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English Pages [238] Year 1995
Table of contents :
FILMOGRAPHY (Todd McCarthy and Dennis Jakob, page xxxv)
PREFACE (page xli)
7. SYMPHONY IN SNOW (page 136)
8. OCEAN VOYAGE (page 146)
9. VISUAL MUSIC (page 158)
10. THE PORTRAIT STUDIO (page 164)
11. THE LABORATORY (page 167)
JOHN ALTON Introduction by Todd McCarthy
Berkeley Los Angeles London
The publisher gratefully acknowledges the contribution provided by the General Endowment Fund of the Associates of the University of California Press.
University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of California Press London, England Copyright © 1995 by The Regents of the University of California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Alton, John.
Painting with light / John Alton. ; p. cm.
Originally published: New York: Macmillan, 1949. With new introductory material and filmography. Includes index. Filmography: p. ISBN 978-0-520-08949-5 (alk. paper: pbk.)
1. Cinematography—Lighting. 2. Alton, John. I. Title. TR891.A48 1995
779.5'343—dc20 94-4412] CIP
Printed in the United States of America
138 12 11 10 =O9 16 #15 «14 «6213«~«€Oo12) si
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper).
TOMYDEARWIFE Rozalia whose infinite patience and encouragement made this book possible.
Life is short, but long enough to get what's coming to you. THE AUTHOR
THROUGH A LENS DARKLY: 6. OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY 118 THE LIFE AND FILMS OF JOHN ALTON Films with Exteriors - Mood in Exteriors - Composi-
by Todd McCarthy ix tion - Painting with Sun Reflectors - Booster Lights Painting with Filters - Light Problems - Westerns -
FILMOGRAPHY The New School of Exterior Photography
:PREFACE 7, SYMPHONY IN SNOW 136 xli On Vacation - On Location by Todd McCarthy and Dennis Jakob —_xxxv
" Love, Live, Laugh, and Loaf - Preparation - At
The City of Geniuses - The Photographic Staff - Sea - Taking Pictures - Arrival at a Foreign Port The Outstanding Stand-ins . The Laboratory Con- In Port Aeonward d Bound Boun tact Man - Tools of Motion Picture Photography
2. MOTION PICTURE ILLUMINATION 138 Vicual Symphony The Set - Props - People - Rigging for Illumination -
Lighting Equipment - The Theory of Illumination 10. THE PORTRAIT STUDIO 164
Improvements - Make-up and Portrait
Fire - Sets and Mystery - Lighting for Lightning- 1] THE LABORATORY 167 Lighting a Campfire Scene - How to Illuminate a — scyeen Tests - The Contact Man - Negative DeFireplace Scene - The Candle Flame - Doubles and veloping Their I]umination - Criminal Lighting . The Radio Dial as a Light Source - The Power of Light 12. DAY AND NIGHT, LADIES, WATCH
4, SPECIAL ILLUMINATION o7 Faces - Interior Illumination of the Home - Out-
Lighting the Street - Rain - Summer Moonlight - door Lighting - Lighting in Clubs, Bars, and ResAutumn Fog - Wintertime - Dream Lighting- Train _taurants - Architectural Lighting Light Effects - Interior of a Plane - Steamship In-
teriors - Tents - Gags and Tricks - Transparency or 13. MOTION PICTURE THEATRES 185
Process Photography The Headache - The Modern Theatre 5. THE HOLLYWOOD CLOSE-UP 80 14. THE WORLD IS A HUGE TELE-
Starlight - The Close-up Is Born - Rules for Close- |= vISION STUDIO AND WE ARE ALL :
up Illumination - Tools Used for Making Close- PHOTOGRAPHERS 187 ups - The Clock System of Placing Reflectors - | The Human Camera - The Laboratory . What Is
Lighting Procedure Thinking? - Television
“Black and white are colors,” John Alton has __ with the long-overdue republication of his clas-
stated, and no cinematographer in film history sic 1949 book, Painting With Light, the first has more deeply explored the value of those book on the art of cinematography ever written colors, or the nature of the violent contrast be- _ by a leading Hollywood cameraman. This event, tween them, than has John Alton. “I could see — along with the groundswell of attention Alton
more in the dark than I could in color,” he _ has been receiving, represents a happy confirclaimed, “I could see in the dark.” His remark- _—_ mation of this volume’s original epigraph: “Life
able talent lay in the way he enabled audiences _is short, but long enough to get what’s coming
toAt thedo the same. to you.” same time, Alton displayed a remark- For too many years, Alton was one of the priable ability—intentional or not—to enshroud _ vate pet obsessions of a handful of film buffs his career in mystery. He was the Greta Garbo _ and critics; those who even knew his name and of Hollywood cameramen, an Austro-Hungarian _ could cite a few of his credits belonged to a sort nearly as illustrious in his own field as the great of secret society, a shadowy inner circle within
Swede was in hers and, as the years passed, the already exclusive coterie of specialists in possibly even more mysterious and elusive. Af- film noir. Yet, over time, such films as T-Men,
ter he abruptly quit the industry in 1960 at Raw Deal, He Walked by Night, Border Inciage 59, he was rumored to have abandoned cin- _— dent, and The Big Combo gradually developed
ema for painting, and to be living in Switzer- _ wider followings and their striking style began land, Patagonia, or even Hollywood. He refused _ asserting an influence on contemporary filmall requests for interviews or to be a guest at = makers. Recognition started with the cults surfilm festivals. The image grew of a ferocious rounding Anthony Mann and Joseph H. Lewis, artistic purist who would tolerate no intrusion _ but finally it became clear that even these diupon his privacy or the sanctity of his vision. rectors’ other films didn’t look like this, that the As it happens, Alton is decidedly an artistic essence, and ultimate example, of film noir style purist, but is ferocious only in the tenaciousness _ was, logically enough, created by a cinematogwith which he expresses his ideals and opinions. _rapher, not a director.
A Middle European charmer and bon vivant Considerable academic study has been deeven at 92, Alton has proven to be the most dis- voted to film noir in an attempt to define it, arming and congenial of guests since, in 1993, describe its parameters, and explain it sociohe finally reemerged into the public eye at film _ logically, historically, and artistically. But no festivals and special screenings. This process of | matter whom one credits with having set the reacquaintance with cinephiles now continues __ tone for noir—hard-boiled crime writers such as ix
Chandler, Cain, and Hammett; expressionistic- theless devoted a section of the film to Alton’s minded, predominantly Germanic émigré di- | work. When he heard about the film, he wanted rectors, including Lang, Wilder, Siodmak, and _ to see it, and since then I have had the privilege Preminger; economy-minded executives and — of spending considerable time with him at pri-
producers looking for tough, timely material vate screenings of his own pictures, many of that could be done on the cheap; or the politi- | which he was seeing for the first time in decians of the postwar, Red Scare era who helped __cades; at the Telluride Film Festival, where I foster a paranoid cultural climate—there can helped present the first tribute to Alton’s work be no doubt that John Alton pushed film noir to —_ attended by the artist himself (Fig. 1); and at its most exciting visual extremes. In the defini- _ his apartment in Beverly Hills—which is domi-
tive noir period, roughly 1946-1951, no one’s _ nated by a few of his own paintings, some blacks were blacker, shadows longer, contrasts photographs, and his Oscar for An American stronger, or focus deeper than John Alton’s. In _in Paris—where he patiently and vigorously an-
fashioning the nocturnal world inhabited by | swered my many questions about his life and noir’s desperate characters, Alton was ever con- career. sistent and imaginative in forging his signature, John Alton began his long, accomplished, illuminating scenes with single lamps, slanted — and exceedingly well-traveled life on October 5,
and fragmented beams and pools of light, all 1901, in Sopron, a Hungarian village near what separated by intense darkness in which the is now the Austrian border. The family name source of all fear could fester and finally thrive. at the time was the German Altman, although Alton’s films are paradoxically filled with violent | Herr Altman’s father undoubtedly had a difkillings and relatively absent of kinetic action, | ferent sumame before moving to Vienna from largely because his sculpted style demanded Russia. John’s father Sam Altman, who was born a choreography of shots different, and more in 1872, and his brother Emile emigrated in the static, than the norm. Very often, the brightest | 1880s to the United States, where they changed object in the frame would be located at the fur- their names to Alton and became U.S. citizens, thest distance from the camera, in order to _ thereby giving John Alton an American connecchannel viewer concentration; often, the light tion long before he was born. Emile stayed, but would just manage to catch the rim of a hat, the in time Sam returned to Vienna, where he reedge of a gun, the smoke from a cigarette. claimed the Altman name and became a brandy, Actors’ faces, normally the object of any cam- __ wine, and champagne maker and exporter. For eraman’s most ardent attention, were often in- | a time, he worked for the wealthy Szecheny visible or obscured, with characters from T-Men family, and it was in the Szecheny castle, where to, perhaps most memorably, The Big Combo _ the Altmans had rooms, that John (or Jacob in playing out their fates in silhouette against a © German, or Janos in Hungarian) was born. witheringly blank, impassive background. Few, The family had a strong Jewish identity. Sam’s if any other, cinematographers’ styles could be — wife, whom he had met through a traditional said to express a philosophy, a concrete view of | matchmaker, was a Sephardic Jew named Eva the world, but Alton’s certainly represents the — Lipschutz, a descendant of a prominent family purest visual correlative for fatalistic existential- that had fled Spain for Austria during the In-
ism yet seen in motion pictures. quisition. For his part, Sam was an adherent of I came to know John Alton as a result of my — the Austro-Hungarian Zionist leader Theodor work on the documentary Visions of Light: The Herzl. “My father was a Zionist all his life, onArt of Cinematography. Unable to locate Alton __ the religious end,” Alton recalled. “He was Orto interview him, my collaborators and I none- __thodox, and I didn’t agree with all that. He
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“e J
O is °lire John Ss native langua e€ was 1lennese dialect I to make everyone American.” Th
garlan and Romanian li °
added English, Spanish, French, Itali
' Y ns
constantl “T . 1| ¢ e
; n displayed an _ and daughter Esther
earning to evelop his own film and d j WwW y. n school, I was ve ®
. nities ror jews mM top rofessi y InciNne ascinat .
e artist in him, so he father and uncle he d id d o take a chance
xt J
and go to New York, which he did by freighter _ first real job at the Paramount Studios lab in
in 1919. His mother had died in surgery in Long Island City. When he had earned enough Vienna in 1914, and after leaving for America, money, he bought a car and, in the winter of Alton never saw any of his family again except 1923-1924, caravaned with five friends across for his younger sister Esther, whom he visited the country. After their arrival in Los Angeles,
at her home in Israel last year. Alton remembered, they attended the premiere Initially welcomed by Uncle Emile, who by — of Douglas Fairbanks’ The Thief of Bagdad, this time was the wealthy owner of a Second _ which opened at the Egyptian Theater in HollyAvenue furnishings company, Alton enrolled in —_ wood on July 10, 1924. “When I saw it, I started
school (he has remembered it on different oc- to dream about pictures again, although I had casions as New York University and City Col- _no idea I was going to be a cameraman. There lege), where he studied photo-chemistry, among was a fortune-teller for everyone who bought other things. It was during this period that John _a ticket. She told all the others to go back Alton had his first contact with the professional | where they came from. But when I got there, motion picture industry. Living in the Yorkville | she looked at my palm and said, “You’re going section in the East 80s, Alton was “on the bus __ to be a success in pictures.’ The rest of them on Second Avenue when it passed the Cosmo- _ did go back.
politan Studios owned by Hearst. I decided to “I went to MGM and got a job in the lab, look into it and skip a couple of days of school. based on the experience I had in New York. So I got off the bus and went up andthe man at When I was there, I gave them ideas, and whenthe gate said, “You're just the man we’re looking — ever I gave them ideas, I was fired. But what for, and put me in a coat before I could turn __ they forgot was that, in the afternoon, I worked my head. After three days, they gave me acheck in a different department at the same studio.” for $10.50. Suddenly, I felt rich. Comes the end _ Despite his occasional run-ins with superiors, Alof the day, and they read the roll of who’s going _ ton gained in-depth experience in various areas to be called the next day. I felt I had to go back __ that proved tremendously valuable to him when
to school, but then I decided, school can wait. he finally became a cinematographer. In the In a few days, we went on location. I had to lab, he became intimately acquainted with the ride a horse—I’d never ridden a horse, except _fine points of printing. Transferred to the camfor a merry-go-round horse. I ended up work- era department, he became a loader, and laing for 41 days in a row on location, and I ter a first assistant (although he was never an pulled in so much money I thought I had it operator). Particularly memorable to him was made.” Alton could only recall the film as a _ the opportunity to observe Erich von Stroheim Marion Davies silent, but the experience was __ throughout the production of The Merry Widow. pivotal: “I fell so in love with the possibilities of | However, far more influential on Alton’s own
what I saw in motion pictures.” later work habits was director Woody S. Van Alton’s windfall didn’t last forever, and Emile, Dyke, for whom he toiled on numerous Tim a hard-nosed businessman, was not impressed | McCoy Westerns in 1926-1927 as assistant to with his nephew’s intellectual interest in the | cameraman Clyde de Vinna. Van Dyke, whom fine arts or his vague career ideas, and refused Alton liked enormously, taught him how to to help him financially. “Every time we sat down __ shoot quickly and work economically, traits that
to lunch, he was telling me how much money _ bcame Alton’s bread and butter fifteen years he had made that week, and I didn’t care for __ later.
it.” Finally, they clashed irrevocably, and the Feeling he was ready to be a first camera-
young man moved out. man, Alton said that he went to Louis B. Mayer Forced to fend for himself, Alton got his to ask for his promotion. Although his claim xu
seems highly questionable given the fact that | camera department of the Joinville Studios in most cinematographers at the time were U.S.-_ Paris, Alton shot shorts and other material for born, Alton’s version of the meeting is amusing. _ MGM and Paramount throughout Europe, in “Mayer said that all the top cameramen had Turkey, and Asia Minor, as well as foreign verEuropean accents, and that as long as [had my _ sions of films in different languages.
Brooklyn accent, I’d never become a camera- To make sure that his colleagues in Hollyman. So I worked at recultivating my old accent — wood knew that he was gainfully employed and
so that, when I came back, I could get a job.” brimming with ideas and ambition, Alton beInstead, studio manager Joe Cohn gave the gan contributing regularly to the journal Inter26-year-old Alton the enviable assignment of national Photographer in 1930. A letter from accompanying Ernst Lubitsch and another cam- — Stamboul announced his forthcoming location
eraman, Al Lane, to Europe to shoot back- trip to Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, and later grounds for Old Heidelberg, which subsequently dispatches related his experiences working on became The Student Prince. When he returned _—_ such 1931 productions as E. W. Emo’s Better To
to Culver City, he discovered that this job had Laugh, A. Mitler’s Port Said, and Curtis Bemcaused resentment among some of his camera _hardt’s Der Mann, Der Den Mord Beging (The department colleagues, something that was to © Man Who Murdered), on which he shot exteriplague him at MGM throughout his career. Al- ors in Istanbul and experienced an increasing ton said that Cohn shortly sent him back to estrangement from the director.
Europe to take footage of the 1928 Winter At the beginning of the sound era, the ArOlympics in Switzerland for potential use in gentine film industry, which had enjoyed boom
a Garbo picture, although the truth of this is | years for a decade after World War I, had impossible to confirm since no Garbo film fea- come to a total standstill. Technically behind tures such a backdrop. Similarly questionable — the United States and Europe in producing talk-
is Alton’s recollection of a job with director ing pictures, the country needed experienced George Hill shooting location material in Al- hands. Strangely enough, John Alton was their geria and Morocco; none of Hill’s subsequent man. “I met some Argentine millionaires’—one
films had desert settings. of whom was the chief financier of the Buenos Landing in Paris in 1928, Alton claims to Aires opera and other theatrical interests—“who have made a discovery that did neither him nor _ were planning to build a studio in Argentina,” MGM any good, but which proved highly fortu- Alton recalled. “They asked me to come design
itous for his friend Lubitsch and the history of it for them, so I asked for one-year leave-ofmusicals. In a club in Pigalle, Alton was vastly absence from Joinville. I went to Argentina, we entertained by a young singer by the name of __ built a studio and I made one film. But in the Maurice Chevalier, who was already known in meantime I got married.”
France but not in the United States. Alton Thus began the most curious, and _ least enthused to Irving Thalberg, who happened known, episode in Alton’s life. In 1932, Alto be in Paris on his honeymoon with Norma __ ton sailed for Buenos Aires and, on five acres Shearer, and asked permission to make a test. __ thirty miles outside the city in the town of
“Thalberg said, ‘Go ahead,’ so I did, and it San Ysidro, he supervised the construction of turned out pretty well. I sent it to Thalberg at — the S.A. Radio-Cinematografica Lumiton (Light
his hotel, and he said, “This guy hasn’t got any- and Sound) Studio. He stayed on to train the thing.’ I had some friends at Paramount, and crew as part of his deal. “I did everything. They Paramount looked at it, signed him up, and didn’t know what a propman was, so I had to
made a fortune.” show them. I had to set up the lab.” Alton no Over the next couple of years, heading the doubt remained in Argentina so much longer xitt
than he originally planned in large part because Over the next six years, Alton, by his own of his marriage to Rozalia Kiss. A writer for the — estimate, photographed 25 films in Argentina, newspaper La Nacion and a college-educated _—_ although it remains difficult to verify the numformer beauty contest winner, Kiss interviewed __ ber as a reliable and comprehensive history of
the eminent visitor on board his boat upon its the South American film industry has yet to be arrival after a 31-day voyage from France. They — written. The Fundacion Cinemateca Argentina had dinner that night, and after two weeks were _ has been able to authenticate no more than a
planning a wedding, which took place on No- dozen titles that were definitely shot by Alton, vember 5, 1932. Originally from an Austrian and possesses prints of just six (the Argentine Jewish family, Kiss was also an early Argentine industry and government having been lamenaviator, but after one hair-raising flight with her _ tably lax in preserving their output). In addition,
through the Andes to Chile, Alton asked Kiss Alton directed, coproduced, and/or cowrote a to give up her hobby. They remained married few more.
