Old English Literature: A Select Bibliography 9781487574512

This annotated bibliography introduces the reader to the best recent works of scholarship on each important work of Old

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Old English Literature: A Select Bibliography

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Old English Literature A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY



Copyright Canada 1970 by University of Toronto Press Printed in Holland SBN 802.0•402.6-I

Reprinted in 2018 ISBN 978-0-8020-4026-8 (paper)



University of Toronto 1


by Hans Bekker-Nielsen, Editor, Medi-

ae,,a/ S,andifl(lllia, Co-editor of Bib/iograplry ofOld Norse-l&elandi& Studies and of

Den ArnamagManske Ko111111issio111 Ordbog, Odense University.

2 OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE by Fred C.Robinson, Bibliographer of the Old English Group of the Modem Language Association of America, Stanford University.

In Preparation by Rachel Bromwich, Lecturer in Celtic Languages and Literature, University of Cambridge.



by A.G. Rigg, University of Toronto.

by Leonard E. Boyle, O.P., Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto.


by James J. Murphy, Chairman, Department of Rhetoric, University of California (Davis).


MEDIEVAL EXACT SCIENCE AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY by John E. Murdoch, Chairman, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University.

L.D.Benson, Assistant Editor, Spe&11/11111, Harvard University.



Editor's Preface viii Preface x Acknowledgments xiii Abbreviations xiv I

3 Collective editions 3 Facsimile editions 4 Collective translations in prose TEXTS




Comprehensive critical-historical surveys 7 Stylistic studies 8 Studies of special aspects of form and content 9 Versification 1 1 III INDIVIDUAL WRITERS AND MONUMENTS 13

Poetry 13 Prose 41



Bibliographics 51 Dictionaries 5z. Concordances 53 Biblical quotations 54 Grammars 54 V GUIDE TO ANCILLARY SUBJECTS


General bibliography 56 Anglo-Latin literature 57 Archaeology 57 Art and architecture 58 Early English libraries 58 Historical geography s9 History 59 Paleography 60 Religion, magic, and mythology 60 Runology 61 INDEX


Editor's Preface

The study of the Middle Ages has been developed chiefly within university departments such as English or History. This pattern is increasingly being supplemented by an interdisciplinary approach in which the plan of work is shaped to fit the subject studied. The difference of approach is between Chaucer the English poet and Chaucer the civil servant of London attached to the court of Richardn, a man interested in the Ptolemaic universe and widely read in Latin, French, and Italian. Interdisciplinary programs tend to lead readers into areas relatively unfamiliar to them where critical bibliographies prepared with careful selectivity by an expert are essential. The Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto takes such an interdisciplinary approach to the Middle Ages, and the need for selective bibliographies has become apparent in our work. The Centre has undertaken to meet this need by sponsoring the Toronto Medieval Bibliographics. In his valuable guide, Serial Biblioqapllier for Medieval Studies,* Richard H. Rouse describes 283 bibliographies; the number is surprisingly large and indicates the considerable effort now being made to provide inclusive lists of items relevant to medieval studies. The total amount in print is already vast; for one unfamiliar with a subject, significant work is difficult to locate and the problem grows worse with each ycar'i output. The reader may well say, like the throng in Piers Plo1111111111 seeking the way to Trt11tke, "This were a wikked way but who-so haddc a gyde" (B. vi. 1). The Toronto Medieval Bibliographics arc meant to be such guides; each title is prepared by an expert and gives directions to important work in the subject. *Publications of the C.cnter for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 3, University of California, Los Angeles (Berkeley and Loa Angeles, 1969).

Each title presents a list of wrks selected with three specific aims. One is to aid students who arc rclativdy new to the area of study, for example Old Norse and Icdandic. Another is to guide more advanced readers in a subject where they have had little formal training, for example, Medieval Rhetoric or Latin Literature; and the third is to assist new libraries in forming a basic collt.etion in the subject presented. Individual compilers arc given scope to organize a presentation that they judge will best suit their subject and also to make brief critical comments as they think fit. Clarity and usefulness of a volume are preferred over any demand for exact uniformity from one volume to another.



In order to make efficient use of this bibliography, readers will need to know the following facts about its composition. SCOPE

The subject of the bibliography is Old English literature, and its purpose is to list important writings on each literary work of the period as well as on the literature in general. It does not purport to cover non-literary writings or Latin writings by Anglo-Saxons. The last section of the bibliography does put readers in touch with several areas of study closely allied to Old English literary study, including the field of Anglo-Latin literature, but no pretense is made of covering these areas even selectively. The compilation was completed in November 1968, although a few items were added subsequently. PRINCIPLES OF SELECnON

In general, I have tried to select the most useful recent works on each subject, and accordingly several important names like Alois Brandl, H. M. Chadwick, and W. P.Ker have, in the course of repeated winnowings, been regretfully dropped in order to make room for more recent studies. My hope is that students will be led back to earlier scholars in their reading of the later ones. A certain unevenness in the quality of the publications listed (especially those listed in the third section, which is the core of the bibliography) results inevitably from the fact that there is little to choose from in the case of the more obscure works, whereas heavily studied poems like Beowulf and the

dcgies require that the bibliographer select almost arbitrarily &om a large number of first-rate studies. Most of the publications listed are in English or, much less often, German, but I have not hesitated to admit items in other languages when they offered something uniquely valuable. Except for the care which I have taken to cite the best recent edition of each text, I have deliberately neglected straight textual criticism. A listing of the separately published notes and emendations by Holthausen, E. A. Kock, Kemp Malone, and others (which arc for the most part absorbed into later editions anyway) would have left room for little else in the bibliography. ANNOTATION

Each article or essay is accompanied by a brief description of its content or a summary of the conclusion it reaches. Instead of attempting brief annotations of books, however, I have referred the reader to one (or, in a few instances, more than one) review which seems to suggest the book's contents adequately. Further comments have sometimes been added, but these are intended to be supplementary, not alternative, to the reviews cited. In a few instances it seemed impractical to indicate book reviews, especially in entries for multivolume series, facsjrniles, and works published in the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. FORMS OF AUTHORS' NAMES

Authors of books are usually cited by first name, middle initial, and surname in order to facilitate swift location of titles in the card catalogues of libraries. This practice occasionally works strange transformations on familiar names, as when "A.Hugh Smith" becomes "Albert H.Smith," but the gain in convenience is considerable. CROSS REFERENCES

Each item in the bibliography is numbered, and liberal use is made of crossreferencing, each cross-reference number being identified by boldface type. It must be emphasized that items cited by cross-reference are intended to

have equal weight with items fully cited; often only the accidents of alphabetical order determine that a given work will be indicated through crossreference rather than by full title. Readers who interpret the frequent direction "See further ... " as introducing negligible supplementary items will miss some of the most important references cited. November 1968 FCR.


Several people·have made easier the preparation of this little guide. Professor John Lcyerle, who invited me to contribute the volume to his series, has seen it into print with his habitual efficiency, and Miss Francess G. Halpcnny's wise judgment and her eagerness to help make the bibliography as useful as possible have made it a pleasure to work with the University of Toronto Press. The Interlibrary Loan, Reference, and Circulation Divisions of the Stanford Library have cheerfully allowed me to overtax their services. And finally, I am indebted to my able research assistant Miss Elaine Y. Smith and to Professor Thomas C. Moser, recent Executive Head of the Stanford English Department, who made her services available to me.


Anzeiger fiir deutsches Altertum (the review section of ZJJA) Anglia, Zeitschrift fur eng/ische PJ,i/o/ogie Beiblatf z.ur Anglia Archiv fiir Jas Sttldium der neueren Sprac/,en unJ Literaturen Comparative Literature edited by, edition editor(s) Ear!J English MSS in Facsimile English and Germanic Studies Eng/isl, Historical Review EETS Early English Text Society, Original Series ELN Eng/isl, Language Notes ES English Studies ESn Eng/ische Stndien Franciplegius Franciplegius: Medieval and Linguistic Studies in Honor of Francis Peabody Magoun,Jr., ed. Jess B.Bessinger Jr. and Robert P. Creed(New York, 1965) Journal of Eng/i.rl, and Germanic Philology JEGP K-D The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, ed. George P. Krapp and Elliott V.K.Dobbie, 6 vols. (New York, 1931-53) LgrPh Literat.urb/att fiir germaniscl,e und romanische Philo/ogie M.£ Medium£vum MLN Modern Language Notes MLQ Modern Language Quarter!J MLR Modern Language Review MOEL Methuen's Old English Library AJJA Ang. Ang.,Bbl. Archiv CL ed. cd(s). EEMF EGS EHR

MP MS MS(s) Neoph. NM NQ OE

PBA PMLA PQ repr. RES rev. SN SP trans. TSL UTQ YWES ZfdA

Modern Philolol!J Mediaev4I Studies manuscript(s) [used throughout like "oE"] Neophilologus Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Notes and Qmries Old English [used throughout, even in quoting titles in which "Old English" is not abbreviated by the authors] Proceedings of the British Academy Publications of the Modern Language Association of America Philological Quarter{y reprinted by/in Review of English Studies reviewed by; revised Studia Neophilologica Studies in Philology translator, translated by Tennessee Studies in Literature University of Toronto Quarterly The Year's Work in English Studies Zeitschrift fir deutsches Altertum

Numerals printed in boldface refer to entries in this bibliography. When these numerals are followed by a colon and further numbers in lightface type, these latter numbers refer to pages in the item cited.



Texts Included here are collective editions, series, and translations. For standard editions of individual texts, see III: Individual Writers and Monuments. COLLECTIVE EDITIONS

Sc/zolariy editions

1 Early English Text Society. Original Series, 1864- ; Extra Series, 18671920. [Of the 386 volumes published thus far, more than 30 are devoted to OE texts. Many of these remain standard editions.] 2 Grein, Christian W.M. and Richard P.Wiilker, gen. eds. Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Prosa, 13 vols. (Kassel and [later] Hamburg, 1872-1933). [These are scholarly editions, by various hands, of several major prose texts. All still serviceable volumes were reprinted 1964-66 by Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt; volumes 2, 3, 9, and 13 were provided with new supplementary matter.] 3 Krapp, George P. and Elliott V.K.Dobbie, eds. The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, 6 vols. (New York, 1931-53). [This is the standard edition of the OE poetic corpus.]

Text editions 4 Bessinger, Jess B. Jr., gen.ed. The Harvard


Series (Cambridge, Mass.,



1966- ). [The texts are given in a normalized orthography without notes or glossary and are designed for classroom use with Bessinger 257. Three volumes of poetry have been published so far; The Exeter Book is in preparation.] 5

Brook, George L., gen. ed. Old and Middle English Texts (Manchester, 1961- ). [Five OE poems have been edited thus far. The editons are similar in scope and accessibility to 6.] 6 Norman, Frederick and Arthur Brown, gen.eds. Methuen's OE Library (London, 19 33- ). [The series to date consists of thirteen OE texts edited by various hands, in compact editions with introductions, full glossaries, and copious editorial notes. American printings by Appleton-Century-Crofts (1966) sometimes have additional bibliography.]

Classroom readers 7 Bolton, Whitney F. An OE Anthology, rev.ed. (London, 1966). Pp. x + 178. 8 Lehnert, Martin. Poetry and Prose of the Anglo-Saxons. 1: Texts with introductions, translations, and bibliographies, 2nd rev.ed. (Halle, 1960). Pp.xv+ 175. 2: Dictionary (Berlin, 1956). Pp. 247. 9 Pope,John C. Seven OE Poems(Indianapolis, 1966). Pp. xiii+ 213. 10 Whitelock, Dorothy. Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and Verse, 15th ed. rev. throughout (Oxford, 1967). Pp.xiii+ 404. [J.E.Cross is preparing a companion volume of literary introductions to these selections.] FACSIMILE EDITIONS

11 Beowulf... with a transliteration and notes by Julius Zupitza. BETS 77 (1882). 2nd ed. containing a new reproduction of the MS with an introductory note by Norman Davis. BETS 245 (195 8). Repr. 1967.


12 The Cadmon MS of Anglo~Saxon Biblical Poetry with introduction by Sir Israel Gollancz (Oxford, 192.7). [This is a facsimile of the Junius Ms.] 13 II Codice Vercellese ... con introduzione del Prof. Dott. Massimiliano Foerster (Rome, 1913). [This is a reduced facsimile of the Vercelli Book.] 14 Early English Mss in Facsimile. Chief ed. (since 1966): Peter A.M.Clemoes. 15 vols. (Copenhagen, 1951- ). 1: Thorkelin transcripts of Beowulf. 2.Leningrad Bede. 3: Tollemache Orosius. 4: Peterborough Chronicle. 5: Bald's Leechbook. 6: Pastoral Care. 7, 11: Textus Roffensis. 8: Paris Psalter. 9: Moore Bede. 10: Blickling Homilies. 12.: Nowell Codex. 13: lElfric's First Series of Catholic Homilies. 14: Vespasian Psalter. 15: Rule of St. Benedict {Ms Bodl. Hatton 48). [Forthcoming are the Durham Ritual, portions of MS B. M. Cot. Nero A. 1, the OE Illustrated Herbal, the OE Illustrated Hexateuch, the Winchester Troper, Vercelli Book, etc.]

15 Evangeliorum Quattuor Codex Lindisfarnensis, ed. Thomas D. Kendrick et al., 2. vols. (Lausanne, 195 6-60). [This facsimile of the Lindisfarne Gospels has an

elaborate and useful commentary.] 16 The Exeter Book of OE Poetry with introductory chapters by Raymond W. Chambers, Max Forster, and Robin Flower (London, 1933). 17 The Parker Chronicle and Laws, ed. Robin Flower and Albert H. Smith. EETS 2.08 (1937).


For prose translations of specific works, see III: Individual Writers and Monuments. Poetic renderings of OE verse are numerous but usually unsatisfactory; none is cited here. 18 Douglas,David C., gen.ed. English Historical Documents. 1: EHD c. 500-



1042, ed.D.Whitelock(London, 1955). Pp.xxiv+ 867. 2: EHD 1042-1189, ed. D. Douglas and G. Greenaway (London, 195 3), pp. 3-278. Rev.: F.Wainwright, EHR 72 (1957), 146-47; A.Poole, EHR 69 (1954), 90-91. 19 Gollancz,Israel, ed. The Exeter Book. Part 1. EETS 104 (1895). Pp. vii+ 305. Repr.1958. [This is a facing page translation.] 20

Gordon,Robert K., trans. Anglo-Saxon Poetry (London, 1926). Rev.ed., Everyman's Library No. 794(1954). Pp.xiv+ 334. Rev.: M.Daunt, YWES 8 (1927), 85-86. 21 Kennedy, Charles W., trans. The Cadmon Poems (London, 1916). Repr. Peter Smith, 1965. Pp.lxx + 25 8. [This is a complete translation of the Junius MS with reproductions of the MS drawings. See also Kennedy 99.] 22 Mackie,William S.,ed. The Exeter Book. Part 2. EETS 194 (1933). Pp. vii+ 245. Repr.1958. Rev.: F.Holthausen, Ang. Bbl. 46 (1935), 5-10. [This is a facing page translation.) See further Kennedy 99


Literary History,



Anderson, George K. The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons, rev. ed. (Princeton, 1966). Pp.x + 444. Rev.: H. Schabram, Ang. 86 (1968), 182-87.

