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English Pages 358 Year 1987
Natural Law and Human Dignity by Ernst Bloch translated by Dennis J. Schmidt . Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), one of the most original and influential of con temporary European thinkers, has left his mark on a range of fields from philosophy and social theory to aes thetics and theology. Natural Law and Human Dignity, the first of his major works to appear in English, is unique in its attempt to get beyond the usual oppositions between the natural law and social utopian tradi tions, thereby providing basic insights on the question of human rights in a socialist society. Natural Law and Human Dignity is a sweeping yet synthetic work that critically reviews the great legal phi losophies, from Plato to the present, in order to uncover and clarify the normative features of true socialism. Along the way it offers thoughtful reflections on topics as diverse as the abolition of poverty and degradation, the nature of the state,. and the installation of freedom and dignity. Taking the idea of natural law as his guiding thread, Bloch argues that revolution and right, rather than being antagonistic, are fundamentally interconnected. With their emphasis on human dignity, the traditions of natural law have an irreplaceable contribution to make to the socialist vision of a more humane society. In his effort to wed the demands of law
Natural Law and Human Di gnity
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