until her death 55 years later. In 1932, Alton also turned out his first effort Late in 1932, Alton photographed what ap- as a director, El Hijo de Papa (Papa’s Boy), on pears to have been the first Argentine talkie, | which he was also tecnico de luz, or lighting Los Tres Berretines (The Three Buddies), for technician. This “gaucho film” performed exLumiton. Directed by Enrique T. Susini, this tremely well commercially, although no prints energetic, carefree comic drama about numer- __ exist because leading man Luis Sandrini so disous young people, some of whom are musicians, __ liked the picture that he bought the negative begins with strikingly evocative street footage and all prints and destroyed them. Unlike most of contemporary Buenos Aires to the accompa- _ people in film, Alton was not seduced by the niment of a wonderful jazz score. As the aspir- notion of a directorial career and, in an article ing working class characters make the rounds _ for the July 1934 issue of International Photogthrough the mostly natural locations of parks, | rapher entitled “The Cameraman as Director,” a music conservatory, cafes, a soccer stadium, he made some apt points about the differences and other hangouts, one is reminded by turns __ between the two jobs. Stating that the camera
of Renoir’s early 1930s naturalistic human dra- | department is “a place where there is more mas and the speedy, topical, common-people _ directorial talent hidden than any other place quickies Warner Brothers was turning out at in the world,” Alton, writing from Argentina, the same time (even including an exceedingly noted that, “Many of the few cameramen here limp-wristed Franklin Pangbornesque gay char- have been given a megaphone and failed as acter). On the outdoor locations, Alton’s work is directors. But why? They failed because they simple and lovely, as he makes his newly adopted = remained cameramen. They kept on worrying
city look like a bygone urban paradise, a Paris about the photography, ordering lights, etc., or Rome in a more tropical setting. Some of his _ thereby driving both cameraman and the gaffer interiors are stunning: At this early date, he was absolutely crazy. The result? That the picture
already using slatted and pooled lighting and was neither photographed nor directed. out-of-the-ordinary facial sculpting; the film’s “It is contrary to reason to photograph and best single shot has a pianist at a grand piano _ direct simultaneously. The new director must silhouetted in the foreground with several fe- forget that he ever was a cameraman. .. . It is male dancers practicing in the background and _for the director to see that the author's mind, bathed in white light. Another scene employs __ spirit, and thought are faithfully reflected upon a startlingly noir-like setup as two characters the mind of the audience. This is an extremely interrogate a third person with a single bulb il- _difficult task and far from what the cameraman
luminating them from overhead. should concentrate upon.” Or, as he elaborated xiv
the different roles in Painting With Light,“The night scenes. El Matrero (The Outlaw), a gaudirector sees it as a picture, divided into se- cho musical, or Argentine Western, directed by quences and scenes, creating in his mind the Orestes Caviglia, is also of little interest. It tirecharacters and the dialogue, and worrying about — somely follows the format of routine American
music, sound, and editing .. . The director of | Westerns, and Alton’s work is in an atypically photography visualizes the picture purely from _ pastoral mode. a photographic point of view, as determined by Still, in 1939, El Matrero was considered one
lights and the moods of individual sequences of the most accomplished Argentine pictures and scenes. In other words, how to use angles, yet made and was released in the United States
set-ups, lights, and camera as means to tell (in Harlem in New York). The same treatthe story.” In 1994, Alton simply stated that, “I | ment was accorded Puerta Cerrada (Behind didn’t become a director because every time I Closed Doors), also made in 1939, which is a looked at a scene, I saw the light on the actors’ lavishly appointed costume picture that demonfaces, and didn’t hear what they were saying, so _ strates that Alton could easily have passed mus-
I knew I wasn’t going to be a good director.” ter as a cameraman for MGM at the time. A Lumiton was on its way, and remained one sort of Stella Dallas with songs about a singer of the country’s principal studios as the local in- whose baby is taken away by the authorities and
dustry boomed through the 1930s. But Alton, adopted while she is imprisoned, this is a prehaving put it on its feet, accepted an invitation _— dictable, glossy affair directed by prominent to set up another studio, Argentina Sono Film. _actor-director Luis Saslavsky. One highlight is a By 1939, a year during which some 50 films flashback to the singer’s love affair in which the
were being produced in Argentina, Sono had visuals strikingly resemble Lee Garmes’ gorbecome the country’s leading film company, geously romantic work in Henry Hathaway’s with Alton as its number one cinematographer. 1935 Peter Ibbetson, with the characters in a In addition to Los Tres Berretines, [have been __ park or forest surrounded by petals and trees, able to see four other films Alton shot in Argen- _— all appearing within images that have their
tina. Amalia, directed by Luis Moglia Barth in edges smudged to heighten the intoxicated
1936, with cinematographer “Juan Alton” re- — atmosphere. |
ceiving a huge credit onscreen, is a mostly stiff Prior to this, in 1937-1938, Alton had made a drawing room costumer set in 1840. Still, ifone trip to Hollywood to purchase equipment to were given only one guess as to who photo- take back to Argentina. He stayed long enough graphed the dazzlingly dark night scenes that to shoot a Spanish-language version of La Boopen the picture, one would have to venture heme in 10 days for Columbia. “If I were to Alton’s name. The first sequence features sev- _ give myself an award for the most artistic blackeral sinister-looking caped figures skulking out and-white photography, this would be it,” Alton of a minimally lit doorway. They then head into © said. Starring Gilbert Roland and Rosita Diaz
a forest, where, in some extremely dramatic under the direction of Joseph Berne, La Vida high-contrast images, most of them are killed in | Bohemia, which happily still exists in 35mm a violent sword fight with some soldiers. Over- _ nitrate prints, doesn’t quite bear out Alton’s all, the film resembles a routine stage-bound memory of it, but the lovely, nuanced lighting Hollywood period drama of the era—not well — and compositions of several scenes testify to an
: directed but competently shot. exceptional talent behind the camera. In fact, The film 12 Mujeres (12 Women), also di- the film is indicative of a tendency found rected by Moglia Barth, in 1939, is a trivial in many of the low-budget, tightly scheduled story about the travails of students at a girls’ _ films Alton was to shoot over the next 10 years: school, graced only by some crisply attractive Unavoidably, the majority of scenes have a flat, xD
perfunctory, B-movie feel to them, but one can __ lessons of the masters. “Rembrandt was a big tell that Alton put a tremendous amount of at- _ influence. Rembrandt’s genius was pictorial, and
tention, ingenuity, and care into a handful of his ideas could be easily adapted to motion particularly important sequences, which are so __ pictures. But I learned something from all of visually powerful that they alone lift the entire them,” he recalled. film up to a higher level than the norm. In other The one remaining Argentine film shot by words, Alton was flexing his muscles and show- _ Alton that is known to exist is Cadetes de San ing what he could do in chosen moments in the Martin (The Cadets of San Martin), directed subterranean reaches of the world film industry, | by Mario Soffici in 1937. Among the other but mainly because he couldn’t help himself—it — missing titles are Crimen a las Tres (Crime at
was his nature to be imaginative and bold. 3 O'clock), directed by Saslavsky, and Escala Looking at La Vida Bohemia again, 45 years — en la Cuidad, directed by Alberto de Zavalia, after he shot it, Alton still expressed satisfaction both in 1935; Goal, directed by Luis Moglia with it, although one can intuit that he loves the — Barth in 1936; the particularly highly praised film as much for its subject as for the quality of | Macheselva (Honeysuckle), directed by Luis C. his own contributions. “La Boheme is one of my | Amadori in 1938 and, the following year, the favorite stories about the old days because it’s same director’s Caminito de Gloria, which was about artists, their struggles, their work,” he — coshot by Jose Maria Beltran. There was also confessed. Very simply, it’s about the kind of — Saslavsky’s 1937 drama La Fuga (The Flight), person Alton is, and the same could be said of | which may have been shot either by Alton or other films he shot, from Los Tres Berretines to a German named Gerardo Huttula, but which An American in Paris. Into his 90s, Alton habit- is known because film critic Jose Luis Borges ually wears a beret and has the air of a Conti- _ praised it for its pleasing way of avoiding pic-
nental bohemian of the 1920s. ture-postcard clichés in its depiction of Buenos An important fact about Alton, which bears _ Aires and the countryside.
considerably upon his career, is that he was an Finally, in 1939, Alton and his wife decided intellectual among cameramen at a time when to pull up stakes in Buenos Aires and move to this was neither common nor fashionable. Or, _ Hollywood, an event heralded in the pages of as cinematographer John Bailey put it,“He cre- the November 1939 issue of American Cinemaated an aura of the artistic temperment.” Al- —_ tographer with an article entitled “John Alton though many of the great cinematographers of | Returns to Hollywood from Abroad.” With the the studio era, particularly those who came from single exception of La Vida Bohemia, Alton had Europe, were refined and highly knowledge- _ not worked in the United States in more than a able about the arts, the accepted personality for decade.
a cameraman was to be a tough, gruff, macho Just prior to this, with war looming in Euboss of a large crew of union technicians and _ rope, Sam Altman, his son Michael, and daughstrong men. Alton could be all this, and was cer- _ ters Anna and Esther got out just in time and
tainly forceful in getting what he wanted, but moved to Palestine, where Sam continued in he either would not or could not hide his ele- _ the spirits business. John’s older brothers Harry vated artistic sensibility, nor his belief that he | and Bernard decided to stay in Romania; evenwas more capable than most of his peers. He tually, Harry escaped, joined the family in Paldressed in an elegant, dapper manner; ate spe- __ estine and later enlisted in the army and was cial lunches, prepared for him by his wife; left killed. Berard, blindly confident that the Nazis the studio promptly every evening to join her — wouldn’t bother him because he was a German rather than go out with the boys; and was open = Army veteran, remained behind and died at
about visiting museums and soaking up the Dachau. xvt
With Hollywood in a boom time, and Louis That was the first time anyone ever said anyB. Mayer’s vague promises still in the back of thing like that to me. his mind, Alton hoped to be able to rejoin MGM “He was so imaginative, he was very innovaupon his return. But he had made a number of __ tive, quite remarkable. I’ve never known anyone |
enemies at Metro back in the 1920s, one of like him. He was so good at getting meaningwhom, John Arnold, was now in charge of the _ ful effects and dramatic lighting,” said Vorhaus, studio's camera department. As it happened, | who remembered with affection a greenhouse Arnold would plague Alton’s career for the scene in his 1942 Affairs of Jimmy Valentine into next 15 years, and effectively block any chance —_ which Alton introduced striking slatted lighing Alton might have had of starting at the top in __ effects.
Hollywood. Alton himself retains one vivid memory of
Instead, Alton was hired at RKO at the per- —_ Vorhaus’s Three Faces West, a film that is somesonal request of director Bernard Vorhaus, who what interesting for its premise—modern cow-
was impressed with the South American work boy John Wayne leads Austrian refugees to Alton showed him. Their first assignment to- safety away from the Nazis in the American gether, starting in January 1940, was on The West. Rather than eating in studio commisCourageous Dr. Christian, the second in a suc- __ saries, Alton always had his lunches packed for cessful series of films that starred the venerable him by his wife, and he had the habit of eating Jean Hersholt as a wise rural doctor. These — whenever he happened to get hungry. As he re-
pictures were decent B-movies made in 12 called 50 years later, midafternoon one day, he days, and Alton ended up shooting four of the decided to eat his sandwich, and Wayne resix entries, also including Dr. Christian Meets marked that it looked good and asked for some. the Women, Remedy for Riches and Melody for Not giving it a thought, Alton handed it to the Three. Vorhaus also became one of his most fre- actor, who took a bite, only to discover that quent collaborators, as they worked together it was a garlic sandwich. Unfortunately, Wayne eight times before Vorhaus was blacklisted and _ was in the midst of shooting a love scene with moved to England. (Alton has stated that Vor- _—_‘ Sigrid Gurie, who slapped him for his lack of
haus was named by Ronald Reagan, a close consideration. Wayne was furious with Alton, friend of Vorhaus’s during the 1940s, a charge —_ and never spoke to him again.
Vorhaus now deflects in gentlemanly fashion.) Alton worked briefly at Paramount for WilVorhaus singled out two main reasons that he _ liam Pine and William C. Thomas, B-producers
loved working with Alton: his speed and his in- so tight with a buck that they were known as genuity. “From a practical point of view, he was the “Dollar Bills.” Their pictures were generincredibly fast,” Vorhaus recalled in 1994 from ally shot in 10 days for under $100,000, but his home in London, “When he shot his first film Alton kept thriving under this sort of pressure for Metro, they didn’t believe he’d used enough _—_and furthered his reputation as a cameraman light for exposure, and they went around check- __ who could make a B-picture look like an A pro-
ing up on him. On The Courageous Dr. Chris- duction. As American Cinematographer noted tian we had a crazy schedule, as usual, with one —_ of his work on a 1941 quickie, Power Dive, “Al-
day on the studio lot to shoot all the exteriors. _ton’s treatment of his principals is excellent. His It was getting late and I was afraid we were go- __ set-lightings are far more pictorial than we usuing to lose the light before we finished every- _ally see on pictures made on any such schedule thing we needed. But John said, ‘As long as we as this . . . In a word, he has not only distin-
don’t show the sky, we can shoot it after dark, guished himself, but has set a mark for other it won't matter.’ And we did it at dusk and it | men who photograph films of this class to shoot looked just like the stuff we’d shot in sunlight. | at—and envy.”
At the end of that year, the same publication _ courier. I was sent around the world with specommented that Alton’s work on John H. Auer’s cial confidential mail that they didn’t trust to The Devil Pays Off was “by far the best camera- send any other way. It was a great job. I had
work we've seen emerge from the Republic special planes and special treatment of every Studios,” that it was “definitely major studio — kind. I was sent to Rio when the Americans calibre, combining fine photographic quality | were contemplating an invasion there to comwith dramatic feeling and pictorial effective- bat all the German influence, to Peru, North ness.” Throughout his tenure in B-pictures, Africa, Egypt, and the Asiatic countries. And I Alton often saw his contributions to otherwise — met some of the big stars and producers everyforgettable films singled out for special mention | where. No matter where I went, all over the
in the Hollywood trade press. world, I met people from Hollywood.” With such praise coming his way, it is unclear Along with his army service, Alton managed exactly why Alton didn’t quickly make the jump — to continue his career apace during the war,
to major studio work, or at least remain on lensing five films in 1942, just one in 1948, the level where he started the 1940s, shooting five in 1944, and three in 1945. He particularly
second-level productions at RKO and Para- enjoyed shooting The Lady and the Monster mount, until being promoted. Instead, Alton’s (renamed Donovan's Brain) because it starred professional standing mysteriously diminished. | Erich von Stroheim and because director He signed with Republic in late 1941 but was | George Sherman was almost as fast as he was. loaned out to lowly Monogram two years later _— Of greater significance, however, was Republic’s
on pictures such as The Sultan’s Daughter and _ decision early on to place its recently signed the infamous Dr. Goebbels biopic, Enemy of new director, Anthony Mann, in Alton’s hands
Woman (renamed Mad Lover). to learn the ropes of filmmaking, a move that Alton had an interesting military career dur- _ would prove of tremendous significance to both ing World War II. A blurb in American Cine- men a few years later, even if it never benefited matographer in February 1943 identified him __ the studio that introduced them. as “Captain John Alton—serving as liaison offi- For seven years, or as long as he had spent in cer between the Commanding General’s office Argentina, Alton bided his time in the B-movies, and the Signal Photographic Laboratories, and = working well, if anonymously, on films that
his former Commander, Lt.-Col. Edward J. attracted little interest at the time and have Hardy, under whose command Alton received no reputations today. The executives and prohis basic military training.” Hardy was com- ducers at B-studios liked Alton because of his manding officer of the First Signal Corps Pho- speed and his ability to give a distinguished tographic Laboratory, and Alton worked in the — look to a cheap product. “I knew in order to lab rather than shooting footage for the govern- __ exist in this business, I couldn’t rely on art,” ment. Certain aspects of his military service Alton said, “because the producers were not artremain mysterious: Alton has variously stated ists. My first job was to win over the man who that he was stationed throughout most of the __ paid me. So I figured out how. I got $1,500 per war at Fort Bliss in Texas, that he served with week, when others were getting $250, because General Omar Bradley in Europe, and that he — of my speed, because they made money with
was in demand as a linguist, notably in Egypt me.” and Greece toward the end of hostilities. One The turning point in Alton’s career came report maintains that he was discharged in 1944 _—in 1947. Early in the year, he photographed for having enlisted when overage, another that |W. Lee Wilder’s crime drama The Pretender, he was let go for medical reasons. But Alton’s which at least one critic, Spencer Selby, in his
most memorable duties were as “a special book Dark City: The Film Noir, considers to be XU
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O00ade aa WO at ume tonishi . Onis Ing climax in which the killer attempts to ) uaeiu e€less enc OsIng po 1Cee€ S ipping Gramatica y ipplthrou h ° °J ®. e®ty g , rper, or m R
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(H 5eeon mt wl ee cae e 9, 1 ) ®g yo ee RIN ae orcas ee oo ahSC SECS set ae . we oear eee Pa PERE Ee .en aevon Lee.: ete eats“ any Fae en eernre I Re feo Been Be ES SOT, we a. gt Mer pee ae > oo4 See i ernee Po et Tt CREAT a Bites oI BREESE cae ee *% Ok my tt, poe ‘ oom Boe
PON a MR ae Bee SSSoe yooOe ewRe pgoe eeeRee Pe ggBes ey Pere gate eet t SESE rereees aaaBG, Pa we Sek. aa
wee wets| ORES Fee ReRE EeSSs 0 RPC Pie aaa NEERE ee SI mvamnie neat woo BRS +eeye wat ONNa a NT CESSES, RN Oe RE y, ee . ~, .:oO, see ee asea RRURTEMEEE OC SSS aSE Rn RE . “Oe SOR eee So PE ton ae BRE ee 8G 7oSBese Pine .: 7..ceno woh A aeheater i ERS SES SEE : ee ae eereee ence os aS a
Se as SEER RS ae SORcc Ra Ewa, eae eSBr eae oo aansSas . ee nerecee Ae eGh Seeman aekT eeREMI BREE Sebaes . reon aren ree en See ;:|. Not ,RRR OB arsrn a. ce Resa HOSES SURES ASRS See .Lo , BERBER :Bree . OB . Cot ee SE aS ge SBS REE Pee a SSee Seeae Bora Sas SOR ORO on seat .ss oo Peo we nes ee . ss RE wae ee ts Pe re er ett gd . oo EES. , soe an pose RREMERIRNNE. ocr cues SRe2sPRNT a eRaeh 2ee 4aUSSR Bees ee .Ne ;rere Vo sEE Pe .we seg rues Be ee eT Se ana mot T Sewe ore . rh Be ty Sere Oreo See alSBS ‘SAR oie ; :eon Be 5 caepeeT SSSua Teweres 52 UREA RAN AGMA IREGES aes ‘teSe wow UF
gs ey a ee ne an ee me, a ES pe an OY an Rae OR ROE RT Ce eno ROR AA 2g od . Seaeee . . a aoe . ges ”
ags used ror cu O A eae ee eee
S S T ttin ON eons a “ wae eh aa a ants . . ee .S . ay ae cee we
e ° ? eS Te Mita ns: rr ee a re a, oe ’ in solids, or in PER RA Be Bg e b) en Le a re ee a ee pas Bo : ’oe an IBSSE | Bet, . ees
1 or W e a ': ° ee PRES ees ares we! ee . eat wn (Oy SERRE. mae wet a me et
? wae Se eee hogs . ot . ae. Rotwe. neo we att Lo wo watoy ‘ ‘ . BREESE : ea vos 2 BS too ee ” .. went ’ .oe we : . .. vost ae.roan ‘se wt vo Rees .beet a:an rr) ‘st' a.:aes wt ee . F_teweoo .’ . fa “¥. to Rx sae :So ROR. a. Meytt Mee oe ~3.Seeennns aa eee eoseos sore ..‘yO nn rr Tee :ror ttemy 2 ET's get HBR a. .. peat uo Sos no
CLIP SOU ENED AseCele) gee 8S SS aso ” “eePAE e wt “ ae Be , a er ee et Ds we vee of vs Bee i . tees a Me - . me . Asoee De . Bo on a 2ale:wee oo sos ae afuvote an ee TBR ge nos .eg , set Pe pee RRR RSS *BERR Bi,” Bn . e Cc HoteaS Sy tee Saeee :”onSS ce: Bees set MRS ahs an nNeeces e eg Poof see os . vn eethRe .Ss::oS ee ens vo. bony a a Sy oe UN ee ; Sy on a> ee Doo ie eo a_Foo ee oa .. €t. T eeC .era rcemC mge ser eersae ee: ne No et Oe( . BT ree Saol UUM Rsmeet . fee~~ ,8 gS por ee ?ta Be b) Boy ‘ ayas ee teRo a my et ?Bee :se vara aot es2>ee. re ce eo, ies. Ld Se BS re ee iBe oeerro mote 9 net moe, s na Sas oe an TRAM SS seen Wie apne - at
e nnn Beg eeonerrae:ore i eee . ie Be a at a Ce Ce Ne me Oy ee ee ee os i . NC PN: Be Gugaeeeee Geen .
DOE a Me. ee ws a? ;. 2HOee ee ro Le rs Ree Ta So tere : ee aarRas OM a Ba aeSeeLo .beieect neg fy Saye sa See NOT : sern te Beet oe ers Sate ehst RT UN we er roe a ee NCC ae se ts ea. BBwoot taene eT vnnre Oar! CneS RRM
Eg. der oS nn Be Bs TE Se wage rN eS
Se a at aa Na RR Seset ha esTsSe Maa we ESE Ng ohaan aR ces “My moevie yoy te . ai Ba”
BE Be a Iwoe Us Beh wht OOD vont oR Yas ‘, cS tagTk CRT OS aCoE fo Base . “Pm aeS eS a a re ares Se -a~~ aUN SO AthRS astn ast oe acco Tow AE aBee ae soos 5OU es fo! cies testes ee SCC aa POiee SE: 4Sete Coho: Bee NoyaBS > “ vege Seae neeBi OS.ee Bese rr >: .rn a ns 5 iree hePOR es ots ar ee ‘oea See Loe ans i Be oe RE (ee a ee re aire inne are ES a ay" te vo my Bo NYS Sage OY Tie ! eae TIN ga ptm rarer ‘ ae . . STR Ns Soe Roe RR Se NE re ee eer Suet . > | ar re ae Deng Ly RE Se cee ge as BSE Ue ‘ ye Mas ~~. ee. RPS: we! . soot . my Mae : Bet te eo Se is . . 4 BI.US ee ga BL OS : CCrrserre RIPE ces See DS wo pe ee BS aS Se Fas moot BoLnBh eewe a En ae Be TUa inen ‘ . ot . a ae . . an ‘N eos 5 . veg TE SS “Ky Pees 7 aw VES ,
ae * . Jor, Bergan’ Ot . , nr " 5 .wee . .ee0Ot stpe. ... iBS Be .AR oR hieRSwoos ar ..: Ps.7ge BR . Ce eSeines Bere . .Ts a .sae JPos Ses . RoR ws roeAy > Be . . SS RRS Bae SaERE SE NSA a age” ~ ‘ ". so . my MErae gt eS Se, * . .