24 Creed, Robert P., ed. OE Poetry: Fifteen Essays (Providence, R. I., 1967). Pp. xii+ 332. [The collection has essays by 15 specialists reflecting the current variety of critical approaches to OE poetry.] 25 Greenfield,Stanley B. A Critical History of OE Literature (New York, 1965). Pp.xi+ 237. Rev.: M.Bloomfield, Speculum 41 (1966), 330-32. (This is a standard study.] 26 Greenfield, Stanley B., ed. Studies in OE Literature in Honor of Arthur G. Brodeur (Eugene, Oregon, 1963). Pp. vii + 272. Rev.: N. Eliason, CL 16 (1964), 281-83.


Kennedy, Charles W. The Earliest English Poetry: A Critical Survey of the Poetry Written before the Norman Conquest with Illustrative Translations(London, 1943). Pp.viii+ 375. Rev.: M.Schlauch, MLQ6 (1945), 231-34. 28 Malone,Kemp. "The OE Period (to 1100)," in A Literary History of England, ed.Albert C.Baugh, vol. 1. 2nd ed. (New York, 1967), pp. 3-105. Rev.: R. Wilson, YWES 29 (1948), 56-57.



29 Schlauch,Margaret. English Medieval Literature and Its Social Foundatio,u (Warsaw, 1956). Old English literature is discussed on pp. 2-96. Repr. 1967. Rev.: A.Friedman, Speculum 32 (1957), 861-63. [The author presents a brief but interesting assessment from a somewhat Marxist viewpoint.] 30 Sisam,Keruieth. Studies in the History of OE Literature (Oxford, 195 3). Repr. with corrections 1962. Pp. vi+ 314. Rev.: K.Brunner, Ang.72. (1955), 46973. [Sisam deals with advanced scholarly problems.] 31 Stanley, Eric G., ed. Contin111Jtions and Beginnings: Studies in OE Literature (London, 1966). Pp.x + 260. Rev.: N.Eliason, MLR 63 (1968), 155-57.


Wrenn,Charles L. A Stutfy of OE Literature (London, 1967). Pp.x + 283. [This is an original and stimulating survey.]


33 Bartlett,Adeline C. The Larger Rhetorical Patterns in Anglo-Saxon Poetry (New York, 1935). Pp.[xii] + 130. Rev.: A.DuBois, MLN 52 (1937), 132-33. 34 Borges,Jorge L. "Las kenningar," in Historia de la eternidad (Buenos Aires, 195 3). 4th printing (with supplements to the essay on kennings) 1966. Pp. 43-68. [Borges presents an illuminating description of Icelandic and OE kennings from a Hispanic perspective.]

35 Brodeur,Arthur G. "A Study of Diction and Style in Three Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poems," in Nordica et Anglica: Studies in Honor of Stefan Einarsson, ed.Allan H.Orrick (The Hague, 1968), pp.97-114. [Brodeur analyses individual stylistic qualities of Andreas, Judith, Exodus. He rejects the oralformulaic theory and thinks Beowulf influenced Andreas.] 36 Funke, Otto. "Studien zur alliterierenden und rhythmisierenden Prosa in der



alteren altenglischen Homiletik," Ang. 80 (1962), 9-36. [Funke compares various rhythmic groupings in several early prose texts with similar types in ...Elfric and Wulfstan.] 37 Marquardt, Hertha. Die altenglischen Kenningar: Bin Beitrag z.ur S tilkunde altgermanischer Dichtung, Schriften der Konigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft, 14; Geisteswissenschaftliche Klasse (Halle,1938). Pp.xvi+ 103-340. Rev.: J. Rankin]EGP 38 (1939), 282-8~. [Cf.Brodeur79: 247-53.]

38 Paetzel, Walther. Die Variationen in der altgermanischen Allitterationspoesie (Berlin,1913). Pp.vi+ 216. Rev.: J.Franck, AfdA 37 (1914), 6-14. [Cf. Brodeur 79: 39-70.] 39 Stanley,Eric G. "oE Poetic Diction and the Interpretation of The Wanderer, The Seafarer and The Penitent's PrtfJer," Ang. 73 (19~6), 413-66. [Stanley considers the three poems in light of penitential tradition and of the nature of OE figurative language in general.] STUDIES OF SPECIAL ASPECTS OF FORM AND CONTENT 40

Benson, Larry D. "The Literary Character of Anglo-Saxon Formulaic Poetry," PMLA 81 (1966), 334-41. [Comparison of OE poetic translations with Latin originals suggests, contrary to oral-formulaists, that OE poets wrote formulaic verse "pen in hand in the same way any writer observes a literary tradition." Cf.Magoun 47 and 92; see further Stanley 31: u6-30.] 41 Campbell, J. J. "Knowledge of Rhetorical Figures in Anglo-Saxon England," JEGP 66 (1967), 1-20. [Campbell finds considerable use of classical rhetoric by OE writers. See also MP 63 (1966), 189-201.] 42 Chambers, Raymond W. The Continuity of English Prose from Alfred to More and His School, in N.Harpsfield's Life of Sir Thomas More. EETS 186 (1931), pp. xlv-cl:xxiv. Reissued separately, repr. 1966. Rev.: F. Magoun, MLN 49 (1934), 477-80.



43 Cross,James E. Latin Themes in OE Poetry (Bristol, 1962). Pp. 16. [This is a general statement of the point illustrated in the author's previous and subsequent papers: that criticism of OE literature must take into account the pervasive Latin influence.] 44 Dietrich, Gerhard. "Urspriinge des Elegischen in der altenglischen Literatur," in Literatur-Kultur-Gesellschaft in England und Amerika: Friedrich Schubel zum 60. Geburtstag, ed.G.Mtiller-Schwefe and K.Tuzinski (Frankfurt, 1966), pp. 3-27. [Dietrich reviews past scholarship (especially German) on the origin and extent of the elegiac element in OE and stresses the importance of classical models like Ovid and Virgil. See Cross 43; cf. Henry 45.] 45 Henry, Patrick L. The Ear!J English and Celtic Lyric (London, 1966). Pp. 244. Rev.: W. Heist, Speculum 43 (1968), 342-44. 46 Huppe,Bernhard F. Doctrine and Poetry: Augustine's Influence on OE Poetry (New York,1959). Pp.vi+ 248. Rev.: P.Clemoes, Ang.78 (1960), 362-64. 47

Magoun,Francis P. Jr. "Oral-Formulaic Character of Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poetry," Speculum 28 (195 3), 446-67. Repr. in Nicholson 88 [The high quotient of poetic formulas in OE narrative verse is said to prove that it was orally improvised rather than composed in writing. Many subsequent publications espousing this theory have appeared, and an anthology of them (ed. B. Rosenburg and D. Freeman) is in preparation. But cf. Benson 40, Bonjour, Twelve ... Papers 78, Brodeur 35, 79, and Greenfield, ELH 34(1967), 141-5 5.] 48 Morrell,Minnie C. A Manual of OE Biblical Materials (Knoxville, 1965). Pp. xi+ 220. Rev.: P. Clemoes, MAE 36 (1967), 179-82. [Morrell summarizes scholarship on Biblical paraphrases and glosses. Cf. Cook 266.] 49 Ogilvy,Jack D.A. Books Known to the English, 597-1066 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967). Pp.xx+ 300. Rev.: M.Bloomfield, Speculum 43 (1968), 529-30. [This is a catalogue of authors (mainly Latin) used by OE writers.]



50 Whallon, William. Formula, Character, and Context: Studies in Homeric, Old English, and Old Testament Poetry (Washington, D.C., 1969). Pp.xiii+ 2.25. [Whallon studies the relationship of poetic formulas to characterization and to their contexts. Chapters m and IV are devoted to OE, dealing mainly with periphrases for Beowulf and with words of religious sense in Beowulf]


Wilson, Richard M. The Lost Literature of Medieval England (London, 195 2.). Pp.xiv+ 2.72.. Rev.: C.Wright, RES 4(1953), 151-53. [Wilson speculates as to the nature of the literary texts which did not survive.] 51 Wright, Cyril E. The Cultivation of Saga in Anglo-Saxon England (Edinburgh, 1939). Pp.x + 310. Rev.: H.Ellis, RES 16 (1940), 458-60. VERSIFICATION


Bliss,Alan J. The Metre of Beowulf(Oxford, 1958). Rev.ed.1962.. Repr.1967 with brief list of errata. Pp.ix+ 166. Rev.: C.Wrenn, RES II (1960), 41417. [This is an advanced work corroborating Eduard Sievers' demonstration in his standard study A/tgermanische Metrik (Halle, 189 3) that OE verse has five basic metrical patterns. (For a clear, brief presentation of Sievers' system, see Pope 9: 105-16.)] 53 Creed, Robert P. "A New Approach to the Rhythm of Beowulf," P MLA 81 (1966), 2.3-33. [Creed seeks, mainly via Pope's system, a simplified analysis of OE meter.] 54 Lehmann,WinfredP. The Development of Germanic Verse Form(Austin, Texas, 1956). Pp.xix+ 217. Rev.: L.Wolff, AfdA 70(1958), 109-14.

55 Lewis, Charles S. "The Alliterative Metre," in Rehabilitations and Other Essays (London, 1939), pp.117-32.. [This highly readable essay remains the best elementary explanation of the Sievers scansion. It closes with an experiment in composing modern English poetry in OE meter.]



56 Pope,John C. The Rhythm of Beowulf (New Haven, 1942). znd ed.1966. Pp. xxxvi 409. Rev.: ].Oakden, MLR 38 (1943), 136-37. [This advanced study summarizes in detail the previous systems of Sievers, Heusler, and Leonard and proposes a new system of scansion involving harp accompaniment; it is based upon the assumption that OE verse, like Modern English verse, must have been isochronous. For a brief, clear explanation of this system, see Pope 9: n6-z9.]



Individual Writers and Monuments POETRY

Poems are listed alphabetically according to title, the titles being those assigned by Krapp and Dobbie in their collective edition 3. In parentheses following each title are, first, a numeral indicating which volume of the Krapp-Dobbie edition contains the poem and, second, the number of one item in this bibliography wherein the reader may find a fairly literal translation of the poem, if such exists. All OE poems are listed here, including a few which have as yet received no individual attention from literary scholars. (All have been mentioned at least briefly in one or another of the comprehensive treatments cited in section II above; for the most recent general comment on any poem, readers should consult Greenfield 25 or Wrenn 32.) Under each poem-title the most recent separate edition, if any, is listed first, followed by a list of critical commentaries, arranged alphabetically by author's name. Attention is called once again to the cross-references which, in several instances, cite the most important of all the sources listed under a title. ALDHELM (K-D

6, Wrenn 32 [partial])



Mackie 22)

Whitbread,L. "The OE Poem 'Alms-Giving,"' NQ 189 (194,), 2.-4. [Whit~ bread considers the text, theme, main source (Ecclesiasticus 3: 30), and liter-



ary affinities. For further sources and general discussion, see Joseph B. Traherne,Jr., "The OE 'Almsgiving,"' NQ N.S. 16 (1969), 46-47.] ANDREAS (K-D

z, Gordon 20)

58 Brooks,Kenneth R.,ed. Andreas and The Fates of the Apostles (Oxford, 1961). Pp.liv 184. Rev.: R.Willard, MP 62. (1964), 45-51. 59 Schaar, Claes. "The OE 'Andreas' and Scholarship Past and Present: A Review of a Review," in English Studies Presented to R. W.Zandvoort: Supplement to ES 4 5 ( 1964), 111-1 5. [This is a sharp, instructive attack on a review of Brook's edition.] 60 Schabram, Hans. "Andreas und Beowulf: Parallelstellen als Zeugnis fur literarische Abhangigkeit," Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschuigese/Jschaft H (1965), 2.01-18. [Schabram focuses on textual passages thought to demonstrate the influence of Beowulf on Andreas and concludes that there was none. Cf. Stanley 31: uo-14, Brodeur 35: 97-103.]


See further Brodeur 35: 97-105, Schaar 100: 12.-2.4, 49-60, 98-104.

3, Gollancz 19) below.





6, Gordon 20)

See, for edition, von Schaubert 74: 1.Teil, pp. 104-5; 2..Teil, pp. 179-84; Klaeber 73: z;i-53, 443-44, 459,465. 61 Girvan, Ritchie. "Finnsburuh," P BA 2.6 ( 1940), 327-60. [Girvan defends the accuracy of Hickes's transcript, dates the poem late, and thinks it telescopes events of the story summarized in Beowulf.]




Henry,P.L. "The Opening of the Finnsburg Fragment," Die Sprache 8 (1962), 66-71. [Henry sees stylistic influence from Irish story-telling. See also 45: 216-21 ; but cf. Magoun in Britannica: Festschrift fiir H. Flasdieck (Heidelberg, 1960), pp. 183-85.) See Chambers 80: 245-89, 543-46. BATTLE OF MALDON (K-D

6, Gordon 20)

63 Gordon,Eric V.,ed. The Battle of Ma/don. MOEL (London, 1937). Repr. with minor corrections 1957. Pp.x + 86. Rev.: D.Whitelock, MLR 33 (1938), 273-76. 64

Blake,N.F. "The Battle of Maldon," Neoph. 49 (1965), 332-45. [Rather than being historical, the poem owes much to the hagiographic methods exemplified in .iElfric's Life of St. Edmund. Cf. Cross 66.] 65

Clark,George. "The Battle of Ma/don: A Heroic Poem," Speculum 43 (1968), 52-71. [Clark argues that Ma/don is a skilful heroic poem, not historical reportage, tragedy, or hagiography. Most previous criticism is cited in footnotes.]


