed differently in different people  — or at different times during an individual’s life. The differences are the result of what are known as epigenetic marks, chemicals such as methyl groups that 141

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are sometimes attached to a gene to tell it to turn out more of a vital protein, or to stop making that protein altogether. George Orwell: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” Electrons jump between orbits or escape nucleus altogether in attoseconds — on eattosecond is to one second what one second is to the age of universe. Two private firms are offering moon jaunts to the rich and dedicated. And even if the engineering can be perfected, it remains to be seen how many daredevil billionaires will be willing to spend months cooped up in a metal tube eating freeze-dried food. He had never had enough imagination to be sacred. Bugatti Veyron, a 1,000-horsepower monster. Content is not just king, it is the emperor of all things electronic. His team recently managed to cage a nitrogen atom inside a buckyball (a sphere formed from 60 carbon atoms) and use its electrons as a single qubit. In the southern hemisphere the moon is in the northern sky and its left and right sides reverse. The Economist can take solace that the original picture showing the waxing phase on the left side of the moon in Rio was indeed correct. Before you were trying to find a needle in a haystack at least you could see the needle gleaming. Now you have to find a needle in a million haystacks.” We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run,” observed Roy Amara, an American futurologist. It is, allegedly, now the exclusive right of scientists to answer the three fundamental why-questions with which the authors purport to deal in their book. Why is there something rather than nothing? Why do we exist? And why this particular set of laws and not some other? 142

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Why does mankind have wars? Mr le Carre once described Britain as a country where “failed socialism is being replaced by failed capitalism”. Unlike Vietnam war, which is perennially relived and relitigated, the Korean war of 1950[52 is largerly forgotten in America. Yet it brought about the utter devastation of the Korean peninsula, along with the deaths of 2.5m civilians and 1.2m soldiers, among them 34,000 Americans. After a massive Chinese intervention, it ended with Korea as divided as it had been before. As George Bush junior once memorably put it, he was not prepared to “fire a $2m missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt”. The Crimean war was certainly the most significant conflict of the second half of the 19th century. If deaths from disease are included, it cost at least 750,000 lives, two-thirds of them Russian, and it triggered big social and cultural changes in all the countries affected. Once you have heard how Phereclus died by a spear through his right buttock into his bladder, you won’t forget it. Never cheer for the coup until the countercoup has failed. When a kid points a Kalashnikov at you, do you shoot him? America is still unequalled in hard power. At $600bn a year, its defence spending is more than the next seven biggest spenders combined. Had Shakespeare not memorialised the name of a small siege explosive in the phrase to be “hoist with his own petard”, meaning a small bomb but also linked to the French word for “fart”, that would probably be gone, too. China’s government regards spy-catching as a game for everyone. In April the municipal government of Beijing started offering rewards of up to 500,000 yuan ($70,000) for finding one. 143

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What does Islamist mean? Antarctica is the only continent where threre has never been war. What insight does an old soldier offer? The job of National Security Advisor requires a cool head, a big brain, excellent managerial skills and an even temper: few have excelled at it. The Iroquois even separately declared war on Germany in 1941. Serious criminals are nearly all male, which is why less than 10% of the world’s prisoners are women. Schumpeter has put together a battle drill on how to cope with activists. It has four elements: know the enemy; prepare for them to attack; smother them with sincerity; and make concessions if you have to. About 17 years ago, Mrs P received a caution for stealing a sandwich. She also stole a 99p book, for which she was prosecuted. Homeless and suffering from schizophrenia, she failed to appear in court, and so received two convictions. How to stop people who are determined to kill? Hannah Beech in the New Yorker likens North Korea’s prickliness to a hedgehog’s evolutionary strategy of showing its spines to protect its pink underbelly. Criminals do not think ten years into the future. If they did, they would take up some other line of work. One study found that each extra year in prison raises the risk of reoffending by six percentage points. Japan is almost crime-free not thanks to the police, says Yoshihiro Yasuda, a campaigning lawyer, but because people police themselves. “When a rising power is threatening to displace a ruling power,” Mr Allison writes, “standard crises that would otherwise be contained, like the assassination of an archduke in 1914, can initiate a cascade of reactions that, in turn, produce outcomes none of the parties would otherwise have chosen.” This is the 144

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Thucydides Trap, named after the Athenian historian who first pointed to it. The Harvard study concluded that in 12 out of the 16 historical cases in the past 500 years that it examined, the outcome was war. So cheap and plentiful are hand-grenades that Yemenis throw them to celebrate weddings. Roman soldiers, it is said, were sometimes paid in salt. Who does not prefer the rifle to the blunderbuss, the scalpel to the axe? What happens to institutions and legal processes when the distinctions between war and peace become blurred and the space between becomes the norm? With 5,000 years of sacred history touted ad nauseam by its Communist Party leaders, who is to deny China anything it wants? The intelligence world is full of bluffs and double-bluffs  — and errors. Agents misbehave. Aims change over time. The other key principles of the Obama checklist are: sustainability (avoid commitments that cost too much to stick with); restraint (ask not what America can do but what it should do); precision (wield a scalpel rather than a hammer); patience (give policies the time and effort to work); fallibility (be realistic about the chances of failure and modest about what you can achieve); scepticism (interrogate the issues and beware those peddling easy answers to difficult questions); exceptionalism (the recognition that because of its enormous power and attachment to universal values America has a unique responsibility to provide leadership in the world that cannot be ducked). Napoleon was impressed with Istanbul. If all the world were a single state, he said, this city should be its capital. As Hitler rolled through Europe, some Americans wondered if Britain could hold out. One military observer questioned whether the British army could handle the “high centralisation and co-ordination demanded by the machine age.” Britain urgently sought American aid, which often fell short. Even before Lend-Lease, America sent Britain rifles leftover from 1919, still packed in grease, with bullets of the wrong calibre, which made them useless. 145

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In Indonesia and the Philippines, more than 90% of female prisoners have been charged with drug offences. In Ireland, 80% are jailed for non-payment of fines. Most Kenyans prosecuted for brewing illicit alcohol are women, perhaps because it is a crime that can be committed without leaving the children home alone. In Afghanistan, half the women in prison are there for “moral” crimes such as eloping. America will need to act as enforcer-in-chief. An Indonesian official announced he had found a way to save money on prisons: replace guards with crocodiles. Crocodiles, he noted, were sufficiently ferocious and more resistant to bribery. California’s treasurer, Bill Lockyer, is fond of saying that California will not default unless there is thermonuclear war. Intelligence officers seeking to recruit a target work on four frailties, summarised in a CIA dictum as money, ideology, compromise and ego (MICE for short). Having taken back control of their territory in Iraq and Syria, the Kurds have proved incapable of sharing it. The alphabet barely has enough letters to cover the acronyms of all their quarrelsome factions. A Syrian analyst counts 45 in Rojava alone. In Iraq there are almost as many. “ We’re upholding Sykes-Picot borders,” says one of its commanders wryly. A retired general says that nuclear command and control during the cold war felt like “holding an angry tiger by the tail”. The incident is yet another illustration of the perils of matching firstworld firepower with third-world decision-making. As one general puts it, the American military is becoming “a Super Walmart with everything under one roof”. Because its culture is proudly can-do, it gets on with the demands made on it without much complaint. If a goat can get through, so can a man; if a man can get through, so can a battalion. The major lesson of the Vietnam war is: do not rely on the United States as an ally. 146

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The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Assured peace comes only at the splintered end of a long stick. Scratch a South Korean and he will be unsure of America’s commitment, ready to believe that Japan might turn aggressive again, resentful that China ignores his country’s concerns and alarmed by a dangerous North Korea. One community chopped off the sexual organs of another community. As Helmuth von Moltke, a 19th-century German field-marshal, put it: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” Or Mike Tyson, still more pithily: “Everyone has a plan ’til they get punched in the mouth”. Grover Cleveland even managed to dodge the draft during the civil war by paying $150 to a Polish immigrant to act as his substitute. The U. S. military programme needs to overcome at least five critical vulnerabilities. The first is that carriers and other surface vessels can now be tracked and hit by missiles at ranges from the enemy’s shore which could prevent the use of their cruise missiles or their tactical aircraft without in-flight refuelling by lumbering tankers that can be picked off by hostile fighters. The second is that defending close-in regional air bases from a surprise attack in the opening stages of a conflict is increasingly hard. Third, aircraft operating at the limits of their combat range would struggle to identify and target mobile missile launchers. Fourth, modern air defences can shoot down non-stealthy aircraft at long distances. Finally, the satellites America requires for surveillance and intelligence are no longer safe from attack. If a guy has been hit by 700,000 bullets it’s hard to work out which one of them killed him. Wars sound horrible in plain English, so they have always generated a smokescreen of euphemism. “Kinetic action” means “killing people”. “Collateral damage” means “killing people accidentally”. Politicians typically use the word “kill” only to describe what our enemies do to us; not what we do to them. In a speech in May explaining his drone warfare policy, for example, Barack Obama spoke of “lethal, targeted action against al-Qaeda and its associated forces”. As Orwell said, when “certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract.” 147

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We all know about Iwo Jima, but who in the West has heard of the defence of Taierzhuang, when Chinese soldiers defeated superior Japanese troops in hand-to-hand combat? In “Year Zero” Ian Buruma tells these stories well, and highlights others too. He finds concentration-camp inmates who attacked their German nurses after liberation; a Jewish extremist who tried to poison 6m Germans; the 137 SS officers who “had their testicles permanently destroyed” by American interrogators. Unencrypted e-mails are as open as postcards and using a mobile is the worst thing you can do. There is the data centre that the NSA is building near Salt Lake City, Utah. It is likely to cost at least $1.2 billion, and some expect its computers to provide five trillion gigabytes of storage. The agency did not build it to stand empty. History suggests that, unless civil wars end in victory after 12 months or so, they tend to drag on for years. A typical air-force stint is three to four years; some drone pilots have been serving for over six. Morale is low and burnout, high. Many pilots worry that their job is the object of scorn. When the idea of medals for drone pilots was aired last year, a retired Green Beret huffed to the Washington Times: “I suppose now they will award Purple Hearts for carpal tunnel syndrome.” More than 52,000 police officers were assaulted in America in 2012. That’s 142 assaults on the police each day. And people wonder why they come across as jaded and gruff. Mr. Obama is taking a risk. Step back too far from big sticks, and when America speaks, it may not be heard. Cryptography is an arms race between Alice and Bob, and Eve. These are the names cryptographers give to two people who are trying to communicate privily, and to a third who is trying to intercept and decrypt their conversation. Currently, Alice and Bob are ahead — just. But Eve is catching up. The most developed form of quantum cryptography, known as quantum key distribution (QKD), relies on stopping interception, rather than preventing decryption. Once again, the key is a huge number — one with hundreds of digits, if expressed in the decimal system. Alice sends this to Bob as a series of photons (the particles of light) before she sends the encrypted message. For Eve to read this transmission, and thus ob148

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tain the key, she must destroy some photons. Since Bob will certainly notice the missing photons, Eve will need to create and send identical ones to Bob to avoid detection. But Alice and Bob (or, rather, the engineers who make their equipment) can stop that by using two different quantum properties, such as the polarities of the photons, to encode the ones and zeros of which the key is composed. According to Werner Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, only one of these two properties can be measured, so Eve cannot reconstruct each photon without making errors. If Bob detects such errors he can tell Alice not to send the actual message until the line has been secured. More than 2,000 years ago Greece was torn apart by Sparta’s failure to manage the rise of Athens. A hundred years ago Europe was torn apart by its failure to manage the rise of Germany. If the 21st century is to be more peaceful than the 20th, America and China must learn to co-operate better. History is littered with powerful people undone by hubris. Julius Caesar should have ignored the cheers of the Roman crowd and paid heed to the soothsayer. The American revolution itself was an episode in the long conflict between Britain and France. Spooks do need secrecy, but not on everything and everywhere. There are around 250 gangs in the capital alone, selling drugs, carrying out muggings and sometimes stabbing each other. Gangsterism in Britain has become mundane. The first rule of modern conspiracies is that you do not talk about them in e-mails. The Meiji slogan fukoku kyohei: “enrich the country, strengthen the army”. Imagine that Apple could sell iPhones in Brazil only if it ploughed 20% of its projected revenues there into local technology firms. That may sound absurd, but this is what happens when governments buy arms from foreign contractors. In procurement it is standard to supplement the main deal with a side contract, usually undisclosed, that outlines additional investments that the winning bidder must make in local projects or else pay a penalty. Welcome to the murky world of “offsets”. Take the 149

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shrimp farm set up in Saudi Arabia in 2006 with backing from Raytheon, a maker of radar systems and missiles. Praised at first as a model offset, it reportedly struggled to keep its pools properly maintained in searing temperatures and eventually went bust. Turkey, for instance, now meets half its own defence needs thanks to such arrangements. Indirect (nondefence) offsets include everything from backing new technologies or business parks to building hotels, donating to universities and even supporting condom-makers. To a man with a hammer, Mark Twain once said, everything looks like a nail. He never protected himself, not with a gun, not even with a toothpick. Was not Alfred Nobel an arms maker before he became a prizeendower? St Augustine reported a convicted pirate’s testy exchange with Alexander the Great: “Because I have only one rickety ship, I’m called a bandit, and because you have a large fleet, you are called an emperor,” says the plucky seafarer. The British war in Afghanistan in 1842 cost £ 15m — about £ 50 billion ($80 billion) in today’s money — and the lives of 40,000 people, 50,000 camels and at least one cat. That is still a bargain compared with the current conflict, which costs America more than $100 billion every year. Calling for growth is like advocating world peace: everybody agrees that it is a good thing, but nobody agrees how to do it. Undercover agents are often most useful not when they are spying on a country’s enemies, but when they are talking to them. Spies rarely provide solid answers, he says, but offer confusing bits of a jigsaw puzzle of unknown size and shape. At best, secret intelligence removes an element of surprise from foreign affairs, but it rarely makes it clear what to do. Chippewa morning of 9/11 Mr Bush was reading “My Pet Goat” to a class of second-graders. American commanders are fond of the saying that amateurs discuss tactics, while professionals discuss logistics. 150

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Americans like firearms. According to a report from the Congressional Research Service there were 294m guns in the country in 2007, up from 192m in 1994. Do not underestimate the power of a piece of paper. The Chinese military just don’t understand how to do “warm and fuzzy” when they engage with the outside world. Mr Kjos has the ambition and appetite for risk of a Viking hopping on a longboat and paddling off to pillage Northumberland. The statistics of the war are almost mind-numbing. Estimates differ, but up to 70m people died as a direct consequence of the fighting between 1939 and 1945, about two-thirds of them non-combatants, making it in absolute terms the deadliest conflict ever. Nearly one in ten Germans died and 30% of their army. About 15m Chinese perished and 27m Soviets. Squeezed between two totalitarian neighbours, Poland lost 16% of its population, about half of them Jews who were part of Hitler’s final solution. On average, nearly 30,000 people were being killed every day. American and British generals had to eschew the dashing aggression of their Russian and German counterparts, who could squander lives with impunity. Thanks to the bloodbath in Russia, where the Wermacht was broken and nine out of ten German soldiers who died in the war met their end, they could permit themselves to be more cautious. Some years ago, Mr Hague says, it was predicted that the world would evolve into a series of fixed blocks. The only telephone numbers needed for diplomacy would be in Washington, Brussels and Beijing. That has been proved wrong: the world has never looked more multipolar and networked. In war, it is said, there are no unwounded soldiers. Bombs that shatter bones also batter brains. Military technology, unsurprisingly, is at the forefront of the march towards self-determining machines Its evolution is producing an extraordinary variety of species. The Sand Flea can leap through a window or onto a roof, filming all the while. It then rolls along on wheels until it needs to jump again. RiSE, a six-legged robo-cockroach, can climb walls. LS 3, a dog-like robot, trots behind a human over rough terrain, carrying up to 180kg of supplies. SUGV, a briefcase-sized robot, can identify a 151

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man in a crowd and follow him. There is a flying surveillance drone the weight of a wedding ring, and one that carries 2.7 tonnes of bombs. The Iranian hostage-takers were astounded to find that, of the four CIA officers in the American embassy in Tehran, none could speak Persian. There is no point in beating a dead snake. International Herald Tribune, Jan. 2, 1985: Excerpt from Hitler’s speech at the 1935 New Year’s reception in Berlin for the diplomatic corps: “The German people and its government are determined to contribute their best to the shaping of international relations which will guarantee honest cooperation on the basis of equality for all and which alone will ensure the progress and welfare of the community”. Guerrilla warfare, however, is harder to model than open battle of this sort, and the civil insurrection that often precedes it is harder still. Which, from the generals’ point of view, is a pity, because such conflict is the dominant form of strife these days. The reason for the difficulty is that the fuel of popular uprisings is not hardware, but social factors of a type that computer programmers find it difficult to capture in their algorithms. Analysing the emotional temperature of postings on Facebook and Twitter, or the telephone traffic between groups of villages, is always going to be a harder task than analysing physics-based data like a tank’s firing range or an army’s stocks of ammunition and fuel. A mass rally in Pyongyang this week to swear allegiance to Mr Kim junior on behalf of the 1.2m members of the army, made the pledge to “wipe out the enemies to the last one if they intrude into the inviolable sky, land and seas of the country even 0.001mm.” When the tribes of ancient Israel defeated the Midianites, the victors got the losers’ 675,000 sheep, 72,000 oxen, 61,000 asses and 32,000 female virgins (males and non-virgin women were slaughtered), as well as the gold and jewels. The biblical account suggests that, in that era at least, this was a standard post-conflict resolution of property questions. Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments (Frederick the Great). 152

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What matters is the ability to knit everything together on the battlefield through what the Chinese called “informatisation” and what is known in the West as “unified C 4ISR”. (The four Cs are command, control, communications, and computers; ISR stands for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; the Pentagon loves its abbreviations.) I refer you to some apt lines uttered by Orson Welles in “The Third Man”: “In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.” The memos gave the CIA licence to use “enhanced” techniques derived from American training advice to pilots and other personnel on how to withstand torture if they should fall into enemy hands. They are shocking for their bureaucratic punctiliousness. They parse the degrees of pain that would constitute forbidden torture (“an intensity akin to the pain accompanying serious physical injury”). They set out in incongruous detail the limits of abuse. A prisoner could be deprived of sleep, but for no more than 180 hours before being allowed to rest for eight. He could be stripped naked but only if the room was warmer than 68°F (20 °C). He could be doused in water but it had to be potable. He could be waterboarded with cold (saline) water poured onto his face but each application should not last more than 40 seconds, there should be no more than six applications per session, no session could last more than two hours and there could be only two sessions in 24 hours. One prisoner, Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, the operational head of the September 11th 2001 attacks on America, was waterboarded 183 times. The world is more stable when one nation dominates, especially when it is a nation like America. If American leadership does collapse, what then. You cannot make war on war and on your neighbor at the same time. Tsutomu Yamaguchi had to pack his bags to leave Hiroshima after a three-month assignment as an engineer in the Mitsubishi shipyard; there were goodbyes to say at the office, then a 200-mile train journey 153

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back to Nagasaki to his wife Hisako and Katsutoshi, his baby son. It was a beautiful August day and he noticed an aircraft circling, and two parachutes dropping down… His status was recognised by the Japanese government: he became officially (though there had been more than 100 others) the only nijyuu hibakusha, or twice-victim of the atom bomb. America is estimated to have over 33,000 gangs, with approximately 1.4m members; the great bulk of these are in cities. Teddy Roosevelt’s advice to speak softly and carry a big stick. American Congressman says he is a friend on Monday and sends money to extremists on Tuesday. He made wild bets, too, on anything, as long as he was likely to win. He bet on which of five sugar cubes a fly would land on; whether a stray cat could carry a Coke bottle across a room; whether he could beat Bobby Riggs at table tennis played with iron skillets, and Minnesota Fats at pool with a broom; whether he dared ride a camel through the fanciest casino in Marakesh, and whether he could hang on to a horse’s tail for a quarter of a mile. He won them all until, as the song said, even the Devil wouldn’t bet with him. That Chongqing’s dirty linen was aired in front of American diplomats on his watch may matter more than the dirt itself. The telegraph operator  — incoming telegrams to large Berlin banks  — orders of securities to be purchased — speculator informed first. Even given more money, soldiers and equipment, the formula for success in foreign wars remains mysterious. Iraq, Afghanistan and even Libya have hardly been unqualified successes for Western intervention. The United States then made some 30 military interventions in and around the Caribbean in the next 30 years, many of them under Smedley Butler, a marine corps general, who summed up his career thus: “I helped make Honduras “right” for American fruit companies in 1903. I helped make Mexico…safe for American oil interests in 1914. I  helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street… I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909–12. I brought 154

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light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China, I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.” As Carl von Clausewitz, a great Prussian strategist, put it: “War is not merely an act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse carried on with other means.” He had been born during the war, grown up during the misery of the inflation and the restlessness of the postwar years, and had awakened during a new war. At weekends, a handy man with a spanner, he would get under the hood of neighbours’ cars and mend children’s bikes. His ranchstyle house in Seven Hills sat on half an acre, where he proudly grew tomatoes and zucchini. From 1977 to 1993, however, he became Ivan the Terrible, who had roamed the concentration camp at Treblinka in Poland with a whip, or a sword, in his big mechanic’s hands. As the naked Jews ran shivering from the trains to the gas chambers he would slash off an ear, rip open a belly, or flog them til they fell. He drilled the anus of one man with an auger, and shoved the face of another hard into barbed wire. An expert on engines, he had operated the diesels that pumped out carbon monoxide to kill 870,000 people. The country was the original home of the young man with explosive underpants who tried to blow up an American airliner over Detroit at Christmas. When it comes to a 30-year partner of the United States, a man who has helped keep peace in the region and been a durable ally in the war on terrorism, Mr. Obama is quick to toss Mr. Mubarak under the bus. We’ve been studying nuclear waste for 40 years and we still have no idea what to do with it. There is a long tradition of shooting messengers who bring bad news. The bomber always get through. Charles Portal was thrilled to learn in 1944 that a single Lancaster bomber had eliminated more German manhours on its first sortie than the number of British man-hours required to build it, suggesting that all subsequent sorties would be “clear profit”. 155

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Swastika — to some a 5,000-year-old symbol of peace — Sanskrit svastika — “good-luck sign,” from svasti “good luck”. Next time you bury a beet bottle stuffed with money in a park, you should ponder what cameras and sensors may be hidden in the trees nearby. Like so many other once-solid professions, spying is becoming less of a career and more a job for freelancers. Precedent suggests that voters unhappy about the economy will dump successful war leaders. The first George Bush’s triumph in the first Gulf war did not win him a second term. British voters turfed out Winston Churchill two months after his victory against Hitler. And Mr Obama has not “won” the war against alQaeda. Killing Mr bin Laden has scotched the snake, not killed it. NATO was making in Afghanistan the best of a bad job. General Tommy Franks describes him as the “dumbest fucking guy on the planet”. George Bush repeated like a scratched gramophone record that Americans were at war with the terrorists who had attacked them on 9/11, not at war with Islam. Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, was writing “The Art of War”, a book that celebrates cunning by arguing that the way to win is by always doing the opposite of what your opponent expects. Could Mrs Thatcher have survived as prime minister had the Falklands not been retaken? (In  her memoirs, she says not.) Would the Tories have won the 1983 election had Argentina never invaded? (Probably). Lady Thatcher’s victory suggested that war could achieve political ends quickly and efficiently. In 1993 Colin Powell (then the top soldier) told the Senate that when the world dialled 911, the emergency phone number, America was expected to answer. The odour of a police station like the ammoniac smell of zoos all over the world. And to defend against the invading legions of would-be gardeners and hotel cleaners, the US-Mexican frontier is also equipped 156

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with high-tech military gizmos, such as unmanned spy planes with infra-red cameras. In England between the 13th and 16th centuries, extramarital sex was policed with such energy that up to 90% of the litigation handled by church courts was about combating fornication, adultery, sodomy and prostitution. The punishments were often savage. When the Reformation got going in the mid-16th. A weathered Middle East truism holds that, while there can be no all-out Arab-Israeli war without Egypt, there can be no long-term peace without Syria. On April 2nd 2003, during the second Gulf war, a hundred or so Iraqi armoured vehicles approached a far smaller American reconnaissance unit south of Baghdad. Responding to a call for help, a B-52 bomber attacked the first 30 or so vehicles in the column with a single, historic pass. It dropped two new CBU-105 bombs, and the result shocked the soldiers of both sides — and, soon enough, military observers everywhere. While falling, the CBU-105 bombs popped open, each releasing ten submunitions which were slowed by parachutes. Each of these used mini rockets to spin and eject outward four discs the size of ice-hockey pucks. The 80 free-falling discs from the pair of bombs then scanned the ground with lasers and heat-detecting infra-red sensors to locate armoured vehicles. Those discs that identified a target exploded dozens of metres up. The blast propelled a tangerine-sized slug of copper down into the target, destroying it with the impact and the accompanying shrapnel. The soldiers in the 70 vehicles farther back in the column surrendered immediately. In the 20 years since the end of the cold war NATO’s obituary has been written many times, so far always prematurely. In a world of few dragons but a great many more snakes, it can look clumsy. Seven of the world’s eight most violent countries lie on the bloody trafficking route from the cocaine fields of the Andes to the nostrils of North America. Somalia is not important until it launches a terrorist attack which makes it important. There are over 17,000 Border Patrol agents on the border with Mexico, a fivefold increase over 1993. They patrol in cars and all-terrain vehicles, on bicycles and horses, in boats, planes and helicopters. When there are 157

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no agents around, cameras, reconnaissance drones and three different types of sensors — seismic, magnetic and infra-red — keep tabs on things. A third of the border is fenced, and most of the rest is in areas so remote or rugged as to make fences pointless or impractical. Some parts of the fence are 17 feet high, with metal plates extending ten feet below ground to prevent tunneling. To bomb Iran’s programme out of existence. The United States then made some 30 military interventions in and around the Caribbean in the next 30 years, many of them under Smedley Butler, a marine corps general, who summed up his career thus: “I helped make Honduras ‘right’ for American fruit companies in 1903. I  helped make Mexico…safe for American oil interests in 1914. I  helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street…I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909–12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China, I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.” But then the army began marching in the wrong direction, and its general shot himself in the foot. Turkish generals are down, but they are not out. If humans, for example, were black-and-white striped then the history of intercommunal violence the species has suffered when different races have met might not have been quite as bad. “The Godfather’s Michael Corleone: “Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.” I Since Dunblane, handguns have been outlawed in Britain, meaning that even the Olympic shooting squad has had to train abroad. Because of these strict laws, plus Britain’s relative lack of a hunting culture, gun ownership is unusual: there are just 56 guns per thousand people in Britain, compared with 300 per thousand in Germany and 900 in America. A firefighter’s first rule of survival is “know your way out”. The defeats are more painful than the victories are sweet. 158

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Napoleon: “Let China sleep, for when she wakes the world will shake.” Mr Putin uses his KGB training to cultivate those who might be of use to him. He likes to quote a remark once made to him by Henry Kissinger, whom he greatly admires: “All decent people started their careers in intelligence.”

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But what exactly makes Russia unique? It was an old rule in Russia that the subordinate must never be cleverer than the boss. The Crimean war was certainly the most significant conflict of the second half of the 19th century. If deaths from disease are included, it cost at least 750,000 lives, two-thirds of them Russian, and it triggered big social and cultural changes in all the countries affected. Catherine the Great: “I have no way to defend my borders but to extend them.” Russia holds plenty of promise. Only Fyodor Dostoyevsky can offer a double lesson on the love of God and the love of a good woman. Not everyone will be in a condition to toast death’s imminence with champagne, as Anton Chekhov did. Killing someone, Sleed discovers, is “like winning at Russian roulette and having the taste of gunmetal forever on your tongue because even if you win, you lose.” To the slopes clings Clee Hill village which, until it closed, had Shropshire’s highest pub (called “The Kremlin” because, via the radar aerials on the hill, its juke box could pick up Radio Moscow). 159

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As the news broke of the upheaval at home, Lenin became increasingly desperate. He even considered trying to reach Russia on a false passport, as a Swedish deaf mute. His ever-practical wife reminded him that this was bound to fail because of his habit of talking — in Russian, angrily, about politics — in his sleep… Lenin lambasted an anti-war article in The Economist — dismissing it caustically as “a journal which speaks for British millionaires” — on the ground that the authors wanted peace only because they were “afraid of revolution”. “Hitler nudged, so did Stalin,” writes Mr Sunstein. The Russians are very good at linking two unrelated issues in a negotiation. Mr Correa, who has a respectable approval rating of 42%, is not a candidate. He is counting on Lenin Moreno, a former vice-president, and his running mate, Jorge Glas, the current vice-president, to carry on his “citizens’ revolution”. Mr Moreno, who shares his alarming first name with 18,000 other Ecuadoreans, hopes to win in the first round by capturing the bulk of Mr Correa’s support and adding to it. The first Russian to inquire about political asylum in Britain may have been Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who wrote to Queen Elizabeth I in 1570 asking whether she would take him in if things got too hairy in Moscow. (Elizabeth replied that he could come if he paid his own way.) Ivan never came, but England has since offered refuge to generations of Russian political exiles. Alexander Herzen, Russia’s first socialist, came to London in the 1850s and published his newspaper Kolokol (Bell), which was smuggled back into Russia. Lenin lived briefly in Bloomsbury, and is said to have met Stalin at a pub in Clerkenwell. Today London is home both to Mr Putin’s cronies and to opponents of his regime trying to lay the groundwork for the day it vanishes. In cheap action films the bad guy is taken out by force. In the better sort, he falls victim to his own hubris. The great risk, though, is that Europe and Russia find themselves in a film noir, where the villain’s plot fails but takes everyone down with it. Having been caught off guard by online protest movements, many governments are now investing heavily in their web-based propaganda infrastructure. Russian government agencies, for instance, are not just good at setting up social-media bots and other spamming weapons to 160

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drown out genuine online discourse. They also employ armies of “trolls” to fight on their behalf in Western comment sections and Twitter feeds. J. K. Galbraith, an economist, argued that there was not much difference between state planning as practised by the Russians and corporate planning as practised by General Motors. A mild winter and robust European Union policy have blunted the edge of what was once Vladimir Putin’s most effective foreign-policy weapon: the politicised export of gas. By Khrushchev’s death in 1971, more than 125m lived in the Khrushchevki buildings. Most were not meant to last more than 25 years (by then, presumably, the bright communist future would have dawned. Lenin is said to have sneered that a capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him. The quote may be spurious, but it contains a grain of truth. Capitalists quite often invent the technology that destroys their own business. Biographies of Stalin and Mikhail Gorbachev abound, but nobody has written seriously about Leonid Brezhnev, on whose watch the Soviet Union sank into drunken decay. A fortuitously placed wart on the penis of the “mad monk” Rasputin, whose scandalous behaviour and bad advice helped bring about the dynasty’s downfall, is cited as a possible reason for his success with aristocratic women. Ukrainian president must choose between a rich Russian dinner with lots of vodka and with the risk of discovering that he has been captured and his car stolen. In pre-war Russia, for example, the central bank was called the “Red Cross of the bourse” Mr Obama is using measures associated with Soviet central planning out of desperation: he cannot get climate laws through Congress, so executive orders are his only weapons. Surely no true, law-abiding Russian could side with the enemies of his country? Dick Cheney, or so his critics aver, became George W. Bush’s Rasputin. The Russians are a sentimental lot. 161

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On switching off the light after reading “War and Peace”, Edmund Wilson, an American critic, would find his bedroom magically “full of people”. Dostoevsky wrote about the Amur region: “If only Englishmen or Americans lived in Russia instead of us!.. Oh, they would have opened up everything: the metal ores and minerals, the countless deposits of coal.” Homo Sovieticus. Young Alexander Pushkin disports himself Odessa brothels, scandalising society first with his impromptu dinner-party versifying and then with a too-public affair with Lise Vorontsov, wife of the governor. As a punishment Pushkin, nominally a civil servant, was asked to do some work: to write a report on a plague of locusts that was paralysing the city. Outraged, Russia’s greatest poet left town. A novelist writing about a novelist writing about an editor reading a novel: these Russian dolls might come across as merely cute. The rule of law means the law of the ruler in Russia. Although they seem a godless lot, many Russians subscribe to an old religious fatalism. How else — in this well-educated nation — to explain the universal scorn for seatbelts, the epidemic of poisonings during every mushroom-picking season or the amazing number of winter fishermen who die each year after falling through the ice? (More than 400, some drunk, were rescued from a floating slab off Sakhalin last month; some refused to go.) There is little pressure for better safety standards. “Life is dangerous,” a Siberian tour guide said recently, when asked if the extreme sports he recommended were risky. “No one has survived it yet.” A retailer could legally sell a second-hand “Gone with the Wind” DVD, but could not buy it cheaply in Russia, bring it to America and sell it for a low price. With the Supreme Court’s ruling, that protection has been swept away. Russian immigration officer — usually sporting peroxide blond hair, sixinch heels and an abbreviated skirt. At a minimum a potential vice-president needs to look capable of taking over as president. This was the test Mrs Palin is deemed 162

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to have failed, despite all the knowledge of Russia she gleaned by being able to see it from Alaska. When Dmitri Mendeleev devised his periodic table in 1869, it contained 63 elements; a similar chart in a chemistry classroom now has up to 118 entries. Nowhere in the world matches North Korea for forced disappearances. Victims are held incommunicado, rendering the level of inhumanity even worse in the North Korean gulag than in that of the former Soviet Union. Gazprom, the trading name of the gas division of the Kremlin. The Soviet model kept capitalistic titans on their best behaviour. Now that it has gone, capitalism, with no incentive to contribute towards social purpose, is running wild. I had to teach my children the value of sharing and that lesson should not be lost on those who reap disproportionate gains that to me look like nothing more than psychopathic hoarding. Words for work, money, sex, death and horrible personal habits may well tell you more about national attitudes than anything else. Why would Russian have a special word, koshatnik, for someone who deals in stolen cats and Turkish another, cigerci, for a seller of liver and lungs, or Central American Spanish a particular name, aviador, for a government employee who shows up only on payday? Yet, throughout the cold war, Russia remained a reliable gas supplier. Why should things be different now? The Soviet Union was politically more predictable than its successor. “It was run by geriatrics, but we knew that one geriatric would succeed another.” Russia’s political stability is ephemeral. It relies on Mr Putin’s will, not on an institutional transfer of power. With nationalism on the rise, it is anybody’s guess who will be in charge of Russia in ten years’ time. There is an old Soviet joke that where common sense ends railways begin. Russia could benefit hugely from a bit of warming: large parts of the country that are currently uninhabitable could become comfortable enough to live. The 25% of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas reserves that are reckoned to be in the Arctic, 163

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much of them in Russia, would become easier to get at. According to one estimate of the costs and benefits of climate change, by Robert Mendelssohn, a professor at Yale University, a 2.5C increase in temperature would increase GDP of the former Soviet Union by 11%. Medvedev either earn a place in history or a footnote in the story of his predecessor. Russian government left enough crumbs on the table to keep foreign businesses happy. The Russian tactic, it seems, is to keep Mr Lukashenka just above the surface, occasionally dipping him in and then pulling him out to make sure he is still breathing. But if the Kremlin miscalculates and keeps Mr  Lukashenka under a moment too long, it could inadvertently provoke a more serious revolt. Russia’s rapprochement is fragile since it hinges on an idea of modernisation that is unlikely to succeed without liberalisation. The risk is that when modernisation fails, Russia will blame the West for sabotaging it. There are 4 types of capitalism: state-guided (Japan), oligarchic (Russia), big-firm (US), entrepreneurial. Mr Bell was right that the ideology of communism was doomed. In China it has given way to market Leninism. In Russia it has been replaced by kleptocracy. There is no such thing as a point of no return in the Moscow—Minsk battle, because both sides are represented not by noble knights, but cynical traders. Legal ivory sells for around $900 a kilogram in China’s wholesale market, with the average tusk weighing between five and nine kilograms. A cheaper sort comes from extinct woolly mammoths, which are periodically excavated from Siberia’s tundra. By the mid-1930s Hemingway found it easier to catch huge marlin than to write. “I am supposed to lay back and come in with ‘War and Peace’ or be considered a bum,” he said.


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Scandal that speaks volumes about Russia has snowballed recently. If America did not exist, Russia would have to invent it. In a sense it already has: first as a dream, then as a nightmare. No other country looms so large in the Russian psyche. As a former Turkish president put it, “building relations with big states is like getting into bed with a bear.” When that bear is Russia, it is best to stay wide awake.

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A The ultra-violence that saw the deaths of 60,000 civilians over the past decade has abated somewhat — ослаблять, умерять. Even its campaign against banks that abet tax evasion, the one financial crime it is widely reckoned to have tackled with firmness — поощрять, содействовать. The old stuffed-shirt politics might also be in abeyance; Facebook’s policy of prohibiting hate speech was apparently in abeyance: drawings of pigs urinating on the Koran — and worse — were posted — состояние неопределенности, неизвестности. Even uglier was the stampede, of governors and congressmen as well as presidential candidates, to insist that Barack Obama abjure his (rather paltry) plan to take in some 10,000 Syrian refugees next year — отказываться, отрекаться. Politics abhors a vacuum and the gap between the elite and the public will eventually be closed — не выносить, не терпеть. Widespread abhorrence of it enabled the eventual rise of pragmatists led by Deng Xiaoping — омерзение; ненависть. It is inherent in human nature to seek security via special status, and it necessarily increases with time, as so ably explicated by Mancur Olson — умело; квалифицированно. 166

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To fulfil millennial Jewish yearning to restore the tabernacle, the company is also repairing what it says are ancient ablution pools — омовение; обмывание. European culture has been diminished by a mixture of self-abnegation and political correctness, while declining Christian values have left most western European countries unmoored — отрицание учения. Examples abound, from Barack Obama’s online campaign to activism on Twitter — кишеть, изобиловать. Sexually insatiable, she had two husbands and countless lovers, and neglected her children abominably; some of the book’s most striking passages are about “well-oiled feudal barbarity”, the abominable treatment that was meted out to those who tried to escape — грязно, мерзко. Iran is prepared under ANY circumstances to recognize this abomination to Islam and more specifically its Imperial Designs for the Middle East — отвращение, мерзость. Three states have banned doctors from prescribing abortifacient medicine remotely, as is often done in rural areas — средство, вызывающее аборт. The government has hounded the Brotherhood, referring to its loyalists as “terrorists”, to the point of removing them from above-board politics — откровенный, прямой. Fears spread that the EU, which had found in Mr Davutoglu a sensible interlocutor and a channel to bypass his abrasive boss — резкий, колкий. British prisons are not as porous as a recent rash of absconding suggests — бежать от суда; скрываться. A distinguished restaurateur who runs the school, tells me they come for cooking, rather than golf or abseiling, as a group activity — спускаться на веревке. The government will be less abstemious than it claims — воздержанный, умеренный (в пище, питье).


Часть II / abstruse

It also marked the moment when maths began to slip away from being part of the armamentarium of any educated person and towards the dizzyingly abstruse field it has become today — глубокомысленный, серьезный. China’s coast abuts relatively shallow seas, rendered turbid by the sediment of China’s east-flowing rivers — примыкать, граничить. Europe is abuzz with talk of a growth compact, but nobody agrees what it means — возбужденный, охваченный деятельностью. Academe of the Oaks offers a rigorous college preparatory course of study that prepares students for future academic work — научное сообщество, мир науки. For Mr Reddy, the ack-ack guns held no fears — зенитные орудия, зенитная артиллерия. A vote for independence almost impossible in a region of low literacy and abysmal infrastructure — ужасный. Before such honours were bestowed, many worthy of the accolade were fellows of the Royal Society — похвала, хороший отзыв. Obama has all the accoutrements of a president-in-waiting — антураж; внешние атрибуты. The resulting minuscule fibres accrete into a dense mesh — срастаться. An ever larger share of the benefits of growth accrues to owners of capital — вступать в силу (о правах, требованиях). Mr Capriles, who came within an ace of winning a snap presidential election on April 14th — на волосок от, на грани. Нe has an ace in the hole — преимущество, козырь в кармане. It takes time for an institution based in the Anglophone world to be acculturated in Asia or Latin America — интегрироваться. Without such total acculturation, managing distant operations with few communications would have been all but impossible — слияние разных культур.


Часть II / adduce

He is an acidulous critic of the incumbent administration and its military servants — едкий, язвительный. There are wealthy people who contribute, and wealthy people who just accrete — обрастать, прикрепляться. Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s clever and acerbic ambassador to the EU, wonders what European values really are — едкий, язвительный. Calvin Klein underpants may not exactly represent the acme of spiritual, political or even material freedom — кульминация, точка наивысшего подъема. The Hamas government that then briefly held power gave acolytes jobs administering government mosques — ассистент, помощник. China will acquiesce to another round of sanctions on Iran — уступать, молча соглашаться. After acrimonious debates over Barack Obama’s appointments to head the Treasury, there was little energy left in the Senate this week for a fight — язвительный; злой. The uproar this provoked only grew when a state-appointed actuary concluded that the firm’s justification for the hike was bogus — актуарий, специалист по страховой математике. Low olfactory acuity portends a curtailed lifespan — тонкость, резкость (восприятия). And conservative pundits are people of adamantine principle compared with conservative politicians — неколебимый, несокрушимый. John Kennedy’s adage that “a rising tide lifts all boats” — афоризм, изречение. His memories are addled, but the young member of Cocaine Anonymous can just about recall his formal drug education — сбивать с толку, запутывать. Slow jurisdictions, like Italy, let lawyers adduce new evidence whenever they want, allowing them to prolong a case with new submissions — представлять, приводить (в качестве доказательства). 169

Часть II / adept

Al-Qaeda is still dangerous and is adept at changing its shape — эксперт, специалист. Hyperconnectivity exaggerates some of the most destabilising trends in the modern workplace: the decline of certainty (as organisations abandon bureaucracy in favour of adhocracy), the rise of global supply chains and the general cult of flexibility — адхократия (модель организации, в которой текущие проблемы решаются группами специалистов с различными профессиональными знаниями, подобранными в соответствии с ситуацией). Chinese companies don’t want to be mere adjuncts to foreign firms — придаток; случайное свойство. A curious admixture of civic conscience (support of many green initatives) and Standard Oil-type monopoly practices — примесь. Delivering the same stump speech ad nauseum; He had already spoken ad nauseam on this very subject — до отвращения. Good fortune and adroit political management have marked Mr Howard’s four wins since 1996 — ловкий, проворный; искусный. He was using “adscititious”, correctly, in letters home from his military academy at 17 — дополнительная, не основная часть. On her tour of Europe last month, she was swaddled in praise verging on adulation — низкопоклонство; лесть. Between detours through nanotechnology, robotics and military strategy, he adumbrated a resilient society of “Odyssean” citizens — предзнаменовать, предрекать. Heckling politicians is rarely an effective form of advocacy — пропаганда, активная публичная защита. The order described by the Guardian, which was issued under the aegis of section 215 of the Patriot Act, doesn’t let the NSA see the content of individual calls — эгида (щит Зевса). Barry Cunliffe has scoured those aeons of under-achievement for signs of promise and hints towards an explanation — бесконечность, вечность. 170

Часть II / aggregate

A government body that provides financial assistance to the affianced about 60% of women over 30 are unmarried — помолвленный. Yet the distinction between illnesses of affluence and illnesses of poverty is misleading as a description of the world — богатство, изобилие. The ruling Islamist parties in Morocco and Tunisia have long vaunted an affinity with Mr Erdogan’s Justice and Development (AK) party — близость, родство. Typically, you were affrighted by an attack on that most sacred of all sacred things: property! — пугать, ужасать. Similar moves are afoot among other non-politicians — готовиться, назревать. But none of that is likely to put off hardcore vampire aficionados — ревностный поклонник, поборник. They came as far afield as Chicago — вдали от дома, издалека. An ambitious trade deal with Australia has Chinese businessmen aflutter — взволнованный, возбужденный. The debate and its aftermath dominated political news for several days and has transformed the race — последствия, состояние после случившегося. What a thoroughly ageist and offensive sub-title — дискриминационный. The horn, which is merely agglutinated hair, the same stuff as finger nails, has no pharmacological value — склеиваться (в однородную массу). It worked hard to prevent the countries challenging it over some or all of its absurdly aggrandizing territorial claims in the sea from ganging up against it — увеличивать, усиливать. When aggregate military spending in the US rises by 1% of GDP, military spending in California on average rises by about 3% — общий, итоговый. 171

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Часть II / aggrieved

American politicians, aggrieved at claims that victims of terrorism were targeted, are calling for investigations — огорченный, расстроенный. For some, the annual July aggro is the most exciting event in their alienated young lives — агрессивное поведение; уличная драка. Aghast at the prospect of an American victory, panic-stricken Soviet bureaucrats turned to Nikita Khrushchev himself. “Is he (Van Cliburn) the best?” asked the general secretary. Yes, came the answer. “Then give him first prize” — пораженный ужасом; ошеломленный. It could take the brand back to its agitprop roots — агитация и пропаганда. The airline world is agog at the news that “something” is happening between British Airways, American Airlines and Continental — возбужденный, сгорающий от любопытства. The industry has, ahem, a long tail of thousands of smaller ones — гм! The loss of revenue is serious and should not be airily dismissed as you have attempted to do — беспечно, беззаботно, легкомысленно. The firms spend big sums on “thought leadership”: ie, papers, books and conferences, this is not all airy-fairy theory — мечтательный; причудливый. A brochure for the SS Great Britain airbrushed out the offending stump in the late 1990s — ретушировать. His picture appeared on the cover of Time, chin high and arms akimbo — руки в боки, подбоченясь. The alacrity with which people transition from enthusiasm to sour entitlement when presented with free stuff is depressing — готовность (как ответная реакция на предложение). Yet for all the alarums and excursions, there are few hard conclusions to draw — звон будильника. Now that Mr Rodríguez is 38 and a shadow of the player he once was, it has become a financial albatross — пациент, который никак не поправляется. 172

Часть II / alumni

In local elections in 2007, the city elected a class of aldermen especially close to labour — ольдермен, член городского управления. Human beings like to think of themselves as the animal kingdom’s smartest alecks — самоуверенный наглец, нахал. A report, the fruit of six years of investigations, tracks individual members of one Chinese hacker group, with aliases such as Ugly Gorilla and SuperHard — вымышленное имя, кличка. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has threatened an all-out assault on those Sunni-majority cities  — полный; с  применением всех сил и ресурсов. The July figures allay fears that this slowdown may have signalled a change of trend, pointing instead to buoyant underlying demand — смягчать, ослаблять. Others, whose lives are blighted by childlessness or genetic disease, argue passionately for the right to alleviate suffering — облегчать боль. The supreme leader is supposed to stay aloof from the cut and thrust of mundane politics — отчужденный, равнодушный. The breadth of his friendships is testament to Lawrence’s compulsive, almosthypnotic allure — обаяние, очарование. It lives in sal forest or on alluvial plains among the tall thatchgrass, increasingly chased out of both by human beings and their fires — намывной; наносный. This is an urgent, all-hands-on-deck moment — сигнал всеобщего сбора. Several wily also-rans may hold the final balance of power — серость, посредственность. Connie Mack, a congressman and senatorial candidate, wound up in an undignified altercation with Mr Gingrich’s spokesman  — перебранка, ссора. There are few other sectors of education in which the alumni network is quite so trumpeted as business schools — выпускники (колледжа или университета. 173

Часть II / ambient

Evolutionary difference caused by a feature of the environment — in this case ambient temperature — окружающий, внешний. Is God ambidextrous? Мany have some combination of being gay, left-handed or ambidextrous, and poor in visual-spatial skills — владеющий одинаково хорошо обеими руками; двуличный. Because America is holding out for a narrow ambit for any new provisions on compulsory licensing — границы. She calls them “zombie nouns”, for their habit of ambling about in packs, eating the brains of readers — неторопливая, неспешная прогулка. The US might not find its bully-boy tactics so amenable to the world’s latest tax shelter  — Singapore  — подлежащий (наказанию); подсудный. Many of the stresses known to damage fetuses can be ameliorated by better health education, nutrition supplements and targeted subsidies — улучшаться. A weakened Pax Americana could fall apart, to be ruled by a varied set of despots — все, что ассоциируется с влиянием США в мире. One hundred employers signed another amicus brief — беспристрастный советник в суде. A display of amity points to tougher times ahead — дружеские, мирные отношения. Legislative business restarts amidst debate on constitution — посреди. You can be sure that the US will be seriously considering amping up its semi-secret military campaign in Yemen — усиливать. But Sunday’s failure is likely to give ammunition to these congressional critics — средство нападения или защиты. Explicit transcripts of exchanges between Mr Weiner and his virtual amores, one of them reportedly a porn star, are hard to live down — любовницы.


Часть II / anointed

Old-fashioned R&D is losing its ampersand — амперсанд, символ “&”. Much of what Mr Van Rompuy has in mind should be anathema to Mr Farage — проклятие. It would tip the balance of the Supreme Court away from the narrow conservative majority once anchored by Mr Scal — быть ведущим, вести. Some drugmakers are beginning to sell ancillary services tied to their wares — вспомогательный, добавочный. Steve Fossett was half-man, half-android — андроид, человекоподобный робот. The most popular genre by far is “boys love”, tales of naughty romances between androgynous males — обоеполый, гермафродитный. Once all but unthinkable (for both sexes), strikes have become increasingly common. Anecdotally at least, women appear as likely to take part as men — случайный; несистематический. He is angling for an invitation; customers were typically medical researchers angling for promotion — напрашиваться. It’s not angst that we feel here in Hamburg but plain anger — страх, тревога, беспокойство. How transparently his animus towards George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, motivated his accusations — враждебность, неприязнь. In the annals of political intransigence, few beat Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina — анналы, летописи. Will 2013 turn out to be an annus horribilis for the offshore financial world? — ужасный год. Tourists have flocked to Bilbao in record numbers ever since the Guggenheim anointed the rusty Spanish city — совершать миропомазание.


Часть II / annuity

An attractive feature of the industry’s economics is the annuitylike income generated from renewals — ежегодная рента, ежегодная выплата. Europe’s debt crisis and the BP oil spill sapped business confidence and an anomalous surge in imports ate into growth — аномальный, ненормальный. On a therapist’s couch, a patient complains of heartache, work stress and a creepy sense of anomie  — психологическое состояние личности, характеризующееся чувством потери ориентации в жизни. The West’s response was feeble. It made anodyne pleas to both sides to refrain from using forcepurely anodyne — утешение, успокоение; отвлечение. To stand in his anorak waiting at the bus stop, comme tout le monde — анорак, куртка с капюшоном. In continental Europe and jurisdictions such as Panama, foundations and anstalts serve a similar purpose — институты. The government’s talk of a criminal investigation ups the ante in its high-stakes clash with BP — вносить долю, делать взнос. Antipathy to the traditional role of the Fed is, quite simply, one of the worst intellectual developments to occur in either major party — неприязнь, отвращение. It’s been ten days since the last Republican debate and Rick Perry is getting antsy — беспокойный, дерганый. Tax increases, trade deals and antidisestablishmentarianism — движение за сохранение за Англиканской церковью государственного статуса в Великобритании в XIX в. Mr. Murdock sealed his defeat by making an antediluvian statement of his own about rape — допотопный; старомодный. Africa could be the anvil on which a new Chinese foreign policy begins to be forged — наковальня. 176

Часть II / apologist

Robert Hardman, a royal correspondent for the Daily Mail, offers a convincing tour of the British monarchy as an institution, apeing the vantage point of the fly-on-the-wall documentary; They aped the Maidan protesters in Kiev with barricades made of car tyres and the distribution of food — обезьянничать; имитировать, копировать. Each aphid commulity is founded by a single, asexually reproductive female at the end of winter — тля растительная (Aphididae). Henry Kissinger may have thought that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac — стимулирующий, возбуждающий. The school is also the apex of the vast global industry devoted to teaching business — высшая точка, вершина. Dying bees are a problem, and not just for apiarists — пасечник, пчеловод. But there are rumours aplenty of mergers and takeovers among the world’s big stock exchanges — в изобилии. It escaped no visitor that not since Mao Zedong has a Chinese leader conducted foreign affairs with such eye-catching aplomb — уверенность в себе, умение себя подать. He has picked a fight over an issue that has assumed apocalyptic proportions for many devout Americans: gay marriage — катастрофический, трагический. This is almost surely apocryphal because anyone who knew Rand’s work would know how much she disliked religion in almost any form; China insists that virtually all the sea belongs to it, citing historical apocrypha — апокрифический, неканонический. The apogee came in 1980 in a hot tub at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas — апогей, наивысшая точка. Derek Chollet’s apologia for what he sees as Mr Obama’s distinctive approach to grand strategy — апология; оправдание. He harried and skewered fellow-travellers and wishful thinkers, reserving particular scorn for apologist historians — защитник идеологии, доктрины. 177

Часть II / apoplectic

McCain looked apoplectic and befuddled throughout the debate — раздраженный. The freeing of Ingrid Betancourt and other guerrilla hostages is a political apotheosis for President Álvaro Uribe — культ, обожествление. Converts from Islam to any other faith are regarded by the state as apostates who can be put to death — отступник; изменник. Documents are in the process of being legalised and apostiled — замечание на полях, заметка. Mrs Clinton has now revealed that two aspects of the Trump phenomenon appal her — ужасать; потрясать. And to them are appended new difficulties that he never foresaw — добавлять, прибавлять. White Southern Democrats have met their Appomattox: they will account for just 24 of the South’s 155 senators and congressmen in the incoming Congress — городок в центральной части штата Вирджиния; 9 апреля 1865 в здании суда Аппоматтокса командующий армией Конфедерации генерал Ли сдался генералу Гранту. And we’re glad Banyan has returned to keep us apprised of the situation — извещать, объявлять. The opposition is weak, though Mr Biya excoriated “the apprentice sorcerers in the shadows” — подмастерье, ученик (в ремесле). But that historical comparison, though apposite, does too little justice to the momentousness of this year’s choice — подходящий, годный, соответствующий. This criticism would be apt if America were deliberately contriving a depreciation, but I don’t believe that’s what is happening — уместный; удачный. Your cover of January 29th was very apropos, depicting a map of the American states with corny new names — своевременный. This aqueous liquid then passes through tubes whose cells absorb valuable chemicals, such as salt and glucose, and also some of the water — водянистый.


Часть II / arrest

Paget denied having a model other than the text — but he himself had a long jaw, aquiline nose and high temples — орлиный. The chairman of SVG Capital, set pinstripes aquiver when he said that private-equity executives were “paying less tax” — содрогаться. But many have arbitrageurs routing cheap calls — лицо, занимающееся арбитражными операциями. Laws and institutions seem to make more difference to people’s worldly chances than the arcana of theology — секреты, тайны. Intelligence agencies are using new software to handle the arcane business of comparing lists of names — тайный, скрытый. Henry responded archly that “he had not in his realm so many persons so honestly maintained in living by so little land and rent” — лукаво, насмешливо. At its meeting, SAFE concluded that the next phase of foreignexchange management will be “glorious and arduous”  — трудный, тяжелый. Dissenting colleagues at the Supreme Court had their opinions described as “argle-bargle”, “jiggery pokery” and “pure applesauce” — см. ниже. Compared with the argy-bargy over health-care reform, this summer’s public conversation about controlling carbon emissions has been a model — перепалка, спор. Ads in Cockney argot miss the fact that it’s supposed to be confusing — арго; жаргон. That was a reaction to the arid logical positivism he was taught as a student — скучный, бессодержательный. It also marked the moment when maths began to slip away from being part of the armamentarium of any educated person and towards the dizzyingly abstruse field it has become today — невразумительный, трудный для понимания. It helped arrest its slide into anarchy — останавливать, тормозить. 179

Часть II / arresting

The skyline of Paris has just acquired yet another arresting feature — приковывающий внимание; захватывающий. My brain hums with the difference between an electoral and a judicial arrondissement — отдел местной администрации. In this company, the Pussy Riot case is distinguished by the fact that its members actually committed the act over which they were arraigned — singing in a church — even if the interpretation of it by the court, and the sentence imposed, were unjust — предъявлять обвинение. He also dismissed the Club of Rome’s prediction that the world was about to run out of food as arrant nonsense — сущий. Now the United Arab Emirates is Berbera’s latest arriviste  — выскочка, парвеню. Mr Obama’s lawyers complained that Arizona was in effect attempting to set its own immigration policy, and thereby arrogating a power the constitution gives to the federal government — нагло требовать. Mr Andrew recounts how the founder of MI5, Vernon Kell, tried to dissuade Neville Chamberlain from appeasing Hitler with a report of the dictator’s dreams for Napoleonic conquest, peppered with tales of Hitler mocking Chamberlain as an Arschloch (arsehole) — тупица. George Washington was also the father of his country and the chief artificer of its independence — ремесленник; мастер. Small groups of artisanal fishermen, registered as co-operatives, had exclusive rights to harvest loco and other benthic creatures in a defined area of seabed — производимый нефабричным способом. The average hourly wage for an intern studying for a bachelor’s degree in America is $16.21, though arty organisations typically pay nothing — претендующий на художественность. The aristos are paternalistic, the staff deferential and devoted — аристократы. But the Harvard-educated, arugula-munching Mr Obama is hardly a man of the people either — пережевывающий листовой салат аругула. 180

Часть II / assiduousness

He decried their “indefensible” conceptual basis, and ascribed their popularity to “extraordinary” American credulity — приписывать. Yet at this moment of ascendancy in the business world, shareholder value is under fierce attack — влияние, господство. China, North Korea’s closest ally and begrudging patron, has, at the urging of Pyongyang, ratified the ascension in its official condolences — вознесение; приход к власти. At remote Puttaparthi in Andhra Pradesh, Sai Baba’s birthplace and the site since 1948 of His ashram, He established an airport — ашрам (хижина отшельника). And in the rush to get absolutely everything in, the narrative leans too heavily on audience asides — отступление, отклонение от темы. Baby boomers may look askance at Snapchat, just as millennials may wonder how their peers survived without smartphones  — неодобрительно, с подозрением. But, more than others, Mr Obama looked aslant at American power, seeing a need, as he put it in his first inaugural address — косо, наискось. Govt keeps an asphyxiating foot on currency — вызывать удушье. It made a nonsense of the much-repeated Republican refrain that he is soft on terrorism or — a favourite aspersion — “in over his head” on national security — клевета. Do the EU members interests run parallel to those of the speculators and wish to see Greece kept like a fly in aspic? — заливное (блюдо). Others see them as aspirational, embodying the poor’s entrepreneurial spirit and ambitions for the future — мечтающий добиться более высокого социального положения. This was partly because she wanted a smoke and was seeking a large aspidistra — азиатский ландыш. Your grasp of the actual numbers, in this, and other respects, is only matched by your assiduousness in digging them out — прилежание, старание, усердие. 181

Часть II / assegais

An advancing wall of Zulu warriors, armed with shields and the stabbing assegais, short spears, that Shaka had invented — ассагай, дротик у африканских племен. Russia is becoming more assertive by the day — агрессивный, чрезмерно настойчивый. It is hard to read Churchill’s words and not hear their assonance — ассонанс, неполная рифма (одних гласных). Such anxieties are not easily assuaged by economic logic  — успокаивать (гнев и т. п.), смягчать. Yulia Tymoshenko, and her ally, Yuriy Lutsenko, are imprisoned and were barred from the ballot means “there will be an asterisk” after the election — сноска. The deaths in a house of prayer come at a time when Jerusalem is already astir over the status of holy sites  — взволнованный, возбужденный. This is bright orange, more like a puree than a juice, and has an incomparable astringent and invigorating kick — вяжущий. But Castile’s place astride the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela helped it grow richer and more important — на пути. It was politically astute to use that quote against Mike Huckabee last Christmas — умный, проницательный. White South Africans the absolute pinnacle of sport, to prevent the veneer of social unity from being rent asunder — далеко друг от друга. Many obstacles stand athwart the EU ambitions of Montenegro and Macedonia, as well as Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania — наклонно, косо; поперек. But Russian social protests remain mostly atomised, posing little real threat to the Kremlin — распылять; разъединять. That would be out of character in a people who have, since the second world war, been eager to atone for the past and be good European partners — заглаживать, искупать. 182

Часть II / austere

While the recession certainly feels like a period of atonement for past sins, it’s not clear what the actual dynamics of this atonement — расплата; искупление (греха, вины). Workers, whose skills have atrophied from long spells of unemployment, out of the labour force — изнурять, переутомлять. “Ministers, mistresses, priests, were kept in good humour by presents of shawls and silks, birds’ nests and attar of roses, bulses of diamonds and bags of guineas” — розовое маслo. The attenuated primary schedule this year makes it impossible for any candidate to clinch the nomination before April — ослаблять; уменьшать. San Franciscans may hold out their arms to the world, but many do so standing athwart their single-family homes and yelling “Stop!” — против; вопреки, наперекор. Will you not whistle him back, attaboy — молодец! Does Microsoft still have a big, hairy audacious goal?”  — бесстрашный, храбрый. Few elected politicians match the audacity of those who govern Vanuatu, in the Pacific islands — отвага, смелость, храбрость. To clean up the Augean murk of Russian banks  — грязный, запущенный. Planting two bombs at the Boston Marathon is a sick, twisted act of mass murder, but it doesn’t necessarily augur any more widespread campaign of terrorism — пророчить, предсказывать. For their part, the Chinese get one of the most august brands in the business — благородный; величественный. On Apr. 4th Barack Obama announced, to no one’s surprise, that he would seek a second term in 2012. The timing was auspicious  — благоприятный. An austere individual would be someone who lives within their budget: that is, who spends less than their annual income — аскетический, суровый.


Часть II / autarky

If the US had remained in financial autarky, the credit boom would have been smaller — автаркия, изоляционистское государство. This week his optimistic pragmatism was tested in a chilly, autumnal Moscow — осенний. No other section of the population avail themselves more readily — помогать, приносить пользу. Mysterious, suspicious, avaricious, cold, the figure of Henry VII has long been skipped over or ignored — алчный; жадный. Now populated by no more than 84000 avatars at a time  — «аватар» синтетический (анимационный) интерактивный объект, представляющий пользователя в виртуальном мире. A prominent commentator recently averred that Mr Netanyahu is not fit to hold his job — утверждать, заявлять. Employers are risk-averse, says Mr Stacey, and often assume that if something is flagged on a background check they cannot hire the applicant — питающий антипатию, неприязнь. His slow, avuncular tones were those of the middle class in the middle shires; Romantic-era Poland avuncularly ignored local difficulties in places like Lithuania — добрый, покровительственный. The country has become so awash in the stuff since “fracking” (hydraulic fracturing of gas-bearing shale deposits) began barely five years ago — пустая болтовня, переливание из пустого в порожнее. Awestricken visitors peered at them with delight; it was awestruck by iPhone — трепещущий от страха. Mr Bush went AWOL during his last 18 months of service in the Texas National Guard — от absent without official leave; находящийся в самовольной отлучке. If things go awry, the government would simply print (well, not really printing just computer operations) more yens to pay the deb — кривой; искаженный. It was once regarded as axiomatic that globalisation would marginalise politics — самоочевидный, не требующий доказательства.


Часть II / backstab

B The bicentennial of his birth was the occasion for academic bacchanalias on both sides of the Atlantic — вакханалия; пьяный разгул. A small group of bacchanalians started opening offbeat organic wine bars across Paris — гуляка, кутила. Backbiting could grow, not least over the young prince’s readiness to cash in the family silver — клеветать за чьей-л. спиной. The family firms that form the backbone of the German economy have more to worry about than recession — хребет. Given the “lies and backflipping” from major-party politicians, and the number of prime ministers Australia has churned through (five in the past decade), why should she vote for either of them? — сальто назад, задний кульбит. Lines of back-to-back houses in the title sequences of “Coronation Street”, a television series, are the visual cliché — непрерывный, последовательный. These backwoodsmen whisper in the president’s ear — дикарь, провинциал. Frances’s routine is simple: chores in the daytime and “playing a couple of games of backgammon taking a cup of watery cocoa — нарды. Many, if not most, of the graduates from the Southern California School of Architecture ended up wandering the backlots of Hollywood studios — площадка рядом с киностудией, где снимаются эпизоды вне павильона. They don’t care how many people die, because the Nationalists love the United States even after the US was about to backstab them, what a loyal dog — поступить по отношению к кому-л. предательски.


Часть II / back-story

He is determined, audacious and, in a parliamentary party dominated by privileged white men, has a very compelling back-story  — предыстория оказывает решающее воздействие на события, происходящие в самой пьесе. Tanzania is still a backwater compared with its Kenyan neighbour to the north — тихая заводь; рутина; болото. India has reservations in jobs, education for lower castes, tribes, backward caste all on the basis of race  — отсталый, отстающий в развитии. The man could be just as perplexing, and played it up — was he really a badass city boy? — отморозок, подонок. The six Bonds, Pierce Brosnan was the most bloodthirsty, bumping off an average of 19 baddies per film — отрицательный герой; злодей. Mr Cameron paused to take an icy dip in a nearby lough, then he badgered Mr Putin some more — травить. Finland, with its baffling language and culture of reserve, is not an easy place for outsiders to penetrate — непостижимый, загадочный. TV executives responded to Tania Alexander, the programme’s creator, with bafflement — сложность, трудность. Thirty billion dollars is a lot of money for anyone except America’s government and in Washington it is a bagatelle — пустяк; безделушка. In spite of the enormous losses that took place in his bailiwick, it is odd that the FSA has chosen to single out Mr Cummings — сфера компетенции; знакомая область. This extrapolates to about $2.5 billion worth of baksheesh nationally every year — бакшиш, чаевые, взятка. Gone was all that balderdash about the sacred mystique of the Russian state — вздор, чепуха, ерунда. Bodies were stacked up like bales of hay — укладывать в тюки.


Часть II / bandy

The desire for male descendants has had many baleful consequences in China — гибельный; губительный. They may even benefit from the new age of activism, which obliges managers to refine their strategies, boards to be on the ball and firms to stay close to all of their shareholders — расторопный; толковый. Another sees two handball players snapped from behind, aloft and balletic — балетный. The first is an essay about three people who loved ballooning in the 19th century — раздуваться, увеличиваться. Russia’s much-ballyhooed turn towards China is less than it seems — шумиха, ажиотаж. The goalposts were already in the wrong ballpark — поле для игры в бейсбол. No one knows the amounts of money going through the hands of Singapore Pools, but I won’t be surprised, just a ballpark guessing, $100 — грубая оценка; примерное количество. Vietnam Net and Tuoi Tre, two of Vietnam’s more ballsy statecontrolled publications, have run exposés of fake telepaths and spirit mediums — напористый, пробивной. On March 1st he dismissed dire government warnings about the risks of Brexit as baloney — чушь, вздор. Trumpian success, in essence, rests on a talent for bamboozling rubes — сбивать с толку; разыгрывать. The Liberal Democrats want to add one percentage point to each band of income tax to pay for extra spending on health care — диапазон, интервал. In distressed clothing and workman’s boots, his scraggly hair often tied up in a bandanna, he looked every bit the grubby savant — бандана (косынка c цветным рисунком). Freedom is one of those words that politicians bandy around a  great deal over the July 4th holiday  — передавать из  уст в  уста; распространять (слух).


Часть II / bandoleers

Gunmen wrapped in bandoleers of ammunition charged into crowds of Saturday shoppers — патронташ. A bantamweight female guards at New Orleans airport; In almost every respect it is managing, as the diplomatic jargon goes, to punch far above its bantam weight — легчайший вес; «вес петуха». When Shinzo Abe resigned after just a year as prime minister, in September 2007, he was derided by voters, broken by chronic illness, and dogged by the ineptitude that has been the bane of so many recent Japanese leaders — бедствие, бич, проклятие. Under the baneful influence of racing, modern sailing yachts exchange stability for speed — бедственный, губительный. Thanks to the growing renewable-energy market and the subsidies that come with it, smart investors are now getting even more bang for their bark — окупать вложенные средства. Tom Cruise was the most bankable asset — прибыльный. It is fitting that 2014 should be a banner year for global trade — образцовый, показательный. But now he is campaigning like a banshee, if such a term can be applied to such an impeccably coiffed figure — банши (фольклорный персонаж: привидение-плакальщица, чьи завывания под окнами дома предвещают обитателю этого дома смерть). Facebook, Twitter and the like allow the kind of unimportant banter that binds old friends together, and sometimes helps you make new ones — добродушное подшучивание. Ms Fields had accused Mr Lewandowski of grabbing her and barging her out of the way — вытолкнуть. A mature firm that cannot make a profit using standard accounting rules should be approached with a bargepole — шест для отталкивания баржи. The prime minister had promised a fresh start to 2015 by “scraping one or two barnacles off the ship” — наросты.


Часть II / battering

But the barrage of grim statistics about the horrors the sequester will inflict has diminished somewhat in recent days — шквал (критики, жалоб). Clinton and Obama traded witty barbs — обмен колкостями, шип. Russia has us over a barrel — быть совершенно беспомощным (как утонувший человек, которого положили сверху на бочку, чтобы вода могла вытечь из легких). By insuring a barrelful of policies, it matters less if one of them is bad — изобилие. They insist it is barmy to start fiddling with the constitution when the country faces “a howling economic gale”, as one Tory puts it — придурковатый; чокнутый; идиотский. Depicting Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, engrossed in a series of athletically challenging sexual activities with barnyard animals — скотный двор. Obama’s quixotic dash to Copenhagen bashed his reputation — нанести сильный удар. The economy of the euro area is basking in a rare period of optimism — греться (на солнце, у огня). No, no,” he answered, laughing, turning his head as if to bat off a troublesome fly — наносить удар. Right off the bat, you’re spending a fifth of your income on health insurance — немедленно и без подготовки; с места в карьер. Only a few weeks after Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s boss, batted away criticism of the company’s election coverage — отбить. Darling’s budget was a fittingly bathetic end to Labour’s time in office — неожиданно переходящий от возвышенного стиля к вульгарному (от греч. bathos, «самое дно»). First the dollar took a battering, then the euro got pummelled and finally sterling hit the canvas — бепощадная критика, разгром.


Часть II / batten down

When student activists start trumpeting new causes, university administrators usually batten down — принимать жесткие меры. He was to receive the presidential sash and baton in the Casa Rosada from the provisional president of the Senate — жезл, эстафетная палочка. “Outsidethebox” must win some kind of prize for pseudonymic bathos — неожиданное появление банальностей в произведении возвышенного стиля. For anyone in any doubt, the crimes of these Union officials include battery, assault, attempted murder and murder — побои, оскорбление действием. The eccentric who is considered a genius rather than a batty recluse — сумасшедший, тронутый. Insurers and their policyholders batten down the hatches as America’s hurricane season begins — принимать жесткие меры. He rolled out the latest bauble with usual flair; iPhone metal finish and high-quality components, allied with a big advertising push from Apple, all helped establish it as a desirable consumer bauble — шутовской жезл с погремушкой, кисточкой. Women were seen as vulnerable to male seduction, particularly by unscrupulous rakes who plotted with bawds to ensnare the innocent — сводник, сводница. For FIFA to be under the referee’s beady eye would be precisely the point — как бусинки. Arriving in Argentina without a bean in 1948, he had worked his way up to become a pillar of Bariloche society — не иметь ни гроша. In Russia the main intrigue is why Ms Vasilyeva, who got her legal qualifications only in 2009 after working as a cook (among other jobs), chose to spill the beans — выдать секрет, проболтаться. America bearded China’s leaders by sending a warship close to one of their newly built islands — смело выступать против, бросать вызов.


Часть II / bedding down

Why mate with a second-class beau who cannot be bothered to bring you the fishy equivalent of roses and diamonds? — денди, франт, щеголь. Users book a space in a co-working office, plonk themselves down where they can and start beavering away — усердно работать. Relations between the two governing parties have soured since the beatific early months of the coalition — блаженный. They wanted to keep them at their beck and call — and not standing on some distant peak with an ice-pick raised triumphant in the air — быть на побегушках. The extra taxes levied to build the stadium will mainly come out of tourists’ bedazzled pocketbooks — ослеплять блеском. Troubles on the way to Postbank’s share issue have not been the only problem bedevilling Germany’s financial markets — терзать. Even at the village level there were factions: common purpose was bedeviled by factional divides — навести порчу, сглазить. He is a fat, bedraggled former terrorist who has been in American custody for years — замарать, запачкать. The trademark bedlam of a Marx Brothers scene was in fact tightly controlled  — бедлам, хаос; Бедлам (психиатрическая больница им. Святой Марии Вифлеемской, в Лондоне). Sport and the media are natural bedfellows — компаньон, партнер. Mr Mattis said that the administration strongly supports the alliance, which remains the “fundamental bedrock” for the United States — краеугольный камень, устои. Mr Romney’s campaign at first dismissed the carpers as “bedwetters” — мочащийся в кровать. Despite the violence, democracy in Pakistan may be bedding down — улечься, устроиться на ночь.


Часть II / Beelzebub

But he did nothing publicly to undermine his image as Beelzebub or Mephistopheles — or as the man who, by ringing his little bell, could regularly remind Italians where the real power lay — Вельзевул, глава демонов (одно из имен сатаны в Библии). My two biggest beefs with the proposed plan: One: Why the hell should employers be on the hook for providing health insurance?  — жалоба, недовольство. This may seem small beer given Britain’s target of an 80% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 — мелочь. Biologists have long been befuddled by the causes of ageing — одурманенный, сбитый с толку. The British political class is befogged — запутывать. Don’t befooled by rising travel numbers — airlines, especially big American ones, remain in deep trouble — одурачивать, надувать. As Mises and Hayek frequently wrote, one intervention by the state into the market begets another in order to attempt to fix the distortions the first — вызывать, порождать (эффект, результат). The yoke of colonisation that has beggared them for a century or more — разорять; доводить до нищеты. Beguiled by a pro-Kremlin broadcast media, ordinary Russians have been willing to trade material comfort for national pride — отвлекать внимание. China, North Korea’s closest ally and begrudging patron, has, at the urging of Pyongyang, ratified the ascension in its official condolences — ворчать; выражать недовольство. Too many non-European commentaries follow a beguilingly simple logical path — заманчивый, привлекательный. The country has actually suffered more because of these two ‘begums’ than all other natural disasters combined since the Independence — бегума (замужняя женщина знатного происхождения в Индии).


Часть II / bemedalled

Many of these killings were investigated by courts on the behest of victims’ families — повеление, распоряжение, приказ. But whatever the reason, it behoves those unwilling to wait for websites to get their acts together — надлежать, следовать. As for the bejeweled wives, there should legal recourse to establish the cost of their jewelry and that it was legitimately acquired — в украшениях. The order of the belaboured transition has been reshuffled, with the presidential poll coming first, then a constitution, then a parliament — лупить, колошматить. A series of choreographed horrors belies an overall drop in killings — давать неверное представление, искажать. The same show also has advice for Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s bellicose young despot — воинствующий; враждебный. “Get out! Get out!” bellowed the vast throng in Tahrir — орать; вопить. When commercial radio took off, musicians bellyached that it would destroy them — хныкать, скулить. The global economy is sicker than a man with a bellyful of bad oysters — пресыщенный, переполненный. A former Republican governor of Utah whose 2012 presidential ambitions were undone by wonkishness and a general lack of belly-fire — комбинация из танца живота и трюков с огнем. To discuss Thailand’s future without considering its monarchy is itself to belittle an important national institution — занижать, принижать. Millions of housewives joined in, clanging their pans in solidarity and belying government claims that the protests had been pre-planned rather than spontaneous — изобличать, разоблачать. This year’s revolt against the bemedalled despot will reduce Finmeccanica’s revenue by some €300m — увешанный медалями.


Часть II / bemoaned

The Financial Times recently bemoaned the green movement’s failure to offer accommodation relevant to business travellers — стенать, горевать. To his bemusement, workers at one of the nationalised companies, a co-operative in Cochabamba, staged a protest sit-in — ошеломлять; потрясать, смущать. When Boris Johnson was elected as mayor of London in 2008, he promised to rid the city of “bendy” buses — гибкий. The outlook appears so tediously benign it verges upon the panglossian — добрый, милостивый. In the supposedly benighted music business, a lot of things are making money — разочаровывающий, неразвитый. Small groups of artisanal fishermen, registered as co-operatives, had exclusive rights to harvest loco and other benthic creatures in a defined area of seabed — бентосный, обитающий на дне. Mostly what I  saw were benumbed shoppers standing for a half-hour at the register to pay for their 54” flat panel TV — онемелый; затекший (о руке, ноге). Most of the Met’s Picassos came as bequests or gifts — акт завещания, наследство. But the credit binge has bequeathed serial inflation problems, the collapse of Vinashin, a state-owned shipbuilder, and overextended banks — завещать. Last year berserk bargain-hunters in the suburbs of New York City trampled a Wal-Mart employee to death  — берсеркер (древне скандинавские витязи, отличавшиеся невероятной яростью в бою). And the torrent of bloodshed in which they were bereaved has never been officially acknowledged — лишать, отнимать, отбирать. Gordon Brown is simultaneously at the peak of his power and bereft of it — лишенный, утративший.


