Rare Birds Day by Day 9781472597038, 9781408137956, 9781408137932

Rare Birds Day by Day follows three earlier Poyser titles looking at scarce and rare birds recorded in Britain and Irela

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Rare Birds Day by Day
 9781472597038, 9781408137956, 9781408137932

Table of contents :
County index
County map
Monthly species totals
Species list
References and bibliography

Citation preview


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Rare Birds Day by Day Steve Dudley, Tim Benton Peter Fraser and John Ryan

Illustrations by Dave Numey

Published by T&ADPOYSER

First published 1996 by T & AD Poyser Ltd Print-on-demand and digital editions published 2010 by T & AD Poyser, an imprint of A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 36 Soho Square, London W1D 3QY Copyright © 1996 text by Steve Dudley, Tim Benton, Peter Fraser and John Ryan Copyright © 1996 illustrations by Dave Nurney The right of Steve Dudley, Tim Benton, Peter Fraser and John Ryan to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ISBN (print) 978-1-4081-3795-6 ISBN (epub) 978-1-4081-3794-9 ISBN (e-pdf) 978-1-4081-3793-2 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - photographic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage or retrieval systems - without permission of the publishers.

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Introduction County index County map Acknowledgements JANUARY FEBRUARY APRIL MAY

JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Monthly species totals Species list References and bibliography


14 15

17 19 35

47 61 83


163 189 225 279 335 361 377 386 392

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Belted Kingfisher Dusky Thrush Forster's Tern Killdeer and Lapwing Laughing Gull Night Heron White-billed Diver Red-romped Swallow, Alpine Swift and Swifts Briinnich's Guillemot Collared Flycatcher and Subalpine Warbler Yellow-breasted Bunting Dark-eyed Junco Rock Thrush and Black Stork Cretzchmar's Bunting Caspian Tern River Warbler Wilson's Petrel Rose-coloured Starling Nutcracker Pallas's Reed Bunting and Pechora Pipit Great Snipe Desert Wheatear Rose-breasted Grosbeak Bobolink Olive-backed Pipit Two-barred Crossbill Red-throated Pipit Ivory Gull and Ross's Gull Black-winged Stilt

Title page

19 23 35

41 47 55 61

69 83

100 109 131 143 163

175 189 200 214 225 239 261 279 297

321 335 347

361 369


The interest in birds has increased beyond anyone's predictions over the last few decades, but it is the interest in watching rare birds that has probably seen the greatest changes, as well as being the aspect of birdwatching most easily recognised by the general public. Birds seen in Britain and Ireland that are deemed 'rare birds' fall into one of two categories - rare breeding birds or rare vagrants. It is the latter group of individuals on which this book concentrates. Those 'rare birds' that are classed as vagrant species to Britain and Ireland can be further divided into rare migrants and rare vagrants. A rare migrant species is a species that is recorded here on a regular basis, albeit in varying numbers between years, and is either: i)

a migratory species which regularly overshoots its summering area or wintering quarters to reach us;

ii) a migratory species for which our group of islands, lying on the extreme western seaboard ofthe Palearctic region, is likewise on the extreme western edge of its (broad) migrational band; or iii) a migratory species which during its normal migration is regularly disorientated (for whatever reason) and as such is regularly encountered here. Several rare migrant species, e.g. Buff-breasted Sandpiper, are now found here so frequently that they are no longer considered as an official national rarity. A rare vagrant would therefore be classified as a species that does not regularly occur within Britain and Ireland. The list of species would include: i)

a species whose normal ranges are extreme distances from Britain and Ireland;

ii) a species with short or restricted migratory practices; or iii) a species whose normal migratory habits are rarely sufficiently affected to cause disorientation resulting in arrival in Britain or Ireland. The word 'extreme' could be used to prefix vagrant for those species that have occurred here on only a few occasions (say less than 10 records). Records of 'rare birds' go back well into the last century, with many rare migrants and vagrants falling to the sporting gunman. Birdwatching as a pasttime only really took off in the 19508, and even then relatively few people took part. With a modest increase in observers, the interest in 'rare birds' soon surfaced, the first 'twitchers' often searching for reported rarities on news that Rare Birds Day by Day - 7

was often several days if not weeks old! With the increased popularity of birdwatching came books, published to cater for the new thirst for bird identification and general information. This soon led to the publication of the first titles to cover the occurrences of those species occurring rarely in Great Britain and Ireland. The first publication came in 1974 with Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain and Ireland (1. T. R. Sharrock) which covered the records of some two dozen scarce and rare migrant species between 1957 and 1967. This milestone publication was followed two years later by Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland (1. T. R. & E. M. Sharrock). This covered records ofrare species that were considered by the British Birds Rarities Committee between 1958 and 1972, with records of extreme rarities up until 1975. These two earlier works were combined and updated in 1989 in Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland by 1. N. Dymond, P A. Fraser & S. 1. M. Gantlett. All ofthese titles came from the pedigree stable, T. & A. D. Poyser. It is therefore fitting that Poyser should continue their long-standing relationship with rare birds and their watchers with this current work. These earlier works, and all subsequent books covering the occurrences of rare birds, have presented the available records in the same format, i.e. listing all the records for each species under a single species heading. Whilst such a format enables the reader to obtain an overall picture or pattern of occurrences of each individual species, it offers no such picture for the overall occurrence of all species. If, for instance, you were to look up the records for Needle-tailed Swift in Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland (1989), from the seven records then recorded for this highly sought after species, a pattern of occurrences from late May through to July is clear to see (in fact the 1983 to 1991 records are widely believed to relate to the same returning individual). But this is a snapshot for one species, it offers no information about what other species were recorded during the same period each year or during the same period throughout history. THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK

During the winter of 1991-92, Tim Benton copied into a desk diary all records for the rare species that he had not yet seen in Britain. This enabled him to look ahead at the species he was particularly interested in. Tim was not the first to produce such a list or diary, with several bird observatories having had similar books for several years. All of these books were however very personal, either to an individual person or site. On seeing Tim's diary, Steve Dudley immediately saw the potential ofpublishing a book using the same diary format but utilising all available records of rare birds. Steve then began the task of putting the 'Rare Bird Diary' project together, bringing in Pete Fraser and John Ryan, who between them maintain a database of all the accepted records of rare bird records to occur in Britain and Ireland. Rare Birds Day by Day is the culmination of this project. This book does not pretend or aim to further our knowledge of rare birds or their occurrence in Britain and Ireland. Our intention is to present what is already exhaustively published information (in systematic species form) in a completely new and novel format that is easy to digest and use by the active birdwatcher and twitcher, as well as to provide an additional source of reference 8 - Rare Birds Day by Day

on rare bird occurrences in Britain and Ireland. This is a book that we very much hope will provide not only interest to those fascinated with rare birds, but also fun, with readers being able to look back on memorable dates or even attempting to use the book as a means ofpredicting where they should be heading for at the weekend! USING THIS BOOK AS A RARE BIRD PREDICTOR

Most birdwatchers have experienced the thrill of finding something out of the ordinary; something new for their local patch, a county rarity or even a full blown national rarity. For those who have been lucky enough to be in the right place, at the right time, when a national rarity has popped up in front of them, the thrill, the adrenaline rush, the pounding heart, the breathlessness, is incredible. The experience of finding the unusual is wonderful, and once tasted, just like your favourite ice cream, the desire for more can be overwhelming. For many birdwatchers however, the reality of finding a 'mega' is a distant one, so they share the taste of others' finds by going to see them, often en masse, and drinking in their own delight of watching what might be their only chance of ever seeing a particular species. With the advent of organised rare bird information systems (currently 11 regional and three national commercial telephone lines and two national paging systems covering Britain and Ireland) more birdwatchers than ever are able to obtain news ofa rare bird within minutes ofit being found. This greatly increased news availability and the increased mobility of birdwatchers can now see thousands of birdwatchers visiting a single site; the single largest crowd so far estimated is 2,500 enjoying the Golden-winged Warbler in Kent in 1989. Birdwatching, finding rare birds and twitching is immense fun. We all love to reminisce about our great birdwatching days past, and dream even more about finding 'the big one'. With this in mind, birdwatchers are forever watching the changing weather patterns, following every pressure system, looking for an easterly airflow over continental Europe or a westerly gale sweeping across the Atlantic Ocean. Being able to read the signs in order to plan a weekend birding trip is something many of us have tried to master. A light south-easterly in spring signals Continental arrivals at south facing headlands, high pressure over Scandinavia and a northward moving low over southern Britain in September is looking good for an east coast fall, whilst a string of deep low pressure belts swinging across the Atlantic in October can only mean one thing - American passerines on Scilly! If only it were this simple. Looking at past records of rare bird occurrences can also be extremely interesting and additionally useful when planning a holiday or weekend birding trip. Whilst previous rare bird publications can highlight key periods for individual species, Rare Birds Day by Day provides updated information that will enable birdwatchers to identify key periods of dates, that in the past have proved good for finding individual or groups of species. Readers will be fascinated by many aspects ofthis book; the obvious patterns of occurrences for the more regularly recorded rare species; the complete randomness of other species; or the coincidences (?), such as three of the six records of Scarlet Tanager being found on the same date (but different years).

Rare Birds Day by Day - 9

Anyone can predict the occurrence of rare birds, but with what accuracy is this possible. It is easy to predict say, with between 15-20 spring records per annum, Subalpine Warblers will be found in spring. You might even go as far as to say, given southerly or south-easterly winds during April and May then the chances of seeing a Subalpine Warbler are greatly increased. This is true. But knowing exactly when the best period is historically, will enable you to go even further. Looking through this book you will see that more Subalpine Warblers (13) have been found on 9 May than any other single date in the calendar. Then, when you take a look at the seven days either side of 9 May, you will find that the average number found per day is nearly eight (the first week is just over 5 and the second week is just over 7). Also, out of a total of 84 birds found during the two week period between 1958 and 1994 (37 years), 20 were on Shetland, eight on Scilly and four each in Cornwall and Wexford. Therefore, if you have a week's holiday planned for the second week of May (and would like a good chance of finding a Subalpine Warbler) if the winds are a nice southeasterly, then Shetland is worth a visit. Subalpine Warblers are found there every two years (not to mention all the other goodies that could be lying in wait: Rustic Bunting and Thrush Nightingale to name but two - with 15 May being the best finding date for the latter species). This is, however, a very simplistic overview, and anyone 'expecting' to find a Subalpine Warbler anywhere, not just in this species' top county of Shetland, would be foolish, and the authors of this book can in no way be held responsible if you try and fail! THE RECORDS

The chain of officially recording a rare bird once it has been found is long and occasionally complicated. The record must first be submitted to the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) for those birds found in Great Britain or to the Irish Records Committee (IRC) for Irish records (usually by the finder or occasionally another birdwatcher via the appropriate county/regional recorder). The record is then assessed by the appropriate committee and the identification ofeach record is accepted or rejected (sometimes several circulations are needed before a final decision is made). Accepted records are then published annually in British Birds (and have been since 1958) and in Irish Birds. For records relating to birds new to Britain, once the identification has been accepted by the BBRC, the record is then passed on to the British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee (BOURC). The record is then considered for inclusion to the British and Irish List, acceptance to which is only achieved when the BOURC is satisfied that the record relates to a genuinely wild bird. The IRC undertake this same role for birds new to Ireland. The species covered in this book are those that were still considered by the BBRC as of 1 January 1996, and although the IRC considers records of other species that occur in Ireland, for the sake of comprehensiveness and clarity, we have used the same range of species in both countries. It is from these two sources that the records for this book are obtained. Around 20,000 individual records covering over 200 species and sub-species

10 - Rare Birds Day by Day

have been used to compile this book. These are all records ofrare birds accepted by the BBRC and IRC, up to the end of 1994, covering those records of all species considered by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) continually from its formation in 1958 to the most recently published report for 1994 (Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1994, British Birds, Vol. 88, No. 11, 493-558), in both Britain and Ireland. During the period, the BBRC has found that certain species were, or became, much commoner than originally supposed. According to laid down criteria, such species have been periodically dropped from the list of species for which the BBRC requests information for scrutiny. Records of these species are not included in this book. Readers new to birding may be interested to know that as well as recently dropped species such as Short-toed Lark, Bee-eater and Little Bunting, several others have been removed over the years. The 'Great Purge of 1982' saw several 'old favourites' disappear from the British Birds annual report on rare birds: Common Rosefinch, Serin, Aquatic Warbler, Buff-breasted Sandpiper and also the two 'big' pipits - Richard's and Tawny. Between then and now, we have seen Ring-billed Gulls increase from the first British record in 1973 to over a hundred new birds found a year. The 1970s saw Long-tailed Skua no longer a rarity, but how many birdwatchers can remember submitting records ofMelodious Warbler and Pectoral Sandpiper to the BBRC; both species were considered in 1958. There are, in addition, a small number of sub-species included in the daily accounts. Most of these birds show at least one plumage (usually adult male) which can be recognised in the field. The commonest of these is the 'Siberian' Stonechat of the sub-species stejnegeri and mauri (referred to throughout the book as Siberian Stonechat), but others include Black-headed Wagtail Motacilla flava feldegg, Ehrenburg's Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamiscus (eastern form of Redstart), Eastern Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros semirufus, Eastern Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos hafizi, Boreal Willow Tit Parus montanus borealis (northern form of Willow Tit) and Steppe Shrike Lanius excubitor pallidirostris (eastern form of Great Grey Shrike). Records of all these former rarities are maintained (along with the current rarities used within this book) on a database by Peter Fraser and John Ryan for the BBRC, in order to monitor changes in patterns of occurrence in our two nations. As yet, no species has been readmitted to the list for consideration (apart from a short period in the late 1970s when records of Richard's Pipit were again assessed), but several species are showing signs of having reached a plateau and are no longer showing steady increases in their annual numbers. The period from 1958 to 1994 is referred to as 'the period' in the daily accounts which introduce the records in the main section of the book. Although this volume makes no pretensions to academe, we would urge readers who find not just rare birds, but those of local interest, to submit their records, with any necessary descriptions and notes, to their local panels. All those who devote their own time and energy to such efforts, both in the field and at home, we warmly thank.

Rare Birds Day by Day - 11


Each daily account is first introduced by a brief summary text outlining some of the more interesting finds of that particular date. These notes may cover a single species, sometimes in. detail, or many species with much less information for each. For the summary text we have attempted to adopt a 'diary' style; that is, a style that you yourself may write up a condensed version of a days birdwatching. All references to the day or date within each summary refers specifically to the date under which it appears. The main section of each daily account is a list of records of rare birds which have been found on that date. The daily statistics (or totals) cover those records which contribute to the BBRC annual reports; and these do not include records seen 'at sea' or any Category D species listed for that day. For each day, all the individual birds found on that date are listed in systematic species order (followingVoous 1977), and within each species, records are sorted first by county, secondly by year and thirdly by site. The records used fall in to one of the following categories: i)

The main list comprises accepted records of species that are currently on Category A (species that have been recorded in an apparently wild state in Britain or Ireland at least once in the last 50 years), Category B (species which have been recorded in Britain or Ireland in an apparently wild state at least once up to 31 December 1957) or Category C (a species which although originally introduced by man (either deliberately or accidentally), have now established a regular and self-sustaining population, i.e. not dependent on further human releases - accidental or otherwise) ofthe British and Irish list administered by the British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee (BOURC). This main list contains records of rare sub-species that are considered by the BBRC, e.g. Steppe Shrike Lanius excubitor pallidirostris.

ii) Within the main species section of each day are records recorded 'at sea'. These are included for completeness, but are not included in any totals (either at the top of each date or in any of the tables) as they are excluded from those totals maintained by the BBRC and BOURC. Many of these birds are seen on specially organised pelagic trips (and will therefore be of great interest to readers) and lie within the area covered by the much-loved shipping forecast broadcast on BBC Radio 4. iii) At the end of the main species list, many dates contain records for Category D (including D1) species that have been found on that date. Category D covers species which would otherwise be included in Categories A or B except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in a wild state (D1), or they have certainly arrived with a combination of ship and human assistance (including the provision of food and/or shelter) (D2), or they have only ever occurred as tideline corpses (D3), or species that would otherwise appear in Category C except that their feral populations mayor may not be self-sustaining (D4). Category D species do not form part of the 12 - Rare Birds Day by Day

British and Irish list. The object of Category D is to collect records of species that may be potential vagrants to Britain or Ireland, with species reviews occurring when more records become available. The authors wish to emphasize that the inclusion of any record that is not yet on the British and Irish list does not constitute validation whilst any omissions do not imply official unacceptability. FINDING DATE

The main emphasis of this book is to present each individual bird found on its finding date. Therefore, only those individuals that have been attributed as being new birds by the BBRC are included in the text on their relevant finding date. When an individual bird is known (or considered probably) to have moved to a second locality, or known (or considered probably) to have returned in subsequent years, only the original finding date is listed. The reason for this is two-fold. First, in terms of this work, the date an individual bird is found in Britain and Ireland is the important factor. Once an individual has been found, where it then goes is not relevant to the presentation of this book, nor is the date that it returned in subsequent years. It is the original date of occurrence, which allows us to compare new arrivals/finds, that we are concentrating on here. Since the database used does, however, contain additional information about many of the birds listed within the book, we have, where possible, included any length of stay of any particular individual(s) within the year brackets. Also, for some particularly interesting individuals (e.g. Albert, the returning Black-browed Albatross to Hermaness, Shetland) we have included additional information regarding their movement/return. SPECIES NAMES

In recent years there has been much debate about the English vernacular names of birds. The names used throughout this book reflect those names currently in popular usage amongst British and Irish birdwatchers. To avoid any difficulties, a full species list covering all those species found in the text is included in the Appendix, listing all the species by their popular vernacular name along with the species scientific name, e.g. Needle-tailed Swift Hirundapus

caudacutus. SPECIES STATUS

Since popular vernacular names are used throughout the text, it is not possible to differentiate between a full species and sub-species. By arranging the records in this way we are not implying that any individual sub-species should be given specific species status, but are merely maintaining the use ofa popular vernacular name for every recognisable species and sub-species. However, in the species list in the Appendix, those sub-species that are currently under consideration for promotion to full specific status are identified by the nominate specific name appearing in brackets, e.g. Naumann's Thrush Turdus (naumanni) naumanni and Dusky Thrush Turdus (naumanni) eunomus.

Rare Birds Day by Day - 13

Aberdeenshire Anglesey Angus Antrim Argyllshire Annagh Ayrshire Banffshire Bedfordshire Berkshire Berwickshire Brecknock Buckinghamshire Buteshire Caernarvonshire Caithness Cambridgeshire Cardiganshire Carlow Carmarthenshire Cavan Cheshire Clackmannanshire Clare Cork Cornwall Cumberland Denbighshire Derbyshire Derry Devon Donegal Dorset Down Dublin Dumfries-shire Dunbartonshire Durham East Lothian Essex Fermanagh Fife Flint Galway Glamorgan Gloucestershire Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Huntingdonshire Inverness-shire Isle of Man Isle of Wight Kent Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Kincardineshire Kinross-shire Kirkcudbrightshire Lanarkshire

10 48 13 91 15 95 26 8 65 77 28 67 66 27 49 3 56 61 114 68 97 45 20 110 119 86 36 47 44 90 85 89 84 94 107 33 17 37 22 70 93 18 46 106 75 73 83 63 71 57 11 39 87 80 120 108 115 12 19 34 25

Lancashire Laoighis Leicestershire Leitrim Limerick Lincolnshire London Londonderry Longford Louth Mayo Meath Merionethshire Middlesex MidLothian Monaghan Monmouthshire Montgomeryshire Morayshire Nairn Norfolk Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire Offaly Orkney OuterHebrides Oxfordshire Peebles-shire Pembrokeshire Perthshire Radnorshire Renfrewshire Roscommon Ross-shire Roxburghshire Scilly Selkirk Shetland Shropshire Sligo Somerset Staffordshire Stirlingshire Suffolk Surrey Sussex Sutherland Tipperary Tyrone Warwickshire Waterford WestLothian Westmeath Westmorland Wexford Wicklow Wigtownshire Wiltshire Worcestershire Yorkshire

41 112 54 98 116 42 76 90 105 102 100 103 51 76 23 96 74 52 7 9 55 58 30 43 109 2 5 72 29 69 14 62 24 101 6 31 88 32 1 53 99 79 50 16 64 81 82 4 111 92 59 118 21 104 38 117 113 35 78 60 40

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Shetland Orkney Caithness Sutherland OuterHebrides Ross-shire Morayshire Banffshire Nairn Aberdeenshire Inverness-shire Kincardineshire Angus Perthshire Argyllshire Stirlingshire Dunbartonshire Fife Kinross-shire Clackmannanshire WestLothian East Lothian MidLothian Renfrewshire Lanarkshire Ayrshire Buteshire Berwickshire Peebles-shire Northumberland Roxburghshire Selkirk Dumfries-shire Kirkcudbrightshire Wigtownshire Cumberland Durham Westmorland Isle of Man Yorkshire Lancashire Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire Derbyshire Cheshire Flint Denbighshire Anglesey Caemarvonshire Staffordshire Merionethshire Montgomeryshire Shropshire Leicestershire Norfolk Cambridgeshire Huntingdonshire Northamptonshire Warwickshire Worcestershire

61 Cardiganshire 62 Radnorshire 63 Herefordshire 64 Suffolk 65 Bedfordshire 66 Buckinghamshire 67 Brecknock 68 Carmarthenshire 69 Pembrokeshire 70 Essex 71 Hertfordshire 72 Oxfordshire 73 Gloucestershire 74 Monmouthshire 75 Glamorgan 76 London/Middlesex 77 Berkshire 78 Wiltshire 79 Somerset 80 Kent 81 Surrey 82 Sussex 83 Hampshire 84 Dorset 85 Devon 86 Cornwall 87 Isle of Wight 88 Scilly 89 Donegal 90 Londonderry/Derry 91 Antrim 92 Tyrone 93 Fermanagh 94 Down 95 Armagh 96 Monaghan 97 Cavan 98 Leitrim 99 Sligo 100 Mayo 101 Roscommon 102 Louth 103 Meath 104 Westmeath 105 Longford 106 Galway 107 Dublin 108 Kildare 109 Offaly 110 Clare 111 Tipperary 112 Laoighis 113 Wicklow 114 Carlow 115 Kilkenny 116 Limerick 117 Wexford 118 Waterford 119 Cork 120 Kerry

Map of Britain and Ireland with county key opposite (alphabetical and numerical). The boundaries and names are those used for the years 1958-74 and are retained for the whole period covered by this book. Rare Birds Day by Day - 15


We have used the county boundary system in place in Britain and Ireland prior to 1974, with the convention used by the BBRC that the Outer Hebrides is treated as a single county despite the fact that until the Western Isles council was created in 1975 the Uists and Harris were administratively part ofInvemessshire and Lewis was part ofRoss-shire. Since then there have been two politically orientated re-organisations of local government in the United Kingdom. The latter (1996) has partially removed the system established in 1974 (1975 in Scotland) by abolishing the counties of Avon, Humberside and Cleveland. We have not adopted the new system as we believe that, whatever its merits for local government, it is a poor system for reporting biological records (and diabolical for mapping them). These new entities vary hugely in size, from Highland in Scotland to tiny city-based single tier authorities such as Bristol. In addition to variations in size there are a large number of new, small and obscure authorities whose names will mean little to those living outside them. The old county system has the advantage that while the 1974-96 system in Wales and Scotland aggregated many old counties together, many of them still existed as district authorities and so their name and boundaries remained intact. We feel that the old system will be more familiar to readers (particularly the young and perhaps those new to birdwatching) than might at first be thought; the previous system will soon be forgotten and the new one of no use. In addition, the use of these old county names provides continuity between this and the earlier Poyser titles The counties used in this book are listed on page 14 opposite a map showing their locations within Britain and Ireland.

16 - Rare Birds Day by Day

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A book such as this is years in the planning. From its original conception, the development of this project has involved much debate and discussion about content, presentation and execution. In all of that time, the number of people involved with the project has never been many, with a small team being built up from an early stage and the project remaining very much the personal domain ofthe authors to a large degree, with few outside forces influencing proceedings. There are, however, several people to whom we would like to extend our extreme gratitude. The database used for this book has been compiled and maintained by Peter Fraser and John Ryan with the permission and support of the British Birds Rarities Committee, and the editors of British Birds, to whom we would like to extend our sincere appreciation. In particular, we would like personally to thank M. 1. Rogers, honorary secretary of the British Birds Rarities Committee, for his valuable assistance regarding national rarities in Britain. The authors would also like to thank all county, regional and local bird clubs, county recorders and annual report editors for their continued support of the rarities committees and the rare bird reporting procedure. Without their help and assistance throughout the procedure of reporting rare migrant birds, volumes such as this would be much less complete. We would like to pay particular thanks to Andy Richford at T. & A. D. Poyser/Academic Press, who allowed us the freedom simply to get on with the task and supported us when we needed his expert advice and assistance. Dave Nurney has provided us with a 'set of spectacular line drawings as well as a stunning, if not gripping, cover. Dave's enthusiasm is unstinting and his professionalism outstanding. We are privileged to have had him on board. Duncan Ritchie provided valuable assistance during the early draft stages providing useful and constructive comment. Steve wishes to thank the British Trust for Ornithology whose library he has used freely for reference. Steve and Tim would like to pay their personal thanks to their wives, Caroline and Margaret, who have, over the years, suffered many indignations whilst their two belligerent husbands absorbed themselves deep in this book. Their countless hours of proofreading and fact checking, overall support, input and help throughout the entire project remain invaluable. And finally, to all the finders ofthe rare birds featured in this book, we offer our immense and warm thanks. You have not only provided great pleasure for thousands of other rare bird enthusiasts, but have also allowed the more extreme fanatics to absorb themselves ever deeper in our chosen interest. Whilst we have strived to maintain the highest level of accuracy, when dealing with so many individual records, mistakes are always prone to creep in. We would welcome any errors or omissions that you find to be forwarded to A. Fraser, c/o T. & A. D. Poyser Ltd., 24-28 Oval Road, London NWI 7DX. STEVE DUDLEY, TIM BENTON, PETER FRASER


Rare Birds Day by Day - 17

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Rare Birds Day by Day - 19

1 January

species 8, individuals 10

New Year's Day sees many birdwatchers out in the field starting off their birding year with a New Year's Day count. A typical winter selection is brightened up by White-tailed Eagle, Great Snipe and Black-throated Thrush. White-billed Diver FIFE, Earlsferry (1965) Lesser White-fronted Goose NORFOLK, YareValley (1967 until 21 January) White-tailed Eagle NORFOLK, King's Lynn & Messingham area (1990 until 1 February) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Thetford (1962) Ross's Gull DOWN, Portavogie (1981 until 2 January) Ivory Gull CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 9 January)

2 January

Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar & Yell (2) (1966 until 31 December), Fetlar (1984 until 1 June) Black-throated Thrush YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1989 until 8 January) CATEGORY D SPECIES Baikal Teal DORSET, Brownsea Island (1969) Red-headed Bunting YORKSHIRE, Hull (1989)

species 9, individuals 11

The Gyr Falcon on Scilly shows how far south this species wanders in winter. Both Rose-coloured Starling and Northern Oriole are unseasonal finds having presumably spent the autumn and early winter undetected. The White's Thrush in Lanarkshire is typically both brief and northern in location. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (2) (1983, 1 until 4 March, 1 until 8 March) Black Brant DOWN, Dundrum Bay (1988 until 8 February); WEXFORD, WexfordHarbour (1983)

Red-breasted Goose NORFOLK, Halvergate Marshes (1962 until 28 January) Gyr Falcon SCILLY, St Agnes, Tresco & St Marys (1985 until 7 April)

3 January

Kumlien's Gull DOWN, Portavogie (1981 until 4 January) White's Thrush LANARKSHIRE, Libberton (1979) Rose-coloured Starling PEMBROKESHIRE, Waterston (1974) Arctic Redpoll EAST LOTHIAN, Whiteadder Reservoir (1985 until 19 January) Northern Oriole PEMBROKESHIRE, Roch (1989 until 23 April)

species 8, individuals 8

The Little Crake and Olive-backed Pipit are probable survivors after an autumn landfall. The Dark-eyed Junco in Yorkshire goes against the trend of spring arrivals for this species. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1982) Black Brant SUFFOLK, Boyton Marshes (1982)


Rare Birds Day by Day

American Wigeon ROSS-SHIRE, Udale Bay (1981 until 12 January)

Little Crake NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1975) Great Snipe NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Gunthorpe (1971) Ross's Gull LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1988)

4 January

Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND,Exnaboe(1988) Dark-eyed Junco YORKSHIRE, near Rotherham (1977)

species 3, individuals 4

The second quietest day of the year; only the Franklin's Gull is of particular note. Franklin's Gull SUSSEX, Newhaven (1991) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (1967) Arctic Redpoll INVERNESS-SHIRE, Tomnahurich (2) (1963)

5 January

CATEGORY D SPECIES Greater Flamingo YORKSHIRE, Bolton-on-Swale (1992 until 17 January)

species 8, individuals 10

White-billed Diver and Tundra Swan in southern England are of noteworthy, whilst the Arctic Redpoll is the only passerine to be found on this date. White-billed Diver SUFFOLK, Felixstowe (1978) Tundra Swan SOMERSET, Curry Moor (1986 until 25 January) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1980 until 4 March); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1964) Black Brant ESSEX, Leigh-on-Sea (1978 unti112 January) Red-breasted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1967 until 15 January)

6 January

American Wigeon HAMPSHIRE, Bisteme (1984 until 14 January); KERRY, Ventry (1982 until 6 January) Gyr Falcon ATSEA, SEA-AREA FORTIES, 200km Northeast of Aberdeen, Forties Field (1975) Ivory Gull NORFOLK, Brancaster (1978 until 9 January) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Cley (1973)

species 8, individuals 9

Waterfowl and gulls dominate with the two passerines for this date being the most noteworthy species. The Pine Bunting in Sutherland highlights this species' northerly bias, whilst the Common Yellowthroat was the first of two American warblers to be found in Kent in January 1989 (see 24 January). White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Scapa Flow (1989) Lesser White-fronted Goose NORFOLK, Yare Valley (2) (1963)

Laughing Gull DEVON, Axe Estuary (1984) Ross's Gull GALWAY, Nimmo's Pier (1991 until 13 January)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Ivory Gull ANGUS, Dundee (1983) Forster's Tern DOWN, Millisle (1991 until 8 March) Common Yellowthroat KENT, Sittingbourne (1989 until 23 April)

7 January

Pine Bunting SUTHERLAND, Golspie (1976 until 8 January)

species 5, individuals 6

The Great Bustard in Kent reflects this species' trend of turning up in mid-winter, whilst the Black-throated Thrush in Hampshire is the second of the month. Two Killdeers are the first of five during January. Red-breasted Goose KENT, Shellness (1985 until 11 February) Great Bustard KENT, St Nicholas-at-Wade (1978 until 9 April) Killdeer ARGYLLSHIRE, Colonsay (1984 until 8 January); CORK, Ballycotton (1991 until 2 March)

8 January

Bonaparte's Gull WEXFORD, Ballyteigue Bay (1988 until 8 January) Black-throated Thrush HAMPSHIRE, Boumemouth (1994)

species 3, individuals 3

A quiet winter's day with the Laughing Gull in Ayrshire being the most noteworthy record. Black Brant SUSSEX, Thomey Deeps (1989 until 18 March) King Eider SHETLAND, Mousa Sound (1994 until 29 April)

9 January

Laughing Gull AYRSHIRE, Troon (1983 until 9 January)

species 7, individuals 10

A good selection of rarer winter species. The Pied-billed Grebe is the second record for Scotland; the Briinnich's Guillemot is typical in its preference for the Northern Isles; Black-throated Thrush puts in its third appearance of the month; and the Nutcrackers on the Isle ofWight are a late find from the previous autumn's irruption. Pied-billed Grebe ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1977 until 27 March) Black Brant DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1985); NORFOLK, Cley (1987 until 28 February) Red-breasted Goose LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1985 until 16 February)


Rare Birds Day by Day

Briinnich's Guillemot ORKNEY, Scapa Flow (1985) Black-throated Thrush YORKSHIRE, Sheffield (1987) Nutcracker ISLE OF WIGHT, Osborne (3) (1969) Two-barred Crossbill DERBYSHIRE, Howden Reservoir (1983 until 10 January)

10 J anuary

species 9, individuals 9

More wildfowl and gulls plus the month's second Forster's Tern. The Tengmalm's Owl is remarkable in that only its ringed leg was found. The bird had been ringed as a nestling in Norway in June 1980 (see Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland 1989). Penduline Tit and Rose-coloured Starling are found after an autumn arrival. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1988 until 5 March) Black Brant LINCOLNSHIRE, Wainfleet All Saints (1991) Red-breasted Goose NORFOLK, Cley (1986 until 14 January) American Wigeon FIFE, Eden Estuary (1971) Killdeer HEREFORDSHIRE, Sink Green (1985 until 15 January)

11 January

Forster's Tern PEMBROKESHIRE, Fishguard Harbour (1994 until 11 January) Tengmalm's Owl DURHAM, Fishburn (1981) Penduline Tit DORSET, Swineham (1989) Rose-coloured Starling HERTFORDSHIRE, Hemel Hempstead (1967)

species 10, individuals 15

The Double-crested Cormorant is the first for the Western Palearctic, whilst both Kent and Shetland received Great Bustards on this day in 1970, continuing this species' trend of mid-winter finding dates. The Nutcracker in Norfolk is a late find from the 1968 irruption when over 300 birds arrived. Double-crested Cormorant DURHAM, Charlton's Pond (1989 until 21 April) Red-breasted Goose HAMPSHIRE, Ringwood (1969 until 19 January) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Upper Tamar Reservoir (3) (1992) King Eider NORTHUMBERLAND, Fenham Flats (1974) Harlequin Duck SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1965 until 2 February)

White-tailed Eagle FERMANAGH, Garrison (1973) Great Bustard KENT, St Margaret's Bay (2) (1970); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 6 April) Ross's Gull GALWAY, Galway Town (1984 until 4 March) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Holkham (1969) Arctic Redpoll SUFFOLK, Martlesham (1989 until 28 January)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 23

12 January

species 7, individuals 10

Kent is probably a predictable county in which to find a Steppe Buzzard, whilst two Kumlien's Gulls is an increase from the usual single record and is the species' joint est date: the Devon individual being particularly noteworthy. The Desert Wheatear in Essex is the first of several late autumn and mid-winter records (with a number over-wintering). The White's Thrush, one of the few to venture south, keeps to a single day routine. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Gluss Voe(1979) Red-breasted Goose ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1993 until 12 February) Steppe Buzzard KENT, Reculver (1975 unti120 April) Kumlien's Gull DEVON, Plymouth (1983 until 16 January); GALWAY, GalwayDump (1989 until 18 February)

Desert Wheatear ESSEX, East Mersea (1958 until 13 January) White's Thrush DEVON, Salcombe (1984) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (3) (1991)

13 January

species 5, individuals 6

The White-billed Diver continues this species' northerly bias, whilst the American Herring Gull is more typical of Ireland. The Olive-backed Pipit in Essex is an obvious late find from the previous autumn's record influx. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Bluemull Sound (1991) Blue-winged Teal SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1982); SUFFOLK, Alton Water (1982) Long-billed Dowitcher SOMERSET, Steart (1978) American Herring Gull GALWAY, GalwayDump (1991)

Olive-backed Pipit ESSEX, Pitsea (1994 until 26 February) CATEGORY D SPECIES Baikal Teal FERMANAGH, Crom (1967)

14 January

species 5, individuals 5

Bonaparte's and Ross's Gulls are both in typical areas, whilst the American Robin, on the inaccessible island of St Kilda, is the first of four over three consecutive days. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Yell (1987) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Sennen (1990) Ross's Gull SHETLAND, Whalsay (1981)

24 Rare Birds Day by Day

American Robin OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1975 until 15 February)

Arctic Redpoll YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985 until 17 January)

15 Jannary

species 11, individuals 14

A good day with a long-staying Cattle Egret found on Anglesey and two Lesser White-fronted Geese in eastern England. Both the Sociable Plover and Rosecoloured Starling are unseasonal; two more of January's five American Robins are found making this the best day for this Nearctic thrush. Cattle Egret ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Alaw (1981 until 24 May) Thndra Swan CORK, Ballycotton (1985 until 27 February) Lesser White-fronted Goose NORFOLK, Halvergate Marshes (1964); NORTHUMBERLAND, Budle Bay (2) (1978 until 22 January) Black Brant ESSEX, Kirby-Ie-Soken (1990 until 20 January) Sociable Plover ORKNEY, Carrick (1969 until 21 January) Laughing Gull WARWICKSHIRE, Edgbaston Reservoir (1985 until 19 January)

16 Jannary

Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Scatness (1993) Snowy Owl SUFFOLK, Shingle Street (1964) American Robin DORSET, Brands Bay (1966 until 16 January); DOWN, Saintfield (1982) Rose-coloured Starling LINCOLNSHIRE, Market Deeping (1983 until 8 March) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1984 until 25 February)

species 12, individuals 16

More winter wildfowlwith the Harlequin Duck in Shetland adding a touch of class. A typically northern Gyr Falcon and the second day in January for Great Bustards to be found, today's four making this the best day for the species. The fourth American Robin in three days is impressive and a newly found Parrot Crossbill is probably from the previous autumn's irruption. White-billed Diver EAST LOTHIAN, Gullane Bay (1970) Night Heron BERKSHIRE, Burghfield (1976 until 4 March) American Wigeon FERMANAGH, Castle Caldwell (2) (1991 until 26 March) King Eider SHETLAND, West Voe of Sumburgh (1994 until 24 January) Harlequin Duck SHETLAND, Sullom Voe (1987 until 25 February) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1968 until 17 January)

Great Bustard SUFFOLK, Harkstead (4) (1987 until 20 January) Killdeer WEST LOTHIAN, Bo'ness (1983 until 20 March) Ross's Gull LANCASHIRE, Southport (1983) American Robin CORK, Glengariff (1977) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Baltasound (1994) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Hartsholme (1963) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1994 until 11 April)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 25

17 J anuary

species 8, individuals 10

A southern Killdeer is the second for the month, whilst the Bonaparte's Gull is a good east coast find for this predominantly western American gull. Lesser White-fronted Goose KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, site unknown (1958 until 25 February) Black Brant ESSEX, Crouch Estuary (1992) American Wigeon INVERNESS-SHIRE, Moray Firth (1965 until 28 February); SHETLAND, Loch of Melby & Loch of Collaster (2) (1989 1 until 19 February, 1 until 18 March) King Eider CORNWALL, Portscatho (1986 until 16 March)

18 January

Killdeer SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1976) Bonaparte's Gull DURHAM, Whitbum (1987) Ross's Gull ABERDEENSHIRE, Fraserburgh (1993 until 26 January) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Sandringham (1991)

species 1, individuals 1

The quietest day of the year with only one rarity found on this date between 1958 and 1994. Snowy Owl ROSS-SHIRE, Moss of Wester (1993 until 31 January)

19 January

species 7, individuals 16

A stark contrast to the previous day and a return to quality rare bird finds against a backdrop of more typical winter species. The second of the month's Little Crakes, probably like the previous one, going undetected for some time after arriving the previous autumn. The Naumann's Thrush in Essex is the first British record, whilst the Parrot Crossbills are further finds after the 1962 irruption. Lesser White-fronted Goose LANCASHIRE, Southport (1985); NORFOLK, Yare Valley (1958) Red-breasted Goose KENT, Chetney Marsh (1985 until 23 March) Blue-winged Teal HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (2) (1969)

Little Crake GLAMORGAN, Diles Lake (1967 until 22 January)

26 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Ross's Gull ANTRIM, Ramore Head (1983 until 20 January); SHETLAND, Scalloway (1975 , until 29 January) Naumann's Thrush ESSEX, Woodford Green (1990 until 9 March) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Hartsholme (6) (1963, 3 until 26 January, 3 until 1 February);

NORTHUMBERLAND, Kielder Forest (1991)

20 January

species 7, individuals 10

Only the Lesser Yellowlegs stands out from an otherwise ordinary group of winter rarities and localities. The King Eider was found dead. Lesser White-fronted Goose STIRLINGSHIRE, Carnbus (1960) Black Brant ESSEX, North Farnbridge (1982 until 28 January) American Wigeon SHETLAND, Norwick (2) (1968 until 3 February) King Eider SHETLAND, Sand Voe (1993)

21 January

Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Sullorn Voe (1979) Lesser Yellowlegs GALWAY, Rahasane (1977) Arctic Redpoll ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1985); LINCOLNSHIRE, Kirkby Moor (2) (1991 1 until 27 January)

species 9, individuals 10

An unusual collection of herons are recorded on this date, with an American Bittern in Ireland and two European herons both in Norfolk. Suffolk's White-tailed Eagle is the second eastern England record of this species for the month, whilst the Killdeer is the third to be found so far in January. American Bittern WEXFORD, Killag (1990) Little Bittern NORFOLK, Repps Staithe (1968) Great White Egret NORFOLK, Cley (1994) Black Brant LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1982 until 23 January) American Wigeon ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Bodgylched (1979 until 25 February)

22 January

White-tailed Eagle SUFFOLK, Minsrnere & Sizewell (1982 until 30 January) Killdeer AYRSHIRE, Portencross (1984) Ivory Gull WATERFORD, Dungarvan (1988) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Linwood Warren (2) (1991 until 27 January)

species 10, individuals 13

Undoubtedly a day for very rare gulls, with two American species and two high Arctic species, including the second Franklin's, third Laughing and fifth Ivory Gulls for the month. The four widely scattered Ross's Gulls make this the best day for this spectacular little gull. White-billed Diver CAITHNESS, Noss Head (1981) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slirnbridge (1972 until 19 February) Black Brant ESSEX, Kirby-le-Soken (1984) American Wigeon DONEGAL, Lough Swilly (1994 until 23 January)

Black Scoter NAIRN, Culbin Bar (1989 until 8 February) Laughing Gull DURHAM, Blaydon (1984 until 25 January) Franklin's Gull DEVON, Plymouth (1982 until 11 February)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 27

Ross's Gull SHETLAND, Scalloway (1972), Baltasound (1981 until 24 January), Sumburgh (1983 until 23 January); WEXFORD, Kilmore Quay (1983 until 23 January)

23 J anuary

Ivory Gull DORSET, Portland (1980 until 10 February) Snowy Owl ANGus, Kirriemuir (1965)

species 7, individuals 9

An Olive-backed Pipit in southern Ireland is exceptional, but a Short-toed Treecreeper would only be so if it was found away from Dungeness. The Devon Nutcracker is a new find from the previous autumn's irruption of over 300 birds, whilst the 1965 Snowy Owl in Kent mirrors the 1964 individual in Suffolk. Is it the same bird? White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Fetlar (1993) Lesser White-fronted Goose KENT, Sheppey (1994 until 6 March); NORFOLK, Yare Valley (1971 until 14 March) Ross's Gull ABERDEENSHIRE, Fraserburgh (1993 until 26 January)

24 January

Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Moray Basin (1966 until 3 March); KENT, Lydd (1965 until 31 January) Olive-backed Pipit CORK, Cobh (1991 until 24 January) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (1991 until 31 January) Nutcracker DEVON, Paignton (1969)

species 8, individuals 11

Another American Bittern is found during the big freeze of 1991,but it is for another American vagrant that this date will long be remembered. The Golden-winged Warbler was not only the first record for the Western Palearctic, but drew the largest crowds ever recorded. Even more remarkably, this was the second American warbler to be found in Kent during January 1989 (see 6 January). Three more Ross's Gulls makes this the second best date for this species and takes the January running total to 15. American Bittern LANCASHIRE, Marton Mere (1991 until 12 May) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (2) (1969 until 5 March) Red-breasted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1959 until 12 March) American Wigeon ORKNEY, Loch of Harray (1989 unti124 March)

28 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Gyr Falcon BERKSHIRE, Binfield (1971) Ross's Gull ABERDEENSHIRE, Fraserburgh (1993 until 30 January); CORNWALL, Newlyn (1989 until 28 January); SHETLAND, Scalloway (1981 until 5 February) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (1965) Golden-winged Warbler KENT, Maidstone (1989 until 10 April)

25 January

species 10, individuals 12

Today sees the month's second Pied-billed Grebe and Cattle Egret. Two Briinnich's Guillemots makes this date the joint best for the species. The two Nearctic gulls show their western bias with today being the joint best day for Kumlien's. Pied-billed Grebe DORSET, Radipole Lake (1980 until 4 February) Cattle Egret CAERNARVONSHIRE, Aber (1981 until 13 March) King Eider CAITHNESS, Wick (1987 until 26 February) Gyr Falcon ORKNEY, St Ola (1992) Laughing Gull CORK, Cobh (1984 until 29 January) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1986 until 15 March)

26 January

Kumlien's Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1994 until 6 February); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1994) Ivory Gull YORKSHIRE, Homsea (1976) Briinnich's Guillemot KrNCARDINESHIRE, Johnshaven (1981); ORKNEY, Sule Skerry (1991) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Thorpe End (1989 until 25 March)

species 13, individuals 21

Black Duck is an extreme rarity and is a species rarely found away from Ireland or the western seaboard of Britain. The Pacific Golden Plover is highly unseasonal as this species shows a clear summer bias; six Arctic Redpolls also stand out as does an over-wintering Rustic Bunting. Two more Ross's Gulls brings the month's total to 17 along with the month's fourth Forster's Tern and seventh Kumlien's Gull. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Rousay (1984 until 1 April) Night Heron HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch (1962) Black Brant SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1986 until 27 February) American Wigeon HERTFORDSHIRE, Marsworth Reservoir (1971) Black Duck CORK, Ballycotton (1993 until 28 January) Gyr Falcon GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1964 until 11 March) Pacific Golden Plover YORKSHIRE, Fraisthorpe (1985 until 2 February) Kumlien's Gull DEVON, Plymouth (1993 until 24 February)

Ross's Gull CAITHNESS, Thurso (1976); DURHAM, Sunderland (1994 until 7 March) Forster's Tern WATERFORD, Dungarvan (1985 until 2 February) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, North Somercotes (1991 until 5 February); NORFOLK, Winterton (1986), Burnham Deepdale (1986 until 27 January); SUFFOLK, West Stow (2) (1991 until 16 February); YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1985 until 27 January) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Hartsholme (3) (1963) Rustic Bunting CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fowlmere (1994 until 10 March)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 29

27 J anuary

species 10, individuals 12

The Penduline Tits in Hampshire stand out from the more usual winter rarities. White-billed Diver AYRSHIRE, Cumbrae (1973) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1960 until 18 March) Black Brant NORFOLK, Salthouse (1990 until 28 January) American Wigeon SUFFOLK, Minsmere (2) (1988, 1 until 28 January, 1 until 28 August) Gyr Falcon ORKNEY, Graemsay (1984)

Kumlien's Gull WEXFORD, Wexford Town (1986) Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Bridlington (1974) Forster's Tern CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1987 until 3 February) Penduline Tit HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (2) (1991)

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Bradwell (1991 until 1 March)

28 January

species 13, individuals 15

Another good January date with a selection of typical winter finds and a handful of extreme or unseasonal rarities. Little Bustards show no seasonal preference for visiting Britain, whilst the White-rumped Sandpiper is clearly unseasonal. Two Black-throated Thrushes (the species' best day) and an American Robin continue to show how good January is for rare thrushes. White-billed Diver SLIGO, Rosses Point (1977) American Wigeon FIFE, Eden Estuary (1987 until 31 January) Blue-winged Teal NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Clumber Park (1979) King Eider CAERNARVONSHIRE, Black Rock Sands (1989 until 23 September) Little Bustard ESSEX, Bridgewick Farm (1969) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Ballyheigue Strand (1959) Great Snipe GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1958) Kumlien's Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1994 until 2 February)

30 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Ross's Gull SHETLAND, Quendale (1981 until 31 January) Snowy Owl MONMOUTHSHIRE, Abergavenny (1976) Black-throated Thrush NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1979); YORKSHIRE, Kellington (1990 until 4 February) American Robin KERRY, Sceilig Mhichil (Great Skellig) (1965)

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, East Harling (1992 until 6 February); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Warsop (1987 until 31 January)

29 January

species 6, individuals 22

A much quieter January day but still noteworthy for the month's fifth Bonaparte's Gull and sixteen Parrot Crossbills adding to the invasion total of the 1990-91 winter. The two Pine Buntings bring the month total to three and the 1992 individual is the first of two crowd-pleasers that winter. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1967 until 4 March) American Wigeon DEVON, River Erme (1983 until 4 February) King Eider CORK, Baltimore (1959 until 24 February) Bonaparte's Gull SURREY, Barn Elms Reservoir (1983)

Parrot Crossbill BERKSHIRE, Easthamstead (4) (1983 until 6 February); YORKSHIRE, Winksley (12) (1983 until 24 February) Pine Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1992 until 19 February); SURREY, Ewhurst (1989)

30 January

species 9, individuals 13

Three American Wigeons on this date are noteable, as is the unseasonal, yet second Lesser Yellowlegs for January. The Kumlien's Gull brings the month's total up to ten. Two more Ross's Gulls are also found. Black-browed Albatross ATSEA, SEA-AREA VIKING, 60 OON 02 OOE (1990)

Night Heron SUFFOLK, Felixstowe (1992 until 4 March) Lesser White-fronted Goose KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, site unknown (1959 until 4 February) Red-breasted Goose SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1986 until 3 March) American Wigeon ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Bodgylched (1977 until 31 January); DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1983); SOMERSET, Wimbleball Reservoir (1987 until 23 March, returning 28 December until 24 January 1988)

Lesser Yellowlegs DORSET, Lodmoor (1981 until 31 January) Kumlien's Gull DONEGAL, Killybegs (1983 until 12 February) Ross's Gull INVERNESS-SHIRE, Inverness (1993 until 25 March); NORTHUMBERLAND, North Shields (1993)

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Carrow (1991) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (2) (1984, remaining to breed in 1984 & 1985)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 31

31 January

species 12, individuals 13

No new species fare recorded or the month, but more wildfowl and gulls to round off the month with very impressive totals for several very rare species: three Piedbilled Grebes, six Killdeers, seven Bonaparte's, 21 Ross's and seven Ivory Gulls, and four Briinnich's Guillemots. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Filey (1987 until 2 February) Pied-billed Grebe GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1987 until 25 April, returning 31 October until 1 April 1988) American Wigeon DOWN, Strangford Lough (1963) King Eider SHETLAND, Lerwick (1982 until 8 April) Gyr Falcon AYRSHIRE, Girvan (1978) Killdeer SURREY, Beddington Sewage Farm (1984 until 1 February) Dowitcher sp. YORKSHIRE, Bolton-on-Swale (1973) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Portscatho (1988 until 6 February), Marazion (1993 until 6 February)

32 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Ross's Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, Stornoway (1993 until 3 February) Ivory Gull YORKSHIRE, Saltburn (1986 until 8 February) Briinnich's Guillemot CAITHNESS, Reay Beach (1976) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 6 February) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican CORNWALL, Loe Pool (1989)

January species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Double-crested Cormorant American Bittern Little Bittern Night Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Tundra Swan Lesser White-fronted Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal King Eider Harlequin Duck Black Scoter White-tailed Eagle Steppe Buzzard GyrFalcon Little Crake Little Bustard Great Bustard Killdeer Pacific Golden Plover Sociable Plover White-rumped Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Lesser Yellowlegs Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull American Herring Gull

14 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 23 15 10 23 1 8 9 3 1 3 1 8 2 1 8 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 2 7 1

Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Forster's Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Snowy Owl Tengmalm's Owl Olive-backed Pipit Desert Wheatear White's Thrush Naumann's Thrush Black-throated Thrush American Robin Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Golden-winged Warbler Common Yellowthroat Dark-eyed Junco Pine Bunting Rustic Bunting Northern Oriole

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican Greater Flamingo Falcated Duck Baikal Teal Red-headed Bunting

10 21 7 4

4 12 1 3 1 2 1 5 5 1 3 5 3 29 1 29 1 1 1 3 1 1 62

331 1 1 1 2 1

Rare Birds Day by Day - 33

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Rare Birds Day by Day - 35

1 February

species 5, individuals 9

February continues where January left off with a recognisable cast of true winter rarities. The Nutcrackers add to the 1968 irruption figures. White-billed Diver NAIRN, Findhorn Bay (1970); ROSS-SHIRE, Gruinard Bay (1994 until 1 May) Ross's Gull ANTRIM, Ramore Head (1981 until 2 February); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1986)

2 February

Ivory Gull YORKSHIRE, Hornsea (1971) Forster's Tern MAYO, The Mullet (1989) Nutcracker CHESHIRE, Frankby (3) (1969)

species 6, individuals 8

Nothing out of the ordinary on this date. Slimbridge continues its special relationship with Lesser White-fronted Geese. White-billed Diver DOWN, Ardglass (1986 until 30 March) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1964 until 4 February) American Wigeon ARGYLLSHIRE, Campbletown (1992 until 14 April); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals

Kumlien's Gull SLIGO, Sligo Dump (1991) Ross's Gull AYRSHIRE, Ayr (1985 until 3 February) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (2) (1991)


3 February

species 11, individuals 13

Two Briinnich's Guillemots and a Lesser Yellowlegs in Sussex brighten up an otherwise typical winter day. White-billed Diver CORK, Lough Hyne (1974) Night Heron WILTSHIRE, Dinton (1985 until 10 February) Tundra Swan CORK, Ballycotton (1983 until 18 February) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1968 until 27 February); NORFOLK, Cley (1961 until 8 February) Black Brant NORFOLK, Burnham Norton & Burnham Overy (1993 until 6 March)

36 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-breasted Goose ESSEX, Shoeburyness (1985) American Wigeon MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (1990 until 18 April) King Eider MORAYSHIRE, Burghead (1986) Lesser Yellowlegs SUSSEX, Eastbourne (1983 until 9 April) Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Virkie (1994) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, Hamnavoe (1987 until 7 February); SUTHERLAND, Brora (1982)

4 February

species 7, individuals 8

The Black-browed Albatross is the earliest ever to be seen from land. White-billed Diver INVERNESS-SHIRE, Inverness (2) (1959, 1 until 11 February) Black-browed Albatross DORSET, Durlston Country Park (1980) Lesser White-fronted Goose NORFOLK, Yare Valley (1960) Red-breasted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1967 until 28 February) American Wigeon DEVON, River Erme (1983)

5 February

Black Duck SHETLAND, Loch of Spiggie (1990 until 29 April) Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Lerwick (1983 until 8 February) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck YORKSHIRE, Potteric Carr (1984 until 7 February)

species 4, individuals 4

A very quiet day but a long-staying Killdeer and the earliest ever Rock Thrush both stand out against the two more familiar winter species. Lesser White-fronted Goose KENT, Sheppey (1994 until 13 February) Black Brant ESSEX, Benfleet Creek (1983 until 10 February) Killdeer CARMARTHENSHIRE, Pwll (1978 until 12 March)

6 February

Rock Thrush KENT, Minster (1983 until 1 April) CATEGORY D SPECIES Baikal Teal MORAYSHIRE, Loch Spynie (1958)

species 7, individuals 9

More Lesser White-fronted Geese at Slimbridge and a typically brief Briinnich's Guillemot, although somewhat further south than normal. It is, however, for the Harlequin Duck in Scotland that this day will be remembered. The bird stayed in the area for over three months and received a steady trickle of admirers from the south. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (2) (1966 until 13 February); LANARKSHIRE, Carnwath (1974) Blue-winged Teal LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1967) Harlequin Duck CAITHNESS, Wick (1991 until 17 May) Gyr Falcon DEVON, Exminster Marshes (1975) Franklin's Gull CORNWALL, Helston Park Lake (1987)

Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Bigton (1994) Briinnich's Guillemot MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1994) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck KENT, Motney Hill (1987 until 17 March)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 37

7 February

species 8, individuals 10

The American Coot remains the sole Irish record, whilst the Great Bustards in Norfolk continue this species' winter run of records. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Dury Voe (1987 until 15 February), West Burrafirth (1991 until 9 February) Black-browed Albatross AT SEA, SEA-AREA FORTH, 14 miles Northeast of Eyemouth (1968) Night Heron ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Menai Straits (1960 until 11 March) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1987 until 15 March)

8 February

Gyr Falcon DURHAM, Pikestone Fell (1987) American Coot CORK, Ballycotton (1981 until 3 April) Great Bustard NORFOLK, New Buckenham (2) (1987 until 10 February) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, West Burra (1987) Nutcracker YORKSHIRE, Bamsley (1969)

species 8, individuals 9

A White-billed Diver as far south as Cornwall, an unseasonal Baillon's Crake and one of the few records of the Scandinavian sub-species of Willow Tit are all noteworthy. White-billed Diver CORNWALL, St Ives (1988 until 22 February); SUTHERLAND, Golspie (1978) Red-breasted Goose SUSSEX, Amberley (1958 until 17 February) American Wigeon AYRSHIRE, Bumfoot (1989) Gyr Falcon EAST LOTHIAN, Lammermuir Hills (1981)

9 February

Baillon's Crake GLAMORGAN, Llantwit Major (1976) Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Lerwick (1994) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Scalloway (1962 until 19 February) Boreal Willow Tit YORKSHIRE, Thome Moors (1975)

species 10, individuals 11

A Black Duck in East Lothian is one of only three during the period away from west coast areas and the Least Sandpiper is the earliest ever, although its location and length of stay may well indicate it had gone undetected since the previous autumn. The Rustic Bunting in Surrey continues the trend of rare buntings found overwintering White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Burray (1991 until 22 February) American Wigeon HAMPSHIRE, Lower Test Marshes (1991 until 15 April) Black Duck EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1985 until 23 May)

38 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Least Sandpiper CORNWALL, Portscatho (1986 until 20 April) Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Lerwick (1994 until 10 February) Ross's Gull DURHAM, Seaton Carew (1983)

Briinnich's Guillemot WEST LOTHIAN, Kilspindie Beach (1980), Ferry Ness (1980) Nutcracker KENT, Minster (1969)

10 February

Arctic Redpoll YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1986 until 27 February) Rustic Bunting SURREY, Beddington Sewage Farm (1993 until 13 March)

species 2, individuals 2

One of the quietest dates in the calendar. Night Heron KENT, Mersham (1958) Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Lerwick (1994 until 10 March)

11 February

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Gatley Pool (1986)

species 5, individuals 7

A typical winter selection, with only the Blue-winged Teal standing out. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1958, 1960 until 19 March & 1977 until 28 February) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1990 until 24 March) Black Duck GWYNEDD, Aber (1979 until 29 January 1985 during which it hyridized with a female Mallard raising at least 8 hybrid young)

12 February

Blue-winged Teal HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Fenstanton (1978 until 12 February) Snowy Owl BANFFSHIRE, Cabrach (1965 until 25 February)

species 6, individuals 6

Antrim's Giant's Causeway was the place to be on this date in 1979. TheAmerican Robin was found towards the end of its usual finding period, whilst the Pine Bunting was the second individual found over-wintering in England in 1992. American Wigeon LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1974 until 24 February) Gyr Falcon ANTRIM, Giant's Causeway (1979) Dowitcher sp. ANTRIM, Giant's Causeway (1979) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND,

American Robin BERKSHIRE, Windsor Great Park (1966 until 5 March) Pine Bunting ESSEX, Dagenham Chase (1992 until 17 March)

Wadbister (1994)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 39

13 February

species 6, individuals 7

The Lesser Scaup is the first record for Ireland and followed hot on the heels of the first British record in March 1987. Red-breasted Goose LINCOLNSHIRE, Leverton Marsh (1985 until 14 February) American Wigeon CUMBERLAND, Leven Estuary (1990 until 25 February); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1993 until 14 February) Lesser Scaup DOWN, Corbet Lough (1988 until 27 February)

14 February

White's Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971) Nutcracker CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Cherry Hinton (1987) Arctic Redpoll DURHAM, Dunston-upon-Tyne (1991)

species 9, individuals 12

Three White-billed Divers are remarkable and one on the south coast of England is particularly unusual. Two more Lesser White-fronted Geese are found at Slimbridge. The Nutcracker is yet another left-over from the 1968 irruption. White-billed Diver DURHAM, Hartlepool (1981 until 22 February); HAMpSHIRE, near Lymington (1991); SHETLAND, Bunidale (1982) Night Heron SUFFOLK, Bawdsey (1986) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1959 until 27 February & 1972) Lesser Scaup LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1993 until 17 February) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Mid Yell (1994)

15 February

Long-billed Dowitcher SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1965 until 15 March) Dowitcher sp. MEATH, Boyne Estuary (1982 until 28 February) Nutcracker ISLE OF WIGHT, Brighstone Bay (1969 until 20 February) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, River Wensum (1991 until 22 February)

species 7, individuals 7

A typical selection for the time of year. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Robin Hood's Bay (1966 until 16 February) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1959 until 21 March) Black Brant KENT, South Medway (1974) Killdeer CORK, Ballymacoda (1984 until 24 March)

40 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Great Snipe ESSEX, East Mersea (1969) Ross's Gull PEMBROKESHIRE, Fishguard Harbour (1981 until 16 February) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Aywick (1969) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1987 until 5 April)

16 February

species 6, individuals 11

Nothing too out of the ordinary here. Blue-winged Teal SURREY, Bam Elms Reservoir (1981 until 19 February) Black Scoter WIGTOWNSHIRE, Loch Ryan (1989) Gyr Falcon AT SEA, SEA-AREA HEBRIDES, 65km west of Outer Hebrides (1973) Kumlien's Gull DONEGAL, Killybegs (2) (1991)

17 February

Snowy Owl MID LOTHIAN, Moorfoot Hills (1964) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Winterton (1986), Holkham Meals (3) (1991); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992) Two-barred Crossbill NORFOLK, Sandringham (1975)

species 7, individuals 7

The sixth British record of Dusky Thrush (no Irish records) is typically brief, whilst the three species of gulls are found in relatively routine locations. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1961) Laughing Gull DORSET, Radipole Lake (1969 until 6 October) Bonaparte's Gull DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1987 until 26 February) Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Bridlington Bay (1962 until 22 February)

Dusky Thrush WARWICKSHIRE, Shirley (1979) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Gunton Park (1992 until 19 February) Two-barred Crossbill DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Forest of Ae (1968)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 41

18 February

species 6, individuals 10

TwoWhite-billed Divers and Gyr Falcons make this date noteworthy enough without the help of the month's second Pine Bunting. White-billed Diver MID LOTHIAN, South Queensferry (1979); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1986) Black Duck WEXFORD, North Slob (1961 until 21 February) Gyr Falcon DEVON, Fernworthy Reservoir (1985 until 20 February); SHETLAND, Easter Quarff (1994)

19 February

Snowy Owl NORTHUMBERLAND, North Tyne Valley (1973 until 16 March) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1985 until 10 March); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1986); YORKSHIRE, Old Denaby (1985 until 9 March) Pine Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Big Waters Country Park (1990 until 16 March)

species 10, individuals 11

The Olive-backed Pipit is the first ever to be found over-wintering (and only the third away from the period September-November). The Rock Bunting is Britain's fifth and most recent record. White-billed Diver CORNWALL, Sennen(1985) Black Brant LINCOLNSHIRE, Kirton Marsh (1987) American Wigeon NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1979) King Eider AYRSHIRE, Gales (1979 until 20 February) Laughing Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, Balgarva (1984) Snowy Owl MAYO, Achill Island (2) (1992)

20 February

Olive-backed Pipit BERKSHIRE, Bracknell (1984 until 15 April) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fetlar (1992) Two-barred Crossbill DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Forest of Ae (1968) Rock Bunting YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1965 until 10 March) CATEGORY D SPECIES Baikal Teal DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1973 until 7 April)

species 7, individuals 11

The Parrot Crossbills are part of the 1983/84 irruption and, like the Norfolk birds, stayed on to breed. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Stromness (1991) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1990 until 8 March) Great Snipe NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1960) Forster's Tern CORNWALL, Falmouth (1980 until 18 March)

42 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Nutcracker ESSEX, Holland-on-Sea (1961) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Laughton Forest (1991 until 8 March); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (3) (1985 until 24 February) Parrot Crossbill SUFFOLK, breeding locality withheld (2) (1984 until 1 September)

21 February

species 8, individuals 8

Two birds stand out on this date: the long staying Franklin's Gull and Black-throated Thrush. Black Brant DUBLIN, Malahide (1993 until 9 April) Red-breasted Goose ESSEX, Kirby-Ie-Soken (1984 until 24 February) Black Duck WEXFORD, North Slob (1989 until 13 March) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Cunningsburgh (1983)

22 February

Franklin's Gull HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour & Farlington Marshes (1970 until 16 May) Bonaparte's Gull DEVON, Plymouth Hoe (1990) Black-throated Thrush NORFOLK, Coltishall Airfield (1976 until 3 April) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1982 until 13 April)

species 7, individuals 7

Norfolk comes second only to Gloucestershire for Lesser White-fronted Geese, whilst the south west also accounts for the majority of Upland Sandpipers, yet a midwinter find is highly unusual. The Rose-coloured Starling is also unseasonal. Lesser White-fronted Goose NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1983 until 7 March) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fetlar (1992) Upland Sandpiper DEVON, Topsham (1986) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Gunwalloe (1990)

23 February

Ross's Gull DOWN, Portavogie (1981 until 23 February) Snowy Owl ANGUS, Glen Esk (1958) Rose-coloured Starling KENT, Sandwich Bay (1972 until 27 February)

species 5, individuals 6

The second Baillon's Crake of the month; and Ireland continues to monopolise records for American Herring Gull. White-billed Diver BANFFSHIRE, Banff Bay (1979) American Wigeon SOMERSET, Durleigh Reservoir (1971) Gyr Falcon AYRSHIRE, Glen Tig (1974); DERRY, Magilligan Point (1992) Baillon's Crake BERKSHIRE, Thatcham Marsh (1972)

American Herring Gull CORK, Cork City Dump (1990) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Swettenham (1986 until 22 March)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 43

24 February

species 8, individuals 10

The Great Spotted Cuckoo is the earliest record ever. Night Heron HAMPSHIRE, Ibsley (1990 until 25 February) Tundra Swan CORK, Ballycotton (1979) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1992); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1962 until 25 March) Laughing Gull LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1979)

Ross's Gull CORK, Cobh (1985) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, Burrafirth (1980) Great Spotted Cuckoo DEVON, Lundy (1990) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Church Wood (2) (1991)

25 February

species 6, individuals 16

Four American Wigeons as far apart as Kent and Roxburgh and a Briinnich's Guillemot away from the Northern Isles are noteworthy. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1979 until 4 March); NORFOLK, Acle (1963) American Wigeon KENT, Sandwich Bay (1987 until 26 February); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (2) (1973); ROXBURGHSHIRE, Bowden Reservoir (1975 until 28 February) Kumlien's Gull CORK, Ballycotton (1990)

Briinnich's Guillemot ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1979) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (1965 until 26 February) Arctic Redpoll HERTFORDSHIRE, Stanstead Abbots (1989); YORKSHIRE, Patrington (6) (1962)

26 February

species 5, individuals 5

It is exceptional that no rare wildfowl have been found on this date, whilst the dearth of passerines continues. The Great Bustard continues its winter sequence of records and is February's second. Gyr Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992 until 25 March) Great Bustard NORFOLK, Horsey (1979) Killdeer KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1958 until 2 March)

Bonaparte's Gull FIFE, Luthrie (1972 until 27 February) Ross's Gull CAITHNESS, Wick (1983 until 6 March)

27 February

species 4, individuals 7

The best date for finding a Lesser White-fronted Goose at Slimbridge. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Sand Voe (1983)

Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1962 & (3) 1966)

44 - Rare Birds Day by Day

American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Rostheme Mere (1979 until 2 March)

28 February

Bonaparte's Gull KERRY, Caherdaniel (1983 until 7 March)

species 9, individuals 10

Although Bufflehead has occurred only eight times, February to March now looks a typical finding period. The second and third winter records of White-rumped Sandpiper and a Killdeer are found at the same site, whilst the Red-rumped Swallow is extremely early. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1969 until 5 March) American Wigeon OXFORDSHIRE, Dorchester Gravel Pit (1987 until 15 March) Bufflehead BUCKlNGHAMSHIRE, Foscote Reservoir (1961 until 8 March) White-tailed Eagle YORKSHIRE, Thome Moors (1982 until 1 March)

29 February

Killdeer KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1971) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1965 until 14 March & 1971) American Herring Gull CORK, Cork City Dump (1990) Ross's Gull CLARE, Aughinish (1988) Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, Tresco (1994 until 28 March)

species 2, individuals 2

It is little wonder that few birds are found on this date since it only occurs every four years! Black Brant ESSEX, Jaywick (1984) Killdeer DERBYSHIRE, Egginton Sewage Farm (1964 until 22 March)

Snowy Owl AT SEA, SEA-AREA DOVER (1992 - boarded ship on 26 February 680 nautical miles east of Newfoundland and departed the ship near Folkestone)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 45

February species at a glance White-billed Diver Black-browed Albatross Night Heron Tundra Swan Lesser White-fronted Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal Lesser Scaup King Eider Harlequin Duck Black Scoter Bufflehead White-tailed Eagle GyrFalcon Baillon's Crake American Coot Great Bustard Killdeer Least Sandpiper White-romped Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Upland Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull American Herring Gull

46 - Rare Birds Day by Day

21 1 5 2 24 6 5 21 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 2 1 3 5 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 5 2

Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Forster's Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Great Spotted Cuckoo Snowy Owl Red-romped Swallow Olive-backed Pipit Rock Thrush White's Thrush Dusky Thrush Black-throated Thrush American Robin Boreal Willow Tit Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Pine Bunting Rock Bunting Rustic Bunting

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck Baikal Teal Red-headed Bunting

10 10 2 2 9 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 29 3 2 2 1 1 55 243

3 2 2


Rare Birds Day by Day - 47

1 March

species 7, individuals 49

March starts with a bang with an early Cattle Egret and a rather late finding date for a Lesser White-fronted Goose. March usually sees the first Alpine Swifts moving through the country, whilst the Isabelline Shrike is the earliest on record. The 41 Parrot Crossbills in Yorkshire are part of the 1990-91 invasion. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Filey (1969) Cattle Egret MONMOUTHSHIRE, Llandenny (1981) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1970) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (3) (1980 until 2 May)

2 March

Alpine Swift CARDIGANSHIRE, Borth (1987) Isabelline Shrike SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1975 until 20 April) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Birk Brow (41) (1991 until 18 March)

species 3, individuals 4

Not quantity but quality: two more Great Bustards continues the sequence of birds down the east coast during the winter. Great Bustard NORFOLK, Bacton (2) (1979) Bonaparte's Gull DORSET, Portland (1990)

3 March

Snowy Owl ESSEX, Sewardstonebury (1963 until 28 March)

species 8, individuals 10

Tundra Swan and American Herring Gull are both Irish specialities, whilst the Black-and-White Warbler is probably a survivor from the previous autumn. Tundra Swan WEXFORD, South Slob (1985 until 31 March) King Eider SHETLAND, Sullom Voe (1981 until 30 June) American Herring Gull CORK, Cork City Dump (1990), Ballycotton (1990); DONEGAL, Killybegs (2) (1990 until 16 April) Kumlien's Gull CORNWALL, Penzance (1979 until 15 March)

4 March

Snowy Owl K!NCARDINESHIRE, Cairn O'Mount (1960) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Church Wood (1991) Two-barred Crossbill DENBIGHSHIRE, Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr (1991 until 26 March) Black-and-white Warbler DEVON, Tavistock (1978)

species 5, individuals 5

The Penduline Tit continues this species' 1990s trend of winter records. White-billed Diver NORTHUMBERLAND, Boulmer (1979) Red-breasted Goose DEVON, Bickham (1963 until 8 March)

48 - Rare Birds Day by Day

American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1990 until 8 March)

American Herring Gull GALWAY, Galway Dump (1990 until 17 March) Penduline Tit KENT, Dungeness (1994 until 18 March)

5 March

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting KENT, Dungeness (1961)

species 6, individuals 8

Three Gyr Falcons is a good day total, whilst the Red-rumped Swallow is the month's second. White-billed Diver BANFFSHIRE, Buckie (1972 until 20 May) American Wigeon YORKSHIRE, Broomhill Flash (1982 until 7 April) Gyr Falcon CORNWALL, Port Quin (1961); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994 until 2 May); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1983)

6 March

Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Falmouth (1983) Red-rumped Swallow PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale Fort (1977) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Deerness (1982)

species 9, individuals 10

The Little Crake is at the beginning of the species' usual period (following the two January records). The Tengmalm's Owl is the first of seven during the period and is the most recent to be recorded in England. American Wigeon NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Sutton-cum-Lound (1986) Gyr Falcon CORK, Midleton (1970); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1971) Little Crake SUSSEX, Cuckmere Haven (1985 until 16 March) Killdeer HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Bainton Gravel Pit (1976 until 27 March)

7 March

Long-billed Dowitcher LANCASHIRE, Banks Marsh (1981 until 12 April) Lesser Yellowlegs DEVON, Horsey Island (1977) Bonaparte's Gull DUBLIN, Sandymount (1983 until 31 March) Tengmalm's Owl YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1983 until 27 March) Nutcracker CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wimblington Gravel Pit (1968 until 11 March)

species 9, individuals 10

A good selection of late winter species, with only the Glossy Ibis being a new addition. The Great Bustard is the second record of the month. White-billed Diver SUTHERLAND, Dornoch Firth (1987) Cattle Egret CORK, K.ilkerran Lake (1976) Glossy Ibis CORK, Lough Beg (1981)

Lesser White-fronted Goose CARMARTHENSHIRE, Dryslwyn (1971 ) Gyr Falcon DEVON, Pulford (1972) Great Bustard SUFFOLK, Sudbourne (1987)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 49

Killdeer CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 31 March); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Little Paxton Gravel Pit (1959 until 9 March) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Marazion (1990 until 25 March)

8 March

Kumlien's Gull SHETLAND, Lerwick (1994 until 29 March)

species 12, individuals 12

Today heralds the first real change in the species list with several early spring migrants and late winter finds. The Lesser Scaup and Black-faced Bunting are both firsts for Britain & Ireland (although the latter has not yet been formally accepted by the BOURC), and both had probably gone undetected for most of the winter. Sociable Plovers can turn up in any month but the Broad-billed Sandpiper, White-winged Black Tern and Sardinian Warbler are all particularly early. American Wigeon HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1994 until 12 March) Lesser Scaup STAFFORDSHIRE, Chasewater Reservoir (1987 until 26 April) Sociable Plover KENT, Dartford Marsh (1985 until 13 April) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1991) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Polruan & Fowey (1992) Kumlien's Gull KERRY, Blennerville (1994 until 27 March)

9 March

Ross's Gull CORNWALL, Poldhu (1988 until 12 March) White-winged Black Tern CARMARTHENSHIRE, Llandefeilog (1958) Snowy Owl SCILLY, St Martins (1972 until 27 April) Sardinian Warbler CORNWALL, Stratton (1990 until 22 March) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Rollesby Broad (1991 until 9 March) Black-faced Bunting LANCASHIRE, Pennington Flash (1994 until 24 April)

species 6, individuals 13

A return to typical winter species. White-billed Diver WEST LOTHIAN, Hopetoun (1986) American Wigeon CUMBERLAND, Duddon Estuary (1989 until 15 April) Kumlien's Gull DUBLIN, Skerries (1990 until 10 March)

50 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Briinnich's Guillemot CAITHNESS, Dunnet Bay (1988) Snowy Owl DEVON, North Molton (1972) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Church Wood (1991); NORFOLK, Rollesby Broad (7) (1991)

10 March

species 7, individuals 30

The second ever Evening Grosbeak spent 16 days feeding at a garden bird-table. But where had it been throughout the winter? Of the 22 Arctic Redpolls found today, 15 are in Norfolk. Lesser White-fronted Goose KENT, Cliffe (1984) American Wigeon GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1991); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1986 until 5 April) King Eider FIFE, Culross (1974 until 15 December) Long-billed Dowitcher GLAMORGAN, Rhymney Estuary (1989 until 18 April); HAMPSHIRE, Curbridge (1986 until 16 April)

11 March

Bonaparte's Gull WARWICKSHIRE, Kenilworth (1990 until 28 March) Arctic Redpoll ESSEX, Hockley Woods (1991); NORFOLK, Mousehold Heath (20) (1991, 15 until 17 March, 5 until 22 March); SURREY, Godstone (1991 until 11 March) Evening Grosbeak INVERNESS-SHIRE, Nethybridge (1980 until 25 March)

species 8, individuals 11

Early spring migrants include two Great Spotted Cuckoos (the species' best day) and a Desert Wheatear, although the latter could have over-wintered. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Filey (1988 until 12 March) Lesser White-fronted Goose ARGYLLSHIRE, Bridgend (1986 until 15 March); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1960) American Wigeon DURHAM, Hartlepool (1990 unti116 March) Blue-winged Teal WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1968 until 27 March) Gyr Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, Cheese Bay (1989);

12 March

SUSSEX, Steyning (1972 until 24 March) Great Spotted Cuckoo DORSET, St Aldhelm's Head (1989 until 12 March); SCILLY, St Martins (1993 until 1 April) Desert Wheatear WEXFORD, Carnsore Point (1990 until 21 March) Parrot Crossbill HIGHLAND, locality withheld (1987 until 22 March)

species 3, individuals 3

The third Great Spotted Cuckoo of the month brightens up the day. American Golden Plover AYRSHIRE, New Cumnock (1994 until 17 March) Ross's Gull LANCASHIRE, Rossall Point & Fleetwood Marina (1994 until 17 March)

Great Spotted Cuckoo ISLE OF MAN, Ballajora (1963)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 51

13 March

species 6, individuals 6

This occurrence of Great Spotted Cuckoo takes the species to three days in a row and is the most recent Irish record. American Wigeon NORFOLK, Welney (1987) Blue-winged Teal ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1983 until 16 March) Gyr Falcon ATSEA, SEA AREA NORTH ATLANTIC, Ows Lima at 57 OON 20 OOW (1980) Killdeer SHETLAND, Hillwell & Brake area (1993 until 20 March)

14 March

Bonaparte's Gull ANTRIM, Ramore Head (1981) American Herring Gull ANTRIM, Belfast Tip (1991) Great Spotted Cuckoo DUBLIN, Bull Island (1983)

species 8, individuals 11

Two American Wigeons, two Gyr Falcons, two Bonaparte's Gulls and a Bufflehead stand out on this date, as does the Snowy Owl as far south as Hampshire. White-billed Diver CAITHNESS, Sinclair's Bay (1987) American Wigeon NORFOLK, Cley (1990 until 18 March); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1993) Bufflehead OUTER HEBRIDES, West Loch Bee (1980 until 18 March) Gyr Falcon DONEGAL, Bunbeg (1992); SURREY, Chessington (1972 until 19 March)

15 March

Bonaparte's Gull DORSET, Durlston Head (1970); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1986 until 17 March) Snowy Owl HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1965) Rose-coloured Starling HAMPSHIRE, Pilmoor Gate Heath (1959) Two-barred Crossbill HAMPSHIRE, Slufters Enclosure, New Forest (1984 until 28 April)

species 7, individuals 8

Two more Glossy Ibises in Ireland as well as an extremely early Red-footed Falcon and the month's second Alpine Swift are found today. Night Heron PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherston Ponds (1990) Glossy Ibis KERRY, Portmagee (2) (1989, 1 until 25 March) Lesser White-fronted Goose ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Indaal (1980) Black Brant DOWN, Dundrum Bay (1990 until 16 March)

52 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-footed Falcon LANCASHIRE, Leigh (1959) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Scatsta (1981) Alpine Swift KENT, Dover (1969 until 18 March)

16 March

species 7, individuals 9

Spring appears to be arriving with fewer winter species being found and more and more early spring overshoots from the Continent - Little Bittern, Alpine Swift and Rose-coloured Starling, as well as a few late wintering birds - Bonaparte's Gulls and Lesser Yellowlegs. Black-browed Albatross AT SEA, 56 21N 14 12W (1980) Little Bittern CORK, Ballycotton (1990) Night Heron DEVON, Lundy (1990); PEMBROKESHIRE, Westfield Pill (1990 until 17 March) American Wigeon KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Milton Loch (1975 until 26 March)

17 March

Lesser Yellowlegs ABERDEENSHIRE, Caimbulg (1980 until 24 April) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, St Ives (1968 until 9 April), Mount's Bay (1981 until 28 March) Alpine Swift WARWICKSHIRE, Rowley Regis (1988) Rose-coloured Starling WILTSHIRE, Mere (1963)

species 12, individuals 28

Four King Eiders make today this species' best date. 1990 saw a large arrival of birds from the Continent including Night Heron (5), Black-winged Stilt (8 - all in Ireland and the species' best date) and a Baillon's Crake. From the west, on this date, came Bufflehead and Killdeer. Night Heron DEVON, Plymouth (1990 until 13 April); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1990, 1 until 18 March, 1 until 1 April), St Martins (1990) Lesser White-fronted Goose WILTSHIRE, Wylye (1976 until 27 March) American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1988 until 18 March); YORKSHIRE, East Park, Hull (1984) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1991); DERRY, Portstewart (1971 until 15 May); MAYO, Belmullet (2) (1985 until 18 March) Bufflehead NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Colwick Country Park (1994 until 26 March)

Baillon's Crake HAMPSHIRE, Lymington (1990) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Ballycotton (6) (1990); GALWAY, Aughrus Point (1990 until 20 March); WEXFORD, The Cull (1990 until 8 April) Killdeer CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1982 until 20 March) Kumlien's Gull BANFFSHIRE, Banff Bay (1985) Alpine Swift SOMERSET, Yeovil (1988) Two-barred Crossbill KENT, Round Green (1991 until 2 April) Parrot Crossbill NORTHUMBERLAND, Harwood Forest (2) (1991)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 53

18 March

species 8, individuals 8

The eighth White-billed Diver of the month probably indicates seasonal movement in this species, whilst the Black Duck in Kent is one of only three eastern county records. The Sardinian Warbler in 1990 is the second for the month and is part of the early spring overshoot of Mediterranean species, including lots of Night Herons and Black-winged Stilts found in mid-March. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Tunstall (1962) Night Heron LANCASHIRE, Heysham Harbour (1990) Black Brant ESSEX, King George V Reservoir (1990) Black Duck KENT, Yantlet (1967 until 20 March) Black-winged Stilt SCILLY, Tresco (1990 until 16 April)

19 March

Laughing Gull DORSET, Ferrybridge (1990) Kumlien's Gull CORK, Ballycotton (1988) Sardinian Warbler CORNWALL, The Lizard (1990 until 26 March)

species 8, individuals 14

The 1990 early spring arrival continues with more Night Herons and Black-winged Stilts. White-rumped Sandpiper and Forster's Tern certainly relate to newly found wintering birds rather than recent arrivals. White-billed Diver EAST LOTHIAN, Gullane Bay (1988 until 17 April) Night Heron CORK, Carrigrohane (2) (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 24 March) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Rostellan (3) (1990); PEMBROKESHIRE, Penally (1990 until 27 March) White-rumped Sandpiper GLAMORGAN, Swansea (1970)

20 March

Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1978 until 24 April) Forster's Tern DOWN, Groomsport (1984 until 20 March) Alpine Swift DUBLIN, Dun Laoghaire (1992 until 20 March); NORFOLK, Brancaster Staithe (1988) Rustic Bunting KENT, Wierton (1993 until 28 March)

species 10, individuals 23

Southern rare migrants continue to be found including a further four Night Herons, a Squacco Heron, a Great Spotted Cuckoo and seven Alpine Swifts (the species' best date which includes the amazing record of a flock of five). Two Briinnich's Guillemots is this species' joint best finding date. Night Heron CORNWALL, Copperhouse (1990), Loe Pool (1990 until 21 March); PEMBROKESHIRE, Teifi Marshes (2) (1990 until 20 April) Squacco Heron SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 9 April)

54 - Rare Birds Day by Day

American Wigeon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Mepal Pits (1980 until 22 March); DONEGAL, Dunfanaghy (1994) Briinnich's Guillemot ORKNEY, Birsay (1984); SHETLAND, Norwick (1968)

Great Spotted Cuckoo DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1990 until 29 March) Scops Owl DORSET, 2.4km off Portland (1990) Alpine Swift DUBLIN, Killiney (5) (1992); LINCOLNSHIRE, Stamford (1990 until 21 March); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1988)

21 March

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Sheringham (2) (1976 until 21 March) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1963) Rustic Bunting HAMPSHIRE, New Milton (1992)

species 10, individuals 12

The 1990 arrivals start to peter out with the only new arrival from the south being another Night Heron. The White-tailed Eagle could relate to either a wandering re-introduced bird or a vagrant. The Isabelline Shrike was found long dead. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Filey Bay (1993 until 27 March) Night Heron PEMBROKESHIRE, Trecwn (1990) Black Brant KENT, Sandwich Bay (1987) American Wigeon ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1974 until 22 March) White-tailed Eagle NORTHUMBERLAND, Rayburn Lake (1994) Little Crake HAMPSHIRE, Wick Hams (1970 until 27 March)

Bonaparte's Gull HAMPSHIRE, Gilkicker Point (1986); SCILLY, St Marys & St Martins (1990 until 14 October) Alpine Swift NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1993); YORKSHIRE, Denaby Ings (1993) Isabelline Shrike LONDON/MIDDLESEX, Richmond (1994) Arctic Redpoll BEDFORDSHIRE, Aspley Heath (1991 until 28 March)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 55

22 March

species 8, individuals 12

The earliest ever Scops Owl, a Night Heron and an Alpine Swift continue the 1990 arrivals. Today also sees the remarkable appearance of a flock of Lesser Shorttoed Larks in Ireland, for the second time in three years, followingthe unprecedented 37 birds found there during 1956. Night Heron CORK, Minane Bridge (1990 until 25 March) Long-billed Dowitcher ESSEX, Tollesbury Rolls Farm (1980 until 23 April) Franklin's Gull MERIONETHSHIRE, Aber Dyssyni (1986) Forster's Tern DUBLIN, Sandymount (1987 until 5 April)

23 March

Alpine Swift ESSEX, Shoeburyness (1990) Lesser Short-toed Lark WEXFORD, Great Saltee (5) (1958 until 25 March) Rose-coloured Starling KENT, Aylesford (1994 until 21 April) Rustic Bunting LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1992)

species 5, individuals 5

A distinct lull in new spring arrivals, with only the Desert Wheatear suggesting anything like a new arrival, although this too could have over-wintered like all the other birds found today. Lesser White-fronted Goose WEXFORD, North Slob (1969 until 30 March) American Wigeon KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968 until 31 March) Great Snipe LINCOLNSHIRE, Barton-on-Humber (1983 until 24 March)

24 March

Desert Wheatear SCILLY, St Agnes (1976 until 30 March) Arctic Redpoll YORKSHIRE, Harrogate (1985)

species 11, individuals 18

The Royal Tern is the first for Britain & Ireland, whilst Night Heron, Black-winged Stilt and Alpine Swift continue the 1990 invasion. Note also the first Black Kite of the spring and a further three Alpine Swifts. White-billed Diver ABERDEENSHIRE, Aberdeen (1969); SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (1974) Night Heron CORNWALL, Par Beach (1990 until 7 April) American Wigeon PERTHSHIRE, Carsebreck (1973); SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1971) Black Kite DEVON, Sampford Spiney (1989)

56 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Gyr Falcon INVERNESS-SHIRE, Kingussie (1965); OUTER HEBRIDES, Grogarry (1989) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Douglas Estuary (2) (1990 until 25 March) Great Snipe BEDFORDSHIRE, Stanford (1967) Bonaparte's Gull WEXFORD, Wexford Town (1986 until 18 April)

Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland Bill (1967 until 25 March); KENT, North Foreland (1988 (2) until 28 March & 1990)

25 March

Arctic Redpoll BEDFORDSHIRE, Aspley Heath (1991) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Barmston (1983)

species 9, individuals 12

The fourth Great Spotted Cuckoo of the month is found, whilst 1990 continues with a Little Bittern and further Night Herons, a Black-winged Stilt and an Alpine Swift. However, it is the Pine Grosbeak that really stands out on this date. Little Bittern CUMBERLAND, Cark-in-Cartmel (1990 until 11 April) Night Heron DEVON, Kingsbridge (1993 until 30 April); KENT, Dymchurch (1990); LINCOLNSHIRE, Frampton Marsh (1990 until 4 April); PEMBROKESHIRE, St Ishmael's (1990 until 28 March) Black-winged Stilt DEVON, Buckland Beacon & Haytor (1990 until 27 March) Killdeer DURHAM, Cronkley (1990)

26 March

Kumlien's Gull CORK, Adrigole (1994) Ivory Gull WEXFORD, Wexford Harbour (1983 until 26 March) Great Spotted Cuckoo KENT, Sandwich Bay (1992) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, The Crumbles (1990) Pine Grosbeak SHETLAND, Lerwick (1992 until 25 April)

species 13, individuals 18

A White-billed Diver off Lincolnshire is a good southern record (and is the 12th of the month), whilst 1990 sees its first Subalpine Warbler, more Night Herons and Alpine Swifts. The Evening Grosbeak is the first British record. White-billed Diver LINCOLNSHIRE, Friskney Marsh (1976) Night Heron CORNWALL, Par Beach (1990 until 10 April); GLAMORGAN, Wem Halog (1990); ISLE OF WIGHT, Porchfield (1990 until 28 March); SCILLY, Tresco (1965 until I April) American Wigeon LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1992 until 7 April) Black Kite DORSET, Yetminster (1990) Bonaparte's Gull DEVON, Plym Estuary (1988 until 27 March) Ivory Gull SUTHERLAND, Brora (1992)

Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, near Polzeath (1993); DORSET, Rope Lake Head (1990); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield (1990) Red-rumped Swallow CORK, Lisagriffin (1989) Subalpine Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1989 until 27 March) Rose-coloured Starling HAMPSHIRE, Southsea (1985 until 24 April) Evening Grosbeak OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1969) Rustic Bunting CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1989)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 57

27 March

species 13, individuals 17

More herons continue to give a Continental flavour, whilst the wildfowl and gulls are either hangers-on from the winter or individuals that have wintered further south and are now moving north. The Little Shearwater is the earliest on record. White-billed Diver ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Indaal (1986) Little Shearwater LANCASHIRE, Cleveleys (1975) Little Bittern CORNWALL, Kuggar (1987) Night Heron DEVON, Ermington (1990) Cattle Egret WICKLOW, Broadlough (1976 until 10 April) Lesser White-fronted Goose WIGTOWNSHIRE, The Merse (1960) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Douglas Estuary (1970 until 1 April); DORSET, Ferrybridge (1983)

28 March

Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Penzance (2) (1982, 1 until 21 April) American Herring Gull DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1990) Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1976 until 30 March) Briinnich's Guillemot MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1993) Snowy Owl ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Valley (1959); SHETLAND, Ronas Hill (1969) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Beachy Head (2) (1988)

species 7, individuals 9

The month's third Little Crake and fourth Great Bustard are found in typical counties, and the 1990 Night Heron total increases. Night Heron DEVON, Hartland (1988), Newton St Cyres (1990 until 30 March); ORKNEY, Loch of Hundland (1993) King Eider OUTER HEBRIDES, Kyles, Pabay (1983) Little Crake ESSEX, Two Tree Island (1973 until 31 March) Great Bustard NORFOLK, South Creake (1963)

29 March

American Herring Gull SLIGO, Sligo (1992 until 29 March) Snowy Owl GLAMORGAN, Penarth Moors (1972) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Brumby Common (1976) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Martins (1970)

species 8, individuals 12

The Little Crake in Essex is the second of two birds (see 28 March), whilst Night Herons in 1990 continue to be found. Night Heron CORNWALL, St Austell (1990), St Clement (1990 until 13 April); KENT, St Margarets (1983); PEMBROKESHIRE, St Nicholas (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 4 April) King Eider SHETLAND, Lerwick (1991 until 18 May)

58 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Little Crake ESSEX, Two Tree Island (1973) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1992) American Herring Gull DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1990 until 17 April)

Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland (1988 until 2 April); AT SEA, SEA-AREA SHANNON, Marathon Gas Platform off Old Head of Kinsale (1988)

30 March

Arctic Redpoll SUFFOLK, Blaxhall Heath (1991) Rustic Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1981)

species 11, individuals 14

Two Killdeers and the month's second Subalpine Warbler are noteworthy. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Whalsay (1979 until 5 May) Little Bittern SUSSEX, Hove (1988) Night Heron ISLE OF MAN, Michael (1990 until 4 April) Great White Egret CORNWALL, Lynher Estuary (1991) King Eider WIGTOWNSHIRE, Kirkcolm (1970) Gyr Falcon MAYO, Erris Head (1967) Killdeer SCILLY, Samson (1976 until 7 April); SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1974)

31 March

Great Snipe NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Hoveringham (1973 until 31 March) Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1968 until 14 April) Alpine Swift DORSET, Swanage (2) (1988); DUBLIN, Raheny (1978) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Caerthillian Cove (1989 until 8 April)

species 7, individuals 16

March ends with a distinct Arctic flavour rather than one of the Mediterranean, with the month's 16th White-billed Diver, and three Gyr Falcons (including a longstayer in Devon) which brings the month's total to 17. 1990 spring arrivals include two Black-winged Stilts and an early Caspian Tern. White-billed Diver OUTER HEBRIDES, South Uist (1975) Gyr Falcon ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Penlon (1972); DEVON, Berry Head (1986 until 9 April); GALWAY, Ballyconneally (1991 until 22 April) Black-winged Stilt DEVON, Taw Estuary & Northam Burrows (1990 until 3 April); DORSET, Burton Bradstock (1990 until 1 April)

Killdeer DURHAM, East Boldon (1976 until 9 April) American Herring Gull DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1990) Caspian Tern SUSSEX, Hastings (1990) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Oakdale (7) (1991)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 59

March species at a glance White-billed Diver Little Shearwater Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Glossy Ibis Tundra Swan Lesser White-fronted Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal Lesser Scaup King Eider Bufflehead Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Red-footed Falcon GyrFalcon Little Crake Baillon's Crake Great Bustard Black-winged Stilt Killdeer American Golden Plover Sociable Plover White-romped Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Lesser Yellowlegs Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull

60 - Rare Birds Day by Day

16 1 4 37 1 3 1 3 1 9

3 1 21 1 2 1 9

2 2 1 1 17 4 1 4 18 9 1 1 1 1 3 5 4 1 1 18

American Herring Gull Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Caspian Tern Forster's Tern White-winged Black Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Great Spotted Cuckoo Scops Owl Snowy Owl Tengmalm's Owl Alpine Swift Lesser Short-toed Lark Red-romped Swallow Desert Wheatear Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Penduline Tit Isabelline Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Pine Grosbeak Evening Grosbeak Black-and-white Warbler Black-faced Bunting Rustic Bunting

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting

10 7 3 2 1 2 1 4 6 1 13 1 30 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 40 3 54 1 2 1 1 5


418 2


by Rare lr Bt ds Day Day-61

1 April

species 10, individuals 13

Definitely spring-like with a trio of herons, Little Crake and Black-winged Stilt. The Dark-eyed Junco is the earliest of this traditionally spring Nearctic species, as is the Greater Yellowlegs. Little Bittern SCILLY, St Marys (1988 until 3 April) Night Heron SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 2 April); SHROPSHIRE, Ludlow (1988) Black Brant DUBLIN, Poolbeg (1994) Black Duck SCILLY, Tresco (1994 until 31 December) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976); WEXFORD, North Slob (1986 until 3 April) Little Crake CORK, Cape Clear Island (1964) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Batemans Lake (1990)