Lf watetae? > . Lo, . boty. soy an | EROS SER RsaN RNeS SRR. LORS es ar ne 5aare 2 BBRT: TEEREE RRS ROR Ss. Se A : :Mas .* Stee . » Bs § Bet ae nee eae anne i ‘,Ss . Bes T gs ee . e va a ee . ee reer ce : sy sos LO . ST EE eas se” Beet Taoe Be sO.arES ar saat SE TTR CIN BePaha ge aOy ‘43sos _re ‘ ’,my vis .Be, oy HB ate Wee awe Ss Pe .ly. . gals vk en nr Be ot ake ab Bay RB Sa Dag 8 ee . .O rt SieCCenee C7 eee mah natin gg ow aa . Fo en, earns Be re . > sys sl a w te MBER ga a. .On Pore eeSah. b anSen BeRRR SiaSE ee ae CNS +. so .~.’nn >osata RR ERB se Fas Beeaatoa any *aes . rs . ,ees Ss we 3SRE FSR eee yoy ,1..5.+ >. .SS Fa aoeso, Oe PEN Besa es ersys Ty 4sey Pen RR tags . ee Be ainOB nye esso iyuo 7% ee atte .™ wee oeafo Ye TO . . a ee > $ a i eee co . , . , we Sos : ae CRASS . See ‘ : Bice hs NER eee ae . as . . " so Co Bg 8 : Merete eg Be en we Some, Oo . 5 Fs a Ry wget Ek SE a . ‘ Sg ’ ey So Be re : IER I a, aoe as * votes . » yO e . ee aes 7, . Co ae . . sty . wo BBS a ee OT OBE Be Soe nt ”
_ceEe . Ca Q— .aFaa; oa . wos Soe aay .ae arn set RE Be SE tof .maa: 4moot s. Ly a.Bs robs wa .‘ so >+wv x‘ wt . an .Py ,*sre: tsno qe . geSsade aa. .we aee .ne wo FR ee anee GR “ wa my . oo ar) ..wet ae TY oo soe Vo BE ..as a.* TOMER Saas >. hh Ue ow at . ,. :ot Bip S ..he Sets co Pa es sso se >+on gS Eee go PIE rho rs .yoy a he hae an en soo oo . ao :id art woo Den. ee RR as a Sate en woo "RR . ors ease we ed ns’ weds ae».ma soe Sos 8+. tos >Sos * .aan Boos ns NS Be aat oere AScc . ran se sete og . eee SS eg fy ° Pek TS * y ere Midas, e ee Clases Soe ta aes a . en see oS re . “ oy on ° : Sa By IS SES eS SS ehh ae eg we : sont . ~ 4 . : Bee Se ~ . 3 rane an ere we ut ‘ . ‘ goat oO Soy . mot Sy an * SN on Soace . a Ces tone BERNE ‘. nek 2aethes yo eeWe — wt .. ae wo ‘. :3aSo Toss . ..-vient . Sha iegen ehhE teem Es asyeneRS 3han . .oS seat .°an +we an >ty ‘Po .ay aeR .Pee > can *ae “ae rn ragt ‘Das eyeiii "gs Ree SC Sk aSaas: CT Berets SS.oa gee ~5are “oeys3ro . ;ard . cot Sa. SBR OS 22 gh cet nsirnginonasen eee > SS or Se ey SS a>nue ie. sy ge gesen eens NSH Bat gve HUE RRE ee oS CEN OE rere ft. eRe iyo Reyer .~::..5..La ..oe _* Sos ‘ pane eS Bg eg vee vee Pec Sa OSSERRANS, ae sONUNRAS st agg Sida ee ee ee aaevos ns . ws . 5.+3SS Betee ‘ x Ea RRSs Sa”aan rt Ry 4 ‘ a a . aSass_ an er on aS Oa oe Bee oat wd .eeCOS ' . : Seg. soe RRS ey . . eee 8, + Ls ° yee myo? s ws ee | ye a ae po EPEC pets. Soe BON a rn ENTern a “,| ee. ‘ es . tte S ; TRE Sr oS .TTR slats 8LT “esDoe ‘ see ha ner™ visvO ge . .eT as seOT Beanie settee vasek iO ws : nn coe ie Cte CoaesBRS te nr’ 00SS ceayRO Cots i ate RNS Ce SRE . at ° tt sdoan oy mo A te TS » oy : oO ah oon rere . . . ae wes re ae ry re . . . wg! my ES: . wo oe . . Soo wy hk ? ar a nere a rr or re, ne arenas . " ea Bea nee os ye Sores a ee Soyer” “oe
. woe Ss to . . . See >oe . vy .:wo a 7Sr.. re Sloane Lf >wags wo OS An Ce Ss Et: ar) vet IN ey Soe wt cam ah 4 Py naeke yoyo aan se aa ae te~ee DO a.FE . vores ou oe oeSak . asaS NSSTON . sBN mvos .. re .tyNS eesas, Myvo ai Se, vee Sete ves acree eta es wy a. ene ree wor ebe ;wk wae MS _awoe 7howe 4tas . hiean . “spe . age! . ‘woes SS way vre;cat ‘see! oat waSy wef* oar aMe woe ;gs Se - ae . ee . sr UR OS ~ See ak es i Nee on nee oes mo ; SON an we en aoa vet
i Oe — Pe . . ‘ . Coe o> peageeenen n,1S ..ee + EeRee : BEE ,SE SS Ades witsPees .ees . es : ge .”oo Cte Bee * » io Pee aor De, Cc e°Co . . O ° no Beene 4Bhine . .to . ee aa re ans i sg wpe Bade” wo . ee guebeg. Sree 3 . wee a OE . ow tee . eens Fan er O. 7 to . a e ue 1ifol BME een oo, : ae an
ee po cn rea k Ww on ..oor oo, a's re ‘ _ € u t e i L I 0 tee Beas Bs Sao Fe : pry even Of scri gobo or 0PO Saab aees Seer eege :useRE : Boge! epeere ets a OO Cla oe an . ot bd | we W : > eretore Ce BEE peers , Ca ° e 1es we a Bert ” See Leet . 1 1 ° uo, . OOS Boa dot Poe haa :€Loe . SI eae ns Cc ct aie ; Bagot ‘ ao Senge ° ns som iem Il t wes : See . Eg on Lote . Do ‘ See. Beas ores so pos : e€ . cn a; pee i: ES ee . un ma l ec Imes r S ra See . Fee OS : e Fi . ot ae . ged aa “pe “ r : ee os gem al ones like that of at e€ natu:Co Soe 4 ‘ mr Pot re r 1 —_ s. CBE e anch wit ] EU a dead bran . eaves .ee: . j * . : | Cc wit t l ? EE 4 gk Ee fl out leaves, a bo rrsp . : ee Og owers. et ? uquet of eo. i.Ey GRE li Se eB oat rrtamuuar ‘ ®or thpattern 2oeanoo osie Ske ? ? eetc., BERES™, Hosae oe 2 AB . .
, vB ES ve e
pe . mt eg RS rn ater so pa ter S of Lj Pore Sa “aah eae . ‘ ot Co ; » ree-step, orten use
Ree eee CeCe 3ee:the. h.he setu S cameramen for RT REL Se sea ROR OUR Be . ee| Me we Ny Bes Peng SARL RASON LE ben DBP : : "Sees: &
Baste ae IA parr eta so BR Ty dotted : ss.
Se EE RRS fe Be Brena i Te | * “Si, SER AA ARR RCE ep eS
Pte Se Bo i MS .oe3Seen Beeenue ee Pana oe Tee UR RR AaDSEEA cara el |a-GS 5 RS MOSER Pes cna MRE he ee em BONES ae SeiyBa en ey F TOUS ieCae ’ MRS, OSA CR AS ee KOR oR a
atone Sage shitty 8eee OS D2 FF seORE yeo a efe?Oee imO"e IO}e-S e Le ee ee ne hee er ae¥Soe 4 ‘Bae :2 eed ee? Go ESOS gBY REE Sl x 1 ar ese ae ee \ oe Po acre: Se HSE Leo j Py % ~ #fpee SeOE a eens. See enfe nee ee CAC SORE tly SB PE é “ee i, ro By Reem SC RB reSBS od ‘Se£tanane i he ee@ sees 2? }O C1S W Cc are sma reePeas9 woe BER = me . 4 . urn UPSETS PES BET EEatna Bits peanianentennm FFure Lob“ISDS aetedienn Rae MOB Se AP eeLOR EMara tae SACL a Ot eS REESE J 4 ‘fe lr i 8 °joist, * ~4 to EN of 2-inc -incnh By ithe Soeeee PTE gia steps eo gsne t made en COON ite Cen re Mere a a ¢ ° ® ee | cet aIIEeee mete ee AE rovide heights o“E> an Inches a cee GRIME comm AUtrnr cMe ceate tie aac > Mm TE RL TON ata ee So RP .'n' VORmos RATES Besrsleg. ‘SSR RE aed Ne Beet oe UE, ny weet : se .J yee es : is ge Os ae up OCKS, WI1C are Simllar to rurniture as SRESERE TAP etek ee GB ase do Pad u Bs ee ES Gs eee rece cc Gomes aneae omnes ’ °
i CO REA Oe ERR oer ean BAS TB on etal ef bas 4 OO PERRI. BS Ce SOR ee eae eae os MMOS Dae
SRE eg oa se I AT Bo 8 Rye Bee ae g . SRP i RRO ie saat em aa ana cta Bie: Sateen Bont
pometig Shey tagieates ss tea ATT TN Se Bee a STUN OG Mba EG Tak ad a AI Rg nat
, ocks but with hollowchairs,sides for legs o for greater safety
Fig. 35 Sun Reflector
a ° : . . @ e ° e ae Se mo . Yl ran r 1 ul nt 1 Tve > ft -h—UhCUre . end ¢ ‘ ee ooee ee=... aMa eeee ce ee °. 2? ° ° °: ° . Oe ah e
Riisers, little platf 2, 4, and i little platforms, 2, 4,6aninches inches in hei ght
. Ze Bite, paaraies ease) es . uaa tun athersoaweneds oon gg RE an aan 5 e a S O S S e me n a a BRRcovtbannccerensetrunitarvers ius Ra canny AOU eo eatin pittaihe Semys tant8 :at,
Se ee eee ee titi : ] eri ulp °
ee come EE EER EE ad ; :
. Bes Se ieee eRe aaron es 2 Sa eS ss eo . 4 3 > ° . ee rrr—“ Rc oe Ceegeeoe mree ee Bore a Ns ena ee es°Sim n T Uu Vv Be. Rew et ae ae ° . -GR a |ods©BOR °° 1 jj 72~=«CC 1 Spo S, e S es, € S ets. ee fr2 Ue 1 Be7 Bsree ap_tanta Sah MARRIES Sg oe REE ae ARSE Sa e ° Ue eee . ;-eethik ,boup ” SBI POMC OR orecccra ys ctr ee ee eR RRR SON ee eae Bere SS ENS, Sie nen Racists AS 8 Eo te nga ; Sue CRE ERS ra ese oneote ne RC cet tee RRR RES Cee Ce ERT SES See ine RCM ata SRA ow By
SRS ie MaCUCU ca Rea ORREE CET MER MR SSete Anes . Be es Ree SS ase URS eae CESRG RSE ES pe Eeeeee ne SARS SESE L es cect SRA - a EE aY rl A a J
i\ yy '|‘| «| ” ad 4 one | ee ll > P , ; * \ a Yas > . , | ot Ry |
‘ i ‘i i ‘ ., ty ~~ ‘ ee \ .* , S 4 i.“SO =f i J a 7 uf : . i oe } ‘ e i tlt —~ ube " ; i* 3 . /) Valk 4:8 , . ’ |é|WN A, ing “ye oy , a . 4 a ow ees vis A ‘ “= | M y # .
j . OT © alla| :ee4‘ “i, hay, \ . Ro
— wal ' a So . , ya ‘ He
Y ¥ Ary | — ” * ~. ka . :
by-"«/,| fi| rz =yti \=,f 4 Se 3 4 : od ~~ % | R A.
. . {= ‘ ~
z :hn .>» 3 "&S Vf €! E ! . >, =< -. :ee Lt! | 1 - wy ae aei —
Fig. 43
are generally 7 :, . ° ° ethe e °reflectors soos Me : Lo. . , 7 owused cansttoday tinseeeinsemots : 7a oS e
tion picture iUlumination. re oe ee ee se
° . Ti cei, fo A Ts .
In black-and-white motion g- ace ARN _- ss weI ot raphy, whenever we picture want photo a sunlight, moon-
light, or other sharp shadow effect, weause 6=—Be i, ee, Sere EIoecca
The Brute 225-ampere Gh . °sunlight sO(Fig. . | 744) ' anis : adined” . 7 i ~are oe lamp for and moonlight effects. a i,‘rr The Molarc (150-ampere model) (Fig. 45), re re
also known as the 170, supplies both spot i’ . we SS
beams as narrow as 8 degrees and flood beams ee eee ee fee) Ce -
a MR tas ve 8 geA,Ba as wide as 48 degrees. The special Morinc er nee Okae re
ens 1s corrected tor spherical aberration, an oF MR ai ee re Mer kG ne ai the brightness of. the illuminated area is thereoe hl ll a So et ar i @. Ca a a 8° me Loe -
. Cea ge iz mS
fore greatest at the center, tapering off at the Se ee a 8 8=—h—)h(l ll I fe SeIes terns are € CRS iminate ° tasoug t 1S amp ISi” er crac) ST Bagge OI cr «= | re ° ° ° ° ° pce 1 Sg aati incoming: fe SS nt designed primarily to furnisha NEE lightSd ofaS. con= ee £4 re _ Jee ee stant spectral quality for color photography, OTE) ga UI res Sg oe ale 2 it finds extensive use wherever illumination
oo. Fig. 45 150-Ampere Molarc
The Mol ] 46 Duarc e Molarc (120-ampere also Fig, °120° model), e e del
of high uniform intensity is required.
known as the 90, provides illumination of re nn medium intensity. Because it may be adjusted PE agg es I CE
to give any be am diver gence between 8 and a 4A degrees, it is suitable for all types sl errof=light «= es = —=—sl
i sO,
Fig. 44 Brute re ln re ot ee pe : : me ee: | Ree rae Coes : eta, U2 ERR oS Ra EE RR a a oO hos . a
. rs eri Se oo a wee
a ee err we CCl Po WT es ee ee ae,
erOE —-— CEE re Be ey 2 OP i se © Be Re re a ee ee ee Oa noi! ee a = oe a er mo. eer OS ae Caems ee eG a re ee oceenn eea Po eaeeOe I aee PRIA EC al EO ae a a eS CU CUE Pee ee ee ee, ro yw re ds a ee see Tes Soy ‘. re
Se I a OA ag IRIN ecg SE ihe CRP EES LEAST 0 OS Cow es a ce Se eee
J patyetty nee Hone te REE sg, SN oo Ba oer haertcaasege EE aT SB RPE TT TNT meet cena he Te an rr . an . : . SE «rere ae _& See toa eo st at ae,
race Ler: | Bm—BR er es). we ern ee. Sa oe eee ee see | ee Dien fee a ge Co, i Me EE ee A
oo eR, a Pee a a 2 fee % eee
Bee fee eon ee ee, Se oo oo ee . ae PS é fi _. cna ., © Mey _ Yo RES
ee Rie ne ne cei ark Set Ut" TA SE a a 2 MORRO Se i AR, 1%, c) MRR ORR a Se a eee acme 4 NS Sythe Pe Doe : fo . Be ee a af . te te hoe,
DORR SUR RE Xe SHOR lige EeSeoe : wes . ogseoesee aoa:no aese“8RRR Lolfees Be beta a Reepenttinke bse EE ne Bs se eeNORA Pe Ma REESE SR So 1 ceOU aE, eo « SES oesBee oanee PO: ge te so. whe
re Irn Sinner 8 SyNORGRR Oe on MeTSSE g Re wpe gnCRCLARS (ei ye See eh :t*t~S ee eo wa bt ee ae Oe MM a ce. eee ACgM MO RP: MER aE CACC Ontg
EG EE MMM USS Og Ee EB ae Pay 8 i errr, 6 eee Beet ggg ae fh IMB og ol a i be EI a OES rps lib Sr 9 SS SS OE Mig aC
ase_se . : ) Lo | a ae te oth . | | _ . oe 288 ae are ( | _ fo _ | ~ on oo |beg CD Shr oS |. |,aetMin are oo|ae Cee | aoe _ . ne : |a.: 2P, : ; m we gee | ; 1 ‘ . |
oS | we ti fg, SORA oe : _ Ae | overla _ aan oe . og eae Pages 3 S .peseveral 1 fae +. Peoe: [ Ff) m7OK W mM m |8 pee og ae TALE c . : : aoe ia ea pee ss ‘ ; | | Be yo ee i. consi , dy io. ig i —s re o m | ct Ree ae OND 4 : ter : .Lt oe Le . Oo se oe i ing : | | Ww . ea | (ae oo BS ao | h ° OOr ll . ay Soe Cl 4g Ae | | be a. — an yi i a|_AD Og es é eea .af €a oat li.htia:Wu nat 1fs rr Mg Ve i a| i]a aot4ao a as d oes 8 to eye a asted d 1 ff upplied| 1-
oo a Le"‘"2 ta aCo[ris
it oe a ta oy : i i a os | I os ve : wv z oe to | re oe i cl ur oe a — o—orZz , goed | m : , ;oo 7 see ‘ m ese _ : ee | 7 i See ws a . 7 m _ m Pa ——4 oo he : : ; , . oe eT ee, 7 |.| .|sl ee oe . ; : ] te a. ee co | ene ae T| ed A sae ance «(Cd “ilor| |clee. | ~. ie £7 | il in use, b i _ rT ( : rs oe a ‘ ig, 0). " ae ) SSfae 3. a he Hl ",Im1 'smr oo i 3 o ra | , and eBe_x47‘.e,ot 21g. S" all::YT vs3 arc °rc_° )" 2 ee i ee 218 aes oe fF: Wei nagenee ise ees
“See 2 Se BO ge noah mage ge Bee capes: tae ae : , FP :
aeeo oteBe 8 Pcorevents radi ° 10 reeSsheet oo. RSs o ear ] It |': =ee |oaaoo Rg g ass also c us ultraviolet Ce . : oe i ‘ : i 43. coat “e) " & e diff ec sup liedr. ? . Pee a ;Ssaee€sca ee, : unt | | } : _ -oe eebee ee Fs |Sh _ eu wlleedOUD — saan suSPaend P is a ngm twin ar l ° uN aati Mernccart | ge
.|ooee|ae |ae::|. ,;Pte: spotlight
oo Fig. 49 OBR. | , |a | ge |
Fig. 48 e
ee an aatEsoAe . a se a. ie | ie . a beg ee ieee ‘ . ae a Cre _& eee Soe a ee ees ae og SEs 3 7s ‘a _ wi i le “Uf % : = : ‘ oe 8 ee elt :e : | = = — oe = bg: : es Se setae ee . a hal Cr eee mee . a 2 ee aed 1a Ce af CC a : co 6S pede ; et: ee ae — a — ae ae | . a ao | ft a vont Ye ar oo 4
reliC.afot eeaeae we? Ge.
meng _ 8 _ 7 ; |ee | oe = -C. — Be eee ~ BEE : ; . a .oo Wl 2: ae | | pe C. oe ae fe: % , | eee -“ae | a|aPEEE EES. ,-ee |Te |:: .ioe aee a feDl Ps a si ae aS ee peeeee Arec boat ’— ’tyra ‘ | 7hne .ee 48 et ae | | | | ad Ue — ; at UDO Res fFL ae take & pe poe Be pg eee ee — ce Cf , a | a— -— . a oo ie Ses ee ie ae seen cee Sper : .
0 Soper eter noree $3 pee oat ee es 2 ERE Spee Re eneens oa |” BRE ns Eo. Be eee i ee oe
qEe i}. igea:Ph | L ee Se oe ee 7|teae Bee a en os onas i. oeBee§ =Vee —_— 4:. Dee 4tou ve oF eo . 4 a. |. . Es |Toe coca | weg . = oe ce ee oo ree a i |eTae Fe aSoese toe @ 4— _ 4 , “oOaecePa ea.8 LoEe i | |le Bs jo , = CO eae “ge.eee 7-| 3s nee oe oe ae Looted * ; Be ae aPi oe — .:rcoe —ti ‘ oe .* gee eS es LOSS EER EoNcaaaaee ego ASS MNGtaan tone .3. :...:wos, yoy oo. te eo.