Cross, James E. "Oswald and Byrhtnoth: A Christian Saint and a Hero Who Is Christian," ES 46 (1965), 93-109. [Comparison with .iElfric's handling of the St. Oswald legend suggests that the poet is celebrating secular heroic virtues in Byrhtnoth, not saintliness.] 67 Irving, Edward B. "The Heroic Style in The Battle of Ma/don," SP 58 ( 1961 ), 457-67. [The poet deploys traditional style so as to suggest latter-day heroes merging with legendary ones.] See further Greenfield 26: 23-35, 37-38, 53-70; Pope 9: 7er-79.




6, Wrenn 32)

68 Smith,Albert H., ed. Three Northumbrian Poems: Cr.edmon's Hymn, Bede's Death Song and The Leiden Riddle, MOEL (London, 1933). Pp. x + 54. Rev.: E.Ekwall, MLR 2.9 (1934), 78-82.. [A new edition by C.J.E.Ball is in preparation.] 69 Bulst,Walther. "Bedas Sterbelied," ZfdA 75 (1938), 111-14. [Bulst doubts Bede's authorship and speculates that the poem may be by Credmon.]

70 Dobbie,Elliott V.K. The Mss of Cr.edmon's Hymn and Bede's Death Song (New York, 1937). Pp.xi+ 129. Rev.: F.Magoun, ESn 74 (1940-41), 110-12. BENEDICTINE OFFICE: POEMS (K-D

6, see 71)

71 Ure,JamesM., ed. The Benedictine Of/ice: An OE Text(Edinburgh, 1957). Pp. ix + 141. Rev.: K. Jost, RES 10 (1959), 75-77. [For a translation, see Ebenezer Thomson, Select Monuments ... (London, 1849), pp. 113-2. 11.]

72 Whitbread, L. "The OE Poems of the Benedictine Of/ice and Some Related Questions," Ang. 80 (1962.), 37-49. [The poems were collected from already existing translations. See also ELN 4 (1967), 2.41-43.] BEOWULF (K-D

4, Clark Hall 76)


73 Klaeber,Friedrich,ed. Beowulf and The Fight at Finnsburg, with introduction, bibliography, notes, glossary, and appendices (Boston, 192.2.). 3rd ed. with first and second supplements 1950. Pp.clxxxvii + 471. Rev.: W. Lawrence, JEGP 2.3 (192.4), 2.94-300. [This is an encyclopedic, standard edition.]



74 Schaubert, Else von, ed. H eyne-Schiickings Beowulf, 17th ed. (Paderborn, 19 5861 ). Rev.: E.Ebbinghaus,JEGP 62. (1963), 676-78. [This is a full, authoritative edition in an extremely convenient 3-volume format.] 75

Wrenn,Charles L.,ed. Beowulf with the Finnesburg Fragment (London, 1953). Rev.ed.1958. Pp.318. Rev.: E.Ekwall, ES 35 (1954), 75-81. [This is a modest, readable edition; the introduction and notes have a literary orientation.]

Translation 76 Clark Hall,John R., trans. Beowulf and the Finnesburg Fragment, 2.nd ed., rev. by C. L. Wrenn, with prefatory remarks by J. R.R. Tolkien (London, 19 5o). Pp. xliii + 194. [See also Gordon 20. For evaluations of some more recent translations, see Irving, Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 16 (1967), 67-70.] 76a Garmonsway, George N. and Jacqueline Simpson, trans. Beowulf and Its Analogues including "Archaeology and Beowulf" by Hilda Ellis Davidson (London, 1968). Pp. xiii + 368. [The book is valuable mainly for its collection and translations of the major analogues of the poem.]

Commentary 77 Bonjour, Adrien. The Digressions in Beowulf(Oxford, 195 o). Pp. xvi+ 80. Rev.: K.Malone, Speculum 2.6(1951), 148-50.


Bonjour,Adrien. Twelve Beowulf Papers 1940-60 with Additional Comments (Geneva,1962.). Pp.194. Rev.: G.Storms, ES 47 (1966), 135-40. 79 Brodeur,ArthurG. The Art of Beowulf(Berkeley, 1959). Pp.ix+ 2.83. Rev.: S. Greenfield, CL 12. (1960), 73-78; J.Turville-Petre, RES x1 (1960), 417-19.



80 Chambers, Raymond W. Beo11111lf: An Introduction to the Study of the Poem with a Discu.uion of the Stories of Offa and Finn (Cambridge, 1921 ). 3rd ed. with a supplement by C.L.Wrenn 1959. Pp.xvii+ 628. Rev.: E.Ekwall, Ang.Bbl. 33 (1922), 177-85; O.Funke, ES 42 (1961), 95-98. 81 Donahue, Charles. "Beowulf, Ireland and the Natural Good," Traditio 7 (1949-p), 263-77. [Donahue clarifies the poem's religious perspective by locating it in a doctrinally less rigorous insular tradition of Christianity. See further Traditio 21 (1965), 55-n6.] 82 Hoops,Johannes. Ko111111entar zum Beo11111/f(Heiddberg,193z.). Pp.x + 333. Rev.: P. Jones, MLN 49 (1934), II 5-16. 83 Irving, Edward B. A Reading of Beo11111IJ (New Haven, 1968). Pp. ix + 2 56. [Irving sharpens appreciation of the poem through the use of modern critical approaches.] 84 Kaske, R. E. "Beo11111lf," in Critical Approaches to Six Major English Works, ed. Robert M.Lumiansky and Herschd Baker (Philaddphia, 1968), pp. 3-40. [Kaske gives an evaluation of earlier full-scale interpretations followed by an original analysis.] 85 Lawrence, William W. Beo111ulf and Epic Tradition (Cambridge, Mass., 1928). Pp.xiv+ 349. Rev.: E.Blackman, RES 5 (1929), 333-35. 86 Leyerle,John. "Beowulf the Hero and the King," M.£ 34 (1965), 89-102. [Beowulf's role demands both the reckless valor expected of heroes and the prudence required of kings and thus illustrates the hopdess contradiction at the core of heroic society.] 87 Leyerle,John, "The Interlace Structure of Beowulf,'' UTQ 37 (1967), 1-17. [Leyerle demonstrates a purposeful deployment of narrative themes and episodes analogous to Anglo~Saxon interlace designs. E. Carrigan, Proceedings of



the Royal Irish Academy 66, sec. C., no. 1 (November, 1967), discusses at length a similar idea.]

88 Nicholson, Lewis E., ed. An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism (Notre Dame, 1963). Pp.xii + 386. [This is a collection of standard essays by Tolkien, Schiicking, Kaske, etc. as well as others of a marked patristic-exegetical bent. CT.J.Halverson, UTQ 35 (1966), 260-78.)


Sisam,Kenneth. The Structure of Beowulf (Oxford, 1965). Pp. 88. Rev.:J. van Meurs, ES 47 (1966), 140-43. 90 Whitelock,Dorothy. The Audience of Beowulf(Oxford, 19p). Pp. III. Repr. with corrections 195 8. Rev.: G. Storms, ES H (195 2), 262-64. See further Bessenger 262, Creed 24: 179-325, Greenfield 26 (several important essays), Malone 14: vols. 1 and u, Stanley 31: 104-41, Whallon 50, Zupit2a 11. For meter, see Bliss 52, Creed 53, Pope 56. BRUSSELS CRoss (K-D 6, D'Ardenne 91) 91 D'Ardenne,S.T.R.O. "The OE Inscription on the Brussels Cross," ES 21 (1939), 145-64, 271-72. [The study contains the text of the inscription and a general discussion of its meaning, date (early eleventh century), language, and cultural connections.]

See further Dickins and Ross 108: 13-16. c.£DM0N'S HYMN (K-D 6, Greenfield 25: 170)

92 Magoun,Francis P.Jr. "Bede's Story of Ca:dmon: The Case History of an Anglo-Saxon Oral Singer," Speculum 30 (1955), 49-63. [Magoun explains Czdmon's miracle rationally in terms of modern psychology and the oralformulaic theory. Cf. Malone, MLN 76 (1961), 193-95.)



93 Wrenn,Charles L. "The Poetry of Ca:dmon," PEA 32. (1946), z.77-95. [Wrenn reviews Ca:dmon scholarship and suggests that the miracle consisted in a neatherd's sudden mastery of a complex, aristocratic poetic form. See also 32: 92-106.] See further Bloomfield in 26: 41-43, Dobbie 70, Henry 45: z.09-15, Pope 9 Smith 68. CHRIST (K-D

3, Gollancz 19)

94 Campbell,Jackson J.,ed. The Advent Lyrics of the Exeter Book (Princeton, 1959). Pp.x 137. Rev.: R.Woolf, M.£ z.9 (1960), rz.5-z.9. [The first 439 lines of Christ are edited as twelve separate lyrics.]


95 Cook,Albert S.,ed. The Christ of Cynewulf: A Poem in Three Parts (Boston, 1900). z.nd ed. 1909. Repr. with a new preface by John C.Pope (Hamden, Conn., 1964). Pp.ciii z.97. Rev.: F.Holthausen, LgrPh z.1 (1900), 369-73. [This is a complete edition with copious notes.] 96 Burlin, Robert B. The OE Advent: A Typological Commentary (New Haven, 1968). Pp. x 202.. [Burlin seeks to demonstrate the coherence of Christ I in terms of patristic typology. The text and a translation are included.] 97 Mildenberger, Kenneth. "Unity of Cynewulf's Christ in the Light of Iconography," Speculum z.3 (1948), 426-32.. [In this attempt to see Christ as a unified poem, Mildenberger cites iconographic analogies, especially from the ornamentation on Cuthbert's coffin.]



See further Gneuss 237a: z.10-u, Schaar 100: 31-39, 71-78, 104-8. CHRIST AND SATAN (K-D

1, Kennedy 21)



98 Oubb,Merrel D., ed. Christ and Satan: An OE Poem (New Haven, 1925). Pp.Ix+ 175. Rev.: F.Klaeber, Speculum 2 (1927), 2u-14. See further Huppe 46: 227-31, Kennedy 27: 188-97. CREED




99 Kennedy, Charles W., trans. The Poems of Cynewulf Translated into English Prose (London, 1910). Repr.Peter Smith 1949. Pp.xii+ 347. Rev. :NQ 2 (1910), 200. 100 Schaar, Oaes. Critical Studies in the Cynewulf Group (Lund, 1949). Pp. 337. Rev.: S.Kuhn,JEGP 49(1950), 391-94.

See further Derolez 302: 391-96, Sisam 30: 1-28, and the entries here for and JULIANA.



Kennedy 21)

101 Blackburn,FrancisA., ed. Exodus and Daniel: Two OE Poems (Boston, 1907). Pp.xxvi + 234. Rev.: F.Klaeber, ESn 41 (1909), 105-13. [R.Farrell is preparing a new edition of Daniel for MOEL.] 102 Farrell,Robert T. "The Unity of OE Daniel," RES 18(1967),117-3 5. [Farrell summarizes previous discussions and argues that Daniel is "a structural whole, without interpolations." See further NM 69 (1968), 533-59 and 70 (1969), 84-90.



103 Lares, M.-M. "Echos d'un rite hierosolymitain clans un manuscrit du haut Moyen Age anglais," Revue de l'histoire des religions, 165 (1964), 13-:-47. [This is a speculative argument for the influence of a fifth-century Eastern liturgical rite on the structure and iconography of the Junius MS; cf.Bright's article, cited by Lares, p. p, n. 1.] DEOR (K-D

3, Mackie 22)

104 Malone,Kemp,ed. Deor, MOEL (London, 1933). 4th ed. 1966. Pp. viii + 40. Rev.: K.Brooks, MLR 6.z. (1967), 691--92. [Malone's bibliography (pp . .z.8-34) records scholarship through 1964.]


Eliason,NormanE. "Two OE Scop Poems," PMLA 81 (1966), 185-92. [Eliason thinks Deor, like Widsith, is a begging poem. See also SP 62 (1965), 495-509. Cf.Bloomfield, PMLA 79 (1964), 534-41.]


Markland,Murray F. "Boethius, Alfred, and Deor," MP 66 (1968), 1-4. [Loose parallels are drawn between Deor and the Alfredian Boethius.]


Norman,Frederick. "Problems in the Dating of Deor and Its Allusions," Franciplegius, pp. 205-13. [Norman discusses the problems in dating OE poetry in general and Deor in particular.] See further Frankis 195, Pope 9. DESCENT INTO HELL (K-D

3, Mackie 22)


Crotty,Genevieve. "The Exeter Harrowing of Hell: A Re-interpretation,'' PMLA 54 (1939), 349-58. [Crotty thinks that the poem's peculiarities may 'derive from lost Irish sources and assigns the closing speech to John.] DREAM OF THE ROOD (K-D

2, Gordon 20)



108 Dickins, Bruce and Alan S. C. Ross, eds. The Dream of the Rood, MOEL (London, 1934). 4th ed.repr. with additions and corrections 1963. Pp.xii+ SI· Rev.: C.Wrenn, RES 12 (1936), 105-8.


Biitow, Hans. Das altenglische "Tra11mgesicht vom Kreuz.": Textkritisches, Literat11rgeschichtliches, K11nstgeschicht/iches (Heiddberg, 1935). Pp. viii+ 185. Rev.: F.Norman, Ang.Bbl. 47 (1936), 6-10. [Biitow's bibliography (pp.4-38), along with Norman's addenda, covers scholarship before 1935 in detail.] 110 Burlin, Robert B. "The Ruthwell Cross, The Dream of the Rood and the Vita Contemplativa,'' SP 65 (1968), z3-43. [The eremitic iconography of the Ruthwell Cross and the Rood poet's dramatic use of traditional cross symbolism suggest that the poem represents a contemplative vision.] 111 Fleming,John V. '"The Dream of the Rood' and Anglo-Saxon Monasticism," Traditio zz (1966), 43-72. [Fleming sees the poem as a celebration of Benedictine monastic ideals. Cf. Burlin 110.] 112 Schlauch,Margaret. "The 'Dream of the Rood' as Prosopopoeia," in Esst!JS and St11dies in Honor of Carleton Brown(New York, 1940), pp. z3-34. [Schlauch traces the poet's device of a speaking cross to a classical rhetorical exercise.] 113 Woolf,Rosemary E. "Doctrinal Influences on The Dream of the Rood,'' MAJ z7 (1958), 137-53. [The poet's simultaneous emphasis on Christ's divine triumph and on human suffering reflects contemporary doctrinal disputation on the crucifixion. Cf. Burrow, Neophil. 43 (1959), 1z3-33.] See further



6, Schlauch 115)

114 Offier,H.S. "The Date of Durham (Carmen de sit11 D11nelmi),'' JEGP 61 (1962), 591-94. [Evidence is given for a date earlier than no4.]