Часть II / bestirring

He stood still and watched as hundreds of Republicans — beribboned and besigned — streamed by him on the club level — украшенный лентами. Louisiana officials want to start building sand berms as barrier islands — уступ; обочина. The dispute over inventorship has caused some, though not all, potentially interested companies to give the technology a wide berth — причал; место у причала. Margaret Thatcher, their leader, campaigned in a hideous sweater bespangled with European flags and railed against “the parochial politics of ‘minding our own business’ ” — осыпать блестками. Beset by scandal, Najib Razak nevertheless seems safe in his job as Malaysia’s prime minister — осаждать. In recognition of Pennsylvania’s potential importance as a swing state — she beseeched Democrats, independents and even “thoughtful Republicans” to rally to her standard — заклинать, молить. Your attempt to besmirch them and their sacrifice against fascism is obscene — бесчестить; пятнать. Dickens was sufficiently besotted to banish his wife — влюбленный, потерявший голову от любви. That, in turn, would bespatter shale oil’s reputation among investors — порочить, чернить. In debates the marble-smooth Mr Garcetti bests Ms Greuel, whose bland patter is so repetitive — взять верх над кем-л. Old firms such as A. T. Kearney and Booz & Company (which considered but abandoned the idea of a merger in 2010) are seen by some potential clients as too small to bestride the globe but too big to be nimble — сидеть верхом. Jordan is the Arab country most susceptible to the two major issues bestirring the Middle East — шевелиться, энергично браться за дело.


Часть II / besuited

The besuited dealmaker hunched over a Blackberry is a common sight in airports around the world — в костюме. Mrs Clinton triumphed, and became an even scarier bete noire for conservatives — предмет особой ненависти или отвращения. But woe betide them if they then hung on to the funds all the way through 2012 — горе тому, кто… Much of this betokens what Atul Hatwal, a Labour commentator, calls the victory of the “Stalinists” — символ, олицетворение. It is unlikely that your betrothed will scarper on horseback, as Julia Roberts did in “Runaway Bride” — обручить, помолвить. A line is designed to entice an equal number of bettors on either side — держащие пари. Google has been castigated by a bevy of privacy regulators for inadvertently collecting data from unsecured Wi-Fi networks  — совокупность, группа. Republicans gleefully bewailed the tax on Christmas, with much invocation of Grinches and Scrooges — оплакивать; скорбеть. Its leader, Beppe Grillo, a bewhiskered comedian, thinks the euro has choked Italy’s exporters by blocking devaluation — бородатый. Japan urgently needs to increase its tax base, given the bewilderingly high level of public debt — удивительно, парадоксально. Moldovans are the most bibulous, getting through 18.2 litres each, nearly 2 litres more than the Czechs in second place — любящий выпить, выпивающий. Leaders bicker as the economy sinks — пререкаться, спорить to bicker about, bicker over — спорить о чем-л. Insects are not nearly as biddable as dogs or horses — послушный, податливый. Mr Walker, a governor best known for curbing trade unions in Wisconsin, says that the success of Reagan, a former governor of 196

Часть II / birdbrains

California, shows that those who run states make splendid foreignpolicy leaders, especially those with experience of biffing unions — ударять (кулаком). A bifurcated structure; this bifurcation occurred ar every level — вилкообразный, раздвоенный. Her bigamist husband’s second wife, Mary Wambui, persecuted her — двоеженец. Bigotry and social graces aren’t necessarily correlated with each other; he dismissed Evangelicals as backwoods bigots  — фанатизм; нетерпимость. The bijou capital of Vermont, with its little gold-domed capitol backed by woods, is not opposed to commerce — маленький и изящный. Gram for gram, bear-bile flakes or powder sell in Japan for more than cocaine in Asia — желчь. That Mr Bakiyev bilked the country is not in doubt — потерпевший от жульничества. Using his Microsoft riches, Mr Allen has also accrued some of the typical trappings of billionairedom: professional sports teams, famous friends such as Bono, and a mega-yacht, the Octopus — стиль жизни миллиардера. The bilious argument over American health care has not helped — желчный. Britons bin food — хранить в закромах. It would be idiotic to claim that Britain is perfect. The vomitous binge-drinking mainly by the young — кутеж, попойка. Vincent Van Gogh seemed made for a bittersweet Hollywood biopic — байопик (фильм-биография, биографический фильм). He was an unrelenting thorn in the hierarchy’s side, a lifelong crusader against the rigid canon lawyers and “mitred birdbrains” — придурок.


Часть II / birdshot

Police attacked them with tear-gas and birdshot — smallest size of shot for sporting rifles or other guns. To Mr Tata’s right, watching it all, was Cyrus Mistry, twirling a biro and wearing a poker face — шариковая ручка (по названию торговой марки). And further east in Asia, though ties with Japan have improved, India has been a bit-player — актер, исполняющий эпизодическую роль; статист. The people who will vote for The Donald are the disaffected bitter-clingers whom the last candidate you passionately begged us to vote — фанатики. Bizarrely, each side, in some respects, feeds the other’s appetite — очень странно. By now proving immune to Mr Sanders’s left-wing blandishments, they appear to have done Mrs Clinton much the same service — упрашивание, обольщение. Let us hope that blabbermouth politicians, bureaucrats, media ‘moguls’ and, more than any other, the UNO, appreciates and follows the craft of ‘economics’; sit next to tedious blabbermouths — нудный, скучный трепач. How long after exposure to blackleg would you expect to see symptoms? — черная ножка (болезнь крупного рогатого скота, растений). Some backbenchers also blanched at the micro-managing zeal with which Mr Osborne announced a slew of infrastructure projects both large and tiny — бледнеть (от страха, холода, голода). Beer flows cheaply, but I see little else to cheer in their deliberate blandness — банальность. Mr Moon knew he was mocked, but smiled blandly through it — любезно, обходительно. Your flirtation with Mr Dworkin’s elitist theories suggests that you are susceptible to anti-democratic and Utopian blarney — подхалимство, низкопоклонство. 198

Часть II / blithe

Morris Chang, the master of contract chip manufacture, is blasé about the semiconductor crash — пресыщенный, утративший вкус к жизни. Blatancy is a means of weeding out all but the most credulous respondents — вульгарность. They see it less as an example to be copied than as a tiresome nag, forever blathering about fiscal probity — болтовня, пустой разговор. The agreement on the EU reform treaty may have left Europe’s leaders bleary eyed with its late finish — с затуманенным взором. And so far the world has made barely a bleat of protest — блеяние; мычание. The Republicans who have been bleating about the border are far from satisfied — говорить глупости. Instead, the death of old television has been a slow bleed — истечение кровью. But here’s a question: should it still be a blemish? — деффект, несовершенство, изъян. A world where there may soon be no way to disconnect, Blimey! — Что б мне провалиться! Иди ты! China’s domestic market for bling will be bigger than Japan’s — дорогие, броские ювелирные украшения. Only a blinkered partisan would believe any of these charges — ограниченный, зашоренный. For months financial markets have been speculating about the size of the capital hole in Slovenia’s blitzed-out banks — cтремительно и неожиданно атаковать, разрушать. Yet the blithe premise of Mr Cameron’s decision to call a referendum — that the vote would “clear the air” in the Conservative Party — жизнерадостный, счастливый.


Часть II / blithering

They’re assuming another 1994, when a blithering Democratic president got shredded on his controversial proposals — несущий чепуху; законченный, полный. The public has seemed blithely confident that the share of the nation’s wealth taken by government has been more or less correct — веселый, жизнерадостный. A bloated state saps public finances — swollen, take away somebody’s energy — жирный, обрюзгший. The party’s president Tim Farron — a blokeish populist who, given a guitar, would make a fine youth-club leader — поведение, вкусы и пристрастия, которые принято считать традиционно мужским. Everyone’s copybook has thus been blotted over the past few years — ложка дегтя в бочке меда. To impose sanctions on those who deliberately attack hospitals, or otherwise treat the Geneva conventions as blotting paper — промокашка. Britain has a big drink problem and like most chilly north European countries, it has an ancient tradition of getting blotto — одурманенный, пьяный. A former general, John Kelly started well by using his first day to fire the bloviating Mr Scaramucci — рассуждать с видом знатока. Mr Trump is a blowhard who even now seems unaware of the magnitude and complexity of the office he holds — хвастун. What bothers the Fed is the price it paid: political blowback from foreign governments, Republicans on Capitol Hill, and even from inside the Fed itself — непредусмотренный результат. It took two months of verbal bludgeoning by senior European politicians and central bankers; Juan José Gerardi was bludgeoned to death two days after its publication — бить дубинкой. This blunderbuss of innovation produced such products as camphene, derived from turpentine, an oil from trees  — мушкетон (короткоствольное ружье с раструбом).


Часть II / bogeyman

The only unkind word that experts have for such green taxes is that they are too often blunted by blanket exemptions or rebates — притуплять. In his blustery speech to parliament on May 9th Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani struck out on an odd tangent to praise China — хвастливый, шумливый. The expected purchase by BA (a oneworld member) of a smaller rival, bmi, from Lufthansa (a Star member), may boost oneworld’s position by adding bmi’s Heathrow slots to oneworld’s already dominant position — индекс массы тела (соотношение веса и роста человека). When a friend boasted he had been playing football when his wife gave birth (some men in the Valley are rather hands-off), Mr Goldberg scolded him for his inattentiveness — кичиться, похваляться. Mr Aquino, whose family, huge landowners, is not short of a bob, has made a stand against corruption — обеспеченная. Some oil experts now think the oil price, currently bobbing around the $30 mark, could climb as high as $35 — движение из стороны в сторону, колебание. London has black cabs, New York its yellow ones. Bangkok has tuktuks and Hanoi has rickshaws. In Kampala, the boda-boda motorcycle taxi is the Ugandan capital’s defining symbol (across the no-man’s-land between the borders of Uganda and Kenya — от границы до границы, местное произношение. They’re being killed on an industrial scale because it’s believed by some that the bodger on their bonce has medicinal properties — a person who makes or repairs something badly or clumsily — неуклюжий человек. Offered a choice between political suicide and a crippled half-life as a legal party, Myanmar’s main opposition, unlike Hamlet, reached for the bare bodkin — шило, длинная шпилька для волос. Boffins flock to America because its universities are the best — исследователь, ученый. Why the online giant has become the country’s bogeyman and why this matters — чудовище, монстр. 201

Часть II / Bogus

Bogus degrees from non-existent colleges cause headaches for employers — поддельный, фальшивый. The claims and junk studies they do are easily shown to be nothing but normal physiological changes any healthy bogy goes thru daily — страшный человек. A bunch of ideological claptrap — boilerplate answers couched as assertions without any supporting; this could well be boilerplate — избитое или трафаретное выражение; трюизм. The reaction from the continent was as trepidatious as that from the Tory Party was boisterous — бурный, неистовый, яростный. There are already signs that the German economy may be coming off the boil — ослабнуть, уменьшиться. Another is between civilian leftist idealists and the “boligarchs” — бывшие офицеры армии, обогатившиеся со времени правления коррумпированного режима Чавеса. Both resorted to higher public spending and debt as an easy option to buy off bolshy voters — I asked her to help me but she’s being a bit bolshy about it — большой. But he had not anticipated that the currency would so soon become a bolt-hole for panicky investors fleeing turmoil in world financial markets — прибежище, пристанище, убежище. When Disney’s “Johnny Carter”, an adventure flick, bombed last year, the entertainment giant suffered a $160m write-off — фиаско, провал. Dmitry Rogozin, a bombastic, anti-Western politician who is now a deputy prime minister in Mr Putin’s government — напыщенный, помпезный. As for hiring a single sex, the key is whether that sex is a “bona fide occupational qualification” — добросовестный; подлинный. As soon as he collapses on the job he is carted off to the knacker’s yardto be turned into glue and bonemeal — костная мука (удобрение или корм).


Часть II / boomlet

Mr Gómez is advising his friends back home in Spain to bone up on the language and then “leave, get out” — зубрить, долбить. Several cheered any chance to cut spending, even bone-headedly — тупоголово. Half a dozen bonbons, or a dozen bottles, are easier to pick between than 30 or 40 and an internet dating site may come up with not just a few dozen, but thousands of allegedly suitable matches — конфета; леденец. For Mr Bersani encouraging tax evasion would be like pouring gasoline on a bonfire — костер. Men in suits swarmed everywhere, but not one spliff or bong could be seen — кальян для курения марихуаны. The bonhomie has gone, but the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have together begun remaking the state; the bonhomie could disappear when Mr Trump defines his policies more clearly  — добродушие, дружелюбие. I need a brain transplant because I can drive myself absolutely bonkers — сумасшедший. Lift the bonnet of the economy and it emerges that the fastest-improving part is the transport-manufacturing industry — детский чепчик. There is probably not a person alive who does not have some bee in his bonnet about the way other people speak and write — при бабах. McCain tried to serve boob bait to Bubba — болван, олух, дуралей. Though he played the boofhead both onscreen and off, he was serious about wildlife — дурак. By doing this they help restrain political short-termism, avoiding fiscal boom and bust — бум и крах. The latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring  — ажиотаж, шумиха.


Часть II / boon

For a country whose tax receipts total around 11% of GDP, that is a sizeable boon — благо, благодеяние. The Rams’ move to Los Angeles does not mean the boondoggle is over — зряшный труд. Rural medics make more, because few doctors want to live in the boondocks — глушь, захолустье, дебри, джунгли. History suggests that those boorish politicians are misjudging a country that is better-mannered than this  — невоспитанный, неучтивый. But despite the Tito boosterism, the hotel’s employees say they “don’t care much for politics” — энергичное и активное продвижение чего-л. In the beginning it was bootstrapping and rowdy — пробиваться, добиваться (чего-л. без посторонней помощи). When Moon Su-jong, a web designer at a mid-sized South Korean chaebol, or conglomerate, joined a late-night company booze-up and declined alcohol, her bosses guessed that she was pregnant. What other reason could there be for not drinking? — попойка. Comatose teenagers line every gutter in the boozy Britain of popular imagination — пьющий, выпивающий. Jazz band in front of the state capitol building in Tallahassee sung a boppy little number with a chorus of “Goo-goo, ga-ga, those Democrats cry like babies” — бибоп (род джазовой музыки). Paying for boreholes in Namibia rather than reconnaissance drones in Lithuania sounds like special pleading to America — буровая скважина. The two countries, cold and distant in the past, have suddenly become bosom friends — закадычный. We need the French, or else this will be seen as Germany bossing everybody else — хозяйничать. Robotics firms are working on friendly bots — роботы. 204

Часть II / bowdlerised

The government has wasted huge amounts of money on botched IT projects — плохо сделанная работа. Investigations traced cyber attacks only to Russian “hacktivists” and criminal botnets — группа роботов, работающих в автономном режиме на одной программе. In court he tops his billowy white boubou, the traditional menswear of west Africa, with aviator sunglasses and an elaborate turban — длинное цветное платье, популярное в Африке. His strongman shtick, enthusiasm for waterboarding and nonchalance over the beating of a protester at a recent rally give off an incipient whiff of a kind of bouffant fascism — пышный (о прическе). The election was certainly a bouleversement, but less in the direction of a two-party system — serious uproar: a scene of shouting and anger (formal) — насильственная перестановка; изменение порядка. European elites once assumed that national identities would eventually blend into a continental bouillabaisse — буйабес (рыбная похлебка с чесноком, овощами и пряностями), попурри. The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveller returns is a worry for many people other than Hamlet — ручей; поток. With the Brazilian, Chinese and Indonesian bourses all more than doubling, in dollar terms — фондовая биржа (в каком-л. европейском центре, кроме Лондона). Nonetheless, he still loved to watch film of his old bouts — “Soooh fast! Soooh pretty!” — схватка; встреча. Whether bovine or equine, the bill is belated — коровий, бычий, как корова. Obama had persuaded allies to impose “unprecedented” sanctions that have left Iran boxed-in and isolated — загнанный в угол. Many complained about the salacious scenes that previous bowdlerised editions had omitted — выбрасывать из книги все нежелательное, одиозное (по имени проф. Т. Боудлера; выпустил в 1818 г.


Часть II / bozo

особое издание пьес Шекспира, в котором были опущены «слова и выражения, которые нельзя произносить вслух при детях»). Yes, the people will go back to the streets if another puppet, bozo, or fool like Morsi is elected to office — тупица, болван. The economy was braced for disaster and capital controls were in place for the first time in the euro zone’s history  — охватывать, опоясывать. Socialist China has the world’s brashest capitalist economy — дерзкий, наглый. In its quest for nuclear weapons, North Korea is a master of braggadocio — хвастовство, бахвальство. The party’s 2016 presidential nominating contest is a brag-a-thon, dominated by such Washington-bashing outsiders as the businessman Donald Trump, who delights in telling crowds that he is “really smart” and “really rich” — суффикс в словах наподобие слов marathon, waskathon, readathon. Mr Havel led a bunch of friends in the summer of 1978 to meet a group headed by Adam Michnik, the brainbox of the Warsaw opposition — умный, сообразительный человек. One no-brainer measure to reduce the deficit and improve growth would be to move the retirement age up to 70 — небином Ньютона (что-л., не требующее большого ума, простое, очевидное). Lots of brainteasers of a sort favoured by interviewers at Google — умственная загадка. In earlier life a brainy academic with a liberal, bohemian streak — мозговитый, умный, способный, понятливый. The field was all brambles, and the cattle struggled — ежевика. Russia has in the past shown a willingness to brandish its natural-gas reserves as a weapon — махать, размахивать.


Часть II / bric-a-brac

The top brass are not exempt according to an official report last year on a meeting of the Central Military Commission — «шишка», заправила. But so far there have been few other signs that the authorities are ready to brave the wrath of the incumbents — мужественно встречать, смотреть в лицо. Days after his quarrel over the 1967 borders with Mr Obama, Israel’s prime minister turned in a bravura performance in the absent president’s backyard — бравурный пассаж, бравурная пьеса. It requires more brain and brawn — мускулы; мускульная сила. And as they say in Chicago, politics is a bare fisted brawl  — шумная ссора, перебранка. As the coffers emptied, the critics brayed — кричать, вопить. The traffickers are getting ever more brazen; He reached the lows of brazenness — держаться дерзко; нахально. So every single person who is not filthy rich is on the breadline? — очередь безработных за бесплатным питанием. Ronald Reagan breezed that with their family values and work ethic, “Latinos are Republicans, they just don’t know it yet” — легкое замечание. Yet the breakneck growth of the recent past is unlikely to resume — с головокружительной быстротой. Despite Mr Biden’s breezy optimism, the politics of Iraq remain as volatile as gelignite — веселый, оживленный. Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama’s nominee for defence secretary, is attracting brickbats because he joined a campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons — нелестная критика; резкое замечание. Lebanon, a country carpeted in historical bric-a-brac, is still recovering from its 1975–91 civil war — безделушки; старинные вещи.


Часть II / bricks-and-mortar

Dinosaurs of the bricks-and-mortar age — классическое время до появления интернета. Office collections for the umpteenth bridal or baby shower have destroyed the sense of boundaries that characterises professional behaviour — вечеринка в доме невесты накануне свадьбы с вручением невесте свадебных подарков. Now that they are in power, the region’s far-left populists bridle at any criticism, domestic or foreign — возмущаться, выражать негодование. Truly well-governed countries produce few brigands — бандит, разбойник. His plan for fishing the company out of the freezing briny rests largely on making smartphones that use Microsoft’s Windows — соленые воды моря. Austria has had some lucky breaks and has used them with brio — живость, оживление. The Middle East pot is brimful with problems — полный до краев. Young men bristling with guns careen in pickups along pavements — ощетинившийся. Inherited grudges may complicate brittle international relations in North-East Asia — ломкий, хрупкий. Ireland shortly surprise themselves with the half-brogue they start producing — провинциальный акцент. A month after the Americans declared a pause in their efforts to broker peace between the Israelis and Palestinians — быть посредником. I guess it was the public display of the bromance — близкие, но не интимные, отношения между двумя мужчинами. Why get together just to produce a lot of happy-clappy bromides about how the United States and Europe are working together — несколько общих фраз.


Часть II / Bubba

He behaves like a bucking bronco — полудикая лошадь. It riles Koreans struggling to pay for their own brood — толпа, род. Mr Obama broods about possible unintended consequences when he hears calls to intervene — размышлять; вынашивать. The issue hangs broodingly over Westminster — нависший, погруженный в раздумья. Oddly, this brouhaha could redound to Mr Brown’s advantage — шумиха; сенсация. The king brooks no criticism — выносить, допускать (в отрицательных предложениях). He was a perennial thorn who used state pension plans to browbeat bosses; Keep browbeating the “fascist” Marathas and “Gujjus”, even while sneering at the Tamils, Malayalees, Telugus, etc — запугивать; наводить страх. Today such rumours, scurrilous or not, are not so much whispered as bruited by megaphone by Chinese citizens — разносить, распространять слухи. Small wonder then that Tim Geithner, America’s treasury secretary, visiting Beijing this month to seek China’s help in curbing Iranian oil exports, received a polite brush-off — отказ; неприятие. Commerzbank, one of the leading lenders, brusquely noted that Babcock was no longer “capable” or “worthy” of being restructured — бесцеремонный, бестактный, грубый. But as ever, it is Liberia’s poor majority who really bear the brunt — главный удар, основная тяжесть. Steve Jarding and Dave “Mudcat” Saunders, two consultants, think that if Democrats are to win elections, they need to woo “Bubba”, shorthand for a white, rural and especially Southern working-class voter who has been told by Republicans that “Democrats are nothing but a bunch of anti-gun, anti-God, tax-and-spend wimps” — деревенщина, неотесанный человек.


Часть II / bubbliness

The spectre of a stronger yuan will, temporarily at least, worsen China’s asset-price bubbliness — оживление, шипучий напиток. Housing markets in several countries are looking decidedly bubbly — живой, оживленный. Cutting emissions may, however, mean scarring bucolic landscapes with wind farms, nuclear plants — буколический; пасторальный. Politicians these days only know buck passing, shy away from their responsibilities and try their best to take the credit they don’t deserve — перекладывание ответственности на других. What distinguishes the companies that have bucked Japan’s corporate downturn? — противиться, сопротивляться. A euro-zone bail-out mechanism was agreed and the European Central Bank started buying government bonds by the bucketload — ведрами. Examples of whole grains include quinoa, amaranth, millet, barley, rye, buckwheat, whole-grain rice and whole-grain wheat — гречневая крупа, гречка. A dictatorship has budded amazingly into a mature democracy, a country with stable institutions and impressive prosperity — расцветать. After several weeks of electioneering, the opinion polls have barely budged — пошевельнуть, сдвинуть с места. The economy has been buffeted by the conflict next door in Syria, Lebanon’s only neighbour other than Israel — наносить удары; ударять. International shows of Brazilian artists, including young ones, nowadays attract art buffs from Warsaw to Taipei — любитель, поклонник. A big bugbear in India’s relations with its neighbours is its habit of announcing cross-border infrastructure projects without consulting them — бука, пугало.


Часть II / bumbling

Either someone told the agency to bug the highest judge in the land, or the senator’s phone was bugged — привязываться; надоедать. His fascination of art turned into a collecting bug — поветрие, повальное увлечение. I don’t give a bugger what grown-ups think about it — гомосексуалист, мужеложец. One of the bugaboos that authors of science fiction sometimes use to scare their human readers is the idea that ants may develop intelligence and take over the Earth — страшилище, жупел. The air force reservist chosen to introduce Mrs Clinton in Tampa was a shy former boss of an aircraft maintenance squadron, rather than a bullet-chewing warrior-type — воинственный. Mr Rubio had a point, but Mr Obama has a much bigger bullhorn — рупорный громкоговоритель. Germany bulldozed aside all doubts; Turkey needs to become more open and pluralistic, but Mr Erdogan’s blustering, bulldozing style does not augur well for that — грозить насилием; принуждать. Gold can be viewed as a currency, and with most countries happy to see their currencies decline, one might think bullion would benefit, not suffer — слиток золота или серебра. As president he dispatched 13,000 militiamen to suppress an antitax uprising by whiskey-making farmers (putting modern grumbles about bullying by the IRS into perspective) — запугивание. Corporate America is not bulimic any more — страдающий повышенным чувством голода. A new study offers hope in the battle against bulging waistlines — разбухший; набухающий. The country’s secularists consider the office a bulwark against a shift — оплот; защита. Kirchner’s cunning conspiracy or bumbling incompetence; Тhe public seems now increasingly convinced… that scientists as a group 211

Часть II / bumbling

are chiefly liars, bumbling idiots, and/or conspirators — неуклюжий, неповоротливый, неумелый. Little is published on the Maldives, travel bumf aside, so it can be hard for analysts to judge whether gloom or hope is ascendant there — бумаги, туалетная бумага, документы. And the policies seem good for bumiputra civil servants: the civil service is now 85% Malay, if one excludes teachers — коренного малазийского происхождения. Analysts also expect its rivals to report bumper earnings for the most recent quarter — необычайно большой; изобилующий. Toby Young is the most bumptious Englishman you are ever likely to meet — самоуверенный, надменный. Politicians in all parts of the world want bungs, but Nigerian leaders are so greedy that they have subverted the entire machinery of state to serve their needs — взятка, подкуп. At the moment, these markets are well and truly bunged up — закупоривать, затыкать. A bungled rescue of Hong Kong hostages sparks a diplomatic row — плохо сделанная работа. Called for him to resign as Israel’s prime minister after dubbing him a serial bungler — плохой работник, растяпа. I think your post is entirely bunk, but I am keen to know how you got to your conclusions — чушь, ахинея. Global trade in trinkets and bunkum financial products be damned — болтовня, чепуха. You won’t find me defending the disgusting, bungling US outrages that have been perpetrated in the ME — неумелый, безрукий; неловкий. MP’s claiming illegitimate expense, NHS consultants taking bungs to move people up the queue — взятка, подкуп.


Часть II / butt

He knew that corpses are insensate matter, nothing more; loam, as Hamlet said later, with which to stop a bunghole — отверстие во фляжке. The streets of Port-au-Prince are decked out in campaign bunting — материя для флагов, праздничных декораций. For a perfect balance of titillation and wistfulness, take a moment to watch this reunion of burlesque dancers; Berlusconi’s burlesque — бурлеск, пародия; карикатура. Underwriting and fixed-income trading were buoyant, equity trading and advice were flattish — бодрый, жизнерадостный. And Goldsmith’s team then burnished the pages into a glossy, full-colour hardback — чистить, полировать. Now, Mexicans are coming up in the world, owning their own homes and Mexico City hasn’t seen a burro in a generation — ослик. Both winners will receive a bursary of £ 6,000 to cover accommodation and travel — стипендия, грант. Ms Palmer says that six years of busking, often as a living statue called “The Eight-Foot Bride”, led her to realise that people willing to toss money in a hat do so according to their means and interest rather than in response to a specific reward — выступать перед прохожими (чтобы заработать на жизнь). In this part of the port, there is no hustle and bustle — суета, суматоха. Many firms are reluctant to answer probing questions from Western busybodies: Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned gas giant, scores zero on the first and third measures — пытливый. Her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skillful in evading them must be a butch matron — мужеподобная матрона. Sir John and his committee have been the butt of much criticism, including from Mr Cameron himself — мишень, цель.


Часть II / butter up

The aim was to butter up Red China, which Richard Nixon wanted as an ally in the cold war against the Soviet Union — подлизываться, умасливать. Many companies buttress their mission statements with a catchy slogan, something that acts as a quick and easy guide  — усиливать, укреплять. To get to a neighbour’s house in Wales to watch the Thames Jubilee pageant this summer — and to enthuse about how he had just seen a buzzard circling overhead — американский гриф. Any efforts to either restructure entitlements or raise the taxes needed to pay for them have run into a buzz-saw of hostility  — электропила. Dante is more than a revered but bygone giant — прошлый, вышедший из моды. It was a byword for conformity — the Church Courts were a byword for iniquity in every country in Europe; Toyota is a byword for excellence — олицетворение. A a casualty of arbitrary laws, Draconian contractual terms and Byzantine bureaucracy — византийский.

C The usual way bills are reconciled in Congress is by cabal; imperial ambitions of Washington’s inner cabal; He was relying on a cabal of personal advisers — политическая клика; группа заговорщиков. They do not wear kilts or toss the caber  — кейбер (бревно из ствола молодого дерева, используется при «метании ствола»). The whole kit and caboodle of them; from Albania to Britain, and China; from the United States to Spain; from Nigeria to Zimbabwe, and all others in between — компания, орава. 214

Часть II / cakewalk

In their dreams, election campaigns might still involve addressing crowds from the flag-draped caboose of a private train — служебный вагон в товарном поезде; тормозной вагон. It raises their cachet and helps them move into TV ads, where the real money is — показатели, шкатулка. Cack-handed Russian tactics are boosting NATO in eastern Europe — неловкий, неуклюжий. Christmas is the season of frenzied last-minute shopping, and cacophonous sales pitches aimed at impulse buyers — какофонический. Sir James Goldsmith, tycoon, politician and cad, died on July 19th aged 64 — грубиян, хам. In measured, musical, majestic cadences, he delivered his challenge to Ronald Reagan’s vision of America as “a shining city on a hill” — модуляция; понижение голоса. “You still have to have a cadre of people who at the end of the day are able to go out there,” explains Ian Lipkin of Columbia University — кадры, кадровый состав. “We are sure they will respect Palestinian traditions and culture,” says the culture minister cagily — сдержанно; осмотрительно. It is entirely possible that another strongman, perhaps in cahoots with the army, will emerge to replace today’s pluralistic freefor-all; Many related to the expropriation of peasants’ land by corrupt local officials in cahoots with property developers — сообщничество, соучастие, сговор. China should be condemned whenever it bribes or cajoles; He has the power to cajole and persuade leaders and guide them, gently, towards a consensus — обхаживать; вводить в заблуждение. It suits outsiders to have Mr Sarkozy play the role of cajoler-inchief — верховный льстец. The presidential election in Sri Lanka on January 26th should have been a cakewalk for the incumbent — увеселительная прогулка; кекуок, танец афро-американского происхождения. 215

Часть II / calculus

Republican mid-term win complicates calculus in Iran talks — исчисление. It looked like a calibrated insult to South Korea and Japan — выверять. Her family made their money building the biggest calico printing company in the world, but quickly left their roots behind — набивной ситец. In Sydney the number of local ambulance call-outs for overdoses fell by 80% in the places where shooting galleries opened — вызов. When I stop to think about it I feel it must have been a very close call — чудом. The current show includes his Olivier-nominated “Mambo 3XXI”, in which dancers morph from synchronised callisthenics to joyful selfdiscovery in solos and duets — ритмическая гимнастика. The callous young reporter assumes that all business executives are rich crooks who need to be exposed — черствый, бессердечный. The need for change in Japan is pressing, but the callow opposition hardly seems up to the job — незрелый, неопытный. Might her calvary be about to end? — изображение крестных мук (в церкви). Short-sellers perform a valuable function in financial markets, exposing managerial incompetence, corporate fraud or plain overvaluation, but their reward, all too often, is calumny — клевета; ложное обвинение. He even got the cantankerous legislature to agree — придирчивый, сварливый. The story rolls on, Bobby Fischer and Anatoly Karpov make cameo appearances, but then he decides to try his hand at university — эпизодическая роль. As the capital floods, its government carries the can  — быть козлом отпущения, расхлебывать кашу.


Часть II / caprine

Its retreat comes on the heels of Boston, Rome and Hamburg canning their bids within the past two years — прекратить; консервировать. Too much of the “competitiveness” talk is a canard — one that justifies misguided policies, such as subsidies for green technology — ложный слух, утка. But this is not a problem American can-do-ishness can fix — готовность сделать. David Cameron’s holiday was plainly in the soft category: canoodling on a Cornish beach — ласкать, нежить. Mr Cutting found that participants ended up preferring the lesser known pieces to the canon merely through exposure — закон, канон. Plenty of standard populist cant — лицемерие, лицемерная фразеология. Is Germany’s desire to keep talking to Russia born of a genuine belief in diplomacy, or is it cant to protect its commercial interests? — наклоняться; накрениться. A a prison-camp veteran who was by then a deaf and cantankerous but still eloquent old man; a weak mayor who shares power with a cantankerous city — придирчивый, сварливый. First the dollar took a battering, then the euro got pummelled and finally sterling hit the canvas — послать в нокаут на ринге. Other ideas being canvassed include extending the penalties — обсуждать; дебатировать. For Spaniards old enough to remember Franco, joining the European Union felt like the capstone on a long process of liberation; It is the capstone of his career — высшая точка, вершина, кульминация. Think more profoundly about how to avoid the destructive caprices of unrestrained power — каприз; чудачество. A non-caprine version is already approved for use in Europe and Japan, where the combined market is worth $250m a year — относящийся к козлам. 217

Часть II / capsize

If the court overturned Prometheus’s patents, hundreds of others would capsize too — опрокидываться. They know that they are not being brought back to captain the ship for another long spell — руководить; быть начальником. Eric Goode, who heads the Turtle Conservancy, says the turtles do not appear to have been bred in captivity — в неволе. Even the cracking carapace of clerical tyranny — щиток черепахи или ракообразных. Serai Mushir is a string of souvenir shops that started life as a caravanserai — большая гостиница. That was Mr Balls, carbuncles and all, and your columnist is glad of him — сибирская язва. When Mariner 10 careened past Mercury in 1974 and 1975, some impressive data was collected — быстро двигаться, нестись. The careworn but anonymous-looking types slipping in and out of the riverside ziggurat — измученный заботами. “I have no concern but carousing and rapture,” wrote Rumi, Sufism’s greatest poet, whose followers, of the Turkey-based Mawlawi order, remember him in a whirling dance — пировать; кутить, пьянствовать. Drive their fellow executives to carpet-chewing fury — терять эмоциональный контроль над собой. Israeli ambassadors were called in and carpeted in London, Canberra and Dublin over stolen passports and identities used by the team that killed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh — вызывать, чтобы сделать выговор, нагоняй. A personality cult of Ataturk that carpets the country with busts and portraits of the great man was nurtured by Turkey’s generals  — устилать, покрывать (чем-л.). She has proved that she is more than just a caretaker and can actually win elections — ухаживающий за престарелым, больным.


Часть II / castrati

Republicans are wrong to carp at quantitative easing when the Fed has, as instructed, kept inflation close to its target — придираться, находить недостатки. With his attitude, Turkey Vulture would definitely have more carrion to feast upon — падаль; мертвечина. Instead of being carted off to The Hague, could Sudan’s president be tried at home? — уводить; забирать. For much of the current term the Conservative Party has seemed cartoonishly ungovernable — смехотворно. It is here that some carve-outs from liability could perhaps be negotiated — выделенные услуги. A sketch after Michelangelo’s ‘’David,’’ made shortly before Raphael left Florence for Rome, transforms the hero into an ancient caryatid — кариатида (столба, колонны, скульптурная опора в виде женской фигуры, поддерживающая антаблемент или другой архитектурный элемент). More than a century on, the illegal cashiering in France of Captain Alfred Dreyfus shows what can happen to basic liberties when national security is invoked — увольнять со службы (за недостойное поведение). For adults in 1960s Britain, they were Nazis on castors — касторовая шляпа. The Supreme Court steps into a sea of casuistry when it hears a case involving public prayer — казуистика; игра словами; софистика. He castigated President Barack Obama for meeting the Dalai Lama — подвергать наказанию. Gordon Brown’s premiership, seemingly cast-iron a year ago, is now so vulnerable — жесткий, непреклонный. Two history’s most famous castrati: Caffareli and Farinelli  — евнух, кастрат.


Часть II / cool cat

Indeed, after the daring raid that killed Osama bin Laden, America has discovered that its commander-in-chief is one cool cat — отличный парень. In Argentine cities, piropos, or catcalls, are as common a sound as honks and sirens — свист, освистывание. He thought of those as his catacomb days — сложные, запутанные. It was a cataclysmic event for scholars, who believed at the time that the universe was unchanging — катастрофический, разрушительный. He successfully defended a libel action against him by Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde’s former catamite  — катамит (мальчик, состоящий в половой связи со взрослым мужчиной). Hopefully the Chinese version will solve the catatonic state democracies often fall in to — оцепеневший, неподвижный. The lady was catechised in the communist faith and continues to be unabashedly delighted to preside over the complete socialization — тщательно выспрашивать. The burqa, imposed on Afghan women by the Taliban, has become a catchall term for headgear in which the face is wholly or mainly concealed — очень обобщенное, туманное обозначение. They can also charge high fees from students from outside their official catchment areas — дренаж, дренирование. An orgasm is a form of catharsis, le petit mort as some may call it  — катарсис, очищение (кишечника при помощи слабительных средств). Outlets that cater to America’s squeezed middle are coming under pressure from activist shareholders — принимать во внимание, учитывать. That is catnip to Tories who want to teach children patriotic history — котовник кошачий (Nepeta cataria). “It is amazing how history accelerates,” was the catty remark of a prominent defector from the Brotherhood — злобный, язвительный. 220

Часть II / cavorting

Its product launches are choreographed like catwalk shows – подиум. With precious few weeks remaining before the Iowa caucus; When the party’s parliamentary caucus gathers on August 30th there will be no repeat of Mr Ignatieff’s bold call at the same event last year — закрытое собрание членов политической партии или фракции, фракционное совещание (для выдвижения кандидатов на предстоящие выборы или выработки политической линии). Yet he seems bent on emulating Hugo Chávez, the caudillo of Caracas — каудильо, диктатор (политический лидер или государственный деятель в ряде стран Латинской Америки). The business world has always been a cauldron of personal animosity; when the internet took off in the 1990s, it was demonised as a steaming cauldron of porn — кипение (эмоций, страстей). Lyndon Johnson’s caustic tongue; Уou’ve certainly heard the caustic joke, “Pakistan can have Kashmir, but only if they’ll take Bihar along with it!” — язвительный; колкий. Mr Shein has become a cause célèbre of the Moscow-based opposition — знаменитость. Events in Bahrain, an island kingdom that is linked to Saudi Arabia by a causeway and whose Sunni royal family has long been buttressed by Saudi aid, have understandably alarmed Prince Nayef — насыпная дорога. Congress approves austere budget, but caveats remain  — предостережение, предуведомление. Adding a few caveats would have provided some foundation to think critically about what they were seeing; Caveat investor; There is a caveat down there — предостережение, предуведомление. When the tribal council cavilled about her disregard for ceremony, she turned off their microphones — находить недостатки, придираться. The brand damage done by Mr Sarkozy’s early blunders — celebrating victory in a fancy restaurant on the Champs-Elysées, cavorting on a  illionaire friend’s yacht — has proved lasting in French minds — вести себя легкомысленно, забавляться. 221

Часть II / cavilling

Completing his misery, cavilling over chemical weapons in Syria places in peril Mr Obama’s credibility — находить недостатки, придираться. The elite fly about, cavort in hot tubs and leave the lights on — вести себя легкомысленно, резвиться. Keen to bring back stability and to persuade people that he sincerely wants to cede power as soon as possible, General Sisi moved fast — уступать, передавать. China’s cultural commissars, rarely open-minded at the best of times, have been in an unusually censorious mood — склонный осуждать, придирчивый. Three powerful centripetal forces are at play: politics, regulation and deleveraging — центростремительный. The new centerfold model for payola fraud in American, with metastasis throughout the world of research funding “for the common good” — разворот с вклейкой (вставкой). One of the most pernicious proposals that have seen the light of day at that cesspit of an organisation — помойная яма; выгребная яма. Mr Uribe is both intense and folksy, whereas Mr Santos is cerebral and urbane — высокоразвитый интеллект. Eeager not to antagonise China, even if they chafe at its foot-dragging — сердиться, раздражаться. To separate the wheat from the chaff; winnowed the technological wheat from the chaff — нарезанное сено или солома (для корма скота); ерунда, дрянь. Although English was one of India’s official languages, writers in it were often mocked as colonial remnants, “caged chaffinches and polyglot parrots” — зяблик. Before raising a glass to the new global health supremo, though, consider that she may have a poisoned chalice — потир, чаша (сосуд для причащения). 222

Часть II / chasm

But we mustn’t get misdirected by these shows of ineptitude because, underneath the charivari, the most pernicious and anti-democratic agenda is unfolding in a frightening manner — шум, гам, шуточная серенада новобрачным. To the chagrin of the United States and eastern Bolivia, Evo Morales seems set to win the presidency — досада; огорчение; разочарование. Twenty-one-year-old Arthur, between chamfering and drilling to produce 1,400 parts a day at the Raleigh bicycle factory in Nottingham — бороздка, небольшая выемка. Harper’s champagne moment — триумф. This invited chancers, including a convicted rapist and a man who used taxpayers’ money to buy himself a pair of Mercedes-Benz cars — проходимец. The story is magnificently told by that interesting changeling, the man who calls himself Ted Morgan — слабоумный, перебежчик. A “financial oversight board” will chaperone the island through the process and also monitor its budget, rewriting it if that is deemed necessary — сопровождать, быть компаньонкой. The joke was clear: summits are empty charades, only Mrs Merkel matters and Mr Sarkozy is her comical servant — an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance — шарада. Read charitably, Mr Duncan Smith’s remarks were less inflammatory than the headlines — снисходительно, терпеливо. Egypt’s revolution could go sour, Syria is a charnel-house and Iran is prone to sudden eruptions — покойницкая; склеп. Businesses, for their part, are chary of saying just what they pay to produce in prisons — осторожный, действующий с оглядкой. The already-vast economic chasm between the two Koreas widened further — глубокая трещина, расщелина.


Часть II / chattels

They were usually married to men they did not know, could inherit nothing, and could even be bought and sold, like chattels — движимое имущество. A chatbot lacks motive: it has no particular reason to say what it says and it speaks without really listening — разновидность робота, который может участвовать в чатах. This seems cheeky, given that the firm has been bleeding red ink — наглый, бесстыдный. These cheery figures may not offer much comfort in the long term — оживленный, радостный. It is likely to cheese off a big swathe of the British public — злить, раздражать. But now chemurgy is back with a vengeance, in the shape of modern industrial biotechnology  — промышленное использование органического и сельскохозяйственного сырья. The cheongsam modelling contest starts at 7pm and at 8pm it is group dances in the style of ethnic Uighurs from China’s far west — приталенное женское шелковое платье в Китае и Индонезии. The other, thornier problem is that insurers will cherry-pick the good risks, leaving some people without a safety net — снимать сливки. With his famous name and war chest of over $100m, whistled up from Bush family benefactors in a matter of months — средства на случай войны. The congressional watchdogs will even unearth that old chestnut; The old chestnut that Shakespeare wasn’t the man who wrote the works — избитый анекдот, банальность. In the morning she had glimpsed the blond chevelure of Donald Trump himself, who sometimes stays in his hotel — шевелюра. Every shop was shuttered and market stall packed away on Colaba Causeway, the main strip in a chic district of south Mumbai — роскошный, шикарный.


Часть II / chin-wag

The same hall cheered a chin-jutting keynote address by the New Jersey governor, Chris Christie — выступающий подбородок. If India has to militarily confront China, it has to take on ‘Chimerica’ first — Китай и Америка (China & America). They all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok — at the home of (used in imitation of French, often humorously) — домашний, в доме. Awkwardly, Britain’s central bank has gone from inquisitor to a possible protagonist in the latest episode of financial-market chicanery — крючкотворство; бюрократические придирки. One of London’s most chichi shopping streets, this area is better known for its boutiques than for bloodletting — с претензией. Mr. Modi will still be getting the full works: a Buckingham Palace banquet, an address to Parliament and even a chance to chillax with Mr Cameron in the prime minister’s country house, Chequers — расслабиться. Some people suspect that these deals chime with China’s industrial policy more than HNA’s own — гармонировать. And if they would rather avoid the chintzy bells and whistles, they can leave messages on their friends’ Facebook profiles; amid struggling towns and former pit communities, there are farms and chintzy tourist villages — сделанный из чинца; низкого качества. Factory owners and their customers took the higher costs on the chin: in those less globalised times there was nowhere else for them to go — не падать духом. Mr ElBaradei is also fortunate that one of the few chinks in the armour of Mr Mubarak’s state is a relatively free press — узкая полоска света, тонкий луч. Supporters love his message of chin-jutting, heavily armed isolationism — скуластый. The mayors who gathered in a Los Angeles hotel for their annual chin-wag — болтовня, треп. 225

Часть II / chintz

An unfurled bolt of chintz is draped overhead down the room’s whole length — английский ситец. He saw the potency of the insult once flagged to the ever-chippy British press — воинственный; агрессивный. Wolfgang Schüssel, Austria’s chirpy foreign minister — живой, радостный. It took a new president in Washington, and much chivvying by China, to get America moving — изводить; докучать. But after chiselling away at public debt during the boom years, insists Mr Darling, the government can now safely borrow a bit more — обман, мошенничество. KitKats are Parliament’s choc of choice, accounting for one in six snacks — шоколадный. Developing countries — many chock full of talented scientists — will help to fill their bare pipelines with new drugs — битком. Chocoholics need not hugely fear steeper prices, for chocolate is driven more by the price of milk and sugar than by the price of cocoa — любитель шоколада. These days the corruption allegation is a choicer method to destroy an enemy than the ideological attacks of old — лучший выбор. To break Moscow’s chokehold on supplies to Europe — удушающий захват. Such computers will be able to chomp their way through calculations that would take today’s best supercomputers millennia — брать кусок не по зубам. Small asteroids (a  few of which have been visited already by space probes) are often little more than piles of dust and chondrules — небольшие гранулы астероидов. Things that are good for children — such as vegetables, maths, chores and looking both ways before crossing the road — are no fun — рутинная работа. 226

Часть II / chump

Perhaps it is just as well that the White House has got better at choreographing diplomatic events since the advent of the television age — быть балетмейстером, хореографом. Conservatives chortled that Mr Cameron had hailed the end of multiculturalism — фыркать, сдавленно смеяться. The structure inside which this piece of theatre is set into motion is an elongated glass atrium that looks suggestively like a chrysalis — хризалида, куколка насекомых. Although the ANC still has no obvious alternative leader, the party should look to chuck out Mr Zuma when it holds a party election — выгнать, выставить. A lot of them were quite chuffed by the sight of turmoil in Iran, since they have long felt edgy about their big neighbour’s rising ambition — довольный; вне себя от радости. Like medieval peasants watching knights joust, the yokels and churls of the political village — lobbyists, consultants or (hold your nose) journalists — may nod and gawp at the mighty, but their hope is to see one grandee thwack another into the mud — грубиян. The world’s biggest emitter appeared churlish — неучтивый; неприветливый. He also left out the lobbyists bonanza that has taken place as Obama Chums — близкий друг, приятель. Once in office, he seems to have calculated that Japan would chug happily along, leaving him to pursue pet nationalist themes such as inculcating patriotism in schoolsMore shipschug upthe coast — двигаться с пыхтением (о машине). Mr Fico is particularly chummy with Russia, as is the would-be Czech leader, Mr Paroubek — коммуникабельный, контактный. The chairman of its council had been arrested in June, accused of chumminess with a band of alleged gangsters — близкая дружба. Most simply, experience has taught the British that to cheer a royal wedding today is to risk feeling a chump tomorrow — болван, дурак, дубина. 227

Часть II / churning

Even by its own notoriously cyclical standards, investment banking has been on a stomach-churning ride in the past five years — вызывающий тошноту. The press has churned out many an unquestioning paean to her; this coming and going is called “churn” — встряхивать, трясти, взбалтывать. If there were an Oscar for chutzpah, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be a shoo-in; foreign activists were astonished by the president’s chutzpah; you have to admire Apple’s chutzpah as much as its creativity — наглость, нахальство. Foreign brands are relegated to a niche market in China but the ciggy bigwigs now have their eyes on global expansion — сигарета; папироса. Guantanamo’s release of prisoners seemed like a cinch on the campaign trail — верное дело. The frustrated cinéaste was left cooling his heels in his hotel for over a week — киноман, кинолюб. Indonesian cinephiles may be in for a disappointing year — кинолюбы. Of all interior clocks, the circadian is perhaps best understood — циркадианный, околосуточный. Like female circumcision, male circumcision clearly is a custom, which, like its female counterpart “has little to do with Islam — обрезание, обряд обрезания. Muslims circumambulate the Kaaba, the black cube in the Grand Mosque, both on the ground and on a platform above it — ходить вокруг, обходить. This forces Iranian merchants and businesses into more circuitous and thus costly ways — кружный, окольный. The tired joke on the Ankara cocktail circuit is that Turkey now has lots of problems — with all its neighbours — череда приемов.


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Часть II / clamour

Thein Sein, the former general who donned civvies to become president, met her in August, and persuaded her of the sincerity of his reformism — гражданская одежда, штатское платье. Patients will clamour for more data about their health — выдвигать требования; протестовать. Most commentators idolize Mandela but he set South Africa down this road of ideological marxist based claptrap — трескучие слова; нечто, рассчитанное на дешевый эффект. New industries that had largely escaped the bureaucracy, such as mobile telecoms, now feel its clammy grip — влажный; прилипающий, липкий. The proposed opening of the energy industry, which will hurt the pro-PRI oil workers’ union, and the clampdown on electioneering, could mean Mr Peña will “crash headlong into the model of the old PRI” — подавление, запреты. Even during the chill of the cold war, the old Soviet Union always had its claque — группа клакеров. Not so very long ago, Oman’s borders were sealed to the outside world and Muscat’s gates clanged shut at sunset — ударять головой, бодать. Now Denmark has staked a claim to the North Pole, too — требовать; предъявлять требования. Economic growth helps investors only if they are clairvoyant — обладающий даром ясновидения; ясновидец. The Saudi deputy minister of interior, who led a clampdown on terrorism that has brought relative calm — строгие меры (против кого-л., чего-л.). Craig Oliver, began clambering about on a cramped flight out of Kabul on July 5th — карабкаться; цепляться; взбираться. Illinois joins the clamour for cheap medicine from the north — шум, крик.


Часть II / clanking

After a read of Mr Martin’s book, the answer would seem to be a resounding “no”: clanking and shunting wake him up time and again — лязг; бряцание. They are bright, clannish and almost exclusively male — клановый, родовой. His clarion call for growth is doing much to change what some call Indonesia’s “acceptance of mediocrity” — громкий, чистый. Today’s Russia, which lavishly celebrates Poltava, cannot help but reflect that the same powers are trying to claw away Ukraine — вырвать когтями. Those who cleave to the latter view include many conservative American politicians — привязаться (к кому-л., к чему-л.), хранить верность. Since the well is 40 miles offshore and the weather has been relatively clement — милосердный, гуманный. She clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall, a liberal hero — служить клерком, быть чиновником. The picture he paints of Africa — with a leopard calmly surveying the world from its grassy hillock — is clichéd enough — клише, избитое выражение. That, along with legal changes making it easier to repossess collateral that goes clickety-clack, may soon have investors funnelling cash — равномерный звук, напоминающий стук колес вагона. The national team won a cliffhanger against Iran last November, and secured its first-ever place in the World Cup after 43 years of trying — a dramatic and exciting ending to an episode of a serial, leaving the audience in suspense and anxious not to miss the next episode — захватывающая, интригующая ситуация. Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, clinched a deal to bring Avigdor Lieberman’s right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu into the governing coalition — окончательно решать, улаживать.


Часть II / clubby

And for years the Apulia region has grown at a healthy clip — быстро двигаться, быстро бежать. Like Elites throughout history, the post-modern Elite still like to weave a mantle of virtue to cloak the ugly nakedness of their self-interest — прикрывать, прятать, скрывать. But any Western belief that Colonel Qaddafi would be quickly clobbered on the battlefield has, for the moment, been shaken — нанести поражение; разгромить. The Voyager spacecraft have not only clocked up a far better understanding of the outer planets — отмечать пройденное расстояние. The government is also encouraging people to clock off at 3pm on the last Friday of each month — заканчивать работу. Swanning off to his chateau in France was the act of a political clodhopper — неповоротливый, неотесанный парень. Karzai in Afghanistan is cut from the same cloth as Maliki in Iraq — из одного теста сделаны. But, by the same margin, Democrats were unable to impose cloture on a bill to extend for 30 days the stopgap — прекращение прений. This is a book that some readers may find sentimental or cloying — пресыщать. In today›s politics everything is a weapon with which to club the opposition — бить (дубиной, прикладом). The sense of being alone made her see herself as a permanent outsider, unable to share the clubbable social lives and experience — общительный, компанейский. All this clubbiness has consolidated a fragmented industry — коммуникабельность. Boardroom bust-ups are a rare occurrence in the clubby world of Spanish business — контактный, общительный.


Часть II / clunky

A third problem is that government websites of this sort are often clunky — неуклюжий; тяжеловесный. Who else is going to protect the public from what could be a $700 billion clusterfuck of fraud? — секс с двумя партнерами. A clutch of navy ships is waiting off the coast of Borneo — apparently ready to serve as floating shelters for women and children — выводок, потомство. And they are drawn to familiar titles that stand out from the clutter — беспорядок, хаос. He needs to show that his party can coalesce around principles and policies, not just power — объединяться, образовывать единое целое. In 2004, Mr DeLay, then the House majority leader, coasted home with 55% of the vote — делать что-л. без особых усилий. Giorgio Napolitano asked Enrico Letta (pictured), a member of the centre-left Democratic Party, to cobble together a governing coalition — делать что-л. кое-как, на скорую руку. Netanyahu decided to cock a snook at them after the UN vote by saying he planned to do just that — показать длинный нос (кому-л.). Mr Gingrich is pushing a cockamamie claim that unbridled drilling could swiftly cut the price to $2.50 — сумасбродный. Chinese are cock-a-hoop at a concession; European communists are cock-a-hoop — бурно радующийся; в восторге; ликующий. Mr Obama is better at warming cockles than thumping tubs — согревать сердце. With a 19-point lead, the Kukuriku (“Cock-a-doodle-doo”) coalition, dominated by the Social Democrats (SDP), will take power — громкий крик «кукареку». The cock-up theory of history; The deadliest police cock-up — испортить; напортачить.


Часть II / cognoscenti

Mr Goodwin had a cocksure management style that made him the dominant figure at RBS — самоуверенный. Some Burmese may wish that their country will not become a new cockpit of superpower rivalry — арена борьбы. The Japanese have a word for the 700,000 young people who have withdrawn from society into domestic cocoons: hikikomori — кокон. The American elite might celebrate diversity in dinner-table conversation, but in practice Americans are cocooning themselves in enclaves of like-minded folk — пребывание в коконе. The grim tale now turns out to have a horrible coda — кода, заключительный аккорд. Tariffs are not the only means to coddle farmers but also the subsidies on exports of agricultural products are — обращаться как с больным; нянчиться. Now, alas, you have joined the coddlers — няньки. Cases, clauses and codicils tumbled from his lips — дополнительное распоряжение. Most of the main groups of the animal kingdom are arthropods, brachiopods, coelenterates, echinoderms, molluscs and even chordates — кишечнополостные. The hydrates did not just clog the pipes, they also buoyed up the 125-tonne cofferdam that had been lowered over the leak — кессон для подводных работ; коффердам. Still, the underlying reasons for it have some cogency — неопровержимость, неоспоримость. In the rest of the world elite universities serve as incubators of the country’s cognitive elite — когнитивный, познавательный. Fannie and Freddie are vital cogs in the housing market — зубья. Guild minimums are set in a provision of the Screen Actors Guild contract that Hollywood cognoscenti refer to as Schedule F — знаток. 233

Часть II / cognizant

Asymmetric information is a problem in finance — you need to be cognizant of the facts to make critical decisions — осведомленный, информированный. Focus is shifting, though; the cogwheels in Brussels are slowly shifting into reverse, turning inwards — зубчатое колесо. Strengthen the cohesion of those forces — связь, сочленение. Humans have been cutting and coiffing their hair for at least 25,000 years — укладывать (волосы) в прическу. One of whom sports an authentically Jacksonian coiffure to match his Jacksonian politics — прическа. Unsurprisingly, then, the country’s four biggest airlines — Southwest, Delta, American and United — are coining it — зарабатывать много денег. For male spiders, the equivalent of a post-coital cigarette is not a sensible option. Making straight for the door is much wiser, since he who hangs around risks being eaten by his consort — после совокупления. It was a military-style operation, of the kind you would mount to collar a dangerous drug lord — схватить, задержать, арестовать. Generations of Mississippians grew up on farms where everything even collards and turnip greens, were cooked with bacon grease, ham hock or lard — листовая капуста. The arrival in November of a technocratic government led by Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, promising lots of economic reforms, has soothed investors’ collywobbles — урчание в животе. Muslims fear that their Christian neighbours are fifth-columnists for hostile western powers — пятая колонна. She ranged from the highest coloratura parts, such as the Queen of the Night in Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte” — колоратура (технически трудные пассажи в пении, а также способность их исполнять). A short Swedish film of her life showed a grim colliery scene, with belching chimneys — каменноугольная копь. 234

Часть II / commodious

Once prices are being set collusively, a cartel may not want to raise them further for fear of being caught — улаженный тайным сговором. Using that as collateral for additional financing or as a way to sell more equity — гарантия, поручительство. With only a few traders at each mandi, they can easily collude to ensure that they pay less than the fair market price — участвовать в заговоре. Public columbaria — drab, windowless buildings lined floor to ceiling with small niches — are running short of space for the urns — колумбарий (хранилище урн с прахом после кремации). He asked the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, a university, to run a comb through departmental payrolls — причесать. Com — 224 years ago a bunch of Brits got their comeuppance from a rabble of Americans who’d had enough of their top-down rule — заслуженное наказание. When Morsi commandeered extra-constitutional powers for himself on November 22 he lost all legitimacy — принудительно забирать. A similarly martial mood seems to have taken Britain’s Eurpsceptic commentariat in its grip — политические обозреватели. German firms are facing accusations of collusive behaviour, including claims of more widespread rigging of emissions tests for diesel engines — заговорщицкий. A muscular presence commensurates with huge economy — соответственный; соответствующий. Forces such as globalisation and the spread of advanced technologies, for example, are commoditising talent faster than ever  — превращать в предмет потребления. Other managers were either complicit or turned a blind eye — соучастие в преступлении. The Coffee houses particularly are very commodious for a free conversation — удобный (для пользования). 235

Часть II / commoners

Chief Pleas agreed to limit landowners to 12 seats and beefed up the commoners’ share to 16 — человек из толпы, простой человек. It was commonplace, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, to declare that the world had changed forever — привычное дело, типичный случай. The worst you can say about his approach is that it is merely commonsensical: decide the issues case-by-case while holding some idea of values and interests in mind — соответствующий здравому смыслу, вполне понятный. A famous San Francisco psychic who has taken a job in a factory to escape his gift of communing with the dead — общение; дружеская беседа. Ulaanbaatar — a veritable Bangkok of the steppes — at least if your comparators are Kabul and Mogadishu  — компаратор, программа сравнения. Elected senators, on the other hand, would feel no compunction about delaying legislation from the much more representative Commons — угрызения совести; терзания. The days when a visiting British minister could command headlines in a place like Brazil are over — вселять, внушать (уважение), пользоваться (особым вниманием). Britain’s “green” budget combines commendable prudence with shallow populism — похвальный. There are obviously people in the economics commentariat who feel very strongly that nationalisation of insolvent banks is the best option — обозреватели. So long as commodifying desire remains the route to success in the free market, the future of the adult industry seems assured  — превращать в товар. Silicon Valley, for its part, is pushing for more of the spectrum to become a commons for everybody to use, which is what happens with WiFi — общее достояние.


Часть II / concomitant

Нe comforts the afflicted, commiserating with the Tammany boss — сочувствовать, соболезновать. The M5S’s programme is a compendium of mostly well-intentioned aspirations, studded with yawning gaps — компендиум, собрание, сборник. Seems that Canada has gotten too complaisant under the protection of the American Nuclear Umbrella — обходительный; любезный. The long smoldering disenchantment of the voters with the complacent Liberal Democratic Party had flared up into condemnation — самодовольный. The complementarities between efficient services provision and competitive supplies of goods on regional and world markets must not be overlooked — комплементарность. The other “comprehensives” are means to this end: deepening economic reform; governing according to the law — комплексный, всеобъемлющий. The most compelling feature of Mormon teaching — захватывающий, интригующий. One of Obama’s chief exhibits is the Republicans’ comportment during the past year of divided government — поведение. It would take a miraculous concatenation of improbable events to make Sarah Palin president — цепь, последовательность событий. Without concerted action at least as many are expected to try to follow them this — согласованный. Concocting the offbeat blend of genre and milieu; Plots have been concocted — сфабриковать, состряпать компрометирующий материал. Civil services are congenitally inward-looking organisations — врожденный, природный. And there are powerful reasons for seeking to avoid the destruction of wilderness and the concomitant extinction of species — сопутствующее обстоятельство. 237

Часть II / concurrence

In a separate concurrence, four of the court’s liberals took a slightly softer tack — согласие; согласованность. On July 15th “Fox & Friends”, a show on Fox News, condescended to cover the scandal that is mesmerising the world  — вести себя покровительственно, свысока. I can only assume that the heady atmosphere of the current Prepreelection session is not very conducive to mudslinging over party funds — подходящий; способствующий. A second delusion — still lingering in some church circles — was the conflation of paedophilia and homosexuality; He never conflated the Germans, whose language and culture he loved, and the Hitlerites — соединение; объединение. Democrats loyal to the Clintons closed ranks, telling media outlets that partisans are confecting allegations out of nothing — изготавливать, создавать. This interesting confab between Barack Obama has been called a victory by Republicans — болтовня, дружеский разговор. Its men have not followed their Western confrères and cut down on the cancer sticks — коллеги. If we bring back confiscatory marginal tax rates for incomes over $1 million, do you think we’ll lack people able and willing to do the jobs? — конфискационный. But the confluence of these two tasks — a counter-intelligence operation that has dragged in the denizens of the White House itself — is unprecedented — стечение, сочетание. Havel confounded those who thought he was too dilettantish and self-effacing to be a proper president — сбивать с толку; ставить в тупик. The conflagration prompted the Greek prime minister to promise stricter measures — большой, разрушительный пожар. Having started life as confraternities for the most academic students, they have deteriorated into gang violence — братство, содружество. 238

Часть II / conjured

Such condiments as Italian oil and French mustard — приправа, специи. The apparent success with which they have monitored and infiltrated Palestinians in the West Bank has created an attitude of condescension that inhibits peacemaking — снисхождение, снисходительность. Deradicalisation can be worse than useless if practitioners, while condemning IS, condone other violence — попустительствовать, потворствовать. Since then America has introduced sanctions that target Iran’s central bank, the country’s main conduit for oil transactions — средство передачи, коммуникации. The habitual presence of big numbers of Chinese boats in disputed waters congeals into facts on the water that become harder to dispute — застывать, твердеть. “This mosque is closing, will turn off the lights and hand over the keys,” recalls one of the congregants — прихожанин. Each of these shifts, he argues, is strikingly congruent with the shift from a pre-Smithian conception of the way people behave — сравнимый. For the past century mathematicians have struggled to prove the conjecture of a late-19th-century French polymath, Henri Poincar — догадка, предположение. A group of researchers led by Eugene Caruso of the University of Chicago report their use of a technique called conjoint analysis, which they have adopted from the field of market research and adapted to study implicit biases in more realistic situations — консолидированный, общий. One of Mexico’s newest prisons allows inmates to receive a conjugal visit every week — супружеский, брачный. Mr Bertolaso conjured a success from Mr Berlusconi’s audacious decision last July to switch the G8 summit to L’Aquila from its intended venue on an island off Sardinia — сделать как по волшебству; сотворить чудо. 239

II / conventions

Lagos that provides payroll and other software to companies, says he often has to send employees home early because the power conks out — испортиться, сломаться, заглохнуть. Someone devised a scheme for using these as a way of conning people into donating clothes — обманом вовлечь кого-л. во что-л. It gives foreigners conniptions that the Fed can cause them so much economic distress yet never take that into account when it alters policy — припадок истерии; приступ гнева, раздражения. With the government’s connivance, debt levels can probably keep climbing for a while — потворство; попустительство. One of Mr Uribe’s aides is serving a 25-year sentence for conniving with paramilitaries — сговариваться (с кем-л.). Publications like Slate, the Atlantic or the New Republic are often mocked for their knee-jerk contrarianism — человек, который ведет себя не так, как другие. The defenders of the consensus tend to stress the general consilience of their efforts — совпадение, стечение (обстоятельств). The people have some conscientious control on their preferences, like the famous fable of the crow and the vixen — добросовестный, сознательный, честный. In a statement released last night, Ambassador Luis Gallegos took issue with Kaplan’s conclusions and expressed “consternation that a U.S. court has elected to pass judgment on Ecuador’s courts” — ужас; испуг; оцепенение. Though it still needs to recover a reputation for fiscal continence, Labour remains keen to match such fighting talk  — сдержанность; умение владеть собой. Ever since, senior Tories have been forced into humiliating contortions — искривление; деформация. A court finds Mr Bunton in contempt, the unserved defendants get lawyers, albeit in name only; and Mr Bunton winds up in jail himself — неуважение, оскорбление (органов власти). 240

Часть II / convalescing

Even Russia, lately contemptuous of international norms, has every interest in preserving the anathema against such weapons  — нарушающий (нормы). When it comes to the contentious issue of China’s political and territorial claims on Tibet — дискуссионный, спорный. It is almost perfectly conterminous with lands conquered by Muslim dynasties in the centuries after the death of the Prophet Muhammad — совпадающий (по времени, значению, в пространстве). Even more contentiously, the directive covers any firm that does business with Europeans, even if it is based outside the EU — сварливо, вздорно. Yet America still has sizeable and, in places, growing contingent liabilities — непредвиденный. Those of us who write about politics and policy all fall somewhere on a continuum from engagement to detachment — абсолютно непрерывный объект. Contortionists who runs America’s state department — «человекзмея», акробат. Does management deserve its current elevated status or is it just a jargon-spouting con-trick?  — мошенничество, злоупотребление доверием. Hauset issued a single contrite statement apologizing for mistakes — кающийся, раскаивающийся. In the sprawling conurbations of the American South, as in the Gulf and cities such as Singapore — конурбация, большой город с пригородами. The conundrum facing the Netherlands is how to tolerate a growing minority that is itself increasingly intolerant — загадка; головоломка. In 1929, the New York Times reported that while King George V was convalescing at Bognor, Queen Mary was seen buying nail polish in Woolworth’s — выздоравливать, поправляться. 241

Часть II / haredim

Several colleges and big firms around the country are providing sex-segregated environments where haredim can train and work in the comfort of their own conventions — обычай, традиция, правила поведения. The Supreme Court undermines convoluted campaign-finance rules; the plot is convoluted  — свернутый спиралью, спиралевидный. And this week the lashed-up contraption he hoped would fulfil his promise to the voters exploded in his face — новое хитроумное изобретение. When friends go out to dinner, the convivial atmosphere can be shattered once the waiter brings the bill — веселый; компанейский, общительный. It took weeks of further clues, including the deaths of two flamingos and a cormorant at the Bronx Zoo, for officials to find the culprit — большой баклан. For their part, several delegates in the hall cooed over Mr Trump’s snappily dressed, perfectly coiffed children — говорить воркующим голосом. Some 13 years after Enron, auditors still can’t stop managers cooking the books — фабриковать, придумывать. Speaking of coots, thanks for a title that speaks to my generation — the GOP needs some new betes noires — простофиля, простак. “We’re busier thana coot,” says Donna Daniels of Castaways Travel, which arranges nudist cruises and other vacations — лысуха (птица). Beyond Bernie Madoff, the Ponzi-schemer who copped 150 years in American jail — получать, приобретать. Coppicing also results in an excellent output to input energy balance with published data — подлесок, поросль. A beech tree might put out suckers that grow into a copse  — поросль.


Часть II / coruscating

The two countries vowed to co-operate on everything from aircraft carriers to what an official calls “the core of the core”: nuclear-weapons research — внутренняя, сокровенная часть; сущность. If Mr Hitchens can stay off the booze and do some serious thinking, his real autobiography, in 20 years’ time or so, should be a corker — потрясающий экземпляр (о человеке или вещи). There were 10,000 of us gathered to watch her emerge from the IRT like a busty Venus corking up through the waves — сдерживать, скрывать (чувства). Shipping bosses are realising that they have not been very good at arguing their corner — неловкое положение; затруднение. A corniche is being built which, say hopeful officials, will rival Tel Aviv’s — дорога в горах. Occasionally, though, it lapses into corniness or cliché — банальность. But then almost anything might be a weapon, including, not least, a pair of hands pressed forcefully over the cornu and cartilage of the thyroid — роговидное образование. There was the promise of a cornucopia of new drugs as genetic targets previously unknown to biologists succumbed to pharmacological investigation — рог изобилия. The corollary is Keynes’ observation that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent betting against it; The corollary was that countries found it hard to fund trade deficits for long — вывод; заключение; следствие. These days studios conduct global marketing blitzes, trying to corral their audiences before the next blockbuster appears — загонять в загон, заводить в стойло. This time corset is gradually loosening — корсет; грация; пояс. A series of coruscating stories; Marx was writing a coruscatingly anti-capitalist work — сверкать; блистать. 243

Часть II / corrugated

Pam whipped off corrugated-iron roofs, brought down power lines and uprooted trees — гофрированное железо. He was a despot, a cold-war monster cosseted by the West because his most plausible opponents were communists  — баловень; избалованный ребенок. He was under the cosh for reacting tardily — тяжелая дубинка, налитая свинцом. David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett and the rest of the Chicago coterie who campaigned with Mr Obama — группировка. This is a domain so vast, vague and ancient that it is almost coterminous with politics itself — примыкающий, соседствующий. An administration that will cotton up to the most repressive of regimes — пытаться дружить. Rumours fly, decisions are taken blind and countermanded after they have been carried out — отменять приказ, распоряжение. To challenge Pervez Musharraf, an army coupster who had toppled and imprisoned him — заговорщик. The 71-year-old senator is a mercurial; McCain is a temperamental cove who wears heart on his sleeve — живой, подвижный; деятельный человек, малый. I’ve been throwing torches into this coven for days — сборище; шабаш ведьм. British companies look covetously at India’s rapidly growing middle-class consumer market — жадный (особенно до чужого богатства). Nigeria’s light, sweet crude oil is coveted by U.S. refiners because it yields a higher amount of gasoline than the heavier variety from the Middle East — жаждать, сильно желать. Russia wants to cow its neighbors — пугать; запугивать, устрашать. Thugs and criminals of the post-apocalyptic Mega City One will once again cower in fear — сжиматься, съеживаться. 244

Часть II / credulity

Gold has real value only in the same sense as cowrie shells or bitcoins — каури (раковина, заменявшая деньги в некоторых частях Азии и Африки). The doctor immediately began administering CPR  (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) — реанимация, включающая искусственное дыхание и непрямой массаж сердца. Despite his occasional crabbiness, Britten had a gift for friendship and was close to many of the musical and literary figures of his age — раздражительность. Mr Junger sees unfold among a bunch of filthy infantrymen on a shot-up Afghan crag — скала, утес. How, precisely, do you go about cramming sundry trivia for a rapid-fire quiz show? — перекармливать. Admittedly, for every lost prophet there is a crank who is simply lost; crankishness aside, technocracy and autocracy have long been natural bedfellows — причуда; прихоть; каприз; чудак. There are providers in almost every cranny of the luxury landscape — повсюду, все уголки. Ms Rousseff’s hiring of Lula looks like a crass attempt to thwart the course of justice — топорная пропаганда. Foreign universities crave access to India’s booming higher-education market — страстно желать, жаждать. Republican politicians do not yet blame Barack Obama personally for the recent changes in America’s weather. That would stick in the craw — стать поперек горла, застрять в горле. The same government made promises to expand crèche places that the present one is trying to keep — детские ясли. On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires for recharging mobile phones, cameras, netbooks and MP3 players — боковая доска. Left wing Europeans who dislike America would label that credulity, not trust — доверчивость, легковерие.


Часть II / creepy

Critics find Mr Fico’s cocktail of history and culture stodgy or downright creepy — бросающий в дрожь, вызывающий страх. The bravest face the government can put on it is a crestfallen one — подавленный, удрученный. That is a worthy aim, but a partial one, because other jihadist groups with equally murderous intent will thrive in the violent crevices of the Middle East — трещина, расщелина. The oil companies invited all cried off, citing prohibitive security costs — идти на попятный. What about the concern that a burst of mergers will crimp competition? — мешать, чинить препятствия. His son Mitt’s bid for the presidency has been more of a crinoline: long and cumbersome — старомодная юбка. When Germany’s Lena Meyer-Landrut takes to the Eurovision stage on May 29th to sing “Satellite” in English, purists will cringe — чувствовать раздражение, досаду. Nanotechnology is giving products enhanced features, such as bandages that help heal cuts, engines that run more efficiently and crockery that cleans more easily — посуда (глиняная, фаянсовая). Everyone in Iceland knows the tale of Bjartur of the Summerhouses, a crofter who, emerging from years of debt bondage, struggles against nature, misfortune and the curse of Ireland’s St Columba to be self-reliant — арендатор небольшой фермы (в Шотландии). Jersey is different. It is unusually middle-class, tight-knit and — to critics — cosily croneyish — назначение на должность или выбор в качестве партнеров на основе дружеских связей. Set to Latin house music and classic Cuban crooning, this piece has a gender-bending freshness that flouts the country’s macho stereotype — тихое проникновенное пение. A third crosscuts dizzyingly between wartime London and the story of Emil Freireich — разрез.


Часть II / crypto-Jew

The sheer size of America’s defence budget puts it in the crosshairs — перекрестье. In arguments, McCain comes off crotchety and beaten — капризный, прихотливый. They crouched nervously in bunkers — припадать к земле; согнуться. They like to play blackjack in the casino, where the croupiers conduct their games in Mandarin — банкомет, крупье. Insiders crow that the gumshoes found no smoking gun — злорадствовать, насмехаться. As it turned out, the primary was not such a crucible; Iraq turned into a crucible of terrorism Cross-examination is the crucible by which the truth shall be revealed — горнило; суровое испытание. If another financial crisis were to hit, as at some point it surely will, the currency could crumple — обваливаться, рушиться. A crush of 500 listeners waited apprehensively as, ill and moving slowly — скопление, толпа; давка, толкотня; a crush of carts and coaches — скопление повозок и экипажей. Berlusconi came into politics 17 years ago depicting himself as a free-market crusader and always called himself a liberal — участник общественного движения, общественной кампании. To do so through a wholly owned subsidiary, rather than seeking the crutch of a joint venture — опора, поддержка. This presents a challenge for those not born into Britain’s uppercrust — верхушка общества. Surrounded by crusty generals three times his age, an insecure young leader might just resort to hot-headed measures to assert himself — нахальный; противный. Ismaists feed rumours that Ataturk was a womaniser, a drunk, even a crypto-Jew — человек, скрывающий свою принадлежность к евреям.


Часть II / cuboid

A large black cuboid, hung with intricately woven Islamic textiles, rises at the heart of the show — кубообразный; сходный по форме с кубом. And if the union cannot reach a trade agreement with cuddly Canada, what hope is there for renegade Britain? — привлекательный, приятный. Those close to the president, such as Joe Biden, the vice-president, and Tom Donilon, the national security adviser have taken up their cudgels again — защищать, заступаться за кого-л. It is more militaristic, and too secular to take its cue from Catholic social teaching — реплика, знак, сигнал. From cukes to nukes — огурец. 10,000 jobs were culled; Нis latest cull is less dramatic — отбраковка (скота); отстрел животных. They detonated a large culvert bomb of the type that soldiers in Afghanistan know all too well — вызывающее, агрессивное поведение; уличная драка. He thinks the way to get more French people working is to reduce cumbersome labour protections, not add to them — обременительный, тягостный. A cumulus of discontent — множество; скопление; cumulonimbus — кучево-дождевые облака. Lebanon’s Shia party-cum-militia, with vehicles that he secretly fitted with tracking devi; A businessman-cum-influence peddler — как компонент сложных слов со значением совмещенный; одновременно. Obama graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude — с отличием (о дипломе). But once the decision is taken, does anyone believe our politicians should be curating the museums, dictating what is and isn’t art? — курировать, опекать.


