Mongolian-English dictionary

Table of contents :
Front Cover......Page 1
Mongolian-English Dictionary......Page 3
Copyright Page......Page 4
......Page 5
А......Page 9
Б......Page 42
В......Page 90
Г......Page 91
Д......Page 121
Е......Page 157
Ë......Page 159
Ж......Page 161
З......Page 170
И......Page 199
Й......Page 207
K......Page 208
Л......Page 210
M......Page 214
Н......Page 234
О......Page 261
Ө......Page 276
П......Page 291
Р......Page 295
С......Page 296
Т......Page 332
У......Page 384
Y......Page 405
Ф......Page 419
Х......Page 420
Ц......Page 506
Ч......Page 528
Ш......Page 538
Э......Page 563
Ю......Page 584
Я......Page 586
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~ ~~o~~!~n~~~up LONDON AND NEW YORK

First published in 1997 by Kegan Paul Limited This edition first published in 2010 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © Charles Bawden 1997 Transferred to Digital Printing 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 10: 0-7103-0439-0 (hbk) ISBN 13: 978-0-7103-0439-1 (hbk) Publisher's Note The publisher has gone to great lengths to ensure the quality of this reprint but points out that some imperfections in the original copies may be apparent. The publisher has made every effort to contact original copyright holders and would welcome correspondence from those they have been unable to trace.




Emeritus Professor of Mongolian in the University of London




he present dictionary was planned in the summer of 1963 when the late Magadburin Haltod was working with me at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on secondment for three months from the University of Bonn. Mr. Haltod was already an experienced lexicographer, while I was a beginner at the task. We planned to work together on the collection of vocabulary of the current language of the then Mongolian People's Republic and to compile a Mongolian-English dictionary. The School of Oriental and African Studies generously made us a small grant which sufficed for the purchase of two typewriters with a Cyrillic typeface and some stationery. Our intention was to exchange our material by post for checking and amalgamation. However, working at a distance proved more complicated than we had thought, and in practice we continued to work separately. In any case, the possibility of joint work came to an end with Mr. Haltod's untimely death in August 1978, and I was never able to discover what became of his scholarly estate. The present dictionary is, then, to all intents and purposes my own work, though it is my pleasure and duty to record my grateful thanks not only to Mr. Haltod, but also to those other colleagues who, directly or indirectly, have helped to forward it. I learned much from Mr. (later Professor) Sechin jcqchid. who spent a session at SOAS in 1963-64, and later from Mr. J Tsoloo and the late Mr. E. Vandui, colleagues in Ulaanbaatar during my period of study-leave there in 1967-68. lowe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. L. Chuluunbaatar of SOAS and the State University of Mongolia for his 9_enerous help over a period of nearly two years in answering my questions and trying to remove my difficulties. In the last stages of the work I received generous help from his successor, Mr. J. Bof-ireedui. Needless to say, I alone am responsible for all remaining infelicities in the present work. In compiling this dictionary I have avoided using earlier dictionaries as a source for key-words. My procedure has been to read contemporary publications and to extract words and phrases from them, with the joint aims of avoiding the straitjacket of a pre-set pattern of entries, of including only living vocabulary, and of trying to record current meanings. It would probably serve no useful purpose to provide a list of the publications I have used, as most of them are unlikely to be Widely available, but in general terms they include newspapers, popular magazines, handbooks on such subjects as animal husbandry, botany, zoology, history, geography, medicine" magic, hunting, music, arts and crafts and so on, as well as some fiction. I have, though, relied consideroblv, can only do, on definitions and equivalents given in existing dictionaries and technical vocabularies. Introducing his great Dictionnaire mongol-russe-franc;ois (Kazan, 1844-1849) the Polish orientalist J.E. Kowalewski wrote that "a dictionary can be eminently good only to the extent that it is complete and exact". Neither claim is made for the present work. Completeness is an illusory ideal. I merely hope that the selection of words from the Mongolian vocabulary which I have encountered in some thirty years of reading will prove useful to others. Every care has been taken in the compilation of this work, and I have done my best to follow the wise principle enunciated by Father Antoine Mostaert in respect of his Dictionnoire Ordos of excluding everything which appeared uncertain, but the incomplete nature of my knowledge and the conditions under which it has been compiled, for the most part of the time in isolation from the realia of Mongolian life, mean that errors may well have occurred. For this I apologize and ask that such mistakes may be brought to my notice.

ii The dictionary contains rather more than twenty-six thousand main entries and an uncounted number of subsidiary entries. Finally, I wish to express my thanks to the School of Oriental and African Studies which provided me with a congenial academic home during the time when the earlier stages of this work were being prepared, to Rebecca Harper of Poole Typesetting (Wessex) Ltd for her careful processing of my disks, and above all to my dear wife for her never-failing help and support. .

C.R. Bowden

HINTS FOR USE The dictionary is intended to be self-explanatory as far as possible in use. It is assumed that users will already have a basic knowledge ol both English and Mongolian, so that a description of wordformation in either language should be unnecessary. Mongolian key-words are arranged in alphabetical order, whether consisting of one or of more elements. Roman numerals are used to distinguish homonyms such as yaax 'to ride' and yaax 'to fall'. Distinguishable ranges of meaning of an individual word are denoted by Arabic numerals and where necessary the small numerals i., ii., etc., are used to subdivide an entry further. Synonymous compounds are added in parentheses aher the entry concerned Within an entry, compound expressions in which the key-word does not occupy first place precede those where the key-word does occupy first place. Alphabetic order within entries is maintained as far as possible, but for this purpose suffixes and any changes in spelling have been disregarded. To economize on space, wherever the unaltered key-word is repeated it is replaced by a swung dash. If the spelling of the key-word has been altered it is given in full. No other substitutions have been made. A feature of the dictionary which I hope will be useful is the provision, on occasion, of examples of usage taken from texts. Such quotations are separated from the more regular equivalents by the sign §. An element which, at least in the sources available to me, appears only as the first element of more than one compound, is followed by a colon, unlessa Roman numeral follows, then by the compound expressions. This dictionary makes no pretence at providing etymologies. Foreign borrowings have been dealt with as follows. As far as possible the originals of Tibetan loan-words have been supplied. Some such words still playa vital part in Mongolian culture and more information concerning them can chen be found in Tibetan dictionaries. With Chinese and Manchu words, on the other hand, referring as they often do to material culture or to a now obsolete administration, it is much less helpful to know the precise original, and accordingly I have in most cases not supplied it. Words of Sanskrit origin have been indicated as such to the best of my ability, but for reasons of lack of expert knowledge I have not supplied the Sanskrit originals. Where, as in the case of proper names, it has proved necessary to use a Sanskrit word, I have employed a simplified spelling, and I trust that specialists will find this less offensive than the errors which might otherwise have occurred. Russian words are a fourth case. Being recent borrowings, the originals are nearly always recognizable, and apart from a few exceptions I did not think it necessary to supply them. Modern Mongolian, especially technical language, is full of Russian loans, to the extent that it would be unreasonable to include every Russian word one found in a Mongolian text. To admit or reject Russian words is thus to a great extent a subjective choice, and I have tried to circumvent this intractable problem by admitting Russian words when I thought that it might be useful to do so. If my selection is not wholly acceptable I can only apologize. Now and again it seemed helpful to suggest the original of a loan-translation. Wherever possible, the scientific names of flora and fauna have been supplied, but only where the original source itself gave the equivalent. Such names present many problems, especially in the case of plants, where the nomenclature has been altered and standardized since the mid-1960's. In general I have followed the following Mongolian authorities: for plants, nos. 129-133 of the Reports of the State Terminological Commission, EyziJ Haapauoax MOHZOA ApiJ YACblH Tyypcm YpZa..MJlblH ffamuH-MoHZOA-OpOC H3PUUH TOAb compiled by H. 8JI3HHxyrar, 1983, and YpZaMaA TaHUX EUIIUZ compiled by q. Caaxap and others, 1985; for birds, nos. 78-79-80 of the same series of reports, Illyeyynu H3P Touseo, 1969; for animals, EHMAY-bIH Ausmnu AU.Maz Xoxmon Ausman compiled by C. ,IJ;YJIaM~3p3H and others, 1989; for insects EyziJ Haupauoax MOHZOA Apo YACblH A.MbmHbl AU.Maz Illaeuscuun AHZU edited by A. IJ;3H,IJ;CYP3H, 1987. Sources are at times at variance with each other

iii and also offer names which have not been adopted in the Commission's Reports. Regrettably, it has been found necessary to omit names for which no reliable translation could be found. Nor could I always be sure that names appearing in my sources were used in accordance with the official lists. One question to be decided in determining the form in which key-words should be entered was that of whether to indicate the inherent presence of the Unstable H and the latent r in words such as MO~/MO~OH or caH/caHrHHH. In the end I decided that, in view especially of the difficulty of deciding, in the case of the unstable H, whether this H represented a historic reality or a modern inconsistency, it would be better not to commit myself to indicating these two phenomena, whose occurrence is in any case observable from texts. In Mongolian the categories of noun,-adjective and adverb are not strictly comparable to the corresponding categories in English. In particular, adjectives are generally speaking not distinguished from adverbs, though an adverbial use can be indicated. Accordingly I have not, as a rule, provided English adverbial forms in -Iy, in order to avoid overloading the English part of the dictionary. The "dictionary form" of a Mongolian verb unfailingly ends in x preceded by a vowel. Hence it is unnecessary to mark such words as belonging to the category of verb. The "dictionary form" of the verb can also be used in a nominal sense, but again I thought it unnecessary to note this possibility in every case. Regular derivative processes produce a number of forms of the Mongolian verb such as the passive, the reciprocal, the causative, the cooperative and so on. In most cases the resultant meanings are produced automatically. For example, anax 'to kill', anarnax 'to be killed', ananuax 'to join in killing', anannax 'to kill each other", anyynax 'to cause to kill', 'to get killed' and so on. There seemed no reason to include such forms, a procedure which would only have overloaded the dictionary for little advantage, and accordingly they have been admitted only where their derivation produced a divergent meaning or where the English language required a non-standard formulation. Thus words such as asrarnax 'to be affected, to be overcome, to yield' from asax 'to take', or oaUJIrax 'to let be, to keep, to leave' and also 'to dismiss', from oaux 'to be', have been admitted. It is now some fifty years and more since the Cyrillic script was adapted to the Mongolian language and a reorganization of the orthography of the language was undertaken. Nevertheless, variations in spelling can still be observed, It did not seem practicable to record all the variations which I noticed in the course of my reading, some of which may in any case have been mere mistakes. However, where I thought it might be useful to do so, I have entered some alternative spellings. The folloWing abbreviations, appearing in italics in the body of the dictionary, have been used: abbr(eviation) adj(ective} adv(erb} agr(iculture} Amer(ican} anat(omy) arch(itecture} archae(ology} arith(metic) astr(onomy} atom(ic} auto(mobile} bio(logy} bot(any} Buddh(ism) Bur(yat}* cart(ography} cf. (compare) chem(istry} com(merce) cul(inary) econ(omics} elec(tricity) esp(ecially)

est(ablished} etc(etera} fig(urative} fin(ance} geog(raphy} geol(ogy} geom(etry} gram(mar) gym(nastics} hist(orical} hort(iculture} ichth(yology} indust(ry} intrans(itive} ·ur(id ica l) ing(uistics) lit(erally} liter(ature} ' Man(chu} math(ematics} mech(anical} med(ical} metal(lurgy} min(eralogy}

iv mount(aineering) mus(ic) n(oun) nat(ural) hist(ory) phil(ately) photo(graphy) p(lace) n(ame) poet(ry) polit(ics) prob(ably) pron(oun) psych(ology) q.v.

rail(way) resp(ectful) Russ(ian) Skr (Sanskrit) surg(ical) tech(nical) Tib(etan) traf(fic) trans(itive) vet(erinary) vulg(ar) xyl(ography) zool(ogy)

* The abbreviation Bur. indicates thatthe word concerned, found in a Mongolian text, was identified from a Buryat dictionary. It does not imply thatthe word is exclusively Buryat in origin or use.

THE MONGOLIAN ALPHABET Aa 1i6 BB rr ~ Ee ~e }I{x 33 fiB HB: KK J1JI MM HH 00 90 lIn Pp Cc TT Yy Yy 4> Xx QI.l qq mw Ilhu D'b bIbI bb 33 1010 aH

A ====A A the letter A, a-raac H the A to Z (of), (ofL .. ycmHH yCrHHH roJIrOH TOJIrOH 11 q rapraxryH rapraxryii: illiterate, ignorant

AA}l{HMHAX AA)lUIMHAX to slow down, HBaJITaa .. to reduce reduce speed speed

AA (vocative particle) hey!, I say!, Ha1.\ar Hauar .. AA 1.1. (vocative Hey, Natsag! 2. (final corroborative particle) Hey, particlel

AA)KMAAP slowly, gradually



AA II. oh!, .. THHM yy oh, is that so? AAB AAB Dad, Father, 6yypaJI .. grandfather, xo~ XOH,Q .. stepfather, aasnaa aaB,IJ.aa asraa aBraH asaxsrr aBaXblr aaax 3aax to teach one's one's grandmother to suck eggs, eggs, aassran aaBbIH,IJ. 6aHX 6y~ XYIIT3H 6aHX to be in gaol, aassra aaBbIH 6yH,Q XYHT3H TaHHJIQa1K, rasap y3 [aansm 6HH,Q 6H~ TaHHJII.\a1K, aITbIH 6yiIA 6yii:,Q raJap Y3(aaBbIH yypra 6apb, 6H~ yqHr 6apb. 33JKHHH 6HH,Q yqHr WHHr33) wHHr33) learn aassm xyy to make your way early in life, aaBbIH [aansra (aaBbIH XYYX3A) XYYX3,IJ.) chap, young fellow, aassra aaBbIH Q331K Q331K 1.\33)1{ show-off, precocious child, child, aassra aaBbIH 1.\33)1{ 60JIOX [aaasra raprax] to teach one's 6oJIOX (aaBbIH Q331K 1.\33)1{ rapraxl one's grandmother to suck eggs AAr 1.1. pungency, strength, AAT strength, .. aMbcraaryH aMbcraaryii: breathlessly, in a great hurry 2. keenness keenness 3. power, strength, virulence 4. ("oMor) (N osror] arrogance virulence4. AAr 11.1. base (of a blade) 2. heel (of a bow) AAT bowl (mus.) (mus.l N




AArA AATA husks, husks, bran AArAPXAX AATAPXAX to behave arrogantly AAr AAT 300r XHHX XHMX to stall, to drag one's feet, to spin things out AArHM (NyymM) burning N XanyyH AATMM ("yyrHMI burning hot, § 3YHbI 3YHbI" XaJIYYH ye the peak of summer summer heat AArHX AATMX to feel the heat, to find it very hot AArJIAT AATJIAr pungent pungent AArJIAX AATJIAX to overpower, to get the better of, to dominate, to bully AArJIHr (see AATJllir (see aarnar] aarJIarl AArJIYY AATJIYY 1. stronger, superior superior 2. arrogant, .. 3aH 3aH arrogance AAITAH QaH strong tea AAITAfi strong, pungent, .. 1.\aH N


AArillHX AATIIIMX to get stronger, to get more pungent AArillYYJIAX AATIIIYYJIAX to make stronger, to make more pungent ~P AAMP 1. downpour, cloudburst cloudburst 2. rough, stormy, torrential, N.. 6opoo heavy rain, cloudburst, N MOH,[(Op burst, .. MOH,IJ.Op fierce hail, aa,LlpbIH aa,IJ,pbIH yc storm storm water


AA)KYY 1. (.. (N TaHByy, .. N YY1KYY) yy)l{YYI slow, leisurely 2. lento (mus.) AA)KYYBTAP 1. slowish 2. andantino (mus.)

AA)KYY,IJ;AX AA)KYY,Il;AX to be too slow, to be too leisurely AA)KYYPAX to slow down, to decelerate AA)KYYPYYJIAX to make slower, to moderate, to reduce, to slacken AA)KYYXAH 1. slowly, slowly, gently, mildly 2. 2. andante (mus.) (musl AA3rAH XOAJIOX to get fed up AA3rAfl disgust, .. XO,IJ.JIOX N

AAJI3 spider, .. x3JI63PT3H Arachnida, class of N

arachnids, aaJI3HbI TOP TOp (aaJI3HbI (aan3HbI urvnc] wyJIcl spider's web

AAJIHrYH I. flirtatious, affected AAJIMrYMI. AAJIHrYH AAJIMrYM II. badly behaved AAJIHrYfrr3x AAJIMrYMT3X 1. to flirt 2. 2. to act act naughtily AAJIb (N asr. N 3aH) manner, bearing AAJIh (.. aHr, .. AAJIbrYH (see aaJIHryH II.) AAJIhrVM(see aaJIHryH I., II.) AAH: § lIH qH .. r31K r3)1{ 6aH 6aH look look here!, here!, pay attention! AA!IAH (.. (N JI) AA!:IAM JII again, once once more AAHAfrrAX AAHAMTAX to be lethargic lethargiC N

AAHAHXAH AAHAMXAH not so hot, lethargic, sluggish AAH)l;AA just, simply, for no reason AAH,Il;AA just, AAH YYHrYH YYHrVM completely AAPAr rough ground, broken ground

AAP CAAP 1. (aap (aap caapxan] caapxaH) this and and that, noth6~ .. 3yHJIHHr HpHJIQaB ing much, § 6H,IJ. HpHJI1.\aB we chatted about this and and that 2. 2. trifling, trifling, .. aJKHJI odd jobs N


AAPYYJI a type of cheese made by drying aapu, aap1.\, a'ITaMaJI arraMaJI .. aapn aap1.\ squeezed into shape by hand, 6a3MaJI .. aapu aap1.\ squeezed so that the liquid runs runs aapu out between the fingers, 6HCaJIraH .. aap1.\ sieved through a bag and and then cut with with a wire, AOpBOJDKHH ,IJ.OpBOJIJKHH .. aapu aap1.\ flattened flattened and and dried on a board and with a knife, M3JIXHH .. and then sliced with aapu flattened formed into a aap1.\ flattened on one side and and formed bulge on the other by hand, XOpXOH XOPXOH .. aapn aap1.\ forced through a sieve, X3BHHH .. aapu forced aap1.\ moulded into various various shapes, .. TaBHX to layout aapu dry and aap1.\ to dry and form .. N






A.A,IJ;PAX AA,IJ,PAX to make unscrupulous use use of, aJI6aH aJI6aH TYW~ TYWaa.JI,IJ. .. to pull rank N

AA)KHH AA)KMM address address AA}l{HM AA)lUIM

Uncle, Auntie (respectful term term of towards an older person) slow, .. ypcranraa ypcraJITaH slow-flowing N

AA}l{HMAAA AA)lUIM~ 1. slowly, slowly, gradually 2. later, with with time




AAPXAr stuck-up, stuck-up, arrogant AAPXAX to swank AAPQ AAPU; 1. the residue left after aher straining the whey (map (wap yc, wap cyy) cyyl from uaraa 1.\araa 1. or Tapar,



ABAAC if, in case, § X3P3B rap oaiix - in the case of a tent

H3PM3JIHHH - aapu made from naraa. TaprHHH - aapu made from Tapar, aapuan OOJIOJIT [aapnaa oo~) intermediate stage of ripening of grain (see aapunax yel, - WYYPC3H 3JI33 WHr like a bat out of hell 2. locally synonymous with naraa 1.

AAPQAr pelvis, oara - true pelvis, - HCHbI

uarapar pelvic girdle AAP:QAfHbI (see aapnrnaa], - uarapar pelvic girdle

AAP:QrHHH pelvic, - oYCJIYYP pelvic girdle, XOHAHH pelvic cavity, - HC pelvic bones

AAP:QJIAX to strain out aapn, - ye intermediate stage in the ripening of seed between the milky stage and the stage of complete hardening

ABAAQHX 1. to take, to take away, to go off with 2. to act, AYP soproop - to act arbitrarily, 3yH 30XHCOOp - to act properly

ABArti recipient, T3'IT3B3P - (see T3'IT3B3p) ABA)]; soon, quickly ABAH was, were ABAJIT

taking, take-up, yield, accretion, MeTaJIJIbIH - yield of metal (from ore), Tapra (see Tapra)

ABA.JIIJ;AJI ignition ABA.JIIJ;AX 1. to catch one another, to grab one another, AYY nyyraa - to get sound of each other, 3aH saaraa - to be in tune with each other 2. (ran -) to catch fire, to ignite, OopOO spontaneous combustion

AATAH snooty, stuck-up, supercilious


AAXAP CAAXAP (see aap caap)

ABAMTrAH greedy, grabbing

AAXAP IIIAAXAP (see aap caap)


AAXHJIAX to puff, to pant, aaXHJDK yyxancaap

ABAP (- OCOJI) (see asaaps] ABAPrA (see anpara]

puffing and panting

AAIII (- asap, - apaHWHH, - 3aH, - TOpX) character, behaviour, temper, temperament, XOOpXOH - raprax to behave nicely, - oaaw temper, MyyraH in a bad temper, - 3BAP3X to go to the bad

AAIIIryHT3x to misbehave, to play up AAIIIJIAX 1. to behave, MY)'XaH - to behave badly 2. (aawHJI}K samax] to scold, to tell off

AAIIITAH 1. with a ... manner, Aapyy AOJIrOOH - mild-mannered, XOOpXOH - nicely behaved 2. touchy, difficult

AB I. (intensifying particle), - ascaap straight away, - ~HJIXaH quite alike, just the same, ~ITryH

not paying attention, not noticing, impassive, indifferent

AB II. (- xosrporo] battue-hunting AB III. (see aaa] ABAA.)l; 1. taking, having taken 2. from, starting from, oyp aaxnaacaa - right from its very beginning, yyp uaaxaac - from daybreak, XOX HYYPaac - XYP33 XypT3JI from Kukunor to Urga

ABAAJIb lawfully married, first, - r3pmH lawful wedded Wife, - HOXOp lawful wedded husband

ABAAP 1. (- OCOJI) accident, crash, - ocon

raprax to cause an accident, asaapr opox to have an accident 2. breakdown (Russ.)

ABAAPbIH emergency (adj.), - urar fire-escape, - WYX3P emergency parachute

ABAAPb (see aaaap]

ABAPrAJIAX to be a champion ABAPrAtIJIAJI gigantism ABAP TABAP sparse, scanty ABAX 1. to get, to take, to buy, rapsrr TawaaHA - to put one's hands by one's Sides, 3XH3P to take a wife, aBOaJI aa OaHBaJI oaA take it or leave it, asaan Hp3X to fetch, to bring, aB1I Y33X to look at, to consider, WHH1KHJIr33H33C aB1I Y33X3A judging from investigation, - XYH OOXHHAOr erox XYH r3AHHA3r the recipient bows, the donor bends back, aacaa XYH H3r TaMTaA anncaa XYH apaaa TaMTaA the finder has one worry (in case he is detected), the loser has ten worries (as to what has happened), aB1I X3JI3JI~3X to take up, to diSCUSS, aB1I X3p3rJI3X to take (steps, measures), to take over, to adopt, aaaan ssax to take away, to take with one, aB1I HBYYJIaX to take (steps, measures) 2. to take in 3. to take out, to extract, to take off, WYA aaax to extract a tooth 4. to be affected, nypyyraa aaax to have a bad back 5. (following converb in }K, 11) to get (something) done, § MaJIblr OOPJIYYJDK asaan having got the cattle sold

ABAXYY~ from, starting from, from the time when, - ••• XypT3JI from ... to

ABAXYYJIAH (see aBaxYYJI~) ABAXYYJIAX 1. to cause to take, to get taken, sypraa - to get one's photo taken, MaJIAaa Tapra xyq - to feed up one's animals, TOJIroAroo - to lose one's life, to get killed, WYA33 - to get a tooth drawn 2. to get (a female

animal which has rejected its young) to accept it

ABrA I. paternal uncle, senior relative on the father's side, oara - father's younger brother, HX - father's elder brother, - ax paternal uncle, - 3rt1

father's elder sister

ABrA II. (see raHMYY) ABrAH 1. lady, married woman, wife, sanyy young married woman, - nexep husband and wife 2. respectful title of address used aher name, title of rank, etc., .AMoaH caim - H.E. the Governor (hist.), }l{aMoa - Mr. Jamba, yHWHrtI - dear readers

ABrAHJIAX to use a polite form of address (to older or respected people)

ABrAHJIrA the custom of aBraHJIaX ABrAHrAH married (man) ABrAJl)l;AH 1. mask, especially a shamanist mask bearing the representation of a shamanist spirit 2. larva, grub, nymph

AB)l; (see asan] AB)l;AP chest, box, trunk, - caa coffers AB)l;APJIAX to pack ina chest AB3AATAH uppish, stuck-up AB 3AHTAH fickle, unpredictable ABIlA sound (n.), - naaranr alliteration, nasrax to alliterate, - 3yH (see aBHa3yH), CYWIan phonology

ABHABq microphone ABHAJKYYJIrA phonation ABHA3YH phonetics ABllA3YHH phonetic ABHAJIIiAP phoneme, -3yH phonemics, -3YHH phonemic

ABHAHbI phonetic, - OHQHr (see OHQHr 1.) ABIlA XHMHHH APrA crop-spraying ABHAqHIDK phonetically ABH)l;APMA Abidharma, metaphysics (the third section of the Buddhist canon)

ABHP (- apaHlIIHH, - 3aH, - Tepx) behaviour, manners,




raprax to behave badly, to let oneself go, TaBTHpryH of bad character ABHPAJIT climb (mount.) ABHPAX [asnpaa Ma~ax) to climb, MO~ OO~ to climb a tree

ABHPAX aBC Ivy (bot.) ABHPITH capricious, moody ABHPJIAJI behaviour ABHPJIAJIT [see asapnan], 3YH 30XHCryH - misbehaviour, improper behaviour



ABHPJIAX to behave, nyp soproop - to act arbitrarily

ABHPTAH rowdy, lout, oaf ABHP IIIHB3P whispering, - XHHX to whisper ABHCAH wife of the elder brother from the point of view of the wife of the younger brother

ABJIArA payment or repayment to be received, payment due, - erner credits and debits ABJIArArYH free of charge ABJIArATAH owed, to be paid, § 3YYH MHHrau rnrp9miiH tugrigs


owed one hundred thousand

ABJIAN hunter ABJIAJIT hunting by beating, hunting ABJIAX to hunt by beating, to hunt ABJIHrAq venal, corrupt ABMAJI taken, taken over, - Man cattle taken over from someone else (cf. TaBHYJI) ABPArA 1. (- TOM) giant, gigantic, huge, rypB3JI dinosaur, - sarac Shark, - MorOH Boa, Python 2. champion, - aM1KHJIT record, aM1KHJIT TOrroox to set a record, - manra-, pyynax ypannaan championship tournament ABPArA,IJ;AX to get the better of, to beat ABPArq saviour, rescuer ABPAJI protection, deliverance, rescue, salvation, advice, JIaMbm aspann oarrax to enjoy the protection of a lama (Buddh.), - acyyx (ryHx, - 3p3X) to ask (a lama) for advice, oYYJIrax to deliver advice, - ryP3M religious ceremonies or exorcisms performed in order to treat disease, - HOM recitations on behalf of a sick person

ABPAJIT protecting, saving ABPAJITAH (see aspanr] ABPAX to save, to rescue, aMb - (aMb Hac -) to save sorneone's life, - a1KHJI rescue work, oar rescue team, anpaa xasrraanarv life-guard, aspaa xassraanax to protect, to save ABC coffin ABCAAP 1. compact, handy, manageable 2. easily, with ease, ascaap XHHX to do with ease

ABCAAPrA compact, handy, manageable ABCAAPXAH 1. compact, handy, manageable 2. portable, 6HQrHHH - MalIIHH (see MalIIHH) ABCJIAX to put in a coffin ABTAr)l;AX to be affected (by), to be overcome (by), to yield (to), yH ralIIYYIm - to be over-



- to correspond with each other 3. to quarrel

come with sorrow, yePT - to be flooded, § X3HHH q H9JI09Jm aBTar,Qaxryii a judge is not to be influenced by anyone


ABTAH magic (adj.) (Bur.) ABTAX (see asrarnax]. OpqHHbI

H9JI99Jm -

ABTO auto (adj.), - ,Q3JIryyp mobile shop, MaWHH (see aBTOMawHH), aBTbIH OCOJI car accident, - TeXHHK (- YHanra, - xecer] motor X3pmHr uranran vehicle, - TeXHHKHHH oa~aax rasap motor vehicle inspectorate, T33BPHHH X3p3rC3JI goods vehicle, - Y33r fountain-pen


give a grip (tyres, etc.)

ABq though, although, §



the stream was small

ABqPAX to fetch, to bring, to take ABbllIHf consecration by sprinkling with holy water, consecration (Buddh.) (Skr.)


OHJI3r) talent, gih, - OHJI3rT3H talented person, -OyxHH talented, gihed, -qa,QaJI (- xannap] capability, talent (Skr.)

ABbBACfYH untalented, unqifted ABbBACJIAf talented, gihed, -



ented, capable

ABb.HACTAH talented person, ron


cypryyns school for specially gihed children

ABTOMAT 1. assault rifle,


Kalashnikov assault rifle 2. automatic, TeJIecl>oH CTaH~ (ATC) automatic telephone exchange

ABTOMAT}KCAH automated ABTOMAT}KYYllAJIT (see aBTOMa~HJIaJI) ABTOMAT}KYYJIAX to automate ABTOMATtlHJIAJI automation ABTOMAIIIHH car, motor vehicle, axaansr goods vehicle, CYY,QJIbIH - passenger vehicle





rasap the Autonomous Government of Mongolia, - ye the Period of Autonomy, - naper the army of the Period of Autonomy

ABXAAJDKfYH dim, slow on the uptake aBXaaJDKTaH)


nyy.>KHH air-toair missile, - 0YPX3Bq mantle of air, - Ma~aJI atmosphere, - C3JIr3rq venti lator, - C3JIr3rq XOOJIOH ventilation shah, - TOxHPYYJIarq airconditioner, - TOxHPYYJIra air-conditioning, T3Hr3p sky, heavens 2. weather 3. quality, nature, - H3r3H just the same, no different

AfAAPfYH}KYYJI3X to de-aerate AfAAPfYHT3X to be de-aerated, to lack air AfAAP}I{HJIT aeration AfAAP}I{HX to be ventilated, to be aerated AfAAP}I{YYJIAPI ventilator

AfAAPJIAf atmospheric, airy

quick wittedness, intelligence, astuteness, wit, - caMoaaTaH (C3pr3JI3H) quick witted, acute, wide awake caMoaa)


AfAAP 1. air, atmosphere, ---

AfAAP}I{YYJIAX to ventilate, to aerate

ABYYIIITAH acceptable


AfAA,r( and, is and

AfAAP}I{YYJIAJIT ventilation

ABYYPb,IJ: all the time





ABXAH 1. daughter of a noble family 2. young lady, girl 3. (see anraa 2.) ABQ sweep, range, reach ABQAA debt ABQAJI,IJ;AA contact, coherence AB~YH unconnected, incoherent, uncoordinated, illogical

ABQAJI.II;AATAH connected, coherent ABQAJI.II;AX 1. to be in contact, asuannaac oopoonox

1. to

ABqHH hunter

to be affected by the environment, ycaJm - to be flooded


ABQ~YJIAX 2. to co-ordinate

to knit together, to ankylose (bones)

2. to correspond, to be co-ordinated, xoopoanoo

AfAAPbIH aerial, air, -

09M09r badminton, ~OBTOJIroo) air raid, air attack, necaar parachute troops (Russ. B03,nYIIIHLIH necaar}, - ,QOJIrHO radio-waves, - 3aH airspace, - 3aHH XYYJIb air-space law, - HHCJI3r

,QaHpaJIT (-

caacpsm YH,Q3CHHH

orropryar WHH}l{JI3H cynnax rasap National Aeronautics and

Space Administration (NASA), - T33B3P air transport, upr3HHH - T33B3P civil aviation, xO,Qonr99HHH YAHP,Qax anfia air-traffic control, - X9JIOr a i rcroit, - XOJIrHHr aBq syraraax to hijack an aircrah, - XyquH (- ~3pmHH xyquH) airforce, - uryrasr air route, service; overhead cable, - nryMoarq onron dive-bomber

Af AMfAJIAH quite peaceful AfAP (see Arapyy 11.1.,2.) AfAP 3AH,IJ;AH name of a precious wood AfAPMAf (see aprasrar] AfAPYY I. wooden tub for water, etc.


AfAPYY 11.1. Aloe (bot.) 2. ArapYYHbI osor Cypress Family, Cupressaceae 3. (see MOHroJI


BC mystic studies, tantra

Af,IJ;AfAHAX to give a hearty laugh Af AAITYH hastily, in a hurry Af,n;AHX to shrink Af,IJ;AX (ar~a}K cannpax. arnaac nB~3x) to be perplexed

AfCAJI the name of a certain Torgut dance AfCAJI3AX (see arcasraax] AfCAM 1. violent, - TaBHX to kick up a row, to

2. fiery, spirited (horse)

AfCAMHAX to kick up a row, to brawl, to cause a disturbance, to rage

AfCAH I. 1. former 2. the late

Af,n;fAP short, squat

AfCAH II. (see arcasr]

Af,I1;JIAX to squeeze, to press down, to secure Af,IJ;YY hasty, in a hurry

AfCAPfA (- oye) belt for carrying bow and arrows

AfEHTJIAf agency Af3AHX 1. to be huddled up 2. to shiver Af3ACXHHx to give a shudder Af3 TATAX to give a shudder AnI (see arb I., II.)

AfCAX 1. to gird on, to carry at the belt, to carry, oHe~33 33BC3r - to carry a weapon on one's person 2. to stick up, eyyJI - to stick the tail up; to be stuck up, to plume oneself 3. to swell, to rise

AfCPAX to kick up a row, to kick up a fuss, to

AnIHH HOM (see ara-rapnaan ec] AfHJI gall, growth

rage, to storm

AIT gelding, arrsnr oyM rasap Y3, aaasm oyM xyHnH TaHHJI~ (see aas]. - MOPb~ horses,

AnIJIYYH (see arJIYYH) AnIJI3fAHA (see MopHH Arb) AnIH~ a species of

AfCAfHAX (see arcasmax]


AfMPfAHA Zygadenus (bot.)



AfJIAf (- oarnyy, - oyM) secluded, remote, lonely

arraan erex to geld, to get (a horse) gelded, aI'THbI xapay }KH~33 asraasr xapay enepree (see asra] AITABQ device for securing a saddle-cloth (roXOM)

AfJIArq recluse, hermit

AITABqJIAX to secure a saddle-cloth

AfJIAfillHX to become remote, to be neglected

Af TAf IiOJIOX to vanish

AfJIYYH thick, viscous

Af TAffYH all of a sudden

AfJIYYHI.IIHJI viscosity

AITJIAX to geld

Af MAITYH in a hurry

AITtIHH horse-herd, herdsman

AfHAJIT hunting


AfHAX to hunt, to go hunting, xynraaraap - to poach

AfHYYP [arnyypsm a}KHJI) hunting, arnyypsra aMbT~ game, beasts of the chase, arnyypsnr WYBYY game bird

cave, - eY~JIaJIbIH yxaaa speleology, XOHrHJI caves

ArYY 1. (- HX) mighty, great, - HX 3X OPHbI ~aHH the Great Patriotic War, - TaBHX to calm, to relieve, to settle 2. kindness, C3Tr3JIHHH aryyraap out of the kindness of one's heart

AfHYYP3YHQ expert on hunting

ArYYJIAf,IJ;AXYYH contents

AfHYYPbIH T3HfHC Sea of Okhotsk

ArYYJIAJIT content (n.)

AfPAMIiA a lama versed in spells (TapHH) (Tib. snags-rams-pa)

AfPEfAT (- aaaranraa] unit, assembly, arperaTbIH apraap sacnapnax part-replacement repair

(Russ.) AfPErATJIAX to fit, to attach, to assemble AfPOHOMtI agronomist AfCAA small pouch worn at the belt AfCAf,IJ;AX to get tired from riding, to be trove]sick, MOPHH~OO - to get tired from riding

ArYYJIAM}I{ content (n.) ArYYJIAX 1. to store 2. to contain 3. (- oaHp) store, warehouse

AfYYJIIiAP store, warehouse AfYYJIfA content, contents, - X3JI03P content and form, eO~HaJIHeT aryynraraa y~eHHH

X3JI03pnH socialist in content and national in form

AfYYPHf amplitude, range A.fqAAX

to constrict



ArtIAAXAfI Dictamnus (bot.), Basrap-vpr - D.

dasycarpus Ar qHf silent, without a sound AfqHJI spasm ANHX 1. to shrink, to contract 2. to be in spasm, to go tense

ArtI MO,IJ; Maple (bot.)

ArIIIAAMAll 1. compressed, - YC3r compressed script (xyl.) 2. gruel, porridge 3. jam ArIIIAAX 1. to boil down, to thicken, to condense 2. to shrink, to make shorter 3. to compress (a spring)

ArillHJIT contraction, shrinkage, 3ypXHHH - systole, - oa T3JI3JIT contraction and expansion ArillHMTfAH contractile ArillHH moment, X3AX3H arunmsr napaa a few moments later, - 3yyp (- 3yypbIH ~OTOp) in a moment, in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye,

- XOPOMryH every moment (Skr. ) ArillHPfAHA Veratrum (bot.), Xap - V. nigrum, Ilaraaa - V. lobelianum ArillHX to contract, to shrink ArillJIAfA the back-series letter g in old Mongol script

ArillHAA momentarily ArllIYYH thick, stiff (mixture) Arb I. Wormwood Artemisia, A.frigida, MOPHH - a species of Artemisia, probably MOPHH Illapanac (also AmJI3raHa), XOHHH - a species of Artemisia, probably XOHHH Illapanac Arb II. son of a prince or of a nobleman, § BaH HOCHbI - xyy the prinee's son Arb 6YYPAJI quite white M demon, evil spirit, - OOJIOX (- Y33r~3X, - woo

Y33r~3x) to be looked down on, to be despised, - ~OH (- 331T3p) demon, 33TI'3pHHr xeex to expel or exorcise a, demon, OBqHHH - 33Tr3P demon of disease, diseasecausing demon, - Y33X (- woo Y33X) to look down on, to despise, to have a down on, xop evil influence, evil spirit, - xerrep (wYJIaM) demon, - serrep napax to suppress a demon

MAr 1. end, - cyy;m Hb (- cyy;m33) in the end, finally 2. last, xanpsm - cap the last month of spring 3. least, worst, XYHHH - D;3p3r, MaJIbIH - HMaa the soldier is the worst of men, the goat is the worst of livestock 4. mouth (river, valley,

etc.) MArJIAA;J; just, at least

MAfJIAX to come to an end, to finish MANYYJIfAH Oll Andromeda (astr.) MAHp I. prickly, quarrelsome MAHp II. heavy, cumbersome (Bur.) MAHPJIAX to be prickly, to be quarrelsome MAJI wild, - OaJIMa~ savage, - HB~aJI adventure, - HB~aJITaH adventurer

MAJI MAJI cattle, beasts MAHfAJIAX to be in a great hurry MAP ceiling MAP AAIIITAH irritable, testy MAPMAA 1. complication, difficulty 2. crossness, irritability

MAPMAATAH complicated, difficult, intricate M6Hill really, truly MfAJIT hurry, haste MfAX [anraa T3B~3X) to be in a hurry, to be in a flurry

MfHHH least, worst, ~rHHH sapra apan XOHor the smallest court case drags on MrYY hasty, in a hurry MrYYJIAM)I{ stud MrYYJIAX to herd, to tend (livestock), MaJI cyp3r - to look after livestock MrYYC (a~ryycaH aMbTaH) beast, animal, anryycasr aHMar animal kingdom MHJI like, alike, similar (to), ~yyraH - like the horse, - TOCOOT3H (- TOCT3H) like, similar, analagous, XOOPOJmOO - TocoonH alike, similar to each other

MHJIABTAP quite like, quite similar MHJIfYH not alike, unlike, XyH OOJIrOH - everyone is different, qaMTaH - unlike you MHJICAX to be like, to be similar (to) MHJITfAJI 1. comparison, likening 2. simile MHJITfAX to compare, to liken, H3r 3yHJIHHr HorOOT3H - to liken one thing to another MHnTfAIIIrYH incomparable MHJIXAH alike, similar MHJIillAAJI similarity, identity MHJIIIIAAX to consider as similar, to equate MHJIillHX to become similar MHC 1. blessing received by being touched, blessing, - asax (- XYPT3X) to receive a blessing by being touched, - erex (- xvprsex] to bestow a blessing by touching, § nosroop TaBH~ touching him with the book in blessing 2. smallpox, - xyprsx to have smallpox 3. beating, - oyyJIrax to beat (someone) up, - XypT3X to get beaten up


MHCJIAX to give a blessing by touching, to bless NUlCTH,IJ;

(see anac] (skr.) (see a~HCJIax)



MllAX to look down on, to spurn, to discriminate against MPAA 1. unevenness, bumpiness, roughness 2. wilfulness, .., raprax to be difficult MPAATAH

1. uneven,



2. wilful

A/KAAMYY please, be so good as to, Y33X .., please look

A/KAAPAX to observe, to pay attention to A}I{ AXYHH economic, .., aXyHH r3p33 eco-

nomic contract, .., H3r}K

MPArA uneven place

aaornnaraa business A)lITAP curly

MPAX to be wilful, to be difficult

A}I{rYY was, were

MeArA 1. the hide of a horse or an ox which


has starved to death 2. a dried hide or skin (used as a floor-covering) AATAH smart, sharp, keen

A,IJ;YY 1. horse, horses, a~YYHbI anar caaxaa asraasr anar MyyxaH what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, am'YHbI cvpsr horses, herd of horses, anyyasrxaa XHp33p

acrsp cut your coat according to your cloth,

enterprise. .., yHn

I. a minor official in a urass OTOr (hist.) A)l{Hr II. Bur Marigold, Bidens, 1i8X88H .., Nodding Bur M?rigold, B.. cer~uo, Typasrcaa .., Trifid Bur Mangold, B. ttuxuuto A)l{Hr III. notice, observation, .., M3~3X to notice, .., C3.>KHr suspicion, .., C3.>KHr asax to get suspicious, .., C3.>KHrryH unsuspecting, .., TOOMcopryH paying no attention, failing to notice, .., x3H3rryH cool, unruffled, unperturbed

am'YHbI XyH yy TOrOOHbI XYH yy is it a boy or a girl?, a,roryHbI asryyp Horse Family, Equidae 2. (see MOpb 3.)

A}l{HrAHA Stitchwort, Chickweed, Stellaria, AMyyxaH .., Lesser Stitchwort, S. gromineo,

MYY}I{HX to become well supplied with horses

A)l{HrrvH unconcerned, paying no attention, heedless


(see TaH.>KHHH.>KHHC)

Anaa .., S. dichotomo

A}l{HrJIAr,IJ;AMrYH imperceptible

A,IJ;YYC (see anryyc]

A)l{HrJIArll observer

MyyqHH horseherd

A)l{HrJIAJIT observation, aaorrnanraan oaHX to be under observation, aaacarnanraac Y33X3~ judging from observation, .., XHiix to observe

MbRA sun (Skr.) A}I{

I. (see a>K33),


II. (imperfect converb of a defunct verb ax,

OqHX .., is going, is to go

to be, forming the first part of many compound expressions), .., aMb~paJI life, living, .., aMbAPax to live, .., aMb.>KHpraa livelihood, .., axyH enterprise; economy, HYYAJIHHH .., axyH nomadic economy, yJIC apAbm .., axyH national economy, .., axyaaxaa domestic staff, maintenance men, .., a.xyii'I economical; manager, .., axyHq OHW wasteful, extravagant, .., oa~aJI way of life, living, HYYAJIHHH .., oa~aJI nomadic way of life, .., oaHwIbm Xyp33 social environment, .., TOpOJI life, living, .., T8p8X (.., T8p}K aMbAPax) to live, .., T8P8Xec way of life, CO~aJIHCT'" TOp8X ec socialist way of life, .., yHnAB3P industry, .., yHJIAB3PHHH ync industrial state, .., YHMB3P}KC3H industrialized, .., yHMB3PHHH 0yr33r~3XYYH industrial product, .., yHMB3PHHH rasap industrial enterprise, factory, .., yHMB3PHHH KOMoHHaT industrial combine, .., yHMB3P-X8~88 .., aXyHH OpOH industrial-agricultural state

A/KAA respectlul term of address used to or of an elder relative, a lama,


A)l{HrllAMTrAH observant A)l{HrllAHrYH observant A)l{HrJIAX to observe, to notice, XHHax to supervise


A)l{Hrq observant, .., oyc unobservant, .., rHpxaH sharp-eyed, observant, .., HY~ sharp eye, keen eye A)l{Hll (.., xo~eJIMep) work, a.>KH~ aaax to take on, to employ, 8}KJIbIH oaHp (see oaHp), 8}KJIbm oyJI3r working party, aaorsm ~8P M3~3X to get the hang of something, aaoraa nypaax [aaoraa ynaraax] to fall down on the job, .., aypax (.., yaax] to be held up (work), .., Tapax to clock off, .., TaCJIaJIT absenteeism, .., TaCJIax to miss work, to be absent from work, .., TaCJIarq~ absentees, .., rnp8JI work, job, .., yHM3JI functioning, operations, .., yHJIC undertaking, doings, .., yyp3r duties, aaorsra xap work boots, .., xapaynnara responsibility at work, .., xaars striker, .., XaHJIT strike, oyx HHHTHHH .., XaHJIT general strike, .., xaax to strike, to down tools, .., XHHB3JI aM X8~eJIH8 one must work to eat, .., XHHB3JI ~CTaJI ~aBC



A}KHCXHHX to notice A}KHX

whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might, XOHrOB'IHJIC9H oara1K labour-saving device, N XYHapTaH industrious, N xspsr affair, matter, business, doings, actions, N X3p3r oOJIrox to put into effect, to implement, N X3P3rt1 business-like, N X3P3rt133P in a business-like way, N X3P3rt1 XYMYYC business people, a)KJIbIH uar hours of work, working time, a)KJIbIH oyc uar non-working time (free time plus time spent in duties and occupations outside the work-place), ascnaac 'I9JI99JI9X to dismiss, to layoff, N 3~3JIr33HHH working (odit), N 3~3JIr33HHH MaJI working beasts, .. 3PXJI3JIT employment, .. 3PXJI3X to be employed, to be in work, .. 3PXJI3X OaTaJIraa job security, .. HB~aJI jobs, work, N HByyJIJIara activities, operations



A}KRJIIiAP operation (surg., indust.) A}KRJIrYH 1. unemployed, idle 2. not working

(mech.) A}KRJIrY~3ll unemployment

A}KRJIrYH,IJ;3X to be unemployed, to be out of work

A}KHITrYHqyy,IJ; the unemployed A}I{RJlITAfAA work, working, doings, functioning, proceedings, WYYH TaCJIaX N effectuation of justice, a1KHJIJIaraaHbI sapnara operational expenses

A}KRJIJIArAATAH in working order, operational,

Torc ..

fully operational

A}KHllllArCM the employed, people in work A}KRJIll~worker, person in work

A}KRJIllAfqH,IJ; (see a1KHJIJIarca~) A}KRJIllAX to work, to operate, TaKT) , .. XyqHH





A}KRJInyynAX 1. to employ, to cause to work, to put to work

2. to

operate (machinery,etc.)

A}KRJICAr industrious, hard-working A}KRJITAH 1. employed 2. busy 3. in working order, operational

A}KRJITAH 1. employee, white-collar worker, ..

a1KHJI'I~ white and blue-collar workers, X9~9JIM9PHHH intellectual worker personnel



A}KHnq (N



industrious, diligent

A}KRJIqHH workman, worker, .. anra working class

A}KHH wife of the younger brother from the point of view of the wife of the elder brother

A}KHH TY)I{HH without a sound, quiet






to notice, to observe


A}KHAH good horse, fast horse A}KPAX to pay attention to, to heed, to notice A}KPAXrYH to pay no attention, to ignore, to be indifferent

A}K33 is, was, will (generally stressing a new fact) § Op'lJIOHrHHH uaupnsrr cynnaxaap yr naryynsrr xeeprecen it was to study cosmic rays that they launched that satellite, X3H saxaa M3,I:(3X how should anyone know?, 3H3 XOTXOH OOJI Illaprsnr CYMbIH T9B now this little town is the centre of Shargyn sum N



A3 (.. saaa] fortune, good luck,

coxop aaaap by sheer chance, N OOJI1K (N Hp3X3~) fortunately, as luck would have it, N ,I:(aHp'l by a stroke of luck, ,I:(YTax to be out of luck, to be unlucky, N 1KapraJI happiness, N JKapraJIbIH 3aXHa chain-letter, N 1KapraJITaH happy, N 3aBwaaH lucky chance, good opportunity, N aasuraaaraa lucky, opportune, N 3aHaTaH (N Hb WOBOHCOH) fortunate, lucky, in luck's way, N Myy,I:(axa,I:( aassrraa WYT33HHHr raurrsx to cut off one's nose to spite one's face, N M3,I:(3r (N M3,I:(3H) trusting to luck, .. Hb OpXHCOH down on one's luck, NCOpHX (N TypWHX, asaa y33X) to try one's luck, to chance one's arm, to have a go, to risk, COpHX aaanaa game of chance, .. Taapax to be in luck, N TaBHJIaH good fortune, .. TaBHJIaHTaH fortunate, N TypwcaH a1KHJI (N M3,I:(C3H X3p3r, Y3C3H xspsr] risk, risky business, N TYWHH with a bit of luck, N TYWHX to be in luck's way, a3HHH T3Hr3p god of luck, N xapnx to be down on one's luck, .. XHHMOpb fortune, good luck, N XHHMOPbTOH fortunate, lucky, in luck's way, § N YY. 33 yy X3H M3,I:(3X B3 just luck or what, who can tell?, N xyy OaHBaJI e03 xyyr33p ~OXHHO will manage it with a bit of luck, .. xyy OaHraa,I:( with any luck N



A3AAP by chance, luckily, fortunately A3AH IiYYPAJI grey-haired,



grey-haired people

A3AP I. teacher,

'IYJIYYH XYPYYT N the "Stonefingered Teacher" of Mongol legend, who came from India to Mongolia seeking the realm of Shambhala (Skr.)

A3AP II. Colligonum (bot.),

(also Topnor], C. mongolicum (also Topnor] A3AP IiY3AP (see oY3ap asap] A3APrA (see aspara] A3APrAHA Thistle, Cirsium MOHrOJI


A3APrAH3 drone (bee) A3rYH unfortunate, unlucky,



unlucky number


A3rYH'r3X to have bad luck A3H Asia, Bara - Asia Minor, ,IJ;OTOO~ - (TaB -) Inner Asia, ,IJ;~a~ - Central Asia, - THB Asia, the continent of Asia, A3HHH Xar}I{JIHHH oaHK Asian Development Bank A3HAX 1. to wait a moment, to hang on, to hesitate, to delay (something) for a moment, § ~YYJlaxaa TYP asaaan stopping singing for a moment, 1KaaXaH a3Ha1K oaH hang on a minute! 2. to await, to wait for A3HACXHHx (see a3HaX 1.) A30T nitrogen, a30TbIH nasxap HC3J1 nitrogen dioxide, a30TbIH HCM3r nitrous oxide (Russ.) A30TJIHr nitrogenous A30TJIOr (see a30TJlHr) A3PArA 1.1. stallion, asparan oopoo heavy rain, heavy shower, - TaBHX to leave a horse ungelded, to leave a horse to become a stallion 2. ungelded male animal, asparaa raxaa boar, asparan TaxHa cock, asparan qOHO he-wolf A3PArA II. instrument for bending or straightening wood A3PArAJIAX to lord it (over), to rule the roost (over) A3TAM fortunate, lucky, - TOO lucky number, XYHHH asapraa TaXHa eanornener to be in luck's way, to have everytning turn out well, § MHHHH OXHH - Tap1K you're a lucky girl A3TAH lucky one A3YH name of a plant used as a substitute for or to mix with tobacco


gle child, - f3P home, residence, family, - f3P OOJlOX to marry, to set up home, - f3P OOJI}K TOrJlOX to play fathers and mothers, - r3pHHH 333rT3H mistress of the house, - epx family, household, - epx OOJlOX to marry, to set up home, aHJlbm TOM the oldest child 2. neighbour, neighbouring, - aHMar asax to be neighbours, - aHMrHHH (- oaHraa, - 33pr3M33) neighbouring, - 33pr3M33 OpWHX to neighbour, - 33pr3M33 yJIC OpOH neighbouring state, aHM OqHX to visit, to call on, to go and see, - CaaXaJIT milking partner, neighbour, CaaXaJITbIH - (- caaxaJITbIH XYMYYC, CaaXaJITbIHXaH) neighbours, - CaaXaJIT asax to be neighbours, - cyyx to be a neighbour, to live next door, - Xopw neighbour, - xapwHHH neighbouring, neighbourly, - xyaap neighbour, - xynapaap opox to go visiting, - XyHHH aM H3r CaaXaJIT XYHHH caaaa H3r a II for one and one for all, - X3C3X to go visiting, to go from tent to tent, aHJIaaC 3P3X33P asnpaa YY~aJI learn to stand on your own two feet AMJIrAJI menace AMJIrAX (aHJlraH OaJIMar~YYJIax, aHJlraH OaqHM;:lYYJlaX, aanraa CYP~J13X) to frighten, to scare, to terrify, to intimidate, to threaten AM.JI,IJ;AJI (see aHMBap) AM.JI,IJ;AX deign to

1. to

state, to pronounce (resp.) 2. to

AM.JI,IJ;BAP address, statement (from an exalted personage), instruction, commandment

AM I. (- naa] oh!, - r3r33H oh my goodness!, 3aHJlYYJl (- XOOpXHH) alas, poor thing!, - xanar MHHb oh dear!, alas!

AMJIJIAX to be neighbours, to camp in the same place

AM II. category

AMJICAJIT living as neighbours, living at close quarters

AMBAH (- TaHBaH) easy, comfortable AHBAPJIAX (oHe3 -) to skive AMBYY (- TaHBaH, - TaHByy) (see aHBaH) AHBYYXAH (see aHBaH)

AMJICAX (see aannax] AMJIT fear AMJITrAJI report, submission (esp. Manchu emperor) (hist.)

to the

~C fear, fright, - TOpOX to get a scare, to be frightened - rnpyyJl3x to frighten, to scare, to terrify, - XvJm3C horror, - XyH~CHHH KHHO horror (ilm, - XYP3X to be frightened, to get a fright, to be scared

AM.rrqHH (- rHHqHH, - 30qHH) visitor, guest

AH)l{HH mind!, look out!

AM.rrqHP fond of calling, liking to drop in

AfDKyy (see aH1KHH)

AM.rrqJIAJI visit, visiting, amian eCHHH - official visit, xyBHHH - private visit

AM3AM (- X3M}K33, - X3MH3JI) rhythm, beat AHJI Li, (- XOT) encampment, group of tents, asssraa people ii. home, family, xoep aHJIHHH C~HbI oaHWHH two-family dwelling, - OOJIOX (- OpOH OOJIox) to marry, to set up home, oypYYJIax to flee elsewhere, aHJIbIH raau sin-

AMJITrAX to report, to submit, - OHqHr submissian, report to the throne AMJITrYH nothing to fear

AM.rrqJIAJIT (see aHJlqJlaJI) AM.rrqJIAX to visit, to call on, aHJlqJIaH TOrJlOJlT tour (theatre, etc.), aHJIqJlaH TOrJlOX to go on tour AMJIbIH

1. neighbouring,

next door, - aaraa the

match and be greeted with kumis; to be near the top, aiiparAcaH MOpb the first five horses



AHPAfllAX to make aiipar lady next door, - xouryy neighbouring banner, - XYH neighbour 2. opposing, - xaanra opposing goal AHMAAP 1. terrible, frightening YH3nii frightfully expensive

2. terrifically,


AHMAf 1. tribe, 3pTHHii MOHrOJI - : CHHOH, Totia, }KY}I{aaH Hap early Mongol tribes: the Xianbi, Toba and Rouran, -yrcaaTaH peoples, tribes, aiiMrHiiH XOJIOOO confederation of tribes, HyyA3JNHH aiiMrYYAbIH XOJIOOO nomadic tribal confederation 2. (in post-imperial times) a social unit consisting of related families nomadizing on a particular territory 3. khanate, XanXhIH AOpBOH aiiMar, mass TaBthe four khanates and the ecclesiastical estate of Khalkha 4.i. aimag, an administrative division of Urga, in pre-revolutionary times; ii. lamas' dwelling quarters in lamaseries S. aimag (province of the MPR and of Mongolia), aimag-centre, aiiMmiiH TOB aimag-centre 6. kingdom (nat. hist.), aMbTHbI animal kingdom, ypraMJIbIH - vegetable kingdom 7. system, group, aapasr - solar system, yrcHii~ - parts of speech 8. section of the Tripitaka, CYAPbIH - the Sutra section

AHPArtlHH kumis drinker, boozer AHPfAHA Common Sorrel, Ilaaraa lIHX)

Rumex acetosa (also

AH CAB basin, drainage area AHCAX to approach AHcm coming, approaching, § xecer - ssaa Xapar,IUK33 the carts could be seen approaching AH TYM thousands upon thousands, § apsra MOA -, OBpHiiH MOA yii TYM 10M oaiiHa there are thousands of trees behind and myriads of trees in front

AHMArllAX to group, to classify, aiiMarJIaH ycrrax genocide

AHx (aii}l{ o3pr3x, aii}l{ 3M33X) to be afraid (of), to fear, xapnyunara XYJI33X33C - to be afraid of taking responsibility, aimrHiiraa asaapraa XHAx to put your worries behind you, aAxaA apran XOWIOHO afraid of one's own shadow, aii}l{ cannpax to be scared, to be ina state, aiiH CYPA3X to be overawed, aacaa XyH aAYY ypr33H3 a worried man is unpredictable, aiicaH XyH apas ~3r a coward dies may times before his death, aiiXhIH lIHX3~ yyJIb to be scared of one's own shadow, aiiH lIHlIP3X (-' mHpB33A3X) to tremble (at), to be scared (of), napra napaac aiiH lIHlIP3X to be scared of the officers

AHMfAPXAX to favour people from one's own aimag

AHXABTAP (- cypxHii) terrible, dreadful, XH1I33X to try terribly hard

AHMPAX to be rather frightened, to be a bit scared

AHxTAP terrible, dreadful, § - naapcaa oaiiHa he got awfully cold, - OBWIOO it hurt dreadfully

AHMAfJIAJI grouping, Classification, division


(see aiiMpax)

AHMTfAH timid, fearful, cowardly

AHMxAH (-xYJNrap, -maJNrap) (seeaiiM1Taii) AHMillHf fear, fright AHMillHffYH fearless, bold AHMillHIT terrible, dreadful, fearful, frightening AHMillHITAH

(see aiiMmHIT)

AHPAf I. kumis, a fermented drink made directly from mare's or camel's milk, or from sheep, goat or cow's rapar, churned usually in a leather sack, 01TOHHii - kumis made from the products of animals other than the mare, map - (see map 1.1.), WHHr3HHii - kumis made from mare's milk, aiipamHH TaB (aiipmHH TaBaH MOpb) the first five horses to come in ina horse-race AHPAf II. (see aapar] AHPAfAAX 1. to drink a lot of kumis 2. to go from tent to tent drinking kumis 3. to be one of the first five horses ina race or archers ina

AHillXHH 3M witch ~EMlfq academician

AKT report, - oapHMT (- MaTepHaJI) documents, - OHlIHX (- TaBHX, - TOI'TOOX, - yiiJl)J;3X) to draw up a report (Russ.) AKTHB assets, TYpr3H 6opJIor~ox assets (Russ.)

- liquid

AKTJIAX to write off AJIAAH XB)l;AAH massacre, killings AJIABXHHX to jump on a horse, § oop naaraa ~33P33 anasxaaa YHa~ jumping on to his grey colt AJIAf 1. (- oYJIar, - 3p33H) cheque red , motley, pied, particoloured, - ooopHiiH XOJIOOOToii related, - MaXHbI Tacapxaii aJITaH HCHbI X3JInpXHii kith and kin, one's own flesh and blood, - MOpb piebald horse, - M3JIXHii name of a game played with ankle bones, in which the players throw dice in order to capture bones set out in the shape of a tortoise, - HY~ hazel eyes, - OBC herbs, - yp a dear child, - lIYJIyy

(- lIYJIYYH WaJI) mosaic flooring, - 3P3H uaac coloured paper; paper covered with writing 2. uneven, irregular, variable, - 6yJIar axsnpa» a chequered existence, - TapJIaH (- uoor] patchy, uneven, here and there, - Y33X to be biased, to be partial, - ~OOryH thorough, whole, total




to detain (0 suspect, etc.), aJI6a~aH 3MlI.rryyJI3X to subject to compulsory medical treatment (alcoholics, etc.), aJIO~aH 3PllHM}KYYJI3X to force, to intensify (0 process]

AllAITYH impartial, unprejudiced

AJIIiA)l;JIArA (- XaB1IJIara) compulsion, coercion

AJIAf,IJ;AArA Five- and Four-toed Jerboa, Earth Hare, Allactaga, rOBHHH - Gobi Five-toed jerboo. A. bullata, ,IJ;aB}Kaa - Small Five-toed jerboo. A. elater, CH6HP - Mongolian Fivetoed Jerboa, A. sibmco, COOTOH - Long-eared

AJIIiA)l;JIAThIH compulsory

jerboo. Euchoreutes nasa AJIAf,IJ;AArAHI(Ap

Lesser Five-toed Jerboa,

Alactagulus (see Anarnaara]

Little Earth Hare, AJIAf,IJ;AAXAH

AJIAfJIACAH marbled (meat) AJIAfJIAX


1. to 2.

be colourful, to be goy, to be to make colourful 3. (see

anaranax] AJIArJIHr Q3Q3r Sandwort, Minuartia, XaBpbIH - Spring Sandwort, M. verna AJIAITAH (- 6YJIaITaH) chequered, mutable

AJIIiA)l;MAJI forced

official, - oaHryyJIJIara institution, authorities, - oyc unofficial, - rasap public office, office, - eCHbI official, - eCHbI OHW unofficial, - ecoop olhciolly. - }KypMbIH official, M3~33 communique, official communication, TaMra official seal, - TaCaJIraa office, - rareap (see TaTBap), - TywaaJI appointment, function, post, - TywaaJITaH official, functionary, TywaaJIbIH official (adj.), - xyq33p compulsorily, perforce, - X3P3~33HHH MaWHH (see


MawHH) AJIIiAHbI official

(adj.), -

government herds (hist.), debt (hist.)

Man official herds, op officially incurred

AJIIiAHblXAH officials (n.)

AJIAITAX to look colourful, to look goy

AJIIiAPXAr official, authoritarian


AJIIiAPXAX to oct in an official manner

AJIAITYY Jackdaw, Corvus monedula


AJIArqJIAJI bias, partiality, discrimination


A.JIArtIJIAX [anarxanac 6yJIaf1lJlax) to be biased, to show partiality, to show discrimination A.ITAJijl;AAH bloodshed

AJIAX to kill, aJIaH xanar-r terrorist, anan XH,Qax to slaughter; terrorism, anan xsnax a}KHJIJIaraa acts of terrorism, anaa XH,Qax xannnara terrorist attock, aJIaH xaanara terrorism AJIIiA service, duties, - ryBlIYYP duties and taxes, - 3a.JITYYJIax (- HHHJIYYJI3X) to perform service, - TaTax to levy a tax (hist.), - TaTJIara taxation, - xaars (an6aH xaurar-r] official, office-worker; personnel, - xaax (aJI6aH xaax,

- xaumx] to do duty, to perform a duty, to fill on office, to serve, apMJm - xaax to serve in the army, ~3pmHH - xaax to do military service, an6a~ xypaax to confiscate (hist.) AJIIiAAP compulsorily, under compulsion, § H3r MYY MywHJI3aHa she just put on a forced

smile AJIIiArYH no need to, not to have to, § xap yyp33P T3~HHHr C3pr33X - there's no need to

woke them up at crock of down AJIIiA)l;AX to force, to compel, to coerce, anfianan a}KHJI XHHX HJI forced labour, an6a~aH raprax to deport, aJI6~aH caaryynax

(see anoapxar] 1. subject, liable to duty (hist.) 2. officer,

official AJIIiATAH 1. taxable, subject to a tax (hist.), § HaHMaH C3B3r TOOHbI - 6aHcaH he was

assessed at eight baskets of teo 2.i. obliged to, § nossor OYX3H YH3H 6aHX - OHW not every legend has to be true ii. compulsory AJIIiAq zealous AJIIiAqJIAH compulsorily, as a duty AJIIiHH AJIIiHH

I. evil spirit, II. cobalt

r3p3JI will-o'-the-wisp

AJIrA 1.1. [rapsm -) palm (of the hand), anransr aMT [anraa 600B) slop, anraa OOOB axcyynax to give (someone) a slop, - ~apaM measure-

ment equal to the width of the palm of the hand

(see a/50 napaa]: little, tiny, anran ~33P 6aHraa

10M WHr as clear as daylight, anran ~33P OOMOOPOX [anran ~33P aJITaH JIyymHH 3YJI3ara M3T oOM6opox, anraa ~33P OHXpOX) to be spoilt, to be pampered, anraa ~33P OOMOOpyyJI3X [anraa ~33P OHXPYYJI3X) to spoil, to pomper, - TaWHJIT applause, - TaWHX to clop, to applaud, - TOCOX to put out the hand; to demond, - TOCOX 6aHpJIan prone position of the hand, pronation (surg.), - ypsyynaxaac asrapxan as easy as winking, - ypsyynaxsta

wrongs, ups and downs, ~ OHoorHHH hit and miss



XOOPO~ in the twinkling of an eye, anraa xascpax to put the hands together (in prayer), anraasr XOHXOp the hollow of the ha nd, anraasr XOHXOpXOH xasax to attempt the impossible, to indulge in pipe-dreams, anransr XOHXOp WHr a~axryH to know like the back of one's hand, ~ XOMpOX pronation of the hand, ~ ~aHJIraX to grease sorneone's palm 2. one of the three" palms" or flat straps at the ends of a hobble, which go round the horse's legs

AJIfA II. not, not there, missing, gone, ~


to disappear, to vanish, § ~ OOJItIHXCOH oaHB they had gone, liaJl):la~op}K ~ Baldandorj was not there, Ha~a~ ex aJIT MOHro ~ naa I have no gold or siIver to give, eep ioy tI ~ there was nothing else

AJIfABq palm-protector, mitt AJIfMAJI slap AJIfA)l;AX 1. to slap 2. to rub or twist (hair, etc.) between the palms

AJI,IJ:AATAH erroneous, wrong, mistaken AJI,IJ:Ar,I:(AJI loss, dehciency, deficit, discrepancy, XY~aJI):laaHbI ~ trade deficit, an.o;ar~aJITaH a}KHJIJIax to work at a loss,

annarnann opox

to incur a loss, ~ xaax to cover a loss

AJI~ArAAX to be lost, to fail, to be out, to be forfeited, roxapyynra ~ (see TOxHpYYJIra), X3BHHH aaoornaraa ~ not to function normally, X3JI03P ~ (X3JI03P ~ypc ~) to be deformed; deformity AJI,IJ:Ar~YYJIAX to spoil, to disrupt, to detract from, to upset, to deprive of, to miss, to let go by, to forfeit, JWPcHHr ~ to disfigure, OJIOH TYMHHH assranaa TaHBaH Oa~JIbIr ~ to deprive people of peace and quiet, TOITBOP}KHJIT ~ to render unstable, X3BHHH aaomnaraar ~ to disrupt, § 3H3 xyranaar ~ar~YYJI}K X3PX3BtI OOJIoxryii this time-limit must on no account be missed AJI~Ar OHOf irregularly, now and again, here and there, on and off, hit or miss

AJIfAHA Perch, Perea fluviatilis

AJI,IJ:AJI 1. loss 2. fault

AJIfACAJI span (of a truss, etc.)

AJI,IJ:AJIrYH without fail, unerringly, without a lapse

AJIfACAJIT (see anracan] AJIfACAHrYH distracted, inattentive


AJIfACAX to miss out, to pass over, to bypass, § HHHrMHHH Xer}KJIHHH KanHTaJIHCT urarsrr

AJI,IJ:AHrH penalty for late payment

~ to bypass the capitalist stage in the development of society

AJIfACYYJIAX 1. to pass over 2. to go over [someone's] head

AJIrYYP (~ a~M) slow, gradual AJIrYYPAJIfYH without hesitation AJIrYYP~YYJIAX to retard

AJIrYYPJIAX to delay, to be slow, to lag AJIrYYPXAH slow, in a leisurely manner AJIrYYPXHAAP slowly AJI,IJ: I. fathom, the distance between the tips of the fingers of the two hands extended to either side, ~I Hb asaan ~3JIHM ~33P33 to spoil the ship for a ho'porth of tar, annsr Hb asaan ~3JIM3~ Hb TYJI}K OtIHX to see it through, ~ OHe one's body, ~ ~3JI3M a fathom and a half, ~ ~3JI3M aJI):ltIHXaX to go wrong, to be all at sea AJI~

II. around, about, § apsan


H3r3H ~arHHH

around eleven 0' clock

~ (~ noronnon, ~ ,QyTar,QaJI, ~ M~ar, ~




~ 3~3r,Q3JI, ~



3~33) mistake, error, fault, ~ raprax to make a mistake, ~ OHOO hits and misses, rights and

AJIAAP 1. (~H3p)

name (resp.), ~ xapsyynax ec the custom of a nobleman hovinq an archer shoot in his name and taking the credit for himself, while the archer took the prize (hist.), § TaHbI ~ X3H OHJI33 what would your name be? 2. reputation, fame, ~ rassaa reputation, merit, ~ H3P fame, name, ~ H3P rapcaa famous, celebrated, ~ H3P OJIOX to get a name, to become famous, ~ XYIm fame, reputation, ~ XYJI,l{f3H famous, of great renown, ~ U;OJI rank, rank and title (mil., wrestler's), ~ ~OJIOO ~~JIax to have one's title proclaimed (at a wrestling match), xypaanaa ~ ~OJI rank of colonel, XYIm3T ~ ~OJI honorific title, honour, D;3prHHH ~ ~OJI military rank, ~ I(yy fame, reputation, ~ nyyr (~~aH) famous, renowned, ~ nyyraa famous person, § YJICbIHXaa annpsrr yaarax to let one's country down

AJI~APf famous, celebrated, glorious AJI~APfAH (see annapr]

AJI~APfAH celebrity, personality AJI~APillHX to gain fame, to become famous, to be known, to have a reputation

AJI,IJ:APillCAH well-known AJI,IJ:APillYYJIAX 1. to celebrate, to make famous, annapuryynac cypTaJItIJIaX to promote

2. to push, to puff



AJI,II;AC mistake, error, slip, .-. OOJIOX to be at

fault, to blunder

1. to lose,

aMHa .-. to lose one's life, MOHrOJIOO .-. to cease to be Mongol 2. (aJIAaH yaaraax] to drop 3.i. (aJIAa1K OCOJIAOX) to make a mistake, to go wrong, r3M .-. to do something wrong, to be at fault, aJIAa1K r3H3A3X to go wrong, to go off the rails, aJIAa1K OHOX to have


successes and failures, to have one's ups and downs ii. to fire by mistake 4. to miss, to fail (in), a}KJIbIH xapayunara « to fail in one's work responsibility, to fall down on the job, xyrauaa .-. to missthe right time, aJIMarryH M3pr3H oyyq a marksman who never misses, COHJIrO'-' to miss hardening, not to be properly hardened (horse) to just miss doing, to do almost, § AaHpyyJIaH aJIAa1K nearly banging into him 6. to try, to have a go, § asaa H3r Y333A aJIA'bH I'll try my luck 7. (in various idiomatic uses) aM .-. (see aM 3.), AYY .-. (see AYY 1.), HH33A .-. (see HH33A), cyypc .-. (see cyypc), yr .-. to let something out


1. to stretch out, rapaa .-. to stretch the arms wide, a.JI):lJIaH OH'IHX to measure one's length 2. abduction (surg.)


AJI,II;pAH dear little, nice little AJI,II;PAJI decline, weakening AJI,II;PAX to weaken, to be run down, T3HX33 .-.

to be worn out



I. come on!, right then!, hey! II. (see aJIHBaa) AJIHBAA 1. (.-. H3r3H) any, every, all, .-. IOMalm uar ye r3}K OHH there's a time and place for everything 2. anything AJIH rAJIH VC3r (see ranar 1.) AJIHH (see aJIHB 1.) AJIHB

AJIHM apple, pome, OOCOO .-. standard appletree, AaB1Kaa .-. (1KIDKHr .-.) small apple, A3JIr3M3JI aJIHMbIH MOA (X3BT33 aJIHMbIH MOA) prostrate apple-tree, TOPHH}'H .-. (TOM .-.) large apple, aJIHMHbI XyqHJI (see xyqHJI) AJIHMA)l; any, every AJIHMqlfH apple-grower AJIHPC Cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, ArrHPCHbI osor [Anapcraasr H3ryyp) Vacciniaceae AJIHYC Flat Sedge, Blysmus AJIJIATA

1. killing, slaughter 2. (.-.

carry out acts of terrorism AJIMAA3 (see aJIMa3) AJIMAAC (see aJIMa3) AJIMA3 diamond

loose AJDKAAJI (.-. HAPaJI) weariness, fatigue, OHeHHH aJDKaaJIbIr raprax ( .-. TaHJIax) to refresh one-

self, to stretch one's legs, AJDKAAJIrVH tireless, indefatigable

AJDKAAX (aJDKaa}K 'IHJI3X) to be weary (resp.) AJDKYY lazy AJDKYYPAX to be lazy AJI3AX to be in trouble, ansaxrva to be all right, no problem, ioy .-. B3? not to worry!, § CaaJlHHH XYBHHraap arrsaxrva to be all right for milking

pails AJIHA (.-. aapraaax, .-. XOWHH) mischievous, playful, joking, .-. CaJI08.AaH jester, clown, .-. wor

humour, wit, .-. urors comic (n.) AJIHMYYXAH jolly, merry AJIHAJIArq clown

A.JIHAITAJI larking about, playing the fool, tomfoolery

TaJIJIara, .-.

xaanara] terrorism, act of terrorism, .-. XHHx to

AJI,II;PYYJIAX to weaken, to lessen

AJI,II;YYPAX to come lose, to come away, to get



AJI,II;YYJI lost, stray, gone astray, .-. MaJI stray



aaanax] to lark about, to play the fool, to joke


AJIMA3AH diamond (adj.) AJIMAH careless, casual

AJI~AX (see ansraapax] AJIMAHPAJI absent-mindedness, forgetfulness,

preoccupation, confusion AJIMAHPAX to be absent-minded, to be for-

getful, to be preoccupied, to be confused AJIMAH crescent-shaped, .-. cap crescent moon,

.-.cyx battle-axe AJIMAC

I. (see anxas].

3aCMaJI .-. cut diamond,

brilliant AJIMAC

II. "abominable snowman", legendary

wild man AJIMAT tub for water AJIMYYP (.-. TaHr) crutch AJIC far, far away, distant, ancaac OH'IHr'I teleprinter, .-. ra3ap a far country, .-. AOpHOA the Far East, .-. AOpHOAbIH Far Eastern, .-. AOPHOAbIH liyrA Haapaanax YJIC the Far Eastern Republic, .-.sasrsrr TYYJIax to make a long journey, .-. 33JIyyA remote, .-. HP33A\TH the distant



sor, forerunner, .. xomyy xypr3X to inform, to tell tales, to tell on, to sneak, .. XyMC a hard part of the sole of a ca mel's foot

future, .. TOHpyy the long way round, .. rsprse far off, in the distance, ancsrr xapax to see into the distance, .. XOJl far, afar, .. XOJl OTOP HYY~3J1 XHHX to carry out long-range transhumance .. XOJlbIH far off, from afar, to a distance, .. X3THHH far off, long-range AJIC,ILAA later, later on, in the future

AJICJIAfMX to be distant, to be far away, aHMraaC aJICJlar~CaH far from the aimag-centre, OHe OHeC33 .. to be far away from each other, § MaHaH OPHbI XaMrHHH aJICJlar~CaH nyrar the most distant parts of our country AJICJIAr,IJ;MAJI peripheral AJICJIAJI

long dis-

AJITAH fA)J;AC (.. O~) pole star, polar star (astr.), AJITaH Tanac O~OH Order of the Polar Star AJITAH3YJI 1. Tulip, Tulipa(also}l{olDKoOJlOH}, faH~3~3IT .. T. uniflora 2. (see XYMXaan) AJITAH M9Hf9H illAPrYY,IJ; Ursa Minor AJITAH O,IJ; Venus


AJITAH OP~ the Golden Horde


AJITAH CAB "The Golden Vessel" (name of an almanac used in connection with calculations concerning death and burial), .. H33X to consult the ..

(hist) 1. Cancrinia (bot.) 2. Mayweed,


tance AJICPAX to be distant AJICYYP far, at a distance, to a distance, keeping one's distance AJICbIH far, distant, .. oapaa xapax to look into the distance, .. oO~Jlororyii lack of forethought, .. OO~OJl caHaa forethought, .. r3p3JITYYJl3r'1 searchlight, .. 3aM far journey, long journey, .. MOpHtm ~9P99J19X to set out on a long journey, .. orop long-range transhumance, .. Y~HpJlara remote control, .. Y~HpJlaraTaH remote-controlled, .. xapaaraa far-sighted, .. X9r distant key

(mus.) AJIT 1. gold,

HaBqHH .. gold leaf, XOprOJDKHH .. gold granules, xyynac .. gold foil, anrsrr Hb aaaan asnpsrr Hb xasx to kick away the ladder, aJITHbI ~3pr3~ ryyJlb urapnana to be improved by good company, .. ynax TYCMaa 9Hr9 opnor to stand the test of time, aJITHbI H99~ gold reserves 2. a gold (medal)


Chrysosplenium rosea)

AJITAHfAfHYYP 1. Roseroot (Rhodiola (also BraaH Myr33) 2. R. quadrifida

AJITAH rYPfAJI~AH (see Iyprannaa]

AJICMX to be too far, to be far

1. distance 2. perspective AJICJIAJIT (see aJICJlaJI) AJICJIAX 1. to be distant 2. to cover a

AJITAHJi99P Golden Soxihcqe,

1. Altai mountains, AJrraHH HYPYY Altai 2. Altaic, AJITaHH X3J1 Altaic language

AJITAH gold, golden, .. aMTaH fair-spoken, .. aMb one's precious life, .. aara oapH~ ryHnra XHHX to be a rich beggar, to beg in spite of one's wealth, .. OaTaJIraa gold backing (fin.), .. rapraa with a magic touch, .. rapran person with a magic touch, .. rypaa (.. ~YH~) "golden three", "golden middle" (middling mark at school), .. ~3JIXHH the golden earth, .. sarac aaanyynax to excite sexually, .. 9J1m~99 OqHX to die, .. yyJl astnax to promise the moon, .. ye golden age, .. xaapuar name of a manual or fortune telling, .. xapaauaa harbinger, precur-


Matricaria AJITAH YJIC the Jin dynasty AJITAH


Cuscuta australis (bot.) (see


(see Xyanrana]

AJITAHQ3fQYYX3H St. John's Wort, Hypericum, CHHMXHH .. Perforate St. John's Wort, H. perforatum, Cynarap .. H. attenuatum, AJITaH~3rnYYX3HH osor St. John's Wort Family, Guttiferae

1. Golden 2. Caragana leucophloea




AJIT,IJ;AX to gild, aJIT anrncaa gilded AJITJIAf golden, .. OOPOBTOP golden brownish AJITJIAX to gild AJITPAX to look golden AJITtlHH

1. goldsmith 2. gold-miner 1. executioner 2. butcher,



AJIX 1. hammer, mallet, MaXHp xowyyraH .. claw-hammer, XHHH maxyyprar .. pneumatic drill, .. xanyyp hammer and sickle, anxaa X33 Greek fret pattern, meander 2. hammer (of the ear), malleus

AJIXAA 1. step, pace, .. raurras gait, way of walking; step, pace, .. HHHJIYYJlSX to get in step, § aJIXaJITbIH ep~HHH xypn Hb MHHYTatm 10-120 .., anxaansr X3M}K33 70-80 CM oaHHa the normal marching speed is 110-1 20 paces per minute, and the length of a pace is 70-80 cm. 2. anxaaasr T3M~33H walk (sport)

AJIXAflpAJI dilatoriness



to be slow, to be sluggish


AJIXAJIT walking, pace, gait, steps, xypnaB'IHJICaH aJIXaJITaap

at a rapid pace

AJIXAM 1. step, pace, xoc - double pace, -

anxxaap step by step 2. pitch (of a screw) AJIXAX 1. to walk, to step, to go, oaHpaH ~33P33 - to march on the spot, aJIX~ Mapw quick march! (mil.) the frontier

2. to cross over,


to cross

A.JIXAIJ; pace, step AJIXAlII (see aJIXa~) AJIX)l;AJI ga it AJIX)l;AX to hammer AJIXH~ brawl, punch-up

AJIXHMq alchemist AJIXHX to beat, to hit

AJIXJIAX to walk quickly, to step it out AJIQ (see aJI~YY) AJIQAfA A.JIQArA r3}1{ waddling, bandylegged

A.JIQAHnrAX to put apart, to splay,

XOJIaa -


put one's legs apart

A.JIQAHx 1. to put apart, § yp~ xoep xenee

aJI~aHH sorcox to stand with the two front legs apart 2. abduction (surg.)

A.JIQrAHAX to stand or move with the legs apart AJIQrAP 1. thickset, stocky, squat 2. apart, splayed, TOM - oaXT3H with large humps splayed fore and oft (a good quality in a camel), § xypnan naaasr xan - a swih reindeer has splayed legs

AJIQYY a side of an anklebone, the same as T3M33

AWlHXAX to kill off AWlYYP I. cloth, towel, handkerchief, kerchief, head-scarf, aMHbI - serviette, napkin, BaHHbIH - bath-towel, HyCHbI - handkerchief, Hyyp rapsrn - towel, xouryy - triangular bandage, sling, naacaa - paper towel

AWlYYP II. [asraasr -) travelling pouch for a bowl

AJIIIIAA Alashan (p.n.), -


nag, -


Alashan carpet

AJII> 1.1. which, whichever, any, where, -

nypraaraa ypax to invite anyone one likes, whichever is older, - Hb 30B B3 which is right?, - H3r some ... or other; any, H3r rasap somewhere or other, - H3r X3M}J{33rasp to some extent, - H3rH33p (- H3IT33) somewhere or other, anywhere, - 'I any, - 'I ye~ at any period, }J{HJIHHH - 'I YJIHpan~ at any season of the year, § Ta Hap - Xyp3X r3}J{ asaa B3 HX HaCTaH Hb

where are you intending to go?~ - Hb 'I oaH xastaa anra whichever it is makes no difference 2. all, the most, as ... as possible, oa~ar all, - oaH~ar YH3T3H Q3H3T3H 10M all our valuables, - OOJIOX (- OOJIoxyHQ) as ... as possible, - OOJIOX ranrep as smooth as possible, - OOJIOX rapran MaJI cattle as fat as possible, - OOJIOXOOP Typr3H as quickly as possible, - Oy:mH all, every, - JI xen HXT3H rasap the busiest places, - OHp oaHraa the nearest, - OJIOH very many, - OJIOHTOH very often. aJIHHr T3P r3X B3 (aJIHHbIr T3P r3X 03) there are plenty, there is no shortage of, what a lot there are of, - XHp TYPr3H as quickly as possible, - sanaxaapaa as best one can 3. how?, how much?, - XHp (- X3p) how?, how far?, to what extent? § - XHp X3~YY aJKHJI OOJIOX Hb TO~OPXOH it is clear how hard work it is 4. each, either, every, - - Hb each of them, - Hb 'I both, either, ~ Max CyY aJIHH 'I OMOX 10M both meat and milk are to be found, aMHa~ XOHT - 'I XHT~IH X3JI the languages of north and south China alike, - aJIH~ MaaHb aWHITaH 10M it is advantageous to each of us, 3P3IT3H 3M3IT3H - Hb 'I r3C3H whether men or women or, - 3CB3JI or, or else, § - YHWH}J{ oap~arryH 10M yy or haven't you read it through yet? 6. (in expressions of time ) OOJIrOH (aJIHHH OOJIrOH, aJIHH OOJIroH) how long?, till when?, how much longer?, - syaaac asaan from as long ago as the summer, - T3P uar as long ago as that, - MaRX xaaasr ye~ as long ago as the time of Mongke Khan, X3~HHH (- X3~HHH3, - X3~yHH, - X3~yHH33C), already, long ago, long since, some time ago, - 3PTH33C from of old


AJTh 11.1. give it here!, let's have it! 2. (auxiliary

particle used in a request), § TaBbJI{ go!, HaMaHr done with it!


- let them anaan - kill me and have

AJThliOM album (Russ.)

(mus.) (Russ.) AJIhqHHrA Flowering Rush, Butomus, B. umbellatus AJThillAA (see Amnaa] AM I. 1. mouth (anat.), asraa aJIr~YYJIax to be AJThT (-



put to silence, - aaraax to gape, to be amazed, oap~aM rya urannaa paper tiger, asraa oapHX to regret, to be sorry, XHH JI asraa oapHX to have only vain regrets, - oY3apJIaX to get nowhere, to feel let down, - ~aM}J{HX to go from mouth to mouth, to be orally transmitted, to be rumoured, aMaH ~OTPOO to oneself, ~YYP3H bubbling over (with words), aMHbI -



aasaaraa raprax to wet one's whistle, aMHbI syraa abuse, - syypax to have the jaws locked, aM MYPyHx to fallout (with), aMbIr M3mrYn3X to

train (a horse) to obey the bit, apxann axaa M3~yyn3x to let drink get the better of one, assaa M3~3X to obey the bit, aMHbI Hb cane apanaarva still wet behind the ears, asraap Hb IIIOpOO YMXyyn3x to do in, to do for, axaa onoxryH eagerly, avidly, aMaH~ Hb oan 3YPX3H~ Hb C3n3M eprex to be two-faced, to be treacherous, to double-cross, axaanaa OpCOH





xoonoanoo arra IIIOpOO nauax to be one's own worst enemy, to waste one's opportunities, - cynTaH chatty, garrulous, - Tarnax (- xaax) to shut(someone) up; to fob (someone) off, astaa rarax to be quiet, to shut up, to hold one's tongue, - TOC~OX to eat; to be provided for, TYpr3H hasty of speech, sharp tongued, aMHbI ymnnara constant refrain, the old old story, XyH OyxHHH aMHbI YHIIInara HYAHHH xy}Klfp on every one's lips, the talk of the town, asraanaa yc oanracaH 10M IIIHr (seeyc OanraqHXCaH 10M IIIHr), .aMHbI YYT nosebag, assaa YA3X to hold one's tongue, - xarapax to break the ice, xanasmax (see xanasmax]. - xanasntyy (see xanasntyy]. - xanax (see xanax II. 1.,2), -

xasrpaa nonoox to lick one's lips, to be greedy, to be covetous, - xaMXHX to shut one's mouth, to keep quiet, - xaTYY stubborn; sharp-tongued, brusque, aMHbI XHIIIHr good fortune, good luck, one's allotted share of fortune or worldly happiness, aMHbI XHWHr xapax to have bad luck, aMHbI XHIIIHrryH unfortunate, luckless, aMHbI XHIIIHIT3H fortunate, lucky, aMHbI XOHAHH (see XOIlAHH 6.), - xyypaH oaHxryH to be a chatterbox, - xyypaH xoonoa asrap silent, asraa XY3YY atlas, first cervical vertebra, aMaH XY3YVA3X to be runner-up (esp. horse-racing), asraa XY3YVIIA in second place, second, assaa XY3YVHHH second, runner-up, - XYP3X to taste, to try, - nyypax to open one's big mouth, aMalIA q yrYH xaxapr q yryH peanuts, a mere trifle, - xaararaa tight-lipped, axaapaa IIIOpOO YMX3X to come to a bad end 2. mouth (of a sack, tent, etc.), MaHXHbI - opening of a cloth tent, yyrHbI - mouth of a sack, xanarnsr - the opening of a folded ceremonial scarf, xarrsm aM (see xana] 3. words, speech, - aBaJIT challenge, challenging (wrestling), - asax to get an undertaking; to take on, to challenge (wrestling), - aacan words and deeds, - aacrn xoep Hb 30pOX to say one thing and do another, - annax to promise, to give one's word; to let the cat out of the bag, to spill the beans, aJIABan Oapb}K oonAorryH, arr aJIABan Oapb}K

oOnAor a careless word cannot be recalled, a lost gelding can be recovered, - acyyx to chaff, to needle, to ask teasingly, - oapAaM (see oapAaM), - oaTTaH reliable, trustworthy, oynaaJIAax to wrangle, to dispute, to talk

against each other, to keep interrupting, oYQax to go back on one's word, - rapax to

promise; to speak out against, to confront, to cheek; to boast, to brag, to show off, aMHbI rapa waste of words, - narax to do as one is told, - 3aAraH garrulous, indiscreet, - MonTOC barely, just about, just in time, only just, - MYY of ill repute, - MYYAax (- MyyraH oonox) to be of ill repute, - M3A3H HpHX to say whatever comes into one's head, not to be able to hold one's tongue, asraa M3A3X to mind what one says, to think before one speaks, - H3rC3H with one voice, - orex (- WVA33 erex] to swear, to take an oath; to promise, to give one's word, - epcex (- ypannax] to cut in, to interrupt, OqHr declaration, word, - exree orex to give one's word, - caHH well spoken-of, appreciated, - caaraa appreciative, - xasraa of ill repute, - xapax to pay attention to what someone says, - X3n33 ononnox to come to an agreement, - 3pr3X to take one's words back, - apaa talk, words 4. mountain valley, valley, - cyra valleys oyn family member, AOPBOH' - oynT3H aHn a family of four, - oyn H3M3X to add to one's family

s. -

AM II. a square of cloth or paper, a piece with the length equal to the width of the whole, a sheet (of paper), H3r - AaaBYY a square of cotton, Tan - MOOTYY uaac half a sheet of Chinese paper, - AOpBOn}KlfH KM square km., - MeTP square metre

AM III. the junior of a pair of wrestlers, aMa~ rapax to go to meet one's opponent

AMAA shut up! AMAAP orally, - oyroy OHqr33p orally or in writing

AMABq mask

AMAJIfAA reveal, the part of a door or window opening either side of the frame

AMAH oral, - 30XHon oral literature, folk literature, - ynr3p oral tale, - spaa oral recitation, word of mouth, oral tradition, - HPYY HaHpar oral poetry

AMAH,IJ;AA to oneself, silently AMAHIJ;AP 1. talkative, garrulous 2. headstrong (horse)

AMAHIJ;APJIAX to be garrulous, to be voluble AMAP1. peace, - acapran happiness, felicity, - }KapranTaii happy, - saaar y3yyn3xryii not to leave (someone) in peace, to be a nuisance, - M3,Q3X (- M3H,Q acyyx, - M311A M3A3X, - 3p3X)

to greet,


caaxaa peace and joy, felicity,




}l{apfa}l{ f3H3 and they lived happily ever otter. aMpblf xapax (oHeHHH asrpsrr

oo~ox) to take the easy way out, to cut corners 2. peaceful, 'W OOJIfOX to comfort, 'W }l{HMpHHH peaceful, 'W }l{HM3P in peace, happily, 'W M3~ ('W TaHBaH) safe, 'W caHH yy greetings!, how are you?, 'W TYBWHH peaceful, calm, quiet 3. ('W xsntiap] easy, 'W XHJIOap aMb~pax to have an easy life

AMAPrYH not easy, difficult, hard, tough AMAP)I{AAX to calm, to soothe AMAP)KHX 1. to calm down 2. to give birth, to be delivered, 'W oaHp maternity home, 'W fa3ap obstetric unit, aMap}I{HXbIH OMHO asrpax oaHp ante-natal rest unit, aMap}I{HXbIH OMHOX CyBHJIaJI ante-natal care

AMAP)KYYJIAX (see asrapacaax] AMAPJIHHrYH peaceful, serene, untroubled, carefree

AMAPJIHHrYHJIAX (see aMapJIHHryHwHX) AMAPJIHHrYfITAX (see aMapJIHHryHwHX) AMAPJIHHrYHIIIHX to be carefree, to be complacent 'W epTOH~ the world of desire, the sensuous world (Buddh.)

AMAPMAr greed, lust, desire, AMAPXAH easy AMAPXHAAP easily

AMAPqJIAX 1. to take the easy way out, to do a slapdash job

2. to simplify

AMACXHHX to take a rest

AMAX to rest AMIiAA a respectful form of address to an older relative

AMIiAAP shed, storehouse (Russ.) AMIiAH I.

('W caan] Governor (esp. the Governor in Urga), 'W aaxaparx (epoHxHH 'W) Governor General (Commonwealth countries)

AMIiAH II. big,


map a big ox

AMIiYJIATOPH outpatients' clinic (Russ.) AMrAA (see aMraH)

('W 'W


M3H~HHf M3~3X, axranaar 3p3X) to greet, caHH yy greetings!, are you well? 2. ('W

TaHBaH) peaceful, .quiet, peace and quiet, 'W nHyyH

'W ('W

6aH,IlaJI peace, nH3r3p) happy,

contented, satisfied, calm, serene

AMrAJI)K rope AM,ll;AX (a~aH TOCOX) to intercept, to cut off,

a~aH COHOON HHC3X OHfO~ interceptor-fighter

AMEPHKHHH H3r,n;C3H YJIC United States of America

AM./KHJI chance, opportunity AM}I{MJIT 1. success,

'W OJIOX to go ina success ~3JIXHHH ~33~ 'W TOITOOX to set a world record, 'W 3B~3X to break a record

2. record,

AM}I{HITITAH successful AM./KHX to succeed in, to manage to, to have time to, § 6~ y33}1{ aM}l{aaryH we didn't get to see it

AM}I{PAX to make a living, to get by AM}I{YYJIAX to perform, to carry out AMHJIAX to revive, to come to life AMHJIYYJIAX 1. to revive, to bring back to life, to resuscitate, to put new life into, to bring to life 2. to consecrate, to enliven, to put life into, OHrOH 'W to consecrate a shamanist idol

AMHH I. vital, mortal,




~3M) vitamin,

rasap ('W rOJI rasap] fatal spot, mortal spot, 'W rOJI aorta; vital, mortal, 'W rOJIOOC xaHpTaH terribly in love, 'W syynra (see aMb 3YYJIra), 'W CyHC soul, 'W XOJIOOOTOH ('W xyHH XOJIOOOTOH) intimately connected, 'W xyxan vital, 'W qyxaJI X3C3r vital part, vital spot, 'W xyxan 3pX aurar 'W

vital interests

AMHH II. own, personal, aMH~ orex (aMHM Tapaax) to privatize (collectivized livestock, etc.), 'W XYBHHH private, personal, 'W xyssnaa for oneself, to oneself, § aMHH~ MaaHb X3~3H Torpor 6aH~ar we have a bit of money of our own, 3~HHHX 'W ~OOBT9P OOITOH 10M they had just a few small livestock of their own

AMrAH bit (harness)

AMHII)l;AH namesake

AMrAHBq I. (see aMraH)

AMHII)l;3M vitamin

AMrAHBq II. loop of a bow-string

AMHH3YH biology

AMrAHBqJIAX (see aMraHqJIax)

AMHH3YHH biological

AMrAHJIAX to bit (a horse)

AMHH XyqHJI (see XyqHJI), yJI opnornox

AMrAHqJIAX to remove the bit from a horse's mouth and leave it under the chin, MOpHO aMraHqHJDK ycnax to unbit one's horse and let it drink

AMrAJIAH 1. peace, quiet, axrrananr ajtnrrax


essential amino acids

AMHHIJ;AP selfish, egoistic, self-centred AMHflq 1. selfish, egoistic, self-centered 2. private,


,QOTHOOp privately, confidentially

AMHflqHP (see aMHH~ap)



AMHINHPXAX to be selfish, selfish, to act selfishly AMHHl.IHPXAX AMHHtlHPXYY AMHHl.IHPXYY (see aMHH~ap) aMHH1~ap) AMHINJIAH AMHHl.IJIAH confidentially, on the quiet AMHINJIAX EC animism AMHHl.IJIAX BC AMHlNXAH 1. private, intimate 2. selfish, AMHIJlIXAH selfish, egocentric, .... Y33n egoism - Y33JI

AMHHbI own,· aurar own, private, personal, personal, .... - aUIHr conapxon private Man personal catCOHHpXOJI private interests, interests, - MaJI tle, .... e~HHH MaJI Man pertle, - OMq private property, - O~HHH xspsr private business, business, .... sonal cattle, .... - x3p3r - 3,[( 3A xepenre private property xopoHro promise, .... - yyp3r agreed tosk, tas~, promised task, task, asrnanraan aMJIaJITaHA xvpsx XYP3X to keep one s promise


AMJIAX I. I. to promise, to pledge, XOOCOH ....- to axnacaanaa XYP3X to make an empty promise, aMJIac~HAaa word fulfil one's promise, to keep one's one sword

AMJIAX II. (newborn child or II. to begin begin to suck lnewborn beast) beastl

AMJIAX III. III. to form an opening or mouth in something

AMJIAX IV. to take on, to challenge lwrestling, (wrestling, etc.) etc.)

AMMETP square metre AMOH AMOM is, is, are, was, were AMPAAX 1. to rest (trans.), HY,[(33 rest one's rest !trans.), HYA33 .... - to rest

2. to leave in peace AMPAr 1. lover 2. dear, dear, beloved, .... - C3Tr3n C3Tr3JI love, eyes

.... ir - C3Tr3nT3H C3Tr3JIT3H lover, aMparHHH BB,[(aJI HBAaJI affa affair

AMPArllAJIQAX AMPArJIAJIUAX to be in love, to love one another

AMPArJIAX to love AMPArllAXYH love, loving AMPArJIAXYM AMPArtI AMPAI'l.I holiday-maker AMPAJIT 1. rest, asrparrrsm nar rest aMpaJI'Iblli u;ar rest period, period,

~anHHT~H .... free time 2. holiday, U;aJIHHTaH rasap holiday holiday with pay, aMPaJITbDl aMPaJI'Iblli raJap home

aMPaJITbIH ye aMPaJI'IbIH ye

AMPAJITIAH on holiday, on leave AMPAJITTAM AMPAX 1. to rest, rest, .... - oaHp 6aHp rest-room rest-room 2. to be on holiday, to have a holiday

AMPYY pustular (also ,[(ap,[(aH, pustular dermatitis la/50 AapAaH, WOBer IlI0BOr ap, cysnnaa] Hp, see cYBAJIaa) AMPYYllAX AMPYYJIAX to rest, rest, to relieve, to give a rest rest (to), (to), MOpHO .... - to rest rest one's horse

AMPYYTAX to suffer from pustular dermatitis AMCAP 1. mouth, opening 2. stigma (bot.) (bot.) 3. stoma stoma lbot.) (bot.) AMCAP,IJ;AX to take by the rim rim

AMCAPllAX AMCAPJIAX to form a mouth or rim AMCAX 1. to taste taste 2. laMcalK (aMCa}K 3AJI3X) aansx] to experienjoy, to suffer suffer ence, to enioy,

AM CYYPfA T8,IJ;HH just a morsel, just AMCyyprA TS,IJ;HM iust just a trifle, a snippet, .... - Max a mere bite of meat

AMCx.HHllT AMcXHfuIT rest, rest, breather breather AMCx.HHX to have a rest, AMCXlfl1:X rest, to take a breather, C3Tr3n -.... to feel relieved C3Tr3JI

AMT taste, taste, flavour, .... anax (aMTaH,n - aBax (aMTaHA oonox) 6oJIoxl to get a taste for, asrrsrr aMTblr sacax 3acax to flavour, caaxap H3M}K asrrsrr 3aCHa add sugar to H3MlK aMTblr taste, opyynax to flavour, to give give a taste Ito), (to), taste, .... - opyyJIax .... opyynarx 1(.... opyyJIarq opyynarx 6apaa) oapaa) flavouring, .... - opyyJIarq coaapxon taste, taste, interest, interest, .... coaapxon TOPYYJI3X Tepyyn3x COHHpXOJI - COHHpXOJI to awaken an interest, interest, .... - WHMT IlIHMT taste, .... - WHMTryH IlIHMTryH tasteless, with tasteless, with no flavour, .... - WHMT IlIHMT caiiTaH caiiTaH (.... illHMTT3H) tasty, nice-tasting, delicious, § 1IlIHMTT3Hl tasty, xyyx.u;Hiir ypan 30XHonhIH xyyxAHii:r ypaH JOXHOJIblH .... - illHMT3H,[( IlIHMT3HA ryH3rHii ryH3mH opyynax to give give the children a profound taste opyyJIax for literature

AMTAr,IJ;AX AMTAr,IJ;AX to taste (intrans.), lintram.), to taste of, ramyya raIllYYH aMT .... - to taste taste bitter, to have a bitter taste, MOA MO,n .... taste, - to taste of wood

AMTAH gossipy, talkative AMTAM AMTAPXAr tasty AMTAPXAI'tasty AMTAPXAX to enjoy, asrrapxaa ~3X enioy, to relish, aMTapxaH HA3X to eat with relish relish

AMTAT sweet, tasty, tasty, .... ~33 sweets, .... (.... - HA33 - yanaa yu,I:\aa 1yc) soh drink yc)

AMTrYH tasteless, insipid AMTITM tasteless, insipid AMTJIAf AMTJIAI' tasty, nice-tasting, sweet, .... - xanap qaHap flavour

AMTJIATlI flavouring, spice AMTJIArl.I taste, .... organs of taste AMTJIAX 1. to taste, - 3PXT3H organs

2. to flavour, to sweeten, 3JIC3H 3nC3H qHXP33P .... to sweeten with granulated sugar, .... - 3yHn 3yHJI flavouring flavouring AMTnYYP AMTJIYYP seasoning AMTTAH tasty, with a taste 2. sweet AMTTAM 1. tasty, AMTTAH sweetmeat sweetmeat AMTillHX to get a taste AMTlIIHX taste for, to develop a liking for, uraan IlIaHA .... - to get keen on rewards, asmncaa aMTIllCaH X3P33 apBaH apsaa rypas rypaB 3pr3H3 the more you have the more you want

AMYY 1(.... oy,[(aa, 6YAaa, .... - TapHa) grain, corn, cereal, MOHron MOHrOJI .... - millet

AMYYHbI grain, cereal (adj.) (adn AMI> life, .... aspax to save [sorneone's] AMI> - aBpax lsomeone's) life, .... - asap aBap help!, .... asraa apraJIax apranax - annax ~ax to lose one's one's life, aMRa (aMHa aprau;aax) aprauaax] to get by, .... (aMRa - OHe 6He life, person, .... OHe3 ,naarryynax insure one's life, .... OHe3 - 6He3 AaarryyJIax to insure - 6He3 xallpnanryH (.... 6He ORe xaHpryH) regardless of life XaHpJIaJIryH 1-

and limb, aMHH OO~HC vitamin, aMHa oo~ox to think of one's own interests, to be self-centred, - OOXT3H tenacious of life, robust, - OOXT3H OpWHX to be in fine fettle, - oycHHynax (HaChII' oycHHynax, - OYP3M3X) to kill, to murder, - rapax to escape with one's life; to die, - M3Im rapax to escape with one's life, aMHHhI rapa loss of life, - ronroa alive, - ~HX (~yH~3X) to risk one's life, - ~YHC3H rynannaaa a desperate fight, - ~YHH T3M~3X to engage in a desperate struggle, - saanax to get away, to escape with one's life, - soroox to scrape a living, to survive, asraa 30nHX (- oHe3 30nHx) to give one's life, to sacrifice one's life, - 3ynoax (- 3ynoaH syranax] to flee, to run for one's life, - syynra livelihood, means of living, - syyx to get a living, - aaaaa TaM uaaaa in a flap, rattied, ina state, - Hac life, - Hac aspax to save someone's life, - Hacaa ~ax (- Hac 3Im3X) to lose one's life, - aacsrr oycHHynax (- HaChII' oyp3nr3X, - Hac XOXHpOX, - Hac XOHOOX) to kill, - aacsrr naax to prolong [sorneone's] life (Buddh.), - H3IT3H close, intimate, - H3X3X to demand recompense for a killing, - opox to be restored to life, aMHIm opox to save sorneone's life, - opyynax to put life into, to restore to life, aMHIm orex (aMHIm Tapaax) to privatize (collectivized livestock, etc.), aMHH~ on3HHT3H healthy, advisable, good for one, - enrepex to die, asraa eprox to devote one's life (to), 3X OPHhI TOnoo aMHa eprox to devote one's life to one's country, - OPOOCT3H desperate, fraught with danger, - apex to risk one's life, - epcox to fight for one's life, - opureex to reprieve, CYMaI"l biologist, - cynnan (see aMhcYMaJI), - CY~3X to lose one's life, - CYHC soul, spirit, - TaBHX to make great efforts, to struggle hard; to die, - Tacnax to slaughter, - Tacpax to die, asnra T31K33X to get a living, - T3M~3X to choke, to fight for breath; to struggle for dear life, aMHa T33X to make one's living, to survive, - yJDKHX to subsist, to scrape a living, yyxnaxsrr ryiix to appeal for clemency (jur.), - YJm3X to survive, - YH3Hq asraa XY~aJI1I every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost, - yp3r~yyn3x (- YP3X) to destroy, to do to death, - yp3r~3X to lose one's life, - xaHpryH regardless of one's life, selflessly, for dear life, aMHa XH'l33X to look oher one's own interests, - xopronox to run for cover, to take shelter, xopnox to kill, aMHa xopnox (aMHa xopoox) to kill oneself, to commit suicide, XYHHH - xopnox to kill someone, XYHHH - xopnorx killer, murderer, aMHHr xopoox to put to death, aMHHr XOXHpOOX to kill, to murder, - XOXHpOX to lose one's life, - xypaax to die, - XYH private individual, aMH~ XYP3X (- nacaan XYP3X) to kill, to be the death of, - X3nTP3X to be reprieved, aMHHhI X3p3r fatality, case of murder, - 3PC~3X



to lose one's life

AMbrYH inanimate, lifeless, - TOpCOH stillborn AMbA alive, live, living, - oaHraa alive, - oynax to bury alive, - rapax to escape with one's life, - epreax the living world, - 1KHH (see 1KHH 1.1.), - M3Im living, alive, - M3Im oaHx to be alive, - M3Im rapax to escape with one's life, - C3PYYH living, alive, - C3PYYIm33 in one's lifetime, when alive, - yc running water, - YJm3X to survive, - XYH apraraa never say die, - xyq manpower (mil.) (Russ. XHBajJ CHJIa), - X3n (see X3n 2., 5.). - ssax to live, to stay alive, - HBOaJI anraa asraaaac yc YYHa while there's life there's hope

AMbMAP alive, - oapHx to take alive, to capture alive

AMLMH namesake AMLAllAr living AMbAPATI (- axyii) life, aMh~panaap ~OPOH poorly off, - sanrax to get one's living, - 3YH ecology, aMh~paJIbIH MOHX oychlr Y3yyn3x to pass away, aMh~paJIhIH Mopeo xeox to go one's own way in life, aMh~panhIH OpqHH habitat, - xanrax CHCTeM life support system

AMLAPAX to live, - OpqHH habitat (not. hist.), xansap viability, - q~BapTaH viable

AMLAPYYJIAX to revive, to bring back to life, to put life into

AML~HJIAJI personification (liter.,ete.)

AMLAqHJIAX to personify AML}KHPfAA living, livelihood, aMh1KHpraaHhI eprer cost of living, aMh1KHpraaHhI TYBWHH standard of living, aMh.>KHpraaHhI X3p3r~33H~ H3BTP3X to become part of everyday life

AML}KHPllArA living, livelihood AML}KPATI livelihood, wherewithal AMLCAX to be in agrement, to be at one AMbCfAA breath, OHTyy - circular breathing (in flute-playing), - aaax to breathe in, to take a breath, to get one's breath, asrscraaraa oapHX to hold one's breath, - nasxnax (nasxaax) to feel suffocated, to have constricted breathing, aMhcraaraa napax to hold one's breath, - ~33P~3X (- Hh ~33ryyp oaiix) to gasp, - opox to get one's breath, aMhcraaraa TaTax (- TYr1KHX) to hold one's breath, - xypaax to breathe one's last, to die; to hold one's breath

AMLCfAA)l;AX to pant, to breathe heavily AMLcrAA)l;YYXAH a bit out of breath AMLCfAAJIAX to breathe deeply, to breathe slowly



Academy of Sciences) AHAJIH3 analysis, xaaapsnr -- qualitative analysis (Russ.)

AMbCfAJI 1. breath, breathing, ryH -- deep breathing, 30XHOMOJI -- artificial respiration, earon -- shallow breathing, axscranaa oapHx to hold one's breath, -- ooor~ox (-- oyr3X) to suffocate, to be unable to breathe, -ooor~YYJIarq asphyxiant, axscraaaac oyc~blr Hb OYP3H anrarnax to make use of everything but the breath (livestock, marmot, etc.), -nasxuax to be short of breath, to be out of breath, to pant, asncranaa napax to hold one's breath, -- racpax to die, to breathe one's last, -- rarax to draw breath, aMbcra.n:bIH TOO ryHD;3X to have one's days numbered, asrscranaa TYrJKHX to hold one's breath, -xypaax to breathe one's last, to die; to hold one's breath 2. climate, D;arHHH -- the current climate AMhCfAJIAX to breathe, to respire, oareu -- to breathe shallowly AMhCfAJIYYllAX to cause to breathe, 30XHOMOJI asncranaap -- (XHHMJI33P --) to give artificial respiration

AHA MAHA the same, to a draw, without either Winning, -- TYJIaMax to fight to a draw AHAP 1. Pomegranate (also C3M03PYY) 2. (-3p~3H3) garnet (min.), TeMepT -- almandite

(min.) AHAPXH (-- oaba.n:) anarchy


1.1. to go carefully 2. to follow,

to shadow

AHAX II. to get better


evil spirit (Bur.)

AHfAAJIAX to take in a pincers movement, to intercept from both sides AHfAAX.Afl fledgling, nestling, aaraaxaar nassap TOOJIOX to count one's chickens before they're hatched AHfAA QAHrAA thirst AHrArAP wide open AHrAHnT gape, yawn AHrAHJI1TAH gaping, yawning

AMhCfAJIYYP spiracle (anat.)

AHrAHX to gape, to open wide, aM -- to gape, axaa aaraaraan with gaping mouth

AMhCfAJIbIH respiratory, -- 3aM respiratory tract, -- ~33~ 3aM upper respiratory tract, -3pXT'3H respiratory organs

AHrAJI gap, fissure, opening, cleft, Xa,QHbI -- a cleft in the rocks

AMhCY,IJ;JIAJI biology

AHrAJI3AX to keep opening, aM -- to gape, to keep opening the mouth

AMhCY,IJ;JIAJIhIH biological


AMhTAH animate, living, -- rOJITOH alive

1.1. Lagochilus (bot.),

BMaaH --

L. iliciFolius 2. Jurinea mongolica

AMhTAH 1. living creature, creature, -- XyH people, other people 2. animal, -- cYAJIa.n: zoology, -- cynnaax zoologist, -- cyprarx animal trainer

AHrAJI3YYP II. fledgling, nestling

AMhTHbI animal (adj.), -- aHMar animal kingdom, -- rapanraa of animal origin, -- XYP33JI3H (-- D;3D;3pJI3r) zoological gardens, zoo

AHfAP hangar, shed (Russ.)

AH I. (-- aMbTaH, -- apaaraa, -- repeec] game, beasts of the chase, YCJI3r -- fur-bearing animals, -- aB (-- amyyp, -- repoe] hunting, -aanarx (-- araarx] hunter, -- aBJIaX (-- aa XHHX, -- arHax, -- ropoo aBJIaX, -- repee amax, -repee XHHX, -- XHHX, ann asax] to hunt, to go hunting, -- arnax 3pXHHH Taca.n:6ap hunting permit, aHrHHH 6yy hunting gun, aHrHHH yc furs

AHrAP AHrAP opening and shutting

AH II. (-- ran, --saacap. -- D;aB) crack, fissure, cleft, gap, -- D;aB cyynrax to cause a split (polit., etc.), § -- D;aB cyyJK 60JIHO cracks may occur


ARM gorge, ravine, V-shaped valley AHAfAAX to treat, to heal, to cure, -- yxaaa medicine (as a practice), Aaaraax Yxaaasr ,IJ;33~ Cypryyns Medical College, Aaaraax Yxaansr XYP33JI3H Institute of Medicine (of the

AHrAMAJI (-- uanrassan] arid, parched, -rasap (-- HYTar) arid land, arid area AHfAPAf (-- rapar] Mars (Skr.) AHfAPXAH gap, crevice, opening AHrAC XHHX to keep opening and shutting AHfAX (aM --, aaraac naarax] to be thirsty

AHrH Li, class (in general) ii. class (polit.), -naaxapra (--nasxpaa] class, stratum (of society) iii. class (in school), axnax -- senior c1ass(es), 6ara -- bottom c1ass(es}, -- aXHX (-- ~3BWHX) to go up, -- yJIHpaX to be kept down, -- ynapyynax to keep down; to stay down, -- xaM classmates iv. class (nat. hist.), ~OO~ -- sub-class 2. (D;3PrHHH --) unit (mil.), -- H3rrr3JIYY~ units and formations, -- ca.n:6ap units and sub-units 3. movement (mus.) 4. clause (of an article, 3yliJI) (iur.) S. (-- xecsr] part, component (mech.), saax -- running gear 6. separate AHfHrVH classless, -- HHHr3M classless society

AHrH,IJ: AlITH,Il; separate (from), lfrom!, apart (from) AHrH,IJ:MAJI AHrHJl:MA1I specialized, specific AHrHIKPAX [anraacpaa apanax, AHJ'H.)KPAX 1. 1.laHrHJKpaH apHJIax, aarascpaa aHrHJKpaH xonnox] xo~ox) to get get free free (of), (of!, to get get away (from) lfrom) 2. 2. reduction (chern.) lchem.)

AHrHIKPYY.JIArll AlITlUKPYY.JIArtI reducing agent (chern.) AlITHlKPYYJIAX (aHmJKpyyJIaH xonnyynax] AHJ'H.)KPYYJIAX 1. 1.laHrHJKpyyJIaH XO~JIax) to free (from), (from!, to make independent (of), (of!, to sepsep· arate (from), (from!, to dissociate (from), (from!, MYY sypurnaac 3ypWJIaaC (someone) of of a bad habit 2. 2. to -.. to break (someone) reduce (chern.)

AHrHHH AlITHHH class (adj.), (adr!' -.. aanryy aHJIryy cant, cant, jargon, -..

,qaHcaH class enemy, -.. T3~3JI T3Ml.l3JI class struggle, ~aHcaH -.. HBQYY HBAYY aurar aWHr COHHpXOJI narrow class interests

AHrHnAJI AHrHJIAJI 1. classification, categorization, -.. 3yH (see lsee aHmJIaJI3YH) aHrHJIaJI3yH) 2. 2. class, group, HaCHbI TYXaHH aHmJIJIbIH aHrHJIJIbIH T33BpHHH T33BPHHH -.. age-group, § T)'XaHH X3p3rCJIHHr JKOJIOO,qox JKOJIOO~OX 3pXHHH YH3MJI3X licence to drive a vehicle of the group concerned

AHrHnAJI3YH AlITHJlAJI3YH taxonomy, systematics AHrHJIAJIT AHfRJIAJIT classification AHTIlJIAX AHrnJIAX 1. to classify, classify, to sort out, to divide up, aHrHJIaH HJIraJIT classification, aHmJIaH aHrHJIaH anrax (aHmJIaH xanax, HJIrax to classify 2. 2. laHrHJIaH xa,qax, aHmJIaH aHrHJIaH xypaax) xypaax) to harvest in two stages, stages, aHmJIaH aHrHJIaH xypaanr XypaaJIT (see xypaanr] xypaaJIT) AHrHHA tonsillitis AHrHHATAX AHrnHATAX to have have tonsillitis tonsillitis AHrHP Ruddy Shelduck, T adorna ferruginea AHrnP Tadorna (also JIaM HaM WYBYY!, mysyy), .. - map lalso wap reddish yellow, .. map yypar mother's first milk wap AHrHT class ladr!' (adj.), ..- HHHf3M HHHr3M class society AlITHT AHrlfq class (adr!, (adj.), npOJIeTapHHH .. - Y33JI proAlITlflI aM'l letarian class attitude, § HHHrMHHH OM'{ xepearean COAHaJIHCT COQHaJIHCT ecoop xaHAax xannax .. - 6aHp 6aHp xopOHrOHA cyyps cyypb a class basis for a socialist approach to public publiC property

AH,IJ;AIIIrYH AH,D;AIIIITH unmistakable AH.,IJ;rAH AH,J:(fAH (I.. TaHrapar) TaHrapar! oath, -.. TaBHX to take take an an oath oath

AH.,IJ;rAHJIAX AH,J:(fAHJIAX to take ta ke an a n oath, to swear AH.,IJ;HC AH,J:(HC (see aHJKHc) AH.,IJ;JIAX AH,J:(JIAX to become brothers, brothers, to become close close friends

AH.,IJ;PArA AH,J:(PArA throwing-piece thrOWing-piece in some some anklebone games

AH.,IJ;YY AH,J:(YY I. wooden water vessel AH.,IJ;YY AH,J:(YY II. ((.. Tamaa) Tawaa) wrong, mistaken, erroneous, error neous, in error

AH.,IJ;YYITH AH,J:(YYITH without a mistake, mistake, unfailingly AH.,IJ;YYPArAAX AH,J:(YYPAr):(AX to be mistaken (for), lfor!, § eep Oop 3P~3C 3p,q3C M3T -.. to be mistaken mistaken for another mineral AH.,IJ;YYPAX AH,J:(YYPAX to make make a mistake, mistake, to err, to muddle up, to mistake mistake (for), lfor!, r3JK -.. to mistake mistake for, § 6H 6H XYH aanyypaan aHAyypaa,q HHM 60JIJIoo 6oJIJIOO it happened because I mistook who it was, X3H H3mHr H3rHHr JI JI H~TaH Ha,qTaH aH~yypa~ aH,qyypaa,q 6aHHa ~aa ,qaa he must have mixed me up with someone else

AIUKrAH AIDKrAH friend, mate mate AlDKHC AIDKHC plough, aHJKHCHbI xowyy Xowyy (see lsee xomyy Xowyy 3.) 3.) AlDKHCqHH ploughman AIDKHCqHH AH3 a fine lhis/.!, (hist.), .. - roprox to fine, to impose a fine

AH3AA size AH3AAPAr,IJ;AM AH3AAPAr,IJ:AM noticeable (to) AH3AAPAX to notice, to pay attention (to) AH3AAPrA attention, ••• TaJIaap TaBHX to turn turn AH3AAPfA ••• .. one's attention to ...

AH3AAPrArYH slow to notice, unperceptive AH3AAPfArYH

AHrllH England AlITJIH

AH 3AH nature, characteristics, habits


AH3AH molybdenum

AlfrYYqHH hunter AJITYYlIHH AHrYYqfiAX to go hunting AHrYYl.JJIAX

AH3HAX to fine (his/.!, (hist.), §§ ,qOpBOH nepsoa ecoop eceop aH3JIaB AH3JIAX fined him four "nines" lof (of livestock)

AH,IJ; (.. (- HaH3, ..- HOXOp) aoxep] sworn brother, friend, AH,D; - HOXOpJIOJI close friendship mate, ..

(a respec~ul respectiul term of address for an AHHA Uncle (a elder relative)

AH,IJ;ArAP big-buttocked, fat-tailed fat-Jailed AH,D;ArAP

AHHACTAH closed, shut

AH,IJ;~ to become sworn brothers, to AH,D;A.JI,IV\X become close friends

(see aHHacTaH) anaacraa] AHHATAH lsee

AH,II;AP tray for drying aapYYJI aapyyn AMAP


AH,IJ;AX to be mistaken, to make a mistake, to AH,D;AX aanaxaa 6alix 6aHX to know perfectly well, § X3H err, aH,qaxaa 3C ..- 6HJI33 everybody knows

AHHB~ blinking (n.) AHHB~

AH,IJ;AXITH I.. (- M3,q3X) M3~3X) to know well, to make no AH,D;AXfYH (about) mistake labout)

AHHBAll3AX to keep blinking AHHBAJI3AX

AHHBQHX 1. 1. to blink, Hy,qHHr HY~HHr .. - to blink the AHHBqHX flash on and off, to flicker, eyes 2. to flash, to flash map f3P3JI r3p3JI ,qOXHO ~OXHO flashflashto twinkle, aHHBqCaH wap (traf.) ing amber light (lrar)



AHX,IJ;YfAAP first, - )l{aBca~aMoa the first Jebtsundamba, - y~aa for the first time

AHHBqyyJIAX to flash (trans.), xex r3pJI33 to put on one's blue flashing light (traf.) AHHfAHAX to keep blinking AHHfAP narrow, - HY~ slit eyes AHHRrIfAX to screw up (the eyes), HY~33


- to

screw up the eyes, to squint

AHHJIAAX (HY~ -) to be heavy eyed AHHP I. noise, sound, - ryM silence, - lIHM33ryu (- TauBaH) silent, silently, without a sound, lIHM33T3U noisy, noisily

AHHP II. extraordinarily, extremely AHHPAAX to pick up (a sound) AHHPJIAX (see anapnax] AHHPfAX (see aaapnax] AHHC (see AJIHpC) AHHCXHHX to blink (the eyes), HY~33

- to blink

the eyes

AHHX 1. to close (the eyes, etc.), HY~33


to close one's eyes 2. to close over (wound, freezing water, etc.)

AHKET form, questionnaire (Russ.) AHTEHH aerial (Russ.) AHY (subject or topic indicator) AHYYXAH (- T3Hx.nyyH) hale and hearty AHX first, for the first time, - TYPyyH (- ynaa] initially, for the first time, aaxan WaTHbI primary, elementary, basic

AHXAAPAJI attention, aaxaapannaa asax to take into account, to take into consideration, capnaynax to distract, to divert [sorneone's) attention, - TaBHX to pay attention, aaxaapansrr rarax to attract [sorneone's] attention, aHXaapJIbIH T3~3r exclamation mark, - xanasos care and attention

OOJIrOOM}K carefulness, -

AHXAAPAJITAH attentive, - oau pay attention! AHXAAPAM)K attention, notice AHXAAPAMJKTAH attentive AHXAAPAHrYH attentive AHXAAPAX to pay attention to, anxaapaa T3~3rJI3X to observe, to note H33X to fire a

warning shot ~OXHO


warning signal, warning

AHXAAPYYillTAH noteworthy AHXAH,IJ;AA at first, to begin with AHX,IJ;Afq 1. primary, - opoosior (see opoosror], -



YH~3C primary stem, root (ling.) 2. the first


fragrant, -


YH3P13U fragrant, - caaxaa

fragrance, -



sweet-smelling flowers

AHXHJIAX to smell, to emit a scent AHXHJIfAHA Anthoxanthum (bot.) AHXHJIMAJI (see aHXHJIYYH) AHXHJI MYYTAH (see aHXHa MYYTau) AHXHJIYYH fragrant, aromatic, - YH3PT aromatic (chem., etc.), - YH3PT3H perfume, scent AHXHJI IJ;3B3P neat, tidy AHXITAH first, at the beginning AHXHhI first, primary, elementary, - M3~3r­

~3XYYH elementary knowledge, basic facts, TOpMOJI 3pHH Palaeozoic era, - TYCJIaM}K first aid, - xaup first love, - X3p3r first offence

AHXHhIX the first, the first one, -

Hb the first of


1. huntsman, skilled hunter 2. hunting (adj.), oypr3~ hunting eagle, - HOXOU hunting dog

Alfq -

AHqJ[)]fA hunting AJIqHH hunter

AHqJJAfA hunting AHqJIAX to hunt, to go hunting AHbC (see AJIHpC) AHbCfA eyelid AIIIIAPAT I. apparatus, - X3p3rC3JI apparatus, equipment 2. camera, TOJIbT - reflex camera, - single-lens reflex camera, HapHuH xanscasr - (oara X3M}K33HHU -) miniature camera 3. (official) organ, aJIOaH armaparyyn official organs, official bodies

raan ~ypaHTaU TOJIbT

(Russ.) AIITEK 1. pharmacy, chemist's 2. medicine chest, first-aid kit

AP 1.1. back (n.) (anat., etc.), CaH):VIbm - the back of a chair, apaapaa anra OOJIOX [apsm

xaanraap anra

AHXAAPYYJIAX to warn, - ran AHXAAPYYJIfA warning, -

AHXHAfYH good for nothtnq, ne'er do well,

OOJIox) to go out the back way (goods sold illegitimately), - rOJI the middle of the back, - aypyy back, spine (anat.), apnaa OpXHX to leave behind one, to outdistance, OBOPryH on both sides, apaap Hb TaBHX (apaap Hb TaBb}K OBpOOC Hb roxnox] to cheat, to deceive, to take in, - xy~apraap behind, xynapraap Hb behind them, behind their backs; in its wake, § xyyxuyy~ - OBOpT MHHb ryU}K oaUJIaa the girls used to run aher me 2. back,

rear, home, .... apaacaa one behind the other, .... rap home, ~3pmHH .... rap 6yJIHHHX3H (~3pmHH XYMVYCHHH .... rap] troops' families, the families leh behind, .... r3pHHHx3H family, family members, .... nsscrsp background (picture, etc.), OBpHHH front and back, in front and behind, OBpHHH xaanra string-pulling, .... OBpHHH xaanra TaTaX to pull strings, .... TaJI back (of something); rear (mil.), .... TaJIbIH rear (ad;.), .... TaJIbIH xaaJIra tail-gate (auto.), .... THHW33 back, backwards, back home 3. north, north side, YYJIbIH .... north side of a mountain 4. northern, north, Ap Born (see 6or~), .... rasap the north, Mongolia, Ap MOHrOJI (see MOHrOJI) AP

II. pattern, lines

APAA 1. (TOM ....) molar, molar tooth, aIT .... wisdom tooth, 6ara .... pre-molar, apaaraa syyx [apaaanaa 3YYX) to have it in for, apaaasr wyJIC acrapyynass mouth-watering, apaaasr wyJIC Hb rOO1KHX to make one's mouth water 2. cogwheel, sprocket-wheel, gear-wheel, gear, XYIm .... Iow ratio, XYH~ .... 3aJIraX to put into low ratio, apaaraa ~yryH toothed wheel, cog-wheel, .... 3aJIraX to put into gear, .... canrax to put out of gear, .... COJIHX to change gear APAA.}KAB (see panao] APAAJIAX to be in line, to stand in a row APAA.JI,IJ;AX (see apaanax] APAATAH carnivore, wild beast, .... asrsran (.... repeec] wild beasts, apaarnsr ~YPCT ypnar animal style art, .... MaJIJIarq animal tamer, .... TOrJIyyJIarq performer with wild animals (circus, etc.) APAB ten, apaansr anar ~OJIOOHbI ~OPOH the worst of the worst, apaan nsrnvrsap eleventh, apaan H3r~yr33p cap November, apsaa TaBHbI uarnaa (see uarnaa], apaaa rnrcox to finish the tenth class (at school), apsan TOpOJIT decathlon, apaaa xap Hyr3JI the ten black sins (Buddh.), apsan xoep twelve, apsan xoep 1KHJI the years of the twelve-year animal cycle; a game of dominoes played especially at New Year, apsaa xoep xypyy r3~3C (see ranee]. apsaa xoepnyraap twelhh, apaan xoepnyraap cap December, apsaa xypyy nrw jack of all trades, apsan xypyy WHr M3~3X to know like the back of one's hand, apaan uaraan 6yHH the ten white virtues (Buddh.) APABrAHAX to writhe, to wriggle APABrAP (.... capanrap] ragged, untidy, dishevelled



APABT 1. tens (math.), apaarnsr nsscrap ten tugrig note, apasrasr MOHro ten mungu coin 2. unit of ten men (mil.) (hist.) APABTHbI (see apaarsra] APABTbIH decimal, ~ 0YTaPXaH decimal fraction, .... CHCTeM (.... TOITOJIQOO) decimal system APABq back (of a chair, etc.), backboard, backcloth, OPHbI .... wall-hanging behind a bed, CYY~bIH .... back of a seat APABqJIAX to shoulder, to carry on the back

APAr 1. basket for collecting dried dung, .... W333rHH dung-baskets 2. (.... HC) skeleton, framework, ~33}KHHH .... HC rib-cage APArIII backwards, back APArIIIAA (see aparur] APArIIInAX to go backwards, to retreat APAH rather, somewhat, a bit, .... 6HW hardly, not quite, .... rOJITOH half dead, only just alive, .... r31K ( XHH1K, .... qaMaH, .... qapaH, .... qapMaHH, .... qvy, ~aH) just about, only just, hardly, with difficulty, as best one can, .... ~OHryyp a bit better, .... JI just about, almost, quite, not quite, .... oop a bit different, .... q hardly, § TaHblr 3MH3JIr33C raprax apaH 60JIOOryH it is rather too early to discharge you from hospital APAfITAH hardly, only just APAHXAH just about, somehow or other, only just


I. island II. (apJIbIH rya] shah (of a cart) III. buckle, 6yCHHH .... belt-buckle




sturdiness, vigour

APAJInAX to buckle APAJITAH sturdy, vigorous APAM frame, framework (Russ. pasta] APAMHAHnAX (see pasaaanax] APAHrA

I. superfluous

tooth (horse, etc.)

II. scourge, bane APAHrA III. tower APAHrA



burial place of a shaman

APAHrATAH baneful APAHrATAX to have a superfluous tooth, to suffer from superfluous teeth {horse, etc.)

APAB,[(yrAAP tenth, .... cap October

APAHrA TaMe name of a plant of the Lily Family, described variously as Lilium tenuifolium and L. dahuricum

APAB)l{HH (see paB1KHH)

APAH,IJ;Ar bother, nuisance, trouble

APABHAHJIAX (see pasaaanax]

APAH)I{HH pure, native (metal), .... 33C native

APAB,[(AXh tenth



copper APAH3 pack (mil.) APAH3AJI YllAAH fiery red APAH3AJI Q3Q3f Phlox (bot.) APAHIDHH nature, character (see aaw, 3aH, T9pX) (Tib. rang-bzhin) APAX to represent, to act for APBAA,IJ; ten odd, ten or so, - HaCTaH xyy a boy of ten or so, - XOHOrHHH napaa ten days or so later APBAAJI)K a poisonous arthropod found in the Transaltai Gobi APBAfAHAX (see apasranax] APBAH Barley, Hordeum, Axap COpT - H. brevisubulatum (also 3ypMaH cyyJI), XaJITap - a species of barley used as a food APBAHJIfAX to spread (the fingers, etc.) APBAHx to be spread out APBAHX33P 1. name of a legendary swift racehorse 2. Arvaikheer (p.n.) APBAJI3AX to writhe, to wriggle APBAH unit of ten men (mil.) (hist.) APBACXHHX to bristle (hair) APBH abundance, plenty, - raMTaH careful, sparing, - H09Q resources, reserves APBH.D;AJI plenteousness APBH.D;AX (see apBHJKHx) APBH)KHX to grow, to increase, to become more plentiful APBH)KYYJIAJIT increase, enrichment APBIUKYYJIAX to increase, to enrich, to multiply APBHJIAX (apBHJIaH X3MH3X) to use sparingly, to save, to economize on, apBHJIaH X3MH3JIT ecomomy, frugality, apBHJIaH X3MH3JI'IT3H economical, frugal APBHH in

1. (- ~apBHH) plentiful, abundant 2. rich

APBHTAH 1. plentiful, 2. economical, frugal



APBHTAX to increase, to multiply (intrans.) APBHTfAX to increase, to multiply (trans.) APBHq (- raMq, - XHMraq) economical, thrifty APBYYJI ten together, all ten APfA 1. way, method, means, - aJKHJIJIara process, way of working, operation, TeXHOJIOrHHH - aJKHJIJIara technological process, aJI~ax (- aJI~pax, - oapar~ax, - oapax, apraa oapax xapraa rssx] to be at one's wits' end, to

be at the end of one's tether, to be desperate, - OapHJI (- nannara] practice, work methods, - OOJIOJIQoo (- OOJIOM1K) ways a nd mea ns, possibilities, - oYX>Y inevitably, with no choice, ~OM magic means, magic methods, magic, AYfI'r3H skilful, - ~3r method, practice, - }KOp recipe, - 3aM ways and means, paths, - 3yH methodology, - 3yHH methodological, - 3yHq methodologist, - MaHr way, mode, method, MeTO~ method, - MYXap~aJI bafflement, fru tration, - OHbC knack, hang, - oascsrr OJIO:. (- OJIOX) to get the knack of, to get the hang of, to manage, - caasr pretext, way out, way round, - caax xanx to find a way round (something), - caasr XaH}K TOJIOXOOC 3afIJIcXHHx to find an excuse not to pay, - CYB way, possibility, - CYB3rqJI3X (- cyHx33JI3X) to find a way, to manage, - cyHx33 trick, - Tacpax to be at one's wits' end, - yxaaa method, practice, skill, - X3JI03P methods and forms, - X3M}K33 steps, measures, - X3M}K33 aaax to take steps, xspsrnyvp (- x3p3rC3JI) means, facility, xanaap capabilities, - qa~aJITaH capable, xapra ways and means, - WHp3r method, device, ruse, - 3B knack, hang, - 3BHHr OJIOX to get the hang of, - HByyJIJIara steps, measures, manoeuvres, - snax to be desperate, to be at one's wits' end, to lack hope, - H~caH a desperate measure 2. (- oaaw, - oawHp, 3aJIb) trick, ruse, cunning, - OaqHT cunning, M3X trick, ruse, cunning; throw, trick (in wrestling), apran opox to get taken in, - caMoaa scheme, stratagem 3. male, major (mus.), solar (cf. OHJIHr), - OHJIHr male and female principles, complementary opposites, wisdom and method (Buddh.), yin and yang, - OHJIHr XOCJIyyJICaH enre paired male and female colours, aprsm TOOJIOJI solar calendar, 3rWHr major, COJIb - 3rWHr G major APfAAX to tan, - OO~HC tannin APfAfYH 1.i. inevitable, unavoidable, necessary, - XaMraaJIaJIT necessary defence (jur.), apraryHH 3PX3~ unovoidoblv, forced by circumstance ii. of course, § 3H3 qHHb - naturally 2. unable to, without the means of, oaHX CYYXbIH - xanyya too hot for anything, oa~aJI an impossible situation, § nasrap, xasrap OMCOXOOC OBOJI OMCOX - oaHHa they can be worn in autumn and spring, but no way in winter 3. very, absolutely, - 30B absolutely right, too true APfArYfm3X to be compelled (to), to have no other way than (to) APfMAHrYH coaxing (adi-) APfMAX to coax, to cajole, to wheedle, to talk into, apranaac 9XOOP~ox to make up to, apranaa xyypax to inveigle,.to trick


APrAH I. ankle-bone of a large beast, yxPHHH -- ankle-bone of an ox

II. orthoclase feldspar III. concrete APrAJI I. dried cow dung (as used for fuel),



yxpHHH -- dried cowpats, -- TYYX to gather dung (for fuel) APrAJI

II. (see Aprans]

(see apranax]

APrAJIqHH collector of dried dung (for fuel) APrAJI IIIAPrAJI

(see urapran] Zygophyllun Potaninii (bot.)

APrAJIb 1. (-- yrans] Wild Sheep, Ovis ammon 2. female of the wild sheep (see YraJI3 I.) APrAMAr thoroughbred, -- MOpb a fine horse APrAM)l{ rope, tether APrAM)l{AA tether, apraeosaaasr MO,Ll tetherpost APrAM)l{AATAH tethered, moored APrAM)l{HX to tie up, to tether (a horse), to moor (a boat), to anchor (a trap) APrAM)l{JIAX to tie, to tether APrATAH 1. cunning, sly, resourceful ing, ingratiating



APrAX 1. to get dry, to feel dry, aM XaTaJK -- to have a dry mouth 2. (Hy,Ll -- ) to have a sharp pain in the eyes APrAQAAX to manage, to get by, to make do, to make shitt, to fix, to wangle, § ~aH TaMXHHr HaJK aprauaaac oaHCHblr ,Llyp,Ll'bH let me tell how we managed for tea and tobacco APrAqJIAJI methods, methodology APrAqjJAX to do methodically APrHJI 1. big, large bass voice, bass



(mus.), -- XOOJIOH

APrHJIAX [apranaa xassraanax. apranaa xHMr~ax) to take care of, to look aher APrHX to age, to get senile APrYH

1. Woundwort, Stachys 2. Gnaphalium

APrYY dry, hard, stale APrYYH

-- MHHb behind me AP,IJ;AA



behind, back home

behind one,

apnaa OpXHX to leave behind (in a race, etc.), § acapaa JKHJIHHr -- OpXHJK won't see sixty AP,IJ;Ar (-- spnar] unbroken, fiery AP,IJ;AH

Astragalus dahuricus (bot.)

APMq popular, democratic, -- xaaap national character (Russ. aaponaocrs] AP,IJ;qHJIAJI

1. democracy 2.


AP,IJ;qHJIAX to democratize

APrAJIIIIrYH unmanageable APrAJIbIH YH,IJ; (see XOTHp)

AP,II; II. behind, lIIHP33HHH -- behind the table,


APrAJIAX [apranac xapranax] to manage, to wangle, to fix, to contrive, § qaMaHr aJIOaHaaC apranac Y3H3 I'll try and wangle you out of duty APrAJICXHHx


(see apryy)

AP,IJ; I. people, the people, -- apraa citizens, -HHHT the public, the nation, -- HHHTHHH general, public, nation-wide, -- OJIOH people, the public, -- TYM3H people, the masses

AP,IJ;qHJICAH democratic, -- ec democracy, -HaM Democratic Party (USA), -- T9BJI9H Y,LlHP,Llax ec democratic centralism, -- yJIC democratic country AP,IJ;bIH people's, popular, democratic, folk (ad(), -- asraa 30XHOJI popular oral literature, -ap,LlqHJICaH OpOH (-- ap)J;qHJICaH ync] people's democracy, -- OHJI3r (-- OHJI3r 3yii) folklore, -OHJI3r 3yiiq folklorist, AP)J;bIH ,IJ;enyTaTYY)J;bIH Xypan (see xypan ), --lIYY folk-song, -- sacar (-3aCrHHH rasap] people's government, AP)J;bIH Hx Xypan (see xypan 2.), -- H9XOpJIOJI (HHHrMHHH X3B >KypMblr xasrraanax -H9XOPJIOJI) People's Associations (for defendi ng public order), -- T9JI99JIOrq people's assessor (jur.), -- yJIr3p folk-tale, folk-story, -- 3MH3JI3r folk-medicine, -- 3pXT democratic AP3 a spirit twice distilled, a spirit distilled from apxa, § WHMHHH apxaar H3PJK apxa rapranar, YYHHHr -- ransr milk spirit is distilled and a spirit produced; this is called -AP3AHJIrAX 1. to roughen up 2. [apsaanraa Oap3aHJIrax) to let (the hair) bristle, to let (the hair) be. shaggy AP3AHx 1. (ap3aHJK oap3aHx, ap3aHH capaaax, ap3aHJK capaanx. apaatiu C3pHHX) to bristle, to be uneven, to stick out 2. to feel shivery, to have gooseflesh AP3AJI3AX

(see apsranax] (see apsaax]


AP3rAH rough, coarse, uneven, jagged AP3rAHAX 1. to teem, to swa rm 2. to get gooseflesh, to feel uneasy

I. (-- oap3rap) (see apsraa] AP3rAP II. Bur-Reed, Sparganium APHB (see apsa] AP3rAP

APHr fresh, pure, clear, -- Hyyp freshwater lake, -- ~3Hr3r yc fresh water



APHYTfAX 1. [apayrraa ~3B3PJI3X) to clean

APHf fAMfYH wasteful, uneconomical, careless

APHf fAMTAH [apar xHMraTaA) economical, careful


APHfJIAX to save, to spare APHITAH economical, careful APJrrq (- XHMraq) (see apHITaA)

APJIAnT backing (of a composite bow using sinews)

APHJIAJIT disappearance APHJIAX 1. to disappear, to vanish, to clear off, to make oneself scarce 2. to be purified, apHJICaH ~OTOPTOA carefree, indifferent, apHJICaH OpOH (see TarwHH) 3. to clear, to clear up (rain, etc.)

APHllfAX to get rid of, to sweep away, to remove, to eliminate, to rub out, to clear (a reading, etc.)

APHM sword (Jib. ral-gri) APHll}I{AA I. (- HaAMaa) barter, trade APHll}I{AA II. change from one gait to another (horse)

APHJI)KAAJJAX to trade, to deal in APHJI}l{AAHbI commercial APHJI)KHX to exchange, to change, to barter APHllmfYH irredeemable, indelible APHYAAX to be purified APHYllAX to purify APHYH 1. (- narnran, - HaImHH) pure, sacred, noble, holy, - rancar lovely, - TYHraJIar honest, noble; clear, - uaraan (- IIIYApara) honest, noble, - urvrssn holy places 2. clean, pure, - Q3BPHHH hygienic, sanitary, - ~3BPHHH oa~aJI hygiene, cleanliness, - ~3BPHHH mrP3M rules of hygiene, - ~3BPHHH HOXOpJIOJI public health group (local first-aid and health organization), - ~3BPHHH epee toilet, WC, ~3BPHHH X3p3rJI3JI sanitary towel, - ~3BPHHH 3pryyJI public health patrol (active in factories, co-operatives, state farms, etc.), - ~3B3P hygiene, cleanliness, XyBHHH - ~3B3P personal hygiene, - Q3B3pq hygienic, - Q3B3pq OaHAaJI hygiene

APHYCAn cleansing, purification APHYHCAX to get clean, to get pure APHYCfAX to clean up, C3Tr3JI - to purify one's mind

APllAH TAPllAH (see TapJIaH) APJIAX I. to go along the north side (of something)

APJIAX II. to back, 3Y3aaH oaH3aap - to back with a thick board

APMAr I. (- TapMar, - rapyy] scattered, sparse, patchy, - TapMar caxan a sparse moustache, - rapssar yprax to grow patchily APMAr II. framework (Bur.) APMATYP steel framework (of a building) (Russ.) APMATYPqHH steel erector, spiderman army, MOHrOJIbIH AP~bIH - the Mongolian People's Army, apMHHH renepan General of the Army (Russ.)


APCAHX (apCaH)K 6apcaHx) to bristle, to go all over the place

APC.AJI)l;AX to stick out in all directions APCfAP (- 6apcrap, - capcrap] rough, sticking out allover

APCllAH 1. Lion 2. title given to a champion wrestler



Mammoth, -




APCllAH THB Ceylon (hist.) APTAH patterned, lined APTAX to be lined, to be rippled APTEllb croft co-operative (Russ.) APTEPH [aprepaaa cynac] artery, aprepHHH QYc arterial blood (Russ.) APTHllllEPH artillery, 3eHHTHHH - onti-circroh artillery, apTHJIJIepHHH Q3p3r gunners (Russ.) APYY TAPYY sparse, dispersed, scattered APYYXAH 1. sharp, bright, intelligent 2. (3YC -, oare 3YC -) attractive, good-looking AP-YP Myrobalan (bot.) APXAr I. big, huge, massive, - 3Y3aaH oHenH massive, hulking

APHYTfAfq (- 60~HC) disinfectant APHYTfAJI 1. (- ycrran, - ~3B3pJI3r33) cleaning, disinfection, decontamination tion

up, to cleanse, to purify, to treat, to disinfect, uyr3JI XHJI3H~33 - to purge one's sins, C3Tr3JI33 - to purify one's mind, - OpOH Purgatory 2. [apayrraa myyx) to read or check copy for xylography, apayrran myyrq copy reader

2. steriliza-

APXAr 11.1. (- xyyq) chronic illness, - cyycan (TOITCOH) chronic, chronically 2. chronic, chronically, - apXHqHH chronic alcoholic, - OBqHH chronic illness, - OBqnH chronically ill


APXAfillHJI chronicity


APXAfillHX to become chronic APXAfillCAH chronic, criminal




APXA,IJ; 1.1. Arhat, Buddhist saint, enlightened one


apostle (Christian)

APXA,IJ; II. leather sack for kumis APXAHx to be bulky, to be unwieldy, apxalbK napxaax to be in disorder, to be higgledypiggledy APXEOJIOrtI archaeologist APXH spirits, drink, strong drink, alcohol, }KHMCHHH - wine, fruit-wine, CYYHHH [rorooasr -, WHMHHH -) spirits distilled from milk, xap - hard spirits, uaraaa -vodko. -Aapc drink, alcoholic beverage, apXHHbI JIVY (apXHHbI xeaer] heavy drinker, wine-bibber, H3P3X to distil (milk) spirits, apXHHA opox to take to drink, - onre women and wine, - casaaacaa 6ycAblr AHHJIH3 drink gets the better of anyone but its bottle, apXHHbI ye the stage during distillation at which the second-best spirits are taken off, usually at three to six changes of water in the }KaJIaBq (see OXHHH ye), - yHJIAB3PJI3rqH,D; moonsh iners APXHAr rough, broken (land) APXHB archive


APXHBHHH archival, - 6apHMT 6HqHr archival documents APXHBJIAX to file

APQAIIIrYH indisputable

AP~ self-reliance, resourcefulness, apxaaraa annax to be unable to stand on one's own two feet, - M}'YTaH (see apqaaryH) APqAAITH 1. helpless, weak careless, feckless


(aMHHAaa -)

APtIAArym3X to be helpless

AP~TAH resourceful, aMHHAaa - independent, self-sufficient APqrAP wrinkled, furrowed APqrYH

(see apqaaryH)

APqIfHx to be wrinkled, to be furrowed APqIfJIrAA


looking-after, MaJIblli


xannaraa animal husbandry, TeXHHKHHH yHJIqHJIr33 service (auto.), yean - hydrotherapy, - cYBHJIraa nursing, - TOPAJIOrO care, cultivation APqHJIT wiping, rubbing APqHX to wipe, to wipe off, to rub, to rub up, to polish APqjJAX [apxnaa CYBHJIax, apxnaa TOPAOX) to look after, to take care of, apxnan MaJIJIaX to care for (livestock), apxnaa xaxraanax to protect, to look after, to care for, apxnaa X3p3rJI3X to use with care APIII hermit (Skr.) APIIIAAH holy water (Skr.)

APXHBq archivist APXHrYH non-alcoholic, dry, § 6aHp eCJIOJI. XypHM HaHp - XHHX to hold dry celebrations and wedding feasts

APillAAHTAX to have the pox APillHHH HYMPrA Cactus

AP~AX to quarrel, to wrangle

APbC 1. skin, }KHHX3H3 - dermis, apscan ~OOPXH subcutaneous, apscaa nooryyp [apscaa AOP) subcutaneously, - HOXOX 3aCaJI skin-grafting, apscasr OBqHH skin disease, apscasr OHrOH xepc epidermis, - OHrOHHH venereal, - OHrOHHH OBqHH venereal disease, - OHrOHHH 3Mq venereologist, - CYAJIaJI dermatology, - WHp skins and hides, - HC 60JICOH nothing but skin and bones, § WHPA H3r uacaaac A33W 60JI MaJIblli apscsrr opyynna, xapan H3r nacaaac ~OOWHX MaJIbIHXblr apse r3H3 the skins of beasts more than one year old count as hides; those of beasts less than one year old are called skins 2. (- oare] race, apscnsr eareep ranyypxax [apscasr eareop anrasapnax, apscasr onreep HJIraH ranyypxax HBAaJI, apscnsr oaraep HJIraBapJIaH ranyypxax Y33JI) racial discrimination, apscnsr Y33JI racism, apscasr Y33JIT ~3rJI3M racist regime, Y33JIT3H racist (n.), - YHA3CHHH anraa racial and national difference


APbCAPXAf leathery

APXHMJIT alcoholism

AP~AX to drink, to booze, apXHAaH corryypars drunkard, apxanan corryypanr drunkenness, apxanan corryypax to get drunk, to be drunk, apxanan corryypax HB~aJI drunkenness, alcoholism APXHJIAr alcoholic, - yanaa alcoholic drink APXHPAX to growl, to snarl APXIITEKTOP architect


APXIfq drunkard, drinker, alcoholic, boozer, apxar - chronic alcoholic APXHqIfH (see apxax]

J. communis, XOHHH - J. sabina, J. pseudosabina, BMaaH - J. sibitico

APQ Juniper, Juniperus,

AP~AAH (- MapraaH) quarrel, dispute AP~Arq opponent

(see apuannax]



showing 3. to burn 4. to start (car, etc.) ACfA (- xan] scree, talus

APbCJIAT (see apscapxar] APbCJIHf (see apscapxar]

ACfAJIAX to keep spilling ACfAP puddles by a well

APbCTAC dermatitis APbRABAJI Aryabala

ACfMAX to suffer from acar

(epithet of XOHWHM)

(Buddh.) (Skr.)

ACfAPAJIT spilling, spillage ACfAPAX to pour, to pour out, to be shed ACfAPfA placer deposit (geol.)

APbIH rear (adj.) - xaanraap "through the back door", by pulling strings, - xaanranax to let in "by the back door"

ACfAPYYJIAX to pour out, to shed, shed blood

APbIH XYP33 Urga (p.n.)

ACfAT rocky

ACAAfYYP 1. switch (elec.), - napax to press a switch, acaaryypsra opoosror ignition-coil, coil, acaaryypsra CHCTeM ignition system 2. cigarette-lighter, lighter, XHHH - gas lighter 3. starter

ACfAX to spill, to pour, to let out

ACAAJIfAATAH burning, alight

ACMAH crude

ACAAJIT ignition ACAAJITIAH switched-on, running ACAAJITbIH ignition (adj.) (mech.), - oaHryyJIaJIT (- CHCTeM) ignition system, - oapHYJI starting handle, - TYJIXyyp ignition key, - TYPYYJI3JIT advancing the ignition ACAACTAH burning, alight, on ACAAX 1.1. to light, naa - to light a candle, -ryHM3P - to start a fire 2. to start (a car, etc.), - TYJIXYYp ignition key, - X9~aJIryyp starting motor 3. to switch on ACAAX II. to dress, to put on (resp.), § HOMbIH OYP3H xysucsrr TYYHHH urapann acaaac dressing his remains in full religious dress ACAf accumulation of blood and serum in the feet of ca mels resuIting in lameness ACAMTfAH flammable, inflammable ACAH ACAP long

1. was, were 2. former 3. late I. very, extremely, - Y~aJIryH before very

ACAP 11.1. rectangular cloth tent, marquee, pavilion, OHTYY - cloth tent with walls, 3a~raH cloth tent without walls 2. gatehouse, roof over a gate ACAP IiACAP XOEP HOXOH Asar and Basar (names given to a pair of dogs in Mongolian folk-tales) ACAPfAA (- CYBHJIraa) care, nursing, looking aher ACAPJIAX to set up (a tent) ACAX 1.1. [aca asnpax] to climb, MO~OH~ - to climb a tree 2. to stick (to), to cling (to) ACAX 11.1. to catch fire, to ignite, to start burning 2. to light up, to come on, to be on, § ynaan r3p3JI ~OXHO accaa ye~ when the red light is

nyc - to

ACMAJI climbing (plant) ACMAJI}I{HH diorite

1. cryptorchid

(animal) 2. uneducated,

ACPAN nursing auxiliary ACPAJI care, protection ACPAJIT kind, caring ACPAM}I{ care, protection, YJICbIH aCpaM1KH~ aaax to take into state care, aCpaM1KHHH rasap home, institution, - CYBHJIraa care, nursing, xasrraananr care and protection ACPAM}I{JIAN guardian (jur.) ACPAMIKllAX 1. to take care of, to care for, to look aher 2. to act as guardian (jur.) ACPAHfYH kind, caring ACPAX [acpaa T3Tr3X) to look aher, to take care of, to care for, OHe3 - to take care of oneself, acpaa CYBHJIaX to tend, to nurse, to look aher, - cypryyns orphanage, acpan xassraanara guardian, acpaa xasrraanax to act as guardian (jur.), acpaa XyMyy1KyyJI3X to bring up ACPYYYJIArlI inmate of a home or institution ACCAMIiJIEH assembly (Russ.) ACYPA asura (one of the six states of rebirth)

(Buddh.) (Skr.) ACYY,IJ;AJI question, rOJI rornoo - key question, key issue, aCYYMbIH rornoo the nub of the matter, - TaBHX to put a question, to ask ACYY,IJ;JIAAPXH on the question of ACYYJIfA questioning ACYYJIT question, HJITr3NHHH - (HPYY -) rhetorical question, - TaBHX to put a question, to ask, --xapHyJITbIH 1KypMaap in question and answer form, aCYYJITbIH T3M~3r question mark ACYYX to ask, aCYY1K JIaBJIaX to enquire, HYPYY HC bones at the meeting of spine and sacrum, - aryyJI03p interrogative sentence, yr interrogative word

ACAJIhTllAX to asphalt ACXAH evening (west Mongol) AT [araa T3M33) camel gelding in and aher the fihh year, ryUllM3JI HaCTaH araa T3M33 fully grown camel gelding

ATAA (- .>KOTOO, - Ha~aHryH, - naparnar] envy, jealousy

ATAAPXAJI (see araa] ATAAPXAM enviable ATAAPXAHrYH envious, jealous ATAAPXAX [araapxaa .>KOTOOpXOX) to envy, to be envious, § T3A3M - to be envious of them ATAAPXMAAP enviable ATAAPXYY envious, jealous ATAA TABAH T3Hr3P name of a pre-Iamaist god or group of gods believed to protect horses

ATAATAH envious person, jealous person, enemy ATAAXAH Shrew, 50 rex, Beeper - Largetoothed Shrew,S. daphaenodon, Ilaaraa loxrncnn's Shrew,S. caecutiens, 90ACOH LeastSiberian Shrew,S. minutissimus, Tasurrap - Flat-skulled Shrew,S. vir, X3BJIYYH Common Shrew,S. araneus

ATAAq envious ATABq ring for securing the stirrup on a camel saddle

ATAK attack, scpsr - counter-attack (mil.) (Russ.) ATAKllArq attacking, assault (adj.), - HBraH uapsr assault infantry ATAKJIAX (aTaKJIaH AaHpax) to attack ATAJI while, though ATAMAH boss of a gang (Russ.) ATAMA~

to run a gang

AT~P young camel gelding

ATAP 1. virgin (adj.), - rasap virgin land, raspsrr 333MWHX to reclaim virgin land, to bring virgin land under the plough, - OHrOH free, wild 2. untrodden, - OBC untrodden gras ATAP,II;YY uncultivated, uncultured ATAP}KHX 1. to revert to a wild state, arapaccaa rasap land which has long lain fallow 2. to get rusty, to get out of practice

ATAP}KYYllAX (aTap.>KYYJIaH xasx] to allow (land) to revert to a wild state

ATAP CYYPh flocks, flocks and herds (Russ. orapa] ATAPqHH virgin-lands worker ATAPIIIHX (see arapacax] ATAPIIIYYllAX (see aTap.>KYYJIax) ATfA (- qHMX) 1. handful 2. hold, grasp, grip

29 3. a


measure taken across the clenched fist, -

3pXHH Iistrnele. a measure comprising the fist and raised thumb

ATfAAJI (- qOMor) humerus, upper arm, arraansm A33A t5y.1IYY head of the humerus ATfAAJI}KHH XAP MAHfAC a name of the ogre in Mongolian epics

ATfAr 1. hidden, veiled, concealed, - caaaa ulterior motive

2. jealous, suspicious

ATfAJIAX to keep grasping ATfAJIT grasp, grip ATfAX 1. to grasp 2. to clench, arracaa rap clenched fist

ATrYYllAX to hand over, to pass over, to put into [sorneone's] hand

ATHfAHAX to wriggle, to fidget ATHfAP short, undersized, dwarfish ATHr,II;AAXAH Dwarf jerboo. 5alpingotus, Cardiocranius, K03JIOBbIH - 5. Kozlovi, 90XOH CyyJIT - Three-toed dwarf Jerboa, 5. crassicauda, TaBaH XYPYYT - Five-toed dwarf jerboo. C. paradoxus ATHHJIrAX to draw up, to draw in, XOJIOO - to draw up one's legs

ATHHX 1. to draw up, to contract, XOJIOO - to draw up the legs

2. to

be drawn up

ATHPAA crease, fold, wrinkle, crinkle, - OOJICOH MarHaH wrinkled brow ATHPAAJDKHllT folding ATHPAAT wrinkled, creased, folded ATHPAATAX to be wrinkled ATHPAJI,II;AX to be creased up ATHPAX 1. (arnpq ypqHHX) to wrinkle 2. to coil

(intrans.) ATHPYYllAX 1. to wrinkle (trans.), xesrcree to knit one's brow 2. to draw up, to draw in, up, to curl up

ye MOqOO - to draw up one's limbs ATJIAA (see aTaJI) , rnHM - yet, however ATJIAfA curved blade adze ATnETHK athletics, XOHrOH - field and track events, XyHA - heavy athletics (weight-lihing,

etc.) (Russ.) ATOM atom, T3M~3IT - radioactive tracer, aTOMbIH oOMoor atomic bomb, - .>KHH atomic weight, aTOMbIH syyx nuclear reactor (Russ. arosrasra KOTen) , - cypraan atom ic theory ATPAX to bring ATPHA (see arnpaa) ATPHA}KHX to fold, to become folded (geol.)



AXHMAr,II;AX to be too old AXHMAr,II;YY elderly, aacaap - getting on in years

ATPHAT (see arapaar]

AXHH again, - ~aXHH again and again

ATPHATAX (see arapaarax]

AXHPAJI,IJ;AX to make a row, to row

ATPHAllIHJIT folding (geol.)

AXHY more, extra

ATIECTAT certificate (Russ.)

AXHYJIAJIT advancement, promotion, upgrading

ATIECTA~HJIAJI certification ATIECTA~HJIAX to certify ATYrAH 1. however, whatever, 6ara q - however small, HMap q - whatever happens, anyway, np q - and what is more 2. let alone, not to speak of

AyrAA (- HX) immense, mighty, great APHK Africa, A4lPHKHHH 3B3P Horn of Africa AX 1. elder brother, - ~yy [axan ~yyc) brothers, siblings, - ~yy OJIOH apn TYM3H fraternal masses, - ~yyrHHH (- ~yy eCHHH, - ~YYJI3r, ~yyc3r) fraternal 2. senior, elder, 33p3r - senior in rank, - sax (- HX3C) older people, seniors, - saxaa anaax to be undisciplined, to be uncontrolled, - aaxx respectful, - 3aXbIH ec principle of seniority, - aax raapyy undisciplined, uncontrolled AXAH lady

I. lady of rank,

title of address to an elderly

AXAiIII. O.K., right! AXAlITAH (see axaH I.) AXAP (- 6orHHo) 1. short, - 60mHO xyrauaa a short space of time, - HOOC [axpsra HOOC) short wool, wool from the second shearing, - cyyJI coccyx, - cyyJI ~33P Hb xyrraa xyranax to be pipped at the post 2. short wool, wool from the second shearing, - ypr wool from the first and second shearings AXAPAAX to be too short

AXAPJIAJIT second shearing AXAPllAX 1. to shear for the second time, to shear the short autumn wool 2. to shorten, to cut AXAPXAH pretty short, .. 60~OJITOH sighted, lacking vision


AXHYllAX to advance, to raise, to increase, to push forward, HOPMbIr - to raise the norm, to raise the standard AXHYXAH pretty good, well up, rather more AXHX to advance, to go forward, Hac" to get older, Hac aXHX~ (Hac - TYTaM) with advancing years, UOJI - to get a higher title (wrestling) AXHIJ; (- ~9X9~, - ~3BWHJI) progress, advance, advancement AXHIJ;rYH bad, unsuccessful AXHIJ;TAH successful AXJIAflI 1. foreman, chief, captain (sport), CyypHHH - boss of a camp", ••• axnar-rraa 6ar team captained by ... 2. company sergeant major (mil.) 3. leader (of a group) /I

AXJIAJI seniority AXJIAX 1. to head, to be in charge 2. senior, leading, .. aura senior class, .. aHrHHH cyparsan senior pupils, - 3aXJIax xyMyyC seniors, superiors, - Tan the left-hand team in wrestling (cf. ynaanax], .. ~OJITOH superior in rank (mil..)(cf. 6ara ~OJITOH) 3. aXaJDK XYHAJI3X to respect (one's seniors) AXMA,IJ; 1. senior, elder, older, 33pr33p - senior in rank, - 6yypJIYY~ old people, senior citizens, .. HaCHbI XyH older person, elders, - ye the older generation, - xYMYYc seniors 2. captain (army, police, ship, etc.) AXYH 1. to be, XYYX3~ .. Hac childhood years 2. life, living, existence, being, - aMb~pan life, .. aMb~panbIH H9X~9JI living conditions, 6a~an way of life, living conditions, situation, - H9~9n conditions, X9~9JIM9PHHH .. H9X~9JI working conditions

AXHA,IJ; (see axan]

AXYHH domestic, home (adj.), - r3MT3JI accident in the home, - coen (- COeJI}K}fJIT) amenities of life, cultured living, - yHJIQHJIr33 services, amenities, - yiiJIQHJIr33HHH nyyc public service industry, - yiiJIQHJIr33HHH Tacanraa amenities room (for ironing, haircutting, boot and clothes repairing, etc.) (mil.), - yHJI'tIHJIr33HHH YWlp~ax rasap ervices office, .. yiiJIQHJIr33HHH usr services point, - xaarasox domestic services (gas, electricity, etc.)

AXlDK (see aXHH)


AXHMAr (- HaCTaH, - nacasr) elderly

AXYYHA Diver, Gavia

AXAC elders, older persons, - HX3C the older generation AXAC YXACXHHX to bow and scrape A.X)l;AX to be too much for one, to be beyond one's powers, to be more than one can manage, XyqH~33 axancaa naanrasap a task beyond one's capacities A.X)l;YY excessive, too much for one

AXlffiAX (N ~yyqJl3X) to respect older people


AQ 1. fork 2. (N caaan] dilemma, auaa HHHJl3X to arbitrate, auaa uranaaan OPOX [auan uranaann cyyx) to be in a dilemma, to be in two minds, to be in a dither, § raman oioyraa JI



uranaaan cyyx





if that wretched student hadn't told me, I wouldn't be all of a dither here, would I? B3

A[(Ar I. (see wy~ 4.) A[(Ar II. (N


pay, payment, fee, wage

A ~AJIT (see axaanan] AlJAAJIAJI1TAH load-bearing A~ to load, to load up A~P thanks to,


A~TAH loaded,

thanks to this, as a





AqHN loader, baggage-handler

AQAT forked

AqHJIrA (see axnara]


AqHJIT loading

AQJIAX to fork, to form a fork

AqJlHQAP great-grandchild (child of ax]

~PAX to bring

AqHP ~33P33 actually, as a matter of fact

AQTAH (see auar] AqrYPYY Canary-Grass, Pha/oris (bot.): HHWHHr3~YY Reed Canary-Grass, P. arund,N

nacea A q 1.1. grandchild, grandson, granddaughter, great-grandson, (son's child, cf. 333), aryn grandchildren and great-grandchildren, posterity, yp descendant, posterity, XO~YYH (N xyy) grandson; nephew 2. nephew, niece (on the male side) N




AqHT kind, benevolent A qJlX 1. to load, to load up, to take on board, r3p33 to load up one's tent (for a move), axaac T33B3PJl3X to transport 2. name of a type of cross-buttock throw in wrestling N

AlffiArA (N YHaJIra) transport, N axax to load up, axnarsnr T3M33 baggage camel



11.1. kindness, goodness, benevolence, oaqaap xapaynax to repay good with evil, OyHH kindness, benefits, oyHHTaH benefactor, ~3M help, support, HB33J1 favour, kindness, HB33J1T3H kind, beneficent, HOJlOO influence, effort, TYC benefit; a kindness, opCOMOOHHH TYC the benefits of competition, TYcaap thanks to, TYCblr.xypr3~ to do a kindness, N TYCTaH useful, beneficial; kind, benevolent, xapaynax to repay a kindness, xonoornon significance, importance, xOJlOOr~OJlTOH significant, important 2. (N rassaa] merit, rassaaraap thanks to 3. reward 4. (N yp) result, N yp33p thanks to, as a result of aqHHr













A~ 1. load,

payload, ~aM1KHH N) through freight, oapaa freight, load, axaaasr MaWHH [axaaasr aBTO MaWHH, axaaasr T3p3r) lorry, truck (Amer.), T33B3PJl3J1T freight transport, XYJl33H asax sanan load-bearing capacity, 3pr3J1T freight turnover 2. (N xecer] transport, carts, N T33B3P (N T33B3PJl3J1T) transport, N T33W baggage


A lffiAJI 1. filial respect, dutifulness 2. benevolence A tIJIAJIrYH undutiful AlffiAJIT dutiful AlffiAJIT HOM Xiaojing (Classic of Filial Piety)










A~rAAX to be loaded,


AlffiAJITAH dutiful, 3Q3r towards one's parents



to be over-

1. load, weight, loading, aBTOMaWHHbI T3HXJl3IT oaornox N vehicle axle weight, OYP3H axaananraa aacannax to work at full capacity, X3T axaananraa overloaded



AlffiAX to requite, to return a favour A qMAr saddle-bag A~AH (N


kind, benevolent

A~AH benefactor

Aq TAq to a draw, to a dead heat AIllrYH fortunately, by good luck, a good thing!, what luck!


~33 what

AIII,Il;bIH eternal, lasting for ever AIllHr I. ( XOH1KHJI,







profit, gain,





profit and loss, XYBHHH aasuraaa private profit, N aasuraaa 3P3rlJ (N XOH.>KOO XaHrlJ) profiteer, opJloro income, takings; profit, 0PJlOrbIH raraap income tax, Noreoac (N YHa~) yield, COHHpXOJl interests, TYC benefit, usefulness, utility; interests, TYCTaH useful, yaaxaap profitable, XOH.>KOOHbI profiteering, profit-making, XYBaapHJlaJIT distribution of profits, N WHM yield, productivity, N WHMT (N WHMT3H) productive, OHAOp WHMT yx3p cvpsr high-yielding herds of cows, aWrHHH WHM1T3J1 income deduction N






loaded A~

2. pressure, stress, strain, burden, HYPYY XOJIHHH axaanan strain on the back and legs

result of this

A[(ArJIAX to pay a stand-in









ensure safety, - OOJIOX to make safe, Security Council

AlIIHf II. growth, lump, tumour AlIIHITYH unprofitable, useless, no use, pointless

AlIIHfJIAAHbI .pragmatic, -



AlIIHfJIAflI embezzler AlIIHfJIAJI


AIOYJIT dangerous, dreadful, terrible, terrifying, - OBQHH

r3MT X3p3r

2. embezzlethe crime of

AlIIHfJIAJIT use, exploitation, operation, uar -

dangerous disease

AlOYJITAH (see aIOYJIT) AlOYJIXAH pit of the stomach, epigastrium AlOYJIbIH pretty good, all right, smashing, XOOpXOH

use, exploitation

ment, aWHrJIaJIbIH embezzlement





a really charming girl

AlOYMlliHfITH (see aHMwHrryH) AlOYMlliHITAH (see aHMWHIT) AlOYX (see aHx)

use of time, aWHrJIaJITaH,n; opox to go into operation, to go into use, to be commissioned,

AlOYlli IiYPXAH the Buddha Ayushi (the "god

aWHrJIaJITaH,n; opyynax (awHrJIaJITaH,n; erex]

MI 1.1. (-

to put into operation, to put into use, to commission

AllIHfJIAX 1. to make use of, to exploit, saasap directions for use, operational instructions, - xyrauaa product life 2. [aunrrnaa 3aBWHX, aWHrJIaH urasrurarnyynax] to embezzle, aWHrJIaH urasnnarnyynar-r embezzler

AlIIHfJIAXYHQ exploitable, X3M1K33r33p


in quantities suitable for industrial

AaH, - xer] tune, melody, AYYHbI -melody of a song, OHOOT -leitmotiv, wyJIr3H,n; - XHHX to set a poem to music, - aanryy tune, - AaH tune, tone, accent, - ,n;aHryH tuneless, AYY tune, song, - opyynax to set to music, TaTax to play a tune, - XOr1KHM music, XOr1KHM oapHx to make music 2. song, - oapHx to sing a song, -,n;yy song, tune

MIll. situation, circumstances, trend, tone, mood, eaJIXHHbI

asap with the wind, in the wind, -

raa chance, opening, possibility, aasrr naax to


AlIIHIT useful, profitable, -

a1KHJIJIaraa effi- MaJITMaJI minerals, deposits, ypraxan useful plants, - yHJIHHH HJITr3JI~YYP coefficient of efficiency


AlIIHITAH profitable, advantageous, beneficial, useful, - xypn economic speed AlIIH,IJ; for ever, always, - MOHXHHH eternal, everlasting

AlIIJIAX to relax, to sit at ease AlIIJIYY relaxing, taking a rest AlIITAH nice, a good thing, lOYD

of long life")

- B3

what a

good thing

AlOYJI (- xop, -

XOHOOJI) danger, peril, disaster, threat, OaHraJIHHH - (oaHraJIHHH r3H3THHH -) natural disaster, r3H3THHH - calamity, emergency, - rasnnar disaster, peril, misfortune, 3aHaJI threat, - 3aHaJI yspyynax to pose a accident, disaster, 3aM threat, - oeOJI T33BpHHH - oeOJI traffic accident, - oeOJI rapcaa rasap scene of an accident, - OeOJIryH a1KHJIJIax apra safe worki ng practices, - oconn H3pB3r,n;C3H xyMyye accident casualties, aioynn yxpax to run into danger, to have an accident, atoynaac xasrraanax XYQHHHX3H security forces, alOYJIbIH xapaara ,n;3M3X to sound the alarm, - xvprsx to endanger, alOyJI,n; XYP3X to run a risk, to run the risk (of), xerupex alOyJIA XYP3X to run the risk of goi ng mouldy

AlOYJIfYH safe, harmless, not dangerous, OaHAaJI security, safety, - oaH,n;JIblr xanrax to

stand up to, to stand the test of, rapsm assrr

naax to stand up to it, to last out, 3aMbIH aasrr naax, to stand the journey, - narax to yield to, to follow, to go along with, - 3aH nature, disposition, - 30H,n; Hb in one's own time, as one wishes, - 3yHr33 OJIOX to manage, xepurT3Hroo - 3yHr33 OJIOJI~OX to get along with the neighbours, - HHHJI3M1KT3H congenial, - Hb TaapBaJI all being well, if all goes well, - Hb TaapeaH xepsr a matter of chance, just as it takes one, - OJIOX to deal with, to manage, IOMHbI - OJIOX to deal with things, - TaaBaap as one wishes, at one's own pace, - TaB comfort, - TaB annax to be uncomfortable, - TaBTaH comfortable, - TaJI sacax (- sacax] to play up to, to suck up to, to curry favour with, HMnePHaJIH3M,n; - TaJI sacax to suck up to imperialism, - TOXHTOH comfortable, comfy, - TYX comfort, - TYXTaH comfortable, - xer tone, mood, - WaJITar (aHH urarrrar] excuse, pretext, - 3B knack, - 3BHHr OJIOX to get along, to manage, - 3BHHr Hb OJIOX to get the hang of it, XYHT3H - 3BHHr OJIOX to get along with people

MI III. a species of wormwood (Bur.) MIA oh dear!, ohl

M1AP 1. gently, softly, quietly 2. piano (mus.), AYH,n; 33p3r -


M1APTAX to get softer, to get quieter M1APXAH 1. quite gently, quite softly, quite quietly 2. HX - pianissimo (mus.)


aaw, - apamnaa] character, - annax to go wrong, - *aHr bearing, manner

ABr (-

ABrA bowl, cup,

MOHrOH'- silver bowl; wooden bowl decorated with silver, Hy,QHHH - (see Hy,Q 1.), IIeTPHHH - Petri dish, asraasr axcap syyx to have something to eat, asraasr rsp case for a bowl, - epoonnox to sit a long time over tea, asraaa opox to be weaned, - cas (- TaBar) crockery, dishes, - Tarw 10M a drop of something, a drink, asraasr yyr [asraasr xasrara] pouch for a bowl, asraasr xapay O,QOpTOO arrasr xapay }KH,M33 one good turn deserves another, asraasr WHp33 cup-rack

ABrAJIAX to pour out, to pour into a cup, to serve out, ~aH XOOJIOO - to serve out the tea and food

ARfATAH a bowl of, - ~aH a bowl of tea ARfA T3X3MJIHr monk (Buddh.) ARfAq [asraxaa XYYX3H) handmaiden, maidservant

ARrllAJI behaviour MIfllAX 1. to behave 2. to play up, to put on an act

3. to


MIfVH 1. unpleasant, -

OOJI perhaps, maybe, if you don't look out, if you're not careful 2. upset, - TaBryH uncomfortable

ARfV~B3JI (see aHryH OOJI) ARfVHPX3X 1. to feel uncomfortable 2. to feel embarrassed


TaB tour operator 2. flight, international flight, ,QOTOO,Qbm domestic flight, § OM-130 nyraap - flight number OM-l 30

JKYY'IJIaJIbIH rCl.):laa,QbIH -

MIllAX I. to travel, to journey MIJIAX II. to sing, to hum ABnfA 1. intonation, accent 2. - yr (see yr 1.) MIJIfA)KYYJIAX to accent, to give an intonation

MIJIrAJIAX (see aanax II.) MIJIrYY 1. tune, melody, H3BT rapax - leitmotiv, - opyynax to set to music 2. dialect, HYITHHH -

local dialect,

XaJIX - Khalkha


MIJIrYYJIAr melodious, melodic MIJIrYYllAX to sing, to let sound MI~ to fall in with, to go along with, aHJI.QaH nararx (aH.JI.QaH narannars] yes-man, crony, hanger-on, stooge, henchman, aH.JI.QaH narax (aH.JI.QaH narannax] to gang up with, to go along with, oyc,Qblr aH.JI.QaH narannax to gang up with others, aH.JI.QaH 3BJI3P3X to go along with, not to make a stand against

MIJIYYllAX to arrange, to put in order, to clear up

AJIJIYYH nice, pleasant, agreeable

ARrVHQ3JI displeasure

MIH 1. journey,

-}KHH caravan, cartage, -

ARrVHQ3X to feel unhappy, to be upset

}KHH n3X to do caravanning, - 3aM journey,

A~ 1. to calm down, to cool off 2. to fall in with, to go along with 3. [otter the participle in x) to manage to

- 3aMbIH XYH traveller, wayfarer 2. march 3. campaign (polit., etc.), - ,QaHH campaign (mil.)





oyyJIrax to be furious, - oyyx to strike (light-

AB)l;YY gentle, soh, mild AB)l;YYJIAX to get through, §


HaH3 Hb 3Jm33

oara cara a1KHJI aH.QYYJIJK oaHH I'll finish off

some odds and ends here

AR3 piece (mus.), aascap - interlude

MI 3AHA job ARJIAr pleasant, agreeable, suitable, -


AJIH)];AA automatically, spontaneously, naturally, of itself, in the course of things, § - raHryH OOJIOX OH3 it will probably put itself right

nice and comfortable

ABJIArtI traveller, ,QaJIaHH - voyager ARllAJI 1. journey, expedition, excursion, travel, ,QaJIaHH - voyage, cancpsm - space travel, journey into space, - JKyyqJIaJI

ning), aanrsm ,Qyy thunderclap, - 3aHJIYYJIarq lightning conductor, asaran HHpryyJI3X [asaran uoxaynax] to be struck by lightning, - HHpr3X to strike (lightning), aHHrbIH ~aXHJIraaH lightning, ~3JIM3r nHr3pHHH - a bolt from the blue

tourism, -

MIH)]; HI> (see asnnaa] ARJIlIHH (-

}KHH'IHH) caravaner, traveller, -

JKyyJI'IHH traveller, tourist

AilHillHX to be travel-worn, to be travel-stained

IiA and IiAA I. harrow (Chin.) IiAA II. (- xyne) Bamboo

IiAAPAJIT 1. failure 2. misfire IiAAPAH loose-bowelled IiAAPAX 1. to fail 2. to misfire

IiAA III. pena Ity IiAA IV. sore place, xaMPbIH - sore place where

IiAAPrAHAX to appear unclearly, to show up

a peg has been inserted in a camel's nose

IiAAPrAP wide, broad IiAAPHH Baarin (Inner Mongolian people) IiAAPI(ArJIAX to be all squashed together, to

IiAA IiYP3H we all, all of us (hist.) IiAABAH (a respectful term of address forasenior) IiAABAP ornamental saddle-stud IiAABAPI(3I(3f Scabious, Scabiosa IiAABrAH Bear, Ursus, XYP3H - Brown Bear, U. arctos, Ilaraaa - Polar Bear, U. maritimus, Qap,n;aM xyHT3H bitter cold, Baaarann H3ryyp Bears, Ursidae

IiAArHYJIAX to puff out (smoke, etc.), TaMXH to puff one's pipe

IiAArHX to be smoking, to puff out (smoke) li~rHAX (see saanaraax] Ii~H

IiA~ a spring

(see saanaa] spring (mech.), - 3pryyn3x to wind up

IiA~JIAX to make (a camel's nose) sore (from the insertion of a peg)

IiAA3 I. a string of camel carts in a caravan worked by one team (ran II.) IiAA3 11.1. base (mil., etc.) 2. resources, MaTepaannar - material resources 3. base, basis, § 3H3 - cyyps ,n;33P TYnryypnaH relying on this basis

IiAA3 III. ordinary, middling, mediocre IiAA3JIAX to team up, to pair off (camel corevanners), § ran ,n;OTpOO xoep xoepoop - to pair off in a camel caravan team

IiAA3XAH not up to much, nothing to speak of IiAAJIAX I. to harrow IiAAJIAX II. (oaanaH Q33pnyyn3x) to punish, § I'osoor raan XOHHHbI Maxaap OaaIDK33 Gochoo was fined the flesh of a single sheep

IiAAJIAX III. to go pussy IiAAMJIHH name of a type of gun, yean - watercooled - gun

(Chin., prob. 8 mm.)

IiAAP bar (drinking) IiAAPAA AJIAX to examine one's loot (thieves' cant)

IiAAPAr careless, sloppy IiAAPAffYH without fail, unerring, sure, certain, reliable


get in a lump

IiAAC 1. excrement, faeces, shit (vulg.), xaar,n;ax (- xarax] constipation, - XaTaBq OMXHHroo TaBHXIYIi the leopard cannot change its spots 2. (TOMpHHH -) slag 3. swarf, § MYY OHJIYYHHH - HX, MYY naMbm oarw onoa a poor grindstone makes a lot of swarf, a poor lama has many teachers

IiAACAH (- rapar] 1. Venus 2. Friday (Tib. pasangs)

IiAATAP 1.1. hero 2. (- 3pHHH) heroic, - xyHx the skin between the horns of an animal

IiAATAP II. plug, washer IiAATAPJIAr heroic, - TYYnb heroic epic, ylinCT3H hero IiAATAPJIAJI heroism IiAATAPJIAX to act heroically IiAATAPqyy,n; "Heroes" (pre-pioneer organization for children)

IiAAX to excrete, to shit (vulg.) IiAAXAH 1. somewhat, considerably, rather, pretty, - eyy}l{ oaHraa,n; havi ng stayed some time 2. a number of, a quantity of, - aIT MOpb,n; a number of horses

IiAAI(rAHAX to toddle, to teeter IiAAU;fAP teetering, unsteady on one's feet IiAAllI pretence, deceit, ruse, trick, - raprax to dissemble, to use a trick

IiAAllIHPXAX to pretend, to make out, to feign IiAAIIIJIAX (see oaawHpxax) IiAAlOY kiln (Chin.) IiAB (intensifying particle), - oapaaH quite dark IiABAHx to be hairy, to be shaggy, to be tousled IiABrAP hairy, shaggy, tousled IiABHAX (see oaBTHax) IiABPAH Bracken, Pteridium IiABTHAX 1. to bleat "ba ba"'(rutting billy goat)


to bleat, to babble, to talk nonsense, yxaa

M3T MaHnaH - babbling like a rutting billy goat

1.1. a sub-unit of the Hx IIIaBb of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, subordinate to an HX oror 2. a unit of the Hx IIIaBb directly controlled by the office of the Illaaaonaa 3. a sub-unit in the urass of a rasrraraa xyrarr 4. a unit of XaM1KJIara a sub-unit of a cYM in the MPR (till 1959), and again in ,"Aongolia (in the 1990's)




liAf 11.1. group, TOM TOM fiaraap in big groups, -- oYJI3r group, -- D;3D;3r inflorescence, HHHJIM3JI -- D;3D;3r compound inflorescence 2. order (nat. hist.), nasxnan -- superorder, )l;3)l; -[cantiap --I suborder liAf 111.1. crew

2. team, 333H -- home

side, oaIT

aaanax team game, oarHHH T3MD;33H team event

liAf IV. mask, oaIT aaanasr fancy-dress ball (Tib. 'bag)

liAfA 1. small, little, a little, minor, -OanqHpaaCaa 3XJI3H from early childhood, -oyc not a little, quite a bit, -- 6yypaH small and weak, minor, -- rapsm small-sized, minor, third rate, -- napra (see napra], -- 33p3r a litle, a bit, a while, -- Hac youth, -- aacannaa in one's youth, -- cara a little, a trifle, this and that, odds and ends, -- repu minor third (mus.), -- y)l; (see Y)l;), -- xaTaH secondary queen, secondary wife, -xypan (see xypan], -- D;OJITOH subordinate (n.) (mil.) (cf. axnax D;OJITOH), -- 3XH3P secondary wife 2. a little, slightly, -- 6araap little by little, in small numbers, § xyp 6opoo -- Op}K with a


liAfAHA Li. pillar, post, column, MOHrOH YCHbI -- mercury column, IIYPYYHbI -- spinal column, TaJI -- pilaster, yypar TapXHHbI -- brain stem, 6araHbIH TOJIrOH capital of a column, § HaHMaH xaaaraa )l;OpBOH oaraHaTaH TOM epreo a large tent with eight wall sections and four pillars ii. column (in a table) 2. style (bot.)

liArAHA)l;AX to prop up, to support liAfAHAHQAP column liAfAHX (see oaraHXH) liAfAHXH minority liAfACAJIT decrease, reduction liAfACAX to decrease, to decline, to shrink, to get fewer, to get smaller

liAfACfAJI litotes liArACrAX to reduce, to decreosexypnaa -- to reduce speed, to slow down

liAfATAH little, not much, with little, § 3PXM3)l;3JI -- xYH a man of little authority liArATfAX to reduce, to decrease liAfAXAH 1. fairly small 2. a little, a bit 3. a few liAfAqyy,IJ; children, little ones liArAIIIAAPXAH rather small liArBAAXAH Bat, Little Brown Bat, Mouse-

liAfA)l; when small, in childhood,

eared Bat, Myotis, Caxanr -- Whiskered Bat, M. mystacinus, YCHbI -- Doubenron's Bat, M. daubentoni liArBAAXAH :Q3:Q3r Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale liArBAP a dish with a cover (Tib. bag-phor) liAr,IJ;AH Dontostemon (bot.), liYX3HHaBqHT -- D. integrifolius

liAfA)l;AJIT deficiency

liAr H,IJ;33 a food which causes forgetfulness

liArA)l;AX 1. to decrease 2. to be too little, to

liArHHHXAH crew-members, team-members

little rain falling

liAfAAXAH a little, not much liAfABTAP 1. smallish, minor, slight 2. a little, not much

liAfArYH not a little, quite, quite a lot, -- as xOJI60r)l;OJITOH not unimportant

be too small

liArHJI grey-black, dirty black, blackened

liAfA)K tool, implement, rap -- hand tool, -33BC3r (-- 33Mc3r) tools, implements, -- TeXHHK machinery, equipment, -- TOXOOpOM}K (-X3p3rC3JI) tools, apparatus, equipment, instruments, implements


liArAJI3YYP throat, windpipe, 6aran3yypbIr uraxax to squeeze the windpipe, to throttle

liArHP (see 6arHJI) liArJIAA pack, bale, bundle, D;3D;rHHH -- (-D;3D;3r) bunch of flowers, bouquet, -- 6oo)l;oJI packing

liArJIArAP clustered, with clusters liAfJIAHX to curl, to wreathe, to swirl

liArAJI3YYP,IJ;AX to throttle

liArJIAJIT packing, packaging

liArAJIYYP Anabasis (bot.) (also XOpOH 3ar), MapD;bIH -- A. salsa, HaBqryH -- A. aphylla, TY}Kf3P -- A. brevifolia

liArJIAX I. ( 6arJIa}K 6oox) to pack, to pack up, to tie up, to package, 6arJIa}K XYJI3X to tie up

1. a disorder of camels (bloat resulting from eating too much Earanyyp in early summer) 2. to suffer from this condition


liArJIAX II. to form a 6ar 1. liArJIYYP (see Earanyyp] liArc brush, 6Y)l;rHHH -- paint-brush, )l;aaBYYH -brush made of layers of partly frayed cloth, used



for inking a printing block (xyl.), caxnsm shaving-brush (Tib. phag-ze)

JiAfCAHx to be loose, to be fluffy, to be shaggy JiAfCAPMAJI combined, mixed, - T3}K33JI combined feed, mixed feed, XOprOJI}K}fH - T3}K33JI combined pellet feed

JiAfCfAP bushy, shaggy JiAfC,IJ;AX to brush JiAfCPAATAH mixed, mixed up JiAfCPAJIT combination, mixture JiAfCPAX to combine, to mix JiAITAAM)I{ capacity, yean - displacement (of a ship)

JiAITAAM)I{TAH 1. capacious 2. of the capacity of, able to contain

JiAITAAX to include in, to contain, to accommodate, § rypsan }K}{JI oarraaH within three years, 3H3 O~OPT oarraaH this very day JiAITAJIIJ;AA capacity JiAITAX to be contained in, to find room in, to get into, § Mapraam oywy nereenep oarra}K by tomorrow or the next dey, T3B3pq oarraxryH oy~ too thick to get one s arms round

IiAITAIJ; capacity IiAITAmfVH impossible to contain IiAfTPAA (- OBqHH) asthma, OPOHXHHH bronchial asthma, aypXHHH - cardiac asthma IiAfTPAX to suffocate, to feel choked, OarrapTJIaa yypnax to choke with anger IiAfTPYYAX to choke, to throttle IiAI1J; 1. bundle, bunch, cluster, packet, package, - xyyns a packet of laws 2. lot (at auction) 3. holding (shares), XHHaJIThIH controlling interest 4. set (phil.)

IiAI1J;AA (- OapHMJKaa) approximation, - TOHM outline

IiAfUAAJIAX to estimate, to get a rough idea of IiAI1J;Af inflorescence (bot.) IiAI1J;APXYY bunched IiAI1J;JIAX 1. to pack up, to put in bundles 2. to be bunched, to be matted

IiAfill teacher, master, HX cypryynaaa - university teacher, IJ;3p3r}KJIHHH - pre-mil!tary instructor (reserve officer or NCO appointed to the staff of a school to give military training), saasapnars supernumerary instructor in the premilitary training centre of a factory, etc. (see IJ;3prHHH cypranrsra oaHp)

IiAfillJIAX to teach, MOHrOJI X3JI - to teach Mongol

JiAfillPAX to swarm, to crowd, to flock together IiAfbIH childhood (adj.), - HaHa childhood friend

1iA)]; I. Banya n (bot.) 1iA)]; II. the name of a certain pattern JiA)l;AAH Bergenia (bot.), Ilanrap - B. crassifolia IiA)l;AAC a sweetmeat made with boiled sugar liA)l;Af stanza, verse (Skr.) liA)l;AfqHJICAH strophic IiA)l;AHPAX 1. to swell 2. to tingle, to have pins and needles

IiA)l;AM (- JIHHXya, - JIHHXya IJ;3IJ;3r) Lotus, Lotusflower (Skr.) IiA)l;AH coloured bands of material hung in front of a Buddha-image (Tib. ba-dang) IiA)l;AP (- asra] mendicant's begging bowl, oapHX to go begging for alms, to beg, - OapHrti mendicant, beggar (Skr.) IiA)l;APfAHA (see mapoy~apraHa), Hasxapxar - Kalidium foliatum, TyHXHH - K. gracilis liA)l;APfYYJIT T8P (see lia~pYYJIT TOp) liA)l;APfYYH (see Oa~pHYH) IiA)];APJIAX to beg, to go begging, MOHro - to beg for money

IiA)];APqHH (- urasapaasaa] mendicant, wa~­ dering beggar lama, oa~apquhI yJIr3p mendicant tale (liter.) liA)l;APqJIAX to wander as a mendicant liA)];fAHA 1. phlegm (a vital principle in Tibetan and Mongolian traditional medicine) 2. (HapHHH -) cancer of the oesophagus or stomach

liA)];fAHATAX to have cancer of the oesophagus or stomach

liA,IUifAP strong, muscular IiA)];MAAPAf (see oa~Mapara) IiA)];MAJIAX 1. to look like a lotus-flower [lornpflame, etc.) 2. to grow straight up liA)l;MAP dolomite IiA)];MAPAfA ruby, corundum (Skr.) IiA)l;PAA YfAJI3 name of a type of "flowerpattern"

IiA)l;PAAX 1. to light, to let burn 2. (oa~paaH XOr}KYYJI3x) to promote IiA)];PAJI flourishing, blossoming (n.), oa~paJIT oar oHmryyp organ (mus.) IiA)l;PAHrYH blazing, flourishing, enthusiastic IiA)];PAX 1. to flare up, to blaze, to shine 2. (oa~paH ~3JIr3p3x) to flourish

IiA)l;PHYH stout, well-built, sturdy IiA)l;PYYJIAX 1. to cause to flourish, to cause to flare up

2. to

inspire, to enthuse

IiA)l;PYYJIT Tap reign title of the Manchu emperor Guangxu

IiA)l{fA)l;AX to be worried, to be flustered, to be in a tizzy

IiAHBAH vitriol, sulphate, 33CHHH -- copper sulphate, TOMpHHH -- iron sulphate, uaraan -white vitriol, zinc sulphate

IiAHBPAfA necrobacillosis (in camels) (see


IiA)l{fA)l;YYJIAX to worry, to dismay

IiAHr let it be, stop!, enough!

IiA)l{fAP (see Oa}Kl'Hp)

IiAHfAJI HYYP Lake Baikal

IiA)l{fHP wrinkled, crinkly, -- ~yp~aH crepe

IiAHfAJIHHH natural, -- raparrraa of natural ori-

liA}KHf AMAX to be at a loss, to be wrongfooted

IiA}KHH a board game played on a board similar to a ludo board

IiA)l{YYHA Gobi Rhubarb, Rheum nanum IiA3 I. (see oaa3 II.) IiA3 II. brothers-in-law, husbands of sisters, rya -two husbands of one wife

IiA3AAJITAH satisfactory, acceptable, all right IiA3AAJITfYH (see oa3aaxryH) IiA3AAJITIAH (see Oa3aaJITaH) IiA3AAP (-- sax] market IiA3AAX to see to, to deal with, to get ready, to prepare

IiA3AAXfYH bad, not so good, § OH H3r JI -- I don't feel too good

IiA3AJIT spasms, labour-pains IiA3APBAAHb 1. Vajrapani (Buddh.) 2. oh my goodness!

IiAHfAJIb (-- OO~C, -- ~3JIXHH, -- epTOH~, -TYM3H oo~c) nature, oaHranHac nancaa supernatural, -- OpqHH the environment, -- 0PqHbI OOXHP~OJI environmental pollution, -- opxasrr xaxraanax protection of the environment, -XaMraaJIaJI nature conservancy, -- IIIHH1K33q naturalist

IiAHfAJIbq naturalist IiAHrYYJIArq founder, builder IiAHrYYJIAJI structure, § HHHrMHHH eep oep oaHryyJIaJITaH

YJICYY~ states with


social structures

IiA3AX to press, to squeeze, to wring, to grab, to grasp, to pound, to manipulate

IiA3JIAJIT spasm, contraction IiA3JIAX 1. to knead, to wring, 3ypxHHr -- to wring the heart 2.i. [rsnsc --) to have colic, to have the gripes

gin, -- r3p3JI natural light, -- 30XH~OJI ecology, -- 30XH~bIH cyiiP3JI ecological disaster, -OO'beKT natural feature, -- yxaaa natural sciences, -- Y33Cr3JI3HT ra3ap (- nypcranr rasap] area of outstanding natural beauty, -- XHH natural gas, -- qyJIyy stone, rock, natural stone, -uranrapan natural selection, -- IIIHH1KJI3JI (-natural sciences, IIIHH1KJI3X yxaan] IIIHH1KJI3JIHHH TYYX natural history, - 3MqHJIr33 natural cure

ii. colic 3. to have spasms

IiAH I. (-- IIIaB) target, -- oyy~ax to do target

IiAHrYYJIAJIT 1. building, construction 2. structure 3. system, aCaaJITbIH - ignition system, xOprOJITHHH -- cooling system (auto.)

IiAHrYYJIAM)I{ structure, HHHrMHHH -- social structure, T~PHHH -- state structure

IiAHrYYJIAX to build, to set up, to organize, to construct, to found, to establish

practice, -- H3XHH xapaax to shoot at sheep-skin targets, -- OHOX CHCTeM homing system, targetseeking system, oaifr cyp (oaHT xapaaa] archery, oaHH TaB bull's-eye, oaifr xapaaax archer, § XOHHHbI rapsaa H3XHH ~33P 3JI~3B aMbTHbI ~cHHr 3yp1K TYYHHHr HYM cysraap

IiAHrYYJIJIAfA organization, institution

xapsanar OaH1K33. YYHHHr oaH H3XHH oyroy

IiAH,n;Af all, what there is of

CapaMIIaH xapsax r31K H3pJI3~3r OOJI1K33. XOHHHbI ycryH xaraacaa H3XHHr rapaan rsnsr

IiAH,n;AJI 1. (-- TOJIOB, -- TOpX, -- HH3) state, con-

Figures of all sorts of creatures would be drawn on a rapsaa sheep-skin, and they would shoot at them with bows and arrows. This was called oaH H3XHH or capasman xapsax. Tapsaa is the word for a dried, hairless sheep-skin

IiAH II. (-- IIIarHaJI) prize, trophy

IiAHrYYJIJIAfAPXAX to favour one's colleagues, to favour people from one's own orga nization

IiAHrYYJIMAIT built, constructed

dition, situation, appearance, attitude, -- OHIII OOJIOX to turn out badly, -- HHM33C (-- HHM

oaHxa~) this being so, in this situation, -2. aspect

Y3YYJI3X to pretend, to look as if

(gram.) IiAH,n;AJITAH with the appearance of, looking like, looking as if, § OH~HHH yrnHr caHH

38 HTr3xryH .. oaHB he looked as if he did not

really believe us

JiAHAAC 1. barren mare 2. a mare in the third or fourth year

JiAHAfAAPAA as hard as possible, for dear life JiAH3 (.. r3M) wait a minute!, hang on! JiAH3AAPAH (see oaH3) JiAH3HACXHHX to pause JiAH3HAX to wait a moment, to hang on, to hold on, § 3aOaH3HaJI~aa hang on a moment, X3C3r oaH3Haa~ aher a bit

JiAHK flannelette (Russ.) JiAHnAA 1. was, were 2. (after the participle in x) would JiAHnAX to check JiAHnfAX 1. to let be, to allow to be, to keep, to leave, oaT ~ .. to keep (something) a strict secret, 9JI9H qHHIT3H .. to keep (something) damp, § XYYX3~ oaraqyyAhIr M3CHHH 3yHJI~ OHp oaffJIraxryH oam IOMcaH children and young people should not be leh near sharp instruments, X3C3r OaHJIraCHbI napaa after leaving it for a bit 2. to dismiss, TYWaanaac" to dismiss from office

JiAHnfYH (.. aax B3) certainly, of course, must, bound to, § Hp3X .. ~33t acaaxan xyJI33e he's bound to come, let's wait a little, Ta HX H~apq oaHraa .. ~33 you must be very tired, asaaanaa 3yr33P OOJIOX .. ~33 it's bound to get all right in time


(mil.), axnax corporal, private first-class (Amer.)

JiAHJI,IJ;AN private



JiAHJI,IJ;AX to fight, to wage war, OaHJI~aH asax to







naryynarx conqueror, OaHJI~aH naryynan conquest, oaHMaH naryynax (OaHJI~aH napax] to conquer, OaHJI~aH OJIOJIT gain, conquest, OaHJI~aH OJIOX to win in battle, to gain by fighting, 3pX q9JI99r99 oaffJI~aH OJIOX to gain one's freedom in battle, OaHJI~aH TYJIan~ax to fight, OaHJI~aH 33JI3rq conqueror, OaHJI~aH 33JI3X to conquer

JiAHnHH3 Lark (Chin.) JiAHJITAH should be, must be, cannot but be JiAHJIQAX to be present (at), to attend JiAHMAA.lKHH (oaHMaa}l{ Hb) only when, once JiAHMAAP probable, opoc .. XYH someone who might be a Russian

JiAHMAAPfVH unlikely, improbable JiAHMfAH full-sized JiAHMfVH must not be, should not be, cannot be

JiAHM)I{ modal (gram.) JiAHMXAH frequenting JiAHH JiAHH again and again, keeping on JiAHH JiAHCAAP finally, in the end JiAHHfA (.. TOrTMOJI) permanently, constantly, regularly, .. temporarily





JiAHHfAJIAH regularly JiAHHfbIH permanent, constant, regular, .. oyc irregular, .. Y33Cr3JI3H permanent exhibition

battle, combat, engagement, ~aBWHX .. offensive battle, TYJIrapax .. encounter battle, XOpHrJIOX .. defensive battle, .. sorcoox to cease hostilities

JiAHP I. (.. oaHAan) appearance, manner, aacancar oaHpbIH XYH a hard-working looking

JiAHJI,IJ;AAHq pugnacious, belligerent IiAHJI,IJ;AAHbI military, battle, combat (adj.),

IiAHP 11.1. room, apartment, quarters, rypsaa

live, .. aJKHJIJIaraa military operations, .. aara combat unit, .. OOJIOM}I{ military capability, .. oyy (.. 33BC3r) combat weapon, .. oyy~arbIH xyp~ effective rate of fire, .. OYP3JI~3XYYH forces, complement, .. 03JITr3JI combat training, .. 03JI3H oa~an war footing, readiness for action, .. ranT X3p3rC3JI live ammunition, .. }I{H}I{yyp service, .. }I{H}I{yyp33C oyyJIrax to decommission, .. }l{ypaM battle formation, .. MaillHH personnel carrier, .. HHCJI3r air mission, sortie, .. cYM (see cYM 3.), .. rantiap field of battle, .. Tyr colours, .. xaHranT security (mil.), .. xonor OHrOQ warship, - QarHHH oaH~an TOITOOX to declare martial law, .. QaIT in time of war, .. Q3H3IT xowyy warhead, .. xanan (.. xanaap] military capability

X3M1K33H~ oaHraa OYJI33H yc warm water at

man, .. Hb it looks like it, apparently, .. Y3YYJI3X to pretend, to look as if 9P09


three-room flat, oaHpHbI ~naaHbI

room temperature, .. OPOM1K a shelter, .. CYYQ dwellings, .. c~ homeless, .. cas buildings, accommodation 2. (.. oaffQ) position, place, a}I{JIbIH" post, job, H3r)Wr33p oaHpa~ opox (T3PIYYH .. 33JI3X, 3XHHH oaHpT uranrapax] to come in first, to take first place, cyn .. vacancy, job vacancy, .. A33P33 on the spot (mil.), .. ~33P33 anxax marching on the spot, .. ~33P33 3pr3X turning on the spot, .. cyyps position, place, stand (polit., etc.), OJIOH YJICbIH .. cyyps international position, xyxan .. cyyps 33JI3X to occupy an important position, oaHpaa TaBHX to yield (to), to give way (to), .. 33JI3X to occupy a position (mil., etc.); to gain a place (in a competition); to position oneself, to get in lane (auto.)

liAHPAH 1. regular, - cyypna resident, permanent (adr) 2. all the time, permanently, MaJlJlaraa farmyard rearing (of livestock), xarac - MaJlJlaraa semi-farmyard rearing (alternating with periods of open grazing)

3. local

liAHprAIIIHX to grow up, to mature liAHprAIIIYY mature, adult, - HaCHbI of mature years

liAHP3YH topography liAHp3YHH topographical, - sypar topographical map

liAHPllAJI position, arrangement, § urynpara xorlKHM rypsaa OaHpJIaJITaH the urynpara has three positions

liAHPllAJIT (see OaHpJIaJI) liAHPllAX 1. to be located, to be situated, to live, to dwell, to be positioned, to be arranged

2. to take up quarters, to be stationed liAHpJIYYJIAJIT stationing, quartering, arrangement

liAHpJIYYllAX 1. to instal, to position, to put, to put up, to locate, YC3r napaannaap - to arrange in alphabetical order (troops, etc.)

2. to station, to quarter

liAHPHbI (see oaHpbIH I.) liAHPTAH looking like, in the manner of, as if liAHPIIIHll location, siting, stationing IiAHPIIIHJIT (see oaHpIIIHJI) liAHPIIIHX to be located, to be placed, to be sited, to be positioned, to settle down, to be settled

liAHpIIIYYJIAX to station, to site, to locate liAHPbIH I. local, - M3~33 aJIA}'YJIarq OO~C local anaesthetic

liAHPbIH II. looking, tlHHp3r - OBrOH a toughlooking old man

liAHCXHHr33A 1. in a moment, a moment later 2. keeping on, again and again, frequently

liAHTAJI while, though liAHTYrAH let alone, not to speak of, T3p tI let alone that, even apart from that, or even, and moreover, § MaHaR XYYX3~ xaaxaap ~OHX

xaranax Db - r3pT33 H3r tI asra xaranac Y333ryH 10M myy our children have never so much as broken a cUfJ at home, let alone smashed windows with a catapult

liAHTYY priming (in painting) liAHTYYAAX to prime, to lay a ground liAHTYYllAX to have a mishit in Mongol archery liAHx 1. to be (something, somewhere), to exist, OaR}J{ cyy}J{ xanaxaa OOJIHX (oaH:>K anax) to be impatient, to find it hard to bear, § aCYYWIblr



wHHA3x X3P3IT3H oaiIHa it is necessary to decide the question, Oara:>KHbI:>KHH rypsaa xr oaiIHa the weight of the apparatus is three kg., KOMHCCbIH naprsm oaHxryH~ in the absence of the chairman of the committee, qoibKHH JIaMbIr oaiix~ in the lifetime of the Oracle Lama 2. (following a converb in}J{, tI, aan to express a continuing senseof the verb), § naanaa ~33P cyy}J{ oaHcaH Hanar Natsag who was sitting on a bench, uranrraaasrr cynanac OaRHa they are studying the reasons, saaan oaii keep goi ng! 3. (following the participle in caa to express a future in the past), § Ta Hap Y3C3H oaiix aa you will have seen 4. (following a participle in x or nar to express "would", "should", "could" etc.),

§ HHM apryyn X3P3B rapaaryH OOJI ~oMHiIH 4>H3HK O~OOmiiH TOM aM:>KHJITa~ XYP3xryH oaHcaH if such methods had not emerged, atomic physics would not have achieved todcy's successes, OJIOH xyHHH spaar HW TaTa}J{ OOJIOX oaiIHa I could quote what many people say, yraacaa OH,IJ; 3XH33C33 epoHXHH

OOJIOBCPOJIbIH ~~ cypryynsn oPYYJI~ar oaH}J{

~33 we really ought to have put him in a general education middle school to begin With, lfH MHHHH yr3~ opnor JI OaHCaH 10M you should have done as I said 5. (following the participle

in x or the finite suffix in aa to express a sense of possibility), § OaH.n:~aaHbI rantiapaac 3aH.n:}J{

OOJIOX OaRcaH OOJIOBtI although he could have left the field of battle, r3p3JIHHr33 3pr33~ HpH3 oaiix r3}J{ HTr33~ hoping that his Gerel might come back, 30BWOOpOJI onrox oaiix they may well give permission 6. to stop, to give up, § naxaa O'IHXOO oaHcaH 10M he gave up going there any more

liAHxrvH 1. not to be, to be absent, - OOJIOX to die, § KOMHCCbIH ~aprbIH oa~ in the absence of the chairman of the committee 2. oaHxryH ioy of course, § xapsnar 10M - lOy I'm going home, aren't I?

liAHXYY black tea, pekoe (Chin.) liAHQ I. (- ~OXHO) cliff, crag, - xazrraa craggy liAHQ II. line, stand (where archers stand in a contest)

liAHQ III. adverb liAHQ IV. situation, state of affairs liAHQAA cabbage, OOOPOHXHH - round cabbage, Hcr3C3H - pickled cabbage, sauerkraut, ~3~3IT - cauliflower (Chin.) liAH~ inspector

liAH~ 1. evidence 2. documentation liAH~rA examination, interrogation



yxaaa - (see yxaaa

2.) 2. to

be dark

IiAJIAPXAH blurred, indistinct, unclear IiAHI(AAJIT investigation, interrogation

IiAJIAPXAHnrnx to become blurred

IiAHUAAX to investigate, to examine, to go into,

IiAJIliA (- ync] Nepal

to question, to interrogate, r3p'lHHr - to examine witnesses, o~aaH 9Hr9PYYJI3XHiiHx3H immigration officers, oa~aaH 9Hr9PYYJI3X rasap checkpoint, oa~aaH mHihT3X xyyJIh procedural law, Hpr3HHH oa~aaH IJ.IHiiTr3X asornnaraa civil procedure

IiAJIIiArAHAX to hobble IiAJIliAJI3AX to shake, to quiver, to palpitate IiAJIIiAC rsx to stump along IiAJIIiAX to hammer, to beat, § xaanrsrr saara oanoaH o;OXHB hammered heavily on the door

IiAHQAX (see o~aax)

IiAJIIiAqyy~ Nepalese (people)

IiAHIIIHH building, house, - oapHJIra (- can]

IiAJIlibIH Nepalese (ad(), § - napxaa oanoaJK


IiAKTEPH bacteria, .>KHHX3H3 - eubacteria, yHJIaHXaB - slime bacteria, myxobacteria, xyxPHHH - sulphur bacteria

IiAJI 1.1. (- qynyy) graphite 2. lead (of a pencil), TOCOH - ball-point

IiAJI 11.1. metallic taste 2. metallic mark, - OOJIrOX to make a metallic mark on something

IiAJI III. (30mim -) honey, aMTaT - syrup, oypaM treacle, syrup, - cap honeymoon, - cap 9Hr9PYYJI3X to honeymoon

IiAJIAr 1. fault, YYHHH oanraap thanks to that

2. trouble, nuisance, - TapHX to make trouble, to be a nuisance

IiAJIAIT harmful, destructive, deleterious IiAJIAITAH (see oanarr) IiAJIAH 1. blind 2. silly, foolish, stupid IiAJIAHpAX 1. to be silly 2. to talk nonsense IiAJIAHC:>KHrAAX to be balanced, OanaHC.>KHr~CaH T9COB balanced budget

IiAJIAHC:>KHJIT balancing (fin.) IiAJIAHC}I{YYllAX to balance (fin.), T9CBHHr to balance the budget

xHHC3H hammered out by a Nepalese smith


IiAJIrA a mouthful (of), a gulp (of), - o;aA a mouthful of tea

IiAJIrAJI3AX to be lavish, to be open-handed IiAJIrAHA Myricaria (bot.) IiAJIrAC






3B~3PxHH - ruins 2. town

IiAJIrAX 1. to swallow, to gulp down 2. to have a drink, § OH JKaaxaH oanraCaH I had a bit of a drink

IiAJIrAqHXAX to have a drink, § OH acaaxaa oanrallHXcaH 10M I had one or two Ii~APrAHA Hogweed, Herac/eum IiAJIETtlHH ballet-dancer IiAJDKHHrAPAM (see XaMoamapHJIJK 3.)

IiAJDKHHHRMTAH auspicious, fortunate (Tib.) IiAJIHAM young of OpTOOM IiAJIHAP 1. dirty 2. (- oY~JI3r) coarse, rough, clumsy

IiAJIHAPTAX to get dirty, to get messed up IiAJIHAPTYYJIAX to make dirty, to mess up

IiAJIAHCJIAJIT (see OanaHC.>KHJIT) IiAJIAHCJIYYJIAX (see OanaHc1KYYJIax) IiAJIAP 1.1. thick, dense, dark, impenetrable, OBdense forest, - xapaaxya pitch dark 2. prim-

IiAJIHH (- TaXHJI) sacrificial offering shaped out of dough (Buddh.) (Skr.) IiAJIHHq lama responsible for the oanHH in a

itive, - uar (- 3pT uar] primitive times, prehistoric times, - o;amBH (- 3pTHHH) primitive, o;arHHH xyMyyc primitive man, - uarr in primitive times, in prehistoric times, - 3PTH33C aaam from primitive times, § - 3pTHHH T3PT33H33C eaeer XYPT3JI from primitive times up to the present

IiAJIHYC 1. cleaver, broad-bladed knife 2. trimming knife (xyl.)

IiAJIAP II. (see 33 oanap) IiAJIAPAAX 1. to be confused, to be stupefied

2. to be effaced, to be rendered unclear (tracks, etc.) IiAJIAP~JIAX to confuse

IiAJIAPTAX 1. to be confused, to be stupefied,


IiAJIJI point, number (on a scale, etc.) (Russ.) IiAJIJIAX 1. to rub out, to erase, to expunge, to obliterate

2. to ruin, to destroy


to erase

IiAJIMArAAJI fright, scare, anxiety IiAJIMArAAX (6a.nMar~aH CYP~3X, oa.nMar~aH T3B~3X) to be scared, to be worried, to be anxious

IiAJIMAr~JIAX to frighten


JiAJIMA)]; mad, crazy, wild, adventurist, -- 3IT33A trouble-maker JiAJIMA)];JIAX to go wild, to go mad JiAJIHA)]; (r3A3cHHH --) typhoid, HJK -- paratyphoid, 3C3pr3H3T -- spotted fever, typhus JiAJIPAr,D;AX (see oaJIpax) JiAJIPAX 1. to be effaced, to- become indistinct, to be erased, to be rubbed out 2. to fail, to be ruined, to collapse, to come to nothing, to be dashed (hopes), oanpaH Cyflp3X (oanapq ynax] to fail, to collapse (policy, etc.), § oanapcaH 10M it's all up then, MYY ax qHHb oanapcaH XYH A33 I've had it then, T3P M3AqHXB3JI oanapHa IIIyy once he hears of it there'll be hell to pay JiAJIT axe JiAJITAr bolster (of a blade)



Fragrant Buckler Fern, D. fragrans (also YH3pT OHM)

JiAMJiAMJIAX 1. to pad out, to make puffy, to get puffy 2. to shield, to shelter JiAMJiAMJIrAX to stuff, to pad out JiAMJiAMpxyy shield-shaped, peltate (leaf, etc.) JiAMJiAMT 3AMJiArAHA Fringed Water-lily,

Nymphoides peltata JiAMJiAMX to be thick and soft, to be puffy, oaMoaHH xaaarnax to swell up, to puff up, § TOJIrOH Hb oaMoaHH MaHapq, XOOJIOH aM Hb xarna he had a thick head and his throat and mouth felt dry

JiAJITAMx (oanTaHH X3BT3X) to lie low, to keep one's head down

JiAMJiAM XOHIIIOOPT a species of Pit-viper

JiAJITAC XHHX to waddle, to stagger JiAJITrAP short and fat, squat, tubby

JiAMJiAJI3YYP 1. quagmire, bog 2. squashy, flabby, spongy

JiAJITrAP,D;YY (see oanTrap)

JiAMJiAP I. tiger-cub

JiAJIThIH T3HrHC Baltic Sea

JiAMJiAP II. torch (of combustible material on a stick), OJIHMllHHH -- Olympic torch

JiAJIYYH Hyssop, Hyssopus JiAJIYYHA Lungwort, Pulmonaria JiAJIXAJI3AX to waddle JiAJIQrAHAX to waddle JiAJIQrAP (see oanTrap) JiAJIQPYY necrobacillosis (in sheep and cattle) (see AOrOJI II.) JiAJIqHr muddy place, bog JiAJIqHrHAX to squelch JiAJIqHP young, tender, infant, -- axyn uaraac from infancy, -- oaraAaa in one's infancy JiAJIqHPrAHA 1. (see ArIIIHpraHa) 2. Angelica

(bot.), Caaacrap -- A. decurrens JiAJIqHP,D;AX to be immature, to be too young

JiAMJiAJI3AX to quake, to be springy

JiAMJiAP,D;AX to flame (a surgical instrument, a cold motor, etc.) JiAMJiAPJIAX to form or look like a torch, to be in a cluster (frost on plants, etc.) JiAMJiAPYYIII bear-cub JiAMJiAPQArJIAX to form droplets (fat on a liquid) JiAMJiAPqHH torch-bearer JiAMTAX to have scurvy JiAH (-- MOA) plank (Chin.) JiAHAr spare tent JiAHrA I. Hawksbeard, Crepis JiAHrA II. (-- AOHro) reprimand

JiAJIbBH Caltha (bot.) (also QaH ~3~3r)

JiAHrA)l;AX to tell off, to tear a strip off

JiAM (-- 9BqHH, -- qHHrHHH 9BqHH) scurvy (see

JiAH)l;AMX to get fat, to fill out

also ~Hr) JiAMJiArAP thick and soft, well-padded JiAMJiAM I. Valerian, Valeriano, Faussan -- V. dubio, 3MHHH -- V. officinalis, JiaMoaHH osor (JiaMoaHH ssryyp] Valerian family, Valerianaceae (Tib. spang-spas)

JiAH)J;AH 1. (-- IIIHp33) bench, aHMrHHH -- booth for selling objects for offerings in an Urga aimag 2. board for worshippers to prostrate themselves on ina lamasery JiAH)l;rAHAX to wag, to swing JiAH)l;rAP big, thick, fat

JiAMJiAM 11.1. shield, -- oapHX to shelter behind, oycAblr -- OOJIrOH oapHX to shelter behind others, -- oyJIqHpXaH (see 0YJIqHpxaH), oaMoaHH AaHBap oyJIqHpXaH (see 0YJIqHpxaH) 2. loadpad for a camel 3. mattress 4. (-- oar ~3~3r) corymb (bot.)

JiAH)l;H,D; pandit, Buddhist savant, -- ManraH hat with long ear-pieces, worn by high lamas (Skr.)

JiAMJiAMM Buckler Fern, Dryopteris, YH3pT --

JiAH)l;H)];AX (see OaHAHqJIax)

JiAH)l;H 1. Buddhist novice, pupil of a lama 2. young chap, young fellow, lad, CypXHH -- a fine little fellow 3. catamite (Skr.)

IiAP III. bar (drinking)

IiAH,rUIqJIAX pederasty, buggery IiAIDIGIX to prepare, to get ready (trans.) IiAH3 1.1. board, plank, sawn timber, oaap half-round log, aaasran - (see aaaxan] 2. cudgel or truncheon used for beating in Manchu times (hist.) (Chin.) IiAH3 II. furrow IiAH3AJI skirt, MHHH - mini-skirt, - 3M a bit of skirt, tart (Skr.) IiAH3~ to beat with a oaH3

IiAH3,IJ;OO Sawwort, Saussurea, HOMparT S. involucrata (also BaHC3Mo3PYY) IiAH3JIAX (oaH3JIaH 3yC3X) to saw into planks or boards IiAH3tIHH beater, oaH3-wielder (hist.) IiAHK I. bank (fin.), apHJI1IWlHbI - commercial bank, A3.JIXHHH - World Bank, - A33P3MA3X bank robbery, - XOOPOHJ)pIH TaJIOOp TOO~OOHbI TOB clearing-house IiAHK II. jar (Russ.) IiAHJIAr (- esc] Orchid, Orchis, O. militaris, O. salina (see IJ;3rp3M) IiAHTArHAX 1. to make gruel, to mix (flour and fat, etc.) 2. to make a muddle IiAHTAH 1. gruel, soup with flour, xypraa - a sort of fine gruel 2. (XOJIHP -) muddle, in a muddle, - xyrrax to muck things up IiAHTAX to look guilty, to be embarrassed IiAHYY stalactite IiAHYYHIJ;AP stalagmite IiAHXAP snub-nosed IiAHXrAP (see oaHXap) IiAHIJ;AHIiYPYY (see BaHC3Mo3PYY) IiAHqHH lior,rr; Panchen Lama IiAHqHH 3P,IJ;3H3 (see liaHlJHH Born] IiAHIII boiled meat dumplings, a3bIH - lucky dumpling containing silver (at New Year) IiAHb,IJ; kid, youngster IiAP 1.1. Tiger, uaacaa - paper tiger, Xyrran COeOT - Sabre-toothed Tiger, oapbIH cYYJI oailcHaac oaTraHbI TOJIrOH oaHcaH A33P better to reign in hell than seNe in heaven 2. newly industrialized country IiAP II. printing-block, 33C - copper. printingblock, MOAOH oapbIH HOM blockpnnt, xylograph, OHpbIH - recently cut blocks, XOJIb~H old stock of blocks, - BaH master-printer In a woodblock printery, oapbIH sypar woodcut, CHHJI03P xylography, oapbIH cyM printery in a lamasery (Tib. par)

IiAPAA I. (- raaaap] goods, merchandise, oprea X3P3~33HHH- consumer goods, - MaTepHaJIbIH TOOJIJIOro stock-taking, - conannoo barter IiAPAA II. shape, sight, glimpse, outline, oapaaHbI rasap as far as the eye can see, )IDl (- )IDlc, - 3yC) sign, sight of, glimpse, cyparryH (- cypar anra] without a sign, without a trace, - CYPT3H handsome, imposing, Tacpax to disappear, to vanish, to drop out of sight, - Typyy trace, sign, - TypyyryH without a trace, - xapax (- uapaa xapax) to spy out the ground, to have a good look round, § ancsra - racapran till they were lost in the distance, OypHH OOJI1K XOJIbIH - racpaa with the light failing and the view closing in, HHJI33A OJIOH MOpbTOH XYMYYCHHH - xaparncaa several mounted men could be glimpsed, xaaasr Hp1K anax oapaaHaap as the khan have in sight, XyuHHoapaa xapcaa raxs a wild horse that has caught sight of a man, llIHH3 aparnsr oapaa 3C xapaan YAa1K oaHHa it's a long time since I've had a sight of a new dung basket, oapaarHH Hb ~OOXOH JI xapcaa xyu A33 he's not someone I've seen much of, - Typyy Hb Y33rM3rryH 3yHJIYYA things you never catch a sight of IiAPAA: - OOJIOX to be in attendance on, to attend, to be in the suite of, HOeHbI - OOJIOX to be in a nobleman's suite, - OOJIorlJ attendant, courtier, - oOJIOrcOA attendants, suite, - CYYA3P escort IiAPAABTAP darkish, rather dark-coloured IiAPAArHAX to be seen in outline, to be seen in the distance IiAPAArYH out of sight, not in sight, MaJIbIH not a beast in sight, - OOJIOX to be out of sight, to go out of sight IiAP~ 1. to frequent, to stay near to, to stick close to, to haunt, r3p33 - to keep close to home, OapaaA3.H narax to dog 2. to be near, § ~eMeHTHHH a1K yHJIAB3P OOJI TYYXHH 3A33 oapaaAaH oaHpllIHHa the cement industry will be situated near its raw materials

IiAPAA}l{HX to get stocked up IiAPAA)KYYJIAX 1. to stock up money into goods

2. to turn one's

IiAPAAJIAX to show up darkly, to look dark, to stand out IiAPAAJIXAJI official call, call, audience IiAPAAJIXAJIT (see oapaanxan) IiAPAAJIXAX to call upon, to be received by, to have an audience with, § I'anaan HaMHbI caHAaA - to be received by the Foreign Minister IiAPAAJIXYYJIAX to present, to introduce

6APAAH dark, dark-coloured, - rasap [raspsm -) bare patch in snow-covered ground, - JMl sanax to become a layman (Buddh.), - esen snow-free winter, - Xyp3H dark brown 6AP~ dark, darkish

6APAAHTAX to darken, to get dark, to show up dark (patches in snow-covered ground,



Tanurrap - Flat-headed Vole, A. stre/zowi, Xa,IJ;HbI - Silver-backed Vole, A argentatus 6APArrnHH 1. bitumen 2. asphalt (Tib. bragzhun)

6APAAHTYYJIAX to darken, to make dark

6APATIIIHHAAX to asphalt

6APAATAH looming, imposing, § Coeo yyn ancaac - xaparnaaa the Sayan mountains

liAPArrnYH (see oaparWHH)

loomed up in the distance


6APABfAP rough, coarse

liAPAHx 1. to darken, to show up darkly

1. almost,

nearly, - oyx3n 1KHnHHH TYPW for almost a whole year, - rasap oyp almost everywhere, - TonOB for the most part, - yryH hardly at all, not much, - ••• waxaM(- ••• waxyy) almost, nearly, - 33p3r maxax almost at the same time, almost together 2. most, most of, § oaprmi Db ansc killing most of them, T3P MYY

epbIH TOMYY OBtIHOOP XYP33HHiix.3H - Db OBA0}K most of the Urga people were ill with that miserable influenza

6APAf liVP3f dim liAPAfAAX to be dealt with, to be determined, to be settled, to be finished

liAPAfAAJIIrYH inexhaustible, endless liAPAfAYYJIAJIT settlement, determination liAPAfAYYJIAX to deal with, to determine, to settle, to finish, op TOnoop - to payoff a debt liAPAf}I{AA Woodsia (bot.) liAPAfJIAX I. to have an idea of, to guess, to estimate

liAPAfJIAX II. to do for the most part, to almost finish off, to be almost over

1. all

right, not bad, OK good, pretty poor, mediocre


most part

liAPAITAiIxAH (see oaparraH 2.) liAPArQAA estimate, - raasrraap at a guess 6APAfQAAJlAJI estimate oapar~aancaH TOO

estimated number, rough number, oap~aanaH

xapax to glance over liAPAfQAAJIliAJI approximately, at a guess, § aacannarcnsra - TaBHH xyBb an estimated fifty per cent of the workers

liAPAM someone (usually a woman) expelled as a scapegoat (hist.), oapaMA raprax to expel as a scapegoat

6APAMHA perfection, perfective virtue, sypraaa - the Six Perfections


(Buddh.) (Skr.)

1. to finish,

to use up, to come to the end of, to get through, oaiixaap - yy (HHr3x33p yy) of course, why not?, Hac - (see Hac}, § 3.AYY xy}KHp HM3r yy. H.u;3X33P - yy do horses eat salt? Of course they do 2. to manage to

1. not only ... but also, TfYr33P and what is more 2. not to manage to



liAPliOH master-printer (xy/.) (Tib. par-dpon) liAPBAfAP coarse, rough liAPfA I. Barga (Mongolian area and people), - ManraH hat with a pointed crown and velvet liAPfA II. (- 0YAVYH) rough, crude liAPfAP gloomy, sullen, dull, - xap T3Hf3P a lowering sky, - uapaanax to glower, to look sullen

liAPfHHH most, most of, - xoon most of the food, - 10M most things

liAPfHJI 1. low, gruff 2. coarse 3. (- xoonorrron] baritone liAPfH~ l- xoonoirroa] baritone

liAPfHJIT qyJIYY marl-stone liAPfHX to be hoarse liAPAAA


for sure, certainly, undoubtedly

2. ample

liAPAAAfAAP (see oapAaa 1.) liAPAAfHAJI boast, boasting, bragging swank

A/tico/a, A. macrotis,

liAPANHH High Mountain Vole, Large-eared

to glower

liAPAArHAX to be boastful, to be cocky, to

liAPAfQAX (see oaparnax I.) Coeasr -

Db -)

6APfHA raucous, hoarse, harsh not too

liAPAITAH liOJI hardly, almost, mostly, for the

liAPAfQAAJIAX to estimate,

2. (~apaH

or fur surround, worn by high lamas

liAPAfJIAH more or less, pretty well


6APAH 6YPHH twilight liAPAHJIfAX to darken (trans.), uapaaraa - to

6APAAIIIHf home-brew 6APAf



6APAAM I. (aM-) boastful, bragging, arrogant, cocky



liAPAAM II. for sure, certainly, undoubtedly liAPAAMHAX to brag, to boast liAPAAPXAX (see oap)l;aMHax) liAPAAX to boast, to be proud, to be full of oneself, oap)l;BaJI OaJIpaHa pride comes before a fall liAP~ (see Oap)l;aM


liAP}l{HH rough, uneven

liAPHllAX 1. to smooth, to stroke, to finger 2. palpation (med.) liAPHJIrA (~oaHryynaJIT,~ oaHryynaM1K) building (structure, construction-work), HX ~ construction-work, ypaH ~ architecture, ~ oaHIIIHH (~ cas] buildings, oapHnThm yxaaa building science, architecture

liAPHllrA)KHllT development (through build ing) liAPHJIrA}l{ID{ to get built up, to get developed liAPHJIrA/KYYllAX to provide buildings, to develop

liAP3Af1llrAX to roughen

liAPHllrAP wide, broad

liAP3Af1x to be rough, to be uneven liAP3rAP (~ oyp3rap) rough, uneven, ~ oonrox

IiAPHJIrAtrnH builder

liAP3rAP~ roughish, rough

liAPH~ relationship, connection, union, oarm waBHHH ~ the relationship of teacher and pupil, xapannaa oapHn)l;aaTaH mutually related

liAP3rAPXAH roughish, rather uneven liAPHA I. (oapHaHbI rasap, oapHaHbInryrasr] fin-

IiAPH~H wrestling, COHrOMon ~ GrecoRoman wrestling, QOn09T ~ freestyle wrestling

ishing line (in a horse-race, etc.), ~ rapaaasr

liAPHMAX 1. to have a mutual relationship,

to roughen

saar )l;33P between the finish and the start (of two five-year plans), oapHaHbI}K}In last year (of a plan), OapHaH)l; opox to come in, to reach the finishing line

liAPHA II. pledge, security, ~ oapHXto seize (livestock) as security when pasture boundaries are infringed (hist.)

liAPHA III. (~ sacan] manipulation (med.), ~ 3aCaJIq manipulator

liAPHATAflI. set up, built, erected IiAPHATAflIl. pledged, guaranteed IiAPHAq chiropractor, bone-setter, manipulator, masseur, ~ Hn33q manipulators

IiAPHBq I. gown for a small child IiAPHBq II. sleeve (mech.) liAPHBqHllrAA arrest (iur.), HHiiTHHH ~ mass arrests

to be united, to be joined, oarw mass ~ to have the relationship of teacher and pupil 2. to wrestle, oapHMaxaacaa raaxanaax Hb to count one's chickens before they are hatched

IiAPHMJIArA 1. tie, bond, relationship, oarw waBmm ~ the tie between teacher and pupil 2. conjunction (of planet and constellation in Mongolian astrology)

IiAPHMJIArAATAfI connected, related liAPHllT 1. hold, grip 2. manipulation 3. bag, haul 4. construction

liAPHllI(AX to grasp each other, rap ~ to shake hands

IiAPHM (Myxap ~) measurement equal to the width of the fist or the distance across four fingers, Y3YYP ~ the same, plus the length of the outstretched thumb

IiAPHBqllArA (see OapHBQHnraa) IiAPHBqllAllT (see OapHBQHnraa) liAPHBqllAX to arrest, to seize, to capture, to take prisoner, ~ xyynac arrest warrant

IiAPHMAll 1. a sculpture, statue, OapHMnbIH

liAPHrAAX 1. to be kept, to be held 2. to be

IiAPHMAnqHH (see OapHManQ)

arrested, to be seized, to be caught 3. to be stricken by, to be affected by, 099C9H)l; ~ to be infested with lice, xor ypraxann ~ to get overgrown with weeds, ~Hr oaM)]; ~ to have scurvy

IiAPHrAAillrYH not to be caught IiAPHN catcher, holder, MOpb ~ horse catchers (who catch and hold the horses at the end of a race), w;eTOK ~ brush-holder (dynamo)

IiAPHll 1. knack, hang, way, method, ~ O~Ir onox to get the hang (of), ~ apra (~ nanan] method

2. grip, hold (bow, musical instrument, etc.)

urasap modelling clay

2. sculpted

IiAPHM~AX to sculpt, to model

IiAPHMA.JN sculptor IiAPHM}KAA 1. rough idea, outlines, Hy)l;3H OapHM:>Kaaraap at a visual estimate, ~ X3M1K33 rough measurement 2. landmark, bearings, ~ asax (~ XHHx) to get one's bearings

IiAPHM)l{AAllAll estimation IiAPHM)l{AAJIAX 1. (oapHM1KaaJIaH TO)l;OPxoanox] to estimate, to get a rough idea of 2. (3yr qHr33 OapHM1KaanaH onox] to get one's bearings, to orientate oneself

IiAPHMH,IJ; (see OapaMH)l;)

IiAPHMT 1. fact, evidence, proof, -- noronroo (-- C3nT) data, facts, information, evidence 2. (-OH1JHr) document, documentation IiAPHM TABHM (see oapHH TaBHH) IiAPHMT}KYYJIAX to document, to enter up IiAPHMTJIArtI adherent, supporter, follower IiAPHMTJIAJI 1. principle 2. concept IiAPHMTJIAX to follow, to act according to, to adhere to, to stick to, oapHMTnaH saxapax to control, § xoonnsr A3rn3MHHr HapHHH -- to keep strictly to one's diet


proven, well-founded, mented, factual, definite


IiAPHH TABHH straight out, direct, off the cuff IiAPHHTAr 1. gown 2. cloth wrapper for a book (xyl.), QaMQaH -- small inner wrapper for a book IiAPHHTArJIAX 1. to wrap (a book, etc., in a wrapper)

2. to freeze up (river)

IiAPHY tight, tight-fitting (boots, clothes, etc.) IiAPHYBtI gown for a small child IiAPHYJI 1. handle, acaanrsm -- starting handle, xaanransr -- door handle 2. (IIIaTHbI --) handrail (of stairs) 3. hilt (of a sword) leaf-stalk, petiole



grip (of a bow)

IiAPHX 1. to hold, to grasp, to keep, to wield, AVP3M -- to stick to the rules, 3aMbIH oapYYH Tanblr -- to keep to the right 2. to take, to catch, to pick up, sarac -- to catch fish, MOpb -- to catch a horse; to catch the horses as they approach the winning line, H3BTpyyn3r -- to pick up a broadcast 3. to arrest 4. to offer, to present S. to pitch (a tent), to build, oaHIIIHH -- to erect a building, Oapb}K oaHryynax to build, to set up, to construct 6. to light, syn -- to light a lamp (Buddh.), naa -- to light a candle 7. HC -- to bury a corpse 8. to play, XOr}KHM -- to play an instrument, to play music 9. to restrain, to hold back, to keep in, HH33A33 -- to contain one's laughter, HYnHMcaa -- to hold back one's tears, Oapb}K TOITOOX to contain (po/it.) 10. to manipulate (bones) 11. to drive

IiAPllAr servcnt. labourer, drudge IiAPllAMAn block-printed, xylographed IiAPllAX to print from blocks IiAPMHAC fine dust IiAPOH Baron Ungern-Sternberg IiAPC Tiger, HnA3H coeor -- Sabre-toothed Tiger IiAPCAHx to be rough, to be uneven, to be rugged IiAPcrAP rough, uneven, rugged IiAPCXHHX [uapan --) to glower IiAPTAA 1. rough ground, broken ground 2. (-03pxIII33n) obstacle



IiAPTAAJIAr rough, rugged, -- rasap rough ground, broken ground

IiAPTAAT rough, rugged, -- 3aM a rough road, -- sasraap ypannax to run in a cross-country race IiAPTAATAH rough, rugged, -- rasap rough ground, broken ground

IiAPTAATAX to get rough, to get rugged IiAPTAAIIIHX (see oapTaaTax) IiAPTAr rough, rough and ready, crude, clumsy IiAPTArJIAX to make a botch (of something), to botch up, to make a mess

IiAPyyrAAP to the west, to the right IiAPYYJIAX to go westward, Hap oapyynaxaA towards sunset

IiAPYYH west, western, right, right-hand, r3pmrn -- Tan the right-hand or western half of the tent, -- rap right hand; right, right-hand; close comrade, right-hand man, -- rap TanA on the righthand side, -- rap THHIII33 3pr3X to turn right (traF, etc.), -- AaMHYYP'IHH "Western Pedlars" (name of a district in Urga) (hist.), -- 3ymHH OPHYYA western countries, -- 3yrHHHX3H westerners, -- OMHO south-west., -- OMHOX south-west (adj.), -- conroHryH furiously, regardless, -conrOHryH rysnax to lash merci lessly, -conroHryH xynan X3n3X to lie left and right, -THHIII (-- rap THHIII) to the right, to the west, -yparnraa towards the south-west, -- YPA southwest, OapYYHbI Y33n rightist views, -- XOHA (-XOHT, -- XOHHO) north-west, -- XOHIIIOO towards the north-west, § Apao OH'IrHHr -- rap raaaac 3YYH THHIII Hb OH'I)l;3r the Arabic script is written from right to left

IiAPYYHAA in the west, to the west IiAPYYH r A3AP Tibet IiAPYYH 3YY Lhasa IiAPYYH OPOH Tibet IiAPYYH epree the "Western Pavilion" (the tent of Abtai Khan, originally erected at Erdene Zuu, incorporated into Urga at the time of the first Khutuktu, and moved to the site of Urga by the Selbe River in 1778. It was known as the Western Pavilion because it was pitched to the west of the Khutuktu's palace)

IiAPYYHTAAX to the right of, to the west of (adj.) IiAPYYHTAH west, westwards, § Ynaamiaarap XOTOOC -- nanaa rapynxaa KHnOMeTpHHH T3pT33 a little over seventy kilometres west of Ulaanbaatar, OapYYHTaHraacaa 3YYH THHIIIn3X TYTMaa the further one goes from west to east IiAPYYHTAHX (see oapYYHTaax)



IiAPLQTAH substantial, tangible IiAPLQYYJIAX to pawn

IiAPYYHTAH rightist (polit.)

