"[A] summer must read." — SEAN HANNITY, Fox News "[No Go Zones] should be required reading for conservat
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English Pages 256 Year 2017
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As the United States approaches its 50th year of mass incarceration, more children than ever before have experienced the
262 32 2MB Read more
This book covers the ins and outs of Islamic legal change and provides readers with step-by-step instructions for shapin
217 44 2MB Read more
How does your team react to change? Do they dig in with their heels to resist it or do they welcome it with open arms? A
622 111 2MB Read more
Christopher Stoakes writes books that help students and young professionals with their careers. His books on the financi
430 114 8MB Read more
War-torn deserts, jihadist killings, trucks weighted down with contraband and migrants - from the Afghan-Pakistan border
556 92 14MB Read more
For all who dare to go off the beaten track, this is the inspirational, power-packed playbook for transforming your life
463 78 1MB Read more
War-torn deserts, jihadist killings, trucks weighted down with contraband and migrants—from the Afghan-Pakistan borderla
210 27 51MB Read more
From the Back Cover: The world rushes toward the second coming of Christ. But instead of awaiting it in eager anticipat
1,196 155 6MB Read more
A timely books that details the concerted effort and integration of new technology it takes to make communities safer fo
231 61 1MB Read more
Near Human takes us into the borders of human and animal life. In the animal facility, fragile piglets substitute for hu
187 83 6MB Read more