2 April

Greater Yellowlegs KERRY, Blennerville (1983 until 30 April) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1976); SUFFOLK, West Stow (1991) Dark-eyed Junco GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Haresfield (1975 until 12 April) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Buckden Gravel Pit (1988)

species 13, individuals 14

The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper is the only record for the species outside the period July-October. The Calandra Lark is the first and earliest of the four British records. three of which are found in April. Little Bittern DEVON, Lundy (1976) Night Heron KENT, Faversham (1971 until 14 April) King Eider BUTESHIRE, Rhubodach (1971) Gyr Falcon CAITHNESS, Berriedale Water (1973); ORKNEY, Orphir (1989) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, East Looe River (1985 until 7 April) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper DORSET, Langton Herring (1978) Long-billed Dowitcher DEVON, Bideford (1978 until 5 April) Lesser Yellowlegs GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1970 until 26 April)

62 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Laughing Gull DUNBARTONSHIRE, Loch Lomond (1968) Alpine Swift LANCASHIRE, St Helen's (1985) Calandra Lark DORSET, Portland Bill (1961) Red-rumped Swallow DEVON, Coryton (1990 until 3 April) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1967 until 6 April) CATEGORY D SPECIES Painted Bunting LANCASHIRE, Carnforth Marsh (1974 until 6 April)

3 April

species 13, individuals 14

Southern vagrants are now beginning to outnumber northern species with the second Little Crake of the month, an early Collared Pratincole, a Scops Owl on Scilly and another Nearctic spring speciality - White-throated Sparrow. Cattle Egret LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1993 until 15 April) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Winterton (1979) Little Crake ESSEX, River Crouch (1965) Collared Pratincole SCILLY, St Agnes (1990 until 4 April) American Golden Plover ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1983) Ross's Gull DONEGAL, Killybegs (1983) Briinnich's Guillemot ORKNEY, Stromness Harbour (1982)

4 April

Great Spotted Cuckoo ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Newborough (1960 until 15 April) Scops Owl SCILLY, Tresco (1989) Alpine Swift CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988); DORSET, Portland Bill (1963 until 5 April) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (1994 until 4 April) Two-barred Crossbill KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Loch Dee (1991) White-throated Sparrow CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967)

species 12, individuals 17

A distinct southern air to the day with four Night Herons (including another two in 1990), Black Kite, Great Spotted Cuckoo, one of only six Crested Larks since 1958, two Alpine Swifts and Penduline Tits. Northern species are now much reduced. Night Heron CUMBERLAND, Thurstonfield Lough (1976); DEVON, Newton Ferrers (1965); DORSET, Portland (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 2 May) American Wigeon KENT, Elmley (1982 until 26 April) Black Kite KENT, Pluckley (1981) Long-billed Dowitcher HAMPSHIRE, Curbridge (1988 until 20 April) Dowitcher sp. ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1970) Great Spotted Cuckoo SUSSEX, Shoreham-by-Sea (1990 until 1 May)

Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Lansallos (1988); DEVON, East Soar (1988) Crested Lark CORNWALL, Marazion (1965) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Sandwich Bay (1974) Penduline Tit NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1987 until 10 April); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1990) Arctic Redpoll ESSEX, Brentwood (1976) Two-barred Crossbill INVERNESS-SHIRE, Dores (1973)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 63

5 April

species 10, individuals 12

Two Cattle Egrets, two Black-winged Stilts, Scilly's second Scops Owl of the month and the earliest ever inland Caspian Tern continue the southern flavour. Night Heron DEVON, Barnstable (1990 until 6 April) Cattle Egret PEMBROKESHIRE, Crundale (1981 until 14 April); YORKSHIRE, Helmsley (1981 until 7 April) Blue-winged Teal HERTFORDSHIRE, Wilstone Reservoir (1978) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Foula (1979) Black-winged Stilt CAERNARVONSHIRE, Foryd Bay (1987); PEMBROKESHIRE, Westdale (1987 until 6 April)

6 April

Long-billed Dowitcher HAMPSHIRE, Keyhaven & Pennington Marshes (1978 until 24 April) Dowitcher Spa ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Riddon (1973) Lesser Yellowlegs KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1975) Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Lackford Wildfowl Reserve (1992 until 18 April) Scops Owl SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 14 April)

species 9, individuals 11

Quality not quantity today, with two species of Nearctic gull, Ross's Gull, a Pine Bunting and one of the month's top birds, a Wallcreeper. This bird was found on the last day of the famous Cheddar Gorge individual (see 5 November), making two Wallcreepers present on the same day. Night Heron PEMBROKESHIRE, Teifi Marshes (1990); WILTSHIRE, Longbridge Deverill (1988 until 24 April) Black Brant LOUTH, Annagassan (1994) Sociable Plover DORSET, Wimbome (1961 until 24 April) Laughing Gull SUSSEX, Seaford (1991) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1988); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1990 until 19 April)

7 April

Ross's Gull DURHAM, Seaton Carew (1975 until 9 April) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, Kirklevington (1985) Wallcreeper SUSSEX, Ecclesbourne Glen (1977 until 10 April) Pine Bunting YORKSHIR?, Knaresborough (1985)

species 10, individuals 13

1990's spring influx continues with a further Night Heron, a Black Stork and another Black-winged Stilt. The Scops Owl is the third record for the month so far. White-billed Diver SUTHERLAND, Golspie (1963) Night Heron HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch (1988 until 15 April); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Earith Gravel

64 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Pit (1971 until 9 April); SURREY, Bookham Common (1990 until 16 April) Black Stork HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1990 until 17 June)

American Wigeon CORNWALL, Marazion (1991 until 10 April) Gyr Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, Rubh' Ard Mhicheil (1983) Black-winged Stilt WEXFORD, Tacumshin & Lady's Island Lake (1990 until 8 April)

8 April

Great Spotted Cuckoo CORNWALL, Wadebridge (1982) Scops Owl LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1977) Desert Wheatear KENT, St Margaret's (1989) Rustic Bunting BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1979); DORSET, Portland (1990)

species 12, individuals 17

Today sees a distinct southern flavour with three Alpine Swifts, two Red-rumped Swallows, Britain's third Crested Lark and fifth, and earliest, Alpine Accentor since 1958. The Dark-eyed Junco is the second of the month. Night Heron CORNWALL, Portgaveme (1993); SUSSEX, Pulborough Brooks (1992) Great White Egret DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1980 until 11 April) American Wigeon CORK., Ballycotton (1985 until 22 November); KENT, Elmley (1983 unti121 May) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Whalsay (1970) Lesser Yellowlegs DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1961) Bonaparte's Gull WEXFORD, Wexford Harbour (1985)

9 April

Alpine Swift DEVON, Torcross (1993); ISLE OF WIGHT, Ventnor (1980); NORFOLK, Holme (1985) Crested Lark SOMERSET, Steart (1972) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, St Erth (1990); NORFOLK, Cley (1987 until 12 April) Alpine Accentor DORSET, Portland (1978 until 30 April) Arctic Redpoll OUTER HEBRIDES, Vigen (1962) Dark-eyed Junco ISLE OF WIGHT, Wootton (1989 until 9 April)

species 10, individuals 14

A mixed day with several traditional wintering species still being found amongst the spring arrivals. Three Bonelli's Warblers is outstanding and share the earliest ever date. Night Heron SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 13 May) American Golden Plover GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem (1990 until 20 April); SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 13 April) White-rumped Sandpiper KENT, Worth Marshes (1986) Great Snipe KENT, Westbere (1978) Bonaparte's Gull HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch Harbour (1975 until 12 April)

Alpine Swift CARDIGANSHIRE, Borth (1993); KENT, Dungeness (1982) Red-rumped Swallow HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1989) Bonelli's Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1976); NORFOLK, Holme (1988); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1972) Nutcracker LINCOLNSHIRE, Metheringham (1969) Rustic Bunting KENT, Shellness (1962)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 65

10 April

species 14, individuals 20

Southern Ireland and south-western England do particularly well today, scooping over half of the records. Three Alpine Swifts and two Subalpine Warblers stand out. White-billed Diver CORNWALL, Marazion (1967 until 26 April) Night Heron CORNWALL, St Ervan (1993 until 24 April) Squacco Heron CORNWALL, Bude (1985 until 23 May) Great White Egret CORK, Lissagriffin (1982) Black Stork SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1988) American Wigeon NORFOLK, Berney Marshes (1990) Black-winged Stilt HAMPSHIRE, Dibden (3) (1965); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1993 until 24 April) Sociable Plover BERKSHIRE, Brimpton Gravel Pit (1991)

11 April

Long-billed Dowitcher DERRY, Lough Beg (1985) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Kynance (1982 until 13 April); DEVON, Chudleigh (1988); ESSEX, Colne Point (1985) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, The Lizard (1990) Subalpine Warbler HAMPSHIRE, HengistburyHead (1993 until 15 April);NORFOLK, Lower Bodham (1974) Sardinian Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1993 until 12 April) Arctic Redpoll SUTHERLAND, Loch Hope (1986 until 20 April)

species 15, individuals 23

Three Black Kites and five Alpine Swifts indicate a good date for southern species, whilst two Nearctic sparrows are found, seven years apart and as far afield as Shetland and Dorset. Little Bittern WEXFORD, Carnsore Point (1992) Night Heron LEICESTERSHIRE, Kegworth (1968) Black Stork CUMBERLAND, Blencogo (1994) Glossy Ibis KENT, Swanscombe Marsh (1974 until 12 May) American Wigeon KENT, Sandwich Bay (1977 until 2 May), Elmley (1990 until 21 April) Black Kite DORSET, Portland (1981); NORFOLK, Hickling (1987); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1992) Ross's Gull DURHAM, Hartlepool (1994) Caspian Tern GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1989)

66 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Great Spotted Cuckoo CORNWALL, Pentire Head (1979 until 16 April) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1965 until 17 April); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1993) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Loe Bar (1992); DORSET, Weymouth (1988); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1983); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Aust Cliff (1993); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Monmouth (1991) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 16 April) Savannah Sparrow DORSET, Portland (1982 until 16 April) Song Sparrow SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989 until 26 April) Rustic Bunting YORKSHIRE, Filey Dams (1993 until 12 April)

12 April

species 12, individuals 12

More herons from the south are found along with the earliest Whiskered Tern and one of the few spring Olive-backed Pipits. Night Heron CUMBERLAND, Cleator (1974 until 18 April) Squacco Heron DEVON, Slapton Ley (1981) Cattle Egret ISLE OF WIGHT, Calbourne Mill (1990) Great White Egret PEMBROKESHIRE, St Davids (1988) Black Kite SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1970) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Dunworley (1993)

13 April

Sociable Plover KENT, Westwell (1968) Bonaparte's Gull LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1990 until 1 May) Whiskered Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1987 until 17 April) Olive-backed Pipit DORSET, Verne Common (1991) Subalpine Warbler CUMBERLAND, Milnthorpe (1993)

species 14, individuals 19

The earliest Great Reed Warbler and three Gyr Falcons are overshadowed by the two Steller's Eiders, making this the latter species' best day. Even more remarkable is that these two birds should be found at the same site that was home to an adult male from May 1972 to August 1984. Night Heron LANCASHIRE, Marshside (2) (1980 until 25 April) Blue-winged Teal NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1979) Steller's Eider OUTER HEBRIDES, South Uist (2) (1974) Gyr Falcon FIFE, Isle of May (1979); OUTER HEBRIDES, Gerinish & Drimsdale (1989 until 19 April); PERTHSHIRE, Stuchd An Lochainn (1960) Pratincole sp. PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherston Ponds (1981) Lesser Yellowlegs DEVON, Topsham (1983 until 23 April); KENT, Walland Marsh (1983 until 14 April) Laughing Gull DORSET, Radipole Lake (1980)

Great Spotted Cuckoo SCILLY, Bryher (1979) Snowy Owl SUTHERLAND, Ben Hutig (1972) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1991) Red-rumped Swallow SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1990 until 14 April) Desert Wheatear SURREY, Bam Elms Reservoir (1989 until 14 April) Great Reed Warbler DEVON, Slapton Ley (1981) Penduline Tit SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1989 until 25 April) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SUFFOLK, Lakenheath (1962)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 67

14 April

species 14, individuals 20

Today sees two Blue-winged Teals as far apart as Kent and the Outer Hebrides, three Red-rumped Swallows in southern England and a late White-tailed Eagle. White-billed Diver INVERNESS-SHIRE, Loch Ainort, Skye (1976)

Night Heron DORSET, Radipole Lake (1962); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cannop Ponds (1988 until 15 April) American Wigeon CAITHNESS, Wick (1984) Blue-winged Teal KENT, Sandwich Bay (1970); OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1979 until 26 April) King Eider SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (2) (1975, 1 until 19 April, 1 until 4 June) Black Kite LINCOLNSHIRE, Burgh-le-Marsh (1988) White-tailed Eagle SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1984)

15 April

Gyr Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Ben Macdui (1993); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1994) Bonaparte's Gull DEVON, Plymouth Sound & River Plym (1992 until 3 May) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Brighton (1982) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Marazion (1991); KENT, Stodmarsh (1990 until 22 April); SCILLY, Bryher (1979) Subalpine Warbler NORFOLK, Sidestrand (1993 until 15 April) Sardinian Warbler CORK, Knockadoon Head (1993 until 21 April) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1985)

species 16, individuals 21

More herons, Alpine Swifts, Red-rumped Swallows and Little Crakes (the species' best date) from the south along with the spring's first Black-headed Bunting. Portland bags a Subalpine Warbler and Pine Bunting on the same day.A Briinnich's Guillemot strays down the west coast for a change. Little Bittern SCILLY, St Marys (1987) Night Heron DEVON, Lundy (1975); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 30 April); SUSSEX, Littlehampton (1990 until 16 April) Cattle Egret DURHAM, Witton-Ie-Wear (1979 until 17 April) Black Brant DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1990 until 30 April) American Wigeon

ABERDEENSHIRE, Auchlossan (1972 until 23 April) Black Kite CORNWALL, St Columb Major (1991)


Rare Birds Day by Day

Gyr Falcon KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Newton Stewart (1978) Little Crake SHETLAND, Uyeasound (1959); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1968) Bonaparte's Gull KENT, Dungeness (1989) Briinnich's Guillemot LANCASHIRE, Middleton Sands (1960) Alpine Swift ARGYLLSHIRE, Campbletown (1993); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Monmouth


Red-rumped Swallow HERTFORDSHIRE, Amwell (1987); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989) Subalpine Warbler DORSET, Portland (1975 until 7 May)

Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (1984) Pine Bunting DORSET, Southwell, Portland (1975)

16 April

Black-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1979 until 26 April)

species 20, individuals 29

A sudden increase in number of species as more birds overshoot from the Continent. Also, the earliest Stilt Sandpiper and the first of only two spring Eye-browed Thrushes. The White's Thrush is one of the longest staying ever. The Steller's Eider is the last individual to be found in Britain (although the bird found in 1972 stayed until 1984). Little Bittern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1988); DORSET, Portland (1988); SCILLY, St Agnes (1964) Night Heron ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (1983 until 20 April); KENT, Dungeness (1990); STAFFORDSHIRE, Hay Head Wood (1990 until 22 April) Black Stork HERTFORDSHIRE, Tyttenhanger Gravel Pit (1990) Blue-winged Teal OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1987 until 19 April) Steller's Eider ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1976 until 17 April) Black Kite CORNWALL, Hayle (1991); YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1988) Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Lodmoor (1979) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Trondra & Tingwall (1990 until 17 April) Stilt Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1984 until 26 May) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, East Park, Hull (1984)

Kumlien's Gull SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1982) Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, Bornish (1993 until 18 April) Alpine Swift DEVON, Exeter (1988); DORSET, Durlston Country Park (1984); GLOUCESTERSHlRE, Cainscross (1970); KENT, Worth (1993); WATERFORD, Helvick Head (1988) Red-rumped Swallow YORKSHIRE, Beverley (1969 until 20 April) Desert Wheatear YORKSHIRE, Easington (1962 until 19 April) Rock Thrush DORSET, Portland (1988 until 24 April) White's Thrush DOWN, Copeland Island (1993 until 20 April) Eye-browed Thrush YORKSHIRE, Aldbrough (1981 until 23 April) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, Samson (1982) Sardinian Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1981)

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17 April

species 26, individuals 36

A further jump in both number of species and individuals as spring really starts tc take hold with a good selection of European species. Collared Pratincole, Greater Sandplover and Red-throated Pipit all occur for the first time in the calendar; whilst Fair Isle plays host to Britain's fifth Song Sparrow. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Burravoe, North Roe (1993) Little Bittern CORNWALL, Skewjack (1993 until 1 May); GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1970 until 3 May) Night Heron DORSET, Portland (1987); KENT, Murston (1968); NORFOLK, Acle (1971) Great White Egret DORSET, Chesil Fleet (1993 until 22 April) American Wigeon HAMPSHIRE, Dibden (1977 until 18 April); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1974 until 17 May) Blue-winged Teal SOMERSET, Porlock Marsh (1981) King Eider SHETLAND, Voe (1982 unti118 April) Black Kite GLAMORGAN, Overton (1979 until 18 April); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1988) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Dungeness (1962) Gyr Falcon ARGYLLSHIRE, Islay (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971) Little Crake DEVON, Lundy (1983) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Newquay (1981 until 19 April) Collared Pratincole YORKSHIRE, Pugney's Gravel Pit (1989)

70 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Greater Sandplover NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1981) Sociable Plover DERBYSHIRE, Egginton (1993) Dowitcher sp. KENT, Sandwich Bay (1985 until 22 April) Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1972); SHETLAND, Uyea Island (1970), Fair Isle (2) (1979) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, The Lizard (1970); KENT, North Foreland (1988) Red-rumped Swallow SUSSEX, Pert Pools (1987) Red-throated Pipit LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1964 until 18 April) Desert Wheatear SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1966 until 21 April) Subalpine Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1993); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985 until 21 April) Sardinian Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1973) Penduline Tit ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (1990) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Brancaster (1994 unti118 April) Song Sparrow SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979 until 7 May)

18 April

species 17, individuals 28

Although a slight drop in number of species, several appear for the first time in the calendar - Gull-billed Tern, Black-eared Wheatear and Fan-tailed Warbler (the most recent British & Irish record). Six Alpine Swifts and three Subalpine Warblers are worth noting, as is the second Little Crake in two days. Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968) Little Bittern BERKSHIRE, Padworth (1972 until 19 April); PEMBROKESHIRE, Sandy Haven (1970) Night Heron DORSET, Radipole Lake (1960); SHETLAND, Rae Wick (1987 until 20 April) American Wigeon GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Ashleworth Ham (1982 until 30 April) Black Kite NORTHUMBERLAND, Kielder Forest (1991) Gyr Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Glen Tanar (1973) Little Crake FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1987 until 23 April) Stilt Sandpiper SUTHERLAND, Domoch (1970) Gull-billed Tern CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1968) White-winged Black Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1959)

19 April

Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Whalsay (1965 until 11 November) Alpine Swift DEVON, Modbury (1987 until 19 April); DORSET, Swanage (1970); NORFOLK, Cley (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1987); YORKSHIRE, Kettleness Point (1970) Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Mundesley (1968); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1970) Red-throated Pipit GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem (1980 until 7 May); SCILLY, Bryher (1985 until 19 April) Black-eared Wheatear CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1970) Fan-tailed Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1987 until 20 April); ESSEX, Holland-on-Sea (1989); KENT, New Romney (1987)

species 17, individuals 21

Marsh Sandpiper and Whiskered Tern continue the Continental feel to the month. Little Bittern DEVON, North Huish (1970 until 28 April); LINCOLNSHIRE, East Halton (1978 until 29 April) Night Heron SUSSEX, Thomey Deeps (1994) Blue-winged Teal BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1990 until 1 May) Black Kite ESSEX, Ockendon (1979 until 20 April); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (2) (1958)

American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1985 until 26 April) Marsh Sandpiper NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Earls Barton (1994 until 23 April) Gull-billed Tern CORNWALL, Marazion (1987); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1964) Caspian Tern KENT, Kingsdown (1971) Whiskered Tern DEVON, Topsham (1970 until 24 April) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979 until 22 April)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 71

Alpine Swift ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1970) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Arne (1987) Red-throated Pipit WIGTOWNSHIRE, Whithorn (1983) Subalpine Warbler DORSET, Portland Bill (1964 until 21 April)

20 April

Pine Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 23 April) Rustic Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Dene (1986)

species 22, individuals 38

Four Black Kites, five Black-winged Stilts, three Red-rumped Swallows and five Subalpine Warblers are all exceptional day totals. The Rufous Bush Chat is the only spring record for Britain & Ireland and is the most recent to be found here. White-billed Diver AYRSHIRE, Tumberry (1986); ORKNEY, Rousay (1976) Little Bittern CORK, Sherkin Island (1992 until 21 April); SCILLY, St Marys (1992) Night Heron ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch A'phuill (1987); WILTSHIRE, Coate Water (1978) Squacco Heron CORNWALL, St Germans (1981 until 27 May) Blue-winged Teal HERTFORDSHIRE, Stocker's Lake (1984 until 28 April) King Eider SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (1974 until 22 April) Black Kite CORK, Midleton (1991); DEVON, Lundy (1984); ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1993); NORFOLK, Blakeney (1993) Lesser Kestrel KENT, Dover (1989) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Dungeness (1985) Black-winged Stilt BEDFORDSHIRE, Kempston Hardwick (1987); CORNWALL, Goonhilly Downs (1993 until 30 April);

Marsh Sandpiper MORAYSHIRE, Lossiemouth (1984 until 23 April) Lesser Yellowlegs DEVON, Exe Estuary (1976 until 24 April) Gull-billed Tern CARMARTHENSHIRE, Llanelli (1987) Great Spotted Cuckoo HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1994) Scops Owl DEVON, Kenn (1985) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Unst (1969 until 29 April) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1980); KENT, Stodmarsh (1968); WICKLOW, Arklow Pond (1992) Red-throated Pipit DEVON, Lundy (1976) Rufous Bush Chat CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968) Subalpine Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1992); CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1985); DORSET, Portland (1989); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1971 & 1985 until 8 May) Black-headed Bunting NORFOLK, Cley (1979 until 1 May)


Felixstowe (2) (1965 until 28 April); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1981); Dowitcher sp, KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1981 until 26 April)

72 - Rare Birds Day by Day

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 21 April)

21 April

species 22, individuals 29

Siberian Stonechat and Steppe Shrike are both more usually found in autumn, whilst the Laughing Gull is the fourth for the month. White-billed Diver ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Sween (1987 until 24 April) Little Bittern DORSET, Boscombe (1963); ISLE OF MAN, Port Erin (1968) Night Heron DEVON, Budleigh Salterton (1960); GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1990); SUSSEX, Slinfold (1983) Great White Egret ABERDEENSHIRE, Loirston Loch (1989 until 22 April) King Eider DONEGAL, Rosbeg (1974) Black Kite DURHAM, Stanhope (1985) Red-footed Falcon SUFFOLK, Cavenham Heath (1992 until 22 April) Gyr Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Strathdon (1990) Black-winged Stilt LINCOLNSHIRE, North Cotes (1993) Killdeer NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Lound (1981) Laughing Gull ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Skerrols (1974) White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Landulph (1990)

22 April

Great Spotted Cuckoo SCILLY, St Marys (1971 until 29 April) Alpine Swift CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1981); DEVON, Exe Estuary (1968); SUFFOLK, Eastbridge (1987) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990) Rock Thrush SCILLY, Samson (1968) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Bonython (1993); DEVON, Start Point (1987) Sardinian Warbler NORFOLK, Burnham Overy (1994) Penduline Tit KENT, locality withheld(1990 until 1 May) Steppe Shrike CORNWALL, Cape Cornwall (1992 until 23 April) Black-headed Bunting SOMERSET, Shapwick Heath (1992) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting EAST LOTHIAN, Gullane (1968)

species 20, individuals 42

The Lesser Scaup presumably over-wintered and is found whilst on its northern movement on this side of the Atlantic. Three more Black Kites, six Black-winged Stilts, four Red-rumped Swallows and five Subalpine Warblers are again very good totals, but the day is stolen by the Bridled Tern in Devon. Little Bittern CORK, Myrtleville (1978); WEXFORD, Cullenstown (1988) Night Heron CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1970 until 26 April); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1989); SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 30 April); WESTMEATH, Lough Owel (1987)

Great White Egret SCILLY, Tresco (1993 until 23 April) Glossy Ibis SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1965 until 23 April) American Wigeon DUBLIN, Rogerstown (2) (1977 until 8 May)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 73

Lesser Scaup NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Sutton-cum-Lound (1990 until 23 April) Black Kite KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1983); SCILLY, St Marys (1994); SUFFOLK, Aldeburgh (1993) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Winterton (1979) Gyr Falcon ORKNEY, Evie & Rendall (1984 until 23 April); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973) Black-winged Stilt CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (3) (1993 until 13 May); CLARE, Enistymon (1987 until 26 April); DEVON, Braunton Marsh (1993); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1993) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Stodmarsh (1987 until 26 April) Lesser Yellowlegs DERRY, Lough Beg (1992 until 10 May) Bonaparte's Gull GALWAY, Nimmo's Pier (1990)

23 April

Bridled Tern DEVON, Lundy (1977) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Ollaberry (1991) Alpine Swift KENT, Foreness (1992 until 23 April); NORFOLK, Beeston & Sheringham area (1993); SOMERSET, Minehead (1964) Red-rumped Swallow GLOUCESTERSHIRE, New Passage (1988); KENT, Dungeness (2) (1990); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1989) Black-eared Wheatear SCILLY, Samson (1977 until 26 April) Subalpine Warbler CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1988); DEVON, Lundy (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1984); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1968 until 5 May); SUSSEX, Fairlight, Hastings (1984) Rustic Bunting YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1990)

species 21, individuals 37

Two Pied-billed Grebes are exceptional and make this the species best finding date. Excellent day totals include Little Bittern (3), Alpine Swift (7 and joint best date for the species), Red-rumped Swallow (3) and Subalpine Warbler (4). The Fantailed Warbler is the first record for Britain & Ireland. White-billed Diver INVERNESS-SHIRE, Uig Bay, Skye (1983 until 25 April); KENT, Dungeness (1993) Pied-billed Grebe DONEGAL, Lough Anarget (1988 until 24 April); YORKSHIRE, Gouthwaite Reservoir (1977 until 15 May) Little Bittern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1972 until 25 April); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1993 until 2 May); SUSSEX, Shipley (1971 until 2 May) Cattle Egret NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1975 until 26 April) Great White Egret DEVON, Kingsbridge (1989 until 24 April) American Wigeon OUTER HEBRIDES, North Uist (1973 until 1 June)

74 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black Kite HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1988); SCILLY, Tresco (1966) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch (1987) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1984 until 2 May) Bonaparte's Gull LANCASHIRE, Seaforth (1982 until 24 April) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960) Whiskered Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, Gosforth Park (1977) Great Spotted Cuckoo

CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1968 until 21 June)

Alpine Swift ISLE OF WIGHT, Ventnor (1992); KENT, Foreness (1992), Reculver (2) (1993 until 26 April), Capel Le Ferne (1994); LINCOLNSHIRE, Sturton Park, Bauber (1964); SUFFOLK, North Warren (1994) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1988); LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1994); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1967) Red-throated Pipit CORNWALL, Skewjack (1983) Black-eared Wheatear OUTER HEBRIDES, Howmore (1990) Fan-tailed Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1962)

24 April

Subalpine Warbler ISLE OF WIGHT, Bembridge (1992 until 27 April); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 25 April); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964 until 24 April); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1988 until 24 April) Penduline Tit NORFOLK, Titchwell (1993 until 28 April) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1976 until 29 April); SOMERSET, Combe Down (1994)

species 21, individuals 34

A host of southern European and several exceptionally rare species includes three firsts for Britain & Ireland - Eastern Phoebe, Moussier's Redstart and Brownheaded Cowbird. White-billed Diver ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Holyhead (1991 until 19 May); DEVON, Morte Point (1988); NORTHUMBERLAND, Budle Bay (1966) Pied-billed Grebe DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Loch Maben (1987 until 25 April) Black-browed Albatross YORKSHIRE, Hornsea (1969) Night Heron CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978); DURHAM, West Boldon (1988 until 25 July); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 4 June) Cattle Egret GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Littleton (1993 until 27 April) Blue-winged Teal GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Ashleworth Ham (1979 until 1 May) Black Kite ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cefn Coed (1987); KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1994); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature

Upland Sandpiper OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1980) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1991 until 29 April) Lesser Yellowlegs KERRY, Blennerville (1983 until 30 April) Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, Bolton-on-Swale (1973 until 25 April) Whiskered Tern YORKSHIRE, Easington (1977 until 30 April) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Gunwalloe (1978); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1987); NORFOLK, Cley & other North Norfolk sites (1992); SURREY, Barn Elms Reservoir (1983 until 26 April) Eastern Phoebe DEVON, Lundy (1987 until 25 April) Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 29 April), Bryher (1991) Moussier's Redstart

Reserve (1994)


Dinas Head (1988)

Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Sunderland (1971 until 29 April); NORFOLK, Cley (1969)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 75

Subalpine Warbler DORSET, Portland (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993); SUFFOLK, Weybread (1993 until 25 April) Sardinian Warbler ORKNEY, Birsay (1988 until 27 April)

Rose-coloured Starling HAMPSHIRE, Fareham (1972) Brown-headed Cowbird ARGYLLSHIRE, Ardnave Loch, Islay (1988)

25 April

species 17, individuals 29

The Black-browed Albatross is right on cue, as is the month's third Dark-eyed Junco. Five Little Bitterns and the best day for Black Stork are also worth mentioning. Black-browed Albatross DEVON, Morte Point (1965) Little Bittern CORNWALL, Swanpool (2) (1976 until 28 April), Nanquidno (1988); DEVON, Slapton Ley (1970 until 8 June); GLAMORGAN, Eastbrook, Dinas Powis (1970)

Night Heron CORK, Castletownbere (1983 until 3 May); LEICESTERSHIRE, Aylestsone (2) (1983 until 28 April); SHETLAND, Norwick (1983 until 28 April) Cattle Egret NORFOLK, Walpole St Andrew (1990) Black Stork ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (1987); LINCOLNSHIRE, Frieston (1984) Glossy Ibis KENT, Seaton (2) (1987) American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1990) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Stodmarsh (1987)

Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (1963 until 26 April) Snowy Owl ABERDEENSHIREIBANFFSHIREIINVERNESSSHIRE, (1965 until 19 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971) Alpine Swift DEVON, Bideford (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966); YORKSHIRE, Sheffield (1991) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Ruxley Gravel Pit (1964) Black-eared Wheatear BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Chearsley (1992) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, St Levan (1988) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Stromness (1992 until 28. April) Dark-eyed Junco CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1975 until 3 May) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980)

26 April

species 21, individuals 43

The Calandra Lark is the second for the month and the most recent to be recorded in Britain up to the end of 1994. The Sandhill Crane is the first of two British records (both in Shetland) following one in Ireland in 1905. White-billed Diver AYRSHIRE, Kennedy's Pass, Girvan (1986); NORTHUMBERLAND, Sweethope Lough (1966) Pied-billed Grebe BERKSHIRE, Radley Gravel Pit (1992 until 17 May)

76 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Little Bittern CORNWALL, Swanpool (1970 until 13 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Haverfordwest (1964)

Night Heron NORFOLK, Blackborough End (1987 until 29 April); OUTER HEBRIDES, Howbeg (1987 until 30 April); SCILLY, St Marys (3) (1970, 2 until 31 May, 1 until 6 June)

Great White Egret NORFOLK, Cley (1993 until 3 May - also seen at Blakeney, Holkham, Brancaster and Titchwell) Blue-winged Teal DOWN, Quoile Pondage (1987 until 27 September); YORKSHIRE, Wheldrake Ings (1967 until 3 May) King Eider ARGYLLSHIRE, Salurn Bay (1993 until 7 June) Black Kite ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (1981); MERIONETHSHIRE, Dyfi Forest (1985); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1989); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1986) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Winterton (1992 until 3 May) Sandhill Crane SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 27 April) Black-winged Stilt BEDFORDSHIRE, Dunstable (1991 until 27 April); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (2) (1965) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Westing (1980) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1962), Ferring (1984) Caspian Tern DERBYSHIRE, Alton (1984)

27 April

Whiskered Tern CORNWALL, Ruan Lanihom (1968 until 30 April) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 & 1972 until 27 April) Alpine Swift HAMPSHIRE, Branksome Chine (1992); KENT, Sandwich Bay & Kingsdown (1990); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1994); PEMBROKESHIRE, Goodwick (1983); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1984); WICKLOW, Bray (1970) Calandra Lark SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 29 April) Red-rumped Swallow CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1987); ESSEX, Great Totham Gravel Pit (1969) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1991); ORKNEY, Binscarth (1971); SCILLY, St Agnes (1988) Rustic Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1989) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1968 until 6 May)

species 23, individuals 42

Six Night Herons, four Cattle Egrets (together), three Black Storks and three Subalpine Warblers are the pick of the multiple species records, whilst Greater Sandplover and two Gull-billed Terns stand out. The first Scops Owl in Ireland since 1974 unfortunately died in care after being found with a broken wing. The Pechora Pipit is one of only two spring records, whilst the Song Sparrow is the first record for Britain, and the first of three to be found on Fair Isle, all in April. White-billed Diver AYRSHIRE, Bennane Head, Ballantrae (1986)

Little Bittern ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (2) (1970) Night Heron CORNWALL, Penzance (1987); NORTHAMPTONSHlRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (2) (1964 until 3 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1990); SHETLAND, Loch of Spiggie (1987 until 12 May); SUSSEX, Rye (1990 until 2 May)

Cattle Egret SUSSEX, Pagham (4) (1962) Black Stork DEVON, Thurlestone (1985); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1991 until 28 April); SUFFOLK, Cretingham (1970) Black Kite HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1991) Black-winged Stilt DEVON, West Charleton Marsh (1990); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1985 until 1 May); ISLE OF WIGHT, Binstead (1987)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Greater Sandplover DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1988 until 4 May) Great Snipe SCILLY, StAgnes (1962) Lesser Yellowlegs SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1985) Gull-billed Tern DORSET, Lodmoor (1976); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1961) Whiskered Tern STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1969) White-winged Black Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960) Scops Owl CORK, Inchydoney (1993) Snowy Owl ABERDEENSHIRE, Inverurie (1988 until 2 May); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 5 May)

28 April

Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Beeston Common (1994 until 29 April); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1994) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1988); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1971 until 28 April) Pechora Pipit SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1975) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Agnes (1975) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, The Lizard (1987); SCILLY, St Agnes (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 14 May) Sardinian Warbler NORFOLK, Muckleborough Hill (1991) Penduline Tit LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1994) Song Sparrow SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959 until 10 May)

species 24, individuals 38

Four Black Kites, a flock of five Red-footed Falcons and four more Subalpine Warblers continue to show the benefit of southerly air-flows during April. Both the Slender-billed Gull and Calandra Lark are second records for Britain, whilst the Bonelli's Warbler is the fourth for the month. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992) Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Swine (1987 until 7 May) Great White Egret ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1978 until 29 April); SHETLAND, Brow Marsh (1994) Black Stork KENT, Murston (1989); NORFOLK, Cley (1978)

Black Kite ANTRIM, Torr Head (1987); DEVON, Prawle Point (1993 until 29 April); HAMPSHIRE, Wendleholme (1993); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1994) Red-footed Falcon GALWAY, Ballyconneally (5) (1992); HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1982) Gyr Falcon KENT, Folkestone (1979) Black-winged Stilt LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1984); TIPPERARY, Thurles Lagoons (1987 until 30 April)

78 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Collared Pratincole CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1987 until 1 May) Long-billed Dowitcher NORFOLK, Pentney Gravel Pit (1994) Marsh Sandpiper ESSEX, Fisher's Green (1984) Lesser Yellowlegs WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1992) Slender-billed Gull SUSSEX, Rye Harbour (1963) Great Spotted Cuckoo CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1978 until 1 May) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Unst (1977 until 30 April, 1978 until 14 May) Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland (1987) Calandra Lark SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Thanet (1990) Black-headed Wagtail EAST LOTHIAN, Skateraw (1984)

Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 30 April) Subalpine Warbler ESSEX, Billericay (1971); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1984); KENT, Dungeness (1988); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987)

29 April

Sardinian Warbler NORFOLK, Waxham (1973 until 29 April) Bonelli's Warbler KENT, St Margaret's (1987) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Whalsay (1987 until 1 May)

species 21, individuals 39

A day studded with quality finds including four Black Kites, Little Bustard, Greater Yellowlegs, four Gull-billed Terns, Scops Owl and Great Reed Warbler. The Suffolk Parrot Crossbills remained to breed. Night Heron KENT, Dungeness (2) (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1961, 1 until 13 May) Great White Egret ARGYLLSHIRE, Ballachuan Loch (1988); NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1977) Blue-winged Teal OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1968 until 16 August) King Eider SHETLAND, Toft (1975) Black Kite NORFOLK, Beeston Common & Blakeney (1994); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1990); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1986), Cuckmere Haven (1989) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Sevenoaks(1971) Little Bustard WIGTOWNSHIRE, Whithom (1964) Black-winged Stilt CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (2) (1984); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1983) American Golden Plover KENT, Grove Ferry (1978 until 2 May) Great Snipe INVERNESS-SHIRE, Drumnadrochit (1975) Greater Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1978 until 6 May) Gull-billed Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1993); HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour (2) (1967), Warsash (1978)

Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1988) Scops Owl ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1968 until 30 April) Snowy Owl ABERDEENSHIRE, St Fergus (1991 until 3 May) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, The Lizard (1990) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1992); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1990) Great Reed Warbler ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1987) Bonelli's Warbler SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1961 until 30 April) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Sevenoaks (1978); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Parrot Crossbill SUFFOLK, breeding locality withheld (5) (1984 until 1 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1973)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 79

30 April

species 21, individuals 42

A great day to round off April, with the month's second Little Shearwater, two more Little Bitterns, five more Night Herons, six Black Kites, the month's sixth Little Crake, three more Alpine Swifts, six more Red-rumped Swallows, an Alpine Accentor (second for April) and a Rock Thrush (third for April). Little Shearwater SCILLY, St Agnes (1974) Little Bittern SUSSEX, Steyning (1966 until 5 May), Birling Gap (1977) Night Heron BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1987); LANCASHIRE, Preston (1987 until 5 May); SCILLY, St Marys (1961 until 2 June); SUSSEX, Newhaven (1989 until 3 May); YORKSHIRE, Swine (1987) Cattle Egret SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1986 until 14 May) American Wigeon DURHAM, Cowpen Marsh & Greatham Tank Farm (2) (1994) Black Kite HAMPSHIRE, Harefield (1993); KENT, Wingham (1986); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1993); SURREY, Hampton Hill (1986); SUSSEX, Pett Level (1984); YORKSHIRE, Dunsop Bridge (1989) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Cley (1961 until 1 May) Gyr Falcon INVERNESS-SHIRE, Kingussie (1958) Little Crake CARMARTHENSHIRE, Upper Lliedi Reservoir (1987 until 2 May) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Marazion (3) (1983) Marsh Sandpiper CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1984 until 8 May)


Rare Birds Day by Day

Spotted Sandpiper PERTHSHIRE, Loch Rannoch (1992 until 26 May) Ross's Gull NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1960) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Seisey Bill (1967) Caspian Tern SUSSEX, Worthing (1969) Alpine Swift HERTFORDSHIRE, Hilfieid Park Reservoir (1990); NORFOLK, Holme (1987); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1987) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Walland Marsh (1968); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1990); SHROPSHIRE, Shrewsbury (1978 until 1 May); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1977); WEXFORD, Baldwinstown (2) (1988 until 2 May) Alpine Accentor NORFOLK, Sheringham (1978 until 4 May) Rock Thrush NORFOLK, Horsey (1989) Subalpine Warbler KENT, Lydd (1993); NORFOLK, Weybourne (1988)

Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 until 1 May)

April species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Black-browed Albatross Little Shearwater Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Black Stork Glossy Ibis Black Brant American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal Lesser Scaup King Eider Steller's Eider Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Lesser Kestrel Red-footed Falcon GyrFalcon Little Crake Sandhill Crane Little Bustard Black-winged Stilt Collared Pratincole Pratincole sp. Killdeer Greater Sandplover American Golden Plover Sociable Plover White-romped Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Upland Sandpiper Marsh Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Spotted Sandpiper Laughing Gull Bonaparte's Gull Slender-billed Gull Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull


4 2


33 72 3 13 12 11 4 3 18 1 12 1

8 3 46 1

1 19 23 7 1 1 39 3 1 1 2

5 4

1 1 2 3 5 4 1 7 2 10 1 5 9

1 1 4 1

Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Bridled Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Great Spotted Cuckoo Scops Owl Snowy Owl Alpine Swift Eastern Phoebe Calandra Lark Crested Lark Red-romped Swallow Olive-backed Pipit Pechora Pipit Red-throated Pipit Black-headed Wagtail Alpine Accentor Rufous Bush Chat Moussier's Redstart Siberian Stonechat Black-eared Wheatear Desert Wheatear Rock Thrush White's Thrush Eye-browed Thrush Fan-tailed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Bonelli's Warbler Wall creeper Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Steppe Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Savannah Sparrow Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Pine Bunting Rustic Bunting Black-headed Bunting Brown-headed Cowbird

Rare Birds Day by Day


7 1 6

3 2 9

6 21 69 1 3 2 45 1

1 7 1 2 1 1 2 4 4 3 1

1 2 2 46 8 5 1 3

7 1

1 1 12 2

5 1

3 1

3 3 9 3 1


Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals

82 - Rare Birds Day by Day

99 769

CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck Marbled Duck Red-headed Bunting Painted Bunting

1 1 6 1


. ds Day by Day - 83 Rare Blr

1 May

species 22, individuals 35

May starts well with a good selection of expected spring vagrants and a handful of gems thrown in. Little Bitterns do occasionally turn up in pairs (and have bred). The Tengmalm's Owl is both typically northern and brief, whilst the Dark-eyed Junco is the first truly northern occurrence. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Fetlar (1977); AT SEA, SEAAREA IRISH SEA, Solway Firth, off Maryport (1993) Albatross sp. CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1976) Little Shearwater NORFOLK, Cley (1960) Little Bittern CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1966); GALWAY, Clifden River (1966); NORFOLK, Holme (1968 until 15 May) Night Heron KENT, Sevenoaks (1987 until 4 May); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1987) Squacco Heron SCILLY, St Marys (1970 until 3 June) Cattle Egret KENT, Dungeness (1993) Blue-winged Teal SOMERSET, Blagdon Lake (1993 until 10 October) King Eider NORTHUMBERLAND, Amble (1972 until 30 September); SHETLAND, Ronas Voe (1993 until 10 May) Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Longnewton (1987); SUTHERLAND, Meikle Ferry (1973); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978) Pratincole sp. DEVON, Lundy (1987)

2 May

Broad-billed Sandpiper DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1988); SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1993) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965) Spotted Sandpiper BERKSHIRE, Farmoor Reservoir (1989) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (2) (1965); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1965); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960) Whiskered Tern WORCESTERSHIRE, Bredon's Hardwick (1994) Tengmalm's Owl ORKNEY, Stromness (1961) Red-rumped Swallow HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1987 until 2 May); SCILLY, St Marys (1985); WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1992 until 2 May) Red-throated Pipit ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1982) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1976 until 6 May) Dark-eyed Junco SHETLAND, Foula (1966)

species 29, individuals 62

A sharp increase in both species and number of individuals. Expected finds include four species of heron, Black Kite (7), Red-footed Falcon (3), Whiskered Tern (3), White-winged Black Tern (3), Alpine Swift (6), Red-rumped Swallow (6) and Subalpine Warbler (3). The Rufous Turtle Dove is only the third record for Britain (no records in Ireland) and the Lesser Short-toed Lark is the first record for Britain and the first since the last of the Irish 'flocks' in the 1950s. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993) Little Bittern DEVON, Starcross (1988 until 8 May);

84 - Rare Birds Day by Day

GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1970 until 3 May); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1970 until 6 May); KENT, Westbere (1971); SCILLY, St Agnes (1987)

Night Heron DEVON, Brampford Speke (1987 until 7 May); Yalding (1970); SOMERSET, Keynsham (1986 until 5 May); SUSSEX, Rye (1990) Squacco Heron WATERFORD, Dungarvan (2) (1994 until 17 May) Cattle Egret CAljRNA.RVONS:HIRE" Aberdaron (1992 until 4 May) American Wigeon HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1987 until 3 May) Blue-winged Teal ORKNEY, Woodwick (1979 until 4 May) King Eider MORAYSHIRE, Kingston (1994) Black Kite DORSET, Lodmoor (1980); St Mary's Bay (1987); NORFOLK, Horsey (1976), Cromer (1994); SUFFOLK, Covehithe (1988); SUSSEX, Chapel Common (1983); YORKSHIRE, Swillington (1989) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Pegwell Bay (1987); Minsmere (1974 until 19 May); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Black-winged Stilt SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1986) Broad-billed Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1994 until 7 May) Long-billed Dowitcher DUNBARTONSHIRE, Loch Lomond (1969) Dowitcher sp, WESTMEATH, Lough Derravaragh (1984 until 4 May) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (1958) Whiskered Tern BERKSHIRE, Sutton Courtenay (1970 until 6 May); Pagham Harbour (1994); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987) White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Farmoor Reservoir (1971); SOMERSET, Burnham-on-Sea (1990); LJ'-JC'·C''-.lLI'\...


Rufous Turtle Dove St Agnes (1960 until 6 May) Snowy Owl Fetlar (1967 until 23 November) Alpine Swift KENT, Dungeness (1992), Reculver (1993); Balgray Reservoir (1992 until 16 May); St Marys (1986 until 3 May); SUFFOLK, Dunwich (1987); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1987) Lesser Short-toed Lark DORSET, Portland (1992) Red-rumped Swallow BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1992); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1987); Gibraltar Point (1987 until 5 May); Pool ofVirkie & Sumburgh (1990 until 4 May); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1993); YORKSHIRE, Huddersfield (1989) Olive-backed Pipit DORSET, Portland (1970 until 10 May) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Cley (1989 until 3 May); NOJRTHUMI3ERJLAND" Fame Islands (1974 until 6 May) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Cley (1972) Black-eared Wheatear FIFE, Isle of May (1980 until 23 May) Black-throated Thrush KENT, Lydd (1993) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Nanjizal (1994); DEVON, Lundy (1994 until 7 May); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1984 until 8 May) Sardinian Warbler DORSET, Cogden Beach (1988 until 8 May)

CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1975) Red-headed Bunting KENT, Bishopstone (1976); NORFOLK, Cley (1961 until 3 May)

Lough Derg (1962)

Rare Birds Day by Day


3 May

species 29, individuals 84

Herons and terns (including a group of three Gull-billed) from the Continent are very evident, as is the continual arrival of Black Kites, Red-footed Falcons, Redrumped Swallows and Subalpine Warblers. The flock of eight Cattle Egrets is a British record, whilst the day also sees additional colour in the form of a Roller and two Rock Thrushes, the latter species' best day. The Dark-eyed Junco is the first Scottish record since 1977. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Haaf Gruney (1978), Fetlar (1978)

Little Bittern CORNWALL, Falmouth (1964); PEMBROKESHIRE, Dowrog Common (1983) Night Heron ABERDEENSHIRE, Newburgh (1975 until 8 May); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ely (1970); CORK, Cape Clear Island (3) (1994, 1 until 4 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (2) (1987 until 4 May); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 15 June) Squacco Heron SCILLY, Tresco, St Marys, St Martins & St Agnes (1994 until 6 June) Cattle Egret HERTFORDSHIRE, Stocker's Lake (8) (1992 until 4 May); SUFFOLK, Ousden (3) (1992)

Black Stork CAERNARVONSHIRE, Cwm Eilau (1989 until 7 May) American Wigeon ORKNEY, Birsay and Harray (1982) Black Kite DEVON, Great Haldon Forest (1990); NORFOLK, Castle Acre (1987); ORKNEY, Eday (1975) Red-footed Falcon CORK, between Cape Clear & Fastnet Rock (1994); DORSET, Portland Bill (1975); KENT, St Margaret's (1980); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1972 until 6 May); WEXFORD, Kilmore Quay (1994 until 20 May) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1988); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (2) (1987), Pennington Marsh (2) (1987 until 7 May); NORFOLK, Holme (1965); WILTSHIRE, Collingbourne Ducis (1987 until 8 May)

86 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Collared Pratincole DORSET, Abbotsbury (1990) American Golden Plover OUTER HEBRIDES, West Gerinish (1993 until 19 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Greatham Creek (1987); KENT, Shellness (1994) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1992 until 4 May) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Marazion (1994 until 5 May) Ross's Gull SHETLAND, Mid Yell (1979) Gull-billed Tern ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (3) (1974); OUTER HEBRIDES, Drimsdale (1987 until 6 May); SCILLY, Gugh (1994) Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, Bubwith (1988) Whiskered Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1988 until 29 May); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1994 until 12 May) White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Melancoose Reservoir (1964 until 5 May); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (2) (1970); SUSSEX, Bewl Water Reservoir (1981) Snowy Owl ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Mynachdy (1972); SHETLAND, Dnst (1969) Roller BEDFORDSHIRE, Arlesey (1990) Red-rumped Swallow CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1980); CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1980); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1994); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1992), Beachy Head (1994); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1964) Red-throated Pipit GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1992); KENT, Sevenoaks (1980)

Rock Thrush DEVON, Ernesettle (1985); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984 until 4 May) Great Reed Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1969) Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1984); DEVON, Lundy (1993); DORSET, Portland (1989 until 4 May); FIFE, Fife Ness (1983 until 9 May); NORFOLK, Weybourne (1989); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1970), Skomer (1990); SCILLY, St Agnes (1958 until 7 May) Arctic Redpoll CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1987 until 4 May)

4 May

Dark-eyed Junco LANARKSHIRE, Hamilton (1992 until 4 May)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck KENT, Dungeness (1993) Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1978 until 7 May); SCILLY, Bryher (1990); SURREY, Pirbright Common (1990)

species 24, individuals 50

More of the same, although eight Red-rumped Swallows makes this the best date for the species. Stilt Sandpiper, the second of two spring Pechora Pipits, Blackeared Wheatear and Collared Flycatcher provide a touch of class. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Whalsay (1969 until 7 May) Little Bittern CORK, Inchigaggin Marsh (1989) Night Heron BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Wraysbury Gravel Pit (1983 until 8 May); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Landbeach (1986), Ouse Washes (1990); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Abbey (1981); SUSSEX, Cuckmere Haven (2) (1987, 1 until 6 May) Black Stork CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1989) American Wigeon BERWICKSHIRE, Coldstream (1990 until 5 May) Blue-winged Teal HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (2) (1980); KENT, Stodmarsh (1978 until 17 June) Black Kite DEVON, Prawle Point (1980); DORSET, Portland (1994); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1987); KENT, Stodmarsh (1983); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1987); WORCESTERSHIRE, Defford (1986)

Red-footed Falcon CORK, Cape Clear Island (1994); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1990); SUSSEX, Seaford (1958) Black-winged Stilt NORFOLK, Hardley Flood (1993) Collared Pratincole WORCESTERSHIRE, Bredon's Hardwick (1994) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1987) Stilt Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1985 unti110 May) Dowitcher sp, LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1980 until 5 May) Marsh Sandpiper SHETLAND, Strand Loch (1969 until 6 May); SURREY, Old Woking Sewage Farm (1994 until 7 May) Caspian Tern NOTTINGHAMSHlRE, South Muskham (1988 until 12 May) White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1970 until 6 May); NORFOLK, Brancaster & Titchwell (2) (1970, 1 until 8 May, 1 until 11 May)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 87

Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Nare Head (1980); ISLE OF WIGHT, Havenstreet (1992); KENT, Dungeness (1990); LANCASHIRE, Ainsdale (1968); NORFOLK, Cromer (1990); SUFFOLK, Southwold (1989); SUSSEX, Litlington (1971); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988) Pechora Pipit ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1991 until 9 May) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, Bryher (1968) Black-eared Wheatear PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1990) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Skewjack (1984 until 7 May), Lands End (1994); SHETLAND, Toab (1988 until 5 May)

5 May

Collared Flycatcher NORFOLK, Holme (1969 until 6 May) Rose-coloured Starling INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1971 until 8 May) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 9 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting KINROSS-SHIRE, Loch Leven (1969 until 8 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1962)

species 30, individuals

A day for Nearctic sparrows, with three individuals of two species being found Glossy Ibis' are becoming increasingly scarce, whilst Pallid Harriers have starter to occur more frequently. White-billed Diver enjoys its best finding date. White-billed Diver ARGYLLSHIRE, Machrihanish Bay (1991); OUTER HEBRIDES, Ard An Runair (1989); SHETLAND, Vatsetter (1977), Fair Isle (1979) Little Bittern ENGLAND, locality withheld (1979 until 20 June); SCILLY, Tresco (1994 until 8 May) Night Heron SUFFOLK, Lackford Wildfowl Reserve (1989); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (2) (1987); WARWICKSHIRE, Ladywalk (1987) Great White Egret KENT, Stodmarsh (1977) Glossy Ibis DURHAM, Haverton Hole (1992) American Wigeon DURHAM, Saltholme (1988 until 7 May); NORTHAMPTONSHlRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit (1987) Black Kite SUFFOLK, Benacre (1988); SUSSEX, Cissbury ( 1977); YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1988)

88 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Pallid Harrier TAYSIDE, locality withheld (1993 until 7 May) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Barling (1990); FIFE, Isle of May (1969 until 12 May); HAMPSHIRE, Bicktor (1974); SOMERSET, Wet Moor (1990); WATERFORD, Helvick Head (1994) Killdeer OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1991) Baird's Sandpiper DURHAM, Saltholme (1979) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Saltholme (1994 until 7 May); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1978 until 8 May); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1990) Long-billed Dowitcher DONEGAL, Tory Island (1962); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1979 until 12 May) Marsh Sandpiper

DEVON, Bantham (1990) Lesser Yellowlegs LANCASHIRE, Marton Mere (1992); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1988) Laughing Gull ESSEX, Holliwell Pond (1974)

Gull-billed Tern SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1980); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1967) Caspian Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Spalding (1988) Whiskered Tern KENT, Dungeness (1994 until 6 May) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1965 until 7 May) Alpine Swift DEVON, Hartland Point (1986); DORSET, Portland (1987); GLAMORGAN, Lisvane Reservoir (1973); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1984) Red-rumped Swallow DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1991 until 8 May); KENT, Stodmarsh (1973); NORFOLK, Winterton (1990); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (2) (1990) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985 until 10 May) Black-eared Wheatear SUSSEX, Bewl Water Reservoir (1988)

6 May

Great Reed Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1973) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Sennen Nature Reserve (1992 until 15 May); KENT, Reculver (1988); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1968) Bonelli's Warbler SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1979) Song Sparrow CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1970 until 8 May) White-throated Sparrow CAITHNESS, Sordale (1970 until 1 September); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1973 until 15 May) Black-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1978 until 9 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 15 May); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1962)

species 29, individuals 54

The Glossy Ibises in Norfolk and Suffolk are known to be two different birds. Two Red-throated Pipits, Thrush Nightingale and Rock Thrush are the pick of the Continental overshoots, whilst the Northern Oriole is the first of two birds to be found near Haverfordwest. White-billed Diver SCILLY, off Bryher & Samson (1990) Little Bittern DEVON, Exminster Marshes (1973); KENT, Westbere (2) (1973); NORFOLK, Weybourne (1973 until 10 May) Night Heron CHESHIRE, Budworth Mere (1982 until 7 May); GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1990); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Newport (2) (1994, 1 until 23 May, 1 until 25 May); STAFFORDSHIRE, Brierley Hill (1994 until 17 May); SUSSEX, Woods Hill, Henfield (1988) Cattle Egret LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1992 until 10 May); YORKSHIRE, Nunnington (5) (1992)

Glossy Ibis NORFOLK, Cley & Kelling Quags (1992); SUFFOLK, Carlton Marshes (1992 until 8 May) Black Kite ESSEX, Bradwell (1977); NORFOLK, Cley & Salthouse (1971 until 10 May); SUFFOLK, Wantisden (1990); SUSSEX, Chichester Harbour (1989) White-tailed Eagle ORKNEY, Hoy (1976) Red-footed Falcon NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Kislingbury Gravel Pit (1990); SUFFOLK, Rendlesham Forest (1984 until 9 May); YORKSHIRE, North Scarborough (1994) Black-winged Stilt LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1991); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1961)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 89

Collared Pratincole HAMPSHIRE, Mockbeggar Lake (1987) Broad-billed Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHlRE, New Grounds (1976 until 9 May) Gull-billed Tern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1979) Caspian Tern KENT, Dover (1976); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990) Whiskered Tern CORNWALL, Sennen (1983) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Holme (2) (1970) Alpine Swift WORCESTERSHlRE, Upton Warren (1973) Roller SCILLY, St Marys (1958) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Radipole Lake (1972) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Agnes (1965 until 7 May & 1988 until 7 May) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1978 until 8 May)

7 May

Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1992) Black-eared Wheatear CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1992) Rock Thrush DORSET, Portland (1989) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1978); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1990 until 9 May) Subalpine Warbler DEvoN,Lundy(1992) Bonelli's Warbler SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1970) Rose-coloured Starling AYRSHIRE, Irvine (1994 until 14 May) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1959) Northern Oriole PEMBROKESHIRE, Hook, Haverfordwest (1970 until 7 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1963)

species 39, individuals 73

The largest species total to date, with a selection of predictable finds and several extreme rarities. American species feature with American Golden Plover, Semipalmated Sandpiper, two Spotted Sandpipers, both Laughing and Franklin's Gulls and another Dark-eyed Junco. Bimaculated Lark is the first record for Britain, whilst a Short-toed Treecreeper in Dorset is an extremely good find. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1987) Little Bittern HAMPSHIRE, Winchester Water Meadows (1964); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1970) Night Heron CHESHIRE, Runcorn (1962); CUMBERLAND, Longtown (1987 until 17 May); ESSEX, Holland Haven (1990); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ecton Sewage Farm

Blue-winged Teal CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1988 until 8 May); ORKNEY, Sanday (1989 until 8 May) King Eider SHETLAND, Trondra (1991 until 18 May) Black Kite HAMPSHIRE, Beaulieu Road (1993); YORKSHIRE, Hillen (1991) White-tailed Eagle

(1983); WILTSHIRE, Coate Water (1990)

YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989)

Squacco Heron KENT, Elmley (1990 until 14 May) Cattle Egret KENT, Stodmarsh (1992 until 8 May) American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1983)

Red-footed Falcon DORSET, East Stoke (1990 until 8 May); NORFOLK, King's Lynn (1969); SCILLY, St Marys (1989 until 5 June)

90 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black-winged Stilt CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (2) (1983 until 14 June); HERTFORDSHIRE, Chandler's Cross (2) (1984); PEMBROKESHlRE, Skokholm (1990 until 8 May); YORKSHIRE, Southfield Reservoir (1991) American Golden Plover SHETLAND, Fetlar (1990 until 14 May) Semipalmated Sandpiper DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1989 until 10 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper MONMOUTHSHIRE, Peterstone Pill (1979); NORFOLK, Ousemouth (1989), Breydon (1993 until 14 May) Marsh Sandpiper FLINTSHIRE, Oakenholt Marsh (1990) Spotted Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch Harbour (1976 until 14 May); YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1977 until 11 May) Laughing Gull CORNWALL, Polperro (1990) Franklin's Gull KERRY, Black Rock (1993 until 11 May) Ross's Gull DURHAM, Hartlepool (1976) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Stour Estuary (1962); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1966) Whiskered Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1983) White-winged Black Tern OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Stiapavat (1967) Alpine Swift DEVON, Slapton Ley (1983) Bimaculated Lark DEVON, Lundy (1962 until 11 May) Red-rumped Swallow CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1988); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1980 until 11 May); YORKSHIRE, Healaugh Pond (1974) Red-throated Pipit ARGYLLSHIRE, Tobermory (1975); NORTHUMBERLAND, Seaton Burn (1984 until 11 May); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994)

Black-headed Wagtail PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1986); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 9 May) Alpine Accentor KENT, Ramsgate (1975) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990) Black-eared Wheatear WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1987 until 10 May) White's Thrush CHESHIRE, Weaverham (1964) Subalpine Warbler BEDFORDSHIRE, Whipsnade (1986); CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1988); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1983 until 14 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Newton Pool (1984); ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1983 until 9 May), North Ronaldsay (1988); SCILLY, St Agnes (1981 until 8 May & 1989); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989 until 8 May) Sardinian Warbler DEVON, Prawle Point (1992) Bonelli's Warbler LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1984); SCILLY, St Marys (1975) Short-toed Treecreeper DORSET, Portland (1979) Dark-eyed Junco SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1969) Rustic Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1972); OUTER HEBRIDES, South Uist (1965); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985) Black-headed Bunting ESSEX, West Mersea (1979) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck NORFOLK, Cley (1988 until 15 May) Daurian Starling SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 28 May) Red-headed Bunting SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966 until 8 May)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 91

8 May

species 28, individuals 51

An inland Rock Thrush is exceptional, whilst two Alpine Accentors makes this the species' best finding day. The Dusky Warbler is only the second ever spring record; and a further eight Subalpine Warblers are found today. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Uyeasound (1983 until 10 May), Holm of Burravoe (1985) Little Bittern SCILLY, St Marys (1994 until 17 May) Night Heron SUFFOLK, Lackford Wildfowl Reserve (1994) Great White Egret NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Dene (1989) Glossy Ibis HERTFORDSHIRE, Totteridge (1977 until 22 September) Blue-winged Teal YORKSHIRE, Wintersett (1971) King Eider SHETLAND, VIsta (1973 until 17 May) Black Kite KENT, Luddesdown (1976), Dungeness (1982 & 1983); NORTHUMBERLAND, Rock (1986) Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Lodmoor (2) (1976, 1 until 11 May); ORKNEY, Stromness (1962); SURREY, Godstone (1971 until 9 May) Semipalmated Sandpiper NORFOLK, Hickling (1992 until 9 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (1990 until 13 May); DORSET, Ferrybridge (1986); SUSSEX, Pevensey Bridge Levels (1988) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, High Halstow (1994 until 16 May) Lesser Yellowlegs WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1965) Spotted Sandpiper WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1977 until 10 May) Caspian Tern CARDIGANSHlRE,

Ynys-las & Ynys-hir

(1974 until 28 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1987 until 11 May) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Neumann's Flash (1992); DEVON, Bamstaple (1989)

92 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Stourhoull (1975) Alpine Swift KENT, Dungeness (1983); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1981); YORKSHIRE, Horburt Lagoons, Wakefield (1983) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Stodmarsh (1994); SUFFOLK, Reydon (1990) Alpine Accentor DEVON, Lundy (1993); KENT, Dungeness (1976) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1986); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 9 May) Rock Thrush HERTFORDSHIRE, Graveley (1983) Great Reed Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1989) Subalpine Warbler DEVON, Thurlestone (1986 until 11 May) DURHAM, Hartlepool (1975); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1989); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1988 until 11 May); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1981), Fair Isle (1988 until 10 May), Noss (1989 until 9 May); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1983 until 9 May Dusky Warbler WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1990 until 9 May) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1981 until 13 May) Penduline Tit DURHAM, Hargreaves Quarry (1993 until 9 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting

BUTESHIRE, Arran (1972 until 10 May)

9 May

species 27, individuals 65

A terrific day with more Black Kites, Red-footed Falcons, a staggering 13 Subalpine Warblers (the species' best day and continuing its purple patch), three Thrush Nightingales (all on Scottish islands), another Rock Thrush, four Rustic Buntings and one of the few spring Greenish Warblers. The Nearctic is still well represented with Lesser Scaup, Lesser Yellowlegs, Spotted Sandpiper and Wilson's Phalarope. Fair Isles features for six species including Steller's Eider. Little Bittern SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1971); WEXFORD, Rosslare area (1964 until 10 May) Night Heron CORK, Sherkin Island (1994); WICKLOW, Ballygannon Pond (1976 until 17 May) Glossy Ibis SUFFOLK, Benacre (1979) American Wigeon WARWICKSHIRE, Wasperton (1987 until 14 May) Blue-winged Teal ESSEX, Stanford Warren (1989 until 12 May) Lesser Scaup SHETLAND, Loch ofSpiggie (1993 until 13 May) Steller's Eider SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 13 June) Black Kite ESSEX, Rayleigh (1994); HAMPSHIRE, Hawkhill Enclosure (1990), Pig Bush (1994); KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1994); NORFOLK, Repps (1987); SUFFOLK, Westleton Heath (1971) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, Bishop's Dyke (1970); KENT, Warehorne (1989), Stodmarsh (1994 until 11 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Killingholme (1978); NORFOLK, Cley (1959); SHETLAND, Yell (1978 until 28 May); SUFFOLK, Southwold (1958 until 14 May) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1993) Lesser Yellowlegs NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1973 until 10 May) Spotted Sandpiper CORNWALL, Upper Tamar Lake (1987 until 16 May)

Wilson's Phalarope NORFOLK, Cley (1987 until 12 May); SHETLAND, Strand Loch (1975) Ross's Gull NORFOLK, Cley (1984 until 13 May) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Lade (1971 until 10 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 12 May) Great Spotted Cuckoo LINCOLNSHIRE, Anderby (1971) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973) Alpine Swift BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Wraysbury (1983 until 23 May); SCILLY, St Agnes (1979); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1987) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Dungeness (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 11 May) Red-throated Pipit LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1981); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (2) (1964) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1970 until 16 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 & 1988 until 13 May) Rock Thrush NORFOLK, Salthouse (1969) Subalpine Warbler CHESHIRE, Moreton (1992); DORSET, Portland (1989); FIFE, Isle of May (1988 until 13 May); KENT, Darrick Wood, Orpington (1976); LANCASHIRE, Lancaster (1989); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1987); OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Eynort (1993); SCILLY, St Agnes (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1988 until 13 May); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968 & 1980); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1981 until 11 May) Greenish Warbler SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1993)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Penduline Tit CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1981 until 13 May); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1991 until 10 May) Rustic Bunting LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1993 until 11 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1993); YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1975 until 10 May), Filey Dams (1990 until 10 May)

10 May

Black-headed Bunting SCILLY, Bryher (1979 until 11 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting BEDFORDSHIRE, Stewartby Lake (1992 until 10 May) Blue Grosbeak GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Newent (1986)

species 32, individuals 5;

A Little Shearwater blown inland is one of two to be found dead in Cheshire. Botl Baillon's and Little Crakes are found on this day as well as Foula's second Dark eyed Junco. The Cattle Egret is only one of two British birds found in Scotland. Little Shearwater CHESHIRE, Stockport (1958) Little Bittern SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1987 until 15 May) Night Heron NORFOLK, Cley & Salthouse (1990 until 11 May); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1987 until 11 May) Cattle Egret ANGUS, Loch of Kinnordy (1979 until 19 May) Great White Egret YORKSHIRE, Bretton Lakes (1989) Black Stork NORTHUMBERLAND, Cullemose Point (1959); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Glossy Ibis NORTHUMBERLAND, Bothal Pond (1989) King Eider SHETLAND, Noss (1991 until 28 May) Black Kite DEVON, Prawle Point (1988), Lundy (1989 until 11 May); DORSET, Abbotsbury (1994); ESSEX, Colne Point (1994) Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Seal Sands (1990 until 20 May); LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1979); LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney



Tingwall (1970 until 25 May); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1973) Gyr Falcon INVERNESS-SHIRE, Loch Insh (1972) Little Crake SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1967)


Rare Birds Day by Day

Baillon's Crake YORKSHIRE, Guisborough (1965 until 12 May) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Ballycotton (2) (1987); HAMPSHIRE Farlington Marshes (1987 until 20 May) KENT, Elmley (1981 until 11 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (2) (1965) American Golden Plover KENT, Dungeness (1987 until 15 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1987) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1981) Lesser Yellowlegs DURHAM, Washington (1967); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987) Terek Sandpiper SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1969) Wilson's Phalarope BEDFORDSHIRE, Shefford (1958 until 13 May) Franklin's Gull SHETLAND, Loch of Spiggie & Loch of Hillwell (1990 until 11 May) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Warsash (1982) Caspian Tern WARWICKSHIRE, Dosthill Lake (1993) Whiskered Tern STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1970) White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Tamar Lakes (1993 until 12 May); NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1987)

Red-rumped Swallow YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1976) Red-throated Pipit NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge Pool (1987 until 11 May), Holy Island (2) (1987); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1970), Kilnsea (1987) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 30 May) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1990); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1966 until 11 May), Foula (1993), Fair Isle (1994 until 12 May); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1982) Sardinian Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1988 until 11 May)

11 May

Dark-eyed Junco SHETLAND, Foula (1967) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 14 May), Eshaness (1981) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1967 until 23 May); KENT, Sheerness (1976); LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1991 until 17 May); ORKNEY, Holm (1968)

species 31, individuals 62

An impressive list of Continental species includes three Broad-billed Sandpipers, three Thrush Nightingales, four Great Reed Warblers and five Rustic Buntings, yet all are over-shadowed by the ninth British record of Pine Grosbeak. Both Franklin's and Laughing Gulls are found today, whilst the Pallas's Sandgrouse is the first in six years; it will be another 15 years before this species is found again in Britain. Incredibly, the Northern Oriole is one of three found in 1968 and one of eight seen during the 1960s. Shetland, Norfolk, Cornwall, Kent and Yorkshire stand out as the top five counties. Little Bittern CORNWALL, Bude (1958), Sithney Common Hill (1964); MID LOTHIAN, Gorebridge (1994) Night Heron NORFOLK, Welney (1989 until 14 May) Squacco Heron CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1994 until 29 May) Glossy Ibis GALWAY, Roundstone (1976 until 12 May) Black Kite ISLE OF WIGHT, Downend (1987 until 16 May); KENT, Canterbury (1983); NORFOLK, Ringstead (1974); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1991); WICKLOW, Killoughter (1981) Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Portland (1969 until 14 May) Gyr Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, Port of Ness (1967) Little Crake SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970)

Broad-billed Sandpiper ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1963 until 18 May); CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1987 until 12 May); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1989 until 12 May) Long-billed Dowitcher ABERDEENSHIRE, Meikle Loch (1980); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1970) Marsh Sandpiper CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Guyhirn (1981) Lesser Yellowlegs SCILLY, St Marys (1974 until 18 May) Wilson's Phalarope KENT, Egypt Bay (1971) Laughing Gull KENT, Dungeness (1966) Franklin's Gull CHESHIRE, Neumann's Flash (1987) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Holme (1983); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1961), Pagham Harbour (1974)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1988) White-winged Black Tern HAMPSHIRE, Lee-on-Solent (1960) Pallas's Sandgrouse FIFE, Isle of May (2) (1975) Scops Owl HAMPSHIRE, Highclere (1968) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1967 until 26 May), Eday (1972); SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1969), Fair Isle (1991) Red-rumped Swallow ESSEX, Gunners Park (1990); KENT, Stodmarsh (1975); NORFOLK, Cley (1990) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1990 until 12 May); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1966 until 12 May) Thrush Nightingale CAITHNESS, Noss Farm (1981); KENT, Dungeness (1988); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 12 May) Great Reed Warbler NORFOLK, Cley (1994 until 26 June); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1970); SUSSEX, St Leonards (1969), Belle Tout Wood (1970)

12 May

Subalpine Warbler DURHAM, Finchgate Priory (1986); LINCOLNSHIRE, Ingoldmells (1970); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1990); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1988 until 12 May), Fetlar (1988 until 1 June) Bonelli's Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994 until 13 May) Pine Grosbeak NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1975 until 12 May) Rustic Bunting BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1993 until 14 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1975); NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island (1988); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1985 until 12 May), Beacon Ponds, Spurn (1993) Black-headed Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1965) Northern Oriole CORNWALL, Bodmin Moor (1968 until 13 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Collin (1963)

species 30, individuals 6;

Five Black Kites down the east coast stand out; and the two Slender-billed Gull are the first since 1971. Whiskered and Gull-billed Terns pour in, with three Lesse Grey Shrikes and another Nearctic sparrow continuing the run. Small shearwater sp. GALWAY, Slyne Head (1980) Little Bittern WEXFORD, Kilmore Quay (1964) Night Heron PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1979 until 16 May); WORCESTERSHIRE, Lower Bittell Reservoir (1983) Cattle Egret CUMBERLAND, Carlisle (1987) Black Stork HAMPSHIRE, Godshill (1970); KENT, Elmley (1991) Blue-winged Teal SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1970 until 14 May)

96 Rare Birds Day by Day

King Eider CAITHNESS, Sinclair's Bay (1992) Black Kite KENT, Pegwell Bay (1994); NORFOLK, Dersingham (1988); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1979); YORKSHIRE, Kepwick (1975), Hornsea Mere (1989) Red-footed Falcon DORSET, CliftonWood(1977 until 14 May); KENT, Brookland (1989 until 14 May); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1994 until 13 May) Black-winged Stilt HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1990); SUSSEX, Boreham Street (2) (1984 until 18 May); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (2) (1983)

Broad-billed Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1985 until 15 May) Long-billed Dowitcher EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1991 until 13 May) Slender-billed Gull NORFOLK, Cley (2) (1987 until 15 May) Ross's Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, Drimsdale (1994 until 14 May) Gull-billed Tern DORSET, Portland Bill (1976); HAMPSHIRE, Milford-on-Sea (1994); NORFOLK, Weyboume (2) (1959); SUSSEX, Pert Level (1974) Whiskered Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Purl's Bridge (1989 until 13 May); HAMPSHIRE, Hurst Castle (1970); SOMERSET, Chilton Trinity Clay Pits & Durleigh Reservoir (1973 until 14 May) Scops Owl HAMPSHIRE, Dummer (1980 until 14 July) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 18 May) Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1960); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1974 until 16 May); SUSSEX, Pagham (1970) Red-rumped Swallow SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1987 until 17 May) Thrush Nightingale ABERDEENSHIRE, Newburgh (1981); CAITHNESS, Noss Farm (1981); ORKNEY, Holm (1983 until 16 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1983)

13 May

American Robin KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, WoodhallLoch (1966) Great Reed Warbler CAITHNESS, Noss Farm (1981 until 13 May); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1962 until 13 May); SHETLAND, Hillwell (1994) Subalpine Warbler ANGUS, Maryton (1994 until 17 May); DORSET, Portland (1981 until 13 May); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1994); LINCOLNSHIRE, Humberston (1981 until 13 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Ramsey Island (1993); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1981), Seafield (1988), Fair Isle (2) (1994, 1 until 20 May) Isabelline Shrike SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 13 May) Lesser Grey Shrike LINCOLNSHIRE, Kirton Marsh (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1959) Rose-coloured Starling KENT, Biddenden (1990 until 13 May) White-throated Sparrow YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1983) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1972); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985 until 15 May) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 15 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1976); LANCASHIRE, Heysham Harbour (1982); SCILLY, St Agnes (1969)

species 32, individuals 94

Four more Broad-billed Sandpipers keep up the recent run, as does the day total of 11 White-winged Black Terns. The remarkable record of seven Gull-billed Terns off Sussex, involving two groups of three and four, makes this the best day for the species. Today is also the best day for Whiskered Tern. Two Collared Flycatchers is the best day for this species, bringing the month total to three, whilst today sees the second Song and third and fourth White-throated Sparrows of the month. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Wedderholm (1982), Burravoe (1985 until 16 August)

Little Bittern ANTRIM, Crumlin (1965); DORSET, Lodmoor (1970 unti115 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, Burton Pits (1970); SUFFOLK, Thorpeness Mere (1961)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Night Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Welches Dam (1987 until 26 July); NORFOLK, Winterton (1979); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ferry Meadows Park (1987); SUFFOLK, Southwold (1990 until 20 May) Squacco Heron CORNWALL, Towednack (1992 until 19 May) Black Stork DURHAM, Hamsterley Forest (1989) American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Rostherne Mere (1973 until 16 May); ORKNEY, Stenness (1980); SOMERSET, Chew Magna Reservoir (1988) Black Kite KENT, Dover (1994); SCILLY, Bryher & Tresco (1990); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1989) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1989); CORNWALL, Croft Pascoe, The Lizard (1988 until 27 May); DORSET, Studland Heath (1987); HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1978); NORFOLK, Cley (1960); SURREY, Elstead (1961) Gyr Falcon ORKNEY, Burrien Hill (1966) Black-winged Stilt SUFFOLK, Blythburgh (2) (1979) Semipalmated Sandpiper SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 15 May); SUFFOLK, Trimley Marsh (1993 until 14 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper ARGYLLSHIRE, Balephetrish Bay, Tiree (1994); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1980 until 15 May); KENT, Cliffe (1982 until 16 May); NORFOLK, Holme (1989 until 16 May) Lesser Yellowlegs ESSEX, Foulness (1961); NORFOLK, Cley (1994 until 15 May) Terek Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1990 until 27 May) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Beachy Head (7) (1982) Whiskered Tern GLAMORGAN, Blackpill (2) (1974); HAMPSHIRE, Milford-on-Sea (1972); WEXFORD, North Slob (1970 until 20 May)


Rare Birds Day by Day

White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (2) (1979); DURHAM, Teesmouth (1972 until 20 May); ESSEX, Parkeston (1960); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1979); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1961); SHETLAND, Walls (1982 until 16 May); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1959 until 16 May); YORKSHIRE, Chelker Reservoir (2) (1961), Hornsea Mere (1978) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Birsay Moor (1977 until 16 May) Pallid Swift KENT, Stodmarsh (1978 until 21 May) Alpine Swift ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (1962); KENT, Foreness (1986); NORFOLK, Weybourne (1979); YORKSHIRE, Hunmanby Gap (1974) Red-rumped Swallow YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1965) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Salthouse (1981 until 14 May), Blakeney Point (1989 until 15 May); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994); SCILLY, St Agnes (1961 unti114 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966); SURREY, Bam Elms Reservoir (1988) Thrush Nightingale DURHAM, Hartlepool (1985 until 15 May); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1984 until 14 May) Siberian Stonechat DURHAM, Hartlepool (1985 until 14 May); SCILLY, St Agnes (1993 until 15 May) Black-eared Wheatear NORFOLK, Cley (1975) Great Reed Warbler CORNWALL, Crowan Reservoirs (1988 until 15 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1967 until 14 May); YORKSIDRE, Blacktoft Sands (1987) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, The Lizard (1988); KENT, Margate (1986); NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin-by-Sea (1992); SCILLY, St Agnes (1982), St Marys (1994); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1977 until 30 May)

Collared Flycatcher SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1975); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1985 until 14 May) Song Sparrow ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1971 until 3 June) White-throated Sparrow SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966), Norwick (1987 until 15 May)

14 May

Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962 until 18 May), Whalsay (1974 & 1985) Black-headed Bunting WICKLOW, Wicklow Head (1979) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting NORFOLK, Cley (1965 until 7 June)

species 30, individuals 83

Today sees the start of the 1992 Red-footed Falcon invasion, with 1992 contributing 14 of the 18 birds found on this date. Red-throated Pipits are also found in good numbers. The third British Oriental Pratincole is found, whilst the Dusky Warbler at the time was unprecedented, but over-wintering has been noted in recent years. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961) Little Bittern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1977); FLINTSHIRE, Cwm, Rhyl (1970) Night Heron FIFE, Isle of May (1960); LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1983); LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1983) Black Stork ESSEX, Lea Valley Park (1989) Glossy Ibis KENT, Brookland (1990) Black Kite DORSET, Bat's Head (1988); KENT, Dungeness (1988); NORFOLK, Cley (1966); SOMERSET, Walton-in-Gordano (1994); STAFFORDSHIRE, Morridge (1991) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Margate (1983), Rushenden (1992), Minnis Bay (1992); LINCOLNSHIRE, Kirkby Moor (1994 until 19 May); NORFOLK, Winterton (1989 & (3) 1992), Horsey (1992), Happisburgh (1992), Blakeney Point (2) (1992), Cley (1992), Titchwell & Holme (1992), Salthouse Heath (1992 until 15 May); SUFFOLK, Falkenham (1992); WARWICKSHIRE, Middleton (1967 until 21 May); YORKSHIRE, Danby Beacon & Scaling Dam area (1992 until 16 May) Black-winged Stilt DORSET, Lodmoor (1959 until 15 May)

Collared Pratincole NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Hollowell Reservoir (1973) Oriental Pratincole NORFOLK, Gimingham (1993 until 3 June) Semipalmated Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1989 until 17 May) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Titchwell (1983 until 17 May) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Snettisham (1988 until 15 May) Ross's Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, Monarch Isles (1976) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960) Whiskered Tern HAMpSHIRE, Mockbeggar Lake (2) (1988); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1970 until 21 May) White-winged Black Tern NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Hollowell Reservoir (2) (1965); SUSSEX, Chichester Harbour (1992 unti115 May); WORCESTERSHlRE, Droitwich (1969) Alpine Swift HERTFORDSHIRE, Hartsbourne Golf Course (1977); PEMBROKESHIRE, Ramsey Island (1973 until 25 May); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1980) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Verne Common (1983 unti115 May)

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Red-throated Pipit CORNWALL, Marazion (1990); FIFE, Isle of May (1988 until 17 May); NORFOLK, Salthouse (1985), Happisburgh (2) (1992, 1 until 18 May), Cley (1992 until 15 May), Blakeney Point (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 16 May) Thrush Nightingale NORFOLK, Holme (1977); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 & 1988 until 21 May), Whalsay (1974 until 20 May), Kergord (1988), Voe (1988) Black-eared Wheatear DEvoN,Lundy(1974) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1963 until 15 May) Subalpine Warbler ANGUS, Arbroath (1970); DURHAM, Whitbum (1985); ISLE OF MAN, Calfof Man (1980); LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney (1976); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1992 & 1994); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1984), Fair Isle (1988), Hillswick (1988)

15 May

Sardinian Warbler NORFOLK, Weyboume (1992 until 15 May) Dusky Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1970). This bird was ringed on finding and subsequently found dying in Limerick, on about 5 December. Bonelli's Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 15 May) Lesser Grey Shrike NORTHUMBERLAND, Hexham (1994) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962), Boddam (1994) Black-headed Bunting KENT, Dungeness (1983) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting NORFOLK, Cley (1965 until 7 June)

species 38, individuals 96

Another step up, with more individual birds of more species being found today. Five Little Bitterns is remarkable, as are the seven Black Kites (joint best date for this species), ten Red-footed Falcons, five White-winged Black Terns, six Redthroated Pipits, seven Thrush Nightingales (joint best date), four Great Reed and seven Subalpine Warblers. As if this is not enough, extreme rarities appear to be two-a-penny, with the pick of the bunch being the long-staying Steller's Eider, a Pine Grosbeak, Britain's first record of Marmora's Warbler (a seemingly unlikely vagrant) and Britain's second Lark Sparrow. A Yellow-breasted Bunting away from Fair Isle is noteworthy, but being one of only three spring records ever, makes this record even more remarkable.