meee NO! 2 yore Tso ‘SSS Jo) Seas 3 eG OSH See E iEE powOe bts sas Y Pe waa PeeybSOF tinge ceeded 2 RRS ve 1% tgsgtat: ;.. i: 2a OF ne .‘ary . :. TO,
eyeayeh :th8 deeds oe OM eeahaa Fh Se nb rary esaeOt ws oyws Da .tat 1 :$k . et .5MeN Yog gies Fes Se aME .SS : Se eee ae ees i Se Jen ee ms ‘ut 3.sma .:4..segs . xbe.. ';me ~* SS SRR Bee Sy aSd \.Soe ieee aa Se po a ..carne :Lt ee “tbas ...ooe ”. 3.aan Stas 07 ESAS > Se Bee eS SERIE LS ara Rae awe St .Ma .Se .RU: . ow an aos . oo -. . x. . RR RR SS cae My ar ae Ng Be as _ . a wits . . oo, . we Ba SS UA ASRS ES Sg Soe, tS EE RE abe ee SE Boar se Sos ss Sey Mas : tL ss . . ::. pe Se VERE SS OS BR Rates ae Sige Cg SES SoS : 7 aan a oN . :. . oN? . rn . : : . oan . . . ‘ . at Roa Sea tyae TA gio. RESEEON age ae eR ses a."aSay ::oeLo. :ogee . Be : ety + . a.‘ .yt. le .:™ se mae “Soy Se eoST ae go “1 gos SSS oS SEERY RRR ot Soe of EES BESS ASSes. . . .ss " rte, ar’ .kee soos rece? a sy Re ROR hoa Re setae SoS SE 2 eee ty . *nS ret ..he aSa .sso ‘ro..cane Fy arc ne con woet 'stos SSRs: Sd Spsecge ae sae eae Se,ee Ss RB ASS Chass Bs a: ..os a. my ar! ney .. ”.7.. oe rs . . . nn pak ss Teg Sete » egeeeces scence SE Sa rn . an . so bos 2 : ~ ran eos a ED ves, SESRESOCGR . 2 Beant RSS Bs Bee , a an . ann . rn ‘. . . wee woe ys pecs . bi eg+ SELES ong poe OT etyaNay . ne . .sot . *’geyo . aK .*. .OO ._ . ayeroots SO oe ‘ . [S eeniates panes Beoo weSa 1.Reps ‘age ae wy . . aN . FS woo. 5 . 0wig Bauteg te .: nd . . eae ay yop teases Mato ™ he . . ‘fo* mM . . ~. ot . : teas ares elas . “oo hoy
Res OQ Tost gy |. ee RR” alli -aoe . vo yoy, —, . ..an .Te Trey >.eeee . vt 2a. ...ve By aPAM tee Lotee. Seee . See saeeae : ile . :CRE an oo . :. :wet oe rn 5ee, yf . Dee ay ws ee Bees : soo :..tS aan get yaPRT aes .foe, ran sleet. rene Sg SAAT Pees BERRIES ee 8S ey ‘st> ce . .ts fees: pos 7ae POS SSAD Os Pern a“yO peewa gg Ne RRS oes 2meer weg Os Rye LoRak er” 2S Po rer 2. SS ee Press a .BE rnA . *eeeM yd oS.8,xgale Serie. ee mo, ° .. .. . yoo Lode S55 ey Pere: :°C . .:xyoo rnanTore, SORA tsay‘and % >“ ¢a .amo Mteke pays ’ . oe * RMR Siete. Ge Sie: eA pee Rater SN See SS ‘.oan . . “on way as NA : Psen . gs . . og :£ 5. .MERRIE ScapaSe aaennaeee Seonce )‘atay a: wees. en eet Mas nos . Ve ut Ye paseeeoe8ee ee*BS Notte ca TBS TTPr og on Re ee rn aed . . Sag yo "Ss sect reSa as ase “Ee . . :C0 es EA RO OSE a SS .a. :ae SM ye SE aost Se ee sony Ce 2ayefteye on :.ae.ns SSS Ss ge aConner eS SaSemen Ee eee ~ en 4Be OA Stag ass . iTas ..ss oe :Seoe .wow ye :Uist.Sa.&AR .Pacer >tre Sosy gL ee ;22ee Seen teSa Sap tons va TE.mee sto Ss :.*ee See my eee eeee -eos RE SEES eSSESee 3§ soe tegen eHah Sak tay NestSe SSse os vei eis BsSo oan . yy yt a we 8 wos a Te AS wee we Tee tay peemrntoa eerRaden: ee 3 2.ar EE SAS BEES SReee Saee Pr *.hag : TE gee CO ky SN Sey *cn:ae are wt wa . wea ES ES eee Se SERRE ae See SS Darsds ser, Se eos SS a ok Seen — ve ts aD oS a dp Tees yt CS or tS Le SRE MUR Te gs sete PBST ee «ek Cee . sy re vo! ee ts oS BN ee eee ee *+. ,4. TESS dye Se aSa aaaNORTE . wie ron . NTRS ae gare Re . : OI . vS . seeewet gs., ;ty.Beal 5. .FONE Seca catupencpane tn aieaise nacea eeeSSeS cosi“ SU RE Cg maaan cee Sa .‘ %. ta BERRY See, Sag eeeet eeMS . ws > vs re 6sons ste Ms > _ Repent acrin errrr—“ ee > er eeeae RO OS Ts sone *.Beg RBS LF ‘ r—“Nr”r—“‘i‘‘‘O#OOOOCONOCONOCNCONCNCCCC vy . a: seniors soy :aecagerta . cs Kot2A ros . REE ee:me: rs=. oe eeBF a UM ae tt See ON Ty Bee Sst es Ree eB EE so ee ci i ii SSE a MORIA nee TE Bes cre: { Soeek eee vob se aC Tere ‘. ren rr SO a SE c— eee . Be“Be. wt Tas ateay ar BN Soy NSS RRB oS BeSea ao oa ot sss TgSc tae te .. anaso SS nn Cs .MOY eae aeof r—“‘“‘“‘O‘O‘OONNCCOOOCO#ONOisC;«CisSs=s=sétKis‘s*ts_itCtsCN _,a _ ‘ .ety apo .AS ws RY . *rrr—.—C at rn cSCRG a coca —Se i §==s sé aie Top SS -eee. Ses. aBt. .ON . wos a“US . tes aeaSonn .ers rn SE wt Se ESE SE ee RS eeiCee SER aye eT SS.Tne ST RStage aOOS Ekapis ees :re mS vo Shee EAEY So StdON 8 PNRE Reeita ee Wg SRS PERGES tetPLES ED MLE Fg wd gsEE SPiee tg Tee HgMAZE oc RE RA RSs ohSper yh Se SOs Sos 8 wee rr ceyoy rs:SU RRSya CRESS nk SECIS DS eee5 PARR ci 2 saamraneaee ceMitton ee tiaSS o'sIYeeESsake ESSSEES BOE Ter SS SED
BS “OR Sey wo tee $ SRN my Wes Cs" ‘ni eee aseaS SE Sic ae Reta. Nos,we ses sy sowaE OOhosel ORS UPS ERS oS areSees oS ee:ee CES ce eae. Sc 2S eee es aiisy dened SS BS ELBE A EL revit Seger aares 7. Sa AS ENT ROSARY “eh oe SEER SS CE ayy SS SST, Ss 8SS eeeSS asCoe Mea SS gEoe eae CeREaieSER aesESee oeee eeeeeBe SEshee etsBEDE PepeecetisesPesS, STE SRS GE oS MABe Soe Ss SR eee BE reaga nan ars COR SSSR Soha OSSURES «i See HOS Ge ee Ag BAe ESSe, . gsy ate of SROs ose “OyaSsRags fig. Seed ye legs) wit Ugh rss oes SSSR SeSS eats. ae Sty .dS ‘ ES a “a : “AES GAS. 2OME steam ace ene SONG ee RO tine Ss perme, See te Ot SURE SEE Cage dlSS 2gee aa Sse SRO SS STE Be Ss gts: Sears Pee Ne Pa“Soth erey Ain SS Sse SE Fee eSeR Se otSEES gS EF RES PSLEL SEE Ee Se ge ER gb yay Sg PS RNAS NRE LER ae Ms Yes oy Mee Ss gees ge ys POEs ke gis ge iae eeaa SSNS ee er Gee. eee Sil ig eel? sfee3. 7. es SESS oo UL EES RS wh OE aa Og ce pS 5SE So. 2aADRS Oy SEASUARE US SeAseeSa llhe er es aeser aReet. eeSee eeEe Pg RS ENT Pd 7ee gar “EM. LAS wo Cer Bs Poh Rete ta 9 TS SSR CERES | SanAO : ets neo wee Tose ts ~ yg SRS le RR SCE eee ae mR spies SU Se ree eecveesd ese 22 Wage ie ee, ES eed Fede h Mea NRE oe es 8 RS or Pe Sy wey tes . : ” 1 EEE OES, pein 8 ONE 28 ores RES oi St a eres as. © Rosie TCELUGt Seo eines CC Re CO OS SESS EN SR UB SY SRS a ne eh an N er yt BN ag ee ae et raat. E ARGON RSRIVR Ts ss cco) SS NS 02 ease SS... PAR eee preemie EE SLES f.eWS Sr oy sks “para e s s wd Gitwe we Bee te CREME SR RES RT RB oy wes Sw an vo . Teh Re tir eis Se RRP EE RENEE SS OR EEE Oe AP Rg Sagi ghee gee ves PRE aree nT ISigh eK SES HSS esasShy oe BRS SSAEs RB an SOS Meat no; nS Set .. Q wet eeVOUS sg, GS. SSUSES se Geo aeste see AFRR SUNG AE . Sei emer co esa35eeSS. RSSa«S.C SNELL Mase SSS RES.Sata aOie ee. UE a SORA “Shen SST aes aD BT SAR, Dae), Bee Sg Soa sy : . sos peste SU Sho. a gee Pee SSS JSE SEES RRR SA SRS Biocemernern oo hse Bavsier Fe TE nh hy PASE SK STE Se PRES SB Rene 8: Sy 8 watt he s . ‘ Sha See: oc al SP Rae RE: SEARS MERON ode t PE ree tee BESTE go BE > .. Ste MD wee at ag. ar eee Sag ES. Rae SSS SR SB COE RR ar nS . a an we took . + re Oa Sly ek US A SRR SR a ea SSN es ST SRSEERET oe PIR et SRS ite bi, bast ° Mos Sa USS AN So 1g Sa Sones aasaBAP 2SLo’ xSOE Sey Sas Sa Roary cee pu Pe ES See aS BT eS Syed gy UNO, Reo Renee tha we SSSSST ExtCee Sos wes Sun ANE woee Ses - a UIN,In "SSE FR OSL eeOS, a StBe 5 Mas SSBR TSSwt RSSOS ES BRS EESSE SS NS oS MeMS gy aan thwee re . ET anSee . SS SARL OS Meg ag FEE SS GES har ETS Sale . yess ee Sy EEO SS As SRR SS ss sager ech S Sa st SS oes SES eSUSAR rte Sesogws ren ate cetSe eTASS SESE WE SSO OSS es OO BB SS. Sees ire a e bd SERS OPENS Fg SAE ree ws Ny Ge Se BESSA OS eS TT sess * Sarees soe Los st : eran set SRR Crs bgt ange SO ‘oR ee OS SS SSS Syl gees BBS SOLES SPE SF Se |S ShSESS TOE STs Be .ey .Se Rass ty e ] aO :VSNE coe we . e ] ® BURRS RN ee SETVRs age ke2SOA .og wt BITES SES . aOS a ea svg ranoste Iss3SS REE SSSass SS ORNs gat OS ae as Stgos Sas ks ere an ss‘ rnsys we. as TAS ek SSS aE SS .ee 'woes Wa TN Oy at eee os ..gt Me eg Sd PE Ry atnaae vopley ob pen oe oar 1 Os. St Sar.Saar a. Sy ne oo peMe Oe aGS :gn ’ TEN to phot PE ltaig ET geeh aIa TR Bb ale BBR coame eaeSS, MB RE IME gg Moe re nom “ UE Bt RTE OE MEE ca TPR SS al RRR riscePEREEOTASIME Ata 7 ee ft| 1SSRs, sn OO Bape oh Seg sc Db SaetTR ee ne SM Te eh woo os eeSU oT anet aoniee coTete Trt eae he eC Nee
woods ey RNS a Us "SR EE Ce Cm. fe Qe : “ . “0 GEOR CMM || Ae. +1 TERR RS st Ua ye, RRA apagee OO TE ee ae ok vcs ork ee MR CMERTORE 2 Oe ee ae mS Dee EEE SU a hE eT ee Fa as re EE a Ta EE Ee yet OT ee a Tg MBB SUN ee ak
mt ET Beye 8 1 a ee er i Can Dame mE to ESE Bee ta BE MT Ratton saad GEE Ua Pee et a ee a a . No ttegO, ts Ce OnE eenC alern ee a ua ie eeSr ee as iee oOPT ce Ci mnt SR tt ee es IN es SC arer” org? a ce a ee SS BesSa4aeReena «= wot Reg PS RR EE eReSOR co es ee Se 8 OO ee eee acoca eS Ns wee po? URE a eR iereer MM RR pe . Pmys Bey Bae, ccON bee ee ke ee eerts) , tly aeuiaot. LABRADOR NS RRR Sedma te‘swt uw“a wypee: peePEL S ee, vt RR Be ' Ragees ee 5 FG 2 VN et AN ah UGE A ee RR a ee a, Se eer ee Be Beg Oy 2OO eer Se ee a ee mw ho emer oo RRRTN AE Pe Eg See eSse ene Ce. . Te a RRROe ae Re RE CE 2 eee fo, i ey so mmm Sir CIT ERR ee ee ree Tey oe Booty a ; eg re a te et SE Da 0 RE et a : me et : : soe . oy PO me tn i en CaN MOMmnCT ee ccna Se a el re . : wae ay ts _ eo ton . me : sos my ey rer rh RCM MOR CIN ee Meg oe re aa ' oo on : ., rn a aCe SEES eC Sl ea ON a a a a a CSS SU SE Le Sms met Shy ROR E CO MSE as, Bet RBar IU ies TE A at te STM Soon ma en
rrr LoL St 0 shRSS Eee CEC Seecane eeeaei eRe ERE RC |",le| ag ra,Ut ' pr8 Te ar RT LC SSS ORT TLE OAS Arg Tg ot aTR a aDe Ee ado a y‘,er! PUMPER S220on Secae oe Brea a ee cn cae aMOOSE otTR oo Se US" obOR Agee STEELS BR BEne ag“ost foot |) GPRS ce OR Ea ‘ wiley TOR) tc0SRNa es oe SS On vo PTE AB peli UR on ER cei eebay aaokoe SN + Tot gpsPein: ot et SEoe teTtmot OO ‘ we Sm eeBa ayMet ae eccrine Set ‘ aSaleen bera eR ME Roam re.r(hs Soa SUMNER Met's tonRPMI SHOES Bart +OE sta Lt 1) ls retee ami aBe Eerote aaahm4 ee See . a ida my PEEPERI re LPR ORT SEggae Sc cA ic a St"oo on6 NNR iis aeRRR aeee OSSeats EES RENE SSCASte oes: 7ee Soe i ' thn . .RO RE ee. Ba Se RRR te" Eg eo eeeMR ee eat ei RS EN Cae lISie sR en Soe
i ras wal ., RRR conan Ne RanmnGn See Sots Ss roe, Cree ¢ ge | "‘ 0'ee . RACE sot ade arceatige ey + REPRESS heat ae! eeeSiONE oo . eeae aeLipo TO Cee ad| Sea PME RR eeeaaSer aSC rae Sa,ORs RUST Ge| ney an ”eMeRnnE, wee 1) pie PNSRE SR SERA RUotc IRCorea SE Bee TLEee Ee |Pee. «Os, ||SRS, eae ERR, aie.’ hy Claroee aaaSOE OnCr Ree ee REsot eps Cee , oe Sass tatPT Sa Ne Me, gTO REE PES SES SoS Aa Gee Sh... | eee nneg hoot, RASS an at TERI
et ya, . hay ste or fe Sad See EON ORO Re SIGs NCO BOR GE SPOR SE SS SOR ROO | ‘ on ! . . Lessee E : Bee BR rg a Re + ARR Beers 2 See ee ae the “SS aaa [EG gene ere Cea ee 1) RMSRaa SS aSSS DSR Se Sieeemees aM dos CR Ameena wholPL . woe 3 Snat - SS RO hocach e d thee SRS Secieiee teimmcenanraris itn ES Scieamn we, wo wyasey tn,UID0" a aCRN a eeSRR ca eS OR OS , ,. rota, ve Ag seoseySees BRR utORS ee Pages oo sos aac2 ame «| $ : SRS SS oor on eee
Coote a ory bata Be er a a ee ee ON Pcs mmm ee ree .? posse eS eo cag cette BS” Se athe gaa Te woot oe Sate ee scan +S | RRR ae oe
cneere or arr ee taSRI BRB, Be OS Sore ee lrcr‘ eng Soa * wtST. a, OSIR "eeeTUBS Swe iesm TE ete . ' ae LE ORE RRanemic a . TRC “y on awebs as RENO Soo SES Og SUE ce eee cee age Fae te .tl . “"ROR haeTB 1 4 Diora amennnenmerae” Pret .RR ws coh aa
uC SNC OR ry COE OPER CREee SRTtEee eTBE a RRP BSR SOUS NO heceenee eC AeOmamery me =REE =—=——s—i(‘(‘C ea EO eaRtFPR oN i me A et er re a Re gale Se ERS To OR Le rereee aera Be EN RR geee RU pel ERR coreglh ETah olaUE agethSh BeMt EEce Be t 1 Re eo TMS AGAR ORNS URS gpa Se 1me e 1nH V7 fed BE RRB EN SS De METS pt titi a Pi ity 8, EBT ee rT re
FS: SySR i lll tpRg whe a? wows 5D]k.}} Qe rr cr nn se en ea > Pitta ict Ee vn ge PRR ESP hs BT tl ee a 2 NB iswg A SUL REMC Ee a reSN rr OI ee na OS we vo . . ‘ ‘ : ' oS NESTS Tee UE ek Er a ga EA SR A tte eae ee eS bs en oe aR OE kh Ts Te Te MB .
Ran EEE” MCI EEO Sr eRe Se ccc . ss 4 uo ft ” fo
aSC ERR Sopstoe 0MERE oO Oe COO he ommmma tfbere stone 'woe . . nfos . ,:‘pos . . .. ..nat . hoe_ I OR SR onBe oesLSS aR RS eeRR aRRMRR MMEEECe IS.TT ey eet . .an : "ste Lope CTE: Sc an ‘eea“Tyrrat‘Setoy a: petwou an RRR 28 ce we ‘ , me st ’oad ea Moet + BBESONAR ay Teale a 9 Sank 0, Se a eS eeUES a a gee ae RTee SL RS san‘enOR em an . pont .‘> so) 5: . vee , Hote page eo BB goo cs EST 7a on") OS, oA eS | gee SE ee ‘ ae BRR te ' Nos foo _'at3S eeBe teBy Fatt Me Me ah ante FB he ETERC Sib baee SE SS: te eee oe en gle aaa 8 to .gE>ad. Re Me rrPA ee ce ea > 2 he Te Ee a ae BE En SCS nN SloeaUNa TU rr igere . r,ohhans nla yn Jeee+lo.eee . ca Tan eae
Ne ln By Bh eg Bocas gare gana eRe Mere ek aeEe BgMe ' a So 7 ”amt eeme SeRe + Not Be EES BET ae6"ESTEE iEg ha SUE pee ee eee, ene A aeTe anettel pooy a aOE aa a Baek AEEE ea na eeShcma sag pope we RE Ra Ts aba a SN un "5 SS Sem Rens OtRe ta oe,SZ : rwEe aE reee . enaeeer + reirx apo Of Ca nSiSS
ea a Rs wy Tray can J Oe Sew Se A ane tes ee OR meisE, Sk ss, : tet a MR are UT Tet tae aa Hore, . ‘he rod . . . "hs & ae oe . al yt 4 x rc eB ade aie
aE RE OC RC I Sr rr .eB:RSRe oo ,hates "Saaor:hetga“ob {ee Pt res :Bead.Tobe ate Bape ak Shee ES ele dene oo ss eee oleg FeAEE ea akso, a,ie. vet reey or; Sr a Se . Pe eyeh a Beh, LUNG ee SRSSS aTRS TR aa oTatER ASS See Oe Ente i Bay Ee ee Sa a EERO CS IN cr , moe, “0 mee, re Meg IE dU eh Ss aEO CRE Ioye Se Sy ee,ye note nn nr .,et .=a" .Be 7. BR ytMEER athe ora en . anoe wy ee vt ee “ott TUS fey on et a ERS ee a Pores: i: sameeren Mey ha at ot po vay . ro . . . 1,7 g ges. rite . wort se ae nt errr UNE SEMSa ES Ua GET OU nt RGSS ot elo os RUSS , ae oker ae mee yoLoge Tey mStos S$rr Be Be hye , "ag La hy OE ttUs akRT ERPS, O02 GIN, VES Sa SS Se OT a: to:aare tTwe B uo vee, :roy +e : nos rsor wt Be ORR Ea a OC RIS RR eT me a : © rr rr ne ce treed LMSPana eed Le ae toh SIR awet RR ee a ee Se : ,cre ST. eT, | re re ne a A, rs BREE TN ge ed Ean” : . noe ee eee PR ARSC ED os rc Pe a RR ae EE yh ye OB OEE OLS WT Ui Ree bt Ue SEL AME OARS OSB e Bag Ie he Be YG Bay Te Er EOE Sh ET ay at a ee on er arr a
a a aeeaeh ESCO RCS CAC weeomo EFwsaeEheeeeoe a EEa TIE 2 OE ROR TO GBR Bee people, and also the walls all around, up to
) a certain height. Above the juniors, around
C ) the entire circumference of the lamp, is a strip of lamps for filler light. This can be
made up either of tubes or bulbs. This light overlaps on the walls from where the juniors
| left off (Fig. 67). The Streamlight is controlled entirely by its own dimmer box (Fig.
| 68). The lamps can be turned on, off, or
. | dimmed, either separately or simultaneously. The practical light switch on the set is con-
Fig. 66 nected to the dimmer, and when the actor 5 turns it, the light comes on instantly, illuminating the set with a natural effect (Fig. 69).
Y Figure 70 shows how the different parts of
|io/) \|
the set are lighted by the different parts of
| the lamp. Figure 71 shows the Streamlight
RR ——— cH as seen from above, and how each junior
penne (po}covers section of the set. Figure 72 showsaadifferent set rigged the old-fashioned way,
/ \ ~~aanaoJo 4 / \ \, _ | | / \ /\ Fig. 68 Pig. 70 Fig. 69 Fig. 71 . oer )DS a | Pa (a Y ron er < >< \ \@ ( / j/ \\ EReS . oR ees Cee Resale Re eee ae oe eas. BERR ci Ree: pee ake gs oo arene erent eee
Ahan gee, See he
sy PRO i oa Se. ess pach
e ae i & “ast es S ea he wa
.OSES ae edSS itsoe cone arnarere Recou Sees Bat whey rence eH Od sid nei;
aoe . ee tee weet eee EE: Cg hy ce ee Stee hdth Eeeplat See, PERS e SS, wo” Ree Ps .why On ree arouecocas,gra hi s of Bees ose eevba — — T rxX oo aeae oewea peal Pe we eeoe issneces efoe agbees fas Pe a .sioooe S— —. ee eee Slee ee EBERS "8 srt, ae oe ane es . a — a eh e oe age ee Strsnnt eng eee SES co Ea: ce ee ee a
1S a nN i... ee — —— oS
ta le 1— 1S ib hry eee rear Be °ookeee vars O : a eeseady roea easMOU Stee veh eei ee UeE — oe ee aSadhetos —seeS iSeeyoo ee ae. aRe slowl sESS spark me en th e.mS eeewel ee aoeOS oaone oS ee cee g oeee a oosoe aecoe —eeoees nos cheat PSS.8 ae ee pane : aces re See SAS neeee BO oer CER ps wee es ere cae RS ARG ae . ee 1. y-Fe oaCoe ee ne Matin fies aers eoe S ce oevi CS eaeRR shea wrewee wasp
U a e 1 |. oo ieee Ces 2 Af ° — 7 So oo eee a Ae eke oo oo oe r th — _ |. mrs a ee eae . ae foe are Se — . a: r bees ee ae oe — ae ee ee ee sees a See a aO ee €Yr ( — — ° oe oe — Bees WwBe S aeecar mpaecdae CeSe ees Fe oe. — eS ee oe Ueed.oe —... ae iO°— 1oeee. he ees ce ee eeaeease 2ga ss pe BE SSS . Sees Soca — saan es Bad Sorege eet B38 Ene eee th ee eS at CD Ses athe Ss: — Bees
aeee— -— oea ‘egeh i.eeEsae3o.eyBee | oe E ° t M st _.. . ess on ee vata Rater Rarer _ oss eo . oeafta aaa
ad saaun -1 ns— es oo a 1 gee bea a sages ~ ea SareeSNGIRS eatses s Ras BES2SE SERN asSee Reeere Soe oe Base Bae SERSSocom nas oeSee SeasaeSes ee era eens ee hedge, agewpe aR On ORE eaeSASS Reeeeeae ‘ eeee—aeBacetes
arn SARA ae Ee: eae Sores oe PeaN Sotho see Aaa PBs pugs pata Rk ere MASSE es SEES eee Ree RES Reese as ere (ae pata vies LRN Soa eGo aghy es bee Reet car anata SE caine Re ed sie uae Pes oe Paes Seca oe i Sees
° gen ee Bee shataage e a . wey : = “Ekg ae age .hk pureeke canewae Be neoe Ba Sone Ae "est _ ee oo — a
1 Yr ]ne Inwewe eo ens «jugs fon! PO aeOSSagak Secs ae oe oe — ’ [1 .€ oe Re aeane PRES nearer Seas ee bs Gee penne " ators gifs os ° bh S ? SU agai Se “3 we iia a Sees ‘ag eerERR Reet Sigsiet OSnes Serer: Reece ete ae yet pron cee|_ae eS bd ee ; aes Segoe ee Sua So sas oa Were mean 5s Se ees sgn sasaiaas oe _. Bes eae oe Bete
C rl se 1 e . . oe rea | Se ae ee oe a oe a
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€CcO of S ch nri . a _ ae a — —_ |
nN e © ~— S ee ee ee cee se ee See a HEE Sees : = “3 nee : .-,. e Ca In O a .e t. ee 2 ee oooeTEE ee eee: aena? e ae ereseee = eS ee ae os enees ee es ee e oeeee ay ee SERaBSS a See;Bn : zseee “ee
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breal ear th ,ing prod lon gn onceilin th ng Fig8 SeS oeaoooo _ oo: bird
all pm Ows ant oo a
Gr d s chi g sh d g nset . oe oe co eee a : o
h m oD ’ ? S a — ee no 1 a b — . a 1¢ lO ster ° il a eo nN ist W e e a oe S Ta ° , It nN _ ee ane | h um 1 O 1 -_ |. . =oS ar s 1S ? O . oo Seb. oess OW Thi 7 € sh ate W t h gho Th1Sa=oe PRR oe.
