Principles of Australian equity and trusts [Fourth edition.] 9780409348224, 0409348228

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Principles of Australian equity and trusts [Fourth edition.]
 9780409348224, 0409348228

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Principles of Australian Equity and Trusts


4 TH ED IT ION • Peter Radan • Cameron Stewart


An accessible and well-structured account of the principles and rules of equity arid tr1;1sts Principles of Australian Equity and Trusts is designed to equip students with the skills to analyse fact situations and correctly identify the relevant principles of the law of equity and trusts applicable to the resolution of problems. The clear and accessible style of the authors makes this an essential resource for students new to the study of equity and trusts. The fourth edition has been ful ly revised and updated to include recent deve lo pments in case law, includ ing: •

City of Mandurah v Australian Flying Corps and Royal Australian Air Force Association (WA Division) Inc (2016) on charitable trusts Thorne v Kennedy (2 01 7) on undue influence and unconsci o nabi lity


Simic v NSW Land Housing Corporation (2016) on rectification





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