Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

The book delves into the fascinating world of quantum thinking and explore how it can unlock your inner genius. Join us

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Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Table of contents :
i. Day 1 Evaluate Your Self
ii. Day 2 Making the Modification
iii. Day 3 Shine and Bright
iv. Day 4 Being a Quantum Thinker

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Quantum Quirks: unleashing Your inner genius with Quantum thinking

Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking BY HEMDAN M. ALY


Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Quantum Quirks:


Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking. Try Hard to Discover it & You will be shocked by the good results you will gain. The Current Book is So Eager to Help You in your Trip to






Problems, Fears, Health & your Future. Hemdan M. Aly

Hemdan Aly 21/3/2024


Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking



i. Day 1 Evaluate Your Self ii. Day 2 Making the Modification iii. Day 3 Shine and Bright iv. Day 4 Being a Quantum Thinker

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking



We probably all know that we are made of Atoms that are the Basic Building Block of all things around us. We also all know that those Atoms consist of Protons and Neutrons in the Nucleus and Electrons in the rest of the Atom. However, Protons, Electrons and Neutrons are no longer the Smallest Building Block in the Atom as we used to, as it was found that these three particles consist of other particles smaller than they do. Moreover, they were called Elementary Particles, which are the particles that make up matter in the universe, and do not consist of anything smaller than they do. These particles spread throughout the entire universe are either in an interconnected state, such as their interconnection within the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, or in a single free form, such as the electron. Scientists have main parts:






1- Fermions: They are the components of (protons, neutrons, and electrons). Moreover, they are divided into quarks and leptons.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking



According to Superstrings Theory, everything in this universe of matter, energy or charges are actually strings, but they vibrate in different ways, such as the musical tones produced by the cello, for example, where each frequency in the string of the instrument gives a specific musical tone. For example, the force that arises between the Mind and the Heart is an exchange of a particle (a messenger) between them, and the more it moves between the two parties at a more rate, the closer the two bodies are to each other, or in other words - the greater the force between them. That is, mutual interaction is what creates what we feel is the power of the level of inner happiness, and these theories were actually confirmed by the discovery of the Superstrings Theory, which developed into what is known as the Theory of everything.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

2- Bosons also called "force carriers”: The four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force) that bind and affect fermions. These forces propagate in the vacuum in the form of fields.


We all acquire happiness through interactions between thinking and feelings within the framework of the Higgs field, and the stronger the intensity of interaction and harmony, the higher the level of happiness Besides that, Happiness is the realization of what is appropriate. Therefore, when a person finds what suits him, he has won the best condition to feel the happiness. We do not look for happiness like a coin that fell from us to the ground and disappeared among the furniture.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

As it was confirmed, all biological organisms must obey the laws of physics, both classical and quantum. In contrast to classical physics, quantum mechanics is fundamentally in deterministic. The importance lies in the scrutiny, AS Life is made of chemical reactions.



Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Evaluate your Self

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 1


Evaluate Your Self During our lifetime, we face challenges, sometimes it hit us and suffering from it. However, to deal with our own life demands many efforts, in this path many books published, trying to give us advice. After along years of research and experience, one can say that. The solution is within our inner soul, it is what we call "Your Higgs Boson". As we, all know our deep mind is the personal screen for our life. Everything we do is a feedback to situations that we counter during our daily life. Higgs Boson is a rudimentary molecule in the Standard Model of Molecule Material Science delivered by the Quantum Excitation of the Higgs Field, one of the fields in Molecule Physical Science Theory. Our Higgs Boson is in our inner heart and soul. You must know how to make it control your life, as in the wide Universe, Higgs Boson is the Basic Substance that Scientists think formulate the Universe. First, they call it Black Hole until they discovered the Basic Core of it, which they call it, Higgs Boson.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 1


Human Beings are not an exception of that discovering as Psychologists said happiness first came from within our self. Then from acquiring and collecting things, like houses, cars, clothes, jewelries...etc. The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way. For controlling your life and enjoy your Daily life .one should Turn his Higgs Boson on by having a purpose in life , making his own opportunity , and Taking the lead to control his life. It generally appears to be inconceivable until it's done." Moreover, Martin Luther King once said, "Our lives start to end the day we become quiet with regards to things that matter." All these precepts, hence, show that the insight of the ages is against stay still and not making moves towards our self and our existence. All these proverbs, therefore, show that the Wisdom of the ages is against stay still and not taking actions towards our Self and our Reality.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

While the Laws of Physics control the operations of Material Force. These Laws prescribe and determine the workings of your mind.