100 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Little Bittern CHESHIRE, Upton (1969 until 18 May); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1979 until 16 May); KENT, Dungeness (1964), Stodmarsh (1976); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Newport (1994) Night Heron SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1987) Squacco Heron SCILLY, Bryher (1990) Glossy Ibis NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1985) Lesser White-fronted Goose YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1976 until 18 May) King Eider SHETLAND, Noss (1991 until 7 July) Steller's Eider OUTER HEBRIDES, Vorran Island, South Uist (1972 until 12 August 1984) Black Kite DORSET, Portland (1992); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Symonds Yat (1985); KENT, St Margaret's Bay (1994), Capel Fleet (1994); LANCASHIRE, Baycliffe (1988); NORFOLK, Attleborough (1994); ORKNEY, Rousay (1968) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Welches Dam (1977); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Boat of Garten (1961); NAIRN, Loch Flemington (1992 until 16 May); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1959), Holme (1976); SCILLY, Tresco (1970); TIPPERARY, Rockwell (1994); YORKSHIRE, Potteric Carr (1982), Spurn (1992); WICKLOW, Five Mile Point (1994 until 16 May) Gyr Falcon MAYO, Clare Island (1994) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Par Beach (4) (1987), Marazion (1992 until 17 May) Collared Pratincole NORTHUMBERLAND, Beadnell (1983); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1980) Broad-billed Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Aylburton Warth (1980); LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1988); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Peterstone Wentlooge (1988) Dowitcher sp. YORKSHIRE, Patrington (1965)

Marsh Sandpiper ABERDEENSHlRE, Cotehill Loch (1990 until 16 May) Spotted Sandpiper CARMARTHENSHlRE, Whitland (1960 until 18 May) Bonaparte's Gull WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1988) Gull-billed Tern YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1979) Whiskered Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1973); NORFOLK, Rockland Broad (2) (1994) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Castletownbere Haven (1971); CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (1979); KERRY, Blennerville (1983); LINCOLNSHIRE, Anderby (1970 until 17 May); MORAYSHIRE, Loch Spynie (1993) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Foula (2) (1974) Alpine Swift DEVON, Lundy (1969 until 16 May); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ravensthorpe Reservoir (1993) Red-rumped Swallow SHETLAND, Clickimin Loch (1980); SUFFOLK, Thorpeness (1991) Red-throated Pipit CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1992); CORK, Garretstown (1987); NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1959 until 18 May), Blakeney Point (1988 until 17 May), Happisburgh (1992 until 17 May); SUFFOLK, Trimley Lake, Felixstowe (1982) Citrine Wagtail HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1993 until 16 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1991 until 16 May) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Crail (1985); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988 until 20 May); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1988 until 18 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1985); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 until 17 May & 1983 until 17 May), Whalsay (1985 until 19 May) Great Reed Warbler CORNWALL, Marazion (1962); DEVON, Prawle Point (1982), Axmouth (1992 until 17 May); DORSET, Portland Bill (1959)

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Marmora's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Midhope (1982 until 24 July) Subalpine Warbler CAITHNESS, Wick (1981); CHESHIRE, Wilmslow (1982); ESSEX, Walthamstow (1994); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988), South Ronaldsay (1994 until 17 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1992); SHETLAND, Skaw (1988 until 28 May) Sardinian Warbler NORFOLK, Holme (1994 until 16 May) Lesser Grey Shrike SOMERSET, Royal Portbury Dock (1982) Rose-coloured Starling DEVON, Lundy (1979 until 1 June) Parrot Crossbill SURREY, Wisley (1963) Pine Grosbeak KENT, Cobtree (1971)

16 May

Lark Sparrow NORFOLK, Waxham (1991 until 17 May) White-crowned Sparrow SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977 until 16 May) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 16 May & 1994), Whalsay (1982) Yellow-breasted Bunting LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1977) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Altrincham Sewage Farm (1959); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1976); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (2) (1976 until 17 May); KENT, Dungeness (1960); NORFOLK, Cley (1982); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1968 until 16 May)

species 32, individuals 92

Sixteen Red-footed Falcons stand out, with six occurring in 1959 and four in 1992. Two Laughing Gulls found today make this the best date for this Nearctic species. The Hertfordshire Black-winged Stilts were probably the birds that later bred successfully in Norfolk in 1987 (see 21 May). Two Broad-billed Sandpipers together is not that unusual. Extreme rarities come in the form of Britain's third Little Swift and the most recent British Wallcreeper. White-billed Diver DEVON, Start Point (1993); WEXFORD, Camsore Point (1979) Night Heron CHESHIRE, Budworth Mere (1992); ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (1987 until 21 July); KENT, Stodmarsh (1985), Lydd (1987); SOMERSET, Wellington (1972 until 11 June) Great White Egret DURHAM, Hutton Magna (1993) Glossy Ibis YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1976) American Wigeon SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1973 until 24 May) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1989 until 2 June); SHETLAND, Toft (1974 until 7 July)

102 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black Kite DEVON, South Milton Ley (1989); DORSET, East Knighton (1992); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1982); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1993) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Sutton Gault (3) (1992 until 17 May); DORSET, Burton Bradstock (1959 until 17 May), Hammoon (1960 until 24 May); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1988 until 23 May); HAMPSHIRE, Bishop's Dyke (5) (1959, 4 until 24 May, 1 until 6 June); LANCASHIRE, Ainsdale (1981); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Killingholme (1982); SHETLAND, Mid Yell (1981 until 4 June); SUFFOLK, Foxhole Heath (1976 until 21 May); WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1992 until 21 May)

Black-winged Stilt HERTFORDSHlRE, Tring Sewage Farm (2) (1987); NORFOLK, Hickling (2) (1992) American Golden Plover KENT, Elmley (1982 until 29 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (2) (1986 until 17 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973 until 19 May) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Lakenheath Flash (1990) Wilson's Phalarope NAIRN, Findhom Bay (1990) Laughing Gull CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1978); ORKNEY, Stenness (1991 until 22 May) Gull-billed Tern DORSET, Portland Bill (1974); SCILLY, Tresco (2) (1980) Caspian Tern SUSSEX, Worthing (1971) Bridled Tern SUSSEX, Rye (1993 until 17 May) White-winged Black Tern BEDFORDSHIRE, Stewartby Lake (1961 until 17 May); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Lound (1992) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 & 1986) Alpine Swift KENT, Folkestone Warren (1988); SUSSEX, Litlington (1970); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1965), Homsea (1989) Little Swift CORNWALL, Skewjack (1981) Red-rumped Swallow KINCARDINESHIRE, Girdle Ness (1987); SCILLY, Bryher (1980); YORKSHIRE, Nabum (1979 until 17 May) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1959), Salthouse (1984), Blakeney Point (1988); ORKNEY, Graemeshall Loch (1994 until 18 May); YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1976 until 17 May)

Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1983); YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1967) Black-eared Wheatear KENT, Denge Marsh (1992) Great Reed Warbler SCILLY, StAgnes (1985); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1976) Subalpine Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1988); SCILLY, Tresco (1980); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 & 1980); SUFFOLK, Trimley St Mary (1993 until 22 May); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1992) Greenish Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1970) Wallcreeper ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (1985) Lesser Grey Shrike HAMPSHIRE, Holt Pound (1967); MONTGOMERYSHIRE, Fan Pool (1982); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1970 until 19 May) Rustic Bunting NORFOLK, Salthouse (1985); ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1972); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1974 & 1978 until 17 May), Hillwell (1993); SUTHERLAND, Baligill (1991 until 18 May) Black-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1964); SCILLY, Gugh & St Agnes (1973 until 19 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting NORFOLK, Sheringham Golf Course (1977); ORKNEY, Shapinsay (1977); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (2) (1959 until 24 May); SCILLY, 8t Marys (1966 until 21 May)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 103

17 May

species 25, individuals 62

Today sees plenty of rare migrants turning up with a handful of extremely rare finds. White-billed Divers are not considered spring birds, but the two here make it 20 for the month, whilst a further nine Red-footed Falcons continue to swell their total. Six Broad-billed Sandpipers keep up the run, including another record of two together. The Baillon's Crake spent four days on a tiny open park pool, proving extremely popular and incredibly approachable, as it fed oblivious to its admirers amongst empty cans and other park litter. The Northern Mockingbird is the first record to be accepted on to the British list. White-billed Diver OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1994); SHETLAND, Holm of Heogland (1981) Albatross sp, CORK, Cape Clear Island (1973) Little Bittern DEVON, Ashburton (1979 until 19 May) Night Heron CORK, Ballymaloe (1992 until 18 May) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Newquay (1988) Black Kite CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1975); ESSEX, Stow Marsh (1992); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1980) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, King's Ripton (1992); DUNBARTONSHIRE, Endrick Mouth (1981); HAMPSHIRE, Bishop's Dyke (1992), Beaulieu Road (1992); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1974 until 18 May); NORFOLK, Holme (1974), Salthouse (1976); NORTHUMBERLAND, Alwinton (1980 until 18 May); YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1989) Baillon's Crake DURHAM, Mowbray Park, Sunderland (1989 until 20 May) Black-winged Stilt HAMPSHIRE, Winchester Sewage Farm (1987); YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1986) Broad-billed Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1975); NORFOLK,

Spotted Sandpiper SOMERSET, Burnham-on-Sea (1991 until 18 May) Wilson's Phalarope NORFOLK, Cley (1979 until 18 May) Gull-billed Tern SCILLY, St Agnes (1980) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1980) Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1973 until 1 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 & 1974 until 20 May) Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Cley (1974); AT SEA, SEA-AREA LUNDY, 19km north-west of Land's End (1988) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Rinsey Head (1977), Porthgwarra (1980); HERTFORDSHIRE, Tring Reservoirs (1981); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1973); NORFOLK, Cley (1980) Red-throated Pipit DEVON, Lundy (1969); KENT, Foreness (1992); NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1991); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Northern Mockingbird ESSEX, Hamford Water (1988 until 23 May) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1970); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1974)

Breydon Water (2) (1985 until 21 May);

Rock Thrush

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Nene Park, Peterborough (1986 until 20 May); WIGTOWNSHIRE, Stranraer (1983 until 18 May); YORKSHIRE, Saltend, Hull (1986 until 18 May)

YORKSHIRE, Sutton Bank (1969) Great Reed Warbler CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1975 until 19 May); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1990); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1971); SUSSEX, St Leonards (1984 until 18 May)

104 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1985); ISLE OF MAN, Langness (1974); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1961); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1986 until 25 May) Rustic Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1985); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 22 May), Burravoe (1988)

18 May

Black-headed Bunting NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Blyth (1966 until 25 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1993 until 23 May); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Lewiston (1969 until 20 May); ORKNEY, Birsay (1962); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 26 May)

species 35, individuals 94

An exceptional day with some amazing finds and high species' totals: five Little Bitterns, eight Broad-billed Sandpipers, seven Red-throated Pipits and a staggering 15 White-winged Black Terns (13 of them in 1992). The Black-browed Albatross returned to Bass Rock for the following two summers, with possibly the same bird moving to Shetland (see 22 July). Blockbusters today include aScops Owl, a male Citrine Wagtail, the first British mainland records of both Spanish and Song Sparrows, and one of only two spring Yellow-rumped Warblers (both on Fair Isle). The Palm Warbler was found dead as a tideline corpse. Today is the best date for Broad-billed Sandpiper, White-winged Black Tern and Red-headed Bunting. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Quendale (1982) Black-browed Albatross EAST LOTHIAN, Bass Rock (1967 until 28 September) Little Bittern AYRSHIRE, Ayr (1965 until 19 May); DORSET, Lodmoor (1975), Radipole Lake (1977 until 20 May), Hinton Parva (1990); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1981 until 19 May) Night Heron CORK, Ballymaloe (1992) Black Stork ARGYLLSHIRE, Sanna (1991); SUTHERLAND, Brora (1977) Blue-winged Teal HAMPSHIRE, Dibden Bay (1992 until 21 May); KENT, Stoke Lagoon (1994 until 30 May) Black Kite CORNWALL, St Buryan (1994 until 21 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, East Halton (1979); ORKNEY, Harray (1966 until 19 May); SOMERSET, Bruton (1986); SURREY, Haslemere (1986)

Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Goonhilly Downs (1980 until 26 May); DORSET, Durlston Country Park (1985); GLAMORGAN, Crymlyn Bog (1984 until 23 May); NORFOLK, Kelling Heath (1979 until 22 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Byker (1989); SCILLY, St Martins (1992 until 19 May); SOMERSET, Westhay Moor (1992 until 22 May) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fetlar (1979 until 19 May) Black-winged Stilt KENT, Cliffe (1990); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1974) Broad-billed Sandpiper DORSET, Herbury Gore (1975); KENT, Swale (1991 until 20 May); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1959), Breydon Water (1984 until 22 May & 1989 until 23 May); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1988 until 22 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1978 until 22 May); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1984) Marsh Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Bardney (1992 until 19 May)

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Lesser Yellowlegs ABERDEENSHIRE, Cult's Reservoir (1992 until 19 May) Terek Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1982 until 20 May) Spotted Sandpiper STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1982) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Chichester Harbour (1958); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1978) Caspian Tern KENT, Dungeness (1976) Whiskered Tern CORK, Shanagarry Marsh (1968); WARWICKSHIRE, Kingsbury (1987); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1963 until 19 May) White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (2) (1992, 1 unti119 May); CUMBERLAND, Carr Beds (2) (1992 until 19 May); DORSET, Langham (1984); ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (3) (1992); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (3) (1992); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1979 until 19 May); KENT, Swale (2) (1992 unti119 May); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Daventry Reservoir Country Park (1992) Scops Owl CORNWALL, Saltash (1974) Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, site withheld (2) (1972 until 1 December) Alpine Swift DORSET, Dorchester (1989); ISLE OF WIGHT, The Needles (1969) Red-rumped Swallow CAITHNESS, St John's Loch (1990); DEVON, Lundy (1989); HERTFORDSHIRE, Hilfield Park Reservoir (1982); ISLE OF WIGHT, West High Down (1994) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Cley (1977 & 1982 until 19 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958, 1959, (2) 1991 until 2 May); YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1976)

106 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Citrine Wagtail LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1991) Thrush Nightingale KENT, Dungeness (1994) Great Reed Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1979); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1960 until 24 May); KENT, Stodmarsh (1971); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1992) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL,Porthgwarra(1975) Penduline Tit KENT, Stodmarsh (1980) Lesser Grey Shrike YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1982) Spanish Sparrow PEMBROKESHIRE, Martin's Haven (1993) Yellow-rumped Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977) Song Sparrow YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1964) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1974); SHETLAND, Bressay (1976), Fair Isle (1982) Black-headed Bunting ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Carmel Head (1986); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Mansfield (1976 until 14 June); SCILLY, St Martins (1992 until 23 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Calgary, Mull (1974); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Cambridge (1972); KENT, Dungeness (1959); NORFOLK, Holme (1982 until 22 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 (2), 1 until 27 May & 1976 until 21 May); SUFFOLK, Sproughton (1977); WICKLOW, Newcastle (1966) Palm Warbler LANCASHIRE, Walney Island (1976)

19 May

species 38, individuals 78

Continuing with high species totals, today sees further influxes of Red-footed Falcons, White-winged Black Terns, Red-throated Pipits and Great Reed Warblers, making today the latter species' best finding date. The star studded cast also includes two Black-eared Wheatears, a Rock Thrush, Blyth's Reed, Greenish and Bonelli's Warblers, further single records of White-throated Sparrow and Dark-eyed Junco and Britain's fourth Trumpeter Finch, and the first Pallas's Sandgrouse since 1975. White-billed Diver INVERNESS-SHIRE, Fiskavaig, Skye (1983) Little Bittern CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1979 until 29 May); SCILLY, St Martins (1992) Night Heron CORK, Ballymaloe (1992), Lough Aderry (1992); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Brent Reservoir (1994); NORFOLK, Brundall (1981); OUTER HEBRIDES, Breivig (1987 until 7 June) Great White Egret DERBYSHIRE, Clay Mills Gravel Pit (1974) Black Stork KENT, Littlebourne (1982 until 21 May) American Wigeon DUNBARTONSHIRE, Endrick Mouth (1985); SUTHERLAND, Handa Island (1990) Blue-winged Teal ·BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1988) Black Kite GLAMORGAN, Cardiff(1979); ISLE OF WIGHT, Godshill (1992) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Lundy (1992 until 24 May); FIFE, Isle of May (1973); HAMPSHIRE, Southampton (1992); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1982 until 29 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, Goxhill Haven (1986); NORFOLK, Winterton (1979); SHETLAND, Dnst (1964 until 29 May); SOMERSET, Dunball (1992); YORKSHIRE, Allerton Bywater (1981 until 20 May); WICKLOW, Blessington Lakes (1994) Baillon's Crake LEICESTERSHIRE, Fleckney (1970) Black-winged Stilt ANTRIM, Belfast Harbour Estate (1987 until 30 June); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1987), Bewl Water Reservoir (1992) Collared Pratincole BEDFORDSHIRE, Girtford Gravel Pit (1983 until 24 May)

Broad-billed Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1984) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wolferton (1985 until 25 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Penclacwydd (1990) Greater Yellowlegs INVERNESS-SHIRE, Loch Sligachan, Skye (1985) Terek Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1972 until 22 May) Laughing Gull CARDIGANSHIRE, Nant-y-Moch Reservoir (1978) Franklin's Gull GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Severn Beach (1984) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Rye (1981) White-winged Black Tern NORTHAMPTONSHlRE, Pitsford Reservoir (3) (1992); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1980 until 20 May); SUSSEX, Barcombe Reservoir (1984) Pallas's Sandgrouse SHETLAND, Hillwell & Quendale (1990 until 4 June) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Westray (1967) Alpine Swift KENT, Capel Le Ferne & Folkestone (1994 until 20 May); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1979) Roller NORFOLK, West Caister (1970) Red-rumped Swallow BEDFORDSHIRE, South Mills Nature Reserve (1992); SUSSEX, Cuckmere Valley (1994); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1979) Red-throated Pipit DURHAM, Barmston Pond (1985 until 22 May); NORFOLK, Kelling Quags (1973 until 20 May), Weybourne (1990); SCILLY, St Agnes (1985); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 23 May); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1982)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 107

Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1990 until 20 May); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1976) Black-eared Wheatear OUTER HEBRIDES, Tigharry, North Uist (1989 until 20 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964) Rock Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1979) Blyth's Reed Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993) Great Reed Warbler KINCARDINESHIRE, Girdle Ness (1985); LINCOLNSHIRE, Waithe (1990); SUSSEX, Thomey Island ( 1989); YORKSHIRE, Wilton (1973), Saltmarsh Delph (1984 until 1 June), Knaresborough (1984) Subalpine Warbler OUTER HEBRIDES, Castlebay (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 & 1989)

20 May

Greenish Warbler SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1981) Bonelli's Warbler CHESHIRE, Delamere (1963 until 9 June) Rose-coloured Starling NORFOLK, Cley & Salthouse (1979 until 27 May) Trumpeter Finch SUSSEX, Church Norton (1984 until 23 May) White-throated Sparrow HAMPSHIRE, Needs Ore (1961) Dark-eyed Junco INVERNESS-SHIRE, Loch Affric (1977) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting KENT, Dungeness (1967 until 20 May), Ashford Sewage Farm (1976)

species 35, individuals 83

An excellent day with several large species totals including 13 Red-footed Falcons and 10 Subalpine Warblers. However, the number of extreme vagrants recorded on this day is memorable, including Britain's second Pallid Swift, the sixth and most recent record of Orphean Warbler, a male Collared Flycatcher, three Lesser Grey Shrikes, a Dark-eyed Junco and an unidentified Dendroica warbler. White-billed Diver OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1990) Little Bittern EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1979 until 27 May); KENT, Chetney Marsh (1972); NORFOLK, Cley (1979) American Wigeon NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1989); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1974) Black Kite CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1989 until 29 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1990) Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Trevose Head (1989); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1973 until 31 May); HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1978); KENT, Stodmarsh (1992 until 25 May); LANCASHIRE, Ainsdale (1973); NORFOLK, Salthouse (1967), Burnham Overy (1973), Cley (1990); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1989); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1978); SOMERSET, Westhay Moor (1992); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1961), Balsdean (1990)

108 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black-winged Stilt NORFOLK, Breydon & Berney Marsh (1992 until 23 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Brock Mill (1986); SHROPSHIRE, Venus Pool (2) (1965) American Golden Plover DORSET, Ferrybridge (1992 until 22 May); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1988 until 26 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1989 until 21 May); SHETLAND, Virkie (1985 until 23 May) Marsh Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Sandbach (1990 until 21 May); NORFOLK, Gunton Park (1992 until 22 May) Lesser Yellowlegs LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1984); SHETLAND, Scatness (1984 until 21 May) Terek Sandpiper KENT, Sandwich Bay (1973)

Spotted Sandpiper SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986) Whiskered Tern HAMPSHIRE, Warsash (1978) White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Marazion (1981); ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1960) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969) Pallid Swift HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1983) Alpine Swift CORK, Glandore (1986); DORSET, Portland (1977) Roller ARGYLLSHIRE, Gott Bay, Tiree (1992); SCILLY, St Agnes (1981 until 9 June) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1989) Red-throated Pipit DERBYSHIRE, Rother Valley Country Park (1985 until 23 May); DURHAM, Ryhope (1991) Thrush Nightingale KENT, Dungeness (1989 until 21 May); NORFOLK, Walsey Hills (1989 until 22 May); SHETLAND, Helendale (1993 until 23 May) Siberian Stonechat FIFE, Fife Ness (1985) Rock Thrush LOUTH, Clogher Head (1974 until 21 May) Great Reed Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1975 until 1 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Cotes (1980); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1984); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ravensthorpe Reservoir (1978); SUSSEX, St Leonards (1985)

Subalpine Warbler DORSET, Verne Common (1987 until 29 May); DOWN, Killough (1990); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (2) (1990, 1 until 21 May, 1 until 22 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1983), Holy Island (1989 until 21 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1986); SHETLAND, Dnst (1986 until 2 June), Sumburgh (1992); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1987) Sardinian Warbler SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1994) Orphean Warbler CORNWALL, Saltash (1991 until 22 May) Collared Flycatcher SCILLY, St Martins (1984 until 21 May) Lesser Grey Shrike DORSET, Stoford (1989); DURHAM, Barmston Pond (1981); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1977 until 21 May) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Bigton (1973 until 24 May) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 23 May) Dendroica warbler sp. KENT, Folkestone (1992 until 23 May) Dark-eyed Junco HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch Harbour (1983) Rustic Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1993); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1974 until 21 May), Yell (1976), Quendale (1979); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Black-headed Bunting CORNWALL, Gwithian (1992)

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21 May

species 30, individuals 77

The male Caspian Plover found on Scilly is the first record since two were found together (and one of them shot) in 1890. Incredibly, after a 98 year absence, this bird is the first of two found in 1988 (see 12 July). Eight Thrush Nightingales on this date is staggering and makes this the joint best date for the species; likewise, two male Black-eared Wheatears together is unprecedented and makes today the best date for the species. Eight more Subalpine Warblers from Wexford to Shetland, a spring Dusky Warbler, the second Collared Flycatcher in two days and the first of two White-tailed Plovers to be found in 1984 all add to today's extreme rarities. White-billed Diver OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (2) (1983) Black-browed Albatross AT SEA, SEA-AREA DOGGER (1988) Little Bittern HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (2) (1960, 1 until 22 May, 1 until 26 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, Chapel Pit (1964 until 26 May); SCILLY, St Marys (1989 until 7 June) Glossy Ibis DEVON, Lundy (1987) American Wigeon ARGYLLSHIRE, An Phaophail, Tiree (1992); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (2) (1974 until 2 July) Black Kite DURHAM, Sunderland Airport (1981); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1981); SCILLY, St Agnes (1990) Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1992); DERBYSHIRE, Unstone (1990 until 27 May); DEVON, Woodbury Common (1961); DORSET, Wareham Nature Reserve (1958 until 24 May); ESSEX, Bradwell (1989), Abberton Reservoir (1992 until 24 May); KENT, Dungeness (1989)

Black-winged Stilt NORFOLK, Holme (2) (1987 until 18 August. Bred successfully raising two young to flying stage.) Collared Pratincole CHESHIRE, West Kirby (1978); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1973) Caspian Plover SCILLY, St Agnes (1988) White-tailed Plover DURHAM, Cleadon Hill (1984)

110 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1991 until 22 May) Long-billed Dowitcher SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1992 until 23 May) Gull-billed Tern EAST LOTHIAN, Bo'ness (1977); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1964) Caspian Tern GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1979) White-winged Black Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Aberffraw Estuary (1961); BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1993) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1981); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 & 1980), Out Skerries (1977) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1979 until 1 June) Roller DEVON, Sidmouth (1978 until 25 May) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Yalding (1960) Red-throated Pipit ESSEX, Shoeburyness (1994 until 22 May); NORFOLK, Welney (1992); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1994 until 24 May) Thrush Nightingale ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973, 1974 until 22 May, 1977, 1985 until 23 May, & (2) 1989, 1 until 23 May) Black-eared Wheatear ISLE OF WIGHT, Brighstone (1990); KENT, Denge Marsh (2) (1974, 1 until 29 May)

Great Reed Warbler CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wicken Fen (1971 until 6 June); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1989); KENT, St Mary's Marshes (1992); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1976) Subalpine Warbler DORSET, Portland (1987); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1990); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1994); OUTER HEBRIDES, Lochynort, South Uist (1992); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1979), Fair Isle (1992 until 25 May); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1992 until 22 May); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1989); Greenish Warbler PERTHSHIRE, Aberfeldy (1983 until 26 June) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1985 until 23 May)

22 May

Bonelli's Warbler ARGYLLSHIRE, Port Charlotte (1976 until 22 May) Collared Flycatcher YORKSHIRE, Filey (1985 until 22 May) Dark-eyed Junco SOMERSET, Langford Budville (1983) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (2) (1993); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1994 until 23 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 & 1985), Virkie (1985); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978 until 23 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting AYRSHIRE, Ailsa Craig (1975); SUSSEX, West Wittering (1971 until 22 May)

species 31, individuals 88

More Red-footed Falcons and Subalpine Warblers are widely scattered across the country, whilst five Great Reed Warblers is a good day total. A Least Sandpiper is the only British spring record, and the first White-crowned Sparrow to be found in Britain follows other Nearctic sparrows with its spring occurrence. Little Bittern AYRSHIRE, Culzean (1973 until 24 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1977) Night Heron MONMOUTHSHIRE, Magor (1983 until 25 May); NORFOLK, Cley (1983 until 1 June); OXFORDSHIRE, Benson (1972); WORCESTERSHIRE, Stourport-on-Sevem (1983 until 23 May) Squacco Heron HAMPSHIRE, Longham Bridge (1977) Cattle Egret HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1992) Great White Egret SLIGO, Moneygold (1984 until 1 June) American Wigeon OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1983 until 31 May); SHETLAND, Vnst (2) (1967 until 23 May); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993 until 23 May) Blue-winged Teal ROSCOMMON, Lough Funshinagh (2) (1984) King Eider SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 25 May)

Black Kite ISLE OF WIGHT, Newchurch (1991) Red-footed Falcon DERRY, Lough Beg (1994 until 29 May); DEVON, Lee Bay (1992 until 23 May); ESSEX, Barling (1992); KENT, Oare (1989), Stodmarsh (1992 until 25 May); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1990); LINCOLNSHIRE, Cuxwould (1967), Donna Nook (1994 until 25 May); NORFOLK, Holme (1984 until 24 May); SOMERSET, Highbridge (1980 until 24 May) Black-winged Stilt NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Byfield Reservoir (1965 until 23 May); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (2) (1965 until 25 May) American Golden Plover HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1992 until 24 May) Least Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1977)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 111

Broad-billed Sandpiper ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1988); HAMpSHIRE, Horsea Island (1982 until 25 May); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1989); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973); YORKSHIRE, Hull (2) (1985 until 29 May) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1990 until 24 May) Spotted Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1983 until 23 May); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1982 until 23 May) Whiskered Tern DEVON, Otter Estuary (1988 until 24 May) White-winged Black Tern ANGUS, Balgavies Loch (1983 until 23 May); KENT, Dungeness (1993); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1989); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1979) Snowy Owl CAITHNESS, Dounreay (1967 until 29 May) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Saltash (1972); DEVON, Lundy (1973 until 1 June); KENT, Folkestone Warren (1989); SCILLY, St Agnes (1988) Little Swift LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1984) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Radipole Lake (1975 until 25 May) Olive-backed Pipit FIFE, Isle of May (1985 until 23 May) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979 until 23 May), Baltasound (1988); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992 until 25 May) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1984 until 24 May); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Somercotes Warren (1977), Donna Nook (1994); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1983)

112 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Great Reed Warbler BERKSHIRE, Windsor Great Park (1990 until 16 June); CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1991); NORFOLK, Rockland Broad (1994); SHETLAND, Geosetter (1993 & 1994) Subalpine Warbler INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1989); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1988 until 2 June); LANCASHIRE, Hightown(1966 until 27 May); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1960 until 23 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1992); SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 24 May), St Agnes (1988); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 & 1988), Out Skerries (1989); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1977), South Gare (1994) Lesser Grey Shrike PEEBLES-SHIRE, Dowlaw Dean (1988); SUFFOLK, Hollesley Common (1970 until 23 May) Rose-coloured Starling BEDFORDSHIRE, Henlow (1985 until 24 May); KENT, Northward Hill (1976); NORFOLK, Hunstanton (1982) White-crowned Sparrow YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1977) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1978 until 24 May); NORFOLK, Salthouse (1994 until 23 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 & 1989) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican SURREY, Bam Elms Reservoir (1973 until 24 May) Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1971); DORSET, Portland (1970 until 23 May); NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1963); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 23 May)

23 May

species 35, individuals 93

Little Bustard is one of just a couple of spring records, and three Rollers are noteworthy. Today's two Terek Sandpipers make today the joint best date for this attractive wader. River and Blyth's Reed Warblers are found on northern islands and Britain's third Marmora's Warbler is the first record for Scotland. The fourth Collared Flycatcher of the month is found. Little Bittern DURHAM, Witton-le-Wear (1976 until 24 May); FIFE, Morton Loch (1979); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1964 until 27 May) Night Heron ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1982), Loch of Tankerness (1986 until 25 May); SURREY, Richmond Park (1980) Black Stork CORNWALL, Ladock (1977) American Wigeon CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1993); NORFOLK, Berney Marshes (1988 until 24 May); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987 until 24 May) Black Kite DORSET, Portland (1991), Cranborne Common (1991); LANCASHIRE, Pendle (1992) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Chesterton (1991); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1964 until 30 May), Stodmarsh (4) (1992 until 25 May), Northbourne (1992); NORFOLK, Sheringham (1989); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit (1992 until 4 June); SHETLAND, Valsgarth (1981 until 6 June); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1973 until 26 May) Little Bustard ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1989) Black-winged Stilt KENT, Hythe (1965) Collared Pratincole KENT, Minster (1987 until 26 May); LANCASHIRE, Scotsman's Flash (1974 until 26 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper ESSEX, East Tilbury (1988), Old Hall Marshes (1989 until 24 May); KENT, Pegwell Bay (2) (1984 until 28 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1972) Long-billed Dowitcher YORKSHIRE, Staveley Lagoon (1976)

Dowitcher sp, SHETLAND, Unst (1964 until 24 May) Marsh Sandpiper SUSSEX, Icklesham (1989) Terek Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour (1984); NORFOLK, Cley (1983 until 30 May) Wilson's Phalarope WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987 until 24 May) Bonaparte's Gull SHETLAND, Loch of Spiggie (1987) Gull-billed Tern SUFFOLK, Covehithe (1971) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1987 until 5 July); YORKSHIRE, Ardsley Reservoir (1989) White-winged Black Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Meikle Loch (1987 until 26 May), Loch of Strathbeg (1992); ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Alaw (1985); ANGUS, Forfar Loch (1992 until 27 May); CORK, Ballycotton (1976); CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1977); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1976); GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1972 until 25 May); NORFOLK, Welney (2) (1977 unti125 May); OUTER HEBRIDES, Borne, Benbecula (1964) Alpine Swift SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966), Dunwich (1992); YORKSHIRE, Mappleton (1979) Roller ANTRIM, Castlegregory (1958); OXFORDSHIRE, Aston Upthorpe Down (1974 until 27 May); SURREY, Oxshott (1959 until 29 May) Red-rumped Swallow ESSEX, Hainault Forest (1992), Barling (1994 until 27 May); FIFE, Isle of May (1984 until 24 May); KENT, Folkestone (1992)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 113

Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Breydon (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992 until 30 May) Thrush Nightingale DURHAM, Hartlepool (1989); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1971); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984 until 29 May & 1987 until 25 May) Siberian Stonechat LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1978) River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 24 May) Blyth's Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Kergord (1994 until 27 May) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Lydd (1993); LINCOLNSHIRE, Chapel St Leonard's (1976 until 30 June); NORFOLK, locality withheld (1978 until 10 June); SUSSEX, Rye (1978 until 30 May) Marmora's Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1993 until 27 May) Subalpine Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1979 until 1 June); HAMPSHIRE, Hayling Island (1984); LINCOLNSHIRE, Grainthorpe (1985)

24 May

Sardinian Warbler OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1994) Collared Flycatcher SHETLAND, Bressay (1979 until 24 May) Lesser Grey Shrike NORTHUMBERLAND, Backworth (1993); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1976) Rustic Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Port Charlotte (1980); BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1984); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Cotes (1994 until 24 May); NORFOLK, Cley (1987); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989 until 31 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Coquet Island (1971 until 24 May); RENFREWSHIRE, Paisley (1967 until 26 May); YORKSHIRE, Pateley Bridge (1958) Indigo Bunting YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989 until 25 May)

species 32, individuals 80

The Pied-billed Grebe is the first for Ireland, whilst the White-tailed Plover is the fourth and most recent British record, yet the second to be found this month. Spectacled Warbler finally establishes itself as a permanent fixture on the British list and two more Collared Flycatchers, the joint best date for the species, brings the month total to five. Pied-billed Grebe WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1987 until 19 June) Night Heron KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1987); YORKSHIRE, Hilla Green Bridge (1990) Glossy Ibis YORKSHIRE, Thorpe Marsh (1989 until 29 May)

Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Lodmoor (1976); DURHAM, Hartlepool Headland (1994); HAMPSHIRE, Coward's Marsh (1986), Houghton (2) (1992, 1 until 25 May); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Little Paxton Gravel Pit (1987 until 25 May); NORFOLK, Bacton (1981 until 3 June), Winterton (1989 until 25 May); SHROPSHIRE,

King Eider

Culmington (1974);

ABERDEENSHIRE, Newburgh (1967); SHETLAND, Scalloway (1969 until 28 June) Black Kite ESSEX, East Tilbury (1992); KENT, Sheppey (1985 until 26 May), Stodmarsh area (1992 until 25 May)

(1989), Orfordness (1992 until 25 May); SUSSEX, Cissbury (1979 until 31 May) Gyr Falcon ORKNEY, Hoy (1990 until 7 June); SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1967)

114 - Rare Birds Day by Day



Great Bustard GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Leckhampton (1977) Black-winged Stilt DEVON, Powderham Park (1987 until 25 May) Collared Pratincole DORSET, Poole Harbour (1977); LANCASHIRE, Freckleton (1974 until 29 May) White-tailed Plover SHROPSHIRE, locality withheld (1984 until 25 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1987); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1985) Great Snipe ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1989) Greater Yellowlegs CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Welches Dam (1992) Lesser Yellowlegs DERRY, Lough Beg (1958) Spotted Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Wath Ings (1982 until 25 May) Wilson's Phalarope LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1988 until 25 May) Bonaparte's Gull WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1992) Gull-billed Tern SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 29 May) Whiskered Tern WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1976) White-winged Black Tern LANCASHIRE, Arkholme (1980); LEICESTERSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1976); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (2) (1973); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1976 until 26 May), North Loch (1990) Alpine Swift Upton Warren (1992); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Red-throated Pipit DURHAM, Cowpen Marsh (1992); NORFOLK, Salthouse (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 (2), 1 until 29 May, 1 until 31 May, 1985, 1992 until 25 May)

Thrush Nightingale NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 until 26 May, 1971, 1978 & 1989 until 26 May) Great Reed Warbler CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Purl's Bridge (1981 until 17 June); HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1970); KENT, Stodmarsh (1969), Dungeness (1994 until 25 May) Subalpine Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1980); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1981); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1994); SHETLAND, Bigton (1986 until 2 June), Virkie (1989 until 21 June), Fair Isle (1993); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1994 until 25 May) Spectacled Warbler YORKSHIRE, Filey (1992 until 29 May) Bonelli's Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1984' until 25 May) Collared Flycatcher KENT, Foreness (1984 until 9 June); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992) Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Ringstead (1982) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 26 May), Sumburgh (1976 until 26 May); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Black-headed Bunting CAITHNESS, Red Point (1989); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Chesterton (1993); DEVON, Lundy (1993 until 4 June); DORSET, Weston, Portland (1970) Dark-eyed Junco ATSEA, SEA-AREA HUMBER, 50lan northeast of Cromer (1980) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1969); MAYO, Achill Island (1968)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 115

25 May

species 35, individuals 76

The American Kestrel is the first for Britain and remarkably, the first of two to be found in 1976 (see 13 June). Two more Terek Sandpipers makes this the joint best finding date for this species. The Needle-tailed Swift is the earliest on record (by a day), and it is possible that all records from 1983 to 1991 relate to the same bird, especially the sequence in 1991, but we have treated them separately here in line with BBRC. The River Warbler, again on Fair Isle, is the second of the month, and the Collared Flycatcher is the sixth to be found within three weeks. Little Bittern CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1992 until 26 May); GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1979); KENT, Stodmarsh (1975 until 27 May) Night Heron NORFOLK, Black Horse Broad (1972); WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1994) Black Stork SCILLY, St Agnes (1979) American Wigeon DERRY, Lough Beg (1994 until 27 May) King Eider SHETLAND, Sand Voe (1986 until 7 June) Black Kite CORNWALL, Marazion (1991) American Kestrel SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 27 May) Red-footed Falcon CARDIGANSHIRE, Tregaron (1988 until 2 June); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-onSevern (1973), Cotswold Water Park (1989); HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1973 until 23 June); LANCASHIRE, Marshside Marsh (1992); NORFOLK, Northrepps (1985 until 26 May); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1973); SUFFOLK, North Warren (1992 until 29 May), Livermere (1994 until 29 May); YORKSHIRE, Thome Moors (1989) Black-winged Stilt NORFOLK, Reedham Marsh (2) (1965); SUSSEX, South Malling (1987) Pratincole sp. SHETLAND, Unst (1987) American Golden Plover KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1971) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Washington (1973); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1984 until 29 May); ESSEX, East Tilbury (2) (1988 until 26 May); KmCARDINESHIRE, North Esk (1974); NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1982)

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Great Snipe NORFOLK, Hardley Flood (1976 until 28 May) Marsh Sandpiper DURHAM, Cowpen Marsh (1963 until 29 May); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1984) Terek Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1963 until 31 May); SHETLAND, Mid Yell Voe (1991) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Walton Reservoir (1976) Whiskered Tern NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit (1988); SUSSEX, Worthing (1985) White-winged Black Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Meikle Loch (1975) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989) Needle-tailed Swift SHETLAND, Quendale (1984 until 6 June) Alpine Swift ESSEX, Great Maplestead (1970); ISLE OF WIGHT, Seaview (1992); LANCASHIRE, Caton (1992); NORFOLK, Cley (1985); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1986); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1981) Red-throated Pipit HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1987); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1992); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1992); SHETLAND, Baltasound (1983 until 30 May), Fair Isle (1984); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1992) Thrush Nightingale EAST LOTHIAN, Gullane (1994 until 26 May); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 27 May & 1989); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984 until 26 May) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978)

River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 28 May) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 1 June); YORKSHIRE, Grimston (1987) Sardinian Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 27 May) Greenish Warbler ARGYLLSHIRE, Mull of Kintyre (1983) Bonelli's Warbler ORKNEY, Copinsay (1994) Collared Flycatcher SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1976) Lesser Grey Shrike LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1970 until 26 May); NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1969); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1969)

26 May

Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1981) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 26 May) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 & 1992), Eshaness (1982) Black-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1989) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ABERDEENSHIRE, Aberdeen (1969), Old Aberdeen (1976); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Loch Ruthven (1970); OUTER HEBRIDES, Vattersay (1964); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970); SUFFOLK, Sutton Hoo (1981); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1963 until 27 May)

species 35, individuals 91

1992 continues to prove a great year for several overshooting species, including Red-footed Falcon and Red-throated Pipit with the prevailing conditions also responsible for today's Black-eared Wheatear. Three Black Storks makes this the best day for this species. It would be another six years before Pallas's Sandgrouse is found, whilst what may possibly be the same Needle-tailed Swift put in a brief appearance after a three-year absence (and for the second date running). The Swainson's Thrush found freshly dead having presumably hit the lighthouse during the night, is the first Irish record. Little Bittern LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1976); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1977) Night Heron CHESHIRE, Woolston Eyes (1987); KENT, Dungeness (1993); WARWICKSHIRE, Coombe Abbey (1981 until 29 May) Squacco Heron SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1973) Great White Egret LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1990); YORKSHIRE, Angler's Country Park (1994) Black Stork SUFFOLK, Brandon (1969); SUSSEX, Wych Cross (1989); WILTSHIRE, Redlynch (1989) American Wigeon DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (2) (1986) Blue-winged Teal ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Riaghan (2) (1986 until 3 June)

Black Kite ESSEX, Stanway Green, Colchester (1989); KENT, Dover (1993) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Upware Marshes & Wicken Fen (1992); DOWN, Copeland Island (1973); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1970 & 1973); LINCOLNSHIRE, Keelby (1973); NORFOLK, Mundesley (1965), North Salthouse (1973), Tuddenham (1985 until 27 May), Titchwell (1987 & 1991), Hickling (1988 until 3 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 27 May); SOMERSET, Westhay Heath (2) (1992 until 22 June); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1992 until 30 May), Scargill Reservoir (1992 until 31 May) Black-winged Stilt WILTSHIRE, Cleveland Gravel Pit (2) (1987)

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American Golden Plover SCILLY, Tresco (1992 until 29 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1982); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1962), Cley (1982 until 29 May); SHETLAND, Urafirth (1987) Laughing Gull MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1991) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1972) Caspian Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1980); NORFOLK, Holme (1988) Whiskered Tern HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1977); SUFFOLK, Minsmere ( 1988); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1976 until 27 May) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Hardley Flood (1977 until 28 May); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1973 until 1 June), Sidlesham Ferry (1977); YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1976 until 30 May) Briinnich's Guillemot OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992) Pallas's Sandgrouse SHETLAND, Foula (1969 until 31 May) Great Spotted Cuckoo ISLE OF WIGHT, Brighstone Bay (1986 until 28 May) Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1975) Needle-tailed Swift KENT, Maidstone (1991) Red-rumped Swallow SUSSEX, Rye (1987) Red-throated Pipit CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Northey Fen, Nene Washes (1991); DURHAM, Cowpen Marsh (1963); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1992 until 28 May); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1992 until 28 May), Weyboume (1992); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1977); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 & 1975 until 27 May)

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Thrush Nightingale ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1989); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988 until 27 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 until 29 May) Black-eared Wheatear CORK, Cape Clear Island (1992 until 27 May); ESSEX, Jaywick (1989) Great Reed Warbler DEVON, Exe Estuary (1976); HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1980 until 4 June); KENT, Stodmarsh (1 SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 until 27 May); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1964) Subalpine Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1990) Sardinian Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 27 May) Short-toed Treecreeper ESSEX, Epping Forest (1975) Lesser Grey Shrike ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Holyhead Mountain (1961); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1977) Trumpeter Finch ORKNEY, Sanday (1981 until 28 May) Dark-eyed Junco KENT, Dungeness (1960) Rustic Bunting EAST LOTHIAN, Skateraw (1987); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1981 until 27 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 29 May, 1975 until 29 May & 1994 until 28 May), Quendale (1987) Black-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland Bill (1975), Portland (1977 until 27 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1974); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1964)

27 May

species 39, individuals 92

Today is one of the contenders for best date in the calendar. Still plenty of regular species arriving in strength, including a further 15 Red-footed Falcons, six Alpine Swifts, six Subalpine Warblers and six Black-headed Buntings. But it is the sheer number of extreme rarities that stands out today: Ancient Murrelet, one of the most amazing additions to the British list, the third date running for Needle-tailed Swift (and the first in England since 1879), Britain's second Alpine Accentor, Whitethroated Robin, a spring Eye-browed Thrush, American Robin, White-throated Sparrow and Dark-eyed Junco - you could just close your eyes and .... Little Bittern KENT, Stodmarsh (1962) Night Heron DORSET, West Stafford (1989); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Tewkesbury (1983); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1970); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1989) Blue-winged Teal CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (1992 until 28 May); ORKNEY, Rack Wick (1991); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1972 until 29 May) Black Kite CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1993); KENT, Hatch Park (1981 until 29 May), Dungeness (1989); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Osberton (1978) Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Delabole (1989 until 29 May), Croft Pascoe, The Lizard (1990 until 28 May); ESSEX, Bradwell (1990); KENT, Foreness (1987); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1994 until 28 May); NORFOLK, Horsey (1987 until 30 May); ORKNEY, St Ola (1992 until 28 May); OXFORDSHIRE, Standlake Common (1987 until 29 May); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1975); SCILLY, St Agnes (1961); SHETLAND, Bixter (1981), Baltasound (1989); SOMERSET, Shapwick Heath (1992); WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1990 until 29 May); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1979) Gyr Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1980) Collared Pratincole GLAMORGAN, Penclawdd (1973) Broad-billed Sandpiper DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1974); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1980 until 30 May); YORKSHIRE, Hull (1985)

Lesser Yellowlegs YORKSHIRE, Seamer Pits (1973 until 5 June) Terek Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Southwold (1992) Wilson's Phalarope SHETLAND, Fetlar (1982 until 1 June) Laughing Gull WESTMORLAND, Kent Estuary (1984) Franklin's Gull SHETLAND, Skellister (1991) Gull-billed Tern ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992) Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, Bolton-on-Swale (1992) Whiskered Tern CORNWALL, Marazion (1964) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Frodsham (2) (1971); LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1977) Ancient Murrelet DEVON, Lundy (1990 until 26 June, returning in 1991 & 1992) Great Spotted Cuckoo CORNWALL, Gwithian (1973 until 1 June) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1981) Needle-tailed Swift YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1985) Alpine Swift BANFFSHIRE, Buckie (1972); DUBLIN, Howth Head (1992); ISLE OF WIGHT, Bouldner (1967); KENT, Kingsdown (1972); SOMERSET, Dunkery Beacon (1980); YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1973) Roller NORFOLK, East Wretham (1973); ORKNEY, Randall/Deerness/Wideford Brae (1958 until 21 July)

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Red-rumped Swallow SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1994); WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1972) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1992 until 28 May); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 29 May & (3) 1992, 2 until 28 May) Alpine Accentor ISLE OF WIGHT, The Needles (1990 until 6 June) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (2) (1993, 1 until 28 May) White-throated Robin PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1990 until 30 May) Black-eared Wheatear DORSET, Portland (1985 until 28 May) Eye-browed Thrush ABERDEENSHIRE, Newburgh (1981) American Robin ORKNEY, Grimsetter Aerodrome (1961) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Elmley (1993 until 11 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 10 June) Subalpine Warbler LANCASHIRE, Lytham St Annes Nature Reserve (1985 until 28 May); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1985); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 28 May, (2) 1992), Eswick (1989 until 1 August) Desert Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1993 until 1 June)

28 May

Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Holme (1973) White-throated Sparrow SHETLAND, Frakkafield (1989 until 28 May) Dark-eyed Junco CORNWALL, The Lizard (1983) Rustic Bunting OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1975 until 29 May), Out Skerries (1975 & 1983 until 31 May), Noss (1991) Black-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Keillmore (1989 until 30 May); CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1963 & 1966); CORNWALL, Rame Head (1993 until 29 May), Delabole (1993 until 31 May); DEVON, Ortery St Mary (1993) CATEGORY D SPECIES Greater Flamingo SHETLAND, Virkie (1988 until 31 May) Saker Falcon SHETLAND, Fetlar (1978 until 29 May) Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1989 until 14 June); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1982 until 29 May); SHETLAND, Papa Stour (1989 until 2 June)

species 39, individuals 95

Today continues the hectic pace of previous days, with plenty of commoner vagrants and numerous extreme rarities. Red-footed Falcon breaks a new day record with 22 individuals, whilst a further nine Subalpine Warblers seems tame in comparison. Collared Pratincole and Pacific Golden Plovers are late spring/summer specialties, and terns do well on this day, with three Gull-billed, three Caspian and the only Western Palearctic record of Aleutian Tern. Needle-tailed Swift puts in another appearance (three days out of the last four) whilst the Isabelline Wheatear is the first this century and the only spring record. White-billed Diver INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1980 until 29 May) Little Bittern INVERNESS-SHIRE, Boat of Garten (1973); SURREY, Dorking (1989)

120 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Night Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wicken Fen (1980); DEVON, Lundy (1976 until 1 June); KENT, Ham Fen (1993) Cattle Egret NORFOLK, Cley (1983)

Great White Egret YORKSHIRE, Scaling Dam (1974 until 6 June) Blue-winged Teal HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1978) Black Kite KENT, Dungeness (1980 & 1986 until 1 June); NORFOLK, Cromer (1979) Red-footed Falcon CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fen Drayton Gravel Pit (1992 until 1 June); DERBYSHIRE, Chelmorton (1973), Upper Derwentdale (1977); DEVON, Hartland (1973); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (2) (1989, 1 until 30 May); HAMPSHIRE, Beaulieu Road (1990), Hengistbury Head (1991); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Little Paxton Gravel Pit (1989 until 31 May); ISLE OF WIGHT, St Boniface Down (1982); KENT, Lydd (1959); NORFOLK, Winterton (1992), Holme (2) (1992, 1 until 29 May); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (2) (1992, 1 until 10 June); PEMBROKESHIRE, St Ann's Head (1975 until 31 May); STAFFORDSHIRE, Cannock Chase Reservoir (1973 until 6 June); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (2) (1989), Tophill Low Reservoir (1992), Royd Moor Reservoir (1994) Black-winged Stilt SOMERSET, Steart (1980 until 1 June); WARWICKSHIRE, Alvecote Pools (2) (1987 until 4 June) Collared Pratincole HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1974) Pratincole sp. KENT, Dungeness (1971); YORKSHIRE, York University (1980) Pacific Golden Plover NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1992) Broad-billed Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1984 until 1 June) Great Snipe YORKSHIRE, Sammy's Point, Easington (1989 until 29 May) Lesser Yellowlegs NORFOLK, Cley (1992 until 29 May) Terek Sandpiper SOMERSET, Porlock Weir (1987) Spotted Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1971)

Gull-billed Tern SUFFOLK, North Warren (1976), Landguard Point (1991); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1961) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1971 until 30 May); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Colwick Country Park (1989); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1994) Aleutian Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1979 until 29 May) Whiskered Tern CORNWALL, River Amble (1958 until 29 May); KENT, Dungeness (1976 until 7 June & 1988) White-winged Black Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1993 until 29 May); SUFFOLK, Alton Water (1977); SUSSEX, Rye Harbour (1972) Needle-tailed Swift ORKNEY, Hoy (1988 until 8 June) Alpine Swift DEVON, Exeter (1976) Roller DEVON, East Budleigh Common (1989 until 14 June); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1985)

Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, Tresco (1991 until 1 June); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1992) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 2 June); Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977) Isabelline Wheatear NORFOLK, Winterton (1977) Pied Wheatear NORFOLK, Winterton (1978) Black-eared Wheatear CORNWALL, Kelsey Head (1985 until 29 May) Blyth's Reed Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984) Great Reed Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1976 until 29 May); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1985); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1993 until 29 May);


Spurn (1989)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 121

Subalpine Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1987); CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1992); DOWN, Copeland Island (1967); KENT, Dungeness (1986); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (2) (1993); YORKSHIRE, Lovell Hill (1978) Sardinian Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1993 until 29 May); LANCASHIRE, Formby Point (1992 until 31 May) Greenish Warbler ORKNEY, Sanday (1992); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1992) Lesser Grey Shrike SCILLY, St Marys (1976) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1982), Sumburgh (1990), Grutness & Virkie (2)

Black-headed Bunting HAMPSHIRE, Purbrook (1993); PEMBROKESHIRE, Marloes (1990 until 30 May) CATEGORY D SPECIES Baikal Teal ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1994 until 12 June) Red-headed Bunting BUTESHIRE, Arran (1973); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1989 until 4 June); SCILLY, St Martins (1961), Samson (1970) Painted Bunting SHETLAND, Voe (1972)


29 May

species 32, individuals 92

And still they come: 23 Red-footed Falcons and four Whiskered Terns makes today the best day in the calendar for each of these species; the Continental flavour continues with White-winged Black Terns, Red-throated Pipits, River Warbler (best date), Great Reed Warbler (joint best date) and Subalpine Warblers. Northamptonshire is the only inland county to record both Bridled and Sooty Terns on its list. The Little Swift is only the sixth British record and the first for Scotland. Rollers and Lesser Grey Shrikes are also in evidence today. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971) Little Bittern SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1964 until 2 June); WARWICKSHIRE, Brandon Marsh (1976 until 30 May); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea (1977 until 11 June) Night Heron CORNWALL, Skewjack (1984); KENT, Ashford (1984), Foreness (1987) Great White Egret FLINTSHIRE, Gronant (1981) Black Stork STAFFORDSHIRE,

Coombes Valley (1983)

Blue-winged Teal GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1993 until 16 October) Black Kite KENT, Sandwich Bay (1989), Grain (1993)

122 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-footed Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Auchmacoy (1985 until 30 May); CARDIGANSHIRE, Rhandirmwyn (1992); DURHAM, Washington (1974 until 30 May); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (2) (1992 until 2 June); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1960); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Duthil (1992); KENT, Stodmarsh (2) (1977), Faversham Creek (1982); LANCASHIRE, Blackpool (1992 until 3 June); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1992), Holkham Meals (1992); SCILLY, St Martins (1991 until 2 June); SHETLAND, Burravoe (1992), Vesta Virdin (1992), Fair Isle (2) (1992, 1 until 30 May, 1 until 2 June); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1980), Minsmere (1994 until 3 June); SUSSEX, Brighton (1989 until 3 June); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1989), Spurn (1992)

Black-winged Stilt KENT, Stoke (1967) Collared Pratincole CORNWALL, Hayle Kimbro, The Lizard (1973 until 30 May) Broad-billed Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, North Cotes (1984); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1987 until 1 June) Long-billed Dowitcher OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1983 until 1 June) Lesser Yellowlegs SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1978 until 5 June) Terek Sandpiper ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1978) Spotted Sandpiper WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1990 until 30 May) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1965) Caspian Tern KENT, Dungeness (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 & 1987) Bridled Tern NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Earl's Barton Gravel Pit (1993) Sooty Tern NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1980 until 30 May) Whiskered Tern GALWAY, Galway Harbour (1970 until 31 July); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (2) (1983, 1 until 31 May), Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1983) White-winged Black Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Upware Washes (1981); DOWN, Strand Lough (1985 until 30 May); HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1972); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1964); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Llandegfedd Reservoir (1991 until 31 May); SOMERSET, Durleigh Reservoir (1970 until 31 May); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1980), Kilnsea (1983) Alpine Swift CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Cambridge (1986); NORFOLK, Cley (1981 until 30 May)

Roller BANFFSHIRE, Grange (1974 until 3 June); CORNWALL, Penlee Point (1994); SURREY, near Gatwick Airport (1978) Red-rumped Swallow SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1972); SUFFOLK, Southwold (1992); SUSSEX, Church Norton (1985) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Weyboume (1977 until 31 May); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 & 1992); SUSSEX, CuckmereHaven (1991 until 1 June); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1977); AT SEA, SEA-AREA VIKING, North Sea Gas Platform Beryl A, 59 33N 01 32E (1981) Thrush Nightingale OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1975 until 30 May) River Warbler NORFOLK, Roydon Common (1981 until 6 June); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989) Great Reed Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1979 until 30 May); CORNWALL, Par Beach (1960 until 7 June); KENT, Elmley (1982); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971); SURREY, Frensham Great Pond (1966 until 6 June); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1971 until 19 June) Subalpine Warbler ORKNEY, Auskerry (1968); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977 & 1987) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1992) Lesser Grey Shrike OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Druidibeg (1964); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ESSEX, The Naze (1993 until 7 June); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1972); SHETLAND, Asta (1966 until 2 June); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1962)

Little Swift FIFE, St Andrews (1985)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 123

30 May

species 44, individuals 79

More species but a distinct drop in numbers, with only 16 Red-footed Falcons and five Subalpine Warblers. White-billed Divers continue to be found and herons are again well represented. Four Collared Pratincoles, two Paddyfield Warblers (joint best date), three Lesser Grey Shrikes and three Black-headed Buntings are all good day totals. There are also plenty of star birds: Britain's second Pacific Swift, May's third Trumpeter Finch and only the second spring Yellow-rumped Warbler. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Fetlar (1974 until 9 June) Little Bittern DEVON, Tedburn St Mary (1986 until 3 June) Night Heron EAST LOTHIAN, Drem (1987 until 1 June) Squacco Heron YORKSHIRE, Easington (1979 until 16 June) Great White Egret INVERNESS-SHIRE, Bunkargaig (1990 until 1 June) Blue-winged Teal HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marshes & The Gins (1972 until 28 June); NORTHUMBERLAND, Newton Pool (1970 until 4 June); ORKNEY, Loch of Stenness (1991) King Eider SHETLAND, Scalloway (1969 until 9 June) Black Kite ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1979); DORSET, Stratton (1986 until 31 May); KENT, St Margaret's Bay (1994) Lesser Kestrel CORNWALL, StIves(1968) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Lundy (1978); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, South Cerney (1973); HAMPSHIRE, Nursling Old Gravel Pit (1964 until 9 June), New Forest (1982 until 31 May); KENT, Stour Valley (1985); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1989 until 4 June); NORFOLK, Holkham (1976); ORKNEY, Rousay (1981 until 4 June); SHETLAND,

Black-winged Stilt KENT, Cliffe (1987 until 31 May) Collared Pratincole LANCASHIRE, Rochdale (1983 until 4 June); SUFFOLK, Alton Water (1977 until 2 June); WILTSHIRE, Cricklade (1968); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1982) Pratincole sp. LANCASHIRE, Marton Mere (1977 until 1 June) Sociable Plover NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Ranskill (1978) Broad-billed Sandpiper ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1988 until 3 June) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1983) Terek Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1990 until 31 May) Spotted Sandpiper EAST LOTHIAN, North Berwick (1976) Wilson's Phalarope CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1977 until 4 August) Bonaparte's Gull INVERNESS-SHIRE, Fort William (1986) Caspian Tern CHESHIRE, Neumann's Flash, Marbury Mere & Great Budworth Mere (1992 until 31 May); SUFFOLK, Lackford Wildfowl Reserve (1989) Whiskered Tern HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988) White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Washington (1968); SUSSEX,

Hamnavoe (1969 until 9 June);

Sidlesham Ferry (1959)

SOMERSET, Stanton Wick (1992 until 3 June); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1973), Landguard Point (1992); SUSSEX, Brighton (1989 until 1 June), Icklesham (1994 until 12 June); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1992), Filey (1992 until 31 May)

Snowy Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1992 until 31 May) Pacific Swift NORFOLK, Cley (1993)

124 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Cley (1973); AT SEA, SEA-AREA IRISH SEA, 53 55N 03 34W (1993) Roller HAMPSHIRE, Furzybrow, New Forest (1987 until 31 May) Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 1 June) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 2 June & 1992 until 31 May) Thrush Nightingale YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984 until 2 June) Black-eared Wheatear ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1968) Rock Thrush ATSEA, SEA-AREA PLYMOUTH, Eddystone (1963 until 31 May) Paddyfield Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984) Great Reed Warbler BERKSHIRE, Thatcham Marsh (1970); DEVON, Budleigh Salterton (1989); KENT, Stodmarsh (1960 until 31 May) Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Porth Meudwy (1985); SHETLAND, Quendale Mill (1993), Fair Isle (1994); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1989); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985 until 3 June) Sardinian Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1981)

31 May

Greenish Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1992) Bonelli's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1976) Collared Flycatcher ORKNEY, Newhill (1963) Lesser Grey Shrike ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1965); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 until 1 June); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1978) Trumpeter Finch SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1971 until 15 June) Yellow-rumped Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1985) Dark-eyed Junco HAMPSHIRE, Church Crookham (1987 until 7 June) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1990) Black-headed Bunting CARDIGANSHIRE, Aberystwyth (1987); KENT, Dungeness (1993); SUFFOLK, Oulton (1993) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1964); KENT, Bishopstone (1974); ORKNEY, Deerness (1976 until 1 June)

species 38, individuals 84

Five Little Bitterns ends the month off well and a White-tailed Eagle could be from either the re-introduction scheme or a genuine vagrant returning north after spending the winter further south. The Lesser Kestrel is the most recent British sighting; the Tengmalm's Owl is the most recent British record of this rare owl. The male Red-flanked Bluetail is the only spring record up to the end of 1994, whilst two more Paddyfield Warblers are found at northern Scottish sites (joint best date). The Collared Flycatcher is the 11th for the month, whilst the Whitethroated Sparrow is the eighth. White-billed Diver ROSS-SHIRE, Loch Gairloch (1977), Achnahaird Bay (1988 until 3 June) Little Bittern CORK,

Ballycotton (1981);


Tillingham (1958); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1964); NORFOLK, Norwich (1984 until 2 June); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1971)

Night Heron NORFOLK, Sheringham (1994); SHETLAND, Baltasound (1987 until 15 June) White-tailed Eagle YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Lesser Kestrel LONDON/MIDDLESEX, Hampstead Heath (1992)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 125

Red-footed Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Kirkton (1992 until 13 June); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1991); DEVON, Braunton Burrows (1992 until 2 June); ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1990 until 17 June); HAMPSHIRE, Godshill (1964), New Forest (1982); ISLE OF WIGHT, Scratchell's Bay (1990); NORFOLK, Swanton Novers & Guist area (1992 until 8 June); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Colwick Country Park (1973 until 6 June); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973 until 8 June) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, East Tilbury (1987) Collared Pratincole DORSET, Portland (1992); ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1958); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1978 until 1 June) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1981) White-rumped Sandpiper MIDLoTHIAN, Musselburgh (1980 until 1 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1981 until 1 June); NORFOLK, Cley (1989 until 5 June); OUTER HEBRIDES, Sollas (1993) Long-billed Dowitcher DOWN, Strangford Lough (1987) Ross's Gull NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1970) Gull-billed Tern CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1987); HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour (1971); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1989) Caspian Tern CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1986); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1971) Whiskered Tern SUSSEX, Rye (2) (1979 until 4 June) White-winged Black Tern FIFE, Fife Ness (1992); KENT, Stodmarsh (1973), Sittingbourne (1991); LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1982); SLIGO, Lough Arrow (1987); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1985) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Foula (1975) Tengmalm's Owl ORKNEY, Egilsay (1986 until 1 June)

126 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Alpine Swift NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1959); SCILLY, St Martins (1981); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1966); YORKSHIRE, Bempton (1988) Little Swift PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1981 until 1 June) Roller SOMERSET, Milverton (1970 until 3 July) Red-rumped Swallow YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1988), Filey (1992) Red-throated Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 1 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1975 until 6 June) Red-flanked Bluetail SHETLAND, Fetlar (1971 until 1 June) Black-eared Wheatear SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1987) Paddyfield Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1988 until 1 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993) Great Reed Warbler GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn Pools (1981 until 28 June); KENT, Dungeness (1969 until 1 June); SUFFOLK, Aldeburgh (1992) Subalpine Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1987 until 4 June); NORFOLK, Rollesby Broad (1994), Holkham Meals (1994); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1994); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1979) Greenish Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1992); ESSEX, Bradwell (1983 until 1 June); NORFOLK, Waxham (1992) Bonelli's Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1975) Collared Flycatcher ORKNEY, Stronsay (1980) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 2 June); YORKSHIRE, Cloughton (1992) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 1 June) White-throated Sparrow SUFFOLK, Trimley St Mary (1992 until 8 June)

Rustic Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1992); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1987); SHETLAND, Sellafirth, Yell (1976 until 1 June) Black-headed Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1988)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1994 until 28 June); DEVON, Hartland Point (1990)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 127

May species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Black-browed Albatross Albatross sp. Little Shearwater Small shearwater sp. Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Black Stork Glossy Ibis Lesser White-fronted Goose American Wigeon Blue-winged Teal Lesser Scaup King Eider Steller's Eider Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Pallid Harrier Lesser Kestrel American Kestrel Red-footed Falcon GyrFalcon Little Crake Baillon's Crake Little Bustard Great Bustard Black-winged Stilt Collared Pratincole Oriental Pratincole Pratincole sp. Killdeer Caspian Plover American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Sociable Plover White-tailed Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Least Sandpiper White-romped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp.

128 - Rare Birds Day by Day

30 1 1 2 2 1 76 90 11 24 11 17 12 1 28

26 1

15 2

105 3 1 2 1

286 8 2 3 1 1


23 1 5 1

1 9 1

1 2

6 1 1 2 82

1 4

10 4

Marsh Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Terek Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Slender-billed Gull Ross's Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Aleutian Tern Bridled Tern Sooty Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Ancient Murrelet Pallas's Sandgrouse Rufous Turtle Dove Great Spotted Cuckoo Scops Owl Snowy Owl Tengmalm's Owl Needle-tailed Swift Pallid Swift Pacific Swift Alpine Swift Little Swift Roller Bimaculated Lark Lesser Short-toed Lark Red-romped Swallow Olive-backed Pipit Pechora Pipit Red-throated Pipit Black-headed Wagtail Citrine Wagtail Northern Mockingbird Alpine Accentor Thrush Nightingale Red-flanked Bluetail White-throated Robin Siberian Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Pied Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear

21 2 17 13

15 11 8 5 5 2 6 53 28 1 2 1 45

115 1 1 4 1 3 3 33 2 4 2 1 71 4 18 1


78 2 1 110 2 3 1

4 73 1 1 11 1 1 19

Rock Thrush White's Thrush Eye-browed Thrush Black-throated Thrush American Robin River Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Blyth's Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Desert Warbler Spectacled Warbler Orphean Warbler Greenish Warbler Dusky Warbler Bonelli's Warbler Collared Flycatcher Wallcreeper Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Isabelline Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Rose-coloured Starling Spanish Sparrow Arctic Redpoll Parrot Crossbill Trumpeter Finch

9 1 1 1 2 4 3 3 82 2 177 12 1 1 1 12 3 14 11 1 2 4 1 29 12 1 5 1 3

Pine Grosbeak Yellow-romped Warbler Dendroica warbler sp. Lark Sparrow Song Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Rustic Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Black-headed Bunting Northern Oriole

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican Greater Flamingo Falcated Duck Marbled Duck Saker Daurian Starling Red-headed Bunting Palm Warbler Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Painted Bunting

2 2 1 1 3 2 8 10 86 1 35 2

141 2348 2 1 1 1 1 1 92 1 1 1 1

Rare Birds Day by Day - 129

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Rare Birds Day by Day - 131

1 Jone

species 33, individuals 80

Herons continue to be found, whilst two Black Storks is good for a single date. After a 14 year absence the Bufflehead is the second to be found in 1994. Norfolk attracts two Terek Sandpipers (joint best date) but neighbouring county Suffolk steals the day with Britain's first White-crowned Black Wheatear. Needle-tailed Swift makes it five days out of the last eight, whilst the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater in Cotnwall is the first record in a remarkable year for this species. Today also sees Britain's second Riippell's Warbler and fifth and most recent Rock Bunting. Three Lesser Grey Shrikes, four Greenish Warblers and three Black-headed Buntings are all good day totals. Little Bittern DURHAM, Hurworth Bum Reservoir (1973); SUSSEX, Shoreham-by-Sea (1986 until 2 June) Night Heron CORK, Fermoy (1988 until 10 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, Wainfleet Bank (1988); SUFFOLK, Iken (1979 until 12 June); WESTMORLAND, Kendal (1987 until 20 July) Squacco Heron DEVON, Slapton Ley (1958 until 9 June) Great White Egret YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1974) Black Stork KENT, Dungeness (1991); PEEBLES-SHIRE Biggar Water Valley (1983 until 2 June) Bufflehead YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1994 until 7 June) Black Kite NORFOLK, Loddon (1984) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Lundy (1977); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1974 until 8 June & 1978); ORKNEY, Rendall (1992); SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1976 until 4 June), Roe Brecks (1992 until 3 June); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1973), Hooe Level (1989); WILTSHIRE, Tilshead (1973 until 2 June); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1981) Broad-billed Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1993 until 2 June); WARWICKSHIRE, Lea Marston (1985 until 4 June) Great Snipe ESSEX, Dagenham Chase (1989 until 2 June) Dowitcher sp. SUFFOLK, Havergate (1964)

132 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Shropham (1989) Terek Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1975), Wissington (1991 until 4 June) Wilson's Phalarope CAITHNESS, Loch of Mey (1980 until 4 June) Caspian Tern KENT, Reculver (1975) White-winged Black Tern CLARE, Lough O'Grady (1992); DEVON, Slapton Ley (1991 until 2 June); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1987); NORFOLK, Cley (1977 until 9 June); SHROPSHIRE, Chelmarsh (1982); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1979 & 1980) Snowy Owl ABERDEENSHIRE, Ben Macdui (1963); SHETLAND, Fetlar (5) (1967 until 30 August), Fair Isle (1969), Unst (1973 until 2 June) Needle-tailed Swift STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1991) Alpine Swift GLOUCESTERSHIRE, South Cerney (1977); SUFFOLK, Dingle Marshes (1978) Blue-cheeked Bee-eater CORNWALL, Kennack Sands (1989) Roller SUFFOLK, Oulton Broad (1970) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1980); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1966), Fair Isle (1978); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1975) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 3 June) White-crowned Black Wheatear SUFFOLK, Kessingland (1982 until 5 June)

Great Reed Warbler BERKSHIRE, Thatcham area (1960 until 2 June); KENT, Dungeness (1963), Stodmarsh (1978 until 2 June) Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1981 until 23 June); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1977); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 & 1979 until 10 June), Breiwick (1992) Riippell's Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1979 until 10 June) Greenish Warbler DORSET, Verne Common (1993); KENT, Cliffe (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992) Penduline Tit ESSEX, Ockendon (1982) Lesser Grey Shrike ARGYLLSHIRE, Kintra Moss (1969); SOMERSET, Meare (1977); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1992)

2 June

Rock Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1967) Rustic Bunting ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978) Black-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1978); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1972); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1965 until 5 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (4) (1967 until 16 July); SCILLY, St Marys (1963); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1968 until 10 July & 1974 until 2 June); SUTHERLAND, Handa Island (1975); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1974 until 13 June)

species 37, individuals 68

White-billed Divers continue to be found, largely in northern waters, whilst a Little Shearwater is the first live bird of the calendar. The Bridled Tern was found while birdwatchers were searching for White-winged Black Terns. However, it is the Hermit Thrush that is the real show-stopper today, being the first record for Britain and still the only one found in spring. Three Sardinian Warblers makes this the best day for this Mediterranean species. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, South Nesting Bay (1985), Raewick (1989) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967) Little Bittern SHETLAND, Scatness (1965 until 10 June) Night Heron ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cefni Reservoir (1994); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fordham (1992 until 3 June); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1970); LEICESTERSHIRE, Welham (1968) Squacco Heron DEVON, Otter Estuary (1982); YORKSHIRE, Thorpe Marsh (1994 until 7 June) Great White Egret ANGUS, Loch ofKinnordy (1992) Black Stork STAFFORDSHIRE, Coombes Valley (1985) American Wigeon DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1985)

Blue-winged Teal ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1980) Black Kite CHESHIRE, Doddington Mere (1980); ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (1971), Shoeburyness (1992) Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Bearah Tor (1985 until 3 June); ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1976 until 5 June), Colne Point (1989), Walthamstow (1992); HAMPSHIRE, Winnall Moors (1977 until 3 June), Shipton Bellinger (1989 until 14 June); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Earls Barton (1989 until 12 June); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992); PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherton Lake (1992); SUFFOLK, Westleton Heath (1981); WILTSHIRE, Haxton Down (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1973) Collared Pratincole SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Black-winged Pratincole CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (1988) Broad-billed Sandpiper EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1984); LIMERICK, Charleville Lagoons (1978) Wilson's Phalarope SUFFOLK, Kessingland (1976 until 3 June) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1980) Bridled Tern ESSEX, West Thurrock & Hanningfield Reservoir (1991) Whiskered Tern SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1984) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Gibbonsgate Lake (2) (1991 until 4 June); SUFFOLK, Havergate (1977 until 3 June) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1981 until 4 June) Alpine Swift CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978) Roller CHESHIRE, Wildboarclough (1982 until 4 June) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) Black-headed Wagtail NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1985) Thrush Nightingale CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Welches Dam (1984 until 3 June); KENT, Dungeness (1994 until 9 June) Siberian Stonechat K!NCARDINESHIRE, Banchory (1993 until 24 June)

3 June

Black-eared Wheatear NORFOLK, Holme (1975 until 21 June) Hermit Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975) Great Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 6 June & 1988 until 3 June); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1979 until 3 June) Subalpine Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1979); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1979 until 12 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Sardinian Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1994 until 7 June); DORSET, Portland (1993); SURREY, Surbiton (1992) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Collared Flycatcher CUMBERLAND, Eskmeals (1964) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 6 June) Rose-coloured Starling FIFE, Isle of May (1983); NORFOLK, Snettisham (1971) Rustic Bunting KENT, Northward Hill (1983); SHETLAND, Grutness (1992) Black-headed Bunting DEVON, Newton Ferrers (1993 until 3 June); SHETLAND, Strand (1978 until 22 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting LOTHIAN, Gullane (1968); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967)

species 27, individuals 46

A definite lull in species and numbers, but still a day packed with quality finds. Squacco Heron and Great White Egret both make it three days running, but only four Red-footed Falcons are found today. Baird's Sandpipers make their third appearance in the calendar, whilst a Bridled Tern is only the third ever to grace an inland water. The Fox Sparrow remains the only British & Irish record.

Little Bittern SCILLY, St Marys (1968) Night Heron LINCOLNSHIRE, Barrow Haven (1987)

134 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Squacco Heron DEVON, Aveton Gifford (1990 until 6 June) Great White Egret ROSS-SHIRE, Loch Droma (1990)

Blue-winged Teal OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1979) Black Kite ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1976 & 1982) Red-footed Falcon BERKSHIRE, Dinton Pastures (1992); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wicken Fen (1971); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1992 until 4 June); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1992) Baird's Sandpiper ARGYLLSHIRE, Bowmore (1979); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1975 until 5 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Greatham Creek & Seal Sands (1992 until 6 June); LANCASHIRE, Fleetwood (1986 until 8 June) Wilson's Phalarope SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1991) Franklin's Gull MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1992 until 4 June) Caspian Tern DERBYSHIRE, Egginton (1968); KENT, Sandwich Bay (2) (1977), Lade (1978); LEICESTERSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1968) Bridled Tern YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1994) White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Brownsea Island (1964); LINCOLNSHIRE, Grantham Sewage Farm (1959) Alpine Swift GLAMORGAN, Landimore Marsh (1984); KENT, Dungeness (1984) Roller SOMERSET, Shapwick Heath (1989 until 10 June)

4 June

Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Holme (1979); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1967) Black-eared Wheatear DEVON, Lundy (1984) Great Reed Warbler DORSET, Radipole Lake (1967); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 4 June); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1977 until 4 June) Subalpine Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1985); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1988 until 4 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fetlar (1992) Bonelli's Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1967 until 29 June) Lesser Grey Shrike SUSSEX, Rye (1977) Rose-coloured Starling NORFOLK, Holme (1983); SUTHERLAND, Droman (1971 until 4 June) Fox Sparrow DOWN, Copeland Island (1961 until 4 June) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 6 June) Black-headed Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1965) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DURHAM, Hartlepool (1971 until 4 June); FIFE, Isle of May (1973 until 8 June)

species 31, individuals 70

Another star studded day, with both Red-footed Falcon and Alpine Swift picking up again and a further four Broad-billed Sandpipers. Five widely scattered Lesser Grey Shrikes is the best day for this species, and colour is added in the form of two Rollers, an inland Lesser Kestrel and a stunning male Black-headed Wagtail. The Trumpeter Finch is the seventh for Britain and third for Scotland. The Scops Owl was found long dead. Little Bittern NORFOLK, Hainford (1968) Night Heron DEVON, Slapton Ley (1987 until 6 June);

KENT, Richborough (1978); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1992) Great White Egret ROSS-SHIRE, Maryburgh (1990)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 135

American Wigeon SHETLAND, Uyeasound (2) (1983) Black Kite LINCOLNSHIRE, Boston (1994); SCILLY, Tresco (1970); WILTSHIRE, Little Dumford (1994) Lesser Kestrel YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1979) Red-footed Falcon BERKSHIRE, Mortimer & Mortimer West End (1989); CORNWALL, Croft Pascoe, The Lizard (1989 until 5 June); DOWN, Lough Money (1989 until 8 June); HAMPSHIRE, Lymington (1979); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1978); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1990 until 15 June); NORFOLK, Winterton (1977); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 17 June); SOMERSET, Chilton Moor (1992) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Havengore Island (2) (1961); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1993 until 6 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Malltraeth (1984 until 6 June); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1988 until 5 June); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1983) Spotted Sandpiper CUMBERLAND, Longtown (1986 until 6 June) Whiskered Tern ESSEX, Tollesbury ( 1967); YORKSHIRE, Castle Howard (1983) White-winged Black Tern RENFREWSHIRE, Eaglesham (1976) Scops Owl OUTER HEBRIDES, Greian Head (1980) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Foula (1979 until 8 June) Alpine Swift KINCARDINESHIRE, Banchory-Devenick (1981 until 7 June); LANCASHIRE, River Brock (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 10 June); YORKSHIRE, Eccup Reservoir (1960) Roller NORFOLK, Acle (1960); SHETLAND, Semblister (1971 until 5 June)

136 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-rumped Swallow ESSEX, Wanstead Park (1975) Red-throated Pipit NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1977); ORKNEY, Mull Head (1978); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975), Fetlar (1992 until 25 June) Black-headed Wagtail OXFORDSHIRE, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell (1988 until 5 June) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1989) Blue Rock Thrush CAERNARVONSHIRE, Moel-y-cest (1987) Rock Thrush ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Alaw (1986 until 6 June) Great Reed Warbler LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1991 until 13 June); SHETLAND, Duringarth (1958 until 5 June); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1969) Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1983); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1989 until 12 June); SHETLAND, Toab (1989); SUFFOLK, Dunwich (1989) Sardinian Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1982 until 6 June) Greenish Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1960 until 5 June) Lesser Grey Shrike KENT, Seasalter (1977 until 12 June); LANCASHIRE, Radcliffe (1968); NORTHUMBERLAND, Beal Sands (1981 until 7 June); SUFFOLK, Lakenheath (1977); WORCESTERSHIRE, Wythall (1987) Rose-coloured Starling CAERNARVONSHIRE, Criccieth (1983); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1994) Trumpeter Finch SUTHERLAND, Balnakeil (1992) Rustic Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Hynish, Tiree (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 5 June); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978) Black-headed Bunting AYRSHIRE, Irvine (1988 until 5 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984); SUFFOLK, Trimley St Mary (1992)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Blue Rock Thrush ATSEA, SEA-AREA MALIN, Skerryvore Light (1985 until 7 June)

5 June

Red-headed Bunting DEVON, Lundy (1986); FIFE, Isle of May (1978 until 13 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 5 June)

species 27, individuals 41

The second spotty Spotted Sandpiper of the month and a live Scops Owl makes up for the yesterday's dead one. The Crested Lark is the most recent British record of this extremely rare Continental species, whilst three Rose-coloured Starlings appear to be the norm for the week. The Booted Warbler is one of only four spring records. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Yell (1977 until 9 June) Little Bittern DUNBARTONSHIRE, Luss (1978) Night Heron KENT, Dungeness (1994) Black Stork SUFFOLK, Mildenhall (1977 until 6 June) Black Kite CHESHIRE, Mellor (1985); DORSET, Durlston (1992 until 6 June) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1973 until 6 June); ISLE OF WIGHT, Sandown (1993); SHETLAND, Eshaness (1981), Tingwall (1992); SUSSEX, Pett Level (1992) Black-winged Stilt SUFFOLK, Alton Water (2) (1988) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1977 until 6 June) Terek Sandpiper CAITHNESS, Sandside Bay (1977 until 12 June); ORKNEY, Loch of Tankemess (1987 until 8 June) Spotted Sandpiper ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Indaal (1984) Wilson's Phalarope DURHAM, Teesmouth (1971) Gull-billed Tern DURHAM, Reclamation Pond (1991) Caspian Tern KENT, Folkestone Warren (1988) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Lakenheath Flash (1994) Scops Owl ORKNEY, Sanday (1986 until 16 June)

Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Cairngorm (1964) Roller SHETLAND, Whalsay (1979 until 7 June) Crested Lark CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1982 until 6 June) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, St Margaret's (1993) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1971) Black-eared Wheatear HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1987) Great Reed Warbler CORNWALL, Marazion (1963 until 8 June); LEICESTERSHIRE, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch (1963 until 5 July) Booted Warbler SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1994) Subalpine Warbler DORSET, Redcliffe Point (1992 until 6 June); OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Obe, Barra (1988) Lesser Grey Shrike KENT, Heme Bay (1980); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960) Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Barley Cove (1971); ORKNEY, Hoy (1984 until 7 June); SHETLAND, Cuisetter (1979) Black-headed Bunting ESSEX, Colne Point (1986 until 9 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962 until 13 June)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1976); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1977); NORFOLK, Cley (1960); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 7 June), Tingwall (1965)

Rare Birds Day by Day


6 June

species 32, individuals 46

Another Little Shearwater is seen off Cape Clear, and Squacco Heron and Great White Egrets return. The few Ivory Gulls that are found during summer months are usually at northern sites, with today's bird being no exception, whilst Whitewinged Black Terns continue to show their southerly bias. The Tree Swallow is the first to be found in the Western Palearctic. White-billed Diver ROSS-SHIRE, Upper Loch Torridon (1971 until 22 June); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1964); ATSEA, SEA-AREA FAIR ISLE, llkm North of Fair Isle (1978) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1973) Little Bittern SOMERSET, Huntsworth area (1970 until 13 July) Night Heron DEVON, Lopwell (1985 until 14 June) Squacco Heron DEVON, Dartmouth (1990 until 24 June) Great White Egret SHETLAND, Burrafirth (1985 until 7 June) Black Stork NORFOLK, Flitcham (1990) Glossy Ibis HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1977) American Wigeon ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1992 until 8 June); ANGUS, Montrose (1989 until 21 July) Black Kite AYRSHIRE, Pinwherry (1994) Red-footed Falcon BERKSHIRE, Earley (1973); CORNWALL, St Columb Major (1994 until 12 June) Baillon's Crake YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1970 until 13 June) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Marazion (1963 until 7 June) Collared Pratincole ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Rhosneigr (1983) Broad-billed Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE,

Read's Island (1992);

NORFOLK, Cley (1990) Wilson's Phalarope SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1983 until 8 June) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Muckle Flugga (1983)

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Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1977) Caspian Tern ARGYLLSHIRE, Ardpatrick Point (1981); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1962) Whiskered Tern LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1977) White-winged Black Tern LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1979); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1982), Welney (1985 until 8 June); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1994 until 7 June); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1972 until 7 June) Scops Owl WILTSHIRE, Upton Scudamore & Warminster area (1982 until 14 July) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Norwick (1974) Alpine Swift SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972) Roller LANCASHIRE, Ainsdale (1963 until 7 June); SUFFOLK, Snape (1960 until 18 June) Tree Swallow SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 10 June) Red-throated Pipit KENT, St Margaret's (1985) Great Reed Warbler DORSET, Studland Heath (1969 until 26 June); ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1965); SCILLY, St Agnes (1962 until 8 June); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1965) Subalpine Warbler LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1986) Greenish Warbler KENT,

Dungeness (1975);


Bempton Cliffs (1975) Collared Flycatcher ESSEX, Frinton-on-Sea (1979) Rustic Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1975 until 7 June)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CORNWALL, Menheniot (1993 until 7 June); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1966)

7 June

species 32, individuals 58

A slight return to form for some species, with nine Red-footed Falcons and eight White-winged Black Terns. Britain's first Long-toed Stint is found today along with two Wilson's Phalaropes and a Semipalmated Sandpiper. The Booted Warbler is only the second spring find of this eastern warbler, whilst from the west come two British firsts: the Common Yellowthroat remains the only spring record and the Rufous-sided Towhee remains the sole British record (the 1975 Spurn individual is assigned to one of the western races and therefore considered an escape). Night Heron DEVON, Torrington (1981 until 1 September); OUTER HEBRIDES, Barra (1987) Black Stork ORKNEY, Sandwick (1972 until 12 June) Black Kite BEDFORDSHIRE, Little Staughton (1989); SUFFOLK, Eastbridge (1981) Red-footed Falcon DERBYSHIRE, Eastmoor (1978); HAMPSHIRE, Rhinefield Walk (1965), New Forest (1973 until 16 June), Stanpit Marsh (1984); KENT, Dungeness (1974 until 13 June); LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1992 until 13 June); SHETLAND, Burravoe (1970 until 24 June); SUFFOLK, Hengrave area (1992 until 9 June); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1981) Black-winged Stilt BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Willen Lake (2) (1988 until 18 June); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1958 until 29 June) Collared Pratincole DORSET, Lodmoor (1974) Pratincole sp. CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1977) Semipalmated Sandpiper ORKNEY, Stronsay (1993 until 8 June) Long-toed Stint CORNWALL, Marazion (1970 until 8 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Hickling (1992) Marsh Sandpiper

NORFOLK, Holkham (1992 until 9 June)

Wilson's Phalarope GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1990 until 10 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1975 until 11 June) Bonaparte's Gull SUTHERLAND,Scourie(1973) Forster's Tern WEXFORD, Wexford Harbour (1986 until 1 February 1987) Whiskered Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, Ashington & Cresswell (1970 until 8 June) White-winged Black Tern CAITHNESS, Loch ofMey & St Johns Loch (1991 until 12 June); DORSET, Ferrybridge (1959 until 8 June), Lodmoor (1964); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ferry Meadows Park (2) (1985); NORTHUMBERLAND, Grindon Lough (1969); SHETLAND, Lochs of Spiggie & Loch Hillwell (1994 until 14 June); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1977) Alpine Swift ANTRIM, Torr Head (1981); KENT, Dover (1975) Roller BRECONSHIRE, TalybontReservoir (1970 until 8 June); SUTHERLAND, Ledmore (1979) Red-rumped Swallow SOMERSET, St George's Wharf (1970) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 & 1985 until 8 June) Siberian Stonechat

NORFOLK, Holme (1992 until 8 June)

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Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984) River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984) Great Reed Warbler SURREY, Frensham Great Pond (1965 until 19 June) Booted Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool Headland (1992 until 8 June) Subalpine Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1976); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1988) Greenish Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1981); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1975); SUFFOLK, Trimley St Mary (1992) Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Sheringham (1968) Rose-coloured Starling ATSEA, SEA-AREA HUMBER, 48km northeast of Great Yarmouth, 53 02N 02 15E (1989)

8 June

Two-barred Crossbill NORFOLK, Santon Downham (1980) Common Yellowthroat SHETLAND, Fetlar (1984 until 11 June) Rufous-sided Towhee DEVON, Lundy (1966) Black-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Bruichladdich (1993 until 4 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1994) Red-headed Bunting ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1976); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1962 until 3 July)

species 33, individuals 71

Five Little Bitterns on this day is impressive and are typically concentrated in southern counties. June is a strange finding date for a Lesser White-fronted Goose (and Derbyshire is also an odd location); and today also sees the first of three inland records of Bridled Tern. The Bimaculated Lark is the third record for Britain and like the previous two, chose an island for its visit. American Robin in Ireland, Yorkshire's (and Britain's) second Marmora's Warbler and the most northerly mainland record of Trumpeter Finch show the diversity of today's finds. Pied-billed Grebe OUTER HEBRIDES, Ashkernish, South Uist (1983 until 20 July) Little Bittern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Over (1981); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Hollowell Reservoir (1973); SCILLY, Tresco (1970); SOMERSET, Huntsworth area (1970); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1969) Night Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1978); INVERNESS-SHIRE,

Glen Finnan (1987);

STAFFORDSHIRE, Longsdown Marsh (1984) Lesser White-fronted Goose DERBYSHIRE, Swarkestone (1976) American Wigeon KINROSS-SHIRE, Loch Leven (1973 until 6 August)

140 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Blue-winged Teal FLINTSHIRE, Shotwick Fields (2) (1983 until 9 June) Red-footed Falcon CAITHNESS, Westerdale (1979); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fen Drayton Gravel Pit (1992 until 13 June); ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1991 until 16 June); KENT, Sevenoaks (1962); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1975 until 11 June); SOMERSET, Brean Down (1969); WESTMORLAND, Nenthead (1992);



(1983) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Great Wakering (1980 until 13 June); KENT, Dungeness (1993); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1978) Collared Pratincole SUSSEX, Rye (1978)

Pratincole sp. ESSEX, Steeple (1985) American Golden Plover NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1976 until 17 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (2) (1983, 1 until 15 June, 1 until 4 July); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1991 until 10 June); ORKNEY, Brodgar (1985 until 11 June) Wilson's Phalarope LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1987) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Pegwell Bay (1983) Caspian Tern NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1970); STAFFORDSHIRE, Westport Lake (1988) Bridled Tern LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1984 until 9 June) Whiskered Tern CUMBERLAND, Rockliffe Marshes (1987) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Dungeness (1971 & 1972); SUSSEX, Boreham Street (2) (1984) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Yell (2) (1971) Alpine Swift DERRY, Castlerock (1974); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1965); SUSSEX, Rye (1978) Roller DORSET, Hartland Moor (1967); KENT, Canterbury (1969 until 9 June) Bimaculated Lark SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Cromer (1992)

9 June

American Robin OFFALY, Edenberry (1983 until 30 July) Great Reed Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1979); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Insh Marshes (1964 until 20 June); NORFOLK, Cley (1988 until 23 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964 until 11 June), Unst (1975 until 8 July) Marmora's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992 until 9 June) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1977); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1975, 1 until 10 June); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1987 until 10 June) Sardinian Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1988) Greenish Warbler KENT, Kingsgate (1991) Lesser Grey Shrike CAERNARVONSHIRE, Caernarvon (1967); FIFE, Wormiston (1958); NORFOLK, Downham Market (1977) Trumpeter Finch SUTHERLAND, Handa Island (1971 until 9 June) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 9 June, 1972 until 10 June, 1987 until 9 June & 1991) Black-headed Bunting DEVON, Starcross (1994) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1976 until 12 June); KENT, North Foreland (1976) Painted Bunting SHETLAND, Noss (1981)

species 24, individuals 46

A quiet day in comparison to previous ones, but the quality remains high. The Cretzschmar's Bunting is the second British record (see 10 June) and the Spanish Sparrow on Lundy is the second British first on the island in three days (see 7 June). The Scops Owl takes the month's total to four. Pied-billed Grebe YORKSHIRE, Beaver Dyke Reservoir (1965 until 24 November) Little Bittern HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1968); HERTFORDSHIRE, Oughtonhead (1979)

Night Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Purl's Bridge (1987 until 27 July); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1980); SURREY, Feltham (1992 until 10 June)

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Black Stork HAMPSHIRE, Plastow Green (1985); YORKSHIRE, Dalby Forest (1991) American Wigeon SHETLAND, Sae Water (1992 until 12 June) Black Kite LINCOLNSHIRE, Frampton & Holbeach Marshes (1989) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, Nursling Old Gravel Pit (1964); KENT, Dungeness (1963 until 22 June); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Earls Barton (1989 until 13 June); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973 until 16 June), Capel St Andrew (1992), Brandon (1992); SUSSEX, Powdermill Reservoir (3) (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1973) Greater Sandplover ORKNEY, Sandside Bay (1979 until 14 June) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour (1968) Caspian Tern OUTER HEBRIDES, Sound of Barra (1982) Whiskered Tern LANCASHIRE, Marton Mere (1983 until 10 June); WICKLOW, Buckroney Marsh (1961) White-winged Black Tern LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1987) Scops Owl SHETLAND, Collafirth (1988) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 15 June)

10 June

Alpine Swift ISLE OF MAN, Maughold Head (1978 until 11 June); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1983) Paddyfield Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 10 June) Great Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992); SUFFOLK, locality withheld (1961 until 15 July, with two birds on 12 June) Greenish Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1962); WESTMORLAND, Arnside Marsh (1992) Lesser Grey Shrike CORNWALL, Allet (1961); NORFOLK, Winterton (1968) Rose-coloured Starling ESSEX, Bradfield (1992 until 11 June); NORFOLK, Sea Palling (1994); OUTER HEBRIDES, North Boisdale (1985) Spanish Sparrow DEVON, Lundy (1966) Cretzschmar's Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979 until 10 June) Rustic Bunting ORKNEY, Copinsay (1976 until 13 June) Black-headed Bunting DENBIGHSHIRE, Llanarmon-yn-Yale (1992 until 10 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 & 1992) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1969); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1977)

species 28, individuals 44

The first British record of Cretzschmar's Bunting just takes the top spot from Britain's second Egyptian Nightj are Rose-coloured Starling picks up with four records, as this species moves into its peak period. The River Warbler is the second for the month. Today is also the joint best date for Red-headed Bunting. Black-browed Albatross SHETLAND, Unst (1974 until 7 August)

Black Stork KENT, Margate (1983); LANCASHIRE,

Little Bittern

Leighton Moss (1989 until 11 June)

FIFE, Arncroach (1970); HERTFORDSHIRE, Stevenage (1965) Night Heron KERRY, Kenmare River (1961 until 13 June); SCILLY, St Agnes (1979 until 11 June)

King Eider LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1979 until 23 June) Black Kite SUFFOLK, Tattingstone (1987)

142 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Teesmouth (1992 until 12 June); HAMPSHIRE, near Burley (1992 until 15 June); KENT, Stodmarsh (1992), Sandwich Bay (1992) Black-winged Pratincole SOMERSET, Clevedon (1988 until 15 June) Terek Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Lymington (1986) Laughing Gull DUBLIN, Dublin Bay (1984 until 3 July) Bonaparte's Gull WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1990) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Deal (1960) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Salthouse (1966) Whiskered Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1987 until 15 June) White-winged Black Tern SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (1964 until 14 October) Egyptian Nightjar DORSET, Portland (1984) Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Gorleston (1981) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 14 June) River Warbler CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wicken Fen (1992 until 11 June) Great Reed Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1964 until 26 June); SHETLAND, Gott (1979 until11 June); WARWICKSHIRE, Brandon Marsh (1979)

Booted Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992 until 22 June) Greenish Warbler DORSET, Portland (1992); FIFE, Lochore (1985 until 12 June); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1991) Lesser Grey Shrike SUFFOLK, Blythburgh (1973); WEST LOTHIAN, Whitekirk (1967) Rose-coloured Starling BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1983); CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1989 until 18 June); DORSET, West Bexington (1994); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1983) Cretzschmar's Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 20 June) Rustic Bunting OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1990 until 11 June) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (3) (1992) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, lona (1993); CAITHNESS, Reay (1980 until 1 September); CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (2) (1980, 1 until 2 July); KENT, Dungeness (1961); SHETLAND, Halligarth (1967), Fair Isle (1968 until 12 June); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1967 until 17 June), Sewerby (1970)

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11 June

species 35, individuals 52

A remarkable date for several species. A pair of Little Bitterns arrive in Yorkshire and are the first to breed successfully in Britain. Certainly another good day for herons, with a third Little Bittern, two Night Herons, a Squacco Heron and a Great White Egret. Any day with a Needle-tailed Swift is noteworthy, so today is doubly so with two birds (or maybe the same returning individual) making this the best date for the species. The Crested Lark is one of only six to be found since 1958. The Paddyfield Warbler is an excellent Suffolk find. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Hascosay (1974) Little Shearwater YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1977) Little Bittern KENT, Stodmarsh (1969); YORKSHIRE, Potteric Carr (2) (1984 until 16 August. Successfully breeding and raising three young) Night Heron GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Sandhurst (1979 until 12 June); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit (1987) Squacco Heron ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1988) Great White Egret DORSET, Lodmoor (1974) Black Stork YORKSHIRE, Easby-in-Cleveland (1976 until 21 June) Glossy Ibis DORSET, Radipole Lake (1987 until 14 June) Blue-winged Teal NORFOLK, Titchwell (1984 until 16 June) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Blackdog (1981 until 23 June) Black Kite KENT, Lyminge Forest (1986); SHETLAND, Unst (1975) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1978); NORFOLK, Wolferton (1993); YORKSHIRE, Pugney's Country Park (1992) Black-winged Stilt STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1968 until 16 June) Collared Pratincole YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1977)

144 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Spotted Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1986 until 13 June) Wilson's Phalarope DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1988 until 12 June); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1988) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Reculver (1960 until 16 June) Caspian Tern NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Holme Pierrepoint (1966) Sooty Tern SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966) White-winged Black Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, Wallsend (1977); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1966 until 13 June) Scops Owl ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1965) Needle-tailed Swift ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1983); SHETLAND, Noss (1991 unti114 June) Alpine Swift ISLE OF MAN, Maughold Head (1978); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1974), Goxhill (1993) Roller NORFOLK, West Toft (1983 until 12 June); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1966) Crested Lark YORKSHIRE, Tunstall (1972) Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Cley (1977) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1967 until 12 June) Thrush Nightingale

DORSET, Portland (1994) Paddyfield Warbler SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1988)

Great Reed Warbler KENT, Stodmarsh (1972); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1993 until 17 June); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1986) Greenish Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1988) Lesser Grey Shrike Spurn (1970 until 13 June) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Helston (1984 until 24 June); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1994 until 15 June) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 & 1979), Foula (1987)

12 June

Black-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Islay (1968) CATEGORY D SPECIES Chestnut Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1986) Red-headed Bunting BUTESHIRE, Little Cumbrae (1961); ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1979 until 19 June); OUTER HEBRIDES, North Uist (1968); SHETLAND, Sound (1969); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1976 until 13 June)

species 25, individuals 41

Another Squacco Heron and another summer Spotted Sandpiper are found today. Five widely scattered Great Reed Warblers is a very good day total, whilst the Little Swift in Ireland is the first of only ten records but remains the sole Irish one. Night Heron NORFOLK, Hoveton Great Broad (1960) Squacco Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1970) Blue-winged Teal WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1988) King Eider OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992 until 15 June) Black Kite ESSEX, West Clacton (1988); HAMPSHIRE, Ashley Walk (1986); WILTSHIRE, Aldbourne (1994) Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Haverton Hole (1992); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1977); NORFOLK, Whiteslea (1958); OXFORDSHIRE, Wolvercote (1983) Broad-billed Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Banks Marsh (1985 until 13 June) Long-billed Dowitcher KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1972 until 22 June) Terek Sandpiper KENT, Cliffe (1989 until 13 June) Spotted Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1977) Franklin's Gull GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Severn Beach (1988)

Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (2) (1965) Caspian Tern CHESHIRE, Neumann's Flash (1994); KENT, Stodmarsh (1966) Whiskered Tern CHESHIRE, Woolston Eyes (1983 until 18 June); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1989 until 24 June) Alpine Swift ISLE OF MAN, Ballamodha (1982) Little Swift CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967) Roller CORNWALL, Manor Common (1967 until 13 June) Red-throated Pipit YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1985 until 14 June) Black-eared Wheatear CORNWALL, Hill Tor (1987 until 13 June) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Elmley (1994 until 25 June); NORTHUMBERLAND, Caistron (1990 until 20 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 14 June); SUFFOLK, locality withheld (1961 see also 9 June); WARWICKSHIRE, Brandon Marsh (1977)

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Subalpine Warbler KERRY, Bolus Head (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 & 1992) Greenish Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1992); KENT, St Margaret's Bay (1993) Rose-coloured Starling HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1968 until 23 June); NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1983) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1963 until 19 June)

13 June

Black-headed Bunting ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1993) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Eday (1989); PERTHSHIRE, Dunblane (1974); WIGTOWNSHIRE, Burrow Head (1967 until 13 June); YORKSHIRE, 1 mile off Spurn (1989)

species 21, individuals 41

The Pallid Harrier is the second of a staggering four birds found in 1993 and mirrors the recent increase in records in northern Europe. The female American Kestrel is equally remarkable, in that it is the second to be found in 1976; its location could not be much further away from that of the male found on Fair Isle on 25 May. Little Shearwater HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1984) Night Heron STAFFORDSHIRE, Moneymore Gravel Pit (1971) Black Stork SOMERSET, Bath (1992) Pallid Harrier ESSEX, Holliwell Point (1993 until 15 June) American Kestrel CORNWALL, Bodmin Moor (1976 until 28 June) Red-footed Falcon BEDFORDSHIRE, Thurleigh (1992); CORNWALL, Kynance (1992); KENT, Reculver (1970 until 16 June); ORKNEY, Harray (1983); SHROPSHIRE, Shrewsbury (1982 until 26 June); SUSSEX, Rye (1973) Black-winged Stilt BEDFORDSHIRE, Millbrook (1986 until 23 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1986); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1984 until 15 June) Terek Sandpiper CORNWALL, Melancoose Reservoir (1961) Spotted Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1971)

146 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Wilson's Phalarope YORKSHIRE, White Holme Reservoir (1978 until 14 June) Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1987) White-winged Black Tern DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1986 until 14 June); NORFOLK, Methwold Hythe (1987); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1976) Alpine Swift ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (1993); NORTHUMBERLAND, Jesmond Dene (1994); SHETLAND, Hermaness (1962) Roller AYRSHIRE, Largs (1976 until 16 June); DORSET, Sugar Hill (1966 until 14 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, Grainthorpe (1962) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Dungeness (1988) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Stodmarsh (1965); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1987 until 27 June); SUFFOLK, North Warren (1976) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 until 14 June, 1969 & 1983 until 15 June); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1994) Greenish Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1988); DORSET, Portland (1988)

Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Fionn Phort, Mull (1984); BANFFSHIRE, Dufftown (1987 until 5 July)

14 June

Black-headed Bunting ROSS-SHIRE, near Dundonnel (1988 until 19 June); SCILLY, St Agnes (1986 until 14 June)

species 25, individuals 44

The more regular vagrants might be declining slightly, but the extreme rarities do not let up with several remarkable species found today. The Eleonora's Falcon is only the third for Britain, whilst two Yellow-breasted Buntings on this day take the spring total to three. However, it is the amazing find of a Rock Sparrow in Norfolk that really makes the headlines, remaining the sole record to date. White-billed Diver OUTER HEBRIDES, Rubha Ardvule (1991) Night Heron HAMPSHIRE, Lyndhurst (1961); SUFFOLK, Holbrook Bay (1978), Holbrook Gardens (1987 until 21 June) Great White Egret LEICESTERSHIRE, Saddington Reservoir (1988 until 16 June) Black Stork CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1988) Black Kite ORKNEY, Birsay and Harray (1989) Red-footed Falcon DERBYSHIRE, Great Hucklow (1969); KENT, Dungeness (1978); NORTHUMBERLAND, Lynemouth (1973 until 21 September); SHETLAND, Walls (1989 until 17 June) Eleonora's Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, Bornish (1985) Black-winged Stilt WORCESTERSHIRE, Larford (1986 until 16 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1987) Spotted Sandpiper KENT, Ashford (1994 until 15 June) Caspian Tern CUMBERLAND, Killington Reservoir (1989 until 15 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1981) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1976); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (2) (1975); SUFFOLK, Reydon (2) (1960); SUSSEX, Rye (1987) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1989); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1963)

Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Cley (1962); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1976) Roller OXFORDSHIRE, Bruern (1977 until 16 June) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Stodmarsh area (1991 until 18 June) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1991 until 15 June) Black-eared Wheatear DORSET, Portland (1975) Great Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Noss (1974); SUFFOLK, Iken (1990) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Skeld (1993 until 19 June) Lesser Grey Shrike NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1972 until 15 June); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1974 until 15 June) Rose-coloured Starling NORFOLK, Stalham (1987 until 25 June); ORKNEY, Skaill (1980 until 23 June); SHETLAND, Baliasta (1983 until 20 June), Noss (1986 until 18 June) Rock Sparrow NORFOLK, Cley (1981) Yellow-breasted Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, locality withheld (1982); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1975 until 15 June) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1969)

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15 June

species 23, individuals 39

Despite a handful of summer records, the pair of Spotted Sandpipers remain the only true breeding attempt, though it failed despite at least two of the four eggs being fertile. Three Greenish Warblers, with two together in Kent, are noteworthy. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Rae Wick (1986) Night Heron CARDIGANSHIRE, Tregaron (1986); LANCASHIRE, Dalton-in-Fumess (1987 until 22 July); YORKSHIRE, Denaby Ings (1990 until 5 August) Great White Egret ARGYLLSHIRE, Gruinart Flats, Islay (1986); SUSSEX, Thomey Island (1985) American Wigeon WARWICKSHIRE, Kingsbury (1985) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Sandwich Bay (1992), St Margaret's Bay (1992); NORFOLK, How Hill & Reedham Water (1992 until 20 June); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1980); SUFFOLK, Trimley Marsh (1992) Semipalmated Sandpiper NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1992 until 18 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper DERRY, Lough Beg (1963 until 16 June); EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1983) Lesser Yellowlegs LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1990) Spotted Sandpiper INVERNESS-SHIRE, Skye (2) (1975 until 3 July. Attempted to breed but eggs failed to hatch) Wilson's Phalarope ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Malltraeth (1958 until 16 June); CORNWALL, Marazion (1961 until 4 July) Laughing Gull SHETLAND, Fetlar (1983) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Langney Point (1959) Caspian Tern DORSET, Abbotsbury (1974); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988 until 17 June)

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Whiskered Tern TIPPERARY, Lough Derg (1987 until 21 June) White-winged Black Tern SUSSEX, Rye (1981) Snowy Owl YORKSHIRE, Lofthouse Moor (1975) Roller KENT, Monkton (1992) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974) Great Reed Warbler MONTGOMERYSHIRE, Llanygnog (1988); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1985 until 21 June) Subalpine Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (2) (1986, 1 until 16 June); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1989) Greenish Warbler DORSET, Portland (1990 until 16 June); KENT, Folkestone Warren (2) (1993 until 1 July) Lesser Grey Shrike AYRSHIRE, Barr (1961 until 24 June) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 30 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Chestnut Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 16 June) Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1992 until 21 June); NORTHUMBERLAND, New Hartley (1960 until 17 June); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1965 until 1 July & 1967 until 1 August); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1967); SUFFOLK, Felixstowe (1990)

16 June

species 25, individuals 37

Two more White-billed Divers off northern shores, a further two Squacco Herons takes the month's total to nine and two Blue-winged Teals make eight for the month. An immature Ross's Gull takes up residence on the south coast and a Briinnich's Guillemot makes itself at home in the Sumburgh Head auk colony. The Whitethroated Sparrow follows on from the eight found in May, whilst the Baillon's Crake was found dead. White-billed Diver ROSS-SHIRE, Portmahomack (1984 until 2 July); SHETLAND, Whalefirth (1990 until 23 June) Night Heron BEDFORDSHIRE, Felmersham (1970); LANARKSHIRE, Lesmahagow (1987 until 18 June) Squacco Heron LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1971 until 18 July); SUSSEX, Mannings Heath (1982 until 19 June) Great White Egret LANARKSHIRE, Camps Reservoir (1986 until 18 June); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1989 until 17 June) Black Stork NORFOLK, Stiftkey (1991 until 17 June) Blue-winged Teal OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Dunakillie (1978); WEXFORD, North Slob (1971 until 23 June) Black Kite DORSET, Edmonsham (1994); KENT, Worth (1993); SUFFOLK, Reydon Broad & Easton Broad (1990) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1961), Wells (1974); OUTER HEBRIDES, Benbecula (1973 until 21 June); SHETLAND, Eshaness (1984 until 24 June) Baillon's Crake CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1990) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Ballycotton (1989 until 17 June) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1984) Terek Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Blackmoorfoot Reservoir

Ross's Gull HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1974 until 20 August) Gull-billed Tern CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1989) Caspian Tern KENT, Margate (2) (1977) Whiskered Tern HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988) White-winged Black Tern ORKNEY, Loch of Tankerness (1988 until 17 June) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1989 until 12 July) Alpine Swift LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1979) Roller ESSEX, Beaumont (1976 until 22 June); HAMPSHIRE, West Milton (1975 until 21 June) Red-rumped Swallow ORKNEY, near Dounby (1993) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985) Rose-coloured Starling SUTHERLAND, Faraid Head (1971) White-throated Sparrow SHETLAND, Kergord (1987) Black-headed Bunting LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1980 until 25 June)


