Social Science: An Introduction 0071058184, 9780071058186

Social Science: An Introduction, is a brand new program that covers Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology for both the

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Social Science: An Introduction
 0071058184, 9780071058186

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From Lee. THE DOBE JUl 'HOANSI, 2E. a 1994 Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.; 30 EMBER' CAROL R.: EMBER, MELVIN R., ANTRHOPOLOGY, 9th Edition, @ 7999, p. 295. Adapted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.; 50 DISTRIBUTION OF HUMAN BLOOD GROUPS 2ND EDITION by Mourant et al (1976) Maps between pp.1016-1017. By Oxford

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Chapter 8 371 From Janis, Irving L.. Victims of Groupthink,IE' @ 1972 Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.; 375

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5200136-eng.htm; 383 Homeless Child, music and lyrics

by Ben Harper.

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Chapter 7 326 From James L. Gibbs, "The Kpelle Moot," Africa, vol. 33, No.l, 1963; 328-329 From A Comparison of Four Restoratlve Conferencing Models by Gordon Bazemore and Mark Umbreit, February 2001, Juvenllle Justict Bulletin, OJJDP; 347-348 Excerpts from Building the Future: A Time for Reconciliation, Bouchard, G., & Taylor, C. [2008)' o Government of Quebec


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