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oe S55 SESS: es _ Sy pa, ae. saree ee oer Sees Sea See
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es Bees Se ges ee oe La Se BS ee eee 2. —— SEs: sie ee eae eee Ss
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but inside we see a strong but diffused light | MOONLIGHT
coming from all directions. It is not as beauti- ;
ful as the light play of the early morning. The moon emerges from behind the clouds It is late afternoon. The sunlight is roman- and sends a bea m of bluish, silvery light ito tic but sad, lovely, but sorrowful. The knowl- the garden. This creates a ghostly effect, with
edge that the sunshine is leaving us, even h sharp highlights ane opaque shadows. though only for the night, instinctively influ- ene is suspense mm O e air. The atmosphere
ences the sensitive human soul. is tense; anything is likely to happen at any moment.
SUNSET As the light travels, the environment takes The scene shifts. The orange-colored rays one new outlook. The moonlight hits the lace of the setting sun return inside once more as curtain directly , lending ta soft glow, a TO though to bid farewell. This is a spiritual mantic feeling, not unlike the shimmer it probeauty of short duration. The shadows stretch, duces on the ocean surface. The light from the diffused light, reflected by the sky, weak- the curtain fades and becomes translucent.
, ens. The foreground is already silhouetted, nae tron is semidark, bathed by the reflected
the shadows disappear, the room is dark. Out- vr rom the (garven. d dit side, it is twilight; inside, the last vestige of lich ‘Ss he mene DON ' he an¢ duterent light on the ceiling leaves, and the entire ignt can cmans® not ony t e mood, but also picture plunges into total darkness. Evening the setting. Outside daylight is appearing in
is here, night has fallen. the distance, We have come to the end of our experimental journey.
EVENING These poetic feelings are of utmost imporThe room is softly lit. The hottest spot is tance to the student of advanced photography. the table with its white linen table cloth and Unless he understands them, he can never
the silver candelabra, hope to be able to convey them to others The family is seated around the table. Din- through the medium of pictures, and all illu-
ner is served. The main light source (the mination becomes just so much light. chandelier) is suspended directly above the table, seconded by the candles on the table, ACTUAL ILLUMINATION
reflected in the shining eyes of the well- Our living room is once again a set on the rounded, happy faces. Occasionally the kitchen stage. We reconstruct the different lightings door opens and sends in a burst of white light, witnessed over the period of a day and night. illuminating the back wall. The clock ticks on.
A transformation of scene has taken place— DAWN the dining room is now dark, with a design At this time of the day our only light source of the window produced by the moon visible is the glow on a distant sky. This we imitate, on the wall, and showing the shadow of the _ reconstruct, with Pans from the floor. The curtains blowing in the gentle evening breeze. _ general light is soft, diffused. This effect we In the living room the lights are still on. The attain by setting up diffused broads or Duarcs different lamps projecting a variety of shad- __ in several places, but always hidden from the ows make an interesting pattern. The ceiling point of view of the camera (Fig. 90). reflects the light, giving the room a peaceful
Then the lights are turned out, leaving us The only light at dawn is coming in through
in the dark once more. the window. Although it is not a strong, pro38
170 UP HIGH 170UP HIGH ~—— Duarcs, build up the interior lighting from up
‘A OM BACKING TAO) “OO high and also with frontlight, take the dif-
NAR OARSL fe fusers off the arcs shining in through the
vk, oS y a window, and you have the light ready for a
. - Zeb D sunrise scene.
Ss Sx 7 Ke BREAKFAST TIME PLEIN An overexposed negative will not give you Y, \/ a picture of daylight. All negatives must be of =, = normally exposed. It is not the quantity but D Q LS O the quality that establishes a mood, which D S X/ \/ 7 determines the theme, the message of the picture. \ The light that establishes breakfast time is . very similar to that of the sunrise. It is now, | \poor/ | however, later in the day, the sun has risen
B B above the horizon, so we change the shadows
| on the wall. We raise the density of the key|__| CAMERA light; also we add more frontlight by sither
__ P=PAN adding more lamps or reducing the diffusion
MME D-DUARC somewhat. Outside it is daylight. The sky is @ 170-SUNARC lit, the trees are well modeled, with strong ___ DIFFUSED highlights. For this effect we employ several
= Bowe SILK arcs from one light source as high up as Fig. 90 ; possible. nounced light, nevertheless, photographically MIGHTING A SUNSET
it is our only light source, and is going to be If east has not been established on the set the hottest spot in the picture. In lighting a by using the window for sunrise, then we can dawn scene we cannot use an arc for our main use it for sunset. However, we cannot use the light source unless it is diffused, as the arc same window for both unless we change the light throws definite sharp shadows. Several direction of the light, as everyone knows that well-diffused reflectors must be used, criss- the sun rises on one side of the house and crossed from different directions, to establish — sets on the other. an immediately recognized, definitely outside,
dawn light source. LIGHTING AN EVENING DINING ROOM There is quite a resemblance between the Unless the design of the chandelier is such light of dusk before dawn, and the twilight that we can hide some high-intensity photoafter sunset. Neither light has sufficient flood globes inside it, its effect is carried out strength to penetrate deep into the room; it | —imitated—entirely from above the set (Fig. creates a feeling of light around the window, 91).
and gradually darkens away from it. Suppose we are shooting from one end of
| the table. First we keylight the actors on the
LIGHTING A’ SUNRISE left side of the table from up high right, and
Take the light prepared for a dawn effect, those on the right side from up high left. build up the outside with a few additional This will not only key the people around the 39
S O 0 ) ae _ , / =NS \ ° ° ° . , ,; , \ ° e e . ,|°°e°
S S dictory, confusing feeling. The average lay-
a > man may not understand lighting, but every child can tell sunlight when he sees it. The
new school of photography allows us to light
realistically. Subdued, low-key faces with
LX strong cross and backlights, are nowadays Van | accepted. without any comment, even in day-
NG light shots. i Le () The correct way to light such a picture is
1g, ‘ ‘ . 7 ‘
with an arc light from coming the outside. If the possible, Jt/X! /\ -in\ssome inkie from same mix di/ ! | | i | rection. This will take care of the curtain and the incoming sunlight. It will also outline the
Fic. 91 contours person’s face andThis figure. If 5 possible, useofa the light blue curtain. will allow the use of a stronger light from outside
table and model the opposite side, but will than will a white one. Inside, we add a crossestablish the mood, light the lower part of the _light of less intensity than the arc outside. On walls, and throw a design of a spotlight on __ the side of this crosslight, next to the camera, the floor. Now we add a back-kicker on the — we add a broad diffused with several silks.
people, hotter than the keylight. On the per- = The feeling of this picture will be that of sons sitting at the far end of the table we add _ outside sunlight, provided the backing is lit another front key. To those in mid-distance in a high key. For that uniform lighting, we we add more front light and leave those — use a Duarc or two (Fig. 92). closest to the camera in semi-silhouette. This
; ee . Fig. 92 Marsha Hunt
will build up depth. The general appearance from the distance must indicate that the light
.WINDOW os ‘het ee ee SHOTS OO emanates from the chandelier above. Ser vants 2 ; foe ae ‘ a a “ os LU : Hehe nese
in the background are not lit, so as they step 4 2 oy re into the foreground they come into the light, ae A J, — giving the effect a natural lighting. Se a
There is something appealing about a win- se) ell ul re dow that gives a romantic mood to a picture. ==. | It makes an excellent frame. It is through the ee eee window that our wishes, hopes, and dreams ee ee OG
door in the form of shots good fortune. Oe The illumination of window is quite "NN 4 SSS
perplexing. Take, for instance, a picture where == ay’ | a person is standing against the sunlit curtain een be ese -iig@e Be of a window. The old-fashioned way of light- = | BS 3 oS
ing this was to light the window from the sy i
outside, and the person, in flat key from the =. ) waa os oe inside. This two “way light produce a contr a eee co ee Sek Sai sh ORE UE AAR A 00a ce ee 40
The lighting scheme for moonlight scenes BACK-KICKER
at the window is about the same as it is for
a daylight scene, except that we eliminate the light on the backing, and also the front filler.
STN. -.-- 0_]_-« WINDOW
Where the picture is that of two profiles \
against the curtained window, we use two ’ EXTERIOR backlight arcs, one from the right and the
ARC ARC LY \ \ ( ) C ) BROAD
Fig. 94
| light off the wall and window, either with gauze, a tree branch, or both. The arc is placed on one side of the camera, usually
ooo from a high position, so that it does not re\ J WINDOW flectplace in the window glass. On the soft sidethe of \Z CURTAIN the camera _we a broad, shielding
(oe glass panes from it also.then If this high ) heavy shadows, we fill in key with leaves a low-
} positioned baby on the key side. This light with the tree shadows will give a natural daylight effect. To round out the face we add a
Fig. 93 kicker from the inside. Backlight would not look natural; therefore we eliminate it. To separate the head from the background, we other from the left. This will light the profiles light up the latter. Otherwise the background of both persons. The balance of the lighting —j, usually left dark, or with a shadow design
is like that for a single person (Fig. 93). of another window on the wall without any filler light. SHOOTING IN FROM OUTSIDE
There are times when we must improve INTERIOR EXTERIOR
upon nature’s lighting. Such a shot is one In lighting exteriors inside, we must imitate through the window from the outside, of a _ nature as closely to the traditional pattern as person inside (Fig. 94). If we simply imitate —_ possible. People have positive pictures (men-
natural sunlight, the wall outside and the win- tal images) of the appearance of exteriors.
dow will burn up. Establish your light sources and light accordThis we can improve by shading the sun- _ ingly. 41
WRITING FOR LIGHTING pictures will use more music, both audible and The time will come when light will be given visual. People will leave the theatre, not with its proper place in screen play writing tech- a headache as they now so often do, but with nique. Instead of machine-gunning the audi- _a relaxed feeling of having seen and heard a ence with earsplitting, harsh dialogue, motion _ beautiful concert.
~ 5XN 7 ~ ~ ™ _,
.'::7 ont 2 yn > Ve oe ».*“oe a“Aon : SS ~S»+ie t: . ' 7 es a - > “hs “ Be ee rm, +be > + Sn :.
Fae .
°ers « Ae Pe hsdae rsia PS re 4a_~pe (7 ayfePyePes é ne, " eae y Miae x!ake o) ore 3 a :‘ Rs ay, ” tak
veg ta ® ’ iA. ite, ry eae at
a he Ay $ 5ave aa ey ‘t Ea To Son iy!eet. *4 BeLey AE aA? 4 ae RNs by).aetee Bae ¥, “Ce ny erat aeeASE BetS $i.Te Pidare’ i »halt ft ry. Chee : eae Se! - hy¥ 4a ;¢ is A We) ry, p x StF ess ee . ants 8 i)We Pi ae
Ad Pe LAYS. F PL’ .A“er woe zs ds “5 “ . ‘>* 2‘ Sorte ar a. vee es ee . et
tnge - fe” Sats fF nM. ;% 7 ¢ > a « Sy, ; “hal * Tae:ae4- |e wi
1a See A oemelee tA 4, te peThatinen AeSosa . “days ® HbA
a>. £ ;“‘-&»
'« ¥ ‘,2 pS, » fee
lf ‘:
ig.98 98Paul Paul H id Fig. Henre
is usually the light source, but if there is any and as soon as the cigarette is lit, kill them —
foreground action, the light on the people (Fig. 98). must be built up to required strength. The fire of a burning cigarette can be registered on film without additional artificial light THE EFFECT OF LIGHTING A CIGARETTE ; ——— if the person smoking the cigarette is silhou-
In our daily life, we are accustomed to see __ etted in the foreground. Focus in this case
a face lit by the sun, moon, or some normal must be on the cigarette fire, otherwise it artificial light source. When a man lights a washes out. If the face is fully lit, or even lit cigarette in the dark of night, the lighter or _in a low key, the effect on the face itself must
match creates an unusual light effect on his be built up. This is done with a baby on a face. The flame itself picks up, but the effect dimmer (Fig. 99). on the face is much too weak photographi- The following light effects can be used to
cally. great advantage to heighten the mystery of A satisfactory imitation can be created arti- —_a_ scene:
ficially by using especially made-up strong Ship-wrecked figures on a raft, in complete matches, or two tiny arcs held in the palm darkness, with only the phosphorescence of the hand. These arcs are of course con- of the ocean waves breaking the ink-black nected to an electric outlet. We time the light of the pictures; in the distance, the flucof the arcs with that of the match or lighter, tuating light of a lighthouse The effect of passing auto headlights on the
Fig. 99 ceiling of a dark interior
Fluctuating neon or other electric signs
Ym . —eupsssamsms | f Arf OT eersts—S™™TCssQissésCszswCWCi‘(NONCORrCidCCN
\\ ad of \/| \J % 8 Sl rr OO &— ~—OOrrmrr ee
| at || |. ORES eM oo eee Sg oo iy \ os oe rrrrrr——C ee —~— WS ae -. ae eee an Lo oe mo ae oe — ne aeaepe pvt os gee yoOe M-2—— . eeaeeoa: ee > geeoS? . ee be BS ae ER ae 8Dees se ET nan ae cane Oe een _ poseNS ee — oe fe oe. _. reyeSoper ieeee ee rely ae — Se os LEE ee HEBER e So | oe ae -. ok ae ose Se 22 SS oe vo , , : ey Dou ae nice aren see
pe eee oeee « ee eg ese Pe ea ee wee hdaoipoe Beleg Pes See ~~ _ak Poi eg«co ae , os Lo te.Cc rrr oe °is’a oe _ : _ . vy a _ -— peta Se ee Ol ee _ a Yea es Pe oe eer gene if re ‘ . ‘ a Pe « eee or ee esoO Sa : a i.— ts Fw i >+ Ee-ae UESRO ta se ee
_ -™ 6 ae ee ee 7s ee cb a ». raeos a. me 12 12 Sgt Vas i.:aeee : peg ee, ee OO ine a eee aae ge Mg a|. now Machi a ee ee ft©@ ow eeector )ne aC — ey oo ° e cpap ye AES it es t r efl 4 yy i. rn puzzl and the qn ——| e C e eee i ete a ae , scene h as ee been a FF _ a: oe 2 Sees Suoe ti, REESE ee ase See aee eB ‘oO . ok i al Pe he gen ote . ee! Sg aac ; no . - , B&B a : ae ne SE ty ti, , me! _ ae ven eg ra we Bes ae oo rig ‘Wig oe
an fo Maat t he “Sart - - a
e lumMin * i tae
ow mo ee ° the sc ps tor O _ oS Dr dreamli y, it le
scen a e OP eS nS 1 bee —— tr adit 1 pLili attern ation yeas 5a ee bsg: ahs SOE pei eee 10 Sm dace and aswell-k eepeatoe aeeas we st ne ight sou by : — a... ]Ikek ,str n tlam li oe Street , theoe lighee|. iee ie ;out we imi reioeet :Sichaas aeSeBat Pe pe et OE follow itat present an iO ees eesoo oiecen es aehsLo ethnatural a still cube elieee? eee sis sens tyaan: seineRe oo ° reet Raeae ae a cherie ES
ighti ghtin ng g: on h. e ill ° eis thi ght dIt ng touThe gil :liliaeff ect elon 1S S, an d th gs in .the c aof musical € Fig. 12 a_aa
t to ill ys. O | om th atu t tho rm g
ike lighti e a musi ro gure i
reamli o. giv ight from on awatrai firain as ighting, and comed inecy vari moving uminated cene depic ,sical and another a arlous can b by e
inighting lighti ing d o illumi s. with One pi I eissimulat sce aream. There cylind i inate er to use e e
Cc ° 29 cyl y th th e ° not ot ro ‘ t . . th fl att n we . OV 0'1
can go fr nes of this n e is no limi similar to pieces of mirro a revolvin
getaway e sublim realridi cylind usedform in d ounted onit, i withre.‘ eOne to the a ly' se . rical ance hal
ofit. ad more ori ojected . ng, ? liini ing iculou isand proj . ,A,conce stro Is, ictbut TrThe origi ] sint thi ed, th the ighting ligh which ight used eam and inal the li movi o this, whi ntrated
Senes , the more effectiitmore imagi sion on the in givi turn thro it ctive gination of lightperson, ws a kled elps to desi can be. F movi t coming f , giving the i a wi esion . . or su vin ° g rom e illuith odd sh (Fi illogical rain.ll €Th e wind S adows sets spri is7contr apparent OWS of «
Trai igs.es128, 1 in-er ontrolled speed in Light Eff , 129). ylinder. A ebispeed ofof e train clodru system ation of th Overlightin m used on th seri g black obj purpose ofise the procrevolvi ing cy-e
oussmistake objects wasi li§ofhad makingge s essfor stage fth 1 of on ght picture photogra or the —_tuati e center of s, etc. A stron “ ictu th. Toe eoldgetTschool of th in th Ow a railroad good r ouuon su ight through rum throws light graphy. of moti ting ligh the drum g ara ;
the station esults ggesting t e movi ucerns of exi ormall ’ Lo e passing o ing windo isti y> followi ng sh g of trai can be the li stingure light 50 owing shots of a a train. Ws ight beds Pull , Or, O ark, thees. stati se can bcomi erior af a e amps from th The are emad man interi sses WI wh ight emanati des , outside of light rk, with g from t 1atio lieffect rom O°or ional e train n, thenice dFI ight ne two . itself ucto is cri antern ith his | sectio en the ares lit as conemerg e
: r ea ns
encv ains y liights behiind trai
7 ipl ee
HGRA Ara ceoeeneeria —C—rti“ ee ST, Reese eeBa Raoeaeeen inEST SETSCEees SEB ee: CC SESS . Rete We mo yeas Rieeae ances Serene res itee eeehy SELLERS gg Besine cs SE aie PS a ee Brewed SeRSESES Sowers See FB Deel : 1Pee ERS ee+ cee Seee easee NES ORESSeine ake DRC Pee Rant ot peeeeeee Bo a PE eae Rancne enSame Rae eeeeeS BSN vos Seese ES iaBEES EEEOR OLSSON, Sosibsindea scr Po Ro TERRES gar ee 2 reences Rear .: .teens berRamer ia ae .en Biss Sect —rr—“——S—S——S—_—s_i—'_ ee eee Cana ELARmie SSS reawaits peteds coeliac be fc aie re Spree.” 2S 2ccs Reese Siroee ecceremue PERO SER an
men De me cet. , == ee ee gguiger seers wars EES ede “Ee space rs ee a =.
