Python Programming For Beginners: Crack the Code to Success, From Zero to Python Hero in Less 45 Days!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the world of Python programming? Look no further than "Cra

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Python Programming For Beginners: Crack the Code to Success, From Zero to Python Hero in Less 45 Days!

Table of contents :
Chapter 1: Python Basics
Variables and Data Types
Operators and Expressions
Chapter 2: Control Flow
Looping with for and while
Loop Control and Flow Control
Practical Exercises
Chapter 3: Data Structures
Exploring Tuples
Dictionaries: Key-Value Pairs
Sets: Unique Collections
Practical Exercises
Chapter 4: Functions and Modularity
Function Parameters and Return Values
Scope and Lifetime of Variables
Modular Programming
Practical Coding Challenges
Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Python
Constructors, Attributes, and Methods
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Hands-On OOP Projects
Chapter 6: Working with Files
Processing JSON Data
Exception Handling
Building Practical File-Based Applications
Practical Exercises
Chapter 7: Python Modules and Packages
Creating Your Custom Modules
Organizing Code with Packages
Practical Exercises
Chapter 8: Advanced Python Concepts
Exploring Lambdas and Functional Programming
Harnessing the Power of Generators
Solving Complex Problems with Python
Practical Exercises
Chapter 9: Python for Web Development
Building a Web Application with Flask
Handling Routing and Templates
Database Integration with SQLAlchemy
Deploying Your Web App
Chapter 10: Data Handling and Analysis
Utilizing SQLite for Data Storage
Data Analysis with Pandas
Practical Data Handling Projects
Chapter 11: Data Visualization
Advanced Visualization with Seaborn
Chapter 12: Best Practices and Beyond
Python's Role in Machine Learning
Continuing Your Python Journey

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