Часть II / cussedness

Relations between Iran and Britain had curdled long before November 29th, when two British diplomatic compounds in the Iranian capital were overrun — застывать, стынуть (о крови). A set of Japanese curios brings to life the story of a Jewish banking dynasty — редкая, антикварная вещь. The Australian press has dubbed “the curry bashings”; Officials, rivals and foreign governments might treat the company differently so as to curry favour with the president — murders of Indian students in Australia — заискивать, подлизываться; чистить лошадь скребницей (железной щеткой). A cursory look at several recent polls shows that too often they are travesties — беглый, поверхностный, небрежный. That hasn’t prevented curmudgeons in Battery Park and Brooklyn Heights from complaining about the occasional whump-whump-whump over their heads; comments made by a curmudgeonly in-house commentator — чрезмерно бережливый; скряга, скупец, скопидом. Pakistan has in the past curried favour with America; you couldn’t be seen as the only candidate not currying favor with Iowa — выделывать кожу; бить, пороть, хлестать; задать взбучку. His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt “Yours sincerely”, rather than the traditional self-abasing deference — отрывистогрубый, резкий. Why assume she’s dopey, rather than just ahead of the curve on populist oppositional rhetoric? — продвинутый. Mr Levitin repeatedly throws these statistical curveballs at his readers, training them to adopt a take-nobody’s-word-for-it attitude — крученые мячи. Power is at the cusp of its next boom cycle; Africa is on the cusp of change; Нe is on the cusp of power — переходный период; поворотный пункт. More than half a century later, Bjartur’s cussedness lives on — из простого упрямства.


Часть II / cutesy

His prose is tiny, and the mentions of his children dull and cutesy — вычурный, жеманный. But it seems that for politicians, it is easier to cut ribbons than corruption — снижать. A former academic who owes his cut-glass English accent to an upbringing in London — безукоризненно правильный, аристократичный (о произношении). Police and prosecutors say that cyber-stalking is growing  — постоянное использовние интернета для угроз, шантажа и т. д.

D Western governments have until recently been reticent about cyber-espionage is surely because they are dab hands at it — чуть-чуть, удар, не проникающий глубоко. FSB can dabble in any business it likes; Libyan nuclear dabblings — заниматься (чем-л.) непрофессионально, время от времени. Most lawmakers in both parties know it would be daffy to dice with default — сумасшедший, безумный. Must every country on the planet advertise daft balances etc just for the privelege of being left alone to munch an apple? — глупый; слабоумный. Avigdor Lieberman, who this week used the dais of the UN General Assembly to dismiss the current round of negotiations as a non-starter — помост, возвышение, кафедра. Russia’s dalliance with Hamas; Sarlkozy’s highly publicized dalliance — праздное времяпрепровождение.


Часть II / dash

But intelligence agencies do not dally when security is at stake — тратить время впустую, бездельничать. The Hungarian government has been doing its damnedest to make people vote — стараться изо всех сил. Defying those who want him to take sides, either declaring America damnably racist or ready to embrace colour-blind comity — ужасно, чертовски. For decades the country severely restricted the buying and selling of gold, which put a heavy damper on demand — то, что или тот, кто ослабляет, подавляет. It helps to have a damsel in distress, but it does not really matter which damsel — придворная дама. He dandled an idea of using relations with Taiwan as a bargaining-chip against China — играть (чем-л.), вертеть в руках. American officials — from Admiral Harry Harris, commander in the Pacific, down — insist that all is dandy — превосходный, первоклассный. Mr Haniyeh’s Hamas men in Gaza dangle the idea of reconciliation before Fatah — соблазнять, дразнить. Bird droppings dapple the floor of the vast facility, in Kandahar in southern Afghanistan — покрывать пятнами; испещрять. American officials have shown congressmen a picture showing Wang Wei himself, during earlier daredevil exploits — безрассудный, опрометчивый. Lawmakers seemed sure to seize the chance to toss darts at each other again — небольшие дротики бросают в разграфленный пробковый круг. As any fan of action movies knows, the best way to keep a madman from executing a dastardly plan is to keep him talking — трусливый; подлый. Obama’s quixotic dash to Copenhagen bashed his reputation — рывок, бросок. 251

Часть II / dauphin

That’s how a sizable part of the “moderates” perceive him: as a dauphin in the mold of Charles I, crown prince of France — дофин (старший сын короля Франции). The challenges are daunting: the Niger Delta conundrum, poverty, rising waves of employment, security issues — обескураживающий, приводящий в растерянность. The odd bus on Kano’s dusty streets is daubed with pro-Palestinian slogans — мазать, марать, пачкать. Having made your choice, dawdle on your way to the checkout Page — плестись, тащиться. Revealing the central bank’s inflation goal is an obvious first step, but revealing all staff-level reflections may daze and confuse — изумление, удивление. A dearth of competition among firms helps explain wace inequality — недостаток, нехватка. In 1939, she was a deb, parading en masse in a long white frock and an obvious sulk — дебютантка. The superdelegate debacle has already shown us her respect for a popular vote; The IT debacles may be dispiriting — разгром; полное поражение. A lifelong conviction that governments must be prevented from debasing the currency — понижать качество или ценность. A cultured and debonair man, he disdains the money-grubbing vices of your sordid communards and so you wish to destroy him — любезный, учтивый. Lytton Strachey, the great debunker of Victorian earnestness, wrote an iconoclastic but telling study of 19th-century heroes — разоблачать, развенчивать. Mr Hollande, a Socialist hack who led a fractious party for 11 years and has never had a ministerial job, is a debutant — дебютант.


Часть II / deference

After a failed revolution in Germany in 1848, disillusioned revolutionaries decamped to America and spread progressive ideas — собирать лагерь; сниматься с лагеря. Obama is a decathlete not a one-trick pony — десятиборец. The impact will be largest for the top income decile, whose direct consumption of oil products is ten times greater than all other income deciles — дециль (десятая часть). The idea that today’s decimation is qualitatively different to the mass extinctions of yore, and that a compensating mass speciation is already under way, seems at some level to be quite encouraging — разрушение. This reflects a mood of declinism and also a sense of unrequited love — упадок. Emotions ran high during the voting, and some of the rhetoric was intemperate, but the deputies mostly observed parliamentary decorum — внешнее приличие; благопристойность. With a decrepit economy, and now devastating floods, a closed regime shows signs of greater openness — though not to everyone — дряхлый, немощный, хилый (от старости). America’s space agency has reached middle age, will it now recapture the glory of its youth, or dwindle into decrepitude? — немощность (в старческом возрасте). The opposition’s line is that having defanged the army, AK is now bent on asserting its control over the law — обезоружить. Tory MPs looking for any weakness, & justification to defenestrate him as long as that still leaves them with a parliamentary majority — выкидывать человека из окна с целью покалечить или убить. Impatience has always been a part of economics: people don’t like to defer gratification, and they demand compensation — считаться (с чьим-л. мнением); полагаться. Japan’s nuclear crisis is eroding deference to authority — уважение, почтение. 253

Часть II / defrocked

The Vatican recently revealed that 400 priests were defrocked over the last two years accused of child molestation — расстричь (монаха); лишать духовного сана. At least Mr Putin had deigned to see the prime minister, and British officials think Mr Putin will resume his old post of president — снизойти; соблаговолить; удостоить. The Ptolemies honoured this animal deity, but they also had their own Greek version, Serapis, with a human form  — Божество (в монотеистических религиях). Danone, a French food firm, delivers its yogurts and other delectables twice a week to 8,500 outlets in South Africa — прелести. Thе most beautiful deleveraging yet seen” is how Ray Dalio describes what is now going on in America’s economy — дегиринг (процесс уменьшения доли заемного капитала в общем размере капитала фирмы). Opponents of change, mostly on the right, predict three deleterious effects of abolishing non-dom status — вредный, вредоносный, опасный. Shortly after she meets Faber, filthy off a train from Russia, she delouses him in her parents’ Berlin bedroom — вычистить от вшей. In “Mr Holmes” they are invited to delve into his human side and an ailing genius’s lonely decline — тщательно исследовать. From demented jailbird to president-in-waiting: Asif Zardari’s metamorphosis — чокнутый, сумасшедший. Online reviews and friends’ comments on social media help consumers see a product’s underlying merits and demerits — недостаток, дефект, изъян. For some, painted nails represented a hint of the demimonde, but a classy thumbs up soon changed that — люди сомнительной репутации. And he revelled in that most demotic and subversive music, jazz — простонародный.


Часть II / derelict

The clientele were not China’s demure womanhood — скромный, спокойный. They suspected — as some Republican presidential candidates imply today — that houses of worship had become dens of sedition and vice — прибежище, логово. Flood of denigration; The leadership of both main parties have denifrated the Koizumi for too long — диффамация, клевета. I t has a population of 340 million, each of whom have 5~6 times the spending power of an average denizen on this planet; She was a denizen of suburbs — иностранец, получивший гражданство. The thrall of Hosni Mubarak’s dramatic exit has dissolved into a lingering, indeterminate and far less telegenic denouement — развязка. Mr Romney seems to have succeeded in denting the prospects of Newt Gingrich, hitherto his chief rival for the nomination — негативно влиять, подрывать. But it is becoming harder to make a living as more boats arrive from already denuded waters to the west — обнаженный, оголенный. Somali pirates, whose oceanic depredations deter investment and trade on dry land, have been much less successful in the past year — воровство, грабеж; расхищение. Even as Haitian-Americans struggle with hardship they also face the deracinating effects of prosperity — вырывать с корнем; искоренять. In America politicians look at a rash of mass shootings by deranged young men and draw the second-most-obvious conclusion — приводить в беспорядок; расстраивать. Israel’s prime minister derides the unity deal, but many Israelis do not — высмеивать, осмеивать. Russia started modernising the near-derelict base, a legacy from Soviet times, in 2009. In any case they would be little use in a real fight: America’s Sixth Fleet alone has probably more firepower than Russia’s entire navy, which has barely 20 seaworthy surface ships — брошенный; бесхозный. 255

Часть II / derisorily

He has rushed through an Islamist-tinted constitution endorsed in a derisorily low turnout by only a fifth of eligible voters — смехотворный. Until recently bankers’ tales of derring-do during the Asian, Latin American and Russian debt crises were kept for after-dinner drinks — отчаянная храбрость; безрассудство (искаженное «daring to do»). Public ownership of law firm shares will further desensitize America to the already mind-numbing amount of litigation — делать нечувствительным. Our desi liberals would never believe that India is supporting TTP to destabilise Pakistan — гражданин Индии, Пакистана или Бангладеш, проживающий за границей. Nor are they desiccated calculating machines, meting out dispassionate justice uninfluenced by political ideas — высушенный; сушеный, сухой. Not a bad fraction of the desideratum, but one that will be hard to sustain in the face of the world’s economic difficulties — что-л. недостающее, желаемое. Many Vietnamese remain convinced that China still has territorial designs on their country — замысел, план. Basra is stll a slough of despond; the DPJ, in a slough of despond, criticises Abenomics while offering little alternative — болото, трясина; отчаяние. It also destigmatises the consumption of endangered body parts, thus raising demand for them — не делать позорным. North Korea’s 24m people, many of whom are so destitute they supplement their meagre maize-based subsistence with grass and whatever else they can forage — бедный; лишенный. In a few cases the police have launched desultory investigations — несвязный, отрывочный. Environmentalists see these steps as safeguards against further despoliation by belching factories and power plants — ограбление; кража, расхищение. 256

Часть II / dextrous

Investors deterred by policy shortcomings in some markets — отпугивать. Whether a nuclear bomb is a “deterrent” or a “weapon” depends on whose bomb it is — сдерживающее средство. Liberals, who rightly detest the world’s last remaining absolute monarchy — ненавидеть, питать отвращение. Tactfully avoiding mention of his dethronement — свержение с престола, развенчание. Warmer relations with America have detoxified relations with Poland and the Baltics  — детоксифицировать, устранять влияние яда. It was Google that recognised the gold dust in the detritus of its interactions with its users and took the trouble to collect it up; to sell the detritus of Spain’s building bubble — детрит (органогенный обломочный материал в осадках или осадочных горных породах). And as an economist, you hear people call it a blunder and just stand there as an useless deuce of cloves — дьявол, бес. Welfare need not mean income; it could derive from the pleasure of altruism or the thrill of deviancy — неправильность, аномальность. Russia still clings to foreign devilry — колдовство, черная магия; дьявольщина. To understand the full extent of cunning and deviousness underlying much of it — удаленный, отдаленный. Since devolutionary measures in 2001 local politicians have wielded significant powers in the country — делегирование власти. Why does a candidate who believes in cutting spending need to be absurdly devout? — набожный, праведный, религиозный. Children who are bright, dextrous and sociable; They are becoming more dexterous — способный, сообразительный; умелый; a dexterous politician — искусный политик; dexterous in the management — опытный в управлении. 257

Часть II / diasporans

Trying to use diasporans to lobby for national interests is even harder — члены диаспоры. Putin’s recent diatribe against America reflects the deeply resentful attitude the former superpower has towards the remaining one; Ferocious diatribes — диатриба. The terms of TNK-BP’s confidential shareholder agreement gave TNK-BP first dibs on any new BP venture in Russia — преимущественные права на что-л. Security is still dicey around the edges of the district, where skirmishes frequently erupt — неясный; рискованный; ненадежный. So Hillary Clinton’s legacy is that she diddled with the internal structure of the bureaucracy? — надувать, разыгрывать. The “surge” in racist opposition is merely due to a diffident American press — застенчивый, робкий. Mr Xi’s diffidence in such areas may stem from the mandate he had from the elders who helped him into the job — скромность, неуверенность в себе. The name itself, given later, was a mild dig at their religious clannishness — толчок (локтем, кулаком, бедром). A potent mix of glitterati and digerati, plutocrats and aristocrats have been mingling in the Swiss ski resort of Davos — кибер-элита, компьюлигенция, дигерати, IT-эксперты. Finally, the trustfull country is still Russia, that never complied to your diktats, that is why she is demonised — диктат. The Indians themselves complain about its dilatoriness in identifying lands they “traditionally occupy” — медлительность. Mr Ganley is a puzzling figure: neither a scary demagogue, nor a millionaire dilettante, but with elements of both those ills — дилетант, непрофессионал. When, a year ago, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time since the financial crisis, it did not intend to dilly-dally — мешкать, не решаться. 258

Часть II / disbarred

Economic growth has contributed to the diminution of biodiversity by allowing humans to spread around the planet — снижение, спад. Despite these headline-grabbing offerings, the dim-sum market has remained true to its name: “delicious but limited” — дим-сам, дим-сум, дим-сим (кушанье, похожее на пельмени; в китайской кухне). There’s Um Saeed, the wise linchpin; Um Allawi, the intellectual; Um Saloom, the benign dimwit; and Um Khammas, the crude one — болван, тупица. That would be a useful message for politicians, but they may struggle to hear it above the din — грохот, гул, нестихающий звон. It sounds like a classic Republican-Democrat ding-dong — жаркий спор; ссора; драка. Groups who pay € 300 ($400) a head to cross are packed into rubber dinghies at night — небольшая моторная лодка. London is renowned for its grand hotels. It is also notorious for the dinginess of some of its less opulent ones — неопрятный, неряшливый. The villains assembled by Mr Talebi are a gluttonous gaggle of iPhone-addicted, BBC-besotted dipsomaniacs who will stop at nothing to return Iran to the dissolute days of the Pahlavi shahs — алкоголик. Flies may seem short-lived to people, but from a dipteran point of view they can thus live to a ripe old age — двукрылый. After leading the crowd in a chant of “Fidel, Fidel, Fidel!” Mr Chávez joined Messrs Lugo, Morales and Correa in a karaoke rendition of “Hasta siempre commandante”— a dirge about the exploits of Che Guevara — before disappearing — заупокойная месса. The dirigisme contemplated by the government would hasten pub deaths — дирижизм (теория и практика государственно-монополистического регулирования во Франции). Mr Ashley could be disbarred as a company director — лишать права адвокатской практики. 259

Часть II / discomfit

That may discomfit more hawkish allies, especially the United Arab Emirates, who regard the Brotherhood, even in non-violent incarnation — смущать, приводить в замешательство. People are often disconcerted and disgusted by changes in human reproduction — сбивать с толку; нарушать спокойствие. Mr Nooteboom’s is a more discursive ramble through German identity and history — хаотичный; бессвязный. Voters who disdain Donald Trump have had the power to stop him but, as is often the way in the primaries, most have chosen to stay at home — относиться с презрением; не уважать. The news brought little more than a disdainful response from Boeing, its archrival — высокомерный, пренебрежительный. Enterprise, alas, cannot receive such a luxurious retirement. Her reactors must be removed, and doing so means disembowelling her — потрошить. New tax stirs disenchantment with austerity — разочарование. The law was attacked by Democrats as a ploy to disenfranchise poor, urban or elderly Obama voters — лишать гражданских или избирательных прав. The corruption went hand in hand with other abuses, making it difficult for the commission to disentangle the two — выпутываться, выходить из сложной ситуации. In Ginza, Tokyo’s best-known shopping district, a dozen-odd tour buses disgorge crowds of determined Chinese shoppers at their first stop — разгружать, выгружать. Disgruntlement grew last year when American firms lost their bid to supply India with 126 jetfighters — India’s biggest-ever defence contract — to European competitors — недовольство, разочарование. What a disingenuous thing for McCain to say — неискренний, хитрый; лицемерный. The opposition is divided and dishevelled — растрепать. 260

Часть II / disinter

Israel has dished out this form of punishment before, though rarely for longer than a month or so — раздавать направо и налево. Why not develop social welfare programs that don’t create disincentives for work? — сдерживающее средство, препятствие. But hearing an ex-general disparage hierarchies so forcefully thrills employees — вести себя пренебрежительно. Examined from close up, the 2012 has been a dismaying election — вселяющий ужас. It is an extraordinary network of disparate peoples bound by an imperial history — несопоставимый; несоизмеримый. The Vatican granted a papal dispensation to allow Fernando Lugo, who is due to take office as Paraguay’s president — распределение, распространение. Real growth looks a distant prospect, but the news that Britain has fallen back into recession is more dispiriting than alarming  — вызывающий разочарование. Wisely, they failed to diss that other staple of the French diet, wine, the producers of which clearly have the stomach for a fight; so who’s dissing the Greeks now? — оскорблять (кого-л), оскорбительное замечание. The message is clear: dissent (whether of the liberal or Islamist variety) is not just illegal, it is treason — несогласие, инакомыслие. At Cannes euro-zone leaders made plain that family members could be forsaken, even disinherited — лишать наследства. At the moment several new factors are combining to favour the distaff side more — женская работа, женское занятие. The distemper spread across the Atlantic — беспорядки, волнения; смута. Makaburi got his nickname for threatening to disinter the graves of Sufi Muslims — выкапывать (из могилы); эксгумировать. 261

Часть II / disparate

In emerging economies the picture is even more disparate — несопоставимый; несоизмеримый. Amid the messy stand-off of disputatious protestors and hapless administrators in the great sit-in at St Paul’s Cathedral — любящий спорить. She breathes rapidly, her belly sticking out from a dirty T-shirt, distended by hunger — раздувать, расширять. Millions of other black voters across the South, abruptly ditched Mrs Clinton — выбрасывать, сбрасывать (в канаву). Government dithering keeps frackers above ground — находиться в крайнем возбуждении. Egyptian radio broadcast patriotic ditties amid praise for the “eagles of the army — песенка. The new law, which comes into operation in 2015, requires all state bodies to divulge previously confidential information on staff salaries and emoluments — разглашать, раскрывать. Men in djellabas duck into a storefront mosque for evening prayers — джелаба (длинный балахон с капюшоном; традиционное одеяние в Марокко и других странах Северной Африки). The Egyptian capital is a menacing place where betrayal swirls like an army of djinns — джинн. In the dock of public opinion are not just a few fat cats but the rich in general — пристань, причал. A country should not need to use doctored photos to get respect — фальсифицировать, подделывать. He was slapped with a docket of court cases accusing him of “insulting the Turkish identity” — выписка решения суда. He indicated to voters in the liberal state that he would not be a doctrinaire opponent of every Democratic initiative — доктринер. A law change may help Victor Ponta, the prime minister, to dodge prosecution — уловка, хитрость; проделка. 262

Часть II / dolorous

His second career as a highly remunerated globe-trotting political consultant, often to some pretty dodgy regimes, has done nothing for his reputation — шаткий, сомнительный. It went the way of the dodo — дронт (вымершая птица отряда голубеобразных, обитавшая на  островах Индийского океана и истребленная в XVII–XVIII вв. завезенными туда свиньями). McCain is too doddery to understand the doohickeys — нетвердо стоящий на ногах, ковыляющий. Compared with its neighbours, Poland’s political puzzle is a doddle — легкое дело. I doff my cap to the candidate for having picked up the important endorsement — снимать шляпу. Mr Gandhi, a quietly clever 41-year-old free of the accusations of graft that dog so many Indian politicians, is popular — преследовать. Dogged diplomacy produces an impressively detailed agreement — упорный, настойчивый. Addressing only Latinos won’t help because a good share of them are dogleg women or young — внезапное изменение направления. Only the most naive investor read that as a commitment to dogoodery rather than calculated self-interest — благодетель человечества. Children at the bottom often face low-wage drudgery or the dole — пособие по безработице. In the early 1980s, as a dogsbody in a paper mill, she noted that the waste paper her superiors so casually discarded was actually worth something — ишак (тот, кто выполняет тяжелую, нудную работу). North America, where refineries once paid a premium for Algeria’s high-quality crude, takes the largest dollop of the country’s 1.2m barrels a day — крохи. The show comes at a dolorous time for Burberry, which has seen investors flee like models from a chip butty  — печальный, унылый, страдающий. 263

Часть II / dolt

A shadowing of the housing crisis, that’s all this dolt, not insightful in the least, is clamoring for — болван, дурень. Washington’sgigantic and frequently doltish establishment — придурковатый, тупой. Breaking the mould of Japanese politics requires tackling the country’s domineering civil service — деспотический, властный, забияка. Institutional appearance in a district of wood-panelled and redbrick domesticity — семейная жизнь, домашняя жизнь. Rumsfeld caught in a hot tub with boy hookers, meth and Rush Limbaugh, while being whipped by a Hilary look alike dominatrix; The steely Soviet dominatrix — госпожа (в садомазохистских отношениях); властная женщина. The doner killers may force a reassessment — вкладчик. Another is to buy a pay-as-you go dongle for the laptop — электронное устройство на компьютере для использования защищенной программы. He is a devout Catholic with mild, donnish quirks — чопорный, церемонный. Personally, I admire the donnybrook in the GOP — шумная ссора; всеобщая драка. It is also public knowledge that dons are defacto leaders — главарь мафии, крупный мафиози. In parts of the state, enjoying an occasional doobie is nowadays considered little different from sipping a Pinot Noir — марихуана. Their return almost invariably signals that the company is in deep doo-doo, and often the mess they are brought back to fix is one they left behind — экскременты. McCain is too doddery to understand the doohickeys — штука, штуковина, приспособление.


Часть II / doubleing up with

All this is fantastically good news for Kukuriku, the opposition coalition, whose title translates as “cock-a-doodle-do” — болван, дурень, олух. They pitch a frumpy Bill Gates lookalike against a too-coolfor-school Jobs doppelganger — доппельгенгер (в парапсихологии, научной фантастике: призрачный двойник). The Sunni-Shia schism may have lasted for 14 centuries, but most of that time it has lain dormant — потенциальный, скрытый. A similar number of Britons live in France, but mainly for a sunny dotage in the bucolic south — старческое слабоумие, старческий маразм. Mr Kim retorted that he would “surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire” — слабоумный (человек); старик, впадающий в детство. Falling birth-rates allowed parents to dote on fewer children, who were increasingly likely to go to school — души не чаять, слепо обожать. The 75% income-tax rate is dottier than a pointilliste painting — немного чудаковатый, странный. He claims several times not to care what people think of him, bit he doth protest too much — старомодное “do”. Dovish Chinese analysts express their usual hope that there will be a shift toward economic liberalisation — миролюбивые. The humble mouse is a doughty workhorse of scienceбесстрашный, доблестный, мужественный, неустрашимый. He appointed as vice-president his dour, dapper 74-year-old intelligence chief, General Omar Suleiman — строгий, суровый. This I’m afraid is little but doublespeak dressed up in an academic format — демагогия. With more poor people doubleing up with friends and family, some clients simply need help getting along better with their mothers — занимать то же помещение.


Часть II / doubly

The departure of a Supreme Court justice is always momentous; Mr Scalia’s is doubly so — вдвойне. The central bank chief summoned the heads of the top 40 banks for a dour meeting earlier this week — строгий, суровый. But a tough and sullen electorate has no patience with the dovecotes — голубятня. Angela Merkel was the bossy dowager — вдова (титулованного лица, сохраняющая прежний титул). Mid-budget films of the kind that tend to be nominated for awards were the first to be caught in the downdraft — нисходящий (воздушный) поток. South Africa is sliding downhill while much of the rest of the continent is clawing — катиться по наклонной плоскости. Politicians often protest that services are for dodgy financiers or downtrodden burger-flippers and that Germany deserves better; More competition is emerging for Japan’s downtrodden brokers — подавленный, угнетенный, притесняемый. The volume and value of home sales in Canada are now at record highs. In some areas the market looks downright frothy — полный, совершенный, абсолютный. That’s gotta be a downer for the Austrians — успокаивающий наркотик. At home he has been backed by a doyen of Israel’s foreign-policy pundits — дуайен, старшина дипломатического корпуса. The real problem is not dozy small tax preparers but the complexity of the tax code itself — дремлющий; сонный. On Union Street, the main shopping drag, vacancies have risen — улица, дорога, приманка. Young professionals, often whites, are buying up old Victorianstyle houses which they find charming but which the previous owners,


Часть II / drip-feed

often blacks, see as decrepit, draughty and expensive to maintain — продуваемый ветрами. They share essential qualities: exhilarating draughtsmanship, boldly expressive colour and conceptual ambition — черчение. By contrast, “dramedies” such as “Chuck” and “Ugly Betty” fuse comedy with more serious themes — смесь драмы и трагедии. Chavez dragooned PDVSA into all manner of charitable work — заставлять, принуждать. It is not a tourist draw on the scale of the Edinburgh Festival — приманка, соблазн. With his easy manner, shrewd sense of humour and slight southern drawl, Tony White is a far cry from the popular perception — протяжное произношение, медлительность речи. Since then, the two sides have been at screwdrivers drawn — обнаженный (о шпаге). The fourth phase, which has recently begun under the new ISAF commander, General John Allen, is drawdown and transition — сокращение. The fourth phase, which has recently begun under the new ISAF commander, General John Allen, is drawdown and transition — сокращение (численности войск, размещенных в каком-л. регионе). Leftover detritus that has no control system, such as the remnants of the Chinese satellite missile test, which left a reported 3,000 dribs and drabs in orbit — мелочи, крохи. As results start to dribble out and it emerges which ticket looks strongest, much jockeying for position will take place — течь тонкой струйкой. The drip-drip of allegations from Mr Nazarruddin’s trial will implicate more people — капанье. Switching to drip-feed irrigation means that watering becomes more precise, cutting consumption per unit of output — капельная подача. 267

Часть II / drippily

Long seen as drippily Utopian, the idea of getting rid of nuclear weapons was suddenly taken on by think-tankers — глупо. Is plenty more such drivel; sanctimonious drivel dressed up as political philosophy; Dr. Evil or Drivel? — чепуха, чушь, бессмыслица, бред. He was drooling the press  — говорить бессвязно; говорить ерунду, пороть чушь, нести бред, чепуху. At Amazon, it makes investors drool and rivals quake — говорить ерунду, нести бред. Khamenei want to pin the scandal on Mr Ahmadinejad’s friends and lay the blame for Iran’s drooping economy at the president’s door — пониклый. In Britain, where earnestness is a sin and drollery a virtue, dismay about the global financial crisis is best masked with humour — шутки, проказы. The Secretary of State has a very droll sense of humor and a penchant for employing it for maximum effect — чудной; забавный. In 2005 nearly all of the BBC’s user-generated content was submitted directly to the organisation; now it has to hunt down half of it from social networks. That means sifting a lot of dross — остатки, отбросы. Old people go to the polls in droves, but often need government help the least — толпа, ватага. A drubbing for Labour was on the cards, and a drubbing was duly administered — битье, побои. Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer after whom this column is named, famously defined his profession as being that of “a harmless drudge”  — человек, выполняющий тяжелую, монотонную работу. Children at the bottom often face low-wage drudgery or the dole — тяжелая, монотонная работа.


Часть II / dumbfounded

The personal diaries quoted by Ms Reid, many written by middle-class academics, artists, doctors and their families, offer a relentless drumroll of deaths — барабанная дробь. Aid agencies dub China and others “rogue donors” — обрубать; обтесывать. If Monti does not feel up to the job, he should duck out now — уклоняться, избегать. In bad times the state is there to clean up, just as it did during a surge in dud loans in 1990s — бесполезный; негодный. Investors in the real-estate mogul’s duff Atlantic City casino business are unlikely to agree; The real reason their work generates so much duff journalism is that Britain has such depressingly duff newspapers — бесполезный; низкокачественный. The author, a self described “urban duffer” makes a single foray into a gun store and then deigns to proscribe a “solution” for everyone else — глупец, дурак. That left five main candidates duking it out ahead of the January 21st primary in South Carolina — срыгнуть. During the Egyptian uprising the advantage was clearly on the side of the dissidents, since the Egyptian secret police were digital dullards — тупица; олух; разиня. The mainstream consensus has long been that a growing economy raises all boats, to much better effect than incentive-dulling redistribution — затупление. He sure talks like a complete moron- and the whole mess in Iraq shows what a total dumbass he is — тупой. The dumbing down of America has been decried by both the left and the right — заставить замолчать. Now he presides over recession, rising joblessness  — and the need to impose more austerity on dumbfounded voters — ошеломить, потрясти.


Часть II / dun

She has had actual letters asking how to dun Grandma for what she eats at Thanksgiving — допекать, надоедать. The absurdly elongated dunce’s cap — дурацкий колпак. Hiring eggheads rather than dunderheads is generally wise, though it can backfire: just ask the banks that employed “quants” by the dozen to create financial instruments that no one understood — глупая башка, болван. Are Boeing and Airbus the fierce competitors or have they become a cosy duopoly — монополия двух конкурирующих компаний. You might think it also seems unbelievable that Pakistan could be so breathtakingly duplicitous and take such a risk of antagonising America, its most important ally — лживый; предательский. Durum wheat stocks are expected to be especially tight, falling by almost 40% — твердый сорт пшеницы. Thatcher lumbered her party with a “poll tax” which required both dukes and dustmen to pay exactly the same for their local-government services — мусорщик. Nobody knows how the duumvirate between Mr Medvedev and Mr Putin is going to work — дуумвират (совет или суд в Древнем Риме, состоящий из двух человек). An opportunistic president and a dyed-in-the-wool rebel appear to have ended Sri Lanka’s best-ever hope for peace — закоренелый, бескомпромиссный. Virginia is a politically competitive, traffic-clogged suburban dynamo — динамо, динамо-машина. Setting man against man in a Hobbesian dystopia. At other times he imagines America as Hobbiton in J. R. Tolkien’s fictional shire — неидеальное общество, несовершенный общественный строй.


Часть II / eddy

E At no time in half a billion years have any Earthlings cared about carbon emissions — землянин, житель Земли. An entire floor of Degas’s Paris house was stuffed with easels displaying old masters, which favoured visitors were allowed to view — мольберт. For its cosmic ambition, ITER run into the earthiest of difficulties: spiraling costs — изумительный, ошеломительный. Compared to the abolition of slavery, it may not be earth-shattering — поразительный, удивительный. The real choice for him is not when his measures would start to bite in earnest — всерьез, серьезно. Though humorous, the book needn’t be classified as “relentlessly middle-brow, or easy-peasy”, clarified Sir Andrew Motion — легкотня. Better to be part of a foreign group than to see clients ebbing away to the big American investment banks — приходить в упадок; ухудшаться. America’s conservatives are in ebullient mood  — кипучий, полный энтузиазма. The cost of driving easily eclipsed the war in iraq, unemployment, health care or terrorism — затмевать, заслонять. Though the king has opened an admirably ecumenical dialogue with leaders of other faiths, no church or synagogue may yet be built on Saudi soil — экуменический, всемирный, выступающий за достижение религиозного единства все христиан. The American embassy is tucked between a narrow sidestreet and the bustling Garden Ring, near a swampy little river eddy — маленький водоворот, воронка. 271

Часть II / at the leading edge of a trend —

Bank of Namibia is at the leading edge of a trend — задавать тон. Nothing is going to be edgier than wearing AIG apparel  — раздраженный, нетерпеливый. The answer to the question is not particularly edifying  — поучительный, нравоучительный. An eerie silence falls over Donetsk as tensions rise in eastern Ukraine — жуткий, зловещий. The man is an eejit, as we say in Farsi — идиот, дурак. The euro crisis has recreated a rift between a Germanic north and a Latin south that decades of integration tried to efface — стирать, вычеркивать, удалять. Food and Drug Administration testing for the safety and efficacy of drugs has given the market confidence — эффективность, сила; действенность. The effervescent French president; a fit of collective effervescence as multitudes descend upon the city to witness the inauguration of the 44th president — возбуждение, подъем. In art as in life, both Kims are effeminate and podgy — делать женоподобным, уподобляться женщине. The effete corps ofimpudent snobs; they are considered effete — хилый, неспособный к действию, истощенный. It showed Mr Rudd trying to record a message in Mandarin, losing his temper, effing and blinding, banging a desk and abusing Australian officials and a Chinese interpreter — ругаться на чем свет стоит. With its heady mix of eartly effluence and celestial protectionism, Rome simply cannot leave you cold — поток, течение, обилие. Manufacturing failed to compensate for the losses, even if a cultural efflorescence led by the Beatles accompanied the economic woes — вершина, кульминация, расцвет.


Часть II / elfin

He has achieved this partly through sheer verbal effrontery, as in his badmouthing of George Bush — наглость, нахальство. Though some found the book “tedious and effulgent”, such as Jay McInerney, writing in the New York Times, many embraced it as a weirdly compassionate — блестящий, сияющий. The poet’s soppy romanticism, flinty egalitarianism and ridicule of pomposity have universal appeal — эгалитаризм. Be surprised to learn that a man so close to the pinnacle of power was such a bad egg — непутевый, никудышный человек. German voters, egged on by xenophobic tabloid headlines, do not want to pay for that — быть в неудобном положении. I am not French, and I acknowledge and reject Napoleon’s egomaniac tendencies — эгоист. Complain all you want, but only if you’re not guilty of even more egregious behavior — вопиющий, отъявленный, очевидный. It also contains Asiatic black bears, egrets and, according to some, an extremely rare subspecies of the Siberian tiger — цапля. Transneft seeks to eke out savings across its business — с трудом зарабатывать на жизнь, пробавляться, перебиваться. But it is India’s élan, both in terms of its economy and a newly polished image — стремительность, напор, натиск. This iteration is less elegiac, but it is probably too late — элегический; грустный. The country still feels elephantine, its infrastructure is rickety, its electricity patchy, most of its roads unpaved and potholed  — слоноподобный; неуклюжий. Small, slight and bespectacled, with a thoughtful elfin manner and a ready grin, he looks perhaps half his age, and chats freely and easily — чудесный, магический.


Часть II / elicit

The White House designed the meetings to elicit two other commitments — извлекать; вытягивать. “Allies” and “partners” are not the same thing, for example, however trendy it may be to elide the difference — oтменять, аннулировать. The fall of the Clubhouse — not a physical place but an elitist fraternity — comes not long after its two greatest triumphs — человек, принадлежащий к элите. The result, in elliptical and sometimes baffling prose, was “Letters to Olga” — туманный (о стиле). Today’s article in the Independent is about the rise in people taking elocution lessons — ораторское искусство. Previous research has shown that men with significantly elongated ring fingers excel at competitive sports  — продолговатый; удлиненный. In Afghanistan, half the women in prison are there for “moral” crimes such as eloping — побег с любовником. All participants implicitly accepted the idea that methods used to analyse Homer, say, or German myths might elucidate the Koran — проливать свет; пояснять. It eludes me how anyone can lend his name — избежать, спастись, избавиться. He promises the better life that has proved elusive for many Indonesians, at the same time as he pledges to stand up for his country — неуловимый, ускользающий. Those too emaciated to make the crossing to Zanzibar were left to die on the shore — истощать, изнурять, выматывать. Money that they expect will emanate from Washington — происходить, быть результатом (чего-л.). The U. S. constitution is short, simple and relatively clear but the things found in the emanations of its penumbra’s are legion — эманация; излучение. 274

Часть II / embarked

He and his colleagues embed brains in plastic and put them in a machine that cuts them into microscopically thin slices — врезать, вделывать. Heat and pressure sensors, and even video cameras, can be embedded in vehicles to gather data as they fly, providing a level of detail and fidelity that we’ve never had before — встраивать, внедрять. With the same sparkling clarity as his insights into the isometric embeddability of abstract Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean spaces — способность к вдавливанию. Radical Muslim and Christian groups stoke the embers of Papua’s conflict; embers of nativism — тлеющие (в золе) красные угольки. It would help Barack Obama embitter a mainstream party on which he has at last made a big impact — раздражать; отравлять (существование). Finally, there is the particular kind of foe that Mr Soros is made to embody — олицетворять. First take the charge that Mr Obama’s “weakness” emboldens President Vladimir Putin of Russia — поощрять, содействовать. First take the charge that Mr Obama’s “weakness” emboldens President Vladimir Putin of Russia — поощрять, содействовать. One after another, prisoners asked for pieces of calico and embroidery silks to take back to their cells — вышивка; вышитое изделие. It emboldens him to contemplate full-scale constitutional revision — давать смелость, вселять мужество. His ideological baggage is almost as heavy as his personal embonpoint — полнота, дородность. Kuwait is embroiled in a tumultuous power struggle — ввергать, вовлекать. Back in the 1970s, when she first embarked on this artistic path, few would have predicted that she could make so many compelling bodies — вступать на путь. 275

Часть II / embryonic

China as a rival embryonic superpower — незрелый, недоразвившийся. Last year Oxford Dictionaries chose an emoji — those cartoonish faces descended from emoticons — стиль иконок наподобие смайликов, появившихся в Японии. Despite a more emollient tone, Mr Bush shows little sign of doing enough to ease European concerns — успокаивающий (о словах). The president has failed to seek Congress’s permission before accepting foreign gifts, as the Emoluments clause says he must — доход от должности. One sign of Britons’ new informality was the clamour for the royal family to emote in response to the death in 1997 of Princess Diana — проявлять эмоции, чувства. China was the model to emulate and Kyoto in Japan is laid out like 8th-century Chang’an — следовать примеру; имитировать. America has led the global assault on tax dodgers and their enablers — то, что помогает другому достичь желаемого. Ana Marie Pamintuan, described the Senate as the “upper chamber of the nation’s biggest and most successful Laundromat” — encapsulating the insalubrious entanglement of money and politics in the Philippines — заключать в себе. The press is encumbered with a growing battery of rules — загромождать. They follow a formula: a little history, an introduction to how government works, an encomium to famous writers — восхваление, панегирик. One woman filed for divorce having found her husband to be rather too well endowed — обеспечивать постоянным доходом. Even if defeated in its heartland, the group seems likely to endure elsewhere — длиться; продолжаться. The biggest enemy is “boredom, which is still more enervating for the soldier than the proximity of death” — слабохарактерный.


Часть II / entrepot

An enfeeblement of “Doing Business” would cast doubt on Mr Kim’s commitment to the bank’s research  — ослабление, слабость; истощение. Depicting Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, engrossed in a series of athletically challenging sexual activities with barnyard animals — увлеченный чем-л. Ms Rousseff’s Workers’ Party and its coalition allies are enmeshed in a bribery scandal and the country is going through the worst recession since the 1930s — опутывать, запутывать. They are relaxed, almost to the point of ennui, about other people’s sexual preferences, drug habits and skin colour — скука, тоска. The janitor, having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included, went on his own to see “Home is the Hunter”, a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war — he was enraptured — приводить в восторг. The idea of “rights”, “mainstream” and even the role of the Supreme Court in determining these are not as enshrined as advocates of various positions contend — бережно хранить; лелеять. As rates ease, the fog enshrouding the central bank’s intentions is beginning to clear — закутывать, обволакивать. The union has become ensnared in technicalities and a fundamental argument about how much historic bank debt — поймать в ловушку. While computer screens can bewitch the eye, a good shop has four more senses to ensorcell — околдовывать, очаровывать. Fixing the FBI may entail some decidedly unAmerican thinking about political correctness and privacy — влечь за собой, вызывать (что-л.). The Turkish authorities are using a mix of entreaty and threats to ensure they get what they want — мольба, просьба. It has largely been an entrepot to Mainland trades even during British rule — перевалочный пункт.


Часть II / entrancing

The benefits to the government, however, have not been as quite as entrancing as expected  — приводить в  восторг, очаровывать, околдовывать. That might encourage South Koreans to entertain more varied dreams of success — питать (какие-л. чувства, мечты). Vietnam’s economy, once one of Asia’s most enticing, has slowed sharply — привлекательный, притягательный. The battleground is the gap between UN’s irredeemably idealistic purpose and its all-enveloping legal immunity — охватывающий со всех сторон. He loved words and worked hard on them, modelling his uproarious tales on Louis Jordan’s and his enunciation on Nat King Cole’s — объявление, провозглашение. Many of the events that will take place around the world this December will be mere ephemera  — эфемерное, мимолетное, преходящее. Julius Meinl V in a bar in Belgravia and he seems the epitome of the well-bred Englishman; Mr Bhide thinks that they epitomize modern civilization; Mr Takeshima is the epitome of the well-rounded establishment figure It was epitomized by Scroeder — изображение в миниатюре; изображение в уменьшенном размере. Politicians do not come from Mars, they are Italians themselves and epitomize what is wrong with the country — кратко излагать. The beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, Apple and others — роман-эпопея. To the country’s leaders, an epiphany came with the Tibetan upheaval in 2008 and subsequent protests abroad — Богоявление (одно из названий христианского праздника Крещения Господня). Oprah Winfrey announced that she will end her eponymous show in September 2011; Lego, theeponymous Danish firm; Peter Higgs, eponymous predictor of physics’s missing boson; It is run by an eponymous foundation  — дающий свое имя (особенно о  мифических персонажах, именами которых называли города или народности). 278

Часть II / escapees

Thanks to the vast reserve army of labour created by globalization, that equanimity may soon get wiped out — хладнокровие; спокойствие. The longer the crisis lasts, the more people will swing to the right of the equation — стабилизация, уравнение, равенство. Will the argument be resolved by finding equipoise between evidence and intuition, facts and judgments? — равновесие. And the president’s equivocation on the Keystone XL pipeline, which was going to carry oil from the Canadian tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico but has now been stymied, was a textbook example of how to evade hard decisions in an election year — уклонение, увиливание от прямого ответа. Americans believe in opportunity, not equality-mongering — болтовня о равенстве. When two EEZs collide, UNCLOS calls for an equidistant line between the coasts, splitting the shared gulf or strait down the middle — равноудаленный, эквидистантный. Banks are now erring on the side ofcaution — сбиваться с пути. Whether bovineor equine, the bill is belated — конский, лошадиный. The corporation spent more time on its poaching errand than it did on investigating whether East Arm Wharf could handle the joberrandrunning for Russia’s security services — поручение, задание. While imposing ersatz fun on their employess, companies are battling against the real thing — замена, заменитель, субститут. Like some other erstwhile true believers, he became one of most cogent critics of his former faith — былой, давний, прежний, старый. Anti-Catholic agitation was exacerbated in the mid-19th century by escapees from Ireland’s potato famine and the arrival of Catholics from Germany — беглец.


Часть II / escarpment

We reach the far side of the Mara River and begin climbing Oloololo, an escarpment which twists and turns all the way to Tanzania — крутой откос насыпи, вала; откос. The puckish Frenchman is the biggest star in high-fashion shoe design, selling about 240,000 pairs a year in America at prices ranging from $395 for espadrilles to as much as $6,000 for a “super-platform” pump covered in crystals — тапки из ткани с резиновой подошвой. The number of African leaders who can eschew even a pretence of democracy is shrinking — воздерживаться, избегать, остерегаться. Others are esoteric, producing idiosyncratic goods that few other countries can make — эзотерический, тайный, скрытый. The breathless Mr Krugman looks past next week’s rout and espies a nation in ruin — заметить, увидеть издали. In front of the skyscrapers on the esplanade in Panama City, joggers puff along a path in the morning heat — ровная открытая местность. The ideals the party espouses; what values do you espouse? Interest was espoused by that — поддерживать (какое-л. дело, идею). If the authorities did ban home esterification, though, enthusiasts who wished to declare independence from the oil companies could go down another route — эстерификация, образование сложного эфира. After nearly four years of estrangement, America’s two most powerful and closest allies in the Middle East agreed to co-operate again — отчужденность; разобщенность. One winter afternoon, Igor Emmerich was walking up the estuary at West Wittering on the Sussex coast — устье реки. “Cyberbullying: its nature and impact in secondary school pupils” by Smith et al in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry — и другие. That Grecian profile can be seen also in his paintings and etchings — гравирование (травлением); травление. Mr O’Leary describes his airline’s current customer-service ethos — характер, преобладающая черта, дух. 280

Часть II / exacted

Craniology, phrenology and eugenics, once-respectable fields of endeavour that are now regarded with a shudder — евгеника. The most familiar domain, though arguably not the most important to the Earth’s overall biosphere, is the eukaryotes — эукариоты. Ukraine has euphemistically designated the conflict zone an area of “anti-terrorist operations” — с помощью эвфемизма. She was in a state of euphoria after her win; Berlusconi waseuphoric — эйфория. The neoglossalists’ efforts may seem naive, but their belief in the evanescence of English could prove prescient — исчезновение. The evening-up effect is most obvious for the smallest fry  — купля-продажа срочных биржевых контрактов для ликвидации существующей позиции и реализации прибыли. This is unlikely to trigger a return of outright civil war, since such an eventuality would alienate the foot soldiers — возможность; случайность. Many younger people, in particular, evince frustration that racial tensions have proved so intractable — ясно показывать; делать очевидным. Veto-wielding Russia and China have eviscerated three previous sets of UN sanctions; When they get through eviscerating gold they are gonna start on you — потрошить (рыбу, дичь и т. п.). Her memories of teaching in the early post-communist years in the then Czechoslovakia are evocative — вызывающий воспоминания. Quick fixes and short-term solutions will only exacerbate serious sustainability — обострять, осложнять. The younger Mr Romney lived in a grand neighbourhood, attended a private school and moved in exalted circles — возвышенный, благородный. In the event, General Gowon behaved impeccably, and his troops exacted no revenge — мстить; настаивать на выполнении (чего-л.). 281

Часть II / exegesis

You are likely to be embraced, perhaps literally, by fellow worshippers, then impressed by the pastor’s scriptural exegesis — экзегеза (толкование текста, особенно Библии). Being an ayatollah, I can modestly say that I am something of an expert in textual exegesis — экзегеза (толкование текста, особенно Библии). The evidence suggests that most people want this option, but that few would, in the end, choose to exercise it  — использовать, осуществлять. The excitable speculated that a co-ordinated cyber-attack was under way — возбуждающийся, приходящий в волнение. With no rail links, the southern Croatian exclave that is home to the enchanting medieval city of Dubrovnik — эксклав (часть территории государства, географически отделенная от основной и окруженная территорией других стран). Unquestionably, however, Mr Trump has bestowed on this excrescence a scarcely dreamed-of prominence — разрастание; неумеренный рост. There is a troubling subtext: the author’s attempts to exculpate himself; If exculpatory evidence comes to light after the trial, then the Prosecutor has the ethical obligation to inform the defendant of such evidence — оправдывающий; оправдательный. For most poor countries, South Korea is a model of growth, a better exemplar than China — образец, пример для подражания. The quality of public schools in Chicago’s South Side, where many blacks live, ranges from poor to execrable — отвратительный. As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a legitimate source of morality — проповедь; наставление. The exigences of flight require aircraft engines not only to be more reliable, but also to deliver more power per unit weight — крайность, тяжелое положение.


Часть II / extenuating

Taliban advance poses “an existential threat” to Pakistan — относящийся к существованию, реальности. Some of it is exogenous to the collective decisions of firms, some of it is endogenous — экзогенный; внутренний. He endured a humiliating trial which exonerated him only after his death — оправдать; восстановить честь, репутацию. The United States, he complained, enjoyed an “exorbitant privilege” — непомерный, чрезвычайный. Radek John, an investigative journalist who shuns suits and peppers his stump speeches with expletives — служащий единственно для заполнения пространства, пустот или для компенсации необходимого количества. Can you be a bit more explicit on this point? — ясный, подробный. Exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely; there are always barriers — в геометрической прогрессии. Only few days ago Bloomberg published an expose on how government officials stole upward of 20 billion dollar worth of food — опубликовать разоблачительный материал. She is a careful expositor of ideas — интерпретатор, комментатор. In medieval Europe Jews were persecuted not only because they were not Christians but also because killing them was a quick way to expunge debts — стирать, избавляться от. On the basis of named crop varieties that are no longer extant, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that 75% of crop biodiversity has been lost from the world’s fields — сохранившийся, дошедший до наших дней. Mr Peña’s critics complain that such extemporaneous remarks — сделанный без подготовки, экспромтом. Whatever the original was in Russian, it definitely makes better sense as extenuating circumstances  — служить оправданием, извинением. 283

Часть II / extolling

Around 10,000 true believers and assorted fellow-travellers chose to march through Moscow anyway, extolling Lenin and excoriating Mr Putin; Steven Hill of the New America Foundation extols the European social contract; Television broadcast a series of programs extolling Uzbekistan as developing democratically — восхвалять, превозносить, хвалить. The government’s crude ways may be worse than the sins it seeks to extirpate — искоренять; истреблять, ликвидировать; выводить; полностью уничтожать. The problem of a bail-out architecture is unfit for purpose but from which neither creditors nor Greeks can work out how to extricate themselves — находить решение (сложной проблемы). Taxes are far higher than they ought to be because of the needlessly extortionate cost of rental housing — чрезмерный, грабительский. This extrapolates to about $2.5 billion worth of baksheesh nationally every year — экстраполировать, проводить экстраполяцию. New sculptures, new parks, and generally exuding vitality  — источать; выделять, проступать сквозь поры. Obama is inebriatedwith the exuberance of his own verbosityопьянять; возбуждать. “The federal health-care law is dead,” exulted John Van Hollen, Wisconsin’s attorney-general — ликовать, радоваться. Visiting Fairfax I was reminded of just how ethnically diverse America’s suburbs and exurbs are — дальние пригороды (где преимущественно живут хорошо обеспеченные люди). 300,000 years is a geological eyeblink — мигание. The country’s first-quarter GDP figure was eye-popping — потрясающий, невероятный.


Часть II / fag-end

F The Greek fabulist provided the name for the “sunshine” policy which previous South Korean governments adopted towards the North — баснописец. Seen as a brutal facet of Japan’s high-speed post-war growth, crammers are as powerful as ever — аспект, грань, сторона. Locals chuckled when a foreigner warned facetiously that if they blended in any better, other vehicles might crash into them — веселый; оживленный. However, this factoid is practically meaningless because it focuses just on taxation, and ignores benefits — (газетная) утка; непроверенная информация. The U. S. in its support of its factotum should not include interfering with town planning; he acted as a factotum — работник, имеющий много разнообразных обязанностей. It lets them make facile comparisons with the agonised last days of the Major government — поверхностный, обманчивый. People are living longer, which is good. But old age often brings a decline in mental faculties — дар, способность. The second snag is the hectic fluidity of politics as Mr Mugabe fades  — постепенное исчезновение звука, изображения (в  кино, по радио и пр.). But why does the state spend so much energy discrediting hasbeens and faddists? — чудак. We first-timers spent a lot of time faffing around, working out the payment system and worrying about our deposits — неорганизованно и не очень успешно заниматься (чем-л.). At the fag-end of Tony Blair’s premiership, the only consolation for his party was that the result was not worse — бесполезный остаток (материала, времени). 285

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Часть II / fair & square

Of course it is all right if you win an entire country from the natives or a whole state from another sovereign nation ‘fair & square’ at the barrel of a gun — прямой, справедливый. Fairweather friends may use the live-stream as a way not to have to show up in person — ненадежный. It is a fallacy that a job gained for one person is a job lost for another — ошибка, заблуждение. Mr Sarkozy has begun to look fallible — подверженный ошибкам; ошибочный. Arriving, worn and famished, to the friendship and relative plenty of Louvain in 1946, he was so overjoyed that he wanted to sing the Te Deum — страдать от голода. Bowing to rumours that have been fanned recently by Donald Trump, the White House released the full version of Mr Obama’s birth certificate — раздувать, разжигать. For Scotland the situation becomes even more farcical in terms of democracy — фарсовый, шуточный. The farrago overshadowed Mr Brown’s bid to reposition himself and his party in the run-up to the election — мешанина; всякая всячина. Digital technology has already rocked the media and retailing industries, just as cotton mills crushed hand looms and the Model T put farriers out of work — кузнец, подковывающий лошадей. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, London’s fashionistas go crazy at the second of the world’s “big four” fashion weeks — страстные поклонники моды. Such considerations lead some to suggest that REITs have come about for less high-faluting reasons — напыщенный, претенциозный. Chinese people are not constrained by fatuous childish political correctness — глупый, дурацкий. These fatwas explain the rum list of candidates — закон, предписание о вынесении наказания вплоть до смертной казни. 286

Часть II / feisty

Just look at the pro gyms that body-builders use and you’ll see none of the “frilly” equipment favored by the trendy places — часто посещаемый. The latest fawning hit praises Mr Xi’s “heroism” and “unyielding spirit”, and lauds his war on corruption — ласковый, раболепный. Speaker Pelosi has put more emphasis on fealty than on competence — верность вассала феодалу; присяга на верность. It’s an impressive feat of archival and investigative research — подвиг. But where Labour sees restructuring, its opponents see featherbedding — искусственное раздувание штатов. His popularity fell steadily and he started trying to feather his own nest — украшать перьями. Mr Hanson travels many paths on his feathery journey — легкий; тонкий, воздушный. Contributing to this febrile atmosphere is an unspoken fear — лихорадочный. Nevertheless, we are looking for evidence of the opposite; that getting legless makes you feckless — слабый, бесполезный. In the worst places in Africa, fecundity tends to track instability — плодородие; изобилие. We call on the company to meet its legal, moral and fiduciary responsibilities and clean up the pollution it left behind in Ecuador’s Amazon — доверяемый, поручаемый. Then the cattelle are shipped to feedlots in Java and Sumatra for fattening — пастбища, где скот нагуливает жир. Dayan Jayatilleka, a political analyst, calls the Heroes’ Day statement an “elaborate feint” — хитрость; уловка. It is a harsh sentence for the 58-year-old who ruled Taiwan from 2000 to 2008 and who had a feisty reputation for promoting independence — вздорный, раздражительный. 287

Часть II / fell

The factions that came together to fell Muammar Qaddafi have given up — рубить, валить (дерево). A Texas grand jury has indicted Ken Paxton on several felony charges — тяжкое уголовное преступление. But the state’s finances are down to the felt, with the deficit expected to hit $11 billion — разорить, обанкротить. Muhammad Morsi had adjusted his felucca to the prevailing conditions in Egypt — фелюка, небольшое весельное судно. They already mostly sell their wares to fences who will find ways round the new rules — скупщик краденого. The investigative team ferretted out cheating by analysing erasure marks on test sheets — разнюхивать. Couriers need less training to ferry goods to customers’ doors — доставлять. To leave their dispute to fester would be bad for the Turkish-Cypriots — гноиться. Generations of Conservatives from the 1930s to today have feted him as a reforming Tory who improved the lot of the poor — чествовать кого-л., поздравлять кого-л. в торжественной обстановке. Not only is he in fine fettle, he’s pricked enough to be angry; the economy was in fine fettle — положение, состояние. They live in distant slums, surrounded by fetid remains, sleeping and eating amid “a forest of tumbling plastic bags and rivers of rotting” — вонючий, зловонный. Yet today even these iron fetters are showing signs of bending to the demands of the market — оковы, цепи. Something a bit fey about him; flitting in an instant from fey to amused to aghast — не от мира сего, с чудинкой. In 1996 a rebel army from eastern Congo marched a thousand miles across the lush country to depose Mobutu Sese Seko — he of the leopard 288

Часть II / fierier

skin fez — феска (головной убор в форме усеченного конуса с кисточкой, который носят мужчины в странах Восточного Средиземноморья). Rationing is done implicitly, through murky pricing, bureaucratic fiat of denial of service — декрет, постановление, указ. That original fib about consensus was papered over with lots of vague language — выдумка, домысел, неправда. The most cunning people (whether conscious fibbers or not) tend to benefit at the expense of everyone else — враль, выдумщик. A recent television drama portrays Margot Asquith as a flibbertigibbet, who was only interested in trivia — ветреный, легкомысленный человек. Youngesters are a fickle bunch; Unity is the key not having a fickle mind — непостоянный; переменчивый. Sunnis have to accept that as the minority sect they will play second fiddle; Caught fiddling with their BlackBerries — мошенничество, надувательство. They found that the more often people (who had not then been treated for a disorder) felt nervous, fidgety, worthless or hopeless ten years ago — неугомонный; суетливый. A firm must have an explicit social or environmental mission, and a legally binding fiduciary responsibility to take into account the interests of workers — опекун, попечитель. It is difficult to fight back against the feathered fiends — дьявол; демон. Mr Brown, who would be California’s oldest governor ever, admits that the job is fiendish and thankless; incumbents are fiendishly hard to dislodge; It was fiendishly difficult — чрезвычайно; чертовски. Some fiefs are competing in age old turf wars — фьеф, феод, феодальное владение. In the Democratic Party just picks fierier policies and more inspiring candidates, that anti-Trump majority will surely boil over — пылкий, вспыльчивый. 289

Часть II / fiefdom

Waste in a company is lost profit; waste in a bureaucracy means a bigger fiefdom — феодальное владение. Few fiff-faffs over communist tyrants aside, Mr Corbyn is asquitting himself quite well as party leader — не очень успешно заниматься чем-л. The Russian media have had a field day with it — день военных парадов перед зрителями. As Angelica grew, Virginia, who cared not a fig for fashion, undertook to give her a clothing allowance and sent her to the hairdresser — просто наплевать. Charles will one day be the largely powerless figurehead of a parliamentary democracy that pretends to be a monarchy — номинальный глава; подставное лицо. Filial piety comes in many forms — дочерний, сыновний. Another concern is consumer protection: dodgy operators could filch cash — стянуть, стащить. In the 1960s and 1970s hubris, corruption and foreign mass culture smashed through the delicate filigree of Persian society — филигрань. Countries in the region are benefiting in terms of the huge fillip to growth and to their external balances — мотив, побуждение, стимул. A big company will have a compliance department that can finagle the federal code — жульничать. These rules are nothing more than wet fingers in the wind — с легкостью, без труда, запросто. In 2008 Siemens, a German conglomerate, was fingered for handing out bribes in emerging markets — устанавливать; признавать. To see how the most finicky historian of the future will find the slightest reason for doubting — излишне разборчивый; педантичный. Mikheil Saakashvili, then a youthful firebrand leader of the opposition to President Eduard Shevardnadze; Venezuelans, along with their 290

Часть II / flaccid

neighbours, have become accustomed to Chavez’s habit of switching from firebrand to conciliator and back again — зачинщик, разжигатель; подстрекатель. The Conservative Party is a faithful product of first-past-thepost  — отдающий победу кандидату, набравшему простое большинство голосов. A chaotic affair, marked by fisticuffs in the country’s Congress — драка на кулаках, кулачный бой. North Caucasus is the Russian empire’s most fissiparous area; an outpouring of national pride that is unusual in a fissiparous country often seemingly racked by self-doubt — раскольнический, фракционный. Mr Obama has dragged America’s economy back from the brink of disaster, and has made a decent fist of foreign policy — почерк. The world economy is fitfully getting back to normal — прерывисто, толчками, урывками. Della Pietra convinced me that he could find the right fizz to partner each course — волнение, выказывать радость. ABBA is a fizzy 1970s pop group — модный, шипучий. Cracking jokes and dispensing wisdom in American-accented Polish, Michael Schudrich, the chief rabbi, is a fixture in Polish public life — постоянный, неизменно присутствующий элемент. That may be why subsequent efforts to transfer the same fixity of purpose to broader spheres of peacetime endeavour have fallen short — недвижимость, неподвижность, покой. The flabby state sector needs a lot more trimming, and the private sector yearns to be unleashed — дряблый, отвислый. American officials were flabbergasted when he failed to attend the G8 summit and a bilateral meeting with Mr Obama last month — изумлять, поражать, удивлять. Political cynicism, unmoving opinion polls and flaccid national campaigns are partly to blame for the lack of colour in the constituencies — слабый, безвольный, пассивный.


Часть II / flack

He has taken flack about an alleged lack of economic nous — заниматься связями с общественностью; выполнять функции прессагента. The “tyranny of the flagship”: the tendency for top-of-the-range phones to scoop a disproportionate share of the market  — флагман, ведущий. Short of authority and direction, India’s rulers flail in the face of growing problems — цепенеть. The Chinese record will draw flak; The government took much of the flak for the job losses — взбучка, огонь зенитной артиллерии. The flashbulbs popped as her handcuffs were taken off — лампавспышка. Taxpayers will remain destined to rescue the flakiest firms time and time again — психованный, чудной. The Anglo-Saxon media love nothing better than a bit of self-flagellation — самобичевание. Dubai’s rich will have yet another way to flaunt their wealth — выставлять себя напоказ, рисоваться. Nobody knows if a fleck of paint, a particle of frozen astronaut’s urine or a fragment broken off a satellite count as an object: there is no case law — пятно. Working side by side was the best way to train and support the fledgling forces  — неопытный юнец; человек, начинающий свою карьеру. The amount of flannel and balderdash students are taught and then regurgitate in the real world is truly frightening — абсурд, вздор, ерунда. His Mahdi Army used to flaunt nationalist credentials in an effort not to be viewed as being in Iran’s pocket — дефилировать; выставлять себя напоказ, рисоваться. And that was a mere fleabite compared with his grander ambitions — маленькая неприятность; легкая боль. 292

Часть II / flip-flopper

A Latin American giant plans to modernise India’s fleapits  — вшивый отель, задрипанный кинотеатр. The Chinese government is in a muscle-flexing mood — поигрывание мышцами. You might think such fleecing would leave the government with cash to spare — надувательство. Most journalists visit Chechnya fleetingly — быстро; мимолетно, скоротечно. Where Mr Bower gets it wrong, however, is in casting Mr Blair as a feckless flibbertigibbet  — сплетник; легкомысленный человек. A formulaic Hollywood-style flick — внезапный легкий удар, щелчок. The crisis of 2008–09, when oil prices fell and the world economy stagnated, revealed that the Russian economy was dependent on flighty foreign hedge funds and retail investors  — капризный, взбалмошный. Some of this flimflam is captured by Thomson Reuters, which distinguishes between “invention patents”, which require an examination to see if an idea is really novel, and “utility-model patents” — мошенничество, обман; жульническая уловка. The killing and incarceration of people on flimsy accusations of insulting Islam has long shamed Pakistan — неосновательный, шаткий. One of the most fascinating is its long-standing fling with Israel — удалой шотландский танец, флинг. Wolfgang Schäuble, the flinty finance minister, is under constitutional orders to cut the federal government’s structural budget deficit — суровый; бесчувственный, черствый. The famous flip-flopper is also — with the exception of his fellow Mormon, Jon Huntsman — the least authentic conservative in the race — перебежчик, перевертыш.


Часть II / flippant

Yet while other European countries enact reforms, the main candidates for the French presidency focus on more flippant issues — легкомысленный, несерьезный. France even flirted with demanding his resignation — относиться несерьезно; играть (с чем-л.). He remained free, probably flitting across the porous border into Thailand — браться то за одно, то за другое. My apparent floccinaucinihilipilification of both you and your canine companion was meant to be stupendously supercilious — привычка давать всему низкую оценку, считать бесполезным; отрицание важности, значимости (чего-л.). Floozies are good stress-reliever — шлюха. From flophouses to boardrooms, moods darkened further in the wake of the decision by Standard & Poor’s to demote Brazil’s debt — ночлежка. His speaking style is often florid — цветистый; кричащий. To produce all the flotsam and jetsam one could ever wish — ненужные остатки; обрывки. The FLOTUS failed but a solution cam from the private sector is interesting — первая леди (First Lady of the United States). At one meeting in 1996, Mr Mandelson felt so slighted by Mr Brown that he flounced out, slamming the door behind him — броситься вон. Starved of foreign financing, Mr Rouhani’s modernisation programme has floundered — быть на грани краха. Many dismissed his proposal as an empty flourish that would soon be forgotten — показные движения, завитушка, росчерк. Even this modest law may be widely flouted  — презирать; попирать. A result of a fluke in Russia’s trading calendar; a communist-era fluke — удача, везение. 294

Часть II / foals

If it were just flubbed lines and dropped tambourines and rogue piano notes moving into the spotlight, it would be a dubious achievement — испортить, завалить, провалить. Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, fluffed her sums trying to put a price on Labour’s pledge to hire an additional 10,000 police officers — произносить с запинкой. It was because of the “separation of powers”, he fluffed — произносить с запинкой. The scandal flummoxes in Washing; Even the least fogeyish of politicians have been flummoxedby the internet — смущать, ставить в затруднительное положение. The American Revolution swept away the flummery of feudal titles — кашица; размазня. Do they come out of a different pool from the ones who flunk the basic rationality tests posed by the behavioural economics?  — провалиться на экзамене. Mr Gingrich appeared flustered by this assault, and spent much of the run-up to the primary bemoaning — нервировать, тревожить, расстраивать. The erudite world of taxonomy is all a flutter over a row about renaming the world’s most famous fly — дрожание, трепетание. Being the first one that got hit, torn up real bad, I think a flux of money came here — постоянное изменение, постоянное движение. Bastillle Day on July 14th, with its shiny, military parade and precision flypast over the Champs-Elysees — воздушный парад; демонстрационные полеты. As a rock off the top left-hand corner of Europe, we are big winners from this rule, which turns places like Italy, Greece, Malta or Poland into flypaper for migrants — ловушка для мух. If his foals perform well once they start racing in 2016, that amount could triple — жеребенок; осленок. 295

Часть II / foam-spotters

Has the world got a new bubble economy? A rising chorus of foamspotters believes so — сыщик, наблюдатель. On January 31st, he sacked his government, a time-honoured Jordanian device for fobbing off protest — не принимать во внимание, отмахиваться (от кого-л.). Portrayed as warm-blooded personalities with foibles, jealousies and ambitions, not just as purveyors of ideas — слабость, слабая струнка. Not only is their country the dominant actor in the euro crisis, but it is also being attacked for foisting on southern Europeans reforms — навязать, всунуть. China’s Communist Party sees its sacred mission as bringing Taiwan back into the motherland’s fold — объятия, паства. Early analysis of images of these folios suggests some may precede the first big standardisation — книга высотой более 30 см. Mr Uribe is both intense and folksy, whereas Mr Santos is cerebral and urbane — общительный, компанейский. While the fate of the euro was resting on Mr Berlusconi’s follically enhanced head, the chances of success were slim — выращенные волосяные луковицы. What people see in me is a calm, trustworthy person who can successfully carry out an agenda of integration and foment production — разжигать; подстрекать. This footling stuff is only of any interest because it is about the queen — пустяковый, пустячный. One consequence is that older EU countries will find themselves footing the bill for clearing it up — оплатить счет, оплатить расходы. Mr Kalam, a former government scientist with a foppish fringe, was unusually popular, mainly because he was not a politician  — фатоватый, пижонский. A lot of churches had played a footsie with New Apostolic Reformation, only before it was heavilly slammed for heretic faith — кокетничать, 296

Часть II / forsooth

заигрывать, касаться под столом ноги соседки своей ногой, чтобы не видели другие. Lender forbearance is widespread, disguising the extent of bad loans — отсрочка (долга). The main problem with forensic evidence is that it isn’t science but it’s usually presented to juries as if it were — судебный; команда следователей, работающая на месте преступления. Which sounds to me like pumping water from the fore to the aft of a sinking ship — на носу и на корме; вдоль всего судна. A buccaneering Britain would forge wonderful new partnerships with powerful and dynamic countries outside Europe — медленно и равномерно продвигаться вперед. Serbia would be at a fork in the road — разветвление, ответвление, развилка (дорог); распутье; at a fork in the road — на распутье. Goldman is expected to fork out $18 billion for 2009 — раскошелиться. The book gives way to a forlorn litany of the events; A forlorneffort; African hopes that the AU mandate in Mogadishu be turned over to the UN look forlorn — безнадежный (о попытке сделать что-л.). Eventually every long-running drama, from “Downton Abbey” to “Dr Who”, feels formulaic — стереотипный, трафаретный, шаблонный. If one is not fortuitous by the grace of God, then at least remember him, and give him the responsibility of your losses — случайный, неожиданный. In her first foray to the Middle East as America’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton confirmed the new American administration’s intention — короткий визит, набег; нападение. A cleanly Landlord must have, forsooth, his Rooms new painted and white-wash’ d every now and then  — без сомнения, поистине.


Часть II / forswear

Big-country leaders will spend a lot of time trying to secure access to the very fossil fuels they are trying to forswear — отказываться, отрекаться. Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anachronism and should be dropped forthwith  — немедленно, тотчас, незамедлительно. It also coincided, perhaps fortuitously for Mr Lukashenka, with an uncomfortable few weeks for Russia’s Vladimir Putin — случайно. Deep learning employs pieces of software called artificial neural networks to fossick out otherwise-abstruse patterns — шарить, рыскать. Some cash-strapped libraries still use atlases showing fossils such as the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic — что-либо старомодное, вышедшее из употребления; атавизм. It comes from the fact that many fossiliferous sites which formed in the shallow waters of the past contain types of animal now extinct — органические остатки. Despite the evidence that trust responds to incentives, certain situations foster trust more than others — побуждать, стимулировать; одобрять. That was the obstacle on which the conference foundered — стать хромым. Opposition leaders are crying foul but it looks like Mr Chávez and his incompetent “Bolivarian revolution” will roll on — бесчестный, грязный, предательский. The archeological remains of the Koguryo lingdom of 37BC–68AD, the fount of Korean culture and myth — источник, ключ. The fracas over Renault’s closure of its Belgian factory is an indication of the rotten state of Europe’s car industry — шумная ссора; скандал. Unfortunately, military volunteers do not frag, but at least one revealed their crimes against civilians — ранить, убивать осколочной гранатой соратника.


Часть II / free-riders

They are not fragrant paragons of exquisite taste — ароматный, благоухающий. Yet this national treasure is looking frail — хилый, слабый. With him he already had the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, actually pinched from Eden — ладан. Bernie Madoff, a New York-based fraudster caught out in 2008 ran a scheme 20 times bigger, at $65 billion — мошенник, обманщик, плут. An already fraught relationship has become more so with Mr Trump’s election as president — удручающий, обременяющий. The ideologies that held together the big political groupings of the 20th century are fraying — изнашиваться, вытираться. At a time of chaos, when communications were disrupted and officers were understandably frazzled; But for most equity traders, frazzled after a day of white-knuckle rides, it was an ominous sign that stockmarkets had finally caught up — довести до состояния крайней физической усталости или нервного истощения; измучить. George Bush is a frat boy who had a serious love affair with the bottle — студент из состоятельной семьи. Basing troops and equipment on foreign soil is fraught with difficulty — подавленный, удрученный. Embarrassing pictures on Facebook show you dancing the hula naked at a frat party — студенческое братство. They are going to waste trillions on the fraudulent theory of “CO2 causes global warming” — жульнический, мошеннический. If Egyptians in general are frazzled by a year of revolution, the country’s Coptic Christian minority is doubly disturbed — вымотавшийся, измученный. Now France knows how America feels in NATO when it demands more military burden-sharing from allies and chafes at free-riders — халявщик, прилипала.


Часть II / free-for-all

By allowing a free-for-all, the baby is being thrown out with the bath water — всеобщая драка, свалка. In capital cities the civil servants freewheel, which is called the federal family freewheeling phenomenon — ехать без использования привода. The local freesheet tells me that “een nieuwe komedie” is appearing starring Charlize Theron — бесплатная газета. The SEALs needed to get out of there again, they were far behind “frenemy” lines — друг как враг. Frenetic, competitive, multifarious, filthy and beautiful: the flower business is an emblem of Manhattan — буйный, бурный, неистовый. Nearly eclipsed by the international media frenzy over Sarah Palin’s speech — бешенство; неистовство. Cafés they frequent now sport airport-style security — часто посещать. Two decades ago Londoners used to fret about whether their city was faring better or worse than Paris — волноваться, раздражаться. Yet Hervey was no fribble — фривольная идея, тунеядец. Its dramatic frieze depicting the battle between the giants and the Olympian gods makes it one of the most distinctive works from the classical world — фриз; бордюр. Southwest Airlines, the world’s first successful no-frills carrier, pioneered ways of reducing operating costs that are now used all over the world — «без выкрутасов». The eastern fringe of the Muslim world worries about Islamic State’s influence — периферия, отдаленная область. New York’s police stopped nearly 700,000 people last year, according to a New York Civil Liberties Union report that uses police data. More than half of those were also frisked — быстрый обыск при задержании. 300

Часть II / fuddy-duddy

It must send a frisson down the spine of any politician who remembers ‘68; There was the frisson of fear that a genetic helotry would be created, doomed by its DNA to second-class health care — дрожь; трепет. But despite such fripperies, green parties and the environmental issues which they champion now pose a serious challenge — безделушка, брелок. The Germans grew anxious that their tax euros were being frittered away, and their savings might be inflated away as their grandparents’ were — растрачивать по мелочам. Yet, for now at least, they remain central to the business of flogging posh frocks — платье, ряса. Ministers and their apparatchiks almost Soviet in their determination to frogmarch us into behaving as they think we should — четверо несут кого-л. за руки и за ноги лицом вниз. The froideur is a reminder that, for all the inquiry’s sensational revelations about the intimate relations between proprietors and politicians — прохладное отношение. Palm fronds and bougainvillea rustle in the breeze — листовидный отросток у определенных видов растений. I hope their Blackberry thumbs go numb and their Bluetooth dongles get frostbite — обморожение, отмороженное место. The volume and value of home sales in Canada are now at record highs. In some areas the market looks downright frothy  — поверхностный, не имеющий глубокого смысла. Many countries frown on it, though others take a more relaxed attitude — смотреть неодобрительно. They pitch a frumpy Bill Gates lookalike against a too-cool-forschool Jobs doppelganger — старомодный; плохо одетый. Russia’s bullying of small fry such as Georgia — мелкая рыбешка. He detested modern fashions in history, and fuddy-duddy ones too — человек с отсталыми взглядами; консерватор. 301

Часть II / fudge

A fudge between two feuding presidential candidates may offer a political road map — чушь, выдумка, вранье. Through a fug of cigarette smoke, her hosts found her intense, charming, stubborn and prickly — духота; спертый воздух. Mr Abbas full-throatedly confirmed he had been “very close” to a deal with Mr Netanyahu’s predecessor — очень громкий. Kennedy kept her counsel at the time, but some months later, after she fulsomely endorsed Obama, she said it had been her kids’ reactions; he thanked Sarkozy fulsomely — льстивый. It made both gestures despite issuing fulminations at incursions by two American fighter jets into its air-space — изливать гнев, обрушиваться (на кого-л.). Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region — точка опоры (рычага). Ms McArdle fumes: the last paragraph makes these eminent professors seem, to put it charitably, not quite bright — раздражаться, кипеть от злости. It is in the worst funk in its history; US economy is in a funk — сильный запах; зловоние. In exchange for padded contracts Brazil’s biggest construction firms paid more than a billion dollars in bribes to Petrobras directors, who in turn funnelled the money to their political masters — выходить через узкое отверстие; просачиваться, выходить наружу. Slavery was part of the furniture of European minds until well into the 18th century — знания, багаж знаний. And despite all the bear hugs at Latin American summits, Mr Chávez did not further the continent’s cause — содействовать, способствовать. Constitutional-reform arms race that erupted at the time of the expenses furore — фурор. Several times in the last couple of weeks, friends and colleagues in Brussels have asked, with furrowed brows — покрывать морщинами. 302

Часть II / gadfly

When Mr Trump and his close associates are accused of furtive or illegal acts, their instinct is to obfuscate, cry “fake news” or search for scapegoats — тайный; незаметный. Friends ofteh detected something furtive about her — скрытый, тайный; незаметный. Instead the animals, short-sighted and short-fused, were trapped in holes in the forests of Java, Sumatra and India and killed — вспыльчивый, раздражительный, несдержанный. But thanks to poor communication, many saw it as China’s first fusillade in a global currency war — резкий критический выпад. A monopoly long held by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, a fusty arm of the party under which all unions are presently herded — старомодный, спертый (о воздухе). You can’t futz with a molecule  — Inside of every American is a scawny, twanging old futz like me — валять дурака, простофиля.