earn .weigh © .esnneee sete tePRE eee i===—==se Bude RESopa cinoeaees batienaae as el BRE Sere Pa age be3°x|.ecSee +.Seana eeee==—ese noe ms cael ctenbe SRR 38CSS eee ass Lr See Care BSS SOS tee ohn ERB LE PRREEPEEEEE vy ots aeons: ss= . .‘ ..ee)nee Because caer Tce Ss i— piuERR anon se SORE Se tenedroes areeaeae RS ee ene SRE nee pense ee tc speressee Se Seapets cccmcmes ee EERE eehace abo SERS HeSetn ch anason as Raa eeee area moe ooEa sree POR EREE Soscneatant Sagi eek URE SS SeeEE sans See Be3,Se doled MES aS a SB Seema net ae " sh nea oo Shae anS PER OB OS SOOBOBO BESS. a“ES eeSSS eee aces seen tanearuee eecrceecenrecrnr eS SNCS ee ab Reena soptahing qpoonseoned esos nat nb Sg oasis MEs A Beaoe EEPRP HE SS RAS ORRORARARE LESS blyoadbo be ger tncrnnearoaees «| 28 SBR SERneverncnrey ere canane BeecEE oan a! "0 eyahobee REAR E ORES ee re irre ett irar ten sie GaSe nee Eel oo EE Ries poi Ree pees ae | ee ee i is
“ fons vol oo Phi pce ea Renee ee Eee ee Sees OPE a as eee Pa RTE aR TS Saha Ronemderontene sects Pepereries Be hyn ongege goo ESE sein thazahacers 2 Ree Soe one omen @ @+=%©2©4ST&»CS~—r—eeS noe a RE ALCS d SAS Sa a eS Sass here eae ence 1 RS Re mamas as Seas semanas Se Le rea Doe Ree ee Rees REESE EN SS wy SERRE: eS Ne Poorer one paces, asaiaaes OY cette PRs Cm Miers co Beas e es Senn Bem rr
mee Vale hts eee Pee Eee Giga aei "tute RES aoe ee Ge ence ont dad ves See babies Soci See ee ee gabe ce2 Becier eeeats ee. Re “Eee acute a SS Se ee eeRS . toe wt AES? EER SES SEER ais ehaae hae SESS eeeaSERBBES2 ateGurrpueason oe:See Bore cities FSio tinRBSRSS ate odnsec PRESS BEELER ES MUTE OPER EL ROS Buus aaa, ee Pies TeyESOS ce6e. Saeee Stnua eS apes Genemeeeneaees cc er a : toaoe ren "EERE ESae oS PESOS esee ES “AESES SNe De aoer raereaeitons PISS eS aot Mine, oh eoe 2ENEMAS SEE g Faamarn sear apthagdedae re AU SraNSa BER cence EeSER vccser oie PEREE C TERE. SORES ie ereRa emcee .Gogo “sivcgeabiieieboeetts eatnaaiticndneee ORAS eee Spee Benes eaBT ae erreaay depose senceo EEeee LMR BaTee BiB SE Saae SEE Ee aRe eeSk oe FeOOOO be, Seaa ‘BE Gees Weeaoaacce>. See Sosa cescanenes es Bees
ee ee Se ee oe ee ee -— 83282 ae ee eere “apivborgnchindidan sebapeninaranbioeres peteGREER a ast Oke Ss ceee SOO pecans soa eeeee cesepee Pe tier neee tree Seee. en oneeee: reer 8 Bes3; ce ergs eee SoS Sees EoRaae Eee a ae ie creas i.é ee RS Jpermeaeed get spade geeode 1, Peo eres “ROR Eeee ee EERE Sa oaP SSR Bow aeOE airtes SNR BURBS Vag ys tt PEER Tigees go ihith Bes a aseeeurna eeeeBos ee Spte Sco nae eee Re eS SESS pee ee a:SRR Boooiis SPSSes e Beers. eeeSPREE Es ae auld aecams ee - oe eee oeee soe oe ee Zur? PBs Ue eee oR MGORRSARALATRS Ae ecr oesES ane BES SOS EBs Boe aSOOS, |GRE Een aaSaas dos lenin Susana Sect ee ees Sos acoR aehee leaapi tea LIEcncat waded eeSeama 1 Sa Ae Reerase Siege TOSSES Manaus Saa Rees Soe SERS ee Sanna Se niue Ree TE cre eee1 itr sess ENE, cue eae ae Se nei gage atlasPee ae Paser Sau ee CODES ECS EC Ey “ha ee SEESRe SES aedeae. ee: 10 ae an SRR Reeepee eeemnasets ee Pee:acumen B00 EE See ee S ee ee PROB SENN Ri as Sea engPg SSS FEE ORES CROREBee epeeooe easeBSue eeuBRCRRG ames soe Rigen iN e
UNeOROE 10-bitRO SULA BeeEEE osaaEET acaneeeagar SRE 9 Se es alecesend BEE SRA REeee eS BO Pe cee Rea Senate eeeeSees ee GaSee BPG Bunsc suey aun mouse eee es.Sone org egro. ASSSEES eae ene S28 SeleneSECO Se RcaShee te Shean EMER SE DUR ROCSoe CON 3 ce ee Hinganugegdieg. tai sacatddenecwne SRERE I ee es Gumaaauaee oes eS e SS eteoowaouo DAE Geeeee: Sea SOUS ee gps eeu Se SEE ee ee eee ee eeehues a2 8Sie Beinn BeeSoa STRe Pieee: soesoanmat: So eeeRane cui eee ae
gee gesecuseaeeaususe ERE SS cee tae OWED weep sane DRaeeca. RON Ee E Es aidspee ee SoneSaharan Pomme 3) as eeeeeeebot SEESBe oe eee ee ae: LS SEESSERE SS, Sauces Peauauease ceees Reiss GOR Segseeseaonseacanene ae ee = doses sc5n SSPE EES POSS a) SSSee3! poems oaeeSU riSeem Reo Reo Sages eee SSS Gee SE Beee Bereieree ae etree yet Rape aoeSec sckeeapenanits SESR ERA ASS ee Se eesREESE aici eaameras Sergent REEF 2 Buh es SSSR aePREG Cees RSS Siecite Boers — ee Aseee eae Boss Seso ee SES aseeeara BReos eeRee Sr ner aesaaoN ee"488 Seiee eee eaeeeSees Bees See Pigg eae Cae Reis otece agee ares re se
BESS SO BeeReiasemuneneacnr eeo oe: Bwnes Bssseaseernanees fete ee PRCR RReneSES Sees nes ESSER 8 ORS Ce ees eee cmon BoorESaeSp Di SESS a Se eee Sn eeeSSSR Slee tlecegeindcte Sauce sacanranmnanan SA a eeeSo Stenncencete Sie Cee ere eee copeaemsapaer 3 ‘ DER eis Sic LE eee gue ce eae Pe eeseee STEERS uanwenaemnaern eae.eeees
Perris oe eee pein et ltd Be eben pasaene: se enenee Soa eed? fe Se ee ee ae pee et. WRG ee tii eae ee Mesitert res EGeernees oe
Bae ae eos ce ia poome nePSoe eames Sines re petigeeecees SO Sees ae aah Se eee See ee. See eee We Pees eeu Pee ieee eeees nee Greece ee seuss he Sheree Gee tere pee se eae an OO ee ae eee ge O56 Bee PERS SER ER ERR GEes AEBEG ee esaera Rea asi Bee 3nnd as oeeeceahe: ORS eee aes oe: eens paper= soece e:FUSE OOS Sash 5 ee2. San SES eraSeen SicReha Seer oan . a "0Reece ant ES aaa ee eS one bo Bn, haan ne ee ro Eee EOS eesEGG REESE ee a.2s” eee ee SEESESS Stee G Ay HORT SSGR Soe RE eee MEas SA Rac eee ELSES Cea ure unaaaaes ee re eG 7 oR Seee ae sai oeneNS Sabena Soe ae 1g ieee dee eae ieee Bas, SeSe eee,SOE ieee Nantes HES SRS IS Epsaeecnes Bs emotes RSS = _—OUOL.eeeeeees a Oens USSScene S is aaese Bees. Miesseeeee Boon damegage eure Peaciseangesereis ees Fo es eras = Rrecrcer See ce es ceeote ry re raeBetere iesSERENA Succserocsares Soe EeUUER SeeeBecuoceras i ii@=—@—ii—@=—= Rion [nnnas a SEU , Be eepetecasenoumanes Ss cP ee cont ameeae
Bee esee ae cae: eteaecaeneees see emer oe icone recs ce emncerens oe r—CO eae eee Oe SOE Se ae fue cena ee ee aes oc: 4 Eee eee. SORE EROS S SRE ESE SA Ona
ees fees usoeeae EC EEO: feeseR Saas ees SERRE cats oe Ei eae seteeeosecee. a BEER ae ga eet ae ee Braver oie oo : ee ee eesax es. es SSeS eeee EE SONR OSE See Se eeeens acensec ee ees eesoeSese ee Gas oo MSC ae aPe eae i Some Se EPOSSSGSES og eeEse eeee es:Oe pore riences oe: ain Bee see: women amas Snir areata eeeeeSeen eaSea SuesTER ecnenneeni armen ee Seok SORNS Ree RONG SR feeees on BEER a i aDee eons aes7otk eS eee as its EE ESE ES Sg cee ES ORNS ee ae ee eResR aoe See seers SOU eeeee SEES seernanen oesShine OSES seeNRO RB Aug ee eee RSE aRSeBe eee a Fo SSsa eS Eee a Ee SE ESE Rees Rs ee Soeomee Sassou ee Soe ae hind aapinmnee Bie es ie ee ee pe Soe ersSR SS ee aDas eeenRee iaaRSee Sees. eeSerer SRE ReeySee eee ee Soe sees ceaee BES SERGE Ces oe seeee oeeas ees PSeSRE EROS etek cee: cee BERL piste se cheese EST Bete 8 ares foe ae Ce eseso GR Choos Seek RES eSpeer: ener Henna See eeu eas siaromamee EROS Beeeses ssOS Sagat ontoler een baganeenn EERE RETer REE CLS: RENE le i aa Bee. MOSS; Bge%. 38 BRE Sic NRE eeeSas. nts 2: Seen, Sg SSeee eS SES SORES eee ee SES SSE SASsees Bian eeRegge eet PSEA Beeere OOS raeR Ss NEN COCR Uaecon oa SEU SsPERE ee Sones oe. aeve Boots ahiGo. rnes erat tag De toe eine eeeae aAON ,rrrtCiCC Cromer t Pecan eee Mey 8 sd es Poe oe eae SESS ae RE SEearses eesenna ee ees
Boao cee careee Sees ecoumee ee os Oa ee ite ate Se — oat ie ee 4 se eee a ae a ae Ls an
EOS ESS SS: : SER ata age See eee nee pesca 5gwyARN or ecogoi. eet ae een ae ee: iSame oe esSr |Seee Ce es ouecaene: EERE SROEES peSESE PESO CeBER ESE eee oeseeseare +haatOE gh Peed. Boat eles CB REEWe ESS CEES iS 2gee aa: eecaer ee ooRey, eePES Se eeeee Sees Bee PRSEP ree a Lie Repeusmares 5, E Sics wahwmcenee eRe Sa frspg hGhegeeeagese eines ieidetats, eerERE ae aPo ooae ee 2) oe asses, eae ee BRR E RES ee rrr usesinge asceee Screen Uiyrioone oben foe A Reheat PRESS eerie ae RES ts hana KkaBERSF RRS | Sean Re cca SE SESS Saeed shipucrucarcanenarnatenae eaenSSee as ee ReonSES seem.Soe SCO ROSteerer pouSe ce SRR imesh nara eeMetaeranstsieets ase SUSE itremaaeee SAREE SOSaeACESS SES . SOLRake ROE ie 22a SREY URES) resentesepicon nae te BRALEE indezesehoeiees OT Bo ees. Peepee a aeanSeSeana SHEE Saas Netra TRE ees SS RT Raine Caenet‘Seees eee Ge SOIREE TINS Se ARSeSTe ai? Pee ere TET ip EsSe Bee CORSE oaPoaceae ee Ee Peeeee ene OEE Re2See aa UE . PESeee SOUR ee SeEER ee Suoo Gnene reneeReo aire ee Se oe TE EBEES SSRERE Beuegnegueue pe weet a ieeegyreagan eh tea ge aheee IOP STORIE ASascha Pe “SORES poate eee SEES eSheeS aeraeae escaro SECS SS:
RET Sea cantada eeeSSRERIS seen DS SsSTP geSEAR etree fas er“reopen pe preteens covey POPE PEE ikee hee ER,a ee £2ASRS Se aeBE Ee ee r—= ne tA SOBRE Reet wis Byer Krad AE Sven area ni dakdcas, BRS Mae eRe eee PPRPIYTT! gf evrerisii Pgs ES ig ee eee eee aeBee ees See| SS eee ees $s pene eeefe ae AMAL SHB Baer tee tucnimee’ ueuaaanye . SECS nn PRR& 0) ORL ar arer tans dehtes ieienity «Se esSoe—. |. EES CHE eae: SESS gS aneesoe fe a = ‘ Pe Sh Sa ae Se a re ab Te ppe. EE seers RE eine at Sg UES ECE POPPE TECH Yrs Be — . -— 28 Bee os: eee EE SOS as ~~ Renin 2 ‘ :etue APPLE Le vefogs : a Oe cg SUSE oben Tetave wensSone | fepees eee ee Se? eon ee ee eseS ee ee oo ee ee RL Reghapithh inn RS 6LESS CeeaOSS eeeesee2ease oecae oRaBaoe eas os re reAE eeeney, Ste ee Heo ea BES PERSE SS Ee oearabes teteet TE reoe aa Bee ge ee ae poo _ ees eos ee e ES
: w eS aes TEE ASO Ly Eleven naeACR ed ‘s yoerere pipp PtP a ode Neaaate eh PRREL ER est 20 pc Sameera nore GES oan Beere ae a Si 2 ibaSS aap aera Se es oe seeinee ee COs ee SE ER RRR Lec MS Tarra Eeetal;ues hnotsRh DsaseT BONE SRmeerg aS TBEER EGOobese Dongegis SL faeSSUES oe Sear eeEES c-_ee es Sienna ROE
tees a ade Thee erie wae tote eretorc tee abet eee te finial Agoda! ha —) «4 — Se es a Se -
ae Heat voces aren UO snBe OL Merwe aannasseeena geocean a _ eeaeoaa . We ee a eee peeRacer eS coe ee SESS See USE See ye 0 ee Co . . ‘ te ine aes PMatevessesesnen, cutsEMMY uitioatasges Sugeest spnoueluteed Ieee Se eae oe SLRAb SE SOT siesta Set eyesa—08" .. &oo MRS «gees Rianne aes Se Sessa apesGeese eee HERS ENG . Saas . HW ee beware prepress UUINNUIIDSL ne regs woe sisi agbeah a ee SESS SELEEYE ie. Deiresre serene STS RRS BR eee es cheat . Re eee Er Peete SE hos cepts SSS Se See SS Peon SN SA Sayer pap cence anes
a res iinet, iter mune ae eae Le. PESO OCG Sard Per eT Sediatigs k.. .goa Sepeeeraes es pong geese SaeS mutioF See Ro enenae nae ee spe pcea Ee oo resogomaanen blerat els ws tele SRERE SS ponengantotnesieg me ANETTA we-.,,. jae eee aSees :. ves er.ean ree hte SSSR tha ethan ise «.ceceOES Pall Bee Se eei.nama ee ee.= ne eee! RARE eeTae ee ee EOE oS eeeMACS Sueeomonuiitiieanraunees ecu Sees Pee aesieaEP waEa eseeBEHESS oSees 8 Saeepeeeuens ESE ee oe oe .2rrBe cAinaae tee a Sas Beeee a eeee Pljapry PESaRRS i SOON 3: eei oe eeeSES & SOs ad i eee iaescds ite
ce UI ene ee esCeefeats ee ,ee : aa Se EEE SeeSeaRR SUS pa oe Ca) WR EERE PREOEEE Eg eeee RR CRE? UESee EREee EEO BES re JGR SRSae ee Sasi cane eee SURES Scones & otsae SeesEES Shes SSSESS SUSE ae ESE esSenay pie nana onesee eee ee ‘atid vane ebieee eeee bere CREE ee BEERS es os See SRED EE Ss , Festa Te acon tates SE on ihgoubhens bol ee Lege ppapaanided cE REE OES Sipe Bie SE Sayers titan tones oy Sy Sie SS MES: So cee SEER Shae ee Se Ja". goes eee sone ey Sa Es scat cc cee See ae SAR ona rune are ene
he oc engnes SaleeEN nesSoeva ot ERS ts gobi , —_——r—rer—OE=O Se Rae eee ses ee sen suananist wsiarmnneseoictnerdssoag eR COREE foeBle ohh ea roa enomeaatatytos ee . ues “sr Saeed ee” Sa UGGS eee ec i. a ee EERE ET ee Eudes. SPREE apoet RES Peee Sa a15'S Sou qog EN, ~~ oe “eee Poe a2 SEaob OagaSante ee ae see head get ee| so Pamtangeieinn teSSR 8— ###~~~—e Eee errst—~s~—sC“ eeeeag rrr SEER es eggee aut phere eecared bakes pete Raeceaee “irig eee Se Se eee sees suemmeouueno opi. EN enh SURES ADE SS he Cone Pe8o cas Bente’ eee 28 wee be Echelon gee:ey SERRE pie es trae tonas Carer EleS. ea BOeeee ~~ JSee EES Re Ses ees eee eeee. ee 2 Pe eas wre Fe ee ewan eee aS Eres Sid ROE EERE log os eeogsies ot nan ae Se Rae SSE es coy yee MESSE Na CRANES 7 SPST NTT Bi ae ° 2ee. Se eee @ilsrige: 3 Seca seo e eeS VA . . Se ey: Aa Bees clean ie ten _esCe _ —e ‘Ve © DS Ly era NAA ® f° gee ee go ees Fis oo ee fro iy Ph aad 8 »s pe AE Bee ee RS. eo aw |. Pee oer Le ee ea .eea\y er ae eS Po ae eee Pa tk, ek Bate fix, 5, eee A Oe Beene i ec setae Pps eG ee ee Sane ee. © cee ae .oo_as dese Ae ee a a oe Bo RG ee Se ee SE rs a ee er Se he Ce ee eee a Se eeey~ Po ee _. or oe.f. hoee wee eetem Bgl, ee aSY a SS ee riers & gee gh *avA EE Paga aOe Shh ae RES,me ee aUe See~_ ee ee. oe Pa eae Oe fk ae, Pe Pe en —..hLrUrmrt~—~—SC | ~Sr— cc a A ce ek ee ae eer Ree Ee SS eS a Pe ~~ — Pt a a: os Bee Re “bade se, Bead nts SA CE RN ee ee or RS OM eee Po ee a hl ae EC Pt oS "gag eg Fee bas r: poe ahi ae DS car oo ae ee SP soar BRIS “ook Sr Bae Rea eo Ste eee ce ee acme vs Get Eee ee Pees ee ae . ya i A eS ge Oe Siie }, Fe ee ae ee Gathy. epee mower: = ore ingG EE Bee ees: aoe r cai. career, Ge Pee eee eas it brags anc S eiBie Pe eS ee i
ee SCee ( =. ° ee , cross, or if a f 1
a . =... A el ; ee -¢ 2. 2 oo See Fig ahs 3, Sa Ba Pe OS cae ge SERGE 52 Oe Se SBS ee ae Se | ph Se a a Ee RES eeeS #0 co ee 7 Hie, RES Ee eal Ee CURE RA DRS Se Se oS PA es —
Berea gS, See ty ly UFPy eB e eeeBueibes eke SS TeCaaS ee, See Ge Spent. bs eae Sees ae. SS aS EESoo, og es ae a = ea Senescence ReeieES2“Be Bomenece * ee RT OS “yee + Res eae sae Sese Secs acneSerer ad Sameer ee TS a rd .& Setans Bee Geeee eee eePea en,eeePS, Sasa”, By eee > Be oe Peeots Eecmcee S - bse Bas, ger$ agiser eecath neSecees Bee aeea eee Se es8 Saunt ee See i Be. BB, ORE Ot. Re OS 4 Re. RE eS ee as ee a en eames gest . Gaia SA So Sa RE Ee OS SRE henteag ids SOR, OE Pe ee ORES gi, : eRe eg See 25 SRY RS NE ee See ORC RRS
seekSOR Pe MC ate ee eeoe eeee ee ee tee coe Re giee RAY eer Pscos | ccm eR, afTROS er Ce aeati a oe eeBOREL hee ee OeRe Baeae Se— ee . ooRae ae MES Ok ENia eee eeckestte oeirts, Oe SC wet ae %, at ee Some, — See: aE — =Mee bee peerage rlRs CU Seee ee et, 8eee oa sine: ; oe aS Le. PA _OEaeee 2Ataes a‘leoe ps ae aeOS rr ee oe eeeeee ee ee osee a eee BSE. ae“ Bling: Sctbases oe — tee PRT ORS SE 4 | et neee oeay Boee eecree 8£ee, Ge esee tere te 2a
ee Soe Fe es fe roe eS CresSS .Sefe os PP ar(okCeeerie . -. 26 Stes a cee Popes i Seoepeee Re ae ee_Uo ee. i «4 ere. :BOR aN oe _e fe = Coe io iece alen oetefgeee Sesores es + — ae ee ee oo. Se ——C= 7 6 ee eo eeor ot eee asthe Cee er oF eee Po a -ae(ol Pee ce oo ences oe ee ge eg . = a— hlee CisCi“ —Fr—ss—C—“CS™S—sS . cee eeaera fo. -— te SO ely . seeee —— r— ee eeeee ee om ee Seeek eaeOS* if go 22Sek be ey ee ab | ikpce eee Pess i oe ee . ee oA Ne Se es Ue Sete ae eS esis SaRes CRCaBR ie. ai See Beats, eae b RE Saree Saree, Ee, Spree ese ste Car a ea, eS Nt, Rg Ree eee PP eee Se, EE De. a Ree rs a: Sees ee Te er Cn eee G5. ae, am ae aR