Calf of Man (1966 until 29 June)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1990 until 20 June) Red-headed Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1973); ISLE OF MAN,

Rare Birds Day by Day - 149

17 June

species 25, individuals 34

The Sooty Tern is the first since 1958 and sees a change in fortunes for the species, with many of the 16 pre-1958 records involving dead or dying birds. Today's two White-throated Sparrows bring the spring total to 11. The astonishing find of a singing male Cape May Warbler in Scotland remains the sole Western Palearctic record. Night Heron BEDFORDSHIRE, Girtford Gravel Pit (1988 until 20 June); KENT, Sevenoaks (1978 until 22 June); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hoppen Kiln Pool (1987 until 18 June); WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1983) Squacco Heron SCILLY, Western Rocks (1977) Blue-winged Teal OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Hallan (2) (1984) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Cley & Wiveton (1989 until 19 June); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1973) Gyr Falcon INVERNESS-SHIRE, Trotternish, Skye (1984) Black-winged Stilt DORSET, Lodmoor & Radipole (1987 until 19 June) Collared Pratincole DURHAM, Washington (1973) Broad-billed Sandpiper MORAYSHIRE, Kingston (1990) Marsh Sandpiper NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1978 until 18 June) Caspian Tern KENT, Dungeness (1988 until 18 June) Lesser Crested Tern DURHAM, Seaton Snook (1984 until 20 June) Sooty Tern HAMPSHIRE, Hurst Castle (1961) Whiskered Tern KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1973) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1986), Bempton (1989)

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Roller SURREY, Chobham Common (1970 until 20 June) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1991) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1994) Rock Thrush OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1962) Great Reed Warbler FIFE, Kilconquhar Loch (1970) Booted Warbler LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1992) Subalpine Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1984); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1979) Lesser Grey Shrike OXFORDSHIRE, Standlake Common (1978) Rose-coloured Starling ABERDEENSHIRE, Methlick (1974); NORFOLK, Little Walsingham (1982 until 24 June) Cape May Warbler RENFREWSHIRE, Paisley (1977) White-throated Sparrow LANCASHIRE, Walney Island (1965); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 & 1973 until 20 June)

18 June

species 18, individuals 24

Of the British & Irish occurrences, only one frigatebird has ever been identified to specific species - a female Magnificent found moribund in July 1953. It is very likely that the five since, including this one, also refer to Magnificent. Frigatebird sp, DUBLIN, Dalkey (1989) Night Heron FLINTSHIRE, Ddol Uchaf(1993); KENT, Stodmarsh (1968 until 19 June) Great White Egret CAITHNESS, Gills Bay (1985 until 19 June) Red-footed Falcon DUBLIN, Phoenix Park (1976); NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1967) Collared Pratincole KENT, Dungeness (1986 until 25 June) American Golden Plover KENT, Westbere (1983) White-rumped Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1978) Broad-billed Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1989 until 20 June) Long-billed Dowitcher ARGYLLSHIRE, Islay Airfield (1986 until 19 June); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1989 until 19 June) Terek Sandpiper NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1988) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (2) (1988); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1981)

19 June

White-winged Black Tern KENT, Dungeness (1987); NORFOLK, Cley (1962) Scops Owl FERMANAGH, Lisnarrick (1974) Alpine Swift SURREY, Beddington Sewage Farm (1967) Roller DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Forest of Ae (1975) Black-eared Wheatear SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979) Great Reed Warbler NORFOLK, Cantley (1969 until 30 June) Rose-coloured Starling OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1974 until 19 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Chestnut Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1986 until 19 June) Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989)

species 21, individuals 31

Franklin's Gull, Spotted Sandpiper, five Gull-billed Terns and two Rollers are all noteworthy, but the long-staying Slender-billed Gull is the first record for Britain. Two more Greenish Warblers continue this species' run of records. Night Heron SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1971) Squacco Heron DEVON, South Huish (1983) Black Kite .YORKSHIRE, Wilton (1993) Red-footed Falcon LINCOLNSHIRE, Skegness (1967) Black-winged Stilt LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney (1986)

Collared Pratincole CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Welches Dam (1983 unti13 July); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1983) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Douglas Estuary (1992 until 1 January 1993) Spotted Sandpiper

LANCASHIRE, Jumbles Reservoir (1982 until 6 July)

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Franklin's Gull DURHAM, Reclamation Pond (1991 until 23 June) Slender-billed Gull SUSSEX, Langney Point (1960 until 10 July) Gull-billed Tern ISLE OF WIGHT, St Catherine's Point (1971); KENT, Dungeness (3) (1960); SUFFOLK, Covehithe (1959) Caspian Tern DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1977) Whiskered Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Traffwll (1993); CORNWALL, Marazion (1965 until 20 June) White-winged Black Tern YORKSHIRE, Wombwell Ings (1975) Pacific Swift ATSEA, SEA-AREA HUMBER, Leman Bank, 53 06N 02 12E (1981) Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Salthouse (1975)

20 June

Roller CAITHNESS, Skaill Forest (1969 until 24 June); SUSSEX, Upwaltham Down (1977 until 22 June) Great Reed Warbler DORSET, Corfe Mullen (1978) Greenish Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1974); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1990) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966), Unst (1974) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Sennen (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 21 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Painted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979 until 22 June)

species 19, individuals 30

Pacific Golden Plovers are now expected in summer, but Little Bustards are more usually seen between October and January. Summer plumaged Wilson's Phalaropes are spectacular birds and two on this date is particularly noteworthy. Classic vagrant site Cape Clear adds one of the all time classic rarities to its list with Ireland's sole record of Needle-tailed Swift. Night Heron DEVON, Elburton (1989); SHETLAND, Ronas Voe (1993) Squacco Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1990) Black Kite KENT, St Margaret's (1993) Red-footed Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Crimond (1975); CORNWALL, Crows-an-Wra (1992 until 28 June); DEVON, Sousson's Down (1970); HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1979 until 21 June); HERTFORDSHIRE, Hunton Bridge (1985); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988); SUFFOLK, Easton Bavents Marsh & Reydon Marsh (1989) Little Bustard SUFFOLK, Orfordness (1960)

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Pacific Golden Plover KENT, Sandwich Bay (1990 until 22 June) Terek Sandpiper DURHAM, Teesmouth (1979 until 21 June); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1975 until 21 June) Wilson's Phalarope DORSET, Poole Harbour (1988); YORKSHIRE, Scaling Dam (1965 until 21 June) Bonaparte's Gull YORKSHIRE, Filey (1969) Gull-billed Tern

SUSSEX, Langney Point (1987) Caspian Tern EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1971); LEICESTERSHIRE, Thornton Reservoir (1992)

White-winged Black Tern LANCASHIRE, Clifton Marsh (1977) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Eday (1963 until 18 July) Needle-tailed Swift CORK, Cape Clear Island (1964) Pied Wheatear YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1991) Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1988 until 16 August); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1977)

21 June

Greenish Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1991) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Foula (1966 until 28 June) Black-headed Bunting YORKSHIRE, Broomfleet Ponds (1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965)

species 18, individuals 38

Four more Little Bitterns, including a possible breeding attempt, highlight just how good June is for this species. Northumberland joins the few counties to record both Sooty and Bridled Terns. Cairngorm sees what is possibly the same Snowy Owl return on the same date in two years. Little Bittern CORNWALL, Goonhilly Downs (1975); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, locality withheld (2) (1960 until 19 July); SOMERSET, Huntworth (1958 until 1 August) Black Stork LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1990) American Wigeon KERRY, Ballyferriter (2) (1969), Ballydavid (1992 until 22 June) Red-footed Falcon ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), South Stack (1986); DERBYSHIRE, Egginton (1969 until 22 June); HAMPSHIRE, Kings Somborne (1992 until 22 June), Lower Test Marshes (1993); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1964 until 27 June); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1961) Black-winged Pratincole KENT, Harty (1988 until 30 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1987); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1993) Dowitcher sp. FLINTSHIRE, Shorton (1964 until 12 November) Laughing Gull DURHAM, Seal Sands (1981 until 22 June)

White-winged Black Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Meikle Loch (1967 until 28 June); KENT, Dungeness (1984); LANCASHIRE, Lancaster (1973 until 29 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1993); SUSSEX, Brighton Marina (1986) Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Cairngorm (1984 until 1 October & 1987 until 4 September); SHETLAND, Ronas Hill (2) (1969) Alpine Swift ESSEX, Walthamstow Reservoir (1980); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1958) Rock Thrush CARDIGANSHIRE, Ynyslas (1981) Greenish Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1993 until 23 June) Lesser Grey Shrike SUTHERLAND, Kinbrace (1972) Rose-coloured Starling LINCOLNSHIRE, Sleaford (1984); OUTER HEBRIDES, North Boisdale (1985 until 17 July) Black-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Island of Seil (1974)

Sooty Tern

Red-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1975)

NORTHUMBERLAND, Farne Islands (1966) Whiskered Tern KENT, Stodmarsh (1987)


Rare Birds Day by Day - 153

22 June

species 27, individuals 37

A day with some extraordinary rare finds including four British & Irish firsts. The Oriental Pratincole in Suffolk could possibly be the same bird found in Kent 1988 (amazingly also on this date), and possibly the same bird again in Norfolk in 1993. Perhaps this individual could also account for some of the many unidentified pratincoles down the east coast over the years? Crag Martin was long overdue, with this the first of two to be found during the summer of 1988. A male Whitethroated Robin remains a dream bird for many birdwatchers, but it is the Elegant Tern in Ireland that overshadows these three other species as, unlike them, it remains the sole British & Irish record. Night Heron CORK, Skibbereen (1964 until 5 July), Lissard Lake (1964 until 5 July); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1992) Black Stork ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Carmel Head (1991) Lesser White-fronted Goose ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1977 until 14 August) American Wigeon NORFOLK, Cley (1987) Blue-winged Teal CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1983); NORFOLK, Cley (1990 until 12 July) Oriental Pratincole KENT, Harty (1988 until 3 September); SUFFOLK, Dunwich (1981 until 8 July) Pacific Golden Plover NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge Pool (1991 until 23 June) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Greenabella Marsh (1974 until 29 June) Marsh Sandpiper STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1974) Spotted Sandpiper KERRY, Dunquin (1994) Wilson's Phalarope SCILLY, St Agnes (1964 until 23 June); YORKSHIRE, Scaling Dam (1966) Laughing Gull CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1980 until 5

Elegant Tern DOWN, Carlingford Lough (1982 until 3 July) Whiskered Tern SURREY, King George VI Reservoir (1964 until 24 June) White-winged Black Tern YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1983) Snowy Owl DONEGAL, Aranmore Island (1993 until 15 July); SHETLAND, Noss (1973) Alpine Swift HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Huntingdon (1976); WEXFORD, Ballyteigue Bay (3) (1986) Crag Martin CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1988) White-throated Robin ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1983) Sardinian Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988) Greenish Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1973); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1978 until 24 June) Nutcracker KENT, Thornton Wood (1969 until 25 June) Rose-coloured Starling ESSEX, Walthamstow (1994) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fetlar (1979 until 13 July)



Franklin's Gull CORNWALL, Devoran (1984 until 1 July) Caspian Tern HAMPSHIRE, Milford-on-Sea (1974)

Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1963 until 23 June); DORSET, Portland (1970)

154 - Rare Birds Day by Day



23 June

species 19, individuals 28

It's easy to think that a day such as this is a little on the down side after recent days, but amongst a cast of regular late spring/summer annuals are a few rarer finds. The Lesser Kestrel is the most northerly British record of this southern European species; and a Laughing Gull is found on St Kilda. Little Bittern LINCOLNSHIRE, Barton-on-Humber (1977); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1993) Night Heron DORSET, Radipole Lake (1983); SUSSEX, Rye (1990) Great White Egret ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1978 until 28 June); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1986) Black Stork ORKNEY, Sanday (1990 until 24 June) Blue-winged Teal ORKNEY, Papa Stronsay (1986) Lesser Kestrel SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Plympton (1988); NORFOLK, Cley (1990) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Greatham Creek (1990), Greenabella Marsh (1992) Wilson's Phalarope DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1965 until 24 June) Laughing Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, St K.ilda (1980 until 14 July) Caspian Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1992); WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1976)

24 June

Whiskered Tern SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1959 until 25 June) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Weaver Bend (1973 until 25 June); ORKNEY, Loch of Harray (1985 until 25 June); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1977) Red-rumped Swallow YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1979) Great Reed Warbler GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1979 until 26 June) Subalpine Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1985 until 4 October) Sardinian Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 28 June) Rose-coloured Starling YORKSHIRE, Normanton (1987 until 24 June) Black-headed Bunting SHET.LAND, Virkie (1986 until 29 June); SUTHERLAND, Scourie (1990 until 28 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck SOMERSET, Steart (1994) Red-headed Bunting CORK, Ballycotton (1964 until 24 June); ROXBURGH, Hawick (1971)

species 18, individuals 26

Another unidentified Frigatebird, a Greater Sandplover from the east and Lesser Yellowlegs from the west, three Rose-coloured Starlings and a couple more Lesser Grey Shrikes are joined by the third British & Irish record of Fan-tailed Warbler. Frigatebird sp. DUBLIN, Fairview (1988) Little Bittern GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1976 until 6 August); WARWICKSHIRE, Kingsbury (1980 until 2 July)

Squacco Heron NORTHUMBERLAND, Seaton Bum (1979) King Eider SHETLAND, Bigton Wick (1959) Black Kite ESSEX, Hadleigh Downs (1993); NORFOLK, Snettisham (1985), Reepham (1989)

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Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, Sway (1978 until 25 June); LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1979) Greater Sandplover EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1982) Lesser Yellowlegs NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1985 until 27 June) Gull-billed Tern SUFFOLK, Benacre (1987) Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1982) Whiskered Tern LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1961 until 25 June) White-winged Black Tern SUFFOLK, Benacre (1982) Scops Owl ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1985 until 12 July)

Alpine Swift KENT, Deal (1962); SHETLAND, Burra (1977) Fan-tailed Warbler DORSET, Lodmoor (1977 until 28 June) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973) Lesser Grey Shrike PEMBROKESHIRE, near St David's (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 28 June) Rose-coloured Starling CHESHIRE, Middlewich (1976 until 26 June); DOWN, St John's Point (1989 until 8 July); SHETLAND, Gonfirth Voe (1966 until 7 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting OUTER HEBRIDES, Roareim, Flannan Islands (1959)

25 June

species 15, individuals 21

As we draw further away from the main migration period the number of species and total individuals continue to drop. A trio of American gulls in widely scattered sites is noteworthy, including an adult summer Franklin's. Three Alpine Swifts and a couple more Greenish Warblers are also worth highlighting. King Eider SHETLAND, Fetlar (1989) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Sandwich Bay (1992); YORKSHIRE, York (1992) American Golden Plover KERRY, Ballyferriter (1969) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1984 until 26 June) Laughing Gull CLARE, Shannon Airport (1981 until 21 August) Franklin's Gull DEVON, Topsham (1994) Bonaparte's Gull SHETLAND, Fetlar (1982 until 11 July) Caspian Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1975) White-winged Black Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Meikle Loch (1989 until 26 June); LANCASHIRE, Marton Mere (1993 until 28 June)

156 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Cairngorm (1966) Alpine Swift GLAMORGAN, Llantwit Major (1981); MID LOTHIAN, Edinburgh (1979); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1967 until 27 June) Great Reed Warbler SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1964) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 27 June) Greenish Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1979); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1967) Black-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1967 until 15 July); SHETLAND, Foula (1966 until 27 June)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Cedar Waxwing SHETLAND, Noss (1985 until 26 June)

Red-headed Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1988 until 19 July); OUTER HEBRIDES, North Rona (1958 until 28 June); ROSS-SHIRE, Kinlochlewe (1968 until 15 July); WILTSHIRE, Malmesbury (1962 until 30 June)

26 June

Painted Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1978)

species 14, individuals 26

Two Little Shearwaters includes a bird that took up residence in a Manx Shearwater colony, whilst the five Gull-billed Terns includes one of those 'flocks' that seemed quite commonplace during the 1960s but not since. Little Shearwater PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1981 until 10 July); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1977) Black Kite OUTER HEBRIDES, North Rona (1976 until 30 June) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Titchwell (1986); SHETLAND, Tresta (1973 until 4 July), Gremista (1978 until 3 August); SHROPSHIRE, Whixall Moss (1983) Pratincole sp. KENT, Sandwich Bay (1983) Bonaparte's Gull ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Indaal (1975 until 27 June) Ross's Gull CUMBERLAND, Workington (1994 until 30 June) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (4) (1963); NORFOLK, Waxham (1993)

27 June

Caspian Tern DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1988); SUSSEX, Cuckmere Haven (1975) Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland (1985) Roller KENT, Canterbury (1962 until 2 July) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1983) Subalpine Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1981 until 27 June); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 & 1972 until 5 July) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 27 June) Lesser Grey Shrike ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1990 until 5 July); WILTSHIRE, Castle Eaton (1965 until 27 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1988 until 28 June)

species 18, individuals 26

Rose-coloured Starlings and Pacific Golden Plovers are now expected during June, but the Parrot Crossbills in Derbyshire refer to immature birds, and given the confirmed and suspected breeding in other counties in 1985, it is more than likely that these birds originated locally. Night Heron KENT, Cottington Court (1973) American Wigeon ORKNEY, The Loons (1987) King Eider ORKNEY, Shapinsay (1986)

Red-footed Falcon KENT, Dover (1990); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1978 until 3 July) American Golden Plover YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1984) Pacific Golden Plover HAMPSHIRE, Needs Ore (1992 until 28 June)

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Broad-billed Sandpiper OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1983 until 29 June) Marsh Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1976 until 28 June); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1979) Whiskered Tern NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1987) White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Weymouth Bay (1988); EAST LOTHIAN, North Berwick (1969); WARWICKSHIRE, Kingsbury (1981) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Evie (1982) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1967) Roller LANCASHIRE, North Walney (1992) Alpine Accentor SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959 until 28 June)

Sardinian Warbler YORKSHIRE, Filey (1993 until 16 October) Rose-coloured Starling CAITHNESS, Halkirk (1976); DURHAM, Billingham Bottoms (1973 until 30 June); YORKSHIRE, Laytham (1992) Parrot Crossbill DERBYSHIRE, Longshaw (3) (1985 until 13 July) Black-headed Bunting KENT, Dungeness (1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1969 until 28 June); LANCASHIRE, Walney Island (2) (1986); NORFOLK, Ormesby East End (1963); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 1 July)

28 June

species 15, individuals 25

A Squacco Heron continues June's run and two more Red-footed Falcons in 1992 swell that year's total further. A Collared Pratincole is a good summer species, whilst four Rollers on this day is exceptional. Little Bittern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Woodwalton Fen (1986 until 29 June) Night Heron CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1983 until 30 June) Squacco Heron GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1994) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Stodmarsh (1979); LEICESTERSHIRE, Thornton Reservoir (1991); NORFOLK, Hickling (2) (1992); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1972)

Collared Pratincole YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1976) American Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, Whitton Sands (1986 until 29 June) Whiskered Tern CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1970) White-winged Black Tern TIPPERARY, Lough Derg (1986) Scops Owl NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Bestwood (1973)

158 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Whalsay (1965 until 29 June) Alpine Swift KENT, Ramsgate (1967); PEMBROKESHIRE, Ramsey Island (1974); WILTSHIRE, Calne (1986)

Roller ABERDEENSHIRE, Peterhead (1969 until 8 July); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Babworth (1966 until 22 July); SELKIRKSHIRE, Peel (1982 until 3 July); SUSSEX, Weirwood Reservoir (1970 until 4 July) Great Reed Warbler SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1958) Subalpine Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, TheddlethorpeDunes (1994) Rose-coloured Starling CAERNARVONSHIRE, Aberdaron (1973); GALWAY, Slyne Head (1983) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Tiree (1976); CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1963); SCILLY, St Agnes (1965)

29 June

species 13, individuals 21

The inland Little Shearwater went misidentified as a Manx Shearwater until it was picked up moribund. Four more Rose-coloured Starlings continue a good month for the species. Little Shearwater CHESHIRE, Rostherne Mere (1977 until 3 July) Red-footed Falcon KENT, St Margaret's (1993); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1977), Bransdale Moor (1990) White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Holme (1989) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley & Salthouse (1986) Lesser Yellowlegs HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1963 until 1 September) Terek Sandpiper NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1986 until 1 July) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Unst (1980) Caspian Tern ESSEX, Colne Point (1975); NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1970)

30 June

White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1985); FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1975); KENT, Stodmarsh (1981) Alpine Swift KENT, Capel Le Ferne (1993) Lesser Grey Shrike DURHAM, Port Clarence (1974 until 3 July) Rose-coloured Starling BERWICKSHIRE, Edrom (1967); MID LOTHIAN, Penicuik (1973); SOMERSET, Upper Holway, Taunton (2) (1994, 1 until 3 July) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 until 30 June) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1972 until 20 July); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 30 June)

species 16, individuals 20

Another Little Shearwater adds to the end of month run as does another adult summer Franklin's Gull. The Blue-cheeked Bee-eater is only the fourth record for Britain and the Lark Sparrow in Suffolk, a certain ship passenger, is the first record for the Western Palearctic. Little Shearwater ARGYLLSHIRE, Islay (1974) Red-footed Falcon LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1968); WESTMORLAND, Shap Wells (1986) Marsh Sandpiper ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Malltraeth (1977 until 2 July); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1990 until 9 July) Wilson's Phalarope SUSSEX, Rye (1984 until 1 July) Franklin's Gull NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1991) Gull-billed Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, Beadnell (1973); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1990 until 2 July)

Caspian Tern DORSET, Radipole (1991) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes (1974); SHETLAND, Unst (1967 until 6 July) Blue-cheeked Bee-eater DEVON, Otter Estuary (1987 until 2 July) Red-rumped Swallow PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherston Ponds (1977) Black-headed Wagtail SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1985) Rock Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970) Sardinian Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1979 until 15 September)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 159

Greenish Warbler LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1992) Rose-coloured Starling YORKSHIRE, Malham Moor (1979 until 1 July)

160 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Lark Sparrow SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1981 until 4 July)

June species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Black-browed Albatross Little Shearwater Frigatebird sp. Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Great White Egret Black Stork Glossy Ibis Lesser White-fronted Goose American Wigeon Blue-winged Teal King Eider Bufflehead Black Kite Pallid Harrier Lesser Kestrel American Kestrel Red-footed Falcon Eleonora's Falcon GyrFalcon Baillon's Crake Little Bustard Black-winged Stilt Collared Pratincole Oriental Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Pratincole sp. Greater Sandplover American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Long-toed Stint White-romped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Marsh Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Terek Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull


2 1 8 2

28 52 14 14 17 2 2

13 13 6 1

31 1 2 1

139 1 1 2 1 17 10

2 3

3 2 5 3 2

1 2 2 33 1 4 2 9

4 12 10

19 6 6 5

Slender-billed Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Lesser Crested Tern Elegant Tern Forster's Tern Bridled Tern Sooty Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Scops Owl Snowy Owl Egyptian Nightjar Needle-tailed Swift Alpine Swift Little Swift Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Roller Bimaculated Lark Crested Lark Tree Swallow Crag Martin Red-romped Swallow Red-throated Pipit Black-headed Wagtail Alpine Accentor Thrush Nightingale White-throated Robin Siberian Stonechat Pied Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear White-crowned Black Wheatear Rock Thrush Blue Rock Thrush Hermit Thrush American Robin Fan-tailed Warbler River Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Great Reed Warbler Booted Warbler Marmora's Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Riippell's Warbler Greenish Warbler

1 2 2 24 41 1 1 1 3 3 22 71 1 8 29 1 4 49 1 2 32 1 2 1 1 14 16 3 1 11 1 3 1 6 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 50 4 1 45 9 1 37

Rare Birds Day by Day - 161

Bonelli's Warbler Collared Flycatcher Penduline Tit Lesser Grey Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Spanish Sparrow Rock Sparrow Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Trumpeter Finch Cape May Warbler Common Yellowthroat Rufous-sided Towhee Lark Sparrow Fox Sparrow

162 - Rare Birds Day by Day

1 2 1 34 1 51 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1

White-throated Sparrow Rock Bunting Cretzschmar's Bunting Rustic Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Black-headed Bunting

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES Cedar Waxwing Red-headed Bunting Chestnut Bunting Painted Bunting

3 1 2 21 2 34

122 1214 1 87 3 3


Rare Birds Day by Day - 163

1 July

species 19, individuals 28

A similar line-up of species to those seen throughout June. Great Spotted Cuckoos are more usual during March-May (as adults or first-summers) or from August onwards (as juveniles/first-winters) so this date is late for a spring adult. Another impressive list of terns includes three Gull-billed and the second Bridled Tern for Wales. The first-summer Brown Flycatcher on Fair Isle is the first British record and has (at least for the time being) been placed in Category D by the BOURC awaiting further information and/or until an established pattern is apparent. Little Bittern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1972 until 16 July) Squacco Heron HERTFORDSHIRE, Rye Meads Sewage Farm (1979)

Black Stork HAMPSHIRE, Sleaford & Frith End area (1993 until 2 July) Red-footed Falcon DERBYSHIRE, Beeley Moor (1979); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973 until 13 July) Collared Pratincole NORFOLK, Titchwell (1994 until 3 July) Pacific Golden Plover WEXFORD, Ring Marsh (1990 until 2 July) Broad-billed Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Crossens Marsh (1976 until 4 July); NORFOLK, Cley (1992 until 2 July) Gull-billed Tern GALWAY, Ballyconneally (1969); NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1989); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1965) Caspian Tern EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1971) Bridled Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1988 until 23 July) White-winged Black Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Maelog (1973 until 3 July); KENT, Dungeness (1976)

164 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Great Spotted Cuckoo LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1974) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Whalsay (1965 until 17 October) Alpine Swift KENT, St Margaret's (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1986); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978) Roller CORNWALL, Lanlivery (1976 until 2 July) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1989) Lesser Grey Shrike SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1962 until 2 July) Rose-coloured Starling EAST LOTHIAN, Ormiston (1967 until 4 August); PEMBROKESHIRE, Castle Martin Ranges (1984) Black-headed Bunting LEICESTERSHIRE, Hemington (1967); OUTER HEBRIDES, Likisto, Harris (1993) CATEGORY D SPECIES Brown Flycatcher SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 2 July) Red-headed Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1981)

2 July

species 21, individuals 26

Now that we have moved well away from the main migration period, a pattern of single bird finds is establishing itself, with very few species receiving more than one record per day. Mid-summer is a great time for rare waders, and at this time they are usually summer adults. July is now established as the best month for Pacific Golden Plover, while the American Golden Plover is early for a species whose numbers tend to pick up later in the month. Night Heron DURHAM, Brasside Pond (1979) Black Stork KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988) American Wigeon SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (1988) Black Kite HERTFORDSHIRE, Gilston (1988) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, New Forest (1987); KENT, Walland Marsh (1987 until 6 July) Collared Pratincole NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1966 until 6 July); SHETLAND, Unst (1974) American Golden Plover DURHAM, Seal Sands (1979 until 9 July) Pacific Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, South Ferriby area (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 3 July) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1984 until 6 July) Broad-billed Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1989 until 3 July) Stilt Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989) Terek Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1975 until 4 July)

3 July

Wilson's Phalarope DORSET, Radipole Lake (1984 until 5 August) Franklin's Gull AYRSHIRE, Irvine (1980 until 6 July) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Langney Point (1960) Caspian Tern CHESHIRE, Great Budworth & Marbury area (1967 until 4 July); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Besthorpe (1976) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoirs (1989) Alpine Swift SHETLAND, Noss (1994 until 30 July); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1972) Roller WEXFORD, Duncormack (1990) Black-eared Wheatear CAITHNESS, Clyth (1969 until 4 July) Black-headed Bunting ROSS-SHIRE, Loch Droma (1988) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting HAMPSHIRE, Keyhaven (1961); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1989)

species 19, individuals 20

The White-tailed Plover is only the second of four British records, whilst the Forster's Tern is the only new bird to be found during the summer months (although individuals have returned in late August). The Arctic Warbler is the earliest ever by some margin. Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Sheffield (1978 until 9 July) Cattle Egret WESTMORLAND, Appleby (1964) Black Stork NORFOLK, Santon Downham (1991) Black Kite DEVON, Great Haldon Forest (1989)

Red-footed Falcon SUSSEX, Woodingdean (1987) Collared Pratincole LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1977) Black-winged Pratincole NORFOLK, Cley (1966 unti15 July) White-tailed Plover DORSET, Abbotsbury (1979)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 165

Broad-billed Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1982 until 6 July) Spotted Sandpiper OXFORDSHIRE, Farmoor Reservoir (1990 until 4 July) Caspian Tern WEST LOTHIAN, Hound Point (1981); YORKSHIRE, Eccup Reservoir (1976) Forster's Tern FLINTSHIRE, Point of Ayr (1984 until 6 August) Whiskered Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1993 until 6 July)

4 July

Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986) Sardinian Warbler SUSSEX, Icklesham (1990) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982) Lesser Grey Shrike ANGUS, Montrose (1973 until 19 July) Rose-coloured Starling DURHAM, Sunderland (1987 until 5 July) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986)

species 25, individuals 32

A slight upsurge in records on recent days with a continued dominance of waders, many summer plumaged adults, including a long-staying Greater Yellowlegs and two records of both Broad-billed and Marsh Sandpipers. Still very few passerines. Greenish Warblers have shown that they can occur right throughout the summer, but Yellow-breasted Bunting is extremely rare before late August. Little Bittern GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1964) Night Heron GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1971 until 11 July); WILTSHIRE, Coate Water (1987) Squacco Heron KENT, Cliffe (1979 until 9 July) Great White Egret NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1992) King Eider SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1986 until 22 September) Red-footed Falcon EAST LOTHIAN, Belhaven (1975) Collared Pratincole CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1976); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1987) American Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, Stone Creek (1987) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1984 until 5 July) White-rumped Sandpiper ABERDEENSHlRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1993) Broad-billed Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1986 until 6 July); NORFOLK, Cley (1985) Marsh Sandpiper NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1982); SUSSEX, Icklesham (1992)

166 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Greater Yellowlegs SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1985 until 14 August) Franklin's Gull SUSSEX, Arlington Reservoir (1970) Gull-billed Tern GLAMORGAN, Penrice, Hangman's Corner & Knelston (1993 until 5 July) Caspian Tern DUNBARTONSHIRE, Endrick Mouth (1976); LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1979); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1987 until 7 July) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Ronas Hill (1963) Alpine Swift KERRY, Great Blasket (1973); SUFFOLK, Rendlesham Forest (1982) Roller CARMARTHENSHIRE, Pentre-bach (1965) Citrine Wagtail ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1976 until 24 July) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 8 July) Lesser Grey Shrike YORKSHIRE, Cayton (1961 unti127 August)

Rose-coloured Starling ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992 until 10 July) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972)

5 July

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1967); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1966 until 29 July)

species 14, individuals 17

A real drop in species, but today still manages gems such as Squacco Heron, Great White Egret, Black-winged Pratincole, Franklin's Gull and Roller, as well as July's second Arctic Warbler. Squacco Heron DORSET, Radipole Lake (1982 until 8 August) Great White Egret NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1992 until 21 July) Red-footed Falcon YORKSHIRE, Doncaster (1964) Black-winged Stilt OUTER HEBRIDES, Howmore (2) (1990) Black-winged Pratincole SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1985) Marsh Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1977 until 8 July) Terek Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1978)

6 July

Franklin's Gull INVERNESS-SHIRE, Canna (1981 until 11 July) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Hurst Castle (1966); MONMOUTHSHIRE, St Bride's (1979) Caspian Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1981); SUFFOLK, Covehithe & Benacre (1991) Whiskered Tern FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1976) White-winged Black Tern EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1970) Roller KENT, Wye (1962 until 15 July) Arctic Warbler NORFOLK, Titchwell (1975)

species 15, individuals 23

Although still a relatively low number of species, the species mix continues to change from day to day. The unidentified Golden Plover in Kent may well have been a Pacific considering this species' recent British distribution. While Alpine Swifts occur right throughout the summer, these four fall between the two main peak months of May and October. Three Caspian Terns also stand out including a longstaying, wide-ranging individual in Norfolk; there is also a long-staying, but mobile Bridled Tern. However, it is Swinhoe's Petrel that takes the headline. Today's record is the second year running this species is caught at the same site, with this individual being the third different bird (two birds caught in 1989, all females) and returning in 1991, 1992 and 1993. It is likely that many of the dark-rumped petrels recorded in British waters relate to this species. Swinhoe's Petrel NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1990) Little Bittern INVERNESS-SHIRE,

Loch Kemp (1989)

Night Heron CORK, Ballycotton (1970 until 3 August); ORKNEY, Finstown (1989); OXFORDSHIRE, Cassington Sewage Farm (1976 until 29 July)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 167

Red-footed Falcon DERBYSHIRE, Church Wilne Reservoir (1975); KENT, Deal (1960) Black-winged Stilt LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Kempton Park Reservoir (1968) Pacific/American Golden Plover KENT, Elmley (1985) Sociable Plover NORTHUMBERLAND, Ouston Airfield (1971 until 12 July) White-rumped Sandpiper STAFFORDSHIRE, Tittesworth (1984 until 7 July) Gull-billed Tern DURHAM, Whitburn (1978) Caspian Tern DEVON, Axe Estuary (1966); NORFOLK, Breydon Water, Hickling Broad & Filby Broad (1991 until 1 August); WARWICKSHIRE, Bodymoor Heath (1975 until 11 July)

7 July

Bridled Tern SCILLY, Tresco & Crow Sound (1991 until 13 August) Alpine Swift ARGYLLSHIRE, Ardnamurchan (1968); CORNWALL, Lamorna (1991); PEMBROKESHIRE, Caldey Island (1985); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Great Reed Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Burton Pits (1979 until 22 July) Sardinian Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1986 until 31 July) Black-headed Bunting OUTER HEBRIDES, Boreray (1970 until 8 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1975)

species 11, individuals 13

Todaysees the fourth Squacco Heron in a week and the second Great Spotted Cuckoo of the month (this time a juvenile), which is only the third summer record. A summer plumaged Long-billed Dowitcher is always a stunning bird to see and the male Pied Wheatear is the first ever July record. Since the crossbill family tend to breed very early in the season, post-breeding dispersal occurs much earlier than in other species, so July is not an unexpected month to find Two-barred Crossbills. This bird is, however, the earliest summer/autumn individual. Squacco Heron HAMpSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1994 until 9 July) Black Stork ESSEX, Epping Forest (1991) Black Kite SUSSEX, Pett & Icklesham area (1990) Black-winged Stilt BEDFORDSHIRE, Houghton Regis Chalk Pit (1978); SUFFOLK, Trimley Marsh (1991 until 25 July) Long-billed Dowitcher KENT,

Elmley (1981 unti119 July)

Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Titchwell (1980 until 27 July) Great Spotted Cuckoo NORFOLK, Cley (1992)

168 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Alpine Swift SCILLY, Tresco (1991) Pied Wheatear SUSSEX, Newhaven (1990 until 9 July) Great Reed Warbler CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1982 until 9 July); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966) Two-barred Crossbill DORSET, Arne (1966) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (2) (1973, 1 until 28 July); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1973)

8 July

species 11, individuals 17

Only 11 species but some remarkable records amongst them. Gull-billed, Caspian and White-winged Black Terns continue their run well into summer, and the second Two-barred Crossbill is found in as many days. The juvenile Great Spotted Cuckoo is the third for the month, whilst River Warblers are always noteworthy, but many either turn up at northern locations or are too brief in their stay. This Norfolk individual proved very popular, mirroring the long stay of the previous Norfolk record in May 1981. The Blue-cheeked Bee-eater in Yorkshire, however, really stole the show. The middle record of three during the summer of 1989, it was the only one which birdwatchers found out about in time for many to travel to see this most beautiful of bee-eaters. Great White Egret WARWICKSHIRE, Brandon Marsh (1992) Albatross sp, AT SEA, SEA AREA FASTNET, Skm Southeast of Cape Clear (1988) King Eider SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1986 until 22 September) Marsh Sandpiper SUSSEX, Waltham Brooks (1984 until 11 July) Gull-billed Tern CHESHIRE, Hoylake (1982) Caspian Tern KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Castle Douglas (1982 until 10 July); NORFOLK, Cley (1967); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1984) White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1977); KENT, Margate (1977); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1984); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1988)

9 July

Great Spotted Cuckoo KENT, Dungeness (1989) Blue-cheeked Bee-eater YORKSHIRE, Cowden (1989 until 10 July) River Warbler NORFOLK, Boughton Fen (1989 until 21 July) Rose-coloured Starling CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1963); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 10 July) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 9 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican KENT, Fordwich (1975 until 11 July)

species 13, individuals 19

Another unidentified Golden Plover along the east coast again probably relates to a Pacific like the one specifically identified in Scotland today. The fourth Franklin's Gull of the month is another summer adult and rare terns continue to have a strong presence, including two records of Sooty Tern on this day. Even more remarkable is the second Crag Martin in less than a month during 1988; like the first individual in Cornwall, this bird also decided not to hang around. Night Heron HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Stibbington (1963) Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Cranbome Common (1972 until 11 July); SUFFOLK, Lakenheath (1983 until 11 July) PacificlAmerican Golden Plover KENT, Dungeness (1992)

Pacific Golden Plover EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1977) Terek Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour (1983 until 11 July) Franklin's Gull SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1990 until 10 July)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 169

Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (2) (1971) Caspian Tern ESSEX, Walthamstow Reservoir (1961); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem Pools (1976); SUSSEX, Rye (1984 until 10 July) Sooty Tern DEVON, Berry Head (1979); KENT, Dungeness (1984) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Bude (1986) Crag Martin SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1988)

10 July

Lesser Grey Shrike DEVON, Otterton (1992) Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Iona (1968 until 2 August); SUTHERLAND, Faraid Head (1972 until 14 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Chestnut Bunting SHETLAND, Foula (1974 until 13 July) Painted Bunting SHETLAND, Burravoe (1978 until 27 July)

species 8, individuals 11

Not the best of days for finding new birds; rather one for catching up with the previous week's finds. However, a high percentage (77% ) of the birds found today stayed more than one day, including a Cattle Egret and Long-billed Dowitcher. Two Pacific Golden Plovers emphasise the summer bias of this species. Cattle Egret BERKSHIRE, South Stoke (1971 until 9 August) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Winterton (1986 until 13 July); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, near Stony Stratford (1981 ) Pacific Golden Plover EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1976 until 16 July); LINCOLNSHIRE, South Ferriby area (1994 until 11 July)

11 July

White-rumped Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1983 until 14 July) Broad-billed Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 14 July) Long-billed Dowitcher ANGus, Montrose Basin (1994 until 29 July) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1980) Alpine Swift AYRSHIRE, Ailsa Craig (1994); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1979)

species 18, individuals 28

A slight increase both in terms of species and total individuals, with a good selection of waders and terns but only three passerines. Great White Egrets are always spectacular birds to see, and the three birds today stand out. Black-winged Stilts and Collared Pratincoles are good summer birds, whilst today's Broad-billed Sandpiper is between this species' spring and autumn peaks. The Stilt Sandpiper signifies a shift towards the season of American waders and two Bridled Terns make it four for the month. Given the longevity of terns and the regularity and distribution of the records, is it possible that most of the subsequent records could

relate to just these two birds? The Roller is the sixth found in Ireland this century. Great White Egret LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1993 until 12 July); NORFOLK, Horsey (1985 until 16 July); SOMERSET, Durleigh Reservoir (1992 until 14 July)

170 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black Kite KENT, Bishopstone (1993) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Ingatestone (1974)

Black-winged Stilt HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1987 until 25 July); KENT, Dungeness (1994) Collared Pratincole LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1981) Broad-billed Sandpiper MORAYSHIRE, Kingston (1988 until 14 July); NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge Pool (1989) Stilt Sandpiper KENT, Cliffe (1990 until 22 July) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1982 until 13 July) Spotted Sandpiper CORK, Mid Calf Island (1990) Gull-billed Tern HAMpSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1982); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1976) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Swanton Morley (1977); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1966 until 13 July) Bridled Tern DORSET, Lodmoor (1984); NORTHUMBERLAND, Coquet Island (1988 until 12 July)

12 July

Whiskered Tern CARMARTHENSHIRE, Glandyfi (1965) White-winged Black Tern CUMBERLAND, Burgh-by-Sands (1987 until 13 July); DOWN, Groomsport (1986) Alpine Swift ARGYLLSHIRE, Lunga(1994); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1991) Roller TYRONE, Castlederg (1976 until 24 July) Subalpine Warbler ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (1971) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1981); WICKLOW, Greystones (1972) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Sanday (1966)

species 17, individuals 29

Waders continue to dominate with two exceptionally rare species being found today. The White-tailed Plover in Warwickshire is the first British record of this Middle Eastern species. The non-breeding plumaged male Caspian Plover is the third British record: astonishingly it came hot on the heels of the second British record of an adult male on Scilly in May of the same year (the first records since 1890). Six Caspian Terns, another summer Forster's Tern and two Rollers are also of note. Little Bittern ANGus,Forfar(1958) Cattle Egret DERBYSHIRE, Egginton (1966) Black Kite NORFOLK, Wells (1985); SUSSEX, Washington (1980 until 13 July) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Holme (1973) Caspian Plover EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1989 until 13 July) White-tailed Plover WARWICKSHIRE, Packington (1975 until 18 July)

White-rumped Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1981) Baird's Sandpiper ANTRIM, Belfast Harbour Estate (1987) Broad-billed Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Fleetwood (1987 until 21 July) Lesser Yellowlegs NORTHUMBERLAND, Budle Bay (1981) Caspian Tern CORK, Rosscarbery (1991); DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1981); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1972); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (2) (1967); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, South Muskham (1988 until 13 July)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 171

Forster's Tern WEXFORD, Rosslare Bay (1987) White-winged Black Tern CAITHNESS, Loch Heilen (1967 until 13 July); LEICESTERSHIRE, Watermead Gravel Pit ( 1994); WARWICKSHIRE, Alvecote Pools (1969) Alpine Swift SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1962); WILTSHIRE, Swindon (1984 until 13 July) Roller RADNORSHIRE, Penygarreg Reservoir (1962); SUSSEX, Friston Forest (1976)

Rose-coloured Starling DURHAM, East Boldon (1975); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1990); WEXFORD, Enniscorthy (1987)

Arctic Redpoll FIFE, Isle of May (1982) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1990); OUTER HEBRIDES, The Shiants (1976 until 23 July)

13 July

species 14, individuals 22

Around 60% of all albatrosses have been accepted as Black-browed, whilst most of the remaining 400/0 remain unidentified. Several other species have been claimed but never yet accepted. Many of the albatrosses seen in British waters must refer to Black-browed, but this is not the only species capable of reaching our waters. Mid-July sees the beginning of an upsurge in Nearctic waders, so three Whiterumped Sandpipers today is not altogether unusual. The Lesser Crested Tern is a long-overdue addition to the British list and the species has now been recorded every year since, with what may be only three individuals involved. Albatross sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968) King Eider EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1988 until 17 July) Black Kite SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 14 July) White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Snettisham (1968 until 14 July); YORKSHIRE, Welton Waters (1975 until 15 July), South Gare (1990) Marsh Sandpiper NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1985 until 15 July) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Langney Point (1961 & (2) 1965); YORKSHIRE, Homsea (1991) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1968), Hickling & Breydon (1993 until 18 July) Lesser Crested Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cymyran Bay (1982)

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White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Woolston Eyes (1986); NORFOLK, Cley (1982) Briinnich's Guillemot NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1977) Alpine Swift PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1972) River Warbler SUFFOLK, Pettistree (1984 until 3 August) Greenish Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1978 until 14 July); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1981 until 14 July) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Foula (1965 until 25 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVoNSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1964); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1974 until 15 July); PEMBROKESHIRE, Dinas Island (1975)

14 July

species 14, individuals 25

Two Pacific Golden Plovers add to the now well established pattern of summer adults, but the bird in Wexford is only the second Irish record. The first was also at Tacumshin, highlighting the attraction this site holds for vagrant waders. This eastern species contrasts with the run of American waders, and today is no exception with two of both White-rumped and Stilt Sandpipers. The Stilt Sandpiper at Ballycotton (another top wader site) is only the second Irish record. The Briinnich's Guillemot was sadly found dead. Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Otley (1990 until 11 August) Cattle Egret HAMPSHIRE, Blashford (1994 until 15 July) Black Kite BANFFSHIRE, Crabach (1974) Pacific Golden Plover ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 9 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1988 until 17 July) White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1983), Snettisham (1986 until 14 August) Stilt Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 17 July); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1972) Marsh Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1968); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1981 until 23 July) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1991)

15 July

Caspian Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1979); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1961) White-winged Black Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Annachie Lagoon (1991 until 22 July); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Whiteness Head (1970); NORFOLK, Cley (1976); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1988 until 15 July) Briinnich's Guillemot KmCARDINESHlRE, St Cyrus (1978) Alpine Swift BERKSHIRE, Cholsey (1975) Rose-coloured Starling BERKSHIRE, Purley (1975 until 16 July); SUTHERLAND, Insheigra (1975); YORKSHIRE, Grassington (1991 until 20 July) Black-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Westray (1985)

species 17, individuals 23

The Little Shearwater is the first of four during the month and is the first seen off the east coast, and the Black-winged Pratincole is the month's third. Another unidentified Golden Plover is found along with two Alpine Swifts in 1989. Roller and Lesser Grey Shrike both enjoy their run of July records. Little Shearwater DURHAM, Whitburn (1989) Great White Egret YORKSHIRE, Whitby (1979) Red-footed Falcon YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1987 until 4 September) Black-winged Pratincole ABERDEENSHlRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1976) Pacific/American Golden Plover CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1990 until 16 July)

White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1984 until 16 July); LANCASHIRE, Conder Green (1984) Broad-billed Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1988 until 18 July) Terek Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988 until 24 July) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Gilkicker Point (1966); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1964)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 173

Caspian Tern HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Haddon (1972); KENT, Dungeness (1990) Whiskered Tern MONMOUTHSHIRE, Llandegfedd Reservoir (1994 until 28 July) White-winged Black Tern DONEGAL, Donegal Bay (1964); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss & Dockacres Gravel Pit (1990) Alpine Swift BERKSHIRE, Charney Bassett (1989); GLAMORGAN, Lisvane & Llanishen Reservoirs (1989) Roller YORKSHIRE, Ripley (1977) Lesser Grey Shrike HAMPSHIRE, Portsdown (1973)

16 July

Rose-coloured Starling ABERDEENSHIRE, Fraserburgh (1994); ARGYLLSHIRE, CoIl (1992 until 19 August) Black-headed Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 27 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Common Flicker CAITHNESS, Caithness (1981) Red-headed Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1975); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1968); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1967)

species 14, individuals 23

July is the least likely month to find an American Wigeon, so the 1989 individual is noteworthy. The American Golden Plover is also unusual, being outnumbered this month by Pacific Golden Plover, the two previously being treated as a single species. Four each of Gull-billed and Caspian Terns cover a wide geographical spread and seven different years between them. The River Warbler is the latest of the longstaying summer individuals and the first for the Scottish mainland. Three Rosecoloured Starlings on this day in Ireland is outstanding when only 21 have been recorded there since 1958. Night Heron CARMARTHENSHIRE, Ffairffach (1990 until 21 July) Black Stork DORSET, Arne (1988) American Wigeon ABERDEENSHlRE, Cotehill Loch (1989 until 17 July) Red-footed Falcon AYRSHIRE, Colmonell (1973 until 17 July) American Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1983) Wilson's Phalarope NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Burton Meadows (1961 until 28 July) Gull-billed Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Point Lynas (1978); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1986); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (2) (1960)

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Caspian Tern CHESHIRE, Sale Water Park (1990); SOMERSET, Bridgwater Bay & Durleigh Reservoir (1977); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1972); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1961) Whiskered Tern WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1989) White-winged Black Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Traffwll (1977 until 8 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Barton-on-Humber (1994) River Warbler FIFE, Clatto Reservoir (1994 until 25 July) Subalpine Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1958) Lesser Grey Shrike NORTHUMBERLAND, Wideopen (1984 until 18 July)

Rose-coloured Starling CLARE, Shannon (1989); GALWAY, Oughterard (1982 until 23 July); MAYO, The Mullet (1967)

17 July

CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican YORKSHIRE, River Humber (1975) Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 17 July)

species 20, individuals 22

Could the Little Shearwater be the same bird seen off Durham two days earlier? Four species of heron are found, including yet another Squacco. Another American Golden Plover goes some way to redressing the balance with Pacific and there are five other species of Nearctic waders, including an extremely early Upland Sandpiper in Ireland. The month's second Lesser Crested Tern is found and another Roller is the most northerly of the month's nine so far. Little Shearwater NORTHUMBERLAND, Seaton Sluice (1989) Little Bittern YORKSHIRE, Wath Ings (1976) Night Heron KENT, Sevenoaks(1978) Squacco Heron DEVON, Bampton (1958) Great White Egret HAMpSHIRE, Needs Ore (1992) Black Stork NAIRN, Dulsie Bridge (1977) Red-footed Falcon LANCASHIRE, Heysham (1967); NORFOLK, Cley (1978 until 27 July) American Golden Plover KERRY, Rough Point (1993 until 19 July) Semipalmated Sandpiper HAMpSHIRE, Keyhaven (1994 until 18 July) Least Sandpiper DERBYSHIRE, Middleton Moor (1988 until 18 July)

Broad-billed Sandpiper KERRY, Rough Point (1993 until 18 July) Long-billed Dowitcher ESSEX, Old Hall Marshes (1983 until 31 July) Upland Sandpiper DUBLIN, Rogerstown Estuary (1974) Wilson's Phalarope DURHAM, Washington (1974 until 22 July) Lesser Crested Tern DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1985 until 20 July) Alpine Swift KERRY, Sceilig Mhichil (Great Skellig) (1983) Roller SHETLAND, Mid Yell (1977 until 22 July) Great Reed Warbler LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1963)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 175

Penduline Tit DURHAM, Teesmouth (1992 until 18 July) Rose-coloured Starling GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Tewkesbury (1961); ORKNEY, Finstown (1975 until 26 July)

18 July

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1966 until 12 August)

species 13, individuals 15

A sudden switch from Pacific to American Golden Plover sees this species making headway towards its peak autumn period. Although Pacific Golden Plover is now being found more regularly, particularly summer plumaged adults with very few autumn juveniles, we must not forget that only one Pacific is found for every seven American. The Blue-cheeked Bee-eater is the third of the 1989 trio and so ends an extraordinary year for the species, whilst the Little Swift is only the eighth British record. Fourteen Wilson's Petrels seen during a pelagic trip mark the increase in records for this species during the 1980s. Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA AREA FASTNET, 56km South of Cape Clear (14) (1981) Little Bittern SOMERSET, Huntworth area (1958 until 12 August) Black Stork LEICESTERSHIRE, Husbands Bosworth (2) (1991)

King Eider ESSEX, Colne Point (1977) American Golden Plover YORKSHIRE, Wath Ings (1984) Bonaparte's Gull WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1981 until 8 August) Caspian Tern BEDFORDSHIRE, Harrold Gravel Pits (1976); YORKSHIRE, Bempton (1973) White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1976)

19 July

Little Swift YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988 until 22 July) Blue-cheeked Bee-eater KENT, Church Hougham (1989) Roller DERBYSHIRE, Morley (1984 until 19 July) Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Corfe Mullen (1988 until 10 September) Red-throated Pipit OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992) Paddyfield Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1994) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1962)

species 14, individuals 18

If a White-billed Diver is found in summer, chances are it will be in northern Scottish waters. Caspian Terns regularly turn up in pairs raising the expectations of a breeding attempt. The Pallid Swift appeared only intermittently during its extended stay. Of only ten records, two have been in May and four (involving five birds) in November. White-billed Diver CAITHNESS, Sinclair's Bay (1987) Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA AREA FASTNET, 48km South of Cape Clear (9) (1981)

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Great White Egret YORKSHIRE, Scaling Dam (1990) Greater Sandplover LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1988 until 5 August)

White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1981); YORKSHIRE, Blackmoorfoot Reservoir (1990 until 20 July) Broad-billed Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1994 until 22 July) Stilt Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1963 until 7 August) Long-billed Dowitcher LINCOLNSHIRE, Holbeach St Mark's (1986 until 14 August) Lesser Yellowlegs HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1962 until 21 July)

20 July

Gull-billed Tern YORKSHIRE, Hornsea (1978) Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Minsmere (2) (1967); SUSSEX, Rye Harbour (1964) Pallid Swift YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1992 until 21 July) Alpine Swift KENT, Kingsgate (1975 until 20 July); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1983) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1984) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Whalsay (1972)

species 13, individuals 22

The ninth Pacific Golden Plover of the month (with five American and three unidentified Golden Plovers) contrasts with two American waders. Still a distinctly eastern European flavour however, with four Caspian, three White-winged Black and two Gull-billed Terns, two more Rollers (now 12 for the month), a Rose-coloured Starling and a Black-headed Bunting. Small shearwater sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1981) Night Heron SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1988) Red-footed Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Balmedie (1978 until 21 July) Pacific Golden Plover NORFOLK, Holme (1989 until 22 July) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1993 until 24 July) Wilson's Phalarope DURHAM, Washington (1973 until 22 July) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1979); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1958) Caspian Tern BRECONSHIRE, Llangorse Lake (1962); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1968); STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1968); WESTMEATH, Lough Derravaragh (1984)

White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (1993 until 21 July); MORAYSHIRE, Loch Spynie (1994); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1982) Alpine Swift CAITHNESS, Thurso (1989 until 21 July); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1975); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1986) Roller NORFOLK, Hilborough (1976); SHETLAND, Northmavine (1959 until 23 July) Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Islay (1977 until 24 July) Black-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Finstown (1989 until 23 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1985)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 177

21 July

species 17, individuals 22

This is the date that 'Albert', the Black-browed Albatross, first took up residence on Hermaness and has returned to the gannetry there almost annually up to the present time (missing only four years - 1976, 1983, 1988 & 1989). It is considered to be the same individual that frequented Bass Rock, during the summers of 1967-69. This individual may also account for many of the single albatross records (specifically identified or otherwise) seen in British waters. The long-staying Slender-billed Gull is the third British record, as is the Western Sandpiper (the first of two in 1973). The Bridled Tern is the fifth for the month. Black-browed Albatross SHETLAND, Hermaness (1972 until 4 August, returning almost annually to spend the summer within the gannetry until at least 1994) Little Shearwater YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978) Black Stork KENT, Cliffe (1993) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1974) Pacific Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney & North Cotes (1986 until 29 July); WEXFORD, The Cull (1993 until 24 July) Semipalmated Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1984 until 26 July); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1964) Western Sandpiper ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1973 until 23 July) White-rumped Sandpiper LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1994 until 24 July); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1984); WEXFORD, Tacumshin & Lady's Island Lake (1990 until 28 July) Lesser Yellowlegs DUBLIN, Rogerstown Estuary (1968 until 27 July)

178 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Franklin's Gull NORFOLK, Titchwell (1992) Slender-billed Gull KENT, Dungeness (1971 until 1 August, and again from 31 August to 12 September) Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Benacre (1960) Bridled Tern INVERNESS-SHIRE, Eigg (1993) White-winged Black Tern WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1990 until 24 July) Alpine Swift KENT, Dungeness (1987); PEMBROKESHIRE, St Davids Head (1968) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Cunningsburgh (1987) Lesser Grey Shrike SOMERSET, West Sedge Moor (1980 until 23 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting KERRY, Great Blasket (1966)

22 July

species 18, individuals 22

An astonishing day for wader enthusiasts with American Golden Plovers, Whiterumped, Baird's and Solitary Sandpipers winged across from America, and from the east, Collared Pratincole, Pacific Golden Plover, Broad-billed Sandpiper (2), Marsh Sandpiper (2) and the first of Britain's three Red-necked Stints (up to the end of 1994), two of which have been summer plumaged adults (the third bird a dead juvenile - see 31 August). Little Bittern SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1967 until 28 July) Great White Egret SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1984) Black Kite KENT, Warehome (1988) Red-footed Falcon SUTHERLAND, Dumess (1967) Collared Pratincole CORNWALL, Crowan Reservoir (1970) American Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1983 until 23 July); KENT, Medway Estuary (1984 until 23 July) Pacific Golden Plover LANCASHIRE, Pilling (1990 until 6 August) Red-necked Stint YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1986 until 29 July) White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1981 until 30 August) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1963 until 6 August) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Greatham Creek & Greenabella Marsh (1994 until 26 July); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1990)

23 July

Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Cliffe (1993 until 21 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1987 until 2 August) Solitary Sandpiper SURREY, Perry Oaks Sewage Farm (1977) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1990) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Rousay (1993 until 23 July) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 2 August) Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Ringstead (1979 until 3 September) Rose-coloured Starling SUSSEX, Hassocks (1983); WILTSHIRE, Brinkworth (1963 until 28 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1959); MERIONETHSHIRE, Mawddach Estuary (1989 until 23 July)

species 20, individuals 24

The Swinhoe's Petrel is the first of the remarkable run of records over five successive years involving three different females; but how many more are there visiting British waters? American waders continue their summer explosion with four Whiterumped, single Baird's and Solitary Sandpipers, Greater Yellowlegs and a Longbilled Dowitcher. Swinhoe's Petrel NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1989) Little Bittern KENT, Stodmarsh (1966) Night Heron KENT, Stodmarsh (1969 until 30 July)

Black Stork ROSS-SHIRE, between Avoch & Munlochy (1991) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Ash, near Sandwich (1988)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 179

Black-winged Stilt SOMERSET, Porlock Marsh (1960 until 8 August) Pacific!American Golden Plover FLINTSHIRE, Oakenholt Marsh (1989) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Greatham Creek & Saltholme Pool (1990 until 3 August); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1984 until 30 July); ORKNEY, Cleat (1973); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1981 until 27 July) Baird's Sandpiper SUSSEX, Rye (1978) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1982 until 26 July); STIRLINGSHIRE, Skinflats (1967 until 25 July) Long-billed Dowitcher INVERNESS-SHIRE, Lochaber District (1987) Greater Yellowlegs FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1961) Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, Western Rocks (1974) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Filey (1984)

24 July

Bonaparte's Gull HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1980) Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Lackford Wildfowl Reserve (1991) Whiskered Tern CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1987) White-winged Black Tern GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Horcott Gravel Pit (1964) Lesser Grey Shrike SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1982 until 25 July) Black-headed Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1971 until 27 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Oronsay (1976 until 5 August); DORSET, Portland (2) (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 until 14 August)

species 15, individuals 20

Three American Golden Plovers in Lincolnshire on this day is outstanding, with the 1993 and 1994 records possibly involving the same individual. The Hudsonian Whimbrel is only the second British record of this North American race, with the other record occurring in May 1955 on the Out Skerries, Shetland. Four Alpine Swifts on this day also stand out as does an extremely long-staying Sardinian Warbler. Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA AREA SOLE, 40km West of Bishop Rock, 50 03N 06 41W (2) (1991) Night Heron BERKSHIRE, Thatcham Marsh (1987) American Wigeon YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1976 unti112 August) Black-winged Stilt PEMBROKESHIRE, Narberth (1967) American Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, North Killingholme (1982), South Ferriby (1993), Holbeach Marsh (1994) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Lisagritfin (1984 until 25 July)

180 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Long-billed Dowitcher YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1974) Hudsonian Whimbrei SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1974 until 8 August) Lesser Yellowlegs CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Cam Washes (1983 until 26 July) Franklin's Gull DURHAM, North Gare (1977) Gull-billed Tern DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1982) Caspian Tern KENT, Pegwell Bay (1980) White-winged Black Tern YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1964)

Alpine Swift DOWN, Greyabbey (1988); INVERNESSSHIRE, Loch Garten (1989); OUTER HEBRIDES, Howbeg (1983); SCILLY, St Agnes (1968)

25 July

Sardinian Warbler SHETLAND, Cunningsburgh (1992 until 11 November) Rose-coloured Starling ANTRIM, Antrim (1994 until 3 August)

species 15, individuals 24

Two Black Storks together, whilst not unheard of, is still nonetheless impressive, although one later died. The Pallid Swift, the eighth British record, is found in a movement of Common Swifts which flew over birdwatchers enjoying Britain's third Oriental Pratincole. The Two-barred Crossbills takes the total to five for the month. Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Wintersett (1990) Black Stork OUTER HEBRIDES, Dig, Lewis (2) (1991, 1 until 31 July, 1 until 4 August. Latter individual found dead on 5 August) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1987); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1969 until 5 August); NORFOLK, Winterton (1978) Pacific Golden Plover HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1990 until 27 July) White-rumped Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1973 until 1 August) Lesser Yellowlegs LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Pit (1976 until 5 August) Wilson's Phalarope SUFFOLK, Havergate (1974 until 8 August) Caspian Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1976); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1966 until 26 July); WARWICKSHIRE, Sandwell Valley (1979)

26 July

White-winged Black Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1994) Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Caimgorm (1979 until 29 August) Pallid Swift NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1993) Alpine Swift KENT, Hayesden (1981 until 26 July); LANCASHIRE, Thwaite Flats (1970) Penduline Tit SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1993) Rose-coloured Starling BERWICKSHIRE, Edrom (1967 until 7 September); CARDIGANSHIRE, Ystumtuen (1975 until 26 July); NORTHUMBERLAND, Beal Sands (1974) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1990 until 31 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DEVON, Lundy (1961)

species 13, individuals 16

The second of 1989's Swinhoe's Petrels stands out of a cast of summer regulars. Swinhoe's Petrel NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1989) Pacific/American Golden Plover PEMBROKESHIRE, Pembrey (1987) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, Fethard-on-Sea (1986)

White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1980 until 27 July); LINCOLNSHIRE, Killingholme (1976 until 27 July) Broad-billed Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1990 until 27 July)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 181

Lesser Yellowlegs YORKSHIRE, Filey (1986) Bonaparte's Gull DOWN, Bangor (1979 until 2 September) Gull-billed Tern SURREY, Barn Elms Reservoir (1980) Caspian Tern HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1980); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1964) White-winged Black Tern DEVON, Plymstock (1992 until 28 July) Alpine Swift WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1986)

Rose-coloured Starling ISLE OF WIGHT, Newport (1966); SOMERSET, Street (1959) Black-headed Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1977) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1962); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 31 July)

27 July

species 13, individuals 18

The American Golden Plover is found within a week of a Pacific Golden Plover at the same site in 1986 (see 21 July) with both birds remaining until 29 July. Three White-rumped Sandpipers include two in eastern localities in 1984 and another Baird's Sandpiper is found on the east coast. However, it is the adult Sharp-tailed Sandpiper that gets star billing. With only 21 British records, this species still remains a much sought after wader for many of Britain's birdwatchers. Another Greenish Warbler brings the month's total to four - not bad for summer. Night Heron WORCESTERSHIRE, Grimley (1979) Black Stork NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Barnwell Brook (1990 until 28 July, and then at various sites in Northamptonshire, Suffolk, Essex and Surrey until 1 September) Red-footed Falcon BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Milton Keynes (1983); DORSET, near Wareham (1963) American Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney (1986 until 29 July) White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Snettisham (1984 until 28 July); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1981 until 1 August), Blacktoft Sands (1984 until 2 August) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wells-next-the-Sea (1988) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1985 until 28 July)

182 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Stilt Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1969 until 29 July) Caspian Tern GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1991); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1969); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1991)

White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1981) Alpine Swift CORK, Dursey Island (1980) Greenish Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1962) Rose-coloured Starling STAFFORDSHIRE, Tamworth (1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting KINCARDINESHIRE, St Cyrus (1976)

28 July

species 14, individuals 21

Little Bustards have been found in seven of the 12 calendar months, with only November and December receiving more than single records. Small calidrids continue to be found with two records of the diminutive Least Sandpiper and four records ofWhite-rumped Sandpipers, including singles at Minsmere on this day in 1984 and 1989. The Royal Tern in Kent was the first for Britain (Ireland received its first in 1954), with only three records since. Red-footed Falcon SOMERSET, Yoxter (1985 until 3 August) Little Bustard BERKSHIRE, Compton Down (1958) PacificlAmerican Golden Plover NORFOLK, Titchwell (1991) Least Sandpiper SUSSEX, Pett Pools (1984); YORKSHIRE, Beacon Ponds, Spurn (1991 until 29 July) White-rumped Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1973 until 10 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1961 until 30 July); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1984 until 8 August & 1989 until 30 July) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1990 until 6 August) Marsh Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1983 until 4 August); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Peterborough (1982)

29 July

Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (1980) Caspian Tern DORSET, Poole Harbour (1984); NORFOLK, Bacton (1993); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1962); AT SEA, SEA AREA DOVER, l Okm South of Shoreham (1981) Royal Tern KENT, Sandwich Bay (1965 until 29 July) Whiskered Tern CORK, Kilmacsimon (1985 until 3 August) White-winged Black Tern FERMANAGH, Lough Melvin (1993) Great Reed Warbler ESSEX, Pitsea Marsh (1984) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 16 August)

species 20, individuals 30

As the month draws to a close we see a sudden rise in records again, with a staggering array of quality rarities. The Little Shearwater is only the fourth record for the month and the most northerly British record to date, whilst the Greater Sandplover is only Britain's fifth. Both American and Pacific Golden Plovers again appear on the same date, whilst July's, and Britain's, second adult summer Red-necked Stint is found in Norfolk. Another Roller adds to the impressive month total, whilst a Short-toed Treecreeper keeps the run of records faithful to Kent. Two more Twobarred Crossbills include Shetland's fifth for the month. Little Shearwater OUTER HEBRIDES, Butt of Lewis (1990) Night Heron CORNWALL, Tamar Lakes (1976) Squacco Heron NORFOLK, Rollesby Broad (1966 until 31 July) Black Stork PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1991)

Blue-winged Teal SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1992 until 13 August) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, East Tilbury (1973); SHETLAND, Sand (1990) Greater Sandplover YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1981 until 6 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 183

American Golden Plover SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 17 August) Pacific Golden Plover DEVON, Bowling Green Marsh (1992 until 4 August) Red-necked Stint NORFOLK, Cley (1992 until 3 August) White-rumped Sandpiper SOMERSET, West Huntspill (1984 until 16 August) Marsh Sandpiper AYRSHIRE, Doonfoot (1979); NORFOLK, Holme (1983 until 6 August) Caspian Tern LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1979); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1988); WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1971) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1992); KENT, Stoke (1962 until 11 August); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1991) Roller NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1991)

Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Portland (1973) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Reculver (1990) Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Hinton (2) (1969) Rose-coloured Starling GLAMORGAN, Swansea (1960 until 18 August); PEMBROKESHIRE, Treginnis (1975); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 until 10 August) Two-barred Crossbill NORTHUMBERLAND, Chevington Pool (1972 until 31 July); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962 until 31 July) CATEGORY D SPECIES Greater Flamingo CHESHIRE, Weaver Bend (1989) Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHlRE, Acharacle (1979 until 30 July); DORSET, Portland Bill (1992)

30 July

species 12, individuals 19

The end of July is a remarkable date for an immature White-tailed Eagle to be seen over the south coast of England. The long-staying Greater Sandplover is the most recent British record, whilst five White-rumped Sandpipers, three of which are at eastern localities, is quite remarkable. The two Black-headed Buntings take the month total to 13, with this the first date to have more than one record. Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA AREA SOLE, up to 115km South-west of Scilly (3) (1988) White-tailed Eagle SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1961) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1987 until 10 August); HAMPSHIRE, Cole Henley (1979)

Greater Sandplover NORFOLK, Cley & Blakeney Harbour (1985 until 2 September) White-rumped Sandpiper AYRSHIRE, Barassie (1989 until 5 August); DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1983 until 9 August); FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1984 until 8 August); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1978 until 4 August); SURREY, Perry Oaks Sewage Farm (1984 until 12 August)

184 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Baird's Sandpiper WESTMEATH, Lough Derravaragh (1975) Dowitcher sp. CARMARTHENSHIRE, Gwendraeth Estuary (1978)

Spotted Sandpiper ORKNEY, Sule Skerry (1983 until 4 August) Gull-billed Tern PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1985) Caspian Tern HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1991 until 31 July); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1976) White-winged Black Tern SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1977) Great Reed Warbler CAERNARVONSHlRE, Penmaenpool (1978)

Black-headed Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988 until 5 August); SUTHERLAND, Dumess (1994)

31 July

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1972)

species 20, individuals 26

Todays White-billed Diver is onnly the second for the month yet proves to be a longstayer (though elusive as it commuted around the bays of East Lothian). A five-day male Lesser Kestrel would please many birdwatchers these days; this bird is only the second since 1958. Sandpipers again do well today, including another three White-rumped. The earliest ever autumn Thrush Nightingale is listed here. The remarkable record of a Moustached Warbler caught in a Buckinghamshire reedbed is only the fourth British record of this Mediterranean Acrocephalus warbler, with the previous three records occurring before 1958. The first record for Britain involved a pair feeding young during August 1946 in Cambridgeshire; two birds occurred together in Hampshire in August 1951; and a single bird was found in Kent in April 1952. The only record since was on 18 August 1968, so the record here fits the pattern of summer finds. White-billed Diver EAST LOTHIAN, Gosford Bay, Aberlady & Gullane Bay area (1991 intermittently until 25 September, with 2 birds 25-30 August) Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA AREA SOLE, 46km SSW of Bishop Rock (1988) Black Stork NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1979) Lesser Kestrel ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1974 until 3 August) Black-winged Stilt NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge Pool (1993 until 16 August) Least Sandpiper K.!NCARDINESHIRE, Cove (1988 until 4 August) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Thelwall (1984); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1982); SHETLAND, Pool of Virkie (1993 until 2 August) Baird's Sandpiper NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Stanwick (1994 until 1 August) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1989 until 1 August); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1963) Spotted Sandpiper OUTER HEBRIDES, Peninerine (1983 until 1 August)

Bonaparte's Gull ROSS-SHIRE, Strath Bay (1990 until 1 August) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (1979) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Hickling (1973) White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1984 untit5 August); ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1994); KENT, Dungeness (1972) Snowy Owl ANGUS, Glen Esk (1961 until 18 October) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Hillswick (1970 until 7 August) Moustached Warbler BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Wendover(1965) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1987 until 1 August) Greenish Warbler ARGYLLSHIRE, Sanda Island (1987) Rose-coloured Starling NORFOLK, Winterton (1975); SURREY, Virginia Water (1972) Two-barred Crossbill ORKNEY, Hoy (1990 until 6 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Islay (1976)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 185

July species at a glance White-billed Diver Black-browed Albatross Albatross sp. Little Shearwater Small shearwater sp. Swinhoe's Petrel Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Black Stork American Wigeon Blue-winged Teal King Eider Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Lesser Kestrel Red-footed Falcon Little Bustard Black-winged Stilt Collared Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Greater Sandplover Caspian Plover American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Pacific/American Golden Plover Sociable Plover White-tailed Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Red-necked Stint Least Sandpiper White-romped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Hudsonian Whimbrel Upland Sandpiper Marsh Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Terek Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper

186 - Rare Birds Day by Day

2 1 1 4 1 3 8 17 6 4 10 15 3 1 4 9 1 1 33 1 10 8 3 3 1 12 14 6 1 2 5 1 2 4 43 6 1 21 6 6 1 1 1

14 2 6 2 4 4

Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Slender-billed Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Royal Tern Lesser Crested Tern Forster's Tern Bridled Tern Sooty Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Great Spotted Cuckoo Snowy Owl Pallid Swift Alpine Swift Little Swift Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Roller Crag Martin Red-romped Swallow Red-throated Pipit Citrine Wagtail Thrush Nightingale Pied Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear River Warbler Moustached Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Great Reed Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Lesser Grey Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Yellow-breasted Bunting Black-headed Bunting

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals

5 1 6 4

1 33 68 1 2 2

5 2 7 42 2 3 5 2

39 1 2 12 1 3 1 1 1 1

1 3 1 1 6 6 3 5 2 1 2 9 2

40 2

8 1 13 95


CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican Greater Flamingo Northern Flicker

3 1 1

Brown Flycatcher Red-headed Bunting Chestnut Bunting Painted Bunting

1 37 1 1

Rare Birds Day by Day - 187

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Rare Birds Day by Day - 189

1 August

species 12, individuals 21

August kicks off with more quality waders but only two passerines today. Five White-rumped Sandpipers is remarkable and two together in Norfolk is exceptional. Wexford holds a particular attraction with the most elegant of calidrids, Stilt Sandpiper, and Ireland also benefits from a Wilson's Phalarope. The Trumpeter Finch is only the sixth record for Britain. At sea, a further 11 Wilson's Petrels are seen on two pelagic trips. Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA..AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (6) (1988), about 58km SSW of Bishop Rock, 48 56N 07 05W (5) (1993) Pacific Golden Plover ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 3 August) White-rumped Sandpiper CUMBERLAND, Hodbarrow (1984 until 2 August); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1978); NORFOLK, Cley (2) (1980, 1 until 12 August, 1 until 30 August); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1981 until 15 August) Stilt Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1983), Lady's Island Lake (1988 until 3 August) Long-billed Dowitcher OUTER HEBRIDES, Hallaman Bay (1977 until 2 August) Terek Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1982 until 6 August); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1981)

Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 4 August) Gull-billed Tern FLINTSHlRE, Shotton (1960); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1964) Caspian Tern HUNTINGDONSHlRE, Little Paxton Gravel Pit (1982) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Dungeness (1984 until 7 August); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1978 until 2 August) Alpine Swift KENT, Dungeness (1971); SUSSEX, Sompting (1993) Rose-coloured Starling PERTHSHIRE, Garrybank (1994 until 6 August) Trumpeter Finch NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1987)

2 August

species 17, individuals 27

Another day with American and Pacific Golden Plover featured. White-rumped Sandpipers keep up the run of summer records, whilst Semipalmated Sandpiper and Great Snipe are both several weeks ahead of their main autumn arrival periods. There are widely scattered records of the three rare summer terns and still few passerines but three Rose-coloured Starlings showing a north-west bias is noteworthy. Little Bittern NORTHAMPTONSHlRE, Bozenham Mill (1970) Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Cowshill (1983); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1977) American Golden Plover DOWN, Strand Lough & Killough Harbour (1992 until 13 August); OUTER HEBRIDES, Peninerine (1983 until 6 August); SCILLY, St Marys (1972 until 7 August)

190 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Pacific Golden Plover FLINTSHlRE, Oakenholt Marsh (1990 until 4 August) Semipalmated Sandpiper SUSSEX,

Rye (1986 until 4 August)

White-rumped Sandpiper KENT, Cliffe (1980 until 11 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1983 until 12 August) Great Snipe KENT, Medway Estuary (1968)

Long-billed Dowitcher YORKSHIRE, Filey (1983) Franklin's Gull CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (1992) Gull-billed Tern CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1976 until 4 August); DEVON, Topsham (1988) Caspian Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1959); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1973 until 10 August) White-winged Black Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1964); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1987 until 21 August); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1979)

3 August

Alpine Swift ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Church Bay (1964) Roller PEMBROKESHIRE, St Nicholas (1991 until 11 August) Subalpine Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990 until 17 September) Lesser Grey Shrike KENT, Sandwich Bay (1994 until 28 August) Rose-coloured Starling LANCASHIRE, Formby (1977); ORKNEY, Rousay (1962); OUTER HEBRIDES, Gress (1967)

species 20, individuals 34

A slight increase in species and total individuals. The Bulwer's Petrel is the first Irish record, and the first live individual, with the two British records both being of birds found dead in 1837 and 1908. Lesser Yellowlegs is now moving into the main period for this species, whilst the SootyTern is the first of three August records. Four more Rose-coloured Starlings again show a westerly bias. A couple of Twobarred Crossbills in very different parts of the country show the irruptive nature of the crossbill family. The Indigo Bunting is a potential first record for Britain but this record is at present placed in Category D pending further assessment. Bulwer's Petrel CORK, Cape Clear Island (1975) Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (10) (1988); AT SEA, SEA-AREA IRISH SEA, 51 36N 06 27W (1991) Night Heron BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Newport Pagnell (1967); TAYSIDE, Kercock (1994) Great White Egret KENT, Dungeness (1988) Black Stork PERTHSHlRE, Aberuthven (1980 until 8 August) American Wigeon RENFREWSHIRE, Balgray Reservoir (1992 until 4 August) Black-winged Stilt DORSET, Wareham Sewage Farm (1960 until 6 September); ESSEX, Fingringhoe Wick (1970) American Golden Plover SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 22 August)

Pacific Golden Plover DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1993 until 5 August) White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Belfast Harbour Estate (1987 until 6 AuguSt);.CAITHNESS, Wick (1984 until 5 August); CORK, Ballycotton (1984 until 1 September); NORFOLK, Snettisham (1980), Cley (1990 until 14 August) Long-billed Dowitcher DORSET, Arne (1976) Lesser Yellowlegs SUSSEX, Cuckmere Haven (1970 until 4 August) Laughing Gull LANCASHIRE, Mersey Estuary (1977) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Hickling (1973 unti18 August); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1974 & 1979) Forster's Tern LOUTH, Termonfeckin (1985) Sooty Tern SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1976)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 191

White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary, Drift Reservoir & Marazion Marsh (1965 until 6 August); LANARKSHIRE, Baron's Haugh Nature Reserve (1992 until 7 August); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1975) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1968) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1959) Rose-coloured Starling CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1967 until 4 August); FERMANAGH, Kesh (1986); OUTER HEBRIDES, Ranais (1984 until 4 August); SHETLAND, Foula (1994 until 5 August)

4 August

Two-barred Crossbill DEVON, Lundy (1972); YORKSHIRE, Whitby (1972 until 7 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck SURREY, Barns Elms Reservoirs (1991 until 30 August) Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1974) Indigo Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964 until 7 August)

species 14, individuals 2£

The 1960s was undoubtedly the peak decade for Gull-billed Terns in Britain, witt the proliferation of records believed to originate from the now much declined nortl European colonies. The Great Spotted Cuckoo is the first of four in August, bui unfortunately this bird, like several others, was found in a moribund state. AUgUSl is a much more likely month than July for Greenish Warblers, whilst three Black headed Buntings maintain this species run into the autumn period. Black Kite KENT, Broadstairs (1991) Collared Pratincole CAITHNESS, Loch ofMey (1973) Pratincole sp, ANTRIM, Ballycarry (1974) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1973 until 14 August); SLIGO, Ballisodare (1981 until 5 August) Marsh Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1984 until 5 August) Terek Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Scaling Dam (1971) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (1967); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1969); NORFOLK, Salthouse & Weyboume area (1968)

Whiskered Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1984 until 15 August) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1980 until 5 August); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1994) Great Spotted Cuckoo SUSSEX, Shripney (1967) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978) Rose-coloured Starling PERTHSHIRE, Meigle (1994 until 21 August) Black-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1974 until 6 August); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1967 until 7 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 14 August)

Caspian Tern


AYRSHIRE, Martnaham Loch, Kerse Loch & Doonfoot (1990 until 6 August)

Red-headed Bunting ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1974)

192 - Rare Birds Day by Day



5 August

species 12, individuals 29

The Sora on Bardsey Island is one of only two records of this American species outside its more usual September-October period (the other being in April 1920). Two Black-winged Pratincoles on this day is also exceptional and Norfolk attracts its third Greater Sandplover. Five more White-rumped Sandpipers matches the total of two days ago and brings the month's total already up to an incredible 19. Little Bittern NORFOLK, Cley (1978 until 6 August) Great White Egret SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1990) Red-footed Falcon SUFFOLK, Kessingland (1976 until 6 August) Sora CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1981) Black-winged Pratincole BERKSHIRE, Manor Farm (1976 until 9 August); ANTRIM, Lame Lough (1974) Greater Sandplover NORFOLK, Cley (1992 until 8 August & in Essex 10-14 August & Kent 14 August) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1989 until 16 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, South Ferriby (1993 until 15 August); PEMBROKESHIRE, Teifi Estuary (1991); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1972 until 10 August); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1987 until 6 August) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1990) Caspian Tern ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Cemlyn Bay (1988); SHETLAND, Yell (1976)

6 August

White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1969); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1978 until 9 August); HAMPSHIRE, Eling Great Marsh (1988 until 6 August); KENT, Dungeness (1968 until 16 August & 1983 until 24 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1969); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Lound (1994); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1969); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1980 until 7 August); YORKSHIRE, Barton-on-Humber (1994) Roller YORKSHIRE, Bretton Park (1968 until 6 October) Rose-coloured Starling FIFE, Dalgety Bay (1984); GALWAY, Ballyconneally (1974); SCILLY, St Agnes (1990 until 6 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1970 until 27 August); LOTHIAN, locality unknown (1967); OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Druidibeg (1975); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 10 August); STIRLINGSHIRE, Skinflats (1967)

species 19, individuals 34

The trio of Blue-winged Teals see the start of their peak period and highlight the ability of Nearctic species to reach the British east coast. The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper is the fifth of seven records of this Siberian wader to be recorded in Britain during the 1970s, whilst the Stilt Sandpiper is possibly the same bird seen in Wexford earlier in the month, and then later in the month at a second Cork site. A flock of four Lesser Yellowlegs is unprecedented. The Great Spotted Cuckoo is the second in three days and the two Nutcrackers are the beginning of the great 1968 invasion. Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW ofScilly (7) (1988)

Blue-winged Teal CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fen Drayton Gravel Pit (1988 until 8 October); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1979); NORFOLK, Cantley Reservoir & Hardley Flood (1978 until 4 October)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 193

Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Arne (1978) Pratincole sp. HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1983) Semipalmated Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1986 until 15 August) White-rumped Sandpiper MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1980 until 14 August) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1976)

Stilt Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1988 until 7 August) Lesser Yellowlegs ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1980); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (4) (1973, 1 until 11 August, 2 until 15 August); SHETLAND, Loch ofTingwall (1976 until 13 August) Spotted Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Foulridge Reservoir (1986 until 10 August) Franklin's Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, North Boisdale (1985 until 14 August) Ivory Gull GALWAY, Bunowen Point (1971) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Burnham Norton (1993)

7 August

Caspian Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1961); KENT, Stodmarsh (1981); NORFOLK, Cley (1969); AT SEA, SEA-AREA DOVER (1985) Bridled Tern ORKNEY, Stromness (1979 until 7 August) White-winged Black Tern DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1994 until 7 August); KENT, Cliffe (1981 until 8 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Bardney (1970 until 8 August), Wisbech Sewage Farm (1970 until 9 August) Great Spotted Cuckoo NORFOLK, Winterton (1958) Alpine Swift CORK, Ballycotton (1965 until 7 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Grimsby (1971) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Trunch (1968 until 8 August), Ditchingham Dam (1968 until 16 August) Rose-coloured Starling CARDIGANSHIRE, Gwbert (1988 until 7 August); ORKNEY, Eday (1994) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 9 August)

species 24, individuals 36

August is the beginning of the peak period for Little Shearwater and the headlands of southern Ireland account for many of the records, with only Yorkshire seeing anywhere near the numbers seen off Cork or Kerry. The unidentified Golden Plover completes a remarkable trio of 'lesser' Golden Plovers found at the same Lincolnshire site during the summer of 1986. The long-staying Sharp-tailed Sandpiper is the first record for Ireland and with a dearth of 'twitchable' British records in recent years, saw British birdwatchers attracted across the Irish Sea. Both White-rumped Sandpiper and White-winged Black Tern continue to be found regularly. The Bonelli's Warbler records indicate this species' early autumn arrival period, whilst the single Nutcracker gives no indication of the number yet to come. The Pine Bunting is particularly early, with this being the only August record and the first of seven birds to be found on North Ronaldsay. Black-browed Albatross AT SEA, SEA-AREA IRISH SEA, 10km West of Corsewall Point (1984) Little Shearwater CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1967)

194 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Great White Egret CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bangor (1984); LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1979 until 8 August)

Black Stork KENT, Stone Cliff (1958 until 14 September) Black Kite KENT, Dungeness (1993) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Coate Outfall, Dengie Shore (1971) Pacific/American Golden Plover LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney (1986) Pacific Golden Plover NORFOLK, Cley (1990 until 8 August) Least Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1988 until 12 August) White-rumped Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1971 until 19 August); NORTHUMBERLAND, Wallsend (1984); YORKSHIRE, Beacon Lane Lagoons (1985 until 12 August), South Gare (1986 until 17 August) Baird's Sandpiper FLINTSHIRE, Connah's Quay (1979) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1994 until 20 August) Stilt Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Trimley St Mary (1990 until 19 August); SUSSEX, Manhood End (1963 until 13 August) Marsh Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1982 until 13 August)

8 August

Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Lough Beg (1989 until 21 August); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1969) Spotted Sandpiper CARDIGANSHIRE, Ynys-hir (1979 until 12 August) Caspian Tern CORK, Ballycotton (2) (1988, 1 until 9 August, 1 until 13 August); DUNBARTONSHIRE, Loch Lomond (1968); YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1972) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, West Thurrock (1982); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1978 until 10 August) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1965) Great Reed Warbler DEVON, Slapton Ley (1961) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970) Bonelli's Warbler NORFOLK, Holme (1970 until 13 August); SUSSEX, Alfriston (1973) Nutcracker KENT, Denton (1968) Rose-coloured Starling OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1984 until 13 August); SHETLAND, South Nesting (1981 until 8 August) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1967 until 11 August)

species 18, individuals 33

The Black-browed Albatross may possibly relate to 'Albert' from Hermaness. The Eleonora's Falcon is the first of only three British records. White-rumped Sandpipers continue to arrive from across the Atlantic with a distinct Irish bias, whilst Elmley in Kent receives a Marsh Sandpiper on this day in consecutive years. White-winged Black Terns are again prominent, the Roller is the third for the month, and Nutcrackers continue to trickle in. Black-browed Albatross FIFE, Fife Ness (1972) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA. SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (5) (1988); AT SEA, SEA-AREA FAIR ISLE, about 50km NW of Ramna Stacks, 61 04N 01 49W (1993)

Little Bittern CORNWALL, Loe Pool, Helston (1983) Night Heron DEVON, Slapton Ley (1970); KERRY, Castlecove (2) (1961) Black Stork DORSET, Ringstead Bay (1991)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 195

Black Kite SOMERSET, Gordano Valley (1983) Eleonora's Falcon LANCASHIRE, Fonnby (1977 until 9 August) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1990 until 13 August); DOWN, Kinnegar (1971); NORFOLK, King's Lynn (1971 until 22 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987) Long-billed Dowitcher CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1990 until 13 August) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1983 until 16 August & 1984 until 19 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Witham Estuary (1987 until 15 August) Laughing Gull KENT, Dungeness (1986) Caspian Tern GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem (1971); SUFFOLK, Livennere (1982), Minsmere (1985) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Dungeness (1967 until 15 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1970), Covenham Reservoir (1974); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1975); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1975 until 12 August); STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1992); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1981)

9 August

Snowy Owl ABERDEENSHIREIBANFFSHIREIINVERNESSHIRE, Caimgonn & Ben Macdui Plateau area (1965 until 17 October) Alpine Swift LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1978 until 10 August) Roller NORFOLK, Wells (1973 until 14 August) Greenish Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1978) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Holkham (2) (1968, 1 until 10 August, 1 until 13 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ORKNEY, Copinsay (1974 until 11 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 13 August)

species 16, individuals 28

Five White-rumped, two Least and two Baird's Sandpipers show a mixed distribution from southern Ireland to East Anglia. The Lesser Crested Tern is only Britain's second and the first individual to spend a summer in a colony of Sandwich Terns. This or another bird took up residence in the north-east from 1984 with annual breeding attempts made from 1985. The Pallid Swift is the second Irish record, whilst the Rufous Bush Chat is the most recent of the five British & Irish records since 1958, and, amazingly, is the second record for Prawle Point. Two more Nutcrackers make it four days in a row for this northern crow. Cattle Egret NORFOLK, Tunstall (1988) Least Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1984 until 15 August); STAFFORDSHIRE, Cannock Chase Reservoir (1971 until 11 August)

196 - Rare Birds Day by Day

White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE,

Weaver Estuary (2) (1973, 1

until 11 August, 1 until 19 August); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1976 until 16 August); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966 until 15 August); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1989 until 14 August)

Baird's Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1988); DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1988) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1986 until 19 April 1987) Gull-billed Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1973) Caspian Tern SURREY, Papercourt Gravel Pit (1984) Lesser Crested Tern NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1983 until 17 September) White-winged Black Tern GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (2) (1992); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1975); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1969 until 12 August); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1991 until 10 August) Pallid Swift DUBLIN, Howth Head (1993)

10 August

Rufous Bush Chat DEVON, Prawle Point (1980) Subalpine Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1987 until 5 September) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 21 August) Nutcracker KENT, Quex Park (1968); SUFFOLK, Frostenden (1968) Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Cornaig Beg, ColI (1983 until 4 October); LANCASHIRE, Formby (1963 until 14 August) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fetlar (1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting LANCASHIRE, Freckleton (1979)

species 25, individuals 41

A sudden increase in species and individuals with waders still providing most of the new finds on this day. Summer White-billed Divers are almost confined to northern waters, whilst the majority of Little Shearwaters are seen off southern Ireland. Five more White-rumped Sandpipers continue to show how good August is for finding this small American wader. A Solitary Sandpiper is one of only six to make it across to an eastern British county, whilst two Wilson's Phalaropes are at typically western sites. Summer adult Ross's Gulls rarely hang around and this one was no exception. Nine more White-winged Black Terns are found at widely scattered localities and another Nutcracker is found at the start of the 1968 irruption. White-billed Diver INVERNESS-SHIRE, Loch Scresort, Rhum (1979) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1973) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, 113km SW of Bishop Rock (1986); up to 115km SW of Scilly (16) (1988) Little Bittern KENT, Yalding (1958), Dungeness (1968) Night Heron NORTHUMBERLAND, Holywell Pond (1977 until 23 August) Glossy Ibis HAMpSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1972)

Blue-winged Teal YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1974 until 26 August) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Little Oakley (1962) Black-winged Pratincole LEICESTERSHIRE, Wanlip Gravel Pit (1975 until 13 August) American Golden Plover NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1974) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1978); HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1974), Farlington Marshes (1987 until 16 August); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1981 until 14 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1970 until 19 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 197

Baird's Sandpiper PEMBROKESHIRE, Nevem Estuary (1984) Long-billed Dowitcher NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1992 until 12 August) Dowitcher sp. YORKSHIRE, Staveley (1980) Lesser Yellowlegs KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1975); DEVON, Exe Estuary (1958) Solitary Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Bardney (1963 until 12 August) Spotted Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Ashworth Moor Reservoir (1979) Wilson's Phalarope WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1984 until 11 August); DEVON, Northam Burrows (1982) Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) White-winged Black Tern BEDFORDSHIRE, Stewartby Lake (1983 until 12 August); BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1992 until 11 August); CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 24 August); CORNWALL, Bude (1988); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1968); DURHAM, Saltholme (1977 until 11 August); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1971 until 11 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1969 until 17 August), Winterton (1975)

11 August

Roller KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, New Galloway (1969 until 14 August) Greenish Warbler NORFOLK, near Waxham (1983 until 12 August) Bonelli's Warbler DORSET, Portland Bill (1965 until 20 August) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1968 until 17 August) Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Port Wemyss (1987 until 3 September) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Wester Quarff (1987 until 11 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1979 until 11 August)

species 22, individuals 43

The Soft-plumaged Petrel group consists of three species, Madeira Petrel, Cape Verde Petrel and Soft-plumaged Petrel. They are notoriously difficult to separate unless extremely close views are obtained and no British record has yet ever been accepted to a specific species. However, British records are believed to relate to Cape Verde Petrel. The Baillon's Crake is the most recent record of this diminutive crake, and the second year running for an autumn record. Four Nutcrackers add to the eight over the previous five days for 1968, whilst four Rose-coloured Starlings again show a westerly bias. The Spanish Sparrow is only the fifth British record. Six more Two-barred Cross bills in 1987 brings the total to eight birds in three days, all in Shetland and signifies the start of a major arrival. Black-browed Albatross MAYO, Inishglora (1986) Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1993)

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Little Bittern ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1968) Red-footed Falcon ORKNEY, Firth (1967 until 10 September)

Baillon's Crake SUSSEX, Icklesham (1992) Pratincole sp, LINCOLNSHIRE, Barrow Haven (1980) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1994); CORK, BalIycotton (1968 until 18 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1973 until 15 August) Baird's Sandpiper EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1975 until 12 August) Lesser Yellowlegs LANCASHIRE, Inner Ribble Marshes (1965 until 12 August) Spotted Sandpiper SUSSEX, Weirwood Reservoir (1974 until 17 August) Wilson's Phalarope DEVON, Moorstone Barton (1985 until 12 August) Franklin's Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1991) Caspian Tern LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1982) White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1979); HAMPSHIRE, Hurst Castle (1963); KENT, Dungeness (1972 until 12 September & 1986 until 12 August), Bough Beech Reservoir (1986); LANCASHIRE, Longton Marsh (1973 until 12 August); SUSSEX, Rye (1968), Thomey Island (1973)

12 August

Alpine Swift DEVON, Berry Head (1985 until 19 August); KENT, Dungeness (1983) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1971 until 30 September) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Noss (1988 until 13 August) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Holme (1968), Thornham (1968); SUFFOLK, Aldeburgh (1968), Corton (1968 until 14 August) Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Arinagour, ColI (1983 until 18 August); DEVON, Lundy (1992 until 13 August); SHETLAND, Troswick (1994); SURREY, Bermondsey (1971) Spanish Sparrow ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993 until 19 August) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Bigton (1987 until 19 August), Basta (2) (1987 until 13 August), Foula (3) (1987, 2 until 18 August) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 15 August)

species 20, individuals 40

The number of individuals is maintained largely by White-winged Black Tern (9) and the increasing number of Nutcrackers being found during the 1968 irruption, with today's seven all found in Norfolk. The Soft-plumaged Petrel off Cornwall is the first accepted British record; what is believed to be the same bird was seen daily on the 12, 13 & 14 August 1989, as it fed along a circuitous route with large shearwaters. The Stilt Sandpiper is only the fifth British record. Out of the 18 British records of this Nearctic species, 12 have been down the east coast: in Sutherland (1), Yorkshire (2), Norfolk (2), Suffolk (3), Essex (1) and Kent (3): surprisingly for a Nearctic wader, only eight have ever been found in Ireland. Fair Isle stands out with a good run of finds today. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1989 until 14 August)

Night Heron CORK, Ballycotton (1983 until 29 August); HERTFORDSHIRE, Stevenage (1994); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Colwick Country Park (1977)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 199

Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Hadleigh Downs (1990); NORFOLK, Wells (1981) Black-winged Pratincole HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Fenstanton (1981 until 18 August) Pratincole sp. ABERDEENSHIRE, Meikle Loch (1972); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1984) Semipalmated Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Oldbury Power Station (1990 until 14 August) White-rumped Sandpiper EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1983 until 14 August); KENT, Cliffe (1994 until 14 August) Stilt Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1965 until 26 August) Wilson's Phalarope WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987 until 15 August) Laughing Gull CORK, Tivoli (1968) Bonaparte's Gull DURHAM, Teesmouth (1977 until 2 October) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Weybourne (1972) Caspian Tern BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1979) White-winged Black Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ely (1970 until 23 August); DORSET, Weymouth (1986 until 14 August); DURHAM, Washington (1969);

200 - Rare Birds Day by Day

HAMpSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1973 until 13 August); KENT, Dungeness (1972); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1968 until 13 August); MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (1979); SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1986); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1964 until 13 August) Alpine Swift ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988); SURREY, South Croydon (1989) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977 until 15 August) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1968 until 15 August) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Holme (1968), Kelling Heath (1968 until 16 August), Great Snoring (1968), Great Hockham (1968), Gayton Thorpe (1968), East Wretham (1968), Fritton (1968) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 13 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Saker Falcon YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1991)