G Dressed in black gabardines, its Arabic-speaking parliamentarians tour the villages of Galilee — габардиновое пальто, габардин. What if the children inherited a gabby disposition straight from the parents in their cocktail of genes?  — словоохотливый, болтливый. The gabfest involving senior Congressional leaders from both parties lasted well over six hours, with no tangible results — треп, болтовня. The reporter was a constant gadfly to the government — овод, слепень. 303

Часть II / gaffes

Biden’s worst verbal gaffes of the day were minor, such as when he called the Republican vice presidential nominee “Sarah McCain” — ошибка, ложный шаг, промах. This seems pretty hard to gainsay: when things are going badly, the party in power takes the blame — возражать, противоречить. Driving through the south-western corner of the state, the benefits of this “shale gale” are easy to see — шторм; буря; ветер от 7 до 10 баллов (порыв, движущийся со скоростью от 51 до 100 км/ч). Ed Miliband and Labour sensed blood and played on … about cracking down on tax havens has played well to the gallery — играть, подлаживаясь под вкусы галерки. It must be galling to live next door to the world’s best schools; That the party has allowed a (sort of) Chinese firm to poison the coast is particularly galling — вызывающий гнев; досаду. Joe Walsh, the band›s equivalent of Keith Richards, kept the mood from getting too solemn, gallivanting around the stage — шататься, бродить. Mr Amour, Zanzibar’s president, was once described by Nyerere as a hippopotamus for his galumphing political tactics — идти неровным прерывистым шагом. Bigwigs like Bill Clinton and Governor Andrew Cuomo, senators and city politicos were all there, not to mention cameras galore — достаток, изобилие. In the past week three developments have cast doubt on the usefulness of Japan’s prevailing attitude of gaman — выносливость, способность переносить страдание и т. п. It includes so many exemptions, giveaways and rebates that those who can game the system pay effective rates that are too low — играть в азартные игры. Officials say it is unrelated to the gammy left knee that had already slowed the president down in recent weeks — хромой. She hangs a silk gamosa scarf around this correspondent’s neck and invites him in for tea — ткань для обтирания. 304

Часть II / garish

Among the things I remember from the EMF roundtable was that the opinions seemed to run the whole gamut from absurd — гамма; диапазон, спектр. Bosses grumble they are under constant pressure to perform, but they are being pushed down the gangplank more slowly — сходня, трап. Today the euro has lost much of its glamour, gangsta or otherwise — чернокожий член банды. But after roughly 2,000 years of roaring their noses were worn away, their teeth gappy — с пробелами; неполный. These attributes bolster his claim that, in a field of Republican gargoyles, he is the likeliest to prevail in November — горгулья, человек с уродливым лицом. Many thought the garish top lot carried an ambitious estimate, £ 8m–12m, and would be hard to sell — чрезмерно пестрый, кричаще яркий (об одежде, картине). He left the local grammar school garlanded with prizes, and went to Oxford with an open scholarship to study classics — надевать венок, украшать гирляндами. For more than 30 years, the conflict which has scarred their tiny province has garnered enormous amounts of attention from the world’s news — копить, собирать, запасать. More champions of Iran’s theocracy are preparing to open a museum in the richly restored garret where Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution, lived and lectured for 15 years — чердак; мансарда. Red tape is garrotting business; Many of the bodies at Baghdad’s main morgue had been shot in the head, in the back, or garrotted; garrottes and sticks — гаррота (орудие казни — род железного ошейника). Many normally garrulous Bangladeshi commentators this week shunned requests to talk — говорливый, словоохотливый. Strip of garish hoardings on stalks reaches into the distance — чрезмерно пестрый, кричаще яркий. 305

Часть II / gassy

Behind the excitement is the sense that the Pacific Alliance is a hard-nosed business deal, rather than the usual gassy rhetoric of Latin American summitry — болтливый, многословный. The soundest bet was to stick to one of Cormack’s favourites and gatecrash the conversation — приходить незваным. Other examples of a red-red-green coalition are the “gauche plurielle” of former French Prime Minister; Conservatives are trying to rule that out of bounds as too gauche to take seriously; As broad as the Cheshire Cat’s, full of slightly wonky teeth, the smile was at once confident and touchingly gauche — неловкий; неуклюжий; нескладный. Khodorkovsky, the jailed former head of Russia’s biggest oil company, has thrown down the gauntlet to Vladimir Putin — бросить вызов; рукавица; перчатка с крагами. This made it difficult for the Conservative government to gauge its response — измерять, оценивать. Venice’s magical, shimmering, translucent quality was being dissipated as the city sank, literally, beneath the garbage of gaudy materialism — безвкусный, кричащий, яркий. Romney’s campaign finally began running gauzy biographical advertisements during the Olympics — просвечивающий, прозрачный. When she won the gavel, many saw it as a sign that the “marble ceiling”; During this adjournment, a lone senator would drive to the Capitol every three days to gavel in and, seconds later, gavel out — молоток (председателя собрания, судьи или аукциониста); to rap a gavel — ударять молотком. And a few young men looking gawky and shy, ready to smile without actually smiling — неловкий; застенчивый. Hoteliers report that groups first lock themselves in their rooms, to gawp gobsmacked at politicians being insulted on television chat shows; Those left behind could gawp at the gap between their own world and the virtual one to which many Saudis escape for hours every day — смотреть с глупым видом; таращить глаза. More enthusiastically, it is a gazetteer of weird goings-on in remote corners of England — географический справочник. 306

Часть II / gerrymandered

Two months later, as panic consumed the markets, it gazumped Citigroup to acquire Wachovia — вымогать дополнительную плату. Sessions will be geared toward understanding — направлять по определенному плану. The president is trying, without much luck, to gee things up — подбадривать, поторапливать. Such gee-whizzery is hugely enjoyable in small doses, but it involves a trade-off — громкое выражение энтузиазма. Despite Mr Biden’s breezy optimism, the politics of Iraq remain as volatile as gelignite — гелигнит. On September 5th more than a dozen of its factions gelled into a new, rival outfit — вырисовываться, становиться ясным. After two centuries of science becoming more and more specialised, the idea is to bring back the generalist  — эрудит, человек с широким образованием и кругом интересов. The intellectual gentrification of British politics even extends to the basic mechanics of running things — облагораживание района (джентрификация). Before genuflecting at the altar of “Free Trade”, let us not forget the other side of the coin — преклонять колена. Fifty years ago Truman Capote told an interviewer about his grand hopes for a new literary genre — жанр, манера. Regulators should put a stop to tactics that delay the introduction of generic drugs — родовой; характерный для определенного класса, вида. Through the geopoliticking, some human-rights activists argue, the lot of normal Iranians is being ignored — геополитика. I’dmuch rather be the sinner than the geriatric — гериатрический (относящийся к лечению людей пожилого и старческого возраста). Special interests have hijacked the budget, and the gerrymandered legislature is powerless — предвыборные махинации (особенно 307

Часть II / gerontocracy

перекраивание избирательных округов для получения преимущества на выборах), избирательный округ, созданный в результате предвыборных махинаций. Seen from afar, Europe looks like a “gerontocracy”, an American newspaper reported in 1963 — правительство или правление старейших. Visually, Frieze saw more large-scale works and fewer gewgaws for one’s pied-a-terre — безделушка, безделица, побрякушка. Playing this role only extends the existing debilitating ghettoisation of the poor in enclaves of charity — превращение в гетто. The ghoul’s latest victim appears to have been Phobos-Grunt, an ambitious Russian mission that was intended to return to Earth with a rock sample from Phobos, the larger of Mars’s moons — вампир, вурдалак, упырь. Unless the correct code is entered to unlock the phone, they are meaningless gibberish — тарабарщина; неграмотная речь. A simple gibe spread: EU leaders had chosen non-entities who could not overshadow them — насмехаться. In its most prosperous cities, already giddy prices continue to shoot up — вызывающий головокружение. For all their gimcrack genesis Daleks were — and are — no joke — дешевка. Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich et al — have been impaled by the gimlet gibes of Ted Cruz — «буравчик» (коктейль из джина или водки и сока лайма). Pre-election gimmicks will damage the reputation of Britain’s chancellor — хитроумное приспособление. The European Central Bank started buying corporate bonds, in its latest effort to gin up inflation — поймать в ловушку. A cut in interest rates might ginger up the economy but the Reserve Bank kept its benchmark rate at 5% — оживлять, придавать живости, задору. 308

Часть II / gleefully

Yet individual Japanese investors are still only gingerly returning to their own stockmarket  — осмотрительно, предусмотрительно. Mr Gingrich will have a hard time keeping his supporters ginned up until then — поймать в ловушку. That may have been true in the Gipper’s day, but the argument is getting harder to make — лгать, обманывать. Enryu did indeed behave like a comic-strip hero, ripping a door from a car, waving an iron girder and tossing heavy objects out of its way — перекладина; балочная ферма. America was girding for an even more serious event — собраться с духом, с силами. He lived for sausages and — a close second — beer, and had the girth and rosy cheeks to prove it — обхват; объем (талии, грудной клетки). Tories hate John Bercow because they see him as an oleaginous git, rather than because of his opinions — мерзавец. Is the legally propagated free movement of people who wish your gizzard slit in your bed something that makes you more or less secure? — глотка, горло. On the eve of the decision to gladhand the locals — весело приветствовать, радушно встречать. The Treasury’s ongoing stress test for banks, with its glacial timetable — леденящий; студеный; бесстрастный. Behind the glassy smile there was, Gore Didal assured people, yet more ice — остекленевший, безжизненный. From what I glean out of news reports, Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo really DO see it that way — тщательно подбирать, собирать (факты, сведения; по мелочам, обрывкам). Republicans gleefully bewailed the tax on Christmas, with much invocation of Grinches and Scrooges — весело; ликующе.


Часть II / glib

I don’t find the Governor especially glib or clever on many things; People talk glibly; Bill Clinton is often painted as a glib kind of guy who surrounds himself with similarly smooth talkers — легкий, беззаботный, гладкий. Word on the street is that Glitzkrieg Burlesque is looking for some new Bombshells! — молниеносное наступление. A potent mix of glitterati and digerati, plutocrats and aristocrats have been mingling in the Swiss ski resort of Davos — избранные, элита. Foreign journalists pounced on a series of glitches — затруднение, проблема unexpected glitch — непредвиденное затруднение, неожиданное препятствие. Glitzy retail outlets rub shoulders with poky wooden shacks, whose elderly proprietors peddle wrinkly vegetables and ancient sandwiches — блеск. Glinting greenly from the corners of the Beatles’ album covers is an apple; there is a small glint of hope that more Gypsy children may be educated — спышка, сверкание; яркий блеск. Only glancingly do the programmes touch on the grubbier motives — косым взглядом, косвенно. America’s election campaign may provoke some Asian gloating, along with amusement, bafflement and disgust — тайно злорадствовать, торжествовать. Go back to the era of dictators and world wars and you can find exactly the same addiction to globaloney — global + baloney — “глобальный вздор” (ошибочные представления, суждения; о  международной политике, международных отношениях; впервые встретилось в 1943 г. в речи Клэр Льюс, члена палаты представителей Конгресса США). President Hu Jintao, who only a few years ago had hardly set foot outside China, has become quite a globetrotter; An ambitious, globetrotting youngster from Asia who wants a good, cheap degree from somewhere in Europe his youthful globetrotting  — человек, много путешествующий по свету. Buyers scrape out the very last glob from the jar — капля. 310

Часть II / go

Apparently you’ve glom med onto my nom de plume — улавливать, усваивать. Anita Roddick, Body Shop’s never-knowingly-understated founder, who is using hemp’s oil-rich seeds to make her gloppy moisturi — бурда, дрянь, дерьмо. A local news website showed pictures of men glugging down beer in a drinking contest — пить (издавая булькающий звук). The candidates, pictured before a television debate, are a glum bunch — угрюмый, печальный, хмурый. Countries to the east and south tend to be poorer, glummer and worse-run; He’s very glum about the company’s prospects — мрачный, угрюмый, хмурый. But with no signs of an end to the world’s current oil glut, fears are mounting of a sustained trough — пресыщение; пресыщенность. Going for a long run would seem to be a lesser — not to mention more economical — punishment for gluttony — обжорство. Every gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is counter it with a splashy new announcement  — неуступчивый, упрямый. Managers of its 16 clubs have been gnashing their teeth at a change of rules — скрежетать (зубами). He pulls off a leather shoe and starts gnawing at an ankle — беспокоить, терзать. Their gnomic conclusion: to maintain a “prudent monetary policy” and a “proactive fiscal policy” in the face of an “extremely grim and complicated” global outlook — гномический, сжатый. “They come over here,” she says gnomically, “they take out of the system but they haven’t contributed to it” — выражаться кратко, афоризмами. International and African bodies, along with a wider variety of African governments, have come together to have another go — попытка. 311

Часть II / goading

Goading seagulls to crap on your opponents is fine; and by goading America is he testing his nerve or America’s patience? — побуждать; подстрекать. The goalposts were already in the wrong ballpark — стойка ворот, неожиданно выдвигать новые требования. So there is one question that really gets their goat: how do you feel about helping Donald Trump become president? — сердить, злить кого-л. Hoteliers report that groups first lock themselves in their rooms, to gawp gobsmacked at politicians being insulted on television chat shows; the New York Times quotes a long list of gobsmacked comments — ошеломленный; потрясенный. Instead of picturing a massive tome of gobbledygook, voters can picture a tiny “app” square on an iPhone — специальный жаргон (речь определенного узкого круга людей, часто профессиональная белиберда). The second is investment: in the long-term, government debt gobbles up savings — поглощать, требовать большого расхода. Purchasing huge amounts of American debt, including gobs of mortgage debt — большой кусок, комок, шмат. And he describes how a gifted innovator can produce entirely new products, such as cavity-filling caramels and everlasting gobstoppers — большая круглая конфета. Children’s television is booming, which is a godsend to some parents and a growing worry for others — неожиданное счастливое событие; удача. China has a Goldilocks economy — героиня сказки Goldilocks and the three bears. The book is marred by some sloppy mistakes: it is goitre, not gout, that leads to a swollen neck — зоб. In recent years, the gong has often gone to films that grasp nettlesome subjects, such as Cristian Mungiu’s “4 Months, 3  Weeks and 2 Days” — медаль. 312

Часть II / gotterdammerung

Broadway’s producers have sunk millions into tarting up old classics or adapting Disney’s latest gob of sugary goo in search of the next hit — что-либо липкое, клейкое или вязкое. Getting gooey about Britain, they say, would risk forsaking the solid ground of reason for a boggy nationalist trap — сентиментальный. It’s even more committed to goofy ‘free market’ liberalizations than the LDP was — бестолковый, тупой. Most home study students will goof off all day with video games — увиливать от работы, косить. State oppression, as carried out through the operations of China’s local goons — убийца; головорез; наемный бандит. Bond yields went down sharply, which goosed American growth and stock prices — стимулировать, подталкивать. It reflects an equally gormless view that such firms caused the financial crisis — бестолковый, тупой. The gory biopic relates the life, leader of a 13th-century Scottish rebellion against Edward I of England — кровопролитный, жестокий, чудовищный. On every Fourth of July he and the grown-ups would release these gossamer spirits, blue, white and red — очень тонкий. Why do the Twin Cities produce so much literary gore? — запекшаяся кровь. What Robin Hanbury-Tenison, another British explorer, who is president of Survival International, calls “the gosh factor — боже!; черт возьми! Will we see grudging praise, doubts about his sincerity, or will there have been a misplaced comma that somehow turns into a “gotcha”? — выражение радости при решении проблемы, поимке. Or they may be putting out a gotterdammerung fantasy of their own, like folks waiting for the end of the world, or the old slaver secessionists of old — гибель Богов. 313

Часть II / gourds

Setting out on an ocean voyage, with water in gourds and pounded tubers tied up in leaves — тыква, любое растение из рода тыквенных. America, some ludicrous ones close to a millennium which seems to be nothing more than a headline grabber, and thank god I live in the UK — устройство захвата. Use of reconciliation to pass health care could greatly increase the gradient of the hill — отклонение, угол наклона. Chileans seem to have forgotten temporarily that their gradualist democracy has real achievements — сторонник постепенного проведения реформ. China’s past anti-graft campaigns, though admittedly less extensive than the current one, hurt the economy little and may even have boosted it — взятка, подкуп; незаконные доходы. But Serra, he argues, was a “voice of conscience” who went against the grain of his time — против шерсти. A cluster of tumbledown villas, mosques and a synagogue conjures up the grandeur of a port that once marked the southern tip of the Ottoman Empire — великолепие; пышность. Britain’s deficit, which Mr Osborne has made a great play of tackling, is granitic — гранитный. With the exception of Ron Paul, all the serious candidates waxed grandiloquent about their aims — высокопарный, помпезный. Grapplinig with America; Senator Robert Byrd grappled masrerfully with 11 presidents — брать на абордаж (корабль). 125 laboratories around America have signed up to dip their bread in the gravy, so that gravy is very thinly spread — подливка (из сока жаркого), соус, сок. A genuine grassroots democratic movement to deny rights to same-sex families — широкие массы, простые люди. Presiding over such a meeting of global grandees was a perfect opportunity to show the public that he was on target — крупный чиновник; важный человек. 314

Часть II / gripping

Western politicians like to grandstand about North Korea, calling its leaders “mad”, “rogue” or “tinpot” — бить на эффект; пускать пыль в глаза. Such granularity could revolutionise economic research — неоднородность; неравномерность. Instead of reaching up to strike a vertical mark against the sky in echo of the area’s medieval belfries, the five pavilions, strung-endto-end, aim to reflect and become one with the gravid clouds — беременная. He mended fences and gained gravitas; Someone with gravitas and integrity ready to assume leadership — aвторитет, вес; солидность. Micron, an American semiconductor maker, is a relative greenhorn in South Korea — новичок; неопытный человек. It concluded that, over such a period, a gregarious person has a 50% better chance of surviving than a lonely one — коммуникабельный, общительный. Barack Obama, Washington greybeards used to say, differs from other American presidents — старик; пожилой человек. Most people still live in grinding poverty — тяжелый, мучительный. Even the gringos are sound enough for the Europeans — гринго, иностранец (особенно англичанин или американец в  Латинской Америке). At a grip-and-grits event on November 10th in Houma, in the southern oil-and- gaslands where bayous lap the highways — очищенное от шелухи и перемолотое зерно. We want our country back. In agricultural towns like Boston, in Lincolnshire, immigration is voters’ biggest gripe — недовольство, ворчанье, досада. The smaller pictures are gripping, but the large altar paintings are the main attraction — поразительный, потрясающий. 315

Часть II / glamping

Glamping, or glamorous camping, meaning camping minus the hassle and grunge, usually in preerected and well-appointed tents, is becoming a popular pursuit for city folk at beauty spots all over China — состоит из двух слов: glorious и camping — замечательный лагерь для автотуристов. The public news networks were also slow to pick up the story, providing grist for the conspiracy mills of populists — зерно для помола. And in the gritty north and east of the state, it has a lot of fed-up blue-collar workers and ex-workers, as Michigan does — смелый, твердый, выносливый. At present, Mr Chirac feels pretty downcast, even, some friends say, “groggy” — хмельной. But it is still far from clear which of them, if any, are being groomed by Mr Xi to replace him and Mr Li after the congress in 2022 — готовить к должности. Like his predecessors, Mr Trump grouches that America’s NATO allies are not paying their bill — брюзжать, ворчать. Mr Clinton groused about the 1960s and the rise of the conservative movement — ворчать. Big Three CEOs grovel for bailout — пресмыкаться, унижаться, раболепствовать. Friendship between China and Pakistan is grounded in arms sales, energy assistance — обучать основам предмета, знакомить с основами. If the advantages of action are infinite and drinking the happy nostrum of passive groupthink yields no fruit at all, why persist? — групповое мышление, конформизм. Mr Obama is “the groveller in chief”, says Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger — подхалим, льстец, лизоблюд. Not so long ago, many Muscovites lived in grotty communalki — безобразный; никуда негодный. Yet some analysts expect productivity growth to stall soon. Hardpressed workers are feeling grouchy — брюзгливый; ворчливый.


Часть II / guffaws

Obama’s problem hasn’t really been the hapless powerless Republicans, it has been a groundswell of opposition for Average working Americans — волна народной поддержки. Some grouse that Exim’s loan was accepted in preference to even cheaper money offered by the Asian Development Bank — ворчать. India’s booze industry is grubbier, and Mr Kripalu wants to clean it up — неряшливый, неопрятный. A murder, a grudge, deportations and what they say about Russia’s worrying political direction — недовольство; злоба; зависть. More grudgingly, they also understand his quandary in Afghanistana quandary — неохотно, нехотя, без желания. If life were fair, Citi’s bosses would each be given a Martini and a medal for years of gruelling work — ужасный, противный. Given that new graduates are the grunts of the professional-services industries — рядовой сотрудник, «сошка». Our reports this week from the front-lines of both wars suggest that the answer to that question should be a guarded yes — осторожный; предусмотрительный. The surplus of bachelors — called in China guanggun, or “bare branches” — голые ветви (китайский). One was found in the islands’ accumulated guano, which is rich in phosphates, nitrogen and potassium — помет морских птиц и летучих мышей. Decisions are a bunch of things, from hard data to really bad data to guesstimates to cynical political calculus and to best intentions — рассчитывать, оценивать приблизительно. The feelings of Americans are no way reflected, and this guff is not instructive — пустая болтовня. Manly guffaws and boos rippled around the auditorium — грубый хохот; гогот.


Часть II / guile

Some attribute this silence to spinelessness, others to tactical guile — обман; хитрость, коварство; вероломство. Evolution sceptics advance their cause under the guise of free inquiry — вид, видимость; личина. Decisions will stick in their gullets; the arrangement will stick in many Iraqi gullets — пищевод. Surely this was just the usual whitewash, they warned, cosmetic changes designed to arrest the eye of gullible foreigners — доверчивый, легковерный. One way to encourage them along the road to the financial guillotine would be through debt exchanges — гильотина. Сommentary published by China’s official news agency to celebrate the current sessions of that country’s toothless parliament and its gumless consultative body — беспомощный. Arab-Kurdish tension has been gumming up politics in Baghdad — склеивать, приклеивать. However, gummy regulations hold back commerce — клейкий; густой, тягучий. Please do add lawyers as an assault team to eradicate would be “nubie-gumshoe-intruders” with governmental — сыщик; детектив. He had the gumption to embrace reform — находчивость; сообразительность. He had been forced aboard at gunpoint and sold by a broker to the captain for $900 — заставлять кого-л. делать что-л. под угрозой применения оружия. Wnen it comes to repelling gunk, Teflon and car wax are among the best materials available — слизь. Nobody can accuse the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China’s central bank, of being gun-shy — пугающийся выстрелов.


Часть II / gyrations

Now an attempt is being made to revive the memory of a gunslinger who genuinely deserves a raising of the hat — стрелок, славящийся своим мастерством. Once gung-ho for military action, Britain’s elite has become more cautious — полный энтузиазма. He will be strapped on to a gurney and killed by lethal injection; he said from the gurney — каталка. The murder of six Sikhs at a gurdwara in Wisconsin by a white supremacist earlier this month brought calls to redress this balance — сикхский храм. Put onto it by a 66 year old woman (who looked 50) who gustily downed 2 pints of the 5.5% alcoholic brew — бурно; с порывами. You find hundreds of investors gushing about their plans to help the poor with new technology and make big profits while doing it — изливать чувства с преувеличенной экспансивностью. Such traits would make him very different from Mr Trump, who lives by the gut — жить инстинктами. Plenty in the Trump administration would love to gut it — разрушать, уничтожать. Derided not long ago, a gutsy parliament is now challenging the president — дерзкий; отчаянный, храбрый. In recent years many big drug companies have gutted their research departments — потрошить; опустошать (о пожаре). Short-term gyrations in commodity prices may do more damage than long-run trends — круговое движение.


Часть II / haberdasher

H This time it’s Ukraine and the world, as usual, has turned to the United States to assume its customary role as policeman and haberdasher — торговец предметами мужского туалета. Three fake nuns were arrested trying to smuggle six kilos of cocaine under their habits in Colombia — облачение, одеяние (одежда для специальных случаев). A war-time intelligence officer, brilliant prose stylist, habitué of country houses and high society — завсегдатай. Every gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is counter it with a splashy new announcement  — несговорчивый, неуступчивый. This man and his brother, who run Cuba as their own hacienda, are dictators and criminals — гасиенда (имение, плантация в Испании и Латинской Америке). Few words raise as many hackles in America as “bail-out”  — шерсть животных на загривке (которую они щетинят, когда испытывают чувство недовольства). He talks poetically about the five watery zones: “sunlit” means down to 200 metres; “twilit”, descending to 1,000; “midnight” to 4,000; “abyssal” to 6,000; and finally “hadal”, meaning the deepest trenches — пучинный (имеющий глубину более 6000 метров). Over hadiths, sayings about Muhammad’s life, there is flexibility; some can be weeded out as unsound or outdated — асар; хабар (предание о словах и действиях Пророка Мухаммеда). Indeed, the entire private sector is haemorrhaging workers — то, что вызывает убытки, потери. Voters in Israel give Kadima a surprise boost, but haggling over the next government must now begin — вздорить, пререкаться. 320

Часть II / hamlet

With all due respect, that seemed to be more in the vein of hagiography, not biography — агиография, жизнеописания святых. He begins with the haiku, that most economical of forms, for which “less is more, and more is better” — японская поэма из 17 слогов. That said, how does this Hail Mary pass compare to the other big Hail Mary of the season — «Аве Мария» (католическая молитва Богородице; в православной традиции — «Радуйся, благодатная!»). The whole barrel is spoiled and your sport has suddenly vanished in a hailstorm of disqualifications — ливень, гроза с градом. The first Russian to inquire about political asylum in Britain may have been Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who wrote to Queen Elizabeth I in 1570 asking whether she would take him in if things got too hairy in Moscow — страшный, опасный. But one constant would remain through all of this fuss about whether Marmite is vegetarian, or baked beans kosher or halal – халяльный. This is partly thanks to Alec Baldwin’s parody of the president as an irascible halfwit — слабоумный. There’s no place like home!” she hallooed, in a victory speech in which she slammed the Republicans — криком привлекать внимание. Ford is on a roll thanks to its improving product quality and the halo effect of having avoided bankruptcy — ореол святости и чуда. These are halcyon days in Silicon Valley and other hives of entrepreneurship around the world — безмятежный, спокойный, тихий. The party’s hallowed notion of “collective” leadership has been jettisoned — освященный, святой. Mr Kim has been sharply criticised for his ham-fisted reforms of the institution, prompting an unprecedented rebuke from its staff association — неуклюжий, неловкий. The Museum of Earth History, which opens in April 2005 in the quirky hamlet of Eureka Springs, Arkansas — деревня, деревушка, село.


Часть II / hammer

That is the message liberals need to hammer home — громить, наносить серьезное поражение. Mrs Clinton’s performance is so hammy as to annoy — напыщенный, неестественный. Why bother to negotiate with the Palestinians, some intelligence people may feel, when they can be constantly hamstrung by such trickery? — хромой. For anyone who grew up in poverty or in wartime, old clothes — cast-offs, hand-me-downs  — have unpleasant overtones  — вещь, передаваемая по наследству. Rick Perry, a former governor of Texas who may also run for president, dismissed the conspiracy theory out of hand  — наотрез; не раздумывая. Obama won evry income group handily — ловко, умело, проворно. Mr Obama has been the most hands-on foreign-policy president since Richard Nixon — практический; связанный с жизнью. The authoritarian leadership of Kazakhstan has long hankered after international recognition — очень хотеть, жаждать. Now Mr Anwar has been linked to more hanky-panky — мошенничество, обман, надувательство, проделки. Trump harangued Ford about plans to move production of its Lincoln sports-utility vehicles — разглагольствовать. No one harbours fantasies about the independence of the present NPC — испытывать, питать. Hardscrabble Baltimore finds that kindness brings its own rewards  — малоплодородный, достающийся с  трудом, изматывающий. An excellent opportunity for harping on American hypocrisy has gone unmarked — надоедливо твердить.


Часть II / hawed

Homer’s epic is not just composed of harridan wives and brave men — старая карга, ведьма. The hark back to an even more puritanical version of Islam — напоминать. One of this newspaper’s correspondents has yet to recover from two harrowing days spent in the company of a Microsoft “brand evangelist” — калечить; разрывать. Foreign and local critics who harp on about horrors are doing down a fragile country — надоедливо твердить о (чем-л.). “It’s a lot easier to be Santa than Scrooge,” harrumphs Jim Cooper; Amid the chaos, Thompson provides a solid anchor, occasionally harrumphing her disapproval but otherwise eerily — фыркать; хмыкать. Bengalis know that in Phalgun the dust flies like a harum-scarum boy down village lanes, and in Sraban the loud monsoon soaks the thatch — легкомысленный, несерьезный, опрометчивый. But love has a way of making a hash of plans, and these days she and her husband manage two full-time jobs and the care of their 18-month-old daughter — околесица, бессмысленная болтовня. Kenya’s social media adopted the Twitter hashtag “we are one” to identify news on the crisis — сайты в социальных сетях. Appreciation without humility smacks of the haughty cowboy mindset — заносчивый, надменный. Plain-clothes agents of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, as the religious police are known, patrol streets, parks and shopping centres, intervening to scold offenders, strike them with switches or haul them off to be disciplined by ordinary police — выждав, действовать внезапно и резко. The chargé d’affaires at China’s embassy in Jakarta was hauled in to receive a stiff protest — вызывать, заставлять ходить. Officials have hummed and hawed over how to honour Mr Peña’s campaign pledge to create a new federal gendarmerie — бормотать, произносить невнятные звуки. 323

Часть II / haymaker

Many Republicans are alarmed by Mr Trump’s latest haymaker against Mr Obama — сильный удар. A hayseed with a Midwestern twang, Carnegie arrived in New York in his 20s with the usual mix of big dreams and shallow pockets — деревенщина. Robert Shiller is no head-in-the-sand capitalist nor a highly paid Wall Street shill — страусиное поведение. Both take conservative stances on social issues (no to gay marriage and gun control, though Mr Sandoval is pro-choice on abortion), but neither is an intolerant headbanger — поклонник металлорока. Designing a sacred space that can cater to all faiths is a headscratcher for architects — загадка, головоломка. A new seven-point strategy to end the bloodshed in Syria was the headline-grabber from the G8 summit — лидер заголовков. Many of the headwinds that had held back growth for so long were abating — встречный ветер. Yet modern campaigners for comprehensive immigration reform tend to play on heartstrings — играть на чьих-л. чувствах. Launch them into space like human satellites, pound them flat to hearthrugs, hit them so hard they’d wonder where October and November went — коврик перед камином. The club is quiet and uncrowded, a rare luxury in this heaving, bustling city — прилив (эмоций, чувств). In part because of their heckling, Mr Cameron has little to offer by way of constructive suggestions — прерывать, забрасывать вопросами. The EU should not just hector China about universal values but encourage it to follow its own laws — дразнить; грубить. The hedgerow removal rules do not apply within the curtilage of a farmhouse — живая изгородь; сплошные придорожные посадки. 324

Часть II / hermetically

The hedonistic atmosphere of the times was responsible for the introduction not only of “Ho Bryan” and the other great wines of Bordeaux — жизнелюбивый; жаждущий наслаждений. In such a division it might seem natural to find America and Europe on the same side, even if such talk gives many Europeans the heebie-jeebies — мурашки по коже; нервная дрожь. And states with economic heft, such as California and New York, are formidable climate champions — вес, масса. Throwing the ball is considered a heinous cricketing crime — противный; ужасный. Gifts have been coming in, such as “It” bags from the big fashion houses or treasures from individuals seeking a home for family heirlooms — фамильные вещи. How the perfectly legal heists of a racehorse-trainer and former seminarian made him — грабеж, кража. The treasurer, Wayne Swan, promised the surplus three years ago, “come hell or high water” — что бы то ни было. They appear not to have agreed on how best to deal with the biggest threat to the country’s domestic security: militant Islamists hellbent on toppling the state — одержимый, настойчиво стремящийся (к чему-л.). Lapel badges of the great helmsman reeks of the bad old days — рулевой; кормчий. It was monotheistic, but its many recognised spirits were important messengers and helpmeets for the deity — помощница, товарищ. The enclave still feels politically and physically hemmed in — окружать. By the time a boat has sailed halfway round the world, hemlines may have risen an inch and its cargo will be as popular as geriatric haddock — кромка, край. Now the problem is how to set up an embassy in a country that wants to remain hermetically sealed — герметически, плотно. 325

Часть II / herring

A third red herring is the notion that public confession and contrition is something that Chinese, or East Asian, culture demands — отвлекающий маневр (неприятно пахнущая копченая сельдь была эффективным средством сбивать охотничьих собак со следа). Where slicker rivals chop, change and pander, the rumpled Mr Paul hews to his principles even when they are unpopular — строго следовать чему-л. Mr Blair sometimes seemed to see Britain’s global role as a bridge between American hard power and the more herbivorous soft power of the European Union — травоядный. Local hams, made from peanut-fed pigs and then hickory-smoked, first earned fame in colonial times — гикори (род североамериканского орешника). The 30-year-old unveiled a string of commitments to end the kingdom’s dependence on oil by 2030 which, in themselves, would be a remarkable achievement for a hidebound country — истощенный, бедный. The market for high-end pianos has been dominated for so long by the German- American Steinway brand — удовлетворяющий самым высоким требованиям. India has treated the neighbours, by turns, with negligence and high-handedness — своеволие, деспотизм. Macau’s spectacular growth was due not to mass tourism, as in Las Vegas, but to its success in attracting “high-rollers” — состоятельные люди. He came to the industry’s annual convention because he was tired of  “the hillbilly attitudes” of developers — деревенщина. The biggest threat to London’s future is its relationship with its hinterland — сельская глубинка. Fine human hairs do not seem to be performing any of the functions of their counterparts in more hirsute species — косматый, лохматый. When it comes to EU diplomacy Germany does not do histrionics — театральное представление, спектакль.


Часть II / hogtied

He was photographed histrionically throwing a tyre on a barricade outside a blocked oil depot — актерски; сценически. A technical hitch stays the executioner’s needle  — задержка, заминка. Hitching two mutual organisations together is even harder, and the BPCE group has other bits and pieces too  — подтягивать; прихрамывать; спотыкаться. The government is considering the possibility of hiving toxic assets into a bad bank — разделять, разукрупнять. The idea that anybody would want to hoard a currency that has lost 60% of its value in the past two months is absurd — копить, накоплять. Managers tend to make two hoary contradictory assumptions — древний; освященный веками. There was a sense that the city was descending into a Hobbesian hell — гоббсовский, относящийся к философскому учению Т. Гоббса, в состоянии «войны всех против всех». The airline check-in queues hobble along and the PA system is barely audible above the din — сковывать, затруднять движения. You can often read about wealthy Hong Kong people hob-nobbing with officials in the mainland Chinese government — дружить. Because a loan is secured by the piece in hock, risk is finite — долг, долги. Now a hodgepodge of militias, most of them Islamist, are readying to fight him there and in cities such as Derna and Benghazi — мешанина, смесь. An American eye-care firm, unveiled early this month, has been hogging the headlines — заграбастать, прибрать к рукам. Everywhere bad government is too slow and inflexible, hogtied by vested interests and red tape, or hijacked by ideological zealots — связанные по рукам и ногам.


Часть II / hog

Blame British imperialism, US imperialism — why not go whole hog and dire consequences for everybody else in the whole World! — делать (что-л.) основательно, доводить до конца. Then came the question of just how high on the hog — бродяжничать. This offers some hope that, as they perform the hokey-cokey over the euro zone — хоуки-коуки (веселый парный танец, популярный в 1940-е годы). The president serves up some hokum about how “the state of the union is strong” and America is a “shining city on a hill” — жульничество; ложь, неправда, обман. Aid-bags stamped with the stars-and-stripes are tolerated when turned into use as holdalls — портплед; вещевой мешок. The idea is to offer a “holistic system” for travel — единый, целостный. He is ready to unleash the Holocaust on them — истребление; бойня; резня. Men, women and children tore at their clothes in homage to Kim Jong Il, a man who for 17 years kept his people in a state of isolation — уважение; преклонение; благоговение. In the homestretch of the Illnois senator’s presidential race — финиш, финишная прямая. Regulators are homing in on new rules to rein in speculators — фокусировать внимание. Not as a grim Stalinist display but as a celebration of pure blood and homogeneity — однородность; единообразие. As a result, a lot of managerial talent emigrates. “Why be a honcho for Rossi and Son?” Mr Andrewasks  — глава, начальник, босс (термин применяется как по отношению к мужчине, так и по отношению к женщине; слово происходит от японского «hancho» — лидер.


Часть II / hoopla

Looking to hone their moneymaking skills while sitting out a downturn; they can more efficientlyhone in on those two or three ideas — точить, затачивать. The salary for the largely honorific president is to be more than halved — почетный. Honu, the hawks bill, the leatherback and the olive riddle  — виды торских черепах, обитающих у побережья Гавайских островов, некоторые из  них внесены в  список исчезающих и  охраняемых государством животных. Some of these producers rely on Heath Robinson lash-ups of their own devising to make their motoring equivalent of hooch — крепкий алкогольный напиток (особенно низкокачественный, продаваемый нелегально). They said the hoo-hah over his sacking of his diary secretary, allegedly to create a job for his mistress, was overblown — суета, шумиха. Europe is cheaper for tourists, but even there things get expensive (and require more hoop jumping) for long stay visas — “прыгать через обруч”, покорно, беспрекословно выполнять все требования. Mexican envy at the hoop-la surrounding Brazil, its Latin American rival, has reached a pitch to which only a psychoanalyst could do full justice — кутерьма, шумиха во время избирательной компании. Jeb Bush calls ‘W’ movie ‘Hooey’; a government takes the country into an unpopular war and its main reason for doing so turns out to be hooey — абсурд, ерунда, чушь. Now widely enough accepted in dark-matter circles that the putative particle responsible has, playfully, been dubbed the “hooperon” — бондарь, бочар. The white class was hoodwinked — обмануть, одурачить, провести. There was lots of hoopla, but there were no new, substantial remedies for the global slump — приемы и методы для поднятия энтузиазма во время избирательной кампании.


Часть II / hoots

She didn’t give two hoots what Mr Trump said about abortion — ни малейшего внимания. 20 bills are now sitting in the congressional hopper — ящик, урна, в которые опускаются предложения и т. п. для рассмотрения их законодательным органом. The former senator was one of nine Republican hopefuls participating in a televised debate — человек, подающий надежды. A place of caramel apples and cotton candy, secret forts, and hopscotch on the streets — классики (детская игра). Huckabee has never locked horns with this famous Democrat — бодаться рогами. That achievement earned him many honours for services to horology, but it was only the beginning of a long slog to get his idea accepted — измерение времени. Europe’s two largest low-cost carriers, Ryanair and EasyJet, were having an annus horribilis — ужасный год (латынь). Established in 1982 With 27 years experience in Leicestershire specialising in horticulture, landscaping garden design, paving, fencing, garden maintenance, ponds and water features — садовод. The European Union’s horse-trading over top jobs reflects murky coalition-building — махинация, нечестная сделка. We sing hosanna, hosanna to our breeding and our banner and we are cool — Осанна! (молитвенный возглас, заключающий в себе хвалу и благодарение Богу). For a host of personal and political reasons, this newspaper continues to regard the media tycoon as unfit for office — совокупность. An ambitious overhaul of India’s confusing hotch-potch of indirect taxes could give business a boost  — овощной суп или смесь, приготовленная на бараньем бульоне. By now politicians were hotfooting it back, to get a grip on a situation that had clearly spiralled out of control — идти быстро, спешить. 330

Часть II / hullabaloo

One feature of Mr Putin’s ascent to the presidency was that even his closest backers had little idea how he would behave. Some, including Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky, were hounded out of Russia — выжить. Her post-war life was devoted to housewifery, motherhood, and preserving the memory of Anne and her family for future generations — домашнее хозяйство; домоводство. The price of jet fuel has been hovering at its lowest point for six years — зависание; висение. Workers say that open-plan offices make it more difficult to concentrate, because the hubbub of human and electronic noise is so distracting — гам, гул. Rising China, declining Europe: a tale of hubris — спесь; высокомерие, надменность. This is hucksterism and haranguelogy at the same time — мелкий торговец овощей, фруктов. What a hell lot of “guests” today are raising hue and cry to fence Putin off the accusation of terrorism — какафония, оглушительный шум. Russia’s huffing & puffing over the Balts has proved empty; previous attempt by China and Taiwan to end their decades of official acrimony ended in a mutual huff — припадок; вспышка раздражения. In a huffy response, Singapore’s government noted America “allows… hate speech under the rubric of freedom of speech” — обиженный; раздраженный. If things go well, you may find yourself playing huffleboard on a cruise ship with some fellow geriatrics — палубный шаффлборд (вариант той же игры на палубе с палками и деревянными дисками). Other clients used to worry that the pair were still too huggermugger — беспорядок, неразбериха. A hullabaloo erupted anyway: Indiana’s House of Representatives was about to approve a “right to work” bill when the Democratic minority mimicked their Wisconsin colleagues and fled the state — гам, гвалт. 331

Часть II / hum

Hum along, Russians! — гудящий, жужжащий. It is archaeology that has broken up the hummocky ground — кочковатый. Organised criminals who have long trafficked drugs are diversifying into humdrum areas of commerce — банальный, неинтересный, скучный, однообразный. “Gift is humbug,” proclaims Gujarat’s opposition leader, Shankersinh Vaghela — oбман, жульничество; уловка; подлог. It takes a lot to make a humdinger of a National Enquirer exposé look mundane — отличная вещь, высший класс. Even though it is going to be a humongous bill, even though we will be in debt for years, I believe that more likely than not, I will vote for it — огромный, невероятный. Mr Serraj and his colleagues are hunkered down at a heavilyguarded naval base while talks continue — сидеть на корточках. Even Gerhard Schroeder, Germany’s chancellor, admits that not everything is hunky-dory — первоклассный, превосходный. The gleam of green and even the figure of Schubert’s hurdygurdy man, playing his heartbreaking tune for someone, anyone, in the snowy waste to hear — старинный струнный музыкальный инструмент. Obama has plainly jumped over most of the hurdles laid in front of him — барьер, препятствие. The euro zone hurtling into uncertainty and maybe towards a nasty end — двигаться с шумом; мчаться с грохотом. Ukrainian oligarchs want to husband what they have and to enhance its value — экономно расходовать; разумно использовать (что-л.). Another of Mr Huang’s materials is a natural bonding agent extracted from discarded rice husks — шелуха, скорлупа.


Часть II / hypotheticals

You can serve federal time for interstate transport of water hyacinths, trafficking in unlincences dentures, or misappropriating the likeness of Woodsy Owl  — гиацинт (минерал, разновидность циркона). “We’re the ones now under siege,” says the owner of Che Che, a hubbly-bubbly café in Ramallah — кальян. Critics struggled to grasp what he was up to, but he couldn’t have cared about their “receptions, deceptions, hellos, goodbyes, huzzahs, hurrahs” — возгласы «Ура!». The annual “hype cycle” chart from Gartner, a market research firm, tries to depict the degree to which certain technologies are exaggerated — активная реклама, пускание пыли в глаза. Among the most anticipated match-ups for 2013 are the talented and hyperkinetic chief curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo — гиперкинетический. The hyperbole is fast becoming reality; it seems absurdly hyperbolic — преувеличенный; гиперболический. Mr Erard says that true hyperpolyglottery begins at about 11 languages, and that while legends abound, tried and tested exemplars are few — сверхполиглотство. This week 14 hyperventilating patriots from China, Hong Kong and Macau steamed to the Senkakus, where Japan’s coastguard promptly arrested them — учащенно дышать. The breadth of his friendships is testament to Lawrence’s compulsive, almost hypnotic allure — гипнотическая личность. Forget the hypotheticals and look at the policies — предположительный, гипотетический.


Часть II / ice

I Companies dispense with rules and hierarchies in a bid to keep up with… they had been working late into the night, cut no ice with Mr Grove — не иметь влияния, не играть ни какой роли. That might hit the problem from both ends: oversupply, and give the buyers that icky feeling as they wonder what they’re really drinking — слезливый, мерзкий, противный. Mr Koizumi, ever the iconoclast, no doubt approves of that too; His iconoclasm, going against the grain, is both his strength and weakness — бунтарь, возмутитель спокойствия. His symptoms were chiefly auditory hallucination and paranoid ideation — способность к формированию и восприятию идей. Idolatry of food was wrong: unfair both to the ingredients and to God; They have also gone out of their way to attack ancient shrines, deeming them to be idolatrous — культ; обожание; поклонение. Most African slaves in Europe were not indentured for life — обусловленный договором сервитута. Every election throws up an identikit swing vote — комплект изображений черт лица, по которым составляют фоторобот (британская торговая марка). In jail he was mentor to a generation of jihadists and acquired a reputation as the world’s leading ideologue of holy war — идеолог. Russia’s political idiosyncrasies must give way to the imperative of economics; he learnt English, or at least developed an idiosyncratic version of it — отличительный, характерный, уникальный. Iffy borrowers; the situation is far too iffy for any predictions — слишком неопределенный.


Часть II / immemorial

The original idea behind Igloo Vision, based in Craven Arms, Shropshire, was to project 360-degree images inside geodesic domes — иглу (куполообразное жилище канадских эскимосов, сложенное из снежных блоков). People can now live far from the madding crowd and yet remain abreast of its ignoble strife — низкий, подлый. The loud-mouthed ignoramus was brought fully into the mainstream by Rove’s 50% + 1 politics — невежда, неуч, профан. To emerge from the Viernam and the ignominy of Watergate; the Afghan war may yet end in an ignominious retreat — бесчестный, постыдный. The man is a narcissistic sociopath, full of his own righteousness, and filled with the hate-America prejudgments of his ilk — и другие того же рода. In Tokyo’s illustriously educated cadre of senior civil servants — знаменитый; известный. Peacemaking outsiders viewed the action as the illest of omens — наихудшее из всех. What they had in common was not their incomes, but their unwillingness to be treated as imbeciles by their government — идиот; умственно отсталый. They found someone simply holding an alcoholic drink is perceived as less intelligent, something the academics term the “imbibing idiot bias”; he imbibed his ideas from — пить; употреблять алкоголь. He wasaccused of making the Israeli-Palestinian imbroglio worse; A good public imbroglio fortifies the constitution — путаница; щекотливая ситуация. Yet he imbues his descriptions with a bleak awareness — насыщать. Behavioural research since time immemorial shows that teenagers are prone to doing ridiculously ill-advised things  — давний, незапамятный, древний.


Часть II / immolations

Hundreds of Tibetans from areas outside the Tibet Autonomous Region were expelled from the city in the wake of the two immolations — жертвоприношение. Sihanouk, now immured in his palace under house arrest, became a symbol again — замурованный. Traditional attitudes towards the sea, as something immutable and distant to humanity, are hugely out of date — непреложный, постоянный. The commission’s opponents, its actions look like imp — бесенок, чертенок. Relief for New York’s impecunious nicotine junkies is, however, at hand — бедствующий, нуждающийся. Much like him, Mr Lee believes politicians are impediments to his country’s progress — помеха, преграда, препятствие. This “marriage squeeze” impels women to try to marry before they turn 27 — принуждать, стимулировать. Mr Trump’s stand-off with Mr Xi could have imperilled that approach — подвергать опасности. Both men are prickly, imperious and prone to spreading conspiracy theories — властный, повелительный. Congress is impervious to the power of special interests  — неотзывчивый; невосприимчивый, глухой (к чему-л.). What if Israel does launch an impetuous attack, in defiance of Mr Obama’s plea for time — стремительный, порывистый. That tin ear — Obama, an impenitent president — закоренелый, неисправимый. It was widely reported in Brazil that our impertinence had the effect of making the finance minister unsackable — нахальство; неуважение. Britain has signed some 700 international treaties that impinge on sovereignty; Mr Trump’s willingness to take and abruptly abandon 336

Часть II / imprimatur

radical positions, like the clubhouse commander-in-chief he resembles in all ways except one will still impinge on American foreign policy — вторгаться (куда-л.); покушаться, посягать. Britain has signed some 700 international treaties that impinge on sovereignty — вторгаться (куда-л.); покушаться, посягать. Several conservative pundits who had been implacably opposed to anything that smacked of lenience towards illegal immigrants are suddenly declaring themselves untroubled by the idea — неумолимый, непреклонный. Mr Saeedi has borne the brunt of the anger, but the challenge to the supreme leader is implicit — не выраженный явно, скрытый. The plot was wildly implausible: Mr Jordan and Mr Bunny beat a team of evil aliens at basketball, thus saving everyone from having to work at an alien theme park called Moron Mountain  — невероятный. Then there is the other imponderable — the Arabs have never accepted a Jewish State — что-л. не поддающееся учету, точной оценке или определению. As in 1978, it will be months or even years before the full import of the plenum becomes clear — смысл, суть, сущность. Mr Straw said he had successfully importuned the European Commission and Ukrainian government — домогаться; надоедать. Egypt, which has its own grievances with Gaza’s Islamist masters, impounded the last lot — скрывать; препятствовать распространению. A corporation’s intent to commit a “heinous crime” cannot be imputed to shareholders — приписывать (что-л. кому-л), объяснять. Belarusians who gathered in the snows of Minsk for an impromptu rally earlier this month waved improvised flags — экспромт; импровизация. Giving the imprimatur of the state to global companies is also fraught with risks — санкция, официальное разрешение.


Часть II / impropriety

Whoever it is must impress on her and her entourage that in politics, the appearance of impropriety can cause as much harm as impropriety itself — неуместность. Allies impugn Mr. Rafsanjani’sintegrity — оспаривать, опровергать; ставить под сомнение. Impunity time started a while ago with some leader of the opposition rushing to the Strasbourg in order to receive a certificate of immunity — безнаказанность. How Britain turned the ruins of its empire into a mighty entertainment imperium — абсолютная, верховная власть. He is unaccustomed to impudent displays of mass dissent, which the election on July 28th represents, rigged or not  — дерзкий; бесстыдный. In the competition for most inauspicious introduction to finance, Terrence Duffy, the executive chairman of CME Group, must surely be the winner — зловещий; предвещающий дурное. Stan Lee, who inadvertently shaped contemporary film, is now trying to do so on purpose — по невнимательности, по оплошности, по неосмотрительности. The reason for this general spread of inanity may be found in a diet composed entirely of newspapers, politics, beer and Wagner’s music — пустота. Such inbetweeners tend to find partisanship on the airwaves and in Congress repellent, strengthening their convictions further  — колеблющиеся. The only one inbred here seems to be you, if stereotypes of an inbred population in the backwoods, hating and attacking everyone — прирожденный; заложенный от природы. When the cabinet of Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, approved a bill last week to allow for the emperor’s abdication — just this once, mind you — Japanese ultranationalists were incandescent — накаленный до бела.


Часть II / incrementalism

Many speakers, denoting piety or loyalty to political Islam, prefaced their remarks with incantations of reverence for the Prophet Muhammad — колдовство, волшебство; чары. Incarceration rate for black Amerricans exceeds that in the Soviet Union at the peak of the Gulag — заключение в тюрьму. For a country that is often cast as evil incarnate when it comes to the environment — воплощенный; настоящий, истинный. It has just allowed politicians to take advantage of the “elastic” currency to incessantly increase spending — постоянно, бесконечно. He deplores the incestuous narrowing of the gene pool that modern pedigree breeders have brought about — кровосмесительный. Regulatory costs make it very difficult to earn much cash from exporting cheap incidentals, such as crocodile teeth — случайность; случайное обстоятельство. Drivers spent hours inching along streets — двигаться медленно. So incipient signs of a return to clearer policy in the past few weeks are welcome — зарождающийся; исходный, начальный. A new fiscal incontinence is aggravating these problems — несдержанность; отсутствие самоконтроля. In the 2010s hearing him stir crowds with praise for Europe and openness seems both brave and incongruous — неподходящий, неуместный. It’s incongruity and disproportionality that invoke our sense of wrongness — несовместимость, несочетаемость, несоответствие. No one feels too sorry for these sea-green incorruptibles — неподкупный. Senator Ron Wyden, a bipartisan-minded Democrat, says incrementalism cannot work; politicians are by instinct incrementalists — градуализм (стратегия постепенности в  осуществлении реформ, в достижении желаемых результатов).


Часть II / inculcate

They feared he would inculcate ideas of true independence — внушать. He is incurious to the point of doltishness — безразличный, невнимательный. Many of the people of Zanzibar, however, sincerely believe in Popobawa, an incubus who supposedly rapes men who doubt his existence — инкуб (дьявол в образе мужчины; нападает на женщин во сне и совокупляется с ними). In the presidential election in March most south-easterners voted for the incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan, who comes from their region — занимающий пост, должность. For the first time, there is no ruling party with the advantages of incumbency and state resources in contention — официальная должность (обычно в церкви или политической структуре). The rulers sound cocky as an inchoate opposition ponders its next move; Mr Pak’s visit now will add to recent worries about Myanmar’s inchoate nuclear programme — только что начатый, зарождающийся. The suspect can be held incommunicado without trial for 18 months — лишенный общения с людьми, отрезанный от внешнего мира. They were afraid he would inculcate ideas of true independence as well as accountability into a nascent class of patriotic Persian leaders — прививать, внушать, вселять. Their abuser, though inculpated by the church, was never reported to the police — обвинять; порицать, инкриминировать, ставить в вину. When inclement weather strikes Washington DC, there is a paid day (or  days) off for “non-essential Federal Employees”  — суровый (о климате, погоде; чаще о холодной погоде, чем о сухой или жаркой). “Bunnies” (1966) reproduces a hugely enlarged photograph of Playboy hostesses in grainy dots that blur the image almost to the point of indecipherability — недешифруемость. 340

Часть II / indigent

Even before the instability there were worries about whether the succession would be smooth, given the often indecorous behaviour of the crown prince — неблагопристойный, предосудительный. His indefatigable energy served as a tonic to an institution that had been in the doldrums for some time — неутомимый, упорный. The Rugby World Cup of 2007 will be remembered as the time when the map of world rugby changed indelibly  — незабываемый, неизгладимый. Malaysia’s Indians, many of whom trace their roots to indentured labourers shipped to the peninsula three or four generations ago — связывать договором. A key is still, basically, a piece of metal sporting a series of grooves, teeth and indentations which, when inserted into a keyway, line up to move pins and levers to lock or unlock a mechanism  — вмятина, вдавливание. Up for possession of drugs, he was deemed indigent, and the city’s public defender was appointed to represent him — нуждающийся, нищий. The letters are frank about the indignities of getting old, from hearing aids to cataract operations — оскорбление; унижение. Yet not just on the Korean peninsula but across Asia, America remains the indispensable power, a linchpin for regional stability — незаменимый. Of the new inducements, trade deals called Economic Partnership Agreements are the ones Europe thinks will help Africa most  — побуждающий мотив; стимул. Britons like to think of themselves as gamely indomitable  — неукротимый; неудержимый. He has become something of a martyr for indigenous rights activists — аборигенный, туземный. Brazilian doctors while the managemant of public health care is indigent — бедствующий, нуждающийся, нищий. 341

Часть II / individuation

Far from liberating employees or leading to greater ‘individuation’ at personal levels, IT appears to be shoring up family structures — индивидуация (возникновение в заимозависимых функциональных единиц при формировании колоний). A bad defeat for David Cameron illustrates his party’s indiscipline — недисциплинированность. If it becomes law, however, it could give indie directors, who are suffering from the general squeeze in the industry, a promising new avenue for getting their films made — направление в альтернативной рокмузыке. Bill Novelli, a former boss of the AARP, America’s indomitable grey-power lobby, delivered a powerful counterblast to such pessimism — несдержанный, необузданный. Christopher Columbus has such an ineluctable presence in history that — неизбежный, неминуемый, неотвратимый. Corruption and ineptitude are bipartisan  — неспособность, неумелость, неумение to demonstrate / display ineptitude — проявлять неспособность. The glue that underpins such faith is the principle of Biblical inerrancy — безукоризненность, безупречность. It slipped into an inexorable process of decline — неумолимый, непреклонный. Obama is inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity — опьянять; спаивать. The grousing turned to malicious laughter as “Governor Blanco’s Road Home Programme” became a synonym for official ineptitude — непригодность, неспособность. You and your cohorts are the ones without facts or sense and picking out isolated and infinitesimally meaningful examples of stupidity — инфинитезимально, бесконечно близкий. Well, like the ingénue in a corny movie, there I was: the patient and long overlooked understudy — инженю (актерское амплуа). 342

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Часть II / inquorate

This creates a porous material, titanium sponge, which is crushed and melted in a vacuum furnace to yield titanium ingots  — слиток, болванка; чушка. Sudan’s rulers have been trying anew to ingratiate themselves with the West and with governments farther afield on a range of issues — обхаживать (кого-л.) в корыстных целях; втираться (кому-л.) в доверие. Ms Harries lightens her account with humorous anecdotes, injokes, even a touch of slapstick — шутка в своем узком кругу. This action of secrecy leads others to suspect iniquitous behavior — крайне несправедливый; чудовищный. In 2007 the summer weather was particularly inimical to the persistence of ice — враждебный, недружелюбный. The point of this study is to understand better how seals hunt fish in the inky depths of the ocean — цвета чернил, черный, темно-синий. It doesn’t matter if the brand on the casing says Apple, Nokia or Samsung: the innards are stuffed with Japanese wares — внутренности, внутренние органы. Mr Everett has taken a shot across the innatists’ bow, and an impressively modest and reasoned one given that Mr Chomsky once called him a charlatan — иннатизм (разум наделен идеями при рождении). There’s no reason to be so cynical when the innocuous explanation is more plausible — безвредный; безобидный. They seem hard pressed to come up with anything tangible so far, except for mere innuendo — косвенный намек; инсинуация. France’s two-round system inoculates against extremist parties like her National Front — сделать прививку. Regulations would not inoculate the world against crisis — сделать прививку. The two main opposition parties then walked out of the Senate, leaving it inquorate — неспособность решать эффективно. 343

Часть II / inrush

It would come before the summer inrush of migrants to Europe — прорыв; натиск. Having a chip that instantiates the idea in hardware gets around that — иллюстрировать примером. Europe and an inscrutable China; He developed an insatiablehunger — ненасытный; жадный, алчный. When they demurred, he mocked them. He knew that corpses are insensate matter, nothing more — неодушевленный. We might recall former Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew coining the phrase ‘Insidious Western Media’ — хитрый, коварный; действующий тайно. The French have cast aside the insipid and the showy, the sanguine and the sombre, old-timers on the left and the right — скучный, неинтересный. She had always hiked the mountains as a respite from order forms and insoles at the Bee Bee shoe company — стелька. The favourite New Tory euphemism for insouciant dismissal of serious allegations — беззаботный. Mr Powell’s insouciance is probably also designed to distract attention from America’s lack of real options — беззаботность; безмятежность. Both lead extraordinary, well travelled lives, and they pass each other on instinctual breeding runs that end in death — интуитивный, подсознательный. How China reacts to this meeting may be instructive — поучительный. Combinations of fissiparous diversity and fierce patriotism, insularity and messianic sense of destiny  — островное положение, замкнутость, сдержанность. The overall impression, however, is that this is the camaraderie of a beleaguered troop fighting a noble battle against insuperable odds — неодолимый, непреодолимый.


Часть II / intraday

They are inset with ancient cameos and intaglios, precious and semiprecious stones and enamel; they are inset with ancient cameos and intaglios, precious and semi-precious stones and enamels — глубокая печать. Such intangibles as software, services and content — неосязаемая собственность. Such efforts demonstrate how to interleave careers and learning — чередовать(ся); перемежать(ся). They needn’t even be ennobled, as interlopers have hitherto been — облагораживать. Such intermingling became less common after the great mutiny of 1857 — смешиваться, перемешиваться. One of their concerns was to prevent are currence of Europe’s internecine wars — междоусобный; внутренний (о конфликте внутри группы, организации). In 1500 when a group of sailors landed and claimed the territory for their king, were coming to the conclusion that their new neighbours made unreliable allies in intertribal wars — межплеменной. Now that the Medvedev interregnum is over, the mood has shifted back to a state-capitalist model — междуцарствие. Ms Marshall intersperses chapters about Bishop with chapters of memoir — раскидывать, усеивать. Cambodian and Thai troops have intermittently clashed over a disputed border temple; It was broadcast intermittently — периодически; с перерывами, время от времени. This interstellar ichthyoid neatly disposed of a problem all science-fiction authors have: how to let alien species talk to one another — межзвездный. Why network neutrality is such an intractable problem — and how to solve it — нелегко поддающийся решению. The Athens stockmarket crashed by more than 10% in intraday trading — происшедший за один день, суточный. 345

Часть II / intransigence

These days, pragmatism has given way to dogmatic intransigence; One excuse for such intransigence comes from the messy transition now taking place in the insurance markets — непримиримость, бескомпромиссность. Old problems, such as Iran, can rapidly force themselves back to the top of the president’s in-tray; it is easy to see why Europe’s refugee problem might not be at the top of Turkey’s in-tray — лоток, подставка для поступающих бумаг. Though Angola wants to woo foreign investors, everything seems contrived to deter all but the most intrepid and patient — неустрашимый, отважный. The most intricate ever organised came to an end in America — сложный, замысловатый. There are few more divisive subjects in business theory than the relative merits of “intrinsic” versus “extrinsic” rewards — важный, значительный, существенный. Yet a fifth of patients who die in the country’s hospitals have been intubated — вводить трубку в полый орган. Russians became inured to terrorism; people are inured to their pleasures — приучать к (чему-л.); тренировать. Anger rises as fast as the water across inundated northern cities — затоплять, наводнять. Nearby, in the shade of a towering neem tree, protesters with banners and flags listen as a speaker inveighs against graft — поносить, оскорблять, ругать. Hitler was not only an avid reader but also an inveterate underliner; if Mr Trump, an inveterate conspiracy theorist, was peddling inflammatory nonsense about his predecessor and America’s intelligence agencies, that would also be serious — застарелый; закоренелый. He found himself in this invidious position after (and indeed before) a speech he gave at the Liberal Democrat party conference — вызывающий враждебное чувство, зависть.


Часть II / irresolvable

They encountered anti-Clinton invective all over the place — обличительная речь; выпад; инвектива. Council of Ministers headed by the president, who is appointed by the king but must win an investiture vote in parliament — инвеститура, формальное введение в должность. Morocco’s constitution holds the person of the king, also known as Commander of the Faithful, to be sacred and inviolate — нетронутый. Suffocated by an irascible government, the country’s newspapers are now the least informative in east Africa; Belarus irascible president — вспыльчивый, несдержанный, раздражительный. It might be that none of them won him as many swing votes as the onslaught he endured at the hands of irate trade unions on January 17th — гневный, разгневанный, взбешенный. Yuschenko has drawn Russia’s ire — гнев, ярость. With his heavy jowls and hooded eyelids, Mr Howe cut an irenic, gentle, even slightly unfortunate figure — мирный, миролюбивый. Later he fought communism with the ironclad conservatism of the Washington Times — жесткий, твердый. But it was the job of Roberto Azevêdo, the WTO’s director-general, to iron out such differences between members — улаживать. An irredeemable mess and irreconcilable rivalry — безнадежный, безысходный, неисправимый, непоправимый; irredeemable mistake — фатальная ошибка. The orange revolutionin 2004–05 was not just about backing democracy; it was also about checking Russian irredentism — член партии ирредентистов (итальянское политическое и общественное движение конца XIX  — начала XX в., ратующее за  присоединение к  Италии земель с  итальянским населением, находящихся под контролем Австро-Венгрии). By rushing to press in January it has missed the salient fact that BP now faces another seemingly irresolvable mess, this time in Russia — неразрешимый; не поддающийся анализу. 347

Часть II / Irreverent

Irreverent social media, including Facebook and YouTube, are fizzing through the ether — непочтительный, неуважительный. Since their irruption half a year ago, Occupy Wall Street and its ilk have created a new political slogan — набег, нашествие. Drivers taking their attention off the road to glare at their opponent and issue him (more rarely her) with a menacing five-finger salute known as a waka — издавать; пускать в обращение. The canal intended to pierce the Isthmus of Panama is in many respects a bolder enterprise — перешеек. This iteration is less elegiac, but it is probably too late — повторение, повтор. HSBC believes its itinerance explains its survival. Countries and regimes come and go — группа должностных лиц, совершающих объезд территории. Defended by legalistic quibbling, greatly angered an itinerant preacher in Palestine two millennia ago; Parrot is an itinerant English printer; Armies of itinerant nannies — должностное лицо, объезжающее свой округ (судья, священник); переезжающий с места на место.

J The three candidates spend their days dealing sharp jabs — a recent low point followed a mass shooting at an abortion clinic in Colorado, blamed on an unstable man whose hatreds reportedly include Barack Obama — толчок; пинок. She will not win the presidency, but she has shed the jackbooted imagery of her father, Jean-Marie, who shamed France by getting into the run-off against Jacques Chirac in 2002 — оказывать давление, оказывать грубый нажим. 348

Часть II / jeers

Did any discernable foreign policy theory come out of President Barack Obama’s European jag? — приступ неконтролируемых эмоций. From demented jailbird to president-in-waiting: Asif Zardari’s metamorphosis — арестант, закоренелый преступник. What Ronald Reagan called “that old jalopy of our tax system” — полуразвалившийся ветхий автомобиль или самолет, драндулет. A green jamboree in Indonesia will not achieve anything tangible, but it matters — веселье; пирушка, празднество. In recent months Mr Trump has set nerves jangling among conservative supporters — играть на нервах. What schoolboy could resist boasting of such a jape — злая шутка, розыгрыш. The Economist seems increasingly to prefer actively to write in a way destined consistently to irritate and jar; presumably, so as clearly to demonstrate its commitment consistently to avoid splitting the infinitive — спорить, ссориться. The reference to a “bluebird” is as jarring in Japanese as it is in English — неприятный на слух. And they provide their senior managers and leading investors with “wealth and luxury” that would have impressed even the most jaundiced Roman — завистливый. Before a javelin has been thrown or a hurdle cleared, a government-sponsored conference for would-be investors will be completed at Lancaster House — метательное копье, дротик. Don’t anticipate anything game-changing or jaw-dropping here — поразительный, удивительный, невероятный. A jeepney ride through the capital’s snarled streets offers time to reflect on the shortage of political commitment to the public good — самые популярные средства общественного транспорта на Филлипинах. Depending on the year and the neighbourhood, he was greeted by cheers or jeers — язвительное замечание, колкость. 349

Часть II / jejune

It was as juvenile as the rest of the jejune copy inside — скудный, тощий. Jeremiad rhetoric is just a righteous punishment for misdeeds — жалобы, сетования, плач. This sort of knee-jerk behaviour is quite common during election campaigns, when ultra-quick reactions are at a premium — предсказуемый рефлекс. These date back to the complex architecture of euro-zone bailouts, jerry-built in haste in 2010 — сделанный на скорую руку, кое-как. A former spymaster, Rafi Eitan, even suggested half in jest that a rival service may have framed the Israelis — острота, шутка; idle jest — глупая шутка, комичная ситуация; курьез. Japan’s prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, should jettison his Svengali — выбрасывание груза за борт во время бедствия. Mr Brown is not fond of jetting around the world, but he is a frequent visitor to the United States — путешествовать на реактивном самолете. To produce all the flotsam and jetsam one could ever wish — ненужные остатки; обрезки; обрывки; осколки. A former jet-set resort is under water — элита (те, кто летает на собственных самолетах), богатые путешественники. From the Labour ranks come tired jibes about Conservative policies — an insulting or mocking remark — насмешки, издевки. But there are millions of Americans who do not like the cut of his jib — внешность. Speaking in the House of Lords in July 2005, he railed against “statistical jiggery-pokery” and “selective surveys” — абсурд, вздор. The jilted Germans called on GM to put up at least 50% of the money required — бросать (супруга, партнера). He loved France to the point of jingoism — ура-патриотизм, шовинизм. 350

Часть II / judgeships

The jingoistic mood may have added to the pressure on Canadian athletes — шовинистический, ура-патриотический. Chinese flyers feared it was jinxed: sales in China, a crucial market, fell by 60% immediately after the first crash — проклятие, заклятие. Shkval torpedoes give Western Naviesthe jitters; the dollar’s jitters; It left the market jittery — пугливый; неспокойный. It has dethroned them as the centre of the universe, by showing that mankind is a Johnny-come-lately — новичок, опоздавший. Politicians and right wing shock jocks raving on about how to conduct a difficult and sensitive task, in which they have no experience at all — радиошоу, представляющие разные точки зрения в преднамеренно провокационной манере. The young Petty showed an early interest in clockmaking and joinery but did not enter either trade — плотницкая, столярная мастерская. In the optimistic view, Barack Obama has given a jolt of energy to the Copenhagen climate talks — удар. But not even Mr McCain could resist joshing about Mr Romney’s “landslide victory” the night before — посмеиваться, подтрунивать над кем-л. One exuberant crew let off strings of firecrackers and threw joss paper up in the air as their vessel steamed out of the harbor — китайское скульптурное изображение божества. South Africa jostles with Nigeria for continental leadership — толкать, пихать. That he worked at a different newspaper bothered her not a jot — йота; ничтожное количество. The book’s tone is refreshing, although its occasional passages of lazy journalese can be jarring — газетный язык, газетные штампы. Even to many furious Republicans, who hold judgeships dear — судейская должность; обязанности судьи, функции судьи. 351

Часть II / juddered

Then there is the question of where Spain can turn for growth, now that its construction adventure has juddered to a halt — дрожать, колебаться. In that case, the torry Juggernaut might roar through London, too — с заглавной буквы Джаггернаут (одно из имен Кришны, восьмого воплощения бога Вишну), идея, которой слепо поклоняются, иногда с трагическими последствиями. The white-collar executive, who spent his days juggling meetings and managing bureaucracy — делать (несколько дел) одновременно, совмещать. SpaceX has gone for the jugular — самое уязвимое место; to have an instinct for the jugular — уметь бить по слабому месту; быть кровожадным. With half of America’s big firms experiencing shrinking profits, the urge to juice the numbers may be rising — вдохновлять, подбадривать. Stop the Saudis from playing the jukebox and the rest of us dancing to the tune — музыкальный автомат (в баре, танцевальном зале). President Hamid Karzai, the country’s political elite and a jumble of Western diplomats packed a podium to review the troops — путаница; сумятица. There is no reason for them to jump the gun and bomb Israel to smithereens — начинать слишком рано. Mr Erdogan’s government encouraged tens of thousands of foreign fighters to use Turkey as a jumping-off point to enter Syria — трамплин, отправной пункт. America is jumpy about the falling-out of its two biggest allies in the region — неспокойный, несдержанный. At least several hundred mile-junkies discovered that a free shipping offer on presidential and Native American $1 coins — наркоман. Mainland businessmen and Communist Party officials, organised by intrepid junket operators, have poured in — поездка “на халяву”.


Часть II / keel

Such handouts have helped to keep the hard-up candidates in the running at crucial junctures — сложное стечение обстоятельств. A pair of boats are anchored just past the edge of a dock that juts out from Cité Soleil, a vast slum in Haiti’s capital — выпирать, выступать.

K Appalled readers frequently tell Mrs Martin about conservative relations who, in lieu of a gift, explain that they have made a donation in their name, then reveal — kaboom! — that the beneficiary is the National Rifle Association — звук громкого взрыва. Why do we call things “kabuki” when we mean to say that they are fake? — традиционная японская драма, в которой участвуют только актеры мужчины. She’s on her way to OSMA, realizing that her good friend who had desired a little kaffeeklatsch — From German, from Kaffee “coffee” + Klatsch “gossip” — легкая беседа за чашкой кофе. In this Kafkaesque age everything is stood on its head — в угнетенном и подавленном стиле Франца Кафки. Fatwas against fellow muslims and other minorities and declaring them as kaffir and worth killing is common from sunni religious leaders — неверный. The Obama administration, in a rare display of toughness, has tried to browbeat Japan’s new government into submission, giving the impression in a country long fearful of “karaoke diplomacy” — дипломатия караоке. Your claim that Austria is protectionist and that foreign investors are badly treated is off keel — неуместно.


Часть II / keeled

Three of its banks, with assets worth 14 times GDP, keeled over within a week — переворачиваться килем вверх. A bit Darwinian for my tastes, but I’m here with a wild hair up my keister, so it’s better than the alternatives for me — задница. This is beyond the ken of most users — кругозор, предел познаний, круг знаний. Their rush led to a flourishing kerb market on the street outside the Dhaka stock exchange — бордюр. The family is the kernel of Saudi society,” according to the kingdom’s Basic Law — суть, сущность, ядро. Marketing men reckon the kerfuffle over Barack Obama’s beloved BlackBerry has been worth something like $50m; It is terribly worrying that people are using the kerfuffle over a few emails to delay action on climate change even more — суета; суматоха. Officers try to to contain public disorder with tactics such as kettling, whereby demonstrators are confined to a small area — образование полицией кордонов для сдерживания толпы. Others have noticed that religious kibbutzim in Israel are thriving, whereas secular socialist ones are in decline — сельскохозяйственная коммуна в Израиле. The government puts the kibosh on a bid for PotashCorp; Yet deferring a decision on tax cuts is as good as kiboshing them — остановка, задержка. While most physical education teachers feel comfortable overseeing a football kickabout, cricket requires them to impart more technical skills — валяться. One observer likened their exchanges to the brawling of “Kilkenny cats” — драться так, что только пух и перья летят. The king’s defiance of this view seemed to augur a break from decades of deference by the ruling Al Saud dynasty to killjoy puritans — человек, отравляющий другим удовольствие; брюзга.