115 Schlauch,Margaret. "An OE Encomium Urbis," JEGP 40 (1941), 14-2.8. [Schlauch identifies the poem's genre as a classical rhetorical exercise.]

ELENE (K-D 2., Gordon 20) 116 Gradon,Pamela O.E.,ed. Cynewulj's Elene, u4. Rev.: C.Schaar, SN 31 (1956), 2.72.-75.


(London, 1958). Pp.x


See further Schaar 100: 2.4-2.7, 60-70; Wolpers 244: 12.5-2.9. EXHORTATION TO CHRISTIAN LIVING (K-D 6, Lumby 135) 117 Whitbread,L. "Notes on the OE Exhortation to Christian Liuing," SN 2.3 (1950/51), 96--102.. (Whitbread dates the poem as late tenth century and cites prose analogues. See also SN 2.0 (1947), 193-98; 2.9 (1957), 12.3-2.9; and MLR 44 (1949), 178-83.]

Exoous (K-D 1, Kennedy 21) 118 Irving,Edward B.,ed. The OE Exodus (New Haven, 1953). Pp. viii 12.9. Rev.: C.Wrenn, RES 6 (195 5), 184-89. 119 Cross, J.E. and S. I. Tucker, "Allegorical Tradition and the OE Exodus," Neoph. 44 (1960), 12.2.-2.7; see also pp. 38-39. [Patristic allegorical tradition influenced the poet's conception of his subject.] 120 Mirsky,Aaron. "On the Sources of the Anglo-Saxon Genesis and Exodus," ES 48 (1967), 385-97. [Mirsky tries to make a case for the poet's using Midrashic material.]


See further Blackburn 101, Brodeur 35: 109-1;, Kennedy 27: 175-83, 21: l1:x, Lares 103.



Gordon 20) See Brooks 58, Schaar 100: 31-37, 98-104, and Sisam 30: 8-9.



3, Gordon 20)





6, Elliott 302: 99, 106)

121 Ball,C.J.E. "The Franks Casket: Right Side," ES 47 (1966), 119-z6. [Ball reinterprets the runes and accepts the Sigurd story as the subject.]

122 D'Ardenne,S.T.R.O. "Does the Right Side of the Franks Casket Represent the Burial of Sigurd?" .Etudes germaniques z1 (1966), zn-4z. [D'Ardenne thinks the panel refers to the burial of Horsa, not Sigurd. Cf. Bouman, Neoph. 49 (1965), z41-49.] See further Elliott 302: 96-108, Malone 190, and, for bibliography to 1960, Marquardt 303: 10-16. GENESIS (K-D 1,

Kennedy 21)

Genesis A


Holthausen, Ferdinand, ed. Die iiltere Genesis mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen, Glossar und der lateinischen Que/le (Heidelberg, 1914). Pp. x 1p. [For addenda and errata see Ang. 46 (19zz), 6o-6z.] 124 Menner,Robert J. "The Date and Dialect of Genesis A 85z-z936 (Part rn)," Ang. 70 (1952), z85-94. {The vocabulary indicates an early date, Anglian provenance, and eWS stage of transcription. See further Hofmann, Ang. 75 (1957), 1-34, and Irving, Ang. 77 (1959), 1-11.]




125 Michel,Laurence. "Genesis A and the Praefatio," MLN 61 (1947), 545-50. (The source of the opening lines is the Preface of the Mass.]

See further Braasch 263, Creed 24: 69-91, Huppe 46: 131-116, Kennedy 21: xxili-1, Mirsky 120, Utley in 26: 107-116. Genesis B 126 Timmcr,Benno J.,ed. Tke Later Genesis (Oxford, 1948). Pp.135. Rcv.cd. 1954. Rev.: F.Mosse, RES 1 (1950), 153-54. 127 Evans,J.Martin. "Genesis Band Its Background," RES 14(1963), 1-16, 11313. [This is a comprehensive treatment of the literary and doctrinal background with a full literary analysis. See further Vickrey, Ang. 83 (1965), 15471, Speculum 44 (1969), 86-101, and Murdoch, RES 19 (1968), 188-89.]

Sec further Renoir in 24: 47-67, Woolf in 26: 187-99. GIFTS oF MEN (K-D

3, Gordon 20)

128 Cross, J.E. "The OE Poetic Theme of 'The Gifts of Men,'" Neoph. 46 ( 1961), 66-70. [Cross cites the "gifts" catalogue in Raymo of Halberstadt and discusses the theme's traditional Christian import.] GLORIA I






3, Gordon 20)




Shook,Laurence K. "The Burial Mound in G11thlac A," MP 58 (1960), 1-10. [Shook shows the poem is artfully developed around the richly symbolic barrow. See also MS 2.3 (1961), 2.94-304.] See also Schaar 100: 39-42, 78-84, 108-11; Wolpers 244: r 12-19. HOMILETIC FRAGMENT 1 (K-D 2,

see 130)


Hill,Thomas D. "The Hypocritical Bee in the OE 'Homiletic Fragment I' Lines 18-30," NQ 15 (1968), 123. [Hill identifies Gregory as the poet's main source. For a translation of the poem see John M. Kemble, The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, part 2 (London, 1856), pp. 79-82.] HOMILETIC FRAGMENT 11 (K-D HUSBAND'S MESSAGE (K-D

3, Mackie 22)

3, Gordon 20)


Leslie,RoyF.,ed. Three OE Elegies: The Wife's Lament, The Husband's Message, The Rnin (Manchester, 1961). Repr. with minor corrections 1966. Pp. 86. Rev.: K. Brooks, M.£ ;2 (1963), 49-51. 132 Kaske,Robert E. "A Poem of the Cross in the Exeter Book: 'Riddle 60' and 'The Husband's Message,"' Traditio 23 (1967), 41-71. [Kaske adduces patris-


tic, iconographic, and philological evidence for the "two" poems' being a single allegorical work in which the cross exhorts the soul to seek heavenly union with Christ.] See further Swanton 194. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHRISTIANS

(not in K-n)

133 Rosier,James L. '"Instructions for Christians': A Poem in


Ang. 82



( 1964), 4-22. [This is the text of a late OE homiletic poem. See further Ang. 84 (1966), 74, and NM 67 (1966), 360-62.] JUDGMENT DAY 11 (K-D

3, Mackie 22)

134 Menner,RobertJ. "The Vocabulary of the OE Poems on Judgment Day," PMLA 62 (1947), 183-97. [Vocabulary suggests JD I is Anglian, JD 11 West Saxon.] JUDGMENT DAY

n {K-o 6, Gordon 20)

135 Lumby,Joseph R.,ed. Be domes dage. EETS 61 (1876). Repr. 1964. [Lumby gives the text, a translation, and the Latin source.]

136 Whitbread, L. "The OE Poem Judgment Day II and Its Latin Source," PQ 41 (1966), 6n-16. [Whitbread discusses the MSS of the source text and the OE poet's technique as translator. See further SP 60 (1963), 114-24; ZfdA 91 (1966), 258-66. Cf. R.Hoffman, Neoph. 12 (1968), 170-78, for full critical explication.] See further Huppe 46: 80-94, Menner 134. JUDITH {K-D

4, Gordon 20)

137 Timmer,Benno J.,ed.Judith, MOEL (London, 1911). 2nd ed. 1961. Pp. viii n. Rev.: J.Campbell,JEGP p (1953), 397-99.



Enzensberger, Christian."Das altenglische Judith-Gedicht als Stilgebilde," Ang. 82 (1964), 433-n. [Enzensberger establishes the literary principles underlying the poet's reworking of his source. See also Renoir, ES 43 (1962), 145-n.J



139 Woolf,Rosemary E. "The Lost Opening to the 'Judith,"' MLR 50 (19n), 168-72.. [Woolf thinks that only a few lines have been lost.]

See further Brodeur 35: 105-9. JULIANA (K-D

3, Gordon 20)

140 Woolf, Rosemary E., ed. Juliana. MOEL (London, 19 55). Repr. with additions and corrections (New York, 1966). Pp. ix 90. Rev.: E. Dobbie, MLN 72. (1957), 538-40.


See further Schaar 100: 2.7-31, 91-96, and Wolpers 244: 119-2.4. KENTlSH HYMN (K-D


141 Shepherd,Geoffrey. "The Sources of the OE Kentish Hymn," MLN 67 (1952.), 395-97. [The poet used the Te Deum and the Gloria.] LATIN-ENGLISH PROVERBS (K-D



6, Zandvoort 142)

142 Zandvoort,R.W. "The Leiden Riddle," in Collected Papers by Reinard W. Zandvoort. Groningen Studies in English 5 (Groningen, 1954), pp. 1-16. [Zandvoort discusses fully the background and the text of the poem.]

See further Anderson 24: 167-76, Sxnith 68, Tupper 165: 150-54. LORD'S PRAYER 1 (K-D




3, Mackie 22)

6, Lumby 135)






3, 6; Gordon 20)

143 Williams, Blanche C., ed. Gnomic Poetry in Anglo-Saxon (New York, 1914). Pp. 171. Rev.: J.Rankin,JEGP 15 (1916), 163-65.

xiii+ 144

Dawson,R.MacGregor. "The Structure of the OE Gnomic Poems," JEGP 61 (1962), 14-22. [The maxims are connected through the association ofidcas or sounds.] See further Henry 45: 91-132. See also




6, Malone 146a)

145 Imelmann,Rudolph,ed. Das altenglische Menologium (Berlin, 1902). Pp. 66. Rev.: G.Binz, LgrPh 25 (1904), 99-100. 146 Hennig,John. "The Irish Counterparts of the Anglo-Saxon Menologiu111,'' MS 14 (1952), 98-106. [The poem is of the same genre as the Irishfelire or "metrical martyrology. "] 146a Malone, Kemp. "The OE Calendar Poem," in Studies in Language, Literature, and Culture of the Middle Ages and Later, ed. E. Bagby Atwood and Archibald Hill (Austin, Texas, 1969), pp. 193-99. [Malone provides a faithful translation of the poem into Modern English alliterative verse.]

See further Henel 236: 71-91.




h Sedgefield 215)

See Anderson 23: 2.73-85, Benson 40, Sedgefield 215, Sisam 30: 2.93-97. METRICAL CHARMS {K-D

6, Storms 147)

147 Storms,Godfrid. Anglo-Saxon Magic(The Hague, 1948). Pp.ix+ 366.Rev.: F.Magoun, Spec11l11111 2.8 (1953), 2.03-12.. 148 Schneider, Karl. "Die strophischen Strukturen und heidnisch-religiosen Elemente der ae. Zauberspruchgruppe 'wi6 peof6e'," in Festschrift ... Spira 187: 38-56. [Schneider detects vestiges of an original Germanic strophe and pagan allusions in charms.] 149 Stiirzl, Erwin. "Die christlichen Elemente in den altenglischen Zaubersegen," Die Sprache 6 (1960), 75-93. [Stiirzl discusses Christian motifs in the pagan charms and why the two were allowed to co-exist.]

See further RELIGION,




150 Holthausen,F. "Altenglische Schreiberverse," Ang.Bbl.38 (192.7), 191-92.. [Holthausen gives a text which is heavily emended ca11sa metri. See further Sievers, Beitrage z.ur Geschichte der de11tschen Sprache 11nd Literat11r 52. (192.8), 310-11; Forster, Archiv 162. (1933), 2.30.] METRICAL EPILOGUE TO THE PASTORAL CARE {K-D

6, Sweet 217)

151 lsaacs,Neil D. "Still Waters Run Undiop,'' PQ 44 (1965), 545-49. [Isaacs discusses the poem's imagery in light of Gregory's comments in the Pastoral Care.]






6, Sweet 217)

See Sisam 30: 140-47 passim. ORDER OF THE WORLD (K-D


3, Mackie 22)

3, Gordon 20)

152 Cook,Albert S.,ed. The DE Physiologus(New Haven, 1921). Pp. v + 25. Rev.: M. Mann, Ang. Bbl. 34 (1923), 262-63. 153 Cordasco,Francesco. "The OE Physiologus: Its Problems," MLQ 10 (1949), ; 5 1-5 5. [Cordasco gives a summary of previous discussions of the text and the source.] PARIS PSALTER (K-D


154 Diamond, Robert E. The Diction of the Anglo-Saxon Metrical Psalms. Janua Linguarum, Series Practica, 10 (The Hague, 1963). Pp. 59. [Diamond finds a high quotient of formulas in the Paris Psalter verses.]

See further the introduction to the facsimile edition in EEMF, 14: vol. 8, 1118, esp. 16-17; Cook 266: vol. 1, xiv-xviii, xli-xliii; Morrell 48: 134-49. PARTRIDGE (K-D


3, Mackie 22)



3, Whitbread 155)




Whitbrcad,L. "The OE Poem 'Pharaoh,'" NQ 190 (1946), 52.-54. [Whitbread presents textual notes, a translation, and a literary assessment ("a scrap of monkish experimenting").] PHOENIX (K-D

3, Gordon 20)


Blake,Norman F.,ed. The Phoenix(Manchester, 1964). Pp. x + u1. Rev.: K. Grinda, Ang. 84 (1966), 4u-16; J.Cross,JEGP 64 (1965), 153-59. [A new edition by J.Trahernc is in preparation.]


Kantrowitz,Joanne S. "The Anglo-Saxon Phoenix and Tradition," PQ 43 (1964), 1-13. [Kantrowitz explores the possible meanings of several commonplace symbols with which the poet enriched his paraphrase.] Sec further Cassidy in 26: 227-36, Cross in 24: u9-52., Schaar 100: 42.-43, 84-91, l 11-U. POEMS OP THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE (K-D


6, Whitdock 18)

Campbell,Alistair,ed. The Battle of Br11nanb11rh (London, 1938). Pp.xvi 168. Rev.: D. Everett, M.£ 9 (1940), 35-39.



Bolton,W.F. "'Variation' in The Battle of Br11nanburh," RES 19 (1968), 36372.. [Consideration of the poem's diction and structure suggests that the poet's most serious concern is to express praise for God in His heroes, in the spirit ofEcclcsiasticus 44: 1-2..]


Dodgson,John McN. "The Background of Brunanburh," Saga-Boole of the Viking Society 14 (1953-57), 303-16. [The battlcfidd is located at Bromborough in Wirral.]