...i Gee, eee oe eeNga al? ee nepaPees eePeaaa ee SS Shite Ee ee eee ess eeCaee hr“ae a” ee EOS ee RSS eee os Foe Ag Seaos Ri eee eaea ee Lr PRE OG eRBae Sox RarROR Migs Pecan ae teeae Sane SraOS | Sa a ea SRR renee leoo al See came OR PEE Nigee a Rare Cesena eae ee oes ee USES RESSRE Nie 4OS eoRe URSA MASsou aneER SR See ane ceeNG SUNS ESRO SeerERR eee eetBee Eee:aAeacapeeaeene: ReaeSeae aeene Sa ae aasee Se oeeemegee:. ae ee Beattie Sueaener SAS See astern ee Pesce
bt. — sss—i‘C sisES oeee EO reaso eenaan SoneaMN ane a re Heent ae ee AR eRRetin Se Bree eens ooar: aa i, ‘ Rae goes ee *eee aee erBe, eeeers: 3Ee CRORE ne, eeoo cr ae gees Sena —ee EoEERE Ue REE iBB. es ERS Soe a aeata cece ay came a” eee ERS Rog eesae een "eS eee Re gore Si ees ee SCC Raee eeecSe aPG Pe SaSeaman ea SSON™ Sit sntaUE «got eeSepaeruic Se pe ek Pe eee.ae ae Ssa ee — .£ i.RS s aseR ce Se ate pei.tseee ERS SoSNS oaas eeeRR Boies Presence ce core aace peePeete Po caller SGhke” mere nies ee Se Bees PRU RS ay are es a eee aeSee oe Soe
ee —~— hem —“—OCOC*CC*#EE OS oes ea aeeewee oreoP ce Re OY.CC CLee rr—CE i a:ee ee we i oe ert ee es ee. Ce we pa oC ce ce
ll CO” Sane ee ee EE cece Re nee see eg Lohetee gis os Neon aN oc eg eR ee fe ey Foes ns eee Oy neg 3 MR eee eae ee Soe eS SS ess Penner
——hU oO >Seo «hme ee we geo ereeeaaePe ses ee eee epg Eee a —rt—‘_SsS — aC—O eSSORE Bape asi Seo — =eS =—Eherlh9 Pee Be EO ee = J f,,.,DLmrmrrtrtwsC—“‘ a ES Ee Se eeeSeta Sides a ,eee ee «Se See See eiSe RrWS ae| ee eae ee SAU serBe crcl " -r—‘“_C—i—CO ee Space —‘CCC Be scene ee Seok eS SE Soe a ice pfeyBee see eee pees aeiceman ee Pe ee
iadnciyn a Sage” * = eee eas cesSeas Seip ea ere OSBe os ARN Se ee teBo EEE,aSeCa eee es SEE Oa , i RE, eRe a aoa, + SaCEE a SESIe aesees Serenata ets = #é-aciara oe eee LoSeBenen MaRRCee flSRR, isee ie PAS 8 RS SPER: SRSIRE Sena — _ Oo.ous iOeipenance #&.Cees ore», Bede BORE aR aeeeee aaeeeSNbeRR aeBee Mee aSoe] cos. oeCCRco eeSea:Be URES ecSaid cae na
ESRI ts a eae Be he the fk Se ee RSS iS Sun Sis eee ee RSE ORD ck a cs eee oe See: Se ORR ee oS ne ae Br NC SS a Ro ae Mmm Rake a ahs ONO ARMM Gag ORR oe REE ES : Sea eniamees es Pe ee eG Ce Se ceca aati Soest: Se a Sona pa Se ee ae Shu Ree eR ee og ee RED Na nO peice EOE tances eee Soe es Se Serene RES Seee RE ie SRErrSOR ae SUE SG Se ae RSLS ed RS ——rr—“‘_—OOOCOisSsSsri(SCtrziOrisOrs ges eae ageen = ORR rr CrCl eeeae eee BBE ecSEreaiee
a 5. ee. ee es Sie Meme agente ES BERS See ee e SE ROA ST Re ID Sehec gh Rhee ppm Bees es FEF 39 Wind Machin Fig. 141 Cobweb Machine
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ecause o reach the screen b | it would The plate i sot Ise of , p un uall of. plis decided |and n uponthe , t*light scen 1aea poil the q y he plate. Forthe thatfirst, reaThen
on, ve ront light is used, and T1light‘be so ) eople aree.ht The must be so
balanced that foreground and background ap- _ For this purpose a mock-up is used. Formerly pear to merge. A tree, a bench, water, or a _ it was part of an old wrecked automobile, but shadow or two can help blend together the _ now specially constructed mock-ups are made
parts of the picture where the set ends and _ for the purpose (Fig. 143). They can look the screen begins. Care must be taken to light like new cars and also can be taken apart the set so that sunlight or moonlight in both (Figs. 144, 145, 146). An actor sitting at the foreground and background appears to come __ steering wheel cannot see the screen behind from the same direction. Any mistakes in this him, and therefore does not know when the respect make the picture look fakey, and the car is supposed to be turning; it looks fakey
audience will recognize it immediately. on the screen when the road turns and the steering wheel remains still. To remedy this, a special effects man on the floor watches the screen, and by moving the arm shown at the
Interiors of automobiles showing passen- lower right of Figure 147, turns the wheel gers (Fig. 142) are not shot on actual loca- — when the car is supposed to turn. To give the tion; it is simpler, much faster, and more _ effect of a moving vehicle, moving shadows economical to shoot them on the process stage. are projected on the people seated in it. The Fig. 142 Marsha Hunt and Dennis O'Keefe
a ..... . e...-F i . . .. i =;
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et er = 66 ae eed ee — tr; see
a a De ow fF |. (ll eee «ll rss — SS ceesseser8 a fff f=rt~w«~—~— =F Ss rc rr nC a a — —i‘( a i * “2... oe 3 ee
-— @lveLe —— files oe @s>Ss©Ses—ieCC ts OlhlCULGE PC eo eer, —s—sOSSS
es = lO ee
——lUT=rlrt~”~—~—~—~—C Nel cc LhDUmUmUmC«SES aaitt Beaters Oe bellgs PerteRGIS Bae aan sepeee e GR Ree BORE aeeR Smeg oe 2ie tSRee ahaaERO ENE BEEi A a5 ie, isegAE SERIE ARDENT gOQRS iy N EEE te4BE Riss PsaGE ce Ci SOL otiEE tOES pes See wee Re aENs eC RRae aES Oita aatee BOO: CS OR ENCa I ae ROIS: Fngee OR RTI ete UE pen aSES aR BREN ies ogee OR ast VUEF PGE EE ielege te TPE PREC Hirnie Tea dorh, IOR oan aE tact Nae. SOON CURES AGS crane Ne TUOMAS «ae tar OS ee Re yb", ahaSobek 2 cals ORO pesNS Remeciran St Figonce PSO.semana ORES poy cacao aia PE IE PEGE, ote AR ty Fag 2%EtyBe TE ORE eS RY SE COLES age OO iS So Soe Een tenes EOS Sa SER Se eg RE OR eee =Nang we ee RO lied Ete Fogel Oo EYeS Be ORE itn EEarse RSs aa EoNh eeRea WSs IneWee EReGR RReine SOOO cc reEES inaR Oe IeCOR OSE CNR EE SeRESO AT eeEAA RS: Ec ener een| cee ee OPSan PENAL CRN RES CREO ey ee Seta note ae st NE CEO aaa ie Cae VUE eae Ppt Sh aaa Mauna orn Rncencancetiete drs 8 SET innah cara aci SeORG ad a sane EY OR WeSea i Rinne SURREN hsBaan COR SES SeNa OS pees oitesters tonets Sot kD saps ee DE COREE a8EOE aie Ge eee. os, Stok 5 3ey,NL aa PeeRy MIS EOeo OAR pate RRO ae SESE Sete oe Bee Sah ae SE Sean ee SS ESR pee ee Bs Se AOSek CNS Pkoe pFFar BSCS peaCae Reeeerss REPSattoe PURGE Bo. one EE,ORE BORE Eg ON RES | BI sp RS tiCe ER EWIO FP anne SEDI cahated MoE SahLeBee Sane! as ie pres CARRS BREpes Se WEinte ah EK One IRE caear RON ESCER RSG Seca RES aS ER IR EO REN SEO ep SN sce eeENE oh gi AAT OE RD 55 PRO ERS, PEaNS OEE, PeRPO RES a, PL vane, aeRO eaeSR ENaR, ER SEE aera eses FONE ISLE nets CORRES ISS SeLERNER on ine Sra uk nistRUIN anecars aaaase RE ge Seed MERTEN EE PEE, Cp heS ORR OR EER ESS oneRS eee ‘ Besant SnaREERS Pe eugene SOR RE, SE, Setieh 2cot EOBehr TS eR EE eg BB ieee: Re eSOMAR SS rapePrae a OEE ate Foe giesn era cteh AUAS Sh Dung Sag ANS Sea Rees, See eRN PEASE NR can A SS RRR OR ROR ERSoe OnE ae RE BY Gatco ORO eee fo . PORES on: fe AEE UE 1ERES SEER pel Tied BANBorate CARRE eee eeete ae eter LASS Seine NS, ty DRONE autores Sut a PROSE RNS Saran ER arts Rs ROR ESSER ae ne Orta ate PORNO OREga NOFPO NORE Baa SEE Gs ponarae ARNeR aR RR ES FESR yee geBs rerrence Men aay. S Rosman ene Sere SAP Ree ee 4; Oi OR a pO etter EOeeRS IOS a eth ig See PEI,ROok RESones eS Tb: LG ogee PSgp aroma se ee reSot PAGER sua mee a ne raga ORME MOOR Te Be A ER eS ioeeathe Sena SRRee en AR
Fig. 148 Fig
a oe dace geben nae 2 a ° re gested oe se Coe ee ee DUI ong CS SSE NEES OE ag ER a CaS naneniaes CLEA
OOM SECURE GRE ee Se See chet poet BE Ee Shas SN SPE Oe re Be Lona AP REO at at REY DRE nee eee ces Satsteny Ran res Ronan ed er es CclCl—*E Fh Sah SA ER REI BMS ERS NE , ou WE ONS 3RGA Mo aoe aa ded SRSee GRCC ECR EE SS Ue Re hoichnee geese Oeaecae ne eRe ke ee ee Z nia guna niin sunenne ieTO pins eRe a ee eee DMCoB BEte6RP PSE SaSe,ei enSOON ee eeUU eeeNeHO GPO REE oO ESS SUG EONS 62) eseeSoa Hse pho ngen eune Uonmitaru nan easpain Pee Rar Suen eS
Renta eines per Se EES gol Ebbasiaie EE gt Ble PRR RCS ee a Oh eS BE gg aePE ee eecee REED SeasfRE IARI 1 NSE nsEN OE es cae antena aeee aE ee OS EEO OER lle,Me BillyS| EE ECE I,PET BC eos aa lon wageBa SePHS abe Se eR Behehe osTe Oe Ser SE are oA esate Bg RES SRE eneSih a, Poe Sapa SePROT na BE Es aSE ERSoo evan’ § €3Ca © perk: gatYE a4 ERE ESE: ona SUR SE lec ORGS AR SAR witha Bre EES A Lean TBSa BLeae easly OIG pee REREN EEE NS : Rs: REE SE ESesBOO aL Magee aieURS RESe REO RRR RAREche PRRgeOShe TE Been OM eetoner Sa BAIT en TE Oa ee Sy BRO Be Baaeheoe ORGS thee etang en aBe eedeSeeRE ee Re ee toe S SETeAUER SOEiaNONE SES Pn NeOREN ee Ug Se kel ts,EE wich tana aie URE Mace ak Nes ee ee A Se peo CU cnn Oe ee
ee SE an BEC Te ee Cr ae Se pe bn ee B00 2 gf athe ae Re ees SO RY 10 PRUOESS BUOY C0 oe e
PERE IR A RON RON EIR ENY OIE PP SRS RESEE SRC ee ee Mee RRA GPSS LETTE SESE PALIN ) ‘ee en ane PME CNR PENT 2 P PRR eens eens car5 HIN Sore eee: BS ee a re te ed oda ttWETEI oa Ieee
ssecossinmesiosons De BROS ENE ee i ioe Ds Aa eatts ae pees mr woe
Put ancenancinh occaen niki eee erteerenee . PEERS acstingin SS ang PRO Teeeapa cerned ene ees CE rn ie tin SL Oe coe MINER Sey Stn, oe aes ee heePCRS a Oe, SEO eee gece cree iitcensmeeat eRe Ses RO .uate BeStee Sein DEIN aeeee 2S OES aRee Lsect glint es gapat eee eePOMONA tie ee Pie taneainnaRahee Rees: Seas BEE Es Re EE Se Rage ee ee ee sasaaianiinnias SOBRE BS HELon os Sos al i ee Re Nas cates 4tanaBie goreRESROR eeca sara eecoasts NO Oe Se ence ESS ORRES Re eenace ge se ihetuna stent ae ncaa SEES aeOSU —ce ;seams rrrr—_—“‘“‘“‘ — ey A * ae a 4 PS onl mi) ie iS +f bi, "ie 3 ;“aFA ; . . e ., E a ca “ : 5 . . a Bee : a) © . * «* a be my hg ¥ . * ie a?) “? 7 bal i , J ‘ mel “4 (i tae, As ‘ = > : ne » Met ihe > * . = ea 7 eae i ‘ke e fat is . ‘ ef Pe es a . aoe i, : 5 : P ‘ + , we oe re qce ‘ t . : we mn ae Pp 2 fas tee a ‘ » a 7 a, ret ge : : : eee | aN ‘ as * be, a < sue 4 rg es . ’ . FS Bets ¢ Ct an ah ARES amen Mem 4toe >. Ce eeSs ery : \ ‘BP SaER eeoreSa2ee ee ‘Pe Se"ah 4*>Paige» pss, é Ay ©; s Ww a: px $ /ewes 7f iv rsseoc he -/->)4aiBe i ae, , ~*~ | a: + ie % a h. | : ~% - P
¥’ y“™!, | a Se Pir Bag ” Sree ¥ rc ‘. ae ‘ Mest . 4B, 4 Aa . Ny si " € oF #e@ ~ng . ~ = ~~ J ‘o/? A a 1 ES TD hk Diag ti Laa°,> be ee aa pad ca ’ , ., é;/tn , \ gts —— om 4 2 7 ¥ "Pa 7>é.~" ?*wit otaIIe Ve ed *id mh oH .~~ as : OL ° ¢ ee ~*~ ~ Pe we > & ~¢ A -a A Ty’ * Ret» oe . Ve ie be Did a oe a, We. Ve . * “eo f.re/ofOO Fd : ,»iP a POD e.. *, ” “t ; “athe ~© e 6 ie '+7 pg - m=. >*ns 6 oO Ba es a, Pe a bed Ge ey @, * 33 j
LE ee Kb re rae
5A Y . Te -“e, | ° og ® & ga fie J pe Bw aoe . t ; & ~~. Ps ee o * MEF: ; , ae F 4 2 «a , * & o “@ s r; ¥ ae od hide - OO OES Ah Eg oy 6.5: . ~ é
,ier v4 -444 4 Gie °¢@ al ee a- ,©ead "Ma a yj aPes aOe Cg "22 AiJe oe” / “ae ->F*:, rs é: 144oe” + C¢ @¢¥“S@ Piet Wx: -°.bad e@? ' a@ “ 4 C.a Soi Ca pt bng 7 Qn 9 an, ota 4ME fe . ob ie” &. "
€ i 4&gys da iva. §bb-d Yr | -~ re ae hd ad Fa on Fe + . ’ ‘‘W464 ” SB-4 P af 4 ' re i 7 se b F r . a ~ : C/O « » , ; : OFS 4G = | rs > Ae oa |
ii oy ee c oe ; 19946 wan l| ,{' 9ifj 3 96Pn @729-a *.:“7/ : j f7,‘| = i. se477° Pot:20 e1tthg tbh dd a d. bak F Deallel a. S 6. te ' ay ian Bi /
Fig. 163 Spanish Beauty, Mary Inclan
In real life, when we look at a person we __ degree of diffusion depends entirely upon the like, but who is not as beautiful as we would __ effect we are after. Softer lenses require less
like her to be, we automatically and uncon- diffusion than do sharp lenses. While glass sciously half close our eyes, diffuse, soften our _— diffusion has practically no light absorption
vision to make her appear more beautiful. factor, gauze diffusion reduces the light conWe close our eyelashes and actually hypno- siderably. In calculating exposures for closetize ourselves into a state of admiration. By ups, allow for this absorption—open the diadoing this we eliminate harsh lines. By plac- | phragm or add to the strength of the keying this imaginary rose-colored glass in front _ light. To determine the exact amount of light
of our eyes, everything appears just like a absorption, hold the gauze diffuser in front
dream, so romantic, so beautiful. of the exposure meter. Some lenses of still Photographic cameras are cold, heartless in- cameras come with built-in diffusion; this struments. They do not possess the automatic can be modified to different degrees by the diffusion of the human eye. The picture has _ mere turning of a handle.
to be softened artificially. This process of In motion picture photography, diffusion making the camera lie is called diffusion. of close-ups should be gradual. In order to avoid brusque, heavily diffused close-ups
LENS DIFFUSION which disturb the audience diffuse scones While diffusion of the sight has been known __ before and after each close-up. In close-ups
to exist since Adam laid eyes on Eve, lens with lamps, candles, or any other flames, diffusion in motion pictures is a typical Hol- _ gauze diffusion is preferred. It adds sparkle lywood invention. Each master of lights has _to the eyes, throws a pictorial halo around developed his own secret formula. Generally, the flame, and does not produce multiple imthere are two kinds of lens diffusers used in _ ages as does its glass equivalent. Gauze difmotion picture photography: a silk-like gauze, fusion gives the skin a velvety texture seen usually homemade, and the standard manu- __ only in the better class of pictures.
factured glass diffusion disk, a flat glass with The usual rules for diffusion are: generally slightly raised concentric rings pressed on to _ no diffusion on long shots or distant views; it. In some instances a combination of both light diffusion on medium shots; heavy difsilk and glass is used. Manufactured glass fusion on close-ups, especially feminine pordisks come in round and square shapes, and __ traits. The best way to learn how to use difwith varied degrees of diffusion. In addition fusion successfully is by experimenting—make there is the variable-diffusion glass. This is | mistakes and correct them. In the hands of a long piece of optical glass, clear on one end _ inexperienced photographers the use of gauze
and soft on the other. It is used on traveling diffusers can result in gray, muddy photog-
shots, from extreme long shots where diffu- raphy. : sion is superfluous, to a big-head close-up Diffusion also is used to blend harsh, prowhere it is absolutely essential. This glass is | nounced highlights and shadows in landslid by hand through a frame in front of the scapes. It is recommended especially for love lens, gradually, as the camera advances or _ scenes or for any kind of romantic outdoor recedes. The diffusing glass or gauze is placed photography (Figs. 164, 165).