IiAPbIH qHX Hydrangea (bot.)

IiAPYYHIII towards the right, towards the west

IiAC further, again, moreover, - oye all sorts of, - JI still, still not, not yet, - ]I T3P same again, - JI X3)l; XOHor a few days more, - 'I yryH moreover, furthermore § XOTbm xan - JI TaepaaryH oaiiJIaa the town traffic had not died down yet

IiAPYYHIIIJIAX to go westwards IiAPXAf anchor (Bur.) IiAPXAH xylographic printery (Tib. par-khang) IiAPXACIiA)J;L (- rapar] Jupiter (Skr. )

IiACAM}I{JIAJI scorn, contempt, derision

IiAPXHPAA noisy, strident

IiACAM)l{JIAHrYH scornful, disdainful

IiAPXHP~ shouting, yelling

IiACAM)KJIAX to look down on, to scorn, to despise, to deride, OaeaMJKJIaH careyypax to be contemptuous

IiAPXHP~ to shout, to make a row IiAPXHPAX to shout, to scream, to yell, to roar IiAP~ (-- raii) hindrance, obstacle, impedi-

ment, misfortune (Tib. bar-chad)

IiAPqrAP rough, rugged IiAP~ (see oapQa)l;) IiAPqlfHX to be rough, to be rugged

IiAPqlfH xylographic printery worker IiAPqlfX to use up, to use out IiAPIIIrYH inexhaustible, TOOJDK - innumerable, YH3JDK - inestimable, 3Mr3H3B'I - cannot be too much regretted IiAPLQ I. offering, gift (made by the faithful at a service) IiAPLQ II. grip, grasp, - asax to get a grip, annax to lose one's grip, oapb~aa JIaBJIax to get a good grip (wrestling)

IiACAX to look down on, to scorn, to despise, to deride, oacaH )l;OpOMJKJIOX to humiliate, to insult, oaeeaH aBC oare xarranar a slighted grass pricks one's behind (a warning against complacency) IiACrAH girl IiACrAPAX to be thick (smoke, tea, etc.) IiACrAX to swirl, to wreathe (smoke) IiACXYY furthermore IiAT (- HYT) strong, solid, firm, - 03X strength, solidity, toughness; strong, solid, tough, HJI3PXUHJI3X membership book, - OpWHJI a service performed for the benefit of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu (the Mongolian version of namnar}, - OPmJIbIH Haa)l;aM (see )l;aHIIIrHiiH aaanass]. - OpIIIHJI eprox (see naanrar eprex], - opmax to prevail, to hold good, to persist, to come true, T3p epeen - opIIIT)TaH may that wish come true, - opurax xanaap stability, ·durability, - TOM'BOpTOH stable (chern., etc.)

IiAPLQAA 1.1. pledge, caution, guarantee, security, pawning, oapbQaaH)l; anax to take hostage; to take as security, to take in pawn, oapbQaaH)]; erex to pawn, oapb~aaT yiuI'lHJIr33 (oapbQaaT 333JIHHH yHJI'lHJIr33) pawnbroking service, oapb~aaHbI XYH hostage 2. bail, oapb~aaraap cynnarnax to be released on bail

IiATAJIrAA 1. proof, confirmation, corroboration, assertion 2. guarantee, r3pJI3JITHHH - marriage, certificate, - OH'lHr certificate

IiAPLQAA II. adjoining, - epreo preceding or following relay station, - xapyyn adjoining or opposite watchposts (hist.)

IiATAJIrAAIKHX to be confirmed, to be guaranteed

IiAPLQAAJIAX 1. to guarantee, to cover, xepenre security 2. to pawn 3. to refer to IiAPLQAJI key (for plastering, etc.) IiAPL~JIT

IiATAJIrAAIKHJIT confirmation, guaranteeing

IiATAJIrA.lKYYJIAX to confirm, to guarantee IiATAJIrAAT guaranteed, - xyrauaa period of guarantee

adhesion, grip, § )l;)TYii 3aMbIH XOOPOH)];OX - adhesion between wheels

IiATAJIrAATAH 1. proven, certain 2. guaranteed, covered 3. registered (letter)

and road

IiATAJILOH battalion (mil.) (Russ.)

IiAPLQA1IAAX to adhere, to be gripped, MaCT3H - to be gripped by the ice, - 'IaHap adhesion

IiATAPEH battery (elec.) (Russ.)

IiAPLQA1IAYYJIAX to bind, to bond

IiATATrAX to strengthen, to reinforce, to confirm, § OHOWHHr oaTaTraH HOTJIOX to confirm the diagnosis

IiAPLQA1IT adhesion, grip

IiATrA spot, pimple, blackhead, acne

IiAPLQAX to contend

IiATrAHA Fly, Midge, oaTraHbIH xomyy oaITax 3aHryH not enough room to swing a cat in

IiAPLQrYH hard to grasp, elusive


liATfAHA XOP [Barraasr XOp, Barraasm xop] Aconite, Aconitum, A. barbatum (see Xopc)


liATfAPAX to have spots, to have pimples, to have blackheads, to have acne

liAXAPXMAAP pleasing, gratifying

liATfVH unstable, infirm

liAXAPXYY pleased, happy

liAT rYH name of a prison in Urga (hist.)

liAXAPXYYJIAX to please, to delight

liAT}l{HJI stability

IiAXAPXY¥IIITAH gratifying, -- 3yHJI something to be proud of

liAT}l{HJITAH stable, solid, -- OaH~aJI stability liAT}l{HX (oaT}KHH 03XJKHX) to grow strong, to grow firm liAT.JKYYJIAX (oaT)J{yyJIaH 03X*YYJI3X) to strengthen, to reinforce, to make firmer, to fortify, to back up liATJIAM.JK confirmation, ratification, -- acyyx OJlllHr instrument of ratification

Ii~AJI joy, delight Ii~AJITAH pleasing, gratifying Ii~AM

(see O~aJITaH)

Ii~AX to be pleased, to be gratified, to be delighted, to be proud Ii~YYJIAX to please, to gratify, to delight


liATJIAM.JKJIAX to confirm, to ratify

IiAXHAJI rYTAJI work boots (Russ.)

liATJIAX 1. to prove, to confirm, to approve, to ratify, to endorse, -- OHqHr certificate, OaTJIaH raprax to promulgate, OaTJIaH naars guarantor, OaTJIaH ~aaJIT guarantee, OaTJIaH naax to guarantee, OaTJIaH xasrraanax to defend, to protect, to safeguard; defence, Barnaa Xassraanax BaM Ministry of Defence, YJICblr oaTJI an xaxraanaxan TYCJIax HHHr3MJI3r Auxiliary Society for the Defence of the State, -xapay affirmative answer 2. certificate, membership card

IiAXHM 1. short and stout, stubby, -- XYPYYHYY~ stubby fingers 2. firm, tight, -- oapHX to hold tightly

liATPAIII (-- OBC) Mint, Mentha

IiAXJIAH Cudweed, Filago IiAXJIYYP I. (see OaraJI3yyp), -- oyJIqHpXaH (see °YJIqHpxaH) liAXJIYYP II. goitre IiAXJIYYP,n;AX to have goitre IiAXJIYYPTAX (see OaxJIyyp~ax) IiAXTAH pleasing, pleasant

liATTAH definite, firm, reliable, solid

IiAXYYgoitre, IfY1THHH xanapraa -- endemic goitre, XOpT -- toxic goitre, Graves's disease, 3HmHH -- simple goitre

liATXAAJIfA Bailingmiao (p.n.) liATI(AfAAH Sycamore, Maple (bot.) liAX I. (-- M3JIXHH) Toad liAX II. resin liAX III. joy, pleasure, fun, --xaHax to be pleased, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time; to gloat, oaxaa xanrax to indulge oneself liAX

IiAXHPAX (see oapXHpax)

IV.1. (XOOJIOHH --) quinsy 2. angina


liAXAPMHrH confused, embarrassed

IiAXb pincers, pliers, forceps, oaopoHXHH XOIIIYYTaH -- round-nosed pliers, XaBTraH XOIIIYYTaH -- flat-nosed pliers IiAXb liAH,IJ;Af the same old IiAXb liAH,n;fAAPAA as before, still the same, same as ever Ii~AH

(see nanaaa]

IiAQAf a day's fast, involving abstinence from meat (see MaQar), -- oapHX to observe a fast

liAXAPAAX 1. to be confused, to feel harassed, to be hysterical 2. hysteria, oaxap~aH ynanar OBqHH epilepsy

IiAQfAH girl

liAXAP,IIYYJIAX to confuse

IiAq trickery, deceit

liAXAPXAJI admiration, pleasure liAXAPXAJITAH 2. pleased




liAqHrHAX to keep up a noise IiAqHM (-- TYffiIYYPT3H) urgent, pressing, critical



liAXAPXAM gratifying, pleasing liAXAPXAHrYH proudly, pleased with oneself liAXAPXAX to admire, to be proud of, to be gratified at, § 3X OPOH~OO -- to be proud of one's country

IiAqHM,IJ;AJI agitation IiAqHM,IJ;AHrYH (see OaqHMmrY) IiAqHM,IJ;AX to be flustered, to be worried, to feel harassed, Q33)J{ -- to feel a tightness in the chest IiAqHM,IJ;YY flustered, worried, confused IiAqJIAJI deception



IiAqJIAX to deceive, to act with cunning IiAqTAH cunning, tricky, crafty IiAqyy 1. (-- HapHHH) tight, narrow, § OHe oapbcaH -- ryran xynnac tight body-hugging boots and clothes 2. impatient, in a hurry

IiAqyy,II;AJI tightness, constriction IiAqyy,II;AX to be constricted, to feel a tightness, ~33}1{33P Hb -- to feel a tightness in the chest IiAqyypAX 1. to be anxious, to be nervous, to be het up 2. to be constricted, XOOJIOH -- to feel a tightness in the throat

IiAIIIrAHA 1. Eyebright, Euphrasia, 3MHHH --

E. officinalis 2. Amethystea IiAIIIHr gleanings IiAIIIHrA Odontites (bot.) IiAIIIHHX to thrive, to grow fat IiAIIIHP I. pretence, trick, feigning, simulation, -apra (-- oaaw) trick, ruse, -- 3aJIbT cunning IiAIIIHP II. (-- ~3~3r) Pink, Dianthus, AJIar -D. versicolor, )KaBXaaJIar -- D. superbus (also E~YY}I{HH, Coroo cYMaH), liawHpbIHosor (-~3~HHH osor, -- ~3~3IT3H) Caryophyllaceae

Pink Family,

IiAIIIHPT cunning, tricky, crafty IiAgr3ABAA 1. Lancea (bot.) (also JIaHQYH) 2. local name for Milkwort (3ypX3H ~3~3r) IiAgrJIAX to be happy, to be glad, to be pleased

IiAg,II; Bait (west Mongolian people) IiAg)KHr,II;AX to be enriched IiAg)KHJIT enrichment, enhancement IiAg)KHX to grow rich, to get rich, OaH}I{CaH XOJIHMOr enriched mixture (auto.) IiAg}KMAJI concentrate (min.) IiAg)KYYJIAX 1. to enrich, to make richer, oaH}I{yyJICaH ypaa enriched uranium 2. to concentrate (min.), --KOMoHHaT concentration plant IiAgJIAr 1. riches, wealth, resources 2. rich, wealthy

IiAgJIAr)KYYJIAX to enrich, to make rich IiAgH rich, -- aHJI a rich family, -- oyp~ (see 6aHHoyp~) , -- H3r wyypra~ oaaTap H3r CYMaH~ (-- XYH H3r 3y~a~) there is no armour against fate, no one is invulnerable (a warning against smugness), -- raacar plentiful, lavish, -XOAOOA last horse in a race, -- XOJIHMOr rich mixture (auto.), -- uarranaa in the money, loaded, -- tIHH33JI3r affluent, -- tIHH33JI3r33p in affluence

IiAgHIiYP,II; oasis, watered spot in Gobi territory IiAgH TYPYY vulva (livestock) IiAgH XOT uterus (livestock) IiAgH XYYP accordion (Russ.) IiAgH xyypq accordionist IiAgp 1. (-- O~aJI) joy, happiness, -- OaHCraJIaH happiness, rejoicing, -- oaHcranaHryH unhappy, -- 30BJIOH joys and sorrows, -- TaJIapXaJI thanks, gratitude, appreciation, -- xeep happiness, pleasure, -- xeepraa happy, -- xypranr congratulation, -- xvprsx to congratulate 2. festival, -- eCJIOJI celebration, ceremony, ~araaH capbIH -- eCJIOJI New Year's festivities, -- eCJIOJIbIH ceremonial, -- Haa~aM festival, ga mes, oaHpbIH onep festivaI, festivaI day, oaHpbIH yr greetings, -- XHHx to hold a festival, to celebrate, oaHpbIH xypan festival, celebration, -- ~3Hr3JI revelry, celebration, -- ~3Hr3JI OOJIOX to make merry, to celebrate

IiAgPJIAJIAA thank you! IiAgPJIAMAAP pleasing, gratifying IiAgPJIAHrYH happy, pleased IiAgPJIAX 1. to be happy, to be glad, to be pleased, OaHpJIacaH X3P33 oaXHpaB r3rtI33p crowing over (something), OaHpJIaH ~3Hr3X to make merry 2. (oaHpJIa}l{ rHJIaHx) to thank IiAgPT joyful, happy, -- M3~33 joyful news IiAgPTAH 1. cheerful, happy, -- ~apaH a cheerful face 2. good-bye, -- YYJI3'bH good-bye, see you again

IiAgPXAJI ostention, swank IiAgPXAX to be ostentatious, to throw one's money about, to flaunt one's wealth

IiAgPXYY ostentatious IiAgCAJI I. pleasure, joy, -- ~3Hr3JI amusement, pleasure

IiAgCAJI II. the trigram dui IiAgCAJITAH happy, pleased, joyful IiAgCAM pleasing, gratifying IiAgCAHrYH (see OaHCaJITaH) IiAgCAHrYHrAAP happily IiAgCAX to be pleased, oaHcaH ~3Hr3X to enjoy oneself

IiAgCrAJIAH joy, happiness, pleasure IiABCrAJIAHTAH (see OaHCaJITaH) IiABcrAX to please, to make happy IiABCYYJIAX (see oaHcrax) IiABCYYH ( -- xaxYYH) cheerful, merry IiABqyy,II; rich people IiABqyyJI (see oaHqyy~) IiEHCIiOJI baseball


IiEHCIiOJIqMH baseball-player


IiEMOJIbTOH flat, flattened (mus.) (Russ.) IiEH3MH petrol, ~ saaryyp fuel gauge (Russ.) liEP3HHT (see 6pe3eHT) IiETOH I. concrete, TOMOp ~ reinforced concrete, ~ ayypars concrete mixer (Russ.) liETOH II. can, milk can (see 6H~OH), CYYHHH ~ milk churn (Russ.) IiETOH,IJ;OX to concrete IiETOHqHH concrete worker liH I, ~ qH ~33 Xyp3X to get at each other liHliJIH Bible, Society




liHB (intensifying particle), ~ 6HTyytightly closed, hermetically sealed liHBJI3H

1. a

species of Pepper (Piper longum)

2. Schizonepeta (bot.) (Tib. pi-pi-ling) liHBJI3HQ3P (see liHBJI3H 2.) liHrHYYP I. autoclave liHrHYYP II. poultice liHrH3X (see 63rH3x) liM)]; we liM)];HHH our (genitive of 6H~) liH,IJ:HHHr us (obiective of 6H~) liM)];HYYC we liM)];H33P through us (instrumental of 6H~) liM)];H33C from us, than us (ablative of 6H~) liM)];OH can, jerrycan, churn (Russ.) liHW3X to search, to search for, to look for, to seek liH,IJ:3H (oblique stem of 6H~), ~ IIIHr like us liH,IJ:3H,IJ: to us (dative-locative of 6H~) liM)];3HT3H with us (comitative of 6~) liH,IJ:3P spot, stripe liH,IJ:3PJI3X to speckle 1iM)];3PT spotted, striped 1iM)];3PT3X to be speckled liH,IJ:3X to wander liME 1. body, figure, HX ~ main part; body (animal, machine, etc.), bed (lathe), fuselage (aeroplane), trunk (anat., tree, etc. ); neck (stringed instrument; main part of a bow between the two quides, HOMhIH ~ absolute body (Buddh.), H3r3H 6He3p nyycax to be for life only (an honour, etc.), XYBHJIraaH ~ apparitional body (Buddh.), 6HeHHH asrpsrr xapax to take the easy way, 6HeHHH 6aH~aJI condition, state, ~ 6apax to die, ~ 6apHX to be tight-fitting, ~ ~ each other, ~ 6He~33 TyCJIax to help each other, ~ 6He3 XYJV(3Tr3X to respect each other, ~

OOJIOBCOpCOH having had smallpox (hist.), ~ 6YP3~YYH (~ 6YP3JI~3XYYH) personnel (mil.), ~ 6yr3Q anatomy, ~ Oyr3Q cY~JIaJI anatomy (as a science), ~ 6HJI~ap physique, build, ~ 6HJI~apryH underdeveloped, ~ 6H~ap}KYYJIax body-building, ~ 6HJI~PhIH physical, ~ 6HJI~hIH XYMVYJKHJI physical education, ~ raJIOHp figure, form, shape, 6He3 rasmax (6He3 HOOX) to spare oneself, to take it easy, ~ ryHQ3X to become fully developed, ~ ryHQC3H fully grown, adult, 6He3 naax to be independent, 6He3 naaac (6He3 naan] independently, 6He3 naasc H3P ~3BIIIHrq independent candidate, 6He3 naacan independent, ~ naaxap (~ JKHP3MC3H) pregnant, ~ sacax to relieve oneself, ~ sacax rasap (~ sacax epee] lavatory, toilet, 6He3 30pOX to wear oneself out, 6HeHHH sypar portrait, ~ Max6o~ body, constitution, physique, ~ Max60MHH bodily, physical, ~ MOHro (~ Torpor) ready money, cash, ~ MYY sick, unwell, 6He3p OHpTOX to have intercourse, 6He3 OTOpJIOrq slacker, skiver, 6He3 OTOpJIOX to slack, to skive, ~ cY~JIaJI physiology, ~ cyJITaH weakly, sickly, ~ raearnax (~ TaBHX) to feel a bit better, to relax, to feel more at ease, 6HeHHH TaMHp gymnastics, 6HeHHH TaMHphIH TaHXHM gymnaSium, ~ TYYXHH not having had smallpox (hist.), 6He3 yraax to bath, 6He3 yraax OHrOQ bath, 6He3 Y3YYJI3X to put in an appearance; to present, to consult a doctor, 6He3 YH3JI3rq prostitute, 6He3 YH3JI3H xynannax (6He3 YH3JI}K HBaJI~ax, 6He3 xynannax] to be a prostitute, to go on the game, 6He3 YH3JI3X HB~aJI prostitution, ~ xaa figure, form, ~ XaJIaaJIT warming-up, xasrraanar-t bodyguard, 6HeHHH XO~OJIMOP manual labour, ~ xearepex to feel better, ~ XYH~ 60JIOX (~ XYH~P3X) to be run down, to be in poor health, 6HeHHH XyqHH YH3JI3X to work for wages, ~ noruoc body, constitution, physique, ~ QorQChIH X3JI body-language, ~ xanrapax to build up one's strength, ~ IIIaJITarTaH (~ IIIaJITraaHTaH) preg nant, 6HeHHH 10M menstruation, periods, ~ 3PXT3M33 r3MT3JI yxpyynax to cause a self-inflicted wound (mil.), § ~ qHHh HMap 6aHHa how are you feeling? 2. person, self, MHHHH ~ I, Ilaraa MHHHH ~ I, Dagwa, qHHHH ~ you, 6He3 ans snax to behave, 6He3 aax saax 6aH~aJI behaviour, 6He3aBq anax COeJI manners, good behaviour, 6He3 30B aax asax to behave properly, 6He3 30B aax HBaxryH to misbehave, 6HeHHH 6aHQaaJIT documentation, personal papers, 6He3 6apHXto control oneself, to take a grip on oneself, to restrain oneself, to hold oneself in, 6He3 6o~o}K asax to go carefully, to look aher oneself, 6He3 sacax to reform, to correct one-



IiHET3H (see OHeT II.) IiHEqHnC3H personal

self, OHe3 TOOMTrOH bumptious, oHe3 TOOX to swank, to think a lot of oneself, OHe3 xearenex to relieve oneself, ,.., XyH individual, person, personality, ,.., XyHHH personal, individual, ,.., XyHHH H3P Tap personal reputation 3. person (gram.), rypasnyraap ,.., third person, H3r,IW'33p ,.., first person, xoepnyraap ,.., second person 4. side, part, Tyyn ronsm yp~ ,.., the south side of the Tuul River, ,.., aara part, 33BcrHHH ,.., aara parts of a weapon IiHEfYH sickly IiHE)KJfnT hardening

1. formation, maturing 2. setting,

IiHE)KJfX 1. to develop, to form, to mature 2. to set, to harden IiHE)Kyyn3X to strengthen

1. to form (trans.) 2. to harden,

IiHEnrn3 a type of static folk-dance § Momon apnsnr oyJKrHHr ~OTOP Hb oapYYH MOHronbIH ,.." 3YYH MOHronbIH apm-m oy}J{Hr r3}1{ xoep X3C3IT xysaaac oonox 10M the Mongolian folkdance can be divided into two types - the west Mongolian ,.., and the east Mongolian folkdance IiHEnf33q oH3nr33-dancer IiHEnYYll3X to fulfil, to carry out, to perform IiHEnIllfYH impracticable

IiHEqn3H personally, in person IiHE3P (see OHeqn3H) IiHM (- OBqHH, XyyxwlHH -) infant diarrhoea IiH)I{.II;3X to have infant diarrhoea IiH)KHPM3f grain, granule, bead IiH)KJl3rx3H smallish IiHMPYY rash, eruption (med.) IiH3 (- ~33) (final corroborative particle) no doubt, surely, I suppose IiH3HEC business IiH3HECMEH businessman IiH333 (see OH3) IiHH 1.1. to be, to exist, to be alive, being, existing, is, are, ,.., oonrox to create, to bring into existence, ,.., oonox to come to be, to come into bei ng, § r3Bq o3pXllI33n yn3M}I{ OHH but there are considerable difficulties, ~3BT3P Q OHH Hb OHH oaHxaa well, yes, I suppose I've got a book, aanan - I have one, X3PX3H - oonCOH ryxaH as to how it came into being 2. to be (somewhere), § OHpXOH - IIIHp33THHH OpTOO the Shireet relay station which was nearby, TaHaHxaH ,.., lOy are your people in? 3. (OHHBHH)

(auxiliary verb expressing hesitation or uncertainty), § AHBaaH apsan ecea Hac XYP3X33P ,.., a}l{33 Anwaan would have been coming up to nineteen, 3M33nHilHb OHqHX - r33~ thinking its saddle might fall

IiHEn3f I. (,.., esc] Meadow-grass, Poa, ,IJ;3pr3p ,.., P. subfastigiata, HaMmHH ,.., P. palustris, Hyrsra ,.., P. pratensis, TarHHH - P. alpina, Ty}J{HHH - P. nemoralis, Tyy}l{yyHbI - P. botryoides, 3r3n - P. trivialis

IiHH II. a west Mongolian dance-form, au ,.., a type of ,.., performed by two dancers

IiHEn3f II. (see oHepxyy)

IiHHBn3f a type of lute

IiHHBAA (see nHHnaa)

IiHEn3f,IJ;3IllfYH unrealizable

IiHHn3f (,.., ~HHn3r) plentiful, in.plenty

IiHEn3n fulfilment, implementation, realization, oHenn33onox to be realized, to come to fruition

IiHHn3f)KYY (see oHHn3r) IiHHJI3X to dance, OHH ,.., to perform the OHH

IiHEn3nT (see oHen3n)

IiHHP writing-brush (Chin.)

IiHEn3X I. to be fulfilled, to be realized, to be effected

IiHHqHH oHH-dancer

IiHEn3X II. to perform a OHenr33 dance

IiHnIiYYP,IJ;3X to blarney, to flannel

IiHEn33X (see oHenyyn3x)

IiHnfHHH QAHA,IJ; XR3fAAPAA XYPC3H perfection of wisdom, Prajna-paramita (Buddh.)

IiHEn33q (see oHenr33Q)

IiHnfYYH wise

IiHEM body, map - corpus luteum (anat.)

IiHnET ticket, ,.., oypTr3x to check in (Russ.)

IiHEH:Q3P corpuscle

IiHnHf I. female, minor (mus.), lunar (cf. apra 3.), oHnrHHH TOO (OHnrHHH ynapan] lunar calendar, ,.., 3rmrHHH xer minor scale

IiHEPXYY big-bodied, stout IiHEPX3f (see oHepxyy) IiHET 1.1. body, object 2. material, substance, 3yHncHHH opnoro income in kind IiHET II. actual, factual, real, concrete

snnar II. (see oHn3r I.) IiHnHf IiAPHMH,IJ; perfection Prajna-paramita (Buddh.)

of wisdom,

snnvv I.

is it not?, § Mapraall Hb 10M sv. aereenep Hb - the next day or maybe the day




sanvv II. whetstone

IiHHqHH means, funds, resources (Chin.)

IiHnYYAM3n ground, honed IiHJIYY,II;3X to grind, to whet, to hone, OHJIYY~3}K OHrOJIOX to grind smooth IiHJIlIHP 1. junction, crossroads, confluence, OpXOH-TYYJIbIH - the confluence of the Orkhon

IiHOITOrn biology IiHOITOrnHH biological IiHOXHH biogas IiHOX3MH3IT biorhythm IiHPAArA Pennycress, Thlaspi (also TOJIbT OBC, T3M33H raaxaa], XaJIOaraH - T. cochleari-

and the Tuul 2. point for application of moxa

IiHnqHPIT3X to join, to come together IiHnQHX 1. to graze, to pasture 2. to scatter, to be scattered about

IiHITQ33P (- HYTar) pasture, pasture-land, grazing IiHITQ33PIT~3X to be deprived of pastureland

IiHITQ33PITYYIT3X to pasture, to drive to pasture, XOHHO - to pasture one's sheep IiHnQ33PIT3ITT grazing, pasturing IiHnQ33PIT3X to graze, to pasture, to feed IiHITQ33X to take to pasture, to let graze, HY~ OHJIQ33H xapax to feast one's eyes (on) IiHn3r I. (- OlOyH, - qaABap) talent, capacity, abilities, - yxaaa wisdom, intelligence

IiHIT3r II. (see 03JI3r III.) IiHIT3rrYH untalented, dim IiHIT3r,II;3IT (see 03JI3r~3JI) IiHIT3r,II;3X (see 03JI3r~3x) IiHIT3IT talented, gihed IiHIT3IT3H (see OHJI3IT) IiHn3rIII33X (see 03JI3rIII33X) IiHn33 (final corroborative particle), § aMbTaH xYH ioy r3}K OO~OX 10M - whatever will people think?, apra X3M}K33 aacan OOJI~ HHM XOXHpOJI yqpaxryH - surely such damage would not have happened if measures had been taken, H3rTaJIX HMap YH3T3H - what does a loaf cost, then?, onoo sanar - what's to be done now, then?, X3P3B OH 3XH3PT3HOH OOJI rap OpOH MHHb xaaaaac HHM OaHx - if I'd had a wife, my home could never have got into this state, could it?

IiHH I. (intensifying particle), - OHTYY tightly closed, hermetically seoled. - xap pitch dark IiHH II. a flattened cake, baked dry or in fat IiHH,IJ;3P beryllium IiHH,IJ;3P1>.SIA beryl, aJITaH - chrysoberyl, yean - aquamarine, xYBHJIraaH - alexandrite (Skr.) IiHHT I. bandage (Russ.) IiHHT II. small Circle, zero


Xo~ooHHiI- Field Pennycress,

T. arvense

IiHPBAA3 (see OHpBaa3) IiHPrA the name of the sign placed above the first line on the recto side of a sheet (xyl.) IiHP,II; hungry ghost, preta (Skr.) IiHP,II;AAH IiYY (see oyy) IiHP)I{ exchange, stock-exchange, commodityexchange, market, caHrHHH - (xopoHrHHH -) stock-exchange, OHp}KHHH opoKep stockbroker

(Russ.) IiHP)I{r3P rough, bumpy, knobbly IiHP)l{HHX 1. to become rough 2. to come out in a rash

IiHP)I{33H (see ope3eHT) IiHpQr3P (see OHP}Kl'3p) IiHP.SIHrYY (see IIIHM3JI~3r 11.1.) IiHCAAH3 name of a four-stringed bowed fiddle IiHCMAH (-T3Hr3p) Vaishravana (Buddh.) (Skr.) (also Hasrcpaa] IiHTrnH do not, § Ta HaMaHr oara r3}K - oac do not despise me for being small, T3p - X3JI and moreover, let alone that, YYH33C XOHIII HHM a3ryH HB~aJI - rapaacaa r3}K OO~O}K HB}K OHJI33 I just hoped such an unfortunate thing would never happen again

IiHTHH (see OHTrHH) IiHTYY 1.1. (- xyryy) closed, Hap - (see Hap), XOHHHbI - TOJIrOH an intact sheep's head (With the chin-bone still in place), -l1YY dull sound, -

JIOHX tight-lipped, of few words, - CHCTeM closed system (mech.), - yor closed letterssuch as b in Mongolian script, - XOOJI dumpling-type food (Oyy3, xyymyyp, etc.), - uarapar vicious circle 2. thick, dense, close, - XYY3 thick whiskers, - QaCTaH snow-mantled, - IIIyryH dense forest, - my~T3H with a full set of teeth 3.i. (- ~aJI~) secret, mysterious ii. covert, veiled, - 3aHax to utter veiled threats, - yr insinuation

IiHTYY II. (see 0HTYYH), - raprax to see out the old year

IiHTYY III. double handful IiHTYY,II;33 in secret, covertly


JiHTYYll3f I.

JiHTYYll3f I. (lunar) New Year's eve feast, food for that feast

JiHTYYll3f II. deep, mysterious JiHTYYll3X 1.1. to cover up, to conceal, to seal up, to fill in


to take in double handfuls

JiHTYYll3X II. to celebrate the last night of the old year

JiHTYYM)I{ seal (for sealing a box, etc.) JiHTYYM)I{ll3ll sealing, freezing, impound-

(jur.) JiHTYYM)I{ll3X 1. to seal, to seal up, TaMra .. ing, sequestration

to enclose the seal (so as to suspend official business at the New Year) (hist.) 2. to sequestrate (jur.), xopeare .. to sequestrate property

JiHTYYH (OHTYYHHH OAOP) the last day of the lunar month, the last day of the year, OHTYYHHH IIIOHO the last night of the month or year

JiHTYYP3llT obstruction, blockage IiHTYYP3X 1. to be closed (switch, circuit, etc.) 2. to be blocked, xasrap .. to have a stuffed-up nose 3. to heal, to close over (wound) closed over, to be obscured

4. to


IiHTYYX3H in secret, covertly IiHT3f (see o3T3r) IiHIIITEKC steak (Russ.) IiHq Ape, Monkey, OHqHH 1KHn year of the monkey

IiHqB3P text, .. oonoBcpyynax text-processing, .. cYMan textology

IiHqrnHH 1. written,writing (adj.), .. 3yy pin, .. 3yyHHH TonrOH pin-head, .. MalIIHH (see MaIIIHH), .. M3A33 written information, information in writing, .. xanaac staple, .. X3n written language, literary language, .. uaac (seenaac], .. IIIHP33 desk, .. IIIOXOH chalk 2. civil (hist.), .. TYlliM3JI civil official

IiHqrn3P in writing IiHqHr 1. writing, script, aBHaHbI .. phonetic script, AYPC .. hieroglyphics, 3ypmHH .. pictographs, YTmHH .. ideographs, XHQ33HryH .. calligraphy, calligraphic writing, XyyqHH .. the old Mongol script, uraaarar .. cuneiform, urap .. "yellow script" (Tibetan letters used for writing Mongol), .. M3A3X to be literate, to know how to read and write, .. oara M3A3rqHA subliterates, .. 3aXHAan letters, mail, .. HOMryH illiterate, without writing, .. yn M3A3X HBAan (.. YC3r ynM3A3xHBAan) illiteracy, "YC3rwriting, script, .. YC3rryH illiterate, without writing, .. YC3rryH X3n unwritten language, .. YC3IT3H literate 2. note, certificate, chit, naryyn « invoice, .. TOOT

letter, memo 3. (.. oapHMT) document, papers, aJIOaH eCHbI .. oapHMT official documents, apXHBbIH .. oapHMT archival documents, .. oapHMT sacax to cook the books, .. xap documents, .. X3p3r (.. casar] writings, papers, paperwork, .. naac paper, papers, .. naacasr a1KHJl paperwork 4. book, cypax .. text-book, .. 30XHon books, writings, .. 30XHOJIbIH literary, .. CYAap books

JiHqHr,IJ;3ll writings, written form IiHqHrll3ll 1. writing, writings, inscription


description, account

JiHQHfll3X to put into writing, to enter into correspondence

IiHqHIT3H literate JiHqHrtI writer, 3a.xHAaJI .. letter-writer IiHqHll micro, aMb cYAnaJI


oH~aMbcYMan), .. aMbTaH microfauna, .. OHe (.. OHeT3H, .. OHe MaxoOA, .. opraaasst] micro-organism, .. 0YT3U; microstructure, .. ,rm>aHoaH microscope, u;aXHM .. ,rm>aHOaH electron microscope, .. MaxooA (.. H3ryyp MaxooA, .. 3neMeHT) trace element, .. M3C 3aCaJI micro-surgery, .. OpQHH micro-environment, .. npoueccop microprocessor, .. xapyyp microscope, anexrpoasr .. xapyyp electron microscope, .. X3nX33 microcircuit, .. uar yyp micro-climate

IiHqHllAMbCY,IJ;llArtI microbiologist IiHqHJIAMbCY,IJ;JIAJI microbiology JiHqHJIAMbCY,IJ;JIAJIbIH microbiological IiHqHJIT writing, lettering, entry, notation IiHqHX 1. to write, to write about 2. to record, COpOH30H XaJIbCa~ .. to tape


to prescribe

IiHqJI3r 1.i. writing, lettering, hand, MalIIHH .. typing, typewriting, Typr3H .. shorthand ii. a piece of writing, Tyyx .. historical writing 2. recording. oynQHHrHHH naxanraaa .. electromyograph, AWC .. video-recording, video, AWC OHQn3rHHH MamHTo4>oHvideo recorder, AWC OHQn3mHH XaJIbC video tape, AYPC OHQn3mHH xyypu;ar video cassette, 3YPXHHH uaxanraaa « electrocardiogram, MarHHT04>OHbI .. (COpOH30H .. ) tape-recording, COpOH30H OHQn3rHHH annapar tape-recorder, TapXHHbI uaxaraaa » electroencephalogram 3. notation, lIIaTpbIH .. chess notation

IiHqM3JI 1. written, .. xyym, written law 2. handwritten, .. HOM handwritten book



IiHqYYJI3X 1. to get (something) written 2. to get one's order taken, to get a bill to pay for a purchase 3. to record, to make a recording

IiHq33H pastry, biscuit (Russ. ne-reas] IiHq33C inscription


IiHq33T3H written, inscribed IiHq33q 1. clerk, scribe, copyist, 6yr3H full clerk (hist.), Tan N "half clerk" (young clerk employed together with another to do the work of an experienced man) (hist.) 2. (MamHHbI N) typist, apsan XYPYYHbI ten-finger typist




IiHIII 1. is not 2. non-, sacar N TaHJK non-bannerprince taij 3. is only .... but not, § xoep rypasxaa 3YYH rpaMM apxn yycan N, mHJI33p Hb yyraaryH I only drank two or three hundred grammes of spirits, not by the bottle 4. only, nothing for it but, § 6~axaac ~33 better go back 5. N 60JIOX to fail, to turn out badly N

IiHIIIrYH a lot, lots, any amount, H3r pretty chen, § HapHHH ypqyy~ 6HH there are plenty of skilied croltsrnen. JI HX 3yHJI ever such a lot of things N



IiHIIIrY~33 many a time

IiHIIIITYP flute, 6arJIaCaH a composite wind instrument (hist.), yeJI3X bassoon N


IiHIIIITYP,o;3X to play the flute

IiHII.I,IJ;3X to be messed up, to be spoiled, t? ~et bad, § 6a~aJI 6Hm~3XHHr oliJIrocoH reolizinq that things were turning nasty, X3p3r 6Hm~33 ~33 it's all up!, ~apaH'lHHb H3r JI 6H~33~ 6ailx 10M you do look a bit off colour, 3H3 q X3p3r 6HmH~33 this was serious, this meant trouble IiHIIIP3M admirable, worthy reverent,



(see 6Hmp3MTrHH)

IiHIIIP3X l.i. (6Hmp3HHTr3X, 6Hmp3H Moprox, 6Hmp3H nryrsx] to believe in, to worship, to adore ii. to swear by 2. (6Hmp3H 6axapxax, 6Hmp3H 6~ax, 6Hmp3H urvrsx] to admire, to respect

(see 6Hmyypxyy) (see 6HmyypXyy)

IiHIIIYYPX3X to be shy, to be bashful, to be timid IiOIiCJIEH bobsleigh

particle ),



IiOrHHOBTOP quite short

IiOrHHOCOJIT shortening IiOrHHOCOX to be shorter, to get shorter, to last less time IiOrHHOTrOX to shorten IiOrHHOXOH quite short, Mam


very short

lioroq I. a tie for tying up the front leg of a beast

soros II. saddle (geog.) lioroqJIOX to tie the front leg of a beast in a bent position IiOIT a gih promised from the side of the bridegroom to that of his intended bride (hist.) IiOITJIOX (60ITJIOH r3pJI3x) to marry, to get married, 60ITJIOH 6yyJIrax to marry off (a daughter), 60ITJIOH orex to give in marriage IiOITOrOwoman's headdress in mediaeval times

lioru; saddle-bag, bag liorU;JIOX to pack into a saddle-bag liorIIIHPro Sparrow


60p brown as a

lior I. (N MaJI) small livestock (sheep and goats) lior II. (N OBC) wind-carried grass or foliage

etc.) lior,o; 1. holy, sacred, divine 2. (Ap IiOrBOHX to perch (bird,

r3r33H, )I{aB3aMaM6a XYTaIT) the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu (Grand Lama, Living Buddha) of Urga,


liorHHO 1. short, N 60~OJITOH (N JKOJIOOTOH) short-sighted (fig.), N ~OJIrHOH (see ~OJIrHoH), N 1IYY (see ~yy 3.), JKOJIOOTOH naive, sanraac (N XOJI60JIT, N XOJI6oo) short circuit, N o~ shorts, N xanapra short ribs, first ribs, N xyrauaaan in a short space of time, N xyranaansr (N xyrauaaraa] short-term (loan, etc.) 2. a short (in signalling)



IiOB (intensifying berry

sornsnt erree Urga sornua XYP33 Urga

IiOITOC ulna (cf. myy HC), 60ITOCHbI sanaa (60ITOCHbI sanaa HC) olecranon, olecranon HCHbI mOBor C3pT3H process of the ulna, styloid process of the ulna

IiHIIIYYPXYY shy, bashful, timid IiHIIIYYPX3r

lior,o; YYJI Bogd Uul, the Holy Mountain south of Urga

IiOrHHOCrOX to shorten

IiHII.I,IJ;YYJI3X to mess up·, to spoil


lior,o;rop stumpy, squat

IiOrHHO,o;OX to be too short

IiHIIIITypqHH flautist

IiHIIIP3MTrHH devoted

N Xaan the King of Autonomous Mongolia, N xaarrr yJIC (N 333HT ync] the Autonomous Monarchy, 191 1-1920



liorIIIHX I. to get too thick and strong [rapar, etc.), to be overbrewed (tea) liorIIIHX II. to be weary, to be jaded, to be worn out IiO,o; 1. (N Man) large livestock 2. an accounting unit rating different sorts of livestock against the 6o~ unit 3. a chess-piece (excluding king and pawns)



1i0,IJ;OJIXHHJI3X to reflect, to be pensive, to be deep in thought

1i0,IUJOJI 1. compared with, § OHpa)OO'~ 3YYH Moaronuyynsrr - 3W1HH 3acrHHH ranaap ~aBYY OaH}K33 compared with the eastern Mongols, the Oirats were superior in economic terms 2. in my opinion, I suppose

1i0,IJ;fAJIb individual (n., adj.), - xaaap individuality (Skr.) 1i0,IJ;fAJIbtIJIAH individually 1i0,IJ;HfVH unreal, incorporeal 1i0,IJ;HC matter, substance, oop - grey matter (of the brain), naa - simple substance, element,

HHHJIM3JI - compound substance, TyM3H - (see TyM), ~araaH - white matter (of the brain), WHMT - nutrient, OOWlCbIH Oyr3~ structure of matter, - 3yH (OO~HCbIH yxaan] physics, - 3yHq physicist, OOWlCbIH COJIHJI~OO metabolism 1i0,IJ;HCM Bodhisattva (Skr.) 1i0,IJ;HCMBAA (see oOWlca~) 1i0,IJ;HT real, concrete, in real terms, - oa~aJI reality, - 3yHJI an object, a material, - H3P substantive (gram.), - opJIoro real income, XHHCB3P real and abstract, - xyMyyC real people, actual people, - ~aJIHH real wages, qaHap reality, - WHH}K realities

1i0,IJ;HTOH (see OOWlT) 1i0,IJ;JIOfO 1. thought, - oo~ox to reflect, ryH33 - oo~ox to be deep in thought, - TaBHX to think over, to give one's mind to 2. policy, WHH3 3aCrHHH - the policy of sinicization carried out by the Manchu government towards Mongolia at the beginning of the 20th century 3. problem, OryyJIB3PT3H - problem (arith.), - oOJj;ox to work out a problem

1i0,IJ;JIOfOIIIPOHrYH preoccupied 1i0,IJ;JIOrOIIIPOX to think deeply about, to ponder deeply about, to worry about, to brood over 1i0~OrJIOX 1. to think over to talk to oneself

2. to think aloud,

1i0,IJ;or,IJ;OX 1. to come to mind, to occur to, to be in one's thoughts 2. to seem, to seem as if, to look like

IiO,IJ;OrwYJIAX to suggest 1i0,IJ;O)l{ with a view to 1i0,IJ;OJI (- caaaa, - C3Tr3JI) thought, idea, feeling, mind, opinion, OO~OM anrax (oo~OJI~ naparnax] to be deep in thought, to be lost in thought, - OOJIOX to think, to reflect, - H3IT3H like-minded, OOJ];JIOO OOpqJIOX to change one's mind, - TOpOX to get the idea of, to conceive of IiO,IJ;OJIT calculation 1i0,IJ;OJITOH prudent

1i0,IJ;OJIQOX to consider, to take into account 1i0,IJ;OH (- raxaa] Boar 1i0,IJ;00 smallpox 1i0,IJ;OT (see OO~HT) 1i0,IJ;OX 1. to think, OO~O}K raprax to work out, to calculate, oOJj;O}K OJIOX to find out, to work out, OO~O}K C3Jj;3X to plan, to think out, OO~O}K rynraax to think over, to consider 2. to think about, to see about 3. to reckon, to calculate,

Jj;aHC - to cast up accounts, oo~oo~ oo~oo~ OO~bIH WHHp ~OPOB no getting away from it, no two ways about it

IiO,IJ;OXO,IJ; compared with 1i0WOJI proposition, thesis, - OHqHr submission to the throne (hist.)

1i0,IJ;b 1. enlightenment (Buddh.), - asrsraa (repeec] holy beast; Gazelle, - MO~ Bo-tree, Pipal (Ficus religiose), - Map the path of enlightenment, - C3Tr3JI enlightenment, - C3Tr3JI TOpOX to achieve enlightenment, OOWlH Hb XOTJIOX to kill; to smash up, - xyrar state of Buddhahood,


of knowledge,


xyrar OJIOX to achieve Buddhahood 2. (HOOMOH) calm (Skr.) IiO,IJ;brVH unreal, incorporeal 1i0,IJ;bCM (see oOWlca~) 1i0)l{fO willy, child's penis 1i0)I{HPXOH measly, miserable IiO)I{MOf Artemisia enethifolia (also XOHHH IIIapHJI}K) 1i03 a drink prepared from boiled uaraa or aHpar 1i03JIOr a kind of gopher with a short tail (see 3ypaM) IiOH I. care, nursing, - Hb apanax to grow up 1i0H II. (OOHHbI raaap] slaughterhouse, abattoir, shambles

IiOHB 1. foot 2. shoe IiOHBor (see OOHB) 1i0HrOp frankincense (explained as resin from the White Sandalwood tree, Ilaraan 3aHJJ;aH) (Tib. spos-dkar) IiOH,IJ;AA steward, butler (Man.) IiOH,n;OO clumsy, awkward, lumbering IiOH)l{HJIT growth, growing up, development, OOHJKHJITHHH XYUb percentage of survivals, TOJI - reari ng of young beasts

IiOH)l{HX to grow up 1i0H)I{YYJIAX to rear, to bring up 1i0HMJIOX (see OOOMHJIox)


IiOHIIOP incense-burner (Tib. spos-phor) IiOHP male Otter IiOHTOr 1.1. overboots for cold weather 2. child's boots

IiOHTor II. bungler IiOHTOrJIOX to bungle, to make a mess of things

IiOHTOrxOH sloppy, slapdash IiOHIIIHJI amber (Tib. spos-shel) IiOKCtIHH boxer IiOJI 1. (conditional particle), § OAOO oaHcaH ... qaMTaH Hac qa~ oaiixcaH if he were alive today, he would be the same age as you

2. (emphatic particle, topic indicator), OAOO ... nowadays 3. (... AOO, ... yy) (final particle suggesting uncertainty or wondering), § TeapT roy raps oaHraa ... I wonder what's on at the theatre?, saraa 10M ... what con have happened?, HpHBaJI HH33A Hh sacaa HX Xyp3X ... how they would laugh if I told them, xaaaa XHHC3H 10M'" AOO I wonder where she can have put it, apsaa :QarHHH xansn ... YY naa it might have been around eleven, X3A XOHor caaraac MOpHJIOX ... YY suppose you stay a few days?

IiOJIIiOJI 1. (topic indicator, see OOJl 2.) 2. if, Xyfrr3H ... if it is cold 3. if possible 60JIliOPOH (see 0YJlOapaH) IiOJIIiYY (see OOJlOB yy) 60nrO)K as, so as to be 60nrOMon made-up, composite (paper) lionrOH 1. every, each, every time, oapar 10M ...almost everything, OPOH'" every evening, XVII ... nraxasr almost everyone, § AaHpaJlAax OOJlrOHAOO every time he met her 2. as, TYPmHJlT ...

as an experiment

IiOJIrOOA after, at the end of, rypsaa }J{HJI ... after three years

IiOnrOOM)K care, carefulness, caution 60nrOOM)KrYH careless, thoughtless, negligent, § r3MT xspsr ... yHnA3X to commit a crime through negligence

IiOJIrOOM)KHT careful, cautious, circumspect 60nrOOM)KITOn cautiousness 60JIrOOM)KnoHrYH cautious IiOnrOOM)KJIOX to pay attention (not to), to take care (lest), to be prepared (against), to be warned (against), to be careful (about), OHe3 OOJlrOOM}J{HJI go carefully, take care of yourself, r3MT33X HBAJIaac ... to take care not to damage, ... cypraan a warning lesson

60nrOOM)KTOH (see OOJlrOOM}J{HT) lionroox 1. to be careful 2. to look at, to consider, to notice, to pay attention to



IiOJIrOX 1. to make, to cause to be 2. to consider as 3. to cook, AYTYY ... to undercook 4. to wait till, YA3m ... to wait till evening

IiOM steel, 300JlOH ... mild steel

sonnror knobbly (Bur.) IiOJIAOr hillock IiOMOrrYH good-for-nothing, discreditable, unreliable

sonnorcoa IiOJI (see OOJlOX 4.) IiOJI)K (... A33) good!, all right! IiOJI)KMOP Lark, IiOPOJl30H ... Skylark, Alauda arvensis , CorCOOT Crested Lark, Galerida cristata , X33PHHH Calandra Lark, Melanocorypha calandra , 3B3PT ... Horned Lark,

Eremophila alpestris IiOJI3MOJI conditioned, conditional lion30n conditions, demands, ...oHenyyJl3X to fulfil the conditions, ...xanrax to satisfythe conditions

IiOJI30JIrYH unconditional, absolute, anasaa OOJl3onryHr33p unconditionally, ... pedinexc unconditioned reflex

60n30JIT conditioned, with conditions, ... pedinexc conditioned reflex, ... XYAaJIAaa conditional sale (to a purchaser willing to buy something else as well)

60n300 agreed time, agreed place, rendezvous, date, ... TaBHX to make a date IiOJI300rYH 1. indefinite, indeterminate


shifty, unreliable, untrustworthy

60JI300nOX to make an arrangement, to agree

IiOn300prVH shifty, unreliable, untrustworthy IiOJI300T agreed, arranged, OOJl300TbIH oop TOJlrOH "the Grey Knoll of Encounters" (liter.), ... XYYX3H fiancee IiOJI300TOH (see OOJl30OT) IiOJI30X to arrange, to fix (a time), to date, to make a date with, OOJl3COH OAOP on the day arranged

60n30rnrYH may, might, can, could, probable, possible, likely, liable, YCTaJK ... liable to extinction, ... r3MT3J1 possible fault, § rap xypyyraa r3MT33}J{'" you could hurt your fingers

60nHYJIAX to cease, to stop, to cancel, to get (something) stopped

lionHX to stop (doing something), to give up, aa OOJlbe AOO let's not, then, let's drop it, XHHrA3x33 OOJlb}J{33 is no longer made, OOJlHOq A33 don't go on about it, it can't be helped



IiOJIMOOP possible, may be, could be IiOJIMOOPrYH impossible IiOJIOBCOH 1. cultured, cultivated 2. trained, OOJIOBCOH xyq cadre, staff, educated, M3pr3}KJ1HHH ,.., xyq skilled staff IiOJIOBCPOJI 1. education, APAbIH 1i0JIOBCPOJIhIH RaM Ministry of Education (from 1968), epoHXHH OOJIOBCPOJIhIH cypryyns school of general education 2. culture

IiOJIOJIQOOfVH impossible IiOJIOJIIJ;OOTOH possible, - oyx TYCJIaM1K all possible assistance, § 0H)l;""OyxH33 XHHJI33 we did all we possibly could IiOJIOJIIJ;OX 1. to become [rnutoclly], ax lJ.YY 00JIOJIQ}K33 they became brothers 2. to be possible IiOJIOMrYH impossible, not susceptible of, }KHllIH}K ,.., not comparable IiOJIOM)K possibility, opportunity, OaHJI));aaHhI ,.., military capability, raJIhIH ,.., fire-power IiOJIOM)KrYH impossible

IiOJIOBCPOJIT 1. maturity, maturation, ripening, 03JIrHHH ,.., sexual maturity 2. slaking (lime)

IiOJIOM}l{HT possible


IiOJIOM)KOOHbI adequate

IiOJIOBCPOJITOH person with an education, apsan :>KH.JIHHH ,.., person with ten years' schooling

IiOJIOM)KTOH possible, - OOJI if possible

IiOJIOBCPOHrYH refined, sophisticated, highly developed, ,.., OOJIrOX to refi ne

IiOJIOO,rr; 1. and 2. otter. ryqHH XOHor ,.., aher thirty days 3. as, like

IiOJIOBCPOX 1. to ripen 2. to become educated, to become cultured 3. (OOJIOBCOpq nnnrrsx] to be digested

IiOJIOP 1. quartz, crystal, rock-crystal, napanrar ,.., quartz (showing piezoelectric effect) (Russ. nsesoxsapu}, ycaa ,.., (YYJIhIH ,..,) roc k-crystaI, YTaaT ,.., smoky quartz, HraaH ,.., amethyst, ,.., xyanara crystal goblet, ,.., llIHJI crystal, crystal glass 2. lens (of the eye), ,.., Qaflx cataract (med.)

IiOJIOBCPYYJIAJIT 1. production, generation 2. processing, treatment, working, XOOJI ,.., digestion 3. improvement (soil, roads, etc.) IiOJIOBCPYYJIAX 1. to work, to process, MeTaJIJI ,.., yHJI));B3P metal-working industry, TeKCT ,.., (see TeKcT), XOOJI ,.., to digest food, llIOXOH ,.., to slake lime 2. to refine, to perfect 3. to prepa re, to draw up, TOJIOBJIOrOor ,.., to draw up a plan 4. to till, to cultivate, xepc ,.., to till the land IiOJIOBCPYYJIrA processing IiOJIOB YY (,.., r3JIT3H) maybe, perhaps, § HpC33p HHJI33)); yncaa ,.., r3JIT3H a}K33 he looked as if he might have been there some time, TaBh rapya HaCHhI ,.., r3M33p OBrOH an old chap of probably over fifty, YYHHHr yH3H"" r3}K caaanar I think this may perhaps be true IiOJIOBQ 1. although, § llIOHO HHJI33)); OpOH OOJICOH ,.., although it had grown rather late 2. even if, TOBqOOP"" if only briefly IiOJIOH is, are IiOJIOJIrVH RAXAB of course IiOJIOJIT ripening, ripeness, maturation IiOJIOJITOH apparently, likely, probably, seemingly, § T3));HHH ));OTOP apan XOPHO)); eaep MOHrOJI xYMYYc oaflx ,.." oyca)); Hh RnoH ,.., oaHHa ten or twenty of them looked like Inner Mongols, while the rest were probably Japanese IiOJIOJIIJ;OO possibility, chance, opportunity, OOJIoJIQooroop Hh as far as possible, ,.., H33X to open up a possibility


1. and 2.

as, like

IiOJIOPJIOr crystalline lens, lens (of the eye) IiOJIOPTOX to look glassy, to look like crystal IiOJIOX 1. to be § Oara}KhIH }KHH TaBaH xr oonHO the weight of the apparatus is five kg., 0));00 X3));3H uar OOJI}K oaHHa what is the time now? 2. to become, § QoJI OOJIOH XYBHpax to turn into desert 3. (OOJI}K earopex] to happen, to take place, THHM OOJI}K r3M in that case, ioy OOJIOO OOJI what's happened?, OOJICOH HB));aJI (OOJICOH X3p3r HB));an) incident, event, happening, occurrence 4. to be all right, oOJI));or OOJI (ooJI));OrCOH OOJI, OOJI}K oraen] if possible, if it can be managed, if it is all right, OOJIOXOO oaflx (OOJIOXOO OOJIHX) to be all up, § aa T3rB3JI OOn}K33 that's all right then, QYBaa ans HBcaH qHHh OOJI}K33 a good job you took your raincoat, 3H3 q OOJIOX JI 10M oaHHa that would be all right too 5. to pass, § oaHQaarq XHHr33)); xoep }KHJI OOJIOB he had been an inspector for two years, cap OOJIooryH before a month was out, X3));3H }KHJI OOJICHhI XOHHO aher some years had passed 6. to have, § arapaa OOJICOH wrinkled, roen qHM3r OOJICOH 3XH3p a bejewelled woman, TOC XHpOOJICOH ));OMOO a greasy, dirty teapot 7. to be because of, to be as a result of, to depend on, YYH33C OOJI}K (YYH33C OOJIOO));) beca use of this, § Taph}K oyfl apraac OOJI}K depending on the manner of planting, raaaac JI OOJICOH it's your fault 8. (following a converb in }K, q) may, § TaMXH TaTa}K oonoxryH no smoking, qH aB}K OOJIoxryH you

may not go, you are not to go 9. (after on infinitive) to be time to, to begin to, to be about to, to have to 10. to get cooked, to get done 11. to pretend, to make as if, § HaM YHTcaH XYH OOJDK pretending to be fast asleep 12. -aan OOJloxryH to keep on , not to be able to help, § M3X3J1QHX33)J; JI epnee OOJI)J;OITyH 10M she just can't help deceivinq

IiOJIOXfYH 1. may not, should not, must not 2. (following a negative) should, must, ought to IiOJIOXYHQ possible, susceptible, § HB}K ryyp a bridge one can cross on

IiOJICOH 1. ripe, under-ripe, X3T well cooked


fully ripe, pyryy over-ripe 2. cooked, caHH -


IiOJITOH looking like, probably IiOJITOJI tiII, up tiII, by, MapraallI HorOO)J;Op tomorrow or the next day, OrJlOOHOOC y)J;3llI - from morning till evening

operation flourish

IiOJIYY3AH I hope not, if only ... not, oyn;ax - I hope I don't have to go back IiOJIXH (- oY)J;yyJl3r, - TOJlXH) clumsy, awkOOHAOO



bouncing boy

IiOH,Il;OJI30X to wobble IiOH,I:O(OPJIO a magic protective device consisting of a magic square of nine numbers inscribed on the belly of a tortoise and surrounded by the figures of the twelve animals, the eight trigrams and other symbols (Buddh.)

IiOOB 1. cake, pastry, casmaa - general name

by asaan -

IiOJITYrAH may it be (that), roy q - in any case, whatever may happen, § ax )J;yymHH XaMTbIH aacannara xeraorx - may fraternal co-

ward, coarse, rude, dull, lumbering

IiOMIiOHX to be round, to be chubby, OOMOOHCOH xauap chubby cheeks IiOH,IJ;rOHOX to wobble IiOH,IJ;rop round, rounded, full, chubby IiOH,IJ;OHx to be rounded, to be chubby, to be


IiO.JIXH)J;OX to be clumsy, to be awkward 1i0.JIXIIWY (see OOJIXH) IiOJIQ 1. ripeness, ripening, maturity, - X3T3PC3H over-ripe 2. aspect (gram.) IiOJIQrOHOX to wobble IiOJIQrop rounded, roundish, full, chubby

IiOJIQOHX to be rounded, to be full, to be chubby

IiOJIQYY 1. blunt arrow-head 2. thickened end of the butt of a horse-catching pole

IiOJIqHMrYH silly, careless, reckless IiOJIqHMrYHT3X to be silly, to be careless, to be reckless

IiOJIqHM MYYTAH (see OOJlQHMryii) IiOJIqlfMTOH cautious, prudent IiOJIqHX to become, to get IiOJIqHXOX to become, to get, anra - to vanish, § TOOC llIOPOO OOJlQHXHO it'll get dirt into it IiOJIIIIrYH impossible, not to be, XYJl:Q3}K intolerable

IiOJIb stop it !, that's enough ! IiOJIbHHQ hospital (Russ.) IiOMIiO Taoist IiOMliorop rounded, domed, round, spherical

for a type of flat grooved pcsfrv, yn - a type of pastry made in a mould, X3BHHH - general name for pastries made in a mould, - ooop:Qor (- llIOOB) cakes, pastries (Chin.) 2. prick, cock

(anat., vulg.) IiOOr,Il;MOJI restricted, limited IiOOr,Il;OX 1. to be tied up, to be bound up

2. to be hindered, to be held up, to be tied up, to be hampered, YHaaH)J; - to be held up for lack of transport IiOOrAYYJIAX to hinder, to hamper, to restrict IiOOrq packer IiOO,Il;or I. a carcase, usually marmot, cooked internally with hot stones, rapaaraap - XHHx to prepare - from marmot, OOO)J;OrHbI 'l)'nyy stones for cooki ng a ooo)J;or

IiOO,Il;or II. hair-piece of tassels worn by young girls (west Mongols)

IiOO,Il;OrJIOX to prepare ooo)J;or I. IiOO,Il;OH hame-strap, collar-strap (harness) IiOO,Il;OJI 1. bundle, packet, bale 2. Iqshing, tie (on a tent-wall section, etc.) 3. bandage IiOO,Il;OJIJIOX to wrap up, to pack up IiOO,Il;OJITOH in a bundle, a bundle of, tied up, secured

IiOOJI 1. slave,

OOOJlbIH apanacaa slave-trade, slave-owner, - 333MllIHJI slaveowning, slavery 2. knave (cards) -


IiOOJIT 1.1.i. bandage ii. binding iii. sheaf 2. tie, string, xanaasr - tie for joining two wall-sections of the tent 3. proofs, - ymnarrr proof-reading 4. TOJlrOHH - the cap of a woman's traditional headdress 5. dam, dike

IiOOJIT II. bolt (mech.) (Russ.) IiOOJITPoro bull in the second year IiOOJIqJIOJI slavery IiOOJIqJIOX to enslave



IiOPBH II. small bag for kumis, etc. IiOPBH,I:(OX to snap at or grab at the heel


trickery, cunning, nastiness, OOOJIbXOHrOo oycaA pyy qJfX3X to shih the blame on to someone else

IiOOJIbXOHTOH suspect, fishy IiOOJIbXOHTOX to make a mess of things IiOOM I. (-.. aBqHH) anthrax IiOOM II. vamp, the joint between the vamp and the shaft of a Mongol boot

IiOOM III. gorge, ravine IiOOMHJIOX to strangle IiOOMT 1. port, harbour, yean -.. seaport, xeneer -.. free port, OOOMTbIH a}KHJIqHH docker 2. barrier, dam, ycaa -.. dam 3. frontier crossing-point

IiOOPJIOX t'o worry, to torment, to harass liooPQor bun IiOOC gravid, with young (beast), -.. HHr3 pregnant camel cow

IiOOCOX to conceive (animal) IiOOCPOX (see ooocox) IiOOX 1. to tie, to tie up, to bind, to bandage, OOOJK oarJIax to wrap up, OOOJK YX3X to hang oneself 2.i. to block, 3aM -.. to block the way, ii. to hamper

IiOPrHJI rough, rude IiOPrHJIOX to swirl up I)OPrHO I. friable and salty, -.. xepc friable salty soil

IiOPrHO II. [ycaa -..) rapids IiOPrHO~

(see oopmo I.)

IiOPrHOJIOX to flow swihly, to gush, to swirl IiOPrHOPXOr (see ooprHo I.) IiOPrHOTOX (see oopmoJIox) IiOprOJIT (see ooproo)

sorroo barking IiOprOOJIT (see ooproo) lioproox (see ooprox) Eoprox (ooproH xyuax] to bark at and hold at bay

sorronoa 1. cone (bot.) 2.



lioprOQOMJIOX to produce cones lioprOIIIHX to get robust, to grow sturdy, to grow hardy, to get hardened

sorromvvnex to toughen up IiOP r9P99C Red Deer, Capreolus capreolus

IiOOXOH (X33pHHH -..) tabu name for the wolf

IiOP,IJ;MOJI fattened, -.. raxan fattened hog

IiOOXO~OM (see oooxoil)

IiOPAOJIT 1. fattening, feeding up (livestock)

IiOOQ I. bet, stake, -.. aJIAaX to lose a bet, -.. TaBHX

2. manuring, fertilizing s o P,IJ;0 0 1. fodder 2. manure, fertilizer,

to lay a bet

IiOOQ II. an armful of corn IiOOQOO bet, stake, -.. TaBHX to lay a bet IiOOQOOJIOrq punter IiOOIIIHr (see OOqHK) IiOP 1. grey, brown, grey-brown, -.. aaoraac oyUJ);arryH, xap aaoraac xapbAarryH not afra id of hard work, -.. r3p33 evening twilight, -.. XOHor night, dark night, the hours of darkness, -.. xoaoroop day after day, -.. n;aac (-.. 10M) tugrig, -.. urapsm r3M inflammation of the intestines, § -.. XOHor map oAPHilr xypyy napaa TOOJIOXOA Xyp3B it became a matier of taking each day as it came 2. (-.. 0YAYYH) ordinary, simple, -.. sanyy young lad, -.. XOOJI meat dish, solid food

IiOP IiY)l{HprA Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis IiOPIiYT 1. Flixweed, Descurainia 2. Sisymbrium

heteromallum IiOPBH I. Achilles tendon,

heel, hock, -.. OOXHCXHilJIryH (-.. OOXHPOJITryH, -.. ooxupox 3aBryH) without a moment's respite, OOPHBHbI Hb oaac apHnaaryH still wet behind the ears, -.. H33X (-.. T3HHiIx) to start to walk, to begin to grow up, -.. oHAHilnrox to bring up (a child)

HorOOH -.. green manure, mHM -.. organic manure, organic fertilizer, 3PA3C -.. (3PACHHH -..) rninerol fertilizer 3. ran -.. (see ran Jm33JI3r), 3JIr3H -.. (see 3nr3H Jm33JI3r)

IiOP,IJ;OX 1. to fatten up, to feed up (livestock), raxaa -.. 3aBOA hog-fattening station 2. to manure, to fertilize IiOP~ greyish, grey

IiOP,IJ;YYP manure, fertilizer, HorOOH -.. green manure

IiOP.IKTIlH Borjgin (describing an area of eastern Mongolia equivalent to the former Borjgin Tsetsen Wang Banner and noted for its distinctive styles of saddle, building, long-song techniques, etc.), -.. oailmHH Borjgin buildings (wood-built and noted for flared roof-edges and avoidance of nails and other metal objects in their construction), -.. HYTar Borjgin area

IiOP)l{HH (-.. qyJIyy) granite IiOP30H I. powdered 333mH mixed with map TOC

IiOP30H II. zeolite (min.)


IiOPJIor 1. grizzled, mixed white and grey

2. horse of mixed white and grey IiOPJIOH yearling goat, kid in the second year IiOPJIOX I. to tan, to get tanned, to go brown, to be grey

IiOPJIOX II. to be sold, to sell, to go IiOPJIYYJIAflI seller, vendor IiOPJIYYJIAJIT sale, selling, marketing IiOPJIYYJIAX I. to turn brown, to colour brown IiOPJIYYYJIAX II. to sell, to put into circulation IiOPHOH harrow, QaHT ~ disc harrow, my~3T ~ spike-tooth harrow

IiOPHO~OJIT harrowing IiOPHO~OX to harrow

IiOPOBTOP greyish, brownish, dark IiOPOBTOPwY (see 60pOBTOp) liopor 1.1. old grass, § XyyqHH ~ HXT3H 6HJIQ33P pastures with a lot of old grass 2.i. rough, coarse ii. (6y):WYH ~, 6y):WYH ~ T3JK33J1) roughage, ~ T3JK33J1 solid feed, fodder, ~ XOOJl solid food


IiOPOOH )KAlDKHH (see 6apoH) IiOPOOTOH 1. rainy 2. fogged (film) IiOPOOXOH club, cudgel, truncheon IiOPOOXO~OX to club

IiOPOOIlIHX (see 6opooJKHX) IiOPTAAP (see IiOPOJl30H) IiOPTrOH cylindrical, ~ 3C cylindrical cells IiOPTrOPXYY (see 6opToropxyy) IiOPToro 1. cylinder, ~OPBOH 6opToroT xonenryvp four-cylinder engine, QHM3HrHHH ~ bulb-holder 2. shell-case, cartridge-case bucket, leather container (for butter, etc.)


IiOPTOrOPXYY cylindrical IiOP TOXOH name of the area at the north end of the Great Bend of the Yellow River (Chin. Hetoo]


IiOPX wooden plug inserted into the nose of a calf (to prevent it sucking)

liopor II. Helicotrichon altaicum (bot.) IiOPONHH grey, grey-brown (female animal)

IiOPU; 1. meat cut in strips and dried 2. emaci-

soronxc I. Betula exilis, B.

IiOPU;llOX to dry meat in strips, to jerk IiOPU;OHX to dry, to get dried up IiOPqyy,n; 1. secular inhabitants of towns in

fruticosa, B. Gmelinii

(bot.) IiOPOJI}I{ II. sandy hillock covered with Willow IiOPOJI3rOHO Pentaphylloides (Dasiphora) (bot.), Ceeroa ~ P. fruticosa IiOPOJI30H Ajania (Hippolytia ) (bot.), (also Bopraap], Ceeroauep ~ A. fruticulosa IiOPOO I. rain, 60POOHbI 600H YVJI cumulonimbus cloud, 60POOHbI nanxpaar YVJI n imbostratus cloud, 60POOHbI napaaxs Maar mar omnpox to mushroom, to come up allover the place, ~ opox to rain, to come on to rain,

60POOHbI TYPYV CaJIXH, 600XOHH TYPYV X3p33 coming events cast their shadow before them,

60POOHbI yc rain water, ~ xyp rain, rainfall, 60POOHbI ~ rain-coat, mackintosh, nropooroa rainy

IiOPOO II. bony growth IiOPOO}I{HllT bony consolidation, callus IiOPOO}I{HX to be rainy, to come on to rain IiOPOO}l{YYllAfll sprinkler IiOPOO}l{YYllAJIT rain-making IiOPOO}l{YYllAX 1. (6opOOJKyyJlaH myprnHJK ycnax) to water with a sprinkler, 6opooJKYYJlarQ MarnHH sprinkler 2. to make rain IiOPOOJIOJIT consolidation of bone, formation of callus

IiOPOOJIOX to knit, to ossify, to form a bony growth

ated, skinny

Manchu times

(hist.) 2. town-dwellers, townees

IiOPqyyll (see 6opqyy~) IiOPIlIHX I. to go brown IiOPIlIHX II. to get strong (tea, etc.) IiOP IIIYBYY Sparrow, 3arHHH ~ Saxaul

Sparrow, Passer ammodendri, Xa~I ~ Rock Sparrow, Petronia petronia, X33PHHH ~ Tree Sparrow, P. montanus, Bop IIIYBYYHbI 6ar the order of Passeriformes

IiOP 3JIr3H3 Convolvulus Ammanii (bot.) (also AMMaHbI C3~3pr3H3) liocro 1. threshold (of a door, fig.), ~ aJIXaH opox to go


to cross the thresold,

60crOHbI 600Jl servant, drudge, ~ 3J133X to wear out one's welcome, § H33JIT XHHxHHH ~OHrOJK 60crOH ~33P only on the verge of making a discovery 2. next to a centre, ~ OpTOO the

first relay-station out from a centre, ~ xapyyn the first watch-post out from a centre (hist.), § XOB~,

YJlHaCTaH, Hx Xyp33, aHMrHHH xyynraasr napra, JKaH:>KHH, OJlOH xornyy rnaBHHH TaMrbIH raspaac 3yr 6yp~ canfiapnan rapcan H3r.zwr33p epreor ~ OpTOO r3H3 Bocro OpTOO was the name given to the first station in any direction of the relay-stations branching out from Khovd, Uliastai, Urga, and the seal-offices of the League Heads and Generals and the



various Banners and ecclesiastical estates, Xaarrsm 3YYH TaJIbIH - xapyyn the first watchpost to the east of Khiagt

IiOCfOllT rising (dough, etc.) IiOCfOX to raise, to erect, to cause to stand up, TOOC - to raise dust IiOCfYYll fugitive IiOCllOfO uprising, rising, mutiny, 33BC3IT armed uprising, - raprax to mutiny, - xenenreen rising, revolt

IiOCOfqH)l; insurgents IiOCOllT 1. getting up, rising, arJIaaHHH - getting up in the morning 2. springing (of a trap) IiOCOO erect, upright, vertical, fastigiate (tree), oaiiAaJI standing position IiOCOOfOOP 1. standing, upright 2. vertically 3. down (crossword puzzle) IiOCOOwY erect IiOCOX 1. to get up, to stand up, OOCOH cyyu (OOCOH cyyx ayypr] on the spur of the moment, off the cuff, OOCOH xapaiix to jump up 2. to desert, to run away

IiOCYYll (see oocryyJI) IiOTAHHKHHH botanic, botanical, - XYP33JI3H Botanical Institute

IiOTAHHKq botanist IiOTrHPOX to get thick, to thicken (liquid) IiOTfO camel calf (in the first year), OXHH female camel calf

IiOTfOllOllT calving (camel) IiOTfOllOX to calve (camel) IiOTfOH TABAf (see Xomp) IiOTHllOX to do (something) book by book, OOTHJIOH opsyynax to translate book by book IiOTYYllb Fescue, Festuca, Axapnaasnrr - F. brevifalia, Taaran - F. venusta, CHOHPb - F. sibirica, YJIaaH - Red Fescue, F. rubra, XOHHH - Sheep's Fescue, F. avina, XyypaMll-XOBHJIT

- F. pseudosulcata IiOTb volume (of a book) IiOXHll30X to bow and scrape IiOXHO awkward, clumsy IiOXHP 1. (- oanHap, - OOOJIbXOH, - sanaan] dirty, - rap dirty hands, - MOHra dirty money, - yc dirty water, waste water, sewage, - YCHbI CHCTeM sewerage, - YCHbI QOOHor cess-pit, YCHbI uryrass sewer, - Y33JI canaa disreputable ideas, nasty thoughts 2. effluent IiOXHP,IJ;llOfO pollution

IiOXHP,IJ;MOll polluted IiOXHP,IJ;Oll 1. pollution, araapsm -- atmospheric pollution, OpqHbI - environmental pollution 2. contamination, infection IiOXHP,IJ;OllT (see OOXHPAOJI) IiOXHP,IJ;OX to get dirty, to get fouled, to be polluted, to be contaminated

IiOXHP,IJ;YYllAX 1. to dirty, to make dirty, to foul, to pollute, to contaminate 2. to get infected (wound,


IiOXHPllOX to make dirty, to pollute IiOXHPOX to bend, aBAar - to bend the knee, cararaapaa - to bend at the pastern IiOXHPTOll (see OOXHPAOJI) IiOXHPTOX (see OOXHpAox) IiOXHPTYYllAX (see OOXHPAYYJIax) IiOXHCXHHx to bend the knee IiOXOIT rubber IiOXb I. tobacco tar [lelt in a pipe, etc.) IiOXb II. secretion which exudes from the occiput of a rutting camel stallion


IiOXb 111.1. dried resin from the larch 2. resin, gum, chewinq-qurn. YJI33A3r -- bubblegum, 3UKCOH .-. specialist team (Russ.) IiPHfNI;JIAX 1. to form a team 2. to do as a team, opHra~naH arHaJIT XHHx to hunt in teams IiPYQEJIJIE3 brucellosis (Russ.) IiYB (intensifying particle), .-. oyypan snow-white IiYBAfAHAX to bob along IiYBAP IiYBAP munching, chomping IiYBTHAX to mutter IiYBtIHX (see OYBTHax) IiYf (.-. xerrep. .-. IlIYJIaM) ghost, demon, .-. mvrnsx to haunt

~33JI3X to fester

uar (see uar 4.) liYrYHBQ 1. bracelet 2. coupling (mech.) liYrYHBQJIAX to ring, to put a ring on, to put a ring around, 3BPHHH yrHHr .-. to put a protective ring round the roots of the horns of cattle in winter

IiYrYHJI lasso (for catching horses) liYrYH~ to lasso

IiYrYHJItI lassoer IiYfIIIHX to stay hidden, to lurk IiYfIIIMAJI hidden, concealed IiYThIH 30r,Il;OP Birdsfoot Sedge, Carex pedi-

form is IiYfbIH 3YYJIT (see HX3yn) IiYThIH YH,IJ;3C Rhaponticum carthamnoides (see HX3yJI) IiYThIH QAfAAH 1. Anemone crinita (see Csrcrsp RpryH:>KlfH, Ilaraaa RpryH) 2. Snowdrop Windflower,

A. sylvestris

IiY,Il; (--. rapar] Mercury (astr.) (Skr.) IiY,Il;AA (--. rapaa] grain, cereals, Bor .-. Millet, Panicum miliaceum, I'ypBan:>KHH .-. Buckwheat (see Carar], COHHHH --. (see XO~), Xap .-. Millet; Polygonum sibiricum, XOIlIYY Oats, XyyxAHHH --. semolina, Ilaraaa --. Rice, IIIap --. Millet; refined Millet (also IlIHH:>KYY), § oyc~aac .-. H~3X to depend on others for support, to sponge on, OYC~IH astaap .-. ~3X not to be one's own master, --. oOJIrox to put the kibosh on, --. oonox to vanish, to go down the drain, oy~aaraa roncon XYYX3~ IlIHr (see xycsraa qaMJIaCaH XYYX3~ IlIHr) , oy~aaHbIXaa xanyynaap 1i33:>KlfH opox bumptious, cocky, all piss and wind, 6y~aaHbI XYYX3~ stooge

IiYfA I. Stag, XanHYH Eyra Red Deer, Cervus elaphus, .-. HaMHaaq yy oynra 3rH33qyy is it a boy or girl?, OyrbIH XOiliOO (OyrbIH qynyy, OyrbIH qyJIYYH XOIIIOO) deer-stone (ancient standing stones with depictions of deer), OyrbIH 3B3p

IiY,Il;AAJIAX 1. to eat, to dine, to feast 2. to

antler, Byrsm asryyp Deer Family, Cervidae

IiY,Il;Af (--. urynar] paint, dye, ranrap .-. gloss paint, OHronrOOHHH'-' top coat, cyyps » primer, TOCOH --. oil-paint, TOCOH 6y~rHHH sypar oilpainting, ycaH .-. water-colour, IIIOpOOH .-. earth colours, 3MYnbC3H .-. emulsion paint, 3P~3C --. mineral pigment, .-. apanrax to strip paint, 6y~arT OO~HC pigment, dyestuff, .-.03X:>Kyyn3N mordant, --. IlIYHX paint

IiYfA II. game of the type of "Fox and Geese", --. TaBHX to play such a game IiYfAM (see ryaH) svr AJIfA humerus (anat.) liyrAT XOT Baotou (p.n.) IiYfAqHH deer-handler

entertain, to treat

IiY,Il;AAJIfA dinner, banquet, feast IiY,Il;AAtI painter, --..-. r3X33p caxnaa 6y~ax pride goes before a fall


IiY)l;AfAAX 1. to be pa inted, to be dyed, to be coloured 2. to be pigmented IiY)l;AflI pa inter, dyer IiY)l;~HH (see oy~arq


IiY)l;AH (-- XY~3H) mist, haze, -- rarax to be misty IiY)l;AHfYH 1. ignorant 2. dim, vague IiY)l;AHfYHPAJI 1. ignorance 2. dimness, vagueness

IiY)l;AHfYHPAX 1. to be ignorant 2. to be dim, to be vague


IiY)I{MAf faulty xypyyn IiY3AAB the Buzaava or Don Cossack Dorvod IiY3AP 1.1. dirt, filth, defilement 2. (-- asap, -oYJIaH, -- oypaHryH, -- oycapMar, -- MYYXaH, -canap] dirty, filthy, impure, disgusting, sinister,

-- apra dirty trick IiY3AP II. extremely, ever so, ever such a, -- HX ever such a lot

IiY)l;AHTAX to be misty IiY)l;AHXAMXAf (see Maaaaxasrxar] IiY)l;APfA Seablite, Suaeda, AJIarHaBqHT -S. heterophylla, C3PT3HT -- S. corniculata IiY)l;APfAHA Saltwort, Salsola, Bop -- S. passerina, MO~JIor -- S. arbuscula, Haaxapxar -[Hasxnar -- ) S. foliosa, Oprecr -- (see XaMXyyJI 2.), TOJIrO~bIH -- S. collina, YJIaaH -(see Yrraantiynapraaa] IiY)l;AX to paint, to dye, to colour, oy~a}l{ apanrax to paint out, oy~arq OO~C pigment,

IiY3AP)l;AJI dirtying, pollution, contamination IiY3AP)l;AX to get dirty, to get soiled, to get defiled

IiY3APJIAf)l;AJI (see oY3ap~aJI) IiY3APJIAX to dirty, to pollute, to contaminate, to defile, to abuse, OpqHH TOHpHOO -- to pollute one's environment

IiY3APTAX (see oY3ap~ax) IiY.3fAH (-- caaa] pretty good, not so bad, real, proper

IiY3fAHpXAX to put on airs


IiY,lJ)U>IH Buddhist, -- IlIaIlIHH Buddhism IiY)l;HJIAAH (see oY~JIHaH) IiY)l;HJIAX (see OY~JIHX) IiY)l;JIAfA dyeing IiY)l;JIHAH 1. (-- oaJIapXaH, -- caMYYPaJI) confu-

IiYH to be, to exist, being, existing, is, are, -oOJIrox to create, to bri ng into existence, -OOJIOX to come to be, to come into being IiYHBOJI Buffalo (Russ.) IiYH,IJ; (-- 33JIYY~) remote, forsaken, secluded,

sion, muddle 2. trouble, affair, dispute, conflict, incident, XHJIHHH -- frontier incident, -- 0.IWYJI3X to stir up trouble, -- TaCJIaX to settle a dispute

IiYH,IJ;AH upholstered seat, sofa, seltee (Tib. 'bol-

IiY,IJ;JIHAHTAX to get in a muddle IiY,IJ;JIHAHTYYJIAX to muddle, to cast into confusion

IiY,IJ;JIHY 1. awkward, clumsy 2. confused, dim, dull

IiY)l;JIHX 1. to get in a muddle, to get mixed up, to get confused


to muddle along

IiY)l;MAJI po inted, dyed IiY,IJ;PAA Iliinia, PereJIHHH -- I. Regelii IiY,IJ;PAX to blow in flurries (snow), to be squally (rain), uac -- to snow in flurries

IiY)KfAP crinkly, curly IiY)KHfHAAH turmoil, confusion IiY)KMfHAJI)l;AX to mill about IiY)KHfHAX 1. to swirl about, to swirl up, to fly about, TOOC oy}I{HrHaTaJI in a cloud of dust 2. (OyM --) to mill about, to bustle about, to romp IiY)KHfHYYJIAX to raise, to kick up, to cause to fly up, to scatter, TOOC -- to raise dust, to kick up dust

IiY)KMHx to curl, to go curly

uninhabited stan, 'bol-gdan)

IiYH)l;YYXAH pretty remote IiYHJI I. (-- MO~) camel's nose-peg, auar -- [airran --) nose-peg with a fork at the blunt end, MOHrOH -- silver nose-peg (prize awarded to outstanding camel-herders), MoorOH -- (IlIOpOH --) nosepeg with a knob (Moor, T33rJIyyp) at the blunt end

IiYHJI II. (see oyilJI) IiYHJIAJIT bellowing (camel) IiYHJIAMTfAH noisy, inclined to bellow (camel) IiYHJIAH needle-case, housewife IiYHJIAX I. to bellow (camel) IiYHJIAX II. to be fortified, to get stronger (drink,

etc.) IiYHJIJIAX 1. to put a nose-peg ina co mel's nose 2. to pin, to pin together IiYHJIMAJI fortified (drink, etc.) IiYHJIC (see liyilJIc) IiYHJIT 1. camel in the third year, OXHH -- female camel in the third year

of TOpOM

2. occasionalequivalent



or item in a newspaper) 3. corner (set aside for special purposes in a school, etc.), ynaaa N (see ynaan] 4. gulf, bay, bight, ITepcHHH Persian Gulf, XaJIHMhIH N Bay of Whales 5. the ends of a sheet of paper or of a sutra (as distinct from the long sides) N

IiYHJIYYJIAX I. to train (a hawk, an eagle, etc.) to catch game

IiYHJIYYJIAX II. to fortify, to make stronger (drink,

IiYJIAH,IJ;AX to be cornerways, oYJIaH~aH aJKHX


IiYHMAH hearts (cards) IiYHP 1. site (for a tent, etc.), y)VI3X site for a midday halt, XOHor site for a day's pause, § rap Oaph:>K oaHcaH rasap, site where a tent N



had been erected solidity

2. cyyps base, foundation, N

IiYHPTAH thorough, serious IiYJI 1. roller 2. hub 3. a fitment placed round either end of the central pole used in rolling wool to make felt, connected by a loop to the pulling-rope 4. narrow ends of the pole used in rolling felt 5. platen (typewriter)

IiYJIAAJIAAAH dispute, quarrel, argument IiYJIAAJI,IJ;AX to quarrel, to dispute IiYJIAAJIT robbery IiYJIAAJII(A.JI,IJ;AX to quarrel over, to dispute, XOJI OOMoorHHH T3M:Q33H Eaponsm :QOM European football cup contest, OBOJI:>KOOroo N


to quarrel over winter pastures

to observe out of the corner of the eyes

IiYJIAHI(AP roller, spindle, cylinder, JIaB




IiYJIAX to bury, oyJIaBq oyJITaHHa (oYJIaBq oyJITaHHa napaax napnaana] the truth will out IiYJIliAJI3AJIT puffi ness IiYJIliAJI3AX to be puffy IiYJIIiAPAH tender, soh IiYJIfA I. Sable, Martes zibellina IiYJIfA II. out, TaTax to pullout, to wrench out, :QOXHX to knock out IiYJIfAJIAX to pullout, to tear out, to knock out, to dislocate, to sprain, YH~C33P Hh oyJIranaH anax to pull up by the roots, nraraaraa to N



sprain one's ankle

IiYJIfAHCYYJI Chloris (bot.), Casaaa



virgato IiYJIfAHTABAf Everlasting, Antennaria, Xoeprspr Mountain Everlasting, A. dioica IiYJIfAPAX to be pulled out, to be pulled off, to N

IiYJIAATAH buried IiYJIAAX (oYJIaaH asax] to rob, to capture, to take over, to hijack, oyJIaaH 33JI3rt1 occupier, HHC3X OHrO:Q oyJIaaH 33JI3rt1 hijacker, HHC3X OHrO:Q oyJIaaH 33JI3X to hijack a plane, xapHHH oyJIaaH 33JI3rq foreign occupier, oYJIaaH 33JI3JIT occupation, oyJIaaH 33JI3X (oyJIaaH 333rH3X) to take over, to hijack, to occupy, § TYM3H OJIHhI xaHp xYHA3Tr3JIHHr oyJIaa:>K33 gained the love and respect of the masses

IiYJIAr I. spring (geog.), urann springs IiYJIAf II. discharge (med.), qHXHHH discharge N


from the ears

IiYJIArJIAX to form a spring IiYJIAfHAJI factionalizing, splintering IiYJIAfHAX to form factions, to break into splinter-groups


IiYJIAITAX (qHX N) to have a discharge from the ears

IiYJIAH I. dirty, filthy, disgusting, HYAHHH a disgrace, oyJIaHraaqHP3X to court disaster IiYJIAH II. extremely, ever so IiYJIAH 1. corner, rapxar external title-label on a book-wrapper (xyl.); marginal title (xyl.), TOHpOX to turn the corner, to go round the corner, TOXOH river-bend, TOMOp angle iron, :QaH (see :QaH) 2. corner, column (regular space N






be dislocated

IiYJIfAqHH sable keeper IiYJIrHA bucking, kicking (n.) IiYJIrHJIAJIT pounding IiYJIrHJIAX to beat, to pound, to pulse (heart,

etc.) IiYJIrHX 1. to buck, to kick 2. to throw (a rider) IiYJIAAJIT rolling IiYJI,[(AX to roll (with a roller) IiYJI,IUlYY 1. lump, brnp. swelling 2. hillock IiYJIWYYTAX to be lumpy, to be bumpy IiYJI3AAPAX to get out of, to take back, § OOJIrOoMJKIYH X3JIC3H yr oyJI3aapaX to get out of a carelessly spoken word

IiYJI3AAPYYJIAX 1. to disguise, to cover up, to get out of, XHHC3H X3pr33 to cover up what N

one has done 2. to distract, to draw (attention) away from, aaxaapnsrr to distract (someone's) attention N

IiYJI3AHrYH evasive IiYJI3AX (oYJI3aH OyJITax, oyJI3aH 3YUQYYJIax) to try to get out of, to evade, to shirk, HJIlIn3X33C to funk exposing, § 3JIWJ33P oyJI3aH 3yBqyyJI:>K oaHcaH OOJIOBlI X3P3IT3H xspras XYJI33X33C eop apra 3aMryH OOJIJIOO although N


he did his very best to get out of it, the accused had to admit his guilt


Ii~JIlfA sturdy, tough, TOM 3P a great husky fellow IiYJIlfrAAP leather, Russia leather, calf

IiYJIXMAJI loose, powdery (soil)

IiYJIlfHrAP cloudiness, turbidity IiYJIlfHrAPwY (see oyJIHHrapT)

IiYJIIJ;rAP round, chubby, swelling, bulging


IiYJIHHrAPTAJI cloudiness, turbidity IiYJIHHrAPTAX to become cloudy, to become turbid, to become bleary (eyes)


IiYJIIJ;PYY (see oYJIQYY) IiYJIIJ;PYYTAX to be or to get lumpy IiYJIIJYY knob, lump, node, nodule, tuber,

currant bun



YHA3C tuber, YHA3CHHH N root nodule

IiYJIIJYYJIAr tuberous, tuberose,

IiYJIPAX to be exhausted, to be worn out, to be


YHA3C tuber-

ous root

IiYJIII;YYPXYY knobbly IiYJIqHH muscle, rypsanacaa MaHrHHH deltoid muscle, rHJIr3p N [ranrap N) smooth musN

fagged out

IiYJIT (N OyxH33P, N OJIHOOp) all IiYJITAfiX to begin to show, to show, to come out, to be revealed

make one's getaway

IiYJITrAHAX to pop in and out IiYJIYY 1. head of a marrow-bone, ball of a joint, arraansra A33A head of the humerus, ~ N

head of the femur, xanax to get gOing, to go to it; to have one too many 2. lump, bump, HYM3X to have swollen eyes from crying N



IiYJIYY T3P3r 30 cwt. truck (Russ. nOJIyroparonxa] IiYJIYY IJ;ArAAH Sazan, Cyprinus carpio

haematopterus (ichth.) IiY.JIXAfi I. cheating, swindle, sharp practice IiY.JIXAfi II. drag for hauling logs, etc. IiYJIXAfiJIAX I. to cheat, to swindle IiY.JIXAfiJIAX II. to harness to a drag IiYJIXAfiT fraudulent IiYJIXAfiTAfi (see oyJIxafIT) IiYJIXAfiIJ;AX (see oyJIXaHJIaX I.) IiYJIxAfiq cheat, swindler IiYJIXAJI3AX to slip about, to quiver IiYJIXAX 1.1. to rinse, to swill, to wash out, § OHHPHHH yCHHr Q3B3P ycann

of the brush in clean water

cle, MOpHHH rypsaa TOJIrOHT triceps, MOpHHH XOHMJIOH cYAaJIT striated muscle, 3P33H calf-muscle, gastrocnemius, N 3aApax OBlIHH (N 3aApax TaxM, OYJIlIHHrHHH raxan] cholera, N uatix OBlIHH "white muscle disease" (a disease of young kids and lambs, said to be caused by selenium deficiency), OYJIlIHHrHHH 3A muscle tissue N

xoep TOJIrOHT biceps, N



IiYJITAJl3AX to keep popping out IiYJITAMXAfi evasive IiYJITACXHHX to pop out and in again IiYJITAX to dodge, to evade, to get out of, to


be swollen

IiYJIIJ;HHX (see oyJIQaHx)

IiYJIHHrAPT cloudy, turbid IiYJIHHrAPTAH (see oYJIHHrapT)

IiYJIHX to defeat IiYJIOqKA bun, Y33MT3H

IiYJIIJ;AHX to be plump, to be well-rounded, to


to rinse the hairs

2. to roll in (money,


IiYJIqHHJIAr muscular, IiYJIqHHT muscular

3A muscular tissue


IiYJIqHPXAfi gland, au X3JI03PT N (oax.nyyp N, C3P33 N) thymus, oaMoaH N thyroid gland, oaMoaHH AaHBap N parathyroid gland, OOOPHHH A33A3X N suprarenal glands, OyHJIC3H N (ryHJIC3H N) tonsils, ryHJIC3H oyJIlIHpXaHH

tonsillitis, ranaan myypJIHHH N exocrine glands, AOTOOA myypJIHHH endocrine glands, 3ap~ar N (Typyy N, YPAax N) prostate gland, HOHpHbI N pancreas, HYJIHMCHbI N lachrymal gland, TapXHHbI naranr N (TapXHHbI H3M3rA3JI N, TapXHHhI H3M3P N) pituitary gland, TOCHhI N sebaceous glands, TYHrarrrHHH N lymphatic glands, XOJIC N (XOJICHHH N) sweat glands, IIIyJICHHH N salivary glands, 3PYYHHH AOOPX submaxillary gland




IiYJIqlfpxAfiJIAr glandular IiYJIqHPXAfiT glandular IiYJIIII grave, tomb,


oYHXaH graves, tombs,



tomb of the

unknown soldier

IiYJIIIIJIAX to bury, to inter IiYJIbAAX to be extravagant with, to use too much, Maxaap


to be extravagant with meat

IiYJIbXAfi (see oyJIXaH I.)

IiYJIXAX II. to coat, to tin, to face

IiYM I. one hundred thousand (Tib. 'bum)

IiYJIXrAP slippery

IiYM II. (intensifying particle),


oy>KHrHax to mill



IiYPrHMC speck IiYPrHllAX to spurt, to fly up, to bubble, to bub-

about, to bustle about, -- oyBrnrHa}K TYM TYBrnrH3C3H bustling, busy

ble up

IiYPrHMTrAH volatile

IiYMIiA1. urn, ritual vessel, xaanajrr -- funerary urn 2.i. cupping-glass, -- TaBHX to cup (by

IiYPrHYllAX to raise, to stir up, to kick up (dust,

~pplyin~ a heated cupping vessel to the skin) cupping 3. main body of a stupa

IiYPrHX to swirl, to fly about IiYPrYH syringe, catheter, -- TaBHX to give an


IiYMIiArAHAX (see 0YMOaJI3ax) IiYMIiArAP rotund, plump IiYMIi~ to cup


IiYMIiAHX to be rotund, to be plump IiYMliAJI3AX to keep rolling IiYMTAH driver who has covered one hundred thousand tonne-kilometres

IiYH)l;AHx to be round, to be rounded IiYH)l;AH hearts (cards) IiYH)l;rAP round, rounded, prominent IiYH)l;YHllAJIT budding IiYH)l;YY 1. bud 2. adenoma (med.) IiYH)l;YY)I{HllT budding IiYH)l;YY)I{HX to bud IiYHXAH 1. tomb 2. mausoleum (Tib. 'bum-khang) IiYHXllAX to entomb, to place in a tomb IiYPAA head of a rib 6YPAM brown sugar, TaTaM -- a mixture of butter and sugar cut into squares, TaTaM -- orex to slap, oypMaH cap honeymoon (Tib. bu-ram) 6YPAHrYR corrupt, shameless, impudent, insolent

6YPAHrYRllAJI corruption, shamelessness 6YPAHTAr camel's leading-rein, attached to the nose-peg (OyHJI) 6YPAHTArllAX to attach the leading-rein to the nose-peg of a camel

6YPAX 1. to foam, to froth 2. (xaMaaryH --, X3P3IT3H X3p3rryH 10M --) to talk nonsense liyprAAC (see oyprac) liyprAHAX 1. to swirl, to blow about, to drih (snow,

etc.) 2. to fall lightly (snow)

liyprAC 1. Willow, Salix, 300COH -- S. nummuloria, MOHroJI -- S. mongolica, TaBaH AOXHypT -- Bay Willow, S. pentandra, TOIllJIOrHaBqm -- S. berberifolia, Xox HorOOH -- Bluish Willow, S. glauco, Ilaraaa -- S. Ledebouriana, S. caspica, ~MaaH -- Goat Willow, S. caprea, Bypracnsr onor Willow Family, Salicaceae

2. willow-wand IiYPrAX to snow lightly 6yprHA flurry (snow)

etc.), YHc -- to make the ashes fly

enema, to syringe

IiYPrYH,IJ;AX to give an enema, to syringe IiYPrYYC Gnat IiYP,IJ;XHRX to flare up, to boil up IiYP)I{rAP I. curly, -- YCT3H curly-haired IiYP)I{rAP II. Meadow-rue, Thalictrum (see also Iloc aBC), Bara -- Lesser Meadow-rue, T. minus, ,IJ;3JI033pX3r -- T. petaloideum, A3PB33H-T. squarrosum, eMXHH -- (-- orop] T. foetidum, TarHHH -- Alpine Meadow-rue, T. alpinum IiYP)l{HRllrArq curler IiYP)l{HRllrAX to curl (trans.) IiYP)l{HRX to curl, to be curly IiYP3AHX to pearl, to be covered with drops, to be spotted, 33B3pq -- to be spotted with rust, XOJIC 0yp3aH}K rapax to be running with sweat 6YP3AH mouthpiece (musical instrument, etc.) IiYPHA)]; 1. Buryat, XOpHHH oypHap;bIH apsaa H3r3H oaor the eleven Khori Buryat clans

2. Buryatia IiYPMAHI..J;AP fruit jelly cake (Russ. naCTHJIa) IiYPCAH XYBPAr priest, clergy (Buddh.) IiYPTAr dirt IiYPTArllAX 1. to dirty, to make dirty, to soil

2. to profane IiYPTAIT dirty IiYPYY 1. (-- 30pyy, -- TaIllaa, -- xaaran] wrong, incorrect, erroneous, mistaken, -- sasraap oYAaa T33X (-- sasraap oYAaa T33JK saaan o~axp;aa IllOPOO T33X) to get off on the wrong foot, to go the wrong way about it, -- 3aM pyy xaanax to go to the dogs, -- 30BryH from either side; thoroughly, -- 3yrHHH evil, -- HWHJIC3H cyx WHr awkward, vexatious, -- HOMTOH of the wrong faith, heretic, unbeliever, pagan, non-Buddhist, -- OpCOH OJI3HOOC 3aB rapcan rapa better an honest loss than a dishonest gain, -- TaJI off-side (of an animal), leM side (of a person), -- YYA33P opox to burst in, -- xaanax to turn away, to look away, -- XOOJIOH pyy opyynax to swallow the wrong way, -- XYMYY}KYYJI3X to bring up wrongly, to spoil, -- XYMYY}KC3H XYYX3A spoiled child 2. fault, X3HHH -- B3 whose fault is it2 oypyyraa oycaA PYY TYJIX3X to shih the blorne on to others, oypyyraa M3A3X to feel sorry, to

know oneself to be wrong, oypyyr XYJI33X to admit one's fault, to admit that one is wrong, to take the blame 3. away, aside, .., xapax to look away, .., xapac yHJIax, 3aB xapsc HH33X not to know whether to laugh or to cry, ..,xapyynaa in reverse, xanarasr aM'" xapyynax to turn the ceremonial scarf the wrong way round

IiYPITAAX 1. to be wrong, to go wrong, to do wrong 2. to get into trouble



OyCALIH aAHJI like the others 2. except, nasaa raparaac .., enop every day except Mondays IiYCAPMAr bad, ugly, unworthy, indecent, dirty, dishonourable

IiYCAPMArJIAX to behave nastily, to be offensive

IiYPITllAX 1. (3aM"', 3yr"', Map"') to flee, to

IiYCrAMTrAH inclined to shy, easily startled

run away, to make one's getaway, to take another course, to double back 2. HYA .., (Hyyp33 .." xapu ..,) to avert the eyes, to look away

IiYCrAX 1. to shy (horse, etc.), to swerve 2. to

IiYPYYTAH in the wrong, guilty, .., xyH culprit, miscreant, .., 3Tr33A guilty party IiYPYYTAH culprit, guilty party IiYPITTAX (see oYPYYAax) IiYPYYTrAX to accuse, to blame IiYPYYIIIAAJI blame, rebuke IiYPITIIIAAX 1. to reprove, to scold, to criticize, to condemn, to blame 2. (oypyymaaH 33MJI3X) to reprimand (jur.), OJIOH HHHTHHH aMBa .., public reprimand IiYPXAH 1. Buddha, aMbA .., living Buddha, OYPXHbI aspanaap by the grace of God, .., OOJIOOq the departed, .., OOJIOX to die (resp.), oYHPXaHryH raaap oYMoa ransyypax in the land of the blind the one-eyed is king, OypXHbIOPOH the realm of the Buddha, OYPXHbI OPOHA asax to die, OYPXHbI OPOHA HByyJIaX to kill, ..,urauraa (OypXHbI uranraa] Buddhism, OYPXHbI nranrmrraa Buddhist (n.) 2. Buddha statue, Buddha image, .., TaXHJI (.., TaXHJIbIH 3yHJI) devotional paraphernalia, .., TaXHJITaH pious, .., myr33H shrine; Buddha statue 3. god, ..,caxayc god, di~ini~, . .., T3Hr3p god, Buddha, .., T3Hr3pHHH divine IiYPXAHrYHqyy,IJ; atheists, BypxaaryaqyyAHHH 3BJI3JI League of Atheists, League of the Godless

IiYPXAHJIAr Buddha-like IiYPXAHTAX to have smallpox IiYPXAHq maker of Buddhist images IiYPXAHqJIAX (oypxaHqJIaH TaxHX) to deify, to make a god of, to idolize

IiYPXAq (see oypxaHq) IiYPXH male marmot of three years and over IiYPIII Black Pepper (west Mongol) IiYPjJ,IJ; (see IiYPHaA) IiYC (see oHm) IiYCA,IJ; 1. other, others, the others, Ynaaatiaarap OOJIOH .., XOT Ulaanbaatar and other towns,

(horse) get out of (something)

IiYC,IJ;bIH other people's, § .., asrsrr xapac xyyntiapnax to take one's line from others IiYCHHYJIAX to break up, to wreck, to smash IiYCQAP differently, otherwise, .., X3JI03JI in other words

IiYT I. up, .., HHpr3X (.., ~OXHX) to break up, to smash up

IiYT 11.1. (.., coer] bush, shrub, .., oyprac (.., oy~apraHa) bushes, ,IJ;OJIOOrOHbIH .., oyprac hawthorn bushes 2. tuft (of hair)

IiYTAJI}I{ Cladonia (lichen) IiYTAJIMAJI crushed material, HCHbI .., crushed bones, bone-meal

IiYTAH wine-jar IiYTAHQAP (see Byranac] IiYTAPrAHA (see Ynaaafiyrraprana] IiYTAPrAX (oyrapraH capnaynax] to disperse, to scatter, to splinter


IiYTAPXAlf 1. ( .., TapxaH) fragmented, broken, broken up, divided, scattered, .., MOHra small change, .., mHJI broken glass 2. (.., TOO) fraction (math.), apasrsm .., decimal fraction, 3HrHHH .., vulgar fraction

IiYTAq bastard IiYTJIAr shrubby, bushy, ..,yprasran shrubby plant IiYTJIAfq crusher (mech.) IiYTJIAJIT I. crushing (n.) IiYTllAJIT II. bushing out, tillering (grass) IiYTJIAX I. to crush, to smash, to break up, ~3Bcr3pT .., to change a note, to break up a note, oyrJIaH }IGUKHrJI3X to break into small pieces, to crumble

IiYTJIAX II. to form a bush, to tiller (grass), oyTJIaH canaanax to bush out, oyrJIa* yprax to grow into a bush

IiYTJIYYP crusher (mech.) IiYTHHPr3X (see oyr I.) IiYTHYYP Helictotrichon (Avenastrum) (bot.), YHrapJIHr .., H. pubescens



JiYTPAAX 1. to break up, to shatter 2. to disperse, to scatter (trans.)

on, H3r33p - to fire single shots, 33n:>K33P ... to fire in bursts, oYYAaH anax to shoot, to shoot to death, to put to death by shooting, oYYAaaA fire! 2. to backfire (auto.) 3. to fib 4. to scrounge


Jiyy,n;nArA 1. shooting, firing, ecnonsra salute, xyHA3Tr3nHHH - XHiIx to fire a salute, 0YYMarbIH oyc zone of fire, oYYAnarbIH rasap butts, firing-range, 0YYMarbIH x3pmiiH saaaap firing regulations 2. (oYYMarbIH COOpT) shooting (as a sport)


JiYY3 steamed meat dumplings

JiYTPAX 1. to break up, to disintegrate, to shatter 2. to be dispersed, to be scattered, to scatter, § HY,I:Ul33C ran - IIIHr Oon:>K he saw stars

JiyynrA yoke

JiYTPAJI disintegration JiYTPAMAJI fragmented JiYTPAMTrAH crumbly, friable, brittle

JiYTYYn (see JiOTYYnb) JiYY (- noop] gun, oHPAaaH'" (oHPAaaH -) Berdan rifle (Russ. 6ep.u;aHKa), ran uaupyynarx - flamethrower, rap - pistol, onoa YC3PA3r rap - automatic pistol, AOXHOHbI - starting pistol, HX ... cannon, big gun; artillery, HX0YYHbI 3yyuI cannon-fodder, HX0YYHbI CYMHbI Hyx shell-hole, HX 0YYHbI cyyps gun-carriage, naaacyy - name of a type of hand-gun, Haraaa - Nagant revolver, cypryynHHH - practice gun, C3n33AHH - automatic pistol (Chin.), T90HYYP - matchlock, YCHbI - water-pistol, ypn3H CYMTaH - (yp3n cYMT -) shotgun, yx3p - cannon, YX3X)'.'(33 yx3p oyyraa r3:>K making a last desperate effort, XHHH ... airgun, xoep aMTaH - double-barrelled gun, xypAaH - quick-firing gun, X33pHHH HX - field artillery, uaacaa - firework, firecracker, uaxayp - flintlock, - anAax to fire by accident, 0YYHbI aM rocnox to get with one's gun, OYYH AYY the sound of gunfire, 0YYHbI HOXOH stool-pigeon, 0YYHbI cYM AaaxryH to be invulnerable, - TaBHX to fire a gun, - rynrax to point a gun at, to threaten with a gun, - wyy guns (Chin.) Jiyy,n;AN 1. rifleman 2. shot-firer Jiyy,n;AH 1. (YnaaH -) Wheat, 390n9H - (3ycax -) Bread Wheat, Triticum aestivum, Taraaa - T. compactum, YX3p - T. polonicum, XaTYY - Rivet Wheat, T. turgidum 2. small spots, speckles Iiyy,n;AJI 1. stop, stopping-place, camp, YAHHH - midday halt 2. (HHC3X OHrO~bI -) airport 3. stop (bus, tram), AOPB9H - asax to go four stops 4. square (chess-board) 5. (30qHA -) hotel liyy,n;AJI,n;AAH gunfire, exchange of fire, shooting, bombardment liyy,n;AJInAX to camp, to stop, to stay liyy,n;AJIT shooting Iiyy,n;AJI[(AAH (see oYYAanAaaH) Iiyy,n;Anu;AX to shoot at each other, to exchange fire IiYY,n;AX

1. to

fire, to shoot, to shoot at, to fire

JiyynrABAP copy, print liyynrAPI copyist liyynrAX 1. to put down, to bring down, to send down, oyynraH asax to defeat 2. to unload, axaar - to unload the load, T3p3r ... to unharness the animals from a cart 3. to let (someone) alight, to set down, to drop, to help (someone) to dismount, 30pqHr~bIr ... to set down passengers 4. to copy, rspan aypar - to make a photocopy; to print a photo 5. to disband, to dismantle, rap - to take a tent down 6. to relieve, to stand down (guard) 7. to spring, to set off (trap), to release, to fire, 3aMrHHr - to release the shutter, to shoot (photo.) 8. to land, oaron - to land a plane 9. to lodge, to put (someone) up 10. to drop (by parachute) liyynT I. sodium carbonate, soda IiYYJIT






naanarsra - practice-jump 2. conc~ssion, giving-in, surrender, - XHHx to compromise 3. landing (aircraft) 4. shaman's entrance into a trance


1. likely

to fall

2. submissive

IiYYMxAH (see oYYMTraH) JiYYP I. camel stallion, - TaBHX to leave a camel ungelded, to leave a camel to become a stallion IiYYP II. jug, pitcher IiYYPAH I. weak, feeble, ... AOpOH feeble, spiritless, effete IiYYPAH II. (see oyypan) IiYYPAJI 1. grey, grizzled, nan - snow-white (hair), - opox to go grey, - YCT3H grey-haired 2. greybeard, ancient (n.) IiYYPAJI,IJ;YY grey, grizzled IiYYPAJIT decline, fall, :>KHHrHHH - loss of weight, MOHr9HHH xamn - fall in the rate of exchange, TeMDepaTYpbIH - drop in temperature, TOO TonrOHH - decline in numbers IiYYPAJITAX to go grey, to become silvery, to get grizzled, to turn white IiYYPAX 1. to decline, to drop, to decrease 2. to go down in the world


IiYYPHllAX to camp, to settle down IiYYPHH CYYPHH settled IiYYPCAJIT heat (female camel) IiYYPCAX to be on heat, to be excited (after an unsuccessful coupling) (female camel)

IiYYPYYllAX to reduce, to diminish, to bring down, aJIOaH ryuraan - to demote, XYPA - to reduce speed

IiYYPQ depression (ge09.) IiYYPQAr pod, legume, pea, bean, IIIap Soya Bean

IiYYPQAIT leguminous IiYYPQAITAH legumes, Byypuarrasr osor Pea Family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

IiYYPQrAHA Chesneya (bot.) liyypq cook, OYYPqHHH rasap hotel IiYYPb 1. site (for a tent, etc.), - oYYQ (- cyyps. - T)1ip, - TYYPb) site, dwelling-site, settlement, - conax to move one's tent from a dirtied site to a clean one, - cyarax to do a long caravan march, - rarax to do a short caravan march 2. base, foundation, solidity, - oocrox to set up a list of competitors in a wrestling match, -

cyycan mature, steady

IiYYPb CYYPbrYH ill-founded, not solid IiYYPb CYYPbTAH thorough, serious IiYYPbTAH (- cyypbTaH) 1. thorough, serious

2. considerable IiYYT XOT Baotou (p.n.) IiYYX 1. to come down, to descend, xaaa WHP33H33C - to abdicate, XaJIYYH oyyx to come down (temperature, fever), - 333H oYQax MOPryH oonCOH untraceable, hard to pin down, - 333HT3H oYQax MOPT3H identifiable 2. to dismount, to alight, to get out 3. to land, - HHC3X TaJIOaH runway, - nar landing time 4. to stop at, to stay at, to put up at, OBOn}KOOHA - to take up winter quarters 5.i. to be disbanded, to be demobilized, to leave (a service]. OpTOOHOOC to leave the reloy-services ii. to be relieved, to be stood down (guard), aacnaacaa - to come off duty 6. oyy}K erox to surrender, to give in, to resign (chess) 7. to be revealed (as a result of divination) 8. to pinch, to nick

IiYYXHA 1. (- 3nq) courier, - ranr T3p3r express train, - wYYAaH courier service, courier mail 2. (- OHqHr) urgent message, - OpTOO the main relov-services, § - r3A3r Hb qHH yncsm xaaaaac oyynrax aapnar, XYP33HHH cannaac aHnTraxOHQrHHr yryyn}K33 Orders sent down from the Qing Emperor and letters submitted by the Resident of Urga were called - 3. - ryHnT (- ypannaan] relay-race, - arryynax to hand on the baton


IiYYXHAJIAX 1. to go by stages 2. to go urgently

IiYYXHAqJIAH 1. by relays, by stages 2. urgently IiYYQ 1. droppings, litter 2. (aHnbIH -) camp-site, OBOn}KOO - winter camp-site IiYYQAH spinach (Chin.) IiYYQ)KYYllAX to supply (a livestock pen) with animal droppings as litter § WHH33P oapbcaH xamaar oYYQJKyynaxbIH TYM 3YH. HaMpbIH ynapann oor MaJI xornyynax OYIOY orer oYYQ acrax X3P3fT3H in order to supply a newly-built pen with litter one should pen small livestock in it in summer or autumn, or scatter droppings

liyyq rifleman, marksman, HX oyyqHA gunners IiYX I. bull, OyxbIH AOOAOXblr xapac YH3r T)'P}K yxJJ;3r waiting till the cows come home, oyxTaH rynannars bull-fighter, OYXbIH rynannaaa bullfight, - T3p3r locomotive, IiYX II. channel, canal IiYXAAP leather of tanned horsehide IiYXAll shock, stook, haycock, - AOTpOOC 3yy 3P3XT3H anan like looking for a needle in a haystack

IiYXAJI,r(AX to stook IiYXAX 1. to buck (horse) 2. to make a throw (wrestling) 3. to shift the blame (on to someone else)

IiYX rereec Aurochs IiYXHM)l;AJI agitation, worry IiYXHMAAJIT agitated, worried, nervous, disturbed

IiYXHMMHrYH (see OyxH~aJIT) IiYXHMAA)( to be upset, to be agitated, to be worried, OyxH~aH caanpax to be worried, OyxHMAaH T3BA3X to be upset, to be annoyed IiYXHM~ (see OyxHMAaJIT) IiYXHM,IIYYllAX to worry, to upset IiYX HOOJI,r(OOH a type of West Mongolian wrestling

IiYXYYP behind, backside (anat.) IiYX IIlYBYY Bittern, Botaurus stellaris (a/50 YCHbI Byx] IiYQAAX to put back, to send back, to let go back, to give back, to return, - MexaHH3M return mechanism (gun), oYQaa}K erex to give back, oYQaa}K roonox to count backwards, oYQaa}K ranex to repay, oYQaaH xanax to renail, to nail down again, to nail back, oYQaaH x3p3rn3xryH to be non-retrospective (iur.), oYQaaH X3p3rn3X XytlHHT3H applicable retrospectively (iur.)


IiYIWIrAA (see (03) IiYIWIrAX to boil (trans.) IiYIWIrYYP water-heater

oyHHaa A3JIr3PC3H lucky, fortunate, oyHHaa H3M bless my soul!, whatever next!, - qHHb A3JIr3P blessings upon you!, many thanks to you! (Skr.) IiYBHT virtuous, righteous, beneficent, charitable, - yHJI good deed, charitable action IiYBHTAH (see OyHHT)

IiYIWIMAJI boiling, - XaJIYYH yc boiling hot

IiYBHTAH virtuous person, righteous person,




IiYIWIT return, departure IiYIWITrYH 1. irrevocable, conclusive 2. nonrepayable

IiYQAMTrAH liable to go back, liable to renege IiYQAX 1. to go back, to return, - OHJIeT return ticket, - AaBIDHX XOAOJIrOOH reciprocal motion, o~arq rrypnr return spring, o~a}K 3pr3X to make a U-turn 2. to refrain from, to shrink from,

XHHx33C o~axryH not to refrain from doing, not to hold back from doing

IiYQJIAM boiling, scalding, - XaJIYYH yc boiling hot water

IiYQJIAMrAH boiling, - cyy boiling milk IiYQJIAX 1. to boil, to be on the boil, - Q3r boiling-point

2. to

boil up (fig.)

IiYQMAJI returned, sent back IiYqJfrHAX (see oyJKHrHax) IiYIIIHJI3 Kobresia (bot.) IiYIIIYY quick, speedy, - TYYJIaH OOPBHHAOO oaaCTaH more haste less speed IiYIIIYYJIAX to hurry up, to make haste IiYIIIYYXAH pretty quickly IiYIOY 1. is, will be 2. (- eep, - yryH OOJI, 3CB3JI, - 3Cr3B3JI, - 3CXYJI) or IiYBH 1. (- saaa] merit, virtue, OYHHbI oaHryyJIJIara (- yHJIA3rq oaHryyJIJIara) charitable organization, oyHHAaa oy3ap opyynax to behave badly, to let oneself down, OYHHbI A3JIryyp charity shop, - HOMbIH yHJIC (OYHHbI yHJIc) virtuous acts, OYHHbI canaa (OYHHbI canaa HOXOp) spiritual master (Buddh.), - caaax to have a generous intention, OYHHbI TOrJIOJIT charity performance, - xypaax to acquire merit, - qyyJIraH concentration of virtue 2. (XOHqHHH -) religious service or meritorious acts performed on behalf of a dead person, AOqHH eCOH XOHomHH - observances for the forty-nine days otter a death, - HOM service performed on behalf of a dead person, - HOMbIH yHJIA3JI performance of a service for a dead person, - HOM XHHx to perform a service for a dead person, yHJIA3X (- XHHx) to perform meritorious acts; to perform a service on behalf of a dead person 3. (- XHIDHr) fortune, good fortune, prosperity, oYHHaa oapax to waste one's substance, XHIDHr HHMr3A3X to be down on one's luck,

IiYBH3X to mutter, to mumble IiYBTH3X (see 0YBH3X) liyr,IJ; all, in all, altogether, - HaHpaMAax HaM Republican Party (USA), - HaHpa~ax yJIC republic, liyrA HaHpa~ax MOHrOJI ApA YJIC (IiHMAY) Mongolian People's Republic, xypan full meeting, plenary meeting, plenum,

IiYrH3M (see oyrqHM) IiYrH3X to warm up, to make warm and stuffy IiYIT (see OyxT) IiYrTP3X to suffocate IiYNHM stuffy, stifling, close, - XaJIyyH hot and sultry

IiYNHM)l;3X to suffer from the heat, to feel suffocated

IiYTIIIHX I. to choke, to suffocate (intrans.) IiYTIIIHX II. to lurk, to lie in wait IiYTIIIYYJI3X to choke, to suffocate (trans.) liyrnX to lurk, to lie hidden, to be holed up, oyr3H oporaox to live clandestinely, to go underground

liyrn3H light-coloured, - xynnac light-coloured clothing

IiY,IJ;r3BT3P rather dim, rather unclear IiY,IJ;r3P3X (see 0YA3rp3x) IiY,IlJUfHH (see 0YMbm) IiY,IJ;HYYP Lesser Love-grass, Eragrostis minor (see XypraJIJK) IiY,IJ;H3 (see lioAHO) IiY,IJ;P3MTrHH inclined to stumble, unsteady on one's feet

IiY,IJ;P3X 1. to stumble, to trip up 2. (X3JI Hb -) to stammer, to stumble over one's words

IiY,IJ;YYBQ 1. rough, sketchy, - sypar sketch


sketch, scheme

IiY,IJ;YYBQJI3X to do roughly, 0YJWYBqHJIC3H TOO roug h estimate, 0YJWYBqJI3H X3JI3X3A roughly speaking

IiY,IJ;YYJIr33P grossly, flagrantly IiY,IJ;YYJI3f rude, rough, coarse, primitive, annaa gross error, - OHeT3H protozoa IiY,IJ;YYH 1. thickness 2. thick, - r3A3C (see r3A3c) 3. (- oapar, - OOprHJI, - xaAYYH) rough,

coarse, -- oopHr (-- xa~YYH) rough and ready, homespun, rustic, -- 30pOJIT coarse cut (lathe, erc.]. -- 3ypX indifference, lack of concern, -3YPXT3H uncaring, indifferent, -- 3ypXT3H uncaring person, indifferent person, someone who couldn't care less, -- OBC oarrax aaacaprva dense, close, -- TOHMOOp X3JI03JI roughly speaking, -- XY3YYJI3X to be pig-headed, -- XY3yyr3H OOX 3YPXT3H pig-headed, -- llIyyp coarse filter 4. low (mus.), xaapraap -- a fourth lower 5. (-nacnsr] full-grown (animal)

IiY,IJ;YYH33P33 in thickness IiY,IJ;YYP3JI thickening, swelling IiY,IJ;YYP3JIT (see OY~YYP3JI) IiY,IJ;YYP3X 1. to thicken, to get thicker, to grow coarser, to swell, § T3M33HHH Hac axax ryrasr HOOC Hb oy~yyp~3r the older a camel gets, the coarser its wool becomes lower (mus.)

2. to get

IiY,IJ;yycrnx to thicken, to make thicker IiY,IJ;YYC3X 1. to get thicker 2. to get lower, to fall (in pitch),


IiY,IJ;QHX 1. to stumble along, to stagger about

2. to keep getting in a muddle IiY,IJ;3f dull, dim, low, subdued, -- oa~ar (-OaJIapxaH) vague, obscure, -- oa~ar ~aM cypar vague rumours, -- oypx3r obscure, -- r3p3JI a dim light, -- ~yy a low voice, -- ynaan dull red IiY,IJ;3rPYYJI3X to obscure, to blur IiY,IJ;3rP3X to become unclear, to become indistinct, to grow dim, to get blurred

IiY,IJ;3rx3H quite dull, quite dim, quite vague, -- r3p3JIT3H rather dimly lit IiY,IJ;3H freckles (Bur.) IiY,IJ;3PXHH (OBqyyHHH --) upper part of the breastbone (in animals)

IiY,IJ;3X (see 6yp3r) IiY)KHf dance, oarr -- masked dance, conronor -- classical dancing, ballet, TOBllIJIOrO -- competitive form of dance following the rhythm of a

XyyqHp, a drum, etc., qyyJIra -- ensemble, -~3rJI3rq choreographer, oy>KrHHH }l{y:>KHr (oy}l{I'3H }l{y}I{Hr) ballet, oy}l{I'HHH TaHXHM dance-hall

IiY)KHfJI3fQ dancer IiY)KHfJI3JI dancing IiY)KHfJI3JIT (see 0Y}I{HrJI3JI) IiY)KHfJI3X to dance, 6y:>KHrJI3H aaprax to go dancing

IiY)KHNHH dancer IiY)KHH cub (hare, rabbit, corsac, etc.) IiY)KHHXHH (see Oy:>KHH)



IiY)KHX to dance IiYHJI gums IiYHJIC 1. Almond, Amygdo/us, liapHYJIT -A. peduncu/oto, MOHrOJI -- A. monqotico 2. oyiiJIC3H oyJIqHpXaH (see 0YJIQHpxaH) IiYHJI3C (see liyiiJIc) IiYHJI33C (see liyiiJIc) IiYJI 1.1. family, family members, -- H3M}I{ rOJIOMT oa~paax to get married 2. colony (bees, ants, etc.), -- 30rHH colony of bees

IiYJI II. (-- xyq, -- Qa~aJI) strength, power, manpower, -- ~OOT3H lacking manpower

IiYJI III. cousins whose mothers are sisters IiYJIli3fH3X to mutter, to mumble (Bur.) IiYJIli3f3P weak, feeble IiYJIli3P (see 0YJI03r3p) IiYJIrYH,n;3JI lack of manpower IiYJIrYH,IJ;3X (xyq --) to lack manpower IiYJIf3M group, -- ~HJIaH groups, circles, napJIaMeHTHHH -- parliamentary group IiYJIf3M)l;3JI community, yprasran -- plant community

IiYJIf3M)l;3X to form a group, to be grouped IiYJIf3PX3X to be cliquish IiYJI33f (see OOJI30r) IiYJIT out, -- yCp3X to jump out, to pop out IiYJITrHH (see 0YJITr3p) IiYJITf3H3X (see 0YJIT3rH3x) IiYJITf3P sticking out, protruding, bulging, prominent

IiYJITHHx to protrude, to bulge out, to swell IiYJITP3X to pop out, to drop out IiYJITYYIII son, kid IiYJIT3fH3X to goggle, to stare, § T3P XYYX3H OYJIT3rH3H cannapx oaHHa the girl stared in dismay

IiYJIT3H strong, powerful IiYJIT3JI33X to goggle, to stare, OYJIT3JI33H xapax to look Wide-eyed at, to stare at, to goggle at

IiYJIT3H pop-eyed IiYJIYYP 1. paddle (for making kumis) 2. piston, rassm -- gas-piston (AK 47), oyJIyypHHH uarapnr piston-ring IiYJIYYP,IJ;3X to churn (milk, etc.) IiYJIX sinew, tendon, -- YMXC3H M3T speechless, dumbfounded, at a complete loss, -- llIOpMOC sinews, tendons



IiYJIXHfIx to protrude, to stick out, to bulge out IiYllX3JI33X to heave, to pulsate IiYJIQf3P (see oyn~3H) IiYJIqHfIx to be swollen, oyn~irr3n yHnax to have eyes swollen with weeping

IiYJIQ3H bulging, popping (eyes, etc.) IiYJI3f 1. group, ~CHbI - blood group, - IWn3r groups 2. gang, clique, - xynraH gang robbery, - xypsuan group sex, - X3p3r group

etc.) 4. division (not. hist.) S. cyynHiiH oyn3rT (3~CHHH oyn3rT)

crime 3. part (of a book,

finaIly, in the end, in the last resort, at the end of the day 6. act (theatre)

IiYJI3f,n;3X (oyn3rA3H uoxarnox] to be stirred (kumis)

IiYJI3f,n;3JI Li, group, grouping, HaCHbI - age group ii. gang, 3pyyrHiiH - criminal gang 2. force, formation (mil.), ~3prHiiH - military formation 3. i. splinter group ii, fractionalism IiYJI3f,n;3JIT group, grouping IiYJI3fJI3X 1. to group 2. to form a group, to band together, to gang up, oyn3rn3H A33p3MA3rQ robber gang, oyn3rn3H HHiiJI3X to join forces, to gang up, oyn3rn3C3H xynraH gang robbery

6YJI3fHyyn3X to clot (trans.), ~CbIr - to clot the blood

BYJI3fH3JIT clotting, ~CHbI - clotting of the blood

IiYJI3fH3X to clot, to coagulate, ~c - to clot (blood)

IiYJI3fl1HJIC3H group (adj.) IiYJI3JIT churning IiYJI3H clot, ~CHbI - blood-clot IiYJI3HQ3P colony (bees) IiYJI3PX3f strong, powerful IiYJI3PX3X to show off one's strength 6YJI3X I. to churn (kumis), aHpar - to churn kumis IiYJI3X II. to stab, to pierce IiYJI33BT3P warmish IiYJI33H warm IiYJI33P3X 1. to get warmer, to warm up 2. to have a temperature

IiYJI33Cf3X to warm, to heat up IiYJI33C3X to get warm, to warm up IiYJI33Tf3X (see oyn33cr3x) 6YJI33T3X (see oyn33C3x) 6YJI33QYYJI3X (see oyn33cr3x)

BYJI33Q3X (see oyn33C3x) IiYHXf3P half-round, convex IiYHXHfIx to be convex IiYHX3P (see OYJlxr3p) IiYHllIHX to wail, to howl IiYP 1. each, every, OAOP - every day 2. each time, whenever, OB'IHH AaXHX - whenever the illness recurs, OAOP Hp3X - with every passing day, XOAHOX OypT Hb every time it moves 3. very, extremely, much more, - aaxaaacaa (anxaaacaa asaan] right from the very beginning, - rysaan OUA right back in the thirties, as long ago as the thirties, - XORHO long aherwards, Q HX really, ever so, specially, - 3pT T3PT33 uaraac from most ancient times, § - WOHO oonCOH oaRB it had got really late

IiYPf3,n; Eagle, Aquila, YCHbl Hesrper - Pallas's Sea Eagle, Haliaeetus leucoryphus, Ilaraaa cyynT - White-tailed Eagle, Sea Eagle, H. albicillo, QapMbIH - Golden Eagle, A. chrysaetus, oyprA33p araax to hunt with eagles, XaMapTaH aquiline nosed IiYPf3JI3YYJI3X to cause to swim, to confuse, § UVAHH Hb oypr3n3yyn3B everything swam before his eyes

liyprnJI33X to be seen indistinctly, HYA - to swim before the eyes

liyprnX I. to swi rI 6yprnX II. to be alarmed, to be in contusion, oypr3H oaprnH in confusion IiYP,n; standing spring water, oaHH - (see oaHHoypA) 6YP,IJ;B3P component 6YP,IJ;M3JI complex, composite IiYP,n;vYJI3JIT 1. provision, furnishing 2. completion, fulfilment

6YP,n;vYJI3X 1. to provide, to furnish 2. to complete

IiYP,n;3JI 1. composition, make-up, totality, complement, range, - oonox to comprise, to consist of, - X3C3r component part, § OPWHn, AOpBOH oyn3r, rercreneec - oonox 3H3 HOM this book, which comprises an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion 2. completeness, oonox to be complete

IiYP,n;3X 1. to be made up of, to consist of, to 33pr33C 0ypM3r oaRHa it comcomprise, § 000

prises... and so on 2. to be present, to be complete, § raanaxscraa nexnen 0ypAB3n in the presence of favourable conditions

IiYP}l{M3JI marmalade IiYP3f3P tangled, ruffled IiYP3f3PT3X to get tangled, to get ruffled


IiYP3HHJIT tangling


IiYP3HHX to be tangled, to be ruffled IiYPHH

I. (Y~3W --., WOHa --., --. oapaH) dusk

IiYPHH II. (see oyp 1., 2.), rasap --. everywhere

IiYPX3r~YYJI3X to cover up, to conceal, to gloss over

IiYPJI3ftI (see oypn33Q)

IiYPX3X to cover

IiYPJI3X to come to grief

IiYPX3:Q coverage

IiYPJI33Q the dead, the departed, --. oonox to die

IiYPX33P a bottomless cask placed on top of the cauldron [roroo] when distilling kumis to make spirits, and containing a pail (XyBHH) to catch the spirits

IiYPM9C9H completely, altogether IiYPM3JI covered, apscaap --. covered with skin IiYPCr3P dark, gloomy IiYPCHHX to look dark, to look gloomy IiYPTrYYJI3X to register, to get registered IiYPTr3ftI clerk IiYPTr3JI 1. bookkeeping, accounting, registration, --. 3yH statistics, --. TOOQOO accounting 2. list, register, log, catalogue, record, --. xernox to keep a record IiYPTr3JIT3H registered IiYPTr3X to register, to record, --. rasap registry, oypTr3H roonoonox to account for, to keep records of IiYPTHHX (see oapTHHx) IiYPTXHHH at speed, kicking up the dust, § --. O~OB dashed off IiYPT3rH3X (see OapTHHx)

IiYPX33C cover, ypraMJIbIH --. plant-cover IiypQHr case (for a hat, etc.) IiYPQHH cover for the lock of a gun IiYP3r 1. (--. oapar) dim, obscure 2. (--. HQHMXHH) shy, unassuming, reserved, modest IiYP3r.IKHX to become confused, to be dazed IiYP3JIliAA reincarnation (of a high lama, etc.) (see xyaanraan] (Tib. sprul-ba) IiYP3JIr3H3 Viburnum (bot.), Monron --. V. mongolicum (a/50 MOPHH Ynaarana] IiYP3JIr3X to ruin, to waste, to squander, xyHHH aMb --. to kill someone, to cause sorneone's death, 0yp3nr3H cyHTr3xto destroy, to ravage, to ruin IiYP3.JI,IJ;M3r composition, mixture IiYP3.JI,IJ;YYJI3ftI component, constituent

IiYPT3JI33X (see oapTHHx)

IiYP3.JI,IJ;YYJI3X I. to make up, to form, to produce, to provide

IiYPYJIrY reincarnation (of a high lama, etc.) (see xysanraaa] (Tib. sprul-sku)

IiYP3.JI,IJ;YYll3X II. to cause to thicken, to cause to clot [rapar, etc.)

IiYPX (--. MaJIraH) hat, 3crHH --. ManraH felt hat IiYPXHH vague, indistinct, hazy IiYPXM3JI covered, § uacaan --. snow-covered IiYPXYYJIcover, covering, integument, awning, shade (of a lamp), casing (of a bomb, etc.), testa or outer wall (of a seed), wall (of a cell), outer skeleton (of an insect), shell (of an atom), ranaan --. exoskeleton, MOTOpbIH --. bonnet (auto.), cononroa oypxyyn iris (of the eye), ypraMaJI --. plant-cover, yyn3H --. cloud-cover, QacaH --. snow-cover, QH~3HrHHH --. lampshade, oypxyynT3H T3p3r covered cart, --. ypT yprasran (--. ypT3H) angiosperms, --. umn coverglass (for a slide) IiYPXYYJIT3H Tunicata (zoo/.) IiYPX3BQ cover, covering, ~3JIXHHH napnnac « the crust of the earth, HYYPHHH --. face-pack, conOHronor --. iris (of the eye), ypraMnbIH --. plant-cover, yyparr --. sclera, white of the eye IiYPX3r cloudy, overcast, --. a~ap a dull day, --. Tacaanan vague idea IiYPX3rAYY (see oypx3r)

IiYP3.JI,IJ;YYH composition, --. X30r component, constituent part IiYP3.JI,IJ;3X I. to be formed (of), to be made up (of), to consist (of), OYP3~3H oonoBcpox to be formed, to be elaborated, oyp3n~3H TOITHOX to be created, to come into existence, oyp3n~3H TOITOX to exist, to obtain; to be formed, to be perfected; to consist of, § ~OOPXH 3~ aaraac oyp3n~3H TOITOHO it consists of the following parts IiYP3.JI,IJ;3X II. to thicken, to clot [rapar, etc.) IiYP3llA3XYYH 1. composition, make-up, XHMHHH --. chemical composition, xyu aMbIH HHHrMHHH --. social composition of the population, xyu aMbIH YU~3CTHHH --. national composition of the population, --. X3C3r constituent part 2. personnel, HHOX --. flight personnel IiYP3llA3XYYHT3H comprising IiYP3JI33X to grow dark, to grow dim, to be clouded IiYP3H (--. ryHQ3~) full, complete, --. oa~an integrity, --. OHm (--. oyc) incomplete; defective,



- oa - oyc ~ cypryyns complete and incomplete middle schools, - OHm T33BPHHH X3p3rC3JI defective vehicle, - 0YlOY xarac fully or in part, - Oyr3H oaMan integrity, entirety, good order, good condition, completeness, soundness, HYTar,n;3Bcr3pHHH - Oyr3H oaMan [rasap HYTrHHH - Oyr3H oaH,n;an) territorial integrity, - ,n;yyp3H fully, completely, thoroughly, - ,n;yyp3H oibIrox to understand thoroughly, - rerc fully, completely, conaanaasr rerc oaHryyJIax to build socialism completely, - X3MJK33HHH full-scale, - 3pX sovereignty, 3pXTsovereign; plenipotentiary, - 3pXToaMan sovereignty

IiYP3HT 3ACAN reign title of the emperor Tongzhi

IiYP3HXHH 1. twilight, dusk, y,n;mHHH evening twilight 2. dim, darkish, § - TaHXHMbIH ,n;OTOp in the dimly-lit hall

IiYP3X I. to cover, to face, to line IiYP3X 11.1. to add a ferment to warm milk so as to clot it, rapar - to prepare Tapar 2. to steam ina. closed pot

IiYP33 trumpet, bugle, HapHHH - trumpet, TaTax - trombone, yran3 - French horn, yx3p - large lamaistic trumpet, ~Op,n;OH - a small trumpet, 3B3P - horn (mus.), HMaaH - bugle, - YJI33X to blow a trumpet

IiYP33,D;3X to trumpet IiYP33C covering, capping IiYP33tI trumpeter, bugler, HapHHH - trumpetplayer, rarax - trombonist, yrans - (3B3p -) horn-player

IiYP33tIHH (see Oyp3311) IiYC 1.1. belt, caHAJIbIH xasrraananrsm - safety belt (auto., etc.), - OyCJI3X to put on a belt, to wear a belt, OYC33 xaaranax to tighten one's belt 2. zone, - oyCJIyyp zones and belts, zones, ~arHHH - time zone, - HYTar region, - HYTrHHH MOpraJI,n;ooH regional conflict, - XOOpOH,n;bIH inter-zonal 3. the hoop of a Mongolian brazier 4. piston-ring

IiYC II. (see oec) IiYCrYH 1. without a belt 2. (- XYH) woman IiYCrYHtIYYJI women IiYCr3X (see oocrox) IiYC)I{YYJI3X to zone IiYCJIYYP 1. (- xournon] the girth-rope of a Mongolian tent, - rarax to fit the girth-rope of the tent 2. ring, hoop, tyre (of a cart-wheel) 3. girth, Circumference, ~33}I{HHH oyCJIyypHHH

X3M}K33 chest-measurement OOCOo - vertical zone




IiYCJIYYP,D;3X to tie round, to bind IiYCJI3r zonal IiYCJI3JIT siege, encirclement, OYCJI3JIT3,D; opox to get surrounded, to get besieged

IiYCJI3X 1. to surround, to besiege, OYCJI3H OyqHX to surround 2. to put round the middle, oyc - to put on a belt

IiYCT3H 1. with a belt 2. man IiYCtIHJIC3H zonal, - YYJI3anT zonal (sports) meeting

IiYCtIJI3JI zoning IiYCtIJI3H zonally IiYCIIIHJI (see oyCtIJI3JI) IiYC3JIXHH waist IiYTB3P element IiYTH33P HI> whole, in full, in its entirety IiYTIJ;HHH structural IiYT3JI success, fulfilment, - 33XHH poor, miserable, run-down, not up to much, - M)'YTaH unsuccessful

IiYT3JIrYH 1. unsuccessful 2. unfortunate, regrettable, - HB,n;an regrettable activities

IiYT3JIrYH,D;3JI failure IiYT3JIrYH,D;3X to fail, to be unsuccessful IiYT3JIrYHT3JI (see oyr3JIryH,n;3JI) IiYT3JIrYHT3X (see oyr3nryH,n;3x) IiYT3JIT suffocation, asphyxia IiYT3JIT3H successful IiYT3MrYH (see oyr3JIryH) IiYT3M}I{rYH unsuccessful IiYT3M}I{rYH,D;3X to fail, to be unsuccessful IiYT3M}I{T3H successful IiYT3H (- oyn33H) whole, - oaMan completeness, soundness, integrity, - 3aXTaH (HpM3rT3H) entire-edged (leaf), - HOHpTOH XOHOX to get a whole night's sleep, - HYYP OYJI33H 3YC good-looking, - H3PT3H with a good reputation, respected, - caiia enep Sunday, - xarac one and a half, - xarac ,n;aXHH TOM one and a half times as big

IiYT3X 1.1.(aMbcran -} to choke, to suffocate

2. asphyxia IiYT3X 11.1. to be made up of, to consist of, § HIIOHbI apan oon xan yyncaap oyrC3H 10M oaHHa the islands of Japan consist of cliffs and mountains 2. to be accomplished, to be brought a bout, to be effected, to succeed

IiYT3XrYH to fail, to come to nothing


IiYT3IJ; (- OYP3JI~3xyyH, - HaHpJIara, - rorrou] structure, make-up, composition, oypyy Oyr3QT3H monosymmetric (flower), 30B Oyr3QT3H radially symmetric, polysymmetric (flower)

IiYY,IJ;3fH3X to be dim, to be unclear, to be faint

IiYT3IJ;3YH structuralism,

IiYYP (see oyp 3.)

IiYT3IJ;3YHH structural, - X3JI WHH}J{JI3JI structural linguistics

liYYPf3H31. Fleabane, Pulicorio

IiYT3IIIfYH illusory, unattainable

IiYYPf3H3 III. (see liyyp3r I.)

IiYT33B3P morpheme

liYYPf3P thin (mist, smoke, etc.)

IiYT33f,IJ;3XYYH - end-product

1. output 2.

product, 3QCHHH


liYYPf3H3 II. seeds of Xypraa M3X33P

liYYPJl3X to come together in a group, to mass, to assemble

IiYT33fQ creator, producer

IiYYP TYYP vague, indistinct, dim

IiYT33Jl creation, work, product, achievement, article, production, accomplishment, -TYYPBHJI work, creation

IiYYP3f I. Fleas, Siphonaptera (also HOXOH Beoc]: Flea, Pulex irritans, MYYPHbI - Cat Flea

IiYT33JlT creative, productive, constructive, XO~OJIMOP creative work liYT33JlQ (see Oyr33JIT), - yHJI a:>KHJIJIaraa creative activity liYT33Jl3f covering liYT33MJK 1. productivity, XOAOJIMOpHHH labour-productivity 2. capacity (machine, pump, etc.) liYT33MJKT3H successful, productive, efficient, positive liYT33X I.1. (oyr33}J{ AaJIAJlax) to cover 2. to suffocate, to smother liYT33X II. (oyr33H oaHryyJlax) to construct, to produce, to create, to accomplish, oyr33H oaHryyJIaJIT construction, building, COQHaJIH3MbIH oyr33H oaHryyJlaJIT the construction of socialism, oyr33H OOCrOJlT erection, oyr33H oocrox to erect, to put up liYT33IJ; structu re, construction, 3J1eMeHT structural element


liYY do not, ra - 30B don't worry, - M3A who knows, - Y33r~ God forbid! X3J1 let alone, never mind, to say nothing of, not only ... but even, § YH3H X3J1C3H yryHr - M3A who knows whether he was telling the truth or not, apqHJI}J{ TOPAOX Hb- X3J1 xoporncon q canaa 30BAorryH let alone looking otter them, they do not worry even if they perish I


liYYB3H lullaby baby, 0YYB3HH AYY lullaby liYYB3HJl3Jl lulling, soothing liYYB3HJl3X to lull, to soothe (a child), - AYY lullaby

liYYP3f 11.1. (3M33JIHHH -) saddle-bow 2. parapet of a well IiYYP3JIX3X to gang up liYX all, whole, total, - A3JIXHHH worldwide, of the whole world, - MaJIbIH TOO total number of beasts, - HHHTHHH general, universal, HHHTHHH a:>KHJI XaHJIT general strike, HHHTHHH coaryyns general election, HHHTHHH Q3prHHH yyp3r universal duty of military service, - HHHT33P widely, - TaJIbIH 011round, comprehensive, - Q3prHHH }J{aH:>KHH commander-in-chief

1. which is, which has, 33BC3r - armed, oryyJI3r~3H OyxHH yeA in the period under discussion, YH3 - valuable, XaM}J{JIara - TaH}J{ a taij with serfs 2. all, whole, oyH - all, all there is, - JITOPJlHHH of all types, - JI:>KHJIHHH rypur all the year round, the whole year


liYXMHJl3H all, every, complete liYXJl33P fully dressed liYXT dull, unclear liYXTrYH clear, bright liYXYH (see OyxHH) liYX3Jl (- Oyr3H) whole, complete, entire, - Max joints of meat for boiling, - Max xaaax to boil up meat in joints, - MOA solid wood, OYX3J1~ Hb (OYX3J1A33, OyxJI33p) altogether, in its entirety, - TOO (see TOO 1.), OyxJl33P33 YHTax to sleep with one's clothes on, to sleep fully dressed, XOOJl solid food, § rypsaa - apamrsr HaHM three point eight, - AOpBOH QamHH apaa a conversation of four whole hours, - xarac AaXHH 3Y3aaHTaH one and a half times as thick

liYY,IJ;f3P dull,overcast, - HorOOH dull green

liYX3H each, every, all, everything, X3H - everyone, 3H3 OyxH33C Y3B3JI in the light of all this

liYY,IJ;f3P,IJ;YY (see 0YYAr3p)


liYY,IJ;MIbc to become dull, to become overcast, to grow dim, to get dark


awning, 2. kiosk, booth, yrcan

xapannaansr - (HpHaHbI -) telephone kiosk 3. cabin (lorry, etc.), compartment


63nr3 (see 03JI3r III.) 63nr3BQ condom

6yq ribbon, tie

63J1)J;M3n a preparation

6yqHX to surround, to hem in, to crowd round

63J1)J;YY on the lower slopes of, skirting

6YQn3X to tie, to fasten (a ribbon, etc.)

63J1)J;3X to prepare, to get ready (trans.)

63 (see B3)

63J1)J;3Q 1. work-piece (mech.)· 2. blank (for a coin, etc.)

63BTH3X to be feeble, to be frail 63fBAATAP (-- WYBYY) Tawny Owl, Strix aluco 63r,IJ;P3X to be dismayed, to lose one's head, to panic

63r3HHX to be hunched up 63rH3X to wrap up warm, to keep warm, to wrap up, 03rH3}J{ oeeQHHJIOX to coddle

63n)I{HX to make money, to get rich 63n)l{yyn3X to enrich 63n33r ring, -- yaa clove-hitch 63n33rn3X to tie a clove-hitch, -- ysa clovehitch

63nn3X to follow the skirts of a mountain

63rCP3r Owl (Bur.)

63nH33P in cash, cash down

63mHHX to be hunched up 63f3)I{H first wife of a royal person (hist.)

63nTr3n 1.i. preparation, 03JITr3JIHHH epee

63rnnQ3r plateau 63,IJ;P3X (see OMP3X) 63,IJ;3X (see OH~3X) 63)I{PYY (see OH}J{PYY) 63n 1.1. ornament on the strap of a tinder-pouch or knife (see X3T I.) 2. waist ornament worn by women

63n II. lower slopes of a mountain, foot of a hill, -- XOpMOH skirts (of a mountain)

Ii9JI III. (-- 03HQHH) capital, funds, money, aRH 3aMbIH -- travel-money, rapsm -- cash, ready money, OBpHHH -- pocket-money

63n63n33X (see oanoan3ax)

dressing-room ii. preparatory, -- YYJI3aJIT preparatory meeting 2. (-- cypryyns] training, Q3prHHH aHXaHurarnsr -- basic military training 3. supply, procurement 4. reserve, -- aeon reserves, -- odnntep officer on the reserve, -TOrJIOr'l (see TOrJIOr'l)

63nTr3nHHH reserve, spare 63nTr3M3n a preparation 63nTr3X 1. to prepare 2. to provide, to supply, 03JITr3H HHHJIYYJI3r'1 supplier 3.


raprax] to train 63nTr33CT3H prepared, made ready 63JITP3r Wolf-cub 63JITP3rn3X to cub, to produce cubs 63nT3H affluent

63JI 63HQHHrY~3Xto lack funds

63nT3H plutocrat

63JI63CP3n mourning

63JIXH33 readily, clearly, well, § OM -- M3~3

63JI63CP3X 1. to go into mourning 2. to be widowed

Ii9n63C3H I. widow, widowed, -- 3XH3P widow 63JI63C3H II. of pure, unmixed colour (animal coat), -- xap pure-black horse

63nrHHH sexual, -- a}J{HJI intercourse, -aMb~paJI sex life, -- rase yHM3JI sexual deviance, -- rase yHJI~3JIT3H sexual deviant, -AYP raxaan (-- AYP XYC3JI, -- urynan raxaan] sexual desire, sexual appetite, -- sastaap xannnar sexually transmitted, -- M3BX}J{HJI sexual activity, -- cynpan impotence, -- cyJIpaJITaH impotent, -- cys vagina, -- C3P3JI (-- AYP C3P3JI) sexual arousal, sexual excitement, -- yHM3JI (-- yHJI a}J{HJIJIaraa) copulation, intercourse, -- xapsuaa (-- XapHJIQaa) sexual relationship, -- xapsuaa yHJI~3X to have sex, -- XOpOJIT frigidity, -XepeJIIT3H frigid, -- XYMYY}J{HJI sexual education, -- 'Ia~aBXH (-- 'Ia~ap) sexual potency, -3PXT3H (see 03JI3r 3pXT3H)

we well know

63JIXYYC waist 63JIX3n33X to waddle 63JIX3M)I{ belly-band, girth 63JIX3H ready 63JIX3HQ3r 1. loins 2. waist band, corset 63nQr3P fleshy, plump, succulent 63nQHHx to be fleshy, to be plump 63nQPYY vesicle, small blister 63JIt1HP (see OHJI'IHp) 63JIt1HX (see OHJI'IHX) 63nQ33P (see OHJI'I33p) 63nQ33pn3nT (see OHJI'I33PJI3JIT) 63nQ33pn3X (see OHJI'I33PJI3X) 63nQ33X (see OHJI'I33X) 63n3r I. (-- 3pXT3H) genitals, sexual parts, sexual organs, naa 03JI3IT3H [canaara 03JI3IT3H)

unisexual, diclinous (bot.), xoc 03JI3IT3H hermaprodite, monoclinous (bot.), 3M .... female genitalia, 3P .... male genitalia, .... 3pXTHHH genital, .... 3pXTH33 HJI raprax to expose oneself, .... 3pXTH33p33 OPOJIAOX (.... 3pXTH33 XHH rasax] to masturbate 63JI3f II. gift, present, .... oapux (.... OOJIrOH orex] to offer a gift, to make a present, .... oapb~ gift, offering, .... nypcran souvenir, .... 33JI3r (.... C3JI3r) gifts, presents, 03JIfHHH MOPHbI lIIYA Y3A3rryH don't look a gift horse in the mouth, orex to give a present, .... C3JIT gifts, presents XaHAHB gift, offering 63JI3f III. sign, symbol, token, .... A3M03P3JI good omen, good sign, good augury, .... A3M03P3JIryH ill-omened, .... A3M03P3JIT3H wellomened, auspicious, .... A3M03P3JIT3H yrc blessings, recitations of good wishes, .... T3~3r sign, symbol, omen, .... T3~3IT3H symbolic

I. ill-omened 63JI3ffYH II. barren (flower)




ter-in-Iaw, .... to become a daughter-in-law, to marry into a family 63P

II. skin of a boil

63Pf3,IJ; bridsesrncid 63Pf3H (see o3pr3H


63Pf3H 1. wife of the elder son 2. older women who assist at a wedding to settle the couple in and to admonish them 63Pf3X to be scared, to fight shy of 63P,IJ; (see OHPA) 63P)I{f3P (see OHP}Kf3p) 63P)I{HHX to get rough, to come out in spots,to come out in pimples 63P)I{33HX (see Ope3eHT)


63P)I{33X (see Ope3eHT)

63JI3f,IJ;JIHHH symbolic

63PHill Thorow-wax, Here's-cor. Bupleurum, Cynnapxar .... B. multinerve, XaBHcraHaHaBQHT

.... B. scorzonerifolium, Xoep B. pusillum

63JI3f,IJ;3JI symbol, .... 3yH symbolism 63JI3f,IJ;3X symbolize


to prophesy, to foretell

HIIIT .... B.


gMXaH ....



63JI3fJI3X (o3JI3rJI3H erox] to present, to donate, to give 63JI3fCHHH genital, sexual 63JI3IT3H well-omened, auspicious

63PJI3X 1.1. to be bashful, to be diffident 2. to act as a dutiful daughter-in-law towards one's in-laws, .... ec the custom of behaving in this way 63PJI3X II. to receive a daughter-in-law 63PM3f Sea-Lavender, Limonium, YHA3CT .... L. erythrorhizum

63JI3fIlI33JI good omen

63PC queen (chess)

63JI3fIlI33X 1. to consider as a good omen 2. to symbolize

63PCYY lump, swelling

63JI3H (.... 33JI3H, .... 33X33T3H) ready, .... oaHAaJI readiness, preparedness, OHAOp}KyyJIC3H .... OaHAaJI enhanced state of preparedness, .... 0YT33rA3XYYH finished product, .... MOHfO ready money, cash, .... xysuac ready-made clothes 63JI3HqHJIf33 (see 03JI3HQJI3JI)


1. philistine 2.


uncultured, vulgar

63PT3JI (.... f3MT3JI) injury, 03PT3JIA opox (.... r3MT3JIA opox] to be injured Ii3PT3JIT (see 03PT3JI) 63PT3Hf3 1. (.... r3MT3JI) injury, HCHbI .... fracture, bone-injury 2. injured, maimed

63JI3HqJI3JI scrounging, cadging

63PT3X to hurt oneself, to get hurt, to get injured

63JI3HqJI3X to scrounge, to cadge, to rely on handouts

63PT33X to injure

63JI3PX3X to vaunt one's wealth, to be free with one's money 63JI33X3H

1. ready,




63M6HH dough 63M6HfIx to get swollen, to get puffy 63M63fH3X to tremble, to shiver, to shake 63M63JI33X (see 03M03fH3X) 63HT3H (.... ~3HT3H) valuable 63HqHH capital, funds, money 63P I. daughter-in-law, wife of the younger brother, bride, .... oyyJIrax to welcome a daugh-

Ii3PX 1. (.... XYHA, .... X3rmr) difficult, hard, AOpBOH .... (see AOpOB) 2. fierce, hard 3. good at, competent 63PX,IJ;3JI difficulty 63PX,IJ;3X difficulties


to be too difficult 2. to get into

63PXT3H difficult, hard, H1T3X3A .... hard to believe 63PXIlI33JI difficulty, hardship, trouble, rapax to make difficulties, to make trouble


63PXIlI33JIT3H difficult Ii3PXIlI33X to shirk, to avoid, to dodge, to fight shy of, asorn XOAOJIMOpOOC .... to shirk work, to be work-shy

Ii3XJI3X 1. to secure, to fiX, to make fast 2. to fortify, 03X3HC3H XOT fortified town

IJ;3IJ;3f 1. Delphinium grandiflorum 2. Scobioso comosa 3. Yellow Scabious, 5. ochroleuca


1i3PtIf3P (see OHPlKr3p)

Ii3XJI33C (see 03X3Hr33) Ii3X3JIf33 fastening, reinforcement, securing, fixing, anchorage, tie, pit-prop, CYYAJIbIH seat-belt, seat-harness, 03X3Hr33HHH MOA sharing, pit-prop

Ii3P3BXHH pastern

1i33Bf3P in poor shape, run down

Ii3P3llX3X to behave shyly like a new bride

1i33BHHX to cower, to shiver and shake from

Ii3P33 rod, stave (for beating), r3cryim - proctor's staff (in a lamasery)

the cold, to be rundown withcold

1i33}KHH Peking, - HaM a foppish lama

Ii3P33,IJ; daughters-in-law

1i33ll prince of the third rank in Manchu times (hist.) (Man.)

1i3P33,IJ;3X to beat with a rod 1i3P33M3f Arnebia (bot.) (plant containing a red dye which is extracted by boiling), IIIap A. guttata (Tib. 'bri-mog)

Ii3P33C boiled or steamed rice

1i33JIHH glove 1i33M3JI bad, rotten, off 1i33P I. mile 1i33P II. (subject indicator) (gram.)

Ii3Cf3X (see oocrax)

1i33PJI3X to fester, to suppurate

Ii3CP3f I. middle-sized, smallish 1i3CP3f II. spirits made from mare's or camel's milk or kumis, mixed with that from other beasts

Ii3CP3fJI3X (o3cp3rH3H H3p3X) to distil o3cp3r Ii3CP3rx3H smallish

1i33PT3X to be frozen with cold 1i33P3f easily frozen, susceptible to cold 1i33P3JIT numbness 1i33P3X to be numb with cold, to be frozen stiff, to be chilled, to be frost-bitten

Ii3C3Pf3JI3X (see o3cp3rH3x)

1i33P33 chill, - rapax to warm up (intrans.),

Ii3T3f 1. (- xopxoa] echinococcus 2. echino-

o33p33r raprax to take the chill off, to warm up

coccosis, swelling produced in echinococcosis - OBqHH echinococcosis, - OB'lT3i1 suffering [rorn echinococcosis, 3H3rHHH - echinococcosis of the liver, o3T3rHHH rap echinococcosis cyst (see yHnaHXail) 3. longing, yeorning. - Hb xarapax to have a load taken off one's mind

1i33C prince of the fourth rank in Manchu times (hist.) (Man.)

Ii3T3rP3X 1. to contract echinococcosis 2. to pine away; to long for

1i33X to rot, to decay, to go off 1i33XHHX to firm up, to become sturdy 1i33I(HHX (see 033BHHx) 1i33IJ;3fH3X (see 033BHHx) Ii~ sturdiness, bodily strength

Ii3T3IT3H suffering from echinococcosis

Ii~AJI (- qaAan) capability, capacity, power

Ii3T3rIIIHJI echinococcus infestation

Ii~AJITAH capable

1i3X I. (- oaT) strong, firm, secure

Ii~APXAf strong, powerful

Ii3X II. ink

Ii~APXYY (see oHAapxar)

1i3x,IJ;3X to ink (xyl., etc.) Ii3XJKHJI


Ii~AX to wander, to roam


strengthening, hardening, setting


Ii3XJKHJIT (see 03XJKH.n) Ii3X}1{HX 1. to grow stronger, to grow firmer, to be reinforced (plaster, etc.)

2. to go

hard, to set, to go off

li~fYH weak, feeble 1i~}KHX to develop, to get stronger

Ii~JIAf strong, powerful Ii~PYY (see oHWIar)

Ii~TAH (see oHAJIar)

Ii3X}1{YYJI3N fixer (photo.)


Ii3X}1{YYJI3X 1. to strengthen, to reinforce, to

IiBJIAHfAtI 1. flattering, fawning, ingratiating

consolidate, to harden 2. to allow to set (cement, etc.)

Ii3XJIYYP staple Ii3XJI3JIT 1. fastening, securing 2. fortification

1. silly 2. dense 3. awkward, clumsy

2. flatterer, toady, lickspittle IiBJIAP 1. shawm 2. clarinet IiBJIAX to smear IiBJIIiAHX to get fat and flabby (Bur.)

Ii.HMAP physique, appearance, shape Ii.HMAP)KID{ to develop Ii.HMAPTAH well-built Ii.HMAPXAr (see OHJI~apTaH) 1i.HJI,I:(AX to smear Ii.HMrYH feeble, weakly 1i.H.JI,IUAH strong, powerful 1i.HJI,I:{YYPXAX (see OHJI~JIax) 1i.H~ (see OHJIaHraq 1.,2.) 1i.H~JIAJI flattery, making up to, sucking upto 1i.H~JIAX to curry favour with, to suck up to, to ingratiate oneself with

Ii.HJI3YYMAP Short-toed Lark, Calandrella cinerea, Opor Bop --. Lesser Short-toed Lark, C. rufescens Ii.HJI3YYXAH small bird Ii.HJIT 1. fuse 2. percussion-cap, detonator 3. acaax --. sparking-plug Ii.HJIYY 1.1. pie 2. (aMTaT --.) cake Ii.HJIYY II. club, cudgel Ii.HJIYYPAJI biliousness, flatulence Ii.HJIYYPXAX to feel bilious, to feel queasy Ii.HJIXAHx to be overfull, to be pendulous Ii.HJIXAJI3AX 1. to quiver, to wobble 2. to slop over

Ii.HJIXAJIT eruption (volcano) Ii.HJIXAX (oHJIXaH rapax) to overflow, to be full to overflowing 1i.H~C (see OHJIXMar) Ii.HJIXMAr lava Ii.HJIXMAJI extrusive, effusive, --. xynyynar extru-

sive rocks, effusive rocks

Ii.HJIXYYJIAX (oHJIxYYJIaH )wypr3x) to fill to overflOWing

Ii.HJIQPYY necrobacillosis (infectious disease of the hoof in sheep)

Ii.HMIiA (--. rapnr] 1. Saturn 2. Saturday (Tib. spen-pa)

Ii.HHT rifling, rifling groove (of a gun-barrel) Ii.HP (--. T3HX33, --. xanan] strength, power, might,

81 --. T3HX33T3H (--. xananraa] strong, powerful, hefty, stalwart

Ii.HPAJIXAr powerful Ii.HPAJIXAX to flaunt one's strength Ii.HPAJIXYY (see oHparrxar) Ii.HPBAA3 ferry, --. OHrOQ (--. X9JIOr) ferry-boat (Russ. nepesoa] Ii.HP,IJ;AX to flaunt one's strength Ii.HPMAH Brahmin, IiHpMaHbI waWHH Brahminism

Ii.HPTAH strong, powerful, hefty, stalwart Ii.HPYY calf in the second year, --. OOJIooryH OaHJK OyxLIH HB~JIaap aarnax to try to run before one can walk, --. oyJIqHHTaH naara ~aJIaHTaH with one's livestock in good shape, oHpyyHbI cyyJI ~aaxryH axsraa weakling, --. CYY~C3H33C oyx CYYJI~C3H ~33P as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb

Ii.HPYY XOT Jingpeng (town in Keshigten, Zuuud, Inner Mongolia)

Ii.HCAA Bug, op ~3Bcr3pHHH --. Bed-bug, Cimex lectularius, Bscaaasr oar Bugs, Hemiptera Ii.HCAAH3 (see oHcaaH3) Ii.HCAJIrAJI meditation, contemplation, OHCaJIrax (--. XHiix) to meditate, to be in meditation

Ii.HCAJIrAX 1. to meditate, to contemplate, HOM --. to be in religious meditation, to meditate upon religion 2. to think over, to work out

Ii.HCJIAr a kind of cheese made from raw or skimmed milk or from 33~3M which has been strained or squeezed, --. waxax to press cheese

Ii.HCMAH (--. T3Hr3p) (see IiHcMaH) 1i.HIJ; crash, bang, --. yCp3X to spring apart 1i.HIJ;APMAJI crushed 1i.HIJ;APXAH (see oHQapMaJI) 1i.HIJ;JIAX to break, to smash, to crush 1i.HIJ;PAX to get broken, to get smashed, to get crushed

1i.HIJ;XAH 1. little, small 2. a little

B BAA hey!, look at that! (showing surprise or

anger) BAArJIAX to croak

Bulgan Khot

B~AX to wrap up in a (square) piece of cloth

B~H 1. a square of cloth for wrapping things in 2. section of tent-cloth for a MaiixaH

BAAP 1. (~33BPHim -) roof-tile, H9MP9r - upper tile (of a lapped roof), HYYP - end tile, rocryyp -lower tile (of a lapped roof) 2.i. pottery ii. (caa] pot, vase, - MaHrTaH flask-shaped, narrow at the top (well,

etc.) (Chin.)

BAAPAH ceramic, - MaTepHaJI (- 3WI3JI) ceramics BAAPAH~ ceramic, - XaBTaH ceramic tile BAAPJIAX 1. to tile 2. to make in the shape of a flask, to make narrow at the top (well, etc.), § raaap BaapJIaJK yxaan digging out the ground narrow at the top

BAAPq potter BAAPqHH (see aaapx] BArHHJJ;PATHHH YC3r "Vagindra's Script" (developed in Agwandorj)

1905 by the Buryat lama

BAH)J;AH 1. (- WHp33) bench 2. wharf (coal)

(Chin.) BAHWH Pea (Chin.) BAHWHXAH Chick-pea, Cicer, C. arietinum BAH}l{HHrAPAB (see Ilaraaa )l;3r~) BAHJIHH pretty, beautiful, handsome, splendid BAHH bath, yypbIH - sauna (Russ.) BAHC3Mli3PYY Saussurea involucrata (bot.) (also liaH~aHoYPYY, H9MP9rT Baasnoo] BEHA vein, xaanran - [xaanraa BeHHHH cynac, 3JI3rHHH YY~3H -) portal vein, X9~H - vena cava, ~33~ X9~H - superior vena cava, ~OO~ x9JmHH - inferior vena cava, BeHHHH cynac vein, BeHHHH nyc venous blood (Russ.) BHBAAHrHP)l; prophecy, prediction, revelation

(Skr.) BHBAHrHP)l;Hq prophet BHITPOOJI gramophone (proprietary name Victrola)

BArOH carriage, coach (rail.), wagon, asaaasr - truck, goods wagon, freight car, 300rHHH restaurant car, dining-car, YHTJIarbIH - sleeping-car, nryyn XapHJI~aaHbI - through coach


BH,IJ;EO-KHHO video film BH3 visa (Russ.)

BHHAH Vinaya section of the Tripitaka, rules of discipline

BArOHIJ;OP truck, trolley BAKIJ;HH.lKYYJIAJIT vaccination BAKIJ;HH.lKYYJIAX to vaccinate BAJlIOT currency, foreign currency, xaryy - hard currency, 'I9JI99T - convertible currency, BaJIlOTbIH apHJI:>KaaHbI ryHJIr33 currency dealing, BaJIlOTbIH ~3JIryyp ('I9JI99T BaJIlOTbIH oapaaHbI ~3JIryyp) hard-currency shop, BaJIlOTbIH XOJIOOO monetary union (Russ.) BAH I. pri nee, king, :>KYH - prinee of the second rank in Manchu times, 'IMH - prince of the first rank in Manchu times

(hist.) (Chin.)

BAH II. power, empowerment (Buddh.), assurar dbang)

BAHfHHH royal, - HHHr3MJI3r Royal Society BAHfHHH XYP33 name of a lamasery, now


BAHA,IUf vanadium




BHHOKAMEHHH XyqHJI (see XyqHJI) BHHTOB rifle, JKHJKHr KaJIHOpbIH - small-bore rifle, XHHH - air-gun (Russ.) BHPYC virus, wyyp3r'l - filtrable virus, - CYMaJI virology

BHCKH whisky BHTAMHH.lKYYJICAH vitamin-enriched, with added vitamins

BHTAMHHJIAr vitamin-rich BHIIIAH region, sphere (Buddh.) (Skr.) BOK washing-powder B3 (interrogative particle used in a sentence containing an interrogative word), § H3r caaxap HMap YH3T3H oaflx - what would a bag of sugar cost?

r fA hectare (Russ.) fAA [Faar OBC) Mint, Mentha, Ilaraaa ~ (see Llaraan faa) fAAfAJIAX to crow, to caw fAAMTAH sharp, astute

fABHXfYH (see raBHaryH) fABJIAX (see rasnax] fABllIfAH (~ uranassraa] quick, smart, brisk fABilifAHJIAX to work at speed, to be a shockworker, rasmraanaa aJKHJIJIax to work as a shock-worker

r AA3AAJ{ to gas fAAJIHHH customs (adj.), ~ raaap custom-post,

custom-house, ~ M3AYYJI3r customs declaration, ~ TYWM3JI customs officer, ~ xypaaM:>K customs duty

fAAJIb customs, ryHHH ~ inland customs office, ~ raraap customs duty, duty fAAJIbq customs officer fAAHC tobacco-pipe, pipe fAAIIYY hoe fAAPAMIiA title of a lamaistic degree, cyycan

fABllIfAHq shock-worker, "five-year






fABbTAH special, particular fABbBA merit, ~ 6aHryynax to deserve well (of), HX ransaar ync OpOHA 6aHryyJIaX to deserve extremely well of one's country, ~ 3yrr3JI mer-

its, meritorious services


honoured, merited, outstanding, ypnaraau ~ 3yrr3nT3H honoured artist, ~ 3yrr3JIT3H sypaax honoured pa inter

~ a ~ who has studied at home, TYJ.IIaar~caH ~ a ~ who has gained the right to be examined for the degree of raaac

fABbBATAH person of outstanding merit fAfMAH Amaranth, Amaranthus, CyyJIT ~ Love

fAAPAX to grow, to intensify, to worsen fAAPYYJIAX to overdo fAB I. (intensifying particle ), ~ raauaapaa quite

fAfAJI3AX to be struck dumb, to be unable to

alone, all by oneself, ~ raHQXaH single, one and only

fAB II. (~ QaB) crack, split fAB III. fetters, handcuffs, ~

rHH:>K fetters and


fABAf 1. blessing, ~

TaBHX (~ XypT33X) to

bestow a blessing 2. beating, ~ XypT3X to get beaten up

fABAJI 1. skull, ~ asra cup made of a skull, ~ TapXHHbI cranio-cerebral, ~ TapXHHbI r3MT3JI

head injury


cylinder head (Skr.)

fABAJIfYHT3H Acrania (zool.) fABAJITAH Craniata (zool.) fABAP I. Camphor (Jib. go-bur) fABAP II. cub (fox, etc.) fABAPJIAX to cub, to have cubs (vixen) fABfA (see rasar] fABAAX to fetter, to handcuff fABM a lamaist clerical degree, above that of rssur (Jib. dkcbcul fABHArYH inferior, poor, nothing to boast about, nothing to write home about

Lies Bleeding, Amaranth, A.

A. caudatus, retroflexus

speak (through fright,

YpByy ~ Common


fArHAAC 1. soldering, soldered joint, joint 2. solder fArHAX 1. to braze, to solder, to weld 2. to seal, § MOCOHA sacaap XHHx3A xarancaa MOCHHr uacaa syypssaraap raraaa xonAOOHO to repair the ice (of a cold-store) seal and freeze the cracked ice with a snow-mix

fArHYYP 1. solder 2. brazing, soldering, welding, HYMaH ~ arc-welding, Q3r3H ~ spot- welding, rarnyypsra aJIX soldering-iron

I'ArHyypqHH welder

fAfIJ; (see raan] fAmXAH (see raHQXaH) fAmXYY 1. only, just, § ~ TapHMaJI yprasersrr amarnaan sorcoxrva 6ac 33pJI3r ypraMJIYYAblr Q XyMyyC oprea aurarnaaa people make wide use not only of cultivated plants, but also of wild plants 2. however, but 1. outside, ~ raanaac XOAOO xexpex to be exposed to all weathers, ~ r3pTryH inside and out, all over the place, ~ XOAOO outside, away 2. near, ~ aHJI neighbours


fA)l;AM external, foreign, outer, ~ 6oMoro for-

XHQH33H ~ 6HJI33 what use would it be?, roy ~ B3 (~

eign policy, ~ AaJIaH ocean, ~ AOTOOAbIH foreign and home, external and internal, ~ Monron Outer Mongolia, ~ MOHrOJIbIH TopHHr

IOMryH, rassac rHHrC3H IOMJYH) (see raBHaryH)

aacax HBAJIbIH HaM

fABHX to help, to be any good,

(see Hx sypraaa].


fA)J;HP quince fA)J;HA 1. outside, ... oa~aJI external appearabroad, ... OP'lHH surroundings, environment, ... 9P foreign debt, ... xapanuaa foreign relations, ... XapHJI~aaHbI .SIaM Ministry of External Relations (Mongolia), ... XHH~T3H foreign made, ... xynannaa foreign trade, ... X3JI foreign language, ... WYYPJIHHH oyJI'IHpXaH (see oYJI'lHpxaH), ... .SIBMbIH .SIaM Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MPR, etc.) fA)J;~A)J; abroad,

raprax to export

fA)J;~bIH foreign, Hpr3~ aliens, ... OpOH foreign country, ... TYP3MrnH'IYY~ foreign aggressors fA)J;~bIHXAH foreigners, aliens

fA)J;AAJIAX 1. to go outside, xypan

fA)J;HbI foreign, external, extraneous, unauthorized, ... OHeT foreign body, ... XYH outsider, ... outsiders, § ... XYH Op}K yJI OOJIHO no admittance except on business


fA)J;HbIH foreign, external, extraneous, ... 3yHJI extraneous matter, ... HeX~eJI external factor, ... surroundings, environment, ... xon visits, xepenra foreign capital, ... XYH visitors, stranger, IOMC extraneous items

fA)J;AfIllAA (see ranarur)


f A)J;AfIlIllAJI emergence


outside. external, outer, ... OYP33C to fit the outside covering of the tent, ...xysuac outer cloth ing, ... X3p3rJI3X to use externally, to apply externally 2. outside, around outside, nearby, ... ssax to go out § 3YH


fA)J;AfIlIllAJIT (see r~arWJIaJI) fA)J;AfIlIllAX to emerge, to come out, to be voided, to be excreted, to be expelled, to be eliminated

fA)J;AfIlIllYYnAX to bring out, to bring up, to excrete, to eliminate

fMAP I. metal bowl, metal basin,

M9Hr9H ...

silver bowl, r~apTaH yc a basin of water ka-to-ra)


fMAP 11.1. outer, outside, ... TaJI outside, outer surface 2. outside, outer surface, 399JI9H ra~apTaH soh-backed (book), xaTYY ranapraa ha rd-backed (book), § HorOOH ra~apTaH H3XHH ~33JI q sheepskin gown with a green outer layer

fA)J;APfA surface (n.), ranaprsra TaTaJI~aJI surface tension

fA)J;APfYY surface (n.) fA)J;APfYYfHHH superficial, surface (adj.) fA)J;APfbIH surface (adj.), ...


fA)J;HbIXAH foreigners, strangers

fA)J;AfIlIAAX outside, external


surface water

I' A)J;APllAX I. [ranapnan raaxarnax] to get a general idea of, to get a rough idea of, to make out

fA)J;APllAX II. to face, to cover, to line on the outside

fA)J;AC stake, nail, peg, pile, aJITaH'" (see aJITaH ranac], ... 300X to drive piles, ... MO~ stake, ... to drive in a stake

fA)J;ACnAX to nail down, to peg down fA)J;Hnb banana

external appearance, ... }Kacaa the duty-office at a particular place (hist.), syynraa naprsm ... }Kacaa the League Head's office



fA)J;AfIlI out, outside, outwards


fA)J;HAXb external, exterior, outside, ... oa~aJI

2. to relieve oneself (adr) 2. near (adr)

make a pause in a service

fA)J;AAXb 1. outside

ance, ranaaa ranannar ~OTPOO rranaanar fair without false within, whited sepulchre, ... TaJI the outside. ... TaJIbIH external, outside 2. nearby, close by, near at hand, near the tent 3. apart from, besides, ~33P nypncaaaac ... apart from the above



epeHXH~ Hb aJICbIH,

rypan xysaaaa summer and autumn pastures are generally divided into distant, nearer and close-by 3. contrary to, opposed to

OHPbIH, ... 03JI'133P r3}K

fA)J;YYP II. washing-basing (hist.) (Tib. ka-to-ra) fA)J;YYPXAJIT discrimination, apscasr eareop


racial discrimination

fA)J;YYPXAX to look askance at, to discriminate against


1. outer, outside, XH'I33JI33C ... extracurricular 2. close by, § 03JI'I33P33 aJICbIH, OHPbIH, ... 03JI'I33P r3}K rypas xysaaac dividing their pastures into distant, nearer and closeby

fA)J;yypqnAX (see ranyypxax] fA}l{ 1. strange, abnormal, ... apaannnrraa deviant, ... oYPYY strange, odd, unusual, abnormal, unnatural, improper, ... OH~OO quite different, ... Y33r~3JI peculiarity, abnormality ... yHJI'IHJIr33 side-effect 2. anomaly fA}I{AAX to bend, to distort

fA}l{,Il;AJI disorder (med.) fA}KMf

defect, disorder, anomaly, fault, ... congenital defect, X3JIHHH ... speech defect, ... coror defect, ... COrOrTOH defective, deficient



fA}KHITAM defective, deficient, handicapped


fA)l{HJI distortion fA}KHJIT (see ra}KHJI) to be deformed, to be lopsided, ra1KIDK C3HCP3X to warp 2. to deviate (from), to break (a law,etc.), to go wrong, ra}KH}K 30pOX to go wrong

fA}KYY 1. crooked, bent 2. wrong, deviant, abnormal, contrary

fA}KYY,IJ; wrong, deviant, abnormal, contrary fA}KYY,IJ;AJI 1. offence, misdeed 2. defect, deficiency, cypTaXYYHbI


abnormality, irregularity, perversion, moral turpitude


fA}KYY,IJ;AX to be distorted, to go wrong fA}KYY,IJ;YYJIAX to distort, to break, ,QypMHiir regulations, TaHraparaa ra}Kyy,QYYJIaH HHD;ax to go back on one's oath, xyyns eCHbI sapxsrsrr flit to pervert the course of justice flit




fA}KYYPXAX to behave badly

I' A3 gas,


3C3PryyD;3rl1 gas-mask

fA3AP 1. ground, earth,

geomancer, flit WOPOOHbI a}KHJI moving, flit 3,Q3JI03P land use, flit 3,Q3JI03pHiiH xyyns land use law, raspsnr 333H landlord; (flit OPHbI 333H caaaar] local deities (Buddh.) 2. place 3. Ii, Chinese mile, rryM3H raspsm ypr naraaa X3P3M the Great Wall of Ch ina, § H3r rasap Hb 576 MeTPT3ii T3HD;3H3 one flit equals 576 metres 4" office, instance, ,QOpBOH aiiMar urass TaBaH flit the four khanates and the ecclesiastical estate (hist.) 5. (finally) indeed, for sure, for a fact, the thing is WHH}K33q

fA}KHX 1. to warp, to bend, to go out of shape,

asax to gain ground; to obtain and mark out the ground for a funeral, flit asax eCJIOJI the ceremony of obtaining and marking out the ground for a funeral (hist.), flit asaxyynax to allow (sickness, etc.) to gain ground, raspsm 03T3r short person, raapsnr rasn opox to disappear, to vanish, flit flit ground to ground (missile), flit ,QOOryypXH (flit ,QOPXH) underground (od(), flIt,QOOryypXH rapu subway, raspsm .QYPC physical features, flit ,QYPcHiiH sypar map of physical features, flit ,Q3JIXHii earth, world, ground, flit ,Q33P Hb on the spot, flit ,Q33pX above ground; aerial (stem), raspsm sypar map, flit 3yii (see rasapaya]. flit 3yiiq (see rasapayax]. raspsra Myxap the back of beyond, flit MHJIaaX to hit the deck, flit HYTar territory, flit OpOH ground, land, territory, flit OPHbI oaii,QaJI physical features, terrain, scenery, flit OpOH ,Q33P on the ground, on land, on earth, rasapr opox to get the sack, flit caiiryii here and there, allover the place, flit CY,QJIaJI geology, flit CYA1IaJIq geologist, flit TaBHX to put down, raspsra TaIT far distant, far away, flit TapHaJIaH agriculture, cultivation, farming, flit TapHaJIaH yiiJI,QB3pHiiH OpOH an agricultural-industrial state, flit TOBqJIOX to take a short cut, raspsm TOe (see TOC), flit T3Hr3p HHiiJIC3H blinding (battle, storm, etc.), flit yc place, locality, flit YCHbI H3P place-name, flit YCHbI H3P 3yii toponymy, rasap ycaaa HBarll amphibious, raspsm XOJI YCHbI ypraac from far away, flit XOA1IOJI earthquake, flit XOA1IOJI cynnaax seismolog ist, flit XOA1IOJI cYA1Iax CTaHD; seismological station, flit XO,QJIOX to have an earthquake, flit X3M}KHJI3yii geodesy, flit flit


fA3APfYH 1. lacking a place 2. there is no reason (to, for, why)

fA3APfYH,n;3X to lack a place, oOPJIYYJIax


to have nowhere to sell (something)

fA3AP,IJ;AX 1. to land, to come down, to touch the ground


to come to grief

fA3AP,IJ;YYJIAX 1. to earth (elec.), wire

2. to

yrac earth-


let down

fA3AP,IJ;YYJIfA earth, earthing (elec.) fA3AP3YH


KHJI more than a hundred years, cap rapaHrHHH XOHHO after more than a month

fAPAHrA I. trap for small game fAPAHfA II. (see apaara I.) fAPAHrA III. (see apaara II.) fAPAX 1. to go out, to come out, to leave, to give up, apxaaaac '" to give up drink, to go on the wagon, apxaaaac raparxnsra KJIyo club for ex-alcoholics, ranarur - to go outside, to go off one's food 2. to appear, to come out, to be on, - xyra:u;aa frequency of publication, § TeapT roy rapx oaiiraa OOJI I wonder what's on at the theatre? 3. to be discharged, 3MH3JIr33C - to be discharged from hospital, to leave hospital 4. to be born, OXHH rapnaa it's a girl, rapcan T9JI young animals born to go up, to rise, Hap rapaxsra ye3p at sunrise, Hac CYY,I:l3P ,I:l33P rapax to get old, T3Hr3p rapran Marrax to laud to the skies, yynaa ,I:l33P '" to climb up a mountain :U;aXHJIraaH uraraap - to go up in a lift 6. to happen, to occur, to break out, r3MT X3p3r - HB,I:laJI occurrence of crime, OCOJI - to occur (an accident), OCOJI rapcan rasap scene of the occident, TyHM3P rapcan fire broke out, § nrapnax 9BtIHH rapcaa aHJI a family where a case of hepatitis has occurred 7. to cross, 3aM - to cross the road 8. to start, (follOWing a converb in JK~ aan] to start to, to begin to XOOJIHOOCOO '"



T9PB9JI) genesis, origins, raJK - heterogeneity, - 3yH genetics

fAPfAJIfAA conclusion, inference



fAPfAX 1. to put out, to take out, to send out, to give out, to give off, to emit, apxaaaac - to get (someone) off drink, ranaanan - to export, to show a light, ,I:lyy tIHM33 - to make a noise, to emit a sound, 30JIHr - to expel a scapegoat or substitute figure, OB M3X - to employ a ruse, to use a trick, CaHaJI - [see caaan 2.), TaCXHHC3H tIHM33 - to go pop, TYHa - to emit rays, XyqHJITOpOrtI '" to give off oxygen, tIHM33 - to make a noise, raprazc erex to see off, to send off, - TaKT exhaust stroke (auto.) 2. to issue, to promulgate, to publish, M3,I:l3r,I:l3JI - to issue a statement, C3TryyJI X3BJI3H - to print and publish a magazine, XYYJIb '" to promulgate a law 3. to discharge, to dismiss, KOMHCCbIH OYP3JI,I:l3xyyH33C - to dismiss from a board, 3MH3JIr33C '" to discharge from hospital

r3p3JI -



fAPAMrAH outstanding, superior, excellent fAPAMfAHJIAX to distinguish oneself



to put on, to stage, HOMbIH sax N to put on a book-fair, Y33Cr3JI3H N to stage an exhibition, uaM N to put on or perform a masked temple dance 5. to cause, OCOJI aioyn N to cause an accident, xarapan N to bring about a split (po/it.) 6. to produce, rornoo N to make a loop, 3YPX N to pluck up courage, oaner N to lay an egg, XYYX3.n N to give birth, wap TOC N to make butter 7. to commit, r3MT xspsr 30PllHJI N to commit crimes or offences 8. to put on, to assume, to display, to make a show of, .n33p3HryH 3aH N to be a rroga nt, anoaHbI uapaH N to put on an official face, to assume an official expression, r3MWC3H uapaH N to make a show of regret, 30BOX uapaa N to look sad 9. to put across, yc N to put across the water § C3JI3HrHHH ycaap rapraac TYCJIa help us to cross the Selenge! 10. to slaughter, XOHb N to slaughter a sheep 11.i. to relieve, oHeHHH lIHJI33 N (see lIHJI33), anapraa N to get over one's tiredness, to feel refreshed ii. to clear, OorJIOO N to clear a blockage 12. to make out, yJI raprarnax rapsm YC3r an illegible signature

fAPfAIJ; output,


caHTaH (see rapranraa]


fAP3,D;AX to lose, to waste fAP3 HOXOH a type of large dog fAP3TAH wasteful fAPHf 1. planet, aMHH N "life-planet", a favourable planet in astrological calculations, oara N ()KH)KHr N) asteroid, CYM N "geniusplanet", a favourable planet, lIHca N an unfavourable planet, N epTOHIJ; planet, world, N XOOpOH.[lbIH interpla neta ry, raparyynsra XOOpOH.[lOX annan interplanetary travel 2. day of the week, HHM N Sunday (Skr.) fAPHf CAA paralysis, paralysis fAPllAfA 2. loss


TYcax to get struck with


expense, expenditure, outgoings

r APllAfMAX to


fAPllAX to do by hand, CYJI rapnacan openhanded, generous fAPTAAM agate (min.)

(Tib. dkar-khra-min)

fAPfAqrAfl standing-out, distinctive

fAPTAX to lose, to be defeated

fAPrYY,n; (see rapryyn]

fAPYH more than, apas N ynaa more than ten times, cap N more than a month

fAPrYYll dustpan fAPrYYH extraordinary, unusual, outstanding

fAPYHxAH hardly more than

fAPrYYH,IJ; HI> OPXHX to abandon, to reject, to let go to waste, to leave to one's own devices



HI> XASlX (see rapryynn Hb OpXHX)

fAPAAM ceremonial pathway in a lamasery, consisting of wooden boards covered with a silk carpet fAPMH (see rap.naM) fAP,D;AX to do by hand, to handle, to do personally, xoep rapnaa asax to take with both hands, rap.nax a.>KHJIJIYYJIax to operate (machinery, etc.), rapnaa oaiin.naaH [rapnaa TYJIan.naaH) hand-to-hand fighting, rapnaa oaHn.nax to fight hand-to-hand; hand-to-hand fighting, N OYT33N creator, producer, rapnaa ryHIJ;3Tr3X to handle, to deal with, rapnan HHHJIYYJI3r supervised mating, rapnaa 1'3X33X to feed by hand, rapnaa xapayuax to be personally reponsible for, rap.naH X33JITYYJI3r (rap.naH X33JITyyJI3X) supe~ vised insemination, rapnaa 333MWHX to handle, rapnaa HByyJIaX to run fAP,IUf (see rapsn] fAP,n;HfAP stringy, scraggy (Bur.) I'AP,n;yyllAX 1. [rapnyynan erex] to hand over

2. to

issue, to hand out

1. ring, rapxan apan




fAPXImAX to ring (a bird, etc.) fAPXHllAX (see rapxnrax) fAPXlITAX to be ring-like, HY.n Hb rings under the eyes


to have

fAPIJ; 1.1. crossing, level-crossing, pedestriancrossing, 3aM nooryypxa N subway, ryyP3H N f1yover (traf.), TOMOp 3aMbIH N level-crossing, XHJIHHH N frontier crossing-point, HBraH XYHHH N pedestrian-crossing, rapusm uryrass crossing, crossing-lines (traf.) 2. exit, outlet, .nanaii.n rapIJ;ryH yJIC (see .nanaH) fAPIJ; II. [rapusra X3MX33) yield, CYYHHH yield, W33CHHH N production of urine



fAPIJ;AAIYH inevitable, unavoidable, undeniable, unquestionable, no doubt about it, N oaii.nan extreme necessity (iur.) fAPqHf 1. title, title-label (xyl.), Cy.nPbIH N title of a sutra, .noTYYP N internal title (in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Mongolian) 2. table of contents, index 3. catalogue 4. title, heading 5. headline (Tib. dkar-chag) fAPqlffllAX 1. to title 2. to index logue 4. to look at the headlines


to cata-

fAP3 (N xoxapon] loss, harm, waste

fAPIIIHHH TOC kerosine

fAP3,n;Allloss, waste, axJIbIH IJ;amHH N loss of working hours

fAPIIIHX to get practised in, to get used to, to get familiar with



fAqHf (see raxaan]

fAPiliMAJI domesticated, tamed fAPIlIYYJIAX to domesticate, to tame, to train fAPb,n; (- llIYBYY) Garuda bird, raph~hIH OOOJDKHC [xaa rap~HiH rynranac] (see QYHqHrHopoB) (Skr.) fACAH precocious fACJIAH (- rO~OJI, - 30BJIOH) sorrow, sufferfACllAHITH Ashoka (Buddh.) fACJIAHT sad, unhappy, miserable fACJIAX 1. to be sorry, to regret, to grieve, raCJIaH WaHaJIaX to grieve 2. to whine, to yelp, Hoxoi raCJIaM xanyya enop (see noxon] fATJIArA crossing, - oarou ferryboat fATJIAX to cross (a river, etc.), C3IDK - to swim across, yc - to cross the water, § XaJIX ronsrr raTJIaH crossing the Khalkha River fATJIYYJIAX to put across (a river, etc.), yc - to put across the water, § aIT Moph~hlr C3JI3Hr33p raTJIYYJDK aM}KJIaa managed to get the horses across the Selenge fA~HX to keep crossing over

fAXAH 1.1. Pig, 33pJI3r - Wild Pig, Sus scrofa, 33rcHHi 33pJI3r - S. scrofa nigripes, OHH 33pJI3r - S. scrofa sibirico, - xasnap [raxaaa xasnap] mumps, - HBraH noxon H~r3H poor as a church mouse, faxaiH asryyp Pig Family, Suidae 2. large case (used by Mongol spivs for transporting their wares)

fAXAH II. frog (of a hoof) fAXAHqHH pig-keeper fAQAA 1.1. hold-up, hitch 2. stoppage (gun) fAQAA 11.1. (- XyH) group of tents outside a town, rural settlement, village 2. unit of ten xyi (hist.) (see XYH I.) fAQAA III. rocky mountain fAqAAX to jam, to block fAnAf,n;AJI difficulty, embarrassment hitch, fault

f~ to stick, to get stuck, to jam

f~YY short of, pressed for, yc QHHr33p - short of moisture f~YYP Spruce, Picea


deprived circumstances

fAqHf,n;AX to be short of, to lack, to be in want of, YH~aaHhI ycaap - to be short of drinkingwater

fAqHf,n;yyJIAX to keep short, xepeareop - to starve of capital

ing, affliction


fAqHf,n;AJI need, want, lack, deprivation, distress, - TOOQHrq whinger, hard luck story teller fAqHf,n;AJITAH deprived, disadvantaged, depressed, depressing, aMh~paJIhIH - in



Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra

fA~ 1. hard times, OBJIHHH - uar hard winter-time 2. (- 30BJIOH) suffering, deprivation, lack, raaaapsnr - dearth of goods

fAqJIAH (see rasarnan] fAqJIAHTAH (see raQHr):(aJITai) fAqOH preaching, sermon (Buddh.) fAqyyP (see I'auyyp] fAIIIHili hashish (Russ.) fAIIIJIAX 1. (raWHJI.>K r3MT3X, raWHJI.>K XYBHJIax) to turn sour, to go off 2. aM - to have a sour taste in the mouth

fAIIIYY bitterness, aM - opmx to have a bitter taste in the mouth

fAIIIYYAAJI grief, mourning, TOpHHH - state mourning, Ylm3CHHi raWYYMhIH o):(op day of national mourning, rauryynnsm eCJIoJI mourning, raWYY):(JIhIH uysaa funeral procession, cortege

fAIIIYY,IJ;AJITAH sad, mournful, tragic fAIIIYY,IJ;AX to grieve, to mourn, to feel sad fAIIIYYH 1. grief, sorrow, - 30BJIOH sorrow, suffering 2. (- HHCYYU) bitter, - eree sarcasm, yanaa (- yc) strong drink, spirits fAIIIYYH aBC Polygonum alopecuroides (see M3X33p) fEKTAP hectare (Russ.) fEH gene, reHHHH HH.>KeHep3yH (reHHHH HH.>KeHepQJI3JI) genetic engineering, reHHHH can (reHHHH cl>OIm) genetic resources fEHEPAJI general (mil.) (Russ.) fEOliAHHfbIH geostationary, - TOHpor 3aM geostationary orbit


hepatitis, hepatitis (Russ.)

xannnapr -


fEPOHH heroin (Russ.) fHBAAH 1.1. bezoar 2. stone, ~OCHHH - gallstone (Tib. gi-wang) fHBAAH II. limonite (min.) fHBJIYYP veil fH,IJ;POCTAHIJ; hydroelectric power-station (Russ.) fHEf beadle (Buddh.) (Tib. dge-yog) fH.lKHf tickle, ticklishness, m.>KrHH Hhraprax to


calm, to soothe, - Xyp3X to get a tickle; to feel itchy

rlf>IUlr,n;3X 1. to tickle (trans.) 2. to irritate, to annoy

rIDKHIT3H ticklish rHHrVVJI3N consonant, sapasmar - the unvocalized consonants: ~ .>K 3 C T X ~ 11 W, oH~roH nepson - the four special consonants: cP n In, 3rWHrT - the vocalized consonants:


OBrJIMHp rHHrVVJI3X 1. to illuminate, to light up 2. to cheer, to make happy, to help, to do good to be up to, § ioy XHH.>K rHHryyJDK oaHraa Hb 11 yJI M3~3r~3H3 who knows what they are up to


rHHr3X to gleam, to shine

rHMAA a dish made of sliced pasta


rHMHACTHK gymnastics, ypaa caHxHbI [ypan xenenroear -) eurhythmics rHMHACTHKq gymnast rHHr3H3X to whine rHH}I{ 1. chain, rHH.>KHH ypsan chain reaction 2. (- Tylllaa) fetters 3. line (mil.) (Russ. uens] (ef. uyaaa], rHH.>KHH .>Karcaan line formation, rHH.>KHJm xyq 3cmJIaX (rHH.>KHJm Tapax) to deploy into line


caterpillar track, track

(meeh.) rHlDKHT track-laying (auto.), - ynaaa (synonym for) a tractor

rHIDKJI3X 1. to chain, to fetter 2. to form a chain

rHHHAX to whine {dog, etc.}

rHIDKJI33CT3H chained, fettered

rHHHrOO name of a chant performed by the

rHHillf3H3X (see rHHWHx)

riders. at the start of a race

rHHmHfH3X (see rHHWHX)

rHHHrOOJIOX to perform the rHHHrOO rHHC {see rHW}

rHIIH03qHH hypnotist

ranx 1.

rHP3BillHX (see r3p3BwHX)

to glimmer, to gleam, to shine, yyp rHHx33C aMHa before daybreak 2. to be happy, to rejoice mHqHH guest, visitor, - 301lHH guests

fHflqRPX3X to stand on ceremony fH:frtuI3X 1. to visit, to pay a visit, to sojourn

2. to

entertain, to act as host (to)

rHJI spades {cards} fHJIAAXAH Bog-bean, 'Menyanthes fHJI63fH3X (see rHJI03JI33X) fHJI63JI33X to glitter, to sparkle rHJI63P I. arrow-head fHJI63P II. spades {cards} fHJI633 flash fHJIf3P smooth rH~ coloured streamer {hist.}

fHJDKHHJIf3X to bend, to bend sideways, to skew, XY3yyr33 - to bend one's neck sideways fHJI}KHHX to be crooked, to be askew fHJI}KHJI33X to keep bending the neck sideways

fHJI}KHCXHHX to give a twist fHJIHHJIr3X to polish, to smooth fHJIT3fH3X to shine, to gleam, glisten fHJIT3JI33X (see rHJIT3rH3x) fHJI XAP coal-block fHJI3JI33X (see rHJI03JI33X) fHJI3X to drive (livestock)

rHHillHX to whine, to moan, to hum

rHP3rt1HH female musk deer rHP33 male musk deer rHTAP guitar rHTAPAAJ( to play the guitar rHTAPqHH guitarist rHq


Ilaraaa -

White Mustard,

Sinapsis alba, rHlIT3H ycann opox to have a mustard bath

fHqf3H3 Potentilla (bot.), faJIYYH - Silverweed, P. anserina, HMT - P. bifurea, HwryH

- P. aeaulis, Toproa - P. serieea rHqHH bitch (dog, wolf) rHqHP I. (see XHlIHp) rHqHP II. the outer extremities of the two walls of targets in an archery contest

flfqHP III. title of a lama about to become a ranac

I'Hlll (- aBC) Vetch, Vieia, X3BJI3r - V. amoena (also qa~ap aBC) fHmfYYJI3X to tread out (corn), to thresh by treading

rHmfYYP 1. step, foot-board, - urar steps, ladder



fHmf3,n;3JI step, tread rHmf3JI 1. tread, pace 2. stepping, tread, annax to stumble, to lose one's footing

rHmf3JIT (see rHWr3JI), § xen TOPM03HbI nopeea ~33P H3r y~aarHHH - a single tread on the foot-brake pedal


rOr~OOJIOH 3BX3X to coil, to coil up ror:u;oopox [roruoopoa raxapannax] to be


rHillr3JIYYP step, foothold rHillr3JI3X to tread, to stamp rHillr3M tread, 33P3~33 - distance measured across two feet side bY1 side, nyaaa - distance measured along two feet one behind the other

rHillr3M3ll trodden, trodden down. rHillr3X 1. to step, to tread 2. to tread, to copulate (animal)

MYY~YYJIaX to tread on and spoil

rHillYY branch, bough, limb, member, -MOqHP branches, boughs; ramifications

rHillYYH member, - OPHYY~ member states rHillYYH3 Rhubarb, Rheum rHIOYP3JI sadness, sorrow rHIOYP3X to be downcast, to be depressed rOBHHHXOH Gobi people, Gobi dwellers rOBHJI groove rOBHJIOX to pasture or stay on the Gobi rOBHllTOX to make a groove, to notch rOBRJIXA [rosa JIXaH-aa) the "fate-gods"

(Buddh.) (Tib. 'qo-bc'i Iha) rOBHPxor Gob-like. Gobi (adj.) rOBHPXYY (see roaapxor] rOBh Gobi, semi-desert, AnTaHH uaan - TransAltai Gobi, - ~OJI desert

rOBh,n:yy Gob-like rOBhQYY,n: Gobi people, Gobi dwellers rOBhillHX to turn to Gobi, to become Gobi roro,n; Allium odorum, A leucocephalum, A lin-

eare {bot.} roro,n:oo cot's cradle roro,n:ox to loop over, to hook over, to catch (on a finger, hook, etc.), § yracasr xoep roruoor xoep rapsnr ~OJIOOBOP xypyyraap roronoon looping the two loops of the cord over the index fingers of the two hands Cormorant, Typar - Great Cormorant, Ph.

ro,n: II. up, - xapaiix to leap up ro,n:ro,n:ox to spurt, to spurt, to gush ronroanox (see ronronox] ro,n:roHox to flap about, to fidget, to wriggle rO,n:rOHYYllAX to wag, to wave, CyyJI33 - to wag the tail

rHillr3:U; 1. step, footprint 2. foot (verse) rHillHr,n:3JI step, steps, tread rHillHrll3X to tread, to stamp, rHWHrJI3H naarax to tread down {grass, etc.}, rHWHrJI31K

roron (- wYBYY)

looped, to make a loop

ro,n: I. the skin of the shins of a beast

Phalacrocorax, carbo

ror:u;oo 1. loop, ryHJIr33 - running loop, pe3HH3H - rubber band 2. [ron -) key, aCYY~aJI key question

ror:U;OoMOX to loop, to make a loop rOrU;OOJIOX to loop, to make a loop,


1. short, stumpy 2. paltry

rO,n:HJI 1.1. beam (of a balance) 2. weight {of a

3. horn-tipped rO,n:Hll II. (see XOTHJI) balance}


rO,n:HJI III. a narrow sack ro,n:HJI-9BC Sweet Flag, Acarus, A. calamus (also 3YYH YeT, Illynar], 3r3JI ro):UIJI A. calamus rO,n:OH CYYll tip of a tail (sheep, etc.)

ronoax to stick up rO,n:OJI30X to bob up and down ro,n:OH hat ronoa CYYJI (see rO~OH cyyJI)

ronroarox 1. to turn a somersault, to go head over heels 2. to loop the loop

rO,n:pOH 1. (HMaaHbI -) infectious pleuropneumonia in goats a goat

2. a curse word addressed to

ro,n:pOHTOX to have infectious pleuropneumonia rO,n:XHHX to pop {out, up}, to dart (out), to shoot {out, up}, § ro~xHHH rapq O~OB he darted out, rO~XHHH HOMXOH sorcox to jump to attention rOE smart, elegant, beautiful, - raaran smart, caaxaa beautiful, - caaxaaap ,rwPCJI3X to paint in glowing colours, - qaMHH smart rO;£JI (-qHM3r) ornament, decoration, -qHMrHHH decorative, - qHM3rJI3JI (- qHM3JI) decoration; ornaments, jewellery, - qHM3rJI3JIHHH ornamental, decorative, - qHM3rJI3JIHHH 3YHJI ornaments, jewellery, - qHM3rJI3JIHHH MO~ ceer ornamental trees and shrubs, - qHM3rJI3JIHHH ypnar decorative art, - qHM3rJI3JIHHH qyJIYY ornamental stones

rOEJIOrO ornamentation, decoration rOEJIOJI (- qHM3rJI3JI) ornament, decoration rOEllOJIhIH 1. smart, decorative 2. cosmetic, § npOTe3HHr -, a)f{JIbIH r31K XYBaaHa prostheses are cosmetic or functional

ronnsra (see rOeJIOJIbIH

1., 2.), - ryran fash-

ion shoes

rOEMcor {- ~3r)f{HH, - 3p33H} smart, elegant


rOEMcorrrox (rOeMCOrJIOH 1.IHM3rJI3x) to decorate, to do up rOEO Cynomorium, C. songaricum (Gobi plant parasitic upon the roots of certain other plants such as Xapsrar, CyxaH, Bynaprana]

roso rOE oh good! rosrox to suffer from stiffness, XY3YY ,.., to have a stiff neck rOEX to decorate, to ornament, to prettify, roen ranranax to dress up, to look smart, to tart oneself up, rOe}K roonox [roea 1.IHM3X) to dress up, to make smart, roen Marrax (rOeH 1.IaMHpxax) to sing the praises of, to crack up, to plug rOEXOH pretty


hypocrite, hypocritical

rOEqnOX to overpraise, rOe1.lJIOH Marrax to puff, to plug, rOe1.lJIOH caHpxax to swank about, to crack up, to flaunt rOJKro,II;OX [roacronoac uauax] to pour out, to spurt out (intrans.) rOJKrO,II;YYrrAX to pour out, to let stream out rOJKrOHOX (see roacronox] rOJKrOP

I. thin, narrow

roacror II. bottle rO}l{Hr,II;OX (see roacronox] rO}I{HrHOX (see roacronox] r03rOHOX to stick up and move about r03rop 1. erect, sticking up, tall and slim, ,.., :QapaH long thin face 2. peak, height r030HrrrOX to stick up, to raise, xypyyraa « to stick up one's thumb


r030HX to stick up, to stand on end r030ll30X to be flourished, to stick up and move about r030ll3YYJIAX to flourish r030H (see rosrop] r030H rAHI.J;AAPAA (see r030H TOJIrou:) r030H TOllrOH all alone, solitary r0300POH (see 3ypaM I.) rOHrOPOX to stagger, to stumble rOH,II; (,.., CO~OH) outstanding, particular, conspicuous, ,.., 6HlII not a good idea, nothing special, ,.., caan outstandingly good rOH,II;llOX to point up, to make something of, to underline


same place, H3r rOJIhIH caan HOXOp good friends from the same place, ,.., raprax to take in, to lead up the g'arden path, ,.., ropxa rivers and streams, rivers, ,.., MOpOH rivers, ,.., YChIHXaH neighbours, rOJIhIH XOBOO~ uaarax, ransm ~3pr3~ ocrox to starve in the midst of plenty

I'Oll 11.1. centre, middle 2.i. axle, short, arbor, xarac ,.., half-short (auto.) ii. platen (typewriter) 3.i. heartwood (tree) ii. core (radiator, wire, etc.), 33C rOJITOH yrac copper-cored wire 4. (,.., TOMOp) barrel (gun), ,.., TOMpHHH cysar bore (gun), ,.., TOMPHHH xaapuar (,.., TOMPHHH xanpuar axra] body, receiver (AK 47) S. main (ad(), main thing, essentials, ,.., 6oJIrox to give preference to, to concentrate on, ,.., roruoo acyynan main question, ,.., ry~aM}K (see ry~aM}K), ,.., 3aM (see 3aM), ,.., 3yHJI essentials, ronsrr nyranax to do the lion's share, to break the back (of a job), ,.., H3PHHH main items of, main, ,.., TOJIOB mainly, for the most part, ,.., yrra plot (liter.), ,.., xyxan essential 6. central, ,.., Max fillet (anat.), ,.., MO~ the central pole around which the wool is wrapped in making felt, ,.., uryrass centre line 7. (,.., cynac) aorta, ,.., soroox (,.., opox] to get a bite to eat, rOJIT 3YPX the heart, ronsrr casmax to kill, ,.., Tacnax to rupture the aorta (in slaughtering a sheep or goat); to do for, ,.., Tacpax to die, ,.., xapnax to be upset; to be famished, ronsrr xapnyynax to upset, § ,.., Hh TacpaaryH 6aHx~ while he was still alive, ,.., XYU:T oprano one's blood runs cold 8. (3YJIhIH ,..,) wick

ronrva thoroughly, fully, completely, ,.., xonnex to freeze solid rOll-r3C3P Aster, Aster, TarHHH ,..,

A. a/pinus

rOll,II;HPOIDKYYJIAX to channel rOJI)l;ox to predominate, to prevail rOll,II;Oq meridian, aHXHhI ,.., prime meridian, meridian of Greenwich, rasap 3YU:H ,.., terrestrial meridian, }KHHX3H3 ,.., true meridian, Great Circle, COpOH30H ,.., magnetic meridian, rO~1.IHHH OHPTOJIT angle of convergence

(cart.) rOJI)l;PHll (see ronsnpon] rOJI)l;YY mainly, for the most part rOllHrOp plump, fat, obese rOllHHX to get plump, to get fat, to get obese

roanorxox (see roannox]

rOllHll30X to waddle

rOHMOH noodles, HapHHH"" spaghetti, X9H~HU: ,.., maccaroni, ,.., 6aaTap "Noodle-hero" (a nickname of Sukhbaatar)

rOllHO Grasshopper Tettigoniidae )

rOnnOrq main, predominant, central

I'Ofl I. river, H3r rOJIhIH (H3r ,.., YCHhI) from the

rOllllOH mainly

(esp. Bush Crickets,



rOJIJIOX 1. to be in the middle 2. to be the main thing, to predominate, to be predominant

rOJIJIYYJIAX to get in the middle, to focus rOJIOr,IJ;MOJI rejected rOJIor,IJ;OJI 1. waste, rejects, .-. oY'rn3r~3xYYH rejects

2. defect

rOJIOJDKHHH OBor Arrow-Grass Family, Juncag inaceae

rOJIOJI30X to be flourished, to stick up and move about

fOJIOMT 1. hearth, fireplace 2. family, familyline, rOJIOMTryH OOJIOX (.-. Tacpax) to have one's line cut off, .-. 3aJIraX (.-. caxax] to continue the fa miIy line, § HHr33~ T3P aHJI rOJIOMTryH OOJICOH that was the end of that fa miIy 3. source, focus, scene, centre, epicentre, ranaan .-. epicentre, X~BapbIH .-. focus of infection, X9H99JIHHH .-. centre of devastation, rOJIOMTrOH HYTar infected area

rOJIOMTfOH fussy, choosy, fastidious, hard to please

rOJIOMTJIOX to be focussed, to be centred fOJIOMTOT focal (med.) fOJIOHfYH disparaging fOJIOX 1. (roJDK roonox] to despise, to look down on, to reject, 0011"00 rOJICOH HHr3 a camel-cow

which has rejected its calf, rOJIOxryH OOJI if it's not beneath you, if you don't mind, rOJDK WHJI3X to pick and choose, rOJICOH 10M rona opox WHJIC3H 10M WHJI napax not to know what's best for you 2. to be fussy about, to be particular, § T3M33 X3BT3P HX ronnor MaJI camels are very fussy about their litter, x9pcHHr ronoxrya yprax to be indifferent to soil (plants)

fOJI 9BC Rush, Juncus, M3JIXHH .-. Toad Rush, ). bufonius, TarHHH .-. Alpine Rush,). a/pinus, fOJI 9BCHHH osor Rush Family, Juncaceae fOJIT bowl with a slot in the bottom to take the wick for an ai/lamp

fOJIT IiOP Lilac, Syringa fOJITOH fair, frank fOJITOq diameter, § rOJI'NOOp apas rapya MeTP ~yrp3r TaJIOaH a round area over ten metres in diameter

fOJIQYY mainly, for the most part fOJIQYYXAH (see rOJI~YY) fOJIq 1.1. (.-. urynpara] upright, straight, honest 2. (.-. uryrax] diameter, ronxoopoo in diameter fOJIq II. assistant to a precentor (YM3a~) fOJIqJIOH mainly, chiefly, for the most part

fOJIqJIOX 1. to concentrate on 2. to predominate

fOJIillHf handsome, elegant, graceful, lovely rOJIb,IJ;POJI river-bed, channel fOJIbIH real, thorough, .-. apxas dyed in the wool drunkard, .-. XHHT3H quite crazy fOJIbIH-XOP Cowbane, Cicuto, C. virosa fOJIbIH-IllAP Fleabane, Inula britannica (also 300COH ~3~3r) fOMIiO Mahakala (Tib. mgon-po) fOMIiOO AHJITfAX to ask for leave, to ask to be relieved

fOMIiOO JIAM spokesman for the Oracle Lama who reported what the latter was supposed to have said (Buddh.)

fOM,IJ;OJI 1. complaint, .-. raprax (.-. M3~YYJI3X, .-. H3X3X, .-. TaBHX, .-. 3p3X) to complain, rOM):(OJIryH oOJIrox to satisfy, rOM):(JIbIH ~3BT3P complaints book, rOM):(JIbIH M9pT HJIraaryH all the same

2. appeal (jur.)

fOM,IJ;OJIJIOX to complain fOM,IJ;OJITOH unfortunate, regrettable fOM,IJ;OMTfOH touchy fOM,IJ;OHfYH plaintive, complaining fOM,IJ;OO complaint fOM,IJ;OOX to upset, to affront, to annoy, to give cause for complaint

fOM,IJ;OX 1. to complain 2. to be annoyed, to be upset, to take offence, rOM~OH yrrryynax to be annoyed, § 99PT99 JI Maw HX rOM~OH extremely annoyed with oneself

fOM,IJ;YYJIAX (see rosrnoox] rOMHImAH Guomindang (Chin.) fOMOfEIDKYYJIAX to homogenize fOMOPXOJI resentment fOMOPXOHfYH sulky, huffy fOMOPXOX to sulk, to be in a huff, to be resentful, § WYYIDKJI3~ ~ypryH~3H .-. to be resentful of criticism

fOMOPXYY sulky, huffy fOMTfOX (see roxnoox] fOMIIHP crucible (Tib. kong-po) fOMillOO MAJIfAH a type of lama's hat fOH IiHE all alone, solitary, .-. XYH single person, .-. r030H roJIrOH all alone, on one's own fOHfHHOJIT whine, whining fOHfHHOX to whine fOHfHHYYP shrill, whining fOH)K no go, not on fOH)KfOP oval, oblong, long


rOIDIUIHH }l{OO (see rOH}K)


rOH)I{HHX to be rather oblong in shape N ~apB9JnKHH syysaa oval, HVYP a

rOH3rOH oval, oblong, long, oblong, rectangle, long face



rOorOJIOX to crow, to cackle (chickens) rOO,IJ;OX to dress up, to make oneself smart rOO}l{HJIT dripping, leaking (n.)

rOH3rOHBTOP long and thin, rather oblong

rOO}l{HH forestry licence, licence to fell trees

ronaronnvv (see rOH3roH) rOH3rOHJIOX to make oval, to make oblong

rOO}l{HHXOH 1. leak 2. leaky rOO}l{HX to drip, to leak, to flow, to drain, to

rOH3rop (see rOH3roH) rOHH,IJ; Caraway, Carum, C. buriaticum (Tib. go-snyod)

run, § rapsm canaaraap fingers


to slip through one's

rOHcrop (C31T3JI N) disappointed, disheartened

rOO}l{WJIAX to let drip, to let flow, to leak, to drain, OarJI99 drain-plug (mech.)

rOHCOHJIrOX to upset, to grieve, to disappoint


rOHCOHX [ron N, C31T3JI N) to feel sad, to feel depressed, to be downcast

tap, rooacyypsnr yc tap-water

rOOJI goal (football) rOOJIHr (N oHeT3H, N HYPYYTaH) handsome,

rOHCPOX (C31T3JI N) to grieve, to be distressed, to be depressed







rOHTHr (see rOHTOr)

I'OffI'Of Erysimum (bot.), ArrTaHH E. altaicum, MaH}KXyi{ Treacle Mustard, E. cheiranthoides N


roHX (see roaxoa] roHXJIOX to set up (two tents) so as to adjoin each other, rOHXJIOH 3aJIraCaH r3PVY,l:l adjoining tents

rOOMOH superticicl. unreliable, slapdash rOOMO~OX to be superjicicl. to be unreliable, to be untrustworthy, to be slapdash, not to be up to it

rOOMOHJIOX to act thoughtlessly rOOHorop straight-backed

rOHXOH porch, lobby (to a tent, a temple, etc.), tambour (on a Chinese roof) the Buddha, the Monkhood and the Teaching, MHHb oh my goodness! (Tib. dkon-mchoggsum) N

1. to blubber 2. to moan about rOHIIIHrHOX (see rOHUIroHoX) rOHIIIHX (see ryHWHX) TOlfb (see rooas] rOHb,IJ; (see rOHH):l) roo 1. beauty, OHeHHH physical beauty, rOHIIIrOHOX



3aCaJI make-up, 3yH aesthetics, 3YHH aesthetic, 3YHH XYMYY}KHJI aesthetic education, N 3YHtI (N 3aCaJItlHH) beautician, N caaxaa N




rOOHOHX to be straight (back, etc.) rOOHb lone, single,

rOHqHrCYM the Three Jewels of Buddhism:



2. water dispenser

rOHCOHJIT depression, grief





OaHraJIHHH caaxan the beauty of nature, caHXHbI oapaa (N caHXHbI 3YHJI) cosmetics, caHXHbI rasap beauty parlour, caHXHbI 39BJI9M}K beauty hints, beauty advice, caHXHbI M3C 3aCaJI cosmetic surgery, caHXHbI T3M~33H beauty contest, caaxasr YHJItlHJIr33 beauty treatment, caHXHbI XYMVY}KHJI aesthetic education, y33M}K beauty, Y33Cr3JI3H beauty, splendour, Y33Cr3JI3HnH beautiful, OYCryH uranrapyynax splendid 2. beautiful, N




N oHe3p aMb,l:lpaX to live a single life, N raauaap XyH single person, N 3X single mother

rOOHbqW,IJ; single persons, unmarried persons

roorror gaunt rooxrop long, sticking out, projecting,



projecting neck

rooxorHOX to stretch, to crane rOOXOH trick, nastiness roo XYYX3H Venus (astr.) rOoq hope, rOOtlHHr oapax to lose hope

1. to tinker with, to fiddle around with, to play around with, to potter about with, to pick at, to peck at, § 001TO apas rapya XOHOO,l:l 9BC rOOtlHJI}K 3X3JIH3 after more tha n ten days young camels will begin to nibble grass 2. to potter, to do a bit here and there 3. to get at










T3M~33H beauty contest

rOOqTOH hopeful rapax [ropsrr Y33X) to pay the price, to see what comes of, to get what's coming, ropsrr raprax to get one's own back (on someone), to pay (someone) out, § OJIOH

I'Ol' pay-off,


}KHJI oypyy sassaap oY,l:laa T33CHHH rop rapan that's what comes of going the wrong way



about it all those years, yyHHH ropsrr O~OO y33}K oaHHa now we are paying the price for it

fOPBH 1. groove, - rarax to groove,to make a groove 2. grooving tool

fOP3fOP gaunt fOP30HX to be tall and thin, to be gaunt fOPHB (see ropsa] fOPHfYH (see ropbryH) fOPHfYHT3X to be or to turn out no good, to be a bad thing

fOPHJIOPI candidate, 33p3r - candidate for a degree

fOPHJIOX to hope, to have hopes, to hope to, to hope for, to be hopeful, § XyH aMblr TaJIaH ~33P3~3XHHr ropHJI}K hoping to plunder the population

fOPHM 1. (- }KypaM) procedure, principles, rules, practice 2. cycle, mode ((of a machine), regime, yraax, Mywmx - wash and wring cycles (Tib. go-rim)

fOPHMllOX to take as the rule, to follow fOPllOM pathway round a lamasery used for sacred processions (Tib. skor-lam) fOPllOC Gorlos (Inner Mongolian people) fOPMOH hormone (Russ.) fOPHbIH XOillYY Cape Horn fOPOHX 1. to choke, to get something stuck in the throat 2. (~OTOp -) to be vexed

fOPOO circumambulation (Buddh.), ropoonsr 3aM circumambulation path, - XHHX (- sprax]

to go round, to make a circumambulation (Tib. skor-ba)

fOPOOllOX to make a circumambulation fOPCOMAOX to gesticulate (in a religious disputation)

fOPrHf I. circle, - TaTax to draw a circle (Tib. sgor-thig)

rorrar II. compasses,

dividers, callipers (Tib.


fOPrHf,n;OX to use compasses, to draw a circle fOPrHfllOX (see roprarnox] fOPrOH scratch, crack, chip, cavity fOPXH I. buckle fOPXH II. stream fOPXHllOX I. to fasten, to buckle fOPXHllOX II. to flow fOPb (- Hall;:vIara) hope, aspiration, - TaBHX to

put one's hopes in, - Tacpax to lose hope, to give up hope

fOPbfYH 1. hopeless 2. bad, dangerous 3. simply must, nothing for it but

fOPb,n;llOfO hope, aspiration, - Tacpax to lose hope, to give up hope, - rnpyyJI3X to raise hopes

fOPb,n;OX (see rOpHJIOx) fOPbTOH reassuring fOCOH boot (west Mongol) fOCqOOM suit (Russ. KOCTIOM) fOX 1. hook, .. ~3r33 hook; stumbling-block, snag, drawback, hitch 2. (oYYJIrax -) trigger, oYYJIrax rOXbIH xyp33 trigger-guard fO~OX to hook, to catch with a hook

fOQ 1. (- ro~) special, outstanding, - aaxaapax

to pay special attention, - X~BapT highly infectiOUS, - XOBOp especially rare, § - rO~bIH 10M anra (rOD;bIH IOMryH) there's nothing special 2. - Moprox to have a bye

fOQllOll (- XOr}KHM) solo (mus.), - oy}KHr solo dance, .. ~yyqHH solo singer, soloist

fOQllOOq soloist fOQllOX to stick out, to stand out, to be notable, rOI(JIOH Oy}KHNHH solo dancer

fOIOY plaster (med.), rH'IHHH - mustard plaster feBfep (see ryBr3p) feB.o:ex (see ryB~3X) feB.o:PYY (see ryB~PYY)

roaaax to bulge,

to swell

feBHex to trot feBex (see ryB3X) feBTHex to mutter feBYYP (see ryByyp) feBillHX to beat, to hit fefec (see I'erecreae] fefeCfeHe Cirsiumesculentum (see Asapraaa] fe}KHX to be obstinate, to be stubborn fe}KYY 1. obstinacy, stubbornness 2. obstinate, stubborn

fe}KYY.o: (see rO}Kyy) fe}Kyy.o:ll3X (see rO}KHx) fe}KYYH (see rO}Kyy) fe}KYYPX3X to be obstinate, to be stubborn fellfeHex to shine, to look glazed fellfep smooth fellfep.o:yy (see ranrep]

renaanrox 1. to smooth down 2. HY~33 stare, to make big eyes


ronaax 1. (roJlHibK r9J1'1HHx) to be smooth, to be shiny



roner I. (r9J1rOH HOXOH) pup ronor II. bud

r9P99C 1. Antelope 2. herbivore r9PSSQHH huntsman, hunter

renernox I. to pup rsrrsrrrsx II. to bud, to come into bud rsrrsrHSX to look aside, to blench, to quail rSJISrr3SX 1. to shine, to look glossy 2. to look guilty

rSJISM 1. saddle-cloth 2. a sheet of leather

r9P9X to plait, to braid r9pQ slanderer r9XHH fish-hook r9XHM9X to angle r9X9JI (see XOXOJI)

or other material for making a saddle-cloth,

f9Q (see xeu]

r9J10MHHH WHp a leather for a saddle-cloth 3. a sheet (of metal, etc.), r9J1M9H T9M9P sheet-




to gape, to stare, to be agape

4. fishing-net,





rpanycraa low-alcohol (ad(), 3YYH ... Xa.rryyH plus one hundred (Russ.)


rSJISM,IJ;Sx to net (fish)

rpA}K (see rpaur]

rSJISHrSP canvas, cloth specially prepared for

fPAHAT grenade, rap « hand-grenade, rap ... WH,Ll3X to throw a hand-grenade, sanpaa ,Ll3JI03P3X rap « fragmentation grenade (Russ.)

writing or painting on

rSJIPSX to stare, to goggle rSJIPYY SBlff3H depressed rSJICXHHX (see raneraex] rSJITrSHS 1. gypsum, alabaster, plaster of Paris, plaster, rOJITr9H9H OOOJIT plaster bandage, rOJITrOHOH X3B plaster cast 2. gesso rSJITrSP smooth, shiny rSJITSrHSX to look smooth, to look shiny rSJIqfHH the young of some small animals, such as the gopher or ground squirrel (3ypaM) or the jird (qIfllYYJI)

rsnqrsp smooth, slippery

rerrraax to be smooth and

shiny, to be sleek,

to glisten

fPAHATOMET grenade launcher fPAHATOME~HH mortarman (mil.)

fPAHK 1. chart, CyJI1K33 ... flow diagram 2. schedule (Russ.) fPAill garage rPY3H Georgia (former USSR), Georgian, ...~~H Georgian tea

fPYIIII 1. group 2. (TaXHp ,LlYTYYI"HHH ...) invalid classification (Russ.) fPYIIIIJI3X to group ITA I. melon, aMTaT ... melon, musk melon ITA II. (see roo) ITArnAX to caw, to croak

ITAM Mr., Mrs. etc. (polite form of address used after name or title ), ,IJ;oP1K ... Mr. Dorj, ca~ ...

rSJIqlfp (see ronxrep] rSMC aher a fashion rSlDKHx to lever, to lever up, to lih or move with a lever

the minister

ITAMnAX to use a polite form of address (avoiding the use of the name)

rSI-DKSS a type of metal vessel rSlDKYYP lever rssrss elder brother (Chin.)

rY AllHf (see rOOJIHr) ITAllHH 1. log 2. timber ITAH3 restaurant (Chin.)

rSSXHH a sort of pastry made without fat

ITAH3,IJ;AX to eat out

rsp,IJ;Sx to slander, to defame

ITAH3JIAX (see ryaasnax]

rspnsrss plait, plaiting

ITA XATAH belladonna

rspnss (see ropneree]

ITBAM beautiful, pretty

rSPMsn 1. plaited, ... CyJUK33 X33 a border pattern in the form of a plait

2. wickerwork

rspss hunting, rOp90H,Ll rapax to go out hunting, ... XHHX to hunt, to go hunting rspssnsn hunting rspssnsx to hunt, to go hunting, ... TaJIOaH hunting-ground

ITBAP (... HW) stem, trunk ITBrAP swollen, bulbous, ...xasrap bulbous nose ITB)I{ a rod joining the nose-peg to the leading rein (of a camel which is inclined to chew the rein)

1.1. a disease of camels caused by grubs in the nose and nasal cartilage, inflam-



rvsrvv II.

mation of the nasal mucous membrane curse word addressed to camels



rYBPYY II. weal rYBPYYTAX to suffer from ryupyy rYBqHHx to be pulled in, to be hollow (chest,

etc.) rYBqHX I. to fish with a sweep-net, to net rYBqHX II. (ryBqHH TaTax) to collect (taxes) rYBqyyP I. sweep-net rYBqyyP II. tax, tribute (hist.), .. TaTax to levy a tax rYBqyyP~ to net (fish)

ramming a shin bone down the throat (said to be an old custom) 2. to guzzle

rY,IJ;YHx (see ry~aHx) rY,IJ;qIfX to poke, to poke at rYHBAll3AX to keep staggering rYHBAJITrYH without hesitation, unwavering rYHBAMTrAH shifty rYHBAP begging rYflBAX 1. (ryiiB1K ~aHBax) to sway, to stagger, § X9JI99 OJIOXryH .. to be too drunk to stand 2. (C3TI'3JI .. , ryiiB1K ~aHBax) to vacillate, to waver

rYBqyypnAX to levy taxes, to levy tribute rYBillAA greedy at sucking rYBillA.AX.AH Broomrape, Orobanche rYBillHX to suck greedily, M9JDKHH .. to batten on

rYHBnAX to sway, to stagger rYHBYYJIAJIT distortion, COHHHbI" newspaper distortion

rYHByynAX I. (ryiiBYYJIaH MYWmx) to distort rYHB}~nAX II. to transfer, to remit (money)

rY,IJ; down, .. TaTax to pull down rY,IJ;AHnrAX to let droop, to let hang, TOJIrOHrOO .. to hang one's head rY,IJ;AHx to droop, to hang down, to slope down, Hap" ye sundown, roJIrOH ry~aHH with the head ha ng ing

rY,IJ;AM 1. alley 2. passage, corridor 3. corridor (train)

rY,IJ;AM}I{ 1. street, rOJI .. main street, TaB .. major road, .. 3aM streets and roads, highways, .. 3aMbIH X9~9JIr99HHH ~YP3M (.. X9~9JIr99HHH ~YP3M) traffic regulations, .. MeTPJI3X to walk the streets, ry~aM.>KHbI TYJI~aaH street fighting, ry~aM.>KHbI XOpHrJIOJIT barricade, ry~aM.>KHbI XYYX3~ street urchin, ry~aM.>KHbI X3BJI3JI (ry~aM.>KHbI wap COHHHYY~) gutter press 2. passage, corridor

rY,IJ;AM}I{llAX (ry~aIDKJIaH 1Karcax) to stand in rows, to line the streets, to form a passage,


rY,IJ;HITYH 1. uncaring, aloof 2. carefree rY,IJ;PAX 1. to push in, to ram in, to shove in, to cram in, uraaaraap .. to kill off old people by





CYYU;HbI WHH3 xarcaB In

Ulaanbaatar new blocks of flats were lining the streets

rY,IJ;AM}I{llYynAX to put in rows rY,IJ;AMnAX (see ry~aIDKJIax) rY,IJ;APrA 1.1. tongue, groove, 3M" groove, 3P .. tongue


grooving tool

rY,IJ;APrA II. distemper (vet.) rY,IJ;APrMAX to tongue and groove rY,IJ;AC I. along, 3aM .. along the way rY,IJ;AC II. long narrow cushion, mattress rY,IJ;fAP sunken, sloping forwards

rYHByynrA I. distortion rYHByynrA II. transfer (money), switchinp rYHByynnArA (see ryiiBYYJIra I., II.) rvannrrva inflexible, .. 3apqHM inflexible principle

rY~AA (see fyy~aH)


(see ryyns]

rYHllAlN beggar rYHnAHqlfH (see ryiiJIaHq) rYHnAHqj1AJJ beggary rYHnAHqJJAX to beg rYHnrA 1. request 2. (.. TYHJI3r) begging, .. ryHX to beg rYHnrAX 1. to cause to beg 2. to be asked, § OH ryiiJIraXbIr IOYH.Il XYC3X OHJI33 I didn't need to be asked twice

rvanrwr beggar rYHnrAqHH (see ryiiJIraq) rYHnrAqJJAX to go begging, to be a beggar rYHnHIN (see ryiiJIaHll) rYHnT (.. xyc3JIT) request rYHMTrAH (see ryHMXaH) rYHMXAfI scrounging (adr) rYHPAIN beggar rYHX to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, ryH1K ryBWHX (ryH1K TYHX) to beg and pray, ryii1K H3r Y331K ryanaac H3r Y331K using both stick and carrot

rynliAA Buryat clan chieftain (hist.) (Bur.)


rYJI IiAPHX to shelter behind, to use as a smokescreen, § apnxnan sax 333n33p ryn oapHH


under the cover of demcracy and market

rYJIIiHrAHAX to sway, to swing

rYJICAX to slip, to slide, to glide

rYJIliHJI3AX to wriggle, to snake

rYJICrAX 1. to let slip, to let slide 2. glissando (mus.)

rYJIrAA slippery place rYJIrAATAH slippery rYJIrAJIT 1. sliding, skating, ~aHbIH -- skiing 2. gliding

rYJIrAMTrAH (see rynraaraa]

rYJICYYP 1. chute 2. slide rYJIYY3 I. carcass rYJIYY3 II. rolling-pin rYJIYY3 III. bar, -- MOHro a bar of silver

rYJIrAMXAfI (see rynraaraa]

rYJIYY3JIAX I. to leave a carcase undivided

rYJIrAX to slip, to slide, uanaap -- to ski, rynraac

rYJIYY3JIAX II. to cast (silver, gold, etc.) in bars rYHA three-year old bull (and some other ani-

T3WHX to slide, to skate, -- yp3nT sliding friction

rYJIrH.D;AC regurgitated food rYJIrHX [rynraac raprax] to regurgitate, to bring up (food)

rYJIrYYP slide, -- o}'Moa a method of cupping treatment in traditional medicine, rynryypsm Tanoaii (MOCOH ryrrryypsm Tanoaii, MOCOH Tanoaii) skating-rink, ice-rink

rYJI)]; along, lengthways rYJI)];AHx to lie at length, to lie about rYJI)];AH arch, vault rYJI)];fAP long, extended rYJI)];MAfI block rYJI)];MAHJIAX to form into blocks rYJI)];PAX to pull, to drag rYJI)];PHX to push through, to cut through rYJDKfAP (see rynaraa] rYJI)l{HfHAX (see rynsarnax] rYJDKHHx (see rynsanx] rYJDKHJI3AX (see rynaarnax] rYJI3ArHAX to bend, to move from side to siide rYJI3 (see yrans I., II.) (west Mongol)

mals), § ryHbIH 3B3P xyrapax rypsaa eCHHii xyiiT3H weather cold enough to break the horns of a three-year old bull

rYHArAP stout, strong rYHfAHAX to rumble, to drone rYHfHHAX (see rynraaax] rYH,IJ;AAX to weaken, to enfeeble, to undermine rYH,IJ;AHfH (see ryJmMan) rYH,IJ;AX to get exhausted, to get run down rYH,IJ;MAJI run down, decrepit rYH,IJ;YY meagre, poor, run down, deficient, C3Tr3n --


rYIDK female of the camel (and some other beasts) in the fourth year, ryHJKHH yH33 cow in . the fourth year

rYH3fAH (see roasroa] rYHHf (-- rawyy, -- rauryynan, -- xapyycan) sorrow, sadness, misery, grief, -- rauryynanraa tragic

rYHHfJIAJI sadness, dejection, misery rYHHfJIAHrYH downcast rYHHfJIAX to be depressed, to feel sad, to be

rYJI3AHJIT bending, warping (n.) rYJI3AHX to bend, to warp fYJI3AJI3AX (see rynsarnax] rYJI3rAH bent, bendy rYJI3fAHAX (see rynsarnax] rYJI3fAP (see rynsraa] rYJIPAX to fail, to collapse fYJICAA glissando (mus.)

rYHHX (rYHHH ryrpax] to be sad, to grieve, to

rYJICAATAH slippery rYJICArq slide (of a lathe), naryy -- bed slide,

rYHHXPAHrYH downcast

XOH,nnOH -- cross slide

rYJICAJIT 1. slipping, sliding, skidding, slithering 2. glissando (mus.) rYJICAMTrAH slippery


rYHHfJIYYH sad, melancholic rYHHIT 1. sad, sorry, depressed 2. sad, tragic rYHHITAH (see ryHHIT) rYHHJI sadness, sorrow rYHHJIT sad, sorrowful rYHHCXHHX to be dejected be depressed

rYHHXPAX (see ryHHX) rYHXAJI3AX to be elegant or graceful, to move elegantly or gracefully

rYHXAX to look nice, to be good-looking



rYHXYYP elegant rYHIllAA nasal, - lltyy a nasal voice rYHIIIAA)J;YY (see rynuraa] rYHIIIfAHAX 1. to speak through the nose, to have a nasal twang it

2. to whine, to go on about

rYHIIIHH name and title rYHIIIHX to speak through the nose, to have a nasal twang

rYP Roebuck (see liop I'epeoc. 3yp) rYPAB three, rypaan aHMar caa the Tripitika, rypsaa lltyryHT motor-cycle combination, rypaaa eCHHH XYHTH33P at the coldest time of the year (see ansp], rypsaa MaXOOllt [rypaan r3M) the three basic factors of illness (o~raHa, XHH, wap) according to traditional medicine, rypaaa OpOH 3aHH three-dimensional, rypaaa eH~eIT triangle; triangular, rypsaa TOBqOO TaBaH auran the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues (Chin. sangang wuchang), rypaas yeHHH aasrrap [rypsaa yeHHHfTyyX) family history covering three generations, rypsaa xeHlltHH the three cavities (of the body in traditional medicine), rypsaa 3Pllt3H3 the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Monkhood, the Teaching) (Buddh.)

rYPABAAN tertiary, third, - ranas tertiary period, - eprnH~HHH 0PHYYllt third world countries rYPABAAXb third, - enop Wednesday, srraan third party fYPAB,IJ:YfAAP third, - Max third-grade meat, cap March rYPAB,IJ:YfAAPf thirdly rYPABJIAX 1. to come in third 2. to make three, § apbIH cyynann rypaBJIaxryH OaHBaJI 3yr33p it's all right if you don't have three on the back seat

rYPABT I. (see rypasnyraapr] rYPABT II. [rypaarsm llt3BCr3p) three tugrig note rYPABQ third (mus.) rYPAMCAH 1. three-stranded 2. three-part, pOMaH trilogy 3. ternate, three-leaved rYPAMCJIAX to make triple, to twist three threads together, rypaMCaJIJK TOMCOH three-ply rYPAH3 1. whetstone, grindstone 2. fossil rYPBAA)J; 1. in threes, three by three 2. about three, three odd

rYPBAJI 1. trio (mus., etc.) 2. trilogy 3. - sypar triptych

fYPBAJDK Spike-rush, Eleocharis rYPBAJDKHJICAH trefoil, ternate rYPBAJDKHH 1. triangle, ~HJI xaacyyr isosceles triangle, nrw 9H~9IT - (wYlltapryy-) right-angled triangle, - CYMaJI trigonometry, - X3JI03PT3H triangular 2. triangular, threecornered, ternate, trefoil, - xapraaa threecornered dispute

rYPBAJDKHH IiY,n:AA (see Carar] rYPBAJDKH~YY triangular

rYPBAJDKJIAX to make into a triangle rYPBAJICAH triple, three-fold, - MOpb troika, M3lltP3JI trigeminal nerve, - HHHJIM3JI trefoil, with three leaflets (leaf)

rYPBAH MAPAJI Orion (astr.) rYPBAHTAA three times rYPBHJI3AX to wriggle, to slither rYPBYYJI three together, all three rYPBYYJIAA (see rypsyyn] rYPfAJI)l;AH I. Nightingale, Luscinia, AJITaH Nightingale,; Thrush Nightingale,

L. luscinia,

3YJIOapaH - Nightingale, L. megarhynchos, COJmOpT - Bluethroat, L. svecica rYPfAJI)l;AH II. a dish prepared from the intestines of a beast

rYPfAP long and thin rYPrYYJI Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus rYP,IJ:fAPXAH slender rYPHATAX to lack food, to be ravenous rYPHB (see ropsa] rYPHB,IJ:AX to groove rYPHBJIAX (see rypasnax] rYPHH rYPHH a call for summoning a horse rYPmiJIAX to call a horse by calling rypHH rypHH rYPRJI flour, lJYYT - potato starch, syypcaa dough, - asra ice-cream cone, - TaTax to grind flour, rypansnr yprassan cereals, - xyJIraH XHHC3H XyHHH rys Hb naraaa be sure your sins will find you out

fYPRJIAH farinaceous, floury, - 0YT33rllt3XYYH confectionery

rYPRJIAPXAr farinaceous, floury rYPRJI,IJ:AX 1. to powder with flour 2. to add flour (to tea)

rYPHJI3AX to slither rYPRJIJIAT farinaceous, floury rYPHHfATAX (see rypanxrax] rYPHHX ravenous rYPHHXJIAX (see rypaaxrax]


rYPHHXTAX to be ravenous, rypanxarcaa 'IOHO


a ravening wolf

rYCAM 3APrAQ (see saprax]

fly is called a grub 2. hole (in a container, etc.) penis of a small boy

fYTAAP (- sarac] Burbot, Lata Iota fYTAAX [ryraan


to defame, to disto disgrace the name of, ryraan .[lOpOMJKJIOX to affront, § HHr3}K H3P33 -, scaa xyranax r3}K fancy letting yourself down like that grace,


H3pHHr -

fYTAr 1. depression 2. troubles, ills fYTAHP (see Tyraap] YCHbI - wellington boots, sacsap boot-repairing, cobbling, - TOCJIOrq bootblack, - TOCJIOX to black boots, to polish shoes

fYTAJIqlfH shoe-maker, cobbler fYTAMIIIHf shame, disgrace fYTAMIIIHIT shameful, disgraceful fYTAMIIIHITAH (see ryTaMIlIHIT) rYTAX 1. (c3Tr3JI -, ryrasc ryHHX) to grieve, to feel sad, to feel depressed 2. [ryraac rssrrsx] H3P -

bronchitis 2.i. stems, stalks, straw, stubble, TaJIOaH a field of stubble, ryypcr ypraxan vascular plant ii. drinking-straw, straw OyxHH

fYTAJI boot, shoe,

to spoil, to be spoiled, name

rYYPC 1. tube, pipe, duct, eBCTaXHeBbm Eustachian tube (anat.), - YJI33X to blow into the bag (auto.), ryypcan XOOJIOH bronchi, bronchial tubes, ryypcan XOOJIOHH YP3BC3JI

to get a bad

rYYPCJIAr 1. tubular 2. siphonaceous rYYPrAJIT grub-infestation (in livestock) rYYPrAX to have gadfly larvae, to be infested with gadfly larvae

rYYXAHx to hang down, to dangle rYQAX


rYQYY (-

nyrax) to leek, to be lacking in


MOHroop - .[lyrMar

lacking, short of, xepeare short of money

rYQYYXAH deprived, disadvantaged, needy nrq I. thirty

rYq II. great-great-grandchild (child of

fYTfAAP third fYTPAJI sadness, melancholy, depression, distress


fYTPAHfH pessimistic, depressed, morose, -

rYB 1. (-


pessimism, -



fYTPAHrYH (see ryrpaara] fYTPAX [ryrapx ryHHX) to be sad, to be downcast, to be despondent

}KaJIra (-



rYY II. frame,

a Buddha-image in

ryyraH oypxaH

a case


I. to whip, to beat (on the buttocks)

rY~ II. (ryH.[laH wrestling, etc.)

to fling down (in


rYBJIAJIT thigh-development (camel)

rYY III. woman's dress ornament rYYfAQHX (see ryyrnax]

rYBJIAX I. to develop the thighs (camel) rYBJIAX II. to separate the haunches from a car-

rYYrJIAX 1. to call, to shout, to yell 2. to crow, to cackle, to hoot rYY~AH male reindeer in the fourth year

rYY}l{HX to moult, to shed hair or skin rYYJIHH YJIC Korea (hist.) (Chin.) ryyJIHH YJI33B3P Xar}KHM

2.) 2. -

(see to

Hb OyJITaHX (- Hb :QYXyHx)

Horse-bot Flies, Gasterophilidae, HaM~mHH - Sheep-bot Flies, Oestridae, yxpHHH - Ox-warble Fly, § COHbIH asrannaar - r3H3 the larva of the gadr3.[l3CHHH


to dry meat in joints

rYB~PYY papula

3. corrugation 1. polyp (med.) 2.

pimple, spot,

fYB~PYYT3X to get pimples, to get spots, to be pimply, to be spotty

be shown in one's true colours

rYYP 1. grub,


low ridge


rYYJIb 1. brass,


rYBr3P 1. salient, convex, protruberant 2. rise,

rYY}l{HJ!T moulting, shedding (hair, etc.), ec-


xac) thigh, rysa anranax to be overjoyed, rysa raasaranaan o~ax to come back empty-handed 2. hindquarter 3. shank, shaft, post, xaanraasr - MO.[l doorpost, XaHqHbI shank of a pair of scissors

rYBBq leggings

fYTpyy sad, downcast, despondent rYY I. ditch, gully, ravine, -


rY~ thirty-odd, thirty or so

rYB~3X to beat, to pound

rYBHHx to protrude, to stick up, to jut out rYBP3X to mutter, to mumble rYBTH3X to mutter, to mumble rYBYYP 1. mop 2. beater, beater





fY333 1. rumen, first stomach of a ruminant

fYB3JI33X to pulsate, to beat, to pound, to heave (waves, etc.) fYB3P fYB3P mumblingly fYB3P illHB3P (see ryB3P fYB3X









XOPMOHHbIXOO TOOCblr ryB33~ shaking the dust

from the skirts (of his gown) flowers, cones, etc.)