13 August

species 21, individuals 40

The second Solitary Sandpiper for the month is also the second for the inland county of Hertfordshire. To date, Hertfordshire, with three records, out of the whole of Britain & Ireland, lies second only to Scilly in its attractiveness for Solitary Sandpipers. The Glossy Ibis occurred when the species was found with more frequency than in recent years. The long-staying male Riippell's Warbler on Shetland is the first British record. All British records of this stunning east Mediterranean scrub warbler have been adults, with three males and a single female. The 1987 Two-barred Crossbill invasion increases with a single bird making it south to Northumberland. Black-browed Albatross CORK, Mizen Head (1968); ORKNEY, Hoy (1969) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, 71km SW of Bishop Rock (2), 88km SW of Bishop Rock (2), 113km SW of Bishop Rock (3) (1986); up to 115km SW of Scilly (13) (1988); 60km SSW of Bishop Rock, 49 06N 07 04W (2) (1994), 60km SSW of Bishop Rock 49 05N 07 12W (1994), 60km SSW of Bishop Rock 49 12N 07 04W (2) (1994) Glossy Ibis YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1973) Semipalmated Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Easington Lagoon (1985) Least Sandpiper WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1988 until 15 August) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Teesmouth (1963 until 17 August); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1983 until 14 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1991); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1993 until 14 August) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Seal Sands (1961 until 19 August) Long-billed Dowitcher PERTHSHIRE, Port Allen (1985 until 17 August) Solitary Sandpiper HERTFORDSHIRE, Kimpton Mill (1989 until 15 August) Wilson's Phalarope WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1961) Ross's Gull DORSET, Weymouth Bay (1967)

Caspian Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1974); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1979); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1988) Whiskered Tern HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1967 until 16 August) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1981 until 14 August); DURHAM, Teesmouth (1967 until 18 August); ESSEX, Thames Haven (1967 until 14 August); FIFE, Newton Pond (1986 until 22 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1964 until 15 August); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1970 until 17 August & 1981); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1964 until 14 August) Alpine Swift KENT, Sandwich Bay (1978 until 17 August) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Norwick, Unst (1983 until 20 August) Riippell's Warbler SHETLAND, Dunrossness (1977 until 16 September) Greenish Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1977); SHETLAND, Bigton (2) (1987, 1 until 17 August) Bonelli's Warbler DORSET, Portland (1976 until 3 September) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Foula (1960) Two-barred Crossbill NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1977 until 14 August); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987); SHETLAND, Voe (3) (1987 until 18 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 201

Black-headed Bunting OUTER HEBRIDES, Drimsdale (1992 until 21 August)

14 August

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1972)

species 25, individuals 37

The Soft-plumaged Petrel off Ireland was seen whilst another spent three consecutive days off Cornwall. The Bridled Tern is the second for the site (one there in 1988) and a regular scattering of White-winged Black Terns across southern England. The Hawk Owl in Cornwall is not the first to occur in August, with a record from 1830 of an individual, again in Cornwall, relating to the Nearctic sub-species Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula caparoch. It seems likely that the 1966 individual also originated from the Nearctic. The Citrine Wagtail is the earliest autumn record. Six Greenish Warblers down the east coast sees this species arrive at its peak period as its near relative, Arctic Warbler, begins to arrive, peaking slightly later than Greenish. 1968 sees two more Nutcrackers in Norfolk and another Two-barred Crossbill in Shetland in 1987. White-billed Diver CAITHNESS, Sandside Bay & Melvich Bay (1987) Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1989) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1992) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Elmley (1987 until 15 August) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Saltash (1979 until 27 August) American Golden Plover STIRLINGSHIRE, East Grangemouth (1977 until 22 August) White-rumped Sandpiper WEXFORD, Rosslare Back Strand (1982) Stilt Sandpiper CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1988 until 18 August) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1979 until 18 August) Greater Yellowlegs OUTER HEBRIDES, Peninerine (1978) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1988 until 15 August); SUSSEX, Pett Pools (1988) Wilson's Phalarope HAMPSHIRE, Dibden (1974 until 18 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1985 until 17 August) Caspian Tern LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1966); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1979)

202 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Bridled Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, Coquet Island (1992) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1970 until 31 August); KENT, Dungeness (1969 until 29 August); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1969 until 27 August); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit (1986 until 15 August), Earls Barton (1992); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1976 until 20 August) Great Spotted Cuckoo ORKNEY, Rendall (1959 until 30 August) Hawk Owl CORNWALL, Gurnard's Head (1966) Citrine Wagtail DURHAM, Haverton Hole (1994) Blyth's Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Noss (1985) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1977 until 16 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Anderby Creek (1976); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1976), Horsey (1991); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1988) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964 until 19 August) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Caister (1968), Taverham (1968) Rose-coloured Starling WIGTOWNSHIRE, Wigtown (1958 until 18 August)

Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Voe (1987 until 18 August) Black-headed Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988 until 26 August)

15 August

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974)

species 27, individuals 47

The only chance many birdwatchers have of seeing Wilson's Petrel is by taking part in an organised pelagic trip, but even then this magical little petrel is not guaranteed. Some are still seen from land, including the one here, which is actually the second to be seen at this Irish site in six years. Ireland also sees a Black-browed Albatross today, as well as the lion's share of American waders. Four Gull-billed Terns include singles in Sussex in consecutive years - the same bird perhaps? But only a single White-winged Black Tern on this day contrasts quite markedly with previous weeks. The Little Swift, spending two days in Devon, is the eighth record for Britain & Ireland. Three more Norfolk Nutcrackers in 1968 and seven more Two-barred Crossbills for Shetland in 1987, continue their respective influxes. The Rock Bunting is only the third British record, but the first of two for Wales. Black-browed Albatross KERRY, Brandon Bay (1964) Wilson's Petrel CLARE, Bridges of Ross (1990); ATSEA, SEA-AREA MALIN, 56km West of Burtonport (1987); ATSEA, SEA-AREA SOLe, up to 115km SW of Scilly (14) (1987), up to 115km SW ofScilly (11) (1988), 49 06N 07 15W (2) (1993), 49 37N 06 58W (1993) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Strete (1967) American Golden Plover SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1981) Least Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1965) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Whitbum (1990 until 27 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1982) Baird's Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1988 until 16 August); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1981 until 31 August) Dowitcher sp. DUNBARTONSHIRE, Ardmore (1964) Lesser Yellowlegs ABERDEENSHlRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1992) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, St Agnes (1978 until 29 August)

Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1978 until 19 August); CORK, Ballycotton (1980) Ross's Gull ARGYLLSHIRE, Frenchman's Rocks, Islay (1976) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Sandwich Bay (1967 until 16 August); NORFOLK, Mundesley (1982); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1987), Pett Pools (1988) Caspian Tern HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1992); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Beeston Weir (1966); WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1987) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, River Crouch (1970) Alpine Swift DEVON, Taw Estuary (1959) Little Swift DEVON, SlaptonLey (1985unti116August) Red-rumped Swallow GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoirs (1973) Great Reed Warbler SUSSEX, Icklesham (1980) Subalpine Warbler ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1993 until 2 September); SHETLAND, Walls (1982) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1986 until 16 August), Foula (1987)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 203

Arctic Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Hartley (1962), Hauxley (1965); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1981) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Gorleston (3) (1968) Rose-coloured Starling DORSET, Dorchester (1970 until 16 August) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Foula (4) (1987), Fair Isle (3) (1987, 2 until 16 August)

16 August

Rock Bunting PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale Fort (1958) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Uisken (1986 until 18 August); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1974); OUTER HEBRIDES, Roareim, Flannan Islands (1959)

species 16, individuals 24

A return to form for White-winged Black Tern and two more Greenish Warblers on the Northern Isles. The fifth Roller of the month is found and only a single Nutcracker keeps the 1968 invasion crawling along. Squacco Heron OXFORDSHIRE, Stanton Harcourt (1975 until 22 August) Black Stork DUBLIN, Foxrock (1987) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1981 until 19 August); DURHAM, Billingham Reclamation Pond (1975); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1979) Baird's Sandpiper OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1994 until 20 August) Dowitcher sp, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, River Nith (1969) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1984 until 4 September) Wilson's Phalarope NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1987) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Sandwich Bay & Pegwell Bay (1973) Forster's Tern LANCASHIRE, Formby Point (1992)

204 - Rare Birds Day by Day

White-winged Black Tern GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1964 until 23 August); KENT, Dungeness (1968 & 1975 until 28 August); LANCASHIRE, Lea Marsh (1985); LONDoNIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1964 until 23 August); SUSSEX, Cuckmere Haven (1984 until 28 August) Roller SOMERSET, Kenn Moor (1976) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Bressay (1985) Greenish Warbler ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988 until 19 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Rollesby Broad (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Wadebridge (1965) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990)

17 August

species 22, individuals 38

Three immature White-billed Divers take up residence in one of the Scottish mainland's most northerly bays. The Little Crake in Hampshire is the first to be found since 1987; and Wexford claims a host of waders, including Ireland's first Pacific Golden Plover. An Arctic Warbler is an excellent find for a western county such as Somerset; and two more Nutcrackers are found in Norfolk in 1968. White-billed Diver CAITHNESS, Dunnet Bay (3) (1986 until 27 September) Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA-AREA FASTNET, 88km SW of Mizen Head (1985); AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (10) (1988) Little Bittern HERTFORDSHIRE, Wilstone Reservoir (1968) Black Kite DURHAM, Billingham (1994) Little Crake HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1994) Black-winged Stilt HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Diddington Reservoir (1965 until 24 August); YORKSHIRE, Wilsie (1986) American Golden Plover DERRY, Bann Estuary (1993 until 20 August); SCILLY, Gugh (1982) Pacific Golden Plover WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1986 until 23 August) White-rumped Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1985 until 1 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980) Baird's Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1985 until 24 August) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper BERKSHIRE, Manor Farm (1975 until 22 August); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1985) Great Snipe ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993) Marsh Sandpiper WEXFORD, North Slob (2) (1994, 1 until 21 August)

Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1980 until 4 September); DURHAM, Barmston Pond (1976 until 25 August); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1986 until 27 August) Spotted Sandpiper CORNWALL, Bussow Reservoir (1970 until 29 August) Bonaparte's Gull SUTHERLAND, Oldshoremore (1967) Whiskered Tern HAMPSHIRE, Hamble Estuary (1974); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1977) White-winged Black Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, River Delph (2) (1968, 1 until 18 August); DURHAM, Saltholme (1980); KENT, Dungeness (1984 until 23 August); WARWICKSHIRE, Rotton Park Reservoir (1977); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1991 until 24 August) Alpine Swift CHESHIRE, Compstall (1970) Arctic Warbler SOMERSET, Sand Point (1965) Bonelli's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1993) Lesser Grey Shrike ESSEX, Great Wakering (1989 until 27 August) Nutcracker NORFOLK, North Creake (1968), Titchwell (1968) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1972 until 19 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 205

18 August

species 25, individuals 44

The Little Shearwater is one of the few seen off the east coast further north than Yorkshire, whilst the Wilson's Petrel is the first of two off Bridges of Ross. An array of waders includes a Greater Sandplover in Scotland and Stilt Sandpiper in Kent, whilst the usual selection of terns is brightened up by two Sooty Terns found on this day. The Moustached Warbler is the most recent of the British records and the Dusky Warbler is exceptionally early. Little Shearwater NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1986) Wilson's Petrel CLARE, Bridges of Ross (1985) Night Heron KENT, Stodmarsh (1987) Black Stork SOMERSET, Shapwick Heath (1993) Black Kite DEVON, Teignmouth (1993) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Harty (1973 until 19 August); ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1977); SOMERSET, Farrington Gurney (1967) Greater Sandplover ABERDEENSHIRE, Don Estuary (1991 until 19 August) Least Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1984 until 25 August) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Blackrock Strand (1992 until 20 August) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cantley Beet Factory (1992 until 20 August); SUSSEX, Shoreham-bySea (1981 until 19 August) Stilt Sandpiper KENT, Cliffe (1987 until 25 August) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Swanscombe Marsh (1963 until 2 September) Terek Sandpiper DORSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1974) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1989 until 24 August) Wilson's Phalarope CLARE, Shannon Airport (1981 until 20 August); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1990 until 28 August)

206 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Weyboume (1973); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (2) (1992) Sooty Tern HAMPSHIRE, Fawley (1969); LONDON! MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1971) White-winged Black Tern ARMAGH, Oxford Island (1990); ESSEX, Shell Outfall (1968); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1971); KENT, Dungeness (1967 until 22 August), Harty Ferry (1973), Shellness (1979); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (3) (1976) Alpine Swift NORFOLK, Trimingham (1958); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1992) Moustached Warbler SUSSEX, Angmering (1979) Greenish Warbler ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988 until 19 August); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1994) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1974), Whalsay (1976) Dusky Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1980) Bonelli's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1959 until 5 September) Two-barred Crossbill ORKNEY, Evie (2) (1990 until 21 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1972 unti119 August)

19 August

species 23, individuals 43

A Black-browed Albatross off Wales and two Little Shearwaters off Ireland continues the run of exciting seabirds. The month's wader list takes a turn today with Britain's second Western Sandpiper (the first being in Shetland in 1956). A further ten White-winged Black Terns are found, whilst three Bonelli's Warblers vie for attention amidst the Greenish and Arctic Warblers. Black-browed Albatross PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1990) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1968) Little Bittern SUSSEX, Rye (1977 until 27 August) Night Heron KENT, Stodmarsh (1969) Blue-winged Teal WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1989 until 27 August) Red-footed Falcon ARGYLLSHIRE, Southend (1990) Black-winged Stilt CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1987) Pratincole sp. LANCASHIRE, Chapel Island (1973) American Golden Plover CORK, Barley Cove (1970 until 21 August) Western Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1969) White-rumped Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Docks Pools (1984) Baird's Sandpiper ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1972); NORFOLK, Snettisham (1993 until 22 August); SCILLY, Bryher (1967 until 20 August); WEXFORD, Bannow Bay (1976) Wilson's Phalarope LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1985 until 22 August) Caspian Tern GLAMORGAN, Blackpill (1973 until 21 August); SUSSEX, Weirwood Reservoir (1990)

White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1959 until 22 September); DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1975 until 20 August); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1960); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (2) (1978); NORFOLK, Cley (1986), Gillingham Marsh (1988 until 22 August); SOMERSET, Yeo Estuary (1979); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1961), Scaling Dam (1992) Citrine Wagtail SCILLY, Tresco (1993 until 21 August) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1962); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Bulcote (1976) Greenish Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1977 until 21 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 & 1979), Fetlar (1987) Arctic Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Foveran (1979) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1970); DORSET, Brownsea Island (1974); KENT, St Nicholas-at-Wade (1978) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1979 until 25 September) Two-barred Crossbill ORKNEY, Evie (1990 until 21 August) Black-headed Bunting KENT, Reculver (1973) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting KENT, St Margaret's Bay (1978); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 until 31 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 207

20 August

species 23, individuals 36

Soft-plumaged Petrel and Frigatebird will always brighten up countless hours seawatching. Two Spotted Sandpipers together is extraordinary, whilst two Thrush Nightingales are 'home-from-home' on Fair Isle and Booted Warbler joins the cast of warblers. Fair Isle begins to take a firm hold on autumn passerines. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. DOWN, St John's Point (1991) Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (5) (1987), up to 115km SW of Scilly (4) (1988), 49 54N 07 52W (1993) Frigatebird sp. ABERDEENSHIRE, Forvie (1960) Cattle Egret GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1974) Glossy Ibis PEMBROKESHIRE, Gann Estuary (1976) Blue-winged Teal WARWICKSHIRE, Brandon Marsh (1989 until 12 November) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Donmouth (1989 until 17 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper DORSET, East Fleet (1989 until 25 August); SCILLY, Tresco (1993 until 22 August) White-rumped Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1962 until 7 September); SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1990 until 26 August) Broad-billed Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Oldbury Power Station (1983 until 22 August) Marsh Sandpiper KENT, Cliffe (1979 until 25 August); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1984) Lesser Yellowlegs LANCASHIRE, Barrow-in-Furness (1971) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (2) (1978 until 23 August)

208 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Holywell (1965) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1987) White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Seal Sands (1977); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1964), Hanningfield Reservoir (1964 until 22 August); KENT, Dungeness (1963, 1971, 1977 until 22 August & 1979 until 25 August) Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Moray Basin (1966 until 23 October) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Noss (1985), Fair Isle (1986) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Wingham (1972) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977 until 27 August) Greenish Warbler DORSET, Portland (1977) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977) Bonelli's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1984) Penduline Tit SCILLY, Tresco (3) (1994 until 21 October)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Colonsay (1975); KERRY, Blennerville (1968); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973)

21 August

species 22, individuals 45

The Little Crake is the most recent Irish record and the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper only the third this century. Two Great Snipes see the start of this species' main period of records and two Lesser Yellowlegs continue this species' run of early autumn records. Nine Greenish Warblers, with an obvious east coast distribution, is one of the main highlights of the day, whilst two Bonelli's Warblers show their bias to southern localities. Three more Nutcrackers add to the 1968 invasion, including a single bird on Shetland. Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1973); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1976) Glossy Ibis SCILLY, Tresco (1978 until 17 September) Black Kite ESSEX, Great Wakering (1992) Little Crake CORK, Cape Clear Island (1977 until 22 August) White-rumped Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1986 until 22 August) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper DURHAM, Cowpen Marsh (1963 until 24 August) Great Snipe DURHAM, Cowpen Marsh (1976); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1969 until 23 August) Marsh Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1989 until 5 September); LONDON/MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1990 until 8 September) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Inchydoney (1979 until 22 August), Ballycotton (1987 until 22 August) Bonaparte's Gull CHESHIRE, Seacombe Ferry (1979) Gull-billed Tern CORNWALL, Marazion (1980); DORSET, Portland Bill (1961); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1962) Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Lackford Wildfowl Reserve (1987 until 22 August)

White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1977); HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch Harbour (1986); KENT, Dungeness (1981 until 26 August); WARWICKSHIRE, Kingsbury (1983) Subalpine Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1987 until 24 August) Greenish Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1977 until 22 August); EAST LOTHIAN, Barns Ness (1983 until 25 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1977 until 22 August); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1971 until 22 August), Wells (1976 until 22 August & 1977); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1977 until 27 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 24 August), Whalsay (1992); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1977 until 23 August) Bonelli's Warbler ISLE OF WIGHT, Binstead (1976); SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 22 August) Isabelline Shrike YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1977) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Kirby Cane (1968); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1968 until 23 August); SUFFOLK, Hollesley (1968 until 31 August) Rose-coloured Starling DORSET, Lodmoor (1964); NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1962 until 25 August) Two-barred Crossbill INVERNESS-SHIRE, Newtonmore (1959); SHETLAND, Foula (1959) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 26 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day


22 August

species 24, individuals 52

As the autumn migration gathers pace the number of species and individuals creeps up. Three Wilson's Phalaropes in Ireland and the west country is a good day total, as is the four Gull-billed Terns (including three in Kent in 1964). White-winged Black Terns continue the month's run, with this the third day in August that this species reaches double figures. Citrine Wagtail occurs for the third time this month, whilst another six Greenish Warblers are again confined to eastern and northern localities. The Bonelli's Warbler in Cork is the most recent Irish record and two more Two-barred Crossbills in 1987 make it past Shetland to Orkney. Wilson's Petrel ATSEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (15) (1987), up to 115km SW of Scilly (5) (1988) Little Bittern SURREY,Weybridge(1961) Black Stork HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1975) Red-footed Falcon YORKSHIRE, Mappleton (1979) Pratincole sp, SUFFOLK, Covehithe (1975) American Golden Plover DURHAM, Greatham Creek (1984) Semipalmated Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1982 until 25 August) White-rumped Sandpiper ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1977 until 23 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1993) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1982 until 13 September) Stilt Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1985) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Lough Beg (1989 until 24 August); SOMERSET, Steart (1978 until 30 August); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1985 until 27 September) Gull-billed Tern DEVON, Plym Estuary (1987 until 11 September); KENT, Dungeness (2) (1964), Stodmarsh (1964) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Sheringham (1993) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1970), Hanningfield Reservoir (1976 until 25 August); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1976

210 - Rare Birds Day by Day

until 24 August); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1984 & 1988), Stanpit Marsh (1992), Fleet Pond (1992); KENT, Dungeness (1966 (2), 1967 & 1978 until 23 August) Great Spotted Cuckoo CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1970) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1971); YORKSHIRE, Bamsley (1985) Citrine Wagtail ESSEX, King George V Reservoir (1994) Thrush Nightingale FIFE, Isle of May (1977 until 23 August) Greenish Warbler DURHAM, Marsden (1984 until 25 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1976); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1970), Fame Islands (1991); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1983 until 26 August), Whalsay (1992) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1984); NORFOLK, Holkham (1971) Nutcracker KENT, Foreness (1968 until 23 August); NORFOLK, Hemsby (1968 until 23 August); SUFFOLK, Covehithe (1968 until 15 September); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1970); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968) Rose-coloured Starling NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1983) Two-barred Crossbill ORKNEY, Finstown (2) (1987) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1975 until 29 August)

23 August

species 28, individuals 68

Today eventually sees the 1968 Nutcracker irruption get into gear, with 20 new birds found in East Anglia: Suffolk receives 15 with Essex seeing its first of the autumn. A Yellow-breasted Bunting arrives on cue, but is particularly noteable as it is away from Shetland. Albatross sp. CORNWALL, Marazion (1964) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA FASTNET, 40km SE of Dursey Island (46) (1974), 64km SW Mizen Head (1986); AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, 40km SW of Bishop Rock (1987), up to 115 km SW of Scilly (2) (1988) Little Bittern SUSSEX, Rye (1977) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Latchington (1992 until 29 August); STAFFORDSHIRE, Breward (1977) Little Crake CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1968 until 3 September) Black-winged Stilt ANGLESEY (YNYS MaN),Newborough

Caspian Tern SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966), Benacre (1977)

Broad-billed Sandpiper NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Nottingham Sewage Farm (1961 until 26 August) Dowitcher sp. WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1990 until 26 August) Marsh Sandpiper ORKNEY, Bridesness Loch (1979) Greater Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 24 August) Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Ponsandane (1962 until 25

White-winged Black Tern DERBYSHIRE, Staunton Harold Reservoir (1968 until 24 August); DORSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1977 until 25 August); KENT, Lydd (1979 until 25 August); LANCASHIRE, Crossens Marsh (1968); LINCOLNSHIRE, Bardney (1966 until 7 September), Covenham Reservoir (1992 until 2 September); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1977); SUSSEX, Rye Harbour (1971); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1977) Alpine Swift CORK, Cape Clear Island (1987); DEVON, Lundy (1976) Thrush Nightingale KENT, Sandwich Bay (1968) Great Reed Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1971) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1985 until 24 August) Sardinian Warbler SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1976 until 30 October) Greenish Warbler KINCARDINESHlRE, Girdle Ness (1992 until 24 August); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1976), Skegness (1977); SHETLAND, Geosetter (1992); YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1973 until 24 August) Bonelli's Warbler BERKSHIRE, Small Mead Farm Gravel Pit (1975); DEVON, Middle Soar (1986 until 26 August) Isabelline Shrike SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 24 August)

August), Stithians Reservoir (1980); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1987)

Lesser Grey Shrike DORSET, Bere Regis (1965)


Black-winged Pratincole NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ecton Sewage Farm (1959)

American Golden Plover GALWAY, Rahasane (1983) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1984 until 15 September); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1977)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 211

Nutcracker ESSEX, Parkeston (1968), Walton-on-theNaze (2) (1968 until 2 September); NORFOLK, Gorleston (2) (1968); SUFFOLK, Leiston (1968 until 30 August), Tunstall Common (2) (1968, 1 until 24 August), Eyke (6) (1968, 1 until 30 August), Rendlesham Forest (4) (1968), Capel St Andrew (1968 until 7 September), Sudboume (1968) Rose-coloured Starling LINCOLNSHIRE, South Witham (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1968 until 25 August)

24 August

Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) Yellow-breasted Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1976) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting NORFOLK, Wolferton (1988); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 28 August)

species 30, individuals 68

Ireland's top seawatching sites continue the run of extremely rare seabirds with the month's fourth record of an unidentified Soft-plumaged Petrel (involving two birds) and an unidentified Frigatebird. American waders still prevail at several Irish sites, whilst noteable British waders include a long-staying Greater Yellowlegs, a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper and an inland Solitary Sandpiper, although Britain's second Little Whimbrel overshadows them all. White-winged Black Terns set another day record and the 1968 Nutcracker invasion continues to gather pace and spreads south to Surrey and west to Berkshire. The Yellow Warbler in Orkney is the earliest autumn date for an American warbler. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. CORK, Mizen Head (2) (1994) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (1987) Frigatebird sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1973) Little Bittern YORKSHIRE, Catcliffe (1967) Black Stork CORNWALL, St Buryan (1993) Glossy Ibis NORFOLK, Hockering (1977) Blue-winged Teal SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 9 September) Black Kite NORFOLK, Burnham Deepdale (1980), Stiftkey (1992) American Golden Plover CORK, Douglas Estuary (1991 until 1 September); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988 until 30 August)

212 - Rare Birds Day by Day

White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1987 until 30 August); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1990 until 30 August); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1974 until 28 August) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, Holbeach Marsh (1985) Great Snipe LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1984) Long-billed Dowitcher DOWN, Strand Lough (1993 until 27 August) Little Whimbrel NORFOLK, Blakeney, Cley & Salthouse area (1985 until 3 September) Greater Yellowlegs SCILLY, Tresco (1975 until 3 September) Lesser Yellowlegs DERRY, Bann Estuary (1981 until 1 September); DEVON, Braunton (1966 until 25 August) Solitary Sandpiper NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Nottingham Sewage Farm (1962 until 1 September)

Spotted Sandpiper GLAMORGAN, Aberthaw (1974 until 25 August) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Cape Clear Island (1974), Lough Beg (1987 until 29 August) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960), Rye Harbour (1975) White-winged Black Tern DERRY, Bann Estuary (1976); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1992 until 31 August); HERTFORDSHIRE, Wilstone Reservoir (1994 until 27 August); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1969); LINCOLNSHIRE, Killingholme (1958 until 26 August); NORFOLK, Lynn Point (1984 until 27 August); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit (1971 until 31 August); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1980); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1977); SUSSEX, Arlington Reservoir (1971), Oving Gravel Pit (1975 until 30 August); WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1970 until 25 August) Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland (1986) Citrine Wagtail SURREY, Beddington Sewage Farm (1993 until 28 August) Fan-tailed Warbler NORFOLK, Cley (1976) River Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1981)

25 August

Greenish Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Collieston (2) (1994, 1 until 27 August, 1 until 29 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 25 August & 1992 until 26 August); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1987 until 28 August) Arctic Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1968 until 31 August); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982) Nutcracker BERKSHIRE, Crowthorne (1968); KENT, Dover (4) (1968); NORFOLK, Brancaster (1968); SUFFOLK, Hollesley (1968 until 27 August), Butley River (1968), Minsmere (2) (1968), Boyton Marshes (2) (1968 until 25 August); SURREY, South Croydon (1968 until 7 September) Rose-coloured Starling SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1984 until 26 August); SUTHERLAND, Durness (1989 until 30 September) Yellow Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992) Black-headed Bunting ESSEX, Bromley-by-Bow (1986) CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake & Blagdon Lake (1984 until 5 January 1985) Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fetlar (1970 until 31 August)

species 22, individuals 48

Today is the second day of the month to see Greenish Warbler hit double figures, with Norfolk receiving half, whilst four Nutcrackers add to the 1968 numbers and reach as far west as Cornwall. White-billed Diver EAST LOTHIAN, Gosford Bay, Aberlady Bay & Gullane Bay (1991 until 30 August, joining first individual found on 31 July) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA FASTNET, 20km south of

Little Bittern DORSET, Radipole Lake (1981 until 4 September); KENT, Cliffe (1976) American Wigeon KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1969) Blue-winged Teal NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Thrapston Gravel Pit

Cape Clear (2) (1993); AT SEA, SEA-AREA

(1985 until 13 September)

SOLE, 49 13N 06 39W (1993)

King Eider SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1983)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 213

Black-winged Pratincole NORFOLK, Cley & Salthouse (1974 until 28 August) Semipalmated Sandpiper DONEGAL, Culoort Bay (1989) Least Sandpiper CORNWALL, Landulph (1991) White-rumped Sandpiper LINCOLNSHIRE, River We11and (1985); SHETLAND, Virkie (1981 until 30 August) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Salthouse (1972) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1987 until 27 August) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Cape Clear Island (1991 until 28 August); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1982 until 31 August) Wilson's Phalarope DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1987 until 27 August); KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Kirkgunzeon (1972 until 3 September) Laughing Gull ARMAGH, Reedy Flats (1994) White-winged Black Tern HAMpSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1979); KENT, Dungeness (1974 until 8 September); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1970 & 1977); NORFOLK, Lynn Point (1968); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1966 until 7 September); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1975), Blacktoft Sands (1977 until 26 August)

214 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Alpine Swift LONDON/MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1977); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1974) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Seafield (1994 until 26 August) Great Reed Warbler SOMERSET, Somerset Levels (1969) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 2 September) Greenish Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1987); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1981), Reculver (1990); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1983 & 1987 until 28 August), Scolt Head (1984), Blakeney Point (1987 until 30 August & 1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 2 September); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1990 until 28 August) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1994 until 7 September); SUSSEX, Hodcombe (1970); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1984 until 2 September) Nutcracker CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1968); KENT, Quex Park (1968 until 9 September); SUFFOLK, Martlesham Creek (1968); SUSSEX, Hailsham (1968 until 31 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1962); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974)

26 August

species 30, individuals 57

Two albatrosses together is exceptional with Ireland also accounting for both Softplumaged Petrel and Little Shearwater. Land records of Wilson's Petrels are few, so today's record of two birds seen from Cornwall is impressive. Three Black Storks make today the joint best day for this species, whilst waders include an impressive four Wilson's Phalaropes from widely scattered sites. A Roller brightens up a west London park and the two Bonelli's Warblers include one of only 14 to reach Ireland. In 1968, Nutcrackers reach Wales and the month's second Yellow-breasted Bunting is again found away from Fair Isle. Albatross sp. CORK, Castletownsend (2) (1968) Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1993) Wilson's Petrel CORNWALL, St Ives (2) (1986); AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW ofScilly (1987) Little Bittern LINCOLNSHIRE, Birchwood (1976 until 27 August) Black Stork ISLE OF WIGHT, Bembridge (1993 until 4 September); OUTER HEBRIDES, Valley Strand (1974 until 30 August); SUSSEX, Cissbury (1991) Black Kite YORKSHIRE, Saltend, Hull (1986) Pacific Golden Plover CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1994) White-rumped Sandpiper DUBLIN, Dun Laoghaire (2) (1959); NORFOLK, Pentney Gravel Pit (1985 until 30 August) Baird's Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1966 until 12 September) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 27 August & 1992) Long-billed Dowitcher AYRSHIRE, Cunninghamehead (1988 until 27 August) Dowitcher sp. YORKSHIRE, Settle (1967 until 27 August) Marsh Sandpiper ESSEX,

Chigwell Sewage Farm (1966)

Lesser Yellowlegs SCILLY, St Marys (1992 until 22 September)

Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (1981 until 5 September); DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1985 until 10 September); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1975 until 6 September); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1979 until 27 August) Gull-billed Tern SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1963) Caspian Tern ESSEX, King George V Reservoir (1961 until 27 August); NORFOLK, Cley (1980) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Hook's Fleet (1962), Grain (1984 unti14 September); PEMBROKESHIRE, Llanstadwell (1986); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1971); SUSSEX, Pett Level (1992) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1975) Roller LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Osterley Park (1968 until 27 August) Thrush Nightingale SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1984 until 1 September) Greenish Warbler NORFOLK, Holme (1968), Waxham (2) (1987, 1 until 27 August); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1984 until 29 August); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992 until 28 August); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1986 until 28 August), Bempton (1987 until 28 August) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 27 August), Sumburgh (1993) Bonelli's Warbler

CORK, Cape Clear Island (1980); KENT, Grain (1990 until 27 August)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 215

Nutcracker CARMARTHENSHIRE, Henllan (2) (1968 until 31 August); ESSEX, Brightlingsea (1968); KENT, Springhead (1963), Broadstairs (1968 until 27 August), Sandwich Bay (1968 until 31 August) Rose-coloured Starling YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984)

27 August

Two-barred Crossbill ORKNEY, Sandwick (1990 until 27 August) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1968) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1991 until 31 August)

species 26, individuals 72

Waders again do extremely well with five White-rumped Sandpipers and, following yesterday's four individuals, Wilson's Phalarope goes one better today. Even more incredible are the four Spotted Sandpipers found on this day, including one in east Yorkshire. Eleven White-winged Black Terns again lifts the species' monthly total, whilst four Citrine Wagtails, shared between Cornwall and Shetland, is also impressive. The Olivaceous Warbler in Dorset is only the seventh for Britain, but amazingly the third for Portland, highlighting the credentials of this south coast locality as one of the country's top migrant sites. The nine Greenish Warblers are again in very predictable places and of the four Yellow-breasted Buntings found today, three are on Fair Isle - where else? Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1966); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1977) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (6) (1988) Black Stork CORNWALL, St Buryan (1991); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1977) Glossy Ibis DORSET, Nyland (1977 until 30 August) Blue-winged Teal WEXFORD, North Slob (1971) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Lundy (1975 until 28 August); YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1973) Black-winged Stilt DUBLIN, Bull Island (1989) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1982 until 29 August) White-rumped Sandpiper AYRSHIRE, Barassie (1994 until 29

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1983 until 28 August) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Salthouse (1966); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Girton (1989 until 2 September) Lesser Yellowlegs CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes area (1974 until 18 September); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968 until 28 August) Spotted Sandpiper GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1973 until 14 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1974 until 11 September); SOMERSET, Durleigh Reservoir (1968 until 4 September); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1981) Wilson's Phalarope CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1979 until 28 August); DEVON, Lundy (1992 until 1 September); KENT, Dungeness (2) (1979); LANCASHIRE, Hundred End (1967 until 17 September)


Bonaparte's Gull


Hanningfield Reservoir

(1964); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1984 until 28 August); KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1977); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1983 until 28 August)

216 - Rare Birds Day by Day

ESSEX, Hadleigh Marsh (1994); OUTER HEBRIDES, Ardivachar (1989) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Weyboume (1966); SUSSEX, Rye (1978)

White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1979); CARDIGANSHIRE, Dyfi Estuary (1980); ESSEX, Walthamstow Reservoir (1973), West Thurrock (1990 until 6 September); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Purton (1960); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1966); NORFOLK, Cley (1968 until 8 September); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1979 until 28 August); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1966 until 30 August), Cheddar Reservoir (1968 until 8 September); SUSSEX, Pert Pools (1977 until 10 September) Citrine Wagtail CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1984), Marazion (1986); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 30 August & 1993 until 31 August) Great Reed Warbler CORNWALL, Marazion (1977) Olivaceous Warbler DORSET, Portland (1967) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1994) Subalpine Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968)

28 August

Greenish Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1993 until 28 August); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1972 until 28 August & 1987 until 28 August); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1986); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988), Norwick (1990); SUFFOLK, between Minsmere & Sizewell (1990 until 30 August); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1984), Boulby Cliffs (1987 until 31 August) Bonelli's Warbler WEXFORD, Hook Head (1983 until 28 August) Lesser Grey Shrike YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1966) Nutcracker ESSEX, Dovercourt (1968), East Mersea (1968 until 3 September); NORFOLK, Holkham (3) (1968) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 28 August, 1987 until 28 August & 1990 until 29 August), Skaw (1994 until 28 August) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1976)

species 32, individuals 71

Another impressive cast of waders led by Britain's second Long-toed Stint, also includes two Black-winged Pratincoles, three American Golden Plovers, Solitary Sandpiper and two more Wilson's Phalaropes. Two Red-rumped Swallows are found in Kent; there is another crop of Greenish Warblers down the east coast and the two Arctic Warblers on this day turn up a few miles apart in the same year. Fair Isle is again outdone on Yellow-breasted Buntings but makes up with a couple of Two-barred Crossbills. Little Shearwater KERRY, Brandon Point (2) (1965) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, near Little Sole Bank, 48 25N 08 24W (1991) Little Bittern NORFOLK, Barton Broad (1963) Night Heron AYRSHIRE, Craigie Park (1992 until 11 September); KENT, Sevenoaks (1989 until 3 September); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1990)

Black Stork SCILLY, St Agnes (1985 until 29 August) Black Kite DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Lochanhead (1987) Red-footed Falcon YORKSHIRE, Wintersett (1976 until 1 September) Black-winged Pratincole ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1960 until 14 September); SOMERSET, Blagdon Lake (1993)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 217

American Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1982); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1975 until 1 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1983 until 29 August) Long-toed Stint DURHAM, Saltholme (1982 until 1 September) White-rumped Sandpiper DUBLIN, Sandymount (1983 until 2 September); NORFOLK, Holme (1977 until 2 September & 1981 until 4 September) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1976) Lesser Yellowlegs NORFOLK, Snettisham (1984) Solitary Sandpiper CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1980 until 1 September) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Lisagriffin (1982); NORFOLK, Snettisham (1987 until 3 September) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1977) White-winged Black Tern BEDFORDSHIRE, Stewartby Lake (1967 until 4 September); KENT, Murston (1959 until 29 August), Dungeness (1970 (3) until 5 September & 1978 until 3 September), Minnis Bay (1988 until 6 September); NORFOLK, Holme (2) (1971); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1972), Chew Valley Lake (1984 until 1 September); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1976); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1966 until 29 August) Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland (1985) Roller LANARKSHIRE, Dolphinton (1983) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Murston (1959), Bough Beech Reservoir (1972) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Agnes (1976); SHETLAND, Fair

Thrush Nightingale NORTHUMBERLAND, Wallsend (1981) Great Reed Warbler ESSEX, Fambridge (2) (1959 until 29 August) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 until 17 September) Subalpine Warbler SUTHERLAND, Dumess (1989) Sardinian Warbler SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1994 until 29 September) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1992); NORFOLK, Paston (1987), Stiftkey (1987), Holkham Meals (1993); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1986 until 31 August); SHETLAND, Whalsay (2) (1988); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1968 until 1 September), Redcar (1986 until 30 August), Filey Brigg (1987) Arctic Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge (1966 until 29 August), High Hauxley (1966 until 31 August) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968); CORNWALL, Land's End (1989); SUSSEX, Rye (1979 until 1 September) Nutcracker KENT, Mersham (1968), Gravesend (1968) Rose-coloured Starling INVERNESS-SHIRE, Fort William (1975 until 29 August) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 & 1990) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1966); SHETLAND, Boddam (1988 until 31 August)

Isle (1987); WEXFORD, Great Saltee

SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966)


218 - Rare Birds Day by Day

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1960 until 29 August);

29 August

species 27, individuals 55

The unidentified Golden Plover in Ireland is odds-on to be an American rather than a Pacific. The Black-billed Cuckoo is the earliest on record and one of four found in 1982. Greenish Warblers today include Ireland's third record. The Yellow Warbler is the first British record and the Northern Waterthrush is the earliest ever and only the fifth (and most recent) record for Britain. Three more Yellowbreasted Buntings include two on Fair Isle. Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1966) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA FASTNET, 13km SW of Mizen Head (1987); AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (5) (1987) Night Heron NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1987) American Wigeon SURREY, Surrey Docks (1973) Black Kite DEVON, Brixham (1984), Soar Mill Cove (1986) Oriental Pratincole SUSSEX, Pevensey Levels (1993 until 30 August) PacificlAmerican Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1994 until 30 August) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1977); SCILLY, St Marys (1990); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1985 until 14 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper MORAYSHIRE, Lossiemouth (1967) Dowitcher sp. ESSEX, Bradwell (1977); LANCASHIRE, Withington Sewage Farm (1964); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Undy (1976) Lesser Yellowlegs HAMpSHIRE, Dibden (1977 until 9 September) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1983); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1987); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (2) (1979); SCILLY, St Marys (1971 until 7 September) Gull-billed Tern CORNWALL, St Ives (1967); KENT, Dungeness (1967); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1971)

Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, Kettleness (1972) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1983 until 30 August); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1978 until 4 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth Pier (1988); SUSSEX, Pett Pools (1975 until 30 August) Black-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Agnes (1982) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Crantock (1985); PEMBROKESHIRE, Llanrhian (1961) Red-rumped Swallow CAERNARVONSHIRE, Mynydd Rhiw (1990) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959 until 31 August) Greenish Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1987); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1961); NORFOLK, Holme (1976 until 3 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1976 until 30 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969), Kergord (1988); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1976), Flamborough Head (1987 until 30 August) Arctic Warbler YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Bonelli's Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1989 until 31 August); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1972) Lesser Grey Shrike EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1971 until 11 September) Nutcracker HERTFORDSHIRE, Hitchin (2) (1968 until 30 August); SUFFOLK, Dunwich (1968)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 219

Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Cape Clear Island (1991 until 22 October) Yellow Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1964) Northern Waterthrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1989 until 30 August) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1979); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 3 September & 1989 until 6 September)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1959 until 31 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958)

30 August

species 30, individuals 66

Two Black Storks include a wide ranging individual for a week in Shropshire. Three Baird's Sandpipers is an excellent day total and includes one in East Anglia; and five Wilson's Phalaropes are seen at widely scattered sites. The wader of the day however, is undoubtedly the first Little Whimbrel for Britain, which stayed for a whole week allowing many birdwatchers to enjoy this Siberian gem. The Northern Mockingbird in Cornwall is the first record for Britain and the Western Palearctic. Greenish, Arctic and Bonelli's Warblers give the day an autumnal flavour. Black-browed Albatross CORNWALL, Gwennap Head (1988) Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA HEBRIDES, Little Minch, Skm SE of Rennish Point, Isle of Harris (1988)

Black Stork SHROPSHIRE, Upper Teme Valley (1990 until 6 September); DEVON, Crediton (1991)

American Wigeon WILTSHIRE, confluence of Rivers Frome & Avon (2) (1976) Blue-winged Teal DURHAM, Reclamation Pond (1994 until 29 September) American Golden Plover ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990 until 2 September) White-rumped Sandpiper CLARE, Shannon Estuary (2) (1969); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973 until 31 August)

Broad-billed Sandpiper KENT, Harty (1970); LANCASHIRE, Inner Ribble Marshes (1969 until 31 August) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 7 September) Long-billed Dowitcher YORKSHIRE, John O'Gaunts Reservoir (1976 until 11 September) Dowitcher sp. KENT, Milton Creek (1966) Little Whimbrel GLAMORGAN, Sker Point (1982 until 6 September) Lesser Yellowlegs DEVON, Torridge Estuary (1959); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1969 until 8 September) Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1985) Wilson's Phalarope, BERKSHIRE, Lovell's Lake, Hurst (1987); CORK, Ballycotton (1992 until 5 September); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary

Baird's Sandpiper

(1977 until 4 September);

DEVON, Dawlish Warren & Bowling Green Marsh (1993 until 31 August); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem (1966 until 31 August); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1967 until 13 September)

DUNBARTONSHIRE, Ardmore (1962 until 1 September); FLINTSHIRE, Dee Estuary (1959 until 4 September) Laughing Gull NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (2) (1975)

220 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Gull-billed Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1967) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, New Brighton (1971); DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1976); KENT, Dungeness (1976 until 31 August), Lydd (1984 until 15 September); LANCASHIRE, Inner Ribble Marshes (1969 until 3 September); LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1974 until 10 September & 1977 until 11 September); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1977) Citrine Wagtail HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1993 until 2 September) Northern Mockingbird CORNWALL, Saltash (1982) Black-eared Wheatear NORFOLK, Salthouse (1965 until 14 September) Blyth's Reed Warbler YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1975) Greenish Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1963); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1966), Tynemouth (1974); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1961 until 31 August); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Arctic Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1967 until 31 August); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 1 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 4 September)

31 August

Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1981 until 1 September); GLAMORGAN, Lavemock Point (1963); NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1974 until 2 September) Isabelline Shrike SUFFOLK, Benacre (1976) Lesser Grey Shrike YORKSHIRE, Spum (1969 until 7 September), Easington (1981 until 8 September) Nutcracker GLAMORGAN, Whiteford Plantation (1968); KENT, Doddington (1968 until 11 September); NORFOLK, Bircham Newton (1968); SUFFOLK, Covehithe (1968 until 7 September) Rose-coloured Starling DORSET, Portland (1989 until 14 April 1990) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 & (2) 1980 until 31 August); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1966 until 2 September); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1969)

species 26, individuals 55

The month closes with another array of waders (particularly Nearctic species) with Ireland and west coast British sites doing well. Semipalmated Sandpipers rarely turn up in twos, whilst the record of a freshly dead Red-necked Stint is the first record of a juvenile in Britain. Seven Wilson's Phalaropes makes this one of the best days for the species. The Forster's Tern is known to be a new bird as it joined the regular adult in the area, whilst three White-winged Black Terns is a low day total for this species after recent weeks (but the month total ends with a staggering 205 birds, although some duplication may have occurred in the busier years). Three Citrine Wagtails include two birds in Scotland and a Blyth's Reed Warbler is a good find as far south as Northumberland. The first ever female Riippell's Warbler is only the fourth British record; three of the four birds have been adults. Little Shearwater YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978)

Wilson's Petrel AT SEA, SEA-AREA SOLE, up to 115km SW of Scilly (13) (1987), up to 115km SW of Scilly (3) (1988)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 221

Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1976 until 16 September), Tamar Lakes (1989); ROSS-SHIRE, Tarradale (1975) Black Kite SCILLY, St Marys (1986) Black-winged Pratincole KENT, New Downs (1969 until 4 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, The Cull (2) (1986 until 8 September) Red-necked Stint SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994) White-rumped Sandpiper ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1985); CORK, Ballycotton (1968); ESSEX, Heybridge Gravel Pit (1972); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1985 until 1 September) Baird's Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 1 September); CORNWALL, Ruan Lanihom (1980 until 2 September); GLAMORGAN, Whitford Point (1975); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1979); SCILLY, Tresco (1977 until 12 September) Dowitcher sp. WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1983) Lesser Yellowlegs SUTHERLAND, Domoch Firth (1980) Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1987); DURHAM, Long Drag Pool & Dormans Pool (2) (1979, 1 until 1 September, 1 until 3 September); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1985); SUFFOLK, Levington (1980 until 2 September); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1969), Tacumshin (1984 until 30 September) Laughing Gull SHETLAND, Lerwick (1989 until 8 September) Forster's Tern FLINTSHIRE, Gronant (1987 until 20 September)

Alpine Swift DORSET, Durlston Country Park (1985); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1985) Citrine Wagtail EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1985); SCILLY, St Marys (1986 until 4 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 2 September) Blyth's Reed Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1991 until 1 September) Booted Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1975 until 1 September) Riippell's Warbler NORFOLK, Holme (1992 until 4 September) Greenish Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1989); LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1981); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1960 &

White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Portland (1980); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1979 until 5

White Pelican

September); PEMBROKESHIRE, Gann Estuary (1973)

222 - Rare Birds Day by Day


Arctic Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1991 until 2 September); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992)

Bonelli's Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1991) Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1968), Blythburgh (1968 until 7 September) Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Cape Clear Island (1961 until 8 September); ORKNEY, Wyre (1982 until 7 September); SUTHERLAND, Scourie (1972 until 25 September); YORKSHIRE, Hutton Rudby (1975) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1974 until 5 September) Black-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1958 until 5 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES NORFOLK, Breydon Water (3) (1971)

August species at a glance White-billed Diver Black-browed Albatross Albatross sp. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. Bulwer's Petrel Little Shearwater Wilson's Petrel Frigatebird sp. Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Black Stork Glossy Ibis American Wigeon Blue-winged Teal King Eider Black Kite Red-footed Falcon Eleonora's Falcon Little Crake Baillon's Crake Black-winged Stilt Collared Pratincole Oriental Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Pratincole sp. Greater Sandplover American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Pacific/American Golden Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Red-necked Stint Long-toed Stint Least Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher

6 7 3 7 1 17 4 2 15 15 1 2 4 15 6 5 13 2 13 19 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 9 7 2 18 6 2 12 1 1 1 7 90 25 7 7 9 12 10

Dowitcher sp.


Dusky Warbler

Little Whimbrel Marsh Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs

2 16 3

Bonelli's Warbler Penduline Tit Isabelline Shrike

Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Terek Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Lesser Crested Tern Forster's Tern Bridled Tern Sooty Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Great Spotted Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo Snowy Owl Hawk Owl Pallid Swift Alpine Swift Little Swift Roller Red-romped Swallow Red-throated Pipit Citrine Wagtail Northern Mockingbird Rufous Bush Chat Thrush Nightingale Black-eared Wheatear Fan-tailed Warbler River Warbler Moustached Warbler Blyth's Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Olivaceous Warbler Booted Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Riippell's Warbler Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler

33 5 4 14 54 7

3 5 3 1 36 40 1 3 2 3 4 205 4 1 2

1 1 30 1 7

4 3 12 1 1 9 1 1

1 1 3 11 1 6 10 2 2

104 25 1 31 3 3

Rare Birds Day by Day - 223

Lesser Grey Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Spanish Sparrow Two-barred Crossbill Trumpeter Finch Yellow Warbler Northern Waterthrush Pine Bunting Rock Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Black-headed Bunting

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals

224 - Rare Birds Day by Day


94 44 1 35 1 2 1 1 1 17 12 110 1355

CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican Marbled Duck Saker Red-headed Bunting Indigo Bunting

3 2

1 36 1


Rare Birds Day by Day - 225

1 September

species 33, individuals 72

The White-billed Diver is one of only three to be found during September; the Black Duck is a good inland find and the earliest autumn record, and also the earliest autumn finds of Killdeer and Upland Sandpiper. Along with 13 September, today is the joint best day for Solitary Sandpiper. The Black-and-white Warbler is the earliest autumn record of this spectacular and extremely rare Nearctic vagrant. White-billed Diver NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1994) Night Heron DURHAM, Witton-Ie-Wear (1977) American Wigeon CORNWALL, Loe Pool (1991 until 4 September) Black Duck YORKSHIRE, Broomfleet Ponds (1986) Blue-winged Teal OFFALY, Banagher (1960) Red-footed Falcon SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973 until 5 September) Killdeer DUBLIN, Bull Island (1980 until 3 September) American Golden Plover SHETLAND, Foula (1990 until 2 September) Pacific Golden Plover YORKSHIRE, Bempton Cliffs (1975) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1989 until 4 September) White-rumped Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Freckleton (1981) Baird's Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1975); LINCOLNSHIRE, Bardney (1966 until 8 September) Stilt Sandpiper SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1962 until 7 September) Upland Sandpiper PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale Airfield (1975) Solitary Sandpiper ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1974 until 6 September); SCILLY, Bryher (1988) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1984); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1980); NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1985)

226 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Bacton (1991) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Roche's Point (1970); DOWN, Belfast Harbour Pools (1993); DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1985); HAMPSHIRE, Hayling Island (1964), Stanpit Marsh (1991 until 3 September); KENT, Lower Hope Point (1962), Dungeness (1972 until 11 September); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1993 until 3 September); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1973); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1979); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1987); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1974 until 13 September) Alpine Swift CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1987) Red-throated Pipit WEXFORD, Great Saltee (3) (1958 until 7 September) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 2 September & 1994 until 4 September) Thrush Nightingale ORKNEY, Deemess (1992) Sardinian Warbler NORFOLK, Weyboume (1980 until 5 October) Greenish Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Collieston (1991 until 2 September); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1972 until 3 September & 1991), Wells (1972 until 3 September & 1994 until 5 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1974); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1981); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1974 until 5 September) Arctic Warbler DONEGAL, Tory Island (1960); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1993 until 2 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959, 1962 & 1993 until 6 September), Sumburgh (1978 until 2 September)

Bonelli's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1962 unti12 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1986); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1962 until 16 September) Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Potter Heigham (1991 until 8 September) Nutcracker ESSEX, West Mersea (1968); KENT, Worth (1968); NORFOLK, Holkham (1968), Titchwell (1968) Rose-coloured Starling NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Watnall (1958); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 unti114 September)

2 September

Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986) Black-and-white Warbler CORNWALL, Penryn (1982) Rustic Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (2) (1966) Yellow-breasted Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1983); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until '4 September & 1983)

species 30, individuals 61

Three Little Shearwaters from a single site on the same day is exceptional, even by Ireland's high standards. The 'Boreal' Eider found dead in Scotland is the sole British record of the North American race of Eider Somateria mollissima borealis. Three Gull-billed Terns start the September run of 25 birds, but it is Britain's second Royal Tern, seen briefly off Cornwall, that takes star billing, although Britain's sixth Rufous Bush Chat at Butlin's in Lincolnshire comes a close second. The Isle of May shows that Fair Isle is not the only site where Yellow-breasted Bunting is something of a speciality. Black-browed Albatross CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967) Little Shearwater KERRY, Brandon Point (3) (1966) Night Heron SUSSEX, Rye (1975 until 4 September); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1977) Boreal Eider MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1978) Red-footed Falcon YORKSHIRE, Ingbirchworth Reservoir (1983 until 2 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1975 until 20 September) Least Sandpiper GLAMORGAN, Aberthaw (1972) White-rumped Sandpiper ESSEX, Two Tree Island (1984 until 4 September)

Greater Yellowlegs ANTRIM, Lough Neagh (1962) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1975); DEVON, Kingsbridge Estuary (1958); SCILLY, Tresco (1973 until 17 September) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 3 September); CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1963), Crowdy Reservoir & Davidstow Aerodrome (1977 until 11 September); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn Pools (1976) Laughing Gull SOMERSET, Burnham-on-Sea (1988 until 29 September) Bonaparte's Gull NORFOLK, Bacton Gap (1967) Gull-billed Tern HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch Harbour (1959);

Stilt Sandpiper

KENT, Sandwich Bay (1962 until 4

ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1973) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Whalsay (1988)

September); NORFOLK, Bacton Gap (1967)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 227

Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1988), Brandesburton (1989) Royal Tern CORNWALL,StIves(1971) White-winged Black Tern ARMAGH, Kinnego Bay, Lough Neagh (1985 until 4 September); DURHAM, Jarrow Slake (1979); LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1976 until 5 September); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1967 until 8 September); NORFOLK, Cley (1966 until 6 September); SUSSEX, Pett Pools (1977 until 3 September) Alpine Swift DORSET, Swanage (1963 until 3 September); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1980) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 4 September) Rufous Bush Chat LINCOLNSHIRE, Ingoldmells (1963 until 9 September) Thrush Nightingale LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1984) Great Reed Warbler DORSET, Radipole Lake (1971) Booted Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1991 until 6 September)

3 September

Greenish Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1981); NORFOLK, Wells (1972); ORKNEY, Holm (1988), Stronsay (2) (1988) Arctic Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Forvie (1958); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1979); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1981 until 6 September) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1961 until 3 September); KENT, Dungeness (1963); SCILLY, St Agnes (1975); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1991 until 3 September) Nutcracker KENT, Fordwich (1968); NORFOLK, Watton (1968), Hemsby (1968 until 5 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1974 until 5 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 3 September & 1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Chestnut Bunting SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1994 until 5 September) Red-headed Bunting WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1959)

species 33, individuals 64

Three Little Shearwaters and two Wilson's Petrels highlight just how good the month is for seawatching. Waders are again well represented including Ireland's first record of the remarkably rare Western Sandpiper. Of the seix Baird's Sandpipers, the Essex individual is the only one not to be typically western in its chosen location, whilst the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper is unfortunately familiarly brief in its stay. Britain's third Crag Martin appears only a year after the first two, but in a different season and much further north than the 1988 birds. Booted Warbler struggles for attention amongst the Arctic and Greenish Warblers, and the Blyth's Reed Warbler is the first for Lincolnshire and at the time the most southerly east coast record of this extremely rare Acrocephalus. Albatross sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968) Little Shearwater SOMERSET, Hinkley Point (1988); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (2) (1978)

228 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Wilson's Petrel CORNWALL, St Ives (1983); PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1986) Little Bittern HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1966)

Black Duck CORK, Lissagriffin (1994 until 15 October) Blue-winged Teal LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1992 until 6 September); SHETLAND, Wester Loch (1983 until 23 September) Pratincole sp. SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1975) Sociable Plover NORFOLK, Welney (1977 until 25 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1983 until 4 September) Western Sandpiper WEXFORD, North Slob (1992 until 6 September) Least Sandpiper CORNWALL, College Reservoir (1983 until 9 September) White-rumped Sandpiper ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1967); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1986); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1971 until 6 September) Baird's Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 8 September), Lisagritfin (1988); CORNWALL, Siblyback Reservoir (1983 until 18 September); ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1977); ISLE OF WIGHT, West High Down (1988 until 5 September); KERRY, Blackrock Strand (1994 until 5 September) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper DURHAM, Seal Sands (1977) Great Snipe KENT, Sevenoaks (1975 until 15 September) Marsh Sandpiper CAITHNESS, Dunnet Bay (1966 until 5 September) Lesser Yellowlegs DORSET, Lodmoor (1977 until 9 September) Spotted Sandpiper ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1978 until 17 September); SCILLY, Tresco (1966 until 1 October)

Wilson's Phalarope DUBLIN, North Bull Channel (1971 until 4 September); INVERNESS-SHIRE, Inverness (1985 until 4 September); ORKNEY, Birsay (1981) Gull-billed Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Trusthorpe (1978); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1967) Whiskered Tern SUSSEX, Darwell Reservoir (1963) White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Dorman's Pool (1979); HAMPSHIRE, Alresford Pond (1992); NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1980); SUSSEX, The Midrips (1989 until 4 September) Crag Martin CAERNARVONSHIRE, Llanfairfechan (1989) Citrine Wagtail INVERNESS-SHIRE, Inverness (1972); SCILLY, Tresco (1989) Thrush Nightingale LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1977 until 10 September) Blyth's Reed Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1991 until 4 September) Booted Warbler ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1988 until 4 September) Greenish Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1958); NORFOLK, Holkham West Wood (1972); ORKNEY, Windwick (1988 until 4 September); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1983 until 4 September) Arctic Warbler ORKNEY, Stenness (1972); SHETLAND, Halligarth (1967), Fair Isle (1984 & 1985) Bonelli's Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1989); NORFOLK, Sheringham (1994 until 6 September) Nutcracker KENT, Hoath (1968 until 5 September); SUFFOLK, Chillesford (1968 until 4 September), Bromeswell (1968) Rose-coloured Starling DEVON, Hope Cove (1991 until 4 September); NORTHUMBERLAND,

Newbiggin (1994)

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Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1963 until 5 September, 1980 until 4 September & 1983 until 12 September)

4 September

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 19 September)

species 25, individuals 55

The Black Duck is only the second British record, the Oriental Pratincole is possibly the same bird that spent the summer in Norfolk, whilst White-rumped, Baird's and Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, along with Wilson's Phalarope, all have an excellent day. Eight more Nutcrackers continue the 1968 invasion. Little Shearwater KERRY, Brandon Point (1966) American Wigeon KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1969) Black Duck SCILLY, Tresco (1969) Oriental Pratincole SUFFOLK, Havergate (1993) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Youghal (1992); DORSET, Ferrybridge (1974 until 9 September); KENT, Grain (1977); YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1993) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1988 until 15 September); SUFFOLK, Havergate (1965 until 18 September); WICKLOW, Kilcoo1e (1988) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper BEDFORDSHIRE, Bedford Sewage Farm (1961 until 11 September); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1987 until 13 September) Stilt Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1989 until 9 September) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Inchydoney (1982 until 5 September) Lesser Yellowlegs KENT, Chetney Marsh (1970 until 9 September) Spotted Sandpiper ESSEX,

Hanningfield Reservoir (1983)

Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Lough Beg (1976 until 5 September & 1985 until 12 September); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1966), Lower Tamar Lake (1994 until 6 September); DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1979 until 5 September); DURHAM, Teesmouth (1971 until 8 September) Bonaparte's Gull DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1971 until 8 September) Whiskered Tern NORTHUMBERLAND, South Linton Pond (1969 until 5 September) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Dungeness (1974); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1974) Red-rumped Swallow CORK, Ballycotton (1994); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1984) Citrine Wagtail LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1983 until 10 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 13 September) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Cromer (1994 until 5 September) Booted Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1987 until 5 September); NORFOLK, Cromer (1994 until 5 September) Greenish Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND,

Bamburgh (1965 until

7 September); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1988 until 5 September); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1960)

230 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Arctic Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1981 until 5 September); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973) Bonelli's Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1976); SCILLY, St Marys (1976) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Weybourne (1968); SUFFOLK, Covehithe (2) (1968 until 5 September), Benacre (1968), Minsmere (1968), Felixstowe (2) (1968), Butley River (1968)

5 September

Rose-coloured Starling DUBLIN, Skerries (1986 until 11 September); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point & Fagbury Cliff area (1993 until 9 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1973 until 5 September); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1977); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1993) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1980)

species 34, individuals 68

The unidentified Soft-plumaged Petrel seen off Ireland is the first to be recorded in British & Irish waters. The five Black-winged Stilts comprise two adults and three juveniles and are probably a family party. The male Pallas's Sandgrouse (which was shot) is the second of three during 1969, found a day before the third which was also in Northumberland. The Tennessee Warbler is the third and most recent record of this Nearctic species. Black-browed Albatross ATSEA, SEA-AREA CROMARTY, 12.6km north of Portknockie, 57 49 N 2 50 W (1990) Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1974) Little Shearwater LANCASHIRE, off Seaforth (1992) Little Bittern YORKSHIRE, Horburt Lagoons, Wakefield (1976 until 3 October) American Wigeon SURREY, Surrey Docks (2) (1975) Blue-winged Teal ORKNEY, Stronsay (2) (1973) King Eider NORFOLK, Scolt Head (1986 until 15 September) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Holland Haven (1987); NORFOLK, King's Lynn (1986) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Hamford Water (5) (1968) Semipalmated Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1980 until 6 September) White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Belfast Harbour Estate (1987 until 10 September)

Baird's Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Camforth Marsh & Silverdale Marshes (1974 until 6 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 16 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1973 until 6 September) Lesser Yellowlegs KENT, Elmley (1981 until 6 September); SURREY, Perry Oaks Sewage Farm (1962 until 7 September) Solitary Sandpiper CORK, Lissagriffin (1971 until 7 September) Wilson's Phalarope FLINTSHIRE, Connah's Quay (1982); SCILLY, Tresco (1977 until 12 September) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Humberside Wildfowl Refuge (1983) Gull-billed Tern DEVON, Wembury (1967); ESSEX, Maplin Sands (1974); KENT, Shellness (1968) Caspian Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1971) Bridled Tern ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1980)

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White-winged Black Tern DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1987); ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1959 until 20 September); GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1974 until 11 September); NORFOLK, Lynn Point (1984) Pallas's Sandgrouse NORTHUMBERLAND,Seahouses(1969) Snowy Owl CAITHNESS, near Halkirk (1993) Roller CAITHNESS, Auchengill (1975 until 7 September) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Great Reed Warbler LEICESTERSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1976); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1965) Olivaceous Warbler DORSET, Easton, Portland (1962) Booted Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1981 until 7 September) Greenish Warbler DORSET, Portland (1975); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1992 until 7 September) Arctic Warbler DEVON, Start Point (1993); FIFE, Isle of May (1961 until 6 September); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1992 until 6 September); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1964)

6 September

Bonelli's Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham (1976); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1974) Lesser Grey Shrike ARGYLLSHIRE, Salen (1974); CORNWALL, Portscatho (1983 until 10 September); NORFOLK, Cley (1976 until 6 September) Nutcracker ESSEX, Little Oakley (1968); KENT, Dungeness (1967); NORFOLK, Mundesley (1968), Overstrand (1968), Hindolveston (1968), West Raynham (1968), Wells (1968); SUFFOLK, Capel St Andrew (2) (1968 until 9 September) Tennesee Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1982 until 7 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Kenovay (1981); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 8 September), Norwick (1988) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican DORSET, Portland (1975) Red-headed Bunting KENT, Dungeness (1964)

species 34, individuals 82

This is the second date with two Soft-plumaged Petrels seen from the same site. Three Black-winged Pratincoles make this the species' best day, whilst today is also the joint best date for Baird's Sandpiper and Great Snipe. The second Pallas's Sandgrouse is found in as many days (both in Northumberland) and the Citrine Wagtail is only the second record for Ireland. The Tennessee Warbler is the first British record of this nondescript North American wood-warbler. Amazingly, the second record occurred within three weeks of this bird (and again on Fair Isle) and the third record, in 1982, was found on 5 September. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (2)

Black Stork SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1985)


American Wigeon

Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1973) Wilson's Petrel PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1990) Night Heron HERTFORDSHIRE, Stocker's Lake (1970)

YORKSHIRE, Wath Ings (1990) Blue-winged Teal NORTHUMBERLAND, Lindisfame (1971) Black Kite KENT, Ashford (1983)

232 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Lundy (1985) Black-winged Stilt LINCOLNSHIRE, Barton-on-Humber (1987) Black-winged Pratincole NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1969); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1964 until 9 September); SUFFOLK, Livermere & Troston area (1993 until 12 September) American Golden Plover SCILLY, Tresco (1971 until 14 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper GLAMORGAN, Ogmore Estuary (1990 until 17 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980 until 20 September) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Bann Estuary (1981 until 7 September); SCILLY, Tresco (1965 until 28 September & 1967 until 20 September) Baird's Sandpiper ABERDEENSHIRE, Annachie Lagoon (1990 until 17 September); CHESHIRE, Weaver Bend (1985 until 16 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1985 until 10 September), Inchydoney (1994); DEVON, Lundy (1974 until 13 September); SHETLAND, Haroldswick (1989 until 7 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (198"0 until 17 September); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1967 until 7 September) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Welney (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 3 October); YORKSHIRE, Crabley Creek (1975) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Hickling (1979) Lesser Yellowlegs ANGUS, Montrose (1979 until 20 September) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, St Agnes (1967 until 21 September) Wilson's Phalarope AYRSHIRE, Knockshinnoch Lagoons (1978 until 7 September); CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes (1970 until 12 September); CORNWALL, Marazion (1967 until 12 September); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1987 until 17 September); FLINTSHIRE, Point of Ayr (1991); MONTGOMERYSHIRE, Llyn Hylyn Lake (1975)

Gull-billed Tern CORNWALL, Widemouth Bay (2) (1968) White-winged Black Tern CARMARTHENSHIRE, Ginst Point (1975); CORK, Ballycotton (1975); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1962); GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1974 until 11 September); HAMPSHIRE, Keyhaven (1992); NORFOLK, Denver Sluice (1984 until 10 September) Pallas's Sandgrouse NORTHUMBERLAND, Elwick (1969) Alpine Swift SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1963); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1980) Red-rumped Swallow FLINTSHIRE, Gronant (1985) Red-throated Pipit NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1969); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1991 until 8 September) Citrine Wagtail CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 12 September) Greenish Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1982); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (2) (1982, 1 until 8 September, 1 until 9 September), Filey Brigg (1988 until 7 September) Arctic Warbler CLARE, Loop Head (1986); DEVON, Lundy (1959); DORSET, Portland (1984); DURHAM, Hartlepool (1984); FIFE, Isle of May (1975); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1993) Lesser Grey Shrike CORK, Ballycotton (1985); SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1973) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Fowlmere (1968), Dersingham (1968 until 22 September); SUFFOLK, Theberton (5) (1968 until 18 September), Leiston (1968 until 10 September) Rose-coloured Starling DORSET, Portland Bill (1959); FIFE, Lundin Links (1962 until 7 September); LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1991 until 8 September) Tennesee Warbler

SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 20 September)

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Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1978); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1980), Fair Isle (1991)

7 September

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SCILLY, Tresco (1964 until 10 September), St Martins (1966)

species 26, individuals 56

The American Bittern is only the second British record since 1958, whilst the three Semipalmated Sandpipers make this the species' joint best finding date. Fair Isle's magnetism is maintained with two Citrine Wagtails and two Yellow-breasted Buntings. A west coast Yellow-breasted Bunting is an excellent find. Little Shearwater DURHAM, Hartlepool (1990) American Bittern CORNWALL, Marazion (1977 until 25 September) Blue-winged Teal CLARE, Shannon Airport (1969) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Dungeness (1992 until 9 September) American Golden Plover CORK, Lissagriffin (1966 until 9 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1975 until 10 September), Ballycotton (1980 until 27 October); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1986) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Lissagriffin (1994) Baird's Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1988 until 15 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper WICKLOW, Broadlough (1985 until 8 September) Long-billed Dowitcher NORFOLK, Snettisham (1968 until 30 September) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Youghal (1991 until 20 September) Wilson's Phalarope DERRY, Lough Beg (1975 until 13

Caspian Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1989 until 10 September); HAMPSHIRE, Mudeford (1958) Whiskered Tern GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1974) White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1980); CHESHIRE, Neumann's Flash, Pickmere & Budworth Mere (1993 until 10 September); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1988); KENT, Dungeness (1988); LANCASHIRE, Scotsman's Flash (1983 until 20 September); SOMERSET, Barrow Gurney Reservoir (1969), Chew Valley Lake (1979 until 10 September); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1978) Red-throated Pipit NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1963 until 8 September) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 13 September & 1975 until 18 September) Booted Warbler YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993) Greenish Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1988); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 9 September); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988 until 8 September) Arctic Warbler




Saltholme (1977

unti128 September); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1972) Gull-billed Tern LINCOLNSHIRE, Boston Point (1975)

234 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Wick (1978 until 8

September); FIFE, Isle of May (1970); NORFOLK, Wells (1968); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994)

Nutcracker ESSEX, Little Oakley (1968), Dedham (1968); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1968 until 18 September); NORFOLK, Felbrigg (1968); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1968), Sizewell (1968), Hollesley (2) (1968 1 until 8 September) Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 13 September & 1990 until 11 September); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1958 until 8 September) Rustic Bunting DURHAM, Teesmouth (1958) Yellow-breasted Bunting CHESHIRE, Hilbre (1994); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1972 until 8 September), Fair Isle (1975 until 18 September & 1981 until 8 September)

8 September

Black-headed Bunting SCILLY, Tresco (1987 until 21 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican SUFFOLK, Woolverstone (1991 until 8 September) Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1975 until 9 September)

species 34, individuals 69

A typical autumn selection of waders and sites with two Greater Yellowlegs and nine Wilson's Phalaropes are noteworthy, making this the latter species best date. Fair Isle clearly dominates on the passerine front with no fewer than eight of today's 14 passerine species seen on this magical island, including its speciality selection Pechora Pipit, Citrine Wagtail, Lanceolated Warbler, Paddyfield Warbler, Booted Warbler and Yellow-breasted Bunting. The Pechora Pipit, Lanceolated Warbler and one of the Yellow-breasted Buntings were all found on this day in 1978! Blue-winged Teal SHETLAND, Scatness (2) (1979 until 12 September) Red-footed Falcon CUMBERLAND, Longtown (1988); LINCOLNSHIRE, Grantham Sewage Farm (1963); SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1968) Black-winged Pratincole SOMERSET, Ilchester (1968) American Golden Plover NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Idle Valley (1984 until 9 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1966) Least Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1966) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Cape Clear Island (1966), Inchydoney (1994); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1966)

Baird's Sandpiper MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (1979 & 1984); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1977 until 18 September); SUSSEX, Rye Harbour (1968 until 10 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1993) Dowitcher sp. KENT, Sandwich Bay (1967) Greater Yellowlegs DERRY, Lough Beg (1979); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1975 until 13 September) Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1974 until 11 September) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1978 until 30 September)

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Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1971), Drift Reservoir (1980 until 13 September); DOWN, BP Pools, Belfast (3) (1980); NAIRN, Findhorn Bay (1987 until 13 September); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1959 until 12 September); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1967 until 25 September); YORKSHIRE, Barmston (1979 until 9 September) Laughing Gull SOMERSET, Bossington (1980 until 10 September) Gull-billed Tern DEVON, Dawlish Warren (2) (1977) Caspian Tern FIFE, Anstruther (1985) Whiskered Tern HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1979 until 23 September) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Bradwell (1978); HAMPSHIRE, Fleet Pond (1970); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1979 until 10 September); STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1970) Alpine Swift DOWN, Drumbeg (1970); NORFOLK, Horsey (1963) Roller KENT, Aycliffe (1980); SUFFOLK, Orfordness (1991 until 13 September) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 17 September) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 10 September)

9 September

Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978) Paddyfield Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 14 September) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1968) Subalpine Warbler CAITHNESS, Reay (1979 until 29 September); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1966) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1985 until 10 September); NORFOLK, Holme (1990); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1971 until 9 September) Arctic Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968 until 10 September); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1978); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1993 until 11 September) Bonelli's Warbler CORNWALL, Sennen (1985 until 22 September) Nutcracker LEICESTERSHIRE, Charnwood Forest (1968 until 15 September); NORFOLK, North Elmham (1968), Baringham (1968) Yellow-breasted Bunting DORSET, Portland (1993 until 10 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 & 1984 until 9 September), Out Skerries (2) (1978 until 10 September) Black-headed Bunting SUSSEX, Rye (1971 until 9 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Indigo Bunting ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1973)

species 26, individuals 76

Cape Clear adds another three Little Shearwaters to its tally and southern Irish sites also receive their fair share of waders. The Great-spotted Cuckoo is only the fourth to reach Ireland and the 1968 Nutcracker invasion steps up a gear. Of the 11

Yellow-breasted Buntings found today, Fair Isle claims all but one of them. Black-browed Albatross WEXFORD, Rosslare Bay (1982) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968 (2) & 1975)

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Night Heron DERBYSHIRE, Langley Mill Flashes (1976 until 10 September); LANARKSHIRE, Larkhall (1992)

American Wigeon SURREY, Surrey Docks (1975 until 15 September) Blue-winged Teal DOWN, Castle Espie (1973); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 20 September) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Kergord (1965) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1978 until 14 October); MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1977 until 17 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, Rosslare Back Strand (2) (1984 until 17 September) Western Sandpiper DEVON, Axmouth (1973 until 12 September) Least Sandpiper CORK, Inchydoney (1967) White-rumped Sandpiper CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1983 until 10 September); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1969 until 10 September) Baird's Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 19 September), Ballymacoda (1980); DERBYSHIRE, Barbrook Reservoir (1983 until 12 September); GLAMORGAN, Aberthaw (1972); SCILLY, Tresco (1967 until 28 September); WEXFORD, Nethertown Strand (1988 until 19 September) Long-billed Dowitcher LANCASHIRE, Marton Mere (1989) Dowitcher sp. DERRY, Lough Beg (1978 until 15 October) Lesser Yellowlegs DOWN, Strand Lough (1989 until 14 September); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1967); WEXFORD, North Slob (2) (1968) Wilson's Phalarope ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1990 until 11 September); BERKSHIRE, Beenham (1979 until 10 September); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (2) (1967, 1 until 12 September)

White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1975 until 13 September); CORNWALL, Hayle (1993); ESSEX, West Thurrock (1979 until 13 September); KENT, Dungeness (1972 until 11 September); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1970 & 1974); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1978 until 17 September) Great-spotted Cuckoo DOWN, Mahee Island (1975 until 16 September) Red-throated Pipit DORSET, Herbury Gore (1979); FIFE, Isle of May (1971 until 10 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (2) (1964 until 11 September) Booted Warbler YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1978) Greenish Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1983 until 15 September); SHETLAND, Catfirth (1987); YORKSHIRE, Port Mulgrave (1990) Arctic Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1983); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964) Bonelli's Warbler DORSET, Portland (1972) Nutcracker CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Whittlesey (1968 until 10 September); DORSET, Encombe (1968 until 13 September); HERTFORDSHIRE, Letty Green (1968 until 13 October); NORFOLK, Somerton (1968), Holme (1968), Great Yarmouth (3) (1968 until 16 September); SUFFOLK, Stutton (1968), Oulton Broad (1968), Trimley St Mary (1968 until 11 September) Rose-coloured Starling NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1993 until 10 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958, 1965, 1972 until 11 September, 1978 until 10 September, 1979, 1983, 1988 until 18 September, 1989, 1990 until 14 September, 1994), Out Skerries (1973 until 11 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 29 September)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 237

10 September

species 35, individuals 73

Seven White-rumped Sandpipers (four of them in Ireland) is a good day total, but the day's top wader is the first of Britain's four records of Hudsonian Godwit. Two Isabelline Shrikes on this day is noteworthy, and a further eight Nutcrackers are found in 1968. Whilst a Yellow-breasted Bunting as far from Fair Isle as Devon is very unusual, three Nearctic species make the headlines: the extremely rare and spectacular looking Black-and-white Warbler, the sole Irish record of Northern Waterthrush and the second British record of Hooded Warbler is found on the remotest of British islands. Black-browed Albatross CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (2) (1976) Little Shearwater ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1994) Night Heron SUSSEX, Rye (1993); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1960 until 12 September) Black Stork CUMBERLAND, Eden Valley (1985 until 21 September) Blue-winged Teal ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (2) (1986, 1 until 28 September, 1 until 12 October) Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Helston (1981 until 20 September) American Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1971 until 18 September); CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1988)

White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1981 until 13 September); CAITHNESS, Brims Ness (1966); CORK, Rosscarbery (1969); DURHAM, Teesmouth (1977); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1970); SCILLY, Tresco (1966 until 17 September); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1994 until 17 September) Baird's Sandpiper LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1977 until 15 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980 until 20 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK,

Titchwell (1983)

Great Snipe SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1974 until 15 September & 1988 until 13 September) Hudsonian Godwit YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1981 until 3 October)

238 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1972 until 20 September) Solitary Sandpiper CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1979 until 19 September) Spotted Sandpiper WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1980 until 25 September) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes area (1962 until 24 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1967 until 11 September); DERRY, Lough Beg (1977 until 11 September); SOMERSET, Steart (1994 until 15 September); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1971 until 16 September) Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1959 until 2 October) Whiskered Tern ISLE OF WIGHT, near Seaview (1978) White-winged Black Tern GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1969); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1991 until 13 September); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Queen Mary Reservoir (1977 until 12 September); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1967) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Uyeasound (1978 until 11 September) Alpine Swift WICKLOW, Wicklow Town (1978) Red-throated Pipit

ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 16 September)

Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1989 until 17 September) Greenish Warbler KENT, St Margaret's (1989 until 12 September); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1989 until 13 September) Arctic Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1985); NORFOLK, Holme (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973), Voe (1981 until 12 September), Norwick (1987) Bonelli's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1959); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1989 until 17 September) Isabelline Shrike DORSET, Portland Bill (1959); NORFOLK, Walcott (1961 until 14 September) Lesser Grey Shrike SUFFOLK, Lound (1989 until 12 September) Nutcracker BERKSHIRE, Windsor Great Park (1968); ESSEX, Great Yeldham (1968); NORFOLK, Horsford Rifle Range (1968), Sheringham (1968 until 12 September), Shouldham Thorpe (1968 until 12 September); SUFFOLK, Chillesford (1968), Bromeswell (1968); SURREY, Headley, Dr Leatherhead (1968 until 26 September)

Black-and-white Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1980) Northern Waterthrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1983 until 11 September) Hooded Warbler OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992) Rustic Bunting NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1958 until 13 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting DEVON, Lundy (1989 until 11 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 (2), 1 until 12 September, 1971 until 18 September, 1974 until 17 September & 1978) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 11 September)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 239

11 September

species 30, individuals 66

The three Little Shearwaters are noteworthy as none of them are in Ireland and the Wilson's Petrel is one of the few land-based sightings. Fewer wader species than on previous days but there is a significant increase in White-winged Black Terns. A Paddyfield Warbler is an exceptional west coast find, whilst the Yellow-breasted Bunting is only the second to be found in Ireland, which is much more remarkable than the three found on Fair Isle. Little Shearwater CORNWALL, Land's End (1975); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1994); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1991) Wilson's Petrel CORNWALL,StIves(1978) Night Heron AYRSHIRE, Ailsa Craig (1992) Black Stork NORFOLK, East Tuddenham (1977) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1989 until 13 September); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1994 until 21 September) Black-winged Stilt DEVON, Dawlish Warren (5) (1967) Least Sandpiper LANARKSHIRE, Cadder (1965 until 14 September) Baird's Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Weaver Bend (1983 until 16 September); SUSSEX, Arlington Reservoir (1973 until 18 September) Stilt Sandpiper SHETLAND, Garths Loch (1976 unti118 September) Lesser Yellowlegs DORSET, Lodmoor & Radipole (1993 until 24 September); SUSSEX, Weirwood Reservoir (1971 until 12 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1964 until 13 September); Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1983 until 13 September) Wilson's Phalarope KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1974); LINCOLNSHIRE,

Gibraltar Point (1984 until

5 October); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1988 until 12 September) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Waxham (1967)

240 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Caspian Tern NORFOLK, Weybourne(1969); SUSSEX, Winner Bank (1967) Forster's Tern WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1983) Whiskered Tern SUSSEX, Winner Bank (1967) White-winged Black Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1981 until 14 September); ESSEX, Canvey Island (1992); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1993 until 14 September); LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1992 until 13 September); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1979 until 13 September); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Lound (1992); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1974); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1992); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1968 until 16 September); WORCESTERSHIRE, WestwoodPool & Wilden Lagoons (1992); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988) Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland (1981 until 12 September) Roller YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1993) Citrine Wagtail NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1989 until 12 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 13 September) Paddyfield Warbler LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1982 until 13 September) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1981 until 17 September), Fair Isle (1994) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1989 until 12 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1992)

Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 14 September & 1985) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1974) Penduline Tit SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1994 until 23 September) Nutcracker DORSET, Portland Bill (1968); HERTFORDSHIRE, Bramfield Forest (1968); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Upwood (1968); KENT, Eastling (1968); NORFOLK, Hindolveston (1968); SOMERSET, Portishead (1968) Rose-coloured Starling KENT, Sandwich Bay (1971); SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 19 October)

12 September

Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1962 until 12 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1983 until 20 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 12 September, 1977 until 15 September & 1989 until 17 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DURHAM, Hartlepool (1965); ESSEX, Tilbury (1985); SCILLY, St Marys (1977); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1961 until 16 September)

species 36, individuals 88

Four Little Shearwaters is the second highest day total yet the largest number seen from a single site during anyone day. The American Bittern is the first since the formation of the rarities committee and the month's second. The Kumlien's Gull is the earliest autumn record, as is the Common Nighthawk, whilst the Hawk Owl is the most recent British record. The Ehrenburg's Redstart, the eastern form of Common Redstart, is the earliest of only four to be accepted in Britain. Fair Isle's dominance of eastern vagrants is again clear to see today, with the island claiming seven of the 11 Arctic Warblers (this species' best date) and six of the nine Yellowbreasted Buntings. Little Shearwater ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), South Stack (4) (1987) Wilson's Petrel PEMBROKESHIRE, St George's Channel (1980) American Bittern CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1962 until 15 September) Blue-winged Teal NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (2) (1978, 1 until 24 September); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1982 until 20 September); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1978); WEXFORD, South Slob (1976) Black Kite WICKLOW, Greystones (1982 until 20 September) Red-footed Falcon YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968 until 18 September)

American Golden Plover SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 21 September) Least Sandpiper CORNWALL, River Camel (1966 until 22 September) White-rumped Sandpiper ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1985 until 13 September); DOWN, Kinnegar (1967 until 13 September); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Severn Beach (1985 until 13 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1993 until 13 September); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1984 until 18 September) Baird's Sandpiper CAITHNESS, Wick (1984 until 15 September); CORK, Lisagriffin (1989 until 13 September); LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1991)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 241

Great Snipe ESSEX, Girling Reservoir (1959 until 17 September); NORFOLK, Wiveton (1966); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1980 until 15 September) Long-billed Dowitcher ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Alaw (1978 until 14 September) Dowitcher sp. YORKSHIRE, Potteric Carr (1978) Lesser Yellowlegs KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1970) Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1975) Wilson's Phalarope BEDFORDSHIRE, Bedford Sewage Farm (1972 until 16 September); DUBLIN, Swords (1985 until 29 September); NORFOLK, Holme (1979 until 19 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1964 until 17 September), Newton Pool (1983 until 16 September); WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1989 until 23 September) Laughing Gull GLAMORGAN, Newton Point (1988) Bonaparte's Gull ARGYLLSHIRE, Claggain Bay (1975) Kumlien's Gull DUBLIN, Skerries (1993 until 26 March 1994) White-winged Black Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1971 until 16 September); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1981); LOUTH, Port Oriole (1971); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1978), Pitsford Reservoir (1992 until 13 September); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1970 until 13 September) Great-spotted Cuckoo CORNWALL, St Just Airfield (1979) Hawk Owl SHETLAND, Lerwick (1983 until 13 September) Common Nighthawk ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1978) Roller DEVON, Prawle Point (1968 until 14 September)

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Red-rumped Swallow HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1973) Ehrenburg's Redstart NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1989) Booted Warbler KENT, between Margate & Broadstairs (1993)

Greenish Warbler ANGUS, Arbroath (1989 until 13 September); NORFOLK, Holme (1967); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1981) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964 (2), 1983, 1986 until 18 September, 1987 & (2) 1991), Leagarth (1967), Whalsay (1981), Virkie (1981), Norwick (1989) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Liss Ard (1990); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1982 until 13 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1973 until 15 September); WATERFORD, Brownstown Head (1981 until 18 September) Lesser Grey Shrike INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1971) Nutcracker LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1968), Donna Nook (1976); NORFOLK, Holt (1968) Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, Bryher (1982 until 27 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1958) Rustic Bunting YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1989) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1989); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962 until 15 September, 1976 until 13 September, 1980 until 13 September, & (3) 1991, 1 until 13 September, 1 until 15 September), Foula (1966 until 13 September), Out Skerries (1974) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1963)

13 September

species 39, individuals 83

Two Black Storks in the south west are notable as is the Little Crake which is one of five found in East AngUasince 1958. The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper heads an otherwise familiar cast of waders, and is the most recent British record, although this species occurred in Ireland in 1994. Hawk Owls are extremely rare vagrants, with the one found today being the first of only three since 1958. The Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler is one of only four to be found away from the Scottish Northern Isles (nine of which have been on Fair Isle), this the first of the two English records, the two others in Ireland. The Bobolink is only the second to be found in Ireland. Black Stork DORSET, Lodmoor (1977); SOMERSET, Sharpham (1993) Blue-winged Teal HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Little Paxton Gravel Pit (1987 until 16 September); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1987 until 15 September) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Holme (1958 until 16 September); SOMERSET, Somerton (1991) Little Crake NORFOLK, Cley (1969 until 24 September) American Golden Plover KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1969 until 30 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1984 until 4 October) Least Sandpiper CORK, Clonakilty (1966) Baird's Sandpiper BEDFORDSHIRE, Wyboston Lake (1961 until 24 September); KERRY, Blackrock Strand (1988 until 18 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980 until 26 September) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper SHETLAND, Scatness (1993 until 15 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1970) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1983 until 19 September) Long-billed Dowitcher DERRY, Bann Estuary (1987); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1987 until 26 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1978) Dowitcher sp. HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1970 until 14 September)

Marsh Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1974 until 16 September) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Skibbereen (1977); DOWN, Castle Espie (1981 until 8 December) Solitary Sandpiper SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 15 September); WILTSHIRE, Rodboume Sewage Farm (1966 until 25 September) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1987 until 6 October) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Ballycotton (1970 until 25 September); DUBLIN, Bull Island (1978 until 14 September); DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1980 until 21 September); MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (1981); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1980 until 23 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (2) (1980 until 20 September) Laughing Gull SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975) Bonaparte's Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1973) Caspian Tern DORSET, Weymouth & Portland area (2) (1991 until 15 September); SUSSEX, Langney Point (1964) Whiskered Tern YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1975) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1975 until 21 September); ESSEX, William Girting Reservoir (1992 until 14 September); KERRY, Blennerville (1969 until 14 September); LINCOLNSHIRE, Nene Mouth (1963); SURREY, King George VI Reservoir (1964); YORKSHIRE, Angler's Country Park (1993)

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Hawk Owl LANCASHIRE, Bleasdale Fell (1959) Alpine Swift KENT, Fan Bay (1970); NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island & Holywell Dene (1987 until 14 September) Citrine Wagtail SCILLY, St Marys (1992 until 16 September) Pied Wheatear NORFOLK, Winterton (1989 until 14 September) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler NORFOLK, Cley (1976) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 15 September) Booted Warbler DORSET, Portland (1987); YORKSHIRE, Bempton (1989) Sardinian Warbler YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1992 until 6 October) Greenish Warbler DORSET, Portland (1975); DURHAM, Hartlepool (1989 until 14 September) Arctic Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1968); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 14 September), Whalsay (1981) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1970 until 11 October); CORNWALL, The Lizard (1990); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1981); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1989)

14 September

Isabelline Shrike BERWICKSHIRE, Dunglass (1989) Nutcracker DEVON, Seaton (1968 until 23 September); DORSET, Brownsea Island (1968 until 21 September); NORFOLK, Baconsthorpe (1968); SUFFOLK, Aldringham (1968) Rose-coloured Starling KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Palnackie (1972 until 18 September) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 15 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1963 until 16 September, 1968 until 18 September, 1973 until 14 September, 1983 until 16 September & (2) 1985 until 17 September), Out Skerries (1974 (2), 1977 until 14 September & 1981 until 19 September); SOMERSET, Berrow (1980) Bobolink CORK, Cape Clear Island (1982 until 24 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1963 until 14 September)

species 43, individuals 84

The Little Shearwater is one of the most northern British records and one of the few from Scotland. The 1968 Nutcracker invasion creeps along, although the six together in Norfolk is the largest group. The Bobolink is the most recent British record and only the second ever on the British mainland, coming only a year after the first in Devon. Little Shearwater WIGTOWNSHIRE, Corsewall Point (1985) Black Stork DORSET, Radipole Lake (1990 until 15 September) Glossy Ibis DUMFRIES-SHIRE, River Ae Marsh (1986)

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American Wigeon LINCOLNSHIRE, Messingham (1990 until 1 December) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1988 until 23 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1984 until 22 September)

Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Waxham (1989) Little Crake HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1959 until 20 September) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Cripplegate (1974) Pratincole sp, SURREY, Banstead Downs (1971) American Golden Plover CORK, Lisagriffin (1980 until 21 September); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1976 until 15 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 23 September); SUSSEX, Church Norton (1988 until 17 September) Sociable Plover OXFORDSHIRE, North Aston (1980) Least Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1966 until 15 September) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Dursey Island (1978); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990) Baird's Sandpiper CORK, Sherkin Island (1989 until 15 September); CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1983); LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1994 until 15 September); MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (1974 until 17 September) Great Snipe SUFFOLK, Benacre (1972) Long-billed Dowitcher MONMOUTHSHIRE, Peterstone Wentlooge (1985); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 15 September); WILTSHIRE, Swindon Sewage Farm (1974 until 23 September) Marsh Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Benacre (1977) Lesser Yellowlegs KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1981); LEICESTERSHIRE, Watermead Gravel Pit (1986) Spotted Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes area (1980 until 17 September); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1984)

Wilson's Phalarope HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1989 until 15 September); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1981); LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1983 until 15 September); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1983 until 26 September); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1973 until 21 September); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1991 until 19 September); WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1985) Gull-billed Tern DORSET, Portland Bill (1974) White-winged Black Tern HAMPSHIRE, Langstone Harbour (1959); KENT, Dungeness (1986 until 16 September); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1991) Alpine Swift WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1958 until 15 September) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1975 until 18 September) Citrine Wagtail EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1981 until 16 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 16 September) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993 until 17 September) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976) Paddyfield Warbler AT SEA, SEA-AREA SHANNON, 254 miles south west of Ireland (1993) Olivaceous Warbler CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1968) Booted Warbler KENT, Reculver (1994); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 16 September) Subalpine Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1967 until 17 September) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974), Whalsay (1974 until 19 September), Quendale (1994 until 15 September)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 245

Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Lunna Ness (1981 until 15 September), Fair Isle (1984 until 17 September) Bonelli's Warbler CORNWALL, Marazion (1958); NORFOLK, Holkham (1976) Penduline Tit CHESHIRE, Moreton (1986) Lesser Grey Shrike YORKSHIRE, Rudston (1989 until 25 September) Steppe Shrike ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994 until 16 October) Nutcracker ESSEX, Brentwood (1968 until 14 October); NORFOLK, Caister (6) (1968); SUFFOLK, Westleton Heath (1968), Corton (2) (1968)

Rose-coloured Starling FIFE, Isle of May (1991 until 2 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 26 October) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980), Northdale (1993 until 15 September); YORKSHIRE, Blaxton Gravel Pit (1958)

Yellow-breasted Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1993 until 15 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 19 September & 1986 until 16 September), Out Skerries (1974) Black-headed Bunting LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1974)

Bobolink DORSET, Portland (1992 until 18 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Marbled Duck YORKSHIRE, Potteric Carr (1990 until 27 October) Red-headed Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1964); DORSET, Portland (2) (1971, 1 until 21 September, 1 until 22 September); ESSEX, The Naze (1958); KENT, Reculver (1974); SUFFOLK, Warrenhouse Wood (1989)

15 September

species 35, individuals 75

With only seven British records for two Pallid Harrier on the same day is extraordinary. The two sites are hundreds of miles apart, and the age of the two individuals could not have been any more different, with the Shetland bird being a juvenile and the Leicestershire bird an adult male. Shetland can also boast the only British record of Great Knot, as well as an assortment of its regular pipit, warbler and bunting species. However, none of the nine Baird's Sandpipers found today were in Shetland, with only the Scottish east coast bird straying away from sites in south-west England and Ireland. Albatross sp. YORKSHIRE, Robin Hood's Bay (1966) Little Shearwater ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), South Stack (2)

American Wigeon GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1992); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve


Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1979 until 4 October) King Eider SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 16 September)

Cattle Egret DERBYSHIRE, Shardlow (1968 until 18 September) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (1982)

246 - Rare Birds Day by Day


Pallid Harrier LEICESTERSHIRE, Saddington Reservoir (1993); SHETLAND, Exnaboe (1993 until 16 September) Red-footed Falcon LINCOLNSHIRE, Boston (1971); NORFOLK, Holme (1970) Black-winged Stilt NORTHUMBERLAND, Wallsend Swallow Pool (1987 until 24 September); SUSSEX, Norman's Bay (1958) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (2) (1973); GALWAY, Rahasane (1983 until 29 September); KERRY, Ballyheigue Strand (1963 until 22 September) Great Knot SHETLAND, Scatness & Pool of Virkie (1989) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1980 until 29 September); DERRY, Bann Estuary (1982) White-rumped Sandpiper KENT, Dungeness (1980 until 21 September), Elmley (1981) Baird's Sandpiper ABERDEENSHIRE, Annachie Lagoon (1990 until 18 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1970 until 26 September); CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1983); DERRY, Lough Beg (1975); PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale Airfield (1984 until 1 October); SOMERSET, Porlock Marsh (1973), Steart (1974 until 16 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1984) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 18 September) Long-billed Dowitcher BUTESHIRE, Sliddery, Arran (1990 until 17 September); TIPPERARY, Ashton's Callow (1993 until 20 September) Upland Sandpiper DORSET, Portland Bill (1976); WEXFORD, North Slob (1971) Lesser Yellowlegs INVERNESS-SHIRE, Carse of Ardesier (1974); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fenwick Pond (1977 until 27 September); ORKNEY, Loch of Tankemess (1991); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1979 until 30 September)

