On the Sensations of Tone

Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-94) was a leading scientist who made important contributions to physiology, psychology, phys

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English Year 1954

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On the Sensations of Tone

Table of contents :
On the sensation of sound in general --
On the composition of vibrations --
Analysis of musical tones by sympathetic resonance --
On the analysis of musical tones by the ear --
On the differences in the quality of musical tones --
On the apprehension of qualities of tone --
Combinational tones --
On the beats of simple tones --
Depth and deepest tones --
Beats of the upper partial tones --
Beats due to combinational tones --
Chords --
General view of the different principles of musical style in the development of music --
The tonality of homophonic music --
The consonant chords of the tonal modes --
The system of keys --
Of discords --
Laws of progression of parts --
Esthetical relations.

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