2. to

shed (pollen,

fYB3X II. to waste, to squander

fY~ fY,I:OCHHJIf3H (see ry~HHT3JI)

hump, swelling


convex, protru-

fY,IJ.IJ;HH sepulchre (for a ruler, high lama, etc.) (see a/so ry~3H I.), § 1586 oan Hac oapcaH AOTaH xaansr urapanstr cysparancaa ryMHHr 1587 oan 3P~3H3 3YY~ OOCrO.>K33 the sepulchre in which were installed the remains of Abtai Khan who died in 1586 was erected at Erdene Zuu in 1587 (Tib. sku-rten) fY~HHX

I. to arch, to bulge, to bend outwards fY~HHX II. to choke, to get something stuck in the throat fY~HH (see ryMHH) fY,I:OCHfrr3JI with a gulp, gulping

fY~3JI33X to throb, to wobble, to keep moving

fY~3H I. image or statue of a deceased high lama, etc., remains embodied in a statue (see a/so ryMHH) (Tib. sku-rten) fY~3H II. rise, crest, - aaxraa crenate (leaf)

fY~3C (- WYJIYYH) honest, upright fY~3CXHHH with a gulp, gulping

rYEH morbid growth of cartilage in and below the nose of a horse

fYEHT3X to suffer from


fYEX3H shallow, - yc shallow water fYE3 1. crop (anat.) 2. honey-sac (bee) fY}I{HP 1.1. (-


slander, calumny

2. slanderous fY}I{HP II. strong, powerful fY}I{HP~JI3f slander, calumny, defamation fY}l{HP~3X to slander, to calumniate, to discredit, to smear

rY}I{HPM3r stubborn, tenacious, persistent, dogged

rY}l{Hpq slanderer

fY333JI3X 1.i. to guzzle, to stuff oneself with, ~aH - to guzzle tea ii. to develop a belly, to grow fat 2. (ry333JI.>K xanranax] to store (dairy products, etc.) in an animal's paunch

fYHfYYP (~aXHJIraaH -) runner of a zip

fYf3JI balsam (Tib. gu-gul)


fY333JI3f3H3 Strawberry, Fragaria, F. orienta/is

fYHf,II;3X to sell, to get sold, to go, to shilt fYHfYYJI running (adj.)

fYB33 rise, hillock, low ridge fYB33PX3f hilly

fY~f3P berant

2. belly, pa unch, - OOJITJIOO HOpOX to be soaked, - ~YYP3X to suffer from gassy distension of the intestines (ruminants), ry333~ aaanncaa ~3JIYY WHr a thorn in the flesh, uropoonox to kick the bucket

fYHfq 1. runner 2. jogger fY~3JI 1. running, ryJm3~ ~aHPYYJIaX to get paralysed 2. run (of an animal) 3. current (e/ec.), ~aXHJITTaH - [xysscax -, XYBbCMaJI -) alternating current, TOI'TMOJI - direct current, ~aXHJIraaH - electric current, - ryHX to flow (current), - ryHJIr3X to pass a current, - yrac lead (e/ec), - yycr3rq generator, - X3M.>KHrq ammeter

fYHJIfYY rapid, quick fYiuIf3H3X to run (with), to be watery,

HyJIHMC ryHJIr3H3C3H HY~ eyes running with tears

fYHJIf3X 1. to run, to let run, to let flow, - (see 300C 1.), HyJIHMC - to shed tears,

300C OqHP

- to divine for hidden things by means of a ritual thunderbolt, ~aBYY - to run glue (on to something), ryHJIr3H OHqHX to write a running hand, ryHJIr3H oo~ox to think quickly, ryHJIr3H YHWHX to read through, to run over, ryHJIr3H Y33X (ryHJIr3H xapax) to run through, to glance over 2. to have diarrhoea 3. to pass on, to circulate, to turn over (in trade)

fYHJIf33 turnover, circulation, dealing, business, oapaa - turnover of goods, ryHJIr33ryH oapaa slow-moving stock, a drug on the market, ryHJIr33~ opox to go into circulation, ryHJIr33H~ opyynax to put into circulation, ryHJIr33H33c TaTax to withdraw from circulation, ryHJIr33HHH raraap turnover tax, - XHHX to carry out a transaction

rYHJIf33T3H saleable, popular, in demand, HX - (xaMrHHH -) best-selling, y~aaH - oapaa

slow-moving stock, a drug on the market

fYHJIC Apricot, Armeniaca, CHOHPb - A. sibuica, ryHJIC3H oyJIqHpXaH tonsils, ryHJIC3H oyJI1lHpxaHH YP3BC3JI tonsilitis

rYHJIT 1. run, running, distance run 2. race, walking race, oyyxHa - relayrace, ~YJmbIH - middle-distance race, OHPbIH - sprint, caazrran - hurdles, XOJIbIH - long-


distance race,





rYHJIT33P at the double (mil.) rYHJI3C (see ryHJIC)

rYMli3P MATAP Crocodile (Skr., Tib.)

rYHMx.HH frisky, liable to run away

rYH 1.1. (....

rYHM3r 1. cursory 2. fluent rYHX 1. to run, ryHr33)l; Mapm at the double! (mil.), .... HOXOH)]; ryHxryH HOXOH caan a dog in the manger, ryHH xap anxaa a spanking pace 2. to go, to sell (goods) 3. to come up (swelling,

etc.) rYHx3H 1. shallow, in, poor at,

yc shallow water 2. weak uninstructed, uneducated


rYH~M3JI complete, full, ....


fully grown

rYH~3,II; complete, full, .... l\f3)l;33 full information, .... TOpOX to be born at full term, .... xaryypax to harden off competely rYH~3J1)l;YYJI3X to complete, to do completely, to finish off rYH~3J1)l;3X to be completed, to be accomplished, to be fulfilled

rYH~3JIT completion, perfection rYH~3T

(see ryH~3)l;)

rYH3rHH) deep, profound, .... oaT thorough, solid, .... oaT M3)l;JI3r a thorough knowledge, yxaaH philosophy, .... yxaaHTaH philosopher, yxaansr philosophical, § rypaan MeTP33C ryHryii)l; no deeper than three metres, at a depth of no more than three metres 2. depth, depths, apn TYMHHH ryH)l; amongst the people, at the grass roots, aCYY)l;JIbIH ryH)l; opox to get to the bottom of a question, raapsm .... the depths of the earth, MaJI'I)l;bIH ryH)l; opox to get to the grass roots with the herdsmen

rYH II. prince (in Manchu times), yncan


.... prince of the sixth rank, fuguogong, YJICbm TYIII33 .... prince of the fifth rank, zhenguogong

(Chin.) rYHr3H3X to mutter, to mumble rYHr3PBAA case for a Buddha-image, rvnrspsaaraa oypxaH a Buddha-image in a case (Tib. kun-dga'-ra-ba)

rYHr3P rAHrAP (see ryHr3p rvarsp]

rYH~3Tr3rq executive (n., adj.), .... 3aCarJIaJI executive authority

rYHr3P fYHf3P muttering, ....

rYH~3IT3JI performance, realization, carryingout, execution, TOJIOBJIOrOOHHH .... fulfilment of the plan, ryH~31T3JIHHH maJIraJIT progresschasing

fYH,II;AA portrait, image (Buddh.) (Tib. sku-'dra)

rYH~3Tr3X to do, to perform, to realize, to ca rry out, to execute, .... saxapraa executive authority, .... xyynac writ of execution rYH~3X

1.i. to catch up, to catch up with, to overtake, ryH~3}K TYPYYJI3X to overtake (traf., etc.), nasxap ryH~3}K TYPYYJI3X double over-

taking ii. ryH~3xryH not to come up to, not to be so good as, to fall short of, § yxpHHH 333mH XOHHHbI 333rHHr ryH~3xryH cow curds do not come up to sheep curds 2. to finish, to complete (doing something), § OYP3H OOJIOBCOpq ryH~C3HHH napaa when they are fully ripened, 3H3 OJIOH


MaaHb 3aJIXa}K

}Karcaanaac OJIOH TYM3H

ryH~JI33 our people are thor-

oughly fed up with all these demonstrations rYH~33M3JI complete, Hac .... full-grown

rYH~33X to finish, to finish off, to complete, to do completely, to make up (the full amount)

rYJIr3H nice, moderate, pleasant, .... nynaaa nice and warm, ....




to mut-

ter to each other

rYH,II;yyrYH honest, upright fYH,D;3JI Menispermum (bot.) rYH,D;3X deep down, at a depth (adj.) rYlDK princess, emperor's daughter (Chin.) rYH)I{H,D; Sesame fYH3fHH deep, profound fYH3fHHJI3X 1. to deepen, to make deeper 2. to go deep, to do to a (certain) depth, § xoep uraxax rYU3rHHJI3H MaJITaXa)l; on digging to a depth of nearly two metres


rYH3rHHPYYJI3JIT deepen ing rYH3rHHPYYJI3X deeper, depth





cynnax to study in


rYH3fHHP3JI deepening fYH3fHHP3JIT (see ryH3rHHp3JI) rYH3fHHP3X 1. to get deeper, to deepen, to be reinforced, to sharpen to go deep

2. (ryH3rHHp3H opox)

fYHHH deep, plutonic, abyssal, .... yc artesian water

rYJI)l;HHJIr3X to crane (the neck)

fYHJI3f county

rYJI)l;HHX to be craned, to be stretched forward

fYHU;3f lamas' meal, lamasery meal, food, ....

rYJI)l;3rH3X to keep stretching forward rYJIM3P Asian Land Salamander, Hynobius


food (resp.)

fYHU;3fJI3X to partake of, to feast upon



rYYJIryyp punch (mech.) rYYJIrYYP,IJ;3X to punch (mech.)

rYH33 deeply ryp iron are, ynaaa - haematite rYPBYYJI (see ryPB3J1) rYPB3JI Lizard, 3aMoa - (QaCT YYJlbIH -) Agama (type of large lizard), TOJlOOT MorOH -

Eremias arguta rYPB3JI3JI3r33 peristalsis rYPB3JI33X 1. (ryPB3J133H X9AJIOX) to slither, to move like a snake 2. (- xO~OJlrOoH) peristalsis

rYYH-XeX (f\ryHHH-XOX) Skullcap, Scutellaria, S. baicalensis (also ,IJ;aMap XYHJlHH) ryyp 1. bridge, JWY1KHH - suspension bridge, XOB~or - pontoon bridge, ryyP3H xpaa gantry crane, - TaBHX to build a bridge 2. pons (of the ear) ryyprHH a sound used to call lambs and kids ryyprHHJI3X to call lambs and kids by calling ryypmH rYYPtIHH bridge builder

rYPB3H rib, ridge, - OyxHH striate


rYPB3HT3H striate

rYYP3X to comprehend

rypr3M Saffron (Tib. gur-kum)

ryym translator (hist.) (Chin.)

rYP,IJ:r3P sticking out, standing out

ryymHH wooden flanges fitted on either side of a wooden cart beneath the thills to take the axle

rYp,IJ:HHx to swell up, to stand out (veins, etc.) rYP,IJ:3C rYP,IJ:3C XHHx to pulsate rYP}K Georgia (former USSR)

rYQ (small) teapot, kettle, ewer, ~aHHbI - teapot

rYPHHx (see ryp~HHx), § cynac Hb ryPHH1K with veins standing out

rYQ3Hr3 (see X~3Hr3)

ryPr mOPTXHHH gulping, slurping

r3B (intensifying particle), - r3H3T (- r3H3TX3H) all of a sudden

rYPr~H gurtum (a lama able to enter into an ecstatic trance) (Tib.)

rYPyymHr loader, stevedore (Russ. rpysxax] rYP3JI3r3H3 Cricket (zool.) fYP3JI33X to squirm, to ripple, to pulsate rYP3M (- ~OpOM) exorcism, ritual performed to repel misfortune or sickness, - HOM service for a sick person, - XHHryyJl3X to get an exorcism performed (Buddh.) (Tib. sku-rim) rYP3M,n:3X to perform a ceremony of exorcism rYP3MtI (- JlaM, - ~OPOMlI JlaM) lama skilled in exorcisms

I'Yfll kusha-grass, sacred grass (Buddh.) (Skr.)

r3BtI but f3Bm a lamaist clerical degree below that of raB1K (Buddh.) (Tib. dge-bshes) f3B3H MO,IJ: Rubber plant r3B3JI

1. if 2. as for

r3r,IJ:3X to be called, to be considered, to be said to be, § HMap 11 3MlIHJlr33ryH r3r~31K oaHcaH ynaan XOOJlOHH OMOH co ncer of the oesophagus wh ich has been considered completely incurable

rYP33 the sides of the throat, jugular vein, ryp33HHH aprepa carotid artery, ryP33HHH cynac jugular vein

r3N 1. called, a certain, one, Ilanr - one Dash, Ilonrop - asraa a lady called Dolgor, § lIH ~3H - B3? what's your name 2. they say, the saying is, § OO~ Hb xascaa lIyJIYY OOpHHH TOJIrOH PYY - OOJIHO ~OO it's as they say - hoist with one's own petard 3. quite, really, pretty, very, § TOM - capnar a great big yak, MOPH~OO JIYT - cYY1K sitting firm as anything on his horse

rYTr3N calumniator

r3rtIHHH (see rars

rYTr3JI3r slander, calumny, libel

r3N33P as they say, as the saying goes, § 333H XH1I33B3JI sasa XH1I33H3 - as the sayi ng goes - heaven helps those who help themselves

rYP3H country, state, power, HX - great power (polit.), HX rypHHH ~33P3Hryii oOAJIoro great power chauvinism, MOHrOJl - the Mongol empire (Man.)

rYTr3X (ryTI'3H ry}KHP~3X, ryTI'31K MYYJlax) to slander, to calumniate, to libel, to defame, ryTI'3C3H yr slander ryy mare, - oapHX to round up the mares for milking in spring and summer, - caax to milk a mare; a children's juggling game played with anklebones, - TaBHX to let the mares go in autumn when milking is over


r3r3JIr3H melancholy, miserable r3r3JI3YYJI3X to be expressive, to be moving, § yprsm ~YYHYY~ anc XOJIOOC r3r3J13YYJl3H aancaap singing long songs affectingly from afar r3r3JI33HrYH expressive, touching

f3f3JI33X touched

I. (C3'IT3J1 --) to be moved, to be


II. to flash, to shine up

r3r3X to nod the head r3f33 (-- r3p3J1, --. capyyn] light, brightness, O~PHHH r3r33~ by daylight, -- MHHb my goodness!, -- opox to get light, -- racpax to get dark f3f33Bq window, light f3f33fYH dark, unlit f3f33H 1. (-- capyyn] bright, -- naraan O~POOP in broad daylight, -- uaraaa onep asnra HHpr3X a~HJI like a bolt from the blue 2. title of an incarnated lama, e~op -- (see eH~Op f3r33H) 3. saint f3f33PYYJI3fQ educator f3r33PYYJI3X (r3r33PYYJl3H C3HXPYYJl3X) to educate, to enlighten, Apnsrr -- BaM Ministry of Education (1935-1949) f3f33P3JI education, f3r33pJlHHH Ministry of Education (1949-1968)


f3f33P3X 1. to become bright, YYP -- to break (dawn), to dawn 2. (r3r33p3H C3HXp3X) to get educated, to become enlightened f3f33T3H light, bright f3,IJ;f3P 1. thrown back, turned back, roJlroli -with head high 2. arrogant, stuck up




gut, caecum, HapHHH -- small intestine, OJlOH -intestines, small intestine, jejunum, OMHO~ -fore-gut (insect), TaXHp -- sigmoid colon, XYP33 -- colon, ~Y'ITaJIaH ... ileum, xanapxarrr -- small intestine (jejunum and ileum), nrynyyn -- rectum, -- annax to lose the paunch, to get thin (livestock through lack of food), r3~3CHHH OaJIHa~ (see OaJIHa~), -- Oa3J1aX to have the gripes, to have a pain in the stomach; gripes, colic, -- rapax to eat one's fill, to have a blowout, -- ryHJlr3X to have diarrhoea; diarrhoea, -- ~OTOP insides; offal, -- ~OTPbIH internal, -~YYP3JIT flatulence, -- ~YP3X to be flatulent, to be windy, to be blown up, r3~C33 HJl3X to be indolent, -- HXT3H fat, paunchy, -- M3~3H ~3X to eat one's fill, -- opoonnox volvulus, twisting of the intestines, r3~C33 coax to tighten one's belt, r3~C33 TaTax to draw in the stomach, r3~C33 TaTCaH with a sunken belly, r3~C3~33 XOJIOO XHliJI~3X (r3~c3~33 XOJIOO qHX3J1~3X) to be at each other's throats, -- ~aHJIraX to "whiten the intestines" (by eating milk foods), -~a'ITaJIaH MOp OynH well fed and clothed, well provided for, with all one wants 2. the loop or belly in letters such as 0, b, t in Mongol script, r3~3cHHH xY'ITa half-round knife for cutting such strokes

r3,IJ;HHJIr3X to push back, to throw back, roJlroliroo -- to throw back one's head

f3,IJ;3C ro,IJ;Oc XHHX to bob about, to bow and scrape

f3,IJ;HHx 1. [xoaur --) to lean backwards, § TOJlroliroo epren -- to throw the head back 2. to jib, erexneo -- to jib at giving

r3,IJ;3CJI3X to develop a belly, to get fat around the belly

f3,IJ;P3f back, backwards, -- o~ax to go away again, to go home, -- TaTax to pull back, to retract, -- 3pr3X to go back, to return

f3,IJ;3CT3C intestinal inflammation, OY~YYH -colitis, HapHHH -- enteritis

f3,IJ;3f 1. called, named, § H3P qHHb X3H -- B3 what is your name? 2. the one called, what is called, what is meant by f3,IJ;3fH3X (see r3~HHx) f3,IJ;3rm back, backwards f3,IJ;3JI33X to toss the head f3,IJ;3H arrogance, haughtiness, -- XO~JlOX to get on one's high horse r3,IJ;3H rO,IJ;OH swaggerin[J r3,IJ;3HT3H snooty, high and mighty r3,IJ;3pr33 (see rsnper], -- xapax to look back, to look up, -- xapac X3BT3X to Iie on one's back, -- 3pr3X to turn away, to turn one's back f3,IJ;3C

1. belly, stomach, intestines, guts, apaan

xoep xypyy -- duodenum, apbIH -- hind-gut (insect), OY~H -- large intestine, ~YH~ -- midgut (insect), ~33~ -- duodenum, M)'Xap -- blind

f3,IJ;3CHHH intestinal

r3,IJ;3CXHHX to jerk back (intrans.) f3)K 1. that (after a quotation) 2. to, intending to, § xaaxax -- saaa B3 where are you trying to get to? 3. as for, what is called (topic indicator), § YJICbIH ~aa'ITaJI -- ioy B3 what is meant by state insurance? 4. -- yryli it never happens that, there is nothing that, there is no such thing as, it is not a question of, § yyr33p xHlixryli 10M -- yryli there is nothing that cannot be made from it S. fancy!, § XYH33C alix -- fancy being afraid of people! 6. for, on account of, § 3M3B OHqHr oapHMT -- TaH~ qHp3r~3JI rapraan sax B3 why should they trouble you for a lot of papers? 7. -- yy do you mean to say that?, do you reckon that? f33r3H3 (see f333rn3~3r) r333f 1.1. pigtail, queue, r33r33 asax to cut off one's pigtail, -- ~apaH H3X3X to be hard on the heels of, to be in hot pursuit of, -- TaB TaBHX to leave a patch of hair unshaven so as to grow

f333f II.


a pigtail 2. the upward or downward hooks for the letters I and m in Mongol script

f333f II. northern ridge of a mountain f333f,Il;3X to pull [sorneone's] pigtail, to pull [sorneone's] hair

f333IT girl f333fIJ;3IJ;3f Delphinium (bot.) (also f33r3H3), TOM:Q3:Q3IT - D. grandiflorum (also Xapaanx :Q3:Q3r) f3llJi3ll33X to give oneself away, r3MT XYH r3JI03JI33H3, ~aHpT MOpb WapBaJI3aHa a gUilty conscience needs no accuser


1. whether or not, alike, 3P 3M - male and female alike 2. not calling, not considering, oara - however small

f3JI,IJ;PYYJI3X to ride slowly f3JI,Il;P3X to go slowly, to saunter, to wander along

f3JI}KfHH skewed, tilted (head) f3JDKfHHJIf3X to skew, to tilt (head) f3JI}l{HHX to tilt, to slant f3JIM3X to have a fright, to be scared f3JITrYH not to be called, not to be seen as f3JIT3H it could be said, shall we say?, OOJIOB yy - (see oonoB yy) f3JI3H 1. monk (Buddh.) 2. monk, friar, IIJIaHo KapuHHH the friar Plano Carpini (Tib. dge-slong)

f3ll3HMAA female monk, nun (Buddh.) f3JI33 said, - 11 (- 11 r3C3H) however, still, but, nevertheless

f3M 1.1. trouble, defect, fault, - coror defect, fault, - XaJI trouble 2. (- oypyy) gUilt, fault, OHW 3aH (- OHW 3aH r3H3T OHW XyyqHH) typical, nothing out of the way, - OypyyryH innocent, not gUilty, - oYPYYTaH gUilty, - oYPYYTaH XYH (- oYPYYTaH 31T33~, - oYPYYTaH) gUilty person, offender, - 33M gUilt, fault; harm, r3M 33MryH innocent, gUiltless; harmless, - 33MryH enrepex to get off scot-free, - 33MT3H gUilty, Hyr3JI misdeed, - Hbypnaa r3MWHJI HbXOHHO what you sow you shall reap, - XHHX to do something wrong, - xop harm, - xoprva harmless

f3M II. I say, do, asapxaa - take it easy, do, Oon}K - if, if it is, suppose f3MfYH 1. innocent, harmless 2. all right, unscathed

f3MHH Chinese revolutionaries (especially in 1921) (Chin.)

f3MT criminal (adj.), - oYJI3rJI3JI criminal gang, - X3p3r crime, xY~ - X3p3r serious crime, 3pyymHH - X3p3r criminal offence, crime, x3pmHH OYP3.M3XYYH constituent elements of crime, - X3p3r ~aBTaH yH.M3rl1 recidivist, X3p3r a~YYJI3X (- X3p3r yH.M3X) to commit a crime, - X3pr33C ypb~lIHJIaH C3pmHJI3X a}KHn crime prevention, - X3P3IT3H (- 31T33~) criminal (n.), - X3P3IT3H oHe XYH criminal individual, criminal person, - HB~aJI criminality, crime

f3MT3fC3,Il; casualities f3MT3rq casualty f3MT3H dangerous f3MT3JI 1. defect, fault, § HO:QTOH -rapllHXnaa serious defects have occurred 2. (- corer] breakdown, fault (mech.), - apanrax to clear a fault, - sacax to repair a fault, to put right 3. (-

03PT3JI, - corer] injury, damage, harm, trauma, OHTyy r3MT3JI contusion, HJI - wound, YHJIB3pJI3nHHH - industrial injury, xY~ r3MT3JI~ opox to be seriously injured, HMap 11 r3MT3JIryH quite unharmed, quite unhurt, - asax to get injured, r3MTJIHHH napaaxs posttraumatic, - CY~JIaJI traumatology, r3MT3.M yspax to get injured

f3MT3JIT3H damaged, faulty f3MT3H gUilty person f3MT3X to be injured, to be harmed, to be damaged, to be spoiled

f3MT33X (r3MT33}K Myyrrax) to damage, to harm, to spoil

f3MIIIHfJI3H (see r3MWHJI) f3MIIIHJI regret f3MIIIHHfYH regre~ul f3MIIIHX to regret, to be sorry f3MIIIM33P regrettable f3M33 Hb (see r3M33H3) f3M33H3 1. as for, talking of, to 2. should, when, if, 0.M0}K - should it be found f3M33P looking like, could be said to be f3Hf3H3X 1. to moan, to groan 2. (r3Hr3H3H ~YYJIax) to hum

f3H)l;3X (see r3H3~3x) f3H3 1. they say, people say 2. they call, (it) is called

f3H3 AJIMX to be careless, to lack ioresiqht, to be taken by surprise

f3H3fYH unexpectedly, suddenly f3H3 f3H3 again and again f3H3,Il;YYJI3X to surprise, to take by surprise f3H3,Il;3X 1. to blunder, to make a mistake 2. to be surprised, to be had, to be taken in

f3H3H I. a layman who has renounced the five


co.dinol sins (Buddh.) (Tib. dge-bsnyen)

f3H3H II. (- H1T3MTrHH, - uaraan, - QaHJIraH) simple,

naive, credulous, - 6anQHp (TOMOOryH) immature, silly, - xonrop carefree, lighthearted, ingenuous, artless

f3H3T suddenly f3H3THHH 1. sudden, unexpected, - arax (- ,[lOBTOJIrOOH) surprise attack, - alOYJI (rasnunr] disaster, calamity, - alOYJIbIH 6yc disaster area, 6aHranHHH - alOYJI natural disaster, - OCOJI accident, - TOXHOJI,[lOJI emergency



f3H3TX3H all of a sudden r3H3X3H naive, simple r3P 1. Mongolian felt tent, tent, home, 6ara tent of a junior member ol o xor aHJI, 60p - old tent, raxaa - temporary felt tent used by caravanners, etc., H3r rspr monoecious (bot.), xarryyp - a temporary tent using only the rchers and roof-ring as framework, xoep rspr dicecious (bot.), Q33}1{ - a temporary tent similar to the xarryyp -, urap - tent made of woven reed, r3p33C33 a}I{HJIJIax to work from home, - aHJI family, home, - axyH housekeeping, - aXyHH domestic, - axyHH 6arw domestic science teacher, - aXyHH caa cyynra domestic utensils, - aXyHH xor xasrnan domestic rubbish, aXyHH X9,[lOJIMOp housework, aXyHH X3p3rJI3JI (- aXyHH X3p3rC3JI) domestic appliance, domestic equipment, - 6aHp home, 6apaa a tent and its furnishings, home, - 6apHx to set up a tent, r3pHHH 600JI slave (hist.), 6yyJIrax to dismantle a tent, to take down a tent, r3pHHH 6yypHHr xaPJIYYJIax to up sticks, - 6yJI family, - 6yJI 60JIOX to marry, to get married, Ilonrop ransr 3M3IT3HT3H - 6yJI 60JI}I{ ma rrying a woman called Dolgor, - 6YJI33C ranyyp HBaJI,[laX to have an extra-marital affair, - 6yJI CaJIaJIT (- 6yJI CapHHJIT) divorce, - 6YJI canax to divorce, - 6yJI CaJI}I{ capaax to break up (home, marriage), - 6yJI TOrmopryH broken home, - 6yJIHHH domestic, family (adj.), 6yJIHHH MapraaH domestic dispute, - 6yJIHHH T9JI9BJIOJIT family planning, - 6yJIHHH xyyns family law, - 6yJIHHH XYMYYC (- 6yJIHHHX3H) family members, - 6YJIryHqyy,[l unmarried persons, - 6yJIC3r inclined to favour one's relatives or cronies, - 6YJIC3r HB,[laJI nepotism, - 6yJIC3X to favour one's relatives or cronies, to be nepotistic, - 6YJIT3H married, - 6yJIT3HQyy,[l married persons, - 6YJI3pX3r 6aH,T:laJI clannishness, r3p33C rap,[larryH r3,[l3C a..JIALlarryH (r3p33 caXH}I{ r3,[l3C aJI,[laxryH) stay-at-home, r3p33C rapcan XYH lama, monk, - napax to stowaway

a tent; to tie down a tent against the wind, syypaa at home, - syypsm domestic, - syypsra


a}I{HJI housework, - syypsra xap 60p CUKHJI odd jobs around the house, r3p33 MapTCaH r3C3p wanderer, rolling stone, r3pHHH MO,[l tentframe, wooden parts of a tent, r3pHHH M)'Xap caXHX to stay at home, - OpOM}I{ home, dwelling, - OpOH (- OpOH CYYQ, - cYY:Q) home, - OpOHryH homeless, - opoHryM3x to be homeless, - OpOHryHQyy,[l homeless persons, OPOH,T:lOO at home, - OPHbI (- OpOH CYY:QHbI) domestic, home (adj.), - OPHbI a}I{HJI housework, - OPHbI XyMyyC (- OpHbIXOH) people at home, family members, r3p33 caaax to be homesick, - caXHX to stay at home, to look aMer the tent, r3pHHH yeHHH 6HQHr (r3pHHH TYYX, r3pHHH uanar] family tree, r3pHHH xanaan dressing-gown, - XHHQHHH home-made, XOrWHJI house and home, goods and chattels, r3pHHH XOpHO house-arrest, - XOpOOJIOJI (see XOPOOJIOJI), r3pHHH XOByy,[l slaves (hist.), X9HrOJI9X to take the coverings off a tent, r3pHHH XYMYYC family members, r3pHHH XyH wife; slave (hist.), r3pHHH 333IT3H mistress of the tent, housewife, lady of the house, r3pHHH 333H householder, master of the tent, head of the house, r3pHHH 3X XyH a grown woman (cf. TOpHHH xap XYH), r3pHHH 3CrHH tent-felt 2. case, holster, pouch, scabbard, housing, ,[lHCK3H XOJI600HbI - clutch-housing (auto.), }I{a,[lHbI - bayonet scabbard, yCHHH - the tube containing the hair in a woman's headdress (hist.) 3. cyst, bladder (anat.), QOCHHH - gallbladder

r3PrHH wife (resp.) r3P,II.3X to catch fish by luring them with lights r3PHHH 1. (- T3}1{33B3P, - T3}1{33M3JI) domestic, domesticated, - 60JIrOX to domesticate, 60JIOX to become domesticated, - MaJI domestic livestock, - Myyp house-cat, - HOXOH cyyJI OO,[lOO on one's home ground, - T3}1{33M3JI aMbTaH pet, - T3M33 domestic camel 2. (see

also rsp] r3PHHHX3H family, family members r3PllYYll3X 1. to get married 2. to marry (one's children)

r3Pll3rq~ bridal couple

r3Pll3ll I. wedding, marriage, r3pJI3JIHHH ec wedding ceremony

raman II. the trigram Ii r3Pll3JIT (see r3pJI3JI I.), - 6YPTryyJI3X to register a marriage; registration of marriage, 6YPTryyJI3X eCJIoJI ma rriage ceremony, 6YPTryyJI3X JKYPaM marriage regulations, QY:QJIax to get divorced

r3P3JIT bright, - Hp33AyH bright future, - CYM (see CYM I., 3.), - xeuree monument, stele, -




r3PJI3X 1. to marry, to get married,


- to marry a woman, - eCJIOJIbIH OPAOH Palace of Weddings 2. marriage, matrimony, married state


r3pQHJIr33 certificate, M3HAHHH -

r3pJI3CHHH - marriage birth certificate, 3pyyJI health certificate


r3pQHJIr33}1{YYJI3X to provide with a certificate, to issue a certificate to


be illuminated, unlighted street

luminescent substance

r3P3JITYYJI3X to illuminate, r3p3JITyyJI}J{ arnax

to light up, to hunt by dazzling animals

r3P3JIT QHM3,IJ; opal (min.) r3P3JIT 3P,IJ;3H3 spinel (min.)

r3P3H~3P capsule

r3PillHX to become domesticated xarac


r3P3JITYYJI3JIT illumination, lighting, lights

let the light through

r3PlliHJIT domestication domesticated, domesticated


soh light

r3P3JIT3X 1. to shine 2. to be seen through, to

r3pQJI3X to testify to, to bear witness to



light, -

r3plfHHH M3AYYJI3r

300JIOH -

f3P3JITYYJI3N source of light, lamp, search-

r3P~3r siliquc (bot.)


- natural lighting,

r3p3JITyyJI3rA33ryH ryAaMJK

r3PC3r hornelovinq. stay-at-home r3pq witness,


r3P3JITYYJI3r lighting, illumination,

r3P33 1. agreement, contract, -


r3PillYYJI3X to domesticate r3P3BillHHrYH shy r3P3BillHX to be shy, to hang back r3P3JI light (n.), apsm -

(xoiiA -) rear light, direction indicator, }lOUKHr - sidelights, HorOOH - green light, OHpbIH - dipped headlights, OAPHHH - daylight, TOM - headlights, TOPM03HbI - brake-light, XOJIbIH - full beam, WaJIraJITbIH - repeater light, r3pJIHHH armapar X-ray apparatus, r3pJIHHH OaH~aar'l (- OHlfHr'l) meter-reader, - OHlfHX to read the (electricity) meter, - raprax to show a light; to put on the light, - r3r33 light, - r3r33 caHTaH rasap well-illuminated place, - AOXHO traffic lights, r3p3JIA AypTaH yprasran sun-plant, sanrax XOJIOOOC (r3pJIHHH aanrasap] synchroflash contact (photo.), - sypar photograph, OHrOT - sypar colour photograph, colour plate, xap - sypar black and white photograph, black and white plate, - sypar aaax to take a photograph, - ayparxaa photographer, - 3ypraap oyyJIrax to make a photocopy, - 3yprHHH XaJIbC film, - 3ypmHH uaac photographic paper, r3pJIHHH MHHAcaH yrac optical fibre, HHHJI3r photosynthesis, - CVYA3P light and shade, chiaroscuro, r3p3JIA xapyynax to X-ray, r3pJIHHH xypnaap at the speed of light, X3M}J{JIr'l (- X3MJKYYP) exposure meter, naupyyaars flash (photo.), - ~OXHX to be wiped off (photo, etc.), - lfHM3rJI3JI illuminations


r3P3JI3f3H3 Old World Water Shrew, Neomys fodiens f3P3JIC3r light-loving, - yprasran sun-plant

aJK axyHH - busileasi ng contract, XOAOJIMOpHHH -labour contract, WHH3 - New Testament, - oaHryyJIaX (-iTOrroOX) to conclude a contract, to make an agreement, X3JI~3JI (- X3JI3JI~33) agreement, contract, X3JI~3JIA OPOJI~OrqHA parties to a contract, X3JI3JI~33P agreement, pact 2. treaty, pact, OJIOH YJICbIH - internationa I treaty

ness contract,


r3P33JI3N (- 3Tr33A) contracting party r3P33JI3JIT contracting r3P33JI3X to contract, to make a contract r3P33P33 at home r3P33C legacy, - yr dying words r3P33CJI3JI dying words, testament, will, X}'Y'IHH


Old Testament,





r3P33CJI3X to bequeath, to leave behind, r3p33C3JI}J{


r3p33C3JIC3H 3yHJI


dyi ng



r3P33T contracted for, under contract, xyrauaa contract period


r3P33 XAQAP the projecting cheekbones below the eyes

r3CrYH proctor (in a lamasery), ~Or'lHH - proctor of the assembly-hall (Tib. dge-bskos) r3CrYYH unfrozen r3Cr3JIT thaw, thawing r3Cr3JI3H thawed r3cr3X to punish r3Cr33JI punishment r3Cf33X I. to thaw, to thaw out (trons.) r3cr33X II. (r3cr33H ~33PJIYYJI3X) to punish r3CH33C talking of


r3C3llT thaw, thawing


r3C3H 1. called, named 2. wanting to, trying to


for, for the sake of, TYMH33 - OOAOJI public spirit 4. - q (- X3AHH q) but 5. - yr this means

r3C3X to thaw, to thaw out, to unfreeze


r3cA3rryH TOJIrOH


r3C33P what with r3Tll3X 1. to get over (illness, ete.), to get out of (debt, ete.), to get free of, r3TJI3H naaax to get over, to overcome

2. to cross, to get over

r3TYYP stalking r3T3ll 1. (in initial position) then, but 2. (in non-

HH3bm yyp3r ryH~3Tr3H3 - just imagine all the things this knife can do 2. what, what is called,


ar-r MO,IUlbI QHX3P r33QHHr 03JITr3A3r 10M

they make what is called maple-sugar, 3H3 lOy - aMbTHbI He B3 what creature are these the bones of?, 3HA lOy - OOJl1K.oaUHa what's goi ng on here? 3. called

r33qHHH quite, pretty, really, very rBllAA gleam, glitter, shine

r3T3llr3X to save, to rescue, to deliver

rBllAAH gleaming, glistening, shining, TOJIrOUAOO rHJIaaHTaU bald on top, - yyr plastic bag rRJIAAH O,IJ; 1. Saturn (astr.) 2. bright star

r3T3CXHHX to stalk, to prowl

rBllAAH OMPYYT Dipper, Cinelus cinelus

r3T3X to stalk, to prowl,

rBllABXHHX to gleam, to sparkle, to shine

initial position) when, as, though

to stalk, to creep up on, aHA r3T31K. MHpaax to stalk the game, r3T3H OUpTOX to creep up on, r3T31K. OTOX to stalk, to creep up on, r3T31K. OTOH araax to hunt by stalking r3T31K. MHpaax

r3X 1. to say, -

M3T (- M3THUH) etc., and such like, - M3Tt1HJI3H etc., and so on 2. to want to, to intend to 3. to be for, OJIOH TYMH33 - C3Tr3JI nyrax to be lacking in public spirit 4. to call


whether ... or, alike, § oarw uraas teacher and pupil alike, HX oara big and small countries alike

rsxrvarssp yJIC

r3x,rJ;33 but, still r3XQHll3H and so on, suchlike, such as, § oyc~ YP a nd other such cerea Is

apBau oYYAau -


barley, wheat

rBllAB IJ;AJIAB flash, flashing rBllAff oh good! rgllAffllrAX to please, to gratify

ranxax 1. (rHJIaulK uanaax] to shine, to gleam, to glisten 2. to thank

rgJIAffllAA thank you, much obliged to you rgllAll3AJIT shine rgllAll3AX 1. to sparkle, to glitter, to gleam, to be glossy

2. to sparkle, to be in fine form

rgllAJI3CAH glossy, shiny rAJIAJI3YYP 1. bright 2. alert rBllliAA 1. sheen, lustre, glare, dazzle 2. flash of lightning

r3XQHll3HrHHH such as, and so on

rgllliArAHAX (see rHJIOaJI3ax)

r3XQHll3Hr33P and so on, and likewise

ransxnrAAH flash

r3XQll3H (see r3XQHJI3H)

rgllliAJI3AX to shine, to glare, to glitter rgllliAJIT glare, dazzle

r3X3,IJ; 1. for, considering that 2. if, should, in

rgllliAX 1. (HYA

the event of


to be dazzled,


r3IJ;3ll commencing monk below the rank of

(see HYA 1.) 2. to flash (lightning, etc.) rgllliYYllAX 1. to dazzle, HYA - to dazzle the eyes 2. to get dazzled

(Tib. dge-tshul) r33 adze-handle (see OOJIb),

rBllrAP smooth, shiny, glossy, gleaming, - yyr

r3IJ; Halerpestes (bot.), Mapnsm I'sn H. salsug-


rBllrAHAJI glitter




six of one and half a dozen of the other

plastic bag, - uaac

(see uaac 1.)

r33r,IJ;YYll3X to lose

rgllPAX to shine, to gleam

r33r,IJ;3ll loss

rancxaanr flash

r33rYH not going to, not meaning to, with no intention of, does not mean that

r33,IJ; 1. saying, having said 2. so as to 3. on account of

4. such as, and so on

ranrxax to shine, to gleam,

r33,IJ;3H thrown back (head)

rgllTAH shining, 3H3

to glisten

rgllTAll3AX (see ranraax]

r33X to lose, to abandon, to drop r33Q 1. imagine, just think, §

rgJICxHiIT3ll in a flash rgllCXHHX to flash








rBllTAHrA (- XaJIbC) serous membrane, pleura,


rgH)J;AH prison, gaol,


peritoneum, U;33}1{J1HH - OYPX3B'I parietal pleura, rHJITaHrHHH xanscaa YYT pleural sac, rHJITaHmHH YP3BC3JI peritonitis

rjIJIITAHAX to glisten, to gleam, to sparkle rjIJIITAHYYP mica,

xap -

biotite, naraaa -


rgJTITAP shining, glistening, -




rgHT wolfram, - oo~ tungsten rgpAr (-

CYJDK33) a type of weaving or plaiting executed on a frame and used for belts, saddlegirths, etc.

rgpAX upper edge of the hoof rgpXAH (- a1KHrlI) sharp-eyed, perceptive,


rgJI qAJI gleaming, spick and span, -

rHII)];HbI MyXapT, in gaol, inside, rHll)l;all)]; xoparnox to be imprisoned, oyx nacaap Hb rHH~all)]; XOpHX HJI imprisonment for life, life-sentence


acute, clear-sighted, observant

rgpXAHJIAX to look carefully, to pay attention

,IJ;AA 1.1. head, chief, aHMmHH - League Head 2. great, head, chief (adj.), - JIaM Head Lama (next below the Shanzav of Urga, two in number) (Man., Chin.) ,IJ;AA II.

,IJ;AAM draughts, - TOrJIOX to play draughts ,IJ;AAMAI11. thorough



,IJ;AAMAJI controller ,IJ;AAMAH XAAJIrA big gate

(affirmative final particle)

,IJ;AABAP hormone, - CY~JIaJI endocrinology ,IJ;AABAPJIAX to ooze out, to run with, § XOJIC naasapnaac running with sweat ,IJ;AABYY 1. cotton cloth, 3p33H - cotton, chintz 2. cloth, material, HOOCOH - woollen cloth, YCT3H - flannel, - WOOByy (- uryysyy] cloths 3. rag, XyyxroiHH uaacan - paper nappies 4. sheet ,IJ;AArA I. crosspiece or spoke of the roof-ring of the tent (joining the inner ring (xoPOJI) and the outer ring (XOBOO, Xyp33) oi o xopon TOOHO) ,IJ;AArA II. colt, horse in the second year, ~aJIaHTaH OHPYY oy.rrqHHTaH with one's livestock in good shape, naaran Hac youth, young days, naaraa H3X3X to seek one's revenge ,IJ;AArAH CYYJI 1. Hair-grass, Koe/eria (also Ilypsaa] 2. Purple-stem Catstail, Phleum phleoides (also TaJIbIH ,IJ;YPBaaJIHr)



(see ~aaMaH)

)l;AAM)l{PAJI intensification,


,IJ;AAM)l{PAX to persist, to intensify, to progress, to get worse, § OBlIHH ~aaMJKHpHa the sickness intensifies ,IJ;AAM)l{PYYJIAX to intensify, to aggravate ,IJ;AAH too, too much, very, too long, - 1I (see ~aaHlI)


Y~aJIryH before

,IJ;AAHq too, too much, very, absolutely, ~3H~ 10Mit's really too bad!, - ~33 never!, it can't be true!, that's not possible!, § xapasrcstaap what an awful shame!, OH - 10M M3~3xryH 10M naa I know nothing at all about it, HHM caaxan 3XH3P33 MapTa}K xasx T3H3r aMbTaH - oaHxryH OH3 nobody could be so stupid as to abandon such a fine woman as this, 1JH - HaB naa whatever has happened to you?, whatever have you done?

,IJ;AArq insurer (cf. naarryynarx]

,IJ;AAnAA mockery, teasing, - XHHx to mock, to make fun of, § lIH nanaap OHTmH - XHHr33~ oaH don't you go and make fun of me


(see AHpraHa)

,IJ;AA)l{MrHAHrYM mocking, teasing

,IJ;AAnAAJIAX to mock, to make fun of

,IJ;AA)I{J1rHAX to mock, to jeer at, to tease, to make fun of

,IJ;AAPAMTrAl1 susceptible to cold, sensitive to cold, chilly

,IJ;AA)I{J1H scorn, derision, mockery, - XHHx to tease, to make fun of, § aa lIH xorunnr axaapaa OHTmH - XHHr33p3H don't make fun of an old cha p like me please

,IJ;AAPAMXAM (see naapasrrraa] ,IJ;AAPAX to get cold, to get chilled, aapsan naapna (see Hapax)

,IJ;AA)I{J1HTAI1 mocking,teasing

,IJ;AAP,IJ;AC shivering

,IJ;AAJIrABAP 1. assignment, task homework

,IJ;AATrAr,IJ;AX to be insured, xepenrs insured assets



,IJ;AAJIrAX to assign (to), to entrust (with), T3pryyHHH XYMYYCT naarrran erex to assign (a person under supervision) to leading persons ,IJ;AAJIHMIiA cotton cloth, drill, ~aaJIHMOaH oyc green cotton cloth

§ HorOOH (Chin.)

,IJ;AAJIHH 1.1. [xooperaaa -) rectangular snuffbottle pouch 2. case (Chin.)

(see ~aaJIHMoa) ,IJ;AAJIHH)I{HH (see naanasrria], ,IJ;AAJIHH II.

~aaBYY drill

,IJ;AAJIT surety, guarantee, naarrran erox to put under [sorneones] supervision ,IJ;AAJIYY 1. dominoes, game played with dominoes 2. double six (Chin.) ,IJ;AAJIYY,IJ;AX to play dominoes


,IJ;AAPb (see ~aHp 1.) ,IJ;AATfAJI 1. prayer offered with a view to obtaining benefits, prayer of recommendation to a god, 3aJIOHPaJI - prayers, - XHHx to offer up a prayer of recommendation, § OTrOH T3Hr3p YYJIa~ - XHH}K Moprocyr3H let is recommend ourselves in prayer to the mountain Otgon Tenger 2. insurance, aMb - life insurance, nasxap - reinsurance, 3aaBaJI naarrax - (3aaBaJI -) compulsory insurance, HHHrMHHH - social insurance, social security, YJICbIH state insurance, state insurance scheme, YJICbIH ,IJ;aaTraJIbIH rasap State Insurance Office, YJICbIH naarransm xopearo assets of the state insurance scheme, xopoHrIIHH- (3~MaTepHaJIbIH -) property insurance, 3pyyn M3H~HHH - health


,IJ;AA~ I. bite, sharpness, cutting power


insurance, naarransra aioyn insured risk, insurance risk, naarransm oaHryynnara insurance organization, insurance company, naarransm oailI~aarq insurance inspector, naarransra r3p33 insurance policy, insurance contract, naarransra nyyc insurance company, naarransm Tacar local insurance agency, naarransra TOnOOnOrq insurance agent, naarransra vaananr valuation for insurance, naarransra cl>OHA (see cl>OHA), --. XHHx to effect insurance, naarransm xypaaso« (AaaTraJIbIH WHM1T3n) insurance premium MATfAJITAfi insured, assets

--. xepeare insured

MATfAX 1. to entrust (oneself, etc.) to a god or high lama, etc., for protection, aMb nacaa --. to entrust one's life (to a god, etc.) for protection, oypxaHA --. to entrust (oneself, etc.) to the Buddha, 3aJIOHpaH --. to pray for protection 2. to insure, to get insured, --. aioyn insurable risk, --. YH3 value for insurance, § MOAOH OapHnrblr ranaac --. to insure a wooden building against fire MATrYYJIAfqthe insured, the person effecting insurance (cf. naaru] MATrYYJIAX 1. to get protection (from a god, etc.) by prayer, 3aM MOpOO --. to get protection for one's journey 2. to get insured, to insure, aMHa --. to get one's life insured, aMHa naarryyncaa XYH a person who has had his life insured, § nasxap naarryynaxaap r3p33n3X to contract for reinsurance MAX I. to be soaked with, to run with, 33BXHH --. to turn pa Ie, TOC naacaa soa ked in fat, XyHT naacan permeated with cold MAX II. to cut, to have cutting power, § HaMaHr OyyHbI CYM AaaxryH bullets cannot hurt me MAXIII.1. to lift, to bear, to putupwith, to stand, XyHT3H --. to stand the cold, AaaJK AaBwryii op an insurmountable debt, AaaxryH HOXOH oynyy xypaas dog in the manger 2. to be responsible for, to take over MAX IV. to insure, nasxap --. a>KHJI reinsurance, naacaa aioyn insured risk MAXAM Thick-tailed three-toed Jerboa,

pus, EPHHH --.


s. te/um , Monron --. s. Andrewsi

MAXHPAX to be tangled, to be matted, to get tangled up MA XYP33 Urga (name in use until 191 1) MAXI> 1. tangled hair 2. an infant's hair before the first cutting, --. asax (--. ypr33x) to cut an infant's hair for the first time (ceremonially)

,IJ;~ II. capacity, carrying capacity, load, --. xsrpvvnax to overload

,IJ;~ III. damp muddy place, bog ,IJ;AAr(AT (see naarrraa 1.) ,IJ;~JIAX to come up to the surface (subterranean water)

,IJ;AA~TAH 1. with a capacity of, § XOpHH lIT --. }l{Hmyyp scales weighing up to 20 kg. 2. thorough, serious, weighty, grave ,IJ;AAQbIH load-bearing, --. xaaa load-bearing wall ,IJ;AAqAA cart, wagon, truck, lorry (Chin.) ,IJ;AAillrYH unbearable, intolerable, too heavy to carry ,IJ;AAillMH rope, hawser (Chin.) ,IJ;AAIIIMH3 thin, unlined dress ,IJ;AAlOY strap securing the shafts to the padsaddle (WOOXOH) ,IJ;AB: --. Aapyii (--. A33p) straightaway, there and then, --. ArB XHHC3H vigorous,lively, sprightly, AaBbIH





T3p~) first of all, above all, before all ,IJ;ABAA I. (--. rapar] Monday (Tib. zla-ba) ,IJ;ABAA 11.1. mountain-pass, pass, nasaaraap nanax to cross over a pass 2. difficulty, obstacle, § H3r --. naanaa I've got over one obstacle 3. crisis, verge, § COHOXHHH nasaaa A33P oaHHa it is on the verge of extinction, 3H30B'ITOHX3:QYY nasaaraa naanaa this patient has passed the crisis 4. round (in Mongolian wrestling), xoepbm --. second round ,IJ;AB~AX to be worn out, to have had it

,IJ;AB~YYJIAX to overdo it, to take it too far

,IJ;ABAfMillfYH insurmountable, invincible ,IJ;ABAJIrAA wave, billow, WHH3 --. "new wave" ,IJ;ABAJIrAAJIAX to billow, to surge (sea, snow, storm, etc.) ,IJ;ABAJIrAATAX (see nasanraanax] ,IJ;ABAMrAH predominant ,IJ;ABAMrAHJIAX 1. to predominate 2. to be superior (to), § OHAH33C HMaIT --. r3JK 3yrr3A3r he's always trying to be one up on us ,IJ;ABAX 1.1. to cross, to cross over, nasaaraap --. to cross over a pass, XHn --. to cross the frontier, AaBJK AHHnwryii insurmountable, AaBJK saannax to appeal (jur.), AaBJK saannax rosinon (AaBJK saannax oprenan] appeal, AaBJK saannax 3PxryH without right of appeal, AaBaH ryynax to get through, to pass through, to overcome 2. to exceed, to surpass, § YX3n Hb TOpOnTOOC AaBJK rapcan oaHB deaths had


exceeded births

,IJ;A"BAX II. to defeat, to overcome, to win, to get the better of, § AOPHO~IH canxa OpHOAHHH CaJIXHHr AaBJK oaHHa the east wind is overcoming the west wind

,IJ;ABrYH (AaB 11 yryH) regardless, heedless, nonchalant, thinking nothing of it

,IJ;AB,IJ;ArAHAX to twitch ,IJ;AB)l{AA small, undersized, underdeveloped ,IJ;AB)l{AAPAX to become dwarfed ,IJ;AB)KrAHAX to shiver, to shake ,IJ;ABHJIYYH (see AaBJIHYH) ,IJ;ABHPAA used to using the spur ,IJ;ABHPAllT spurring (n.) ,IJ;ABHPAX to spur, to spur on ,IJ;ABHPXAH 1. resin, AaBHpxaHH xaTYY colophony, 3nO~~IH - epoxy resin 2. tar ,IJ;ABHPXAHAAX to tor ,IJ;ABHPxAHJIAr resinous ,IJ;ABHqHX (see nasapax] ,IJ;ABJIAX to surge, to heave ,IJ;ABJIHYH bold, brazen ,IJ;ABPArA a type of saddle-bag ,IJ;ABPAMTrAH unrestrained, uncontrolled ,IJ;ABPAMXAH (see naspasrrraa] ,IJ;ABPAX to be immoderate, to go too for, to go over the top, to be uncontrolled

,IJ;ABC 1. salt (also chem.), JKa~ - (qynYYH -) rock-salt, ynaan - red salt, XOJIOOOnJKHHH ynaaa - red salt from Lake Kholboolj (Bayankhongor aimag), xoonasr - common salt, table salt, - XHHB3JI YYCTaJI aJKHJI XHHB3JI AYYCTaJI whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might, AaBCHbI xyqHJI (see xytlHn) , AaBcaHA ssax (AaBcHbI ~ aaax] to go to sleep 2. (- xYJKHp) exaggeration (Tib. rgyatshva)

,IJ;ABCAr bladder, nascarasr nypaa cystoscope, AaBCarHbI AYPaHAax WHHJKHnr33 cystoscopy, AaBCarHbI YP3BC3JI cystitis ,IJ;ABCAITAC cystitis ,IJ;ABCAJIrAA salting, curing ,IJ;ABCAH (see nascar] ,IJ;ABC~ TOOnOr,IJ;OX to have a bye (wrestling)

,IJ;ABCAPXAr salt (ad(), salty, - aM'ITaH salty, salty tasting, - yc salt water ,IJ;ABC)KHJIT 1. salting, curing 2. solinihcction ,IJ;ABC)KHX to become salty, to beome saline ,IJ;ABCJIAr salty, - ypraMnyyA halophytes, - yc salt water


,IJ;ABCJIAJIT salting, putting down in brine ,IJ;ABCJIAX 1. to salt, AaBCaJIJK napax to salt down, to preserve in brine 2. to exaggerate, to lay it on thick

,IJ;ABCPAX to become grainy, to look like salt (snow, etc.)

,IJ;ABCCAr halophytic, - ypraMJIYYA halophytes ,IJ;ABCTAH 1. salt (adj.), salty, salted, - noroo salted vegetables, - ayyp salt lake, - yc salt water 2. extravagant, embellished

,IJ;ABTAr,IJ;AJI (see AaBTaJIT) ,IJ;ABTAr,IJ;AMXAH (see AaBTaMTraH) ,IJ;ABTAJI reprise (mus.) ,IJ;ABTAJIT repetition, recurrence ,IJ;ABTAM)K frequency, Maw OHAOP - very high frequency, VHF, HaM - low frequency, TOAOPXOH AaBTaMJKTamaap at definite intervals, X3T OHAOp - ultra high frequency, UHF ,IJ;ABTAMTrAH malleable ,IJ;ABTAX 1.1. to repeat, AaBTaH 03nTr3X (AaBTaH cyprax) to retrain, AaBTaH r3MT yHn aacannaraa habitual




AaBTaH r3MT X3P3IT3H (AaBTaH yRnA3N) recidivist, AaBTaH cypranr retraining 2. (xH1I33n -) to revise

,IJ;ABTAX II. to beat, to work, to forge ,IJ;ABTJIArA 1. repetition 2. revision 3. rehearsal ,IJ;ABTMAJI beaten, hammered, forged, - aJIT beaten gold

,IJ;ABYY I. superior, - oai1:AaJI (- TaJI, - xaaap] superiority, advantage, - xyq superior strength, - 3pX privilege, prior right

,IJ;ABYY II..friend (Tib. zlo-bo] ,IJ;ABYYJIAJI exaggeration ,IJ;ABYYJIAX 1. to let (someone) cross 2. to put over, to pass over, XHJI - to put across the frontier 3. to overfullil. nasyynaa oHenyyJI3X to overfulfil (a plan)

4. to


,IJ;ABYYTAH superior, xaaapaap - of superior quality, - TaJI advantage ,IJ;ABXAP 1.i. double, - OHeT3H pregnant, CHCTeMHHH HHITnaH OOAOX oypTr3JI doubleentry bookkeeping ii. in duplicate, as well, - over and over again 2. storey, A33A - upper storey, top storey

,IJ;ABXAPrA 1. level, stratum, layer, 030HbI ozone-layer, coerrr - cultural level (archae.),

qynyyJIar - (see qynyyJIar), - 3yH stratigraphy, § HH3 OypHHH nasxaprsm XYMYYC people of all levels 2. (r3pHHH -) felt covering of a tent



;MBXAPAAJI duplication MBXAPAAX to be duplicated, to be repeated, nasxapncaa rooroop with double counting MBXAPAYYJIAX to duplicate, to repeat MBXAPJIAf 1. upper storey 2. storeyed 3. circle (theatre)

pressed for time, to be in a tight spot 3. to feel tense, to feel constricted, aMbcraa -- (see

aMbcraa) AABqyy 1. tight, cramped, narrow, aMbcraa -short of breath

MBXAPJIAX to double, to put in layers, to duplicate, r3pHHr -- to put an extra covering on the tent, § OHe OHe ~33P Hb ~aBXapJIaH TaBHX to pile (things) one on top of the other, OJIOH ~aBXapJIaCaH ~aaBYY many layers of cotton,

uransrrxynnaacaap -- to cover the floor with lino

;MBXAQ 1. outer garment 2. overall MBXHA gallop MBXHHx (~aBXHHH ~OllHX) to jump, to start, ~aBXHHH C3P3X to wake up with a start ;MBXH.JI,IJ;AAH 1. galloping 2. racing ;MBXH.JI,IJ;AX (see ~aBXHX) ;MBXHJIT gallop ;MBXHYJIAX to gallop, MOpb -- to gallop a horse

MBXHYT at the gallop AABXHX 1. to gallop 2. to hurry along, to race, to run

MBXPAA 1. stratum, layer, ypHHH -- hymenium (of a fungus) 2. fold, crease (in the eyelid), HY~3Jm -- cyynrax to have a fold or crease put in the eyelid

MBXPAAfYH smooth, without a fold or crease, -- HY~ eyelid without a fold or crease ;MBXPAAJIAf (see nasxpaar 2.) MBXPAAT 1. stratified, -- OoOH yyJI stratocumuIus cloud, -- oyr3~ stratified structure, -- MaH~aJI (see MaH~aJI), --yyJI stratus cloud 2. with a fold or crease, double, -- HYA eyelid with a fold or crease

MBXPAATAH (see nasxpaar], -- HY~ eyelid with a fold or crease, -- 3PYYT3H doublechinned

MBXPAATAX to be stratified, to be in layers MBXPAfA (see nasxapra] AABXQAX 1. [nanxuaa TOXHOJI~OX) to coincide, to happen together, to happen at the same time,

§ A3~HHH

AABXQYYXAH pantingly, -- asrscranax to pant AABQAH (see TaB~aH) AABq narrow, tight AABq,n;AX 1. to be tight, to be cramped 2. to be


OaHpJlaX, yapax naaxuaa

Dejid felt happy and sad at the same time,

}K}fHX3H3 ronnox Hb COpOH30H rOJI~OllTOH AaBxaIUt;arryH the true meridian does not coincide with the magnetic meridian 2. asrscraa -(see aMbcraa) MBXQYYJIAX to duplicate

2. hurried, pressed

AABqyypAX to be tight, to be cramped AABIIIfYH insurmountable AABIIIHJIT I. progressive AABIIIHJIT II. 1. offensive, attack, copex -counter-offensive, -- arax attack, ~aBWHJITa~ opox to go on the offensive 2. advance AABIIIHJITTAH progressive (polit.) AABIIIHJIThIH offensive (adj.) (mil.) (cf. XOpHrJIOJITbIH) AABIIIHHrYH dynamic, -- xor1KHJI dynamic development

AABIIIHX 1. to advance, to progress, to go forward 2. to attack, -- oaHMaaH (see OaHJI~aaH) AABIIIJIAX (see ~aBwHX) AABIIIYYJIAX to move forward, to push forward AABIIIYYPfA)l;AX to arrange (the skirts of the ~33JI) tidily when sitting or riding

AABIIIYYPfA OP bunk, cot AAf I. (final corroborative particle) AAf II. dirty, smutty, -- xap blackened AAf III. always, ever AAf IV. right! AAfABAP 1. following, next, attendant, subordinate, -- OHlIHr del ivery note, -- oyr33r~3xYYH by-product, -- HaBq stipule, -- yr (see yr), -XYYX3~ (see XYYX3~) 2. suffix {gram.}, OJIOH TOOHbI -- plural sulhx, yr oyr33X -- word-forming sullix, yr xynaprax -- word-modifying suffix AAfATmAfq attendant (n., adj.) AAfAJIMH (-- cyparx] apprentice, -- MY}KaaH carpenter's apprentice

AAfAJIAAX 1. to accompany, to follow, to go along with, to be apprenticed to, -oyr33r~3XYYH by-product, narannars HOJIOo Side-effect, narannaa ranapxarx supporter, partisan, -- XOr}K}fM (see XOr}K}fM 1.) -- X3p3rC3JI accessories 2. probationary

Mf~JIAX to







OHlIHX to type to music,

naranzryynaa cyprax to train, to take on as a trainee, ~araJI~JICaHXor}K}fM (seeXor}K}fM 1.)

AAfAJIT 1. retinue, companions 2. accompanying, covering, -- oHlIHr covering letter, --

by-product, - XOHWIH sinus (anat.), - XOHWIHH apxar YP3BC3JI chronic sinusitis, - xyynac covering letter summarizing an official communication (from a League Head, etc.) (hist.)

,Il;AfAMTrAii amenable, aHblr -



easily led

comply with, to observe (laws, etc.), § T3AHHH naranaa did as they said 2. to accompany 3. to go along by, § XOpMOH naracaa 03JIq33P pastures along the skirts of a hill


,Il;Ar.IKHp hardened, hard, - xepc hard surface, hardened earth

,Il;Ar.IKHX to shudder, to shake, to shiver, to chat,L\ar)KHH QHQp3X

to shiver

,Il;Ar}I{PAX to harden, to get hard ,Il;Ar)l{yyp 1. hard, hardened, crusty, - xepc hard surface, hardened earth earth, hardened ground

2. hardened

,Il;Af3 [ap -) back of the skull, occiput,

Aar3HbI HC

occipital bone

,Il;ArnHA fairy, beautiful woman, AaJIaHH - mermaid (Skr.) ,Il;ArnX to use (a horse) hard ,Il;AfHAAC single line of colour in a design AArHAACllAX to make a single line of colour in a design

AAfHAllT specialization ,Il;ArHAX 1. to specialize in, to concentrate on, § rOJIbIH naryyx IIIHp3r Hb QHHrJI3r HO~OJI,L\ 30XHD;COH yprastnaac narnaa 0ypM3r the turf along the river is made up solely of plants adapted to damp conditions, X3pJI3r OBQHHH TaJIaap AarHaH M3p3r)KHH a)KHJIJIa)K oaHraa

3~ doctors who specialize in rheumatic dis-

eases 2. (see naraaacnax] AAIT always AAITAH (see AaIT) AAITAPIIIHllT compacting,

,Il;ArYY,Il;AA all along, its whole length ,Il;ArYYAAX along, alongside, lying along ,Il;ArYY,Il; Hb (see naryynaa] ,Il;ArYYJI


companion, follower, escort, compulsory purchase of an unwanted article as a condition of purchasing that required, - xyy stepson 2. satellite, ,L\3JIXHHH XHHM3JI - artificial earth satellite, XOJIOOOHbI XHHM3JI - communications satellite, - OpOH satellite (polit.), - XOT satellite town ,L\arYYJITaH xYAaJIAaa

,Il;ArYYllAX to lead, to be accompanied by, to cause to follow, naryynaa xY,L\aJI,L\ax to enforce the purchase of an article together with that of the article desired, § apXHHA HOM naryynan xynannax to enforce the purchase of a book with drink

,Il;ArYYP I. accompanying ,Il;ArYYP 11.1. Dauria (p.n.) 2. Daurian ,D;ArYYXb along, alongside, lying along ,Il;ArIII (see Tarili I.) ,Il;ArIIIAA I. (see scrpan], xor:>KHM XaMTJIar

pacted, to get packed

AAITAPIIIWJIAllT (see AaITapIIIHJIT) ,IJ;AITAPIIIWJIAX to compact, to consolidate,

(see AYY 3.), -



,Il;ArIIIAA II. (see raruraa] ,D;ArIIIHH 1. region of purity, paradise 2. paradisal, pure, clean, fine, apHYH place (Buddh.) (Tib. dag-zhing)




,D;ArIIIHP anhydrite (min.) ,IJ;ArIIIPAX (see AaITapIIIHX) ,Il;ArIIIPWllAX (see AaITapIIIYYJIax) ,n;AJl;Ailx to shrink, to get too tight, to be too tight

(- AaM,

rypurnara] experiskill, - 3aHIIIHJI (habit, custom

- rypIIIHJI, ,L\yH




(see XOr)KHM 1.), pop group

ence, practice, -

AAITAPIIIHX to get compressed, to get com-

,IJ;AITAX to get dirty ,IJ;AITPAX (see ,L\aITapIIIHX)

the lines of, in accordance with, 0YAYYUQ as in the sketch, 3aMbm - along the way, XOAOJIMOp'I):(IIHH 3P3JIT XYC3JITHHH - in accordance with the workers' demands



to tamp, to pack

,Il;AITPYYJIAX (see narrapnryynax] ,Il;ArYY along, by way of, according to, along 3yprHHH -

,Il;AfAX l J, to follow, naraa OaHCarq sympathizer, naraa oaHcax to sympathize with (Buddh.), naraa AYYJIax to sing along (with), naraap OPOX to come over to, to submit to, to join (polit.), § MOHrOJI yncan naraap OPOX to join the Mongolian state ii, [naraac MOP,L\OX) to

ter (teeth),




,n;AJl;AMrAil practised, experienced,

YHaaH,L\ -

used to riding


1. flag 2. three (cards), ynaaa - red three

,IJ;~AX to gain ,L\a,L\CaH 3aHIIIHJI

experience, to get practice, familiar practice

,IJ;~rAHAX to keep moving about (something small)

,n;AJl;llArA (- rypurnara] practice, experience, ,L\aAJIarbIH XHQ33JI

practical lesson



~JIAfA/KHX to get practised, to get skilled, to get experienced, to get into the way of ~AfA/KYYJIAX to train

~JIAfATAH (- xaump) practised, experienced ~Af

(see nannararaa]

AAJKfYH all right, OK, § OAOO -

33 it's OK now


confusion, trouble, - caJ.fYYH confusion, disorder, - XHMpaJI confusion, crisis 2. want, lack (of food, etc.)

M }I{YHTAH President of the Chinese


[otter 1911) (Chin.)

AAH (- MOA) batten MHBfAHAX (see AaiiBaJI3ax) MHBAJI3AAH reeling, staggering (n.) MHBAJI3AX to reel, to stagger, to sway, to lurch


extra, something extra, 0YT33rA3XYYH by-product, - YHA3C (see YHA3C) ii. something extra sent along as an addition to a load iii. compulsory extra purchase, compulsory extra payment in making a purchase 2. .attachments, associated parts, xasrap TYYHHii - the nose and its attachments

MHBAPJIAX to put as an extra load, to put as a supplement

MHBAX (see AaiiBaJI3ax) MHf,n;AX to get a lih, to get picked up


broad, wide, - A3JIXHii the wide world, the world

AAH ,n;APXAH name of a title of nobility (hist.) MH}l{HX (Aaii}J{HH saanax, Aaii}J{HH syrarax] to shy away, to get away, to take evasive action, r3p33c33 - [rsp OpHOOCOO Aaii}J{HH syrarax] to run away from home

MH)I{YYJIAflI repellent MH)I{YYJIAX to scare off, to drive away MH3 1. bandolier 2. belt (machine-gun) (Chin.) AAH3JIAX to put (bullets) in a belt MHJIAMAC tenon MHJIA.JI,IJ;AX to fight, to engage in combat MHJIAH 1. saddle-bag 2. (xaaporHHii -) snuffbottle pouch

,n;AHH,n;YHHXHHC3Hfitted together, § AaJIaH O)ThIH 3BP33P AaiiH .zwHH XHHC3H Aapraii anar HyM a stiff, particoloured bow made by fitting

together the antlers of seventy stags (liter.)

,n;AHHtI 1. warmonger 2. warmongering, warlike

,n:AHHtIHH (see AaiiH'I) ,n;AHHbI (see AaiiTaii) AAHII Chinese doctor (Chin.) ,n;AHp 1.1. saddle-sore, AaiipaH A33P Hh AaBC XHHx to rub salt into a wound 2. sore place, abrasion, AaiipTaii rOJIOM abraded saddlecloth

,n;AHPIi. Stag ,n;AHpA.JI)l;AX 1. to meet, to run into, to encounter 2. to be met with, to occur ,n;AHPAJIT (- AaBWHJIT) attack ,n;AHPAJI Yf gibe, taunt ,n;AHPAJIQAAH poetic repartee (see ~~~ oyJIaaJIAaX 2.) ,n;AHpAX 1. (AaiipaH oarepex] to pass through, to pass across, to pass by 2. (Aaiipq AaBWJIax, AaiipaH AaBWHX, AaiipaH AOBTJIOX) to attack, Aaiiparq HHC3X oarou fighter-plane, fighter, Aaiiparq oOMOOrAOrq HHC3X oarou fighterbomber 3. (Aaiipq AOPOMLKJIOX) to insult 4. to knock, to hit, to run down, AaiipJIara - to have a stroke, to die suddenly

,n;AHprA stone river (geol.) ,n;AHPJIAfA (see Aaiipax 4.) ,n;AHPTAX to be rubbed sore ,n;AHpqHX to run into, to run over ,n;AHCAfHAflI hostile ,n;AHCArHAJI hostility ,n;AHcArHAcAH hostile, - a}J{HJIJIaraa (- yitrI a}J{HJIJIaraa, - HByyJIJIara) hostile acts, hostile activity

,n;AHcArHAX to be hostile, to be antagonistic, AaiicarHaH Y33X to view with hostility


MHJIAX I. (AaiiJIJK 30llJIOX, AaiiJIJK ~aiiJIax) to entertain, to treat

enemy, adversary, AaiicHbI T3Hr3p (see AaJIXaa)


,n;AHTAflI combatant, - yJICYYA combatant

MHJIAX II. to fight, to fight for MHJIJIArA 1. (- uaannara] reception 2. feast MHH war, A3JIXHiiH xoepnyraap - the Second World War, XaqHH -

~aXHJIraaH - blitzkrieg, - OaHnAaaH (- TYJIaaH) war, fighting, - oaiiMaaHbI yeA in time of war, - Aa}J{HH war, warfare, disasters of war, Aa}J{HHhI yeA in time of war, - ACUKHHhI XaJIA yp3rA3x to be lost through warfare, - sapnax to declare war, AaiiHhI TOJIOap reparations

phoney war (hist.),


,n;AHTAH the size of, § A3B1pHiiHXYYACHbI - the size of the page of an exercise book

,n;AHTAX (AaiiTaHTYJIaMax) to fight

AAHx 1. to give a lift, to take an extra load along 2. to add something compulsorily to a purchase AAHqHJIfAA 1. mobilization, ~aHqHJIraaHbI rarnara call-up for mobilization 2. commandeering 3. mass arrest, § T3P ye~ 090HOOP OapHBlJJIaXblr - r3}K H3PJI3}K oaHcaH at that time (1937) mass arrests were termed AAHqHH 1. warrior, H3P Hb yJI M3~3r~3X - Unknown Soldier 2. militant, embattled, combative, aggressive, - ~aBIlIHHryH dynamic, go-ahead AAHqHHrYM heroic AAHqHH YJIC Qing dynasty AAHqJIAfA

(see AaHlJHJIraa)

AAHqJIAX 1. to call up, to mobilize, to commandeer, to set to work, ~aHlJJIaH aaax to capture, to take prisoner, ~aHlJJIaH OapHBlJJIax to arrest 2. to summon up (fig.) AAJI I. seventy, nanan oyJIlJHpXaHraa TOOlJHX to let it all out, to tell the whole story, nanaa nasxap layer upon layer; a type of pastry made with thin dough spread with butter or oil and repeatedly folded over; name of a cemetery near Ulaanbaatar, nanaa ~OJIOOH innumerable, nanaan ~OJIOOH yIT3H chatty, gabby, nanan ~OJIOOH yr33P opoox to keep (someone) chatting, nanaa HOXOOCT patched all over, in rags and tatters, nanan rasaap oyyx to give in, nanan XYAanlJ the "Multifibber" (in folk-tales), nanan X3JI A3JIr3X to chatter away AAJI II. (AanHbI HC) shoulder-blade, scapula, ~anHbI MaHa the neck of the shoulder-blade MOp shoulders, - MOp99XaBlJHX to shrug one's shoulders, nanaap M3p3rJI3X to tell fortunes by means of scapulimancy, ~aJIHbI roroo the glenoid cavity or socket of the shoulder-blade, TyJI3X to scorch a shoulder-blade for divination ~aJIHbI xasrap the scapula spine, nanasr XOT the infraspinous fossa or broad part of a shoulderblade, ~aJIHbI xyynac the flesh on the inner face of a shoulder-blade AAJI

III.1. wa rm pen for livestock 2. sheltered, -

rasap sheltered spot AAJIAA)]; seventy odd, seventy or so, § nanaan OHbI CYYJIQ33P at the end of the seventies ,IJ;AJIABq 1. wing (bird, etc.), A33A- wing-cover, elytrum (beetle) 2. wing (aeroplane) 3. (QOHXHbI -) side of a window 4. cloth streamers in the shape of snakes, etc., sewn to the collar of a shaman's robe 5. wrestler's jacket (see 30Aor)



AAJIAH I. ocean, sea, ATJIaHTbIH - Atlantic Ocean, ranaan - ocean, ~anaHHaMgulf, bight, ~aJIaHH OOOMT seaport, ~anafm rapQIYH yJIC landlocked country, nanaaraac 3yy 3P3XT3H a~HJI like looking for a needle in a haystack, ~aJIaHAH3M3X~CaJI every little helps, - cynnan oceanography, ~anaHH TYBIlIHH sea-level, T3Hr3C sea, seas, ocean, oceans, - T3Hr3CHHH yc sea-water, AanaHH XOB9H sponge, ~anaHH xeoc meerschaum, - uaraan pure white, ~aJIaHH lJaHa~ naxs overseas, ~aJIaHH spar OPlJHbI yJIC maritime state AAJIAH

II. great, - oaHHrich, abundant, - ~aHH

napxan aapara a title given to a supreme champion wrestler, - acapra» bliss AAJIAHAAX to land on the sea AAJIAH JIAM Dalai Lama AAJIAHJIfAX to threaten, to browbeat, AaJIaHJIraH CYP~YYJI3X to extort, to blackma i I AAJIAHJIT stroke, swipe, ranu ~aJIaHJITaap at one stroke AAJIAHH BAH Neptune




AAJIAHx to flourish, to wield, to brandish, to whirl, AaJIaHCaH raaap Hb ~aJI~ Op}K ~aJIJIaCaH rasap Hb HJIraps HBaxto be at sorneone's beck and call ,IJ;AJIAHU;

1. sweep,

scope, range



AAJIAHU;TAH vigorous, energetic, lively AAJIAHq seaman AAJIAHqMH

(see ~aJIaHlJ)

AAJIAHqJIAX to be a seaman AAJIAH 1.1. dam, embankment, IlIOpOOH - earth dam, 3JIC3H - sandbank 2. parapet 3. unploughed land between furrows or around a field 4. road-bed

,IJ;AJIABqJIAX to develop wings, to become winged

II. fat on the withers of a horse Androsoce (bot.), YpT HaBlJHT A. longifolio AAJIAH TOJIfOH Acroptilon repens (bot.) AAJIAH TYPYY Steliero, S. cnomoeiosme, Tapsaran - S. chomoeicsme (also T3B3r

,IJ;AJIAfHAX to form a dam, to form an embankment


,IJ;AJIABqMT winged, - yp }KJfMC winged seed, samara








HaBqHT N Small-leaved Lime, T. cordata, MOMbI osor Lime Family, Tiliaceae



L. altaica 2. Pentaphylloides



~ ~ secretly, in secret, unseen, surreptitiously

MJIliAA)l;AX to grab by the jacket (wrestling)

~AJIAbIH secret, mysterious, hidden, magic, N ~aHcaH "hidden enemy" (targets of sheep-skins stretched on frames and used for indirect archery) (hist.); a children's board game similar to "battleships" in which each player tries to locate and hit his opponent's hidden targets, N H~ mH~ magic (n.), N ~ mH~HH magic (adj.), N xap ManraH cloak of invisibility, N xyq'magic power, secret power

MJIliArAHAX (see nantianaax]

~AJI}l{MHJIrAXto put on one side, ronroaroo

AAJIliAA 1.1. flag, TOpHHH N national flag, uaraaa white flag (mil.) 2. sail, ~aJIOaaT sans N

sailing-boat, yacht, ~aJIOaaT OHrOn; sailing-ship, yacht, ~aJIoaaHbITaTnarasheets3. wing (auto.) 4. standard ( pea-flower) blade (pump, fan, etc.) 6. tail (fish)


MJIliAA II. wrestler's jacket (see sonor]

~AJIliArAP wide, broad, spreading

MJIliAHX to be broad and flat, to be laid out

to put one's head on one side

~AJI}l{MH crooked, turned sideways


MJIliAJI3AX to flap, to flutter, to undulate MJIliAH 1. lobe 2. blade (fan, propeller, etc.)

3. wide, spreading, flared,


ycwoman's flared

hair-style (hist.) ~AJIliHrAP (see


MJIliHHX to be askew, to be awry MJIliHJI3AX to wobble, to sway, to rock AAJIliHH (see ~aJIoarap) MJIrAH (see ~anoarap) M~


~AJI}l{MHX to lean to one side

1. mystery, secret, that which is hidden,

nannsrr xaparx seer, nannsrr xapax to have second sight, ~aJI~blr JlIYT3X to indulge in mysticism; mysticism 2. secret, hidden, mysterious, N opox to disappear, to vanish, to be hidden; to pass away, to die, N opyynax (N XHiix) to put away, to hide, N TaJIC}J{}fCaH (N TaJICTnar) crypto-crystalline, N ye period of incubation, latent phase, dormancy (med.), NYPTHHHXYP33 (N ypT yprasran] angiosperms, N 3~HH sacar black economy, N sxcnopr invisible exports 3. .off-stage M~ABq screen, screen-wall behind a gateway

~A~HPAMTrAHshy, scared, cringing

M~HPAHrYH furtive, shifty M~HPAXto dodge, to swerve, to move aside, to get out of the way M~HqAA shy, shrinking, elusive

M~JIArA concealment M~JIAJIT shelter, cover M~JIAX to cover, to cover up, to hide, to conceal, N oaHp cover, shelter M~PAX to vanish, to be hidden M~PYYJIAX to hide (trans.) M~YY

(N MO~) Lime, Lime-tree, Tilia , Bsuxan

~AJIHBC Burdock, Arctium

~AJIHHX to get distorted, to get twisted ~AJIHJI3AX to lurch, to rock from side to side ~AJIHM occasion, chance, opportunity, ~aJIHM~ on the occasion of; incidentally, by the way, in passing, ~anHM~ Hb incidentally, by the way, in passing, N YC3pr3rq opportunist, N YC3pr3x to seize one's chance ~AJIH~JIArqopportunist

~AJIH~JIAXto take advantage of, to profit from, yyr33P ~anHM~naH taking advantage of this, seizing this chance, § TaHnaH TOOn;OO, XHHanT uranranr ~ar~anTaH oa~blr N to take advantage of laxness in book-keeping and control ~AJIHMJIAX to take advantage, to use an opportunity ~AJIHP cross-eyed


1. asymmetrical,


2. crooked

~AJIHX to edge away from, to avoid, to shun

,IJ;AJIJIArA a ritual for invoking good fortune, mYBYYH a ritual performed at the time for migratory birds to return in spring and designed to ensure fruitfulness in the herds, asax to perform a N, nannaraasr epeen blessing for the N, nannaraasr cas vessel used in the N, nannaraasr cYM a rrow used in the N, nannaraasr YYT bag used in the N N


~AJIJIAX 1. to wave, to beckon, nannaac uanax to fling, to scatter with a swing 2. to wave (as a means of hunting marmots), nannaa xourropyynsc oyy~ax to wave at a marmot and get it to sit up and whistle and then shoot it 3. to summon (good fortune) by beckoning ~AJIJIYYP [rapsaransr marmot

N) whisk used in hunting

,IJ;AJIMO,IJ; Palm-tree, Ilan MOWIbIcastap coconut

(Skr.) ,ILA.nXAA 1. the "enemy gods" (Buddh.) 2. prayers to the enemy gods



,IJ;AJIq scapulimancer, teller of fortunes from scorched shoulder-blades ,IJ;AJIb I. Rhododendron dahuricum (bot.) (see T3p3JDK) (Tib. do-li] ,IJ;AJIb II. wi ng, N .>KHryyp wi ngs, N )KHryyp yprax M3T OaHpJIax to be like a dog with two tails ,IJ;AJIb-fAPAB (see Cyprap)

transshipment point 2. stage (in a process, etc.) 3. conveyor-belt, N uryrasr assembly line ,IJ;AM)I{llAX to carry together ,IJ;AM)KYYllAN 1. transmitter 2. conveyor, TYY3aH N conveyor belt 3. conductor (elec.), xarac N semi-conductor, X3T N super-conductor 4. vector, conveyor (disease) S. selector lever, change lever (AK 47) ,IJ;AM)KYYllAJI conductivity, X3T ductivity

,IJ;AJIb,IJ;PAX (see nannapax] ,IJ;AJIb,IJ;qHX (see nannapax] ,IJ;AJIbIIYY pointed drag for clearing snow ,IJ;AM I. indirect, N N indirectly, passed on, N ~YYJIax (N COHCOX) to hear indirectly, to hear through someone else, N M3~33 (N cypar, N yr) hearsay, rumour, gossip, ~aMbIH HaHMaa (~aMbIH xynannaa] speculative trade, traffic, ~aMbIH HaHMaaqHH middleman, profiteer, nypyy ridge-pole (tent), beam, cross-beam, tiebeam, joist ,IJ;AM II. hang, knack, a}KJIbIH ~aMblr aaax to get the hang of a job, § YYHHH qHHb ~aMblr OJI~COH 10MI've got the knack of it ,IJ;AMAP 1. pulley-shaped hand-drum, with strikers attached by thongs, used in religious ceremonies (Buddh.) 2. (N ~ryH) pulley, xanrarrax N tensioning pulley 3. spool (typewriter, etc.) 4. drum (washing-machine, etc.) S. oeWIbIH YTacHbI N cotton-reel (Skr.)



,IJ;AM)KYYllAJIT 1. conductivity, ~JIaaH N heat conductivity 2. transmission (mech.) 3. pass, passing (football, etc.) ,IJ;AM)KYYllAMTfAH conductive ,IJ;AM)KYYllAX 1. to transmit, to pass on, to relay, N MeKaHH3M transmission, apaaT N MeKaHH3M gear train, urypran N MeKaHH3M helical gear, ~aM}KYYJIaHH3BTPYYJI3X to relay, ~aM}KYYJIaH rapaax to pass on, to spread (disease), ~aM}KYYJIaH TapHXto transplant 2. to conduct (elec.) 3. to pass (football, etc.) ,IJ;AM)KYYllfA transmission (mech.), apaar N gear train, MorOH apaar N worm gear, peMeH3H N belt, X3~p3r3H apaar N rack and pinion transmission ,IJ;AM)KYYPfA 1. ladder, steps, N 09~ asapax to go up a ladder, N PYY oyyx to come down a ladder 2. (N qyJIYY) stepping-stones 3. beam


)l;AMAP)l;AX to play the hand-drum

,IJ;AMllAAq speculator, spiv, huckster, pedlar

,IJ;AMAPllAX to put on a drum, nasrapnan 3BX3X to roll on to a drum

,IJ;AMllAN (see ~aMJIaaq)

)l;AMAP XYHllHH (see fyyH-xox) )l;AM)l;HH Damdin (Hayagriva), N H~aM the protective deity Damdin (Tib. rta-mgrin) ,IJ;AM)I{AA 1. disputation undertaken for obtaining a religious degree (Buddh.), raB}KHHH N oapHX to be examined for the degree of ranac 2. course, ~aM}KaaH~ cypanuax to take a course

(Tib. dornbcol )l;AM)l{Hf doubt )l;AM)l{HffYH certain, question



)l;AM)l{HITAH unreliable, doubtful )l;AM)l{HH by way of, TOB~09P



,IJ;AMHAJI)l;AX to lie crossways ,IJ;AMHAJIwYllAX to hold or put crossways ,IJ;AMHAX 1. to carry by means of a pole 2. (T3p3r N) to pull a carriage by means of a pole held by two or more riders in front of them 3. to span, to lie across, § rOJI X9JmJI9H nasmacaa ryyp a bridge spanning a river, xoep OH ~aMHaH spanning two years, X3~ X3~3H xyynac nasraacaa HapHHH HpBHITaH XYCH3IT complicated tables covering several pages ,IJ;AMHYYP

via Tibet

,IJ;AM)l{HX to go by way of, to pass through, to go or pass from one person or place to another, ~aM)KHH oaropex BH3 transit visa, ~aM}KHH oHropyyJI3X aarn transit prison, ~aM}KHH oHropyyJI3X T33B3P transit traffic )l;AM)I{JlAfA 1. transfer, transmission,

,IJ;AMllAX (~aMJIaH xynannax) to resell, to retail, to traffic in, to speculate in, to peddle, ~aMJIaH xynannaansr xamrran speculative capital


1. carrying-pole

2. stretcher

,IJ;AMHYYPfA 1. carrying-pole; pole for pulling a carriage 2. litter 3. stretcher (med.) 4. rocker (mech.), ~aMHYYPrbIH rOJI rocker shaft ,IJ;AMHYYP)l;AX to carry with a carrying-pole ,IJ;AMHYYPqHH 1. oapYfH, 3YYH)





,IJ;AH)I{AA)J; manager of a Chinese (sometimes also a Russian) shop (hist.) (Chin.)



1. bankrupt (adj.) 2. worn


,IJ;AH)KJIAX to pawn out

MMIIYYPAfl.I bankrupt (n.) MMIIYYPAJI bankruptcy, failure, nasmyypam; opox to go bankrupt, ~aMIIYYpJIbIH xyyns bankruptcy law ,IJ;AMIIYYPAX to go bankrupt, to collapse, to fail, nasrrryypcaun TOOQO}K sapnax to declare bankrupt MMQAr oath (Buddh.) (Tib. dam-tshigs) ,IJ;AMqHH middleman, speculator AAMIIIHr

1. villain,



hang it!

MMIIIHrJIAJI tricks, trickery ,IJ;AMIIIHrJIAX to bluff, to bamboozle, to have on, to tease MMbIH (see ~aM I.), N spna gossip, rumour, N apaa nancraa rumour feeds on itself MH I. picul (unit of weight) (Chin.) ,IJ;AH 11.1. simple, single, N OYP33CT3H with a single covering (tent), N nanxap single and double, N nanraap Hb individually, one at a time, N MOTOQHKJI solo motorcycle, N HaHpan: lJYY (see lJYY 3.), N T3pJI3r unlined summer gown, N XOr}KMHHH instrumental (mus.), N WOJI beef tea 2. nothing but, only, NOHealone, on one's own, N raau alone, solely, just, no more than, merely, single, just one, N uasmaap in shirt-sleeves, § 3pr3H TOHpOH N yyn nothing but mountains all round (Chin.) ,IJ;AHArAP (N m'H3r3p) big, fine, handsome, N anxax to step firmly MHAHx to look splendid MHAJI3AX to act vigorously, to go to it MHrAAPon one's own, by oneself, in isolation, unilaterally MHrH hard, firm, stiff, N XOMOX to freeze hard MHrHHAX 1. to ring 2. to be fierce, to be hard, to be tight, nanraaaran XyJI3X to bind tightly, § rypsaa eCHHH xyfrr3H ~aHrHHa}K oalix ye~ in the coldest depths of winter 3. to be quick, to be smart 4. to scold ,IJ;AHJJ:AA

1. always 2.

nothing but

MHJJ:AH (N uranaa] repeated check (chess), N nranax to check repeatedly ,IJ;AHJJ:AHJIAX to check repeatedly ,IJ;AH,IJ;AH clanging, twanging, nan ~aHXHlix to clang, to twang MHJJ:AP tantra (Buddh.) (Skr.) ,IJ;AHJJ:AX to get thin and weak MH)K pledge (Chin.)

,IJ;AH)I{YYPTanjur (Tib. bstan-'gyur) ,IJ;AH3 cross-beams fitted between the two a wooden cart

lhills of

,IJ;AH3AH ,IJ;AABYY canvas ,IJ;AH-Hr musical notation (esp. Buddh.) ,IJ;AHC (N naar] account, accounts, account-book, files, register, xap N black list, xap naacaaaopox to get on a black list, XapHJIQax N current account, xyynra N copy register (in a banneroffice, etc.) (hist.), N oapHMT accounts, entries, N oo~ox to cast up accounts, N oypTr3JI register, records, N ~aBaaHbI a}l{}fJI book-keeping, N AYfyHJIax to close an account, to wind up an account, N AY'fYHpax to be closed, to be wound up, N Hb ynaax to be in the red, N H33Xto open an account, naacaan opyyrrax to pay in, naacaa yJIaHJIraX to go into the red, ~aHCHbI y~33C3~ opyynax to shelve, to pigeonhole, ~aHCHbI YH3 book value, N xaax to close an account, N xap (N xapaa) register, records, naacaaac xacax to write off, N XOTJIOrq bookkeeper ,IJ;AHCAAP by bank transfer, § TOOQoor 03JIH33P OOJIOH N XHHH3 payable in cash or by transfer ,IJ;AHCJIAX to register, to record, to catalogue, to enter or carry on the books ,I:(AHCTAH recorded, listed, booked, N JIaM officially registered lama (hist.) ,IJ;AHX teapot, QaXHJIraaH N electric kettle ,I:(AHXAHX to be top-heavy, to be cumbersome, to be lumbering ,IJ;AHXAJI3AX to lurch, to shamble, to move awkwardly ,I:(AHXAP top-heavy, cumbersome, unwieldy ,IJ;AHXAP,I:{AX to be top-heavy, to be cumbersome, to be unwieldy ,I:(AHXAP,I:(YY (see naaxap] ,I:(AHXrAHAX to rock, to sway ,I:(AHXHHT3JI bang!, crash! ,IJ;AHXHIfX to be lanky ,I:(AHXHP (see naaxap] ,I:(AHXPAA,IJ; jack (auto.), leg (motor-cycle) (Russ.) ,Il;AHIIIHr 1. the name of a service performed for the benefit of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu (see oaT OPWHJI), ~aHwrHHH aaanax sports festival held on the occasion of this service 2. (N MaH~an:) the offerings made to the Khutuktu at this service, N oprox to present a N to the Khutuktu, ~aHwrHHH QYBaa the procession of gifts presented to the Khutuktu (Tib. brtanbzhugs)


AAH BH ringing, twanging (adj.) AAPAA 1.1. otter. :>KHJlHHH - a year later, the year otter. TVYHHH - after him, aher that, § X3A3H cap months, 3MH3J1r33C rapcnaac XOHIII H3r capsm - a month aher leaving hospital 2. later, next, - AapaaqHHH successive, - :>KHJlHHH xasap in the spring of the following year, - :>KHJlYYA3A in later years, opox to come next to, to come next otter. to be lower than





AAPAA II. nuisance, hindrance, burden, trouble, drag, § OH qaMA on you

6oJloxryH I

AAPAArAAP otter. ing thoug ht, -


won't be a drag

60AO}K 6aHCHbI -

aher hav-

1. sequence,

order, priority, sequence of operations (mech.), napaannsrr XOHIIIJIyyJIax to give a reduced priority, 3rIIIrHHH - sequence of vowels 2. queue, - 30pqHX (AapaanJIbm JKYPaM aepxax] to jump the queue; queue-jumping a:>KHJlJIyyJIax -

,IJ;APAAJIAH in succession ,IJ;APAAJIAX 1. to put in order, to take in order, rypas napaanan three times running, }J{HJI napaanan ()KHJI napaanac] year after year, TOJIrOH napaanan one after the other, one and all, IIIHpX3r napaanaa item by item 2. to queue, napaanan sorcox to stand in line, to queue ,IJ;APAAC weight, ballast ,IJ;APAACTAH swamped, oppressed, uacaan buried in snow



in succession, in


,IJ;APAATAH II. a nuisance, burdensome, a drag ,IJ;APAAXAH just after, just afterwards ,IJ;APAAXb 1. next, the following, - Hb the next one. § - xyqHH 3yHJI the [ollowinq factors

2. post-, after, xaranaaasr -




,IJ;APAAq next, lollowinq ,IJ;APAAqHHH next, following, subsequent, § yyHHH - a)KHJI

the next job

,IJ;APABrAP 1. gaping, wide open, open mouth, big mouth

2. mug,




,IJ;APABq 1. spur (boot) 2. press-button, button, release

3. washer

,IJ;APAr,IJ;AACTAH covered with,

weighed down by years, TOOCOHA - to be covered with dust, qHM33ryH - to be hushed up, to be suppressed

,IJ;APAr,IJ;YYJIAX to suppress, to hush up ,IJ;APArIIIHX to be trodden down (grass, etc.) ,IJ;APAHJIrAX to stiffen, to make stiff

,IJ;APAHTAJI cri sply ,IJ;APAHX to go stiff ,IJ;APAJI3AX to move stiffly, to move crisply (banknotes, etc.) ,IJ;APAJIT 1. pressure, araapsm -

next, thereaher

,IJ;APAArHHH next, following, subsequent, later ,IJ;APAAJIAJI



- covered with dust and dirt

,IJ;APAr,IJ;AJI pressure ,IJ;APAr,IJ;AX to be pressed, to be weighed down, to be overcome, to be overwhelmed, 60AOJIA - to be deep in thought, aacann - to be


-) atmospheric pressure, 6ara - low pressure, HX - (OHAOP -) high pressure, OCMOC - osmotic pressure, oanep napanrsm high-pressure (ad(), XHHH - air pressure, QYCHbI - blood pressure, QYCHbI - 6araAax OBqHH hypotension, QYCHbIHXA3X OBqHH hypertension, napanraa X3M}KYYJI3X to get one's blood pressure taken, - X3M}KYYP pressure-gauge, barometer 2.i. keyboard (mus.) ii, key

,IJ;APAM: anra - a hand's breadth, anra - raaap a hand's breadth of land, anra - 3aHTaH a hand's breadth away, § anra AapMbIH XHPT3H X3C3r yc a patch of hair the size of one's palm, rypsaa xypyy - eprea three fingers' breadth wide, AOpBOH xypyy - 3Y3aaH oox fat four fingers' breadth thick, xypyy - ~OOH few and for between

,IJ;APAMT pressure, load, burden, weight, stress, § C3Tr3JI caaaansr - Y3YYJI3X to exert psychological pressure

,IJ;APAMTJIAX 1. to be a burden on 2. to oppress ,IJ;APAHrYHJIArq dictator (polit.) ,IJ;APAHrYHJIAJI dictatorship (polit.) ,IJ;APAHrYHJIAX to suppress, to oppress, npOJIeTapHHH - sacar dictatorship of the proletariate, napaaryanaa aaxapars dictator

,IJ;APAX 1. to press, to press down, to squash, to impress (a seal), yr - to erase or cover up a wrong word in printing-copy (xyl.), xaanra - to bar (a gate), xasaap - (see xasaap] 2. to suppress, to hush up, to conceal, napaa-mapnaaaa the truth will out, napcan q napsaax, 6yJICaH q the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth 3. to preserve, to put down 4. to cover, § nropooroop Aap}K33 they were covered with dust 5. to repress, to restrain, to suppress, to put down, nancasrr - to put down the enemy 6. to play (stringed instruments, accordion, etc.) 7. to hatch (see oanor] 6yJITaiix YH3H 6aHAan

,IJ;APBArAP gaping, mouth


wide mouth, gaping



,rw>BAilX to open wide, to gape AAPBHfHAX to prickle, to tingle, napaaraacaa ranryya aMT a burning, bitter taste ,rw>BHX to live it up, to have fun, to lark about ,rw>BYYJI sail, ~apBYYYJIT onron sailing-ship ,rw>fA head, chief, boss, chairman, commander, officer, oara - non-commissioned officer, IiHMAY-bIH AP~IH Hx XYPJIbIH T3PryyJI3~HilH - Chairman of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the MPR, XOPOOHbI regimental commander, myy~ saxapax - immediate superior (mil.), - naasran boss, napranaa saxaparnaxrva oaHx insubordination (mil.), ManraH a type of peaked cap, - MHH~aITaH boss

,IJ;APJIAX 1. to oppress, to press down on, to subdue, to coerce, napnar-r aara oppressing class, oppressor class, napnaa M9JIJKHX to exploit, xyu XYU33 napnaa M9JIJKHX ee the exploitation of man by man 2. (~apJIaH ~OPOM}KJIox) to insult, to humiliate, to vilify ,IJ;APMAJI 1. printed, OHlIM3JI - cynap handwritten and printed books 2. print style, - YC3r print style script 3. pressed, - apran winter dung compressed and kept in heaps 4. stored ,IJ;APMAJIJIAX 1. to print to write in print style ,IJ;APC

1. wine,


(~apManJIaH OHllHX)

1KHMCHHH - fruif-wine, opmJIYYH

- [xeocepner -) sparkling wine, napcasr xyqHJI (see XyqHJI) , napcasr lIYJIYY tartar 2. spirits distilled with fruit, berries, etc. ,IJ;APcAilx to get rough, to get hard ,IJ;APCfAP rough, hardened

AAPfAil stiff

,IJ;APTC darts, ~apTCbIH oaH dart board

,rw>fAJIAflI president, myyxxypan - president of the court

,IJ;APYH 1. (T3p -) tmrnedlotely, straight away, thereupon 2. indeed, in fact, § HapHHH lIHMXJIYYP aJKHJI - MOH it really is a fiddly job

AAPfAJIAX 1. to be in charge of, to preside over, to chair, xypan - to chair a meeting 2. to command, - OYP3~3XYYH officers AAPfAJIYYJIAX to put in command of ,rw>fAHI(AP jack-in-office AAPfAP 1. stiff, hardened with spread ing horns

2. spreading,

- 3B3PT

AAPfAPXAX to be bossy . AAPfHA swiM stream flOWing over pebbles AAPrHJIAX to bubble, to seethe AAPrHYJIAX to boil up, to let seethe AAPfHX to bubble, to seethe

,IJ;APYH):J: as soon as, just otter ,IJ;APYHXAH (see ~apyH


,IJ;APYY (- oyp3r, - ~9JIr90H, - HOMXOH, - T9JI9B) modest, mild-mannered, self-effacing, polite, 3aH modesty ,IJ;APYYJI key (typewriter, etc.), knob, yxpaax - carriage return key


,IJ;APYYJIAX 1. to fasten down, to strap down, ~aPYYJIaHoex to sew down, to couch 2. to wash down (medicine, etc.), to chase (a drink) 3. to get suppressed, to get hushed up

AAP,n;AHIIIYYJIAX to harden (a road)

,n;APYYJIfA 1.1. securing device, clasp, strap, XOXHHH - brassiere, - oye safety-belt (auto.), oocop cords securing the roof-ring of the tent, yrac couching thread 2. woman's hair-clasp for fastening a plait (hist.) 3. metal plates for securing the saddle-cushion (OJIOHu;or) 4. drink to wash down food or medicine 5. truss

AAPAAHX to get stiff, to get hard ,rw>AAHI. hard, hardened, -3aMhighway, road ,IJ;AP,IJ;AH II. pustular dermatitis (also aMPYY,

uroaer ap. see cysnnaa] ,IJ;AP,IJ;AC impression (from a printing block, etc.)

,IJ;APYYJIfA II. discipline, obedience

,IJ;APAACTAH stamped


,IJ;AP,IJ;fAP stiff, hardened

,IJ;APX handicraft, craft, ypaa - croft. croltsrnonship

,IJ;AP)KHBTAP poorly off

1. modest 2.

sostenuto (mus.)

AAP)KHfHAX to rattle (hand-drum, etc.)

,IJ;APXA)]; Darkhad (people of the Khovsqol area)

AAP)KHHX (see napnaax]

,n;APxAilx to be bulky, to be unwieldy

,IJ;AP)KHH poor, - aHMar a poor aimag, xysuac poor clothes

,n;APXAH 1. (- xyu) smith, croftsrncn. MOHr9HHH - silversmith, napxmarasap workshop 2. exempt from taxation (hist.) 3. sacred, set aside, reserved, MaHaHYJIebIH - XHJI the sacred frontier of our country, - rasap (- uaasar rasap] reserve, park, fOBHHH HX napxaa rasap the Great Gobi Reserve, YU~3eHHH - rasap national park, - uaasar (- naasraa] protected,

,IJ;APHfAHfA Dariganga (area in the south-east of Mongolia) AAPHfAHfAqyy,IJ; Dariganga people AAPJIAJI oppression, - ~OPOM}KJIOJI insult, humiliation, - MOJI:>KHJI (- MOJI}KJIOr) exploitation

- 3pX rights, prerogative, ~HnJIOMaT - 3pX diplomatic immunity AAPXH (YHaHfH -, - MO~) fallen tree AAPXJIAA immunity (med.), napxnaansr OJI~OJI ~MarmJIbIH XaMIIlHIDK ,IJ;O,IO( acquired

immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS, - cynnarx immunologist, napxnaansr TOITOJIQOO immune system ,IJ;APXJIAJI ,IJ;APXJIAJI

I. craft, craftwork II. immunity (med.), - cynnaax immu-

nologist, - cynnan immunology, napxnansm TOITOJIQOO immune system, - TOITOX to take (immunization), napxnansm XOMC~OJI TYCax XaMWHH}K ,IO(TX, (- OJI~MOJI XOMC~OJI (,IJ;OX) OBtIHH, napxnansm O~MOJI XOMC~bIH XaMWHH}K, - XOMC~bIH XaMIIlHH}K OBtIHH, XOMC~OX XaMIIlHH}K ,IJ;XXIII) acquired immune

deficiency syndrome,


II.) I. to work, to forge, to make,

1. affectionate, friendly to, accustomed to




AACAMXAM (see ~aCaM'ITaH) AACAX to get used to, XOOPOH~OO - to get used to each other, naccan raspsm ~aaBYY 300JIOH, there's no place like home, nacaa 30XHQOX

[nacaa H~33WHX) to get used to, to adapt to, WHH3 OptIHH)J; nacaa 30XHQOX to ada pt to a new environment, nacasc H}KHJIC3X to get used to, to learn to get on with, oHe OHe~33 nacaac H}KHJIC3X to get used to each other ,IJ;ACBAH reindeer calf in the second year AACrAJI


1. (- cypryyns]




,IJ;ACrAJI)KYYJIArq trainer

,IJ;APXJIAJIT (see napxnan


- to work in iron

11.1. to set aside from general use, to reserve, to exempt, to protect, napxancan OH protected forest, ~apXJIaH OHrOJIOX (~apXJIaH uaaanax] to make into a sanctuary, ~apXJIaH xasrraanax to protect 2.i. to immunize ii. immunization 3. to exempt from taxation (hist.)


,IJ;APXqYYJI crahsmen, smiths ,IJ;APQAArAAP again and again, repeatedly ,IJ;APQAr small flag, pennant, XHH MOpb - wind-

horse flag, good luck flag, uaraan - white flag, napuraap ~OXHX to signal by flag ,IJ;APQArJIAX to fly like a flag, to look like a flag flying, napuarnan )J;aBXHX to gallop along looking like a flag flying, napuarnan XHHC3X to fly

(skirts, etc.) ,IJ;APQArJIYYJIAX to flaunt

1. silage, napunrsr Hyx silage pit, silo preserve




AACrAJI)KHX to train, to practise




1. to make silage, - 300Pb silo 2. to put down, to preserve, }KHMC - to put down fruit


,IJ;APb gunpowder, xap - black powder ,IJ;APbrAHrA (see Ilaparanra]

1. the goddess Tara 2. prayer to the goddess Tara, HorOOH - the Green Tara and also her prayer, Ilaraaa - the White Tara and also her prayer (see also Llaraaa Ilap] 3. a goddess

,IJ;APb 3X

,IJ;AP 3X (see ,IJ;apb 3X) ,IJ;ACAJI familiar, used to, - OOJIOX to get used to


1. to train (trans.) 2. to run in

(mech.) AACfAX to accustom, to tame, to train, nacran nyraruryynax to acclimatize, nacran cyprax to tame, nacraa Yp}KYYJI3X to cultivate (a virus,

etc.) AACMAf habitual, - MyJITpan (see MyJIT}lan) ,IJ;AX cloak of skin with the hair outside. - nanxau cloak, rain-cloak, naxaa nopooc 3P ~aaXHH nopooc MOpb great oaks from little acorns grow

,IJ;AXHM again ,IJ;AXH)K

1. again 2.

times, X3~ - many times

,IJ;AXHJIT recurrence, relapse

1.1. again, re-, - OOJIOBcpyyJIaX to recycle, - nasrarnax to be done repeatedly, to be done again and again; repetitive, - ~aBTaH (-) again and again, repeatedly, - )J;aBTcaH repeated, - ~aBTcaH X3P3IT3H recidivist, H3ITr3X to reunify, - xysaapanax to redeploy (a workforce, etc.) 2. times, -fold, OJIOH - many times, TaB - HX five times as great, xoep H3M3r~3}K doubling, X3~ - many times, repeated Iy, § aTOMbIHOOMoorHOOC rY'lHH TaB - HJIyy tIa)J;aJITaH thirty five times as powerful as the atomic bomb, )J;0POB - H3M3r)J;3X OOJIHO it will be increased four-fold, ypr Hb oprOHOOCOO xoep - HX oaft:)J;ar its length is twice its breadth,


xasrac MO)J; 3X OHtIr33C H3r - QOOH oaft:)J;aroaHB

the printing-blocks were half as many as the copy-sheets (xyl.) ,IJ;AXHH II. all, whole, epTOHQ- the whole world, )J;3JIXHH )J;aXHHbI world (adi.), world-wide

,IJ;ACAJIT adaptation

,IJ;AXHX to recur

,IJ;ACAMrAM habitual

,IJ;AXJIAM late-born, born in autumn (Iamb, kid)

126 AAXb in, at, § TaJIOaH ~ XYMYYC the people in the square

ago, in ancient times, W1BaHrapaac YJIaM}KJIar~CaH handed down from long ago, W1BaHrapbIH X3p3r old stuff, something antediluvian ,IJ;HBH3 division (mil.) (Russ.)

(Tib. grva-tshang)

,IJ;HfBAPAHIJ; Scorpion

MIIIHHH IIIOf IiOJIOX to come to a bad end

,IJ;HfYf sword, chopper

MIIIHHfA shelf, ledge

,IJ;HE3 sharp (mus.) (Russ.)

MIIIHHfAT wardrobe with shelves

,IJ;HE3T3H sharp, sharpened (mus.)

MQAH college in a lamasery

MIIIJIAX to stand side by side

(Tib. gri-gug)

,IJ;H3AHHEP (see ~H3aHHq)

,IJ;AIIIMAf flask, water-bottle, MO~OH ~ wooden flask

,IJ;H3AHHtI designer, XYB~aCHbI'-' dress-designer

MIIIPAMoccasion, chance, ~allIpaM~X3JI3X3~ incidentally, by the way

,IJ;HHM3X to put the phone down on

,IJ;H3EJIb diesel, '-'·~aXHJIraaH diesel-electric

MIIIPAM):p'YJIAX to take advantage of

,IJ;HH3 saucer (Chin.)

M.H: ~ ~33ryyp allover the place, .-. OJIOH everyone, the whole world

,IJ;HH.JI,IJ;3X to lose, to be defeated, HOHPOH~OO .-. to be overcome by sleep

M.HAH meditation, contemplation

,IJ;HHJI3f,IJ;3IIIrYH invincible

M.HAHtI hermit, anchorite, ascetic, .-. xass Hermit Crab

,IJ;HHJI3Hf3 predominating

M.HAHtIJIAX to go into meditation, to live as a hermit M.HAP throughout, everywhere, ~3JIXHH .-. worldwide, OpOH'-' (YJIC~) nation-wide M.Hf I. Tibetan-Mongol bilingual dictionary M.Hf II. (~}KypaM) order, procedure

,IJ;HHJI3HX 1. majority 2. predominant, overwhelming, .-. OJIOHXH overwhelming majority ,IJ;HHJI3X 1. to overcome, to beat, to get the better of, to win 2. to manage, to cope with, aapnnsrr ~ to cover expenses, TOJI}K ~HHJI3xryH to be unable to afford, § aaoraa ~ Hb yy can you cope with your work?, HyJIHMCaa Oapb}K W1HJI3XryH to be unable to hold back one's tears

M.HJIAJI trajectory, capnsr .-. the path of the moon

,IJ;HJIEPdealer (fin.)

,IJ;A.HJIAX to follow a path, to travel

,IJ;HJIEP,IJ;3X to deal (fin.)

M.HJIYYP deviation, driM (of a projectile)

,IJ;HHAM dynamo (Russ.)

,IJ;A.HHwhole, all, entire, .-. aspara supreme champion (title given to a champion wrestler), .-. ~3JIXHH the whole world, .-. ~33P everywhere, universally M.HH ,IJ;33PXH Dayan Deerkhi (name of a shamanist god)

,IJ;HIIJIOMAT 1. diplomat 2. diplomatic, ~ xapanuaa diplomatic relations, ~ xapanuaaraa C3pr33X to restore diplomatic relations, .-. xapanuaaraa TaCJIax to break off diplomatic relations, .-. xapanuaa TOITOOX to establish diplomatic relations

,IJ;E)I{YP (see }KH}KYYP)

,IJ;HIIJIOMATtI diplomat

,IJ;E)I{YPJI3X (see }KH}KyypJI3X)

,IJ;HCAA HAPbIH IiAJIrAC mirage (Tib. dri-zci grong)

,IJ;EJIHH 3AfAC Dolphin, Porpoise ,IJ;ECAHT landing, .-. oyyJIrax to effect a landing, to land (mil.) (Russ.)

,IJ;HCK disk (computer, etc.), nasep ~ compact disk, yHH .-. floppy disk, xaTYY ~ hard disk, W1CKHHH TOXOOpOM}K disk drive, ~HCK3H XOJIOOO (see XOJIooo)

,IJ;ETAJIb component, part, § 03JI~IWY~33 uaaur Hb OOJIOBcpyyJI}K .-. XHHx to process the workpieces further into components (Russ.)

,IJ;HCIIAHCEP health-centre, clinic (Russ.)


,IJ;HCIIAHCEPtIJIAJI health-centre system

,IJ;HBAAlK.HH (Buddhist or Christian) paradise, the next world (Tib. bde-ba-can)

,IJ;HCIIAHCEPtIJIAX to treat in health-centres, to set up health-centres

,IJ;HBAH (see W1BaHrap), .-. ransaac HaaUI from ancient times, .-. raJIBbIH ancient, antediluvian

,IJ;HCIIETqEP traffic-controller,

,IJ;HBAHrAP Dipangkara, one of the Buddhas of the past, ans ~HBaHrapT (3pT.-. ~aIT) long long

,IJ;HXYJIYY Chinese Artichoke, Stachys Sieboldii (also ,IJ;YH Horoo)




,Il;lIU nickel


,Il;JIIJ;T3X to nickel-plate, to plate, § AH~T3H3 f3}K 33C M3T oyca~ TOMOp 3~JI3JIHHH ~OTOP ransrr 3aHJI}K OHfOJIOXHHf X3JIH3 plating means coating the inside of copper and other metal vessels

,D;OrHQYYJI old hands

,D;HIJ;3,D;M3JI nickel-plated, plated

,D;OfHOMX to stick around, to stay around

,D;OB (N ~3B~3r, N COH):O'YJI) mound, hummock, hillock, XapMarHHH N hummock produced round a Xapsrar bush, IIIOprOOJI}K}IbI N antTOJIrO~ hillocks, § Opoc MaXHPC, heap, MOHrOJI Asap 33p3r COOfOH~OP COH~YYJI yycr3HypraHa Subshrubs like Lycium ruthenicum and Co//igonum mongo/icum create hummocks as they grow

,D;OfOJI 1.1. (N oyJIaH) corner, N ryAaM}K blind alley, cul-de-sac, N MOp paragraph, N MOp raprax to start a new paragraph, to indent 2. imperfect, unsatisfactory 3. tongue (mech.), N XOBHJITOH tongued and grooved 4. rebate



,D;OBfOP sticking forward, protruding, pouting ,D;OB)I{OO 1. pedestal, plinth 2. doorstep 3. porch ,D;OB)I{OOJIOX to lay a foundation ,D;OB)I{YYPfA doorstep ,D;OBOPXOf hilly ,D;OBTJIOfO (see ~OBTOJIroo) ,D;OBTJIOrtl forward, striker (sport) ,D;OBTJIOX 1. to rush forward, to hurry 2. to attack ,D;OBTOJIfOO attack, aggression, MOHfOJIbIH N the Mongol invasions ,D;OBTOJIfOX to hurry, to race

the old soldier

,D;OfOJI II. (xaJIABapT N, N OBlJHH) necrobacillosis (infectious disease of the hoof in livestock) (see oaHBpara, OaJI~PYY, CO~pOf) ,D;OfOJI,D;OJI hold-up, hitch, interruption, lapse, irregularity, failing, 3aH cypTaXYYHbI N moral failing, N nyrarnan (N raacar] fault AOfOJIAOX 1. to work or to run irregularly 2. to be set back, not to be in line AOfOJIOJIT lameness, limping AOfOJIOH lame, limping ,D;OfOJIOX to limp AOfOJITOM (N A3f3JIT3H) uneven, rough, jerky AOfOH A3f3H (see A3f3H noron] AOfOHIJ;OX 1. to hop 2. to wobble

,D;OBTOJIT (N ~aHpaJIT) attack

,D;OfOqHX to limp, to be unsteady

AOBIJ;Of hillock, knoll, rise, hump

AOfIIIHA the (eight) terrible deities, and the prayers offered to them

AOf finial, decoration on the top of a temple-roof, etc., A33P33 norroa TOTro brazier pillars with a finial on top, }KYY3HbI N finial on a sedan-chair, ~OfT }KaH~aH victorious banner with a finial, § CyM AYfaHbI OpOH naxs lJHM3r oyroy N-raH}K}fp the decorations or finials on temple-roofs

AOfIIIHH 1. (N AOpHYH, N x3p~mH, N IIIHPYYH) fierce, savage, ruthless, violent, NHBaHIvan the Terrible 2. (N xsnpsr] brittle ,D;OrIIIPOJI fury, rage ,D;OrIIIPOX to get fiercer, to be enraged, to be maddened, to go wild

,D;OfAP Coryopteris, C. mongo/ico (bot.), MOHfOJI N C. mongo/ico (a/so BMaaH 3B3P, Cypmp), Ilorapsm oaor Verbena Family, Verbenaceae

,D;Ofb 1. seasoned, experienced, N TOJIfOH an old hand .2. good, fine, HMap N B3 jolly good!, what luckl

,D;Of,D;JIOJI trembling, thrill, throbbing, C3Tf3JImfH excitement

,D;OfbIIIPOX to be experienced, to gain experience

AOfAJIOHrYH excited, nervous, emotional

AOAHfOP self-important, boastful, swanky

AOfAJIOOH excitement

AOAHMX to puff oneself up, to be too big for one's boots


AOfAJIOX (C3Tf3JI N)to be excited, to be worked up

A0,D;OM,IJ;JIOfO care, attention

,D;Of,D;JIYYJIAX to excite, XYHHH C3Tr3JIHHr N to excite people

A0,D;OM,IJ;OX 1. to look aher 2. to patch up, to repair

,D;Of,D;JIYYH excited

,D;OEfOHYYJIAX to wield, to move this way and that, casx to wield chopsticks

,D;Of,D;OJIfOX to excite ,D;Of)I{HP 1. a rite for repelling evil 2. the ritual object used in this ritual (Tib. prob. zlog-'gyur)


,D;OEfOP crooked, bent AOEHMJIfOX to bend over, to hook over

,D;Of)l{OP (see ~or}K}fp)

,D;OEHMX to be crooked, to be bent

AOrHPXOX to boast of one's exploits, to come

,D;OEJI30X to flutter, to move this way and that


~OJIwrAAP seventh, --. cap july


~OJIHrOHOJI flattery

~OEOPOX to go astray ~OEOPYYJIAX to lead astray, to corrupt [sorneone's] mind


caaaar --.

~OJIHrOHOX to flatter, to make up to, to curry favour with ~OJIHrOHYYP sycophantic

~OJIHHX to squint

~OH thread-cross or thread-cross ceremony, used for repelling demons (Buddh.) (Tib. mdos)


~OHJIYYP dollar

~OJIHHrOp experienced, tried


~OJIHHrOPIIIHX to be experienced, to be an old hand

I. (see AOJIOH)

~OJI II. experience of life, --. ~OXHX to go through the mill, --. ~OXHCOH veteran, seasoned

(see AOJIHrOHox)

~OJIHP squinting, cross-eyed

~OJIrnJIOX 1. to undulate 2. to be agitated

,IJ;OJIJIoro,IJ;OX to lacquer, to varnish

~OJIrnH fiery, spirited, --. aanrraa ited horse

~OJIOH bast, phloem



a spir-

(see AOJIrHoH)

~OJIrnOJIOX to make waves, to be wavy, to

Sitta europea


undulate ~OJIrnOH 1. wave,

oonmo --. short waves, short-wave, AYHA --. medium waves, ~A AOJIrHOHT medium-wave, ,IJyyHbI --. sound waves, ypr --. long waves, ypr AOJIrHOHT long-wave, ~OXHJIT --. (~OXHX --.) shock wave, X3T OOrHHO --. very short waves, X3T oorHHO AOJIrHOHT very high frequency, VHF, --. OapHr1J tuner (radio), --. MaHITaH undulating, wave-like , --. caaTYYJIax X3p3rC3JI jamming apparatus, AOJIrHOHbIrTaapYYJIax to tune in, AOJIrHOHbI ypr wavelength, --. X3JI03PT3H corrugated 2. wavelength oorHHO AOJIrHOHT

~OJIrnOHT corrugated ~OJIrnOHTOX


~OJIrnOHTYYJIAX to make wavy, to put a wave in ~OJIrnOPOX to be crumpled

~OJIrnOT undulating ~OJIrnOTOX 1. to undulate, to wave 2. to be waved, to be wavy ~OJIrnOTYYJIAX to

wave, to put a wave in

(hair) ~OJIrnCOX

~OJIOH30H Nuthatch,


to surge

~OJIrnX to undulate ~OJIrOMU;Or

(see AOJIrOH~or) ~OJIrOMU;OrJIOX (see AOJIrOH~OrJIOx) ~OJIrOHU;Or greedy, rapacious, voracious

~OJIrOHU;OrJIOX to be greedy, to be grasping, to be voracious

~OJI~rOHOX to fawn on, to suck up to ~OJI~OH (--. OHJIAYY'I, --. 3yHrap) hypocritical, insincere, toadying, fawning, sucking up

~OJI,IJ;OHJIOX to be a hypocrite, to suck up

go on about it, AOJIOOH rOJITOH tenacious of life, robust, --. AOPA0}K HaHM A33PA3X (--. 0YA3P1J HaHM C3X3X) to come up smiling, AOJIOOH YYJIbIH uaaryyp over the hills and far away, --. XOHor week, AapaarHHH --. XOHor next week, a}KJIbIH TaBaH OAOpT3H --. XOHor five day working week, --. XOHor TyTaM xoep ynaa twice a week, --. XOHor TyTMbIH weekly, --. XOHOOA in a week's time, --. XOHOX to spend a week, --. X3M}J{H}K H3r OITJIOX look before you leap, --. nrapxancaa 1JOHO a real old hand, AOJIOOH 3PA3H3 the Seven Gems (Buddh.) (wheel, jewel, Wife, minister, elephant, horse, general)

Crataegus, qacC. sanguinea ~OJIOO~OH I. Trientalis (bot.), Eapon --. Chickweed Wintergreen, T. europaea

,IJ;OJIOOrOHO Hawthorn, ynaaa --.

,IJ;OJIOO,IJ;OH II. a type of tangram or seven-piece game consisting of three squares, two rectangles and two triangles

,IJ;OJIOO,IJ;OXb seventh ,IJ;OJIOowrAAP seventh ,IJ;OJIOOJIrOX 1. to get licked 2. to skim off, to trim down, MOp XOOPOHAbIH saar --. to skim off the wood between the lines (xyl.) qyJIyy --. to I

play ducks and drakes ~OJIOOH 1. absolutely, AOJIOOH

(see AOJIOO) 2. much more, really, AOJIOOH



ten times worse, sorts of, AOJIOOH 30B


absolutely right


(HX --.) the Great Bear, the Plough, the Big Dipper, Charles's Wain, oara --. the Little Bear, the Little Dipper

,IJ;OJIOOX to lick ,IJ;OJIOOU; I. (--. mopoo) salt-lick ,IJ;OJIOOU; II. seventh (mus.)

AOJIPOX I. to peel off, to come off AOJIPOX II. to be hardened, to be an old hand AOJIYYJI seven together, all seven AOJIb the offspring of an OpTOOM AOM I. magic, magic ceremony, magic medicine, folk-medicine, AOMbIH ec magic, N 3aCaJI quackery, magic medicine, xap AOMbIH cynap manual of folk-medicine

AOM II. examination or disputation undertaken before ordination as r3BIII, AOMbIH AaM}Kaa oapHX (N TaBHX) to take such an examination

,n:OMIiO jug, can, pot (Tib. Idong-mo) ,n:OMIiOHX to shrink, to be drawn back, to be pushed back

,n:OMIiOP a plucked stringed instrument (used especially by Kazakhs in Mongolia)

,n:OMIiOP,n:OX to play the AOMOOP ,n:OMIiOPqHH AOMoop-player ,n:OMHOJIrO doctoring ,n:OMHOOq (see AOWl) ,n:OMHOX 1. to treat by unorthodox means, to deal in magic 2. to get by somehow or other, to manage by hook or by crook, § aJKJIaa apaH n aorcooxaxoorya AOMHO}K oaiiB we just managed to keep the work on the go

,n:oMor legend, N 3yH mythology, N uracrap (N spaa] tales, legends

,n:OMOr)KHX to become a legend, to become legendary

,n:OMOrJIOX I. (AoMornoH RpHX) to tell a legend ,n:OMOrJIOX II.1. to make fun of, to poke fun at

2. to pretend, to sham ,n:OMOIT legendary ,n:OMTH (N Q9C) bear's gall (Tib. dom-mkhris) ,n:OMq 1. physician, medical man (hist.), 3W1


doctors 2. quack-doctor, quack

,n:OH 1. evil spirit, demon 2. mania, obsession, addiction, noaroo napax to satisfy one's addiction, TyccaH mad keen on, apXHHbI ryccaa N


alcoholic, addicted to drink, II1yrn3N addict, N urvrnsx to be addicted (Tib. gdon) N

,n:OHrHO dull, obtuse, slow-witted ,n:OHrO (N fiaara] reprimand ,n:OHrO,n:OJIT calling, crying, singing (bird) ,n:OHrO,n:OX I. to call, to cry, to sing (bird) ,n:OHrO,n:OX II. to reprimand, xaryy to repriN

mand severely, to give a severe reprimand

,n:OHrOp male reindeer in the third year ,n:OHrOCOJIT chattering, nonsense ,n:OHrOCOX 1. (A3MHH N) to' chatter, to talk nonsense 2. to tell a whopper



A0H,IJ;OP external title-label for a book-wrapper (xyl.) ,n:OH)I{ (N T9pX, N xanfisp] form, shape, pattern AOlDKJIor (see AOH}KTOH) AOIDKTOH shapely, elegant ,n:OHHA (see AOMTH) ,n:OHHP attendant on a high lama (Tib. prob. dkon-gnyer)

,n:OHKPA)]; (see naaxpaan] ,n:OHOrOJI30X (C3IT3n N) to worry, to wonder ,n:OHPOO name of a kind of soh stone used in traditional medicine (Tib.) ,n:OHCJIOX 1. to be shaken, to be jolted 2. (C3IT3n N) to be upset ,n:OHCOJIrOO shaking, jolting, aasrcraru N


,n:OHCOJIrOX 1. to shake 2. (C3Tr3n N) to upset ,n:OHTON addict ,n:OHTOH mad keen (on), obsessed (by), addicted (to), apXHHbI N alcoholic, addicted to drink, Oy}KI"HHH N mad on dancing

,n:OHTOH addict, apXHHbI alcoholic (n.) ,n:OHTOP (see AOHAOP) ,n:OHTOX to be addicted, to be obsessed, N

9BlIHH addiction,



9Blff3H addicted, AOHTOH

yyx to drink obsessively ,n:OHXrop top-heavy ,n;OHXOHX to be top-heavy ,n;OHXOJI30X to wobble, to sway ,n;OHXOP top-heavy ,n;OHIIIHX I. to wander about, to gad about ,n;OHIIIHX II. to go on talking, to keep on ,n;OHIIIYYP peddling, itinerant, naM itinerant N


HaHMaa travelling-trade, peddling, HaHMaallHH pedlar N


,n;OHIIIYYPJIAX to travel around (agent of a Chinese shop, etc.)

,n;OHIJIYYqJIAJI loafing,




,n;OHIJIYYqJIAX to loaf, to hang around, to prowl around

,n;OHbT (see AOMrn)

,n;00 cap of a knife-handle ,n;OOBTOP doctor ,n;oor mockery, ridicule, oonox to become a N

laughing-stock, 099H oonox to make a real fool of oneself, N XHiix (N TOXyy XHHx) to make fun of, to ridicule N



,n;OIIHHf drugs, doping (sport) ,n;OP 1. under, a:>KHrJIanThIH under observation, § X3HHH 1I -- opoxryH to be inferior to no one 2. below, -- tJ;yptJ;caH the following, the undermentioned, § nopoocoo apas naxs MOP the tenth N

,n;OOfJIOHn'H mocking, sneering ,n;OOfJIOX to laugh at, to ridicule ,n;OOITOH mocking, scornful, sneering ,n;OOrYYP 1. below, under, underneath, to pass underneath,




sypax to underline,

YH3JI3X to undervalue 2. low,


anoaH rymaan


subordinate appointment

,n;OOrYYPXH underneath, sub-, rasap



ranean, underground

,n;00,n; lower,

N oyr3Q infrastructure, N sax Hb at the lowest, N Tan Hb at least, N THB the world below, the underworld, N yJIaaH infra-red, N X3C3r lower part

,n;Oo,n;OC the lower classes, the lower orders ,n;Oo,n;OX 1. under, sub-, apscasr subcutaneous N



,n;OO,n;qYYJI underlings, inferiors ,n;00,n;IIIHB33 Mongol Kyakhta, Maimaichen ,n;OO}l{ poorer part, poorer ones ,n;OO}l{OO appearance, -- MYYTaH not up to much, not much to look at

,n;OO}l{OOfYH not up to much, not much to look at

,JJ;OOHOP donor (blood, organs) ,JJ;OOP (see nop] ,n;OOPOMliO title of a degree in philosophical studies (QaHHtJ;) (Buddh.) (Tib.) ,n;OOPXH (see tJ;OpXH) ,n;OOXHYYP a little below, just below ,n;OOXOH lower ,JJ;OOIII down, downwards, N ryHJIr3X (N cyynrax] to have diarrhoea, -- cyyx to subside, to cave in

,JJ;OOrnrYH not less than, § H3r3H Oyr3H xonorooc -- xyranaann for a period of not less than 24 hours, XOpHH TaBaH caHTHMeTp33C ypr oocop a tie not less then twenty-five em. in N


,n;OOIIIHJICOH diminished (mus.) ,JJ;OOIIIJIOJIT drop, fall ,JJ;OOIIIJIOX to come down, to go down, to sink, to fall, tJ;OOIIIJIOH cyyx to settle (earth, etc.) ,n;OOIIIJIYYJIAX 1. to bring down, to lower

2. to

flatten (mus.)

,JJ;OOIIIJIYYJIrA flat (n.) (mus.) ,JJ;OOIIIOO down, downwards, -- oyyx to come down, -- xapax to look downwa rds, -- cyynrax to have diarrhoea

line from the bottom 3. inferior, N opox to deteriorate, to decline, xasan at least, at the very least, § lIH anryyc Manaac N you are inferior to a beast (liter.) 4. N OYPHHtJ;33 (N OYPH33, N OYPT33, -- oyptJ; Hb, N nopoo] individually, each for himself, -- tJ;OPbIH individual, respective S. H3r-- (seeH3r) 6.i. --Hb there and then, at once, on the spot ii. underneath it N

,n;OPBH}I{YY (see tJ;opBHJIOr) ,n;OPBHJIOf 1. capable 2. of good quality, solid


massive, solid

,n;OPBHTOH capable, effective, -- apra X3M}K33 effective measures

,n;OPBOrOp bulging,f1eshy, pouting (lips) ,n;OPrHJIOX to shake, to shudder ,n;oprHJIT tremor, shaking, jolt ,n;OPrHO shaking, concussion, jolt, tJ;OHCOJIrOO N

shaking, jolting

,n;OPrHOX to shake (trans.) ,n;OPrHYJIAX to shake, to rattle (trans.) ,n;OPrHYP vibrator (mech.) ,JJ;OPrHX to shake, to vibrate, to rattle ,JJ;opro Badger, Metes metes ,n;OPrYH every bit as good as, TOMP90C



bit as good as iron

,n;OP,JJ; lower, inferior, Y33X to look down on ,n;op,JJ;JIoro fall, decline, HaCHbI declining N



,JJ;op,JJ;or a ceremony of exorcism (Buddh.) (Tib. gtor-zlog)

,JJ;OP,JJ;OHX to get hard, to get stiff ,JJ;OP,JJ;OC low-class people ,JJ;OP,JJ;OX 1. to decline, to get worse, to go downhill


to be low

,n;OP}I{}I{O,n;BA (Vajracchedika)




(Tib. rdo-r]e gcod-pa)

,n;OP}I{JIOBOH title of the head, or director of studies, of two of the colleges of Urga (}I{ytJ; and ,JJ;3tIHHranaB) (Tib.) ,n;OP}I{ITAJIAM diamond (Tib. rdo-rje-pha-Iam) ,n;OPHYH quite good, not so bad, -- aaIIITaH in quite a good mood

,JJ;OPHYXAH (see tJ;opHYH) ,JJ;OPHO 1. east, eastern, -- 3yrHHH eastern, in the east, -- tJ;aXHHbI oriental, eastern, of the east


the East


AOPHOA 1. east, eastern, rOBHHH X3C3r the eastern port of the Gobi, AOpHOAbIH CaJIXH the east wind 2. the East, AyHAaA the Middle East, OHPXH the Near East

~OTHhIH familiar, intimate

AOPHhIH eastern, oriental

,1l;OTOrIII in, inside, inwards,





AOPOrIII less than, below, MeTp33C


less than

a metre


opox to go inside

,n;OTOrIIInOX to go in, to move inwards ,n;OTOrIIInyynAX to move inwards, to bring

AOPorIIInox to decline, to go down

towards the centre

AOPOrIIInyynAX to toke down, to pull down

AOTOrIIIOO (see nororm]

AOPOH (- oyypaH, - HAYY) feeble, weak, poor,

,n;OTOOA internal, inner, - A3H Inner Asia, aCYYAaJI internal questions, internal affairs, OOAJIOrO internal policy, home affairs, naxs internal, - A3r (fW )KypaM} regulations, fW yHMB3PHHH home-produced, Iloroonsrr


AOPOHTOn decline AOPOHTOX to decline, to get worse, to decoy, to fade, to be reduced



AOPOHTYYnAX to bring down, to bring low

xasrraanax rasap Office of Internal Security (hist.), - X3p3r internal affairs, myypJIHHH

AOPOM torma, offering mode of dough (Buddh.)

oyJIqHpXaH (see 0YJIqHpxaH)

(Tib. gtor-ma)


,1l;OTOO,n; YXAAH (see yxaaa 3.)

AOPOM)I{ bose, mean, low AOPOM)I{JIOn insult, humiliation AOPOM)I{JIOX 1. to insult, to humiliate, to scorn, X3JI asraap - to a buse verba Ily, AOpOMJKJIOH

AOTOOAhIH internal, home (adj.), - sax 333JI home market

,1l;OTOO)l{ lingerie

AOPIIIOOX to despise, to look down on

,1l;OTOP 1. in, inside, within, by, 3yyrHHH TOOJIOX to count up to one hundred, OHOOAPHHH - this very day, xoepnyraap capsm apsaa TaBHbI by the fifteenth of February, XOThIH inside the city, - ra~HaryH inside and out, onronx (- Q3JIM3X) to feel relieyed 2. amongst, - syypaa mutually, amongst each other, internally 3. inside, inner, internal, fW Max insides, offal, - MYYXaHpaX to feel sick, to feel nauseated, - TaJIbIH internal, inside, - yracnsr XapHJI~ internal phone, - xapanxyanax to feel faint, - 3pXT3H internal organs 4. insides (anat., mech.), works (mech.), norpsrr xapnyynax to dismay S. lining 6. Chinese, r33ap Chino, - Hpr3~ (- XYH) Chinese (n.), X3JI Chinese (language)

AOCon nome of a stone used in traditional med-

,n;OTOpnOrOo lining

(Tib. prob. AOTHO 1. inner,

do-sol, cool)

,n;OTOpnOX to line (0 gown, a metal vessel, etc.)

inside, - TaJI inside (n.), TaJIbIH internal, interior 2.i. (fW AYJIaaH, HaHpcar, - caan, fW C3Tr3JIT3H) friendly, familiar, intimate, - HOXOp close friend, - 3JI3rC3r (3JI3IT3H) sympathetic, worm ii. (- HTr3JIT) trusted

,1l;OTOPTOH lined, nancan - T3pJI3r a silk-lined

nanpax to insult 2. to desecrate AOPOO 1. (T3p fW) there and then, on the spot 2. right there, on the spot, - yJIA}K33 stayed where he was 3. on the spot (mil.), - anxaan

Mapm on the spot - march! AOPCrOH (see nopcrop], - IIIYA prominent tooth AOPCrOp protruding, sticking out, - HY~ bulging eyes

AOPCOHX to stick out, to bulge, to protrude AOPXH under, which is underneath, undermentioned, r33pbIH - underground ,1l;OPXHOO straight away




,1l;OTOPXH inside, interior, internal, inner, MHHrbIH - TOO numbers up to one thousand ,n;OTPOO

1. within

2. amongst each other

AOTHonox to treat kindly, to be kind to

,1l;OTPOX (see ~OTOpXH)

,1l;OTHOCOr friendly, familiar, intimate

,n;OTPbIH internal, - OBqHH internal illness, OBqHH cY~JIaJI therapeutiCS, - 3Mq internal

,1l;OTHOCOX to be friendly, to be intimate ,1l;OTHOQnOX to favour, to have special regard for, to be intimate with

,1l;OTHOIIIHn familiarity, intimacy ,1l;OTHOIIIHX to get familiar with, to get on good terms wi th, § HOxo~T3Hr33 ~OTHomHH nacs getting on good terms with his comrades


1. inside, internal, fW oaHp dormitory (at school), - oaHpTaH residential, boarding (school), - OYP33C TaBHX to fit the inner covering of the tent, - Hb internally, - orex to administer internally, - OM~ underpants, pants, TaMHpTaH mean, fW yrac internal telephone, fW



~O BAM Ministry of the Interior (hist.)


xapyyn internal watch-posts (hist.), ..

~eB (intensifying particle), .. ~OPBOJI}K}IH quite square XYBQac

underclothes, lingerie, .. QaMQ vest, undershirt, .. QyC ~aJIT internal loss of blood 2. within, around inside, amongst, § XOTbIH" :>KyytlJIaH BB:>K going for a tour around the city, Q3pryyWlHr oypracaH .. H}')T~YYJIaH ma ki ng the soldiers hide amongst the willows ~OXHrOp bent, stooping

~eBqHPXeX (see AYBtIHrH3x)

~e}KPeMTrHfI (tIm .. ) deafening

to wag, xypyyraa .. to wag

one's finger

~e)KpeeX to deafen ~e)Kpex 1. (tIm ..) to be deafened, to have blocked ears 2. to be indifferent

~OXHJIT signal ~OXHO sign, signal, gesture, hint, aBpaJIbIH .. distress signal, distress call, aaxaapyynax .. warning signal, alOYJIbIH .. danger signal, warning, alarm, araapsm alOYJIbIH .. air-raid warning, r3pJI3H .. visual warning, warning light, r3p3JI .. traffic lights, nyynax .. call-sign, ~bI .. (~YYT .. ) audible signal; horn (auto.), sorcox .. brake-light, 1)TWVYPHHH" alarm signal, danger signal, 3pr3X .. (3pr3JITHHH .. , ~OXHOHbI r3p3JI) direction indicator, ~OXHOHhI OH'IHr Tibetan-Mongol· bilingual dictionary (also nasr], .. saaraa gesture, .. arox to signal, .. canaa asax to get the message, .. CaHaM:>K warning, hint, signal, .. T3~3r sign, signal, .. T3MWHHH cYMaJI semiotics, ~OXHOHbI X3JI sign language, ~OXHOHbI tIHH~3H (see tIHH~3H) ~OXHOJIOJI 1. signalling CHCTeM alarm system

2. alarm,


~OXHOJIOX to signal ~OXHOJIYYP control (mech.) ~OXHOqHH signaller

~OXHCXHfIx to give a nod, TOJIrOH" to give a nod of the head

1. drumstick 2. stamen 3. baton

~OXHX to signal, to make a sign, TOJIrOH" to nod

~OIII 1. frozen mound, icy heap 2. heap of earth at the mouth of an animal's hole, rapsaraasr « heap made by a marmot ~OIIIrHH (see ~orIIIHH

~eBqHrHeX (see AYBtIHrH3X)

~e.IKHp tireless, tough

~OXHJI30X to nod


~eBHfIx to rise up (milk, cream, etc.)

noreersa decent

noxnnx to be bent ~OXHJI3YYJIAX

~eBHfIJIrex I. to allow to rise, to allow to swell, cyy .. to let milk rise 2. to overstate, to exaggerate, to puff, to make too much of

1., 2.)

~OIIIrHPOX (see norurpox]


~e)KpYYJI3X (tIHXHHr ..) to ~O:>KPYYJI3M deafening



~eJI flame, .. anannax to catch fire ~eJIreeH (.. TaHBaH) gentle, quiet, peaceful, calm ~eJIJIeX to ignite



to ignite (trans.), ~OJIJIYYJI3rq KaIICIOJI cap (grenade, etc.)

~eJIeJI3eX (see ~aJIOHQor)

~eJIeHrvH avoiding, keeping clear of ~eJIeHQer slit in the skirt of a Mongol gown ~eJIeepee normally, in the ordinary course of

events ~eJIeX to keep clear of, to shun, to avoid, to be scared of ~eJIPex to crack, to come apart

~eJIcex to flame up

nencxaax (see nonex] ~eMrep gentle, quiet ~eMrYYP manly, bold ~eMHex to botch, to bungle, to make a poor

fist of ~eMer pretty good, all right, decent ~eMerxeH (see ~aMor)

~eMeJI3eX to trot smartly (horse) ~eMeJI3YYJI3X to trot or ride smartly (rider)

~eMeH ~eMeH at a good pace, .. anxyynax to ride at a good pace

nenre cangue

~OIIIHHQOr Hemp-nettle, Galeopsis

~eHre)l{ only, merely, barely, .. caa just now, only just, § .. 3XJI3JI TaWlH 3yHJI merely the first step

~OIIIHX (see

~eHreJIeX to put in a cangue, to condemn to

~OIIIHHTOX to flow up through gaps in the ice


~OIIITOX to freeze into mounds

wear a cangue


AeHreHMHrAH just about, only just, with difficulty, hardly

AeHrex 1. to manage, to be just about able

2. to deal with ~eHrYYP better, rather better

~eH,IUfH away from, apart from

AeH)l;HHneX to raise or push up (esp. the roofring flap of the tent) with a pole

~eH)I{ cow in the fourth year ~eHe bull in the fourth year ~eSB a board-game similar to draughts but with eight pieces on each side

1)'M3H OHp~) (see OHP~), -- 9H~9P the four pairs of longest ribs (in a beast), ~OPB9H OH:Q9rT quadrangle; quadrangular, ~9PB9H XOJIJIOX to go on all fours, to go on hands and knees, ~OPBOHxyqT3Hthe four powerful ones (Garuda, Dragon, Lion, Tiger) ~epeB~erq quaternary, --

~SPSB~SX fourth, -- O~9P Thursday

AepeBAyr33P fourth, -- cap April ~SpeB~Yr33PTfourthly

~SP II. know-how, knack, -- cyyx to get the hang of

,n;SPSBT fourthly

~SPBen quartet,

yrcaa XOr1KMHHH -- string quar-

tet ~ePBen)l{ I. four-sided box or container, apransm -- a box for dried dung (used as fuel) ~SPBSn)l{

II. (see MHrMaH)

~SPBSn.IKHH 1. square, four-sided, -- rOH3rOH oblong, rectangular, -- MeTp square metre 2. square (n.) 3. diamonds (cards) ~SPBSJI.lKHH)l;YY square, four-sided

,n;SPBSJI.lK.ITSX to make square, to form a square, to square off, ~OpBOJnKJIOH }l{aa3JIax to

put into a square frame, ~OPB9JI}l{JIOH ayranax to fold into four, ~9PBOJI}l{JI9H yypJIyyJI3X to block-sow, ~OPBOJI}l{JIOH XaHtIJIaX to cut square

,n;SPBSJISX to come in fourth

ranas quaternary


~SP 1.1. nose-peg, nose-rope (for cattle), ~opryH oyx M3T deviant, contrary 2. cotter-pin

~sPBeA Dorvod (a west Mongolian people)


,n;SPSB~3X (see ~OpOB~OX)

,n;SPSBIJ; fourth (mus.) ~epsn)l{ slope of a hill or ridge

1. stirrup, T9MOP -- C3T3PT3JI till the cows come home, ~9P99HHH sara ornamentation on a stirrup, ~9P90HHH cyp stirrup-leather, -- MYJITJIaX to dismount; to reach one's destination, -- HHHJIyyJI3X (-xaanpyynax, --xapnryynax] to ride side by side, ~OPOOHHH TaBar base of a stirrup, -- xaaranax to have a drop to drink 2. stirrup (of the ear), stapes 3. pedal (car, etc.) 4. c1imbingiron


,n;SPSSBq strap ~epSSBqnSX to secure (something) to the stirrup

,n;spssnsx I. to put one's feet in the stirrups, aJICbIH MOP~ -- to set off on a long journey

horse chariot, quadriga

~epssnsx II. part of a horse near where the stirrups go

,n;SPBSHTSS four times

,n;SPT3H (a}I{JIbIH --) skilled, handy, MaJI~ -- good

,n;ePBsnCSH quadruple, -- MOpHH T3p3r four-

,n;SPBYVn all four, four together ~epfYH unskilled, no good (at), 3yprHHH -- no good at drawing ~epnsx 1. to insert a peg (surg., in an animal's nose, etc.), YX3p -- to insert a nose-peg in an ox 2. to bring to heel

,n;SPHYX hole ,n;SPSB four, ~OPBHHH oyJI3r The Gang of Four (hist.), ~OPBOH 03PX name of a game played with ankle-bones, ~9PBOH 03PX xasx to throw four ankle-bones one in each of the four positions, to make a lucky throw, ~OPBOH 3yr HaHMaH 30BXHCT in all directions, to all points of the compass, ,n;OpBOH MaxapaH3 the Four Great Guardian Kings (Buddh.), ~9PB9H MOpT quatrain, ~OPBOH HOM the Four Books (Chin. Sishu), ,n;OpBOH OHP~ (,n;9PBOH TyM, ,n;9PB9H

with beasts

~SPYY the distance across four fingers

,n;ST close, near, -- ~OX9M easy, convenient, -3aM

short cut, quick way

,n;STreep fourth, -- 33prnHH TaH}I{ (see TaH)J{) ~eTnSX 1. to approach, to draw near --) to take a short cut

2. [rasap

,n;STnyyn3X to bring nearer, to bring closer ,n;SXSM 1. (-- XHJIOap) easy 2. (-- TYc) help, assistance, -- OOJIOX to be of help, -- Y3YYJI3X to promote, to aid, to assist

~SXSMfYH inconvenient, unhelpful

,n;SXSMT3H useful, helpful, convenient, advantageous

,n;exsx to approach, to come near (to), YX3X -to be near death



,n;exyy near, close, YH3H~ -- close to the truth ,n;eXYYJI3X to bring, to take, to fetch, to put nearer, rspr Hb ~OXYYJUK oro X to see (someone) home ,n;eq I. forty, ~OllHH MHHraT a residential district in Ulaanbaatar, ,n;OllHH ~OPBOH xoep the Forty and the Four, the Mongols and the Oirats (hist.), ~OllHT CYM lamasery with forty lamas officially on the roll, ~OllHH TYM the Eastern Mongols (hist.), -- XYPC3H sp ~OPBOO napcan ar in the prime of life ,n;eq II. great-great-great-grandchild (child of ryq) ,n;eqee,n; forty odd, -- OH the forties ,n;ern


1. anvil 2.

anvil (of the ear), incus

(Russ.) (Buddh.) (Skr.) WB (intensifying particle), --nyrapar quite round, drama, XOr}l{lfMT -- song-play

,IJ;YA3 banner

-- ~ quite silent wr (T3M33H --) check with a bishop (chess) wrAAP 1. number, T3ruI oyc nyraapraa odd numbered, T3ruI nyraapran even numbered, YTaCHbI -- phone number 2. number, issue (of a magazine, etc.), TYCraH -- special number 3. queue, -- ~aHpax [nyraapsm }l{ypaM 30pllHX) to jump the queue; queue-jumping, nyraapr aorcox to queue wrAAPJIAJI numbering

(see nyraapnan] 1. to number 2.


wrAAPJIAX to grade 3. to queue, ,rorraapJIaH sorcox to stand in line, to queue wrAM silent, ~YB ,rorraH quite silent wrAH temple, lamasery assembly hall, -- CYM temples (Tib. 'du-khang) WfAHQAf overboots

.n;yr)I{PAX to fall asleep, to nod off, to doze .n;yr HOHP deep sleep, sound sleep, § ~yr HOHpOH ~ MaaHbwhile we were fast asleep .n;YITPAX to jerk, to tug, apxn -- to knock it back, § T3M33H cypsr Hb OBC noroor XOHAJIOH WHpB3}1{ -- MaHraap synraaac H~3 camels pull off the grass and eat it in a sideways jerking manner .n;yfTYfI 1. envelope 2. cap, sheath, YH~3CHHH -- root-cap 3. case for a book (xyl.) .n;YfTYfIJIAX 1. to put ina n envelope, to sheathe, to put ina sheath 2. to encase a book

(xyl.) .n;YITqHX

(see AYITpax)

.n;yrYH l.i. circle, disc, -- X3JI03PT3H round, circular ii. round, circular, -- oyJIaHT (-- oyJIaHTaH ~aH) round-cornered tea brick, -- TaHXHM big top, -- xap gramophone record, -- X33round pattern (on silk, etc.), -- WHp33HHH YYJI3aJIT roundtable meeting, -- WHP33HHH HpHJIQJlara round-table discussions 2. wheel, apaaraa -(WY~3T --) cog, toothed wheel, HJIYY -- spare wheel, -- HOXOX to get knocked over 3. [ynanar --) bicycle, cycle, bike, raau -- monocycle, MOTOpT -- motorcycle, ypannaansr -- raci ng bicycle, YYJIbIH -- mountain bike, .z:orryHH ypannaan cycle-race 4. tyre, .z:orryHHbI napanr tyre pressure, -- TaBHX to put on a tyre S. a type of round ca ke .n;YrYHJIAH 1. rebels' circle, rebels' group oyJIr3M) circle, study-group

2. (--

.n;YrYHJIAX 1. to make round, to make a circle, .z:orryHJIaH OHlIHX to write (names) in a circle, to write a round-robin 2. to close (an account) (see

naac] .n;YrYHJIMX to go round, to revolve .n;YrYHPAX to be round, to be in a ring, .z:orryHpaH cyyx to sit in a ring, ~yryHpcaH X3JIo3pT3Hrounded

wrAHq caretaker in a lamasery

.n;YrYHPYYJIAX to make round, to make into a circle, to round off

wrAPAA I. round (of drinking, singing, etc.), WaxaJITbIH -- enforced drinking (at a feast)

.n;YrYHT wheeled, -- TpaKTOp wheeled tractor

,IJ;YrAPAA II. turn ,IJ;YrAPAX I. to make a sound, to speak ,IJ;YrAPAX II. to pass round (drinks), to have a round WfAPrA

(see nyrapar]

wrAPrA,D;YY round, roundish WfAPHr round, circular, -- aMTaH Cyclostomes, Cyclostomata (zool.) WfAPHfJIAX to make a circle wrAPXOPJIOO a species of Geranium

.n;YrYHqHH cyclist

nvrxnnx to take a ,D;Y,D;PAM

nap, to doze off

(see ~y~paH)

.n;y.n;PAH young donkey .n;Y)l{HrHAX to speak rapidly, ~Y}l{lfrHaTaJI xypxnpax to snore away .n;YJIAAJIAX 1. to warm, to warm up 2. to wrap up, to insulate, to cover up against the cold, ~OHX -- to seal windows in winter ,D;YJIAAJIrA 1. heating, ~YJIaaJIrbIH CHCTeM heating system 2. insulation


AYJIAAJIQYYJIAX to heat, to warm up, --X3p3rC3JI heater, heating equipment WllAAH 1. heat, warmth, HYYWIar~caH --- latent heat, --- orOJIQorq heat exchanger, ~JIaaHbI COJIHJIQOO heat exchange, ~JIaaHbI CTaHQ (~YJIaaHbI QaXHJIraaH cTaHQ) power-station, --ypb opox to warm up (weather) 2. temperature, TacanraaHbI --- room-temperature, --roxapyynars thermostat, ~JIaaHbI TOXHpyyJIra temperature control, --- X3MJKHrq thermometer 3. warm

AYJIAAPAJI warming-up (weather) AYJIAAPAJIT (see ~YJIaapaJI) AYJIAAPAX to get warm, to warm up (weather) AYJIAAXAH warm AYJIAAQAX to get warm, to warm oneself up AYJIAAQYYJIAX to warm, to make warm, to heat up, OpOH cyynaa --- to heat one's dwelling AYJIAAQYYJIfA heating AYJIAH Shark AYJIAX to check with the bishop (chess) AYJI)]}'H mendicant's rattling-staff AY.JI,IJ;~AX to rely on, to depend on, xytIHHA --- to rely upon force

AY.JI,IJ;YHqHH (--- JIaM) lamaist mendicant carrying a rattling-staff

AYJIHMAf (see ~JIbXaH) AYJIhXAH poorish, mediocre, lacking, § cypcaa 3yHJI33P CYJIXaH, CY~aJICaH 3P~33P --- unlettered and untaught

,n:YMIiAfAP rotund, plump AYMIiAHx to be rotund, to be plump AYH 1. sea shell, --- OYP33 conch, trumpet made from a shell, --- uaraaa gleaming white 2. (--XOpXOH) shellfish, ~HrHHH HC (--- XOpXOHH HC) sea shell 3. cochlea (of the ear)


medium, middling, --- nanxpsraxan middle class, --- JKHHrHHH middleweight (boxing), --HaCHbI middle-aged, --- TOpMOJIHHH mesozoic, --- yeHHHX3H middle-aged people, --- X3C3r middle part, --- qOMOr (see qOMor), --- marnsr middle-grade 3. in the middle of, among, between, aHMar ,[(yH~bIH inter-aimag, § XOT cyypaa, T3P nynnaa HHHCJI3JI towns and settlements, including the capital 4. mediocre, middling

WH,IJ;A)l; middle, central, --- apn yJIC Chinese People's Republic, --- 3YYHbI (--- 3YYHbI yeHiiH) mediaeval, --- 3YYHblyeHHHTYYX mediaeval history, history of the Middle Ages, --- Hpr3H yJIC Republic of China (hist.), --- TOpMOJI 3pHH (--TOpMOJIHHH 3pHH) Mesozoic era, --- yJIC Chino, --- ye (--- 3PTHHH ye) the Middle Ages, --- Y33JI Madhyamika school of Buddhism, --- Y33JIT3H adherents of the Madhyamika school

WH,IJ;AM average, --- aara middle closs, )J;yHWKaac ~33ryyp above average WH,IJ;AT (see ~~a~) WH,IJ;AX in the middle of, between WH,IJ;Aq average WH,IJ;AqJIAX to strike an average WH,IJ;)I{AAP on average WH,IJ;JIAX to halve, to reduce to half WH,IJ;PAAX to reduce, to cut WH,IJ;PAX to fall in level, to go down, to dwindle, to become less full, to lessen, to falloff, to be reduced to half WH,IJ;YYP 1. through, straight through, through the middle of, XOT --- through the town 2. amongst 3. half-way, less than fully, --- XYHAJI3X to be somewhat lacking in respect towards, § asraasr --- qaH yy:>K drinking half a cup of teo, 4. (c3Tr3JI ---) dissatisfied, disappointed

AYHfAAH Dungan, Chinese Muslims AYHfAPlIHqHJI (see lWIr3PHHqHJI) AYHrHHAX to ring AYHrYH I. female reindeer in the third year AYHrYH II. reel, disc AYHrYH III. (C33p3H ---) a fall in wrestling exe-

WH,n:YYPJIAX to reduce, to cut down WH,IJ;qAAP on overage WH,IJ;qyy,IJ; average persons WH,IJ;bIH 1. common, joint 2. inter, cYM --- inter-

cuted by rolling the opponent over one's body

WHHAPAX 1. to be sunny and windless 2. to

,IJ;YHrYHJI,IJ;AX 1. to roll (intrans.) 2. to execute a ,[(yHryH throw ,IJ;YH,IJ; 1. mid die (n.), oyraJIraHbI --- XYPT3JI ha If way up the upper arm, mOHO ,[(yH~bIH ye~ in the middle of the night, ~H~Ir OapHMTJIarq moderate (polit.), ~blr oapHX to steer a middle course, ~YH~ryH mYP 3H ~TyyryH OYP3H all present and correct 2. middle (adj.), 3YHbI --- cap the middle month of summer, --- rapsra (--- 33p3r)

WHHAPTAX to look hazy WHHfAP enchanting, seductive WHHHX (see ~HHX) WHHX 1. to be enchanting 2. to gad about WH HOfOO (see Ilaxynyy] WHXAH Shrike, Yxaa --- Red-backed Shrike, Lanius collurio , CHOHPHHH yxaa --- Brown

sumun be or to get heavy (eyes)

~A~ 1. to look through a telescope or binoculars 2. to examine by means of an instrument, XO~OO~bIr - gastroscopy



L. cristatus , YHC3H L. excubitor


WHXAHx to swell,

Great Grey Shrike,

to bulge

WHXfAP bulging, swelling WHillHJIT dawdling WHillHX to be hesitant, to dawdle, to falter, to make no progress, AYHWHH 9B~9X to feel labour pains

WP 1. will,

desire, wish, caHH ~ypaap voluntarily, caHH AYPbIH voluntary; amateur, caHH AYPbIH YO~C3H ~33P on a voluntary basis, ryrax to lose interest in, to go off, TaMXH rarax - ryrax to go off smoking, - 30pmHH arbitrary, - 30prHHH X33JITYYJI3r (see X33JITYYJI3r), soproan Hb TaBHX to leave (someone) to their own devices, to let (someone) have their own way, - soproop arbitrarily, as one pleases, wilfully, -30pHrwill, -M3~3Hfreely, arbitrarily, off one's own bat, as one pleases, - raasaapaa of one's own free will, - raanan will, pleasure, TaBHX to get satisfaction, - raxaan desire, lust, passions, sensuality, - ypaMWHJI desire, enthusiasm; heat, rutting, - xaaax to get satisfaction, - X9~9JIr9X to arouse, to excite, - Xyp3Xto want to, to feel inclined, - XYC3JI desire, appetite, XyCJI33 TaHJIaX to get satisfaction 2. love, liking, - oYJIaaM ravishing, - COHHpXOJI appetite, interest, desires, - COHHpXJIbIr rarax to attract, to tempt, - COHHpXOJITOH interested in, keen on, rarax to attract, to tempt, xyo OyxuHH - rarax to attract everyone

WPAAP arbitrarily, on one's own initiative, having one's own way, 99p 99pHHH- each according to their own whim, nypaapaa aBHpJIaX (AYPaapaa ~prH}I{ ~H~ q9Mr99p99 }l{Hpr3X, nypaapaa T3H3}1{ AYH~ Q9Mr99p99 TOrJIOx) to do just as one likes, to behave in an arbitrary fashion, to act high-handedly, - Hb TaBHX to let (a child) have its own way, - Hb yc yynrax to let (a beast) drink its fill, § aacaa nypaapaa yJIC B3 what high-handed people!

WPAHx to

be seen clearly, to stand out, to be

prominent WPAM)l{XAH reluctant, unwilling, XOOJIOH~ OOJIOX to go off one's food WPAH 1. telescope, binoculars, OITOpryHH astronomical telescope, TeaTpbIH - opera glasses, xoep UY~HHH - binoculars, - aaaa telescope, - xap HY~T3H with bright shininq black eyes, - xapaa telescopic sight 2. endoscope, IIIHH}l{HJIr33 endoscopy, ynaaa XOOJIOHH IIIHH}l{HJIr33oesophagoscopy 3. lens (camera) WPAHIiAH microscope

~AH,WYP lens


~YPBAAHair-grass, Koeleria (also~aaraHcYYJI), TyHXaH - K. gracilis, X9XHorooH - Glaucous Hair-grass, K. glauco

~YPBAAJIHf Catstail, Phleum, TamHH - Alpine Catstail, Ph. alpinum, Tansm - Purple-stem Catstail, Ph. phleoides (also Ilaaraa cYYJI) ~YPBAJI3AX

(see ~B3JI33X)

~YPfHX (AYPaapaa -) to behave arbitrarily, to do as one likes, to be high-handed, to have one's own way

~YPrYH disliking, reluctant, unwilling, not fond of, - oa~ ~ap}l{ CaXHJI XypT33X to pressgang, - oOJIrox to put (someone) off (something), - Xyp3X to take a dislike to, AYP~ xyqryH you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink

~YPrYHJIX9X to show oneself unwilling, to be against, to take a dislike to

~rYHU;9JI aversion, annoyance



~YPrYHU;9HrYHreluctant, unwilling ~YPrYHU;9X to have an aversion to, to turn against, to go off, not to want, XOOJIOH~ - to go off one's food ~YP,n;AJITAHworth mentioning, noteworthy ,n;YP~AH crepe

,n;YP,n;ATfAJI memoirs, reminiscences, recollections, - apaa reminiscences

~~AX to mention, nop ~yp~caH undermentioned, ~33P AYP~caH above-mentioned, AYP~caH xyrauaaan in the said period ,n;YP./KHfHAX to chatter, to rattle away

~./KHfHYYJIAJIT tremolo (in plucking the

urynpara, etc.) ,n;YP./KHfHYYJIAX to produce a tremolo effect ,n;YPJIArCNJ: lovers ,n;YPJIAJI love ,n;YPJIAJIT beloved, - oycryH sweetheart ~YPJIAMAAP favourite, attractive ~YPJIAX to love, to like, to be fond of, to be keen on

,n;YPC rind ,n;YPCAM./K recollection, reminiscence ,n;YPCAX 1. to remember, to think of, to call to mind 2. to mention ,n;YPCfAJI 1. [nypcransra 3yHJI) memento, souvenir 2. monument, TYYXHHH - historical monument, AYPcraJIbIH 300C commemorative coin,

):01>craJIbIH caMoap

AYPCfAJIT memorable, monumental, COeJIbIH ~ 3yHJI cultural monument, ~ rasap famous place, sight, monument

AYPCfAJI U3U3f Forgetmenot, Myosotis (also Maprsaa]. OHH ~ M. sylvatica WPCfAX to give in commemoration, to dedicate AYPTAH 1. liking, fond of, keen on, ~ rasap wherever one wants, ~ ~ypryH willy-nilly, ~3JIryyp






~ypryH uarraa xaaxc opening the shops and booths when they want to, and closing them when they don't 2. favourite

AYPTAHRA willingly, eagerly AYPTfAll memory, recollection,


~ child-

hood memory

,I{YPIIIHll desire, appetite,


~ sexual


AYPbIH any, arbitrary (math.) AYPbAAX (see nypnax] AYCAArYYP dropper WCAAJI drip, drop AYCAAJIfA drop, drops, HY~HHH ~ eye-drops AYCAAX to drip, to let drip, to put in drops, HY~3H~33 3M ~ to put drops in one's eye

AYCArHAX to drip, to fall in drops, to drizzle AYCAll 1. drop, yean ~ a drop of water, ~ oapHrll pipette, ~ aanraacraa on a drip (med.), ~YCJIbIH TapHa drip (med.), --. XHHx to give a

drip, to put on a drip, ~ xypaasan ~aJIaH every little helps 2. point, --. OHHT the points and circles of Manchu script

AYCAX to drip, to drop, to trickle AYCllAX to drip, to dribble, to run, YC~CJIaH running with water

AYCllYYllAX to let drip, to dribble,

HYJIHMC --. to

shed tears, to let one's tears flow, dribble urine

AYCT dust, powder,

W33C --.



AYCTA3X to powder AYTAAX I. to run away, to flee AYTAAX II. to show a shortfall, to show a deficiency

AYTAfAAJI 1. (--. noronnon] deficiency, lack, shortcoming, defect 2. deficit kidney failure




AYTAfAAnTAH deficient, lacking, defective, --. Tan disadvantage

AYTAfAAX to be missing, to be lacking, to be deficient, to be short of, BHTaMHH --. vitamin deficiency, HOMOOp --. to be short of books



memorial tablet, plaque

AYTAX 1. (~a}K ryuax] to be lacking, to be

short of, § apaan MHHraH Torpor ~aa~ rapxss he turned out to be ten thousand tug rigs short 2. to fall short (arrow, etc.)

,n:YTMAf lacking, insufficient, inadequate, xyHC33p --.

lacking food, --.




AYTMAfIIIHll impairment, failure, deficiency, OOOPHHH --.

kidney failure

,IJ;YTYY incomplete, not finished, lacking, missing, --. oOJIrox to undercook, ~ OOJICOH underdone, --. oyy~ax to miss, ~ rapax to come part way out; to be born prematurely, --. raxyy (~ ryI.(yy, --. ~JIHM, --. ~JIHMar) substandard, imperfect, insufficient, unsatisfactory, --. }l{lfHJI3X to give short weight, ~ 3yHJI missing items, gaps, ~ MOllH~ defective, incomplete, ~ HHpaH premature baby, ~ OpXHX to leave unfinished, --. TaXHp crippled, ~ Tamp OOJIorCO~ cripples, --. TOpOX to be born prematurely, ~ YH3JI3X to underrate, to undervalue, ~ xarac incomplete, half-done, --. XYTYY lacking, not done, ~ XYYX3~ (--. TOpCOH XYYX3~) premature child, ~OJIOOH capraa --. XYYX3~ a seven-month child, ~ X3MJKHX to give short measure, --. xaaax to parboil, --. 3pr3X to make a half turn, § apsaa xoep uarr apaan MHHYT ~ ten to twelve, O~OO xoep --. there are still two to come, ~ TaT~ OpXHCOH TaMXHHbI HW half-smoked cigarette stubs

,IJ;YTYYrYH no worse than, not inferior to, quite up to/

X3H33C 1I

~ no worse than anyone else

,IJ;YTYYAAX to be insufficient, to be lacking AYY 1. (--. asaa] sound, X3T HaM ~ infrasound, X3T o~op ~ ultrasound, --. aBHaHbITeXHHKX3p3rC3JI audio equipment, ~ annax to shout, to exclaim, to scream, --. OHlIJI3r sound-recording, --. OHlIJI3rHHH HH}KeHep sound-recording engineer, ~ OHlIJI3rnHH X3p3rC3JI recorder, AYYH ~33P on the spot, straightaway, ~ 300JIpYYJI3rq (--. HaM}Kaarq, ~ aasrcrara] silencer, nyynaac H3H xypnaa hypersonic, ~ ecrerx amplifier, --. TaBHX to shout, ~ xypaaryyp (~xypaarq) taperecorder, --. xypaax to record, AYYHaac xypnan supersonic, ~ QaXHJIraaH thunder and lightning, ~ lIHM33 noise, sound, ~ wyy (~ uryyraaa] noise, row, ~ wyyryH silent 2.i. (~ XOOJIOH) voice, --. nyyraa aaanuax to echo each other, nyyraa rarax to shut up, to hold one's tongue, nyyraa xypaax to fall silent, to keep quiet ii. hold your tongue! 3. song, aH~aM ~ [yrra yaara --.) lyrical song, oorHHo ~ [aasxaa --., cas car --., Xyp33 --., maauraa ». WaJIHr --.) short song, ordinary song, secular song, OO~OJI --. ballad, naran --. canon, ~arwaa ~ [scrpansm --.) music hall song; pop-song, 30XHOJIbIH --. art song, HaHpaJI



caHH ~JIJK oxryH she won't do as she is told AYYJIfA helmet, -- MaJIraH helmet (miner's, etc.)

-- choral singing, nan HaHpan -- unaccompanied choral singing, a capella singing, HaHpan ~bI 6arm choirmaster, HHHTHHH -- mass singing, catrrap spyy -- oratorio, ypTbIH -- [ypr --) long song, aH3aM ypThIH -- a long song characterized by a wide range and much ornamentation, 63cp3r ypThIH -- a long song characterized by a comparatively small range and absence of falsetto [urypaaxan]. yanran -romance, yrJI3JI -- aria, XapHJI~aa -- conversation song, XYYPH3JI -- cavatina, nracrap -- religious song, HpHJI~an -- recitative, -- XOr)KHM music, -- xyyp song, music wYfAH silent, quiet, in silence, -- 6aH be quietl wYfAPAJIT utterance

AYYJIfABAP obedience AYYJIfABAPrYH disobedient, -- 6aH~an disobed ience, insubordination AYYJIfABAP)KHX to become obedient AYYJIfABAPT obedient AYYJIfABAPTAH (see ~YYJIraBapT) AYYJIfAX to tell, to let (someone) know AYYJI,IJ;AX to be audible, to be heard AYYJIHA (see ~JIHaH) AYYJIHAH

1. echo 2. sensation 3. rumour

AYYJIHAHT (see ~YYJIHaHTaH) wYJIHAHTAH 1. resounding, re-echoing, noisy 2. sensational

wYfAPAMTfAH noisy

AYYJIHM calm, mild

wYfAPAX to make a sound, to speak, 6yy -- to be fired (gun); gunfire, § MaKCHM rsnsr TaBaH 3yy nyyrapnar nynesrer 6yy a five-hundred shot Maxim machine-gun

AYYJIb ballad

wYfAPfAX to cause to make a sound, § 6yy 6H1THH nyyrapra don't fire!, don't shoot! wYfHX to be calm, to be placid wYrYH 1. silent, quiet, in silence 2. unvoiced (ling.)

AYYH voice (see ~ 2.) AYYH YXAAH (see yxaaa 3.) AYYpAHJI (see nyypaan] AyypAHJITAH (see nyypaanran] AyypAHMAJI (see ~pHaMan) AYYpAHx (see nyypaax] AYYPAX to blend (intrans.)

wYAAN auctioneer

AYYPHA (-- QYYPHa) echo, echoing

wYAAX 1. to call, to callout, to say out loud 2.i. (~~aJK HPYYJI3X) to call, to summon, rspxasp -- to call as a witness ii. to call for

AYYPHAJI example, model

wYAJIAfA l.i. call, summons, ~~JIara~ asax to go out on a call (med.) ii. (~YYMarbIH xynannaa] auction, ~YYMaraap xynannax to sell by auction iii. phone-call, call, XOJIbIH -long-distance call, -- mHJIJKyyJI3X call diversion 2. evocation (of a deity), invocation 3. call, bellowing (rutting stag, etc.) 4. pronunciation, diction

AYYPHAJIfAX to copy, to imitate AYYPHAJITAH exemplary AYYPHAMAJI 1. imitated, mock 2. imitation, substitute AYYPHAMTfAH imitative AYYPHAX to copy, to imitate AYYPJIAX to call camels by calling

)OO1l )OO1l

AYYPMAf (see 603)

wYAPAM name of a percussion instrument comprising a number of round metal plates fixed to a stand

AYYPCAJI 1. harmony (mus.) 2. sound, tone (mus.)

wYAYYJIAX to call, to get called, rspx -- to have a witness called, 3MtI -- to send for the doctor

AYYPCAX to sound, to resound

AYYPCAJI)I{YYJIAX to harmonize (mus.) AYYPCfAJIfame

wYwYIII Siberian Jay, Perisoreus infaustus

AYYPCfAX 1. to make known, to make famous 2. to let resound

wYJIAAq vocalist, singer

AYYPb opera

wYJIAfq (see ~YYJIaatI)

AYYPbCAJI (see nyypcan]

wYJIAJI song, singing, TOpHHH -- national anthem wYJIAJIT singing

wYPbCAX (seenyypcax] § HOT 6HtIHr~C3H33C33 oxranaap 6y~YYH nyypscnar it sounds an octave lower than it is written

wYJIAX I. to sing

AYYPbCAXYH YXAAH harmony (mus.)

wYJIAX II. to hear, to listen to, to obey, § yr

AYYPbCfAX (see nyypcrax]

,n:YYCAX 1. to finish, to come to an end, to be used up, to be completed 2. to finish (doing something), § QaH yyac nyycaan having finished drinking tea

,n:YYCAIIIfYM interminable ,n:YYCBAP end, -- XHHx to make an end of, § Y33C3r3JI3HT caaxaa T3P aMbTHbI 3QCHliH nyycsapsrr T3P XyH XHH}I{33 that man made a final end of those splendid creatures

,n:YYCfABAP end, finish, conclusion, termination, -- OOJIrOX to bring to a conclusion to discontinue, -- OOJIOX to come to an end ,n:YYCfABAPfYM interminable ,n:YYCfAJI (see nyycrasap] ,n:YYCfAX 1. to finish, to end, OH1JH}I{ -- to finish writing 2. to put an end to, to do for

,n:YYCTAJIX up to the end of (ad(), § 3YHbI T3PryyH capsrr -- xyrauaa the time up to the end of the first month of summer

,n:YYTAH voiced (ling.), -- QYYTali, famous, notorious, -- uryyraa noisy

,n:YYTYYP silver ingot (of varying worth) (hist.)

(Chin.) ,n:YYT XAB,IJ;AP an infectious disease of cattle (characterized by swellings which produce a sound when pressed) (Russ. 3MXAP, 3McPH3eMaTo3Hhu1: Kap6YHKYJI)

,IJ;yyq singer, yprsm -- long song singer, -xor}I{HMlIHA singers and players, musicians, -3M sing-song girl

,n:yyqHH (see ~), HalipaJI AYYlIHA chorus, 3C'rpaAbIH -- pop-singer ,IJ;yyq IIIYBIT Warbler, Bopnor -- Yellowbrowed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus, Byxr -- DuskyWarbler, P. fuscatus, )l{JfPX3H -- Pallas's Leaf Warbler, P. proregulus, Horoosrop -Greenish Warbler, P. trochiloides, YMapAbIH-Arctic Warbler, P. borealis, YpHaHXali -Chiffchaff, P. collybita, Xacar -- Olivaceous Willow Warbler, P. griseolus

,IJ;YX 1. back of the head, occiput (hist.) 2. forehead, brow, AyxHbI HC frontal bone 3. frons (of the head of an insect), nyxasr ~3BPYY ptilinum, frontal bladder of the fly

,IJ;YXAHx to nod, to lower the head, to bow the head

,IJ;YXAJI3AX to nod, to nod off ,IJ;YXAX to fit, to be just about right ,IJ;YXfAP bent forward, overhanging ~AX to be worn on the front of the head ~YYJIAX to wear on the front of the head, MaJIraliraa -- to cock one's hat

,IJ;YXYMX (see AyxaHx)



,IJ;YBJI3X to contemplate, to meditate (Buddh.) ,IJ;YBqHfH3JI pretence, sham, posing, posturing ,IJ;YBqHfH3X 1. to act the saint 2. to pretend, to sham, to simulate, to feign

,IJ;YBqHH 1. holy man, saint (Buddh.) 2. poser, pretender, fraud

(Tib. grub-chen)

,IJ;YBqHPX3X to pose, to masquerade ,IJ;Yf parasol (see HaliMaH TaxHJI) (Buddh.) (Tib. gdugs)

,n:YfHHMX to be prominent ,IJ;YfH3f3P prominent ,IJ;YfH3JIT conclusion, -- XHHx to draw a conclusion, 30XHX -- XHHx to draw the proper conclusion

,IJ;YfH3X to sum up, to draw a conclusion, 30B -- to draw the right conclusions, AYTH3}1{ ~3m3X to weigh up, to evaluate, to appreciate

,IJ;YrP3f round, circular ,IJ;YrP3fJI3X to make round, MOpOO -- to circle round

,IJ;YrP3X to go round ,IJ;Yf IIIAf balanced, equal ,IJ;Yf3PrHM (see ~3r) ,IJ;Y,IJ; devil, demon (same as urynasr] (Tib. bdud) ,IJ;Y,IJ;f3H3X (see AYAH3X) ,IJ;Y,IJ;H3X to mumble, to mutter ,IJ;YM skill, dexterity, knack, rapsm -- deftness. knack, -- MYYTali clumsy, awkward ,IJ;YMBYYJI3X (AYiiBYYJI3H earepex] to distract, to sidetrack, spaar -- to change the subject ,IJ;YMB33H noise, commotion ,IJ;YMfYM awkward, clumsy ,IJ;YMfYf1,!J;3X to be awkward, to be clumsy ,IJ;YH3 pa ir, -- AyH333P in pa irs, two by two ,IJ;YM3JI3X to pair off, to match ,IJ;YHJIrnX to confront, to compare, to match, to equate

,IJ;YHHf3 (-- T3H3r) feeble-minded, dolt ,n:YHHf3T3X to be feeble-minded, to be doh ,n:YHHXOP(see QarnliHXypA) (Tib. dus-kyi 'khor10) ,IJ;YHHIJ;3H 9,IJ;9P festival day, saint's day

(Buddh.) (Tib. dus-chen) ,IJ;YHPYYJI3X to stun ,IJ;YMP3Hf3 (see AyHHr3) ,IJ;YMP3X to be stunned, to swim (head), TOJIroli AYiiP3M making the head swim


;O:YHT3H ;O:YHT3H skilful, deh

;O:YHX I. to correspond (with), to agree (with), to fit ,r(YHX II. to make up a job lot (in trading) ;O:YHXYHIJ; equivalent, comparable ;O:YHIJ;fYH inappropriate, incongruous ;O:YHIJ;YYJI3X to compare (with), to match with ;O:YHIJ;3JI balance, correspondence, equation ,r(YHIJ;3H

e;o:ep (see ~H~3H O~9p)

;O:YHIJ;3X to correspond to, to equal, ~3JIXHHH }KHIIIHIT3H--- to meet international standards ,IJ;YHIJ;3XYHIJ; comparable, equivalent ,r(YJIMH I. deaf, --- rO~HJI (--- TOJIroH) turning a deaf ear, deaf to all entreaty, --- ~O}KlfH (--)WM03) indifferent, oblivious, deaf-eared ,r(YJIMH II. dull, clouded, opaque, --- asaa a dull sound, --- HorOOH dull green, --- naraaa }KIfHC (see }KHHC 1.1.) ,IJ;YJIMH III. (T3Hr3pHHH ---) Puffball, Lycoperdon ,IJ;YJIMHP3X to go deaf, qm{ ~YJIHHPT3JI deafening, --- 9B'lHH deafness ,IJ;YJI3rH3X to falter, to waver ,IJ;YJI3JIT straining, labour pains, contractions ,IJ;YJI3X to strain (intrans.) ,IJ;YMliMHX to show no movement, to be motionless ,IJ;YMli3 gout ,IJ;YH I. most, extreme, --- OB9JI (OBJIHHH --- xyirr3H uar] the depths of wi nter ,IJ;YH 11.1. total, sum, --- oypTr3JI records, registration, ---HYPyycharacter, ~~xapb~axxYSbper­ centage of the whole, --- IIIHH}KIfJIr33 .study, investigation 2. result, MYY --- Y3YYJI3X to fad, OH~ caHH--- asax (OH~ caHH--- Y3YYJI3X) to get a very good result, yyuHH ~~ as a result of this ,IJ;YHf3H3X to buzz, to drone ,IJ;YHf3H33H buzzing, droning (n.)

right (Buddh.) {Tib. dung-dkar gyas-'khyil} ;O:YH3 log, squared log, beam, ~33H oaHIIIHH log house (Chin.) ;O:YH3JI3X to saw into logs ,IJ;YHC (~YHC3H TaMXH) pipe-tobacco, HorOOH --Chinese tobacco ;O:YHCf3P dismal, dreary, gloomy ;O:YHCMHJIT gloominess ;O:YHCMHX to get gloomy, to get dull ,IJ;YHXf3P prominent, standing out ;O:YHXMHT3JI piled high, looming up ,IJ;YHXMHX to loom up ,IJ;YHqYYPone hundred million (Tib. dung-'pyar) ,IJ;YP 1. figure, form, --- oapHX (--- y3yyJI3X, --- scrsx] to pretend to be, to put on a show of, ---'3ypar appearance, picture, image, --- TOpX efppearonce, face, shape, aacancar --- Y3YYJI3X to pretend to be industrious, CYP~YYJI3X --- Y3YYJI3X to make a show of threatening 2. figure, character, role (book, theatre, etc.), rOJI--- main role, TYCJIax --- supporting role, ---xyBaapHJIax to cast, --- xysaapanax OJIOOIT BaHAaH casti ng couch 3. incarnation, reincarnation, xo~ --reincarnation ,IJ;YPBYYJI3X (see ~ypB33X) ,IJ;YPB3fC3,IJ; refugees ,IJ;YPB3N refugee, refugee camp



,IJ;YPB3JIrYH Asanga (a founder of the Yogacora school of Buddhism) ,IJ;YPB3JI33X to blaze, to flame ;O:YPB3JIT flight ,IJ;YPB3X to flee, to take to flight ,IJ;YPB33H panic, stampede, flight ,IJ;YPB33X to put to flight, to cause to flee, to scare away ,IJ;YP,IJ;XMHX to jump up ,IJ;YP}KMfH3X to crackle, to blaze up ,IJ;YP}KM,IJ; (see Cyyr eBC) (Tib. dur-byid]

,r(YHf3P shaman's drum (Tsaatan)

;O:YPJIMHx to be wide-eyed, to goggle, to stare, to gape

,IJ;YHf3P ;rJ:AHfAP muffled, unclear (sound)

,IJ;YPJI3fH3X (see ~JIHHx)

,IJ;YHf3P ,IJ;YHf3P (see ~YHr3p naarap] ,IJ;YH;rJ:AHding-dong

,IJ;YPJI3f3P wide, goggling, staring (eyes), --HY~ staring eyes

,IJ;YH,IJ:3ffAPAB Parnassia (bot.), HaMmHH --Grass of Parnassus, P. palustris

,IJ;YPJI3JI mimicry

,IJ;YH}KMHfAPAB the "White Shell Protector" (name of the protective spirit of the Bogd Uul.or Holy Mountain south of Ulaanbaatar) (Tlb. dung-skyong dkar-po)

,IJ;YPC 1. figure (also geom.), image, oowrr --- real image, ypaH OapHMaJI --- (--- OapHMaJI) sculpture, figure, IIIaTpbIH --- (see IIIaTap), --- aBaJIT (see aypar aBaJIT), --- ~aJIT deformation, --- OH'IJI3r (see OH'lJI3r), --- raprarx annapar projector, ---

,IJ;YHf3PBHqMJI a conch shell coiling to the

;O:YPMMHH regulation (adj.)

sypar drawing, picture, illustration, xanasr --.

14 1

sypar rock drawing, --. CYAJIaJI morphology,

renedioa videophone, --. YC3r pictograph, --. XYBHpcaH modified, --. X3JI03P shape, form 2. species, kind, sort



,IJ;YPCrYH 1. ungainly, shapeless 2. naughty ,IJ;YPCrYH,n;3X to be naughty, to misbehave ,IJ;YPCrYHT3JI naughtiness, bad behaviour,

stuffy day


,IJ;YPCfYHT3X (see )MlcryiiA3X) ,IJ;YPCJI3f,IJ;3XYYH subject, figures depicted ,IJ;YPCJI3JI representation, portrayal, imagery ,IJ;YPCJI3X ()MlCJI3H sypax, AYPCJI3Hy3yyJI3X) to represent, to portray, to depict, AYPCJI3H OOAOX (AypCJI3H C3IT3X) to imagine, to visualize, --.

ypnar (see ypnar], --. yr (see yr 1.) ,IJ;YPCXHHJIT flash, flare-up ,IJ;YPCXHHX to flare up, to blaze up ,IJ;YPC3JIf33 depiction ,IJ;YPC3PXYY in the shape of, simulating ,IJ;YPXHHX (see AYPCXHHX) ,IJ;YPXP3X to make a hubbub, to make an uproar ,IJ;YP3JI3YYP irascible ,IJ;YP3JI33Xto flare up, to blaze up, to burst into flames

,IJ;YP3M 1. (--. ropasr. --. }KypaM) rules, regulations, x9A9JIr09HHH --. traffic regulations, X9AOJIrOOHHH --. 30pQHX to commit a driving offence, Q3PrHHH --. military regulations, --. oyc irregular, --. oyc yHJI yr (see yr 1.) 2. appearance, atti-

tude, --. )MlcryH wildly, --. Y3YYJI3X to put on a show, to pretend, yypnacan --. Y3YYJI3X to put on a show of being angry

,IJ;YP3M,IJ;3X to lay down the law ,IJ;YP3MJI3JI algorithm ,IJ;YP3MC3f punctilious ,IJ;YP3MT uniform (adj.), --. MaJIraH uniform cap, --. cae globe, raspsra --. can terrestrial globe, T3Hr3pHHH --. caB celestial globe, --. xyBQac uni-

form (n.)

,IJ;YP3X 1. to dip 2. to stab ,D;YP33P33 (--. MOH) just like, exactly the same, § MaHaH :Q3ABHHH yr HpHa q --. MOH AOO that sounds just like our Tsedev

,D;YY 1.1. younger brother, younger sister, --.


young fellow, lad, --. XYYX3H younger sister 2. younger, § Tancaaraac HaHM --. eight years younger than Galsang, )l{aMQaac OJIOH--. a lot younger than jornts

,IJ;YY II. (see A3Y) ,D;YYrYYP 1. sling (weapon) 2. hammer (sport), --. WHA3JIT throwing the hammer

,IJ;YYrYYP,IJ;3X to sling ,IJ;YYrYypqHH slinger ,IJ;YYf3X I. to drone ,IJ;YYf3XII. to feel hot, to be hot, JWYIT3JI xanaax to heat up, § XaJlYY AYvrC3H OyrQHM 9AOP a hot ,IJ;YY,IJ;YY belly-band ,IJ;YY)l{f3P slight, skinny ,IJ;YY)l{HfH3X to swing,

aMb --. to be in des-

perate straits

,IJ;YY)l{HH 1. pendulum 2. swing, araapsnr --. flying trapeze 3. suspension (auto.) 4. swinging, hanging, --. MaWHH towed machine, --. Ta33 hanging ceiling, false ceiling

,IJ;YY}I{]IYYP 1. gallows 2. instrument of torture for suspending the victim by the thumbs (hist.) ,D;YY}I{]I3X to suspend, to hang ,D;YY}I{]I33T3Hhanging, suspended, swinging ,D;YYJIf3P frisky, spirited ,IJ;YYJI3JIT jump, leap ,D;YYJI3X 1. (AVYJI3H xapaax] to jump, to leap


to soar

,IJ;YYM3,IJ; younger, junior ,IJ;YYIIYY bean-curd (Chin.) ,IJ;YYPf3fq (--. MaTepHan) filling material, filler, oeTOHbI --. aggregate

,IJ;YYPf3JIT 1. fulness 2. filling, fill 3. completion, finishing

,D;YYPf3X 1. to fill 2. to finish, to get through, AYHA cypryynaar --. to finish middle school

,D;YYPC3H finished, useless, done for, --. X3p3r (--. X3p3r AYMOHHC3HTOJIroH) that's that, that's over

and done with, me, I've had it

§ OHAYVPC3HXyH it's all up with

,IJ;YYP3f suburb,

XOTbIH .z:wyprHHH raJIT T3p3r

suburban train

,D;YYP3JIT fullness ,D;YYP3H full, filled, Toroo --. oYAar a pot full of paint, --. axaaraa fully loaded, --. aWHrJIaX to make full use of

,D;YYP3Hf3 full, swollen, inflated ,D;YYP3X 1.1. to be full, r3A3C --. (see r3A3c) 2. to come to an end, to be finished with

,IJ;YYP3X II. to carry on a horse in front of one ,D;YYP33 peritoneum ,D;YYXf3P proud ,D;YYXHHX to look proud ,D;YYX3JI33X to stand or move proudly

)l;3BCM3JI surfaced, covered



)l;3BC3f terrace, plateau )l;YYtI deferential, respectful

)l;3BC3X I. to spread, to spread out, to loy down

)l;YYtIJI3X to show respect for older people

)l;3BC3X II. to stomp, XOJI --. to stomp, to stomp the feet



)l;3BC33C loyer, bed

)l;3B I. (intensifying particle), --. )l;3MHH quite useless

)l;3BT3H real, good, proper

)l;3B II. terrace, plateau

)l;3BT3P 1. note-book, book, OBpHHH --. pocketbook 2. volume

)l;3B III. (--. 0Y3ap) dirty, impure

(Tib. grib)

)l;3B}KHX to develop,to grow )l;3B)K33 1. mot or sheet on which wool is beaten into felt 2. field, ground (sport, etc.), OOKCbIH --. boxing ring, OOXHHH --. wrestling ring, )l;3JIXHHH --. the international arena )l;3B)K33X to develop, to let grow, )l;3B:>K33H XOr:>KyyJI3X to promote, to develop, to encourage

)l;3BT3PJI3JIT sewing-up (book) )l;3BT3PJI3X to sew up (0 book) ,IJ;3BT3PtIJI3X to make a book in sewn form

(xy/.) )l;3BT3X to be soaked, to be steeped ,IJ;3BT33JIT soaking, steeping ,IJ;3BT33JI3f (see )l;3BT33JIT)

,IJ;3BJI3f flopping (n.)

,IJ;3BT33X 1. to soak, to steep 2. to console, to solace, 3ypX C3IT3JIHHr --. to console someone

,IJ;3BPYYJI3JIT exaggeration, overstatement

,IJ;3BYYP fan

,IJ;3BPYYJI3X to exaggerate, to toke to extremes

,IJ;3BYYP ,IJ;AJIABqTAH Strepsiptera )l;3BYYP,IJ;3X to fan

,IJ;3BPYYH fanciful, exalted )l;3BP3X

1. to boil over, to overflow 2. ()l;3B3pQ

naspax] to get worse, to become more extreme ,IJ;3BP33X extremes

1. to bring to the boil 2. to toke to

,IJ;3BYYP3PXYY fan-shaped )l;3BXJI3X to leap, MOpb)l;3BX3JI:>K yaax to leap from one horse to another without dismounting ,IJ;3BXP3f (see fOJIHO)

,n;3BC 1. flops, usually of leather, fixed on each side of the saddle, to toke the rub of the stirrup leathers and the edge of the saddle 2. (same as OJIOH~or) (hist., and in western Mongolia) ,IJ;3BCf3P 1.i. mot, floor-covering, mattress, bedding, cover, CaH)l;JIbIH --. choir-cover ii. litter (beasts) 2. (--. raaap, --. HYTar) territory, area, grounds, --. aypar ground plan, plan, --. HYTrHHH territorial, --. cyyps foundation, basis 3. bank(HOTbIH --.) stove note, note 4. background (mus.), --. xor key (mus.), --. xorHHH T3M)l;3r keysignature 6. (--. yC3r) name given to each of the eleven letters in the Uighur script corresponding to b, g, r, s, d. m, I, n, ng, w, y, which can end a closed syllable, 300JIOH --. soft --. consonants (followed by suffixes beginning with d and j), xaTYY --. hard --. consonants (followed by suffixes beginning with t and ch)


,IJ;3BCf3PJI3X 1. to loy a foundation, to make a basis, )l;3BCr3pJI3H 3rIIIJI3X to perform background music 2. to end a closed syllable in Mongol script, --. YC3r letters which can end a closed syllable, yJI --. YC3r letters which cannot end a closed syllable

,n;3BXP3fHHH [(AfAAH (see ,IJ;3Bx3pr3H3) ,IJ;3BXP3X to jump, to hop, )l;3BXP3H oyyx to jump down ,IJ;3BXIJ;3X to leap about, to throw oneself about ,IJ;3BX3Pf3H3 Sandwort, Arenaria, Eremogone (a/so ,IJ;3BXP3rHHH naraan], Too --. A. formosa, XHJIraCaH --. A. capillaris ,IJ;3BIJ;3f (see nsacsr] )l;3BIIIHJI 1. (--. xor:>KHJI) progress, development 2. progression (math.), apHcI>MeTHKHHH --. arithmetical progression, reosrerpaan --. geometrical progression ,IJ;3BIIIHJIT I. progressive, advanced, --. XyqHH progressive forces ,IJ;3BIIIHJIT 11.1. progress, development 2. shift (typewriter), )l;3BIIIHJITHHH napanr shift key, )l;3BIIIHJITHHH Tyr:>K33 napanr shift lock ,IJ;3BIIIHJIT3T progressive, advanced ,IJ;3BIIIHHfYH advanced ,IJ;3BIIIHX 1. to advance, to move forward 2. to be promoted, oara napra OOJI:>K --. to be promoted to NCO, 33p3r --. to be promoted in rank

,IJ;3BCf3PT (see )l;3BCr3p 3.)

,IJ;3BIIIHX APAJI Ascension Island

,IJ;3BCJI3X [rasap --.) to trample, to keep stampi ng, to keep tread ing

,IJ;3BIIIYYJI3X to raise, to advance, to put for-

,IJ;3BIIIYYJI3fQ shift key

ward, to promote, anra - to put up one class, epOOJI - to make a wish, A3BrnyyJI3H OapHrq shih lock, - napyyn shih key, A3BrnyyJI3H TaBHX to put forward, to advance (an idea, etc.)

143 ,IJ;3f,IJ;33XHH (see A3rA33X3H)

,IJ;3B3JI3YYP lively, merry

,IJ;3f,IJ;33X3M fledgling, chick

,IJ;3B3JI33X to flutter, to flap

,IJ;3f)I{MJI growth, progress

,IJ;3B3JIT 1. fanning, flapping 2. wrestler's strutting gait (said to imitate the flight of certain birds)

,IJ;3B3H I'AJIABT long long ago


,IJ;3f)I{MITT (see A3r}KHJI) ,IJ;3f)I{MH (- roe) smart, elegant ,IJ;3f)I{MPX3X to tart oneself up, to be in the fashion

,IJ;3B3H ,IJ;3JIXHH the wide world

,IJ;3f)I{MX (A3r}KHH A3311IJI3X, A3r}KHH xoraorx]

,IJ;3B3H ,IJ;3JIXHHH universal, world-wide

to thrive, to prosper

,IJ;3B3P teapot, ewer

,IJ;3f)I{P3X to be smart, to be elegant

,IJ;3B3PrYYH (see A3B3pr3H) ,IJ;3B3Pf3H excitable, volatile

,IJ;3fM33X to encourage, to promote

,IJ;3B3Pf3X (A3B3pr3H AOBHH.n:rOX, A3B3pr3H xoeprex] to intensify, to blow up, to stir up, to fan

,IJ;3fHHX to stand upright, to tower

,IJ;3B3X 1. to wave, to flap, to fan 2. to strut (wrestler)

,IJ;3fITHH I. Heron, Ardea , XOX - Gray Heron, A cinerea, Ilaraan - Egret, Egretta , Llacs Great Egret, E. alba

,IJ;3B33 (see A3B3JIT 2.)

,IJ;3fITHH II. pin (of scissors, etc.)

,IJ;3f 1. order, pattern, procedure, routine, Oy}l{l'HHH - dance routine, - ec order, system, - }KaRr (- }KypaM) order, A3JIXHHH llIHH3 }KypaM new world order, HHHTHHH - }KypaM public order, - }KypaM TOITOOX to establish order, - }KypaMryH disorderly, - }KypaMTaH orderly, systematic 2. (- cypryyns] school (of artists, etc.)

,IJ;3fITHH III. short furry jacket

,IJ;3frYH badly behaved, ill-mannered, disorderly ,IJ;3ffYH,IJ;3JI bad behaviour, unruliness ,IJ;3ffYHT3X to be badly behaved, to be unruly ,IJ;3f,IJ; Gentian, Gentiana , YRxaH - G. tenella, Xasapraa - G. falcata , Ilaraaa - G. algida (also Baaxanrapaa], ,IJ;3rAHHH osor Gentian

,IJ;3fITHH IV. hut, shanty (west Mongol) ,IJ;3fIT3fQ bully (mil.) ,IJ;3fIT3IT routine (dance, etc.) ,IJ;3fIT3ITT 1. direction 2. staging, choreography (theatre), arrangement

,IJ;3rIT3M 1. (- }KypaM) system, order, routine, rules, xyyxaa - the old order, OAPHHH - daily routine, XOOJIHbI - diet, regime, XOOJIHbI caXHX to go on a diet, - }KypaMTaH regular, routine 2. regime (polit.,etc.), apscnsr Y33JIT racist regime, TOrJIOOMbIH - puppet regime, oypyyJIax to reduce the grade of regime of a convicted criminal

Family, Gentianaceae

3. bullying (of recruits)


(Tib. sgrigs-Iam)

,IJ;3f,IJ;f3P small, tight, skimpy

,IJ;3fIT3MQ ordered, disciplined

,IJ;3f Wf half, not properly, - yarax to sleep

,IJ;3fIT3X 1. to direct 2. to stage (dance, etc.), to arrange, A3rJI3H aaiipyynaru choreographer 3.i. to discipline ii. to bully (recruits) (mil.)

badly, to sleep fitfully

,IJ;3f,IJ;YYJI3X (see A3rA33x), QYYPXaJI -


spread rumours

,IJ;3fHYYIT tussock, clump

,IJ;3f,IJ;3fH3X to be skittish

,IJ;3fH3f3P top-heavy

,IJ;3f,IJ;3IT33X to keep hopping about

,IJ;3fC wrong, untimely, out of place, false, 6YYAax to shoot high, to miss (by shooting high);

,IJ;3f,IJ;3ITT 1. volatility 2. outbreak (of disease, etc.) ,IJ;3f,IJ;3MTfHH volatile ,IJ;3f,IJ;3MXHH (see A3rA3MTrHH) ,IJ;3f,IJ;3X 1. to rise up, to fly up 2. to be volatile, to volatilize to happen


to skip, to hop


to break out,

,IJ;3f,IJ;33X to bring about, to stir up, X3PVYJI MapraaH - to stir up a quarrel, QYYPXaJI - to spread rumours

to fib, to tell a tall story, - norc apaa fibbing, tall story, - M3A33 false report, - XYAaJI RpHX to fib, to tell a tall story

,IJ;3rC,IJ;YY exaggerated ,IJ;3rC,IJ;YYIT3f exaggeration, line-shooting ,IJ;3fC,IJ;YYJI3JI (see A3rcAVYJI3r) ,IJ;3fC,IJ;YYIT3X to exaggerate, to A3rCAVYJIC3H TOO~OO inflated account


,IJ;3fC,IJ;3X to exaggerate, to go over the top

~3n03JI3N TOXOOpOIDK explosive device



)l;3JI1i3H spread out, flared, mouthed (bucket, etc.)

)l;3fCJI3X to miss (in shooting) )l;3fCT3H untruthful,


aMTaH wide-

)l;3JI1i3P3JIT explosion, M3~33nnHHH information explosion, IJ;OMHHH nuclear explosion N



)l;3fCX3H X3JI3X to lay it on thick

)l;3JI1i3P3X to explode, to go off, to burst, to be blown up, to erupt (volcano), OOWlC explosive (n.), oOWlcblr alOynryH oonroN bomb-disposaI expert

)l;3IT plateau


)l;3ITHH fur overboots


)l;3IT3H (N )J{ypaMTaH} well-behaved

)l;3JI1i3P33fYH unexploded

)l;3rnJI )l;OfOJI rough, uneven )l;3rnJI3YYJI3X (c3Tr3nHHr N) to agitate, to excite

,D;3JI1i33 (see ~3no3 I.) )J;3JI1i33JI3X I. to bloom

)l;3f3JI33X [csrran N) to be agitated, to be excited

)J;3JI1i33JI3X II. to pull, to tow

)l;3rnH )l;OfOH rickety, wobbly

)l;3JIfYYP (N xopuroo, N xynannaa] shop, store, ~3nryypT opox to go shopping, ~3nryypHHH

)l;3rnHQ3X to hop )l;3rnX to hop, ~3r3H ~3PB3X to be full of life, to be on top of the world )l;3rn3 1. hook, saracasr fish-hook 2. retractor (surg.) 3. hooking throw with the leg (wrestling), ranyyp hooking from outside the opponent's hooking from inside the oppoleg, noryyp nent's leg N



)l;3rn3)l;3X 1. to hook 2. to trip up 3. to throw with a leg-hook in wrestling 4. to speak ironically, to poke fun )l;3)l; second, vice-, deputy, sub-, lieutenant-, oyr3IJ; infrastructure, ~3BT3P second volume, KOHcyn vice-consul, caH~ volume two, deputy-minister, CTaHIJ; sub-station (e/ec., etc.), xypa~aa lieutenant-colonel, 3P~3MT3H candidate, holder of master's degree N




)l;3JIfYY broad, wide, spreading

xynraa shopliltinq )J;3JIf3M3JI spread out, spread i ng, extended, 6ypxaH Buddha-picture on a scroll, aypar scroll picture N


)J;3JIf3P wide, broad, rich, full, 3YHbI (3YHbI nanrspr] high summer



,D;3JIf3PM3JI widespread )J;3JIrnp3JI expansion, spreading, flourishing )l;3JIrnp3JIT (see nanrspan] )J;3JIf3P3HfYH extensive, detailed, copious, IJ;3u;rHHH saryyp Daisy Family, Compositae


)J;3JIf3P3X to spread, to flourish, to proliferate, to blossom, to bloom




,D;3JIf3X to open, to spread out, to extend, to display, HOM to open a book N

,D;3JIf3Q 1. screen, ~3nr3M3n N [oprea N) wide screen, syparr paWforHHH television screen, KHHO cinema screen, IJ;3HX3P the silver screen (1V) 2.i. tray ii. (N MO~) tray for drying milk products such as aapyyn and xypyy~ 3. spread, ~a.naBqHbI wi ng-spread

)l;3)l;JI3X to be second


)l;3./KHfH3X to clatter


)l;3JI I. mane )l;3JI II. (N C3pB3H) crest, ridge )J;3JIIiHHX to stretch, to get stretched


)J;3JIIi31.1.lobe, YYWHrHbI ~OO~ inferior lobe of the lung 2. pinna (of the ear) 3. petal, corolla, ~3noHHH X3JIT3C petal N

)l;3JIIi311. apart, to bits, oyy~ax to shoot up, TaBHX (N rarax] to burst, N IJ;OXHH ycrrax to smash up N



)J;3JI1i3f I. reins of a horse and cart )J;3JI1i3f II. flared )J;3JI1i3fH3X to flap about

)J;3JIr33CT3H opened, spread out, displayed )J;3JIf33T3H (see ~3nr33cT3H) )J;3JI)J;f3P sticking out, splayed ,D;3JI,Il;lfHX to stick out (ears, etc.) ,D;3JI.D:3fH3X I. (~3n~3rH3}J{ nonnoraox] to fawn on, to be allover )J;3JI.D:3fH3X II. to waggle, to flap (ears, etc.) )J;3JI.D:3JIT beating, striking

)l;3JI1i3fq carter, driver

)J;3JI.D:3H protruding, sticking out, truding ears

)J;3JI1i3f3P wide, broad, projecting, sticking out

)J;3JI,D;3X to beat, to stri ke

)J;3JI1i3JI33X to swing, to move up and down

)l;3JI.D:33H drumming, beating

)J;3JIIi3JI3JIT explosion

)J;3JI./KHH sticking out, spreading, spread ing horns

)J;3JI1i3JI3X to explode, to blow up (trans.),


qHX pro-



,D;3JIJI3X to crop (0 mane, etc.)



,D;3JI CY,D;AJI dyke (in magma) ,D;3JI CYJI trivial ,D;3JIC3X 1.1. to beat, to pound (intrans.), 3ypX-' to have palpitations 2. to strike, to hit, to top pinch, to knock off, to rip off

3. to

,D;3JIC3X II. to suffer from throbbing in the groin (horse)

,D;3JIYY spleen (anat.) ,D;3JIYYT3X to have a sickness of the spleen ,D;3JI XM (see ~3JI cY~aJI) ,D;3JIXHH world, 09MooPQor -. the globe, XOpCT -. (XOpCT aJITaH -.) the world, the earth (liter.), -. ~a~ (see ~a~ -.), -. naxaa (-. ~3B) the whole world, -. naxann ypaanax to issue a challenge to the whole world, ~3JIXHH ~aXHHbI world (adj.), world-wide, global, -. ~aXHHbI annapr world famous, -. naxaasr 3HX TaHBaH world peace, -. ~aHap throughout the world, -. epTOHQ the world, the earth, -. HHHTHHH world-wide, -. HHHT3~ the world over

,D;3JIXHHH world

(adj.), -. aspara world

champion, -. OaH~aJI geography, -. 09Mo9PQor the globe, -. oycnyyp equator, -. MHCC Miss World, -. CYM XHHwtHHXOJIOOO World Council of Churches, -. TaTax xyq force of gravity, -. xoepnyraap ~aHH the Second World War, -. XYHC X9~99 aac aXyHH oaHryyJIJIara World Food and Agriculture Organization, 3pyyJIHHr xasrraanax oaHryyJIJIara (,D;3XIi)

World Health Organization (WHO)

,D;3JIXHHH BAH Pluto (astr.) ,D;3JIX3X to spread, to spread out ,D;3JI3BQ teat-guard, used to prevent a young animo I from sucking its mother

,D;3JI3rH3X to have pre-notal swelling of the udder

,D;3JI3M the distance betwen the fingers of one arm and the opposite shoulder, the distance necessary to stretch a bow, half on ann, Y3YYP -. a -. with the fingers outstretched

,D;3JI3H (-. X9X) udder, ~3JI3HmHH YP3BC3JI mastitis

,D;3JI3H)l;3X to hold by the udder ,D;3JI3HQ Block Flies, Simuliidae, Midge

~3M03PJIHHH yrc words of good omen rten-'brel)


,D;3M1i33 nome of a finger-counting game, ~3M033HHH aa the tune sung in a game of -.

,D;3MIi33,D;3X to ploy ~3M033 ,D;3M)l{HrC3,D; supporters ,D;3M)l{Hfq supporter (sport, etc.) ,D;3M)l{HX to support, to bock, ~3M}KHH T3Tr3X to support, to look after

,D;3M}K.Jl3r (-.TYCJIaM1K) support, help, assistance ,IJ;3MHH vain, useless, aimless, idle, -. OaJIaH silly, -. JI just, just like that, merely, -. cyyxaap T3M33 xaPHYJI don't sit idle - do something useful, -. yr (-. apaa] idle talk, -. X3p3r (-. HB~an) trouble, -. lfaJI1fHX to talk nonsense

,IJ;3MHHP3JI delusion ,IJ;3MHHP3X to talk nonsense, to rove, to bobbie, to be delirious, § OHTrHH ~3MHHp don't be silly

,IJ;3MH3X I. to swing, to rock, to balance ,IJ;3MH3X II. to support ,IJ;3MQ an official in a mans oror ,IJ;3H I. candle, lamp, QaXHJIraaH -. electric lamp, ~3HmHH ~OJI candle-flame (Chin.) ,IJ;3H II. (-. 6yy~an) inn, stopping-place (Chin.) ,IJ;3H III. a lot, too much ,IJ;3H)l;HHJI hoy-drying rock ,IJ;3H WH 1. just about, -. ~33C3H ~9P99T3H by the skin of one's teeth

2. disturbed,


,IJ;3H)l;YY too, too much, § MaHaiixaH -. 10M we really are the limit

,IJ;3H)l;YYJI3X to exaggerate, to overrate, to go to town on

,IJ;3H)l;3r ,IJ;OH)l;Or wobbling, tottering ,IJ;3H)l;3rH3X to wobble, to sway, to bob about ,IJ;3H)l;3JI33X (see ~3~3rH3x) ,IJ;3H)l;3X to go too for, to be excessive ,IJ;3H)I{ terrace, glacis, KOHCyJIbIH -. Consular Glacis (in Urga) ,IJ;3H~Y terraced (geog.)

,D;3JI3X I. to flop, ~3JI}K ~3B3X to strut (wrestler)

,D;3H)l{HrH3X to totter, to stagger, to sway

,D;3JI3X II. to spread, to increase

,IJ;3H)l{HHx to sway, to be spindly

,D;3M help, assistance, support, -. ~3M3~33 ~33C

,IJ;3H)l{HPX3r terraced (geog.), ronsm -. spar

3PlfHH~33 you scratch my bock and I'll scratch yours

,D;3MIiYYJI tussock ,D;3M1i3P3JI good omen, omen, presage, sign,

terraced river-bonk

,IJ;3HJIYY lantern, -.


lanterns (Chin.)

,IJ;3HC steelyard, scoles, balance, ~3HCHHii (see on 1.)




,IJ;3PJIYYJI3X to pillow, § QaH -- to pillow the dead on ,tea (a modern custom)


,IJ;3PJI3X 1. to pillow one's head, to rest one's head, rapaa -- to rest one's head on one's hands, § qyJIyy ~3PJI33~ ynrax to sleep with one's head on a stone 2. to be close together, to be on top of each other, § OJIOH lKIUKHr oaHWHH OHe OHe3 ~3PJI3}1{ lots of little buildings one on top of the other

I. to weigh, to weigh up ,IJ;3HCJI3X II. (see ~OHCJIOX) ,IJ;3HCJI3X III. to be in distress ,IJ;3HT3H ,IJ;YHTAH (see ~3H ~) ,IJ;3HCJI3X

,IJ;3HXf3P top-heavy ,IJ;3HXHHX to be top-heavy, to look top-heavy ,IJ;3HX3JI33X to be top-heavy, to wobble ,IJ;3HX3P (-- AYJIXap)

,IJ;3PMHHJIf3X to stick out, to spread, 'lHX33 -to prick up one's ears

Achnatherum (Lasiagrostis) , A. splendens , I'snrap -- A. splendens

,IJ;3PC Feather-grass,

(see ~3HXr3p)

,IJ;3HQHH pledge, -- TaBHX to pledge, to pawn, 3pyyJI M3H~33P33 -- TaBHX to put one's health at risk, § OH TOJIrOHrOOpoo ~3HqHH TaBbH I'll bet my life on it ,IJ;3HIlIHf small bronze bells (in lamaseries) ting-shags}


,IJ;3P 1. pillow, cushion, -- asax to take one with you (in battle), ~3PHHH oyr33JI3r (~3pHHH YYT) pillow-case, -- ~3Bcr3p bedding, bed, -~3Bcr3pT opox to go to bed, -- HHHJIyyJI3X to get married, -- HHHJI3X (-- H3r~3x) to be married 2. base, foot, support, sleeper, console, T9MOP 3aMbIH -- MO~ railway sleeper ,IJ;3PBHHJIf3X to splay

,IJ;3PCJI3f ,IJ;3pc-like

Achnatherum inebrians (Stipa inebrians ) (also XOpT XHJIraHa)


,IJ;3PXHHX to do suddenly, to do quickly, ~3PXHHH OOCOX to jump up, ~3PXHHH HHC3X to fly up ,IJ;3PQf3P with protruding ears

(see ~3pB3r3p) 1. vice-, deputy, -- TYWM3JI deputy minister 2. (-- napaa, -- napaanan, -- ~3r) order, succes-

,IJ;3P3Bf3P ,IJ;3C

sion, sequence, -- ~apaaraap (-- ~apaanaH, --

~3C33p) in order, in sequence, -- napaanyynax to arrange in order, --


successive, --

nyraap order, -- TOO (see TOO 1.)

,IJ;3PBHHJIT spread, splay, projection

,IJ;3CJIYYJI3X to put in order

,IJ;3PBHHX to be splayed, to be flared, to be everted

,IJ;3CJI3N lieutenant (mil.), axnax -- senior lieutenant, oara -- second lieutenant, -- reaepan lieutenant-general

,IJ;3PB3f3H3X to flap, to fly about ,IJ;3PB3f3P flared, Wide-mouthed, spreading, -100Ka full skirt, flared skirt ,IJ;3PB3JI33X to flap, to flutter (butterfly, flicker (flame)



,IJ;3PB3X to flap, to flutter, § XOpMOH Hb ~3PB3H XHHCq with skirts flapping ,IJ;3PfYYJI3X to go at a spanking pace ,IJ;3Pf3,IJ; by, near, at ,IJ;3Pf3,IJ;YYP by, alongside, -- Hb alongside it ,IJ;3Pf3,IJ;3X at, near, by, belonging to, of, IiHMA Y JICbIH CaH~ aapsm 39BJI9JIHHH -Y JICbIH T9JI9BJI9r90HHH KOMHCC the State Planning Commission of the Council of Ministers of the MPR ,IJ;3Pf3P 1. projecting, sticking out, jutting out 2. stiff, hard ,IJ;3P,IUIHX to be stiff, to stick out stiffly ,IJ;3P)l{HfHYYP jerking, juddering ,IJ;3P)l{HfH3X to wobble, to run unevenly, to jerk ,IJ;3PHHX to go stiff

,IJ;3CJI3X to be in order ,IJ;3Y 1. a vessel for measuring grain 2. "peck", a unit of measure for grain (hist.) (Chin.) ,IJ;3X

(see naxs]

,IJ;3Q aluminium ,IJ;33

(see naa II.)

,IJ;33B3P the felt roof covering of a Mongol tent, roof, xoep TaJIT -- pitched roof, -- TaBHX to put the roof on the tent, ~33BPHHH X9HAHH roofspace, § WYSYY HYPYYHbI r8.WIa TaJIbIH OypXyyJIHHr -- r3}1{ H3PJI3H3 the coveri ng on the outer side of the rchers is termed the roof ,IJ;33B3PJI3X to roof ,IJ;33B3PQHH roofer ,IJ;33fYYP 1. over, on top of, AYHA}I{aac -- above average, M9C9H -- rapax to go out over the ice, -- TaBHX to give preference to, to rate higher, § HHHrMHHH3pX awrHHr aMHHbIXaaC -- TaBHX to rate the public interests higher than private ones, WopOO XaJITHpraaTaH 3aM -- uanax to scatter earth over a slippery road 2. up, Maw -- Hp3X to come in well up (in a race), -- nooryyp ryHx to go from pillar to post, -- opox to do best, to

come out top, OHe OHe3 J);33ryypT OPOX to outdo one another 3. superior, higher, high-up, highclass, .. 3aHTaH (.. TOJIrOHTOH) stuck up, vain, .. 3HHJ);aaHbI top-class, .. canaaraa with big ideas, .. xapax to be stuck-up, .. xapu a superior look, § HHJI33J); .. 3PJ);3M OOJIOBCPOJITOH xyu a rather more educated person

,IJ;33rYYPX over ,IJ;33,IJ; higher, upper, superior, HOXpHHH .. the best of comrades, .. OOJIOBCPOJI higher education, .. rasap higher authority, .. 33pmHH most, highest, first-rate, .. eser forebear, ancestor, .. cypryyns (seecypryyns], .. TaJIbIH upper, .. THB the world above, the heavens, .. yeHHH of the past, old-time, .. X3M}K33HHH YYJI3aJIT summit meeting, .. X3C3r top, upper part, .. ssryypraa persons of high descent ,IJ;33,IJ;HHH first, highest, .. cvpsr name for the official Manchu herds in Mongolia ,IJ;33,IJ;n3X (A33AJI3H y33X, A33AJI3H XYHAJI3X, A33AJI3H XyHJJ;3Tr3x) to respect, to look up to, A33AJI3H caXHX to observe, to respect (a law, etc.), A33AJI3H WYT3X to revere ,IJ;33,IJ; Y,IJ; Verkhneudinsk (p.n.) ,IJ;33,IJ;QHn3H respectfully ,IJ;33,IJ;Qn3X to respect, to honour, to revere



A33ryyp33 HOMPOX to get into trouble, to get sent down, A33JIT3H TOpCOH yp foster-child ~33P 1. in, at, on, with, MOHroJI X3JI3H .. in the Mongolian language, cysraa .. at the sumuncentre, § OPOHTooryH J);33P33 while it is still not too late 2. to, towards 3. as well as, on top of, § ORA TaBbIH .. as well as us five, T3rC3H A33P33C on top of that 4. above, before, YPbA oyp .. uarr long long ago, .. AYPAcaH abovementioned, .. AYPAcaH'lJIaH as mentioned above, .. J);opryH from top to bottom, high and low, A33P33C Db AOOW from top to bottom, from the top downwards, .. AOPOO opox to scrap, to fight it out, .. yeA long ago, .. yeHHH XHH~3H old fashioned, of an old type better, best, § HaMaifr BaBaJI .. B3 what should I do for the best?


,IJ;33P,IJ;3X to improve, to get better, § MHHHH OHe }KaaXaH A33PA3}K oaHHa I am getting a bit better ,IJ;33PTyyn3X to improve, to enhance ,IJ;33PX 1. on, on top of, over (adj.) 2. the above ,IJ;33PXHHH r3r33H "His Holy lchiness" (epithet of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu)

,IJ;33,IJ;Qyyn (see A33A3C)

,IJ;33P3nXYY superior, haughty, stuck-up

,IJ;33,IJ; nrnB33 Russian Kyakhta (p.n.)

,IJ;33P3nx3X to be superior, to be arrogant, A33P3JIX3H oacaM}KJIax to humiiiate

,IJ;33,IJ; 3P,IJ;3MT reign title of Chongde, known as Abahai (1636-1643) (see C3~3H xaaa]

,IJ;33P3M robbery, banditry, plundering, .. XHHx to rob, to plunder

,IJ;33,IJ;3C high-ups, nobility

,IJ;33P3M,IJ;n3r (see A33p3M)

,IJ;33,IJ;3X upper, which is above

,IJ;33P3M,IJ;3PI robber, mugger

,IJ;33}K 1. the choicest or best part of something, especially that offered to a deity as a sacrifice, CyyuHH .. eprex to sprinkle an offering of milk § apXHHrHA33HHH .. OOJIrOH Y33X )"IHP as they look on spirits as the best of milk-foods, 33}K Hb 'IHHHH XOHHOOC ~aHHbIXaa A33}KHHr eproon cyy}K oaHB I your mother will stay and make an offering of tea as you depart 2. (.. copsu] sample, capasr XOpCHHH A33}KHC samples of the moon's crust

,IJ;33P3M,IJ;3X 1. to rob, to steal,to plunder, A33P3MA3H 30AOX to mug 2. robbery with violence (jur.)

,IJ;33P3HrYH haughty, arrogant, high and mighty, .. Y33JI chauvinism, .. Y33JIT3H chauvinist

,IJ;33}Kn3PI sampler, sampling-tool, OpMOH .. core-sampler

,IJ;33P3HrYHn3X 1. to insult, to humiliate be insolent, to be arrogant

,IJ;33}Kn3X 1. to pick out the best, to cream off, to take the first-fruits 2. to sample

,JJ;33C rope, cord, A33C3H AOPOO stirrups of cord, A33C3H AOPOOT3H mokeshilt. rough and ready, A33C3H AOpOOH A33P A3H}KHrH3}K to hang by a thread, to be on a knife edge

,IJ;33n Mongol gown, gown, nasxap .. lined gown, AaH .. unlined gown, uysnaa .. overgown, A33JIA33 oarraxryH to be beside oneself, .. A3B33 (.. xyanac] clothes, A33JIHHH OJIryyp wea kling, A33JIT3H CO~aJIH3M Mongol-style socialism, A33JI33 TOJIrOH

,JJ;33P3Mn3X (see A33p3MA3X) ,IJ;33P3MQHH robber, bandit, brigand, AaJIaHH .. pirate, HX 3aMbIH .. highway robber

2. to

,JJ;33cn3X to measure with a line ,JJ;33XHYYP a little above, just above, TVYHHH .. a little above it ,IJ;33X3H a little above, a little before, HHJI33A"



1. to raise, to bring up, to move up, to heighten, to increase, to enhance 2. to sharpen (mus.)


quite a while ago, - yeA not long ago ~33X3HT3H a little above, just above, ryypHim - a little above the bridge ~33X3HT33 (see A33X3HT3H)



~33mJI3X to rise, to get up, to ascend, to go up, to get higher, - eauer angle of elevation


~33m 1. up, upwards 2. more than, upwards of 3. above, AaJlaHH TYBWH33C - above sea level

~33IIIXH above {adj.}, AaJIaHH OHAOp height above sea-level

~33mfYH not more than, not above, § sypraaa capaac - xyranaa a period of not more than six months

~33m33 up, upwards, - MOpHJIOX (- cyyx) to move up, to take a higher seat, to take the seat of honour, - T3Hr3p XOJI AOOWOO raaap xaTYY between the hammer and the anvil, hopeless and helpless, - xapax to look upwards

~33nrnx above {adj.}, above ground

raspaac - X3C3r

~33mJIYYJI3r sharp (mus.)

the part

WIH (see A3H II.)