Human Beings are not an exception of that discovering as psychologists said happiness first came from within our self. Then from acquiring and collecting things, like houses, cars, clothes, jewelries...etc. The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way. For controlling your life and enjoy your Daily life .one should Turn his Higgs Boson on by having a purpose in life , making his own opportunity , and Taking the lead to control his life. It generally appears to be inconceivable until it's done." And Martin Luther King once said "Our lives start to end the day we become quiet with regards to things that matter." All these precepts, hence, show that the insight of the ages is against stay still and not making moves towards our self and our existence.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

First they call it Black Hole until they discovered the basic core of it which they call it Higgs Boson. While the laws of physics control the operations of material force. These laws prescribe and determine the workings of your mind.


We figure out how to know ourselves by our activities. Endeavor to carry out responsibility, and you will promptly discover what is in you. If we summarized what we said, it goes like this 1- Have a purpose in life 2- Make your own opportunity 3 - Connecting with the convenient people 4- Take the lead of your life First have a purpose, the purpose of our lives is to be happy. All bodily activity controlled and directed by the mind. The mind is the instrument you must employ for the accomplishment of any purpose. By concentrating on what is so eager to you, what is motivated your heart and soul to achieve and to make success. You can start by writing down the things that is most important to you to achieve and try to rearrange them .then start by the first three things.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

How might we figure out how to know ourselves?


Connecting with the convenient people, try to be a selective person about whom you talk to or whom you know. As people is a basic core in your trip to discover your own Higgs Boson. People like gold. Choosing the perfect and the convenient, that helps you in your journey to control your Higgs Boson. Take the lead of your life, as you are your own boss you should care about details of taking the lead of your Life. That is why you should take the lead of your own Higgs Boson. Be responsible, take intuitive, make decisions, and even review your position and achievement.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Make your own opportunity, by searching for the opportunity that suits you, or even a step in your way to make success. Then trying other things like, inventing your opportunity. You can make it by urging others around you or connecting things together to make a new thing or by imitating.


You only get old when you lose your care, your curiosity in life and when you lose your dreaming. Never ever stop recognizing new Truths and dig into new Fields. Live your day as it is the best day in your life, make a list of your close and best friends that you feel happiness and motivation when they are with you. This is your own Higgs Boson ingredients, try hard to control and mix them together to get the best of the Day.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Live for the good expectations that the best will come over.



Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Making the Modification

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 2


Making the Modification I am silent when words need to be letters other than those we used. At the point when discourse needs different words than that I heard and a more profound significance than I can reach. I'm quiet since quietness is the main solution. It is the cavern that I escape from the buzzing about of the commotion. I'm quiet to leave the attack of the language... Furthermore, I rehash the limitations of articulation. Also, I went to the wide spaces of quiet, Where no restrictions and no limitations. The word is a stage to an obscure; I would prefer not to go to it. And I went to the areas of silence wide, Where no limits and no restrictions. The word is a step to an unknown; I do not want to go to it. I was silent because the truth has become like a myth. I cannot believe it... I cannot rely on it. I am deaf because silence is a language that contains all languages , Communicates horizons and distances.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 2


As I walk a step into darkness that deprives my eyes of the brightness of life. In addition, when I turn my Higgs Boson on, the answered voice Came across and told me do not keep silent, but looks for new dictionaries. Words structure us mentally and words that you have not heard at this point. You are one of its producers, not quietness The main solution is that you have utilized negative representation, consistently develop, revolt and be dependable. Man with strong Higgs Boson will face crisis and life challenges with active mind and power of changing. Remember that Darkness and Light, Success and Failure, worries and Happiness are reflections of our inner Higgs Boson. So do not let your self-reading, listening, or watching what is bringing to you worries or Fear. Keep up your care and curiosity about how to discover your own Higgs Boson.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

The barriers of separation are broken. I do what I want ... and I get angry... I miss you... I wake up... and I cry... In addition, you smile...


"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." -Omar Khayyam "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -Mahatma Gandhi "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." -Helen Keller "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." -Abraham Lincoln "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." -Albert Einstein "We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love." -Tom Robbins "Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions." -Saul Bellow "What are important in life are life, and not the result of life." -Joan Rivers

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

If we concentrate on Sayings and Quotes of our Fathers, We can Discover Wisdom in every word.