Solitary Sandpiper CORK, Cape Clear Island (1974 until 17 September) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Inchydoney (1974); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1989 until 20 September); DURHAM, Reclamation Pond (1983 until 27 September); SCILLY, Tresco (1981 until 23 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1979 until 19 September) White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Farmoor Reservoir (1986); STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (1974 until 18 September); SUFFOLK, Minsmere & Sizewell (1979 until 18 September) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 16 September) Red-throated Pipit KENT, Sandwich Bay (1968); MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1981); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1968) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 21 September) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1974 until 19 September); LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1994); SCILLY, St Agnes (2) (1962 until 21 September) Arctic Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1981); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 until 19 September & 1984 until 22 September) Bonelli's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1962 until 16 September); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1977) Isabelline Shrike DORSET, Portland (1985 until 23 September) Lesser Grey Shrike FIFE, Elie Ness (1994 until 20 September) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Sea Palling (1968), Fincham (1968 until 19 September); SUFFOLK, Waldringfield (1968), Denham (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1990 until 17 September)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 247

Two-barred Crossbill NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1969) Rustic Bunting NORFOLK, Horsey Gap (1993 until 18 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1993 until 16 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 16 September)

16 September

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ARGYLLSHIRE, Ardtomish (1978); CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1975); DORSET, Portland (1971 until 18 September); OUTER HEBRIDES, St K.ilda (1964); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1963); SUSSEX, Atherington (1962)

species 38, individuals 89

A good tally of Blue-winged Teals is found today and a familiar pattern of American waders. Fair Isle again hosts many of the quality passerines, including two Pechora Pipits together in 1994, two Citrine Wagtails, River Warbler and the earliest autumn Red-flanked Bluetail, which is the first of two of these Siberian gems to be found in the autumn of 1993. The Isabelline Wheatear is only the fourth British record. Little Bittern SURREY, Send (1984) Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Stokesley (1982 until 3 October) Black Stork SUSSEX, Icklesham (1993) Glossy Ibis FLINTSHIRE, Dee Estuary (1959 until 4 October) Blue-winged Teal ABERDEENSHIRE, Fraserburgh (1984); DEVON, Braunton (1984 until 20 September); DUBLIN, Bull Island (1977 until 14 March 1978); NORFOLK, Cley (1987 until 13 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1991 until 17 September) Red-footed Falcon GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Severn Vale (1974) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976) Black-winged Stilt WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1989 until 23 September) American Golden Plover AYRSHIRE, Dundonald Camp (1989 until 24 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1980); EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1981 until 20 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper KERRY, Blennerville (2) (1984)

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White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Lissagriffin (1978); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1978 until 17 September & 1982 until 3 October); KENT, Grain (1984 until 17 September); KERRY, Blennerville (1960); LINCOLNSHIRE, Frampton Marsh (1973); MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1972 until 25 September) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Cley (1971 until 10 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1987 until 21 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (2) (1989 until 24 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wolferton (1978) Dowitcher sp. MONMOUTHSHIRE, Magor (1971 until 30 October) Lesser Yellowlegs WEXFORD, Tacumshin & Lady's Island Lake (1989 until 1 October) Spotted Sandpiper CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1977); SCILLY, Tresco (1983 until 19 September) Wilson's Phalarope CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ely (1991 until 25 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 24 September); CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1989); NORFOLK, Cantley Beet Factory (1994 until 20 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1979); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1980)

Gull-billed Tern CARMARTHENSHIRE, Kidwelly (1974); DORSET, Portland Bill (2) (1967); LINCOLNSHIRE, Covenham Reservoir (1972 until 14 October) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1979 until 19 September); ESSEX, West Thurrock (1980); KENT, Dungeness (1978); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1971); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1974) Common Nighthawk SCILLY, Tresco (1989 until 22 September) Alpine Swift KENT, Foreness (1987) Red-rumped Swallow GLOUCESTERSHIRE, New Passage (1977) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1994, 1 until 18 September, 1 until 19 September) Red-throated Pipit CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1990 until 18 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 & 1973 until 18 September); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 & 1977 until 24 September), Whalsay (1975) Red-flanked Bluetail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993) Isabelline Wheatear NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1980 until 20 September) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989 until 18 September) River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969) Olivaceous Warbler CORK, Dursey Island (1977) Booted Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993 until 17 September)

Greenish Warbler KENT, Bishopstone (1989 until 17 September); NORFOLK, Hunstanton Golf Course (1984 until 18 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1994 until 18 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1989 until 17 September) Arctic Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1965), Fame Islands (1973 until 18 September); ORKNEY, Holm (1991 until 20 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970, 1971 until 17 September & 1977), Lerwick (1981) Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Sheringham (1994 until 17 September) Nutcracker ESSEX, Benfleet Creek (1968 until 18 September); NORFOLK, Cley (1968 until 17 September) Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Cape Clear Island (1986 until 20 September) Rustic Bunting NORFOLK, Sheringham (1993); YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1993 until 22 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 17 September, 1983, 1986 & 1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Greater Flamingo LINCOLNSHIRE, Witham Estuary (1990) Red-headed Bunting YORKSHIRE, Filey (1989)

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17 September

species 38, individuals 91

American waders aside, Shetland, and in particular Fair Isle, continues to dominate September finds (and Fair Isle even manages a Baird's Sandpiper and an American Golden Plover). The Sandhill Crane is the third British & Irish record and only the fourth to be found in the Western Palearctic. Remarkably, after departing Shetland, it was seen arriving in Friesland, Netherlands, and stayed there from 2830 September. Shetland also accounts for both of today's Pechora Pipits, two of the five Red-throated Pipits, three of four Lanceolated Warblers, one of six Arctic Warblers and eight of ten Yellow-breasted Buntings! As if this tally of extreme rarities were not enough, Fair Isle also claims Britain's second ever Pallas's Reed Bunting. Is there anywhere else worth birding on this day? Cambridgeshire however, attempts to redress this northern bias with Britain's third record of Bluecheeked Bee-eater, which is the only individual (out of seven) to be found outside June or July. Black-browed Albatross AT SEA, SEA-AREA IRISH SEA, 6km west of Strumble Head (1990) Little Bittern GLAMORGAN, Oxwich (1977) Black Stork SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1994) American Wigeon YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1977) Blue-winged Teal HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1989); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1960) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Murcar (1977) Gyr Falcon DONEGAL, Donegal Bay (1981); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1983) Sandhill Crane SHETLAND, Exnaboe (1991 until 26 September) American Golden Plover SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 20 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1978) Least Sandpiper WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1978) White-rumped Sandpiper AYRSHIRE, Turnberry (1994); CORK, Cork Harbour (1975), Ballycotton (1978 until

18 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1990) Baird's Sandpiper LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1994 until 26 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 21 September); SUSSEX, Pett Pools (1989)

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1982) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Sheringham (1994); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1993 until 18 September) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir & Davidstow Aerodrome (1994 until 23 September); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1984 until 18 September) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Shanagarry Marsh (1967); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1966) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1978 until 21 September) Wilson's Phalarope ABERDEENSHIRE, Cotehill Loch (1984 until 22 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1977 unti118 September); CORNWALL, Sennen (1981 until 27 September); DEVON, Slapton Ley (1983 until 19 September); LANCASHIRE, Ribble Estuary (1970); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1975 until 18 September), Cheddar Reservoir (1980 until 28 September) Gull-billed Tern KENT, Dungeness (1960) White-winged Black Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, River Delph (2) (1968); CHESHIRE,

Bebington (1980);


Tamar Estuary (1991); KENT, Minnis Bay (1987); SOMERSET, Steart (1974); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1976) Blue-cheeked Bee-eater CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Peterborough (1982)

Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 25 September & 1991 until 22 September) Red-throated Pipit ESSEX, Bradwell-on-Sea (1993); NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1992); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 23 September & 1993) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1980) Thrush Nightingale LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleet (1994) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976, 1992 & 1993), Seatness (1987) River Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1969) Paddyfield Warbler DURHAM, Newburn Bridge (1994 until 18 September) Subalpine Warbler DEVON, South Milton Ley (1974) Greenish Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham (1967); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1981); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1991) Arctic Warbler CAITHNESS, Wiek (1983); SCILLY, StAgnes (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959), Lunna Ness (1973), Sumburgh (1991), Whalsay (1991) Bonelli's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Llaniestyn (1968); CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1989 until 30 September)

18 September

Nutcracker KENT, Bieknor (1968); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1968), Sutton-on-Sea (1968); NORFOLK, Bunwell (2) (1968); SCILLY, Treseo (1968 until 20 September) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Towednaek (1991 until 19 September); SCILLY, Bryher (1982 until 25 September) Rustic Bunting DURHAM, Hartlepool (1976 until 18 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1977); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1972); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 22 September, 1975 until 18 September, 1976 until 19 September, 1982 until 22 September, 1983, 1984 until 22 September, 1991 until 20 September & 1992 until 20 September) Pallas's Reed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 18 September) Bobolink DEVON, East Soar (1991 until 21 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1974 until 25 September); GLAMORGAN, Lavemoek Point (1966)

species 41, individuals 80

Today's cast of waders is widely scattered, with many of the American individuals being found at regular western haunts, and north European species turning up on the east coast. Inland counties do however manage to join in with Sociable Plover and Least Sandpiper. Shetland continues to monopolise many of the rarer passerines, with both Pechora Pipits, Citrine Wagtail, Thrush Nightingale and Yellow-breasted Bunting. The Siberian Thrush proved to be one of the most spectacular birding finds of 1994 and four Booted Warblers make this the best date for the species. Lesser Grey Shrike is a good west coast find, whilst Two-barred Crossbill and Penduline Tit are good inland records. The Blackpoll Warbler is the earliest ever record, whilst the Bobolink is the second ever to be found in September. Little Shearwater MAYO, Annagh Head (1965)

Night Heron SCILLY, Treseo (1980)

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Glossy Ibis SUSSEX, Shoreham-by-Sea (1986) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Marazion (1982) Red-footed Falcon GALWAY, Maam Cross (1966); HAMPSHIRE, Wick Hams (1974) Black-winged Stilt KENT, Yantlet (1982) American Golden Plover CORK, Shanagarry Marsh (1966); DURHAM, Whitburn (1994 until 21 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1975 until 19 September) Sociable Plover NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1988 until 19 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1982 until 2 October, 1984 until 19 September & 1988 until 30 September) Least Sandpiper HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Grafham Water (1983) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Bann Estuary (1993) Baird's Sandpiper NORFOLK, Thornham (1966 until 25 September), Cley (1970 until 20 September) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Salthouse (1976); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1993 until 19 September) Long-billed Dowitcher KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1960 until 28 September) Upland Sandpiper CORK, Dursey Island (1991 until 24 September) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, River Amble (1961 until 20 September); HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1973); LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1988); SHETLAND, Uyeasound (1980); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1982 until 19 September) Spotted Sandpiper NORFOLK, Welney (1994 until at least 31 December); SCILLY, St Agnes & Tresco (1968 until 2 October) Wilson's Phalarope SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1987 until 26 September)

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White-winged Black Tern SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1982); WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1982); WEXFORD, South Slob (1975), Lady's Island Lake (1977); YORKSHIRE, Elsecar Reservoir (1966) Alpine Swift DORSET, Portland Bill (1969); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1976 until 20 September) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 24 September), Foula (1994 until 28 September) Red-throated Pipit KENT, Dungeness ( 1968); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993 until 19 September) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 26 September) Thrush Nightingale NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992 until 20 September) Pied Wheatear FIFE, Fife Ness (1992 until 21 September) Siberian Thrush NORFOLK, Burnham Overy (1994) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1984) Paddyfield Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1969 until 21 September); YORKSHIRE, Marske (1994) Booted Warbler KENT, Isle of Grain (1993); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1982 until 21 September); YORKSHIRE, Marske (1993 until 19 September), Filey (1993 until 19 September) Greenish Warbler FIFE, Fife Ness (1976); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1982) Arctic Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham (1977 until 23 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994) Bonelli's Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1992 until 19 September) Penduline Tit BEDFORDSHIRE, Priory Country Park (1991)

Lesser Grey Shrike PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1974) Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Dunwich (1968) Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1988 until 30 October); SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1994) Two-barred Crossbill HERTFORDSHIRE, Bramfield Forest (1966) Blackpoll Warbler DEVON, Prawle Point (1976 until 29 September) Rustic Bunting ESSEX, Dengie Coast (1966); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1993) Yellow-breasted Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985); DEVON, Lundy (1982 until 25 September); DONEGAL, Tory Island (1959); FIFE, Isle of May (1976); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1992 until 20 September); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967 until 19 September, 1977 until 23 September & 1994), Whalsay (1983), Fladdabister (1984 until 19 September); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1994)

19 September

Bobolink SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1975) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican KENT, Appledore (1977)

species 36, individuals 67

A typical selection of rare passerines includes an excellent record of an Arctic Warbler in Devon, another inland Penduline Tit and a Blyth's Reed Warbler in Suffolk, which is the first of two at the same site in 1993. Only three Yellowbreasted Buntings are found today, which is well below par, but includes one as far south as Norfolk. Fair Isle, however,still remains the place to be, with the Northern Oriole adding a Nearctic flavour to the more usual Siberian cast. Little Shearwater YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989) Little Bittern WARWICKSHIRE, Brandon Marsh (1981 until 20 September) Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1979) Squacco Heron DEVON, Slapton Ley (1964 until 30 September) Great White Egret SOMERSET, Steart (1993)

Glossy Ibis DORSET, Lodmoor (1986 until 20 September); ORKNEY, Holm (1986 until 10 January 1987) Red-footed Falcon KENT, St Margaret's (1987) Collared Pratincole KENT, Worth (1976 until 3 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Culdrose (1975) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, St John's Lake (1984 until 23 September)

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White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1978); CORK, Clonakilty (1978); NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge (1981); SUSSEX, Pert Level (1993) Baird's Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1989 until 20 September); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1989 until 22 September); LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1982 until 25 September); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Killingholme (1979 until 20 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1966 until 30 September); SHETLAND, Scatness (1993 until 22 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1985 until 24 September) Stilt Sandpiper CORK, Rosscarbery (1991 until 20 September) Great Snipe YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993) Long-billed Dowitcher CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1970 until 18 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CHESHIRE, Kingsley (1971); HAMPSHIRE, Hayling Island (1974); ROSS-SHIRE, Tain (1989); WEXFORD, South Slob (1963) Terek Sandpiper SOMERSET, Royal Portbury Dock (1986) Wilson's Phalarope ANGUS, Forfar Loch (1970 until 21 September) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978) White-winged Black Tern CLARE, Bridges of Ross (1984); DUBLIN, Skerries (1976); HERTFORDSHIRE, Hilfield Park Reservoir (2) (1970 until 22 September); SOMERSET, Durleigh Reservoir (1973) Alpine Swift ESSEX, Bradwell (1993); LONDON/ MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1975) Red-throated Pipit ESSEX, Rainham Marsh (1993); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1989 until 23 September) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964), Quendale (1994)

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Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972, 1977 & 1987), Foula (1994) Blyth's Reed Warbler SUFFOLK, Fagbury Cliff (1993) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Geoserter (1992) Arctic Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1985 until 23 September); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1976 until 27 September); SHETLAND, Bruray (1969 until 26 September) Bonelli's Warbler SHETLAND, Fetlar (1984 until 29 September); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1992) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (1993) Penduline Tit YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1992 until 20 September) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Holkham (1968); SUFFOLK, Corton (1968 until 20 September), Kelsale (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Cape Clear Island (1993 until 23 September); CORNWALL, Roskestrol Farm (1971 until 20 September) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 29 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting NORFOLK, Holme (1992 until 20 September); SHETLAND, Quendale (1984), Fair Isle (1988) Bobolink SCILLY, St Agnes (1962) Northern Oriole SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 20 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), The Skerries (1961 unti126 September);


Portland (1960 until 23 September, 1965 until 20 September & 1971); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1961 until 25 September); SUSSEX, St Leonards (1991 until 21 September)

20 September

species 42, individuals 84

Today will long be remembered for three Nearctic passerines new to the Western Palearctic. The Yellow-throated Vireo proved very popular during its eight day stay, whereas the Chestnut-sided Warbler was only enjoyed by its finder and the Hooded Warbler by a handful of observers. Of these species, only the Hooded Warbler has been recorded again up to the end of 1994. Black-browed Albatross SCILLY, Skm north east of St Marys (1978)

Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1973) Black Stork CORNWALL, Wendron (1988) King Eider FIFE, Methil (1994) Black-winged Stilt SUSSEX, Rye (2) (1958, 1 until 27 September, 1 until 5 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1981); LANCASHIRE, Fleetwood (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1973 until 25 September); SHETLAND, Scatness (1990) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, Bude (1993 until 26 September) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1964); PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale (1977) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Predannack (1980), Marazion (1983 until 24 September); KENT, Dungeness (1987 until 24 September) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1974 until 29 September) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1973 until 27 September) Long-billed Dowitcher HAMPSHIRE, Keyhaven (1975 until 28 September); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1979 until 23 September) Dowitcher sp, BERWICKSHIRE, Rule Moss (1958 until 30 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 21 September) Marsh Sandpiper NORFOLK, Blakeney (1964)

Lesser Yellowlegs CAITHNESS, Wick (1975); CORK, Ballycotton (1971 until 25 September); SCILLY, Tresco (1980 until 6 October); YORKSHIRE, Broomhill Flash (1982 until 21 September) Terek Sandpiper ESSEX, Colne Point (1986) Spotted Sandpiper KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1977 until 30 September) Wilson's Phalarope SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1979 until 21 September) White-winged Black Tern KERRY, Brandon Bay (1969); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1982 until 23 September); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1973 until 21 September); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1982) Alpine Swift KENT, Cheriton (1993); NORFOLK, Cley (1968); SOMERSET, Weston-Super-Mare (1969)

Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Skaw (1991 until 21 September) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1972); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 25 September & 1980 until 24 September) CUrine Wagtail FIFE, Isle of May (1968); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1973 until 23 September) Thrush Nightingale CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1976) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Otterswick (1980), Skaw (1991 until 22 September) Isabelline Wheatear SHETLAND, Whalsay (1994 until 21 September) Black-eared Wheatear SCILLY, Bryher (1987)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 24 September) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979, 1984 until 21 September & 1987), Whalsay (1994) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1993 until 21 September) Greenish Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1975); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1986 until 22 September) Arctic Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1986 until 21 September); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987); SCILLY, StAgnes (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970 & 1994 until 22 September), Weisdale (1976) Bonelli's Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1970) Lesser Grey Shrike KENT, Wye (1976); NORTHUMBERLAND, Elwick (1975); WATERFORD, Dungarvan (1991 until 24 September) Nutcracker DORSET, West Morden (1968), Ceme Abbas (1968) Rose-coloured Starling BERWICKSHIRE, Eyemouth (1979); CORNWALL, Sennen (1992); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig & Sker area (1992 until 4 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1989 until 28 September); SHETLAND, Burrafirth (1971 until 3 October)

21 September

Yellow-throated Vireo CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1990 until 27 September) Red-eyed Vireo SCILLY, St Marys (1989 until 22 September) Chestnut-sided Warbler SHETLAND, Fetlar (1985) Hooded Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1970 until 23 September) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 24 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting DORSET, Portland (1977 until 22 September); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1993 until 21 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 until 25 September, 1971 until 22 September, 1977 until 27 September & 1987) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Martins (1966); YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough Sewage Farm (1961 until 21 September)

species 40, individuals 80

The Calandra Lark is only the fourth British record and is the first ever autumn find of this extreme rarity, whilst the Red-flanked Bluetail is the second to be found this month. With only 11 British records, to have two Pallas's Grasshopper Warblers found on this day is remarkable, though the location - Fair Isle - is not, as this northern isle accounts for over 60% of all records. The Lanceolated Warbler is the second in two years in Norfolk. Only one of the eight Arctic Warblers found today is away from Scotland's Northern Isles. Little Shearwater KERRY, Brandon Point (1968); PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1984) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (2) (1987)

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American Wigeon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 3 October)

Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Upper Tamar Lake (2) (1987, 1 until 26 September, 1 until 5 October), CrowanReservoir (1987 until 11 October) King Eider SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 15 November) Pratincole sp. SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1993) American Golden Plover ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988 until 25 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1985 until 3 October) White-rumped Sandpiper ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1980 until 1 October) Broad-billed Sandpiper NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1977); WILTSHIRE, Swindon Sewage Farm (1977) Long-billed Dowitcher SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1968 until 22 September) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Hayle Kimbro, The Lizard (1972 until 30 September); NORFOLK, King's Lynn (1968) Solitary Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968 until 22 September) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1987 until 4 October); CORK, Ballycotton (1982 until 2 October); KENT, Walland Marsh (1970 until 25 September) Ross's Gull SHETLAND, Skaw (1993 until 6 October) Gull-billed Tern CLARE, Bridges of Ross (1984); PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale Roads (1968) White-winged Black Tern HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1980); LEICESTERSHIRE, Swithland Reservoir (1991); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1958 until 7 October), Salthouse (1968); SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1980) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Tintagel (1987); SCILLY, Tresco (1970)

Calandra Lark OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1994) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977 until 25 September) Red-throated Pipit LINCOLNSHIRE, Grainthorpe (1977 until 22 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1967, 1 until 25 September), Out Skerries (1976 until 23 September), Catfirth (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1972) Citrine Wagtail ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994) Red-flanked Bluetail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984) White's Thrush OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1993) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 & 1994) Lanceolated Warbler NORFOLK, Mundesley (1994) Booted Warbler KENT, Pegwell Bay (1988) Arctic Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1994); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960, 1967, 1969, 1980 & 1994 until 22 September), Sandwick (1994) Bonelli's Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1979 until 22 September) Collared Flycatcher ESSEX, North Fambridge (1962 until 23 September) Lesser Grey Shrike FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1961 until 22 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966) Nutcracker KENT, Nonnington (1968 until 30 September); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1968), Walberswick (1968), Blythburgh (1968); WILTSHIRE, between Warminster & Shaftesbury (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1986) Red-eyed Vireo CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1990 until 30 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 29 September) Arctic Redpoll OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1990)

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Two-barred Crossbill NORFOLK, Holkham (1966 until 25 November) Trumpeter Finch ESSEX, Foulness (1985) Yellow-breasted Bunting ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977 until 23 September & 1986), Out Skerries (1982 until 4 October), Virkie (1986), Scatness (1987)

22 September

Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fetlar (1973 until 30 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting DORSET, Portland (1970)

species 46, individuals 97

No date has yet broken the 100 individuals mark, but today comes very close. Passerines continue to provide the main interest and Fair Isle continues to stake its claim as September's top site, attracting a Roller, two Pechora Pipits, two Citrine Wagtails, Lanceolated, River, Paddyfield (2), Booted and Bonelli's Warblers (best day for this species), Rose-coloured Starling, Rustic (2) and Yellow-breasted (2) Buntings. Away from Fair Isle, three Black Storks together in Devon is exceptional as is the inland record of Ehrenburg's Redstart. The 1968 Nutcracker influx trickles into western areas. Black Stork DEVON, Dean Prior (3) (1991) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (1985) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Upper Tamar Reservoir (1983) Steller's Eider SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (1959) White-tailed Eagle BERWICKSHIRE, Coldingham (1993 until 23 September) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Bressay (1981) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1982 until 5 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1990 until 24 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 25 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) Semipalmated Sandpiper DUBLIN, Bull Island (1980 until 25 September) Least Sandpiper

CORNWALL, Hayle (1993 until 4 October) White-rumped Sandpiper SCILLY, St Agnes (1964 until 29 September)

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Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1981 until 24 September); KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1973 until 23 September); LANCASHIRE, Hutton Marsh & Freckleton Sewage Farm (1963 until 6 October); WATERFORD, Kinsalebeg (1982); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1979 until 3 October) Broad-billed Sandpiper FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (2) (1960) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 9 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Treweege Barton (1976 until 30 September) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Ballymacoda (1980); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1973 until 11 October); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1969), Havergate (1980) Upland Sandpiper SHETLAND, Foula (1993 until 6 October) Spotted Sandpiper CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1983 until 3 December); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1991 until 26 September)

Wilson's Phalarope CAERNARVONSHIRE, Glan Conwy (1989 until 8 December); CORK, Ballycotton (1974 until 26 September); DOWN, Kinnegar (1969); SHETLAND, Hillwell Loch (1988 until 23 September) Laughing Gull KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Loch Ken (1978 until 1 December) White-winged Black Tern CAMBRIDGESHIRE, River Delph (1968 until 24 September); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1982); HAMPSHIRE, Blashford Gravel Pit (1991 until 25 September); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968 until 25 September) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Scatness (1990) Roller SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 & 1991), Kergord (1991) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969 & 1991 until 28 September), Out Skerries (1976) Citrine Wagtail CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1982 until 23 September); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1992 until 24 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962 until 24 September & 1976 until 26 September) Ehrenburg's Redstart SOMERSET, Keynsham (1989 until 23 September) Siberian Stonechat LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1994) Black-eared Wheatear SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1981 until 26 September) White's Thrush SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1990) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1991 until 26 September) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973), Out Skerries (1973) River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982)

Paddyfield Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 & 1994 until 26 September) Booted Warbler DORSET, Portland (1980 until 23 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989 until 27 September) Greenish Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1977 until 25 September); DEVON, Wembury (1992); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1984) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Gulberwick (1973); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1994) Bonelli's Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Drums (1980 until 24 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1983), Bryher (1991 until 6 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961), Out Skerries (1981) Isabelline Shrike SOMERSET, Minehead (1989 until 24 September) Nutcracker BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Penn (1968); CHESHIRE, Weaverham (1968); DEVON, Wrangaton (1968); SUFFOLK, Reydon (1968), Aldeburgh (1968 until 24 September) Rose-coloured Starling RADNORSHIRE, Rhayader (1994 until 27 September); SCILLY, St Martins (1991), St Agnes (1993 until 25 November); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1989 until 28 September), Fair Isle (1994 until 3 November) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Crookhaven (1991) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Kergord (1990); SURREY, Frensham (1966 until 20 October) Yellow-browed Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 23 September) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 23 September & 1980 until 27 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting DURHAM, Ryhope (1991); ORKNEY, Auskerry (1964), North Ronaldsay (1985 until 24 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 25 September & 1984 until 24 September)

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Bobolink SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 14 October)

23 September

CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1980 until 2 October)

species 45, individuals 79

The increase in the number of rarities found on Scilly over the last few days is maintained, as these islands sweep up all three Spotted Sandpipers, the earliest recorded Yellow-billed Cuckoo and a Northern Oriole. Shetland, however, still manages to pull off the big one, with the Thick-billed Warbler being only the second British record and the only one in the period 1958-1994. Five Lanceolated Warblers makes this the species' best day. A Black-billed Cuckoo on the east coast is remarkable, and the Bobolink is the seventh so far this month. Night Heron KENT, Stodmarsh (1969 until 24 September); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1979 until 24 September) Glossy Ibis SCILLY, Tresco (1994 until 27 September) American Wigeon LINCOLNSHIRE, Whitton Sands (1976) Blue-winged Teal CORK, Clonakilty (1985); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1982 until 19 October) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Murcar (1975 until 2 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1981 until 12 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1989 until 2 October); SOMERSET, Steart (1973 until 24 September) Sociable Plover DEVON, Taw Estuary (1963 until 12 November) Baird's Sandpiper CAITHNESS, Dunnet Bay (1990 until 25 September); CORK, Ballycotton (1980 (2), 1 until 25 September, 1 until 26 September & 1982); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1990) Broad-billed Sandpiper WILTSHIRE, Rodbourne Sewage Farm (1962 until 25 September) Great Snipe DURHAM, Hartlepool (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1969) Long-billed Dowitcher DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1987)

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Dowitcher sp. HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (2) (1968 until 27 September) Lesser Yellowlegs AYRSHIRE, Shewalton (1989); CORK, Ballycotton (1970 until 11 October) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, St Agnes (1965 until 28 October & 1966 until 25 September), Tresco (1979 until 9 October) Wilson's Phalarope AYRSHIRE, Shewalton (1976); DUBLIN, Bull Island (1985); FIFE, Eden Estuary (1991 until 24 September); LANCASHIRE, Banks Marsh (1990) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1978 until 7 October) Whiskered Tern SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1976 until 4 October) White-winged Black Tern SUSSEX, Langney Point (1960) Great Spotted Cuckoo CHESHIRE, Hoylake (1978) Black-billed Cuckoo YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1975 until 24 September) Yellow-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 24 September) Alpine Swift CAERNARVONSHIRE, Aberdaron (1976); NORFOLK, Stiftkey (1974) Roller CHESHIRE, Ellesmere Port (1969 until 17 October)

Red-rumped Swallow SHETLAND, Whalsay (1971 until 25 September) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 1 October) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1991), Out Skerries (1994 until 24 September) Ehrenburg's Redstart FIFE, Fife Ness (1976) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 27 September) Desert Wheatear LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1970) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 25 September) Lanceolated Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Damerham (1979); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1978), Fair Isle (1982 until 24 September, 1984 & 1990) Thick-billed Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1971) Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Dunrossness (1986); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1976) Arctic Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1984); SCILLY, St Agnes (1975 until 27 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993) Bonelli's Warbler CORNWALL, Land's End (1993) Penduline Tit ATSEA, SEA-AREA DOGGER, 54 01N 02 OlE (1994) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Sellafirth, Yell (1965 until 30 September) Steppe Shrike WILTSHIRE, Swindon (1993 until 28 September)

Nutcracker DEVON, Seaton (1968) Rose-coloured Starling DORSET, Portland (1994 until 28 September); SCILLY, Tresco (1981 until 25 September) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Dursey Island (1990) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 24 September) Rustic Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 27 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 until 9 October, (2) 1980, 1 until 25 September, 1 until 27 September & 1987 until 24 September), Out Skerries (1980 until 1 October), Fetlar (1993) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 25 September & 1986 until 27 September), Whalsay (1976 until 24 September) Bobolink DEVON, Lundy (1984 until 25 September) Northern Oriole SCILLY, St Agnes (1983 until 4 October)

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24 September

species 45, individuals 75

Both Dusky and White's Thrushes are found on Shetland, as are Pechora Pipit, River and Paddyfield Warblers. Norfolk also benefits from a Paddyfield Warbler. Black-and-white Warbler remains an extreme rarity, with only 11 records for Britain & Ireland, this being the eighth. Rarer still is Tennessee Warbler, today's being only the second British record, and remarkably, found less than 18 days after the first, also on Fair Isle (see 6 September). Equally rare, with only five records (only two alive), Ovenbird maintains a mythical status amongst British birders and remains one of the most sought after rarities. Today's individual is the second Irish record and the first of a live bird. Black-browed Albatross CORK, Cape Clear Island (1963) Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978 until 28 September); DURHAM, Hartlepool (2) (1984)

Wilson's Petrel ANTRIM, Ramore Head (1987) Little Bittern NORFOLK, Wells (1967) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (1983) Black Kite CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1983) American Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1985); Mayo, Termoncarragh Lake (1978); SHETLAND, Baltasound (1989 until 25 September) Sociable Plover NORFOLK, Titchwell & Holme (1988) White-rumped Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1989) Baird's Sandpiper DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1983 until 30 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1977); WESTMORLAND, Kent Estuary (1979 until 30 September); WICKLOW, Broadlough (1989)

Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Ballycotton (1993 until 25 September); ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1983 until 26 September) Upland Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1964) Lesser Yellowlegs ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1991 until 12 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Cleethorpes (1978); SURREY, Beddington Sewage Farm (1984 until 30 September)

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Solitary Sandpiper HERTFORDSHIRE, Rye Meads Sewage Farm (1967 until 9 October) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Ballycotton (1981 until 1 October) White-winged Black Tern DERBYSHIRE, Staunton Harold Reservoir (1988 until 25 September); DORSET, Radipole Lake (1982 until 30 September); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1982 until 30 September); KENT, Dungeness (1975 until 4 October & 1992); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968 until 25 September); NORTHAMPTONSHlRE, Peterborough (1984 until 1 October); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Colwick, Netherfield & Holme Pierrepoint (1994 until 9 October); WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1983) Yellow-billed Cuckoo DORSET, Portland (1979 until 28 September) Alpine Swift ESSEX, The Naze (1961); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1972); SCILLY, St Agnes (1969); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1983) Roller NORFOLK, Little Milton (1973) Olive-backed Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973), Tingwall (1994 until 1 October) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1985, 1 until 27 September, 1 until 29 September) Red-throated Pipit SOMERSET, Blagdon Lake (1973)

Thrush Nightingale DEVON, Lundy (1981) Siberian Stonechat KENT, Foreness (1988 until 25 September); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1981) Black-eared Wheatear SCILLY, St Agnes (1971) White's Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1973 until 25 September) Dusky Thrush SHETLAND, Whalsay (1968) River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 25 September & 1982 until 26 September) Paddyfield Warbler NORFOLK, Sheringham (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 25 September) Great Reed Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1989 until 2 October) Olivaceous Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1967 until 26 September) Subalpine Warbler ScILLY, St Agnes (1983 until 11 October); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1989) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1982 until 30 September) Arctic Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1975 until 27 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 29 September)

25 September

Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Martins (1992 until 10 October) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, St Margaret's (1983) Lesser Grey Shrike DEVON, Lundy (1961); SHETLAND, Foula (1994 until 27 September) Nutcracker YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1981) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 28 September) Black-and-white Warbler CORNWALL, The Lizard (1983) Tennesee Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975) Ovenbird CORK, Dursey Island (1990 until 25 September) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1990 until 25 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fetlar (1991 until 25 September)

species 44, individuals 87

Waders are again prominent, especially American Golden Plover, White-rumped Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher and Lesser Yellowlegs. The Eye-browed Thrush is the earliest ever autumn record, whilst today's Blyth's Reed Warbler is the second of 1993's seven autumn finds. The Northern Parula is the second Irish record. Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978 until 28 September) Night Heron NORFOLK, Swanton Morley (1972 until 12 November) Great White Egret SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1989 until 12 October)

Glossy Ibis DEVON, Tamar Lakes (1959) American Wigeon WICKLOW, Blessington Lakes (1994 until 1 October) Blue-winged Teal CORK, Cape Clear Island (1986 until 14 October); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1982 until 9 October)

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American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir (1980 until 20 October), Davidstow Airfield (1982 until 3 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island (1994 until 11 October); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1978 until 27 September) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, Maer Lake (1988 until 28 September) Western Sandpiper SHETLAND, Virkie (1988) White-rumped Sandpiper CARMARTHENSHIRE, Kidwelly (1975 until 27 September); CORK, Ballymacoda (2) (1974), Ballycotton (1980); NORFOLK, Breydon Water (1979); WILTSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1988 until 29 September); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1986 until 27 September) Baird's Sandpiper CORK, Lisagriffin (1988 until 8 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1965) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Ballycotton (1993); CORNWALL, Marazion (1973 until 6 October); NORFOLK, Lynn Point (1990 until 16 October); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1985 until 4 October & 1993 until 26 September) Upland Sandpiper SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975) Lesser Yellowlegs ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1978); CORK, Ballycotton (1971 until 17 October); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1980); MONMOUTHSHIRE, Peterstone Wentllooge (1981); SUFFOLK, Havergate (1958) Spotted Sandpiper ESSEX, King George V Reservoir (1989 until 6 October) Wilson's Phalarope ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1991); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1977 until 27 September); SUSSEX, Arlington Reservoir (1971) Gull-billed Tern YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1976)

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White-winged Black Tern CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1980); DEVON, Slapton Ley (1973 until 30 September); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1976); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1977 until 28 September), Steart ( 1988); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1976) Yellow-billed Cuckoo ARGYLLSHIRE, Barcaldine (1969); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Chichester (1979) Roller CUMBERLAND, Bassenthwaite (1982 until 29 September) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Isle of Grain (1993) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 28 September) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Scalloway (1990) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1977) Citrine Wagtail SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 26 September) Thrush Nightingale LANCASHIRE, Heysham (1993) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Whalsay (1993), Toab (1993) Eye-browed Thrush ORKNEY, Evie (1984 until 26 September) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985) Blyth's Reed Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1993) Booted Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1993 until 28 September) Subalpine Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1979 until 3 October); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1986 until 2 October); YORKSHIRE, Bumiston (1977) Sardinian Warbler SCILLY, Tresco (1980 until 31 October) Greenish Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1964 until 29 September)

Arctic Warbler SCILLY, Tresco (1983 until 26 September); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1982) Bonelli's Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1988 until 26 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1993 until 30 September) Nutcracker KENT, Dungeness (1969 until 27 September); NORFOLK, Itteringham (1979); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Overstone (1968); SUFFOLK, Butley River (1968); YORKSHIRE, Sewerby (1968 until 5 November) Rose-coloured Starling CAITHNESS, Watten Mains (1985); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1994 until 19 October); DEVON, Lundy (1983 until 30 September), Torcross (1992 until 27 September) Red-eyed Vireo CAERNARVONSHIRE, Aberdaron (1975 until 26 September); CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1989 until 1 October)

26 September

Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 2 October) Northern Parula CORK, Dursey Island (1989) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Foula (1993), Toab (1993 until 28 September); YORKSHIRE, Locke Park (1994), Filey (1994) Yellow-breasted Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1974 until 27 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 2 October)

species 46, individuals 90

American Wigeons often turn up in pairs, but a group of four is certainly unusual. The Sora, only the second since 1913, is only the fifth British record of this seemingly unlikely vagrant. Hudsonian Godwit is found in Britain for only the third time and heads an outstanding day for Nearctic waders, including the best day for both American Golden Plover and Upland Sandpiper. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is the first Western Palearctic record, and although this is the only Nearctic woodpecker to migrate over sea (albeit short distances) it is unlikely that this and the subsequent European records arrived here under their own steam. The Radde's Warbler is the earliest on record of this eastern Phylloscopus warbler. American Wigeon CORNWALL, Skewjack (4) (1981); DONEGAL, Trawbreaga Bay (1964) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Skewjack (2) (1986 until 15 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1982 until 30 September) Sora SCILLY, St Agnes (1973 until 9 October) American Golden Plover CORK, Harbour View (1993 until 10 October); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1975), Siblyback Reservoir (1975 until 18 October), St Just Airfield (1980 until 5 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm

White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1991); YORKSHIRE, Melbourne (1983), Blacktoft Sands (1986 until 11 October) Baird's Sandpiper ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1982); CORK, Ballycotton (1982 until 24 October); CORNWALL, Siblyback Reservoir (1984 until 29 September); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (2) (1970 until 27 September) Great Snipe NORFOLK, Holkham (1976)


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Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Crows-an-Wra (1990 until 27 September); GALWAY, Belclare Turlough (1985 until 30 September); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1985 until 18 October); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1965 until 27 September); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (2) (1987 until 26 October) Hudsonian Godwit ABERDEENSHIRE, near Collieston (1988) Upland Sandpiper CORNWALL, The Lizard (1982 until 4 October); SCILLY, Tresco & St Marys (1968 until 12 October) Greater Yellowlegs KERRY, Cloghane (1971) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Lissagriffin (1969 until 19 October); CORNWALL, Wadebridge (1981 until 11 October); DORSET, Lodmoor (1963 until 11 October); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1971 until 1 February 1972) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1983 until 4 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Chapel St Leonard's (1987); YORKSHIRE, near Ossert (1978 until 27 September) Bonaparte's Gull NORFOLK, Cley (1970) Ross's Gull KINCARDINESHIRE, Girdle Ness (1987 until 28 September) Caspian Tern YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1965) White-winged Black Tern ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1973); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn Pools (1980 until 28 September); WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1971) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Burra Isle (1970 until 2 October) Alpine Swift CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1976); HERTFORDSHIRE, Troy Mill Gravel Pit (1965); KENT, Botany Bay (1982 until 1 October)

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Roller CAITHNESS, Reay (1973 until 30 September); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1959) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker SCILLY, Tresco (1975 until 6 October) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 1 October), Sumburgh (1990 until 30 September) Pechora Pipit YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1966) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 27 September) Citrine Wagtail NORFOLK, Blakeney (1986 until 29 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991), Skaw (1994 until 8 October) Thrush Nightingale NORFOLK, Gramborough Hill (1992); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1965); SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 7 October) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 28 September) Pied Wheatear ABERDEENSHIRE, Don Estuary (1976 until 7 October) White's Thrush BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1991) Black-throated Thrush ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990 until 28 September) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987) River Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 27 September) Paddyfield Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 27 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 1 October) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1977 until 4 October) Greenish Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1981 until 27 September)

Green Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 4 October) Arctic Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney (1986 until 29 September); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961); AT SEA, SEA-AREA HUMBER, 53 49N 2 45E (1990) Radde's Warbler NORFOLK, Waxham (1976) Dusky Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1976); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1976 until 4 October) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Worth Marshes (1973) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1970), Fair Isle (1972 until 5 October), Whalsay (1990 until 20 October) Nutcracker LANCASHIRE, Fleetwood (1968 until 12 November)

27 September

Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1980 until 23 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988 until 5 October); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1981 until 1 October) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964 until 28 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1963 until 28 September) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1967 until 27 September)

species 50, individuals 121

Today sees the individual number of birds break the 100 mark for the first time, thanks to the influx of Parrot Cross bills on to Fair Isle. This group alone accounted for over half of the records of the 1962 invasion. A Sora is found for the second consecutive date, and is joined by another rare rail, Little Crake. The Hudsonian Whimbrel is the most recent of the four British & Irish records and Wilson's Phalaropes continue to be found in good numbers. The Pechora Pipit in Dorset is an exceptional find of this northern speciality, and along with Olivaceous and Paddyfield Warblers, breaks up what is otherwise another day dominated by eastern species on Scottish islands. Scilly,however,fights back with two spectacular Nearctic species, the first Black-and-white Warbler since 1936 and Magnolia Warbler, the first Western Palearctic record of this stunning Dendroica warbler. Little Shearwater PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1982) Little Bittern NORFOLK, Cley (1970 until 14 October) Cattle Egret NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (2) (1986) Glossy Ibis ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Strathbeg (1986) American Wigeon CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1981 until 24 October) Blue-winged Teal YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1980 until 29 September)

Red-footed Falcon BERKSHIRE, Bracknell (1973); NORFOLK, Acle (1959); YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1972 until 28 September) Sora SCILLY, St Marys (1982) Little Crake SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1973) American Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1982 until 5 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 17 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1970)

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White-rumped Sandpiper DORSET, Lodmoor (1982); KERRY, Ballyheigue Strand (1966); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1986); YORKSHIRE, Wath Ings (1978 until 12 October) Baird's Sandpiper KENT, Elmley (1989 until 8 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, Traigh Iar (1971 until 29 September) Broad-billed Sandpiper DURHAM, Seal Sands (1994 until 3 October) Stilt Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Hundred End (1967 until 8 October) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965); SUSSEX, Bodiam (1975) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Inchydoney (1992 until 23 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1967 until 31 October) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978 until 28 September); KENT, Harty Ferry (1970) Hudsonian Whimbrel WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980) Lesser Yellowlegs CARMARTHENSHIRE, Kidwelly (1990 until 18 November) Spotted Sandpiper RENFREWSHIRE, Balgray Reservoir (1991 until 1 October); SOMERSET, Burnham-onSea (1992 until 7 October) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Northwich (1980 until 4 October), Frodsham (1981 until 5 October); CORNWALL, Bude (1981 until 28 September); KENT, Elmley (1988 until 8 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Monks House Pool (1977 until 29 September); SHETLAND, Hillwell Loch (1974 until 8 October); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1970); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1973) White-winged Black Tern STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1970), Cannock Chase Reservoir (1976 until 4 October) Alpine Swift KENT, Sandwich Bay (1980); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1980); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1969)

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Olive-backed Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992) Pechora Pipit DORSET, Portland (1983); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 5 October), Foula (1993 until 29 September) Red-throated Pipit DORSET, Portland (1989); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1992) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 7 October), Quendale (1987) Black-eared Wheatear SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964) White's Thrush SUTHERLAND, Brora (1991 unti129 September) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992), Sumburgh (1993) Paddyfield Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1981); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1992) Blyth's Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 29 September) Great Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Norwick (1991) Olivaceous Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1967) Booted Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1993) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Treen (1992 until 30 September) Greenish Warbler DEVON, East Soar (1992) Arctic Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1984); SHETLAND, Grutness (1972), Out Skerries (1976), Scatness (1993) Bonelli's Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1983 until 3 October) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (1969 until 30 September) Lesser Grey Shrike ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1967) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Winterton (1968)

Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1993 until 28 September); OUTER HEBRIDES, Ardivachar Point (1991 until 8 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978 until 2 October); CORNWALL, Sennen (1982); DEVON, Prawle Point (1981); SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 5 October) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (33) (1962 until 10 October) Black-and-white Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1975 until 30 September)

28 September

Magnolia Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1981 until 28 September) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 & 1985), Sumburgh & Scatness (1992 until 29 September); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992 until 29 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 28 September)

species 42, individuals 79

Like yesterday, two rare crakes are found, with an inland Little and a Baillon's which was found in poor health and later died. Killdeer and Sociable Plovers add variety to the wader list, and the number of newly found Long-billed Dowitchers continues to increase. The Crested Lark is only the fifth since 1958 and the first ever twitchable individual, whilst the Scarlet Tanager is the second of four British records (Ireland has had three). Two Bobolinks make this the best finding date for this species, although the locations could not be much further apart. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987 until 4 October) Little Bittern SOMERSET, Keynsham (1958) Night Heron DURHAM, Washington Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Reserve (1982) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1989 until 30 September); SCILLY, St Agnes (1985 until 24 October) Black Kite ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1970) Red-footed Falcon SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1975) Little Crake NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, West Burton (1970) Baillon's Crake SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 2 October)

Killdeer HAMPSHIRE, Keyhaven (1980 until 29 September); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1975 until 19 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Predannack (1985 until 1 October); SCILLY, St Agnes & St Marys (1973 until 20 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 11 October) Sociable Plover DORSET, Langton Herring (1975 until 10 October); KENT, Deal (1968 until 18 November) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 17 October) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Tivoli (1966 until 29 September), Inchydoney (1971), Clonakilty (1986); LANCASHIRE, Southport (1963); SUSSEX, Pett Level (1979 until 3 October) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Marazion (1981 until 10 October)

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Long-billed Dowitcher DORSET, Lodmoor & Radipole (1977 until 30 September); ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1979 until 21 November); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1980); LINCOLNSHIRE, Bardney (1971 until 10 October); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1963); SCILLY, StAgnes & St Marys (1977 until 19 February 1978); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1979 until 10 October) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Inchydoney (1971 until 17 April 1972); NORTHUMBERLAND, Killingworth (1959 until 1 November) Lesser Yellowlegs KERRY, Blennerville (1960 until 29 September); LANCASHIRE, Altcar (1974) Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1987 until 5 October) Spotted Sandpiper CORK, Union Hall (1978), Cape Clear Island (1989 until 13 October); CORNWALL, Lynher Estuary (1990) Wilson's Phalarope NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1967 until 2 November); SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1988 until 30 September); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1971 until 6 October); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1991 until 29 September) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Cley (2) (1974) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Cobh (1977); HAMPSHIRE, Keyhaven & Pennington Marshes (1971 until 4 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1963); STAFFORDSHIRE, Belvide Reservoir (2) (1970) Alpine Swift DEVON, Lundy (1965) Roller SUFFOLK, Ilketshall St Lawrence (1980 until 30 September) Crested Lark KENT, Dungeness (1975 until 1 October) Red-rumped Swallow CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1986)

270 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-throated Pipit DEVON, Lundy (1984); SURREY, Barn Elms Reservoir (1992) Citrine Wagtail NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1967 until 30 September) Thrush Nightingale SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 2 October) Siberian Stonechat ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1985 until 29 September), Spiggie (1994 until 2 October) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 5 October) Paddyfield Warbler SHETLAND, Quendale (1994 until 1 October) Booted Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1981 until 8 October) Subalpine Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993 until 29 September) Arctic Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978), Lerwick (1992 until 30 September) Nutcracker CORNWALL, Feock (1968); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Humblebee Wood, near Winchcombe (1963) Rose-coloured Starling PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1990) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988 until 2 October); DEVON, Lundy (1988) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fetlar (1990), South Wick (1991)

Scarlet Tanager SCILLY, Tresco (1975 until 3 October) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 2 October), Loch of Spiggie (1994) Bobolink OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1986); SCILLY, Tresco (1976 until 29 September)

29 September

species 41, individuals 111

An outstanding day for finding rare birds, be they from southern Europe, Asia, Siberia or the Nearctic. The White-billed Diver is a good find so far south and is somewhat surprisingly the first record for this classic birding county. Blue-winged Teal records its best day, whilst the Cream-coloured Courser is only the sixth since 1958, and although found on private land, access is arranged allowing over 2,000 birdwatchers the opportunity to share this wonderful find. Olive-backed Pipits begin their run up to their peak period, with today's finds being typically northern - it is usually later in the autumn that this species is found away from the Northern Isles. Fifteen Siberian Stonechats are found today, including the unprecedented arrival of a group of five birds on Fair Isle. Despite several previous claims, today's Red-throated Thrush in Essex is the first to be accepted on to the British list. The Olivaceous Warbler is the first of three Irish records, whilst the Lanceolated Warbler is the first of two in successive years for Norfolk. Five Red-eyed Vireos found today, including one in East Anglia, make this the best day for the species. This however, is just one of six species of Nearctic passerine to be found today, with Scilly bagging four species - Red-eyed Vireo, Black-and-white Warbler, Britain's third Northern Waterthrush and a Northern Oriole. The Pallas's Reed Bunting is the first of three British records of this eastern Siberian species. White-billed Diver NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1985) Night Heron SUSSEX, Rye (1969) Blue-winged Teal, DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (2) (1980 until 17 October); EAST LOTHIAN, Newliston (1982); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1980); WIGTOWNSHIRE, Stranraer (1982); YORKSHIRE, Bolton-on-Swale (1988 until 9 October) Cream-coloured Courser ESSEX, Hadleigh Marsh (1984 until 2 October) American Golden Plover DURHAM, Langley Moor (1988); MAYO, Belmullet (1986) Semipalmated Sandpiper DONEGAL, Glashagh Bay (1991) White-rumped Sandpiper AYRSHIRE, New Cumnock (1983); CORK, Ballycotton (1971 until 3 October); HAMpSHIRE, Eling Great Marsh (1986); NORFOLK, Cley (1988 until 30 September); NORTHUMBERLAND, Whittle Dene Reservoirs (1963 until 30 September) Baird's Sandpiper DEVON, Northam Burrows (1991 until 3 October); DURHAM, Long Drag Pools (1986 until 13 October)

Great Snipe SHETLAND, Geosetter (1994) Long-billed Dowitcher CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1979 until 5 October); ESSEX, Heybridge Gravel Pit (1985 until 5 October); SOMERSET, Porlock Marsh (1973 until 26 October) Dowitcher sp. DERRY, Bann Estuary (1985 until 1 October); EAST LOTHIAN, Gullane Bay (1960); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1966 until 8 October) Lesser Yellowlegs OUTER HEBRIDES, Loch Nam Buadh (1975 until 31 October), Loch Ordais (1992 until 8 October) Spotted Sandpiper CAERNARVONSHIRE, Port Colhon (1981) Wilson's Phalarope DERRY, Lough Beg (1984); LEICESTERSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1991 until 30 September); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1967 until 15 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Penclacwydd (1991); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1979 until 4 October) White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Lodmoor (1992); GLAMORGAN, Lisvane Reservoir (1968); KENT, Leyboume Gravel Pit (1965), Dungeness (1973 until 30 September); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1968)

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Scops Owl SCILLY, St Agnes (1969) Roller ARGYLLSHIRE, Cladville (1968), Islay (1983 until 12 October) Olive-backed Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990 until 5 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 & 1993 until 3 October), Grutness (1987 until 1 October), Exnaboe (1993) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 3 October) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1991 until 30 September); SCILLY, Gugh (1969), St Marys (1985 until 2 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 3 October) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Quendale (1990 until 30 September) Red-flanked Bluetail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 30 September) Siberian Stonechat FIFE, Fife Ness (1983 until 1 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (2) (1991 until 30 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 1 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 3 October, (5) 1987, 2 until 30 September & 1993 until 8 October); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1977 until 5 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987 until 2 October), Spurn (1991 until 30 September), Filey Brigg (1991) Red-throated Thrush ESSEX, The Naze (1994 until 7 October) Lanceolated Warbler NORFOLK, Sheringham (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 1 October) Olivaceous Warbler DONEGAL, Tory Island (1959) Greenish Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985 until 1 October); CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1984 until 1 October)

Arctic Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1992); SCILLY, St Martins (1981); SHETLAND, Loch of Spiggie (2) (1972) Radde's Warbler SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1992)

272 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Nutcracker DORSET, Bridport (1968); HAMPSHIRE, Hurstboume Tarrant (1969 until 24 November); KENT, Gillingham (1968); NORFOLK, Cley (2) (1968), Wheatfen (1968), South Wootton (1968), Horsey (2) (1968)

Rose-coloured Starling DEVON, Torcross (1989 until 2 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1988 until 7 October); KERRY, Dunquin (1990 until 30 September); SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 10 October), Tresco (1990); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1988)

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Wells (1966 until 3 October); SUTHERLAND, Melvich (1984) Black-and-white Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 1 October) Northern Waterthrush SCILLY, Bryher (1982 until 4 October) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1960 until 2 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1979); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 1 October); YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1984 until 30 September) Yellow-breasted Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1977); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979 (2), 1 until 30 September, 1 until 1 October & 1980) Pallas's Reed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 11 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1988 until 4 October) Bobolink SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 2 October) Northern Oriole SCILLY, St Agnes (1968 until 3 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1970 until 30 September)

30 September

species 53, individuals 112

This is the best date so far for total number of species and total number of individuals, and is packed with some extremely rare birds. The two Little Shearwaters bring this species' best month to an end with a month tally of 36. Two Cattle Egrets arrive on the north-east coast in 1986 and two Glossy Ibises are found in western Britain. After reassesment and subsequent rejection of all existing British records of Short-billed Dowither, today's bird remains the sole accepted record from Britain or Ireland. Both Nearctic cuckoos are found today, with a juvenile Black-billed found exhausted on an oil platform and a Yellow-billed in Ireland. Five Olivebacked Pipits include a single in Kent, whilst two of the 18 British & Irish records of Swainson's Thrush are found today, and where else could they be other than on Scilly and Fair Isle. Two more Lanceolated Warblers bring the month's total to a staggering 35, Paddyfield Warbler ends with a mere 16 and Arctic Warbler with a mind-boggling 122. The Brown Shrike is the first Western Palearctic record. Seven Nearctic passerines are found today, the pick of which are the first British record of Northern Waterthrush and the second British record of Savannah Sparrow. Little Shearwater CLARE, Bridges of Ross (1991); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1979) Cattle Egret NORTHUMBERLAND, Barrasford (1986 until 11 October); YORKSHIRE, Homsea Mere (1986) Black Stork ESSEX, Frinton-on-Sea (1991) Glossy Ibis CUMBERLAND, near Kirkbride (1992); GLAMORGAN, Skew Bridge, Cardiff (1986 until 13 October) Blue-winged Teal NORFOLK, Welney (1984 until 5 October) Red-footed Falcon NORFOLK, Winterton (1979) Gyr Falcon SCILLY, between Tresco & St Marys (1968) American Golden Plover CORK, Douglas Estuary (1966 until 8 October); CORNWALL, Land's End (1987) Davidstow Airfield (1983 until 11 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1962 until 10 October) Pacific/American Golden Plover SCILLY, St Agnes (1962 until 10 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper DUBLIN, Swords (1986 until 4 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1984 until 7 October), St Marys (1986 until 24 October)

White-rumped Sandpiper KENT, Grain (1984 until 2 October); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1978), Tacumshin (2) (1988 until 10 October) Baird's Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1982 until 3 October); CORK, site withheld (1966 until 1 October); KERRY, site withheld (2) (1966 until 1 October); WATERFORD, Knockaderry Reservoir (1984 until 1 October) Short-billed Dowitcher WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1985 until 2 October) Long-billed Dowitcher DERRY, Lough Beg (1987); ESSEX, Langenhoe Point (1985); KENT, Dungeness (1984); SOMERSET, Chew Valley & Blagdon Lakes (2) (1977, 1 until 11 January 1978, 1 until 21 January 1978); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980 until 26 October) Dowitcher Spa WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1979 until 1 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1989 until 4 October); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Avonmouth (1984 until 5 October) Wilson's Phalarope LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1991 until 3 October); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1980)

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Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Caspian Tern DONEGAL, Tory Island (1959) White-winged Black Tern DURHAM, Seal Sands (1982 until 5 October) Black-billed Cuckoo AT SEA, SEA-AREA FORTIES, Oil Platform Maureen (1989) Yellow-billed Cuckoo MAYO, Keel, Achill (1964) Alpine Swift HERTFORDSHIRE, St Albans (1965); SOMERSET, Steep Holm (1967); WEXFORD, Tacumshin Lake (1979) Roller MONMOUTHSHIRE, Castleton (1987) Olive-backed Pipit KENT, locality withheld (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 5 October), Norwick (2) (1993, 1 until 3 October), Voe (1993 until 4 October) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958) Red-throated Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1976 until 2 October), Fair Isle (1992 until 1 October) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Seafield (1992) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Whalsay (1978 until 1 October), Fair Isle (1984 until 5 October), Sumburgh (1992 until 14 October & 1994 until 1 October) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1984 until 11 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 6 October) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 & 1990) Paddyfield Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1974 until 15 October); SHETLAND, Skaw (1994 until 1 October) Blyth's Reed Warbler

FIFE, Isle of May (1991) Olivaceous Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1962 until 2 October) Subalpine Warbler YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1983)

274 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Arctic Warbler CAITHNESS, Wick (1985 until 2 October); CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1985 until 2 October); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1986 until 2 October); SHETLAND, Northdale (1993 until 3 October); SUFFOLK, Fagbury Cliff (1993 until 2 October) Radde's Warbler SUSSEX, Icklesham (1992); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Dusky Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) Bonelli's Warbler CORNWALL, St Just (1983 until 4 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1986) Brown Shrike SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1985 until 2 October) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Norwick, Northdale & Skaw (1993 until 3 October) Nutcracker HERTFORDSHIRE, Berkhamstead (1968 until 6 October); NORFOLK, Terrington (1968), South Creake (1968) Rose-coloured Starling ESSEX, Southminster (1961 until 10 January 1962); SCILLY, Bryher (1991) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990); CORNWALL, The Lizard (1991 until 10 October); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1990 until 1 October) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Evie (1989); SHETLAND, Whalsay (3) (1990 until 4 October) Two-barred Crossbill NORFOLK, Sandringham (1990 until 6 October) Black-and-white Warbler DERRY, Loughermore Forest (1984 until 2 October) Northern Parula DORSET, Portland (1988 until 7 October); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1985 until 12 October) Blackpoll Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1985 until 3 October), Fair Isle (1991)

Northern Waterthrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1958 until 12 October) Savannah Sparrow SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 1 October) Rustic Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1975 until 6 October); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1982), Whalsay (1993), Skaw (1993)

Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Whalsay (1977 until 4 October), Aithsetter (1992 until 4 October) Northern Oriole OUTER HEBRIDES, Benbecula (1988 until 3 October)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 275

September species at a glance White-billed Diver Black-browed Albatross Albatross sp. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp. Little Shearwater Wilson's Petrel American Bittern Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Black Stork Glossy Ibis Black Brant American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal Boreal Eider King Eider Steller's Eider Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Pallid Harrier Red-footed Falcon GyrFalcon Sora Little Crake Baillon's Crake Sandhill Crane Black-winged Stilt Cream-coloured Courser Collared Pratincole Oriental Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Pratincole sp. Killdeer American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Pacific/American Golden Plover Sociable Plover Great Knot Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Least Sandpiper White-romped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper

276 - Rare Birds Day by Day

3 6 2 3 36 6 2 8 18 1 5 2 13 10 5 21 3 52 1 6 1 4 1 2 25 6 2 4 1 1 18 1 1 1 4 2 3 63 1 1 7 1 31 3 11 84 105 6 12

Stilt Sandpiper Great Snipe Short-billed Dowitcher Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Hudsonian Godwit Hudsonian Whimbrel Upland Sandpiper Marsh Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Terek Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Bonaparte's Gull Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Royal Tern Forster's Tern Bridled Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Pallas's Sandgrouse Great Spotted Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo Scops Owl Snowy Owl Hawk Owl Common Nighthawk Alpine Swift Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Roller Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Calandra Lark Crested Lark Crag Martin Red-romped Swallow Olive-backed Pipit Pechora Pipit Red-throated Pipit Citrine Wagtail Rufous Bush Chat Thrush Nightingale Red-flanked Bluetail

6 26 1 53 21 2

1 9

5 4 65 13 2

27 126 8

5 1 3 25 15 1 1 1

8 153 2

3 1

5 1 4

2 2

39 1

15 1

1 1

1 8 20


55 41 1 13


Ehrenburg's Redstart Siberian Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Pied Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear Desert Wheatear White's Thrush Siberian Thrush Swainson's Thrush Grey-cheeked Thrush Eye-browed Thrush Dusky Thrush Black-throated Thrush Red-throated Thrush Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Lanceolated Warbler River Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Blyth's Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Thick-billed Warbler Olivaceous Warbler Booted Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Green Warbler Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Radde's Warbler Dusky Warbler Bonelli's Warbler Collared Flycatcher Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Brown Shrike Isabelline Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Steppe Shrike

3 36 2

3 4 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 35 6 16 5 5 1 7 30 14 3 1 73 122 4 3 52 1 4 4 1 5 25 2

Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Yellow-throated Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Trumpeter Finch Black-and-white Warbler Tennessee Warbler Northern Parula Chestnut-sided Warbler Magnolia Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Hooded Warbler Scarlet Tanager Savannah Sparrow Yellow-browed Bunting Rustic Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Pallas's Reed Bunting Black-headed Bunting Rose-breasted Grosbeak Bobolink Northern Oriole

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican Greater Flamingo Marbled Duck Red-headed Bunting Chestnut Bunting Indigo Bunting

139 53 1 24 11 7 34 1 6 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 47 132 2 5 1 10 4

163 2414

3 1 1 43 1 1

Rare Birds Day by Day - 277

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Rare Birds Day by Day - 279

1 October

species 43, individuals 84

A good start to what most birders see as the most exciting month, with more rare birds found in October than at any other time of the year. The Pied-billed Grebe is only the fourth British record, whilst the Glossy Ibis is the first of five Scottish records since 1958. Six Olive-backed Pipits include only one away from the Northern Isles, which also claim one of the greatest prizes, a Siberian Thrush, which attracted many admirers from the south during its eight day stay. With the Scilly season around the corner, an increasing number of birds are beginning to be found by those choosing to stay on the islands before the crowds arrive next week. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Birsay (1984) Pied-billed Grebe KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Carlingwark Loch (1975 until 8 October) Black-browed Albatross CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967) Little Shearwater YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (3) (1978)

Glossy Ibis ARGYLLSHIRE, Tiree (1958 until 26 October) Red-breasted Goose YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1978) Blue-winged Teal WESTMEATH, Denararagh (2) (1975) Black Kite CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1983); ESSEX, Ongar (1980) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORNWALL, Torpoint (1988 until 15 October) White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1978); CORK, Shanagarry Marsh (1966 until 2 October), Lissagriffin (1976 until 2 October), Kinsale Marsh (1993 until 10 October); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1960 until 15 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, North Bay (1991 until 3 October) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (1989 until 11 October); MAYo, Learn Lough (1980) Great Snipe KENT, St Margaret's (1983); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994)

280 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Long-billed Dowitcher DERRY, Bann Estuary (1988 until 1 January 1989); DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1985 until 9 October); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1977 until 15 October); ROSCOMMON, Lough Funshinagh (1963 until 10 October) Dowitcher sp. CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1977 until 3 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Calenick Creek (1975 until 22 October); OXFORDSHIRE, Stanton Harcourt (1970 until 17 October) Spotted Sandpiper CORK, Cape Clear Island (1983 until 15 October) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Clonakilty (1977 until 8 October); LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1989); SOMERSET, Durleigh Reservoir (1967 until 4 October) Gull-billed Tern CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1987); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1967); KENT, Shellness (1960) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Cley (1973 until 10 October); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1983) Yellow-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Agnes (1980 until 11 October) Red-rumped Swallow HERTFORDSHIRE, Hilfield Park Reservoir (1966)

Olive-backed Pipit ORKNEY, Stronsay (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 until 2 October & 1992 until 15 October), Whalsay (1993); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1993)

Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 9 October) Red-throated Pipit CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1993 until 2 October); DORSET, Lodmoor (1992 until 2 October); KENT, Elmley (1994); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1976 until 3 October) Siberian Stonechat CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1985 until 4 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1978); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992 until 4 October) Black-eared Wheatear CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1971 until 2 October) White's Thrush SHETLAND, Seafield (1993) Siberian Thrush ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 8 October) Subalpine Warbler EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1987) Greenish Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1985 until 3 October) Arctic Warbler NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1988 until 2 October); SHETLAND, Unst (1978 until 2 October), Dale of Walls (1993) Radde's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1987 until 4 October) Dusky Warbler SHETLAND, Scalloway (1992), Noness (1992 until 2 October)

2 October

Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 4 October) Penduline Tit BERKSHIRE, Brimpton Gravel Pit (1988) Nutcracker SOMERSET, Ilminster (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1979 until 6 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 8 October & 1986 until 11 October) Red-eyed Vireo DEVON, Lundy (1988); OUTER HEBRIDES, Newton Plantation (1988 until 7 October); SCILLY, Bryher (1993 until 2 October) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Baltasound (1988) Northern Parula SCILLY, Tresco (1983) Rustic Bunting LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1978); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1976 until 7 October); SHETLAND, Northdale (2) (1993) Yellow-breasted Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1993); SHETLAND, Whalsay (2) (1969) Black-headed Bunting SUTHERLAND, Brora (1994 until 4 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Saker Falcon SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1976 until 5 October)

species 45, individuals 93

The Black Kite, although an unusually long-stayer, proves extremely elusive as it ranges over a wide area, unlike the long-staying Black-winged Pratincole in the same county. The eight Long-billed Dowitchers include an unprecedented group of five in Ireland and two together in Cornwall, and make today this species' best day. The Citrine Wagtail in Donegal is only the third Irish record and the five records make this the species' best day, whilst the Isabelline Wheatear is the fifth British record and the first of three to be found on Scilly this month. Five Bonelli's Warblers found today make this the species' best date in the calendar. Scilly birders also manage to find a Blackpoll Warbler and the third British record of Common Yellowthroat, which satisfies long-travelling admirers during its 16 day stay. Night Heron KENT, Walland Marsh (1974)

Squacco Heron DUBLIN, Dublin (1967)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 281

Great White Egret NORFOLK, Titchwell (1983) Red-breasted Goose DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock & Mersehead (1991 until 7 March 1992, then Rockcliffe, Cumberland 22 March until 19 April 1992) American Wigeon HERTFORDSHIRE, Tringford Reservoir (1988 until 9 October) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Loe Pool (1991); DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1982); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1970) Black Kite CORNWALL, Buryas Bridge & Land's End area (1990 until 17 November) Red-footed Falcon HAMPSHIRE, Milford-on-Sea (1964); SUFFOLK, Cavenham Heath (1987) Black-winged Pratincole CORNWALL, Davidstowe area (1992 until 11 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Sennen (1984 until 28 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1982 until 7 October) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Dormans Pool (1980 until 21 October); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1988); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1988 until 5 October); KENT, Sandwich (1960); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1978 until 4 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1962 until 3 October) Baird's Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1962 until 6 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Dale Estuary (1967 until 10 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1987 until 4 October) Great Snipe NORTHUMBERLAND, Shitlington Common (1976) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Lower Tamar Lake (2) (1977, 1 until 16 October, 1 until 23 October); DERRY, Lough Beg (1963 until 15 October); GALWAY, Rahasane (5) (1963 until 20 October)

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Dowitcher sp, WEXFORD, Tacumshin Lake (1966) Bonaparte's Gull ANTRIM, Randalstown (1992) White-winged Black Tern CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1982 until 8 October), Hilbre (1982 until 3 October); SOMERSET, Parrett Estuary (1981) Alpine Swift SOMERSET, Portishead (1960) Roller LINCOLNSHIRE, Woodhall Spa (1983 until 19 October) Red-rumped Swallow ESSEX, Hadleigh Downs (1990) Olive-backed Pipit NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 & 1987 until 22 October), Scatness (1993), CuIswick (1993) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966 until 3 October) Red-throated Pipit DEVON, Bolberry Down (1993 until 3 October); NORFOLK, East Winch Common (1984), Sheringham (1994); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992); SCILLY, St Marys (1976); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 10 October & 1990) Citrine Wagtail DONEGAL, Aranmore Island (1993 until 4 October); EAST LOTHIAN, Drem (1983 until 7 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1989 until 5 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 10 October & 1979 until 4 October) Thrush Nightingale NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1965) Siberian Stonechat LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1983 until 3 October), Bridge of Walls (2) (1987 until 6 October) Isabelline Wheatear SCILLY, St Marys (1988 until 3 October) Black-eared Wheatear CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1971 until 5 October) Lanceolated Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 14 October)

Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1987 until 10 October), St Marys (1989 until 5 October) Arctic Warbler CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1984); SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 5 October); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1972) Radde's Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1987); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987) Dusky Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1992 until 3 October) Bonelli's Warbler ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1988); KENT, Reculver (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 25 October & 1977 until 8 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1976 until 9 October) Nutcracker SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1968)

3 October

Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985 until 7 October) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Stronsay (1989 until 8 October) Parrot Crossbill ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1983) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1984 until 16 October) Common Yellowthroat SCILLY, Bryher (1984 until 17 October) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 11 October & 1987), Scalloway (1983 until 3 October & 1993) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Whalsay (1972) Black-headed Bunting CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1988) Northern Oriole DEVON, Lundy (1958 until 9 October)

species 39, individuals 98

Slightly fewer species are found today, but still an excellent individuals total thanks to a sudden increase in numbers of several species. Also, today sees a distinct shift from non-passerines to passerines. Five of the month's 16 Little Shearwaters are seen off Ireland and make this the best day for the species, and Alpine Swifts keep turning up. Olive-backed Pipit has its best day in the calendar, with 11 of the 12 found today on Shetland. The long-staying first-winter male Riippell's Warbler is Britain's third and Radde's Warblers begin to arrive en masse along with a further six Nutcrackers to add to the 1968 influx. Nearctic species continue to make their presence felt, with today's crop including Ireland's fifth Blackpoll Warbler, Britain's (and Scilly's) second Northern Waterthrush and Ireland's seventh and most recent Rose-breasted Grosbeak. This is also the best day for Rustic Bunting. Little Shearwater CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1968); KERRY, Brandon Point (3) (1967) American Wigeon KERRY, Inch Strand (1984); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fenham-Ie-Moor (1990 until 15 October) Black-winged Stilt HAMPSHIRE, Dadenham Creek (1962) American Golden Plover ARGYLLSHIRE, Colonsay (1992 until 5 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1982 until 4 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1986 until 5 October)

White-rumped Sandpiper KENT, Reculver (1977) Baird's Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco (1977 until 8 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Ballycotton (1983 until 3 November); HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1981 until 13 May 1982); SCILLY, St Marys (1978 until 18 October); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1987 until 18 October) Dowitcher sp. DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1969 until 7 December); WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (2) (1971 until 18 October)

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Marsh Sandpiper SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1982 until 4 October) Lesser Yellowlegs LINCOLNSHIRE, North Killingholme (1970 until 30 October) Wilson's Phalarope DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1991); LINCOLNSHIRE, Anderby Creek (1984); SCILLY, Tresco (1977 until 9 October) White-winged Black Tern KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1963); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1984 until 10 October) Alpine Swift KENT, Foreness (1992); NORFOLK, Cley (1965) Olive-backed Pipit EAST LOTHIAN, Barns Ness (1993); SHETLAND, Sumburgh Head (1987), Whalsay (1990 until 4 October), Kergord (2) (1990, 1 until 5 October, 1 until 7 October), Vidlin (2) (1990 until 8 October), Fair Isle (1992 (3), 2 until 4 October, 1 until 5 October & 1993), Dale of Walls (1993) Pechora Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1989); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1972) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Sheringham (1992) Thrush Nightingale SHETLAND, Whalsay (1976) Siberian Stonechat DORSET, Portland (2) (1987 until 4 October); FIFE, Balcomie (1987); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992 until 4 October) White's Thrush ORKNEY, Stronsay (1990) Great Reed Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1993) Olivaceous Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1961 until 4 October) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 11 October) Riippell's Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1990 until 19 October) Arctic Warbler CHESHIRE, Meols (1971); SHETLAND, Scalloway (1992 until 5 October)

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Radde's Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1962 until 8 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1961 until 5 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1976); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SCILLY, St Agnes (1993); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1976 until 4 October), Scatness (1987); YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1992) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1987 until 4 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987); SHETLAND, Voe (1993) Isabelline Shrike SCILLY, St Marys (1980) Nutcracker BERKSHIRE, Pangboume (2) (1968); ESSEX, Harlow (1968 until 4 October); HERTFORDSHIRE, Rothamsted Park (1968); NORFOLK, Horsey (1968); SOMERSET, Wootton Courtenay (1968 until 23 October) Rose-coloured Starling DEVON, Lundy (1994 until 4 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992); SCILLY, St Martins (1975 until 6 October) Red-eyed Vireo ARGYLLSHIRE, Arinagour, CoIl (1992); DORSET, Southwell, Portland (1988 until 5 October); KENT, Dungeness (1984 until 10 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1985 until 11 October) Arctic Redpoll NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1989) Northern Parula SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 17 October) Blackpoll Warbler WATERFORD, Brownstown Head (1993) Northern Waterthrush SCILLY, Tresco (1968 until 7 October) Rustic Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1992); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1987 until 21 October), Fair Isle (1990 until 5 October, (3) 1993, 1 until 4 October, 1 until 5 October, 1 until 7 October), Skaw (1993); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1992) Yellow-breasted Bunting KENT, Margate (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984 until 4 October)

Black-headed Bunting YORKSHIRE, Patrington (1987)

4 October

Rose-breasted Grosbeak WEXFORD, Kilmore (1985)

species 52, individuals 105

The American Bittern, only the third since 1958, was unfortunately found dying. Four Spotted Sandpipers found today make this the species' best date. Ten more Olive-backed Pipits are again largely confined to the Northern Isles, which also account for today's Pechora Pipit, Citrine Wagtail, Eye-browed Thrush, Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler and Lanceolated Warbler. Two of the three Blyth's Reed Warblers (this species' best day) are on the Northern Isles, but the third proves to be a very popular individual in Suffolk. Scilly restores the balance somewhat, holding a virtual monopoly on Nearctic vagrants, including the second British record of Scarlet Tanager. However, one species that did slip past Scilly, an American Redstart, was the first of two during the record autumn of 1985 (see 13 October). White-billed Diver NORFOLK, Cley (1986) American Bittern DUBLIN, Malahide (1970) Little Bittern GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1977) Black Stork ISLE OF WIGHT, Alum Bay (1993) American Wigeon CAITHNESS, Loch ofMey (1987 until 10 October); LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1992 until 22 October) Blue-winged Teal WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (2) (1980 until 11 October) Red-footed Falcon LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1969); SOMERSET, Barrow Gurney Reservoir (1973) Gyr Falcon ROSS-SHIRE, Loch Eye (1976) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1981 until 7 October); SOMERSET, Stoke Moor, Tealham Moor & Cheddar Reservoir (1984 until 26 October) Pacific/American Golden Plover GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem (1967) Sociable Plover SUFFOLK, Havergate (1968) Least Sandpiper SCILLY, St Agnes (1962)

White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes area (1980); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967), Tivoli (1970); OUTER HEBRIDES, Bomish (1980 until 11 October) Baird's Sandpiper DUBLIN, Swords (1973 until 6 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993 until 11 October) Great Snipe ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993 until 5 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960) Long-billed Dowitcher SURREY, King George VI Reservoir, Staines Moor & Perry Oaks Sewage Farm (1987 until 10 November) Upland Sandpiper SCILLY, Tresco & St Marys (1968) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1970 until 22 November), Kilkerran Lake (1981 until 8 December); CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1964) Spotted Sandpiper CORK, Cape Clear Island (1987 until 8 October); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1986 until 12 January 1987); SCILLY, St Marys (1969 until 25 October), Tresco (1985 until 21 October) Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Landulph (1985 until 6 October); LANCASHIRE, Freckleton (1973 until 9 October) Bonaparte's Gull STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1994 until 6 October)

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Gull-billed Tern KENT, Allhallows (1975) Forster's Tern CORNWALL, Lynher Estuary (1982 until 8 October) White-winged Black Tern DEVON, Slapton Ley (1975); FLINTSHIRE, Shorton (2) (1970, 1 until 16 October, 1 until 17 October); KENT, Dungeness (1970 until 9 October); SOMERSET, Combwich (1992 until 7 October) Yellow-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Marys (1970) Alpine Swift DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1975); HAMPSHIRE, Gilkicker Point (1965); KENT, St Margaret's (1990) Roller NORFOLK, Upton (1976) Olive-backed Pipit NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1992 until 10 October); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1993 until 5 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 5 October, (3) 1992, 1 until 7 October & (3) 1993), Lerwick (1992) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989 until 24 October) Red-throated Pipit CHESHIRE, Hoylake (1981); DORSET, Portland (1992); KENT, St Margarets (1987); SCILLY, St Marys (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1987) Citrine Wagtail ORKNEY, Deerness (1987) Siberian Stonechat ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1992); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987); YORKSHIRE, Staveley (1987 until 10 October) Eye-browed Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1983) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 5 October) Blyth's Reed Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1989); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1993); SUFFOLK, Fagbury Cliff (1993)

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Subalpine Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979) Arctic Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1979 until 5 October) Radde's Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1981 until 6 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1989); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1992); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1964) Dusky Warbler OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St K.ilda (1993); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1992), Dale of Walls (1992) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1965 until 5 October & 1971 until 17 October) Penduline Tit SUSSEX, Pert Pools (1987) Steppe Shrike SUFFOLK, Easton Bavents & Southwold (1992 until 7 October) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1968) Red-eyed Vireo SCILLY, St Agnes (2) (1962 until 10 October), St Marys (1985 until 17 October) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1981), Fair Isle (1989 until 18 October) Parrot Crossbill OUTER HEBRIDES, Lewis (1962) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1976, 1 until 13 October, 1 until 23 October) American Redstart HAMPSHIRE, Winchester College Meadows (1985 until 6 October) Scarlet Tanager SCILLY, St Marys (1970) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 7 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964), Sumburgh (1992), Skaw (1992), Quendale (1993 until 8 October) Northern Oriole SCILLY, St Agnes (1988 until 12 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Greater Flamingo ESSEX, Paglesham Eastend (1986)

5 October

species 47, individuals 83

The best day for Sociable Plover, whilst the Pacific Golden Plover is the fourth Irish record, and an excellent find, particularly so far west. Ireland also does well for other eastern species, including its sixth Olive-backed Pipit and fourth Arctic Warbler; and from the west, its fifth Yellow-rumped and fourth Blackpoll Warblers. The Rufous Bush Chat is the fourth British & Irish record since 1958, whilst the remarkable inland record of an Eye-browed Thrush is the first of three to be found in 1964. The four Red-eyed Vireos include two together in Cornwall and one on the east coast, whilst the Blackburnian Warbler is the first to be recorded in the Western Palearctic, although its identity was not established for some 30 years. This is the best day for Northern Orioles with two individuals found today. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Hascosay (1977) Black-browed Albatross CORNWALL,StIves(1982) Night Heron LINCOLNSHIRE, Goxhill & East Halton (1986 until 12 October) American Wigeon DERRY, Lough Foyle (1986 & 1988) Blue-winged Teal CORK, Passage West Reservoir (1975); WEXFORD, North Slob (1975) King Eider SHETLAND, Whalsay (1991 until 1 November) Gyr Falcon ROSS-SHIRE, Achiltibuie (1980) Black-winged Stilt RENFREWSHIRE, Erskine Ferry (1958) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Crows-an-Wra (1971 until 21 October), Stithians Reservoir (1978 until 8 November), Sennen (1985); OFFALY, Shannon Harbour (1985) Pacific Golden Plover CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1991 until 8 October) Sociable Plover HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Somersham (1991 until 20 October); ISLE OF WIGHT, Newtown (1980) White-rumped Sandpiper DURHAM, Dormans Pool (2) (1980 until 15 October); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1991 until 19 October) Baird's Sandpiper NAIRN, Findhom Bay (1982 until 6 October)

Long-billed Dowitcher SCILLY, St Marys (1975 until 13 October) Dowitcher sp. CLARE, Lough Donnell (1983); CORK, Lisagriffin (1984); HAMPSHIRE, The Gins (1963 until 2 November) Upland Sandpiper SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970) Greater Yellowlegs DERRY, Lough Beg (1964) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ring (1991) Solitary Sandpiper HERTFORDSHIRE, Tring Reservoirs (1984 until 12 October) Spotted Sandpiper PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherston Ponds (1980 until 2 December) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1990) Gull-billed Tern DERRY, Roe Estuary (1982 until 10 October); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1993 until 6 October) White-winged Black Tern ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1982 until 6 October) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, Robin Hood's Bay (1985) Olive-backed Pipit CORK, Dursey Island (1992); DORSET, Portland (1992); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987 until 6 October); SHETLAND, Stove (1993); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1987) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958 & 1988 until 7 October)

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Rufous Bush Chat YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1972 until 6 October) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 until 6 October); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1991); YORKSHIRE, Paull (1986) Black-eared Wheatear SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1983) Eye-browed Thrush NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Oundle (1964) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Tolob (1974 until 6 October) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988 until 6 October) Blyth's Reed Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1979 until 13 October) Greenish Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1990 until 7 October) Arctic Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1981); DEVON, Lundy (1981) Radde's Warbler FIFE, Fife Ness (1979); KENT, Sandwich Bay (1991); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1987 until 11 October) Lesser Grey Shrike LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1969) Nutcracker HEREFORDSHIRE, Pirton (1968 until 10 October); HERTFORDSHIRE, Hexton (1968 until 5 November); NORFOLK, Thorpe, Norwich (1968), Gorleston (1968 until 6 October); SCILLY, St Martins (1966); SUFFOLK, Leavenheath (1968)

6 October

Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 17 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (2) (1985, 1 until 9 October); DEVON, Lundy (1985); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1988 until 6 October) Blackburnian Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1961) Yellow-rumped Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985 until 7 October) Blackpoll Warbler WEXFORD, Hook Head (1985 until 15 October) Rustic Bunting ABERDEENSHIRE, Drums (1986); KENT, Shellness (1984 until 6 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, Hirta, St Kilda (1993); SCILLY, St Martins (1975); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 & 1978) Yellow-breasted Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 7 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1967) Northern Oriole PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1967 until 10 October); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1962 until 6 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting SUSSEX, Church Norton (1979)

species 45, individuals 88

Scilly,Cornwall and southern Ireland take the lion's share of today's finds, although some species remain stubbornly faithful to those Scottish islands. Two species of Catharus thrush are found today, the third Irish Grey-cheeked Thrush and the first British and Western Palearctic record of Veery. Other Nearctic species include five Red-eyed Vireos (the species' joint best day), with three on Scilly, and another along the British east coast; three Blackpoll Warblers making this the species' joint best day; and the second British record of Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Also, this is the best day for Rose-coloured Starling with six found. Great White Egret SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1985 until 20 October)

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Glossy Ibis KENT, Dungeness (1986)

Black Brant DERRY, Faughanvale (1982 until 14 November) American Wigeon KERRY, Akeragh Lough (4) (1968 until 12 October) Blue-winged Teal ORKNEY, Gretchen Loch & Hooking Loch (1983 until 14 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (2) (1978 until 21 October) Red-footed Falcon PEMBROKESHIRE, Haverfordwest (1972 until 16 October) Gyr Falcon DERRY, Lough Foyle (1984 until 7 October) Pratincole sp. KENT, Reculver (1962); ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1963) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, St Just Airfield (1968), Davidstow Airfield (1980 until 19 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 2 December) Sociable Plover ISLE OF WIGHT, Brighstone & Atherfield (1973) Semipalmated Sandpiper YORKSHIRE, Faxfleet (1978) White-rumped Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1970) Baird's Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988 until 19 October) Stilt Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968 until 7 October) Great Snipe SCILLY, St Marys (1970); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1977) Long-billed Dowitcher DUBLIN, Swords (1984 until 11 October) Dowitcher sp. ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch A'phuill, Tiree (1969 until 8 October); LANCASHIRE, Freckleton Sewage Farm (1963 until 10 October) Upland Sandpiper CORNWALL, St Just (1968); SCILLY, St Marys (1993 until 6 November) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1991 until 27 October); WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1968 until 13 October)

Spotted Sandpiper CORK, Ballymacoda (1979 until 7 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1982) Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Looe (1970 until 8 October); DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estuary (1992 until 7 October) Laughing Gull LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1979) Forster's Tern MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1985 until 9 November) Yellow-billed Cuckoo DONEGAL, Tory Island (1989) Alpine Swift SCILLY, St Agnes (1959) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Geosetter (1990), Fetlar (1993), Noss Hill (1993) Red-throated Pipit CORNWALL, Reskajeage (1986 until 10 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1979); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1973) Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971 until 16 October) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Sheringham (1984); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1979 until 7 October); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1982), Fair Isle (1992) Grey-cheeked Thrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990 until 7 October) Veery CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1970) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 & 1982) Booted Warbler KENT, Foreness (1984 until 11 October) Subalpine Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1962 until 7 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1968 until 17 October) Greenish Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1984 until 10 October) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Boddam (1981), Northdale (1990 until 9 October) Bonelli's Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1992)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 289

Nutcracker CORNWALL, Hendra (1968); NORFOLK, Sea Palling (1968 until 12 October), Gunton (1978) Rose-coloured Starling ANGUS, Arbroath (1980 until 8 October); CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1982), Kelynack (1991); SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 9 November), Bryher (1985 until 7 October); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1993 until 30 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1967 until 7 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1966 & 1968 until 7 October), Gugh (1993 until 7 October); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1991) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fetlar (2) (1990), Norwick (3) (1990)

7 October

Blackpoll Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1976 until 10 October & 1984); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1990) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1993 until 9 October) Black-headed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 7 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak SCILLY, St Agnes (1966 until 11 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Greater Flamingo NORFOLK, Breydon (1990). Red-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1965 until 7 October)

species 47, individuals 102

The shift to the south west continues, with Scilly in particular beginning to dominate the scene for many species, including all five thrush species found today. Of these, the Wood Thrush remains the sole British record and Swainson's, Grey-cheeked and Eye-browed all remain very much Scilly specialities. Although several other Nearctic species are found on Scilly today, Shetland still manages to claim two of the most sought after American vagrants: the first live British Ovenbird and the second British Blackburnian Warbler. Ireland also receives its share of quality finds, including two Yellow-rumped Warblers (joint best day for the species) and two Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (also joint best day for this species). This is the second date that Siberian Stonechat numbers reach double figures and is the joint best day for Blackpoll Warbler and Bobolink. Little Shearwater CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1988); PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (2) (1988)

Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Knaresborough (1967) Glossy Ibis CORNWALL, Bude (1986 until 8 October) American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes area (1986 until 6 December); SHETLAND, Loch of Mails (1966) Blue-winged Teal SCILLY, St Marys (1989) American Golden Plover AYRSHIRE, Barassie (1990); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1985 until 12 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1985), St Marys (1987)

290 - Rare Birds Day by Day

White-rumped Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1984); NORFOLK, Holme (1981 until 26 October); SCILLY, Bryher (1970 until 9 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 8 October) Baird's Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Warsash (1986) Long-billed Dowitcher YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1981 until 16 October) Dowitcher sp. KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1962 until 21 October) Upland Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1972 until 28 October)

Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1983 until 14 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherston Ponds (1984 until 22 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1980 until 30 October) Spotted Sandpiper CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fen Drayton Gravel Pit (1993 until 1 May 1994); CORK, Clonakilty (1982 until 1 December); NORFOLK, Holme (1985); SCILLY, Tresco (1978 until 14 October) Wilson's Phalarope DEVON, Axe Estuary (1991 until 12 October); HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Gratham Water (1984 until 10 October) White-winged Black Tern DOWN, Holywood (1967) Alpine Swift DEVON, Berry Head (1967); DORSET, Portland Bill (1973); KENT, Cliffe (1961) Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Sheringham (1992); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1976) Olive-backed Pipit NORFOLK, Stiflkey (1992 until 12 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) Red-throated Pipit OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1961 until 10 October); SOMERSET, Steart (2) (1979) Siberian Stonechat DURHAM, Marsden (1990 until 9 October); FIFE, Isle of May (1977); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1990); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1978 until 8 October); NORFOLK, Breydon (1991 until 11 October), Salthouse Heath (1992 until 9 October); SCILLY, St Martins (1992); SHETLAND, Grutness (1992 until 16 October); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1984), Landguard Point (1984 until 10 October) Wood Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1987) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 8 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1990 until 8 October) Eye-browed Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1993 until 14 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 15 October)

Black-throated Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 14 October) Greenish Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1965 until 14 October) Arctic Warbler CORNWALL, Kelynack (1993 until 10 October) Radde's Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Cruden Bay (1979); FIFE, Isle of May (1982) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Wells (1973); YORKSHIRE, Cowden (1992) Bonelli's Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1984) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (2) (1978, 1 until 10 October) Penduline Tit KENT, Dungeness (2) (1994); SUSSEX, Icklesham (1989) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Catfirth (1970) Nutcracker KENT, Sandwich Bay (1968); YORKSHIRE, Wykeham Forest (3) (1968 until 30 November) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Penzance (1991 until 10 October); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Woodthorpe, Nottingham (1959 until 21 October) Red-eyed Vireo KENT, Dungeness (1986); MAyo, Belmullet (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 20 October) Two-barred Crossbill KENT, Bedgebury (1990 until 11 November) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Quendale (1962) Blackburnian Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) Yellow-rumped Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1976 until 9 October & 1993 until 15 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 22 October) Blackpoll Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1976 until 9 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (2) (1976 until 20 October)

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Ovenbird SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1973 until 8 October) Rustic Bunting CORK, Dursey Island (1989 until 10 October); CORNWALL, near Nanjizal (1992 until 8 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1960), St Marys (1986 until 12 October); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1970), Fair Isle (1985 until 17 October) Yellow-breasted Bunting FIFE, Isle of May (1961)

8 October

Black-headed Bunting CORNWALL, Porthcothan (1985 until 11 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak CORK, Cape Clear Island (1962 until 8 October & 1987 until 24 October); OUTER HEBRIDES, Newton (1983 until 8 October) Bobolink SCILLY, St Agnes (1979), St Marys (1981)

species 39, individuals 68

A slight lull after recent hectic days, but still some quality birds are found today. Glossy Ibis remains an extreme rarity so a party of two adults and three immatures is remarkable, whilst Cream-coloured Courser is rarer still, with this bird being only the fifth since 1958. Wheatears are a group that attract much attention, with all except our Northern Wheatear remaining extremely rare in Britain and Ireland. Even the more regular of the group, such as Pied and Black-eared, rarely stay around long, as illustrated by the record of Pied Wheatear today. Ireland again features prominently for Nearctic species, but it is the first ever Irish sight record of Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler that really stands out. With only two of the other 14 British records away from the Northern Isles (in Norfolk and Northumberland), for the third record to be so far south and west of this species' favoured Scottish islands as Cape Clear is spectacular. Albatross sp. CORK, Dursey Island (1991) Night Heron YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1983) Glossy Ibis CORNWALL, Rayle Estuary (5) (1986) American Wigeon GALWAY, Tuam (1977 until 9 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1976), Tresco (1986 until 31 October) Blue-winged Teal OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1978 until 21 October) White-tailed Eagle YORKSHIRE, Atwick (1989) Red-footed Falcon LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1967 until 14 October) Cream-coloured Courser CORNWALL, Ruan Lanihom (1980) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1982), Hayle Estuary (1987 until 11 October); DONEGAL, Inch Lake (1988 until 15 October)

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Great Snipe LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1978 until 15 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Ballycotton (1966 until 9 October); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1981 until 23 March 1982); DORSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1977 until 22 October); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1980 until 26 October) Dowitcher sp. LANARKSHIRE, Hamilton (1960 until 12 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1982); DEVON, Fremington (1989 until 9 October); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1982 until 14 October) Solitary Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 14 October) Caspian Tern SHETLAND, West Voe of Sumburgh (1979) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Egilsay (2) (1994)

Alpine Swift ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), South Stack (1960) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Helendale (1993 until 9 October) Red-throated Pipit CORK, Cape Clear Island (1975) Siberian Stonechat ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1994 until 9 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (2) (1992, 1 until 22 October) Pied Wheatear ABERDEENSHIRE, Donmouth (1993) Swainson's Thrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986) Greenish Warbler SCILLY, Tresco (1977) Radde's Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1962); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1982); SCILLY, St Agnes (1986 until 10 October), Tresco (1990); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1991 until 9 October) Dusky Warbler DEVON, East Prawle (1994) Collared Flycatcher SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986)

9 October

Isabelline Shrike HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Hemingford Grey (1978) Nutcracker SOMERSET, Athelney (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 17 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Mizen Head (1994 until 10 October) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Egypt Bay (1972) Two-barred Crossbill DEVON, Great Haldon Forest (1990 until 9 October) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (6) (1982) Black-and-white Warbler DEVON, East Prawle (1987 until 15 October) Northern Parula SCILLY, St Marys (1992 until 10 October) Yellow-rumped Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1987 until 9 October) Rustic Bunting DEVON, Lundy (1993); SHETLAND, Scatness (1993); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1983 until 12 October)

species 52, individuals 96

A Little Shearwater off Kent and a Wilson's Petrel as far north as Lancashire are both excellent records. Scilly continues to attract some star birds, including the sole British record of Semipalmated Plover and the third record (and only British record in the period) of Buff-bellied Pipit, as well as a handful of more regular Nearctic species. The Pechora Pipit is an excellent find away from the Northern Isles (only the eighth to be found away from Scotland out of a total of 40 individuals) and the first of two English records during the autumn of 1994 (see 27 October). Best day for Northern Parula and joint best day for both Bobolink and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. The Indigo Bunting is the sole Irish record and the only individual (despite four British records) to be admitted to the British & Irish list. White-billed Diver ABERDEENSHIRE, Peterhead (1988); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989) Little Shearwater KENT, Dungeness (1987)

Wilson's Petrel LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1990) Glossy Ibis CORNWALL, St Merryn (1986 until 17 October); WESTMEATH, Lough Ennel (1959)

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American Wigeon INVERNESS-SHIRE, Beauly Firth (1958) Blue-winged Teal SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1993 until 11 October); SUFFOLK, River Deben (1971) Red-footed Falcon SHETLAND, Whalsay (1976 until 10 October) Little Crake SCILLY, St Agnes (1973) Black-winged Stilt KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1987) Cream-coloured Courser EAST LOTHIAN, Aberlady Bay (1965 until 21 October) Pratincole sp. DORSET, Portland (2) (1971) Semipalmated Plover SCILLY, StAgnes (1978until 9 November) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, St Just Airfield (1969); SHETLAND, Pool ofVirkie, Quendale & Ringasta (1991 until 27 October) Sociable Plover SUSSEX, Arlington (1978 until 10 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper DEVON, Lundy (1994 until 10 October) White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Belfast Lough (1958); OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1986); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (2) (1980 until 18 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CUMBERLAND, Anthom (1987 until 10 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1983 until 14 October); WORCESTERSHIRE, Westwood Great Pool (1990 until 20 October) Dowitcher sp. DERRY, Bann Estuary (1977); DEVON, Powderham Park (1983 until 13 October) Lesser Yellowlegs HAMpSHIRE, Keyhaven (1976); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1961 until 10 October) Spotted Sandpiper CARDIGANSHIRE, Ynys-hir (1975 until 20 November); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1976, 1 until 26 October, 1 until 2 November)