E EBPA3H Eurasia EBPEH Jew; jewish EBPOII Europe, EBPOIIbIH xaMTbIH HHHr3MJI3r European Community, EC, EBPOIIbIH xontioo European Union, EU, EBPOIIbIH 3AHHH 3acrHHH XaMTbIH HHHr3Mn3r European Economic Community, EEC, EBPOIIbIH lIonOOT xY~aJIAaaHbI HHHr3Mn3r European Free Trade Association, EFTA

- xocor carting, ordinarily

horse and cart,



EP,n;SS 1. actually, oso matter of fact, never, not at all, § TaHbI 10M- 3H3 yy is this really all you have?, lIH - X3H~ II saxanan oH~3rryH IIIyy A33 you never write a letter to anyone, do you? 2. altogether, just EPHI1H ordinary, normal, everyday, - Y33r~3n the usual thing

EBPOII.JKCOH europeanized

EPSH)l;fSHS Vincetoxicum (Antitoxicum) (bot.)

EBPOII.JKYY europeanized

EPSH)l;Sf 1. (XOpbIH -) antidote, antitoxin 2. contraceptive device, coil, - TaBHX to fit a contraceptive device

EBPo:rrqrrox to europeanize EfHIIET Egypt EfSS irony, sarcasm EfSS,n;rrSr ironic, sarcastic EfSS,n;Srr (see ereo] EfSS,n;SHrYl1 (see ereenner] EfSS,n;SX to speak ironically, to poke fun, to mock, to satirize EfSST311 (see ereennor]

EPSH)l;SfrrSX to counteract EPSHXHI11. general (adj.), - oonoBcpon general education, - oonoBcponbIH cypryyns (see cypryyns]. - rasap board of management, board, epOHXHH~ Hb X3n03JI (epoHXHH~OO) generally speaking, on the whole 2. chief, main, head, - cann prime minister, premier EPsHXHl1rrSrq president

ErSX (see ereonex]

EPsHXHl1rrsrr generalization

EfYYTr3JI destruction., ruin

EPsHXHl1rrsx to generalize, to do in a general way

EfYYTr3X (eryyTr3H XOHOOX) to destroy, to ruin

EHrYYT311 malicious, spiteful

EPssrr 1. benediction, prayer for blessings (Buddh.) 2. benediction (as a literary form) 3. good wishes, Wish, caaxaa epOOJIHHH yr good Wishes, T3P - opnrryraa (T3p - oaT OpIIIHX oOnTyraH, epeaneep oOJIor) may that wish come true, - epeex to utter a benediction, to express a good wish, - 3aJIOHPaJI a pious Wish, - TaBHX to wish well

EHf3H3X to whine, to groan, eHr3H3T3n yilJIax to moan

EPSSrrI(SX to wish (mutually), caHH caaxastr to wish each other all the best

ErYYIIlHH (see 30XHMOH) EMIiYY an ingot of silver, usually of fifty ounces

[nan] (Chin.) EM,n;YY.JKHH (see .JKaBxaa.rrar Bamnp] EHrYY malice, spite


I. ninety

EP II. (- Hb) actually, as a matter of fact, never, - OHIIIHHH (- OYCbIH) unusual, extraordinary, Hb T3r33A well then, § XOHHHbI uraraar xa~arryH they never throwaway a sheep's ankle-bone, IIIHH3 ayrarr - a}KHJI MYHAaxryH there is always a lot to do on a new pasture, 3H3 - Hb HMap yqHpTaH 10M 03 whatever can this be? EPfSS smart trot EPfSX to go at a smart trot (horse) EPryyrr3X to ride at a smart trot EP,n;HI1H usual, ordinary, normal, conventional, natural, XYH aMbIH - XOAOJIrOOH vital statistics of the population, - OHIII unusual, abnormal, 33BC3r conventional weapons, ep~HHHxOOPOO as usual, epAHHHX33C33 Hnyy more than usual,

EPSSrrq singer of benedictions EPSSC generally, as a rule, altogether, in fact, not at all EPSSCSS (see epooc] EPSSX to Wish, to wish for, to express a wish for, § TYYHA aM}K}IJITbIr epOOB wished him success EPTSHI( world, cosmos, universe, aJI3aIIIryH this world (Buddh.), rypasnaxs - third world, MaTepHaJIJIar - the material world, oop - other worlds, epTOHQHHH ron the centre of the universe, epTOHQHHH rypas triad (as a literary form), epTOHQHHH MOHX oycbIr Y3YYJI3X to go the way of all flesh, epTOHQHHr Y33X Y33JI world-view, Weltanschauung, epTOHQOOC XaJIHX to pass away, epTOHQHHH XaHaJIOap horizon



EPxer Couch, Agropyron, CaMaH fum, X3Bp3r ... A. fragile, IJ;omuIH

A. ctistoA. deser-

forum EP33,n; ninety odd, ninety or so, ... OH the nineties EC 1. nine, eCOH oyJIar the underworld, eCOH oyJIrHHH nop onox to die, eCOH oyJItIHpXaH HaHMaH aaanayypxaaraa TOOtIHX to go on about it, eCOH Hyx a piece of metal with nine holes worn by children as a life-preserving charm, eCOH CYB the nine openings of the body, eCHHH TOC nine-tugrig cooking oil, eCOH XOJIT ryr the nine-tailed banner (of Genghis Khan), econ xysaasc M3~3X "finding out by dividing by nine" - a method of calculating the outcome of an illness: one is added to the age of the patient and the result is multiplied by three and divided by nine; the result will be three (serious but not fatal), zero (fatal) or six (spontaneous recovery), eCOH naraaa the "nine whites", an annual gift or tribute of nine white animals presented to the Manchu emperor by the khans of Mongolia; presented also to the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu

in 1911, eC9H 3P~3H3 the nine jewels (used in making books) (gold, silver, coral, pearl, turquoise, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, copper, steel) 2. every, eCOH :>KOPbIH [ecoa 3yHJIHHH, eCOH m~HHH, eCOH m~HHH 3YC3H OypHHH) all sorts of, of all shapes and sizes, eCOH nranssp xapaax to curse roundly 3. the nine periods of nine days of cold after the winter solstice, rypsaa ... (~3p ... , ~3P rypsaa ...) the middle three periods of nine days, rypnaa eCHHH XyHTH33P in the depths of winter cold, ... 3XJI3X the beginning of winter cold

EC,n;yr33P ninth, ... cap September EC,n;3Xb ninth ECJIeX 1. to impose a fine of nine beasts 2. to put in groups of nine 3. to tell fortune by the nine M3Hr3 ECerQHH a fairy-tale creature with nine heads, nine tails, the claws of a tiger and a child's voice ECYYJI nine together, all nine E3 oh!, ... oa3apBaaHb oh my goodness me! E3B3H a type of round pastry with a filling, "rnooncoke" (Chin.)

EBoprOTOH malicious EBPOJIT push, nudge, shove, thump EBPOX to push, to nudge, to shove, to jostle, to thump

EH30H title of the teacher of a high lama (Tib. yongs-'dzin)

EHXOHX to be pushed in, to be squashed in, to be dented


EHXOP I. silk

EBqHX to keep pushing

EHXOP II. sunken, fallen-in (eyes, etc.)

EBqyyP curt, testy

EHIIIrOHT dollar (coin) (with the head of Yuan Shikoi]

nr yoga,

erbIH nacran yoga exercises, yoga

ErO (see er] Er030PbIH CYPrYYJIb Yogacara school of Buddhism

EIT figurative, allegorical, with a hidden meaning, enigmatic, --- 30XHOJIQ fabulist, --- yrra 6yXHH with a hidden meaning, --- yr allegory, --- yJIr3p fable

EHIIIXOH TOJIrOHT (see enurroar] EO oh!, ouch!, aa r3B3JI eoryH 6alix to stick to one's word

sor yoga E03 I. deuce (domino) E03 II. appearance, look, style, way

EITJIOJI allegory, parable

E03fYH bad, nasty, --- MYYXaH OP;9P a nasty day E03TOH all right, not bad, decent

EITJIOJIT allegorical

EOJIOX (eOJIOH rHHllIHX) to groan, to moan

EITJIOX to speak figuratively

EOTOH lump sugar, sugar knobs (Chin.)

ErxHHX to miss a beat, § 3ypX erXHHB my heart missed a beat


E~OP pole marking a grave

E)K irony, sarcasm E)KHPXOr ironic, sarcastic E)KJlOJI irony, sarcasm E)KJlOHrYfI ironic, sarcastic E)KJIOX to speak spitefully, to speak maliciously, e)KJIOH ereonox to satirize, to lampoon E)KOPXYY malicious, biting, cutting E)KTOH (see e1Kopxyy)

EOTYY pickaxe EOX oh!, oh dear! EOXOP name of a Buryat round dance EOqHH the Mongolian dulcimer (Chin.) EOqHHqHH eosnra-plover EP omen, sign, MYY --- bad omen, MYY epsm illomened; nasty, horrid, --- Hb OP1K ep;op Hb r030JI30X appearance of omens of calamity

EPrnO bumptious, show-off EPfYH 1. ill-omened 2. nasty, horrid EP~rOp long, lanky, sticking up

E)KYYH (see e1Kopxyy)

EP~OHJIrOX to stick out

E300P root, bole, stump, butt, butt-end

EP~oHx to stick out, to stick up, to stand out


EHJIOJIT groaning

EP~OJI30X (see epp;olix)

EHJIOX to groan, to moan

EPJIOX to portend, MYY --- to portend evil

EJI Bearded Vulture, Gypaetus barbatus EJIOM erysipelas, raxana --- swine erysipelas EJITrOHOX to gleam a little, to show up a little EJITrOp weak, feeble, § aasrpsm --- uaraan Hap the feeble white sun of autumn

EJITOHX to gleam, to give a fi~ul light EJITOJI30X (see enroax] EMIiOrOp protruding, sticking out, salient EMIiOHx to stick out, to protrude EHrnHOX to drone EH~rOHOX to sway EH~rop (see eM6orop)

EPOr canvas, linen, coarse cloth EPOOJI bottom, foot, JIaa3HbI --- bottom of a tin, xansm epoon the foot of the tent wall, --- yynnax to get to the bottom (of something)

EPOOJI,IJ;OX to be at the bottom, asra --- (see

asra] EPOOJIbIH bottom-living, benthic, --- yprasran

asssraa benthos EPbIH wretched, miserable EC rule, custom, habit, principle, system, manner, mode, order, etiquette, xoep --- the principle of joint church and secular rule, --- annax to break the rules, to misbehave, to forget etiquette, ---



ECJIOJIT HOM Liji (Book of Rites) ECJIOJIbIH ceremonial, ritual, formal,

OOJIrO}K as a matter of form, eCOH oyc improper, 4IlIt ryH~3Tr3x to perform a ceremony, 4IlIt ~3rJI3M (4IlIt }Ky~ar) system, order, pattern, 4IlIt eMoo (4IlIt HMoa) ceremonial, procedure, 4IlIt eMOO yH~3X to go through a ceremony, 4IlIt eMoorop TOP TOMoorap rules are rules, 4IlIt eMooryH xapaan 3YX3X to curse roundly, 4IlIt acasr regulations, 4IlIt }KypaM order, propriety, 4IlIt 3aHWHJI tradition, custom, 4IlIt 3apllHM principles, 4IlIt 3yH ethics; decency, 4IlIt 3yHryH unethical, 4IlIt HaMoa routine, 4IlIt CypTaxYYH morals, ethics; morale, 4IlIt cypraxyyasr moral, ec CypTaxYYHryH immoral, 4IlIt cypTaxYYHbI XOXHpOJI defamation, 4IlIt TO~H formally, perfunctorily, in name only, hardly at all, 4IlIt Tap ceremony, 4IlIt Tap OOJIOH with ceremony, 4IlIt TopryH undignified, disreputable, 4IlIt TOPT3R ceremonial, with ceremony, 4IlIt yJI M3~3X ep yJI xannax (4IlIt M3M3rryH xYH~ ep xaJIMarryH) to lead a charmed life, ecoan xasraa against the rules, illicit, 4IlIt XHHx to salute, to greet

ECrvH 1. improper 2. should not, ought no to, no need to, § caRH 3M'1JIYYJI3X3~ saasan YX3X 10M with proper treatment there is no need for them to die, X3H XYHHH M3~3X 4IlIt Hyyn; 3yHJI a secret which should not be known to anyone 4IlIt

ECJION respectfully, sincerely (at the end of a letter, etc.)

ECJIOJI ceremony, eCJIOJIbIH antia protocol (diplomatic), rerannep solemnly 4IlIt

4IlIt }KypaM protocol, 4IlIt xaanra ceremonial gateway, 4IlIt xysuac parade dress (mil.)

ECJIOX 1. to salute, to greet, axnax ~OJITOHAOO to salute a superior, eCJIOJIbIH rap saluting hand 2. (eCJIOH aHropyyJI3X, eCJIOH T3~3rJI3x) to celebrate 4IlIt

ECOJIrOO ceremony ECOOP in accordance with, according to,


oOJIrox to approve; (4IlIt ryH~3Tr3x) to put into effect, to ca rry out, 4IlIt OOJIOX to come true, 4IlIt Hb all right, properly

ECOOPOO all right, properly ECOPxor formal, ceremonious, pedantic ECOPXOX to be formal, to stand on ceremony ECOPXYY (see ecopxor] ECT correct, proper, right,


xysuac uniform

ECTOH 1. really, truly, proper,

4IlIt H3r not half, 4IlIt H3r xanrpaax to teach (someone) a jolly good lesson, § 4IlIt 10M ecoop OOJIOX OaHJIryH that's how things are, no two ways about it, OH 4IlIt H3r xyq uraaxnaa myy I properly wore myself out 2. should, ought, must, § O~OO ~aHraap ~a}J{ oaiix 4IlIt they must be short of tea by now

ECtIJIOH properly, in the proper way

ETYY (see RTYY) EX oh!, oh dear! EXJIOX to cry "oh dear!"

====)I{==== )I{A yes, very good

bya bs-khrus)


:JKAA I. name of a game of dominoes in which the numbers have to be matched, nasxap -- a form of this game, TaHbI M3M3r AaHmHH -OHIII it's beyond your understanding

:JKAA II. station, 6331KHH -- Peking station (Chin.) :JKAABAH3 MO~ hames (padded fitments used to form the horse-collar)

:JKAA)KAA auntie (Chin.) )KAA)KrHH rickety, wobbly )KAA3 I. frame, 3yprnHH -- picture-frame (Chin.) )KAA3 II. (see }Ka3) )KAA3JIAX to frame, to put in a frame )KAAJI 1. little, small, -- xyy little boy 2. small child 3. a little, a bit, -- asaaan atter a bit, -rarax TaMXH a bit of tobacco to smoke, -- }KyyJI (-- 3yyJI, -- syraa] a little, a bit, odds and ends, -- }KyyJI HA3X 10M a bit to eat, -- 3yyJI 10M odds and ends, this and that

)KAAJIAX 1. to make a match (in playing acaa], oypyy -- to make a mismatch 2. to be in luck )KAAJIXAH 1. little, small 2. a little, a bit, § apBaH ~ar -- oHropOOA a little atter ten )KAATAH super )KAAXAH 1. little, small, -- X3M}K33HHH small, small-sized


a little, a bit

)KABAA Peucedanum baicalense (bot.) )KABAH Cimicifuga (bot.), Ilaryyp -- C. dahurica , 9MXHH -- C. foetida )KABAP 1. cold air, cold wind, -- CaJIXH cold wind 2. chill, -- xyprax to linger on (cold), to stay chilly, § Hap rycaac -- apHJICHbI napaa when the chill has gone off under the sun,

}KaBpblr raprax to take the chill off 3. wind )KABAPJIAr cold, chilly )KABAPJIAX to blow (cold wind) }KABfA a type of sweetened pastry cooked on a hot plate

)KAB,ll;AH (-- CYYAaJI) long cushion on the bench on which lamas sit during ceremonies

)KAB)K (see 3aBb:>K) 60f~ f3f33H Jebtsundamba Khutuktu of Urga




XYTAIT (see )KaB3aHAaMoa oorA r3r33H) }KABTHH 1. washing, ablution (Buddh.) 2. beating up, going over, -- XypT3X to get beaten up 3. to get sent off (football), urap -- HorAOX to get a warning, to be shown the yellow card


}l{ABXAA I. splendour, magnificence }l{ABXAA II. Ziziphora (bot.), 3pYYJIr3H -- Z.

clinopodioides }l{ABXAA)l{HX to become smart, to become beautiful

}l{ABXAA}KYYJIAX to smarten up, to beautify }l{ABXAAJIAf (see }KaBXaaTaH) }l{ABXAATAH splendid, magnificent, stately, smart, fine

}l{ABXAHX to be trim, to be spruce }l{ABXAJI3AX to move gracefully, to move elegantly

}l{ABXfAP graceful, elegant }l{ABXJIAH splendour, majesty, -- TOrOJIAOp full of splendour, wholly magnificent

}l{ABXJIAHTAH splendid, majestic }l{ABIIIAAH chance, opportunity, luck, good fortune, -- rapax to have the chance (of) }l{ABIIIAAHTAH lucky, fortunate, opportune }l{ABIIIHX 1. to seize the opportunity, to take advantage of the situation, to profit, § qaAMar Hb :>KaBIIIH}K, HAYY Hb QHp3rA3}K XO~OPHO the capable profited, while the poor went to the wall 2. to misappropriate, to filch, OYCAbIH XOAOJIMOP -- to profit by others' labour

}l{ABb}K (see 3aBb:>K) )l{AfAP Indio (hist.) (Jib. rgyo-gar) )l{Af}K}KYBA (see Hyrsm TOMOPA33) )l{ArMAA Bulrush, Typha (also Y:>KHpc) )l{AfO,ll;60H local name for thyme (Jib. byargod-spos)

)l{AfCANJ; fall in! (mil.) )l{AfCAAJI 1. [cvpr --) demonstration (polit.) 2. (~3prHHH --) ranks (mil.), aHHbI -- marching order (mil.), acarcaanaac rapax to fallout, to leave the ranks; to be put out of action, to be knocked out, :>KarcaaJIaac raprax to put out of action, to knock out 3. parade (mil.), AYYT -parade with singing, }KarCaaJIbIH anxaa ceremonial step, parade step (mil.) (Russ. crpoeson mar), }KarCaaJIbIH 03JITr3JI drill (Russ. crpoeaas

nonroroaxa], :>KarCaaJIbIH 03JITr3JIHHH TaJIoafl (:>KarCaaJIbIH TaJIoafl) parade-ground, drillground, :>KarCaaJIbIH rYH depth of formation

(Russ. rJIy6HHa


)l{AfCAAJIT list, H3PCHHH -- list of names, H3PCHHH :>KarCaaJITaA opyynax to put on a list of names



)KAfCAAX 1. to put in a row, to line up, to parade 2. to list )KAfCAflI~ demonstrators

)l{AfCAX 1.1. to be lined up, CYPT3H - to demonstrate 2. to fall in (mil.), 1Karc fall in! )KAfCAX II. to grow up, to mature )KM


spear, lance, bayonet TyBJI3yyp }l{aA (see TyHJI3yyp 1KaA), xyrraa - knife-bayonet, lIHlIJIYYP - foil, - sanra fix bayonets!, - canra unfix bayonets!, - TyJIraH at bayonet point, }l{aAHbl Y3YYP spear-point 2. javelin (sport), WHA3JIT throwing the javelin

~X to be tight (clothes, etc.) ~IiA name of a lamaist prayer ~fAP tight (clothes) ~JIAX to spear, to bayonet, to stab ~qHH


)KA}I{JIAX (see 3a}KJIax) )KA3 jazz )KAHBHHJIrAX to distort, to contort )I{AIf)KfAP rickety, wobbly )KAH)KrHH (see 1KaHJKrap) )KAH)l{HrHAX to be rickety, to be wobbly )KAJIABtI 1. small cooling dish placed on top of the distilling apparatus in distilling 2. dish, bowl )KAJIIiHrAP flat, - TOMOp roroo a flat iron pot

)l{AMbRH Jamyang dbyangs)




)l{AMbRHMMAf Globe Flower, Trollius )KAH

I. a

measure of ten Chinese feet (Chin.)

)KAH II. room, internal division of a house, rypaaa - oaHWHH a building of three rooms

(Chin.) )KAH III. journal (of a cart-axle, fitting into the Q9H)



soy-sauce, pickle (Chin.)

)KAHAr China (hist.) (Tib. rgya-nag) )KAH):{Af almsgiver, donor, benefactor, patron (Tib. sbyin-bdag) )KAlDKHH 1. general, main, MAXH-bIH nryrasr the general line of the MPRP, - nrrati general staff (mil.), - urratism napra chief of the general staff 2. general (mil.) (Chin.) )KAH}I{JIAJ! domination, hegemony )KAH}I{JIAX (1KaH}KJIaH HOepXOX) to dominate, to lord it over, - Y33JIT hegemonistic )KAHJIAB blessing (corresponding to aAHcTHA) (Buddh.) (Tib. byin-r1abs) )KAHPAHc3r Chenrezi (Avalokiteshvara), M3r33A - statue of the "Chenrezi who opens the eyes", also called HaHH TOXOH - the "Eightycubit Chenrezi" (near the Gandang lamasery)(Tib. spyan-ras-gzigs) )KAHCAr set of ornaments (Buddh.) (Tib. prob. rgyan-tshogs) )KAHQAH victorious banner, trophy (see HaHMaH TaxHJI) (Buddh.) (Tib. rgyal-mtshan)

)KAJIrA ravine, gully, gulch, gorge, - AOBblH (see )l{aJIrbIH}, - cynar ravines, - TOHpOH on one's own doorstep

)KAHtI lama's mantle, - apHJIJKHX (- xanax] to die (high lama), - xanyynax to do to death, to kill

)KAJIrAPXAX to be parochial, to favour one's neighbours

)KAHqHX to beat, to hit, to thrash

)KAJIThIH petty, parochial, piddling, - Y33JI parochial ideas

)KAHtIXYY Zhangjiakou, Kalgan (p.n.)

)KAJI,Il;rAP flat

)KAHtIHJIT beating, thrashing )KAHtIJIAX to robe

)KAJIQAH (see 1KaHQaH)

)KAP sixty, acapan ec MaWHH GAZ-69 (vehicle), 1KapaH QOHXpor (}I{apaH J.WHXJI3r) the "watercells" in a camel's rumen; thirsty person, drinker, acapan HMaaHbl yxaa IIIHr XaJITap as dirty as a rom with sixty goats

)KAM (- ec, - xyyns] law, rule, OaHraJIHHH - ec the laws of nature

)KAPAA)]; sixty odd, sixty or so, - OHblyeA in the sixties

)l{AMAArYYJI an ultra-fine embroidery needle

)KAPAAXAH fry, young fish

)KAJIX (- xaaap] tone, quality )KAJIXTAH stout, sturdy

1. to

)KAMAP rose-h ip


)l{AMIiA (- Q3Q3r) Mallow, Malva, )KaMoa Q3QrHHH osor Mallow Family, Malvaceae

)KAPAMrAH fry, young fish

flash the eyes


to flirt

)KAMCPAHJamsrang (Buddhist protective' deity) (Tib. ICam-sring, Beg-tse)

)KAPAH sexagenary cycle, 1KapHbI 0PllHJIT H3p year-name according to the sexagenary cycle of colour plus animal

)KAMTAH bound to

)KAPAH X8JIT Centipede


)l{APBAHJIrAX to narrow (the eyes), to halfclose (the eyes), HY~33 --- to narrow the eyes, to

}KHr )l{yr

half-close the eyes

)l{APBAHX to be narrowed (eyes) )l{APrAAX to make (someone) happy }l{APrAJI happiness, well-being, --- 30BJIOH happiness and sadness, joys and sorrows, --~3Hr3JI happiness, --- ~3Hr3JIT3H happy

)l{APrAJIAHT happy )l{APrAJIT setting (of the sun) )l{APrAJITAH happy )l{APrAX I. to be happy, to enjoy oneself, § am, OyxHHH 3yHJI33P --- to enjoy all the good things of life, astap canxaanaa 1Kapra1K33 and they lived happily ever aher

)l{APrAX 11.1. to sink, to decline, to set, to die down, to expire, to go out (light, etc.) Hap --- to set (sun) 2. to sleep (resp.)

}l{APA picked troops, guard (hist.) )l{AP3AHA .HBAX to go into meditation on a mountain

)l{APfAHJIrAX to narrow, to half-close (eyes) )l{APfAHx to be narrowed, to be half-closed (eyes)

)l{APfrAH narrow, slit (eyes) )l{APfrAP (see acaprran] )l{APxAH (see rspxaa] )l{AC (--- 1KaB) lamasery property, lamasery treasury, 1KaCbIH MaJI livestock of a lamasery )l{ACAA 1. periodic duty, turn of duty (hist.), --1KaH}KHH duty-general (at Uliastai) 2. office staffed by regularly rotating personnel (hist.),

}KaCaaH,I:\ cyyx to be on periodic duty 3. (--nannara] service held regularly by a household for the purpose of obtaining good fortune

)l{ACAAJIAX to be on periodic duty, to take one's turn at duty (hist.)

)l{ACAAqHH an official on periodic duty )l{ACXYY custodian of a lamasery treasury (1Kac) lKAC3P Russia (hist.) (Tib. rgya-ser) lKATAr a four-sided west Mongolian hat )l{ATrA witchery )l{ATrAq witch )l{ATrAqHH (see acarraa] )l{ATKA reaper (Russ.) )l{AIJ; sal-ammoniac, ammonium chloride )l{AIIIHP XOprOH Indian brocade )l{A.Hr (--- nsr, --- ,l:\3rJI3M) regulations (esp. in a lamasery)

)l{HB Flying Squirrel

}KHBAA ten million (Tib. bye-ba) }KHBT3H cunning }KHBYYJI3X to sink (trans.) }KHBX 1. drain of a cradle 2. nappy, H3r Y,I:\aarnHH uaacaa --- disposable paper nappy }KHBXPYYJI3X (see llIHBXPYYJI3X) }KHB3JIT sinking }KHB3P I. whiskers, moustache, beard }KHB3P 11.1. fin 2. wing }KHB3P III. corner of the roof-flap [opx] (west Mongol)

}KHB3X 1. to sink 2. (}KHB1K yx3X) to drown }KHB33CT3H sunken, submerged XHB33T3H (see }KHB33CT3H) }KHr something, something odd, § aMb,l:\paJI axyH ,l:\3311IJI3X --- ypras life took a turn for the better, H3r --- OOJI1K ,1:\33 (H3r --- ypraa llIYY) there's something odd here, something odd has happened, HMap H3r --- ypraxsrr M3,1:\3H realising that there was something up

}KHrA I. regular, even, level, equal, consistent, smooth, H3r3H --- all together, all alike, equally, uniformly

}KHrA II. Oleaster, Eloeognus, MypKPOc}>TbIH' --E. Moorcroftii, )l{Hr,I:\HHH osor Oleaster Family, Elaeagnaceae

}KHrArYH uneven, irregular }KHrAJI3r uniformity, regularity, consistency }KHrAJI3X to even out, to make uniform }KHrAPYYJI3X 1. to draw up, to line up, to make level, to make uniform, to regularize 2. to homogenize (milk)

}KHrAP3JI balance, co-ordination }KHrAP3JIT (see }KHr,l:\p3JI) }KHrAP3X 1. to be level, to be on a level, to be regular, to be straight, to be uniform 2. to be co-ordinated, to be in harmony, to run properly, }KHr,l:\p3H ~3r~p3X to be systematized, to be put in order, § yc noroo }KHr,l:\3pC3H ayrar pastures with good supplies of water and grass

}KHrAX3H straight, regular, steady, even }KHrA3JI Collemo (lichen) }KHrA3PM3JI balanced }KHrA3PXYY (see }KHr,l:\3pM3JI) }KHr)l{HA (--- oypxaH) epithet of Yamantaka (Tib. 'jigs-byed) }KHr )l{yr furtively, on the quiet, --- r3JI~3X to whisper to each other, --- HH33X to giggle, ---


)l{HrHYYP I.

repairs, casorr TYnaJIAaaH skirmish, minor engagement, N ca}J{Hr 10M little things, trifles, N xepeareraaa YHAC3pX3r Y33n petty-bourgeois nationalism, N X~A little children N

HpHX to whisper, to murmur

)l{HfHYYP I. steamer

)I{H)I{Hf,II;3X to be too small

)l{HfHYYP II. balance, scales

)I{H)I{HfJI3JIT division

)l{HfH3JIT I. baking

)I{H)I{HfJI3HrHMH retail,

)l{HfH3JIT II. weighing

)I{H)I{HfJI3Hf33P in small quantities, retail

)l{HfH3M3f biscuit

)I{H)I{HfJI3X to break up, to reduce to small

)l{HfH3M3JI steamed

1.1. to bake, TaJIX to bake bread 2. to brew, ~aH to brew tea 3. to stew 4. (yypaap N) to steam )l{HfH3X II. to weigh, }KHrH3H XYAaJIAax to sell )l{HfH3X



by weight

)l{HfH3X III. to apply a compress, to apply a poultice

YH3 retail price

pieces, }KH}KHrn3H oYTnax to break into small pieces, to crumble, }KH}J{Hrn3H caanax to pack or bottle in small quantities; retail packing, }KH}J{Hrn3H xYAaJIAaa retail trade, }J{H}KHrn3H XYAaJIAaaJIax YH3 retail price, }KH}J{Hrn3H XYAaJIAaaJIax YHHHH HHAeKC retail prices index, }J{H}J{Hrn3H X3P'lHX to cut into small pieces, ~}KHrn3H X3C3rn3X to divide into small pieces

)I{H)I{HfH3X to jabber

)l{HfH3X IV. to feel the cold

)I{H)I{HfPYYJI3X to reduce, to make smaller, }J{H}J{Hrpyyn3H caanax to pack or bottle in small

)l{HIT3M strange, odd, curious )l{HIT3MX3H 1. strange, curious 2. really, ever so, terribly,




)I{H)I{HrP3X to get small, to get smaller

HX xaHpTaH terribly fond of

)l{HrYYJIqHH traveller

)I{H)I{Hrx3H tiny, quite small

)l{HfYYH twill

)I{H)I{YYP person on duty, orderly, duty NCO,

)l{HrYYP 1. wing (anat., po/it.) 2. side, team (wrestling) 3. side (chess), 03PCHHH side



)l{HrYYPJI3X to grow wi ngs, to become wi nged )l{HrYYPT3H winged

creatures, birds, N nryayy birds of the

N oynmHHX3H duty-shift (police), }J{H}J{yypHHH 3M'I duty doctor, doctor on call (Russ. ,n;e)KYPHbIH)

)I{H)I{YYPJI3JIT watch, duty,


XHHx to be on

watch, to be on duty


apaaraa birds and beasts, air

)l{HfIIIHJI (N 33B~3n) disgust, abhorrence, N

)I{H)I{YYPJI3X to be on watch, to be on duty, }J{H}J{yypn3H oaH~aax to interrogate in shifts

)I{H)I{YYPT3M on duty )I{H)I{33 auntie (mode of respectful address to

oonrox to be repelled by, to reject

)l{HfIIIHX 1. (}KHrillHH 33B~3X, }KHrillHH y33X) to be disgusted at, to loathe, to hate, eopoo N to hate oneself 2. to go off, to turn against, apxaar N to go off drink, uaraan xoonaooc N to go off milk foods

)l{HfIIIYYJI3X to put (someone) off (something) )l{HfIIIYYP disgust, abhorrence )l{HfIIIYYPT (N MYYXaH) disgusting, abhorrent, revolting, base

an older woman)

)l{HMf3H)l;3M name of a certain beetle )l{HMf3X I. to hum, to buzz (insect) )l{HMf3X II. to speed, to race )l{HM)I{YY silver inlay (on copper or iron, executed by running molten silver into grooves or by hammering silver wire into them)

)l{HM)I{YY,II;3X to inlay, 33C3HA MORra



inlay silver on copper

)l{HfIIIYYPT3M (see }KHrwyypT)

)l{HM)I{YYT3M with silver inlay

)l{HfIII33X 1. (}KHrill33}J{ sanxaax] to put

)l{HMJIf3X to stretch, to stretch out,to extend

(someone) off (something), apxa N 3M'IHnr33 alcohol aversion therapy 2. to make (a horse) timid, to spoil (a horse) by scaring it

)I{H,II; stalemate (chess), }J{HA3HA opyynax to stalemate

)I{H)l{f3BT3P smallish

caacar minor, small,

)l{HMII off-the-road vehicle )l{HMPf3Bq pad, support, gasket )l{HMPH3X to rise (sun)

)I{H)I{Hf little, small, petty, N

(trans.) )l{HMHC (see }KHHC II.)




(see rspsn],

cascar sacaap minor

)l{HMPXYY on edge, apprehensive, uneasy )l{HMPX3X to be put off (by), to feel uneasy

about, by it



)l{HHP3r 1. pad, padding 2. gasket, washer 3. disc (anat., etc.) 4. shirt (resp.) 5. support,




)l{HM narrow path, track


)l{HHP3rll3X to pad, to cushion, to insert, N 3rIDHr


feeling put off

epenthetic vowel

)l{HMliHHT3ll tightly, § xaanrsrr N xaax to shut the gate tightly

)l{HHTAHllrAX to narrow (the eyes) )l{HHTAHX to be narrowed (eyes)

)l{HMIiYYP oboe )l{HMliyypq oboist

)l{HHTrAP slit-eyed

)l{HM)I{r3P narrow, thin

)l{HHX 1. to stretch, to stretch out, to extend (trans.), X9JI B (see 30H~OO)


3SH,IJ;SS 1. plenty, lots of 2. frequently 3. as


one pleases

3SHSr senile

2. gentle

3SHSrnSX (see 30HOX)

3SSP possessions, property

3SHSrpSn senility 3SHSX to become senile, to become old and feeble-minded

3SSTrSX to cool 3SSX to transport, to carry 3ssxHH 1. clotted cream (see OpOM) 2. a food

3SHT3H prophetic


§ WHH3X3H rypnn 333rHH XOJIbJK O~aJIraH



prepared from clotted cream,

3S1F1 clairvoyant, prophet 3SSBSP transport,

300BpHHH T3p3r passenger vehicle, 300BpHHH T3p3mHH oYY~aJI bus station, .... T33BPHHH a}KHJI transport work

3SSBspnsx to transport, to carry 3SSBPHHH portable, carried, ....




3spnsr 1. crossing, overlap 2. junction (street, railway)

brought by transport

3ssr lukewarm

3SP-SBC (see Mapan

3SSr,IJ;MSn transported, carried

3SPSr I. Hops (bot.)

3SSr,IJ;Sn cooling (n.)

3SPsr II. (....

3SSrq l.i. carrier ii. (XOOJI ....) waiter 2. (....


}KHM, .... 3aM, .... MOp)

trace, track,

3SPSr III. fault (geol.), 30pOIT XOH~HH rih-valley 3SPSJI,IJ;SSH difference of opinion, conflict,

carrier, host (of disease or parasite)

matters of disagreement


3SSrmHX to cool off, to cool down 3pr3X ....


path, trail

3SSrpSX to cool off, to cool down

3SSnryyp carrier, conveyor,


fresh dotted cream is melted and flour and curds mixed in it and it is then boiled for use, this is called ....




3SSMSX to be too soh 3ssnnsx to soften, to make soh, to loosen (hard soil)

aeonnvve (see 300JIOBQ 2.) 3ssnSBTSP 1. sottish 2. mezzo-piano (mus.) 3SSnSBQ 1. pad, cushion 2. shock-absorber

(auto.) 3SSnSBQnSX to pad, to cushion 3ssnSH 1. soh, gentle, ....

OHeT3H Mollusc, Molluscs, Mollusca, .... OOX sandman, sleep, .... oyyx to make a soh landing, .... ran low fire, gentle heat, .... ran ~33P o~aJIrax to boil over a gentle heat, .... HOOC (see HOOC), .... yc soh water, 300JIHOOp X3JI03JI to put it mildly, .... uaraan cadmium, .... QHXT3H compliant, tractable, .... 3~ soh tissue, .... SIp soft chancre 2. piano (mus.), HX .... pianissimo

3SSnSH,IJ;YY soft 3SSnpSn sohening 3SSnpSX to soften, to get soft, to go soft 3SSnpyyn3JI 1. softening 2. euphemism 3SSJIPYYJI3X 1. to soften, to loosen (hard soil), yc .... TOXOOpOMJK water-softener 2. to reduce, to mitigate

3SSm carrying, carriage, transport 3ssnXSH 1. rather soft, mild (taste, etc.)

3SPSJI,IJ;SX 1. to overlap,

OHe OHeT3Hr33 .... to overlap each other 2. to disagree, to be at odds, .... HB~aJI disagreement

3SPSS 1. difference, discrepancy 2. displacement (of a fracture), .... raprax to reduce a displacement

3SPSST3H 1. different, with a difference, showing a discrepancy 2. conflicting, contradictory 3. displaced (fracture)

3SPSX 1. to cross, to go past, to pass 2. to be wrong,to be out, XOJI 30pOXryH to be not far wrong, § X3MJKYYP xoep 3YYH rpasosaap 30pJK the scales being two hundred grammes out 3. to go against, to contradict 4. to be displaced, 30pCOH xyrapan displaced fracture s. (30PJK rO}KHx) to be obstinate, to be awkward, to be contrary

3SPYY 1. difference, discrepancy 2. out of line, staggered,



oopHoHr lIIHJI33


oa .... IIIY~T3Hr33p XHHH3

toothed harrows are made with the teeth one behind the other or staggered

3SPYY,IJ; (.... rOJKYY~, .... ward, contrary, .... ness, contrariness

obstinate, awkobstinacy, awkward-



3SPYY,IJ;n3X to be obstinate, to be awkward, to be contrary

3SPYYJI,IJ;3X to put at an angle 3SPyyn3r 1. cross-over, flap,

2. rabbet





3YrMAX (see syrrax] 3YfMYYJIAX (see syrryynax]

39PYYJI3X 1. to cross, to let cross, to let go past, M3C ~ to cross swords, xypra Hwr33 ~ to exchange lambs and kids between milking partners (see caax 30PYYJI3X) 2. to stagger, to lap

39PYYT3H 1. different, disparate 2. contradictory, incompatible

39Pq:Ufq offender, trespasser, intruder 39Pq:u,n; jurchen (people), ~ yrcaaasr MaH1K Hap the Manchus of jurchen origin

39Pq:HJI 1. conflict, disagreement, difference, contradiction (polit., etc.) 2. offence, contravention, apHYH ~3BPHHH ~ breach of hygiene, X3B 1KypMbIH ~ breach of (public) order, 3pX 3yHH ~ breach of the law, infringement of the law

3Spq:UMSSH clash, conflict 3SPq:UJI,IJ;SX to contradict each other, to conflict, to be in conflict, aurar COHHpXOJI ~ conflict of interests

3SPq:UJIT contradictory 3SPq:UJIT3H (see 3epQHJIT) 3SPq:uX 1. to break, to violate, to go against, to contravene, HHHTHHH X3B ~ to violate public order, xyyns ~ to break the law 2. to infringe, to trespass (upon), XHJI ~ to cross a frontier illegally

3Spq:umfYH without fail 3Sqyy,IJ; obstinate, awkward

3YfATAAX (see syrrax] 3YfATAAQ:UXAX (see 3YITaaQHXax) 3YfATYYJIAX (see syr-ryynax] 3Yf,IJ;AX (see syrrax] 3YITAAQ:HXAX to make one's escape, to clear out

3YITAX to flee, to run away, to escape 3YITYYJIAX to put to flight 3YrYY gently, deliberately

3YfYYXAH quite gently, quite deliberately, ~ xanaax to heat gently 3Y,IJ; l--raxaan. ~ rasar. ~ rypxan] disaster affecting livestock caused by severe natural conditions, xanyyn ~ (xyypaH~) disaster resulting from heat and drought, uacaa ~ [uaraaa ~) disaster resulting from excessive snow, xap ~ starvation of livestock resulting from lack of water in a snowless winter, ~ rypxaa starvation of livestock resulting from lack of feed, ~ TypxaHTaH uar time of starvation

3Y,IJ;APXAf affected by or characterized by disaster to livestock, ~ eBeJI a calamitous winter

3Y,IJ;APXYY (see synapxar] 3Y,IJ;JIAX to occur (livestock disaster) 3Y3AABTAP thickish, stoutish

1. to get stronger, 2. to be too thick

3Y3AMAX get firmer

3YBQAA I. fur-lined cloak

3Y3AAJIAr thickish, thick

3YBQAA II. process of decorating iron or cop-


per by overlaying a pattern with hammered silver

3YBQAAJIAX to overlay (mech.) 3YBq:ux to vanish, to melt away 3YBQYYJIAX to make away with, to purloin 3YfAA (~ 1KapraJI, ~ ~3Hr3JI, ~ ~3Hr33) amusement, pleasure, ~ raprax to amuse oneself, ~ ~3Hr33HHH paHoH red-light district

3YfAAJIAX 1. to amuse oneself 2. to go for a stroll, to have an outing

3YfAAJITA 1. amusement, recreation 2. stroll, walk, outing, jaunt

3YfAAJITbIH recreational, pleasure (ad()


to get closer, to


§ 3JIC uropoor sysaanaa acrax to spread sand and earth

3Y3AAJIAX to make thick, thickly

1. thick, ~ HHMr3H thickness, ~ TYPHHBQT3H well-off, in the money, ~ ~aH (see ~aH) 2. close, ~ TaHHJI a close acquaintance


3Y3AAPAJIT thickening 3Y3AAPAX to thicken, to get thicker 3Y3AATfAX to make thicker, to make closer, to reinforce, to strengthen

3YHfAP flattering, fawning 3YHfYYP (see 3yHrap)

3YfAATAH amusing, entertaining, pleasant

3YHJI straining ladle

3YfA..AQAJI (~~3Hr3JI) amusement, entertainment

3mPAAQ sycophant, toady

3YfAAQAX 1. to amuse oneself, to relax,

3YHPfAH flattering, sycophantic

syraauaa YHWHX light reading 2. to go for a stroll, to have an outing

3YfAAQJIAfA amusement, entertainment 3YrAAQYYJIAX to amuse, to entertain



3YHPfAHAX (3yHpraHaH oHJI,QYY1.fJIax) to make up to, to suck up to, § TYY~ ypr3JI1K3yHpraHaH OH.n,nYY1.fHJI1K oaH~ar yspaac as he was for ever sucking up to him

3Yll lamp, - oapHX to light a lamp, - cap the first month of winter, - capsra oaHp Christmas 3YllAr I. vamp (of a boot), § 3yJIrHH Hb ~OJIOOX to lick sorneone's boots, to suck up to someone

3YJIAf II. ritual sprinking of kumis, - eprox to make an offering of sprinkled kumis

3YJIAH 1. fontanelle 2. top of the head, crown, sinciput, vertex, 3yJIaHH HC parietal bone, § ~3PJI3H ropcea ax ~yyc twin brothers born in quick succession, - synaaraa rHWr3}K rapcan born in quick succession


Yean - Fine-leaved Water Dropwort, O. oquotico 3YllMAiIX to look pale (Bur.) 3YllMAX to shed hair, to moult 3YJIPAX to break away, to get away 3YJIXAH layer of loosened wool laid out for feltmaking, - TaBHX ra3ap the prepared site for laying out the wool

3YJIAHBQ head-cover for a new-born camel 3YJIAHBqnAX to provide or fit a 3yJIaHBl.I "3YJIAM 1. skinned and emptied carcase (used

2. cambium off (introns.)

in sacrifices or feasts)

3YJIAMPAX to peel 3YJIAX to layout, to spread out, to put in layers, HOOC - [ynrac -) to layout wool for making felt 3YllliMAH (see 3YJIOa~ac I., II.) 3YllliMAC 1.1. abortion, dead foetus 2. skin of a dead foetus

3YllliMAC II. moult, shed hair or skin 3YllliAllT miscarriage 3YllIiAH short and sparse (wool, etc.) 3YllliACrA the skin of a prematurely born lamb or kid

3YllliAX I. to get away, to run for it, aMb - to run for one's life

3YllliAX 11.1. (ypar -, yp -) to miscarry, to have a miscarriage 2. to moult, to shed the hair or skin, yC33 - to moult

3YllliYYllAX to abort 3YllrA off, out, down, away, - TaTax to pull off, - yraax to wash off, to wash out 3YllrAAX 1. to pullout, to pluck 2. to bite off, to tear with the teeth

3YllrAH)l;AX to flatter, to suck up to 3YllrAllAX to pull off, to strip 3YllrAPAX to fall off, to fallout (leaves, hair, etc.) 3YJITYH 1.1. flattery 2. flattering 3YJITYH II. smooth, bare 3YJITY~ to flatter, to suck up to, 3yJIryli,QaH M3XJI3X to bamboozle 3YllrYHJIAX to strip (a hide) bare (of hair) 3YJI)l;AX to escape, to flee, aMb - to run for one's life

3Yll3ArA 1. young animal 2. (3YJI3araH MO~) young tree

3Yll3AfMAX to bear young, to produce (zool.) 3Yll3r~AAH Water Dropwort,



3ynq placenta of an animal 3YM a whole carcase scalded and plucked and served decorated at a feast

3YMJIAX to scald and pluck (a hide) 3YMPAX to come out, to fallout (hair) 3YH 1. summer, 3YHbI cap sypraa OHW (3YHbI cap sypraa OHW, 3YYH xops HaCJIaX OHW) make hay while the sun shines, - uar the summer, summer-time 2. in summer, during the summer 3YHrAAP~ (see syaraapax] 3YHfAAPAX to get thick, to clot, to coagulate 3YHfAf 1. (- oaac) meconium, first faeces of a new-born infant or animal, - TYr}Kp3X block-

age of the meconium 2.i. mixture of grease and sweat in sheep's wool, § XOHHHbI apscnsr TOC XOJICT3H XOJIHMOH - OOJIHO - is a mixture of grease and sweat in the wool of a sheep ii. (TOC) lanolin

3YHrAITAX to get greasy (wool) 3YIDKHH through the summer, all summer 3YlDKHHrAA (see 3YIDKHH) 3YlDKHX to spend the summer 3YHXAB sorn Tsong-kha-pa 3YHlliHllIJ;SIJ;sr Moionthemum (bot.), XOCHaBl.IHT - May Lily, M. bifolium 3YHlliHX to start (summer), 3pT - to have an early summer

3YHllIJlAfA summer season, summer conditions 3YPAA ravine 3YPAAC 1. line, stroke 2. dash (Morse code, etc.) 3. (60rHHO -) hyphen 3YPAAQ painter, artist, draftsman, TaH3HbI scene painter, - ~H3aHHl.I (XYBu;aCHbI -) dressdesigner, designer

3YPAf 1. picture, drawing, sypaacan - linedrawing, drawing, MOHrOJI - [xasrraa -) (see MOHrOJI sypar], xap - cartoon, design, syparr panao television, OHrHHH syparr panao colour television, xap uaraaa sypar-r Pa,r(HO black and white television, - cyr (xa~HbI - cyr) rock-drawing, - xepor portrait, syparr xyynac poster, -



qHM3rJI3JI illustrations, art-work, decoration, qHM3rJI3JIT3H illustrated 2. plate, illustration, figure, OHrOT - colour plate, xap naraaa - black and white plate, - TOCOD specifications, TOCOJI plan, design, - TOCOJIqHH planner, designer, - xepor pictures 3. (r3p3JI -) photograph, - aaarx camera-man, - aBaJIT photographing, filming, shooting, - asax (- napax, - rarax] to take a photo, to film, - asaxyynax to get a photo taken, 3ypmHH annapar camera, r3p3JIT3H 3ypmHH annapar flash-camera, 3ypmHH uaac photographic paper 4. [raspsm -) map, xaasra - wall-map Toopor destiny, fate

s. -

3YPAr3YM cartography

3YPBACJIAX to make into strips, § xepcaar 3ypBaCJIa}K TapHaJIaX to sow in strips (leaving protective strips between, so as to reduce erosion) 3yprAA six, sypraaa cas the six hollow organs

(anat.) 3yprAMAM I. name of a type of wood, - TaHr stick of - wood 3yprAA,IJ;AH II. a game in which each opponent places three counters on a diagram with seven stations and attempts to block the other's ability to move

svrrAAAAXl> sixth 3yprAAH office, bureau (hist.), Hx - (MoHroJI -) (see Hx 3ypraaH) (Mon. jurgan) 3yprAAQ sixth


3YPAr3YHH cartographical, - TOP grid

3yprMyrAAP sixth, - cap June

3YPArJIAAQ cameraman

3yprAP thin, narrow


(see syparnaax]

3YPArJIAJI 1. drawing, picture, representation, illustration 2. mapping 3. sketch (liter.) 3YPArJIAX to illustrate

1. to draw, to depict, to delineate, 2. to map

3YPAIT TV, telly, OHrOT - colour TV, cyamHH cable TV, 3ypaITbIH uasrxar television tower 3YPAITAH illustrated 3YPAITbIHXAH



3YPArQHH photographer 3YPAHX to run along, to show up as a line, to be traced 3YPAJI3AX to glimmer, to show up 3YPAM I. Suslik, Ground Squirrel, Citel/us, J)o3JIor - Red-cheeked Suslik, C. erythrogenus, r0300pOH - C. alaschanicus, YpT CyyJIT Long-tailed Suslik, C. undulatus 3YPAM II. stroke (in writing) 3YPAX 1.1. to draw, to paint, sypcaa sypar TaBbcaH TaBHJIaH what is written in the stars 2. to sign, rapsm YC3r - [rapaapaa ycr33 -, H3P33 -) to sign, to sign one's name 3. sypac OB~OX to have the gripes 3YPAX II. to rub, to rub against, to scratch against, qy~3H3 - to strike a match. § ODCHHH TOJIrOH nepee sypaa the tops of the grass rubbed against the stirrups

3YPrYYll all six, six together 3YPMC stroke, line, hyphen 3YPllArA 1. stroke (in writing), brush-stroke 2. dash 3. drawing 4. horoscope, fortune 3YPMAr schedule 3YPMAJI drawn, painted, - sypar picture 3YPMAH CYYll 1. Puccinel/ia (bot.), Typsxan ~3~3rT - P. tenuiflora 2. Hordeum brevisubulatum (see ApBaH) 3YPC 3YPC on and off, now and then, from time to time 3YPCXHHX to flash, to dart 3YPYYll 1. rubbing-strip (on a matchbox) 2. thin stick, matchstick, - WYBTPax (- urynpax] to strike a match 3YPXAH 1.1. mathematics (hist.), 3ypxaHH TOO [sypxaaa ~H4lp) Mongol numerals 2. (O~OH -, sypxaaa yxaaa] astrology, - sypax 10 make astrological calculations, to cast a horoscope 3YPXAH 11.1. crease-lines drawn in front of and behind the wall of targets in Mongol archery, ap - rear crease, OBOp - front crease, OWHrJIOX close-range shooting in the last stage of an archery contest 2. starting-line 3YPXAlIT HOM ljing (The Book of Changes) 3YPXAMQ astrologer, - JIaM astrologer-lama 3YPIIIHll habit, MYY - bad habit

3YPBArAP thin, narrow

3YPIIIHllTAM accustomed to

3YPBAC 1. strip, Taasm - Gaza Strip, OHH (OHH xasrraananrsur -, xepc xassraanax OHH -) strip of trees (planted to protect cultivated land), xaxraanax sypsac protective strip, fire-break, HapHHH thin, narrow 2. note, line, short letter 3. (ryix -) runway

3YPIIIHX to become accustomed to, to get into the habit of 3YPIIIMAJI habitual, regular, established 3YCAAJI summer quarters, summer retreat, - Hyx summer hole (marmot)

3YCAr I. Small Desert Hamster, Dwarf Hamster, Zungarian Hamster, Phodopus, Opor - Striped Hairy-footed Hamster, Ph. sungorus, 3JICHHH Desert Ha mster, Ph. roborovskii 3YCAr II. ewe in the third year, - HMaa nannygoat in the third year 3YCAP 1. flattery 2. (- oHJIaMraq) toady, lickspittle 3YCAP,IJ;AX to flatter, to be obsequious, sycapAaH o~JIarq toady, 3ycapAaH HHHJIYYJI3X to make up to, to get in with 3YCAPQ toady, flatterer 3YCAPQJIAX

(see sycapnax]



3YYH century 3YYH HACT Agave 3YYH YET


(see rOAHJI-OBC) Tringa totanus

3YYH XyprA Redshank,

3YYP 1. while, asax - while going, 3H3 - in the meanwhile, since then 2. (- 3aMA, 3aM syypaa, 3aMbIH -) along the way, - XOHOrHHH rasap a place twenty-four hours journey away, - XOHOX to spend a night on the way 3. a while, TYPr3H syypr in a flash


3YCAX to pass the summer, to get through the summer

3YYPAfq mixer

3YCJIAH 1. summer pastures, summer quarters, summer resort, nHoHepHHH - Young Pioneers' summer holiday camp, X9AOJIMOP aMpaJITbIH holiday work camp 2. dacha

3YYPAJIAAX 1. to stick, to be stuck up, to cling 2. to fight, to struggle, to brawl, syypannan OaHJ}AaX to be locked in battle 3. to grapple (with), § uaacraa - Hb ~arHHH raps grappling with paper is a waste of time

3YTArHAX to make a mash 3YTAH 1. mash 2. paste, mix, ~eMeHT3H cement mix 3YTAP dirty



3YYPAJIT spasm 3YYPAM half, semi, incomplete, halfway 3YYPAMTrAH viscous, - xaaap viscosity

3YTPAAX to trouble, to distress

3YYPAHrH stiff, viscous, rigid

3YTPAJI trouble, distress

3YYPAX I. to mix, to knead, syypcan rypan (see rypan], - MaWHH mixer, cement-mixer, oeTOH - MaWHH cement-mixer

3YTPAX 1. to suffer through 3YA 2. to be in distress, to be in want, to suffer from lack of something, to wear oneself out, X3BTP33P - to suffer from lack of litter (livestock) 3YTPYY 1. characterized by 3YA ened, distressed

2. needy,


3YY I. one hundred, 3YYH sanraa (3YYH 3~raH xapaH xarapxaa] upside down, in a mess, in disorder, slapdash, 3YYH MOA small wood, group of trees, 3YYH HaCTaH centenarian, 3YYH HMaaIm acapaa yxaa more chiefs than Indians, too many cooks spoil the broth 3YY 11.1. the Buddha 2. lamasery, temple, J)apYYH - Lhasa (Tib. io-bo] 3YYBAH oval, ellipse, - X3JI03PT3H (- X3JI03pHHH) oval, elliptical 3YYBAH,IJ;YY

(see 3YYBrap)

3YYPITH before 3YYP,IJ;AAP prematurely, too early, - Hac oapax to die a premature death 3YYP,IJ;bIH 1. intermediate, temporary, apHYTraJI Purgatory, - Hac the forty nine days in the intermediate realm after death, - OpOH the intermediate realm after death 2. early, premature 3YYPJIArA mixing, kneading 3YYPMAr mix, mixture, paste, 3yypMarHHH MaWHH (3YYPMarHHH TOroo, - syypax MawHH) mixer, cement-mixer, - xaaap viscosity

3YYBrAP oval, elliptical 3YYBrAP,IJ;YY

3YYPAX 11.1. to jam, to stick, to lock, to bind, to be clenched, TOpM03 - to be locked (brakes), XOOpOImOO - to foul each other, § 3PYY aM syypaa jaws and teeth become locked 2. to clutch, to grip

(see 3YYBrap)

3YY3AH I. bit, rings of the bit, - XOJIOOX to tie, to finish neck and neck; to be close comrades, - X3JI03PT3H S-shaped

3YYPMArMYYJIAX to mix, to make a mixture 3YYPMAITAX to form a paste, to turn into mud 3YYPMAJI paste

3YY3AH II. counter (of a boot)

3YYPYYJI ink-slab

3YY3YYJIAX to call sheep or goats by calling 3yy3yy

3YYT 1. the number one hundred, hundreds 2. a hunded tugrig note 3. unit of one hundred men


3YYJIT mouthpiece (of a pipe)


inclined to bite (dog,


3YYTAH commander of one hundred men




3YYX I. oven, stove, furnace, aTOMbm ... (see aTOM), OHqHJI ~aBTaMJKHiH 1KHmyyp ... (OHqHJI ~OJImOHT"', o~op ~aBTaM1KHT ...) microwave oven, microwave, eanep ... (~oMeH ...) blast-furnace, yypbm ... boiler 3YYX II. to bite, to have between the teeth, IDY~33 ... to grit the teeth, to clench the teeth

3YYQ 1.1. intermediary, middleman. 2. gobetween (in a traditional marriage) 3YYQ II. Bittercress, Cardamine, Hyrsm ... Cuckoo Flower, C. pratensis

3yyqrrArq 1. mediator (polit.), intermediary

2. broker (fin.) 3yyqrrAJI 1. mediation 2. braking 3yyqjIAX 1. to mediate, to act as intermediary, to act as a middleman, to broker, to make arrangements, X33JI xaxyyJIHHr ... to act as a go-between in bribery 2. to act as broker (fin.)

to adapt oneself to, a1KHM ... to work oneself in, rap « to get one's hand in 3Yf33P 1. all right, 3yr33p q yryH actually, indeed, what is more, § TaHbI OHe ... yy are you all right?, ... OOJIOX oaiJIryH it's bound to get better 2. ordinary, common, usual 3. free, for nothing 4. (......) don't mention it, never mind S. just so, just like that, idle, ... JI (... H3r) just, only, merely, ... oarepeex to turn a blind eye to, ...oarepex to get off scot-free, ... cyyx to be idle, to have nothing to do, ... cyyxaap 3yJII'3.>K oai (...cyyxaap nM33 xapaynldon't justtwiddle your thumbs - do something useful 3Yf33PfYH 1. unusual, unusually 2. not right 3. involved with, ... OOJIOX to take up with 3Y,IJ;rYYP weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, hardship, trouble 3Y,IJ;rYYPT wearisome, troublesome 3Y,IJ;P3ll (see 3Y~ryyp) 3Y,IJ;P3X to wear oneself out, to get exhausted 3Y,IJ;P33 (see 3Y~ryyp)

3YYIII tit-bits, hors d'oeuvre, snack, HorOOHbI ... salad, 3yyuIHbI rasap snack-bar

3Y,IJ;YY miserable, poor

3YYIIIAAH YTAC coloured silk threads (used as currency in some parts of eastern Khalkha) (hist.)

3Y,IJ;YYP3ll (see 3Y~ryyp)

3YYIIIllAX to enjoy a snack 3YB (intensifying partic/~), ... 3yr33P (see 3yr33p) 3yr 1.1. direction, OyHH XHIDrHHH ... best direction from which to return, XHHMOpHHH ... best direction in which to set out, 3yr33 annax to lose one's bearings, to get lost, ... 6yp THiID (...3YIT) in all directions, ... raprax to make a ritual start in a prescribed direction (at New Year, riding a little way from the tent before returning) (hist.), ... yqHpryi regardless, recklessly, ... qHr direction, bearing, ... qHrryH regardless, recklessly; at a loss, ... qHrHHr OJIOX to get one's bearings, to orientate oneself 2. towards, r3pHHH ... towards the tent, Hx XYP33 ... towards Urga 3yr II. just, simply, all right

svrrva naughty,

good-far-nothing, ill-behaved

3yrrYHPX3X (see 3yrryHT3x) 3yrrYHT3x to be naughty, to be mischievous, to make trouble 3yrrYHqyy,IJ; trouble-makers 3yrllYYll3X to direct, to send in a certain direction 3yrll3X 1. to go towards, to aim for, to head for 2. (see 3yr raprax] 3yrIIIPYYll3llT 3yrIIIPYYPll3X 2. to run in

1. familiarization 2. running-in 1. to break in, to familiarize

3yrIIIP3X to get used to, to get into the way of,

3Y,IJ;YYP (see 3Y~ryyp) 3Y,IJ;3r unpleasant, nasty, unattractive 3Y,IJ;3Hr3IIIHX to get weary, to feel worn out 3Y,IJ;3pr33 fatigue, weariness, exhaustion 3Y,IJ;3pr33T3H tiring, exhausting 3Y,IJ;3X (see 3Y~P3X) 3YH 1. proper, right; propriety, rightness, ... 6yc irregular, improper, 3yHH~OTOPXH proper, legitimate, 3yH eCHbI proper, right, appropriate, justifiable, natural, ... ecoop justly, rightly, properly, with reason, ... 30XHC propriety, appropriateness, ... 30XHCblr Y33JK as is appropriate, ... 30XHCryH inappropriate, improper, wrong, ... 30XHCTOH appropriate, proper, right, 3yiIA HHHD;3X to be right, to be proper, 3yH~ HHHD;3xryH to be wrong, to be improper, ... Hb by rights, ... TOITOJI (... TOITOOJI) rule, regularity, conformity with the rule, 3yim X3p3r right and proper, as it should be 2. (as a final element) ology, apra ... methodology 3YHrYH improper, unacceptable 3YH,IJ;3ll seam,join, joint, 3YH~JI33P33 canax to come apart at the seam 3YHll 1. object, item, thing, matter, MaXHbI ... meat products, ... aura part, ... nyycax to be all up (with someone), to have had it, ... nyycrax to put paid to, to finish off 2. article (of a treaty, etc.), point, paragraph, ... aara provision 3. species (nat. hist.), ca.rr6ap ... sub-species 4. type, HX3HX 3yHJIHiH most types of, xoep 3yHnHHH two sorts of, 3yHn 6YPHHH of every


type, all-round, -- OYP33P in every way, -- TOpOJI type, sort, variety 3YHJIfYH there is nothing, there is no cause, § yH3 H3M3r~C3Im raHxax -- 10M it is no surprise that the price has risen 3YHJIqjJ3H item by item, systematically 3YHJIlUI3X to enumerate, to detail, to classify 3YHJI3X to shave (hair, etc.), yC33 3YHJIC3H TOJIrOH shaven-headed


3YJI3f)l{YYJI3X to lay down a lawn, to grass over, to create grassy areas, § XOT cyypaa noroopyynan -- to plant greenery and lay down grass in towns end buill-up areas, WHpr33p -to turf a lawn 3YJI3f M9P9H River Lena

3YHM3JI 1. fitted together, composite, -- WaJI parquet flooring 2. mosaic

3YMli3P a crah consisting of producing a picture or design in relief using a compound of various substances such as crushed glass with glue

3YHH right, rightful, proper

3YMli3P,IJ;M3JI made in 3yM03p relief

3YHPfYH incomparable

3YMli3P,IJ;3X [sypac --, 3YM03P~3H TOBOHJIrOH XHHX, 3YM03P~3H OYT33X) to produce a 3yM03p relief picture

3YHPJIYYillT3H comparable 3YHPJI3JI

1. comparison 2.


3YHPJI3M comparable 3YHPJI3M33P (see 3YHPJI3M) 3YHPJI3X to compare, to liken, 3yHpJI3H X3JI3X3~ speaking metaphorically, § MO~TOH 3yHpJI3}1{ OOJIHO we can compare it with a tree, OOpHHH opasrr ypraac oaHraa napaap 3YHpJI3~3r they liken their country to the rising sun 3YHPJI3illfYH incomparable, beyond compare, unique 3YHP Yf (3YHP U3U3H yr) proverb, saying 3YHT3H correct, right, proper 3YHX (3YHH 3BJIYYJI3X) to fit together,to piece together, to assemble 3yHqJI3X to act properly, to act correctly 3YJIfYYP 1. burnisher, polisher 2. abrasive, abrasive paper, cyypsran -- sanding-block, -naac abrasive paper 3YJIfYYP,IJ;3X to polish 3YJIf3fQ abrasive (od()

3YMli3PJI3X (see 3YM03p~3X) 3YP Roe-deer (female) (see Bop repooc. fyp) 3YPfHH Hop, Humulus 3YP)I{ (see )I{yp}l{) 3YP-9BC Filifolium (bot.) 3YPX 1. heart, oop -- one's heart, 3YPXHHH nyrarnan heart failure, -- cynacnsr cardia-vascular, 3YPXHHH TOJIbT auricle (of the heart), 3YPX3H~ Xyp3X to feel bilious, to feel queasy, -uaraan white-chested (dog) 2. heart, courage, nerve, YH3H 3ypXH33C sincerely, -- aJIAax to lose heart, to lose one's nerve, -- raprax (-- 30pHr raprax, -- opox) to pluck up courage, -30pHITOH hero, 3ypX33 3yCyyJI3X (-- yx3X) to be scared stiff, 3ypXHHr 3yC3}1{ ~acHHr ~3JI03JI3X (-- yxyyJI3X) to knock the stuffing out of, -- HXT3H bold, confident, -- MYYTaH fearful, cowardly, 3ypXHHH XHHT3H irascible; boastful, swanky, -XYP3xryH not to have the heart to, -- WHMllIP3M heart-rending, -- WHpXHHJIr3X to terrify 3YPXfYH timid, shy

3YJIf3M3JI polished

3YPXJI3X to dare, to risk, to be bold enough to, § H3r q XyH rap xypq 3YPXJI3xryH oaHB no one at all dared to touch them

3YJIf3H3X to accustom a horse gradually to be ridden

3YPXT3H daredevil

3YJIf3JIT rubbing-down, polishing, grinding

3YJIf3PXYY grassy 3YJIf3X to rub, to rub down, to polish, to grind 3YJI,IJ; the pluck of an animal (head, jaws, tongue, windpipe, lungs, heart), -- asax (see 3YMJI3X) 3YJI,IJ;JI3X to remove the pluck in one piece 3YJI3f lawn, 3YJIr3H ~33PX grass (od() (hockey, etc.), -- xanarx MaWHH lawn-mower 3YJI3f)l{MX to turn into a lawn, to become a lawn 3YJI3f)l{YYJI3JIT laying down a lawn

3YPXT3H bold 3YPXIIIMX to be scared, to be intimidated, to get the wind up 3YPXIIIYYJI3X to scare, to put the wind up 3YPXIII33X (see 3YPXWHX)

I. core (radiator, coil, etc.) 3YPX3Bt.I II. chest-ornament (for a horse) 3YPX3HQ3Q3f Milkwort, PoIyga 10, P. tenuifolio (also Baarsaaaa, CapJIarHHH 3yPX, XOHHH 3YPX3Bt.I

avpx, BrHHH) 3YPX3PXYY heart-shaped, cordate, TOHropyy -- obcordate

3YTr3X 1. to struggle, to strive, to exert oneself 2. to pull, to move forwards, - XytlHHH Man draught animals



3YPQH,D; (see 39PtIIm)

3YY 1. needle, sanyyp - probe, cyn6yyp (cyn633p -) safety-pin, - opOOX (- opoonr] a type of couched embroidery stitch employing one needle and two threads, - opox 3aHryH jam-packed, - TaBHX to do acupuncture, T09HYYP sacan acupuncture and moxibustion, - YTac needle and thread, - 3MtIHnr33 acupuncture 2. hand, needle, pointer, ~arHHH - hour hand, MHHYTbIH - minute hand 3. brooch

3YC 1. colour, coat-colour (of an animal), H1KHncyyn3xto have one's horses' coat-colours match, - HHHnC3H of similar coat (horses) 2. (napaa] appearance, looks, complexion, face, - annax to look poorly, to be off colour, 3YC33 6ypyynax to disguise oneself, 3YC3H 6ypHHH (3YC3H 3yHnHHH) all kinds of, of all kinds, of all descriptions, - TaHHX to know by sight, - yn TaHHX unknown, unfamiliar, - Y3C3H familiar, known by sight, Y333ryH unfamiliar, unknown, - xynaprax (- XYBbCax) to disguise oneself, § 3yC33p33 6aHHa that's him all right, ar 3yC33p33 to the very life

3yyr33P to the east, to the leM

3YC liOPOO prolonged rain

3YY,n; (- 39H) dream

3YCB3P cutting, slicing, MO~ 3yCB3pHHH X9pOO wood-cutting saw

3yy,n;HHx to look thin

3YCJI3r some

I. (-

~apaHTaH) good-looking, hand-

3YCJI3r II. cut (n.) 3YCJI3X 1. (3ycn3H TaHHx) to recognize pick out, to select



3YCM3r section (for a microscope) 3YCM3JI

1. sawn,



sawn wood

3YCM3JIHHH sawing (ad(), - YHJI):lB3P sawmill 3YCP3X to pour, to teem, to go on raining 3YCYYP cutter 3YC3N

1. cutter,

shears, clippers 2. coulter

3YC3JIT cut, section 3YC3M

I. slice, - Tanx a slice of bread

3YC3M II. coat-colour (animal), - 6ypHHH of all types, of all shades 3YC3X 1. to cut, to slice, to shear through, HHMr3H - to slice thinly, to cut in thin slices 2. to cut through, to go from one side to the other 3YTryy hard, stubborn, working

X9~9nM9ptI hard-

3YYBQ needle-case 3YYB3P tag

1. f1exional suffiX, ending (ling.) 2. label,


1. to



to dream of

3YYJIr3X to fix on, to pin on, to have (someone) wear (something) 3YYJIT Li, (- tIHM3r) pendant, ornament, xaasm 3yynT wall-hanging ii. brooch of a medal 2.i. note, footnote ii, (- HaaJIT) label, naax to label, to stick a label on 3YYJIIT3H hanging, suspended 3YYJI3r dim, daft, with a screw loose 3YYH left. east, eastern, r3pHHH - Tan the leM or eastern half of the tent, - rap the left hand; left, leh-hcnd (adj.), 3YYH rap THHW3pr3X to turn leM (traf.), - ~aMHyyptIHH "Eastern Pedlars" (name of a district in Urga) (hist.), - OMHO,Il (- OMHOT) south-east, south-eastern, - THHW to the lelt, eastwards, - yparwaa south-eastwards, - XOHT north-west, north-western, - XOHW xapcan facing norlh-eost, - XOHWOO north-eastwards, XOHWXH north-eastern, in the north-east, § 3aMbIH 3yyH rap Tanaap HB6an 30XHHO one should walk on the left-hand side of the road 3YYH rAP Jungaria, Jungars, 3yyH rapsm ross Jungarian Gobi 3YYHT3H to the leM of, to the east of

3YTryyp 1. traction, pulling 2. locomotive, engine, 3YTIYYPHHH neno locomotive depot, 3YTIYYPHHH MaWHH traction engine

3YYHT3HITYP leftwards, eastwards

3YTr3JI 1. (- tIapMaHnT) effort, exertion, striving, - raprax to make an effort 2. merit, rassaa 6aHryynax to amass merit, to deserve well

3YYHT33X to the leM of, to the east of (adj.)

3YTr3JIT3H diligent

3YYHT3H leftist (n.) (po/it.) 3YYHT33ryyp (see 3YYHT3Hryyp) 3YYH XYP33 East Khuree (or Central Urga)

(hist.) 3YYHIIlJI3X to go eastwards 3YYH33 eastwards

3YTr3JIT3H figure, personality, onoa HHHTHHH - a public figure

3YYPM3rJI3X to doze

3YTr3JI3X to make a big effort

3YYPXYY needle-shaped


3YYTf3JI pendant, ornament


3YYTHHX (see 3YYAHHX) 3YYX 1. to wear (hanging on, pinned on, etc.), WHJI ~ to wear glasses 2. to set (trap, snare), ypxa ~ to set a snare 3YYXH33 (see 3YYX3HT3X) 3YYX3HT3X just to the leM of, just to the east of


to invade, 33BC3rJI3H 3C3pryyU;3X to offer armed resistance

33BC3IT armed, ~ MOprO]IAOOH armed clash, ~ T3MU;3JI armed struggle, ~ XyqHH armed forces

33BTYYJI3X to make rusty, to let go rusty

3YYQHH acupuncturist

33BT3H rusty

3YX3JI 1. curse 2. malediction (as a literary form)

33BYY disgust, ~ xvprsx to disgust, to annoy, ~ XYP3X to be annoyed

3YX3X (3YX3H xapaax) to curse, to swear, to swear at

33B 1.1. rust, 33B3H ynaaa rust-red 2. rust (in plants), uryrasrau --. rust of wheat'~ (caus~d by Puccinia graminis), ~ Moor rustfungi, Uredmales II

33B II. (sharp) arrow-head, spear-head, x3JI63PT3H halberd-shaped (leaf)


33Br3P pale, greyish

33BYYH (~ MyyxaH) nasty, unpleasant, horrid 33BYYPX3JI disgust, detestation 33BYYPX3X to detest, to be disgusted with 33BYYT3H disgusting 33BYYX3H pretty nasty, pretty unpleasant, pretty horrid

33BHHx to turn pale, to go greyish

33BYYQM33P repulsive, disgusting

33BPYY chilly, sharp

33BYYQ3JI disgust, aversion

33BPYYJI3X to cause to rust, to turn rusty

33BYYQ3HrYH disgusted

33BPYYH (see 33BPYY)

33BYYQ3X to be repelled, to feel disgusted, § OXHH ,IJ;OJDKHHrOOC ~ 60JIOOA coming to be

33BPYYX3H pretty chilly 33BP3JI rusting, corrosion 33BP3JIT (see 33BP3JI) 33BP3Hr3 (see 33BPYY) 33BP3X 1. to rust, 33B3PA3rryH ran stainless steel 2. to be infected with rust, ~ OBlIHH rust (in plants)

33BC3r 1. weapon, arms, ranr ~ [xanyya ~) firearms, XYHT'3H ~ side-arms, bladed weapons, ~ 6apHX (~ xOAOJIrox) to take up arms, ~ 6apHH 6ocox (~ XOAOJIrOH 6ocox) to rise up in arms, ~ xaaraayynax to indulge i,n sabre-rattling, ~ xypaanrax to lay down one s arms, ~ xypaanr disarmament, ~ xypaax to disarm 2. instrument, ~ 6ara1K equipment, instruments, tools

33BC3ITYH unarmed, ~ TYJIanAaX unarmed combat

repelled by her daughter Doljin

33BXHH pale, wan, ~ naax to go pale 33BXHHP3X to grow pale, to go pale 33BXHHx (see 33BXHHp3X) 33B3r Lenok (ichth.) 33B3pr3H chilly, § xasap u;arHHH ~ CaJIXH a chilly spring wind

33B3P AAAX to be cold, to be chilly 33B3PXYY halberd-shaped (leaf) 33B3PX3r rusty, ~ XYP3HAYY rusty brown 33r3r3P elegant, dainty, slender 33r33rH3X to walk daintily, to trip 33rc Club-rush, Bulrush, Scirpus 33rC3H (~ caHH) pretty good, pretty well, all right, § 63JI xepeareep ~ not short of a penny 33r3JI dull, pale

33BC3rrYHT3x to lack arms, to be unarmed

33r3JIT3X to go pale, to pale

33BC3r)KJfJIT arming, equipping

33,IJ; (~ nor) alms distributed to lamas (Tib. per-

33BC3rlKHX to get arms, to get equipped with

haps' gyed, phogs) 33,IJ;r3JDK Comarum (bot.)


33BC3rJI3rq armourer

33,IJ;r3H3 a species of Strawberry

33BC3rJI3JI armament, 33BC3rJI3JI33p XOOU;OJIAox HBAaJI arms race, ~ xypaax to dis-

33,IJ;JI3X to distribute giMs


33BC3rJI3MlK 1. armament, 33BC3rJI3M1KHHH TYBWHH level of armament 2. equipment 33BC3rJI3X to arm, to equip, 33BC3rJI3H opox

33JI 1. tethering-line (laid close to the ground), § 33JI X3U;. lIaITHbI YHa. ranac, napyynra MOAHOOC 6YPA3H3 a tethering-line consists of the line, toggle-straps (for attaching the animals), pegs and anchor-bars [lenqths of wood laid



across the line and weighted with stones to prevent the pegs being pulled out), -- TaTaH HHC3X to fly in a string 2. (-- YJm3C) creeping underground stem of plants such as Xaar

33H3YY,II; bit-holder (used with a needle or awl in coarse sewing) 33H333JI3X to be shy, to hang back 33HTr3P (see sarrrrap] 33PB3C fleeting, superficial, casual, -- xapax to glance, to have a quick look

33JIrHH middle-sized, medium

33pr3,II; line of latitude, parallel

33JIr33H lukewarm, tepid

33pr3JIr33H mirage

33JIr33X3H rather lukewarm, rather tepid

33pr3.T1)l;33 neighbouring, adjacent, alongside, next-door, -- aHJIbIH next-door, -- OpWHX adjacent, -- CYM the adjacent sumun, the next sumun, § MHHHH 33pr3~33.Il CYYB he was sitting next to me

33JIJI3r IJ;3IJ;3r Bindweed, Calystegia 33JIJI3X 1. to tether (foals, etc., to a tetheringline) 2. to tie to a line, to hang out 3. 33JIJI3H HHC3X to fly in a string, to fly in formation (birds), 33JIJI3}K yprax to run, to send out runners (plant) 33JIJI33T3H tethered to a tethering-line 33JIMYYBT3P pretty poor, pretty poorly off 33JIMYYH poor, poorly off 33JIM3X: aM -- [ron --, XO.IlOO.Il --) to stave off hunger 33JIYY,II; 1. remote, wild, uninhabited 2. the wilds, 33JIYY.Il OpXHX (33JIYY.Il TaBHx) to leave out in the wi Ids 33JI3H XOP

Oxytropis glabra (bot.) (also

Pauraaa. Ycaa X3PC, XOPOH OPTyy3) 33M I. fault, guilt, blame, 33~ opox to get into trouble 33M II. carrion, -- caXHX to watch near carrion (a method of hunting wolves)

33pr3JI,II;33X (see 33pr3M33), -- rap the nextdoor tent 33pr3JI3M}K grading, ranking 33pr3JI33 mirage 33pr3M}K 1. rank, status 2. near, alongside 33P}KHr3H3 Warbler, Tapxaaraa -- Lesser Whitethroat, Sylvia curruca, Xapcya -- Barred Warbler, S. nisoria, IJ;OJIHHH -- Desert Warbler, S. nona, Illesrep -- Whitethroat, S.

communis 33P 33BC3r weapons, 33P 33Bcr33 xypaanrax to surrender one's weapons 33P 33BC3rrYH unarmed 33P 33MC3r (see 33p33Bc3r)

33MrYH 1. guiltless 2. unpunished

33PJI3r 1. wild, savage, -- aMbTaH wild animal, -- OaJIM~ savage, barbaric, -- 0Y.IlVYJI3r savage, primitive, -- Myyp (see MaHyyJI I.), -- OBC weeds, -- CYM stray shot 2. weeds, -- TYYX to weed

33M,II;3r crippled, maimed

33PJI3r IiAHIJ;AA Navew, Brassica campestris

33M,II;3rJI3X to mutilate


33Mli3 name of a plant, probably henbane



Orobanche cumana (bot.) (see


33MJI3JI reprimand, reproof, blame, -- asax to be rebuked, to be blamed, -- XYJI33JIr3X to scold

33PJI3r JIYYBAH Pugionium dolobratum, P.

33MJI3HrYH reproachful, reproving, admonitory

33PJI3r XH}K Wild Turnip, Brassica iunceo (also raHM}'Y liaHQaa)

33MJI3X to rebuke, to reprimand, to admonish, to censure, to scold, to blame, 33MJI3H oypyywaax to condemn (polit.)

33PJI3r IJ;AH "Wild Tea" (name of a certain plant)

33MC3r instrument, XOr}KMHHH -- musical instrument 33MT3H at fault, guilty

pterocarpum, P. cornutum (bot.)

33PJI3rIIIHX to go wild (domesticated animal, cultivated plant), xarac 33PJI3rwC3H semi-feral 33PMYYX3H fleetingly, -- xapax to catch a glimpse of

33Hr3PJI3X to rut (camel)

33PM3rH3X to steal a glance, to make eyes

33H)J;M3H31. (seeqaH.IlMaHb) 2. semi-precious stone

33PM3rx3H fleeting, superficial, casual

33H3r3P elegant

33P3BXHHH (see 33p3BX3H)

33H3HHPXYY retiring, reserved

33P3BX3H fleetingly, -- xapax to glance fleetingly at, to catch a glimpse of

33H3HHPX3X to feel shy

33PfHHX to be staring, to be goggling (eyes)

33P3r 1. rank, degree,

the rank of degree, oyypyyJIax to demote, - X3pr3M rank and title 2. (- nyraap, - A3B) class, rate, category, grade, oara - a little, nasyy - superlative (gram.), A33A 33prHHH (T3pryyH 33pmHH) first rate, 30BWOOX - positive (gram.), H3r xoepsra - one or two, a couple, xapuryyncan - comparative (gram.), XHp - how?, how far?, to what extent?, XYHHH 33P3IT xvprsx (XYHHi 33P3rT3i oonrox) to bring up, - nyraap oyypax to be downgraded, - nyraapsm oyypanT downgrading 3. (H3r -) together, at the same time, - - one aMer the other, in succession, maxasr almost at the same time 4. as soon as, the moment that, § ranaa rapaxraa - the moment they went outside S.i. etc., and so on ii. such-like 6. ratio, WaXaJITbIH - compression ratio 7. parallel (geog.) 8. power (math.)





33P3rll3ll grade, class, rank, rate, rating, first-class seat, fi rst-rate

H3rAyr33p 33p3rJI3JIHHH CYYAan H3rAyr33p 33p3rJI3JIT3H

33P3rll3nT (see 33p3rJI3JI) 33P3rll3X I. to be alongside each other, to be in a row

33P3rll33 I. mirage, § -

to show (someone) up, -


33CP3X to bolt, to do a bunk 33IT3H3 Strawberry, Fragoria 33IT3P 1. demon 2. hindrance, obstacle 33IT3Pf3H harmful 33IT3X I. to cross over, to get across, § Opxoasrr MOpHOp 33Tr3)K rapnaa crossed the Orkhon on horseback

33IT3X II. to ream 33T3P 1. skin atthe base of nail, cere (ofa bird's beak)


coronet (of the horse's hoof)

33XHH poor, miserable, inferior 33XM3ll a preparation 33X3MlKJI3X (see 33X3X) 33X3X

(33X3)K 03JITr3X) to prepare, to get ready, to put ready, to have ready, 33X3)K H99UJIOX to stock, to have in hand 33X33CT3H)

33X33T3H (see 33X33CT3H) 333 1. grandchild (daughter's child, cf. ax I.), -

33P3rll33 II. alongside

granddaughter 2. nephew or niece (on the female side), - OXHH niece


33P3rll33T3X to appear fleetingly, to form a mirage


33P3rQYYll3ll comparison

(3330aAbIH AYPC,

3330aAbIH Tonroi)

name of a round rnonster-rnosk decorative motif

33P3rQVVll3X 1. to put side by side 2. to dress (mil.) 3. (33P3nwYJI3H }J{HWHX) to comto make a compar-

33P3rQVVllrnrVH incomparably 33P3rQ3X 1. to be alongside,


edging cord, cord-edging, edging, edging to the roof of the tent, 333IT aaaxan cord-edged applique work, 333IT HaaMaJNHH cord-edged applique artist


333rll3X I. to be in a line, 33p3rn3H

to co-exist 2. to be side by side 3. to dress (mil.), oapYYH THHW - to dress by the right


33P3rQ33 1. while, at the same time as, along with, together with, § XYMYY}KJIHHH aLKHJI 30XHOXbIH - as well as organizing educational work 2. alongside, next to, adjacent, parallel, yyHHH - together with this, - KBHHT parallel fihhs (mus.), - WYJIYYH parallel line, § MHHHH - cyycan HoeH the gentleman sitting alongside me 3. file (mil., etc.), AYTYY - blank file

33P3Mr3P thin, narrow


333rll3X II. to edge, to put an edging on, 333rJI3)K

oex to sew along an edge

333 3YY sonox to agree 333ll I. main street, throughfare, market 333ll II. loan, credit, debt, (333JIHHH Tacanoap)


333n,n;M3ll borrowed 333n,n;VVll3rQ lender, creditor 333n,n;VVll3X to lend, to make a loan, to give credit

33P3M,IJ;3rll3X to maim, to cripple, to mutilate


33P3MX3H (see 33p3BX3H)

(333JIAaH aaax] to borrow, OYCAbIH to use someone else's name, MOHro - to borrow money

H3P -

33CHHH oaHBaH (33CHHH U3HX3p) 33CHHH oan


credit card

333n,n;3fq borrower, debtor

copper sulphate,

sorcox to

stand in line

33P3M,IJ;3r disabled, crippled

33C copper,


uyxyix to be shown in one's true colours, xomyynax to tell tales, to sneak

33X33CT3H ready, prepared

TaTaH xaparnaa

mirage was seen to form


Hb QYXyinrax

33X33HHH (see

33P3rll3X 11.1. to grade 2. to arrange

pare, 33P3nwYJI3H ative study


033CHHH -




333ll)l{VVll3X to provide credit



glauco, Taau ypT 333pr3HHHH Ephedraceae

333nn9r loan, credit 399nJI9r99

(see 333JIJI3r)

399nYYJI9X (333JIYYJUI{ erox] to lend 399n3rt1 borrower, debtor 333JI3X to borrow, 333JI3H asax to buy on credit

(jJMaaH -) E.monosperma, Joint Pine Family,


333P,IJ; chestnut (horse) 333POOH

YHAAA Zygophyllum pterocarpum

(bot.) (see XOTHp) 333P3MJi3 title of a lamaistic degree in astrology (Tib. rtsis-rams-pa) 333P3HXHH disc, - XOJIOOO clutch


393Hroo name of a chant performed by riders at the start of a race

333P3HI( diskette

339H:Q3P great-grandchild (child of 333)

333P3HU;3r 1. disc 2. discus, - WH):(3X to throw the discus; throwing the discus

333P Antelope, Gazelle, Xap CyyJIT - Goitered Gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa, Ilaraaa Dzeren, Procapra gutturosa

333P3H mHJIJi3 1. (bot.) (see XYH'IHp) 2.

333pr3H3 Joint Pine, Ephedra, E. sinica, MOPHH - (Xap -, mHBJI33X3H -) E. equisetina, Haaraan - E. sinica, XOHHH - [Bypacrap -, map -) E. Przewalskii, Xox HorOOH - E.

Astragalus melilotoides Melilotus dentatus

333 TATAX to sing the rHHHrOO chant 333TYY mattock


333TYY,IJ;3X to hack 333X (HOXOH -) Wolverine,

Gulo gulo

11==== HB I. (intensifying particle), -- H1KHJI (-- H1KHJIX3H) identical, the very same, -- HJIX3H quite clear, quite clearly

HB II. up, completely, -- ~OXHX to smash up

vigorous young man, - XaJIYYHbI ye period of extreme heat, -- XYHT3H ye period of bitter cold, -- ~3~3rJI3X to be in f!J11 flower, § -}l{HH XYUT3H apsaa xoepnyraap cap a bitterly cold December

HBf33JI (see HB33JI)

~fYH feeble, incapable

HBf33X (see HB33X)

~M3PTYYJI3Xto get broken, to get frayed

HBJI3JIT letting down of the milk (n.) (cow, etc.)

~P33 Cichorium (bot.), 3r3JI -- Chicory, C.

HBJI3X I. to let down the milk (cow, etc.) HBJI3X II. to knock down, to pull down HBP3JI collapse HBP3X to collapse, to cave in HBYYP 1. support, pad 2. bolster HB3f TYIIIHf support HB3JIf3JIT process of encouraging the flow of milk

HB3JIf3X to get (an animal) to let down its milk, § HHrHHr OO'ITOOP Hb HB3JIr3}K caax to milk a camel cow by using its calf to get it to let down its milk

HB3Pf3H3 Rupturewort, Herniaria, Tenrep -Smooth Rupturewort,

H. glabra

HB3PXHH rupture, hernia, HB3pXHHH yyr hernial sac, XaBtIHr~CaH -- strangulated hernia HB3X to pad, to wedge, to prop up, to put under, § X3P3B OBtITOH xarac cyyraa OaH~aJITaH X3BT3X uraapnnararaa OOJI ap HYPYYH~ Hb OH~OPJIOX 10M HB}K orao if the patient has to lie in a half-sitting position, prop him up with something to raise his back

HB33fq patron, protector HB33JI (-- OMor, -- xanp] protection, favour, patronage, -- ~op under the auspices of, -- }J{HJI (see }l{HJI) HB33JIT protective, -- oare protective colouring

intybus ~T3H bold, capable ~YYJI3X 1. to allow to eat 2. to get eaten, tIOHO~ -- to get eaten by wolves 3. to get taken (chess) 4. to moisten or steep (a brush, etc.), § xyJICaH Y3r33 YTaaH~ II):(VYJI3H xaraax to harden one's stylus by steeping it in smoke

~YYP bowl (for a dog, etc.), HOXOHH -- dog's bowl ~qHX

to eat up


to eat up


IIIH,IJ; magic, magic power, virtue, H~ lIIH~HHH (II):( lIIH~T3H, II):( 1II1I):(3T, H~T3H 1II1I):(T3H) magic (ad(), II):( 1IIII):(T3H XyqHH magic power, II):( lIIH~T3H (II):(T3H 1II1I):(T3H) magic creature, magician, wonder-worker

~3BX activity, -- 3yrr3JI efforts, -- 3YTr3JI33 raprax to make every effort, to do one's very best ~3BXfYH 1. inactive 2. passive, -- X3B passive voice (gram.), -- XO~9JIrOOH passive movement (surg.) 3. unproductive (ling.) ~3BXfYH.lKYYJI3X deactivate ~3BX.lKHJI activity,

to render inactive, to


~3BX.lKHJIT (see H~3BX1KHJI)

~3BX.lKHX to become active

HB33JIT3H (see HB33JIT)

~3BX.lKYYJI3X to make active, to put into action, to activate, to stimulate

HB33C support, pad, underlay, -- MO~ sleeper

~3BXHHJI3JI activity


~3BXHHJI3X to be active, to be zealous, to exert oneself

HB33X (HB33H ~3M}l{HX, HB33H T3Tr3x) to protect, to support, to back, to sponsor, HB33H T3'IT3rtI patron, backer, sponsor, HB33H T3'IT3JI3r sponsorsh ip

~3BXJI3X to be keen

Hf spindle


HfYYIIIHH Caca/ia (bot.), HJI~3H -- C. hastata

~3BXT3H spondent

Hf3Pf3X to tremble H,IJ; 1. (-- oax, -- xas] vigour, mastery, prowess, -- oaxTaH active, vigorous, energetic 2. extremely, -- ~~ right in the middle of, --

sanyynaa in the pri me of youth, -- H~3P sanyy



1. active 2.



activist, -- OHtIHrtI worker-corre-

~3f,IJ;3JI erosion




(see 1I):(3M}K) 1. consumption 2. taking, capture (chess,


purate H,II;33JI3X

III. to

eat, to feed

H,II;33PJI3JIT festering, suppuration

H,II;3M}1{ palatability, edibility

H;r:J;33PJI3X to fester, to suppurate

H,II;3MXHH 1. (--- xosnor] voracious, gluttonous, greedy 2. corrosive, caustic, --- KaJIH caustic potash, --- HaTPH caustic soda

H,II;33illHJI familiarization, acclimatization

H,II;3Hr3 (see H~3M)I{)

H,II;33illHJIT accustomed, favourite, familiar

H,II;3Pyoung, vigorous, --- 3a.rryyyoung and strong, --- HaCHbI (--- ~33n aacasr] young, youthful


H,II;3PM3r bold, dashing, spirited

H;r:J;33illHX II. (H~33WHH nacax] to get accustomed, to become acclimatized, to feel at home, to be familiar (with), 3~3nr33~ --- to be accustomed to working (animal), Im33WHH 30XH~OX to adapt to, WHH3 OpqH~OO Im33WHH 30XH~OX to adapt to one's new environment, H~33WHH nyrarurax to be at home, to be settled

H,II;3PX3r (see ~3pM3r) H,II;3PX3H vigorous, young and strong H,II;3PqYY;r:J; (sport)

1. young

fellows, youths



H,II;3PillHX to grow to maturity H,II;3X 1. to eat, ~C3H q qOHO, 3C ~C3H q qOHO can the leopard change its spots?, ImC3H 3pyy XYBXaHpq ~yync3H ~OB yprana the mighty shall be humbled and the weak exalted, Im3X33C eep ImryH XyH idler, wastrel 2. to capture, to take (mil., chess, etc.) 3. (H~3)1{ aurarnax] to misappropriate, ~3)1{ aurarnarx embezzler 4. to erode, to corrode, H~3)1{ 33Bpyyn3x to corrode H,II;3ill 1. (--- T3)1{33n, --- xoon] food, provisions, ypTbIH --- meat kept for use especially in winter and early spring, 3M3B Im3WT3H omnivorous, 3M3B Im3WT3H omnivore, --- yyw food and drink, provisions, --- XHHX (H~WH~ arox) to slaughter livestock for winter provisions 2. charge (of a gun) H;r:J;3illJI3JI feeding H;r:J;3illJI3JIT (see nnsnrnan] H;r:J;3illJI3X to feed (intrans.), ~3wn3H TOITOX to settle down to graze H;r:J;3illHHH edible, --- 3yHn food, foodstuffs, --norco vegetables, --- TOC edible fats H,II;33

I. tan, tannin, ynaaa --- vegetable tannin

H,II;33 II. (--- 033p) pus, matter, --- TaTax to suppurate, to discharge

111.1. (--- oy~aa, --- xoon], food, ynaan --(see ynaan], naraan --- (see uaraaa}, --- uaraa


milk products, food kernel

2. (~aH

---) fresh tea-leaves


H;r:J;33T pussy, purulent, suppurating


to draw, to thicken, to infuse


H,II;33illJIYYJI3X draw


to infuse, to allow (tea) to

H;r:J;33illJIYYJI3X II. to let (beasts) settle down to graze H,II;33illJI3r familiarity H;r:J;33illJI3IT3H familiar, favourite H,II;33illJI3JI grazing, browsing (n.) H;r:J;33illJI3X to graze, to browse H;r:J;33illM3JI infusion H)K

I. para (prefix), --- oanH~ paratyphoid

H)K II. complete, total, --- oYP~3n completeness; full equipment, set, aBTOMaTbIH --- oYP~3n assault-rifle set, --- oYP~3n ~YTYY incomplete, defective, --- oYP~M3n (--- OYP3H) complete, total, all-inclusive H)K6AJIHA)]; (see H)I{ I.) H)KHH (see 3)I{HH) H)KHH


(see 3)I{HH axan)

H)KHJI 1. (--- TOCT3H) same, similar, corresponding, alike, --- oypyy dissimilar, not matching, --~aCaJI familiar, --- nacan oonox to become familiar with, to get accustomed to, --- nanaasraa Homoptera (zool.), --- ~aCaJI ooncoH familiar, accustomed, --- nyynnarar yr homophone, --T3rw even, uniform, --- yr (--- H3p) homonym, --XyHCHHHX3H homosexuals, --- XyHCT3H of the same sex, --- XyH double, --- x3no3pHHH uniform 2. (--- xans] mate, fellow, companion, --- cvpsr companions (horse)

H;r:J;33JI3r tanning, ran --- tanning in a liquid based on whey, 3nr3H --- tanning in a liquid based on minced animal liver

H)KHJIrYH unique, incomparable


I. tanning H,II;33JI3JIT II. festering, suppuration

H)KHMYY the same, identical, uniform, --X3M)I{33T3H of the same size

H;r:J;33JI3X 1.1. (Im33n3H rannax] to tan, --- OO~HC tannin 2. to impregnate (wood)

H)KHJI;r:J;3X 1. to get used to, to settle down with 2. to be alike, to become similar

H,II;33JI3X II. (H~33n)l{ oyrnax) to fester, to sup-

H)KHJI M8P8H River Volga


lDKHllCf3X to bring into line, to harmonize


HMHJICYY identical, just the some HMHllCYYll3X make identical

1. to identify 2. to match, to

ness, glasnost

HJIAAPillHX to improve, to recover, to get better

HMHllC3X 1. (H}KHJIC3H H~331lIHX) to get used to, to settle down with 2. to be similar (to) 3. assimilation (ling.)

HnAAPillYYJIAX to heal, to cure

HMHllC3XYH assimilation (ling.)

HnIiH (see HJI63)

lDKHmf3X (see H}KHJICr3x)

Hnli3 1. magic, trick, -- 1KaTra witchcrah, -}KHJI6H magic 2. (-- yxaaa] conjuring, -- XHHX to conjure, to do conjuring

HMHllX3H identical, just the some H)KHmnHn (see H}KHJIC3XYH) lDKHllillHX to be assimilated (ling.) HH mind!, look out! HHll,IJ;3C serum, aHTH--- antiserum, ypHHH -seminal fluid, -- CYMan serology HHM like this, such a, -- THHM such and such, HHMHHH yqHp (-- yqpaac) for this reason, things being like this, -- 10M something like this, this sort of thing, § X3P3B HHMryHC3H 60JI if it were not so, CyyJIHHH TaBaH }KHJI -- JI 6aHraa 10M it has been the some for the lost five years

RITAAPh recovering, getting better, on the mend

Hn1i3,IJ;3fq wonder-worker Hn1i3,IJ;3X

1. to



to conjure

HJIli3HX (see 3JI63HX) Hnli3X to smooth, to stroke, HJI63H ~OTHOJIOX to treat kindly, to favour, HJI63H ToxHHyyJIaX to pacify, to appease Hnli3q wizard, magician, conjuror, -- 1KaTraq wizards and witches Hnli3qHH (see HJI63q) Hnli33C bait

HHM,IJ; so, thus, this being so

Hnf3 (see HJI3r)

HHMillYYX3H just like this

Hnf33fq sender, -- TaJI sending side

HHM3PXYY such, suchlike, like this, -- XYMYVC such people, people like this

Hnf33JIT 1. message 2. parcel 3. assignment, mission, HJIr33JITHHH 333H person sent on on assignment

HHM3PXYYf33P in this way HHM33C (see HH~) HHH so, this, like this, in this way, -- THHH this way and that

Hnf33JITHHHX3H persons sent on on assignment

HHH YYH YfYH word for word, exactly

Hnf33M)K postal item, HJIr33M1K.HHH xynannaa moil-order, HJIr33M1K.HHH XY~aMaaHbI 6apaa moil-order goods, HJIr33M1K.HHH xynannaaasr nyyc moil-order firm

HHH ,IJ;YHH XHHC3H fitted together HHHXYY (see HHH)

Hnf33X to send, to dispatch

HHX3P illHHX3P odd, odds and ends of, -a}KHJI odd jobs

HJI,IJ; sword, -- x3JI63pnH (-- C3JI3M x3JI63PHHH)

HHill this way, here, -- THHllI this way and that, in all directions, allover the place

Hn)KHf Donkey, Ass, -- MO~OH xynapraanaa nacna to be contented with one's lot, HJDKHrHHH qHX3~ yc q XHHC3H C3rC3pH3 aJIT q XHHC3H C3rC3pH3 there are none so deaf as those who won't hear

aanrnsx to come


HHill33 (see HHllI) HKHll west Mongolian fiddle HKHJI,IJ;3X to ploy the HKHJI HKHJIqHH HKHJI-player HJI

I. Fawn (zoo!.)

HJI II. clear, open, bore, exposed, -- ranaa out in the open, -- ran open flame, open fire, -rapax to emerge, to appear, to come out, to become known, to be exposed, -- raprax to get out, to put out, -- nana overtly and covertly, -3~raH out in the open, exposed, -- 3~raH rasap open country, -- 3a~raH ran camp-fire, fire in the open, -- 3~raH yc open water, -- TO~ (-- TO~OpXOH) clear, open, -- TO~ 6a~aJI open-

gladiate (leaf)

Hn}l{f3H qHX (see XaJIHap) HJI)l{JI3X to let rot, to allow to go rotten Hn)KPYYJI3X (see HJI1KJI3X) Hn)KP3X to rot, to go rotten, to putrefy, to decoy HnHH (see HJI I.) Hnll3f massage, 3ypXHHH -- heart massage, :Q3r3H -- localized massage



HnPYYJI3fq detector (mech.) HnPYYll3JIT detection HnPYYll3X to expose, to identify, to pinpoint,



to discover, to detect, r3MTX3p3r - to clear up a crime, cyn TaJIblr - to pinpoint the weaknesses, HJIpyyJI3H OJIOX to identify, HJIpyyJI3H TaHHX to recognize, to identify

HllP3f,IJ;3X to be discovered, to be brought to light, to be revealed, to show up


1. demonstration, manifestation, instance, indication, aspect, § yyHHH H3r TO,u; - one clear instance of this 2. find, discovery (of minerals, etc.)

HllP3X (HJIP3H rapax, HJIP3H TO,u;pOX) to appear,to come to light, to be revealed, to become clear HnT clear, open, plain, evident

arrrrars 1. speaker,


2. index, expo-

nent (math.)

HnTf3ll speech, paper, report, account, TaBHX to make a report, to give a paper, TaHJIaH TaBHX to give an account, to make a report HnTf3ll illACTHP (see 3apJIHraap TOITOOCOH I'anaan MOHroJI XOTOH aHMrHHH BaH ryHryy,u;HHH HJITr3JI uracrap] HnTf3nu;yyP co-efficient (math.) HnTf3X 1. to report, - xyynac memorandum, report 2. to express, to declare, to lecture, ypnar rhetoric, HJITr3H xapyynax to reflect, to illustrate 3. to show, to reveal, to display HnTf3IJ; indicator, indication HnT HOM Abhidarma (Buddh.) HnT3,IJ; clearly, openly, plainly HllT3C 1. plate, lamina, leaf-blade, 3yprHHH photographic plate, ~CHbI - platelet 2. gills (of fungi) HnT3Cll3f laminate HllYY 1. more (than), better (than), rOBHHH oyC33C - better than the Gobi zone, ryq - more than thirty, H3r33p - greater by one, X3333 X3333H33C - xyxan more important than ever before, WHJI - more than a bottle, ioy ioynaac - more than anything else, - rapax to exceed; to be superfluous, to be leh over; to beat, to be better than; to project, to stick out, ypr epreaeepeo - rapcaa axaa a load projecting lengthways or widthways, - 'I yryH, ,u;yryy 'I yryH no more and no less, § nanaac - apsnar 10M naa he tells it better than I do 2. superfluous, surplus, excessive, HJIYYTHHH norop nyryy oyH, HXHHH AOTOp oara OyH wealth may turn to poverty (a warning not to boast of one's wealth), HJIYYA AypJIa1K 'lYJIYY syyx pride comes before a fall, -,u;yryy spa~e, superlluous,

unnecessary, - AYfYYIYIl exactly right, - 3aH excess, extravagance, eCTOH - 3aH really too bad, - yrr3H talkative, garrulous, - Y33X to envy, HJIVYA Y33X to rate higher, to value more, aacnaacaa HJIYYAY33X to rate (something) higher than one's job, - yiiJIAB3pJI3rAC3H TaBaap surplus production, - xapax to covet, to want more, - xap1K OHJIYY AOJIOOX to be greedy, uar overtime 3. the surplus 4. (- 33JIYY) spare, - rsp spare tent, - AyryH spare wheel, spare tyre

HllYYfYH not more (than), xoepooc 3rH33r33p in not more than two lines


HllYY,IJ;3ll 1. surplus, excess (n.) 2. surplus, excess, superfluous, redundant, OO,u;HCbIH COJIHJIf(OOHbI - oyn3r,u;3xyyH waste products of metabolism, - JKHHT3H overweight HllYY,IJ;3X to be too many, to be over, to be extra, to be redundant, to be superfluous, to be unnecessary, to be surplus HllYYP 1. float (plasterwork) 2. long-handled smoothing tool used in needlework 3. dragharrow HllYYP,IJ;M3ll ironed out, flattened HllYYP,IJ;3X to iron, to press, to smooth HllYYT3H 1. more, greater, to a greater extent, xoep xyy - two pawns up, - anxaapax to pay greater attention 2. better, superior, xopnyynax xaaapaapaa - superior in its toxic qualities, Y33X to favour, to prefer HllYYX3H a bit more, a bit over HllYYIJ; superfluous, unnecessary



HllYYl.I.IT3X to make use of a surplus, to dispose of a surplus, to spare HllXH33 (see HJlX3H) HllX3H quite clear Hllq warmth, heat, HJI'IHHH f(OXHyJIaJIT heatstroke HllqHPX3f warm, hot (sun, etc.) HllqHT warm, thermal, HJI'IHT np3r diesel train, diesel locomotive, HJI'IHT xaner OHrOf( motor vessel, HJI1IHT xaaap calorific value Hllqn3f 1. warmth, heat, calories - 'IaHap calorific value



Hllqn3X (HJI'IJI3H YYAJIax) to reveal, to expose, to make clear, to display, to show up, to give away Hllqrr3H (see HJI1IHT) Hllqyy cork, cork cambium, - oerJIee a cork Hlll> yearling stag [Byra] Hll3f suede, chamois leather, xaMoa - suede with patterns in colour imprinted from blocks


HJI3llT massage HJI3H ,I(AJlAHrYH free and frank, open, -oaH,D;aJI openness HJI3PXHH clear, evident, obvious HJI3PXHHJI3JI 1. demonstration, evidence, expression, manifestation 2. expression (math.) HJI3PXHHJI3X to display, to express, to declare, oopHHroe -- to express oneself, npOQeHTOOp -- to express as a percentage, § qHH C31T3nHHH oaHp TaJIapXaJI Hn3pXUHnbe we wish to express our sincere pleasure and gratitude HJI3PIJ; deposit, find (min.) HJI3X 1. to stroke, to co ress, HIDK TaaJIaX to stroke, to pet 2. lHn3H oapHx) to massage 3. to plaster


HH,IJ;EHqyy,IJ: (American) Indians HH,IJ;EKC)I{YYJI3X to index HH,IJ;EKCQJI3X to index HH,IJ;PAHHJI sapphire HH,IJ;YY flat-iron, iron, 3aMbIH -- road-roller, QorHHH -- fire-heated flat-iron, QHHrn3I"1T3H -steam-iron (Chin.) HH,IJ;YY,IJ:JI3r ironing HH,IJ;YY,IJ:3X 1. to iron, 10M -- rasayp ironingboard 2. to flatten HH,IJ;YYQHH presser, ironer HH,IJ;3P platform, rostrum

HJI33C stucco, plaster or cement surface

HlDK 1. servantssent as bride-companions (hist.) 2. dowry, bridal gifts

HJI33q masseur, manipulator, -- OapHaq manipulators

HIDKAAH silversmith, jeweller (Chin.)


1. earmark, -- TaMra earmarks and brands

2. mark, -- T3M,JJ;3r marks, signs HM}!{ Kangaroo HMH3X to earmark (a beast) HMIIOPTJIOrtl importer HMIIOPTJIOX to import

HlDKliYYPAJI Polemonium (bot.), roo -- P. pul-

chellum HH)I{EHEP engineer, OOPT -- flight engineer

(Russ.) HlDKEHEP3YH engineering HlDKEHEPQJI3JI (see HlDKeHep3YH) HlDKHP Fig, HH1KPHHH MO,D; Fig-tree (Russ.)

HMP3X to tweak, to rub together, caxnaa -- to twi rI one's moustache

HlDK33H (see HHJKaaH)

HMX3P,IJ:3X 1. to decorate (silverware, etc.) by forming a turned-over edge 2. to hem, to join with a turned-over edge

HHTErPAIJ;qJIAX to integrate

HHTErPAQJIAX to integrate HHTEPHAQHOHA.Jrn:3M internationalism

HMqjU{ to keep tweaking, to keep rubbing together

HHTEPHAQHOJIAllq internationalist, -- yyp3r internationalist duty

HH I. millstone

HHTOOP Cherry (Chin.)

HH II. mania

HHJI.sIIJ; inflation, 1Konoo,JJ;nororyH -- hyperinflation, MOJIXOO -- creeping inflation, xarapaa -[uroruroo --) galloping inflation, HHcI>nHQHHH TYBWHHr oyypyyJIax to bring down the level of inflation

HHArYYXb (see saaryyxs] HIfArq (see saars] HHr3 fully-grown camel cow, camel cow of five yea rs and over HHr3B3JI if so, in this case HHr3)1{ in this way, so, thus, -- qHHr31K (HHr3H T3Hr3H) this way or that, somehow or other HHr3M3JI (-- OapHMaJI) bas-relief

HHXflail HHXJI3r: oara -- the final detached n of Mongol script, HX -- the ligature ng of Mongol script HHtI)l;3X to click, xypyyraa -- to rub the thumbnail against a finger-nail

HHr3CH33P in this way, by so doing


HHr3TJI33 to this extent, so much

HH33BXHHJI3X to smile

HHr3X to do this, to act like this

HH33,IJ: laughter, xox -- loud laughter, -- aJI,JJ;ax to burst out laughing, to give a laugh, HH33)J;33 oapHx to hold in one's laughter, -- xaaaan laughter, merriment, -- xvprsx to move to laughter, to make (someone) laugh, -- XYP3M funny, comic, laughable, farcical, -- XYP3X to be moved to laughter, to laugh

HHr3xrYHr33P otherwise, if not HHr3X)l;33 so, thus HHr3XJI33P in this way, this being so HHr33,IJ: 1. so, thus, then 2. right away, § OH HHr33,D; oYYHa I'm getting out now



HPHHJIf3X (see spaanrax] HPHHx (see HpaHx)

HH33W3H amusing, funny, humorous, jolly

HPHC toffee (Russ.)

HH33,IJ;3M laughter, - OHW xaHHa~aM no joke

HPJI3X to put an edge on, to sharpen

HH33,IJ;3MT comic, funny

HPMYYH prompt, speedy, switt, vigorous, hard,

HH33,IJ;3MT3H (see HH33~3MT) HH33MCP3X to smile HH33MC3fJI3JI smile HH33MC3fJI3HfYH smiling, smilingly HH33MC3fJI3X to smile HH33MITHH laughing (adj.) HH33X (HH33.>K xaaaax] to laugh

HO,IVKYYJIAX to iodize


HPMYYC3X to become speedier, to become swifter. to become more vigorous, to become harder, to become sharper

1.1. edge, MOXOO HPM3lTIH bluntedged, HaBtIHbI - (HaDtIHbI HJITCHHH -) leafmargin, caannsra - edge of a seat 2. external corner 3. fin (of a radiator, etc.) 4. ridge (of a plant-stem, etc.) 5. verge, § MOXOJI COHOJIHHH - verge of extinction


HO,IJ:JIOf iodic

HPM3f II. mattress (west Mongol)


HPM3f,IJ:3X to be on or to follow the edge of

HOIDKYYJIAJIT ionization HOIDKYYJIAX to ionize HOHqjJOJIT (see HOH.>KYYJIaJIT) HOHqjJOX (see HOH.>KYYJIax) HP I. blade, edge (of a tool), .>KH.>KHr HPT3H (HapHHH -) fine-toothed (file, saw), - opox to get an edge on, to take an edge, - TOMOp blade (of a plane)


HPM3fJI3X 1. to form an edge, HpM3rJI3.>K 3pr3C3H turned edgeways 2. to follow the edge (of something)



to blink

HPM3CXHHx to give a wink HPM3X (Hy~33


to wink, to blink

HP II. power, vigour

HPT3H 1. sharp, edged 2. capable, forceful

HPB3fHYYJI3X to tickle, to twitch (trans.) HPB3fH3X to tickle, to prickle, to itch, to wriggle, HpB3rH3.>K sararaax to itch

HPYYJI3X to bring, to send, to send in

HPB3JI33X to wriggle, to shiver HPB3C Snow-leopard, Uncia uncia HPfYYJI flange, HpryyJIT saap flanged tile HPf3H 1. people 2.i. commoner (hist.), aJIOaT a subject (hist.) ii. citizen, Hpr3H33C rapax to

3. Chinese (n.) (hist.) HPf3HHH civil, - araapsnr T33B3P civil air transrenounce citizenship

port, - ~aHH civil war, - XaMraaJIaJIT civil defence, - X3p3r civil proceedings, - x3prHHH TaHXHM Civil Division (of the Supreme Court), 3pX civil law; civil rights, - 3pX33 xacarncaa deprived of civil rights

HPf3IDKYYJI3X to civilianize, to adapt to civilian use

HPf3HJIHf civic HPf3HillHJI civilization HPf3HillHX 1. to become civilized 2. to readjust as a citizen (released prisoner)

HPr3H3 Fir Clubmoss, Huperzia (bot.), 3r3JI -

H.selago HPMr3P rough, corrugated, milled HP.JKHHX to be rough, to be ridged

HPYYJI tourney, duel (hist.) HPQ attendance, arrival, HPQHHH OYPTr3JI register (school,


HPillHMli3 Figwort, Scrophularia, HPWHMOHHH ODor Figwort Family, Scrophulariaceae HP3r wether HP3fJI3X to geld a lamb HP3JI33X (see apanaax] HP3JIT coming, arrival HP3X 1. to come, to come to, oPYYJI.>K - to bring in, - .>KllJI next year, HPC3H 30tIHH xapsnar OpCOH oopoo apannar all good things come to an end, § TOKHO XOTO~ XYPtI HP3D we reached Tokyo 2. to get, to become, HC.>KHH - to get bony, § CaJIXHH TaJI HbXOptI apnsr the upwind side gets cold, COHHM X3BJI3r~33~ HPD3JI if it got printed in the papers, uar CYPXHH xaTYYPtI HP3B times got very hard 3. (auxiliary verb indi-

catingan action whichhas been going on from the past up to the present), § xaTYY QOXHJIT ercoep HPC3H,


erexan 03JI3H oaHraa

they have been dealing heavy blows and are still ready to deal them


HP33,IJ:YH 1. the future 2. future, - uar the future; future tense


HP33;IJ;YMH future (adj.)


HP33;IJ;YHT3M with a future, promising HC soot HCfHM

HTf3JIT reliable, trusted, faithful

(see 3CrHH)

HTf3JIT3M 1. reliable, faithful 2. confident, counting on, § aJKHjJqHH OOJIHO f3JK ... counting on becoming a worker

HCfYYH slightly sour HCfYYP

I. small


HCfYYP II. yeast

HTf3JIQ3JI mutual trust

HCf3JIT fermentation

HTf3MfYH unbelievable, incredible

HCf3JI3H sour

HTf3M)K trust, confidence

HCf3P3JI whistling, whistle

HTf3M)KHT faithful, trusted, reliable, ... xaas faithful friend


(see HCf3P3JI)

HCf3P3X to whistle, § ~YYHbI aa HCr3pq whistling the tune of a song HCf3P33 whistling, TamaHH ... palate-whistling, YPYYJIbIH ... lip-whistling, WY~HHH ... toothwhistling HCf3P33H

(see Hcr3p33)

HCf3P33Q musical whistler HCf3P33QHH

(see HCr3p33Q)

HCf3X to ferment, to cause to ferment, to pickle, ... xopOHr9 ferment HCf3QHX to keep whistling HCM3f oxide HCM3JI fermented HCllAHH

1. Spain 2.


HTf3M)KJI3JI trust, confidence, credence HTf3M)KJI3X to trust, ... JKYYX OHQHf credentiais, ... JKyyx OHQHr oapHX to present one's credentials, HTr3M)KJI3H xapH~YYJIaX to entrust with

(see HTr3MJKHT) HTf3MTrHH 1. trusting 2. credulous lITf3M)KT3H

HTf3M33PfYH unbelievable, incredible HTf3X to believe, to believe in, to trust, to have confidence in, XOHT HaCaH,I:l ... to believe in a future life, HTr3H XYJIr33JIr3X to entrust (with) HTf3IIIfYH unbelievable, incredible, not to be believed, not to be trusted, unreliable, ... ~YY yr untrustworthy rumours HITPH yttrium

HTfYYJI3X to convince,to cause to believe, to inspire confidence, to win [sorneones] trust

HX 1. big, great, oara size, ... ODe (see ODe), ... oyy (see oyy), rap raprax to make a big effort, to put oneself out, ... rapsm large-sized, big, major; smart, ... rapsmxaa smart operators, ... ~OJIOO G 7 countries, ... 33p3r cyBHJIaX to have smallpox, ... casnsr epoon a gold mine, ... casnsr epoonsrr xapax to get what is lek over, ... canacan rasap eCOH 1II9H9 XOOCOH to cherish vain hopes, ... cypryyns (see cypryyrrs], ... TeP~ major third (mus.), ... TOJIrOH raprax to boast, to be bumptious, to show off, ... T9JI9B for the most part, mostly, ... X9JIHHH busy; big-time, ... uaas constitution, HXHHH lIIHHP oapHx to behave oneself, ... 3MQ (see 3M'l) 2. much, a lot, § 3aJIOHpaXbIH HX33P 3aJIOHpQ prayi ng as hard as they could, M3~3XHHH HX33P M3~H3 we know full well

HTf3f,IJ;3MfYH unbelievable, incredible


HTf3JI 1. (... HaH~Bap, ... HaH~JIara, ...YH3MlIIHJI) faith, confidence, belief, trust, HHHmHH ... public confidence, ... annax (... annpax] to lose faith, ... aJI~PaJI loss of confidence, ... nannsap TaBHX to put one's faith in, ... YH3MlIIHJIT3H credible, reliable, ... XyJI33X to be trusted, ... 3B~3X to break faith, to betray a trust 2. creed, confession of faith (Buddh.)

to be too HX,IJ;3X big, to be too much, to be too many, to be excessive

HC3JI oxide, nasxap ... (xoepQ ...) dioxide, TaBq ... pentoxide, TOMpHHH ... iron oxide, ycaH ... hydrate, X3T'" peroxide, MapraH~bIH X3THC3JIT KaJIH permanganate of potash HC3JI,IJ;YYJI3X to oxidize, to cause to oxidize HC3JI,IJ;3JI oxidization HC3JI,IJ;3JIT

(see HC3M3JI) (intrans.)

HC3JI,IJ;3X to oxidize

HC3JI,IJ;3XYH oxidization HC3JIT fermentation HC3P stool HC3X (HC3JK xaxpax] to ferment, to turn sour

HTf3JIfYH unreliable

1. increase 2. excess 1. to increase, to get more 2.

Synurus (bot.), I)rpBaJIJKHH ... S. de1toides (also Ilanapxyy TaXHJIT) HX3YJI Rhaponticum (bot.), Mereepcxsa ... Rh. orientale (also Byrsm 3YYJIT) MX 3YPfAAH the Lifanyuan or Bureau of Dependencies (hist.) HX3AJIAA



HX MOHJIAM the "Great Prayer" or New Year celebrations at Lhasa (Tib. smon-Iam chen-mol

HX oror (see Hx xopar] HX CYPTAXYH IiHqHr Daxue (The Great Learning)

HXC3JI increase HXC3JIT (see HXC3J1) HXC3X to get bigger, to increase HXTf3X to make bigger, to let get bigger, to allow to grow

HX T3M)l;3fJI3JIT reign-title of Yuan Shikoi HX XOPHf name of the burial ground of the Mongol emperors

HX XYP33 Urga HXqYYJI high-ups, great men HX3BqJI3H mostly, for the most part HX3BqJI3X to finish doing the greater part (of something) HX3~ greatly, very much

HX3MC3f 1. grand, magnificent, imposing

2. haughty, supercilious HX3MC3fJI3X to be stuck-up, to be supercilious

HX3MC3fP3X (see HX3MC3rJl3x) HX3HX the majority, the greater part, most of, § MOHrOJl OPHbI -- nyrarr inmost a reas of Mongolia

HX3P (-- XYYX3~) twins, rypsaa -- triplets, sanraaraa -- Siamese twins, TaBaH -- quintuplets, HXpHHH epoecea opposite number, the other one of a pa ir

HX3PJIYYJI3X to twin, to couple HX3PJI3JIT 1. birth of twins 2. twinning (of crystals, etc.)

HX3PJI3X 1. to have twins, to produce twins

2. to be twins, to be twinned, to go together HX3PXYY (see HX3px3r) HX3PX3f arrogant, haughty, stuck-up HX3PX3JI arrogance, conceit HX3PX3X to be arrogant, to be haughty, to be stuck-u p, to put on airs

HX3C I. (-- ~33~3C) high-ups, upper ten, the quality, -- Hoe~ the nobility

HX3C II. placenta, cherbirth HX3Cf3JI hyperbole HX3Cf3X to increase, to amplify HX3Tf3X to enlarge

HX33P very much, greatly, in abundance HX33X3H 1. great, considerable 2. greatly, considerably, very

Hq right-hand, right, -- TaJI right-hand side HqfYYP shame, embarrassment, -- COH}K)'YPryH shameless

HqfYYPrYH shameless HqfYYPT3H shameful, disgraceful HqfYYPX3X (see HqryyP3X) HqfYYP3X to feel ashamed }fqf3BT3P shameful, -- X3p3r OHW nothing to be ashamed of

HqHfJI3X to cry shame on JIqHJIT hibernation, dormancy, 3YHbI -- aestivation

HqHMTrHH modest, shy HqHMXHH (see HqHMTrHH) HqJIHfYH embarrassed, shy, bashful HqHHfYHP3JI embarrassment, shyness, bashfulness

HqHHfYHP3X to be embarrassed, to be shy, to be bashful

HQHHfYYP3X (see HqHHryHP3X) JIqHP (see Hqryyp) HqHX I. to go into winter quarters, to hibernate, to lie dormant, HqC3H HaXHa dormant bud HqJIX II. to be ashamed, to be embarrassed, HqHJK 30BHHX (HqHJK 30BOX, HqIDK 3P33J13X) to feel embarrassed, -- HYYP3H~ HJl3r aaax to lose all sense of shame, § HPC3H~ ~OTPOO CypXHH HqHJK 30BJlOO felt terribly embarrassed at having come

HqM3JI dormant, anabiotic HqM33P shameful, disgraceful JIqYYp (see Hqryyp) HqYYPfYH (see HqryypryH) HqYYPT3H (see HqryyPT3H) HQYYP3X (see HqryyP3X) JIq33 winter lair, place of hibernation, ~33~ opox to go into hibernation

HQ33JI3X to hibernate HQ33X to embarrass, to make (someone) feel ashamed

Hill 1.1. stem, stalk, trunk, Ma~9r --

(M9J1X99 --)

creeping stem, runner, YH,I:\3CJl3r -- rhizome, underground stem 2. handle, shah (tool, pen, etc.) 3. neck (of a musical instrument) 4. stem (of a note) (mus.) S. stick (of a match) 6. (-- Mon) pole, flagpole, flagstaff 7. (TaMXHHbI --) paper tube (of a Russian cigarette), HWT3H TaMXH Russian cigarette with a paper tube

HIlI 11.1. (-- oapHMT) source, fact, facts, basis, --




senseless, inconsequential, MYXapTal1 sensible, -- OHOJI theory, -- OHOJIbIH theoretical, -- rarax to cite, to quote, to quote from, 3acrHHH r33pbIH 3X cypBaJI}KHHr -- TaTaH quoting government sources, 30XHOrQOOC -rarax to quote from an author, -- rarcan yr quotation, -- YJm3C (-- YH~3CJI3JI) basis, foundation, -- YH~3C OOJIrox to come from, to be based on, -YH~3CJI3JIryH baseless, groundless, YJm3CT3H substantiated, supported by facts 2. (-- 30BWOOPOJI) permission

HIlI III. alas!, ohl. ah!, -- xaaaaac oh dear!

HIlI IV. colour of the year (in the sexagenary cycle)

HIIIHr kid, young goat in the first year, -- 3BP33 ypraxaap 33LK33 MoprOHO

HIlIHrJI3X to kid, to produce a kid HIIIJI3JI quotation, citation, -- rarax to cite HIIIJI3X 1.1. to holt, to fit a handle, haft one's axe

MOrHMH yogic

CYX33 --


2. to form a stem, to grow a stem

HIIIJI3X II. to cite, to quote, to base oneself on

11==== Mor (see er]

to bite the hand that

feeds one

MOrtI yogi MOfqHH (see HON)

K==== (Most words in this section are derived from Russian and are not so defined individually) KAliEJIb (- uryrasr] cable KAliHHET 1. laboratory, study (school) 2. consulting room, surgery

K.A.,I:I:MH cad mium K.A.,I:I:P frame, - TOOU;Ortl exposure counter (phot.) KA3AK Cossack KA3AX Kazakh KAJIEH,IJ;APbqHJIAX to arrange according to the calendar, to roster, xaneanapsxancaa TOJIOBJIOrOO

calendar plan

KAJIH potassium KAJIHJiP small-bore gun KAJIMblr Kalmuck KAJIbI.J;H calcium KAJIbI.J;HrVH}I{VVJI3X to decalcify KAMEP chamber (mech.), XOByypHHH chamber




KAMEPTOH tuning-fork KAMIIAHH campaign CypTaJIqHJIraaHbI - publicity campaign

KAMIIAHHqJIAJI campaign, campaigning KAMIIAHHqJIAX to run a campaign. 1KYPMaap

on a campaign basis

KAHHOJIb rosin, colophony KAIIHTAJIHCT capitalist KAPAKYJIb astrakhan (sheep) KAPAHTHH quarantine, KapaHTHHbI

oaHp sepblock for new prisoners, KapaHTHHbI xyrau;aa confinement period for new army recruits



KAPMAJIAX to pocket, to put in the pocket

KAPMAWI pickpocket KAPT 1. card, filing-card,


(T9JIOOPHHH -) credit card, KapTTaH OOJIrOX to card, to index on cards, KapTbIH caa card-index 2. ration-card, KapTbIH oapaa rationed items, KapTbIH 1KypaM (KapTHHH cacrex] rationing system, KapTaH.Q opox to be rationed, to go on the ration, KapTaH,Q opyynax to ration, to put on the xapraap xynaapanax [xapraap ration, xY.QaJI.Qax) to ration

KAPT}I{YYJIAX to card-index, to put on cards KAPfJIAX to put on the ration KACCqlfH cashier, till-operator KBOT quota

KHJIO scales KHJIOJIOX to weigh out KHJIOMETP kilometre KHIDKAJI XYTrA dagger KHHO 1. cinema, HYY.QJIHHH

- travelling cinema, cyypaa - fixed cinema 2. film, picture, pictures, aHMWrHHH - horror film, oapHMTaT documentary film, documentary, .QyyraH talkie, HH33.QMHHH - comedy film, ypan caHXHbI - feature film, XYYX3JI.Q3HH - cartoon, qHM33ryH - silent film, KHHOH,Q aBax to film, 30XHOJI (- Tyy1K) fiIm-script, - 1KypHaJI newsreel, - 3ypar film, - 3ypartl camera-man, Y3B3P film show, - Y3YYJI3X to show a film, WHH pictures, flicks, -WHH Y33X to go to the pictures

KHHOTEATP cinema KHHOqHH film-maker KJIAIIAH valve, raprax - exhaust valve, opyynax - inlet valve, - OHJIYY.Q3X to grind in a valve

KO,IJ; code, oapaaHbI - bar-code KOKA-KOJIOHHqJIOJI coca-colonization KOKC coke KOKC}I{HJIT coking (n.) KOKC}I{HX to be coked, - HYYpC coking coal KOKC}I{YYJIAX to coke KOKTEflJIb cocktail, KOKTeHJIb-Oaap cocktailbar

KOJIJi flask KOJIJIErH board,

raspsra - editorial


board of a paper

KOJIJIEKTOP commutator KOJIOHH colony, xaara regime colony,





ec colonialism

KOJIOHHqJIOrq colonialist KOJIOHHqJIOJI colonialism, colonization KOJIOHHqJIOX to colonize KOMAH,IJ; 1. command, order (mil.), ryHTD;3Tr3X - executive command, YPb.QqHJICaH tory command 2. team

KOMAH,IJ;JIArtI commander,






KOMAH,IJ;JIAJI command (mil.), army command,


.Q33.Q -

apMHHH -


high command


saxapax] to com-

mand (mil.)


KOMIiAHH combine-harvester, oapHX


to drive a combine

KOMIiAHIFI combine driver KOMIiHHAT combined works, combinat KOMliHH30H overalls KOMHCC commission, KOMHCCbm ~3JIryyp commission shop

KOMHCCJIOX to put before a board, to board KOMIIAHH company, OYP3H oyc xapayunararaa -. limited liability company KOMIIOT stewed fruit KOMIIblOTEP computer, XYBHHH -. personal computer, KOMllblOTPHHH puter-controlled

y~Hp~araTaH com-

KOMIIbIOTEP)KYYJIAJIT computerization KOMIIbIOTEP)KYYJIAX to computerize KOHBEHIJ; convention KOH;l;EHCAIJ;H condensation KOHCEPB tinned food KOHCEPBJIOX to preserve KOHCYJI consul, KOHCyJIbIH rasap consulate, epOHXHH -.


rasap consulate-general,




orary consul

KOHCYJIbIH ,IJ;31DK Consular Terrace (in Urga)



KOHTOP office KOHTOPJIOX to do office work KOHTPAliAH,IJ: contraband,

smuggling, contraband, smuggled to smuggle

KOHTPaoaImbIH oapaa

goods, -.


KOHIJ;EPf 1. concert 2. concerto KOHbBK cognac KOPIIYC force (mil.), aHH 3aMbIH -.

(HByyJIbIH -.)

expeditionary force

KOPPYIIIJ;H corruption KOCTIOM suit KOTJIET cutlet KOE coffee, CYYT3H -. white coffee, yycnar -. soluble coffee, YPJI3H -. granular coffee, xap black coffee, -. HYHTarJIarq coffee-grinder

KPAH crane, uaMXaIT -. tower-crane KPAHT tap, cock KPAIFIHH crane driver KPEHCEP cruiser KPHCTAJIJI crystal KPHCTAJIJDKHX to crystallize KPbIJIO wing (auto.) KYPC course, 03JI1T3X -. training-course KYH3 Confucius (Chin.)


====JI JI just, only, § oaibK - oait:Ha it's there all right, oac - X3~ XOHor just a few days more, MOHro - OJDK oait:BaJI as long as they are making money, saaonaac rapcnaapaa - oait:raa 10M it's justas it came from the factory, JIaB - naraansr uspsr OHm OOJIOJITOit: they certainly don't look like White troops, H3r - ynaa just once, xaa OOJI anywhere, no matter where

JIAA 1. candle, - oapHX to light a candle 2. candie power, watt, :>KapaH JIaaHbI lfH~3H sixty watt bulb 3. suppository (Chin.)

JIAAB lava JIAA.rYYH thick, viscous

aannarx tin-opener, JIaa3HbI TOMOp tin-plate, tin (Chin.) JIAA3JIAX to tin, to can, JIaa3aJICaH Max tinned JIAA3 tin, can, bin, -


JIAA3TAH tinned, canned, - wap ait:par can of beer

JIABCAX to snow heavily, to pour (sweat, etc.), § OOOH OOOH nac JIaBCaH YHaHa snow was falling thickly, xap XOJIC JIaBCaH acrasc running with sweat

llABTAH sure, for sure, certain, true, authentic JIABTAHBA truly JIABTJIAX to go into, to find out about JIABXAH 1. quite clear 2. quite deep, - cyyx to settle back in a chair

JIABIllAA I. sucking greedily (infant) JIABillAA II. noodles (Russ.) JIABillHr 1. gown 2. man's summer gown (west Mongolia)

JIABIIIHrA Duckweed, Lemno, Bara - Common Duckweed, L. minor JIABIIIHX to sew through, to quilt JIABillPAX to advance, to progress, to develop, to persist

JIAAMIIAT lamp, electric light

JIABIIIPYYJIAX to intensify, to aggravate

~ to impose on, to land with

JIAT I. (- uranap, - wopoo) silt, mud, sludge JIAT II. really, - COHHPXOJITOit: really interesting

JIAAXAfUIAX (see naaxaanax] JIAAqHH candlemaker JIAliOPAHT laboratory assistant (hospital, school) (Russ.) JIAB I. wax, YYJIbIH - mineral wax JIAB 11.1. clear, evident, really, actually, surely

2. deep, § ranac rasapr - waax to drive a stake deep into the ground

JIAB III. bitumen, tar JIAB IV. drih (of a mine) (Russ.) JIABAH I. (- ~YH) conch-shell, conch JIABAH II. Asterothamnus (bot.) JIAB,"QAX to be too deep, to go too deep JIAB,IJ:YYXAH fairly likely, with some certainty JIABHP baldachin, canopy (Tib. bla-bre) JIABJIATAA information JIABJIAM)I{ questionnaire JIABJIAX 1. (JIaBJIaH acyyx) to enquire, to ask about, to find out about, to make certain, to make sure 2.i. (- oHlfHr) guidebook,guide, handbook, reference book, - 4>0~ reference section ii. "Information", "Enquiries"

JIABMAr adhesive JIABPAH dwelling or palace of a high lama (Tib. bla-brang)

JIABPHH (see JIaBpaH) JIABC (JIaBCaH uac] snowflake, flake

JIAT~ to get boggy, to get turned into mud

JIATAX to wade, to slosh (through snow, etc.) JIATEPL camp (Russ.) JIATJIAHX to be awkward, JIarJIait:H cyyx to sit squarely

JIAT M3JIXHH Tortoise, Turtle JIATOH lama's upper outer garment (Tib. bla-gos) JIATC (- lfaMoait:) heavy, bulky JIATCAHx to get heavy, to get bulky JIATCPAX to be heavy, to be bulky JIJ:'T CYYX to slump, to go down heavily JIAITAX to become silted up JIArXHHX to slump, to go down heavily, § CaH~aJI ~33P JIarxHit:nJI cYYJIaa slumped down on the chair

JIATIIIHM paste, mix JIATIIIHH body, state of health (resp.), § TYHraJIar YY how are you? (resp.) (Skr.) JIA3ArHAX to slack JIA3AH lazy, slothful JIAH 1. (- JIaHlfHr) trouble, misfortune, retribution, karma, - OOJIOX to be a nuisance, - TapHX to make trouble, - If OHit: 3aA If OHA there's time yet 2.i. (- XaHr~aJI, - xor] rubbish ii. chaff, ~3B3PJI3X to winnow (Tib. las, lan-chags)

JIAH,IJ:AX 1. to clean out (the dirt in a well), xynar


.. to clean out a well 2. to winnow

llAfITAH miserable, unfortunate llAK lacquer llAK)l;AX to lacquer, to varnish llAKMYC litmus, JIaKMycbIH uaac litmus paper JIAJI 1. Muslim (adj.) 2. Islam, JIaJIbIH waWHH Islam, JIaJIbIH waWHHTaH Muslim (n.) (Tib. klaklo)

llAllAP one-eyed ogre, Cyclops, Polyphemus JIAM lama, xap .. clergyman, minister, priest (Christian), .. xyspar clergy, .. xyapar XYH lama, a religious, JIaMbIH waWHH lamaism, § .. xap xoep xYH a lama and a layman (Tib. bla-ma)

JIAMAPXYY lama-like, lama-ish JIAMliYfAH 1. lama 2. reverend sir JIAM repeec Llama (zoo!.) JI~ (npryyJI3H .. ) to lead a lamaist service JIAMTAH lama, reverend gentleman JIAMXAfI 1. lama 2. reverend sir JIAM illYBYY (see Anrap] llAH tael, ounce (usually of silver), § .. Hb 220 urapuaa OOJIHO the tael equalled 220 urapuaa

(Chin.) JIAHrYY counter (in a shop), naaryynsr apaac under the counter, naaryynsr apsra sax 333JI over-the-counter market (direct trading of securities between dealers by phone or computer network rather than through an exchange), nanryyasr a drug on the market (Chin.)


llAII,nAPMA 1. Giang Dar-ma (heretical Tibetan king)


2. enemy of Buddhism, renegade

lIAH,II;PAM (see Jlannapxa] llAH,II;illAT landscape (Russ.) llAH}KrAP (.. oaHH) well-off, .. oaH'lYY~ plutocrats

llAH}KYY (see oyy) JIAH3 1. (.. YC3r) Lancha script 2. name of an ornamental pattern

JIAHTAH3 Henbane, Hyoscyamus, Xap .. Henbane, H. niger(also Corryy aBC, TaHnpOM, T3H3r aBC), ilMxxaH .. H. pusillus llAHTrAP massive, bulky JIAHTYY hammer, club hammer, sledge hammer

(Chin.) llAHTYY,II;AX to hammer, to pound llAHIl;ET lancet, .. MaHfHHH lanceolate (leaf) llAHIl;YH I. lancet, .. X3JI03PT3H lanceolate (leaf)


llAHIl;YH II. Lancea (bot.), TaB~" L. tibetica (see Baarsaaaa]


llAP3 musk (Tib. gla-rtsi) llATHH Latin, Roman, .. yC3f Roman letters llATHHqjJAJI romanization llATHHq]JAX to romanize nAil; 1. sealing-wax 2. seal, .. napax to apply a sea I, to sea I, .. JIOMOO sea Is, JIal(HbI T3~3f seal, stamp

~ to seal with wax, to seal, JIa~a1K JIOMOO~OX to sea I

JIErHpqHJIC3H alloyed, .. OOM alloy steel

(Russ.) JIErHpQJI3rQ alloying, .. OO~HC alloying substance

JIEKTOP lecturer (Russ.) JIEKIl; (.. spaa] lecture, talk, JIeKl(HHH TaHXHM lecture-theatre, .. YHWHX to give a lecture (Russ.) llEHHHQ Leninist llEHT ribbon, tape, OHlImHH MaWHHbI .. typewriter-ribbon, rycraapnarv .. insulation tape, yCHHH .. hair-ribbon (Russ.) llEHTJI3X to tape llHliEPAllQHllAll liberalization (polit., econ.,

etc.) llHliEPAllQllAX to liberalize (polit.) llH,IJ;3P Sophora (bot.), YH3f3HCYYJIX3H .. S. alopecuroides, Illapasrap .. (IIIapraJI .. ) S.

flavescens JIHHP Pear (Chin.) JIHHP3PXYY pear-shaped llHHCYY tawdry (Chin.) llHMli3 flute (Tib. gling-bu) llHMIi3,II;3X to play the flute, to flute llHMli3QHH flautist llHH3 lens, capaaynarx .. d iverg ing lens, uyrnyynarx .. converging lens (Russ.) llHC Plum llHT almanach, calendar (Tib. li-tho] JIHTH lithium llHTPJI3X to measure in litres llHT3P travel pass llHT lift, JIHK - to suppress the action of the bra in

MAHTAH unable to, in no fit state to, not up to, in no mood to, § OJICO.>K ~ap'l HPC3H xyyx.o;yy.o; XH'I33JI nanraxraa - oOMor oaHHa the children who have come home hungry and tired are not able to do their homework

MAHTAHX to be full-faced, to be chubby MAHTfAP full-faced, chubby MAHTYY steamed bread (Chin.) MAHYYJI I. Manul, Wild Steppe-cot, Felis manula MAHYYJI II. scarecrow MAHYYXAfI scarecrow MARX (MaHXaH 3JIC, 3JIC3H -) barkhan, dune (geog.), nyyr MaHxaH 3JIC singing sands MAHXAr medicine bag, portable pharmacy

(Tib. sman-khug) MAHXAHx to get light, to become bright, § cap MaHXaH.>K 0.0; TYr3X3.o; as the moon came out and the stars shone, YYPHHH ynaaa TYHa MaHXaH.>K oaHraa .o;OpHO 3yrHHH T3Hr3pHHH xasa the eastern horizon where the red rays of dawn were showing

MAHXAH clear, bright, broad (sky) MAHXAH}I{HX to turn to sand dunes MAHXAHillHX (see MaHXaH.>KHx) MARXYY (see MaHxar) MAHIJ;YH swaddling clothes, nappy MAHIJ;YHJIAX to swaddle MAWIHH (see Xopc) MAHb our, § - 1i0JI.o; 'IHHb our Bold here MAOfHHHXAH Maoists MAPAA salt-marsh, salt MAPAA}I{HX to be salty, to have salt MAPAA}I{YYJIAX to provide with salt MAPAAJIAr saline MAPAJI 1. Hind (see Coroo) 2. [rypsaa -) Orion

(astr.) MAPAJI liyrA Maral, Siberian Stag, Capreolus

cerbus cerbus MAPAJI 399XHH butter prepared from kumis MAPAJIXAH Tanacetum tanacetoides (bot.) MAPAJI IJ;SIJ;Sf Tansy, Tanacetum, Sr3JI - T.

vulgare MAPAOH marathon MAPfAA.,IJ: (see Mapraaw)

MAPfAA.,IJ:AP (see Mapraaw) MAPfAAH (- M3Tr33H) dispute, debate, argument, quarrel

MAPfAAHfYH undisputed MAPfAAHTAH disputed, in dispute, - acyynan a matter of dispute, a question at issue

MAPfAAllI tomorrow, - Hbthe next day, the day after, MapraaWHHH OOXHOOC OHOOrHHH yyurra a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

MAPfNJ; emerald (Skr.) (see MapraaH) MAPfAJI,I:(AX to dispute, to argue, to quarrel, wyyrqT3H - to argue with the umpire MAPfA.HEIJ; manganese MAPfAHIJ; (see MapraHe~) MAPfAX to dispute, to argue, to debate, to MAPf~H


MAPfAllIfYH indisputable, - OapHMTYY.o; indisputable facts

MAPMfHAX to preserve (a corpse) MAP3 salt-marsh MAP3JIAf salty, saline, - XOTrOp a saline depression

MAP3ArHAX to fool around, to muck about MAP3AHx to grin MAP3AH odd, comic, funny MAPHA (Max -) corpulence, fatness MAPHA}I{HX to put on flesh, to get fat MAPHAJIAr portly, stout MAPHAJIAX (see MapHa.>KHX) MAPK 1. brand, make 2. postage-stamp, stamp, OrJIOrHHH - (surcharged) charity stamp, COHHpXOH cynnarx philatelist, - ~yrJIYYJIarq stamp collector 3. label, tag




MAPKETHHf marketing MAPKJIAX to label, to tag MAPKCq Marxist MAPJIb cheesecloth, butter-muslin (Russ.) MAP MAP HHSSX to laugh out loud, to roar with laughter

MAP MAP XHHX to chatter away, to go on MAP MYP XHHx to fall out (with) MAPCAHX to wrinkle up the nose MAPTAAq forgetful, absent-minded MAPTAr,IJ;AillfYH unforgettable MAPTArHAX to slip one's mind, to forget (something) for the moment

MAPTAMITAH forge~ul, absent-minded MAPTAMXAH (see MapTaMTraH)

MAPTAX to forget, yryH MapTcaHaac oh, come to think of it, MapTCaHaac MaJI M3H~ yy I forgot to mention it

MAPTAXAAPfYH unforgettable MAPTAIllfVH (see MapTaxaaprYH) MAPTBAA (see Ilypcran IJ;3l(3r)


MAPIllllAX to march MAPIllPYT route (bus, etc.) (Russ.) MACTEP foreman, overseer (Russ.) MACIllTAIi scale (cart.), }I{}UKHr MaCWTaOblli small-scale (adj.), TOM MacWTaObIH large-scale (adj.) (Russ.) MATAA small knife with a curved blade MATAAC 1. curve, curvature 2. tale-telling, sneaking

MATAAq sneak MATAJIrA tale-telling, sneaking MATAJI3AX to get twisted up MATAP Crocodile, MaTPbIH 3aM Tropic of Capricorn

MATAPllAX to caricature MATAX 1. to curve, to bend (trans.) 2. to slang, to tell tales on

MATrAP curved, bent MATEMATMKq mathematician MATEPHAJIJIAr material (adj.), oaa3 material resources, COHHpXOJI material interests MATH rAP 1. curved, bent 2. curve, bend MATHHJIfAX to curve, to bend (trans.) MATHHx to curve, to bend (intrans.) MATMAJI curved, bent, canaan bentwood N




MATYYP instrument for bending wood (tent wallsections, etc.) MAH mafia MAX meat, flesh, anar marbled meat, oarc the rear half of a carcase, apOOJI a side of half a side of meat, xen meat, TaJI apOOJI a haunch of meat, l(33}1{ the front half of a carcase, wyJICaH boned meat, OOJIOX to be worn out, to be tired out, OOOCOH well-developed, fat (livestock), MaxaH oYT33r~3XYYH (MaxHbI 3yHJI) meat products, Maxaa H~3X (Maxaa ~3}1{ Mapaaraa synraax] to have a lot N










of trouble, to have a hard time, MaXblr ~3X to make a lot of trouble, to give (someone) a hard time, MaxaH ~3WT carnivorous, MaxaH ~3WT3H carnivore, ~33HHH xop indisposition resulting from eating too much meat, N TYP3X to put on flesh (horse, etc.), MaxaH XOOJI meat dish, meat meal, N l(YCHbI blood (adi-); flesh and blood (adi-), N l(YCHbI XOJIOOOTOH related by blood, MaXHbI qHrJI3JIHHH yx3p beef cattle, N WOJI meat, food, N WaJIT3H XOOJI meat meal, N myypax to lose flesh, N 3B~3X to break down a carcase, N acaaacaa passionately, with all one's being N

MAPYYXAH poor, mediocre, not too good MAPIJ; (see Map3) MAPIJ;JIAr (see xapanar] MAPill march (Russ.) MAPillAJI field-marshal, IiHMAY-bIH Marshal of the


MAXIiO,IJ; element, organism, aMb~ living organism, TaBaH the five elements (of astroN


logical calculations: fire, earth, metal, water, wood) (Skr.)

MAXIiO,IJ;lDKYYllAX to embody MAXrAJI (N oypxaH) Mahakala (Buddh.) MAX,IJ;AX to lacerate MAXHA curve, curvature MAXHrAP curved, bent MAXHHJIrAX to curve, to bend (trans.) MAXHHx to curve, to bend, to be bent, MaXHHcaH curved, bent MAXHP (N TaxHp) curved, N TaJI the curved Side, xaxap hooked nose MAXHPAJI)l;AX to be curved, to be bent MAXHPJIAX (see MaXHPaMax) MAXHPC Lycium {bot.}, Opoc L. ruthenicum (also qOHOH Xapssar] N


MAXKOMIiHHAT meat-processing factory MAXJIAr fleshy, plump, meaty MAXJIAr)l;YY (see MaXJIar) MAXJIAJIT putting on flesh (n.) MAXJIAX I. to put on flesh MAXJIAX II. to ill-treat MAXJIAX III. to strip off the flesh and so on adhering to a hide

MAXJIYYJIAX to fatten up, to cause to put on flesh

MAXPAH3 (~apBaH N) the four Great Guardian Kings of the Quarters (acting as guardians of a lamasery, and chen depicted at the end of a xylograph) (Skr.)

MAXPAX to strive, to struggle, to exert oneself, to be diligent

MAXPYY diligent, painstaking, zealous, assiduous MAXPYYH (see Maxpyy)



MAXCAX to want to eat meat, to feel a need for meat

MAXqHJIMAJI (see opxyynra] MAXqHH 1. carnivore 2. carnivorous, flesh-eating, -- aMbTaH carnivore, beast of prey, -aMbT~bIH oar carnivorous order, Carnivora, -apaaran beast of prey, -- wysyy bird of prey MAXqJIAX I. to illtreat, to treat brutally MAXqJIAX II. to take literally MAXI> Buffalo (Skr.) MAQAr fast, a day's fast, a meatless day (see oa~ar), -- oapHx to fasl, to observe a dey's fast, to keep off something for a day, -- enep meatless day, -- TaHJIaX to break one's fast MAUAJIXHHJIAX to hurry along MAUAX 1. to climb, to clamber up 2. (Ma~aH 3yrr3X) to work hard, to toil away MAqHHX to struggle, to strive, to try MAll very, extremely, -- xyxan extremely important

MAlIIH,IJ; very much, greatly MAllHH 1. machine, OH'ImHa -- typewriter, aJIOaH X3P3~33HHH -- office typewriter, office machine, OH'ImHH ascaapxaa -- portable typewriter, a portable, OH'ImHH -- ~OXHX to type, OH'IrHHH ~aXHJIraaH -- electric typewriter, MaxHbI -- mincer, ypT rOJITOH -- wide-carriage machine, -- OH'IJI3r (-- OH'IJI3rr) typewriting, typi ng, MaWHHbI OH'I33'1 typist 2. (-- T3p3r) car, vehicle, MaWHHbI 30rCOOJI car-park, -MexaHH3M machinery, vehicles and machines, eepee asars -- MexaHH3M self-propelled vehicle or machine, -- TeXHHK vehicle; machinery, machine, -- TeXHHKHHH XO~OJIrOOH vehicular traffiC, -- yaaa vehicle, transport, -- xecer vehicle

MAllHH,Il;AJIT 1. machining 2. typing MAlIIHH,Il;AX 1. to machine, MaXHbI MaWHHaap -- to mince in a mincer 2. to type, xapanrva -to touch-type

MAllHH,Il;MAJI typed, -- OH'IHr typescript MAllHlDKHX to get a car, to become a car owner

MA.HA (see ~aJI II.) MABf I.l.i. type, form, pattern, rep MaHrHHH tent-shaped, H)KHJI MaHrHHH of standard pattern, WHH3 MaHrHHH of a new type, new style, -- saraap type, make ii. fashion, -- OOJIOX to be in fashion, to be the fashion, -- opyyJIax to style (hair, etc.), to do stylishly, -- XOO~OMOX to be fashion-conscious 2.i. (XOOCOH --) affectation, --

naar airs and graces ii. pretence, -- raprax (-y3yyJI3X) to pretend, to act as if, § yJiJIax M3T -- Y3YYJI3X to pretend to cry MABf II. trousers (west Mongol) MABfJIAN show-off, poseur, line-shooter MABfJIAJI posturing, affectation MABfJIAHrYH posturing, affected MABfJIAX 1. to put it on, to be affected, § OH'ITHH MaHrJIaa~ oaH stop making such a fuss!

2. to play about, to show off (in hunting marmot, etc.)

MABfJIYYJIAX to make up (face, etc.) MABIT form, X3BJI3M3JI -- printed form MABITAH 1. looking as if, looking like, as if

2. affected, moody, saucy MEliEJIb (-- X3p3rJI3JI, -- 3~JI3JI) furniture (Russ.) MEliEJIb,n:3X to furnish ME,D;AJIb medal (Russ.) ME,D;AJIbTAH medallist MEHE}I{EP manager MEHE}I{MEHT management METAJIJI metal (see TOMOpJIOr), OHrOT -- nonferrous metal, YH3T -- precious metal, xap -- ferrous meta I, -- XaHrti Oara.>K meta I detector (Russ.)

METAJIJIAr metallic METAJIJIYPfHq metallurgist METP 1. metre 2. measure, yardstick, TYY3aH -tape-measure (Russ.)

METPJI3X to measure (length) MEXAHHK mechanic, engineer, HHC3JI~3X -flight engineer

MEXAHHIOKRJIT mechanization MEXAHHIOKCAH mechanized (see'l33BpHHII) MEXAHHIOKYYJIAN machine operator MEXAHHIOKYYJIAJIT mechanization MEXAHHIOKYYJIAX to mechanize MEXAHHIOKYYJICAH mechanized MEXAHHKq mechanic MEXAHHKqHJIAf,n:CAH mechanized MHf}l{ (see M3r}l{) MHfJIYY Chinese wine, meiguilu MHfMAH (see MHrMaH) MH}I{HJI33X to limp slightly, to have a bit of a limp

MHH Cat, r3pHHH -- Domestic Cat, Felis domesticus, 33pJI3r -- Wild Cat, F. catus, -- xysscaa ~aJI~JIax a~HJI like a cat hiding its claws, secretive (see also XYMC 1.)

MHHH idly, to no purpose


MHJllITAPqHJIAX to militarize

1. mile 2. speedometer MHHA I. mine,uarHHH ynapnnararaa MHJTh




(mil.) (Russ.) MHIDK Beaver, Castor fiber, HaMrHHH Coypu, Nutria, Myocastor coypus, MHIDKHHH



MaJIraH beaver-skin hat, MHH}KHHH H3ryyp Beavers, Castoridae MHIDKYYJI3X to mine



someone else to pull the chestnuts out of the fire, anaxan MO~ H3M3xryi a broken reed, a passenger, N raspsmxaa enreep adapting oneself to circumstances, N sarac eel, N lfYJIYYJIar serpentine (min.), N 3P33H gaudy, N ap shingles N

time bomb, N 300N (N T33N, N T33B3PJI3N) destroyer (ship) (Russ. MHHoHoceu;), N TaBHX to lay mines, MHHHHH TaJIOaH minefield, wyyN minesweeper, 3P3N mine detector 2. mortarshell (mil.) (Russ.)




MHHH XYMC Catmint,

(mil.) OHe I

MOrOHH H.n;33 Stonecrop,


MorofiqJJox to be in file, MOrOHlfJIOH saax to go in file MOrOJIQOf cylindrical, roller-shaped MorOTfOX to pester, to wear down MOfQrop

(see MOr}KI'Op)

MO.n; 1.1. tree 2. wood, N roJIroi a tobacco-pipe without a mouthpiece 3. stick, MO~OO oapHX to be reduced to beggary 4. frame, framework (of tent, saddle, etc.), r3pHHH tent frame N

MHHHMX mine MHHOMET mortar

MO,n; II. measure of distance equal to a verst or about 3500 feet

(mil.) (Russ.)

MHHYT minute (n.)

MO,n; III. playing-card, card

MH~r3P flushed

MO,n;fOP short, stumpy (tail)

MH}lq}{HX to flush, to go red, to turn purple

MO.n;EPHH3AqJIAX to modernize

MH~YY a type of silk

MO,n;.JKHX to become woody, to turn to wood

MHlFIYYPJI3X to anaesthetize MHHb (after a noun, etc.) my, § DOJIHO'I ~33 HOXOp N half a minute, my friend MHCHP Egypt,


DOM Egyptian steel, good steel

MHq Ape, Monkey, HOXOH Baboon, XyH ~YPCT anthropoid ape, MH'IHH }KHJI Year of the Monkey (commonly believed to be a hard year), MH'IHH XyH ape-man N


MHlfiI.n; Pleiades

MHillHJI33X to smile MHill33JIT

2. (N 3~)

1. woody, xylem



Mo,n;nOX to take to a tree, to get in a tree, MO~OJICOH illHJIYYC a treed lynx MO.n;OHX to stick out, to stick up (shaggy hair,


MO,n;OH wooden, made of wood, woodwork, wooden goods, furniture


(see MHill33JI)

MHill33HrYH smiling

(zool.) MO,n;OH fAPHf Jupiter (astr.)

MHill33CXHHX to give a laugh

MO.n;OPXOf woody


to stick



MO,n;OH fAJIAH Shrew

(resp.) MOr.n;OOXOH Brachypodium (bot.), e~JIor Tor Grass, B. pinnatum

MHill33X to laugh, to smile


MOf)KTOP short, stubby MOf.JKHHX to be bilious, to have a stomach upset MOf.JKOHX to be short, to be stubby MOfHOfOP aquiline, hooked, nose, hooked nose


xaxap aquiline

MOfOH snake, .n;YYT N (XOp}KHrHyypT N) Rattlesnake, 3araJIMaHT Adder, Viper, Ha)J{ Cobra, Hapanxaa Whip Snake, Coluber spinalis, xyHHH rapaap DapHyJIaX to get N


(see yprasran]

MO,n;On3YYJIAX to stick out, CyyJI33 the tail out


MHill33JI laugh, smile

MO,n;.JKYYJIAX to plant with trees MO,n;JIOf



(see Mo~opxor)

MO,n;OT wooded,


yyJIC wooded mountains

MO,n;POX to become woody, MO~OPCOH Hill woody stem MO,n;qHH carpenter MO,n;illHX

(see MO~X)

MO./KfOP short and plump, stubby MOHJI 1. Wild Cherry wild cherry

(see MOHOC) 2. fruit of the

MOHHHHCOH gnarled, knotty, fingers


xypyy gnarled

MOHHHHX to get gnarled, to get knotty



3p~3MT3H) Mongolist

MOHrO.JItlJIOX 1. to put into Mongol 2. to MOHHor knotted, gnarled, - xypyy gnarled fingers

MOHHOrmHX to get gnarled, to get knotty MOJIHIi,IJ;EH molybdenum MOJIHrO 1. dummy, - YMXyyJI3X to give (a baby) a dummy 2. con, have-on, - OaHJIryH ~33 you must be joking, - YMXYYJI3X to lead up the garden path

MOJIHrO,IJ;OX to have on, to take in MOJIOP topaz, MOJIOpLIH yr final benediction at the close of a wedding reception, etc.

MOJITOrtIHH (- TyyJIaH) Rabbit MOJIXH (- Myuxar, - TOJIXH) coarse, dull, uncultured, uneducated, stupid, - MHHHH OO~JIOOP in my humble opinion

MOJIQOr 1. tuM (of throat-hair, hair on the tail, etc., of animals) 2. tassel3. (- oar ~3~3r) catkin MOJIQOrJIOX to be festooned MOHrOJI 1. (- YJIc) Mongolia, Ap - North Mongolia, Outer Mongolia, aBOp - In~er Mongolia 2. Mongolian, Mongol (n., adj.), ,IJ;33~ - the Mongols of Kukunor, 3ypraaH TYM3H - the eastern Mongols aMer the e~d of

the Mongol dynasty, yJIaaH 3aJIaaT - xyu Redtasselled" Mongors (from a tradition of all Mongols wearing hats with red tassels), Xox "Blue Mongols" (name given to the Mongol people by Genghis Khan), - Ap~ YJIC the Mongolian People's Republic, - AP~bIH XYSbCraJIT HaM the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, - sypar "Mongol painting" (a style of art characterized by th~ general absence of chiaroscuro and perspective and by the use of bright colours), - 3ypraaH (see Hx

3ypraaH), MOHrOJIbIH XyyJIb rypas XOHor a nine days' wonder, MOHrOJIbIH H~ TOBQOO

the Secret History of the Mongols, - CY~JIaJI Mongol studies, Mongolistics, - TOJI60 ~he Mongol spot (on babies), - X3JI the Mongolian language, Mongolian

MOHrOIDKHX to be Mongolized MOHrOIDKYY Mongoloid, Mongol-like MOHrOIDKYYJIAJIT Mongolization MOHrOIDKYYJIAX to Mongolize MOHrOJI MO,IJ; Willow (see Iiyprac) MOHrOJI aBC Stipa gobica (bot.) (aISOrOBHHH XHJIraHa, rOBHHH HapHHH Xanraaa, QaraaJI1K) MOHfOJI COHfHHO (see XOMOJI) MOHrOJITOH knowing Mongolian MOHrOJIq 1. (- Y33JIT3H) Mongol-minded 2. (-

Mongolize 3. to improvise, to fake up, to botch up, to muddle through with

MOHrO.JItIYY,IJ; Mongols MOH)l;H 1. devil, rascal, villain 2. damn itt (Tib. mo-'dre)

MOIDKHX to do down, to see off MOHOIIOJIb 1. monopoly, - 3pX monopoly rights 2. spirits, vodka

MOHOIIOJIbtIJIOJI monopolization MOHOIIOJIbtIJIOX to monopolize MOHOC Wild Cherry, Padus asiatica MOHC (see MOHOC) MOHTA)K installation, fitting (Russ.) MOHTA}KJIAX to install, to fit (Russ.) MOHTrOp lumpy, bulbous, globular MOHT£P fitter, uaxanraaaa - electrician (Russ.) MOHTOHX to be lumpy, to be bulbous MOHXOHX to be aquiline, to be hooked MOHXOP aquiline, hooked, - xasrap aquiline nose, hooked nose

MOHXOP,IJ;YY (see MOHXOp) MOHQAM3 Montsame (the Mongolian Press Agency ) (MoHrOJIbIH naxanraaa M3~33HHH arerrrnar] MOHQrop lumpy, bulbous, globular MOHQOHX to be lumpy, to be bulbous, to be globular

MOHtIOf Monchog (a Tuvinian people in west Mongolia)

MOHtIOOrO flail (street-fighting weapon consisting of two sticks linked by a chain) MO~m devil, imp, wretch

MOHb,IJ; (see MO~H) MOO,IJ; (- saraap] fashion, - sarsapsm C31TYYJI fashion magazine, MOO~O~ opox to come into fashion, - X09~O~9X to follow the fashions, to be fashion-conscious (Russ.)

MOO,IJ;rOp short, stumpy MOO,IJ;JIOX to be in fashion, to be the fashion MOO,IJ;OHJIrOX to stick up (the tail), CyyJI33 to stick up the tail; to be stuck up

MOO,IJ;TOH in the fashion, fashionable MOOM bubo MOOPor morgue (Russ.) MOP,IJ;OX 1. to mount, MOPH~OO -- to mount one's horse 2. to set out, ~3P3IT - to go and join the army 3. to marry, to go to her new home in marriage

MOP,IJ;YYJIAX 1. to put (someone) on a horse 2. to send off 3. to give a daughter in marriage, to send a girl to her new home MOP30q


sharing someone else's good luck

(see MOP3\1HH)

MOPbTOH 1. with a horse, mounted 2. lucky, fortunate

MOP3 YC3f Morse code MOP3QHH telegraphist MOPHJIOX to ride, to go, to proceed, to be (resp.), § ,IJ;33PXHHH r3r33HT3H HX JI XOJIqyy MOpHJIJK oaHcaH His Supreme Holiness became very intoxicated, ra .o;33W33 MOpHJI please take a higher place, Xaaa 0.0;00 3H3 opnonnoo MOPHJIJK oaHraa ioy Is His Majesty in residence in this palace now?, X3.o; XOHor CaaTaJK MOpHJIOX OOJI yy could you not honour us with your presence for a few days? MOPHH 3AfAC name of a Cyprinidae family, a species of





Hemibarbus (see liyp3JIr3H3) MOPHH YPYYJI Echinops Gmelinii (bot.) (see TaHJKHHH JKHHC, also Xoarop 3yJI)


MOPHH XYYP horse-headed fiddle MOPHH Xyypq player of the horse-headed fiddle MOPqfOP wrinkled, twisted MOPb 1. horse, HOMXOH - a gentle horse, HOMXOH MOPHH~ Hb HOIT ~orWHH MOpHM Hb \lO~OP obedient servant (liter.), XOHHHbI - herding horse; gentle, placid, xypnan - race-horse, xypnaa - yHarll (child-}jockey, xypnan MOPHHbI ypannaaa horse-race, - OapHrlI groom (mil.); horse-catcher (in a race), - oapHx to hold a horse; to catch a horse; to catch and stop the race-horses as they come in, - raprarx the leader of the parade at the start of a horse-race, MOpHH ~3JI ~33ryyp always in the saddle, MaJI horses, - HOXOH WHr sincere, loyal, caHTaH in luck's way, - capnar cognac, MOpHH cnopr equestrianism, MOpHH CnOpTbIH rypsan TOpOJITHHH T3M:Q33H three-day event, - TaBHrlI starter (in a horse-race), - TaBHX to let a horse go free; to start the horses in a race, - yHaJK MO~ TOXOJK ssax to ride, - ypannax (YPa..JmYYJIax) to run a horse-race; name of a game played with ankle-bones, - yHX to tie up a horse (in training for racing), - xapax to be excused, to leave the room, MOPHHbI xyq horsepower, MopHHr Hb 3M33JI3X to aggravate, to exacerbate, - 3prYYJI3X to turn the horses in a race, - 3pryyJI3X uryrax the turning line (in a race), - 3pr3X raaap the turning point (in a race) 2. knight (chess) 3. upper face of an anklebone 4. MO~OH - buck (gym.); hobby-horse, oapHYJITaH MO~OH - horse, (gym.), MO~OH XapaHJIT vaulting, MO~OH - xapaax to vault, MOPbT mounted, - aura mounted unit, - xopoo cavalry regiment, MOPbTbIH XHWHr HBraH~

MOPbTOH horseman MOTOI>YYAITAfbIH motorized infantry (adj.) - aura motorized infantry unit (Russ. MOTOCTpeJIKOBhIH)

MOTOP motor MOTOPlKYYJICAH motorized MOTOPQHH motor-mechanic MOTOPQHJICOH motorized MOTOQHKJI motor-cycle


MOX)l;Or stupid, dim-witted MOX)l;OH

Anoplocaryum (bot.) (Russ.)

MOXEP mohair

MOXOO 1. blunt, - 33BC3r blunt instrument 2. dull, MOpbryH MOHrOJI MOXOO without a horse a Mongol is no good MOXOOP shag, coarse tobacco



MOXOOX 1. to blunt, to weaken, MOXOOH oyypyyJIax to stunt, to stultify 2. to pester, to wear down, § \lH HaMaHr OH1THH MOXOOJK acyyraan oaH don't keep on at me with your questions MOXOX 1. to get blunt 2. (MOXOH uranrpax] to be got down, § 30pHr Hb MOXOJK ryH:Q33 OH3 she must be thoroughly discouraged MOXYYJI tang (of a blade) Mer cornice, § ranna xaasm ~33~ TOrCrOJIHHH xecraar - r3JK X3JIH3 the upper terminal portion of the external wall is called the cornice MerAeH Mukden


MerlKHHceH cramped MerJIeH 1. wooden chest (used as a means of imprisonment) 2. prison (hist.), MOrJIOH.n; opox to go to prison MereepC cartilage, gristle, aHMxaH - xiphoid cartilage, xiphoid process, oaMoaH X3JI03PT thvrord cartilage, oorJK X3JI03PT - cricoid cartilage, Y1TYYP X3JI03PT - [maaaran X3JI03pT-) arytenoid cartilage, uaraan [uaraaa MoroopCOH XOOJIOH, MoroopCOH XOOJIOH) windpipe, trachea, MoroopCOH ryypcrac bronchitis, MoroopCOH XOOJIOH nypannax WHHJKHJIr33 bronchoscopy MereepCJIer cartilaginous, gristly MereepCepxer MereepCepXYY Meryy edge, lip

(see MOrOOpCJIor) (see MOrOOpCJIor)

M9Hf9 1.i. silver, MYY -- impure silver,



M9A soon, straightaway M9A9A (see MO~) M9,n:x9H pretty soon M9JIf9P smooth, rounded off, rounded over, blunt

M9JI.JKHfA9rq exploited, -- aara exploited class, MO]DKHf~Ofq~ the exploited

M9JI.JKHfA9JI exploitation M9JI.JKHfQ

exploiter, exploiting class




M9JI.JKHJI exploitation M9.JDKHMTfHH exploitative, profiteering M9JI.JKHMXHH (see MOJUKHMTrHH)

M9Hr9rYHA3X to be short of money

M9JI.JKHX 1. to gnaw 2.

M9Hr9.JKHX to make money

copox] to exploit, MOJUKHH ryBWHX to batten on, XyH XYH33 -- ec the exploitation of man by man (MOJUKHH

M9JI)KJI9r exploitation

M9Hr9JI.JKHH vanadium M9Hr9JI9f silvery M9Hr9JI9X

M9JI.JKYYP meat leh on a bone M9JIHHJIr9X to round over, to smooth off, to blunt

M9JIHHX to be smoothed off, to be rounded over, to be bl unted


-- pure silver ii. a "silver" (medal) 2. (-- 300C, -TOfpOf, -- HHqaaH) money, sanraa -- (see sanraa], uaacaa -- (see naac 2.), -- OOJIfOX to get cash (for something), MOHfOOP 30~OX (see 30~OX), -- ~3X to defalcate, to misappropriate money, MOHfOHHH HHHJIYYJI3JIT money supply, -- caHxyy finance, -- caHxyyrHHH financial, -yyx to make a fortune, -- Xa~faJIYYJIarq saver, MOHfOHHH xamn value of money, MOHfOHHH xaaur oyypax inflation, -- XOpOHfO funds, money, -- xypaarx cashier, -- XYYJI3rq moneylender, usurer, -- XyyJI3X to lend money at interest, -- uaraan HY~ ynaaa with an eye to the main chance, greedy, grasping, -- ~yrJIYYJIarq coincollector, numismatist 3. a mungu (one hundredth part of a tugrig)

(MOHfOOP --)

to cover with silver

M9Hr9H 1. silver (ad;'), -- yc mercury, quicksilver, -- YCHbI oafaHa column of mercury 2. financial, -- OpJIOfO money income, -- TyCJIaMB< financial assistance, -- T3~3IT paper money, banknote, currency

M9JI9X to strip, to trim

M9Hr9H rYHJIC Ginkgo (bot.)

M9JIT fleetingly, casually

M9Hr9HHH financial, -- 60~JIOfO financial policy

M9JITP9X to escape, to get clear M9JIYY rounded off

M9Hr9P9X to look silvery

M9JIX9rq reptile

M9H,IJ;9JI marmot cub

M9JIX9JIT crawling, creeping (n.)

M9H,IJ;9P hail

M9JIX99 creeping, --

M9H99X that, that same




HW), --

M9HX I. eternal, everlasting, --

snail's pace

M9JIX99 IiOP "Creeping Grey" (tabu name for the wolf)

M9JIX99 JIYBCAH "Creeping Luvsan" (tabu name for the wolf)

M9JIX9X to crawl, to creep, to steal along, 3pyy



to creep on all fours,

MOJI~Of HW (see HW)

M9JIQr9P smooth and shiny, sleek M9JIQHHX MOJIqHHTJIOO

to be smooth, to be 3JI3f~C3H worn smooth


M9H 1. the same, the very 2. is, are, --


whether or not, § 3H3 yrc MOHfOJI yr -- yy are these words Mongol words? 3. likewise, also, -- H3f3H aAHJI likewise, in the same way, -T3pqn3H and likewise 4. true, right, MOHOOC MOH really is, is absolutely, -- yqHp true facts, rights and wrongs, -- qaHap nature, essence, -xaaapraa essentially 5. -- q really, indeed

oyc impermanence -- 6YCbIH ~yp Y3YYJI3X (-- OYCbIH BKJIbIH working clothes, XYPMbIH - garments given to

9MXHH 9BC Pegonum (bot.), Xapnar - P. nigellostrum 3r3JI - P. hormo/o t

1. to

rot, to decay 2. to stink

9MXT3H rotting, decaying 9Mq property, ownership, possession, aMHHbIpersonal property, personal ownership, aMHHbI OMl.JH~ OaHJIraX to retain in personal ownership. aMHHbI OMl.J~ oaHraa 3~ xepoare property in personal ownership. apn HHHTHHH - public property, public ownership, rnpHHH - (YJICbIH -) state property, state ownership, XyuHHH- private property, private ownership, OMl.JHHr 3~JIaH xyasxnax to privatize, - Man (OMl.JHHH Man) personally owned livestock, one's own beasts, - TaCJIax to hand over property (to one's children at marriage), - xopeare property, HHHrMHHH - xepeare social property, public property, YJICbIH - xepoare state property, XYUbl.JJIaJI privatization, OMl.JHHH scpsr r3MT x3Pryy~ cri mes aga inst property 9MqlfHH personal, private, own 9MqlfPX9r possessive 9MQHPX9X to be ocquisitive, to be grasping 9MqJI9N owner 9MqJI9JI ownership 9MqJI9X 1. to take possession of, to take over, to inherit 2. to own, to hold, xaMTPaH - to hold jointly, to be in joint possession of, - 3pX title

(jur.) 9M~9H owner

9H (- rapran] rich, plentiful, - oaHH OHJIl.J33P rich pasture 9HrHHH coloured 9HrHHX 1. to peer over, to lean over to look, OHrHH}J{ aBJIaX to hunt game by shooting from above 2. to encroach upon, to threaten 9HrHHQ (- rasap] hide (for shooting a marmot,




on, to polish, to grind,

to sand,


naacaap - to rub down with sandpaper, to rub down, to sand, - ~ sanding wheel, polishing wheel, - 00 grinding powder, polishing powder 4. to disguise, to mask, to camouflage, OHrOJIOH ~~JIaJIT camouflage, OHrOJIOH nananax to camouflage

3yJIr9}K -

9lIT9 1. (- oy~ar) colour, OYP~3JI



colour, sascpsra - intermediate colour, 33BXHH - greyed colour, HHHJIM9JI - intermediate colour, YJmC9H - primary colour, - 30XH~OJI (30XH~JIra) colour coordination, - 30XH~­ nax to coordinate colours, - 3YC colour, coatcolour (horse, etc.), - 3yC HHHJIC3H of matching colour (horses), -Hb naaaaa spree Hb naaaaa a wolf in sheep's clothing, - snrapax to bleed (resp.) 2. i. surface oarea ~33P99 on the surface, superficially, OHreH TaJI face, surface, right side, OHrOH ye surface layer ii, facing (of a gown), - TaTax to line (a gown) iii. white wool laid out for making felt 3. (- 3yC, - TOpX) appearance, looks, - >KaBXaa (- >KaJIX, - Y39Cr9JI9H) splendour, good looks, - 3YC annax to get shabby, - opox (- 3YC opox) to improve in appearance, to look better, - opyynax to improve the appearance (of something), y33M1K look, appearance, nice look, -y39M1Kryii unsightly, - Y39M1KnH (- Y39M.>K caHTaH) attractive, good-looking, nice to look at 4. lust, passion, - nape (- MOHro) women and wine, OHrOHHH OBqHH venereal disease S. tone, accent, timbre, quality, - assscran atmosphere (fig.), - aRC mode, tone 6. tone (mus.), OynH - whole tone, rOJI - tonic, keynote, xarac semitone .

9Hf9Bq superficial not coloured, - epTOH~ the world without forms (Buddh.)

eHfe}l{HX to flourish, to blossom eHfellfee 1. covering, coating,


2. smoothing, surfacing

earenreoaaa abrasive,


last night

eHfepeex (see


earesox 1. to

pass, § ec earepx oaHHa it's past nine 2. to go by, to pass off, § OH OHropCOH XYH I've had it 3. to die 4. to be left, to be the end of it, § aHXaapaxryH earepx OOJIOxryH OHJI99 it cannot be left unnoticed, oYY,I:laa,Ll aMqHXBaJI - Hb np if you shoot and missthat's that, OYPTr9JI,I:l OPOOryH - to be left unrecorded, r9M 39Mryii - to get off scot-free, 9Mq oyp X01KYY

Hp.>K xyy H3r3HT C3X3X33 OHropCOH

the doctor was very late coming and the boy was already beyond recovery, 3H3 OOJI


nBqH}K OHropoxooc oop apraryH TaC~aJI 10M

this is a losswhich just has to be put up with




eHfellreeqHH grinder, polisher eHrell3llef encroachment, aggression eHfell3llefe (see OHrOJI3JIOr) 9Hfell3ex 1. to keep peering 2. to covet, to look with envy at 3. encroach upon




to be wise after the event, to shut the stable door after the horse is gone, - ,I:lOJIOO XOHor last week, - o~oo HP33~YH the past, the present and the future

eHrePfex to become coated,

X3JI -

to get a

furry tongue



xannax] to

eHrell3YYP depression below the Adam's apple

eHfellef bright, brilliant, colourful, shiny, OHe

9lIT9PJIef coated 9lIT9PJI9X to descale, to clean off 9Hf9peN last, past, -.>KHJI (- OH) last year,

eHfepceH last, past,


good-looking, -

9lIT9llYYP polishing tool 9lIT9P film, skin, deposit, furring, scale, - xycaa crust (on sides of a pot, etc.) 9lIT9P}I{YYJI3X to coat


eHfelleN I. smoothing tool, -




eHrellerq II. colouring, colouring agent eHfellex 1. to colour, to decorate, OHrOJI.>K oy,I:lax to paint 2. to cover, to face, anraap - to gild, syypsraraap - to plaster 3. to put a surface

eHrepyy over, more than,

,I:lOq - HaCHbI



eHfepYYll3X 1. to pass, to let pass 2. to spend (time), asrpanraa - to spend one's holidays 3. to let (something) go, § saxaa oHropyyJIC3H oaii.>K OHJI33 how could he have failed to hear?, RMap q 33MJI3JI XyJI33JIryH oHropyyJI.>K oaHB let them off quite unpunished COHCOXryii

eHfeT coloured, colourful, bright, - epTOH~ the world of forms (Buddh.), -


colour film

eHfeT3H Li, coloured ii. of a certain colour

2. good-looking, nice, beautiful, -


pretty, attractive, good-looking, - eonpor (OO,I:lT3H) smart, good-looking, flourishing 3. tinged with, § OaCaM.>KJIaX - aCyyJIT a rather derisive question

eHfeD; I. superficial, near the surface, skindeep, insincere, -


shallow breathing,


- xapaxa.n at first sight, - xyy.naM false, insincere

9Hr9Q II. (- nsacrsp] narrow mat, narrow cushion

9Hr9rcc9H superficial, shallow, skin-deep, axscranax to breathe shallowly, - xapaxan at a casual glance

9Hr9q 1. smart, elegant 2. fawning, unctuous 9Hr9IIIHJIT colouring 9HrYH hard, cruel (winter)


SH,IJ;9PJI9r 1. high, tall 2. a height, an eminence

9H,IJ;9PJI9X 1. to raise, to make higher 2. to draw to a close (year, feast, etc.), HaHp - epeen the closing epoon at a wedding feast 9H,IJ;9PCr9X to raise 9H,IJ;9PC9X to rise, to become high, to get built up, to become elevated

9H,IJ;r9BQ ovary

9H,IJ;9PIIIHJI height, elevation

9H,IJ;r9HQ9P egg-shaped, ovate


9H,IJ;r9PXYY (- X3JI03pnH) egg-shaped, ovate

9H,IJ;9CXHHX to come up, to climb, to jerk up

9H,IJ;HHJIr9X to raise, to liM up, to elevate 9H,IJ;HHJIM9JI decumbent (stem) (bot.)

SH,IJ;P9SIII99 1. upwards 2. in height

9H,IJ;HHCXHHx to raise oneself up, to rise 9H,IJ;HHX to raise oneself up, to rise 9H,IJ;Sr egg, - oyJIar'l 3PXT3H (- uraxars] ovipostor (anat.), - raprax to lay eggs, .naMJKyyJIarq (- .naMJKYYnyyp) oviduct, enner napars incubator, - napanr hatching, - napax to hatch; to brood, - napax xyrauaa brooding period, - napyynax nex hatchery, oanrea JKaBpaH omelette, eanroa CyH TaBHX to betroth as yet unborn children, a~orHHH XaJIbC eggshell, - X3JI03PHHH (- X3JI03pnH) eggshaped, ovate, O~OrHHH wap yolk, egg-yolk

SH,IJ;SrJISrq laying hen, layer 9H,IJ;9rJISJIT laying (eggs) SH,IJ;9rJISX to lay (eggs) SH,IJ;9JI39X to keep getting up and down, to be like a cat on hot bricks

9H,IJ;SJI3YYJI3X to disturb, to turn upside down SH,IJ;9P 1. high, tall, - OHenH (- HYPYYTaH) tall,

O~PHHH Max camel flesh, - HaM height, HaCTaH old person, old people, - HaCTHbI T3Tr3B3P old age pension, retirement pension 2. height, altitude, - asax to gain height (plane), - annax to lose height (plane), O~PHHH ooaH yyJI altocumulus cloud, a~pHHH nasxpaar yyJI altostratus cloud, OH~PHHH TOOT spot height (cart.), O~PHHH X3MJKYYP altimeter

9H,IJ;9P lior,IJ; the "Lofty Saint" (title of the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu)

9H,IJ;9P r3r33H the "Lofty Brilliance" (title of the firstJebtsundamba Khutuktu)

9H,IJ;9P,IJ;SX to be too high 9H,IJ;9P)KHJIT height, elevation 9H,IJ;9P)KHX to be heightened, to be raised, to be enhanced, to rise

9H,IJ;SP)KYYJI3X to heighten, to raise, to enhance

SlDKHJIrYH without missing, JKHJI - without missing a year, year aMer year

SlDKHX 1. to spend or to stop a day or a night, aHJKHJK XOHOrJIOX to spend the night, aHJKHH XOHOH day aMer day, for many a day, OHJKHH XOHOH caarax to stay some days 2. to miss out, to do (something) every other time, JKHJI OHJKHJK every other year, xoep aHJKaa~ otter two days, in two days' time 3. to last 4. to have a bye

9lDKM9JI year old, lasting from the year before, perennial, lasting from year to year, U;3B~3r year-long frost

SlDKSSX 1. to miss out, to skip 2. to leave, § xoepooc rypas - to leave for two or three days 3. to season (wood)

SlDKYYT (- XOHYYT) a whole day and night, overnight

SHHHH of long ago 9H9 1. - 3PTHHH ancient, - 3PTH33C long ago, from of old 2. - OOJIOX to last a long time, HP33~YHH (- MOHXHHH) everlasting, eternal, ynaaa very long, for a long while, - y~TaJI for a long time to come, - ypT very long, - XOH'IOO oo~ox to think ahead, to look to the future, XOJIbIH distant, - xyranaaraap for a long period

SH9,IJ; for ever SHS,IJ;HHH eternal SHS)KHX to last, to go on SH9S 1. the present, nowadays, today, Mapraaw (- MapraawryH) today or tomorrow, any time now, OHaa MapraaWHHr aprauaax (MapraaWHHr oo~ox, - MapraaWHHr oarepeex] to live from hand to mouth, to keep one's head above water, - xapraauraa OO~COH apqaaryH apra OapHJI futile rnckeshih procedures, MapraaWHHr onrepeecoa mokeshitt, stopgap (adj.), - MapraawHHH passing, transitory, shortterm, - cas just now, - ye~ at the present time, nowadays, today, - XHp to date, up to now,




up to now, up to the present, ~arHHH present-day, contemporary 2. this, that, the same, - W9HHHH ~OTOP this very night


9H99rHHH present, present-day, of today, current

oyJI (- r3p oyJI, - 9Tr9H aHJI, - 9Tr9H

a big family 2. with a lot of, thick with, X9~9JIr99H - thick with traffic


9H9P}KHX to have many children, to make a large family

9H9T3H serene, balmy (weather) 9HT3H rich, fertile, 9BJIHHr - nasax to get through the winter in plenty, pastures

9HXP9rt1 roller 9HXP9X 1. to roll (intrans.), -



9P99C9H, -

oyroy OynH -

9JiqPYYJI3X to orphan 9HIIIHX to be rich, to be fruitful (pastures) ee 1.1. defect, fault, bad point, -

C3B fault, blemfaultless, flawless, - 3P3X (CyJIT3C OJIOX, - xaax, - C3B xaax, - C3B 3p3X, - C3B 3P3JIXHHJI3X) to find fault, to niggle, to pick on, oyc~aac - 3P3X to pick on others 2. irregularity, roughness

ish, -


ee lI.ohl e9B yes?, what's that? eeBrep teetering, precarious geBHHX to teeter, to be perched insecurely eeBJIeX to call 99B 99B to a cow which has rejected its young to persuade it to accept it

geBeH (- rap] shack

rolling friction, TOpro TOCOH ~33P - to lie in the lap of luxury 2. to fall, to take a tumble YP3JIT

9HXPYYJI3r I. roller 9HXPYYJI3r II. a milk food prepared from cream

eHXPYYJI3X to roll (trans.) eHI.J;er 1. (- oYJIaH, - noron] corner, ~3JIXHHH - oyJIaH OYP33C from every corner of the world, 9H~rHHr TOHpOX to turn the corner, to go round the corner 2. angle, rypsaa 9H~9IT triangle; triangular, ~9PB9H 9H~9IT quadrangle; quadrangular, 3yrJI3JIHHH - grid bearing (cart.), MOXOO - obtuse angle, OJIOH 9H~9IT polygon; polygonal, TaBaH 9H~9IT pentagon; pentagonal, T3rw - right angle, nrw 9H~9IT rectangle; rectangular, four-sided, nrw 9H~9IT rypBaJIJKHH right-angled triangle, xypu - acute angle, X3BT33 - horizontal angle, 'IHrJI3JIHHH - bearing, - T9M9P angle iron, - X3MJKHN protractor, 9H~mHH WHJIJKHJIT parallax, § TaBHH rp~YCbIH 9H~9IT3Hr33p at an angle of fifty degrees

eHI.J;er;II;eX to be at an angle eHI.J;er;II;YY angular eHI.J;erJIeX to make a corner, to make an angle, to be in or at an angle

XYYX3~) orphan, xarac lacking one or both parents, raauaap all alone, - COHrHHO one's ewe lamb, - TapXH (see TapXH) , - XYYX3~ acpax rasap orphanage

eIJqHH (-

9JiqP9X to be orphaned

9H99;II;9PX9H just today, this very day 9H99;II;PHHH todcv's. of today 9H99;II;YYJI those, those people, the others 9H99T9X (see H9r99T9x) 9H99X 1. that, those 2. you know what 9H9P 1. with many relatives, with many chil-


(bot.), M9JIX99 G. repens

eJiqpeJI (- xarauan] orphanhood eJiqP99X to orphan

9H99;II;9P today 9H99;II;9P)l{HH all day today

dren, -


Creeping Lady's Tresses,

e9Bep I.J;eeBep a little, patchily, here and there

eer pad, cushion eerYH smooth, even, faultless eermHX to feel encouraged, to be bolder, 99rwHH

~3BP3X to go from bad to worse

eermYYJI3JI encouragement eermYYJI3X (99rWYYJI3H 9~9X) to encourage, to egg on, 99rwYYJI3H ~3MJKHX to promote, 99rWYYJI3H TYXHpax to incite

ee;II; 1. up, upwards, MO~ - asapax to climb a tree, mar - 9rC9X to go upstairs, - OOJIOO'l deceased person, - OOJIOX to proceed, to go; to pass away, - rasap rising ground, uphill, TaTax to improve, to do up, - ypyyryH in disorder, allover the place 2. towards, - 99~99C xapaa facing each other, - C99pr99 back and forth, this way and that

ge;II;rYH useless, rotten, wretched, nasty

oenner thriving,

prosperous, flourishing

ee;II;JIeJI development, progress ee;II;JIeX 1. (99M9}K 9H~HHX) to flourish, to thrive 2. to get on, to advance, § Hac - TYTaM the older it gets

ee;II;JIemrYH incorrigible ee;II;9H velveteen

ee,n;ee 1. upwards,

... xascaa xyrryy OOpHHH hoist with one's own petard 2. towards, eep ... towards oneself, ... ceepreo back and forth




ee,n;eec towards,

against, facing, at, § 3Mt1HHH ... xapyynan facing the doctor, ... Hb xapaxan looking at him

ee,n;ec (...



scraps, chips, offcuts, a scrap of a girl

ee,n;per (...

opranyyn] lively, cheerful, ... Y33n optimism, ... Y33nnH optimistic, ... Y33nT3H optimist

ee,n;pex to flourish ee,IJ;T3H (... oHroT3H)

all right, good, decent,


ee)I{HH cradle eeJI,IJ; Olet ( West Mongolian people) eenneree (see eanenr] eeJIellT trimming, cutting round eeJIeMTrHH carping, cavilling (adj.) eeJIex 1. to trim, to cut round, to turn (lathe) 2.

(oon}K 33MJI3X)

to find fault with, to carp at,

to cavil at


touchiness, sensitivity,'" canax to feel

put out

eeHTerJIeX to find fault, to take offence eeHTerq touchy, sensitive eep I. self, ... syypaa mutually; inwardly, ... OO,LlOO towards oneself, ... OOpHHH (... OOPC,LlHHH) own, individual, respective, ... OOpHHHXOOpOO individually, severally, ... XOOpOH,LlOO mutually, amongst each other, each other, XOOpOH,LlOO YHnqn3X to affect each other, XOOPOH,LlbIH mutual

eep 11.1.

other, different, ... oyca,Ll other, others, ......various, different, OOPOop C3Tr3N dissident, OOPOop xanrisn in other words, to put it another way 2. apart from, YYH33C ... apart from this

eepree ceepree back and forth eeprYH no different from, nothing other than eePHHree self, oneself (obiective ) eePHHMCer like one's own, in a personally responsible manner, § 3,Ll XOrWHn,Ll ... xaanax to treat equipment as if it were one's own

eePHHMCeX to feel at home,

to feel familiar,

to treat as one's own

eePHHMCYY (see OOpHHMcor) eePHHMIIIYYJI3X to assimilate,

to make

one's own

eePHHH one's

own, ... oHe3p personally, ... r3X without a home to call one's own, ... nypaap voluntarily, off one's own bat, ... oprer

OpOH r3pryH

prime cost, ... ronron ~33P

oaiiraa T3M33r

xapaxryH OaH}K OYC,LlbIHronroa ,Ll33pX OOOCHHr

the pot calling the kettle black, ... self criticism, 3PxryH involuntary, forced, under compulsion, 3pX33p oaiix to be one's own master



eePHH~ee at home (football)


Hb own, § nar Hb yr HOTbIr ... xaracaap ypracraaa the dot lengthens the note concerned by half its own length, ... HOXO,Ll his own friends

eeper ceeper (see eepreo coepree] eepee oneself, personally, aacaanars

automatic, ... acrars self-starter, oyynrarq tipper lorry, dumper truck, ... sacaa TOXHHOX 3pX right of self-determination (polit.), ... OHqCOH XYYX3,Ll yHll,LlarryH as you make your bed so you must lie on it, ... oopHHroo yHnqn3X ,Ll3nryyp self-service shop, OOPTOO YHJI1In3x yraanrsra rasap laundrette, oopHHroo xasrraanax to protect oneself, ...oepree WHBr3H3X to whisper to oneself, ... HBaN self-propelled, § ... anrspner oaHHa it gets better by itself

eepeep Hb eepeecee

by oneself from oneself, than oneself, ... ax

XYH someone older than oneself


one's own, ... Hb ~apaH their true face

}l{lfHX3H3 Hyyp

eepc,n;ee oneself, 3pX

by oneself, ... sacaa right of self-determination


eePCHHH one's



oneself (obiective), ... ycrrax


eePCHee oneself eercen oneself, ... XOOpOH,LlOO amongst




to oneself, for oneself, § ... be too big for one

Hb TOM,LlOX to


to oneself, for oneself, ... sacax autonomy, self-determination, ... sacaa TOXHHOX 3pX right of self-determination, ... HTr3,Ll3r selfconfident, ... YHJI1In3x ,Ll3nryyp self-service shop

eepu; different eepu;rYH no

different from, just like, just the same, § HOXOHr yp Xyyx,Ll33C'" 3HxpHHnH3 they pet the dogs just like children

eepu; IOMrYH (see OOp~ryH) eepqrrer.n;eMTrHH changeable, variable eepqrrer.n;ex to change, to be changed, to become

oepsnernea xyaapax xysscax) to be changed, to be



99PtIJI9r,n:9IIIfYH 278

9PB9fH9X (see OPBOJI30X) 9PB9JIf9 1. feather 2. long hair on the top of

modified, to evolve, to vary, oopqJIOr~OH WHH3qJI3r~3X to be modernized, to be updated, to be brought up to date


the head of a bull camel

comb [bird.]

9PB9JI39X 1. to bristle, to be dishevelled, to stick out

2. to flare (flame)

99PtIJI9r,n:9IllfYH immutable, unchangeable

9Pf9r,n:9JI elevation, altitude

99PtIJI9JI change, alteration

9Pf9flI 1. jack 2. (.. xpaa, .. uassxar] crane

99PtUI9JIT (see


introduce changes, .. formation


opyynax to change, trans-


3... MaWHH fork-lilt truck 9Pf9,n:9JI petition, submission, suit, application 9Pf9,n:9X to be too broad, to be too wide

99PtIJI9ITIT3H changeable, variable, erratic 99PtUI9HfYH changing, changeable 99PtUI9X to change, to alter (trans.),


9Pf9)1{HX to get broader, to get wider, to grow in extent, to grow larger, to expand, to expand




9Pf9)1{YYJI3X to broaden, to widen (trans.)


9Pf9JI (.. oapb~) offering, donation, gift, ..

reconstruction, perestroika, eepWHH3qJI3X to revise, to bring up to date

worship, .. eprex to make an offering, veneration (Buddh.)

99C,n:HHf99 themselves


99TYYJI3X to find fault with


99T3H 1. defective, faulty 2. rough, uneven fat (n.), oexean OpOOCOH ooop WHr OaHJIraX to spoil, to pamper, .. orCOH xyHnH o~op WOHOryH saprannax to bite the hand that feeds one, .. TOCTOH XOOJI fatty food, OOXOH CyyJIT fat-tailed (sheep), eexean xyscaa ooop WHr mollycoddle, OOXHHH XyqHJI (see XyqHJI), OOXOH naraaa (OOXOH qYJIYY) quartz, .. q OHW oyJIqHpXaH q OHW neither one thing nor the other

99X (..


99}QKHJIT adiposity

get fatty,

to put on fat, to to put on weight







99q critical, niggling 99qJI9X to criticise, to get at 99Ill bait 9P I. (.. aanara, ..

333JI, .. TOJIOOP, .. TOJIOOC, ..

debt, .. asax to recover a debt, to get a debt repaid, OPOJm oapHr~ax to be deeply in debt, .. napax to repay a debt, .. H3X3M}KJI3X (.. H3X3X) to chase up a debt, to demand repayment of a debt, epenn opox to get into debt, .. TaBHX to run up a debt, .. WHp33 napax to pay off one's debts WHp)

9P II. the pit of the stomach, .. 300JIOH (.. HHMr3H) tender-hearted, .. 3ypx heart, feelings, .. OB~OX to feel sorry (for), to pity, .. xaTYY pitiless, hardhearted

9P 111.1.

9Pf9JIT II. lihing, weight-lihing, weight-lihing, O~OM jerk






9Pf9JIT III. petition, memorial 9Pf9JITfYH unstressed 9Pf9JIT9T stressed, .. ye stressed syllable 9Pf9ITIT3H stressed 9Pf9M}K 1. care, support 2. respect 9Pf9MJKJI9n 1. honouring, conferment of

99XJI9r 1. fatty, .. 3~ fatty tissues 2. fat (n.) 99XJI9X

9Pf9JIT I. stress (mus.,ling.)

the square frame holding the stove in the tent 2. centre, midpoint, .. ~~ right in the middle (TYJIraHbI .. )

9PBHHX to bristle, to stand on end (hair)

honour 2. diploma, on a stiff backing


a diploma placed

9Pf9MJKJI9X to elevate in rank, to honour, to exalt, to confer (a rank, an honour, a reign-title), onrapox to blow one's own trumpet, OprOM}KJIOH MaJmYYJIax to promote (dignity, fame, etc.), § TyyHHHr tIHHrHC xaaa r3}K OprOIDKIIJICOH oaHHa they raised him to be Genghis Khan oopHHroo OprOM}KJIOH

9Pf9M9n foster, adoptive, adopted, ..


adopted daughter, .. xyy adopted son, .. adoptive mother, foster mother

9Pf9H 1. (.. yy~aM) wide, broad, ..



concentrated camping (of a number of herding units in one place), .. ~3JIr3p wide, widespread, general, .. H3BTPYYJI3r broadcast, .. OJIOH the broad masses, the public at large, .. OH~OIT wide-angle (adj.), .. X3M}K33r33p on a wide scale, .. X3p3rJI3X to make wide use of, .. X3p3rJI33HHH oapaa)

3~ aryypc (.. X3P3~33HHH

consumer goods

2. width

9Pf9H99P 1. broadly, on a broad scale

2. widthways 9Pf99 I. pavilion, tent-residence of a highranking person, residence (resp.)


9Pf99 II. Urga (1639-1 706), Bornsm - the "Holy One's" Residence, Urga 9Pf99JI9X to reside


9Pf99m (- Hb) widthways, from side to side, in width


9P M9PfYH without a trace 9PHHHH western

9Pf99m99 (see epreeur], § - rypsaa MeTP three metres wide

9PH9 west, western - AaxHHbI western, - THHW westwards

9Pf9P9f 1. latitude, HaM opropIYYA low latitudes, OHAOp opropIYYA high latitudes 2. line of latitude

9PH9;rJ; west, western - Eaponsra XOJI6oo Western European Union


1. (-x3pr3c)

barb, thorn, spine, splinter, barbed-wire entanglement, eprecrsa TeMOp yrac barbed wire 2. (~OO1KHbI -) tongue (of a Mongolian lock)



9Pf9Cf9X to broaden, to widen


9Pf9CJI9f sharp, spiny, spiky, thorny 9Pf9C9PXYY

9PH9;rJ;HHH west, western, - CaJIXH west wind, - xepoarerea OPHYYA western capitalist countries 9PH9;rJ;HHHX9H westerners 9PH9JI growth, development, upturn 9PH9JIT

(see OPHOJI)

9PH9X (OpHOH 6aApax, OpHOH xoraorx] to develop, to thrive

(see eprecner]

9Pf9C9X to widen to get wider, to be dilated

9PHYYJI3X to develop, to promote

9Pf9CT APhCTAH dermata

9P9Br9P wispy, fluffy


9Pf9CT XAMXAf Saltwort,



9pr9CT X3MX Cucumber 9Pf9Tf9JI enlargement, extension 9Pf9Tf9X to broaden, to widen, to extend, to expand (trans.) 9Pf9X 1. to lilt, to raise, xyanara - to raise one's glass, to give a toast, - uassxar tower-crane 2. to adopt (a child), oprOCOH 3~3r adoptive father 3. [oprea 6apHX) to offer, to present, cyy - to make an offering of milk, - 6HlIHr petition, eprea M3AVYJI3X to represent

9PHYYH flourishing, thriving 9P9B;rJ;M99P


9P9B;rJ;9JIT3H pitiful, pathetic, xapsaac - sad to see 9P9B;rJ;9M

(see OpOBOJInH)

9P9B;rJ;9HfYH kindly, sympathetic, warm 9P9B;rJ;9X (OPOBAOH HHIYYJIC3X, OPOBAOH xaapnax] to pity, to feel sorry for, to take pity on

9P;rJ;9X I. to get into debt, to incur a debt

(see OpBOJIro) 9P9BC9JI (see YP3BC3JI) 9P9BC9X I. (see YP3BC3X) 9P9BC9X II. (see OPOBAOX) 9P9BTAC Stork, Ciconia, Xap nigra

9P;rJ;9X II. to stoke up (a big fire), ran - (HX ran -) to build up a big fire



1. lih,




3. crane

9P;rJ;9JI debt, indebtedness

9PJI9f 1.1. hero, champion (hist.), - )l{aH1KHH marshal (mil.), § qHHrHc xaaa, TYYHHH eCOH Genghis Khan and his nine paladins 2. matchless, victorious, undefeated 9PJI9f 11.1. brickwork, bricklaying, OpJIOrHHH M3p3r1KHJI bricklayer's craft 2. typesetting, xanyyn - hot metal setting 9PJI9f III. adoptive, - aas 33)1{ adoptive father and mother, - 3X adoptive mother; foster mother, wet nurse


Black Stork,


9P9BT9JI rasp

1. to


2. to


9P9Bq (- 3H3P3HryH) sympathetic, compassionate 9P9Bqx9H sympathetic, kindly 9P9r 1.i. targets set up for Mongol archery ii. a round in archery 2. game, board (chess) 3. degree, interval (mus.), 30HXHJIOX dominant, A3A 30HXHJIOX - sub-dominant 4. [roocroasr -) brickwork, bricklaying 9P9rq 1. bricklayer 2. typesetter

Malus, M. pallasiana

9PJI9rqHH bricklayer

9P9JI Apple,

9PJI9X (OPJIOH ~OOJIox) to pierce the abdomen (of a sheep) at the epigastrium to slaughter or gut it

9P9JIli9 pincers, nippers 9P9JIT 1.1. placing, arrangement 2. bricklaying 3. typesetti ng, KHX to be forwarded by the relay-services; to be passed on (infection, etc.) 2. to go from one to the other, to be passed on


9Pf99QHJIC9H staged, phased relay-stations

9Pf99qrr9H stage by stage 9Pf9X 1. to be perceived, to be felt, to be touched, rapr yJl OpTOM too small to feel, HY~3~ - to strike the eye, to be conspicuous, HY~3~ axapxaa - to be easy to pick out, XyHHH HY~3~ yJl - .>KH.>KHr too small for mortal eyes 2. to be struck by, to be affected by, OBl.IH~ - to be struck by illness 3. to be involved in, to get caught up in, OCOM - to be in an accident, 1.l3B3pJI3r33~ - to be involved in a purge


susceptible, vulnerable, 6aH,LlaJI vulnerability, § ,LlaHCHbI rann - vulnerable to enemy fire 2. perceptible, HY,Ll3~ - visible, plain to be seen

9Pf3H 1. indebted, owing, - OpOH debtor nation, - aaaxaap ,LlOPT3H HB stand on your own two feet, § XYH,Ll TaBaH 3Y}'H JIaHrHHH - 6aHcaH owed someone five hundred ounces 2. obliged

9PYY (- 30PYY) crooked, awry, out of line 9PX I. the felt used for covering the roof-ring of a tent, - TaBHX to fit the roof-flap (in setting up the tent), - TaTax (- XOHW TaTax) to pull back the roof-flap (and open the roof-ring), - T3rwJI3X to pull the roof flap over

9PX II. (-

aHJI, - aM)

family, household,


naac] family record, - rap home, opxoec - .raaaac ran racpax to fly the



nest, - TacapcaH 3aJIyyC young people who have set up their own homes, - TOJIrOHJlOX to be the head of a household, - TYcraapJlax to set up a separate home, OpXHHH T3pryyJI3rl.1 (OpXHHH T3pryyH) head of the household

9PX III. crater, pit, raspsm - big steep-sided pits found in the Gobi

9PXHHH household (adj.), - opnoro family

epm99JIT gracious, merciful, kind

oemeenrva (see OPWOOJIT) ePIIIgex to excuse, to forgive, to pardon, to

9PU; diaphragm ( pump, anat., photo.) 9Pu;er diaphragm (pump)

to remit

asax to take one's revenge, - OBOpJIOJII.lOX to bear a grudge against each other, - XOH30H spite, vengeance, revenge, - XOpCOJl hatred, enmity, resentment ocoo

eCB9P rising, growing, -

the rising



eCB9PHHH rising, coming, soldiers, -


,LlaHl.IH,Ll young the rising generation

eCrHH 1. heel (anat.) 2. heel (boot), rancan stiletto heels, HaM ocrHHT3H low-heeled, oanep high-heeled


9CrHH,n;9X to catch by the heel


to trip with the heel (wrestling)

eCrHHJI3X to fit a heel (in boot-making) ecreBep culture, 3,Ll 3CHHH - tissue culture, ypryynax to grow a culture eCreBePJIeX to grow, to cultivate, to breed ecrerQ amplifier, enlarger (photo.), - WHJI (see WHJI


eCreJIeH well-built eCreJIT magnification, amplification, enlargement, 6ara - low power magnification, high power magnification

HX -

eCreJIYYH (see OCrOJIOH) ecrex





O~HHJIrOX, ocrea XYMYYJKYYJI3X) to bring up, to rear, ocrea ypJKYYJI3X to rear, to keep (livestock) 2. to raise, to increase, to inflate, to jack up, ocrea apBH1KyyJIaX to increase, to enhance, ocrea ornupyynax to increase, ecrea TOBOHJIrOX to overemphasize, to overstress 3. to magnify, ecronar WHJI (see WHJI 1.1.) 4. to amplify, - 6YY,LlaJI booster station

ecryyp 1. raising agent, yeast 2. amplifier eCJIex to hate, to loathe OHe.>KHJIT, -





ecepxex to take umbrage, to bear a grudge ecex 1. (OC9H 60H.>KHX, 9COH 03X1KHX, 9C9H

epm99reep3H I beg your pardon


epmeeJI 1. favour, grace, mercy, - yyxnan ryiix (-


ec hatred, vengeance,

growth, development, increase, child's medical record

9PXJI9X to form a crater

mercy, forgiveness, - yyxnan

to ask for mercy, to ask for forgiveness, mercy 2. amnesty (jur.), - Y3YYJI3X to amnesty


eceJIT (-




spare, to amnesty,

9Pf99qlfH worker on the relay-services or






OCOH o 9,LlJIox , 9COJK


to grow, to grow up, to develop


exeep,n:eJI fondness, doting eXeep,n:eM attractive, nice, sweet,



H3M3r~3X, OCOH OJIWpox) to increase

eCT vengeful, hostile eCTeH 1. enemy 2. hostile eT (.-. XOpXOH) maggot, grub,

worm, yrcan ynaaa .-. earthworm,





aarannaa, XYYX3J1,Q3Hr MOHroJI1lYY~

H3pJI3~3r Mongols call the larvae and pupae of insects "grubs"

.-. XOpXOH r3}K

eTreBTep thickish eTre,n:eX to be too

thick, to be too strong (tea,


eTreH 1. (.-.

thick, dense, .-. density 2. stools, faeces, 01TOHOOP OHe sacax to pass a motion, .-. xarax (.-. XOpHrJIOx) to be constipated, .-. WHHr3H faeces and urine, .-. WHHr3H MOP xapax to relieve oneself, 01TOHHH HJIrapaJIT defecation HHIT, .-. WHryyl

WHHr3H (.-. cHHp3r)

erreren 1. concentration, density 2. viscosity eTrepem (see 01TOPOJI) eTrepex 1. to thicken,

to get thick




eTrepyyn3X 1. to thicken, to allow to get thick 2.

to condense, milk



eTrec old people eTreI( concentration, density eTnenT [aacasr .-.) ageing, growing old eTneHre aged eTnex (OTJIOH xerurpex, Hac .-.) to age, to grow old, OTOJITJIOO caaaarva O~aJITJIaa live and learn


erer I. Bear o~, .-. WHBX) dung, droppings, manure, .-. XOp30H hardened droppings, droppi ngs, § MaJIbIH x3BTPHHr .-. o~aap ~YJIaaJIax to warm up or insulate a lying place for livestock with droppings

eTer II. (.-.

eTen 1. ordinary,

common, .-. MaJI1IHH an ordinary herdsman 2. old, .-. Hac old age

eTep (see YT3p) eTex 1. to be maggoty, to be infested with maggots

2. to

produce maggots

ex (see erex]


to throw one's opponent backwards by hooking one's leg around his and pulling


fondness, .-. attractive


pet name, .-.

eXeep,n:Meep (see oXOOp~OM)

oxeemoarva fondly,


exeep,n:ec (see OXOOP~OJI) exeep,n:ex to love dearly, .-.



XYYX3~ dear little children

to dote on, .-. yr


eI(rep leaning forward, overhanging eI(HHX (see OQOHX) eI(erHeX to bend forwards eI(YYX3H (see 01lYYX3H)


1. prayer, supplication 2. (.-. M3~YYJI3r) evidence, testimony, statement, conlession, .-. orox to depose


unheard, with no excuse, without a plea, summarily

eqlfr,n:ep yesterday eqHr,n:ep}KHH all day yesterday eqHr,n:epxeH only yesterday eqHrnen (see 01lHr) eqHn statement eqHX 1. to say 2. to testify eqner (see 01lHr) eqHeeH rexaeeu so many, so much eq re-meoa so many, so much eqYYX3H 1. small, minor, unimportant, .-. OH your humble servant, .-. 1KH1KHr small, tiny, .-. MHHHHX33P OOJI in my humble opinion 2. in the least, .-.11CaH1KHpCaHryH did not improve in the least

eIII (see eureo] eIIIHrnenT kick, kicking eIIIHrnex to kick eIIIHNHX to keep kicking eIIIHPxex to harbour a grudge eIIIHPXYY resentful, vengeful eIIIHX (OWH}K saaax] to hate, to resent,

to bear

a grudge against

eIIIee (.-. XOH30H) grudge,

grievance, revenge, vengeance, .-. aBaJIT vengeance, taking revenge, .-.aaax to take revenge, osor TOpJIHHH .-. asax ec custom of clan vengeance, .-. saaranax (.-. OBOPJIOX) to bear a grudge, to nurse a grievance, .-.TOOQOO oo~ox to get one's own back, .-.XOpCOJI hatred, enmity, resentment

eIIIeepxen (see euree] eIIIeeT3H hostile eIIIPex (see OWHX) eIIIT3H (see OWOOT3H) eIIIYY,n: aberrant

====II IIAA,IJ;fAP (see narnrap] IIAA3 hoe, rake (Chin.) IIAAJIAH 1. enamel, WY~HHH


enamel of the

2. glaze (Chin.) IIAAJIAH,II;AX 1. to enamel 2. to glaze teeth,


ryHJIr3X to enamel

IIAAJIAHTAH enamelled IIAAJIAH1IHH enameller IIAAPfANHH rascal IIAAPI'Hf hide boots, overboots IIAAX (see noex] IIAAIJ;fAHAX to toddle IIAAIJ;fAP fat, stout IIAf hopeless, useless, helpless IIAf,n;fAP stocky, squat, thickset IIAfJIArAP thick, bushy IIArC paintbrush (Jib. phag-ze) II~

I. thoroughly,

xap pitch black, pitch dark; pitch darkness N


IIAJI IIYJI XHHx to go splash IIAJITfAP dumpy, chubby, podgy IIAJIXAJI3AX to waddle, to shuffle IIAJIXHHT3JI plop!, splash!, yHJIax to burst N

into tears,

X3JI3X to blurt out


2. to splash

IIAJIlIHfHAX to make a splashing noise, to flounder N


IIA)l;: III. § OH JI OOJDK OaHBaJI oyc~ Hb na~ryH I'm all right, Jack, sa np 'I nan anra well so what, MaH~ ep Hb HMap N oaHHa what's it got to do with us, then?, MHHHH OHe xaaaaxsm X3HnH 'I HHHJDK HaXapJI9>.K HBcaH Ta HapT n~ryH X3p3r where I've been and whom I've been with is none of your business, 'IH oJm xoep HMap n~TaH 10M what's it got to do with us two? IIMAAH invoice

IIA)l; IiOJIOX to go off, to go bad ~HHT3JI with a bang fIA)K board-game similar to Oa>.KHH

IIA}l{HfHAX to rumble IIAfl3 1. token of authority or office (hist.) 2. (N caMoap, N T3~3r) notice, notice-board, sign, signboard 3. tally, ticket (Chin.)

IIAfl3JIAX to label, to signpost IIAflJIYYP ceremonial gateway (Chin.) IIAHTAH deaf and dumb IIA.JIAA}K dress (Russ.) IIAJIAM diamond (Jib. pha-Iam) IIAJIIiArAP (see nananrap] IIAJIliAflx to be short and wide, to be big and flat, to spread out


IIAJIXHHX 1. to miss a beat (heart), to feel a shock, § ~OTOP naJIXHHB his heart missed a

IIA)l; II. bang!, thump!, N N XHHT3JI going bang bang, N N ~OXHJDK going thump thump, na~HH yaax to thud down

IIAJIIiHfAP (see nammrap]

IIAJI IiOJIOX to get mushy IIAJI f3X (see nanxaax] IIAJIMRx to be rounded, to be fat IIAJIHBfAP wide, big, thick IIAJIHfAP (see nananrap] IIAJIHHx to stand out, naJIHHTaJI OH'IHX to write

IIAJIbTO overcoat (Russ.) IIAMIiArAP thick, full, puffy, 3Y3aaH



thick, full lips

IIAMIiAflx to swell up, to get puffy IIAH,II;AfIx to be big, to be thick, to be fat ~fAHAX to stump, to plod

IIAH,II;fAP big, thick, fat IIAHEP MO,n; plywood (Russ. (-- YYP3r) role, part (Russ.) POMAH novel (liter.) (Russ.) POT company, squadron (unit comprising three canaa] (mil.) (Russ.) POBlll> Xef}KHM grand piano (Russ.) PYY (occurring after a back vowel) 1. towards 2. down, § naxayypra -- oyy.>K HP3B came down the ladder

PYY (occurring after a front vowel) (see pyy), § X3BJIHH pyy Hb OWHrJIO.>K33 kicked him in the stomach

P33B3H Ljcpcn 2.Japanese (Chin.)

c CAA I. braid, metal thread, aJITaH -- gold braid, gold thread

CAA II. (-- OBlIHH) paralysis, palsy, Op90JI caaraa (TaJI caaraa] hemiplegic, X~BapT -poliomyelitis, Xvvx.nHHH -- infantile paralysis, -~aHpax (-- TYeax) to be struck with paralysis CAArHX to belch out, to swirl (smoke) CAA)]; (-- 600MT, -- 63PX, -- 63PXW33JI, -- TOTrOp, -- T33r, -- T33p) obstacle, hindrance, impediment, -- XHHX (-- xvprsx] to obstruct, -- xopar obstruction, defence, § X9~9JIr99H~ -- xvprsx to obstruct the traffic

CAA)];Ar quiver, arrow-case, CAA)];Ar AJIqyyp [aaraasr --) travelling pouch for a bowl

CAA)];ArJIAX: eyyJI33 -- to raise the toil aher mating (camel cow)

CAA)];rAHQ3Q3r Cypripedium (bot.), Hx -C. mocronthon, IIIap -- Lady's Slipper, C. co/-

ceo/us CAA)];rYH freely, without difficulty CAA)];TAH 1. obstructive 2. -- sypaac assault course 3. -- ryHJIT hurdles CAA./KHJI paralysation CAA./KHJIT (see eaaJKHJI) CAA./KHX to become paralysed CAAJIrAX to get milked, to yield milk CAAJIHHtlHH (see caam-nnr] CAAJIT I. milking CAAJIT II. shortening CAAJITYYP I. milking machine, ~aXHJIraaH -electric milking machine

CAAJITYYP II. device for altering the length of stirrup-Ieathers

CAAJIh I. trip-bow, -- 3yyx (-- coax, -- TaBHX) to set a trip-bow

CAAJIh 11.1. milk, -- eaax to milk, to do milking, -- eyy milk, -- eyy asax to milk, -- eyyHHH aJKHJI milking 2. milking, lactation, caanaa 33X33P casaa 33X be prepared, look before you leap, eaaJIHHH ye (eaaJIHHH xyrauaa] milking season, period of lactation, eaaJIHHH yH33 milch cow, eaaJIHHH 3M XOHb ewe in milk CAAJIhqHH milker CAAM 1. fresh milk, milk, TYYXHH -- raw milk 2. (-- eyy) milking, yield of milk CAAMAJI just being milked cAAMrAH trained to be milked, used to being milked, milch

CAAMfAHAX to flirt CAAMillHJIT lactation CAAMllIHX to lactate, to have milk collect in the udder

CAAMillPAX (see caasnnax] CAAP bod, poor, caaa -- TaJI good and bad sides, -- saax to be poorly off

CAAPAJI I. grey CAAPAJI II. decline CAAPAJI,IJ;YY greyish, grey CAAPAJI OP,IJ;OH the "Grey Palace" (Government Centre in Ulaanbaatar)

CAAPAJITAX 1. to go grey, to look grey 2. to get hoarse

CAAPAX to falloff, to slacken, to decline CAAPrYH positively, certainly, without doubt CAAPMAr 1. neutral, -- enre neutral colour, -3rWHr neutral vowel 2. indecisive, uncertain CAAPMAr}l{HX to be neutralized CAAPMAr}l{YYJIAX to neutralize CAAPYY weak, weakened, relaxed CAAPYYJIAX to weaken, to reduce, to allow to fall off

CAAPillrYH unfailing CAAPh (see eaHp II., III.) CAAPhTAX (see caaprax] CAATAH I. brocaded CAATAH II. paralysed CAATAJI 1. delay, hold-up, hitch, obstruction, impediment 2. inhibition (psych.) (cf. C3P3JI) 3. backwardness, underdevelopment

CAATAJIrYH smoothly, without a hitch CAATAJIT (see caaran] CAATAX 1. to be paralysed CAATAX II. 1. to be delayed, to be held up, to be detained, caaraac eyyx to break down, to get stuck (auto.) 2. to stop, to stay (resp.) 3. [caaraa syraanax] to ploy, to amuse oneself (child)

CAATYYJIAX 1. to delay, to hinder, to obstruct, to hold up, to inhibit 2. to detain, aJI6~aH -(see antianax]. TYP -- (see TYP) 3. to amuse, to entertain, XYYX3~ -- rasap creche CAATYYJIrA (p~HO --) jamming CAAX I. to shorten, to reduce, yH3 -- to bring down the price, xypnaa -- to reduce speed, to slow down


CAAX 11.1. to milk, - 30pyyn3x (- TaBHX) to exchange lambs, etc., between milking partners during the day at milking time so as to avoid depleting the milk 2. to milk, to bleed (money)

CAAXAJIT 1. milking-partners, neighbours, aHn caaxanrsmxaa neighbours, caaxanrsm aHn group of families forming a milking partnership, neighbours, - nyrarnax (aHn - oyyx) to camp close together 2. distance to one's neighbours, OHpXOH caaxarrrsm rasap close by, caaxanrsm X3P about one milking-partner's distance away, § 3YYH yparur XOpHH caaxanrsnr T3PT33A twenty short stages to the south-east

CAAXAJITJIAX 1. to be milking partners 2. to be neighbours

CAAXAPJIAr sugary, containing sugar CAAXYY a flask of metal or wood used for tea,

CABAJIT beating (esp. wool before making felt) CABAH soap, aac aXyHH - (oapaaHbI -, 3AHHH -) laundry soap, household soap, apayrransm - antiseptic soap, rap HyypHHH - (Hyyp rapsm -) toilet soap, caxnsm - shovinq-socp

CABAH)l;AX to soap, CaBaHAaH yraax to wash with soap

CABAIDKHJIT saponification, CaBaH:>KHnTbIH TOO saponification number

CABAHTAH soapy, - yc soapy water CABAP 1. paw, claws, -aac caspaa TaT hands off ... !


rake for collecting dried dung

CABAP,II;AX 1. to scratch, to claw 2. to rake up,

etc., barrel

CAAXYYQ3Q3r Water-lily, Nuphar, AnTaH Least Water-lily,

CABAJI handled bowl CABAJIrAHA Corydalis, Corydalis

CABAIDKHX to saponify

CAAXAP sugar (Russ.)



N. pumila

CAB I. uterus, womb (see }'MaH 1.), casasr arurarrr uterine contractions, caaasr [casasr XY3YYB'I) neck of the womb

to rake together

CABAX to beat, to slam HOOC - [yarac -) to beat XY3YY

CAB II.1. vessel, conta iner, TOpOH - string bag, XaJIYYH - vacuum flask, xoep yraax casraa twi ntub, - AYYP3X to be satisfied, - A3JIXHH the material world, - epTOH~ the material world, the cosmos, - caans (- cyynra) utensils, vessels, pots and pans, - yraax MaWHH dishwasher, WHM (- WHMHHH eprean] all creation, the organic and inorganic worlds 2. (- rasap, XOHAHH) basin (geog.), - nyrar river basin; area

CAB III. (intensifying particle), - capyyn bright as day

CABAA 1. rod, cane 2. beater (for beating wool into felt) 3. rod (mech.) 4. rod (atom.), 30XH~­ naN - control rod, ypansr - uranium rod

CABAATYH 1. curious, inquisitive 2. interfering, meddling, ollicious. intrusive, - xspar irrelevant affair, something which is not one's business, TaBaH - (see TaB I.), - HOXOH capaan xyuax meddlesome

CABAATYHPX3X 1. to be curious, to be inquisitive 2. to be interfering, to be meddlesome, to stick one's nose in

CABAATYHT3X (see casaarvapxex] CABAA)l;AX to beat with a stick CABAr (see casra] CABArAAAXAH Hairy-footed Jerboa, RoughleggedJerboa, Feather-footedJerboa, Northern Three-toed jerboo. Dipus sagitta

wool (for felt), casaa yaax to flop down, to fall flat, § xaanra nRC oyynraH caaas slammed the door with a bang

CABrA the long hair along a yak's belly CABr~ (see Caaarnaaxaa]

CABrAJIAX to take the long hair from a yak's belly

CAB,II;Ar local genius, spirit of the locality (Tib. sa-bdag)

CABHPAX to drip, to run (blood, etc.) CABJIArAA bottling, packing CABJIAJIT (see caanaraa] CABJIACAH bottled CABJIAX I. to flap, to swing, to wag CABJIAX II. to bottle, to put into a container, to package, - MaWHH bottling machine

CABJIAX III. to adjoin CABJIAX IV. to hit, to knock about CABJIYYP 1. bar 2. bar, parallel bars (gym.) CAB JI XHHB3JI on and on, all the time CABCAf flashy, rakish, loose CABCAJITA Li, vice, press ii. a device for squeezing the hands and legs as torture (hist.) (also xasxyyp] 2. nutcrackers for castrating a beast 3. rasap T3Hr3pHHH - the junction of heaven and earth, the ends of the earth

CABCAX to swirl up, to billow up (steam, smoke,

etc.) CABCJIArA (see caacanra] CABCJIArA,IW{ to squeeze in a press



2. spreading, bushy, luxuriant

CABX 1. chopsticks 2. (-- MO~) lath, slat, slip, WHJI -- glass rod



a cylindrical metal


CABXAHQAP bacillus,

cYPbe3rHHH --



CABXAHQAPT bacillary CABXAPXYY rod-like

cle, -- 60JIOX to be a hindrance

CAB~ [casxnaa ~3X) to eat with chopsticks

CABXH leather, box-calf, caBXHH ~33JI leather coat, caBXHH ryran leather shoes, leather boots CABXJIAX to make with slats or strips, to use slats or strips,


CArCHblXAH basketball players CArCPArA hoar-frost CArCYY conceited, bumptious, stuck-up CArCYYPAJI swank CArCYYPAX to show off, to swank, to boast CArCqHH basketball player CM clock, watch CMAA (-- TOTrOp) obstruction, hindrance, obsta-

to cut into strips

CABqHX to hit, to slap (defective axle, etc.), to bang (door)

CAr egg of an insect CArAr I. fetlock CArAr II. Buckwheat,

CMAATAH obstructive CMAH relation, relative, OHpbIH -- close relative, distant relative, -- TOpOJI relatives, family, -- TOpJIHHH CYJI633T3H (-- TOpOJI XOJI600T0H) related


CMAP (--

caMYYH) 1. loose, promiscuous, immoral, pornographic, -- sypar filthy pictures, -- caMYYHbI C31TYYJI dirty magazine, -- casryyHbI xOJI60r~OJITOH 3yHJI pornographic items 2. loose living, promiscuity, -- caMYYJI,tl ypyy TaTax to corrupt, to lead into bad ways

Fagopyrum (also -F. sagitatum (also CMAPJIAX to be loose, to be lascivious, to be fypBaJDKHH liy~aa), Taraap -- F. tataricum profligate CArMAH 1. Koenigia (bot.) 2. Buckwheat (see CMAPXAiI the point where heart, liver and Carar II.) lungs meet CArAH Pugionium (bot.), ,IJ;3BYYP ypT -- P. pte- CMrA 1. F?aper effigy used in shamanistic rites rocarpum 2. stuffed figure CArAJIAAprA thong (of a whip, a tent-rafter, CMrAJ(AX (see canpax] etc.), throat-strap (of a bridle), chin-strap (of a CMrAHAX (see canpax] liy~aa),




CArAJIAAPrAJIAX to tie on (a hat, etc.) with a thong

CArAJIT rising CArAX 1. to rise up, to run over,



to be overfull of food 2. to be full of oneself

CArHJI XOHb 1. sheep in the third year 2. sheep which has lambed twice (and is said to have a very warm fleece)

CArJIArAP spreading, bushy (tree) CArC I. wicker basket, basket, BaJIlOTbIH -- a basket of currencies, -- apar wicker basket (as used on camels in the Gobi, also XYH3 2.), 60M6or basketball, -- caa wicker case


CArC II. (-- 6ar Q3Q3r) flower-head, capitulum CArCArHAX 1. to be shaggy, to be dishevelled 2. show off, to swank

CArcAHx 1. to be shaggy-haired, to be dishevelled, to be tangled 2. to spread, to be bushy (tree) 3. to be conceited, to be stuck up

CArCAJI3AX 1. to get tangled up, to get in a tangle

2. to show off, to swank

CArCrAP 1. shaggy,


CMPAA (-- anar] 1. delta 2. branching nullahs CMPArA (see canpaa] CMPAX to flow, to stream, to pour out. to spurt CM TABHX to spurt out CMqHX to spurt out CA}l{HH I. (see cauraa] CA}l{HH II. fathom (Russ.) CA}l{HX to swing, to wave (trans.), rap -- to wave

CA}KJIAX to go slowly, to amble along, to dawdle

CA}KJIYYJIAX to ride along slowly CAJKYYP X3Hr3P3r rattle-drum CA3 grater CAHBAH Chinese tailor (Chin.) CAHBAP (-- HB~aJI) slow amble, -- MOpb horse that goes at a slow amble

CAHBAPJIAX to go at a slow amble CAHBAPJIYYJIAX to ride at a slow amble

cAli,IJ; tangled

1. minister, epoHXHH -- prime minister, -Council of Ministers 2. amban,

Hapbm 30BJIOJI

governor, imperial resident, XYP33HHH ~ the Governor at Urga (hist.) CAMAx 1. to improve, to get better 2. to be too good 3. to come close, to make friends cAH)I{PAJI improvement CAlbKpAX to improve, to get better cAlbKpYYJIAr~ to be improved, CaH}KpyyJIar~CaH improved



elbows, chest, humerus, knee-caps and Achilles tendons of the camel cAHp III. shagreen, rough leather cAHpAPXAr gravelly cAHpAX to get better

CAfDKpYYJIAJIT improvement

CAMPrA grit

CAlbKpYYJIAX to improve, to make better

CAMPTAX to be roughened, to be chapped, to be calloused

CAHJIAX to praise CAHMIIIPAX to flatter, to make up to CAHH 1. good, well, raan ~ OaHJIrax (H3r ~ OaHJIrax) to give someone what for, ~ aMTaH spoken well of, ~ oaHHa yy how are you?, ~ OOJI at best, CaHHbIr narasan capasr r3p3JI honesty is the best policy, ~ nypaapaa voluntarily, ~ ,IM)bIH voluntary; amateur, ~ ~YPbIH YJmC3H ~33P on a voluntary basis, ~ H3pHHr XYC3Bq OJIOXO~ 03PX, MYY H3pHur xycaax apanraxan 03PX if you desire a good name it is hard to get, though you scrape at a bad name it is hard to erase, ~ enep propitious day; rest day, Sunday, ~ ~ r3XJI33p caxnaa oy~aB pride goes before a fall, ~ caaxaa good, nice, fine; welfare, well-being, ~ caaxaa aMb~paJI happy life, good life, ~ caaxaa oalman welfare, wellbeing, ~ caaxasrr XYC3H epeex to wish all the best, ~ caaaaasr charitable, free-will, charity (adj.), ~ caaaar well-disposed, of good will, ~ cyyac oauraapau farewell!, caaaaap Y33X to approve of, to be in favour of, caanaa y33XryH to be for it, to come to no good, ~ XyH caaaaraapaa [ust at the right time, talk of the devil, ~ uar the "time of prosperity" (bhadrakalpa) during which a thousand successive Buddhas shall achieve the salvation of all creatures (Buddh.), ~ D;amHH MHHraH oypxaH the thousand Buddhas of the bhadrakalpa, ~ 3P (see 3P), ~ IOMa~ canaa there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, § qHep caanaa y33xryH wyy you'll come to no good 2. fond of, § OH 3H3 oar~aa HX ~ OHJI33 I wcs very fond of this teacher of mine CAMlITYM not good, not well, bad, § MHHHU OHe TRUM q ~ oaUHa I am not too well

CAM~ at best, at most, HX JI ~ at the very best CAHH HIT3JI Xomyy Cape of Good Hope CAHH HOEH XAH the Sayin Noyon Khan of Khalkha (hist.) cAHP 1.1. wadi, nullah, gravel, gravelly place 2. broken stones, rubble, 'road-metal CAMP 11.1. pad, callouse, caapaa TYYPaUTaH pad-footed animals, Tylopoda 2. pads on the

cAHpXA1I boast, boasting, bragging cAHPXAJIT (see caapxan] CAHpXAX to brag, to boast cAHpXYY vain, boastful, bragging cAHT (see cauTau) cAHTAH good as to, good in respect of, xaaap ~ of good quality CAHTAP good, well, properly, thoroughly CAHXAJIb Callianthemum (bot.) cAHxAH 1. nice, pretty, beautiful, MOHrOJIbIH ~ oycryu Miss Mongolia, ~ OYCryHH 'rnMD;33H beauty contest, ~ C3Tr3JI decency, unselfishness, ~ C3Tr3JIT decent, unselfish, ~ TaHHJID;JIaa glad to have met you 2. beauty, beauties CAHxH (see caaxs] CAHXb that, those, the said cAHqyy,IJ; best workers, foremost workers cAHqyYJI (see cauqyy~) cAHmAAJI approval, distinction, CaHWaaJIHHH OHqHr recommendation, citation cAHllIAAJITAH praiseworthy, laudable cAHmAAJIT EP99JIT reign title of the emperor Jiaqing cAHmAAX to approve, to approve of, caauraaa ~3M}KHX to approve, to support CAKCOOH saxophone CAKCOOHqHH saxophonist CAJI rolt, aspax ~ life-rah CAJIAA 1.i. (~ MeqHp, ~ canfiap] branch, aac aXyHH ~ MeqHp OYX3H~ in all branches of the economy, xoep ~ X3JI forked tongue, ~ yrra secondary meaning (gram.), ~ yrraran polysemous, with more than one meaning ii, tine (antlers) 2. fork (between the fingers, etc.), cleft, XeJIHHH ~ cleft of the hoof, ~ TYYPaHTaH c1ovenhoofed animals, Artiodactyla, § XYPYYUbI canaaraap rOO}KHX to lea k out between the fingers 3. platoon (comprising three Tacar) (mil.), MOToOYY~JIarbIH ~ platoon of motorized infantry 4. the twelve branches (used in calendrical calculation), WOPOOHbI apsan xoep ~



CAJIIiAH II. woman's hair-sheath CAJIIiA~lobed

the twelve branches of earth S. extension (telephone) 6. branch (a specialized production unit within a state farm or a co-operative), Xa,IVIaHmHH - hay-makin~ branch

CAJIIiAHT lobed, - Maar

(see Maar)

CAJIAAJIAf branching (adj.)