Часть II / knack

Slaves, driven many of India’s “modern slaves” labour in appalling conditions in brick kilns or breaking stones in quarries — печь для обжига и сушки. Mr Becker argued that immigration was out of kilter because of the absence of a price that would match supply and demand — в исправности; в полном порядке. One reason may be that firms are still trying to work around kinks in Swiss tax laws — ненормальность; заскок. China must “resolutely resist” vulgar, cheap and kitsch forms of culture — кич (художественный стиль, повсеместно достигший расцвета в эпоху массовой культуры и оказавший заметное влияние на художественную практику и дизайн XX в.). Most of all these guys can still smuggle out their kith and kin to western luxary saying they are threaten in Sri Lanka — друзья, знакомые, соседи. A successful piece of astronomical kit looks dead — набор, комплект. While the innards of a useful CubeSat could require just a few thousand dollars to kit out — обеспечивать. The kitty is empty, and his proposed package of emergency taxraising measures has backfired — в банке. All three should have set off a deafening klaxon in his cab, which would have triggered automatic braking — клаксон. Boko Haram is, first and foremost, a product of Nigeria’s broken and kleptocratic politics which now risks destabilising neighbouring states — относящийся к клептократии. An engineer’s desire to replace biology’s unruly heritage — kludge built on kludge for billions of years — with something designed to be fit for a physicist’s practical purpose — клудж (устройство, программа или часть программы, которые теоретически не должны работать, но почему-то работают). She has a knack for putting herself into other people’s shoes with empathy and skill — ловкость; умение. 355

Часть II / knackered

This whole plantation’s completely knackered — измотанный, выжатый как лимон. As soon as he collapses on the job he is carted off to the knacker’s yard to be turned into glue and bonemeal — живодерня. The cowardly whelps have not the courage otherwise to defend what they get by their knavery — жульничество, плутовство. That was only the latest in a series of measures to kneecap the assembly after the opposition won elections in 2015 — прострелить колено с целью наказания. It knows that to scrap that promise would be the death knell for Hong Kong as a global financial hub — дурное предзнаменование; предвестие конца. Lace and frills on knickers were shunned to save material in wartime; drawers drooped under rubber rationing — бриджи. When knifing his predecessor, Tony Abbott, as leader of the Liberal Party and prime minister, Mr Turnbull has mainly himself to blame — нанести предательский удар кандидату своей партии (голосуя на выборах за его противника). Because inflation neatly cleaves several knotty problems in cosmology, many astrophysicists (though not all) subscribe to the theory — трудный, запутанный. A thicket of entangled benefits has sprung up, compared by some to Japanese knotweed — горец, гречишка. One of Google’s current chefs is Josef Desimone, who is admired chiefly for the kombucha tea that he ferments from scratch — пищевая добавка из дрожжей и бактерий («чайный гриб в банке»). Across the country there aren’t a few people willing to put their kookiness into action; far from being a kooky outsider — помешанный; свихнувшийся. One of those Andy-Rooney-like kooks complaining and reminiscing about the time when MTV used to show music videos — профан, неумеха. 356

Часть II / kyboshed

Such slogans would not be kosher today — правильный; разрешенный. India… well, it’s just too proud even for a purely symbolic kowtow to China — низко кланяться, касаясь головой земли. Each of the roughly 2,700 members of his krewe throws an average of 2,500 strands of beads at the festival — команда по подготовке парада Марди Гра. Satirists toss some kryptonite at Obama — в фантастических рассказах неземной минерал, который лишает Супермена его волшебных сил. In Japan there is no kudos in going to jail for your art — похвала; награда. It’s not a “kumbaya” relationship — религиозный гимн Южной Каролины. He now wore a humble kurta and lungi over his bony hips and he had been plump in the old days — бесцветная рубашка, которую носят в Индии. So it’s rather easy for an American in this case to kvetch about the pointless myopia of insisting on fairness — постоянно жаловаться. Symptoms normally manifest themselves in one of two ways, known as marasmus and kwashiorkor  — квашиоркор, детская пеллагра. Treaties were kyboshed — Belgium Put the Kybosh on the Kaiser (end, death cap) — предотвратить что-то.


Часть II / labyrinthine

L A labyrinthine legal landscape is making it harder than ever for corporate America to stay on the right side of the law — запутанный, трудный для понимания. The Republican front-runner invited a lachrymose former Miss Wisconsin and his wife, Melania, to read out praise poem  — сентиментальный, слезливый. A terrible recession will be followed by a lacklustre recovery, but Britain is no basket-case — тусклый, без блеска. This is a rather lackadaisical thesis that fails to connect the underlying problem inherent with the system — томный; жеманный. Judging by the leaked documents, the US and its lackey Australia appear to be… In the secretive neo-liberalized trade regime — подхалим, лизоблюд. When their lacrosse team, the Iroquois Nationals, attempted to use these documents to travel to Britain — лакросс, Канадская национальная игра индейского происхождения, распространенная и на востоке США. Lunchis a ladle of chilli with rice, cornbread, salad and a slab of chocolate cake — ковш, черпак; в форме ложки. His ideas met with guffaws from the old lags of the industry, who have seen many fancy schemes for electronic medical records fall flat — каторжник, заключенный. The Republicans have tried to give the laggards extra clout by barring states with primaries in March from using a winner-takes-all voting — неповоротливый человек; увалень; копуша. The problem is that “lah lah land” is also possibly Russian Mafia land and Failed State land and Terrorism land right on Europe’s doorstep — обещанный. 358

Часть II / lanky

America’s laissez-faire ideology, as practised during the subprime crisis, “was as simplistic as it was dangerous” — невмешательство (правительства в  дела частных лиц, обычно в  частный бизнес и торговлю). The French invented laicity: getting rid of religion in public space, rationality freedom prevailing against obscurantist faiths — миряне, светские лица (не духовенство), любители, непрофессионалы. Either way, it suggests a profound lacuna in biologists’ understanding of the world — пробел, пропуск. In the wild east of the country which borders the lair in North Waziristan of the Haqqani network — берлога, логовище. There have been more bank runs, executives on the lam, arrests and credit panics than the country has seen in years  — скрываться от полиции. Policymakers at home lambast Mr Obama for having overlearned the lessons of Iraq — подвергать словесной критике, разносить в пух и прах. South Koreans should rather lament economic failures  — горестное стенание, причитание. Lamentably, even after the tragedy at Rana Plaza there has been little sign of this — печально; достойно сожаления. Saddam Hussein, Boumediene and Qaddhafi were mercilessly lampooned by samizdat literature and oral jokes — писать памфлеты, пасквили. The case offers a glimpse into a world not often seen by landlubbers — новичок в морском деле. The upshot is a slew of languorous individual connections, as well as a reduction in the channel’s capacity — бездеятельный, усталый. One thing you can generally count on when the lanky figure of Barack Obama approaches a podium is that you will hear a good speech — долговязый; худой и тощий.


Часть II / languid

Business lunches are not the long, languid, liquid affairs they once were — безжизненный, вялый; апатичный, бездеятельный. Home prices languish near post-bubble lows, over 30% below peak — слабеть; чахнуть; вянуть, ослабевать. Mr Xi said little that was new, but the audience lapped it up anyway — поглощать, впитывать. McCain is a lapdog of the oil industry — комнатная собачка. This is a magnificently fair, full-scale biography and its judgments are lapidary — краткий, лапидарный, сжатый (о стиле). The result is that now, every time he lapses into a slightly earthier register, the press picks it up as further evidence — упущение, оговорка; описка. But Mr Roberts’s work is less a history than a giant political pamphlet larded with its author’s prejudices — уснащать, пересыпать речь. And now that the EZ has spent every dime it can wrangle, and the euro is a lariat coiling around the necks of its creators — веревка для привязывания лошадей и мулов. Alone among the various forms of larceny, it has a time parameter — воровство, кража. No matter how likeable the larcenist, a stickup is invariably an unpleasant experience for employees — вор. The survival of so many small settlements across the vast country is made possible by the largesse of the Greenland state — щедрый дар, вознаграждение. A Texan crow singing like a lark; when Bonobos first tried this idea, in 2011, it seemed like a lark — жаворонок; проказа; забава. A provincial court implied last month when it convicted a local of disseminating false or illegal material online for posting a lascivious comment about her on Facebook  — сладострастный, распутный.


Часть II / lay

Congress as a whole has met the present challenge with lassitude, not leadership — утомление; апатия. In Argentina, “a gaucho lassoing himself with his own bolas” could be taken to mean that the gaucho lassoed himself with his own testicles — ловить арканом, лассо. Russia’s new rulers, ideologically orphaned by the collapse of Soviet communism, have increasingly latched onto the belief — осознавать выгоду. Latrine building has been a part of Peace Corps programs since inception — отхожее место (особенно в лагере, госпитале). The City of London quickly worked itself up into a lather — abetted by the British press — пена, мыло (на лошади); to get into a lather — терять голову (от переживаний). There may be latent feelings, but the over riding truth is the need for reconciliation — латентный, непроявившийся. When he woke up in Lilliput, bound by a lattice of slender ligatures, to find dozens of tiny men disporting themselves on his chest, Lemuel Gulliver let out a roar “so loud that they all ran back in fright — решетка, сетка. While the Paris accords were laudatory, we all must accept the bitter truth that the earth is too hot now — похвальный, хвалебный. Governments want to assist broadband development, but lavishing taxpayers’ money on high-speed networks is not the answer — расточать; обильный. Donald Trump has staged a lawyerly retreat from his executive order of January 27th — правовой. The rules change from country to country and they get laxer and laxer all the way down the chain until you reach Liberia — распущенный, расхлябанный. Perhaps the wariest observers are the Russian authorities, both lay and clerical — мирской, светский.


Часть II / layabouts

It is a common misperception that students are work-shy layabouts — бездельник, тунеядец. The use of the core measure may seem opportunistic to laypeople — like playing games with the numbers to get the figures — присяжные. The capital’s residents were urged to call a hotline should they have any leads — вести. Demonstrators marching on America’s informal embassy wearing Uncle Sam hats and leering cow masks — смотреть искоса; смотреть хитро. Nonetheless, it still gives them broad leeway to decide when a loan is looking parlous enough to register an expected loss — свобода действий. In sum, Lego’s name is derived from leg godt, Danish for “play well” — играть хорошо (датский). Absolutely not, replied the CDFA in a communication full of legalese that Ms Dashtaki calls “Kafkaesque” — юридический жаргон. When a legatee lives in a third country it is harder still  — наследник. Tales of mistreatment are legion — тьма, множество. We are obligated to make laugh over Zapatero´s legerdemain and its brand new trick; Some accuse the White House of legerdemain — ловкость рук; жонглерство. There he met Ernest Lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron, who gave him a leg-up in his career — поддержка; подмога. The Gandhi name is the leitmotif of India’s post-independence history — лейтмотив. Indians everywhere (never “Native Americans”, another colonisers’ word) had been robbed, corralled and turned into cowed, self-loathing lemmings in white schools — лемминг.


Часть II / lieu

He asked for leniency, as he had been influenced by Western ideas — снисходительность, терпимость. Many doctors think they are trying to curb a bunch of lentilmunching fanatics who ignore the dangers of something going  — пережевывающих чечевицу. Leonine great writers and radicals with Afros out to their shoulders — львиное мужествo. The world will be less cheerful without his readiness to pull a silly face, or don a leprechaun hat and matching pants — эльф, который всегда носит кошелек с шиллингом. Revolutionaries are advised to die young lest they make fools of themselves — чтобы не, как бы не. There is no let-up in the growth of the number of patents issued each year — пауза, перерыв. Bernie Sanders wants to levy Social Security taxes, which currently stop at $118,500, on incomes over $250,000 — облагать (налогом); вводить налоговые ставки. lt will be Mardi Gras, a local holiday celebrated with passion, and plenty of libations — возлияние; выпивка. In some places, the LGBT community has spread its wings to call itself LGBTTTI: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Trans-sexual, Transvestite and Intersexual (having both male and female physical characteristics). Ron Paul is a 76-year-old libertarian from Texas with a worldview so wacky and a programme so radical that he was recently discounted as a no-hoper — сторонник доктрины о свободе воли. When the correspondent went on to document drunken housekeepers and licentious receptionists, the owners sued him  — безнравственный, распущенный. The origins of modern taxation can be traced to wealthy subjects paying money to their king in lieu of military service — вместо.


Часть II / Lifers

Lifers, executives who had spent their entire career with one company, were much more present 30 years ago — сотрудник, работающий долгие годы; кадровый офицер. It lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling — отменить запрет. When he woke up in Lilliput, bound by a lattice of slender ligatures, to find dozens of tiny men disporting themselves on his chest, Lemuel Gulliver let out a roar “so loud that they all ran back in fright” — связывание, соединение. There is no lightning-bolt solution — удар молнии, грома. L’Oréal’s like-for-like revenues rose by 4.7% in 2016, whereas the Body Shop’s increased by just 0.6% — метод подсчета, исключающий искусственные объемы продаж. In all likelihood, Congress will do this in time for the new year — по всей вероятности. He replied, in his languid, ever-courteous southern lilt, “The hell you say” — мелодия, напев, песенка. That pretty much describes the two sides limbering up for a political scrap over the European Union’s constitutional treaty — делать разминку. In fact, legal limbo is not an either-or condition; there are degrees of statelessness — лимб (у католиков: пограничная область ада, в которой пребывают души праведников, умерших до пришествия Христа и души умерших некрещеными детей). The damage being done to its health is visible in a few liminal places — the Great Barrier Reef, say, or the oyster farms of Washington state — тонкий слой. Mr Ford continued to limn Frank’s life in “Independence Day”, perhaps his most profound and moving work — изображать; описывать. Uday’s stock fell further when in 1996 he was nearly assassinated, and afterwards walked with a limp — медленно двигаться, с трудом передвигаться.


Часть II / liveried

Standing out as a book writer today requires more than a bright idea and limpid prose — простой, ясный, прозрачный (о языке, стиле). Even as protests calm down, questions linger about Turkey’s political future — сохраняться, не исчезать полностью. He was the linchpin of the team — тот, на ком все держится; незаменимый человек; опора, шплинт; чека. If prices linger at or above $100 a barrel — засиживаться, задерживаться. With a McDonald’s on every corner, our evolved love of lipids can lead to an early grave — липиды. A place as litigious as America — сутяжнический (о людях, их характере, высказываниях; спорный, подлежащий судебному разбирательству. Germany’s president, Christian Wulff, paid his first official visit to Turkey last week, accompanied by his lissom wife, Bettina — скорый, проворный; легкий (в движениях). It endured listless donors and woeful budgets — апатичный, бездеятельный, безразличный, вялый. Seamlessly, the dancers move from breakdance to something more lithe — гибкий, податливый. Charles Freeman argues that no government is without sin and that there should be no political litmus test for hosting the Games — reaction for litmus — реакция на лакмус. The book gives way to a forlorn litany of the events — литания, длинный и скучный перечень чего-л. It is understandable that China should want to make it riskier for the American navy to operate close to its own littoral — прибрежные воды. These days the liveried doormen in Athens’s finest hotels stare out at sleeveless drummers in a protest tent camp — носящий ливрею.


Часть II / livid

A big export-oriented economy is booming but its trading partners are livid — разозленный, в ярости. Partisans took to their bunkers erpts from Justinian’s “Digest” of Roman law suggest that 6th-century sea captains, innkeepers and liverymen could not refuse board to any cargo, man or horse — член гильдии. Partisans took to their bunkers to lob bombs at each other, the truth of the matter be damned — зашвырнуть, бросить. Energy and economic growth always grew in lockstep and to think otherwise was dangerously naive — шаг в ногу (в строю). To an urban locavore, pricey fuel does not sound so terrible — тот, кто питается местной пищей. Tom Campbell insists that this is not so: “This is not the Met in lockdown mode” — ограничивать возможности, функциональность. Locust investors strip companies bare and then move on  — саранча перелетная. As the locus of innovation moves on to other fields, can information technology ever regain its pre-eminence? — центральная позиция, ключевая точка. For Valdis Dombrovskis, the prime minister, the euro has been a lodestar through years of crisis — путеводная звезда, идеал. The Tories had descended from their lofty ground of deficit-cutting austerity to low politics — величественный. The two companies are at loggerheads over everything from apps to acquisitions — иметь резкие разногласия, быть в ссоре. Allegations of log-rolling, though denied, plagued the voting last year for 2018 — взаимная поддержка между членами Конгресса. A new law may do little to break India’s land-acquisition logjam — залом, затор, завал. The pair loll on a green hillside at Murnau south of Munich where Münter had bought a house — стоять (облокотясь) в ленивой позе. 366

Часть II / loth

It has managed to convert the capital of UK into Londonistan, a nasty nest of all kinds of Islamic terrorists and fanatics — преобладающее население мусульман. Using longitudinal data on college-going Americans who were aged between 12 and 17 in 1997, the authors found that student-loan debtors were in fact more likely than non-debtors — продольный. Astronomers may have found their first Saturn lookalike  — имитация; близкая к  оригиналу копия (аппаратного или программного обеспечения). For even as the country trumpets planned space missions, it fails to build good loos today — уборная, туалет. The idea that modern central banks with their loosey-goosey printing presses have generated an epidemic of inflation is a little nuts — непринужденный, раскованный. But it is the insight Sparks brings to an old subject that confirms what we have always suspected, that “The Arch” really is more lollapalooza liturgist than he is preacher man — что-либо исключительного качества в своем классе. Other conspiracy theories about Mr Obama are even loopier — странный, чудаковатый; с чудинкой; сумасшедший. The Greens reckon that lopping a day off the working week would begin to redress the inequalities between men and women — урезывать. The fate is lopsided as before; it was a lopsided fight, hastily arranged, poorly refereed, and pitting a big bruiser against bantams — кривобокий; наклоненный. A kinder interpretation may be that, even for the loquacious Mr Campbell, there is not much left to say; to neutralise politically dangerous or excessively loquaciousoutsiders — болтливый, говорливый. Israeli security says it recently uncovered a plot to blow up a lorryload of explosives under a Tel Aviv skyscraper — грузовик. They are loth to take part in it — не склонный, не желающий; делающий неохотно. 367

Часть II / louche

A backlash against extreme Puritanism, particularly among the upper classes who observed the louche goings on at court — пользующийся дурной репутацией. Other southern states combine conspicuous religiosity with widespread loucheness — плохая репутация. A well-known loudmouth professor at Peking University was suggesting that some in the former colony were “British running dogs” — крикун. Britain is known for its lager louts and beer bellies — деревенщина. When it comes to energy, Vladimir Putin’s Russia seems prone to loutish behaviour — despite constant claims that Russia is a reliable partner — грубый, неповоротливый, нескладный, неотесанный. A song written for lovelorn servicemen going into battle hundreds of years ago — страдающий от безнадежной любви. China love-bombed the Seychelles and Mauritius with presidential visits — выражение любви для получения выгоды. Soon she was to add her own knot to this Bloomsbury lovetangle — любовная путаница. Presidents Chávez and Uribe hold a love-in — сборище хиппи. An older relative stepped in to inform curious reporters that the youth “loves the new freedom”, adding, “Lovely-jubbly, tally-ho, tallyho” — выражение удовольствия. He took things easy, hid throat lozenges in his handkerchief, and looked after his instrument — пастилки от боли в горле или кашля. You know the sound of your heartbeat: lub-dub, lub-dub — сердцебиение. The story ranges across four decades, from the courtship of Daniel’s parents in the 1960s to his mildly lubricious London life in the mid-1990s — вертливый, уклончивый.


Часть II / lurk

Lucid dreaming is not as much entering dreams while remaining conscious — прозрачный, ясный. Some of the lucre has gone to finance the pro-poor subsidies beloved of the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — прибыль, барыш. As a convenience to visitors annoyed by having to lug wads of cash, Iran’s savvier carpet dealers and hoteliers have evaded the blockade by collecting credit-card charges overseas — тащить; сильно дергать. He had a lugubrious, clever head; he heard a lugubrious rendition — cкорбный, траурный. A pre-Christmas lull in political combat probably means less than meets the eye — короткое/временное затишье. Yet the apparent assassination last month of Mr Mbai, a key man in efforts to redraft Kenya’s lumpen constitution — кадровый состав, деклассированный. The Greeks should be ready to turn to the IMF before they lumber themselves with an even worse fate — валить и пилить (лес). She wants to do to government what lumberjacks do to trees — дровосек, лесоруб. Even China’s lunge for breakneck growth from 1992 looked set to accelerate forces the party might not control — выпад. Does it mean that the wolves would not howl if Wall Street had a wolf/lupine culture? — волчий. A startup called Theranos, began to lurch from one problem to another — шаткая походка; пошатывание. Venezuela’s lurgy should sharpen Cuba’s eagerness for the remedy of reform — болезнь, недомогание. A stream of lurid stories about the party has appeared in the Hungarian media recently — зловещий, угрожающий. Dangers lurk in Franco-German plans for a more tightly integrated euro zone — красться, подкрадываться. 369

Часть II / lushly

A few shiny additions come into view at the foot of a lushly forested hill in the country’s south-east — покрытый буйной растительностью. Business presses are publishing a series of luvvie-hugging books such as “The Fine Art of Success”, by Jamie Anderson — шутливое название людей, связанных с театром и т. д. и чрезмерно склонных к любовным эмоциям. This is a book that luxuriates in description — благоденствовать, процветать; расти буйно, пышно. Vegetation in Borneo is luxuriant and highly diversified — буйный, пышный. But the nation’s enforcers started to get tough only when the brazenness of the lysine conspiracy became apparent in the 1990s — лизин (незаменимая аминокислота).

M In contrast, the “macroprudential supervisor” would recognise that if it applied such policies to everyone, it could cause a recession — продиктованный благоразумием. It was, said one commentator, a “danse macabre” of Croatian society — мрачный, ужасный. The idea, hitherto untested on voters, is to show that the Lib Dems are less a makeweight — второстепенный персонаж, необходимый для завершения картины. Mr Toruño, now 27, absorbed the codes of machismo from infancy — мужественность; мужское начало; мужская энергия. Terrorism and guerrilla warfare are often intended as macabre theatre — мрачный, страшный, ужасный, жуткий, макабрический. 370

Часть II / malfeasance

They were pondering a well-known tendency, called the “Macbeth effect”, for people to want to clean themselves physically — безуспешные попытки смыть кровь с рук. The MAD doctrine made Russians and Americans talk and listen to each other politely — гарантированное взаимное уничтожение (Mutually Assured Destruction). The lives of 16th-century composers of unaccompanied madrigals — мадригал. Developing countries, even if they have the money, seem unlikely to be able to leapfrog into this new maelstrom of innovation — водоворот, вихрь. Their regional magazine is clearly aimed at attracting disaffected citizens — склад, хранилище. The trade-off entailed cannot be magicked away by minting a soundbite — избавиться магическим, волшебным способом. Hitler had a magpie mind — болтун, болтунья. Sir Lawrence Freedman’s aim in his magisterial new book, “Strategy: A History”, is to find a workable definition of what strategy is — авторитетный, влиятельный. The Adi Vasis who are the mainstay of the Naxals would not have experienced caste; Country’s mainstays were rubber and rice — главная поддержка, опора, оплот. Will migrants make or break Europe? — решающий момент. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a long and damaging criticism, calling the poor fellow “maladroit and inept” — неловкий, неуклюжий. Deutsche Bank’s distress is symptomatic of a wider malaise — недомогание. With all due respect, that’s a bunch of malarkey — чушь, мура. If shareholders knew that their entire investment could be lost due to the malfeasance of the corporation; innocent of any malfeasance;


Часть II / malleable

Officials give warning of a zero-tolerance approach to corporate malfeasance — злодеяние, преступление. Because Socrates wanted to win converts to this conversational culture he often chose young and malleable men — покладистый, уступчивый. Politics change quickly and malevolent policy is always plausible — злобный, злой, злорадный, недоброжелательный; malevolent fate — злая судьба. That could involve disrupting sensitive equipment such as centrifuges, he said, using malware introduced via infected memory sticks — вредоносное ПО (способное нанести ущерб или вывести из  строя информационно-вычислительную систему; например, вирус). Tactics adopted that contributed to the malodorous aura that socalled liberals acquired in the ‘70s — вонючий, зловонный. We should not only limit our expectations regarding the malleability of Chinese domestic consumption — покладистость, уступчивость. Neither notion went down well with the top ranks of the mandarinate — чиновничество. A few mangy goats roam around, picking out scraps of food — чесоточный, шелудивый. The Muslim Brotherhood, where many of the younger members who manned the barricades in Tahrir Square now want a greater say — организованный людьми. There will be no welcome mat for Bulgarian and Romanian workers — ковер. Exactly what does Mammon look like? — мамона, богатство, деньги (рассматриваемые как источник зла). The Soviet Union had collapsed because nobody in the party had been “man enough to stand up and resist”; he noted that Russia’s corrupt security services had “left the party disarmed” — настоящий мужчина. 372

Часть II / marred

Slaves were manacled and marched to the ocean — заковывать, сковывать, связывать. Don’t tell me that a free-market company cannot go bankrupt if it does not mange its resources well or mitigates risks early — чесотка. After seven years on the factory floor, she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers — наносить увечья. Despite its manifold and persistent problems of lousy governments and erratic climates, Africa has a chance of rising — множественный, многочисленный. Turkey must reclaim its mantle as leader of the Islamic world — полномочия, власть. Western observers generally tend to spout the jingoistic mantra that they “hope China will move to a democracy — to be like us” — любой священный текст. George Washington always intended to manumit those of his slaves who were his own to free (as opposed to the “dower slaves” from his wife’s estate) and he did free them in his will — отпускать на волю, освобождать. The lessons from one campaign need not map neatly onto the next — отображать. And, although the Fraser Valley does not yet have quite the cachet of Silicon Valley, it may be about to steal a march on its southern neighbor — пользоваться преимуществом. It is with just this feeling that H. J. Jackson has written her book about marginalia — заметки на полях (книги), сноски. Tata is also held together by a common culture that has been marinating for 140 years — мариновать. They have occupied this spot, behind a stall selling garlands of marigolds — бархатцы. The book is marred by some sloppy mistakes: it is goitre, not gout, that leads to a swollen neck — портить, ухудшать. 373

Часть II / marrow

Nixon understood in his marrow how middle-class Americans felt about the country’s self-satisfied elites — до мозга костей. Often by troupes of mariachi musicians in full regalia — уличный музыкант. Nevertheless, this development could affect gold consumption on the margins — в коридорах. Chinese organizers provided large state-run enterprises with blocks of tickets, particularly to non-marquee events, to distribute to workers — знаковый, выдающийся. Such marques as Audi, BMW and Mercedes — A marque is the name of a famous company that makes motor vehicles, or the vehicles it produces — автопроизводители. To bolster their case, each side has marshalled secondary arguments — располагать в определенном порядке. Conservationists have fabricated evidence to the contrary in order to justify the use of 1080 poison against these beneficial marsupials — сумчатое животное. These are called ‘masala films’,” says Ganesh Matkari, an Indian cinema critic  — масала (пряная смесь из  нескольких специй, измельченных в порошок). The sorrowfulsatchel was the mascot of a “citizen’s” rebellion against a proposed school restructuring — талисман (человек, вещь, животное, приносящие счастье). Harvard Business School MBAs can book a masseuse to relieve the stress of a hard day slaving over case studies — массажистка. Unless the Chinese want to buy most of the Massif Central — горный массив. The flags above the country’s parliament and presidential palace were lowered to half-mast — приспущенный (о флаге). Obama’s Cairo speech was masterly; Amitav Ghosh’s latest novel — the first of a promised trilogy — sees this Indian author on masterly — мастерский; совершенный.


Часть II / measly

He looked at the consequences for those who attempted to masticate the result — мельчить, месить. Even among those with matric, only 17% are likely to get a job within a year of leaving school — зачисление в высшее учебное заведение. People are only truly equal when identity stops mattering  — сущность; содержание. Latin American politics has featured a maudlin streak ever since the early death (yes, from cancer) of Eva Perón — расчувствовавшийся до слез. Credit Suisse takes a congressional mauling for aiding tax evasion — подвергать жестокой критике, разносить в пух и прах. He was also, in a nod to his Jewish ancestry, a maven, meaning “he who understands”, a Hebrew-Yiddish word slipped into English in the 1960s in an ad for herring in cream sauce — “he who understands” — знаток; повернутый на чем-л. человек. Slovakia’s share vanished into the maw of a powerful new intelligence service — глотка, зоб (у птиц). Despite the odd lapse into mawkishness, Mr Ronson is refreshingly straightforward about his good fortune  — слащавость, сентиментальность. The Western authorities “maxed” out on the benefits of this inflationary decline by pumping monetary and fiscal stimulus into their economies — воспользоваться по максимуму. SEC and others mightn’t like it, but we can have international mayhem arising from a domestic US problem — хаос, беспорядок. Opposition backs independent candidate for Taipei mayoralty — офис мэра. Measly as those yields may be, they are still positive in real terms; spending on culture accounted for 0.2% of public expenditure in Greece, the lowest share of any EU country, and a measly 0.6% in Italy — ничтожно маленький. 375

Часть II / mea

Expecting a mea culpa from a political memoir is like expecting modesty from Lady Gaga: it entirely misses the point — признание вины. America decries any wording, however mealy-mouthed, that could increase governments’ control over content — сладкоречивый; не высказывающийся прямо. Good behaviour in Moldova’s separatist dispute reaps meagre rewards — слабый, вялый. One quibble: Mr Vedral often digresses from the point at hand, so the overall effect tends to be a bit meandering  — отклонение, уклон. Russians meddling in Ossetia; his meddlingin Afghanistan is onthe rise — вмешательство. Neither candidate looks a likely monetary meddler, certainly with Saint Alan still there — беспокойный, надоедливый, вмешивающийся во все человек. Sceptics doubt that the meddlesome Bank of Korea will be able to refrain from cheapening the won — назойливость. The FC men, representing a medley of frontier tribes, Afridis, Mohmandis, Yusufzai, bullied their way through — смесь, мешанина. Such meekness betrays not only a lack of moral courage, but also a poor sense of where Egypt’s — and the West’s — real interests lie — кротость, мягкость; покорность. One senior diplomat expressed the meek hope that the ECC might be both transparent and “Afghanised” — кроткий, мягкий; покорный, послушный, смиренный. A violent thug with a touch of megalomania — мегаломания, мания величия. Religios mélange of Shia Arabs — a 46-nation mélange dominated by America, which will soon have 100,000 troops in Afghanistan — смешение; смесь.


Часть II / mendicant

This opportunism melds with determination to produce a powerful cocktail of self-belief; Tangible and virtual retailing may meld in all sorts of unaccustomed ways — сливаться; смешиваться. Ms Fiorina is one of three new candidates who have jumped into the Republican mêlée this week; scientists have been trying to bring order, or at least predictability, to motorway mêlées for decades — рукопашная схватка, свалка, заторы. The phrasing in “White Egrets” has a mellifluous, rhapsodic quality; The Mandarin here in Taiwan doesn’t seem nearly as mellifluous as that spoken in some areas of mainland China; Now they are caressed for their mellifluousness — медоточивый; сладкозвучный; ласкающий слух. Least interesting meme ever shows how bored the world really is — мем, мим (поведенческий или культурный стереотип, передающийся от поколения к поколению не генетически, а имитационно). Bournes, a family purveyor of “Irish turnips” and Clonakilty pudding, stands out among the curry shops like a memsahib in a harem — мемсаиб, госпожа (обращение к европейской женщине в колониальной Индии). But it would transform NAFTA’s ménage à trois into a clamorous throng of a dozen — соглашение о совместном сексе семейной пары и любовника. They say that their menfolk were ordered to travel to the Katyn memorial service as a backdrop for the launch of Mr Kaczynski’s reelection — мужчины (особенно члены одной семьи или социальной группы). The business response to environmental regulation has always been mendacious, homicidal and greedy — лживый; ложный, обманчивый; сдержанность. Mendacity and misrepresentation are political tools with which Canada’s Liberals and New Democrats are particularly well versed — лживость; лицемерие, фальшь. From what I can discern of of the proceedings to date, we have a mendicant represented by two lefties — нищенствующий, нищий.


Часть II / mercurial

Nothing infuriates Venezuela’s mercurial president, Hugo Chávez, quite so much as the suggestion that his “revolutionary” government is nothing of the sort — живой, подвижный; деятельный. The United States likes to think of itself as the very embodiment of meritocracy: a country where people are judged on their individual abilities — система, при которой положение человека в обществе определяется его способностями. The Germans have even coined a verb in her honour: “to merkel” means to delay decisions while time diminishes problems to a manageable size, and opponents make valuable mistakes — глагол, происходящий от имени канцлера Меркель, означающий откладывание решения по проблемам, пока они не уменьшатся, а оппоненты не сделают серьезных ошибок. The region’s entrepreneurs and engineers often fail to take into account how well their inventions mesh with social institutions  — зацепляться; сцепляться. Almost a half-century later these modest steps have metastasised into a huge, federally guaranteed student-loan industry  — метастазирование. The scene was familiar: regulators meting out vast penalties to banks, scathing statements about gross misconduct — наказывать особым утвержденным способом. Whitehall — a metonym for the British government’s administrative centre — has frustrated others — метоним. But many of the most famous cases of me-too drugs are a result of a bunch of companies racing for the same target — политическая беспринципность. Chinese-American relations are typically prone to be testy in the first year of a new administration, as the two countries gauge each other’s mettle — пыл, рваться в бой. Her métier was brightly coloured pictures with dark angry lines, part abstract, part-figurative — профессия, занятие, ремесло.


Часть II / milked

The only emerging pattern is one of wildly see-sawing fortunes, as coastal towns change hands with almost metronomic regularity — равномерный, регулярный. One colleague relates the ultimate metrosexual moment — метросексуал, городской модник (тратит много времени и денег на совершенствование своего внешнего вида и образа жизни; в противоположность мачо). After a long bull market, investors have got lazy again and managers are taking the mickey — насмешки. However, many a mickle makes a muckle, and in total they add up to something significant — по капле и море собирается. A giant city in the south-west is a microcosm of China’s struggle to move millions from rural to urban areas — что-либо в миниатюре. A few thousand foreigners still have middling or senior government jobs; on this measure, America did middingly well — посредственный, заурядный. Cyprus is a Mediterranean midget, with a GDP of only $23 billion — карлик, лилипут. Georgians are miffed over Russia’s broader meddling — выводить из себя, злить. The puzzle is why big firms are so miffed when they are so minted — обижаться. With long gray hair, he has the intense, unblinking mien of a selfpublished science fiction writer — мина, выражение лица; impassive mien — бесстрастное выражение лица. Critics suspect Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of deploying mihrabs and minarets to revive his country’s imperial heritage — место для молитвы. He had made no money while in government, a fact that seemed both irritating and eccentric to those who milked their time in office — извлекать выгоду (из чего-л.); эксплуатировать.


Часть II / millennials

In America it chose to work with the Charlotte Observer and Fusion, a news site for millennials — относящийся к тысячелетию. Concocting the offbeat blend of genre and milieu — окружение, окружающая среда, обстановка. Depending on your perspective, it was either a pointless bit of argy-bargy outside a milquetoast legislative council — or a soul-stirring; Voltaire was a milquetoast careerist, too concerned with his own reputation and his comfortable life to say anything truly unsettling — робкий, податливый, застенчивый человек (от имени комического персонажа, обладавшего соответствующими свойствами). Many centrist Democrats now see health reform as a millstone around their necks — тяжелая ответственность; камень на шее у кого-л. Before the mayor arrived, city officials milled about, debating how much they might lose — двигаться по кругу, кружить. How can the country justify its massive public administration — a millefeuille of communes, departments, regions and the central state — which employs 90 civil servants per 1,000 population, compared with 50 in Germany — выпечка с жирным наполнителем. They then sold the birds’ exclusive and expensive plumes to milliners across America and Europe — модистка. The people running Iran are not mystical, millenarian illuminati, but cold-blooded totalitarians — апокалиптический, пророческий; эсхатологический. Otherwise the Republicans, who will control the House and possibly the Senate too, will make mincemeat of Obama — мелко порубленное мясо. But poor countries often have other staples, and these have not usually been subject to such genetic ministrations — оказание мелкой помощи. Latvia is a financial minnow — мелкая рыбешка, мелюзга. For fintechs, symbiosis need not mean minnowhood — мелочевка. 380

Часть II / misanthrope

Full-sized portrayals of saints; and scenes from classical mythology, including Theseus slaying a rather handsome minotaur — Минотавр — по греческому преданию, чудовище с телом человека и головой быка. Horace may have “rather enjoyed being pointed at, as a kind of celebrity, the minstrel of the Roman lyre — менестрель (средневековый поэт). But Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s newly minted mayor, is determined to open a publicly-owned casino to help fill his empty coffers — не бывший в употреблении. The big poll lead was a comment on the economy not on the minutiae of Westminster life; such minutiae as travel expenses — мелочи. Tea production in the US is minuscule; despite its minuscule size — очень маленький; minuscule quantity — крохотное количество. Stephanopoulos was a loyal minion of the Clinton’s; Medvedev will remain a faithfulminion — любимец, фаворит; кумир; мелкий начальник, «мелкая сошка». China’s investement in Mexiso has been minute — мелкий, мельчайший. For a banking industry mired in gloom — Citigroup announced 11,000 job cuts on December 5th — the debt market is the brightest spot — завязнуть в грязи, трясине. If that were not the case, Palin the clown would only be a figure of mirth — веселье, радость, увеселение. The Obama administration wants terrorists to be swiftly informed of their right to remain silent. “If we Mirandise these guys, we aren’t going to get anything out of them,” hes ays — «права Миранды» (права, которыми обладает задержанный по  подозрению в  совершении преступления, включая право сохранять молчание во время допроса, право на помощь адвоката и присутствие адвоката при допросе). Consider both an avid cocktail party hostess with hundreds of acquaintances and a grumpy misanthrope — мизантроп, человеконенавистник. 381

Часть II / misbegotten

Two books trace the origins of IS to America’s misbegotten invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 2003 — незаконнорожденный, плохо спланированный. The biggest falls in happiness also occurred in large emerging markets, in Indonesia, Brazil and — a perennial miseryguts — Russia — источник страданий. Continued European miserliness might see America “moderate” its commitment to the alliance — скаредность, скупость. Anyone who is exposed to the toxic mix of bigotry and miserabilism on a daily basis cannot have a rational, well balanced outlook — пессимизм. The system is a mishmash of laws and regulations that relies on profiteering firms and merciful doctors — мешанина, смесь, смешение. The drug cartel is such a misnomer; Villa is a misnomer for such a large house — неправильное наименование, ошибка в названии. Lincoln had plenty of miscues — ошибка, неправильный удар кием. Alabama didn’t repeal its anti-miscegenation statute until 2000; Americans are chillingly scorned as miscegenated “bastards”, in contrast to pure-blooded Koreans — смешение рас; браки между белыми и неграми. Euro zone’s habitual miscreant; Nuclear miscreants like N. Korea; big powers keep miscreants in check — злодей, негодяй. That question is mischievously posed, and ingeniously answered — злонамеренно. Intrigued by this mismatch between wants and gifts — несоответствие; неудачный подбор. Frequently scatological, often crudely misogynistic, some of Larkin’s unpublished work makes for uneasy reading — женоненавистник. Printer cartridges and air freight may be new, but lethal missives are not — официальное послание.


Часть II / mommybloggers

A year after the new boys entered the European Union, the mood is a mite surly, and definitely unwelcoming — слегка, немного. Pope Benedict XVI, whose retirement home is only a mitre’s toss away from Francis’s own humble hostel — митра. He was among a group of teenagers who learned a mnemonic version of the constitution and regurgitated it at clubby lunches — мнемонический, символический. America is protected by two oceanic moats — ров с водой. Baker publicly mocked hopes for “a flowering of Jeffersonain democracy along the banks of the Euphrates” — высмеивать, издеваться (над). Their unregulated actions have ruined companies, made a mockery of competition and capitalism — осмеяние; посмешище. If he is to succeed, America’s next president needs to inherit at least a modicum of the character and talent that FDR brought to his tasks — доля, очень малое количество. But the underlying argument is that Czechia is just a little more modish — гоняющийся за модой. Maybe it would be better to take the advice of Sam Goldwyn, a movie mogul, “Never prophesy, especially about the future” — влиятельный человек, магнат. Only a year of Democratic ascendancy, the Grand Old Party has recovered its He got his mojo back — заклинание, заговор, магическая формула. I endured enough mollycoddling and hand-holding in high school — баловать, изнеживать. His shrine visit won’t help Japan’s prime minister mollify the right — ослаблять, смягчать, успокаивать. When Latinas disagree with something the four mommybloggers at El Mejor Nido have written, they can go to the El Mejor Nido Facebook page, and let loose — группа блоггеров, склонная к распространению слухов, сплетен и т.д.


Часть II / monastic

A lonely monastic scribe, toiling in some windswept eyrie on Europe’s Atlantic fringe, bravely struggles to preserve the legacy  — монастырский, монашеский. Wang Daqi, a 30-year-old from a monied family, profiled several of his peers in “Burden of Wealth” — богатый. The moniker is more apt than its inventors could have known — кличка, кликуха. Monkeying around with trade deals makes us nervous — носиться, болтаться. Democrats threw a monkey wrench in the works — испортить все дело; вставлять палки в колеса. He did not inform Mr Pence that he had been made a monkey of by Mr Flynn — выставлять кого-л. на посмешище. That chilling forecast comes not from some ill-informed gloommonger or armchair pundit, but from Robert Schainker, a leading expert on the matter — распространитель мрачных предсказаний, историй. Such is the scenario rosily painted by Egypt’s now nearly monochrome media — монохромный, одноцветный. When this was done, the monoglot babies had difficulty overcoming their learnt response — говорящий на одном языке. Indonesian officials often like to begin with a montage of images from their fascinating country — фотомонтаж. Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike material known as an aerogel — монтмориллонит. Mitt Romney says that 47% of Americans are moochers — попрошайки. He was mooching around film sets and premières, and the parts began rolling in — слоняться. By night he moons over his favourite song — проводить время в задумчивости, в мечтательности. 384

Часть II / morris

The Harry S. Truman, an aircraft-carrier, was supposed to be well on its way to the Persian Gulf by now, instead, it is moored to a pier — пришвартовываться; вставать на якорь. Mentioning possible Constitutional violations inherent in the bill is a moot point — дискуссионный, спорный. The most famous mop tops were The Beatles, who popularized the style cut in the 60s — стрижка, напоминающая по своей форме чашу. The task of pulling Brazil out of this morass falls to Michel Temer — болото, трясина. But his stencils — often of rats making mordant political jokes — have come in from the cold streets to the prosperous warmth of London galleries — колкий, саркастический, язвительный. For a long time their planet-straddling model was as hot, crisp and moreish as their fries — вкусная еда, которой хочется попросить добавку. By the mid-18th century sexual mores in England (and in much of Europe, too) had undergone a revolution — нравы, обычаи. The moribund Republican party; Can farming save Maine’s moribund fishing industry?; The fear is that policymakers will overdo it, spoinling one of the rare sources of dynamism in a moribund world economy — умирающий; заканчивающийся. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones — морена, ледниковое отложение. He sure talks like a complete moron and the whole mess in Iraq shows what a total dumbass he is — дебил, умственно отсталый. Morose and a grumbler, he is always praising the years gone by when he was a boy, scolding and blaming ‘the youth of today  — замкнутый, сердитый, мрачный. A mason’s mark chiselled on a column, a game of nine-men’smorris scratched on a stone — morris dance — танец в костюмах героев легенды о Робин Гуде.


Часть II / morrow

When times came for him to get released, he left in mercedes and had lunch on the morrow in one of the best restaurant of the boulevard Saint Germain — завтрашний день; время непосредственно после какого-л. события. And then grab an active role? The trouble began, as often, across the Channel, when English law inherited French notions like mortgagor, and mortgagee for the other party to the transaction — borrower in mortgage agreement, somebody who borrows money under a mortgage agreement — должник по закладной. But when it comes to tuna, most Japanese would go a long way for a morsel of o-toro — очень маленькое количество чего-л.; отрывочек, фрагмент. Set in the frozen mud is a mosaic of industrial detritus, bits of brick and pipe, beer cans and a discarded condom wrapper — мозаика, пестрый, напоминающий мозаику. Bullying has become something of the mot du jour in Whitehall recently; Four years ago “empire” was the mot du jour? — временное модное явление. More than anything else, he is captivated by Bach’s vocal works: the cantatas, motets, Passions and Masses — церковное песнопение. Sooner or later someone will file motions for their release; judges may have little choice but to comply — ходатайствовать. Considered from inside the Hamids’ mouldy garage, these arguments are not persuasive — обветшалый; старомодный. You could set your watch to when the first lobsters would start moulting — линять, сбрасывать панцирь. George Washington, who had just disbanded his victorious army and retired to Mount Vernon, complained that he was “locked up” there by snow — Маунт-Вернон (Mount Vernon) — плантация Джорджа Вашингтона близ города Александрия в округе Ферфакс, Вирджиния. But if they’re going to go feminist they should embrace it like Hanna did — with moxie, resolve and the courage to work for real change — отвага; дерзость, решимость. 386

Часть II / mulligan

You were considered subversive if you only mowed your lawn once a week — строить рожи, гримасничать. When three of them were mown down by one evil individual, we saw the best and the worst of Britain clash in one moment — скашивать, косить (об эпидемии и т. п.). Ida Tarbell, the greatest of the muckraking journalists, accused Standard Oil of building its empire on “fraud, deceit, special privilege, gross illegality...” — публично разоблачать злоупотребления должностных лиц (часто ради самого эффекта от разоблачения). Talk about the all-American theme of lofty American ideals and mucky American reality — противный, мерзкий, навозный. European leaders boldly decide to carry on muddling through — путаница, неразбериха. He faces a muddy choice; It’s very much a muddy-boot kind of operation — неясный, путаный. They promised that they would eschew personal mudslinging during the campaign, that the loser would accept the outcome — поливание грязью. The town’s muezzin calls for strikes and protests as well as prayers — муэдзин. The grilles were removed in 1971; some nuns now travel to international meetings in “mufti” — в штатском. Yet in the Great Depression, when the moment arrived, America’s socialists muffed it — пропустить, проворонить. Working out a target price for gold is a mug’s game — неблагодарное дело; работа для дураков. Tim Martin, the mulleted owner of JD Wetherspoon, used his most prominent of pub corps — прическа (короткие волосы спереди и на висках и длинные сзади). Some laws are made to be broken: Murder for instance. Everyone should get one free murder ‘mulligan’ and still be able to run for 387

Часть II / mulligrubs

president — малиган, разрешение на дополнительный ход после неудачного предыдущего хода. Those who get the mulligrubs thinking about great old words dying can pungle up for a subscription to DARE, helping those lexicographers keep adding words to the online edition — хандра, сплин, меланхолия. Lukoil mulls buying BP’s shares; the committee have mulled over your suggestion but have decided not to accept it because of the cost — обдумывать, размышлять. They live in villages where multitudes share the same name — толпа. Yet, I still prefer econometrics to the classical abstract “social science” mumbo jumbo approaches — бессмысленное бормотание, бессмысленный текст. When Mr Fo won the Nobel prize in 1997 he received it on behalf of all mummers, tumblers and clowns — актер, шут. Must every country on the planet advertise daft balances etc just for the privelege of being left alone to munch an apple?; A new era of big data, blockchains and robots is about to munch away the fat margins of corporate America — чавкать; шамкать; «перемалывать». The programme’s contradictions — camp and sincere, profound and silly, slapstick and mundane — enable it to transcend differences of geography — земной, мирской. Smaller, cleverer and more accurate munitions are changing warfare — военное имущество; снаряжение (оружие, боеприпасы). Thanks to the munificence of the emir of Qatar, who is said to put at least $400m a year into its coffers — необыкновенная щедрость. To reach this conclusion Dr Fonken split her murine subjects into three groups — мышиный; мышевидный. To clean up the Augean murk of Russian banks — мрак, темнота, мрачность. In Britainthere were more murmurs of discontent among Conservative MPs — шепот.


Часть II / mythologise

Deng Xiaoping muscled diehard Maoists out of the leadership and took over himself — врываться силой. The next few years may show whether Mr Harper’s victory and Mr Layton’s success has eliminated the mushy middle, or merely placed it in abeyance — мягкий; кашеобразной консистенции. One of his volunteers has taken to collecting rain water in a barrel and straining it three times through muslin before drinking — муслин. Treatments that are rarely based on science that would pass muster with the authorities — пройти осмотр, проверку. Mr Singh swiftly tried to muster support for restoring a peace process between the two rivals — собирать, организовывать. But in the 11 days between start and finish, the mushers have to travel 450 miles (724 km) over the snow-covered spine of the Rockies — путешествовать по снегу с помощью собачьих упряжек. Latvian collapse doesn’t really cut the mustard  — oтвечать ожиданиям, удовлетворять требованиям, соответствовать, подходить. Around Brussels, there is much muttering about German selfishness and even nationalism — ворчание. China will find it hard to win friends and influence nations so long as it muzzles its best advocates — заставить молчать; надевать намордник. If you have money — and even if you don’t — you can now pay for your purchases in myriad ways — несметное число, мириады. But the regime and its myrmidons managed eventually to crush the sedition, in marked contrast to several neighbouring Arab dictatorships — беззаветно преданный слуга. His break came when he recognised a popular trend and focused his imagination on how to mythologise it  — придать мифический смысл.


Часть II / nab

N The Greeks may be poised to nab their home-grown terrorists, at last — задержать, схватить на месте преступления. In America, by contrast, intellectuals are mocked as “pointyheads” and “nattering nabobs — набоб, наваб (наместник провинции в Монгольской империи). Roosevelt led America from the nadir of economic distress to the zenith of power; The nadir of his career — упадок; деградация. They could not say: actually, Englishmen of his upbringing think it naff for men to wear visible wedding rings — безвкусный, дрянной. It went to the heart of the nagging worry about the silvertongued young senator from Illinois — ворчливый, вечно недовольный, сердитый. Something else is beginning to nag at investors — придираться; привязываться. A former policeman himself, Makana is no naïf, but he rapidly finds himself in a perilous world peopled with Egypt’s ultra-rich, Islamic militants and Russian organised crime. It’s a heady mix, but one that Mr Bilal pulls off with verve — наивный. The move comes at a nail-biting time for major Western oil companies in Kazakhstan; Embarassing nail-biter — возбужденный, нервный. Mr Trump says a lot of things that are nakedly false — неприкрытый, явный. Bboth whale and human societies favour a transition to sterile nannyhood — нянькаться. Members of Congress are too nannied by staff to stride about hatching plots, one-on-one. In the real Washington — сюсюкаться.


Часть II / nawabs

All this might sound a bit namby-pamby to pioneers like Sister Dong — жеманство; сентиментальность. Mexico has extradited suspected narcos in unprecedented numbers — наркотраффиканты. The government and Repsol insist that nary a puff of gas will reach Chile — нисколько, ничего, ни капли; ни единого nary a red cent — ни цента. They were afraid he would inculcate ideas of true independence as well as accountability into a nascent class of patriotic Persian leaders — рождающийся, возникающий; в стадии возникновения. And if individuals are scared about the size of the deficit, it’s probably because lazy journalists keep nattering on about it — привязываться, приставать. A natty dresser; the nattily dressed politician announced that the legislative election on September 18th was beset by “massive fraud and rigging” — изящный; аккуратный, опрятный. America is by no means the only Western democracy prone to spasms of nativism — нейтивистское движение. Протекционистское движение с конца 1820-х, в основе которого лежала борьба первых американских переселенцев (протестантов) против иммигрантовкатоликов. It is not really surprising that attempts to dig up The Economist’s early web pages have come to naught — свести на нет. As with American Christians as a whole, the politics of black churches is more nuanced than is sometimes assumed — нюанс, оттенок. France’s political elite is stuck in its old game of navel-gazing and unable to bring solutions to the country’s problems — долгое раздумывание; самокопание. On September 13th 1848 a navvy called Phineas Gage was helping to build a railway in Vermont — землекоп, чернорабочий. She wrote about it so persuasively and wittily, in novels that swarmed with nosy in-laws, grasping landlords, Bollywood nawabs and 391

Часть II / near

whining beggars, that readers assumed she was Indian — мусульманский правящий принц или могущественный землевладелец. Mrs Clinton has a near-lock on a different political tribe: the state’s elected Hispanic Democrats — функция, позволяющая следить за статусом в iPhone. The play centres on Ned Weeks, a nebbishy and combative gay man — забитый; незадачливый, жалкий. Many thus shrugged off the first set of run-off polls, showing the rivals neck and neck — по пятам, ноздря в ноздрю. On a recent trip to America, Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, could not resist the temptation to needle his hosts — язвить; досаждать, изводить; раздражать. I guess this giant nefarious entity called the United States must be truly powerful — бесчестный, нечестный, низкий, гнусный. Wily netizens will no doubt stay a step ahead of the censors, using proxies and other tools, as they do in China and Myanmar — частые посетители интернета. In a bitter twist of fate, his nemesis is Park’s daughter; His nemesis, the country’s longest-serving prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, who presided over his downfall, has retired — заклятый враг, мститель. Barack Obama is a political neophyte who did not learn the necessary lessons while serving in the Senate — новичок. She used a nerdy example; but nerdish parents are often just as culpable they are meeting in New Zealand, for what was supposed to be a quiet and nerdish rule-tightening session — тупой, скучный, занудный. Juraj Kotian, one of the bank’s top economists, argues that the recession stoked saving by nervy households  — самоуверенный, нахальный, бесстыдный. At any rate, surely not his netsuke — нэцке, японское украшение на кимоно.


Часть II / niggles

Clearnet, the clearinghouse, rapidly netted out and liquidated Lehman’s entire interest rate swap portfolio — выбраться из сетей. Environmental concerns could also prove nettlesome — раздражающий. Networking, compromise and consensus are UN’s order of the day — установление (деловых) контактов, налаживание связей. Court rulings on extradition and deportation have provoked heavy breathing in a country where both issues are increasingly neuralgic — невралгический. Just note how Obama’s Berlin speech pretty much neutered this attack — кастрированный. It lost control of the newfangled thing — новенький, новехонький; модерновый. He failed to break the nexus between politics and business — связь; узы. They are also carping about her New Yorkiness — she did not learn to drive a car until her late 20s — and her supposed isolation from the lives of ordinary Americans — качества типичного жителя НьюЙорка. As the recession bites, a gastronomic indignity is nibbling its way through the land of fine dining — прием пищи малыми порциями; равномерный прием пищи. Has the king’s promise of reform come in the nick of time — or not? — точный, критический момент. A small British firm is working on a nifty new jet-rocket hybrid engine — модный, щегольской. To judge from the opinion polls, only in Britain does a No seem nigh certain — приблизительно, ближний. Bank bosses insist that, although there are niggles, all is under control — спорить по мелочам. 393

Часть II / nincompoop

For years, Boswell was considered a fool, a nincompoop, a fawning sycophant who, by chance, had produced a masterpiece — простофиля, дурачок. If your cit wants to be NIMBYist, you will pay for it with higher land taxes — not in my yard movement — моя хата с краю. Although electric cars are nippy, stylish and as easy to drive as conventional vehicles, electric motoring has some distinct disadvantages — проворный, ловкий, шустрый. Hillary Clinton felt the “Bern” again when Bernie Sanders, her rival, nipped her to a surprise victory in the state — победить противника лишь с незначительным отрывом. He used his powers as proconsul to overrule local tyrants, nitwits and crooks — дурак, ничтожество, простофиля, кретин. Let me poke some nitpicking fun: I said: “Singapore is a great country alright, but it ain’t China, or India”; To encounter bureaucratic nitpicking — мелочные придирки; выискивание недостатков; педантство. They rebuffed a plea from Republican legislators in Arizona that would have nixed a fix to partisan gerrymandering — запрещать, отменять. This was anathema to Einstein and others: it looked as if information was travelling faster than light, a no-no in the special theory of relativity — нечто недозволенное, табу. Once exposed and developed the silver particles would concentrate at nodal points from the intersection of direct and reflected light waves — центральный; опорный, основной, узловой. Mr Putin said that unauthorised political protesters faced a “club on the noggin” — маленькая кружка, маленькая чашка. Mr Duhalde has risen from Peronism’s sometimes noisome lower depths — нездоровый, вредоносный. Mr Agha seems nonplussed by the stupidity of the question — удивленный, смущенный. 394

Часть II / noxious

The other, Albert Ho Chun-yan, is thus a no-hoper — лошадь, на которую заведомо не стоит ставить. Businessmen of all stripes mingle by the pool before seeking out one of many nooks and crannies for confidential chats — укромный уголок. Yet in Britain it has nosedived and the employment rate of young people not in full-time education is now at its highest since 2007 — резко падать, снижаться. The shift to less salty nosh as one of the firm’s most important changes since easy-open cans — еда, пища. Nostrum of passive groupthinkyields no fruit at all, why persist?  — панацея, лекарство от всех болезней; излюбленный прием (политической партии). I’m starting to wonder if the political classes liked things better with the war — certainly fewer nosy questions from journalists and civil society — пронырливый; надоедливый. Since coming to power in 2007, Poland’s centrist Civic Platform (PO) party has notched up an unbroken string of victories in national elections — отмечать, записывать (победу). This time any hopes that the king might work the same magic came to nought — ничтожество, пустое место (о человеке), нуль. Yanukovich shows no sign of having the intellectual or political nous a successful president needs; To attend film school in Seoul, and eventually to bring more of their artistic nous to South-East Asia — ум; разум; интеллект, здравый смысл. A drinks company must be able to depend on a powerful brand; but it also needs to come up with sought-after novelties — инновация, нововведение. Geology deals with the now: the 10,000-year-old Holocene epoch, a peculiarly stable and clement part of the Quaternary period — настоящее время; данный момент. Yet the noxious cloud may not prove quite so unpleasant for the Italian-American carmaker — вредный, вредоносный, нездоровый. 395

Часть II / nuanced

A more nuanced criticism is that too little has been done to reduce Portsmouth’s dependence on the navy — нюанс, оттенок. The nub of Obama’s problem; the nub of Boeing’s complaint was that USAF has used subjective criteria — суть, соль, мораль (дела, рассказа). BIT has pioneered the use of psychology to help policymakers change behaviour through “nudges” rather than taxes or laws — слегка подталкивать, побуждать. He was nudged out of his CEO’s chair; After months of nudges and winks — слегка подталкивать локтем, побуждать, заставлять. The system seems to work on a wink-wink, nudge-nudge basis — подмигивание и подталкивание локтем. Trade between India and Pakistan, for example, is nugatory — никчемный. His opposite number, Wu Shengli, did not miss the opportunity to miss an opportunity — представитель другой стороны. Perhaps the scale of the atrocity numbs moral outrage — поражать, ошеломлять. Mr McCain faces a tough primary battle against a dingbat who frets about man-on-horse nuptials — свадьба; венчание, бракосочетание; женитьба. His wife Rahsan, who ran the DLP with him, was said to have him firmly under her thumb and to nurse his political grudges for him — лелеять (мысль, надежду), питать (иллюзии). Its likely, just that the conditions allow the possibility that some nutter influenced by right wing pundits/fox/radio will kill off some minor democratic politician — псих. The government has now made the statue’s removal a cause célèbre for every nutty Russian nationalist wanting to throw a punch — cвихнувшийся, ненормальный; дурацкий. But it is an escape to Utopia: a single state of Israel/Palestine where lion and lamb nuzzle down together — нюхать, водить носом (о собаках).


Часть II / obsequiousness

O If the miracles were to occur, we still would be a nation churning out ignorant oafs becuase we do not take learning seriously in this country — болван, тупица, олух. Mr Brown has duly stuck his oar in, calling the strike “deplorable” — весло. People who know the supreme leader of Iran are unsurprised by his obduracy — ожесточение, непреклонность. Their position on climate has been between obdurate and ridiculous; With Iran so obdurate — закоснелый; черствый; ожесточенный, закоснелый. Africans paid due obeisance to Beijing, its new interloper — жест подчинения. Obfuscation which leaves the ‘judicial’ branch to carry the load; one side regards “sex worker” as a dangerously obfuscatory euphemism — спутанность сознания (помрачение сознания). This led only to unemployment, as wages did not fall obligingly when gold (and thus money) was in scarce supply — услужливо; вежливо. Jun Zhang of New York University came to this conclusion obliquely, by examining one of life’s burning questions  — по  касательной, случайно. Instantly, Future Islands were dragged from dive-bar obscurity into the powerful currents of the mainstream — неизвестность, незаметность. To some, his survival owes more to obsequiousness — he rushed do the Obama administration’s bidding on mortgage modifications, for instance — раболепие, угодничество.


Часть II / obscurantist

Some arch-conservative clerics have been ousted from top posts and forbidden from proclaiming obscurantist fatwas — обскурантистский, ретроградский. Bundling all electronics in today’s cars has the serious drawback of quick obsolescence — устаревание. They are forced to bear child after child, with consequences ranging from the horrors of obstetric fistula to the tragedies of infant — акушерский, родовспомогательный. The prince dealt with five US presidents, ten secretaries of state, 11 national security advisers, 16 sessions of Congress, an obstreperous American media, and hundreds of greedy politicians; Britain’s planning system hands obstreperous local residents a lot of power — шумный; беспокойный. Lukashenka’s obstinacy over the customs union was the last straw — неуступчивость; настойчивость. There is an almost willful obtuseness about the Economist’s belief that Obama is being held hostage by the exceedingly liberal congressional leadership — тупость. The almost masochistic pleasure many took in national selfdeprecation was the obverse of earlier and future exceptionalism  — противоположный. Mr Chávez’s return will at least obviate the need for ministers to make frequent visits to Havana for bedside consultations — устранять; избавляться. In the face of international sanctions occasioned by its support of the rebels in eastern Ukraine and its earlier annexation of Crimea — служить поводом. His black face is occluded by a white mask — закрывать. In a lecture to a high-octane, bipartisan audience at the Supreme Court on November 20th, organised by the Salzburg Global Seminar, Mr Bellinger recalled sharp exchanges with Bush — напряженный, заряженный. How a leading group of oddball judges changed the United States — чудак, оригинал. 398

Часть II / off-puttingly

A committed member of one of the world’s odder religions — чуждый, необычный. Two new ways to patch the oddments together and distinguish genuine from false information are reported this week — остатки; разрозненные предметы. For Mr Lévy’s company is the odd-man-out in the global advertising game — человек, не принадлежащий к данной партии. “How many good potential servants have become poor stenographers because of the odium of the name ‘Bridget’?”  — ненависть; отвращение; неприятие. Small wonder that oenophiles are growing more vigilant — истинный ценитель вин. A lioness may mate up to 100 times a day with different lions during oestrus — период течки (у животных). Even without such content, 129 pages would scarcely be enough to discuss Hitchcock’s oeuvre — творческое наследие. Off, enough — прочь! Sinclair described how offal and waste from the meatpacking industry had created a river so vile that putrid gas bubbled up from the bottom and made the Chicago river literally combustible — ливер, потроха. Assuming that one-third attend church regularly, that would put the annual offertory income at around $13 billion — церковные пожертвования. But he has yet to show that he has the energy to oversee a revival of the sort he pulled off with Vodafone’s Japanese offshoot — ответвление, отводок, боковой отросток (перен.). Better ties between India and Pakistan may be in the offing — возможный, могущий произойти в недалеком будущем. They received almost off-puttingly good reviews–five stars apiece from the Times — сбивающий с толку; обескураживающий. 399

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Часть II / oft-heard

The oft-heard argument about Hungarian fiscal policy is that Mr Gyurcsany’s government will make progress in 2007 — часто повторяющийся. Holidays are a concentrated chance to ogle other clans’ frictions and fissure — смотреть с вожделением (на кого-л.); пожирать глазами. North Korea has a thriving black market in everything from computers to fine cognac, oiled by corrupt Chinese customs officials — промазать взяткой. “You’re still an oinker,” he told his comrade-in-arms — жирдяй, толстяк. The toxic echo-chamber of social media, plus untreated mental illness, help turn stalkers and oddballs into murderous maniacs — чудак, оригинал. Tories hate John Bercow because they see him as an oleaginous, rather than because of his opinions — елейный. But the raw-milk Camembert and other olfactory treats are tucked away behind rows of rice — обонятельный. Deng said he hoped debate on major historical questions would come to an end, it was a sort of historical omerta — омерта (кодекс молчания у членов мафии). They are culturally very different, but the political parallels are ominous — зловещий, угрожающий. The spark for the protests was the government’s omnibus budget bill — всеобъемлющий. If there is a God, and God is a sentient being, let alone omniscient, God would be weeping — всеведущий, всезнающий. An omnivorous reader, he described a subtle feeling of alienation, as though he was perceiving the world of canonised letters with his nose — всеядный; всепоглощающий. His book, which is a lazy, once-over-lightly non-apology of a life, does not restore it — беглый взгляд. 400

Часть II / opiners

One-off tourists; using a one-off example from a slightly selfloathing drama queen to prove a point hardly makes for good journalism — одноразового употребления. Overriding the onerous and complex state regulations — обременительный; трудный. TAM now belongs to Star and LAN to oneworld, but regulators will force the merged carrier to choose — взгляд на мир, в котором все люди зависимы друг от друга. To woo Belarus, an on-off Russian ally — прерывающийся; с перерывами. A welcome onslaught on corruption raises some fears of a police state — стремительная атака, нападение. The onus of tolerating others’ beliefs are on us all — бремя, ответственность, долг. They may also have taken comfort from the agency’s conclusion that GE’s industrial businesses should continue to pump oodles of cash — огромное количество, уйма. This lack of economic oomph is often justified by France and its friends as the price of the vaunted French “quality of life” — живой, энергичный. This Zurich institution is so Teutonic you can almost hear the oompah band: long tables, dark wood, huge steins of beer and sausages — умпа, (ритмичный бас трубы в духовом оркестре). Such countries tend to have opaque governance, and you’re often left guessing what the regime is trying to communicate with its actions — непроницаемый, темный. The young are passionate, opinionated and barely aware of the elections — самоуверенный; упрямый. That, however, has not stopped Chinese newspapers and internet opiners from discussing avidly a case that has clearly caught the public interest — дающие профессиональное заключение.


Часть II / opprobrium

America’s role in ending Soviet hegemony as a root cause of much anti-American opprobrium; The same combination of opprobriumand realpolitic Iran didn’t want more international opprobrium — позор; бесчестье. Los Angeles also included an opt-out clause, which gave Mr Greinke the option to tear up the second half of the agreement — не принимать участия; устраняться. As long as the congratulations, prizes, distinguished chairs, and opulent salaries continue, the answers will be the same — процветающий. For a man who has orated at length on the perils of government peering eyes, Mr Paul’s defiance seems short-sighted — ораторствовать, разглагольствовать. The physicists, mathematicians, ordnance experts and others listening to Mr Serber were a diverse lot — боеприпасы. Get orf my land!; while Poland is involved and leads two already operational groups and third under construction, all specialized orf course for a heavy lifting — контагиозный пустулезный дерматит. We’ve put materials on the walls, like Russians hang ornate carpets on their walls for insulation — витиеватый, изощренный. The likelihood that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president indicates that voters are in an ornery mood — злобный, злой. A bit Orwellian for drugmakers to keep such intimate tabs on their customers — характерное для произведений английского писателя Дж. Орвелла; манипулирующий фактами. But a typical one, using reverse osmosis, may cost at least $170 in a country like India — осмос (a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one). Telecoms liberalisation is also a litmus test of the Burmese government’s ability to pursue further opening up of Myanmar’s ossified — окостеневший, закостеневший.


Часть II / oust

The ostensibly noble principle hides a protectionist agenda; to stop the incessant sniping between these ostensible allies; ostensibly just wars — якобы; по видимости. At this year’s Paris show, the world’s largest, which opened at Le Bourget airport on June 19th, the military types are most ostentatious — нарочитый; хвастливый. Ostentation and eroticism; a charming womaniser whose only ostentation is a taste for gold-plated pistols, he is enterpreneurial  — хвастовство; выставление на показ. Yet there is still a woeful reluctance in Africa to chastise, ostracise or help to oust villainous leaders, such as Mr Mugabe or Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir; America wanted to ostracise Kremlin — подвергать остракизму; изгонять. Insisting that only one side is at fault is the ostrich approach — «страусовая политика» (основанная на самообмане). But there is a particularly otherworldly feeling to the tale of the Russian government setting up an agency to galvanise tax collection — сверхъестественный; таинственный. An unabashedly Orientalist affirmation of the otherness of the country — отличие; непохожесть. That means travellers to the Schengen area must repeatedly prove their good intentions, leading to more otiose paperwork, and fewer visit — напрасный, ненужный; бесплодный. The inmates of the American oubliette are typically poor and none too bright — потайная подземная темница с люком. It later emerged that four of the jurors held a séance with a ouija board to get in touch with one of the victims — a spiritual flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0–9, the words “yes”, “no”, “hello” (occasionally), and “goodbye”, along with various symbols and graphics — спиритическая доска Уиджа. Pressure to oust cabinet chief Oscar Valdes mounts — выгонять, выводить.


Часть II / out-hate

Nobody can out-hate Mr Trump — испытывать недостаточно ненависти. An enraged Mr Putin promised to “waste the terrorists in the outhouse” — уборная. The slippery little fish plays an outsized role in many different cultures — нестандартный, очень большой. A clever, affable outdoorsy type given to scuba diving, hunting and hiking, he ranks high in popularity polls — увлекающийся походами, прогулками. This week some media, presumably fed by the ISI, outed the CIA station chief in Islamabad by giving his name — обнаружиться, стать известным. BP continues outreach within coming officials  — программа помощи или поддержки, социально-ориентированная программа. In 1983 Sheikh Mohammed outbid him, paying $10.2m for a yearling called Snaafi Dance — перебивать цену, предлагать более высокую цену. Obama called Russia an outlier — человек, проживающий не по месту службы, постороннее лицо, посторонний. By the early 2000s, however, with Mr Berezovsky on the outs with the Kremlin and living abroad, it was the ascendant Mr Abramovich who wielded the upper hand — в натянутых отношениях; в ссоре. There in the intimate heart of the house, shielded from visitors, they lay like a tiny reminder of the Ephrussis’ own irreducible nub of outsiderness — отчужденность. The Soviet Union and its outriggers collapsed in ruins — аутригер (шлюпка с выносными уключинами). Outnumbered and outgunned, the sailors raised their hands– иметь лучшее вооружение. The “Dow 36,000” prediction ventured in 1999 was epically, spectacularly wrong, it wasn’t that ridiculously outlandish given historical trends — странный; нелепый. 404

Часть II / overweening

Last year China spent more than $450m on footballers, the fifthlargest such outlay by any country — издержки, расходы. It is one of the most outré examples of government spending in a province where public money flows like water — эксцентричный, странный, шокирующий. When it comes to the border he outswaggers and outsnarls the chorus — перещеголять. The Argentine government remains outwardly confident that the team now in Washington will not come back empty-handed — внешне, снаружи. An overarching problem is that Nigeria is split between a mostly Muslim north and a predominantly Christian south, with its 180m people belonging to 250 ethnic groups and speaking more than 500 languages — всеохватывающий; всеобъемлющий. The system needs an overhaul — тщательный осмотр, изучение; пересмотр, ревизия; overhaul of the school curriculum — тщательная проверка школьного учебного плана. Being overtly pro-EU is no longer something to be ashamed of — открыто, публично; откровенно. Nobody yet knows how bad the overshoot is, but the government says the outcome could be 8% or more — превышение. Kim Jong Un may be trying to overturn part of his father’s malodorous legacy — опровергать (теорию); отменять (решение, постановление). Pakistan’s government is beset by legal threats and beholden to its overweening army — высокомерный, самонадеянный.


Часть II / pabulum

P Erick Erickson, a prominent Republican blogger, complains that the document focuses on “mom-tested, kid-approved pabulum”  — примитивные идеи, банальщина, избитый текст. Britain, the pacemaker in university reform in Europe, is raising fees — лидер в своей области; задающий тон, тенденцию. Nikita Khrushchev, unlike his colleagues, “did indeed have a human face, though pachydermic” — толстокожее (животное; слон, носорог, бегемот). This is a deft, pacy and revealing account, and for the most part, admirably dispassionate — двигаться очень быстро. Such clients no longer just take the law firm’s word for how many hours its lawyers spent on a job: if the bill looks padded, they will not hesitate to demand cuts — раздувать (счет, штаты). Stockpiles may soon become the world’s primary padding in the event of a supply shock; It is also nearly 700 pages long, which means that it contains a lot of padding; Meetings behind padded doors — общие фразы в тексте; многословие. If this isn’t conveying anything to you, imagine the most appalling bit of paddy-whackery you’ve ever seen in the cinema — Tom Cruise in “Far and Away” or Julia Roberts in “Mary Reilly”, say — and now imagine these films had been switched to a Brazilian location and the script translated into Portuguese — but no one told Tom or Julia — отрицательная характеристика поведения, похожего на стереотипное поведение ирландцев. Mr Netanyahu’s recent paean to matrimony followed days of ugly reports and swirling rumours depicting Mrs Netanyahu as a henpecking harridan and the prime minister as her squirming victim; the press has churned out many an unquestioning paean to her  — пеан (благодарственная песнь, адресованная Аполлону). 406

Часть II / pales

Books on political theory are not often page-turners — увлекательная книга. In fact, China has painted itself into a diplomatic corner — загнать в угол, припереть к стенке. Most of this catch would probably not appeal to human palates — нёбо. Russia Seeks to Cleanse Its Palate of U. S. Chicken — нёбо; cleft palate — расщепленное нёбо, волчья пасть. Collins acquired an eye for painterly composition — относящийся к живописи. The passports palaver has drawn attention to such issues  — пустая, праздная болтовня. As drinkers turn against the pallid swill pumped out by mass-market brewers, the craft brewers have almost doubled their market share — неинтересный, скучный. Visiting the earthquake-stricken Italian city of L’Aquila in 2009, he left his pallium, the woollen band that is a symbol of the papal office, at the tomb of Celestine V — белая наплечная накидка папы римского. So pally are the two dictatorships that Myanmar seems to have tolerated another outrageous — дружеский, приятельский. Many German savers already see the paltry interest they earn on the savings they stash in banks — ничтожный, мелкий, незначительный. Allegations of fraud have cast a pall over the election — гнетущая, мрачная атмосфера. Her memories, too, area palimpsest of the real and the staged — палимпсест (пергаментная рукопись, с которой стерт первоначальный текст и  на  его месте написан новый), что-л., имеющее скрытую сторону, невидимую на поверхности. Beside the extraordinary American economy, now in its tenth year of expansion, all else pales — потускнеть, потерять яркость.


Часть II / pale

She had given up her birth citizenship too on that pale — в пределах, предусмотренных законом. The trouble is that, as time passes, all such efforts seem palliative at best; Such actions are palliatives — паллиатив, лекарство, снимающее симптомы, но не излечивающее болезнь. With an election looming and the recovery looking pallid, politicians may grasp for whatever villains are available  — слабый; неинтересный, скучный. Maybe some of the smug and sneering faces will take on a different pallor — бледность. The rebels remember the pally relationship between Qaddafi and Berlusconi — приятельский, товарищеский. “In the context of the requirement, this is a paltry amount of funding,” he says — пустяковый, мелкий. The “paleocons” have always disliked the neocons — a term for an anti-communist and anti-authoritarianright wing movement that stresses tradition, civil society and classical federalism — антикоммунистическое, антиавторитарное правое политическое движение, основанное на классическом федерализме. The result was considered beyond the pale even by a Dagestani court, which annulled the result — граница, черта, пределы; рамки поведения. The exhibition will present it not as a shrine but as a palimpsest, as full of meaning as it is of bloodshed — что-л., имеющее скрытую сторону, невидимую на поверхности. Even in Britain, where the hospice movement began, access to palliative care is patchy — смягчающий. Expatriate spouses living pampered lives in Moscow often think it would be nice to write a book about their time there — баловать, потакать, изнеживать. In turn civil servant, pamphleteer, don and college bursar, editor, company chairman, patron of the arts, government spokesman and adviser — памфлетист. 408

Часть II / pander

The introductions are panning out to be a child-rearing competition — преуспевать; устраиваться. Bush with panache; His panache, his brains and energy Behind the panache of his ideas — особый стиль, своеобразие. Neither green cachet or a couple additional miles on the gallon is not worth the risk of getting pancaked in a crash — становиться плоским. The pandemonium that ensued gave rise to the multi-billiondollar security industry — ад, преисподняя. That may sound Panglossian, but it is better than raising voters’ expectations only to dash them later; The phlegmatic and the Panglossian — наивно оптимистичный (по имени одного из героев повести Вольтера «Кандид, или Оптимизм» (1759 г.), философствующего глупца, проповедника теорий оптимизма и гармонии — Панглосса). His opponents say he is pandering to Jewish voters in Toronto and Montreal — сводничать. Chinese officials have recently had a pang of food-safety conscience, and WalMart has offered an easy target  — душевная боль, угрызения совести. Mrs Clinton comes with a pantechnicon full of baggage — склад для хранения мебели. I’ll bet my panful of hot buttered plantains that was sarcasm; Presence of goldby panful — полная кастрюля, сковорода, миска. In emerging Asian countries, unlike the West, more consumption is not a panacea rather more investment leads to longterm economic growth — панацея, универсальное средство, спасение. Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president’s most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator; Party’s top panjandrums — важная персона, “шишка”. A bit of tax relief, including a cut in value-added tax for hotels, which voters deemed an egregious pander to the FDP  — пособник, сообщник, соучастник. 409

Часть II / panoply

Regular contact on the full panoply of issues — масса, множество, совокупность. But Aadhaar is a poor way to build up an Orwellian panopticon, Mr Nilekani argues — собрание разнообразных необычных предметов. This panmictic party; panmixia thus came full circle — беспорядочное скрещивание. What you serve up in this piece is pure pap; Drowned in a sea of pap — каша, пюре; детское питание; протертая пища. Yet on October 28th Mr Prodi chaired a summit of coalition bigwigs who once again papered over the cracks — замазывать, сглаживать (противоречия, различия). But his story is also a parable of the changes — both good and bad — in the rural west — иносказание, притча. What to do with old computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, phones and other digital paraphernalia? — атрибуты, принадлежности. The most senior person toppled by the current anti-graft crusade, had multiple paramours; former railways minister Liu Zhijun is rumoured to have kept 18 — любовник; любовница. Cuba freed Ariel Sigler, a paraplegic dissident, after he had spent seven years in jail on charges of treason — страдающий параличом нижних конечностей. Descriptions such as “his splayed shoes crêping along the floor, sliding across patches of lino” or “the day is an elegant parasol tasselled with clouds” stay with you long after you have read them — балдахин, тент. Last year’s drought has parched rivers and fields, pushing rural people into the towns — сохнуть, пересыхать. The pardons dent the credibility of the political system and will test the president’s ability — помилование; амнистия. If it is to provide only a minimum standard of living, there is plenty of scope to pare back benefits — обстругивать, обрезать. 410

Часть II / parsed

He even managed to parlay a badly-handled war in Iraq into a vote winner — использовать для получения выгоды. The economy, although improving, remains in a parlous state — затруднительный, рискованный, тяжелый. After parleying to agree the terms of the ceasefires, most officers mingled with the enemy just as keenly as their men did — говорить (на иностранном языке); обсуждать, договариваться. Graduates were expected by their family and peers to become employees of the state and parastatal sector — an organization or industry, especially in some African countries having some political authority and serving the state indirectly — организация, наделенная политической властью и косвенно обслуживающая интересы государства. At the time of the 1999 coup, the world regarded him as a usurper and shunned his country as a pariah — пария (представитель низшей касты в Индии), изгнанник, изгой, отверженный. Here is a much larger group whose interest in politics is essentially parochial; Parochial nationalism that is unable to adapt to postmodern society — узкий; местнический. «We’re in a new paradigm” because of social media, says Jesse Wente, an Ojibwe from the Serpent River First Nation — система взглядов. Twenty years from now, how many Chinese words will be common parlance in English? — язык, манера говорить/выражаться. It caused paroxysms of guilt; It is so prone to paroxysms — приступ (болезни), припадок, пароксизм. Once considered a paragon of Swiss business; Slovenia is a paragon of good government — образец, модель совершенства; paragon of perfect polity — образец идеального. This week’s local elections will be parsed for what they mean for Jeremy Corbyn — производить анализ.