160 Jost,Kad. "Wulfstan und dieangelsachsische Chronik," Ang.47(1923), 1052;. Uost thinks Wulfstan may have composed two of the rhythmic passages in the Chronicle.] 161 Klaeber,F. "A Note on the Battle ofBrunanburh," Palaestra 148 (1925), 1-7. [In this critical evaluation Klaeber suggests that the poet drew on the Book of Joshua.] 162 Mawer,Allen. "The Redemption of the Five Boroughs," EHR ;8 (192;), 551-5 7. (The literal sense of the poem fits with the known historical facts.]

See further Plummer 223. PBAYEa (K-D

6, Thomson 71: 2.12-z.6)


Mackie 22)

163 An:excees, M. II. "Aurno-caxcoHCKaJI nap8JIJiem, K Iloyq:eHHIO BJia.D.HMHpa MoHoMaxa," Tpy.ru,1 OT.l(eJia .l(peBHepyccxo.ii JIHTepaTYPbI (HH-Ta pyccxoii JIHTepaTYPLI AH CCCP), II, fu.l(. AH CCCP (Mocxsa, JleHHHrpa.l(, 1935), CTp. 39-80. [The author argues persuasively that Precepts is the source of the twelfthcentury Russian poem Poucheniie (Instructions) by Vladimir Monomach.] PROVERB FROM WINFRID'S TIME (K-D PSALM JO (K-D





6, Dobbie 3:

3, Mackie 22)

Klaebcr,Fr. "Zu altcnglischen Dichtungcn," Archiv 167 (1935), 36-38. [Klacbcr gives a note on the dramatic speaker and several textual interpretations.]



See further Henry 45: 176-80, Stanley 39. RIDDLES (K-D

3, Mackie 22)


Tupper,Frederick,ed. The Riddles of the Exeter Book (Boston, 1910). Pp.cxi + 2.92.. Rev.:W.Lawrence,JEGP 12. (1913), 166-69. [Despitelatereditions such as A.J. Wyatt's compact OE Riddles (Boston, 1912.), Tupper's edition remains the fullest. A translation of the Riddles by Paull F. Baum (Durham, N. C., 1963) is available.]


Adams,John F. "The Anglo-Saxon Riddle as Lyric Mode," Criticism 7 (1965), ;35-48. (Adams sees the riddle as the OE verse genre permitting minute examination of an object with complex, serious implications.]


Hacikyan,Agop. A Linguistic and Literary Analysis of OE Riddles (Montreal, 1966). Pp. viii+ 94. [Hacikyan revives old authorship questions. See also Revue de J'Universite d'Ottawa 37 ( 1967), 46-66, 344-5 8.] See further Derolez 301: 417-19, Kennedy 27: 131-46, 364-68, and Malone 28: "Bibliographical Supplement" n. 88. RIDDLE 60 (K-D

3, Mackie 22)


Leslie,RoyF. "The Integrity of Riddle 60," JEGP 67 (1968), 451-57. (Both the content and the stylistic affinities with other riddles suggest that this is an independent riddle about a reed pen; but cf. Kaske 132.] RIMING POEM (K-D

3, Mackie 22)


Mack"e,W. S. "The oE Rhymed Poem," JEGP 2.1 (192.2.), 507-19. (This is an introduction, text, and translation.] See further Cross in 26: n-q; cf. Schaar, ES 43 (1962.), 490-91.



(K-D 3, Gordon 20)

169 Keenan,HughT. "The Ruin as Babylon," TSL II (1966), 109-17. [Keenan sees the poem as an account of worldly, wicked Babylon.]

See further Greenfield in 31: 143-47, Irving in 24: 154-64, Leslie 131. (K-D 6, Lehnert 8) For a discussion and bibliography see Derolez 301: 16-2.6, 390-91, Elliott 302: 52.-59. RUNE POEM

ROTHWELL CROSS (K-D 6) For a full bibliography see Marquardt 303: IIz-2.3.

See also




(K-D 3, Gordon 20)

170 Gordon Ida,L.,ed. The Seafarer, MOEL (London, 1960). Pp.ix+ 70. Rev.: J. Cross,JEGP 60 (1961), 545-49. [Gordon absorbs previous scholarship into the introduction and bibliography.] 171 Pope, John C. "Dramatic Voices in The Wanderer and The Seafarer," in Franciplegius, 164-93. [Assuming "a mechanical failure in the written presentation of the poems," Pope argues for a return to the old theory that the two poems are dialogues.]

172 Smithers,G.V. "The Meaning of The Seafarer and The Wandtrer," M,£ z.6 (1957), 137-53; z.8 (1959), 1-2.2., 99-104. [Comparison with homiletic writings suggests that the poems are allegorical.] 173 Stevick, Robert D. "The Text and the Composition of The Seafarer,'' P MLA So (1965), 332.-36. [Stevick thinks that the text is an unrevised draft for a poem. Cf.Campbell, Speculum 35 (1960), 87-96.]



See further Henry 45: 133-60, Stanley 39. SEASONS FOR FASTING (K-D


174 Holthausen, Ferdinand, ed. "Ein altenglisches Gedicht iiber die Fastenzeiten," Ang. 71 (1953), 191-201. [See further Meroney, MP 41 (1943-44), 199-200; Schabram, Britannica: Festschrift fiir H. Flasdieck (Heidelberg, 1960), pp. 221-40; Heyworth, MS 26 (1964), 358-59.]

See further Sisam 30: 45-60 (detailed summary of poem, pp.45-46.) SOLOMON AND SATURN (K-D

6, Wild 176)

175 Menner, Robert J., ed. The Poetical Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn (New York, 1941). Pp.xii+ 176. Rev.: K. Sisam, M.£ 13 (1944), 28-36; see further Sisam 30: n9-39. 176 Wild,Friedrich,trans. Salomon und Saturn (Vienna, 1964). Pp.44. Rev.: H. Schabram, Ang. 84 (1966), 417-20. [This is a German verse-translation with introduction and notes. For an English translation, see Kemble 197.]

177 Page,R.I. "A Note on the Text of MS cccc 422 (Solomon and Saturn)," M.£ 34 (1965), 36--39. [Page gives new readings obtained by ultraviolet light.] See further Kemble 197. souL AND BODY (K-D

2, 3; Gordon 20, Mackie 22)

178 Smetana,Cyril. "Second Thoughts on 'Soul and Body 1,"' MS 29 (1967), 193-205. [Smetana defends the poet against the charge that he was a Catharist and argues that the poem is a considerable artistic success.]




6, Lumby 135)

179 Forster,Max. "Zur Liturgik der angelsachsischen Kirche," Ang.66 (1942.), 1-p, esp. 37-42.. [Forster identifies the poem as a verse paraphrase of Latin confessional prayers. See further Whitbread 117.] THURETH (K-D




3, Mackie 22)

6, Gordon 20)

180 Norman,Frederick,ed. Waldere, MOEL (London, 1933). z.nd ed. 1949. Pp. viii 56. Rev.: R.Priebsch, MLR z.9 (1934), 340-41. [Arne Zettersten is preparing a new edition.]


181 Schwab, Ute,ed. Waldere: Te.rto e Commento (Messina, 1967). Pp. 308. [The volume contains a facsimile, a transliteration, a discussion of readings, and a translation into Italian.]

182 Carrol,B.H. "An Essay on the Walther Legend," Florida State University Studies 5 (1952.), 12.3-79. [Carrol reconstructs the original Walther story.]

183 Kuhn,Hans. "Zur Geschichte der Walthersaga," Festgabefiir Ulrich Pretzel, ed. Werner Simon,etal. (Berlin, 1963), pp. 5-12.. [Kuhn rejects Schticking's theory that Waldere is a translation from Waltharius and thinks the original legend ended tragically.]


Magoun,Francis P.Jr. and H.M. Smyser. Walter of Aquitaine: Materials for the Study of his Legend. Conn. Coll. Monog. No. 4 (New London, Conn., 6z.. [The authors give literal translations of Waldere, 1950). Pp. vii Waltharius, and related legends.]



3, Gordon 20)




Dunning, Thomas P. and AlanJ.Bliss,eds. The Wanderer, MOEL (London, 1969). Pp. viii + 140. [This is a very full and thorough edition. Sec also the edition by RoyF.Leslie (Manchester, 1966). Pp. ix+ 99. Rev.: D.Evans, SN 38 (1966), 397-99.]


Cross,J.E. "On The Wanderer Lines 80-84: A Study of a Figure and a Theme," Vetenskaps-societen i Lund Arsbok rn8-rn9, 75-110. [Cross identifies the sum-catalogue as of Christian Latin origin. Cf. ibid., 19 56, pp. 2 5-44. and Dietrich 44.]


Erzgriibcr, Willi. "Der Wanderer: Eine Interpretation von Aufbau und Gchalt," in Festschrift zum 7 J. Geburfstag von Theodor Spira, ed. Helmut Viebrock and W. Erzgriiber (Heidelberg, 1961 ), pp. 57-8 5• [Erzgriiber secs the poem's balanced structure and consolatory, instructional theme as direct reflections of Bocthius.]


Fowler,Roger. "A Theme in The Wanderer," M.£ 36 (1967), 1-14. [Fowler thinks that the poem laments the passing of heroic society and suggests a contrast between earthly transience and divine permanence.] See further Greenfield in 31: 146--53, Henry 45: 161-75, Pope 171, 9, Smithers 172, Stanley 39. WHALE

(K-D 3, Gordon 20)

See PANTHER. wrnsnH (K-D 3, Mackie 22)


Malone,Kemp,ed. Widsith (Copenhagen, 1962). Pp. .2.31. Rev.: K.Brooks, MLR 60 (1965), 87-90. [See further Speculum 39 (1964), 35-44; lzlenzk Tunga 6 (1965), 82-85; and Langenfelt in Vl.lnternat. Kongressfiir Namenforschung, 3 (Munich, 1962), 496--510.]



190 Malone,Kemp. "The Franks Casket and the Date of Widsith" in Orrick 35: 10-18. [Malone suggests a connection between Widsith and the Franks Casket and explodes Reynolds' late dating of Widsith.] See further Eliason 105. WIFE'S LAMENT (K-D 3, Gordon 20) 191 Davis,Thomas M. "Another View of 'The Wife's Lament,"' Papers on English Lang. and Lit. I (1965), 291-305. [Davis reviews some earlier interpretations and suggests that the husband was involved in a blood-feud.] 192 Doane, A. N. "Heathen Form and Christian Function in 'The Wife's Lament,"' MS 28 (1966), 77-91. [Doane tries to see the poem as a formal curse uttered by a heathen goddess against the new god, Christ.] 193 Stevens, Martin. "The Narrator of The Wife's Lament," NM 69 ( 1968), 72-90. [This is the most recent of numerous attempts to prove that the narrator is a man, not a woman.] 194 Swanton, M. J. "The Wife's Lament and The Husband's Message: A Reconsideration," Ang. 82 (1964), 269-90. [Swanton sees the two poems, respectively, as the Church's yearning for reunion with Christ and Christ's comforting answer. Cf. Kaske 132: 71, n. 81.] See further Greenfield in 31: 163-69, Leslie 131, Malone in 26: 106-17. WULF AND EADWACER (K-D

3, Gordon 20)

195 Frankis,P.J. "Deor and Wulf and Eadwacer: Some Conjectures," M.£ 31 (1962), 161-75. [Frankis hypothesizes a story of a minstrel-warrior which could lie behind both poems.]

196 Renoir, Alain. "Wulf and Eadwacer: A N oninterpretation," in Franciplegius,



pp. 147-63. [Though its meaning is unknown, the poem's juxtaposition of powerful emotions and its sense of tragic separation successfully move readers.] See further Greenfield in 31: 163-65, and Malone in 26: 106-117.


Although far more OE prose survives than does poetry, it is the verse that has always dominated the attention of literary scholars. Accordingly, the limited space in this bibliography is apportioned more generously to poetic than to prose texts, and the prose covered is "literary prose" in a rather strict sense. Excluded are laws, interlinear translations, penitential manuals, medical treatises, and other utilitarian writings. The purpose of this section is mainly to put readers in touch with the primary texts and translations, although some of the more important scholarly commentary is cited and more is available in the general studies of Anderson 23, Chambers 42, Funke 36, Greenfield 25, Malone 28, Morrell 48, Stanley 31, Wrenn 32, and Wright 51. ADRIAN AND RITHEUS


Kemble,John M.,ed. The Dialogues of Salomon and Saturnus (London, 1848). [The text and a translation are on pp. 198-2.07. A new edition by J.E. Cross et al. is in preparation.] .£LFRIC

Homiletic and hagiographical writings 198 Assmann, Bruno, ed. Angelsiichsische Homilien und Heiligenleben 2: vol. 3 ( 1889). Repr. with supplementary introduction by P. Clemoes (Darmstadt, 1964). [Items 1-1x are by ...Elfric. No translations are provided.]



199 Bclfour,Algernon0.,ed. Twelfth Century Homilies in MS Bodley 343, EETS 137 (1909). Repr. 1961. [Items 1-1v, v11-1x, xm, and xiv are by JElfric. Translations are included.] 200

Needham, Geoffrey I., ed. £lfric: Lives of Three English Saints, MOEL (London, 1966). Pp. viii+ 119. Rev.: P. Clemoes, Ang. 86 (1968), 191-91.


Pope,John C.,ed. Homilies of £lfric: A Supplementary Collection, EETS 159, 160 (1967-68). [Pope provides a very full introduction, but no translation.] Rev.: N.Eliason, Speculum, 43 (1968), 378-81. 202 Skeat,Walter W.,ed. £1fric's Lives of Saints, EETS 76, 81, 94, n4(1881-1900). Repr. in 1 vols. 1966. [Items xxn1, xx111 B, xxx, and xxx111 are not by JElfric. Translations are included.) 203 Thorpc,Bcnjamin,cd. The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 1 vols. (London, 1844-46). [Translations are included. An important new edition of these Catholic Homilies is in preparation for EETS by P. Oemoes.]

Pastoral letters 204

Fehr,Bernhard,ed. Die Hirtenbriefe £lfrics, 2: vol. 9 (1914). Repr. with supplement by P. Oemoes (Darmstadt, 1966). (The edition has a German translation.]

Translations of the Bible, commentaries, etc. 205 Crawford, Samuel J ., ed. Exameron Ang/ice, 2: vol. 1o ( 1911 ). [A translation is included.] 206

Crawford,SamuelJ.,ed. The OE Version of the Heptateuch, £1fric's Treatise on tlu Old ana Ne111 Testa111ent and His Preface to Genesis, EETS 16o (1911). Repr. with brief addendum by N.R.Ker (1968). Pp.ix+ 441. Rev.: E.Ekwall, Ang.Bbl. 35 (1914), 193-95.