CAJIIiAP 1. branch, division, sector, department, field, - H3rx (- :Q3r) branch, unit, - canaa branch, offshoot, part, - xYPCl.JIAaaH section meeting 2. category 3. sect 4. sub-unit (mil.) (Russ. nonpaaneneaae], - aara unit, detachment S. sub-, - aura subclass, - oar suborder, - 3yHJI subspecies {nat. hist.}, - THB subcontinent, - TepaJI subgenus (nat. hist.)

CAJIAAJIAJIT branching (n.)

CAJIIiAPAX to fray, to split

CAJIAAJIAX to branch CAJIAAJICAH derivative

CAJIIiAPJIAX to branch, to branch off, to branch out

CAJIAAPXAr branching (adj.)

CAJIIiAPXAH torn, split

cAJIAfI (see canna]

CAJIrA I. trembling, shaking palsy, - ynaaa tractor

CAJIAABqnAX to put or to do crosswise or alternately, xoep rapaapaa TOJIrOHrOO - to put the hands behind the head

CAJIAJIrYH inseparable CAJIAJIT separation, rap OyJIHHH - family breakup CAJIAM thoroughly, - 30AOX to beat up, :QOXHyJIaX to get smashed up CAJIAH (- 3aAraH, - aasraa, - nanan] slovenly, untidy, sloppy, careless CAJIAHrA,IJ;

(see canaara]

CAJIAHrH separate, detached, unconnected, disparate CAJIAHrH,IJ;


(see CaJIaHm)

CAJIAX 1. to depart, to leave, to get away, to separate, XaJIHaaCOa - to lose a leg, - ec farewell, leave-taking, - ec ryH:Q31T3X to take leave, to bid farewell, canac OAOX to die, CaJDK capaax to part, to separate; to break up {home, marriage}, CamK capnacaa rap broken home, canaa TYcraapJIarq separatist {polit.}, canan TYcraapJIax to secede, canaa TYcraapJIax Y33JI separatist views 2. to part, to come apart, to be detached 3. (following the converb in x expresses determination), § saaaan TOpryyJIb ass canna naa I'm really going to fine her, OHoaAOp qaMaap T3P anr nyycaa raspsrr 3aaBaJI X3JIYYJIX oaAx CaJIHa naa see if I don't make you tell me today where that gold was hidden CAJIIiArAHAX to flap, to flutter

{adj.}, - aBqHH

CAJIrA II. off (switch) CAJIrAJIAX 1. to tremble, to shake dle, to loiter


to daw-

CAJIrAHAJIT shaking, trembling CAJIrAHAX to tremble, to shake CAJIrAX 1. to separate, to detach, to take off, to take away, to remove, HYA canranryH without taking one's eyes away, canraa oYTaprax to dismember, canran capnaynax to break up (a family) 2. to switch off, TOKHHr - to break the current CAJIrYYP current-breaker (elec.) CAJIMA3 woollen cloth c.AJIMHx to feel weak, to flag CAJmAX to rcft, to go by rcft, cannaa ypcrax to rch. to send by raft CAJIHA mucus, slime, aMHbI Hb - apanraarva wet behind the ears CAJIHAC

(see canna]

CAJIMAH frond, shoot cAJIMA.HJIAX to put out fronds CAJIMAHnrAX

(see camranax]

CAJIMAHX to be damaged, to be worn out, to be the worse for wear, to get tattered, to get torn to shreds

CAJIIiArAHYYJIAX to flap, to wave, to flourish

CAJIMAJIAX to damage, to abrade, to tear to shreds

CAJIIiArAP loose, baggy


CAJIIiA,IJ;AH jester, buffoon

CAJI MO,IJ; Tree-fern

CAJIIiAHx to go limp, to go flabby

CAJIC mucus, slime

(see CaJIMaHx)

(see cancnar]

CAJIliAJI3AX to hang loosely, to flap, to flutter


CAJIIiAH 1.1. lobe (of a leaf, etc.) 2. gills (of fungi) 3. leaf (of the psalterium), canrianr

CAJIC}I{HX to become slimy, to mucilaginous

capxaaar (see capxanar]


CAJICnAr mucous, viscid, slimy, mucilaginous,

- OYPX3Bq (- XaJIbC) mucous membrane CAJICJIAJIT discharge of mucus CAJICHbI (see CaJICT) CAJICT mucous, mucilaginous, - oYPxyyJI (0YPX3BQ) mucous membrane CAJICTAJIT discharge of mucus CAJICTAX to discharge mucus CAJIXIiIHX (see cannaax] CAJITAA crotch, crutch (anat., trousers), perineum

CAJIXH (- canap] wind, ynaaa - sandstorm, yJIHpJlbIH - monsoon, xap - hurricane, typhoon, - asax to catch a cold; to catch the wind; to pick up the scent, CaJIXHJm rapax to go out, to take the air, CaJIXHHbI nooryyp downwind of, r3pHHH CaJIXHHhI nooryyp downwind of the tent, CaJIXHHhI AOOA TaJIhIH (CaJIXHHhI AOP) downwind, leeward, CaJIXHHhI A33A T~ upwi nd, to wi ndwa rd, CaJIXHHhI A33A TaJIhIH (CaJIXHHhI A33p) upwind, windward, - 3YC3X to swish, CaJIXHH nooryyp rapax to get within range of, caJIXHHhI Db AOOryyP rapMaapryH to be avoided, - opyyJlaaryH virgin, untouched, - casap asax to catch a cold, - capax to go into the wind, to go upwind, - C3B3JI3YYP breeze, caJIXHHhI TaJI windward side, TaTYYJlax to bustle about, - YPYYAaH downwind, with the wind, - Y3YYJl3X to give an airing, - xaranarx pioneer, - xaranax to be a pioneer, - ~OXHX to get a chill, to catch cold, CaJIXHH ~3~3r chicken-pox, canxaasr QHr saar-r weather-vane, - wyypra storm, blizzard

CAJIXHBq small window for ventilation, ventilator, air-hole

CAJIXIiI,IJ;AX to go into the wind, to go upwind CAJIXH,IJ;YYJIAX to let (camels, etc.) go upwind CAJIXH)KYYJIAJIT ventilation CAJIXH)KYYJIAX to ventilate CAJIXHJIAX to blow (wind), - Hyx vent (mech.) CAJIXHJIYYJIAX 1. to let a wind blow, to air, to ventilate, CaJIXHJIYYJIaH xoprox to air-cool


to put out in the fresh air, to give an airing (baby, etc.)

CAJIXlilJIYYP ventilator CAJIXHq IIIYBYY 1. Storm Petrel 2. Albatross CAJIqHH raftsman CAJIllIrYH inseparable, integral, § YYHT3H XOJIOOOTOH inseparably linked with this CAJI:b)KHP Gueldenstaedtia (bot.), raH~HaBqHT

- G. monophylla CAM (- wyyp) comb, HapHHH WYAT3H - wyyp (OHp WYAT3H -) fine-tooth comb CAMAJI)l;Ar 1. nasal concha, turbinate, meatus



2. clipeus (frontal plate of a beetle's head)

CAMAP Cedar-nut, nut, raspsra - Peanut, - TYYX to gather nuts; to pinch, to nick (small items)

CAMAP,IJ;AX to scratch, to claw CAMAP,IVIArAA scratching, clawing CAMAPtIHH nut collector CAMIiAA 1. quick-wittedness, acumen, CYYX33T3H resourceful, quick-witted, clued up 2. right moment, chance, CaMOaaHAaa at the right moment, - annax to muff it, to blow it, -

OJIOX to be on the ba II CAMIiAArYH clueless CAMIiAATAH resourceful, quick-witted, clued up

CAMIiAA q]JAX (caM6aaQJIaH saanax] to seize the






caM6aaQJIaH aWHrJIaX to take advantage (of an opportunity)

CAMIiArAHAX to mince, to move in an affected manner

CAMIiAH 1.1. cheese-cloth, butter-muslin, naasyy gauze 2. (- xanar] a poor quality ceremonial scarf

CAMIiAH II. Polypogon (bot.) CAMIiAP board, YHC3H - ash-board (for writing or drawing), XYHA3T - board of honour, caM6aphIH aJIlIYYP board-rubber, duster CAMIiAPqHH score-keeper (archery) CAMIiO IiAPHJI,IJ;AAH self-defence without arms

CAMrAH 1. old woman 2. wife CAMrAP,IJ;AHrYH flustered, dithery, in a flap CAMrAP,IJ;AX to panic, to go to pieces CAMrAP,IJ;H Sanskrit CAMrAP,IJ;YY (see caxrapnaaryn] CAMrAP,IJ;YYJIAX to scare, to unnerve CAMrAP:b,IJ; (see casrrapna] CAM)!{ Loris (zool.) CAMHAA a thick, square pastry made of flour, milk, sugar and fat, and cooked in fat

CAMHArtl rake, harrow CAMHAJIT 1. combing 2. raking, harrowing CAMHAMAJI combed CAMHAX 1. to comb, yC33 - to comb one's hair

2. to rake 3. to comb (fig.),

to go into

4. to treat

by means of casrayyp II.

CAMHYYP I. long-toothed rake, scarifier CAMHYYP II. (- 3MQHJIf33) a type of treatment



in Mongolian folk medicine for drawing blood by means of scarification and cupping

CAMITHH I. abacus, --

QOXHX to work an abacus, caMnHHrHHH 3pX abacus beads


TOBlI) knot (on top of certain Mongolian hats, etc.), -- saaranax to make up a knot

CAMITH~ to count on an abacus CAMP~AP nut (bot.)

CAMPAX 1. to stir, to stir up, to ladle up a liquid and let it drop back 2. to paddle, to swim 3. to pound with the forelegs

CAMCAA 1. sides of the nose 2. shoulders of a bow

CAMYYH 1. disturbance, trouble, disorder, OP~HbI -- palace revolt, -- oY~JIHaH disorder, unrest 2. confused, disturbed, disorderly 3. (--

canap, -- uranar] loose, licentious, dissolute, caMYYHbI rasap

dive, joint, whore-house

CAMYYPAJI confusion, disorder, upset, commotion

CAMYYPAX 1. to be confused, yxaan -- to be confused in mind 2. [caxyypaa canapnax] to lead a loose life

CAMqJfX 1. to keep stirring or mixing by ladling up a liquid and letting it drop back up, to plough through (snow, etc.)


to kick

CAMmyy digestive tract

CAH 1.1. store, treasure-house, HOMbIH -- library, yean -- tank, cistern, reservoir; bathing pool, 3P~3H3CHHH -- treasure-house 2.i. a fund (in a lamasery), the capital fund of a high lama ii. fund, holding, ~YPMHHH -- authorized share capital, YJICbIH -- state funds, -- xesrper stock, collection, holding, funds, aJITIlbI -- xexper gold reserves, yJIC HHHrMHHH -- xesrper state and social wealth or resources

CAH II. (--

incense-offering, ransra -- fireritual, -- TaBHX to make an incense-offering COJIx)

(Buddh.) CAHAA 1. (--

OO~OJI) thought, idea, mind, opinion, intention, design, -- asax to get an idea, to get the idea, to catch on, -- aryynax to have an intention, -- axap at peace, unworried, contented, in peace and quiet, -- asrap cyyx to rest content, -- aMapJIHHryH carefree; complacent, canaar axpaax to reassure, -- asrpax to be content; to be complacent, caaaann OaITaMryH [caaaaaa oaITMaapryH) unimaginable, -OaHBlI CallHH XYP3xryH the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, caaaann oyyx to occur, to come to mind, caaaanaac rapaMryH unforget-

table, caaaanaac rapaxryH to be unforgettable, caaaansr raps out of the question, no hope of, canaan nypaap arbitrarily, Wilfully, wantonly, -sacax to console, to cheer up, -- 30BJIOHTOH upset, distressed, -- 30BHHX (-- 30BOX) to worry, to be worried, to be uneasy, to be anxious, -30BOJITryH don't worry, nothing to worry about, -- 30BOOX to worry, to upset, -- sopro will, volition, caaaaasr soproop at will, at a whim, -30pHr intention, -- soparooc ranyyp involuntarily, canaaaaacaa 30XHOX to make up, -30PO~OOH difference of opinion, disagreement, -- 30pOX to disagree, -- HHHJI3X to agree, to be in agreement, -- H3IT3H unanimous, -OHOO thoughts, ideas, mind, opinion, canaaan OPOMryH unbelievable, unimaginable, caaaaan opox to occur to, to come to mind, to recall, -caHTaH kind, good-hea rted, caaaaraa caaac yxaaaaa YYAJIax [caaaa TaBHX) to put one's mind to (something), to pay attention to, caaaann caxa.n: yprax to be ma levolent, -- C3~3X to have an idea, -- C31T3JI thoughts, idea, mind, -- C31T3JI HHHJIC3H in agreement, like-minded, -- C31T3JIHHH mental, spiritual, caaaann Taapax [caaaaan TOXHpOX) to satisfy, to come up to expectations, -- TOrroX to make up one's mind, to determine, -- TOXHpOJIQOX to agree, caaaaraap ynax to be downhearted, -- ypsax to change one's mind, -- xoepnox to be in two minds, to be undecided, canaaanaa Xyp3X to achieve one's purpose, to get one's way, caaaaan XYP3xryH displeasing, unsatisfactory, -- urananrax to upset, -- nrynyynax to decide, to make up one's mind, § 3H3 X3p3r O~OO TaHbI -- soprooc rapcan it's out of your hands now, 3~33 OHTrHH -- 30B don't worry about your mother, -- 30BOX 10M oa~arryH there's nothing to worry about, sypar ansa ransr lIHHb caaaaasr raps you haven't a hope of ta king a photo 2. -- aJI):laJIT sighing, -- annax to sigh, to heave a sigh

CAHAArAAPAA arbitrarily, Wilfully, wantonly CAHAAH,IJ;rYH

unexpected, chance, by chance, without thinking, without paying attention, -- HB~aJI a chance occurrence

CAHAAPXAJI intention, purpose, ambition CAHAAPXAX 1. to plan, to intend,

OJIOXbIr -- to intend to get 2. to be otter. XYYX3H uryyxaan -to be aher the girls

CAHAATAH 1. with a thought,

H3r -- unanimous, caaa -- kind-hearted, well-intentioned 2. intending to, XHHX -- intending to do 3. deliberate, intentional, purposeful, -- yH~C3H X3p3r deliberate crime

CAHAAQHnrA initiative, -- annax to lose the initiative, -- raprax to display initiative, caaaa-

xanrsrr rapraa asax to seize the initiative


CAHAAqJfJIfAAP on the initiative of


CAHAAqJfJIfAAPAA on one's own initiative CAHAAqJfJIfATAH innovative, motivated CAHAAqJIAfA (see caaaaxanra] CAHAAqJIAfq founder, promoter CAHAAqJIAX 1. to show initiative, to take the initiative 2. to invent, to devise, WHHHHr .... to innovate, caaaaxnaa OYT33x [caaaaxnaa XHHX) to devise, to develop CAHAAillPAJI wish, desire, day-dream CAHAAllIPAHrYH longingly CAHAAllIPAX 1. to think over, to go over, to ponder 2. to wish, to long CAHABAJI in my opinion, in our opinion CAHAfAJI3AX to keep thinking about CAHAfAAX 1. to be thought, to be considered 2. to seem, to feel, WHr .... to feel as if, § xaxaa canarnaac oonox 10M it may seem strange CAHAf,IJ;YYJIAX to call to mind CAHAJI 1. (.... oo~on) opinion, ideas, viewpoint, vote, onollXHHH .... majority opinion, .... asax to gain votes, .... annarnax to lose confidence, to despair, .... acyynra (.... acyynr] referendum; poll, opinion poll, .... acyyx to ask (someone's) opinion, .... oo~on ConHn~OX to exchange opinions, .... 30Bnonroo advice, .... 30Bnonroo asax to take advice, .... 30PO~00H difference of opinion, disagreement, .... 30POJI~00HT3H (.... 30pOOT3H, .... 30pyyr3H) in disagreement, .... 30POJI~00HT3H acyy~yy~ matters in dispute, .... 30pOX to disagree, to be in disagreement, .... 30pCOH aCYY~aJI a matter of disagreement, .... HHHJI3X (.... H3r~3x) to agree, to be agreed, to be in agreement, .... HHiiJIC3H WH~3P agreed decision, .... H3r in agreement, OryyJI3JIT3H .... H3r in agreement with the article, .... H3IT3H unanimous, .... H3IT3H camnaax to approve unanimously, caaanaa orox to vote, to vote for; to go in for, .... COJIHJI~OJIT exchange of views, .... COJIHJI~OX to exchange views, .... C3Tr3r~3JI impressions, .... TOXHpOX to agree, HHHr3MJI3r oaHryyJIaxaap .... TOXHPOX to agree to set up a society, .... TOXHpOOryH aCYY~aJI matters of disagreement, .... xypaanrvarssp without a vote, .... xypaanr poll, voting, .... XYC3JI wish, desire, .... XYC3JIT3H wishing to, desirous of, .... IDYYM1KJI3JI debate, discussion, criticism 2. proposal, suggestion, .... oOJIrox (.... raprax, .... opyynax, .... TaBHX) to propose, to put forward an idea

CAHAM)K 1. thought, idea 2. lesson, instruction, advice, warning, .... OHlIHr memorandum, .... ~OXHO warning, warning signal 3. memory (computer, etc.) CAHAM}I{JIAX to point out CAHAMCAPfVH 1. unexpected, accidental, .... TOXHon unexpected happening, .... 3YHJI OHW(.... X3p3r OHW) it is no accident that 2. unexpectedly, by accident, without thinking, on impulse CAHACAHqJIAH just as one wished CAHAX 1. to think, to think of, caaaxsra raps [caaaxsra XaJI~raH) out of the question, no hope of, forget it, CaHa1K capsaax to hope, to hope for, CaHa1K C3~3X to think up, to think out, caaacaanaa Xyp3X to achieve one's aim 2. to miss 3. to remember, oaHryyJIaM1K memory (computer), TOITMOJI oaHryyJIaM1K read only memory (ROM), wyypxaH .... oaHryyJIaMJK fast memory, random access memory (RAM) CAHAIIIrYH unthinkable CAHBAAP religious vow, caasaapsra oarl.Il,Qaa CaXHJIaa oprox to renounce one's religious vows, .... XYPT3X to take vows, to be ordained

(Skr.) CAHBAAPTAH cleric, clergyman, caasaaprasr 3pXT ec clericalism CAHfAPQAf unkempt, dishevelled CAHfAC bird droppings CAHfACBAA sorcerer (Tib. sngags-pa) CAHfHHH 1. state-owned, government (adj.), .... ax axyH state farm, CaHrHHH XOT Official City (at Khovd, Uliastai, etc.) (hist.) 2. financial, CaHrHHH HaM Ministry of Finance 3 ..... aura breech (of a gun) (Russ. xaseaaas xacrs] CAH,Il;AAX to disturb CAH)l;A.HJIAX to sit astride CAH)l;AJI chair, 300JIOBlIT3H .... easy chair, armchair, M}'Xap .... stool, Ca~JIbIH OYP33C chaircover CAH)l;AH M3H)l;3H (see caan M3~) CAH)l;APfAX to disturb, to worry, to cause to panic, to upset CAH)l;AX [cannaa T3B~3X) to be in a muddle, to be in a fix, to be caught out, to be at a loss CAH)l; M3H)l; in a hurry, helter-skelter, pell-mell CAH)l;PAAr,IJ;AX to be in confusion

CAHAJIfA intelligence CAHAJIAAPAA at one's own request CAHAJITAH

1. with

a mind, with an idea, H3r3H

caaanraaraap unanimously 2. intending

CAH)l;PAAX 1. to muddle up, to disarrange 2. to worry, to upset CAH)l;PAll (.... T3B~3JI) confusion, alarm, panic, cannpann opyynax to cast into confusion



policy, -- }K}fJI financial WaJIraJIT financial control

CAH,r(PAHrYH worried, anxious CAH,r(PACXHHX to jump, to have a shock




M3r~3X, cannpaa T3B~3X) to be flustered, to be upset, to panic, to be dismayed, to worry, to be anxious CAH,r(PYY worried, anxious, panicky CAH,r(PYYJIAX (see cannpaax] CAH,r(YY M3H,r(YY (see cann M3~) CAH,r(qHX to be in a state CAlDKfAHAX to dangle, to swing (intrans.) CAlDKfAHYYJIAX to dangle, to swing (trans.) CAIDKHfHAX (see caaacraaax] CAIDKHfHYYJIAX (see CaH:>KraHYYJIax) CAIDKHfHYYP dangling CAIDKHX to hang down, to dangle CAIDKJIAfA woman's hanging ear and temple ornaments CAIDKYYJIAX to dangle (trans.) CAlDKYYPfA hanging ornament, uraaaaasr -(see CaH}KJIara) CAHHTAPq orderly, MaJIbIH orderly (med.) (Russ.)

-- veterinerary

CAHCAP cosmos, space, -- ePTOH~ (-- XOpBOO) the world (Skr.) CAHCPbIH cosmic, space (adi-L -- oaHHrbIH CTaH~ permanent space station, -- sypar satellite map, -- HHC3rq astronaut (USAL cosmonaut (USSRL -- OITOpryH the heavens, -- nyy}K}fH space rocket, -- CY~aJI (-- cynanraa] space research, -- TOOC cosmic dust, -- TYHa (-- naupar] cosmic rays, cosmic radiation, -- aaxnars TYHa primary radiation, -- yy~aM space, -- xenor spacecrah, -- xyp~ the Wheel of Life (Buddh.L -- 3pHH space age CAHTEXHHK (caHTeXHHKHHH TOXOOPOM}I{) plumbing, CaHTeXHHKHHH cnecaps plumber CAHTH (see CaHTHMeTP) CAHTHMETP centimetre CAHYYJIAX 1. to remind to give an oral warning


CAHXYY}I{HJIT financing

CAH,r(PAJIT (see caanpan]




to warn, axaap --

CAHYYJIfA 1. reminder 2. warning, advice, 3pyyJI M3H):UfHH -- health warning

CAHXYY}I{YYJI3X to finance, oopHHroo -- to be self-financing, caHXyyJKyyJI3H ~3M}l{HX to subsidize CAHXyyq financial expert CAHq treasurer CAHqHf 1. temple (anat.) 2. lock of hair falling on the temple CAHqHP (- rapar] Saturn (Skr.) CAHbqHP (see CaH'IHp) CAIIEP engineer (mil.) (Russ.) CAIIEPqHH (see canep)

1.1. moon, Oyr3H -- [rspran --) full moon, xaaapraa - crescent moon, new moon, YJIaaH


xasapraa - HHHr3MJI3r (see YJIaaHL - oapHx lunar eclipse, -- opox (-- umarsx] moonset, capan qynyy moonstone 2. month, oara -- short month, HJIyy -- intercalary month, H3r~yr33p cap January, xaapsnr anar -- [xaapsm cyyJI --) last month of spring, xaapsnr ~YH~ -- middle month of spring, xaspsm T3PIYYH -- (xaBpbIH 3X3H --) first month of spri ng, XYBb -- first month of the year (hist.L capsm n~3r periods, menses, - WHHHHH oaHp New Year's celebrations, -- WHHHHH M3~ New Year's greetings, -- WHH3~ caaxaa WHH3JI}I{ oaHHa yy a Happy New Year to you, capsm 10M periods, menses, capsm 10M Y33X to have one's periods CAP II. Buzzard, Buteo, TaJIbIH -- Long-legged Buzzard, B. rufinus, illHJIHHH -- Upland Buzzard, B. hemilasius CAPAAJI}I{ 1. grating 2. lattice-work, laths fixed to a wall to take plaster 3. honeycomb (of a radiator) (auto.) 4. grating (an instrument of torture on which the victim was made to kneel and be subjected to pressure (hist.) CAPAAJDKHH grating, loftice CAPAAJI}l{JIAX 1. to put criss-cross, capaan}KJIaH XHHC3H latticed 2. to fix up a grille, to bar CAPAAHA (-- ~3~3r) Lily, Lilium, IiYP:>Krap -Martagon Lily, L. martagon, HaMXaH - L. pumilum, L. tenuifolium, (also C3BJI3r, YJIaaH--, YJIaaH TOMc, Ilaraaa TOMcL Capaaasr osor (CapaaHTHbI osor, -- ~3~rHHH asryyp] Lily Family, Liliaceae CAPAAqHfq scribbler

CAHXAM (see Xap illaBar)

CAPAAqHX to scribble, to cover with lines, xaaa TYYPra -- to scribble on the walls

CAHXYY 1. treasury, YJICbIH -- state treasury 2. finance

CAPABfAHAX to flap about, to wave the arms or legs

CAHXYYrHHH financial, -- oO~JIoro financial

CAPABfAP spreading out, sticking out


CAPABQ 1. eaves, projecting roof, pen, stall, shelter with a roof and an open side, awning 2. eye-guard, eye-shade, goggles, xassraanax .. protective goggles 3. peak, turned-up flap (of a hat), capasxraa MaJIraH peaked cap

CAPABqjJAX to shade the eyes with the hand, capasxnaa xapax to look with one's eyes shaded

CAPAH shed, nananraaasr .. slaughtering shed


CAPMAAXAH 1. Big Brown Bat, House Bat, Eptesicus, YMapnblll .. Nort~ern Bat, E. nilssoni, X01KYY .. Serotine, E. setotitws 2. Frosted Bat, Particoloured Bat, Vespertilio, Byypan .. Particoloured Bat, V. murinus, Ilopaonsm .. Eastern Bat, V. superans

CAPMAr 1. Barbarea (bot.) 2. Turnip, Brassica

rapa (also Ilaraaa Jlyysaa]

cAPAHnfAX to scribble, to write CAPAHX to stick out, to stick up (intrans.) CAPAMITAH 1. a thin, worn skin, .. ~HJI HHMr3H wafer-thin, .. xapsax to shoot at sheepskins (hist.) (see 6aH H3XHH xapnax] 2. worn through, worn out

CAPMANHH Monkey CAPMANJIAX to act like capssarxnaa J:lYYPHax to ape



1.1. a skin with little or no hair, .. n33JI a gown of a hairless skin 2. threadbare


CAPMAH II. summer dung [apran]

CAPAH MAXIiO,IJ; selenium

CAPMHC Garlic, Allium obliquum

CAPBAA yearling (horse)

CAPHAfAP broad, flared (nostrils, etc.)

CAPBAfAHAX (see capasraaax] CAPBAfAP (see capasrap] cAPBAHnfAX to stretch out, to spread out (trans.), xypyynyynaa .. to spread the fingers CAPBAHx to stretch out, to hold out, § 10M ryH1K rapaa CapBaH1K33 held out the hand to beg

CAPHAfI (.. Q3Q3r) Rose, Rosa (see Capraa, also HOXOHH Xowyy), SpracT .. R. acicularis, .. Q3QrHHH H3ryyp Rose Family, Rosaceae CAPHAflX to be flared (nostrils) CAPHAJI3AX (see capnaax] CAPHHAX to disperse

CAPBAn3AX to wave, to gesticulate CAPBAn3YYJIAX to wave, rapaa .. to wave

CAPHHn scattering, dispersal, diffusion CAPHHMAJI scattered, dispersed

one's hands

CAPBYY 1. fingers, toes, rapsm .. fingers, X9JIHHH .. toes 2. claw CAPBYYJIAf claw-like, palmate (leaf) CAPBYYTCAH






palmately lobed

CAPfAH (.. Q3Q3r) Rose, Rosa (also Capaaa, HOXOHH xouryy], .. Q3QrHHH H3ryyp Rose Family, Rosaceae

CAPfAP sticking out, splayed CAPfHX to squeak, to rasp, to swish CAP,IJ;Hf (see capsnar] CAP3AHX to be uneven CAPHf impatient, unsteady CAPHH (see capyn]

CAPHHYJIAX 1. to break up, to shatter, to disrupt, rap 6YJI .. to break. up a family 2. ~o scatter (light, etc.) 3. to impair, 3pyyJI M3H,nHHr .. to impair [sorneone's] health (attention)


to distract

CAPHHYH scattered, dispersed CAPHHX 1. to break up 2. to scatter, to disperse


to be impaired

CAPHbI ,IJ;ArYYn Mercury (astr.) CAP IIAPXHHX (see napxaax] CAPCAHX to stick out, to jut out CAPfAH 1. moonlit 2. spotted white on the forehead (horse,


CAPTARrrfAX to spread (the nostrils), xasrpaa .. to spread the nostrils

CAPHMfAP thin, flimsy

CAPTAHX to be wide, to be flared (nostrils, etc.)

CAPHMC (see Capsrac], SHqHH .. a type of

CAPTAn3AX (see capraax]

garlic (defined as having an undivided bulb)

CAPTAH (see caprrap]

CAPHMCAf (see Capsrac]

CAPfAC CAPfACXHHX to keep flaring (nostrils)

CAPHY (.. MYPyil) (see capya 1.)

CAPTBAAXb pilot, guide, leader (Skr.)

CAPHX to lift the leg (dog)

CAPTfAHAX (see capranx]

CAPnAf Yak, CapJIarHHH 6yx yak bull CAPJIAfHHH 3YPX (see 3YPX3H Q3Q3r)

CAPTfAP wide, flared, flaring (nostrils), .. xassapraa with wide nostrils

CAPnANHH yak-hand

CAPTfAP,IJ;YY (see caprrap]



3. tendril, awn

CAXAn aBC (see aJIOBC) CAPTYyn 1. Mohammedans (hist.) 2. Uzbeks CAPYH 1. curved, curving, crooked, bent 2. valgus, - OB.Qor knock-knees CAPyyn 1. bright 2. (-Q3JIr3p) broad, spacious 3. [yxaaa -) wise, clear-thinking, - yxaaa wisdom, good sense CAPYYJDKHX to make clear, to clarify, to brighten CAPyynCAX to become clear, to become bright CAPyynCrAX to illuminate, to light up CAPXA.,D; wine, capxansra cannyyraap under the influence CAPXAHx (see capraax] CAPXHA (see capxaar I.), - nyraxaa broken land

CAXAnT }l{APAAXAH a small fish, probably the Stone Loach,

Noemacheilus barbatulus

CAXHn (- caasaap] vow, - asaan WaJI .Q0P.QOX to betray one's early promise, to go from bad to worse, - oprox to renounce one's vows, XYPT33X to administer vows (and make into a lama), - XYPT3X to take vows (as a lama), - q yryH TYYJIaH q yryH falling between two stools, grasp all lose all (Buddh.) CAXHnrA (- .Q3r 1KypaM) discipline, XO.QOJIMOPHHH - labour discipline, qall,[l xaTYY - strict discipline, CaXHJIrbIH apra X3M1K33 asax to take disciplinary measures, - oaT discipline, - oaT annax to get into trouble, to go off the rails, - OaTIYH indiscipline; undisciplined oaTTaH disciplined, CaXHJIrbIH 30pqHJI disciplinary offence

CAPXHAr I. broken land, humps and hollows

CAXHnrArYH undisciplined, unruly

CAPXHAr II. honey-comb

CAXHllrArYH'r3x to be undisciplined, to be unruly

CAPXHATAX to be rugged, to be broken CAPXHHX to bang, to make a bang CAPXHHAr [cantiaar -) third stomach of a ruminant,' psalterium, omasum, QOOXOP - second stomach of a ruminant (see X3px3H3r), - Hb xarax to be parched with thirst

CAXHllfA}l{YYllAX to discipline, to instil discipline into CAXHyn 1. sentry, guard 2. custodian, caretaker CAXHYllCAH (- T3Hr3p) guardian spirit, angel

CAPXH aBC Gold of Pleasure, Camelina

CAXHYP custodian, guardian

CAPqHfHAX to rustle, to crackle

CAXHYC 1. guardian spirit, tutelary genius, MHHb bless my soul 2. (- 3YYJIT) talisman, amulet, - WYT33H idol

CAPqHHX to be crisp CAPqJIAX to sleepwalk CAPL,IJ;Ar peak covered with eternal snow CAPLC I. membrane, web (of a bird's foot, etc.), capscaa xasrap [capscan XOHWOOp) nose of a dog, muzzle CAPLC 11.1. a leather prepared from goat-skin or sheep-skin, shagreen, rough leather, - OOJITJIOO 3Y1T3X to work one's fingers to the bone 2. narrow strips of such leather (usually three) used to decorate a boot CAPLCAH IiArBAAXAH Bat (zool.) CAPLCAH )l;AllABtITAH Hymenoptera CAPLCllAr webbed, membranous, - uarpar veil or annulus of a mushroom CAPLCJIAX to be emaciated

CAXHX 1. to guard, to look after, to watch over, to stay with, CaxHH xassraanax to protect, to defend, to safeguard, to look after 2. (caXHH oHenyyJI3X, CaxHH MOP.QOX) to keep, to observe, .QYPMHHr - to observe the regulations, TaHrapmHr - to keep one's oath, § XYBHHH apHYH Q3BpHHr Myy - to be careless about personal hygiene 3. to keep watch on, to lie in wait for, TapBara - to keep watch outside a marmot's lair (as a method of hunting), caxaac aBJIaX to lie in wait for game outside its lair, etc. 4. to haunt, to hang around, to stay at, rsp to stay at home, to look after the tent, .Q3myyp - to haunt the shops CAXllAr thick, dense, bushy, fibrous, - YH.Q3C (see YH.Q3C)

CATAAPAX to get distracted, to get diverted

CAXllAH Evernia (lichen)

CAXAll 1. (- caMoaH) beard, whiskers, hairs, CaXJIbIH oY.Qaa apHJIraXbIH TO.QHH asrapxaa as easy as falling off a log, - .QOTPOO MHW33X to smile to oneself, CaXJIbIH MaWHH (caXJIbIH xycarx, CaXJIbIH uaxanraaa MawHH) electric razor, shaver, - TaBHX to grow a beard, CaXJIbIH xyrra razor-blade 2. antenna (zool.)

CAXPAX to rise, to arise, to come up (foam, etc.), xoec - to be faa ming, asraaac Hb xoec - to foam at the mouth CAXPYYllAX to raise, to produce (foam, etc.), xoec - to faa m CAXYY (XOOJIOHH -, XOOJIOHH - OBqHH) diphtheria


CAXYYJIAH croup (med.) CAXYYJIAHT croupy CAXYYPAX to have diphtheria CAD; now, straightaway C~ (see uauar] CA~ (see QaQaJI) CAQAX (see uanax] CAQPAr (see uaupar] CAD;PAlI (see QaQPaJI) CAQPAX (see uaupax] CAQYY (see qaQYY) CAtIHH strength, capability, - XYP3xryH not to be up to it, not to have it in one

CAIIIHH sand-tray (used for making calculations) (hist.) (Jib. sa-gzhing)

CMlI. million, casnsr H3r one millionth (Jib. sa-ya) CAR 11.1. just, just now, recently 2. only, only then, only as, only when, § xoepnox }KHJI):l33 - ryHQ3,Ll OOJIOBCOp,LlOr they get fully ripe only in their second year

CARBTAP just recently, just CARBTAPXAH just recently, quite recently CARHAAC recently, since not long ago CART the number one million CARTAH 1. millionaire 2. co-operative with an annual income of a million tugrigs or more lorry-drivers who have covered a million tonne-kilometres, CaHTHbI opHra,Ll brigade whose members have covered a million tonnekilometres


CARXAH recently CARXHbI recent, - H3r O,LlOP one day recently CARbIH 1. recent 2. recently, just now CBEq sparking-plug (Russ.) CEHCMOllOfq seismologist CEH safe (n.) (Russ.) CEKC sex CEKC,IJ;3X to have sex CEKCOllOfHq sexologist CEKYH,IJ; second (part of a minute) CEKYHT (see CeKYIm) CEKII; section (Russ.) CEMHHAP (- 30BJIOJIrOoH) seminar, discussion CEMHHAPllAX to instruct CEHA~ senator (USA) CEHCAAIJ; sensation C3PH series (stamps, etc.) (Russ.) CEPOllOfHHH serological


CHfHAJI.[l;AX to hoot (auto.) CHHB3H plasma, QYCHbI - blood plasma CHHfYYJI3X to puff out, to blow CHHf3X to blow through, to make a draught, to leak out


1. carving, cutting, 2. carved, cut, engraved


CHHllli3Pll3X to carve, to cut, to engrave CHHllli3PT carved, cut, engraved CHHJIli3Pq carver, engraver, block-cutter CHHllli3PQHH (see CHHJI03pq) CHHllM3ll carved, cut, engraved CHHllH3H cymbal, - xaaapax to strike the cymbals, to rub the cymbals (Jib. sil-snyan)


carver, engraver

CHHll3X to carve, to cut, to engrave, yxaaa (see yxaaa 1.) CHHMAA name of a board-game in which the players attempt to capture pieces set out on a chequer-board playing according to dicethrows

CHHMf3P (see CHHMXHH 2.) CHHMHHx to get thin (fabric, etc.) CHHMXHH 1. gap, space, aperture 2. light, porous, spongy, - q r3C3H OOPi rap MHHb, COOBrop q r3C3H oYYPaJI 33JK MHHb a poor thing but mine own 3. chance,



aWHrJIaX to seize an opportunity, - raprax to drop one's guard, to leave an opening, -

TaapyyJIax to bide one's time CHHMXHH,IJ;3X 1. to be too thin 2. to slip through

CHHMXHHMHX (see CHHMHHX) CHHMXHHll3f Melandrium mongolicum(bot.) CHHPC a material woven from reeds, ,IJ;3PC, etc., CHHpC3H MaJIraH straw hat CHHPYYllYYP cultivator CHHPYYllSN (see CHHpyynyyp) CHHPYYll3llT cultivation, tilling CHHPYYllSX 1. to thin out 2. to cultivate, to loosen (soil) 3. to copy out

CHHP3f 1.1. (- TaqHp) thin, scanty, sparse 2. light (soil, etc.), - xepc light soil 3. rare, rarified (atmosphere, etc.)

ClfHP3f II. clever, - yxaaaraa of fine intellect CHHPSf,IJ;YY (see cHHp3r I.) CHHPSfMHll 1. sparsity 2. thinning, rarefaction



CHHP3f}KHJIT (see CHHp3r1KHJI) CHHP3f}KHX 1. to become thin, to become scanty, to become sparse 2. to become rarefied

CHHP3f}l{YYJI3f11 cultivator, harrow, hoe CHHP3f}l{YYJI3JIT cultivation, tilling CHHP3f}l{YYJI3X 1. to thin, to thin out (plants,

etc.), to cull 2. to cultivate, to till CHHP3frnHX (see CHHp3rJKHx) CHHP3X to thin, to get thinner (fog, etc.) a bush,

canx to

become spaced, to get gappy (teeth,


canxrva not to hold back from, to dare,

§ ioy

11 XHHX33C - oaHX to be game for anything CHHqJfX to cut up, to chop about CH JIHH IiYY military headquarters (hist.) (Chin.) CHMOHH symphony, - HaHparJIaJI symphonic poem, - HaHpaJI XOrJKHM (see XOrJKHM

2.) CHMOHHJIOf symphonic CHHTE3JI3X (cHHTe3JIeH raprax] to synthesize CHCTEM system CHCTEMT3H systematic CHCTEMtUI3f~33fYH unsystematized, unorganized

CHCTEMtUI3H systematically CHCTEMtUI3X to systematize CHCT33P tank (Russ. nacrepna] CHiIAH enamelled CKAYT scout, cxayrsm XO~OJIrOOH scout movement

CKHIIH,IJ;AP turpentine (Russ.) CKJIA,IJ; warehouse (Russ.) CKOTti Scotch Tape, Sellotape (proprietary names)

c.JIAH,r:I; slide,

transparency, OHrOT - colour slide

CJIECAPb fitter (Russ.) CJIECAPbq (see cnecaps] COBHH omen, sign, premonition, - rarax to forebode

COBCHbI TOC fusel oil COfOf defect, fault, disorder, trouble, r3MT3JIT3H defective, - 3aCaJIlI (- 3YH1I) orthopaedist, - CYMaJI orthopaedics, - cyyx to have trouble, to have something go wrong

COfOITOH defective, deficient, COHCrOJIbIH with defective hearing, - 0yT33r~3xYYH defective goods

COfOITOX to be impaired COfOO Hind, Doe, female of Byra COfOOBOP Brome, Brome grass, Bromus, CopryH - Hungarian Brome, B. inermis, RnoH - Japanese Brome, B. joponicus, 3pxyy - B.

irkutensis COfOOH qHX Silene conoideo, S. repens COfOO CYMAH (see Baurap] COfCfOP untidy, unkempt COfCOHX to be untidy, to be shaggy COfCOJI30X to move untidily COfCOO forelock (horse, etc.) COfCOOJI}I{ Heteropoppus (bot.), Apsrap - H.


, COfCOPfOHO Usneo (lichen) COfCOPbIH

OBOf Buckler Fern Aspidiaceae (Dryopteridaceae)


COITOJIT intoxication COITOOX to intoxicate, to make drunk COITOX to get drunk COITYY (- XOJI1IYY) drunk, drunken, - xyu coxop yxaaaraa drink loosens the tongue COITYYfAAP under the influence of alcohol COITYY aBC Henbane (see JIaHTaH3) COITYYPAf1I drunkard, wino COITYYPAJI drunkenness, inebriation COITYYPAX to be drunk, to get drunk, yxaaa anaarnaa - to be blind drunk COITYYPYYJIAX to intoxicate, to make drunk, - yanaa [corryypyynaru yaaaa] intoxicating drink COITYyqyy~ drunkards


I. flight-feather, wing-feather, feather II. (see CO~OH), - yxaaaraa genius

CO~ III. soda, nasxap HyypCXyqJIHHH - bicarbonate of soda, yraaspsra - washing soda CO~OH prominent, striking, eye-catching, outstanding, remarkable, - MO~ a prominent tree, - OIOYH yxaaaraa extremely intelligent, xaparnax to stand out

COJ;:f waiter, attendant (on a high lama) (Buddh.)

(Tib. gsol-gyog) COEJI (- axyH) culture, - aXyHH cultural, - aXyHH oyx TaJIbIH yHJI1IHJIr33T3H with all modern conveniences, - OOJIOBCPOJI (- r3r33p3JI) culture and education, culture, - r3r33pJIHHH cultural, - Hpr3HWHJI civilization COJ;:JIfYH uncultured COJ;:JDKHJIT promotion of culture, refinement, elevation of standards, upgrading

30 1

co:i!JDKHHrYH cultured, civilized, smart CO:i!JDKHX to become cultured, to become civilized, to be upgraded


coliJDKYY (see CoeJDKHHryii) co:i!JDKYYJIAX to civilize, to upgrade



coanro II. mane


CO:i!JITOH (see


cosns cultured,

civilized, - 60JIOBCOH cultured, well-mannered, - I(3B3P neat and tidy

CO:i!JThIH cultural, -

XapHJII(aa cultural relations, cultural exchange, - XYSbCraJI cultural revolution, - X3MJK33 cultural level - COJIHJII(OO

CO:i!MIiO 1. (- n~3r) Soyombo, the state symbol of Mongolia 2. - 6HqHr (- yC3r) the Soyombo script, developed by the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu (1686) (Skr.)

CO:i!HrOTOX to suffer from lameness after gelding (horse)

CO:i!H YYll Sayan mountains

coso 1. tusk,

fang, canine-tooth, eye-tooth, with only one hump erect (camel), caxan upturned moustache 2. shoot (of a plant) 3. (- C31TYYP) reamer (for a tobacco-pipe) 60xnH


(see CoeOJIOJIT 1.)


1. seedling, shoot, sprout mination, sprouting



CO:i!OllOH horse, ox or yak in the fifth year, XaBQHr -

horse in the sixth year

CO:i!OllOX to germinate, to sprout CO:t;:OH,IJ;OH Stag [Byra] in the third year CO:t;:PXOll 1. grace, favour 2. agreement, permission

3. prize,

rnpHHH -

state prize

CO:t;:PXOX to deign to, to condescend to, COepXOH 6aTJIax to ratify, § TOJIHJIOH coepx be so good as to take notice

cosx to encourage, to exhort, to admonish, COeH rHArqYYJI3rq

educator, to educate, to become educated,

(COeH r3r33pYYJI3rq)

COeH mHryyJI3X (COeH r3r33pYYJI3X)

to enlighten, COeH mHX to become enlightened

COHBOH senior attendant on a high lama (Tib.) COH3 1. brush, WY~HHH - toothbrush 2. brush (electric motor, etc.), -




COH3.n;OX to brush, to brush down, to brush off COHMO 1.1. hardening (of animals) (in early winter, before a race, before a journey, etc.), yaa - (see yaa 1.), xapaynrsra - careful handling of livestock in autumn to harden it, anaxyynax to condition, - anaax to be out of condition, to be underhardened, - TOXUpCOH properly conditioned 2. conditioning of livestock for slaughtering (by giving water but no

COHllrOOCTOH tied up, parked COHllrOOTOH (see COHJIrOOcTOH) COHJIT 1. catch, notch 2. sling (surg.) 3. safety catch (gun),



safety-chain (door)

4. hardening, conditioning (of animals) 5. preparation for slaughtering

COHITITOH (see COHJIrOOcTOH) COHP Wood-grouse, Capercaillie, Tetrao COHX 1.1. to cock (a gun), caans - to set a tripbow 2. (colbK urasxpaax] to tie up a horse in order to harden it 3. to prepare a beast for slaughter 4. to put (an arm) in a sling, to let (the foot, etc.) hang, XOJIOO - to hold the foot up, to let the foot hang 5. to cut down, to cut down on, 6He3 - to fast, XOOJI COHX (XOOJIOOP -) to put or to go on a diet 6. to park

COHX II. to cool down,

ycaap -

to cool down

with water XOpOOHHH WY~HHH - setting of saw teeth, - 60xnH with humps hanging to either side (camel)

COllliH crossed,

COllliHllQOX to be crossed COllliHllQYYJIAITT crossing, cross-breeding COllliHllQYYJIAX to cross

consno crossed COllliHYJIAX to cross (trans.),·x8JIOO - to cross one's legs

COllliHX to cross, to be crossed, XOJIHHr COJI6HH cross-legged, xopeer - to set a saw COllliHQOll co-ordinates (geog.), rasap 3yHHgeographical co-ordinates, T)'iiJIbIH - polar co-ordinates, nrw OHI(OIT - rectangular coordinates, COJI6HI(JIbm nHXJI3r axis of a coordinate

COllliHQOX to cross, to be crossed COllliHQYYllAX to cross, to cross-breed, to hybridize

COllrOH 1. left, left-hand, -

rap the left hand, T~ on the left-hand side, - rapaap xaanax to play fast and loose with 2.i. left-handed ii, left-handedness 3. not normal, not right, XOOJIOHTOH out of tune, tuneless rap

COJDKHP asymmetric, only one of a pair COllHIiOX (see COJI6HX) COllHBQOll (see COJI6HI(OJI) COllHf strap or thong of a whip, etc. COllHr.n;MOll variable, changeable



- (see Maarap], thum

QaraaH~3~3IT -

A. galan-

COJIHr~OJI change, exchange

COHrHHOJIOr bulbous, - oYJI~yy (- HW) bulb, - ypraaan (- HWT ypraxan] bulb (plant)


COHrOrq elector, voter

(see cOJIHr~oJI)

COJIHr CAAPMAr variable COJIH,II;HB request, prayer (Buddh.) (Tib. gsol'debs) COJIHJIT change, exchange COJIHJIQOJI (see COJIHJIT) COJIHJIQOJIT (see COJIHJI~OJI) COJIHllQOO (see COJIHJIT), ~YJIaaHbI - heat exchange, COeJIbm - (see COOJIbm) COJIHJIQOX to exchange, ~HnJIOMaT TOJIOOJIO~HHr - to exchange diplomatic representatives, xasraa - to exchange addresses COJIHO I. exchange, COJIHO~ rapax to go on as a substitute (football) COJIHO II. (- OBqHH) madness, - OBqT3H mad, crazy COJIHOPOJI madness COJIHOPOX (COJIHOpq ~3MHHp3X) to be mad, to go crazy, to rave, § qH oyy COJIHOp don't be dahl

COHrO~Or 1. chosen, selected 2. classic, classical, MOHrOJIbIH - OHqmHH X3JI classical literary Mongolian, - oY1KHr classical dance, ballet, - 30XHOJIYY~ classics, XUT~bm 30XHOJI the Chinese classics

COHrOJIT selection, choice COHrOMOJI 1. choice, select, chosen, - ~OOHX the chosen few 2. classic, classical, - oY1KHr classical dance, ballet COHrox 1. [coaroa aaax] to select, to choose, COHrOH ycrrax to destroy (weeds, etc.) selectively 2. to elect COHrOQ selection COHfYYJlb 1. election, oyx HHHmHH - (see oyx), COHryyJIHHH xaapuar ballot box, conryyJIHHH 3pX suffrage, right to vote 2. convocation, § Hx XYPJIbIH TaB~axb y~aamHH COHryyJIHHH xoepnyraap qyyJIraH second session of the fihh convocation of the Great Khural COHfYYJThT elective, - yyp3r elective duties

COJIHOPCOH mad, crazy, raving

COHfYYJILTAH elected member

COJIHP meteor, meteorite

COH,IJ;rOH 1. odd, uneven, - TOO odd number 2. solitary, lone

COJIHY (- ra1KYY) crooked, odd, strange, queer COJIHX to change, to exchange, ~33JI33 - to change one's gown, ayrar - to change pastures, COJIHH H3PJI3X metonymy, COJIb1K OMCOX to cha nge into, epHHH xyaucaa COJIb1K OMCOX to change into one's ordinary clothes, - XYB~ac change of clothing, § 3JI3r~C3H COH3HHr WHH3 COH300P COJIHHO exchange the worn brushes with new COJIOHrO 1.1. rainbow 2. spectrum, COJIOHrOH sannar spectral analysis COJIOHrO II. Weasel, Marten, Mustela, OHH Siberian Weasel, M. sioinco, X33PHHH - Pale Weasel, M. Altaica

COH~rOHPOJI oddness, disparity

COH,IJ;rOHPOX to be the odd one out, to be leh over, to be on one's own, H1KJI33C33 - to go off by oneself, to be solitary (camel, etc.) COH,IJ;or (- 3JIC) hummock or hillock of sand formed around the roots of Xapxar and other plants COH,IJ;OP necklace COH,IJ;YYJI I. hummock COH,IJ;YYJI II. (see Xapsrar] COH,IJ;YYT Acanthophyllum (bot.)

COJIOHrOJIOX to make or to look iridescent

COH)I{HX to find faultwith, to object to, to reject, COH1KH1K COHHpXOX to be inquisitive

COJIOHrOPOX to be iridescent, to look like a rainbow

COH)I{MOOP objectionable

COJIOHrOC 1. Korea 2. Korean COJIOOH Solon (people) COM a type of pail or tub COHAT sonata COHrHHO Onion, Allium, A. cepa, ~aJIHY Garlic (see Capsnrc], 33pJI3r - (AJrraHH -, YYJIbIH -) A. altaicum, HUIT - (3Mr3H -) A. condensatum, Capaxcaa - Garlic, TO~OXHYPT - A. mocrostemon, TOJI - onion set, XH1K33JI

COIDKYYP shame, - annax to be shameless COlDKyyprYH impertinent, shameless COH)I{Yyq niggling, censorious COHHH 1. (- C3BYYH, - XaqHH, - xaxapxanraa] interesting, strange, curious, - ));33P33 COOXOJI30X COHHHOO oyypaxaap XOOXOJI30X to be a nine days' wonder 2. news, § XOTOOp - JOYTaH B3 ));33 what's the news around town?, - caaxaa JOy oaiiHa what news? 3. newspaper, ry));aM1KHbl COHHHyy~ (ry));aM1KHbI wap


COHHHYYA) gutter press, - X3BJI3JI printed mat-


ter; the press

COHHPXOr curious, interested, inquisitive COHHPXOf,n;OX to interest, to be of interest, COHCO~OA - to interest the listeners COHHPXOrtl enthusiast, person interested in, amateur (sport, etc.), WYYAaHrHHH MapK COHHpXOrtl philatelist, - 3Tr33A interested party


COHC,n;OX to be heard COHCOf,n;OX (see COHCAOX) eOHCOrtl 1. listener 2. course-member COHCOX to hear, to listen to, - M3AP3JI sense of hearing, - 3PXT3H organs of hearing COHCOXYH hearing

1. interest 2. interests


COHHPXOJIrYH uninteresting, without an interest, XyBHHH COHHpXOJIryH disinterested, without personal interest

COHHPXOJITOH interesting, curious, strange COHHPXOX to be interested in, COHHp~or 3yHJI hobby, COHHpXOH CYAJIax to study, to go into COHHPXYYJIAX 1. to interest, to arouse interest 2. to entertain

eOHb interest, keenness, -

6yypax to lose


eOHbfYH uninteresting eOHbXOH odd, strange, curious

coocor dummy (Russ.) eOOCOHX to be curly, to be tufty eOOTfOHOX to be pricked, to keep moving

COHHyq inquisitive, curious, nosy, - 3aH curiosity; hobby


eOOTfOHYYP with pricked up ears

COHHyqlfPXAJI interest, curiosity

COOTOHJIfOX to prick up (the ears), 'lHX33 -

COHHYtIHPXAX to be interested, to be curious COHHyqJIAX to be curious about, to fancy, § 6H COHHyqJIaH TaTaJl{ Y3C3H I tried havi ng a smoke

COHHYt.IXAH (IOMalm -) inquisitive, curious, nosy


to prick up the ears

cooroax to be pricked up (ears) eOOTOH pricked up (ears) eOOTOH IiArBAAXAH Lump-nosed Bat, Longeared Bat, Lappet-eared Bat, Plecotus, )l{H1KHr - Common Long-eared Bat, P. auritus, TOM Grey Long-eared Bat,

COHO 1. Damselflies and Dragonflies, Odonata, )l{HHX3H3 - Darter Dragonflies, Libellulidae

2. Gadfly, Bot-fly

P. austriacus

COOXOJI30X to swank

eop 1.1.

ritual object used in lamaist exorcisms, xaax] to cast out the - (for burning) the - ritual (Tib. zor)

- 3aJIax (-

1. attention, notice, hearing, COHOproO asax to take cognizance of, to pay attention to, - copror (- C3pr3JI3H, - C3P3M1KT3H) alert, vigilant, - C3P3MJI{ vigilance, COHOpT xyprsx to bring to [someone's] attention 2. ear (resp.)



COP 11.1. (- MaHJIaH) the pick, the best, the finest, - A33J1{ the finest examples 2. (- yc) guard hairs 3. awn 4. (eBcHHH -) untrodden grass, OBCHHH - xeex to go after untrodden grass (livestock)

COHOP,n;OX to hear, to pay attention to

COPBH I. scar, HaBqHbI - leaf-scar


COPBH II. shaman's rod or staff






COPBH)I{HJIT cicatrization, scarring

COHOP,n;YYJIfA notice, notification COHCfOJI 1. hearing, sense of hearing COHCrOJIbIH armapar hearing aid, - 3yH acoustics, COHCrOJIblll corOITOH hard of hearing, COHCrOJIbIH 3PXT3H organs of hearing 2. report, statement, commentary, - M3A33 statement, declaration, announcement

3. reception (radio)

COHCfOJIfYH deprived of hearing, deaf COHCfOJIOH hearing, sense of hearing COHCfOJIOHTOH



COHCfOX 1. to announce 2. to inform

1. to cicatrize, to form a scar become scarred


COHOPq sharp-eared


2. to

COPBOO Small-reed, Ca/amagrostis, Myxap C. obtusata, HapHHH - C. macilenta, OpXHrAMOJI - C. neg/ecta, XyypasrxHHWHHr3H - C. pseudophragmites, .HBraH Wood Small-reed, C.


COPfOf 1. (- csprar. - C3pr3JI3H) alert, acute, vigilant, keen, - M3AP3X to feel keenly, - xapaa vigilance 2. (- C3PMYYH) untrodden, - C3PMYYH 6HJIq33P untrodden pastures, fresh pastures COPHJI (see COpHJIT), - WHH1KHJIr33HHH experimental



eties of plant


COPTrop alert, pricked up (ears) ll

COPHJIfO (see COPHJlT), HX - IIGreat Test (annual wrestling championships)

COPTllOX to sort, to sort out, to pick over (Russ.)

COPHJIT (- TYPWHJlT, - TYPWJlara, - uranryyp] test, trial, experiment

COPTOHllrOX to prick up (the ears), to widen (the eyes), HY~33 - to look wide-eyed, QHX33 to prick up the ears

COPHJIIJ;OX to measure one against the other, xanan T3HX33 - to test each other's strength

COPTOHX to be pricked up (ears), to be wide, to be flared (nostrils, etc.)

COPHJThIH experimental

COPTOll30X (see COpTOUX)

COPHX 1. (COpbX COHJKHX, COpbX TYPwux) to try out, to test 2. to try out or prepare (a horse for a race or a journey)

COPTOH pricked up (ears)

COPTOll3YYJIAX (see coproanrox] COPTOO skill, adroitness

COPllor hairy, bristly

COPTOOT bright, gifted

COPllOX 1. to browse on the tips of grass 2. to select the best



1. eyelash

2. cilia


COPYYll holder

1. mouthpiece

(of a pipe) 2. cigarette-

COPYYJIAX l.i. to suck out, to aspirate ii. aspiration (med.) 2. (oYMoaap -) to use a cupping glass

COPHO Sodiospogon (bot.)

COPtLITOX to sort out, to pick out (the best)

COPHOH Holy Grass, Hieroch/oe, Tarnaa Arctic Holy Grass, H. a/pina

COPLIJ; 1. sample, test material 2. level of purity ofa precious metal, parts fine, copsusm n~3r hallmark, COPb~bIH XHHaJIT assay, copsnsm XHHaJIT XHUX to assay

corornon absorption copor,n;ox to be sucked, to be taken in, to be absorbed, copornoa opox to be sucked in COPOJIT suction COPOH3,n;OX to attract COPOH3.JKHnT magnetization COPOH3ll0r,n;OX to become magnetized COPOH3ll0ll magnetism COPOH30H 1. magnet, TOITMOJI - permanent magnet, uaxanraaa - electromagnet 2. magnetic, - ryp loadstone, magnetite, - OpOH (Tanoau) magnetic field, - TYAJI magnetic pole, - Xa3aUJlT magnetic declination, magnetic variation, - XaJIbC magnetic tape, - XaJIbCa~ OHqHX (- XaJIbCa~ oYYJlrax) to tape, - xyq magnetism, - XyqHHU ypcraJI magnetic flux, XyqHHU Tanoau magnetic field, - XyqHHU uryrax lines of force, - wyypra magnetic storm COPOH30HTOH magnetized COPOH30T magnetic COPOX 1. to suck, to suck in, to take in, to absorb, - TaKT induction stroke (mech.), copse WHM3X to suck 2. (COpOH MOJI}KHX) to exploit COPC 1. liver wrapped in epiploon and toasted 2. fodder briquettes made from such plants as XOMOJI, TaaHa or oaranyyp mixed with other ingredients such as aapn and salt

COX I. blind, - TOHWHX to peck out (the eyes) COX II. just, - anra totally absent, - nyrax to be missing, to be short, § XOpHH XOHb - nyrcaa oaUHa just twenty sheep were missing COX)l;OH Mole-Vole, Mole-Lemming, E//obius, OrOTHO Northern Mole-vole, E. to/pinus coxnox 1. to blind, § HY~ COXJlOM xypu r3p3J1 a brilliant blinding light 2. (yr -) to remove or blank off a superfluous word on a printing-block by slicing it away or sticking a piece of thin leather over it (xyl.) COxnYYllAX to get blinded, H3r HY~33 - to lose an eye COXOP blind, raxaaasr - night-blindness, COXpbIH rasap COXPOOP. norononraaa rasap ~OrOJlOHrOOp when in Rome do as the Romans do, - noron (- noron OBQHH) agalactia (a disease of sheep and goats), - 300C (see 300C), HOXOU ~33H33P COOTOH XaJITap yHM33H33P seeing which way the wind blows, following the crowd, - TOJIOO blind spot (anat.), - yx3pT xynar oyy y3yyJI keep your own counsel, - xap popular name for Xap Ilox, - xapsra 9PT99~ OQUX to go to sleep, - xoep double two (domino), § - xapsia OPTOO~ MOp,u;OX YY what about a spot of bed?


COPCllOX to make cope

COXOP HOMHH 1. Mole-rat, myospalax 2. Mole

COPT variety, § WHH3 COPTbIH yprasran new veri-

COXPOX to go blind, COXOpCOH OHW 3aBWHX to


do all right for oneself, to come out on top

COU;HAJIHCT socialist, ,.., HaM socialist party, ,.., peaJIH3M socialist realism COqJfX (see ~O'lHX)


tive illness

CeHepeX to degenerate

CeBJIeX (see cvanax] cer a word used to make a camel lie down cer,IJ;eex to cause to kneel down, to bring to the knees

CSHeceH extinct, .. rarrr yyn extinct volcano CSHSX (yx3}K"", COHO}K yx3X) to die, to die out, to perish, to become extinct, COHO}K ycrax to die out

cer,IJ;ex to kneel, rasap ,.., to kneel on the ground, OB~or ,.., to bend the knee cer,IJ;YYJI3X (see cerneox]

CSHCrSJDK Mayflies, Ephemeroptera CSHtI master of the COH (at a ceremony) ceeBrep straggly

cerJIex I. to make (a camel) kneel cerJIex II. to check with the bishop (chess)

ceeBerHYYJI3X to fluff out (feathers) cssr shrub

cerneecrsn served out (kumis etc.) cerHex to serve out (kumis, wine, etc.), aHpar ,.., to serve out kumis, nape ,.., to pour wine

CserJIer shrubby csereHu;ep undershrub, subshrub CSSJDKHP (see coon~)

ceree strength, power, ability, ,.., anra (see corooryH)

CSSJDKHX to be asymmetric, to be only one of

ceroorva unable, incapable cerooraa able, capable

CseJDKYY askew, oblique, odd

a pair, to be odd, to be aloof

ceITrex (see cerneex]

CSSJDKYYJI3X to alternate, to stagger

ce,IJ; (,.., OBC, 3MHHH ,..,) Great Burnet, Sanguisorba officina/is, TarHHH ,.., S. a/pina

CSSM (Y3YYP ,..,) span, distance between the tips

Ce,IJ;rep projecting ce,IJ;pSr 1. (TYPYYHbI ,..,) necrobacillosis (infectious disease of the hoof in horses) word addressed to a horse

of the outstretched index finger and the thumb,

MyXap ,.., short span, distance between the bent-


a curse

Ce,IJ;pSITex to get or to suffer from necrobacillosis

CSJI grass leh unwithered in the autumn, ,.., Tacpax to come to an end (unwithered autumn grass)

CSJIHHJIreX to push (the head) up and back, TonrOHroo ,.., to push the head up and back, § WHnHHHX33 XYP33H ~33ryyp HY~33 conHHnrOH xapaan peering over the frame of her spectacles

up second joint of the index finger and the tip of the thumb

CSSMJISX to measure by spans CSSHre hoarse, ,.., 6apma ~yy raucous voice CSSHrSTSX to get hoarse CSSHrSTCSH hoarse csspree back, backwards csecrsp tufted, tufty, fuzzy CSSCHHCSH (see ceecrep] CSSX to get hoarse

CeJISJI3eX to squint

CSSXHH a type of west Mongolian leather boot

CeJIeHrS cross-eyed


ceJISP cross-eyed

CSP support, stand, trestle

CSH tub or large pot for kumis for use at a feast or games meeting, ,.., TYWHX to serve out kumis

CSPBHHX to be tousled, to be ruffled, to bristle

at a feast

CSHrs born singly (cf. HX3p) CSH,IJ;JIerS crossing-place, ford CSHS,IJ; Sunid (Inner Mongolian people) CeHSJI destruction, extinction CSHSJIT (see COHon) to destroy, cOHoor'l-6oM6or~or'l onrou fighter-bomber, COHOOr'l oarou fighter plane, COHOOr'l OHrO~HbI HHC3r'l fighter-pilot


CSHSPSJI degeneration, ,.., OB'IHH degenera-

CSPBSrHYYJI3X (see copBon3yyn3x) CSPBSJI3SX (see COpBHHX) CSPBSJI3YYJI3X to knit (the brow), xesrcree


to knit the brow

csprSJI)l;SSH clash, confrontation, controversy, disagreement

CSprsJI)l;sx to confront, to be at odds with each other, ,.., 6o~noro policy of confrontation,

copronnerx XyqHYY~ opposing forces CsprSJIU;SJI (see cepranneea] csprSJIU;SSH (see cepranneen]



life, TYYX past

cepreJIu;ex (see ceprannex] cepreex to set against, §

to talk about one's to go into history, to look at the

aMb,npaJIbIH TYYXHHr -

cexpex [cexpoa cyyx) to kneel MOpHII.z:l


to rub up the hairs the wrong way in saddling a horse


ceprex 1. to go against 2. to rebut, to refute

ceXPYYJI3X to bring to the knees CII~

AIDS (Russ.)

CIIHPT spirit, alcohol (Russ.) CIIHPT)KHX to ferment (sugar)

3. to retort

cepreu;e.rr,n;ex to be at loggerheads, to be

CIIHPTJI3r alcoholic, spirituous, alcohol, -

at daggers drawn





CepreU;YYJI3JI antithesis, contrast

CIIHPTJI3ffYH non-olcoholic

CepreU;YYJI3X to confront

CIIOP spore,

cePITY 1. against, aapaa - into the sun

CIIOPJIOX 1. to produce spores 2. sporulation CIIOPT sport

2. contrary

CeprYYJI3X to set against, § ypcran copryyJI3H TaTax

to pull (a boat) against the current

Cep,IJ;rep sticking out, projecting, protruding Cep,IJ;HHX to stick out, to project, to protrude cePJIex to set up a support, stand or trestle

cnopr Xyy,nHH


CIIOPTOH Sporotoa (zool.) CTAJIHHH3M Stalinism CTAJIHWI Stalinist CTA~APT standard, standard, sub-standard


cepeBfep (see cspsarsp]

CTA~APT}I{YYJIAX to standardize

cepef 1. against, into,

CTA~APflIHJIAJI standardization

against the wind, into the wind 2. negative, adverse (cf. seper], - HOJIOO (- HOJIaaJIaJI) adverse effect, adverse influence, negative influence, - HaJIaa Y3YYJI3X (- HaJIOOJIax) to have an adverse effect (on), 3pyyJI M311.z:l3,n - HaJIaO Y3YYJI3X to have an adverse effect on [sorneones] health, ypsan negative reaction, - Y33r,n3JI negative feature, - yp narasap negative outcome, adverse outcome, - YP,nyH erex to give a negative result, - XyqHH 3yHJI adverse factor, ~3H3IT3H negatively charged, - WHH1K xaaap negative features 3. counter, - araxnarx naacaa counter-attacking enemy, - oHeT antibody, - ,naBWHJIT counter-offensive, - HaM opposition party, - TarHyyJI counter-espionage, - T33B3p (see T33B3p), - XyqHH opposition forces CaJIXHH -

CepeJIT opposition cepex 1. to go against, to oppose, CaJIXH - to go into the wind, YCHbI ypcran cepea C3JI3X to swim against the current 2. counter, - arax (,noBTOJIrOoH)








CTA~APflIHJIAX (see cTaH,napT1KYYJIax)

CTAH,IJ;APflIHJIrA (see craanaprxanan] CTA~APflIHJICAHstandardized

CTAHU; station,

TOMOp 3aMbIH -

railway station,

~aXHJIraaH - power-station (Russ.)

CTATHCTHKHHH statistical CTPHIITH3 striptease CTPOHIJ;H strontium CY-AYPY tripanosomosis (parasitical disease of the camel)

CYIiIiOTHHK Saturday "voluntary" work (Russ.) CYIi'bEKTHBH3M subjectivism CYBAr 1. (-

wyy,nyy) channel, canal, ditch, trench, - TaTax to dig a channel 2. channel (TV) 3. - X3p,n3C main and collateral channels through which energy circulates and which link acupuncture points

CYBAfJIAX to make a channel, MaJITaX


to dig a channel, to trench

CYBAH infertile (female livestock), - ryy infertile mare

cec bile, gall, - HXT3H gutsy cex snowdrift, packed snow

CYBAHPAJIT infertility (in livestock)

coxaax to stand out,

CYBAHpAX to be infertile (livestock)

to rear up alone

cexee power, ability CeXeeCT3H raised, lifted up (tent-door, etc.)

CYBAHPYYJIAX to allow or cause infertility (in

CeXeeT3H (see cexeecrsa]

CYBAPfA (see cyspara]

cexex 1. to raise, to liM up,

3CrHH yy,nHHr -

to raise the felt door (of a tent) 2. to open,


CYBfAHIJ;AP tubule (anat.) CYB,IJ; pearl,

TapHMaJI -

cultured pearl


CYBAAT (- WyHaXaH, - uryaaxxaa] greedy,

sellish CYBAATJIAX to be greedy, to be covetous CYB,I(JIAA pustule, apscasr X8.MBapT CYB~JlaaT OBqHH pustular dermatitis (in sheep)

CYB,I(JIAX 1. to form pustules or small blisters 2. to form bubbles (sweat, etc.) CYB,I(PAX to be pearly, to look like pearls CYBHJIArq nurse (med.) CYBHJIAJI 1. care, nursing, CYBHJlJlbIH rasap sanatorium 2. sanatorium, CYBHJlJlbIH 3MqHJlr33 sanatorium care

CYBHJIAX (CYBHJlaH acpasoxnax] to nurse, to care for


CyrAJIAX 1. to take out, to pullout, to withdraw, to extract, C3JIM33 - to draw one's sword draw (lottery, etc.)

2. to

cyr~P first-rate CyrAJI,I(PArAJIAX (~33J133 -, xanuyar -) to puII one a rm out of a sleeve

CyrAP (- rapar] Venus (Skr.) CyrAPAX to slip out, to come out, to fallout, to be pulled out, to slip off

cyr~ A X (see cyrananuax] CYrA~ unexpected

CYBHJIAXYH care, nursing

CyrCAJI3AX to shake, to quiver

CYBHJIrAA (see cyaanaxya]

CyrCPAX to swing, to toss (intrans.)

CYBHJIJIArAA (see cynanaxya]

CY,MAH aBC Sorghum sudanense (bot.)

CYBHJIT strand, end part (of a twist of hair

CY,Mr 1. (- WYY~YY) channel 2. ravine, gully

(TYY~3r) used in rope-making)

CYBHJIYYJIArq patient (n.) CYBHJIYYJIAX to get nursed, to be a patient

CY,MH dewlap (cattle) CY,I(AJI 1. vein (anat., min., of a leaf, etc.), M3~P3J1HHH - nerve 2. stripe

CYBHX to draw out, to stretch, to extend (metal, hair for rope-making, etc.)

CY,I(AJlBAP study (art, mus.), - sypar study (art)

CYBPArA 1. stupa 2. pagoda 3. pyramid CYBPArAJIAX 1. to put into a stupa, § xyrarr

CY,MJDKHJIT venation

XYBHJlraa~bIH urapansrr - to place the remains of high lamas in stupas 2. [cynparanaa oocox) to rise up like a stupa

CYBC I. beads, necklace CYBC II. weak or watery spirits, produced after six or more changes of water in the 1KaJIaBq (also ycasxa], CYBCbIH ye the stage in distillation at which - is produced

CYBb Otter CYBb,I(Ar (see cynaar] CyrA


[cyraasr XOHXOp) armpit, HaBqHbI axil, - TaHr crutch 2. hollow, depression (in a mountain-side)

CyrA II. out, away, apart, - TaTax to pull out, to tear out

CyrAABAMHHH OPOH Paradise (Sukhavati) (Buddh.) (Skr.) cyrABqJIAX 1. to take or hold under one's arm 2. to support, to hold up

CyrMAJIIJ;AX to go arm-in-arm CyrMAX to take sorneone's arm, to support, cyranaa Mop~YYJlax to assist to mount, cyranaa saax to go arm in arm

cyrAimAX to call yaks by calling cyraH cyraa cyrAJIAA draw (lottery, etc.), lottery, XOH1KBOpT - lottery, - XHHX to draw

CYAAJITAA study, research CYAAJITAH 1. veined 2. striped CYAAJITAX 1. to be veined 2. to be streaky CY,MP sutra, book, scripture, history, XOJlrOH sutra; scripture, KopaH XOJlrOH - the Koran, OHqHr (- HOM) book, writings, - 6HqmHH XYP33J13H the Literary Committee (a predecessor of the Academy of Sciences), - TYYX history, history book, - TYYXHHH historical, recorded

(Skr.) CY,Mpq .1. historian 2. sutra-scholar CY,MPqJIAX to make (a book) in sutra-form,

cynapxancaa (xyl.)

HOM a book made in sutra-form

CY,MC 1. vein, artery, blood-vessel, aprepaaa - artery, BeHHHH - vein, rOJl - aorta, HapHHH - arteriole, Tapaaryyp - [uyc Tapaax -) artery, THT3M - coronary artery, TOrCrOJIHHH - end artery, xox - vein, XOJIHHH xox cynacnsr eprecan varicose veins, XHJlraCaH - capillary, xypaaryyp - [nyc xypaax -) vein, ~CHbI cynacasr TOITOJI~OO vascular system, bloodvessels, - xarrax to bleed, to prick a vein so as to draw blood, - xaryypan arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, - xaryypax to get arteriosclerosis 2. pulse, - oapHx (- Oapb1K y33x, - T3MTP3X, - Y33X) to feel the pulse, oapHYJlax to get one's pulse felt, cynacasr ~OXHJIT pulse, pulse-rate



CY,IJ;ACJIAr veined,




choroid (of the eye)

CY,IJ;JIAAq student, scholar CY,IJ;JIAr,IJ;AXYYH subject, subject of study

loosen the soil, to break up the soil, sasxnacsrr - to slacken the strings (of an instrument), § raHxHHr xarac 3pr3JIT CYJIJIaHa slacken the nut by half a turn 3. to empty, to drain, § X3~3H WHJI apxa - to knock back a few bottles

CYJIPAJI 1. slackness 2. relaxation 3. debility, asthenia

CY,IJ;JIArtI (see cynnaax]


CY,IJ;llAX to study

CYJIPAX 1. to get loose, to get slack 2. to be relaxed 3. to slacken, to decline 4. (cYJIPaH ~OpOHTOX) to weaken, to become enfeebled, OHe - to be off colour, to be unwell to come

CY,IJ;JIAXYYH (see cYWIar~axYYH) CYHllAX 1. to put one's hand in, 03JITP3r - to pull wolf cubs out of a lair, eapee - to put one's hand in the breast of one's gown, xanaac - to pick [sorneone's] pocket 2. to throw one's opponent by grabbing his leg (wrestling)

CYHX Mugwort, Artemisiavulgaris (used to make moxa)

CYJI 1. loose, - apraM}KCaH tethered but not hobbled, - rapraa generous, open-handed, - yr (see yr 1.), - X9~eJIreeH play (mech.), lIeJI99T3H loose, free, - apaa loose taIk, gossip 2. slack, poor, lax, weak, - OHenH (oHe cYJITaH) sickly, puny, - oyypaH (- ~OpOH) weak, feeble, inferior, flabby, - nyTMar feeble, inadequate, - 3a~raH slack, - erex to sacrifice, to give up for nothing, - cypanuax to fall behind, to fail to keep up (in school), - TaJI weakness, weak point, - xapaaraa with impaired vision, - xasx to sacrifice (chess), to throw up, to give away 3. free, vacant, - ryHJIT (- HBaJIT) empty run (lorry, etc.), - 30rCOJIT standing idle, standstill (machinery, etc.), - sorcox to stand easy; to stand idle, - CYY~aJI free seat, - TaBHX to leave (a horse) free, - X9Bex to float freely, naJIHH pension, - naJIHHTaH pensioner, - asax to make an empty run 4. (see - naH), CYJIbIH aJIoa a tax of less than 800 map naH (hist.) S. without an official post, - JIaM lama without an official post

CYJIABTAP 1. weakish, weak, - yyCMaJI weak solution 2. poor (in quality) 3. loose, § OJICOOp - 03XJI3X to tie loosely with cord CYJIIiAHX to feel weak, to flag CYJIIiAP weak, - yycsran weak solution CY~Hx (cYJI~aHH cannaax] to feel weak, to flag

CYJI,IJ;AX 1. to be too weak, cYJI~a}K ~OPOHTOX to go downhill 2. to be too loose, to be too slack

CYJIJIAr,IJ;AX to be released (radiation, from prison, etc.), XOpHX raspaac cYJIJIar~aH rapax to be released from a place of confinement (jur.) CYJIJIAX 1. (cYJIJIaH raprax] to release, to free, to let go, CYJIJIaH TaBHX to let (a horse, etc.) go free 2. to loosen, to slacken, xepcmtr - to


loose, to get free 6. to be vacated, to be emptied

CYJIPYYJIAJIT 1. weakening 2. relaxation CYJIPYYJIAX 1. to weaken 2. to relax, aaxaa-

pnaa - to relax one's attention 3. to loosen, to slacken, to reduce, to sohen 4. to dilute

CY.JI1TAX 1. to weaken 2. to loosen, to slacken, to let get loose 3. to dilute

CYJIXAH 1. weak, feeble 2. low, soh (voice) 3. loose

CYJIXAPHAH name of Alexander the Great (liter.) CYJIXHP (see QYJIbXHp) CYJIb Psammochloa (bot.), Xap - P. viI/os a, Ilaraaa - (see Ilaraan CYJIb) CYJIbAAA 1. fatigue, weariness, weakness, frailty 2. rickets, rachitis

CYJIb,IJ;AJI exhaustion CYJIb,IJ;AJIT (see CYJIb~aJI) CYJIbMHfH exhausted CYJIb,IJ;AX to tire, to become exhausted, to grow weak, to get worn out, CYJIb~aH ~OPOHTOX to weaken, to decline


CYM 1.1. arrow, ~YYT - whistling signal arrow (hist.), CYMHbI 6yc arrow belt, cyssaa TaBHa,Q HYMaa Hyyx to hit and run, - ypannyynax to toss up at the start of an archery contest (by the simultaneous tossing of two arrows belonging to the two teams to see which flies the furthest), CYMHbI XOJI HyMHbI 60rHHO ~33P straightaway, pretty soon, quick off the mark 2. arrow (in a diagram) 3. bullet, shot, round, oaHMaaHbI -live ammunition, live round, r3p3JIT - (r3p3JITYYJI3r'1 -) tracer bullet, sanyypr - guided missile, CypryyJIHHH - dummy round, training round, THHP3JIT3T - rocket, missile, xapsaacaa cyM WHr like a shot out of a gun, xysaauap - plastic round, XYHr H3BTJI3r'1 - armour-pierci ng shot, uraraarx - incendiary bullet, CyMHbIOaHp chamber (of a gun-barrel), - ~a~arryii invulnerable, - TaBHX to shoot, to fire (an arrow, a


gun, a counter in waraii xapsax]. - yJI H3BTP3X bullet-proof 4. counter used for shooting in nraraa xapsax

CYM II. plough-beam CYM III. main strap or shoh of a hobble, also the strap part of each of the front branches (xaa) CYM IV.l. sumun (administrative unit next below the banner in Manchu times) (hist.), cyMaH apn sumun-people, state subjects, CyMaH 3P man of military age (1 8-60) in Manchu times 2. sum, sumun (administrative unit next below the aimag in the MPR), - ~IH inter-sumun, --H3r~3JI sumun-co-operative

CYM V. ornamental strip from the armpit to the skirt of a Mongol gown (~33JI)

CYM VI. points (rail.), - ryHByyJIra switchinq CYMAH company, squadron (mil.) CYMAH MO,IJ; ebony CYMAPXAX to favour people from one's own sumun

CYMAPXYY arrow-shaped CYMrYH unloaded (gun) CYM.JIAX load (a gun), oyy - to load a gun 2. to refuel (an circrch]

CYMJIAX II. to form a sumun CYMTAH loaded (gun) CY~HH pointsman (rail.)

CYMDRA moon (Skr.) CYH semen CYHArAP long and narrow CYHAlbc to stretch out (intrans.) CYHAJI stretching, extension CYHAJI3AX to be stretched out CYHAJI3YYJIAX to stretch out, yypra - to extend one's horse-catching pole

CYHAJIT (see cynan] CYHAMAJI stretched out, extended CYHAMTfAH ductile, stretchy CYHAMXAH (see cyaasrrraa] CYHAPAA Asperula (bot.), H3JI3Mr3p - A. humifusa

CYHAX 1. to stretch, to stretch out, to extend (intrans.), cynaac Moprax to prostrate oneself (in prayer)


to leap, to dart

CY~ stretching (n.)

CYHrAA long-distance training, endurance training (horse) (cf. YC3pr33) CYHrAJIT 1. extension 2. (see cynraa] CYHrAMAJI (see CYHaMaJI) CYHrACXHHX to draw out, to extend


CYHrAX 1. to stretch out, to extend (trans.), oypaHTar - (XOJIOO -) to give free rein 2. to train a horse over a long distance

CYHrYY long, elongated, extended CYH,IJ;~ (see cYHWIax) CYH,IJ;JIAATAH riding pillion CYH,IJ;JIAX to ride pillion CYH,IJ;YH title of a collection of dharani (Tib. gzungs-'dus)

CYH,IJ;YY thorn, barb CYlDKHX (see CYHXpax) CYIDKPAX 1. to drag on, to take a long time, to last a long time 2. to get corrupted, to get changed in the telling

CYIDKPYY drawn out, extended CYIDKPYYJIAX 1. to extend, to drag out 2. to corrupt, to distort (a word, etc.)

CYIDKYY drawn out, extended CYHHAJIfAX to stretch (the limbs, etc.) CYHHAX to stretch oneself CYHTAr a rod used in bestowing a blessing on people, CYHTfHiiH ~HC blessing given by a rod (Buddh.)

CYHTArtI JIAM lama in charge of a CYHTar CYTIEPfYP3H superpower CYTIEP O,IJ; superstar CYP 1. leather strap, leather rope, - TaTJIara leather straps, leather ropes 2. (MOHroJI -, cypsm cnopT, cypbm xapBaa, - XapBaJIT, - xapsyyn] Mongolian archery, - xapsax to engage in Mongolian archery; Mongolian archery, cypsm roiipOM XOHXOp depressions in the land used as archery fields (hist.) 3. small cylindrical targets made of interlaced leather straps, used in Mongolian archery, xana - wall of targets (at which the first 33 of 48 shots are aimed, preceding the stage of "elimination targets" or xacaa -l. xacaa - "elimination targets" (thesecond stage atter the xaaa - stage) 4. OaiiT - (see oaii I.)

CYPAr (- aaorr. - M3~33, - lIHM33) news, word, information, - annpax to go missing, - raprax to get news of, to get wind of, - ~OMor tale, rumour, - ~YYJIrax to give news, to let (someone) know, O~3~ - nyynraaa yy please let us know, - TaBHX to make enquiries, raaarrva (- lIHM33ryH) without a trace, Tacpax to be lost to view, to vanish from sight, to be missing

CYPArfYH missing, without a trace, - OOJIOX to go missing



rapas], HaMrHHH ..

L. palustre

CyprACAlNJIAH as taught by, according to CYPArJIAX to enquire oher, to make enquiries about, aHJI .. to ask directions CYPArq pupil (school)

the teachings of, Mapxcsra .. as Marx has taught CyprAX 1. to teach, to instruct, to train, YHWHJK .. to teach to read, cypraa XYMYVJKYVJI3N edu-

CYPAJI enquiry, search


CYPAJIQAfCA)]; students

cypraa XYMYYJKyyJI3X to educate, cypraa XYMyyJKyyJI3X

CYPAJIQAX to study, to learn

CYPAMfAHmHX to get trained, to get into

practice CYPAX 1. to study, to learn, Myy .. to be back-

ward (at school), yHWHJK .. to learn to read, .. 6H'1Hr text-book, CYPq 60JIOBCPOX to become educated, to get an education, cypcaa IOMblr cypaap 600JK 60~OryH [cypcaa saar cypaap 6ooxryH. cynap aosrsrr ~33C33P 600xryH) you

can't teach an old dog new tricks 2. to ask about, to enquire, 3pJK .. to look for, to search for, to ask about 3. text-book material

1. source, ..

6HqHr source, source

2. root (of a tooth)

CYPBAJDKIIT aristocratic, noble, illustrious, dis-

tinguished CYPBAJDKJIArA enquiry, interview, report CYPBAJDKJIArlI 1. correspondent, r3p3JI 3ypmHH .. press photographer, COHHH ..

2. corresponding,

mHHJKJI3X yxaaasr aK~eMHHH .. rHwyyH cor-

responding Sciences

member of

the Academy


1. to investigate, to enquire into, to go into, to find out about 2. to interview


CYPBAJDKTAH descended from cyprAAr pole

1. an "instruction" from the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, .. raprax to issue an "instruction" 2. (.. HOMHOJI) teaching, doctrine, theory, aTOM" atomic theory, lleHHHHH .. the teachings of Lenin, .. 6oJIrox to take a lesson from, .. 6oJIOX to be a lesson


CyprArtI instructor CyprAJIT teaching, instruction, .. saax apra teaching method, cypranrsm MaTepHaJI [cypranrsra X3p3rJI3r~3XYYH) teaching materials, .. XYMYYJKHJI education cyprAM}l{ advice, admonition, instruction, lesson, .. asax to learn a lesson


CyprHP Caryopteris MOHrOJI Ilorap] CYPrYYllAJIT CYPrYYllHHH

mongo/ica (bot.) (see

(see CypryyJIHJIT) 1. school (ad(), .. HaCHbI XYYX3~

children of school age, .. 9MH9X HaCHbI XYYX3~ children below school age, .. TaHXHM school building, school, .. XYYX3~ schoolchild 2. training, practice (adj.), .. 6yy (see 6yy), .. CYM (see CYM


1. to send to school 2. to train 3. to study, to practise


cvrrAMJKTAH instructive Ledum, (a/so

CYPrYYllL 1. school, 6ara .. primary school, r3pHHH .. tent school (hist.), ~~ .. middle school, apsaa 1KHJIHHH ~ .. ten-year middle, school, ~33~ .. higher school, college, institute, ep9HXHH 60JIOBCPOJIbIH .. school of genera I education, ep9HXHH 60JIOBCPOJIblli 6YP3H ~~ .. complete middle school of general education, HX .. university, YJICbIH Hx .. State University, QOH6ancaH H3P3MJKHT YJICbIH Hx .. Choibalsan State University, TYCraH M3pr3JKJIHHH ~ .. specialized secondary educational school, TeXHHKHHH .. technical school, TeXHHKHHH M3pr3JKJIHHH" [rexaax M3pr3JKJIHHH 60JIOBCPOJIbIH") vocational training school, X9~9JIM9P XYMYYJKJIHHH .. reformatory (see X9~9JIM9P), .. sascapnax (see saacapnax]. .. T9rCr9rq~ graduates, school-

leavers 2. (.. nacran] training, exercise, TYP .. short course, course, X9JI rapsm .. drill, X33pHHH .. D;3PrHHH)


X33PHHH), D;3prHHH ..


CYPrYYllLTAH trained, .. HOXOH trained dog CYPJIArA study, training, learning, .. XOD;Opq saaa Xyyx,IWy~ educationally backward children, .. XYMyyJKJIHHH XOD;pOr~OJI educational


1. trained, .. 2. habitual


HOXOH trained dog

CYPTAJI ideas, doctrine, teachings, .. H3B1pyyJI3r propaganda, .. H3B1pYYJI3N propagandist, .. H3B1pYYJI3X to make propaganda, ..

cyprAM}KJlAX to admonish CyprAP Labrador Tea,


CYPrYYllRJIT practice, rehearsal, training

CYPBAJDKHJITAH aristocrat, aristocracy

newspaper correspondent


yxaaa] pedagogy, educational theory 2. to break (a horse)

CYPAMfAH trained, accustomed, practised


teacher, pedagogue, educationalist,


yxyynra agitation and propaganda, agitprop

31 1

CYPfAJI,f(AX to indoctrinate, to agitate


CYPfAJITAH ideologist CYPfAJIq propagandist CYPfAJI1lliJIfAA publicity, propaganda, advertising, cypranxanraaasr caMoap publicity board

CYPfAJIqJIAX [cypranxnaa ,Q3JIr3PYYJl3X, cypranxnaa TaHJI 0 apn ax , cypranxnaa TaHHy-

nax] to publicize, to advocate, to preach, to promote, to plug

string in a nock, etc.), § lIH 3P XYHHH cyynraap sit like a real man (liter.) ii. sitting position, § xarac CyyJlTbIH oaii,QaJITaH sorcox to stand in a half-sitting position 2. drop, fall, TeMneparypsnr ,.., drop in temperature 3. settlement, subsidence 4. mounting (of a male animal on a female) 5. sit-in, ,.., XHHX to sit in 6. landing (plane) cyy

CYPfAXYYH morals, ethics

CYYJITYYP lavatory-pan

CYPXHPAX to whiz, to whirr (arrow, etc.)

CYYJIIJ;AX to attend, to take part in

CYPU; learning, learning process CypqHH archer

CYYMAH meat balls with a thin pastry covering CYYMAJI 1. seated, sitting, ,.., ,QYp seated figure 2. seated figure 3. sessile, ,..,

CYPbMA antimony (Russ.) CYY (,..,


genius, ,..,

CYYfAA sitting (adj.), ,..,


CYYMfAH 1. sitting, ,..,

a genius

oaH,QaJI (,.., OaHpJlaJI)


ting position



sessile leaf

sitting position

2. chair-bound CYYMTrAH sessile

CYYfYYJI indigenous Cywq dweller

CYYMXAfI (see CYYMTraH) CYYHAr bank (of mist, etc.), low-lying mist

CYY,IJ;AJI 1. seat,

CYYHArJIAX to spread out or lie in still air (mist, smoke, etc.)

Yp,Q TaJIbIH ,.., front seat (auto.), cyynnaa OJlOxryH OOJI ryii,QJl33 onoxrva the fish begins to stink from the head, ,.., oaraTaH (CYY,LlaJIryH) always on the go, ,.., 3aXHX to reserve a seat (train, etc.), ,.., canaan seats 2. seating (valve) 3. a round (of 16 counters shot by four players) in a game of uraraa xapsax 4. a series of eight factors (fire, earth, iron, sky, water, mountain, tree, wind) used in astrological calculations

CYY,IJ;JIbIH passenger (adj.), ,.., senger train, ,..,

raJIT np3r

MaWHH ( ,.., np3r)

car, ,..,



oarou passenger plane CYYJIrA I. pail, bucket CYYJIrA II. (,.., 6BlIHH) diarrhoea,

CYYPHJIAr basic (chem.) CYYPHJIAf,IJ;AX 1. to be situated upon 2. to be based on

CYYPHJIAX 1. to form a herd, to make (livestock) into herds foundation upon

2. to provide a base, to provide a 3. to base oneself upon, to be based

CYYPHJIYYJIAX to instal (machinery, etc.) CYYPHH 1. settlement, built-up area 2. (,.., uycaa ,..,


settled, permanent, stationary, ,.., to live a settled or non-nomadic life, rasap settlement, builtup area, ,.., .>Kacaa the acacaa-olhces at Urga and other centres (hist.), ,.., KHHO fixed cinema, permanent cinema, ,.., COeJlTOH sedentary people, ,.., cy,QaJIraa (,.., WHH.>KHJlr33) laboratory research, ,.., urysyy resident bi rd oaHpaH)



CYYJIrAJIT 1. planting,



2. serving

(livestock) 3. diarrhoea

CYYJIrAX 1. to seat, to have (someone) sit, to give a place to, to take on board, to quarter, ,.., to take up passengers, § cyynraan anaax will you give me a lift? 2. to set, to base, to bed, to fit 3. to plant, to sow 4. (COJIbLK"", WHJI}J{YYJI3H"") to transplant (tree, organ), to implant, 3ypX"" M3C 3aCaJI heart transplant operation 5. (ypyy ,..,) to have diarrhoea, ,.., 3M purgative 6. to turn back (an antelope, in hunting) 7. to let (a male animal) mount (a female), to get mounted 8. to appoint 9. to put down, to land (a plane) 10. to give in marriage 30pllHrlf,Qblr

CYYJIrAIJ; sapling,

CYYHAITAX (see cyynarnax] CYYPHrHAX to settle down (in a certain place)

3aJIraaCTaH ,..,young


tree for planting

CYYJIT 1.i. seat, seating (on horseback, a bow-

CYYPb 1. base (mil., chem., of an antler, of a leaf, etc.), U;3u;rHHH ,.., receptacle (of a flower), ,.., oaH3 base-board 2. position, place, xyxan cyypaar 33JI3X to occupy an important position 3. (,.., ,QOB.>KOO) foundation, ,.., oyypbTaH solid, substantial, ,.., ,Q3Bcr3p foundation, basis, OHOJIbIH ,.., ,Ll3BCr3p theoretical basis, CYYPHHH xynyy TaBHX to lay the foundation stone 4. base, camp (the primary production unit of a co-operative), CYYPHHH cypryyns school at a base (aimed primarily at furthering the schooling of persons above normal school age)



5. (- cypar] herd 6. - MaWHH machine tool 7. basic, fundamental, - OOJIOBCPOJI basic education, - M3AJI3r basic knowledge 8. session, tour of duty (hist.)

CYYPbTAH stable, solid, well-founded, firmly based

CYYPbIDHll 1. settled 2. a settlement CYYPbIDHnTAH (see CYYPbWJIbIH) CYYPbIDllbIH settled, sedentary, - oaiman settled state, - cOOJI Hpr3HWHJI sedentary civilization, sedentariness

CYYPbIDHX to settle, to settle down, to establish oneself, to stay put, § XYH aM HHJI33~ HRIT cyypsurcan rasap a fairly densely populated area

CYYPbIDMAIT settled, sedentary CYYCAP Marten, Martes, Xa~HbI - M. foina CYYT of genius, - yxaaaran genius, wise man CYYTAH a genius CYYTfAn deduction CYYTfAX [cyyrran asax] to deduct (from pay,

etc.) CYYX 1. to sit, cyycaa raspaacaa WopOO arraan OOCOX to raise oneself by one's own bootstraps, cyycaap cyycaap OJI3TOA everything comes to him who waits 2. to stay, to live, to dwell, to be resident in 3. to reign 4. to mount (a bus, a female animal, etc.) S. to get stuck (car, etc.), 3aAraap - to be stuck for want of a battery, urasapr - to get stuck in the mud 6. to marry, to Iive with, cyysan xaaaran cYYHa X01KBOJI cassrr XOJKHHO to have exaggerated ideas 7. to occur, to happen (spots on clothes, etc.), to come up (swelling, etc.) 8. [noour -) to settle (building, etc.), to subside {fire}, to drop 9. (following a converb in }I{, aan] to keep on, to carry on

CYYQ (C~HbI oaAp) dwelling, quarters, living quarters, xoep epee - two-room flat, WHH3 cyyuasrxan first-time occupiers

CYYQHXAX 1. to sit down, to settle 2. to get stuck (in mud, etc.) 3. to get stuck for, to get held up for, § wyy~aAraap cyyxaxaan 6aAraa wyy ~33 I'm held up for sacks actually

CYXAH Tamarisk, Tamarix, Apsrap - T. hispida, rOOJIHr - T. gracilis, I'ooxrop - T. elongata, Mexpepxer - T. ramosissima, HapHAH TYPyyT

- T. leptostachys CYBll3AX to flop (camel's hump, etc.) CYB 1. hole, opening, - anax to shoot first (in archery), - H33r~3X (- oaronx] to get clued up

2. pore

(anat.) 3. acupuncture point

CYBll3X 1. to thread through, to lead through, 3yy - to thread a needle 2. to contrive, to find ways and means

CYBP3f false ribs CYBP3f.n;3C (see cYUP3r) CYBT3H quick-witted, resourceful CYB3fq 1. eye (of a needle) 2. end (of a thread)


clue, thread, lead

CYB3fqIT3X [apra -) to contrive, to find ways and means

CYB3PX3f porous CYB33 1. side, flank, - 'lYJIax to stand akimbo, - xasapra the lower ribs 2. the two side boards of the case for a book (xyl.)

CYf (- CYY~3p) wraith, phantom, pale shade, shadow, - sypar [xanasr - sypar] petroglyph (Tib. gzugs)

cvrmrax to tower cleft,

to loom up, to stick up

CYfll3f3P towering, looming CY)K 1. fond of its young {beast}, OO'ITO~OO HHr3 a camel cow fond of its young 2. rich in milk, flowing with milk (livestock) 3. rich in water (well, stream, etc.))

CY)KHf (see cvcsr] CY)KHfll3X (see cycsrnsx] CY)KP3ll fondness (of one's young, etc.) CY)KP3X to be fond (of one's young, etc.) CYH I. tax, charge CYH II. (- 03JI3r) betrothal gihs from the man's side to the woman's, - TaBHX (- 03JI3r TaBHx) to offer the betrothal gihs

CYH):I: damage, harm, ruin, destruction, - OOJIOX to be in trouble, to be upset; to get excited, to make a lot of fuss, - Maim trouble, commotion, fuss, - MaA~ OOJIOX to be in a commotion, mAx to wreak havoc, to put paid to, § aspara OOJI xoasrr - xH~3r 10M a stallion will put paid to a wolf

CYH.n;ll3X to damage, to harm CYH.n;T3H troublesome, harmful, dangerous CYH.n;3ll disaster CYH.n;3X to come to grief, to be wrecked, to be ruined, to be devastated, aMb - to lose one's life

CYH}KHH rock crystal (Chin.) CYHJIX.IT3X to be short of breath, to puff and pant

CYHll3X I. to impose a tax, to levy a charge CYHll3X II. to betroth, to arrange a marriage CYHPYYll3X to ruin, to ravage, to destroy

3 13

CYHP3JI disaster, catastrophe, crash, CyUPJIHUH U;OXHJIT devastati ng blow CYHP3X 1. to be ruined, to be ravaged, to be destroyed, to be wrecked, to crash, cyupq ynax


about, to criss-cross, to be interlaced

to crash {aeroplane} 2. to fail, to collapse {talks,

CYJI)KHJIT knitting


CYJI)KHX 1. to plait 2. to weave 3. to knit 4. to

CYfIT engaged, betrothed, .. oycryu {.. Xyyx3H} fiancee

CYHTr3JI 1. destruction, damage 2. waste, extravagance

CYfITr3JIT destructive CYHTr3MTrHH wasteful CYfITr3x 1. to ruin, to ravage, to destroy 2. to waste, to squander

CYHX I. (.. np3r) carriage, coach CYHX II. earring, woman's traditional ear ornament

CYHX33 shrewdness CYHX33JI3r shrewd

go around, to go about, naaur uaaur .. to go here and there

CYJI)KM3JI 1. knitted, woven, plaited, latticed, CyJDKMJIHHH yHMB3p knitting factory, .. xysuac {.. 3AJI3JI} knitwear 2. knitting CYJI)KM3JIQHH knitter

1. braid, plait, aU;TaH .. a type of French knitting made on a forked stick 2. system, network, ~YJIaaHbI .. heati ng system 3aMbIH .. road network



CYJDK33C braiding, plaiting CYJIP3X to give a milky tinge, to look milky, to get pale

CYJI3JI,IJ;3X to mingle, to get mixed up

CYHX33JI3X to act craftily, to cheat

CYJI3JIT milking, addition of milk {to tea}


CYJI3X to put milk {into tea, etc.}, to whiten, § X~HHH oy~aar sanaac aHpraap cyJI)K eroxen TOpOM TYPr3H T3HX3p~3r young camels

CYHx33T3H shrewd CYHX33qjJ3H shrewdly CYJIli3X to prick, to stab, to pin CYJIli33 {.. CYYX33} bond, tie, connection, TOpJIHHH .. family relationship CYJIIi33JI,IJ;3X (CYJI033JI~3H xyHBCl.JI,Qax) to be in league, to plot together, to conspire

CYJI1i33JI,IJ;33H plot, conspiracy CYJIIi33JI3JI,IJ;3X {see CYJI033M3X} CYJIli33P (.. 3YY) pin, safety-pin CYJIli33T3H in league CYJI,IJ; 1. {.. T3Hr3p} tutelary genius, protective genius, .. MO~ New Year's tree, .. MO~HbI Ha~aM New Year's children's party 2. (.. T3~3r) coat of arms, emblem, TOpHHH .. {YJICbIH .. } national emblem, .. ~YYJIan national anthem, § 33 TOPHHH MHHb" {33 TOpHHH MHHb .. opuree] oh my goodness!, heavens above! 3. standard {mil.} {see also TYr}, xap .., uaraan .., anar .. the black, white and chequered standards of Genghis Khan, 3JIq .. subsidiary standard (one of eight surrounding the main standard), .. U;3Hr3X to perform the annual ceremony of worshipping the standard of the banner-unit concerned (hist.)

CYJI,IJ;JI3X {CYMJI3H TaxHx} to worship CYJI,IJ;3prYH spiritless, lacklustre CYJDKHrqHH knitter CYJI)KHJI network, system CYJDKHJI,IJ;3X to move in and out, to weave

quickly gain strength when semolina with kumis added



CYM 1. temple, QOHJKHH JIaMbIH .. the Oracle Temple, .. nyraa temples, .. XHBA lamasery,

(Buddh.) 2. church monastery, temple (Christian, as a building), .. XHHA church {as an organization}, .. x.lfHAHHH oaHp church festival, .. XHBAHHHX3H churchmen CYMIiYM collected works (of a lama, etc.) (Tib. gsung-'bum)

1. ramrod 2. cleaning rod 3. peg, 4. CyMo3H MeTP dipstick

CYMli3 geon


CYMIi3,IJ;3X to clean {a gun} with a cleaning rod CYMli3JI33X to stick straight up, to be erect, to loom up

CYMli3PJI3X (see CYM03JI33X) CYMli3P YYJI 1. Mount Sumeru, the central mountain of Buddhist cosmography 2. mountain

(Skr.) CYMHHHX3H churchmen CYMHHX (see CyyMHHX) CYMC 1. gruel 2. sauce CYHr3H3X to roar, to howl, to drone CYH,IJ;3P towering, imposing CYH,IJ;3PJIYYJI3X to erect (a building) CYH,IJ;3PJI3X to loom up, to tower aloft, C~3PJI3H OOCOX to be erected, CY~3PJI3H

u;orU;JIOX to erect

3 14

CYPXHH 1. serious 2. terrific, thoroughgoing

CYH)J:3C female elk [Xannran] CYHC 1. (- cy;m, _ CYY~3p) soul, CYHC33 rapran

CYPXHHx to whiz CYPXP3X to whistle (wind) CypqHr scent, perfume CypQHrH3X to rustle, to murmur (wind), to


aHX(CyHC33 3aHJITaJI aHx, CYHC33 XaJIbTaJI aHx) to be scared out of one's wits, _ ~aJIJIax (Jm'~ax) to call the soul (of a dying person), _ ~aMBOfH Tapax (- WHJI}KHX, _ WHJI1KHH ropex] transmigration of souls, metempsychosis, _ cy;mryH soulless, lifeless, _ XaJIHX to give up the ghost, to die, cyHcHHr xeex to expel the soul of a dead person 2. essence, soul, quintessence

CYHCrYH unscrupulous, conscienceless CYHXHHx to dash, to rush CYHllIHr charm or relic installed in a stupa (Jib.,

prob. gzungs-bzhug) CYHI.IIHrJI3X to instal a charm or relic in a stupa or statue

CYP (- cy;m) splendour, grandeur, magnificence, majesty, dignity, _ 6~PYYJIax to overawe, to impress; to show off, to display heroics; to be truculent, to be overbearing, _ 6apaa impressiveness, authority, _ 6apaaTaH impressive, imposing, _ nanaanrax to intimidate, to browbeat, _ ~apax to dispirit, _ ~YYJIHaH fame, _ ~YYJIHaHTaH famous, splendid, _ 1KaBXaa (:>KaBXJIaH) grandeur, majesty, _ 1KaBXJIaHT (1KaBXJIaHTaH) glorious, majestic, monumental, _ HaMBOfp swaggering, _ oPYYJIax to exaggerate, to lay it on thick, _ Y3YYJI3X to swagger, to bluster, _ xyq might, power, _ xyqT3H mighty, powerful

CyprHHH communal CYP,IJ;M33P impressive, awesome, imposing, majestic

CYP,IJ;YYJI3r threat, intimidation CYP,IJ;YYJI3JIT (see cyp~YYJI3r) CYP,IJ;YYJI3X to threaten, to intimidate, to overawe

CYP,IJ;3M (see CYP~M33p) CYP,IJ;3HrYH overawed CYP,IJ;3X to be anxious, to be fearful, to be overawed

CYP}I{HrH3N humbug CYP}l{HrH3X to bluster, to rant CYP}I{HH exaggerated, extreme, grandiose CYPJI3r 1. imposing, majestic, monumental, _ TOMPYYH monumental 2. majesty

CYP CAPXHHX to rustle CYPT splendid, majestic, impressive, _ :>KarcaaJI demonstration




wide awake, up to the mark terribly


ever so,

swish (water), to hum

CYPQHX (see wyPWHX) CypQM3r (see cypqHr) CYPI.IIHX (see WYPWHX) CYPbE3 (- OBqHH) tuberculosis,



pulmonary tuberculosis

CYPbE3T3X to suffer from tuberculosis CYP3r 1. herd, flock, _ XOHb flock of sheep

2. _

TaMra name of a horse-brand with five "eyes"

CYP3rJI3JIT flocking (n.) CYP3rJI3X to form a herd, to herd together, to be in a herd, to flock together, to swarm, cyp3rJI3H H1KHJIC3X to be gregarious

CYP3rqHH herdsman CYP3JI 1. straw, _ ~33B3P thatched roof, _ urapran straw-yellow 2. stalk CYP3JIX3r imposing, awe-inspiring CYCJI3X to revere, to worship, to believe in CYC3r (- 6HWP3JI) piety, _ 6HWP3JIryH secular, non-religious, _ 6HWP3JIT3H pious, religious, _ WYTJI3r belief

CYC3rJI3rQ believer, worshipper CYC3rJI3JI piety CYC3rJI3X (cyc3rJI3H 6HWP3X,

cyc3rJI3H ~33M3X) to revere, to worship, to believe in

CYC3IT3H piOUS person, believer CYY (- caans, _ WHM) milk, 60JICOH _ skimmed milk, aTrapyyJIC3H _ condensed milk, TYYXHH _ raw milk, urap _ (see urap yc 3.), xyypaH _ dried milk, powdered milk, WHHr3H _ skimmed milk, CyyH 60JIOJIT (CyyH 6oJI~) first or milky stage of ripening of grain, CyyH ~aJIaH the Milk Sea (Buddh.), _ ~OJIOOCOH raner WHr embarrassed, _ opox (- caam, opox) to come into milk, _ eprox (- nauax] to perform a blesstnq by sprinkling milk, CyyH cauan an offering of sprinkled milk, CyyH C3Tr3JIT loving, kind, CyyH C3Tr3JI TOCOH XaJIaM:>K loving kindness, _ TaBHX to leave milk to sour, CyyH T3:>K33JIT aMbTaH (CyyH T3:>K33JIT3H) mammal, cYYH yH;m3xyyH milk product, CYYJm xanaan Tapar YJI33X once bitten twice shy, _ WHr C3Tr3JIT3H kind, caring

Cyyr3X to whistle (wind) CYY,IJ;r3P vague, indistinct, unclear

3 15

CYYAHHx to be vague, to be indistinct, to be unclear CYYAP3BQ 1. screen, awning 2. pavilion, kiosk CYYA3fH3JI shadowy image, spectre, IiPOKKeHHH - spectre of the Brocken CYYA3fH3X (see cyynrH3X) CYYA3JI33X (see cyynrH3x) CYYA3P I. shadow, shade, xarac - penumbra, - sypar picture, film; silhouette, - OB'IHH paralysis, - TaHXHM shadow cabinet, - Tawaapax (- XaJlHX) to die, - WHH film, ~yyryH - WHH silent film, - WHHHHH XYP33JI3H cinema CYYA3P II. age, years, years of one's age CYY,IJ;3P,IJ;YY (see CYY~3pJI3r) CYYA3PJI3f shady, shaded CYYA3PJI3f,IJ;3X to be shady, to be shaded, to be overshadowed, CYY~3pJI3r~C3H rasap shady place CYYA3PJI3X to shade CYYA3PC3f shade loving, - ypraxan shade loving pia nt CYY,IJ;3PfYYJI3X to shade, to cast a shadow over CYY,IJ;3Pf3H 1. shady, shaded TaJI dark side

2. dark (fig.), -

CYV,IJ;3Pf3X to be in the shade, to be shaded CYY,IJ;3X to take too much milk and pass milky stools CYY}K (Cyy}KllHH HC) pelvic bones, innominate bone, Cyy}l{33 asrpaax (Cyy}l{33 TaBHx) to sit down, to rest one's weary bones


CYYJI,IJ;33 finally CYYJIHHH 1. last, final, - xoep}I{HJm in the last two years 2. latest, recent,' - }l{HJIYY~3~ in recent years, - ye~ recently, - yeHHH recent 3. latter, 1972 OHbI - xarac the latter half of 1972 CYYJIJI3X to develop a tail

Cyynq end, apasnyraap capsm - the end of October, rasnyraap capsm CyyJI'l33p towards the end of May CYYJIqHHH 1. last, final, - 3aMj:l y~3X to accompany (a dead person) on their last journey, to bid the departed farewell, - T3M33HHH axaa xy~ the last camel gets the heaviest load, - XOHXHbI oaHp school-leaving celebration 2. latter, ~OPOB~33P capsm - xarac the latter half of April CYYJI3f milky, rich in milk CYYMf3P

1. dim,

faint, wan, pale 2. spiritless

CYYMHHx to look dim, to look dull, to look pale, to look indistinct CYYMC (see CYMc) CYYM3f phosphorus CYYM3fH3X (see CYYM3JI33X) CYYM3IT3C phosphorite CYYM3JI3YYP glimmering, flickering, fitful CYYM3JI33X to glimmer, to flicker, to be seen fitfully, to loom CYYM3H dim, faint, fitful

CYY}KHJI,IJ;3H CYYX to sit leaning sideways, to sit askew

CYYHHH milk (adi-), - oYT33r~3XYYH dairy produce, - caaxap (- '1HX3p) lactose, - Tacar dairy, - xyqHJI (see XyqHJI)

CYY}KHH (see CyH}l{HH)

CYYHQ3P royal jelly

CYYJI 1. tail, yypar - tip of the tail of a sheep, yyp - matted tail, - oapHX (- MywrHX, - xoox) to be left behind, to bring up the rear, - napan close on the heels of, CYYJI33 C3PB33H ~33P33 xaax (cyyJI Hb XOHMOH ~33P33 rapax) to put on airs, CYYJI33 XaB'IHX to put the tail between the legs; to be scared to death, - XOJITOH Springtails, Collembola, Podura 2. end, TaB~­ raap capsm CyyJI33p towards the end of May 3. last, OBJIHHH - cap the last month of wi nter, XaMrHHH CYYM Hb last of all 4. attached final stroke to the right forming a and e in Mongol script CYYJI,IJ; later CYYJI,IJ;3CXHHX to lag behind, to hang back CYYJI,IJ;3X 1. to grasp by the tail 2. to lag behind, to be last, to bring up the rear, AMepHKaac - to lag behind America

CYYPC sigh, - annax to heave a Sigh CYYPX3f lactiferous CYYTf3P vague, indistinct, unclear CYYTHHX to be vague, to be indistinct, to be unclear CYYT HOfOO (see Cyyr eBC) CYYT eBC Spurge, Euphorbia, (also ,IJ;yp~), Cyyr OBCHHH osor Spurge Family, Euphobiaceae CYYT3fH3X to loom up vaguely or indistinctly, to look like a shadow, to be seen dimly CYYT3JI33X (see cyynrH3x) CYYX (see CyHX


CYYXHHx to loom up CYYX33 shrewdness CYYX33fYH not too bright


3 16

C3BX freckles C3BXHHx 1.1. to let up (rain, etc.) 2. to have a bit of a rest, to take a spell, X9JIC - to cool off otter sweating 3. to happen suddenly, § yy~

CYYX33JI3X to act croltilv, to cheat

C9xor~9H (yy~ C3BXHHH H33r~3}K)

CYYX33T3H shrewd


CYX axe, - ~8JIaHT8JI the storm

as the felt door was suddenly raised

YX3P assap

the lull before

C3BXHHx II. to blow gently


(see cyraasaanaaa


C3BXT3X to be freckled, freckled face



CYX)l;3X to hit with an axe, to chop


CYXll33 Securinega (bot.)

C3BIIIHX to blow (breeze)

CYIIIHfJI3X (see cycsrnsx]

C3BIII33 cool, fresh, -

CXEM (- sypar] sketch, diagram (Russ.)

C3BIII33JI3X to blow (breeze)

C3B 1.1. flaw, blemish, fault, defect, - cyynrax to flaw, to deface, C3Tr3M - opyynax (C31T3M - cyynrax] to hurt [someone's] feelings, - cyyx to get damaged, to get flawed 2. combings

C3B3f basket, wicker case, - ~aH (see ~aH)

C3B II. gently, quietly, - - YJI33X blow gently (wind), - C3BX3H breeze

to gentle

(- - XHix) CaJIXH

C3BfYH undamaged, flawless C3Bf3P I. girl C3Bf3P II. light, puffy C3BJI3r I. Ulium pumilum (L. tenuifolium ) (bot.) (see Capaaaa, TOMc) C3BJI3f 11.1. baby-hair, curls, - ypr33X to cut an infant's hair for the first time 2. down, fluff (of a plant) C3BPYYJI3X to dry, to dry off, to dry out (trans.) C3BP3X to dry, to get dry, to dry off C3BP33X (see C3BPYYJI3X) C3BC 1. cud, C3BC33P oyJIax to spit the cud over (someone) (camel), C3BC33 xasx to spit out the cud (camel) 2. chewed grass leM in the insides of a dead animal C3BCf3P loose, fluffy, light, frothy


C3BC lightly, sohly C3BCHHJIf3X to loosen, to break up C3BCHHX to become fluffy, to become puffy


pleasant breeze

C3B3f 3APAM lentil C3B3fHYYP gentle, light C3B3JI3YYH flighty, frivolous C3B3JI3YYP 1. gentle, light, - C8JlXH light breeze 2. awake, wakeful, § HOHp MYYTaH XOHOCHbI Mapraaw the morning aMer a wakeful night C3B3JI33X 1. to blow gently, to blow softly (wind) 2. to be nimble, to be active C3B3X to fan 33M, - 33~3r, - xyyp) carrion, oaH3~ax to beat to a jelly 2. remains, wreckage, - C3BCryH without trace, lock stock and barrel, - C3BCryH 8JIra OOJIOX to vanish without trace


C3fHHx to be splayed out C3fJI3f3P shaggy, dishevelled C3fJI3X to tear up, to hack about C3fC basket C3fCf3P shaggy, dishevelled, - q OOJI 3X MHHb. CHHMXHH q OOJI rap MHHb (see CHHMXHH 2.) C3fCHHX to be shaggy, to be dishevelled C3fCP3JIT shaking, tumble-drying C3fCP3X to shake, TOJIrOHrOO - to shake one's head, csrcpsrs MaWHH tumble-drier

C3BCJI3X I. to apply cud as a compress

C3fCP33H (see

C3BCJI3X II. to spit out the cud (camel)

C3fCYYP3f lambskin

C3BC C3BC YJI33X to blow gently


C3BCXHHX to puff, to blow gently

C3fC3fH3X to be tousled, to be dishevelled C3fC3Pf33 shaking (n.)

C3BC33 CAJIXH (see



to shake up

C3BTHYYJI3X to irritate, to tickle

C3f XHHX to stop (rain, etc.)

C3BTYYJI3X to damage, to spoil

C3f3JI,IJ;P3f thong, loop C3f3JI,IJ;P3fJI3X to tie with a thong, to hold by the thong

C3BT3X to be damaged, to be spoiled C3BT33X (see C3BTYYJI3X) C3BYYH I. unusual, strange C3BYYH II. pleasant, light, -

C3f3JI33X to sway from side to side CaJIXH

light breeze

C3f3X to trot

C3r33 understanding, intelligence, ~ opox to catch on, to get wise, ~ caraaryH apxanax to drink oneself silly

C3r33T3H bright, intelligent C3,IVI3r idea, plan C3APYYll3X to aggravate, to make worse C3AP3X to recur (illness), to open up again (wound, etc.) C3AP33X (see c3npyyn3x) C3A3B I. theme, ranu C3n3BT 30XHon (H3r3H C3n3BT oYT33n) monograph, ~ aanryy theme (mus.) C3A3B II. suspicion, ~ asax to suspect, to get wind of

C3A3Bll3X I. to initiate, to originate C3A3BJI3X II. to suspect C3A3BT (see C3n3B'IHnc3H) C3A3BQHJIC3H thematic C3A3BQJI3X to follow a theme or themes, to take as a theme

C3A3JI 1. motive 2. stimulus C3A3ll}l{YYJI3JIT motivation C3A3ll}l{YYJI3X to motivate C3A3JIT (see csnan] C3A3Pf3H3 Convolvulus, Convolvulus, AMMaHbI ~ (see Bop 3nr3H3), Qanap ~ Field Bindweed, C. arvensis (alsoqa~ap esc], C3~3pr3HHHH osor Bindweed Family, Convolvulaceae

C3A3X I. (C3~3)K caaaaxnax. C3~3H yycr3x) to plan, to think out, to devise, to conceive

C3,IJ;3X II. to irritate



C3}I{HX 1. to toss, roxroaroo ~ to toss the head


to butt

C3}I{JJYYP connecting-rod (auto.), C3JKJIyypHHH noon ronroH big end, C3JKJIyypHHH n33n ronroH little end C3}I{JJ3X 1. to keep tossing, TonrOH ~ to keep tossing the head


to keep butting

C3}I{M33C dol segno (mus.) C3}1{YYP 1. edge, margin, hem 2. clue, hint C3llliYYJI3X to cool (something hot by adding something to it)

C3JIliYYP (see C3nyyp) C3JIli3r 1. (~ xspsrnan. ~ xspsrcan] spores, spare parts



C3llli3r3H3X to flap, to flutter C3JIli3r3P loose, baggy C3JIli3JI33X to flutter, to flit, to ripple C3JIli3JIT 1. repair 2. replenishment C3JIli3ll3r (see cantisnr] C3JIli3P3X to be restored, to be repaired, to be put right

C3JIli3X 1. to repair, to mend, to overhaul, C3n03H oocrox to overhaul, to make complete repairs, C3n03)K sacax to repair, to mend, to restore, c3no3H csprasx to restore 2. to replenish, to restock, cyssaa C3n03H asax to get new supplies of ammunition, TYnw33 cantisx to refuel, YHaJIra ~ to get new horses, xyq ~ to be reinforced (mil.), U;yc ~ blood transfusion

C3A33JIT stimulus, stimulation

C3llli33C (see cantisr]

C3,IJ;33X to excite, to stimulate, C3n3)K uoxpyynax to irritate C3}I{Hr (~a)KHr, ~ cspnnar] doubt, distrust.sus-

C3llrYYll3X to change, to shilt, c3nryyn}l{ cyynrax to transplant

picion, ~ asax to be suspicious, to have a suspicion, to smell a rat, ~ TaaBap (~ TaaMar) suspicion, ~ Topax to get suspicious, ~ Topyyn3x to arouse suspicion

C3}1{HrJI3JI suspicion C3}1{HrJI3JIT3M suspicious, suspect C3}I{HrJI3MTrHM suspicious, mistrustful

C3llfYYH quiet, unfrequented, remote C3llryyp slide-valve C3llfYYQ3ll 1. loafing 2. joy-riding C3llrYYQ3X to hang around, to loaf about, to wander around, to room about, to go for a jaunt, to god about, to go joy-riding, n3MHH ~ [ranyyp n3MHH ~) to roam the streets, to loaf about

C3}1{HrJI3M33P (see C3)KHrn3nT3H)

C3llr3llT change, exchange

C3}1{HrJI3HrYM (see C3)KHrn3MTrHH)

C3llf3X to change, to shilt, to go from one thing to another, to alternate, MOpb ~ to change horses, HYTar ~ to shilt postures, to move to new postures, C3nr3H cyynrax to transplant

C3}I{HrJI3X 1. to be suspicious, to have one's doubts, to suspect 2. to be put off, to be repelled

C3}1{HIT3M 1. suspicious 2. suspect, doubtful C3}I{HIT3H suspect (n.) C3}1{Hrq suspicious, distrustlvl C3}I{HM (see IIIH)KHM)

C3llr3Q3X to keep moving, to keep shiMing C3llr33 1. alternation, rotation, change, OHn'I33pHHH ~ rotation of posture 2. castling (chess), ~


to castle



C3~HH penis of a stallion

C3Mli3PYY Pomegranate (also Anap] (Tib. se'bru)

C3MIK omentum, epiploon (anat.), C3M.>KHH

C3JIT and so on, etcetera, OH'lHr 03JI3r -letters, gihs and so on, M3~33 - (see M3~33)

OOOH yyJI cirrocumulus cloud, C3M.>KHH nasxpaar yyJI ci rrostratus cloud , - cyyx ye period of formation of the omentum (also 3JIr3H Tapra), C3M.>KHH yyJI ci rrus cloud

C3JITP3X to come off, to chip off, to peel off, to splinter

C3M)I{JI3X 1. to develop the omentum 2. to get fat

C3JIH3H cymbal (Tib. sil-snyan)

C3JIT3C sliver, slip, splinter

C3M1KP3X to be thin (clouds)

C3JIYYH quiet, unfrequented, remote

C3MJI3X to fray, to shred (trans.), uaacsrr - to shred paper

C3JIYYP 1. paddle, oar 2. fin, HYPYYHbI dorsal fin, X3BJIHHH - ventral fin, q331KHHH pectora I fin, C3JIyypHHH ryypc fin-ray 3. wi ng (of a pea-flower) 4. pump, YCHbI - woter-purrp C3JIYYP,IJ;3JIT rowing C3JIYYP,IJ;3X to row C3JIyypqHH oarsman C3JIYYX3H deserted, empty, unfrequented, quiet, § XyH aMbTaH - a.>K33 people were few and far between C3JIYYQ3X to take the air, to go for a ride C3JIXP3X to swell, to swell up C3JIX3Pr3X (see C3JIXP3X) C3JI3f3 Tapir (zool.)

C3MP3X to fray (intrans.) C3MX3H stealthily, surreptitiously, secretly C3M3P,IJ;3C tatter, fragment of torn cloth C3M3PXHH frayed, tattered, unravelled C3M33PX3H (see C3MX3H) C3Hf3HYYJI3X to give off a smell, apxa - to smell of drink C3Hr3H3X 1. to blow cool, to blow fresh, § C3Hr3H3C3H C3pyyH Ca.nXH a fresh breeze 2. to smell nice, to give off a pleasant scent 3. to strike the nostrils, § xypu yH3p xasspaap C3Hr3H3H ~OprHJIOO a sharp smell assailed his nostrils

C3JI3N swimmer

C3~HHJI3N stubble-plough

C3JI3JIT [ycaan -) swimming, qOJIOOT - freestyle swimming, 3PB33X3H - butterfly stroke

C3~HHqj{)( (see C3~HHJI3X)

C3JI3M sword, sabre, raxap - sabre, C3JIM3H 3B3P long sharp horns turning forwards, C3JIM3H 3B3PT (C3JIM3H 3B3PT C3Hr30aaTap) "sabrehorned" (synonym for a billy-goat) C3JI3M,IJ;3X 1. to sabre, to put to the sword 2. to wield a sabre C3JI3X I. [ycaan -) to swim, nypyyraapaa - to swim backstroke, OrH.>K C3JI3X to swim breaststroke

C3~HHJI3X to plough up, to turn up, to till C3~JIYYP (see C3~HHJI3N) C3~JIYYP,IJ;3X

(see C3H~qHJI3X)

C3~JI3X to plough up, to turn up C3~YYP curved digging tool used for digging up map TOMC (Tsaatan) C3~qHJIf33 stubble-ploughing C3~qHJI3X to plough with a stubble-plough C3~qHX to plough up, to turn up, to till

C3JI3X II. to change, to alternate, ayrar - to change pastures

C3~3H a type of sandalwood

C3JI33 change, alteration

C3~3qJI3JIT (see C3H~qHJIr33)


IiYY (see oyy)

C3JI33C3P fitter (mech.) (Russ.) C3JI33X3H Phalarope, HapHHH - Red-necked Phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus C3M quietly, silently, secretly, stealthily C3MliHHx 1. to be dainty, to be delicate 2. to be light, to be fluffy C3Mli3fH3X (see C3M03JI33X) C3Mli3f3P 1. dainty, delicate 2. light, fluffy C3Mli3JI33X to move in a dainty or delicate fashion

C3~3qJIYYPstubble-plough C3~3qJI3X

(see C3~qHJI3X)

C31DK ring, eye, handle, loop, C3H.>KHT ~OXHO pierced cliff

C3~3X to take by the handle C31DKJI3X pierce


to fit or make a handle 2. to

C3HC 1.1. fan, Ca.nXHH - windmill, C3PYY~YYJI3N - room fan, xeprerx - cooling fan, ~aXHJIraaH - electric fan, C3HCHHH oocop fan-belt (auto.) 2. propeller, C3HCT THHP3JIT3T turbo-prop C3HC II. lambskin

C3HCP3JIT a sickness in young lambs brought about by lack of care and characterized by a bristly fleece and hollow eyes C3HCP3X I. (C3HC3pQ ra.>KHX) to warp, to twist, to get twisted, to run out of true



one must be careful about letting fodder get polluted and so on C3Pf3M}1{T3H alert, vigilant

C3HCP3X II. to suffer from C3HCP3JIT C3HTHH "lionthrone". seat of a Buddha statue, pedestal of a stupa (Tib. seng-khri)

C3Pf3P splayed

C3HXP3X to understand

C3Pf3X 1. to wake up 2. to revive, to recover, C3pr3H Ma~aJIT Renaissance, C3pr3H MaH~ax to be reborn, to be born again, C3pr3H TOITOOX to restore, to re-establish, C3pr3H ToIDKHX (C3pr3H yprax) to grow again, to be regenerated, C3pr3H ypranr regrowth, regeneration

C3PBHHx 1. to stick out, to stick up, to bristle 2. to get better, to feel better

C3Pf33M3JI restored

C3HT3H (see C3HTHH) C3HXHHX to get a whiff C3HXPYYJI3X to inform, to give to understand

C3PB3fHYYJI3X 1. to tickle 2. to unsettle, to upset, OJIHbI C3'IT3JI canaar N to upset the public, to rattle the public C3PB3fH3X (see C3PB3JI33X), XOOJIOH a tickle in the throat


to have

C3PB3JI33X 1. to sway 2. to blow gently (wind) 3. to have a tickle, XOOJIOH N to have a tickle in the throat 4. to be unsettled, to be erratic,to be moody C3PB3H projecting, overhanging, jutting out C3PB3CXHHX to start, to make a sudden movement C3PB33 withers (horse) C3PfHHJI3rt1

1. policeman, militiaman 2. scout

(mil.) C3PrHllJI3JI protection, prevention, prophylaxis C3PrHHJI3JIT (see C3prHHJI3JI) C3PrHHJI3X 1. to be careful,about, to take precautions against, to prevent, to be cautious, to be vigilant, N aJirnJI precautions, N apra X3M}K33 preventative measures, N TapHJIra prophylactic injection, C3pmHJI3H xasrraanax to protect, to guard 2.i. patrol, scout ii. to patrol, N racar reconnaissance section 3. police, C3pmHJI3XHHH XYJI33JIr3~ XOHOX to spend the night in police custody C3Pf3f 1. (N copror] alert, awake, smart 2. fresh, N C3pMYYH OHJIl{33P fresh pastures 3. (HOHPOIm N) sleeping lightly, NYHTax to sleep lightly C3Pf3JIT tion




excitement, stimula-

C3Pf3JI3H bright, sharp, clever, alert, lively, wideawake, vivacious



C3Pf33JIT restoration, reconditioning C3Pf33X 1. to wake up (trans.), HOHpOO N to wake up, to shake off one's drowsiness 2.i. to revive, to restore, oap N (YC3r N) to retouch a printing-block (xyl.), C3pr33H oocrox to reconstruct, to rebuild, ~aHHbI napaaxs C3pr33H OOCrOJIT post-war reconstruction, C3pr33H raprax to revive (idea, theory, etc.), C3pr33H sacax to repa ir, to restore, C3pr33H sacaapnars restorer (art, etc.), C3pr33H 3aCBapJIaJIT restoration, renovation, reconditioning, C3pr33H sacsapnax (C3pr33H C3JI03X) to restore, to renovate, to recondition, C3pr33H CaH1KPYYJIax to restore, to rehabilitate, C3pr33H rorayynax to revive (a play, etc.), C3pr33H TOM'OOX to restore, to reestablish, to regain ii. (C3pr33H sacax. C3pr33H HOXOX) to rehabilitate (med.), C3pr33H 3aCaJIT rehabilitation 3. to stimulate, to generate, ~aXHJIraaH ~3JI N to generate an electric current C3Pf33III (C3pr33WHHH 3M) stimulant (drug) C3P,IJ;JI3f suspicion, mistrust C3P,IOCHHJIf3X to startle c3P,IOCHHx to jump, to start, to get a shock, C3'IT3JI N to get a shock C3P,IJ;3f Saxifrage, Soxifrogo, COPMYYCT N S. flogel/oris, RMaaH N S. hirculus, C3p~3mHH osor Saxifrage Family, Saxifragaceae C3P,IJ;3MTfHH suspicious, mistrustful C3P,IJ;3X to suspect, to be suspicious, § OMoH YY OaH1K Mar~ryH r31K C3P~33~ suspecting that it might be a cancer C3P)l{f3P light (fabric), 3YHbI summer hat


MaJIraH light

C3P}KHfHYYP rustling, rustle, swishing, CaJIXH whistling wind

C3Pf3M}1{ attention, vigilance

C3P}KHfH3X to rustle, to sough

C3Pf3M}1{J13X to be careful about, to be on one's guard against, to be vigilant about, § T31K33JIHHr OOxHp~YYJIaX 33pr33C N X3P3rT3H

C3P}KHfH33H (see C3P1KHrHYYP)


C3P}KHM sacrificial beverage offered to ensure the success of an undertaking, N erex to offer


C3PX gelded goat over three years old


C3PXHHJIr3X to jolt, to shock such an offering (Tib. gser-skyems) (Buddh.) C3P}KHM)l;3X (see C3P}KHM oprex] C3PHHX to stick out, to stick up (intrans.) C3PJIHHX to be jagged, to be rough, to stick out C3PMYYH fresh, new (pastures) C3PM3X

1. to trim 2. to


C3PXHHx to get a jolt, to shudder, § C31T3M Hb 3BryH OO~OJI C3PXHHT3JI OpOB he suddenly had a nasty thoug ht C3PXJI3r Patrinia (bot.) C3PXJI3X to geld a kid C3PXH3~ German measles

C3pQHrHYYP (see C3p}KHrHyyp)

C3PCXHHX to shudder, § MHHHH ~OTOP JKaaXaH C3pCXHHr33~ HBqHXJIaa my heart just missed a beat

C3pQHrH3X (see C3P}KHrH3X)

C3P C3P gently, .., CaJIXHJIaX to blow gently (wind)

C3P3Br3P bristling, jagged, jutting out, ragged, .., yc bristling hair, .., xan jagged rocks

C3PTr3P 1. projection out, sticking up

C3PT3rt1HH female gazelle

C3P3JI 1. feeling, sensation, perception, sense, xapaaHbI .., sense of sight, XypT3X .., sense of touch, C3PJIHHH 3PXT3H organs of perception 2. stimulus, impulse, M3~P3JIHHH .., nervous impulse, .., ~OXHO impulse, signal 3. excitation, arousal (cf. CaaTaJI), 03JImHH .., (see 03JIrHHH), .., CaaTaJI excitation and inhibition (psych.), .., xenanrex to arouse

C3PT3JI33X to keep moving, to move backwards and forwards (horse's ears, etc.)

C3P3JI3YYJI3X to toss (the horns), 3BP33 .., to toss the horns


projecting, sticking

C3PTHHX to protrude, to stick out, to project C3PTXHHX to jump, to start, C3PTXHHH OOCOX to get up with a start C3PT3rH3X to flirt


1. protruberance, projection 2. process

(anat.), apsra .., spinous process (of a vertebra), XaH~aJIaH ..,

transverse process

C3PT3HT3X to flirt, XYYX3HT3H .., to flirt with a girl C3PT3HQ3P process (anat.)

C3P3B Yellowcress, Rorippa, HaMrHHH'" Marsh Yellowcress, R. palustris

C3P3JI33X to be flourished, to be brandished C3P3JIT

1. (see C3P3JI) 2. awakening

C3P3M)l{ vigilance, caution, wariness C3P3M}1{JlYYJI3r warning C3P3M}1{JlYYJI3X to warn C3P3M}1{Jl3X to be careful about, to be on one's guard against, to be vigilant about

C3PYY cool, chill (n.), OpOHH C3PYY~ in the cool of the evening, .., opox to get cool, to get chilly, .., TaTax to feel cool, to blow cool

C3P3M)l{T3H on the alert

C3PYYBT3P cool, chilly

C3P3MTrHH sensitive

C3PYY~3X to be too cold, to get chilled

C3P3X feel

1.1. to wake up (intrans.) 2. to sense, to


II. to suspect

C3PYYJI3r 1. alarm clock, alarm, ~arHHH .., TaBHX to set the alarm 2. reminder call C3PYYH 1. fresh, cool, chilly, cold, ..,araap fresh air, .., apraap OOH}KyyJIaX to pen lambs, etc., apart from their dams, ..,Max cold meats (goat, antelope, fowl, etc.), .., opox (.., yaax] to get chilly (autumn, evening) 2. awake, unsleeping, .., 3YY~ day-dream, .., C3pr3r wide awake, .., TYHraJIar alive, alive and well, hale and hearty, in one's prime, .., X3BT3X to lie awake C3PYYH Q3Q3r Narcissus (bot.) C3PYYC3X to cool down C3PYYQYYJI3X to cool down, to refresh, C3p~YYJI3rq annapar air-conditioning, C3p~YYJI3rq C3HC (see C3HC) C3PYY:Q3X to cool down, to refresh oneself, to feel refreshed

C3P33 1.1. fork, .., oyJIqHpXaH (see OYJIQHpxaH) 2. trident 3. plug (elec.) C3P33 II. demon, devil, .., napax to suppress a demon, to exorcise a demon (Tib. sri) C3P33~3X to fork, to spike with a fork or trident, to harpoon

C3P33JIT rousing, awakening C3P33X to wake up, to awaken (trans.) C3T up, down, through, off, ""oYY~QHXaX to shoot up, .., OITJIOX to cut through, to slit, .., ~OXHX to smash through, to break through, to break up C3TrYYJI magazine, journal, .., 3yH journalism C3TrYYJIQ journalist

csrrvvr 1. probe 2. pipe-cleaner, reamer

C3ITYYP,D;3X to probe (med.), to ream (a pipe) C3ITYYPf3X (see C3TIYYP~3X) C3IT3f,D;3JI impression, - ropex to form an impression

C3IT3r,D;3XYYH thought, idea, subject C3IT3rtI thinker C3Tr3JI

thought, mind, feelings, H3r3H with one mind, with one accord, - ~rax to be agitated, - annarnax (annpax] to lose heart, C3TI'3JI33 annax (annpax] to lose one's heart to, to fall for, - axap (- aMapJIHHryH) at peace, unworried, contented, - asrpax to be content; to be complacent, C3TI'3M OaITaMryH unimaginable, oap~aM proud, cocky, C3TI'3JI33 oapHx to control one's feelings, to be patient, - oa~aM fascinating, - oyJIaax to delight, to ravish, oyJIaaM Y33Cr3JI3HT3H ravishingly beautiful, C3TI'3M oyyx to make an impression, - raprax to mind, to give a thought to, to worry about, C3TI'3JIHHH rH.>KHr xvpsx to feel intrigued, rH.>KHr~C3H intriguing, - roncrop disappointed, disheartened, - rOHCOHX (- ryrax) to feel unhappy, to be distressed, to grieve, nassnax to be worried, C3TI'3JIHHH napasrr stress, C3TI'3JIHHH ~OrMOJI excitement, ~orMOX to be excited, to be moved, to be disturbed, - nornnyynax (- nornonrox] to excite, to move, to disturb, - ~or~JIYYH excited, ~OHOrOJI30X to worry, to wonder, - ~OHCJIOX (~3HCJI3X) to be shaken, to be upset, to be disturbed, to be agitated, - ~OHCOJIrOX to worry, to disturb, to upset, to shake, - ~~yyp (~YJmXaH) dissatisfied, disappointed, - ~YYP3H content, pleased, satisfied, - sacax (- canaa sacax] to console, to cheer up, C3TI'3nHHH 30BJIOH unhappiness, grief, sorrow, C3TI'3JIHHr 30BHHyJIaX to worry, to distress, - 30BHHX to be uneasy, to be anxious, to be worried, 30BOJITryIi don't worry, nothing to worry about, - 30BOHryH worried, - 30BOOX to upset, to worry, - 30BOX to be upset, to be worried, 30BOX IOMryH there's nothing to worry about, 30XHD;OX to get on with, C3TI'3JI33 syraauyynax to amuse oneself, - 3yH psychology, - 3yHH psychological, - 3yHH ~aHH psychological warfare, - 3yHq psychologist, - 3yHH X3JI WHH1KJI3JI psycho-linguistics, - 3ypx heart, affections, hearts and minds, - MYXap~ax to feel frustrated, - M3~P3JI mind, - M3~P3JIHHH mental, - M3~P3JIHHH OBqHH mental illness, M3~P3JIHHH OBQHH CY~JIaJI psych iatry, M3~P3JIHHH OBQT3H mentally ill, - M3~P3nHHH xssrpan neurosis, - M3~P3JIHHH 3MH3JI3r mental hospital, - M3~P3JIHHH 3MQ psychiatrist, HHHJI3X to hit it off together, C3TI'3M HHHD;T3H pleasing, attractive, C3TI'3M HHHD;3X (C3TI'3JIT3Hr33p



caaaaan HHHD;3X) to please, - HHMr3H thoughtless, - OHrOHX to feel relieved, - OIOYH mind, - aB~Maap distressing, upsetting, C3TI'3JI33 arax to declare one's love, - aer satisfied, - aH):lap delighted, in high spirits, - canaa feelings, mind, - caHaaHbI mental, - caHaaHbI ~3M1KJI3r moral support, - canaaasr 30BHyp mental suffering, mental distress, - caaaann T33P OOJIOX to be a load on one's mind, - CYMaaQ psychologist, - CYMaJI psychology, C3Tf3nHHH C3B misgiving, uneasiness, C3Tr3JIHHH C3BHHr snax to overcome one's misgivings, - C3pr3X to cheer up (in trans. ), - C3pr33X to comfort, to cheer up, - C3pTXHHJIr3M startling, shocking, C3pXHHX to get a shock, - TaBryH uneasy, TaBryJm3x to be upset, - TaBHpax to feel relieved, to feel cheered, - TaBHX to pay attention to, to give thought to, - raaaurpax to be complacent, - TaTaM attractive, captivating, fascinating, - TaTaX to attract, to captivate, to foscinote, - TOrmopryH upset, - TOrTOX to calm down, to feel relieved, - Tapax to have a feeling, raHxax - Tapax to feel surprised, TYrWHJI worry, stress, - TYflllHX to worry, to be anxious, to be uneasy, - TYfW33X (TYrWYYJI3x) to worry, to alarm, - T3HHHX to relax, to feel at ease, - T3HYYH contented, happy, - T3H3r3p oaHX to have nothing to worry about, C3Tr3JI33P yaax (- canaaraap yaax] to become depressed, C3Tr3JIHHH yrac heart-strings, XyHHH C3Tr3JIHHH yrcsrr xennex to touch people's hearts, - yyacpax to calm down, to feel relieved, - xaHaMJKryH dissatisfied, - XaHaM1KTaH satisfied, - xaaax to be satisfied, to be content, to be pleased, XaHraJIYYH satisfied, content, - xapaMryH generous, unsparing, unstinting, - XHP~XHHM shocking, - xoepnox to be in two minds, to be undecided, to waver, C3Tr3JIHHH XOHMpblr 33JI3X to be well-loved, - xopro~ox to be drawn, to be attracted, - xa~JIaJI emotion, XO~JIOM moving, exciting, - xa~JIOX to be excited, to be moved, to be touched, C3Tr3JIHHH xa~OJIrOaH emotions, excitement, C3Tr3JIHHH xa,QaJIrOOH HXT3H emoti ana I, excitable, C3TI'3JIHHr xenanrox to excite, to stir, to move, C3Tr3JIHHH xeepan excitement, xeepox to be excited, - XOXyyH jolly, merry, C3Tr3JI33 xyypax (- xyyprax] to comfort oneself, to console oneself, C3Tr3nHHH xasspan mental' crisis, - xasrpax to be very upset, to be distraught, - nanax to feel satisfied, to feel smug, QaMJIaHryH disappointed, dissatisfied, C3TI'3JI33 QaHraJIaX to brace oneself - QHJI3X (- uraaanax] to be distressed, - urynyynax to



C3XYYH smug, self-satisfied C3XYYPX3X to be smug, to be self-satisfied

decide, to make up one's mind, aaoornaxaap - myJIYY~ax to make up one's mind to work, wyy~pax to be determined, C31T3J1HHr 3B~3X (- 3M33rJIYYJl3x) to upset, - 3B~P3X (- 3MTP3X) to be deeply distressed, to be heartbroken, Hapax to be impatient

C3IT3llrYH 1. heartless, unfeeling, thoughtless 2. with no feeling for

C3Tf3llf33 thought, thinking, ideas, WHH3 new thinking

C3X3ll respite, recovery, - asax to have a respite, to recover

C3X3nT (see C3X3J1) C3X3X to recover, to revive, C3X3}K C3pBHHx to get better, to feel better

C3X33 consciousness, understanding, - asax (canaa aaax] to get the idea, to catch on, to realize, - asaxyynax to stimulate, to give (someone) an idea, - OPOX to come round,to come to oneself

C3Tf3ll3YHQ psychologist

C3X33BQ 1. summer-house 2. portico

C3Tf3nT I. reaming

C3X33rYH without even, not even, § xapay X3J13X OaHTyraH ~YYJlax 11 - ~3r~3H anra OOJlJlOO rushed off not only without replying but without even listening, HPHXhIH 11 a}KHJlJla}K oaHB worked on without even say-

C3Tf3nT II. (seeC31T3J1T3H), - oYCryH girl-friend C3Tf3nT3H loving, beloved, - OOJlOX to fall in love, - XYMYYC lovers, § T3P xyy~ - OOJlOB she fell in love with that boy

C3Tf3llqn3H according to one's wishes, according to plan

C3Tf3M}1{ thought, imagination, fantasy C3Tf3X I. to clean out, to ream C3Tf3X II. (C31T3H oo~ox) to think, C3Tr3}K TOCOOJl9X to imagine, to think of C3Tf3XYH thinking, thought C3Tf3IJ; mind, psyche, C31T3I.1;HHH oaban mentaI state, - r3M CY~JlaJI (C31T3I.1;HHH OBlIHHHr cynnax yxaaa] psychrotry," C3Tr3I.1;HHH OBlIHH mental illness, C3Tr31.1;HHH OBlIHH 3Mr3IT3H mentally ill, C31T3I.1;HHH Y33r~3J1 psychic phenomenon, C31T31.1; M3~P3J1HHH 3M'1 psychiatrist C3Tf3IIIfYH unimaginable C3Tll3X 1. to chip, to nick, to break through

2. to

land on a line (archery)

C3TP3X to get chipped, to get nicked, to get broken through

C3T3P ribbons tied to the neck or mane of an animal to show that it has been consecrated to a divinity and may not be made use of, - 3yyx to bear a meaningless title, - TaBHX to tie ribbons on an animal

C3T3Pll3X to mark out as consecrated to a divinity

C3T3PT3H marked out as consecrated to a divinity

C3X33ll3f bright, intelligent

1. realization, 2. recovery




C3X33P3nT (see C3X33P3J1) C3X33P3X 1. to realize, to comprehend, to understand, xypnaa - xanaap rapid comprehension


to recover

C3X33 CAMIiAAfYH furiously C3X33T3H conscious C3X33T3H intellectual (n.), C3X33THYY~ intellectuals, intelligentsia

C3X33X to revive, to restore, C3X33H aMh~PYY­ nax to resuscitate, C3X33H aMh~PYYJlax epee recovery room (surg.), C3X33H aMh~PYYJlax Tacar recovery unit C3X33 QelleefYH without respite C3IJ; (see 1.1;31.1;) C3D;3H (see1.I;31.1;3H) C3IJ;3H XAAH 1. the Setsen Khan of Khalkha

2. reign title of Chongde, known (1627-1635) (see ,IJ;33~ 3p~3MT)

as Abahai

C3IJ;3PX3X (see 1.I;31.1;3PX3X) C333fHH (see W333rHH) C33P the thoracic vertebrae, the spine between neck and lumbar reqion, C33P3H ~ryii name of a throw over one's back (in wrestling), -

C3T3PXHH 1. broken, cleft, torn, - 3yy CHHMXHH caMoaHHhI 3~ xepoare poor and miserable belongings

ing anything


breach, c1eh

C3XHffx (see C3XYHX)

HYPYY vertebrae, - HypyyryHT3H (- HYPyyryH aMhT~) invertebrates, - nypyyraa (- HypyyraH aMhT~) vertebrates

C33PrYHT3H invertebrates

C3XllYYH (see c3xYYHl

C33P,IJ;YY stuck-up

C3XYffx to stick out, to stick up

C33PT3H vertebrates

1. flirt ing up (ears)


2. flirtatious 3. pricked,




C33THHJIT3X to prick up (the ears) C33T3f net (table-tennis, etc.) C33T3fHYYP (see C33'IT3p) C33T3fH3X to flirt, eop XYHT3H - to flirt with someone else


C33T3H 11.1. pricked, standing up (ears), ManraH (- qHXT MaJiraH) hat with raised side flaps

2. -

xasx to flirt, to be flirtatious

C33T3ll33X (see c33T3rH3x)

C33X3ll3YYP flirtatious, f1irty

C33T3H I. Ceratocarpus (bot.), 3JlCHHH - C.

CIOHT suite (mus.) (Russ.)

T TA you (formal), -


you there, my friend

TAAP II. Nanophyton (bot.), 3apaa -

N. ericaceum

TAABAAP as one wishes, at one's own pace, in comfort

TAAPAJI,!{AX 1. to meet, to run across, to come across, to run into 2. to coincide

TAABAP 1. guess, surmise, conjecture 2. riddle, - Taax to guess a riddle

TAAPAMrYH unsuitable, improper, not fitting, not right

TAABAPJIAX to guess, to surmise

TAAPAM}K suitability, fitness, - MY}'TaH ill-fitting, badly fitting; incompatible

TAArYH 1. unpleasant, unsuitable, unwelcome, upsetting 2. adverse, - HOJIOO adverse influence


TAA)l;rAP short, squat

TAAPAM}KTAH suitable, fitting

TAA)l;rA TAA)l;rA XHHX to stump

TAAJIAM}I{ pleasure

TAAPAX 1.1. to fit, to suit, to be suitable, to be a good idea, § OOpTOO raapx H~3xryH 3yiiJIC things which do not agree with one 2. to meet, to fall in with, § 3yyp 3~ lOy 'I raapcaarva we met nothing on our way, MaHax 33JI}I{ Taap'l33 his turn to keep guard came round 3. (after the converb in }I{) ought to, should, must, § BHHT apn TyMHlIH OM'! HHr3}1{ cyHTr3r~3}1{ OaH}I{ - yy should the property of the masses be despoiled like this?, oopHim rapaap orCOH OaH}I{ raapaa he musthave given it with his own hands

TAAJIAMJKTYH unfavourable, disagreeable, undesirable, - HOX~OJI oa~aJI unfavourable conditions

TAAPAX II. to suffer from an abnormally swollen belly (esp. horses, from eating dirty sand, frozen rotten grass, etc.)

TAA3 ceiling


TAAJIAr,L(AX to be pleasing, to please, § ans raanarncaa COpT whatever strain one likes, rann raanarnaac oaima yy do you like it? TAAJIAJI 1. pleasure, - oapax (- OOJIOX, Torcox) to pass away, to die (resp.), TaaJIaM HHHJI3X (TaaJIaM HHH~3X) to please, TaaJIaM xapurax to displease 2. (rorTCOH -) tenets, dogma (Buddh.)


(see TaaJIaM}I{TaH)


(see TaapaMryH)

(see XOPOH Xaxxar]

TAAJIAM}I{JIAX to feel pleased, TaaJIaM}I{JIaH XOOJIJIOX to have a pleasant meal

TAAPYY 1. fit, apt, appropriate middling, not too good, poor

TAAJIAM}I{TAH favourable, agreeable, pleasant - HO~OJI favourable factor


TAAJIAX 1. to like, to be pleased with 2. to caress, to pet, to fondle TAAM

(see TaaBap 1.)

TAAMAr guess, guessing, guesswork, xap TaaMrHHH 3YHJI sheer guesswork, TaaMraap by guesswork, at a guess, - oar~aaraap at an estimate TAAMArJIAJI 1. guess, conjecture, hypothesis 2. estimated, - HOO~ estimated reserves TAAMArJIAX to guess, to surmise, to estimate, TaaMarJIaBaJI at a guess

TAAMHAJI guess, conjecture, hypothesis

(see TaaMarJIax) Wild Leek, Allium polyrrhizum


TAAHATAX morbid condition produced in horses and other livestock through eating wild leek in autumn TAAH3 dance TAAH3JIAX to dance TAAP I. sacking, sackcloth, sack, - wyy~aH sack



TAAPYYJIAX to adjust, to fit

(see TaapyyxaH)

TAAPYYXAH 1. moderate 2. mediocre, middling, not too good, poor TAAPQAf wallet, purse TAATAH favourable, agreeable, pleasant, nice, - HOX~OJI favourable conditions TAATAHXAH quite favourable, quite agreeable, quite pleasant, quite nice TAAX to guess, M3pr3H - to make a shrewd guess


name of a bone of the foot

TAAXAJI3AX to waddle, to strut

TAAQAX 1. to match, to fit, to suit 2. to equal,

§ rypaaa JIaHrHHH YH3 - 3YHJI goods to the value of three ounces of silver TAAU;YYJIAX to match, to fit


TAAillAAr,IJ;AX to be appreciated, approved of, to please TAAillAAJI raauraann approval

to be

appreciation, approval, OJIHbI HHH~3X to meet with general

TAAIIIAAllTAH appreciated, approved, accept-



TAAIIIAAX to pay attention, to be attentive TAIiJIHQ table (in a book, etc.) (Russ.) TAB I. five, TaBaH OH'lHr the Five Classics (Chin. wujing), TaBaH 3aCaJI the five categories of treatment in Mongolian traditional medicine (a traditional number comprising six procedures: bleeding [xaaax]. moxibustion (T99HOX), compresseslaom TaBHX), ointments and massage (TYPX31K HJI3X), soaking (~3BT33X), piercing, xarrax}, TaBaH Maxoo~ the five elements [wood, fire, earth, iron, water), ,.. enre the five colours (blue, red, yellow, white, black), TaBaH OH~OrT pentagon; pentagonal, TaBaH pauraaa the five elixirs (medicinal decoction of juniper, wormwood, joint pine, labrador tea and probably willow leaves or pine needles), TaBaH casaarva the five toilet articles (definitions vary but involve a selection of tooth-brush, toothpick, tonguescraper, tweezers, ear-cleaner, comb, nailcleaner), TaBaH caaaa a type of pastry, TaBaH canaa OOOB xypnx to get asia pin the face, TaBaH TaHcar the five delights (listed as beauty, euphony, fragrance, savouriness, softness); delightful, TaBaH TaXHJI the Five Sensuous Qualities or Sensuous Offerings (mirror, music, perfume, tasty food, soft moterials) (Buddh.), TaBaH TOPOJITHHH T3~33H pentathlon, TaBaH Typyy name given to a group of parts of a sheep's carcase (head, neck, spine, rump, forequarter and hindquarter), TaBaH yxaan (see yxaaa 3.), TaBaH yr3H ~33P TaHHr~ax to be seen through at a glance, TaBaHXaJIYYH the five spices (listed as ginger (faa), pepper (liHBJIHH), black pepper [Ilosaap]. red pepper (QHH1KYY) and cinnamon, IIIaH~), TaBaH xowyy star, decoration, ynaaa TaBaH xowyy red star, TaBaH TaBaH xowyyraH 6yy~an five-star hotel, TaBaH xOIlIYY MaJI the five sorts of livestock (horse, camel, ox, sheep, goat), TaBaH XOIlIYYT on fivepointed star, TaBaH XOIT pentatonic, TaBaHXOrT 3r1lIrHHH 3P3M03 (TaBaH 3r1lIHIT raMM) rentatonic scale, TaBaH xypyy nrllIryH not al plain sailing, TaBaH uyn the five entrails (heart, liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys), TaBaH WHPYYH 3aCaJI the five severe treatments (bleeding [xanax], pricking (IlIHB3X), moxibustion (TOOHOX), cupping [ran oYMoa), piercing, xarryyp], TaBaH ssryypr the Five Buddhas of Meditation, the Five Dhyani Buddhas TAB II. scab, crust

111.1. rivet 2. head of a nail TAB IV. tuft of hair (left to grow a Figtail), TAB

,.. TaBHX (,.. r333r TaBHx) to start a pigtai , to grow a pigtail

TAB V. (,.. TOXb, ,.. TyX) peace, quiet, comfort, ,..


annax to be disturbed, to be upset, to be uncomfortable, ,.. annarnyynax to disturb, to upset, ,.. TyXTaH in comfort TAB VI. gloating, schadenfreude, TaBaa xaaax to gloat TABAAP goods, wares, merchandise, commodity, ,.. MOHfOHHH xapannaa commodity-money relations, ,.. y}iJwJ3PJI3fl1 producer TABAAPJIAr merchantable, marketable, viable, ,..xanap merchantable quality TABAAPbIH commercial, marketable, market (adj.), ,.. a1K axyli commodity economy, ,..OHP1K commodity market, ,.. raJIT np3f (see raJIT) TABAr 1.1. dish, plate, HHC~3r TaBar flying saucer, TaBrHHH ~33 titbits (offered to guests before a meal, etc.), ,.. TaBHX to serve food 2. blade of a kumis-making paddle (6ynyyp) 3. base of a stirrup 4. pan (of a balance), 1KHrHYYPHHH ,.. balance-pan TABAr II. paw, foot (camel, etc.) TABArAPXYY dish-shaped TABArAA)C to snap at or grab at the paw TABArllAA a tie fixed to the foot of a camel for the purpose of bringing it down TABArJIAX serve

I. to place on a dish, to dish up, to

TABArJIAX II. to secure an animal by the feet TABAJI quintet (mus.) TABAJICAH quintuple, ,.. HHHJIM3JI with five leaflets (leaf) TABAH PHHbAA a five-sided tiara (Tib. rigs-Inga)


TABAH CAJIAA Plantain, Plantago, Hx ,.. Greater Plantain, P. major, TaBaH CaJIaaHbI osor Plantain Family, Plantaginaceae TABAPfAX to hurry along, to take rapid strides TABAPQAfJIAX to stumble, TaBap~afJIaJK yaax to stumble and fall TABrYH 1. upset, unwell, OHe ,.. unwell, C3Tr3n ,.. upset 2. unpleasant, nasty

TABrY~YYJI3X to upset TABfY~3JI distress, disquiet

TABrY~3X to suffer, to feel upset TABrYHPX3X 1. (see TaBryiip3x) nasty (weather, etc.)


to turn

TABrYHP3X to be upset, to be uncomfortable, to feel uneasy, OHe ,.. to be off colour TABrYH'rYYJI3X (C3Tr3JI caaaar ,..)to upset, to disturb



TABfYfIT3JI discomfort TABfYfIT3X (see TaBryiiP3X) TABfYHQ3JI (see TaBryiiT3JI) TABfYHQ3X (see TaBryiip3x) TAB f3T3JI (see TaBXHHT3JI) TAB,IJ;AH a light wooden box TAB,IJ;AXb fihh, .. e~op Friday, .. nyaaa fihh column, .. nysaaasrxaa fihh columnists

TAB,IJ;YrAAP fihh, .. cap May TAB,IJ;YrAAPT fihhly TABHA,IJ; fifty odd, fifty or so, .. OH the fihies TABHACTAfI put, placed TABHf offering, sacrifice TABHf,IJ;AX 1. to be put, to be placed 2. to be relieved, to be allayed

TABHfJIAX to worship, to make an offering, to offer a sacrifice

TABHJI 1. furniture, furnishings, .. 3aCaJI (.. TOXeepeM}K, .. XOruIHJI) furnishings, .. MY)'TaH poorly furnished 2. game (of chess), CH~HJIL .. Sicilian defence

TABHJIAH 1.1. (.. TOeper) fate, destiny, fortune

2. prognosis TABHJIAH II. river-crossing, ford, ferry TABHJIAHTAfI fated, destined TABHJIAX to put, to place, to lay TABHJIfA (.. TOXeepeM1K, .. X3p3rJI3JI) furniture, furnishings

TABHJIfAHA Spiraea, Spiraea, liypracHaB1fHT .. S. salicifolia, ,IJ;YH~ .. S. media, Tamp .. S. flexuosa, Y~BaJIHaB1fHT .. S. aquilegifolia TABHJIT placing, arrangement TABHPAX to feel relieved, to feel cheered TABHPYYJIAX to relieve, to cheer TABHY 1. broad, wide, generous, roomy

2. peaceful, calm TABHYJI leh (with someone) to be looked otter (livestock)

TABHYJIAX to relieve, to reduce, to release TABHYH (see TaBBY) TABHYP stand, rack, shelf, easel, stage (microscope), tray, internal window-sill, ~OHXHLI .. internal window-sill

TABHX 1.i. to put, to place, to put down, to apply, to set out, to serve, 600JIT .. to apply a bandage, rasap .. to put on the ground, Jm33 .. to serve food ii. to put (a male animal to a female) 2. to perform (a ceremony), can .. to

make an incense-offering 3. to release, to let go, to free, 3aM TaBL}K erex to give way, MOpL .. to start the horses in a race, CYY~aJI TaBL}K erex to give up one's seat, T)TaJI .. to untether calves and let them go to their dams 4. to leave (a male animal) uncastrated 5. to blow (wind, storm), § myypra TaBHHa a blizzard got up 6. to grow (a beard, etc.), r333r TaB .. to grow a pigtail 7. to run up (debts), ep WHp .. to run up debts 8. to play, urarap .. to play chess 9. to fire (a gun), oyy .. to fire a gun 10. aMI» .. (see aML) 11. (TaBL}K onrox] to issue 12. to assign, to detail, to appoint 13. to come (sex)

TABJIAr at ease, comfortable, agreeable TABJIAHrYH gloating (adj.) TABJIAX I. to gloat, § 'IH HaMaHr TaBJIa}K oaiiHa yy are you gloating over me?

TABJIAX 11.1. to put a head on, to burr over, § x~aaCHLI xoep Y3yypHHr TaBJIaH TOM'OO}K33 the two points of the nails were burred over and secured 2. to rivet 3. to form a scab

TABJIAX III. to take one's ease, to be at ease, to enjoy oneslf, TaBJIaH cyyx to be at ease TABHAH imperial or rovolson-ir-low, son-in-law of a noble (hist.)

TABPAX 1. to kick out with the front legs (camel) 2. to gallop (camel)

TABCAf small chest, small box TABT five tugrig note TABTAfI (.. caaxan] quiet, undisturbed, comfortable, .. MOpHJIHO yy welcome!, .. TaHBaH in peace and quiet, § .. caHH Y3H3 we'll have a good look

TABTAfI.HA quietly, peacefully TABTHPfYH (see TaBLTapryii) TABTHPT steady, proper, well-balanced TABYYJI five together, all five TABXAH 1.1. paw, foot (bear, camel, etc.) 2. sale of the foot, TaBxaHH WHBHyyp metatarsals, TaBxaHH HC bones of the foot TABXAH II. a disorder of the feet in camels TABXAHBtI a bag or sock of leather lined with a soh material such as felt or sheepskin and tied over the sore foot of a camel to protect it

TABxAfI)l;AX to grab by the foot (wrestling) TABXAP flat-topped TABXfAP (see TaBxap) TABXHfIT3JI smartly TABQ fihh (mus.) TABQAH 1. platform, ~OHXHLI .. (see ~OHX) 2. stage, OJIOH yJICLIH .. ~33P on the interna-

tiona I stage 3. deck 4. bridge (ship) 5. divingboard

TABL fifty TABLT 1. unit of fifty men (mil., hist.) 2. fifty-tugrig (etc.) note, TaBbTbIH MaHra fifty-mungu coin TABLTAP steadiness, - annax to get uneasy, to get jittery

TABLTAPrYH 1. unsteady, unreliable, undependable, moody 2. uneasy, jittery

TABLTAPrYHT3X 1. to be unsteady, to be unreliable 2. to be on edge, to be jittery

TABLTHPrm (see TaBbTapryli) TABLQ 1. stand, base 2. (- TaBHJIra) furnishings, furniture 3. placing

TAB BB XHHx to clatter, to bang TAr I. cover, lid, cap, ~yryHHbI - T9Map hub-cap TAr II. flat summit of a mountain TAr 111.1. quite, completely, - JmTYH (qHM33ry1i) quite silent, - sorcox (- cyyx) to come to a halt, to be stuck, - MapTax to forget all about, - YHTax to be fast asleep, - xapaaxya pitch dark 2. silent, without a sound, - OOJIOX to be quite silent; to vanish from sight, - qHr silent, - qHr enrepex to be passed over in silence, - qHr cyyx to sit idly by TArAJIIJ;Ar pastern (anat.), Taran~arHHH HC pastern bone

TAr,n;AHX to be short, to be stumpy TAr,n;rAP short, squat TAr)KrAP (see Tar~rap) TAr)KHHx to be short, to be squat TAr)KPAJI stuffiness, congestion TAr)KPAX to be blocked up, to be plugged up, to be stopped up, xaxap - to have a stuffed-up nose

TAr3 hovel TArHHH alpine, ~3~ - sub-alpine, - oyc.rryyp alpine zone

TArHJI slotted anvil for making a head on a nail or for slotting metal

TArJIAA 1. cork, stopper, lid 2. gag TArJIAAC (see TarJIaa) TArJIAATAH stopped up TArJIABq cover TArJIAPAX to be blocked, to get blocked TArJIAX 1. to close, to cover, to put a cover on, to cover up, § xoep rapaapaa HYYP33 - to cover



- hard palate, ~OOPXOH - c1eh palate, TarnaHH sypar palatogram, TamaHH HC palatine bone 2. notch, slot

TArHAllrrAX to make a notch (for joining wood) TArHAH~ (see raraaanax]

TArHAHpAX to develop a thickened palate and be unable to eat (horse)

TArHAHmHX to be palatalized (ling.) TArHAHmcAH palatalized (ling.) TArHAX 1. [raraaa TypWHX) to spy, to spy on 2. to reconnoitre

TArHYYJI 1. (- TypmyyJI) spy 2. espionage, aac yH~B3PHHH - industrial espionage, caper mmyyJIbIH anoa counter-espionage agency, mmyyJIbIH TaB rasap (TTr) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 3. [rarnyymaa C3pmHJI3x) reconnaissance, - XHHx (- HByyJIax) to spy; espionage; to reconnoitre

TArHYYJIq scout (mil.), spy, secret agent TArHYYJIqHH (see TamyyJI1l) TArHbIH TYBA Tannu Tuva TArT 1.1. balcony, verandah, gallery 2. attic TArT II. plateau, flat-topped mountain TAITAA Dove, Pigeon, X~HbI - Blue Hill Pigeon, Columba rupestris, Xoxaep - Rock Dove, C. livia, 3HX TaHBHbI - dove of peace TArXHHx to thud TArllI I. Oxytropis myriophylla (bot.) (see OPTYY3) TArllI II. a shallow cup (usually of wood) TArllIAA stop on a journey (hist.) TArllIHH (see ~arWHH) TArmHX to yelp, to scream (eagle) TArllIJIAX to pour into a rarur II. TAJK (- Mamar) a type of brocade TAJKrAP short, meagre TAJKHr Persia (hist.) (Tib. ta-zig) TAJKHrHAX (see rasaraax] TAH (TaHHbI rap, 03JITr3JI -) tent at a relay-station (hist.) TAHBAH 1.1. peace, quiet, calm 2. peaceful,

one's face with both hands 2. to stop up, to block up, to cork

quiet, calm, at rest, - oaH~an peace; state of rest, dormancy 3. safe (from disease, etc.), § xannsapr OBqHOap - oyc aac axyH units not safe from infectious diseases (Chin.)

TArHAPI informer TArHAH 1. palate, 3aaJIaH - soh palate, xaTYY

TAHBAH II. Taiping (hist.), TaHBaHryy~ Taipings (Chin.)


T3H~3JI balance of payments, - Y33cr3JI3H retrospective exhibition, - xyra~aalQ in the period under review


TAHBYY I. peaceful, calm, placid TAHBYY II. ridgepole TAHBlliPAJI 1. calmness 2. complacency TAHBlliPAX 1. to calm down, to become peaceful 2. to relax, to feel reassured, to set one's mind at rest 3. to be complacent, to sit back, aM}KHJIT~ - to rest on one's laurels, TaHBwpaH nasraapax to slack, to sit back

TAHBlliPYYJIAX to calm, to soothe, to sedate, to calm down, to reassure oneself, tranquillizer, sedative

C3Tr3JI33 - 3M

TAHrA I. (- XOBq) high forest, forested mountain range

TAHrA II. (- HOXOH) a type of hunting dog TAHrAM banner border-guard (hist.) TAHrAH eunuch, -


to castrate

TAH}K taiji, tail' (a title of nobility held by the descendents a Genghis Khan and his brothers in the Borjigin line), aara - minor nobility, not in the Borjigin line (hist.), ~01TOOP 33prHHH taiji of the fourth rank, TOpOJI - taiji directly desc.ended from Genghis Khan, TYCJIarq - (see TYCJIarq), npryyH 33p3r - taiji of the first rank, xapsar - taiji descended from Genghis Khan's brother Bilegtei, XOXb - taiji without serfs (xaM1KJlara)

TAH}KHHH}IillHC Globe Thistle, Echinops

(also ~YYJI) TAH3 stage (theatre),

TaH3HbI a}KHJI1IHH stagehand, - 3aCaJI (- qHM3rJI3JI) scenery, stagedecoration, TaH3HbI 3aCaJI1I stage-hand, TaH3HbI uaaaa backstage (Chin.)

TAH3qHH stage-hand TAHnAf male camel in the fourth, firth and sixth years

TAHJIAr,IJ;AX 1. to be undone, to be freed 2. to be solved, to be explained 3. to get to know, to get up in, to become familiar with, WHH3 YC3rT - to become familiar with the new script

TAHnAfHAX to report on, to account for, to review

TAHnAJI solution, resolution TAHnAJIT (see TaHJIaJI) TAHnAH report, account, accounting, review, balance, - OYPTr3JI record-keeping, HJITr3JI (- M3~33) report and accounts, COHryyJIHHH xypan meeting for report and election, - TOrJIOJIT retrospective performance, TOO~OO accounting, - T3~3rJI3JI notes, record, - T3H~3JI balance, ranaan xy~~aaHbI T3H~3JI balance of foreign trade, TOJIOOpHHH OaJIaHC

TAHnAX 1. to take off (shoes, clothes, etc.) 2. to loosen, to open, xaanra - to open a gate, HY~ TaiiJIaaryH (see HY~ 1.) 3. to release, to let go (arrow, etc.) 4. to free, to exempt 5. to solve, to decipher, TaHJIaH )'HIllHX to decipher 6. (TaHJI}I{ apnnrax] to clear up (sickness, disorder), to reduce, rawyy - to hold a wake

TAHnliAP explanation, commentary TAHnliAPJIArtI 1. guide 2. commentator TAHnliAPnAJI 1. explanation 2. periphrasis TAHnliAPJIAJIT explanation TAHnliAPJIAX to explain TAHrrrA (- TaXHJIra) offering, sacrifice, worship, Born YYJIbIH - worship of the Bogd Uul (mountain near Urga)

TAHnrAq priest (non-Buddhist) TAHnyy water-butt TAHp Gypsophila (bot.), Baruaa - G. panicu-



G. desertorum

TAHpAJIT 1. clipping, pruning 2. amputation TAHPAHXAH 1. clipped off, cut off, amputated 2. stump

TAHpAX 1. to cut off, to trim, rOJI TDMpHHr TaHpq a sawn-off gun, MOqpHHr - to prune 2. to amputate


TAHp,Il;AC 1. offcuts, clippings, yCHHH -

hair clippings 2. cutting



TAHPMAJI cropped, clipped, cut short, sawn-off (gun)

TAHpXAH stump TAiITrAPAJI consolation, comfort TAHTrAPAX to calm down, to be pacified, to be comforted, to be relieved

TAiITrAPYYnAX to calm down, to pacify, to quieten down


(TaH}I{ raxax] to worship, to offer a sacrifice to, Born YYJIbIr - to worship the Bogd Uul (mountain near Urga)

TAHXYY empress dowager (Chin.) TAHqHX to untie, to take off, to strip off, to get undressed

TAHlliH taishi (title of the ruler of the West Mongols)


TAKCH taxi TAKCOOH public pay-phone, oYX33r



TAKT 1. stroke (auto.),

power stroke, exhaust stroke, copox - induction

a}KHJIJIax -

expansion stroke, raprax ~OPBOH TaK'ITaH four-stroke,


stroke, T3JI3X - expansion stroke, T3CP3X - combustion stroke, xoep TaKTraH two-stroke, waxax - compression stroke 2. bar (mus.) 3. time (mus.), ep,QHHH - simple time, HHH.1IM3JI - compound time (Russ.)

TAKTHKHHH tactical, - ~aMHHH



cal nuclear weapons plain, steppe, - rasap (- ayrar] plain, flat country

TAJI I. (-


TAJI 11.1. side,

in some respects, MaHaH - our side, neree TaJIaaC on the other hand, H3r TaJIaaC on the one hand, OJIOH TaJIT (OJIOH TaJITaH, - OYPHHH, OJIOH TaJIbIH) manysided, multilateral, comprehensive, xoep TaJIbIH bilateral, uaraaa - white (chess), - oapHMTaJIarq adherent, sympathizer, TaJIblr oapHx (- OapHMTJIax) to take [sorneone's] side, rannaa opyynax [rannaa TaTax) to win over to one's side, - - THHW33 (- oyp THHW) in all directions, § X3p3r caHH ranaapaa 3pr31K oaHHa things have taken a good turn, things are on the up and up 2. feature, characteristic, side, tendency, § apxarurax 1.f - OHH it may turn out to become chronic, THHM - OHH oaHX that can happen 3apHM TaJIaap

TAJI III. (- xarac] half, -


(see 0~331.f),


half-round, semicircular, - caaraa hemiplegic, - XYBb half (n.)


TAJI IV. friend, friendship, favour, - sacax to make up to, to ingratiate oneself with, - erex to thank, TOXOH TaTax

friend, to pull strings TaHHJI

acquaintance, -

TAJIAAP I. (- ~3MHH) useless, wasted, in vain, to no purpose, - earopox to come to nothing,



TAJIIiAH 1. square (in a town) 2. area, -

xyqHHH -

(see COpOH30H)

TAJIIiAP (see TaJIOaH) TAJIIiHYH 1. broad, wide 2. calm, serene TAJIIiHX (see TaBHx) TAJIHBYYH (see TaJIOHYH) TAJIHHrAAq the late, the departed, -


TAJIAAP II. in respect of, towards, on the subject of, in the field of, § JIaM aapsnr - HByyJICaH oo~oro the policy towards the lamas

TAJIAAPXH concerning, on the subject of, relating to

TAJIHHX 1. to go off, to disappear, to vanish, to flyaway 2. to pass away, to die

TAJIHMAA doe-eyed TAJIHMAAPAX to give a fond glance, to look tenderly

TAJIHMAATAH gentle, soft, tender, serene, (look)



TAJIJIAX to halve, to divide, hurt down one side,

aB~ax to xynaax to bisect



TAJIOH coupon (Russ.) TAJIC crystal,

~3JIr3~ liquid


crystal display

TAJIC}I{HJIT (see TaJICT1KHJIT) TAJIC}I{HX (see TaJICT1KHX) TAJIC}I{CAH crystalline TAJIC}I{YYJIAX to cause to crystallize, to crysTAJICT 1. crystal 2. crystalline, crystal-shaped, polycrystalline, ~YJI - monocrystalline, - OYT3~T3H of crystalline structure


TAJICT}I{HllT crystallization TAJICT}l{HX to crystallize (intrans.)

TAJIAPXAr I. flat, level

TAJICTllAr crystalline

TAJIAPXAr II. friendly

TAllTAH 1.1. with a side, with a feature,

TAJIAPXArq sympathizer TaJIapXJIaa

to express one's gratitude pathy, solidarity




TAJIAPXAX 1. to thank, to express one's gratitude, to be grateful 2. to have sympathy with, to appreciate, to be well disposed towards, TaJIapXaH ~3M1KHrq to support, TaJIapXaH ~3M}l{HX to support, TaJIapXaH yrrax to welcome

TAJIAPXYY flat, level TAITAX to rob, to plunder


pass away


to be in vain, to go to waste, to be a flop

TAJIAPXAJI 1. thanks, gratitude,


building site, WaTHbI - landing, TaJIOaHH X3MJK33 area 3. field, oaH;maaHbI (TYJI~aaHbI -) held of battle, COpOH30H HJIrbIH

advantageous liable to


caHH -

possibly, it may happen that,

TAllTAH 11.1. favoured,

HJIyy -

most favoured,

- OOJI TaJIbIH 1.fHH33, TaJIryH OOJI aJlTbIH 1.fHH33

a friend in need is a friend indeed

2. favourable

TAllT M9llT superhciol. casual TAJI TYll poorly, aMer a fashion

TAJIX 1.1. bread, -

OapHJIT baking, - oapHx to bake bread, - oapHx rasap (TaJIXHbI rasap] ba kery, TaJIXHbI MOHra OJIOX (TaJIXHbI MOHra xanraax] to bring in a bit, to keep the wolf from the door 2. loaf, saracaa - bloomer



out, to get exhausted TAMHPwYJIAX to weaken, to undermine

TAJIX II. powder, TaJlXaH 3M a powder (med.)

TAMHP}l{HX to get stronger, to put on strength

T~ to crush, to pulverize

TAMHPJIAf powerful

TAJIXH 1. hinged press used for dressing a skin 2. wooden pole used to crush the legs of a kneeling man (hist.) 3. torture, suffering, abuse TAJIXHfAAJI yoke, oppression

TAMHP aBC (see 3ypX3H :Q3:Q3r) TAMHPqHH athlete TAMJIAfA shamanist utterance

T~ (see TaJlXHr,QaJI)

TAMJIATtI torturer

TA.TIXH,I\AJIT dressing (skin)

TAMJIAll torture

incantation, shamanist



TAJIXHX 1. to dress, to work up (a skin) 2. to

TAMJIAX I. to torture, to ill-treat, to mishandle

oppress, to abuse, to maltreat, to overwork TAJIXJIAX to pulverize, to reduce to powder, to crush, TaJIXJIaX rmnrsx to tread to powder TAJIXtIHH baker

TAJIQAX [xoep -) to form two sides, to make up two sides

TAJILIHXAH champions, adherents TAM

1.i. hell, apsaa HaHMaH - the eighteen hells

(Buddh.), TaMbm aMhTaH TaM,Qaa lKapraJITaH to be contented with one's lot, TaMbIH OpOH the kingdom of hell ii, trial, cross, pain, TaMaa:QaHx [raxaa 3AJI3X) to have trouble, to be hard put to it 2. pit TAMAX to outflank TAMrA 1. (- n~3r) seal, stamp, mark, 6H'JYYM1K.1I3X to close the seal (for vacation at New Year) (hist.), - napax to impress a seal, H33X to open the seal (after New Year), TaMraryii xyrarr (see xyrarr]. TaMraTaH xyrarr (see xYTaIT) 2. (TaMrhm rasap] banner office (hist.), ep9HXHHJI9NHHH TaMrhIH rasap offi ce of the President, 3.i. (- nM,Q3r) brand (on livestock), YC3H - a light brand mark affecting only the hair of the beast, - HM brands and marks ii. branding-iron, - COHX to cool a hot branding-iron in milk 4. ace (cards) 5. an indication of the size or capacity of a vessel, § ,QOJIOOH TaMrhIH roroo: HHM rorOOH,Q 30-40 JIHTPHHH 6aITaaM1K a seven-tamga vessel: such a vessel had a capacity of 30-40 litres, eC9H TaMraT roroo nine-tamga vessel TAMrA3YH sphragistics, study of seals TAMrAJIAA branding

TAMJIAX II. to utter a (shamanist) incantation TAMIlPAM Henbane (see JIaHTaH3) TAMIlYY sack TAMIlYYJIAX to put in a sack TAMTAf rags and ~aJK

tatters, wreck,


raprar-raa rynax (see TapTarTaa TyJIax)

TAMTAITYH 1. worn out, threadbare 2. shabby, disreputable 3. dirty, rotten, nasty TAMTAfJIAX to tear up, to shred TAMTJIAX (see TaMTarJIax) TAM TYM 1. superficial, slapdash 2. superficially, after a fashion (Tib. tham-thom) TAMXH 1. tobacco, snuff, HaB'IHH - leaf tobacco; cigar, xasspsm - snuff, xap - opium, xap TaMXHHhI ,QaHH Opium War, xap TaMXH'IHH opium addict, uaraaa - a type of snuff, TaMXHHhI HaBl{ uooxoprox 9Bl{HH tobacco mosaic disease, - TaTaN smoker, - TaTaX to smoke, TaMXHHhI YTaaryii 6yc no smoking a rea, smoke-free zone, TaMXHHhI xasrara (TaMXHHhI XYY,QHH) tobacco-pouch 2. (- TapHa) cigarette, - opoox to roll a cigarette TAMXHJIAX 1. to exchange snuff-bottles in greeting 2. to offer (someone) a cigarette 3. to have a smoke TAMXHqHH smoker TAMillAAJIAX 1. to be superior, to be disdainful2. to relish, YPYYJI - to smack one's lips TAMillAAJIfAX to flex (a bow) a little TAMillAAX to champ, to click the tongue, aM to smack the lips

I. (suffiX of respect used after names and

TAMrAJIAX 1. to stamp, to seal (a document) 2. to brand (livestock)


TAMfATAfil. sealed 2. with a seal, holding a seal

TAR II. thick decoction of herbs used as medicine

TAMHP (- nHX3JI, - nHx33) strength, vigour

TARA mother-of-pearl

TAMHPMHrYH exhausted

TAHAA projecting part of the side of the nose

TAMHPAAX to lose one's strength, to get worn

TAHAAP through you (instrumental of ra]

titles) TAH III. bank, shelf (geog.)


I. dart (sewing)



TAHAAC II. from you, than you (ablative ofTa) TAHAI' 1. fitness, strength, vigour, - TaMTarryH (see TaHarryH) 2. usefulness, TaHaraa 6apax to become useless TAHArfYH

1. worn out 2. no good, useless

TAHAITAH not so bad, pretty good, all right, in good shape TAHAH your (genitive of Ta)

agency, - 3aXHAaJI letter of introduction TAHHJIQYYJIfA 1. handbook, guide, guidebook 2. briefing, familiarization, putting in the picture TAHHMfAH familiar TAHHMfAHpAX (see TaHHMXaHpax)

TAHAHX yours, your people, you

TAHHMfAHpXAX to be familiar, to be hail fellow well met

TAHAHXAH (see TaHaiix)

TAHHMfAHpxyy familiar

TAHAJIT trimming, cutting back, pruning TAHAMAJI cut off, truncate (leaf)

TAHHMXAHPAX to be familiar with, to be acquainted with, to recognize

TAHAP talc

TAHHP noise, sound

TAHAX to shorten,to cut down, to trim TAHfA tangka, Buddhist religious painting than-ka)


TAHfA,IJ; Tangut, north Tibet, - TaBaH X3JIT3H all sorts of

TAHHYJIAX (TaHHYJIaH M3,I:{yyJI3X) to inform, to make clear, to bring home TAHHYJIfA explanation, elucidation

TAHfAPAf oath, YH3H'I oaiix - oath of loyalty, TaHrapmHH rspse the Oath Treaty (the agreement between the King of Mongolia and the People's Government in 1921), - eprox (TaBHX) to take an oath, - Tacpax to get across each other, TaHrapmHH wyyr'IIm jury

TAHHX (TaHHH M3,Il3X) to know, to recognize, TaHHXIYii oypXHaac TaHb,Ilar 'IO'ITOP ,Il33P better the devil you know than the one you don't, TaHHH M3,Il3r,Il33ryii HHC,Il3r 3yitJI unidentified flying object, UFO, TaHHH M3,Il3xyii knowledge, cognition, TaHHH M3,Il3XyHH OHOJI theory of cognition, TaHb1K TO,IlOpXOHJIOX to identify, to recognize

TAHfAPAfJIAX to take an oath, to swear

TAHHXrYHPX3X to pretend not to know

TAHfAPAX (xaHp'l -) to kick out with both back hooves TAHfAq (XaJIHMar -) Kalmucks TAH,IJ; to you (dative-locative of Ta) TAH,IJ;AJIT reconnoitring, probing TAH,IJ;AX to spy out, to reconnoitre, to probe, ancaac - (3aHHaac -) remote sensing TAH)l;YY mattock TAH3YYP a bun of dough fried in fat and rolled in sugar TAHHfAAXYHQ recognizable TAHHfAAX to be known, to be recognized, to be familiar TAHHrAAlllrYH unrecognizable TAHRJI 1. an acquaintance, xyyqHH - an old acquaintance, - TaJI (- HOXO,Il) acquaintances, pals, cronies, - TaJI xapax to show partiality, to have favourites, to run an old-boy network; cronyism, - TaJIbm HB,IlaJI cronyism 2. (- nacan] familiar, - 3YCT3H familiar looking

TAHHQ indication, showing TAHK tank (mil.), - 3C3P~3X anti-tank, 3C3P~3X rap rpanar anti-tank grenade, 3C3P~3X rap rpaaaroxer anti-tank grenade launcher, anti-tank mortar, - 3C3P~3X HX oyy anti-tank gun, - 3C3P~3X 3aJIyypT THHP3JIT3T CYM anti-tank guided missile TAHK~ armoured troops

TAHCAr (- caaxaa] fine, lovely, delicious, aMb,Ilpan lif~ of luxury, - YH3PT aromatic, YH3PT3H scent, perfume, - XOOJI delicacy, 'IaMHH luxury (adj.), - 'IHH33JI3r luxurious, luxury


TAHCAH JIAM Xuanzang, Tangseng (the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim to India, 629 A.D.) TAHCArJIAX to pamper TAHCAP (- XHJI3H) corduroy TAHTAH with you (comitative ofTa) TAHTAH spittoon, rubbish-bin TAH TAHXHHX to twang TAHTAP TYHTAP staggering

TAHHJIQAX to get to know, to become acquainted with, § ~3pmHH aMb,IlpaJITaH - to get acquainted with army life

TAHYYC you people, you

TAHHJIQYYJIAX to introduce, to make known, to make acquainted with, - aJIoa introduction

TAHXAH 1. rowdy, lawless, unruly, - oanM~ rowdy, hooliganish, - oaJIM~aap asapnax to

TAHlTAP plump, stout



be rowdy, to act like a hooligan, - OaJIMa~ 3Tr33,Q hooligan, lout, TaHxaHH r3MT X3p3r crime of hooliganism, hooliganism, - TapXH lout, rough, idler 2. idle, layabout TAHXAHPArtI hooligan TAHXAHPATI hooliganism TAHXAHpAX to brawl, to be rowdy, to act like a hooligan, 1KIUK.r33P - HB,QaJI minor hooliganism, - r3MT xspsr crime of hooliganism, hooliganism, TaHXaHpcaH 3Tr33,Q hooligan, HB,QaJI hooliganism TAHXAHqyy.n; hooligans TAHXH spoiled, pampered, delicate, - OXHH a spoiled girl TAHXHfIT3JI with a bang TAHXHJI

(see TaHxH)

TAHXHJIqyy.n; spoiled darlings TAHXHM 1. hall, auditorium, XHQ33JIHHH class-room, wyyx XYPJIbIH - court, court-room 2. cabinet (polit.), Cyy,Q3p - (see CYY,Q3p) 3. house (of parliament) 4. cabin [circrch) TAHillHH lama's lower robe TAHillHX to click the tongue, to champ

(following a noun) (see TaHH~) TAHhI (see TaHaii) TAHhIf you (objective of Ta) TAP 1.1. (- TaMHp) true quality, real nature, TapbIr

TAPAnT dispersal TAPAM)J;AX 1. to be dispersed, to be scattered 2. to waste, to squander TAPAM)l;YY scattered, dispersed, diffuse TAPAM)J;YYJIAX 1. to disperse, to scatter waste, to squander TAPAMI(Af massif massif


3JIC3H -

1.> to disperse, to scatter,. to break up (intrans.), aaoraac - to knock off 2. to end, to finish, to come to an end, to be dissolved, §


xypan TapCHbI napaa aher the meeting broke up

Marmota bobak, AJITaHHMOHrOJI - M.b. sioitico, OOJIOX to be parched, to be dying for something to drink, rapaaraa MOpbpony, TapBaraH TaXaJI plague, oyJIqHpxaiiH TapBaraH TaxaJI bubonic plague, YYWHrHbI TapBaraH TaxaJI pneumonic plague, Y}KHJI X3JI03PHHH TapBaraH TaxaJIsepticaemic plague, TapBaraH xyu cretin, worJIOX to go marmot-hunting

TAPBArA Marmot,

M.b. baibacina,

TAPBAfAHillHHP Thermopsis (bot.), Xoaropuor], IOJm3H - T. lanceolata

TAPBAfAtIHH marmot-hunter TAPBAfAqJJAX to go marmot-hunting


cynac] artery

TAPAArYYPAHQAP arteriole TAPAATIT distribution TAPAAX 1. [rapaaa onrox. TapaaH Tyr33X) to distribute, to hand out, to circulate, TapaaH oaHpnyynax to distribute (a load), TapaaH rapnyynax to hand out, TapaaHxannsapnyynax to transmit (a disease) 2. to disperse, to scatter, to spread 3. to dismiss, napJIaMeHTHHr - to dissolve parliament


TAPBAfA~ "Fox and Marmots" (children's game)


TAP II. training a horse for racing by galloping it a short distance each day (see rapnax]


TAPAHXAH scattered

TAHh your

Hb TaHHX to judge of something, § OH QHHHH TapbIr raascaa I've seen you in your true light 2. energy, vigour, vim

2. to

TAPBA>KH (- oypr3,Q) Tawny Eagle,


topcx TAPBAJI3AX 1. to toss and turn, to thrash about, to shake all over 2. to thrive, to batten § apn TYMHHH xepeareep TapBaJI3aH acaprax to batten on the property of the masses TAPBAC Water-melon

(see illHHrya)

TAPfA 1. (- nB33p, - nB33p3r, - xyq) fatness, good condition, - aBaJIT putting on flesh, aaax (- T3B33p3r aaax, - xyq aaax] to put on flesh, § MaMaa - xyq aaaxyynax to fatten up one's cattle 2. successive stages in theJear's development of livestock (these are calle : liver conditioning (3JIr3H -); flesh conditioning (MaxaH -); fat conditioning (e8x8H -); skin conditioning, apscaa -) TAPfAJIAJIT obesity TAPfAJIAX to get fat, to put on weight, X3T HB~aJI obesity

TAPAr tarag (a drink made by fermenting the milk of sheep, goat or cow), 3JIr3H - freshly soured tarag, - OYP3X to prepare tarag, TaprHHH TaBaH yH33 TawyypbIH TaBaH MOPbTOH comfortablyoff

TAPfAXAH fat, well fattened

TAPAHX to lie spread-eagled, to sprawl

TAPfHJI swih stream flOWing over stones

TAPfAJIYYJIAX to fatten up TAPfAH (- TaBJIar, - TaBTaii) fat, in good condition, - Max fat meat


TAP3 a dried, hairless sheepskin TAPHA 1. grain, crops, - oy~aa grain, - norco crops, - noroo xypaax to bring in the harvest 2. injection, immunization, - XHHX to give an injection, to immunize, cyncaan - XHHx intravenous injection TAPHAJIAJIT sowing, spring sowing




TAPHAJIAH 1. fields, crops, agriculture, ~aHH­ tea plantation 2. sowing TAPHAJIAHlI farmer TAPHAJIAX to sow, to plant, TapHaJICaH TaJIOaH crop la nd, cuItivated land TAPHAHbI cultivated, - raaap farm, farmland TAPHAqHH farmer, peasant, a}KHJ11IHH TapHa'lHbI aHXHbI yJIC the first workers' and peasants' state




(see TaPMYYP)

TAPMYYP rake TAPHA Polygonum (bot.), rOOMcor - P. nitens, HapHHHHaB'IHT - P. angustifolium, YcaH Water-pepper, P. hydropiper, YX3p - P. divaricatum, qo~oP - P. convolvulus, lliYBYYH Knotgrass, P. aviculare, Tapnsra osor Dock Family, Polygonaceae TAPHH dharani, spell, incantation, - MaaHH spells, - ypax to recite a dharani, to murmur a dharani, TapHHHH yxaaa [see araaa HOM) (Skr.) TAPHH,II;AX to utter an incantation over, § TYYHHH TOJIrO~ TapH~a}K ercoan having uttered an incantation over her head TAP HlIP XHHx to crash, to clash, to clatter

TAPHlI vaccine TAPHJITA 1. sowing 2. injection, vaccination, ~aBTaH - booster dose, ypb~'IHJIaH C3pmHJI3X - prophylactic injection

TAPTAr extremity, exhaustion, TapTafTaa TYJIax to be on one's last legs, to go to the dogs (Tib. mthar-thug) TAPTAfI hale and hearty

TAPHJIT sowi ng TAPHMAJI 1. planted, sown, cultivated, -~3~3r cultivated flowers 2. crop

TAP TAP XHHx to clatter

TAPHMAJDKYYJIAX to cultivate (a wild plant)

TAPYY scattered, dispersed, HHMr3H - thinly spread


(see TapHMaJDKYYJIax)

TAP TYP XHHx to have a set to, to have a row

TAPHYP syringe, H3r ynaa X3p3rJI3X - disposable syringe

TAPXAH scattered, dispersed, - OyTapXaH scattered, splintered, disunited, fragmented

TAPH tariff, TapH4J xynannaaasr rryxaH epaHXHH X3JI3~33P General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GAD)

TAPXAll3YH epidemiology

TAPHX 1. to sow, to plant, yp - to sow seed, T3M~JIHHH ypHHr - to sow the seeds of dissension, ~3~3r - to plant flowers 2. to cause (trouble), to make (a nuisance), TYM3H ypurar - to cause endless trouble, X3p3r - to cause trouble 3. to inject, apscaa nooryyp - to give a subcutaneous injection, cyncaap - to give an intravenous injection TAPllAA short gallop, sprint TAPllAH motley, speckled, flecked, patchy, xap - black and white (cattle), - uacraa with patches of snow TAPllAHTAll patchiness, flecking TAPllAHTAX to get patchy, to get speckled TAPJIAX to train a horse which is tied up in preparation for running by galloping it a short distance each day (also YC3pr3x) TAPMAr scattered, sparse, patchy, - ypraxanraa nyrar land with patchy vegetation TAPMAN rake TAPMAX to rake up, to rake together, OBC - to rake hay

TAPXAnT distribution, spread TAPXAX [rapxan TYf3X) to be scattered, to be dispersed, to be distributed, to be disseminated TAPXAIJ; distribution, epren Tapxa~TaH widely distributed TAPXH 1.1. brain, oara - cerebellum, ~ mid-brain, HX - cerebrum, HX TapXHHbI oaraHa brain stem, HXTapXHHbI ,oop nasxapra cerebral cortex, grey matter, HX TapXHHbI YP3BC3JI encephalitis, 9H'IHH - pituitary gland, ypraarap - medulla oblongata, yypar - brain, cerebrum; brains (fig.), TapXH~aa oynyy xypaax to bring trouble on oneself, TapXHHbI ryyp pons, TapXHHbI naranr oyJI'IHpXaH [rapxansr H3M3r~3JI oyJI'IHpxail, TapXHHbI H3M3P oYJ11lHpxail) (see oYJI'IHpxail), TapXHHbI ~OpmJIT concussion, TapxHa raWHJIraX to rack one's brains, noprnx (- XO~JIox) to be concussed, to have concussion; concussion, TapXHH nyanyyp Hb TaTax to hit (someone) on the head, TapXHHbI 300JI9H oYPxYYJI pia mater, TapXHHbI H3PB3r~3JI brain damage, TapXHHbI C3Bcr3p oypxyyJI arachnoid, TapXHap TaTYYJIaX to get hit on the head, - TOJIroil head, brain, roJIroilryil (- TYPYYryH) unrestrained, furiOUS,



- roJIroHryii saraax to browbeat, to tear a strip off, - YC~aJIT hydrocephalus, TapXHHbI XaJIbCaH ~op subdural, TapXHHbI xaTYY oypxVYJI (TapXHHbI xaTYY xansc] dura mater, repxaa WHpr33X to rack one's brains, - 3pr3X to be confused, to be dizzy 2. back (of a tool) 3. MO~ clamp on the "spokes" of the wheel of a wooden cart, - CYM MO~ one of two "spokes" on the wheel of a wooden cart

TAPXH II. bastard, wretch, sanapcaa Hb OpXHCOH -,


epbIH -)

xap - [sasa you bastard!

TAPXHfYfrr3X 1. to be mischievous 2. to be thoughtless, to be brainless TAP~

to curse, to swear at

TAPXHHx to crash, to bang,


ynax to fall with a crash

TAPXHJIAX to dominate TAPXHTAC encephalitis TAPXMAJI distributed, scattered, spread, diffused TAPXYY scattered, spaced out, sparse TAPQ distribution TAPq female marmot of three years and over TAPqHf scarce, meagre, - YJIHPaJI hungry season, - xaspsra HOOpCOH ropOM WHr like a ragged yearling camel in a lean spring, in a pitiable condition, - uar lean time, time of scarcity

TAPqHfHAX to rattle, to clatter TAPqHfXAH (see TapllHr), - aMb~Pax to live in want

TAPqHJIfAA torture, agony TAPqHJIfAX to torture, to torment, XopOOX


to torture to death

TAPtIJIAAX to torture, to torment TAPtIJIA.JI torment TAPqJIAX to suffer, to languish, to be in pain, to be tormented

TAPbQ sapling, young tree for planting out TAC 1.1. (- wysyy) Black Vulture, Aegypius monachus 2. Condor, Aspara - Giant Condor TAC 11.1. bang!, crash!, - HHC with a crack, crackling, spitting, - HHC XHHC3H T3cmM bitterly cold, - HHC XHHJIr3X (- XHHJIr3x) to crack (a whip), - HHC XHHx (- XHHX) to crackle, to bang, to spit, - - HH33X to laugh out loud, - 'lYC frank, candid 2. completely, .fully, tightly, hard, apart, WY~33 - syyx to clench the teeth tightly, - aHHX to close (the eyes) tightly, - arrax to grip tightly, - anranax to slap hard, - M3P3X to gnaw through, to gnaw off, - TaBHX


to chop down, to cut down; to drop on (someone), - TaTax to tear up, to tear to pieces, yCp3X to spring apart, - xasax to bite off, - xap pitch-black, - xapaaxya pitch-dark, - X9~9X to freeze up, - ~aBlIHX to chop down, to chop off, to chop throug h

TACAf 1. section 2. ward 3. section (mil.) (a section of motorized infantry, consisting of a commander and eight men in a personnel carrier) (see canaa], MOroOyy~arLIH - motorized infantry section, TacmHH aaxaparx section commander 4. section (a production unit within a state farm)

TACAJIIiAP I. conclusion, finish TACAJIIiAP 11.1. ticket, KHHOHbI - cinema ticket, - oopJIyyJIarq ticket-seller, - ~3BT3P note-pad, tear-off pad, - TYr33ryyp booking-office, ticket office, - uranrarx ticket inspector 2. coupon, voucher, 3pXHHH - permit, HraaH - "pink voucher" entitling the holder to participate in Mongolian privatization (1991 )

TACAJIIiAPqHH ticket-seller TACAJIfAA 1. room, compartment,


temperature, TaCaJIraaHbI yprasran house plant 2. septum 3. ward (hospital)

~JIaaH room



shortcoming, shortfall, failure to fulfil a plan 2. interruption, uaxanraansr - blackout


TAC~AH (see Tac~aHryH)

TACA..JI,IJ:AHfH (see Tac~aHryH) TACAJI,I{AHfYH interrupted,sporadic, detached, - KCl):(aHC

interrupted cadence


TACA..JI,IJ:AX 1. to run out, to run short 2. to be interrupted, TacaJma1K aJKHJIJIax to work or to run unevenly (machine), racamrcaa uryrasr broken line (traf.)

TACA..JI,IJ:YYJIArq contact-breaker (elec.) TACA..JI,IJ:YYJIAX 1. to fa iI to fuIfiI, T9JI9BJI9r99 - to fail to fulfil the plan 2. to allow to run out, to allow to run short, XYJKHp nropaoroop - to let (beasts) run short of salt 3. to interrupt, to thwart, to foil

TACAM braid, trimming TAC~ to edge with braid

TACAP apart, off, -


to pull apart, - xasax

to bite off

TACAPXAH 1. bit, piece, fragment 2.i. torn off, broken, - TYPVYJI3X to have a clear win, to be streets ahead, - wyraM broken line, § X3P3B X3JIX33 - OHW OOJI if the current is not off ii. detached, separated, ranaan epT9H~99C - cut off from the outside world

TACAPXAfrrAX to be separated, to be broken up, to be discontinuous, to be disconnected


1. inseparable 2. endless



TACAAX to break off, to cut off, to pull off TACllABq septum

TATAACJIAX to subsidize

TACJIAf,IJ;AX 1. to be broken off 2. to be convicted, to be sentenced, rypsaa ynaa - to have three convictions, ryqHH BOIJI33P - to get thirty years TACJIAJI comma,



1. breaking

off (n.)

TATAf,IJ;YYP relay (ele~.) TATArHAX to twitch TATAJIIiAP sketch


TACJIAX 1.i. to tear, to tear off, to break, to snap, to break up, to stop, to cut off, ,tlHDJIOMaT xapanuaa - to break off diplomatic relations, ypr yrHHr - to break up a long word (xyl.), yrHHr - to interrupt, ~3~3r - to pick a flower, TaCJIaH sorcoox to stop, to terminate, to put an end to, to put a stop to, TaCJIaH C3prHHJI3X to frustrate (a crime) ii. to mark off (a point on a line, etc.) 2. to miss, to skip, a)J{HJI - to skip work, XHQ33JI - to play truant, TaCaJICaH uar hours missed 3. to default on, to fail to fulfil, TeJIOBJIOrOOr - to fail to fulfil the plan, ynaar to default on transport duties (hist.) 4. (TaCJIaH 6apar,tlYYJIax) to settle, to decide, MapraaH - to settle a dispute, TaCJIaH WH~B3PJI3X roITOOJI judgment (iur.), TaCJIaH WH~B3PJI3X WHHTr3X rorroOJI judgment of guilt, TaCJIaH WHHTr3X to pronounce a verdict, § HaHMaH BOIJI33P TaCaJIX OpXHJIOO he got eight years TACPAJIT

TATABfAHAX (see rarsaraaax]

2. take-off (plane)

TATAJIfAX (TaTaJIraH 6HQHX) to write a running hand, to do shorthand, TaTanraH 6HQHr shorthand; cursive script, TaTaJIraH 6HQHrq shorthand writer TAT~spasm



TAT~ to have cramp, to have spasms, to twitch



TATAJI3AX (see rarannax] TATAJIT

1.i. pull, pulling, attraction ii. traction

(surg.) iii. drawing, draught (stove) 2. downbow (mus.) 3. spasm 4. moulding (arch.) 5. callup (mil.) 6. (see TaTa~) 7. ebb 8. stocking-up TATAJI~ attraction, - TYJIX3JI~3JI attraction

and repulsion TATAJIqAX to atttract each other (cf. TYJIX3JI~3X) TATAM

I. flood-plain,

TACPAJITrYH continuous, unceasing

TATAM II. belt (mech.)

TACPAX 1. to break off, to get detached, to come apart, to leave, TacpaH canax to break away, to diverge, § T3P 6yx Y3YYJI3JIT33P33 ~OHrOJIOOC MaaHb 6yp XOJI TaCapQHXCaH by all indicators they leave us Mongols standing 2. to die down, to break off, § QHM33 anap TaCapJIaa the noise died down 3. to run out of, rallxaw - to be at one's wits' ends, r3r33 - to get dark, Ha~Bap - to lose hope, to despair, XOOJIOOp - to run out of food 4.i. [racpaa sorcox] to break down, to be interrupted, r3p3JI - (~aXHJIraaH -) to fail, to go out (light), to have a power-cut, § OpTeO TacpaB the relay-services broke down (hist.) ii. to fail to be achieved 5. to take off (plane)

TATAHfA truss (arch.)

TACTAX to break off, to tear off

TACXHH~ bitterly, unbearably, terly cold TACXHHX (see




TACtIHX to break up, to smash up TATAAJI channel, ditch TATAAP Tatar (people) TATAAC

I. finely sliced hide, strap

TATAAC II. allowance, subvention, subsidy TATAAC III. line, stroke


TATAHXAH grabbing


1. contracted,

ayra (see nyra]




TATACXHHx to give a pull TATAX 1. to pull, to draw, to attract, raa - to bring trouble, XOJIOO - to rein in, caaxaa rarnar DHHWHH a stove that draws well, cyp TaTaH asax to win a target in team archery, TOBor - to bring trouble, to be a nuisance, yc - to draw water, xaanrsrr - to open the door, 3X3P - to sob, TaTax asax to withdraw, TaTaH 6yyJIrax to dismantle, to abolish, to disband, TaTaH 6yyx to be dismantled, to be abolished, to be disbanded, TaTaH rapranr evacuation, TaTax raprax to withdraw, to pull out, TaTaH ,tlyy,tlax to recall, to withdraw, TaTaH OPOJI~yy­ nax (TaTaH oPYYJIax) to involve in, to cause to participate in, nacaan XYP33ryH 3Tr33,tlHHr r3MT X3p3r YHM3X3,tl TaTaH OPOJI~YYJIax to involve a minor in the commission of a crime (iur.), TaTax xanraax to pull, to drag 2. to chop up, to mince, rypan - to grind flour 3. to weigh, xoep xr - to weigh two kg. 4. to levy (a tax) 5. to play (an instrument, etc.), as - to playa tune 6. to form (natural phenomena), YHHap to be misty. to be hazy 7. (~3P3IT -) to call up, to enlist 8. (TaMXH -) to smoke, raanc - to smoke

TATJIArA)l;AX to rope (a load)



TATllAHrYH scribbled a pipe


to twitch, to have a spasm,


yaax to have convulsions, TaTaJK ynaaar OBtfHH epilepsy 10. to stop, nyyraa rarax to shut up,

§ aaanaxaa asraaxaa TaTaa~ ans why don't

you just shut up?, 3H~ T3H~

X3P3rT3H X3P3rryH


it might be a good idea if you stopped shooting your mouth off all over the place 11. to instal, to lay, cysar - to dig a channel, TOXOM - to put a saddle-cloth on a horse 12. (TaTaJK 03JITr3X, TaTaJK HOO~JIOX) to get in, to lay in, to stock up with, HyypC - to lay in coal 10M OypJK asnraa TaTBaJI

oaHX wyy

TATAIJ; power (of a telescope, etc.), - caaxan ~aH powerful telescope


(MaxaH -)


aJIOaH -

3M, - 3XH3p)


junior wife

TATBAPJIArtJ tax-collector TATBAPITAX to tax, to levy a tax on TATBAPqJfH tax-collector TATrAJI3AX to refuse, to decline, to renounce, to withdraw from, to be against, ~3prHHH to refuse military service, xapay negative answer

aJIOaH yypr33c -

TATrAHAX to have cramp, to be in spasm TYJIX33

tie, hindrance, impedi-


TATllArA 1. strap, rope, line 2. [uspsr -) callup (mil.), naper TaTJIarbIH OAOP call-up day, 33J1JKHT - regular call-up 3. traction (surg.), apscnsr - skin-traction, HCHbI - bone-traction (XYYPbIH -) traditional melody performed on the horse-headed fiddle illustrative of a legendary theme


TATPAllT (see TaTPaJI) TATPAH tetanus TATPAX 1. to decline, to fall off, to subside, caasr - to dry up (milk), § XOJI rarapsas the traffic died down 2. to ebb

TATYY small, mean, narrow TATYYP metal headpiece of a woman's traditional head-dress

TAX 1. horseshoe 2.

tax, aJIOaH TaTBapbIH oO~JIoro taxation policy, fiscal policy, aJIOaH - TOJION (- TeJION) tax-payer, aJIOaH TaTBapbIH xyyns tax law, aurar OpJIOrbIH - (opJIOrbIH -) income tax, ryHJIr33HHH TaTBap turnover tax, naaxap - double taxation, H3M3r~3JI OpTrHHH - value-added tax, TeJIeBH3 aWHrJIaJITbIH - television license fee, xynannaaasr - sales tax, wyy~ - direct tax, nryyn OHW - indirect tax, TaTBapbIH aJIoa taxoffi ce, TaTBapbIH oaH~aaN tax inspector, TaTBapryH ~3JIryyp duty-free shop, - oaor~YYJIax to impose taxes, - TOJIOX to pay a tax, - xypaasos; dues

TATllAA pull, -

2. ebb

suspenders, O~HHH - braces channel, 2. rod, link 3. brace, tie 4. drawer branch, arm, MY}' YCHbI - XOOJIOH ( yc TaTYYPrbIH uryrass] sewerage, drain-pipes 6. pull-through 7. spermatic cord

TATBAJI3YYP twitching

TATBAP II. - xaran (-

TATPAJI 1. decline, falling off, subsidence


TATBArACXHHX to give a twitch

TATBAP I. tax, fee, dues,

(TaTJIaH OHtfux)

to scribble, to note down quickly

TATyyprA 1. cable, hawser, guy-rope, stay,

minced meat

TATBArAHAX to twitch TATBAJI3AX (see

TATllAX 1. to pull, to draw 2.


(ryTJIbIH -)


TAXAn 1. plague, yean - booze 2. epidemic, nap - pandemic, - X3JI03PHHH epidemic (adr) (see also TapBaraH Taxan) TAXAnCY,IJ;llAPI epidemiologist TAXAnCY,IJ;llAJI epidemiology TAXAP courier, messenger (hist.) TAXMA hen, chicken, -




TAXHAqHH poultry-keeper TAXHrAP bent, crooked TAXHrllAX to worship TAXMHllrAX to bend, to curve (trans.) TAXHHX to bend, to curve, to droop TAXHll (- TaBHr) offering, sacrifice, TaBaH - (see TaB I.), HaHMaH - (see HaHM), TaXHJIbIH MOA posts erected inside a lamasery courtyard on which an incense-burner and a lamp would be installed on ceremonial occasions, TaxHJIblr Hb oYPYY OPOX to upset, to annoy, TaXHJIbIH OpOH place of worship (Buddh.) (Tib. mchod-gnas), TaXHJIbIH CyM memorial chapel (for a deceased lama, etc.), TaXHJIbIH yr devotions (after the internal title of a sutra) (xy!.), TaXHJIbIH xyynac the first, or salutation, sheet in a Mongolian religious book (xyl.), TaXHJIbIH WHp33 the table in front of a Buddha statue

TAXHllrA offering, sacrifice, cult, worship, OyxHH (see TaXHJIraT), TaXHJIrbIH cYM (see TaXHJIbIH CyM)

TAXHllrAT sacred, worshipped (mountain) TAXHll3AX to keep swaying, to flutter

TAXHll3YYP BC fibula



TAXHJIT (see Hxsanaa]. Ilanapxyy - Synurus deItoides

TAXH.JI1I lama in charge of sacrificial offerings (see qOOOMOO) TAXHM (TaxHMHbI XOHXOp) the back of the knee, the hollow of the knee, - asax to claim victory in wrestling (the victor passing the beaten wrestler under his arm), - erex to acknowledge defeat in wrestling

TAXH~ I. to show respect, to show filial piety TAXH~ 11.1. to grab by the hollow of the knee (wrestling) 2. TaXH~a1K sorcox to stand with bent knees with one foot behind the other

(oH3JIr33) TAXHM,II;YY respectful, piOUS TAXHP (- MaXHp) bent, crooked, curved, - rOJI crankshaft (auto.), - ~YTYY (- TaTYY) invalid,

crippled, - ~YTYY oOJIorco~ invalids, - ~YTYY OOJIrOX to cripple, - ~yryyrHHH rpynrrr OpOX to be classed as invalid, - lJYfYY XYHHH T3pr3H~3p invalid chair, - ec six-three(domino), - sypraa three-three, - 3aM bends (traf.)

TAXHPAJIAAX to be COiled, to coil, TaxHpannaa Mywmpax to be COiled, to be spiral TAXHPllAX to be bent, to be crooked, to be curved, to wind, TaxHpJIaH ypcax to meander, 3aMbIH TaxHpJIaCaH alOyJITaH X3C3r dangerous bends (traf.)

TAXHPMAr curve (on a graph) TAXHX (TaXH1K TaHX, TaXH1K urvrsx) to worship, to offer a sacrifice (to), CTaJIHHblr TaxHH UIyT3X HB~aJI the cult of Stalin

TAXllAH puny, stunted TAXJIAJIT shoeing (horse, etc.) TAXJIAX to shoe (horse, etc.), to resole (a boot) TAX]) (- ropeec] Przewalskii Horse, Equus prze-


TAq great-great-great-great-grandchild (child of

TAqHrHAX 1. to bang, to crack, to roar, to rattle, to clatter, TaqHrnaTaJI XOxpOX to roar with laughter 2. to be bitterly cold, § XyHT raxnraacaa nsrnvrasp cap a bitterly cold January TAqHr IIA}l{Hr XHHH with a clatter TA~P

(- TapMar, - TapxaH, - TaTYY) sparse,

thin, meagre, - yc sparse hair TA~P,IJ;AX to be too sparse, to be too thin

TAqHP,IJ;YY sparse, thin TAqHPXAr (see raxapxaa] TAqHPXAH sparse, thin TAqHPXAH rather sparse, rather thin, - yc sparse hair

TAqbsmAX (see Taqa~ax) TAIIIAA 1.1. Side, hip, TawaaH TOMOH the head of the ilium, - TYJIax to have one's arms akimbo 2. (see CYM V.) TAIllAA 11.1. mistake, error 2. mistaken, wrong TAIIIAAITH faultless, flawless TAIIIAAllABq cell (honeycomb) TAIIIAAIT,IJ;AX to be sideways, Tawa~aH cyyx to sit Sideways (on a horse, etc.)

TAIIIAAPAll error, mistake TAIIIAAPAX to err, to be wrong, to mistake, r31K - to mistake for, § Ta apaH TaWaapq oaHHa you're stretching it a bit

TAIIIHllT slant, tilt TAIIIHHrA layer, tier, stratum TAIIIHP in line, one after the other TAIIIHPllAX to be in line TAIIIHX 1.1. to hit, to slap, anra - (see anra 1.1.) 2. to breok. qOMar - to break open a bone TAIIIHX 11.1. to slant 2. to decline (sun) 3. to go along a slope, tain ridge

YYJIbIH 300 -

to follow a moun-

TA~ passion, lust, 30BHypJIaX - masochism, 30BOOX - sadism

TAIIIllAH mountain slope TAIIIJIAH,IJ;AX to go along a mountain slope TAIIIMAr (see naunrar] TAIIIPAM (see naurpaa]

TA~HrYH passion, lust, lewdness

TAIIIYY slanting, sloping, at an angle, - rasap


TA~ to feel passionate, to feellus~ul

TA~HrYlfr lustful, lewd, sensual

sloping ground, -

TA~HrYiITAX to be lustful, to be lewd, to be sensual

TYJIryyp strut, - xapax to look oside. to look to

TAqAA){ to desire, to lust after TAqHr MSqHr scarce, tight, barely sufficient, - aMb~paJITaH just keeping one's head above

TAIIIYYJIAX to slant, to make slanting, Tawyy-


sypaac slanting line, -

one side, - ~aBqHJIT side-swi pe JI)I{

YP3X to file to a slant

TAIIIYY~ to go at an angle to

TAIIIYYllCXHHX to give a slant (to something)

the world, - XOOPO~bIH intercontinental (Skr.)



THBHHH continental TAIIIYYP whip,

a type of heavy whip, - ~aM biting, cutting (wind), - ersx to whip up, to incite, to promote T3H33H -

TAIIIYYPAX to indulge in, Balpr~aa



TAIIIYYPAAX to whip TAIIIXH quite, - oanoo quite different (Bur.) TASIr stick, staff, aJIM}'YP - (cyra -) crutch, rap - walking-stick, W~3T - magic wand, trajectory

TOiipor (- TOiipyy 3aM)

TASIr~AX [rasmaa xaax] to throw, to cast, to hurl

TASIIT name of a coin circulating in Mongolia at the beginning of the 20th century


theatre, YJICbIH M'YPb OyBaHHH - National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, yrryH - mime (Russ.)


TEATPqHJICAH theatrical TEKCT text, - OOJIOBCpyyJIax word processing TEJIEBH3 televsion, enrer - colour television, to be on the television, television programme, television broadcast




TEJIEBH3}1{YYJI3JIT provision of television TEJIEBH3}1{YYJI3X to provide with television TEJIEBH30P television, TV set, enrer - colour

TV set,

TeJIeBH30pbIH H3BTPYYJI3r television programme, television broadcast (Russ.)

TEJIEAKC fax TEJIEOH telephone, - CTaH~ exchange TEJIE XOJIIiOO telecommunications, telecom TEHHHC tennis, raspsm - (TaJIOaHH -) lawntennis,

WHp33HHH -





TEHHHCqHH tennis-player TEXHHK 1. technology, technique 2. machinery, machine, equipment ment 3. vehicle (Russ.)



TEXHHIOKHX to be mechanized TEXHHIOKC3H mechanized, automatic TEXHHIOKYYJI3X to mechanize TEXHHKHHH 1. technical, mechanical 2. industrial. - yprasran industrial crops TEXHOJIOrH technology, WIIH3 - new technology

TEXHOJIOrq technologist, technician THB continent, - anracarx intercontinental, aJIraCaH asax to travel the world, - anracyynaa XOJIbIH XOJI

(OypXHbI -) basic pattern of lines (for drawing a Buddha, etc.) (Tib. thig)

THrEJIb crucible (Russ.) THH3 1. stamp, seal 2. paper money, note (hist.) 3. ticket

indulge in pleasures



far distant, a world away, -


THH3~3X to stamp, to seal

THHM like that, such, such a, so, yes, -


for that reason, therefore, - yy is that so?, - 33 yes, § T3P q - JI ,r(33 that's so, that's how it is, - Hb q - 33 yes indeed, - - C)'MbIH T3P T3P rsrs xyMyyC such and such people from such and such sumuns, - q XOOCOH OHW not so poor, not at all poor

THHMrYH not so, it is not so THHMX3H not so good, so-so THHM3PXYY such, similar, like that THHM33 yes THHM33C so, hence, for that reason THHH thus, so, like that THHHXYY (see THHH) THHH BJIrAJI case (gram.), rapax - ablative case, saax - accusative case, objective case, nominative case, erex OpWHX dative-locative case, YHM3X - instrumental case, xasrrpax - comitative case, xapssanax gen itive case, THHH HJIraJIbIH T8rCraJI caseending


THHP3JIT kick (of a gun) THHP3JIT3T jet (adj.), - OHro~ jet plane, xa,r(aJIryyp

jet engine

THHP3H demon THHP3X 1. to kick out with the back legs, TaBpax

to kick out

2. to


kick (gun)

THH THH phew! (at cold) THHQHrH3X to keep kicking out THHqJI3X (see THHqHrH3x) THHIII direction, way, towards, in a (particular) direction, Ap Xaarr - towards Russian Kyakhta, r3p33C HHJI33,r( 3yyH - a bit east of the tent, 3YYH33C oapYYH - 3pr3X to turn from leh to right, H3r3H - 6oJIrox to deal with, to dispose of, H3r - 3aHJI move to one side!, OPOH - towards evening, CaH.>KpaX - xa~ax to take a turn for the better, Tan 6yp - (Tan Tan THHW33) in all directions, rercex - xaanax to be coming towards the end, xascyy .- sideways, xoep THHW33 in both directions, - Hb that way, in that direction, § H3r3H THHW33 Hyyr33 OH3 he'll have moved somewhere

THHIIIJI3X to go towards,

oapYYH -

to go west-


wards, to go towards the right

THHill33 1. (see


2. that way, in that


THMYPqyy,n; "Timurists" (name of members of a youth movement devoted to positive social work and named aher the hero of the novel by A.P. Gaidar)

THHX3M (see TaHXHM) THP (oYYAJIarbm ..) shooting-range (Russ.) THTAH titanium, THTaHbI nasxap HC3JI titanium dioxide


TOB TOB pit-a-pat, clip-clop, .. ryHx to run clipclop

TOBTOH definite, clear, plain TOBYY fierce, angry (Buddh.) (Tib. 'khro-bo) TOBYY,n; grease TOBYYl(AX to begin to freeze on the surface (ground)

TOBX 1. knob, lump, .. napax to press a knob,

THTMHHH coronary, .. cynac coronary artery THTPll3JIT titration THTPll3X to titrate THT3M 1. crown, diadem,

THT3MryH xaaa uncrowned king 2. tiara 3. hat (resp.) 4. crown (of a tree) support for a vowel (except e) in Mongol script 6. corona (anat., etc.), aapasr « corona of the sun, THTMHHH ~aH coronagraph


THT3Mll3X to crown, to be at the top of TOB I. (intensifying particle), ..





TOBxrOP thickset, squat TOB XH:HT3ll abruptly TOBXHHX to be comfortably off, to be in wellordered circumstances


to sew together, to bind


TOBXHQ booklet, pamphlet, brochure TOBXJIOX to make a knob TOBXOHX to be bulky, to be solid TOBXOll30X to look cumbersome, to move in a cumbersome manner

TOBQOr I. (see Xapsrar] TOBQOr II. (see ,IlOBQor) TOBq I. button (clothes, stringed instrument, etc.), TOBJIOH

to agree, to arrange, to decide

TOBor hillock, knoll, rise, hump TOBOHllrOMOll embossed, in relief TOBOHllrOX to bring out, to cause to stand out, TOBOHJIrOH CHHJI3X


TOBXHMOll booklet, pamphlet, brochure

plain, clear as daylight

TOB II. decision TOBrop 1. raised, protruberant, in high relief, xarac .. bas-relief, .. X33 raised pattern 2. proTOBHMOll embossed, in relief TOBHP well-fed, well-nourished, stout TOBHPllor (see TOBHp) TOBHPYYH (see TOBHp) TOBHX to emboss, to raise in relief TOBllOX to decide, to fix, to settle,

to press a button 2. leather washer fixed to the pointed end of a camel's nose-peg 3. accretion on the tail of an impregnated camel cow, .. cyyx to grow such an accretion 4. the bridge on the bow which supports the knot at either end of the bow-string congealed snow stuck to the boot, .. xepex to get snow stuck to the boot

to carve in relief

TOBOHX to stick out, to stand out, to bulge, to emerge

TOBOll30X 1. to move gracefully (in riding)

2. to rise and fall, to move up and down TOBOP TOBOP clip-clop, .. anxax to walk clipclop

TOBOPQor (see TOOPQOr) TOBPor dust TOBPYY 1. stud, knob, 3M33JIHHH .. saddle-stud 2. button (mech.), TOBPyyr napax to press the button

TOBPYYJIAr bumpy, knobbly TOBPYYTAX to get bumpy, to get knobbly

.. (QaXHJIraaH

(,IlapYYJIraT .. ) press-stud, TOBqHbI Hyx

button-hole, buttons


.. )

zip-fastener, zip,


napnar ..


to undo one's

TOBq II. brief, in summary form, ..

,IlyrH3JIT summary, resume, .. TO,IlOPXOH succinct, concise, § .. aBq Y3be let us look briefly at

TOB"tIHllCXHHx to summarize TOBqnOll 1. summary, brief account, resume

2. abbreviation TOBqnOOCTOH buttoned up TOBqnOX I. to button up, to fasten,


.. to button up one's sleeves

TOBqnOX 11.1. to abbreviate, to summarize, TOBqHJICOH H3P TOBqJIOH

abbreviated name, acronym,

xapaynax to give a brief reply,

xypaaaryanax to abridge, .. xypaax to abbreviate (a word, etc.), § KHJIOrpaMMbIr TOBqJIOH xr r3}K OH'I):l3r kilogram is abbreviated to kg. 2. to shorten, to cut down, § aaan TOBqJIOH


ous chess 2. performance, aHXHbI - first performance 3. playing, T9rOMOp XyypbIH piano-playing


xap MOpb lIHHb rypsaa XOHOmHH raspsrr rypsaa uaraap TOBlIJIOO~ OllHO this black horse can cover three days' journey in three hours

(liter.) TOBqJIOX III. (TOBlIJIOH saxapax] to oversee, to run as a whole TOBqJIYYP I. collar-bone, clavicle

(see 3r3M)

TOBqJIYYP II. knob, button, key, TOB'l1IYYPaH ~apaJI1TaH press-button {phone}, - ~apax {TOrIlIHX} to press a button TOBqOO

I. summary

TOrJIOMTrOH playful, funny, humorous TOrJIOOM 1. game, play, MopHHnH - game of chance, XO~OJIrOOHT - outdoor game, - OHW WOrJIOOM OOJIHO it's not funny, it's no joke, TOrJIOOMbIH oyJIaH play-area {for children}, aaanasr games, TOrJIOOMbIH TaJIOaH playground, - TOOTOH Hb ~33P {- TOOTOH Hb ~33P TOMOH MOJDKYYPnH Hb ~33p} there's a time and place for everything, it's no joke, - TOXyy fun, joke, - XHiix (- TOXYY XHiix) to make fun of, to tease, - WOrJIOOM fun, joke, game 2. toy, - Haa~raHH 3yHJI ga mes a nd toys, OHbCOH assembly puzzle

TOBqOO II. bureau, MAXH-bIH TOB XOPOOHbI YJIC TepHHH - Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the MPRP, MaWHH OHlIrHHH typing pool

TornOO~HH player, gambler

TOBqOOnOX to summarize, to give a brief account (of)

Tornox 1. to play 2. to perform, to give (a concert) 3. (TOrJIO}K HpHX) to joke

TOrnOOMbIH puppet


TOBqOOH summary, brief account

TOrnOqHX to have a game

TOBqxOH 1. brief, summary, - OiiJIrOJIT short account, brief rundown 2. in brief, briefly, in summary form, just a little, - X3JI3X3~ in a word

TOrJIYYJIArtI player, saneo - video

TOBillBOP plucked (instrument)

Toroo 1. pot, cooking-pot, cauldron, boiler" OHTYY - pressure-cooker, XOHHH - a large cauldron, TOrOOHbI oaHWHH cookhouse, TorOOHbI oapHYJI downtrodden Wife, - oapHX to cook, to prepare food, to do the cooking, - HSp3X to distil kumis; to pipe one's eye, to weep, - TaBHX to put the pot on; to put the still on, - TOCJIOX to slaughter and eat livestock, TOrOOHbI XYH cook; downtrodden wife 2. crater (volcano), MO~ ycnax - watering basin round a tree 3. bowler hat

TOBillHllT tapping TOBillHX I. to sew two or more pieces together with running stitches, - xasaac quilting stitch used for joining thick materials TOBillHX II. to keep an eye on TOBillHX III. to play the TOBWyyp, to play, to pluck TOBillHX IV. to tap TOBillnox to tap, to patter, - oY1KHr minuet TOBillYYP a west Mongolian plucked lute

1. helmet-lining 2.


a hat with four flaps


- rap a primitive type of tent with curved rafters acting also as walls TOBbEr register, list (Tib. thob-yig) TOBbMon embossed Tor

(see TOK), ~aXHJIraaH - electric current, -

raprarx dynamo (Russ.) TOr,n;rOHOX to keep bobbing up and down Tor,n;rop short TOr,n;OHX to get too short TOr}l(rOp

(see rornrop]

TOrnOPI player, 03.JI1T3JI - reserve, YH~C3H regular player TOrnOllT

1. game,

(p.n., people)

Toroonox 1. to cook, to prepare food 2. to distil milk-spirit

TOBillOO tapping


TOrMH,IJ: Togmid (Asanga) (a Buddhist teacher) TOrMOr Kipchak

match, 33p3r - simultane-

TO~OOnOx II. to make a watering basin TOrOOq cook TOrOPYY [Xapxapaa -) Crane, Grus grus, Oaorr - Demoiselle Crane, Anthropoides virgo, Xap - Hooded Crane, G. monacha, Llaraan - Siberian White Crane, G. leucogeranus, Q3H - White-naped Crane, G. vipio Toroe Peacock,


TOITBOP stability, steadiness, firmness, - annax to be unsettled (livestock, etc.); to break down (marriage), rap OyJIHHH TaJIaap - annax to suffer a family breakdown, - CyypbWHJI continuity (in employment) TOITBOprYH 1. changeable, unsteady, unstable, - oa~aJI instability, - H the unstable n (ling.) 2. unsettled, restless (livestock, etc.) 3. (C31T3JI -) upset, not oneself

TOITBOPfY:IDKYYJI3X to destabilize TOITBOPfYH'r3X to be unsettled, to be unsteady, to be unstable, to be restless

TOITBOP}l{HJI stability TOITBOP}l{HllT (see TOITBOP}KHJI), annarnyynax to render unstable TOITBOP}I{HX to be established, to be stabilized TOITBOP}KJIOX to settle, to come to rest, to be stabilized

TOITBOP}KYYJIArll stabilizer (mech.) TOITBOP}KYY.JIAJIT stabilization TOITBOP}KYYJIAX to stabilize TOITBOPfOH 1. firm, stable, definite, steady, regular, ,.., 6aMaJI stability, ,.., OCOJIT steady growth 2. settled, settled down, established, ,..,

nyrarurax to establish oneself (animals in a certain locality, etc.)

TOITBOPIIIRJI stability, ,.., annax to become unsettled (livestock, etc.)

TOITBOPIIIHJIT (see TOITBOPWHJI) TOITBOPIIIHX (see TOITBOP}KHX) TOITBOPIIIYYJIAX (see TOITBOp1KYYJIax) TOITMOJI 1. (,.., }KHrA) regular, fixed, constant, ,.., yc standing water, stagnant water, ,.., X3BJI3JI periodicals 2. direct, ,.., ryliA3JI (see ryHA3JI 2.) 3. constant

(n.) (math.)