-Oscar Wilde "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay."-Simone de Beauvoir "I decided to fly through the air and live in the sunlight and enjoy life as much as I could."-Evel Knievel "The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way." -Alice Waters Fear is an enemy to your Life; you should care about getting your fear off the way. When controlling Higgs Boson, you are dealing with the Fear core, by changing and transforming fear from an enemy to a power that motivate you ahead to achievement and success. Some said, “Time will solve all problems and make it old”. However, it is not time it is you, your mind, your inner Higgs Boson that must deal with the situation to find solutions and relief. In this respect, scientists said that Epinephrine is the substance that body extract when feeling fear.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

"Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life."


Higgs Boson can transform your Adrenaline to a power that helps you to conquer your fears and worries. That is why you should have Discover your own Higgs Boson ingredients within you. You cannot solve your problem with the same mindset that created it. The Strategies that we may follow when facing a problem is: 1. Running from the problem 2. Feeling satisfied with what happened 3. Change our perspective Now what problem do you have?  This moment I don't have a problem i have a challenge

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Some call it the Danger Hormone. This substance is the core for your strength also. When dealing with your Higgs Boson, you can take control of that hormone and make it work for your side by empowering you Strength.


 Am I treating this moment, as an enemy or a friend  Space of the now so you discover that there is no problem  Are you losing yourself in the future .Try hard to achieve Balance in dealing with clock time and psychological Time  Be a conscious space for others, Live with the power of now and Let go of resistance or judgment

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Life then will be simple



Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Shine and Bright

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 3


Shine and Bright If there were no Higgs boson, then there would be no universe, which would make some people sad. But then they still wouldn’t be happy." Rod Schmidt, California Institute of Technology" Higgs Boson makes the physicists happy to solve the so long-standing problem of the mass origin. Moreover, especially it made happy the Nobel Prize winners - P. Higgs and F. Englert in 2013. We carefully and thoroughly catalogue different objects of present and past experience into groups, divisions and subdivisions for convenient and ready reference. This we do by the processes of memory, association and discrimination. (Warren Hilton, 2010) Numerous studies support this claim, pointing to yoga as a general practice for quelling stress, easing anxiety and elevating mood. (Dana Santas, 2015) Right from Ancient times, ginseng has been used not only a great preventative, but also as a curative remedy for a plethora of Ailments. Ginseng contains Vitamins A, B6 and Zinc.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 3


Research has shown Ginseng’s ability to calm the Central Nervous System, and improve liver, lung and Circulatory Functions too. (CW Research, 2007) Outside of Comfort Zone life, will open doors for you. Growth occurs in the state of discomfort. The motives to get into Growth stage are from within the individual himself or from others offering help or from environment and circumstances. In any case, despite the fact that we should be cheerful and fruitful throughout everyday life, that is frequently a long way from the case. Normally, we invest a greater amount of our energy saturated with negative feelings than we do in the good ones. From our connections, to our accounts, our professions, our wellbeing, and our objectives, we regularly cannot conquer the pressure related with ordinary concerns.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Ginseng reduces Stress, improves Sexual Performance, boosts energy levels, enhances Memory, and stimulates the Immune System


If you are reading the words right now, then there’s no doubt that you have been disappointed in some aspect of your life. You have probably experienced the ringer, had your reality flipped around, and endured an enormous measure of torment and disappointment. I have as well. In addition, in no way, shape or form does it feel great at all? However, there is a pathway to bliss. There is a roadway to progress. It is simply that many individuals decide not to go along those streets. The start is consistently rough and steep, enough to make the vast majority turn around. What's more, portions of the street are absolutely blocked. In any case, for those willing to invest the energy, those apparently blocked streets in the end lead to simpler roads. Nevertheless, exploring along them at the beginning may feel deceptive, best case scenario.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Couple all of that with our hopes and our dreams for the future, and the constant failures that we face along the way while trying to achieve anything notable, and it’s no wonder we spend much of our time unhappy and feeling unsuccessful. So how do we go about doing the opposite? What are the keys to happiness and success? Moreover, is that something that is actually attainable in life?