207 Hcnel, Heiru:ich, ed. Ailfric's De Temporibus Anni, EETS 2.1 3 ( 1940). Rev. : C. Wrenn, RES 2.0 (1944), 2.34-36. [A translation is included.]

General commentary on £/fric 208 Dubois, Marguerite-Marie. £/jric: Sermonnaire, Doctellf' et Grammarien (Paris, 1943). Pp. viii+ 419. Rev.: A.Prins, ES 2.5 (1943), 143-50. 209 Smetana, Cyril L. ".,£lfric and the Early Medieval Homiliary," Traditio 15

(1959), 163-2.04. [Smetana shows .,£lfric's reliance on the homily collection attributed to Paul the Deacon. Sec further Traditio 17 (1961), 457-69, and J.E.Cross, Ailfric and the Medi1111al Homiliary - Objection and Contribution, Scripta Minora Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litt. Lundensis Lund,196162.). Pp. 34.] 210 White,Caroline L. £/fric: A New Study of His Life and Writings (Boston, 1898). Pp. 2.18. Rev.: G.Bin2, Ang.Bbl. 11 (1900). 2.30-31. [In large part this is a translation of E.Dietrich's earlier study, Abt Aelfrik: Zur Literaturge-

schichte tier angelsiichsischen Kirche.]

See further Ocmoes in 31: 176-2.09, Garmonsway 237, Sisam 30: 148-98, Wolpers 244: 131-51. ALFREDIAN TRANSLATIONS

Texts 211 Bright,Jamcs W. and Robert L.Ramsay,eds. Liber Psalmorum: The WestSaxon Psalms (Boston, 1907). [On the possibility of Alfred's authorship, sec Whitelock 31: 94-95.]

212 Carnicelli, Thomas A., ed. King Alfred's Version of St. Augustine's SolibJquies (Cambridge, Mass., 1969). Pp. xii+ 12.2.. [See also 2: vol. 11. For an English translation sec Yale Studies in English 2.2. (1904).]




Hecht, Hans, ed. Bischof W arferths von Worcester Obersetzung der Dialoge Gregors des Grossen, 2: vol. 5 (1900, 1907). Repr. with the table of accents deleted (Darmstadt, 1965). Pp.xi+ 351, iv+ 183.


Miller, Thomas, ed. The oE Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of The English People, EETS 95, 96, uo, III (1890-98). Repr.1959, 1963. [A translation is included. See also 2: vol.4.)


Sedgefield, WalterJ.,ed. King Alfred's OE Version of Boethius' De Consolatione Philosophiae (Oxford, 1899). [In a companion volume Sedgefield provides a modern English translation, printing Alfred's expansions of his original in italics.]

216 Sweet,Henry,ed. KingAlfred'sOrosius, EETS 79(1883). Repr. 1959. [The Latin text is included. For an English translation see that by B. Thorpe appended to R. Pauli, The Life of Alfred the Great (London, 18 53). ]


Sweet, Henry, ed. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care. 45, 50 (1871-7-2). Repr.1958. [A translation is included.)



218 Bately, Janet M. "King Alfred and the Latin MSS of Orosius' History," Classica et Mediaevalia .u (1961), 69-105. [See further SP 57 (1960), 567-86; Ang. 84 (1966), 2.5 5-304; ES 48 (1967), 410-16.)


Otten, Kurt. Konig Alfreds Boethius (Tiibingen, 1964). Pp. vii + 301. Rev.: A.Knuth, Neoph. 50 (1966), 199-2.00. [See also F.A.Payne, King Alfred and Boethius (Madison, Wisconsin, 1968).) 220 Potter, Simeon. "Commentary on King Alfred's Orosius," Ang. 71 (195 3), 385-437. 221 Timmer,Benno J. Studies in Bishop Warferth's Translation of the Dialogues qf



Gregory the Great(Wageningen, 1934). Pp. 122.. Rev.: }.Daniels, ES 17(193 5), 2.2.4-2.5. 222 Whitelock,Dorothy. "The OE Bede," PBA 48 (1962.), 57-90. [Whitelock

leaves Alfred's authorship in serious doubt.] See further Sisam 30: 140-47, 2.2.5-31, 2.93-97, and Whitelock 31: 67-103. ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE

223 Plummer, Charles, ed. Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, with supplementary Extracts from the Others: A Revised Text ... on the Basis of an Edition by John Earle, 2. vols. (Oxford, 1892.-99). Repr. with two notes by D.Whitelock 1952.. [For a translation, see 18, which was subsequently revised as The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, D. Whitelock et al., 2. nd corrected impression (London, 196 5). ] 224 Smith,AlbertH.,ed. The Parker Chronicle 832-900, MOEL(London, 1935). Pp. viii+ 72.. Rev.: W.Doyle-Davidson, ES 18 (19;6), 171-72..

See further Blair 290: 350-55, Kirby 291: 2.16-18, Stenton 292: 679-84, Wright 51. APOLLONIUS OF TYRE

225 Goolden, Peter, ed. The OE 'Apollonius of Tyre' (London, 19 58). Pp. xxxviii + 75. Rev.: P.Gradon, M.£ 2.9 (1960), 33-;6; H.Gneuss, Ang. 78 (1960), 36466. [For a translation, see Thorpe's edition (London, 1834).] BENEDICTINE OFFICE

226 Clemoes, Peter. "The OE Benedictine Office ... : A Reconsideration," Ang. 78 (1960), 2.65-70. [Clemoes disputes the theory that the prose passages are a reworking by Wulfstan of texts by 1Elfric.]





Schroer, Arnold, ed. Die angelsiichsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benediktinerregel, 2: vol. 2. 2nd ed. with appendix by H. Gneuss (Darmstadt, 1964). [Gneuss's essay is a full introduction to OE versions and to scholarship on them.] BIBLE AND APOCRYPHA


Bright,James W.,ed. The Gospel ... in West Saxon, 4 vols. (Boston, 1904-6). 229

Crawford,Samuel J.,ed. The Gospel of Nicodemus (Edinburgh, 1927). Pp. 32. [This edition has no apparatus and does not include a translation.]


Forster, Max. "A New Version of the Apocalypse of Thomas in 73 (19n), 6-36. [This edition has extensive commentary.]




Griinberg,Madeleine. The West-Saxon Gospels: A Stut!J of the Gospel of St. Matthew with Text of the Four Gospels (Amsterdam, 1967). Pp.414. [oE and Latin are on facing pages.]


Willard, Rudolph, ed. Two Apocrypha in OE Homilies (Leipzig, 19; 5). Pp. viii + 149. Rev.: C.Northup,JEGP 35 (1936), 283-84. See further Assmann 198, Bright and Ramsay 211, Crawford 206, and Kendrick 15. BLICKLING HOMILIES


Morris,Richard,cd. Th, Blickling Homilies, EETS 58, 63, 73 (1874-80). Rcpt. as one vol.1967. [A translation is provided. A new edition by Rowland Collins is in preparation. See also Willard, EEMF 14: vol. 10.}



234 Gatch, Milton McC. "Eschatology in the Anonymous OE Homilies," Traditio 2.1 (1965), 117-65. (Gatch discusses different patristic sources of eschatological ideas in the Vercelli and Blickling homilies. For some other patristic sources ofBlickling Homilies, see Cross,JEGP 56 (1957), NM 66 (1965), 32.7-30, and Greenfield 26: 10, 16.] BYRHTFERTH'S MANUAL

235 Crawford,Samuel J.,ed. Byrhtferth's Manual (A.D.rou), BETS 177 (1928). Rcpr. with errata list by N.R.K(er],1966. Pp.2.50. Rev.: G.Garmonsway, RES 7 (1931), 91-92.. [A complete translation is included.]

236 Henel,Heinrich, Studien zum altenglischen Comp11t11s (Leipzig, 1934). Pp.ix+ 95. Rev.: H.Meier, M.£ 6 (1937), 2.21-2.4. [For a detailed discussion of rhetorical lore in the Manual, see James J. Murphy's essay in Philological EsstfYS in Honor of Herbert Dean Meritt (The Hague, 1969).] COLLOQUY TRANSLATION

237 Garmonsway, George N., ed. Aiifric's Coiioq19, MOEL (London, 19 39). .z nd ed. 1947. Pp.ix+ 65. Rev.:J.Blomfield,M.£9(1940),39-42..[Seefurther The Anglo-Saxons, ed. P. Clemoes (London, 1959), pp. 2.48-61.] HOMILIES

See Assmann 198, Bethurum 246, Funke 36, Morris 233, Pope 201, Thorpe 203, Willard 232. HYMN TRANSLATIONS AND COMMENTARIES

237a Gneuss, Helmut. Hymnar und Hymnen im englischen Mittelalter (Tiibingen,



1968). Pp.xiii + 447. [This is a masterly study of the textual traditions, glossing, and vernacular translation of Latin hymns in medieval England, along with an edition of the Expositio Hymnorum in MS Cot. Jul. A. v1.] LETTERS

238 Kluge,F. "Fragment eines angelslichsischen Briefes," ESn 8 (1885), 62-63. 239 Rypins,Stanley. Three OE Prose Texts in Ms Cotton Vitellius A xv with introduction and glossarial index, EETS 161 (London, 1921). Pp.l + 148. Rev.: E.Ekwall,Ang. Bbl.38 (1927), 48-52. [Pp. 1-50 contain the Letter of Alexander to Aristotle (along with Wonders of the East and The Life of St. Christopher). See also Malone in EEMF 14: vol. 12.]

See further Assmann 198: 13-23, Fehr 204, Sisam 30: 199-224, Skeat 202: vol. 1, 4-6. MARTYROLOGY

240 Herzfeld,Georg,ed. An oE Martyrology, translation is included.]


116 (1900). Pp.xliii

+ 243. [A


241 Arngart, OlofS., ed. The Durham Proverbs, Lunds Universitets Arsskrift. N. F. Avd. 1. Bd. 52. Nr. 2 (Lund, 1959). Pp. zz. [This is a full edition.]

See further (for the OE Distichs of Cato) Kemble 197: 2 58-69 (with a translation). SAINTS' LIVES

242 Vleeskruyer,Rudolf, ed. The Life of St. Chad: An oE Homif:J. Edited with In-



troduction, Notes, Illustrative Texts and Glossary (Amsterdam, 195 3). Pp. viii+ 2.47. Rev.: E. Stanley, EGS 6 (1957), 112.-18; A. Campbell, M.£ 2.4 (195 5), 52.-56. 243 Gonser,Paul. Das angelsachsische Prosa-Leben des hi. Guthlac, (1909). Pp. vii+ 2.00 + 1x. [For a translation, see CW.Goodwin's edition(London, 1848).] 244 Wolpers,Theodor. Die englische Heiligenlegende des Mittelalters (Tiibingen, 1964). Pp.xv+ 470. Rev.: C.D'Evelyn, Speculum 42. (1967), 2.13-17. See further Assmann 198, Herzfeld 240, Morris 233, Rypins 239, Skeat 202, Woolf in 31: 37-66. SOLOMON AND SATURN: PROSE DIALOGUE

See Kemble 197, and Menner 175: 8-10, 55-56, 168-71. VERCELLI HOMILIES

245 Forster,Max,ed. Die Vercelli-Homilien: 1.-v111. Homilie, 2: vol. 12. (1932.). Repr. (Darmstadt,1964). Rev.: D.Scragg, Ang.84(1966), 2.18-2.2., who collates Forster's ed. with the MS. [P. Szarmach has prepared an edition of the remaining unpublished homilies as a Harvard Ph.D. dissertation.]

See Gatch 234: 136ff. for recent comment and bibliography, and Sisam 30: 109-u8. WONDERS OF THE EAST

See Rypins 239. WULFSTAN

246 Bethurum,Dorothy,ed. The Homilies of Wulfstan (Oxford, 1957). Pp.xiii+



384. Rev.: J. Ure, M£ 2.8 (1959), 112.-15; J.Pope, MLN74(1959), 333-40. 247 Jost, Karl T. ed. Die "Institutes of Polity, Civil and Ecclesiastical," Swiss Studies in English, 47 (Bern, 1959). Pp. 274. Rev.: D.Whitelock, RES 12 (1961), 6166. 248 Napier,Arthur S.,ed. Wulfstan, Sammlung der ihm z.ugeschriebenen Homilien. /: Textund Varianten(Berlin, 1883). Pp.x+ 318. Repr. with a bibliographical supplement by Klaus Ostheeren 1967. [The second volume with commentary never appeared, but Napier's accurate, clear presentation of the texts themselves remains unsuperseded.] 249 Whitelock, Dorothy, ed. Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, MOEL (London, 19 39). 3rd ed. (New York, 1966). Pp. x + 90. Rev.: J. Blomfield, M.£ 9 ( 1940), 39-42.. [See also Franciplegius, 2.14-31.] 250 Funke, Otto. "Some Remarks on Wulfstan's Prose Rhythm," in Gesammelte Aufsiitze zur Anglistik und zur Sprachtheorie (Bern, 1965), pp. 2.9-37. [Funke notes, like McIntosh, the frequency of two-stress rhythmical groups in Wulfstan's prose, but detects considerable variety within such groups as well as within longer ones.] 251 Jost,KarlT. Wulfstanstudien (Bern, 1950). Pp. 271. Rev.: A.McIntosh, ES 32. (1951), 163-68. See further Bethurum in 26: 162-70, and in 31: 2.10-46.


Fundamental Reference Works BIBLIOGRAPHIES

There is no exhaustive bibliography of writings on OE literature, although one is now in preparation. Meanwhile, the best cumulative bibliography remains The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, vol. 1, pp.53-110 and vol. 1, pp. 39-94, which survey scholarship through 1954. No periodic OE bibliography is published, but the OE section of the Jahresberi&ht iiber die Ersduin11ngen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie gives masterly annual coverage from 1879 through 1939, as does the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature prepared by the Modern Humanities Research Association from 1920 to the present. Useful, though far less complete, are the OB literature sections of the P MLA Annual Bibliography and the excellently annotated Year's Work in English Studies. The International Medieval Bibliography published quarterly by the University of Minnesota and the University of Leeds gives increasingly broad coverage of articles (not books) on medieval culture at large, but it does not attempt to report exhaustively on articles dealing with medieval literature. Since 1964 the journal Neuphilologische Mitteilungen has published annual reports on "oE Research in Progress."

252 Anderson, George K. "oE Literature," in The Mediwa/ Literature of Western Europe, ed.John H.Fisher (New York, 1966), pp. 37-71. [This is a selective essay on publications and trends in OE studies from 1925 to 196o. For a brief evaluation see MLR 63 (1968), 141.]



