Polls reveal that over 75 percent of Americans believe there was a conspiracy behind Lee Harvey Oswald; some even believ
643 108 3MB
English Pages xlvi, 1612 pages, 32 unnumbered pages of plates) : illustrations (1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in Year 2007
Table of contents :
Dedication --
Introduction --
book 1. Matters of fact : what happened --
Four days in November --
The investigations --
President Kennedy's autopsy and the gunshot wounds to Kennedy and Governor Connally --
The most famous home movie ever, the "magic bullet," and the single-bullet theory --
Lee Harvey Oswald --
Oswald's ownership and possession of the rifle found on the sixth floor --
Identification of the murder weapon --
Oswald at the sniper's nest and "evidence" of his innocence --
The grassy knoll --
A conversation with Dr. Cyril Wecht --
Secret Service agents on the grassy knoll --
The zanies (and others) have their say --
Other assassins --
Motive --
Summary of Oswald's guilt --
book 2. Delusions of conspiracy : what did not happen --
Introduction to conspiracy --
History of the conspiracy movement --
Mark Lane --
Mysterious and suspicious deaths --
The second Oswald --
David Lifton and alteration of the President's body --
Ruby and the mob --
Organized crime --
CIA --
FBI --
Secret Service --
KGB --
Right wing --
LBJ --
Cuba --
The Odio incident and anti-Castro Cuban exiles --
Cover-up by the CIA and FBI in the Warren Commission's investigation of the assassination. Jim Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw and Oliver Stone's movie JFK --
Conclusion of No Conspiracy --
Bookends --
The murder trial of Jack Ruby --
A conversation with Marina --
The people and groups involved in the plot to kill Kennedy --
Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences --
Epilogue --
In memoriam --
Abbreviations used for citations --
Acknowledgments --
Bibliography --