Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, 1994. — 348 p.Designed to bridge the gap for those who know Prolog bu
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English Pages [362]
Table of contents :
1.1 What is NLP?
1.2 Language from a scientific viewpoint
1.3 Language and the brain
1.4 Levels of linguistic analysis
1.4.1 Phonology,
1.4.2 Morphology,
1.4.3 Syntax,
1.4.4 Semantics,
1.4.5 Pragmatics,
1.5 Why use Prolog?
1.6 Further reading
2.1 Template matching
2.1.1 ELIZA,
2.1.2 Other template systems,
2.2 DOS commands in English
2.2.1 Recipe for a template system,
2.2.2 Implementing simplification rules,
2.2.3 Implementing translation rules,
2.2.4 The rest of the system,
2.3 Keyword analysis
2.3.1 A time-honored approach,
2.3.2 Database querying,
2.3.3 A database in Prolog,
2.3.4 Building a keyword system,
2.3.5. Constructing a query,
2.3.6 Lambda abstraction,
2.3.7 Lambdas in Prolog,
2.3.8 The complete system,
2.4 Toward more natural input
2.4.1 Ellipsis,
2.4.2 Anaphora,
3.1 Phase structure
3.1.1 Trees and PS rules,
3.1.2 Phase-structure formalism,
3.1.3 Recursion,
3.2 Top-down parsing
3.2.1 A parsing algorithm,
3.2.2 Parsing with Prolog rules,
3.3 DCG rules
3.3.1 DCG notation,
3.3.2 Loops,
3.3.3 Some details of implementation,
3.4 Using DCG parsers
3.4.1 Building syntactic trees,
3.4.2 Agreement,
3.4.3 Case marking,
3.4.4 Subcategorization,
3.4.5 Undoing syntactic movements,
3.4.6 Separating lexicon from PS rules,
3.5. Building semantic representations
3.5.1 Semantic composition,
3.5.2. Semantic grammars,
3.6 Offbeat uses for DCG rules
3.7 Excursus: transition-network parsers
3.7.1 States and transitions,
3.7.2. Recursive transition networks,
3.7.3 Augmented transition networks (ATNs),
4.1 Phrase structure
4.1.1 Trees revisited,
4.1.2 Constituents and categories,
4.1.3 Structural ambiguity,
4.2 Traditional grammar
4.2.1 Parts of speech,
4.2.2 Grammatical relations,
4.3 The noun phrase and its modifiers
4.3.1 Simple NPs,
4.3.2 Multiple adjective positions,
4.3.3 Adjective phrases,
4.3.4 Sentences within NPs,
4.4 The verb phrase
4.4.1 Verbs and their complements,
4.4.2 Particles,
4.4.3 The copula,
4.5 Other structures
4.5.1 Conjunctions,
4.5.2 Sentential PPs,
4.6 Where PS rules fail
4.6.1 Adverbs and ID/LP formalism,
4.6.2 Postposing of long constituents,
4.6.3 Unbounded movements,
4.6.4 Transformational grammar,
4.7 Further reading
5.1 A unification-based formalism
5.1.1 The problem,
5.1.2. What is UBG?,
5.1.3 How features behave,
5.1.4 Features and PS rules,
5.1.5 Feature-structure unification,
5.2 A sample grammar
5.2.1 Overview,
5.2.2 Lexical entries,
5.2.3. Phrase-structure rules,
5.2.4 How the rules fit together,
5.3 Formal properties of feature structures
5.3.1 Features and values,
5.3.2 Re-entrancy,
5.3.3 Functions, paths, and equational style,
5.4 An extension of Prolog for UBG
5.4.1 A better syntax for features,
5.4.2 Translating a single feature structure,
5.4.3 Translating terms of all types,
5.4.4 Translating while consulting,
5.4.5 Output of feature structures,
5.5 UBG in theory arid practice
5.5.1 A more complex grammar,
5.5.2 Context-free backbones and subcategorization lists,
5.5.3 Negative and disjunctive features,
6.1 Comparing parsing algorithms
6.2 Top-down parsing
6.3 Bottom-up parsing
6.3.1 The shift-reduce algorithm,
6.3.2 Shift-reduce in Prolog,
6.4 Left-corner parsing
6.4.1 The key idea,
6.4.2 The algorithm,
6.4.3 Links,
6.4.4 BUP,
6.5 Chart parsing
6.5.1 The key idea,
6.5.2 A first implementation,
6.5.3 Representing positions numerically,
6.5.4 Completeness,
6.5.5 Subsumption,
6.6 Earley’s algorithm
6.6.1 The key idea,