253 Greenfield, Stanley B. "An

Bibliographical Guide,'' in David M. Zesmer, Guide to English Literature from Beowulfthrough Chaucer and the Medieval Drama, College Outline Series (New York,1961), pp.292-321. Rev.: J.TurvillcPetre, SN H (1961), 335-36. [This is a highly selective but excellently annotated list of publications in the English language only. See also the bibliographical footnotes in 25.] 254 Heusinkveld, Arthur H. and Edwin J. Bashe. A Bibliographical Guide to os: A Selective Bibliography of the Language, Literature, and History of the AngloSaxons, University of Iowa Humanistic Studies (a supplement to University oflowa Studies, 139) 4, Fascicle 5 (Iowa City, 1931). Pp.153. Rev.: F.Klacber, Ang. Bbl. 43 (1932), 200--202. [This selective, briefly annotated list puts the reader in touch with the earlier scholarship and bibliographical surveys of Brandl, Wiilckcr, and others.] 255 Matthews,William. Old and Middle English Literature (New York, 1968). Pp. xvi+ 112. [Only pp. 1-26 are devoted to OE. The list is selective and unannotated.] 256 Renwick, William L. and Harold Orton. The Beginnings of English Literature to Skelton, 1509, 3rd ed. rev. by Martyn F.Wakelin (London, 1966). Pp. n6269. [The list is selective and partially annotated.] OE

Sec also Bonser 274, Ker 295, Ogilvy 49. DICTIONARIES

257 Bessinger, Jess B. Jr. A Short Dictionary ofAnglo-Saxon Poetry in a Normalized Ear!J West-Saxon Orthography (Toronto, 1960). 4th rev. printing 1967. Pp. xvii + 87. Rev.: J.Rosicr, JEGP 60 (1961), 560--63. [This dictionary is primarily for use with the Harvard normalized texts - see 4. It supplies word frequencies from Madden and Magoun's A Grouped Frequency Word-List of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (Cambridge, Mass., 1967).]



258 Bosworth,Joseph and T.Northcote Toller. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (London, 1898). Pp.ii+ 13oz. Supplement by T.Northcote Toller 19u. Pp. 768. [A new supplement under the general editorship of Alistair Campbell is in preparation.]

259 Clark Hall, John R. A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (Cambridge, 1894). 4th ed. with a supplement by Herbert D.Meritt 1960. Pp.482. Rev.: H.Schabram, Ang. 84(1966), 83-88. [Meritt's 20-page supplement is the most recent comprehensive work in OE lexicography. See also his Some of the Harde.rt Glosses in OE (Stanford, 1968).]


Grein, Christian W. M. Sprachschatz der angelsachsischen Dichter, in collaboration with F.Holthausen, rev. by J.J.Kohler (Heidelberg, 1912). Pp. vi + 897. [This dictionary is virtually a concordance of the poetry.]

261 Holthausen,Ferdinand. Altenglisches etymologisches Worterbuch (Heidelberg, 1934). 2nd ed. with additions to the bibliography by H.C.Matthes (1963). Pp.xxxvi + 428. Rev.: F.Mosse, ES 15 (1933), 60-65, 16 (1934), 196-201.


Except for Grein 260, there is no large-scale concordance of writings in OE, but numerous full glossaries or concordances to individual writers or monuments have been compiled, and a valuable list of such works published before 1923 may be found in Arthur G. Kennedy's A Bibliography of Writings on the English Language (Cambridge, Mass., 1927), pp. 122-23. Further titles are:


Bessinger,Jess B., with Philip H.Smith (programmer). A Concordance to Beowulf (Ithaca, New York, 1969). Pp. xxxiv + 373. [This is an unusually full, computer-assisted concordance. A computer concordance to the complete Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records 3 is in preparation.]



263 Braasch, Theodor. Vollstiindiges Worterbuch zur sog. CtZdmonschen Genesis, Anglistische Forschungen, 76 (Heidelberg, 1933). Pp. vii + 117.

264 Chapman,HarveyW. An Index to the (New Haven, 1905). Pp.iv+ 92.



of the

Durham Hymnarium


Mertens-Fonck, Paule. A Glossary of the Vespasian Psalter and Hymns. Part I: The Verb(Paris, 1960). Pp. 387. Computer concordances to the West Saxon and Rushworth Gospels are in preparation by (respectively) P.Pillsbury and R.Venezky. BIBLICAL QUO'I'A'I'IONS

266 Cook,AlbertS.,ed. Biblical Quotations in OE Prose Writers [First Series] (London, 1898). Pp.lxxx + 330. Second Series (New York, 1903). Pp.x ;97. [Cook cites OE renderings of Biblical excerpts.]


See also Morrell 48. GRAMMARS

Advanced grammars 267 Andrew,SamuelO. Syntax and Styk in OE (Cambridge, 1940). Pp.x + 112. Rev.: H.Larsen,JEGP 41 (1942), 85-88. [See further Andrew's Postscript on Beowuif(Cambridge, 1948). Pp. viii+ 158. Although some of his conclusions must be viewed with caution, Andrew's books are most useful for literary students concerned with syntax.] 268 Bacquet,Paul. La Structure de la phrase verbale a l'epoque aifredienne (Parist 1962). Pp.775. Rev.: B.Mitchell, NM 67 (1966), 86-97.



269 Brunner, Karl. A/tenglische Grammatik nach der angelsachsischen Grammatik von Eduard Sievers (Halle, 1942). 3rd ed. rev. (Tubingen, 1965). Pp.xi + 436. Rev.: S.Potter, MLR 42 (1947), 255-57. 270

Campbell,Alistair. OE Grammar (Oxford, 1959). Pp.xvi + 423. Rev.: N. Eliason, Speculum 35 (1960), 435-38.

Introductory grammars 271

Mitchell,Bruce. A Guide to OE (Oxford, 1964). 2nd ed. 1968. Pp. xvi+ 176. Rev.: J.Cross, RES 18 (1967), 57-58. [This grammar contains an unusually full discussion of syntax.]



Quirk,Randolph and CharlesL. Wrenn. An OE Grammar, 2nd ed. (London, 1958). Pp.x + 166. Rev.: ].Braidwood, RES 8 (1957), 43-45.


Raw,Barbara C. A Programmed Course in OE, Keele Univ. Library Occasional Publications 5 (Keele, 1967) [mimeographed]. Pp. [iii] + 15 2. [This is an experimental grammar geared for use with a language lab.]


Guide To Ancillary Subjects Students of OE literature frequently need access to one or several of the other branches of Anglo-Saxon scholarship. The fields of study listed below lie particularly close to the literary student's area of interest, although others (diplomatics, numismatics, onomastics, etc.), which space here cannot accommodate, are only slightly less relevant. Under each topic listed appears one starred title, which the beginner should consult first, along with one or two further items which will help him to work into mote specialized writings in the field. For neighboring disciplines such as medieval Latin, medieval rhetoric, and Old Norse studies, the student should consult other volumes in the Toronto Medieval Bibliographies.


274 Bonser,Wilfrid. An Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Bibliograplry (4Jo-ro87), 2 vols. (Berkeley, 1957). Pp.xii+ 574, 123. Rev.: R.Schoeck, Spec11l11m 33 (1958), 267-68; B. Dickins, Antiq11ity 33 ( 19 59), 143-44. [Bonser covers Anglo-Saxon studies exclusive of language and literature.]


*Whitelock, Dorothy. Changing C11"ents in Anglo-Saxon St11dies: An lflallgm-al Lect11re(Cambridge, 1958). Pp. 31. Rev.: F.Stenton, EHR 74(1959), p9-20. [This is an expert survey of the entire network of early English studies.]




276 *Bolton,Whitney F. A History of Anglo-Latin Literature ;17-zo66, vol. 1: 597-740 (Princeton, 1967). Pp.xiv+ 305. [Until volume 2 appears, the second volume of Max Manitius' Gesd1ichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters (Munich, 19n-;i) remains the best authority for later Anglo-Latin literature. See also F.J.E.Raby's A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages(Oxford, 1957), and A History of Christian Latin Poetry(Oxford, 1 95 3).] See for bibliography Bolton 276: 229-93, and The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, vol. 1, pp. 98-no; vol. 5, pp. 92-94. See further Ogilvy 49. ARCHAEOLOGY

277 Green, Charles. Sutton Hoo: The Excavation ofa Rf!Yal Ship-Burial (New York, 1963). Pp. 168. Rev.: J.Myres, EHR 80 (1965), 572-73. [Green summarizes previous scholarship and advances original speculations on early seafaring. For discussions of Sutton Hoo in connection with OE literature, sec Bessinger in 24: 3-26, Chambers 80: 508-23, Wrenn in 88: 3n-30, and R.Derolez, "Filologie en oudheidkunde: de Beowulf voor en na de ontdekking van Sutton Hoo," Handelingen der Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis 15 (1961), 139-57.]

278 Meaney,Audrey. A Gazetteer of Ear/y Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites (London, 1964). Pp. 304. Rev.: H.Loyn, History 50 (1965), 212-13.

279 *Wilson,David M. The Anglo-Saxons (London,1960). Pp.231. Rev.: S. Hawkes, Antiquaries journal 41 (1961), 106-8 [severe]; H.Colvin, EHR 76 (1961), 695. [This is an introduction to Anglo-Saxon archaeology in the context of Anglo-Saxon history at large.]



See for bibliography the Council for British Archaeology's Archaeological Bibliograplz_yfor Great Britain & Ireland[Formerly Archaeological Bulletin/or... ] (London, 1940-- ), which lists books, articles, and monographs published each year. ART AND ARCHITECTURE

280 Brown, Gerard B. The Arts in Early England, 7 vols. (London, 190 3-37). Rev.: W.Hope, EHR 2.0 (1905), 132.-34; H.Blakiston, EHR 36 (1931), 663-65. 281 *Kendrick,Thomas D. "Anglo-Saxon Art," in Ne111 Catholic Encyclopedia (New York, 1967), 1: 5n-37. [This is a terse, elementary sketch with a brief, up-to-date bibliography.] 282 Kendrick, Thomas D. Anglo-Saxon Art to A.D. 900, with 104 plates (London, 1938). Pp.xxi + 2.2.7 + CIV. Rev.: N.M.G.,Burlington Magazine, 74 (1939), 43· 283 Kendrick,Thomas D. Late Saxon and Viking Art, with 96 plates. (London, 1949). Pp.xv+ 152.. 284 Taylor, Harold McC. and Joan Taylor. Anglo-Saxon Architecture, 2. vols. (Cambridge, 1965 ). Pp. xxviii + 7 34. [This is a catalogue of some 400 churches with Anglo-Saxon features.] 285 Wormald,Frands. English Drawings of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, with 40 plates. (London, 1952.). Pp.83. [Wormald gives a short account of the development of outline drawings in OE MSS A.D.900--uoo.]

See also Kendrick 15, Kirby 291: 186-2.04. EARLY ENGLISH LIBRARIES

286 *Gneuss, Helmut. "Englands Bibliothekcn im Mittclalter und ihr Untcr-



gang," in Festschrift fiir Walter Hiibner, ed. D. Riesner and H. Gneuss (Berlin, 1964), pp. 9 I -12 I. [ Gneuss gives an excellent survey of the subject from a somewhat literary-historical point of view and a full introduction to relevant scholarship.] 287 Ker, Neil R., ed. Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: A List of Surviving Boo/eJ (London, 1941), 2nd ed. 1964. Pp.xxx:ii + 42.4. [Ker attempts to reconstruct the holding of early English libraries.] Sec also Ker 295, Ogilvy 49.



*Director General of the Ordnance Survey. Map of Britain in the Dark Ages [A.0.410--871] (London, 1966). Map (scale: sixteen miles to one inch), with introduction, bibliography, and index. Pp.63. [This is a composite, greatly expanded second edition of the two-part maps of the same name which appeared 193 ~ and 1939. C.W. Phillips is now preparing a sequel map covering the period 871-1066.] 289 Ryan,Alice M. A Map of OB Monasteries and Related Ecclesiastical Foundations .A.D. 400-1600 (Ithaca, N.Y., 1939). Pp. vi+ 33. (This work has a brief introduction and a full index.]


290 *Blair,Peter H. An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge, 1956), Pp.xvi+ 382.. Rev.: B.Colgrave, RES 8 (1957), 42.2.-2.4. 291 Kirby,DavidP. The Making of Ear!y Eng/and(New York,1968). Pp.32.0.



292 Stenton,Frank M. Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, 1943). 2nd ed. 1947. Pp. x 748. Rev.: D. Whitelock, MLR 39 (1944), 293-95. [This is the standard work. A revised edition is in preparation.]


293 Trautz, Fritz. "Literaturbericht iiber die Geschichte Englands im Mittelalter: Veroffentlichungen 1945 bis 1962/63," Historische Zeitschrift, Sonderheft 2 (1965), 108-259. [For bibliography before 1945, see the appropriate sections of Writings on British History, published serially by the Royal Historical Society.] See further Whitelock 18: 3-100.


294 Keller,Wolfgang. Angelsachsische Palaeographie: Die Schrift der Angelsachsen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Denkmiiler in der Volkssprache. Palaestra 43, 2 parts (Berlin, 1906). Pp. 'i 5, 26.


*Ker, Neil R. Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford, 19 57). Pp.lxiii 567. Rev.: K. Sisam, RES 10 (19-;9), 68-71; D.Whitelock, Antiquiry 32 (1958) 129-32. [The section of the Introduction entitled "Notes on the Palaeography and History of the Principal Manuscripts" (pp. xxili-lvi) is the best available introduction to OE paleography. The catalogue itself is a fundamental bibliographical as well as paleographical reference work.]


296 Thompson,Edward M. An Introduction to Greek and Latin Paleograplry (Oxford, 19u), pp. 384-402. [Thompson gives a brief description, with plates, of Latin and vernacular hands in Anglo-Saxon Mss.]