TOITMO.TDKHJIT regularity, regularization TOITMO.TDKHX to become regular TOITMOJDKYYJIAX to regularize, to put on a regular footi ng

TOITHOOX to establish TOITHOX to become established, to exist TOITHYYH stable, quiet, settled TOITOJI formation, consolidation, ,.., 3yHH tectonic (geo!.) TOITOJIT (see TOITOJI) TOITOJIIJ;OO system, TOB M3AP3JIHHH ,.., central nervous system, TYHraJIrHHH ,.., lymphatic system TOITOJIIJ;OOTOH systematic TOITOMfYH unstable TOITOHfH 1. static, settled, inert 2. stagnant TOITOHfHIIIHX to become static, to get stuck TOITOHfYH (see TorTOHrH) TOITOOPI holder, rest TOITOOJI 1. resolution, decision 2. ,.., yc standing water, still water

TOITOOM}K regulation TOITOOX 1. to fix, to establish, to determine, to set, to set up, to draw up, COpBH ,.., to leave a scar, YH3HHHr ,.., to establish the truth, TOITOOH

34 1


6apHX to hold down, to repress, HHcIlJIHD;HHr TOrroOH 6apHX to hold down inflation, U;OMHHH TOrroOH 6apHX xyq nuclear deterrent 2. [rorrooa D;33JKJ13X) to memorize, to learn by heart, § Ta TOrroO}K ascan yy have you got it? 3.i. to keep back, HYJIHMCaa ,.., to hold back one's tears ii. to stop, to staunch (bleeding, etc.), nyc ,.., to staunch blood iii. to settle (livestock) down (to graze) 4. (TOrroOH onrox] to grant (a pension) 5. to keep, to consolidate (fatness in livestock, etc.) 6. to drink up, to knock back

TOITOPfOHO Kochia (bot.), ,IJ;3J1X33 ,.., K. prostrata

TOITOX 1. to be formed, to come into existence, to be made up, 3C33C ,.., to be made up of cells 2. to stop (rain, etc.) 3. to stay, to keep still, to be fixed, to set 4. to decide, to resolve 5. to stay alive, to survive, XYYX3A ,.., to keep one's children alive, XYYX3A TOrroxryH to lose one's children

TOITOIJ; formation, structure, rasap CYAJIaJIbIH ,.., geological formation, reHeTHK"" genetic structure TOITYYH gentle, calm, quiet, steady, ,.., 6H'IHX to write a steady hand, ,.., CaJIXH a gentle wind, ,.., ypcrarrraa gently Ilowinq TOITYYPfAH settled, stable TOITYYPIIIHX to settle down TOITYYXAH calm, serene, peaceful TOrxHH'r3JI with a swish TOfIIIHJIT tapping, knocking TOfIIIHX 1. to tap, to knock, xaanra ,.., to knock on a door 2. [roruraa Y33X) tapping, percussion (med.) TOfIIIYYP 1. small hammer, beetle 2. knocker, clapper

TOfIIIYYPfA (see TOHWYYJI) TOfIIIYYP,IJ;AX to strike a clapper TO,IJ; clear, ,.., 6H'IHr (,.., YC3r) Clear Script, Oirat Script, ,.., TOMPYYH clear, vivid, distinct TO,IJ;fYH indistinct TO,IJ;JIOX to clarify TO,IJ;OJI (Xap ,..,) Starling, Sturnus TO,IJ;OPXOH clear, definite, specific, specified, concrete, positive, ,.., aJI6aH TYWaaJI ryHU;3Tr3X, aJKHJI X3p3r 3pXJI3XHHr XOpHrJIOX HJI prohibition to hold a specified office or engage in a specified activity (jur.), ,.., 6yc unclear, uncertain, indefinite, ,.., TOMPYYH clear, distinct, ,.., xyrau;aa a definite period, ,.., X3M1K33 a definite amount

TO,IJ;OPXOHfYH unclear, uncertain, indefinite


TOHf II. (- -) an exclamation used to encourage a female animal to accept its own young or that of another mother


TO~OPXOHJIOrqdecisive, determining TO~OPXO:fmOJIT 1. explanation, definition, particulars, clarification 2. certificate TO~OPXOHJIOX to explain, to define, to elucidate, to demonstrate, to identify, to determine, to show, to reveal, TO~OpxOJlJIOH saax to lay down, to make clear

TOHf~OX to (wrestling)





TOHrJIOX to soothe (a sheep, etc.) by calling TOJlr TO:fmOX to care for, to look aher

TO~OITOrq determinative (gram.)

TOHM survey, sketch, review, outline, TOJlMOO annax to be too many to count, - oa~aJI state of affairs, situation, - sypar sketch-map, diagram, - TO~HJl just roughly, just sketchily

TO~OITOJI (- H3P, - yr) attribute, attributive

TOHMfYH lots of, an awful lot of

TO~OCfOX to clarify, to establish

(gram.) TO~OITOX 1. to clarify, to make clear define (gram. ,etc.)

2. to


TOHMJIOH roughly, approximately

TO~POJI clarity

TOHMJIOX to have a rough idea, TOJlMJIOH oryyJI3X to survey, to sketch


TOHMJIOmfYH incalculable

(see TO~POJI)

TO~POX 1. to appear, to become apparent, to become clear, TO~POH HJIP3X to be revealed, to be manifest 2. to be born (reincarnation of a high lama) TO~PYYJIAfq developer (photo.) TO~PYYJIA.X 1. to make clear, to bring out, to reveal, to make known, to emphasize, TO~pyy­ JIaH sacax to restore (a printing-block) to sharpness (~/.) 2. to discover (a reincarnated lama) (Buddh.), xysanraaa - to discover a reincarnated lama, TO~PYYJIaH 3aJIaX to discover and instal 3. to develop (a film)

TOHMOf hornless TOHMTOH 1. arranged, in good order 2. a few, a number of TOHMtI commentator, yJIC TOpHJlH - political commentator TOHMqITOH roughly, sketchily, approximately TOHMqITOX to schematize TOHH 1. lama of the rank of taiji 2. lama (resp.) TOHPMOJI whorled (leaves), - HaB'IHC whorl

TO~XOH pretty clear, quite clear

TOHPOf 1. ring, circle, circumference, - 3aM orbit, - 3a~ rapax to go into orbit, - 3a~ opyynax to put into orbit, - 3aMbIH orbital 2. round (sport) 3. circuit (tech.) 4. district, constituency

TO~tIJIOX to make clear, to clarify, to illustrate

TOHPOfJIOX to go round, to encircle

TO.IK punch (mech.)

TOHPOM the clayey site of a dried-up pool or salt-marsh

TO~PYYJIfA clarification TO~COX to become clear

TO.IKfOP I. paltry, measly, pathetic TO.IKfOP II. short, scanty (hair) TO.IKHfHOX I. to patter (raindrops, etc.) TO.IKHrHOX II. to get hard, to get stiff TO.IKHHx 1. to be short 2. to be scanty TO.IKHH I. (see TO)KI'Op I., II.) TO.IKHH II. (see TO}K) TO.IKHP TO.IKHP AJIXJIA.X to stump along T03YYJI young elk (Xa~raJl) TOHB burden TOHBTOH burdensome TOHBmAAX to be an encumbrance, to be a nuisance, to be too much of a burden TOHf 1.1. kneecap, - MYJITJIax to dislocate a kneecap, TOJlrHJlH HC kneecap, patella 2. a silver ingot of the size of a sheep's kneecap (hist.)

TOHPOH around, surrounding, }J{HJI - the whole year round, for a whole year, oJlp TOJlpO~ around, CyMHJlH oJlp TOJlpO~ around the temple, TYYHHJl TOJlpO~ around it, oJlp roJlpHLI around, encircling (adr), xenreer - around the monument, - oy}KHr round dance TOHPOX 1. to go round, OOMOOpQmJlr - to go round the world, XOJI TOJlPOH asax to take a long way round, TOJlPOH aanarx tourist, excursionist, TOJlPOH aHJIHJI tour, excursion, roJlpoH aHJIaX to go round, to voyage round, ~3JIXHJlr TOJlPOH aHJIaX to go round the world, roJlPOH XYP33JI3rq~ entourage, clique, roJlPOH XYP33JI3JIT cliquishness, cronyism, TOJlPOH XYP33JI3X to surround, TOApoH 3pr3M3X to go round, roApq HpHJIQax to discuss, § MaHaH ~3JIXHA aapsrr TOApOH 3pr3M3r our world goes round the sun 2. (TOApq rapax) to get

round, to avoid, to miss, 3r33fT3H acyynann to skate round difficult questions 3. to turn, to outflank (and attack from the rear), to encircle (mil.) 4. diversion (traf.)

TOHPYY roundabout (adj.), -

roundabout way, detour, circuitous route, - cyaryy long way round 3aM

TOHPYYJIAJI periphrasis TOHPYYJIAX to surround, to put around, TOHpyyJIaH HpHX

to beat about the bush

TOHPYYJIfA 1. circuit, surround 2. semi-circular floor covering in a tent 3. (TOHpYYJIraH whorl (bot.) 4. MOpHH - race-course


TOK current (elec.), - xyaaapanarx distributor (auto.), TOKTOH


live wire (Russ.)

TOKAPb turner, lathe-operator (Russ.) TOKAPbqHH (see TOKapb) TOKHf ornamental hair-piece (west Mongol) TOJIIiO spot, mark, MOHrObIH xex - the IIMongol spot" (on a baby's body), HapHbI sunspot, xap - black spot, stain, blemish, uaraaa - blank page (fig.), - YM33X to leave a mark, - XHp1'3JIT spots and stains

TOJIIiO)I{HJIT spottiness TOJIIiO}l{ID{ to get spotty TOJIIiOJDKHH porphyry (min.) TOJIIiOJIOX to form spots TOJIIiOPOX to be spotty, to be spotted TOJIIiOPXOf spotted, spotty TOJIIiOTOX to go spotty, to get spots TOJIfO,IJ; knolls, hillocks TOJIfO,IJ;JIOf hilly TOJIfOHI.l. (- TYPYY) head (anat.), - aaax to head (inflorescence), the cap of a woman's headdress, TOnro~oo oynyy xypaax to make trouble for oneself, - raasaranax to be bowed with grief, TOJIrOHrOO raWHJIraX to rack one's brains, - naax (- M3~3X) to act independently, to act for oneself, to keep one's end up, napaanax to queue up, - ~OXHX to nod, to nod the head, - ~33P fapax to get the better of, ~33P cyyx to tyrannize over, - ~33P uaxayp xaranax to make trouble for (someone), - ~33III TaTaxryH tirelessly, without a break, TOJIfOHf 3aJIrHX to be the death of, TOJIfOHfOO M3~YYJI3X to knuckle under to, - OB~OJIT headache, OB~OX to have a headache, - pyyraa yc XHHx to make trouble for oneself, - C3fCP3X to shake one's head, - TaJIJIa)J{ OBMOf 9B'lHH migraine, Tac~ax to bite [sorneone's] head off, TOJIfOHfOOPOO TOHfOPU;OfJIOX to do a somersault. - TYPyyryii (- TapXHryH) leh right and centre, TOJIfOHHOOCOO yyp cascyynax to be het behead, -

oar U;3U;3r




up, - yC3f initial, monogram, - xaaxyynax to take shelter, - xarapcaa 'l MaJIralQaa, TOXOH xyrapcan 'l xaHu;yiI,r(aa don't wash your dirty linen in public, - xapcan 3yr syranax to run away in disorder, - XOJIOOJIT alliteration, XOJIOOX to marry, to get married; to alliterate, xopronox to shelter, to take refuge, TOJIrOHroopoo XOJI XHHx to make a mess of things,'XOJIT9H Cephalopods (zool.), - xoenex to get (someone) into trouble, - xyHXJIaX (- xsprax] to bite [sorneone's] head off, TOnrOHroo uraax to wring one's hands, - 3pryyJI3X to take in, to dupe, to confuse, - 3Pf3X to feel giddy,to feel dizzy; to lose one's bearings 2. head (of cattle, etc.) 3.i. head (of a cabbage, a match, a bed, a nail, a bone etc.) ii capital (of a column) 4. bowl (of a pipe), raaacasr - bowl of a pipe S. peg-box (of a stringed instrument) 6. knoll 7. piece (of material) 8. uppers (boots) 9. top, highest, - oaHH richest, - caHH first-rate, topclass, - U;OXHX to be the best, to be the tops, to lead

TOJIfOHIi. packet, bundle, pack TOJIfOHfVH 1. headless, - OOJIOX to lose one's life 2. stupid, doh TOJIfO~OX to be too far forward, to be too near the head (saddle)

TOJIfOfIJIOX I. to head, to lead, to spear-head, to be at the head (of), to be a ring-leader

TOJIfOHJIOX II. to form a head (plants) TOJIfOHJIOX III. to take the head off (a fish, etc.) TOJIfOHJIOX IV. to bundle TOJIfOfIT 1. with a head 2. name of a coin circulating in Mongolia at the beginning of the 20th century, perhaps the same as eHIIIrOHT.

TOJIHfOP i. smooth TOJIHfOP II. serpentine (min.) TOJIHHnrOX to flatten out, to smooth out, § ayranaa creases

yp'lJI33r -

to smooth out the folds and

TOJIHHx to be smooth, to be glossy,


xapyynnax to plane smooth

TOJIHJIOX (see TOJIb~OX) TOJIHJIYYJIAX to present, to lay before, aaxaapann - to bring to [sorneone's] attention,



to lay before the reading


TOJIHMOf smooth, unwrinkled TOJIHO face, surface, - caHTaH good-looking TOJIHOPXOf (see TOJIHOTOH) TOJIHOTOH good-looking



TOJIHP fire-ball TOJIHX to smooth out TOJIOf I. carpet of white felt used in Ordas wedding ceremonies

TOJIOf II. a disease in animals (similar to foot and mouth disease)

TOJIOITOX to suffer from TOnor II. TOJITH (see TOnbT) TOJIXHX to blunt, to take the edge off TOJIh Li. mirror, ap Tanblr xapax - [apsrr xapax -) rear mirror ii. speculum (med.) 2. (- OHQHr) dictionary, 1KypaMJIaX - normative dictionary, dictionary of standard usage, MOHron-opoc Mongol-Russian dictionary, HYTar aanryyasr local dialect dictionary, H3BT3PXHH - encyclopaedia, OBOpMOU; X3nJI3rHHH - (OBOpMOU; X3nU;HHH -) dictionary of idioms, TaHnoap explanatory dictionary, TOHropyy - reverse dictionary, yrCHHH rapnsm - etymological dictionary, X3JIU;HHH - phraseological dictionary, 3yH lexicography, - 3yHQ lexicographer 3. mould-board (of a plough) (seexOMpyyn3rl1) TOJIh~OX 1. (TOnb~oH xapyynax) to reflect, TOnb~OH xapax to look in a mirror 2. to look at, to pay attention to, to take cognizance of (resp.) TOJIh~YYP


TOJIhT 1. auricle (of the heart), - 3ypXHHH yraac from the bottom of one's heart 2. ornamental cap on the hilt of a sword or handle of a knife

TOJIhTfOJI reflection TOJIhTfOX to reflect, to mirror TOJIhTOH good-looking TOJIhT aBC (see Bapaara] TOM big, - 1KH1KHr size, - TonrOH big bugs, TOnrOH raprax to be full of oneself, to have a

TOMHJIOJITbIH MOHro expenses, TOMHJIOnTbIH xyynac credentials, authority (for an assignment, a journey, etc.)

TOMHJIOX to appoint, to designate, to detail, oarwaap - to appoint as teacher

TOMMOJI twisted TOMOf enclosure TOMOfJIOX to drive (animals) into an enclosure TOMO.JI)l;OX to be crippled, to be lame TOMOJIT twisting (of hair in rope-making), 30B S-twist, COJIrOH - Z-twist

TOMOO seriousness, self-possession, - OyxHH sensible, staid

TOMOOfYH naughty, mischievous TOMOOfYHT3X to be naughty, to make a nuisance of oneself

TOMOO}KHX to mature, to become responsible, to grow up

TOMOOJIOX to surround, to be around TOMOOTOH grave, sober, staid, well-behaved TOMOOXOH important, big, main, - anxass XHHX to take a big step, - rapsnr apXHQHH serious drinker

TOMOPXOX to be stuck up, to put on airs TOMOPXYY stuck-up, arrogant, conceited TOMOX I. to spin, to twist (thread, etc.), 30B - to make an S-twist, coaroa - to make a Z-twist TOMOX II. to zig-zag in front of or behind (someone)

TOMPOJI enlargement TOMPOJIT (see TOMPOJIT) TOMPOX to get big, to get bigger, to be enlarged

TOMPYYJIAX to make bigger, to enlarge, to magnify, - WHJI [rosrpyynarx nypaa. TOMpyynarsr uran] magnifying-glass

swollen head, - TOJIrOHTOH full of oneself, swollen headed, - XyH adult, grown-up (n.)

TOMPYYH large, sizeable, distinctive, monu-

TOMIiOfOP domed, bulging, swollen TOMIiOHJIrOX to allow to protrude, to leave

TOMCfOX to make bigger, to enlarge TOMCOX to get bigger, to grow bigger TOMTfOX (see TOMcrox) TOMYY (- xaaaan] influenza, flu TOMXOH biggish, big TOMqJIOH picking the biggest, the biggest first, § TapBarblr - oyy~ax to shoot the biggest


TOMIiOHX to bulge up, to stick out, to protrude TOMfO a band used to bind up the mouth (of a rutting camel to prevent it from biting but leaving it able to eat and drink)

TOMfOJIOX to apply a TOMro TOM~OX to be too big, TO~COH ryran oversize boots, § TOM xasrap Hb OHu;xaH OHeH~ apaH TO~COH M3T its big nose seems a bit too big for its little body

TOMHJIOJIT appointment, assignment, mission,


marmots TO~Y~

1. adults, grown-ups 2. big bugs

TO~YJI (see TOMQyy~)

TOMh:I;:O 1. (- H3p) term 2. formula TOMh:I;:03YH algebra

TOMbEOnliOP code



TOMbEOnOn 1. terminology 2. formula, formu-


TOHYYJIAX to rob, to plunder

TOMbEOnOX (TOMbeOJIOH TOITOOX) to formulate, TOMbeOJICOH H3P OyxHH code-named, TOMbeOJICOH n~3r conventional sign (cart.)

TOHXHX to wobble, to be unstable

TOMbEOqnOn code

TOHXYY Horseradish, Tocroasr .-. Horseradish,

(mus.), semitone (Russ.)

TOH tone

OynH .-. whole tone, xarac .-.

roaroanrox to bend over (trans.), TOJIrOHr .-. to bow the head TOIITOflx 1. (~oow.-.) to stoop, to bow, to bend

over, to lean forwards, to put the head down 2. to decline (sun) TOHrOJI30X to keep bobbing up and down TOIITOprOX to reverse, TOHroprOH OHqHX to

write back to front

1. razor 2. pen-knife 3. scalpel TOIITOPOX 1. to be reversed 2. to go head over


heels TOIITOPYY 1. reverse (see ypnyy] , .-. 3YPX3pxyy obcordate (leaf), .-. o~ropxyy obovate, .-. TOJIb reverse dictionary, .-. IOM3PXYY oblanceolate

2. bending over, headlong TOHrOPYYJIAJIT reversal TOIITOPYYJIAX to reverse, asaa .-. metathesis TOHrOp:U;OrJIOX to go head over heels, to do

a somersault

ronroc ronroc XHfIx (see TOHrOJI30x) TOHrOCXHHX to make a bow TOHrOqJfX to rear up, to buck TOlDK special, outstanding

1. to get rid of 2. to kill, to do for 1. to escape, to get away, to be be delivered, to be released 2. to


saved, to clear off, TOHHJI out!

TOHor 1. fittings, trimming 2. (.-. X3p3rJI3JI, .-. X3p3rC3JI) equipment, gear, tackle, harness, .-. TOXOOpOM1K equipment TOHOrJIOJI fittings, equipment, .-. TOXOOpOMJK

equipment TOHOrJIOX to equip, to fit, to trim (a dress, etc.), lIIHH3qJI3H .-. to re-equip TOHOX to rob, TOHOH ~33P3~3X to plunder, TOHOH 3aBlIIHX to rob, to steal, TOHOH :U;OJIOOX

to plunder, to strip TOHTrOp rounded, plump TOHTOflx to be rounded, to be plump

TOHYYJIqRH robber, plunderer

Armoracia rusticana TOHIllrOJDKHH Nuthatch,

Sino europea

TOHIllHJIT tapping, pecking TOHIllHX 1. to knock, to strike, to hit, to tap, to

peck 2. to knock off, to snaffle; to rip off TOHIllyyn Woodpecker,



uaraaa .-. White-backed Woodpecker, D.


1. rattle 2. a tapping instrument used in traditional medicine


1. number, numeral, aHXHbI .-. prime number, apao .-. Arabic numerals, oyrapxaH .-. (see oyrapxaH), OYX3JI .-. whole number, eCHHH .-. the number nine, sypxaaa .-. Mongol numerals, H3pnH .-. concrete number, OJIOH Tooroop in great numbers, OJIOH TOOHbI (OJIOH TOOTOH) numerous, pOM .-. Roman numerals, co~rOH .-. odd number, nrlII .-. even number, XHHCB3P .-. abstract number, XOJIHMOr .-. mixed number, XYH aMbIH .-. population figures, o;OOH TOOHbI (o;OOH TOOTOH) few, few in number, .-. annax to lose count, TOOHbI oarw moths teacher, .-. oaH figures, .-. oapHMT figures, statistics, facts and figures, .-. oapHMTaap statistically, .-. oOMoro arithmetic, .-. oo~ox to calculate, .-. oo~ox MalIIHH calculator, .-. OYP1T3N statistician, accounts clerk, .-. OYPTr3JI statistics, accounting; list, register, .-. OYPTr3JIHHH statistical, .-. ecoop in full, TOOHbI MalIIHH calculator, TOOHbI H3P numeral (gram.), ~aXHX TOOHbI H3P multiplicative, ~3C TOOHbI H3P ordinal number, TO~OP­ xOHryH TOOHbI H3P indefinite number, TOHM TOOHbI H3P approximate number, rryr33JI TOOHbI H3P distributive number, ~C3H TOOHbI H3P cardinal number, xasr TOOHbI H3P collective number, XH3raapJIaCaH TOOHbI H3P diminutive number, restricted number, .-. TOJIrOH number, number of head, MaJIbIH .-. TOJIrOH number of head of cattle, .-. TOMlIIryH (.-. TOMlIIrYH OJIOH, .-. TOHMryH) innumerable, TOOHbI yxaaa mathematics, TOOHbI yxaaaran mathematician, .-. xyq strength, numbers, .-. X3M1K33 quantity, amount, .-. WHpX3r numbers, quantity (of items), TOOHbI uryrax slide-rule 2. roll-call (mil.), OpOHH .-. evening roil-cali, .-. HByyJIaX to call the roll


TOH TOHXHfIx to twang

TOOrOOp in figures

TOHYYJI pillage, plundering, looting, .-. XHHX to

TOOrYH what a pity!, what a shame!, § ~aaHq .-. what an awful shame!, yryH ep TYH .-. 10M

pillage, to plunder

TOOMcor thoroughbred horse



OOJIJK ~33 well, that's a real shame, isn't it, sacaa - xspsr B3 isn't that a shame! TOOrYHPX3X to feel sorry (about), to feel reqrefful Too,n;rop short Bustard, Houbara Bustard,

Otis torda, }Kopoo Chlamydotis undulata

Too,n;or TOO,n;Or toddling, - ryiix to toddle along, to trot along

roonoax to be short, to be stumpy TOO,n;OH I. short, - ~33JI a short gown TOO,n;OH II. pail T003YH mathematics TOOKYY Torgut stocking-boots with felt shofts a nd leather soles

TOOJIJIOro census, counting, enumeration, stocktaking, roll-call, XYH aMbm - census of population




TOOMCOprYH unconcerned, indifferent, paying no regard

TOOMCOPJIOX to pay attention to, to have regard to, yJI - to disregard TOOH (- 3ap'lHMT) digital, numerical

TOO,n;rOCXHHx to squat down Too,n;or

TOOMCOP consideration, attention, regard, M)'YTaH (see TOOMCOpryH)




1. calendar, era, MaHaH - our era, capasr - lunar calendar 2. calculus, HHHJI03P'IJI3JIHHH - integral calculus, anraaapsnansra - differential calculus


TOOHO I. the wooden roof-ring of the Mongol tent, casr - a type of roof-ring (used in Khangai area), capxaaar - a type of roof-ring with short "fingers", each with a hole through it for lashing the rolter-ends. The ring may be in one piece or may come apart across a diameter, XOpOJI - a type of roof-ring similar to the uasrxpaa but with an inner ring, nasrxpaa - a type of roofring with an outer ring and hooped stretchers going from back to front and side to side, - oa oaraHa oocrox to erect the roof-ring and pillars of the tent, TOOHOHbI WHJI glass covering of the roof-ring

TOOHO: II. - TYWaa bowline, - TYWHJK yHX to tie with a bowline (see also 3aHrHJIaa) TOOHOJDKHH crossed, cruciform, - X33 circular pattern containing an ornamental cross, ~3~rHHH OBor (- ~3~rHHH H3ryyp, ~3~3ITHHH oaor] Cabbage Family, Cruciferae

TOOHOJDKJIOX to make a cross, to do or to put crosswise

1. with


TOOJIOJIT count, counting


TOOJIOH each, every, Hp3X TOOJIOIl):l each time they came, MO'lHp - every twig, T3P TOOJIOHrOOp (T3p TOOJIOIl):l, TOOJIOIl):lOO) each

TOOHbI 1. quantitative 2. almost, just about

time, on each occasion

1. to count, CYM TOOJIOH M3pr3H oyy~ax to make every shot cou nt, - IOMTaH TOrJIOX TYY3T3H with money to count and cards to play, with money to spend 2. to reckon, to count as, § a3TaH XYH~ TOOJDK oaHHa they are to be considered the lucky ones


a roof-ring

TOOP Peach (Chin.) TOOPJIOX to call camels by calling TOOP TOOP TOOPMOC (see TOpM03), TOOpMOCHHH 3aMbm X3MJK33 braking distance TOOPMOCJIOX (see TOPM03JIOX) TOOPor cloudiness, speckles (in a liquid) TOOPOH (RH3bIH-HaB'IHT -) Populus diversifolia (see YJIHac)

TOOJIOXYYH parameter

TOOPOMcor brake (Russ.)

TOOJIYYP counter, meter, reHrepHHH - Geiger counter, yc X3MJKHX - water meter, ~aXHJIraaH


- electricity meter


TOOPOMCJIOX to brake TOOPOHQOP Cerastium (bot.), XO~OOHHH -

TOOJImrYH countless, innumerable TOOM path or track of a deer [Byra] in a mountainous area

Field Mouse-ear, C.


TOOP TOOP a call used to soothe camels

TOOMIK consideration, attention, regard

TOOPQOr a type of round cap


TOOC 1. (- uropoo] dust, TOOCOO eprex to work hard, to try hard, to do one's best, - COPOrq vacuum cleaner, - TaTYYJIaX to kick up the dust, TOOCOO Y33X to try one's strength, - XO~OJIrOX to stay alive, to go on living 2. pollen, TOOCHbI XOOJIOH pollen tube, - xvprsx to be pollinated;





TOOMIKHP consideration, attention, regard TOOMIKHPrYH (see TOOMJKryH) TOOMIKJIOX to regard, to esteem

XypT3X self-pollination, cross-pollination, TOOHOJDKHH - XypT3rt1 yprasran cross-pollinating plant, - XypT33rt1 COpT pollinator (apple tree,etc.), - XYPT33JIT pollination, H3M3JIT - XYPT33JIT (H3M3JIT - XypT33X) artificial pollination


90PT99 -



Toocro brick, TYYXHH - raw brick, uapyyu silicate bricks, - OP9rt1 bricklayer, roocroa ynaaa 9Hr9T3H brick-red, roocroa xana brick wall, - U;OXHX to form bricks, - uraraax to bake bricks


TOOQOOJIOJIT (see TOOU;OOJIOn) TOOQOOJIOX to account, to reckon, to calculate, to compute, - .a}KlfJIJIaraa calculation, reckoning, TOO~OOJIOH oo~ox to compute, roOqOOJIOH oo~ox T9B computer centre, roO~OOJIOH oo~ox 3JIeKTPOH MaWHH (3JIeKTPOH MawHH) computer, - TeXHHK computer technology


TOOCrOqHH brickmaker TOOC)I{RJIT dustiness TOOC)I{HX to become dusty, to be turned to dust TOOCJIOr 1. dusty 2. dustiness TOOCOBq anther (bot.) TOOCOHI.J;OP 1. dust 2. pollen TOOCOPMor bee-bread TOOCPOX to get dusty, to form dust, to get covered with dust, to form a haze

TOOCPYYJIArlI atomizer TOOCPYYJIAX 1. to raise the dust 2. to atomize, to spray

TOOT I. team, crew, squad (mil.) (Russ. pacxer] TOOT II. number (in a series), § eCOH TOOro~ cyyac oaHcaH she lived at no. 9

TOOT III. (oHqHr -) circular, notice TOOTOH 1. with a number, - JIaM lamas registered in a lamasery 2. a few, some, not much, - X3~3H just a few, - X3~3H quite a few

TOOTOH a large tub for water TOOX to pay attention to, to esteem TOOXfVH to ignore, to take no notice of TOOXYY (see roOKYY) TOOQor,n;ox to be considered, to be reckoned, XyqHHT3M -

to be considered

computer, roOU;OOJIYYPbIH computer programmed

TOOQOOTOH 1. calculated 2. careful, calculating

TOOQOX 1. to account, to reckon, to enumerate,

TOOqHr point (Russ. TOqKa) TOOqHJIT enumeration TOOqHH 1. enumerator, counter, census-taker (of livestock, hist.) 2. mathematician TOOqHX to enumerate, to relate, TYM3H TaHJIOap -

to offer all sorts of explanation

TOOIIIHJI count, incidence TOP net, saracasr - fishing net, panaaropsra (auto.), ropOH ~aJIaBqTaH honeycomb Lacewings, Neuroptera, ropOH H3X33C (roPOH CYJI}K33C) lace, ropOH caan entanglement (mil.), ropOH caa string bag, shopping-net, ropOH CyJI}K33 network, - TaBHX to cast a net, ropon X9WHr net curtains, roPHbI uaaaa behind bars, roPHbI uryrasr grid lines

TOl'I'O silk (n.), roproHbI 3aM


silks and satins,

Silk Road

TOprOJI30X to be precariously balanced ToprOMcor silken, silky, - 3YHJI silks ToprOH 1. silk, silken, - ~aaBYY silk (n.), - sypar

silk applique art, - 9~ OMC9X to get a dose (of OpOH peak, very summit (of a mountain), - cvpsr pedigree herd, - y3yyp fine point, fine tip, very tip, - Y3YYPT3H OHHP finetipped brush, - XHJI frontier, - XHp sharp ridge, - uspsr bodyguards, guards

VD) 2. fine, -

TOOQOO 1. accounts, accounting, reckoning, calculation, aac aXyHH - commercial accounting, ~OTOO~ - internal accounting, - oo~ox (xHiix) to reckon up; to settle accounts, to have it out (with), to settle [sorneone's ) hash, XYBHHH - oo~ox to settle one's private accounts (with someone), to have it out with (someone), roO~OOHbI xacc branch (bank), TOO~OOHbI H3r1K unit of account, § qaMTaH - XHHH3 l'll settle your hash 2. account, bill

TOOQOOJIOJI computing, accounting, reckoning, calculation, roO~OOJIJIbIH centre


to take into account, to compute, TOO~OH oo~ox yxaaa computer science 2. to consider as, to reckon as, to count as, XO}KlfM - to consider as a win

roocorxor dusty

to be counted, as valid




ToprOOB Russian trader in Mongolia (hist.) (Russ.) Toproox to prop up, to keep (something) going TOprOX I. to fine, to impose a fine, § TaBb XYPT3JI T9rp9r99p -

to impose a fine of up to

fifty tugrigs

TOprOX II. to fasten lightly, to tack

rorron cramp,


TOPrYY,IJ; dialect)

to stick in the throat 2. to get held up, § IOYJI,Q q TOpOJIryH unhampered by anything





(west Mongolian people and

1. (N T9JIOep) fine, penalty, N aornyynax to impose a fine, XyJI33X to incur



a fine 2. penalty (sport), TOpryyJIHHH OqKO penalty point, TOpryyJIHHH TanoaH penalty area, TOpryyJIHHH ~OXHJIT penalty kick

(see TOp,QJIOro)

(geog.) TOPJIOr I. Calligonum (see Asap II.)

TOPJIHr scrub


2. stroke (of a


TOPJIOr III. reticulate, net (adr), N oypxYYJI (N 0YPX3Bq) retina, oypxYYJI XOBXpOX detached retina N


TOPfOr 1. soot, N Hb TOPOH1K TOBwyyp Hb ryJI3aHCaH like a dog's breakfast 2. carbon (auto.), N apanrax to decarbonize TOPfOrAOX to get sooty, to get grimy

TOPX barrel, cask, ,QapbTaH N powder-keg, YPHHH N capsule, pod (bot.), TOPXTOH T3p3r tanker

TOP)KHrHOX to rattle, to clatter

11.1. switch,



TOPAOX to look after, to take care of


TOP aBC Beckmannia, B. syzigachne ,IJ;OPHOTbIH N B. syzigachne

(see TopTOr,Qox) TOPfOITOX (see TOpTOr,Qox)

TOp,IJ;JIOrO care, treatment TOP,IJ;OJIT

TOPOXrYH freely, straight out, without a hitch

TOPXHHX to go bump, to go bang, to go plop, § yrac Hb TOPXHHT3JI TaCapQ33 the string snapped with a twang TOPXOPXYY barrel-shaped TOP:QTOH supporting, giving a foothold TOpqHrHOX to rattle, to clatter

I. to be enmeshed

TOPHHYH large-sized, well-developed

Toe 1. oil, fat, grease, aHpmHH N butter made from kumis and added warm milk, Tapar or XHpaM, oop N ~araaH N boiled and sprinkled with M3X33P flour, raspsra N mineral oil, oil, saracasr fish oil, JIaaHbI candle grease, TYYXHH N (seeepeM II.); soured 3eeXHH, uaraaa N leftovers [uea, 33~) after wap N has been extracted from Op9M with additions such as aapyyn or 333mH, wap butter extracted from milk or kumis by churning or from cream by heating, wap N WHr first-rate, brilliant, eCTOH wap N r3C3H yr that would be just the job, 3cPHpHHH essential oils, TOCOH oan ball-point, TOCHbI oyJIqHpXaH (see OYJIQHpxaH), TOCOOP rOO1K and the best of luck to you!, thank you for nothing!, TOCHbI HYX oil-hole (auto.), N COJIHX usr oil-changing station, N XOJIHX (N XY1Tax) to mix uaraaa N, N ~OXHrQ churn, N ~OXHX to churn butter 2. cream, polish, roo caaxasr N (HyypHHH rOeJIbIH N) face-cream, ryrnsm N shoe-polish, CaXJIbIH N shaving-cream, ~3B3pJI3rQ N cleansing cream, QHHrJI3rq N moisturizing cream, TOCOH 3M ointment

TOPHHX to grow up, to develop, to mature


TOPOH piglet

TOerOH II. a non-infectious diseases of the camel resulting from malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands

TOPJIorAOX II. to cane TOPJIOOe netting TOPJIOeOH reticulate TOPJIOX to net, to cover with a net, to enmesh TOPllYYP IiYT3:Q reticular formation (of the brain) TOPMorop bright, sparkling (eyes) N

TOPM03JIOJIT braking


TOPM03JIOX to brake TOPMOHX to sparkle, to twinkle (eyes) TOPMOJI30X to keep sparkling, to keep flashing (eyes) TOPHHBq queen bee's cell TOPHHJIT growth, growing-up, development


TOPOHJIOX to give birth (pig) TOPOHX to stand out, to stick out (in the distance) TOPOJI30X to keep standing out, to keep showing up (in the distance) TOPOM yearling camel, camel in the second year, OXHH female yearling camel N




TOPM03 brake, oapaoaHaH drum-brakes, rap N hand-brake, ,QHCK3H N disc-brakes, xeJI N footbrake, TOPM03HbI WHHr3H brake fluid (Russ.)

TOPHHYJIAX to bring up, to rear (children,


(see ropaorop]

1. to get stuck, to stick, to catch, XOOJIOH,Q

I. village

TOerOHTOX to suffer from TocrOH II. ToerYYp 1. atrium, auricle (anat.), 3ypXHHH N atrium of the heart, XOOPOlI,QbIH TaCJIaBQ interatrial septum 2. sink, yraanrsnr washbasin, TOCryypT cyynrasc cyprax potty-training 3. external window-sill 4. plasterer's hawk (TOCHbI N) sump (auto.) 6. funnel 7. a flat, N



grooved piece of wood set in the distilling apparatus to catch the distillate and direct it outwards through a pipe (also xanfiara]

TocrvibKYYJI3X to remove the oil (from



TYBWH1T3X) to pacify TOXHOJI occasion, occurrence, case, happen-

something), to defat

TOCAOX to grease, to get (something) oily TOCJIOf 1. fat (n.) 2. fatty, greasy, oily TOCJIOrq oiler, greaser





TOXHOJIOOp by sheer chance, Cyrapsm - transit of Venus

TOCJIOJIT lubrication

TOXHOJI,IJ;JIOOP fortuitously, by chance, casually, - xypsuan yH~3X to have casual sex

TOCJIOX 1. to lubricate, to oil, - 3YHJI (MarepHaJI) lubricant 2. to plunge a printing

TOXHOJI,IJ;JIbIH occasional, chance, casual, JKypMaap casually, by chance, - 3yHJI (-

board into hot oil or fat to seal it before use (xyl.) render, to get the fat out of

3. to

xspsr] a matter of chance, an accident, saaapraa (- WHHJKT3H) fortuitous, chance, accidental

TOCJIYYP oil-can, oiler TOCOJIfOO lubrication, TOCOJIrOOHbI MarepHaJI lubricant, TOeOJIrOOHbI Toe lubricating oil, XHHX to lubricate

TOXHOJI,IJ;OJI case, occurrence, chance, happening, H3rA3X TOXHO~O~ in the first case,

TOCOJIfOOl.lHH oiler, greaser

TOXHOJI,IJ;OX 1. to happen, to occur 2. to

oauroa TOXHO~O~ on special occasions encounter, to meet, to run into

TOCOH,IJ;OH Butterwort, Pinguilica


TOCOPXOf greasy, oily TOCOX 1. (TOeoH asax] to meet, to catch, to receive, to intercept, to anticipate, 3aM - to intercept, TOeOH OqHX to go to meet, TOeOH HpHX to cut in 2. to get ready to receive, to put

TOXHOJI,IJ;YYJIAH on the occasion of, to celebrate, § MOHrOJI apnsra xyascransra HJIaJITbIH oHr - on the occasion of the anniversary of the

out (the hand, etc.), anra - (see anra], rapaa

TOXHOX 1. to occur, to happen, § AOJIOOH capsnr 6aHpTOXHOJK on the occasion of theJuly festival, YH3X33P TaHa~ aa TOXHOJK33 you're

TOeOH ryiix to hold out the hand to beg, rocq

erex to hold (something) out to (someone) TOCT Brachanthemum (bot.), fOBHHH - B. gobicum, MOHrOJI - B. mongolicum

victory of the Mongolian people's revolution

really in luck's way


to coincide


TOTfO I. lintel, TOTrbIH 333H the god of the lintel

TOXHPOJI correspondence, agreement, fitness

TOTfO II. the pillars of the Mongolian brazier (TYJIra)

TOXHPOJI,IJ;OX to arrange, to agree

TOTfOP hindrance, obstacle TOTb (- IUYBYY) Parrot TOXHfYH uncomfortable TOXHIKHJI fitting up, fitting out, furnishing, equippinq, enhancement

TOXlUKHJIT (see TOXH1KHJI) TOXH)KHX to get fitted up, to get fitted out, to get furnished, to get equipped, to get well ordered, to get well regulated






TOXH)KYYJIAX to fit up, to equip, to furnish, to fix up, to enhance, § XYP33JI3H 6aHraa opxasrr - to enhance the environment

TOXHHx to be bent, to be crooked TOXHJIOf comfortable, fully fitted, well equipped TOXHJIOX to get well-established TOXHHYYJIAX 1. to make (someone) comfortable, to settle (someone) in, to look after, to settle, to regulate, to arrange 2. (TOXHHYYJIaH


agreement, arrangement, TOXHPOJI~OOHA XYP3X to reach agreement, TOXHPOJI~OOHbI YHHHH A3JIIYYP (TOXHpO~O­ OHbI A3JIryyp) negotiated-price shop, commercial shop, TOXHPOJI~OOHbI yH3 negotiated price

TOXHPOJII.J;OX to agree, to arrange, xaMTPaH aJKHJIJIaxaap - to agree to co-operate TOXHPOM)K suitability, fitness, appropriateness, - MYYTaH ill-suited TOXHPOM}IITYH

unsuitable, unsatisfactory, inappropriate


TOXHPOM}IITYH,rI;3X to be unsuitable, to be unsatisfactory

TOXHPOM)KTOH suitable, satisfactory, appropriate

TOXHPOO 1. suitability, compatibility, match



TOXHPOX 1. to be suitable, to suit, to fit, to agree with, to be compatible with, to match, caaaann - (C31T3~ -) to please, to appeal to, to satisfy, TYJI3X3A - to be suitable for burning 2. (X3JI3JI~3H -) to agree, to arrange




TOXYYPXAHfYH mocking, jeering (ad() TOXYYPXAX to joke, to have a laugh,

TOXHPyyn regulator (mech.) TOXHPYYJIAfq 1. regulator, control 2. thermostat

TOXHPYYJIAJIT adjustment TOXHPYYJIAH according to, as suits TOXHPYYJIAX to adjust, to make (something) fit, to adapt, to regulate, to control, to match, OOOJIT adjusting screw, TOxupyyJIaH 30XH~YYJIaX to adjust, to adapt, § 3yyr T3f xysaaps ~33P TOXHpyyJI1K TaBHX to set the needle to zero


TOXHPyynfA adjustment, - annarnax to get out of adjustment, -


to make an adjustment


pxaa naaaomrax [roxyypxaa ~OPOM}KJIOX) to mock, to humiliate

TOXb (-

comfort, - aMax (- TyX to be uncomfortable, (- TyXIyH) uncomfortable, - TYJIXTaH (comfortable TaB, -

annax, MYYTaH TyXTaH)



TOXbTOH (see TOXUTOH) TOqlfn whetstone, grindstone (Russ.) TOqHJI,IJ;OX to grind, to whet TOillHfHOX to flow or freeze as


TOillHHX to clear off, to vanish TOillHH water emerging from gaps in the ice

TOXHPYYJDK (see roxapyynaa] TOXHPYYP regulator (mech.) TOXHTOH comfortable, cosy, snug TOXHHX to be settled, to settle down

TOillHX to climb up a hillside (yak) TOillnOf Barberry, Berberis (also Illap MO~)

TOXOH 1. elbow, -

TOillJIOH Gooseberry, Grossularia

and flOWing over it, such water freezing lumpily (see xanaa], - ryHX to run (water over ice)

30JIfOH (- HHHJIYYJI3H) rubbing shoulders (with), side by side, TOXOHH ye elbow joint 2. cubit, M}'Xap - short cubit (measured from the elbow to the end of the clenched fist), y3yyp - full cubit (measured from the elbow to the tips of the outstretched fingers) 3. river bend

TOXOHBq elbow-pad TOXOHBtIJIOX to hook (something) over the elbow

TOXOHJI,IJ;OX to rest one's elbows on, to lean on, § WHp33f TOXOHM01K cyyx to sit with one's elbow on the table

TOXOHPOX to wind, to bend, to meander (river, etc.) TOXOM saddle-cloth or cushion usually of felt, wh ich protects the horse from

chef ng

by the


TOXOOJIT appointment (to a post) TOXOOCTOH landed with, on one's shoulders TOXOOX (TOXOOH TaBHX, TOXOOH TOMHJIOX) to appoint, § qyynraHbI ~3~ napraap TOXOOH TOMHJDK33

he was appointed League Vice-head

TOXOX 1. to put on, to layover,

3M33JI - to saddle, TOX01K oex to sew down, to couch 2. (TOX01K HHJI3aaX, TOXOH TYJIX3X) to saddle with, to land with, to blame for, § OOPC~HHH oypyyr oyca~ pyy TOXOH TYJIX3X to blame others for one's own shortcomings

TOXOill camel's riding saddle TOXOillJIOX to saddle a camel, to put a riding saddle on a camel

TOXYY amusement, fun, -XHHX to tease, to make fun of

aHMfHHH - aimag-centre, ranaan - epicentre, H3f~HHH - rural co-operative centre, CYMbIH - sumun centre, XOTbIH - town centre, TOBHHf OapHMTJIaX to steer a middle course, to stay neutral, TOBOOC ayrrax xyq (TOBOOC T3MYYJI3X xyq) centrifugal force, TOBHHf caXHX to be neutral, TOBHHf caxacan oa~arr neutrality, TOBHHf CaxHX OO~OfO policy of neutrality, TOB~ T3MYYJI3X xyq centripetal force 2. central, - AMepHK Central America, rasap centre, central office, - Xopoo Central Committee 3. honest, upright, well-balanced, aMfarraH serene, - Oa~arrTaH grave, polite, napyy mild, modest, - ~apaH straight face, ~apaH raprax to put on a straight face, urynpara honest, upright

T9B 1. centre,

T9Bf9P 1. raised, prominent, salient, convex


knob, protruberance

T9Bf9P,IJ;YY knobbly T9B,IJ; 1. Tibet 2. Tibetan, guage, Tibetan, -


X3JI Tibetan lanTibetan medicine

T9BA9X (see TYB~3X) T9BA9q Tibetanist T9BAtlHJI9X to Tibetanize T9BHHH central T9BHHx to swell, to swell out, to stick out, to project

T9BJI9rq centre (of a lathe stock) T9BJI9P9JI concentration, centralization T9BJI9P9X to be concentrated, to be centralized, xYH aM TOBJIOPCOH rasap centre of population,


centralized government,






planned economy

T9BJI9PYYJI3llT concentration, centralization T9BJI9PYYJI3X to concentrate, to centralize T9BJI9X to centralize, ap~qHJICaH y~p~ax


democratic centralism (polit.)


T9B9r (see TYB3r)

T9rCr9JIHHH final, - yr colophon (xyl.), -

xyynac final sheet (of a blockprint) T9rCr9JI9H finale T9rC9JI (see rercren]

T9B9rm99llT3H (see TYB3rlli33JIT3H)

T9rC9nT 1. end, ending,

T9B9rm99X (see TYB3rlli33X)


final examination, finals 2. graduation (college,

T9B9H Adam's apple


T9B9HfHHH laryngeal

T9rC9X to finish, to end, to come to an end,


T9B9HXHH larynx, TOBoHXHiir AYPalmaH xapax laryngoscopy, TOBOHXHiiH rarnaa (TOBOHXHHH XaJlXJIaBQ)

T9rCr9JIfYH 1. infinite, endless 2. infinity

T9rC9rq school or college leaver

T9B9rm99JI (see TYB3rW33JI)

T9B9HX (see



T9B9pr99H (see TYB3pr33H) T9BXH9ll comfort

~33~ cypryyns - to graduate from college, cypanuaa - to complete erie's studies, YHWIDK - to finish reading, TerC01K rapax to complete one's studies, to graduate, Terc~or OBqHH terminal illness

T9rQ9r I. stump (esp. charred) of a tree

T9BXH9X to settle down, to make oneself comfortable, to make oneself at home

T9BXHYYll3nT settlement, ~aHHbI napaaxs post-war settlement

T9BXHYYll3X to settle, to organize, to arrange,

T9rQ9r II. doddering, dodderer, xerunm - old buffer

T9,n; 1.1. at once, straightaway 2. the moment that T9,n; II. that much, that many, - o~ this much or that much, - y~aJIryH before long

T9,n;rYH mediocre, not up to much

to make comfortable

T9BX9H simple, plain, modest

T9.IJJJ;yr33P such and such a one, number so


T9,n;HH so much,so many, that much, that many,

and so

T9BIIIll9X (see TYBWJI3X) T9r9ll (-


grove, spinney, xycan - birch


T9r9M9P 1. complete, - xyyp pianoforte, piano, - xYYPq pianist, - 3pX M3~3JI full authority 2. full of, eCJIOJI - with full ceremony

T9r9M9P)I{HnT improvement, perfection T9r9M9P)I{HX to improve, to become complete, to be perfected

T9r9M9P)I{YYll3X CaH1KPYYJIax)


to improve, to perfect, to bring to


T9~9r 1. round 2. tugrig (Mongolian currency unit), oHe - cash, money in cash, ready money, uaacaa - notes, paper money, - X3~3H MORrO a tugrig and a bit, § saraan HHM HX OOJI1K oaiiraa 10M 03 how can it come to all that much?

T9rc 1. (-Tero~op) complete, plete victory



perfect person, - HJIaJIT comfull of majesty

2. full of, cvpnsr -

T9rcr9ll end, conclusion, last part, end-game (chess)

T9,n;HHrYH not only, not just, §

qOHO - HpB3C

~aHcaH not just the wolf but the snow-leopard and the lynx are the main enemies of livestock WHJIYYC MaJIbIH rOJI

ronaanea so much, that much, -


T9,n;HHx9H just, no more than, §

Ta 30rHHH


so good, - y~aJIryH before so very long

TO~HHXHOOC aHBaJI if you are afraid of a mere bee-sting


T9,n;lfiIqH33 (see X3~HHQH33) T9,n;9llrYH without delay, straight away T9,n;9H so many, such and such, § - capsm Te~OM on such and such a day of such and such a month

T9,n;9H,IJ; at such and such a time

T9rp9rll9X to form a circle xaranraa], - XyH

merely, no more than, § OqYYX3H - WHH1K if even the slightest signs appear, 3M33C - XOJI OHW not all that far from here JI y~a.nryii before very long , HJI3PB3JI

waTPbIH -

T9,n;YYll loop, ring T9,n;YYM3X to put a loop over, to fasten with a loop

T9,n;X9H (- 3yyp) pretty soon, in a trice

ron young beast






-.Iong-term planning, T8JI8Bplanned economy



payment, T9JI08PHHH oanaHC (T8JI08PHHH T3H~3JI) balance of payments, T8JI08PT opox to run up a bi II T8JI08PHHH X3p3rC3JI instrument of payment 2. debt 3. fine, T8JI08PT opox to get fined, to be penalized

T9JI9BJI9X 1. to guess at, to estimate 2. to plan, T8JI8BJI8COH ecoop according to plan 3. to drojt T9JI9BT3H likely to, looking like, § OOPOOWHX -. looking like rain

T9JIIi9P}KHX to be or to become chargeable

T9JI9BX9H decent, upright

T9JIli9Pf chargeable, -.

T9JI9BIDHJI formation, development




able service

T9JIli9Pf3H (see T9JI08pT),

-. aWHrJIyyJIaX


charge for use



to be formed,

to develop, to take shape

T9JIli9Pf3Hr99P for payment, subject to a charge




form, to shape

T9JI)l;9P recently, just now, not long ago

T9JI9r I. yearling sheep, hogget

T9JDKHJIT generation, production, propaga-

T9JI9r 11.1. divination, fortune-telling, -. aHJITryynax to get one's fortune told 2. prognosis


H8X8H -.


T9JDKHX to be generated, to develop, to grow, H9XOH -. (TOJIJKHH caprsx] to be regenerated T9JDK99X (see T9JIJKYYJI3X) T9JDKYYJI3X to generate, to increase, to multiply

T9JIJI9JIT calving, lambing, production of young

T9JIJI9X to calve, to lamb, to produce young, -. 3M XOHb

lambing ewe

T9JI9B 1. form, state, appearance,



not looking

like recovering

T9JI9BJIeree plan, TaBaH JKHJIHHH -. fiveyear plan, yrraap -. counter-plan, upwardly adjusted plan (a revision by the workers in an enterprise of the plan originally presented to them by management) (Russ. BCTpeqHbIl'i nnan], Y JICbIH TOJIOBJIOrOOHHH KOMHCC State Planning Commission

T9JI9Bn9re9}KHnT working to a plan T9n9Bn9r99}Kyyn3JIT introduction

TeJI99 1. in order to, § MYXap cyCrHHr apHJIraxsm -. T3M~3JI the struggle to eliminate superstition 2. for the sake of, on behalf of, on whose behalf?

X3HHH -.

T9JIeBn9reeT planned, planning, -.

TeJIe9JIeN 1. representative (n.), TOJI09JI9rtlHHH raaap agency, T9JIOOJIOrtl~HHH TaHXHM House of Representatives (USA) policeman



TeJI99JI9JI 1. replacement, representation 2. metonymy

T9n99JI9X to represent, to stand in place of Tene9HHH representative, representing, -. yr (see yr 1.) TeJleeHge 1. instead, instead of, for 2. so as to, for the soke of







T9n9PX9r fecund, fertile, -. xaaap fecundity, fertility

TeJIeX to pay T9JIqHH breeder of young animals, expert on young animals


planning JKHJI

planning year, -. 30pHJIT planned objective, -. planned parenthood


TeMliHHJIr9X (see


TeMIiHHX (see TYMOHHX) TeMli9rH9X to contract and relax, to squirm TeMlierep (see TYM03r3p) TeMlieJI39X (see TYM03JI33X)

TeJIeBnerq planner TeJI9BneJIT planning,

TeJIeN9BC Milfoil, Achillea, A. asiatica T9JI9JIT payment

TeJI99rYH very, -. asrapxaa easy as winking xaTYY -.

solid state, XHHH -. gaseous state, WHHr3H -. liquid state, -. state, condition 2. signs, possibility, likelihood, prospect, OTJIOX -. signs of ageing, X3THHH -. prospects, outlook 3. mood (gram.), saxapax 'lYwaax -. imperative mood 4. upright, decent, well-behaved, serious, -. napyy modest, -. TOMOOTOH (-. T9BWHH) dignified, sedate [ron -., HX -.) mainly, mostly, for the most part, basically

T9JI9BrYH unlikely to, 3~r3p3X

T9JIerJIeX to divine, to tell fortunes T9JI9N diviner, fortune-teller, soothsayer




T9M9P iron, ~OJIrHOHT


corrugated iron,

MaxaH ,. soh iron, HHMr3H ,. [xyyncaa ,.) sheet metal, xvxspnsr ,. sulphide of iron, naraaa ,. tin-plate, ,. oyx engine, tractor, TOMpHHH napxan blacksmith, TaMpHHH napxasr rasap blacksmith's forge, ,. ~OPOOHHH C3H}KIfHr C3T3pT3n thoroughly, ,. 3aM railway, HapHHH ,. 3aM narrow-gauge railway, ,. 3aMbIH oYY~aJI railway station, ,. 3aMbIH rapax level crossing, ,. 3aMbIH~anaH railway embankment, ,. 3aMbIH T33B3P rail transport, ,. 3aMqHH railway man, ,. cvpsr a name for the Manchu official herds in Mongolia (hist.), ,. anyy horses of those herds, ,. T3M33 camels of those herds, TOMpHHH YP~3C iron filings, TaMpHHH ye Iron Age, TaMpHHH X3C3r hardware (computer), ,. 3~ HnPYYM3r annapaT metal detector T9M9P rAPHr Venus (ostr.)

T9M9PJI9r metal, HYHTar ,. powder metal, OHraT" non-ferrous metal, xap ,. ferrous metal T9M9PJI9X 1. to cover or reinforce with iron, TaMapnacaH can iron-bound container 2. to put in irons


HHMr3H ,.


T99HYYP (,. sacan] moxibustion T99P9r (,. saaa] fate, destiny, fortune, Tooproo Y33X [roepree xapax) to resign oneself to one's fate, to consult one's destiny, TOopraoxapyynax to get one's fortune told T99P9r,n;9JI delusion, misconception, error T99P9r,n;9X to go astray, to be led astray; to be deluded T99P9r,n;YYJI3X to lead astray, to mislead, to delude T99P9J1)l;9X (see reepernex] T99P9J1)l;YYJI3X (see Toapor~yyn3x) T99P9X to get lost, to go astray

T9M9P,n;33 Pea, Vetchling, Lothyrus, HaMXaH ,. L. humilis, Hyrsra ,. Marsh Pea, L. protensis (also )I{ar}JOK)'Ba)

T9M9PQHH worker



T9MII9H (see TYMn3H) T9MC 1. potato, ypHHH ,. seed-potatoes, TaMCHHH ayxaur mashed potatoes, TOMCHHH aMaH aBqHH potato wart disease 2. Ilaraaa ,. Lilium pumilum (L. tenuifolium ) (also C3Bn3r) 3. IIIap ,. Martagon Lily, L. mortogon (see Capaana] 4. balls, testicles T9MCJI9r Hill tuber T9MC9r testicle T9HX9X 1. [yxaac ,.) to dig out, to hollow out 2. to have a dig at, to have a go at T99 span (the distance between the tips of the outstretched thumb and middle finger), ,. 3aHryH intimate T99JIHH boiled head of a sheep T99JI9X I. to measure by spans, to measure T99JI9X II. to register the number of men in a sumun in Manchu times (hist.) T99JIYYP I. (... XOpXOH) Caterpillar T99JIYYP II. register of men in a sumun in Manchu times (hist.) T99H9 moxibustion, ... TaBHX to apply moxibustion (med.) T99H9P9X to burn, to get burned T99H9X 1. to burn, to scorch, to scald blister (med.)

2. to

T99PYYJI3X to mislead, to lead astray, to allow to go astray, to confuse T9P (,. ync) state (polit.), xyyrrs 3yHT ,. (3pX 3yHT ,.) state based on the rule of law, Rechtsstaat, ,. oapHX to reign, to rule, ,. aacar government, regime, ,. ec rule, custom, TOpT ec statehood, nationhood, TapHHH Tonoo orOTHO OOOB{ ~3r to have ideas above one's station, ,. TaMOarap ec eMoorop (see ec eMoorop ,. TaMOarap), ,. TYM3H HY~T3H the state sees all, ,. TYWHX to serve the state, to support the state, T9P r3P3JIT reign-title of the emperor Daoguang T9P)KC9H politicized T9PHHH state, national, ,. aHJI'Inan state visit, ,. ~anoaa national flag, ,. nenaprsrerrr State Department (USA), ,. nyynan national anthem, ...3aXHpraa state administration, government, ,. soxauyynanr state intervention, ,. 30XH~yy­ nanrraa state regulated, ,. 3YTr3nT3H political activist, ,. HapHHH OHqrHHH napra Secretary of State (USA), ,. ca~ government minister; minister of state, ,. TYcraap TOrTHOn sovereignty, independent status, ,. TYW33 pillar of the state, ,. T3PIYYH head of state, ,. xap XyH a grown man (cf. r3pHHH 3M XYH), ,. urarnan state prize, ,. waWHH state religion, ,. spranr coup d'etat, ,. 3pX state power, ,. 3pX oapHx ~33~ oaHryynnara highest agency of state power T9P9r,n;9JI impression T9P9r,n;9JIT3H impressed T9P9JI 1. birth, rebirth, life, ,. apHIDKHX to die; to be reincarnated; to begin a new life, to become quite different, ... apanacyynax to kill 2.i.(,. aara. ... 3yHn) sort, kind, type, H3r TOPnHHH uniform, standard, of one sort, onon TapnHHH (,. OypHHH) all sorts of, all kinds of, ,. aHrHHH classified, ,. M3pr3}K1fn specialization, ,. M3pr31KnHHH specialized, ... x3n03p form, genre ii. genus (nat. hist.) iii. branch (mil.) 3.i.



related, - OHpTOX to become inbred, - X3JI related languages, § MOHrOJITOH - Hpr3H a people related to the Mongols, 3H3 xoep ypraMaJI XOopo~OO - 10M these two plants are related to each other ii, a relative, a relation XOJIbIH - a distant relative, ~caH - (MaxaH -) relationship on the mother's side, acaa - relationship on the father's side, - canaa a relative, a relation, - C~HbI xyMyyc relatives, relations, - canamnpax to favour one's relatives, to be nepotistic, - racpax to cease to be related by blood (aMer nine generations on the father's side or seven on the mother's side), - T9perce~ relatives, relations T9P9JDKHJIT classification, grouping


shape, way, manner, aMb~paJIbIH - T9JIeB way of life 2. temper, humour, behaviour, - apaHWHH nature, character, - HaMoa demeanour, bearing, behaviour, - TOMOOTOH well-behaved T9PxrYH naughty, ill-behaved, bad-mannered, nasty T9PxrYHT3X to be naughty T9PX9M wife's family, wife's relatives T9PX9MC9X to have feelings of nostalgia for her parental home (married woman) T9C

1. resemblance 2. appearance

T9CrYH dissimilar T9CJIHHH planned T9Cll9r similar, close T9Cll9X I. to resemble T9Cll9X II. to get an idea of

T9P9JDKYYll3X to sort, to group, to classify

T9C9B budget, XOHorHHH ~arHHH - daily programme, daily allotment of time, daily schedule, rnCBHHH annarnan budgetary deficit, T9CBHHH ranyyp extra-budgetary, - TeJIeBneree plan, estimate, budget

T9P9JDKHX to specialize, to be specialized T9P9JDKC9H specialized, - opHr~ (see opHr~), - X3BJI3JI specialized publications T9P9llC9X to be related

T9C9Bll9X to budget

T9P9JIT 1. birth, parturition, T9peJITHHH napaax post-partum, - asarnax to give birth; parturition 2. births, birthrate

T9C9BT budgeted, - sapnan budgeted expenditure. - eprer budgeted cost, - xepeare budgeted sum

T9P9JIT9H (see rnpeJIXTeH)

T9C9ll plan, project, proposal, sketch, droh, XyyJIHHH - bill, drolt law

T9P9llX 1. native, natural, - X3JI native language 2. congenital T9P9JIXHHH 1. natural, by nature, native, HMMYHHTeT natural immunity 2. congenital, raaorr congenital defect T9P9llXT9H creatures, beings T9P9X 1. to be born, repcea onep birthday, TepceH e~pHHH 03JI3r birthday present, xyranaanaacaa eMHe rapax to be born prematurely, T9peeryH X~3~ T9Mep eJImH 03~3X to count one's chickens before they are hatched 2. to give birth, - HaCHbI of childbearing age, - Tacar maternity ward 3. to arise (thought, idea, etc.) 4. [repen rapax) to be trained, to be turned out, to be produced

T9C99 I. similarity, likeness, - OyxHH similar T9C99 II. awkward T9C99rYH dissimilar, unlike T9C99ll9ll idea, concept, notion T9C99ll9X 1. (T9ceeJI1K OHJIrox) to understand 2. to imagine, to have an idea of, to get the gist of T9C99P9X to lose one's skill, to get out of practice, to get out of the way of T9C99PX9r (see T9ceeT3H) T9C99PXYY (see T9cgeT3H) T9C99T (see T9ceeT3H)

T9PC9H native, one's own, - ax one's own elder brother, - OHe one's own body, one's mortal body, - nyrar one's native pastures

T9C99T3H similar (to), resembling, YYHT3H - similar to this, like this

T9PYYll3X 1. to give birth to, XYYX3~ TepyyJI3X to have a child 2. to get born 3. to give rise to, to produce, to incur, Ha~JIara - to raise hopes, xyy - to incur interest 4. (rnpYYJI3H raprax] to train, to turn out, to produce

T9C9PX9H recently

T9PX 1. (- oa~an, - oaiip, - ranoHp) form, shape, aspect, appearance, make-up, ranaan - outward appearance, XYH rnpxee annax to degenerate, to become inhuman, - TeJI9B



1. near, not for 2. recent 3. cheap

T9CT like, similar (to), analogous (to), § TOMf)'. TOMf)' - eBlIHYY~ influenza and analogous diseases T9CT3H like, similar (to), § TYYHHH OHlIHrnH 10M it was like his writing T9X99B oven (Russ.) T9X99P9r equipment, device, ~3JI03P3X -

explosive device


T9X99P9JIT 1. fitting-up, furnishing 2. slaughter, butcheri ng

T9X99P9M}1{ equipment, device, TYCJIax ~ accessory, fitment

T9X99P9M}I{Jl9X to equip, to fit, to fit up, TOXOOpOM)KJIOH TaBHX to instal

T9X99P9X 1. to fit up, to get ready, to prepare, to deal with 2. to slaughter, to butcher ~) so many, that number of, so much, ~ OQHOOHOOpOO to such a great extent

T9qH99H 1. (see XHqH33H) 2. (Oq

TPAKTOP tractor, TPaKTOpbIH aH1KHC tractordrawn plough (Russ.) TPAKTOPq tractor-driver TPAMBAH tramway, tram (Russ.) TPAMIIllHH springboard (Russ.) TPECT trust, group of enterprises (Russ.) TPOllllEHIiYC trolleybus (Russ.) TPOTHll trinitrotoluene, TNT (Russ.) TYB (intensifying particle), ~ T}'HI'aJIar clear and bright

TYBA 1. Tuva (p.n.) 2. Tuvan TYBT continually, all the time TYf I. (~ ~aJIoaa, ~ cYJI~) flag, banner, standard (see also cYJI~), xap ~, naraaa ~, anar ~ the black, white and chequered standards of Genghis Khan, ~ oapHN standard-bearer, ~ oapHX (~ sanax] to ca rry the flag, ~ cY~}KHX xapaanr slalom (skiing), ~ TaXHX to worship the flag, to sacrifice an enemy to the flag in :,orship, ~ TOHpOX to go round the flag (victorious wrestler), ~ XHYP flags

TYf II. tuh, bunch, § ~ caaxaa CYYJIT3H with a fine bushy tail

TYfAAP just now, a moment ago TYfAAPXAH (see 1)Taap) TYfAJI I. calf in the first year, OXHH ~ cow-calf in the first year

TYfAJI II. a board game played with two teams of three counters each on a board with nine spots

TYfAJIfA (xap ~) lead (min.), uaraaa ~ tin, 1)TaJIraH JI{~ a broken reed

TYfAJIllAX to calve TYfAJIMAI11. dentine 2. core of a horn, 1)TaJIMaHTHbI osor (1)TaJIMaHTHbI H3ryyp) Bovidae

TYfAJIMAHTAX to begin to grow horns TYfAAHx to be hunched up, to be huddled up TYfAAM I. tent-residence TYfAAM II. meditation, contemplation, ~ oapHx


to meditate, to contemplate; to die dam)



TYfHAX to measure out a dose TYfq standard-bearer TYf IIlHP33 erect (humps of a camel), ~ ar camel gelding with erect humps, ~ OOXT3H with erect humps

TY}I{ all along, all the time, all the way, onep ~

all day long, ynaaa xyranaaasr TY~ for a long time, ~ nape place thick with pi~e~, TY~ Hb continuously, uninterruptedly, ~ OH lust trees, nothing but trees

TY}I{PAfA large wooden bowl TYHB 1. woman's ornamental hair-sheath usually made of silver and inlaid with stones, rryHBHbI OOOJIT a round silver ornament placed between the clips on a woman's hair (also OOOPOBQ) 2. developing antlers

TYHBAH rod TYHBAX to stagger, to be unsteady TYHBfAHAX (XOJI~) (see rryHBax) TYHBCXHHx to be unsteady TYHll 1. extreme, extremity, limit, raHXaxbIH ~

60JDK thoroughly taken aback, r3MT x3~3r rryHJIAaa xvprsx to bring a crime to completion (iur.), ~OO~ ~33~ ~ lower and upper limits, ~oo~ rryHJIbIH nsr bottom dead centre, ~33~ T)'iiJIbIH usr top dead centre, 3YHbI ~ summer solstice, aacaa ~ 60JICOH ancient, very old, rryHMaa XYPT3JI aHcaH scared stiff, ~paxbIH rryHM XYP3X to be quite worn out 2. pole (geog., elec.), H3M3X ~ positive pole, OMHO~ ~ (OMHOT ~, ypn ~) South Pole, }'Map~ ~ (xo~ ~, XO~T ~) North Pole, }'MapT rryHJIbIH uarapar Arctic Circle, xacax ~ negative pole

TYHllAA)l;AC (HHr3H~, T3M33H~) graupel, soh hail

TYHnAAc very much, extremely TYHllAX 1. (TYiiJIJI{ TOHrOQHX) to buck 2. to play fast and loose, § HHHmHH O~ r33~ nypaapaa rryHJIJI{ 6oJIoxryH one should not play fast and loose just because it is public property, YJICbIH xepearoep ~ to play fast and loose with state funds

TYHnIiAPfYH irresolute, indecisive, changeable

TYHllliAP MYYTAH (see rryHJI6apryii) TYHllliAPTAH thorough, thorough-going, resolute

TYHllrYH extreme, immense





sible, anap - to touch the ceiling, to reach the ceiling, TYJITaJI 3pryyJI3X to turn (something) as far as it will go 4. to fight


TYH.JI,IJ;AHrYH exhausted, worn out TYH.JI,IJ;AX to be exhausted, to be worn out, to be at the end of one's tether, § 6H T)'iI~a}l{ ryHICI33 I'm worn out, I've had it TYiLTI):J;YYllAX to exhaust, to wear out

TYitJIq polar explorer TYHJImPAJI extremism

1. polarization, polarity 2. excess,

TYHJImpAX 1. to be polarized, T)'iIJIWHpCaH r3p3JI polarized light 2. to take things to extremes TYHJImpYYJIAJIT polarization TYHJIbIH 1. most, very much, extremely 2. absolute, - OImOp absolute height 3. polar, - TYRa (- TYRapaJI) Aurora Borealis, - uarapar polar circle

(see TyIlnJIHH)

TYH!I.J:IAHQAp Ph10mis (bot.), IiYJI!O'YT - Ph. tuberoso (also TyIlnJIHH), HyrLUI - Ph. protensis TYHrrJIHH 1. Logopsis HaMXaH TyyJIaH-YPYYJI)

supino (bot.) (also 2. Ph10mis tuberoso

(see Tynnnaauap] TYHIIYY brick TYHP site TYJI



II. Taimen, Hucho toimen (ichth.)


2. in order

to, for the sake of

TYJIrABAPJIAX to rely on, to base oneself on TYJIfAM imminent, pressing, urgent, topical, aCYY~aJI urgent question

TYJIfAM~ 1. to be confused, to be anxious, to be taken aback 2. to be pressing, to be urgent TYJIrAM,IJ;CAH imminent, pressing, urgent, topical, - aCYY~aJI urgent question TYJIfAHrYH peremptory TYJIrAP 1. new, newly established, primary, 6HlIHr (- CYPBaJI}I{) primory source, - TOP new regime, - TYTaM for the first time, - yJIC new state, new country, - 3X original, first copy 2. (- 6HeT3H) pregnant for the first time, primiparous, pregnant, }l{HP3MC3H - pregnant, X33JIT3r11 primiparous beast TYJIrAPAJIT encounter, confrontation

TYJIAAH fight, encounter, battle

TYJIfAPAX I. to meet with, to encounter, to face, to confont, to threaten, Hyyp TYJIrapaH head on, face to face, 3C3pryyu;3JIT3H - to encounter resistance, § ocrox aioyn M~ TYJIrap1l33 the livestock were facing freezing, yJIC OPHbl OMHO aioyn TYJIrap~ 6aHJIaa danger was threatening the country

TYJIAAC support, prop TY.JIAH gout, podagra TY.JIAHTAX to have gout TYJIAJI)J;AAH fight, encounter. battle

TY~AX to fight TYJIAM 1.1. whole animal skin, RMaaH - goatskin, - 60JITOJI saaxax to beat to a jelly 2. leather bag, yIlTrapbIH - a real bore, TYJIaMTaH yxpHHH 3B3P WHr like cat and dog TYJIAM II. reaching to, touching, nHr3p nHr3p)

TYJIrA 1. brazier, raasaransr - collapsible brazier, carcaa - the usual four-pillared brazier, ~aXHJIraaH - electric ring, urannaa - a primitive brazier with a single ring and three legs, TOHpCOH ordinary, everyday, common or garden, - TYJIax to set up one's brazier; to start off in life 2. base, support, TYJIrblH lIYJIYYr TaBHJI~aX (TYJIrbUl lIYJIYYr TYJIaJI~ax) to help lay the foundation stone, to be founder members TYJIfAJIT demands, pressure

TYHJImpyyllAX to polarize


TYJIIiArA name of a fish, probably the young trout


TYJIAMllAX 1. (TYJIaMJIaH OBlIHX) to pull the skin off an animal like a sack starting with the hind legs 2. to fill a bag TYJIAX 1. to lean on, to support oneself, to prop up, to support, CaImaJIbIH apsrr TYJIax to lean against the back of a chair, TaRr TYJIca~ le~n­ ing on a stick, 3pyyr33 - to prop up one s chin, TYJIaH eprex to prop up 2. (uyyp -) to face, to confront, to come face to face with 3. to touch, to go right up to, to reach, to go as far as pos-


II. to be sprained

TYJIfAP,IJ;AX to be taken aback TYJIrAT title awarded to the winning youths' finalist at wrestling TYJIfAX 1. to confront, to compel, to force, to demand, aJIHBaa 60JI30JI TYJIraaryH with no strings attached, TYJIra}l{ CYP~YYJI3X to intimidate, TYJIraH ryuraax to force, to compel, to coerce, to demand; to impose on, TYJIraH XaBlIHX (TYJIraH waxax) to force, to compel, to coerce, TYJIraH XYJI33JIr3X to impose one's will (on), to force (someone) to accept (something), to dictate (to), TYJIraH uraapnax to present demands, TYJIraH uraapnax 6HlIHr ultimatum, TYJIraH uraapnnara demands, § ~aHCaIm OOPHHH 30pHr canaar TYJIraH XYJI33JIr3X to

impose one's will

on the enemy, COMOH


X~HHr 3aaBaJI oapYYH rapaapaa OHqlOK


cypaxsrr TYJIra~ar Hb oypyy it is wrong to force lehhonded children to learn to write with the right hand, xapayunarsrr TYMaH XYJI33JIr3X to hold responsible 2. to knock, to press against, to bring to bear on, oyy - to point a gun, to hold at gun point, xynnara - to clink glasses, 3pyy - (3PYY wyyJITHHr -) to put to torture, HJI 33MJI3JI - to bring charges 3. to compare, to confront

TYHAAX to deposit, to precipitate TYHMAC (see ~ac) TYHAJI3AX to shimmer TYHAJIT precipitation TYHAMAJI 1. clear, limpid, settled 2. sediment 3. sedimentary, - xypnac sedimentary deposit, - qynyyJIar sedimentary rocks


TYHAPAJIT precipitation

TYJIrYYP Li. support, prop, yp~ - headstock

TYHAPAX 1. to be deposited, to be precipitated

(lathe), xoim - tailstock (lathe), xyrraasr - toolrest (lathe), TYJIryypT oaHp strong point (mil.) (Russ. onopnsm nYHKT) , - rap the bow hand (in archery), - XOJI stand, legs, - qynyy foundation stone, - qy.nyyr TaBHX to lay the foundation stone, - WOH pillar, pier (bridge, etc.), TYJIryypbIH wy~ centre spur (lathe), - 3PXT3H organs of support (anat.), - HC bone support (in the belly of a bow grip) H. pylon, naxanraaa ~aMJKYYJIax uryrasrsm - power-line pylon iii. newel post 2.i. new, initial, primary, - oapHMT (- oMHr) primary source ii. (see TYJIrap 2.) 3. (- YHWHJIT) proof-reading, - XHHX to proof-read

TYJIrYYPAAX to support, to prop up TYJIrYYPJIAX 1. to be based on, to depend on, to rely on, § 3H3 oaa3 cyyps ~33P TYJIryypJIaH on this basis

2. to support

TYJIrYYPfAH propped XapaHJIT (see XapaHJIT)




TYJI,IJ; (see TYJI I.) TYJIX reliability, thoroughness, - MYYTaH unreliable, unsteady

2. to be held back, to be kept back till last

TYHAX 1. to clear, to settle (liquids) 2. to collect (liquids) 3. (TYHCUK y~3X) to be iek in, to survive (in a series of matches, etc.), § aaarr TYHa)l{ y~3X to be left till lost, rypan naxs urarann - to get through to the third stage

TYHrAArYYP filter TYHrAAMAJI refined TYHrAAX 1. to allow to settle, to clarify 2. to refine 3. [rynraaac oo~ox) to think over, to consider, to reflect on, TYHraa)l{ OJIOX to think out, to work out, TYHraaH X3JI3JI~3X to clarify

TYHrAAI.J;rVH assured, self-confident TYHrAJIAr 1. clear, transparent, - XOOJIOH soprano, ypan - XOOJIOH coloratura soprano 2. bright 3. lymph (anat.) TYHrAJIAr)I{HJIT 1. clearing (wine, etc.) 2. clearness, transparency

TYHrAJIAr}KHX to clear, to become clear (wine, etc.) TYHrAJIAr.IKYYJIAX to clear, to clarify (wine, etc.)

TYJIXTAH reliable, steady, thorough


TY.JIIJ; support, prop

TYHrAJIArillHX (see TYHraJIar)I{Hx) TYHrAJIArillYYJIAX (see TYHranar)l{YYJIax)

TYJIbTPAA lisping, - HpHX (see TYJIbTPax) TYJIbTPAATAX (see TYJIbTPax) TYJIbTPAX to be tongue-tied, to speak hesitantly, to stumble over one's words

TYMAH primiparous, producing young for the first time

TYMIiAHX to stick out, to be rounded out, to be protruberant, to be prominent

TYMIiAIIIH the Four Friendly Animals (bird, hare, ape, elephant) (Buddh.) (Tib. mthun-pa

bzhi] TYMIT~AX to wrap up, to wrap round

TYMITAHx (see TYMJIali~ax)

TYHrAJIrHHH lymphatic, - oyjJqHpxaH (see oYjJqHpxali), -3aHrHJIaa lymph node, -WHHr3H lymph, - WHHr3HHH cynan lymph vessel

TYH)l;AC sediment, deposit, precipitate, precipitation, pa~Ho-~3BXT - radio-active fall-out

TYH)l;AC)l{HJIT precipitation TYH)l;AC.lKHX to be deposited, to be precipitated

TYH)l;AC./KYYJIAX to deposit, to precipitate TYHHArVH poor, feeble TYHHA MYYTAH (see TYHHaryH) TYHHMXAH sulky, petulant

TYH I. very, extremely, - asrapxan very easy


TYH II. dose, - X3MJK33 dosage, amount

TYHHPAX to get dense (colour)



TYHHPXAJI sulking, petulance TYHHPXAX to sulk, to be petulant TYHHPXYY (see T)'HHMXaA:) TYHHX (see T)'HHpxax) TYHPAA a horn used in magic ceremonies or in reciting spells (Tib. thun-ra) TYHCAA borax TYHTAHJIAX to tuck in, to wrap round TYHTAHx to be huddled up, to be in a heap TYHTrAHAX to waddle, to wobble TYHTrAP rounded, plump, bulging TYHTPArA stocks for holding a person by the hands and feet (hist.)

TYHTPAX to wrap up in, to tuck in TYHXAr proclamation, manifesto, declaration, KOMMYHHCT --

the Communist Manifesto

TYHXArJIAJI declaration, announcement TYHXArJIAX (T)'HXarJIa1K sapnax] to proclaim, to declare, liyr~ HaA:pa~ax YJICblr -- declaration of the Republic

TYHXYY I. Horseradish TYHXYY II. Chrysanthemum (bot.) TYHXYY III. teapot (Chin.) TYHillHJI ampoule TYPAAJI emaciation TYP~ to lose weight, to waste away

TYPAAJITAH emaciated TYPAAX to allow to waste away, to allow to slim, TYPaartl aB'IHH wasting sickness TYPAr 1. big, big-bodied, large (animal, etc.), -- an big game, -- repeec big deer, -- WYBYY large bird 2. -- Max carcase, carcase meat 3. Deer, Stag

TYPAJIT wasting, wasting away (n.) TYPAHrH (see TYPaHXaA:) TYPAHrHJIAX to get thin, to get skinny TYPAHX.AH skinny, scrawny TYPAX 1. (TYP1K3~3X) to waste away, to get thin, to lose weight, TYP~aa MOpb 1KOpOOJIOB trying one's hand at something new 2. to slim

TYprAHAX to hobble, to walk with short steps TYPrHJIAX to snort TYPrHYP jet, spray, nozzle TYprHX 1. to snort 2. to sprinkle, to spray, to spit out, ranaap -- to spray with fire (mil.), § TYJIWUHr ~HJIH~PT -- to inject the fuel into the cylinder (of a diesel engine) 3. to blow (volcano)

TYPHrAP lean TYPHXAH (see TYPbXaH) TYPK 3M33JI sella turcica (anat.) TYPJIHAX Rook, Corvus frugilegus TYPCArA skin of a sheep or goat which has starved to death, 1YpCrbIr xYYJIax [rypcrsrr 3M3X) to take the hide off (someone) TYPCrAH CAPMAAXAiI Sovi's Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus savii

TYPYY (see TYYPai) TYPYYMH Wintergreen, Pyrola, Terperaaa-nrr -- Round-leaved Wintergreen, P. rotundifolia ,

YJIaaH -- P. incarnata TYPXAH (see TYPaHXaA:) TYPXHPAJIT incitement TYPXHPAX to incite TYPill for, during, OJIOH 3YYHbI -- for many centuries, a~ap -- all day long TYPillHN experimenter, tester TYPillHJ]; (see TYPw) TYPillHJI (see TYPWHJIT I.) TYPillHJIrA (see TYPwJIara) TYPillRJIT I. test, experiment, ~aMHA:H -- nuclear test, -- 60JIrOH as an experiment TYPillRJIT II. experimental TYPillHJITbIH experimental, -- HHCJI3r testflight, -- TYYJIaA: gUinea-pig, -- xyranaa trial period TYPillHX to test, ~aMHA:H 33BC3r -- to test atomic weapons, TYPWHH COH1KHX to try out TYPillHQ experiment, venture TYPillJIArA 1. experiment, test, TYPWJIarbIH CTaH~ experimental station, TYPWJIarbIH Tan6aA: experimental area (in schools, for practical experience) 2. experience, -- XypHMTJIYYJIax to gain experience

TYPillJIArArYfIT3X to lack experience, to be green

TYPillJIArA)I{HX to gain experience TYPillJIArACAX Y33JI empiricism TYPillJIArATAH experienced TYPllIYYJI 1. patrol, scout, -- raprax to send out scouts 2. patrol, reconnaissance, TYPWYYM saax to go on patrol

TYPillYYJIbIH experimental, trial, test (adj.) TYPb (see TYYPb I.) TYPbrYH (see TYPb MYYTaA:) TYPb MYYTAH slight, feeble, weak, delicate TYPbTAH sturdy, well-built TYPbXAH Llecn, haggard 2. slender, slight, thin, § -- ryanar 6HenA: XYYX3H a slim, elegant girl

TYC 1.1. this, the same 2. separate, TYC~ Hb separately, ... oyp each, ... oyp~ Hb individually, ... OypHHH individual, respective, ...... (... TYca~ Hb, ... rycnaa] separately, respectively, ... TYCbIH individual, respective, § cYMblr oYYHaac TYc~ Hb xanranaaa keep the ammunition separately from the guns TYC II. around, near, by, in the area of, cyraasr ... ra3ap around the armpit TYC III. (... ~OXOM, ... ~3M, ... H3M3p) help, assistance, support, advantage, good, HHHTHHH ... the public good, ... OOJIOX to be of help, to be of use, ... OOJIOXOOCOO yc OOJIOX to be more of a hindrance than a help, ... OOJICOHryH it was no use, ... H3M3pnH helpful, advantageous, TYCbIH TYM for the sake of, ap~ TYMHHH aa JKapraJIbIH TYCbIH TYM for the sake of the happi ness of the masses, rycsrr ycaap xapaynax to return evil for good, ... xyprsx to help TYCArMXYYH object (gram., etc.) TYCAJIT fall, strike (sun's rays, etc.) TYCAM the more, § ynax ... yJIaM ~OP~OHO wyy ~33 the longer you wait the worse it will be, YJIaaHOaaTapT OHpTOX ... the nearer we got to Ulaanbaatar TYCAPXAr helpful TYCAPXYY (see rycapxar] TYCAX 1. to hit, to strike, HY~3~ ... to strike the eyes, § aMbCraJIbIH 3aMbIH OBqHYY~ asrapxaa TYc~ar diseases of the respiratory tract can easily strike, Tawyy TYCcaH OPOHH Hap the evening sun falling at a slant 2. to affect, 3~ spxrann TYcax to affect the organs 3. transitive, 3C ... intransitive TYCrAAP separate, individual, independent, ... TOrmOJI independence, ... TOrmOJIbIH enop Independence Day (USA), ... TOrmox to gain independence, ... TOrmOCOH independent, ... TOrmOCOH YJICYY~bIH XaMTbIH HOXOpJIOJI Commonwealth of Independent States TYCrAAPJIAr,IJ;MAJI isolated

359 out the batteries and store separately

TYCrAflJIAH specially, particularly TYCrAllJIAX 1. (TYCraHJIaH anrax] to separate, to separate out, to sort out 2. to do specially, to do specifically TYCrAflncAH specific, special, separate TYCrAflpAX to cut oneself off TYCfAJI 1. strike, striking, § aapasr nryyn TYcraJI~ xaraax to dry in direct sunlight 2. reflection, TYcraJIaa OJIOX to be reflected 3. projection (geom.), HYYPHHH'" front elevation 4. aspect 5. range, aJICbIH ... maximum range, effective range, oara TYCraJITaH short-range, AYH~ TYcraJIbIH (~ 3aHHbI TyCraJITaH) mediumrange, intermediate-range, OHp TYcraJIbIH short-range, - opyynax to correct the aim of a gun, to adjust the sights, - XOJITOH long-range 6. reflex, OOJI300T ... conditioned reflex, OOJI300T 0rc ... unconditioned reflex TYCrAX 1. to reflect, TYcraH HJI3PXHHJI3X (TYCraH xapyynax] to reflect, to display 2. to project


useless, no good

TYC,IJ;AA separate TYCJIArq 1. assistant prince (hist.)


assistant to a banner-

TYCJIA.ITQAA help, assistance, aid, ... ~3MJKJI3r support, ... Y3YYJI3X to render assistance, to extend help TYCJIAJIQAX to help, to assist TYCJIAM}I{ help, assistance, aid, ... ~3MJKJI3r support, ... Y3YYJI3X to render assistance, to extend help TYCnAX I. to help, to assist 2. auxiliary, ... ax axyA ancillary activities (of an organization), ... opHr~ auxiliary voluntary patrol 3. aide TYCMAA (see TYCaM), np ... more especially, all the more

TYCrAAPJIAN insulator, insulation, YCqHHrHHH ... damp course, damp-proof course, ... oaHp isolation ward, - OYP33C insulation (of a wire), - JIeHT (- TYY3) insulating tape

TYCMAPq assistant, helper (Bur.)

TYCrAAPJIAJIT insulation

TYC TAC forthright

TYCrAAPJIAX to separate, to isolate, to segregate, to insulate, WaWHbIr TOpOOC ... to separate church and state, - Y33JITHYY~ separatists

TYCq helpful, useful

(polit.) TYCrAfl special, separate, - aJIoa~ special services, - H3P proper noun, ...cypaanacnarx special correspondent, TYcra~ Hb separately, apart, TYCraH~ Hb OaHJIraX to isolate, to keep sepa rate, § T3JK33JIHHr ass - X~raJIHa take


TYCTAfI helpful, useful

TYTAM 1. each, every, per, rypsaa XOHor 'J'YTMbIH OpOH every third evening, JKHJI ... (JKHJI HP3X"') every year, year aher year, MHHraH xYH TYTa~ per thousand persons, xoep uar - every two hours 2. the more, XOHHOOCOO yparumax ... the further one goes from north to south, uar earepox - as time goes by, with the passage of time




to penetrate, to understand fully

TYYJIrA (-- 3M) purge, laxative TYTAPrA

TYYJIrAllT drench

(see TyTpara)

TYTrAJI)l{MH Curlew, ECKHMO -- Eskimo Curlew, Numenius borealis, MOPHH -- Curlew, N. arguata, Xypran -- Little Curlew N. minutus TYTPArA rice TYY (-- --) an exclamation used for setting on a dog TYYBAP driving, droving, TYYBPbIH 3aM drover's way, TYYBPbIH MaJI driven beasts


TYYJIrAX 1. to let flow, to let pass 2. to purge, to drench (an animal), uaraaa XOpXOH -- 3M vermifuge TYYJIh epic, epic poem, OaaTapJIar -- heroic epic TYYJIhC

(see TyyJIb)

TYYJIhq epic singer, bard TYYP

I. hoof

TYYBAP~AX to be driven too hard and become exhausted (livestock)

TYYP II. Peach, TYYPaH MaJIraH a peach-shaped hat (hist.) (Chin.)


TYYPAH 1. hoof, TYYPaHr xaraax to take after 2. cuff of a Mongol gown

TYYBAPJIAX to drive (livestock) TYYBAPqHH drover TYYBAPillHX




ryysapnax] TYY}I{ story, tale, long short story (Russ. noaecrs] TYY}I{YY broom, besom TYY}I{YYP


(see Tyy1KYY)

TYY}I{YYPAAXtosweep TYY3 1. braid, ribbon, band, tape, MeoHycbIH -- Mobius strip, naannnar -- adhesive tape, Tyy3aH TOMOP (TOMOp --) metal strip 2. tapemeasure 3. strip (of two or more rows of plants,

etc.) TYY3JIAX to form a strip, Tyy3JIaH TapHX to sow in a strip (of two or more rows) TYY3PAX

(see Tyy3JIax)

TYYJI (XaTaH --) Tuul Tiver, Tala River TYYJIAH 1. Hare, liop -- Brown Hare, Lepus tolai, Ilaraaa -- (see qa~ara), -- YC3pr3X to play ducks and drakes, to skim stones on water, -- xasrap broad muzzle (camel), -- xapaanrax to sew three running stitches followed by a false stitch of the same length hidden beneath the material, -- X3JI03pnH (TYYJIaHH asryyp] Leporidae 2. Rabbit, Anrop -- Angora Rabbit, TyyJIaHH 3ypxnH faint-hearted 3. fare-dodger, stowaway TYYJIAHH 1i99P Chestnut tree TYY.JI.AHH TArHAH Filipendula (bot.), XaHJIaaC HaBqHT -- Meadowsweet, F. ulmaria TYYJIAHH YPYYJI

Lagopsis (bot.)

TYYJIAHqJJAX to be a fare-dodger, to be a stowaway TYYJIAX 1. to cross, nanaar -- to cross the sea 2. to pass through, to get over, caan -- to overcome an obstacle 3. to cover (a distance), XOpHH KM 3aM -- to cover a path of twenty km.

TYYPAHTAH ungulates, au; TYYPaHTHbI oar even-toed ungulates, Artiodactyla, OHTYY TYYPaHTHbI oar odd-toed ungulates, Perissodactyla, xoc -- cloven-hoofed beasts TYYPAllT rash, eruption, -- rapax to come out in a rash TYYPAX to come out, to come up (rash, erupt, OHe -- to come out in a rash

etc.), to

TYYPBHJI work, undertaking TYYPBHX to undertake, to attempt, to make, to produce, to occupy oneself with, to write, to compile TYyprA 1. wall (of a felt tent), -- HOMoprox to fit the wall of the tent, -- TYcraap (-- TYCraH) independent 2. wall (of a building), TYYPraHbI3ypar wall-painting 3. wall (of an organ), ynaaa XOOJIOHH -- wall of the oesophagus TYyprATAH race, Mongol race

people, MOHrOJI -- the

TYYPJIArA eruption (on the skin) TYYPT hoofed, -- aMbTaH hoofed animal TYYPTAH

(see TYYPaHTaH)

TYYPh I. ruins, remains TYYPh II. short story, novelette TYYPh III. an ornament worn at the tip of the hairsheath (CaJIOaH) TYYC direct, straight TYYX 1. to drive (livestock), MaJI -- to drive livestock 2. to expel (worms), r3~3CHHH naraaa XOPXOH -- to expel intestinal worms TYYXAM I. (1KHHrHHH --) weight (for scales) TYYXAM II. a face of an anklebone (the same as MOpb) TYYXAM 3AHrHJIAA

(see 3aHrHJIaa)

TYYXYY knee-covering, knee-warmer TYYXYYBq knee-covering worn by child jockeys

TYyqHH Jeremiah, prophet of gloom (as a term


of abuse)

TYYTIHX 1. to get through, to wade through, to plough through 2. to sew together, yJI - to sew up the sole of a boot

TYYllI 1. all along, straight through, lengthwise, WOHHHH - all night long 2. linear, - MeTP linear metre 3. long and straight, - MO,n tree-trunk

TYYillAA a large bowl TYYllIrYH ('ryHJIoap -) indecisive, irresolute, inconsistent TYYill~ entirely, allover


TYillAAJI 1. order, command, ran H33X - order to open fire 2. office, post, appointment, job, anoaH - office, axnax TYWaaJIbIHXaH superiors (mil.), naprsm ryuraann 3aXHpar,naxryH insubordination (mil.), noon TYWaanbllixaH subordinates (mil.), OH,nOp TYWaaJIbIH high-ranking TYill~ to coincide

1. to happen, to occur 2. to meet,

TYillAAJIT supply, delivery TYllIAAJITAH official (n.)

TYYllIHH cord, tie

TYillAAHrYH imperious, dictatorial

TYYllIHHAAX to eat or drink, to consume

TYillAATAH hobbled

TYYillPAX to be straight, to become straight,

TYillAAX 1. to order, to command 2. to hand

TYYWpaH ypcax to flow directly

TYYillTAH decisive, resolute, consistent, persistent, thorough, - M3C 3aCaJI radical surgery

TYX comfort, - annax to get uncomfortable, to lack comfort, to suffer, - MY}'TaH uncomfortable, - TOXbTOH comfortable

TYXAfI 1. about, concerning, on the subject of, yyHHH - (3H3 -) about this 2. occasion, - oyp on each occasion, on every occasion

TYXAfI,D; 1. about, concerning, on the subject of, 3H3 - in this case 2. on the occasion of, oaHMaaH 3X3JIC3H - on the outbreak of war

TYXAfIJIAH specifically, particularly, specially TYXAfIJIAX 1. to specify, to refer to specially, 3C - X3JI03P infinitive (gram.), TyXaHJIaH X3JI3X3,n in particular

2. to guess, to surmise

TYXAfIJIIiAJI in fact, as a matter of fact, actually

over, to consign,

to deliver,



[xaccann -) to pay in, TYWaacaH oapHMT proof of payment

TYillAAXb near, next to TYIDrHPAX to call or to coax sheep TYillHX to hobble (a horse) TYjJA 1. ray, TYHaHbI OBtDlH radiation sickness, - 3MqHJIr33 radio-therapy 2. tinge, § uaraaa TYHaTaH sraaa ~3IUYY,n pink flowers tinged with white

TYilA)KHJIT radiation, irradiation, TYHaJKHJITbUl TYH radiation dose TYilA)KYYJIAX to irradiate TYBJI3YYP }I{NJ: epee, TYHJI3YYP 1Ka):laap T3M~3JI,n3X to fence

TYjJApAX to gleam, to glisten, to shine

TYXAfIJIIiAP phrase (mus.)


TYXAfIJICAH appropriate, proper

TYBJI3AX to bounce, to sway, to wobble

TYXAfIH relevant, concerned, - xyu the person

TYBH3 collar pad for a draught animal

TYxrYH uncomfortable, disagreeable

TYIDCAH delicate, fine, graceful, willowy TYBr3P (see TOBrop)

TYXHPAJIT incitement

TYB,D; (see TOB,n)

TYXHPAX 1. to set (a dog) on, HOXOHr - to set

TYB,D;3X to bear, to bear to, C31T3JI TYB,n3xryH

the dog on 2. to incite, TYXHpaH oocrox (TYXHpaH xenanrex] to rouse to revolt

not to have the heart to, to be unable to bring oneself to


TYXJIAr comfortable TYXJIAX to take one's time (over), to relax, to do thoroughly, TyXJIaH asrpax to have a thorough rest

TYXTAH unhurriedly, in a leisurely manner, HpHJI~aX to have a good chat

TYillAA I. near, by, close to, yy,nHHH - (yy,n3H -) by the door

TYillAA 11.1. hobble 2. tie-beam, stretcher 3. the front and back ties of a camel's pack-saddle


level (n.), aMb}KHpraaHbI - standard of living, AaJIaiiH- sea-level, OHAOP - high level 2. (- TaH.BaH) peocetul. quiet, settled


TYBillHTr3X to pacify, to calm, to settle TYBIDJI3X to put level, to put straight TYBillP3X 1. to be level, to be straight 2. to be calm, to be peaceful

TYB3r (- 03PXW33JI, - QHp3r,n3JI) difficulty, trouble, nuisance, - TaTax (- QHP3X) to bring trouble, to be a nuisance, - ynax to disturb



TYB3ffYH without difficulty, easy, not difficult, undemanding

TYB3IT3H 1. difficult, troublesome 2. intricate, complicated, demanding

TYB3fm33JI trouble, nuisance TYB3fm33JIT3H troublesome, a nuisance TYB3fm33HfYH diffident TYB3fm33X to find something a nuisance, to be diffident about, to be embarrassed by,

acyyxaac- to be diffident about asking, § asraa xaanr, xouryyns X3p3rn3X33c - to find wearing masks or respirators a nuisance

TYB3Pf33H (MOpHH -) sound of horse's hooves TYf (intensifying particle), - -ryM3H thousands of, myriad

TYf,IJ;f3P stooping, hunched TYf,IJ;HHx to stoop, to be hunched up TYf,IJ;P3JIrYH without hesitation TYf,IJ;P3X to falter, to hesitate TYf,IJ;qHX to keep faltering, to keep hesitating TYf,IJ;3fH3X (see TYr~HHx) TYf,IJ;3PCxHHx (see 1yr~P3X) TYf}l{Hf,IJ;M3JI secluded, cut off TYf}I{HX to bolt, to lock, to lam, "aMhcrarraa (see aMbcrarr), xaanraa - to bolt one's door, napyyn shiff-lock (typewriter)

TYf}l{P3JI blockage, obstruction, 3aMbm traffic jam

TYf}KP3X to be blocked, to have a stoppage, oaac - to be constipated, to have a stoppage TYf}l{P33 (see 1yr}Kp3n) TYf}K33 bolt, bar, lock, A3Bwyyn3x ~apyynbm - shih-lock {typewriter}, H3r~C3H - central locking


TYf}l{33C blockage TYf}l{33Cf3H bolted, barred, locked TYf}K33T3H (see 'JYr}K33cnH) TYf TYf pit-a-pat TyrxHfIT3JI bump!, with a thud TYfmHJI worry, anxiety, apprehension TYfmHJIT (see 'JYrWHn) TYfmHJIT3H worrying TYfmHHfYH worried, anxious

1.1. to beat, to throb 2. to beat, to hit, to strike 3. [canaa -, C31T3n -) to worry, to be anxious, to be apprehensive


TYfmHX II. to suffer from a condition including

sweating, shivering and thumping of the heart produced by over-exertion (horse)

TYfmYYJI3X [caaaa C31T3nHHr -, 3ypX C31T3nHHr -) to alarm, to worry, to scare TYfmyyp 1.1. (C31T3JIHHH -) anxiety, alarm, concern, unease, worry 2. warning, alarm,

TYrwvYPHHH ~OXHO warning, alarm, araapsm rryrwyypHHH ~OXHO air-raid warning, - 3apJIaX (rryrwYYPHHH xapanra ~3M3X) to sound the alarm

TYfmyyp II. stick, beater TYfmyyp III. flesh over an animal's diaphragm TYrmyyPf alarming, worrying, critical, troubled TYfmYYPf3H (see TYrwyypT), - oaH~arr tension


TYfm33X I. (C31T3n -) to alarm, to worry, to scare

TYfm33X II. to founder (a horse) (see rryrwHX

II.) TYf3JIT distribution, spread TYf3X 1. (-ryr3H ~3JIr3P3X, TYr3H Tapax, 'JYr3H Tapxax) to spread, to be spread, to be distributed 2. to come out (stars), on TYrC3H T3Hr3p starlit sky, on TyI'T3JI till starlight TYf33B3P cash-desk, till, counter, oaHKHbI TOO~OOHbI - bank cash-desk, bank till TYf33B3PqlfH cashier, till-operator TYf33fYYP 1. supply, distribution, yc - watersupply, yc TYr33ryypHHH XOOJIOH water-mains

2. petrol-pump TYf33N distributor TYf33JI distribution, issue, giVing-out TYf33JIT (see TYr33JI) TYf33M3JI widespread, general, universal, ~3JIr3PC3H apra a widely used method TYf33M3JI 3JIli3IT reign title of the emperor Xianfeng

TYf33X to distribute,

to spread, -ryr33H ~3JIr3pyyn3x to distribute, to circulate, TYr33H OJIrOX to distribute, to issue

TY,IJ;f3JI3YYJI3X to suspend TY,IJ;f3JI33X 1. to abstain, to refrain, OHqHXHHr TY~r3n33X to refrain from writing, XHHX33C - to refrain from doing, to refrain from making put off, to delay 3. to hesitate

2. to

TY,IJ;f3H3X to be dejected TY,IJ;YYJI loop, esp. the loops into which the tags (xewyyp) on the case of a book are inserted (xyl.) TY,IJ;3HXABX 1. Lady's Slipper, Cypripedium

calceolus 2. C. guttatum 3. Calypso (bot.), liyJIQyyr - C. bulbosa

TY~3X to hesitate



TY)I{f3P short, low, stumpy TY)I{HfH3X to rumble, to make a lot of noise TY)I{HfH33H rumbling (n.). TY)I{HHx

1. to

be short 2. to be scanty

TY)I{HP TA)I{HP clattering, bumping TYH

I. ablution (Buddh.) (Tib. khrus)

TYH II. mishap, obstacle TYHB3Pf3X to be mischievous, to mess about TYHB33H trouble, disturbance, disorder TYHB33HT troubled, disturbed TYHB33X (TYHB33H yHMyyJI3X) to disturb, to upset, to cast into confusion TYHM3P wild fire, fire, conflagration, - annax (- TaBHX) to start a fire, to let a fire brea.k out, TYiiM3PT xopssoaroo uraraanrax to get Into a scrape, to burn one's fingers TYHM3P,IJ;3X to set fire to, to burn up TYHM3PQHH fire-raiser TYHC container with birch-bark walls and wooden cover and bottom (used by the Buryats of Dornod aimag) TYHTf3P obstruction, obstacle TYHTf3Pf obstructive TYnxJI3X to keep pushing TYJIXYY further, more advanced, more, to a greater extent, - xorBqTyJI3X to promote further, - X3C3r the greater number, - waHaa prominent cheek-bones, § TapHanaH - xorXCOH nyrar areas where agriculture is better developed TYJIXYYP 1. key (also fig.), TYJIXyypHHH uyx keyhole, - yrc passwords 2. spanner, wrench, ro~oo - box wrench, ~HHaMOMeTPHHH torque wrench, ~3r33T - hook spanner, oaraJK tools 3. clef (mus.), XHHJIHHH - (COJIb -) treble clef, ella - bass clef 4. switch TYJIXYYP,IJ;3X to lock, to unlock TYJIX3N tappet TYJIX3JIT 1. push, thrust, pressure, impulse, flow 2. up-bow (mus.) 3. tremor (earthquake) TYJIX3JITI3H jerk (weight-lifting) TYJIX3llQ3ll repulsion TYJIX3llQ3X to repel, to repel each other, xoopo~oo - to repel each other TYJIX3X 1. to push, OHe OHe3 - to repel each other, TYJIX3rt1 oaH3 springboard, TYJIX31K 3aHJIyyJIaX to repel, TYJIX3H ynaraax to overthrow 2. to shove on to, to land with, to put the blame on, § xasrar oypyyr 3Y~ rsrs pyy TY~3r they blame the 3Y~ for everything wrong 3. to wind up, TYJIXyyp - to turn a key, uar - to wind up a clock

TYJIX3Q push, shove, impetus, boost, - HOJIOO impetus TYJIX33C 1. push, shove, impulse 2. instigation, incitement TYJIX33Cll3N instigator TYJIX33Cll3X to give a push, to give an impulse, to impel TYnm fuel, TYJIWHHH aJK YH~B3P fuel industry, TYJIWHHH caa fuel tank (auto.) TYll3f,IJ;3ll a burn, burns, burning, rypasnyraap 33pmHH - third degree burns TYll3f,IJ;3JIT (see TYJI3r~3JI) TYll3f,IJ;3X 1. to be burned, TYJI3r~3H OOPJIOX to get sun-burned, to get tanned 2. a condition in livestock brought on by over-indulgence in salt-lick TYll3HXHH 1. a burn, burns, burning, TYJI3HXHHH rypasnyraap 33p3r third degree burns 2. burned, scorched, - aMTraH with a burned taste, - YH3P smell of burning TYll3X

1. to set light to,

to burn, ran - (see ran

1.) 2. to cauterize TYll33 (- MO~) firewood, - TYJIW fuel, - xaranax to chop firewood TYll33QHH wood-cutter, firewood seller TYM ten thousand, TYM3H OO~HC nature, TYM3H OO~HCbIH XHQ33JI nature lesson, - aacanryraa long live!, TYM3H nacaa X33 (TYM3H HaCT) swastika fret pattern, TYM3H OJIOH the masses, - TY1KHrH31K O}'M oy1KHrHaCaH busy, bustling, crowded, TYMHHH 3X "First of Ten Thousand", champion horse; name of a song traditionally sung at the open ing of a feast or a sports meeting, TYM3H 3XT3H a1KHJI a thousand and one jobs TYMIiAillH (see TYMOaWH) TYMliHHllf3X to puff out, to inflate, xaupaa to blowout one's cheeks TYMIiHHX to be rounded, to be protruberant TYMli3f3P rounded, protruberant TYMli3ll33X to balloon, to pulsate TYMIT3H bowl, basin, naanaaraa - enamelled basin TYM3,IJ; Tumed (Inner Mongolian people) TYM3H 1. masses, MOHroJI - the Mongol masses, TYM3~ H3PryH T9P~ 3apryH a nobody, never been heard of 2. very, extremely, - YH3HT3H absolutely true 3. a unit of families capable of supplying 10,000 armed men in imperial times (hist.)

TYM3H3AHrHJIAA 364 TYM3H3AHrHJIAA 1. Pseudostellaria (bot.)

2. Stellaria dichotoma (bot.) TYM3HHABtrnT Water Milfoil, Myriophyllum TYM3HTAHA Chamaerhodos (bot.) TYM3HTYPYY Cow Basil, Vaccaria TYM3HT33 ten thousand times TYH bang!, - XHHx to go bang TYHf3 (see TyHX II.), HaHrH~ - Leymus chinensis (also Xaar, XHarJIaH -) TYHr3PU3r small bag (made from a ram's scrotum)

TYIDKAAH coppersmith (Chin.) TYIDKr3P bald, hairless TYIDKHH I. friendliness, - Tacpax (- xarapax] to fallout, to quarrel

(Tib. mtun-rkyen)

tree or bush with a beater) 2. to appraise, to estimate

TYHIIIJI3JI partnership TYHIIIJI3X 1. to have a long-standing relationship with a Chinese shop 2. to be partners

TYHIIIYYP beater (for knocking berries or nuts off a tree,


TYH3P: - xapaaxya pitch-black, - xap yraa black smoke

TYH3Pf3X to look black TYP provisional, temporary, brief, short, oaHpTaH goodbye for now, - OOJIOB1f if only for a while, - 3acrHHH rasap provisional government, - syyp temporarily, for a while, - syypsm temporary, casual, short-term, provisional, 3yypbIH aJKHJI temporary work, - caaryynax to detain, - cypryyns short course, - xyrauaaraap for a short while, temporarily, - xyrauaaasr brief, limited, short-time

TYIDKHH 11.1. hornless 2. hairless, bald TYIDKYYP Water-rail, Rallus aquaticus, XaJKHJIraT - Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, XaJI3aH - Coot, Fulica atra TYHJIHH HOMbIH }l{ACAA name of an

Typr3BQJI3H rapidly Typr3BqJI3X to accelerate, to expedite, TYPr3BQHJIC3H xypc crash course Typr3,IJ:3X to be too hasty, to be in too much

annual service held in Peking for the welfare of the Emperor

Typr3JIYYP catalyst Typr3JI3X 1. to hurry, to hurry up, to look sharp

TYHJI3X name of a three-day reading of the scriptures for the welfare of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu held at the time of his birthday

TYHTr3P 1. round, bulging 2. (- MOp) the raised shoulders of a woman's traditional gown

TYHTHHJIr3X to dilate, to swell (trans.), xa~paa - to blowout one's cheeks TYHTHHX to swell, to bulge TYHTYY sack TYHT3rH3X to roll about, to waddle TYHX I. hip, hip-joint, TyIIXHIIH ye hip-joint, TYJIX33P xarrax to hurt one's hip joint TYHX II. Leymus (Aneurolepidium ), L. angustus (also TyHr3, XOTbIH ,IJ:3pC) TYHXHHx to swell, to bulge, TYHXHHT3JI QHXC3H stuffed full TYHX3JI33X to throb, to pulsate TYHX3C XHHT3JI with a bang TYHill 1. (TYHWHHH nyyc) Chinese shop with long-standing monopoly custom in a particular area (hist.), TYHWHHH XOJIOOO long-standing supplier-client relationship with a Chinese firm 2. trading partner, partner 3. mate, pal, xarapax to fallout (Chin.)

TYHillHPX3X to team up, to pal up TYHillHX 1. to tap, to knock (berries, etc., off a

of a hurry

2. to speed up, to accelerate, to go faster

TYPf3H 1. quick, SWift, - rOOMOH y~aaH ~aaMaH (- TYYXHH y~aaH ~aaMaH) more haste less speed, better safe than sorry, - 1Karcaa~ action stations!, - acarcaan action stations, 3aHTaH hot-tempered, - 3yyp in a moment, in no time at all, - TYcJIaM1K (3MH3JImHH TYcJIaM*) ambulance, casualty service, 3MH3JIrHHH - TYCJIaM1KHHH T3p3r ambulance, - TYYXJfH rash, hasty, precipitate, - y~aaH rapidity, - yr tongue-twister, - yHJIQHJIr33HHH usr fast food outlet, - XOOJI fast food, - xyrauaaan in a short space of time, - uranaerraa (- WaJIMar, - wyypxaH) expeditious, agile, prompt 2. ambulance, casualty service

Typr3Cr3X (see TYpr3Tr3x) TYPf3C3JIT acceleration Typr3C3X to speed up, to accelerate, to go faster

TYPf3Tf3X to make faster, to speed up, to accelerate

TYPf3X3H pretty quickly, pretty soon TYP,IJ:3X to be destroyed TYP)I{HfH3X (see TYpQHrH3x) TYPHH shaft of a boot, TYPHHHHH OOOC T3prYYH~ rapaa things are going from bad to worse

TYPHHBQ purse, TYPHHBl.I33 3Y3aaJIaX to line


one's pockets

TYPHHJI3X to stick (something) into the shaft of a boot

TYPK 1. Turkey 2. Turkish TYPKq Turkologist TYPKqYYA Turks TYPJI3r 1. line or verse of a "long song"

2. refrain TYP HBP bang!, crash! TYPC 1. roe, spawn, - xasx (- waxax) to spawn

2. caviare TYPTAP bang!, crash!, -XHHX to bang; to have a row

TYPYY 1. first, - MamaH 60JIOX to come in first, - MOpb the first horse in 2. head, lead, BOIHrHHH TYPvyr 6apHx to take the lead in a caravan, - aBax to take the lead, - 6YJIl.lHpxaH (see 6YJIl.IHpxaH), - nyyrapcaa XOX99HHH aM xOJIMor silence is golden, TYPVYIm asax to be in the lead, § AMepHK yJICbIlI TYPVYIm HB1K 6aHHa they are ahead of America 3. before, ):(OJIOO XOHorHHH - a week before, tPeO):(aJIbIH - yeHHH pre-feudal, - OIm last year 4. an ear of grain S. spike (- 6ar ~3~3r) (bot.), ):(3JIr3p3HryH - (HHHJIM3JI -) compound spike, 3HrHHH - Simple spike

TYPYYJIr33 face down, - xapac X3BT3X to lie face down, to lie prone

TYPYYJI3r face down TYPYYJI3rq winner, victor TYPYYJI3JIT advance, lead, aCaaJITbIH - ignition advance

TYPYYJI3X 1.1. to come first, to go first, to be ahead, to lead, to win, TYPVYJI1K rapcan l.IHXH33C CVYM ypracaa 3B3P the old gives way to the new, TYPVYJI1K X3p3rJI3X to be the first to use, TYPVYJI3H ssax to go in advance 2. to be fast (clock) 3. (ryH~31K -) to overtake, nasxap ryH~31K - double overtaking, TYPVYJI1K XOMOX 3pX priority (trof.)

TYPYYJI3X II. to form an ear (grain) TYPYYH previously, at first, just now, a moment ago

TYPYYH)]; ahead of, xaMrHHH - (IOMaH -) above all else

TYPYYT3H led by, with ... at the head TYPYYX3H spikelet (bot.) TYPYYX3H 1. just before 2. just now TYPYYX3H)]; just in front, - Hb just in front of them

TYPyyq 1.1. first part, beginning, first one 2. earlier, preceding


TYPyyq II. sergeant, axnax - sergeant-major, 6ara - corporal

TYPYyqJfHH 1. first, front, preceding 2.i. late, previous, recent

ii. just before,

a little earlier

TYPyyqn3H in front, in advance TYPYYQ33P before TYPXHHT3JI loudly, with a bang TYPXJI3r (TOCOH -) ointment, cream TYPXM3f ointment, cream, - TYPX3X to apply an ointment

TYPXM3JI 1. plastering 2. plastered, spread TYPXP3X to make a commotion, to make a lot of noise, to be vehement

TYPXP33H commotion TYPXYYJI spreader, applicator TYPX3X to apply, to spread on, to smear on, to rub in, 6arcaap - to brush on

TYPX3IJ; 1. ointment 2. smear, § xaMpbIH CaJICT 6YPXVYJI33C ascaa - a smear taken from the

nasal mucous membrane

TYPqHfH3X to thud, to rumble TYPqHfH33H thudding, rumbling (n.) TypqHX to wipe, to clean TYP3f 1. Turkey 2. Turk, Turkish TYP3fJI3X (see TYpr3JI3x) TYP3rq bulldozer TYP3JIT 1. pressure, thrust 2. flow (tide) TYP3MrHH aggressive TYP3MrHHJI3rq aggressor TYP3MrHHJI3JI aggression TYP3MrHHJI3X to attack, to overrun, to bully, to act aggressively, TYP3MmiiJI3H opox to invade, TYP3MmiiJI3H 33JI3rl.1H):( invaders, occupiers, TYP3MmiiJI3H 33JI3X to invade, to occupy

TYP3MfHHqYYA aggressors TYP3X I. to chorus, to sing a refrain in chorus, yyxaH - to sing the yyxaa-chcnt in chorus

TYP3X 11.1. (TYP1K TYJIX3X) to push, to push forward, to drive, TYP1K raprax to displace, TYP1K ):(ypB33X to drive away, TYP):(3r T3p3r push-cart, wheelbarrow 2. (TYP1K ):(aHpax) to attack, to act aggressively, TYP3H 333PX3X 3pM3JI33JI expan-

sionist aims


to flow (tide)

TYP33liAPHX to take advantage of, to shelter behind, § 3pX napxaapaa TYP33 6apb1K taking advantage of their privileqes

TYP33C rent, lease, TYP33C33P asax to rent, to lease

whelmed, to have too much on one's plate, a.>KHJI)];aa - to have too much to do



TYYP3f I. suburb

TYP33CJIYYJI3rt1 lessor

TYYP3f II. Turkish

TYP33CJI3rt1 lease-holder, lessee

TYYC I. (see Y~3W)

TYP33CJI3JI renting, leasing TYP33CJI3X to rent, to lease, to hire, TYP33CJI3H OJIrOX

to rent out

TYP33 XHHX (see

to be keen to be off, to want to get away

XOJl)];OXbIH -

TYYX 1.1. to gather, to collect, to pick, apran -

TYC TAC straight, honest, -


to say honestly

TYCXHHx to go plop, to fall with a plop, to go to burst out laughing, to get fat enough to burst, TYCXHHT3JI ynax to flop down, TYCXHHnJI ~OXHX to bang against TYCXHHT3JI HH33X


TYC3Pf3X to sprinkle TYY quite, altogether, - ~OXHX to knock out (Bur.) TYYB3P 1. collection,

collection of articles 2. collected, - 30XHOJI collected works 3. selective, - cynanraa spot check yryyJI3JIHHH -

TYYB3PJI3X to assemble, to collect, to compile, to select, tively

TYYC liOJIOX to be keen (to get away), CaJIaXbm -

TYP33 oapHx)

TYCP3f watering-can


TYYC II. a tall birch-bark vessel

TYYB3PJI3H xypaax

to harvest selec-

TYYf33P 1. through him, through her, through it, through that (instrumental of rep], - q oapaxryii (- q yJI oapaM, - q sorcoxrva] not only that (but also ... ), nevertheless, notwithstanding that 2. around, around there, that way

TYY,IJ;f3P3X to get in a twist, to get in a tangle

to collect dried dung (for fuel) 2. to pick off (with a gun), H3r H3r33p - to pick off one by one

TYYX II. history, -

OHQJI3r historiography, writing of history, - coxex to look back at, - cynap (- nracrap] history, history book, chronicle, annals, - CYAJIaJI historiography, study of history, § OJIOH .>KHJIHHH TypW aBQHJDK HBcaH TYYXT3Jl having a history of many years' illness

TYYXHH I. raw, underdone, - 3~ raw materials, xoepnor« - 3~ secondary raw materials, scrap

TYYXHH II. suppuration, sore TYYXHHP3X 1. to be raw, to be unripe 2. to be half cooked, to be underdone 3. to go off, to go bad, to spoil

TYYXT historic, historical, - rasap historical place, - HB~aJI historic event

TYYXq historian TYYXqHJIC3H historical, - C3~B33P on a historical theme

TYY,IJ;3f 1. skein, bunch, twist 2. swab (surg.)


TYY,IJ;3f fAJI camp-fire, open fire

TYYXqJI3H historically

TYY,IJ;3fJI3X I. to make into a skein or twist

TYYX3H 1. historic, - aM.>KHJIT historic success,

TYY,IJ;3fJI3X II. to burn, to burn up (open fire) TYY,IJ;3IT3X I. to get in a twist or a tangle TYY,IJ;3IT3X II. a disease of small livestock causing them to keep lying down and getting up, caused partly by bad fodder

- OMHax prehistoric, - OMHOX ye~ in prehistoric times 2. historical, - xar1KHJI historical development

TYYQ33 first, leading (animal or cart in a caravan)

TYYQ33JI3X to be in the lead

TYYH (oblique stem of np) TYYH,IJ; to or in him, to or in her, to or in it, to or in that (dative-locative of rsp]

TYYIIIHH headstall for an ox

TYYHHH his, her, its, of that (genitive of np)

TYYIIIYY back of the jaws

TYYHHHf him, her, it, that (obiective ofnp) TYYHT3H with him, with her, with it, with that (comitative of np) TYYHtlJI3H same way, -


similarly, likewise, in the

(see T3ryyHqJI3H


TYYH33C from or than him, from or than her, from or than it, from or than that (ablative ofnp) TYYPT3JIfYH easily, without trouble TYYPT3X to be overloaded, to be over-

TYYIII 1. tooth-socket, alveolus 2. (see TYYWYY)

rvxrar full, swelling TYXHHJIf3X to stick out (trans.), ~331K33



stick out one's chest

TYXHHx to stick out, to bulge TYX3JI33X to heave, to move up and down TYQHfH3X (see TY.>KHrH3X) TYIIIf3P3X to call sheep or goats by calling TYW TYW



support, prop

TYillHrJI3X (TYWHrn3H TYnryypnax) to rely on, to depend on, § yc lIHHr OyxHH opsnsrr TYWHrn3H relying on a damp environment



TYillHIT3H reliable

T3BX3H T3BX3H AJIXAX to step lightly

TYillHX 1. to support, to prop up, TYIIIH1K oyynrax to help to dismount 2. to rely on, to

T3BX3PJI3X to square off, to tidy up

TYillHQ 1. (- rasap. - HYTar) base, strong-point, stronghold


T3BqHX 1. to give up, to renounce, to shun, to refrain from

lean against bridgehead, beachhead

TYillJIYYP back-rest, back (of a chair or seat) TYillJI3r rest, arm, back-rest, back (of a chair or seat), ronroHH - head-rest (auto., etc.), roXOHH - arm-rest, lIIaTHbI - banister, TYlIIn3rI'3H caiman easy chair, armchair TYillM3r supporter TYillM3JI minister, official, dignitary, TanaaHHH - special government representative (in the early years of the MPR) (hist.)

TYillYYJI3X to lean against, to prop against (trans.), § xana TYIIIYYn3H TaBHX to lean (something) against the wall

TYillYYJI33CT3H propped up (against), xaaa - propped up against the wall

TYillYYP support, prop TYill33 (see TYIIIYYP) TYill33T XAH (OllHpOaT Tynrap -) the Tusheet Khan of Khalkha

T3B I. (intensifying particle ), - T3BIIIX3H quite level, quite equal

T3B II. (see THB) T3B,IJ;YY (- oallH~YY) flustered, worried, confused

T3B,IJ;YYJI3X to worry, to harass T3B,IJ;3JI confusion, alarm T3B,IJ;3HrYH worried, anxious T3B,IJ;3C XHHx to be anxious, to get scared T3B,IJ;3X 1. to hurry 2. (T3B~3H cannpax] to be worried, to be perplexed, to be at a loss, to be flustered, to be embarrassed

T3BH3 pack-needle, big needle T3BP3JI,IJ;33H embrace

2. to

bear, to stand, to put up with

T3BQ33P patience, endurance, self-control, annax to lose control, to let oneself go

T3BQ33PrYH impatient, intemperate, uncontrolled, unrestrained

T3BQ33PJI3r patient, stoical T3BQ33PJI3X to bear, to put up with T3BQ33PT3H patient, with determination T3Bill 1. trough 2. long dish 3. oaapHHH - renal pelvis 4. [rocasr -) sump (.auto.) ~.i. back (of a lorry), T3BIIIT3H MalIIHH pick-up II. lorry-load

1. shuttlecock (made of horse-hair, chicken feathers, etc., fixed to or through a round piece of metal or a coin and kept in the air by kicking), - eumrnex to kick a shuttlecock 2. a lock of hair len on the top of a boy's head when the ha iris first cut 3. base of a tassel (on a hat)


T3B3r 3AJIAA (see ,IJ;ancul'rypyy) T3B3rqJ1H shuttlecock player T3B3P 1. armful 2. embrace T3B33PYYJI3X to feed up, to fatten up T3B33P3JIT getting fat, putting on weight, filling out

T3B33P3X to get fat, to put on weight, to fill out

1.1. zero, T3r33C ~OOIII XyHT3H below zero, sub-zero, T3r33C XOHIII nepsea opoa four places of decimals, - X3P33C noughts and crosses 2. small circle


T3r II. just, exactly, - ~apBanJKHH perfectly square

T3r III. do so! T3r

IV. (see THr), - TaBHX

T3rB3JI if so, if one did, if one did so, so, then, 3C - if not, otherwise

T3BP3X 1. to embrace 2. to hold in the arms, T3BP3H asax to take in the arms

T3rB33C (see nrB3n)

T3BX 1. prop, strut 2. bridge (of a stringed

T3r,IJ;r3P short


to mark out the foun-

dation lines

T3r,IJ;HHx to get too short

T3Bxr3P foursquare, solid, bulky

T3r)K so, like that, in that way

T3BX,IJ;3X to raise, to support (on a strut)

T3rJI3X to reduce to zero, § ep 333n33 nrn3C3H yy have you paid off your loan?

T3BXHHX to be foursquare, to be solid, to be massive, to be bulky

T3BXll3X (see T3B~3X) T3BX3JI33X to cut a fine figure

T3rJI33 Q r3C3H still, even so T3rHYYP 1. weigh-beam, scales 2. a double saddle-bag

T3r3JIrYH RAXAB (T3r3JIryH sax B3) of course



T3r3X to do that, to do so, to act like that, T3rH3X to balance (a load on an animal), to load equally, to load up

T3r3XJI33P so, thus, accordingly

T3rH33T3H burdened, loaded

T3r33,IJ; so, and then, .... JI

T3rCr33,IJ; thus, in that way T3rc HHr3CXHHr33,Il; tinkering, fiddling about nevertheless, then, aher that

MOpTJI99 (.... q)

however, in spite of that, .... qHHb

on purpose, deliberately,

to annoy

T3r3XrYHr33P otherwise

T3rH33 divided load, balanced load

T3rC3H did so, ....

T3r3X33C T3r3X r3}K

T3ITJI33 that for, that much T3IT3JI then, at that, but


and that's that

T3,IJ; they T3,Il;r33P 1. they 2. those T3,IJ;r33PHHH 1. their (genitive af T3~r33p) 2. of them, ....

H3r Hb

one of them

T3,IJ;HHH 1. their 2. of those, of them (genitive af T3~), .... HHJI33~ X3C3r a considerable part of them

T3rYYHtIJI3H HP3rC3H Tathagata (Buddh.)

T3,Il;HHHr them (abiective af T3~)

T3rm 1. equal, .... oa~an equality, ....

T3,Il;HHM at their place

OHm (....

unequal, .... OHm oa~an inequality, .... OHm unequal treaty, .... OHm xapanuaa unequal relations, .... oyc X3MT3H asymmetriC, .... X3M symmetry, .... x3MryH asymmetriC, X3MT symmetric ....3pX equal rights, apscrasr 3pX racial equality, .... 3PXT3H with equal rights 2. straight, .... ~9PB9H 9H~OIT rectangular, .... eanerr rectanqle: rectangular, right-angled 3. flat, level, even, .... OHm uneven, OHm 3aM uneven road, .... OH~OpJIOr plateau, TOO even number, .... yc spirit-level oyc)


T3rmHBT3P pretty level, level T3rmHJIr33 rendering (arch.)




T3rmHTr3X to level out, to adjust, to equalize, to even out, anoa .... equalization of taxes (see T3rIDH'IT3JI )

T3rmJIYYP 1. plasterer's trowel, oyJIaHmHH .... corner-shaping trowel 2. level (mech.), yeas .... spirit-level 3. plank drag

T3rmJI3X to level, to level off, to make level, to straighten

T3rmp3JIT levelness T3rmp3X to become level, rasapraa .... to be levelled with the ground T3HXJI3rHHH


T3rIIIX3H flat, level, even T3rbE right!, let's do that! T3r3Bq but, however

1. adapted, foster, .... oxan adopted daughter 2. (r3pHHH ....) domesticated, tame, .... Man domesticated animals 3. bottle-fed


T3)1{33ryyp battery


adjustment, equalization, anoa .... (anoaHbI .... ) equalization of taxes (a periodic review of liability to taxation in Manchu times, based on the rise or fall of the number of men per sumun) (hist.) 2. equation (math.)

T3rmX3M symmetry,

T3,Il;HYYC those people T3,Il;3H)l; to them (dative-Iacative af T3~) T3}I{HrH3X to clatter, to rumble (hooves, 'machinery, etc.)

T3)1{33P1 breodwlnner. .... anncaasr T3'IT3B3P (see T3'IT3B3p) T3)1{33JI 1. food, nourishment, .... annarnax (....

T3rmrYH 1. unequal 2. unfair


T3,Il;HHHX3H their people, they



dystrophy, undernourished, T31K33JD1HH OP'IHII (1'31K33JIT OpqHII) culture medium, T3}K33JIHHH roc skin-food, T31K33JD1HH X3JIX33 food-chain 2. fodder, oY):WYH .... coarse fodder (hay, etc.), BHTaMHII'laH .... vitaminenriched fodder, rap .... hand fodder, XOJIHMor .... mixed fodder, XOproJDKHH pellet feed, xyqHT .... hard feed, 3P~3CHHH mineral-enriched fodder, 'I3}K33JIHHH aJK axyH fodder farm, T31K33JD1HH yprasran fodder plant 3. current, uaxanraaa .... electric current, 1'31K33JDIHH yrac lead 4. fuel, T31K33JD1HH CHCTeM fuel· system (auta.) battery, power-supply, T3}K33JIHiir COJIHX to change the battery, T31K33JD1HH Tacanraa (T31K33JD1HH yyp, T3}K33JIHHH xanpuar. T31K33JD1HH xoaor] battery compartment T31K33JD1HH

.... XHMPan,

.... XHMPax)



T3)1{33JIrYH,Il;3X to be deprived of fodder T3)1{33JIJI3r 1. feeding, nutrition, .... xaaap nutritional value 2. nourishing (adr) T3)1{33M3JI 1. adopted, foster 2. (r3pHHH ....) domesticated, tame

T3)1{33X 1. to nourish, to feed 2. np3r


to bring up, to support, T3}K33C3H OHPYY 3B~3H3 to bite the hand that feeds one,









T3}K33XYH YXAAH (see yxaan 3.)


T3JIMYYJI3X to go at an amble (rider) T3JIM3llT amble T3JIM3H }KOPOO [yean -) true ambler T3nYY wide, broad, extensive T3JIYYJI3X to extend, to expand (trans.) T3JIYY)

T3nYYP I. awning, sideless tent T3JIYYP 11.1. (- MO~) stretcher (for drying animal skins, for making a bow-string, etc.) 2. a sort of stocks (hist.) 3. retractor (surg.) 4. tambour (needlework)

T3JIYYP,IJ;3X to stretch out, to extend (trans.) T3JNHrH3X (see nJIQJI3x) T3ll3llT expansion, uryrasraa - linear ex~ansian,

arwHJIT 6a -

contraction and expansion

eprocex] to extend, to expo nd, to stretch, nJI}K sorcox to stand with the feet apart (dance-position), TaKT expansion stroke (auto.), nJI3H 33JI3X to expand (polit.), nJI3H 33JI3X 60Moro expansionist policy (nJI3H oprO}KHX, nJI3H

T3ll3X 11.1. to suck two dams 2. to have a surrogate parent

T3ll33 I. trouser-belt, trouser-string, O~HHHXOO nJI33r

xaaranax to tighten one's belt, -


to come to grief

T3ll33II. sucking two dams (Iamb, etc.), WHr


torn both ways, between two stools

T3JI33ll3X I. to hitch up (one's trousers) T3ll33ll3X II. to let a young beast suck two dams

T3~3r)l{YYll3X to Signpost (a road)

T3~3rllYYIIIT3H notice

noteworthy, worthy of

T3~3rll3ll 1. note, record, 3aMbIH - travel notes, O~PHHH - diary, n~3rJI3JIHHH nssrsp notebook, - XOTJIOX to make notes, to keep records 2. mark, sign, 3aMbIH - (30pQHX xxrHHH -) road markings T3~3rll3llT noteworthy, memorable, notable, - OH special occasion, celebration

T3~3rll3llT3H (see n~3rJI3JIT) T3~3rll3X 1. to note, to record, to mark 2. to celebrate 3. to mention, to emphasize, to stress 4. to represent

T3~3rJI33CT3H noted, recorded T3~3rp3X to show Signs, to look like appearing, § yyp n~3rp3x33C apaH OMHOXOH just before dawn showed signs of breaking

T3~3IT 1. marked, - aTOM (see aTOM), 6HQHr licence for a Chinese trader to trade in Mongolia (hist.) 2. patent (n.) 3. reference point


T3MliYY syphilis, - ap syphilis; syphilitic sore, chancre, gumma

T3MliYYP3X to have syphilis T3MliYYT3H syphilitic T3Mli3P)I{YP)I{Hr down the drain, }Kyp}KHr 6oJIOX


T3~3rll3r33 sign

T3JNJI3X to kick out, to thrash about

T3ll3X I.

recognition signal, conventional sign, T3H~HH - equals sign, YJICbIH - national emblem, ypb~QHJIaH canyynax - warning sign (traf.), Yp}KYYJI3X - multiplication sign, xacax - minus sign, xaTYYrHHH - hard sign ('b), .X~~H": chemical sign, XOpHrJIOX - prohibitive sign (traf.), xysaax - division Sign, n~mHH H3M3JIT TaHJI6ap qualifying sign (traf.), - opox to show signs 2. (3Hr3pHHH -) badge, anrax badge (of rank, branch) (mil.) 3. owner's mark, brand 4. logo stamp, T3~mHH xypaasoa stamp duty TaHHX


T3JIM3r3P serene (eyes, etc.)

T3JIYYH (see



to go down the drain, to be lost

for good

T3~3r 1. sign, mark, aaaapsnr 30rCOJIThIH advance breakdown warning sign, anxaapJIbIH - exclamation mark, aHxaapyyJIax - warning sign (traf.), aCYYJIThIH - question mark, 6apaaHbI - tradema rk, saanr - [saax -) d i rection sign, sign (traf.), 3aMbIH - traffic sign (traf.), 300JIHHH - soh sign (b), 3yHJIHHH - section sign (§), HaHMaH .... (see HaHM), HOMepHHH - number-plate, H3M3X - plus sign, capsm - periods,

T3MTPYYll 1. feeler, antenna (anat.) 2. feeler gauge (mech.) 3. sensor T3MTP3r,IJ;3X to be felt, yJI - imperceptible T3MTP3llT 1. feeling 2. palpation (med.) T3MTP3X 1. to feel (trans.), XyHC .... to destroy, to annihilate (a family, a people, etc.) 2.i. to palpate (med.) ii. palpation T3MTqJfX to finger, to keep feeling, to fumble With, T3M~HH

to feel one's way, § T3M~HH y33}K keeping


TYJIxyyp33 6aHH 6aHH

on fingering his keys

T3MYYll3ll effort, struggle T3MYYll3X to struggle, to strive,

XHH}K 6yT33x-

to strive to create, xasraap OO~ gle towards the frontier

33P -


to strug-



T3M~3rq fighter, champion (of a cause)

T3M~3JI struggle T3M~3JI,IJ;3rq


T3M~3JI,IJ;3X to compete, to struggle against each other

T3M~3JI,IJ;33H dispute, fight T3M~3X to struggle, to fight, to combat, corryypaJlTaH - to combat drunkenness, T3~3}K TYJI~ax to fight T3M~33H competition, match, T3~33Im opoJ1~OX to take part in a competition, - HBYYJlax to run a competition

rnM33 1. Camel, Came/us, 33pJl3r - Wild Camel, Hapaa T3M33 One-humped Camel, T3M33H repeec (see XaBTraH II.), - r3X A33P HMaa r3X to get things the wrong way round, T3M33H lKHH camel caravan, - -ryiiJIaaA T3Hr3pT rapaxryH HMaa -ryiiJIaaA HHrHa 3BA3xryii there is a limit to what one can do, -ryiiJIcaH 10M mar like a dog's breakfast, TYJlX3X (- TYP3X) a method of hunting by approaching the game hidden behind a led camel, T3M33H T3p3r camel cart, - xapayncaa xYHoyyphIHXaa saar aImaxryii practice makes perfect, - X3J103PT3H Camels, T3M33HHH asryyp Camel Family, Came/idae 2. bishop (chess), naraaa XeJIHHH - bishop on the white diagonal 3. lower face of an anklebone (opposite MOph) T3M33JI3f3H3 Crane Flies,


T3M33H AAJI3 a poisonous spider (said to bite camels)

I. (see ~3J1T Xapraaa] tataricus T3M33H TABXAH (see Bapaara] T3M33H xox Cynanchum, C. sibiricum(bot.) T3M33H X.RPYYJI Ostrich', Struthio came/us T3M33H CYYJI

T3M33H CYYJI II. Sand Boa, Eryx

T3M33qHH camel-hand, camel-man T3H 1.1. the load for each side of a camel 2. half, mOHHHH - ~~ in the middle of the night, xarac half, exactly half T3H II. rope (for securing a tent) T3HfHC sea, - AaJIaH seas T3HfHCQHH seaman, seafarer T3HfYH unequalled, matchless T3Hf3JI3f

(see T3HXJ13r)

T3Hf3P 1. sky, heavens, - oaraH~caH OapHJlra skyscraper, ..., rasap HHHJlC3H blinding (storm, battle, etc.), T3Hr3pHHH AYY thunder, -Ayyrapax (- naprsx] to thunder, T3Hr3pHHH aur the "ten

stems" (used in calendrical calculation), T3Hr3p33c OA myyp3X to have the devil's own luck, T3Hr3pHHH CYM bronze arrow heads found in open country, - TYJlaM (nHr3PT TYJlaM) reaching to the skies, T3Hr3p33C yaacaa M3T out of the blue, - xaapnacan struck by lightning, T3Hr3pHHH xasa (nHr3pHHH XOpMOH) horizon, nHr3pHHH 3PX3C heavenly bodies 2. god, xap uaraaa 3yrHHH - the gods of the black and the white directions, nHr3pHHH oorA physician (resp., hist.) (Tib. lho-rje], - oypxaH god, gods, Buddhas, - OOJlOX to die (resp.), Hh xasx to be out of luck, to be down on one's luck, T3Hr3pHHH YMJ:tar arrax to land on one's feet, to hit the jackpot, - xypssacr god, heaven, T3Hr3pHHH X~HHH HaaAaM fairy ring, T3Hr3pHHH 3J1q angel, - saryypr of divine descent 3. weather, - sanpax to have a sudden change in the weather, to have bad weather suddenly, ..., opox to have a storm T3Hf3PfYH unfortunate, unhappy T3Hf3PHHH BAH Uranus


T3Hf3PHHH ,IJ;YJIHH Puff-ball, Lycoperdon, T3Hr3pHHH AYJlHHr33c xyp ryiix to catch at a straw T3Hf3PHHH 3A.MAC Milky Way T3Hf3PHHH OB,IJ;OJI

(see T3Hr3pHHH saanac]

T3Hf3PHHH CYJI,IJ;3T reign title of Nurhaci, Tianming (1616-1626) T3Hf3PHHH T3Tf3C3H reign title of the emperor Qianlong T3Hf3PJI3f divine, heavenly T3Hf3PT3H fortunate, happy T3Hf3P T3Tf3fq

(see T3Hr3pHHH T31T3C3H)

T3Hf3P YYJI Tianshan mountains T3Hf3C

(see T3Hmc)

T3~ there, over there, 3aBOAhIH - over at the [octcrv

T3H,IOCHHH there, of that place, at that place, ~ 3aJIyyqYYA the you ng people there T3~3X there, which are there, - yprasran the pia nts there T3~33C from there


(see T3H}K33)

T31UK33 rope for securing a load T3HHHJIf3fq extensor, ..., 0YJlQHH extensor muscle T3HHHJIf3X 1. to extend, to stretch out, to straighten, rapaa ..., to straighten one's arm 2. to cheer up, to calm, C31T3J1HHr - to cheer (someone) up T3HHHJIT extension, straightening (of a joint,


T3HHHx 1. to stretch oneself, to stretch 2. (C31T3J1 -, ~33}1{ -) to feel cheered up, to feel encouraged T3HC3r,IJ;3X to be given a suspended sentence T3HC3JIrYH highest, supreme


T3HC3H suspended sentence § ansrr xoep }KHJlHHH T3HC3Hr33p COJlbCOH OHJl33 the punishment was changed to two years' suspended sentence



T3HX33fYH powerless T3HX33,IJ;3X to feel weak, to feel run down T3HX33}1{HX to ga~her strength T3HX33JI3f powerful T3HX33PX3X to make a great effort, to work hard

T3HC3X 1. to check, to verify 2. to commute, XOpHX ansrr T3HC3X to commute a sentence of imprisonment, T3HC3}1{ cynnax to release on probation, T3HC3H XHHaH xapransax to put on probation, T3HC3H WHH1T3X to give a suspended sentence, T3HC3H HJI. (T3HC3H xapransax HJI) proboiion. suspended sentence, T3HC3H HJI asax to get a suspended sentence

T3HX33T (see T3HX33J13r)

T3HTf3P fat, podgy

T3H:QB3P)KYYJI3X to balance, TOCBHHr - to balance the budget

T3HT3P: - MOHTOp (- T)'HTap) reeling, staggering, tottering, - T)'HTap XHHX to reel, to stagger, to toddle T3HYYJI wandering, straying, - YJlC vagabonds

T3HQB3P 1. balance, equilibrium, T3H~B3P33 annax to lose one's balance, T3H~B3PHHH usr point of balance, T3H~B3PHHH 3PXT3H organs of ba la nce 2. see-saw T3HQB3PfYH unbalanced, unequal, xyq TYJlaJIAaaH an unequal fight

T3H:QB3PT balanced, - oaHAaJI equilibrium T3H:QB3PT3H (see T3H~B3pT)

T3HYYJIQ vagabond, tramp, migrant

T3HQB3PqJfH equilibrist, balancing acrobat, tightrope walker


T3HQJI3f static, - uaxanraaa static electricity


1. calm,



largo (mus.)

T3HYYQJI3JI vagrancy, vagabondage T3Hyyqn3X 1. to wander, to stray, to roam, (A3MHH -, T3HyyqJl3H C3J1ryy~3X) to roam the streets 2. vagrancy T3lDOKHX to revive, to recover, to regain one's strength

T3H:QYY equal, T3H~yymHH T3M;:l3r equals sign T3H:QYYfYH unequal T3H:QYYJI3f balancing, evening-out, compensation

T3HXJI3f 1. axle, shah 2. axis, A3J1XHHH raaap 3yHH - terrestria I axis, A3J1XHHH COpOH30H magnetic axis, ypraaur - longitudinal axis, T3HXJl3rHHH uryrasr (see uryrass] 3. axis (polit.) 4. rings of the bit

T3H:QYYJI3X to make equal, to equalize, to balance, to equate, § JlOHXOO }KHrHYYP A33P TaBb}l{ TYYXaHraap T3H~YYJlH3 put the bottle on the scales and balance it with weights, sacaa XYMYY}I{YYJl3X a}KHJI XHHJlr3X HJlbIH H3r capsrr ropryyJlHHH AaJIaH TaBaH TOrpOIT3H T'3H~YYJl3H OOJlHO a sentence of one month's corrective labour shall be equated with a fine of seventy-five tugrigs

T3HXPYYJI3X to build up, to rehabilitate, to restore, to revive

T3H:QYYP balance, equilibrium, TOCBHHH budgetary balance, YTcaH - tightrope

T3HXP3X (nHx3pll T3B33p3X) to get one's strength back, to recover, to build oneself up

T3H:QYYPfYH unbalanced, unequal

T3HXHM (see TaHxHM) T3HXJIYYH vigorous, hale and hearty

T3HQYYPT3H balanced, equal

T3HX:Q3X (see T3H~3X)

T3H:Q3JI (see T'3H~YYP)

T3HX3JI (- TaMHp, - lI3.AaJI) strength, vigour, vitality, - aJIApax to be worn out, to be exhausted, - opox to revive, to recover one's strength

T3HQ3IT3JI equ ivalence, T'3H~31TJlHHH T'3M;:l3r equals sign

T3HX3.JI,IJ;3X to get worn out, to be in bad shape T3HX33 (- TaMHp) strength, vigour, vitality, aJIAPax to be worn out, to be exhausted, M3A3H (nHX33r33p33) as hard as possible, M3A3H xaurraxax to yell at the top of one's voice

T3H:Q3X 1. to balance (intrans.), T3H~3}1{ sorcox to balance oneself 2.i. to equal, to be equal, § epsa HeH Hb MOHrOJlbIH H3r rnrpOIT3H nH~3H3 ninety yen equal one Mongolian tugrig ii. to be up to, to qualify for, HX cypryynsn - to qualify for university, ~3P3IT T'3H~3xryH unfit for military service, WaJIraJITaA - to pass an examination 3. to draw (games)



T3~3XYH:Q equivalent to, appropriate to T3~33 draw, tie (games, sport), -- XHHx to draw T3H3f (--MaHrap, -- MyJIrYY, -- MYHxar, -- 3Pryy) stupid, silly, foolish, yean -- idiot, -- XyH T3X , ~~yyp fools rush in

the Presidium of the Great People's Khural T3PfYYll3N :Q3:Q3f Plum, Plum-flower, T3pryyJI3N ~3~3rT3H Rose Family, Rosaceae T3PfYYll3X 1. to head, to be at the head of 2. to take the lead, to lead, -- 6aHp leading position

T3H3fll3JIT (see T3H3rJI3JI)

T3PfYYH 1.1. head (anat.) 2. head, chief 3. first, best, leading, HaMpbIH -- cap the first month of autumn, -- 6aHp 33JI3X to take first place, to come in first, -- 60Th volume one, -- 33p3r TaH>K taiji of the first rank

T3H3fll3X to act foolishly, to be silly

T3PfYYH II. a type of bakery product

T3H3f aBC Henbane (see Jlanrana]

T3PfYYHHH leading, principal, front-rank, firstrate

T3H3fll3ll folly, silliness, stupidity

T3H3fP3ll (see T3H3rJI3JI) T3H3IT3X (see T3H3rJI3x) T3H3f3BT3P dim, dull T3H3f3P I. talc (min.) T3H3f3P 11.1. straight, smooth, HYPYY -- with a straight back 2. (3JI3r --) serene, calm, undisturbed

T3PfYYHT3H (see T3pryyT3H) T3PfYYP highway, road T3PfYYT3H headed by, led by, under, with, and other, § 3XY -- CO~HaJIHCT xasrrsra HOXOpJIOJIHHH OPHYY~ the countries of the Council of Mutual Economic Aid headed by the


T3H3f3PX3f simple-minded

T3PfYYT3H etcetera, etc.

T3H3JIT wandering (n.)


T3H3MTfHH wandering, vagrant, foot-loose

T3Pf3H:Q3P 1. trolley, small cart, X~HHH -pram 2. carriage (typewriter) 3. invalid chair

T3H3MXHH (see T3H3M'ITHH) T3H3M3ll 1. vagrant, vagabond, wanderer 2. vagrant, wandering, stray, -- CYM stray shot

1. round, full, -- cap (seecap 1.1.) 2. disc

T3PHHllf3X to send sprawling

T3H3M3JIqHH vagrant, vagabond, wanderer

T3PHH XA,IJ;AH YHAX to fall flat, to go sprawling

T3H3X to wander, to traipse about, ranyyp ~3MHH -- to wander abroad, T3H3C3H CYM stray shot, T3H3C3H CYM TapXHJm a lucky shot

T3PHHx to sprawl, to have the limbs spread out, T3PHHH ynax to go sprawling, T3pHHH X3BT3X to lie sprawling

T3P he, she, it, that, -- aaapaa (-- asap Hb) all over, completely, totally, altogether, -- 60JIrOH (-- 6yp, -- 6YPHH) altogether, completely, always, never, not at all, -- ~apyii (-- nop Hb, -nopoo, -- ~OpXHHOO) there and then, straight away, on the spot, -- TYCMaa (-- TYTaM) especially, all the more, -- yy is it because?, was it because?, -- q 6yy X3JI and what is more, -QHr33p33 (-- QHr33p Hb) straight out, directly, altogether, § XYBHHrHHH xaaaan xeoc Hb HaaJI~CaH 6aHBaJI 60JICOH Hb -- if the scum is sticking to the sides of the pot that means it is done, HOMXOH WHr MOpb JI 6aHBaJI 60JIOX Hb -- if there is a gentle horse that will do

T3Pll3f summer gown, summer robe

T3PliYM ten to the power of nine, one thousand million, milliard, billion HX-- ten to the power of ten, one million million, billion T3PliYMT3H billionaire

T3Pll3X 1. to be formed, to take shape, to shape up, to become fully developed, T3PJI3H YYC3X to come into being 2. to put the finishing touches to, to round off T3PHHH (see TyyHHH) T3PHHHr (see TyyHHHr) T3PH33C (see TyyH33C) T3PC hostile, antagonistic, heretical T3PCllYY mutinous

1. hostile 2. rebellious, insurgent,

T3PCll3X to betray, to forsake, to abandon, to desert, T3PCJI3H 6ocox to rebel T3PCYY,IJ; obstreporous, contrary, rebellious, -Y33JIT3H dissident T3PCQYY,IJ; heretics

T3Pli33P he, she, it

T3PC3JI,IJ;3X to oppose, to be against

T3PfYYll3N head, leader, president

T3PC3X (see T3pC3M3X)

T3PfYYll3NH,IJ; presidium, AP~bIH Hx XYPJIbIH T3pryyJI3~HHH Ilapra Chairman of

T3Pf3H T3PfYH in any case, anyway T3Pf33

1. far away, beyond, yonder, over

there, the other side, rOJIbIH ... T~ on the other side of the river, ... ryIm deep down, ... T3~ over there, for away, ... XOJIbm Espon distant Europe, ... 3HT33~ this side and that § XOTOOC




somewhat over seventy kilometres west of the city 2. ago, § OJIOH 3YYH }KlfJIHHH'" many centuries ago, ... ~9qHH sypraan }KlfJIHHH 9MH9X OBOJI that winter, forty-six long years ago

T3Pf33X over there, on the other side (adj.)



T3CB3Pll3X to resist, to stand up to, to bear, to be able to bear, ran ... (see ran III.), T3CB3PJI3H nasax to stand up to, T3CB3PJI3H XY.Jm3X to bear, to suffer, ... q~BapTaH resistant

T3CB3Pll3illrYH intolerable T3CB3Pf3H 1. patient, dogged 2. resistant,

rann ... fire-resistant, refractory

T3Pyyr33P round there

T3CrHIDc to be swollen, to be bloated


T3CrHM (see TacXHHM)

T3PYYX3H 1. just that, that very 2. just there, ... OHpXOH just there, close by, § YX3XHHHX33 ... ~33P bei ng on the poi nt of death

T3Cr3ll patience, endurance

T3PXYY that, that very, the same T3PX3H just that, that very, ... syyp (... ye~) just then

T3PqjJ3H 1. like that, that way 2. similarly, likewise, moreover

T3P3r 1. cart, vehicle, OYX33IT3H ... covered cart, caravan (for carrying people), MOpHH ... horse-cart, Myxnarr ... (qHHr3JI3rr ...) cart with a built-on chest, yypsm ...Iocomotive; motor-car, yuaTaH'" trolleybus, yx3p'" ox-cart, xap « horsedrawn cart, xacar ... (see xacar I.), X9MOrq ... carriage (typewriter), uraaur ... [urans-ca ) Shansi cart, a two-wheeled Chinese cart, wap ... horse-drawn four-wheeled cart (used by the Buryats of Dornod aimag), ... oyyJIrax to unharness the animals from a cart, T3P3rHHH MOpb cart-horse, ... TOHor cart and harness 2. castle (chess)

T3P3rll3X to harness to a cart, to load on a cart

T3P3NHH carter

T3Cr3llrYH 1. lacking self-control, impatient 2. terribly, ever so, ... oaupJIax to be overjoyed T3cr3M (see TacxHHM) T3cr3X to collect by assessment, to have a whip-round

T3Cll3N detonator T3Cll3X to explode, to set off, to blow up, OOMoor ... to explode a bomb T3CM3r Sorbaria (bot.), T3CX3H ... S. sorbifolia T3CPYYll3N detonator T3CP3ll explosion, detonation T3CP3llT (see T3CP3JI) T3CP3MTrHH explosive T3CP3MXHH (see T3CP3MTmH) T3CP3HrYH explosive, violent T3CP3X (T3C3pq ~3JI03p3X) to explode (intrans.), ... OO~HC (... ~3JI03P3X OO~HC, ... ~3JI03P3X 3y1inyy~, ... MarepHaJI) explosives

T3CXHHM (see TacxHHM) T3CXHHH APrArYH unbearable

T3P3ll}K Rhododendron, Rhododendron, Anran

T3CXHM (see TacxHHM)

... Rh. aureum (also Xacanraaa] T3P3M I. Tibetan woollen cloth, Tibetan flannel

T3CX3M (see TacXHHM)

(said to be made of yak hair)

T3P3M II. section of a tent-wall (west Mongolia) (see xana] T3P3M III. Loosestrife, Lysimachia T3P3H (oblique stem of T3P), ... WHr like that T3P33P he, she, it T3C I. quite, ... oanoo quite different, ... 90p 10M something quite different

T3C II. Siberian Rowan, Sorbus sibirica T3CB3P (... T3Bq33p) patience, endurance, T3CB3P33 annax to lose patience, ... xaTYY.>KHJI endurance, ... XaTYY.>KHJITaH dogged, enduring T3CB3Pll3llT resistant, XYHT3H ... resistance to cold

T3C3r Ceratoides (Eurotia ) (bot.), Opor ... C.

papposa (E. ceratoides ) T3C3llrYH impatient T3C3llf33 blasting (mining, etc.) T3C3llr33QHH blaster T3C3prYYll3X to oppose, to turn one's back on, to revolt against, to betray

T3C3X 1. to bear, to put up with, to stand up to, T3C3XHHH apraryH unbearable, T3CQ oaHX to stand, to bear, T3C3xylie3 03PX (T3C3X3~"') hard to put up with, intolerable, T3CQ rapax to put up with, T3CQ snaa hardly able to bear it; impatiently 2. to have patience, to hold out, to last, to last out, § Ta T3C3}1{ oaH be patient!

T3C3illrYH extreme, unbearable

ypaa rynranr fjgure-skating


T3IllYYP II. graver, graving tool T3Tf3BPHHHX3H pensioners

T3illYYPqJfH skater

T3Tf3B3P 1. assistance, support, maintenance,

T33BPHHH transport (ad(), ..

rasap home, refuge, .. Tenerq maintenance payer, wyyXHHH WHHJ=(U3p33P XyyxJ=(HHH .. Tenex to pay children's maintenance by court order 2. pension, allowance, H3r y~aamHH .. single benefit payment, e~ep HaCHbI .. old age pension, retirement pension, T31K33rq anncaasr .. pension in respect of the loss of the breadwinner, .. aaarx pensioner, person in receipt of a pension; beneficiary (of life insurance), T3Tr3U3PT rapax to go on to pension, to be pensioned off, T3Tr3UPHHH ~3UT3P pension-book, T31T3UpHHH Hac pensionable age, T3Tr3UPHHH aacaan Xyp3X to reach pensionable age, T3Tr3UPHHH caa pension fund, .. TOITOOX to grant a pension, .. TOrroox Hac XYP3X to reach pensionable age, .. T3Tr3M1K pensions and benefits, allowances, grants, T3Tr3UpHHH 4>0~ pension fund, T31T3UPHHH xYMYYc pensioners T3Tr3UPHHH

T3Tf3nT dating (of a document) T3Tf3ll3f support, allowance






T33B3P transport, aaro .. motor transport,

araapsnr .. air transport, axaa .. goods transport, 33p3rn33 .. parallel transport, ceper .. transport of similar goods in opposite directions, TaKCHHH .. taxi transport, T9Mep 3aMbIH .. rail

transport, xYH .. passenger transport, .. n3X to do transport, to carry a load

T33B3PllYYll3rq consignor T33B3Pll3rq carrier T33B3Pll3nT transport, carriage T33B3Pll3X to transport, to carry,


xypr3x to deliver

T33B3PQHH transport-worker

pension, MeHreH .. cash allowance (T3Tr3H ~3M1KHX) to help, to sup-

port, T3Tr31K T3Hxpyyn3x to care for, to succour to indent by raising a name or title at the beginning of a line



tag for securing the tinder-pouch in the belt

T33fllYYP catch, knob, toggle T33fll3X 1. to stick, to catch (on, in), to get stuck, xena Hb .. to trip up

T33rq carrier,

2. to secure, to hold

03T3r .. carrier of echinococcus,

xannsap .. carrier of infection

T3IT3X II. to date (a document) T3X 1. male of the mountain goat (BHmp BMaa), T3XHHH 3U3P nHr3pT TYn1K T3M33H cyyn


xspsrcan] public service vehicle, ycaa .. MaWHH water tanker, .. HHC3X oarou transport plane, .. yiJI'lHnr33 transport service

T33f catch, hook, peg, toggle, tag,

T3Tf3M}1{ help, support, grant, allowance, T3Tf3X 1.1.


xspsrcan] vehicle, means of transport, MexaHHIOKcaH .. X3p3rC3n motor vehicle, HHHTHHH


XYP3X oaHxaa pigs might fly

T3X II. (see T3r3x), T3xryH oon otherwise T3X)l;33 1. in so doing 2. while, but, yet, still T3XHH right, exact, dead-(centre}, xe~HHH .. ~~ right in the middle of the valley

T3XHHH I1133f (see Oprecr Ynaaraaa] T3Xll33P so, accordingly, that being so T3X33P (see T3XJI33p) T3QLa,n;AX to feel passionate, to feel lustful T3IllfYH rather, ever so T3IllRITT running, gait (of a camel) T3IllHX 1. (nWH1K Tauaprax) to run (camel)

2. to slip, to slide T3IllYYll3X to ride a running camel T3IllYYP I. skates, ~yryiiT .. (3pryyn3IT ..) roller skates, T3WYYP33P oY1KHrn3X to do ice-dancing, T3WYYP33P rynrax to skate, T3wyypHHH rynryypsra TanoaH (nwYYPHHH TanoaH) skating rink, nwyypHHH cnopr skating, T3wyypHHH

T33f3Jm3X to stick to, to hang on to T33ll I. delta T33ll II. pin, peg T33nT carrying,

Hnyy n3nTT3H overdue (baby)





T33H3f3ll33X to hesitate, to vacillate, to dither

T33H3f3ll333 hesitation, vacillation, uncertainty

T33P I. (.. TYB3r) burden, encumbrance, .. oonox to be in the way, to be a hindrance, .. caan obstacle, hindrance

T33P II. (emphatic form of


ureae ~~aac

.. XOHW long after midnight, .. XOJI far off

T33Pf3H troublesome, burdensome, a nuisance

T33PXHH 1. foreskin 2. glans penis T33PillAAf,IJ;AX to be a nuisance, to be a drag T33PillAAX to·feel something as a burden or drag

T33Pill33X (see T33pwaax) T33P3M mill,

CaJIXHH -- windmill,

mill, npMHHH X9M oyy~aH it's the poor that get the blame, T33pMHHH XYP~ mill-wheel

T33P3M,IJ;3X to grind, to mill, oy~aa -- to grind

grain, n3p3~3H II}'HT8.rJlax to grind to powder

T33P3MtIHH miller T33P3X to bunch together in hot weather (livestock)


yean -- water-

T33X to transport, to carry,

T33illHBq XYYX3~ -- to carry a


T33X3ll33X to strut, to stick out one's chest T33ill baggage, luggage, freight, rap -- hand baggage

T33illHBq boot (auto.)

y YliACAH3 a lay woman who has taken certain religious vows (Skr.) YIiAIIIH a layman who has taken certain religious vows (Skr.) YB (intensifying particle), - ynaaa bright red

(Buddh.) (Skr.) 1. insolent, shameless 2. casual, friv-

YBA,n:HHH master, teacher YBAMrYH olous

YBAMJIAX to heed, to pay attention to YBAH U;YBAH one after the other, in succession YB,IJ;HC (see yssnac]

YfAAP [yraapsm XHH) carbon monoxide (Russ.) YfAAPrAX to be overcome by fumes, to suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning YfAAC basically, originally, intrinsically YfAAX 1.i. to wash, rap Hyyp33 - (Hyyp rapaa -) to wash one's hands and face, - MaWHH washing machine ii, to launder (money) 2. to develop (photo.) 3. to run through, to blow, to waste 4. to toast, to drink to (a promotion, winning a prize, gaining a decoration, etc.) YrAJI31. male of the wild sheep (Ovis ammon)

YB:H,IJ;AC (see YBh~ac)

YfAJI311. (- TaraJI3) spiral type of pattern, pattern, design, decoration

YBYY IJ;YBYY (see yaaa !O'BaH)

vrAJI3 III. sandstorm

YBL,IJ;AC magic, magic touch, secret virtue, secret, 3pyyJI oaHx - the secret of health, - WJm magic, witchcrah (Skr.) YBL,IJ;ACT magic


yrAJI3PAX to form a spiral or winding pattern

YBL,IJ;ACTAM (see ynsnacr] YBL,IJ;ACTAH magician, power




Yr 1. base, root, yrHHH OH'IHr (yrHHH OH'I33C) family record, family tree, - Hh actually, in fact, really, originally, - CypBaJIJK source, YJIOaaTaH traditional, hereditary, - Y~3C root, basis, - Y~C3H~33 basically, - xaaap essentials - WaJITraaH root cause, - 3X (- war) origins', lineage 2. that, the said yrAAr,IJ;AX away

1. to be washed 2. to be washed

yrAArYYP 1. wash-basin, :vashing place, sink, rap HYYPHHH - wosb-bosln, wash-hand stand 2. scrubber, scourer yrAArq 1. (- MawHH) washing-machine, WHJI - windscreen washer, - OO~HC washing powder, washing medium, detergent 2. laundryworker YrAA,n:AC dirty water, dish water, drainings, yraanacasr Hyx drain yrAAJI washing, ablution, 3M'IHJIr33HHH - bath treatment yrAAJIrA 1. washing, yraanrsnr rasap laundry, yraanrsm MaWHHwashing machine, yraanrsra HYHTarwash i ng powder, yraanrsm epee bathroom 2. dipping (livestock) 3. ceremonial washing of a new-born child by a 4. t~~sting (of a promotion, winning a prize, gaining a decoration, etc.) yrAAJIT (see yraan] yrAAJITWP scourer

YrAJI3APXYY patterned, ornamented, decorated yrAJI3JIAX 1. to decorate, to put a pattern on 2. to form a spiral pattern, to be curly Yf)l{ feeding-bottle, yrJKHhI XaXaJIT teat for a bottle yr)l{HX (yrJKHH YYJIrax) to bottle-feed yr3 out, up, - TaTax to pullout, to wrench out, - ycp3X to leap up yr3PAX to tug, to jerk, to wrench yr3QHX to give a tug, to jerk, to wrench yrHHH always, from of old, intrinsically, fundamentally, § MaHaHX - smyy aHJI oaHcaH ours had always been a poor family yrJIAA sheath, sleeve yrJIAPrA sheath, socket, HaB'IHhI - leaf-sheath yrJIAX 1. to put on, to pullan, § OOXOB'I T3M33HHH yp~ OOXOH~ - to fit a hump-strap on to a cornel's front hump 2. to fit into, to slot into, XOBHM - to slot into a groove yrJIyyprA 1. [sp -) tenon, peg, key, tapering end 2. (3M -) socket, mortise, HaB'IHhI - leafsheath YfJIyyprA,n:AX into

1. to make a slot 2. to fit, to slot

yrCAA 1.1. family, line, descent, - rapan origin, - 3aJIraMJKHJICaH hereditary, - 3aJIraMJKJIaX to be hereditary, to continue the line, - y~aM line of descent, - YYJI~3P breed 2. people, race, nationality, XHTa~, MaHJK, MOHrOJI, TYB~, XOTOH 33p3r TaBaH - the Five Peoples - Ch inese, Manchu, Mongol, Tibetan, Muslim, - CY~aJI ethnography yrCAAII.leather loop (reins, leading-rein, horsecatching pole, etc.)

yrCAATAH 1. people, race, nationality, nation 2. aristocrat, noble (hist.) yrCAATHbI ethnic, - 3yA: ethnography, yrcaaTHbI ~OOHX ethnic minority, - 3yHqethnographer yrCAPrAA (see yrcpaa) yrCAPMAJI prefabricated, assembled, - MO,llOH 6aA:wHH prefabricated wooden building, XHA:~ X3C3r prefabricated components yrCAPMAJDKHJIT prefabrication yrCAPMAJDKYYJIAX fabrication




yrCPAA assembly (mech.) yrCPAAQHH (see yrcparx] yrcPAPI fitter (mech.) yrCPAJIT fitting, installation, assembly yrCPAX 1. to assemble, to connect, to couple, to fit up, to fit together, to instal, 6y1(aaJK - to put back, to refit, - 6Y1KHr country dance, yrcapnar TOrJIOOM construction kit 2. [yrcpan sanrax] to add to, to add on yrcPYYJIAX 1. to join 2. to do repeatedly, to do (something) over and over again, § TaBaH 6oM6or yrcpyynan XHlbK getting five goals in a row yrCyyprA leather loop for fastening the saddlegirth (OJIOM) and the girth-strap (1KHP3M) YITAA basically, at bottom YITAJI 1. precursor, harbinger, paKHHH OOpqJIOJIT pre-cancerous change, § corrox Hb raJI3yypaXbIH - drunkenness is the precursor of madness 2. reception, welcome YITAM)I{ reception, welcome YITAX 1. to greet, to meet, to receive, to welcome 2. to welcome, to celebrate (New Year, an anniversary, etc.) 3. (aM -, yrraac X3JI3X) to put in, to cut in, to break in (to a conversation) YITBAP 1. preliminary, prior, - HOX~OJI precondition, - yr (see yr 1.) 2. counter, complementary, - TOJIOBJIOrOO (see T9JIOBJIOroo) 3. prefix (gram.) YITJIArA meeting, reception, welcoming YITMAJI IJ;3IJ;3r Winter Jasmine, )asminum nudiflorum YITyyn 1. greeter wrestlers


the senior of a pair of

yrIIIMAn traditional, long-standing Y,1J; Willow, Salix

1. time, occasion, - napaa (- napaaraap. - napaanaa] repeatedly, time after time, one


after the other, over and

over again,


napaarnaa successive, § rypnaa AOJIOO XOHorT H3r - once every three weeks, yxaan annax q

377 - 6a~ar it even happens that they lose consciousness 2. next, after, - Hb next to that, aher that Y,1J;AABTAP

1. slowish

2. larghetto (mus.)

YAAAfYH 1. it has never happened that, § ypb,ll MaHaH XYP33H,ll ep HHr31K 6aA:caH - nothing like that had ever happened in Urga before 2. before long, soon afterwa rds 3. not long, not long after, § MaHaA:x 3H,ll HP33):\ - not long aher we came here, YJICbIH uaupar TYHa 3MH3JI3r 6aA:rYYJIar,llaa,ll- 60JIoxoop as it is not long since the State Radiotherapy Centre has been built, 3X33C rapcaap - yspaac because it was not very long since he had been born YMAJIAX 1. to be runner-up (wrestling, etc.) 2. - TaJI the right-hand team in wrestling (cf. axnax] Y,1J;AAH 1.i. slow, - 6orcT3A: dilatory, yA:JNHJIr33T3H slow-acting ii.largo (mus.) 2. for a long while, -1KHJIfor many years, - xyrauaaraap for a long time, - xyrauaansr extended, § AOqHH TaBaH MHHYTaac - for more than fortyfive minutes Y,1J;AATAH it happens (happened, has happened) that, § raxaa UIYByyr H3H OJIHOOp xopnyyrmar - it happens that pigs and birds get poisoned in large numbers Y,1J;AAX to delay, to drag out Y,1J;AAXb next, following, - Hb the next one Y,1J;AAIIIPAJI slowing delay, hold-up



Y,1J;AAIIIPAJIrYH promptly, without delay Y,1J;AAIIIPAJIT (see ynaaurpan] Y,1J;AAllIPAJITAH lagging behind-hand, protracted



Y,1J;AAllIPAX to slow down, to be held up, to be delayed, to take a long time Y,1J;AAIIIPYYJIArtI 1. moderator (atom.) 2. delayed-action fuse (hand-grenade, etc.) 3. rate of fire reducer (AK 47) Y,1J;AAllIPYYJIAX 1. to slow down, to retard 2. to prolong, to drag out Y,1J;AITrYH soon, without delay, before long, T9,llHH JI - before very long YMM 1. (- yrcaa) origin, line, lineage, pedigree, - narax (- AaM1KHx) to be hereditary, to be passed on, - 3anrax to continue the line, 3yHq geneticist, - CaH1KpyyJIaX yxaaa eugenics, YAMbIH can genetic resources, - cynap family record, - XOHq posterity 2. breed, - OHpTOX to inbreed, to become inbred


Y)l{HrpYYllAXto drag out, to protract, to allow to become chronic



1. Fig-tree 2.


Rubber plant

Y~ (- 3a.tlraH, - caMYYH) dissipated, licentious, loose

Y~ born and bred YMMillHll 1. heredity, - 3YH genetics itary, - OBqHH hereditary illness

(see YlKHrpax)

2. hered-


(see )l{arMaa)

YMMillHX to be hereditary, to be passed on, - xynapan mutation

YH (- rawyy, - ryaar] sorrow, sadness, distress, mourning, - TaHJIax oy.tlaaJIra wake, - XHHx to mourn, to grieve

YMMillllbIH hereditary, - OBqHH hereditary illness

YHrArYH tireless, untiring, indefatigable

YMMllIYYllAXto pass on, to hand on, to hand down YAAX 1.1. to tarry, to stay 2. to last a long time, y.tlaJK T8.tl9.nryii before very long, § y.tlaJK oaHHa yy have you been ill for long?, npaKTHKTaWHrJIa8..tlTyHy.tlaaryHoaHHa it is not at all long since it has been put into practical use, YYH33CXOHWTO.tlHHJIy.tlCaHryH not so long aher this 3. to take time, to take a long time YAAX II. to stir up (trouble)

Aquilegia, X9X - A. sibirica 1. to shamanize 2. to prance (horse)


Y)J;rAH shamaness, - shamaness-tree, sacred tree, - 3PB33X3H Moth Y)J;HP)J;AAq conductor

YHrAP.lKHH Uighur (adr describing the traditional Mongol script), - MOHrOJI OHqHr the Uighur-Mongol script YHrYP.lKHH

(see yHraplKHH)

YH)J;AM boring, wearisome

Y~ to get tired (of), to be tired (of), to be bored (with), aMHHaaCaa ~caH tired of life

YAAXrYH soon, before long Y)J;BAll

YHrAP 1. Uighur (people) 2. Tuvan, --ypHaHXaH Uighur-Uriangkhai (Tuvan and Mongol-speaking people of the Shishged valley area), - X3JI Tuvan


YHllAAH: - MaHJIaaH (- YIDKaaH) weeping, wailing, crying YHJIArHAX to cry, to whimper YHllAMTrAM weepy

I. cyst (as produced in echinococ-

Y)J;HP)J;AN leader

YHllAHXAH cosis, etc.)

Y)J;HP)J;AM}K guidance, directive, guidelines, y.tlHp.tlaIDKHHH TOCOJI drch directive

YHllAHXAH Maar Slime Moulds,

Y)J;HP)J;AX 1. to lead, to control, to direct, to manage, to run, y.tlHp.tlaH lKOJIOO.tlOX to guide, to direct, - 3aXHpaJI director, Y.tlHp.tlaH 30XHU;YYJIaX to control, to regulate, y.tlHp.tlaH TOXHpyyJIax to regulate, to adjust, y.tlHp.tlaH X9TJI9X to lead, y.tlHp.tlaH QHrJIYYJI3X POJIb guiding role 2. to conduct (mus.) Y)J;HP)J;llArA Li, guidance, leadership, OOJIrox to be guided by, to take one's lead from ii.leadership (polit., etc.), XHT8..tlbIH - the Chinese leadership 2.i. control, operation, steering, y.tlHp.tlJIarblH MexaHH3M steering mechanism ii. management Y)J;HPTrAJI 2. overture


introduction (to a book,



Y,Il;MbIH hereditary Y,I(fAJI for some time, for a long time, too long Y)I{Hr (- ynaan] chronic, protracted, long-lasting, XO.tl00.tlHbl - YP3BC3JI chronic gastritis, 9BQHH chronic illness Y)l{HrllAX

(see YlKHrpax)

Y)l{HrpAX to keep on, to go on, to drag on, to become chronic


(see yHJIaMTraH) Myxo-

mycetes YHllAHXAiITAX to blister YHllAX to weep, to cry, yHJI'bH r3B3JICOxpOOCOO, orse r3B3JI raanaacaa falling over backwards to be helpful, yHJIlK.tlYYJIax (yHJIaH YHlKHX) to cry, to mourn, to lament, yHJIaH XaHJIaH weeping and wailing, - XYVX.tlHHH XOWHoro 9.tlPOOC99 YMaJI3aHa to be asking for trouble YHJIXAfI weepy YHMAX to swim or wade across YHMPAA 1. rash, reckless, feckless 2. confused 3. (- YHMp33) conluston. turmoil YHMPAX [caaaa -, C3Tr3JI -, yxaaa -) to be nervous, to be worried, to be uneasy, to be anxious, to be d isturbed, § qHHHH caaaa IOYJI,tl HHr3lK YMPaB what's upset you so? YHCAX to get tired, to get bored YHTAH sad, distressed YHTAH constricted, tight, narrow YHTrAP 1. melancholy, sadness, grief, C3pr33X (- TaHJIax) to cheer (someone) up 2. boredom


(see yHTrap)



YHTfAPJIAlITYH melancholy, sad YHTfAPJIAX 1. to be sad, to be depressed 2. to be bored YHTfAPT 1. melancholy, sad, 2. dull, boring, depressing YHTfAPTAIi


(see yHTrapT)

YHTpAX to be constricted YJI 1. sale, ryrnsra - sale of a boot, ~yryHH iron tyre for a cartwheel, XYYX3H - the top or inner layer of the sale of a Mongolian boot, ryHJIr3X to sew the layers of a Mongolian boot together, - ~OJIOOX to suck up to, yJIaH nopoo raurrsx to tread underfoot, - TaBar sale, pad (of a camel's foot) 2. base, sale (plough, plane, etc.), - cyyps basis, foundation, - cyypsraa basic, thorough, down to earth, - YJm3C basis, foundation, - YH~3CryH baseless, - YM3CT3H (- caHTaH) well-founded, WHH}KJI3X yxaaasr YH~3CT3H on a scientific basis, - xepc ground, - XOpCHHH yc ground water 3. trace, track, MOP trace, track, footprint, - MOPryHwithout a trace, - MOP y;m33X to leave traces, - waraiix (- MOP waraiix, - TaBar uraraax] to spy on, to keep one's eye on, XyHHH - uraraax to intrigue asainst people YJIAA relay horses, relay transport (hist.), yyprsnr ,.., system of taking and using for transport any horse one may meet, - oapHx to requisition transport, YJIaaHbI sap OHQHr requisition order for transport, warrant to requisition transport, YJIaaHbI MOpb relay horse, - H3X3X to go with requisitioned horses in order to bring them back YJIAA IiYTPAX to flush, to go red in the face YJIAABAP reddish YJIAABAP




Corpodocus erythrinus YJIAABTAP reddish

Ribes , I'oo - R. pu/che/R. dioconthum (a/50 T3XHHH

YJIAArAHA Currant,

fum, Oprecr


urasr. YXHbm nrssr]

drunk, - ~33 meat, - ManraHTaH Red Hat (sect, lamas), - MOHro copper, penny, - MOP indentation, paragraph, ,.., MOP raprax to indent, to start a new paragraph, - napaaap with the rising, or setting, sun, ,.., HY~T3H covetous, grasping, - H3JIHH OOJITOJI 30~OX to beat black and blue, - HHJIfa red and raw, OMorHHH enep Easter Day, yrraaa cyynra dysentery, - TOOC this mortal coil, - TYf red flag, - TYY3 xaHqJIax to cut the ribbon (and open something), YJIaaHbIr y331K ypsaac urapsrr y331K urapsananar flighty, fickle, - xasapraa cap HHHr3MJI3r Red Crescent Society, xaxraanar-ran Red Guards (po/it.), - XOOJIOH gullet, oesophagus, - XOJITOH humans, people, ,.., XOJITHHHr ypsnaa opyy;marryH go-ahead, go-getting, - ~OpOB(- uypas] hatch, brood, little children, YJIaaHbI waWHH Red Hat or unreformed Buddhism, (Tib. rnying-ma-pa), uryrasr surveyor's chain, - uryrasiaap MaHaprax to go by the book, to be regimental, uryrasr TaTaX to lC!y out the fou ndati ons, ,.., uryrasrraa OHQHr official letter written between red lines (hist.), - 3P~3H3 ruby, - 3C3pr3H3scarlet fever, scarlatina; a red rash 2. quite, straight, absolutely, right, - apXH'lHH boozer, ,.., ran3YY raving mad, -rapaapaawith one's bare hands, - ~3pr3~ right by, right next, ,.., 3aM ~33P right in one's path, ""MaXaapaaHBax to go barefoot, - HYYP OO~ right in the face, - HYYP33P33 bang into, straight into, - H~r3H stark naked, - xans TYJIrapax to meet head on, ,.., xannraa bare, stripped bare, ""xoopMOrOOJIOxto be in spate, to be in turmoil (flood, etc.), - XOJIOOpOO on Shanks's pony, ,.., naraan furiously, - ~aHM brash, brazen, - wyypra raging storm, ynaaaaap 3pr3M3X (,.., naraaaaap 3pr3M3x) to roll furiously (waves, eyes, etc.) YJIAAHIiAATAPXOT Ulaanbaatar, Ulan Bator YJIAAH IiOP A3PArA TWite,

YJIAANHH female-red, - raxaH }KllJI femalered pig year


YJIAAJIAX to travel by the relay services


YJIAAJI3fAHA Red Currant,

Rices rubrum

YJIAAH 1. red, ran - (see ran 1.1.), ~OO~ ,.., (X3T ,..,) infra-red, ~OO~ - uaupar infra-red rays, OaTJIaX party card, ,.., oyJIaH "red corner", recreation room, ,.., 6ypxaH (- ~3~3r) measles, oypxaHTax to have measles, - oyqT3HYY~ Young Pioneers, ,.., rarnra a red cent, a penny, - ranHHryH not a penny; penniless, - rOJITOH alive, ,.., aaramsaa Red Cross, - 3araJIMaHH HHH:r3MJI3r Red Cross Society, - 333P~ pretty

Aconthis flo vi-

rostris Reoumurio (bot.) (a/50


(see liyy~aH)

YJIAAH ,IJ;AJIAIi Red Sea YJIAAH }KHB3Pf name Cyprinidae family



fish of



(ostr.) YJIAAH HY,IJ;3H II. Roach, Ruti/us ruti/us YJIAAH CAXHYC an ICham-sring (Buddh.) YJIAAHCYYJIrA

epithet of Jamsrang,

(see ynaaa cyynra)

YJIAHCfAJIT red heat





YJIAAHTOnfOH Bent, Agrostis, JiHJIYYH Northern Bent, A. cIa vato, MOHrOJI - A. mongolica, HOXOHH - Velvet Bent, A. canina

(see HaMXaH Capaana] YJIAAHTYJIAM Incarvillea (bot.) YJIAAHTyn33 1. Clematis fruticosa 2. Gymnocarpos 3. Calligonum gobicum, C. junceum, C. mongolicum (bot.) YlIAAH TaMC

YJIAAH T3HfHC Red Sea YJIAAHYY,IJ; (- OBqHH) measles YlIAAH XOillYYT Chough,

Pyrrhocorax pyrrho-

corax YJIAAHbIXAH Reds


YJIAAPAX to turn red, to go red, to redden YJIAAtI attendant sent with relay horses to bring them back YJIAAtIJIAX to travel by the relay services YnABtI 1.1. insole 2. patten, slipper, gym-shoe, flip-flop 3. sale (for beating the face) (hist.) 4. sale (of a trap) MO~ sole-piece (of a splint)

s. -

YJIAHCfAX to make red hot, yJIaHCrarq yrac element (elec.) YnAHCMAJI glowing, red hot YJIAHcXHHx to get red, to go red YJIAiITrAX to make red hot y.JIAHx 1.1. to get red, to go red, to redden, HqH}K - to go red with embarrassment, to blush with shame 2. to go into the red (account) YnAHX II. to admit, to confess (to), § TYM3H oypyyraa XYJI33H yJIaH}K admitting all one's faults YnAHx III. to strive, to do one's best, to take trouble YnAHillPAX to exert oneself, to work energetically YJIAJIfAA soling (boot), pe3HH ynanraaraa 3crHH ryran rubber-soled felt boots YnAJI}KSedge, Corexlsee Onea], Mereepcxsa - C. sabulosa, HapHHHHaBqHT - C. stenophylloides, Cy~anryH - C. enervis, Illapsr -

C. duriuscula YJIAJI3AX to glow YnAM (- oyp, - HX) more, still more, - u;aaw further, still more

YnABtI II. tinder-pouch

YnAM}l{JJAJI tradition, aMaH - oral tradition, WHH3qJI3JI tradition and innovation

YJIAT JiYJIATrYH silently, without a word

YJIAM)KJJAJITtraditional, - OB heritage, tradition

yJIAH carrion, - TOXOOPOX (- XHHX) to slaughter, to butcher, - Y3YYJI3X to shed blood, - Y33X to see bloodshed, - Y3C3H X3P33 WHr like flies round a honey-pot

YJIAM}I{JJAX (YJIaM}KJIaH 333MWYYJI3X) to pass on, to transmit, to hand down, YJIaM}KJIaH xou;pox to be passed on, to be handed down, YJIaM}KJIaH XOr}KYYJI3X to foster, to promote

YnAH,!I;AX to get red hot

YJIAM}1{JJyynAX to pass on, to transmit, to hand down

YnAH,!I;MAJI red-hot YJIAirnfAX I. to make red, to turn red, HYYP33 - to be made to blush YJIAirnfAX II. to get a confession out of (someone) yJIAHM ~M barefaced, unscrupulous, without a twinge of conscience yJIAHpAJI redness yJIAHpAX I. to redden, to turn red yJIAHpAX 11.1. to be frantic, to be furious, yJIaHpaH ~aHpax to attack furiously, yJIaHpCaH ~OBTOJIrOO furious attack, yJIaHpCaH scsprvvU;3JI frantic opposition 2. to devote all one's efforts to, to be keen on


(see YJIaM}KJIax)

YnAHfACAX to rage, to be furious, to see red YnAHfACJIAJI frenzy, fury YnAC deerskin YnACXHHX to go red, to turn red, u;apaH - to flush ynJiAA I. (- 3aM, - MOp) track traces, path § TaCapQ33 the trace was lost ynliAA II. dew drops settled on vegetation ynliAAJIAX to derive from, to go back to ynJiAfAP

1. weak 2. weakly, sickly 1. to be weak 2. to be weakly, to be

YnAHPTAX to turn red

ynliAHx sickly

YnAHCAJIT reddening, glowing (n.), yJIaHCaJITbIH TaOJIHU; colour-change table

ynliAP ruddy, reddish, - wap orange

YJIAHCAX to get red hot, to glow red


ynJiAJI3AX to show up red

(see YJIoap)



YllliAPHX to develop, to evolve


YllliAP CAPXHAf Lactarius deliciosus (fungus) YllliAPfAX to look reddish YllliAP ~ to be sorry (for), to be distressed (about) YllliAC soh, limp, flabby, - 60JlTOJl COrrcOH as drunk as a lord . YllliACXHHx to go red, to flush YJmAJIT lameness (in camels and horses) because of worn feet Y~ to go lame (with worn and inflamed feet) (camel, horse)

YJDKHX to scrape a living YllHAHrAP Aspen, Populus tremula YJIHAC Poplar, Populus, Jlaapnaesar - P. aurifolia, Carnarap - P. densa, YCXHH - P. 3Jm3UHaUqHT -

P. diversifolia (see


YllHr 1. a bore, a nuisance 2. (-,noMoI'6oJlCoH) hackneyed, cI iched YllHrllAll a bore, a nuisance YllHrJIAJIT (see YJlHI'JlaJI) YllHrJIAX to be a bore, to make a nuisance of oneself, to be tiresome, to go on about it, § 6HTrHH OJlOH yr 6oJl}K ynarnaan 6aH don't go on about it YllHrHAX to whine, to whimper YllHIT wretched, a nuisance YllHllT howl, howling YllHHrAP friable (soil) YllHPAfCM re-enlisted men (mil.) YllHP~


1. to pass, to go by (time), § nar ye yJIHpaHOHI'OpQ with the passage of time 2. to stay on, to be kept down, aHI'H - to be kept down (school) 3. (YJlHpaH nasrax] to recur, yJIHpaH coarornox to be re-elected




cold dew; xap XHPYY (XHPYY yaax] hoar frost descends; OUJlHHH aMbCI'aJI opox wi nter begins; Oqyyx3H uac yaax little snow; HX nac yaax heavy snow; OUJlHHH Hap 6~ax (OUJIHHH -ryiiJl 6oJlox) wi nter solstice; 6aI'a xyHnH 3XJ13J1 (Oqyyx3H XyHT3H 6oJlox) little cold; HX XyHT3H 3XJ13X (HX XYHT3H 6oJlox) severe cold), - 6YCbIH untimely, unseasonable, - T)'TMbIH C31TYYJI quarterly journal 2.i. period ii. term (school) 3. climate 4. a period of five days in traditional astrology

(see ynaparcan] 1. season, nynaaasr

- warm season,

}KHJIHHH ,nOpUOH - the four seasons of the year, XOpHH ,nOpUOH - the twenty-four bimonthly divisions of the year or solar terms [xaspsm aMbCI'aJI opox, spring begins; xyp YCHbI uar rain water; HQHI'C3,n XOAJIOX hibernators stir; xaspsra enep T3H~3X [xaspsnr xyrac ,nyH,n ) vernal equinox; xaaur H33X mid-spring; TapHaJIaHrHHH xyp 6yyx grain rains; 3yHbI asrscran opox summer begins; Oqyyx3H ,nYYP3H grain fills; 6yy,naH60JIOBCPOX grain in ear; 3yHbI Hap 6~ax (3yHbIT}'IiJI 6oJIox) summer solstice; 6ara xanyyn (OQYYX3H XaJIYYH) slight heat; HXxaJIYYH great heat; HaMpbIH axscra» opox (HaMpbIH yyp opox] autumn begins; C3PYYHHH axscran opox (C3PYYH 6oJlox) beginning of coolness; uaraan xapyy opox [uaraaa myy,n3P opox] white dew; HaMpbIH enop mOHO T3H~3X (HaMpbIH xyrac ~) autumnal equinox; XyHT3H myy,n3P 6yyx (XYHT3H myy,n3p yaax]

YllHPllbIH (- 6aiiJ:laJITaH, - QaHapTaH) seasonal, - 6HJleT season ticket, - QaHapTaH a}KHJI seasonal work YllHPYYJIAX to defer, to leave till later, to carry on with, aura - to keep down (school), YJlHpYYJlaH conrox to re-elect YllHX to howl, yJIb}K,nyy,nax to call (a wolf, when hunting) by howling YllllArAA soling, resoling (boots), - oenon soling stitch made using two threads and one needle YllJIAX 1. to sole, ryran - to sale a boot 2. to repair a camel's damaged foot, YJmcaHT3M33I' ynnax to resole a lame camel 3. to dig over 4. to act with firmness, YJlJlaH cyyx to sit firmly YllMAAP 1. gradually, more and more, further 2. thanks to YllMAAC (- 6oJI}K) as a result of, because of through, 6aiiJ:laJI HHMHHH - things being so, ioyasr - for what reason YllC 1. (- rvpsa, - rsp] country, state, MaHaAour country, - apnsm national, - apnsra asc axyii national economy, YJlCblI' aioynaac xasrraanax XopOO (YAXX) Committee for State Security, KGB, - nasap nationwide (adv.), nasapxa nationwide (adj.), --OJlOH HHHTHHH O~ state and public property, -, OJlOH HHHT, xopmOOJIJIbIH 6aHryyJIJIara state, public and co-operative organisations, - OpOH country, state, - OPHbI national, - OPHbI 6aTJlaH xassraanax xyq national defence forces, - Tap state; politics, - Tap cynnan political science, politics, - rnp}KHJIT politicization, - TOp}KCOH (- TOpQHJlCOH) politicized, - TOp}KyyJI3X to politicize, - rnpHHH political, - rnpHHH 6o,nJIOrOTOH politician, - rnpHHH ,nOJIOOH 3yHJI

(see ,nOJIOOH

3p,n3H3), - TOpHHH 3YTr3JIT3H (-



T9pqHH) politician, political activist, - T9pHHH HaM political party, - T9pHHH CY;QJUUI political science, - T9PHHH TaJIaap in the political field, politically, - T9pHiiHTOBQOO Politburo, - T9pHHH Y;QHp;Qarq political instructor, politruk, - T9PHHH uramraanaap xopronox 3pX right of political asylum, - TepHHH 3;QHHH 3acrHHH yxaaa political economy 2. (- aMbTaH) people, - aHMar a people, - TYM3H (- YJl;Q3C, - YJl;Q3CT3H) peopie, nation, § 3;Q JI 8JKHJIcar caHH - wyy they are good, hardworking people 3. dynasty, ~aHQHH - the Great Qing Dynasty YJIC}KCAH politicized .YJICXH:Hx to flush YJICtUIAX to politicize

YM3.A)l; precentor or director of services in a lamasery, uorxasr - precentor of the assemblyhall (Tib. dbu-mdzad), YMJIAX to tear, to rip YMPAX to crumble away, to get torn off YMC large intestine of the horse YMC:xH:Hx (see YMaiix) YM XAP name of a black, finely grained, precious wood YMXYMfYH in a trice YHAA (- yaaur, - xecer. - nyuaa] a mount, transport, OJIOH HHHmHH - public transport, xe,r(eJIryypT - motorized transport, yaaaasr 3ap;QaJI travelling costs, - MaWHH vehicle, transport, yaaa~MYY bad at riding, yaaaraa conax to change horses (also Fig.), - yaanra riding; a mount, - IOYJI3X (see IOYJI3X)

YJICbIH state, national, - oOJIroxto nationalize, - oyc OOJIrOX to denationalize

YH.AA.}KHX to get a mount, to become mobile


YHAAJIYYJIAX to put (a child) on a horse for the first time

YJITAH (- cyypbTaH, - ynraraa] fundamental, well-founded, solid, thorough YJIX I. inner corner of the eye YJIX II. lump, swelling

yJIXAHx to

be flabby, to be limp

YJIXrAPweak, insipid, flat

Y~ to be flabby YJIQAH runny, drippy (eyes), - Hy,r( runny eyes YJIIJ;fAHAX to complain, to whinge YJIIJ;fAP flabby, slack, - xauap flabby cheeks YMAA XYM XYH ignoramus YMAH 1. (-caB) womb (seecan I.), yMaHHxy3yy (YMaHH XY3YYBQ) neck of the womb, cervix, YMaHH nyc menstrual blood, YMaHH 3B3P horn of the uterus 2. (see YP3BQ) YMAHJIfAX to shrink, to draw together YMAHx to shrink, to be drawn together YMAJI3AX to keep pouting YMAP 1. north


the north, - THAw northwards

YMAP~ north YMAP~ T3HrHC North Sea YMAPT (see YMap,r() YMAPT M9C9H ~AH Arctic Ocean YMAPTAX to forget YMIiAX 1. to swim

2. to


YMfAP narrow, cramped, small Y~ (see YH,r()

YHAAPbIH ridden, riding, - MOpb riding horse YHAAillPAX to get tired, to get worn out Iriding-horse, etc.) YHArA foal, OXHH - filly, filly foal, - TaTax to. take a foal away from a mare during milking YHArAAX 1. to drop, to let fall, to fell 2. to fail in, yyprHAr - to fail in one's duty 3. to win, to make (money) YHArAJIAJIT foaling YHArAJIAX to foal YHArAH 1. native, original, - oara Hac childhood, - oarbIH HaA3YY;Q childhood friends, nyrar one's native land, one's home, where one comes from, -H)'1THHHxYMyycaborigines, - Tepx (- X3B Tepx) pristine condition, ayrar YCHbI - xyy a native, born a nd bred, § XeBCreJI aliMrHAH - Hpr3H a native of Khovsqol aimag 2. endemic (nat. hist.), sascpsra - sub-endemic,

- yprasran (see yprasran] YHArAHTYPYY Wintergreen,


YHArAX 1. to drop, to let fall, to fell 2. to press down (a seam) 3. to win, to make (money), aurar - to make a killing YHAJI fall YHAJIfA a mount, transport, vehicle, yaanrsnr T3M33 riding camel YHAJITI.1. fall, QeJIeeT- free fall 2. decline, recessian, 3;QHHH 3acmiiH - recession 3. epilepsy YHAJIT II. ride, riding

Y~CAX (see ~aacax)

Y~f pubis

YHAAITAX to ride for the first time (child)

(anat.), YM;QambI HC pubic bone

YHAMfAH rideable, riding, - caaa T3M33 a good riding camel

YHAMTfAH liable to fall, liable to drop YHAHfA (see YHaHm) YHAHfH fallen (tree, etc.), .. 09xnH with fallen humps (camel), .. napxa (.. MO~) fallen tree YHAH IllYHAH covetously, greedily YHAX 1.1. to fall, ynacaa 09X9~ uranrar MYIf,IlaxryH any excuse is better than none, ynacaa rasap yraacan yc (YHaCaH nyrar yraacaa yc) one's native pastures (the land where one fell at birth and the water in which one was washed), YHaH nycaa (YHaH TYCaH) stumbling, staggering, yaacan MaJlraHraa aaax Q9JI99ryH in a dreadful hurry, with no time to waste, ... 9BQHH epilepsy, YHaJK TaT~ar 9BQnH epileptic 2. to fail, WaJlraJIT8.A" to fail an examination

YHAX II. to ride, yaanar ~yryH bicycle, YHaJK saaan MOpHO XaHHJIJK HBaa,Ll H9XP99 to kick away the ladder

YHAQ yield (econ.)

YHAUTAH profitable, productive, good business YHf~H neighing, whinnying YHf~ to neigh, to whinny

YHfAP I. Hungary 2. Hungarian YHfAC I. (.. HOOC) wool YHfAC II. wind (anat.), .. annax to break wind, to fart

YHfACAX to smoulder YHrATAX (see yaracax] YHfATfAX to let smoulder, § apransnr nor ~33P apu .. to let juniper smoulder on animal-dung embers

YHfAX to break wind, to fart YHfH root YHrYYJIAX to cause to break wind (in treating a camel suffering from flatulence, etc. See oaranyypTax)

YH,IJ; drink, beverage, XOOJI .. food and drink, YH~HbI yc drinking water

YH,IJ;AA I. drink, beverage, yanaaasr yc drinking water

YH,IJ;AA 11.1. (see aapar] 2. a fermented drink made by mixing cow's Tapar with milk and allowing it to warm and ferment in the sun

YH,IJ;AAJIAX 1. to drink 2. to water (livestock) YH,IJ;AACAX to be thirsty YH,IJ;APfA I. aventurine (min.) YH,IJ;APfA 11.1. gushing, welling-up 2. fount, flow (of water in a well), .. MyyTaH xynar a poorly yielding well

YH,IJ;APfAfYH with no flow, exhausted (spring, etc.)



YH,IJ;JIAX to drink YH,IJ;PAA source, fount YH,IJ;PAAX 1. to cause to spout 2. to bring to light, to produce

YH,IJ;PAfA (see yanapra II.) YH,IJ;PAIT fount, inexhaustible source YH,IJ;PAM amalgam YH,IJ;PAX 1. to gush, to spout 2. to spring up, to arise, § oac HMap xspsr YH~paB what's up now?, what's the trouble now?

YH,IJ;YH CYH,IJ;YH haphazard, higgledy-piggledy YH,IJ;YY rYH,IJ;YY run down YH,IJ;YYQAHrYH cross YH,IJ;YYQAX (see YHTY"YQax) YlDKfAHAX to dangle (intrans.) YlDKfAP 1. hanging down, drooping, pendulous

2. sickly, limp, flabby

YIDK ,IJ;OPOH downcast, miserable YIDKHIDc 1. to droop 2. to be weakly YIDKHJIT drop, droop, rapsra .. wrist-drop (surg.)

YIDKHX to hang down, to droop, to dangle, to sag, YHJKCaH CaHJKCaH dangling

YIDKJIAfA 1. appendage 2. hanging ornament, pendant

YIDKPAJI,IJ;AX to be matted, to be tangled up YIDKPAX to be prolonged, to be protracted, YHJKHpQ 9B~9X to hurt for a long time, to have a protracted pain

YIDKPYY long, drawn-out YIDKPYYJIAX to delay, to spin out YIDKYY hanging, pendulous, drooping, weeping (tree)

YIDKYYPfA pendant (n.) YH3A,IJ; (see YM3a,Ll) YH 3AHrYH quiet, well-mannered YHHAP mist, haze, .. cYYHarJIaCaH 9~9P a hazy day, .. TaTax to be misty, to be hazy

YHHAPTAX to be misty, to be hazy YHTAA dormant, .. oaH~an dormancy, .. HaXHa dormant bud

YHTAACTAH asleep YHTAAXAH sleepyhead YHTAJIT sleep, sleeping YHTAMXAH sleepy YHTAPqJlXAX to go out (pipe, etc.), to cut out, to die (engine)


qHM33ryH - silent reading, YHIIIJIarbIH rasap (YHIIIJIarbIH TaHxHM) reading-room (in a library or independent)


YHTAPillrYH unquenchable

YHTllAfA sleep, sleeping, YHTJIarbIH epee (YHTJIarbIH Tacanraa) bedroom, YHTJIarbIH xysuac night-clothes, YHTJIarbIH XYY~HH sleeping-bag, YHTJIarbIH uasru night-shirt YHTPAArYYllextinguisher, fire-fighting apparatus YHTPAAllrA switch (elec., etc.), - sanrax to switch on YHTPAAcrAH switched off YHTPAAX to put out, to extinguish, to quench, to switch off, to turn off YHTPAJIT extinction, fading (radio) YHTPAX 1. to go out (fire, light, etc.), § qHH~3H YHTPaB the light went out 2. to stop, to die, to stall (engine) 3. to become extinct (volcano), yrrrapcaa ranr yyJI extinct volca no YHTYY anger YHTYYllAX 1. to let sleep, to put to bed anaesthetize, YHTYYJIarq 3M'1 anaesthetist

1. raMer (of the tent), - enrox to set up a roher. - xarrax to insert the raMers 2. (- MO~)


YHTAX to sleep, to go to sleep, - op sleeping berth, - epee bedroom, YHTaJKXaBbTax to sleep with, to go to bed with



YHTYYllrA anaesthesia, anaesthetic, epoHxHH general anaesthetic, YHTYYJIrbIH 3Mq anaesthetist

batten (in a roof) YP 1.1. growth, tumour, swelling, tumours 2. knot, gall, excrescence


YP II. artistry, skill, - napx (see ypaa napx], -.rWi skill, deftness, - ~YH MyyraH (- ~YHryH) clumsy, unskilful, ham-handed, - 3YH artistry, - 3yHH artistic, - MaHr (HaHPYYJIrbm - MaHr) figure of speech, - yxaaa skill, ingenuity, - XHH~ style, make, - qa~an (- xanaap] artistry, skill, qHM3rJI3JI decoration, ornamentation YPA hurrah, - xamrapax to cheer YPA.AI.J;AH SwiM, MOPHH - Northern Whiterumped Swih, Apus pocihcus, XYPbIH - SWift,

A. opus YPAr 1. (- canan, -

TepOJI, - 3JIr3H) relatives by marriage, kin, - oapHMax (- TOpeJI OOJIOJI~ox) to become related by marrriage, - TOPJIHHH oapHMJIaraa (ypmHH XOJIooo) relationship by marriage, - XOJIOOX to marry 2. family, line, yprHHH OHqHr (ypmHH HOM) family-tree book, family register, § qHHmc xaaasr aJITaH - the golden line of Genghis Khan 3. foetus, 3YJIOaX (- yaarax] to have a miscarriage, to miscarry, - XOH~YYJI3X to have an abortion

YHTYYQAX to get cross, to become angry

YPArAAJI tear, rent

YJITqHXAX to fall asleep, to nod off

YPArllAX to become related by marriage

YHYYllAX to mount, to cause to ride, to let (a horse) be ridden

YPArCAX to keep up family connections


YPArill 1. southwards 2. forwards, - oynM1KT3H successful, - MYYTaH unsuccessful, unfortunate, - XOHWOO back and forth, backwards and forwards, aJIXaM yparur, xoep anxasr XOHIII one step forwards, two steps back 3. in front of, before, Y~33C - before noon

YHXHAAX to sniff, to scent (Bur.)


YHI.J;H ounce

YPArillrYH unsuccessful, unfortunate

YHIIIHN reader, - OJIOH readers, the reading public

YPAfillrYHT3X (see yparurrvansx]

YHXHArYH (see yHXHa MyyraH) YHXHArYfIT3X to be inept YHXHA)l;AX (see ynxanax]

YHillHllT reading YHillHX 1. to recite, YHIIIJIara - to utter a prayer or incantation 2. to read YHillllArA 1. incantation (shamanist), aMHbI (see aM 1.), - YHIIIHX to utter an incantation (in order to summon spirits) 2. (YHIIIJIarbIH HOM) prayers (Iamaist), MaaHH X3M33X - the mani prayer, YHIIIJIarbIHJIaM an ordinary lama able only to recite services, - YHIIIHX to recite (Iamaist) prayers, - ypanra recitation (of prayers) 3. reading, TOB~ HOMbmYHIIIJIaraTaH Tibetan-reading, xaara - reading aloud,

1. southwards 2.


YPArillrY~3X to turn out unsuccessful YP ArillHllrA the attached stroke to the leM forming a and e in Mongol script YPArillllAX 1. to go southwards, XOHHOOCOO to go from north to south 2. to advance, to go forwards, to move up, to proceed, yparIIIJIaH xorBCJI3X - fine art, HJI3PXHHJI3Xrepresentational art, 'IHM3X'IHM3rJI3X - decorative art YPJIAJI 1. art, rap - (see rap) manship



artistry, crofts-

YPnAH studio, workshop YPJIAX to engage in art, to do, make or create artistically, to croft

YPTACfAX to lengthen, to extend YPTATfAJI (see ypracran] YPTATfAX (see ypracrax] YPTAAXto be too long YPTJIAr longish YPTJIAX to lengthen YPTPAr

1. longitude 2.

line of longitude

YPTCAJIT lengthening, extension

YPJIAXYH YXAAH (see yxaaa 3.)

YPTCAX to get longer, to be longer

YPMAC (see ypaM I.)


YPMACfYH (see ypaMryH 1.)

YPYH flood, flood-water


fluld. runny

YPCAX to flow YPCAIJ; flow, § TYYJI rOJIbIH OJIOH }KJfJIHHH ~~a}K - XOHOIT xoep cas WOOMeTP 6a~ar the average flow of the Tuul River over many years is two million cubic metres a day


1. towards (after a word of the back-vowel 2. down, downwards, rasap - saax to


point downwards, raspsra - asax to go downhill, ern - 3aM steep hill downwards (traf.), rasap downhill, - 3aXTaH ~33JI gown with a slanting collar (like a lama's robe), - 99~H up and down, allover the place, - 99~99 up



and down, - TaTax to drag down, to be a bad influence on, - xapyynax to turn face down, uapaanax to be down in the mouth, - ~apaHTaH downcast, down in the mouth YPYY):WlT 1. [raspsm -) fall, descent, down gradient (cf. 9rC9JIT) 2. decline YPYYMX


to go down, to go downhill, nraraap - to go downstairs ii, to decline, to get run down, to go downhill 2. to run away down wind (livestock)

YPYYJI 1. lip (anat.), oara - labia minora, HXlabia majora, C3T3pXUH - harelip, YPYYJIbm oy~ar lipstick, - H33B3JI yywur H33Xto make a clean breast of it 2.lip (of a flower), - ~3~ruHH ypraMJIYY~ labiate plants, - ~3~3IT11UH osor (~3~3IT11UH H3ryyp) Labiate Family, Labiatae 3. jaws (of a vice) YPYYJIIIIHJI AJI)J;PAXYH delabialization (ling.) YPYYJIIIIHX labialization (ling.) YPYYJIIIICAH labialized YPXArcause YPXAH skilful YPXH snare, - TaBUX to set a snare YP~

to ensnare, to net

YPXH,IJ;YYJIAX to get ensnared, to get netted, XOJIOO - to get trapped by the feet YPXHJIAX (see ypxanax] YPXHPAX to growl, to snarl YPIJ; hut, wigwam, tent (esp. as used by the Reindeer-people, IJ;aaTaH) YPIJ;JIAH liOOX to set up and tie like tent-poles ypqyY,IJ; artists YPillfAAP as a (bad) result of YPillHf (- narasap] bad consequences, - Tapux to cause trouble, - TOBortrouble YPillHfJIAX to cause trouble YPillHIT harmful, deleterious YPb 1. mild, gentle, warm 2. warmth, warm weather, thaw, - opox (- yaax) to turn warm (spring weather), to thaw 3. - JmYYJI3X (aaaXYYJIax , ypaap xarax, ypu~ erex] to dry in the wind (trans.), - Jm3X to dry in the wind (intrans.); to effloresce YPb,IJ; 1. before, onoorooc TaBU~ .>KHJIUHH YPb~ some fifty years ago, yyHUH - before this, previously, - H3r uarr (- 3pT ~aIT) once upon a time, - 3pTHUH ancient, bygone 2. (- OMHUHH) previous, - Hac previous existence, - 9MBO previously. before, - OMHO oaHraaryH unprecedented, - OMHO M3~3r~33ryH not previously

known, - rapcan 1fHXH33C XOHHO rapcaa 3B3P the old gives way to the new, - XO~ ever, at any time, never, at no time, from time to time, - XO~ Y33r~33ryii unprecedented, - W9H9 the night before; last night YPb,IJ;AAP first, before, previously, to begin with

1. first, before 2. from in front, frontally YPb,IJ;AJI 1. priority, preference, - OoJIrOX to pre-


fer, to give priority to 2. prior, 9M9H yymHH OB1fUH pre-cancerous condition YPb,IJ;AX 1. to be early, YPb~CUK Up3X to come early 2. to anticipate, to do in advance, § 9BJIUHH xyHrn33c YPb~CUK mHx a.>KHJI work to be done in advance of the winter cold YPb,IJ;AXb previous, preceding YPb,IJ;Aq previous, prior, - H9~9JI precondition YPb,IJ;XAH a little before, just before YPb,IJ;qJfJIAH in advance, previously, rapsra YC3r - sypax to initial (an agreement, etc.), OOJIrOOM1KJIOX apra X3MJK33 precautionary measure, - CaBJICUK xynannaanax to sell prepacked, - C3pmHJI3JIT preventive measures, prophylaxis, - C3pmHJI3X to be careful not to, to forestall, to take precautions against, to prevent; preventive measures, prophylaxis, ranaac - C3prUHJI3X a1KHJI fire-precautions, lJ..YY 1fUM33 rapraxaac - C3prUHJI3X to be careful not to make a noise, X3B}K}'PMbIH30P1fUJI rapraxaac - C3pmHJI3X to forestall breaches of public order, - C3prUHJI3X apra X3MJK33 preventive measures, prophylaxis, - C3prUHJI3X TapUJIra preventive immunization, - C3prUHJI3X Y3JI3r precautionary examination, screening, TOO~OOJIOX to forecast, - TOXUpOX to make preliminary arrangements, - xapax to foresee, to forecast, - XOpbCOH xyrauaa period of pre-trial detention, - XOB1fUJICOH pre-stressed (concrete) YPb,IJ;qHJIfAA 1. advance 2. deposit, down payment, - T8JIOX to pay a deposit YPbAqHJICAH preliminary, advance, 03JITr3JIadvance preparation, - ,I:(\TH3JIT provisional conclusions, - ~YH preliminary results, - M3~33 forecast; preliminary report, - H9~OJI precondition, - TOrJIOJIT preliminary (match) YPb,IJ;qJIAH (see ypb~1fUJIaH) YPb,IJ;bIH previous, former, earlier, - 10M yJI OOJI1K O~OOHbI 10M 3yJIOOJIOX (see xyyqUH 1.i.) YPbCAX to get warm YPbTAH in front, before YPbTAJI 1. priority, preference, - OOJIrOX to put first, to give priority to 2. antecedent § corryypan OOJI apXJmaJIT OBQUH TYCaXbm yrraap ye 10M drunkenness is the preliminary stage of the onset of alcoholism

YPbTAX to do first, to get in first, to' be premature, § QamHH XYHT3H C3PYYH33C ypsraac in advance of the cold weather, ypbTa}K xenenroea XHHx to move off first (trof.) YPbXAH soh, gentle YPbillHX (weather)


to effloresce


to get warmer

YC water, aMHbI -- (yy~ar --) drinking water, -OaJIra'lHXCaH 10M WHr flabbergasted, nonplussed, dumbfounded, OOPOOHbI -- rain-water, H3PM3JI -- (H3pC3H --) distilled water, TYYXHH -natural water, XYH~ -- heavy water, urap « melted snow-water; (OYYQHbI map --) water draining from dung; whey (strained from aapu, Tapar, naraa, 33~3M); serum; synovia; rheumatism; petrol, -- annax to spill some worer, yeas OOJIOP (see OOJIOP), ycaa oaMoarwater polo, -rOJICOH HMaa WHr offended, put out, ycryH rasap, ~ycryH ~aHH waterless land, bloodless war lriddle for chess), ycaa ry333 OOJITJIOO HOpCOH drenched to the skin, -- ~aaJIT impermeability, -- naax to be waterproof, to keep the water out, yeas ~33P epaM sarcaax to pour oil on troubled waters, to be conciliatory, yean 3aJIXar OOJITJIOO 30~YYJIaX to get beaten to a frazzle, yean 3aM waterway, yean 3aMbIH T33B3P water transport, yCT MaH~aJI hydrosphere, -- HYTar H3rT3H from the same place, -- II}"ITHHHxaH local people, neighbours, yean HY~T3H uycaa 3YPXT3H ordinary, Simple, plain, ycsrr Hb yyBaJI ecsrr Hb nara when in Rome do as the Romans do, -- H3BTP3xryH waterproof, yean HHJIX new-born, yean opranyyp fou nta in, ycaan opox to take a bath; to go into the water, ycaan Op}K YX3X to drown, YCHbI can [yean can] cistern, water-tank; reservoir, YCHbI cynanraa hydrology, yean CyJI}K33 "ri pple pattern", ycaan C3JI3r'1 swimmer, ycaan C3JI3JIT swimming, ycaan C3JI3X to swi m, ycann C3JI3X caa swi rnming-pool, ycann TaBHX to launch, yean Tapra summer fatness (livestock), ycaa TapxH idiot, stupid, yean TapXHTaH [yean TOJIrOHTOH) addlepated, -- TaTax to draw water; to pull the chain, -- rnpar'l (see ycreperx]. -- TYcraapJIarq damp course, yean TYP~ displacement (of a ship), ycaa T3M,Q3r water-mark, -- yyx XYBb a chance of life, -- yyx xyBbTaH lucky to be alive, yean Y33M (see Y33M), YCHbI YH3 water-rate, charge for water, ycaan YCP3JIT [ycaar; XapaHJIT) d ivi ng (sport), -- xanaarx water-heater, YCHbI xaps (see xaps yc), YCHbI xysuac bathing-costume, swimsuit, yean xynraaa WHr like a drowned rat, -xvprsx to be more of a hindrance than a help, -- uacann OO'lHpJIOX to queue for water, yc uacaan opox to have a bath, -- uac WHr fluent (speech), MOHrOJIOOp spaxnaa -- uac speaking fluent Mongol, yCT usr water-point (on pastures), -- 'IHHr moisture, yean uranoaar OOJITOJI



OaJIoax to beat to a frazzle, yean WYJI3r doggerel, § yc yxx XyBb sasa oaHHa yy yryH yy has she got a chance of life or not? YCABXH

1. weak,


2. (see CyBC II.)

YCAJIIiAPf irrigated YCAJIfAA watering (fields, livestock, etc.), ~3H3r -- soaking, drenching, thorough watering YCAJIfAATAH irrigated YCAH fAPHf Mercury


YCAH fAXAH GUinea-pig

Empetrum Elodea YCAH TYPYY Water-Plantain, Alismo, TaBaH CaJIaaH -- Common Water-Plantain, A. plontogo-oquotico YCAH XOHOf Cockspur, Echinochloo crus-golli YCAH X9Pill (see HY~3JI}K) YCAH X3PC (see 33JI3H Xop) YCAH illHM3M3f Polygonum divoricotum (see YX3p Tapna] YCAH 333Pf3H3 Crowberry,

YCAH TAXAJI Canadian Waterweed,

YCAPXAr watery, wet YCfAJI gentle, soh YCfYH,IJ;3X to lack water YC,IJ;AX to have too much water YC}KHX to be watery, to have or contain water YC}KYYJIAN irrigator, water-supplier YC}KYYJIAJIT irrigation, YC}KYYJIaJITbIH CHCTeM irrigation system YC}KYYJIAX to irrigate, -- CHCTeM irrigation system, -- cysar irrigation channel YC3YH hydrography YC3YHH hydrographiC, -- sypar hydrographiC map YC3YHQ hydrographer YCJIAr

1. watery 2.

wateriness, wetness

YCJIAJIT irrigation, watering YCJIAX 1. to water (livestock), to wet, to put water on 2. to drink (livestock) YCJIYYP 1. sprinkler, ranaac xasrraanarx -- firesprinkler 2. water-dispenser YCHbI IiYJIrA Mink,

Mustelo vison Botourus stelloris

YCHbI IiYX Eurasian Bittern, (also Byx lIIYBYY) YCHbI YX3P Water Buffalo

YCTAJIT destruction, disappearance, extinction

YCTAJI~ to cancel each other out



YCTAX I. to be abolished, to be destroyed, to disappear, to be got rid of, to be eliminated, YCTCUK MOXOX to die out, to become extinct YCTAX 11.1. to be flooded 2. oedema, yyurar .-. oedema of the lungs YCTrAJI destruction, elimination, .-. XHHX to destroy, to exterminate YCTrAJIT (see YC1TaJI) YCTrAX to abolish, to destroy, to get rid of, to eliminate, to cancel, ycrraac 3B~3X to destroy YCTrYYJIAX to let get destroyed, to lose, § 3YY uraxax ~3pr33 YCTryyJI}J{ losing nearly a hundred of their soldiers YCT9P9rq hydrogen, yCTapaNHHH oaMoar hydrogen bomb, yCTapaNHHH X3T3PC3H HC3JI hydrogen peroxide YCq (see YClIHH 1., 2.) YCqHH 1. waterman, boatman 2. swimmer 3. water-carrier YCqJIAX to be a waterman YCq OrOTHO Water Vole, Arvicola terrestris YTAA 1. (.-. MaH, .-. YHHap) smoke, .-. syycaa smoky, smoke-blackened, .-. TaBHX (.-. MaH TaBHX) to lay down smoke, .-. TOpTOr smoke, smuts, YTaaH XOWHr smoke-screen 2. exhaust (auto.) YTAArYH smokeless, .-. TYJIW smokeless fuel YTAAJIAT smoky

xapannyyp (see XapHJI~), .-. ~OXHX to ring up, yrcaap HpHX to talk on the phone, § .-. nyyrapas the phone rang H. (YTaCHbI nyraap]

telephone number YTAC~ to ring up, to phone, § saxapraa pyy .-. to phone the administration, 3pr33~'-' to ring back

YTACJIAr 1. filament, hypha (in mycelium) 2. filamentous YTACJIAX to measure with a tape or cord YTAX 1. to smoke, to cure in smoke, apsc « to cure a skin in smoke, yypaap.-. to steam-clean 2. (Hyx .-., YT~ amax, YTa}J{ Ma~ax) to smoke out (an animal from its lair), to asphyxiate 3. to inhale, to cause to inhale, § ~aHHbI H3r xaneara HapCHbI TOCblr aara XaJIYYH ycaan XHji}J{ XOOJIOH esnex ye~ yypaap Hb yraa for a sore throat people put a teaspoonful of pine-oil into a cup of hot water and inhale the vapour, W33C Hb xaarncaa T3M33r apn, apuasr yp33p yrax to make a camel which is suffering from retention of urine inhale the smoke of juniper or juniper seed YTrA 1. meaning, sense, contents, .-. aryynra matter, substance, content, .-. 30XHOJI literature, .-. 30XHOJIbIH literary, .-. 30XHOJIbIH X3JI literary language, .-. 3yH semantics, .-. 3yHH semantic, .-. canaa meaning, thought, idea, content, .-. cY~JIaJI semasiology, .-. Tarc meaningful, .-. yqHp meaning, idea, .-. yqHpryH absurd, nonsensical; Wild, Wildly, .-. yqHpryH apxanax to drink to excess, HMap11 .-. yqHPryH for no reason at all, .-. yqHPTaH significant, meaningful, .-. yHHra lyric, .-. ysaranar (.-. YHHrbIH) lyrical 2. value (math.), TOOH'-' numerical value

YTAAPLsmoke-chamber, smoke-pit, § apsc yrax .-. MaJITaX to dig out a smoke-pit for smoking skins

YTrAIYH meaningless

YTAAT (see yraanar]

YTrAN excavator, digger (mech.)

YTAATAH (see yraanar]

YTrAT with a meaning, meaningful, ~HJI'-' synonymous, OJIOH'-' polysemous

YTAH Wutai Shan (p.n.) YTAJIT 1. fumigation from its lair)

2. smoking-out (an animal

YTAC 1. thread, HHHJI3r MHH~caH .-. synthetic thread, yracasr rOJI(YTaCHbI ~aMap) cotton-reel, .-. opoox a type of embroidery, .-. yHJI needlework, YTCaH XOr}J{HM (see Xar}J{HM 2.), yrcaa lIHH33 ynaaa aMb my poor little life (liter.) 2. wire, lead, TOMOp'-' wire, apraCT TaMap .-. barbed wire, T3}J{33JIHHH'-' lead (elec.), yrcaa er (YTCaHXOpXOH) Wireworm 3. [uaxanraaa e-] telegram, wire, .-. HByyJIaX to send a telegram 4.i. [xapannax .-.) telephone, spransr XYP~T3H .-. dial telephone, YTaCHbI }J{arCaaJIT telephone directory, YTCaa aanrax to pick up the phone, YTaCHbI MO~ telegraph pole, YTCaa TaBHX to put down the phone, .-. TaCJIax to ring off, YTCaH xapanuaa telephonic communication, yracnsr

YTrAX to scoop up, to shovel up YTrAqJIAX to follow the sense, to follow the meaning, yrrallJIaH opxyynax to translate according to meaning (not word for word) YTrYYP scoop YTJIArA 1. censing with aromatic smoke, YTJIarbIH apu juniper for censing 2. aromatic herbs used for censing 3. inhalation (med.) 4. smoking (meat) YTMAJI smoked, .-. XHaM smoked sausage YTCAHQAP thread, fibre YTCAPXAr thread-like, wiry, filamentous YTCAPXYY (see yrcapxar] YY (interrogative particle used in the absence of an interrogative word, after a word of the back-

vowel series ), caHH oaHHa yy how are you?



yyrAJI old, original, primordial YYfAH 1. eldest, first, --. xyy eldest son 2. original, TaXHHH --. Hyrar the original home of the wild horse

uaraaa HJIHa things will turn out right in the end YYJI 11.1. original, --. Hb actually, as a matter of fact, on the whole, as a rule the ... concerned

yyrAHQYY,IJ; oldest members yyrHJIT smouldering, smoking (n.)


that, the same,

YYJI III. tinder

yyrHX to smoulder, to smoke, to steam

YYJIAAC by nature, at bottom, thoroughgoing,

yyrYYJI (--. cyyryyn] old, original, primordial, native, --. aprsn natives (of a certain place), --. nyrar native place, --. ye, cyyryyn ayrar one's old familiar surroundings

for long

YY1IABQ bag for holding tinder YY1IAPXAr mountainous

yyrq drinker

YYJITA I. (--. AOBTOJIroo) raid, sudden attack

YY,IJ;AM 1. wide brood, spacious 2. (--. OpqJIOH)

YYJITAII. exclamation, cry, yell, --'~axto shout

space 3. (--. C31T3JIT3H) generous, magnanimous

out, to ejaculate,



YY,IJ;AMq generous, magnanimous

YYJITAJIAJI shouting out, ejaculation, outburst

YY,IJ;JIAX 1. to rummage in, to empty, to turn out,

YYJIfAJIAX I. to raid, to plunder, yynranaa

YYMaH HJIpyyJI3X to get to the bottom of pour out, to decant



YY}K woman's sleeveless garment, worn over the ~33JI, a type of tabard for women

YY}KHM (--. TaBHy, --.

T3HyyH, --. ~33JI) broad,

wide, spacious, --. C31T3JI generosity

YY}KHMCfAX to widen (trans.) YY}KMAr a sort of caftan for women YY}KPAX 1. to get wider 2. [caaaa --., e31T3JI--') to calm down, to feel relieved, § 1KaaXaH TaHBwpq YY1KHp calm down a bit!, take it easy!

YY}KYY 1. (--. TaBBY) wide, broad, spacious

2. (--.

TaHBaH) calm, leisurely, unhurried

YY}KYYPAX 1. to get broader 2. (~OTOp --.) to feel relieved

YY}KYYXAH 1. pretty wide, pretty broad, quite spacious


contented, at ease

YYJI I. mountain, hill, OJmOPYYJIbIH alpine, ennep YYJIbIH oYCJIYYP alpine zone, YYJIbIH a1KHJI mining, YYJIbIH oyra xapaan yaacaa oyxaa xasx (YYJIbIH oyra Y333A yaacaa MOpHO opxax] to be off with the old and on with the new, YYJIbIH oyra q yryH yaacaa oyx q yryH falling between two stools, --. saacapnax yec the time at dawn when sky and mountains begin to be distinguishable from each other, --. 3yH (see YYJI3YH), --. 3yHHorographic, --. HYPYY mountain range, --. nypyypxar mountainous, YYJlbIH OBqHH mountain sickness, yynaaac cancan oape, ycaaac cancan sarac like a fish out of water, YYJIbIH cnopr rnountaineering, --. TOITOJI orogenesis, YYJIblryrcaap XOTJIOX camel, --. yypxaH mine, --. yypxaHH a1KHJI mining, --. Y333ryH XOpMOH WYY1K ye Y333ryH ryran TaHJIax to meet trouble halfway, YYJIbIHyHMB3p(--.yypxaHHyHMB3p} mining industry, mining, yyJIaH X33 "mountainpattern ", YYJIbIH qHH33 xapsrr TYYJIaHH qHH33

AaHpax (YYJIraJIaHAOBTJIOX) to raid, to fall upon

YYJIfAJIAX II. to shout out suddenly, to ejaculate, to exclaim

YYJIrAMQ someone who involuntarily shouts out YYJIf~ (see yynranax II.) YYJITAP nervous, anxious

YYJITAX to cause to drink, to give (someone something) to drink

YYJI3AJIT meeting, get-together YYJI3AP (see YYJI3Bap) YYJI3AX (YYJI3a1K yqpax) to meet, to encounter,

nexeprsares --. to meet one's friends, § 331K Hp1KTaHTaH YYJI3aJK oaAxaa my rnurn'll come and see you YYJI3BAP junction, joint, 3aMbIH--. road-junction, aJ:U{JI OHW qaHapbIH 3aMbIH --. junction of highways of different categories, aJ:U{JI sanapsra 3aMbIH -. junction of highways of equal categories, AOpBOH 3aMbIH --. crossroads, 30XH~YY­ Mar 3aMbIH --. controlled road junction, 30XH~YYMarryH 3aMbIH --. uncontrolled road junction, r3p3JI noxaoroop 30XHlO'YMar 3aMbIH --. road junction controlled by traffic-lights, 3aMbIHYYJI3BapbIr H3BTP3X to enter a road junction, T MaHITaH --. Tjunction, YYJI3BapbIH TaB a small ring marked on the carriage-way at a junction, to be kept on the right by a driver turning left or making a U-turn

YYJI3YYJIAX to bring together, to introduce YYJI3YYP (see YYJI3Bap) YYJI3YH orography YYJIHHXAH (see yI1JIaHXaH I.) YYJI-9BC (see QaraaHTYPYY) YYJIT drinking yy.rrqHH mountaineer




YYJIL Owl, illHB3P CaBaIT -



Aegolius funereus

YYJILXAH timid YYJILIH by nature, longstanding YYMTrAM fond of the bottle YYP I. (- HYXYYP) mortar (for grinding), yypana yc HY~3X to go on a wild goose chase

vaporize, to volatilize

YYP II. (- osror. - YH1'YY, - XHJI3rH3JI, - XHJI3H) anger, - Hb OBOJI30X to lose one's temper, yuaap crossness, bad temper, - xvpsx to get angry, - Hb xypq yyurar Hb carcaax to go off the deep end

YYPIII. vapour, steam, - asrscran climate; atmosphere, climate (fig.), yypaan OOJIrOX to steam, - TaTarq oven-hood YYPM 1. (- OO~HC) protein 2. albumen 3. (9~erHHH -, uaraaa -) white of egg, urap - yolk 4. colostrum, first milk produced after delivery, ran - the first, thickish colostrum, X3JIrHH - colostrum thickened by the process of X3JImHJI3X, - cyy thinner colostrum Iollowlnq the ran -, yyprbIH xeepyyJIr3 camel's colostrum slightly fermented and then boiled with constant stirring, yyprsra 333mH333mH made from the colostrum of cows, sheep or goats 5. - TapXH (see TapXH), - TapXHHbI annarnan brain-drain, - TapXH yypranax heed-hunting (com.)

yyprA 1. pole with a noose at the end for catching horses, horse-catching pole, MopHHr yypraan cyprax to train a horse for use in catching others, yyprsra MOpb a horse trained to be ridden for catching others, yyprsra MOpb WHr as to the manner born, yypra WH~3X to thrust out one's horse-catching pole 2. fishing-rod

yyprAJIAJIT horse-catching yyprAJIAX to catch (a horse) with a horse-catching pole

yyprAq (- XyH) horse-catching rider, - MOpb horse trained to be ridden for catching others

yyprAqHH horse-catching rider YYPJIAHrYH angry YYPJIAX to be angry, to get angry, yypnazc ynaapnax to get cross, to be peevish, to get upset, to be irritable

YYPJIYYJIAX to annoy, to make angry YYPCAHrYH angry YYPCAX to be angry YYPfAM irascible, hot-tempered, angry,

YYPXAHJIAX to mine YYPXAHtlHH miner YYPillHJI evaporation, vaporization YYPillHJIT (see YYPWHJI) YYPillHMTfAM volatile YYPillHMXAH (see yypurasrrraa] YYPillHX (yypWH)f{ nsrnsx] to evaporate, to YYPillYYJIAJIT evaporation YYPillYYJIAX to evaporate, to vaporize (trans.) YYPbIH steam (adj.), - Toroo boiler, - np3r steam train

YYCAJIT dissolving, soiubility YYCAMTfAH soluble YYCAMXAH (see yycasrrraa] YYCAX [yycaa uraarsx] to dissolve, to be absorbed, yycaa sasrxpax to disperse (smoke,


vvcrxr-r t.




yycrAMAJI solution (chern., etc.) YYCfAX 1. to dissolve (trans.), to absorb 2. to assimilate, § XHTa~ OHW y~3c1llHHr xaa y~3cn~ - oOMoro policy of assimilating non-Chinese peoples to the Han people

YYCMAJI 1. solution, xaaacan - saturated solution, xaara - strong solution 2. dissolved, in solution

YYCMAJDKYYJIAX to make soluble YYT bag, sack, sac, ranrap - [xanscaa -) plastic bag, uaacan - paper bag, - caB bag YYTAHQAP follicle, yCHHH - hair-follicle YYTAq receiver, fence YYTJIAX 1. to put into a bag 2. to bag, to pile up, to rake in

YY1TAH Marsupials YYX 1. to drink, yy)f{ aaprax to go drinking, to have a booze-up 2. to soak up

YYXAH 1. cheer, hurrah, yyxaHH Tac just like that, without a second thought 2. a chant performed to signal a hit at archery or in ankle-bone shooting 3. right!, right you are!, OK!

YYXAH,IJ;AA (see yyxaH 3.) YYXAHJIAX 1. to cheer 2. to chant the yyxaH YYXHJIAX to pant, yyxHJI)f{ aaxanax to puff and blow


~OrwHH fierce, savage

yypXAH mine, ~~ - mine, pit, HJI - opencast mining, - YYJIbIH YH~B3P mining industry,

YYXHPAX to puff and pant, to blow heavily YYXHP~AX (see yyxapax]

YYXHlIAA puffing, panting YYXHqHX to puff, to pant

YYQ 1. small of the back, loins, yyuaa YYP3X to stand with one's hands behind one's back 2. rump, croup, - HYPYY back, backside, yyuaa cyyJI broad tail, fat tail, yyuaa CyyJITXOHb fattailed sheep 3. sacrum 4. carcase of a sheep, - TaBHX to serve a sheep's carcase

YYU)IAX to separate the rea'r of the carcase of a sheep

yyq big-hearted, generous yyqJIAAPAH excuse me!, I beg your pardon! yyqnArAAillrYH unpardonable, unforgiveable

yyqnAll 1. forgiveness, pardon, - ryHx to ask forgiveness, to beg [sorneone's] pardon don (jur.)

2. par-

yyqJIAITf (see yyxnan 1.), - ryHx to ask forgiveness, to beg pardon

yyqllAX to forgive yyqnmrYH unpardonable, unforgiveable yym a drink, something to drink, - 3YYW food and drink, refreshments

yymrH lung, - TOOC}KHX OBlIHH (- TOOCTOX OBlIHH) pneumoconiosis

YYllIHr I. (see yywrn)

vvunrr II. Naushki (p.n.) yymHrHbI pulmonary, - aprepa pulmonary artery, - rHJITaHTaC pleuritis, - cyyps lung root,

YXAA I. light red

YXAA II. rise, knoll, - ryB33 knolls YXAA 111.1. reason, - opox to learn wisdom

2. consciousness, - annax to faint, - opox to come round 3. - Hb for example, I mean YXAA}KHX to acquire wisdom YXAAJIAr intelligent, bright, sensible, clever, smart



dom, - C3X33 intelligence, intellect, - C3X33ryH unintelligent, - C3X33T3H intelligent, perceptive, - TOH mind, - TOiH,Qoyyx to occur to, to come to mind, -T3JI3xtO broaden the mind, yxaaasrr ypannyynax (see ypannyynax]. yxaaaaa yyx to befuddle oneself, - XOMC feeble-minded, mentally defective, - XOMC~OJI mental deficiency, XOMC~OX to be mentally defective 2. (- M3~P3JI) consciousness, - a.JmaJIT fainting, unconsciousness, - annax to faint, to pass out, oaJIap.Qax (- oanpax, - OaJIapTax) to lose consci ousness, to become confused, to be dazed, to be disorientated, - JKOJIOoryH (- 3YJIarryH) desperately, frantically, in a panic, like mad, for dear life, - M3~P3JI annax to lose consciousness, - M3~P3JI annyynax OO~HC narcotics, - M3~P3JI M}'YTai mentally handicapped, opox to come round, - opyynax to revive (trans.) 3. learning, TaBaH - the five (major) sciences, the five (major) branches of learning (Buddh.), yxaaasr apsaa OpOH the ten sciences, the ten branches of learning, yxaaasr TaBaHoara OpOH (oara TaBaH -) the five minor sciences (3ypxaH astrology, 30XHCT aanryy (HPYY Haipar) poetics, HJI eIT oryyJI3XyH (eIT yr) eloquence, XOJIOOO HaipYYJIaxyii (XOJIOOO Haipar) composition, JKY}KHrJI3xyH (oY}KHrJI3xyH) acting, dancing), yxaansr TaBaH HX OpOH (HXTaBaH -) the five major sciences (~yyH -linguistics, flIHp uranrraaasr - logic, T3JK33xyi - medicine, ypnaxya - mechanical arts, ~OTOO~ - theology), 4. - Hb (see yxaannaa]

YXAAHrYH 1. senseless, unconscious, - OOJIOX to lose consciousness ~ypTaH crazy about

2. ever such

a, terrific, -

YXAAJmAA I mean to say, actually

YXAAJIAX to think out, to work out

YXAAHT wise, - XyH homo sapiens

YXAAJDK Xanthoria (lichen)

YXAAHTAH 1. wise, clever, bright, brainy

YXAAH 1. understanding, reason, mind, - annax to lose one's reason, - aMbryH aHX [yxaaaaa 3aHJITan an) to be scared stiff, - OO~OJIryH thoughtless, - saax to show wisdom, - sannax to develop one's mind, - sapax to put one's mind to, to be intent on, - M}'YTaH dull, dimwitted, - M3~JI3r knowledge, expertise, yxaann Hb yxaa YXC3H what a blockhead, yxaanrva HOeH,Q yparwryH anoar like master like man, opox to grow wiser, to reach the age of discretion, - caMoaa resourcefulness, - canaa mind, - CHHJI3X to use one's gumption, M3pr3H - CHHJI3X to have a bright idea, - COJIHr confused, - COJIHO of unsound mind, - COJIHOpOX to go crazy, - COJIHOTOH mentally disturbed, cyJITaH feeble-minded, - cyyx to acquire wis-

2. sensible, 3. conscious, - yxaaHryi xoepsm XOOpOH,Q half-conscious 4. with a meaning, § lIH HMap - T3H,Q oabar XYH 03 what do you think you are doing there?, HMap - yr B3 what does that mean? sort of, you know, like, § OHT3P ye~ napra Hb - oaHcaH I was a boss at that time you know, X3~3H apse - 10M ~ CYJmyii X3BT3H3 there were some hides, like, lying around


YXAAHTAH wise man, scholar, scientist YXAAPAlI understanding, consciousness, yJIC rnpHHH - political consciousness

YXAAPAX to understand, to take in, to realize YXAAPyynAX to explain, to make clear

YXArAAC cutting, excavation



YXHA billy-goat, - TaBHX to keep a billy-goat uncastrated for breeding

YXHbIH III33r (see 9pr9CT YJIaaraHa)

YXAr,MXYYH concept, idea

YXPAAX to push back, to pull back, to reverse, to withdraw, - napyyn backspace key (typewriter)

YXArtI burglar

YXAiI right!,

sure!, OK!