in front of the lens in a holder or frame. By Anyone who has a little patience and who varying the distance of the diffuser from the _ is fortunate enough to find in the attic an oldlens we also vary the degree of softness. The fashioned dress of chiffon or fine net, such as further away the diffuser is from the lens, great-grandma used to wear, can make his own
the softer is the image. The selection of the lens diffuser. Narrow frames about two or 89
Fe eeOP Poe oo ae ee Co eeSe oees ie Big Sa oe Fe ee oe ate Q
Kea Paes se ee aes Se oe4 . 53 -— ee m gee Ce clad eeeae “Ags ‘Stam eeeee. eeae Sard oe>) a.Sabie Se :"Sg. haere -8p aO n |aeW |L ( ) ( )T Bene ahee .se ohae iyoe eae i he eo i ee oe BST ek fgg a | ; : be 2 a ee FA Se “ee ce T 7 Fe ea aa 2 oF ee. ee S it ee _. a foe oe ee Bae oe ss — a ea oe, eS . YT ° e tee as esRe eeaesi,ee Rear peas ee aSeeisi 2S ae ee :ee 1e ° Cae Cae ak a pe es er 7 oieeeoeBe Soegee ces Ras ORs eee Sra Ge SCesaDueeeoy 2 2eeee:ees ake Ae a' I 1] Rigas. ge eeoo a See soto eeagit egg Soe. i ae CC ee oe = p> >, nO So ao. ee eteexis Skid BE. decal pao 8h wn ES Soc rnSe .ast ioe ee oe te ae Boe *.* .a 22. erelvte SeraAE Jae gees te? eeED hee“gf eeeee gi Loan Tekh atLeo arsTas at cere Sees moBy a te Bote O SETS fet pePF Gy eee ooSd aeicitee OS, coe wan te ee ehcenanende MBean co gb Baga coe Beet at whl gy a .| Bou 7 Loe : nseeson
eo aaa in we uae aa soe “ cobneonbi hanes: mo = or rs BE rors aces oa wee or eg oot nae Sage 8 pe ers
ee 5aa BF ee aetlh pe = es 5 sea6ine wee; cae | a/ |;Los ai csii 2: ;: |:, :: ee P oe r) ! esfoe ifoe ire me Se 2pae a: ame |set UE Eee ae: tits — og fe oe Sle Petae ot Labs ecto or Ee eee.Z ae Stang le . ee ; Sh ual Ano ea Ode rr.< ©ais _aie — ee Se wis I212 6erro 5ate..°Aten CC eeefg — sae xwisn ¢é De :“eo raJoe {
||aN “e | | eee Bed
Fe Sete ee Sa saan Ae lant eas eee Soe esi Sy corend SORE rae Fa, we ET v7 Siae ex” cael eee od . Pee tile Siew a. AE i 2eea Seat ee eae FELSetat Boe PointBsFes eo es= eeieoefecnyer 7gat TPE" abe. Do. si.073 ae c& Hate. fe
2 == cre Boo a! oe eae Seae eae - es ge aeoe oR FeBee JaSe-2 tefeed?? ee 2: Se Oe Bee tae ‘elfe were wy ES ve _LLSUE Pe ee in ree *s “ek eatiere eee ee —a ee wea sag® oo gf sien tes ed oh :teat Po Sao: oa 42geeae8aes. EGE tab, Bers Bere:a 8 ee: ACE? ee aie fo oe es*.sks fea Fog SS re : aeoe oo we _mest eis rn ores oa as .as .ai ehey Ped oe . eee osaSs BS ees. yo Sle acea taleEe ate itl eee me ny = .SS ee ees SR mh us .ae Soe -: se nae Se See PRES Se See got aa
ae oy Reese Reese st eee BE, Boho? |
: ss . . aan aS EIEN han Tete 8 2S ae “oF Sees 2 wo” Y ices OS BE is 3 es seine ? pages
ig. 166 ig.F 168 | -®
ees: # — - ia Ys . s . 4
Sense « Season Sates Perce ty aru sss os ts ae. ee " soe eee Sees — : : i ~e eee ‘dismiss ae 7 oo. ae “ cht ARR Rarer 5a mo SCs west .co . OME :osz* 2-— P 2 heres . . Boo es Fes s ae ane Pg i a . “sf, eae fei wee oe ae od < :oar -esa., ioo | a Fee aye an — Bea Fee ee 2 i pee ce eee fee fees rr “ ee ee — Sa Sees Pes _. q;:qSoe a ah iia Se oo . . EN SS Pe ane . 7 3 “ERE —_ ees _ . gueeccurerccame rae. . . . . eee Sg boas te » EE el : . ; Cs ceameler tae , ‘ . See err et SEES "ee Est Ba eee: SESE ES SS ee fee ce —s aS / y , : : 2 , . * ® | s is. ee = ~~ ceca’ . mot . . : we ° 4 PRgSE Fed EEE TERR PO Eee, eee. . See ty oe. . ea . _ ues _— | ol : s a 4” Beane erecanre hee
|1 -'P :ks :”Foes |.tS. oe i-Se.ae5.a."SR aeeoa.asoe cs anwee —_ |Ak sigh ae See! B hr si wists
, Soe a SO , ae oo .,”—hmrt~—OCS_ ot i 5 eC re -; . re a me a... 2. Sa eon . , re ee ‘ : me as oy : ) ES ee ee ee Cees ate Read : mo cers nr .oo. Sve . Cone, Fee : a-_ . :~~ . we {_ — aeeee sy Me et ve . ,.so ;mo ae oes , 7. _— .es Eee Bo ee... ..7"aape So Ee tat Sys we fF 2 ee fee ny Sree es ras 7 4 a fr CC“C“(“(C q... So, . an Fy | pa ; ios "spp, : , . noe ‘ .& a 3 oe a ee (_ i i tC #-*F ‘ "OR | oe : , ae we gee ee : ” a rrr—“ir Se Fe dee > a Lrrrrsi—“ Ea ef he Renee Sirs, os ge, Re wl ne. . i a rrrr—“(‘ROCCCCC = aS enetiTe eam. es Ls | lle Sandee . Pe eee Se ees ener es Ste ieee. = Or SS Ee :. : oo ——r ee ee en rrrrrr—~—~—s—~—S—SsCUiCSCSC 2 ae Un ORE ate Seu SS ees CLC ‘ Rg RS Ne eg Ee otis oe sa Ss pe eae SAS se Se .: ; Co — ee en i sate a ge eee lr 3 See =. ee a ~~ 3: -_— rr—tsrs—“‘WCOC*SCS —, = oo oe ee ae — 8 = —O—rr—‘_SSsS— ‘ifreeffgee OC oa Oe a i.-Cs ee ~ to tgs a ee a i Fa eet oe ee » CF eS Cee — , 2 . :22 6 a te ff 2 —rr—i“SNS ae : : a SS te ae 3 — rr—i CCC ee ee rap3Sa Re SE ee ll, wed eeee—rrr——._._Cis‘aCO#;#C(CR eee eee peeSOE ie - 2g 3 #22 BE GE ee i . Sa eR EES, ee ra see=. ae =io 3 |a i i _td apg ] SB Gobo eee :— £#+$;§« 6:ae . See Pigg gupnaienaaraegnenn foe;Ee Re ae aSsaE ROEOE os Ses ee reihe: oe Res REE, * . . Bae pCa ee ei eer Se RRR OER Ta Se Ree a Bee wae ROLE CSS pS se ae3B me ee cecum ee 8aieoa : SiN orgs eyMena Pe .h6UrLrrr— ee ae eS oe : _oe ge. go osoe oeBee oe eae ee :_ Se ae ..ne =8 . :aa— := |: ::: ./: ::K ;i !4éBZ See pe as ee fg — : 3 a _ e a 8 pe Be es ee es Sees : : co oe a S ee ee see oS Se oe oe : ae a : a = _ . | : ae e ee eee RSS ee Saas . : gg eo ee ee oe eee oe a ‘g | a —: : age _ ee oe _. .. ae Cl < = : ) : | ; \ aé;‘ 1 2 3 | i ) a _ a. | es . . — Bes Ce of | . “| pT 3 a oo a See . a ae Le sees pee 5 ee 2 ee oo — a _ ae oS =e 1 ee oS _ . 8 _ “ a KH : oa : aS jBoe oe , 8;a.ite HES 8 Be ee es se ge co | Bee |. oe ae : oe i ee t. Ve l i 5|eS aeee shave eae Be ee oe Cee pe -— | eae, Bb e = Eeeae ig :é:oo _‘gi ae ce ee _ e oem 7 A : ee i._f} Ae .ae aceeS==2. 2iLe oe - ae eeas pee a— 2ae . oe. :|_oa) ee pes B fee : ee aoe ee 7ee A a_ aaoess 2=a-eiPe _:a| x sae ee eee Se ee ee aoe Se 228 * eee Bae SS a a Se Ss SS ae coe eee ees ene = SE Se a. tee S: ee Shoe RG dese Ree poe Bs Pea oa eee sis os as: eee ee ee ae See
5 Baas ete ee ee aes eee: Reena ee eros NE . ee sa ee ee = ee z eee CSRS ee oe a oo Fs ee pee eee ey aces ee: RS — . — ea Sts SO es — gy . Ce — ee Re ae Soe . Bees oe goes ees see eS . eS _ ee eae sie Sea Spacea:—UREN See peesSe S _ Seee | | eee : : 3g | : aenae : | : JBee ; / eei :i oe . -ee. eess. ee Soe eeeeteas as_ae . Bee .. %peeeee ee:eeeae
Fo . Lees ee Bees Be oy oes & _oe oe— i a:ceoF Bes oS — |— — e: _ger oe ees aae oe oe %ae _cee eee ee eee Ssok eeaee saes ee ea ae 8 ;oo —— ——_. eeeaae eee oeoe eeas . ee eee Bee a. 5— ees oooes — ks ee eee — Si ao Senmiae — =] ps : :i_a||ae ores os _ a a coe Se pee Sees ae es ——— Eee ee = oe eee . Hous een i roe a 3 BRS me oui ox aie. Soe Ri — 7 | : : : | : : \ : = , , , ; . : ) : 7 ee | oN Be, aeesee oeSeBes Beek See aeoe| a, Seeeaces eee aeeeees 1.‘: eee a BoE ee Se - . oes ee eeeee See sy pe eee ees eee aaN Se Ses Be ekeae, eee See | oe Cc . oe cae a ; j __: : ::: : .noes re Peceetd oSglee? ee eee. See en eeeeeeaeoeé ce eeeeeee
Ee Cr| RSENS: BE SB eeeons eeCana CR.a ee ceeateR eR OeORE? wegen SS oo.OS ee . : eeBO AL Aee,rer—“a—‘OOOOsCOrCOr”SCOrsCsCiséséCs SSSet eee al :eaMRR Sccen Sicha nct=manaw ate oe ours aNTRae ase.PERI patcetinn tee BE Sn een Re ce EEEROG.” EUR GI “.——“ J,., ” hcoS Naa* Onaa eRSST eR BE GCM se RR | Meteo socal Gee Piso PBR Redo scree eo See: Bhoeinars SURE Ge PP ERO r ES Les SEEN Pa SS RO oS RSceSReee, RR Geen OCS I sei cenit OR ECR, RRS, Pe td, PN ee yePopee, «agate * GROCERS « : oes TES ER ES a eRG8 CSO88 ae eneMeeS ee SESE SS SPPEES PE BEER CEPT R SE ee eee 8 SS nck g es! pire.,, eT pteRRR ete “hy hace’ Pee gee Seen et feSESE SE BOOT OUAEIES eSSSA BEA ESSE S8SETS? BSS a —ee re Pel Tr—“_O™OSOSCOC—C—C——C—CNR ee aoe a, ae a«Se es coe tg wa SCSRE Ae eee a Be OSE|SEES SPS SRI TEES sie eit a8 2 uhSen ERE MES Se eee I Sc aa cc eR| Cane Se MST, |, ERE :EMEC SS Cee PRB RSSERS EON ESS plieee tykee se HESS aeSRTES Eeeasss ge Ries PEE
pS ees a ee ae lrrrrr—Ct Cw es BBBREE ST Ue os gRRE ebsune? ee mo 1 UAE en ee ese 2:
eRe Raa aR NSE Ret RnRR ean aOae a ORGER RR SRC LSREB «ES Oo” RRR GRIa+Poagkig sSReaRS Rea a CN oo ANOS BRR Be ae 722 NEBROO + ERS GET SS Se oeSa BEE Se 2? 2s EEBETEE CES OR aS ra oeess nea BePEaN res SSeS ie Bae oS Se REP Eee ere et ET Ee Eee SLES TE 2 ee REE (OSES "AR Se Sas Ses Te PSE E25) 8 BR ae a Ene ERS SN. 9 SNS PESOS 0. Be RRR Meee, os Os BERR oh BE BSC8 aanoene ae ee 7ARSE EL SDVESES emercece opie ese eer n ERS seco as TRE SES" eesEEEE geLothar TSR EA SaaS Rea en Ree a oC is, | RR. haawee ER ee Sewe aE RR OR OM oo deme ae ee ONS pe veeoy SEE eaeebaeatth toteRELIES ne er 9 RRR "2 SIPIE SORES Ea See aER a a ae es Sentooo;en"RRR, wine! Bscscogts toes ener egPEE | RRS GRSBDILLIE "2s awee Bees bs SESS REESE bee Fy, oF poets cataannenemana erates ee ee eee SRR RRR. © ci eae a ce we eoare see ROBE SEER Coe onc ae PAPE 8 ag Bee Ca ON «SS S08 et eS 2 ES 2 LEIS Bees SHAS TES Pee ees seed TESS t PHSPEESESE TELE S "Bo:
lLCO eee aoe eee wenn TERT PIT aeeeee ee eee See ee fe,eae Serer tesees +: Sie ea eee ee a BeRRC oS eae Sie ee cee err we EOces ae 2S OO pgaMN RLee SSee vgego ob sa as te Ree eeae eereA eee aN So eaORrnsRE ER orc .‘ a).ee the? Po eo aSS er ee One Ce ce ee So So ==. co a SRE RRR? Ln accie "cho Oo Re wea . ’ . Rae APNR DeSiege perme MERE: 22S Soe SSS, Sherrr PE ste PEEP Shei ooo hs REE SES 2 E Sarueioeeman cence aaa PES aE ee See . : : eee Pertti ee iv OES 2 ERPs Cecett ctesececirrcger ys! FEE Fees ty : ‘ CHEESE: a Sr ee Me eee tSE tee ELCs SRE 2? rc rrerrr ee oe ‘ RS i cece ciiydifiee, HEP ee aos yobs ee oe ah re hoe ree eee ae eres i ee ks— Re Bae : eo, . 2 a SERRE 3 Sob SSO oe ce REMC 2 tT PEEP ely, SESE ES EP Eg Eee EP ES ce —. BS -- — S es g CO ‘ «age ghee a cc eeme esdmo, hth rrr si“ rr GSe rr cc ; “riey [eegig iCPerey aPestasse hha ee ee SS eeee eh Lin Fase SES OBA RRS eefet SO Ss Loe vote eS a dss rrSEES RRS RRE og SStee SR on earedLES Ree BOERS See e Fagg Pegfed eeege 9 ORES eSGe:eeRRO aeSRE en = nrvente oo :TE : .:. ..A 1See Se oan sa RE PORE eSesties ESS ec Sedod PSEA T TES psig cnanatians Wigan site Shot 2 ath Reenter ee ac tama ht RRS och ic nent udp inc coe nian guaianaeg non ersneieacanc cence noe eh Re ieee enan Re 7 et, 0 + RRR 2 ER RENE. LOR a oy ees Baars SF PAE pg PPR ES eas oe Ge Ea E EIS po SE Ge ed
pS a See ne =. ee Boe SHR Se ee er Mucaumoagan see RE a ty oo eee mere beg vote oe ONE. oR Ste piivinimrateme se eS os RRM. Sax PELE ES ee, eee ee es ME EEEESER SEES Ee
pS dha aisrctty seni gi grok no cinapntin arate meena emigre neem aie te agemas he ars Sri “Magog acagenemnatoiy ain ne ah sn unenanarae a era marae nema ea ee i a a a . ws . + CRS ee - + AES AR eR ESS a ‘g ERESEES SN oe piers SSP a eee ee a PEPPER SS) | SPELEPPSEE TESS OD
iii mae al a ha Renan eate ie a Re eae neat detain ete eaten cunt ae a ahs hiantaneatata ia en teen er nee a Me EN toe soe ee . : + WEE cna c RRS OC, A a REF ER ER Benes ih i RBS Soe SEES LS TLSEREE SESE PRE REE ETE S
pS Eerree re :CEO . rr SUNS eg we Rae cetera ecee ets tet28 ere re RBRSRS ae Sa a eae SeSP aeLo eee CETTE Bred oe US Be rrranre aSe re Se DPSS ee reEE oeGE Be ge ES eeecAe aRoATES RoR ERs ee con re8em EE cc Ee cuca” ,ne rota, wesCe salen OES Sou” 0, 0Se SEE aa ahacer fe Be Rams 2Gee EOE SSR ESeaSESS Scents eee as PERCE Pees ee ea ere ene a ea Se rr nn ee pC a a RE ac aE EES vee! vat EIEN ER So seco sore nein mugen Se gee ete. ee GG Wee eRe ee ace : an ” vie . von TS TRESS se ae ee : i aaa ae Se Se oe eee $3 Seeuaned Beeect I ee eRe RRR cS eee |”, : wt ee sR Coe ae TRIG Soc nee Meee Se ugh ES ea ee ee eee 2Seger aetic IN IRS "oH :1esa Pe eee eres eee ereSe ee ee ener "ot ageo aysop, oe tS noc.pe its “0 a,gates | URS OR RE ES SESS Je =oc aaa eS Ae ce RE re pee RES Se . r—“_OO—O—O— SRSA P ee eeCaeee PROD DOSS Gis ia ieensd Ghatuaee Shien ime nine er iaerite aes areieiuitin weetaae ese San enn a una Renn eeu On hint canie rer nen REA eco a . : os ee re ano nat : ce OES ee Be ao oiareamineaienens tetas meaecacae ee
aSSS ee kage a" ee arORO CE 8ESS OSHS ;echo aAGS ee ae ae Se ORGS eSrere) eneee moe enELD a RRS TI ne CO oieGNU ot aein agemnae Sac aiean SeSE geSERS STESe beste a aa eaee aeeeEN an eeee cece reSe sens eeOn rei ER ee Spe, ccoR, | rTOc rete arree ann, mR oea mummers eoUS SIA en eeeNR eee Se aeee niiia esa RR Su. fie eR eo MMe ae ta PARAMORE aeS ca . US RES SES SS ne BA Rn OO Saar reaaene ent we eS cea eure erence aee eseee DRESSES 8TSS RS MR Se a en Pe TN oR Sen ee BS matte eee ee on ead
pO Goeth Oe as ee ee ee rene ae ee ee ee ee eee eae ee ee irae eeene eee ieee... USER eee eee) SEN eeack I | OS CLA OR A a crs, aeS ae ee ee 8aeo re ee aee i... CCC! PR 27Se rn eee aE On ee ee Pee eeRO arg Se eneeee ee Se creee ee neem eee ammheneNaniicinn SIN ee Ecc ee ee eRa: Eee” ..... See ean ee SNeR de conte ncaa OR eee Se aaeae aSR em eS RSSERS Bea SaNS en eeen ee ee gd eee ee eeoeee eeUCR esac: ||’Bei | |... |.hh Sr eee (As SLi Bee times aEE ae Bi rereeid as oa ee WEN teSr ciency eS ASSESS, css ogee sna aRa aeeer Re MM Se aee Gece Seana ee clan esaieee ee SESS ee BRSOE : Bn SS a naRee SERRE eR es oe BOT SO ke NS 2sca esc AL otantOE ao Suomen sie sarge cos BEDS SEE SEE Aeee eR ee oe ener ee Rnee SEs PEERS ech |South A IshaEAS eeneeanee enna eR SURES ROSEN eMRR Otc Wt” el eeAR SS SRR TTT lrDRE ive : Peta oO ree UM UIERe o. gRE ERR BS een thot 3cSER eee Be ai ARSSAEs ‘UE ee Se io opie ean£ane a aanUE ree eee PEAR: SEES See= :ee oS a Be Seas AOR -— ae vee a! aaFe: CptgSaae ME OTT. Rae msoneoe Beg ESS Se BaRca aGCE Oe RR CeUA, SSR RE» SRS «S|ne Tah aieoe SOR oes SeBe DS. RRR SoESS ESESS RRR SARE SES Ps «EE coc Sa Some Gani em ocCR RR CER: |On Gy unmet sy ony aeRC oaGio SS Ree SSS ene crmen eee SP oPSegr oe eee BO Batt tienes TRE aye area aA itBrees ee eee eee Peeen ee ee Feeeee.eo.Wwe®:.6.—LUCOWOUOU™U™C™COCOCOCOCOC*C®SZCOU RE RUC aeaTCh A eee ELI tae eae ncaa aMPM #oe :LEMME 0 MOR CERES OES os ; See 2A epee cee te ates ee1.SR ee10ee TT RA ee pala aeRRR aes “MMOS Dano Scucuce erm mcrae Cee AR oc. 8| Aes Bee aSEee
Se a as ce Ec eae: ERR aga OU Rat ee oR SS ce ee a fa nen EO see tt aeadnentcis ee EOS BRR adnan aR ES: a BERS ces « Raat Sa Sieg Tg RS RE See ee ees ae
——— cr .2=s«ConB es oS REGS 2 Re foe eer es LL a ee er i dt So ee ee ee eos gant eae Pe batar de CECE 6 SNe eR ee ee ae ee oe ee a —C—rrr——r— pe ,eeoe ees SEES IReES EEE EAE ee ,r——“‘—_O™COC—C—OC—C—s—C—SsSCSN ees eC — Ne PR ee DEUS ie ee Eeeet REeR a CLC ce aieee ee ee SP see | eee See ee ee ee ee. CEU Rec ee on ee ee ee Re R ETRY Ak easae eee nee ee eSeeUIE geeEE wees Sienoone eee Ree a ERE ate nen mR nn nema | Ts. |, ce a eR REMERE nr... Sarena cre oti dn oe ciaa ats ie Coca ae SOL REE SES eR Bo ORR SC orc a eae Me aaaeRii noisier re oc: Re ee ee ere
Eee oc ea Rnee acseRe Rr re RN CSR, "ro ter skRR scheeences Bence gn io nn EOE PR 22 ea Bea aaa Pode Seo age comaE aipenGu rate tee aae nee sarinRe ai SERS ere a RRC Tac OREN 2. aioe cos UPC, eS” ao Se SR a SS eeREELS TERE SSS SSSORR IPOoeaRS oreo 2 ESPes a ee atenoone ae REL CCR ee eeER eee ee eee ee. irre eenoche Ue eegit9cee oe aconocer se SS RMR SStangs See paSeOSES eee coe ROU Siac NUS SRBens ecient o ERE RE A Ge a eeia ROA) ERT: aa en ane RETR eeaeERS SOR ERE SS SRO SUED TAA 2S pRB OO PCE Be ea.SERENE en a i OEE RR caSSCS cca na ae BeSinan oe SR pcg ea ceeaaCae ae EE as eS Chi crenOe neaan aenaRR, ic EE «4, EN YE Fou RR a aed | Co eeaaaaray Specie Sc ee ee Eee cee mn camene ony So oF Beene ee ee RIS oasree GRC pe gg Slth: La arrr fete shee :Gece =EEee eee So a Beerics an ae eeeee 8 ope ee em es ace RCN ee ORR CUS acres uC Oe Saat, MRE... oo EF2 Eel cteue Logan ee MOR D OMEN a haa tt aae es Mame MERE Rtie auuu anne ey aa ea aro ; Se cae aa ce em ce RG. «ER CO ener ee Rarer Sec, SS Nooo EE A ll anita ad anh ei Sone Oo eee cr Se es POUR BSE BEE ee ree nears init’ Coun 0". ei ee RR gc nacre tian eo ro eh a RR. orc nae eR RCCL” MRR Sec RZ EY ts xihat dtradnalne oe ae ane re ec rr oy SERGE Bee WEEE Scent eee manera nN cance nan Se aR i a cece Setenana ee EEO RRR RR ear ec RS he RR. tanec EE eth okye, Rene ets hechchan aa henSie an ce a he SA Ets Bee a ean acnenn aera aN enna para eae eeeaene i usihiae cmnme eae amet SU aer a Sis enamine ee out ess erasCatia aii sce ahs eR cele Seeeeees 0 hboro odcnnne 0) PPSROR RRS: ; cane cages es we Ee Se ee eeSe oe... eacoast ee ee Reet” ~i See ERR, OEMs, |:abe | Sea eR ARE pataR Ae! Rane eane a BEE eee reer Se Ne eR ome coreeeienue ce neaOE aaeaue ote
Boe, Se Bed ae ee fe ire eeSea oe a ee rsel tePe eeee fo ee
Biers eanerr : es RD en a eT cSPES So ER a Le REGO ie ne aa ee aeue rans eeSEE Ne RES orice23a eeetens eeeSep eeeTERE SP eeesPee c case err Cc lh Ss Cc SAG FC eeeS ee SSA eee eteeSorn ee| EEE g cane R Bee Es SaeeOR ESE | CE Pie So ae Pe re ae ESS ETS SR Meee BL TES UES
reas Sa reas a Sn eee eR cS eon(See eth ee eeatic , “cui > EERIE ee ee aees EEE Soo SN SAOSIN tok a aeeae ee ee eeeamen ee eeeee ce eer eee eReEle: "SSerSSE enSea eee neehn NsRSS LSva Pee we Soeeiee ear ea aeRS aR Re hoe RN RS SCR rReon Seep Os eaeae emi aae eSeee Se oe: Sa ee ee.Seo SOIC NTSRR ASaat eea R gree ee |e PAE ne me em S22 Pees ee eeae ee Ee PeREE SePee BeteSUSIE STR acneae NNN cr SC eee a erae aEE. eeGane eee Cs S'Ar ee Se oo RSE ees SSeS eeeR aS a aeee eeLe a Lees ee Se RRR Bers neuen Me aeaUCN Ba aORV ae SS iesCGS ne mane eacea ma meena co.ogPeeSace SEE Gao oecetite OOOO...” eam ee eR Te aRCees EE se, ROU ono.ereee ce ee ee ee ree LS. ne os eear Re
Re EseS=eg—rt—“_OC—~—C—C—SsSC~ . oes ee ~ _—, eta - wu oe ee wo, PT re ee ee SE ee ee eee oes, ass eet Se eee 4 Wl. 3 # |
a , a Ny