Часть II / paraphernalia

Pre-revolutionary American paraphernalia such as Life magazines and Coca-Cola signs or newspapers from the Spanish-American War — атрибуты, принадлежности. She’s as comfortable “borrowing” or “renting” as her male paramour — любовник; любовница. The investment mania was interrupted by the financial crisis; the paronomasia seems unstoppable — каламбур, игра слов. Conspiracy theorists now wonder if Mr Lazcano faked his own death and is living out his days under a parasol in Cancún — зонтик (от солнца). All the same, they do offer a path away from pariahdom  — пребывание в низшей касте. The move is not quite as dramatic as it sounds: the new negative rate will apply only to new reserves that banks park with the central bank — оставлять на время. Instead of settling into a period of calm, markets plunged into new paroxysms — спазм, судорога. The severe drought that has parched most of the state this year shows no signs of abating — испепелять; жечь. Instead of challenging the city’s established wisdom about where to eat, the guide mainly parrots it — зубрить, механически повторять. Nor was the prime minister able to parry attacks on his government’s health-care and economic policies — отражать (удар, нападение). The parsimony of Italy and Greece is partly connected with their economic difficulties — скаредность, скряжничество, скупость. This being America in 2017, pundits and elected officials instantly began parsing the partisan consequences of Mr Mueller’s appointment — разбирать; анализировать. The food shop is Partridges, family-owned for 40 years and with a royal warrant as Grocers to the Queen — куропатка. 412

Часть II / pat

Lorries and river barges use diesel, a source of particulates — твердые частицы в отработавших, выхлопных газах. Mrs Lincoln has much in common with her fellow party-bucker, Ms Snowe — спонсор партии. Despite urgings by all not to be a party-pooper at Oslo, Mr Arafat could not entirely suppress his frustration; Gorbachev, The Party Pooper — некомпанейский человек; человек, портящий другим веселье. Though they posed as Texans, they were Connecticut parvenus who summered in Maine; NATO’s best hope is therefore to sideline him, partly by starving him, and other parvenu warlords, of some of their fat contracts — парвеню, выскочка. Swedes found this skit tremendously funny, partly for the fauxmafia encounter at the beginning (which mocks Swedish naivety in dealing with Russian gangsters) but also for the glorious pastiche of Russian visual and musical clichés; He has a talent for superior pastiche — мешанина; всякая всячина; сборная солянка. Skoda jokes look passé as carmakers pile into a new production hotspot — старомодный. From Bangladesh to Subotica on the Serbian border with Hungary countries play pass-the-buck with these immigrants — переложить ответственность (на другого). If the Fed continues to stand pat, inflation may soon move above 2% — упорный, банальный. But despite heavy spending, progress has been patchy; relations are patchy — пестрый, разношерстный. But it may not be enough to patch up the company’s problems — улаживать (ссору). How pathetic that they cover their ignorance by blaming hedgefund managers in London — жалостный; трогательный, умилительный. Videos capturing pat-downs have gone viral, generating indignation — обыск (охлопыванием). 413

Часть II / paternalistic

Uber-conformists perfectly happy with socially paternalistic policies but radically opposed to fiscally paternalistic policies — отцовский, отеческий. Instantly those men will be deprived of the patina of nobility and gallantry that they did not earn and do not deserve to have attributed to them — налет, след, отпечаток. We thank you for your patronage — патронаж, покровительственное отношение. This represents a huge leap forward for the industry, but the showroom patter will be misleading — условный язык, арго. The effect is bigger in developing countries than developed ones, due to the paucity of existing communications infrastructure — недостаточность, нехватка. Last month paywalls went up around the New York Times and the Dallas Morning News — система предотвращающая доступ к интернету. Pax Sinica — China does not aspire to run the world because it believes itself to be the centre of the world — мир (по-китайски). Hilary Benn, the shadow foreign secretary who had dared to speak out against his peacenikery — миротворчество. In their response to the sovereign-debt crisis, Europe’s policy makers have tended to favour the peashooter — игрушечное ружье. Tax peccadillos got him off to a bad start with lawmakers  — грешок. For the peccaries at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, it is a familiar experience — пекари (разновидность американской дикой свиньи). It is worth noting, for pedantry’s sake, that the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty bans nuclear explosions in space — педантичность. Mr Rosi’s film, “La Tregua”, is a stark and austere but too pedestrian adaptation of Primo Levi’s account of returning from Auschwitz — неинтересный, прозаичный. 414

Часть II / penhold

America, while acting slightly peeved, will carry on regardless — докучать, надоедать, раздражать. Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction — незначительный, несерьезный. He could be superbly rude to peddlers of cliché and to plausiblesounding simplifiers — плохой работник, разносчик сплетен, сплетник. But recent years have knocked J&J off its pedestal as one of America’s most venerated companies — пьедестал, подножие. Routine violence there exceeds anything seen in Bangkok, but it elicits barely a peep from the news media in the Thai capital — беглый взгляд, тайный взгляд, взгляд украдкой. But peer ahead and it is not hard to conjure up a plot worthy of the most lurid giallo-writer — вглядываться; изучать. His name was in the Peerage — сословие пэров (в Англии, Франции). I think the American peevishness and vindictiveness is well overdone — сварливость; раздражительность. The Germans are also peeved at having to renegotiate that hypothesized deal in the face of further US meddling — раздраженный. Сountries with pegs to the dollar — искусственная поддержка цены (курса). In India today, the “Common Man” — a typically feudal pejorative; the term tends to be pejorative and murky — who ‘aspires’ to be an intelligent citizen — уничижительный, умаляющий. Social, tax system pel-mell it destroyed any chance to be competitive with Czech or Poland much less Romania; Germany cannot quit nuclear power while making a pell-mellexit from fossil fuels — путаница; неразбериха; мешанина. The essence of his playing style was a penhold grip on the bat, index finger and thumb circling the handle — держать ракетку между большими указательными пальцами. 415

Часть II / pelage

The panda’s black-and-white pelage certainly makes for a striking logo — меховой покров (у животных). If the mainstream debate is robust, its penumbra is toxic — полусвет, полутень. These were engulfed in fire and brimstone as divine punishment for the local penchant for gay sex — склонность, расположение, любовь (к чему-л., кому-л.). But the pendulum of capital-markets regulation in America has swung in one direction for so long that when it started to reverse course — маятник, чередование. The cause of this penance is the leaking to the media of a list of over 100,000 people who held accounts at HSBC’s Swiss arm in 2005–07 — итимья, возмездие, кара, наказание, расплата. She was then relatively unknown, and penurious — скупой, скаредный. Yes, a lot of good penmanship is gone due to the lack of practice — стиль или манера писателя, стиль создания художественного произведения. The penultimate step towards the creation of artificial life has just been announced — предпоследний. Penury need not spell political death; He warmed the hearts of Argentines with the comforting notion that it was the evil IMF, rather than their own mistakes, which was responsible for a once-rich country’s penury; though blessed with natural resources and Arab subservient elites whiled often leaving the mases in penury — нищета; нужда. The provenance of the president’s image in the portrait — that pensive expression, that upturned jaw — turned out to be an April 2006 photograph — размышляющий, задумчивый. Police lawlessness has exhausted people’s patience and that pent-up anger has finally burst into newspapers  — ограниченный, сдерживаемый.


Часть II / percentile

Sri Lanka’s government, representing the penitent chauvinism of the country’s Sinhalese majority — раскаивающийся. The Catholic church may have to serve a harder penance  — покаяние. Our justice system is an odd relic of the penitentiary, as a quiet place for penitent souls; The Haitian Penitentiary has collapsed and the inmates — tough guys most of them — are running free for the foreseeable future — исправительный дом. The penultimate round of talks before December’s climatechange summit in Copenhagen ended in Bangkok; Those taking the Bac S will have one-and-a-half hours more history a week in their penultimate school year than now — предпоследний. The Secretary of State has a very droll sense of humor and a penchant for employing it for maximum effect — склонность, расположение, любовь. This penny-pinching hurts all the more because it mocks the big expansions undertaken in the 1990s — скаредный, скупой. Mrs Merkel is not embarrassed to pepper them with questions in meetings at the chancellery — забрасывать вопросами, репликами. Testy press conference today, perhaps the most peppery we’ve seen Barack Obama — язвительный, едкий. In contrast GDP in the Philippines expanded by a peppy 2.2% in the quarter, beating China’s growth rate — энергичный, живой. But what Dr Jamieson’s work shows beyond peradventure is that no part of Earth’s surface is safe from the activities of Man — разумеется, вне всякого сомнения. To adapt them to thought control, a group of able-bodied people will first don the cap and perambulate in the legs around a laboratory, to refine the process — ходить взад и вперед, расхаживать. It tops 100% for firms in the 90th percentile, compared with just over 20% 30 years ago — процентиль.


Часть II / percolated

His speech to a gathering of young Israelis percolated down to the undecided centre of Israeli politics — проникать сквозь; проходить. Its journey around its home galaxy, though, is no stately peregrination — путешествие, странствие. The perennial tedium of the Oscars ceremony won’t prevent millions of people from watching it; The results of the latest census have diverted blame towards a perennial culprit: overpopulation; Afghanistan is perennial — нечто неумирающее, нестареющее, неизменное. Money flowing out of the periphery endangered peripheral banking systems — второстепенный, частный. Elite managers, who are these days often Spanish or Italian, are peripatetic experts — more management consultants than chief executives — аристотелевский, перипатетический. A pernicious “superiority complex”, says a former intelligence man, has taken root in both Mossad and Shin Bet, the internal security service also known by its Hebrew acronym, Shabak; A belated attempt to curb a pernicious form of child pornography — разрушительный, разорительный, наносящий ущерб. Alas the Serbs in the southern enclave would perforce have to move north — по необходимости. Gone are the days of bosses in their perches and hideouts  — насест, жердочка (для птиц); незанятое место. He lamented Mr Brown’s “wooden and perfunctory” delivery, likened him to a “Brezhnev-era apparatchik” — безразличный, неглубокий. Commodity markets perked up a bit in response to Mr Li’s speech, which gave hints of more stimulus measures in the offing to prop up growth — воспрянуть духом, оживиться. The Arab spring has become a perma-protest against pretty much everything — prefix Informal indicating a fixed state. My heated towel was only available in “Lemon Mist” and “Lavender Eve”, NOT the “Persimmon Holiday” I had been promised — хурма (плод). 418

Часть II / pert

He perused them for a minute, then offered the sales assistant $6,000 for the lot — внимательно прочитывать. Will the perpetual “next big thing” ever be more than that? — бесконечный, вечный. That typically tortuous peroration from John Kerry’s stump speech concerns one of his most important themes: foreign policy — разглагольствование; речь. Influenced by his impressions, as a tourist or peripatetic businessman — странник; странствующий торговец. Kenya’s high level of corruption still permeats virtually all levels of business — проникать, проходить сквозь. Schlesinger liberalism was altruistic and perfectibilian, but it was also anti-Communist, pluralistic, pragmatic and tough — способный к совершенствованию, человек, достигший совершенства. Papandreou pere (Andreas) is not to blame for starting it  — используется для обозначения различия между отцом и сыном. With international help and a less peremptory guidance from the US (on reforms) Pakistan will recover — властный, повелительный; высокомерный. These are symptoms of a larger and more pernicious problem — наносящий ущерб; пагубный. China’s straightforward approach is an attractive alternative to the pernicketiness of the IMF and the Paris Club of creditors — привередливый, придирчивый, разборчивый. Mr Gingrich delivered a peroration on the virtues of making people work that impressed his tea-party audience so much that they gave him a rapturous standing ovation — разглагольствование. Corporate tax in America How to stop the inversion perversion — неправильный, не соответствующий стандартам, нормам. Another clerk describes a colleague as “one of the most pert, assuming, and forward coxcombs I ever saw” — нахальный; бойкий. 419

Часть II / perpetuated

His economic liberalism was shallow and he perpetuated the old clientelism without the old parties — увековечивать; сохранять навсегда. There now probably needs to be a fifth P: persevere — упорно добиваться, стойко, упорно продолжать. Some good ideas take years of dogged perseverance to come to fruition — упорство, неколебимость. At first they offered no facial protection; later the nose and jaw were covered only by a flimsy piece of perspex — вид пластика. All the pseudo-theology about what is a heresy is so much persiflage, nothing more or less than the PCUSA baptizing anti-Semitism — подшучивание; легкая шутка. What happens to human cells if you douse them in a Petri dish full of public shame, official reprimands and months of intense stress — чашка Петри (используется для культивирования микроорганизмов). They were perturbed by the opening speech, in which Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, set a growth target of just 7.5% for 2012 — приводить в смятение; тревожить. To create an ordinary “amending treaty” that could be bundled through national parliaments, without any more pesky voting by European citizens; They have pesky obligations — надоедливый, беспокоящий; досадный. The perpetrators are a new faction of a home-grown group called Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh — злоумышленник; правонарушитель. Okinawans are notable fish eaters, even by the standards of a piscivorous country — рыбоядный. Fees discourage tenants from pestering agencies or making unnecessary changes to their contracts — донимать, допекать. At the start of the 4th century BC, when bankers were already the butt of music-hall humour (“the most pestilential of all trades”) — отвратительный, мерзкий. 420

Часть II / philandering

America’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, an arm of the Pentagon, also wants a petaflop machine for its research work — 1,000 триллион операций в секунду. According to one of the European Commission’s pettifogging regulations, cucumbers sold in the single market cannot be too curvy — крючкотворство, сутяжничество. “We are not seeing any signs of this petering out,” Richard Besser, acting CDC director, said  — иссякать, истощаться; беднеть (о месторождениях). It is a vital home for seabirds, including burrowing petrels and albatrosses as well as two endangered bird species found nowhere else — буревестник. Russia can’t Balkanise the Baltics, but it can make a nuisance of itself — petulant behaviour for when the threats don’t work; Itattracted a petulant protest from the Japanese embassy in London; Mr Sarkozy, by contrast, has stuck his finger into everything, from the number of taxis on Paris streets to the petulant behaviour of the French national football team — нетерпеливый, обидчивый, раздражительный. A man rose from his pew to deliver a mocking encomium to “your Mastership”, the ascendant rood — постоянное отгороженное место в церкви. The state controls more than half the economy including a phalanx of big firms; Given such complexity, sorting out who owns what requires time and a phalanx of lawyers — фаланга (тесно сомкнутое линейное построение тяжелой пехоты в Древней Греции, Македониии Древнем Риме), множество, масса, группа. “Phew!” from Serbia, “yeah!” from Montenegro and “meh”, the equivalent of shrugged shoulders, from everybody else  — фу!, уф! (выражает нетерпение, дискомфорт). In exile in the West from 1974, his gloomy philippics and increasingly turgid prose aroused more bafflement than appreciation — филиппика, обличительная речь. She is aided by an array of familiar figures  — a crusty editor, a trusty police reporter, a philandering but good-hearted political reporter — флиртовать, волочиться. 421

Часть II / phizog

Both compare a picture of someone’s phizog with a reference image taken in a controlled environment — физиономия. Unlike the autocue, Samsung Electronics has not gone phut — прахом; неудачно. Karaites regard skullcaps, phylacteries, matrilineal descent and non-biblical festivals, such as the Festival of Lights, as pagan accretions — филактерия (одна из двух кожаных коробочек, которую иудеи подвязывают во время утренней молитвы на лбу и на левой руке). Although it clearly drew on an earlier picaresque tradition, Dickens packed it with quite new sounds and sights  — плутовской, о приключениях плута. Against them were around 2,000 Nazi soldiers, the pick of the Wehrmacht, with plenty more behind them. — что-л. отборное, лучшая часть (чего-л.). So many US states are in a fiscal pickle — неприятное положение; плачевное состояние; сложная ситуация. Puns that play on Chinese pictograms and their homophones are hard to render in English — пиктограммы. That the EU managed to fall out over such piddling sums is embarrassing — ничтожный, пустячный. Debunking the myth that a popular show must be as inoffensive as oatmeal, along comes “The Book of Mormon”, which skewers any number of pieties, including religion — (pieties) разглагольствования (правильные, но неискренние); liberated pieties — либеральная риторика. Germany promised a piffling $2 bln; To this piffle the best retort is: grow up — болтовня, вздор, чепуха. Richly Australian, “Breath” is a classic coming-of-age novel, which is not to pigeonhole the work as small or pat — классифицировать, всесторонне анализировать. The latest try, in which Dr Dunbar piggybacked on a survey organised by a biscuit-maker, has overcome that — выезжать (на чьей-л.) спине, использовать (что-л.) в своих интересах. 422

Часть II / pinched

Variations on it have been voiced here so many times that the Economist’s pigheadedness about caricaturing Spain’s history and economy — тупоумный, глупый; упрямый. Don Draper, the womanising star of “Mad Men”, an ad-agency TV drama, is a mere piker compared with Claude Hopkins — трус; человек, не решающийся рисковать. Having pillaged shallower waters, the world’s fishing powers are looking to the mesopelagic as a new frontier — грабить. On May 11th he rode pillion as a motorcycle whisked him unnoticed, before dawn, to villages in Uttar Pradesh, near Delhi — заднее сиденье (мотоцикла). US officials pilloried BP for mistakes; Congress has summoned executives from these firms for pillorying Church leaders protest it is unfair to pillory Benedict — поставить, пригвоздить к позорному столбу, выставить на осмеяние. It was pilfered from state armouries; Money pilfered in office — воровать, приворовывать; совершить мелкую кражу. You do not want to cross the pimento people — яркий красный цвет. West Bank pimpernel pops up — очный цвет (Anagallis), бедренец (Pimpinella). Plenty of grown-ups are “indulging in amusements which the men of the West lay aside with their pinafores” — передник (детский); фартук. Last year he turned heads when he accused Barack Obama at a televised town-hall meeting of “whacking” Wall Street “like a piñata” — козел отпущения, мальчик для битья. BP seems certain to be the target of a familiar pincer movement between lawsuits brought by state attorneys-general and similar suits by private litigators — зажимной сухарь; зажимная губка, клещи. In pinched times, motorbikes are valued more for their usefulness than their speedy glamour; With fuel and security costs soaring, 423

Часть II / pinching

and revenues dropping, they are in penny-pinching mode — урезанный, стесненный (в чем-л.). Sanctions on Chinese companies suspected of pinching American secrets — красть, тырить. They had left behind their paddy fields, pigs and buffalo, their fresh air and forests, and pined for them — тосковать (по чему-л.). Thailand may be socially accepting, but the generals have hollowed out politics and pinioned civil society — связывать (руки). ESPN experimented with brand extensions such as restaurants and mobile phones that pinged match results to subscribers — трезвон (колокольчиков). The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Monday that Dish Network was within its rights to pink-slip Brandon Coats, a quadriplegic and medical marijuana patient, after he tested positive for pot during a random drug tes — вручить уведомление об увольнении. France sits at the pinnacle of the wine world — кульминационный пункт, апофеоз. In a small fishing village on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela stands a plinth — цоколь; постамент. It started with a pinprick; It may be just a pinprick; the series of pinprick attacks — булавочный укол; pinprick raid; policy of pinpricks — политика мелких уколов. They had left behind their paddy fields, pigs and buffalo, their fresh air and forests, and pined for them — возлагать (ответственность, вину); пришивать (дело, преступление). Afghanistan’s usually rather effective intelligence service failed to pinpoint what was coming over the horizon — заострить внимание (на чем-л.). Not long ago, Vietnam was one of the developing world’s pinups — красавчик. Secular or pious rights of citizens — набожный, благочестивый; праведный, религиозный.


Часть II / pittance

His idea of a ‘United States of Africa’ is a pipe dream, which he hopes to somehow rule — видения курильщика опиума, несбыточная мечта, “воздушные замки”. The online retailer just pipped Apple to the number-one slot — разбивать скорлупу, вылупляться из яйца (о птенце). The Schadenfreude set will have to have DRK TV piped in to get their fix but eventually the death penalty will go away in the US — подавать по трубам. Japan is one of the planet’s oldest societies, pipped only by tiny Monaco for the proportion of elderly in the population — побить, разгромить. Involvement of the Rockefeller family gives added piquancy to one of the two most significant shareholders-versus-board battles — острота, пикантность. It is also possible to detect a sense of pique that China is willing to do things which America, at the moment, can’t — злоба; уязвленная гордость. Desperate effors to keep a piscine predator from the Great Lakes — относящийся к рыбе, рыбный. Latvia is a financial pipsqueak — ничтожная личность, ничтожество. Britain’s elite competitors have set post-war medal records at the last three Olympic games — pipping China to second place in Rio in terms of gold medals — побеждать с минимальным перевесом. Mr Macron is pitching himself as the pro-globalisation revolutionary — продвигать, рекламировать. Pitifully few entered the army or the police force — достойный сожаления. In many cities people can park on the street for nothing, or a pittance — скудное вспомоществование; жалкие гроши. A $5 mln prize is a pittance — скудное вспомоществование или жалованье; жалкие гроши. 425

Часть II / pitted

The streets are pitted with potholes — изрытый, в ямах. Pitting robots against each other shows the promise and many of the pitfalls of autonomous technology — стравливание, науськивание. Turkey is a strategic pivot between Europe and the Middle East; a strategic pivot on the Silk Road, running through the Ancient Armenian lingdom of Ani — главный, основной, опорный пункт. Sometimes interesting is stirring the pixelated world of digital photography — объединенные в группы пиксели. Congratulations to one Southwest Airlines employee for adding a little pizzazz to the process; it has never got back to the pizzazz of 1969; Pile on the pianissimo and postpone the pizzazz — стиль, класс, шик, веселость, приподнятое настроение. Why collecting pizzo on a low level as you can get all the tax in one time of all the citizens and companies in Italy? — итальянсий слэнг слова взятка. India tries to placate critics in Kashmir of its huge military presence there — умиротворять; унимать, успокаивать. It was for an intensive nine-day obstacle course, which he tried to negotiate with the placatory charm and openness to dialogue  — успокаивающий, умиротворяющий; примирительный. The place is packed with placemenand women, many elected on regional list systems — чиновник (обычно использующий свой пост в корыстных целях); креатура, ставленник. Kicking off a promotional campaign with a plagiarism scandal is not the most orthodox way to attract clients — плагиат. As wars and religious conflicts plagued Europe, philosophers and scientists sparred with each other over whether a human’s inner self was an immortal and divine essenc; If a loose dog plagues a postman, delivery to an entire neighbourhood can be suspended — свирепствовать; досаждать. As wars and religious conflicts plagued Europe, philosophers and scientists sparred with each other over whether a human’s inner self was an immortal and divine essence — свирепствовать. 426

Часть II / plethora

The plain-clothes police are always there, watching Xu Jiehua — носящий штатскую одежду, в штатском. Do anything to salvage its putative capital, other than plaintively cry “theft” — горестно, печально, грустно, жалобно. What would he think of a main plank of the outgoing French socialist government’s economic policy  — принципиальный пункт, значимое положение. So J Street has planted a foot in the door — всаживать, втыкать; прочно ставить, устанавливать. Unlike in France and the UK, the German birth rate has not bounced back, instead plateauing at a low level — оставаться на определенном уровне. Decaying Protestantism “becomes a vague mist of ethical platitudes; cringing platitudes — банальность, избитость, плоскость, пошлость, тривиальность. Mr Brown’s approach has earned him plaudits from a number of prominent American economists — аплодисменты, рукоплескания. The belt of what would come to be known as planetissimals that lies beyond the outer planets — кольца планет. Mr Hammond is a grown-up in a political playpen that is stuffed with children — детский манеж. Many scorn the internet as a plaything for plebs  — плебеи, простолюдины. None had that direct pluck of plectrum on string for which he loved the harpsichord — медиатор, плектр. In American how would Jews feel if we had to pledge our allegiance to the Christian nation of America? — клясться в верности. How a plethora of runners might help centrists in next spring’s election — изобилие, избыток.


Часть II / plexus

900 pounds of force is easily enough to kill someone especially if the strike hits the nose, the liver, or the solar plexus — сплетение. Japan was a pliant American ally; Pliant mainstream media; will Congress be so pliant? — податливый, сговорчивый. The old-timers plan to resurrect a statue of the Roman emperor, Septimus Severus, who was born in what became Libya but whom Colonel Qaddafi knocked off his Tripolitanian plinth — цоколь; постамент. Before her bolt-from-the-blue announcement that she was calling a general election, most Britons had Theresa May down as an honest plodder: a safe pair of hands who kept her promises and did her homework — работяга, трудяга. Little brother Wolfgang was straightforward, practical and plodding — старательный, усердный. It is similar to the cheap plonk sold in France and other European winemaking countries — вино плохого качества; шум, грохот падения. Rub your eyes: America’s strongest ally in South-East Asia appears to be plopping like a ripe mango into China’s hands — плюхнуться, шмякнуться. But that would require Washington to get its act together — a plotline so implausible that it would make J. K. Rowling blush — сюжетная линия. Democrats knew the dangers, but ploughed on for a series of reasons, some of them altruistic, and some of them more political  — настойчиво продолжать, упорно продвигаться. From lucky to plucky: an entrepreneurial prime minister calls for a culture of innovation — мужественный, решительный. The company’s stock price has plunged to lows last seen a halfcentury ago; A reported a 24% plunge  — прыжок, ныряние, погружение. Yet Ms Yellen has not really changed her plumage — оперение, перья. 428

Часть II / poetaster

The campaign for November’s presidential election has plumbed depths of personal abuse — отчетливо постигать. Whether the prime minister plumps for a snap election in June or waits for the end of his term in November now hinges on the welfarereform talks — решительно поддерживать. With a plurality of voters undecided, “flexicon” enters the political lexicon — относительное большинство голосов. Abe’s efforts did not stop Mr Trump from pulling the plug on the TPP, but Japanese officials are still pleased with their recent diplomacy — выйти из. We are about to pull the plug on that JV — выйти из. Whether the prime minister plumps for a snap election in June or waits for the end of his With a plurality of voters undecided, “flexicon” enters the political lexicon  — относительное большинство голосов. Term in November now hinges on the welfare-reform talks  — решительно поддерживать. As prostitution has been chased from posh parts of Paris, women ply their trade elsewhere: from forests outside the capital, to the heavily immigrant Boulevard Barbès in the 18th arrondissement, where a thriving business starts on the pavements in broad daylight and continues far into the night — усердно заниматься (чем-л.). He’s no longer the Ambassador there since he’s been PNG’d — выдворен из страны в качестве персоны нон-грата. An entire neighbourhood in southern St Louis, Bevo Mill, was transformed from a crime-ridden area pockmarked by abandoned buildings into a decent quarter — испещренный. In art as in life, both Kims are effeminate and podgy — короткий и толстый. Nor are such creatures merely the province of the past and the poetaster — рифмоплет, графоман.


Часть II / poignant

Kapka Kassabova’s poignant, erudite and witty third book, “Border”, brings hidden history vividly to light — едкий, острый. The book is composed, like a pointillist painting, of thousands of factual details — пуантиллизм (теория и техника живописи раздельными точками или прямоугольниками чистых цветов). It is easy to poke fun at Great Wall Motor, based in Hebei Province — высмеивать кого-л. (или что-л.), подшучивать, подтрунивать, потешаться над кем-л. Russia waтts to poke Uncle Sam in the eye; US pokes its nose into the affairs of small nations — совать, пихать, тыкать, толкать. $150,000 buys you a spacious house with a garden — in the nice parts of Palo Alto, it buys you a poky flat — тесный, убогий (о месте, местонахождении). For two decades, the Netherlands’ “polder model” seemed to be working miracles  — осушенный участок земли, защищенный дамбой. The NLD’s landslide gives it a majority in both houses of parliament, and puts it in pole position to pick the next president — одна из двух крайностей, противоположностей. Obama was close to his fellow Chicago pol — политик. The puzzling range of blunt, sharp and puncture wounds have their explanation in the lethal versatility of the poleaxe — шок. His attempt to woo AstraZeneca, a British drugs firm, included politesse— appearances before Parliament, web videos on Pfizer’s strategy — показная вежливость, учтивость; политес. Mr King caricatures globalisation’s proponents as pollyannas who see only winners and no losers from the integration of emerging economies — чрезмерные оптимисты. Presiding over a messy but largely functioning polity has been a revered king — форма правления, строй (общественный или государственный).


Часть II / portmante

Washington is filled with politicos and pundits — политикан; политический деятель. He was right also to castigate the West’s poltroonery in the years preceding the war, culminating in the Munich agreement — трусость. Get on top of the mountain of material and do credit to such an international polymath — эрудит. Not since the Soviet Union was in its pomp have so many powerful Russians expressed such blood-curdling thoughts about the crisis of capitalism — великолепие, пышность. The stereotype of a gaggle of pretty girls waving pompoms as they cheer the boys’ football teams is not quite accurate — помпон из бумажных или пластиковых полосок. “Relying on the import of money, workers, and brains,” writes Mr Lind, America is “a Ponzi scheme that works” — финансовая пирамида. America ponders the best response to Iran; That is something for politicians to ponder — обдумывать, взвешивать, размышлять. Castro continued to pontificate; so why are Republican politicians and pontificators so angry? — являться римским папой. That is enough to make most Americans pony up — раскошелиться. It is easy to pooh-pooh international courts — относиться небрежно, несерьезно, не придавать значения. The Apollo Moon programme was shut down early, and the world’s astronauts have spent the past 41 years pootling around in low-Earth orbit – бессмысленное медленное движение. A goodwill gesture that went down about as well as a soggy poppadum — непропеченный, сырой. You insult our intelligence with such poppy-cock — вздор, чепуха. Turducken seems a straightforward portmante, albeit of three parts rather than two — контаминация, слово-гибрид (искусственное слово, составленное из двух слов). 431

Часть II / populace

The Alawites and Christians that each make up a tenth of the populace are especially nervous about change  — простой народ; массы. No lady likes to dance or dine accompanied by a porcupine — дикобраз. The poster-child for the property crash is showing signs of cutprice life — образец, пример. It is now a sorry sight, with a green portaloo outside — переносной туалет. In the West naturalistic portraiture began in classical times — портретная живопись. He took the horses to a pond where they could break up the thick ice and drink. This, too, seemed a portent — предвестие, предзнаменование. So lack of employment now may portend an even bleaker future — предвещать, предзнаменовать, предрекать, предсказывать. Affable and portly, Sergey Kislyak seems nevertheless to be an eminently forgettable man — тучный. Political hopefuls in the state’s first district reacted much like a pack of hyenas would to a porterhouse steak: 18 candidates — 16 Republicans and two Democrats  — applied  — пивная; дешевый ресторан. Portentously, he declared that the controversy over sex abuse is now a cultural clash — высокопарный, высокий. Posties with parcels often knock on doors, which gives the dogs an opportunity — почтальоны. “Now that sort of a posture I’d definitely characterise as a “swagger” — отношение, позиция, подход. The blogroll is an attempt by the author to place his blog in a specific genre or group, and a reciprocal effort by a posse of bloggers to raise each other’s visibility — компания, группа; ватага. 432

Часть II / powerhouse

Gordon Brown may be thought of more charitably by posterity than by his contemporaries  — последующие поколения, потомки. Her former career as a high-flying web designer in Los Angeles, her pregnancy and postpartum depression — послеродовая депрессия. None of this is rocket science, posturing and gesture politics needs to be consigned to the past — позирование. Influential economists take a potshot at financial policymakers — выстрел по  близкой или неподвижной цели, критический выпад (против кого-л.), критическое замечание. Since the eastward expansion of the European Union in 2004, reform in parts of Eastern Europe has become something of a Potemkin village — что-то сомнительного качества, имеющее пропагандистскую направленность. The moment was portentous — предсказывающий дурное; зловещий. The performance of Geert Wilders and his far-right Freedom Party (PVV), it was said, would be a portent of Marine Le Pen’s chances in France’s presidential election — действенный, эффективный. He is his own man, a potentate of the north with huge wealth and carefully consolidated support — правитель, монарх. No worse than a string of nonproducing, potty-mouthed MBA guys who promise the Moon but deliver a hunk of Limberger cheese — матерщинник. If he can set up the Republicans for failure and get another democrat majority and POTUS then he will have achieved more in his view — президент Соединенных Штатов (President Of The United States). Picasso gives his subject the confrontational pout and posture of a Parisian demimondaine — недовольная гримаса. Can India’s original economic powerhouse get its act together again? — центр власти. 433

Часть II / pow-wow

A five-hour pow-wow hosted by a lame duck president – церемония заклинания; сборище, совет. Handing out pralines is an easy way to make friends — пралине (разновидность конфет). Barack Obama is still prattling about having 1m of them on America’s roads by 2015 — лепетать. A post-prandial snooze, Dr Walker has discovered, sets the brain up for learning — послеобеденный. Old politicians looked uncomfortable prancing on the world stage with their publicity — скачущий, важный (о походке, манере держаться). A minor prang or proscribed medical condition might end someone’s driving career prematurely — авария, катастрофа. They say they thought they were taking part in a prank — шалость, проделка. But there is no doubt that criminals and pranksters are thriving by attacking computers and networks — шутник. Our tips below are part of a series designed to help business travellers avoid pratfalls when they head abroad — нарочито неуклюжее падение на ягодицы (обычно c расчетом произвести комический эффект), осечка, оплошность, вызывающая смех. Proxy resolutions are precatory since boards are free to ignore them — содержащий просьбу; выражающий надежду. This created a two-tier labour market, with the lower tier populated by a young precariat — социальный класс, испытывающий материальные и психологические проблемы в связи с его непредсказуемым состоянием. So attempts to apply precepts devised by ancient Chinese philosophers to the modern world are in vogue — принцип; заповедь. Opinion polls show public support for the government falling precipitously — стремительный, безудержный; precipitous current — стремительный поток.


Часть II / prefatory

He gave a blunt précis of Russian grievances — краткое изложение, конспект, резюме. We were laughing and dancing our way to the precipice — обрыв, пропасть, опасное положение. A precocious student, Yardley learned poker in the saloons of Worthington, where he probably also developed his lifelong affinity for tall tales — не по годам развитой. Although such an attack was anticipated — the first response was efficient and calm — the grim reality is that it may be the precursor to many similar ones — предтеча, предвестник. Recent events have encapsulated his predicament — затруднительное положение; затруднение. Predictwise, which looks at polls, betting markets and bookies, puts her chance of becoming president at more than 70% — с точки зрения прогнозов. Such public preening must be deeply depressing — чистить перья клювом, прихорашиваться. The OPCW announced in June that all identifiable agents and precursor chemicals had been removed from the country — предшественник; предтеча, предвестник. Japan has found original ways to make money out of people’s sexual predilections — склонность, пристрастие. Cancun, Mexico, is a favourite seaside destination for young gringos keen to primp, Exerciseany pre-emption rights it purports to have — преимущественное право на покупку государственной земли; использование преимущественного права покупки. Politicians preen when they are positive — and blame their predecessors — гордиться собой; нравиться самому себе. The words “We are sorry”, which he said a good deal, prefatory to adverse weather conditions, leaves on the line, staff absences and signal failures, were controversial — вводный, предварительный.


Часть II / prelapsarian

The creation of Mr Tusk’s job in the prelapsarian Lisbon treaty of 2007 was for some the first step towards a “president of Europe” — до грехопадения; безгреховный. Nietzche’s premonitions and insights often agree in the most amazing manner with the laborious results of psychoanalysis  — предчувствие. That changed in October last year, when a Supreme Court ruling upheld a German heiress’s prenup against a challenge from her ex-husband — добрачный договор. Mercifully, it is not all preordained to end in a rerun of 1914 — предопределять. Who has the preponderance of power in the Western Hemisphere — перевес, превосходство, преимущество. The new Star Wars movie — a “prequel” to the other three, and the first of a new trilogy — “предыстория героев” кино- или телефильма с  участием знакомых героев в  новом сюжете, когда действие разворачивается до событий, уже знакомых зрителям. That would seem to presage Chavez’s imminent retirement from his country’s politics, and perhaps from life itself — предзнаменовывать, предвещать. But then, hey presto, after a spell as a guest of Her Majesty in the UK — вуаля!, опля! (произносится во время демонстрации фокуса). This did not stop many Iraqis, believing that the timing and manner of their death is anyway preordained — предопределенный. After months of prevarication Gordon Brown must settle the bank’s fate — ссориться, скандалить, пререкаться из-за пустяков. A twitch in the “benchmark” price can mean big shifts in the value of derivatives, and profits for the prescient — наделенный даром предвидения; предвидящий, пророческий. To grasp his prescience, it is necessary to return to an era when today’s commonplaces were heresies; the joke proved prescient  — наделенный даром предвидения; предвидящий, пророческий. 436

Часть II / prissiness

Нe also has time to exchange charming letters with the preteen daughter of an old friend — ребенок 9–12 лет. They now find Mr Hollande’s preternatural calm unnerving — необычный, неестественный. Prevaricating and lying aren’t the same thing — увиливать, говорить уклончиво, изворачиваться. The priapic will have “enjoyed female company”; nymphomania is “notable vivacity” — в форме фаллоса. Olivier is a fastidious prig and congenital hypochondriac; only the most priggish today would argue that financial institutions are obliged to be fluffy — щеголь, франт. Since Osama bin Laden was killed this month in Abbottabad, a prim military town in Pakistan — чопорный. Inexorably growing Los Angeles meets another primal force — первоначальный, примитивный. Firms that rely on primogeniture, he notes, perform poorly; The tradition of male primogeniture meant that, where there was no son, the inheritance moved sideways to an uncle or a nephew  — правопервородства; право старшего сына на наследование. A primordial soup of such compounds; For Mr. Barnett to dismiss the connections between early han and Tibetans is just “misguided Tibetan primordialism”  — самый первый, изначальный; первобытный. Its most celebrated act was to bring a private prosecution against a priory of Norbertine monks who kept 650 veal calves — монастырь, приорат. The rivalry between Turkey and Iran is prising Kurdistan apart — взламывать, разрывать. Dog-eating is a time-honoured tradition and China is not yet ready for Western-style prissiness about consuming such animals; prissyenunciation — жеманность, чопорность.


Часть II / pristine

With their pristine rooms and green courtyard, the new psychiatric clinic and geriatric and dermatological wards cost $19m — чистый, нетронутый; неиспорченный. There is not much that Mr Miliband can do about his slightly prissy delivery and doleful, irregular features — жеманный. In New York City where restaurants offer discounted prix-fixe menus at lunch and dinner — комплексный (об обеде, ланче); prix fixe dinner menu — меню комплексных обедов. The SEC and the Federal Reserve “were privy to everything as it was happening” — посвященный (во что-л. секретное), осведомленный (о чем-л. тайном). Conducted a wide-ranging tax-evasion probe — тщательное рассмотрение; расследование; зондаж. Austerity is likely to hold sway across Europe as the region seeks to reassure investors (and German voters) about its long-term fiscal probity — неподкупность; кристальная честность. If you were prepared to reveal the extent of your “prandial proclivities” I would be very happy to adjust my own to match — склонность, наклонность. After much procrastination, Hu Jintao, the president, attended a 47-nation nuclear-security summit in Washington  — отсрочка; промедление. Evolutionary success is not just a mad dash to procreate  — порождать. Twice under Mr Obama, anti-dumping tariffs of up to 88% have been slapped on imported Chinese tyres at the prodding of the United Steelworkers union — подгонять, побуждать. They may have asked why they should rescue Dubai from the consequences of its own prodigality — расточительность; расточительство. Pakistan seems to be a nation of wanton profanity where the Koran is routinely desecrated and the prophet Muhammad insulted — богохульство. 438

Часть II / promenade

It makes it plain that for young, black men in America, racial profiling can be deadly — сведения из биографии. Confucius, condemned by Mao as a peddler of feudal thought, is now being proffered as a sage with a message of harmony — предлагать. A cool $800 billion or so, on top of the $700 billion for the TARP, looked more profligate than parsimonious than others; Bush-like profligacy — неэкономный, расточительный. Politicians would rather pretend that someone else will pay for our profligacy — расточительство. With typical profundity, that China thought peace good and terrorism bad — глубина ума, сила интеллекта. Scientists say new bloodlines are needed to avoid future inbreeding among his many progeny — отпрыск, потомок. Greece, progenitor of the euro zone’s drama, is back at centrestage; The progenitor of five-year plans, the Soviet Union, had barely embarked on its 13th one when it collapsed — прародитель. His problem is that technological prognostications sound credible only if underpinned by physics known today  — предсказание, прогноз; прогнозирование. He may have won the loyalty of tech progressives, but many Americans are sympathetic to the government — прогрессивные силы. China projected power much further afield – распространять, прогнозировать, предполагать. He mocked Americans for their class divisions and status symbols: the proles for their polyester, the middle classes for their perfect lawns — рабочий, работяга. Many join the shadow economy to escape destitution, not regulation or proletarianisation — стать пролетариями. On a whirlwind tour of the town, Mr Schenk shows how the old coal mine was turned into a lake with a new marina and a promenade — прогулочное место. 439

Часть II / proletarianised

Knowledge workers will be proletarianised — стать пролетариями. The government of this little promontory that sticks into the Gulf off the east coast of Saudi Arabia; You can also see a growing colony of birds establishing itself on Letterbox, a mainland promontory, and even nearer to hand — мыс; выступ. Their departure is making sectarian divisions increasingly pronounced — резко определенный, отчетливый. He was propelled by three big factors, not all of which will apply elsewhere — продвигать вперед, толкать. This shows that China is and will continue to be a propeller of peace and stability in East Asia — движущая сила. Fathers, as well as mothers, can pass on a propensity to obesity if they themselves have been starved — склонность, предрасположение. In fact its composition was more apt, if no less uncomfortable: hundreds of dangling prophylactics  — профилактический; предохранительный, предупредительный. The trouble is that propinquity and self-assertion are still at work today — родственность, сходство. The timing could hardly have been less propitious — благоприятный; подходящий. Opponents and proponents alike are trying to discern what John Roberts thinks about relations between church and state — сторонник, поборник. For almost 40 years students of British politics have been debating the thesis propounded by the late Richard Crossman — выступить с предложением, предложить. Harper decided to prorogue Parliament until March — назначить перерыв в работе парламента (не распуская его). The prospectus warns would-be investors — проспект эмиссии.


Часть II / proselytised

In the opening, when Lear calls on Apollo, his subjects prostrate themselves — подавлять, подчинять, покорять. Apple has a two-pronged tax avoidance strategy, says Carl Levin, the chairman of the subcommittee — двухлучевой (о следе). To the end, he considered himself a promulgator of the “essence of democracy” — объявлять, провозглашать, опубликовывать; обнародовать. As a politician he would deliver prolix speeches without notes or hesitation — многословный, занудный. You have to be excellent at the pronoun games — слова, заменяющие существительное. Pat Brown, was one of the state’s best and most popular governors and a protean political identity — подобный Протею; изменчивый, многогранный, многообразный. Long gone are the days of the Great Exhibition in London of 1851, the progenitor of all expos, when the point was to show off manufactured goods — прародитель; основатель рода; предок. His prolixity is a legend, yet he emerges as an original thinker and iconoclast — нудное многословие; занудность. Such men are also more promiscuous and do not care as much about long-term relationships — спорядочный, неразборчивый (в знакомствах, связях и т. п.). The prosaic reason for the dearth of private issuance — прозаический, неинтересный. I have to say that, for me, agreeing to the proscription of the Pakistani Taliban was a straightforward decision — объявление вне закона; изгнание; опала. The firms advertised the affiliation heavily in their investment prospectuses — проспект (учебного заведения, компании и т. п.). Mr Sandstrom once proselytised in Venezuela and says he even has a permanent-residency permit there; Can humanists (atheists, 441

Часть II / prophesying

secularists, etc) proselytize?  — обращать в  свою веру; привлекать на свою сторону. Mr Kim has reverted to type by prophesying war — предсказывать, пророчить. And yet the network has one proven advantage: its protean ability to adapt to circumstance — подобный Протею; многообразный. Goethe was a man of protean talents, interests, appetites and achievements who lived through a particularly tempestuous period of wars and revolutions in Europe — подобный Протею; многообразный. Yet all the bribery and vehicles of dubious provenance have not sated the demand for second-hand cars — происхождение, источник. The answer depends on whether you consider Sunday’s ballot as a proxy vote on national politics or a colourful sideshow — полномочие действовать от имени другого лица, доверенность. The army’s prowess owes as much to military culture as hardware — искусство, мастерство, умение. The record is held by the German city of Freiburg — in one study 74% of cars were on the prowl — в розыске. In 1980 PR flaks and journalists prowled in around equal numbers — рыскать в поисках добычи. Under Mr Bronfman and his private-equity partners, Warner Music drastically pruned costs in the mid-2000s — обрезать; подрезать (деревья). His increasingly prurient tone may have encouraged a climate that has led to the sacking of Zeynep Aksu — похотливый, сладострастный. She grew so fat that, when a deputy tried to arrest her, she couldn’t be pried from her cabin: “She’s ketchable,” he reported, “but she ain’t fetchable” — поднимать при помощи рычага. Projections by Professors Rallings and Thrasher of Plymouth University, the rock- stars of local election psephology, are a reliable benchmark — статистическое исследование выборов. 442

Часть II / puffery

San Francisco conjures up images of hippies and of free love, the psychedelic 60s and leftist politics — необычайно яркий, броский и т. п. Trapped in a café by a violent mob in Bosnia, he psyched himself up for a breakout by asking “What would Shacks do?” — психологически готовить (к чему-л.). Mr Nohria is more persuasive as an evangelist than as a psychopomp — «душепровожатель» психопомп (проводник душ в царство мертвых, например, Гермес). “They even let pubescent girls swim in the sea,” moans the culture minister — достигший половой зрелости. He appeared on The Colbert Report and played air hockey with a puck shaped like Texas — шайба (в хоккее). Puckish White House correspondent Jake Tapper couldn’t resist contrasting Barack Obama’s agenda; am I the only one finding Ahmedinejad to be likable in a puckish kind of way? — oзорной, проказливый. With a name like “Lafontaine” how could it be otherwise in your eyes, ma puce? — красновато-коричневый. The female pudendum is strictly for pornographers, gynaecologists and feminists trying to make a point — наружные половые органы (особенно женские). Two giants were reduced to a few puddles of warm water — лужа, море. Kim, the family man, ensured that he passed his movie set to a chosen heir, his pudgy third son, Kim Jong Un — пухленький. Unfortunately this sort of puerile behaviour has become the norm especially in supposedly ‘progressive’ Western Democracies — незрелый, неразвитой; легкомысленный. Any talk by the Kremlin of the rule of law or about modernisation will be puffery so long as Mr Khodorkovsky remains in jail — неуемное восхваление; рекламирование; дутая реклама. 443

Часть II / pug

A pug needs about one-quarter of the daily calories required by a German shepherd — мопс. Pugilist of American letters; Stallone’s ageing pugilist; Pugilists and aesthetes — борец; спорщик. Thailand’s pugnacious prime minister, Samak Sundaravej, is an especially hard man to defend; Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president’s most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator — драчливый. JPMorgan Chase’s private bank saw a record $80 billion of net inflows last year as investors fled less pukka firms — первоклассный. They do not have the social skills that those who lack pulchritude have acquired over a lifetime — красота, миловидность. Anything published between 1933 and 1945 was tainted with the “stench of blood and shame” and should be pulped — превращаться в мягкую массу. It provides a powerful pulpit from which to preach to — подмостки, помост, трибуна (для выступлений древних ораторов). Brisk growth in food prices (especially for meat, fruit and vegetables, pulses, and cereals), account for 57% of the consumer price index — бобовое растение. Russia pulverized poor Gorgia — растирать, дробить, измельчать. Seen as a whole, the Moon in these images resembles a pitted sphere of pumice more than a cue ball — пористый вулканический материал. First the dollar took a battering, then the euro got pummelled and finally sterling hit the canvas; For estern leaders grimly accustomed to the months-long pummelling of presidential or parliamentary contests; Clinton is pummeling home the message — бить, избивать (особенно кулаками). George Washington was as punctilious about his honour, as fine a horseman and as deep in debt as any of them — педантичный, скрупулезный, щепетильный до мелочей. 444

Часть II / Purveyor

And they smell, not terribly, but pungently, when squished or when they cluster — сильный, пронзительный. In the punishing climate of Iraq — трудный, тяжелый, изнурительный punishing work schedule — напряженный рабочий график. Britons interested in politics face a raucous punditocracy eager to assure them that their countrymen are becoming more liberal or more conservatives — элита влиятельных экспертов и политических комментаторов. Its passage was “remarkable and improbable” because the punditry, lobbying and game-playing of Washington had made it easy to doubt America’s ability to do “such a big thing” — ученые мужи. Taxi drivers smuggle ammunition and AK-47s from Egypt beneath punnets of strawberries — квадратная или прямоугольная корзинка. Small children, people with certain cognitive impairments and punsters may retrieve the wrong word from the mental lexicon — остряк; каламбурист. In promising a referendum on Europe, the prime minister is taking a punt — удар по подброшенному мячу, удар с рук (в американском футболе, регби). Why punters seem to be so good at guessing is a puzzle — жертва надувательства. Or are euro-prices just too high for your puny dollar? — слабый, маленький. Mr Xi and the party congress in a few months’ time will have much more say over how to transform the pupa into a butterfly — куколка. The EU itself sometimes displays a puppyish eagerness to have its military pretensions stroked — щенячий. She exposes his scholarly purblindness and political naivety and his late realisation of the true nature of German National Socialism — непредусмотрительный; тупой. The ultimate purveyor of luxury — поставщик; Purveyor to their Majesties — поставщик их величеств.


Часть II / purview

Marriage is in the purview of religious authiorities  — часть статута, заключающая само постановление. When George Benjamin goes into composing purdah, he always loses a lot of weight because the process is so intensive — секрет, тайна. People like you are in a sort of purgatory because no one would ever come out and tell you that he doesn’t want your business anymore — чистилище, мучение, страдание, пытка. The guardians of Chinese language purity are challenging the French in their bid to keep out dastardly English words  — чистота, безукоризненность, безупречность. But Mr Kaczynski appears to be in the grip of full-blown pyromania — пиромания, импульсивное поджигательство. The Republic could purport to have the right to pre-empt BP’s entire interests — претендовать (на что-л.), заявлять (о чем-л.). Customers may purr about the ease of summoning a smart town car, especially where taxis are old — урчать, мурлыкать. If the spending plans for Britain over the next five years, set out by George Osborne this week, were an animal, they would be a pushmipullyu a “gazelle-unicorn cross” which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body — разнонаправленное движение. Some called Congressman Wilson a booz-head and a pussyhound — бабник. What harm can one unarmed man living in a pusillanimous country representing its unarmed populace can do? — малодушный, трусливый. Withering dithering and pussyfooting in the hopes of some sort of consensus is horrendously counter-productive  — сверхосторожность. Russians wanted to help Georgia justify its putative NATO membership; Do anything to salvage its putative capital, other than plaintively cry “theft” — мнимый, предполагаемый. 446

Часть II / quackery

Press conference before the election had a Putinesque tone — путинизм. How on earth can such a putrid stew of vice and pestilence be expected to self-transform into a chorus of angels? — гнилой, прогнивший. The Olympic movement was once putrescent, too — гниющий; гнилостный. That is not true, however, of the put-upon architects who have to design America’s embassies — одурачить. The result is that India now putters on at less than half what it could achieve — игрок, делающий удар клюшкой. Of course, you don’t actually need to pace the mean streets of Newcastle to purloin a copy of the Mag — совершать мелкую кражу. The remainder, they claim, were caused by flying sparks from electricity pylons or human carelessness — опора, пилон. Britain’s success in giving Zimbabwe its democratic chance would prove pyrrhic indeed — пиррова победа.

Q Chewing qat gives a similar high to adrenalin, making the consumer more talkative, alert and sociable — вечнозеленый кустарник кат. Foot-powered breast-enlargement pumps, metal pods promising rejuvenation, and the Relaxacisor, a machine that promised to slim and tone women’s bodies through electrical shocks while they lay idle, are displayed in a wing at the Science Museum of Minnesota dedicated to quackery — шарлатанство. 447

Часть II / quadriplegics

Unlike paraplegics, quadriplegics have lost the use of all four limbs — человек, не способный использовать свои конечности. Britons under 30 are drinking half as much as they did in 2000, though those aged 65 and above are actually quaffing more — осушать залпом. Many army officers are whisky- quaffers and adverts for alcoholdetox clinics are widespread — алкоголик. Luring the Americans into the quagmire of Iraq; to emerge from the Viernam quagmire and the ignominy of Watergate; it was a publicrelations quagmire — болото, трясина. Quaint is not an obvious word to use about America — a country built on revolution, restless expansion and the unabashed pursuit of profits  — необычный, своеобразный, привлекательный своей оригинальностью. Human Rights Commission (EHRC), a mega-quango which absorbed various anti-discrimination outfits — комитет, назначенный правительством, но работающий независимо от него. Many societies have no qualms with taking the life of a baby — сомнение, неуверенность, колебание. More grudgingly, they also understand his quandary in Afghanistana quandary — затруднительное положение; затруднение; недоумение. A lot of schools are jostling for position in the upper quartile — квартиль. Geoffrey Vaki was installed as police commissioner, and the legal battle to quash the warrant began — досада; огорчение. At the quayside thousands of yellow flags of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) fluttered as supplies were loaded — пристань. The electorate is now so queasy about foreign adventures that future governments are likely to be wary of embarking on new ones — испытывающий тошноту; подверженный тошноте.


Часть II / quivering

Quenching the schismatic flames depends on countries beyond Iraq’s control, like Iran and Saudi Arabia — тушить, заливать (огонь, пламя). “Vote for my Daddy,” quavers Ben Lange’s toddler daughter, in a spot for his candidacy in an Iowan congressional race — выводить трели (в пении), дрожать (о голосе). The British dislike of queue-jumpers — нежелающий стоять в очереди. Investors grow querulous and militants in the oil-rich Niger Delta threaten to resume their rebellion; People are more anxious than querulous; Querulous shareholders — капризный, жалующийся, ворчливый, недовольный. Defended by legalistic quibbling, greatly angered an itinerant preacher in Palestine two millennia ago — препираться, спорить по мелочам, придираться. We are not gong to get out of the created economic quicksand by cutting social programs — зыбучий песок, плывун. The traffic on Sixth Avenue “with its rush-hour gladiators testing each other’s limits” are a stark contrast to the quietude of the American Folk Art Museum where Julius first encounters Brewster’s portraits — покой, спокойствие. The revolutionary war is America’s creation story, while the civil war offers a saga of sin and redemption and the second world war was a heroic quest — приключенческая игра, “квест”. “Dance as if no one can see you, campaign as if you’re already on the ballot,” Mr Navalny quips — насмехаться; высмеивать. The British called him a quisling, but his martial valour still inspires Indians — предатель; коллаборационист. To synthesise those clues into answers and to frame those answers in a conversational way was able to beat to the draw the finest minds of American quizdom — научное сообщество. Speaking before the House Financial Services Committee. Count me among the quivering — дрожащий. 449

Часть II / cuts to the quick of a problem

He cuts to the quick of a problem, stripping it of clutter and encumbering nuance — центр чего-л., суть, сущность. Lagos is a funny place, where sanitised modernity brushes up against quotidian brutality — банальный, избитый, неоригинальный.

R Brazil once again missed the boat of modernity and chose instead to support a ragamuffin “democracy” — оборванец; оборвыш. His national army is more a coalition of ragtag militias from the east, stretched thin by fighting in Benghazi and Derna — имеющий неопрятный вид. The renewal of a European connection may be the best chance of keeping the country from going off the rails — под откос. Now she has cast away that raiment of credibility — наряд, одеяние. Value creation is a corporation’s raison d’être, the ultimate measure by which it is judged — разумное основание, смысл. America cannot ram this idea down Arab throats  — вбивать, вдалбливать. One Toxteth mother, whose teenage son left a gang a year ago, says he was recently rammed by a rival gang in a car — таранить, врезаться (куда-л.) с силой. The smiles will be wooden, the backs ramrod straight — словно аршин проглотил. Police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set Mr. Cho off on the deadliest shooting rampage; rampant anti-Americanism — ярость; буйство. 450

Часть II / rat out

Lax security at the ramshackle academy allowed a dozen militants to rampage among 800 or more mostly unarmed police recruits — ветхий, дряхлый. Saakashvili’s high-profile rambunctiousness  — шумливый, шумный. For weeks he ate only ramen noodles and coffee ice cream, until he developed scurvy — лапша быстрого приготовления. The federal government spends $18 billion a year manning the ramparts — бастион; защита, оплот. In such a transition, rancor seems to be only natural — злоба, озлобленность. America wants to keep China to ransom — выкуп. Highway bills are a notorious source of rancid pork — прогорклый. NATO’s solidarity with Turkey has rankled Russia, which could intensify bombing of Syrian rebels with ties to Turkey — озлоблять, раздражать. Party bosses in Heilongjiang will get their knuckles rapped by leaders in Beijing — выговор, замечание. Lula had a unique rapport with ordinary Brazilians — понимание; согласие. Last year a UN special rapporteur criticised the government of Shinzo Abe — докладчик. That he was a portrait photographer before he became a filmmaker shouldn’t be surprising, given the rapt stillness of his feature films — восхищенный, восторженный. The US also doesn’t give a rat’s ass about gas pipelines into Ukraine for the EU — it doesn’t ship our gas so what’s in it for the US? — наплевать. Or reward students who rat out their roommates with extra helpings in the dining hall? — предавать, истреблять крыс.


Часть II / ravenously

As a result, he decided reluctantly to step aside in favour of his party’s ravenously ambitious new leader, Matteo Renzi — жадный, алчный. limitations of the antitrust apparatus raise the question of competition to the political sphere — currently, alas, a realm well supplied with blunderbusses and axes wielded haphazardly and at the wrong targets — сфера, область. Farmers rear animals and then harvest their flesh, eggs and milk for humans to eat — воспитывать, растить. In March two students died when their small car was rearended by a Mercedes travelling at top speed — врезаться в машину сзади. But there is no getting around the fact that Kraus’s work is rebarbative today — отталкивающий, противный. So China may feel it has to start punishing Taiwan for its recalcitrance — упрямство, упорство. A writer’s recantation highlights the intellectual failures of the Latin American left — отречение, отказ. Well, anyone who has ever pored over a scientific research paper will recall its recondite jargon; Shakespeare emerges from all this more ingenious and recondite than one can quite believe — сложный для понимания. Most Germans will resist EU risk-sharing schemes without clear commitment to fiscal rectitude among euro delinquents — честность, правильность, нравственность. Arguably that has happened already, thanks to its recision of gun control in Washington, DC and Chicago in 2008 and 2010 — аннулирование, отмена. That too is a good thing, for partisanship and recrimination will not solve anything here — встречное обвинение, контробвинение. So, in those cases, avoiding punishment allowed the recrudesce of violence — рецидивировать. 452

Часть II / reeks

The asylum-seekers’ centre in Rijswijk, a suburb of The Hague, is clean, rectilinear and well-organised — прямолинейный. The recrudescence of Islamic fundamentalism — be it Salafism, Wahabism — is related to the ‘retreat cycle’ of the West — повторное возникновение. Since that awful night, she has been living in the rectory attached to her local church — дом приходского священника, пастора. Critique was Jimmy Carter redux; Berlusconi redux — вернувшийся, возвращающийся (употребляется после определяемого слова). It engaged in tricks redolent of mischievous charcters in Bulgakov’s “The Master and margarita” — вызывающий воспоминания. The rebels’ last big redoubt has now been cut almost in half — редут. He sees Sarah Palin as the “reductio ad absurdum” of the American conservatism — доведенное до абсурда. China is keen to redress past injustices; The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances — компенсация (убытка, ущерба); сатисфакция. They made employees redundant — излишний, избыточный. In between prison spells, she made speeches from an ambulance stretcher, “Trembling like a reed,” wrote Rebecca West — слабый, легко поддающийся влиянию человек. Mr Monti is not asking the Germans to embark on reflation, because he knows they will say no — новая, искусственная инфляция (после дефляции). Coeval with dinosaurs, once widespread across the northern hemisphere, but now reduced to refugia that cover a total range — зона, территория обитания. Romney would be the richest candidate ever to win a big-party nomination and he reeks of privilege — попахивать, отдавать (чем-л. дурным). 453

Часть II / regal

American first ladies occupy an odd position, somewhere on the regal extremities of a presidential system that gives the country a cross between a chief executive in the Oval Office, and an elected monarch — величественный, царственный. Has a microblog account with 38m followers — roughly the number of people living in California — whom he regales with snide comments — угощать, потчевать. The regicide of 1990 was an epochal moment in British politics — цареубийство. The next foot prints on the lunar regolith were therefore thought likely to be Chinese — реголит (рыхлые поверхностные образования). As yet, artificial intelligence (AI) can only regurgitate ideas people have already dreamt up — хлынуть, политься в обратном направлении. That will require the rejigging of their liabilities; to rejig its business model — переделать, перестроить, преобразовать. The bill gives Republicans a rejoinder should Mr Obama accuse them of toying with default, as he probably will when the time comes to raise the debt ceiling again — вторичное возражение ответчика. Vladimir Putin’s visit and a football match rekindle rows in Serbia — вновь зажечь, разжечь. The programme-makers thus watch out for, and cut, anything that looks fake: the families must be relatable — родственный. Are they relics of the past and unimportant in today’s global markets? — мощи, останки. Biotechnology would relegate the ingenuity and accumulated collective wisdom — переводить в низший разряд, класс; низводить. The bones were solemnly transported to a Sozopol church and sealed in a silver reliquary donated by the prime minister  — рака, гробница, ковчег, усыпальница (для мощей). According to the law, she had to relinquish one passport between her 18th and 23rd birthday — отказываться от права. 454

Часть II / reprobate

Relish it or revile it, everyone agrees that the bill is historic; Nobody should relish the demise of once-great titles — (приятный) вкус, привкус; запах. Though convicted in 1987, with time spent on remand, Mr Pollard will have served 30 years in November — возвращение (арестованного) под стражу. Is there something that the country can do to remedy this situation? — исправлять. Each group had an allotted ten-minute remonstrance at Japan’s official doorstep — выражение протеста; возражение. Romania, Poland and the CIA are involved in extraordinary rendition, which means the outsourcing by the CIA of torture sessions — выступление, представление, исполнение. Heart-rending images flashed across the world of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old from Syria who drowned off the Turkish coast — душераздирающий; горестный. Another trigger for a possible downgrade would be a move by the government to renege on plans to reduce the fiscal deficit — изменять своему слову. Standard Bank, a South African lender and the continent’s biggest bank by assets, now offers renminbi accounts to expatriate traders — женьминби, женьминьби (обобщенное название китайских денег; буквально: «народные деньги»). In contrast to this easy repartee, his guest gave a rambling formal speech, a page of which blew away — находчивость, остроумие. Now repo companies are the ones doing the booming — что-то уже бывшее чей-то собственностью. Jackson-Vanik repeal will of course have to be one of the elements  — аннулировать, отменять (закон, резолюцию, приговор и т. п.). Rather a reprobate than a Republican, voters in his district reckon — негодяй, подлец. 455

Часть II / rescind

Many in California were infuriated last year by a bill to rescind the state’s ban on using race in university admissions — аннулировать, расторгать, отменять. Barack Obama did not resile from the human-rights agenda — гибкость. LUKOIL had hoped to resuscitate the deal — воскрешать, оживлять; приводить в сознание, реанимировать. It weathered the crisis with remarkable resilience — гибкость, упругость, эластичность. Politicians should be forced to recuse themselves from voting on any matter — отводить (судью, присяжных). She had always hiked the mountains as a respite from order forms and insoles at the Bee Bee shoe company — короткая передышка. The last thing the US wants to know about is Irish terror organisations being resurgent, that means they got to call them “freedom fighters” — возрождающийся (о надеждах). This resonates with echoes of Caroline Kennedy’s abortive bid for a Senate seat from New York — to be understood or receive a sympathetic response — отзываться. The OED has “respair”, both as a noun and verb, meaning the return of hope after a period of despair — an obvious etymological kissingcousin — комбинация состояния упадка и подъема. Venezuelans are especially annoyed by a video of the president, resplendent in a white tracksuit, playing catch with Diosdado Cabello, the thuggish former president of the national assembly — великолепный, ослепительный. Her family’s social models were the white bourgeoisie; her father, resplendent in a suit with a diamond stick-pin — великолепный, ослепительный. A mix of mendacious reticence; reticence began to wane  — лживый; ложный, обманчивый; сдержанность; замкнутость,.


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Часть II / revile

Ret  — media often reticent about reporting bad news; normally reticent Chinese workers — молчаливый, немногословный, неразговорчивый. The rapid spread of Christianity is forcing an official rethink on religion — переосмысление; пересмотр. Apologists might retort that Humboldt is still recovering from its time on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall — возражение; резкий ответ. Some of her other proposals are retreads, and will take time to implement  — переобучать; вновь давать работу (после выхода на пенсию). Voting for someone other than Democrats certainly doesn’t make one “a verifiable retard” — заторможенный человек, “тормоз”. MicroLink has worked with the American air force to retrofit its solar cells to AeroVironment’s small drones — модифицировать. When Dichter was whispering these sweet nothings in the ears of CEOs, they were revelatory — разоблачительный. In what only a few months ago would have seemed like an act of despair but now passes for revelry — пирушка, попойка. They were stunned to discover a revenant from this cataclysm just 50 metres from the crater — человек, вернувшийся после собственной смерти. Many speakers, denoting piety or loyalty to political Islam, prefaced their remarks within cantations of reverence for the Prophet Muhammad — почтительность; уважение. In reverential tones Mr Schulz recalled his 20-year-old self receiving a book as a prize from the great man — внушающий почтение, благоговение. Next step is to revert to him with the revisions — переходить к прежнему владельцу. Relish it or revile it, everyone agrees that the bill is historic — оскорблять; поносить. 457

Часть II / rev up

And the industry is about to rev up its efforts, as Toyota and Honda put the first mass-market fuel-cell cars on their dealers’ forecourts — повышать, увеличивать, делать более активным. That tale began with the cacophony of reveille for the prisoners, “sounded by the blows of a hammer on a length of rail” through windows coated in frost two fingers thick — побудка, подъем. Simon Mezzanotte of Société Générale, a bank, explains that if revpar, the industry’s benchmark, falls 1% – доход с комнаты. With all due respect, you can rhapsodize the alleged “strength” of Pakistan’s “institutions” — чрезмерно восхищаться (чем-л.), восхвалять (что-л.). As a rhetorician, he is no great performer — искусный оратор или писатель, краснобай. Mr Berlusconi might bring entrepreneurial vigour to government; his ribald comments about women were, well, part of being an Italian male — похабный; оскорбительный. His face was set in a rictus of death — широко открытый рот, застывший в гримасе ужаса. Upgrading London’s rickety old underground network under a multi-billion-pound public-private partnership; Iran’s ideological state have got no less rickety since last year’s turmoil  — неустойчивый; шаткий. Riddled with waste, inefficiency and corruption — пронизывать; содержаться в большом количестве; изобиловать. The favoured dances of his youth were waltzes and polkas. Ragtime was for riffraff — подонки общества, отбросы, сброд, чернь. Thailand’s fishing industry is rife with trafficking and abuse — обыкновенный, распространенный. All media outlet and communication cut off, votes rigged by a colossal amount!  — действовать нечестно; добиваться обманным путем.


Часть II / risible

Most alarming for anyone hoping that Mr Kelly can right the ship is Mr Trump’s habit of disregarding advice — исправить. Gulliver should have made a YouTube video of the whole rigmarole — долгая и муторная процедура, канитель. Rigor mortis had set in among Arab and Muslim leaders — трупное окоченение. The play is over but the actors will not leave the stage and keep trying to win attention for what has become a plotless rigmarole — пустая болтовня, вздор. The three-martini lunch was de rigueur — строго. Bail-outs rile Ford; In 1995 Hillary riled her hosts with a fiery speech at a UN women’s conference in Beijing — возмущать, раздражать, сердить. Yet nothing in that riotous history is more perplexing than David Cameron’s experience in America this week — шумный, бурный. Many officials are angry because he has ripped up the compact by which they have operated and which said that they could line their pockets — распарывать, рвать. And Mr Obama’s point about no soldier dying in vain was a nice riposte — ответный удар, укол (в фехтовании). But it will also generate less controversy among downstream riparian neighbours — прибрежный, относящийся к берегу. The emirate simply fumbled as it reached for the ripcord  — вытяжной трос (парашюта), разрывная веревка (аэростата). The family feud which is rippling through the worldbanking industry — колыхаться, волновать, колыхать. Dumping rubble, known as riprap, into the water around a bridge’s piers stabilises the riverbed they are sunk into — каменная отсыпь. The most risible thing about Flanders, of course, is his bulletproof Christian faith — смешной; забавный, смехотворный. 459

Часть II / riven

Cambodia, like Laos, is riven with corruption  — расколотый, расщепленный. China, many Taiwanese believe the KMT to be too pro-China and are prepared to believe that their president will sell them down the river — предавать. Most riverine accidents had nothing to do with them — прибрежный, речной, относящийся к реке. In this riveting book, S. C. Gwynne turns the spotlight on his home state, Texas — захватывающий, интересный. But attention in Israel is still rivetted on impending elections — сосредоточивать (внимание). What could have been handled through a rivulet of compromise may now result in a river of blood — ручей; небольшая река. It’d be interesting to see what happens when ritzy clinics are suddenly crowded with indigent people whom they have to treat by law — модный, дорогой. People think GM is already roadkill — животное, сбитое автомобилем. Public’s sense that the justices may be little more than politicians in robes — мантия. Those robustly in favour of lifting the embargo probably include France, Spain — крепкий, здоровый; сильный; твердый. Ms Wass kept to her initial account of Mr Adoboli as a rogue trader, who lied to his colleagues while working at the bank’s offices in London — жулик, мерзавец. Rogue waves are not tsunamis, which are set in motion by earthquakes — неконтролируемый. Corruption allegations are roiling politics as the premier sues two opposition members for libel — мутить (воду); взбалтывать; вздыматься, волноваться.


Часть II / ropy

In the meantime, this is a rollicking story of hubris and the suffering it brings — бесшабашный; разухабистый. Barack Obama romped to victory with 365 electoral-college votes, 192 more than Mr McCain, and almost 53% of the popular vote — легко справиться с (чем-л.). An estimated 5,000–6,000 of them now work in the city, compared with the 12,000 in Washington, DC, the trade’s romping-ground — место веселой возни, шумной игры. In St Paul’s Cathedral hung a rood, a grand figure of Christ on the cross, the centre of the medieval churchgoer’s attention and piety, which provided a political bellwether through these years — распятие. The salaries paid to rookies closely reflect these distinctions of rank — типичный для новичков. In the war on drugs that Mexico is waging, the root cause of the problem is not being addresed: US unstoppable demand for drugs — коренная проблема. Pigs rootle fastidiously through the foothills of the mountain of rubbish — рыть землю рылом (о свиньях). This is where the ugly ducklings of mainstream economics come home to roost — верховодить; задавать тон. And the toughness of the post is all the more reason, he says, to elect somebody who knows the ropes and who has “no future” afterwards — хорошо ориентироваться. François Hollande, the outgoing president, was mocked on Le Petit Journal, a news and entertainment show, for his ropey English — плохой, скверный. She knew the ropes; the problem with steel cables (or “ropes” as they are known in the trade) is that they are heavy  — хорошо ориентироваться, знать все входы и выходы. At the time, of course, things were less clear-cut and few realised just how ropy the banks were — плохой, неудовлетворительный.


Часть II / rosary

In his parents’ house there was no politics discussed whatsoever, just nightly kneeling to say the rosary — розарий, розариум. Now Korea can add resilience to its roster of achievements — перечень, реестр, список. Parents have stepped in where the state cannot or will not help: on one classroom wall is a rota of fathers who guard the school day and night (a local nursery was recently robbed of everything from its Christmas tree to its bathroom soap) — установленный порядок, распорядок. If you are young, years of rote learning in dreary state schools did not prepare you well for this new world — механическое запоминание. It is a simple message, but one that America’s health officials have tried time and again to drill into the minds of their rotund fellow citizens — полный, круглый, пухлый. His friends back home were constrained by their rote-based education, losing countless hours to courses on Ho Chi Minh Thought; the traits that made it an economic powerhouse in the 20th century — easy capital, big companies, rote learning, management by mandarins and stable jobs for male breadwinners — are ill-suited to the 21st — механическое запоминание. Pears was often on tour and had a roving eye — странствовать. 550,000 Haitians have gathered in 337 makeshift camps and tarpaulin; almost as many are sleeping rough — лишенный комфорта, суровый (об условиях жизни). In May a mob broke into his office to rough him up — жестоко обращаться. At his confirmation hearings for the post of secretary of state he rode roughshod over his interrogators — жестокость. To help readers find all our China coverage in one place, each week we round-up links to the Sino-centric articles — собирать, созывать (в одном месте). 462

Часть II / ruffled

Oil prices are in a rout, with no clear sign of the bottom yet. January 29th 2015 — беспорядочное бегство; стремительное отступление. The conservatives have rubbished the Hartz commission’s proposals — превращать в груду обломков. China is exploring the global rubble  — бутовый камень, булыжник. The rub is that when specialists start talking with laymen, they frequently appear to forget about the difference in the level of knowledge — затруднение, препятствие, помеха. To blithley subsume all laws under one rubric — the rule of law — is pointless because there can then be no agreement — заглавие, заголовок. A demand to make Irish an official language is causing ructionsa noisy, often violent, quarrel or fight — скандальный. Use senior rather than ranking, rumpus rather than ruckus, and rumbustious rather than rambunctious — гвалт, гудение, гул. Schröder’s government will belatedly try to make up for the time it wasted in the rudderless beginnings of its second term — без руководства, бесконтрольный. Very few government programs can pass even a rudimentary ROI analysis — элементарный. People fall in love and sing about it, or they murder someone and rue the day — сожалеть, чувствовать угрызения совести по поводу (чего-л.). The Palestinians, rueful now that they failed to nail down what was then on offer, want the new talks to resume from where the old ones left — грустный, унылый, печальный. Britain’s small shopkeepers rue the day they called for a probe of retailing — раскаиваться, сожалеть. Handled better, the move might have ruffled fewer feathers — ерошить (перья, волосы).