YXAHC (see yxaii)

YX.AJI understanding, comprehension, conception YXAJIT dig, digging, excavation YXAM I. gouge, rannaa HpnH - outside-ground gouge, ,tlOTPOO HpnH - inside-ground gouge YXAM II. excavation, pit, cavity

YXPAJIT reverse, retreat, YXPaJITbIH backspace key (typewriter)


YXPAX 1. to go backward, to retreat, to fall back, to withdraw, raarapraacaa yxpaa asnax to go back on one's oath 2. to reverse (auto.), yxpaan ,tlaHpQHXax to reverse into

YXAM)l;AX to gouge

YXPYYnAX to reverse, yxpyynan TOOJIOX to count back

YXAM./KTAH sensible

YXYYJIArll agitator (po/it.)

YXAMCAP understanding, consciousness, nann - subconscious, yJIC T9pHHH - political consciousness

YXYYnAX 1. to explain 2. to agitate, to make propaganda, yxyynaa C3HXPYYJI3X (- TaHHynax] to publicize, yxyyJIaH TaHHYJIax MaTepHaJI publicity material, - xyy,tlac placard, poster

YXAMCAPnAX [yxaxcapnaa OHJIrox) to understand, to grasp, to appreciate

YXYYJIrA agitation (po/it.)

YXAMCAPJIYYnAX to cause to understand, to explain, to impress on, to inculcate

YXqJJAX to think over, to ponder

YXAMCAPfAH 1. conscious intelligent, sensible

2. understanding,

YXApXAJ!I socket, eye-socket, orbit, HY,tlHHH eye-socket, orbit

YXYYP digging implement, graver, gouge YQAAP cross, peevish, bad-tempered, irritable, - 3aH cross temper, crossness, - ~aapryii good-tempered YQAAP~YY (see yuaap]

YQAAPJIAHrYR (see yuaap]

YXACXHRX to jump, to jump up, to give a start, to jump to it, to dart forward

YQAAPnAX to get cross, to get upset

YXAX I. to understand

YQAAPrAH (see yuaap]

YXAX 11.1. to dig, to dig out, to cut out, HYX - to dig a hole, xasrpaa- to pick one's nose, QHX33

YQHr I. milk lett in the udder [ofter a young animal has been sucking)

- to pick one's ears, yxa1K asax to dig up, to exhume, yxa1K raprax to dig out, yxa1K CHHJI03PJI3X (YXa1K CHHJI3X) to eng rave, to carve 2. to go into, to dig into [sorneone's past, etc.) 3. to burgle, to break in, aHJI - to burgle a house, oaHK yxars bank burglar YXBAP understanding, comprehension, - M9Q~ dim-witted, slow on the uptake YXBAPrYH dim-witted, slow on the uptake YXBAPJIAX to understand, to comprehend Yx,IJ;AC recess, slot

YXHAJI washing, ablutions YXHIfAX to weep, to cry YXHPAX to go back, to retreat

YXJIAMAC notch, slot, recess, gap YXMAH I. recess YXMAH

II. bright, intelligent, clever (Bur.)

YXMAJI dug out, cut out, carved out, - oarou dug-out boat YXMH (see yxasr


II. end, strand (of hair, thread, etc.), aCYYWIbIH - the crux of the matter, - yrac an end of thread, - WHHr33X to use up all the thread lett in a needle


1. fact, matter, state of affairs, meaning, significance, reason, yqpaa8JI,tlcaHHX an awful lot of, an enormous amount of, - oaH,tlaJI the fact of the matter, - OHH there is a lot in, there is a lot behind, there is a reason for, araaxan - OHH hunting has its secrets, yr3H,tl - OHH words have meaning, IOMaH,tl- cYMaH,tl ruqHp OHH (IOMaH,tl - cyssann aaara OHH) things have their whys and wherefores, - oHTyyJI3r unclear, obscure, - nyrarnan defect, deficiency, - ,tlyTar,tlaJITaH defective, deficient, - ,tlyPC33 anncaa excessively, terribly, - ,tlyPCryH carelessly, just like that, - 1KaH~aH (- JKYII~aH) reason, ins and outs (Tib. rgyu-mtshan), 1KaH~aHryH (- Ha}KHpryii) relentless, beyond reason, - 1KaH~aHTaH sensible, - 3yrryJi excessive, uncontrollable, furious, wild, - 3yH (see yqHP3YH), - 3yHr33 OJIO~OX to reach agreement, to talk things out, - HHM):( (- HHMHHH


this being so, - M3~3X to be informed, to understand, - M3~3xryH ignorant, uninformed, - HCUKHpryH XaJIyyH unbearably hot, - aaxap reason, ins and outs, - naxap Hb OMOHO it'll come out in the wash, - aaxpsn' ryaraax to get to the bottom of (something), Hb the reason is, - Hb OMOX to be explained, to be cleared up, to come out all right, - Hb OMOxryH unfathomable, incomprehensible, yxpaa OJIOJI~OX to sort things out, to come to an understanding, yqpblrOJIOX to find out about something, to clear something up, to get to the bottom of it, to understand; to do away with,


TYM, - HHM33C)




xyacpsrr TYHraax,



yqpbIr TYHraaB{



wyyx) to get to the bottom of it, -

ypxar cause, meaning, - yrraryH meaningless; absurd, - yrraTaH significant, - yqHr reason, case, grounds, - xontiornon importance, sigxOJIoOr~OJIryH unimportant, nificance, insignificant, - xOJIOOr~OJITOH important, significant, yqpblr X3JI3X to explain things, uranrraan reason, motivation, - HB~aJI happenings, events, what is going on, state of affairs 2. as, since, because -


yqHPrYH 1. with no reason, no reason why 2. ever so, terrifically, madly, - OJIOH ever such a lot yqHP3YH logic y~P3YHH logical

yqHPJIAJI explanation, reasons, argument y~pnAHrYH explanatory

yqHPnAX 1. to argue 2. to give reasons, to explain yqHPTAH 1. significant, meaningful, with a meaning, - yr a significant statement, § 3H311 H3r JI - X3p3r OOJIJIOO there's something behind this too, HMap - 3~ nsr 03 whatever's the matter with it? 2. ought to, should, must, § ~OHXOIm ~33~ 33pmHH oaH3 X3p3rJI3X - firstclass boa rds should be used for windows Y~P illAJI1TAAHbI YXAAH

(see yxaan 3.)

yqPAA 1. meeting, encounter 2. fate 3. (- oox) wrestling opponent, - Taapax to meet, to be drawn against yqPAAC because,


for this reason

yqPAn 1. (- TOXHOJI) event, occurrence, happening 2. meeting, encounter 3. fate, XYBbTaH destined yqPAnT predestined yqpAX 1. (yqpaH 30JIrox) to meet 2. to suffer, to undergo, annarnann - to suffer a loss yqPYYnAX 1. to cause to meet, aIOYJI~ - to endanger, § apn TYMHHHr raCJIaH 30BJIOIm to inflict suffering on the people 2. to cause,



to cause harm, to cause dam-

age YillY martial arts (Chin. wushu) Y3nbC Wales (p.n.) YBA 1. hitching post, hitching posts and line (for securing horses), tie, string, ysaaaacaa annyypcaa M3T like a shot, - 3aCaJI (- COHJIro) tying up (a horse) to get it into good condition, hardening, conditioning; fitness, shape, form, - MOpb a horse kept tethered (ready for use), - Hb TaapcaH properly hardened, - COHJIrO annarnax to get out of condition, - COHJIrO raapyynax to harden properly 2. knol, hitch, bend, 03JI33r - (03JI33rJI3X -) clove-hitch, xaasm aMHbI - timber-hitch, XOBOpXHH - a quick-releose knot YBAHbI (see


YBATAH tied, tied up, tethered ygAq race-horse trainer YJI,II;AX to get soft YJI,II;YYnAX to soften (trans.) ygnAX to tie, to tether ygnrA tie, string ygMAA correlation, co-ordination, xapanuaa « WYT3JI~33T3H interrelated, - asuannaa coordination, matching, - XOJIOOO co-ordination, interrelation, liaison, - XOJIOOOTOH co-ordinated, connected, related, ygnAAATAH linked, co-ordinated, ~oo XapHJI~aH - interrelated


ygJIAAH in connection with, in line with, - accordingly


ygJIAAXto accord with, to conform to, to match, to correspond to, to be compatible with, § rryxaHH HOX~9JIT3H YHMaB{ in accordance with the given situation ygJI,IJ;YYllAH in connection with, in line with, YYHT3H - in connection with this, in this context ygn,IJ;yynAX (YHMYYJIaH 30XH~JIax) to coordinate, to link, XOOpOIm Hb - to co-ordinate with each other ygn3YYP Berteroo (bot.) ygMAH gp leprosy ygH 1. (- nanapxaa] supple, flexible, pliable, xapasrrraa (- xapHMXaH) elastic, resilient, springy, - xapHMXaH qaHap elasticity, - xaTaH flexible, plastic, malleable, resilient, springy, elastic, - xaraa oaHp cyyps flexible position (po/it.) 2. (- 300JIOH) gentle, soft ygHrA euphony, melodiousness, tunefulness



YRPAJI emotion, tenderness YRPAJITAH moving, touching, pitiful

YRHrAJIAf lyrical, musical, melodious, harmonious

Y.HPAHfYH sentimental

YRHrAJIAX to make a tuneful or expressive sound sively, YHHraJIyyJlaH~YYJlax to sing melodiously

YRHrAT (see YHHraJIar) YRHrbIH I. Uyanga-style (of tent end tent woodwork as made in Uyanga sumun, Ovorkhonqci aimag)

YRHrbIH II. Iyrica I, YHHrbIH ~YY (YHHI'hIH urvnsr] lyric, YHHrhIH XaJIHJI euphuism, lyricism

YRPAAJIT 1. sohening 2. annealing YRPAAX 1. to soften. to move or touch (the feel-


YRPAX 1. to get softer, to get milder 2.


.., yHpaH xaanax] to be moved, to be touched,

YRHfA.JIYYJIAX to perform tunefully or expres-


YRPAM (see yspanraa)

to anneal

to melt

YRPYYJIAJIT 1. sohening 2. annealing Y.HPYYJIAX (see yspaax] Y.HCAX to get soh, to soften. to get flexible YRTAX (see YHCax) YRX 1. to tie, to tie up, BaJIIOT~" to tie (a currency) to a currency, xops « (YH1K coax] to tether a horse in order to condition it delay, to protract

Y.HXAH (..



TYHXaH) flexible, pliant, lithe, gentle

y YBT3rm best, highest

Yf 1. word, remark, words (of a song, etc.), aMra - interjection, 0YAYYJI3r - vulgarism, gutter language, narasap - postposition, AaHBap - adverb, AYY qHM33HHH - onomatopoeia, AYPCJI3X - figurative morpheme, onomatopoeia, saax - demonstrative pronoun, saaxaa - slang, H}KHJI - homonym, HHHJIM3JI - compound word, HHHJI3M1K - phrase, expression, OHPOJIIJ;OO - synonym, OHOBQTOH - aphorism, OpMOJI - loan-word, borrowing, cyn - careless talk; particle, acyyx cyn - interrogative particle, OaHM)KcyJI - modal particle, OaTJIaX cyn - affirmative particle, AYYAax cyn - vocative particle, Mar~JIaX cyn - particle of probability, yryHcr3x cyn - negative particle, XOpHrJIOX cyn - prohibitive particle, xyq H3M3r,IWYJI3X cyn emphatic particle, TOJI99HHH - pronoun, acyyx T9JI90HH~ - interrogative pronoun, oHeHHH T9JI90HHH - personal pronoun, saax TOJI99HHH demonstrative pronoun, TOAopxOHryH T9JI99HHH - indefinite pronoun, yrmap preposition, yrryyn - prologue, yHJI - verb, AYTMar yHJI - defective verb, saxapax xyC3X yHJI - imperative verb, AYP3M oyc yHJI - irregular verb, H9XU;OJI yHJI - converb, TYcax yHJI transitive verb, TYCJIax yHJI - auxiliary verb, IJ;aIT yHJI - finite verb, 3C TYcax yHJI - intransitive verb, YHAC3H - basic word, stem, YYCM3JI - derivative, XOJIOOO - compound word, XOJIOOOC - conjunction, xYYJIoap - calque, xyyqupcaH - archaism, XYHA3Tr3JIHHH respect word, QHM33HHH - onomatopoeia, WHH3 - neologism, 3HrHHH - simple word, 3H3 Hb... r3C3H -10M this means, this is to say, scpsr - [scpsr yrraraa -) antonym, 3Tr33A- jargon, - asax to pay attention, - annax (seeannax 7.), yr33 oapax to grumble, - oYPYYAax to make a mistake, - OYPQJI3H word by word, yrHHH rapan CYAJIaJI (YrHHH rapan 3YH) etymology, naax to pay heed, yr3HA AypJIaX to be curious, to be inquisitive, yr3HA AYPTaH curious, inquisitive, - ~ without a word, without question, unconditionally, - 399X to tell tales, to make mischief, yr33399X to speak very slowly, - 39pOX to argue, to dispute, - 3yH(seeyr3yH), - H33B3JI yyurnr H33X to make a clean breast of it, - OM01Kyx3p XOMOX (- 0M01K CYYAaJI sysaanax]to waste time chatting, yr33 OJIOJIIJ;OX to come to an agreement, - opOOX to twist [sorneone's] words, yr3HA OpOMTrOH acquiescent, yr3HA opox to do as someone says, to fall in ~ith, yrHHH can (yrCHHH can] vocabulary, lexis, yrHHH caHrHHH lexical, yrHHH CaHrHHH cYAJIaJI lexicology, - COJIHX to converse, -

Copr01K yx3p ypr33x to make trouble, coprOM09H squabble, argument, - C9P9X (C9pr9M9X, - C9pr9JIIJ;9x) to squabble, cyrryH without a word, just like that, yrHHH CyJI}K33 crossword puzzle, crossword, yrHHH yypraap canaaasr MopHHr oapHX to put one's thoughts into words, - xapaynax to answer back, - xaHJIIJ;ax to argue, yr3HA XYP3X to keep one's word, - X3JI speech, words, talk, - X3JI raprax (- X3JI TaTJIaX, - X3JI XHHX) to complain, to make a fuss, - X3JI33P AOPOM1KJIOX to abuse, - X3JI OJIOJIIJ;OX to reach agreement, - X3JI yHJI X3pr33p33 by one's words and deeds, X3JIJI3r expression, xyyqHpcaH - X3JIJI3r archaism, WHH3 - X3JIJI3r neologism, - apaa talk, words, - spaaaaac a}KHM WHJI}KYYJI3X to transform from words into deeds 2. (X3JIC3H-) a speech, - X3JI3X to make a speech, to give a n add ress 3. a saying

vrrva wordless,


Yf~P3JI relapse, recurrence (med.)

Yf~P3X to come back, to recur, to get worse (illness, etc.) Yf~P33X to bring back, to cause to recur Yf~3PM3JI


Yf3YH morphology YfJI3B3P lexeme (ling.) YfJI3JI complaint YfJI3X 1. to offer one's resignation, § uraaasaa yrJI31K OaHCaHA when he offered to be resign as shanzav 2.i. to mutter, to mumble, aMaHA to mutter to oneself ii. (yrJI31K yJIHrJIaX, yrJI31K HHWHX) to grumble, to nag, to pester, to complain, to keep on YfJI33 grumpy, complaining, muttering, - yr grumble, gripe YfC3JI 1. agreement 2. (- XyHBa;maaH) plot, conspiracy YfC3X to agree, to come to an agreement YIT33X to grab, to pull at, to tear at YrYH 1. no, -epno I, well I, really I, -xaaHaac not at all 2. not, - oaHnryH hardly, scarcely, oaHX to be missing, to be lacking, not to be there, - OOJI or, or else, otherwise, - OOJI ... OOJI either ... or, - oOJIrox (- XHHX) to get rid of, to do away with, to lose, - OOJIOX to disapp~ar, to get lost, to die, - JJ:fTYY lacking, missing, yryHC3H OOJI without it, if it did not exist, § yH3HX3JIC3HyryHroYYM3A who knows if they told the truth or not? 3. both ... and, X9rwHH sanyy - old and young alike



YfYM3X to lack YfYM33 at least YfYHJI3f.D:3X to be lacking, to be missing, to be missed

YfYHJI3X to miss, to feel the lack of YfYHPYYJI3X to impoverish, to ruin YfYHPIIIfYH unfailing YfYHP3JI deprivation, lack, .. XOOCpOJI poverty, destitution

Y.D:JI3X 1. i. to pause at midday ii. to stop over 2. to bring (sheep) into the pen at midday

Y.D:M3JI sewn together, bound Y.D: XOT Verkhneudinsk (p.n.) Y.D:3JIT seeing off, farewell Y.D:3X I. to see off, to send off, to see out, to bid

fa rewell to, y~3H raprax to see out, to see off, y~3}K Mop~YYJIax to see off

Y.D:3X II. to bind together, to sew together, xana .. to bind the cross-joints in a tent wall, YAA3r MaWHH stapler, § xarapcan TaBxaHr y~33P33 y~3X to bind up a camel's split foot with thread,

yrYHP3X (yryHP3H xoocpox) to become poor,

Y.D:3III evening, in the evening, .. 6oJIrox to wait

to become impoverished, to become destitute

till evening, to hang on till late, y,[UUHHH 60p Tyyc (Y~WHHH 6YPHH, y~WHHH 6yp3HXHH) dusk, evening twilight, y~WHHH ranaan the evening star, Venus, .. OpOH late, late at night

yrYHCB3JI or, or else, ....... either ... or

vrvacrsrs nihilist yrYHCr3JI negation yrYHCr3X to deny, to negate, to disclaim, .. cyn yr (see yr 1.), .. Y33JIT3H nihilist yrYfIT3H 1. (.. ~yy) poor, needy 2. hardly, barely, more or less, no more than, aMbcraa

asaxraa .. hardly breathing YfYfIT3X to lack yryy (.. HM'Y) poor, impoverished YfYYJIli3P (see eryyJI63p) yrYYJIJI3r (see eryyJIJI3r) yrYYJI3JI (see eryyJI3JI) YfYYJI3X (see eryyJI3X I.) YrtnlJICXHHx to take literally, yNHJICXHHH opsyynax to translate word for word

YrtUI3H literally, word for word, .. opxyynax to translate literally

YrtUI3X 1. to spell out 2. to write Mongol in Tibetan script, § MOHrOJI yrHHr T9B~ ycr33p raJIHrJIaH 6HqHX ecbIr .. r3}K H3PJI3}K HPC3H 6aHHa the practice of transcribing Mongol words in Tibetan script has been known as ..

YfIIIHPf3JI soundly, .. YHTax to sleep soundly, to have a good sleep

yr33fYH (.. ~OPOH, .. XOOCOH) poor, impoverished, .. ~YYPaJI poverty

Yf33fYY (see yr33ryH) yr33P pus Y.D: (.. ~~) midday, noon, .. ~~bIH XHP~ at about midday, 6ara .. late morning, a little before noon, }KHH .. (HX") high noon, y~33C XOHW in the ohernoon. y~33CXOHWXH ohernoon (adj.), y~HHH xyrapxaH mid-morning, .. X3BHHX ye as the sun declines, afternoon

Y.D:JI3f seeing-off, farewell ceremony for a guest Y.D:JI3llT midday po use

Y.D:3IIIJI3f soiree, evening meeting Y.D:33P thin leather thread or peg, thin strip of hide, leather peg for securing the "eyes" of the tent wall, thread used in patching a camel's split foot, § xanansr HY~HHH XOJIOOJITbIr T3M33HHH WHp33p XHHC3H HapHHH y~33P33P TOBqHJI}K XH~3r the "eyes" of the wall are secured by buttoning them together with thin pegs made of camel-hide

Y.D:33C 1. tie, binding, ryTJIbm .. shoe-lace, xaaama « tie for the tent walls 2. clip etc.), staple


YB 1. (.. Meq) joint (anat.), xarn .. wrist joint; fibrous joint, xyypaH" fibrous joint, xyypaMll" false joint, yeHHH rap joint capsule, .. MYnTPax (see MYnTPax 2.), yeHHH YP3BC3JI arthritis, .. YP3BC3X to have arthritis, .. XeJIT9H Arthropods, Arthropoda 2. period, time, ~aliHbI .. time of war, TaBH~OHbI"the fihies, 3H3ye~ (3H3ye3p) at this time, .. HaCHbI of an age with, contemporary, yeHHH aexen contemporaries, ye3 earepeox (ye3 eHrepYYJI3x) to become obsolete, to be past one's time, .... from time to time, periodically, .. yex3H now and again, yeHHH XyH a contemporary, a person of about one's own age, .. qa~yy of the same age, .. qa~yyTIlH contemporary (n.), ye3 3JI33X to be past one's time, to be over 3. syllable, ye3p TaCJIax to break up into syllables 4. generation, ~OJIOOH .. 60JITOJI for seven generations, H3r~yr33p yeHHH 3PJIHH3 first generation cross, TaB ~axb yeHHH TOO~OOJIYYP fihh generation computer, .. ~aM}KHH (.. yJIHpaH, .. yJIaM}KJIaH, yeHHH ye~, ye3c ye~) from generation to generation, from one generation to another, .. ~aM}KCaH generation after generation, .. ~OTOP Hb less than twelve years apart in age, .. 3aJIraM}KJIaN xaan xyy Crown Prince Uapan, etc.}, .. 3aJIraM}KJIaX to be hereditary, ..

3aJIraM1KJIYYJIax to hand on, to pass down, MYJITPax (see MYJI1pax 2.), - T3HrHHH (T3HrHHH nacma] contemporary (adj.), T3HrHHHX3H contemporaries, - y~aM genealogy, line of descent, - yJIHpaX to be hereditary, to pass from one generation to another 5. link (in a series, of a chain, etc.) 6. layer (geol., etc.), nynaansrr rycraapnars - insulation layer, - nasxpara stratum, layer, level, nasxaprsra oyn~ stratification 7. column (printing, newspaper, etc.) 8. (- urar] stage, phase, 3XHHHye~ in the early stages, - napaancaa successive, - urarraaraap stage by stage 9. round (boxing, etc.) 10. segment (of a worm), proglottis 11. node (of a plant stem) 12. case, HHr3C3H ye~ in such a case, xyrapnsm ye~ incases of fracture 13. WaTHbI ye flight of stairs 14. rank, line-up (of archers or uraraa xapsax players), M3p3r - first rank, urysrapra - last rank YEHHH

I. syllabic

YEHHH II. of one's own age, - OXHH another girl like me YEHHHX3H contemporaries YEllli3P stage, phase YEll33ll frequency (radio, yeJI3JIHHH high-frequency (adj.)



399 at this time, fitteenth

§ apsaa


TaBHbI yeC33p around the

1. jointed 2. syllabic 1. Saltmarsh Grass, 2. Ptilagrostis




YET3H lithe, sinewy YET3H Grasses, Gramineae




YET3C arthritis YET3X to form layers YEQHllC3H periodic, intermittent YEQll3ll

1. periodization 2. periodicity

YEQll3X to periodize, to divide into periods, yeQJI3H 3yC3)K sypax asax tomography, yeQHJI)K XyqHX to cover inlayers YEillHll cleavage


YE3ll cousin on the father's side, - ~yy younger cousin Y)l{Hll sepsis, uycaa ~3JI antisepsis

(see nyc 1.), -


Y)l{HllrvH aseptic

YEll33X to fluctuate

Y)l{HllrvibKYYll3llT sterilization, asepsis

YEllYYll3X to put in layers YEll3ll stage, phase

1. to (see y)I{HJI) Y)I{HPillHX (see y)KP3X)

YEll3llT layer, banding

Y)l{HX to putrefy, to go septic

YEll3X 1. to put in layers, to put in rows, to periodize, xoep yeJI3H OH'lHX to write in pairs of lines, - CHCTeM periodic table (chem.), - xyyJIb periodic law (chem.), yeJI3HTOITOXto be in layers, to be stratified 2. to joint (meat) 3. (HHHJDK -) to be articulated

Y)I{P3X (y)I{Hp)KMYY~ax) to decay, to spoil, to perish

YEll3r flaky, layered


smnrvvs bassoon

YEll33 Hornwort,


YEH Stoat, Ermine, XOTHbI- Common Weasel, Mustela nivalis, Ilaraaa - Ermine, Mustela

erminea YEP 1. (YCHbI -) flood, - yc (yepHHH yc) floodwater 2. downpour, heavy rain, yepHHH oopoo torrential rain YEPll3llT flood, inundation YEPll3X to be in flood, yepJI3H opox to flood YEPX3ll (- HaH3JIaJI, - HOXOPJIOJI) acquaintance, friendship YEPX3X (yepx3H nacax, yepX3)K HOXOPJIOx) to be friends (of the same age), to go around together, to go with YEC time, times, np yecT just then, then, 3H3 -



2. asepsis


Y3B3P show, performance, Y3B3pT oaHraa on show Y3ll3r 1. (- WaJIraJIT) inspection, review, examination, raaJIHHH - customs examination, 3MHHH - (3PYYJI M3H,IU1HH -) medical examination, Y3JI3rHHH epee consulting room, - XHHx to inspect, to examine 2. show, KHHO - film show Y3M3H )l{YP)I{ grapefruit Y3M3P display, exhibit Y3M3PA3X to foresee, to prophecy Y3M3PQ seer, clairvoyant, Y3M3pQHHH TOJIb crystal ball Y3YYllli3P play

1. performance, turn 2. show, dis-

Y3YYll3ll display, demonstration, ~OHXHbI window-dressing Y3YYll3llT 1. indicator, index, H~eKC - index 2. (TOOH -) statistics, figures, H3r~C3H Y3YYJI3JI1YY~ general statistics 3. reading (on an




Y33ll (- OO~JlOfO, - OO~OJl,


Y3YYll3H (-

MaTepHaJI, - TaHHYJlax) visual aids, display, illustration, KHHO - film show

Y3YYll3X 1. to show, to exhibit, -


demonstration flight, - cypryyns training by demonstration, training by example 2. to teach 3. to cause, to exert, to render, napanr - to exert pressure, HOJlOO - (HOJlOOJlOJl -) to exert influence, to influence, TyC~OXOM - [rycnanuaa -, TycJlaM1K -) to extend help, to render assistance, 3B~P3J1 CyHTr3J1 - to cause damage 4. to consult (a doctor), to present, 3MQIm"" to consult a doctor

.Y3YYP 1. end, tip, point, apex (of a leaf), anc 3aMbIH - oapHX to

be almost home, fapXOJlHHH - OOJlCOH at constant beck and call, HyMHbI point of the bow (mus.), ~aJIHHmHH xoep Y3YYPHHf aanrax to make one's pay go round, to make both ends meet, - e300p top and bottom, ins and outs, - C3}Kyyp trace, clue, TOXOH (see TOXOH), - xeureec cantilever 2. (TYPYY) final (wrestling), - oYJlaaMax to dispute the final, Y3YYPT YM3X (- TYPYYH~ YM3X) to reach the final 3. wing (mil.), § - 1KafCaaJIbIH oapYYH (3YYH) rnfCfOJlHHf X3J1H3 - means the right-hand (lett-hand) end of the parade

Y3YYPll3C3H pointed Y3YYPll3X 1. to bring to a point, to sharpen, HY~"" (WY~HY~33 -) to look askance at, to have it in for, to pick on, to get at 2. to be runnerup [wrestlinq]. § H3f Hb ~aB}K TYPYYJl}J{, HOfOO Hb Y3YYPJl3C3H OOX OOMOf oaHHa one of them is the winner and the other is the runner up


the skin of a sheep killed atter the wool has regrown atter the first shearing (Y3YYPCf3H apse]

Y33r stylus, pen,

300JlOH XOwyyT - felt-tipped pen, xyncan - bamboo pen, 3Hf3PHHH - fountain-pen, Y33fHHH HW pen-holder, - uaac HHHJlYYJl3X to put pen to paper

Y33r,n;3rt1 visible sight, phenomenon, OaHfaJIHHH ,.., natural phenomenon, ep~HHH ,.., common occurrence, X3BHHH - regular occurrence 2.i. act, scene (in a play) ii. performance

Y33r,n;3X 1. to appear, to be seen 2. to be vis,..,


yJI -

Y33nT minded,



Y33nT3H (see y33J1T) Y33nT3H sympathizer, supporter Y33llQ3X 1. to see each other 2.

(H3fHHf33 -)

to face up to, to fight, to have it out with, xyq - to measure one's strength with, § Hyn"HHH MOHfOJI1lYY~ nyyCHHHX3HT3H Y33J1~3}K 3XJI3B

the local Mongols began to have it out with the shopkeepers

Y33M raisin,

yean - grape, yean Y3MHHH QHX3P dextrose, glucose, - ransyypyynax to pound up raisins to make glue

Y33M}1{ 1.1. appearance, aspect, -

2. (-

unsightly, - caHTaH nice-looking }KaBxaa) beauty

Y33M}K II. y33M1K33p

discretion, judgment, at one's own discretion

MyyraH fOO, -


Y33M}KfYH ugly, unsightly, not nice to look at Y33M}I{HT beautiful, pretty, smart, good-looking Y33M}1{T3H (see Y33M}KHT) Y33MQHH Ojumchin (Inner Mongolian people and dialect)

Y33Cr3ll3H I. (-


,.., rya,


1KaBXaa, -

caaxaa] beauty, splendour 2. exhibition, raprax to mount an exhibition, Y33Cr3JI3HfHHH TaHXHM exhibition hall

Y33Cr3ll3HT (- caaxaa] beautiful, attractive, OaHraJIHHH -

rasap area of natural beauty,

beauty spot

Y33Cr3ll3HT3H (see Y33Cf3J13HT)

vasrnan 1. appearance,

ible, yJl exports

- caaaa] view, idea, opinion, epT9H~Hf Y33X world-view, Weltanschauung, - OapHMTJlaJI (- HOMJlOJl) doctrines, tenets, dogma, - CYPTaJI ideology, waWHbI cypTaJI religious ideology, CYPTa.JDKHJlT ideologizing, - cypTaJI}J{CaH (CypTaJIqHJICaH) ideologized, filled with ideology, - cypranx ideologist, - CYPTaJIqJlaJI ideologizing, ,.., cyprannax to follow an ideology, - cyprnsm ideological, - yxaJI conception, understanding

sxcnopr invisible

Y33r,n;3XrYH invisible Y33r,IJ;3XYHIJ; visible Y33rll3X (see YC3rJI3x) Y33rQ spectator, viewer (TVL -

OJIOH spectators,

Y3C3H ~aJlaH y333ryH OaJIaH one who has seen much is a wise man and one who has seen little a dunce, y33}K Qa~axryH (Y33H ~ax) to detest, to hate, Y33H ananr detestation 2. to study, HOM - to study the scriptures; to read a book, to study a book 3. to suffer, XOXHpOJI ,.., to suffer harm, to be harmed 4. to judge, a}KHrJIaJlTaaC Y33X3~ judging from observation, YYH33C Y3B3JI judging from this 5. to divine, to tell fortunes, woo OpXH}K ,.., to divine by casting dice 6. to try (doing something, to do something), § OHTrHH f33}K

Y33X 1. to see,

Y333P3H try not to lose it, don't lose it Y33IIIfYH unsightly, disgusting YH: -- 3aHryH (-- MaHryH) close, without a gap, -- OJIOH innumerable, multitudinous, very many; multitude, -- OJIHOOp in masses, massively, -OJIHOOp CyH1T3X 33BC3r (-- OJIHOOp X9H90X 33Bc3r) weapons of mass destruction, -- TYM3H innumerable, countless, thousands upon thousands of, -- TYMH33P in their thousands YH33H name of a title conferred on members of the nobility (hist.)

van 1. deed, action, activity, caaa -- meritorious action, good deed, -- a}KHJIJIaraa work, function, functioning, activity, -- a}KHJIJIaraaHbI functional; operational, -- a1KHJIJIaraaHbI apra OapHJI operational methods, -- aMbApan life, doings, activities, yHJI33 oapax (YHJI33 y33x, yHJI33 Y33X yC33TOOJIOX, -- TaMaay33x, -- TaMaa :uau:x, -- TaMaa 3AJI3X) to have a hard time, to have one's work cut out, -- JIaH misfortune, bad fate, -- JIaHTaH ill-fated, unhappy, yHJIHH Hb y3yyJI1K TaMrbIr Hb uaanrax to give (someone) a hard time, -- yr (see yr 1.), yHJIHHH yp the fruits of actions, cause and effect, karma (Buddh.) (see also JIaHJIaHqHr), yHJIHHH YP3HA ynarax to prove fatal, to plunge into disaster, yHJIHHHypryH really, absolutely, yHJIHHHypT3H ill-fated, unhappy, -- XOM9JI action, -- X3p3r affairs, doings, concerns, business, cause, oyx HHHTHHH -- X3p3r everyone's business, a matter of general concern, yHJI33 3AJI3X to take what comes, to accept one's fate, -- HBAaJI process, doings, event, activities, action, -- HB:U process, course 2. (-- YPA3C, -- YPT3C) needlework, sewing, -- M31T3X (-- oex, -- XHHX) to do sewing, yHJIHHH xaapuar work box, yHJIHHH XaHq sewing scissors 3. cause

YHJI,D;B3PJI3JIT (see yHMB3PJI3JI) YHJI,D;B3PJI3X (YHJIAB3PJI3H raprax] to produce, to manufacture, yHJIAB3PJI3H oyT33rl1H):l producers, -- xyqHH productive forces YHJI)l;B3PQHH worker, tradesman, YHJIAB3PlIHHH 3BJI3JI trade union, YHJIABepqHHH 3BJI3JIHHH TOB 30BJI9JI Central Council of Trade Unions YMJI,D;3fq performer (of an action), perpetrator YHJI,D;3JIaction, operation, manoeuvre, activity, act, TOOHbI AOpBOH -- the four arithmetical operations, -- A33P33oapHrAax to be caught in the act YMJI)l;3JIT3M effective YMJI)l;3X 1. to make, to manufacture 2. to draw up, aKT oapHMT -- to draw up a document 3. to commit (a crime, etc.), r3MT X3p3r -- to commit a crime YMJI)l;3XYYH product, produce, 03JI3H -- finished product, CyyHHH -- milk products YMJI33X to whirl, to swirl YHJIC 1. (-- HBAaJI) doings, activities, enterprises, aims, -- qHHboYT31KHBar may you achieve your aims 2. cause YHJICrYH unsuccessful, unlucky, unfortunate YHJITf3JI work, operation, processing YHJIT3M ill-fated, unfortunate YHJIqHJIr331. service, ryaas, pecropan, Kaclle 33p3r YHJI1IHJIr33HHH ra3PYYA canteens, restaurants, cafes and such-like service enterprises, Y3YYJIC3H -- services rendered, mYYAaHrHHH -postal service, YHJI1IHJIr33HA rapax to go into service, YHJI1IHJIr33HHH cantiap (YHJI1IHJIr33HHH XYP33) service sector (econ.), YHJIQHJIr33HHH xypaasos service charge, airport tax 2. service, servicing (auto., etc.), TeXHHKHHH YHJIQHJIr33HHH rasap service-station 3. effect, influence

YHJI)l;B3P 1. industry, rap -- handicrah, craft, XYHA -- heavy industry, yHMB3pHHH rasap factory, yHMB3pHHH xaarnan industrial waste, YHMB3PHHH XopmOOJIOJI crolt co-operative, --X9A99 a1K aXyHH OpOH industrial-agricultural state, yHJIAB3PHHH xysscran Industrial Revolution 2. (-- 3aBoA) factory

YHJIqHJIf33T3H with the effect of, serving to

YHJIAB3P)I{HJIT industrialization

YHJIqHH needlewoman, sewer

YMJI)l;B3P)I{HX to be industrialized

YHJIqJIYYJI3fq customer, client, oaHHrbIH -regular customer

YMJIAB3P)I{YYJI3JIT (see YHMB3P1KHJIT) YMJIAB3P)I{YYJI3X to industrialize YfuIAB3PHMHX3H industrialists YfuIAB3PJI3rQ producer YMJI)l;B3PJI3JI production, manufacture, X3T-overproduction, YH)lAB3PJI3JIHHH oaHp workshop, YHMB3PJI3JIHHH HOXOpJIOJI production association, YH)lAB3PJI3JIHHH npouecc production process, YH)lAB3PJI3JIHHH X3p3rC3JI means of production

YHJIqJI3fq 1. attendant, escort, shop-assistant, caretaker, ryAaM)l{HbI -- (3aMTanoaHH --) streetsweeper, HHC3X OHro:UHbI -- air-hostess, stewardess 2. agent, XOPbIH acpsr -- antitoxic agent, antidote, antitoxin YHJIqJI3JI





YHJIqJI3MTrHH solicitous YMJIqJI3X 1. to serve, to wait on, to attend to, to look otter, 3XOpOHAOO -- to serve one's coun-





try 2. to act, to operate (force, poison,

YllJI3X to crush, to crumble YHMPYYJI3X

(C3IT3JI caaaar ..)

to disturb, to

trouble, to upset

YHMP3X (C3IT3JI caaaa .. ) to be disturbed, to be troubled, to be upset, to be confused

YHMYYJIJI3r trouble-making, mischief YHMYYJI3X to disturb, to trouble, to upset, § qHHHH C3IT3JIHHr YHMYYJIC3H~33 OH HX 30B:>K oaHHa


I am terribly sorry to have upset



(C3IT3JI .. )


commotion, to be in confusion


to be edgy, to be nervous, distraught, beside oneself

C3IT3JI ..


YHM33H 1. (..

rryHB33H) riot, uproar, disturbance, tumult 2. (.. CaMYYH) uprising, rebellion, .. ~3r~33N insurgent

YHM33HT rebellious YHM33IfqHH insurgent YHPM3r 1. crumbs, crushed fragments,


croasr « crushed brick 2. crumbled, crumbly, powdery, .. earop powdery film

YHPM3r,Il;YY (see yu:pM3r 2.) YHPM3rJI3JIT crushing, crumbling (n.) YHPM3IT3X to crumble (introns.) YHPr3C fragments, bits YHPYYJI3X to crumble, to reduce to powder YHP3MTrHH crumbly YHP3X to crumble, to be reduced to powder, to come to disaster, crumble away

yu:pq CYU:P3X


ynax to


birch-bark, YU:C3H HaaMaJI birch-bark applique work, .. H3P3X to burn birch-bark in a closed cauldron in order to obtain printing-ink

Yirr3H narrow (west Mongol) YHT3H XY AP a type of velvety fabric with slightly raised patterns

YHx I. to

drown, to be drowned (in numbers)

YHX II. to put (meat, tea, etc.) into water or fat to cook, to brew

YHqyyP name of a certain dice game using dice with pictures of animals

YJI not, ..

not only ... but also, TYYr33p q .. oapaM moreover, apart from that, .. OyT3x good-for-nothing, .. ryHU3Jm3X utopian, .. ryU:U3M3X Y33JI utopianism, .. ryU:U3Jm3X oapaM


YJIli3rH3X (see yJIOHHX) pid, sluggish, flabby

caanpax] to cause a

YHM3X 1. to mill about, to swarm, to be in disorder

YJIliHHX to be sluggish, to be indolent, to be

YJIli3r3P 1. dull, flat, insipid, tasteless 2. tor-

tD be in turmoil


utopianist, .. ~OBTJIOX non-aggression, M3~3r (.. M3~3rx3H) slight, slightly, insignificant, imperceptible, a little, .. M3~3r~3rq unknown (n.) (moth.), .. M3~3r~3X unknown, .. TaHHX HHC~3r OHeT unidentified flying object, UFO, .. yxaxcapnaxyn the unconscious (psych.), .. Y33r~3X invisible, .. Y33r~3X3KcnopT invisible exports, .. xyBaar~aN indivisible, .. 3BJI3P3rt1 dissident, irreconcilable, .. HJIHr (.. HJIHM, .. HJIHX) slight, petty, insignificant, § ON .. OOJIHO one may not give, one must not give Y33JIT3H

YJIli3H bead YJIr3H CAJIrAH decrepit, broken down in health, weak, feeble

YJIr3P 1. (.. nyypaan, .. nyypaanan. ..


example, pattern, model, .. asax to take as an example, to take as a model, .. :>KHIII33 3aH TOJIOB exemplary conduct, .. :>KHIII33q (.. ~YYPHaJITaH) exemplary; in exemplary fashion, XyBHU:H .. }K}IIII33'1 oa~aJI one's personal example, yypr33 .. :>KHIII33q oHenyyJI3X to fulfil one's duty in an exemplary fashion, .. :>KHIII33q33P in exemplary fashion, .. saraap pattern, model, .. 3arBapbIH OP~OH fashion house, .. MOp~JIOr pattern, guide, example 2.i. (.. TYY}I{) story, tale, apnsnr « folk-tale, HBraH" folk-tale, story, tale, .. nosror legend, .. ~OMmU:H legendary, yJIr3pHHH XOJIOOO tale in verse, .. xeepex (.. HpHX) to tell a story ii. epic, .. TYYJIbC epics, 03HC3H" (03HCHHU:") "book-epic" (a narrative based usually on a liter~ry source and recited to a musical accompaniment)

YJIr3prYH disreputable YJIr3PJI3JI example,

oypyy ..

a bad example

YJIr3PJI3X 1. to set an example,

OopOO ..

to make a personal example of oneself 2. to compare (OOPHU:H oHe3p .. )

YJIr3Pr3H exemplary YJIr3pQ story-teller, bard,




YJIr3pQHJIC3H model (od(), .. ~YP3M model regulations

YJIr3pQHH (see YJIr3pQ) YJIr3pQJI3X to give an example, Y3YYJI3X


to show with examples

YJIr3X to suck greedily YJI,Il; I. herpes, ringworm, xaapcr .. psoriasis,

xspranar .. ringworm YJI,Il; II. (.. one] Orostochys (bot.)

YJI,Il;B3P 1. remainder, remnant, vestige 2. remainder (math.) 3. relic, relict (ad()



YJI,Il;M3JI relic, relict, _ yprasran relict plant YJI,Il;3r,IJ;3JI 1. remnant, remains, survival, leMovers, OHropCOH HHHrMHHH _ survivals of a past society 2. remainder (math.), YJIA3r~3JIT3H xynaax to divide with a remainder 3. balance, xcmranaIDKHHH _ balance of savings, TOnoxbalance to pay 4. residual

pipe YJI33ryyp blowpipe YJI33JIT blowing (n.) YJI33M3JI blown (glass)

YJI,Il;3r,IJ;3JI)KHJIT3H vestigial

YJI33X 1. to blow (intrans.) (wind, etc.) 2.i. to blow (trans.), ranaa _ to blow the fire ii. to play (a wind instrument), OYP33 _ to blow a trumpet

YJI,Il;3r,IJ;3JI)KHX to become vestigial

YMX mouthful, _ Max a mouthful of meat


(see YJIA3r~3IDKHnT3H)


Y JI,Il;3X I. to chase


YJI,Il;3X II. to remain, to stay, to remain behind, to stay behind, to be lett behind, to be leM over, YJIA3H xoupox to be leM behind, § MOHronoopoo _ to stay Mongol, Ta 3H~33 YJIA you stay here!

YMXJI3X to gobble, to gobble up

YJI,Il;3IJ; 1. remainder, remains, relic 2. vestigial, residual, _ 3PXT3H vestigial organ 3. core (of a trimmed flint (archae.) YJI,Il;33M}K remains, relics to keep, to retain 2. (YJIA33}K xoupoox] to leave, to leave behind



YJIHH (orOTHbIH -) mouse-hole, _ caxacaa cap WHr like a cat watching a mouse YJIHHH OrOTHO Microtus (Lasiopodmys), YnHHH Bop OrOTHO Mandarin Vole, M. mandarinus, YnHHH Llaraaa Ororno Brandt's Vole,

M. Brandti YJIHHIJ;APAHJIAX,IJ;YJIHHTOJIrOHJIOXto turn a deaf ear YJIC3H remaining YJITJI3X to crumble, to break into bits YJITP3X to crumble, to fall to pieces YJIXHH stomatitis, thrush YJIIIIrYH incomparable, immeasurable YJI3r rYPB3JI dinosaur YJI3M)K great, much, a lot, very, extremely, _ OHeT huge, gigantic, _ OHeT asrsran giant (n.), _ ~HHn3HX XYBb by far the greater part, _ .rapxax to be widely distributed, _ X3M}K33r33p to a very great extent, _ uar annax to waste a lot of time, _ xyxan extremely important YJI3M}KHHH immense, immensely Yll3M}KX3Hgreat, considerable, in great numbers, § ryHpaHq XYMYYC _ oaHHa the beggars were quite numerous, ~aHCHbI _ xyq a considerable enemy force YJI3X to remain, to be lett over YJI33B3P 1. blown, wind (ad(), _ HaHpaJI XOr}KHM (- XOr}KHM) (see XOr}KHM 2.) 2. blow-


(see OMXpOX)

YMXYYJI3X to put into the mouth, to insert, xaxyyns _ to bribe

1. to put or take into YM3JI33X (see oMon30x)


the mouth

2. to grip

YHrYYill horse-dung YHr3JI,Il;3X to be crumpled YHr3JI3X to rub together YHr3H3X to shake, to worry (dog,


YHr3P3JI,Il;3X to be tangled, to be untidy (hair) YHr3X 1. to crumple, to crumble, to crush 2. to hug, to romp with, to have a rough and tumble with YlI)l;C3H 1. root (adr), _ asra a bowl made of root-wood, _ ypTypraMaJI root crops 2. basic, basal, regular, _ oa rycnax a}KHnq~ regular and auxiliary workers, _ oonoo~ H3M3r~3n naanraaap basic and supplementary tasks, _ naas (see HaBq), _ HYTar native place, domicile, _ cyyps base, foundation, _ TOrnOrll regular player, _ XYYllb constitution, _ xyynsr constitutional, _ qHrn3n basic line, fundamental policy, _ 3PXYY~ basic rights YImC3Im33 basically, thoroughly, actually, in fact, altogether YlI)l;C3PX3r nationalistic, _ Y33nT3H nationalist (n.) YlI)l;C3PX3N nationalist (n., adj.) YlI)l;C3PX3X to be nationalistic, to be chauvinistic, _ Y33n nationalism, _ Y33nT3H nationalist (n.), }KH}KHr xOpOHrOTIlHH _ ~33P3HryH Y33n petty bourgeois chauvinistic views, HX ryPHHH _ ~33P3HryH oo~noro great power chauvinism YImC33P Hb fundamentally, radically YImC33P33

(see Y~C33P Hb)

404 YH,D;SC 1. root, rOJI - main root, rOJInOCOH - taproot, ~aHBap - (H3M3JIT -) adventitious root, carcrap - [caxnar -) fibrous root, Xa1KyymHHbranch root, - opsonroopoo by the roots, radically, - CYPBaJI1K root 2. (- cyyps] base, foundation 3. stem (ling.) 4. (- yrcaa) nationality, race YH,D;SCrYH unfounded, baseless, with no basis YH,D;SC}KYYJISX to let plants take root, xepcaar - to let plants take root in soil (and consolidate it) YH,D;SCJISr.n;sx to be founded on YH,D;SCJISrtI founder YH,D;SCJISrSS principle, basis, foundation YH,D;SCJISrSSTSH well-founded YH,D;SCJISJI basis, grounds, - OyxHH wellfounded, justified, - caaraa solidly based, wellfounded, WHH)J{JI3X yxaansr y~3CJI3JIT3H on a scientific basis YH,D;SCJISJIrYH baseless, groundless, with no foundation YH,D;SCJISJITSH well-founded YH,D;SCJISH on the basis of YH,D;SCJISX 1. to take root, to form roots 2. to take as a basis, to base oneself on, YH~3CJI3H oaHryyJIarq founder, yH,rl3CJ13H oaHryyJIaX to found, YYH33CYH~3CJI3H on this basis, § apXHBT oaHraa MaTepHaJI 33pmHr y~3CJI31K on the basis of materials in the archives YH,D;SCHHH 1. national, - napxaa rasap (see napxaa 3.), - ~33P3HryH oO~JIoro chauvinistic policy, - HHHT oYT33r~3xYYH gross national product, - napx national park, - T)'craap rormOJI national independence, - Y33JIT3H nationalist (n.), - xYBIJ;ac national costume, X3JI03PT3H COIJ;HaJIHCT aryynraraa national in form and socialist in content, - uoeax national minority, - xenoenex xe~eJIrOOH nationalliberation movement 2. native, MaHaH - C3X33T3H Hap our native intelligentsia YH,D;SCTSH 1. with a root 2. justified, valid YH,D;SCTSH (- HCTaH) nationality, race, MOHroJI - the Mongol people, YH~3cmHH XOJIOOO League of Nations, - XOOPO~bIH inter-ethnic, ~3cmHH IJ;eeHX national minority, ~3cmHH IJ;eOHXHHHxeH members of a national minority, y~3cmHH IJ;eeHXHHH ayrar national minority area YHC (- HypaM, - xaanpyy] ash, ashes, YHC3H ry~MaH breeze-block, yHCHH Hb XHHcr3X to annihilate, yHCHHH caa ash-tray, YHC3H caMoap (see caMoap), YHC3H rospor ashes, - TOBpor

oonrox to smash to smithereens, - roBpor OOJITOJI uraraax to burn to the ground, YHC3Jm xaacan WaJI3 WHr 30BOX to be on one's beamends YHCrSJDKHH Cinderella YHCJISr 1. ash 2. ashy YHCqHH sweep YHCSJIT kiss, kissing YHCSJIIJ:SX to kiss each other YHCSPXSr ashy YHCSX to kiss YHXSJIIiSP guard (of a knife) YHXSJIU;Sr 1. pericardium, - Hb xarapax waxax to be scared out of one's wits 2. a sort of meat and fat sausage contained in the pericardium of a beast YHS price, value, cost, aHXHbI - original value; starting price, H3M3r~3n - mark-up, H3PJI3C3H - face-value (of a coin), nominal value (shares), CyyJIqHHH - final price, final bid, 3n3r~3JI xaccaa - value subject to wear and tear, HMap YH3T3H OHJI33 how much?, - OYP~3JIT price structure, - OyxHH valuable, - ~yy~arq auctioneer, - ~yy~ax to bid, - 30~OX to overprice, - HXT3H expensive, costly, valuable, YH3~ opox to prove one's worth, to payoff, to come into one's own, to be of value, YH3~ opyynax to cash in (on something), YH3~ OPYYJI1KxY~a.JI.[(ax to sell at a good profit, - O~OPT3H highly priced, expensive, - eprsr cost, - OpTrOO nexex to pay for itself, to cover the cost, yHHHH OCOJIT price rise', yHHHH CaHaJI bid, yHHHH CaHaJI raprarx bidder, yHHHr TOXHpOJIIJ;OHO price to be agreed, - TOJIOOPryii free, for nothing, without payment, - TOJIOOPT3H charged, yHHHH TYJIaaH price war, - ynarax to push the price down, - xanax to rocket, to go sky-high (price), - xaHpryii (- XaHpJIaJIryH) whatever it costs, regardless of price, - xamn rate, xaaanarx bidder, - XaHJIIJ;ax to bid, xaanuyynax to auction, to put up for auction, XaHJIIJ;yyJIaX xynannaa auction sale, auction, XOJIC cost, - xy~ worth, prestige, YH3~ xvprsx to make money out of something, - xvpsx to fetch a price, - XH~ cheap, inexpensive, XH~apcaH reduced in price, reduced, - IJ;OXHX to push the price up, - IJ;3H (- IJ;3H3) value, price, - IJ;3HT3H valuable, precious, - IJ;3HT3H 3yHJIC values YHSr [Illap -) Fox, Vu/pes vu/pes , MOHreH COpT - Silver Fox, TYB~ - V. perri/ata , YH3r3H apra (YH3r3H 3aJIb) cunning (n.), - ryHIJ;3X to be famished, YH3rHHH HY~ 3aJIrHX to go without sleep, YH3r3HCYYJI33P33XYYPax to blind with science, YH3r3H xapanxyaraap in the darkest hour before the dawn

YH3fYH 1. valueless 2. free, for nothing



YH3fYM3X to be valueless YH3fl1JI3H crahily,

cunningly, 38J1HJIax to cheat, to deceive


YH3fl1JI3X 1. to go fox-hunting 2. (yH3I"1JI3H HH33MC3rJI3x) to smile while sleeping (a baby)

YH3r3HCYYJI Alopecurus (bot.), Axap TYPyyT

- A. brachystachyus, Hyrsra - A. pratensis, A. ventricosus

:U;YJIxr3P -

YH3JIr33 value, valuation, assessment YH3JI3JIT (- ~yrH3JIT) evaluation, appraisal, appreciation, yH3H 30B - ~m3JIT erex to appreciate correctly, to assess correctly, to size up correctly

YH3JI3M}1{ evaluation YH3JI3X to value, to evaluate, to appreciate, to price, oHeHHx33xyqHHr - to work for wages, ~YTYY - to undervalue, to fail to appreciate, HX33X3H - [eanep -) to value highly, yH3JIJK oapwryH invaluable, YH3JIJK ~ym3x (YH3JIJK Y33X, YH3JIJK usrnsx] to evaluate, yH3JIC3H XyqHH hired hand

YH3MJI3X 1. to certify 2. (- OHQHr) credentials, papers, certificate, licence, oaruIJIax teacher's certificate, OYYHbI - gun licence, XYBHHH - personal papers, 3pXHHH - licence, JKOJIOO~OX 3pXHHH driving licence, yH3MJI3X33 ~ooJIYYJIax to have one's licence endorsed 3. (see YH3MJI3XyH)

YH3MJI3XYH absolute,


OH~OP absolute


YH3MillHJI belief, trust, - MyyraH hard to believe, unconvincing

YH3MillHJIrYH unbelievable, incredible, unconvincing, not worthy of belief

YH3MIIIHJIT3H cred ible, convi nci ng YH3MIIIHMrYH (see yH3MWHJIryH) YH3MillHX to believe, to credit, to give credence to

YH3MIIIM33prYH (see YH3MWHJIryH) YH3MIIIYYJI3X to convince YH3H 1. true, - annaprsra CYM XHM Orthodox Church, - annaprnsr waWHH Orthodox Religion, - OO~HT (- OO~HTOH) real, true, factual, -roJIoocoofrom the bottom of one's heart, - ec truth, - 39B correct, right, - 3ypx sincerity, honesty, - CYC3ITIH Orthodox Christians, C3'IT3JI sincerity, honesty, - C3'IT3JIHHH sincere, - C3Tr3JIT3H loyal, true, - C3Tr3JI33C sincerely, honestly, - yr wap TOC sure thing!, right you are!, - X3p3r ~33P33 (- X3P3IT33, - xanapraa] in reality, in truth, in fact, - uaraanaap honestly, - urynpara ec honesty, justice, - 10M YH3H33P33 JIoaHXecroa let's face the facts 2. (- MOH) truth,

xyrarrsm ~OPBOH - the four noble truths (Buddh.), - Mara~TaH true, reliable, yH3M HHH~3X to be in accordance with the truth, O;mOHO the truth will out, yH3HHH XYBb a measure of truth, yH3HHH XYBb oaraTaH none too credible, yH3HHH XYBb IIJIYYT3H more credible, more likely to be true, YH3HHH xYBbTaH with a measure of truth, true to some extent, something in it, YH3HHHr X3JI3X3~ to be honest about it, to tell the truth, yH3H33P RB08JI yx3p npr33p TYYJIaH ryH~H3 honesty is the best policy, HpHX to tell the truth

YH3HXYY true, truly: really YH3lN sincere, true, loyal, faithful, - oaHx TaHrapar oath of loyalty, TaHrapaITaa - oaHX to be true to one's oath, - xaaap loyalty, dedication, - urynpara loyal, upright, honest

YH3P (- TaHap) smell, 9MXHH - stink, rotten smell, - asax to pick up the scent, - ~apaI"l deodorant, - opox to start to smell

YH3P}I{YYJI3X to perfume, to impart a smell YH3PJI3r aromatic, scented, - yprassan aromatic plants

YH3PJI3X 1. (yH3PJI3JK TaHapJIax) to smell

(trans.), of smell

uasyy - to sniff glue, - spxrsn organs 2. to kiss

YH3Pf 1. smelling, scented 2. aromatic YH3PfYYJI3X 1. to get (someone) to smell 2. to cause a smell, apxn ~ to smell of drink YH3Pf3H scented, - yc toilet water, eau-decologne

YH3Pf3H (- TaHapTaH) scent, perfume YH3Pf3X 1. to smell, - M3~P3JI sense of smell

2. to sniff, KOKaHHbIrYH3pnJKX3p3rJI3X to sniff cocain YH3PX3X to ask too much, to play hard to get YH3PQ possessing a keen sense of smell YH3T valuable, precious, valued, COeJIbIH 3yHJIC cultural values, - oaHJIar treasure, riches, - naac bond, security, - uaacasr sax stockexchange, - qyJIyy precious stone

YH3T3H 1. (- ~aHTaH, - ~3H3nH) precious, valuable 2. worth, to the value of, costing. 9H~9P - dea r, § TaBHH cas ~OJIJIapbIH - to the value of fifty million dollars

YH3X33P truly, really, in fact, actually YH3X33PHHH true, real, truly, really, § qyxan aq xOJIoOr~OJIroH of importance

rea Ily fi rst-rate

YH33 cow, - YX3~33 cyy OpHO to turn out all right in the end



fruits, benefits, _yield, xa~anMapHHH - WHMfruits of labour ii. effect, outcome (of a planet, star,

etc.) (astr.) YH33P (see yH3X33p) YH33P3H (see yH3X33p)

YPfYH 1. profitless, unprofitable, useless, sapnan wasted outlay 2. sterile

YP 1. seed, fruit, grain, semen, - oonoBcpon

YPfYH):J;3JI steriIity

ripening, maturation, fruition, - oonoBcpox to ripen, to come to fruition, - oonoBcpox OpOH carpel (bot.), - ~aM1Kyynax xoonoa oviduct, ~aM1Kyynyyp spermatic duct, vas deferens, }JOfMC fruit, nanaaxar -1KHMC samara, xyypaH - }JOfMC dry fruit, WYYCT -1KHMCfleshy fruit, succulent fruit, RCT - }JOfMC drupe, - 3ynoax (3ynoyynax) to have a miscarriage, to miscarry, - Jm33seeds, - HaXHa ovule (bot.), - cyynrarq seed-drill, - cyynrax to sow seeds, ypuHlI Tan cotyledon, H3r ypHHH TanT yprasran monocotyledon, xoc YPHHH TanT yprasran dicotyledon, - TapHa grain, seeds, - TapHaHhI KOMoaHH combine-harvester, TapHaHhI ypraxan cereals, YP33P TapHX to grow from seed, - ror-rnorrva infertile, - TOM'OnT fertilization, conception, - TOM'OOX to fertilize, TOrTOOxryH xspsrcan contraceptive, - TOrrox to be fertilized, to conceive, YPHHH YYT seminal vesicle, - xespen embryo, germ (of wheat), - xaBpen cy~nan embryology, - xaBpan WHJDKyyn3H cyynranr embryo transfer, xeapan WHn1KYYn3H cyynrax to perform an embryo transfer, - XeBpanHHH embryonic, xeBpanHHH mar embryonic stage, - xeaneirr abortion, - xonnex to abort; abortion, xyynh oycaap - xennex illegal abortion, - xaH~yyn3x to have an abortion, - nanax to scatter seed, to sow, YPHHH WHHr3H sperm, - anrapax to ejaculate 2. (- can] child, offspring, progeny, - aq descendants, - Tacpax to have no descendants, - TOn young, offspring (livestock), Tancer broody (livestock), - rancer saaap motherliness, - y~aM line, breed, family, children, young, - y~Maap Hh ycrrax to destroy root and branch, - Y1m3C family line, - y~C33P root and branch, - XOHq posterity, - XYYX3~ children, XYYX3~ ryii:x to pray for children 3.i. result, aurar effectiveness, profit, - aWHrryIi profitless, wasteful, - aWHITaH(- oYT33nnH) productive, fruitful, profitable, - 0yr33nryH unproductive, fruitless, unprofitable, - narasap consequence, outcome, - naraspaac in consequence of, ~araBphIH consequent, - ~yH result, 30XHX~YHr33 erex to produce the proper result, ~y~ Xyp3Xto achieve a result, to be effective, - ~~ as a result of, apra X3M1K33 aBCHhI ~~ thanks to steps having been taken, ~YHT3H effective, - Hanaa influence, effect, effectiveness, - HanaeT3H effective, - ereaac effectiveness, yield, productivity, - ereaaorr effective, productive, - ypurar result, - WHM

YPfYH):J;3X to be sterile YPfYil>KHJIT (see ypryil.z:l3n) YPf3JDK

continual, continuous, joined up, - MaHX eternal


YPf3.IDKH,II; always, continually YPf3JDKHHH constant, continuing YPf3JDKHJIC3H continuous, - 30XHon (- yr) prose, - uryrasr continuous line (traF) YPf3JI}KJIYYJI3X to continue (trans.) YPf3JDKJI3JI 1. continuation, - OHH to be continued 2. duration

YPf3JI}KJI3H continually, on and on YPf3JI}KJI3X to go on, to continue, to extend, to last, - xyrauaa period of duration YPf3MTrHH (see ypr3MXHH) YPf3MXHH (- xanapxaa] shy, nervous, easily startled, highly-strung, jumpy

YPf31fq OfOTHO Vole YPf3X 1. to be scared, to be startled 2. to shy (horse)

ypr33N 1. beater (hunting) 2. - OO~HC insectrepellent

YPf33JIT (see ypr33n3r) YPf33JI3f beating (in hunting) ypr33X 1. to startle, to frighten, to scare off,to cause to shy, ypr331K U;OqOOX to startle 2. to beat (in hunting) 3. to repel (insects), anaa wYMYYn - to scare off flies

YP,I(3C scraps, waste, YP~C3HxaBTaH chipboard YP}I{B3P product (math.) YP)I{Hf,n:3XYYH factor (math.) YP)I{HJI

breeding, reproduction, natural increase, o3n3r - (o3nmHH -) sexual reproduction, 03n3r oyc - asexual reproduction, BereTaTHB - vegetative reproduction, YP1KnHHH oyc sterile, YP1KHM opox to begin to breed, YP}J{nHHH CTaHU; breeding station, - T3M33 breeding camel, - T3HU;3xryH oyyp a camel stallion unfit for breeding, - WHM fertility, WHM caHTaH xapc fertile soil, - WHMT (WHMT3H) fertile, - 3PXT3H (YP1KnHHH 3pXT3H) genitalia; reproductive organs (bot.), - aaarnax to breed (intrans.)

YP)I{HJIT3H fertile, fruitful, - xepc fertile soil YP)I{HMTfHH prolific

YP}I{HX to breed, to reproduce, to multiply, to increase YP}KYYJI3f breeding, raising, rearing, YPJKYYJImHH rasap breeding station; nursery YP}KYYJI3X 1. to breed, to increase,to grow (trans.), yp33P -- to grow from seed 2. to multiply (math.), -- 'rnM,n3rmultiplication sign YPJIYYP drill (for sowing seed)


ypqrr3X (yplfJI3H asax] to adopt (a child)

YPJI3IT3H wasteful

ypqrr33 wrinkle, crease

YPJI3rt1 (-- MawHH) (see ypnyyp)

ypqrr33,IJ;3X to wrinkle, to get wrinkled

YPJI3f3H (see YP3JIr3H)

ypqrr33C (see YPlfJI33)

YPJI3f33 sowing

ypqrr33CT3H (see ypllJl33T)

1. sowing 2. insemination

YPJI3H granular, granulated, YPJI3H OYT3U granular structure, YPJI3H CYM cartridge shot, pellet, YPJI3H CYMTaH oyy (-- CYMT oyy) (see oyy), -lfHX3P granulated sugar YPJI3X 1. to form seed, to develop seed sow, to seed

crease, YPlfHH.rl3rryH naasyy crease-resistant cloth, YPlfHHJK XOpqHHCOH wrinkled, creased 2. to frown

ypqrr3N adoptive parent

1. (-- sapnara] expense 2. waste



ypqrrYYJI3X to put (a child) out for adoption, to get (a child) adopted

YPHHH seed (adj.), -- TaMC seed potato YP-Jl3f


2. to

ypqrr33Twrinkled, creased, --MarHaHwrinkled brow, furrowed brow ypqrr33T3X (see YPlfJI33,Q3X) YP3BCYYJI3X to inflame YP3BC3JI inflammation, H.Q33T -- suppurative inflammation, YYWHrHbI - pneumonia, ye MOlfHHH peBMaTOH.rl -- rheumatoid arthritis, XO,QOO,Qbm -- gastritis

YPC 1. seed, seeds, -- raprax ec (YPCHHH HaHp) spring festival for the first milking of the mares, spring kumis festival, -- cap first month of summer, -- uauax to scatter seed 2. children, seed, descendants

YP3BC3X (YJIaHJK --, become inflamed

YPCJIYYJI3JIT sowing, planting

YP3BT3JI rasp

YPCJIYYJI3X to sow, to plant

YP3BQ ovary (of a flower), ,QoO,Q -- inferior ovary, ,Q33,Q -- superior ovary

YPCJIYYP seed ling YPCJI3f (see ypcnyyp) YPCJI3X (see ypCnyyJI3X) YPC3f fond of one's offspring, devoted to one's children YPC3JIr33 sowing YPC3X (YPC3H TaJIcox) to be fond of one's offspring, to be devoted to one's children YPf3C scraps, waste, sawdust, MO,QHbI -- woodshavings, TaJIXHbI -- scraps of bread, crumbs, TOMPHHH -- iron filings YPYY YPYY

I. (see ypyy 1.) II. (see 3pyy 1.)

YPYYBqJI3X (see 3PYYBlfJI3X) YPYYJI grater ypqr3P (-- xopsrop] wrinkled, puckered, furrowed, crumpled ypQHrH3X (see YPlfHHX)

YP3BC3JIT inflamed

YP3r,IJ;YYJI3X destroy


1. to waste, to squander 2. to

xasrnan, -- lfHp3r,Q3JI) loss, waste I. to be rubbed, to rub

YP3r,IJ;3JI (YP3r,IJ;3X

YP3r,IJ;3X 11.1. to be wasted, yp3r,Q3H xasrnax to be wasted, to be thrown away, to be scrapped 2. to be destroyed, aMb -- (aMb OHe --) to lose one's life, § 3B,Q3Plf f3MT3X oyroy to be damaged or destroyed YP3rQ rubber, grater YP3JI 1.1. sphere, ball, bob, XOJIXHBlfHbI -- a ballbearing ball 2. (- 3M~ YPJI3H 3M) pill (Tib. ril-bu] YP3JI II. (see OPOJI) YP3JIr3H spendthrift, extravagant, wasteful, oali,QaJI waste, wastefulness, -- sanraa wasteful, profligate YP3JI,IJ;3X to rub together, to rub against each other YP3JIT friction

YPqJlHJIr3X to wrinkle, to pucker, to screw up, HY,Q33 -- to screw up the eyes

YP3JITlIHH frictional, - xyq force of friction

YPQllHC3H wrinkled, creased

YP3MTrllH extravagant, wasteful


1. to

become wrinkled, to wrinkle, to


YP3H girl (west Mongol)


YCqJfH hairdresser, hairdresser's, YC'IHHH rasap hairdresser's, barber's


YP3H TAPAH: - OOJIOX to be wasted, to be squandered, - OOJIrOX (- XHHX) to waste, to .squonder

YP3~3P 1. achene

(bot.) 2. spore

YP3X I. to rub, to rub down, to file YP3X 11.1. to waste, to squander, uar - to waste time 2. (YP}K CYH1T3X) to lay waste YP3X III. to sprinkle YP33 male horse of from three to five years, COeOJIOH - fihh year horse, XH3aaJIaH - fourth year horse, WY~JI3H - third year horse YP33H CYYJI Oat-grass, Trisetum, AJITaHH - T. aitoicont, CHOHpb - T. sibiricum , TYPyyJIHr Northern Oat-grass,

T. spicatum

YP33P as a result of, yyHHH - as a result of this

1. (- 3yC) hair, - asax (- sacax] to cut the hair; to cut a child's hair for the first time, asaxyynax to get one's hair cut, yC33 oyp}KHHJIraX to get one's hair curled, yCHHH 3aCaJIT hair-do, - r33r33 HH3JIaX to tidy one's hair, yC33 sacyynax (YC33 ypr33JIr3x) to get one's hair cut, to have a hair-do, yC33 xaranax to get married (woman) (hist.), - xaraarx hairdrier, - QaH}K 'I9MOr ~~pax to age, yC33 HH3.rryyJIaX to get one's hair done 2. fur, aHrHHH - fur or pelts from wild animals, 399JIOH - fur or pelts from domestic animals, - xepc coat (of an animal) 3. wool, 3apH~ar - wool intermediate in quality between noonyyp and cop




(YC'IH}K ~YYJI3X) to leap about, to

jump about


to spit

YCQYYJI3X 1. to kick up, to scatter about 2. (wyJIC33 -) to spit YC3r letter, script, writing, rapsra - (see rap 1.), ~OPB9JDKHH - the "Square Script" or 'Phagspa Script, X3BT33 ~9PBOJI}KHH - the "Horizontal Square Script" developed by the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, ~ypc - character (Chinese, etc.), }KH}KJIr - small letters, lower case, TOJIrOH - (npryyH -) initial, TOM - capitals, upper case, WHH3 - the New or Cyrillic Script, 1941 onwards, - OH'IHr script, writing, - ~apaaJIJIaap in alphabetical order, ~apaaJIJIbIH KaTaJIOr alphabetical catalogue, ycrHHH ~YP3M spelling, orthography, - sypax to sign, - opner MaWHH type-setting machine, - TOOH alphanumerical

YC3rJI3JI spelling-book YC3rJI3X to spell YC3NJI3X

1. to

spell out


to transliterate

YC3,IJ; extremely YC3H:Q3P thin fine hair

1.1. to cause to leap up, to cause to spring up, to kick up 2. to carry on, to do (business), naaa - (see naas]


YC3pr3X II. (see TapJIax) YC3pr33 (OHpbIH -) short training runs for a race-horse (see cyaraa, TapJIax)

YC,IJ;3X to pull [sorneone's] hair

YC3PXHHJI3JI metastasis

YCJI3r 1. furry, hairy, thick-haired, fur (ad(), MaJIraH fur hat 2. fur-bearing 3. down, hairs


YCJI3r,IJ;YY woolly, furry, hairy YCJI3X I. to apply hairs (to a brush, a hat, etc.) YCJI3X II. to dampen and pound (barley) so as to remove the bran


YC3PXHHJI3X to metastasize YC3PX3r woolly, hairy YTP3M threshing-floor YTP33 vagina, YTP33HHH TOJIb vaginoscope

YCHHP top of the head, top-knot (Buddh.) (Skr.)

YT3JI 1. plain, ordinary, common 2. dull

YCP3JIT leap, jump, rush, dash, skipping, Hx

YT3P Typr3H rapidly, sWiftly, with all speed,

The Great Leap Forward



YCP3HrYH leaping, rushing, - ~3BWHJI rapid progress, - H3M3r~3X to increase by leaps and bounds

1. to leap, to jump, to skip, ycaan - to dive (sport), YCP3H oyyx to jump down 2. to come apart, to break, oyr - to break up, 3~ - to spring apart, cyra - to come off, xyra - to snap 3. to squirt, to spurt


1. to get ha i ry, to be covered in ha irs to be mouldy, to grow mould



YCYY Coriander, Coriandrum, TapHMaJI - C.


without delay

YT33PX3r jealous, envious YT33PX3X to be jealous of, to bear ill will towards, YT33PX3H Y33X to look askance at YT33P3X to disregard YYI.wart YY II. (seeyy) (used aftera word of the front-vowel

series) YYB3P TYYB3P odds and ends, this and that yyrH3X to moo, to low yyr3X to blow, to blow hard, to whistle (wind, draught)

yyr33P 1. by this, from this, in this way, so, -TY\T33P here and there, this way and that 2. around here, this way, § MaHaH -- ~aXH3"Q HP33P3H come and see us again (instrumental of 3H3) YY,IJ; the fabric or felt door of a tent, door, 3CrHH -- felt tent-door, -- oapHx (-- aprox, -- caxax, -TaTax) to open the door, YY~HHH OHq33q clerks at the office of the Shanzodva of Urga (hist.), YY~HHH opeo hall, YY~HHH TaHXHM foyer, -xaanrsrr H33X to open the door (fig.), YY~3H XOHMpbIH qHH33 as far as from the door to the back of the tent YY,IJ;HHHx tents occupied by YY~HHH QHq33q

(hist.) YY,IJ;H33C from the point of view of, for the sake of, thinking of, qHH C31T3JIHHH -- in all sincerity, WHH.>KJI3X yxaansr -- from a scientific point of view YY,IJ;3BQ vestibule (arch., anat.) YY,IJ;3ll (see yyC3JI) YY,IJ;3H as a result of, YYH33C -- on account of this YY,IJ;3X (see yyc3X) YYll 1. cloud, -- OOPOOHbI aJKHJI sexual intercourse, -- ~a..1IWIax to die, YYJI3H yrana (YYJI3H X33) cloud-pattern 2. leucoma (med.) YYllrYH cloudless, -- T3Hr3pTaHHra u;aXHJIHa a bolt from the blue YYllf3P panicky YYllr3P,IJ;3X to be dismayed, to be at a loss YYllr3PT3X (see YYJIr3p~3x) YYJI,IJ;3P (-- y~aM, -- yrcaa) breed, strain, OpXOH YYJl,llPHHHXOHb "O rkhon" breed of sheep, caaa YYJl,llPHHH MOpb thoroughbred horse, U;3B3P YYJl)l;pHHHthoroughbred, pure-bred, -- caiDKpyynax to improve a strain



itive of 3H3), -- YPb~ before this, earlier YYHHHf him, her, it, this (objective of 3H3) YYHHHrYHr33P without this, were it not for this YYHT3H with him, with her, with it (comitative of 3H3) YYJIqjJ3H thus, so, likewise, in the same way YYH33C from or than him, from or than her, from or than it (abative of3H3), -- Y3B3JI to judge from this, -- XOHW atter this YYPI. (yypHHHxHpaa, --waHo) dawn, daybreak, break of day, -- rHHX (-- r3r33p3X, -T3~r3p3X, -- xaHapax, -- XHpaaJIaX, -- u;ailx) to dawn, YYPHHH r3r33 break of day, -- T3~3r first light, -- uannrax to see dawn break, to wait till dawn, to go on till dawn, -- U;YYP33P at crack of dawn YYP 11.1. nest, lair, 30rHHH -- beehive, WOprOOJDKHbI -- ants' nest, -- sacax to build a nest, -- yypxaH source, pocket, XaJI,llBapJIaX -yypxaH source of infection 2. cell (polit.) 3. recess, pocket 4. hole, hollow (for planting potatoes, etc.) base (baseball), rap -- home base


YYPf3BQ 1. rucksack, 03"QapQHbI -- a mendicant's pack 2. sling (of a gun) YYPf3Bqn3X to sling (a gun), oyyr -- to sling the gun YYPf3ll3X I. to doze, to nod off, to feel drowzy YYPf3ll3X

II. to take on one's back

YYP,IJ;for ever, always, eternally, -- MOHX eternal; for ever, always, eternally YYP,IJ;HHH (-- MOHX) everlasting, eternal

YYllYY five-six (domino)

YYPJI3X 1. to nest, to make a lair OyrWHX) to lurk, to be holed up

YYllmHllT cloudiness

YYPM3f (see YHpM3r)

yynmHX to get cloudy, to cloud over

YYPC3X (YYPC3H sanraax] to whinny, to neigh

YYll3H QAI'AAH dolomite YYll3HI.J;3P cloudlet, MareJIJIaHbI-- Magellanic cloud YYll3PXYY cloudy YYll3PX3f (see YYJI3PXYY) YYH (oblique stem of 3H3), -- WHr like this YYHfYHf33P without this, in the absence of this



YYPT (see yyp~) YYPT3X (YYPT3}1{ TYYPT3X) to be overloaded, to have too much on one's plate, to find it hard to cope, § aJKHJI)l;aa yypTC33P HBHa they have too much to cope with YYPYYll3X to load on the back, to charge with, to saddle with YYP3BQll3X to take on the back

YYH,IJ; 1. to or in him, to or in her, to or in it, to or in this, to or in that 2. viz., that is to say, in this respect (dative-locative of 3H3)

YYP3f 1. burden, load, pack, bundle, 03"QapQHbI -- a mendicant's pack, YYP3rHHH xynannaaxaa pedlar, hawker 2. (-- POJIb) duty, job, role, aMJIaJIT -- undertaking

YYHHH of him, of her, of it, of this, of that (gen-

YYP3rll3X (see yypr3JI3X I.,


YXPHHH HY,IJ; Black Currant,



YXPHHH X3JI Madwort,

YYP3IT obligatory, - a:>KHJI duties

1. obliged to 2. with the job of YYP3X 1.1. to carry on the back 2. to bear YYP3X II. (see YHP3X)


YYCB3P beginnings, origin, embryo YYCB3PJI3X to arise, to originate, to make a start yycryyp generator

Ribes nigrum (a/50




Asperugo procumbens

1. dead 2. - XOHHO damn you!

YXTr3X to lose consciousness, to collapse YXYYJI3X 1. to let die, to be the death of, to kill 2. to lose by death, § yxp33 YXYYJIC3H aHJI families who had let their cattle die, families whose cattle had died on them YXIIIHJI

(see yxJKHJI)

YYCr3B3P (see YYCB3p)

YXIIIHPM3JI old, tired, worn-out, passe, 3ypWHJI outworn habits

YYCr3N cause, agent, OBqHH - pathogen, ~aXHJIraaH - generator

YXlliHPT3JI soundly, thoroughly, - yarax to sleep soundly

YYCr3JI origin, beginning, source, cause, caaaaxanra initiative, - TOrCrOJI beginning and end

YXIIIH~3X 1. to go stale 2. to be firm, to be fixed, yxWHpC3H 6o~oJI fixed idea


(see yyCM3JI)

YYCr3P the shaft of an arrow, yycr3pHHH o~ fletching, shaftment, § yycr3p r3}J{ 60~yyryH CYMblr X3JIH3 the arrow less the blunt arrowhead is called the shaft YYCr3X to begin, to cause, to produce, 33BP3JIT - to cause rusting YYCM3JI derived, derivative, - yr

(see yr 1.)

YYC3JI origin, beginnings YYC3X (YYC3H rorrnox) to arise, to originate, to occur, to come into being, - WaJITraaH aetiology YYTr3JI

YX3r a chest for carrying small children or goods on a journey YX3,I(XHHx to faint, to swoon, YX3~HHH yaax to fall down in a faint YX3,I(X3X

(see YX3~HHX)

YX3JI 1. death, KJIHHHKHHH - clinical death, 30BJIOH calamity, disaster, - MOXOJI extinction, death, - CY~JIaJI thanatology, - C3X3JI life and death, - xarauan bereavement 2. deaths, mortality YX3~3X to be mad keen on, to be crazy about

YX3HrH lifeless YX3Hf3 Ii~ anabiosis

(see yycr3JI)

YYX TYYX story, tale, - cexex to chew the fat, to go over old times YYIJ; 1. meat slaughtered and stored over winter to eat in spring, - XHHX to slaughter and store meat 2. reserve

YX3P 1. horned cattle, ox, cow, yxpHHH 600p WHr of all sorts and sizes, jumbled up, npr33p TYYJIaH ryH~3 slow but sure, - yycaa ycaanaa 6aaHa to foul one's own nest 2. large, big, - 6yy (see 6yy), - 6YP33 (see 6YP33)

Spha//erocarpus (bot.) (see a/so

YYIJ;JI3X 1. to store up (meat) over winter, yy~JI3H XOMOOX to store in a frozen state 2. to store up

YX3P-rOHH,I( RMaaxaH)

Yx,IJ;3JI corpse, dead body, dead person

YX3P X3,I(f3H3

YXlKHJI gangrene, gangrene

necrosis, XHHH -


YX/KHJIT 1. gangrenous 2. (see yxJKHJI) YX/KHX to go gangrenous, to necrotize YXJIHHHfatal, deadly, lethal, -TYH letholdose, - ~OXHJIT deadly blow YXllYY,I( at death's door, - X3BT3X to be at deeth's door YXJIYYT

(see YXJIYY~)

YXJI3H death, KJIHHHKHHH yxJI3H,Q 6aHraa clini-

collydeod YXM3JI dead


(see YXpHHH HY~) (see X3~r3H3)

YX3PQHH cowherd

Artemisia pectinata (bot.) (see YX3~HHX)


YX3X to die, yxTJI33 aHX to be in deadly fear, YXC3H 6YYPbIH TOJIrOHHOOC aMb~ ar aanar to be scared of one's own shadow, YX3H 3YTr3X to strive with might and main, yx3}J{ JI Y333ryH (YX3}J{ JI Y333ryH 6yc~blr Hb Y3C3H, YX3X33C 6yc~blr y3C3H) wise in the ways of the world, seen it all, - C3X3X33 M3~3XryH for dear life, desperately, - C3X3X33 Y33X to fight to the finish, yx3}J{ yp3r~3X to perish, yxH3 yxH3 f3}J{ yxPHHH MaXblr 6apax to take longer than

expected, to be a long time coming, to procrastinate, YX3~33 yx3p 6yyraa r3}K making a last desperate effort, YX3H xaraa like grim death, - xaraxaap CYP,QYYJI3X to frighten to death, YXC3H XOHHO (see yxC3H), YXC3H xasranuaac yarac ryiix to cherish vain hopes, yxTJI33 H,Qpax to be dead tired



YX3mrVH immortal YX33HIJ; (-


weak, feeble, sickly

YX33P corpse, dead body

==== ==== (Most words in this section are derived from Russian and are not so defined individually) AHEP plywood

OKYCJIAX to focus

AP headlight

OHA fund,

assets, distributable assets,

xysaarnax -

nonbasic stock, yHMB3pHHH yH.r(C3H - basic funds of industry, - 33BC3rJI3M}K investment (Russ. q,OH,IJ;OBOOPY)I{eHHocTb), - OrOOM}K return on capital

AllIHCT fascist EOAAJI feudal noble EOAAJDKHX to be feudalized EPM 1. farm 2. farm (specialized or unspecialized production unit within a state farm)


yH.r(C3H -

OHAJIOXto lay in, to procure, to stock up with OPMbIH XYBIJ;AC uniform (mil.)

EPMEHT enzyme

OCOP phosphorus

EPMEHT}I{YYJI3X to ferment

OTO (- sypar] photograph, -

EPMEP farmer ECTHBAJTh festival H3HK physics, -



H3HKq physicist



xasax to quilt in groups of stitches separated by

XHH~ something added to the tea, XHH~T3H ~aH (see ~aH)

XHJI3H I. velvet, ~ xap MOpb velvety block horse



XHJI3H II. anger, fury XHHIJ; 11.1. structure, ~ X3C3r port, component, ~ 3;:vI3XYYH unit, component 2. (~ saraap. ~ MaHr, ~ X3JI03p) make, shope, style, rap XHH~HHH hand-mode, 30BJIOJITHHH ~ OyxHH Soviet-mode, MOHrOJI XHH~T3H Mongolianmode

XHJI3HJI3f velvety

XHHIJ;JI3X to strengthen, to thicken (teo with some admixture), Max, OOXOop XHH~3JIC3H ~aH teo thickened with meat and fat

XHJI3HIJ;T3H sinner

XHJI 1.1. (~ xasraap] frontier, boundary, border, ~ aJIXax (~ rapax, ~ naaax] to cross the frontier, to go abroad, XHJIHHH oaHu;aaH oHropyyJI3X rasap immigration control ~ raprax to put across the frontier, to send abroad, XHJIHHH ~33C boundary-line, XHJIHHH ~33C anxax to cross the frontier, to go abroad, ~ saar boundary, border, ~ sanraa adjoining, adjacent, ~ sanraa HYTar border area, ~ HHHJI3X to border on, to adjoin, ~ xasrraanarx frontier guard, XHJIHHH xynannaa cross-border trade, ~ xssraapsrr yJI xazxpara 3M'! aapsm HHHr3MJI3r Medecins sons Frontieres, XHJIHHH uaaaa (XHJIHHH qaHaJ:laJ:l) abroad, XHJIHHH U;3C bounds 2. rift or ridge in ice on a lake, xap ~ "block rift", rift through which water can be seen, naraan ~ "white rift", raised line of ice where a block rift has frozen over or ice has been compressed

XHJIJI3JIT delimitation, boundary-setting XHJIJI3X 1.1. to delimit, to set boundaries 2. to border on, § XHTa~ Ap~ YJICTaH XHJIJI3}K bordering on the Chinese Republic XHJIJI3X II. to weigh XHJIC (~ Tawaa) folse, unjust, crooked, ~ X3p3r frome-up, ~ X3P3IT TaTax to frame

XHJIC~YYJI3f frome-up

(see XHJIC~YYJI3r)

XHJIC~YYJI3X to accuse unjustly, to condemn unjustly, to frame

XHJIC~3X to be maligned, accused, to be framed

to be unjustly

XHJIC~3XfYH there is no denying that, it is no exaggeration to soy that, § oapar JI roy q xHHr33ryH r3}K Y33X3~ --- a}K33 there is no denying that practically nothing has been done XHJIqHH frontier guard XHJI3fHYYJI3X to enrage, to make angry

XHJI3rH3JI wrath, anger XHJI3fH3X to get angry XHJI3M Sturgeon,

(see XHJI3H~


(see XHJI3HU;T3H)

XHJI3HIJ;3T AAJI3 Scorpion

(also BMaaH yyu;)

XHJI3HIJ;3T BJIAAXAH Scorpion Flies, 3r3JI ~ Common Scorpion Fly, Panorpa communis XHM cancellous bone, spongy bone, spongy tissue (of bones) XHM.,IJ;3f Sweet-gross,


~ 3~



aquatica XHMH chemistry


XHMlDKYYJI3JIT application of chemicals or chemical processes XHMH)I{YYJI3X to apply chemicals or chemical processes XHMHHH chemical, ~ U;3p3r chemical warfare troops XHMHq chemist XHMJI3X to gnaw, to nibble XHM3PX3f

(see XHJI3M)



XHM3PXYY porous, cancellous (bone)

XHJI II. kilogramme XHJIHM

XHJI3HT angry, furious


(see XHM3PXYY)

XHHf3H3X to clang, to make a loud noise XHHIIIYY (~ xspsac] smell of burning or smouldering or scorching, ~ TaBHX to produce a stench by burning as a treatment for sick livestock, ~ XaHXJIaX to smell of burning XHP


(~ oypTar, ~ nar] dirt, ~ OOJIrOX (~

cyynrax] to make dirty, to soil, --- OOJICOH (~~ar OOJICOH) dirty 2. ~ XHJI3H~ sin

XHP 11.1. capacity, extent, limit, qa,IUIbIH XHp33p a}KHJIJIa~ X3P3~33HHH XHp33p X3p3rJI3X from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, XHp33 M3~3X (XHp33 M3~3}K uapaa TaHHx) to know one's limits, to keep one's place, ~ Taapyy appropriate, adequate, --- X3M}K33 level, extent, XHp33C X3TP3X to be excessive, ~ xanan power, ability, ~ qHH33r33p33 to the best of one's ability 2. how?, how much?, to what extent?, ~ 33p3r how much?, how many?, ~ 33p3r OJIOH (~ OJIOH) how many? 3. about, around, }Kap nan ~ HaCHbI OBrOH on old person of around sixty or seventy, uar ~ about on hour, 3H3 ~ to dote, up to now, ~ oapar almost, nearly, hardly 4. XHp Hb (see XHpH33) XHP IiAPrHHH overage, usual, normal

XHPB3X to trim


44 1


XHPB33 clipped, - caxan clipped moustache


XHTHH}I{C3H chitinous (anat.)

XHPfHCYYP (see xepercvvp]

XHT3r stern (of a ship)

XHPrHC XYYP (see xspsrcvvp]

XHYP small flag, pennant

XHprYH clean, spotless

XHYPMAr gravel, shingle

XHP,IJ)CHHJIT3X to shock XHP;o;XHHx (XHp,nxHHH IlOllHX) to get a shock, to be shocked, to be startled

XHXHPH (see XHYP) XHqHP ear of a reflex bow XHqH33H 1. how?, how much?, - YAaaH how long? 2. - ••• TOqHOOH (- ••• T9AHHlIH33) the more ... the more, § axaa 3pr3JIT - xypnaa oaHX TyTaM T9qHOOH HX aurar ernor the quicker the freight turnover the greater the profit 3. however much

XHP;o;33 (see X3PA33) XHP}I{HrH3X to wheeze XHPHr (see xspar] XHPHHH ordinary, usual XHP Hb (see XHpH33)

XHPTYYll3X (see XHpT33X)

XHQ33ll 1. lesson, sub/·ect, npaKTHKHHH practical lesson, practica (n.), - raAYYP out of school time, - ranyypx ynurnara extra-curricular reading, - saax to teach, - opox to attend class, XH1I33JIHHH TaHXHM schoolroom, classroom, - TaCJIaX to play truant 2. (- 3YTr3JI, XOAOJIMOp, - lIapMaHJIT) effort, diligence, zeal, hard work


XHQ33llll3X to study, to learn, to take classes

XHPH33 although, though, while, but XHPC I. Rhinoceros, Casrar Woolly Rhinoceros XHPC

(YC3px3r -)

II. (see X3pC)

XHPC3X to lie low (animal)

I. dirty XHPT3H II. about, around, about the size of, XHPT3H

rypsaa MHHyr -

for about three minutes, r3pHHH YHHHbI - OYAYYH about as thick as a tent rolter. )KllJI - about a year, HX r3pHHH OYYPHHH - rasap a place about the size of the site of a large tent

XHPT3HX3H just about, xarac )KllJI - for just about half a year XHPT3llT I. eclipse, OYT3H - total eclipse, aapnsr - eclipse of the sun, napasr uarapar X3JI03PHHH - annular eclipse of the sun, capnsr - eclipse of the moon, xarac - partial eclipse XHPT3llT

II. stain, dirty mark, grime, dirt

XHPT3X I. to be eclipsed (sun, moon), Hap eclipse of the sun, cap - eclipse of the moon XHPT3X

II. to get dirty

XHQ33M}I{ care, caution, prudence XHQ33HrYH careful, attentive, devoted, zealous, industrious, - HHMoaH diligent, meticulous, - YC3r calligraphic script XHQ33HrYHll3H earnestly, conscientiously, respectiu Ily, attentively XHQ33HrYfm3x 1. to be earnest, to be conscientious, to be respecfiul, to be attentive 2. to write in calligraphic style Xlfq33X 1. to try (to), to strive (to), to be intent (on), XHq33H M3pHHX to try, to strive, § xaaaaxryHr XHQ33 try not to cough! 2. to take care, to be careful, to take care of, to look otter. § OOpHHHXOO XyyxAHHr XH1I33 mind your own children! 3. to devote oneself (to), HOM OHllHX33P - to devote oneself to writing, XYBHHH aurar to go aher personal gain

XHP3H)J;33 as much as can be, to the fullest extent

XHIIIHr 1.1. (- OYHH) grace, favour, bounty, AYYAJIara ritual summoning of good fortune, XHWHIT Moprox to acknowledge a favour or an oppointrnent (hist.), - XYPT3X to receive a favour 2. (- OYHH) well-being, good fortune, aMHbI (see aM 1.) 3. gambit (chess), 03PCHHH XYPT3XYH Queen's gambit accepted

XHP33P to the extent of, lI(lAJIbIH - to the best of one's abilities, as much as possible

XHIIIHr II. turn, XOHHHbI - one's turn to mind the sheep

XHP33P33 to the best of one's abilities, as much as possible, - XH1I33)J{ rapaapaa 3yrr3X to do one's very best

XHIIIHr e;o;ep 1. auspicious day 2. Sunday 3. one's day to mind the sheep XHIIIHIT3H propitious, favourable, auspicious

XHcr3P3X (see acrapsx]


XHPT33X to dirty, to soil, to let (something) get dirty XHPXP3X to wheeze XHPIJ;3X to estimate







2. Keshigten (Inner Mongolian people) XJIOP chlorine, XJIOPT KaJIb~ calcium chloride, XJIOPbIH WOXOH

chloride of lime

XJIOP)I{YYJIAX (see XJIOPJIox) XJIOPJIOX to chlorinate XOB I. (intensifying particle), - XOOCOH quite destitute, empty-handed

XOB II. (-

spaa] gossip, slander, backxoo~a.Jmox, - xowyy eprex, - xyrrax. - xvprsx] to spread tales, to tell tales }KHB, -

biting, -

3aox (- }KHB

XOBrop bulbous (nose) XOB.D: I. a long container, CYMHbI - quiver XOB.D: II. Khovd, Khobdo (p.n.) XOB.D:Or 1. greed, rapacity 2. (- XOMXOH, UIyHaXaH)

XOBOPIDHX to become rare XOBC I. wild pig in the second year XOBC II. hypnotism, XOBCOIm opox to succumb to hyptonism

XOBC.D:OJIT (see XOBC II.) XOBC.D:OX (see XOBCJIOX) XOBCJIOX to hypnotize XOBcoprOH mischief-maker, sneak XOBCqHH hypnotist XOBX off, apart, out, - COpE yyx to suck up, to slurp, - rarax to pull off, to pull away, - yCp3X to fly off, - ~OXHX to smash up

XOBXH curved bladed scraper XOBXJIOJIT stripping, peeling XOBXJIOX to peel off, to tear off, to rip off, to strip off, to pull out


greedy, rapacious

XOB.D:OrJIOX to be greedy, to be rapacious, XOB~OrJIOH ~3X to eat greedily

XOB.D:Or 3Mr3H Venus (astr.) XOB.D:OJI 1. channel, gutter 2. ventricle (anat.) XOBHJI 1. groove, flute, furrow, channel, raprarx router 2. gouge XOBHJIOPXOr grooved, fluted XOBHJITOH (see XOBHJIOpxor) XOBHJITOX to form a groove XOBJIOrO prognostication using 4 1 stones, TaTax to prognosticate using 41 stones XOBJIOrOqHH fortune-teller using stones XOBJIOOq scandal-monger XOBJIOX 1. to slander 2. to tell on XOBOHX to warp XOBOJIrOHO Baneberry, Actaea XOBOO well-bucket, - TaTax to draw water with a well-bucket

XOBOO.D:OX to draw water with a well-bucket XOBOP 1. (- }KHB3P, - 33B3P, - XOMC) rare, scarce, scanty, a~pHHH on WHr - extremely rare, - HaH~HH rare, precious 2. (- 33B3p) meagre, lean

XOBOP.D:MOJI grown rare XOBOP.D:0JIT scarcity XOBOP.D:0X to become rare, to become scarce XOBOP.D:COH (see XOBOP~MOJI) XOBOP.D:YY rare XOBOP,IJ;YYJIAX to make rare, to make scarce XOBOPJIOr (see XOBOP~YY) XOBOPXOH rare, quite rare, rarely

XOBXOJI30X to be dislodged XOBXPOX to come off, to peel off, to be dislodged, to come apart

XOBq 1.1. gossipy 2. telltale XOBq II. pincers, tongs XOBq III. divination slips bearing a picture of the goddess Tara, a syllable and a number; a, coloured cord is attached to each slip and the diviner pulls out one slip at random

XOBqrOp narrow (Bur.) XOBlIIHX to chatter, to natter xor rubbish, litter, rubbish-heap, tip, HOBW, - HOOXOH)


- xaanar rasap (-


oypTar (-

dust cart, - caa (XOrHHH cas. XOrHHH xaapnar] rubbish-bucket, dustbin, - car garbage, refuse, TapHX (- uaac xaax] to drop litter, - TOOC rubbish, dirt, dust, - T33BPHHH XOJIC rubbish collection charge, - ypraxan (xorHHH yprasran] weed, - YPT3C scraps, waste, - XaHr~aJI refuse, rubbish, XOpTOH - XaHr~aJI toxic waste, xorHHH MaWHH

asax raaap, xoraau

rubbish-dump, tip, - XOJIb~ impurities, trash, - waap dregs, HHHrMHHH - waap dregs of society, - uraaxaaraa dirty, mucky, urasxpyy dregs, leavings, - WopOO dirt usr]

Xor}l{PYY scurf, scale XOr}l{PYYTAX to get scurfy, to form a scale

xorana wretched,

damned, bloody

XOITOX to get dirty, to get fouled, to get clogged with dirt

XON dustman XOrlIIHJI (- TaBH~) furniture, effects, - xepeare furniture, effects, goods and chattels, property

xorlIIHX (see xorrox] XO,IJ;OJI fawn of the elk [Xannraa]


XO,n;OO,n; 1.1. belly, stomach, 9MHOA -- (see r3A3C), XOAOOAHbI cl>epMeHT rennet 2. (.>KHHX3H3 --) fourth or true stomach of a ruminant, maw, abdomen


II. fish-trap XO,n;OO,n;HbI gastric, of the stomach, -- asrcap cardia, cardiac orifice of the stomach, -- 9M9H yy cancer of the stomach, -- YP3BC3JI gastritis, -- xyqHJI (see xyqHJI), -- wyyc gastric juice XO,n; XO,n; HH33X to giggle (child) XOEP 1. two, -- aMTaH double-barrelled, -AyryHT two-wheeler, motor-bike, -- 333PA one's two feet, -- napasr xOOPOHA round the clock, -ayrarraa amphibian, -- HyypT two-faced, xoepryH C3IT3JI33P without a second thoug ht, XOepTbIH TOOJIJIbIH CHCTeM binary system, -TYYJIaH X90C9H aHqHH XOOCOH XO~OPHO to fall between two stools, -- Y3YYPT3H 3YY troublemaker, -- xoepoopoo by twos, xoepbIH -- two, two whole, xoepsm XOOpOHA between ... and ... , OHA xoepsnr XOOpOHA between the two of us; [xoepsm XOOpOHA rypssra AYHA) sort of, half and half, -- X3JIT3H bilingual, -- HC canax (-- HC xarauax] to get (something) over and done with; to give bi rth, to be del ivered, § Ilopac OMA -Dorj and I 2. twice, XOHb -- T9JIYYJI3X to get a sheep to lamb twice

XOEPMXb second, -- OAOP Tuesday XOEP,n;MOll dual, -- yITaTaH equivocal, -XapbHaJIaJI dual citizenship XOEP,n;OPI secondary XOEP,n;OX 1. to be divided, to be mixed, CaHaJI -- (C3IT3JI --) to be of divided opinion, xoepnoa rypasnaa at sixes "and sevens, ina mudd Ie, perplexed 2. to be doubled

XOEP,n;OXb (see xoepnaxs] XOEP,n;YfAAP second, -- Max second-grade meat, -- cap February, -- TOM XOT the second biggest city, -- cl>POHT H33X to open a second front

XOEP,n;YfAAPT secondly, -- TaBHrAax to take second place

XOEP,n;YYllAX 1. to divide 2. to double XOEPllOX 1. to divide in two 2. to double, to make two of

XOEPOll duet, duo XOEPT secondly XOEPXOH just two XOEPQ second (mus.) XOEYll both, the two, MOHrOJI XHTClA xoeynann in both Mongolia and China

XOEYllAA (see xoeyn] XOEYllXAH just the two


XO)KfOP 1. bald 2. scabby XO}KfOP,n;OX to go bald, to lose one's hair XO}KfOPTqX (see XO~OPAOX) XO~OX to be late, to be too late, to be late for, to miss, § OHA 3H3 eCJIOJIOOC TaB XOHor XOBrnA*33 we were five days late for this ceremony

XO}KHf,n;Oll defeat, -- XYJI33X to accept defeat XO}KHf,n;OX to lose, to be defeated XO}KHfHOX (see xopsorraox] XO}KHll win, victory, -- asax to win XO}KHM late, later, aherwards, -- M3AB3JI as was learned later, -- XOHHO later, aherwards, -XOHTbIH TOpOJI a later rebirth, -- XOHq the future XO}KHM,IJ;Oll lateness, tardiness XO}KHM,IJ;OO in the future XO}KHM,IJ;OX to be late, to be too late, to be late for, to miss, uar XOBrnMAoxryHr33p XHHX to do in good time, § sa OH XHq33JIA33 -- Hb well, I'll be late for my lesson

XO}KHM,n;YYllAX to delay, to make late XO}KHX to win, to gain, uar -- to gain time, uar -- apra a device to gain time XO}KMOO (see XOBrnM) XO}l{MbIH later (ad() XO}l{OO profit, gain XO}KOOTOH profitable, advantageous XO}l{YY late, later, -- OOJITOJI for a long time to come, -- r3pJI3JIT late marriage, -- XOHHO later, OIOy" yxaaHbI -- XOrBrnJIT3H late developer XO}l{YYfHHH later (adj.) XQ}KYYll tree-stump, stump, ypraa -- standing stump

XO}KYYXAH 1. lately 2. a little later X03ll0X to circumcise XOHf peninsula, 3H3TX3r XHTaAbIH -- IndoChinese peninsula

XOHfYYP Li, northwards, to the north ii, back, backwards 2. behind, OHAHHH -- behind us 3.i. in the absence of, r3pHHH 33HHH 33ryH -- when the master of the house is not there, qOHOaJICaHr 33ryH -- in the a bsence of C hoi ba Isan ii. oher XOHfYYPXH to the north of (adj.) XOH,n; 1. north, -- 3yr northwards 2. back, rear, -- aas (see aas], -- r3p3JI rear light (auto.), -X9JI back leg, -- 3X (see 3X I.1.), ..., 3~3r (see 3~3r) 3. later, to come, -- AYP reincarnation (of a high lama), -- Hac the life to come, future birth, future existence

xoanox I.

2. a little to the XOHXOH (see XOHxHO) midday


xoanox I. oherbirth.


xoanox 11.1.

in the north 2. which is behind, which is at the back, which is otter. ,. Hb the one behind

XOHJIrO a death-escort of servants, animals,

etc., buried son (hist.)

with the body of a high-ranking per-

XOHJIrOJIOX to provide a death-escort, to bury (something) with the dead

XOHq next, following, future, later, XOHQOO OO,QOOPOH watch your step!, just you look out!, XOHQHHr 3aJIraM1KJIax to follow, to succeed, ,. HP33,QyH the future, posterity, ,. ye next generation, future generation, ,. yeHHHX3H members of the future generation

XOHqHHH (see xoAq) XOHIII 1. behind, otter, TYYH33C ,. aher that, YYH33C ,. in future, from now on, ,. yparwaa backwards and forwards; from north to south


2. otter the death of, 3~r33C33 ,. aher the death of his father 3. back, behind, ,. cyyx to sit back,

XOHJIJIOrOJIOX (see xOHJIroJIox) XOHJIOr Snowcock, Tetraogallus, AnTaHH ,. Altai Snowcock, T. altaicus, AxHYHa ,. a species of Snowcock (found in Gobi-Altai aimag, also known as XOHJIOmHH xaan]

XOHMOP the back or honoured part of the tent behind the hearth

XOHMCOH 1. double, two-strand, § X3P3B ,. q9,Q9P XHHx OOJI Q9,QPHHH CYMblr xoepoop, rypasrcaa OOJI rypaaap MyWm1K XHHH3 two strands are twisted together to make the shah of a two-strand hobble, three to make the shah of a three-strand hobble 2. two-part, ,. pOMaH novel in two parts



1. north 2. behind, XYHHH ,. opox to be

lazy, to be easygoing, to slack, ,. 9MH9 ryHX to go from pillar to post, ,. XOHHOOC Hb one aher the other 3. later 4. since, seeing that, as, § nar HHM OOJICOH ,. that's the way things are

1. from the north, ,. yparw from north to south 2. from behind, behind, otter. § MHHHH


,. OHTmH C31T3JI 30BOOPOH don't worry about me

to shirk, a1KHJI X9,Q9JIM9P99C ,. cyyx to shirk work, ,. TaBHX to put off, to postpone; to put by, X3,Q3H apnaa 1KHJI33P ,. TaBHX to postpone for several decades, ,. XHHX to put by 4. on account of, as a result of, as, since S. northwards 6. next, ,. 9rJI99 next morning

XOHIII,IJ;OO (see XOHWu,n) XOHIII,rJ:OX to be too for back XOHIII,IJ;bIH future, later XOHlliH,IJ; ofter, later, in the future XOHlliHJI,IJ;OX (XOHWHJI,QOH Q9,Q9PJI9X) to hobble (a horse) in the reverse way (by hobbling the two back legs and one front leg)

XOHlliJIOr,IJ;OX to be deferred, to be postponed, XOHWJIOr~OH caarax to be held back, to be delayed

1. to be deferred, to be postponed, to be put back, to be put off, to be adjourned, to be later 2. to go northwards, to move northwards, 9MH99C ,. TyTaM the further one goes from south to north


XOHHOX following, the following

XOHlliJIYYJIAJI deferment, postponement

XOHPrO I. lazy, laggard, sluggish


XOHPrO II. Potaninia (bot.), MOHrOJI ,. (XYJIaH

,.) P. mongo/ica XOHPrOq lazybones, slacker XOHPrOIIIHX to slack, to hang back


to postpone, to put

xonmnvvmnrva urgent, pressing, top-priority XOHlliOO 1. northwards, towards the north 2. backwards, ,. oaH back off!, ,. OOJIOOPOH move back!

XOHPor (see Xoapro II.)

1. to defer,

2. to push back, to push northwards


later on, in the future

XO:frnIXH otter. subsequent

xoar (see XO~)

xonr M9C9H ~A:ft: Arctic Ocean

XOHIllXOH a little later, a little aher

XOHTOH (,. 1KHJI) next year, the next year, the year olter. the following year, ,. HaMap the following autumn, XOHTHbI ,. the year otter next

XOKKEffqHH hockey-player


(see Xo~OX II.), § Hac oaparq,nbm

XOHTOXbIr YHWHX to perform a service for the departed

xonr T3Hr3C North Sea XOHXHO

1. a

little oiter, Y~33C

XOKKEH hockey, M9CHHH ,. ice-hockey XOJI distant, for, for off, ,. oo~ororyH shortsighted, lacking vision, ,. OHp distance, how for, ,. X3BT3H3 for from it, not on your life, XOJIblr X3M1KHrq range-finder XOJIliH off, to one side, ,. YCP3H yaax to slip off


a little otter

XOJIliHJI30X to rock, to sway


XOllliHll3YYJIAX to waggle, 60rcoo - to waggle one's bottom

XOllliHllOX to allow or cause to slip to one side XOllliHPOX to slip, to slip off, to slip to one side, XOJI6HPOH ynax to slip off XOllliHQHX (see XOJI6HpOX) XOllliO (see XOJI6H) XOllIiOr,n;MOll joined, connected XOlllior,n;ON party, individual concerned XOllIiOr,n;Oll connection, relationship, alOYJI OCOM - 6yxHH involved in an accident XOlllior,n;OllT connected, related XOlllior,n;ox to be connected with, to be concerned with, to be implicated in, YYHT3H xOJI60r~OH in this connection, in connection

with this

XOllIiOr,n;WllAH in connection with, yyHT3H in this connection, in connection with this


XOllliOOCTOH linked, connected, joined, tied together

XOllliOOTOH 1. (see XOJI60OCTOH) 2. engaged (gears), TOITMOJI - permanently engaged XOllliOOTOH ally XOllliOOl.lHH signaller XOllliOX to join, to unite, to link, to connect, TOJIrOH - (see TOJIroii), - 3~ connective tissue (anat.)

XOllliOU rhyme, alliteration, cYYJI - rhyme, TOJIrOH - olliterction XOllro,n;oc callus XOllrOllT rubbing, chafing XOllrox to rub, to chafe, to rub sore, § XOJIOO XOJIro1K, XOJICOO rapraac worki ng one's fingers to the bone

XOllIiOr,n;WllAX to implicate, to involve XOllIiOr,n;WJDK (see xOJI60r~YYJIaH) XOllliOrO iron ornament on a shaman's costume, § - Hb 600 y~raHbI OMcrOM lIHM3r 60JIrOCOH, ~yH~aa XOMHH XyHJICaH TOMOP 10M

XOllrYH not far, not distant, not further, T3M33C

the - is a piece of rolled-up iron, hollow inside, decorating the costume of male and female shamans

XOJI)J;YYJIAX 1. to move away, to remove, to move apart, to part, to separate, § 3aiimii Hb X3T XOM}'YJI}K, oiiPTYYJDK 6oJIoxryH the dis-

XOllIiOJI)J;OX to be related, to be connected XOllliOllT connection, coupling, linkage, YCHbI - plumbing, u;aXHJIraaHbI - wiring XOllliOO 1. connection, contact, ~HCKHH clutch (auto.), ~HCKHH - canrax to declutch, 6apHx to get into contact (with), - X3JIX33 bonds, connections 2. (- CyJI633) alliance, union 3. communications, signals, YTCaH - telephonic communication, XOJI600HbI CHCTeM communications system, XOJI600HbI CYMaH signals company (mil.), - xapannaa communications, - xapanuaaasr uryrasr CyJDK33 communications network, XOJI600HbI X3p3rC3JI communications equipment 4. coupling (mech.), 300JIOH - soh coupling, flexible coupling, xaTYY - rigid coupling S. poem, rhyme, verse, - yr (- urvnsr] poem in couplets or stanzas, WYJI3N rhymster XOllliOO)l{YYllAX to provide with communi-

tance apart must not be made too great or too small 2. to distract, anxaapnsrr - to distract the attention


XOllliOOHhI federal, - Iiyr~ Haapasmax I'epxaa YJIC Federal Republic of Germany, MOP~OH 6aHu;aax TOBlIOO Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA) XOllliOOC 1. link, tie, connection 2. tie, slur (mus.), uryrassaa - beam (of notes) (mus.) 3. (yr) conjunction (gram;) 4. coupling

- not far from there

XOJI)J;OX to move away (from), to leave, to get away (from), to go tar away, to be at a distance

XOllEP cholera XOllHfl.I mixer XOllHJI)J;OX to mingle (with), to be mixed (with), to get mixed up, to get muddled up

XOllHJI)J;WJIAX to mix up, to put together XOllHMor 1. mixture, 6aHH - rich mixture (auto.), ~yy - weak mixture (auto.) 2. mixed, - oii mixed forest, - T3}K33JI mixed feed, XOprOJDKHH - T3}K33JI mixed pellet feed, XOOJI mixed dish (meat with cereals and vegetables, cereals with milk foods), - 3~HiiH sacar mixed economy

XOllHMOll mixed, blended XOllHO mixture, blend, blending, XOJIHOH 6aHTaH muddle, mess, conlusion. XOJIHOH 6aHTaH xyrrax to make a mess of things, XOJIbU;TOii adulterated XOJIHOX to mess up, to make a mess of XOllHX 1.(xOJIb}K xyrrax] i. to mix ii. to mix up, to confuse 2. to gather (sheets) (xyl.) 3. to shuffle (cards)

XOllTrox to remove, to distance, to separate XOllTllOX to break off, to abrade




XOJILqrOH mixed with, with admixtures, with additions, adulterated

XOJITOC bark (of tree), cortex XOJITOCJIOr cortical, TapXHHbI - naaxapraa cortex of the bra in

XOJITOCJIOX to debark (a tree), to strip off the bark

XOJIbIH distant, far off (adr), - oapaa xapax to look into the distance

XOM I. fat alongside a camel's humps, - cyyx to develop such fat

XOM II. felt saddle-pad for a camel, - oaMoaH (- mar] pack-saddle for a camel

XOJITPOJIT abrasion XOJITPOX to crumble away, to peel off

XOMlioro leather sack

XOJITCOH Q3Q3r Buttercup, Ranunculus, XOpT - Celery-leaved Buttercup, R. sceleratus, XOJITCOH ~3~rHHH osor (XOJITCOH ~3~3IT3H)

XOMliorop (see XOMOOH)

Buttercup Family, Ranunculaceae

Xonyyp distant far, away, § TYYH33C - saax to keep away from it

XOMIiOHJIrOX to bring to a point, to make into a cone

XOMIiOH conical, frustum-shaped, narrowing towards the top


XOJIXH distant, far off (adr)

XOMIiOPOH (- xaax] a throwing game using

XOJIXHBq bearing (mech.), rynrax - [ryncax -) bush bearings, ~OMOOH - (OHXpOX -) roller bearings, YH,D;C3H - main bearing, YPJI9H - ball-



XOJIXHHX to slosh around, to gurgle ing shoes without socks or stockings, § XO~OO



lOaraBq - yrJI81K33

she had slipped her bare feet into white, highheeled bootees

XOJIXHX 1. to work loose, to wobble 2. to walk to and fro, to ramble, to wander about fidget, to be on edge

XOMrOJI30X to be greedy, to be covetous XOMrop slender, running to a point XOMHOX (nM33 -) to put a pack-saddle on a

XOJIXHH,IJ;Or with no socks or stockings, wearO~OP

ankle bones

3. to


XOMoHx to be squeezed in, to be narrownecked, to narrow

XOMOOJI horse-dung, -

xaxax to be out-


XOMOOH commune XOMOP (see XOBOp)

XOJIXOHX to be paunchy


XOJIIJ;OPXOH bare patch, chip


XOJIIJ;POX to peel off, to come away


XOJIIJ;PYY chap (on skin) XOJIIJ;PYYTAX to be chapped XOJIq 1. (- oOMoroTOH) far-sighted, thoughtful

2. far-ranging, covering a long distance, with staying power (horse), - OOpqJIOJIT far-reaching changes, - xapsaas an archer able to shoot a great d istance

XOJIqJIOX to go a long way, to travel afar

1. hunt-circle, circular battue 2. round-up, XOMOprOH,D; opox to get implicated

XOMPOrOJIOX to round up, XOMpOrOJIOH OapHBqJIaX to make mass arrests XOMC






caaaaxanraap - lacking initiative, poorly motivated, § 3X Hb caans cyyr33p - 001TO a camel calf whose mother is lacking in milk

XOMC,IJ;OJI 1. deficiency, scantiness, oapaaHbI -

shortage of goods


mental deficiency,

XOJIbQ 1. mixture, § xyx3pJI3r TOMOp OOJI OHlO xapaa XHMHHH H3r~3JI MOH sulphide of

XOHrOH - feeble-mindedness, XYH~ - idiocy,

iron is not a mixture but a chemical compound 2. admixture, impurities, adulteration, XOOJIHbI - vegetables, etc., added to a meat dish 3. alloy

XOMC,IJ;OX to decrease, to decline, to become

XOJIbQrYH unmixed, pure, CnHpTHHH - non-alcoholic


XOJIbIJ;OO (see XOJIb~) XOJIbQOOrYH (see XOJIb~ryH) XOJIbQOOJI,IJ;OX to be mixed (with), to be combined (with)

X~3Bnp - imbecility

XOMC,IJ;OJIT (see XOMC~OJI) scarce, to become rare

XOMC,IJ;YYJIAX to reduce, to make rare XOMCTrOX to cut down, to reduce XOMCTOX (see XOMC~OX) XOMCXOH

1. pretty rare,

few and far between

2. lacking, deficient in, short of, xansuaap calcium-deficient

XOMYT (see XOMyyT) XOMYYT horse-collar XOMXOH (- xonnor] greedy, rapacious, grasping XOMXOHPOJI greed, rapacity XOMXOHPOX to be greedy, to be rapacious, to be grasping

XOMXOHPXOX (see XOMXOHpOX) XOMXPYY I. scurf XOMXPYY II. (see XOMXPYYC) XOMXPYY,IJ;AC husks XOMXPYYC husks, scales on a grass spikelet XOHfHJI 1. hollow (n.), MO~HbI - hollow of a tree 2. cave, ravine, gorge 3. passage, corridor 4. tunnel

XOHfHHOX to ring (intrans.) XOHfHHYYP bell-like hanging of metal on a shaman's costume

XOHfHO 1. hollow 2. tube 3. cartridge, - xasrs cartridge extractor

XOHrHO AMYY Wild Oat, Avena fatua XOHro I. the back of the thigh XOHro II. the hollow of a saddle-bow which fits the horse's back

XOHro,IJ;OX to grab by the back of the thigh (wrestling)

XOHfOP I. dear, nice, pleasant, c3pyyH - CaJIXH a pleasant cool wind, - MHHb my dear, § 3M3IT3H XyHHH 300JIOH - ~yy the soft gentle voice of a woman

XOHrop II. light bay (horse), - aspara light bay stallion; stocks ·for holding a person by the hands and feet (hist.) (a/so TYHTPara, xowyyp)

XOHfOP3AJIAA Serratu/a (bot.) XOHrOP3YJI 1. Knapweed, Star Thistle,

Centaurea 2. O/gaea /eucophylla 3. Echinops Gmelinii (a/so MOPHHbI YPYYJI) XOHfOPfOX [xoaroproa urapranrax. xonropron nrapnax] to turn yellow XOHrOP:Qor 1.1. capsule, capsular fruit, HaMYY ~3~rnHH - capsule of the poppy 2. bunch, cluster

XOHrOP:Qor II. (see Tapsaraa illHHp) XOHrOPillHX to turn yellow, XOHropIIIHH raanax to yellow and wither XOH)]; I. spring and autumn shelter for small livestock, spread with droppings

XOH)]; II. red lead XOH)];JIOH rump, croup XOH)];JIOHBq breeching (harness) XOH)];JIOX to settle on a xonn I.



xOH)];oro I. a half-sumun (in Manchu times)


xonnoro II. ticket, tag xOH)];OrO III. hitching post for horses XOH)];OH (see xynnaa] XOIDKBOP prize, win, winnings, XOHJKBOpbIH rompOJI winning numbers (in a lottery) XOIDKHH master of ceremonies at an Ordos wedding ceremony

XOIDKHX to gain, to win, to profit XOIDKOO [aurar -) gain, profit, - OJIOrti (XaHrtI) profiteer XOIDKOOq gainer XOH30rHOrq revanchist (po/it.) XOH30rHOX to bear a grudge, to revenge oneself

XOH30H revenge, XOH30Hroo asax to take one's revenge

(Tib. khon-'dzin)

XOH30HTOH vengeful XOHHH 3A)KHJIrAHA (see XOHHH 3a}KJIyyp) XOHHH 3A)KJIYYP Toadflax, Linaria XOHHH 3YPX (see 3ypX3H ~3~3r) XOHHH HY,IJ; 1. Aster (see rOJI-r3c3p) 2. Inu/a

britannica (see 300CoH~3~3r) XOHHH 3B3P (see XYBHJIaHrH) XOHJIHH Lagotis (bot.) XOHor 1.1. a day and a night, twenty-four hours, ~OJIOO - (see ~OJIoo), ~OqHH eCOH - the fortynine days after death, 01TOH - the period of plentiful dairy produce, WHHr3H - the period when animals are justcoming into milk, - oapax to spend one's days, to waste one's time, rapax to begin to eat dairy produce in spring, - T90PYYJI::lX to idle away the time, - xopoox to kill time, - XOOJIrox to perform services on behalf of the departed during the forty-nine days following death, - xyranaa time, - xyrauaa OOJI30X to fix a time, xoaoroo xyJI33X to await one's end, to be near one's end, § XOHornHH roo ryH~31K oaHHa his days are numbered 2. a night's lodging

XOHor II. degree (geog., etc.) XOHor III. notch, slot, socket, keyway, groove, channel, T31K33JIHHH - battery compartment XOHOrliY,IJ;AA Bristle-grass, Setaria, Horooa Green Bristle-grass, S. viridis XOHOrHHH 1. daily, - XOOJI daily food, X3p3r~33 daily requirements 2. - HaCTaH dayold (chick)



XOHOrJIOX to pass the night XOHOrOBQ cell (bee) XOHOIT daily, per diem XOHONHHH a day's, H3r - rasap a day's journey

XOHormHX [canaaan -, C3Tr3m:. -) to stick in one's mind, to become imprinted on the mind

XOHOX to pass the night, XOHOH OIDKllX to stop, to stop over, to spend the day, to stay overnight, § xoep XOHor XOHOH OIDKllH cyyx to wait around for two days and nights

XOHOIJ; overnight visitor, guest, ypHJIraryH uninvited guest

XOHTOOP office (Russ.) XOHT lliAAHT shin, shin-bone, tibia XOHYYJIAX to leave overnight or for a whole day, the let someone spend a night or a whole day

XOHYYP hutch XOHYYT (- OH1KYYT) a whole day and night, overnight

XOHX.I. bell, - nyyrapas« nasrap Hb Tar disorganized, chaotic, XOHXOH X3JI03pnH bellshaped, campanulate, - ~OXHX to ring a bell

XOHX II. (- eHX OOJITOJI) completely, absolutely, to nothing XOH~OX to ring, rang

§ yrac XO~OB the phone

XOHXHrop emaciated, haggard XOH XHHX to ring XOHXHHX to get haggard, to get drawn XOHXHJI30X to be surly, to be ill-tempered XOHXJIOH 1. Adenophora (bot.) 2. Lily of the Valley,


XOHXOHllrox to hollow out, to dent XOHXOHJIOX (see XOHXOHJIrox) XOHXOHllCOH hollowed out, concave XOHXOHX 1. to be dented, to be pushed in, to be hollow, to be concave, to be sunken, to get hollow, to fall in, § XOXHHH TOB'I Hb noronnoo xoaxoaac OpCOH oaH~ar the nipple becomes inverted 2. to get one's head down

XOHXOll30X to fall in, to be concave, r3~3C to feel hungry

XOHXOHIJ;3IJ;3f Bellflower, Campanula, liar Clustered Bellflower, C. glomerato, lli33p3Hr3HaB'IHT - C. Turczaninovii XOHXOP 1. hollow (n., adj.), anransr - (see anra I.), - ry~r3p (- osrop] humps and hol-

lows, - eaxop (- XOTrOP, - ~OHXOp) hollows 2. (- rasap] depression (ge09.), Hx HYYPbIH rasap the Great Lakes Depression (of western Mongolia) 3. socket (of a joint)

XOHXOPXOH 1. hollow, depression, dent 2. hollow


XOHXOPXYY bell-shaped, camponulate XOHXOPQor (see xonropnor I.) XOHXOTXAPfAHA Halimodendron (bot.) (also QHHr3JI) XO~

(see XOHO~)

liO,IJ;hC~ the Avalokiteshvara or Guanyin



XOHIIIOOP 1. muzzle, snout, beak 2. toe (of a boot)

XOHh 1. sheep, XOHHH XOJIOOO chain-stitch; a type of chain-knot used for securing sheep, -

'IOHO enemies 2. concave face of an anklebone XOHhqlfH shepherd XOHh1JJIOH like a sheep, as with sheep, - OOOX (- xyJI3X) to tie the hands and feet, to bind up, - xapHyJIax to herd like sheep XOOliHH hobby XOOBfOH Caddis-flies, Trichoptera XOOBrOp conical XOOBOH brazier, stove, heater, ~aXHJIraaH electric heater


XOOll 1. food, - OOJIOBCPOJIT digestion, OOJIOBCPYYJIax to digest food, - OOJIOBcpyyJIaX 3aM diqestive tract, - OOJITOJI WHHP syraa to stave off one's hunger; to while away the time (before an event), - oyy~ax to scrounge a meal, - 300N waiter, XOOJIHbI M3pr3}KHJIT3H dietician, XOOJIOH~ opox to go in to eat, XOOJIHbI caa (XOOJIHbI TYJIaM) greedy guts, glutton, T31K33JI food, - T31K33JIHHH 3yHJI foodstuff, T31K33m:.33 opox to take nourishment, XOOJIHbI xopnnoro food-poisoning, - xow (- XyHC) food, provisions, eatables, - WHHr3JIT digestion, § OPCOop - }'H.r(HbI X3JIT3H speaking kitchen Russian 2. meal, OpOHH - dinner, supper, OrJIOOHHH - breakfast, O~PHHH - (Y~HHH -) lunch 3. course, xoepnyraap - second course

XOOllliOH a call addressed to sheep XOOJIliOHllOX to call sheep by calling XOOJIOOH XOOllnOllT feeding xoonnox 1. to eat, to feed, to take food 2. to feed


XOOJInyyJIAX to feed, to get (someone) fed xoonon 1. throat, MoroopCOH - (see Moroopc), yJIaaH - gullet, oesophagous, - 3acax to clear

one's throat, - 9B~OX to have a sore throat, ceex to get hoarse 2.i. voice, - M3~3H at the top of one's voice ii, voice, part (mus.), naa XOOJIOHH unison (ad(), OJIOH XOOJIOHH polyphonic 3. broad valley between mountains 4. channel, strait, straits, IBopaJITapHHH Straits of Gibraltar, JIa-MaHwHHH - English Channel 5. pipe, tube, duct, hose

XOOJIOHBQ of the tent

1. necklet 2.

neck of the felt door

XOOJIOHPXYY tubular XOOJICor fond of one's food XOOJIillHX to be assimilated (food)


to be hasty, to be flippant, to be superficial, to be insincere

XOOMOH superficial, frivolous, false XOOPMor a drink made by mixing rapar or aapar with milk XOOPMOrJIOX to make xoopssor XOOPOH)J; between, xoep YYJIbIH - between two mountains, 3H3 - meanwhile, § xoopOImOO HpHB they were talking to each other, T3lK33JIHHH yracnsr Y3YYPYY~HHr - Hb caHH TYcraapJIaHa keep the ends of the leads well apart from each other XOOPOH)J;OX between XOOPOH)J;YYP 1. between, along between 2. while, - Hb (T3p - as] meanwhile

XOOPOH~ between, YYJICbIH - X9H~HHHYY~ the valleys between the mountains XOOPOH)J;bIH 1. mutual, - XapHJI:Qaa mutual relations 2. between, aJICbIH :Q3ryy.QHHH - 3aH distance between extreme points 3. inter, 3acrHHH raaap - oara xypan intergovernmental conference




take thought for, aMHa - to take care of numberone

xoou;rOH hermaphrodite XOP 1. poison, toxin, xynraasr - rat poison, 3yH (- cY.QJIaJI) toxicology, - 3yHH (CY.QJIaJIbIH) toxicological 2. damage, harm, alOYJI dan_gers, - r3MrYH harmless, - HOJI99 harmful effect, XOpOH caaaa malice, XOpOH caaaar malicious, - ypunrr harm, harmful effect, dangerous consequences, - ypunrr TapHX to do harm, to do damage, XOPbIH YH~CHHr TaCJIaX to cut off the roots of evi I, to subdue, - XHHX to harm, - xOJIoor.QoJI (XOXHpOJI, - X9H90JI) harm, damage, XOHOOJIryH OOJIrOX to render harmless, to defuse (bomb), - X9H90JIT harmful, - xvprsx to harm, to damage, XyHHH 3pyyJI M3Jm3~ xvprsx to damage people's health 3. chemical, r3p3JI 3yprHHH TO~PYYJIaf'll - photographic developer 4. a spirit supposedly distilled five times, that is, from XOp3 5. (- wap) annoyance, vexation, jealousy, - oY:QaJIrax (- Maa}KHX, MaJITax) to annoy, to provoke, to upset, to spite, - XO.QJIOX to get jealous, to get irritated XOPBOO [xaa -, - epT9H:Q) world, XOpBOOrHHH ec the way of all flesh, xopaoorana MOHX oycblr Y33X [xopnoor OpXHH O~OX, xopsoorooc XaJIHX, - epT9H:Q90C XaJIHH oaox] to go the way of all flesh, to pass away, to die, XOpBOOrHHH TOOC XO~OJIrox (see TOOC X9~OJIr9x), XOPBOO~ XOBOpXOH, epT9H:QO~ X99pXOH the pretti est in the world (liter.) (Tib. 'khor-ba) xopro 1.1. case, WHJI3H - glass case, glass tank, xoproroa ~3H lantern 2. chamber, xaraax - drying chamber (for wood, etc.) 3. (- H9M9P, - XaJIXaBq) shelter

XOOP XOOPOH)J;bIH [xoop nyanaa] between each other, amongst each other, with each other

xorro II. fat (n.)

XOOCJIOX 1. to empty out exhaust 3. to ruin

xOprO,n;OMTrOH clinging, attracted to, drawn to


to use up, to

XOOCOH 1. empty, void, - oYYHaac XOpHH XyH aHHa to be led up the garden path, - ryHJIT empty run (lorry, etc.), - sypaac blank, empty space, - XOHOX to go to bed hungry, - :Q33lK raprax to swagger, - xanap the Void, Emptiness (sunyata) (Buddh.), - HpHX to rant, to talk rot 2. poor, - HOHTOH poor, miserable 3. for nothing, in vain XOOCPOJI impoverishment XOOCPOX 1. to become empty 2. to get poor, to become impoverished XOOCPYYJIAX to make poor, to impoverish XOOXOHllOX to look otter, to take care of, to

xopro,n;oo (see xoprO~OMTrOH) xopro,n;ox 1. to shelter, to take refuge, - oaHp bunker, shelter, - 3pX right of asylum 2. to be drawn, to be attracted, to be kept, to be attached, OOTrOImOO - to be attached to its calf (camel) xopro,n;ou; refuge, shelter

xorron brocade XoprOJI droppings in small pellets (camel, sheep), T3M33HHH - camel pellets, XoprOJIOO TOOJICOH stingy, niggardly XoprOJI)K I. lead (metal.), XOprOJDKHH YC3r metal type, letter-press



XOPHf,IJ;OJI prisoner, captive, detainee

XOPfOJI)K II. pellet, T3}K33JIHHH .. feed pellets, XOprOJI}KHH T3}K33JI pellet feed XOPfOM}l{ case, WHJI3H .. glass case XOPfO~ alluring, enticing, deceptive

1. to badger, to pester, to keep on at, to put upon 2. to hold up, to keep at bay, to block [sorneone's] way


XOPHfJIOX 1. to forbid, tOlrohibit, to ban, XOpHrJIOCOH rasap prohibite area 2. [xoparJIOH xaxraanax] to protect, to defend, .. oaHMaaH (see oaHMaaH), xyynaap XOpHrJIOH ~apXaJICaH urysyy birds protected by law XOPHH basic territorial division of a town (hist.)

XOPfOX to hang around, to stay put

1. prohibition, restriction, ban, .. IJ;33P ban, .. IJ;33P rorroox to ban, to place a ban on, .. IJ;33PT3H forbidden 2. confinement, imprisonment, arrest, r3pHHH .. house-arrest


XOPfO:U;OX (see xopronox] XOPrYH harmless, non-poisonous, .. OOJIrOX to decontaminate, .. MorOH non-poisonous snake, .. 'IaHap innocuousness, non-virulence to


XOPHfJIOJITbIH defensive (ad() (mil.) (cf. ~aBWHJITbm), .. oaHp (.. OaHpJIaJI) defensive position

XOPfO~JIOX to mislead, to lead astray, to seduce, to beguile


XOPHfJIOJIT 1. prohibition 2. defence, defensive (mil.), XOpHrJIOJITO~ opox to go on the





XOPHO,IJ; twenty odd, twenty or so, .. OHbI ye the twenties

XOPrYiITf3JI decontamination

XOPHOTOH forbidden, prohibited, proscribed, .. oyc exclusion zone, .. ye close season

X OP,IJ;JIOf0 1. poisoning, XOOJIHbI .. food poisoning, .. eB'IHH toxaemia 2. contamination

XOPHYJI quarantine, XOPHYM opyynax to put into quarantine, .. IJ;33P ban



XOP,IJ;OX I. to be poisoned, .. ~OH toxicomania XOP,IJ;OX II. to be jealous XOP,IJ;YYJIAPI toxic, .. OO~HC toxic substance, .. XHH poison gas XOP,IJ;YYJIAJIT






XOP,IJ;YYJIAX 1. to poison, to harm, xop~YYJIaH anax to kill by poisoning, .. OO~HC poisonous substance, .. sanan toxicity 2. to treat (with a chemical) (seeds before planting, etc.), xopnyyJIaH OH'IHX to make a carbon copy

1. clinking, rattling gurgling, murmuring (water, etc.)


1. to clink, to rattle to gurgle, to murmur (water, etc.)


2. burbling,



11.1. rattle burbling, murmuring

to burble,

2.i. clinking,

(bot.), rattling

XOP3 a spirit supposedly distilled four times, that is from uraps prohibition, restriction, TOJIrO~OO .. restive (horse), .. apr a X3M}K33 sanctions, .. apra X3M}K33r asax to impose sanctions, .. TaBHX to veto, .. XH3raapJIaJIT (.. IJ;33p) limitation, restriction 2. barrier, .. caan obstruction, obstacle, xynannaama .. caan trade barrier, .. T3~3r cordon 3. shot, pain-killer, .. TaBHX (.. XHHx) to give a pain-killer




1. harmful,




XOPJIOJI harm, damage, evil XOPJIOHTOH destructive, damaging

XOP}KHfHYYP I. Sphaerophysa Map3HbI .. s. salsula XOP}KHfHYYP

1. (XOPb}K uarnax] to imprison, to confine, to detain, .. aara (.. oaHp, .. rasap] place of confinement, ypb~'IHJIaH .. oaHp remand centre, .. oaHryyJIJIara prison service, .. JIarep prison camp; concentration camp, yxJIHHH .. narep death camp, .. epee cell, XOpHXOOC cYJIJIar~CaH XYMYYC persons released from confinement, .. xyapaa concentration camp, XOpb}K WHHTr3X to sentence to imprisonment, .. HJI imprisonment 2. to hold back, to restrain, HOXOH .. to hold back the dogs, to keep down the dogs (at a tent) 3. prison camp

1. to harm, to hurt, XOpJIOH OYCHHYJIax to sabotage, to wreck, XOpJIOH oycHHyJIaX a}KHJI HByyJIJIara subversive activities, XOpJIOH CYHTr3N saboteur, wrecker; pest, XOpJIOH CyHTr3X to sabotage, to wreck, XOpJIOH CYHTr3X a}KHJI sabotage, subversive activity 2. (aMb ..) to kill, aMHa .. to take one's own life 3. to poison


XOPMON apron

1. skirt (of a ~33JI, a dress, a mountain, etc.), ~OTOO~ .. the inner surface of the skirt of a Mongol gown, yp~ xopxoaroop xo~ xopxoaroo nexex to rob Peter to pay Paul, IJ;aMIJ;HbI .. shirt-taiI, XOpMOHH OOOJIT straps securing the skirt of the gown when riding, XOpMOHH oY3ap lechery, XOpMOHH rascyy~aJITaH sexual deviant, xopMoHroo rHUIr3C3H


(yp~ XOpMOHrOO rHwr3C3H) slovenly, XOpMOHH ~OH wyrJI3C3H always on the go, xopssoaroo ,[43BC3X to grovel, XOPMO~ Hb CaJIXH opox (XOpMOHH ~OH rycax, .. ~OH wyrJI3X) to be footloose; to be oversexed, XOpMOHH oaaroo blue joke, .. CYJITaH loose, abandoned, .. TOCOX to spread out the skirt (to catch something), .. XOT skirt (of a dress), xopssozroo lIHP3X to be slovenly, XOpMOHH HB~aJI fornication, sex 2. a skirtful, § .. HYYPCryH rasap a place without a skirtful of coal

XOPMOHBq skirt (of a piston) XOPMOMOX to grab by the skirt XOPMOHJIOX to fill one's skirts (with something), to have a skirtful (of something), § o~ XOpMOHJIOH with a skirtful of droppings xopor,n;OJI loss, decrease, 1KHHrHHH .. loss of weight, MaJIbIH 3yH OYCbIH .. improper loss of livestock, unproductive decrease in livestock,

YX3JI .. (MaJIbIH YX3JI ..) loss of livestock xopor,n;ox 1. to be reduced, to be cut down 2. (YX3LK .. ) to perish, MaJI .. HB~aJI loss of livestock



to reduce, to cut down, xopornyyncaa uaraap a1KHJIJIarll worker on short time 2. to have (one's livestock) perish, to let (one's livestock) perish

1.1. (.. 3p~3H3) wheel, wheel-jewel (Buddh.) 2. "wheel-pattern" (Tib. 'khor-Io)


XOPOJI II. name of a game with dominoes XOPOM moment, second, XOPMbIH syyp (H3r3H .. ) for a second, in a flash, .. MOll ~aJIryH without losing a moment, XOPMbIH TO~HH

xyrauaaan for a mere second XOPOMcoro bow-case XOPOMXOH 3YYP instantaneously, in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, for a moment

XOPOH venomous, .. yr venomous words XOPOH 3Ar (see Baranyyp]

1. pen, yard 2. camp, headquarters (of ruler) (hist.) 3. regiment (mi/.) 4. town-district


committee, ryH~3rr3x .. executive committee, OpOH C~ ry~aMLKHbI .. dwelling and street committee


XOPOOJIOJI 1. lamas' living area in a lamasery 2. district (in a town), OHlIHJI .. sub-district (Russ. MHKpopaHoH) rsp .. (r3pHHH .. ) tent-district, JIaTHH" Latin quarter, C~HbI .. (OpOH C~HbI .. ) residential area

XOPOOJIOX to enclose, to fence XOPOOM (see XpOM)

1. (aMb nacsrr .. ) to kill, to put to death, to murder 2. to reduce, to cut down, rasap .. to cover the ground




XOPOOIJ;TOH: rasap .. anxax to cover the





urasax] to crowd together (in hot weather) (sheep, etc.)

XOPOX II. to be reduced, to be cut down, 3aM .. to get well on the way

XOPC Aconite, Aconitum (a/so MaHlIHH), e~op .. A. exce/sum, Illap .. A. borbotum XopcrOJI resentment, outrage, grudge xopcrox 1. to offend, to annoy 2. to sting, to burn, to make sore

XOPCOJI (see xopcron]. .. OBOpJIOX to bear a grudge

XOPCOJITOH resentful, indignant XOpcoHrYH (see XOPCOJITOH)

1. to be indignant, to be angry, to feel resentful 2. to smart, to burn, to be sore, HY~ .. to have stinging eyes, XOpCOH OB~OX to hurt


XOPf poisonous, venomous, .. OO~HC poison, poisonous substance, toxin, .. MoroH venomous snake, .. caHaa perfidy, .. yprasran poisonous

(see xasnap] 1. poisonous, poisoned 2.

plant, .. xasnap


dangerous, harmful, .. HOJIOOJIOX to exert a harmful influence, HOX~OJI dangerous conditions 3. treated, .. xapaanaa (see xapaanaa], .. naac

(see uaac] XOPfOH I. pest, xeneo aLK aXyHH .. agricultural pests, .. M3P3rl1Jm destructive rodents, .. ycrrax OO~HC pesticide, .. waBb:>KYY~ insect pests XOPfOH II. roughness, blemish, flaw, xopronr

asax [xoproar apanrax] to remove the blemishes, to clean up

XOpyy 1~ virus 2. virulent, .. HOJIOO virulent effect, .. lIaHap virulence

1. oestrosis (a disease of sheep caused by grubs in the nasal cartilage) 2. a curse word addressed to a sheep


xopxor pieces of meat cooked by means of hot stones inside a sealed container

XOPXOrJIOX to prepare xopxor XOPXOH






[nyrapar .. ) Roundworms, Nematoda, rapxar .. ( uaraparr .. ) Segmented Worms, Annelida, ryw .. (TYY3aH ..) Tapeworms, r3~3CHHH .. [uaraan .. ) intestinal worms, cax .. Shrimp, Prawn, TOOll .. Caterpillar, ypr « "long worm", tabu name for a snake, XaBTraH .. Flatworms, Platyhelminthes, xanyyp » (xaHYYPbIH" ) leech, 3MH3JIrHHH xaHYYP .. leech, Hirudo medicino/is, XyLK" intestinal Roundworms, Ascaridae,


around the twentieth of May


XOPbTbIH MORrO twenty-mungu coin Xyp ..., Silkworm, XHJIraCaH ..., Threadworm, QOX ..., Beetle, r3p3JIT QOX ..., Firefly, WHMyyp .. (WHM3rl1) ..., internal parasite, worm, ..., apaa worm-wheel, XopXO~ xopryH quite harmless, ..., WaBb1K insects 2. appetite, desire, ..., XypM33P appetizing, ..., Xyp3X(..., rosroaox] to have one's desires aroused, to get keen on XOPXOHCOJI covetousness XOPXOHCOX to be keen on xOPxofITOH keen, TaMXH~ ..., addicted to smoking, WaTPbIH ..., keen on chess

XOC 1.1. a pair, a couple, 3aJIyy ..., a young couple, XOCOop a1KHJlJlax to work in pairs, ..., asrpar courting couple, .. ~aJIaB'ITaH Flies, Diptera, ..., sarac the "Two Fishes" (the yin and yang design), .. 3aJIyycJoung couples, ..., MOPbTOH np3r carriage .an pair, cart with two horses, ..., TOrJIOJlTbIH T3MQ33H doubles (table-tennis, etc.), ..., yHHra twin scrolls, parallel inscriptions, ..., ypHHH TaJIT yprasran (see yp 1.), ..., XOCOop (..., xocoopoo) in pairs, two by two, two at a time, ..., XO~OJIryypT OHrOQ twin-engined plane, ..., 3rWHr diphthong 2. dual, ..., aJKHJIJIaraaTaH dual purpose

xOPXOfITOH enthusiast, XOJIOOMOOrHHH ..., football fan

XOC II. (..., ranee] duodenum


XOCrYH unique, unequalled, unrivalled

1. to have worms, to be wormy, XY1K ..., to have roundworms, QaraaH .. to have intestinal worms 2. (wy~ ...,) to decay (teeth) 3. to get ill through eating too many ants (bear) 4. to be keen on

XOPXOHQOX to be keen XOPXOP ,IJ;yyrAPAX to ring, to tinkle (bell, etc.) XOpqrOP shrivelled, wrinkled XOpqHrHOX to murmur, to babble, to purl (water) XOpqHHx to shrivel, to be wrinkled XOPtIHH Khorchin (Inner Mongolian people) XOPillHJI 1. combination 3. duet (mus.)

2. co-operation,

XOPillHJIT (see XOPWHJI) XOPillHX 1. to mix 2. to combine, XOpWH1K ~JIax to sing along XOPillMOJI compound (adr), .. yr compound word XOPillOO 1. combined, compound, ..., yr compound word; a type of couplet with each line usually ending in the same word, .. 3Tr33~ accomplice 2. co-operative, co-operative shop, shop, ..., xynannaa shop XOPillOO)I{HJIT co-operativization

XOCJIOJI trousers

1. combination 2. set, top with skirt or

XOCJIOX to pair, to do or use jointly, to use in combination, to go together. § np3rHHH xoep apan M3T XOCJIOH HB1K oaHHa they go together like the two shahs of a cart, Wa1KHH T9pHHr XOCJIOH OapHr'I xaaar yJIC the dual theocratic monarchy of 1911 XOCJIYYJIAX to combine, to pair XOCMor linked XOCMOIDKJIOX to reduplicate (ling.) xoconMon combined XOT 1.1. (..., aHJI) group of tents, .. xapnax to be ruined, XOTOO xaPJIYYJIax to ruin oneself 2.i. (..., XYP33) town, ..., OaJIrac (see oanrac), .. ra3ap (..., OpOH) town, .. raspsm XYH town-dweller, townee, XOTbIH napra mayor, .. cyypaa (..., cyypan rasap] towns, settlements, .. CyypHH raspsm TOJIOBJIOJIT (..., T9JIOBJIOJIT) town planning, ..., CyypHHrHHH urban, ..., T9JIOBJION town planner, ..., XOOPO~bIH inter-urban, ..., XOopo~bIH 3aM inter-urban road, trunk road, ..., XOOPO~IH spaa long-distance phone-call, ..., xO~OOryH in town and country alike ii. the City, Ulaanbaatar 3. (..., xopoo) pen, fold, XOTHbI HOXOH guard-dog


XOT II. powder-flask

XOpmOOJIJIbIH co-operative (adj.)

XOTro pottery, earthenware

XOPillOOJIOrq co-operative member


XopmOOJIOJI co-operative (n.), YH~B3PHHH"" manufacturing co-operative, xenoe a1K aXyHH ..., agricultural co-operative

1. hollow, sunken 2. depression

(geog.), Hx HYPYY~bIH ..., the Great Lakes Depression (of western Mongolia), ..., ry,I:U"3P humps and hollows; relief (geog.)

XOPillOOJIOX to co-operativize

XOT}KHJIT urbanization

XOpmOOJICOH co-operativized

XOT}KHX to become urbanized

XOPb twenty, XOpHH yJIHpaJI 2.)


yJIHpaJI (see

XOPb,IJ; the twenties, TaB~yraap capsra XOPb~OOP

XOTHJI marmot cub in the second year XOTHP Zygophyllum (bot.) (a/50 IioTrOH Taaar, 333P3H Y~aa), Illap « Z. xanthoxy/on (a/50

HOXOH Illaspea], XOmpbIH OBOr Zygophyl-


laceae XOTJIOX 1. to be or to form a settlement or a group of tents 2. to come into a pen (livestock)

XOTJIYYJIAX to pen (livestock), to bring into a pen or enclosure, to fold

XOTHbI IiYf33X3H Little Owl, Athenenoctua XOTHbI ,n;3PC (see TyHX II.) XOTOH Leonurus (bot.), 3r3JI - Motherwort, L.

cardiaca XOTOHJIfOX 1. to bend in 2. to depress, to reduce

XOTOHJIT sagging, sag XOTOHX 1. to sag, to bend in 2. to decrease, to fall off

XOTOJI I. young elk (XaImraH), elk in the firstyear XOTOJI II. all, entire, rsp XOTJIOOpOO with one's whole family, - nasap far and wide, - ~3JIXHim the whole world over, - OJIOH all the people, everyone, all and sundry, - xouryy the whole banner, § xowyy XOTJIOOP ~OPOHTCOH 10M the banner had completely declined

XOTOJI30X to sag, to cave in XOTOH I. Pelican, Pe/econus, Bopnrop Dalmatian Pelican,

P. crispus

XOTOH 11.1. Khoton (west Mongolian people)


Chinese Muslim, Hui

XOTOPXOH duodenum XOTOC depression, dip (geog.) XOTOq HOXOH watch-dog, guard-dog XOTXOH small town, village, 6HeHHH TaMpbIH - athletics village

XO'fqJfJICOH urbanized XOTbIHXOH town-dwellers XOXH (see XOXb) XOXHfOP tall thin and curved XOXH,IJ;Of (see XOXHJI3YYP) XOXH,IJ;OX (see XOXHpOX) XOXHJI3YYP surly, unfriendly XOXHMOH (- TOJIroH) skull XOXHHOX to croak XOXHP (- HXHp) rough, brusque, surly XOXHPOrtI victim XOXHPOJI (- X9H99JI) harm, damage, loss, yxpyynax to harm, to damage, to cause damage, yJIC apnsnr a1K ax~ - yxpyynax to harm the national economy

XOXHPOJIfYH indemnified, protected, 6oJIrox to compensate, to indemnify XOXHPOJITOH harmful, detrimental, disadvantageous


XOXHPO~OO ruination

XOXHPOOX to harm, to damage XOXHPOX to lose, to suffer, to suffer loss, to be done down, to lose out, § MHHraH uspsr, orpanepoop XOXHpCOH they lost a thousand sold iers and offi cers

XOXHPYYJIAX (see XOXHpOOX) XOXOMOX to lament XOXTHOX to croak XOXb 1. loss, misfortune 2. fault, - qHHb it's your own fault, serve you right

3. alone,

all alone, -

TaH1K (see TaH1K) 4. quite, altogether, - OImOO quite different

XOQPOf,n;MOJI backward, retarded, - 6aimaJI backwardness, backward state, - opoa backward country

XOQPOf,n;OJI backwardness XOQPOf,n;OHrH (see xonpornoarya] XOQPOf,n;OHrYH laggard, backward XOQPOf,n;OX to be backward, to be lett behind, xonporncoa OPHYY~ backward countries, xouporncoa Y33JI canaa backward views XOQPOlITYH backward, retarded XOQPOCXHHX to lag XOQPOX 1. [xonopx YM3X) to be lett, to be lett behind, to stay, to lag, cypnaraap - to drop behind in one's studies, § 6He uranrraaraa XO~Opq33






60JIOBCPOJIryH XO~Opq33 they missed a higher education 2. to be slow (clock)

XOQPYYJIAX to delay, to make late XOQPYYXAH rather behind, lagging XOq (- H3p) nickname XOqJIOX 1. to slander, to calumniate, to defame, to deride 2. to nickname XO~OH nicknamed

xour I. food, provisions xom II. shush!, hush! XOrnfHPOJIT whistling (marmot) XOIIIfHPOX (see xowropox) XOIIIfO wooden spade XOIIIfOPOX to whistle (marmot) XOIIIfOPYYJIAX to get (a marmot) to sit up and whistle before shooting it

XOIIIHfHOJI humour, fun, joke, teasing XOIIIHfHOX to joke, to jest XOIIIHNHX (see xomropox] XOIIIHH humorous, funny, joking, - ~YYPb



operetta, comic opera, - JKY1KHr comedy, farce, - }Ky.>KHNHH comedian, comic actor, mor joke, humour, - mor sypar cartoon, caricature, - mor apaa anecdote, satirical tale, mON humorist

Xomyy,n: Khoshuud (West Mongolian people) XOmyyJI,n:AX to put diagonally, to put obliquely, opx - to half cover the roof-ring with the roof-flap XOmyyPAX to form a wedge, to move in a wedge-shape XOIllYYTAH Proboscidea

(zool.) - reaepan major-

XOmJIOH 1. strands braided or plaited together and sewn 2. girth-rope of a tent

Xomyyq 1. major (mil.), general 2. vanguard

XOmMOr trimming, edging (applied just in from the edge of a dress, etc.)

XomyyqrrAJI leadership

XOmMOrJIOX to trim, to edge, to finish xomHoro anus

XomyyqrrArq leader XomyyqJIAX [xouryysnaa MaHJIaHJIax) to lead, to spearhead. epreanen - to lead the world, XO~OJIMOP~HHr xouryyxnaa MaHnaHJIax to spearhead the workers, to be in the vanguard of the workers

XOmOH twice, double, - oaaTap twice declared a hero, - lIHH BaH prince of the first rank in Manchu times, - 3cPY husband of an imperial princess in Manchu times (Man.)

X9B I.

xomoo multicoloured ribbon

X9B II. pool

xomoo,n: two each, in pairs

X9BrYYH boy, lad, son, XOBryy~ oxan boys and girls

XOmOOJIOX to trim, to edge

Melilotus, AHxHJIYYH - (Xy}K -) M. suaveolens, naraaa - White Melilot, M. alba, my):lJIHr - M. dentatus xomOOHrop Clover, Trifolium, r3pHHH - T. lupinaster, MoJIXOO - White Clover, T. repens, CO~OH - T. eximium XOmOOHQOP Birdsfoot Trefoil, Lotus Xomyy I. snout, muzzle, beak, bill, proboscis, xomOOH Melilot,

XaJIyyH xomyyraH warm-muzzled (animals) (horse, sheep), XYH'rnH xomyyraH cold-muzzled (animals) (cow, camel, goat), - OHJIYY~3X to spread scandal, - ~YP3X to stick one's nose into, - H3M3X to add one's voice, to chip in, H3M3X33C xypyy H3M3X to help rather than just talk, - TOCJIOX to get something to eat, - XOJIOOX l- asraa xonoox] to chatter, to natter, xynannax to inform, to tell tales, to tell on Xomyy 11.1. tip, point, nose, Y33rHHH - pennib, :Q3H3rr - warhead 2. spur, promontory, spit, cape, xanaa xomyy spur, promontory 3. (aH.>KHCHbI -) ploughshare, share 4. nozzle 5. bit (mech.) 6. pein (hammer) 7. bow (ship) Xomyy III. banner (administrative unit in Manchu times; a unit of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Re_9ion), - TaMra (- TaMrHHH rasap] banner-office, - XOTon a whole banner Xomyy IV. triangular point or tip, anqyypbIH corner of a kerchief, TaBaH - (see TaB I.)

xourvv V.

(geog.) XOmyy IiY,IJ;AA Oats, Avena, XOHrHO - Wild Oats, A. fatua XOmYYBQ 1. nosebag 2. muzzle 3. respirator, mask


(intensifying particle ), - xox quite blue

X9B,n: moss, Byrsnr - Reindeer Moss (also liyrbIH Xar}, HCnalmHHH - Iceland Moss, XynpHHH - [naraaa -) Sphagnum Moss, :QapCHbI - 00 kmoss X9B,IVKHX to get mossy X9B,n:JI9r mossy X9B,n:9PX9r X9B,n:9PXYY

(see XOB):lJIOr) (see xesnner]

X9BM9JI floating, - sasrar phytoplankton X9B9rQ floating, - aMbTaH zooplankton, aasrar (- yprastan] phytoplankton X9B9JI39X to float, to hover, to flutter X9B9JIT floating (n.) X9B9H 1. cotton, WHJI3H - (see WHJI 1.1.), OHenH Sponges, Porifera, - OOC oapaa (~aaBYY, - naacaa ooe oapaa, - :QaacaH ~aaBYY) cotton cloth, - yrac cotton thread, cotton 2. cotton wool 3. padding, stuffing

(adi-), - naac tissue-paper Eriophorum (bot.), HapHHHE. angustifolium X9B9HT Chamerion (bot.)

X9B9HJI9r cotton



X9B9HT3H padded, wadded

Epilobium 1. edge 2. margin (xyl.) 3. skirting-board

X9B9HQ9P Willowherb, X9B99

X9B99M9X to skirt, to go round the edge of X9B99JI9X 1. to border, to skirt, § TapHaJIaHrHHH T3JlOaHr XOBOOJICOH rOJI 3aM the main road bordering the farms 2. to make a border or margin (in a book, etc.), to put a border (round something), to outline, XOBOOJIOH 3M1KHX


to put a border (round something) X9B99T bordered (esp. a banner in Manchu times) (cf. WYJIYYH 4.) X9B9P,n;n9r oversewing

anax to garrotte X9BqJlH whole, all, - 6He the whole body

X9B9P,n;9X to oversew X9B9PXHH loose, able to slip out, in a loop or bow, - roruoo running loop, - yaa quickrelease knot X9B9X I. to float, qaJIaaT3H - to float freely (currency), XaB}K Hp3X to come to the surface X9B9X II. to unwind, to unreel, uryrasr - to unreel a cable X9BP9n (yp -) embryo X9BP9n,n;9X


X9BQHPXHH sexual organs (of a male animal) X9Bqn9X 1. to stretch, to strain (trans.) 2. to string, to brace (a bow) 3. (6He3 -) to strain, to use all one's strength X9BQP9X 1. to be stretched taut 2. to get an erection X9BqT9H Chordates, Hemichordata

Chordata, Xarac


X9BIIIHX to call (cuckoo)

(see xospex]

X9BP9X 1. to go, to run, to travel 2. to unravel

(intrans.) X9BPyyn3X 1. to let out, to unwind 2. to reel off, rOM.D:JIbIH yr - to reel off one's complaints, spaa - to chatter away X9BCr9P fluffy, puffy, spongy, loose, light X9BCHHJIr9X to puff out, to fluff out X9BCHHX to become fluffy, to become puffy, to be light X9BC9n39X to balloon, to belly, to flutter X9BC9pr9H boastful, bragging, arrogant X9BCP9X to boast, to show off

X9r I. an apron tied under a ram to prevent it from mating, xeree xannee qHP3Xto make oneself ridiculous X9r II. shame, disgrace, xereo TapHX to disgrace oneself X9r 111.1. (- as. - aanra. - aanryy] tune, music

xeree annax (- aa annpax, - nyycax, enrepex] to be past it, to be beyond hope 2. key, aJICbIH xerr WHJDKHX to modulate into a remote key, xarHHH C3JIr33 key change 3. tuning, - aanra intonation (mus.), - HHHJI3X to tune up; to be in tune, - TOxHpyyJIaX to tune up 4. (- arurar] tone (mus.), caapxar - semitone

X9BYYJI3X I. to set afloat

xerrvn 1. untuned 2. of indefinite pitch

X9BYYJI3X II. to reel off, to run off

X9BYYQn3X to adopt

Xer)KHJI 1. development, progress, - 6a~paJI (- ~3r}KHJI, - MaH;:laJI, - ~3~3r}KHJIT, ~3~3rJI3JI) flowering, blossoming, flourishing, Xar}KJIHHH KanHTaJIHCT mar the capitalist stage of development 2. (- 6aHCaJI, - 6aHCraJIaH) merriment, gaiety, joy, fun

X9BX I. plant detritus, dead plant-cover, leafmould

X9r)KHJI,IJ;eX to make merry, to have a good time, to be amused


(see xaBryyH)

X9BYYP float X9Byvpr3H3 Cudweed,

X9BX 1I.1.wicker-work case



chest, box


I. progress, development

X9Bxr9P (see xoacrep]

Xer)KHJIT II. advanced, developed

X9BXHHX to pucker up, to rise up

Xer)KHJIT3H 1. developed, 6yypaH - [cyn -) underdeveloped, - yJIC OPHYY~ developed countries 2. cheerful, merry, lively, funny, jolly, - TYYX funny story

X9B X9B bow-wow X9BX9r

xosxer unsteadily

XeBX9JI)KHH Lemming XeBX9JI3eX to fly up and down, to swirl X9BX9P (see xencrep] X8BQ 1.1. 3. ~YYHbI needed to grammes), XaBq bow

bowstring 2. chord (of a circle) - vocal cords 4. a unit of power draw a bow (said to be five kiloapsan TaBaH XaBqHT H)'M a fiheenforeskin


X9BQ II. mountain range, mountain chain X9Bq;:J;9X to strangle (with a cord), xoa-mon

Xer)KHM 1. (- nyy] music, narannax - accompaniment, naruraa - variety music; pop music, naruraa Xar}KMHHH XaMTJIar pop group, nan instrumental music, aascapnara - interlude, H3BTPVYJIrHHH TOJIrOH - signature tune, OpWHJI - prelude, y~Hp'ITan - overture, xenren - light music, xoreneepr - programme music, ~aaxVYJI - chamber music, ~YBPaJI - serial music, ~3prHHH - military music, Xar}KMHHH 30XHOJI1l composer, Xar}KMHHH 33BC3r (xar}KMHHH 33MC3r, Xar}KMHHH 6ara}K 33Mc3r)



musical instrument, instrument, - cynnan musicology 2. musical instrument, instrument, ryyJIHiiH - brass, ~aPYYJIT - keyboard, HaiipaJI - orchestra, nannaa HaiipaJI - variety orchestra, HyMT - bowed instrument, CHMcPOHH HaiipaJI - symphony orchestra, yrcan (qaB~aCT -) stringed instrument, strings, YJI33B3P HaiipaJI - wind-band, YJI33B3P (YJI33ryyp-) wind instrument, ryyJIHiiH YJI33B3P - brass, MO~OH YJI33B3P - woodwind, xasxnacr xor}KMHiiH ~OPBOJI string quartet, ~OXHBOP - (~OXHJIYYP -, ~OXHYP -) percussion instrument, percussion

xerJIepYYJI3X to drop, to scatter, to leave lying around, § T9MOP JIaa3 - to leave tin cans around xerJIex I. to tie an apron under a ram to prevent it from mating XerJIeX II. to tune, to tune up XerJIeX III. to muddle along XerJIeX IV. to be put to shame, to become a laughing-stock, to be ashamed xerJIex V. to be in confusion, to be in a mess xerJIYYP tuning-fork xerHe 1. tethering-line for lambs and kids 2. a sort of stocks (hist.)

Xer}l{HM,IJ;eJIT playing, music-making

xerHex 1. to tether a lamb or kid (someone) in a xorne

Xer}l{HM,IJ;eX to play, to make music, xyyxpaap - to play the XyyqHp

xercex [xercoa xeepox] to be excited, to be aroused

Xer}l{HMCer music-loving, musical


Xer}l{HMlI musician, YJI33B3P - wind-player, ~OXHBOP - percussionist

XeIT3H II. odd, strange, funny


(see XOr}KHMq)

Xer}l{HHrYH advanced, developed, - xanHTaJIHCT OpOH an advanced capitalist country xer}l{HX 1. (xOr}KHH MaImaX, XOr}KHH ~3~3rJI3x) to develop, to flourish, to prosper, xor}KH)J{ oaiiraa OPHYY~ developing countries, XOr}KHH 03X)J{HX to develop and grow stronger, to be reinforced 2. to enjoy oneself, to be happy, to be cheerful Xer}l{MeJI developed, advanced Xer}l{eeH (- OaHCaJI) gaiety, amusement, napraaaraa merry, jolly, cheerful

xerxceoar 1. merry, lively 2. taining, gramme

amusing, enterH3BTPYYJI3r entertainment pro-

xoraceearsa (see xeraceear] xer}l{eex 1. (xOrJKOOH ~3JIr3pYYJI3x) to stimulate, to promote, to develop, ran - to fan a fire, xor)J{OOH ~3MqHrq supporter, fan (football) 2. to rouse, to cheer up, to amuse, C3Tr3JIHiir - to cheer (someone) up xer}l{YYJI3X to stimulate, to promote, to develop Xer)l{YYH happy, merry, gay xer3

(see xeru] (see xornpex]



to put

tuned, in tune 2. of definite pitch

xeru; (- Maar) mould tartar


WY~HHii - scale,

(trans.) xeru;eHu;ep mould (bioI.) xeru;JIeX to turn mouldy

xeru;epceH mouldy, musty Xeru;peJIT mouldiness, going mouldy

xorueex to go


xerq musician, player xerqyy Sandpiper, CyyJI uaraaa - Green Sandpiper, Tringo ochropus, YJIaaH XOJIT Redshank, T. totonus, YX3p - Greenshank, T. nebulorio, Xaaprsm - Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos, myryHH - Wood Sandpi per, T. gloreolo xerm,n;ex to be too old, § OH TaH~ OOJIOJIToii oaiiHa YY perhaps I'm too old for you? xermHH 1. (- xesee] old, - TaJIX old stager, - XOHHHbI Hacryii OOJIOX to get old, to go downhill, - xOBooryii old and young alike 2. wife, old woman XermpeJI ageing (n.) XermpeJIT

(see xerurpan]

xermpex (Hac -) to age, to get old, to get older, 3pT - to age prematurely, 3pT - HB~aJI premature ageing


xermqYYJI old people, old folks

XerHHH odd, funny, strange

xe,n;JIeJI 1.1. (- xenenroea] movement, motion 2. recurrence, breaking-out (illness)

xornaax (see xyrJIHiix) xerJIerep thick, dense (forest, smoke), solid

xe,n;JIeJI II. the trigram zhen

xerJIepex to lie around, to lie about, to be scattered a bout

xennenrva move!

still, -

oaii! keep

stilll. don't

XS.n;JISJI3YH dynamics, rhythm


XS;IJ;JISJIT (see XO~Jl9J1 I.) XS.n;JISMTrHH mobile, motile XS.n;JISMXHH (see XO~Jl9M'ITHH) XS.n;JISX 1. to move, to make a move, to bestir oneself, to get busy, to take action, ... OYP3~3XYYH vehicles, rolling-stock, X9~OJlOOJl X9J1C 30rCBOJl 300C you can't get something for nothing, § ... OYPT X9J1C TOJIHO it costs you money every time you turn round 2. to start, to leave, to set out 3. to get up (wind) 4. to recur, to start up (illness), § OB'IHH XO~OB the illness recurred, xop urap Hb XO~JlOB their envy was excited

xonnourrvn 1. firm, steadfast, steadfast friend 2. unalterable, unalterable plan




XS,IVIYYP 1. engine 2. motor (adj.) (anat.), ... M3~P3J1 motor nerves, ... TaJIOaH motor area (of the brain), ... YH~3J1 motor activity

XS.n;SJIliSprYH irrefutable, unchangeable xs.n;SJIrsrq motor, uaxanraan ... electric motor

xs,n;SJIrSSH 1. movement, motion, manoeuvre,


the communist movement,

cyn ... (see cyn 1.), XYH aMbIH ep~HHH ... vital statistics, WYJlyyH uryrasssra ... movement in a straight line, X9~9J1r99HHH H3r~r33p xyyns the first law of motion 2. traffic, 3aMbIH xO~OJlrOOHHH ~YP3M traffic regulations, H3r 'IHrHHH ... one-way traffic, copor ... (COp9X ...) two-way traffic, copor XOJlr99HHHr XOpHrJlOHO give way to oncoming traffic!, TOHpOX r3C3H T3~3r roundabout ahead!, scpsr [scpsr TaJIbIH ...) oncoming traffic, xO~OJlrOOHHH alOynryH oa~aJI road safety, ... 30XH~YYJlarq a1KHJlTaH policeman on point duty, XO~9J1rOOHHHr 30XH~JlaX to direct the traffic






xs.n;SJIrSSHT 1. moving, motile, mobile, ... P~HO reneooa mobile phone 2. dynamic X9,n;9JIr99HT3H (see X9~OJlr09HT) X9,n;9JIr9X 1. to move (trans.), 33BC3r ... to take up arms, X9~OJlrOrq xyq driving force to excite (desires, etc.)

X9,n;9JIryyp engine, motor, engine,




WaTaJITaT ...,



2. to stir, petrol ~OTOO~

oeH3HHT ...




, )


combustion engine, peaKTHB ... (THHP3J1T3T jet engine, ~aXHJlraaH ... electric motor

XS,n;SJIM9P labour,




manual labour,

HHHrMHHH TYCTaH ... oaHHra 3pX3~3rryH per-

sistently failing to engage in socially useful


labour, XO~OJlM9PHHH oaaTap hero of labour, X9~9J1MOPHHH ~3BT3P labour-book, workrecord, XO~OJIM9PHHH sax (X9~9J1M9PHHH sax 333J1) labour-market, ... sycnaa (... aMpa.JITbm sycnan] summer work-camp for school-children, ... 9~OP labour-day (unit of work and pay accounting), ... O~PHHH CHCTeM labour-day system, ... O~PHHH X9J1C labour-day pay, ... cypranr hcndlcrch (lesson), X9~OJIM9PHHH cypryyns labour school, reformatory, ... XaMraaJIaJI safety at work, XO~9M9PHHH XOJlC xyqHM by the sweat of one's brow, ... X9Hr9B'IJl9X 3yHJI labour-saving device, X9~9J1M9PHHH xysaaps division of labour, X9~9J1M9PHHH XYMYY1KHJI labour-education, reform through work, ...XYMYYBUIHHH rasap labour-educational institution, X9~9J1MOPHHH XYMyy.>KJIHHH CHCTeM labour-education system, XYMyyBUIHHH cypryyns labour-education school, reformatory, X9~9J1MOP99P XYMYY1KHX to be reformed through labour, X9~9J1M9PHHH xannapaa annax to become incapacitated, X9~9J1M9PHHH 'Ia~E3-paa 0YPM9C9H annax to be permanently incapacitated, X9~9J1M9PHHH 'Ia~Bap TYP annyyax 9B'IJl9J1 temporarily incapacitating illness, "'-3M'IHJIr33HHH rasap labour-medical institution, X9~9J1M9PHHH 3pX labour law, ... 3PXJI3J1T employment, ... 3PXJI3X to work, to be in work, ... 3pXJl33ryH unemployed, out of work

XS,n;9JIM9PJI9X to labour, to toil, to work X9,n;9JIM9PQ labouring, toiling, hard-working X9,n;9JIM9PQHH worker, ... apn ... TYM3H)

OJlOH (... OJlOH,

the toiling masses

X9,n;9JImrYH immovable XS,n;99 country, countryside, ... aJK axyii rural economy, ... aac axyii-aJK yHMB3PHHH OpOH an agricultural-industrial state, aJK axyiiH H3r~3J1 agricultural co-operative, ranaa open country; outside, the outside, ... HYTar country, countryside, rural area, ... H}'1THHH rural, ... OpOH HYTar rural area, rural locality, ... xeps ranaa rannax (... X9X9P'l ranaa rannax] to be exposed to all weathers, ... X33p (... X33P rasap, ... X33P HYTar) open country, ... asax to go to the countryside, to go out into the provinces, xO~99ryyp saax to tour the countryside, to tour the provi nces

X9.n;9SBSP rustic, countrified XS,n;S9JISX 1. to _90 to the countryside 2. to stray, to wander off

X9,n;99JIYYJI3X 1. to move to the countryside (trans.) 2. to deposit (a corpse) in the open country, to inter, to bury



XS,n:SSHHH rural, country

(adj.), - HOXOH

"country-dog" (tabu name for the wolf), XYMyyc country people


XS,n:SSHHHPXYY rustic, countrified XS,n:SSHHHxsH country people XS,n:sspxsr country, steppe

(adj.) (in contrast

to gobi) XS,n:SSX rural, country

(adj.), - rasap country-

side xs,n:ssmpsx 1. to revert to a rural state 2. to

become provincial, to become rustic XS,n:SC 1. old worn sheepskin, X9~C9H ~33JI33 X9C9PT9JI 3a~ aanax to travel a long way

2. piece of sheepskin XS,n:PSX to throw over the shoulders XS,n:xS primitive XSES (- HOOXOH) litter or food laid in by a rodent XSEsnsx to lay in litter or food XS}I{ gee-up! (sound usually addressed to oxen

or camels) XS3SP 1. playing-cards, cards, pack of cards, oam - (X93pHHH TOJIroH) pack of cards, T)T deuce, XyH - joker, - naanax (- TOrJIOx) to play cards, - XOJIHX to shuffle, - xysaax to deal, 3pryyJI3X to have a game of cards 2. card (polit.), XHTa~bIH X93P09P naanax to play the

China card XS3SP,n;SX to play cards XS3SPQHH card-player

1. leg, foot (anat.), X9Jm asax to order arms (mil.), - anaax to lose one's footing, to be out


of one's depth; to be beside oneself, X9JI99 apaH H~aH 3991KTaBHX to be hardly able to put one foot in front of the other, - aqHX to cross the legs, - 09Moor football; a football, OOMOON footballer, - rasap XYP3xryH beside oneself with delight, - rapsm cypryyns drill

(mil.), - ~aHx to get a lih, - ~YY)KJI3X (- sanrax]

to ride, to get a mount, to be mounted, - ~3r~3X to be overjoyed, - ~33P Hb oocrox to put (something) on its feet, - sanrax yaaa means of transport, - aanryynax to carry, to give a lih to, X9JI99 399X to put one foot in front of the other, to trudge, - ManraHryH wild about, - MyyraH bad on one's feet, - HHHJIYYJI3X to be in step, to get in step, - HHHJIyyJI3H raurrsx to march in step, ~amHH axscrann - HHHJIyyJI1K in tune with the times, - Hb rasap Xyp3xryH overjoyed, XOJI09P Hb raprax to export on the hoof, - Hb ~OP90~ rap Hb raasaraan Xyp3X to get a start in life, - Hb ~9P99~ xvpcsa grown up, X9JI09 OJIOX to find one's feet, X9JI99 OJIoxryH extrav-

agantly, excessively, X9JI99 OJIOxryH Marrax to laud to the skies, X9Jm opox to begin to walk (child), X9JIHHH ca~ (X9JIHHH TyWM3JI) referee (in Mongolian wrestling), X9Jm cyyx to make up to, to be allover, X9JI99 TaTax to draw up one's legs, - TOJIrOHrOO annax to be topsy-turvy, TOJIroHryH (- TOJIrOHrOO OJIOxryH 3aMoapaaryH, - ronroa r31K anra] in disorder, in a

hopeless muddle,


yaaa riding horse, -

X9Hr9H nimble, quick off the mark, - X9Hr9p9X to jump for joy, - X9C9P aMap 1KHM3Pat peace, at ease, taking it easy, XOJI99 xyranax r31K ryHx (X9JI99 xyranxax uraxasr ryHx) to run otter, to suck up to, - XYMHX to withdraw, to drop out,

- xyxax to look after, to take care of, - X~ pregnant; slothful, - XY~P3X to be pregnant, X9JIHHH ~3~ judge, referee (wrestling), X9JI99 qHP3X to be hardly able to drag one's feet along 2. leg (of a chair, etc.), legs, stand, OPHbI - foot of a bed; bed-leg, WHP33HHH - chairleg 3. stalk, ~3~rHHH - flower-stalk 4. (X9JIC99H) traffic, fuss, contusion. trouble, ~aHHbI - the troubles of war, - OOJIOX (- X9C OOJIox) to be on the go, to be very busy, - HXT3H busy, - HXT3H rasap (HXX9JIHHH rasap] a busy-place, - Tacpax (- TaTax, - TaTPax) to become quiet, to get less busy, - yHM33H crush, crowd, confusion, - XOpHO (- XOpHrJIOJIT) quarantine, XOpHOHbI oyc prohibited area, quarantined area, - XOpHO TaBHX (- XOpHX) to quarantine; to impose a curfew, - XOPHOCTOH out of bounds, - XOpbCOH WH~B3P 30pQHX to defy a curfew, - XOpHX uar curfew, - XOpHX uar 39pQHX to defy a curfew - XOpHX uar rorroox to impose a curfew, - X9r1K99H bustle, activity, animation, - X9r1K99HT3H busy, bustling, animated, - X9~9JIr99H traffic, bustle, comings and goings, - X9~9JIr99H HXT3H (- X9~9JIr99H­ T3H, - X99P~9M'3H) busy, bustling, - X99PT3H delighted, - ~33PJI3X to prohibit entry, uryyraaa bustle 5. wealth, means 6. haunch xsnliSMlisr football xsnlisP a piece of equipment made of quilted

felt fitted over a camel's front hump and intended to act as a cushion when the camel is harnessed to a cart xsnlisPsx 1. to roll 2. to vacillate, to fluctuate

(Buddh.), oara - (~oo~ -) Hinayana, ~33~ - (HX -) Mahayana, - cy~ap sutra; scripture (Christian, etc.), HX X9JIr9H cynap Mahayana sutra

xsnrSH vehicle

1.- legless 2. lame 3. poor, without means 4. deep, profound, - HX OaHpJIa1K OHJI33 they were overjoyed



1. freezing (n.)

XSJI)l;SHrS frozen XSJI)l;SHXHH frostbite

2. frostbite

xeJI,I:(eerq freezer, freezing compartment XeJI,I:(eeJIT freezing (n.), ryH - deep-freezing XeJI,I:(eeX to freeze (trans.), to allow to freeze, to get frozen,


to deep-freeze

ryH -

to freeze (intrans.),




sweating (esp. of a horse in train-

ing) -



XeJI,I:(per (see X9JITPar) XeJI,I:(YY frozen, - TOJIrOH dimwit XeJI,I:(YYC 1. cold, frozen, freeze 2. frozen cowdung

xencnex 1.1. to rent, to hire 2. to employ xencnex 11.1. to make a horse sweat (as training)

2. to wipe the sweat off a horse



TYP33C33P oaHpaa -

rent out, to hire out, to rent out one's premises



to get set up, to acquire some property, to get a footi ng, to get on, XaJDKHH OaH}KIIX to get rich


xennex II. ~apBaH

paid, hired, rented, - a.nyyp1.fHH hired assassin, - T3p3r hired car, - 31T33~ mercenary(n.)

X9nCeBQ thin felt saddle-cloth

designed to pro-

tect the TOXOM from sweat


xonnex I. to harness xaJIaJDK asax

to go on all

X9nCgeH commotion, disturbance xenC9X to be in confusion, to be in a


tion, to be upset, to be disturbed


xennex III. to put up, to stand up xennex IV. to divide a carcase into haunches

xenor I. hero xener II. board (for games), waTPbIH board, xensrr





xen9r 111.1. (-

MOpb) steed, mount 2. vessel, ship, plane, ~aJIaHH - (- oaron] ship, ~ecaHTbIH - OHrou; landing-ship, CYYAJIbIH oarou passenger shi p. xaPYYJIbIH - onrou frigate, 3JIC3H ~aJIaHH - [rons u;aJIHHH - oarou] ship of the desert

xen9rnex to ride, by car, xanernea

MaWHH - (TexHHK -)


to go

to fly

X9n9n (see xyJI3JI) xeneprex to cause to sweat, - 3M sudorific X9npen sweating (n.) X9npeJIT (see X9JIpaJI) X9np9MTrHH sweating, inclined to sweat xenpex I. to sweat, yean xynrana OOJITJIOO to be drenched in sweet

xenpex II. to show signs of melting or thawing, to begin to melt or thaw

X9nc I. sweat, oyJl'lHpxaH

effort, -


XyHT3H -


oYJI1lHpxaH), -

xyq33 raprax

xonc 11.1. (-

cold sweat,




to exert oneself

wages, pay, remuneration, low-paid, H3M3r~3JI - bonus payment, YImC3H - basic pay, - TaJIaJIT remuneration, - T9JI9X to pay, - XyqryH without payment 2. fee, charge, aBTO T33BPHHH - fare, XaJIC9ap TYP X3p3rJIYYJI3X yHJI1.fHJIr33 hireservice 3. (OpOH CyyIJ;HbI -) rent xyq)

oara XaJICT3H

X9nCrYH free, gratis XenCn9rq employer

xenCT3H I. sweaty x9nCT3H II. charged, xeJITPer (XaJI3aH -)

charged for

decorative cloth cover placed round the smoke-hole of a Mongolian tent

X9JIT3H 1. with a foot 2. busy, brisk 3. well-off X9JIXJI9X to go about, to gad about

xonxer 1. algae 2. ooze X9nx9X

to go, to go to and fro, to wander around, to loiter, to run (vehicle), ~3MHH - to gad about, to loaf around, § CYMbIH TaB~ XYH, MaWHH X9JIXa}l{, xen HXT3H the sumun centre was busy, with people and cars going to and fro


to warm (one's hands, etc.), to warm one's hands

X9.rrqyy (- corryy) drunk X9nQyyn3X to intoxicate,

rapaa -

- ynnaa intoxicat-

ing drink

xenQyypn3n xe.rrqYYPX3X

drunkenness to get drunk, to behave drunk-


xenQYYP3X to get drunk X9M dressed hide X9Mr9P turned inwards, bent inwards X9MHHX to turn inwards, to bend inwards X9Mn9X to dress (a hide), X9MaJI1K 3JmC3H WHp

a dressed hide

X9M9r brow, edge (geog.) X9M9n Mongol Onion, Allium mongolicum XeMeJI,I:(per breast-strap (of harness) X9Meen (see XaM9JI) X9M9pr9X to turn upside down

X9Hr99 a container made of wet hide subse-


X9MP9f I.

quently dried and hardened

X9MP9f 1.1. storehouse, magazine, warehouse 2. chest, coffer

3. stock, holding, funds

X9MP9f II. Bunting, AJIar - Ortolan Bunting, Emberiza hortulana, Bopnor - Little Bunting, E. pusilia, l)yynraT - Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus, X9XJ19PHHH - Greynecked Bunting,E. Buchanani, Ilaraaa uraaaar - Pine Bunting, E. leucocephalos, map Hy~3H - Grey-hooded Bunting, E. fucata, map - Redheaded Bunting,

E. bruniceps

X9MP99CT3H inverted, turned upside down X9MP9X to invert, to turn upside down X9MPYYJI3N (- TOJIb) mould-board (of a plough)

X9MPYYJI3X to overturn, to turn upside down X9MC9f 1. eyebrow, brow, X9Mcr99 arapyynax (x9Mcr99 oyyJIrax, X9Mcr99 saaranax] to knit one's brows, to frown

2. ledge

X9MC9fJI9X to overhang (clouds, etc.) X9MYYJI (see X9M9JI) X9MXHH lower lip, - 3yyx to bite the lower lip; to have it in for (someone)

X9Hr9BT9P quite light X9Hr9BQJI9X to make easier, to lighten, to alleviate

X9Hr9)l;9X 1. to be too light, to be too weak

2. to be thoughtless, not to be serious X9Hr9)1{HX 1. to become lighter 2. to be delivered, to give birth

X9Hf9JI9JIT 1. relief, concession, reduction, discount, fringe benefit, perk

2. castration

X9Hr9JI9X 1. to relieve, to reduce, to lighten, to make lighter 2. (x9Hr9JI9H sacax] to castrate

3. to make light of, to treat as a joke X9Hf9JIYYH brisk, lively X9Hf9MC9f frivolous, flippant X9Hr9MC9fJI9X to act frivolously, to be flippant

X9Hf9H 1. light, - .>KHHrHHH light, lightweight, - OB'lJIOX to be less seriously ill, - np3r light vehicle, car, - X9r}KHM (see XOr}KHM 1.), uaraaa aluminium, - uaraaasr HC3JI aluminium oxide, corundum, - uaraaasr XY~3P aluminium are, bauxite 2. lively, alert, - rasurraa (WaJIaMraH, - WaJIMar) alert, nimble, agile, T3HXJIyyH hale and hearty, - WHHr3H sprightly, lithe, - myypxaH prompt, expeditious, quick 3. (- rOOMOH, - M9q~, - XHHCB3P, - xyy~aM) superficial, frivolous, slapdash, - ~aHJIraH naive, - HB,QaJITaH OYCryH woman of easy virtue

X91IT9P9X 1. to get lighter, to get easier, to improve, to be relieved delivered


to give birth, to be

X91IT9PYYJI3X to mitigate, to make lighter, xapaynnarsrr - H9~9JI oa~aJI circumstances mitigating responsibility

X91IT9Tf9X to mitigate, - WaJI1TaaH extenuating circumstances

X91IT9X9H quite light X9H,IJ;HH 1. hollow, - X3BJIHHnH (- X3B3JIT3H) Coelenterates, Coelenterata, -



nyrrax 3.) 2. front (vowel) (ling.), - yr word of the front-vowel series 3. (- XOOCOH) empty 4. away, at a distance, aloof, - TacapxaH cut off, isolated, xapaa XHHaJITaaC XOJI - far removed from supervision S. valley, plain 6. cavity, antrum (anat.), aMHbI - oral cavity, xaMpbDl - nasal cavity X9H,IJ;HHJI9X 1. to hollow out 2. to separate, to raise up from, § WaJIHaaC OHe - 10M something to keep one off the floor

X9H,IJ;HHP9X 1. to become hollow 2. to come away, to pull away, to get away, to get free, to leave, to be driven off, to keep one's distance 3. to be alienated, to be estranged

X9H,IJ;HHPYYJI3N insulator (elec.) X9H,IJ;HHPYYJI3X 1. to make hollow 2. to keep apart, to divert, to pull away, to pull off, to alienate, to insulate

X9H,IJ;HHP3JIT peeling (of a surface, etc.) X9H,IJ;.IT9BQ cross-piece, cross-beam, bar, lintel X9H,IJ;.IT9H 1. across, crossways, 3aMbIr rapax to cross the road, - rynac (- ryM) in all directions, this way and that, up and down, 3X OpHOOpOO - rynn up and down the country, MO~ cross-piece, - OrTJIOJI cross-section, OrTJIOX to cut across, to cross (a white line, etc.) 2. widthways (cf. TyyIII), - ypraanraa widthways and lengthways

3. horizontal

X9H,IJ;.IT9HfHHH neutral, uninvolved, - oO,QOJI stray thought, - rase H9JI99 side-effect, - XyH third party, outsider

X9H,IJ;JI9Hf99P across X9H,IJ;JI9Hf99C from outside, cutting in, OPOJI~OX (see oponnox] X9H,IJ;JI99ill widthways, - yrac widthways threads

X9H,IJ;9JI 1. bar, cross-piece (between the thills of a wooden cart, cannecting-rod)

etc.) 2. neck (of a

X9H,IJ;9n,rr;9X to lie across, to obstruct, to block, 3aM - to block the way

X9H,IJ;9JI,II;yyn3X to put across, to lay across X9H,IJ;enCeX to cut across, to lie athwart, § 3a~ - ryy cynar gullies cutting across the road X9H,IJ;9nCyyn3X to put across, to lay across

1. to touch, to touch upon, to take up, to raise, acyynan - to raise a question, X9~91K OHqHX to take up, to write about, X9H,q9H TYcax to deal with, to handle 2. to disturb, to annoy, to interfere with


xeH,IJ;YYP painful, tender



3M 03 - qH what a bad lot you are, woman! xeeBep I. moult, shed hair xeeB9P II. light frioble salt-marsh XgeBepner hairy, producing hair XgeB9pnex to collect or take off the shed hair of a beast

xeH,IJ;yypn3n ache, aching

xeernex (x99rJI9H oocrox) to encourage a camel to get up by saying X99r X99r

xeH,IJ;yypn3X (X9~YYPJI3H 9B,q9X) to hurt, to

xeer xeer an exclamation to encourage a

ache, to feel pain, to be tender


blanket, bedclothes, aHHbI travelling-rug, ,qOJImOH - woollen blanket, ~aXHJIraaH - electric blanket, ~acaH - blanket of snow, - nascrsp bedclothes, - X9,q9JIr9X "to move the sheets to have sex, X9H}KHJIHHHX99 X3P33P X9JI99 }KHHx to cut one's coat according to the cloth, X9H}KJJHHH asnan sex 1/,

xelDKHllnex to cover with a blanket, to cover

camel to get up

1. to cover with soot down, to do the dirty on


2. to

harm, to let

XgeE hey! xeeJIex to clear the soot (from a stove) xeeJIT I. thrust, propulsion (arrow, etc.) XgeJIT II. swelling, rising, aaxnaasr - swelling of buds

xeeJITYYJI3X (see X90X II.) X99JITYYP punch (for embossing)

X9H9r pail, tub

Xe9JITyyp,n;3X to use an embossing punch

xeHeer,n;en (see X9H99JI)

xeeMHH I. back of the mouth, pharynx

X9H99JI harm, damage, - yxpyynax to harm,

xeeMHH II. a type of double voice production

to damage

or overtone singing

X9H99JIrYH harmless, - 6oJIrox to render harmless

X99MHH III. strip of fur along the belly of an animal

XeHeeJIT harmful XeHeeJIT3H (see X9H99JIT) X9Hgex 1. to harm, to damage 2. (X9H99H CyHTr3X, X9H99H ycrrax] to destroy, aMb aacsrr - to kill

xeHTrep the area between the eyebrows XeHT9preH inclined, sloping X9HT9preX to turn upside down (trans.) XeHTP9JI inversion XeHTPeX to turn upside down (trans.) X9HTPYY falling, sloping downwards

XgeMHHJI9X to sing in X90MHH style, to perform overtone singing

XeeMHHQ overtone singer XgeMen 1. embossed 2. embossed work, apbC WHp3H - embossed leather XgeMeMex to emboss XgeMeJIq embosser XeeMeJIqHH (see X99M9JIq)

xooare I. swelling Xe9Hre II. haze, HorOOHbI - haze arising from vegetation in spring

xeHXr9P (see XOHXOp)

XeeHr9TeX to swell up

XeHXHHJIreX to hollow out

X99H,IJ;3H Thrush, Turdus, Bapaaa I'ye3T- Redthroated thrush, T. ruficollis, IiY1KMar - MistleThrush, T. viscivorus, HaYMaHH - Dusky Thrush, T. Naumanni, Xan:HYH - Eyebrowed Thrush, T. obscurus, QOXHOHbI - Rock Thrush, Monticola saxatilis

X9HXHHX to be hollow, to be sunken (eyes, etc.) X9HX9P hollow-eyed and

jutting browed, sunken-eyed and jutting browed, - HY,qT3H sunken-eyed, - nyx jutting brow

xee 1.1. soot 2. trouble, - TapHX (- QHP3X) to make trouble

3. smut (on cereals)

xe9 11.1. (a "filler" at the end of a line of verse) 2. (an exclamatory particle), § aacaa ~a,qHrryH

X99P (- oax) joy, delight, pleasure, - OOJIrOX to cheer, to give pleasure to, - XOr1K99H amusement, - XOr1K09HT3H happy, merry, jolly xeepr9H conceited, boastful




1. to put up, to launch 2. to gird up, to hitch up, ~33J133 - to gird up one's gown 3. [xeeprea ~3B3pr3x) to excite, to fan 4. to flatter, to promote conceit

XeSPJISX to call a yak by calling xeep xeep xsepsr I. snuff-bottle, - 30PYYJl3X (- COJIHJln;ox) to exchange snuff-bottles (in greeting)

xeeper 11.1.

bellows, asnap - (aaxHJIYYP -, xaapuar -) chest-bellows, TYJlMaH - (HMaaH -) skin-bellows, - napax to blow bellows 2. pump, yean - water-pump; water-cannon

xespsr,n:sx 1.1.

to blow with bellows 2. to pump, to jack up (price)

xeepsr,n:ex II. to blow (wind) xespeJI excitement xeSpS.JI,IJ;SSH talk, conversation, chat xeepS.JI,IJ;ex to converse, to talk xeepSJIT 1. seething, rising, wyyCHHH -

rising of the sap 2. excitement, excitation 3. take-off 4. separation of the fleece from the skin in sheep and camel in early summer

xeepSMTrHH excitable xespex 1. to rise, to rise

up, to go up, to ascend, to climb, to be launched, to take off, - TaJI6aH launch site 2. to be excited 3. to chat, to chatter 4. to sepa rate from the skinand be held only by the hairs (in early summer) (fleece of sheep and wool of camel)

XeePf3H cheerful, happy xeepyy 1. conceited, boastful,

bumptious 2. neNOUS, excitable, temperamental

to talk nicely, to sweet-talk

xeepuer wooden pail, churn xeepuer,r.r;ex to churn tea xeepuerJISSH swank, display xeepuerJIeX 1. (seexeepnernox] 2. to show off, to swank, to be full of oneself


foam, scum, asraaac - 6ypyyJIax (xaanax, - uaxpyynax] to foam at the mouth, caBaHrHHH - saopsuds

xeSCJIer 1. foamy, frothy 2. cellular,

- xasraa

cellular panel 3. bubbles, bubbling

xeeCJIex to

collar coax a camel by calling xeec xeec (esp. in order to get it to accept its young or the young of another camel)

xeeceHUSP foam, polystyrene xescepxer foamy, frothy XSscepxyy (see xeecepxor] xeecpeJIT foaming, frothing xeecpex to foam, to froth, to bubble xoex 1.1. to pursue, to chase, to chase

away, 63JN33P - to go aher pastures, sasraa - to pursue one's way, to proceed on one's way, MOP MOpOO - to go one's separate ways, HpryH (see HPryH) , XOOH xOMYYJlax to chase away 2. [xeoa raprax, XOOH 3aHJIYYJlax) to expel 3. to drive (a beast) 4. to discharge (an arrow) to trace back (a derivation, a pedigree, etc.)


xesx 11.1.

to raise or sink sheet metal 2. to do repousse work, to emboss

xesx 111.1. to swell 2. to rise (pastry) xee XY.Hr 1. chain-mail 2. name of a

pattern 3. throwing-piece in the game of uraraa arrax


drive, push, chasing, pursuit, TOO - chasing aher quantity

xeepYYJI3r (see 603) XeSPYYJI3X (eyy -, cyy

XeSUS.JI,IJ;ex to see about,


xesuee heat (zool.) Xseq a call used when driving camels xeem hey! xep 1. packed, compacted (snow, etc.) 2.

6YU;aJIraH -) to simmer milk so as to clot the cream, § cyy xOOpyyJlCHHH napaax aHXHbI ~33 Hb OpOM 10M the first food aher simmering the milk is the clotted cream

1. (- 3aHJIYYJI) alas!, what a pity!, aH XOOpXHH MHHb, oh dearl, poor thing!, 6oJlrox to treat badly, to spoil, - 6oJlox to come to grief, to have a bad time 2. poor, alas for, - XYMYYC poor people!

xeerxaanex to be in a sorry state XeSPXHHJISJIT pitiful, miserable, deplorable XeepXHHJIeJIT3H (see XOOPXHHJlOJlT) xeepXHHJISX to be sorry for, to feel for xeSPxHHC poor things XSSPXHHmSSX (see XOOPXHHJlOX) XSepXSH nice, attractive, appealing, - HpHX

to pursue, to chase ofter, to follow up, 33BCrHHH XOHHOOC - HB~aJI arms race, H3P Tap - to chase otter fame


xyarap. - uac] packed snow 3. - xyHnH

aarax XaJIYYH bitter cold and burning heat

xePBe suckling, infant, ~~ -

young lamb from seven to twenty days, HX - young lamb upwards of twenty days, HHJIX - (6ara -) young lamb below seven days, xertnaa sanyy, HHJIXIYH old and young, infants and sucklings alike, xapBHHH apraap 60H1KYYJIaX (XOpBOOP 60H}KYYJlax) to rear young lambs, etc., in continuous contact with their dams (cf. C3PYYH apraap 60H}KYYJIax)

XSPBS)I{HX to develop (newly-born lamb, etc.)



XSPBSJIT convertibility (fin.) XSPBSSX to roll, to wallow XSPBSC rash (med.), qOHbIH -- nettlerash

opyynanr capital investment, -- opyynax to

invest, xapOHrOImOO XaJKHp wasteful, spendthrih, -- XOrWHJI property, belongings, -- xyq money and effort, -- qHH33 wealth 3. the thick residue leh aher straining rapar

XSPBSX 1. to roll (intrans.) 2. to be convertible (fin.), TarporHHr xepsener OOJIrOX to make the tugrig convertible, -- xanap convertibility 3. to be fickle

XSPSHrS}KHX to amass capital, to get rich

XSPBSrnrYH constant, unfailing

XSPSHrS)I{yyn3X to fund, to capitalize

XSPByyn3X 1. to roll, to rollover, to turn over (trans.) 2. to translate, MOHrOJI X3JIH33 -- to put into Mongol

XSPSHrsnsx to ferment (trans.)

Xsprsrq refrigerator, freezer XsprSJIT 1. cooling, CaJIXHH -- air-cooling, CaJIXHH XOprOJITT3H air-cooled, yean -- watercooling, xOpraJITHHH CHCTeM cooling system (auto.) 2. freezing, refrigeration 3. stratification (of seeds) (see 3JICJI3X) xeprex to cool, to let get cold, to freeze, -MaWHH (-- cas] refrigerator, -- yHMB3p refrigeration plant, -- WHHr3H coolant (auto.) xepryyn 1. cooling, refrigeration, freezing, araapsm xopryyJIT3H air-cooled 2. cooler, refrigerator

XSPSHrSnSrwell-heeled, affluent, propertied XSPSHrSHUSP yeast XSPSHrSTSH capitalist (n.) XSPSHrSTHHH capitalist (adj.), -- OHW (-oyc) non-capitalist, -- oyc aaxaap XorJKHX to develop along a non-capitalist path XSPSS saw, ~ -- circular saw, TOMap YTCaH -- folding saw, flexible saw, XHJIraCaH -- fretsaw, ~3r3p -- cross-cut saw, xepoea 3axTaH serrate, saw-edged, xopaaHHH ap saw-teeth, -paM saw-mill XSpeS,n;MSn sawn xspes,n;erq saw

XeprYYJIT refrigerated

xepse,n;eJIT sawing


xspee,n;sc wood shavings

(see xopryyJIT), -- 300Pb cold

store xepryyp 1. freezing, xapryypHHH MaWHH freezer, xopryypHHH yHMB3P refrigeration plant, cold-store 2. freezer, refrigerator xep3rep rough, cracked xep3HHx to get rough; to get cracked xep3SH 1. hardened dung and urine of sheep and goats 2. (-- qynyy) conglomerate Xep3SIDKyyn3X to make a lying-place for sheep, etc., with hardened dung xspnsx to get packed, to get hard (snow) XSPSB (see XOpBO) xspsr portrait, image, picture, statue, figure, -sypar portrait, -- ypnar portraiture xepernen portrayal xspsrnsx to portray XSpenT cooling, chill, cold (n.) XSPSHre 1. yeast, ferment 2. (-- OaHJIar, -300pb, -- 300p) property, means, wealth, capital, yJI xonnex -- real estate, YJmC3H -- capital assets, 3pr3JITHHH -- working capital, -nyrarnanraa under-capitalized, -- 300PbTOH (see XOpOHrOJIar), -- MaJI goods and chattels, -MaHra money, funds, means, resources, -MaHra sapax to spend money, -- MaHra cyn acrax to pour money down the drain, --

xepee,n;ex I. to saw, to saw up xepee,n;ex II. to go this way and that, to zigzag xepsensr serrate, saw-edged xepeenex to begin to freeze along both banks XepSStIHH sawyer XSPSX to cool down, to get cold, to get chilled, to freeze, XyHT3Im xepx, XaJI~ raanasc braving the elements, out in all weathers xepc 1. skin, earea -- epidermis, -- Tan skin side, flesh side (of a fur) 2. soil, ground, earth, earea -- topsoil, xap -- black earth, -- ra.Qapra soil mantle, -- nsacrap soil, xepcr MaImaJI lithosphere, -- caJlJKpyyJIarq soil improver, -cynnarx pedologist, -- cynnansm yxaaa pedology, soil-science, -- uropoo soil, earth, xapCHHH 3B~P3JI soiI-erosion XSPC}KHX to acquire a skin or surface XSPC./KYY with a toughened skin xepC./Kyyn3X to form a surface xepcnsr good-looking, handsome xepcnsx to strip off, to skin xepcnyyp skim (of a plough) xePCHHH 1. ground (adj.), -- yc ground water 2. terrestrial, terricolous



X9T9JIli9PJI9X to direct, to conduct

X9PXHHx to be rough, to be rugged, to be contorted X9Pill 1. neighbour caHH XOPWHHH xapanuaa good neighbourly relations (polit.), YP~ - the Southern Neighbour (China), XOHT - the Northern Neighbour (USSR, Russia) 2. (33pr3M33) neighbouring, XaJIXbIH - xoep HX ryp3H the two great powers bordering on Khalkha, - 33pr3M33 OPHYY~ neighbouring countries X9C9f transport, cart, vehicle, ep~HHH - horse and cart, carting, T3M33H - camel transport, XyH T33BPHHH - passenger vehicle, - T33B3P transport X9C9P ground, - OOJIOX to be in a sorry state, ... ynax to fall to the ground, - xasx to throw away, to dump, to scrap X9C9P.n;9X (xOCOP~OH xasrnax] to be thrown out, to be cast odrih. to be lost to notice, to become nobody's business X9C9P,IJ;YYJI3X to reject, to repudiate, to disregard X9C9PillHX to be dropped, to be abandoned, to be leh lying about, to moulder X9CPHH lying around, thrown away, leh lying about, - HOBW rubbish, - XYBXaH HC WHr like a dry bone lying around on the steppe X9CPHH'r9X (see xecepnex]

X9T9J1)l;9X to go hand in hand with, 3P3rT3H XYHT3H XOTOM01K saax to go hand in hand with a man X9T9Q groom X9T9QJI9X to go as a groom, to act as a guide X9TYY Hazel Grouse, Tetrastes bonasia X9X 1.,1. blue, - Max flesh of the thigh, - noroo fresh grass, new grass, - HHU; bruise; bruised, black and blue, - T3Hr3p the blue sky, XOXHHH waWHH Taoism, Dcoisrn, ...uryrasrr OH'IHr officialletter written between blue lines (indicating official mourning) (hist.), - sraan violet 2. dark, - u;apaHTaH dark-looking X9X 11.1. breast, teat, XOXHOOC raprax to wean, XOXHHH ~aPYYJIra brassiere, bra, xexee caax to express one's milk, XOXHHH cyy breast milk, XOXHHH TOB'I nipple, XOXHHH Xyp33 breast disc, areola, XOXHHH XYYX3~ breast-fed child 2. teat (for a feeding-bottle) X9X III. the leather loops on a hobble which secure the toggles ('IaIT) X9X IV. pulp (of teeth) X9X V. wild piglet X9XB9JDKHH Wood Lemming, Red-backed Lemming, Myopus, OHH - M. schisticolor X9XB9P bluish

X9CPHHmHX (see XOCOpWHX) X9TJI9f,IJ;9X 1. to be led, - apaa driven cog 2. to be kept (records) X9TJI9rq 1. caravan man 2. leader, manager 3. presenter (radio, TV) X9TJI9JIT keeping (books, records, OYPTr3JIHHH - record-keeping

X9T9JIf99 led, - sacaap a correction made on a printing-block and connected to its proper place by a line of dots (xyl.), - MOpb led horse, spare horse


X9X IiYX Titmouse, Tit, Hx - Great Tit, Porus maier, HOMHH - Azure Tit, P. cyanus, 9~opq - Coal Tit, P. ater, CaxaJIT - Bearded Tit, P. biarmicus, CyyJIT - Longtailed Tit, Aegithalos

caudatus X9X fYBTAX beri-beri X9~YY bluish, blue

X9TJI9X 1. to lead, to drive, Yp,Q T3HXJI3mHr XOTJIOrq front-wheel drive, ... apaa leadi ng cog, driving cog 2. to keep (books, records, etc.), to enter, to record, OYPTr3JI ... to keep a record, 1KypHaM ... (see 1KypHaJI), O~PHHH T3~3rJI3JI - to keep a diary, XO~OJIMOPHHH ~3BT3P - to keep a labour-record, XOTJIOH HBYYJIaX to carry on, to run, to manage 3. to present, M3,Q33r to present the news, H3BTPYYJI3r - to present a programme

X9XJI9f mastoid, XOXJIOIT yprauar mastoid process (anat.)

X9T9BQ chamber-pot, bedpan, xanaa - urinal

X9X9BT9P bluish

X9T9JI I. low mountain-pass

X9X9BQ brassiere, bra

X9T9JI II. groom

X9X9rqHH female-blue, - XOHHH 1KHJI femaleblue sheep year

X9T9JIli9P 1. (MOpHHH -, - nporpaMM) programme, TOOU;OOJIYYPbIH - computer programme 2. [cypranrsra -) syllabus, curriculum

X9XHYJI3X (see XOXYYJI3X III.) X9XHYH merry, cheerful X9XHX (see xexex II.)

X9XJIYYP teat (for a feeding-bottle) X9X M9P9H Yangtzekiang (river) X9X HYYP Kukunor, Qinghai (p.n.)

X~X9JI I.1. forelock (horse) 2. the two tofts of hair leh when a girl's hair is cut for the first time


X9X9llliH bluish


X9X9llli9P (see X9X9J10H) X9X9llli9PT9X to turn bluish X9X9llr9P papilloma (anat.)

tation period, ~ XYYX3~ a suckling, a child at the breast, X9XYYJIT 3X (see X9X9JIT 3X), X9XYYJlT

X9X9ll39X to flicker

3D;3r (see X9X9JIT 3D;3r) X9XYYll II. encouragement, praise

X9X9llT 1. dummy 2. ~ 3X wet nurse, ~ 3D;3r husband of a wet nurse

X9XYYll XAHHAJIrA whooping cough

X9X9llTYYP feeding-bottle teat

X9XYYll3r I. poultice





Coccothraustes coccothraustes

X9XYYll3ll encouragement, stimulation

X9X9M,IJ;9r bluish

X9XYYll3llT breast-feeding, suckling, feed

X9X9M,IJ;9rll9X to turn bluish X9X9~9P


X9XYYll3r II. incentive, encouragement





X9X99 Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, XaHaMaJI ~ Oriental Cuckoo, C. saturatus, X9X09HHH HyJIHMC cuckoo-spit, xexeer XY~C33P D;OXHX to attempt the impossible X9X99rHHH MAAJIHHrA Pigeon Wheat,

Polytrichum X9X99 9B9ll the depths of winter X9X99P breast-fed, ~ XYYX3~ breast-fed infant X9X99X to hearten, to cheer, X9X09H ~3MqHrq fan, supporter X9X99 Q3Q3r Gymnadenia(bot.), C3PX3H ~ Fragrant Orchid, G. conopsea X9X9pr9H9 Woad, Isatis X9X 9pr9CT9X a disease of the camel, marked by inflammation of the tongue X9X9Pf9X to turn blue X9X9X I. to suck X9X9X II. to be cheered, to take heart, to cheer up X9XP9llT turning blue (n.) X9XP9HrYH run down ' X9XP9X I. to laugh, Tac Tac ~ to burst out laughing X9XP9X 11.1. to turn blue, ~ 9BqHH congenital cyanosis, § rap X9JI XYHT3H OOJDK XOX9pH9 hands and feet went blue with cold 2. to turn green (vegetation)

X9XYYll3X 1.1. to suckle, to feed (a baby) 2. to suck out, to draw out X9XYYll3X II. (X9XyyJDK xaaaanrax] to whoop, X9XYYM3r XaHHaJIra whooping cough X9XYYll3X III. to encourage, to stimulate X9XYYH (~ syraaraa, ~ X9r1KYYH) jolly, merry X9XYYP 1. leather sack for making kumis, XOXyypHHH aM D;aaWHJDK, XyHTHHH aM aaaumax to turn cold 2. leather travelling-flask X9X XOT Huhhot, K6ke qota (p.n.) X9Q (~ oy~aa) a sort of porridge made with refined barley soaked in water and then boiled with pieces of meat X9IIIHr curtain, TOpOH ~ net curtain, T9M9P ~ iron curtain, YTaaH ~ smoke-screen, ~ TaHJIaX "parting the curtains" (an episode on Mongolian wedding ceremonies), ~ TaTax to pull the curtains X9IIIHrll9X I. to slice up, to cut up X9IIIHrll9X II. to screen, to act as a curtain, to form a curtain X9IIIHrp9X to form a curtain (clouds, etc.) X9IIIHJI,IJ;9X to be obtrusive, to be in the way X9IIIHllT rigidity X9IIIHX 1.1. to lever, to prise 2. to bar (a door), Hq33r XOWHX to bar a bear's exit from its lair with crossed logs X9IIIHX II. to get stiff X9IIIHX III. to sew with a running stitch X9IIIHX


to obstruct, to get in the way

X9XP9X III. to get exhausted, to be run down, to be pulled down

X9III99 I. (r3p3JIT~, ~CraJIbIH ~, ~ nypcran] monument, OHllHIT ~ stele, inscribed monument

X9X TAPHA Rye, Secale cereale

X9III99 II. stiffness, rigidity

X9XT9H (~ aMbTaH) Mammal, X9XTHHH anra Mammals, Mammalia

X9III99 MO,I( Kosh Agatch (p.n.)

X9XTYPYY Horse Flies, Gad Flies, Clegs,

Tabanidae X9XYYll I. suckling, nursing (adj.), ~ HHr3 a suckling camel cow, ~ Hac babyhood, ~ ye lac-

X9IIIYYH 1. stiff, hard, rigid, ~ oprax to feel stiff 2. inert, sluggish, ~ xonpro inert, obstructive X9IIIYYP 1. a type of stocks for hands and feet (hist.) 2. the tags on the case for a book (xyl.)

(see TY~YYJI)

2. fission



XYBAAf~ (see xyaaarnan]

XeillYYP3f 1. lever 2. cross-bar (for barring a gate, for obstructing the exit of a bear's lair in nunting it, etc.) 3. key factor XeillYYP3f,IJ;3X 1. to lever up 2. to hunt a bear by barring the exit from its lair with crossed logs XeillYYP3X to get stiff XPHCTOC (- oypxaH) Christ, XPHCTOChIH waWHH Christianity, XPHCTOChIH waWHHTaH Christian XPOM box-calf, XpOMOH ryran box-calf shoes

(Russ.) XPOM,IJ;OX to chromium-plate

XYBAAfA,AillfYH indivisible XYBAAf,IJ;MAJI divided, - oa~aJI division, HaBlI divided, leaf XYBAAfq divisor (arith.) XYBAAJIQAX to share, rypumara - to share experiences XYBAAPHJIArq I'Oll cornshoh (auto.) XYBAAPHJIAJIT 1. distribution 2. score (mus.) XYBAAPHJIAX (see xynaapaax] XYBAAPb

I. (see xyaaap]

XYBAAPb II. name of a unit of land measure XYBAAPbT allotted

XPOMCOM chromosome XYA a finger-guessing game played to a tune XYA}KHH painter (Chin.)

XYA)I{YY Red Pepper (Chin.) XYA3 Chinese, especially immigrant Chinese who entered Mongolia olter the discovery of gold on the Ira [Yoroo] River, aJITHhI yypxaHH - Chinese gold-mine workers, H)'1THHH - local Chinese, - XHT~ vagrant Chinese (Chin.) XYAHC 1. Acacia, Acacia 2. (see map -), TapHMaJI - cultivated map - (Chin.)

XYBAAPbTAH 1. allotted 2. divided up, graduated, CaHTHMeTPHHH - TYY3 tape divided up into centi metres XYBAAX to divide, xysaaac eaxaparrya divide and rule, - T3~3r division sign XYBAJI3 1. mite, tick 2. parasite XYBAJI3JIAX (xYSaJI3JIaH copox] to exploit, to mulct, to parasitize, to batten on XYBAHQAP plastic (n.)

XYAHJIH calendar, almanac, aapasr - solar calendar, capnsr - lunar calendar (Chin.)

XYBHAP 1.1. division, allotment, apportionment, placement, ~OO~ - sub-division, sacar 3axHPraaasr - administrative division, X9~9JIM9PHHH - division of labour 2. denominator (math.) 3. scale, - OyxHH graduated 4. (~arHHH -) timetable

XYAHJIHH (see mYY~3p ~3~3r)

XYBHAP II. by percentage

XYAHTAH3 crown-prince, prince (Chin.)

XYBHAP III. as, in respect of, HHM - in this respect

XYAJIAX to play xya XYAH,D;HH emperor (Chin.)

XYAHTAHXYY empress dowager (Chin.) XYAHXYY empress (Chin.) XYAP

1. flower 2.

pattern (Chin.)

XYAPAfHAX to take up quarters (mil.) XYAPAH quarters, barracks (mil.), ~YPB3P1~HHH - refugee camp, xyapaaraaa CO~HaJIH3M barracks socialism (Man.) XYAPJIAX to ornament, to decorate, to put a pattern on XYACAH Peanut

I. amber, XYShIH XyqHJI (see XyqHJI) (Chin.)

XYB II. (intensifying particle), - xyypaH dry as a bone XYB 111.1. earless, short-eared, cropped, - XOHh short-eared sheep, - lIHXT3H with very small ears, - wap Marmot 2. collarless XYB


a small bowl


1. division,

XYBHAPllAPI distributor (auto.) XYBHAPllAX to distribute, to divide up, to share out, to allot, to allocate, to deploy, to assign, -

ronccmshoh (auto.) XYBHACAA for one's own part, for oneself XYBHAX to divide, to divide up

XYAqyy,IJ; overseas Chinese (Chin.) XYB

XYBHAPAA privately, for oneself, - X9~9JIM9P 3PXJI3P1 self-employed person, - X9~9JIM9P 3PXJI3X (- X9~9JIM9PJI9X) to be self-employed, - 3PXJI3X aac axyii a private enterprise

3CHHH - cell division

XYBHHH private, personal, one's own, aHJI'lJIaJI private visit (polit.), - apHYH ~3B3P personal cleanliness, - .>KHH share, proportion; specific gravity, - .>KypMaap privately, - HX cypryyns private university, - MaWHH private car, - 9MlI private ownership (once abolished in the MPR); private property (cf. aMHHbI9MQ), - cantiap private sector, - YH3MJI3X identity card, - xapayunara personal responsibility, xynannaa private trade, - X3p3r private matter;

documentation, papers, - uyrnyynra private collection, - 3pyyJI axyH personal hygiene XYBHJIAH IJ;3IJ;3H XAAH Khubilai Khan XYBHJIAJI change, transformation XYBHllAHrH Lousewort, Pedicularis XOHHH 3B3P), XOMPOO - P. resupinato XYBHllAX


yxaaa chemistry

III. to become inflamed

organic chemistry

XYBHJIfAAH reincarnation (of a high lama), xynyy alexandrite (min.), - WHp33T title of

Gelegpuntsag, a favourite Jebtsundamba Khutuktu




XYBHJIfAX to change (trans.) XYBHJDK (see XYMHJIJK)

xysaaraap acrax to

XYBHH pail, bucket, tub,

bucket down (rain) (Chin.) XYBHHQAP selfish, self-centred XYBHPAJI 1. (.. OOpqJIOJIT) change, transformation, XHMHHH - chemical change, epTOHU;HHH MOHX 6YCbIH XYBHpJIbIr Y3YYJI3X to pass away,

to die 2. metamorphosis XYBHPAJIT (see xYBHpaJI) XYBHPAMITAH changeable, variable XYBHPAX (xYBHpaH

eepxnemex] to change, to

alter, to become different XYBHPfAfq converter XYBHPfAJI change, transformation XYBHPfAJIT (see xysapran] XYBHPfAX to change, to convert, to transform, 60JIrOH .. to convert into, to transform into




metamorphic, ..

xynyynar metamorphic rocks

XYBCAP a sort of rug (Bur.)



XYBQACJIAJIT dressing XYBIJ;ACJIAX 1. to get dressed, to be dressed, ~YJIaaH - to dress warmly 2. to dress, to clothe

dried, withered


part, portion, share, ~OPOBHHH H3r .. one fourth, one quarter, - HJIyy as much again, much more, .. HHHJIYYJIC3H joint stock (adj.), HHHJIYYJIC3H HHHr3MJI3r joint stock company, .. HHHJIyyJIC3H xopOHro share capital, .. HHHJIYYJI3rq share-holder, - H3M3P (.. xaanas] contribution, .. H3M3P opyynax to contribute, to make a contribution, - T3HU;YYJI3X to scale, to adjust proportionally, .. T3HU;YYJIC3H T'3Tr3B3P graduated pension (adjusted according to period employed), - XypT3X to take one's cut, - X3MJK33 amount, proportion 2. one's own share, one's own concern, one's private interest, XYBHa aprauaax to fend for oneself, to look aher oneself, XYBHa aprauaacan aJK axyH subsistence economy, xysaa 60~ox (XYBHa XHq33X) to think of one's own interests, to be self-centered, xysaa 60pJIyyJIax to provide for oneself, xysaa XHq33JK ~OBOO urapnyynax (XYBHa XOOJK ~OBOO urapnyynax] to feather one's own nest, - XYH individual, person, private person, XYHHH uyrnyynra private collection, XYBb~ WHJIJKyyJI3X to privatize 3.i. per cent, xysaap HJI3PXHHJI3X to express as a percentage ii. per cent sign 4. copy S. (- epOOJI, .. saaa, -



30XHOJI, .. TaBHJIaH, .. T90por, - yqpaJI, .. XYPT33JI) fate, lot, destiny, .. nyrax to be out of luck, .. 3aHaTaH fated, destined, - 30XHOJIryH

ill-fated, luckless 6. name of a unit of land measurement (hist.) XYBbrYH 1. unfortunate, luckless 2. not lucky

1. in the matter of, in point of, as far as concerns, MHHHH - 60JI as far as I am concerned, as for me, OHOJIbIH - theoretically, 3H3 JKHJIHHH - as far as this year goes, 3U;3r XYHHH .. as a father 2. personally, privately, for oneself


XYBPAr lama, priest, clergy


XYBQAClKHX to be provided with clothing, to

enough (to)

XYBHPIIIfYH unalterable


aypaax dress-designer, - anrers cloakroom


chemistry, WHM -


XYBHJIJiAP 1. version, copy, variant 2. (- aH3, - xor}I{MYY~) variations (mus.)


rasap tailor's, dressmaker's, ..

saraapsm OP~OH fashion house, xysuacasr

get something to wear

to duplicate 2. to divide up, to share out XYBHllAXYH



attendant, XYBu;aCHbI wyyr33 wardrobe

I. to change, to be transformed, -

XYBHllAX 11.1. to copy, to make copies, MaWHH copier, xysanaa omnpyynax to copy, XYBHllAX




(ground) XYBXAffJIAX to plunder, to pillage, to strip bare XYBXAffpAX to dry up, to wither XYBQAC (.. xyaap] clothes, clothing, 63JI3H ready-made clothes, ~YP3MT .. uniform, U;3prHHH ~YP3MT .. military uniform, .. 6ypxaH 6He xerrep fine feathers make fine birds,

XYBbAAA personally, privately, for oneself XYBbCAJI 1. (.. OOpqJIOJIT) change, alteration 2. (- 3YH) evolution XYBbCAJIT (see xynscan] XYBbCAM)I{ mutation


XyrAC half,

3aMbIH - half way, HaMpbIH - midautumn, y~HH - mid-morning, - Max half a leg (of a beast), joint, - enep half a day, - QaH


XYBLCAMITAH changeable, variable XYBLCAX [xyascaa eopsnernex] to change, to be transformed, - ryim3JI (see ~3JI 3.) XYBLCrAJI revolution, ap~bIH - people's revolution, ayra HX Revolution


the Great October

XYBLCrAJDKYYJIAX to revolutionize XYBLCrAJIT revolutionary, -

H33JIT revolutionary discoveries, - HB~an revolutionary activities

XYBLCrAJIlI revolutionary XYBLCrAJ[qHPXAr revolutionist XYBLCrAJ[qHPXAX to be revolutionary-minded, X3T xYSbCraJIqHpXCaH


XYBLCrAJILIH revolutionary (adi-), pre-revolutionary, revolutionary





XYBLCrAX to change, to transform XYBLCrYYP transformer (elec.) XYBLCLIH private, personal, individual XYBLTAH destined, well-destined, fortunate XYBLQAA share (fin.), H3rJK XYSbQaa~ aornox Q3B3P aurar net earnings per share, 333MWH~HHH

333MWHrtI shareholder, xypan shareholders' meeting

XYBLQAAT joint stock (adj.), -



stock company

XYBLl.J1IAJI privatization XYBbl.J1IAX to privatize XyrA (- nyra] off, up, apart, in, - oyy~ax to shoot up, - TaTax to pull apart, to pull out, waax to smash in

XyrMAC sliver XYrAJIAX 1. to break, to fracture (trans.) 2. to r3p3JI -

to refract light

xyrAPAJI 1. fracture, ~OO~ MOqHHH xyrapanraa OBqTOH a patient with a fractured lower limb, nraaac OpCOH - impacted fracture 2. refraction, r3pJIHHH refraction of light, xyrapnsm HJI1T3rt1 refractive index

xyrAPAJIT 1. (HC -) fracture, nann - simple fracture,


compound fracture

2. refraction

XyrAPAMTrAH fragile, liable to break XyrAPAX 1. to break, to be broken, to be fractured

HC -



xyracnaa in the middle of the night, half the night

XyrACPAX to be halved xyrAI(AA 1. period, time, term,

XYBLCrAJDKCAH revolutionized XYBLCrAJI}I{YYJIArq revolutionary



XyrACJIAX to halve, to reduce to half,

to break a bone,

xyrapcan XOJI

2. to be refracted xyrAPXAH 1. broken piece, broken ment 2. broken



part, frag-

oorHHO - a shorttime, ~~xyraQaaHbI medium term (adi-), ynaaa xyranaaraap for a long while, for long periods, ynaaa xyrauaaasr long-term, nyyccan past the sell-by date, - 3aaJK xanranyynax to make a fixed-term deposit, - earepexen as time goes by 2. due time, date, oOPJIYYJIax - sell-by date, x~ranax - shelf-life, - ~ax to be late, to be overdue, to miss the bus, xyranaaaaac Hb OMHO before the deadline, xyrauaaaaac Hb H3r capsra OMHO a month before the deadline, xyrauaaan Hb in due time, on time, by the due date, - X3T3PC3H overdue (debt, etc.); out of date

XyrAI(AATYH indefinite, -



inite strike

XYrAI(AAT with a time-limit or deadline, with a terminus, ypr oorHHo - 333JI long and shortterm loans, xyranaar anoaHbI fixed-term (adj.) (mil.) (as distinct from re-engaged) (see also Q3PrHHH), xyranaar anoaHbI TYPYY'I fixed-term NCO, - Tacanoap season ticket, - xaranraa non-urgent surgery

XYrAI(AATAH (see xyrauaar], ypT - long-term (loan, etc.), - xanranasasc fixed-term savings XyrAI(AX I. to set a term, to set a limit XyrAI(AX II. to relieve, anoanaac - to relieve of a duty XyrAlIHX to break up (trons.) XyrAID reindeer calf XY,IJ; relatives by marriage on the bri~egro~~'s side (cf. xY,QryH), - ypar (- xywyu) families related by marriage, - ypar OOJIOJIQox to establish family relations, - YPrHHH XOJIOOO family relationship through marriage well, naparncaa - collapsed well, bore well, artesian well, yypxaHH shah well, draw well, - raprax (- yc raprax] to dig a well, - 3~raHJIaX to open up a well on a slope by means of an outflow pipe so that livestock can reach the water, xy~rHHH xaumara well-lining, XY,QrHHH X33JI chamber hollowed out at the bottom of a well

XY,IJ;Ar (-



XY,IJ;ArllAX to make a well, to use as a well XYAAJI 1. lie, falsehood, -. X3JI3X to lie 2. (Tawaa) false, lying, - ~~ara hoax call, nsrc spaa tall story, - OBQJI9X to feign illness,

to malinger, ,. xyypxar false, deceptive, .,. xyypxar 3aH raprax to be deceitful, to be dishonest, to cheat, M3~33 TaHJIaHr ,. raprax to issue a false report

XY,I(A.JI)l;AA (,. apHJI1Kaa, ,. MaHMaa, ,. HaHMaa) trade, ranaansra ,. foreign trade, HOMbm ,. book trade, ,. MaHMaa XHHX to trade, to buy and sell, ,. TapH4JHHH epOHXHH X3JI3JI~33P General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GAD

XY,I(A.JI)l;AAJIAJIT trad ing XY,I(A.JI)l;AAJIAX 1. to trade, to deal 2. to deal in, cyy ,. to deal in milk

XY,I(A.JI)l;AAHhI commercial, merchant, trade (adj.), ,. annarnan trade deficit, ,. ~aHH trade

war," ~OBTOJIrOO trade offensive, ,. XOJIor onrou merchant ship, ,. TaTBap sales tax, ,. T3H~3JI balance of trade

XY,I(A.JI)l;AAqHH trader XY,I(A.JI)l;ArtI salesperson, shop-assistant, seller, ~3JIryyPHHH ,. shop-assistant

XY,I(A.JI)l;AX to sell, xynannaa aaars customer, purchaser, buyer, xynannaa asax to buy, xynannaa aaax yH3 purchase price, xynannaa asax q~Bap purchasing power, xynanaaa oOPJIYYJIax to sell, to sell off

XYAAJN 1. liar 2. (,. XOOMOH) false, deceitful, lying

XYAAM MORrOll I)I{qHr the Uighur Mongolian script (cf. TO~) XYAAPrA crupper XYAAPrAAP behind, in the wake of, ,. Hb cyyac xoupox to be left behind XYAAPrArYH unreliable, untrustworthy XYAAPrAllAX to fit a crupper XY,IJJYH relations by marriage on the bride's side (cf. xy~) XY,IWAA falsely, ,. assnax to make false promises, ,. HpHX to tell lies

XYAPArA (see xynapra] XYAPArArYH (see xy~apraryH) XY}I{AA overseas Chinese (Chin.) XY)l{HrHAX to rumble (belly) XY)l{HP (,. xapaa. ,. wyy) salt-marsh, salt, soda, TOCOH ,. a sort of soda which turns soapy when rubbed, ,. ~OJIOO~ salt-lick

XY)l{HP)l{HX to become salty XY)l{HPJIAT (,. ~aBCJIar, ,. Mapaanar) salty, saline, ,. ypraMaJI halophyte, ,. xopc saline soil

XY}I{HPllAX to give salt to livestock, HY~ ,. to feast the eyes, HY~ xy}KHpJIaM fascinating

XY)l{HPCAA desire for salt (in livestock), xy}KHpcaar raprax to satisfy the desire for salt



XY)l{HPCAr fond of salt, wanting salt XY}I{HPCAX to desire salt (livestock) XY)l{HPXAr salty, saline, ,. xepc saline soil XY)l{HPXAH thick folds of a rumen, ,. T3HHHT3JI to one's heart's content

XY)l{HPillHX (see xyacrpcax] XYHI. sheath, scabbard, holster, cap XYH II. roll (of cloth, etc.) XYHIIi. ( ~OrwHH ,., ,. CaJIXH, ~orWHH ,. CaJIXH) whirlwind, tornado, ycaa ,. waterspout

XYH IV. gun-stock, stock XYHB the leather loop on a horse-catching pole (yypra)

XYHB~ conspiracy, plot XYHB~ conspirator XYHB~ to conspire, to plot

XYHBPAX to make a loop XYHllAA roll XYHllAAC (see xyHJIaa) XYHllAACTAH rolled up XYHllAPCAH curled, involute (leaf) XYH.rrAX I. to sheathe XYHllAX II. to roll up XYHllAX III. to bunch up, to crowd together XYHllMAll 1. roll 2. rolled, rolled up, ,. sypar scroll-pa inting

XYHllPAX 1. to curl up 2. to crowd together 3. to swirl, xyanapcaa ypcran turbulent flow, XyHnpaH 3pr3M3X to swirl around

XYHMAr pancake, drop-scone XYHPArHAX to blow, to swirl (wind, clouds, etc.)