What causes an individual to feel glad and what causes an individual to feel fruitful do not generally correspond with each other. Nevertheless, some of the time they do. The thing about joy and achievement is that, to accomplish both of them, you first need a definition set up on what they really mean to you. Certain individuals will say, "Sure that is simple, to be effective I need huge load of cash." In addition, that would not hurt in the satisfaction office all things considered. In any case, what individuals do not generally acknowledge is that cash does not continually bring bliss. Now and again cash brings more issues. Everything simply depends who you ask and what your encounters have been similar to that have molded your convictions.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Yet, with the perfect measure of concentration and coarseness, it occurs, slowly and carefully, and each day in turn. Joy and achievement are available for whoever gets there first insofar as we are willing to accomplish some work at the beginning. At the point when we talk about bliss and achievement, we are discussing two unique things.


Here and the present moment, bliss is feasible, regardless' going on in your life. Think about what will satisfy you, and record it. Think about what will cause you to feel effective, and right it down. To shine and bright, one should compose his own sentiments and destinations, additionally record his thoughts. Make a normal that will assist engaging the life instead of ruin it. Get up ahead of schedule, have a decent breakfast, turn out for 20 minutes, do yoga or ponder, work out a bunch of day-by-day objectives, etc. Take control, and be inspired and motivated to do and achieve something, while helping others and yourself in the process. Always Dream big and invent your own future. Moreover, do not forget everlasting education. Re to health, one should start by a plan for his health including food, sport and changing bad habits. That is why, we need investing in our time, our dreams, our resources & our relationships.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Regardless, you need to characterize what the two of them intend to you. Need to be content? Do not worry about it. You could really be glad right now.



Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Being a Quantum Thinker

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Day 4


Being a Quantum Thinker Our Higgs Boson is a way of thinking, of making quantum leaps in the thought processes that ultimately lead to insights that considered beyond the normal scope of thinking. God has made for each person his own orbit around which he revolves. Think of these principles as the five things your Brain need to discover your Higgs Boson to do more and get more out of every situation. 1. Be Flexible 2. Be Curious 3. Fill what is empty 4. Make a Quantum Leap 5. Stay Focused Principle #1: Be Flexible Being a Quantum Thinker means when something does not work, there is always another way to get it if you are flexible enough to find it.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking



Being a Quantum Thinker means giving your brain permission to be curious and act like it. Principle #3: Fill what is empty Being a Quantum Thinker means get more ideas in your head by resisting the urge to judge every thought and idea that comes your way. Remember, you have permission to think whatever you want. However, you do not have to say everything that pops into your head. Principle #4: Make a Quantum Leap Being a Quantum Thinker means whatever your goal, you can make a quantum leap toward it by finding someone who has done it already. Study their approach and motivation. Following the example of a model is a way to realize what is possible. However, it will only work if you can personalize it and make it fit your life. Principle #5: Stay Focused Being a Quantum Thinker means when you focused on what you love. You may discover new strengths and interests along the way.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Principle #2: Be Curious


sometimes it hit us. However, to deal with our own life demands many efforts, in this path many books published, trying to give us advice. After along years of research and experience, one can say that. The solution is within our inner soul, it is what we call "Your Higgs Boson". For controlling your life and enjoy your Daily life .one should Turn his Higgs Boson on by having a purpose in life, making his own opportunity. Higgs Boson can transform your Adrenaline to a power that helps you to conquer your fears and worries. That is why you should have Discover your own Higgs Boson ingredients within you. Take control, and be inspired and motivated to achieve something, while helping others and yourself. Always Dream big and invent your own future. Moreover, do




education. Our Higgs Boson is a way of thinking, of making quantum leaps in the thought processes that ultimately lead to insights that considered beyond the normal scope of thinking. Your Brain need to discover your Higgs Boson to get more out of every situation.

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking

Final words, during our lifetime, we face challenges,


Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking




Hemdan is a Passionate Individual with a deep expertise in Information Technology, Digital Transformation, and Digital Art. With a Strong Background in IT, He has successfully led numerous projects that have transformed Businesses and Organizations. His innovative approach to Problem Solving and His ability to Think Outside the Box have allowed me to achieve Remarkable Results in the Digital Landscape. PUBLICATIONS

 Information as a Key to Society Empowerment  Silence Can Be Heard

Quantum Quirks: Unleashing Your Inner Genius with Quantum Thinking