Часть II / rum

But for so many to write revisionist claptrap in a hotel-sponsored competition is rum indeed — странный, чудной, подозрительный. Cracking the rumbustious market is the kind of offensive that Korea’s shock-troop salesmen relish — шумный, буйный. Carrefour’s problems are a mere rumble compared with the earthquake that is about to hit European retail; He quickly found a middle ground between the smooth music he was raised on and the hellbent early rumblings of rock — рокот. It is a trade well chosen for a ruminating hero whose life is about to be tested; Pundits continue to ruminate over it — раздумывать; размышлять. Mr Maliki, who leads the rump of the Dawa party, the third main Shia faction; The rump of guerillas — “охвостье”, огузок; зад. Where slicker rivals chop, change and pander, the rumpled Mr Paul hews to his principles even when they are unpopular — помятый. Some 10,000 senior members of the former ruling party, which dominated Tunisian politics for five decades, have been banned from running for office. So why the rumpus? — шум, гам; ссора. Here is a quick rundown of my opinion on the two solutions — краткое описание, краткое изложение. The 5,000-year-old chambered tomb of Maes Howe, in Orkney, is mostly famous for the runes left behind by some 12th-century Vikings — руна (эпическая песня у карелов и финнов). It is a ruse familiar to officials the world over: if you have embarrassing or controversial news, release it on a Friday, the later the better — ухищрение, хитрость. An old lady’s russet wig lies in the road, lost perhaps as she took flight after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster — грубая домотканая шерстяная ткань. Сells in the body, like workers on the job, can get stuck in a rut, doing the same old thing day after day without prospect of promotion or relocation — привычная колея; рутина. 464

Часть II / salience

S Despite all the sabre-rattling, neither Iran nor America wants confrontation just yet — бряцание оружием; угрозы. His followers were sent sachets of healing water — пакет-саше, упаковка “саше” (небольшая упаковка для жидкостей и порошкообразных продуктов). He looks like the sacrificial lamb — жертвенный, самоотверженный. It enriches a few bosses but saddles the state enterprises with enormous debts for which, in the end, the government is liable — взваливать; обременять. Environment degradation by ‘governing innovatively and sagaciously’ — проницательно, дальновидно. Making the most of an ancient business practice in a sagging economy — оседание; провисание. The market sagged briefly along with the rest of the local economy, she says, but then came roaring back, especially at the top end — провисать. Public mockery of mildly salacious passages  — похотливый, сладострастный, распутный. Whether it’s called “salami tactics” or “auf Sicht fahren” makes little difference — тактика поэтапных мероприятий, изменений; постепенное отсекание нежелательных элементов (подобно нарезанию колбасы салями тонкими ломтиками). Companies are already salivating at the chance — вызывать слюнотечение. But the simple analysis here, I think, is that as with most issues, it’s necessary to account for issue salience as well as simple preference — выпуклость, выступ; особенность. 465

Часть II / sally

In real life, her first sally abroad would be not to Berlin but to a summit in Brussels — вылазка. Pakistani tradition requires that any politician worth his salt is seen among the people, pressing the flesh at vast gatherings — уважаемый; не зря получающий деньги. At a gathering of Colombo’s old salts, the mood is optimistic — морской волк, просоленный ветрами моряк. A Briton doing business in London might well have to make do with something less salubrious; More salubrious countries — здоровый, полезный; целительный. Yet a look at the euro zone’s problems is salutary — благотворный; спасительный. One potential salve, promoted by educationalists on the left and right and hinted at in Ms Morgan’s plans, would be to allow local authorities in effect to form their own chains — смягчать; успокаивать. Unlike many of economist or buiness books where read many so often find new ones a bit samey — однообразный. A warmongering neocon and a sanctimonious backstabber; sanctimoniousdrivel dressed up as political philosophy — ханжеский, лицемерный. For that matter, leaving the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin — “sitting together,” hence “assembly” or “council”) was an assembly of twentythree judges appointed in every city in the Land of Israel. The dark wizard himself, with admirable sangfroid, insists that little has changed — хладнокровие, самообладание. Britain is feeling sanguine about both the new prime minister and terrorism — оптимистический; уверенный в успехе. A new study shows that climate change is likely to sap productivity in the rich worl — лишать сока; иссушать. It revealed sartorial, as well as institutional, flaws — относящийся к одежде, моде; to have a sartorial look — выглядеть тщательно одевающимся человеком.


Часть II / saucy

With their ceremonial sashes and grand town halls in even the remotest village, mayors occupy a special place in French life — орденская лента. To sashay down America’s catwalks; Karima el-Mahroug, which seems to be her real name (she prefers Ruby Rubacuori, or “Ruby Heartstealer”), first sashayed on to the political stage on October 26th — расхаживать. It tries to sell China’s message by being more sassy, and sometimes more critical, than other state media — развязный; нахальный. Kathy, as you may have gathered, is the voice on my satnav — поиск по спутнику. After sunset a bomber sauntered in and blew himself up next to the queue for the dodgem cars — прогуливаться, прохаживаться. He called its security sacrosanct — священный; неприкосновенный. The writing is highly intelligent, elegant and slightly quirky without ever being showy or sassy — развязный; нахальный. Yet all the bribery and vehicles of dubious provenance have not sated the demand for second-hand cars — насыщать, удовлетворять. An Iranian satrapy; such satrapies as Iraq — сатрапия (провинция под руководством сатрапа; срок правления сатрапа; звание сатрапа); самодур, жестокий правитель, тиран. Еhe sorrowful satchel was the mascot of a “citizen’s” rebellion against a proposed school restructuring — ранец, сумка (обычно для книг). Although developing markets are important, India and China are largely still off the satnav — сокращенно от “satellite navigation” (навигация по спутнику). Economists of a saturnine disposition are used to thinking of old Europe and ageing Japan as their intellectual homelands — мрачный, угрюмый. Mr Bentley has been humiliated by leaked recordings of saucy phone calls between him and Rebekah Maso — грубоватый, фривольный. 467

Часть II / saunter

A saunter through the streets was evidently deemed unwise — прогулка, прогуливаться. But his success meant that life imitated art, and Mr Hirokane emerged as a business savant — ученый; крупный специалист в какой-л. области. Argentina now imposes more trade limitations deemed “harmful” than any country save Russia — за исключением, кроме. After his inauguration on August 5th, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has little to savour as he settles in for a second four-year term — наслаждаться, смаковать. Terrorism is something which should be fought with intelligence, with disguise, with “savoir faire”, not with brute force — находчивость, умение выходить из (трудного) положения. She has rebuked Mr Lee for not getting her government’s say-so on his plan — право принятия окончательного решения. However, many small towns are reluctant to erect them, for fear they might “pick off the scab” from old wounds — корка (на ране). Year storms prompted an outbreak of scabies — чесотка. The string of terrorist plots and attacks that has provided Brussels, and some other Belgian cities, with a scabrous reputation as an incubator of jihadi ideology and a paragon of law-enforcement incompetence — непристойный, оскорбительный. A decade of high oil prices has left the region’s oil exporters with more than $2.5 trillion in accumulated sovereign assets along with scads of fancy toys — очень большое количество, куча. Working for the Yankee north incidentally, which made him a scallywag, I believe, in the original meaning of the word — заморыш, «прохвост». A greater concern should have been that they became easy prey for scammers — жулики.


Часть II / schlocky

They scamper from home to home; They see Poland scampering after big countries such as Russia, France and Germany, rather like a teenager desperate to hang out with adults, heedless of the national interest — бегать, носиться, резво скакать. His speech offered very scant hope — скудный, недостаточный; ограниченный. How dare he bring disaster on the rest of the euro zone when it had so generously bailed out his scapegrace of a country? — шалопай, повеса. CiU, meanwhile, proposes an ill-defined system of rewards for well-behaved immigrants while critics say this is all unnecessary scaremongering — разжигание страха; запугивание. Frequently scatological, often crudely misogynistic, some of Larkin’s unpublished work makes for uneasy reading  — грязный, непристойный, скабрезный. He became a fearless and scathing critic of Brezhnev’s senescence — едкий, жестокий, злой. Obama’s scattershot tax increase  — незапланированный, спонтанный; scattershot reply — спонтанный, неподготовленный ответ. Yéle has so far pursued a more scattergun approach — незапланированный, спонтанный. In 1940, as a teenager in The Hague under Nazi occupation, he cobbled together scavenged parts to make simple radios — копаться в мусоре, отбросах. Underlining the widely-held view that perfidious Albion continues to scheme — плести интриги. A 18-hour schlepp via hong Kong — бросок, перелет, тащить, нести (что-л. тяжелое или громоздкое). Low culture from salsa to schlocky soap operas are popular exports — дрянной, халтурный.


Часть II / schmoozing

Can anyone tell me what the French hope to achieve through all this schmoozing with the US; shahristani doesn’t like schmoozing — сплетничать, судачить. He played the role of schmuck — тупица, зануда. Obama is looking more and more like the schmendrick — придурок. But then schmaltz gushed forth: “If history proves that be so, I  will not shy from that hatred”  — сентиментальная болтовня; сентиментальный вздор. It used to be that an employee having problems at home would keep schtum about it in front of his boss — молчание в ситуации, когда лучше молчать, чтобы избежать неприятностей. The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and conservative wings — схизма, ересь, раскол; to cause, create a schism — производить раскол. After a scintilla of regret over lost youth, to turn 50 should be to enter the prime of life, with a plenitude of projects and achievements; there is no even onescintillaof evidence — крупица, малая толика. Top of the list was a big upward revision to the already scintillating third-quarter GDP figures — забавный; искрометный. Akio Toyoda, 53, the scion of the founding family, appear in public to bow in apology — and even then critics complained that he did not bow deeply enough; He was the scion of the family — потомок; наследник. Economists are not known for their scintillating personalities — забавный; искрометный. Mr Trump appears to be seeking a co-operative relationship with China after a schmooze-fest with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago — заводить полезные знакомства. Any reader who is not thoroughly schooled in modern Western history may find Mr Makari’s detailed account confusing — обучать (чему-л.). 470

Часть II / scooped

When this idea was first mooted, people scoffed — осмеивать, поднимать на смех. Estonia has two more hurdles to jump before it can scotch the scoffers; Observers scoff at such notions — зубоскал; насмешник. You have to mention those other two scofflaws to understand the politics of this — тот, кто пренебрежительно относится к правилам, законам. America risks being seen as unwilling to play global policeman, while still being happy to play global scold — брань. Lapses like this affect school truancy, foment social disorder and encourage a preference for margarine on one’s scones — лепешка из непросеянной муки. The staff, chivvied jovially along by an intrepid retired Scottish schoolmarm who created the restaurant a few years ago — старомодная женщина, любящая поучать других людей. The ultimate concession is to give activists representation on the board in return for keeping schtum — молчать. The Dutch learned better than any other country what such chaos can mean, when scores of their countrymen were killed in 2014 — множество (большое количество). The scourge of corruption is spreading — бич, бедствие. The Sydney stockmarket seemed to approve of the scorched-earth tactics — выжженная земля. Mr Obama gets off pretty much scot free — платить городские налоги, местные подати. He scotches the notion; to scotch inflation — положить конец (чему-л.), прекратить, пресечь. But the news broke a few days early when the Observer, a British newspaper, scooped it — опубликовать сенсационное сообщение (раньше других).


Часть II / scoot

Some of them scoot around America’s shale beds — бежать стремглав. You visit Kisangani, every building has bullet holes, scorch marks, or is simply destroyed — обжигать; подпаливать. It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares — очищать; избавляться. The Supreme Court will hear a case in the autumn that puts a new spin on an old scourge: partisan gerrymandering — бедствие, беда. A recent poll suggests that the government will scrape the referendum — выбивать. The Syrian regime has spent billions trying to get them up to scratch — на должной высоте. Relations between Mr Jibril and and Mr Tarhouni have been scratchy — раздражительный, злобный. A military parade is held on the Champs Elysées, and fighter jets, blazing a trail of red, white and blue, screech low over Paris; In Sweden, towns like Gothenburg are partially segregated; This week the government executed a screeching U-turn on its asylum policy — визжать; скрежетать. If you are standing next to a pothole that is supposed to be fixed by local government, your constituents could care less about partisan screeds — длинная и скучная речь, статья. That is more easily scrawled on a banner than achieved in practice — писать наспех; писать неразборчиво. Vanessa strongly detailed, she a scribble and a nothing, as she always felt — каракули. The urge to scrimp and splurge — урезывать, экономить; транжирить, тратить деньги. After a spell in Paris, he was bought by London Zoo as a scrofulous, rat-chewed runt — болезненный, слабый. 472

Часть II / sculpted

Some locals say immigrants are scroungers; in fact they are less likely to claim benefits than the natives — хапуга. Even scrounging food for the eight she had sheltered had become harder — попрошайничать, побираться. The people trudging out of rebel territory, across a strip of scrubby ground dotted with bundles of barbed wire — поросший кустарником, низкорослыми деревьями. Farther down the road, another scruffy settlement called Wadi al-Saial — грязный, неряшливый. Even Harry Potter and James Bond are scruffy looking nerf-herders by comparison — грязный, неряшливый. Kingsville, an old railway town in the scrublands of south Texas, has several features that cheer Republicans — лесной район. At fault was the scrum, the key way play is restarted in rugby union — драка, потасовка. At the end of our meal, out came a scrumptious homemade cake, cooked in the galley right on the boat — восхитительный, изысканный (обычно о еде). David Munns, who manages Bon Jovi, a rock band that was formed in the early 1980s and is still going strong, notes that older fans have more money and more scruples — колебания; угрызения совести. Human beings cannot resist trying to scry the future — гадать с помощью магического кристалла. Some policymakers see informal enterprises as parasitical, profiting at the expense of more scrupulous rivals who heed regulations and pay taxes — порядочный, добросовестный. I met a Muslim named Aziz, broad-bearded and wearing the white skullcap of a hajji — тюбетейка. Citizen Khan sculpted a campaign that appealed to the anxious, the less affluent and those uneasy about London’s more glaring inequalities — ваять, лепить. 473

Часть II / scupper

Any mention of redistribution of wealth in America would normally scupper a politician’s ambitions — губить, убивать. William Randolph Hearst, proprietor of scurrilous newspapers and anti-hero of the film “Citizen Kane” — неприличный; оскорбительный. A spectacular jail break at southern Afghanistan’s largest prison saw nearly 500 prisoners, most of them Taliban, scurry to freedom — бежать стремглав; нестись. They could release him from the comfortable house arrest in Islamabad where he is awaiting trial on a number of charges, and let him scuttle out of the country — поспешно бежать, удирать. The scuttlebutt now is that Warner will try to buy EMI from Citigroup, which seized it earlier this year from Terra Firma — слухи, сплетни. This was reinforced by the scuttling of the arms-deal investigation by the Hawks — поспешно бежать, удирать. Suggestions that the protest marks a sea-change in the country’s politics may be premature — изменение, преображение. That gap turned out to contain a seam of gold — прослойка; пласт. He must sear the memory of the Holocaust on human minds for ever — сохнуть, увядать. That is possible, but companies such as Exxon and Shell are too seasoned to pay a lot for small, unprofitable firms — опытный; испытанный. The main reason banknotes get dirty is that they pick up an oily substance called sebum from human skin — кожное сало. State Street in America, and UBS in Switzerland, have all drastically pruned their loan books, and plan to carry on wielding their secateurs — секатор, садовые ножницы. Another part of the reason that goods are secreted into Nigeria is that shipping to Lagos is slow and bureaucratic — скрывать, укрывать. 474

Часть II / sepia

That could make the Senate a magnet for Italy’s seediest politicians — обветшалый, потертый. Why aren’t we going after computer and cable-TV companies for creating a sedentary lifestyle? — сидячий; неподвижный, малоподвижный. The port mega-city of Karachi, a great and seething Asian bazaar — бурлить, кипеть. Hugo Chávez worries ever less about maintaining a semblance of democracy — видимость. Meanwhile, political theorist Jacob Levy untangled the semiotics of Guy Fawkes — семиотика — наука о знаках, знаковых системах и их приложениях, в частности в ИТ и телекоммуникации. This surreal episode was a seminal moment  — плодовитый, плодотворный; конструктивный, продуктивный. He was shy and unforthcoming to strangers, slipping away after performances to eat his favourite semolina in his hotel room alone — манная крупа. Such disdain is trumped only by the sempiternal public contempt for Congress and car salesmen — извечный. He became a fearless andscathing criticof Brezhnev’s senescence — биологическое старение, дряхление. One scholar, Cong Cao, argues that the country faces a future of “premature senility” — дряхлость; старческая немощь. Politicians should certainly stop demosnishing big firms and sentimentalizing small ones — сентиментальничать. It is also eerily sentient, in the wat the highly automated plants tend to be — ощущающий. The most beautiful object in this exhibition is a five-metre-long scroll covered with sepia lines of feathery calligraphy; The sepia mist descended — сепия (ярко-коричневая краска).


Часть II / sepoys

A man who is leading a grass roots revolution against American imperialism and its local sepoys — сипай (наемный солдат в Индии). To put a septuagenarian into the White House — человек в возрасте от 70 до 79 лет. It is daylight, but the darkness inside the headquarters of the world’s biggest privately owned electricity company is sepulchral — могильный; погребальный. Far from the world of sequins and greasepaint, Bagehot recently interviewed a political grandee about constitutional reforms being explored by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition  — блестка на платье. One of his goals is to increase the number of serendipitous interactions of our staff, inside and outside the firm  — связанный со счастливым случаем. Such serendipity helped Twitter attract 58m web visitors in October last year — интуитивная прозорливость. I would not have the gall to stand on the moral high ground and sermonise the Chinese about democracy — читать мораль, нотацию. Compare Montgomery’s centennial with the sesquicentennial, which this February drew a ragtag few hundred enthusiasts  — 150-я  годовщина. Delay is not unusual — the EU’s new trade deal with Canada took five years to sew up — закончить, «закруглить». After six weeks of shadowboxing, Barack Obama and John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the House of Represenatives, are moving towards a long-term deficit deal — “бой с тенью”. One customer, sniffing a shallot, announced that if you rub garlic on your feet you can taste it in your mouth — шалот (лук). Ms Xiao is also lucky because she managed to persuade a friend to donate his sperm and enter into a sham marriage with her — фальшивый, фиктивный. 476

Часть II / shepherded

After a shambolic election in Nigeria, a barely credible new president; Feuding and shambolic govt — хаотичный; плохо организованный. Shamefacedly, one man said he had even voted for Barack Obama — робко, застенчиво, стыдливо. Shanty-towns may be more of a trap than economists thought — хижина, лачуга, хибарка. Congressman Wilson would stroll into his office to grret the shapeliest staff in Washington — стройный; хорошо сложенный. She was shackled to a hospital bed until the final phase of labour — приковывать, затруднять, обременять. Naive young northerners, with zero previous experience of black America, living in sharecroppers’ shacks, eating grits and using dirty outhouses — испольщик; издольщик. Mr Zuma had had a string of close shaves with the law for both grand corruption and squalid sexual behaviour  — быть на  волоске от чего-л. Frank Blake runs Home Depot, a chain that makes shedloads of cash out of sheds and patio furniture — ангар; гараж; база. Some of the democratic sheen has come off both revolutions; Guttenberg is expected to survive a parliamentary inquiry, thanks largely to his soldierly sheen and his popularity with voters — блеск, сияние; отлив. It was hard to know which mattered most: Obama’s hosts, with whom he was trying to build closer partnerships; voters at home who had just given him a shellacking in the mid-terms; or China, the elephant outside the room — полное поражение, разгром. Having difficulty comprehending Germany’s political shenanigans? The shenanigans could not have been more lurid, but the peace process may nonetheless be edging forward  — забавные номера; мошенничествo. They were closely shepherded at all times — смотреть, присматривать (за кем-л.); держать под наблюдением, следить.


Часть II / shielder

They called him a hypocrite for condemning America as a shielder of blasphemers while ignoring the offences to God committed by his ally — защитник. The anniversary shindigs are particularly unwelcome, they reckon, because they mean, in effect, a burst of state-financed unionist propaganda — веселье; шумная вечеринка. It is a shibboleth that well-designed regulation will necessarily stifle innovation — шибболет, слово, трудное для произношения, по которому узнают иностранца. Mrs Clinton cannot be a warmonger and a peacenik, or a radical feminist and a shill for the patriarchy — изображая клиента; «подсадная утка». America’s Congress should stop shilly-shallying and approve extra money for the International Monetary Fund — нерешительность, неуверенность. The Oslo shindig — launched in 2009, and on its way to becoming a human-rights equivalent of the Davos economic forum — веселье; шумная вечеринка. London beats these two on any criterion you care to name, with their parochial, little-Yerpian, eternal, BORING, shin-kicking — вид спорта, в котором надо свалить противника на землю ударом по голени. It should be in their interest to keep the alliance shipshape — в полном порядке, как следует, аккуратно. The law could allow foreign firms to shirk paying proper compensation to the victims of a future Bhopal — уклоняться от ответственности. No tickey, no shirty makes a young man express his pent up anger in inappropriate ways — раздраженный, рассерженный. Foreign companies working with the Chinese understand is that in order to win these contracts they must transfer know-how by the shovelful — полная лопата, полный совок. President Evo Morales’s government has shovelled money towards this part of the country ever since he was elected in 2005 — сгребать, загребать. 478

Часть II / shrilly

A proposed shotgun merger of General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC. shotgun marriage — вынужденный брак; вынужденный союз. In 1641 Japan’s shogunate designated an artificial island in Nagasaki harbour as the only place foreigners could live — сегунат. They had built the first STM on a shoestring budget, which satisfied his frugal mind: it was held together with Scotch tape, and operated (to reduce vibration) only at night, in breath-held silence — небольшие сбережения. Medvedev will be a shoo-in; The race was virtual shoo-infor incumbents; The Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley, the state’s attorney-general, should be a shoo-in; a shoo-in v. a has-been — бесспорный кандидат на победу (в спортивных состязаниях, на выборах и т. п.). Shoehorning reality into pre-conceived theory – втискивать, впихивать. And many of the malls that were built in the heyday of the genre are starting to look shopsoiled — испорченный (о товарах, которые продаются по более низкой цене). The American economic embargo merely serves to shore up the Castro regime — поддерживать, подпирать. Their best shot is through a no-confidence motion in parliament — доля, взнос. Mr Erdogan has given Germany’s ambassador in Ankara the cold shoulder — подчеркнуто холодный прием. And at an OPEC meeting on November 30th, they agreed to shoulder the largest share of a production cut in a bid to restore prices — взвалить на плечо, на плечи. This act of showboating cruelty vaulted Mr Terre’Blanche to fame — самореклама. The professor’s inconvenient remarks were not part of a “campaign” against the government’s policies, as ministers have shrilly suggested — пронзительно, резко (о звуке). 479

Часть II / shrink

Country music has always been the best shrink that 15 bucks can buy — психиатр. The number of countries with formal diplomatic ties to Taiwan has shrivelled to just 23 — высохший; увядший. His strongman shtick, enthusiasm for waterboarding and nonchalance over the beating of a protester at a recent rally give off an incipient whiff of a kind of bouffant fascism — отличительная черта, особенное свойство. Friends of Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, have shuffled $2 billion through a network of banks and offshore firms — смешивать, перемешивать. Israel want to shun Hamas; attract groups that have not usually supported the LDP, including the young, who often shun politics altogether — избегать, остерегаться. Educated women are often shunted into dead-end jobs  — передвигать, отодвигать. Instead, they hope Afghans will “shura their way to success” — консультации в шуре. Mr Maliki falls just shy of a majority — недостаток. Held meetings on the sideline of the dedication ceremonies — в коридорах. Back in 2012 Mr Ryan reassured anxious conservatives as Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential sidekick — закадычный друг. In the hallways and lavatories, mainland girls sidle up to gamblers, asking “go upstairs”? — ходить бочком, украдкой. Technology is turning the firm, long a safe box for information, into something more like a sieve, unable to contain all its data — сетчатый фильтр. But both of those signally failed to match Mr Lee’s achievement in propelling Singapore “From Third World to First” — поразительно.


Часть II / siphoned

Sign-offs, like sign-ons, vary from country to country, from station to station, and from time to time — заключительная часть письма, передачи. AIPA represents only a sliver of Jewish opinion  — ломтик; обломок, кусок. Call some one something or repeat a falsehood loudly enough and for long enough, and many simpletons will believe it to be the truth — простак, простофиля, дурачок. Ms Oswald translates Homer’s similes literally, but paraphrases the rest, creating a modernised version that delights in the unexpected — сравнение (стилистический прием). He mimics an awestruck elected official calling his wife from the capital and simpering: “Darling, I’ve arrived” — произносить что-л. с притворной или глупой улыбкой. But the ability to make genomes could one day allow simulacra of such creatures to be made by synthetic biology — изображение, видимость. He has been named as an adviser to China’s parliament, a position often handed out as a sinecure for retired officials — синекура, тепленькое местечко. That comparison has infuriated the Chinese — and helped put Bloomberg in the sin bin it was allegedly trying to avoid — мусорное ведро грехов. Space technology has been a sinew of military power ever since the Soviet Union shocked America into the space race when it launched Sputnik — мускулатура; сила, мощь. The evolving welfare dispute is less a dogged confrontation between left and right than a sinuous political dance  — запутанный, сложный. The fact that money can be siphoned off at different points in a corrupt chain does not mean you don’t try to do something about the different leaks identified — противозаконно перекачивать средства (обычно денежные). 481

Часть II / sisu

Ask Finns about their national character and chances are the word sisu will come up. It is an amalgam of steadfastness and diligence, but also courage, recklessness and fierce tenacity. “It takes sisu to stand at the door when the bear is on the other side,” a folk saying goes — сочетание непреклонности, мужества, упорства и усердия. From sword-forging in feudal times to machines and microchips today, real men toil tirelessly to make things you can see, services are for sissies — женоподобный мужчина; баба (о мужчине). Confucius Institutes usually skate over sensitive political topics such as the crushing of pro-democracy protests in 1989 — избегать; касаться вскользь. But India fears being left in the lurch as NATO skedaddles out of Afghanistan — улепетывать, спасаться бегством. These latter funds are ticking time bombs, like a skein of LTCMlites — запутанный клубок, путаница. Using better data-gathering techniques and employing a skeleton staff to keep costs down — минимальное количество. There’s no reason for the viewer to care which of these sketchily drawn chancers, if any, ends up with the Goya — поверхностный. Spread of fetal-imaging technology has not only skewed the sex ratio — уклоняться, отклоняться. A satirical television programme called “Parazit” that delights in skewering Iran’s politicians; week after week he nimbly skewers victims such as the Muslim Brotherhood and pompous television presenters — насаживать на вертел, шампур. Why spend money protecting ungrateful, stay-at-home skinflints — скряга, скупердяй. The Americans, to whom they look for investment and support, have withdrawn all but a skeleton staff — основной, незначительный. The first English-language teacher to come to Japan landed in a tiny skiff — небольшая плоскодонная гребная лодка. 482

Часть II / slack

With rich countries on the skids, China’s economic model is looking good — катящийся по наклонной плоскости, обреченный. Not Copacabana bikini skimpy, but far too slight for such a big place: hence the queue of ships idling off Rio’s beaches, waiting for a slot at its overburdened port — откровенный (об одежде). These border skirmishes are quite common considering the nature of the border and relations between the two countries — небольшой бой, стычка. Fresh from being mocked in a strangely cruel “Saturday Night Live” skit — пародия, сатира. Skittish foreign investors withdrew their money and cautious state-owned enterprises hoarded greenbacks — ветреный, легкомысленный. The great survivor of Georgian — and Soviet — politics may be on the skids — катящийся вниз, под откос, в пропасть; обреченный. By skirting that truth, “House of Cards”, for all its dramatic tension and clever dialogue, amounts to a kind of Washingtonian escapism — обходить стороной; уклоняться. Unemployment benefit for the same age group is only £ 73.10 a week at best but Britain is a nation of strivers, not skivers — бездельник, лодырь. And agents may also skive off, choosing to switch to a spot of web browsing on a synthetic internet that the researchers have created for the purpose — увиливать, уклоняться (от работы) — сачковать, лениться; прогуливать. There is a peculiar fascination about the old order, with its skivvies and tweenies and gentlemen’s gentlemen — прислуга, служанка. They can expose political skulduggery and also tabulate poll results instantaneously, making fraud easier to detect — мошенничество, надувательство. With public spending shrinking the private sector has a lot of slack to take up — нехватка, недостача. 483

Часть II / slake

Israeli firms offer technology to slake the world’s thirst — утолять (голод, жажду). But after his thumping win Mr Salmond slammed on the brakes and started talking about holding a consultative vote — резко нажать. There are indications that BP’s approach to the drilling of the Macondo well was similarly slapdash — неряшливая работа. Americans still slather ketchup on hamburgers but their habits are changing — мазать толстым слоем. So the idea that The Economist has been slavishly pro-euro from the off is just not true — подобострастный, раболепный. Violators can be fined or even hit with six months in the slammer — тюрьма. The programme’s contradictions — camp and sincere, profound and silly, slapstick and mundane — enable it to transcend differences of geography — грубый. Study 329 has become one of the best-known examples of a piece of academic sleight-of-hand called “outcome switching” — ловкий трюк (мошенника), уловка. A slew of development projects; traders pointed to a slew of causes for the price surge; A slew of leaders — большое количество. The idiot with a college degree who elects a sleazeball politician is incapable of rational thought and illiterate — чудак. Shapiro himself turns sleuth, exposing as fraudulent a piece of evidence — следить, шпионить (за кем-л.). Ankara demanded that Israel apologize for a diplomatic slight — неуважение, пренебрежение. They did not know the truth: that Kim lost his war, fled east and later slinked home in a Soviet uniform, kowtowing to Stalin until his death — идти крадучись. The legalisation of doctor-assisted dying is the first step on a slippery slope where the vulnerable are threatened — скользкий путь. 484

Часть II / sloughed off

All that was on offer was Giscard’s pathetic, treacly slip-slop — бурда, пустая болтовня. In 2008 many Democrats floated into Congress in Mr Obama’s slipstream — зона пониженного давления за быстро движущимся автомобилем. Only the modern technology of clamps and sharp scissors permits the slithery tube to be dealt with at speed — скользкий. The ladies’ affections proved more valuable than the men’s: Mr Van der Bellen won by a sliver, 50.3% to 49.7% — ничтожно мало; обломок, кусок. The choice between slogging to the office and working from home can be pretty unappealing — тяжело шагать; тащиться. Dr Ioannidis has been waging war on sloppy science ever since, helping to develop a discipline called meta-research — неряшливый, небрежный. A gaggle of would-be presidents start the hard slog of chipping away at the Granite State — сильный удар, изнурительная работа. This seems to be the lesson from most attempts at sloganeering by British towns and cities — использование лозунгов. Malta wins the race for the most slothful nation, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise — пассивный, вялый. In December the pre-budget report found some extra cash to slosh on — литься, выплескиваться, хлестать (о жидкости). To Bohemians and Beatniks he seemed, in his free-spirited, vagabondish, slouch-hatted sort of way, a heroic prototype — неумелый и ленивый работник. Economy was pulled steadily out of the slough into which it had fallen — топкое, трясина, топь. During a long and improbable life Spiegel sloughed off more skins than a bed of snakes, and a biographer’s first task is to keep their footing — сбрасывать кожу, оболочку (о змее). 485

Часть II / sludgy

Firms such as Shell and BP which have invested heavily in Alberta’s sludgy natural bitumen — перепачканный; илистый, болотистый. Once an environmental sluggard, China now pursues green policies with gusto — тунеядец, лежебока. Their prescription for a weak economy is a large slug of austerity — глоток. The governor was soon in the sort of slow slugfest his foes excelled at — поединок; драка. Why work for a sluggardly American firm when Infosys is growing at double digitsz — ленивый; вялый; неторопливый. The affair has turned into a slugfest between Frankfurt and Berlin over the reputation and “independence” of Germany’s central bank — поединок. He knows that opening the sluices to trade with India would boost Pakistan’s pathetic growth rate — шлюз; перемычка; ворота шлюза. Time for India’s leaders to wake from their slumber — дремота, сонное состояние. He moved his impoverished family into what his son describes as a slummy township — позорное место. The period from the 1940s to the 1970s, when governments took primary responsibility for keeping economies out of slumps, was more volatile and inflationary but it was hardly Armageddon — резкий экономический спад. That may be why even the most inflammatory racist slur in the AP-MTV poll — the “N-word” — didn’t rouse a majority of young people — дискредитация, компрометация. Alas, few will benefit from rigid calorie-counting or cabbage-soup slurping — причмокивание, чавкание; хлюпание. The strategy, known as “nuts and sluts”, is to cast doubt on the message by casting doubt on the messenger — выполнять тяжелую, нудную работу; ишачить. 486

Часть II / smithies

Whether it has been stolen from legitimate nuclear projects or made on the sly — тайком, украдкой. Could the liberal use by French parents of a firm smack be responsible? — привкус; аромат, запах. I was a smallholder in the Jordan valley near the Dead Sea — мелкий земельный собственник. The smarmy newspaper editor is almost unwatchable in his eagerness to harness the growing bigotry — льстивый; подобострастный. Hotels have been smartened and ferocious security measures put in place — принаряжать; прибирать. But its smattering of boutique hotels and passable restaurants stayed largely empty — малое количество. An interesting aspect of the piece is that it freely crosses the admittedly thin line between juicy gossip and vicious smears; Mr Fujimori’s use of tabloid newspapers to smear opponents — клеветническое или дискредитирующее замечание. Indeed, internet geeks in the EU’s eastern member states seem the most smitten by networking sites — ударять, бить. If mortgage borrowers had, as a group, shown a smidgen of objectivity and discipline, none of this would have happened — небольшой кусочек. His scandalous corruptive real estate deal in his fief of Patagonia, where he “made” a profit of some USD 14 million will forever smirch the Kirchner name — пачкать, пятнать. Our “know-it-all-in -chiefs” have had nothing but smirks to offer — самодовольная, притворная улыбка; ухмылка. The longer she stays in this race, the greater chance that Senator Clinton will splinter the democrats into smithereens; To blow the ship to smithereens — осколки; черепки. A large offshore financial centre will typically have 80–120 corporate smithies, the World Bank reckons — кузница. 487

Часть II / smite

Well, god didn’t smite Ireland and turn its people into pillars of salt — yдарять, бить. The new Labour leader’s doomed bid to smother disunity with duplicity — гасить, тушить, ликвидировать. With her front door open and Santa Rita at the ready, and the ceiling fan turning slowly in the smothering air — удушливый запах. Ramat Shlomo simply ignited the rage that has smouldered in Mr Obama’s breast; the long smouldering disenchantment of the voters with the complacent Liberal Democratic Party had flared up into condemnation — теплиться (о чувствах). They just sit there and take it with a smug sense of self righteousness — самодовольный и ограниченный. Chicago thinks he has found a way to tell doting dads from deadbeats in advance: check a man’s reaction when he watches a smutty movie — вульгарный, непристойный. August 5th saw the snaffling of the Washington Post by the founder of Amazon.com — совершить мелкую кражу. Oil sales to Japan hit new snag — натолкнуться на препятствие. He was a researcher, who spent his time trying to snare phenomena other scientists thought uncatchable: what went on inside tornadoes and on the ground under them, or the precise moments when lightning formed and struck — поймать в ловушку, силки. The snafu spawned a round of political finger-pointing — бардак, путаница, неразбериха. To many, they are a snaggletoothed symbol of big government gone mad — имеющий зубы неправильной формы. As for Yemen, it is an ungovernable snakepit, home to rival tribes, secessionists and a local branch of al-Qaeda — змеюшник. A depressing number still seem ready to be won over by Silvio Berlusconi’s snake-oil  — жидкость, имеющая якобы целительные свойства. 488

Часть II / sniggered

Queues for concerts can snake down the pavements due to security controls — извиваться. From the young hawker offering to sell motorists a toilet seat as he snakes through the never-ending jam that is normal traffic in Lagos — ползти, извиваться. The LDP’s revenge was to catch it unprepared for a snap poll – поспешный, необдуманный. The largest insider-trading case in decades snares a giant hedge fund — поймать в ловушку; завлечь. But wow, you all sound incredibly bitter, hiding your jealously of Obama behind snark and cynicism — фантастическое животное из поэмы Л. Кэрролла “The Hunting of the Snark”. It makes employees and deliveries late, it snarls up modern “justin-time” supply chains and it clogs up labour markets — смешивать, спутывать. Attempts to build a snazzy, German-style apprenticeship system crash into cultural and economic differences — броский, шикарный; приятный. Mr Navalny closed by simply citing Mr Solzhenitsyn’s title: “Even if it sounds naive and is often sneered at, ‘Live not by the lie’” — выражаться презрительно или насмешливо. As he sniffles around East Berlin’s soulless streets, contemplating his imminent suicide — приступ депрессии, подавленное состояние. There were a lot of snickers in Washington, DC, when Putin’s name was first announced as the new president — хихиканье, подавленный смешок. Schröder’s remark was short and snide; nothing more awesomely ironic than being snide about the snide — поддельный, фальшивый, фальсифицированный. These “Economy Comfort” tickets, whose name we have sniggered at previously, are available on certain international flights — хихикать, посмеиваться. 489

Часть II / sniped

French officials sniped at their Belgian counterparts on learning that several of the perpetrators had hatched their schemes in Brussels — стрелять из укрытия; стрелять, тщательно прицеливаясь. Causes and effects can be separated by long timeframes that don’t lend themselves to snippy soundbites — грубый, резкий, бесцеремонный. His re-election in 2004 was a shock that in part explains the snippiness of much European coverage now  — краткий, отрывочный, фрагментарный. Еhey could choose (without being able to talk to the others) either to snitch on their team-mates or to stand by them — ябедничать; доносить на (кого-л.). Who wants to pay £ 30 per day to stand on a delayed train full of snivelling ill people? — хныканье. Inverted snobbery prevents good teachers going where they’re needed — снобизм. In cities like Istanbul and Izmir headscarved girls sporting hiphugging jeans and snogging their boyfriends are not an uncommon sight — целоваться и обниматься. At the mention of Poland, there was a snort of derision from a Hungarian in the audience — фырканье; храпение. Polansky cocked a snook at US justice — показать длинный нос (кому-л.). The Kremlin’s chief ideologist told him which subjects he could campaign on and nominated snoops to keep an eye on him — детектив, сыщик. If it were shown that his administration illegally snooped on Mr Trump, Mr Obama’s legacy would be disgraced — подглядывать, подсматривать. They fail to point out the most obvious conclusion: snooty journal editors are biased against beer drinkers; reprinted under a snooty headline — высокомерный, заносчивый, надменный.


Часть II / softpedal

It has been too easy for Saudis to avoid working, or to snooze away in government offices — дремать. In Tehran they put up a billboard of the Queen in a nearby square, showing her with the snout of a camel — морда, рыло. However, we do not expect this to snowball into any serious threat to Ghana’s stability l — расти как снежный ком. Local businessmen complain that because of poor health and education, the Delta’s workers are not up to snuff — на должном уровне. Employers have gradually snuck out of what used to be regarded as their responsibility — делать что-то в ночное время без разрешения родителей. With billions of dollars of aid at stake, Cambodia has snuggled up to China and become its de-facto proxy within ASEAN  — уютно расположиться, прижаться. It fit snugly into a standard economic model of competition — удобно, уютно. American and Chinese illusions about European unity are also popping like soapsuds in the sun — мыльная вода (обычно оставшаяся после стирки). Mr Portman seems unembarrassed about coming over as a sobersides with a head for numbers — степенный, уравновешенный человек. He helped his adoptive home earn the sobriquet “Londonistan”, conferred for what many saw as indulgence towards Islamic radicals — кличка, прозвание, прозвище. But the tour of three sodden Punjabi districts highlighted huge worries — промокший, влажный, сонный, вялый. Ms Ortega is no softie, she is loathed by the opposition for jailing politicians — балда, дурень. They are so paralysed by fear of being accused of racism that they softpedal whenever they encounter crime perpetrated by minorities — приглушать; сглаживать. 491

Часть II / soggy

A goodwill gesture that went down about as well as a soggy poppadum — непропеченный, сырой (о хлебе). During his childhood sojourn in Indonesia he ate a bit of dog — (временное) пребывание. Illiterate and disillusioned citizens finding solace in mosques — утешение; смягчение. Anyone who does commit the solecism of talking or writing about class in America is assailed at once by a problem of definition — нарушение приличий; промах. Ron Paul, a strident libertarian, won nothing, but his campaign will soldier on to the end — упорно, настойчиво добиваться. Which, you must admit, is taking both narcissism and solipsism to new depths — солипсизм. Tin mugs of warm milk were put into trembling hands — proof, it was reported, of the solicitousness of Kim Jong Un  — педантичность. Obermann begins his soliloquy by addressing his audience: those who didn t vote for Bush — монолог (часть драматического произведения). It doesn’t matter if Ashton wears an EU flag emblazoned lyotard and does somersaults at the presidential palace — кульбит, прыжок кувырком, кувырканье. The election may be a done deal, according to most pollsters, but a somnolent campaign has at last come to life — убаюкивающий, усыпляющий. Another trick is to bribe the sommelier of a fancy restaurant to pass on empty bottles that once held expensive wine, along with the corks — сомелье. But then you noticed that this sonnagun had custom-made ostrich boots with spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds on them — паршивец; мошенник.


Часть II / sound bite

A a sonorous declaration that “the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence” — отдающийся эхом, гулкий. A big-haired songster Rod Stewart — певчая птица. And everybody’s bond soothsayer, Bill Gross claims — предсказатель, прорицатель; гадалка. But sooty clouds are unlikely to blow over — coal has not joined a recent commodities rally — черный как сажа. If enough voters swallow such sophistry, Ms Le Pen could prevail — софистика. Mrs Clinton is soporific; Also, brain-dead governments that survive another term because soporific Opposition parties can’t be bothered mounting a credible campaign — усыпляющий, навевающий сон, вводящий в сон. The book had a soul-sapping effect — лишать сока; сушить. A mobile phone, souped-up with such an antenna, can talk to a network tower that is dozens of kilometres beyond its normal range — усиленный. Hitler exercises astonishing sway over a German audience, presumably because public speaking is an unknown art in Germany, was the British embassy in Berlin’s snarky verdict in 1937 – сварливый, вспыльчивый. President Obama’s SOTUS was written at an eighth grade reading level for a reason — American political rhetoric has been reduced to a set of talking points — от англ. state-of-the-union address, ежегодное послание конгрессу. Later on, still bargain-minded, he would stroll the souks of Damascus or Jerusalem — базар (в мусульманских странах). It is refreshing to read intelligent comment and opinion in contrast to the sound bite economics served to the public by most print and TV media — короткий отрывок, фраза из речи политика (цитируемая по радио или телевидению). 493

Часть II / soupçon

This soupçon of military experience has been played up in his official biography, which says he was an “officer on active service” — крошечный, маленький. For years they would go out drinking with colleagues and clients, returning home sozzled at 3am — вдрызг пьяный, напившийся. He never lost its rustic dialect and later subjected many a world leader to local delicacies such as sow’s stomach — дикая свинья. Each place was spanking clean; he would visit obsessively to chew out staff for smudgy windows — идеально. In the world of defence contracts, $200m barely buys you a Pentagon spanner — гаечный ключ. Sparky, personable and, at the age of 44, an acknowledged Republican star, she could be the first Indian-American to hold a cabinet office — живой, оживленный. But in many ways, the sparring capitals look more like mirror images than polar opposites — стычка, столкновение. A scandal over a leaked memo that drew the president into an open spat with the country’s military establishment — перебранка. Its cover shows blood spattered over the image of a sheep — обрызганный. The dispute spawned other niggles — порождать, вызывать. Mr Elbegdorj’s victory cements the DP’s political dominance, giving it control of the presidency, the prime minister’s office and the parliamentary speakership — должность спикера парламента. She was a drifter, moving in a miasma of angry despair in and out of speakeasies and other people’s beds — магазин или бар, незаконно торгующий спиртными напитками (во время действия в США сухого закона). This is arguably a slightly specious argument: grumbly, Eurosceptic Britain is a European champion at attracting foreign direct investment — показной; лицемерный. 494

Часть II / spiff up

The upshot, at least in Heliconius, seems to be that speciation is a two-stage process — видообразование. Republican presidential frontrunner visited Washington, DC for a day of traditional foreign policy chin-stroking and speechifying — ораторствовать, разглагольствовать, витийствовать. Yet for close on 90 minutes he held his audience spellbound — заколдовывать, околдовывать, очаровывать. She was told that the solid young man making spaniel’s eyes at her across the room — раболепствующий. The hype about Mr Huntsman also stems from his impressive résumé, a stint as ambassador to China, various high-powered jobs in Washington and several spells in the family business — чары, срок, период (чего-л.). His spendthrift policies have all but depleted the country’s reserves — неэкономный, расточительный. Despite the poverty, the Kuna keep the island’s streets pretty spick and span with a sweepers’ patrol in which people take turns to join in — опрятный; чистый, без единого пятнышка. Most CEOs are capable of giving an elegant spiel about how the bulk of the firm’s growth in coming years will come from cities you have never heard of — пустые разговоры, болтовня; разглагольствование. Being too spiky would not just prick a bubble, but also prevent a lot of the useful innovation — сварливый, несговорчивый. Police arrested a prominent PT senator, Delcídio do Amaral, for allegedly attempting to spirit a former Petrobras director out of the country — тайно похищать. Evidence before the court suggests a world of harried analysts being outsmarted by spivvy bankers — плутоватый. Some executives are doubtless spivs, willing to cut investment to hit earnings targets — мошенник, плут. Councils can do a good deal to spiff up town centres — наряжать. 495

Часть II / Spittoon

Spittoon use has dwindled and delegates were banned from smoking in public in 2013 — плевательница. Madrid media splenetically denounced Catalonian nationalism — несдержанный, раздражительный. The conversation continues on a punt, then on a brisk walk around the university parks, then over tea, which slips into (more) sherry, and afterwards a splendiferous “high table” dinner — тогда, в то время, в это время, в ту пору. Mr Verity’s translation, Achilles’s outburst above becomes the prim “I abominate his gifts, and I value him no more than a splinter” — заноза; осколок; обломок. Most popular of all are the show’s fake interviews, in which a reporter in London is spliced into archive footage of Iranian politicians — склеивание встык. Distraction of multitasking lowers your IQ by about 10 points, more than smoking a spliff — сигарета с марихуаной, косяк. A letter he wrote after his arrest suggested that a “large splodge of wonga” — куча денег. That was arguably the biggest splurge since the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, a Democrat  — хвастливая демонстрация, выставление напоказ. To repatriate any spoils of colonial war might establish a precedent to empty out the British Museum — трофеи; добыча; награбленное. But the government is threatening to put a legislative spoke in the industry’s wheels — спица. Yet recent months have highlighted how fragile are these spoketo-spoke relations among America’s Asian allies — напряженный. A television station in Georgia sparked panic with a spoof broadcast that reported a Russian invasion of the capital — мистификация, розыгрыш, обман. Sergei Ivanov has a certain spooky charm — зловещий; жуткий; страшный.


Часть II / spruce

Ukraine’s own troubles — Russian influence and creeping spookdom — are bad enough — шпионаж. China’s eclectic mix of free-market principles, spoon-fed state enterprises and intolerance of dissent may be contradictory — находящийся на государственной дотации (об отрасли промышленности). Dick Cheney spoons poison on Colin Powell, Mr Bush’s secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser, and sometimes his own boss — черпать, зачерпывать (ложкой). The spoor of another phone linked an abandoned suicide-vest to Salah Abdeslam — след (зверя). Neil Armstrong is dressed in his spacesuit, sports a three-day beard, and is clearly exhausted — легкомысленная. If a retired breadwinner spouse dies, his surviving homemaker spouse assumes his pension but takes a one third cut — муж, супруг; жена. He harassed its media outlets: today, most free-to-air television channels spout government propaganda — изливать, извергать. Innocent of the bribery charges that could have sent him to prison for up to ten years and put a spoke in the wheel of his sports empire — ставить кому-л. палки в колеса. Still others see the arrests as a sop to the police, who have been given a lucrative opportunity: the average bribe to spring someone after an arrest is between 8,000 and 20,000 taka – подарок, подачка (чтобы задобрить). So it came as a shock last month when a bill sprinted through the lower house of Congress, on the first day of a new session — пробежать на короткую дистанцию. Parents trying to shepherd their children into school as other parents, their sprogs already dropped off — дети. But after a stroll in today’s countryside you would probably tell the poet to swap it for the Sitka spruce — нарядный, элегантный, изящный; щеголеватый. 497

Часть II / spry

If I had to answer right now I’d say the relatively spry Donkey clearly has the advantage over the cumbersome Elephant — деятельный; подвижный. Moreover, Panama canal profits may blunt the incentive to spruce up a tax system that collects a paltry 11% of GDP — приводить в порядок, украшать; наряжать. The would-be-vice-president, gave a spunky concession speech right before he introduced his running mate — мужественный, храбрый, смелый, отважный. The jets of bile that spurt forth whenever Mr Blair’s name is mentioned have all sorts of bad outcomes — прилив энергии; внезапное резкое усилие, рывок. But in recession Germany’s export-led model is sputtering more than most — фырчать, чихать (о моторе); шкворчать, шипеть. It is necessary to address the particular spurious argument raised in this article; The reason for this sudden spate of spurious insinuation — поддельный; подложный, фальшивый, фиктивный. It is the spur needed to encourage them — шпора (на обуви). She says she is spurred by worries about the “hackability” of voting systems — подгонять, побуждать. The spurned wife, Sue, was devastated, and the resulting family feud would echo down the generations — отвергать с презрением. After a squall briefly roils the waters, relations revert to their usual choppy but unthreatening passage — вопль, резкий крик. Since Mr Romney is seen by voters in general as a little square, and by social conservatives as not enough of a social conservative, should he be in the market for a non-square ultraconservative — консервативный. Plants and animals are warmed and lit by the sun, mostly, and tend to be squidgy, moving and watery — мягкий. The Magazine is a listed building, so Hadid had less squiggle room than she is used to — писать неразборчивым почерком. 498

Часть II / squiggly

As the global army of super-rich has grown, more tycoons have bought sports teams for fun or prestige, many have lost squillions — несметные богатства. Mr Chávez has squirrelled away billions of dollars in unaudited public funds, and should be able to pay for a pre-election spending binge — откладывать про запас; запасаться. In 2010, the World Bank estimated that $2 billion worth of textiles like Mr Zakari’s are squirrelled into Nigeria every year — незаметно завезти. He is hardly the lefty squish Mr Rubio makes him out to be — хлюпающий звук, плеск, всплеск. But it is unclear if the shelling has squelched an Islamist-inspired insurgency  — решительный отпор (особая реплика, приводящая собеседника в замешательство). The shamus is Brendan whose search for his ex-girl-friend’s killer leads him into a romance with a femme fatale — сыщик. It’s very illustrative of how shrill public ‘debate’ has gotten in America — надоедливый, навязчивый. It also squandered much of the prestige it had enjoyed for upholding a spirit of public service that dated all the way back to the glory days — разбрасывать, раскидывать. Set aside for a moment the squalid allegations of bunga-bunga parties — низкий, подлый; отвратительный. Lehman’s former leaders are not the only ones squirming in the glare — увиливать (от чего-л.), двигаться извиваясь. Obama faces squalls at home — вопить, визжать (о птицах, животных). California’s legislature did this in 2001, producing cynically squiggly districts that made most of the seats safe for whichever Republicans or Democrats already held them — волнообразный, изогнутый.


Часть II / squelched

Regulators in Florida have squelched local utilities’ plans to build new reactors — раздавить ногой, уничтожить. But there is a second cause: a constant struggle to stop cabinet squabbling, or at least to keep the squabbles from being aired in public — ссориться, скандалить. The mayors constantly cut squalid deals with interest groups, massage statistics and hush-up scandals — подлый; отвратительный. Her finely drawn literary travelogues on Taganrog, Murmansk, Vologda, Irkutsk and other places depict squalor, pomp, misery, exhilaration, heroism and brutishness, each cameo framed in its historical, cultural and physical context — запустение, бедность. A call to abandon forthright, principled stances in favour of squishy centrism — мягкий, податливый. With Prince William’s stag-do soundtrack best described as an eclectic mix of Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Rihanna and Nickelback, he and Kate Middleton may need a helping hand picking the reception entertainment — холостяцкая вечеринка; мальчишник. Ideo is working with Swiss Life to help the staid insurer do better at selling financial services to younger — степенный, уравновешенный. The Economist then proceeded to misrepresent the position of the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who has been a stalwart defender of the court — поборник, последователь, стойкий приверженец. The four-line stanza which ends in these words is the gist of the history of Sri Lanka — станс, строфа. Foreign energy companies stampeded into Tukmenistan — напор, натиск. The urgent task is to stanch the financial panic — if only to give politicians a chance — останавливать кровотечение. Catching some of Lula’s stardust is Ms Rousseff’s best hope — мечтательность, романтика.


Часть II / stellar

Some suspect that the rich world’s economic doldrums may be rooted in a long-term technological stasis — стаз, закупорка. The money saved from immediate consumption doesn’t get stashed under mattresses — припрятывать, копить. The gassy Arabian statelet of Qatar — маленькое независимое государство. In her April 8th state-of-the-city address Ms Parker said that she would be willing to draw these down to a “prudent” level — обращение к жителям города. Traditionally Germany has been the most loyal and staunch member of the EU — верный, стойкий, непреклонный. The Korean model had four distinctive features: a Stakhanovite workforce; powerful conglomerates — стахановец. Why would Israel attack now when, for some of the reasons above, it has previously stayed its hand? — воздерживаться от действия. An emerging Chinese telecoms giant is growing steadily — and stealthily — тайно, украдкой. France, in short, is steeling itself for the best, and the worst — придавать силу, решимость. One exception was France, where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs — надежный; подлинный; безукоризненный. And the sternest taskmaster is its president, Paul Kagame, who led the rebel forces that ended the genocide and has since shaped the country — суровый, безжалостный. The block to Facebook, the most popular social-networking site, was stepped up — усилить. The quotes Harpers stellar investigative journalism uncovered is what evangelicals believe  — exceptionally good; he gave his own stellar career lower priority than his wife’s even more stellar one  — звездообразный, знаменитый, выдающийся. 501

Часть II / stem

On March 18th the European Union, seeking to stem the influx of refugees from the Middle East, struck a deal to return asylum-seekers — являться результатом чего-л. She had clearly been stewing all day over press reports of a visit — долбить, зубрить. It is like not jailing pedophiles because it “stigmatizes already stigmatized”; Far from being stigmatized as dropouts, students who come back are often seen as a rich resource for classmates — клеймить; поносить. To the regret of some of its stick-in-the-mud writers, The Economist has long followed a strict policy of using official names for places — отсталый человек. A reputation as a stickler for rules — ярый сторонник, приверженец. Some sticklers insist that, where division is involved, among should be used where three or more are concerned, between where only two are concerned — ярый сторонник, приверженец. Today, not quite a decade after Helms’s death, it is harder to stifle debate by citing the Scriptures or other eternal verities — глушить, отпугивать. There has been a steady reduction in the stigma associated with tattoos over time; The stigma will fade — бесчестье, позор, пятно. To allow a tiny minority to make an epochal decision that changes the lives of a body of humanity ten times their number is nonsense on stilts — высокопарный, напыщенный. The DPP’s previous stint in power, under Chen Shui-bian between 2000 and 2008, ended disastrously — граница, предел. The result of such a stitch-up, predicts Mr Trump, for what that may be worth, would be a riot — улаживать ссору. Even the stolidest defenders of capitalism would, by and large, agree — самые стойкие.


Часть II / streak

Iraninatest missile test was intended to stoke tensions — поддерживать огонь; забрасывать топливо. This week’s annual stocktake on progress with Turkey was gloomy — проводить инвентаризацию. GM’s stodgy engineering; Critics find Mr Fico’s cocktail of history and culture stodgy or downright creepy — нудный, неинтересный, однообразный. He smoked cheap (and smelly) cigars because he could not imagine spending as much as $2 on a stogie — длинная сигара. The era of the stolid, traditional Deutschland AG (Germany Inc) is drawing to a close — бесстрастный, невозмутимый. Only the profoundly stoned or deranged would try to eat a T-shirt or wear a chicken sandwich — обкуренный, обдолбанный. Thanks to a fiscal tightening of a stonking 7.5% of GDP, Estonia easily meets the euro zone’s public-finance rules — потрясающий. This is one of his assets: a readiness to stoop to methods the West cannot emulate without sullying itself — склоняться к. A government forced to live hand-to-mouth, funded by stopgap resolutions for a few weeks at a time — временное приспособление, временная замена. Under Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency, France was a stout opponent of Turkish entry — решительный. Without big institutions to straddle both markets, India is an inhospitable place for the hedge funds — перешагивать. He survives for 47 days on a raft, eating raw fish and avoiding Japanese strafing — атаковать с бреющего полета. A British strand of Islam is emerging as more people become converts — прибрежная полоса, берег. Clinton broke her losing streak and revived her presidential hopes; A good-humoredstreak — черта. 503

Часть II / street-smart

Those Chinese who think of themselves as street-smart tell a joke about three fools — знающий, опытный. The most strenuous effort should be directed at toughening up the system for regulating journalists’ behaviour — рьяный, усердный. Tragedies and mistakes are strewn across Europe’s borderlands — разбросаны. And rather as young people in the West did in the 1960s, they are breaking the strictures of patriarchy in new ways; Аssault on social strictures — строгая критика; осуждение. Japan and China. Barren rocks, barren nationalism. Both countries should turn to pragmatism, not stridency, in dealing with island spats — резкость. With his stridency; there is the general stridency in historical interpretation of the constitution and its purpose — резкость. Yet summon a stroppy model to court and apparently this trial is the most important event on the planet — несговорчивый; сварливый. Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens — напластовываться, наслаиваться. As a seven-year-old, she fled Latvia before the Red Army’s advance, hiding in ditches as Soviet aircraft strafed her fugitive party — выговор, замечание. He is sure that strenuous exercise is a menace to his fragile health — энергичный; активный, сильный. Some analysts guess it might snap up € 5 billion — 10 billion a  month and that may be a stretch  — превышение; выход за  пределы. Public recantations of strident Islamists — резкий, скрипучий. Sun Tzu may have written about stratagems for warfare, but Huimin’s assembled scholars prefer to tout him as a peacenik — хитрость; уловка. 504

Часть II / stunt —

News Corp is not the only sprawling media conglomerate that is streamlining its businesses  — выбор оптимальной организации. The Chinese government strenuously denies any involvement — энергично, активно. The Tory leader’s greenery was a main strut of his effort to “rebrand” (read “socialise”) his nasty old party — основа. But no one is keener to strut their stuff than Airbus and Boeing, the world’s two biggest makers of airliners — ходить с важным, напыщенным видом. Talk of hipster beards and three-day stubble is all well and good — коротко остриженные волосы. Would be possible to build a bridge from London to New York out of Lego, without first manufacturing any more of the stuff? (yes, as it turns out — the two cities are only about 700m Lego studs apart, and the bridge could be designed to float) — детали, фишки. Against Mr Sarkozy’s “look at me” showmanship, Mr Hollande offers studious modesty — преднамеренный, умышленный. For the most part, China has concealed its alarm over Mr Trump behind studied caution — продуманный; преднамеренный. Mr Trump has undermined that confidence by showing that an American politician can win a ton of votes by telling foreigners to get stuffed — затыкать. Russia was in the stultifying grip of Orthodoxy; in Western intellectual debates, meanwhile, some maintain that Islam stultifies its followers — выставлять на посмешище, представлять глупцом. Mr Santorum campaigned the old-fashioned way, spending 15 weeks on the stump in the state before the caucuses — вести политическую агитацию (разъезжая по  стране) — отправиться в агитационную поездку. It was chiefly a marketing stunt — трюк, фокус, штука.


Часть II / stupa

Qinghai province, generally feels empty in its hugeness, punctuated only by a golden stupa at its heart, and the occasional monk — ступа (куполообразное сооружение на  могиле царя или вождя; хранилище реликвий). The author’s stupendious research; Lily is cruelly outshone by Scheherazade, whose stupendous breasts obsess almost everyone in the story — изумительный; громадный; огромной важности. The companies professed a surprise verging on stupefaction — остолбенение, оцепенение. Bishop often drank herself into a stupor, starting “the hour before dawn” and sometimes continuing even until she was hospitalized — остолбенение, оцепенение. Signs of a stuttering global economy are depressing commodity prices — запинаться. Heading farther south they stalled in the doldrums before a sturdy wind carried them to Brazil in 20 days — сильный. So Hamas zealots have tried to stymie them  — блокировать, загонять в тупик. But such attempts at moral suasion are not working, and those in authority seem reluctant to do more — уговаривание. Tall, suave and handsome — “like a candlestick, a Giacometti statue,” recalled one admirer; Salinger swanned about, declaring that he would one day write the great American novel — обходительный; вежливый. He was to find, and if necessary kill, a German subaltern who had been torturing SAS men — младший офицер. Machines have subdued humans by trapping them in a simulated reality while their bodies languish in vats — покорять, подавлять. For ordinary mortals, the sublime challenge of tackling Amen Corner is permanently out of reach — высочайший, величайший. A high-wage country with few natural resources cannot afford sub-par universities, as Chancellor Angela Merkel often says — не на должном уровне. 506

Часть II / Sudoku

The judges subject any infringement to a whole gamut of tests — подчинять, покорять. What is most alarming is the ease with which they suborned officials to win contracts for firms in their sway — подкупать, давать взятку. To blithley subsume all laws under one rubric — the rule of law — is pointless because there can then be no agreement — относить к какой-л. категории, группе. We learned from our ancestors to be tremendously subservient towards the rich — подчиненный, зависимый. The opening day in court was not without intrigue and the talk of spy craft focused on ineptitude as opposed to subterfuge — уловка, ухищрение. Backwardness includes looking east for any succor — оказывать военную помощь; вводить вспомогательные войска. Chinese is so succinct that most messages never reach that limit, says Shuo Tang, who studies social media at Indiana University — краткий; сжатый; короткий, лаконичный. Subscriptions have succoured media firms during the recession — помогать, приходить на помощь, поддерживать. The firm’s executives, flanked by succulents and a yarn bouquet at their headquarters in Brooklyn — сочный; суккулент (растение сухих мест с сочными листьями или стеблями, способное хорошо переносить засушливый климат). Special-operations forces from America and Britain are said to be operating in Iraq already, scouting out targets, bridges and suchlike — и тому подобное; и им подобные. Almost everyone is a sucker for a good yarn — простак, простофиля. Westin Hotels invites guests to enjoy canapés and Sudoku puzzles together at its “Unwind” evenings — судоку (головоломка типа «магический квадрат»; большой квадрат, разбитый на 81 клетку, делят на 9 маленьких квадратов по 9 клеток каждый; задача игрока — расставить 507

Часть II / sufferance

в клетках цифры от 1 до 9 так, чтобы в каждой строке и столбце большого квадрата, а также внутри каждого из малых квадратов цифры не повторялись). Apart from tourists, whom Stanley admitted on sufferance and charged more, most guests were struggling artists or writers — терпеливость, терпение. Mr Lew unveiled a new blueprint for the $10 note that would add a covey of suffragists — сторонник предоставления избирательного права (особенно для женщин). Suffused with the restless energy of a rapidly expanding Shanghai, the novel tells the story of Coco — наполнять. At the time voters appreciated her refusal to sugar-coat the facts, and elected her accordingly — покрывать сахаром, засахаривать. Such comments in high-level media fall short of an official government statement — the foreign ministry has avoided such sulfurous language — злой, язвительный. For the past year, the firm’s engineers have been developing a suite of technologies there to slash the cost of “precision agriculture” — набор, комплект. The Republicans are acting like children who sit and sulk in the corner refusing to participate in a group activity; It is a sort of sulk — дурное настроение, хандра. But a tough and sullen electorate has no patience with the dovecotes — замкнутый, сердитый, угрюмый. That Mr Strauss-Kahn’s reputation is so sullied and that Ms Diallo is now pursuing a civil case for damages is evidence that, even in France, such attitudes are dying out — марать, пачкать, пятнать. The rivers’ defenders will no longer have to prove that discharges into them harm anyone, since any sullying of the waters will now be a crime against the river itself — марать, пачкать, пятнать. No problem for the summiteers themselves: they fly off for dinner at a farmhouse 25km away, each in his own helicopter — участники саммита. 508

Часть II / sup with

Until they do, a single annual get-together would avoid summitry becoming a devalued currency — дипломатия, основанная на встречах руководителей государств. Now Ukraine has become, in Polish eyes, a sump of corruption — болото, топь, трясина. While the new elite lives sumptuously, two-thirds of the 17m Angolans survive on less than $2 a day; А sumptuous painting held court at Christie’s headquarters in London — превосходно; богато. Americans dissatisfied with their government do of course have the right to emigrate, but they do not have the right to sunder the union in a fit of pique — разлучать, разъединять. Tourists can sip a sundowner in the quaint wine-lands town of Franschhoek as lorries rumble down the main street — рюмка спиртного, выпиваемая вечером. He was roundly ticked off for it by sundry Scrabbleheads; It is safest in this climate to bestow smiles on all and sundry; he impressed all and sundry by putting the state’s economic crisis before politics — всякая всячина, разное. It was supine even by Caribbean standards; The media are mostly supine; Not supine but craven; Apparently supine performance of the other guests — бездействующий, бездеятельный, ленивый. It is a job that Mr Summers did superbly for Bill Clinton and which plays more clearly to his strengths — великолепно; внушительно. Saudi Arabia is a land of superlatives; Appeal to national pride and speak of the superlatives in Russia — кульминация; высшая точка. Her entourage insists that none of this supplants the partnership with France — вытеснить; занять (чье-л.) место. These days most businesspeople have to stand in line with other supplicants for an audience with their political masters — проситель, молящий. When you sup with the devil use a long spoon — отхлебывать, прихлебывать. 509

Часть II / suppler

Better performance may persuade some people to replace their PCs with younger, suppler models — более хитроумный. Protesters cited Wilson’s white supremacist beliefs, and his moves to resegregate the federal government after taking office in 1913 — сторонник превосходства, доминирующего положения какой-л. группы. Defining rape, or trying to, is a sure-fire way to start a row — несомненно. If such an intervention could be surreptitiously added to a cup of coffee, the whole world might be “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”; A surreptitious policy — неподлинный (о тексте); пиратский, изданный без разрешения. When it comes to keeping out foreigners, though, the Conservatives are as confident and sure-footed as a champion boxer — действующий уверенно, без колебаний, твердый. A court demanded surety for a huge fine on his Fininvest company — гарант, поручитель. And Canada as a whole will have a surfeit of parliamentarians compared with many other democracies — излишество, неумеренность. Two new London productions that, coincidentally, involve Stalin and the novelist Mikhail Bulgakov, make apt use of surreal fantasia — сюрреалистичный, нереальный. The latest surge surprised many in the oil patch — большая волна; волны. In 2010 an Islamist extremist walked into a constituency surgery to stab and nearly kill the Labour MP Stephen Timms — кабинет депутата. During last year’s election campaign, the Goggleboxers had their political leaders sussed — относиться с подозрением, недоверчиво. Romantics heard it in the roar of avalanches, the creak of glaciers, the crackle of fire in timber and the long susurration of waves on the shore — легкий шорох, шелест. 510

Часть II / swarthy

Britain and Russia acknowledged Chinese “suzerainty” over Tibet — сюзеренитет. Maryland’s Court of Appeals overturned his conviction, finding that the DNA swab was an unreasonable search — смазывать, наносить тампоном. Amina’s Rochester is full of small pleasures, such as a new mailbox that arrives swaddled in styrofoam — пенопластовый упаковочный материал. Allies of Mr Cartes, a rich businessman, argue that Paraguay’s democracy no longer needs such swaddling — пеленать, свивать (младенца). Smithsonian curators have collected badges, stickers and other swag in the field since the 1980s — награбленное добро; добыча. Mr Ozawa’s swagger risks dividing the party, and he has become an electoral liability; аccording to Britain’s tabloid press, a swaggering Germany is using the euro crisis to impose what one title dubbed a “Fourth Reich” — чванливая и самодовольная манера держаться. Russian officials swaggeringly talk of capturing a third of Europe’s gas market by 2015 — чванливо, важничая. Timothy Olyphant is hilarious as Strings McCrane, a swanning, impulsive, narcissistic celebrity — лебяжий. Neither man swanked about the size of his genitals, called anyone fat or declared himself a genius — бахвалиться, хвастать. Swanky arrondissement; An annual technology conference in San Francisco, featured a reception at a swanky hotel dubbed “Web After Dark” — роскошный, щеголеватый. This swarf is no longer of any use for making aircraft — металлические опилки. If the culprit is a trade agreement that’s giving American jobs to swarthy foreigners, well, you just renegotiate or repudiate that treaty — смуглый; темный.


Часть II / swashbuckling

Thoughtful Israeli critics of Mossad, of its swashbuckling director and of Mr Netanyahu, say the intelligence service has two other defects that should be tackled: arrogance and complacency; the swashbuckling Rowland died — хулиганский. Those hopes were dashed by Mr Putin’s swatting aside of Mr Medvedev last September to allow his own return to the Kremlin — отшлепать. Region is under the sway of harsh rulers — власть, влияние. Mr Trump has swerved from bomb-throwing to orthodoxy — сворачивать в сторону. They were the size of swifts and until now it had been thought that, like swifts, they chased around the sky after insects — a technique known as hawking — стриж. Consumers will swill around 5% less drink in the high-sugar category per year — полоскать, лакать. The preparations were going swimmingly to Japan’s Imperial Army insisting that it was winning the second world war — гладко, без помех; успешно. The CBS suffered swingeing budget cuts in the 1990s — резкий, значительный. To add to the strange swirlings, the Supreme Court ordered the arrest of the prime minister, Raja Pervez Ashraf — вихрь; завихрение. Born into politics and raised in a mansion in a swish Parisian suburb, Ms Le Pen somehow manages to speak for those she calls the country’s “forgotten” in a way they find credible — роскошный, шикарный. The once inevitable nomination of Mitt Romney looks inevitable once again, freeing him to swivel his big guns back in the direction of Barack Obama — поворачиваться; разворачиваться. Hecalls it a “Swiss tax swizz”: the country will in effect pay a fat fee to avoid revealing clients’ names — мошенничество, обман, надувательство.


Часть II / syncretism

For a few sweet months Mr Specter’s switcheroo gave them a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate — семь пятниц на неделе. Gaidar looked like the class swot; Most incomers are swotting for university-entrance exams — зубрила, тяжелая работа; трудное задание. Clinton put it into a swoon; shoppers swooned at LVMH’s cash registers; A swooning francophile — потерять голову, впадать в экстаз. Earlier this summer two dozen American commandos swooped into northern Syria in an effort to save James Foley, an American journalist — внезапное нападение, налет. The swoosh heard around the world — гул, свист; звук рассекаемого воздуха. A ferocious local official, he brought even the sybaritic Georgians to follow Party discipline — сибаритский; изнеженный. Singapore’s traditional media are insipidly sycophantic to the government — льстивый. She was always large, “no sylph”, as she put it, with docker’s shoulders and the constitution of an ox — сильф (существо, дух, обитающее в воздухе), грациозная девушка, сильфида. They need to change their syllabuses; UNRWA has introduced human-rights courses into its school syllabus — расписание; учебный план. Mass incorporators typically offer bank accounts too, creating a symbiotic relationship between the smithies of corporate identity and the money men — живущий в симбиозе. He loved the syncreticism of Hindustani music, with its mixture of Hindu and Muslim influences; They also see Benedict’s role in the follow-up event as a dangerous lurch towards syncretism — the heretical idea of blending religions — синкретизм (нерасчлененность, характеризующая неразвитое состояние какого-л. явления). 513

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Часть II / tabernacle

T To fulfil millennial Jewish yearning to restore the tabernacle, the company is also repairing what it says are ancient ablution pools — живой храм, жилище Духа Святого. Mr Suslu, who has a reputation as a table-thumper, opened the meeting with a declaration of intent — стучать по столу. Water tables are now falling in many parts of the world, including America, India and China — табель, расписание. In 2010 the president established a commission, headed by two Washington veterans, to tackle the problem — энергично, с усердием браться, приниматься. Mr Ozawa has changed tack and agreed to be questioned by prosecutors — поворачивать на другой галс; менять направление. Silence allows others to wrongly interpret our actions as tacit support; Present government relies on tacitroyal endorsement for its legitimacy — невыраженный словами; подразумеваемый. There is surely nothing more British than to proclaim the right to be miserable and taciturn — молчаливый, неразговорчивый. More recently it has been neither trade nor taciturnity, but the distractions of technology — неразговорчивость. This article is a tad old and what I want to discuss is a tad old as well; Revenues grew a tad last year — капелька, чуточка. We would like to offer a rather different take on Hungary’s economy, which you have tagged as the “worst performer in central Europe” — прикреплять ярлык. A Romanian newspaper launched a campaign under the tagline: “We may not like Britain, but you will love Romania” — подзаголовок. 514

Часть II / tannoy

Born in 1935, he remembers the tail-end of the Depression and the shortages during the second world war — окончание. That afternoon, American share and futures indices went into a seemingly inexplicable tailspin, falling 10% in a matter of minutes — резкий спад в экономике; хаос, паника. Independent takeaways are often family businesses run by immigrants, who respond to leaner times simply by paying themselves less — что-то полезное от встречи; заведение, торгующее готовой едой на вынос. Guns aren’t talismanic objects that can turn ordinary people into killers — эффект талисмана. A crowded calendar of multilateral talkfests looms — болтовня. Pulling the wool over the public eye is a long standing political sport. Tally-ho! — кричать “ату!”. To date this year 26 have been shot dead — a grim tally but fewer than over the same period in 2014 — счет (в т. ч. в игре); число. That would be a tall order even for a freshly elected leader with a thumping majority and two terms in office — сложная задача. The sea was full of fish, where the brown scrubby land, neglected by its Portuguese colonisers, would grow hardly a tamarisk or a cane stalk — гребенщик. The first is that social issues are not so much tangential to the business of business as fundamental to it  — не  имеющий прямого отношения. It has a tangled history with its small, snarling neighbour  — запутанный. Investors are most bullish on Brazil — despite its economy’s history of tanking at the very moment that international investors regain their confidence — падать (об акциях, курсе валюты). No whistle marks our (on-time) departure, but a polite female voice from the tannoy system advises against riding on the roof — система радиооповещения.


Часть II / tantalizing

Yet though Stalinism may have been a needless tragedy for both the Russian people and communism as an ideal, there is the intellectually tantalizing possibility that for the world at large it was, as we shall see, a blessing in disguise — привлекательный, соблазнительный. People in Assam mostly follow mainstream Hindu teachings, but tantric sects continue to offer up animals in ritual sacrifices to the mother goddess, Shakti — стороны определенного направления. Even diplomacy, which may soon start up again after months of tantrums on the part of the North; Russians are also prone to throwingtantrums; Erdogan’s temper tantrums are not new — приступ гнева (особенно у ребенка). Any transaction that passes through an American bank or insurance company, even tangentially, is theoretically subject to sanctions — вскользь, поверхностно. Places where the air still bears a rancid tang from past misrule — тошнотворный, отвратительный, мерзкий запах. The government›s finances get tangled up in a fight over who speaks for the Republican Party — сложный; замысловатый. News travels fast in Ain Hilweh, a maze of alleys tangled with makeshift hook-ups to water, electricity and satellite dishes  — запутываться, усложняться. “A Passage to India” — a book that was inspired, at a tangent, by Forster’s intense, romantic friendship with a Western-educated, upperclass Indian, Syed Ross Masood — касательная. The skins are largely sold to tanners in Italy and France, and also in Singapore — дубильщик, кожевник. Some people would say it was tantamount to foxes asking to be consulted about the welfare of chickens New talks would be tantamount to killing the deals — эквивалентный, равноценный. The meeting happened to coincide with the second anniversary of Brian Cowen’s election as taoiseach — премьер-министр (в Ирландии).


