The anthropology of food / Robert Dirks, Gina Hunter -- The sociology of food / William Alex McIntosh -- Food and commun
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Table of contents :
The anthropology of food / Robert Dirks, Gina Hunter --
The sociology of food / William Alex McIntosh --
Food and communication / Arthur Lizie --
Historical background of food scholarship in psychology and major theoretical approaches in use / Kima Cargill --
Nutritional anthropology / Janet Chrzan --
Public health nutrition / Arlene Spark --
The archaeology of food / Katherine M. Moore --
Journalism / Helen Rosner, Amanda Hesser --
The cultural history of food / Deborah Valenze --
Culinary history / Ken Albala --
Food and literature : an overview / Joan Fitzpatrick --
Philosophy and food / Lisa Heldke --
Linguistics and food studies : structural and historical connections / Anthony Buccini --
Food and theology / David Grumett --
Food and art / Travis Nygard --
Food in film / Anne Bower, Thomas Piontek --
Food and television / Sarah Murray --
Food studies programs / Rachel Black --
Food and American studies / Margot Finn --
Folklore / Lucy Long --
Food museums / Elizabeth Williams --
Food and law / Baylen J. Linnekin, Emily Broad Leib --
The intersection of gender and food studies / Alice McLean --
Culinary arts and foodservice management / Vivian Liberman, Jonathan Deutsch --
Food, cultural studies, and popular culture / Fabio Parasecoli --
Food and race : an overview / Psyche Williams-Forson, Jessica Walker --
Food justice : an overview / Alison Hope Alkon --
Food studies and animal rights / Carol Helstosky --
Qualitative and mixed methods approaches to explore social dimensions of food and nutrition security / Stefanie Lemke, Anne C. Bellows --
School food / Janet Poppendieck --
Food in tourism studies / Lucy M. Long --
Food and the senses / Beth M. Forrest, Deirdre Murphy --
Anticipating a new agricultural research agenda for the twenty-first century / Frederick Kirschenmann --
Food and ethics / Julia Abramson. Social sciences --
Anthropology / Robert Dirks and Gina Hunter --
Sociology / William Alex McIntosh --
Communications / Arthur Lizie --
Psychology / Kima Cargill --
Nutritional anthropology / Janet Chrzan --
Nutrition / Arlene Spark --
Archaeology / Katherine M. Moore --
Journalism / Helen Rosner and Amanda Hesser --
Humanities --
Cultural history / Deborah Valenze --
Culinary history / Ken Albala --
Literature / Joan Fitzpatrick --
Philosophy / Lisa Heldke --
Linguistics / Anthony Buccini --
Theology / David Grumett --
Art / Travis Nygard --
Film / Anne Bower and Thomas Piontek --
Television / Sarah Murray --
Interdisciplinary food studies --
Food studies programs / Rachel Black --
American studies / Margot Finn --
Folklore / Lucy Long --
Food museums / Elizabeth Williams --
Food law- baylen linnekin --
Feminism / Alice McLean --
Culinary arts and food service management / Vivian Liberman and Jonathan Deutsch --
Cultural studies / Fabio Parasecoli --
Food and race / Psyche Williams-Forson and Jessica Walker --
Special topics in food studies --
Food justice / Alison Hope Alkon --
Animal rights / Carol Helstosky --
Food security / Stefanie Lemke and Anne Bellows --
School food / Janet Poppendiek --
Tourism / Lucy Long --
Food and the senses / Beth Forrest and Deirdre Murphy --
Agriculture / Frederick Kirschenmann --
Ethics / Julia Abramson.