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Wilson's Phalarope HAMPSHIRE, Dibden (1977 until 10 October); SUSSEX, Rye (1985) Forster's Tern CORNWALL, Par Beach (1990) White-winged Black Tern HAMPSHIRE, Christchurch Harbour (1976 until 30 October); SOMERSET, Kingsmoor (1976 until 11 October) Yellow-billed Cuckoo CORNWALL,Penzance(1980) Alpine Swift CHESHIRE, Sandbach (1993); DEVON, Berry Head (1973); ESSEX, The Naze (1976 & 1977) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1993 until 10 October) Pechora Pipit YORKSHIRE, Filey (1994) Buff-bellied Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1988 until 19 October) Citrine Wagtail NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1982 until 10 October) Siberian Rubythroat SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 11 October) Siberian Stonechat ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1982 until 15 October); DURHAM, Seaton Carew (1991 until 13 October); ORKNEY, South Ronaldsay (1993); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1993 until 23 October), Fair Isle (1993 until 11 October) Pied Wheatear SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1991 until 13 October) Desert Wheatear DORSET, Portland (1991 until 12 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988 until 12 October) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) River Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1993 until 10 October) Blyth's Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1993 until 15 October)

Subalpine Warbler SUSSEX, Sidlesham (1993 until 16 October)

Greenish Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 14 October), Tresco (1990)

Radde's Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1991); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1982 until10 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1991)

Penduline Tit

Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1975, 1 until 12 - October, 1 until 18 October), Northdale (1993 until 10 October)

Northern Parula CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1988 until 19 October); DORSET, Portland Bill (1968)

Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Martins (1976)

Rustic Bunting

Isabelline Shrike

CORK, Cape Clear Island (1959), Old Head of Kinsale (1993); DEVON, Lundy (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1993 until 12 October); SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1993)

SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 12 October)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

KENT, Sandwich Bay (2) (1991 until 10 October)

Nutcracker LANCASHIRE, Hindley (1978); NORFOLK, Cromer (1968), Knapton (1968 until 10 October); SUFFOLK, Tunstall Common (1968)

Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, Gugh & St Agnes (1991 until 28 October)

Red-eyed Vireo

CORK, Cape Clear Island (1983 until 15 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 28 October), Tresco (1987 until 21 October)

Indigo Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985 until 19 October)

Bobolink SCILLY, St Marys (1975 & 1985 until 21 October)

CORK, Cape Clear Island (1982); CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1987), Penberth (1993); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 11 October), St Agnes (1987 until 16 October)

10 October

species 60, individuals 118

This is the top date for a number of species and the fourth best day for total individuals found, and ranks as possibly the best date in the rarity finder's calendar. A flock of nine American Wigeon is exceptional with these birds being part of a large influx during the autumn of 1968. The Cliff Swallow is the first Western Pale arctic record of this attractive Neactic hirundine and the Isabelline Wheatear is the sole Irish record of this eastern species. Besides Swainson's, two other Catharus thrushes are found today, including the second British record of Veery. The Lanceolated Warbler in Yorkshire is found by birders looking for the previous day's Pechora Pipit. If only all consolation prizes were that good! The Orphean Warbler is only the fifth British record (the first for Scotland), whilst seven Radde's and six Dusky Warblers are spread the length and breadth of Britain. The Philadelphia Vireo is the first British record occurring two years after the first Western Palearctic record in Ireland, and is one of 11 species of American passerine (12 including Black-billed Cuckoo) found today; Scilly attracts eight of them. The best day on Scilly with 19 species and 26 individual rare birds found. Cattle Egret

Glossy Ibis

DURHAM, Longnewton Reservoir (1986)

CORNWALL, Upper Tamar Reservoir (2) (1986, 1 until 12 October, 1 until 20 October)

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Red-breasted Goose NORFOLK, Stiftkey & Wells area (1983) American Wigeon DERRY, Lough Foyle (2) (1987 until 5 November); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (9) (1968); PERTHSHIRE, Gartmore Dam (1992) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Tamar Lakes (1989 until 9 November) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Prawle Point (1980 until 13 October) Gyr Falcon DERRY, Lough Foyle (1982 until 1 November) Black-winged Stilt BERKSHIRE, Englefield Green (1973) Black-winged Pratincole CORNWALL, Sennen (1993) Killdeer OUTER HEBRIDES, Eoligarry (1990) American Golden Plover CORK, Kinsale Marsh (1993 until 14 October); DEVON, Northam Burrows (1992); DUBLIN, North Bull (1971) Baird's Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1976) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, College Reservoir (1979) Dowitcher sp. PERTHSHIRE, Port Allen (1984 until 11 October) Upland Sandpiper MAYO, Learn Lough (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 24 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Hayle Kimbro, The Lizard (1980) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, Gugh & St Agnes (1971); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1982) Wilson's Phalarope LANARKSHIRE, Hillend Reservoir (1984) Ivory Gull CARMARTHENSHlRE, Burry Port (1988 until 12 October) Caspian Tern DERBYSHIRE, Drakelow Wildfowl Reserve (1976)

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White-winged Black Tern FLINTSHIRE, Shotwick Reservoir (1979 until 13 October) Black-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Marys (1990) Snowy Owl SCILLY, (1964 until 1 March 1965) Alpine Swift SCILLY, St Marys (1991) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Sandwich Bay (1984) Cliff Swallow SCILLY, StAgnes (1983) Olive-backed Pipit NORFOLK, Wells (1975); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 13 October & 1993 until 11 October) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 & 1986) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1975 until 11 October & 1993), Tresco (1994) Citrine Wagtail MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1985 until 12 October); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1967 until 11 October) Red-flanked Bluetail LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1978) Siberian Stonechat ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), South Stack (1987 until 13 October); CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1991 until 15 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 17 October, 1977, 1981, 1982 until 12 October & (2) 1993) Isabelline Wheatear CORK, Mizen Head (1992 until 17 October) Pied Wheatear SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1989) Desert Wheatear LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1991 until 13 October) White's Thrush SHETLAND, Catfirth (1985) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 24 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1961)

Veery DEVON, Lundy (1987 until 11 November) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988, 1991 & 1994 until 13 October); YORKSHIRE, Filey (1994) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1972) Orphean Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Seaton Park, Aberdeen (1982) Greenish Warbler ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1981) Arctic Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Humberston Fitties (1978); SCILLY, St Agnes (1960) Radde's Warbler DORSET, St Aldhelm's Head (1976); FIFE, Isle of May (1991); ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1982); SHETLAND, Catfirth (1982), Fair Isle (1991), Out Skerries (1991); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1991) Dusky Warbler ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1992 until 12 October); NORFOLK, Sheringham (1982 until 11 October), Blakeney Point (1991); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1993); OUTER HEBRIDES, Rangehead (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993 until 11 October) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Martins (1982 until 13 October), Bryher (1986 until 14 October) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Caister (1968); SURREY, Seale (1975 until 12 October) Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1978 unti112 October & 1991 until 27 October)

Philadelphia Vireo SCILLY, Tresco (1987 until 13 October) Red-eyed Vireo CORNWALL, Trevose Head (1983); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1988, 1 until 15 October, 1 until 19 October) Arctic Redpoll NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1965 until 16 October) Northern Parula SCILLY, St Agnes (1983 until 13 October) Yellow-rumped Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (2) (1983, 1 until 19 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1985) Blackpoll Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1984 until 14 October) Dendroica warbler sp. SCILLY, St Marys (1979) Rustic Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991); SCILLY, St Agnes (1979); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 25 October & 1981 until 11 October), Whalsay (1987) Rose-breasted Grosbeak CORK, Bull Rock (1983); SCILLY, StAgnes (1983 until 19 October), Tresco (1986 until 25 October) Bobolink SCILLY, St Marys (1968) Northern Oriole ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1963 unti116 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting INVERNESS-SHIRE, Rhum (1970)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 297

11 October

species 51, individuals 138

Another excellent day with the largest individuals total of the year thanks to the 1962 Parrot Crossbill invasion. Glossy Ibis was an almost annual vagrant to the south west during the 1980s, unlike the Cream-coloured Courser which has always been an extreme rarity, the one today being the first of only six to be found between 1958-1994. White-rumped Sandpipers found today include groups of two and three in Ireland, whilst the Forster's Tern is well east of this species' usual haunts. The Common Nighthawk was picked up exhausted (and eventually flown back across the Atlantic to Belize in Central America!). The Scarlet Tanager is the third British record and the Hermit Thrush the fourth, whilst Fair Isle continues to monopolise Lanceolated Warblers, with four found there today. Both Arctic and Greenish Warblers are found on this date in 1988 on Scilly. This is the joint best day for Red-eyed Vireo. White-billed Diver NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge Bay (1993) Night Heron ESSEX, Walthamstow Reservoir (1980); PEMBROKESHIRE, Bosherston Ponds (1981); SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 20 October) Glossy Ibis DEVON, Wrafton Ponds, Braunton (1986 until 12 October) American Wigeon WEXFORD, North Slob (1976 until 18 October) Black Duck ROSS-SHIRE, North Kessock (1981 until 2 March 1982) Blue-winged Teal BEDFORDSHIRE, Dunstable Sewage Farm (1987); CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1974 until 14 October) Cream-coloured Courser DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1959 until 14 October) Black-winged Pratincole CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Mepal Pits (1982 until 12 October) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1981); SCILLY, Tresco (1990 until 13 October) Sociable Plover CORNWALL, Rayle Estuary (1978 until 16 October) Least Sandpiper BERKSHIRE, Brimpton Gravel Pit (1975)

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White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (2) (1970 until 17 October); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1980 until 12 October); ORKNEY, Tankemess (1970 until 12 October), Evie (1983); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (3) (1983 until 16 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CAITHNESS, Thurso (1975 until 20 November); CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until at least 1 April 1981) Dowitcher sp. KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1960 until 26 November) Lesser Yellowlegs CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1977); KENT, Walland Marsh (1970 until 18 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1973) Wilson's Phalarope CORK, Ballycotton (1986 until 12 October); FLINTSHIRE, Bettisfield Pools (1964 until 1 November); SHETLAND, Norwick (1988 until 19 October) Ross's Gull DURHAM, Hartlepool (1992) Forster's Tern KENT, Margate (1986) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Dungeness (1968 until 16 October) Briinnich's Guillemot ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Caolisport (1969) Common Nighthawk CHESHIRE, Moreton (1985)

Alpine Swift EAST LOTHIAN, Dunbar (1958); SUSSEX, Hollingbury (1964) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 12 October, 1988 until 22 October & 1991 until 23 October); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1987) Pechora Pipit ABERDEENSHIRE, St Fergus (1993) Red-throated Pipit BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1979); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991); SCILLY, St Marys (1973), St Agnes (2) (1975); SUFFOLK, Shingle Street (1992) Siberian Stonechat DORSET, Portland (1979); NORFOLK, Titchwell (1991 until 13 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1991 until 15 October); SHETLAND, Grutness (1991) Desert Wheatear DORSET, Portland (1994) White's Thrush SHETLAND, Whalsay (1975) Hermit Thrush SCILLY, Tresco (1993) Swainson's Thrush CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1987 until 18 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush DEVON, Lundy (1985 until 12 October) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 (3), 1 until 14 October & 1989) Paddyfield Warbler ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1987) Booted Warbler YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1982 until 16 October) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, High Newton (1993); SCILLY, St Agnes (1983 until 13 October) Greenish Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1988 until 15 October) Arctic Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 14 October), St Agnes (1988 until 19 October)

Radde's Warbler ANGUS, Auchmithie (1991); KENT, Kingsgate (1992); K!NCARDINESHIRE, Girdle Ness (1991); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1991); NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1991 until 14 October); SHETLAND, Kergord (1991 until 12 October) Dusky Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1982 until 14 October); DURHAM, Hartlepool (1982), Seaburn (1982); SCILLY, St Agnes (1976 until 16 October) Bonelli's Warbler SHETLAND, Exnaboe (1992 until 15 October) Penduline Tit CORNWALL, Land's End (3) (1993 until 13 October) Lesser Grey Shrike LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1960) Red-eyed Vireo CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1985 until 12 October); DEVON, East Prawle (1987 until 17 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1978 & 1980 until 16 October), St Martins (1989 until 17 October) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1970, 1989 until 22 October & 1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 12 October & 1989); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1975) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Humberston Fitties (1982 until 14 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (27) (1962 until 19 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1962 (2) & 1982) Scarlet Tanager CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1981) Pine Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 20 October) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 16 October), Tresco (1993 & 1994 until 14 October); SHETLAND, Ham (1972), Whalsay (1976), Fair Isle (1980 until 12 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak CORK, Cape Clear Island (1979 until 12 October) Bobolink SCILLY, St Marys (1991 unti115 October)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 299

12 October

species 49, individuals 125

The second largest individuals total of the year is achieved with fewer than 50 species. This total is helped in part by the nine White-rumped Sandpipers (this species' best day) and 13 Siberian Stonechats found today. As well as some remarkable rarities found on this day, there are also some astonishing coincidences. Both Black-billed and Yellow-billed Cuckoos are found on Scilly in 1985, and two Common Nighthawks are found 10 years apart on this date. Like Common Nighthawk, Scilly has twice turned up Eye-browed Thrush, Blackpoll Warbler and Rose-breasted Grosbeak on this date. But even more amazing is that with only seven records of Scarlet Tanager in Britain and Ireland, three of them are found today. What chances are there that the next one will be found on 12 October? The Belted Kingfisher was an unfortunate victim of a hunter's gun. The Philadelphia Vireo in Ireland is the first record for the Western Palearctic, whilst other notable finds include Britain's second Yellow-browed Bunting, two Isabelline Shrikes, an inland Radde's Warbler (on this species' joint best date) and five Parrot Crossbills (in Lincolnshire and Shetland in 1982). Cattle Egret LINCOLNSHIRE, North Hykeham (1986 until 25 October) Lesser White-fronted Goose ESSEX, Foulness (3) (1986) Red-breasted Goose ESSEX, Foulness (1975) American Wigeon CORK, Reenydonegan Lake (1993); HERTFORDSHIRE, Tring Reservoirs (1986 until 8 February 1987) Blue-winged Teal CUMBERLAND, Ravenglass (1972) Black Kite NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1976) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1981 until 17 October); DERBYSHIRE, Rother Valley Country Park (1990 until 15 October); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Pitsford Reservoir (1991 until 13 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1983 until 16 October) White-rumped Sandpiper CARMARTHENSHIRE, Kidwelly (1974 until 26 October); DEVON, Wembury (1958 until 22 October); DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1983 until 14 October); EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1958); HAMPSHIRE, Warsash (1981 & 1984); KENT, Elmley (2) (1980 until 23 October); LANCASHIRE, Freckleton Sewage Farm (1963 until 13 October)

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Long-billed Dowitcher CAERNARVONSHIRE, Nefyn (1963); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Sevem (1984 until 14 December) Dowitcher sp. ANGUS, River North Esk (1971) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1990 until 20 October); CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1972), Drift Reservoir (1981 until 18 October); DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1983 until 7 April 1984) Wilson's Phalarope DURHAM, Teesmouth (1963 until 13 October); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1984) Gull-billed Tern WIGTOWNSHIRE, Loch Ryan (1990) Black-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Marys (1985) Yellow-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 13 October) Common Nighthawk SCILLY, St Agnes (1971 until 13 October), St Marys (1981 until 14 October) Alpine Swift CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey (1962) Belted Kingfisher DOWN, Dundrum Bay (1980) Olive-backed Pipit BERWICKSHIRE, Coldingham Bay (1991); KENT, Capel Le Feme (1992 until 15 October), LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1992); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 15 October)

Red-flanked Bluetail LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1988) Siberian Stonechat CORNWALL, Land's End (1993 until 14 October); FIFE, Isle of May (1980); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1986 until 13 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (2) (1974 until 13 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1986); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (3) (1980, 1 until 15 October); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1977 until 19 October); YORKSHIRE, Kettleness Point (1991 until 27 October), Filey (1992 until 19 October) Desert Wheatear ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1987) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 13 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush CLARE, Loop Head (1991) Eye-browed Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1987 & 1991 until 13 October) American Robin SURREY, Haslemere (1984) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988) Paddyfield Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1974) Great Reed Warbler DEVON, Thurlestone (1969); SCILLY, St Marys (1978) Booted Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1980) Arctic Warbler CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1994); DURHAM, Sunderland (1991); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1966), Hornsea (1969 until 14 October) Radde's Warbler BEDFORDSHIRE, Priory Country Park (1991); DURHAM, Whitburn (1982), Hartlepool (1988); NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1991); SCILLY, St Agnes (1982 until 13 October); SUFFOLK, Hollesley (1991); YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1991 until 14 October), Grimston (1991)

Dusky Warbler KENT, St Margaret's (1992); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1988 until 13 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1980) Penduline Tit CORNWALL, Land's End (1993) Isabelline Shrike DORSET, Durlston Country Park (1988 until 22 October); NORFOLK, Holkham (1975 until 13 October) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Fleggburgh (1968); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1968 until 16 October) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALl,., Mullion (1993 until 18 February 1994); DEVON, Kingswear (1962); SUTHERLAND, Portskerra (1988 until 27 October) Philadelphia Vireo CORK, Galley Head (1985 until 17 October) Red-eyed Vireo DURHAM, North Gare (1991 until 13 October); HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1987); SCILLY, Tresco (1983 until 13 October); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1991 until 14 October) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (2) (1975); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1972), Finstown (1984); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1975) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Humberston Fitties (1982 until 23 October), Grainthorpe (1982 until 13 October), Ingoldmells (1982); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982 until 29 October), Catfirth (1982) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1968 until 25 October), Tresco (1987 until 22 October) Scarlet Tanager CORK, Firkeel (1985 until 14 October); DOWN, Copeland Observatory (1963); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 18 October) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 13 October) Yellow-browed Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 23 October)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 301

Rustic Bunting DEVON, Lundy (1986 until 15 October & 1994); DURHAM, Sunderland (1991 until 17 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1977), Bryher (1979 until 13 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 16 October, 1980 & 1988 until 16 October)

13 October

Rose-breasted Grosbeak SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 29 October), Tresco (1993 until 14 October) Bobolink WEXFORD, Hook Head (1971)

species 44, individuals 109

The Grey-tailed Tattler, the first British record, was enjoyed by only a few during its long stay, whilst an adult Tengmalm's Owl put in an extended stay and was amazingly joined by a second adult on the 18th. The best day for Red-throated Pipit and seven Olive-backed Pipits show a more southerly distribution than previous days, whilst Scilly bags a trio of rare thrushes. Ireland records a remarkable pair of warblers today, with only its second Paddyfield and first ever Blyth's Reed Warbler. The Red-breasted Nuthatch is surely one of the most unexpected additions to the British list, and proved extremely popular during its seven month stay. Like yesterday's trio of Scarlet Tanagers, three of the seven British & Irish American Redstarts are found today; the Wilson's Warbler remains the sole Western Palearctic record. Black-browed Albatross YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1968) Night Heron SCILLY, St Marys (1985) Black Stork CORNWALL, Porthcumo & Porthgwarra area (1993 until 14 October) American Wigeon DERRY, Lough Beg (1984 until 1 Febraury 1985); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1976 until 21 February 1977); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (2) (1976) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Murcar (1974); ARGYLLSHIRE, Port Ellen (1993) Collared Pratincole DERRY, Bann Estuary (1970 until 14 October) American Golden Plover CHESHIRE, Penketh (1991); CORK, Rosscarbery (1986 until 15 November); DEVON, Winkleigh (1985 until 14 October) Great Snipe SCILLY, St Agnes (1973) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (2) (1975, 1 until 16 November, 1 until 25 March 1976)

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Dowitcher sp. CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 1 November & 1975 until 19 October); SUFFOLK, Havergate (1963 until 20 December) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1983) Grey-tailed Tattler CARDIGANSHIRE, Dyfi Estuary (1981 until 17 November) Wilson's Phalarope SOMERSET, Steart (1984) Yellow-billed Cuckoo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1969); CORNWALL, Pendeen (1985) Tengmalm's Owl ORKNEY, Finstown (1980 until 20 October) Red-rumped Swallow CORK, Firkeel (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 19 October) Olive-backed Pipit DORSET, Portland (1991); NORFOLK, Stiftkey (1988), Great Yarmouth (1992); NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island (1986); SCILLY, Tresco (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1976 until 22 October); YORKSHIRE, Redcar (1982) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1994 until 14 October)

Red-throated Pipit CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990), Dursey Island (1994); DEVON, Chelson Meadow, Plymouth (1990 until 14 October); DORSET, Portland (1979); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1970); SCILLY, St Marys (1980 & 1985), Tresco (1984 until 23 October & 1992 until 16 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965), Quendale (1988 until 14 October); SUSSEX, Arlington (1970 until 15 October) Eastern Black Redstart SCILLY, Bryher (1975) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Kelling (1992); SCILLY, Bryher (1984 until 26 October), St Marys (1985 until 18 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 21 October); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1979); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1991 until 17 October) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 17 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 19 October) Black-throated Thrush SCILLY, St Martins (1993 until 14 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982) Paddyfield Warbler CORK, Galley Head (1991); SUSSEX, Icklesham (1992) Blyth's Reed Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1969 until 19 October) Booted Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1980 until 24 October) Subalpine Warbler CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1985 until 17 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1979) Desert Warbler YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1991 until 5 November) Radde's Warbler ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988 until 14 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1973); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1988); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (2) (1990) Dusky Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1988); CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1985); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 14 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1991 until 15 October)

Red-breasted Nuthatch NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1989 until 6 May 1990) Penduline Tit CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ely (2) (1990); KENT, Dungeness (1988); NORFOLK, Cley (1990) Lesser Grey Shrike CARMARTHENSHIRE, Ferryside (1975) Nutcracker CORNWALL, Par Beach (1968); LANCASHIRE, Worsley (1968); SOMERSET, Ilchester (1968) Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1975 until 17 October) Red-eyed Vireo CAITHNESS, Wick (1985 until 16 October); EAST LOTHIAN, Barns Ness (1991 until 14 October) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Wells (2) (1972 until 15 October), Blakeney Point (1975); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1980 unti130 October); SHETLAND, Fetlar (2) (1980) Two-barred Crossbill KENT, Bedgebury (1990); SOMERSET, Stock Hill (1990); STIRLINGSHIRE, Carron Valley Forest (1985) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Upper Sherringham & Weybourne (5) (1990) Northern Parula CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1987 until 23 October) American Redstart CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968 until 14 October), Galley Head (1985 until 15 October); CORNWALL, St Just (1983 until 24 October) Wilson's Warbler CORNWALL, Rame Head (1985) Rustic Bunting CLARE, Loop Head (1985); SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 19 October & 1985 until 19 October), Tresco (1985) CATEGORY D SPECIES Northern Flicker CORK, Cobh (1962)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 303

14 October

species 46, individuals 104

Two Sharp-tailed Sandpipers would make any date memorable but for both birds to turn up on the same day in Wales in 1973 is remarkable. The Bridled Tern is seen during a classic seawatch of Leach's Petrels and Sabine's Gulls, whilst the Common Nighthawk is the second to be found on Scilly. Olive-backed Pipits include two birds in Ireland (only one previous record), whilst Red-throated Pipits begin to show a more southerly bias, including four on Scilly. The Red-flanked Bluetail is the first of two to be found in Fife in successive years, whilst a Desert Wheatear brightens up the north Norfolk coast. An American Robin on Lundy stands out from the more usual Nearctic vagrants which are much reduced today. Four more Nutcrackers are found during the 1968 influx, and a single bird is found in 1991 and proves extremely popular with the newer generations of birdwatchers who had not seen previous birds. Pine Bunting is another one of those species that is attracted to Scottish islands, with all but two occurring on the Northern Isles. Cattle Egret WIGTOWNSHIRE, Black Parks Farm & Soulseat Loch (1986 until 20 November) Red-footed Falcon CORNWALL, Tintagel (1970) Gyr Falcon DERRY, Lough Foyle (1983) Black-winged Stilt ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1984) Collared Pratincole LANCASHIRE, Banks Marsh (1978 until 15 October) Black-winged Pratincole SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1981) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1983 until 13 November); SCILLY, St Marys (1993 until 4 November); YORKSHIRE, Marske (1981 until 19 October) PacificlAmerican Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1994 until 15 October) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1990 until 19 October); DERRY, Lough Beg (1990), Rosscarbery (1994); NORFOLK, Cley (1972); SCILLY, St Marys (1983) Baird's Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1970 until 17 October); LONDON/MIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1982 until 24 April 1983) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1973 until 24 October); MERIONETHSHIRE, Morfa Harlech (1973 until 15 October)

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Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Garretstown (1990); DERRY, Lough Beg (1990) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 28 February 1980); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1970)

Wilson's Phalarope SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1989) Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Thornham & Holme (1974) Caspian Tern STAFFORDSHIRE, Cannock Chase Reservoir (1973)

Bridled Tern CORNWALL, St Ives (1982) Common Nighthawk 8CILLY, St Marys (1976) Alpine Swift KENT, Whitstable (1987) Olive-backed Pipit CORK, Dursey Island (1990), Cape Clear Island (1990); DORSET, Portland (2) (1990); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1986); ORKNEY, Stronsay (2) (1991, 1 until 15 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1985), 8t Marys (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 23 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993), Filey (1993 until 16 October) Red-throated Pipit CHESHIRE, Ladybrook Valley (1990); CORNWALL, Sennen (1994); DEVON, Emesettle (1988); SCILLY, St Agnes (1973 & 1977 until 17 October), St Marys (1977), Gugh (1994 until 15 October)

Citrine Wagtail ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 15 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 20 October) Red-flanked Bluetail FIFE, Isle of May (1975 until 15 October) Siberian Stonechat ESSEX, Holland Haven (1984); NORFOLK, Stiflkey (1990 until 16 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990 until 16 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 20 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988), Spurn (1993) Desert Wheatear NORFOLK, Cley (1978 until 17 October) Swainson's Thrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1968 until 16 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1967 until 19 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 23 October) American Robin DEVON, Lundy (1982 until 18 October) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975); AT SEA, SEAAREA FORTIES, Forties Oilfield 145km east of Aberdeen, 57 40N 02 OOE (1978) Arctic Warbler NORFOLK, Holme (1976 until 19 October); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1970) Radde's Warbler DUBLIN, Howth Head (1988); KENT, St Margarets Bay (1994); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1978 until 15 October); ORKNEY, Windwick (1988 until 15 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1994 until 16 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1978 until 16 October) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Wells (1975 until 16 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 & 1987) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, St Margaret's (1990)

Penduline Tit KENT, Pegwell Bay (1991); LINCOLNSHIRE, Chapel St Leonard's (1991 unti115 October) Isabelline Shrike DORSET, Winspit (1978 until 24 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1990 until 15 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1988 until 22 October) Lesser Grey Shrike CORK, Cape Clear Island (1962 until 26 October) Nutcracker KENT, Tunbridge Wells (1968 until 20 October); NORFOLK, East Runton (1968); STAFFORDSHIRE, Cocknage Wood (1991 until 9 November); SUFFOLK, Chillesford (1968); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968) Red-eyed Vireo PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1967) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fetlar (2) (1989) Two-barred Crossbill STIRLINGSHIRE, Carron Valley Forest (1985 until 31 March 1986) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Whalsay (1990); AT SEA, SEAAREA FORTIES, 57 35N 02 03E (2) (1982) Blackpoll Warbler CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1976) Pine Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 16 October) Rustic Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988); CORNWALL, Land's End (1990 until 17 October), Sennen (1991); SCILLY, St Marys (1979 & 1984 until 15 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980) Black-headed Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1977) Rose-breasted Grosbeak CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1983)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 305

15 October

species 49, individuals 91

The Sora is certainly the same bird that had been present since the 4 October and watched as a Spotted Crake until identified today. The first twitchable Greater Yellowlegs for nine years provided many birdwatchers with their first opportunity to see this Nearctic wader. The six Olive-backed Pipits include a trio on Fair Isle and the east coast claims the second Eastern Black Redstart of the month. The Isabelline Wheatear is the third on Scilly in four years and only the eighth British record, whilst Penduline Tit enjoys its best day. Nearctic sparrows are more usually found in spring, so today's double act is notable enough without the Song Sparrow being only the seventh British record. Both records are the first autumn occurrence of each species. The Northern Oriole is only the fourth British record. The Whitebilled Diver in Yorkshire was found dead. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Colgrave (1985); YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1994) Black Brant ESSEX, Leigh-on-Sea (1983) American Wigeon FIFE, Lochore (1991 until 8 December) Blue-winged Teal WEXFORD, North Slob (1989) King Eider SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 20 October) Black Kite NORFOLK, Cley (1978) Red-footed Falcon BERWICKSHIRE, Hule Moss (1961) Sora SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 1 November) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Ballycotton (1989 until 22 October) American Golden Plover NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Welford (1992); ROSCOMMON, Keenagh Turlough (1966 until 16 October) Sociable Plover NORFOLK, Welney (1990 until 30 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper WEXFORD, Tacumshin (2) (1984) White-rumped Sandpiper ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1963 until 16 October); DERRY, Longfield (1983); GALWAY, Rahasane (1984 until 18 October); KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1971)

306 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Baird's Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1971); NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge (1967 until 18 October) Long-billed Dowitcher DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1990 until 16 January 1991); ORKNEY, Shapinsay (1985); SOMERSET, West Sedge Moor (1990 until 16 October) Dowitcher sp. WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1985 until 20 October) Upland Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 24 October) Greater Yellowlegs CUMBERLAND, Carr Beds (1994 until 28 October) Lesser Yellowlegs BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Denham (1977 until 5 November) White-winged Black Tern MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (1994)

Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1993) Roller ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Eck (1973) Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, Tresco (1984 until 16 October) Olive-backed Pipit CORNWALL, near Land's End (1991); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1992); SCILLY, St Marys (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (3) (1987 until 20 October) Pechora Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992)

Red-throated Pipit KENT, Dungeness (1985); SCILLY, St Agnes (1977 until 16 October), St Marys (1986 until 22 October); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1977 until 16 October); Citrine Wagtail CORK, Ballycotton (1968 until 17 October); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (2) (1966) Eastern Black Redstart LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1978 until 17 October) Siberian Stonechat ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), South Stack (1987 until 18 October); CORNWALL, The Lizard (1991); SCILLY, Tresco (1991 until 23 October); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1978 until 5 November); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Isabelline Wheatear SCILLY, St Agnes (1991) Hermit Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1987 until 16 October) Swainson's Thrush DEVON, Lundy (1987 until 31 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1976, 1 until 17 October, 1 until 19 October) Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994) Booted Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 1 November & 1985 until 19 October) Subalpine Warbler CORNWALL, Polgigga (1993 until 16 October) Radde's Warbler BERWICKSHIRE, St Abb's Head (1988); EAST LOTHIAN, Barns Ness (1990); NORFOLK, Wells (1988 until 17 October); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966); WATERFORD, Helvick Head (1985); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1991)

Dusky Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1988); SCILLY, Tresco (1984 until 20 October) Bonelli's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1970) Penduline Tit LINCOLNSHIRE, Chapel St Leonard's (1991); SCILLY, Tresco (2) (1993 until 28 October); SUSSEX, Pett Pools (1988), Pagham Harbour (2) (1994) Isabelline Shrike KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988 until 16 October) Lesser Grey Shrike SHETLAND, Saxa Vord (1967) Nutcracker CHESHIRE, Tatton Mere (1968); SUFFOLK, Hemingstone (1968 until 16 October) Red-eyed Vireo CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1985) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1975); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1981 until 17 October & 1982 until 16 October) Song Sparrow LANCASHIRE, Seaforth Nature Reserve (1994 until 17 October) White-throated Sparrow CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1967 until 7 November) Rustic Bunting DURHAM, Marsden Quarry (1993 until 16 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Blyth (1975 until 16 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1988); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1959) Northern Oriole CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1966)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 307

16 October

species 45, individuals 72

A respite after the hectic pace of the previous week, with fewer species and individuals found today, although these still include some exceptional rarities. The Ivory Gull is the first to be found in Ireland for over 20 years, whilst the Yellowbellied Sapsucker is the first Irish record (second for Britain & Ireland) and only the third to be found in the Western Palearctic. The Red-flanked Bluetail is only the fourth of 15 British records (but the first since 1958); the Orphean Warbler is only the second to be found since 1958; and only one Nearctic passerine, a Greycheeked Thrush, is found outside south-west England. White-billed Diver FIFE, Largo Bay (1994 until 17 October) Little Shearwater PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1983) Black Brant DERRY, Lough Foyle (1980) Black Kite DEVON, Prawle Point (1987) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Lundy (1972); DORSET, Yetminster (1991); GLAMORGAN, Sker Point (1972 until 20 October) Gyr Falcon CORNWALL, Penlee Point (1986) Collared Pratincole CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1986 until 17 October) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballymona (1966) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1976 until 17 October); SOMERSET, Cheddar Reservoir (1987 until 28 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (1981) Dowitcher sp. GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Aust Warth (1977) Lesser Yellowlegs HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1976 until 31 October); SUSSEX, Chichester Gravel Pit (1969 until 3 November) Wilson's Phalarope SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1985 until 18 October) Laughing Gull ANGUS, Kinnaber (1994) Ivory Gull CORK, Ballycotton (1969) Gull-billed Tern PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1983)

308 - Rare Birds Day by Day

White-winged Black Tern PEMBROKESHIRE, Llys Y Fran Reservoir (1976 until 26 October) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 17 October) Great Spotted Cuckoo YORKSHIRE, Easington (1982 until 6 November) Yellow-billed Cuckoo DEVON, Lundy (1987) Alpine Swift YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1976) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988 until 19 October) Olive-backed Pipit KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988 until 28 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1977 unti118 October), St Agnes (1989 until 23 October), Tresco (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) Red-throated Pipit CHESHIRE, Moreton (1984 until 18 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1975, 1981 & 1990 until 20 October) Red-flanked Bluetail NORTHUMBERLAND, Hartley (1960) Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1974) Pied Wheatear NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1988); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988 until 19 October) Rock Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 18 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1976 until 20 October); ORKNEY, North Hoy (1994); SCILLY, St Agnes (1991 until 17 October)

Eye-browed Thrush OUTER HEBRIDES, North Rona (1964) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 17 October) Olivaceous Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 26 October) Sardinian Warbler CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1990) Orphean Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1981 until 22 October) Radde's Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1988); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 18 October), St Martins (1989); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1988 until 17 October), Flamborough Head (1988) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Wells (1976) Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Orford (1968 until 18 October); SUSSEX, Coldwaltham (1968)

17 October

Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Langore (1994 until 6 December) Red-eyed Vireo DEVON, Lundy (1990 until 18 October) Arctic Redpoll YORKSHIRE, Filey (1994) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1982 until 17 October & 1984); SHETLAND, Voxter (4) (1982) Northern Parula SCILLY, Tresco (1966 until 17 October) Yellow-rumped Warbler SCILLY, Tresco (1973 until 24 October) Rustic Bunting DURHAM, Marsden Quarry (1993); SCILLY, Tresco (1984 until 25 October), St Martins (1985 until 17 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak SCILLY, St Marys (1976 until 31 October)

species 49, individuals 94

The Little Bustard is the earliest autumn record and the second found during 1958. The Whiskered Tern is only one of three seen later than September. The Isabelline Wheatear is only the third British record and attracted a steady stream of admirers during its three week stay. The Olivaceous Warblers are the most recent British & Irish records. Cornwall comes second only to Scilly for the number of Northern Parulas found, with this being the second for the county, but Scilly is second to none when it comes to Blackpoll Warblers, claiming 17 out of the 32 records. The third British Pallas's Reed Bunting (and the first away from Fair Isle), is only identified two years after the bird was trapped and ringed, after the finders read a newly-published article on the identification of this species. The Bridled Tern and one of the two Northern Orioles are unfortunately found dead. Black-browed Albatross ATSEA, SEA-AREA WIGHT, 54km south east of Newhaven (1993) Little Bittern KENT, Sevenoaks(1976) Night Heron LANCASHIRE, Lancaster Canal (1983) Great White Egret CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1990) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1992 until 20 October)

Blue-winged Teal DEVON, Roadford Reservoir (1994); GALWAY, Lough Derg (1962); WORCESTERSHIRE, Wilden (1982 until 31 October) Gyr Falcon ROSS-SHIRE, Poolewe (1989) Little Bustard KENT, Tonbridge (1958) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1987 until 23 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 309

Sociable Plover CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Fen Ditton (1976 until 6 November); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1986 until 8 November) Least Sandpiper WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1970) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Lisagriffin (1983); DUBLIN, Swords Estuary (1971); EAST LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1979 until 21 October); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1963); KERRY, Trabeg (1963), Akeragh Lough (1973 until 22 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1987) Baird's Sandpiper CARDIGANSHIRE, Towyn Point (1976); PEMBROKESHIRE, Pembrey (1987) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 24 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CAERNARVONSHIRE, Porthmadog (1993 until 26 October); CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 1 April 1981); DUBLIN, Rogerstown (1992 until 26 October) Dowitcher sp. KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1978 until 29 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1969 until 30 October); DEVON, Fremington (1982); LEICESTERSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1964 until 23 October) Wilson's Phalarope ANTRIM, Lame Lough (1971); CORK, Douglas Estuary (1987) Bridled Tern SOMERSET, Weston-Super-Mare (1958) Whiskered Tern NORFOLK, Welney (1988) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Holme (1980 until 3 November) Yellow-billed Cuckoo HAMPSHIRE, Woolston (1985); SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 23 October); SURREY, Oxted (1991) Olive-backed Pipit CORK, Cape Clear Island (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1991)

310 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Citrine Wagtail SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960 until 22 October); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1964 until 14 November) Isabelline Wheatear KINCARDINESHIRE, Girdle Ness (1979 until 10 November) Pied Wheatear SHETLAND, Lerwick (1991); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988 until 18 October) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 19 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush DURHAM, Horden (1968); SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 20 October) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 & 1994) American Robin SCILLY, St Agnes (1976 until 30 October) Olivaceous Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 27 October) Arctic Warbler SCILLY, Tresco (1988 until 19 October) Radde's Warbler CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1988 until 19 October), Nanjizal (1989 until 22 October); KENT, Dungeness (1989); NORFOLK, Brancaster (1975); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1982 until 19 October); ORKNEY, Holm (1982); YORKSHIRE, Sammy's Point, Easington (1988), Flamborough Head (1988) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham (1994 unti120 October) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1986 until 1 November) Penduline Tit KENT, St Margarets (1983); SCILLY, St Agnes (1988 until 18 October), Tresco (3) (1990 until 18 October) Isabelline Shrike SHETLAND, Catfirth (1988 until 23 October) Lesser Grey Shrike CAERNARVONSHIRE, Abersoch (1986 until 18 October); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1965 until 24 October)

Nutcracker NORFOLK, Ludham (1968); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (2) (1968, 1 until 17 November) Rose-coloured Starling ARGYLLSHIRE, Achnamara (1981); LANCASHIRE, near Skelmersdale (1990); SURREY, Normandy (1987 until 6 January 1988) Red-eyed Vireo CORNWALL, Trevail (1987); WATERFORD, Brownstown Head (1985) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Noness (1992) Parrot Crossbill CAITHNESS, Wick (1982) Northern Parula CORNWALL, Penlee Point (1985 until 19 October)

18 October

Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 23 October) Pine Bunting YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988) Rustic Bunting NORFOLK, Wells (1972 until 22 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1988 & 1993 unti118 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994) Pallas's Reed Bunting SUSSEX, Icklesham (1990) Northern Oriole DEVON, Lundy (2) (1967) CATEGORY D SPECIES Bald Eagle ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Coron (1978)

species 49, individuals 103

Another date which breaks the 100 barrier, and with some quality finds. The longstaying Cream-coloured Courser is only the fourth during the period, whilst the Common Nighthawk is the first ever inland record. The Chimney Swift is the third British record (fourth individual) of this small Nearctic swift, whilst both Olivebacked and Red-throated Pipits now show a southerly bias, and the Red-flanked Bluetail is the first of two found in East Anglia in 1994. The Siberian Thrush is the only Irish record of this most highly prized species, and the Dusky Thrush is one of seven found since 1958. The Lanceolated Warbler trapped at Bardsey Island's lighthouse (as part of a ringing session of those birds attracted to the light), is the only western record of this superb Locustella. The first of two Irish Black-andwhite Warblers is found on Cape Clear Island, whilst the Scarlet Tanager is amazingly the second individual to be found at the same site in 1985! Glossy Ibis DEVON, Slapton Ley (1986) Black Brant DUBLIN, Sandymount (1986) American Wigeon CORK, Ballycotton (1987 until 25 November); DERRY, Lough Foyle (1984); DOWN, Castle Espie (1975) Blue-winged Teal DONEGAL, Lough Durnesh (1991) King Eider CAITHNESS, Holborn Head (2) (1973, 1 until 31 December) Cream-coloured Courser NORFOLK, Blakeney (1969 until 29 October when moved to Ormesby East End until 20 November when found dead. Last seen alive on 15 November)

American Golden Plover CORK, Rosscarbery (1985), Clonakilty & Inchydoney (1991 until 27 October); WARWICKSHIRE, Grandborough (1991) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1987 until 28 October) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1970 until 3 November); KENT, Cliffe (1980) Baird's Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1967) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Marazion (1981); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1988)

Rare Birds Day by Day


Dowitcher sp, CHESHIRE, Frodsham (1959) Upland Sandpiper PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1960); SCILLY, St Agnes (1982 until 31 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Nene Washes (1988 until 28 October); CORK, Clonakilty (1967) Wilson's Phalarope ANTRIM, Victoria Park, Belfast (1987); HAMPSHIRE, Paulsgrove (1984) Forster's Tern WEXFORD, Wexford Harbour (1987) Bridled Tern YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1990) White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Farmoor Reservoir (1976) Yellow-billed Cuckoo LINCOLNSHIRE, Rauceby Warren (1987 until 19 October); SUFFOLK, Reydon (1971 until 19 October) Snowy Owl ATSEA, SEA-AREA FORTIES, 58 34N 01 35W (1994) Tengmalm's Owl ORKNEY, Finstown (1980) Common Nighthawk NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Bulcote (1971 until 21 October) Chimney Swift CORNWALL, Truro (1987) Alpine Swift CORNWALL, Marazion (1969) Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Cley (1977); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990) Olive-backed Pipit CORNWALL, Polgigga (1993 until 19 October), St Levan (1993 until 19 October); KENT, Dungeness (1986); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1990 until 20 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1990); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1990); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) Red-throated Pipit CORK, Cape Clear Island (1989 until 19 October); CORNWALL, Pentire Head (1994); SCILLY, Bryher (1977), St Marys (1989 until 19 October)

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Red-flanked Bluetail NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1994 until 20 October) Siberian Stonechat CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1990 until 19 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1975), St Marys Island (1990); SCILLY, St Marys (1978); SHETLAND, Scatness (1990 until 21 October); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1985 until 21 October) Isabelline Wheatear SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 2 November) Pied Wheatear KENT, Reculver (1986 until 19 October) Siberian Thrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985) Dusky Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 until 21 October) Lanceolated Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1990) Booted Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 21 October) Radde's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1990); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1989 until 20 October); DORSET, Easton, Portland (1989 until 19 October); DURHAM, Seabum (1990); NORFOLK, Holkham (1975 until 20 October); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1974) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1975); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1990 until 19 October), St Marys Island (1990); SCILLY, St Agnes (1994 until 22 October); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1974) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Dungeness (1990 until 16 January 1991) Penduline Tit SUSSEX, Icklesham (1994) Lesser Grey Shrike DORSET, The Nothe, Weymouth (1988) Steppe Shrike SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964) Nutcracker NORFOLK, North Creake (1968); SUFFOLK, Butley River (2) (1968), Carlton Colville (1968)

Rose-coloured Starling ISLE OF WIGHT, Sandown (1958); LINCOLNSHIRE, Wainfleet Marsh (1973); OUTER HEBRIDES, Balivanich (1985 until 20 October); SCILLY, Gugh & St Agnes (1994 until 22 October) Red-eyed Vireo SCILLY, Bryher (1985) Arctic Redpoll LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1990 until 21 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (2) (1990, 1 until 21 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1992), Cunningsburgh (1992 until 20 October) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (5) (1990, 2 until 20 October); NORFOLK, Stiffkey (1990); SHETLAND, Voxter (2) (1982), Strand (1982)

19 October

Black-and-white Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1978) Scarlet Tanager CORK, Firkeel (1985) Rustic Bunting NORFOLK, Cley (1975); NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1990 until 21 October) Northern Oriole SCILLY, St Agnes (1967 until 26 October)

species 43, individuals 96

The Buff-bellied Pipit is only the second Irish record of this extremely rare Nearctic vagrant. Although both Radde's and Dusky Warblers have frequently been recorded on the same date over previous weeks, this is the first day that sees Dusky outnumber Radde's. Today's Short-toed Treecreeper keeps faithful to Kent, whilst Fair Isle benefits from two Arctic Redpoll influxes. Firkeel in Cork is fast making a name for itself, with two Scarlet Tanagers on previous dates and now two more Nearctic goodies to add to its already impressive list. With only three British records of Yellow-browed Bunting, it is remarkable that the first and third of these should be found today. Black-browed Albatross YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1967) Albatross sp, NORFOLK, Cley (1977); SCILLY, St Marys (1986) American Wigeon CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1988 until 26 October); GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1975 until 2 November) King Eider ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1978) Black Kite BRECONSHlRE, Llangorse Lake (1976) Red-footed Falcon DEVON, Soar (1985) Sora SCILLY, Tresco (1983 until 20 October) American Golden Plover DEVON, Northam Burrows (1994 until 27 October); SHETLAND, Loch ofSpiggie (1989)

Sociable Plover CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1987 until 20 October) White-rumped Sandpiper CORNWALL, Devoran (1964); DOWN, BP Pools, Belfast (1981) Dowitcher sp. DUBLIN, Kilbarrack (1958 until 1 November) Upland Sandpiper PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1961 until 20 October) Wilson's Phalarope CHESHIRE, Woolston Eyes (1991 until 4 November); FIFE, Peppermill Dam (1963 until 25 October) Black-billed Cuckoo DEVON, Lundy (1967) Alpine Swift KrnCARDINESHIRE, Greg Ness (1984)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 313

Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, Bryher (4) (1987) Olive-backed Pipit LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1980); SCILLY, St Agnes (1990); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990) Red-throated Pipit NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1975); SCILLY, St Marys (1980); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1969 until 20 October) Buff-bellied Pipit WICKLOW, Newcastle (1967) Siberian Stonechat NORFOLK, Cley (1993 until 22 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Blyth (1980); SHETLAND, Fetlar (1981 until 20 October); YORKSHIRE, Wintersett (1976 until 24 October), Flamborough (1992) Pied Wheatear NORFOLK, Holme (1990 until 21 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush CORK, Cape Clear Island (1982); SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 25 October); SHETLAND, Voe (1982 until 20 October) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Whalsay (1993 until 23 October) Booted Warbler DEVON, Start Point (1994); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1990); SCILLY, St Martins (1993 until 27 October) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1983), Gugh (1983) Desert Warbler DEVON, Mount Gould (1992 until 26 October) Greenish Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1993) Radde's Warbler DURHAM, Marsden (1976); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990); SCILLY, Tresco (1985 until 20 October); YORKSHIRE, Grimston (1990) Dusky Warbler KENT, Reculver (1987 until 23 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, North Cotes (1990), Saltfleetby (1990 until 20 October); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990 until 20 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1964 & 1985 until 20 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990)

314 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1990) Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Sandwich Bay (1988 until 25 October) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, St Levan (1993) Red-eyed Vireo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1985 until 23 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1986 until 2 November) Arctic Redpoll SCILLY, Bryher (1977 until 5 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1961 (4), 1972 until 26 October & (10) 1984 until 20 October); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1990 until 20 October) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (3) (1990, 1 until 25 October, 2 until 26 October); SHETLAND, Voe (1982), Kergord (1994 until 20 October); AT SEA, SEA-AREA HUMBER, 32km east of Spurn, 53 50N 00 26E (2) (1990) Northern Parula CORK, Firkeel (1983 until 24 October) Yellow-rumped Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1982 until 20 October) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1975 until 20 October) White-throated Sparrow SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1968 until 30 October) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987 until 20 October) Yellow-browed Bunting NORFOLK, Holkham (1975); SCILLY, St Agnes (1994 until 22 October) Rustic Bunting KENT, Dungeness (1983 until 20 October); NORFOLK, Cley (1975 until 22 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1990) Rose-breasted Grosbeak CORK, Firkeel (1983 until 20 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck DEVON, Kenwith Nature Reserve (1991 until 6 December)

20 October

species 38, individuals 77

Quite a dramatic drop in species and total individuals. Wilson's Petrels are still rarely seen from land with this bird being particularly late. The Harlequin Duck is the second to be found in 1987. The Common Nighthawk is only the tenth British record (but is Scilly's eighth!), whilst the Pechora Pipits are only the sixth and seventh to be found 'away from Shetland'. Desert Warblers always draw large numbers of visitors with most tending to be crowd-pleasers, and today's bird didn't disappoint. Dusky Warblers again outnumber Radde's, whilst Rustic Buntings continue to be found each day. Wilson's Petrel CORNWALL, St Ives (1970) Night Heron CUMBERLAND, Dalston (1990 until 21 October) American Wigeon CORK, Ballycotton (1988); KINROSS-SHIRE, Loch Leven (1974 until 6 November 1975) Harlequin Duck ARGYLLSHIRE, Claggain Bay (1987 until 31 October) American Golden Plover CHESHIRE, Middlewich (1987 until 24 October); CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 6 November); SHETLAND, Loch ofSpiggie & Ringasta (1991 until 3 November) Sociable Plover GLAMORGAN, Neath Valley (1984 until 21 October) White-rumped Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Marazion (1965 until 21 October); LANCASHIRE, Hesketh Bank (1976) Great Snipe ORKNEY, Honeysgeo (1994) Long-billed Dowitcher SUFFOLK, Alton Water (1985 until 14 December) Dowitcher sp, SHETLAND, Symbister (1965 until 7 November) Solitary Sandpiper OUTER HEBRIDES, Malaclete (1990) Laughing Gull DORSET, Radipole Lake (1983) Gull-billed Tern DORSET, Portland Bill (1963)

Yellow-billed Cuckoo HAMPSHIRE, Chewton Glen (1973) Common Nighthawk SCILLY, St Agnes (1982 until 4 November) Red-rumped Swallow SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1990) Olive-backed Pipit ABERDEENSHIRE, Cruden Bay (1990); LINCOLNSHIRE, Skegness (1990); SCILLY, Tresco (1976 until 21 October), St Martins (1987 until 21 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990 & 1991); YORKSHIRE, Sammy's Point, Easington (1988 until 21 October), Boulby Cliffs (1990) Pechora Pipit CORNWALL, Land's End (1990 until 21 October); DORSET, Portland (1990) Rufous Bush Chat DEVON, Prawle Point (1959) Siberian Stonechat CORK, Galley Head (1990); NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1990); SHETLAND, Boddam (1991); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990) Desert Wheatear SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1987 until 24 October) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 28 October) Grey-cheeked Thrush CAERNARVONSHlRE, Bardsey Island (1971); SCILLY, Tresco (2) (1986), St Marys (1986 until 21 October) Eye-browed Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1984) Blyth's Reed Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1987 until 21 October)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 315

Desert Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1975 until 24 October) Greenish Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1978 until 3 November) Arctic Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1977 until 22 October), Toe Head (1985 until 25 October) Radde's Warbler NORFOLK, Wells (1968 until 21 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1979), St Marys (1987); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1966); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1987 until 21 October), Flamborough Head (1990) Dusky Warbler FIFE, Isle of May (1985 until 23 October); KENT, Dungeness (1987 until 21 October), Minnis Bay (1990 until 21 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge (1990); SCILLY, Seven Stones Reef (1969); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1990 until 21 October), Flamborough Head (1990 until 21 October)

Nutcracker HEREFORDSHIRE, Hereford (1968); SUFFOLK, Leiston (2) (1968) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1990) Two-barred Crossbill SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1990) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Humberston Fitties (1990 until 23 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Farne Islands (1990) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1970 until 26 October), Tresco (1976) Rustic Bunting DEVON, Lundy (1993); DORSET, Portland (1987 until 22 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge (1988 until 22 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1990 until 22 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1982 until 22 October) Rose-breasted Grosbeak SCILLY, Tresco (1976 until 26 October)

21 October

species 40, individuals 90

Today sees the first ever Chimney Swift to be found in Britain; with only five records up to the end of 1994, this Nearctic swift is an extreme vagrant to our skies. Scilly again does well for rare thrushes, but it is the Spanish Sparrow that steals the limelight in 1972, even though it is only witnessed by a fortunate few. All of these birds are, however, overshadowed by the first British record of a stunning American Redstart in Cornwall. White-billed Diver ABERDEENSHIRE, Aberdeen (1974); SHETLAND, Hascosay (1979 until 2 November) American Bittern DONEGAL, Malin Beg (1973) Great White Egret MERIONETHSHIRE, Penmaenpool (1982 until 10 November) American Wigeon LINCOLNSHIRE, Whisby Pits (1991 until 1 November) Red-footed Falcon DORSET, Portland (1982 until 23 October) Gyr Falcon BERWICKSHIRE, Hule Moss (1976); WEXFORD, North Slob (1981)

316 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Killdeer SCILLY, St Martins (1982 until 22 October) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Lough Beg (1984), Lough Foyle (1985)

Great Snipe SCILLY, St Martins (1973) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1984 until 29 October & 1985 until 25 October); DERRY, Lough Beg (1984) Spotted Sandpiper SCILLY, St Martins (1993) Wilson's Phalarope NORFOLK, Cley (1973); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1978)

Franklin's Gull CORNWALL, Hayle (1994) White-winged Black Tern YORKSHIRE, North Cave (1994 until 24 October) Great Spotted Cuckoo NORFOLK, Cley (1977) Black-billed Cuckoo DEVON, Barnstable (1982 until 22 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 23 October) Chimney Swift CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1982 until 27 October) Alpine Swift SCILLY, StAgnes (1968) Olive-backed Pipit NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1990 until 23 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1980 until 23 October), St Marys (1981 until 4 November), Tresco (1983); WEXFORD, Great Saltee (1978); YORKSHIRE, Kettleness Point (1990), Whitby (1990) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Agnes (1991 until 26 October); SHETLAND, Hillswick (1988) Eastern Black Redstart LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1988) Siberian Stonechat ABERDEENSHIRE, Cruden Bay (1990); DORSET, Portland (1974); LINCOLNSHIRE, Skegness (1990 until 25 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1991); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1990); ORKNEY, Birsay (1981); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1978 until 28 October & 1994); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1991 until 25 October) Isabelline Wheatear YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1990 until 23 October) Desert Wheatear ORKNEY, Honeysgeo (1988 until 30 October) Swainson's Thrush CORNWALL, St Just (1979); ORKNEY, Holm (1993) Grey-cheeked Thrush CORNWALL, Bosigran Castle (1986); SCILLY, Tresco (1976 & 1984) Eye-browed Thrush SCILLY, Tresco (1990)

Black-throated Thrush NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1975 until 24 October) Subalpine Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968 until 31 October) Arctic Warbler EAST LOTHIAN, Skateraw (1988 until 23 October) Radde's Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1990 until 22 October); LOUTH, Ballagan Point (1990); NORFOLK, Kelling (1991 until 23 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 23 October); SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1991) Dusky Warbler ORKNEY, Stronsay (1994); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992) Penduline Tit ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Llyn Rhos-dhu (1992); HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988 until 22 October) Nutcracker DEVON, Eggesford Forest (1968 until 26 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney (1968); SHROPSHIRE, Acton Reynald (2) (1968); WILTSHIRE, Tollard Royal (1968 until 15 January 1969) Spanish Sparrow SCILLY, St Marys (1972) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Dungeness (1972); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1990); SHETLAND, Whalsay (2) (1984), Fair Isle (1984 until 23 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1975) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Holme (4) (1990); OUTER HEBRIDES, Langass (5) (1982 until 22 October) American Redstart CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1967) Pine Bunting NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1990) Rustic Bunting ORKNEY, Stronsay (1987); SCILLY, St Agnes (1965); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 22 October) CATEGORY D SPECIES Indigo Bunting NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1988 until 30 October)

Rare Birds Day by Day


22 October

species 49, individuals 100

The species total again hits the half century and the individuals total again exceeds the century mark. The Great Snipe is only the second Irish record since 1958, whilst the Upland Sandpiper is Scilly's fifth. Six Red-rumped Swallows is an impressive autumn day total for this Mediterranean species, which has a habit of turning up in small, presumably family groups, with four of today's six birds found on this day in 1987. The White-winged Lark is the first this century and is now one of only two remaining records left on the British list, after a review by the BOURC which removed a further three records (of five birds). All four of today's Greycheeked Thrushes are found on Scilly along with the sole British record of Twobarred Greenish Warbler. Scilly also claims its second Spanish Sparrow in two days, but this fine male behaved itself and performed well to those on the islands during its stay. The Orphean Warbler is only the third record of this large Sylvia, whilst the Ovenbird was found freshly dead in a garden. Three Pine Buntings in one day is also noteworthy. Night Heron SHETLAND, Fetlar (1994) Great White Egret DORSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1993 until 29 October) Blue-winged Teal DUBLIN, North Bull (1974 until 1 March 1975) White-tailed Eagle KENT, St Margarets (1990) Gyr Falcon AYRSHIRE, Maidens (1978 until 23 October); BERWICKSHIRE, Rule Moss (1976) Black-winged Stilt CORK, Ballycotton (1989) American Golden Plover CORK, Clonakilty & Inchydoney (1994) Semipalmated Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1987 until 23 October) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Lough Beg (1984); KERRY, Castlemaine (1958); SCILLY, Bryher, St Marys, St Agnes & Tresco (1978); SUFFOLK, Easton Broad (1978) Baird's Sandpiper ISLE OF MAN, Point of Ayre (1971 until 6 November) Great Snipe CORK, Dursey Island (1983)

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Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Davidstow Airfield (1984 until 29 October); DERRY, Lough Beg (1984); DEVON, Braunton (1990); RERTFORDSHIRE, Tring Reservoirs (1977 until 12 November); SUFFOLK, Havergate (2) (1977 until 1 April 1978) Upland Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1986 until 17 November) Ross's Gull SHETLAND, between Whalsay & Fetlar (1969) Whiskered Tern NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Stanford Reservoir (1991) White-winged Black Tern DORSET, Portland Bill (1967); HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1967 until 15 November) Scops Owl KENT, Crundale (1971) Alpine Swift SCILLY, St Agnes (1968) Roller SCILLY, St Agnes (1959 unti123 October) White-winged Lark NORFOLK, King's Lynn (1981 until 24 October) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, Reculver(1987);YORKSHIRE, Spurn (2) (1977),FlamboroughHead (3) (1987)

Olive-backed Pipit SCILLY, Tresco (1978 until 23 October & 1980 until 23 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987); YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1987) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Hillswick (1988); WARWICKSHIRE, Lawford Heath (1994 until 28 October) Eastern Black Redstart LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1988) Siberian Stonechat ANGUS, Carnoustie (1990); NORFOLK, Lodge Marsh, Wells (1985), Sheringham (1991 until 24 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1979 until 28 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Pied Wheatear ORKNEY, Sanday (1994) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, Tresco (1976 & 1984), St Marys (2) (1986, 1 until 25 October) Eye-browed Thrush RENFREWSHIRE, Lochwinnoch (1978) Paddyfield Warbler ORKNEY, Sanday (1994) Blyth's Reed Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1993) Booted Warbler SHETLAND, Seafield (1993 until 9 November) Subalpine Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1968 until 31 October) Orphean Warbler CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1967) Two-barred Greenish Warbler SCILLY, Gugh (1987 until 27 October) Arctic Warbler EAST LOTHIAN, Skateraw (1988 until 23 October) Radde's Warbler NORFOLK, Wells (1985 until 24 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1973 until 26 October), Tresco (1981); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993) Dusky Warbler ESSEX, Walton-on-the-Naze (1987); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1994); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1992), Flamborough Head (1994 until 25 October)

Penduline Tit HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1988 until 22 October); NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1983); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1966 until 28 October) Nutcracker DEVON, Eggesford Forest (1968 until 26 October); HAMPSHIRE, Copythome (1991 until 26 October); NORFOLK, Blakeney (1968); SHROPSHIRE, Acton Reynald (2) (1968); WESTMORLAND, Bowness-onWindermere (1978); WILTSHIRE, Tollard Royal (1968 until 15 January 1969) Rose-coloured Starling DORSET, Portland (1982 unti123 October) Spanish Sparrow SCILLY, Bryher (1977 until 24 October) Arctic Redpoll ANGUS, Easthaven (1994); KENT, Dungeness (1972); SHETLAND, Whalsay (2) (1984), Fair Isle (1984 until 23 October), Burravoe (1993) Two-barred Crossbill CHESHIRE, Bebington (1966) Parrot Crossbill SHETLAND, Grutness (1975); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1975) Yellow-rumped Warbler OUTER HEBRIDES, Newton (1982 until 23 October) Blackpoll Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1968 until 23 October); SCILLY, Bryher (1983 until 23 October), St Marys (1990 until 25 October) Ovenbird DEVON, Wembury (1985) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, Sanday (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987), Out Skerries (1994 until 23 October) Rustic Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990 until 25 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1982 until 26 October)

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23 October

species 40, individuals 69

There is a sudden drop in species and numbers as we start to move away from the peak vagrancy period. Still, plenty of extremely rare birds are found today as well as several impressive species totals. October is the joint second best month (with December) for White-tailed Eagle, with today's bird being one of four found. The Cream-coloured Courser is the only Welsh record and fits in well with the pattern of this species' occurrences. The Chimney Swift is truly remarkable, being found only two days after the first British record at the same site, with both birds performing well until the 25th and one remaining until the 27th. The Common Nighthawk is the most easterly record for this species, whilst the Cliff Swallow is only the second to be found in the Western Palearctic. Four Booted Warblers is an excellent day total (joint best date) as are the seven Radde's and six Dusky Warblers. Night Heron KENT, Sandwich Bay (1982) Black Brant KENT, Swalecliffe (1990 until 25 November) American Wigeon NORFOLK, Welney (1977) Blue-winged Teal CORNWALL, Marazion (1978 until 5 November) White-tailed Eagle YORKSHIRE, Sammy's Point, Kilnsea (1990) Cream-coloured Courser CARMARTHENSHIRE, Cefn Sidan Sands (1968) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Crows-an-Wra (2) (1971, 1 until 24 October, 1 until 29 October); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1994 until 27 October) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (2) (1974); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1978 until 9 November); SUTHERLAND, Domoch (1977) Baird's Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1974) Long-billed Dowitcher SCILLY, St Agnes (1966) Upland Sandpiper SCILLY, St Martins (1984 until 27 October) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Gannel Estuary (1982 until 26 October) Wilson's Phalarope ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1977 until 2 November)

320 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Laughing Gull CORK, The Lough (1988 until 27 October) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Newlyn (1967 until 25 October) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1994 until 3 December) Common Nighthawk SURREY, Barnes Common (1984) Chimney Swift CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1982 until 25 October) Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, St Marys (1980 until 3 November, 1987 until 24 October & (2) 1988 until 25 October) Cliff Swallow YORKSHIRE, South Gare (1988) Olive-backed Pipit ESSEX, Woodford Green (1992 until 26 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 24 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993 until 24 October) Red-throated Pipit CORK, Dursey Island (1979); SCILLY, St Agnes (1966) Siberian Stonechat LINCOLNSHIRE, Skegness (1990 until 25 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1993); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1987) Pied Wheatear KENT, Sheerness (1994) Swainson's Thrush SCILLY, Tresco (1979 until 28 October)

Grey-cheeked Thrush CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1986 until 25 October) Black-throated Thrush ORKNEY, Finstown (1992); SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 24 October) Paddyfield Warbler ORKNEY, Cara (1994) Booted Warbler DORSET, St Aldhelm's Head (1984 until 24 October); KrnCARDINESHIRE, Newtonhill (1993 until 19 November); SCILLY, StAgnes (1966 & 1987) Sardinian Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 24 October) Arctic Warbler YORKSHIRE, Filey (1993) Radde's Warbler ANGUS, Fishtown of Usan (1988); CORK, Cape Clear Island (1988 until 26 October); NORFOLK, Warham (1988); NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1988); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 & (2) 1988, 1 until 28 October) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Waxham (1994); SCILLY, St Agnes (1979 until 25 October), Gugh (1982), St Marys (1984 until 24 October); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1990), Filey (1993)

Penduline Tit NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1994) Isabelline Shrike ESSEX, Bradwell (1988 until 28 October); SHETLAND, Eswick (1987) Nutcracker KENT, Northward Hill (1985) Rose-coloured Starling ABERDEENSHIRE, Braemar (1976 until 5 November) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Stronsay (1990) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Tophill Low Reservoir (1975) Pine Bunting SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1994)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Saker Falcon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 until 3 December)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 321

24 October

species 34, individuals 84

The Bimaculated Lark is only the second of three British records of this large Middle Eastern lark. Eight Red-rumped Swallows again include a couple of multiple bird finds and Olive-backed Pipit returns to form. The Radde's Warbler in Cork is only the fifth Irish record. Glossy Ibis NORFOLK, Burnham Overy (1982); SUSSEX, Lewes (1988) Red-breasted Goose NORFOLK, Wells (1994 until 6 November) American Wigeon DORSET, Lodmoor (1987 until 25 October) American Golden Plover TIPPERARY, Gortdrum (1987) Sociable Plover ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1976 until 27 October) Least Sandpiper KENT, Sandwich Bay (1976) White-rumped Sandpiper CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1989 until 2 November); NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1964 until 1 November), Thornham Harbour (1973); SCILLY, Bryher (1983) Baird's Sandpiper CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1989 until 30 October) Long-billed Dowitcher CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (1993 until 3 November) Dowitcher sp, CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 28 February 1980); NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1983 until 26 October); SOMERSET, Steart (1965) Alpine Swift LINCOLNSHIRE, Tetney (1969) Roller ESSEX, Great Holland (1968 until 18 November) Bimaculated Lark SCILLY, St Marys (1975 until 27 October) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Cot Valley (1988), Gwithian (3) (1988); DEVON, Lundy (1987); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (2) (1987 until 28 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987)

322 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Olive-backed Pipit DEVON, Lundy (1989 until 29 October); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1993 until 2 November); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1990), St Agnes (1990 until 25 October), St Martins (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1990, 1 until 28 October, 1 until 31 October), Whalsay (1993); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1981 until 1 November), Flamborough Head (1988 & 1990 until 25 October) Red-throated Pipit CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1988 until 26 October); CORK, Ballycotton (1987) Siberian Stonechat DORSET, Portland (1975); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1994); NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1981 until 25 October); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1982 until 25 October); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1993 until 31 October) Pied Wheatear SUFFOLK, Fagbury Cliff (1994 until 27 October) Black-eared Wheatear NORFOLK, Stiflkey (1993 until 1 November) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1986), St Marys (1986) Great Reed Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Big Waters Country Park (1990) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1980 until 2 November) Radde's Warbler CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1988 until 26 October); LINCOLNSHIRE, Theddlethorpe Dunes (1990); NORFOLK, Holme (1988 until 25 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1971), Gugh (1985 until 25 October), St Marys (1988 until 25 October)

Dusky Warbler DURHAM, Seaton Carew (1981 until 25 October); NORFOLK, Wiveton (1990 until 27 October), Wells (1994) Bonelli's Warbler YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1991) Penduline Tit SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1989); SUSSEX, Icklesham (1989) Isabelline Shrike KENT, Worth (1993 until 4 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1979) Lesser Grey Shrike DURHAM, Tursdale Sewage Farm (1960) Nutcracker CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wandlebury Park (1985 unti126 October); KENT, High Halstow (1968) Rose-coloured Starling ABERDEENSHIRE, Newburgh (1993 until 27 October); DORSET, Portland (1989)

25 October

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Cley (1972); ORKNEY, Shapinsay (1992 until 27 October) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Upper Sheringham & Weyboume (4) (1990) Blackpoll Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1982 until 30 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993 until 1 November) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, Tresco (1968 until 27 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1963 until 26 October); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1962) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck WARWICKSHIRE, Kingsbury Water Park (1981 until 6 December)

species 33, individuals 57

The third British record of Green Heron is an immature found as a tideline corpse. With only one bird surviving the Atlantic crossing (the first British record in 1889 was shot), this remains one of the rarest Nearctic species on the British list. The two Yellow-billed Cuckoos include one of the several east coast records which probably arrived by ship assisted passage at one of the east coast container ports. With well over 200 British records, surprisingly few Rustic Buntings reach Ireland, with today's individual being only the seventh. Night Heron ESSEX, Northey Island (1980); LANCASHIRE, Skerton Weir (1982 until 26 November); WESTMORLAND, Appleby (1970 until 31 March 1972); WICKLOW, Broadlough (1982) Green Heron EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1987) Cattle Egret WORCESTERSHIRE, Besford (1993 until 26 December) Black Stork LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1985) Black Brant DERRY, Faughanvale (1988) American Wigeon CORK, Ballycotton (1987) Steller's Eider ORKNEY, Westray (1974 until 14 November)

Red-footed Falcon DURHAM, Saltholme (1969) Black-winged Stilt CORNWALL, Landulph (1988) American Golden Plover SCILLY, St Agnes (1978 until 27 October) White-rumped Sandpiper HAMPSHIRE, Eling Great Marsh (1982 until 27 October); SUSSEX, Sidlesham Ferry (1987 until 28 October) Baird's Sandpiper ANTRIM, Lame Lough (1971 until 29 October) Dowitcher sp. SOMERSET, Steart (1970) Greater Yellowlegs ARGYLLSHIRE, Glenegedale (1985) Lesser Yellowlegs DUBLIN, Swords (1964 until 10 December)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 323

Gull-billed Tern NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1967 until 26 October) Yellow-billed Cuckoo DEVON, Lundy (1989); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1989) Common Nighthawk DORSET, Studland Heath (1983); SCILLY, St Marys (1976) Red-rumped Swallow CORK, Firkeel (1988); CORNWALL, Trevail (2) (1987); NORFOLK, Overstrand (1990); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1977) Olive-backed Pipit NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1981); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 until 26 October), St Agnes (1993) Red-throated Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1966) Siberian Stonechat CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1983 until 27 October); YORKSHIRE, Kilnsea (1980) Pied Wheatear PEMBROKESHIRE, Ramsey Island (1993) Swainson's Thrush SHETLAND, Scatness (1980 until 29 October) Radde's Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham (1975 unti126 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1984 & 1989 until 27 October)

26 October

Dusky Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1987); SCILLY, Tresco (1968); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1993 until 27 October); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988) Bonelli's Warbler CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1990 until 27 October) Penduline Tit KENT, Stodmarsh (1988); SCILLY, St Agnes (1977); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (3) (1989 until 29 October); SUSSEX, Icklesham (1993) Isabelline Shrike ANGLESEY (YNYS MON), Holyhead (1985) Lesser Grey Shrike NORFOLK, Holme (1975 until 4 November) Rose-coloured Starling CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1989) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 4 November) Rustic Bunting CORK, Cape Clear Island (1989); KENT, Kingsgate (1990 until 28 October)

species 39, individuals 83

The seven Red-rumped Swallows today include the largest ever group recorded in Britain - five at the Point ofAyr in Wales (with possibly seven birds present). Suffolk hosts the second Red-flanked Bluetail for 1994, whilst Norfolk receives the first of four British records of Ehrenburg's Redstart. Three Grey-cheeked Thrushes today all managed to miss Scilly,this species' top site. The Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler is only the second to be recorded away from the Scottish Northern Isles and the Short-toed Treecreeper is the most northern British record. Black-browed Albatross YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1974) Night Heron BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Willen Lake (1987) Glossy Ibis CORNWALL, Marazion Marsh & Hayle Estuary (1975 until 3 November) Blue-winged Teal YORKSHIRE, Coatham Marsh (1987 until 14 November)

324 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Sora SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1985 until 24 December) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1983) Great Snipe SCILLY, St Agnes (1958) Long-billed Dowitcher ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1984 until 27 October)

Lesser Yellowlegs SCILLY, St Marys (1967 until 29 October) Spotted Sandpiper MONMOUTHSHIRE, Peterstone Wentlooge (1980 until 25 April 1981) Wilson's Phalarope ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1988) Laughing Gull SCILLY, St Marys (1986) White-winged Black Tern KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1976 until 30 October) Yellow-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, Tresco (1985 until 27 October) Red-rumped Swallow FLINTSHIRE, Point of Ayr (5) (1987 until 28 October); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1994); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987 until 27 October) Olive-backed Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1990); SHETLAND, Whalsay (1984 until 31 October), Lerwick (1988 until 29 October) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Agnes (1971 until 28 October) Thrush Nightingale CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990) Red-flanked Bluetail SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1994) Ehrenburg's Redstart NORFOLK, Heacham (1975) Siberian Stonechat BERWICKSHlRE, St Abb's Head (1991 until 29 October); DURHAM, Hartlepool (1960); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1991); SUFFOLK, Walberswick (1991); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990 until 29 October) Desert Wheatear SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991) Grey-cheeked Thrush CORNWALL, Copperhouse (1985 until 28 October), Porthgwarra (1986); DEVON, Lundy (1986 until 2 November) Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1985) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1980

Radde's Warbler DORSET, Portland (1989); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1991 until 28 October); SCILLY, St Agnes (1977 until 27 October), Tresco (1990 until 28 October); SUSSEX, Worthing (1994 until 27 October) Dusky Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1968 until 6 November); SUSSEX, Combe Haven (1992); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1965 until 31 October), South Gare (1985), Flamborough Head (1991 until 2 November) Bonelli's Warbler ORKNEY, Holm (1986 until 15 November); SCILLY, St Marys (1977) Short-toed Treecreeper YORKSHIRE, Homsea (1970) Penduline Tit SUSSEX, St Leonards (3) (1987 until 27 October) Isabelline Shrike NORFOLK, Horsey (1988); SCILLY, Gugh & St Agnes (1978 until 28 October); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1991) Lesser Grey Shrike ARGYLLSHIRE, Lonbau, ColI (1988 until 2 November) Nutcracker NORTHAMPTONSHlRE, Moulton (1968); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1968) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Illogan (1989 until 30 March 1990); SCILLY, Tresco (1988 until 27 October) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1984, 1 until 27 October) Parrot Crossbill MID LOTHIAN, Gladhouse Reservoir (7) (1975 until 3 January 1976); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (7) (1983 until 20 November) Yellow-rumped Warbler ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1976) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1962 until 27 October)

until 27 October)

Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 325

27 October

species 39, individuals 86

The two Black Ducks together is the first multiple bird sighting of this extremely rare duck, and only the third and fourth British records. One of the birds, a female, remained on Tresco for the following seven years, and between the years 19781983, successfully hybridised with a Mallard and raised 22 young. The Steppe Buzzard is only the third British record (the second since 1958) of this eastern race of the Common Buzzard. The best date for Red-rumped Swallows includes three lots of twos, whilst the Pechora Pipit is the first record for Scilly. The Swainson's Thrush is the first British mainland east coast record, whilst today is the best day of the calendar for Dusky Warbler. Black Brant LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Staines Reservoir (1984 until 23 November) American Wigeon CORK, Ballycotton (1986 until 15 November); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1978); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Netherfield (1969 until 2 November) Black Duck SCILLY, Tresco (2) (1976, 1 until 1 November, 1 until autumn 1983) White-tailed Eagle YORKSHIRE, Boulby Cliffs (1985) Steppe Buzzard CORNWALL,StIves(1975) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Bann Estuary (1973 until 30 October); HAMPSHIRE, Warsash (1983); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (2) (1978, 1 until 28 October, 1 until 2 November) Baird's Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1987); SUFFOLK, Easton Bavents (1990) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (2) (1979); DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1990 until 14 April 1991); NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1964 until 28 December) Spotted Sandpiper CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1968 until 3 November); SOMERSET, Burnham-on-Sea (1992 until 11 May 1993) White-winged Black Tern BERKSHIRE, Theale Gravel Pit (1968) Yellow-billed Cuckoo WATERFORD, Waterford City (1989); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1978)

326 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Alpine Swift SCILLY, St Agnes (1972) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1987); EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (2) (1990); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (2) (1987); NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1977 until 30 October); SCILLY, St Marys (2) (1987 until 28 October) Olive-backed Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1990 unti128 October); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1990) Pechora Pipit SCILLY, Tresco (1994 until 28 October) Red-throated Pipit CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1985 until 31 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994); SCILLY, Tresco (1976); SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1979) Siberian Stonechat CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1988 until 1 November); NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1991 until 28 October); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991) Pied Wheatear EAST LOTHIAN, Thornton Loch (1991 until 30 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1968) Desert Wheatear CORK, Red Strand (1990 until 2 November) Swainson's Thrush KENT, Sandwich Bay (1976) Grey-cheeked Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1979 unti115 November), Bryher (1986 until 28 October) Eye-browed Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1987)

Paddyfield Warbler DURHAM, Hartlepool (1984 until 28 October); SCILLY, Tresco (1988 until 28 October) Sardinian Warbler YORKSHIRE, Scarborough (1990) Desert Warbler ISLE OF WIGHT, Bembridge (1991 until 9 November) Greenish Warbler KENT, St Margaret's (1982) Radde's Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Craster (1990); SHETLAND, Scatness (1988); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1990) Dusky Warbler DORSET, Portland (1984); NORFOLK, Sheringham (1991 until 31 October); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1991); SHETLAND, Virkie (1988 until 28 October), Quendale Mill (1993); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1987 until 1 November), Dunwich (1991); SUSSEX, Beachy Head (1991 until 30 October) Bonelli's Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1977), Minnis Bay (1991 until 9 November) Penduline Tit KENT, St Margaret's (1983)

28 October

Isabelline Shrike CORNWALL, Zennor (1989 until 30 October) Nutcracker SOMERSET, Minehead (1968); STAFFORDSHIRE, Stapenhill (1968 until 28 October); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1971) Rose-coloured Starling FIFE, Crail (1990 until 2 November); YORKSHIRE, Spurn & Kilnsea (1991) Red-eyed Vireo DURHAM, Seabum (1990 until 29 October); SCILLY, St Marys (1985) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (4) (1984), Quendale (1994 until 28 October) Parrot Crossbill KENT, Sandwich Bay (1990); ORKNEY, Holm (1985) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1988 until 29 October) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Martins (1982) Rose-breasted Grosbeak DEvON,Lundy(1985)

species 32, individuals 55

This is a late date for Little Shearwater, although singles have also been recorded in November and December. The long-staying Belted Kingfisher is the third Irish record, and the most recent sighting of this huge Nearctic kingfisher on this side of the Atlantic. It is presumed that the female found in Tipperary in February 1985 is the same individual. The Hermit Thrush is only the second Britlsh record (the first was found in June) of this small American Catharus thrush. Three Isabelline Shrikes make this the species' joint best finding date (with 26 October) and the Rustic Bunting found today is only Ireland's ninth. Little Shearwater CORNWALL,StIves(1967) Night Heron NORFOLK, Hickling Broad (1974) Glossy Ibis KENT, Stodmarsh (1979 until 3 February 1985) American Wigeon KENT, Sheppey (1961) Blue-winged Teal OFFALY, Banagher (1967)

White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Lough Beg (1973); ORKNEY, Deemess (1973) Dowitcher sp. DERRY, Lough Beg (1961); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1978) Wilson's Phalarope KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1981 unti130 October) White-winged Black Tern LIMERICK, Charleville Lagoons (1990)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 327

Yellow-billed Cuckoo SCILLY, St Agnes (1965) Snowy Owl BANFFSHIRE, Cabrach (1965 until 12 January 1966) Belted Kingfisher CLARE, Ballyvaughan (1984 until 5 December) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Rame Head (1987); KENT, North Foreland (1994); SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (2) (1987); WEXFORD, Hook Head (1989) Olive-backed Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1980 until 29 October), St Agnes (1988 until 3 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 1 November) Red-throated Pipit CORNWALL, Treen (1990); SUSSEX, St Leonards (1984) Red-flanked Bluetail FIFE, Fife Ness (1976) Siberian Stonechat FIFE, Fife Ness (1989 until 30 October) Pied Wheatear NORTHUMBERLAND, Boulmer (1979 until 29 October) Desert Wheatear SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1960 until 8 November) Hermit Thrush SCILLY, St Marys (1984) Sardinian Warbler PEMBROKESHIRE, Skokholm (1968)

29 October

Desert Warbler CHESHIRE, Meols (1979 until 22 November) Arctic Warbler SHETLAND, Whalsay (1976) Radde's Warbler DURHAM, Marsden (1989 until 30 October); KENT, Bough Beech Reservoir (1984); SCILLY, St Marys (1982), Tresco (1988) Dusky Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1989 until 29 October); ORKNEY, Stronsay (1994) Penduline Tit DORSET, Radipole Lake (1990); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (2) (1989); KENT, Dungeness (1994) Isabelline Shrike KENT, North Foreland (1991); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1978 until 30 October); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 2 November) Nutcracker NORFOLK, Hickling (4) (1968 until 29 October), Cringleford (1971) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, The Lizard (1985 until 30 October); PEMBROKESHIRE, St Davids (1986 until 20 December) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Out Skerries (1994) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994) Rustic Bunting CORK, Toe Head (1990 until 30 October)

species 27, individuals 47

Another drop in numbers today but still some extremely good finds. The Wilson's Petrel is the latest on record, and another of the few land based finds. The OIivebacked Pipit in Cork is only the fourth Irish record, whilst the Thrush Nightingale is the first for Ireland. All three of the Grey-cheeked Thrushes found today are on far-flung Scottish outposts, whilst the Radde's Warbler is the second Welsh record. Wilson's Petrel CORNWALL, 8t Ives (1967) American Bittern MONMOUTHSHlRE, Magor (1981 until 7 January 1982) Cattle Egret SOMERSET, Portishead (1963 until 15 November)

328 - Rare Birds Day by Day

American Wigeon GLAMORGAN,

Kenfig Pool (1985 until 9

November) Red-footed Falcon NORTHUMBERLAND, Budle Bay (1987) Little Bustard SCILLY, StAgnes (1975)

American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Sennen (1990 until 10 November) Sociable Plover HERTFORDSHIRE, Tring Reservoirs (1961) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1966 until 2 November) Long-billed Dowitcher WEXFORD, North Slob (1990 until 13 November) Dowitcher sp, KENT, Grove Ferry (1961 until 26 November) Wilson's Phalarope CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (J984 until 4 November) Great-spotted Cuckoo SUFFOLK, Aldeburgh (1992 until 12 November) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1983); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1977); NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Clumber Park (2) (1994 until 3 November); SOMERSET, Porlock Marsh (1987) Olive-backed Pipit CORK, Cape Clear Island (1990); SHETLAND, Strand (1988), Whalsay (1990)

Red-throated Pipit HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1989); SHETLAND, Virkie (1988) Thrush Nightingale CORK, Cape Clear Island (1989 until 1 November)

30 October

Siberian Stonechat SCILLY, St Marys (1980); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1987, 1 until 1 November); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1981) Desert Wheatear NORFOLK, Horsey (1993) Grey-cheeked Thrush OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1965), Benbecula (1989); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958)

Sardinian Warbler ORKNEY, Stronsay (1992 until 31 October) Radde's Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1987) Dusky Warbler HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1991); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1968); NORTHUMBERLAND, Fame Islands (1989); SHETLAND, Frakkafield (1990 until 1 November) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Cley (1990) Parrot Crossbill ORKNEY, Lyrawa Plantation (1982); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1962) Blackpoll Warbler SCILLY, Bryher (1977) Rustic Bunting DORSET, Portland Bill (1976); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1992 until 2 November & 1993); SHETLAND, Foula (1966 until 30 October); YORKSHIRE, Easington (1991 until 3 November)

species 41, individuals 65

The second British record of Eleonora's Falcon is a freshly dead second-year male. With only two other records, when an accessible bird is found, it will no doubt prove extremely popular. Alpine Accentor always seems an unlikely vagrant, but with over 30 records it has occurred here more times than many species with seemingly more vagrancy potential. The Red-flanked Bluetail is the first ever twitch able individual, enabling many British birdwatchers the opportunity to marvel at this spectacular Siberian gem, which up until recently was treated as one of the most sought after species, seen only by a select few. The Eastern Nightingale found dead today is the only accepted British record of this subspecies. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Bluemull Sound (1987)

Cattle Egret NORFOLK, Horstead (1986)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 329

American Wigeon FIFE, Burntisland (1992 until 3 November) Blue-winged Teal DORSET, Abbotsbury (1991 until 2 November) Red-footed Falcon KENT, Lydd (1988) Eleonora's Falcon YORKSHIRE, Patrington (1981) Sora SHETLAND, Foula (1982) American Golden Plover YORKSHIRE, Faxfleet (1977) Semipalmated Sandpiper SUFFOLK, Felixstowe (1982 until 14 March 1983); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1983 until 31 October) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (2) (1971 until 1 November); NORFOLK, Cley (1980 until 2 November) Baird's Sandpiper WEXFORD, North Slob (1983 until 31 October) Great Snipe ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991) Long-billed Dowitcher CLARE, Lough O'Donnell (1993); CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1966 until 22 April 1967); NORFOLK, Cley & Weyboume (1969 until 4 November); SUFFOLK, Minsmere (1985) Spotted Sandpiper EAST LOTHIAN, Tyninghame (1971) Bonaparte's Gull DEVON, Sidmouth (1961) Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1988) White-winged Black Tern CORK, Ballycotton (1976) Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, West Burra (1983) Black-billed Cuckoo CHESHIRE, Red Rocks (1982); CORNWALL, Gweek (1965) Yellow-billed Cuckoo CORK, Cape Clear Island (1986); LINCOLNSHIRE, Welton-Ie-Marsh (1978); PEMBROKESHIRE, near St David's (1994) Alpine Swift SUSSEX, Church Norton (1972)

330 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-rumped Swallow NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Clumber Park (1994 until 3 November - joining the two birds found on 29 October) Olive-backed Pipit ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987 until 6 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 31 October), Virkie (1988) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1980) Alpine Accentor SCILLY, St Marys (1977 until 9 November) Eastern Nightingale SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1971) Red-flanked Bluetail DORSET, Winspit(1993unti18November) Siberian Stonechat NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island (1987 until 2 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991) Pied Wheatear NORFOLK, Weybourne (1983 until 4 November) White's Thrush GLOUCESTERSHlRE, Lechlade (1966) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Bigton (1987) Desert Warbler ISLE OF WIGHT, Bembridge Pools (1988) Arctic Warbler SCILLY, St Agnes (1971) Radde's Warbler WEXFORD, Hook Head (1982); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1982) Dusky Warbler CAERNARVONSHlRE, Bardsey Island (1982); EAST LOTHIAN, Scoughall (1991); KENT, Grain (1976); SHETLAND, Dale of Walls (1987) Rose-coloured Starling CORNWALL, Falmouth (1988 until 8 November) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Norwick (1993) Two-barred Crossbill

YORKSHIRE, Hollingdale Plantation (1982) Parrot Crossbill DERBYSHIRE, Howden Reservoir (7) (1982 until 31 December); YORKSHIRE, Hollingdale Plantation (2) (1982 until 6 December)

Pine Bunting ORKNEY, Sanday (1988)

31 October

Rustic Bunting SUSSEX, Littlehampton (1991 until 1 November)

species 25, individuals 51

Very few October days pass without extreme rarities being found and today is no exception. The Rufous Turtle Dove is only the second record of this eastern species since 1958, with only one subsequently found since (see 8 November). Mourning Dove may seem an unlikely vagrant, but it is the most abundant and widespread North American dove, with the northern populations being the most migratory. This record, of an exhausted individual found dead the following day, remains the sole Western Palearctic record. Yellow-billed Cuckoos enjoy a good day with three found, whilst two Yellow-rumped Warblers on one day is noteworthy and brings October, the most wonderful of rare bird months, to a fittingly colourful end. Black Brant DEVON, Exe Estuary (1988 until 18 November) American Wigeon DORSET, Littlesea, Weymouth (1992) Red-footed Falcon ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1985) Gyr Falcon CHESHIRE, Hilbre Island (1959) Black-winged Stilt KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1989) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Predannack (1987); SCILLY, St Marys (1982 unti114 November), St Agnes (1984 until 2 November) Sociable Plover SUSSEX, Steyning (1985 until 30 December) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Bann Estuary (1992); ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1969) Wilson's Phalarope CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1985) Laughing Gull SCILLY, St Agnes (1967) White-winged Black Tern GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1994) Rufous Turtle Dove SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 1 November) Mourning Dove ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1989) Yellow-billed Cuckoo ANTRIM, Carncastle (1994); DEVON, Lundy (1986); SLIGO, Lecarrow (1979)

Red-rumped Swallow SHETLAND, Clickimin Loch (1987) Olive-backed Pipit NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1976 until 4 November) Red-throated Pipit DEVON, Lundy (1973 until 2 November); SCILLY, St Agnes (1965 until 4 November & 1972 until 3 November), St Marys (1985) Siberian Stonechat BERKSHIRE, Brimpton Gravel Pit (1986 until 2 November); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1988); SHETLAND, Loch of Spiggie (1979) Grey-cheeked Thrush CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1968) Black-throated Thrush NORFOLK, Sheringham (1993) Subalpine Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1976) Dusky Warbler CORK, Old Head of Kinsale (1987 until 1 November); KENT, Minnis Bay (1987 until 2 November), Dungeness (1987 until 2 November) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Wyming Brook, Rivelin Valley (14) (1982 until 22 December) Yellow-rumped Warbler CLARE, Loop Head (1986 until 2 November); PEMBROKESHIRE, Ramsey Island (1994 until 4 November) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1975)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 331

October species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Black-browed Albatross Albatross sp. Little Shearwater Wilson's Petrel American Bittern Little Bittern Night Heron Green Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Black Stork Glossy Ibis Lesser White-fronted Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal King Eider Steller's Eider Harlequin Duck Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Steppe Buzzard Red-footed Falcon Eleonora's Falcon Gyr Falcon Sora Little Crake Little Bustard Black-winged Stilt Cream-coloured Courser Collared Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Pratincole sp. Semipalmated Plover Killdeer American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Pacific/American Golden Plover Sociable Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Least Sandpiper White-romped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

332 - Rare Birds Day by Day

12 1 5 3 14 3 3 2 18 1 1 6 5 3 18 3 8 5 56 3 30 7 1 1 7 4 1 19 1 12 4 1 2 9 5 3 4 4 1 2 57 1 2 14 14 4 99 28 2

Stilt Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Upland Sandpiper Marsh Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Grey-tailed Tattler Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Forster's Tern Bridled Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Rufous Turtle Dove Mourning Dove Great Spotted Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo Scops Owl Snowy Owl Tengmalm's Owl Common Nighthawk Chimney Swift Alpine Swift Belted Kingfisher Roller Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Bimaculated Lark White-winged Lark Red-romped Swallow Cliff Swallow Olive-backed Pipit Pechora Pipit Red-throated Pipit Buff-bellied Pipit Citrine Wagtail Alpine Accentor Rufous Bush Chat

1 15 66 36 13 1 3 37 3 22 1

37 6 1 4 3 2

11 3

5 3 2

30 3 1 1 3 7

26 1 5

2 9

3 30

2 5 1 1 1 65

2 151 16

91 4

17 1 2

Thrush Nightingale Eastern Nightingale Siberian Rubythroat Red-flanked Bluetail Eastern Black Redstart Ehrenburg's Redstart Siberian Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Pied Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear Desert Wheatear Rock Thrush White's Thrush Siberian Thrush Wood Thrush Hermit Thrush Swainson's Thrush Grey-cheeked Thrush Veery Eye-browed Thrush Dusky Thrush Black-throated Thrush American Robin Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Lanceolated Warbler River Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Blyth's Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Olivaceous Warbler Booted Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Riippell's Warbler Desert Warbler Orphean Warbler Two-barred Greenish Warbler Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Radde's Warbler Dusky Warbler Bonelli's Warbler Collared Flycatcher Fled-breasted Nuthatch Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Isabelline Shrike

4 1

1 8 4 1 144 6 17 4 11 1 5 2 1 3 16 40 2 11 1 15 3 6 17 1 8 8 4 4 15 21 5 1 6 3 1 12 34 136 100 23 1 1 6 52 22

Lesser Grey Shrike Steppe Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Spanish Sparrow Philadelphia Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Black-and-white Warbler Northern Parula Blackburnian Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica warbler sp. American Redstart Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Common Yellowthroat Wilson's Warbler Scarlet Tanager Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Pine Bunting Yellow-browed Bunting Rustic Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Pallas's Reed Bunting Black-headed Bunting Rose-breasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Bobolink Northern Oriole Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES

Greater Flamingo Falcated Duck Bald Eagle Saker Northern Flicker Red-headed Bunting Indigo Bunting

12 2 78 45 2 2 53 88 9

131 2 10 2 15 28 1 5 2 1 1 1 6 1 2

13 3 114 8 2 6 20 1 7 9

179 2734

2 2 1 2 1 3 1

Rare Birds Day by Day - 333

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Rare Birds Day by Day - 335

1 November

species 25, individuals 47

Little Swift remains an extremely rare visitor to our islands, with today's bird being only the ninth British record (with Ireland having had its only record and first for the period in 1967), whilst Red-rumped Swallows continue to be found well into the autumn, but no multiple bird records today. The Isabelline Shrike in Norfolk is considered by some to be of the race isabellinus rather than phoenicuroides which is normally found in Britain, whilst the Steppe Shrike in Dorset is only the fourth British record of this eastern race of Great Grey Shrike. Five more Nutcrackers contribute to the 1968 totals, including a group of four in Shropshire. With only five British records of American Redstart, today's bird remains the sole Scottish find, whereas the White-throated Sparrow is Scotland's fourth. Night Heron ORKNEY, Rendall (1961) Cattle Egret YORKSHIRE, Adel Dam (1986 until 5 November) American Wigeon CORK, Rosscarbery (1991) White-rumped Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Inner Ribble Marshes (2) (1964 until 5 November) Dowitcher sp, DEVON, Braunton (1985 until 24 November) Lesser Yellowlegs CORNWALL, Truro River (1974) Little Swift SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991) Red-rumped Swallow KENT, St Margaret's Bay (1987); NORFOLK, Winterton (1994 until 8 November); NORTHUMBERLAND, Bamburgh (1987) Olive-backed Pipit SCILLY, St Martins (1990 until 2 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986 & 1991) Siberian Stonechat ABERDEENSHIRE, Newburgh (1979 until 4 November); ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1986); KENT, Dungeness (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1964) Pied Wheatear CORNWALL, Dodman Point (1991 until 5 November) Desert Wheatear SUSSEX, Selsey Bill (1989 until 6 November)

336 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Lanceolated Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1960) Radde's Warbler NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1982 until 6 November) Dusky Warbler CORK, Cape Clear Island (1987); KENT, Foreness (1993); LINCOLNSHIRE, Huttoft Bank (1964); NORFOLK, between Blakeney & Morston (1993) Penduline Tit KENT, Dungeness (1993 (3) until 6 November & 1994); SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (2) (1989) Isabelline Shrike NORFOLK, Wells (1987 until 5 November) Steppe Shrike DORSET, Portland (1989) Nutcracker CHESHIRE, Congleton (1968); SHROPSHIRE, Diddlebury (4) (1968) Rose-coloured Starling DEVON, Goosewell, Plymouth (1989 until 14 November); NORFOLK, Wells (1971 until 23 November) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Baltasound (1989 until 12 November) American Redstart ARGYLLSHIRE, Portnahaven (1982) White-throated Sparrow SHETLAND, Whalsay (1971) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 5 November) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, Tresco (1976); SHETLAND, Whaisay (1971)