Часть II / tat

Both Mr Macron and Ms Le Pen tap into that frustration — использовать. Еhe Federal Reserve decided not to start tapering its $85-billiona-month asset-buying programme — сужать. Monetary Fund, recently warned that a hike in American interest rates may lead to another “taper tantrum” — термин, характеризующий реакцию рынков на заявление ФРС. The taproot of the problem is the once-noble corporation itself, this “person”-like entity mutated to grow on any consumable — стержневой корень, главный корень. If the public blamed Mr Obama, Ms Clinton would be tarred by her ties to his foreign policy; When Mr Trump is not tarring unauthorised migrants as murderers, he says he is open to talking to Democrats — позорить; чернить. What Brazil’s scandal-tarnished president should do with a second chance — запятнанная репутация. 550,000 Haitians have gathered in 337 makeshift camps and tarpaulins; almost as many are sleeping rough — брезент, просмоленная парусина. The fish later tarried for long enough around Scotland to become an important part of the country’s income — жить, проживать. The airline will rebrand itself after improvements such as introducing on-board Wi-Fi, tart ing up its lounges and providing tastier food — принарядить, украсить. As one bank analyst has tartly remarked: “You can’t blame the mirror for your ugly face” — резкий, колкий, ядовитый. Seldom has that tart comment seemed more apposite than in recent days — колкий, ядовитый. In recent days souvenir tat has given way to a hotter-selling item — барахло (о дешевых или низкокачественных товарах), кружево.


Часть II / tatty

Visiting Oxford Street, a road teeming with tatty shops and overcrowded with people, is plainly a trial — невзрачный, безвкусный. Merkel was disappointed by Mr Netanyahu’s half-hearted peace efforts and his tattling to the Israeli press about matters she had told him in confidence — судачить; сплетничать. Drawing on financial investments, expertise and diehards in sleeping cells, loyalists chatter on social media about resurrecting al-Qaeda’s strategy of tawahush, the unleashing of wildness and chaos — сеять хаос и разорение. South Korea’s president Lee Myung-bak has been hurled summarily into tawdry politics at home — мишурный, кричаще безвкусный. Churchill taunted Adolf Hitler; Both misbehave and taunt the other, whether with settlements or with suicide bombers; The litany of taunts — насмешка, язвительное замечание. Their stories, as viewed by Dell, would have made a good, taut novella, but they make a flabby novel — напряженный. It bears emphasising that not all non-poverty-related tax-exempt organisations are symphonies or Harvard — свободный от налога. Goethe’s 1774 tear-jerker, “The Sorrows of Young Werther”, is believed to have inspired scores of young men to shoot themselves — слезливый фильм, слезливая пьеса. The perennial tedium of the Oscars ceremony won’t prevent millions of people from watching it; All this tedium; It will be back to the tedium — скука; утомительность. Many more Chinese fishing boats have been spotted tjis year in tune-teeming waters off he island — переполненный, битком набитый. The man is a mass of contradictions: a teetotaler who gambles for high stakes; a womaniser who dotes on his 34-year-old second wife, Candy; a champion of the poor who lives like a king; The teetotal state of Gujarat, in the west of India, has once again revealed a taste for a strong political brew  — непьющий, человек, никогда не  употреблявший алкоголь.


Часть II / tempera

A blind senator asked a question: “Isn’t this a teeny weeny bit of socialism?” — чуть-чуть. If you thought you could get a tell on him that would reveal the truth of the matter — служить образцом, свидетельством, примером. That guy makes me laugh so hard, just the way he is, he looks at the teleprompter and you can tell he’s reading it — телесуфлер (экран с бегущей строкой; для диктора на телевидении). Enrique Peña Nieto, the telegenic governor of the state of Mexico, is already considered the presumptive front-runner — телегеничный; хорошо выглядящий на экране телевизора. The sight of youth attacking officers and vehicles was televisually irresistible — телевизионный. Tellingly, though, Israeli politicians who favour more territorial concessions to Palestinians often cite the threat of BDS — эффектно, сильно; выразительно, впечатляюще. The tell-tale absence of rust allowed Stalin’s secret police to spot them — болтун, сплетник. Now, it’s an indicator of a regulatory tempest — буря, потрясение. The wiser course is to temporize with such evils when they are recognized, instead of violently attacking them — стараться выиграть время; медлить, колебаться. After 27 years of forced but tempestuous marriage, its politicians have now latched onto the UAE, looking for separation again — буйный, бурный. After months of tempestuous hearings; Any government that can’t deliver for them is going to be dealing with tempestuous — буйный, горячий. Israel had the temerity to reject the French advice; Lithuania had the temerity to sell an oil refinery — безрассудство, опрометчивость. Cima painted in tempera and oil on wood — живопись темперой.


Часть II / temptress

She was a temptress and a vixen — искусительница; соблазнительница. But he boasts of a tenacity nurtured in his days as a crusading editor of a newspaper known for its dogged pursuit of scandals — упорство, стойкость, твердость воли. Red lanterns and roofs curling up at the corners with wooden tendrils reaching into the sky — усик, завиток (волос). These are green shoots that need tending — заботиться (о ком-л.); ухаживать; присматривать. Since 1973, when the Supreme Court held, tendentiously, in Roe v Wade that a “right of privacy” allows a woman to abort her fetus before it is viable — пристрастный, тенденциозный. He became celebrated for his descriptions of Haile Selassie’s tenebrous court in Ethiopia — мрачный, темный. Uruguay faces the same challenge of an tentacular state; His tentacular spread — имеющий форму щупальца; подобный щупальцу; tentacular out growths — отростки в форме щупалец. A working-class district where migrants are also settling in large numbers, offers passers-by “grilled kushi”, provocatively meaning “grilled blacks”, and suggests getting rid of the immigrants by throwing grenades at their tenements — многоквартирный дом, сдаваемый в аренду. The standoff allows Moscow to keep the entire region on tenterhooks — сидеть как на иголках; мучиться неизвестностью. Studios have also started to make more “tent pole” films — big releases that can support the bottom line like a pole holds up a tent — жерди, на которых держится палатка. Northern-born coloureds who belong to a solid though tenuous middle class — тонкая линия, незначительный, слабый. Democratic lawmakers, however, have been tepid to move; Apart from some old-style British architecture, red pillar-boxes and pubs serving


Часть II / theotropic

tepid British beer, Mr Moratinos probably felt at home; tepid enthusiasm — тепловатый, чуть теплый. Behind all the self-interested tergiversations of the politicians, however, is a genuine enigma — уловка, ухищрение. After all, it has accomplished most of the terraforming it wanted — создавать условия, пригодные для жизни на других планетах. The same story is repeated at a tertiary level; creation of knowledge workers through tertiary education offers some respite in the decline of the competitiveness — относящийся к третьему рангу, классу. At twenty minutes to eleven o’clock, the train reached the terminus at Southampton — конечная станция; вокзал. The problem isn’t with Americans’ understanding of terroir, but that Americans don’t think terroir is an appropriate concept for trade law, especially outside the already created exceptions — почва, микроклимат. Xinhua, on January 11th tersely announced China’s successful test — сжатый, краткий (о стиле). But testamentary laws offer muddled and incomplete ways of bequeathing and inheriting them — переданный по завещанию. Wounded, tetchy and less effective than it should be, America is still the power that counts — обидчивый; раздражительный. Fannie and Freddie were tethered to America’s housing market when it fell off a cliff in 2008 — привязать (пасущееся животное). Drones have immense commercial potential — so long as regulators don’t try to tether them to the ground — привязать (пасущееся животное). Bengalis know that in Phalgun the dust flies like a harum-scarum boy down village lanes, and in Sraban the loud monsoon soaks the thatch — солома, тростник. If man is a theotropic beast, inclined to believe in a hereafter, it is surely better that he chooses his faith, rather than follows the one his government orders — склонный к религиозности. 521

Часть II / thespians

Whatever thespians may say about the sweat, tears and pain that go into acting, compared with actually fighting in north-western Pakistan, it is at least safer — драматический; театральный. He had a thesaurus of political jokes, collected over years, at the expense of Baathists, Islamists, nationalists, imperialists, Palestinians, Israelis, everyone  — идеографический словарь, справочник; энциклопедия. Levees, theatricals and masquerades are the scenes of outrageous flirting — dramatic performances — любительский спектакль, неестественное, напыщенное, показное проявление эмоций. Stronger theming helps to make a park more distinctive  — тематическое содержание. So while you all are arguing over that which does not matter in the thick of things, you are losing your “ticket” into the Kingdom of God — в гуще, в самом центре чего-л.; в самом разгаре чего-л. Donald Trump, who, if he follows through on his anti-China rhetoric, threatens to throw relations into one of their periodic troughs — желоб для стока воды. It is true that they have stuck by each other through thick and thin, and that China has dealt with whatever government, elected or not — упорно, несмотря на все препятствия. Iain Duncan Smith announced a plan to replace Britain’s thicket of welfare benefits with a single, simple “universal credit — чаща; заросли, кустарник. With the current crisis the unthinkable becoms thinkable  — возможный, выполнимый. He dismissed Europe as “ce machin”— this thingummy — and put a break on anything that diluted national governments’ power — штука (обычно о вещи, название которой неизвестно говорящему или забыто). Perhaps; but his border trouble suggests that, in Russia, the second, thievable kind of cash unfortunately remains the more important of the two — жульнический. 522

Часть II / throes

Protesters in Turkey and Brazil say their mobile internet access was throttled, though congestion, not censorship, may be the real culprit — душить, глушить. The number of thoroughbred foals born in the British Isles has dropped from 18,472 in 2007 to 11,392 in 2011  — породистый, чистокровный. Doubters see this as a thoroughgoing version of “confirmation bias” — идущий напролом, безкомпромиссный. Mr Kerkorian once held nearly 10% of General Motors’ shares and was a perpetual thorn in its management’s side — шип, колючка. If downtown San Jose had really been transformed into the throbbing heart of Silicon Valley, though, it would not need old pictures to prove it — пульсирующий. Though power cuts persist, tens of thousands of cars throng the streets, compared with empty thoroughfares just five years ago — валить толпой. Chavez was an army man through and through — до мозга костей. I’ve been thrum first WW second WW and separation of Yugoslavia — обрезки, хлам, разные мелочи. Political group leaders must thrash out among themselves whether to hold a vote — to thrash one’s jacket, to thrash the life out of smb. — выбить дух из кого-л., основательно побить кого-л. Six years ago, while investors were still in thrall to a dotcom bubble that had yet to burst — невольник, раб. The ranking of emerging-market thraldom was broadly similar for government-bond yields — рабство. The tension between respecting national sovereignty and honouring universal rights has thrummed like an electric charge through the UN since its founding in 1945 — издавать бренчащий звук. We are in the final throes of nailing down the trip itinerary — сильная боль; приступ; муки, страдания; агония.


Часть II / Thucydides

We don’t know if Thucydides’ Trap will be avoided on this occasion  — по имени греческого ученого, изучавшего историю Пелопонесских войн. With each passing chapter the book grows less organised, and Mr Gladwell’s lessons increasingly vague or thuddingly obvious  — ударяться с глухим стуком. It just gets worse and worse and worse and worse under Chicago style thugocracy — правление убийц и головорезов. The Zapatist uprising struck Mexico like a thunderclap, when the rebels took the colonial tourist town of San Cristobal — удар грома. Former thug-turned president/prime minister  — президент в прошлом головорез. The thumbprint of Mr Trump’s campaign promise to ban Muslims from America will continue to mar this order and is certain to give rise to new lawsuits — отпечаток большого пальца. Two years later he received what he called a “thumpin” in the midterm elections, with the Democrats winning control of both houses — удар. Donald Trump all but secured the Republican nomination for America’s presidential election after a thumping victory in the Indiana primary — подавляющий. To retrace and build an accurate history of the imperial thuggery that lay at the heart of the Pacific War — удушение. Mr Hernández, who was schooled in a military academy, brought a thwack of authority — сильный удар. Many are fired up to thwart what they see as the president’s statist agenda — предотвратить. These days there is a gold-standard tick-list: a house behind a gate (Belgravia for Italians, Chelsea for Russians), a Gerhard Richter for the wall, the kids in one of a handful of schools, the right portfolio of charities, a place in the country not too far from London — список, перечень, реестр. Click on “Detroit” and tick off appropriate boxes: decline in population — check! — ставить отметку.


Часть II / timbre

The scene is mundane, silent but for the sharp tick-tock of a clock — хроника событий. Just wanted to share a positive tidbit in the news this morning — небольшое количество информации; деталь. Studios are increasingly putting out just two types of film: megabudget ones that can move the needle for the conglomerates that own them, and tiddlers for under $25m that can do nicely when they work — мелкая рыбешка, рыбья мелочь. But the new organisation is still a tiddler — кроха, малыш. The costs of voting are so tiddly that it is easier just to go and do it than to fret about whether it is rational or not — первоклассный; модный. So the stubborn septuagenarian resigned from the tiddlywinks committee  — бессмысленное, пустое времяпрепровождение, игра в блошки. This is simply a tidying exercise — аккуратный, опрятный, чистый. Norway’s Magnus Carlsen defeated Sergey Karjakin of Russia in a tie-breaker match to retain his title as world chess champion — дополнительное время при ничьей. Warmer American relations with Israel help to end its Turkish tiff — размолвка; распря, ссора, стычка. Rent-That-Toy does the same for trikes for tikes — дворняжка; грубиян, хам. The tills at MallDova, a shopping mall in the capital, are still ringing — касса (в магазине или банке). A terrible tit-for-tat is causing untold misery — and seems unlikely to end — зуб за зуб. He is taking a risk in tilting the balance back towards the red zone — наклонять; опрокидывать. Yoalli may be young, but her defiance has the timbre of experience — тембр. 525

Часть II / Timid

Timid bureaucrats not headstrong brainboxes may leap to mind when United Nations officials are mentioned — робкий; застенчивый. Is recent history making companies timorous in their strategic planning? — робкий, боязливый. Yes, she agrees, her postbag and e-mail inbox include many grumbles with a political tinge — привкус, след. In Aino Mina, a “gated” development of broad avenues and tinkling fountains, mansions are springing up — звон, перезвон. America’s deputy assistant secretary for public diplomacy is far from being the only official in George Bush’s administration who has a tin ear — оловянный, ничего не слышащий. “Schizophrenic” is how one studio boss describes the state of Tinseltown — «город мишурного блеска». Inducements will include cash: 10–30% of fines of over $1m that result from tip-offs — намек, предупреждение. Afghan intelligence appears to have been tipped off about the impending attack — заранее проинформировать. Instead, he spent ten years tiptoeing around the role in Hollywood — ходить на цыпочках; стоять на цыпочках. A material tipped for use in computers reveals some very odd behaviour — создан. One boon was the devastation of Europe’s vines in the 1860s by an infestation of lice, allowing whisky to supplant brandy as England’s favourite tipple — алкогольный напиток. The share of Americans who are considered “high-risk” tipplers — women who, in any given week, have at least four drinks in a single day, or men who have five drinks — increased by nearly 30% in the period studied — алкоголики. Gone are golf games, eating out, boozing and the tipsy taxi-ride home — подвыпивший.


Часть II / toff

In a tirade before cameras in Kolkata, she tried to topple the Congress-led government in Delhi — тирада, разглагольствования. Perhaps waxing is little more than a pseudo-sexual fad: another example of the kind of erotic titivation, such as body piercing and tattooing — наряжать, украшать. The reason I personally don›t get too excited is just how rarely the winners titillate — приятно возбуждать. A brutally competitive newspaper market encourages screaming headlines and intrusive tittle-tattle — болтовня, слухи, сплетни. The Japanese corporate establishment flew into a tizzy when a big paper firm made a hostile bid for a small one — нервный, волнующийся. But Grameenphone, Bangladesh’s biggest mobile-phone firm with over 21m subscribers, is now the toast of the town  — объект поклонения. After Mr Galbraith made his 1967 prediction of a cosy, collaborative business world, it was already toast: profits had collapsed by a third relative to GDP as recession struck — конченый человек. Why, asks Mr Chidambaram, are the media toeing the government line so slavishly? — строго придерживаться правил; подхалимничать. If commercial property has long been seen as the next shoe to drop in financial markets, hotels are the steel toecap — носок (обуви). Even this tentative diplomatic toe-dipping was fraught — ходьба на цыпочках. As domestic retailers flourish, foreign ones are keen to get a toehold — точка опоры, поддержка, зацепка. Ordinary people are careful to toetheline  — подчиняться требованиям, строго придерживаться правил. Widely described as a “Westminster Eton toff” north of the border — франт, щеголь.


Часть II / toffologues

With its healthy respect for silliness, “Downton Abbey” is the more successful of the two toffologues — франтовской. Democrats, meanwhile, hint that American conservatives are just a toga party — костюмированная вечеринка. Originally fashioned as toggles for the pouches worn on Japanese robes — продолговатая деревянная пуговица. Farmers were corralled into “people’s communes” where they toiled in abject poverty and sometimes extreme hunger — выполнять тяжелую работу. Now all the toing and froing between Washington and Beijing may just be posturing for domestic consumption — после долгих колебаний. The 30,000 registered patients are a small fraction of the 1m people thought to toke for medicinal purposes — курить табак или марихауну. Business generally opposes quotas, fearing that they will encourage tokenism and make it harder to appoint the best people — реформа, проводимая для видимости. Some offshoots of British private schools in China are so rigidly Anglophone that pupils are told off for speaking the language — отчитывать, бранить, разносить. His weighty tome is the most authoritative biography of the kingтом — большая книга. Harold Ford’S exploratory campaign for the New York Senate seat currently held by Kirstin Gillibrand was dismally tone-deafнеразличающий оттенков звука; немузыкальный; лишенный музыкального слуха. From the mid-1990s he owned an apartment on tonier Park Avenue — утонченный, фешенебельный. They have it tattooed on their tonsils — миндалевидная железа. The conservative tea-party movement expelled Marl Williams after he wrote a tongue-in-cheek leter to Abraham Lincoln from te 528

Часть II / torpor

perspective of “coloured” people  — иронический, насмешливый, лукавый. Parents in 17th-century Britain would take out a tontine, nominate a child and if the child died, as was all too common, simply give another child the same name so as not to forgo their dividend. Although most people will know them from the works of Agatha Christie or Robert Louis Stevenson, tontines were once real — тонтина (система страхования с общим фондом, при которой всю сумму страховки получает член фонда, переживший остальных). The first narrative casts Mr McCain in the role of out-of-date Washington insider, too long in the tooth, too independent-minded — старый; песок сыплется. But he suggested his party had no choice but to fight Mr Gorsuch’s nomination tooth and nail — ожесточенно; не на жизнь, а на смерть. None has tooted the horn louder than Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs — трубить в рог, в рожок. Because golf courses have become so long, many golfers tootle around in carts without getting much exercise  — многословно изъясняться. At the 70th anniversary of the camp’s liberation, war and ethnic hatred in eastern Europe are topical once more  — актуальный, злободневный; животрепещущий. Canada’s Conservative government could be toppled in the next few days — валиться, опрокидываться. But late January was an age ago in what America’s discombobulated pundits are now calling the topsiest-turviest primary season they can remember — неразбериха, кутерьма, “дым коромыслом”. Successful matriculation at top-notched graduate school in the States and outstanding academic records at those schools — высшего класса, высшее качество. By the time the New Year torpor has fully worn off, it’s nearly time for the Carnival break — онемелость, оцепенение.


Часть II / torpid

Italy’s legendarily torpid civil service — онемелый, оцепеневший. Now that the missing link has at last been revealed, astronomers will be able to study the torquing process in greater detail — крутящий момент; вращающий момент. This torrent of data, however, is the result of the second technological change — стремительный поток. Pension funds in the OECD had a torrid time last year — жаркий, знойный, выжженный. President Obama’s purported offer of tort reform is illusory, and Republicans are wasting their time pushing for it in Congress — деликт, гражданское правонарушение. René Préval’s tortuous triumph should not be the prompt for outsiders to go home — извилистый. Brown’s policies, his body languge, his utter tosh sentences show a man who is a bully and incompetent at every level; Some protectionist tosh; Offended by such tosh — абсурд; вздор, ерунда. It is a toss-up which is the more extraordinary: the supply of public offerings coming from China, or the demand for them — что-л. неопределенное, сомнительное, лотерея. The day Justice Breyer envisions when executions are invalidated in toto may not be around the corner — полностью, целиком. Although it is hard to tot up the company’s ultimate liabilities while the assessments are still under way — суммировать, складывать. Investors may well be attaching too much importance to the totemic AAA grade — величественный, завораживающий. Grouchy Graham Greene mocked her as “a complete totsy” — about as right as can be — малыш. Republic totters through its fourth decade — ковылять. Obama touts health plan — назойливо расхваливать, рекламировать, навязывать (товары, услуги). 530

Часть II / trailblazer

She was touted as a possible secretary; officials have touted the deal — назойливо расхваливать, рекламировать, навязывать (товары, услуги). Palestine remains a touchstone; on oanother touchstone issue — критерий; пробный камень. When the scandal first broke, the prime minister and TOP 09, his coalition partner, seemed determined to tough it out — перенести тяжелые времена. I have travel to many places in Africa and can agree that touristy areas are a rip off — but not in Angola — переполненный туристами. This White House tourney is usually presented as a clash of partisan ideology or as a human melodrama — средневековый турнир. It also comes with a somewhat controversial business-tycoon husband in tow — иметь кого-л. под своим покровительством. The government seems to have thrown in the towel on the fiscal adjustment — сдаться, признать себя побежденным. We toyed with the idea of moving to the country, but it isn’t really practical — подумывать о том, чтобы сделать что-л. It is in places like Ukraine — where the media are more open and competitive — that Current Time could get some traction with viewers — тяга. Both are trading accusations of corruption against each other — обмениваться. Several people from Hull argued that official data traduce their city — клеветать, наговаривать. Regulators, insurers, whether domestic or foreign, that want to operate nationally must traipse from Albany to Sacramento seeking permission — идти с трудом, устало тащиться, брести. BP in Russia was a trailblazer — новатор, пионер.


Часть II / trailblazing

It is not yet clear if Mr Joyce is a trailblazing hero or a reckless gambler — новый, восхитительный. Only the Chinese knew how to make this delicate, often translucent, material that rings when you tap it  — просвечивающий; полупрозрачный. To go to war over transubstantiation/consubstantiation — the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox doctrine that the bread and wine of Communion become, in substance, but not appearance, the body and blood of Jesus Christ — римско-католическая доктрина о хлебе и вине, представляющим тело и кровь Христа. No full audit trails exist — идти по следу. To those in the know, there are two Russian trailers for “Leviathan”, Andrei Zvyagintsev’s new film — отрывок из фильма, передачи (использующийся как анонс). Whether their tactics will help to cement the Republicans’ newfound advantage in those places or doom them to transience is a subject of heated debate — быстротечность, мимолетность. His travails as a would-be legislator, the authorities clearly believe, are an internal affair, not for foreign ears — мучение, страдание. He called the idea a “travesty” — пародия; карикатура; travesty of justice — пародия на справедливость. He handed out vast tracts of land — полоса, участок, пространство (земли, леса, воды). Her finely drawn literary travelogues on Taganrog, Murmansk, Vologda, Irkutsk and other places depict squalor, pomp, misery, exhilaration, heroism and brutishness, each cameo framed in its historical, cultural and physical context — фильм о путешествиях (художественный или документальный). Its reports trawl through all recent climate science — If you trawl through a large number of similar things, you search through them looking for something that you want or something that is suitable for a particular purpose; his latest trawl through the archives — тралить, ловить рыбу тралом. 532

Часть II / treacly

IMF released the first $4.5 billion tranche  — транш (часть кредита; перевод части кредита дебитору; часть пакета акций для продажи). On the campaign trail he promised to withdraw from an international accord, struck last year in Paris  — поездка по  стране с произнесением предвыборных речей. Saddam’s train of uniformed henchmen — кортеж, процессия. They were taken on a tour that involved traipsing through exhibitions about model cadres and Communist morals — идти с трудом, устало тащиться. Sen. Obama has gained traction with a vow — поддержка, шансы на успех. Nonetheless, the media have been transfixed by what they see as a spectacle of presidential insouciance — приковывать к месту (об ужасе, удивлении и т. п.). In the decades since Mao the tendency has transmogrified into a full-blown “Nobel complex” — превращать, изменять (необыкновенным, таинственным образом). The good and the great of American journalism traipse through London to observe the Blair phenomenon — долгое и утомительное путешествие пешком; пешая прогулка. Venice’s magical, shimmering, translucent quality was being dissipated as the city sank, literally, beneath the garbage of gaudy materialism — просвечивающий; полупрозрачный. If the quality of discourse on Twitter and Facebook is any indication, the use of an online jury would be a judicial travesty by any measure — пародия; карикатура. The travails of America’s largest for-profit hospital chain do not prove that profits are bad for health care — работа, усилие, напряжение. All that was on offer was Giscard’s pathetic, treacly slip-slop — паточный; похожий на патоку, имеющий вкус патоки. 533

Часть II / tread

The West should therefore tread carefully; it is easy to understand why Citi’s top brass are treading gingerly — ступать, шагать. German tree-huggers have always hated nuclear power  — экологи. Both wrote accounts, and these serve as the trellis for Mr Butcher’s adventure, although, as he writes: “The background to my journey could not have been more different to Graham Greene’s” — решетка, сетка. Officials then cast a tremulous eye at the accord with Mexico — дрожащий, неровный. Cliff Asness has his own blog, with a very trenchant take on the Obama plan — острый; проницательный. My parents were trekking through the West Sepik to see and help some old friends dating in some cases back to 1952; Trekking through Scottish mountains  — делать большой переход; пересекать (пустыню). The reaction from the continent was as trepidatious as that from the Tory Party was boisterous — нервный. It would be legal to collided the patrol to defensive escape just like shooting trespasser in many country are lawful — правонарушитель. Hospitals and firemen practised triage, simulators gave people a taste of violent shaking — сортировка, установление очередности медицинской помощи. But hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue — дань, должное. It would be naïve to urge or expect either country to become a fullblooded democracy in a trice — мгновенно, в один миг. In her six years as president Cristina Fernández has established a highly personalised, and often tricksy, style of rule — обманчивый. A Greek tricoteuse before the fall — женщины, занимавшиеся вязанием во время публичных казней во Франции.


Часть II / trolls

Mr Santorum’s trifecta did little to alter the direction of the race — три главных пункта; три основные позиции. A charm bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington — безделушка, брелок. The Republicans, round two: Will Mr Trump trip up — спотыкаться, ставить подножку. He slated it as one-dimensional tripe, adding: “More than this I cannot say, since I refuse to watch it” — вздор, дрянь, чепуха, чушь. Mr Murakami’s version is lurid and surreal, a thrilling mash-up of ancient imagery and trippy effects — ощущение галлюцинаций под воздействием лекарств. For the 28,500 American troops in South Korea, the demilitarised zone at the border with North Korea is the world’s last cold-war tripwire — веревка, натянутая незаметно, чтобы проходящий человек споткнулся об нее. This timing was meant to show that Russia’s agenda is unaffected by such trivia as America’s presidential election; to fixate on trivia — мелочи, пустяки. He describes some battle scenes quite well, but is a mediocre observer whose analysis often trite — банальный, избитый, неоригинальный. Their arguments are well trodden — ступать, шагать. Even some of the troglodytic hamlets of the rocky interior sport satellite dishes — троглодит, пещерный человек, отшельник. Trolling through many egos beats the hell out of trolling through one — ловить рыбу на блесну. In “Lovesick Japan” he trolls through 2,700 court opinions to paint a picture of a country that treats marriage more as an economic contract than an emotional bond — переворачивать, перебирать (многократно).


Часть II / trooped

On May 11th executives from BP trooped to Washington for a Senate committee hearing on the spill — собираться толпой, кучковаться. Some such echoes may be accidental, the conspiracists unconsciously defaulting to ancient tropes, but they are striking — троп. Obama’s rhetorical tropes can begin to fall — троп. Pakistan has trousered the cash, put up a decent fight against its own Islamist militants — прикарманивать. Obviously, the peak and trough of the business cycle don’t line up exactly — самый низкий уровень экономической активности. Sarong-wrapped Tamils, grey-trousered Communists and north Indians in dhotis, rough-spun shawls and kurta-pyjamas sums trousered by American executives — в брюках. To run for 28 years on the trot — на ногах. Pead and trotters off a 70-pound gutted Yorkshire-Berkshire pig — копыта. It is during the dog days of summer — followed closely by the New Year news-hole — that the rankings are usually trotted out — повторять одно и то же. It would seem a good time for him to take his case to the voters, trounce his opponents, and celebrate a triumphant end to one of the most turbulent years — побить (в спортивных соревнованиях). An exhibition of Trompe l’oeli and other illusions that can be enjoyed in Florence — зрительная иллюзия, придающая изображению трехмерность. The next step is to enlarge the trove of data further — in particular by adding historical information to the contemporary sort already in it — клад. The portly, sometimes truculent trade unionist occupied the post; truculent poppy farmers — жестокий, свирепый; truculent ruffianism — жестокое хулиганство. 536

Часть II / tryst

Officially the two countries are still allies, but China is furious about the North’s truculence — свирепство. Bogus assertions and fawning, truckling lickspittle-drenched valentine to the plutocracy — подхалимство; заискивание. China, which is Iran’s biggest trading partner and has little truck with sanctions — отношения, связи; общение. Her trudge was not just a lone yell for honesty and equality in politics — долгая и утомительная прогулка. It is a truism that people and forests do not mix, particularly in the tropics. But just how true is this truism? — трюизм. EU membership means that European law trumps national law; T-shirts showing Mrs Clinton’s face and the slogan “Trump that bitch” — козырять; бить козырем. In the 1970s films such as “Star Wars” trundled slowly around America Belgian governments fall often, yet the place trundles along because most leaders agree to; So, you trundle along on the Lodge — катиться, быстро или легко передвигаться. Falling youth unemployment and policies to deter truancy pushed young people back into school or employment — прогул, манкирование службой, школой. Together with the disreputable truncation of the y-axis, the graph thus gives the unbelievably distorted impression  — усечение, отбрасывание. A Cypriot euro, trussed within the island’s borders, will not be the same as a euro in the rest of the zone — связывать, скручивать. Mr Takeshima has made a good name for himself as a trustbuster — поборник правительственных мер против трестов. To transform from the opaque into the translucent — непроницаемый, темный, глупый. Bulgarian tourists who want to visit the restaurants, villas and tryst spots frequented by the star-crossed duo; He had trysts with his 537

Часть II / tubbier

mistress; He made a cynicasl tryst with the party base — ярмарка, рынок, базар (особенно где продают скот). The third King is tubbier than his father, and he is bearded; but he plays on his followers’ nostalgia for all it is worth — пузатый. The man they know is more Parisian enarque than Rotherham tub-thumper — проповедник, произносящий напыщенные речи; пустослов, болтун, пустомеля. Yet next year also brings a British heartstring tugger: the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the first world war — буксировщик. Many of the people Babbage first met there have migrated to Twitter; tumbleweeds now seem to have drifted into town — перекати-поле. At ther hight of the tumult; сountry has been in permanent political tumult — суматоха, суета amidst the tumult and the dazzle of their busy life — среди суматохи и блеска их беспокойной жизни. To tumultuous applause, Marco Rubio, a young Republican firebrand from Florida, urged a more robust approach; Kuwait is embroiled in a tumultuous power struggle; But 40 years after that tumultuous June of 1967, the six-day war has come to look like one of history’s pyrrhic victories — шумный, буйный, бурный. The dollar heads for a tumble — падение. They heard the rumble of tumbrels; for science’s aristos, then, much of this suggests the tumbrels await — самосвальная тележка, крытая двуколка. A consumers’ association reckons that the two firms ripped off Chileans to the tune of $500m — в размере; на сумму. He demanded his tuppence back from the Dawes Tomes Mousley Grubbs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank, and started a run  — два пенса; двухпенсовик.


II / tutus

Everybody also agreed that Russia needs many more entrepreneurs to spark innovation and to turbocharge business creation — дать мощный толчок. Earning the sobriquet “turd blossom” Mr Rove, as the story goes, provided the strategic thinking behind the genial front of Mr Bush  — дерьмо. Intelligence work is by its nature turbid and requires interpretations — мутный (о жидкости), плотный, густой (о дыме, тумане). As they have since the first NPC convened in 1954, delegates stay heroically awake as turgid speakers drone on — многословный и напыщенный стиль. Many dotcoms are invading each others’ turf; some fiefs are competing in age old turf wars; Middle Eastern investors are taking outside their home turf — контролируемая территория; сфера влияния. Some states try to turf them out — вышвырнуть, выгнать. The film was a turkey — неудача, провал. The end of the early shift, and workers at the Peugeot car factory at Aulnay-sous-Bois, near Paris, are streaming out through the turnstiles — турникет. Instead each Linn product, whether a record turntable or a digital-music player, is assembled by a single worker who then signs it — поворотный стол; поворотная платформа. Iran spent its way out of medieval turpitude and was hailed as the new Japan — порочность, развращенность. They know that in their various tussles with Mr Karzai; Parties tussled over the perks of office; A renewed tussle for influence — борьба; драка. It is hippos in tutus again but there are genuinely delicate difficulties ahead — пачка (балерины).


Часть II / tut

And soon the greying gamers will start tut-tutting about some new evil threatening to destroy the younger generation’s moral fibre; Catholics and evangelicals tut-tut — ах ты! — выражает нетерпение, недовольство. Brazil’s democratic constitution gives the army vague tutelary powers — охраняющий; опекающий; tutelar saint — святой покровитель. If his self-effacing manner was quintessentially British, the residual twang in his accent was South African — местный говор. Iran will tweak America’s nose  — дразнить, поддразнивать (действиями или на словах), подшучивать, насмехаться. The result of such tests can lead to tweaks in abstract theories that improve their predictive power and utility — корректировка, модификация, поправка. Miranda July is often accused of being precious and twee  — шикарный, элегантный. After backing down from that initiative, an adviser says, Mr Nazarbayev would have looked foolish just twiddling his thumbs — крутить (что-л.), играть (чем-л.). Even if some have a twinge of regret  — мука, внутренние мучения. Among the media twitterati — excitement: a state of great agitation or excitement — переписка в твиттере. The court’s decision is far from the final twirl in Mr Navalny’s ongoing foxtrot with the Kremlin — вихрь. Twitchy governments are making life a misery for independent journalists — нервозный. The media have been a-twitter with stories  — возбуждение, волнение.


Часть II / umpteen

Over a quadrillion in derivative bets may create a meltdown that would make sub-prime seem like a tyke — малыш (о ребенке, маленьком животном).

U There are real antagonisms and differences in political and personal style and at the mention of Bill Cash, one member of Business for Sterling lets out an involuntary “ugh” — ах! (омерзение, отвращение). How easy it is to dislike chain pubs: those samey, cheap, airless booze hangars that uglify the High Streets of the nation  — обезображивать, уродовать. The anticipated ullage in the CNPC system — незаполненная часть объема (бочки, резервуара). Please do not go overboard with your adulation and ululation of the late Prime Minister — выть, завывать. He learned about the “umbles’: as hypothermia sets in you mumble, fumble, grumble, stumble, then finally tumble. Without help you die — суффикс. Republicans also were taking umbrage at Mr. Obama’s attack on the Supreme Court; she took umbrage and retorted “I am a Mrs, not a miss!” — обида. The word with the umlaut supposedly comes from a local indigenous language — умляут, диакритический знак (напр. в символе ü). For every Detroit left to rot, there are umpteen city centres still full of willing citizens; He said it for the umpteenth time — многочисленный, множественный.


Часть II / unalloyed

The Kurds, whose autonomy is one of the few unalloyed successes of America’s invasion, are likely to be kingmakers — беспримесный, чистый. China’s authorities, too, seem to have been caught unawares by an industry — неожиданно, врасплох. But unbeknownst to Jane or the court, soon after the suit was filed, the American navy had quietly discharged Mr Deans — без ведома. It is hardly unblemished but it has produced a technocratic elite of sorts — безупречный, незапятнанный. Meanwhile, young men, who are victimised at more than three times the national rate, are unusually unbothered  — безразличный. Dr Zahhar remains unbowed in his determination, sense of rightness and argumentative humour — непокоренный. He had an uncanny knack for sensing traps — сверхъестественная. Whatever happens, the election will move Venezuela into uncharted territory — неизвестный, неведомый. Moreover, as a latecomer, Britain has often found the EU’s organisation and policies uncongenial — неподходящий, непригодный. The stereotype of Chinese tourism being represented by busloads of uncouth group travellers, interested primarily in whistle-stop photo tours — грубый, неотесанный. In the cautious, unctuous and back-scratching literary world of post-war West Germany, he liked to trade scratches face-to-face — елейный, вкрадчивый. Auctioneers so oozing with unctuousness you want to wipe your hands on a clean handkerchief after being introduced — елейность. America has helped underwrite global security — гарантировать, ручаться.


Часть II / unfettered

An example of Japan’s shift to software is Ruby, a programming language that undergirds big websites such as those of Twitter and Groupon — поддерживать сзади. Authentic and undoctored docs — подправлять, переделывать (чтобы добиться желаемого результата). McCain enjoyed being the underdog; his party’s vice-presidential nominee in 2004 — is some sort of underdog has always been laughable — неудачник; аутсайдер. A military trial underscores how much further the army needs to change — акцентировать; подчеркивать. The minister, Muhammad al-Agha, says he is undeterred — непоколебим. He won 35% of Wisconsin’s Republicans, representing an undeterably Trumpian core vote that is present in almost every state — неудержимо. A new propaganda war underpins the Kremlin’s clash with the West — поддерживать, подкреплять (тезис, аргумент и т.п.). Undies account for 80% of its industrial output — женское нижнее белье. As for ordinary Indians, they continue to be unenamoured of their neighbour — не без. His ancestors, on the cold, undulating family estates on the Gulf of Riga and in Pomerania, had been Rittmeister, masters of cavalry — волнообразный. In Britain women with children are now as likely to be in paid work as their unencumbered sisters — необремененный; свободный. Their chips hold easily checkable data such as retina scans, which are both unique and unfakeable — подлинный. These days unfettered capitalism is under siege and trust is in short supply — освобожденный, нестесненный.


Часть II / unfilia

“There are three ways of being an unfilial son,” argued Mencius, an ancient Confucian philosopher. “The most serious is to have no heir” — отсутствие сыновьих чувств. His new collection, “This Is How You Lose Her”, offers a series of unflinching portraits of the power, if not the curse, of red-blooded Latino libido — решительный, твердый. Schlosser’s style is unflustered, but his message is grim — беспокойство, возбуждение, волнение; суета, суматоха. Fiona Mozley unfurls a dark and delicate fairy-tale of contemporary Britain — раскрывать, разворачивать. Mr Belafonte’s portrayal of King stands out for its unfussy warmth and unhagiographical affection — не относящийся к жизнеописанию святых. That Mr Obama is having trouble pushing his own agenda through does not prove that America is ungovernable — необузданный, неудержимый. Even at lower costs, too few new niches appeared to absorb the workless ungulates — копытное животное. Mr Booker expresses faith that greater empathy can unjam even the intractable gun debate — разблокировать. Mr Netanyahu uninhibitedly hoped his old friend Mitt Romney would win the American presidency — Mr Netanyahu uninhibitedly hoped his old friend Mitt Romney would win the American presidency — рискованно. That is striking for a man who made his name by vowing never to talk until India met a range of unmeetable demands — неприемлемые. That’s because the market attitude toward Apple seems unmoored from its actual performance — сниматься с якоря. Many of the earliest were hippies who thought public schools repressive and ungroovy — отличный, превосходный.


Часть II / Unsavoury

Colombia said it would complain to the Organisation of American States and the United Nations about Mr Chávez’s unneighbourly behaviour — недружелюбный, не по-соседски. An unostentatious academic who spent most of his life on the faculty of Stanford University — неброский, скромный. The new Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, faces an unpalatable legacy — отталкивающий, противный. Two weeks after Mr Peng Chen, politburo member and Peking municipal leader, became an unperson — видный деятель, потерявший положение. Earlier this month Kazakhstan, another big oil exporter, unpegged its currency, prompting a mighty slide against the dollar — отказаться охранять от колебаний (курс, цену). Against that unpropitious background, three emerging-market giants face elections in the next two years — неблагожелательный. The price in human misery is unquantifiable — недопускающий количественного определения. Blame dictatorship, not democracy, for the unravelling order in the Arab world — слабеть; рушиться. Despite his support for Hugo Chávez’s “Bolivarian revolution” in Venezuela and his unremitting anti-American rhetoric — беспрестанный; упорный. Somehow he remains a figure of unruffled equanimity — спокойный, невозмутимый; неподвижный. The French state under François Hollande is governed by a caste of unsackable functionaries, resistant to reform — не поддаются сокращениям. Mr Maliki’s opponents lack Sadrist support to unseat him  — лишать места, должности. Unsavoury businessmen were given jobs in the presidential administration — неприятный, противный, отвратительный, отталкивающий. 545

Часть II / unsettling

The migration crisis has given an unsettling new direction to an old alliance — тревожащий. If so many murders didn’t go unsolved, then perhaps there would be fewer of them — нераскрытый. This unvarnished heap of military intelligence adds a lot of colour to our understanding of the war in Afghanistan — без обиняков; откровенный. But, as the unsnappy handle suggests, the museum has an academic basis — неброский. The government needs to unsnarl stalled projects — распутать. As foreign editor, he liked to draw unsparing comparisons between the Soviet Union and the Nationalist regime in South Africa — беспощадный. Set in various American cities and in the town of Twin Peaks on the Pacific north-west coast, the action unspools across multiple narratives — разматывать. The Politburo struck a hawkish note, promising to remain “unswerving” in its campaign — непреклонный, стойкий. Yet measuring uncertainty is tricky, as is untangling it from the decision to invest — разрешать сложную ситуацию. But his style of rule, with its acrobatic juggling of alliances with religious and tribal leaders, combined with nepotism and pleas for help from foreign powers spooked by Yemen’s chronic instability, has put the country into an increasingly untenable limbo — лишенный доказательности; недоказуемый. Plenty of untoward behaviour at the world’s financial institutioins — тяжелый, неподатливый. An almost untrammelled preserve of the presidency, it tends to reflect the character of its incumbent more than any other branch of policymaking; a vision for the future, completely untrammeled by the past (policies and ideologies) — беспрепятственный, свободный от ограничений. 546

Часть II / upswell

Great expanses of the Earth were beckoning the intrepid to put their footprints on untrodden ground, scale unclimbed mountains, peer into unscrutinised forest canopies, plumb unvisited caves and dive into unfathomed seas — непротоптанный, неисхоженный. America’s big banks are girding themselves for a storm of abuse when they unveil their annual results — снимать покрывало (с чего-л.); раскрывать. Companies are starting to open up about their environmental risks — подняться после сна и заняться делом. Cost of paying for private security and backup generators can upend a business model; The policy could be upended — переворачивать; опрокидывать вверх дном. Pushing through a reform agenda that was at odds with the ideological prejudices of most of his own party was uphill work — тяжелый; требующий усилий. Surely his son, the well-upholstered but juvenile Kim Jong Un, will not allow history to repeat itself? — изрядно упитанный. A member of an uppercrust Nigerian family — верхушка общества, аристократия. All does not seem well at the upper-crust banking group that was founded over 150 years ago by the brothers — верхушка общества, аристократия. And some public institutions are upping their game — поднимать. Unsympathetic to uppity minorities; I met one birther who told me he didn’t even hate all Black people, just “uppity” one — чванный, спесивый; наглый. It uprooted one of the plant’s 900-ton turbines — вырывать с корнем, выкорчевывать. The upswell of dégagisme has instead lifted two political outsiders — вздутие.


Часть II / upswing

“We are still on the upswing… and expect to see far more cases” — подъем; улучшение. That’s supporting rent increases, and that, in turn, is putting a floor under home values and leading to an uptick in construction — скачок (курса) вверх. The consensus is that Germans first stopped being uptight about their flag in 2006 — напряженный, скованный, настороженный. Chinese urbanites seem as anxious as Europeans about migration from poor to rich places — горожанин, городской житель. Whether this will usher in a long period of industrial conflict will become clearer in the coming weeks — сопровождать; вводить. The rates may seem usurious but they are set by people who are in effect lending to themselves — ростовщический. Mr Seligman’s book is, in effect, an attempt to add dashes of both Aristotelian wisdom and Nietzschean grit to the stock of Benthamite utilitarianism — утилитаризм (польза как основа нравственности). Uxorial politics is nothing new in Argentina: Juan Perón, a populist strongman, was flanked by his second wife, Eva, in his heyday in the 1940s, and succeeded by his third wife, Isabel, in the 1970s — относящийся к жене; характерный для жены. He carefully kept copies of his own letters and of her replies, which are steeped with frustrated uxoriousness — чрезмерно любящий свою жену; привязанный к жене.


Часть II / vapid

V Try strategic vacillation, mixed with a chronic inability to match words to deeds — непостоянство; неустойчивость. He appears inconsistent and contradictory, as though he is vacillating and indecisive; The Americans, without whom no durable deal can be done, have seemed to vacillate, with neither a vision nor a plan — нерешительный; сомневающийся. Just like nature abhors a vacuum, vacuous persons tend toward ego-centric roles in society — пустой, незаполненный. As Mr Harman so vividly describes, Price ultimately became one of the vagabonds he had set out to save — бродяга. Russia is condemned to the vagaries of the oil market; The vagary of Britain’s electoral system is that it is quite likely that one or other will be handed an absolute mandate to govern — причуда; выходка. As a rough rule of thumb, marble and fountains set within a soaring atrium are suggestive of self-importance and vainglory — тщеславие; хвастливость. This will therefore be a shamelessly valedictory last column — прощальная речь, прощальное слово, напутствие. Mr Trump’s aides have meanwhile put up such a valiant but hapless defence of it that, if the issue were not so serious, it would be comical — храбрый, отважный. The denizens of most American cities might be surprised to find their mayor vamping it up on stage — латать, ставить заплаты. Similarly vapid speeches; the makeover marks a departure for the vapid broadsheet — плоский; бессодержательный, вялый, скучный.


Часть II / vapidity

And the utter vapidity of this form of beer is it’s being sold as extremely cold, which is a way of saying it has no flavor at all — безвкусность, пресность. But it would be tragic to lose to decay and neglect such a beautiful and culturally variegated corner of Europe — разноцветный; пестрый. Lest the smell of the wood or the varnish give the game away — придавать лоск; полировать. Returning wolves have become more than just an unwelcome varmint — вредное животное. From fumbling tournaments in high school he progressed to four years of varsity play at MIT — университет. In the vaudeville era the test of a new act was: “Will it play in Peoria?” — водевильный. Ivanishvili has a great responsibility to the system that has vaulted him to power — перейти на более высокую позицию. The vaunted tranquillity of Jordan amid the seemingly permanent instability afflicting its neighbours — превозносить, хвалить. An Old Master can add real va-va-voom to your Manhattan penthouse — то, что вызывает интерес, восторг. Insects act as vectors — переносчик инфекции. Bravely risking a large dry-cleaning bill, the Veep bent down and picked up the youngster, and carried him upstairs to his office — вицепрезидент. Mr Portman comes from the vital swing state of Ohio, and veepologists in the media pay extravagant attention to electoral geography — специалист в вопросах вице-президенства. A rising China would likely veer towards expansionism in Asia and beyond — менять направление. If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore  — веганский, придерживающийся принципов радикального вегетарианства. 550

Часть II / vertiginously

“Everyone wants to be veiled up, secret and in the dark,” he says. “I’d rather go the opposite way” — закрывать покрывалом, вуалью. A boundary condition that is constituted of personal venality and a desire to word-smith — продажность, коррумпированность. America’s venerable system of primary elections  — многоуважаемый, почтенный. Journalism is also venal, shaped by payments from officials and businessmen — продажный; коррумпированный, корыстный. With Mr Erdogan acting like a vengeful sultan, that will be hard — мстительный. The venom behind the bear hugs  — яд (животного происхождения, особенно змеиный). Beneath a thin veneer of expertise and dedication at the very top, much of the bureaucracy consists of former military officers — шпон; однослойная фанера. In 20 years’ time people will think of wild fish like we now think of venison — убитые на охоте животные. Activists decided to make the pipeline a test of Mr Obama’s verdancy — неискушенность, неопытность. A dash of newsy verisimilitude; pretty grudges, clunky prose and autistic notions of verisimilitude do at least mitigate the tendency of those who have seen combat to glorify it — правдоподобие, возможность быть правдой, похожесть на правду. Berber intellectuals predict that the Berber Koran will shake Islam as the vernacular translation of the Bible shook the medieval church — характерный для данной местности. Growth was already slowing early last year when share prices raced to vertiginous heights — головокружительный. The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising vertiginously since 2003 — головокружительный. 551

Часть II / veracity

Guinness World Records, which adjudicates the veracity of many world record-breaking attempts, has sold more than 130m copies  — правдивость. Obama is inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity; Romantic verbosity; rather verbose words — опьянять; спаивать, возбуждать, воодушевлять. She apparently had verve and a unique way of championing her cause; viewers and creative verve are critical — живость и яркость (идей, выражения). There are a lot of paid CIA trolls out here, including “tennisguypitt” who must be getting a bonus based on how much verbiage he spits out — многословие; пустословие. This is simply a reflection of the universal verity that young people are liberal — истина; правда; истинность. Lobbyists and other vested interests have by now made a science of gaming the system to produce private benefits — принадлежащий; предоставленный. A European army and nation-states reduced to a vestigial role — остаточный, рудиментарный. They linger over the sweetness of particulars — vetch, the feel of an eel on a line — вика, горошек (Vicia). Yet recent controversy has revived the vexed question of party funding that dogged — болезненный, мучительный. New Zealand’s vexillologists, viewed not long ago as adepts of an obscure art, are enjoying their moment — специалист по флагам. The Vietnamese respond to such vexations the way they have always done: they strike compromises  — недовольство, раздражение. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the judicial process — раздражающий, досаждающий; досадный, неприятный. 552

Часть II / vintners

A “new vibe” and a more global attitude are also evident in the widening use of English — смутное предчувствие. Growing up in a ramshackle vicarage in a small Welsh border town in the 1940s, Ms Sage witnessed the end of an era — должность приходского священника. Its vicissitudes mirror those of the country — превратность. The vacuum is felt in the ex-Soviet states, where American support was once a given, but also in the Western Balkans, a dangerously unstable zone in the heart of Europe where America, Russia and Turkey all vie for influence — соперничать. The vigesimal system is thought to originate from humans’ fingers and toes — основанный на двадцати. In one of the many compelling vignettes; Another vignette is interesting — сцена, краткое описание. And yet, it seems likely that economic writers will soon be fretting about those bond vigilantes once again — виджиланте, член «комитета бдительности». Yanukovich was the operatic villain; They were easy villains; Parade of villainy — злодейство; злая выходка; злодеяние, преступление. Global housing lost a lot of its vim; he turned things around with vim — мощность, напор. Sincerely hope that despite his evident predilection for strong Vindaloo curry — очень острый соус из перца, кориандра и других специй. The announcement from the Kremlin on March 14th that Russia was partially withdrawing its forces in Syria was vintage Putin; From this vantage, much of the downside from rising American rates appears to have been priced in already — выгодное положение; выигрышная позиция. Europe’s winemakers, also dominant since antiquity, ignored the early signs of the rise of New World vintners — виноторговец.


Часть II / virtuoso;

Conservative Republicanism is now represented by a genuine political-oratorical star — a virtuoso; Chavez’s new virtuosity — виртуозность; понимание тонкостей искусства. Too often tyrant, virago and frequently heavy drinker, all in one — сварливая женщина, мегера. Mr Farley has used social media and viral-marketing techniques to generate excitement and name-recognition — “вирусный маркетинг” (использующий в  своей практике принципы, аналогичные тем, на которых основана работа компьютерных вирусов). Take governments that were virtuous governments, and continue to be virtuous — добродетельный, целомудренный. Conservative Americans like to contrast the vigour and virility of their own country with the decadence and decline of Europe — смелость, храбрость. What you describe is the most virulent form of Basque nationalism — озлобленный; враждебный. No wonder Roosevelt’s visage is carved into Mount Rushmore alongside those of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln — лицо; выражение лица, вид. His party viscerally opposes Mr Obama’s health reforms, which are closely modelled on Mr Romney’s — внутри партии. The last thing the European Union needs is more visionary leadership — провидец, прорицатель. Ralf Dahrendorf treasured the moment when he first felt that visceral desire; the reasons for the distaste of the IMF are, at least at the visceral level, quite similar to those that prevail in Europe today — относящийся к внутренностям. The crisis is about to visit even more harm — постигать, поражать. He said he went to his clients before he committed himself to “Carte Blanche”, explaining that it would be a “good vitrine for me” — витрина.


Часть II / voracious

A vitriolic book; the pure vitriol that is poured out every day in the comments on the Spectator’s; that kitchen-table economics, such as pressure from spouses and family members will neutralize some of the vitriol — едкий, резкий, саркастический (о речи, людях). Such a demand is likely to vitiate the rather tranquil communal climate; the re-election law would have violated the spirit of the constitution as well as being vitiated by irregularities — портить, искажать. The vituperative relationship between National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezkinski and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance  — оскорбительный, бранный, ругательный. She was undimmed by the vituperation of her critics — брань, поношение. The bride and groom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, make an odd couple — самка лисы, лисица, мегера. The vociferous champion of lower taxes — громкоголосый; горластый; громкий, шумный. Into the void have stepped aid organisations, local and international, as well as Islamic charities — пустота; вакуум. He had attended the London School of Economics, and speaks voluble English — говорливый, многоречивый; речистый. In a volley of automatic-weapons fire — множество (стрел, камней и т. п.). It is an astonishing volte-face; we are going to witness a shocking volte face from the Taiwanese nation, in the near future — крутой поворот, резкая перемена (взглядов, политики и т. п.). I’m still trying to figure out why Europe needs all these immigrants who won’t of their own volition integrate? — волевой акт, хотение. Imagine that a “voracious but highly selective plague of bookworms” had deprived us of all knowledge of 20th-century history  — прожорливый; ненасытный.


Часть II / vortices

Europe still faces a number of vortices that could pull down the euro zone if allowed to get going — завихрение. Vietnam’s government recently complained that this votive money looked too similar to the real thing — выражающий желание, обещание. When Hermione Lee’s life of Virginia Woolf was published in 1996, one of the reviewers who vouched for it was Penelope Fitzgerald — поручиться. It is generally to the big battalions that victory is vouchsafed — удостаивать; соизволить. You›re mouthy lecturers, that›s good for wind bags, and that is what you are today, you do no impress with your vroom vroom toys anymore — резкий звук после нажатия на педаль скорости автомобиля. The virulent debate over bankers’ pay ignores bigger problems — especially governance — озлобленный. In pleasant contrast to this claustrophobic human world comes that of the book’s vulpine star — лукавый, хитрый. HSBC learns to play vuvuzela; if only someone would now engineer a way to mute all those vuvuzelas — 65-сантиметровая ластиковая трубка, производящая звук на ноте си-бемоль.

W I dont want to sound like a crank or a wacko — сумасшедший. Every week produces a mind-boggling example of intolerance or wackiness — чокнутый; со странностями. On July 1st 1964 the wade-ins and marches in St Augustine were called off — вступить в спор, дискуссию. 556

Часть II / wan

In Afghanistan, camping out in wadis in desert camouflage, he was reading “The Heart of the Antarctic” — сухая долина временного потока. His first instinct was to waffle — болтать попусту, лить воду. China’s first “Arab Policy Paper”, released on January 13th, is a vague, waffly document — несущественное, пустое. It’s a multi-purpose germ-zapper, which you waft over areas of concern — гнать, нести (корабль, облака). The tail that wags the elephant India plays fast and loose with its balance of payments; The problem with this analysis is that the tail is far too puny to wag the dog — махать; качать, колебать. Khalifa Haftar is the Libyan army general who is waging a brutal campaign against “terrorists” — вести (войну). Her films were all about the sweet waif bringing grown-ups back together, emptying misers’ pockets and melting frozen hearts — никому не принадлежащая, брошеная вещь. Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary by a huge margin, leaving the other Republican presidential candidates in his wake — по пятам, по следам. A race that once looked like a walkover for Hillary Clinton has proved to be anything but that — легкая победа. We need a Republican party that can walk the talk — поступать в соответствии с принципами. A passionate speaker with a walrus moustache, he was expected to restore the party’s core values — усы, как у моржа. Mid-Atlantic braces for new wallop of snow — сильный удар. Campaigns now wallow in cash; at private pools and country clubs, both blacks and Jews found themselves unable to wallow well into the 1960s — барахтаться; купаться. The docket for their upcoming term is looking wan, with fewer cases and less controversy than the court has seen in a long timeизнуренный; болезненный. 557

Часть II / wanderlust

Lebanese people have long had wanderlust — страсть к путешествиям. The local government will be able to wangle a share of the royalty that ENI and its partners must pay for the right to produce the oil — получить, выудить. Are there another 32 wankers on this site? — мерзкий тип. The word “film” has to be used these days to distinguish a proper camera from a digital wannabe; Parallels between this young, handsome wannabe senator and the young, handsome wannabe senator who wowed the Democratic convention in 2004 — поклонник; амбициозный человек. Pakistan seems to be a nation of wanton profanity where the Koran is routinely desecrated and the prophet Muhammad insulted — чрезмерный, безудержный. A brutal Obama spot set the Republican’s tuneless warbling against captions about his overseas bank accounts — издавать трели. For wares that do not have to be displayed in a showroom, online retailers are hard to beat — товары. Old warhorses such as John McCain of Arizona, and, in Ben Sasse of Nebraska, a principled conservative, have politely cast doubt on Mr Trump’s allegations — ветеран (войны), опытный солдат. The 8830 can be used in more than 100 countries, though not always at the warp speed it achieves with Verizon’s EV-DO — сумасшедшая, запредельная. There is just one problem today: Cuba is a communist dictatorship in a time warp — дыра во времени; разрыв. We are in the midst of a civilisation-warping crisis of public trust, and the president’s allegations today demand the thorough and dispassionate attention of serious patriots — коробиться; деформироваться. I also lived in L.A. for a few years and I love my state, warts and all — со всеми изъянами и недостатками; как есть; без прикрас.


Часть II / weaselly

The Egyptian army engineers have flooded the warren of tunnels with sewage — перенаселенный дом, район и т. п. In his more waspish moods he would have condemned it as a “pseudo-event” — язвительный, ядовитый. Many businesspeople, for their part, assume that artists are a bunch of pretentious wastrels — расточитель, транжир. These arguments do not wash since Ukraine’s judiciary is hardly independent — быть (достаточно) убедительным. The “Lula, Son of Brazil” film is very watchable — приятно посмотреть. Though such contracts are not watertight, they would at least alert parents to the issue — не допускающий двойного толкования, непромокаемый. Plutocrats wax richer as the middle class is squeezed and the poor are trodden underfoot; there is something so tiresome about baby boomers waxing on about their own unwashed importance, squeezing out every last penny — разозлиться. Pakistan is apparently increasing its arsenal as fast as it can and investing in smaller and more easily waylaid weapons — устраивать засаду. Tру journey has been an epic one, but Greece has reached, if not the destination, at least a waymark — дорожный знак. Time and again, the big landmarks and waypoints of this election have involved instances of each side going too far and paying a price — дорожные указатели. The Chinese no longer see state-directed firms as a way-station on the road to liberal capitalism — полустанок. Moscow treats Georgia as a wayward colony — своенравный; несговорчивый. An avalanche of shameless lobbying killed it: the vote was 31 to 27 against, with 22 weaselly abstentions — ласковые слова.


Часть II / weakling

Once the weakling Yeltsin was out of the way and the security service — слабовольный, робкий человек. Penalising weak-kneed European countries is hard enough — малодушный, слабовольный. To wean America off his addiction to oil; it will take decades to wean Greenland off its annual $500m grant from Copenhagen — отнимать от груди, отлучать от матери. The IMF agreed to lend Mongolia $440m to help it weather a balance-of-payments crisis — переносить, выдерживать. A semi-rural bit of Burgundy is France’s electoral weathervane — флюгер. It was the thin edge of a very big wedge — многообещающее начало; первый шаг. Births out of wedlock are becoming the norm — законный брак. An annual ritual of weeding out the worst-performing 5% of the staff — искоренение, избавление. In the wee hours one weekend last autumn, a cop tried to evict Andrew Kalleen from his favourite busking spot in the subway — ранний. And, as no other candidate could, Mr Rubio recounts all this as insinuatingly as a Hollywood weepie — сентиментальный фильм, книга, песня. There is smth weirdly paradoxical about this — ужасно. Now, radicalism is welling up again in the shape of a challenge to the whole way that politics is usually conducted — быть сведущим, хорошо разбираться (в чем-л.). Stay beneath it, the feeling is, and all will be well — or, at least, wellish — сравнительно хорошо. A welter of accusations of sexism, racism and homophobia has embarrassed some of Wall Street’s most prestigious firms  — поток, шквал. 560

Часть II / — whelped

Silicon Valley is an incubator of animosity for the same reason it is a wellspring of innovation — устье скважины, фонтан. The visitor must wend his way through massive stone grottoes that reveal a childlike love of little hiding places — направляться, держать путь. In the past three decades, Indochinese boat people, Cuban raft peopleand penniless Mexican wetbacks have poured in — нелегальный иммигрант (перебравшийся из Мексики в США через реку Рио Гранде. Another concern is that risk may be a game of whack-a-mole: популярная игра, в которой надо быстро ударить по голове фигурку, выскакивающую мгновенно в разных лунках. Perhaps not surprisingly, beleaguered BAA argues that if it is hit by this double-whammy its investment programme will be jeopardised — двойной удар (ситуация, в которой находится инвестор с портфелем обесценивающихся акций и «короткой» позицией по облигациям при росте их цен. Sometimes she went up on the moors with psychics, people with crystals and whatnot, to see if they could sense anything  — точно не указанная вещь. The River is in BAD shape, it is an ecological disaster waiting to happen, just like that whatchamacallit river flowing through Cleveland — как его / ее / их там (о вещи или человеке, названия или имени которого говорящий не может вспомнить). The challenge for Western firms and governments is how to help African citizens wheedle data out of their governments so as to hold them more to account — выведывать. He was placed on the board and wheeled out for glossy annual report — выставлять; выносить на рассмотрение. Fitting for a free-trading nation, Britain imports a lot of policy wheezes from overseas — шутка, набившая оскомину, часто повторяемая эстрадниками. Her immediate situation — whelped by a stray in the workers’ waiting room at Kishi station, on a rural railway line in western Japan — did not augur brightly — замышлять (что-л. недоброе); изобретать. 561

Часть II / wherewithal

This is why China is worried about America’s fiscal wherewithal — необходимые средства, деньги. Panama’s appetite for closer ties with China was whetted by the return to the mainland of Hong Kong, which had banks and shipping lines — раззадоривать; возбуждать. In the hunt for sources of alternative energy researchers have come up with fuel cells which are powered by cheese — or at least whey — сыворотка. On the campaign trail, he had vowed to respond fiercely to the first whiff of bad behaviour in his administration — душок. If all else fails, scrolling through the profiles of fellow travellers you may want to meet could be a fun distraction to while away those hours — проводить, коротать (время). Chávez expropriated businesses on a whim, sometimes on live television — прихоть, каприз; причуда. A famous fauna vanished with a whimper, not a bang — хныканье, нытье. It is not because of American pressure or the whimsical wishes of Cuban-Americans — прихотливый; фантастический, причудливый; необычный. In an era when executives routinely whinge about pressure to produce short-term results, Amazon is resolutely focused on the distant horizon — жаловаться. The whole affair added to the nationalists’ sense of grievance — and to the feeling elsewhere in Spain that Catalans are selfish whingers — занудные жалобщики. Sometimes a small event gives you mental whiplash — травма спины, шеи, позвоночника. Board of directors was whipsawed by the rapidly unfolding events — «жертва продольной пилы», «распиленный». How do they get senior people to take orders from young whippersnappers? — самонадеянный мальчишка; молокосос. 562

Часть II / whodunnit

Lula accused his main rival, Geraldo Alckmin, of wanting to privatise anything that whirred or beeped, and Mr Alckmin promised that he would never sell off anything; The rumour mills began to whirr: the American giant, which makes helicopters, aircraft engines and lifts, is not given to delivering surprises — шуметь (о машинах). “After years of discussions” between the producers and mayonnaise traditionalists, the consumer minister is whisking them away for talks — быстро увозить, проводить. Private-equity firms were also interested in buying Dollar Shave Club, but Unilever’s bid beat them by a whisker — малое количество. George Bush, who came to office promising “no new tuxes”, threw a lavish white-tie dinner, the first of his presidency — самый официальный вид костюма: черный или белый фрак с белой бабочкой, цилиндром и перчатками. It was not quite a whitewash, but it was close — победа с «сухим» счетом. The rankings that are used to dole out cash have put academics under pressure to churn out papers and whittled away their freedom — yменьшать, сводить на нет. Whizz-bang technology enabled America to conquer Afghanistan and It aqinthet winkle of an eye — нечто исключительное (по качеству, громкости, быстроте и т. п.). Lawmakers are whizzing around their districts trying to woo support — носиться. His imagination fizzed away like a bottle of the Big Friendly Giant’s frobscottle, sending whizzpoppers of delight through his young readers — громкое пуканье. On July 16th 1945 the skies of New Mexico lit up and a thunderous roar whooshed across the desert — проноситься с шумом. The film offers a tangled web of whodunnit theories — детективный роман, фильм и т. п.


Часть II / whoops

Early whoops of joy at the prospect of a new Islamist government in Egypt opening Gaza’s border have subsided — возглас, восклицание. His opposing Greek and Trojan armies had Uzis and whumphing helicopters; Houston would order his troops to burn the bridges behind them before they whumped the Mexicans at San Jacinto — and would then go on to be president of the Republic of Texas — тяжелые, глухие звуки. She makes it clear that she will also defend the judges, saying protectively, “I have a broken toe, but I will whup some ass with the other foot” — отхлестать, выпороть. Australia›s comprehensive, seven-wicket win over New Zealand completed a remarkable resurgence — быть в затруднении, стоять перед трудной задачей. Widgets or dollars; if an American buys a widget made in China, the physics don’t care which country the emissions were in, but the politics go haywire — штучка (украшение на одежде; несущественное приспособление на автомобиле). The list of boot-and-blade wielders is growing longer by the day — умелец, правитель. It gave policymakers too little wiggle room when hit by a big shock — извиваться; вилять. Better to use diplomatic wiles to outwit and outmanoeuvre its rivals — уловка; прием, ухищрение. But the hope was that a wily private sector would allow India to sprint to prosperity regardless — лукавый, коварный. In part, her wilting ratings represent the inevitable settling of a contest which she entered with stellar ratings and no serious challenger — увядание, завядание. Many liberals in China wince at a renewed emphasis under Mr Xi on the Communist Party’s traditional beliefs — вздрагивать, морщиться (от боли).


Часть II / withering

Windfall taxes might even bring a grim smile of satisfaction to voters’ faces — неожиданный доход; неожиданно полученная сумма. To judge by the tumbleweed blowing through the offices and halls of Brussels this week, the wallahs of the European Union have not found fleeing town too much of a wrench — занятый определенной работой. The road to holding a referendum on Catalonia’s independence from Spain became ever more winding — вьющийся; петляющий. In America, anti-government conspiracy theories attract a lot of wingnuts, some of whom have never read Hayek or von Mises — реакционер, мракобес. The electors’ winnowing of aspirants was the nomination process — отделять ложь от правды. Optimists point out that thousands of people have joined the party since its electoral wipeout — полное уничтожение. The morning’s papers were filled with stories about Mr Dantas, government spies, wiretapping and money-laundering — прослушивание телефонных разговоров. Folks soon got wised up and watched for the special signs warning not to turn in front of the beast — понять; подметить. With his soft, monotonous delivery, his fondness for grey ties, and wispy, professorial hair, he could be a university president — легкий, похожий на дымку. Democrats had spent a nervous September watching that lead whittle away after Mrs Clinton’s bout of pneumonia  — уменьшать, сводить на нет. Health reform will quietly wither on the vine  — чахнуть, ослабевать, слабеть, уменьшаться. Withering dithering and pussyfooting in the hopes of some sort of consensus is horrendously counter-productive — вянуть, сохнуть; блекнуть, высыхать, увядать.


Часть II / wizened

Behind a huge bulletproof screen sit judges, lawyers and three wizened former leaders of the Khmer Rouge — иссохший и морщинистый. A wobbly week; Wobbles in the price; other element may wobble — moving unsteadily from side to side, wobbly voice — дрожащий голос. It serves as a cautionary tale for those who think America’s infrastructure gap can simply be plugged by a wodge of cash from Washington, DC — огромный кусище. On August 8th 40 woebegone North Africans were found to have increased the population of the Italian islet of Linosa by almost 10% — мрачный, горестный. Some of the criticism was no doubt grossly unfair but the twins’ woeful tactics left Poland marginalised — несчастный, печальный. Elizabeth Taylor would parade the new rocks eagerly to friends, and sit at table silently adoring them while, with her free hand, she wolfed down steak-and-kidney pie — пожирать с жадностью. Mr Gore likes the man he has become: pundit, prophet, wonk; policy wonks were stunned; as broad as the Cheshire Cat’s, full of slightly wonky teeth, the smile was at once confident and touchingly gauche — слабый; нетвердо стоящий на ногах (после болезни и т. п.). But there is time for wonkery yet: the paper is the first of six which will form a new agenda for Republicans, dubbed “A Better Way” — занудство. A rare emotional crack should appear in Hillary Clinton’s steely wonkish façade just as she is fighting to dispel the notion that she is cold — фанат, зануда. Lawmakers are whizzing around tgeir districts trying to woo support — ухаживать; добиваться расположения. Romney proved doubters wrong by progressing as far as he has, in spite of his flip-flopping, his woodenness, his wealth and his Mormon faith — топорность. In a debate on January 30th a troglodyte Tory woofed at a woman MP as she spoke — гавкать. 566

Часть II / wrenching

Hope is four-legged and woolly — неясный, путаный, расплывчатый, смутный, нечеткий. American retailers are still feeling woozy from the financial crisis and intimidated by online rivals like Amazon — чувствующий головокружение, слабость. Maya Angelou, the symbol of white gushing, was far more important than Maya Angelou, wordsmith — акула пера. If tomorrow’s haredim are as workshy as today’s, the start-up nation is doomed; the MPs of the past make today’s look positively workshy — ленивый, уклоняющийся от работы. Worrywarts will complain that lifting the ban on cell phones during flights will lead to rudeness and make already stressful flights unbearable — беспокойный, мнительный человек. In 1904 a group of worthies met in the East End of London to discuss the plight of schoolchildren too hungry to follow their lessons — достойный, уважаемый человек. Worse off, he flew; A situation in which nobody can be made better off without making somebody else worse off… — что еще хуже. This latest spike in food prices will hurt the world’s worst-off — малоимущие. Mr Trump said it would not apply to American citizens, Muslim soldiers in America’s armed forces, athletes and other worthies — соответствующий, подобающий. Firms might count on the public being less than wowed by the emissions totals being reported — ошеломить, поразить. A few wowsers yearned for a different face of Australia, such as Olivia Newton-John — строгий пуританин. Political wrangling has made cross-country projects hard to plan and harder to finance — пререкания, ссоры. Latvia’s trouble predated Greece’s and was just as wrenching — причинять страдание, боль. 567

Часть II / wraps

When Ms Ramirez explained that she was becoming a woman, she was forced to keep it under wraps and banned from the women’s toilet — секретность. The idea that an infusion of hope can make a big difference to the lives of wretchedly poor people sounds like something dreamed up by a well-meaning activist or a tub-thumping politician — жалкий, никудышный. The savage nature of the land makes it hard for any single tribe to wrest complete control — искажать, истолковывать неправильно. After the murder of 30 Britons on a Tunisian beach in June by an IS gunman, the government decided it should be seen to be doing more than wring its hands — заламывать руки. He promised that the paper’s values will not change, indeed declaring himself “ready” should someone threaten to put his body-parts through a wringer — вымогатель. A new wrinkle to an established technology should allow some of that current sunshine to be employed to get at more of the ancient stuff; Turn Greece into a dormitory for Europe’s wrinklies — хитрая штука, приспособление. According to the state news agency, “even the sky seemed to writhe in grief” at the demise of the “great saint born of Heaven” — мучиться; терзаться. Russia is determined to wrong-foot America — доставлять неприятности. He was drunk, despite saying he is always teased as a wuss for sticking to beer when real men drink vodka; The president is far from being the feckless wuss portrayed by his critics — размазня, рохля, тряпка.


Часть II / yaw

X At Zlote Tarasy, Warsaw’s Xanadu of shopping, screens usually blurt out adverts for computer games — земной рай, идиллически прекрасное место. Xeric oak species adapted to the compact soils of the loess plateau were also covering China with a green cover — сухоустойчивый, влагосберегающий. With his ignorance having been exposed, brainless xoxo-hahaxooxlov now wants to divert attention by irrelevant fictional comments — целую-обнимаю, «чмоки».

Y Yahoos are a degraded band of humanoids kept tethered in stalls by their equine — деревенщина, невоспитанный человек. The other was the minute’s silence, when 150,000 (according to the organisers) yakking, jabbering Israelis suddenly went into a hush — болтовня, треп. Some Turks hoped that engagement with Syria would eventually yank Mr Assad out of the orbit of Iran — дергать, рвать. AIPAC is not a bunch of yarmulke-wearing hebrew speaking orthodox rabbis with thick glasses and big noses — ермолка, скуфья. Almost everyone is a sucker for a good yarn — рассказывать байки. Using high-speed photography they were able to quantify attributes like pitch, yaw, roll and oscillation frequency to determine the 569

Часть II / yawp

movements that attract different species of game fish — отклонение от направления движения. But then a most impressive thing happened, just as the crowd of a few hundred started to yawp and cat-call — вскрикнуть; драть горло. It is the best way to bring about the honesty for which they yearn — томиться, тосковать; очень сильно хотеть (чего-л.). Either out of concern for national security, a yen to embarrass the president, or both, in clauses inserted into successive defence-spending bills Congress made it difficult for officials to transfer anyone anywhere — сильное желание. In the diplomacy of yesteryear few things jolted the status quo more than the arrival of several new monarchs at roughly the same time — прошлый год. Spain and Luxembourg have called a conference of yeasayers in Madrid in mid-January to ask why the nine refuseniks should hold everybody — подпевала, подхалим. The first part of a howl resembles a wolf’s (with a deep pitch), but this then turns into a higher-pitched, coyote-like yipping — скулить. Showing the middle finger is very much part of the yobbish culture. So, are you suggesting that the Ockers are traditionally yobs by nature? — хулиганский; молокосос, паршивец. The new parliament, well stocked with what many educated Egyptians regarded as bearded yokels — деревенщина; неотесанный. Even the blitz didn’t stop London’s buses, some lamented; how would today’s Britons have fared in winters of yore, when the Thames froze oratory of yore — былое, давным-давно. Peso yo-yoed on fears of political tension — нестабильная ситуация. First came the yodelling, then the pain — йодль (напев альпийских горцев в Австрии, Швейцарии, Южной Баварии). In practice, overcoming the yuck factor might be an insuperable barrier to marketing nappy-grown fungi — ощущение отвращения. 570

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Часть II / zoonotic

Z Chances are that the average reader’s response to each of these laboriously zany questions entails a veritably liturgical refrain — сумасброд, дурак. Curate’s Egg’s comment is a perfect example of everything wrong with Western pro-democracy zealotry — фанатизм. In another sign of the new zeitgeist, on June 15th Pierre Karl Péladeau, a media mogul, announced the launch of Sun TV News — дух времени. The clear implication of the term “war” is that these policies are zero-sum games — с нулевой суммой. So many of these countries now have better prospects for economic growth: zestier demographics, larger foreign reserves, dramatically reduced sovereign-debts, stabler banking systems, and superior household finances and savings rates — пикантность, особенность. As a result, whenever the internet zigged, Yahoo zagged — сбиться с курса. Best known for swirling ziggurats of titanium, Mr Gehry seemed an odd choice to take on the modest Ike — древние храмы в Месопотамии. Most importantly, Zilch Capital used to refer to itself as a “hedge fund” but 2008 made it embarrassingly clear we didn’t know how to hedge — ничто, ноль. The proofs will zing back and forth — проноситься (со свистом), быстро двигаться. He scored the odd zinger, for example by calling on Mr Romney to drop “the pious baloney” — колкость. Silicon valley has produced plenty of hot air from zippy startups in the past; ten zippiest provinces — живой, энергичный, яркий. It was thus a zoonotic illness: one usually carried by animals, but which infects people when given the chance — зоонозный. 571

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