297 *Chaney, William A. "Paganism to Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England,"



Harvard Theological Review 53 (1960), 197-2.17. Repr. Early Medieval Society, ed. Sylvia L.Thrupp (New York, 1967), pp.67-83. [Chaney heavily emphasizes pagan survivals and sees "a syncretic merging" with Christianity. Bibliographical material is given in the footnotes.] 298 Dcanesly,Margaret. The Pre~Conquest Church in England, 2nd ed. (London, 1963). Pp.vii+ 376. Rev.: H.Loyn, EHR 78 (1963), 355-56. [See further David Knowles' The Monastic Order in England, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1964), for the Benedictine Reform.] 299 Godfrey, Cuthbert J. The Church in Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge, 1962). Pp.xii+ 529. Rev.: R.Cramp, MAJ 33 (1964), 133-34. 300 Grattan,John H.G. and Charles Singer. Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine (London, 1952). Pp. xii + 234. Rev.: D. Guthrie, Nature 171 (1953), 140. 301 Philippson,Ernst A. Germanisches Heidentum bei den Angelsachsen (Leipzig, 1929). Pp.239. Rev.: F.Klaeber, ESn 65 (1931), 443-46. [See also E.O.G. Turville-Petre's Myth and Religion of the North (London, 1964), which touches passim on Anglo-Saxon paganism.] See also METRICAL CHARMS above.


302 Derolez,Rene. Runica Manuscripta: The English Tradition (Bruges, 1954). Pp. 455. [Derolez discusses MS as opposed to engraved runic inscriptions. See further ES 40 (1964), n6-20.] 303 *Elliott,Ralph W.V. Runes: An Introduction (Manchester, 1959). 2nd corrected printing with bibliographical additions 196 3. Pp. xvi + 124. Rev. : R. Derolez, ES 44 ( 196 3), 209-11. [This is an excellent vade mecum for the literary student.]



304 Marquardt.Hertha. Die RllneninSGhriften der Britischen lnseln, in Bibliouaphie der Rmuninschriften nach Fundorten, Skandinavischen Seminar der Universitit Gottingen im Auftrag van Wolfgang Krause: Erster Tell (Gottingen, 1 ~ 1 ). Pp. 168. Rev.: R. Elliott, Ang. 81 (1963), z.01-3. [Marquardt gives a full, though not exhaustive, list of publications on virtually all runic inscriptions in England. A corpus of OE runic inscriptions themselves is in preparation by R.I.Page.]

Index References are to entries, not to pages.

Adams,John F. 166 Alekseev,M.P. 163 Anderson,George K. 23,252 Andrcw,Samuel 0. 267 Arngart, 0lof.S. 241 Assmann,Bruno 198 Bacquct, Paul 268 Baker, Herschel, 84 Ball, C. J.E. 68, 12 I Bartlett, Adeline C. 33 Bashe, Edwin J. 2 54 Bately,Janet M. 218 Baugh, Albert C. 28 Baum,Paull F. 165 Belfour,Algernon 0. 199 Bcnson,Larry D. 40, 47 Bessinger,Jess B.Jr. 4,257, 262, 277 Bethurum, Dorothy 246 Binz,G. 145,210 Blackburn,Francis A. 101 Blackman, E. 8 5 Blair, Peter Hunter 290 Blake,Norman F. 64,156 Blakiston,H. 280

Bliss,Alan J. 52, 185 Blomfield, J. 2 37, 249 Bloomfield, Morton 2 5, 49, 1 o 5 Bolton, WhitneyF. 7, 158a, 276 Bonjour,Adrien 47, 77, 78 Bonser,Wilfrid 274 Borges,Jorge L. 34 Bosworth,Joseph 258 Bouman, A. 122 Braasch,Theodor 263 Braidwood,]. 272 Brandl, Alois 2 54 Bright,James W. 103, 211, 228 Brodcur,Arthur G. 35, 37, 311, 47, 60, 79

Brook, George L. 5 Brooks,Kenneth R. 58, 59, 104, 1p, 189

Brown, Arthur 6 Brown, Gerard B. 280 Brunner,Karl 30, 269 Blitow,Hans 109 Buist, Walther 69 Burlin,Robert B. 96, 110, 111 Burrow,J. 113



Campbell,Alistair 158, 2.42., 2.58, 2.70 Campbell,Jackson J. 41, 94, 137, 173 Carnicelli, Thomas A. 2. 12. Carrigan, E. 87 Carrol,B.H. 182. Chambers,Raymond ·w. 16, 42., 80, 2.77 Chaney.William A. 2.97 Chapman, Harvey W. 2.64 Clark, George 6 5 Clark Hall,John R. 76, 2.59 Oemoes,Peter A. M. 14, 46, 48, 198, 2.00, 2.03, 2.04, 2.2.6, 2.37 Oubb, Merrel D. 98 Colgrave, B. 2.90 Collins, Rowland 2. 3 3 Colvin, H. 2. 79 Cook,Albert S. 48, 95, 152., 2.66 Cordasco,Francesco 15 3 Cramp, R. 2.99 Crawford,Samuel J. 2.05, 2.06, 2.2.9, 2.35 Creed, Robert P. 2.4, 53 Cross,James E. 10, 43, 44, 64, 66, II9, 12.8, 156, 170, 186, 197, 2.09, 2.34, 2 7 1 Crotty, Genevieve 107 Daniels, J. 2.2. 1 D'Ardenne,S.T.R.O. 91, 12.2. Daunt,M. 2.0 Davidson, Hilda Ellis 76a Davis, Norman 11 Davis,Thomas M. 191 Dawson, R. MacGregor 144

Deanesly,Margaret 2.98 Derolez,Rene 2.77, 302., 303 D'Evelyn, C. 2.44 Diamond, Robert E. I 54 Dickins,Bruce 108, 2.74 Dietrich, E. 2. 1o Dietrich, Gerhard 44, 186 Doane,A.N. 192. Dobbie,ElliotV.K. 3, 70, 140 Dodgson,John McN. 159 Donahue, Charles 81 Douglas, David C. 18 Doyle-Davidson, W. 2.2.4 DuBois, A. 3 3 Dubois, Marguerite-Marie 2.08 Dunning,T.P. 185 Earle, John 2.2.; Ebbinghaus,E. 74 Ekwall,E. 68, 75, 80, 2.06, 2.;9 Eliason,Norman E. 2.6, 31, 105, 2.01, 2.70 Elliott,Ralph 'W.V. 303, 304 Ellis,H. p Enzensberger, Christian 138 Erzgriiber,Willi 187 Evans,D. 185 Evans,J.Martin 12.7 Everett,D. 158 Farrell,Robert T. 101, 102. Fehr, Bernhard 2.04 Fisher,John H. 2.52. Fleming,John V. III Flower,Robin 16, 17


Forster,Max 13, 16, 150, 179, 230, 2 45 Fowler,Roger 188 Franck,]. 38 Frankis,P.J. 195 Freeman,D. 47 Friedman, A. 29 Funke,Otto 36, 80,250 Garmonsway,George N. 76a, 235, 2 37 Gatch, Milton McC. 234 Girvan,Ritchie 61 Gneuss,Helmut 225, 227, 237a, 286 Godfrey, Cuthbert J. 299 Gollancz, Sir Israel 12, 19 Gonser, Paul 243 Goolden,Peter 2.25 Gordon, Eric V. 63 Gordon, Ida L. 170 Gordon, Robert K. 2.0, 76 Gradon,Pamela O.E. 116, 225 Grattan,John H.G. 300 Green, Charles 277 Greenaway,G. 18 Greenfield,Stanley B. 25, 26, 47,253 Grein,Christian W.M. 2, 260 Grinda, K. 15 6 Grunberg, Madeleine 231 Guthrie,D. 300

Hacikyan,Agop 167 Halverson,]. 88 Hawkes,S. 2.79 Hecht, Hans 213


Heist,W. 45 Henel,Heinrich 207, 236 Hennig, John 146 Henry,Patrick L. 44, 45, 62 Herzfeld, George 240 Heusinkveld, Arthur H. 2 54 Heusler, Andreas 56 Heyworth,P. 174 Hill,Thomas D. 130 Hoffman,R. 136 Hofmann,D. 12.4 Holthausen,Ferdinand 22, 95, 123, I 50, 174, 2.60, 2.61 Hoops, Johannes 82 Hope,W. 280 Huppe,Bernard F. 46 lmelmann,Rudolph 145 Irving,Edward B. 67, 76, 83, n8, 12.4

Isaacs,Neil D. 15 1 Jones,P. 82. Jost,Karl T. 71, 160, 247, 2p Kantrowitz, Joanne S. 157 Kaske,Robert E. 84, 88, 132, 167a, 1 94 Keenan,Hugh T. 169 Keller, Wolfgang 2.94 Kemble,John M. 130, 176, 197 Kendrick,Thomas D. 15, 2.81, 282, 283 Kennedy,Charles W. 21, 2.7, 99 Ker,Neil R. 206, 235, 287, 295



Kirby,David P. 2.91 Klaeber,Friedrich 73, 98, 101, 161, 164, 2.14, 301 Kluge,F. 2.38 Knowles,David 2.98 Knuth, A. 2.19 Kohler,J.J. 2.60 Krapp, George P. 3 Kuhn,Hans 183 Kuhn, Sherman 100 Langenfelt,G. 189 Lares,M.-M. 103 Larsen, H. 2.67 Lawrence,William W. 73, 81, 161 Lehmann, Winfred P. 14 Lehnert, Martin 8 Leonard, William E. 56 Leslie,Roy F. 131, 167a, 181 Lewis, Charles S. 11 Leyerle,John 86, 87 Loyn,H. 2.78, 2.98 Lumby,Joseph R. 131 Lumiansky,Robert M. 84 Mackie,William S. 2.2., 168 Madden,John F. 2.n Magoun,Francis P. Jr. 40, 42., 47, 62., 70, 92., 147, 184 Malone,Kemp 2.8, 77, 92., 104, 146a, 189, 190, 2.39 Manitius, Max 2. 76 Mann,M. 112. Markland,Murray F. 105 a Marquardt,Hertha 37, 304

Matthes,H.C. 2.61 Matthews, William 2. 11 Mawer,Allen 162. McIntosh, A. 2. 11 Meaney,Audrey 2.78 Meier,H. 2.36 Menner, Robert J. 12.4, 134, 1n Meritt, Herbert D. 2.19 Meroney,H. 174 Mertens-Fonck,Paule 2.61 Meurs, J. van 89 Michel, Laurence 12. 1 Mildenberger, Kenneth 97 Miller,Thomas 2.14 Mirsky,Aaron 12.0 Mitchell,Bruce 2.68, 2.71 Morrell, Minnie C. 48 Morris, Richard 2. 33 Mosse,F. 12.6, 2.61 Mi.iller-Schwefe, G. 44 Murdock,H. 12.7 Murphy,James J. 2.36 Myres,J. 2.77 Napier, Arthur S. 2.48 Needham, Geoffrey I. 2.00 Nicholson,Lewis E. 47, 88 Norman,Frederick 6, 106, 110, 180 Korthup,C. 2.32. Oakden,J. 16 OfHer,H. S. 114 Ogilvy, Jack D. A. 49 Orrick, Allan H. 3S, 190 Orton, Harold 2. 56


Ostheeren, Klaus 2.48 Otten,Kurt 219 Paetzel,Walther 38 Page,R.I. 177, 304 Pauli,R. 216 Payne,F.A. 219 Philippson,Ernst A. 301 Phillips,C.W. 2.88 Plummer,Charles 223 Poole,A. 18 Pope,John C. 9, 52., H, 56, 95, 171, 2.01, 2.46 Potter, Simeon 2.2.0, 2.69 Priebsch,R. 180 Prins, A. 2.08 Quirk,Randolph 2.72. Raby,F.J.E. 2.76 Ramsay,Robert L. 2.II Rankin,]. 37, 143 Raw,Barbara C. 2.73 Renoir,Alain 138, 196 Renwick, William L. 2. 56 Reynolds, R. 190 Riesner,D. 2.86 Rosenburg, B. 47 Rosier,James L. 133, 2.57 Ross, Alan S. C. 108 Ryan,Alice M. 2.89 Rypins,Stanley 2.39 Schaar,Claes 59, 100, u6 Schabram,Hans 2.3, 60, 174, 176, 2.59


Schaubert,Elsevon 74 Schlauch,Margaret 2.7, 2.9, 112., II 5 Schneider,Karl 148 Schoeck,R. 2.74 Schroer,Arnold 2.2.7 Schucking,L. 88,183 Schwab, Ute 181 Scragg,D. 2.45 Sedgefield,Walter J. 2. 15 Shepherd, Geoffrey 141 Shook, Laurence K. 12.9 Sievers, Eduard 52., 55, 56, 15o Simon,Werner 183 Simpson, Jacqueline 76a Singer, Charles 300 Sisam,Kenneth 30, 89, 175, 2.95 Skeat,Walter W. 2.02. Smetana,Cyril 178, 2.09 Smith,Albert H. 17, 68, 2.2.4 Smith, Philip H. 2.62. Smithers,G. V. 172. Smyser, H. M. 184 Stanley, Eric G. 31, 39, 40, 60, 2.42. Stenton,Frank M. 2.75, 2.92. Stevens,Martirt 193 Stevick,Robert D. 173 Storms,Godfrid 78, 90, 147 Sttirzl, Erwin 149 Swanton,M.J. 194 Sweet,Henry 216, 2.17 Szarmach,P. 2.45 Taylor,Harold McC. 2.84 Thompson, Edward M. 2.96 Thompson,Ebenezer 71



Thorpe,Benjamin 203, 216, 225 Thrupp, Sylvia L. 297 Timmer,Benno J. 126, 137, 221 Tolkien,J.R.R. 76, 88 Toller,T. Northcote 2 58 Traherne,Joseph B.Jr. 57 Trautz,Fritz 293 Tucker, S. I. 119 Tupper,Frederick 165 Turville-Petre,E.O.G. 301 Turville-Petre,J. 79, 253 Tuzinki, K. 44 Cre,James M. 71, 246 Vickrey,]. 127 Viebrock,Helmut 187 Vleeskruyer, Rudolf 242 Wainwright,F. 18 Wakelin, Martyn F. 2 56 Whallon,William 50

Whitbread,L. 57, 72, 117, 136, 155, 1 79 White,Caroline L. 210 Whitelock,Dorothy 10, 18, 63, 90, 211, 222, 223, 247, 249, 275, 292, 2 95 Wild,Friedrich 176 Willard,Rudolph 58, 232, 233 Williams, Blanche C. 143 Wilson,David M. 279 Wilson,Richard M. 28, 50a Wolff,L. 54 Wolpers, Theodor 244 ~'oolf,Rosemary 94, 113, 139, 140 Wormald, Francis 28 5 Wrenn,Charles L. 32, 52, 75, 76, 80, 93, 108, 118, 207, 272, 277 Wright,Cyril E. 50a, 51 Wiilker,Richard P. 2, 254 Wyatt,A.J. 165

Zandvoort,Reinard W. 142 Zesmer, David M. 253 Zupitza,Julius 11