2 November

species 26, individuals 37

The American Robin is unfortunately found freshly dead within the container port of Felixstowe. With only seven before 1994, today's Steppe Shrike is one of four to be found during 1994 (and the only one not to be found on the Northern Isles). The Northern Parula is found in a moribund state and later dies. It is the fourth British and sole inland record of this stunning Nearctic wood-warbler. American Wigeon CARDIGANSHIRE, Ynys-hir (1981); CORK, Ballycotton (1986 until 22 February 1987); CORNWALL, Loe Pool (1983 until 26 November), Hayle Estuary (1986 until 8 May 1987) Red-footed Falcon LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1979) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Hayle Estuary (1981) White-rumped Sandpiper DERRY, Lough Beg (1977 until 11 November) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Ballycotton (1974); SUSSEX, Thomey Island (1959 until 11 November); WEXFORD, North Slob (1968) Lesser Yellowlegs WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1966 until 12 November) Spotted Sandpiper WEXFORD, Ballynatray (1982 until 20 November) Wilson's Phalarope NORTHUMBERLAND, Budle Bay (1972) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Drift Reservoir & Newlyn (1986 until 22 April 1987) White-winged Black Tern HAMPSHIRE, Hengistbury Head (1967 until 3 November) Olive-backed Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1990 until 5 November) Red-throated Pipit CORK, Fota Island (1990) Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1980)

Desert Wheatear SHETLAND, Boddam (1988 until 3 November) American Robin SUFFOLK, Felixstowe (1994) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1963 until 3 November) Greenish Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1958 until 9 November) Radde's Warbler SUFFOLK, Kessingland (1994) Dusky Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1986 until 3 November); SCILLY, Tresco (1987 until 6 November); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1993 until 8 November) Bonelli's Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1980 until 4 November) Steppe Shrike LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1994) Nutcracker KENT, Deal (1968 until 4 November); LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Hendon Park Cemetery (1968); SUFFOLK, Westleton Heath (1985 until 7 December) Rose-coloured Starling SOMERSET, Minehead (1975) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Baltasound (2) (1989), Skaw (1994)

Northern Parula LANCASHIRE, Wigan (1982) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, Tresco (1972 until 5 November)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 337

3 November

species 25, individuals 35

The White's Thrush remains Scilly's sole record of this northern rarity, whilst the American Robin is one of seven found in Scotland. With only five records prior to 1990, Desert Warbler then occurs five times between 1991 and 1993, with this individual being the third bird to be found during the 1991 autumn. The stunning Nearctic wood-warbler, YellowWarbler, has only occurred in Britain three times, on Bardsey Island in 1964 (which unfortunately died), today's bird on Shetland and the third record, on North Ronaldsay in 1992. When this species is eventually found in the south it will hopefully be a day for us all to remember. .With only 27 records during between 1958-1994, for a single day to host two Pine Buntings is particularly noteworthy. Both records are on the Northern Isles, which account for over 600/0 of all British & Irish records. Night Heron ISLE OF WIGHT, Brading Marshes (1989) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (1985 until 9 November) King Eider SHETLAND, Whalsay (1987 until 7 November) Gyr Falcon ARGYLLSHIRE, Port Charlotte (1991); AT SEA, SEA-AREA FORTIES, Rig Kingsnorth UK, 250km east of Duncansby Head (1982) Black-winged Stilt ESSEX, Eastwood Sewage Farm (1961) American Golden Plover ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1991 until 4 November) White-rumped Sandpiper STAFFORDSHIRE, Rudyard Lake (1989) Broad-billed Sandpiper SHETLAND, Whalsay (1976) Long-billed Dowitcher DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Caerlaverock (1980 until 26 April 1981) Spotted Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Barrow-in-Furness (1989 until 1 May 1990); SUSSEX, Barcombe Reservoir (1977 until 12 November) Alpine Swift AYRSHIRE, Masonhill (1979) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Swanpool (1980); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1987 until 8 November) Olive-backed Pipit FIFE, Isle of May (1994)

338 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Siberian Stonechat SCILLY, Tresco (1987) White's Thrush SCILLY, Tresco (1965 until 4 November) American Robin SHETLAND, Foula (1982 until 16 November) Subalpine Warbler SCILLY, St Marys (1984) Desert Warbler KENT, Seasalter (1991 until 5 November) Radde's Warbler KENT, St Margaret's (1993 until 5 November) Dusky Warbler LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1980 until 9 November); NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1982), Mundesley (1994); SHETLAND, Hillwell (1989); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987) Nutcracker SHROPSHIRE, All Stretton (2) (1968) Rose-coloured Starling SHETLAND, Yell (1977 until 11 November) Arctic Redpoll NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1984 until 4 November); SHETLAND, Norwick (1989); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1990) Yellow Warbler SHETLAND, Helendale (1990 until 4 November) Pine Bunting ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1987 until 9 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 8 November)

4 November

species 31, individuals 50

October may be gone, but November continues to pile on the number of extreme rarities and new birds for Britain, Ireland and the Western Palearctic. The American Bittern is the eighth record since 1958 and, like others previously and since, paid us an extended visit. The Barrow's Goldeneye remains the sole British record of this Arctic sea-duck, whilst the Chimney Swift is only the third British record. The Blyth's Pipit caught in Suffolk is only the second to be accepted to the British list: despite numerous field claims, to date, the BBRC considers the field characteristics of this troublesome species are as yet insufficiently well determined to make a secure identification of an untrapped bird possible. The Gray Catbird, the first for the Western Palearctic, is unfortunately witnessed by only one lucky observer, and is found the same day as a Chimney Swift on Scilly, Three Isabelline Shrikes make this the joint best date for this eastern species. Black-browed Albatross YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1965 until 7 November) American Bittern RENFREWSHIRE, Kilmalcolm (1981 until 9 January 1982) Night Heron ANGUS, Findatie (1991 until 24 January 1992) Cattle Egret HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1986 until 11 January 1987) Black Brant LOUTH, Carlingford Lough (1984 until 10 November) American Wigeon NORFOLK, Cley (1969) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Donmouth (1989 until 22 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975) Barrow's Goldeneye AYRSHIRE, Bogside, Irvine (1979 until 28 December) Collared Pratincole KENT, Pegwell Bay (1977) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987 until 6 November) Long-billed Dowitcher DEVON, Fremington (1987 until 1 January 1988); HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1982) Spotted Sandpiper DEVON, Tavy Estuary (1984 until 6 January 1985) Bonaparte's Gull LANCASHIRE, Morecambe (1963)

White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Sheringham, Cley & Blakeney (1994 until 11 November) Yellow-billed Cuckoo CORNWALL, St Mawes (1971 until 7 November) Chimney Swift SCILLY, St Marys (1986 until 6 November) Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Wells (1989); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1989) Blyth's Pipit Landguard Point (1994 until 10 November) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, Tresco (1980), St Marys (1984 until 8 November) Gray Catbird CORK, Cape Clear Island (1986) Alpine Accentor CORNWALL, Rough Tor (1990) Siberian Stonechat CORNWALL, Trevose Head (1982); NORFOLK, Snettisham (1974), Burnham Overy (1994 until 7 November); SHETLAND, Easter Quarff (1994) Desert Wheatear HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1961 until 19 November) Dusky Warbler LANCASHIRE, Heysham (1994); SHETLAND, South Exnaboe (1993) Bonelli's Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Hauxley (1967) Penduline Tit HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (4) (1994)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 339

Isabelline Shrike DEVON, Berry Head (1984 until 14 November); FIFE, Fife Ness (1993 until 9 November); KENT, Stodmarsh (1988 until 14 November) Rose-coloured Starling GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Hardwicke (1982) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1965 until 6 November)

5 November

Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Kirkby Moor (4) (1990 until 1 January 1991); NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990); YORKSHIRE, Hollingdale Plantation (2) (1990) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, St Agnes (1962)

species 24, individuals 40

The number of species and individuals may be falling, but today sees some extreme rarities found, including the only November Little Shearwater and two Gyr Falcons, including a long-stayer in Somerset. Two Little Crakes and a Little Bustard add to the cast of 'megas' for the day, whilst all five Red-rumped Swallows found today are in 1987. The Pied Wheatear is the third Irish record (all in November), whilst three Desert Wheatears found today makes this the best day for the species. Bird of the day however, must be the Wallcreeper that takes up winter residence in Somerset. Another long-stayer is now overdue. The Yellow-rumped Warbler is only the second British record (the first was also in Devon) and the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is only the second east coast record. White-billed Diver KENT, Sittingbourne (1969) Little Shearwater PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1989) Glossy Ibis LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1975) Blue-winged Teal ANTRIM, Glarryford Bog (1980); NORFOLK, Welney (1986 until 8 November); WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1989 until 12 November) King Eider SHETLAND, Ronas Voe (1988 until 9 November) Gyr Falcon DUNBARTONSHIRE, Endrick Mouth (1960); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1961 until 13 January 1962) Little Crake NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1983 until 20 November); SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1961) Little Bustard SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994 until 6 November) Black-winged Stilt NORFOLK, Titchwell (1990)

340 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Pacific Golden Plover SHETLAND, Uyeasound (1988 until 13 November) Ivory Gull OUTER HEBRIDES, Stomoway (1961 until 8 November) Snowy Owl ORKNEY, Loch of Treadwell (2) (1974) Red-rumped Swallow CORNWALL, Zennor (1987), Marazion (3) (1987 until 7 November); YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1987 until 8 November) Red-throated Pipit WEXFORD, Hook Head (1988 until 6 November) Pied Wheatear CLARE, Loop Head (1988 until 8 November) Desert Wheatear CORNWALL, Sennen (1988); LANCASHIRE, Fleetwood (1991 until 19 November); NORFOLK, Weybourne (1994) American Robin CAITHNESS, Reay (1981) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1984 until 19 November)

Dusky Warbler DORSET, Easton, Portland (1994); NORFOLK, Holme (1990 until 12 November); SHETLAND, Sullom (1993 until 15 November); YORKSHIRE, Grimston (1994 until 6 November) Wallcreeper SOMERSET, Cheddar (1976 until 6 April 1977) Rose-coloured Starling SCILLY, St Marys (1987 until 7 December)

6 November

Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Stronsay (1988 until 7 November); SUFFOLK, Oulton Broad (1972); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1972) Yellow-rumped Warbler DEVON, Lundy (1960 until 14 November) Rose-breasted Grosbeak YORKSHIRE, Bridlington (1991 until 6 November)

species 24, individuals 36

Three White-billed Divers include one as far south as Suffolk (such southern records are usually confined to late winter); and a Gyr Falcon takes up residence on Scilly. The third Little Crake of the month includes the first of two to be found at the same Nottinghamshire site (see 5 November). The Little Swift is the first British record and is one of three individuals to be found during the month - which comes second to May with four records. Two groups of Red-rumped Swallows include another trio as part of the 1987 influx, whilst Shetland scores with three rare northern thrushes. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Bluemull Sound (1984); SUFFOLK, Southwold (1994); SUTHERLAND, Stoer Head Light (1993) Night Heron SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1983 until 30 November) Black Brant NORFOLK, Cley (1984 until 10 March 1985), Breydon Water (1990 until 22 December); SUFFOLK, King's Fleet (1994) Blue-winged Teal WEXFORD, South Slob (1969) Gyr Falcon SCILLY, Tresco (1964 until 5 January 1965) Little Crake NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Attenborough (1976 until 27 November) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1989) White-rumped Sandpiper WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1988) Long-billed Dowitcher CORK, Ballymacoda (1987 until 15 November) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Ballycotton (1985 until 1 January 1986)

Bonaparte's Gull CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1984 until 7 November) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Ollaberry (1969) White-winged Black Tern SHROPSHIRE, Ellesmere (1994 until 1 December) Yellow-billed Cuckoo HAMPSHIRE, Pennington Marsh (1976) Little Swift DENBIGHSHIRE, Llanwrst (1973 until 7 November) Red-rumped Swallow MID LOTHIAN, Cammo Park, Edinburgh (3) (1987); NORFOLK, Brancaster, Holme & Titchwell (3) (1994 until 11 November) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1980 until 9 November) Red-throated Pipit NORFOLK, Brancaster (1994) Siberian Stonechat CAERNARVONSHIRE, Llanfairfechan (1983 until 7 November) Pied Wheatear DURHAM, Seaton Snook (1994)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 341

White's Thrush SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1958) Dusky Thrush SHETLAND, Firth Voe (1975 until 13 November) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Hillwell Loch (1977 until 14 November) Dusky Warbler CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1992 until 13 November); KENT, Dungeness (1980); NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1987)

CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck WARWICKSHIRE, Middleton (1989)

7 November

species 30, individuals 48

The fourth Little Crake of the month is overshadowed by the sole British record of American Purple Gallinule, which was found in a weakened state and later died. Two more Red-rumped Swallows for the 1987 influx reach as far west and north as Ireland and Scotland. The American Redstart is only the third British record and the sole east coast sighting of this stunning Nearctic species. The Dark-eyed Junco in Dorset is found a month earlier than the 1989 Portland individual and the Yellowbreasted Bunting in Devon is the latest on record and takes the 1993 total to seven. Cattle Egret CORNWALL, Camel Estuary (1981 until 17 November) Little Crake WARWICKSHIRE, Hams Hall (1974 until 12 December) American Purple Gallinule SCILLY, St Marys (1958) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1978) White-rumped Sandpiper SHETLAND, Grutness (1973 until 11 November) Long-billed Dowitcher CUMBERLAND, Anthorn (1987 until 29 November) Lesser Yellowlegs WICKLOW, Kilcoole (1990 until 12 November) Franklin's Gull YORKSHIRE, Bolton-on-Swale & Scorton (1991 until 6 December) Red-rumped Swallow ANGUS, Broughty Ferry (1987 until 8 November); CLARE, Loop Head (1987) Olive-backed Pipit HAMPSHIRE, Warsash (1994); NORFOLK, Sheringham (1987)

342 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1984 until 8 November) Eastern Black Redstart KENT, Dungeness (1981 until 8 November) Siberian Stonechat DORSET, Portland (1994 until 9 November); NORTHUMBERLAND, Tynemouth (1974 until 15 November) Pied Wheatear KENT, Foreness (1987) Desert Wheatear HEREFORDSHIRE, Castleton (1994) White's Thrush DURHAM, South Shields (1959) American Robin DEVON, Lundy (1962) Radde's Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1993) Dusky Warbler CAERNARVONSHIRE, Bardsey Island (1987); NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1987 until 11 November), Burnham Norton (1990), Holme (1990); SHETLAND, Noness (1994 until 8 November); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1970)

Short-toed Treecreeper KENT, Sandwich Bay (1990) Isabelline Shrike LINCOLNSHIRE, Anderby Creek (1982 until 8 November) Steppe Shrike SHETLAND, Boddam (1994 until 10 November) Rose-coloured Starling BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Bletchley (1978) Arctic Redpoll YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984) Parrot Crossbill DURHAM, Hamsterley Forest (10) (1990 until 10 March 1991)

8 November

American Redstart LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1982 until 5 December) Dark-eyed Junco DORSET, Dorchester (1993 until 19 November) Pine Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1994) Rustic Bunting SCILLY, Tresco (1968 until 8 November); WORCESTERSHIRE, Upton Warren (1987) Yellow-breasted Bunting DEVON, Bolberry Down (1993)

species 19, individuals 21

The Steller's Eider is the second since 1958, whilst the Little Crake is the fourth in consecutive dates (this species' best month). The second Rufous Turtle Dove of the autumn is another short-stayer, unlike the fifth and most recent record of Chimney Swift which stays long enough for southern birders to travel to see this wonderful little swift. The Pied Wheatear is the first of only three Irish records. Steller's Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Rattray Head (1970) Little Crake DORSET, Lodmoor (1975 until 10 November) Black-winged Stilt HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1989) Killdeer SCILLY, Bryher & St Marys (1979 until 16 November) White-rumped Sandpiper CORK, Ballycotton (1980 until 9 November) Long-billed Dowitcher CORNWALL, Stithians Reservoir (1982 until 5 January 1983) Rufous Turtle Dove YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1975) Snowy Owl SUSSEX, Seaford Head (1968) Chimney Swift FIFE, St Andrews (1991 until 10 November) Red-rumped Swallow WEXFORD, Hook Head (1987)

Siberian Stonechat YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1984 until 3 January 1985) Pied Wheatear CORK, Knockadoon Head (1980 until 16 November) Dusky Warbler DURHAM, Marsden (1984 until 14 November) Isabelline Shrike DEVON, Wembury (1987 until 14 November) Nutcracker HUNTINGDONSHIRE, Dogsthorpe (1968) Red-eyed Vireo CAITHNESS, Thurso (1988) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, Rendall (1993); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1984) Two-barred Crossbill SHROPSHIRE, Walcot Forest (1972 until 14 November) Rustic Bunting SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 343

9 November

species 18, individuals 30

The record of a Paddyfield Warbler photographed at an inland reedbed is remarkable. At the time, it was only the seventh British record and remains the latest ever finding date in Britain (one was found in Ireland on 3 December but died the next day). Pied-billed Grebe NORFOLK, Welney (1968 until 12 November) Albatross sp. NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1986) Night Heron CAERNARVONSHIRE, River Conway (1968) American Wigeon INVERNESS-SHIRE, near Inverness (1981 until 10 November); NAIRN, Culbin Bar (1986 until 11 January 1987) Blue-winged Teal WEXFORD, Lady's Island Lake (1994) White-rumped Sandpiper SUSSEX, Thomey Island (1959 until 28 November) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Ballymona (1969 until 15 November) Lesser Yellowlegs CAERNARVONSHIRE, Pwllheli (1975 until 10 November); CORNWALL, River Camel (1968 until 6 December) Spotted Sandpiper CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wisbech Sewage Farm & River Nene (1970 until 19 December) Kumlien's Gull CORK, The Lough (1992 until 11 November) Yellow-billed Cuckoo CAITHNESS, Thurso (1970)

10 November

Alpine Swift AT SEA, SEA-AREA SHANNON, Marathon Gas Platform off Old Head of Kinsale (1988) Red-rumped Swallow DOWN, Newcastle (2) (1990 until 11 November) Siberian Stonechat KENT, Foreness (1990 until 10 November); LINCOLNSHIRE, Donna Nook (1980); NORFOLK, Winterton (1985 until 5 February 1986); SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1982), Fair Isle (1991) Paddyfield Warbler HERTFORDSHIRE, Tring Reservoirs (1981) Greenish Warbler NORFOLK, Holme (1968) Dusky Warbler KENT, Grain (1983); NORFOLK, Holme (1968) Penduline Tit HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1989) Arctic Redpoll ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (2) (1994 until 22 November); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (3) (1984) CATEGORY D SPECIES Red-headed Bunting YORKSHIRE, Hornsea (1985 until 16 November)

species 21, individuals 32

This is the eighth British record of Lesser Scaup since 1987, with annual records soon to be expected. A White-tailed Eagle on the Welsh coast could easily be a wild bird or an individual from the re-introduction scheme on the west coast of Scotland. The third record of Pallid Swift is even more remarkable in that it involved two birds and also established November as the top month for this extremely rare visitor. The Radde's Warbler is the latest on record. Albatross sp, YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1963) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (2) (1978, 1 until 18 November, 1 until 30 December)

344 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Blue-winged Teal ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1966) Lesser Scaup GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Lechlade (1994 until 28 December)

King Eider SHETLAND, Cunningsburgh (1973) White-tailed Eagle PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1993 until 11 November) Gyr Falcon CHESHIRE, Burton Marsh (1982); AT SEA, SEA-AREA FORTIES, Marathon Brae 'A' 240km east of Aberdeen (1982 until 11 November) White-rumped Sandpiper KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1968); STAFFORDSHIRE, Blithfield Reservoir (1979 until 11 November) Great Snipe SUSSEX, Pagham (1964) Long-billed Dowitcher WARWICKSHIRE, Draycote Water (1983) Lesser Yellowlegs DEVON, Teign Estuary (1975 until 6 April 1976) White-winged Black Tern LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1968 until 27 November) Snowy Owl ROSCOMMON, Ballygar (1968) Pallid Swift DORSET, Portland (2) (1984)

11 November

Red-rumped Swallow SCILLY, St Agnes (1964 until 11 November) Olive-backed Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1979) Siberian Stonechat ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1994 until 11 November) Radde's Warbler DEVON, Prawle Point (1991) Dusky Warbler KENT, Dungeness (1967 until 15 November); NORFOLK, Holme (1968); YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (1990 until 11 November) Nutcracker HERTFORDSHIRE, Brookman's Park (1968), Watford (1968) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Wells (1966 until 12 November), Upper Sherringham & Weyboume (5) (1990) CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican SURREY, Wraysbury Reservoir (2) (1972)

species 16, individuals 85

Parrot Crossbill aside, today's individuals total would stand at just 18 birds. The month's second Pied-billed Grebe and fifth Little Crake make November joint best month for these species. The Desert Wheatear mirrors the 1991 individual at nearby Fleetwood (see 5 November) and with only seven records prior to 1994, today's Steppe Shrike makes it four for the year (1994). Today's day total of 46 Parrot Crossbills in 1990 is 40% of that year's autumn influx. Pied-billed Grebe SCILLY, Tresco (1994 until at least 31 December 1994) American Wigeon CORK, Ballycotton (1986) Little Crake LANCASHIRE, Withington Sewage Farm (1967 until 15 November) Lesser Yellowlegs CARDIGANSHIRE, Ynys-hir (1969 until 21 November) Alpine Swift LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Twickenham (1975)

Red-rumped Swallow DORSET, Swanage (1990 until 12 November); ESSEX, Layer-de-la-Haye (1990 until 17 November); NORFOLK, Happisburgh (1987) Desert Wheatear LANCASHIRE, Blackpool (1994 until 21 November) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Toab (1987) American Robin SHETLAND, Foula (1967 until 16 November)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 345

Booted Warbler ABERDEENSHIRE, Collieston (1994 until 13 November) Dusky Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1978 until 15 November) Penduline Tit YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (2) (1988 until 12 November) Lesser Grey Shrike ORKNEY, Finstown (1962) Steppe Shrike ORKNEY, Papa Westray (1994 until 26 November)

12 November

Two-barred Crossbill DERBYSHIRE, Upper Derwentdale (1990) Parrot Crossbill DERBYSHIRE, Howden Reservoir (13) (1982 until 31 December); DURHAM, Lockwood Beck Reservoir (6) (1990 until 1 January 1991); LINCOLNSHIRE, Kirkby Moor (40) (1990, 15 until 30 November, 16 until 1 January 1991); YORKSHIRE, Hollingdale Plantation (8) (1982 until 6 December)

species 16, individuals 23

The American Bittern is unfortunately found shot. A White-tailed Eagle takes up winter residence in Suffolk but pays several visits to other parts of East Anglia during its stay. An American Golden Plover is a good inland find in Buckinghamshire, and whilst it is not untypical of Nearctic waders, such as Semipalmated Sandpiper, to turn up along the British east coast, East Anglia accounts for the majority that do make it across. The Pallid Swift in Wales is the second record (of three birds) for the month (and only the fourth British record), and three Red-rumped Swallows contribute to the staggering 1987 total of 64 birds. American Bittern DORSET, Tincleton (1980) American Wigeon FIFE, Stenhouse (2) (1989 until 13 November) White-tailed Eagle SUFFOLK, Benacre (1985 remaining in area until 18 December, also seen in north Norfolk during November) American Golden Plover BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Broughton (1991 until 25 November); LANCASHIRE, Marshside (1984 until 13 November) Semipalmated Sandpiper NORFOLK, Wisbech Sewage Farm (1966 until 29 December) Wilson's Phalarope PEMBROKESHIRE, Pembrey (1974) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1989) Ross's Gull CORNWALL, St Ives (1977)

346 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Pallid Swift PEMBROKESHIRE, Strumble Head (1984 until 13 November) Red-rumped Swallow NORFOLK, Winterton (2) (1987); SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1987) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1984) Siberian Stonechat KENT, Dungeness (1986 & 1989) Arctic Warbler DURHAM, Whitbum (1984 until 14 November) Dusky Warbler KENT, North Foreland (1989); NORFOLK, Blakeney Point (1989) Nutcracker MONMOUTHSHIRE, Llanhilleth (1968) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Titchwell (1984); SHETLAND, Boddam (1988)

13 November

species 20, individuals 25

The day totals may still be low, but there are some extraordinarily rare birds found. Three of these are gulls, including a long-staying Franklin's Gull in East Anglia. The Black Kite is only one of two to be found during November, the Siberian Thrush is only the fourth British record and the Dusky Thrush is only the seventh. The Lanceolated Warbler is remarkable on two points, it is away from Shetland and it is the latest ever to be found. Pied-billed Grebe CAERNARVONSHIRE, Aber Ogwen (1984 until 30 December) Night Heron DURHAM, Chester-Ie-Street (1992); LINCOLNSHIRE, Boston (1973 until 19 November) Great White Egret YORKSHIRE, Stone Creek (1982 until 30 November) Black Brant CORNWALL, Wadebridge (1981 until 15 November) American Wigeon FIFE, Stenhouse (1989); WIGTOWNSHIRE, Loch Ryan (1983 until 26 February 1984) Black Kite SUSSEX, Herstmonceux (1976) American Golden Plover EAST LOTHIAN, West Fenton (1976 until 14 November) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Bridlington (1978) Franklin's Gull SUFFOLK, Lowestoft (1977 until 27 March 1978)

Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1980 until 19 November) Red-rumped Swallow NORTHUMBERLAND, Dunstanburgh (1988); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1977) Olive-backed Pipit HAMPSHIRE, Sway (1987 until 18 November) Red-throated Pipit DORSET, Portland Bill (1961) Siberian Thrush ORKNEY, Widewall (1984) Dusky Thrush CORNWALL, Bude (1983) Lanceolated Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Prior's Park (1984) Dusky Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Newbiggin (1994 until 14 November) Rose-coloured Starling CAITHNESS, Thurso (1991) Arctic Redpoll ABERDEENSHIRE, Cruden Bay (1994); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (2) (1984, 1 until 17 November, 1 until 19 November) Rustic Bunting CAITHNESS, Achreamie (1993)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 347

14 November

species 20, individuals 26

Today's Pied-billed Grebe adds itself to the small list of Nearctic species to breed in the Western Palearctic. The Whiskered Tern is the latest on record, as is the Yellowbilled Cuckoo which, like many other Nearctic cuckoos, is found moribund. The Pallid Swift is the third record (of four birds) in only five days in 1984, which at the time accounts for two thirds of the British records. The Alpine Accentor is the latest ever to be found, and the Varied Thrush is the sole Western Palearctic record - an immature with aberrant plumage, lacking the usual orange pigment of this species. Pied-billed Grebe CORNWALL, Argal Reservoir (1992 until 28 March 1993 moving to Stithians Reservoir 2 April into 1994. During 1994, paired with Little Grebe, raised three hybrid young with one young surviving to the end of 1994) Night Heron NORFOLK, East Rudham (1987 until 15 November) Cattle Egret DEVON, Kingsbridge (1986 until 20 November) Black Brant DOWN, Strangford Lough (1982 until 9 January 1983) Red-breasted Goose LINCOLNSHIRE, North Cotes (1984 until 30 November) American Wigeon ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Skene (1992 until 19 December); DONEGAL, Inch Lake (1987) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Firth Voe (1986) White-rumped Sandpiper GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1976) Long-billed Dowitcher DOWN, Belfast Harbour Estate (1987 until 3 March 1988) Whiskered Tern GALWAY, Nimmo's Pier (1987 until 7 January 1988)

348 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Yellow-billed Cuckoo YORKSHIRE, South Armthorpe (1981) Snowy Owl DONEGAL, Tory Island (1986 until 16 November) Pallid Swift KENT, Warden Point (1984 until 16 November) Red-rumped Swallow HAMPSHIRE, Farlington Marshes (1987); LINCOLNSHIRE, Gibraltar Point (1988); SUFFOLK, Benacre (1987) Alpine Accentor LINCOLNSHIRE, Saltfleetby (1994 until 18 November) Siberian Stonechat KENT, St Margaret's Bay (1994 until 15 November) Varied Thrush CORNWALL, Nanquidno (1982 unti123 November) Dusky Warbler SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1986) Nutcracker NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ecton Sewage Farm (2) (1968) Arctic Redpoll ISLE OF MAN, Calf of Man (1972); NORFOLK, Cley (1972); SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1975 until 15 November)

15 November

species 17, individuals 25

The Cattle Egret is only the fourth Irish record, whilst Ireland also plays host to a long-staying Gyr Falcon and Norfolk to a wintering Little Crake. The Desert Wheatear is the first of three to turn up in mid-November in north-west England. The Great Reed Warbler is the latest on record. Night Heron HAMPSHIRE, Woodmill (1992 until 8 December) Cattle Egret WEXFORD, Strokestown (1984 until 1 December) Black Brant KENT, Sheppey (1984 until 1 January 1985) American Wigeon ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Indaal (1989 until 16 November); CORK, Rostellan (1986 until 13 March 1987); NORFOLK, Cley (1967) Gyr Falcon KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1991 until 13 March 1992); MID LOTHIAN, Fala Moss (1961) Little Crake NORFOLK, Brinton (1959 until 14 January 1960) Killdeer SCILLY, St Marys (1989 until 26 November) White-rumped Sandpiper CORNWALL, Marazion (1965); LANCASHIRE, Freckleton (1970)

16 November

Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Moray Basin (1964) Red-rumped Swallow DERBYSHIRE, Williamthorpe Reservoir (1986) Siberian Stonechat CORNWALL, Kenidjack (1991 unti121 November) Desert Wheatear LANCASHIRE, South Walney (1986 unti121 November) Great Reed Warbler DEVON, Thurlestone (1972) Dusky Warbler SHETLAND, Kergord (1986 until 21 November) Nutcracker ESSEX, Clacton-on-Sea (1968) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1991 until 16 November) Parrot Crossbill DERBYSHIRE, Howden Reservoir (5) (1982 until at least 31 December. Today's five new birds brings the site total to 25 with 20 birds until 3 February and one bird until 13 February 1983)

species 15, individuals 19

The month's second Black Kite and third White-tailed Eagle are found today, and another Desert Wheatear confirms November as the best month for this species, whilst the Yellow-rumped Warbler is the latest ever. Despite record numbers reportedly migrating through Hong Kong during the autumn of 1991, the Mugimaki Flycatcher found today was placed in Category Dl by the BOURC. American Wigeon ABERDEENSHIRE, Loch of Skene (1992 until 22 November) Blue-winged Teal CORK, Ballymacoda (1990 until 5 January 1991); YORKSHIRE, Hornsea Mere (1980), Thorpe Marsh (1988) Black Kite DEVON, Kenton (1990)

White-tailed Eagle KENT, Sheppey (1988 until 15 January 1989) White-rumped Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Altrincham Sewage Farm (1966 until 17 November) Great Snipe NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Huthwaite (1968) American Herring Gull CORK, Cobh (1986 until 15 December)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 349

Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (1983 until 1986) Desert Wheatear NORFOLK, Hunstanton & Heacham (1993 until 7 December) Subalpine Warbler NORTHUMBERLAND, Whitley Bay (1984) Nutcracker CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Wisbech St Mary (1968); KENT, Bearstead (1968 until 1 September 1969); SUFFOLK, Tuddenham (1968 until 28 December) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, West Burra (1984 until 18 November)

17 November

Yellow-rumped Warbler GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Eastville Park, Bristol (1994 until 17 November) White-throated Sparrow SUFFOLK, Herringfield (1968 until 1 January 1969 - found dead) Pine Bunting SCILLY, St Marys (1983 until 18 November) CATEGORY D SPECIES Mugimaki Flycatcher YORKSHIRE, Stone Creek (1991 until 17 November)

species 13, individuals 40

As we move towards winter, fewer and fewer species are found, with the individuals total bulked up by multiple records of irrupting species. The overwintering Greater Sandplover is the longest ever stayer and the first true overwintering record (an individual in 1978 was present from 9 December to 1 January 1979). The Terek Sandpiper is likewise the first overwintering record (though this is repeated twice more to date) and both birds delight many visiting birdwatchers during their prolonged stays. Night Heron LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1973 until 26 November) Black Brant NORFOLK, Cley (1984) American Wigeon CORK, Ballintubrid (1988 until 1 March 1989) King Eider SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (1973 until 23 June 1974) Greater Sandplover SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1979 until 10 February 1980) Terek Sandpiper DEVON, Plym Estuary (1973 until 5 May 1974) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Falmouth (1980 until 18 November)

350 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Red-rumped Swallow ABERDEENSHIRE, Aberdeen (1988); KENT, Foreness (1990) Desert Wheatear CORNWALL, Porthgwarra (1984 until 20 November) Arctic Warbler DURHAM, Seabum (1984) Lesser Grey Shrike DURHAM, Jarrow (1984 until 28 November) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Laxfirth (1985) Parrot Crossbill DURHAM, Chopwell Woods (27) (1990 until 26 December)

18 November

species 11, individuals 12

The Cattle Egret is the second to be found in Ireland in the space of a week in 1984. Even this late in the autumn, Red-rumped Swallow can maintain a couple of records per day, with today's birds including the second ever for Ireland. Brown Thrasher is a seemingly unlikely vagrant from North America, but this bird, which spends the winter in Dorset, proves otherwise: it remains the sole Western Palearctic record. Cattle Egret WEXFORD, Tacumshin (1984 until 9 December) Black Brant DUBLIN, Corballis (1984) Blue-winged Teal SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1979) American Golden Plover CORNWALL, St Just (1984) Baird's Sandpiper DORSET, Portland Bill (1967 until 19 November) Upland Sandpiper SCILLY, St Marys (1960 until 28 November) Red-rumped Swallow DERRY, Hillhead Crossroads, Castledown (1980); NORTHUMBERLAND, Doxford Lake & Long Newton (1994 until 20 November)

19 November

Brown Thrasher DORSET, Durlston Head (1966 until 5 February 1967) Lesser Grey Shrike SURREY, Haslemere (1973) Rose-coloured Starling DEVON, Wembury (1983) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, West Burra (1984) CATEGORY D SPECIES Bald Eagle KERRY, Castle Island (taken into care 25 November & returned to US for release)

species 14, individuals 16

Two Killdeers together on Scilly is unprecedented, and mid-November is an early date for an Ivory Gull to be along the south coast of England. The Pied Wheatear is one of the latest on record, and is also only the second Irish record, whilst the Wallcreeper is the first to be recorded in Britain since 1938, and the first of two overwintering records in the 1970s. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Holm of Heogland (1991) Night Heron ANTRIM, River Blackwater (1985 until 21 November); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Severnside (1971) Black Brant NORFOLK, Thornham (1985) American Wigeon CLARE, Lough 0' Grady (1991 until 26 November) King Eider OUTER HEBRIDES, Luskentyre Banks (1979)

Killdeer SCILLY, St Martins (2) (1963 until 16 January 1964) White-rumped Sandpiper CORNWALL, Marazion (1986) Dowitcher sp. FLINTSHIRE, Shotton (1961) Ivory Gull SUSSEX, Porto Bello (1961) White-winged Black Tern NORFOLK, Cantley Beet Factory (1994 until 23 November) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Fetlar (1979)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 351

Pied Wheatear WEXFORD, Ballynaclesh (1983 until 20 November) Wallcreeper DORSET, Worth Matravers (1969 until 18 April 1970)

20 November

Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Herringfleet (1968 until 21 November)

species 15, individuals 24

The Black-winged Pratincole is the latest of the 24 British & Irish records, and the Ross's Gull on the Scottish mainland is one of the longest staying individuals ever. Thirteen Olive-backed Pipits are found this month and 18 Desert Wheatears. American Wigeon KERRY, Rossbehy (1983) Black-winged Pratincole LEICESTERSHIRE, Eyebrook Reservoir (1986 until 21 November) Killdeer KERRY, Blennerville (1958 until 2 December) American Golden Plover HAMPSHIRE, Lower Pennington (1994) Laughing Gull AYRSHIRE, Stevenston Point (1986) Ross's Gull CAITHNESS, Thurso Bay (1983 until 16 May 1984); SHETLAND, Lerwick (1977 until 25 November) Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Kergord (1984 until 25 November)

21 November

Siberian Stonechat SHETLAND, Cunningsburgh (1983 until 23 November) Desert Wheatear SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1970) Desert Warbler ESSEX, Frinton-on-Sea (1975 until 21 November) Dusky Warbler SUFFOLK, Westleton (1992) Nutcracker LONDONIMIDDLESEX, Mill Hill (1968) Rose-coloured Starling KENT, Rough Common (1971 until 7 December) Arctic Redpoll YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Parrot Crossbill SUFFOLK, Brandon (9) (1990)

species 14, individuals 14

Houbara Bustard is now an endangered species, with the decline due to land reclamation, disturbance and the persistent persecution it has suffered at the hands of Arab falconers. The population is currently estimated at only 1,500 pairs. There have been five British records, four of them during the 1800s, and quite remarkably, a single record this century. Today's immature bird is found by a farmer in a mustard field and is enjoyed by all the eminent birders of the time during its month long stay. Sadly, it is extremely unlikely that this species will ever occur here again. The second of the day's stunners is the Belted Kingfisher found in Cornwall. This is the second British record and, remarkably, this bird is found at exactly the same location as the first record in 1908. The bird is enjoyed by many birdwatchers during its six month stay. Great White Egret DEVON, Braunton (1993 until 28 November) Glossy Ibis DEVON, Axe Estuary (1964 until 19 December)

352 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Houbara Bustard SUFFOLK, Westleton Heath (1962 until 29 December) White-rumped Sandpiper OUTER HEBRIDES, Stornoway (1966 until 27 November)

Laughing Gull CHESHIRE, Warrington (1985) Forster's Tern DUBLIN, Dublin Bay (1982 until 1 February 1983) Belted Kingfisher CORNWALL, Sladesbridge (1979 until 1 June 1980) Red-rumped Swallow SUFFOLK, Southwold (1987 until 25 November) Siberian Stonechat WILTSHIRE, Chirton Down (1987 until 7 February 1988)

22 November

Pied Wheatear NORFOLK, Sheringham (1985 until 23 November) Desert Wheatear CARMARTHENSHIRE, Pen-clawdd (1989 until 22 November) Dusky Warbler DEVON, Dawlish Warren (1994 until 29 November) Penduline Tit KENT, Stodmarsh (1983) Two-barred Crossbill NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Wakerley Great Wood (1990 until 29 November)

species 8, individuals 8

White-tailed Eagle is traditionally a coastal breeding and wintering species, so today's bird that takes up winter residence in rural Buckinghamshire is a remarkable record. Cattle Egret CORNWALL, Luxulyan (1986) White-tailed Eagle BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Kingsley & Brill area (1983 until 18 April 1984) Greater Yellowlegs KENT, Medway Estuary (1972) Lesser Yellowlegs KENT, Sandwich Bay (1987) Terek Sandpiper NORTHUMBERLAND, North Blyth (1989 until 29 November)

23 November

Spotted Sandpiper LANCASHIRE, Lower Rivington Reservoir (1986 until 11 January 1987) Dusky Warbler KENT, Sandwich Bay (1983) Parrot Crossbill NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Wakerley Great Wood (1990 until 16 March 1991)

species 9, individuals 11

The Little Bustard is one of two to be found this month and yet another Nutcracker is found in 1968. Night Heron DORSET, Charlton Marshall (1969) Black Brant DORSET, Fleet (1991 until 31 December) American Wigeon KERRY, Tralee Bay (1985); KINROSS-SHIRE, Vane Farm (1989 until 20 January 1990) Gyr Falcon ORKNEY, North Ronaldsay (1967 until 24 December) Little Bustard PEMBROKESHIRE, St Davids Airport (1968)

Sociable Plover KERRY, Blennerville (1985 until 25 December) Snowy Owl INVERNESS-SHIRE, Moray Basin (1964 until 17 March 1965) Nutcracker KENT, Maidstone (1968 until 5 March 1969) Arctic Redpoll DURHAM, Whitbum (1985); SHETLAND, Sullom (1993 until 25 November)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 353

24 November

species 14, individuals 17

Today hosts the second Greater Yellowlegs of the month and an unprecedented record of two first-winter Ivory Gulls together in Scotland. The Royal Tern is only the fourth of five records for Britain & Ireland. The finder manages to read part of the number (72) on the metal ring the bird is wearing, which is amazingly traced as one of the nestlings ringed at six eastern US colonies in 1978/79 (with each bird carrying a metal ring prefixed with 724 beneath the address). It was this information that finally settled the identification of this individual, as the finder identifies and submits the record as a Lesser Crested Tern. Night Heron GLAMORGAN, Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir (1989) American Wigeon NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Ditchford Gravel Pit (1982 until 7 December); SLIGO, Sligo Harbour (1990) Gyr Falcon MORAYSHIRE, Williamstown (1977) Greater Yellowlegs FLINTSHIRE, Shotwick Fields (1983) Ivory Gull CAITHNESS, Wick (2) (1976, 1 until 27 November, 1 until 29 November) Royal Tern GLAMORGAN, Kenfig Pool (1979) Snowy Owl BANFFSHIRE, Cabrach (1974 until 26 November)

25 November

Olive-backed Pipit SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1974 until 26 November) Siberian Stonechat CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1979) Desert Wheatear KENT,Langdon(1991) Black-throated Thrush CHESHIRE, Sale Water Park (1983) Nutcracker ESSEX, St Osyth (1968) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Baltasound (1993); YORKSHIRE, Spurn (1985) Two-barred Crossbill NORFOLK, Lynford Arboretum (1990 until 1 June 1991)

species 8, individuals 10

Today sees a return to relative normality for the end of November. Wintering Penduline Tits are now reasonably regular. White-billed Diver NORTHUMBERLAND, Holy Island (1981) Night Heron DORSET, Radipole Lake (1961) Black Brant WATERFORD, Tramore (1978 until 3 March 1979) American Wigeon FERMANAGH, Lower Lough Erne (1993) King Eider ABERDEENSHIRE, Ythan Estuary (1989 until 25 February 1990)

354 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Penduline Tit YORKSHIRE, Blacktoft Sands (2) (1981 until 4 January 1982) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Scalloway (1977); YORKSHIRE, Saltend, Hull (1985) Parrot Crossbill NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Wakerley Great Wood (1990 until 9 January 1991)

26 November

species 13, individuals 13

The Little Swift is only the fifth British & Irish record and is one of three to be found during the month. The moribund Grey-cheeked Thrush is the latest ever to be found (by some margin), but is in good company with a Northern Parula found today in Cornwall, which again is the latest finding date for the species. Blackthroated Thrush is still an exceedingly rare bird, with most birds found during October, but a handful are also found in each of the months November, December and January, with overwintering birds not unusual. Black Brant ESSEX, Horsey Island (1994) Black Duck RENFREWSHIRE, Castle Semple Loch (1989 until 6 March 1990) White-tailed Eagle SUFFOLK, Helmingham Park (1988 until 10 December) Long-billed Dowitcher KERRY, Blennerville (1985 until 31 March 1986) Ivory Gull DOWN, Bangor (1978 until 1 December) Snowy Owl DURHAM, Walsingham (1981)

27 November

Little Swift DORSET, Studland Heath (1983) Desert Wheatear YORKSHIRE, Bumiston (1989 until 30 November) Grey-cheeked Thrush MORAYSHIRE, Lossiemouth (1965) Black-throated Thrush STAFFORDSHIRE, locality withheld (1978) Dusky Warbler DORSET, Verne Common (1994) Arctic Redpoll SUFFOLK, Southwold (1990) Northern Parula CORNWALL,StIves(1967)

species 9, individuals 9

Two finds stand out today. The Green Heron is only the third British record (the 1889 individual was shot and the 1987 record was a tideline corpse). It delights birdwatchers with spectacular views during its stay. The Grey-tailed Tattler is only the second British record, and with the first long-staying individual in Wales being suppressed, proves a popular bird. Green Heron YORKSHIRE, Stone Creek (1982 until 6 December) Lesser White-fronted Goose LANCASHIRE, Downholland Moss (1976 until 28 November) Black Duck WEXFORD, Mayglass (1966) White-rumped Sandpiper CORNWALL, Godrevy Cove (1992) Grey-tailed Tattler MORAYSHIRE, Burghead (1994 until 27 December)

Scops Owl ORKNEY, Holm (1970) Siberian Stonechat CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Purl's Bridge (1974 until 30 November) Desert Wheatear CORNWALL, Torpoint (1994 until 16 December) Rose-coloured Starling DOWN, Portavogie (1982 until 1 December)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 355

28 November

species 10, individuals 15

The Lesser Scaup is only the fifth British record of this now annual Nearctic duck and the Black-headed Bunting is the latest on record. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Rousay (1989 until 16 February 1990) Night Heron BEDFORDSHIRE, Brogborough Lake (1991); HERTFORDSHIRE, Welwyn Garden City (1971 until 19 February 1972) American Wigeon BERKSHIRE, Thatcham Marsh (4) (1985 until 28 January 1986) Lesser Scaup DORSET, Hatch Pond, Poole Harbour (1992 until 5 December & at Littlesea from 6-11 December) Gyr Falcon ABERDEENSHIRE, Bennachie Hills (1992) White-rumped Sandpiper SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1972 until 2 December)

29 November

Dowitcher sp, CORK, Ballymacoda (1971 until 4 December) Lesser Yellowlegs AYRSHIRE, Springside (1974 until 30 November); DEVON, Aveton Gifford (1981 until 1 April 1982) Snowy Owl NORTHUMBERLAND, Low Hauxley (1965) Black-headed Bunting WEXFORD, Ballymore (1958) CATEGORY D SPECIES Baikal Teal ESSEX, Abberton Reservoir (1970 until 29 November)

species 6, individuals 10

Today sees one of the few inland records of Laughing Gull and the two Desert Wheatears found today contribute to the total of 18 found during this species' best month which accounts for 47% of all records. American Wigeon CORK, Rostellan & Whitegate, Cork Harbour (1992 until 19 March 1993 and returning in winters 1993/94 & 1994/95) Killdeer YORKSHIRE, Thome Moors (1975 until 30 November) American Golden Plover CORK, Ballycotton (1979 until 4 December) Laughing Gull DERBYSHIRE, Ogston Reservoir (1980); LOUTH, Drogheda (1991 until 7 December)

356 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Desert Wheatear SUFFOLK, Easton Bavents (1990 until 14 December); YORKSHIRE, Fraisthorpe (1974 until 1 December) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, Sprowston (3) (1990, 1 until 1 December) CATEGORY D SPECIES Black Vulture BRECONSHIRE, Builth Wells area (1977 until 20 February 1978)

30 November

species 7, individuals 8

The days are beginning to settle down to a familiar pattern of winter species. Night Heron WEXFORD, South Slob (1991) Glossy Ibis CAMBRIDGESHIRE, Ouse Washes (1990 until 2 December) Black Brant ARGYLLSHIRE, Loch Gruinart (1989 until 23 February 1990) American Wigeon CHESHIRE, Inner Marsh Farm (1990 until 26 December); WEXFORD, Bannow Bay (1986)

Lesser Yellowlegs HAMPSHIRE, Coward's Marsh (1994 until 3 December) Ivory Gull ARGYLLSHIRE, between Ardnamurchan Point & ColI (1969) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990 until 1 January 1991)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 357

November species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Black-browed Albatross Albatross sp. Little Shearwater American Bittern Night Heron Green Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Glossy Ibis Lesser White-fronted Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal Lesser Scaup King Eider Steller's Eider Barrow's Goldeneye Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Red-footed Falcon Gyr Falcon Little Crake American Purple Gallinule Little Bustard Houbara Bustard Black-winged Stilt Collared Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Killdeer Greater Sandplover American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover Sociable Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper White-romped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Upland Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Terek Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper

358 - Rare Birds Day by Day

7 4

1 2

1 2 18 1

7 2 3 1

17 1

34 2 10 2 8 1 1 2 5 1

11 7 1

2 1 3 1 1


1 10

1 1 1 17

1 1 3 9 7 1

2 12 2


Grey-tailed Tattler Wilson's Phalarope Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull American Herring Gull Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull Royal Tern Forster's Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Black Tern Rufous Turtle Dove Yellow-billed Cuckoo Scops Owl Snowy Owl Chimney Swift Pallid Swift Alpine Swift Little Swift Belted Kingfisher Red-romped Swallow Blyth's Pipit Olive-backed Pipit Red-throated Pipit Brown Thrasher Gray Catbird Alpine Accentor Eastern Black Redstart Siberian Stonechat Pied Wheatear Desert Wheatear White's Thrush Siberian Thrush Varied Thrush Grey-cheeked Thrush Dusky Thrush Black-throated Thrush American Robin Lanceolated Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Great Reed Warbler Booted Warbler Subalpine Warbler Desert Warbler Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Radde's Warbler

1 2 6 2 4

1 1 3 8 1 1 1 5

1 4

1 12 2 4 2 3 1

41 1 13 7 1

1 2 1


7 18 3 1 1

1 2 4

5 2 1 1 1 4

2 2 2


Dusky Warbler Bonelli's Warbler Wallcreeper Short-toed Treecreeper Penduline Tit Isabelline Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Steppe Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Red-eyed Vireo Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Northern Parula Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler American Redstart White-throated Sparrow

44 2 2 1 16 6 3 4 24 11 1 41 4 136 2 1 2 2 2

Dark-eyed Junco Pine Bunting Rustic Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Pallas's Reed Bunting Black-headed Bunting Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals CATEGORY D SPECIES White Pelican Falcated Duck Baikal Teal Bald Eagle Black Vulture Mugimaki Flycatcher Red-headed Bunting

1 5 8 1 1 1 1

124 786

2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Rare Birds Day by Day - 359

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Rare Birds Day byDay-361

1 December

species 9, individuals 10

A Gyr Falcon takes up winter residence on the northern outpost of St Kilda. The Dusky Warbler is the first of three to be found during the month, with overwintering individuals being a feature of recent years. The White-throated Sparrow is only the second Irish record and one of two found this month. Night Heron SURREY, Farnham (1968 until 2 December) Black Duck DUBLIN, Bull Island (1979) Gyr Falcon OUTER HEBRIDES, St Kilda (1964 until 24 January 1965) Dowitcher sp. KERRY, Akeragh Lough (1978) Dusky Warbler DEVON, Broadsands, Torbay (1994 until 5 December)

2 December

Nutcracker LANCASHIRE, Walney Island (1979) Rose-coloured Starling SUSSEX, Eastboume (1970) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Hollingdale Plantation (2) (1982) White-throated Sparrow ANTRIM, Duncrue Street Marsh, Belfast (1984 until 7 April 1985)

species 9, individuals 41

The first of the winter's Lesser White-fronted Geese is found at their home-fromhome - Slimbridge. Another Nutcracker is found during the 1968 influx and a further 33 Parrot Crossbills during the 1990 invasion. The Northern Oriole is the second overwintering record of this Nearctic species, following the individual in Wales in 1989. Both individuals survived the winter by regularly using garden feeding stations. Today's bird in Essex is the first record from the east coast, although a single bird did reach Sussex in October 1962. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1973 until 23 February 1974) Long-billed Dowitcher KENT, Dungeness (1990 until 19 January 1991) Dowitcher sp. HAMPSHIRE, Stanpit Marsh (1973 until 3 December) Lesser Yellowlegs OXFORDSHIRE, Banbury Sewage Farm (1983 until 18 December) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Loch of East Yell & Otterswick (1989 until 19 December)

362 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Nutcracker CORNWALL, Portloe (1968) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990 until 15 December) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Willingham Forest (14) (1990,5 until 20 December, 9 until 10 January 1991), Laughton Forest (19) (1990 until 13 March 1991) Northern Oriole ESSEX, Westcliff-on-Sea (1991 until 24 March 1992)

3 December

species 14, individuals 14

The Little Bustard is the first of seven to be found during the species' top month, and Pacific Golden Plover is an excellent winter find since the majority of records are found during the summer months. The Dusky Thrush remains the most recent British record and the remarkably late Paddyfield Warbler is the first for Ireland. The Black-and-white Warbler is one of the astonishing records of wintering Nearctic wood-warblers. The Dark-eyed Junco is the first of two birds found overwintering during the winter of 1989/90. Glossy Ibis SUTHERLAND, Cambusavie (1962) American Wigeon LIMERICK, Charleville Lagoons (1994 until at least 31 December) Little Bustard SUFFOLK, Leiston (1959) Pacific Golden Plover NORFOLK, Cley & Blakeney (1991 until 6 December) Dowitcher sp. KERRY, Blennerville (1958) Upland Sandpiper CHESHIRE, Sandbach Flashes area (1983 until 7 December) Laughing Gull LOUTH, Clogher Head (1988) Forster's Tern DERRY, Bann Estuary (1983 until 5 December)

4 December

Dusky Thrush PEMBROKESHIRE, Skomer (1987 until 5 December) Paddyfield Warbler WEXFORD, North Slob (1984 until 4 December) Arctic Redpoll DURHAM, Durham (1962) Two-barred Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Dalby Forest (1990) Black-and-white Warbler NORFOLK, How Hill (1985 unti115 December) Dark-eyed Junco DORSET, Weston, Portland (1989 until 8 April 1990)

species 6, individuals 7

The latest record of an albatross could unfortunately not be identified to a specific species. The Pied Wheatear is also the latest on record. Two more Parrot Crossbills contribute to the 1990 total. Albatross sp. CORNWALL, Trevose Head (1981) American Wigeon DURHAM, Seal Sands (1973) Gyr Falcon DONEGAL, Blanket Nook (1982)

Pied Wheatear DEVON, Paignton (1983 until 6 December) Nutcracker KENT, Lenham (1968) Parrot Crossbill LINCOLNSHIRE, Willingham Forest (2) (1990 until 16 December)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 363

5 December

species 10, individuals 10

The Eye-browed Thrush is extremely late for this species. The White-throated Sparrow is the second to be found in 1992 and the second of two overwintering birds found during the month. Night Heron NORTHUMBERLAND, Warkworth (1977 until 28 January 1978) Cattle Egret CORNWALL, East Looe River (1985 until 8 December) Glossy Ibis GALWAY, Clarinbridge (1965) Red-breasted Goose DUNBARTONSHIRE, Endrick Mouth (1994) American Wigeon ANTRIM, Shane's Castle (1979 until 12 December)

6 December

Black Duck CORNWALL, Crowdy Reservoir (1984) Eye-browed Thrush SCILLY, St Agnes (1964) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fetlar (1991) Parrot Crossbill NORFOLK, LynfordArboretum (1990) White-throated Sparrow LINCOLNSHIRE, Willingham (1992 until 28 March 1993)

species 10, individuals 12

The Yellow-billed Cuckoo found freshly dead in Bedfordshire is extraordinarily late, whilst the Steppe Shrike is only the third of 11 British records of this subspecies of Great Grey Shrike. The Cattle Egret is only the third Irish record. White-billed Diver EAST LOTHIAN, Gullane Bay (1975) Night Heron ESSEX, Foulness (1980 until 21 February 1981) Cattle Egret KERRY, Castlegregory (1979 until 6 January 1980) Black-winged Stilt DEVON, Wrafton (2) (1992, 1 until 9 December) Great Snipe SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1967)

7 December

Long-billed Dowitcher SHETLAND, Baltasound (1988 until 29 April 1989) Yellow-billed Cuckoo BEDFORDSHIRE, Sandy (1990) Siberian Stonechat ESSEX, Hanningfield Reservoir (1986 until 10 January 1987) Steppe Shrike SUFFOLK, Landguard Point (1986) Nutcracker CHESHIRE, Saughall (1968); HAMPSHIRE, Fordingbridge (1968 until 28 December)

species 7, individuals 7

The White-billed Diver is the second inland find between 1958 and the end of 1994. White-billed Diver LANCASHIRE, Audenshaw Reservoir (1987 until 8 December) Red-breasted Goose NORFOLK, Salthouse (1987 until 2 March 1988) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Leighton Moss (1994 until 9 December)

364 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Ross's Gull YORKSHIRE, Filey Brigg (1980 until 8 December) Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Gremister, Yell (1980 until 10 December) Black-throated Thrush SHETLAND, Rova Head (1981)

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990 until 8 December)

8 December

species 9, individuals 11

There are only five accepted records of Black Scoter, which is currently still treated as a sub-species of Common Scoter. With only five Western Pale arctic records, today's Ovenbird is the third to be found dead. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Homsea (1973) Night Heron HAMPSHIRE, Beaulieu (1966 until 18 June 1967) Black Brant ESSEX, Kirby-le-Soken (1985 until 5 January 1986); KENT, Sheppey (1984 until 1 January 1985) American Wigeon ROSS-SHIRE, Loch U ssie (1991 until 18 January 1992)

9 December

Black Scoter MORAYSHIRE, Burghead Bay (1992) Gyr Falcon DURHAM, Eggleston (1991 until 19 January 1992) Nutcracker ESSEX, Shenfield (1968) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Holkham Meals (1990); YORKSHIRE, Grimston (1990 until 9 December) Ovenbird MAYO, Lough Carra (1977)

species 7, individuals 7

The Little Shearwater found dead is the latest and only December record, and the Greater Sandplover is also found on the latest finding date for the species (but failed to see the winter out being found in a moribund state on 1 January 1979). Little Shearwater MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1990) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1982); AT SEA: SS Chevron Brandy at 51N 800km west of Scilly (1982 until 10 December) Greater Sandplover SUSSEX, Pagham Harbour (1978 until 1 January 1979) Spotted Sandpiper DORSET, Weymouth (1973 until 24 March 1974)

10 December

Ross's Gull NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island (1978 until 15 December) Siberian Stonechat NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge (1981) Arctic Redpoll OUTER HEBRIDES, Stillgarry (1986) CATEGORY D SPECIES Falcated Duck NORFOLK, Welney (1986 and presumed same in Norfolk, Northamptonshire, and Cambridgeshire until May 1989)

species 9, individuals 11

The first Belted Kingfisher for Ireland, and third Western Pale arctic record, was present until it was shot by a local taxidermist who was successfully prosecuted for the act. The Blackpoll Warbler is the second Nearctic wood-warbler to be found alive this month and one of the handful of extraordinary winter records. Cattle Egret CORNWALL, Polgigga (1980);

HEREFORDSHIRE, St Weonards (1980 until 20 February 1981)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 365

American Wigeon SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1978 until 20 January 1979) King Eider ORKNEY, Kirkwall (1982 until 1 January 1983) Long-billed Dowitcher DORSET, Fleet (1977 until 23 February 1978) Laughing Gull CORNWALL, St Ives (1977 until 25 December)

11 December

Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Whalsay (1967), Lerwick (1990 until 20 December) Belted Kingfisher MAYO, Bunree River (1978 until 3 February 1979) Nutcracker KENT, Gillingham (1968 until 14 December) Blackpoll Warbler SUSSEX, Bewl Water Reservoir (1994 until 20 December)

species 8, individuals 11

An unprecedented group of an adult and two immature Killdeers arrive on Scilly and make it four found there during the last three months of 1979. White-billed Diver YORKSHIRE, Bridlington Bay (1983) Cattle Egret PEMBROKESHIRE, Haverfordwest (1980 until 17 January 1981) Black Brant DUBLIN, Malahide (2) (1984 until 14 December) Red-breasted Goose SUFFOLK, Falkenham (1983 until 19 February 1984)

12 December

King Eider SUTHERLAND, Loch Fleet (1977 until 24 February 1978) Killdeer SCILLY, Bryher & St Marys (3) (1979, 1 until 21 December, 1 until 30 December, 1 until 7 February 1980) Great Snipe DOWN, Ballyhoman (1967) Red-throated Pipit SCILLY, St Marys (1991 until 12 December)

species 5, individuals 5

Blue-winged Teal is a good winter find in Norfolk, as is the Gyr Falcon inland in Berkshire. Dusky Thrush is an extremely rare vagrant to Britain with only eight accepted records. Today's bird is one of two found this month and is the first record since 1905. It is also the longest staying individual. Blue-winged Teal NORFOLK, Hardley Flood (1971 until 12 March 1972) Gyr Falcon BERKSHIRE, Roden Down (1970) Long-billed Dowitcher PEMBROKESHIRE, Gann Estuary (1987 until 3 January 1988)

366 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Collafirth (1993) Dusky Thrush DURHAM, Hartlepool (1959 until 24 February 1960)

13 December

species 6, individuals 7

The Snowy Owl found in Lincolnshire is one of the birding highlights of the early 1990s, and provides many birdwatchers with their first, and possibly only chance to marvel at this magnificent Arctic owl. Cattle Egret CORNWALL, Saltash (1980) Lesser White-fronted Goose ANGUS, Menmuir (1989 until 14 December); GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1970 until 20 February 1971) Black Brant ESSEX, Maldon area (1984 until 15 January 1985) Dowitcher sp. CORK, Ballycotton (1970 until 1 April 1971)

14 December

Ivory Gull SHETLAND, Whalsay (1983) Snowy Owl LINCOLNSHIRE, Thornton Curtis (1990, then at Wainfleet & Friskney area until 18 March 1991, then at Blakeney Point, Stiffkey, Burnham Overy & Burnham Norton, Norfolk, 23-25 March and Easington, Humberside 30 March)

species 10, individuals 16

Today's Dusky Warbler is the first of three to be found during the month and another seven Parrot Crossbills are found in 1990. The Yellow-billed Cuckoo is the second to be found dead this month. White-billed Diver NAIRN, Findhom Bay (1975) Cattle Egret SUSSEX, Ford (1964 until 20 December) Glossy Ibis KENT, Stodmarsh (1975 until 20 December 1992) American Wigeon ROSS-SHIRE, Nigg Bay (1986) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Scousburgh (1972 until 19 December) Laughing Gull YORKSHIRE, Hull (1984)

15 December

Yellow-billed Cuckoo SUSSEX, Middleton-on-Sea (1960) Dusky Warbler CORNWALL, Harlyn Bay (1992 until 20 December) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Whalsay (1965 until 19 December) Parrot Crossbill NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, The Dukeries (7) (1990 until 16 February 1991)

species 2, individuals 2

This is one of the quietest days of the year. White-billed Diver AT SEA, SEA-AREA THAMES, 6km east of Ramsgate, 50 81N 01 55E (1991) Gyr Falcon SHETLAND, Dale of Walls (1972)

Sociable Plover KENT, Headcom (1979 until 21 December)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 367

16 December

species 12, individuals 19

In contrast to yesterday, some extraordinarily rare birds are found today. The Capped Petrel is only the second ever British record (the first in 1850), with today's juvenile female unfortunately found as a tideline corpse. Ireland has a terrific track record for American Bittern (over 20 records), but today's find is the first since 1925. The first British record of Desert Warbler found today is also the latest this species has been found in Britain. Its extended stay over the Christmas holiday period provides many birdwatchers with an extra Christmas gift. The Northern Oriole is the only inland record of this Nearctic species. Black-capped Petrel YORKSHIRE, Barmston (1984) American Bittern GALWAY, Lough Corrib (1964) Cattle Egret DERBYSHIRE, Hurst Reservoir (1986) American Wigeon GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Cotswold Water Park (1990 until 24 January 1991) Lesser Yellowlegs YORKSHIRE, Flamborough Head (1978 until 17 December) Forster's Tern MID LOTHIAN, Musselburgh (1994 until at least 31 December) Red-throated Pipit SOMERSET, Chew Valley Lake (1979)

17 December

Desert Warbler DORSET, Portland (1970 until 2 January 1971) Arctic Redpoll ESSEX, Tollesbury Wick (1990 until 17 December) Two-barred Crossbill STAFFORDSHIRE, Cannock Chase Reservoir (1979 until 17 March 1980) Parrot Crossbill DURHAM, Castle Eden Dene (7) (1990 until 10 March 1991); LINCOLNSHIRE, Willingham Forest (1990) Northern Oriole WARWICKSHIRE, Coventry (1968)

species 4, individuals 5

Another quiet day. Although few Spotted Sandpipers are found during the winter, those that are, often stay around and provide an opportunity for many birdwatchers to see this close relative of the more familiar Common Sandpiper. Black Brant NORFOLK, Lynn Point (1987 until 19 April 1988) Gyr Falcon DERRY, Lough Foyle (1978); LANCASHIRE, Rampside (1983 until 18 December)

18 December

Lesser Yellowlegs WEXFORD, South Slob (1978) Spotted Sandpiper NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Holme Pierrepoint (1994 until at least 31 December)

species 8, individuals 12

December is certainly providing days of great contrast. Three Lesser White-fronted Geese today include one away from Slimbridge. The Lesser Scaup is the second to be found during 1994, and the Briinnich's Guillemot is the first of the winter. Two American Robins found together on Scilly is unprecedented. White-billed Diver ORKNEY, Glims Holm (1984 until 19 December)

368 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (2) (1981 until 7 March 1982); LANCASHIRE, Ainsdale (1983)

Lesser Scauph LANCASHIRE, Pine Lake & Dockacres Gravel Pit (1994 until at least 31 December) Kumlien's Gull LINCOLNSHIRE, North Hykeham (1992) Ivory Gull CAITHNESS, Dunnet Bay (1973 until 23 December); DURHAM, South Shields (1970 until 23 February 1971)

19 December

Briinnich's Guillemot SHETLAND, Sumburgh (1977) White's Thrush YORKSHIRE, Felixkirk, Thirsk (1976 until 19 December) American Robin SCILLY, Gugh & St Agnes (2) (1963)

species 6, individuals 14

Today sees another Little Bustard found in this species' best month and one of only four December Black-winged Stilts is found. Little Bustard NORFOLK, Scole (1968) Black-winged Stilt SOMERSET, Steart (1974) Long-billed Dowitcher SCILLY, St Marys (1985 until 24 December) Nutcracker HERTFORDSHIRE, Digswell (1968 until 20 December)

20 December

Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Cley (1972) Parrot Crossbill DURHAM, Castle Eden Dene (9) (1990 until 1 March 1991)

species 10, individuals 14

A remarkable day that sees Little and Great Bustards both found in groups of three in eastern England. The Black Duck is one of four found this month and the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is the first ever east coast record. Black Brant GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1989)

American Wigeon ESSEX, Foulness (1962)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 369

Black Duck YORKSHIRE, Fairburn Ings (1978) White-tailed Eagle CORNWALL, Nare Head (1973 until 31 December); Little Bustard SUFFOLK, Sudbourne (3) (1987) Great Bustard KENT, Walland Marsh (3) (1981) Spotted Sandpiper DEVON, Plym Estuary (1987 until 9 May 1988)

21 December

Laughing Gull FLINTSHIRE, Point of Ayr (1991 until 22 December) Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Orford (1968) Rose-breasted Grosbeak ESSEX, Leigh-on-Sea (1975 until 21 December)

species 6, individuals 6

The Royal Tern seen in Wales is only the fourth British record and occurred two days after an unidentified 'orange-billed' tern was seen in Devon. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1979 until 27 February 1980) Upland Sandpiper SUSSEX, Bracklesham (1979 until 25 December) Lesser Yellowlegs CORK, Tivoli (1969 until 27 December)

22 December

Royal Tern GLAMORGAN, Mumbles (1987) Penduline Tit KENT, Westbere (1988) Arctic Redpoll KENT, Foreness (1979)

species 10, individuals 12

The Pied-billed Grebe is the first of the 17 British & Irish records. The Great White Egret is one of only a handful of overwintering records. Pied-billed Grebe SOMERSET, Blagdon Lake (1963) Night Heron LEICESTERSHIRE, Rutland Water (1984 until 18 February 1985) Cattle Egret SOMERSET, Sutton Bingham Reservoir (1985 until 26 January 1986) Great White Egret NORFOLK, Feltwell Anchor (1993 until 13 February 1994, then at Fen Drayton, Cambridgeshire on 17 February, then at Thrapston, Northamptonshire on 18 February, then at Earls Barton, Northamptonshire on 20 February and then at Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire 22 February until 2 March)

370 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black Brant SUFFOLK, Nacton (1975) American Wigeon HAMPSHIRE, Titchfield Haven (1963); NORTHUMBERLAND, Cresswell Ponds (1991 until 29 December) Black Duck RENFREWSHIRE, Stanley Dam (1979 until 28 December) Gyr Falcon ARGYLLSHIRE, Easter Ellister (1978 until 2 March 1979); SHETLAND, VIsta (1972) Spotted Sandpiper ISLE OF WIGHT, Seaview Duver (1987 until 14 May 1988) Two-barred Crossbill HERTFORDSHIRE, Bramfield Forest (1963)

23 December

species 8, individuals 9

A wintering inland Great Snipe is an excellent find for Buckinghamshire and the month's third Upland Sandpiper is found in Ireland. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Dnst (1986) Night Heron SUSSEX, Arlington Reservoir (1994) American Wigeon LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1975) Gyr Falcon AYRSHIRE, Barassie (1978); BRECONSHIRE, Cefn Coch Mountain (1963) Great Snipe BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Alderboume & Rush Green Watercress Beds (1962 until 17 February 1963)

24 December

Upland Sandpiper ANTRIM, Lame Lough (1986) Ivory Gull NORTHUMBERLAND, Seahouses until 25 December) Parrot Crossbill DURHAM, Hamsterley Forest (1982 until 2 January 1983)

species 8, individuals 9

Species such as Ross's Gull and American Robin will always prove popular. American Wigeon DEVON, Exmouth & Dawlish (1990 until 5 January 1991) White-tailed Eagle NORFOLK, Holme (1961) Bonaparte's Gull STAFFORDSHIRE, Westport Lake (1991) Ross's Gull DURHAM, South Shields (1970 until 31 December)

25 December

Briinnich's Guillemot WEXFORD, Ballyteigue Bay (1986) American Robin K!NCARDINESHIRE, Inverbervie (1988 until 29 December) Arctic Redpoll NORFOLK, Syderstone Common (2) (1990) Two-barred Crossbill NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Wakerley Great Wood (1990)

species 8, individuals 8

Imagine waking up on Christmas Day to a Siberian or Black-throated Thrush! The Siberian Thrush is only the third British record. Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1976 until 1 February 1977) American Wigeon CORK, Rostellan (1987 until 1 January 1988) Black Scoter PEMBROKESHIRE, Newgale (1991 until 9 February 1992) Black-winged Stilt LINCOLNSHIRE, Marston (1968)

Laughing Gull NORFOLK, Walcott (1991 until 8 January 1992) Siberian Thrush NORFOLK, Great Yarmouth (1977) Black-throated Thrush EAST LOTHIAN, Preston Grange (1989) Nutcracker KENT, Ashley (1958)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 371

26 December

species 8, individuals 10

This is the first day of the holiday period that many birdwatchers are able to go birding. The Lesser White-fronted Geese are found at this species' two top sites, and the Tengmalm's Owl is the first of five to be found in Orkney since 1958. Pied-billed Grebe NORTHUMBERLAND, Druridge Pools & Warksworth Lane Pool (1992 intermittently until 17 April 1994) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1980 until 4 March 1981); NORFOLK, Yare Valley (2) (1961 until 13 January 1962) Black Brant WATERFORD, Tramore (1986 until 3 January 1987) Great Snipe HERTFORDSHIRE, Rye Meads Sewage Farm (1959) Ross's Gull SHETLAND, Scalloway (1982 until 5 February 1983)

27 December

Briinnich's Guillemot ATSEA, SEA-AREA VIKING, Norwegian Sea, Brent Oilfield, 61 03N 01 43E (1980) Tengmalm's Owl ORKNEY, Cruan Firth (1959 until 27 December) Siberian Stonechat LANCASHIRE, Downholland Moss (1983) Desert Wheatear CAITHNESS, Freswick (1984 until 13 January 1985)

species 10, individuals 13

Two Red-breasted Geese found on this day are noteworthy, particularly the individual in Hampshire, which later moves to Gloucestershire. The White-tailed Eagle is one of only three records in Ireland since 1946. Red-breasted Goose ESSEX, Canewdon (1986 until 13 February 1987); HAMPSHIRE, Ringwood (1983 until 14 January 1984, then at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire from 17 January to 1 March 1984) American Wigeon CLARE, Ballyallia Lake (1976); CORK, Ballymacoda (1986 until 6 January 1987) Blue-winged Teal GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Ashleworth Ham (1982 until 28 December) White-tailed Eagle KERRY, West Kerry (1978 until 27 April 1980)

Sociable Plover SUFFOLK, Little Comard (1977 until 21 January 1978) Great Snipe KENT, Dymchurch (1968) Laughing Gull DENBIGHSHIRE, Colwyn Bay (1981 until 28 December) Nutcracker KENT, Bedgebury (2) (1972) Arctic Redpoll ANGUS, Camoustie (1988 until 19 April 1989)

Gyr Falcon

Falcated Duck

ARGYLLSHIRE, Tiree (1973 until 31 December)

LEICESTERSHIRE, Cropston Reservoir (1975)

372 - Rare Birds Day by Day


28 December

species 10, individuals 12

Another three Lesser White-fronted Geese are found today, including one away from Slimbridge, whilst the Hooded Merganser is only the second British record to be accepted as relating to a wild bird (the first occurred in 1830-31, with three Irish records in 1878, 1881 & 1957). The Pallas's Sandgrouse is the first of six records (of seven birds) during the period 1958-1994, and the only winter record. The Dusky Warbler is the first of two to be found during the 1994-95 winter. White-billed Diver SHETLAND, Fetlar (1992) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (2) (1975, 1 until 4 March 1976, 1 until 7 March 1976); LANCASHIRE, Little Crosby (1977 until 8 January 1978) 1I00ded Merganser BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Willen Lake (1983 until 29 December) Killdeer KERRY, Derrymore Island (1975) Dowitcher sp. SUSSEX, Willingdon (1985)

29 December

Pallas's Sandgrouse KENT, Stodmarsh (1964) Snowy Owl SHETLAND, Yell (1977) Dusky Warbler DEVON, Kenwith Nature Reserve, Bideford (1994 until 31 December) Nutcracker DEVON, Torquay (1968) Parrot Crossbill DURHAM, Hamsterley Forest (1982 until 2 January 1983)

species 11, individuals 26

The Tundra Swan is the first of the winter records of this sub-species of Bewick's Swan, and the Lesser Scaup is only the third British record. The Great Bustard is the fourth to be found this month, and two Franklin's and four Ivory Gulls today are particularly noteworthy. It is surprising that Crested Lark, with its close proximity on the near continent, has only strayed across the Channel on 19 occasions. Today's bird is the first of six records between 1958-1994, and only the second record this century. Tundra Swan WEXFORD, North Slob (1990) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1975) Lesser Scaup KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE, Milton Loch (1990) Great Bustard KENT, High Halstow (1981 until 30 December) Franklin's Gull LANCASHIRE, Martin Mere (1983 until 2 January 1984); SUSSEX, Brighton Marina (1990) Bonaparte's Gull CORNWALL, Godrevy Point (1988)

Ivory Gull ABERDEENSHIRE, West Hills of Skene (1976 until 3 January 1977), Inverallochy (1991); OUTER HEBRIDES, Balranald (1993); SHETLAND, Sullom Voe (1979) Briinnich's Guillemot ORKNEY, Bay of Ireland (1981) Crested Lark DEVON, Exmouth (1958 until 3 January 1959) Arctic Redpoll SHETLAND, Fair Isle (1978 until 30 December) Parrot Crossbill YORKSHIRE, Winksley (12) (1990 until 4 January 1991)

Rare Birds Day by Day - 373

30 December

species 9, individuals 10

Two White-tailed Eagles found on one day is exceptional. Night Heron LINCOLNSHIRE, Skegness (1979 until 1 January 1980, found shot on 4 January) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1978) White-tailed Eagle YORKSHIRE, Grimwith Reservoir (1993) Little Bustard HAMPSHIRE, Coward's Marsh (1987) Killdeer OUTER HEBRIDES, Ashkernish (1983 until 7 January 1984)

31 December

Laughing Gull GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1981 until 2 January 1982) Ivory Gull GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Frampton-on-Severn (1990 until 1 January 1991) Penduline Tit KENT, Dungeness (1991 until 31 December) Nutcracker BERKSHIRE, Cholsey (2) (1968 until 1 January 1969)

species 10, individuals 14

The year closes with a pretty typical winter cast. The Night Heron is the eighth to be found this month, whilst the Little Bustard is the seventh. The Black Scoter is only the fifth British record, but the third found in December. Night Heron DUMFRIES-SHIRE, Annan (1982 until 5 April 1983) Tundra Swan KERRY, Lough Gill (1978 until 1 February 1979); WEXFORD, South Slob (1985 until 31 March 1986) Lesser White-fronted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1981 until 5 March 1982); NORFOLK, Yare Valley (1962) Red-breasted Goose GLOUCESTERSHIRE, Slimbridge (1963 until 10 March 1964) Blue-winged Teal DEVON, Aveton Gifford (1981)

374 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Black Scoter EAST LOTHIAN, Gosford Bay (1987 until 1 January 1988) Little Bustard NORFOLK, North Wootton (1968) Ross's Gull PERTHSHIRE, Tay Estuary (1993) Nutcracker SUFFOLK, Somersham (1977) Arctic. Redpoll NORTHUMBERLAND, St Marys Island (2) (1961 until 1 January 1962), Holy Island (1961 until 1 January 1962)

December species at a glance White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe Albatross sp. Black-capped Petrel Little Shearwater American Bittern Night Heron Cattle Egret Great White Egret Glossy Ibis Tundra Swan Lesser White-fronted Goose Black Brant Red-breasted Goose American Wigeon Black Duck Blue-winged Teal Lesser Scaup King Eider Black Scoter Hooded Merganser White-tailed Eagle GyrFalcon Little Bustard Great Bustard Black-winged Stilt Killdeer Greater Sandplover Pacific Golden Plover Sociable Plover Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Dowitcher sp. Upland Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Spotted Sandpiper Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Kumlien's Gull Ross's Gull Ivory Gull

8 2 1 1 1 1 8 9 1 3 3 18 9 6 16 4 3 2 2 3 1 4 14 7 4 4 5 1 1 2 5 5 5 3 4 4 7 2 2 1 5 14

Royal Tern Forster's Tern Briinnich's Guillemot Pallas's Sandgrouse Yellow-billed Cuckoo Snowy Owl Tengmalm's Owl Belted Kingfisher Crested Lark Red-throated Pipit Siberian Stonechat Pied Wheatear Desert Wheatear White's Thrush Siberian Thrush Eye-browed Thrush Dusky Thrush Black-throated Thrush American Robin Paddyfield Warbler Desert Warbler Dusky Warbler Penduline Tit Steppe Shrike Nutcracker Rose-coloured Starling Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Black-and-white Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Ovenbird White-throated Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Rose-breasted Grosbeak Northern Oriole

Total number ofspecies Total number of individuals

1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 16 1 18 4 76 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 78 364


Falcated Duck


Rare Birds Day by Day - 375

This page intentionally left blank

MONTHLY SPECIES TOTALS Over the next nine pages are the total number of new individuals found for every species each month. Only those individuals considered to be relating to a new bird have been included in any of the totals used within the book. Jan

White-billed Diver Pied-billed Grebe

14 21 3




16 16





3 12












Feb Mar



Jul Aug


Oct Nov


Black-browed Albatross













Albatross sp.













Soft-plumaged Petrel sp.













Black-capped Petrel













Bulwer's Petrel













Little Shearwater








17 36




Small shearwater sp.













Wilson's Petrel













Swinhoe's Petrel













Double-crested Cormorant













Frigatebird sp.













American Bittern













Little Bittern



4 33

8 15





Night Heron


5 37 72

Green Heron



Squacco Heron



Cattle Egret




0 3



76 28

90 52 17 15 18 18 18 0



11 14





11 14 10















17 17 15 15 13





6 10 18


3 3

Great White Egret



1 12

Black Stork





Glossy Ibis








Tundra Swan




Lesser White-fronted Goose

23 24



Black Brant





Red-breasted Goose





American Wigeon

23 21 21


Black Duck



















1 18





8 17












5 21 56 34












1 13 52 30




Blue-winged Teal









Lesser Scaup













Boreal Eider













Rare Birds Day by Day - 377

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Joo

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

King Eider













Steller's Eider













Harlequin Duck













Black Scoter


























Barrow's Goldeneye















Hooded Merganser











Black Kite



2 46 105 31







White-tailed Eagle











Pallid Harrier













Steppe Buzzard













Lesser Kestrel













American Kestrel













Red-footed Falcon



1 19 286 139 33 19 25




Eleonora's Falcon














8 12 17 23





6 12 11 14
















Little Crake













Baillon's Crake













American Purple Gallinule













American Coot













Sandhill Crane













Little Bustard













Houbara Bustard













Great Bustard













Black-winged Stilt


0 18 39


17 10 10 18




Cream-coloured Courser













Collared Pratincole













Oriental Pratincole













Black-winged Pratincole













Pratincole sp.













Semipalmated Plover


























Greater Sandplover













Caspian Plover













American Golden Plover






5 12 18 63 57



378 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Pacific Golden Plover








Pacific/American Golden Plover 0















Sociable Plover













White-tailed Plover













Great Knot













12 31

Semipalmated Sandpiper











Western Sandpiper













Red-necked Stint













Long-toed Stint



















84 99




6 25 105 28










33 21











12 26








Least Sandpiper







White-romped Sandpiper






2 43 90

Baird's Sandpiper






Sharp-tailed Sandpiper






Broad-billed Sandpiper






Stilt Sandpiper






Great Snipe









0 0

Short-billed Dowitcher








Long-billed Dowitcher








10 53 66



Dowitcher sp.







1 10 21 36



Hudsonian Godwit













Little Whimbrel













Hudsonian Whimbrel



















14 16











Upland Sandpiper







Marsh Sandpiper







Greater Yellowlegs







Lesser Yellowlegs







6 33

65 37











14 27 22






5 54 126 37






Solitary Sandpiper








Terek Sandpiper








Spotted Sandpiper











Grey-tailed Tattler





Wilson's Phalarope





Laughing Gull





Franklin's Gull






Bonaparte's Gull






American Herring Gull






Slender-billed Gull






11 19 8





































Rare Birds Day by Day - 379


Feb Mar Apr

May Joo

Jul Aug


Oct Nov


Kumlien's Gull

10 10











Ross's Gull













Ivory Gull







8 14

53 24 33 36 25
















Gull-billed Tern





Caspian Tern





Royal Tern





28 41 68 40 0




Lesser Crested Tern













Elegant Tern













Aleutian Tern













Forster's Tern













Bridled Tern













Sooty Tern













Whiskered Tern













White-winged Black Tern




3 115 71 42 205 153 30



Briinnich's Guillemot













Ancient Murrelet













Pallas's Sandgrouse













Rufous Turtle Dove













Mourning Dove













Great Spotted Cuckoo













Black-billed Cuckoo













Yellow-billed Cuckoo









5 26



Scops Owl













Snowy Owl





5 12


Hawk Owl













Tengmalm's Owl













Egyptian Nightjar













Common Nighthawk













Chimney Swift













Needle-tailed Swift






8 13 21

33 29








Pallid Swift













Pacific Swift













71 49 39 30 39 30

Alpine Swift


0 30 69



Little Swift













Belted Kingfisher













Blue-cheeked Bee-eater













380 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Jan Feb Mar Apr May







Yellow-bellied Sapsucker







Eastern Phoebe






Calandra Lark






Bimaculated Lark





Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

18 32 12

7 15































White-winged Lark













Lesser Short-toed Lark













Crested Lark













Tree Swallow














Crag Martin












Red-romped Swallow



2 45





8 65 41


Cliff Swallow













Blyth's Pipit













Olive-backed Pipit








0 20 151 13


Pechora Pipit








0 22 16



Red-throated Pipit




7 110 16


3 55 91



Buff-bellied Pipit













Black-headed Wagtail













Citrine Wagtail







1 12 41 17



Northern Mockingbird













Brown Thrasher













Gray Catbird













Alpine Accentor













Rufous Bush Chat













Thrush Nightingale








9 13




Eastern Nightingale













Siberian Rubythroat













Red-flanked Bluetail















White-throated Robin











0 ,0 0


Eastern Black Redstart









Ehrenburg's Redstart













Moussier's Redstart













Siberian Stonechat








0 36 144 28

Isabelline Wheatear













Pied Wheatear









3 17



Black-eared Wheatear














Rare Birds Day by Day - 381


Feb Mar Apr



Jul Aug


Oct Nov










1 11 18


White-crowned Black Wheatear 0














Desert Wheatear Rock Thrush











Blue Rock Thrush













White's Thrush













Siberian Thrush













Varied Thrush













Wood Thrush













Hermit Thrush













Swainson's Thrush









2 16



Grey-cheeked Thrush









1 40
















Eye-browed Thrush









1 11



Dusky Thrush













Naumann's Thrush













Black -throated Thrush









1 15



Red-throated Thrush













American Robin
















Fan-tailed Warbler










Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler












Lanceolated Warbler








0 35 17



River Warbler













Moustached Warbler













Paddyfield Warbler








0 16




Blyth's Reed Warbler













Great Reed Warbler





6 11





Thick-billed Warbler













Olivaceous Warbler













Booted Warbler








6 30 15



Marmora's Warbler












Subalpine Warbler



2 46 177 45

6 110 14 20



82 50



0 1

Sardinian Warbler













Riippell's Warbler













Desert Warbler













Spectacled Warbler













Orphean Warbler













382 - Rare Birds Day by Day

Green Warbler

Jan Feb Mar Apr











Jul Aug Sep







5 104 73

Oct Nov Dec










Two-barred Greenish Warbler





Greenish Warbler





Arctic Warbler







2 25 122 34



Radde's Warbler









4 136



Dusky Warbler









3 100 44

Bonelli's Warbler







0 31 52 23

Collared Flycatcher










12 37







Boreal Willow Tit













Red-breasted Nuthatch


























6 16


Short -toed Treecreeper










Penduline Tit









4 52

Brown Shrike













Isabelline Shrike









5 22



Lesser Grey Shrike








7 25




Steppe Shrike




















2 94 139 78 24


12 51 40 44

53 45
























0 24 53



11 88 41




Rose-coloured Starling





Spanish Sparrow









Rock Sparrow








Yellow-throated Vireo








Philadelphia Vireo







Red-eyed Vireo







29 29 40






Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill





8 35





0 34 131 136 76













Trumpeter Finch





2 54


Parrot Crossbill


Pine Grosbeak













Evening Grosbeak













Black-and-white Warbler












Golden-winged Warbler













Tennessee Warbler













Northern Parula









3 10



Yellow Warbler
























Chestnut-sided Warbler


Rare Birds Day by Day - 383

Jan Feb Mar Apr



Jul Aug Sep

Oct Nov Dec

Blackburnian Warbler













Cape May Warbler













Magnolia Warbler













Yellow-romped Warbler









0 15



Blackpoll Warbler









3 28



Dendroica warbler sp.













American Redstart


























Northern Waterthrush













Common Yellowthroat













Hooded Warbler













Wilson's Warbler













Scarlet Tanager













Rufous-sided Towhee













Lark Sparrow












Savannah Sparrow













Fox Sparrow













Song Sparrow













White-crowned Sparrow













White-throated Sparrow













Dark-eyed Junco













Black-faced Bunting













Pine Bunting









0 13



Rock Bunting













Cretzschmar's Bunting













Yellow-browed Bunting













Rustic Bunting





86 21


0 47 114



Yellow-breasted Bunting







1 17 132




Pallas's Reed Bunting













Black-headed Bunting





35 34 13 12





Rose-breasted Grosbeak









1 20



Indigo Bunting





















0 10




Brown-headed Cowbird













Northern Oriole













384 - Rare Birds Day by Day


D SPECIES Jan Feb Mar Apr May


White Pelican






Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec








Greater Flamingo













Falcated Duck













Baikal Teal













Marbled Duck













Bald Eagle













Black Vulture


























Northern Flicker













Cedar Waxwing













Brown Flycatcher













Mugimaki Flycatcher













Daurian Starling













Red-headed Bunting





92 87 37 36 43




Palm Warbler














Chestnut Bunting












Blue Grosbeak













Indigo Bunting













Painted Bunting



















































Rare Birds Day by Day - 385

SPECIES LIST Below is a list of species referred to within the main text sections of this book. The vernacular names used, as outlined in the Introduction, are those that are in current popular usage amongst British and Irish birdwatchers. The order follows Voous's List of Recent Holarctic Bird Species (1977), with minor modifications as used by Beaman, Palearctic Birds: a checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia (1994). White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophris Albatross sp Diomedea sp. Soft-plumaged Petrel sp Pterodroma madeira / faea / mollis Black-capped Petrel Pterodroma hasitata Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis Small shearwater sp Puffinus sp. Wilson's Petrel Oceanites oceanicus White-faced Petrel Pelagodroma marina Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens Frigatebird sp Fregata sp. American Bittern Botaurus leutiginosus Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Green Heron Butorides virescens Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Great White Egret Egretta alba Black Stork................................................................................................. Ciconia nigra Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Tundra Swan Cygnus (columbianus) columbianus Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans Red-breasted Goose Branta rujicollis American Wigeon Anas americana Black Duck Anas rubripes Blue-winged Teal Anas discors Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis Boreal Edier Somateria mollissima borealis King Eider Somateria spectabilis Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus Black Scoter Melanitta (nigra) americana Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica Hooded Merganser Mergus cucullatus Black Kite Milvus migrans White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni

386 - Rare Birds Day by Day

American Kestrel Falco sparverius Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus Sora Porzana carolina Little Crake Porzana parva Baillon's Crake Porzana pusilla American Purple Gallinule Porphyrula martinica American Coot Fulica americana Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata Great Bustard Otis tarda Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Cream-coloured Courser Cursorius cursor Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni Pratincole sp Glareola pratincola / maldivarum / nordmanni Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus Killdeer........................................................................................... Charadrius vociferus Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii Caspian Plover Charadrius asiaticus American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Pacific / American Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva / dominica Sociable Plover................................................................................... Chettusia gregaria White-tailed Plover Chettusia leucura Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla White-romped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himantopus Great Snipe Gallinago media Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus Dowitcher sp. . Limnodromus scolopaceus / griseus Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica Little Whimbrel Numenius minitus Hudsonian Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa jlavipes Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus

Rare Birds Day by Day - 387

Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia Grey-tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor Laughing Gull Larus articilla Franklin's Gull Larus pipixcan Bonaparte's Gull Larus philadelphia American Herring Gull Larus (argentatus) smithsonianus Slender-billed Gull Larus genei Kumlien's Gull Larus (glaucoides) kumlieni Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Caspian Tern Sterna caspia Royal Tern Sterna maxima Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis Elegant Tern Sterna elegans Aleutian Tern Sterna aleutica Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata Least Tern Sterna (albifrons) antillarum Whiskered Tern Childonias hybridus White-winged Black Tern Childonias leucopterus Briinnich's Guillemot.................................................................................... Uria lomvia Ancient Murrelet Synthiliboramphus antiquus Pallas's Sandgrouse Syrrhaptes paradoxus Rufous Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythrophthalmus Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus Scops Owl Otus scops Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca Hawk Owl Surnia ulula Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus Caprimulgus aegyptius Egyptian Nightjar Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica Needle-tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus Pallid Swift Apus pallidus Pacific Swift Apus pacificus Alpine Swift Apus melba Little Swift Apus affinis Belted Kingfisher Ceryle alcyon Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops superciliosus Roller Coracias garrulus Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe Calandra Lark Melancorypha calandra Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata White-winged Lark Melanocorypha leucoptera Lesser Short-toed Lark Calandrella rufescens Crested Lark Galerida cristata

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Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica Cliff Swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni Pechora Pipit Anthus gustavi Red-throated Pipit " Anthus cervinus Buff-bellied Pipit Anthus rubescens Black-headed Wagtail Moticilla (flava) feldegg Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum Grey Catbird Dumetella carolinensis Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris Rufous Bush Chat Cercotrichas galactotes Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia Eastern Nightingale Lusciania megarhynchos hafizi Siberian Rubythroat Luscinia calliope Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis Eastern Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros ssp. Ehrenburg's Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamiscus Moussier's Redstart Phoenicurus moussieri Siberian Stonechat Saxicola (torquata) maura / stejnegri Isabelline Wheatear.......................................................................... Oenanthe isabellina Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti White-crowned Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius White's Thrush Zoothera dauma Siberian Thrush Zoothera sibirica Varied Thrush Zoothera naevia Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus Grey-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus Veery Catharus fuscescens Eye-browed Thrush Turdus obscurus Dusky Thrush Turdus (naumanni) eunomus Naumann's Thrush Turdus (naumanni) naumanni Black-throated Thrush Turdus (ruficollis) atrogularis Red-throated Thrush Turdus (ruficollis) ruficollis American Robin Turdus migratorius Fan-tailed Warbler Cisticola juncidis Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella certhiola Lanceolated Warbler Locustella lanceolata River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon Paddyfield Warbler Acrocephalus agricola

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Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus Thick-billed Warbler Acrocephalus aedon Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata Marmora's Warbler Sylvia sarda Spectacled Warbler Sylvia conspicillata Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala Riippell's Warbler Sylvia rueppelli Desert Warbler Sylvia nana Orphean Warbler Sylvia hortensis Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus (trochiloides) trochiloides Two-barred Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus (trochiloides) plumbeitarsus Green Warbler PhYllOSCOPus (trochiloides) nitidus Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis Radde's Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus (bonelli) bonelli /orientalis Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis Boreal Willow Tit Parus montanus borealis Red-breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabel/inus Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor Steppe Shrike Lanius (excubitor) pallidirostris Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo flavifrons Philadelphia Vireo Vireo philadelphicus Red-eyed Vireo......................................................................................... "Vireo olivaceus Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornamanni Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator Evening Grosbeak Hesperiphona vespertina Black-and-white Warbler : Mniotilta varia Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera Tennessee Warbler Vermivora peregrina Northern Parula Parula americana Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia Chestnut-sided Warbler Dendroica pensylvanica Blackbumian Warbler Dendroica fusca Cape May Warbler Dendroica tigrina Magnolia Warbler Dendroica magnolia Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata

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Palm Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica warbler sp American Redstart Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Common Yellowthroat Hooded Warbler Wilson's Warbler Scarlet Tanager Rufous-sided Towhee Lark Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Fox Sparrow Song Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Black-faced Bunting Pine Bunting Rock Bunting Cretzschmar's Bunting Yellow-browed Bunting Rustic Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Pallas's Reed Bunting Black-headed Bunting Rose-breasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Bobolink Brown-headed Cowbird Northern Oriole CATEGORY D SPECIES Dalmatian Pelican White Pelican Greater Flamingo Falcated Duck Baikal Teal Marbled Duck White-headed Duck Bald Eagle Black Vulture : Saker Falcon Northern Flicker Mugimaki Flycatcher Brown Flycatcher Daurian Starling Red-headed Bunting Palm Warbler Chestnut Bunting Blue Grosbeak Painted Bunting

Dendroica palmarum Dendroica striata Dendroica sp. Setophaga ruticilla Seiurus aurocapillus Seiurus noveboracensis Geothlypis trichas Wilsonia citrina Wilsonia pusilla Piranga olivacea Pipilo erythrophthalmus Chondestes grammacus Passerculus sandwichcensis Zonotrichia ilica Zonotrichia melodia Zonotrichia leucophrys Zonotrichia albicollis Junco hyemalis Emberiza spodocephala Emberiza leucocephalos Emberiza cia Emberiza caesia Emberiza chrysophrys Emberiza rustica Emberiza aureola Emberiza pallasi Emberiza melanocephala Pheacticus ludovicianus Passerina cyanea Dolichonyx oryzivorus Molothrus ater Icterus galbula Pelecanus crispus Pelecanus onocrotalus Phoenicopterus ruber Anas falcata Anas formosa Marmaronetta angustirostris Oxyura leucocephala Haliaeetus americana Aegypius monachus Falco cherrug Colaptes auratus Ficedula mugimaki Musciapa dauurica Sturnus sturninus Emberiza bruniceps Dendroica palmarum Emberiza rutila Guiraca caerulea Passerina ciris

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The following books and references have been used during the production of this book and will be of interest to readers: Beaman, M. (1994). Palearctic Birds: a checklist ofthe birds ofEurope, North Africa and Asia. Harrier Publications, England. British Birds annual reports on rare birds in Great Britain, 1958-1994.

Cramp, S, Simmons, K. E. L. and Perrins, C. M. (1977-1994). The Birds of England.

the Western Palearctic, Vols I-IX.

Evans, L. G. R. E. (1994). Rare Birds in Britain 1800-1990. Privately published. Dymond, 1. N., Fraser, P. A. and Gantlett, S. 1. M. (1989). Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, England.

Sharrock, 1.T. R. (1974). Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, England. Sharrock, 1.T. R. and E. M. (1976). Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, England.

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