6.6.2 An implementation,
6.6.3 Predictor,
6.6.4 Scanner,
6.6.5 Completer,
6.6.6 How Earley’s algorithm avoids loops,
6.6.7 Handling null constituents,
6.6.8 Subsumption revisited,
6.6.9 Restriction,
6.6.10 Improving Earley’s algorithm,
6.6.11 Earley’s algorithm as an inference engine,
6.7 Which parsing algorithm is really best?
6.7.1 Disappointing news about performance,
6.7.2. Complexity of parsing,
6.7.3 Further reading,
7.1 The problem of semantics
7.2 From English to logical formulas
7.2.1 Logic and model theory,
7.2.2 Simple words and phrases,
7.2.3 Semantics of the N constituent,
7.3 Quantifiers (determiners)
7.3.1 Quantifiers in language, logic, and Prolog,
7.3.2 Restrictor and scope,
7.3.3 Structural importance of determiners,
7.3.4 Building quantified structures,
7.3.5 Scope ambiguities,
7.4 Question answering
7.4.1 Simple yes/no question,
7.4.2 Getting a list of solutions,
7.4.3, Who/what/which questions,
7.5 From formula to knowledge base
7.5.1 Discourse referents,
7.5.2 Anaphora,
7.5.3 Definite reference (the),
7.5.4 Plurals,
7.5.5 Mass nouns,
7.6 Negation
7.6.1 Negative knowledge,
7.6.2 Negation as a quantifier,
7.6.3 Some logical equivalences,
7.7 Further reading
8.1 Beyond model theory
8.2 Language translation
8.2.1 Background,
8.2.2 A simple technique,
8.2.3 Some Latin grammar,
8.2.4 A working translator,
8.2.5 Why translation is hard,
8.3 Word-sense disambiguation
8.3.1 The problem,
8.3.2 Disambiguation by activating contexts,
8.3.3 Finding the best compromise,
8.3.4 Spreading activation,
8.4 Understanding events
8.4.1 Event semantics,
8.4.2 Time and tense,
8.4.3 Scripts,
8.5 Further reading
9.1 How morphology works
9.1.1 The nature of morphology,
9.1.2. Morphemes and allomorphs,
9.2 English inflection
9.2.1 The system,
9.2.2 Morphographemics (spelling rules),
9.3 Implementing English inflection
9.3.1 Lexical lookup,
9.3.2 Letter trees in Prolog,
9.3.3 How to remove a suffix,
9.3.4 Morphographemic templates and rules,
9.3.5 Controlling overgeneration,
9.4 Abstract morphology
9.4.1 Underlying forms,
9.4.2 Morphology as parsing,
9.4.3 Two-level morphology,
9.4.4 Rules and transducers,
9.4.5 Finite-state transducers in Prolog,
9.4.6 Critique of two-level morphology,
9.5 Further reading
A.1 Beyond introductory Prolog
A.2 Basic data types
A.2.1 Terms,
A.2.2 Internal representation of atoms,
A.2.3 Compound terms (structures),
A.2.4 Internal representation of structures,
A.2.5 Lists,
A.2.6 Internal representation of lists,
A.2.7 Strings,
A.2.8 Charlists,
A.3 Syntactic issues
A.3.1 Operators,
A.3.2. The deceptive hyphen,
A.3.3 The dual role of parentheses,
A.3.4 The triple role of commas,
A.3.5 Op declarations,
A.4 _ Variables and unification
A.4.1 Variables,
A.4.2 Unification,
A.5 Prolog semantics
A.5.1 Structure of a Prolog program,
A.5.3 Backtracking,
A.5.4 Negation as failure,
A.5.5 Cuts,
A.5.6 Disjunction,
A.5.7 Control structures not used in this book,
A.5.8 Self-modifying programs,
A.5.9 Dynamic declarations,
A.6 Input and output
A.6.1 The Prolog reader,
A.6.2 The writer,
A.6.3 Character input-output,
A.6.4 File input-output,
A.7 Expressing repetitive algorithms
A.7.I repeat loops,
A.7.2 Recursion,
A.7.3 Traversing a list,
A.7.4 Traversing a structure,
A.7.5 Arrays in Prolog,
A.8 Efficiency issues
A.8.1 Tail recursion,
A.8.2 Indexing,
A.8.3 Computing by unification alone,
A.8.4 Avoidance of consing,
A.9 Some points of Prolog style
A.9.1 Predicate headers,
A.9.2 Order of arguments,
B.1 The problem
B.2 Built-in solutions
B.3 Implementing a tokenizer
B.4 Handling numbers correctly
B.5 Creating charlists rather than atoms
B.6 Using this code in your program