XYHCAll3AX to get bad, to turn nasty XYHcrAHAX (see XyHCaJI3ax) XYHCrAHYYP erratic, changeable, volatile XYHcrAP dark, threatening XYHTAH sheathed XYHX 1. scalp, xyHxaa Ma~x to scratch one's head


singed skin of a beast

XYHxAPAAX to go off the deep end XYHxnAX to singe, to scorch, xyHxJIar~caH rasap scorched earth XYHxPAX I. to get singed, to get scorched XYHxPAX II. to turn away, to recoil XYHxYH Chinese Muslim, Huihui XYHuAH a meat and vegetable stew



XYJI I. a large wooden bowl (for kumis), YJmC3H - a bowl made of a tree-root

XYJI 11.1. fawn (colour) 2. reddish yellow with black mane, tail and shins and with a black stripe down the spine (horse)

XYJIAH I. Wild Ass, Equus hemionus XYJIAH II. stove-pipe XYJIAH }KOPOO Ground Jay, Podoces



XYJIrAH 1. (- ~33P3M, - 33JIrHH, - xY~aJI) theft, robbery, XYJIraHH aH'IHH poacher, - r333r tuh at the back of the head, XYJIraHH sypaac crib (in an examination), - HY~33P xapax to take a furtive look, - XHHX to steal 2. thief, robber, bandit

XYJIrAHrAAP by stealth, - araax to poach XYJIrAHJIAflI thief, robber XYJIrAHJIAX 1. to steal, XYJIraHJIaH araax to poach, XYJIraHJIaH 1KaBWHX to misappropriate,


to abduct, to kidnap

XYJIrAHl.I thief, robber, bandit XYJIrAHA 1. Mouse, Rat, r3pHHH - House Mouse, Mus musculus, X33PHHH - Field Mouse, Apodemus ogrorius, Ilaraan - White Rat, l.IHI'IHH - Harvest Mouse, Mycromis min-

utus, - ap



mouse (computer)

XYJIrAHQAP Birch Mouse, Bush Mouse, Sicisto, X33PHHH - S. subtilis XYJIrAP 1. (- 'IHXT3H) short-eared, crop-eared, earless


be scared away

XYJIHrAAH hooligan XYJInAX to put into a bowl (esp. kumis) XYJIMArAHAX (see xYJIMaJI3ax) XYJIMAHJIrAX to lay back (the ears) XYJIMAHx to lay back (the ears), 'IHX33 - to lay back the ea rs

XYJIMAJI3AX 1. to keep laying back the ears

XYJIAHQ: - eser great-great grandfather, 3M3r great-great grandmother XYJIliAJI3AX (see xYJIMaJI3ax) XYJIrABl.I ear-flap, ear covering XYJIrABl.IITAX to pull (a hat) down over one's

to filch

XYJI)];AX to cover or face with oilcloth, etc. XYJDKAAX to chase away, to frighten off XYIDKHX to flee, to take to flight, to run off, to


XYJIrAPJIAX to crop XYJIrAP IIIAP Marmot (see Tapsara] XYJIrACXHHX to flinch XYJIrAX to fidget, to be timid, to hang back, to hum and haw

XYJI)]; Salmon XYJI)];AAC oilcloth, linoleum, lino, xynnaacan 6ap Iina-cut XYJI)];AACJIAX to cover (with lino, etc.) XYJI)];AACTAH faced, with an underlay, § XyHCHHH 6YT33r~3xYYH 60p ~aacaHA 1KHHJIYYJIH3 they get their foodstuffs weighed with an underlay of brown paper

2. to skulk, to act furtively

XYJIMAH short-eared, crop-eared XYJIMAC smell of armpit sweat XYJIC 1. Reed, Phrogmites communis 2. Bamboo 3. wooden paper-folder (xyl.) XYJICJIAr reed-like, reedy XYJICHbI IiAABrAH Panda XYJIYY 1.1. Pumpkin 2. pepo (bot.) (Chin.) XYJIYY II. gout XYJIYYX to pinch, to nick XYJIXH 1. ear-wax 2. ear-drum, ear, - 6yyx to be taken down a peg

XYJIXH,IJ;AX 1. to take by the ear 2. to take in XYJIl.IfAHAX to be scared XYJIl.IfAP timid, fearful XYJIl.IHrHHAX (see xYJI1IraHax) XYJIl.IHHX to be fainthearted, to funk XYJIIIIPAX to deteriorate, to become dilapidated

XYJIb}KHX (see xYJI1KHx) XYJIbT 3AfAC Salmon XYMAr loose soil, light soil XYMIiArAP (see xOM6orop) XYMIiAHJIrAX (see xOM6oHJIrox) XYMIiAH bud-shaped, pursed XYMIiHX (see XYMHX) XYMHA rounding up, collecting, T3M33HHH rounding up of camels

XYMHrAP curled, rolled-up XYMHIDK Lady's Mantle, Alchemillo XYMHPAX to curl, to roll up (introns.) XYMHX to collect together, to gather up, to constrict, to tighten, to close up

XYMJIBTAP accumulator (Russ.) XYMC 1. nail, claw, xYMcaa asax to cut one's nails, XYMCHbI 6y~ar nail-varnish, XYMcaa aacax XaH'I nail-scissors, xyxcaa HYYcaH MYYP WHr like a cat hiding its claws, secretive, XYMCHbI


xyrra nail-clippers 2. clove (of garlic) XYMCAHliYAAf Balsam, XYMCllAAqHH


(see xYMCJlarq)

XYHHPAX to wrinkle

XYMC.JIAftI pilferer, petty thief

XYHHX (XyuH:>K oex] to pleat, to gather

XYMCllAJI pinching, nicking, theh

XYHTAIDK. prince

XYMCJIAX 1. to scratch 2. to steal a little, to pinch, to nick


XYMCllYYP exacting, fiddling (work) XYMX pitcher, jar, pot XYMXAA (- eBqHH, - xanyya] rnolorio, xYMXaaH InYMyyJI malarial mosquito XYMXAAJI Hemerocallis (bot.) map - H. lilio-asphodelus

(also AJITaH3YJI),

XYMXH fine dust, dust, XYMXHHH dust


specks of

XYMXHX to gather, to gather up, to collect, to fold up, to draw in, rapaa XYMXHH cyyx to sit idly by, to sit back and do nothing, rap xYMXHnryIi a1KHJIJIax to work one's fingers to the bone XYH (- 0;3H) Swan, Cygnus, Taarap - Whooper Swan, C. cygnus, XYPYYT - Mute Swan, C.

alar XYHA (OOJI:>K -) right, OK, didn't I, see if I don't XYHrAP 1. snow-drtit, bank of packed snow 2. aeolian deposit XYHrAPJIAX to form into a packed drift of snow or sand, xynrapnacaa uac snow-drift, packed snow XY~ArA goblet, glass, cup, - Mepre.JI.lWYJI3X (- TYJIrax) to clink glasses, - oprox to raise one's glass

XY~ArAJIAX to pour into a glass XY~ArAPXYY cup-shaped XY~AH 1. of unmixed white colour, - uaraan xypra all-white lamb 2. pure, unmixed (colour), - sraaa pure pink

XY~rAHA Pheasant's tye, Adonis, MOHrOJIA. mongolica (also MOHrOJI Anraaxyanara, Ilaraan Bapsan] XYH3 1. a basket, especially a basket of teabricks (a basket could be thick (3Y3aaH) with 30 bricks, or thin (HHMr3H) with 27) 2. a basket carried on an ox or a camel in the Gobi and used for collecting dung XYH3JIAX to make, to coin (money) XYHHAC

1. pleat, gather, fold 2. sphincter

XYHHACTAH pleated, gathered

(Chin.) (see xYUTall:>K) XYHX groove, karren (geog.) XYHXYY3 bandit (Chin.) XYHtlHP Astragalus (bot.), Axapaaasnrr - A. brevifolius, XOWOOHXOH - A. melilotoides XYHIIIrYH 1. shabby 2. unfriendly XYP I. (- WYBYY) Black Grouse,

Lyrurus tetrix

XYP II. (- ~ac) precipitation, rain, - oopoo rain XYP III. stored up, last year's, - oaHH with inherited money, - ~3JI uncut mane, - Tapra (- xyq) last year's fatness (in livestock), fatness lasting from one year to the next, - TapraTaH oan opyynax (- xyqT3H onn opyynax] to get (livestock) into the new year in prime condition, xor piled-up rubbish XYPAArAAJI taken in, confiscated

(see xypaarnan] XYPAArYYP 1. collector, TOOC - dust-bag (vacuum-cleaner) 2. (- cynac] vein (anat.) XYPAArYYPAHIJ;AP venule (anat.) XYPAAr,IJ;MAJI

XYPAArtI collector, XHH - gas collector, gas collecting vessel

1. round-up, collection 2. confiscation XYPAAJIrAX 1. to get collected 2. to get conXYPAAJIrA

fiscated, to have (one's property) confiscated, 33Bcr33 - to surrender one's arms XYPAAJIT 1. harvest, yield, aHrHJIaH - twostage harvesting (cutting and stacking followed by threshing), TapHa - grain-harvest, harvest, uryya - direct or single-stage harvesting (with a combine) 2. gathering, collecting 3. abbreviation XYPAAJITTAH 2. made (bed)

1. put together, collected

XYPAAM)K 1. collection (of laws, etc.) 2. fee, charge, dues, premium, ~aa1TaJIbIH - insurance premium, 3aMbIH - road tax, P~HO 0;3rHHH - radio relay-point fee, YHJIqHJIr33HHH - service charge XYPAAM)KJlAX 1. to collect, to assemble, to arrange 2. to abridge, to abbreviate

XYHHPAA crease, fold

XYPAAHrYH 1. brief, abridged, abbreviated, summary, summarized, - X3M:>K33 scale (on a map) 2. abridgement, summary, resume

XYHHPAATAX to get creased, to get folded

XYPAAHrYHJIAJIT reduction, scale

XYHHrAAX to shrink, to crease



XYPAAHrYHJIAX [xypaanrynnaa OH'IHX, xypaanryanaa TOB'IJIOX) to abridge, to abbreviate, to summarize, to shorten

XYPAAX 1. to collect, OyHH - to amass virtue (Buddh.), ,QYCJIblr xypaasan ,QaJIaH OOJIHO many a mickle makes a muckle, Hyr3JI - to amass sinfulness (Buddh.), yc - TaJIOaH catchment area 2. to harvest, aHrHJIaH - to harvest and thresh in two stages, WYY,Q - to harvest and thresh in one stage 3. to confiscate, to repossess 4. [xypaaac XYMHX, xypaaac nyrnyynax] to round up 5. to hold back, ,[MTaa - to fall silent, HyJIHMCaa - to hold back one's tears 6. to clear, to clear away (table, etc.), to put away, to pack up 7. to commandeer 8. to save up, M9Hr99 to save up one's money 9. to compress, to abbreviate, 10. to wind, oyna1K - to rewind (tape, etc.) 11. OHe3 - to draw the body together, to be drawn up

XYPArtI IiOP Yangtze Crowtit, Paradoxornis

Heudei XYPAH XYPAH a ritual call for summoning good fortune

XYPAHJIAX 1. to summon (good fortune) by waving something or beckoning, to beckon, OyHH XHWHr - to summon good fortune 2. to call (a horse, etc.) XYPAH~ to revolve, to swing round

XYPAHJI,IJ;YYP centrifuge XYPAJI 1. (- MapraJl, - HOM, - ymunara] religious service, service, - HOMbIH aaotanaraa religious activities, - HOMbIH rasap place of worship, - xypax to hold a service 2. (- XyH, - uyrnaaa] meeting, assembly, AP,QbIH IlenyTaTYY~bIH - Assembly of People's Deputies (part of local government), Ap,Qbm ,IJ;enYTaTYY~bIH XYPJlbIH fyH~31T3X 3aXHpraa Executive Authority of an Assembly of People's Deputies, oara - conference, X3BJl3J1HHH oara - press conference, YJICbIH Bara - National Little Khural (prewar; 1990), HX - congress, IiHMAY-bIH AP~bIH Hx - Great Khural of the MPR, xypnsta TaB conference centre, XHHX to hold a meeting

XYPAJI,IJ;AAH meeting, session, oyr~ - plenary session, KaOHHeTbIH - cabinet meeting, cantiap - section-meeting, xaanrraa xypannaan closed session

XYPAJI,!J;AH khuriltai, meeting (hist.) XYPAJI,IJ;A.JI accumulation XYPAJI,IJ;AJIT (see xYPaMaJI)

1. to meet, to be at a meeting, to hold a meeting 2. to be collected, to be


gathered, to build up, xypanncaa nyc (~c xypannax] haematoma

XYPAJI,r(YYJIAX 1. to assemble, to collect 2. to call (a meeting) (forces)


to build up, to concentrate

XYPAJITAH 1. in session, meeting (adj.) 2. at a meeting

XYPAM (see XOpOM) XYPAMCArA (see xopoxcoro] XYPAMXAH (see XOpOMXOH) XYPA~ colonel, ~3~ -lieutenant-colonel, reaepan colonel-genera I

XYPAPXAr rainy

1. to come together, to congregate, to meet, xypan - to hold a service, xypaa uyrnapax to assemble (intrans.) 2. to accumulate, to be amassed, to be collected, xypaa TOITOX to be amassed, to be built up


XyprA lamb XyprA,IJ; hillocks xyprAJIAX to lamb

1. Love-grass, Eragrostis, liara - E. minor (also liy~HYYP), YCJlHr - E. pilosa 2. Enneapogon borealis (also Or01HbIH cYYJIJ


XyprAH little, small, - naaanraa little waves XyprAH 3ACAA Poppy (see HaM)'}' ~3~3r) XyprAHtIHX

Dock, Common Sorrel, R.

Rumex, HC3rJl3H acetosa, xypraH'IHXHHH

xyqHJI (see XyqHJI) XyprAX to hang about, to hang around, to linger XyprAqHH lamb-herd XYP,IJ; speed, velocity, CYMHbI aHXHbI - muzzle velocity, xap xypnaapaa at full speed, full tilt, saarx [xypnnsr X3M1KYYP) speedometer, M3~3H full tilt, XYP~HbI xaapuar gearbox, aBTOMaT XYP~HbI xaapnar automatic gearchange, rap XYP~HbI xaapuar manual gearchange, - xacax to reduce speed, to slow down, - X3TPYYJI3X to speed (traf.) XYP,IJ;ABTAP 1. fastish




XYP,IJ;ABqJIAX to accelerate, to speed up, xypnassancaa annan (xyp~aB'IHJICaH Mapw) forced march, xypnassancaa 03J11T3J1 accelerated training

XYP,IJ;AH 1. quick, swift, nyyaaac - supersonic, - MOpb racehorse, - uranaxraa swi]t and smart 2. allegro (mus.), Maw - presto (mus.), TyHJlbIH - prestissimo



1. Astragalus galactites (bot.) (also Xaraapsm Ilaraaa, mY~3H Ilaraaa] 2. Arenaria asiatica, A. capillaris, A. juncea

XYPMC accumulation, deposit (geo!.), XOPMOHH


- talus, - qynyynar sedimentary rock

XYP,IJ;ACrAN accelerator (atom.) XYP,IJ;ACrAX to accelerate, to speed up XYP,IJ;ACrYYP accelerator, booster XYPMCJIAX to deposit (geol.) XYP,IJ;ATr~ catalyst

XYP,II;ATrAJI acceleration XYP,II;ATrAX (see xypnacrax] XYP,II;AIJ; rate, OCOJITIlHH }KHnHHH

XYPfAff I. rainy, wet, - >KHn rainy year, wet year

XYPfAff II. still carrying last year's fat (livestock), - T3M33 a camel in prime condition from year

to year

~Ylma1K -

average rate of annual growth

XYP,II;llAX 1. to speed along, to go quickly, to do quickly. to get a move on, § aaparncan MOPb~bIH xypnancan xyrauaa the times taken by the five first horses 2. to go at a speed of, § XOpHH KM rasapr ryqHH MHHyr8.,[l xypnnaa Hp1K TYPyyn3B it came in first in thirty minutes

over the twenty km. distance

XYP,II;CAX to speed up, to get faster, to put on speed, to accelerate

XYP,II;XAH pretty quick XYP}KHfHAX to rumble XYP}KHHx to look pale, to look pallid XYPHAM}KJlAX to put in order, to systematize XYPHll squirrel's drey XYPHM 1. wedding, wedding-feast, anran golden wedding, r3pJI3X - wedding feast, MOHrOH- silver wedding, XypHMbIH Oor1K wedding ring, XypMbIH ecnon wedding-ceremony, - XHHX to have a wedding, to get married 2. feast, - Haiip feast, celebration, - XHHX to feast XYPHMll~H)l; all those at a wedding

XYPHMllAX 1. to have a wedding, to get married, celebrate


ec wedding-ceremony 2. to feast, to

XYPHMTllAJI accumulation XYPHMTllAX to accumulate, to be accumulated, xypasrrancaa annaa cumulative error

XYPHMTJIYYJIAX to amass, to store up, to

XYPYY 1. finger, toe, rapsra - finger, ~onOOBOp - [saara -, XOMXOH -) first finger, index finger, ~YIm - middle finger, XOMXOH - oapHx name of a children's question and answer game, xonHHH - toe, 'IHI'llHH - little finger, 3pXHH thumb, smaM - (H3pryH -) fourth finger, ring fin-

ger, - raprax to playa finger-guessing game, - ~apaM one finger wide (see napasr], - napaa TOonox to count on the fingers, - napaxsnr T9~HH oaiicaH (- ~apaM ~OOH) could be counted on the fingers (of one hand), - ,IlVP3X to dip into, to help oneself to, - 3Y3aaH one finger thick, - H3M3X to lend a hand, - oponuox to have a hand in, XypYYHbI OH~or finger-tip, yprraa thieving (adj.), - xysrcaa xyranax to go short, - xysrcaa xyHxnax to wear one's fingers to the bone, XYPYYHbI X33 fingerprint, XYPYYH 'IHH33 slightest, minimal, xYPYYH WHn test-tube, - WHJI3~ yp TOITOOX in vitro fertilization 2. gudgeon-pin


- a thimble in the shape of a Mongolian stirrup, § XYPYYB'IHH 'IHH33 xoep OXHH two tiny little girls

XYPYYBqHH IJ;3IJ;3f Foxglove, Digitalis XYPYY,II; a type of cheese made from naturally soured skimmed milk (wHHr3H cyy), oHcanraH - (~OPBOn>KHH -)

(see aapyyn), 30OCOH - aap~

pressed into the shape of a coin

XYPYY,II;AX to playa finger-guessing game XYPYYTAX to have a bad finger XYPYYXAH just a finger's breadth XYPXHPAX to snore XYPIJ;l. sharp, - Max rich meat, - xoon rich food, - xyrra a sharp knife 2. bright, - rspan bright light, - ears bright colour, - OHronD

3. (- H3BnpXHH,

stock up, to pile up, to accumulate, to collect,

brightly coloured

yc - Tanoaii catchment area

- yxaanar] sharp, bright, acute, -xapaaTaH sharp-sighted 4. acute (illness), -, xypuasrap, apxar acute, semi-acute and chronic 5. (-

XYPHMTllYYP condenser (elec.) XYPJIAX to put on flesh XYPJIHH3 hybrid, mongrel XYPJIHH3}KHX to hybridize, to make mongrels

OHJI3rT) a title given to men of literary ability

(hist.) XYPIJ;ABTAP 1. sharpish, -

aMTTaii with a

sharpish taste 2. semi-acute (illness)


XYPMA Persimmon XYPMAJI collected, assembled XYPMACT 1. (- T3Hr3p) Khormusda, the chief of the thirty-three gods

- C3pr3n3H,

2. sky, heavens

XYPIJ;A,II;MAJI acute, critical, tense, - oa~an tension (polit.) XYPQATfAJI sharpening, intensification XYPIJ;ATfAX to sharpen, to make more acute



XYCYYPAAX to scrape, MOph -- to curry a horse XYCYYPQHH 1. one who sells (grain, the scoopful 2. speculator, profiteer

(med., etc.)

XYPIJMJIT acuteness

XYP~ to sharpen, to get sharper, to become acute, to become more acute, to be too sharp, to be too strong XYPQJIAT sharp, keen XYPQJIAX to sharpen


XYPIDAAX to allow to go rancid XYPIDHJIT putrefaction XYPIDHX

I. to go rancid

XYPIDHX II. to put on and retain (weight), xyq Tapra Hh XypWHX to build up weight XYPIDHX

III. to become rainy

XYPIDYYJIAX to make rain XYPbIJ;AJI 1. (-- rauaaarya] desire, lust 2. (XYPh~JIhIH aJKHJI) intercourse, sexual intercourse, sex, XYPh~JIhIH sasraap xannax to infect through sexual contact, -- YHM3X to have intercourse, to have sex


desire, lust



XYPbIJ;AX to have sex, -- HB~aJI sexual intercourse, sex XYC I. (-- MO~) Birch, Betula, Tapsaraa -- Dwarf Birch, B. nona, Terperaaasar -- B. totundiiolia, XaBTarHaBqHT -- B. platyphylla, XYCHhI yHC birch-bark XYC

II. dish

XYCAM scale (left in a pot aher boiling milk, etc.), XYCMaa qaMJIaCaH XYYX3~ WHr sulky, petulant XYCAMTAX to form (scale), to stick (to a pan,

etc.) Brown




scaber XYCAX to scrape, to scrape off, to shave XYCBAP scrapings, shavings

(see xycsap]

XYCJIATA scraping, shaving (process) XYCHbI TAAXAH

(see Xycannaa]

XYCPAH barren but still lactating from the previous year XYCPAX I. to become impoverished, to go down in the world, to have seen better days XYCPAX dry

XYTAIT Khutuktu (a religious title granted to high reincarnated lamas), )l{aB3a~aMoa -- the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, TaMraryH -- a khutuktu with less than 700 disciples [urass] who was not accorded a seal, rassraraa -- a khutuktu with more than 700 disciples who was awarded a seal, -- XYBHJIraa~ high lamas, reincarnated lamas

XYTAITAH blessed

XYITAJIAX to knife, to stab XYITA.J'mAX to get mixed up (with), to get confused (with), xyrrannaa OPOJI~OX to interfere(with) XYITAJI,IJ;YYJIAX to mix up, to muddle up XYITAMID

II. to be barren, to be unfruitful, to be

XYCYYP 1. scraper, horse-scraper, MOPHHhI -horse-scraper, TOrOOHhI -- pot-scraper, X3JIHHH -- tongue-scraper 2. curette (surg.)

1. (see XY1TYYIll) 2. (see OOP30H I.)

XYITAPAX to get mixed up, to get muddled up XYITAX 1. to mix, to mix in, to mix up, § ~OM 3aCJIhIH aprsrr apnsm 3MH3JI3M'3H xyrraac X3PX3Bq OOJIOXryH quackery is by no means to be confused with popular medicine 2. to stir 3. to dip up, to scoop up 4. to stir up (trouble), XY1TaH YHMYYJI3N trouble-maker XYITAill

(see XY1TYYIll)

XYTrYYP 1. stirrer, stirring stick, paddle, yHCHHH -- poker 2. mixer XYTrYYill powdered 333mH or aapyyn mixed with fresh cream XYY I. pot



XYTAT sanctity, holiness, happiness, felicity, blessing, OYPXHhI XY1THHr OJIOX to attain the sanctity of Buddhahood

XYITA 1. knife, XY1TaHhI HP3H ~33P on a knifeedge, -- TYJIraH at knife-point 2. lathe tool, -TOrrOOq tool-rest

XYPillMAJI rancid

XYPbIJ;AHrYH sensual

etc.) by


XYY II. off, -- Maa}I{HX to scratch off, -- rarax to pull off, to tear off XYY III. all, fully, -- xasrax to collect up, -- copox to suck dry XYYBAH cube-shaped block of soil in a frame, designed to take a seedling XYYBb council (hist.), -- HHHJI3X to confer, XYYBHHH ca~ minister (at Khovd and other centres) (hist.) XyyrHHAX to purl, to gurgle (water) XyyrHX [xyyraa xaamx) to whistle (wind), to foam, to rush (water) XYY,!J;AH male reindeer in the fourth year XYYMM false, shallow, insincere XYYMC 1. sheet (of paper, etc.), panel, ayparr -- poster, H3PHHH -- visiting card, xoep -- naac


two sheets of paper, X3BJI3JIHUH - printer's sheet, sheet, - OHqHr a note 2. plate (of a battery) 3. leaf (of a spring) XYY,I(ACllAX to make (metal) into sheets



II. lawful, legitimate

XYY,I(MAr (see xYY,[l}'Y)


XYY,I(YY slapdash, careless, blameworthy

XYYllbqJJAH by law, legally

XYY,I(YYTAH (see xyynyy]

XYYllbqJJAX to legalize, to legislate for, to codify

XYY3 whiskers, beard, -- caxan TaBHX to grow whiskers, to have whiskers (Chin.) XYYllAllT stripping, X9pC - earth-stripping XYYllAX I. to peel off, to strip off, to flay, xyynzc xaaax to skim off XYYllAX II. (xYYJIaH asax, xyynaa OHqHX) to copy, xyynac ~BWHX to plagiarize, xyynarx MaWHH copier, xyynaa opxyyncaa yr loantranslation, calque

XYYMrAH hasty, flippant, superficial, insincere XYYP fiddle (mus.), assaa - mouth-organ, harmonica; jew's harp, MOpHH - (see MOpHH xyyp), T9rOMOp xyyp pianoforte, piano, T9MOP (xYJICaH -, X3JI --) jew's harp, uranaraa - "Iadlefiddle", - TaTax to play the fiddle, to fiddle

XYYllliAPJIArq copier

XYYPAH 1.1. dry, arid, -- OOAHC solids (chem.), - oyc arid zone, - nape dry wine, - yc araap rypaan 3aMbIH U3p3r land, sea and air forces 2. adopted, adoptive, -- xyy adopted son, 3X (- 33}1{) adoptive mother, -- 3U3r adoptive father

XYYllliAPllAX to copy


XYYllliAP copy, r3p3JI 3yprHuH - photocopy, -- opxyynra loan-translation, calque


I. strip, thin II. copy

layer, thin slice

XYYllHHH legal, juridical, - 39BJI9JIrOO legal advice, -- xyrauaa open season, - 3Tf33~ juridical person XYYllHHHXAH legal authorities XYYllMAll copied XYYllU; naturalism (liter.) XYYllb law, ApXHMe~HuH - principle of Archimedes, OHq33ryH -- unwritten law, ~C3H -- constitution, -- oyc unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, -- oyc OXHH illegitimate daughter, ~YP3M laws, rules, xyyJIHUr ~33WI3X rule of law, -- ec legality, COUHaJIHCT - ec socialist legality, - eCHbI legal, lawful, ~ecHbI 3pX legal rights, -- ecoop in accordance with the law, }l{aMTaU regular, subject to a law, XYYJIb~ 3aaCHbI naryy as required by law, - 30pqHflI law-breaker, offender, - 30pQHX to break the law, to act illegally, - 3YU law, legality, OJIOH YJICbIH -- 3yH international law, - 3yHH legal, juridical, -- 3yUH apra X3IDK33 juridical measures, -- TOfTOOfll legislator, - TOfTOOM}I{ legislation, laws, -- TOfTOOM}l{HUH aKT legislative act, xyynaap xassraanarnax to be protected by law, -- XaMraaJIaX oauryyJIJIara (xaaraananrsm oauryyJIJIara) law-enforcement agency, -- naas law, laws, - uaasasr legal, juridical, -- uaasnsr OHQHr code of laws, uaa3HbI3M11 police surgeon, - 3pX laws (Russ. 3aKOH II npaso], -- 3pXHUH legal, - 3pXHUH M3~JI3r legal knowledge, - 3pXHUH XyMyy}I{HJI education in the law

xvvnss 1.1.

lawyer 2. law man 3. story-teller

II. file (tool)


XYYP~ to file (mech.) XYYPAfmYY dryish, dry XYYPAH}I{HJIT desiccation, drying up XYYPAlbKYYllAX to dry, to dehydrate XYYPAHnAX 1. to dry, to dry out (trans.) 2. to change a wet thing with a dry one, to change (a baby) 3. to deplete, to exhaust, to use up entirely XYYPAHCAr xerophytic, - yprasran xerophyte XyypAHmHll desiccation, drying up XyypAHmHllT (see xyypaanran] xyypAHmHX to become dried up, to dry out, to become desiccated, to become arid XyypAHmMAll dried up, desiccated XYYPAllT peeling, coming away (n.) XYYPAMTrAH flaky, inclined to peel off

XYYP~ deceitful, false, fraudulent, pseudo, - OH'lHf (- OH'lHf oapHMT) a forgery, - OHQHf oapHMT yHM3X to forge a ducument, to utter a forged document XYYPAMqAAP fraudently, - YUM3X to forge, to falSify

I. to peel off, to come off II. to roast XYYPAX III. to deceive, C31T3JI33 - (seeC3Tf3JI) , XYYPAX


xyypan M3XJI3X to cheat, to swindle, to deceive, xyypan M3XJI3fl1 swindler, - XO~OJIf99H feint xyyprA a dish consisting of meat, vegetables, etc., chopped up and cooked in fat



XYYP,IJ;AX (xyyp -) to play the fiddle, to fiddle

XyyqliP a four-stringed bowed musical instrument (Chin.) XYyqJ{P~ to play the xyyxap

XYYPMAr false, lying, deceitful

XyyqlfPCAH obsolete, archaism

XYYPMArJIAJI deception

XyyqHPq xyyqHp-player


I. to deceive, to cheat, to take

XYYPMArllAX II. to roast gently

xvvxax to strip off,

out of date,



to tear off

XyyqjlAJJ reminiscence, recollection

XYYPMArXAH false, affected

XYyqjlAX (xyyqJIaH X99p9X) to chat, to reminisce, to recollect


XyyqHAAPAA as before, unchanged

XYYPTAX to be deceived, to be taken in


XYYPQAr small box, cassette, AYPC OH1.fJI3rHHH - video cassette, xyyp~arr MarHHT04JoH cassette-recorder

XyyqPAJIT (see xyyqpan)

Xyypq player

1. fiddler, asraa xyypx mouth-organ 2. bard

1. ageing 2. obsolescence

XyyqPAX to get old, to become antiquated, to become obsolete, to go on too long, to go off xyyqQyyn old timers

XyypqHH (see xyypn]

XYYillAAH Chinese Buddhist monk (Chin.)

XYYC,IJ;YY careless, superficial

XYYIllYYP fried meat dumplings, - xaapax to fry dumplings

XYYXAH alas!, shame! XYYXHHAX to croak XYYXHPAX to snort XYYXHTHAX (see xyyxaaax] XYYXHAr scrotum Xyyq 1. chronic sickness, old sickness 2.i. the last ten days of the month, the end of the month, 9BJIHHH npryyH capsra xyyxaap around the end of the first month of winter ii. the latter half of the month iii. end, HaMpbIH xyyxnaap around the end of autumn 3. old things, reminiscences, chat, - OOJIrox (- A3JIr3X, - xeepex] to reminisce, to gossip, to chat, to yarn, - TYYX HpHX to reminisce, - yr a saying, - spaa reminiscences

XYY~AX to be too old, to be out of date XyyqlfBTAP oldish, rather old XyyqH~

1. (see xyyq 2.) 2. old timers

XyyqlfH 1.i. old, ancient, former, xyysasrr OapHMTJIaX to be conservative, xyyxasrr OapHMTJIarq HaM Conservative Party (UK), OYYUbI xyrapxaa old hand, old stager, xyyxasr CYMaJI archaeology, xyyxasr TaHHJI old acquaintance, - T9PM9JIHHH palaeozoic, XyyqHbI yr old saying, - 10M yJI OOJI}I{ WHH3 10M 3YJI OOJIOX to be off with the old and on with the new H. old style; lunar (calendar), apra Old Style, Julian Calendar, § - uaraaa capsnr apsaa TaBAaap around the fiheenth of the lunar "White Month" 2. chronic illness XyyqHHCAr backward-looking, stuck in the past, - Y33JIT3H conservative XyyqHHCArYY~


XYXHPAX (see xypxapax] XYXPAX to smell of spirits XYQ Ram, - TaBHX to leave a lamb uncastrated XYqAJIT barking XYQAX to bark XYtIAAC cover, covering, integument, epithelial tissue XYtIAACTAH covered, M9HX MaC9H permanent ice-cover

3A with

XYtIAATAH (see xyxaacraa] XyqHr~MAJI covered (with), xaapcaap - covered with scales

XyqHnrA covering, uacaa - snow-cover XYqlfllT 1. surface (of a road, etc.), 3aMbIH road-surface, xaTYY xyqHJITTaH hard-surfaced (road) 2. horizontal divisions within a bUilding, AaBXPYYAbIH XOOPOHAbIH - divisions between stories 3. covering, cladding (of walls) XyqHX to cover, to cover up, 9B1.f - to cover up completely XyqnArA 1. covering, covers, bed-clothes 2. mantle (geol.), 1.fyJIyyu - stony mantle XyqMAJI covered Xyqyyp epithelium, - 3A epithelial tissue XYIII (CaMpbIH -) Pine, Siberian Cedar, Pinus sibiricQ, nHBaHbI - Cedar of Lebanon, .HBraH - P. pumilo, XYWHbI oopro~oH pine-cone, XYWHbI caMap cedar nut XYIIIAAHrAP (see Xonrooarop] XYIIIrA 1. walnut, - xapsax "shooting walnuts" (name of a throwing game) 2.i. testicles, balls



XYIIIYY (see xowyy) XYIIfYYlI (see xowyyq)

H. glom-.. Micropeplis arachnoides

XYIIIX.AMXAr Halogeton (bot.),



XYRf 1. armour, -..


liar -..

armour-piercing, -..

(see xee -.. 2.) 2. guard 3. (-.. sp] soldier, man of military age (hist.) 4. shaman's costume XYRfJIAX 1. to armour, to plate, XYHrJIaCaH X33

armoured track-laying vehicle 2. to cover the legs with frozen sand, seeds, etc. (wild boar) 3. to guard (a prisoner)


XYRrr 1. armoured, -.. anra armoured unit, -..


T3p3r armoured train, -.. ,QHBH3HOH armoured squadron, -.. MaWHH armoured car, armoured vehicle, xoarea -.. MaWHH light armoured vehicle, -.. T33B3PJI3J"l1 armoured personnel carrier, -.. uysaa armoured column 2. armoured vehicle, XOHrOH -.. light armoured vehicle, XYHITbIH lKOJIOOq armoured vehicle driver, XYHITbIH CYMaH armoured company, -.. TaHKHHH aHrHY,Q armoured and tank units





XYRH (-..

sexual feelings,

lust, -..


rheumatism, -.. oapHx to massage rheumatism, -.. XOopOX to get rheumatism wap yc)

XYB (intensifying particle), -..




XYBP3X to stretch out, to extend, to unroll XYB3P,IJ;3X (see xosepnox] XYB3PXHH (see XOBOpXHH) XYB3X to pullout, to unwind, to untangle XYf,IJ; thick padded trousers XYf,IJ;f3P stooping, bowed Xyr,IJ;3rH3X to stoop, to be bowed


blood brothers, -.. oapHx to offer incense, oarou trough for holding incensesticks, XYlKllHH xarryyp holder for incense-sticks


XY}I{ ,IJ;3JIXHH the world XY}I{ EPf9HIJ; (see XYlK ,Q3JIXHH) XY}I{Jl3X to appear like incense-sticks or incense

XY}I{ 9BC 1. Haplophyllum 2. Valeriano alterni-

folio, V. dubio (see liaMoaH) 3. local name for Thyme

XY3YY 1. neck (anat., of a tooth, of a bone, etc.), aMaH -.. (see aM 1.), lKHHCHHH -.. neck of the thigh-bone, xaran -.. axis, second cervical vertebra, -.. nyrax to be backward, to lag behind, XY3YYH ,Q33P MOp,QOX to plague, to harass -.. saax to be obstinate, to be stubborn, -.. cynrax to crane the neck 2. journal (mech.), C3}KJ1yypHHH -.. crank-pin (of a crankshaft)

XY3YYBQ 1. isthmus 2. collar (for an animal), dog-collar 3. surround (of a wellmouth) 4. neck (anat.), caansr -.. (YMaHH -..) neck of the womb S. connecting passage between two buildings


XY3YY,IJ;3X to take by the neck, to put one's arms around sorneone's neck, to embrace XYH I. a group of ten tents (hist.)

XYH II. umbilical cord, navel, -..

OOOX to tie the umbilical cord, -.. H3M'3H born of the same mother, XyHH XOJIOOOTOH intimately connected, XYHr ~erJIYYJI3X to let the umbilical cord drop away

XYH III. community, group, -.. H3r,Q3JI community, -..






xvrnanx to loom up

XYHr33P wholesale, in great numbers

Xyrll3f3P (see xernerep]

XYH,n;3C I. frozen animal dung

XY,IJ; XY,IJ; gulping, -.. HH~3X to choke with laughter, -..


to gulp down

XY,IJ;3H haze, mist XY,IJ;3HT3X to get misty XY,IJ;3P I. Musk Deer, Moschus moscoiietus, Xy,QpHHH

saap musk

XY,IJ;3P II. are,


iron are, -..


to smelt are

XY,IJ;3P III. (-..

XYH,n;3C II. horror XYHllC islet XYRrrYYP area at the base of an animal's throat XYRrr3H grey, bluish, -.. X9X bluish XYHP the loops at either end of the bowstring XYHC 1.1. umbilical cord, navel, -.. OITJIOX to cut the umbilical cord, -.. T3MTP3JIT massacre, -.. to annihilate, to destroy (a family, etc.) 2. hilum (bot.) 3. midpoint, TorOOHbI -.. midpoint of a cauldron 4. hole for grain in an upper millstone holes pierced in a ploughshare T3MTP3X

oa,QHp, -.. "lHHp3r)

robust, power-

ful, brawny

XY,IJ;3P}I{HJITI3H ore-bearing XY,IJ;3Pll3f are (ad() XY,IJ;3Pf YYllC Erzgebirge (p.n.) XY}I{ incense, joss-stick, -.. OapHJI~aX to become


XYHC II. sex, gender,

X3JI3YHH -.. grammatical gender, 3M -.. female sex; feminine gender, 3P -.. male sex; masculine gender, 3cp3r -.. the opposite sex, -.. H3rT3H person of the same sex,





to change one's sex, to have a


XYJIIJ;3illrYH intolerable

XYHC III. the large bead on a rosary XYH'r cold (n.), - naax to feel the cold; to stand the cold, - oprax to feel cold, HYPYY PYY to get cold shivers down one's back, yaax to turn cold OprHX

XYH'r,n:3X to be too cold

XYH'rP3JIT (see


sudden acute

- (QOllMOr -)

XYJI3f II. (see XOJIer III.) XYJI3JI trigram XYJI3MIK greenhouse,



XOB~ sphagnum moss

XYJI3PT peaty XYJI3PC3H turned to peat

XYH'r3BT3P cool, quite cold XYH'r3H 1.1. cold (n., adj.), xexyypHHH aM QaaWHJIJIaa)

XYJI3P peat,



Y33r~3JI) the greenhouse effect

XYJI3PJI3f (see XYJI3pT)


XYH'rP3X to get cold, to go down (temperature) XYH'rC3f cold-loving, cold-tolerant (plants)


XYJI3f I. tie, bond


XYH'rP3JI drop in temperature, r3H3T drop in temperature, QOllHP drop in temperature

(XYJIQ3H T3BlIHX) to tolerate, to bear, to put up with, to have patience with, - X3M1K33 permitted level





winter is upon us,

XYJI3X to bind, to tie up XYJI33 (see xyJI33C) XYJI33f,n;3JI delay, hold-up XYJI3S3H3X to wait a bit, to hang on XYJI33JIfHHH epee waiting-room


XYJI33JIf3X 1. to keep (someone) waiting

winter is coming to an end, OaHWHHrHHH xaanra TaTax to go to jail, - rap sticky fingers, thieving paws, - rapaap aaxaxax (- rap opyynax, - rapaa urypryynax] to thieve, to have sticky fingers, - rapr epT9X to get pinched, - r3p prison, - ~aHH cold war, XOUIyyTaH Man cold-nosed beast" (goat, camel), - QaH easy, nothing to it, - QYCT coldblooded 2. (- 33Bpyy, - C3Tr3JIT3H, - XO~HH, - Q3B~3r) cold, unfriendly, - xapax to look askance

2. (xYJI33JIr3H erex] to hand over, to deal out, to give, 33MJI3JI - to deal out a reprimand







XYJI33JIT delay, waiting XYJI33C (- oarJIaac) bond, tie XYJI33CJI3X to bind, to tie up, to fetter XYJI33CT3H bound, tied up XYJI33T3H (see xyJI33CT3H) XYJI33X 1. to wait, to wait for, to await, - epee (- TaHxHM) XYJI33H

XYH'r3H II. gonorrhoea XYH'r3H;:J;YY cold XYH'r3H;:J;3X to get gonorrhoea XYH'r3C (see XY~3C I.) XYH XYH CAJIXHJIAX to blow in gusts XYJIf3JI33X to wait a bit, to delay XYJITf3P rude, unmannerly, coarse XYJIT3f child's chamber-pot

waiting-room 2. to agree, to admit,

aeaureepox to admit; to accept, to

agree to; to recognize (a country, etc.) 3. to receive, to accept, to bear, to suffer, oypyyr to accept the blame, TYWaan - to accept an appointment, xapayunara - to accept responSibility, XOXHpOJI - to suffer harm, XYJI33H anars receiving, person receiving; receiver (radio); receptor (nerves), XYJI33H aaarx Tan receiving Side, XYJI33H aBaJIT reception, XyJI33}K aBaMryH unacceptable, XYJI33H asax to receive; to accept; to deliver (young livestock), XYJI33H asax epee reception room

XYJIXf3P baggy, wide XYJIXHHJIT sagging, drooping (n.) XYJIXHHX to sag, to droop XYJIX3fHYYJI3X to flap, to swing (trans.)

XYJI33Q caution XYJI33QT3H cautious, deliberate XYMYY}l{Hfq pupil, person being educated

XYJIX3fH3X to flap, to swing (intrans.)

XYMYY}KHJI education, upbringing,

XYJIX3JI33X to wobble, to hang loose XYJIX3X to suck XYJIQ3JI 1. patience, forbearance, indulgence, - OqHX

to beg [someones] pardon

2. tolerance

(mech.) XYJIQ3HfYH patient, long-suffering, indulgent,

TaMHpbIH -


physical education

XYMYY}KHX to grow up, to be brought up, to be educated, oneself


XYMYY}KP3X (see xYMYY1KHx) XYMYY}KYYJI3fq educator

to reform

XYMYY}I{YYJI3X to educate,


to bring up,

,QaxHH - to re-educate

(see XOMOJI) XYMYYH (see xyH I.)




XYMYYHJI3f humane, humanitarian, XyMyyHJI3rHHH TYCJIaMJK humanitarian assistance XYMYYC people

Allium schoenoprasum (see XOMOJI)


I. person, people, one, someone, someone else, yxaaar - (see yxaaHT),- aJI1K Xyp33 TaJIaX to wreak havoc, to go on the rampage, - aM population; head of population, H3r XyH aM,Q Hoor,QOX MaJIbIH TOO number of livestock per head of the population, - aMbIH HHHrMHHH OYP3M3XYYH social composition of the population, - aMbIH YH~3CTHHH OYP3M3xyyH national or racial composition of the population, - aMbIH 3yH demography, - aMbIH 3yHH demographic, - aM 3yHt{ demographer, aMbIH OCOJIT population growth, - aM wHryy cyynar HYTar densely populated area, aMHHbI X3p3r murder case, homicide, aMbTaH (- apn] people, - aXTaH ~33JI 3aXTaH there are leaders and led, - aioy (see aJIMaC II.), - OHeHHH physical, - OHeHHH XYH~ xyqHp XO~OJIMOP heavy physical work, - OOJIrOH a~HJIryH MOpb OOJIrOH 1KOpooryH it takes a II sorts to make a world, - oOJIrox to bring up, OOJIOX to grow up, - OOJIOX oaraacaa the child is the father of the man, - oyJI household, family members, manpower, - oyJIryim3x to lack sufficient hands, - oyJI ~OOT3H aHJI (- oYJI ~OOH rsp oyJI) a family lacking manpower, a family with few people, - oyp everyone, everybody, oypHHH everybody's, XyH33C ra1KYY~ T3M33H33C ranrsp outrageous, preposterous, XyHHH rasap ryHHH HYTar a strange country, XyHHH rasap H3P33 OOpHHH rasap scaa cherish your good reputation!, XyHHH rapaap MorOH oapHYJIax to get someone else to do the dirty work, - ropeec (- xap repeoc, - xap oaaBraH) (see aJIMaC II.), - ryaH excuse me!, XyHHH ~apXJIaJI XOMC~OJIbIH BHpyC (x,IJ;XB) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), - ~PCJI3JI figure drawing, - ~YPCT anthropoid, - ~YPCT OHt{ anthropoid ape, - 30H (see 30H), - MO~ a forked stick used to replace one man when only one is loading a camel, XyHHH MOC (see MOC III.), - HHHr3M human society, society, xyHHH HOXOH H~3X33P OOpHHH HOXOH H~ charity begins at home, XyHHH Hyyp XaJIyyH to spare embarrassment, - H3r OY~3PB3JI ~OJIOO OY~3p~3r troubles never come singly, it's just one thing after another, it never rains but it pours, - H3P33 Toroc O~OO one's good name is all, - cynnaax anthropologist, - cY~JIaJI


anthropology, - CY,wIaJIbIH anthropological, XYHHH TOJIrOH ~33PX xsnraasrr xapaan, xapan OOpHHHXOO roJIrOH ,r(33pX T3M33r xapaaryH to see the mote in another's eye and ignore the beam in one's own, - TOpOJIXTOH humanity, mankind, - TOPOJIXTIlHH scpar r3MT X3p3r a crime against humanity, - TOpX human nature, humanity, - rnpx Cl.JmCaH inhuman, - T3p3r rickshaw, - T3P3NHH rickshaw coolie, - T33B3P passenger transport, XYHHH ypMaH.n at least, not so much as, XYHHH YH3pryH (XyHHH yH3p anncaa] degenerate, inhuman, monstrous, XYHHH XaHJIaH good sort, a brick, - xap somebody, anybody, people, - XHp33p33 T3M33 T3Hr33p33 cut your coat according to your cloth, each according to his abilities, - xeuree (- t{yJIYY) stone figure, - XYHHH OO~OJI ry333 ry333HHH oYJIaH there's no accounting for tastes, XyHHH - outsider, member of another family, XyHHH - OOJIOX to marry, - XyHHHX33 XyqHH.n. sarac YCHbIXaa XyqHH.n (- xyHHHX33 XyqHH.n. TYPar YYJIbIHXaa XyqHH.n) united we stand divided we fall, - xyq manpower, personnel, xyH.n X3JIYYJI3X HOXOH uryyraynax to cause a scandal, - X3JI33P33 MaJI XOJIOOpOO acting naturally, - ~ar man-hour, - WHr - a decent person, a real good soul, XyHHH WYYM1KJI3JI HOXOHH X~aJI on everyone's lips, the talk of the town, - 3MH3JIrHHH medical, xyHHH 3pX human rights, XyHHH 3pXHHH TYHxarJIaJI Declaration on Human Rights, XyHHH 3W relationship, XyHHH IOMaap XYY~3rH3X XYYT3H ~aHraap OO,r(rOHOX (XyHHH iosraap XYY~3rH3X xyHTaH Toproop saanaraax]

to be a freeloader, to be a parasite, to sponge, § TaHblr - YYJI3'bH r33~ oaHHa somebody wants to speak to you, XYHHH anar HY~H33C oyca~ Hb ~OM OYP3H there was everything there ypMa~ but the kitchen sink, XyHHH ~ypaMXHHc3HryH couldn't get as much as a wink of sleep

II. the hollow of the upper lip XVHrVH 1. devoid of people 2. lacking someXYH

one (to do something)

XVHrVH,IJ;3X to lack people, to have too few people

XVHr3H3X to rumble, to drone, to buzz, to hum XVIIA 1.1. (XYH~HHH 1KHH, XYH.nHHH X3M1K33) weight, XYH.nHHH 1KHHT3H weighing, H3r xr OptIHM XYH.nHHH 1KHHT3H weighing about one kg., xYH.nHHr eprorx weiqhf-liher. XYH.nHHH oprOJIT weight-lifting, XYH.nHHH OprOJITHHH

T3M~33H weight-liMing competition 2. gravity, XY~HHH TaB centre of gravity, XY~HHH xyq force of gravity 3.i. (- 03pX) heavy, serious,



grievous, grave, - oa~aJI difficult situation, -

rap (XYH~ rapran] thug, heavy, - r3MT3X to be seriously injured, - HYC3P heavy, - OB'IHH serious illness, XY~33P OB'IJIOX to be seriously ill, - CypTaJI bureaucracy, red tape, - CypTaJI raprax to act bureaucratically, - cypTaJIXCaH bureaucratized, - CypTaJIT bureaucratic, cypTaJITaH bureaucrat, - yc heavy water, ycreperx heavy hydrogen, deuterium, - XyqHp hard, heavy, - XyqHp aJKHJI (- XyqHp XO~aJIMap) hard work, heavy work, - X3~YY difficult, hard, serious ii. in a serious condition

(med.) XYH,IJ; II. a banner official next below the CYMbIH saara (also OpJIOH xeers] XYHM3X to be too heavy, to be too hard, to be too difficult

XYH,IJ;JI3JI respect, veneration XYH,IJ;JI3MTrHH polite, gracious XYH,IJ;JI3X 1. (XYHM3H ~33~3X) to honour, to respect, to treat with respect 2. to treat (to), § nanapocoop ~3pryy~HHr XYHM3B they treated the soldiers to cigarettes

XYH,IJ;PYYJI3X 1. to make heavier 2. to make harder, to make more difficult 3. to increase (a sentence) 4. to aggravate, - HaX~OJI OaH~aJI aggravating circumstances S. to complicate, to make worse

XYH,IJ;P3JI 1. aggravation, turn for the worse 2. complication (med.) XYH,IJ;P3JIT (see XY~P3JI) XYH,IJ;P3JIT3H complicated XYH,IJ;P3X 1. to_get heavy, to feel heavy, to get hard, to get difficult, to get worse, § asrscran Hb X~3PH3 the breathing becomes heavy 2. to become complicated (med.) XYH,IJ;T3H respected, revered, honoured XYH,IJ;X3H 1. pretty hard, pretty difficult 2. in rather a bad way, in crisis (med.) XYH,IJ;Ill33X to feel (something) getting heavier XYH,IJ;3T 1.- honoured, respected, noble, esteemed, - xapyyn guard of honour 2. honorary, - ~OKTOPbIH 33p3r honorary doctorate

XYH,IJ;3Tr3JI respect, politeness, - Y3YYJI3X 3aaJI VIP lounge XYH,IJ;3Tr3H 1. in honour of 2. in response to, § YHWH~HHH caaansrr XY~3Tr3H in response to readers' opinions

XYH,IJ;3IT3X (X~3Tr3H ~33~3X, XY~3Tr3H Y33X) to respect, to look up to, to honour, OHe OHeC33 - to respect each other; mutual respect,

XY~31T3H CaxHX to observe (laws, rules) XYH,IJ;33P33 in weight, § 3ypX Hb - 300 r OP'lHM oa~ar the heart is about 300 g. in


XYHHHMCYY (see XYHHHPXYY) XYHHHMC3r (see XYHHHPXYY) XYHHHPXYY standoffish, aloof, uncaring XYHHHPX3r (see XYHHHPXYY) XYHHHPX3X to be standoffish, to be aloof XYHHHCr3JI repudiation, disavowal XYHHHCr3X to repudiate, to disown, to turn one's back on, to wash one's hands of

XYHHHC3X to be estranged, to be alienated XYHHHX someone else's XYHHHIllHJI estrangement, alienation XYHHHIllHX (see XYHHHC3X) XYHJI3r (- 3H3P3HryH) humane XYHHY Xiongnu (people and state) XYH OPXOO,D;OH ginseng XYHC food, provisions, 3aMbIH - travelling provisions, - T3X33JIHHH food (od() XYHCJI3X to use as food XYHCHHH food (od(), edible, - ax yHJmB3p food industry, - oYT33r~3xYYH food, foodstuff, product, - 3yHJI foodstuffs, - sax food market, - Max meat, - Maor edible fungi, - aoroo vegetables, greens

XYH TABAH O,D; Cassiopeia (ostr.) XYHXHH hollow, hollow place XYHXHHJIr3X to hollow out XYHXHHX to sink, to sink down, to be sunken XYH-XOPC Physochloino (bot.), QaraaH:Q3:Q3IT

- P. olbifloro XYHXP33 the muscles at the root of the tail (camel, etc.), - Hb oyyx to have these muscles fall in (as a sign of imminent calving)

XYHX3P 1. hollow, depression, arch, YJIHbI arch of the foot 2. concave, deep, sunken, HY~ sunken eyes, - TaBar a deep dish

XYHX3P,D;YY (see XYHX3P 2.) XYHX33JI (see XYMX33JI) XYHQ3JI arsenic XYlJq human, humane XYlJqJI3X to act like a human being, XYH'IHJIJK aaax to walk like a human being

XYHIllYYJI3JI anthropomorphization, personification

XYHIllYYJI3X to anthropomorphize, to personify, to make into a person

XYP I. gully, ravine

XYPII. all



XYPfYYJI3X to convey, to send XYPf3JIT delivery

XYPf33M}1{ adequacy, availability, accessi-

XYPf3H (- xyy) son-in-law, - ax husband of the elder sister, - opox to join a family as a son-inlaw

XYPf3X 1. to bring, to take, to deliver, to accompany, § xyyx.r(HHr eCOH Hac xypr3x33 brought the child up till the age of nine

2. to lead to


XYPf33M.lKfYH inadequate XYPf33M}1{T3H adequate, satisfactory, sufficient

XYPf33X to award, to bestow, to confer

3. to go on till, y~ xypr3~3rryH YH3r3H uaraan


3M "fox-white" medicine which acts before

XYPXP3JI growl, snarl, growling, snarling



XYP~ 1.1. wheel, xonOOHbI - (see xonoo), WY~T3H - toothed wheel, XYP~3H C3HCT THHp3nT3T oaron turbo-prop oircrch 2. prayerwheel 3. table (math.), ypxyyn3XHHH - multiplication table 4. dial XYP~ II. maggot

XYPXP3JIT (see xvpxpan] XYPXP3X to growl, to snarl XYPXP33 1. waterfall 2. (see xvpxpan] XYPQ3X to square up to XypqHfH3X (see xypJKHrH3x) XYPlIIfYH unattainable

XYP~3PXYY wheel-shaped

XYP3BT3P brownish

XYP.lKHfH3X to rumble, to growl, to purl

XYP3rq brown (female animal)


1. spade 2.

1. bronze, XypJIHHH ye (- 33BCmHH ye) Bronze Age 2. a bronze (medal)



XYP3~3X to shovel

XYP33PXYY spade-shaped

XYP3JIf3P (see xvpnarsp]

XYPJIHHJIf3X to twist, napaaraa - to make a

XYP3JI3f3H3 Cricket (zool.) XYP3JIQ3X 1. to arrive (several together) 2. to

face, to look peeved

suffice, to be sulhcient, to be adequate, -

XYPJIHHX to be twisted

X3MJK33r33p in sufficient quantity 3. to touch,

XYPJI3f3P twisted, wry, frowning

xoopoanoo - to touch each other, to be in con-

XYPfB3P numerator (math.)

tact, - 3PXT3H organs of touch

XYPfJI3X (see xvpranx]

XYP3JIQ3XYH touch, - 3PXT3H organs of touch

XYPfYYJI3X to bestow

XYP3JIQ3XYHQ adequate

XYPf3rt1 recipient

XYP3JIQ33 adequacy, - MY)'TaH inadequate,

XYPf3JI 1. up to, down to, as far as 2. even, § H3P33 - conas I even changed my name

XYP3JIQ33fYH inadequate, insufficient, unsat-

insufficient, unsatisfactory isfactory

XYPf3JIT receipt, reception XYPf3JIX up to, H3r - HaCHbI XYYX3~ children up to one year of age

XYP3JIQ33T3H adequate, suliicient. satisfactory

XYPf3M}1{ (see XYPT33IDK)

XYP3JIlIIHX to go a bronze colour

XYPf3M}1{T3H (see XypT33IDKT3H)

XYP3M I. (XypM3H qynyy) basalt, lava, XypM3H ry;wtaH basalt block (for building)

XYPf3X to receive, to get, to be awarded,

XYP3M II. short outer jacket, jacket, 3X OPHbI HorOOH - the "green mantle" of the nation's

urarnan - to be awarded a prize XYPf3Q accessibility


XYPf3QT3H accessible

XYP3M III. reaching to, § esner - yc uraaap

XYPf33JI I. property, HHHTHHH - common property, public property, HHHTHHH - oonrox to make (something) generally available, HHHTHHH - oonox to become generally available XYPf33JI II. case (gram.) (hist.) XYPf33JITYH



business of

XYPf33JIT3H relevant, pertinent


~OTOp in water and mud up to the knees

XYP3MJI3f~3X to be girt with, to be shrouded in

XYP3H I. Weasel, Polecat, Mustela, eMXHH Steppe Polecat, M. Eversmanni, 3P33H Marbled Polecat,

Vormela peregusna

XYP3H 11.1. dark brown, brown, - OOOPT3H standoffish, distant

2. mixed red and black (horse)



XYCM33P desirable XYCH3f square, column (of a table)

XYP3H,Il;YY brownish, brown XYP3H3 magnesium XYP3HT3X to go brown, to look brown, Xyp3HT31K xaparnax to look brown XYP3HQ3P caterpillar, larva of the butterfly

1. to reach, to arrive at, yr3~ (aMJIaca~aa -, X3JIC3~33 -) to keep one's word, to be a good as one's word, § ep Hb oJmHHii MOHro X3~ XYPq oaiiraa D3 how much money have we got then?, Hac X3~ xypqoaiiraa OHJI33 ~33 how old are you then?, 3H3 TaJIaap


HMap q canaaxanraa rapraJIryii eaeer XYPq33 up to now no initiative has been taken in this respect 2. to lead to, § uar annaxan XYPH3 it leads to waste of time 3. to touch, § XOM MHHb OHTrHii xyp don't touch my foot 4. to get, to become, § yyp HbxYPq getting angry 5. to get, to fetch, to reach (a price), § 33rC3H YH3 XYPJI33 it fetched a good price 6. to suffice, to be enough, XYP3XT3ii yryiiT3ii hardly, barely, at best, § OJICOH XOJIC Hb xonoraaa XOOJIOH~ yJI XypH3 the pay they get is not enough for a day's food, T3rD3JI 3H3 qHHb 3JI03r Xyp3X Hb oaiiHa wyy ~33 well then, this will be quite enough XYP33 1. the basic organizational unit in the ancient Mongolian nomadic economy 2.i. large lamasery, - XH~ lamaseries H. (lior~bIH -) Urga (p.n.), Hx - (~aa -) Urga (till 191 1), HHiiCJI3JI - Urga (191 1-1924), - ryran name of a type of boot 3. headquarters, camp, YJIHaCTaiiH ~3pmiiH - the military headquarters at Uliastai (hist.) 4. (- ~aJIaii~) range, scope, extent, raJIbIH - range of a gun, HHCJI3JITHiiH - flying range, eprea XYP33T3ii wide ranging, of wide scope, COHHpXJIbIH range of interest 5.i. frame, surround, case ii. border, edging, XOXHHii TODq OOJIOH TYYHHii the nipple and its areola iii. sphere, context, a1K oa~bIH - the sphere of everyday life iv. brim (of a hat) 6. division, phylum (nat. hist.)

XYCH3f~3X to draw up a table

XYCH3IT 1. table, XyCH3rTHiiH MexaHH3M tabulator (typewriter), - X3JI03P33P in tabular form 2. square (of a table) XYC3IT wish, desire, hope, longing, MOPOO~OJI desire, longing, xyCJIHiiH TaBaH 3P~3M the five sensuous qualities (Buddh.), T3MYYJI3JI (- 3PM3JI33JI) aspiration, hope XYC3ITT wish, request, XYC3JIT33P Hb on application, XYC3JIT33P33 at one's own request XYC3ITT3H ing to




desirous of, want-

XYC3MfYH unwanted, undesirable XYC3MlKIT3IT wish, desire, longing XYC3MlKIT3X to wish for, to long to XYC3X to wish, to wish for, to desire, XYC3H epoex to wish, to wish for, XYC3H MOPOO~OX to long for, to desire, to aspire to XYTYY (see XOTYY) XYY 1.1. son, - ~yy younger brother 2. child 3. counter, pawn, waTPbIH - pawn (chess, fig.), HMnepHaJIH3MbIH waTPbIH - a pawn of imperialism 4. interest (fin.), - TOPYYJI3X to incur interest XYY II. apart, - TaTax to pull apart XYY III. (- can] storehouse XYYfIT3X to hoot (owl) XYYfYH interest-free, - 333JI interest-free loan XYYfYYP~3X 1. to keep chattering blowing (wind)

2. to go


XYYf3X to whistle (wind) XYYf33H whistling (of wind) XYY~HH bag, pouch, sac, cnopr - spore-case, sporangium, uaacan - paper bag XYY~HHIT3X to put into a bag, to bag

XYYE hey!, hallo!, - Ta MHHb hey there!

XYP33ITli3P outline (adj.), - CHiiJI03P outline carving

XYYIT3fq: MOHro - money-lender, usurer

XYP33IT3IT surroundings

XYYIT3X I. (xyyJI}K erex] to lend at interest, xYYJI1K asax to take out a loan at interest

XYP33IT3H Li. committee, IIIHH}KJI3x YxaaHbI - Committee of Sciences ii, institute, X3JI 30XHO~bIH -Institute of Language and Literature 2. theatre XYP33IT3X 1. (Xyp33JI3H TOiipox) to surround, XYP33JI3H oaiiraa OpqHH (see OpqHH) 2. to make a circle, XYP33JI3H Hyyx to move and camp in a circular formation XYCIT3H wish, desire, hope, longing XYCIT3HT wished for, desired

XYYIT3ITT: MOHro - money-lending, usury

XYYIT3X II. to tear, to rend, to cut to pieces XYYP corpse, cadaver, - 3a.LlJIaX to perform an autopsy, - 30BJIOrO (- C3r) carrion, opuryynax rasap burial ground, cemetery, xasx to dispose of a corpse by exposing it, XyypHHH XOWHJIT rigor mortis, - HC corpse, remains XYYP3f3H3 Turtle-Dove, Streptope/ia turtur, ~OPHO~bIH - Rufous Turtle-Dove, S. orienta/is

XYYPH3JI recitation, narration, chat



XYYPH3M3X to chat, to talk XYYPH3JI33X (see XYYPH3M3X)

XYYillJI3X 1. to become shady, to get into

XYYPH3X 1. (XyypH3H HpHJI~ax) to chat, to talk

2. to relate, tence,

to recite,


narrative sento intone (an epic)



XYX3P sulphur, XYXPHHH nasxap HC3JI sulphur dioxide, xvxspr ycreperx sulphuretted hydro-

XYYPIJ;r3H3 (see xyyp3r3H3) XYYPillHX to perish, to rot XYYP3r perished, brittle, fragile, crumbling XYYP3rillHX to perish


interest-bearing loan

XYY'){,IJ;HHH children's,

infantile, 4IW 6aHp Children's Day, 4IW TOrJIOOM, child's play, a mere trifle, 4IW XaMBapT caa infantile paralysis, 4IW ~3~3pJI3r kindergarten, 4IW HCJIH creche

XYYX,IJ;3PXYY 1. childish 2. childlike XYYX,IJ;3PX3r (see X~3PXYY) XYYX,IJ;33P33 childish XYYX3,IJ; child, children, naraaap [naryyn -) step-child, raprax TapYYJI3x) to give birth, Hac childhood years, caaryynax rasap 4IW






to keep one's children alive, 4IW rorroxryH to lose one's children, 4IW yyx3):.lryH old and young alike, Xyyx3):.lT3H xypsuax paedophilia, 4IW uryyxan kids, little ones 4IW


XYYX3M3H 1. doll,

puppet, Cyy):.l3p 4IW shadow-puppet, yrcaa 4IW puppet on strings, xypyyH 4IW glove-puppet, 4IW aBax to be sold a pup, XYYX3M3HH KHHO cartoon, XYYX3JI):.l3HH TeaTP puppet theatre 2. pupa, chrysalis, XYYX3M3HH 6ypxyyJI larval skin, puparium, xYYX3M3HH yyr cocoon

XYYX3M3HJI3X to pupate XYYX3MC3r 1. fond of the girls, man





XYYT3H 1. with a son 2. at interest, interest4IW

gen, hydrogen sulphide, XY"IHJI)

XYX3P}KYYJI3X to treat with sulphur, to vul-

XYYC3P sterile, unfruitful bearing,

shade, OPOH xyywHJI):.l3r rasap a place which gets into shade late 2. to be shaded, to be cut off (sun), Hap 4IW ye):.l as the sun gets cut off





XYYX3H 1. child 2. girl,

4IW uryyxan girls, 4IW uryyxaa HpHX (4IW MYYX3H HpHX) to talk about girls, - WyyxHbI spaa talking about girls 3. daughter

XYYX3H XAPAA pupil (of the eye) XYYX3H X3JI uvula XYYX3HIJ;3P girlish XYYX33 my boy!, my lad!, girl!, miss! XyyqHX to keep tearing at, to tear apart XYYill I. shaded place, place where the sun strikes late and disappears early

XYYill II. hey!, hallo! XYYillJI3JIT getting shady, coming into shade (n.)

XYX3PJI3r sulphuric, sulphurous, - ycreperx sulphuretted hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide



XYX33 1. throat cavity,

2. breech (gun) 3. 3YYXHbI flue connecting stove and chimney XYX33r (see XYX33) XYIJ;r3H3 Vole (zoo!.) XYIJ;3Hr3 Sainfoin, Onobrychis, .HraaH - O. sibirica Xyq 1. strength, force, OHrHHH annual growth 4IW


(of a beast), OHrHHH 4IW asax to put on a year's growth, OHmHH XY"IryH lacking the year's growth, OHrHHH XY"IT3H with the year's growth, XY"IH~ anrarnax to be overpowered, 4IW ):.laM1KyyJIal'l aara transmission (auto.), XY"IHH 3yHJI force, factor, rOJI XY"IHH 3yHJIHHH H3r one of the main factors, HHHrMHHH - 3yHJI social forces, XY"IHH 3yrr3X to exert oneself, to strive, 4IW M3):.l3H with all one's strength, XY"I33 neex to husband one's strength, - neen reserves of strength, XY"I33 H3rIT3X (XY"I33 HHHJIYYJI3X) to join forces, 4IW COpHH with might and main, COpHX to try one's strength, 4IW TaBHX to concentrate one's efforts on, 4IW TaMHp strength, vigour, 4IW rapra (4IW T3B33p3r) fatness, good condition (livestock), 4IW rapra asax to put on flesh, 4IW Tapra MYY ascaa MaJI cattle which have failed to put on flesh, XyqHH ToroMop in force, applicable, valid, xyqHH rnrOMOp 60JIOX to come into force, XyqHH TorOMopT TOO~Or):.lOX to be considered as valid, 4IW Typ3MrHHJI3X to use violence, 4IW TYP3H forcibly, - T3HX3JI (4IW T3HX33) strength, vigour, 4IW T3HX33T3H vigorous, powerfuI, 4IW Y33JI~3X to measu re one's strength, to struggle, XY"IHH YH3JI3X to work for wages, 4IW xascpax to join forces, 4IW xaax to reinforce, to send in reinforcements, - XO):.lOJIMOp trouble, effort, labour, 4IW xopeare resources, xyqHHrHHH X3p3r (xyqHHrHHH r3MT X3p3r, -


violent crime, 4IW X3p3rJI3X to use force, to use violence; to assault, napranaa 4IW X3p3rJI3X to assault one's officer, 4IW X3p3rJI3XryH non-violent, 4IW qa):.laBXH potential, 4IW qa):.laJI (XyqHH xanan] strength, power, capacity, 4IW r3MT xspsr]


XYQHHT3H valid


XYQHP (- xYJm) hard, difficult, - a1KHJI hard

'I~aJITaH (XyqHH 'Ia.QaJITaH) powerful; with a capacity of, - 'IapMaHJITefforts, - 'IapMaHJITaa apBIDKYYJIaX to intensify one's efforts 2. force, forces (mil.), aMb.Q - (see aMh.Q), rOJI - main force, 33BC3rT xyqHH a rmed forces, 33BC3rT xyqHHH caJIoap aHrHY.Q units of the armed forces, - sannax to deploy X~3JI

1. tension,

tautness 2. tension, current (elec.), HaM - low tension, OH.QOP - high tension, OH.Q0P - ~aXHJIraaH high tension electricity, OH.Q0P Xyq.Q3JIHHH wyraM high tension cable, .-, X3M1KHr'I voltmeter

Xyq}KHX to gain strength Xyq}KYYJI3X

to OO~HC conditioner


XyqHP~3X to be too hard, to be too difficult

XyqHPJI3X to summon up one's strength XyqlfPXHHJI3rt1 rapist XyqHPXHHJI3JI 1. violence, force 2. rape XYQHPXHHJI3X 1. to use violence 2. to violate, to rape

XYQHPXYY (see xyqHpx3r) XYQHPX3f 1. powerful 2. violent XYtIHPX3f}KHJI growth in strength XYQHPX3f}KHX to become stronger XYQHPX3f}KYYJI3X to strengthen, to make


XYtIRTI acid, a30TbIH - nitric acid, aJIHMbIH malic acid, aMHH - amino acid, yJI opnornox aMHH .-, essential amino acids, OOPhlH - boric acid, boracic acid, .QaBCHhI - hydrochloric acid, .QapCHhI - (BHHoKaMeHHhIH -) tartaric acid, H.Q33JIYYJI3X - tannic acid, KapOOJIhlH carbolic acid, HHM03r - (HHM03rHHH -) citric acid, HYKJIeHHhI - nucleic acid, HYYPC - carbonic acid, OOXHHH - fatty acids, CHHHJIHHH prussic acid, CyyMrHHH - phosphoric acid, cyyHHH - lactic acid, TOCOH - fatty acid, XaHJIYYP - hydrofluoric acid, XO.QOO.QhIH - gastric acid, XOXOM.QrHHH - prussic acid, XYBhlH .-, succinic acid, xypraH'lHXHHH - oxalic acid, XyxpHHH - sulphuric acid, ~OCHHH .-, gallic acid, ~YYHhI - acetic acid, WOprOOJDKHhI .-, formic acid, WYBT3H - amino acid, W33CHHH - uric acid, XyqJIHHH oopoo (xyqJIHHH TYH~ac) acid rain, - TOpOr'l (seexyqHJIT8por'l), XyqHJI~ T3CB3PT3H acid-resistant

XYtIHJDKHJI acidosis (med.)

XYQHPX3fJI3X to act aggressively XYQHPX3X to use violence XYQHPX33prYH insuperable, overwhelming XYtIlIT powerful, strong, hard XYQHTr3X to strengthen, to reinforce XYQJI3r powerful XYQJI3JI strain, forcing XYtIJI3X to use force, to strain XYQP3X to manage, to be able to cope (with), § T33BPHHH sapnnsrr Xyqp3xryH to be unable to afford the transport costs

XY1JT3H powerful, strong, hard XY1JT3HX3H quite hard, hard, - xasax to bite hard

XY1JT3H powerful man, champion XYQ33P 1. by force, violently 2. thanks to X3li3H (- aMoaH) minister (assisting an aimag general) (hist.) (see also XYYBUHH ca~) (Man.) useless, quite pointless, quite unncesssary

XYtIHJIJI3f 1. acidic, acid (adr), - oopoo acid rain, - Op'lUH acid medium. .-, xepc acid soil, - sanap acidity 2. acidity, XOpCHUH - acidity of the soil

XYHHJIJI3IT3H acidic XYtIRTIT9P9rq oxygen XyqHJIT9P9rq}KYYJI3X to oxygenate XYqlfM~3X to use force

XYtIHH (see xyq) XYtIHHfYH void, invalid, - OOJIrox to cancel, to annul

XYtIHH,IJ; thanks to, through XYtIHH~3X to rape, oYJI3rJI3H -

stronger, to reinforce

X3B I. (intensifying particle), - X3P3rryH quite




to commit

X3B 11.1. mould, X3crUHH - piece-mould, 3M female part of a mould, 3P - male part of a mould, - asax to take a moulding, X3B3H.Q napax to press into a mould 2. printing-block, MO~OH X3BHHH sypar wood-cut, wood-engraving, MO~OH X3BUHH HOM xylograph, wood blockprint, X3BUHH OU'I33'1 copyist (xyl.), napax to pri nt (xyl.) , - CUHJI03P block-cutti ng (xyl.), - CUHJI3r'1 block-cutter, - CUHJI3X (~OOJIox) to cut or carve a printing-block (xyl.), X3BUHH M3~33 imprint (at the end of a sutra) (xyl.) 3. form, shape, - ra1KHJIT distortion, deformation, - ec custom,-1KypaM order; standard, HUHrMUHH - 1KypaM 30p'lUX to offend against public order, -1KypaM C3pr33Xto restore order, .-, 3arBap pattern, - 3aHWUJI custom, habit, -

form, shape, style, yCHHH .. MaHf hair-style, X3B33 M3A3X to know one's place, .. MaHfaa annax (.. Hb annarnax] to get out of shape, to be deformed, X3B3HA33 opox to revert to normal, to get right again, .. cypraxyyn custom, tradition, .. XyyJIb laws and customs, .. WHIDK (see X3BWHH)K}, .. WHH1KHT typical 4. press tool, die 5. voice (gram.), YHMYYJI3X .. causative voice, yHM3fA3X .. passive voice, YHM3X" active voice, xaMTPaH YHM3X .. cooperative voice, xapanuaa YHM3X .. reciprocal voice


MaHr (.. HH3)




inclination 2.




nvan IiHqHf Zhongyong

(The Doctrine

of the Mean)


JIHHHX3H (.. M3A33JIJIHHH X3P3fC3JI) the media 3. printing, ryH .. recess printing, line-engraving, 9Hf9T .. colour-prinnnq, OHAOP .. letterpress, XaBTraH .. offset pri nting, xoepnyraap .. (xoep naxs YAaafHHH ..) second printing, X3BJI3JIHHH 6YAaf pri nter'sin k, X3BJI3JIHHH AapaJIT xyynac pri nted sheet, X3BJI3JIHHH 3yHJI a publication, printed matter 4. a publication

X3Bll3llHHHX3H pressmen, the press X3BJI3llT 1. pressing, moulding 2. printing X3Bll3M3ll printed, .. xasraa printed circuit X3Bll3X 1. to press, to mould 2. to print,


.. to reprint

X3B,n;3C (see XHBA3C)


X3BHHllT deformation X3BHHH normal, usual, customary, the same, normally, .. a1KHJIJIax (.. }KypMaap aacannax] to function normally, .. aMbCraJIaX to breathe normally, .. 6a~aJI normal state, usual condition, normality, .. 6a~JIaap normally, as usual, .. 6aHA~ opox to return to normality,,, 6a~~ opyynax to put right, to restore to normality, .. 6HW (.. 6yc) abnormal, .. 6HW 6a~aJI abnormal situation, abnormality, .. 6oJIrox to normalize, .. 6oJIOX to become normal, .. HOX~OJIOOP under normal conditions, .. yHJI a1KHJIJIaraa normal functioning, normal operation, .. X3M}K33r33p normally, to a normal extent

X3BHHX 1. to slant, to incline, to dip 2. to be more than half over, AOq X3BHHC3H on the wrong side of forty, Hac" to become old, aacaa X3BHHC3H ye the evening of one's life, y~ .. to get past noon, § 3aMbIH XY3YY X3BHH}K 6aHJIaa the journey was coming to an end

(3CfHH ..)

X3BP3f (..


felt cloak fragile, delicate

X3BP3f,n;3X to be too fragile, to be breakable X3BP3f}l{HX to become fragile, to be undermined, to perish

X3BP3f}l{YYll3X to render fragile, to undermine

X3BP3fmHX (see X3BP3f}I{HX) X3BP3fmYYll3X (see X3Bp3r}KYYJI3x) X3BT :t;:C reign title of the emperor Xuantong X3BTYYll night watchman, night guard X3BTYYll3X 1. to cause to lie down, to let lie down 2. (60JIbHHQaA to hospital


to hospitalize, to admit

X3BT3llT prostration, lying down X3BT3P bed, couch, place to lie down, .. 6~

X3BllHH 1. belly, abdomen, raspsra .. the bow-

litter (for livestock), X3BTPHHH ~3fJI3M confinement to bed, X3BT3pT opox to take to one's bed, X3BTPHHH XyH bedridden person, invalid


X3BT3PfYH'r3X to lack litter, to lack some-

els of the earth, cavity 2. womb


where to lie (livestock)

X3BllYY 1. proud, stuck-up 2. precocious

X3BT3X to lie, to lie down,

X3BllYYH (see X3B.rryy) X3BllYYH Shrew,


annnar, Eurasian


Sorex araneus

X3BllYYP form, pattern, mould, (n.)

ryTJIbIH ..


X3BllYYX3H 1. rather proud 2. rather pre-

X3BT3m 1. place to lie down, TOJIfOHH .. raprax to make a place for the head (in a pillow, etc.) 2. (.. 6~) litter (for livestock) 3. lair, den

X3BT33 lying, lying down, prostrate, prone, hor-

X3Bll3fQ 1. printer 2. publisher

xsanan 1. press, publisher's,

publishing house,


rasap press, publishing house;

printery (xyl.)

2. the press, map" yellow

press, press attache, X3BJI3JIHHH press conference, .. M3~33JI-

X3BJI3JIHHH arrame


the early bird

catches the worm

X3BT3mll3X to lie down (livestock)


X3Bll3f,n;3ll imprint




izontal, .. 6aHAaJI lying position, .. 6aiiMaac 6yy~ax to shoot from the prone position, .. HW prostrate stem (bot.), X3BT33 XOHb ypf33xryH to be inoffensive

X3BT33CT3H lying X3BX3H so-so, not so bad



X3BQrHH (see X3B~3r) X3BQ3r hot-tempered, passionate X3BtIHH moulder, mould-maker

1. habits, pattern, mode, aMbAPaJIbIH -- mode of life 2. type


X3BillHH)I{ type, U;OJIHHH X3BWHH1KHHH ypraMaJIJKHJIT desert-type vegetation

1. to become established, to become normal, to get into the habit of, § HHr31K CYY1K X3BWHX33C 3aHJICXHiix X3P3IT3H one must avoid getting into the habit of sitting like this 2. (X3BWHH TOITOX) to take shape


X3BillM3JI regular, standard, stock, -- xapay

stock reply

die? 2. several, some, -- rypaan two or three, a few, -- rypsan MHH}'Taap for a few minutes, -- AaxHH repeatedly, again and again; several times, -- -- several times, on several occasions, -- X3A3H several, -- X3A3H YAaa several times, -X3A33P in some numbers, X3A3Hq XyH any number of people, § XyHHH qHXHHH X3Hr3pr33C -- AaXHH HHMr3H several times thinner than the human ear-drum 3. and more, apaaa X3AT3H 3aJIyy a lad of ten and more, TaBHH X3A3H OHA in the fifties, § AOJIAYI'aap capsra XOpHH X3AHHH H3r nyraapr in the issue for the 20th July or so 4. which? (of a series), 8H88A8P X3A3H 03 what is the date today?, X3A3H OHA in which year? X3,IJ;r3H3 Wasps, Vespoidea, YX3p -- Rumble

Bee, Bombus X3,IU:J;yr33P which?, which one? (in a series)

X3BillYYJI3X to shape, to mould, to regular-

ize, to make standard X3Bill33X (see X3BWYYJI3X) X3B3r (see xHB3r) X3B3H (see X303H)

1. belly, abdomen, XOJITOH Gastropods, Gastropoda, X3BJI33P HBarq reptile 2. womb


X3B3X (see XHB3X) X3B33P as before, unchanged, still the same, § MapraaHTaH -- oaHHa it remains in dispute, T3P X3B33P33 Hb OpXHX X3P3ITIH they should be

left as they are X3r,IJ; suede (HJI3r) decorated with patterns in


X3,IU:J;3X which?, which one? (in a series), § 8BqHHH -- OAOP which day of the illness?, -8A8P which day (of the week)? X3,IJ;HH 1. how much?, how many?, -- OOJITOJI (-- xyranaaraap, -- XypT3JI) how long?, -- XHp (-- qHH33) how much?, to what extent?, -X3pHHH how much?, § qH X3AHH HaCTaH B3 how old are you? 2. although, .even if, YH3H -q though it is true, -- OOJIOBq (-- THHM OOJIOBq, -- THHM q) however, stiII 3. -- ••• T8AHHqH33 the

more ... the more 4. though, nevertheless X3,IJ;HHB33P (see x3AHHr33p) X3,IJ;HHr33P 1. although, § Hac CYYA3P -- HaH XYPq oaHraa q although he had reached eighty 2. whether, whether or not, § -- XOOJITOH XOOnryH OOJIOBq whether with or without food

X3r Er XHfIx to be rough

X3,IJ;HH;:J; when?, at what time?, -- q at any time

X3r)l{HX to search thoroughly, to comb

X3,IJ;HHH already, some time ago, some time

X3r)l{YYH 1. supercilious, stuck-up 2. prickly,

quarrelsome, irascible X3r)l{YYPX3JI X3r)l{YYPX3X

1. arrrogance 2. irascibility 1. to be supercilious, to be

stuck-up 2. to flare up X3r3 cracked, torn, -- TaTax to pull off, to pull apart, § TOJIrOHrOO -- ~OXHYJIax to get one's

head cracked X3r3JI3X to rip, to tear, to scratch, to scrape X3r3P3X to come off, to peel off, to strip off X3r3X to cut up, to cut in pieces X3r33C (see XHr33c) X3,IJ; 1. (-- XHqH33H) how much?, how many?, § MOHrOJI OPHbIXyH aM -- OHJI33 what would the population of Mongolia be?, Ta X3AT3H OHJI33 how old are you?, TaHaH 3~3r -- xypq oaHHa how old is your father?, 331K qHHb x3AT3Hr33 Hac oapcaH 03 at what age did your mother

before X3,IJ;HHH3 (see X3AHHH)

1. how long?, since when? 2. from of old, for a long while X3,IJ;HHQHH33 1. how?, how much?, § -- XOJI


rasap oaHraar acyyxan when they asked how far it was 2. -- ••• TeAHHqHH33 the more ... the more, § -- oara TeMnepaTYPT xB,AraJIoaJI MaXHbI qaHap T8AHHqHH33 A33WHJIH3 the lower the temperature at which it is stored the better does the quality of the meat become X3,IJ;P3r 1. a toothed implement of wood or

metal used in dressing skins 2. skin and bones X3,IJ;P3r,IJ;3X to dress, to curry (a skin) X3,IJ;P3X

1.1. to traverse, to go at a slant 2. to

roam X3,IJ;P3X

II. to pull on, to slip on (clothes) (Bur.)

X3,IJ;YHr33P (see x3AHHr33p)

X3,IJ;YYJI 1. how many?, § aM


how many are you at home? number

X3~YYJl33 B3


X3,IJ;3H (see X3~) X3,IJ;3HT33 several times


X3,IJ;3P (N snap] quarrelsome, bad-tempered, aauinax (see X3~3PJl3X) irascible, N

X3,IJ;3PJI3X to be quarrelsome, to be badtempered, to be irascible

X3}1{HM I. the long hair along a yak's belly X3}KHM II. saddle-cloth X3}KHMJI3X to shear a yak's belly-hair


X3}KHX to traverse a steep slope X3}I{JJYYP (see X3JKYY) X3}1{YY steep slope, steep face


X3333 when?, N OOJlOBq (N JI

OOJl N, N H3IT33, ~aIT) any time, no matter when, some time, N e300HbI (N X3333HHH) of old, long since, from of old, long-standing, N MapraawryH (N M9~ryH, N x3333ryH, N H3aaryH) right away, soon, any moment now, N XOHHO later on, sometime later; sometime after, N X3333H33C xyxan more important than ever, N q always, at any time; never, N H3aaHbI (N H3ryypbIH) old, original, long-standing, N H3aaHbI nors a past master, an old hand, N HMaIT always, at all times, § N H3aaHbI M3M3r 10M I've known that for a long time H3r

X3333,IJ; always, at all times X3333HHH of old, long since, from of old, longstanding, always

X3333H33C (N aaam) always, from of old tongue of a bell, 3M33J1HHH OJlOMHbI apan buckle and tongue of a saddle-girth, aM dispute; talk, words asraa OHJIYY~3X to speak cuttingly, to have a sharp tongue, N aM N




X3JIJiHHrYY bent, crooked X3JIJiHHJIr3X to tip, to tilt X3JIJiHHJIT 1. tipping, tilting 2. deviation X3JIJiHHJrrr3H deviant X3JIJiHHx 1. to lean, to tilt, to tip, to decline, § as the sun was declining in the north-west 2. to deviate

Hap oapYYH XOHw X3J10HHJK OaHxa,Il

X3JIJiYY sloping,

X3JI 1. tongue (anat., of a bell, of a buckle, etc.), XOHXHbI

to be silent, to be tongue-tied, yr raprax to yr33 OJlOJl~OX to come to an make a fuss, agreement, X3J133 xasax to hold one's tongue; to flannel, XaJITHpax to make a slip of the tongue 2. (N OHqHr) language, aMb~ N living language, AHrJlH X3J1T3H English-speaking, yrra 30XHOJlbIH N literary language, 3Tr33~ N (see 3Tr33~), HpHaHbI N spoken language, N OHqrHHH yxaan philology, N oYPYYTaH stranger, foreigner, X3J1HHH 3yH grammar, X3J1HHH 3yHq grammarian, N yJI language, N ynaa OHJlrO~OX to understand each other, N WHIDKJI3N linguist, WHH}KJI3J1 linguistics, epoHXHH N WHH}KJI3J1 general linguistics, N WHIDKJI3J1T3H linguist, N apaa speech, talk, lanHPHaHbI coen fluency, articulateness guage, 3. news, message, N aBaJI~aX (N aM asannax] to get in touch, to make contact, to exchange news, N oapHX to get a message, N 3aJIraX to pass on a message, H3BTP3X to get through to, to communicate, to make oneself understood, N xyprsx to report, to send a message 4. the top and bottom flaps of the case for a book (xyl.) (aMb~ N) identification prisoner, prisoner taken for interrogation N

X3,IOC3H a few



2. several, a



rasap sloping terrain

X3JIJi3JI3YYJI3X to rock X3JIJi3JI33JI variation, fluctuation, oscillation, vibration, ~


stabilizer (ship)



(N aM raprax, N aM TaTax, N aM TaTJlaX,

aM XHHx) to make a fuss, to make trouble, to quarrel, N aM OOJlOX (N aM rapax, N aM TaTax) to have a quarrel, to have a scene, aM M3~3xryH (N M3~3xryH) to be ignorant of the language, axaa OJlOJl~OX to talk things out, to agree, N aMalm opox to get into trouble, N aMTaH disputatious, assaa ymKYYJlcaH blind drunk, X3J133 raprax to stick one's tongue out, N ~aparq spatula (surg.), X3J13H ~33P Hb qHX3P WHJl3H ~33P Hb xyrra two-faced, treacherous, sararaax to be unable to double-crossing, 3yrwyyPJl3X to become hold one's tongue, fluent, to beome articulate, N 3yrWYYPJl3X yr tongue-twister, X3M. opox to begin to talk (baby), N COHCrOJlryH deaf and dumb, N TaTax N




X3JIJi3JI33JIT3H variable, fluctuating X3JIJi3JI33X to vary, to fluctuate, to oscillate, to vibrate, to rock

X3JIJi3P (N oa~aJI, N ~ypc, N




shape, COHaT N sonata-form, TOM X3J103PHHH large-scale, X9HrOH N mild form (of a disease), N aryynra form and content, N annarnax (X3J103P33 annax] to be deformed, N CY~JlaJI (see X3J103PCY,I:tJIaJI), N CY~JlaJlbIH (see X3J103PCYAJIaJIbIH), TO~HH (X3J103PHHH TO~HH) in form only, only in a formal sense

X3JIJi3P,IJ;3JI formalism



X3JIJi3P,IJ;3JIT (see X3JI03P~3JI) X3JIJi3P,IJ:3X to be formalisic, to pay attention to form, to do in name only, X3JI03P~3JK oposmox to skimp, to make a show of doing


X3llM3X to be alarmed


X3llTrHH 1. crooked, slanting, oblique, -

saxraa ):(33JI gown with a sloping collar, lama's

X3llli3P}I{Hll formation, shaping

robe 2. unfair, unjust, uneven, cooked-up

X3llli3P}I{HllT (see X3JI03PJKHJI)

1. to tilt to one side, to make crooked 2. to act with bias, to act partially

X3llli3P}I{YYll3X to shape

X3llTHHX 1. to swerve, to be deflected, to slip

X3llli3P3YH morphology

to one side, to list 2. to decline (evening sun,

X3llli3P3YHH morphological


X3llIi3PCY,I1)IAIT (see X3JI03P3YH)

X3llTll3X to chip,

X3llIi3PCY,IJ;JIAJIbIH (see X3JI03P3YHH) X3llli3Pr3H shaped,

in shape, national in form

in form,


X3llli3PIDHX (see


anax to chip off

to free,

to free from distress


X3llTP3X I. to shatter, to get broken off, to chip, X3JITP3xryH WHJI

X3llli3PIDHll (see


X3llTPYYll3X to forgive, to let off, to exempt,

X3llli3PIDrYH staunch

X3llli3P3ll deviation (polit.),



X3llli3P}I{HX to take shape



shatter-proof glass

X3llTP3X II. to escape, to get out of, aMb) , X3:U;yy oaHMaac -


ist deviation

aMb -


to get out of a difficult


X3llT3r Goldfish, Carassius auratus

X3llli3P3llTrYH staunchly, without faltering

X3llT3H able to speak

X3llli3X 1. to stretch 2. to raise or sink sheet

X3llT3H speaker (of a language),

metal, § XaB'ITaH ryyJIb 33C X3JI03}K roroo XHHX to make a pot by raising sheet brass or copper

X3llrHH (see X3JIryH)


to thicken the colostrum whch flows after a day or two by boiling and stirring

X3llrHH IJ;3IJ;3r Hyacinth (bot.) X3llrYH dumb, - anryyc dumb animals X3llr3ll33X to stammer, to stutter


Mongol speaker

X3llT3HIJ;3P lobule X3llT3P lobe X3llT3PXHH 1. chip, splinter, sliver, fragment 2. chipped, splintered

X3llT3C 1. department 2. petal, sepal, -


ypr3JI}K JIOrHHH -



polypetalous, gamopetalous, :U;OMOP-




X3ll3YH grammar X3ll3YHH grammatical

X3llYY clitoris X3IDIT3P (see xanxrap)

xansvaa grammarian

X3llXHHx to be baggy, to be sloppy (clothes)

X3llll3r 1. an expression, uryyn - direct speech

X3llXM3ll linked, strung together

2. [ypaa -) idiom, way of expression, expressiveness, OBOpMOD; - idiom, xap X3JIJI3r33p in pia in terms, X3BlIIM3JI - (X3JID; -) fixed expression, saying

X3llM3r,IJ;YYll3ll (see


X3llM3r,IJ;YYll3llT (see X3JIM3r):(3JI) X3llM3r,IJ;YYll3X to ravage, to ruin, to destroy X3llM3r,IJ;3rC3,IJ; victims, casualties X3llM3r,IJ;3rqH,IJ; (see X3JIM3r):(3rc3):() X3llM3r,IJ;3ll 1. destruction, damage 2. victimization, persecution

X3llM3r,IJ;3X 1. to be ruined, to be destroyed, to be ravaged, to be laid waste 2. to fall a victim, to become a casualty, to be victimized

X3llM3PQ 1. interpreter 2. reciter of ritual verse at a traditional wedding

X3llM3Pqn3X to interpret, to act as interpreter

X3llX3JI,IJ;3X to be linked, to be strung together X3llX3H ligule (bot.) X3llX3X to put together, to join, to string, to string together, HaHMaH HcaJm X3JIXC3H skinny, emaciated, nothing but skin and bones, YTCaJm - to put on a string

X3llX33 1. string 2. (-

CyJI033 , - XOJIooo) connection, link, bond, tie, relationship, uycaa blood relationship, uycaa - nyycax (see rnpOJI Tacpax), - HC skeleton 3. circuit, mains (e/ec.)

X3llX33CT3H linked, strung together X3llIJ; (- yr) phrase,


- fixed expression, ical dictionary

X3llU;3ll transaction, deal X3JIIJ;3X (see X3JI3JI:U;3X) X3JIU;33 (see

idiom, X3BWM3JI phraseolog-



X3JIU33rYH indisputable, unquestionable



X3JIU33T3H agreed X3JI3JIUYYJI3r discussion, debate X3ll3JIUYYP (see X3JI3JI~YYJI3r) X3ll3JIU3N speakers, MOHrOJI X3JI33P -Mongol-speakers X3ll3JIU3X 1. to converse, to talk to each other 2. to discuss, to talk about, X3JI3~3H TOXHPOJI~OX (X3JI3JI~3H TOXHpOX) to agree, to come to an agreement, to reach agreement, X3JI3JI~3H TOXHPOJI~Orq 3'IT33,r(yy~ the contracting parties, X3JI3~3H TOXHpOrq 3PX3M xoep 3'IT33~ the high contracting parties, X3JI3~3B{ TOXHpCOH ecoop as arranged, yynsaxaap X3JI3JI~3B{ TOXHpOX to arrange to meet X3ll3llIJ;33 discussion, negotiation, -- XHHX to hold discussions, X3JI3~33HHH WHp33 negotiating table X3ll3JIU33P 1. agreement, treaty, -oaHryyJIax to make a treaty 2. talks, discussions X3ll3MrHH (-- ~OJIOMrOH) eloquent X3ll3HIJ;3P

I. ligule (bot.)

X3ll3HIJ;3P II. (-- axanuap] talkative, garrulous X3ll3X 1. to say, to speak, X3JI3X3~ asrap XHHX3~ X3~YY easier said than done, X3JIC3~33 XYP3X to be as good as one's word, -- X3JI3xryH yr33p abusively, -- X3JI3xryH 10M HpHX to be abusive, X3JI33~ sax B3 absolutely, no doubt about it, § OaJIMar~a)l{ T3B~c3HHHr -yy need I say how worried I was? 2. to mean 3. to tell on, § OH TaHbIr 33~33 X3JIH3 I'll tell my mum on you 4. to tell off X3ll33M bread (Bur.) X3M

X3M)I{HXYH YXAAH geometry X3M}I{HIJ; module X3M)KYYP 1. gauge, meter, scale, scales, PHXTePHHH -- Richter scale, XaJIyyH XyHTHHH -thermometer, XYP~bIH -- speedometer, -- caa measuring vessel 2. measurement, X3MJKYYPHHH H3rB{ unit of measurement X3M)KYYP~3X to measure

X3M)KYYPMYYll3llT metering X3M)KYYPMYYll3X to meter X3M)K33 1. measure, measurement, -- asax to take measurements 2. (-- ~aM~a) volume, amount, size, dimensions, -- xapsuaa proportions 3. level, scale, standard, limit, ans H3r X3M)I{33r33p to some deg ree, aMb~paJIbIH -standard of living, oara X3M1K33HHH smallscale, ~OO~ -- lower limit, minimum, ~33~ X3M*33r33p to a high degree, ~33~ X3M1K33~ at the highest level, HX X3M1K33HHH (TOM X3M*33HHH) large-scale, HHJI33~ X3M*33r33p on a considerable scale, epren X3MB{33r33p on' a wide scale, YJICbIH X3M1K33r33p on a national scale, over the whole country, 3JIqHH ca~IH X3M*33r33p at ambassadorial level, -- xasraapTaH restricted, limited 4. metre, -- nyranaa (-X3MH3JI) rhythm, time X3M)K33rYH unlimited, limitless, boundless, -3pXT absolute, autocratic, -- 3pXT xaaa absolute monarch X3M)K33llmrYH immeasurable, infinite, -- HX infinitely great

I. (see XHM)

X3M 11.1. measure, size, dimension, -- T3rw symmetry, -- X3MB{33 size, dimensions, measure, limits; norms, standards, ec 3yHH -- X3M)I{33 ethical standards, HaMbIH aMb~paJIbIH -- X3MB{33 the norms of party life, X3M33C X3T3PC3H excessive, extravagant 2. degree, ~OPBOH -- XYHT3H four degrees below zero, HaM -- low temperature, xacax ~OPBOH -- minus four 3. (-- X3MH3JI) rhythm X3MrYH immeasureable X3M)KHr,n;3XYYH value, xysscax -- variable (n.)

X3M)I{HX to measure, -- yxaaa geometry, -yxaaasr geometrical

quantity (math.),

X3M)KHN gauge, -- uryrasr yard-stick, rule X3M)KHll (seeX3M1KHJIT), -- 3yH system of measures, measurement X3M)KHnT 1. measurement, -- XHHX to take a measurement, to take a reading, 2. measuring, metering 3. dimension, rypsaa X3M)I{HJITHHH three dimensional

X3M)K33ll3X to measure X3M)K33C 1. scale (cart.), oara -- ()I{H)l{Hr --) small scale, TOM -- large scale, TooHbI -- representative fraction scale, nryrassaa -- plain scale 2. dimension, rypsaa X3MB{33CT three dimensional X3M)K33CHHH scale (adi-), to scale, oara -sypar ()I{H)l{Hr -- sypar] small-scale map, TOM -- sypar large-scale map, -- OHW not to scale, -- x3M)I{Hr~3xYYH representative fraction (cart.) X3M)K33T 1. limited, -- sacar-r constitutional (monarch) 2. graduated, -- KOJIDO graduated flask X3M)K33T3H (see X3M)I{33T) X3Mn3ll rhythm, -- 3yH metrics X3Mn3X 1. to gnaw, to nibble nag, to get at X3MHYYP criterion


to bully, to



X3MH3r proportion X3MH3r.I(3ll economy, saving X3MH3ll rhythm, aMb~paJIbIH ,. pace of life, COH.QrOH XYBbT 3HmHH ,. simple triple time, rsrur XYBbT 3HmHH ,. simple duple time

MaaHb 11 X3n;yy oaHHa it is hard for each of us X3HHH ,. rsrs OOJIOXblr M3~3xryH OaHJIaa he did not know who she was or where she belonged, ,. X3HHHr33 xapaaryH oa~ar lIHHb the fact that neither saw the other, ,. ,. Hb XYYX3,ruyH neither of them had a child, ,. X3HHH . yyp Hb Xypll each of them got angry, X3H.Q 11 oyy HPb.>K Y333P3H don't tell anyone X3Hr3H3X to moan, to whine, X3Hr3H3nJI yiiJIax to weep bitterly

X3MH3nT I. rhythmic X3MH3nT II. economy, saving

X3MH3X II. to measure

X3Hr3P3r drum, asnryyr ,. kettledrum, HX ,. big drum, HXX3Hr3pr33 ~3M3X to bang the big drum (as a summons, etc.), TaJI" shaman's onesided drum, qHXHHH ,. eardrum, X3Hr3prHHH XaJIbC tympanic membrane, X3Hr3prHHH XOH~HH chamber of the middle ear

X3MH33 rhythm (mus.)

X3Hr3P3N drummer

xssrrsrtnrva asymmetric

X3H3 born late, produced late in the year, ,. ~OPOH MaJI late-born feeble beasts, ,. norco aftermath, ,. OPOH rapax to be late-born, ,. OpOM cream taken off in autumn, ,. TOC uaraaa TOC made from late-autumn cream

X3MH3nTrYH uneconomical X3MH3JITT3H economical X3MH3X I. to economize, to economize on to save, to spare, n;arHHr ,. to save time '

X3MT3H rhythmic X3MX I. (,. oHn;) to bits, to pieces, ,. TaTax to wrench away, to wrench out, ,. xaax (,. W~3X) to throw down and smash, ,. n;OXHX to smash up X3MX II. Water-melon X3Mx,n;3r scraps, fragments

X3HHHx whose?

X3Mx,n;3C (see x3~3r)

X3Hx,n;3r chest (anat.)

X3MXJI3X to break, to smash X3MXP3X to break, to get broken, to get smashed X3MXQHX to smash up, to pound up, to crush X3MX3PXHH 1. debris, ruins, bits, chips xasrxapxaa] broken down, clapped out

X3H3.I(3X to be inadequate, not to be up to it X3H3ll3X 1. to grow late in autumn (grass, etc.) 2. to be born late in autumn (livestock)

2. (,.

X3HX3r sive

1. greedy, avid 2. extravagant, obses-

X3HX3rll3X to be obsessed, to be an addict X3HX3ll33X to swagger X3HX3PQ3r rib-cage

X3MX3X to bite, to batter (another beast)

X3HillHX to have a dry cough

X3M3Pll3r loess


X3M33r.I(3rQ (see X3M33rt1)

X3H3rrYH indifferent, unperturbed, cool, unruffled, without batting an eyelid

X3M33N called, named

xsasrrvarsx not to bat an eyelid

X3M33H that (after a quotation) X3M33X to be called, to be named, § "nap ,. TOB~ yr the Tibetan word "par"

rvanrrva (see x3H3rryH) at, to take

in one's stride II

X3H 1. who?, H3P" OHJI33·what'syour name?, name?, ,. oaHr r3X B3 there is no denying that, there can be no doubt that, § X3HHH CO~OB r3JI33 what was Sodov's family name? 2. each, any, anyone, whichever, ,. ans Hb anyone, anyone of, ,. OOJIOBq everyone, one and all; no-one, 3P3rT3H 3M3rT3H ,. OOJIOBq men and women alike, ,. oyraH (,. OYX3H, ,. ryaH, ,. XyH, ,. XyHryH, ,. HHryH) anyone, everyone, everybody, ,. ~HHJIC3H Hb whichever is the winner, ,. ~ypTaH Hb any Tom, Dick or Harry, ,. H3r Hb someone, one of them, ,. H3r3H XyH someone, someone or other, ,. q anyone, no one, § OH~HHH ,. MaaHb which of us, X3H.Q

X3H33 mental disorder, psychosis, ,. annax to go crazy, ,. ryccaa maniacal, ,. wyrJI3C3H crazed X3H33PX3ll madness, psychosis, hysteria, ~aHHbI ,. war psychosis X3H33PX3X to be mad, to be psychotic X3H33T3H mad, crazy X3H33T3H madman, fanatic X3P (see XHp II.) X3PB33I. if X3PB33 II. crest, ridge X3PB33P if X3prHC YYP (see xspsrcvvp]


X3Pf3JI things X3Pf3M rank, - ~OJI ranks and titles X3P,IJ;3C (see cysar 3.)


with the copy

X3P,IJ;33 generally, for the most part X3P}KHfHYYP wheezing

X3PQfHH (- OaJIMa,Ll, - nonuan] brutal, savage, aggressive

X3P}KHfH3X to wheeze

X3PQfHHJI3JI cruelty, brutality

X3P3f3H3X to stick out (bones)

X3PQfHHJI3X to act cruelly, to act brutally

X3P3f3P skeletal, bony

X3Pq,n;3C scrap, end (of thread, etc.)

X3P3HHx (see x3p3r3H3x)


X3PHf stingy, avaricious, miserly

X3P~fHYYP (see X3p1KHmyyp)

X3PHHH about, as much as, § caaxanr - rasap about one milking-portner's distance away

X3P~fH3X (see X3p1KHrH3x)

X3PJI3f (- OBlIHH) rheumatism, X3pJI3r TaCT rheumatoid

X3P~JIT slicing, cutting

X3PJI3X to develop a solid well-haired skin X3PM3JI I. (- uaraaxaa] vagrant, X3PM3JIHHH JKacaa the offices of the Zasagt Khan and the Sain Noyon Khan at Urga (hist.) X3PM3JI II. bound up, woven together X3PM3H CYYJI Green Bristle-grass, Setaria viridis

cut, cut up, cut into

X3P~rq slicer, cutter

X3PQHM 1. slice, - TaJIX slice of bread ment of a line X3P~MJI3X to cut up, to slice up

X3PQHX to cut up, to cut into, to slice up, X3PllHJK TaHpcaH oyy sawn-off gun X3Pqrr33C notch, groove, cut X3PQM3JI (see x3pllHr,LlM3JI)

X3P HI> (see XHpH33)

X3PQYYP chopper, cleaver

X3PH33 (see XHpH33), nrC3H - however

X3PQ33C cut

X3PC Glasswort, europaea

Salicornia, SBCJIOr -


X3PCYY circumspect, cautious, careful, wideawake X3PCYY}I{HX to become cautious, to become prudent X3PCYYJI3X to be cautious, to be prudent X3PCYYPX3X (see X3PCYYJI3X) X3PC3f railing, balustrade, parapet X3PC3H I. brisket (anat.) X3PC3H II. girth of a camel's pack-saddle X3Pf3H (see XHpnH II.) X3Pf3H,r( mostly, generally X3PYYJI (- ,LlOpyyJI, - 3apra, - ypyyJI, MapraaH, - nyyran] quarrel, dispute, row, X3pyyJIHHH aJIHM apple of discord, - oYMHaH quarrel, dispute, incident, - 30,LlOOH brawl, scrap, affray, - MapraaH ,Ll3r,Ll33X (- onox] to pick a quarrel, to start a row, X3PYYJIHHH TYJIaM trouble-maker, - XHHX to have a row X3PYYJIlI quarrelsome X3PXH3r second stomach of a ruminant, honeycomb, reticulum (see also capxaaar] X3PX3Bq by no means, absolutely not X3PX3H (- HaJK) how? X3PX3X to do what?, § HOMbIH 3XHHr X3pX,Ll3r TYXaH oryyJIbe I shall tell how they used to deal

2. seg-

X3P3B if X3P3B333 (see X3p3B) X3P3r 1. matter, affair, fact, OOJICOH - event, happening, what happened, HMap X3pr33p on what business?, - a1KHJI affairs, business, OHill OOJIOX (- OHW,I:l3X, - oYC,Llax) to be a bad business, to be a bad look-out, to go all wrong, - OOJIrOJK (- OOJIroH) specially, - OOJIOXO,Ll X3P3MHHH cYYJI OMOX Hb X3UYY waste not want not, X3P3IT nypnax to be inquisitive, X3P3IT ,I:lypTaH inquisitive, - ,Ll33P in fact, saaap« X3Hr3p3r xarapax to come to the end of the road, - 30pHr aim, purpose, business, TOXHO~BOJI if the occasion arises, x3prHHrTYP xasraaparx charge d'affaires, x3pmHH yqHp the nub of the matter, - 3PXJI3X rasap the administration, - HB,LlaJI affair, incident 2. cause, 3HX TaHBHbI - the cause of peace 3. (- sapra] affair, case (iur.), aMHHbI - (XyH aMHHbI -) murder case, homicide. - OYPTr3JIT enquiry, OYPTr3X to conduct an enquiry, - OYPTr3X oaHryyJIJIara organ of enquiry, x3pmHH rasap the scene of the crime, - 30P'IHJI offence, 30PllHJI raprax to commit an offence, - HHHJI3X to deal with and settle a case, X3pmHH npOTOKOJI case records, - TaCJIar,Llax to have one's case decided, to be convicted, X3P3IT TaTax to charge, - TYJIrax to accuse, to bring charges, - yycr3x to institute proceedings, xapayuax lIa,LlBapryH not legally responsible, xapayuax 11a,LlBapTaH legally responsible,



X3pr33 XyJI33X to confess, to admit one's guilt, - WHHTr3X to try a case, to decide a case, X3pmHH 333H offender, X3prHHH 333H X3Hr3prHHH ~OXHYP the real criminal, the one behind it all 4. need, necessity, - anra (oaiixryii, - IOYH aJK33) there is no need (to, of), - OOJIOX to come in useful, § ~aBTaH yryyJI3X - IO}'H need I repeat?, 3aaBaJI XYJI33JK oaiix oaHHa yy do we really have to wait?, H~ M9HrOHHH - TYH HX OOJIOO~ oaHHa I need money badly TYB3r) trouble, - annax (yH~3X, - XHHX) to do something wrong, to commit an offence, - raprax (- TapHX) to make trouble, X3P3IT opox (- TYB3IT xonoornox] to get into trouble, - 9~9X to stir things up, 9~YYJI3rq offender, trouble-maker, - 'JYB3rTapHX to make trouble, § OH - rapraac X3Hr3p3r ~3JIC33ryH (OH - XHHJK X3P3M ~OOJICOH OHW) I haven't been doing anything wrong, X3P3B TYB3r rapsan if trouble breaks out

s. (-


1. no need to, should not, ought not,

caanpaxsm - there is nothing to worry about, TYYH33C aHX - there is no need to be afraid of him 2. useless, no use, pointless X3P3f}KHJIT performance X3P3f}KHX (x3p3rJKHHOHeJI3x) to be realized, to be effected X3P3f}KYYJI3X to put into effect, to implement, to exercise, to realize X3P3fJIYYP equipment, instrument, means, medium, § yHMB3PJI3JIHHH ~C3H - rasap land - the basic means of production

(archae.) X3P3fC3JI 1. equipment, apparatus, appliance, implement, gear, raJIT - ammunition, accessories, TaHK munitions, H3M3JIT 3C3P~3X - anti-tank weapons, T33BPHHH vehicle, means of transport, uaraaa - linen, bed-linen, ~aXHJIraaH - electrical apparatus, electrical appliance 2. means, yH~B3PJI3JIHHH - means of production X3P3fC3X to pay attention to, to bother about, X3p3rC3xryH OOJIrOX to terminate, to dismiss, to discontinue, not to proceed with (jur., etc.) X3P3IT3H should

1. necessary, useful, of use 2. must,

X3P3IT3H (- 3Tr33~) accused, offender, yJIC T9PHHH political offender, X3P3ITHHH WHP33~ cyyx to be in the dock X3P3ITJ;33 1. (- uraapnnara] need, necessity, demand, wants, aMb.QpaJIbIH - necessaries of life, - rapsan in case of need, if the necessity crises, X3p3r~33H33C HJIYY surplus to requirements, X3P3~33H33C HJIYY 3aXHaJIaX to overorder, X3p3r~33H33C HJIYY.Q3X to be surplus to requirements, - HxnH much in demand 2. use, X3P3~33~ TOXHpOXryH to be unfit for consumption X3P3ITJ;33fYH· 1. no use, unwanted, superfluous 2. useless, no use, unusable, - oOJIrox to Tender unusable X3P3ITJ;33JI3X to consume X3P3ITJ;33T needed, necessary, in demand X3P3ITJ;33T3H required, needed, necessary X3P3NHH female musk deer (XY~3p)

X3P3fJI3r,n;3XYYH material (n.)

X3P3ITll33X to take into account, to think something of

X3P3rJI3N user, consumer, X3p3rJI3rqHHH rapsra aa naax user-friendly

X3P3M3X to quarrel

X3P3rJI3JI equipment, apparatus, appliance, accessories, fittings, raJIT - ammunition, munitions, rHMHaCTHKHHH - gymnastic apparatus, OPHbI - bed-clothes, naraaa -linen, bed-linen, 3M33JIHHH - saddle fittings, - MaTepHaJI equipment, X3p3rJI3JIHHH caMoap instrument panel, dashboard, - X3~ supplies, material

X3P3M I. Squirrel, Sciurus, Bapaaa - Red Squirrel, S. vulgaris, X3P3MHHH saryyp Squirrels, Sciuridae X3P3M 11.1. wall, HX uaraaa - (TYM3H raspsra ypT ~araaH - , TYM3H raJpbIH ~araaH - , XHT~bIH ypr naraaa -, XHTa,tlbIH uaraaa -) the Great Wall of China 2. fortress, fortification

X3P3rJI3llT use

X3P3MJI3X to form a wall

X3P3rJI3JIT3H equipped

X3P3~ name of a certain bird of prey

X3P3fJI3X to use, to make use of, xyyJIHHr .oYPYY - to apply the law wrongly X3P3fJI33 consumption, X3p3rJI33HHH oapaa (x3p3rJI33HHH raeaap] consumer goods, X3p3rJI33HHH yH3 cost of living, X3p3rJI33HHH xyranaa use-by date, X3p3rJI33HHH 3P3JIT consumer demand X3P3fCYYP ancient grave, ancient burial site

X3P3Hr3T a kind of chestnut colour (horse) X3P3X I. to tie up, to bind up, to bind together, to darn X3P3X II. (X3p3H oH.Qax, X3P3H X3~P3X, X3P3H X3C3X, X3pJK uaraaxnax] to wander about, to stray, TaJI X33pHHr X3P3H cyJIJKHX to criss-cross the plains X3P3X III. (- 9BqHH) rheumatism

X3P3X IV. to confront, to go in front, X3P3H 33'IT3X to cross in front (of a vehicle, hunters) (Dzeren) X3P33


I. Raven, Crow, Xap - Raven, Corvus XOH - Carrion-Crow, C. corone,

Llaraan - Gull, - ranyyr ~yypHa}K xonoe XOMOOB to bite off more than one can chew, X3P33HHHx33 xapsrr raaxas the pot calling the kettle black, X3P33HHH ssryyp Crow Family, Crows, Corvidae X3P33

II. tie, lashing

X3P33HHH HY)l; Asparagus, fOBHHH - A. gobicus


Sibbaldianthe (bot.), HaJIlITap - S. adpressa X3P33P (see XHp33p) X3P33P33 (see XHp33p33) X3P33C cross, - oenon cross-stitch


X3P33CJI3X to make a cross X3P33T3H tied up, tethered X3CfHHH local, anaesthetic

M3~33 annyynanr local

X3CM3JI (- nH3M3n) wandering, vagrant X3CYYJI 1. wanderer, migrant, x3cyynHHH a1KHn migratory work, - sarac migrant fish 2. loafer, vagrant X3CYyqJI3JI vagabondage, vagrancy, loafing about X3CYyqJI3X to wander around, to loaf, to go from tent to tent, § ranyyp ~3MHH - to roam the streets, to wander abroad X3C3f Li, part, piece, - rasap locality, a particular place, - raspaap M3~33 annyynax to give a local anaesthetic, - raapsnr local, naac a piece of paper ii. particle, a.n:bclla alpha particle 2. group, - oyn3r (- oycar) groups of, in groups, - oyn3r xyH groups of people, - oynr33p33 in groups, - XyH a group of people 3. a bit, a while, - oaH3Ha~ after a bit, - 3yyp (H3r X3C3IT33) a bit, for a bit, for a while, - xyrauaa a bit, a while, - xyrauaa oHropcHHH napaa after a while, § H3r TeneBH30p Y33X to watch a bit of TV, to watch the TV for a bit 4. section (smallest unit of Party organization) S. section (of a rural co-operative consisting of a number of bases (Cyypb) and forming part of a brigade) 6. sector, practice (med., etc.), X3crHHH rnnoonor'l district police officer, X3CrHHH 3Mq local doctor 7. squad, team X3C3fJI3JI block, section, sector X3C3fJI3X (x3C3rn3H xynaax] to divide up, to group, § oym33P Hb oYlOY X3C3rn3H X3Bn3X to print complete or in part



X3C3rx3H a bit, a while X3C3fqlfJIC3H partial X3C3rqJJ3H piecemeal, in parts, partially X3C3X to wander around, to go around, to call on, ann - to callan one's neighbours, X3C3H Moprox to go on pilgrimage X3T 1.1. fire-making equipment consisting of a pouch with flint and tinder with a steel attached, tinder-pouch, - 03n tinder-pouch and metal strap-ornament, - xasapax (- ~aXHX) to strike a light, - xyrra a set of tinder-pouch and knife 2. steel (of a lighted 3. cigarette-lighter X3T II. too, too much, OHe3 - ~paax to overtire oneself, - aBHaHbI ultra-sound (ad;.) (med.), oapYYHbI for right (ad;') (polit.), - naapars extremist, - naspax to go too for, to go to extremes, - ~aM1Kyynarq superconductor, ~aM}Kyyna.n: superconductivity, - AaM1KYYnax superconductive, - AaM1Kyynax OHeT superconductive material, - AaM1KYYnax q~apTaH superconducting, - HX too much, excessive, HX OHnQ33X to overgraze, - HapHHH asaaraap WHIDKHX ultrasound scanning, - onoa too much, too many, - ecenr hyperplasia, - CYC3rT fanatical, - xanax to overheat (mech.), - 3PC Y33nnH hardliner (polit.), - sraaa ultra-violet X3T III. epididyrnus


X3T IV.l. future, distant future, - HP33AyH distant future, X3TA33 in the future 2. origin, beginning, X3n3C33 originally X3THHH future, long-term, long-range, - caaaa goal, aim, purpose, X3p3r 30pHr X3HA B3 canaa xaaaa B3 with whom is your business and where are you aiming for? (liter.), - renes prospects, - TonOBnoroo long-term plan, rnnOBnOJIT long-term planning X3TPYY too, too much, excessive X3TPYYJI3f exaggeration, overstatement X3TPYYJI3IT3H exaggerated X3TPYYJI3JI

1. exaggeration 2.


X3TPYYJI3MTrHH extravagant, inclined to exaggerate X3TPYYJI3X





xasrraananrsra X3P X3M1K33r - to exceed the limits of necessary defence (;ur.), apXHHr X3TPyyn3H X3p3rn3X to drink too much; alcohol abuse, 3pX M3A3n oYlOY a.n:OaHbI OYP3H 3pX33 - to exceed one's competence or authority 2. to exaggerate, X31pyyn3JIryH X3n3X3A without exaggeration X3TP3JI excess

headdress (hist.)



X33B nsr unperturbed X33IT3X to go off, to go mouldy

X3TP3JIT (see X3TP3JI) X3TP3X I. to go too far, to go beyond the limit, to be excessive, to surpass, Mapraawaac not later than tomorrow, H3r ~OJIOO xoaorooc X3TP3xryHr33p in not more than a week, xyranaaaaac }KHJI33P - to overrun by a year, ~3prHHH Hac X3TP3rC3~ those over military age X3TP3xryH

X3TP3X II. to tie down X3T3BQ 1. pouch, wallet,

X3T3B1J:33 3Y3aaJIaX

to line one's pockets, - HHMr3P3X to lose money 2. (X3T3B1J:HH }KHMC) follicle (bot.)

X3T3.PT3Jl to excess X3T3PXHH too, too much, excessive, X3M}K33H33C -


beyond all measure, far too


X3T3PXHHJI3JI extravagance, extreme view X3XPYYJIr3X to cause (a sick camel) to belch X3XPYYJI3X to belch X3XP3JIT belch, belching X3XP3X to belch X3XYYH rank (smell) X3:Q I. shaman's drum X3:Q II. mountain ridge, sheer slope X3:Q 111.1. line (esp. a tethering-line stretched

X33rYH I. free and easy, casual X33rYH II. plain, unpatterned X33rYYP over the steppe (Bur.) X33N dark chestnut, brown (mare), - anar dark chestnut with white patches (mare)

X33JI 1.1. foetus (in livestock), -

aBaJIT impregnation, fertilization, - asax to be impregnated, to conceive, - asax 1J:aHap fecundity, asaxyynax to impregnate, to fertilize, to get fertilized, - annax to lose flesh, X33JI33 T33X to carry the young, to gestate, X33JI33 T33X xyrauaa period of gestation, - XaHJIT miscarriage, - xasynax (- ~YWIax) to cause (livestock) to abort, - xasx (- uyupax] to abort, to have a miscarriage, - xennernex to be aborted 2. pregnancy, X33JIHHH xyrauaa period of pregnancy

X33JI II. (- xaxyyns] bribe, bribery, corruption, to take bribes, - xaxyyJIHHH corruption case, - uyrrax to give a bribe, to bribe -

xaxyyJIb aBax


X33JIrYH infertile, not pregnant X33JITYYJI3r insemination, rapnaa - supervised insemination, ~yp 30PrHHH - free insemination, 30XHOMOJI - artificial insemination, X33JITYYJI3rT opyynax to put to breed

above the ground), a line for hanging things out, - 33JI tethering-lines, - TaTax to stretch a tethering-line (between its two posts) 2. guy-rope

X33JITYYJI3N breeding male, sire, -

X3I..JJJ;YY sloping, steep X3:QJI3X I. to keep to a ridge, to follow a ridge

X33JIT3N breeding female, dam, -

X3:QJI3X II. to put on a line, to hang on a line

X33JIT3H pregnant, with young (livestock)

X3:QYY 1. (-

X33JIT3X to be gravid, to be with young (live-

03PX, - xaTYY, - xyryy) difficult, troublesome, hard, - H3PT tabu, tabooed, H3pT eB1J:HH cancer, - XYYX3~ difficult child 2. very, ever so 3. capable, experienced, able

X3:QYY,IJ;3X 1. to become difficult 2. to get into difficulties, to be in trouble

X3:QYYPX3X to feel reluctant, to find (something) too difficult

X3:QYYP3X to become difficult X3 :Q3C for heaven's sake! (expression of surprise or disbelief)

X331.1. (-

pattern, design, decoration, - 1J:HMrHHH decorative, ornamental, 1J:HM3rJI3JI decoration 2. tread (tyre) yrans. - xyap)

X33 II. constraint, inhibitions, shyness, - annax (- oapax)

to be uninhibited, to be unrestrained, free and easy, uninhibited

- oaaryH (- waaryH)

X33 III. tube containing the hair in a woman's



X33JITYYJI3X to impregnate breeding stock




X33JIYYP underparts (anat.) X33JI3JIT patterned X33JI3X to ornament, to decorate, to put a pattern on

X33MC3f elegant, foppish X33H:Q3P (- raaran, -


smart, showy,


X33H:Q3PJI3X to be smart, to be showy, to be flashy

X33P I. steppe, open country, wilds,



wooded steppe, - ranaa out in the country, out in the open, - rasap (- xe~ee) in open country, - rapax (- asax] to go out into the wilds, TaJI plain, steppe, - YHTax (- XOHOX) to sleep in the open, - XOHO}K X3~ ~3PJI3X (X33p33P rsp X3~33P ~3P XHHX) to live rough

X33P II. dark chestnut, brown (horse), - anar chestnut with white patches X33P)lUfnT process of turning to steppe

(see X33P}I{YY) X33P)I{YY steppe (adj.), X33P)I{C3H






XRJIAJI3AX 1. to keep look sideways at, to keep glancing at, § Aop1K PYY XHJlaJI3a}l{ looking sideways at Dorj 2. to keep looking askance at XRJIAMXHHx to glance at

X33PHHH steppe, field (adj.), wild, - aMbTaH (- HOXOH, - caapan] "steppe-animal" (tabu name for the wolf), - 6yc steppe zone, cy.naJIraa field research, - CypryyJlh field training, exercises, manoeuvres, - yTac field telephone, - wyyx field court-martial, - 3MH3J13r field hospital

XRJIAM XIDIAM XAPAX to keep glancing at

1. squint 2. cross-eyed, squinting (see XHJlaJI3ax) XRJIIiAP 1. easy, simple, - .naxaM easy, convenient, - 3HrHHH simple 2. (- xH~aH) cheap



XBJIIiAPJIAX to make easy, to simplify

X33PHHH QAH 1. "Wild Tea" (plant used as a tea substitute) 2. tea drunk by travellers and others in the open

XBJIIiAPqHJICAH simplified, popular

X33PJI3X to be out in the steppes

XRJIIiAPqJIAJI simplification

X33T3H patterned

XBJIIiAPqJIAX 1. (XHJl6apl.IHJl1K xearanex] to make easy, to simplify 2. to take the easy way


(see X33J13X)

XBJIIiAPXAH quite easy

(see xHJl6apJlax 1.) 1. Feather-grass, Stipa, fOBHHH S. gobica (a/so MOHrOJl esc, U;araaJI1K), 8.nnar - S. pennata, CaHphIH - S. g/areosa, TOM - (illHB33T -) S. capillata, S. grandis (a/so illHB33), YCJIHr - S. capillata, XOPT - (see A3PC3H Xop) 2. S. g/areosa (a/so CaiiphIH -,

X33xr3P swaggering


X33X3JI33X to strut, to swagger


XBA3JIAX to edge, to trim (Bur.) XBBCAJI frustration XBBU;AA obstacle XMAJIT slaughter, massacre

MOHrOJl esc, Llaraaa esc]

XMAH Khitan (people)

XB3AAJIAH horse, ox, yak, sheep or goat in the fourth year

XBJITAC 1. hair of an animal (esp. from the mane or tail), XHJlraCaH 3aB a heir's breadth, XHJlraCaH cynac capillary (anat.), - CYYJlT3H Bristletails, Thysanura, XHJIraCaH XOpXOB Threadworm 2.i. hair (of a brush), COB3HhI hairs of a brush ii. string (of an instrument)

XB3fAAJIllIrYH boundless, unlimited

XBJIfACAPXAr hairy, fibrous

XB3fAAP 1. frontier, border, limit, - TaBHX to set limits, - X3M1K33 restriction, limitation, xspxar boundary, limit 2. region, aBTOHOMHT - autonomous region

(see xanracapxar] I. to string (an instrument) XBJIfACJIAX II. to take hairs (from a horse's

XMAX 1. to kill, to slaughter, to massacre fell, to clear (trees)

2. to

XMJIArA slaughter, massacre

XB3fAAPfYH 1. unlimited, limitless, xyranaa without limit of time 2. infinity


XB3fAAPJIAf~ limited, restricted, Y33r.n3X nexuen conditions of limited visibility

XB3fAAPJIAJIT limitation, restriction, xssraaPJlaJIThIH rnrCaJlT end of restriction (traf.)



mane or tail, from wool) XBJIMAA fine snow falling in sunlight XBJIMAAJIAX to snow wih fine snowflakes in sunlight XBJIMAJI3AX

(see XHJlaJI3ax)

XBJIMAH albino

XB3fAAPJIAX to limit, to restrict

XBJICXHHX to give a glance, to look round

XB3fAAPTAH limited, - Y33r.n3X nexuan conditions of limited visibility

XBJIYYa blistered condition of the tongue in cattle and camels affecting weakened stock in winter and spring

XB3fAAPbIH 1. frontier (adj.), - uspsr (see uspsr 2.) 2. peripheral, - M3.nP3J1HHH CHCTeM peripheral nervous system XBJIAB XHHX to glance, to give a sidelong glance, XHJlaB ~aJIaB XHHx to look askance XBJIAHX

1. to squint 2. to look askance

XBJIYYTAX to suffer from XHJlYY XBMrArYH careless, thriftless, reckless XBMrMAJIT parsimony, frugality, thrih XRMrA)l;AX to save, to be careful with, to go carefully with, not to waste, XHMra.naH xanranax


XBHAM}KJIAX to treat prudently, to deal with prudently


to keep carefully, XHMr~aH xasrraanax to protect XBMrATAH sparing, careful, economical XBM.,r( 1. (- recer. - T8cep) cheap, inexpensive, - epT8:rT3H low-cost, - YHHHH cheap, Iowpriced 2. easy XBM.,r(fYH not easy, difficult XBM.,r(PAJIT (YHHHH -) reduction in price, pricecutting XBM.,r(PAX to get cheaper, to come down, to be reduced in price, YH3 XH~apcaH reduced in price, reduced XBM.,r(PYYllAX to make cheaper, to reduce in price, YH3 - to lower the price, xH~PYYJIaH xynannax to sell cheaply, to sell at a discount XBMPAAX to upset, to disturb XBMPAJI 1. crisis, chaos, disorder, 3AHHH 3acrHHH - economic crisis, - T3MD;3JI dissension, strife, - Aa1KHH confusion, crisis 2. disorder, upset (med.)

XBMP~H conflict, clash

XBHAX to control, to check, to observe, to examine, - oaHp observation post, XHHaH HaipyyJIax to edit (a book), XHHaH HHrTJIax to examine, caMoap control panel; dashboard, XHHaH xapransax to supervise, XHHaH xapransax xyrauaa period of probation (under a suspended sentence), XHHaH X3JI3JIU;3X to consider, to examine, XHHaH nranrax to control, to check, to inspect, to verify, ApAbIH XHHaH Illanrax Xopoo People's Control Committee XBHrA

1. ridge 2. bridge of the nose

XBHrAJIAX to form a ridge XBHrAH Khingan Mountains XBHrA~YY aquiline

XBHrAP cleaver, scraper, draw-knife XBHrAPAAX to chop off, to scrape off XBHYYP (- oOJIrOOM1KHT, - HHMDaH) careful, prudent, circumspect X.HHYYPllAX to take care, to be prudent, to be circumspect XBP

I. (- xscaa] ridge, crest (ge09.)

XBP II. ornamental trimming on a saddle-bow

XBMP~ to be in conflict, to clash, eep XOOpOH)J;OO - [xapnnnaa XHMpa..JmaH 3BAP3JIU;3X) to fall out with each other

XBPAA first light, YYPHHH - first light of dawn XBPAAJIAX: yyp - to dawn X.HPAf a type of rough cloth

XBMPAJIT critical XAMPAX to be upset, to be in disorder, to be disturbed, T3Hr3p - to blow up (storm) XBMPYYllAX (see xHMpaax)

X.HPAM water mixed with milk and boiled XBPAMJIAX to add milk, XHpaMJIaCaH yc milky water

XBMcAHX to be arrogant, to be stuck up

X.HPA~Af 1. a sort of black pudding made of blood and offal encased in an animal's intestines and frozen, - DOJITOJI Hb HYA3X to beat up 2. squash, crush

XBMCAJI3AX to act arrogantly, to swagger

XBPAMQAfJIAX to make a xapasmar

XBMCfAHAX to curl one's lip


XBMCAA tweezers, MOXOO y3yypnH - bluntended tweezers

XBMCfAP haughty, conceited



XBHArtI 1. supervisor 2. proof-reader 3. censor 4. observer (mil., etc.) XBHAJIfA censorship XBHAJIT 1. (- waJIraJIT) control, supervision, observation, examination, - TaBHX to review, to supervise, to subject to inspection, HJITaHA TaBHX to keep an offender under supervision, XHHaJITbIH oaHryyJIJIara supervisory authority, XHHaJITbIH X3C3r observer grqup, XHHaJITbIH U;3r checkpoint 2. control (in an experiment), XHHHJITbIH X3C3r control group X.HHAMfAH attentive, careful X.HHAMfAHJIAX to be attentive, to be careful, XHHaMraHJIaH YHWHX to read carefully

I. to cut up finely,

to mince

XBPAX II. [xspaa IIY}TAax, XHpaH X3BT3X) to hide. to lie motionless, to lie low X.HPBAHx to lose condition (livestock) X.HPBAC smell of burning or smouldering (see XHHWYY) X.HPBACJIAf smelling of burning XBPBACllAX to clean off (a skin which has been singed) . XBPfArq shearer, XOHb - sheep-shearer X.HPfAJIT shearing, XOHb - sheep-shearing XBPfAMAJI shorn X.HPfAX to shear, to cut, to cut off, XOHb - to shear a sheep, HOOCOO xspracaa T8JI the side which has been sheared XBP3AH perineum

XBPJIAX I. to follow the crest or ridge of a moun-



XBPJIAX II. (xHpJIa}K QHM3rJI3x) to trim the edge of a saddle-bow


XBCJIAHTAH frustrating

XBPMAT (- uac] light snow-cover

XBTA,IJ; 1. China, - CY~JIaJI sinology 2. Chinese

XBPC I. Corsac, Vulpes corsac

XBT A,IJ;Aq sinolog ist

XBPC II. forge

XBTAJVKHX to become sinicised

XBPYY (- QaH) hoar-frost

XBTAJVKYY sinicized, Chinese-style


XBTA,IJ;qHJIAX (XHT~QHJIaH yycrax) to sinicize

XBPXATrYH [xasraap -) boundless, limitless

XBTAH large intestine of a horse

XBC (see xscaa I.)

XBTAH Khitan (people)

XBCAA I. forge, furnace XBCAA II. (- XOpXOH) Oyster, - ooopQor a meat and vegetable dumpling boiled in woter

XBCAA III. steep cliff, precipice XBCAA IV. obstacle, hindrance, snag XBCAAHTAH bothersome, a nuisance

XBXAA oppressive, obstructive XBXAr,IJ;AJI stultification XBXAJIT oppression, persecution XBXAX (XHXHH napnax. XHXa}K XaBQHx) to oppress, to squash, to keep down, to suppress, to intimidate

XBCAr,IJ;AJI deprivation X.SICAJI I. hindrance, obstacle, hitch

XBXHAAH creaking (n.)

XBCAJI II. rocky cliff

XBXHAX 1. to creak, to squeak, to grate (cart,

XBCAX [xacaa ooor~YYJIax) to obstruct, to hamper, to frustrate, to hinder

XBCJIAH frustration

etc.) 2.

to wheeze, to croak (voice)

XBXPAX (see xaxaax] XBXTHAX (see xsxaax]

=====Q QAA (-- 6yra, -- ropeec] Reindeer, Rangifer torandus

I(AAlYYP beyond, behind, round behind, YYJIhm -- beyond the hill

QAArYYPXH beyond, behind, round behind

QANJ: 1. further, -- naan ytlHP pros and cons, -sax Hh at most, -- TaJI the further side 2. that,

those, -- WOHO the other night

QANJ:AXb 1. beyond, the other side of, behind, AJITaHH -- ~on rOBh the Trans-Altai desert liaHraJIhIH -- transbaikalian, YCHhI-- 3'IT33~ the other side of the water, XHnHHH -- OPHYY~~ in foreign countries, abroad 2. that, those, -- Hh

he, she

QAMTAiI behind, beyond, the other side of QANJ:YYJI those people

:QAAAXH (see naanaxs] QAA3 1. law, justice, uaasnsr 6HqHr code of laws 2. punishment, execution, naasaap asax [uaasaap asaaxax] to execute, uaasaap asax HJI death penalty, capital punishment, naasasr TaB~aH scaffold

QAA3JIAX 1. [uaaanaa xoparnox] to forbid, to prohibit, to ban, ~aa3JIaH napxnax (~aa3JIaH OHrOJIOx) to make into a sanctuary 2. to execute, to put to death

QAA3TAiI forbidden, prohibited

:QAAHA beyond, behind, -- Hh or else, -- XHHX to put away

QAAHA,IJ;A}I{ at most, at worst, at best :QAAHA)l;BAJI (see naaaanaac] QAAPfAJIAX to resist, to hold out against, § HHHTHHH 6apHBQHJIraa XHHX33C -- to hold out

against carrying out mass arrests

QAAC 1. paper, apHYH ~3BPHHH -- (60XHphIH--,

}KOpJIOHrHHH --) toilet paper, 6~mHH -- writingpaper, typing-paper, 6onrocoH -- composite

paper made by sticking sheets together, 6oo~hm -- wrapping-paper, 60p -- brown paper, ranrap -- glossy paper, nann X33T3H -watermarked paper, ~OpBOn1KHH uryrasrraa -squared paper, 3ypmHH-- photographic paper, 3yJIryyp -- sandpaper, abrasive paper, KapTOH -- (xaTYY --) cardboard, MOpHH -- full-sized sheet of paper (xyl.); cardboard, MOHrOJIOr -(MoHroH --) silver paper, foil, MY}'BHH -- a type of Chinese paper, HaaMYYP -- sticky paper, flypaper, HOOTHhI -- manuscript paper (mus.), nepraMeHT -- (TOCTOH --) oil-paper, COHHHhI -newsprint, TOC H3BTPYYJI~3rryH -- greaseproof paper, TfraJIraH -- tinfoil paper, foil, ryypraasr

-- [xaasra --) wallpaper, TOBrop X33T3H xansra -- embossed wa IIpa per, ryypraHhI -- aaax to hang wallpaper, to paper (a room), yy~ar -(wHHr33x --) blotting-paper, XOPTOH -- [xyaanax --) carbon paper, WYY~3r -- (myyJITYYP --) filterpaper, xap -- black paper; tar paper, 3P33H -mere paper, waste paper, bumf (vulg.), UJIaa Ha~YYJIax -- fly-paper, naacasr aJKHJI paperwork, naacaa 6ap paper tiger (polit.), -- 6oJIrox to make up composite paper (for xylography, etc.), uaacaa 6yy firework, firecracker, uaacaa 6yy TaBHX to let off fireworks; to tell lies, -ryHnr3N paper-layer, the workman who lays the paper on the inked block (xyl.), -- ~aparq (-TOI'TOON) paper holder bail (typewriter), uaacaa MaJIraH flattery, soh soap, naacaa MaJIraH OMcrox [naacan MaJIraH TaBHx) to flatter, to sohsoap, to make too much of, uaacaa MOph red tape, excessive paperwork, naacaan H3pryH uacann MOpryH a nobody, never been heard of, -- QHQHX33C aaaur ~OOP~OrryH let sleeping dogs lie, naacaa urysyy kite (toy), § ax Hh naacaa MaJIra~ n HX~ryH XyH myy don't try and soh-soap me 2. [uaacan T3~3rr) note (money), -- MOHro money, naacaa MOHro [naacaa Torpor, uaacaa T3~3IT MOHro) paper money 3. tugrig

QAACAPXYY papery, paper-like QAACJIAX to paper, to paper over, xaaa -- to paper a wall

QAACTAiI well-heeled, with plenty of money QAATAH Tsaatan (the Reindeer People or Uriangkhai of Khovsgol)

:QAAXHA a bit beyond, a bit further QAAqJfH reindeer-keeper, reindeer-hand

:QAAIII 1. further, -- xapax to die, to kick the bucket, to come to grief, -- xapyynax to turn over, to turn face down; to do in, to do for, to kiII, -- XHHX to put away, to put by, § HJI'IT3N -- Hh X3JI3X3~ the speaker went on to say 2. more than, beyond, § xoep 3YYH M3TP33C -3aHTaH at a distance of more than two hundred metres 3. unless, without

:QAAIIIAA that way, further, uaauraa 6aH keep off!, keep your distance!

:QAAIIIfYH nothing for it but, nothing to do but, nothing more than,just, only, § caaaa 30BOXOOC -- 6aHHa one can only be worried

:QAAIII,IJ;AA later on, in the future, subsequently, henceforth

:QAAIII.D;bIH future, subsequent :QAAIIIH;rJ; (see naaumaa]

QAAI.lIJIAA,IJ; furthermore, moreover


IJ;AJUIIJIAH later on, in the course of time IJ;AAllIJIAX 1. to go on, to go further, to advance, to progress 2. to be too demanding, to go too far

QABb groin (anat.)

QAAI.lIJIYYllAX 1. to move (something) away 2. to postpone 3. to upset, to annoy

QABb,IJ;AP chestnut with a whitish-brown mane and tail (horse)

IJ;AAllIXH after, beyond IJ;AB I. (intensifying particle), - uaraan quite white, snow-white IJ;AB II. (- an, - aaran] split, crack, gap, - rapax to get cracked, - cyynrax to cause a crack IJ;AB III. lama's food, oop - food with meat, uaraaa - meatlessfood (tea, rice, etc.), - MaH}J{ tea (resp.) (Tib. tsha-ba) IJ;AB IV.

(- TOJIro~)

hillocks, broken country

IJ;ABAf l.i. the inside covering of the roof of a Mongolian tent, - TaBHX to fit the inside roofcovering of the tent ii. lining, facing (clothes, etc.), nynaanrsm - warm lining 2. patch 3. Ma~aJI mantle (of the earth) IJ;ABAfJIAX to line, to face IJ;AB~ to sprinkle

IJ;AB,IJ;YYP sprinkler (Buddh.) QABHP (see QaBpH) QABllAX to eat (monks) QABPH small bag holding a lama's holy-water pot (Tib. chab-ril) QABTAX to be cracked QABYY 1. glue, - YH3PT3Xto sniff glue 2. (QaBYYH oy~ar) size QABYYllAX

1. to

paste, to glue

2. to size

QABYY}l{HX to become sticky QABYYJIAr 1. gluten 2. sticky QABYYPXAf sticky QABXHiIT3ll suddenly, unexpectedly QABQAHx to gleam white IJ;ABtI,IJ;AC chip, shaving QABqHnT

1. cut 2.

kick (of a horse, etc.)

QABqlfM steep, precipitous, - xan QOXHO preci pitous crags QABtIHX 1. to chop, Tac - to chop off, to chop through 2. to blink 3. to trample (with the front hooves) QABlffiAX 1. to keep chopping 2. (HY~33 -) to keep blinking 3. to paw up, to keep trampling (with the front hooves) QAB'tIMAJI chopped QABqPAfA long pole for beating people (hist.) QABqPAX to blink

QABt.IYYP 1. chisel 2. mattock

QAf 1. time, oaH~aaHbI

QaIT in time of war, 3YHbI QarHHH TOOJlOJl summer time, H3M3J1T extra time (sport), OBJIHHH QamHH TOOJIOJI winter time, TaHBaH QaIT in time of peace, X3333 H3r nar-r some time, some day, some day or

other, 3PTYPb~ uarr once upon a time, - araap weather, - araapsra OaH~aJI weather conditions, weather, - araapsm TYP 3yypbm 03PXW33JI temporary hard weather conditions, - araapbIH M3~33JI3JI weather report, araapsm YPb~'IHJICaH M3~33 weather forecast, - araapsm X~3PC3HHOXQOJI extreme weather conditions, - annax (- xyrauaa annax] to lose time, to waste time, to missthe right time, to miss the bus, QamHH asrscran (QamHH aRC) the mood of the times, fashion, QamHH as naax to stand the test of time, QamHH aRC narax to be a time-server, QarHHH ascaap ypcax to drift along, QamHH oa~an state of affairs, situation; weather, QamHr oapax to pass the time, OapHMTJIax time-keeping, - oycaap prematurely, untimely, - oycaap OO~ OOJlOX to die before one's time, - OypTIyyJI3X to clock on and off, - 6ypTIyyJDK QaJIHH asax to draw one's pay for idling, - OypTr3N time-keeper, QamHH OYP1T3JI time-keeping, QarHHH raps waste of time, TaHbI QamHH raps it would only waste your time, QamHH ~OXHO time-signal, naraa ~3MHH yp3X to waste time, - 3aB time, moment, chance, - 3aBryii 6oJIOX to have no time, - 3aB rapax to find a moment, - sapnax to give the time (radio), - 3yypbm temporary, short-term, - 33BYYH naac HHMI'3H OoJlCOH ye hard times, QarHHH MexaHH3M timing mechanism, - MO'I moment, time, - MO'I OypT at every moment, - MO'lT3H epcex (- MO'lT3H ypannax] to race against time, - HapryH with no fixed hours, - HOrQOOX (- HOXQOOX) to kill time, narr Hb in time, on time, - Hb OOJIOO~ QaH Hb 6YQJIaxa~ some time or other, when the time comes, naraa OJICOH timely, QamHr earepeex to let the time go by, QamHH caanraap with the passage of time, - TOOHbI OH'lHr calendar, TOP (- TOPHHH oa~aJI) state of affa irs, - TYXaH time, chance, opportunity, - TYXaHr aurarnax to seize the opportunity, - TYXaHoyp each time, in every case, - TYXa~ Hb in good time, promptly, - yyp weather, - yyp'l meteorologist, weather-man, - yypbm oa~an (- yypsnr HOXQOJI) weather conditions, weather, - yypbIH OOp'lJIOJIT climate change, - yypbIH CTaHQ



meteorological station, 3PC T3C - yypTaH with extreme weather conditions, - ye time, times, period, - ye onoorva premature, whose time has not yet come, - ye OJIOX to be timely, to come at the right time, - yeHHH periodic; of the time, - yecHHr annax to miss the bus, - ypr3JI}K (- ypr3~) constantly, continually, at all times, - ypr3JI}KHHH continuous, persistent, XO.>KHX to win time, to gain time, - XOpOM time, moment, - XOpOM oarepex TYTaM with every passing moment, u;arHHH xysaaps (u;arHHH xysaap] timetable, schedule, Typ u;arHHH xysaaps provisional timetable, - xyrauaa time, 30XHX - xyrauaaan Hb at the proper time, xyranaa OOJI MeHre IOMaa time is money, xyranaa HOTOJIHO time will tell, u;arHHH xyp~ the "Wheel of Time" or Kalacakra system of chronology, - uaraapaa naxannar xexeepee oa~arryH nothing stays the same for ever, u;arHHH uarr time and again, uarraa U;aJIrHX to be having the time of one's life, u;arHHr 3JI33X to survive, to persist, u;arHHH 3PX33P (u;arHHH 3pX3~) with time, in the course of time, u;arHHH 10M narraa first things first, - HMarT continually, constantly, all the time, at all times, § u;arHHH TOMOH naauraa 3pr3}K uacasr TOMOH naauraa 3pr3X Hb 3H3 ~33 it looks as if we're in for snow 2. season, ~epBeH - the four seasons, 3)'H nar

the summer, summertime, - ynapan time of year, season, - yJIHpJIblli seasonal, - yJIHpJIblli TOOHbI OH'IHr almanac, calendar 3. tense (gram.), HP33.JWii - future tense, O~OO - present tense, earepcea - past tense 4. clock, watch, OHOJIOmHH - biological clock, OyryHH - wristwatch, C3PYYJI3rT3H - alarm clock, TYYPraHbI - wall clock, xanaaCHbI - (3Hr3pHHH -) pocketwatch, XOpOM - stop-watch, xexee ~OHro~or (xexeeT3H -) cuckoo clock, U;aXHM - quartz watch, 3JIC3H - hourglass, u;amHH 3YY hand (of clock or watch), :uamHH 3YYHHH ~aryy clockwise, :uarHHH 3yyHHH scpsr anti-clockwise, :uamHH WHJI watch-glass 5.i. hour, HaHMaH u;arHHH 8}J{HJI eight hours' work, H3r - for an hour, u;amHH oarw part-time teacher, - OOJICHbI napaa atter an hour, naraap TOJIeX X9JIC hourly' payment ii, Mongol hour (of 120 minutes) (nyy - said to start at 7.40 a.m. is followed by the remaining hours of the animal cycle) 6. o'clock, sypraaa narr at six o'clock QAfAA



II. albugo, -

boiled Tapar or xoopsror. - yyx to serve, to work for others 2. the residue lett atter the distillation of aHpar 3. locally synonymous with aapu 1.

QAfAABTAP whitish

yaax to have an albugo

female-white, female-white pig year





QAf~AX to be acquitted, to be exonerated QAfAAJIAX I. to celebrate New Year QAfAAJIAX II. to mourn (in white) QAfAAJIAX III. to clear, to clear away, to clear up, to clean UPt MO~ - to trim a felled tree QAfAAJIfA I. a dish of milk foods (served espe-

cially at New Year) QAfAAJIfA II. clearance QAfAAJDK 1. Feathergrass, (see fOBHHH XRJIraHa)

Stipa 2. S. gobica

1. white, - anr platinum; (synonym for) wool, - oypxaH smallpox, naraaanaa rapax to go to extremes, to get out of hand, to go from bad to worse, - rapTaH gentrified, - rapran gentry, - r3r33 daylight, - r3r33 Tacpax to get dark, - ~aaBYY bed-linen, - ~anaB'IHT Whiteflies (zool.), - nonrop spirits, drink, Jm33 dairy produce, dairy product, food made from milk, - ManraHTaH Muslims, - Max anus; a dish made from the intestines of a beast, MeHre silver money; silver ingot, - HY~33P33 disdainfully, naraaan Hb raprax to take to extremes, - O~OH white dwarf (astr.), - OP~OH the White House (USA), - eMcex to wear white (in mourning), - canaaraa good-natured, - cap the first month of the lunar year, - COJIHO eB'IT3H mad, - COJIHOpOJI madness, - TOJIrOH alphabet, - TOJIrOHH ycmHH ~3C napaannaap in alphabetical order, - TOC (see TOC 1.),- TOMep tin-plate, - TyraJIra tin, - T3M33U;3X name of a children's catching game (the player called wolf tries to break through a ring of players and catch the player called white camel-calf), - xaaH the Tsar of Russia, - XOOJI vegetarian food, vegetarian diet, - XOOJITOH vegetarian, - XOOJIOH wind-pipe, trachea, - X3p3rJI3JI (seex3p3rJI3JI), - X3P3M the Great Wall of China (see X3P3M), - U;YCHbI eB'IHH leukaemia, - :U3U;3r eB'IHH smallpox, - WYJI3r (see wYJI3r), - 10M leucorrhoea, "the whites", - HC (see HC), - HCTaH XyH people immune from smallpox atter one occurrence 2. open, bare, - rasap open country; clearing, - 3aM flat road, smooth road 3. honest, - MepT3H innocent, harmless, - C3Tr3JIT3H open, honest, - uaanraa [see naanran] 4. vodka 5. iron, steel (adj.) 6. (the side of a coin with the) Chinese inscription


AJIHM "White Apple" (name of a plant similar to liquorice and used [or medicinal and veterinary purposes, found in Ovorkhonqoi aimag)


QAfAAH IiAHIIIHH the White House (Moscow) QAfAAH IiAPIiA):( (see QAfAAH fAA Ginger


IJ;ArAAH AAP [Ilaraan Aap fu) White Tara (the name of a goddess, and also the title of Dondogdulam, the wife of the King of Mongolia)


IJ;ArAAH A33JIT White Gown" (nickname of Damdin, father of Sukhbcotorl

tree) 2. round, circular, xarac - semicircular, xarac - cynar the semicircular canals (of the ear), - X33 name of a pattern of interlaced circles and arcs

Coregonus lavaretus (ichth.) IJ;AfAAH MOA Salsola arbuscula (bot.)

QAffYH without fixed hours, any time, all the time, - aaomnax to have no fixed hours of work


(see RHrHQ) If

QAfAAH3AfACWhitefish, Houting,

UAfAAH 9Bf9H the White Old Man or Lord of the Herds (esp. as a figure in the templedance) UAfAAH 9BC XHJIraHa)

Stipa glareosa, S. gobica (see

UAfAAH cvns

Leymus chinensis, L. Paboanus, L. racemosus, Elymus giganteus UAfAAHTAH White, Whites (polit.) UAfAAHTYPYY Edelweiss, Leontopodium {also YyJl-OBC, 3PJ:(3H3 Ilaraaa]

UAfAAH T3M33 a poisonous Gobi spider UAfAAH T3HfHC White Sea UArAAH X9MC9rr Rustic Bunting,


rustica UATAAH X9MC9IT AJIAr Rock Bunting,

Emberiza cia UATAAH XY3YYT Reed Bunting,


Schoeniclus IJ;ATAAH X3B3llT Pallas's Reed Bunting,

Emberiza Pallosi UArAAH 3ll3IT Harrier, Circus, Hen Harrier, C. cyaneus, HaMrHHH - Marsh Harrier, C. aeroginosus, Caapan - Pied Harrier,

C. melanoleucos UAfAAPAX 1. to go white, to whiten 2. to be exonerated, to get off IJ;AfAATfAll rehabilitation UAfAATfAX 1. to rehabilitate, to exonerate, to acquit 2. to excuse, to make up for UATAAXAH 1. whitish 2. candid, frank IJ;ATAAq migrant, - aJKHJI1IHJ:( migrant workers IJ;ATAAqHH

(see uaraax]

UATAAqllArq migrant QAfAAqrrAll migration, naraaxnarrsm oOJ:(Jloro immigration policy IJ;ATAAqJIAX to wander, to tramp, to be a vagrant, to migrate, to be a migrant, uaraaxnaa opox to immigrate IJ;ATAAIIIPAX to get accustomed to, to get practised in UATAPHf 1. ring, hoop, band, surround, 1KHJlHHH - (MOJ:(HbI -, HaCHbI -) year-ring (of a

QAfAPHfJIAX to make round, to form a ring

QAfAAA policeman, militiaman, apsaa TaBHbI mounted and foot police patrolling the area within 15 rasap of the Yellow Palace or map OPJ:( at Urga during the. Monarchy (hist.), 3pryyJlHHH beat-officer, policeman, 3pyymHH - criminal investigation department, CID, uarnaaasr oaHryyJlJlara police force, constabulary QAfAAX to police, to keep under surveillance, to keep under guard, narnaa C3PrHHJl3X police, YJlCbIH uarnaa C3prHHJI3X epoHXHH rasap State Police Directorate, narnaa C3PrHHJl3X oaHryyJIJIara.):( TYCJIax OJlOH HHHTHHH opHr~ public auxiliary police unit, uarnaa xaxraanars guard, patrol, uarnaa XOpHX to detain, uarnaa XOpHX oaHp place of detention QAfAYYll

I. guard, patrolman, warden - nape young

QAfAYYll II. young trees {Bur.}, pines qArHPAT (see narapar]

QAfllABAPb almanac, calendar qArllAIIIfYH infinite, boundless qArPHf

{see narapar] 1. watchmaker 2. time-keeper {horse-


race, etc.} l(A)J;AX to be satisfied, to be sated, to have had enough, C31T3J1 - to feel satisfied, to feel smug, QMaXM uaraaa xypraasr cyyJl xaTYY spoiled for choice l(A)J;Hf 1. {- aaxrap] life, biography 2. principle, nanaraa annax to behave shamelessly, to be unscrupulous (Skr.) l(A)J;HffYH 1. unscrupulous, unprincipled, insolent 2. terrific, terribly, really

u;AH (- QyH,

- QYH, - QYY) tea, oyJlaH - a quarter of a brick of tea, J:(OpBOJ:( - Dorvod tea {made with the addition of flour, grain, meat, etc., as in Uvs aimag}, 3Y3aaH - an accounting unit equivalent to two qyJIYYH - or sixty map - (hist.), MOHrOJl - "Mongol tea" (tea made from one of a number of Mongolian plants); name given to such plants, cyn - an amount of tea less than 800 map - or one C3B3r -, CyyT3H - tea with milk, C3B3r - an accounting unit for taxes due to theJebtsundamba Khutuktu equivalent to 800



map -, xap - plain tea, black tea, XHH~T3H tea made from roasted flour with infused tea added to it and flavoured with salt and butter (map roc), xyrac - (see 1f}'JIYYH -), xyas - a basket of tea bricks (see XYU3), X33pHHH - (see X33PHHH ~aH), XHT~ - (XHTCl,Q 3Y3aaH -) (see 3Y3aaH -l. 1f}'JIYYH - compressed tea, brick tea, an accounting unit equal to 30 map - or half a 3Y3aaH -, map - an accounting unit of tea, equivalent to about 40 gm or one 30th of a

1f}'JIYYH -, - OOJITOJI mHHp syraa (see XOOJI 1.), ~aHHbI rasap cafe, ~aHHbI raau best gown, best dress (worn for visiting, entertaining, etc.), ~aHHbI 3aM the "tea road" through Mongolia from China, - xaaax to make tea, to brew tea

QAHBAJI3AX to flash QAHBAJI3YYJIAX: HY~33 - to look askance at QAHBAP 1. pale, wan 2. whitish, light, - HorOOH light green

QAHBAP~ light, light-coloured

QAHBAP}I{HX to become paler, to become lighter

QAHBAPfAX to look pale, to look whitish QAHBAPillHX (see ~aHBap}KHX) QAHBrAP pale, wan QAfimAM 1. Tsaidam (p.n.) 2. salty plain (geog.) QAH3 fort, fortress, castle, - 03x.n3JIT fort, strongpoint

QAHJIAJI3AX to gleam white QAHJIAX 1. to make tea 2. to give a party QAHJIrAH (- C3Tr3JIT3H) good-hearted, honest, straightforward

QARrrrAX I. to whiten, yyP - (see yyp I.) QARrrrAX II. to winnow QAHJI3AX to look white, to show up white QAHJIJIArA (- ~aHJIJIara) banquet, feast, dinner QAHP zinc, xvxspnsr - zinc suplhide, 3ypaNHH zincographer QAHPAX I. to look white, to appear white, to go white

QAHPAX II. to run out QAHP~ galvanization

QAHP~ to cover with zinc, to galvanize, TOJIb - to silver a mirror, ~aHp~aJK OHrOJICOH galvanized

QAHP,IJ;MAJI galvanized QAHpyy pale, whitish, 9BJIHHH - aapaa the pale winter sun


QAHpyyJIAX 1. to whiten, to bleach 2. to thresh, ~aHPYYJIarq MaWHH thresher QAHc hairpin (Chin.) QAHCAr tea-drinking, fond of tea QAHcAX to want tea white, to go white, § yc Hb ~aHJK oyypaJITCaH grizzled 2. to break (dawn), to

QAHx 1. to be dawn


to run out, to be used up

I(AJIAM I. lasso, noose I(AJIAM II. a black velvet strip sewn round the edge of the collar recess on some west Mongolian gowns

~ A X to catch with a noose, to ensnare, to lasso

QAJI liyyPAJI snow-white (hair) QAJITAH [see uanrap 1.,2.) QAJITA.H,rI;AX (see nanrapnax] QAJITAP 1. wide, spread out, flared, - airraa MO~ pole with an open fork, - OOXT3H with spread-out humps (camel)

2. (- aasraa, -

yparwryH) slack, sloppy, negligent, slipshod ~APMJI slackness, carelessness, negligence QAJITAP~ to be slack, to be slipshod, to be careless, to be negligent

QAJITAP,IJ;YYJIAX to neglect, to be slack with QAJIrHA lapping, splashing, YCHbI - the lapping of water

QAJITHAX to splash, to slosh about QAJITHJIAX to keep splashing, to keep sloshing about

QAJITHYJIAX to spill, to tip out QAJIrHX to splash, to spill, to spill over, to slosh about, ~aJIrHH acrapax to spillover, to run over QAJITYY remote, distant QAJIHrAA IiYJIHrAA uncertain, unpredictable, changeable

QAJIHrqJJAJI fetishism QAJIHrqJJAX EC (see ~aJIHNJIaJI) QAJIHH 1. (- X9JIC, - uyyx] pay, wages, salary, CYJI - pension, y~C3H - basic pay, - oyyx (TaBHX) to pay wages, - 6yycaH onep pay-day, ~aJIHHrHHH JKarCaaJIT payroll , ~aJIHHrHHH OCOJIT increase in wages, rise, - nYHnyy salary (of a Mongolian noble in Manchu times), -

XaHraM1K remuneration 2. (student's) grant (Chin.) QAJIHH)I{HX to draw pay, to get paid QAJIHH)I{YYJIAX to pay (wages, etc.), yp ~YHr33p - payment by results QAJIHH QArAAH pure white, snow-white, brilliant white

UAM masked lamaist temple dance, tsam, XYP33 - the Urga temple dance, - rapax to be performed (temple dance), - raprax to put on a temple dance, - xapaax to perform a temple dance (Tib. 'cham)

~HTAX to be covered with frost, to get frosted over, - usr frost-point

UAMAAH choosy, fussiness

I(AHX I. (- OBIIHH) name of acute internal diseases (in traditional medicine)

fussy, -

3aH choosiness,

UAMAAPXAJI choosiness, fussiness

UAMAAPXAX to be fastidious, to be choosy, to be fussy, H~3}K yyxaap - to be a fussy eater UAMHAX 1. to perform a temple dance 2. to leap about 3. to get mad, to jump up and down UAMXAr 1. tower, r3p3JIT - lighthouse, beacon, syparr pa~HorHHH - (TeJIeBH3HHH -) television tower, - oaHwHH tower block, uasrxarr eprerx (~aMXaIT opryyp) tower crane 2. (TOOHOHbI uaxxar] stretcher of the roof-ring of the tent UAMXPAA stretcher of the roof-ring of the tent UAMU 1. shirt, blouse, jacket, ~OTYYP - vest, HOOCOH - pullover, jersey, caBXHH - leather jacket 2. jacket (mech.), YCHbI - water-jacket, yypbIH - steam-jacket I.J;AMqHH 1. tsam dancer tsam enthusiast


tsam spectator,

I.J;AH 1.1. cymbal 2. disc, ~aHT OOpHOH disc harrow (Tib. zangs) I.J;AH II. (- xYYP3r) hoar-frost, frost, - YJI33ryyp defroster (auto.), - YJI33X to defrost I.J;AH III. threshing-floor I.J;AHA 1. ski 2. skiing, ycaa uaaaap asax to go water-skiing I.J;AHAqHH skier I.J;AHrAA thirst, uaaraar raprax (aMHbI naaraar raprax] to quench one's thirst, - rapax to be quenched [thirsf], - TaHJIaX ynnaa thirstquenching drink UAHrAAX (aM -) to make thirsty

I.J;AHrACAH thirsty (aM -, uanraac aarax. ynnaacax] to be thirsty


I.J;AHrHHAM ringing, crackling, XYHT3H the bitter cold of winter



~HXAHX to feel bloated, to feel overfull

~HXJIAX to shy (from having the girth put on) I(AHXTAH (OJIOMHbI -) shy at having the girth put on (horse) ~H I.J;3U3r

(see Bansaa]

~P I. (- XYP33 , - X3M}K33) size, extent, range, scope

I.J;AP 11.1. metal dish, dish 2. body (of a stringed instrument), uapnsr Hyyp MO~ plates (of a violin, etc.)



size, volume, bulk, range, HHJI33~

uapaaraa pretty sizeable 2. compass (mus.) ~PAA II. bullet-mark ~PAATAH sizeable I.J;APAr leather sale of TOOKyy (west Mongol) I.J;APAH face, countenance, appearance, XYHHH ~apaH xapax to be beholden to others, to rely on others, - annax to lose face; to be downcast, to look poorly; to begrudge, to be stingy about, - OapaHJIraX to scowl, to glower, napax to look miserable, - 3YC face, looks, appearance, - MY}'TaH ugly, - orex to treat well, to be forthcoming, ~apaHHbI caaxaaap ~aH CYJI~3rryH handsome is as handsome does, uapanraa TaB OOJIrox to put on a straight face, - yJIaiix to blush, - XYBbCXHHx to change one's countenance, § wyypra HaM)J;ax - anra there was no sign of the storm abating

uanraac 9BJIHHH

~PAimAX to look, to appear, to have the appearance of, ypyy - to look downcast, to be down in the mouth, H.QapCaH - to look tired, § XHT~bIH uapaa ~apaHJI}K with a Chinese look about them ~PAfiTAH 1. qood-lookinq.Z, looking like

to ring 2. to squawk,

~PAHq]JAHrYH flattering, ingratiating, coax-


~PAHqnAX to make up to, to curry favour

Oxycoccus, o. microcarpus Pepperwort, Lepidium Cranberry,

I(AHX II. shyness at having the girth put on (horse), - raprax to get a horse used to being saddled

~PAimAr (- caaxaa] pretty, good-looking

I.J;AHrAJIT thirst

1. to resound,


~pAHrYH not looking like

UAHrAr thirsty

I.J;AHrHHAX to squeal


ing, wheedling

I.J;AHH)l; 1. philosophical studies 2. the faculty for pursuing these studies (Buddh.) (Tib. mtshan-nyid)

with, to ingratiate oneself with ~PAM 1. tundra 2. high mountain area between peaks or ridges with lichen and moss I.J;APBAH

(see I.J;apBaH



to stiffen, to solidify, to freeze


QAPBYY (see capsyy], - X3JI03PHHH (- MaHrTaH) palmate (leaf)

QAPfAC Lucerne, Medicago, M. ruthenica, Xypraa - (see ~p3r), map - M. falcata QAPrH track made through snow QAPrHA (- oaprHa) rasping, grating, coarse (sound), - XYHT3H bitterly cold

QAPrHATAX to rasp, to grate QAPrHJI clappers, castanets QAPrHX I. to rasp, to grate, to rattle QAPrHX II. to be blinded (by glare) QAPMfIx to sweil up, to be bloated QAPMC 1. hard surface, crust 2. asphalt I(APAAX 1. to starch, to stiffen 2. to pave, to surface 3. to paint over, to cover spray


to sprinkle, to

QAP,IVIArA starching, stiffening QAP,IJ;MAJI 1. starched, stiff, - naasyy starched

QAPI.l)l;AC crust, A3JIXHHH - the earth's crust QAPI(MAf gelatine QAPI(MArJIAX to congeal QAPI(YY 1. stiffened, hardened 2. thick, congealed

QAC I. snow, nacaa A33P Mapryii, naacaa A33P H3pryH a nobody, never been hea rd of, uacan OXHH snow-maiden (at New Year's children's party), ~aCHbI COXop snow-blindness, -- TOITOOX

to retain snow (on fields for purposes of later irrigation), - xaraJIarq snow-plough, - wyypra snow-storm

QAC II. tombac (metal.) QACAH JiY}KHPfA Snow Finch, Montifringilla

nivalis QACAPXAr snowy QACAPXYY snowy QACJIAf snowy QACT snowy, ~aCTHbI OpOH the land of snows (Tibet)

cotton 2. paved, surfaced, - oaparWHH 3aM metalled road, - ryAaM}l{ paved street

QATfAJIAH (r3A3c -) replete, satisfied, with a

QAP,IJ;YYJI starch, ~apAYYJIT yprassan starchy plant, - Hb xyrapax to get the stuffing knocked

QATfAJI,IJ;AX to be over-full, to be replete QATfAX to satisfy, to fill, xanaa caHH -- to let

out of one

one's beasts eat their fill

QAP,IJ;YYJIAPXAf starchy QAP,IJ;YYJIJIAr (see uapnyynapxar] QAPHf I. robustness, good shape QAPHf II. gauge (rail.) QAPHITAH robust, in good shape QAPHJI crowbar QAPH.TI)l;AX to lever up, to prise QAPHYH 1. haughty 2. able, competent QAPJIAX I. to make a mark (bullet, etc.) QAPJIAX II. to cover, to face (the box of a stringed instrument,

full belly

etc.) Quercus

QAPC (- MOA) Oak, QAPYYI( silicate I(APXHPAX to make a row QAPI(AA Grasshopper, Locust (esp. Shorthorned Grasshoppers, Acrididoe]. -- HorOOH "Green Grasshopper" (nickname for the AN aircrah)


QAPI(AAMAJI jelly QAPI(AAXAH (see Ilapuaa] QAPI(AJIT congealing, congelation QAPQAHrH congealed, stiff, gelatinous QAPQAC (see napunac] QAPI(AX to congeal, to coagulate, to thicken,

QATfAI( adequacy I(AX I. forked prop, prop, XOXyypHHH - prop for a kumis-sack

I(AX II. infa nt I(AXAP Chakhar (Inner Mongolian people), HaHMaH xowyy the eight banners of Chakhar

I(AX,IJ;AX to prop up

I(AXHJIAX 1. to flash, to play (lightning) 2. to dart

I(AXHJIfAAH 1. lightning, oaMoaraH - ball-

lightning 2.i. electricity, ~aXHJIraaHbI CaaTaJI power cut, ii, electric, - r3p3JI electric light, M3A33 telegram, - OpOH electric field, - callAaJI electric chair, - COpOH30H electro-magnetic, -COpOH30H OpOH electro-magnetic fielc( - CTaH~ power-station, aTOMbIH -- CTaH~ nuclear powerstation, AYJIaaHbI - CTaH~ thermo-electric power-station, ycaa - CTaH~ hydro-electric power-station, - cxesr wiring diagram, - np3r tram, -- YTac telegram, -- YTacHbI r83ap telegraph office, - ~OqpOJI electric shock, -- 3Hepm electric power, - aaepra OOJIOBCpyyJIaJIT generation of electricity 3. telegram 4. (-- TOBq) zip fastener, zi p

I(AXHJDK.AAIDKHJIT electrification I(AXHJIfAAIDKHX to be electrified, to be put on electricity

IJ;AXHJIfAAHlKJIAJIT electrification



IJ;AXHJIfAAlDKYYJIAJIT electrification IJ;AXl'IJIfAAIDKYYJIAX to electrify IJ;AXHJIfAAlNHH electrician

IJ;AXHJIAAf Iris, Iris,

Auaa .. I. dichotoma (also XaHq OBC), HapHHHHaBqHT .. I. tenuifolia (also IJ;yJIoyyp OBC), map .. I. flavissima, IJ;axHJI)];amHH osor Iris Family, Iridaceae

in ritual fashion Torg ut da nce


the name of a particular

IJ;AI(AJIT 1. rendering, scratch coat 2. [oil] fling 3. [rapsm .. ) gesture, wave of the hand (in dancing)

IJ;AXHJIT flash, flashing

IJ;AIJ;AP a large cloth tent usually rectangular in shape

IJ;AXHM 1. electron 2. electronic, .. 3yH electron-

IJ;AIJ;APfAJIT radiation

ics, .. TOrJIOOM electronic game, .. TOO~OOJIYYP computer IJ;AXHP

I. flint, silicon

IJ;AXHPAM (see Bannar, IJ;3rp3M) IJ;AXHPAHIJ;AP silica IJ;AXHPMAA (see Baanar. IJ;3rp3M) IJ;AXHPfAX to be shrill QAXHYP 1. flint, silicon, ~axHYPbIH nasxap HC3JI silica, silicon dioxide, quartz, .. XyqHJI (see XyqHJI), .. xaranax to make it, to do well 2. flint (of a lighter, etc.), .. oyy (seeoyy) 3. tooth (resp.) QAXHYPJIAf flinty, siliceous, silicon, .. OOJl)]; silicon steel

1. to

flash (lightning)


(X3T") to strike

QAXJIAH I. Gull, Larus, HT'3JIr3H .. Great Blackheaded Gull, L. ichthyaetus, PeJIHKT .. Relict Gull, L. relictus, YYJI3H .. Common Gull, L. conus, YX3p .. Herring-Gull, L. argentatus, Xap TYPYYT .. Mediterranean Gull, L. melanocephalus, XYP3H roJIrOHT .. Black-headed Gull, L. ridibundus QAXJIAH 11.1. ringworm

IJ;AIJ;AX 1. to scatter, yp .. to scatter seeds 2. to spray, to sprinkle, yc .. to spray water

IJ;AXHP II. white, light-coloured, .. naraaa white

QAXHX a light

IJ;AIJ;APfAX to radiate, to emit

2. scab

(in apples, etc.)

IJ;.AXJIAHTAX to have ringworm QAXJIAX to be braced, naxnan sorcox to stand braci ng oneself QAXPAX [xoec .. ) to foam IJ;AIJ; 1. tsa-tsa (small pottery statuette in the form of a stupa or pyramid for religious use) (Buddh.) 2. pyramid, .. X3JI03pnH pyramidal, MYXap .. X3JI03pnH in the form of a truncated pyramid (Tib. tsha-tsha) QAIJ;Ar 1. tassel, bobble, fringe, .. MOJI~Or tassels, bobbles 2. raceme (bot.), .. oar ~3~3r racemose flower IJ;AIJ;AfJIAX to make into tassels, to form tassels

IJ;AIJ;JIArA 1.1. the tail of the stem of a note (mus.) 2. the separate long final stroke forming a and e in Mongol script QAIJ;JIArA II. sprinkling, dusting, ~YCTHHH .. a sprinkling of powder

QAIJ;JIAX to keep scattering QAIJ;PAAX (see uaupyynax] QAIJ;PAr ray, .. M3BDKHJIT radio-activity, .. ~3BXT radio-active, .. M3BXT 6oXHp~oJIT radioactive contamination, .. M3BXT ~ac radioactive fall-out, .. M3BXT xaaap radio-activity, .. ~3BXT'3H OO~C radio-active substance, .. ~3BXT'3H xasrnan rad io-active waste, .. MaHITaH ray-shaped, radiate, ~alij)amHH OBqHH radiation sickness, .. TYRa 3M'1HJIr33 radiotherapy QAIJ;PAJI 1. jet, spray, yeas OpmJIbIH .. jet of a fountain 2. radiation, aTOMbIH .. atomic radiation QAIJ;PAX to radiate, to be emitted (light, etc.), to shine, to sparkle QAIJ;PYYJIAJIT emission (light, etc.) IJ;AIJ;PYYJIAX to emit, to radiate (light, etc.), TYRa" to emit rays IJ;AqHP (see" uauap] IJ;EJIHC Celsius, centigrade, ~eJIHC33p XOpHH rpanyc twenty degrees Celsius IJ;EJTh target (mil.) (Russ.) QEMEHTAIJ; case-hardening (Russ.) QEMEHTJI3X to cement IJ;EHTHEP double hundredweight,

100 kg (Russ.)

QEX shop, department (in a factory) (Russ.) IJ;HHfJI3X to coax (a female beast to accept young)

IJ;AIJ;AIT XBPYYJI Turkey (zool.)

IJ;HMM3f emulsion

Q~ sprinkler, oop~oo" fertilizer distributor

IJ;HMM3f}l{YYJI3X to emulsify

IJ;AQAJI 1. an instrument with nine holes used for making a ritual sprinkling of milk 2. a ritual sprinkling of milk, .. oprex (.. uanax] to sprinkle milk

IJ;HMYYJI3X to emulsify QHM3M 1. water with some milk mixed in it 2. emulsion



QOfHX to canter (horse) QOfJIOf (- I(OBOO) lively, spirited, - aanryy scherzo (mus.)

QH~3MJI3X to mix milk and water, § Cyyr33P I(Hb3MJI3C3H yc water mixed with milk

QOfHOf peg or bar at the end of the plough-

QHHJIf3P glassy QHHJIHHx to look glassy, to look glazed

QOfHOHJIfOX to stick out, to push forward

QHHJIM3f emulsion, caBaHrHHH - lather QHHJI3f Fleabane, Erigeron, XaxYYH - Blue Fleabene, E. acer

QHHJI3fH3X to look glassy, to glisten, § HY~HHHx HbHyJIHMC I(HHJI3rH3}K oaHB her eyes were brimming with tears

QHHJI3JI33X (see I(HHJI3rH3X) QHHJI3H (see I(HHJIr3p), - HorOOH bright green QHHP Burnet Saxifrage, Pimpinella, P. saxifraga, AHHCbIH - Anise, P. anisum QHHPC (see CHHpC) QHHx [xapaa -) to become glazed (eyes), HY~ - to get a cataract

QHKJIOH cyclone, scpsr - anticyclone QHPK circus (Russ.) QHPKOHH zirconium QHPKqHH circus-artist QHCTEPH tanker (lorry) (Russ.) QHTOJIOfHq cytologist QHP figure, number (Russ.) QOB;rJ;JIOX 1. to stretch out and pin down (a pelt on a drying-board) 2. to stretch (leather, etc., over something)

QOBOO 1. (- oenper. - C3pr3JI3H, - I(OJIOHH, I(OJIrHH, - I(OJImYH) bright, lively, alert, cheerful 2. vivace (mus.)

QOBOOJIOf lively, vivacious QOBXOP a narrow-necked wooden bowl QOBXOPfO name of a disease which affects sheep mainly in spring and early summer

QOBXPOX to hop, to jump QOBXqHX to leap about, to prance QOf I. ember QOf II. (- }KaBXaa, - }KaBXJIaH, - 3aJIb, XHHMOpb) glory, splendour, magnificence, o~apcaH glorious, splendid, - }KaBXJIaHT xaTaH xaaa Her Majesty the Queen, - 30JIOOO brightness, sharpness, liveliness, - 30JIOOOT bright, sharp, lively

QOf;rJ;OM;rJ;OX to give an address (Buddh.) (Tib. tshogs-gtam)

QOfHO canter QOfHYJIAX to go at a canter, to canter (rider)



QOfHOHX to stick out, to push forward (intrans.) QOfHOJI30X to rear up QOfHOCXHHx (see I(OmOJI30x) QOfHOX to pound, I(aH - to pound tea QOITOH 1. glorious, splendid 2. ardent, burning

QOfQ 1. body 2. complex, corpus, aggregate QOfQJIOJI accumulation, formation, arrangement

QOfQJIOX to build, to erect, to pile up, to put together, to com pose, I(OrI(JIOH oaHryyJIax to build, to construct

QOfQOHX (I(OrI(OHH cyyx) tosquot QOfQOJIliOP 1. complex (n.), CnOpTbIH - sports complex, § YH~B3PHHH raspyynsrr XapHJII(aH y~aaTaH oaHPJIYYJIaXblr YH~B3PJI3JIHHH r3H3 factories sited in co-ordination with each other are called an industrial complex 2. spacestation 3. comprehensive, - apra 3aM a package of measures, - nporpax comprehensive programme

QOfQOC 1. body 2. (- xyyp) corpse, I(OrI(CbIH epee mortuary 3. complex, mass, structure 4. corpuscle, ynaaa - red corpuscle, erythrocyte, I(araaH - white corpuscle, leucocyte QONHH (- nyran] main hall of a temple or lamasery

(Tib. tshogs-chen}

QONHH ;rJ;YfAH cathedral QOfIIIHX to glow QO;rJ; check given with a pawn (chess), aH'IHH xyyrHHH epnea - sideways check with an orphan pawn (liter.)

QO;rJ;fOHOX to be full of oneself, to be above oneself

QO;rJ;fOP pot-bellied QO;rJ;JIOX to give check with a pawn QO;rJ;OHX to be pot-bellied Q030HX (see I(O~OHX) QOH model used for mould-making QOHJI;rJ;OX to patch, to darn QOHJI;rJ;YY isolated QOHJIOX 1. to shoot out, to dart out (horse from a herd, etc.) 2. to shoot up (rocket, etc.)

QOHQOH misshapen, crooked

I(on 1. title, IiHMAY-blli oaaTap - title of "Hero of the MPR", xypnan MOPHHbI - "title" of a winning race-horse, XYIm3T - honorary title, lIHM3r title and epithets (wrestler, race-horse) 2. rank, :Q3pmHH - military rank, :QOJIblr oYYPYYJIax oyroy xacax to reduce in rank or reduce to the ranks, :QOJIOO yraax to toast one's promotion, :QOJIbIH yraanra toasting of one's promotion

I(OnrHO forward, voluble, effusive I(onropox to stand out, to be conspicuous, to come to the fore


(MOpb -) the man who proclaims the "title" of a winning horse

UOnnOllT proclamation of the "title" of a wrestler or a horse

uonnox to proclaim the "title" of a winning wrestler or race-horse at a games meeting or of a wrestler before a round, MOpb - to proclaim the "title" of a winning horse

uonMOH (- rapar] Venus (astr.),


evening star, yypHHH - morning star

uon XHHH with a splash, with a gurgle UOJIlIHH (see ~OJIJIOrq) I(OnbA a stretch of land with numerous pools UOM I. neat, tidy UOM 11.1. goblet 2. cup (sport), ~3JIXHHH


World Cup

UOMIiO IiAflrYYllAX to heap up grain, etc., on dishes or trays at a lamaist service (Tib. tshom-bu)

UOMliorop bud-shaped, baluster-shaped UOMIiOflx 1. to be bud-shaped 2. to be neat, to be compact -

Lydian mode, TaBaH xer-r - pentatonic scale

I(OMHon II. 1. (-


libretto, book

2. arrangement, composition I(OMHOnbIH modal (mus.) UOMHOX to arrange, to put together UOMor 1. album, r3p3JI 3ypmHH - photograph-

2. libretto, book, -



UOMOrnOX to collect up, to draw together UOMopnHr 1. calyx, :QOMOpJIHrHHH HaBlI sepal 2. bud collection, anthology


quet, bunch 4.


I(OMXOH neat, tidy, handy, compact I(OMXITOn tidying-up, streamlining, rationalization

I(OMXTrOX to put in, to tidy up, to streamline, to rationalize, to slim down

I(OMI(rOp curled up, tight I(OMI(oflx (:QOM:QOHH cyyx) to sit with one leg on the ground and the other knee raised

I(OMI(POX to push one's way through thick grass

I(OHArOp swollen, protruding QOHAor I. the hummock produced around a Xapsrar bush (a/so opsor] I(OHAor II. pole for raising the roof-flap of a tent UOHAornox I. to form a noanor I. I(OHAornox II. to raise the roof-flap of a tent

uonnoax to swell, to protrude :Q0HAOH omen, portent, sign UOlDK I. tower :QOH)I{ II. Gucheng (p.n.) :QOHOllT scorching UOHOOX to scorch, to burn UOHOX to be scorched, to be burned QOHX 1. window, 6yy~ax -loophole, port (mi/.), :QOHXHbI MO~ (:QOHXHbI XYP33)

window-frame, internal window-sill, :QOHXHbI TOP lace curtains 2. port (in a cylinder) 3. free period (school) (Chin.)


UOHXHrOP pale, wan, -




UOMIiOH (see :QoMoorop) UOMHon I. mode, scale (mus.), JI~HHH



UOMopnor (see ~OMOpJIHr) UOMcrox (see :QOMXTrOX) I(OMlTon (see :QOMXTrOJI) UOMTrox (see :QOMXTrOX)

3. bou-

UOHXHrOPAYY (see noaxarop] UOHXHfIx to go pale, to look pale :QOHXHn30X to go pale, to look pale UOHXHP pale, wan I(OHXHCXHHX to turn pale UOHXJIOX to make a window, to provide a window

UOHXTOH free, off, - enep dies non, day when something does not happen, - nar time off UOO 1. through, - 6yy~ax to shoot through, xarrax to pierce, to stab 2. thoroughly, - 6ynH intact, quite complete, - WHH3 brand new, 3pyyJI in the best of health

uoornox to crowd together uoor uoor patchy, here and there UOO)l{ lock, :QOO1KHbI oaHwHH lock-casing UOO)l{nOf1l 1. clamp, lock, locking device



QOOXOPJIOX II. to make a rough droh

2. last man in a file, end man (mil.) (Russ. 3aMLIKalOlIuni)

QOOXOP MAHJI3 Celery, 33pJI3r Celery, Apium graveolens


QOOXOP TAXI> Zebra QOOXOPTOX to be or get spotty, to be or get patchy, to be or get pockmarked

QOO}KJlOOCTOH locked QOO}KJlOX to lock QOO}KTOH locked

QOOXOP qOHbIH XOP Poacynum pictum (bot.)

QOOJIJiOP pierced work, stencil, - Xa1TaMaJI broderie anglaise

QOOqJfX to perforate, to make holes in

QOOJIJiOPJIOX to pierce, to perforate, to make perforations QOOJIrO hole in ice QOOJI,IJ;OX (HaXO}K -) to patch, to patch up

uozsoanrox to pout, to purse (the lips), YPYYJI - (xowyy -) to purse the lips QOPBO:Rx to pout, to be pursed (the lips), xowyy - to purse the lips; to wheedle, to ask a favour


QOPBOJI30X to keep pouting, to keep being pursed, to keep sticking out


QOP rAHQ single, one and only, unique, uop raanaapaa all alone

1. hole, aperture, perforation 2. [saraap -, - saraap] pierced pattern, stencil

QOOJIOJIT perforation, piercing QOOJIOX (~OOJI}K HyxJI3X) to pierce QOOJITYYP (see ~OOJIYYP) QOOJIYYP punch, perforator, borer, awl, naac - paper-punch QOOHor 1. hole, bore-hole, shah, OOXHp YCHbI - (MY>' YCHbI -) drain, OpMHHH - bore-hole, xeeprex - silo (mil.) 2. shah dug into the burrow of a hibernating animal QOOHOrJIOX 1. to make holes, to pierce 2. to dig down into the burrow of a hibernating animal so as to cause its death QOOP I. (see uyyp] QOOP II. hollow stem, hollow stalk, COHmHbIH stem of an onion QOOP III. Parsnip, TapHMaJI - Wild Parsnip, Pastinaca sativa QOOprOHO Angelica, Angelica

1. hole,


QOprMJIT 1. piercing with a red-hot iron 2. scorching QoprHYJI awl for burning holes Qopr:ux 1. [nopran H3BTJI3X) to pierce (with a red-hot iron, radiation, etc.) 2. to scorch 3. to sting (the nose), § oeH3HHHH YH3P xasrap ~oprHH with the smell of petrol stinging the nose Qopro spout (teapot, etc.), pipe, hose (mech.), tube, vent (volcano), duct (anat.), tap, ~aHXHbI - teapot spout, ~aCHHH - bile duct, - MaHrHHH tubular QoprOT tubular, hollow-stemmed QOP,IJ;offJIrox to overfill, to stuff, to stuff full QOP}K (- JIaM) liKing of the Law" (a lamaist title) (Tib. chos-rje] QOPOB upper lip (horse)

QOOP,IJ;OX (see uyypnax] QOOPOJI

QoprHJIOX 1. to keep piercing (with red-hot iron, etc.) 2. to belch out (flames, etc.)

2. fistula

QOOPOJIT (see ~OOPOJI) QOOPOX to be pierced, to be punctured, to be perforated, r3~3C - perforation of the intestine QOOPXOH 1. hole, puncture, r3pHHH - a hole in the tent-felt 2. pierced, holed, punctured, with holes in 3. clearing, gap, OHTYY MO~HHH clearing in a thick wood 4. lapse, caxanrsm lapses in discipline 5. outstanding QOOXO~OH African Wild Cat, Felis Iybica

QOOXOP 1. spotted, speckled, - capxaaar (see X3px3H3r) 2. pock-marked QOOXOP,D;OX to be too spotty, to be too patchy, to be too pockmarked QOOXOPJIOX I. to make spotted, to spot, to make dots, to stipple

Q?POBrOp protruding, sticking forward, poutIng, - xonryy protruding snout (camel) QOPOBrOp,D;YY (see uoponrop] QOPOB,D;OX to tie or secure (a horse) by the mouth QOPOH peritoneum QOPOHJIOX to keep rearing up QOPo:Rx up

1. to rear (horse) 2. to climb

up, to rise

QOPOJI30X to rear up, to leap up, to rise up, to soar QOPX:UPOX (see nypxapax] QOPXMPYY Hazel Grouse (zool.) QOP QOP rax to make a fuss, to make a row QOP QOP XMHX (see uop uop rex]

QOPbIH rAHQ (see ~OP ranu] QOX I. Beetles, Coleoptera, APbC 1Ul31'1 - Skin Beetles, Dermestidae, IiorHHO ,QanaBqTaii Rove Beetles, Staphylinidae, Byrnaa - Oil Beetles, Meloidae; Spanish Fly, Lytto ves~coto­ ria, }l{Hiir33 - Ground Beetles, Corobidce. 30eJIeH OHeT - Soldier Beetles, Cantharidae, HJlTC3H caxanr - Chafers, Dung Beetles, Scarabaeidae, Manrep - Jewel Beetles, Buprestidae, Hass 1Ul31'1 - Leaf Beetles, Chrysomelidae, HHCJIyyp - Click Beetles, Elateridae, CaMaH caXaJIT - Stag Beetles, Lucanidae, C31'1 - Carrion Beetles, Silphidoe. YCq - Water Beetles, Hydrophihdce. Xap False Ground Beetles, Tenebrionidae, XOJlTOCq - Bark Beetles, Scolytidae, Xyypars - Spider Beetles, Ptinidae, XYP,Q - Whirligig Beetles, Gyrinidae, Illesrep XOWYYT - True Weevils, Snout Beetles, Curculionidae, illYP3H Ladybirds, Coccinellidae, 3B3PT - Longhorn Beetles, Cerambycidae, 3P33H - Chequered Beetles, Cleridae QOX

II. forehead

4. punch, bossing-tool S. knocking-pan for a pi pe intended to hold the hot ashes 6. bat, racket, club QOXHX 1. to hit, to strike, to knock, to beat, ran - (TYHM3P -) to fight a fire, MeHreep - to pay over the odds, xaanra - to knock on a door, -oyyJIrax MexaHH3M trigger and firing mechanism (AK 47) 2. to pluck (a stringed instrument) 3. to type 4. to eat S. to screw (vulg.) QOXHqrOH urgent, intensive QOxnox to single out QOXOllT mark, note, notation QOXOllTTOH marked U;OXOX 1. to mark, to check 2. (~OXOH A)'P,llax, ~OXOH aaax, ~OXOH T3M,ll3rJI3x) to emphasize, to note, to stress, ~OXOH T3M,ll3rJI3JIT3H to be stressed U;OqHM sudden U;OqHMTrOH jumpy, nervous

QOx,n;OX to flip someone's forehead QOXHr,IJ;On hit, bump QOXHrq 1. striker, firing-pin (hand-grenade, etc.) 2. head (of a hammer) QOXHnro 1. striking (n.) instrument)


plucking (stringed

U;OXHllOX to beat (heart, etc.), to pound, to thump, to tick QOXHllT 1. blow, - erex to deal a blow 2.i. stroke, ,llYJIaaHbI - heat-stroke, HapHbI - sunstroke H. stroke (typing, plucking an instrument, etc.) 3. beat, pulse, knocking, 3YPXHHH - heartbeat, CY,llaCHbI - pulse, CYJI - weak beat (mus.), uarnsr - ticking of a clock 4. shock, C3Tr3JI caaaansr - mental shock, shock, ~OXHJITbIH ,llOJIrHOH shock-wave S. strike (mil.), ~OXHJITbIH oYJI3r task force, ~OXHJITbIH xyq striking power


1.1. punch (mech.) 2. bunched needles used in treatment by WHByyp 3. knocking-pan for a pipe intended to hold the hot ashes

II. fontanelle, top of the head QOXHMon 1. beaten (metal.) 2. stamped U;OXHO I. cliff, crag, bluff, xanaa - sheer cliff QOXHO 11.1. knock (auto.) 2. thrust, power (of a QOXHnyyp

U;OqHMXOH (see ~OqHMTrOH) U;OqHP sudden, - yep flash flood, - XYHT})3JIT sudden drop in temperature, sudden cold spell, - XYHT})3X to get cold suddenly QOqHP,IJ;MOOP startling, shocking U;OqHP,IJ;OX to be startled, to be overcome, to be taken by surprise, ~OqHP,llOH OaJIMar,llaX to be suddenly overwrought U;OqHP,IJ;yynAX to surprise, to shock U;OqHPXHHn3X to shiver U;OqHPXOH suddenly, with a jerk U;OqHX to start, to jump, to get a shock, caanaps with a start

§ ~OqHH

U;OqMOr 1. sudden, abrupt 2. acute U;OqMOrxOH 1. pretty sudden, pretty abrupt 2. rather acute U;OqOO fright, scare, - asax to take fright, to have a scare U;OqOOX to startle u;OqOOXOH rattle, clappers u;oqpon shock, stimulus, irritation, ~aXHJIraaHelectric shock, - erox to give a shock (elec.) U;OqPOllT (see ~OqpOJI) QOqpOMTrOH irritable, excitable

bow) QOXHYJIAJIT stroke (heat, sun, etc.)

U;OqPOOllT shock, stimulus, stimulation

QOXHYllAX 1. to get hit 2. to get a shock, to get a stroke, napaan - to get sunstroke, ~aXHJIraaH r~3JI):( - to get an electric shock

U;OqPOOX to shock, to give a shock, to excite, to stimulate, to irritate





drumstick 3. plectrum

U;OqPOX to get a shock, to be stimulated QOqPYYJIArq stimulus

U:9lllliHX (see U;OJDKHX) Q9M I. nucleus, XYH;:l- heavy nucleus, QoqpyynAJIT (see U;O'lPOOJIT) QOqpyynAX (see nospoox]

Q9M II. (-

Q9B I. the left-over dregs when butter (map TOC) has been taken from cream

cyyx) to get into difficulties, to meet an U;OBHHH uar time of distress


(Buddh.) Q9B,n:9n crumbs, scraps, dregs Q9BT9X to meet with trouble, to encounter difficulties

U:9M6HHX to fall in, to collapse OO;:lHC 3YH


nuclear physics, ,. sanpax ypaan (sanpan] nuclear fission, - 33BC3r nuclear weapons, ,. 33BC3rryH nuclear-free, 33BC3IT3H rypsa (,. ryP3H) nuclear power (polit.) - H3r;:l3X ypBan nuclear fusion, - Toroo reactor, - 'Ia):laBXH nuclear capability, - 3P'lHM xyq atomic energy 4>H3HK)

to break into the enemy's position

Q9BYYH hard, difficult, calamitous, (- uar] (see U;OBHHH nar]

u;amHH -

come away (infant's umbilical cord, afterbirth, etc.)

Q9r9Pu:r9H9 Mantis,




Mantis religiosa TaxHJIbIH -


bowl for holding a religious offering, u;oru;nH ;:l3H a lamp in a bowl 2. the pit or depression in the incisors of a beast

U:9rQyypr33 a sickness in horses characterized by lameness in the hind legs

Q9ll (,. ross] desert, sapasurar - [xarac -) semiH}'Tar

desert area

U:9n69X 1. to pick up, to gather 2. to seize, to confiscate, U;OJIOOH TOHOX to plunder, xypaax to confiscate



Q9M9X to nibble, to crack open, casrap - to crack open cedar nuts

Q9MP9JIT incursion, invasion, irruption, inrush, armed incursion

U:9MP9X to break in, to fall in,


opox to



burst in, to break in; to invade yaax to fall in, to fall through

U:9MIJ;r9P (see U;3Mu;r3p) Q9MU:HHx (see U;OMU;OHX) Q9MQ9rH9X to totter U:9H I. bush (of a cart-wheel), bush-bearing Q9H II. drift ice, ice floe, broken ice (on water), ,. Typ3X

to break up and drive the ice (rivers in


nus 2.


U:99BT9P few, quite few, rare

Q9JDKHX to become desert

Q99,n:9X 1. to be too few 2. to get less Q99JI9JIT 1. reduction (in number) 2. thinning-

U:9JDKM9n desertified Q9JI}KYY turning to desert

out (of plants)

Q9nrr9r banishment, exile Q9JIM9X 1. (U;OJIMOH asax, U;OJIMOH;:l33P3~3X) to seize, to expropriate, to take as plunder 2. to ravage, to lay waste

Q9JI9BT9P semi-desert, desert-like

Q99JI9X to reduce in number, to make fewer Q99H (-

few, - T8;:lHH just a few, rare, few and far between



Q99HrYH Li, not a few ii. not less, xoepooc ,. not less than two


not a little, not infrequently

U:99HT3H with few, § MO'lHp X33P



Q9n9X to banish, to exile U:9nx I. determined, stern, resolute U:9JIX II. contralto U:9nx99B one rouble (Russ. n;eJIKOBhIH) U:9JIlliHnT (see U;OJDKHJIT)

to punch

U:99B9PqOHO 1. Dhole, Red Dog, Cuon alpi-

Q9n.n;9H XOOnOH mezzo-soprano U:9JDKHnT desertification

U:9n9r,n:9JIT banishment U:9n9PX9r desert-like, -


33BC3IT ,.

U:9rQ 1. small bowl, small cup,


(metal.) Q9M9PXHH 1. dent, depression, pothole

Q9rn9X to fall off, to become detached, to

desert, -

all, entirely

Q9MJI9X 1. to break into, § ;:laHCHbI OaHpbIr"

Q9BT3H difficult, troublesome



Q9MHHH nuclear, ,.


Q9B II. impediment, obstruction, calamity, opox (-


to split the atom

MO;:l a

tree with

few branches

Q99HX minority, -


minority national-

ity, national minority

Q99P9JIT decrease, reduction U:99P9M pool U:99P9X to decrease in number, to become fewer, to be reduced

u;eepYYJI3X to decrease, to reduce, to cut down u;eeTreJIT thinning-out (plants) u;eeTreX 1. to reduce in number, to make fewer

2. to thin out

neorsa with few, lltyy -

of few words


- usr line of dots, dotted line ii, file (mil.) (cf. § H3r, xoep, rypas, A9PBHHH nyaaaraap in single file or column of two, three or four 2.i. railway-train, train ii. caravan, train, T3M33HHH


camel-train 3. series, TOOHbI series of numbers 4. register of horses in a race, nysaaasr axnarx organizer of a horse-race, nysaa OHlIHrll clerk of a horse-race 5. convoy JKHHrHHH -

u;eexeH (- TOOHbI) few, rare

neoxearva not a few u;eeXYYJI few, a few, - A}TIHA chamber singers, - X9rJKHM (see X9rJKHM 1.) u;ep alum u;ePBeJI3eX (see ~OPBOJI30X) u;epeBrep (see uoponrop] u;epeM a drink made by fementing the milk of sheep or goats

u;ec 1.1. bile, gall, ~9CHHH rap (~9CHHH

5 11


~9CHHH XVYlltHH, ~9CHHH uynuaa] gall-bladder,

- lltaM}l{YYJIax XOOJIOH (~9CHHH 3aM, ~9CHHH bile-duct, - lltaM1KYYJIaX ep9HXHH XOOJIOH (- lltaM1KYYJIax rOJI XOOJIOH), common bile-duct, ~9CHH Hb xarapran aHJIraX to scare (someone) stiff, ~9CHHH XyqHJI (see XyqHJI), ~9CHHH xynyy gall-stone 2. latex (Dandelion,


etc.) 3. nerve, guts u;ec II. 1. Lesser Meadow-Rue, Thalictrum minus

2. Small Meadow-Rue, T. simplex 3. T. petaloideum ( see Bypacrap]

IJ;YB~AX to go in file, to go one after the other, uyaannaa opox to file in

U;YBAX 1. to file along, to follow one another, to be in a row, ~YB1K HBcaH oapcaac ~yrJIa1K cyycaa uraasraa neap unity is strength 2. to drip, to trickle, to run out

IJ;YBAAH offal of sheep or goats IJ;YBAAHJIAf offal (adj.) U;YB,IJ;AHJIAX to gut (small livestock) U;YBHMAJI roll, rolled stock (metal., etc.) U;YBHX to roll, to roll out IJ;YBPAA in series, serial IJ;YBPAJI series, - oHlIHr series (of books, etc.), - JIeK~ course of lectures, - H3BTPVYJI3r series (radio, TV), - TYPmHJIT series of experiments

IJ;YBP~AX to file along, to follow one another

U;YBPAX 1. to file along, to follow one another,

u;ex three year old stag [Byra] u;exex not to be able to, not to manage to, not

~YBpaH ypracan HaBlI alternate leaves, uysapx HBcaH oapcaac uyrnapx cyycaa uraasran nssp

to be up to, mHHl1t31K - not to be up to deciding, to be indecisive

unity is strength 2. to drip, to trickle, to run out, § HYYP33P Hb X9JIC ~YBapll with the face running with sweat

u;eXpeJI frustration, despair, ~9XP9JI99 oapax to be in the depths of despair

uexeenrrn unperturbed,

untiring, unyielding

u;eXpeJITrYH (see ~9XP9JIryH) u;eXpeHree JiAPAX to be in the depths of despair

u;eXpeHrYHr33P in despair u;expeex to depress, .to bring to despair u;expex to be in despair, to be at one's wits' end, to be at the end of one's tether, § apra ~9X9PC9H oaHl1taJITaH despairingly

u;eXPYYJI3X (see ~9Xp99X)


I. cream (on milk), ~9~rHHH TOC butter, - anrars (- anrax MamHH) cream separator

uouraa II. (see ~3~rHH) u;eU;rHHPeX to settle (cream on standing milk) U;YB 1. cloak 2. raincoat, waterproof U;YBAA Li, column, TaBlltyraap - fifth column, TaHKHHH - tank-column, - ~arHHH diachronic,

U;YBYYJIAX 1. to put in file, to have file along

2. to let drip, xap X9JIC99 - to be running with sweat 3. to do in series, ~YYJIaH T9JI9X to pay by instalments U;YBU; path, track IJ;Yr 1. with, together with, napraraa - with the boss 2. alongside, together, § -lltaHTa1K HBcaH ~3pryyllt the soldiers who had fought alongside him

IJ;YrJIAAH meeting, assembly, demonstration, cyyraa - sit-down demonstration

U;YrJIABAP collection IJ;YrJIAPArcA,IJ; those present, the assembled company

IJ;YrJIAPAPlIf)l; (see nyrnaparcan] IJ;YrJIAPAJIT meeting, rally, muster IJ;YrJIAPAX to assemble, to gather together, to come together

IJ;YrJIAX (see uyrnapax] IJ;YrJIYYJIArtI collector


5 l2

IJ;YfJIYYJIAX to collect, to assemble, to get together IJ;YfJIYYJII>AP collection, 3yparraii: HJI JaXH,J:tJihiH ... a collection of picture-postcards IJ;YfJIYYJlfA 1. collection, MapKHiiH ... stampcollection 2. gathering IJ;YITAA all together IJ;YHBAH name of a dish of meat, vegetables and pasta IJ;YJI 1. solid, compact, dense, whole, TaBaH ... (see TaB 1.), ... am gold nugget, ... 6a xaH.UHii solid and hollow, ... Max solid meat, meat without bone, ... MaHra solid silver, ... HHIT solid, dense, ... ~yrrax (see ~yrrax)2. pure, unmixed 3. mass IJ;YJIAfix to be flush, to be rolling IJ;YJII>YYP tether, leading-rein IJ;YJII>YYP,IJ;AX 1. to take by the leading-rein 2. to rein in, to restrain IJ;YJII>YYP 9BC Iris tenuifolio (see I.l;axHJI,llarl IJ;YJII>YYPf Sheat-fish, Silurus IJ;YJifAH (see ~yJII'}'H), ... ~aae plain paper IJ;YJlfAfi,IJ;AX (see ~yJiryii:,llaxl IJ;YJifYH smooth, plain, bare, unadorned, colourless, ... roJI TOMOPT smooth-bored IJ;YJirYfi,IJ;AX 1. to be too plain, to be too simple 2. to be lacking, to be deficient IJ;YJifYHJIAJIT tanning IJ;YJifYHJIAX to tan (a skin) IJ;YJifYHIIIPAX to become plain, to become monotonous IJ;YJI,IJ;AMXAH tough, strong, stout IJ;YJI,IJ;MAJI (see ~yJI,llaMxaH) IJ;YJIJIAf parenchyma (anal.) IJ;YJIMAfXAH (see ~yJI,llaMXaH) IJ;YJIXfAP prominent, bulging IJ;YJIXHP (see IJ;yJibXHp) IJ;YJIIJ;AHX to be podgy IJ;YJI IJ;AJI XHHx to make a splashing or slopping noise IJ;YJIIJ;AH sac, alveolus, yywHrnhi ... alveoli of the lungs, ~aeHHii ... gall-bladder IJ;YJIIJ;fAP podgy, puffy, flabby IJ;YJIIIPAX (x3JI ... ) to slur one's speech IJ;YJThXHP Agriophyllum (bot.), 3JieHHii ... A

squorrosum IJ;YH inch (Chin l

IJ;YPAA the dried residue leh aher the cream (~aeyHii:) has been taken off curdled milk and the whey drained off IJ;YPAB I. nestling, yJiaaH ... brood IJ;YPAB II. (see ~aM), ... TaBHX to make a firebreak IJ;YPAB,!J;API fire-fighter's flame-thrower IJ;YPAB,IJ;AX to set fire (to grass in fire-fighting) so as to make a fire-break IJ;YPAM burned area, burned patch IJ;YPAM XHHX to drop off, to have a snooze, ~ypaM xHii:Jiryii: without getting a wink of sleep, ~aM xHiilK qa.uaxryii: not to be able to get a wink of sleep, IJ;YPJIAX to fester IJ;YPxAfi (... Jarae) Pike, Northern Pike, Esox

lucius IJ;YPXHPAX to kick up a fuss, ~ypxHpaH yii:Jiax to wail, to sob IJ;YC 1. blood, ... aJI,[laJIT loss of blood, bleeding, haemorrhage, ... aJI,[lax to lose blood, ... 6ara.uam (... 6ara.uax, ... 6ara.uax OB'IHH) anaemia, ... 6araTaii anaemic, ~yeHhi 6y.uarq 6o.uHe haemoglobin, ... 6yyx to get blood blisters, ... roo:IKHJIT bleeding, .uoTOO,ll ... roolKHJIT internal bleeding, HJI ... roo:lKHJIT external bleeding, ... roo:IKHX to bleed, ~yeHhl rpynn blood group, eyeHhi .uapaJIT blood-pressure, ~yeHhi .uapam 6yypyyJiax to reduce the bloodpressure, ~yeHbl .uapaJIT HXC3X OB'IHH hypertension, ... Ja.upax haemolysis, ~yeHhi Haeaa haemoglobin, ... oii:pTOJIT inbreeding, ... oii:prox to become inbred, ... ararq blood donor, ... eoporq bloodsucker, bloodsucking, ~yeaH cyyJira dysentery, aMe6Hbi ~yeaH eyyJira amoebic dysentery, ... C3JI63JIT blood transfusion, ... e3JI6yyJI3X to have a blood transfusion, eyeaH TaMHP 6yp.UC3H mature, ready to marry (female), ... rorroox to stanch bleeding, to arrest bleeding, ... TOJI:lKHJIT haemopoiesis, ~yeaH TapJIHii:H related on the mother's side, ... yperax to shed blood, ... yryii:,ll3JI anaemia, XOPT ... yryii.U3JI pernicious anaemia, ... xaii:Jiax aB'IHH haemolysis, ~yeaH Y:IKHJI septicaemia, ~yeaH xaJI,[lsap name of an infectious disease of livestock, ... xapBaJIT haemorrhage; stroke, ... xapsax to have a haemorrhage; to have a stroke, "' XOJIHJI,[lOX (... XOJIHJI,[lOH eyJI3JI,[l3X) to become of mixed blood, to be hybridized, ... xypaJI,[laJIT (... xypam) haematoma, ~yeaH X3JIX33 .uyyeax (see rnpaJI Taepax), ~yeaH 'laMar 6yp.uC3H mature, ready to marry (male), ~yeHbl IIIHHr3H plasma, ~yeHhl 3pr3JIT circulation of the blood, ... JOyJI3JIT blood transfusion, ... JOYJI3X to give a blood transfusion 2. hell!, ~yeaap ype damn you!

UYCAPXAr bloody UYCAPXAJI hyperaemia UYCAPXyy bloody UYCrVM3X to lack blood, to have too little blood

UYC,IJ;AX to cover with blood UYCJIAX 1. to bleed (trans.) 2. to guzzle UYCT bloody UYTrABAP tributary (geog.) UYTrAPI foundryman, caster, YC3r .-. typefounder


IJ;YYpAH 1. echo 2. resonance, ~aHH xaapuar sound-box (mus.) IJ;YYpAHJIAX to echo, to resound IJ;YYPAlITAX (see nyypaanax] IJ;YYPAJIT split (n.) IJ;YYPAX 1. to split (intrans.) 2. to open one's big mouth

uyyprA pierced latch-plate which takes the ~yy which in turn is secured by the lock

UYTrAJI 1. outllow, ou~aI12. tributary (geog.) UYTrAJIAH I. confluence UYTrAJIAH II. (.-. ranee] ileum UYTrAJIAX to pour UYTrAJIrA confluence UYTrAJIT pouring, casting (n.) UYTrAMAJI 1. a casting 2. cast (ad() UYTrAX 1. to drain into, to flow into, to discharge into 2. to pour, yc .-. to pour water, ~YITaH OPOX to pour with rain, I(y1TaH yynrax to drench (livestock) 3. to cast, napanraap .-. to make a press-moulding, X8H):lHH .-. to make a hollow casting, ~JI .-. to make a solid casting, WHpM33p'-' to cast in iron 4. to bribe, M9Hre.-. to bribe, to give a bribe

:U;YTrYYP 1. casting (metal.),

H3PM3JI .-. casting of large objects in a pit, OJIHOO'-' casting of several objects at a time in connected moulds 2. mould

:U;YTrYYPqJfH founder, foundryman :U;YY I. (.-. yr, .-. spaa] rumour, .-. ):l3r):l33X (.-. TaBHX) to spread rumours

:U;YY II. vinegar, ~bI XyqHJI (see XyqHJI) :U;YY III. off, apart, .-. TaTax (.-. spax] to wrench apart

:U;YYrHAH quarrel, dispute, row UYYrHX to quarrel, to make a row :U;YY,IJ;AM exaggerated, blown up, .-. yr rumour :U;YY,IJ;AMHAX to exaggerate, to blow (something) up

:U;YYA,AC strip, scrap, rag :U;YY}KYYJIAX (~YY1KYYJIaH

5 13


to mari-

nade, to souse

:U;YYJIAX to split, to tear apart, to tear in two :U;YYJIJiAP 1. split, divided 2. split, division 3. strip, scrap

:u;yyprAJIAX to lock, to bolt :U;YYPAAX to play the end-blown flute UYYPHA (see ~yypaH) IJ;YYPHAJIAX (see uyypaanax] :U;YYPHATAX (see ~aHTax) :u;yypXAH crack, split IJ;YYPXAJI (.-. yr, .-. apaa] rumour, .-. ):l3r):lyyJI3X (.-. ):l3r):l33X, .-. Tapaax)

to spread rumours

IJ;YYPXAX to be rumoured, to be talked about IJ;YYPXYYJIAX to spread rumours UYYP:QAf siliquo (bot.)

:QYYT 1. famous, well-known 2. notorious :U;YYTAH (see nyyr] IJ;YYXAJI immature, not fully ripe (grain) :U;YY:QAJIb Godwit, Limosa, MOPHH .-. Blacktailed Godwit,

L. limosa

:u;yyqmc to split (trans.) :U;YYjJMJiYY calico (Chin.) :u;YXAHx (see ~yxyHx) :U;YXAJI I. narrow, tight, cramped :U;YXAJI II. nerviness, irritability, edginess IJ;YXAJI,IJ;AJI nervousness, edginess :U;YXAJI,II;AlITYH nervous, on edge, irritated, upset

:U;YXAJI,II;AX I. to be too narrow, to be too tight :U;YXAJI,II;AX II. to be nervous, to be on edge, to feel annoyed

:U;YXAJI,II;YY (see ~YX3MaHryH) :U;YXAJI3AX to peep out, to emerge, to appear :U;YXAC briefly, summarily, in passing, .-. nypnax to mention in passing, .-. TOHMJIOH summarily, § 3H3 a1KJIbIH TYYX33C .-. aB1.f y33X3):l

to look briefly

at the history of this work

:U;YY~AC (see nyynac]

:U;YXACXAH quite briefly, quite summarily :U;YXACXHHX to peep out, to emerge for a

:U;YYJIMAJI split, divided uYYP end-blown flute, .-. JIHM03 flutes

:U;YXYHJIrAX to reveal, to bring to light



UYHXYH Neottia (bot.),

5 14

uYXYHJIT showing, sprouting (n.) (young plants,

etc.) I{YXY:Hx to protrude, to stick out, to show, to emerge

uvxvan 1. sprout, shoot 2. sprouting (n.) UY~ to weary, to tire out, to exhaust

UYUAJI 1. brand, partly burned piece of wood 2. firewood

uYUAJITfYH untiring, tireless, indefatigable uYUAX 1. (~~a}K cynsnax] to be worn out, to be exhausted, to get tired out

2. to give

up, to drop

UY~rYH untiring, tireless, indefatigable

uY:Q.ITAX to annul, to rescind, to reverse, to cancel, r3pJl3J1T ,. to annul a marriage

UYUPAX 1. to break down, to collapse 2. to miscarry

UYtIHll (see ~~aJI) UYAf3P fat, bulging, distended, blown-up, potbellied, salient, ,. r3~3CT3H pot-bellied

UYAH:Hx to be fat, to be corpulent, to be distended

UY3f3P (see ~y~r3p) UY3H:Hx (see ~Y~HHX) UYll (,. XHHT3J1) splash! QYIDIT3P 1. prominent, bulging 2. bulge, salient QYllXHHJIT bulge UYllXH:Hx I. to bulge, to bulge out UYJIXH:Hx II. to splash, to make a splash, to go . plop

UYllX3fH3X to waddle, to wobble UYllX3ll33X (see ~J1X3m3x) QYllX3H 1. bulging, salient, convex 2. bulge uvn QAJIXHHX (see ~YJlXHHx II.) QYH,IJ;f3P prominent, bulging, swollen, salient UYH,IJ;H:Hx to be distended, to bulge QYH,IJ;3fH3X to wobble, to waggle QYHX bag, handbag, brief-case, wallet, satchel, rap" handbag, XWl33J1HHH ,. school satchel (Russ. cYMKa)

QYHXf3P 1. bulging, protruberant 2. bulge, protrubera nce

QYHXll3f cavity, sinus,




QYHXll3X to put in a bag, to bag QYHXP3f Neottianthe (bot.), Xexee « N. cucul-





Camtschatea UYHX3f (see ~HX33J1) UYHX3ll reservoir,




(anat.) UYHX33ll 1. deep depression 2. pool (esp. in a river)

UYPAf3P swollen, distended QYPAHHX to be swollen, to be distended to swell up, to bulge


QYPHHX (see ~YP~HHX) UYY eye, ring, staple (esp. of a lock-plate assembly)

QYYB3H rent (C·hin.) QYYllCA3X to be rash, to be ill-considered QYYJIqHX3X to leave (a door) on the latch UYYll3X to latch, to fix with staple and tongue QYYPA3X to stray UY~ XMIX a game consisting of throwing a piece of wood (sometimes over the tent) in the twilight and then looking for it

QYYU chisel UYYQf3H3X to teeter, to sway UYYUf3P slender, slight Uyy:u.rr;3X to chisel QL~r~ gypsy, A3HHH ~bIraHYY~ "Asian gyp-

sies (a derogatory term for certain Mongols abroad in the early 1990's) (Russ.)

Q3B (intensifying particle), ,.

XYHT3H freezinq cold, ,. ~3J1M3r clear and bright, ,. ~3HX3P bright blue

U3BAAH (see ~3B33H) Q3BAYY frozen Q3BA3f 1. frozen ground,


,. CYAJIaJI cryology, frost-studies freezing ii. cold-hearted


2.i. frozen '

Q3BA3rm autumn-ploughed land (cf. YPHHW), ,. xaranax to do autumn ploughing Q3BA3rmHX to be frozen hard U3BA3fmll3X to allow to freeze hard Q3BPYY 1. blister, vesicle, follicle, ,. ryHX to blister, to come up in blisters, ,. WHr tender, soh bladderworm (stage of the tapeworm)


U3BPYYll3r vesicular Q3BPYYHQ3P small blister, vesicle Q3BPYYT3H Thrips, Thysanoptera Q3BPYYT3X 1. to blister, to get blistered 2. to develop into a bladderworm

Q3BQf3P snow-white, white Q3BUH:Hx to turn white, to go white

IJ;3B3P 1. clean, pure, fresh, - araap fresh air, - apHYH clean, pure, - aHTaii (- HHMoaH, D;3~r3p) neat and tidy, clean and tidy, OJlllHr handwriting, - OHqrHHH XHQ33JI handwriting lesson, - 30pOJIT fine cut (lathe, etc.), HqHMTmH modest, - yp selected seeds, high quality seeds 2. pure, net, clear, - aurar clear profit, net profit, - JKHH net weight, - MOHro pure silver, - HorOOH pure green. - opnoro net income, - OCOJIT net increase, - TaBHX to leave behind, - Topro pure silk, - D;YCHbI thoroughbred IJ;3B3Pll3flI 1. cleaner, - OO,QHC cleaning agent 2. - T3M.Q3r natural (mus.) IJ;3B3Pll3f33 1. cleaning, XHMH - dry-cleaning 2. refining 3. cleorinq (land of tree-stumps, fallen trees, etc.) 4. purge (polit.) IJ;3B3Pll3llT 1. cleaning, purification 2. weeding IJ;3B3Pll3X 1. to clean, to purify, to clean out, to clean off, to clear, to clear off, to get rid of, MOPHHbI oaac - to muck out, TaJIOaHr 3aCa}K to clear the site (for building), ynacaa MO,Qblr oarooc - to clear a wood of fallen trees, oaHryyJIaM}K sewage plant, effluent treatment plant, D;3B3PJI3}K TYHraax (D;3B3PJI3}K anrax] to refine, - T3M.Q3r natural (mus.), § yc 300JIpOX T)'TaM caBaHr Myy D;3B3PJI3H3 the softer the water, the harder it is to get rid of the soap 2. to weed 3. to purge, to clear out IJ;3B3PX3H 1. clean, pure, tidy, - MOHrOJI X3JI33P in pure Mongol 2. neat, pretty, nicelooking, - D;apaHTaH pretty

515 IJ;3f II. a face of an anklebone given as the same as XOHb or HMaa in different sources IJ;3f,IJ;3f 1. woman's .sleeveless garment worn outside the gown in west Mongolia 2. woman's short padded garment worn beneath the gown among the Khalkha IJ;3fJI3ll punctuation IJ;3fll3X 1. to make a dot, D;3rJI3H T3M.Q3rJI3X to mark with a dot 2. to put a stop to, to give up, HaCHbI X3M*33 - to come to the end of one's life IJ;3fHYYP balance, scales IJ;3fH3llT assessment, evaluation IJ;3fH3X (D;3rH3H oO,Qox) to assess, to weigh up, to evaluate IJ;3fP3M Orchid, Orchis, O. salina, - D;3D;mHH asryyp Orchid Family, Orchidaceae IJ;3fIJ; order, system, - }KypaMTaH in orderly fashion, well regulated IJ;3fIJ;fHH Wagtail, YYJIbIH - Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea, Xox - Pied Wagtail, M. alba, map TYPyyT - Yellow-headed Wagtail, M. citreola, map - Yellow Wagtail M. flava IJ;3fIJ;ll3llT arrangement, tidying-up, putting in order IJ;3fIJ;ll3X to arrange, to fiX, to sort out, to put in order IJ;3fIJ;PYYll3X to put in order, to put straight, to tidy up

IJ;3B3PQ clean, neat, tidy, hygienic, - HHMoaH neat and tidy

IJ;3fIJ;P3X to be put in order, to be put straight, to be tidied up

IJ;3B3pmHll purity

IJ;3fqr3H well-ordered, well-arranged, systematic

IJ;3B3pmHllT (see D;3B3PWHJI) IJ;3B3pmHX 1. to be cleaned, to get cleaned up, to be purified 2. to have the menopause, ye menopause

IJ;3fIJ;YYX3H I. Oleander (bot.)

IJ;3B3pmYYll3X 1. to clean, to clear, to purify, - oaHryyJIaM}K (see D;3B3PJI3X oaHryyJIaM}K) 2. to refine (gold, etc.)

IJ;3f33 mare's milk kumis

IJ;3B33H a rite for prolonging the life (Buddh.), - orex (- TaBHx) to perform such a rite (Tib. tsedbang) IJ;3f 1.1. dot (in general, beside a note, in Morse code, with some letters such as n in the Uighur script, etc.), D;3IT3H HOT dotted note (mus.) 2. point, ecex - growing point (of a plant), TOOHyypHHH - moxibustion point, yCT watering-point, water-hole 3. full stop, stop (punctuation), TO,QOpXOHJIOX - colon, - T3M.Q3r punctuation mark, - D;3rJI3JI punctuation 4. set, P~HO - radio set, TeJIecPoH - telephone (Tib. tsheg)

IJ;3fIJ;YYX3H II. name of a small bird (possibly the Wagtail) IJ;3f33ll)l{ Glaux (bot.), Milkwort, G. maritima

MapD;HbI -


IJ;3f33H light, pale, whitish IJ;3,IJ;3HIiAllH3M Tsedenbalism IJ;3,IJ;3HIi~ Tsedenbalist

IJ;33f3P stout, portly, plump IJ;3ll very, extremely, - oyypaJI TOJIrOHTOH with snow-white hair, - 3aJIYY (- 3aJIYY aacannaa] in the prime of youth, - HorOOH bright green, XYHT3H bitterly cold IJ;3llf3P (- YYJKHM) spacious, wide, broad IJ;3JI,IJ;3H (usedbefore colours as an intensifier), - xox iron-grey



Q3JIHHX to stretch out, to extend (intrans.), ~3J1HHT3J1 H33X to open wide, § HY~ aJmaM Toas the Gobi stretching as far as the eye can see

Q3JIMYYH (see ~3J1M3r) Q3JIM3r clear, bright, cloudless, - ye~ in clear conditions, - xox T3Hr3p bright blue sky, - enop a bright day

Q3JIM3rmHX to clear up, to brighten up Q3JIM3H villus (anat.) Q3JIM3X to clear up (weather, etc.), § T3Hr3p ~3J1M3B the weather cleared up, the sky cleared

Q3JIM33X to brighten Q3JICXHHT3JI suddenly, in a flash Q3JIXP3X to be swollen, to be puffy (eyes, etc.) Q3JIQrHH jelly Q3JIU;fHH)l{HX to jellify Q3JIQf3P flabby, podgy, jelly-like Q3JIQ3rHYYP jelly Q3JIQ3rH3X to jellify Q3JI3f I. fiery (horse) Q3JI3f II. a large wooden bowl Q3JI3JI33X to shimmer, to glint Q3MJiHHJIf3X to tidy up, to put straight Q3MJiHHx to be smart, to look neat and tidy Q3MJi3 woollen cloth

I.J;3Hr33 entertainment, amusement, ~3Hr33HT 6y}KHr dance, ~3Hr33HHH rasap place of entertainment, joint, WOHHHH ~3Hr33HHH raaap night-spot

I.J;3~f3P big-bellied, pot-bellied, paunchy

Q3~HHx to be swollen, to be distended Q3~3r distension of the intestines (in ruminants) Q3~3rH3X to be paunchy

I.J;3HJIYYP balance, scales Q3HXHHx to turn blue, to go pale I.J;3HX3P 1. light blue, sky-blue, azure, blue, 3aM "blue road" (synonym for) a track across a frozen lake, - WHJI the tele 2. (WHJlT3H -) spirits, booze

Q3HX3PJI3X (~3HX3PJl3H xaparnax] to look blue

I.J;3HX3Pf3X to look blue, to get ~3HX3PT3H xaparnax to look blue


I.J;3H3f charge (electricity, gun, etc.), H}KHJI like charges, H3M3X - positive charge, xacax negative charge, scpar - unlike charges, ~3H3r33 annax to go flat (battery), ~3H31'T MalmaJI (see MalmaJI) , ~3H3rT X3C3r charged particle, - uraaxars aerosol

IJ;3H3rfYH uncharged, neutral I.J;3H3r}l{HJIT charging (elec., etc.) I.J;3H3fJIYYP charger (elec.) I.J;3H3fJI3f,IJ;3X to be loaded, to be charged, to be filled, ~3H3rJl3r~C3H Mar83HH loaded mcqozine

Q3MJi3r3P neat, tidy

Q3H3rJI3fq loader (mil.)

Q3MQf3P 1. neat, tidy, smart, elegant 2. pre-

I.J;3H3fJI3JIT loading, charging, ~3H3rJl3JITHHH YCJlaJIT soaking, drenching, thorough watering

cise, meticulous

Q3MIJ;HHX to be or to look smart or elegant Q3MQ3rH3X to mince, to walk delicately Q3H I. measure of weight equivalent to one tenth of a tael (Chin.) Q3H II. (- XYH) Swan Q3HrYYJI3X (~3HryyJl3H caaryynax] to amuse Q3HrYYH pleasant, nice (weather, etc.) Q3Hr3r fresh, - araap fresh air, - ayyp freshwater lake, - yc fresh water Q3Hr3r}KHX to be desalinated Q3Hr3r}KYYJI3X to desalinate Q3Hf3JI fun, amusement, jollification, pleasure I.J;3Hr3JI,IJ;3X to enjoy oneself, to have a good time, to amuse oneself, - XYP33J13H stadium IJ;3Hr3C (see IJ;aHrHc) Q3Hr3X (~3Hr3H aaanax. ~3Hr3}K aaprax] to enjoy oneself, to have a good time, to amuse oneself

I.J;3H3rJI3X to load (gun), to charge (battery), to fill (radiator), to prime (hand-grenade), to power, to refuel, 6yyraa - to load one's gun, ~3H3rJl3X33p TaBHX to put on charge (battery)

I.J;3H3IT charged (elec., etc.), - 600MC charged particles

I.J;3H3IT3H charged (elec., etc.), H3M3X [sepsr -) positively charged, xacax - [cepsr -) negatively charged , - 3r3J1 600MC charged particles

I.J;3H3X to be careful, to be cautious, to be wary I.J;3P phlegm, - XOBXJlOX to cough up phlegm, XOBXJlOX 3M expectorant I.J;3PBYY at a distance, apart I.J;3PB3X (~3pB3H ~33PJl3X) to avoid, to shy away from, to shun, to keep away from, to fight shy of, § xoep XYYXH33C ~3PB3}K 3aHJla~ avoiding the two girls

I.J;3PrHHH military, araapsm - XyqHH airforce,

military operations, - anoa milito do military service, - aJIObIr yJIHpaH xaax to re-enlist, to re-engage, - anoaHbI yJIHpCaH OpOH TOO re-engaged list, re-engaged personnel, - anoa Hb IiHMAY -sra

5 17

- CUKllJIJIaraa

tary service, -







military service comprises active and reserve service in the armed forces of the MPR, - }KHHX3H3 aJIoa active military service, - }KHHX3H3 xyranaar anoa compulsory short service, - }KHHX3H3 antia xaax xyranaa period of compulsory active service, - anoaH xaarx military personnel(cf. - YYP3rT3H}; serviceman, xyranaar anoaHbI - anoaH xaarx fixed-term military personnel (as distinct from reengaged personnel), - yJIHpCaH anoaH xaarx re-engaged military personnel, - aJIOaHaaC xanarnax to be demobilized, - aHXaH marasr 03JITr3JI basic military training, - oaHryyJIaM1K military installation, - OaHpJIan military position, - OaTJIax army identity card (carried by men of military age), - aaxaparx military governor, HaCHbI of military age, - HHC3X XyqHH airforce, - OMHOX HaCHbI of pre-military age, apsaa OYP,Q3H3

,QOJIOOH Hac XYPC3H 3P3rT3INYY,QHHr - OMHOX 3aJIyyqyy,Q r3H3 males who have reached the age of seventeen are said to be of pre-military age, - cyprarx military instructor, cyprarrr military training, - cypranrsnr 6aHp pre-military training centre (in factories, offices, co-operatives and state farms), - cypryyns military training; army school, - cypryyns XHHx to do military training, - aHXaH nrarasr cypryyns basic military training, - TaHXHM war cabinet, - TOHpor military district, command, yyp3rT3H persons liable to military service, -


}KHHX3H3 aJI6a xaaac 6aHraa Hpr3,QHHr - aJI6aH xaarx, 03JI'IT3M 6aHraa Hpr3,QHHr - YYP3rT3H

citizens on active military service are known as military personnel; citizens on the reserve are known as persons liable to military service, - XYMYYC the military, - X3JIT3C military sections of local Assemblies of People's Deputies, - X3p3r military matters, - ~OJI military rank, - ~OJI, anoaH 'J'YIlIaan, H3P rank, appointment and name, - myyx court-martial,

r31K H3PJI3H3


3,Q XOrWHJI (- 3,Q xepenre. -

3,Q X3p3rJI3JI)

military equipment, war material, - 3pr3JIT military coup, - 3P,Q3M military science, - 3PXT3H militarist (n.)

IJ;3prHHHX3H militarists IJ;3P,IJ; chalk, ~3P,QHHH ranas Cretaceous period IJ;3PHHx to swell, to distend IJ;3P3B 0(- ysa] a hitching line stretched out at a certain height

IJ;3P3r 1. (-

soldier, 63JI1T3JI - reservist, private (Russ. PR,IJ;OBOii), ycaa sailor (mil.), mHH3 - recruit, - 3JICYYJI3rq XYH)

1KarCaaJIbIH -


anoa xaax

OcPH~ep recruiting officer, - 3JICYYJI3X to recruit, - 3JICYYJI3X aanan recruiting drive 2. (- apMH) army, ap,QbIH 1KypaMT - the people's volunteer army of 1921, OaHHrbm - regular army, OapHJIrbIH construction troops, pioneers, napaarya - army of occupation, HH1KeHepHHH - engineers, MOpHH - cavalry, MOTOOYYnnarsm - motorized infa ntry, HorOOH TyrHHH - [norooa TyrHHH XHTa,Q XYH,Q -) the "Green Banner Army" or Chinese army during the Manchu dynasty, TYWM3JI - Manchu army, T3HrHC (T3HrHCHHH -) navy, T3HrHCHHH HBraH - marines, ynaan - Red Army, red troops, YJICbIr ,QaHcHbI araapsm ,QOBTOJIrOOHOOC xaxraanax - civil air defence troops, yean 3aMbIH - naval forces, xap - "Black Troops" (name given to Chinese troops in Mongolia around 191 3), XOJI600HbI - signals, communications troops, XHJIHHH oa ,QOTOO,Qbm - frontier and internal troops, xomyy - Mongol troops recruited in 1921 from Erdene Wang Banner, xyypaH saxsm - land forces, XYH,Q the Chinese army (hist.), xasraapsm - frontier troops, uooxop - name given to the soldiers recruited by Sukhboctor from Mongol soldiers at Kyakhta and from odd volunteers in early 1921 , uranap - guard, bodyguard; name given to the soldiers recruited by Sukhbootor from the watch-posts to the east of Kyakhta in early 1921 , map - insurgent troops ol the 1932 uprising, 333MWJIHHH - army of occupation, ssraa infantry, HBraH :Q3prHHH oaiIJI,QaaHbI MaWHH personnel carrier, ararnars HBraH - assault info ntry, :Q3prHHr araapsm ,QOBTOJIrOOHOOC xasrraanax - army air defence troops, - ,QaiiHbI military, - ,QaHHbI 3ap,QaJI military expenditure, - 33BCrHHH military, - 33BCrHHH 63XJI3JIT military strongpoint, - 33BCrHHH cyyps (- 33BCrHHH cyypaa rasap] military base, - 33BCrHHH xyq33p by military force, - TaTax to call up, to raise troops, - TaTJIara call-up, -:QYYX soldiery, - 3P warrior, soldier, --3X OPOIl'l military-patriotic, --3X OPOHQ Y33JI military-patriotic mindedness, --3X oponx xYMYY}KHJI military-patriotic education

IJ;3P3rrYH demilitarized IJ;3P3r}KHJI 1. militarization 2. military studies, military studies teacher, military studies group, :Q3P3}KJIHHH ,QyryiiJIaH military studies club, :Q3p3r}KJIHHH KaoHHeT military studies room

:Q3p3r}KJIHHH 6arm


IJ;3P3r}KID{ to be militarized U;3P3f}l{YYJI3X :Q3p3r1KYYJIC3H



militarize, xarac paramilitary



5 18

Q3P3fJI3X to wage war, to campaign, to use troops, D;3p3rJI3H aBJIaX (D;3p3rJI3H araanr XHiIx) to hunt in military style, D;3p3rJI3H opox to invade Q3P3fIIIHX (see D;3p3r}KHx) Q3C 1.1. register, list, catalogue, menu, XOOJIHbI - menu 2. the schedule attached to the map of a banner in Manchu times (Chin.) Q3C II. Aubergine, Egg-plant Q3C3HQ3P Nightshade, Solanum, IJ;3C3HD;3PHHH osor Nightshade Family, Solanaceae I.J;3X 1. straight, upright, 3rD; - cyyx to sit bolt upright, - sorcox to stand upright, - WYJIYYII quite straight 2. (- urynpara, - wyJIYYH 3aHTaH) straight, upright, honourable I.J;3XHHx to go cloudy, to go filmy Q3XJI3X to straighten, Hypyyraa - to straighten one's back Q3X3JI33X to be dim, to be dull Q3X3P cloudy,· filmy, pale, milky-white, filmyeyed Q3Q 1. (- M3pr3H) accuracy (in shooting) 2. (OIOYH -) cleverness, wisdom, - annax to lose one's balance, to be wrong-footed (wrestling), - oyJIaaMaaH poetic repartee, - oYJIaaMax to argue, to argue the toss; to engage in poetic repartee (an oral literary form consisting of quick questions and answers between two competitors), - COpHX to pit one's wits 3. (D;3D;HHH mWyyH) referees (wrestling, etc.), YJmC3H XyyJIHHH - Commissioners for the Constitution Q3QrHH (HY~HHH -) eyeball, HY~HHH - WHr XaHpJIaH xasrraanax to treasure as the apple of one's eye Q3IJ;HHHX3H referees (wrestling, etc.) Q3QJI3X to speak or argue wittily Q3IJ;3f 1. (- xyap) flower, D;3D;mHH MaH~aJI flower-bed, - eprex (- TaBHX) to lay a wreath, D;3D;rHHH caB flower-pot, D;3D;mHH CYY~aJI receptacle (bot.), D;3D;mHH TOOC pollen, D;3D;rHHH XYP33JI3H flower-garden, garden, D;3D;rHHH X3JIX33 wreath, D;3D;r3H X33 "flowerpattern" 2. (X03pHHH -) clubs (at cards) 3. OBlfHH [naraaa -) smallpox, XOHHHbI - sheeppox Q3IJ;3f)l{YYJI3JIT provision of flowers Q3Q3f)l{YYJI3X to provide with flowers, to provide with gardens

IJ;3Q3fJI3X to flower, to bloom, to blossom, OCOH D;3D;3rJI3}K oaHraa 3aJIyy yeHHHx3H the thriving younger generation, - HW (- CYM) scape (bot.) IJ;3IJ;3H 1. clever, skilled, wise, - M3pr3~ wise men, - yxaaa wisdom, cleverness, -.yr (- 3yHP yr) aphorism, wise saw, proverb, saying, D;3JIM3r bright, intelligent, lucid 2. (- TYCraJITaH) accurate (gun) IJ;3Q3H XAAH (see C3D;3H xaan] IJ;3Q3PJI3f

1. (D;3D;3PJI3rT XYP33JI3H)


2. (X~HHH -) kindergarten IJ;3IJ;3PJI3f)I{HlIT provision of gardens IJ;3Q3PJI3f)l{HX to be provided with gardens Q3Q3PJI3f)l{YYJI3fQ garden-maker Q3Q3PJI3f)l{YYJI3X to provide with gardens, § XOT cyypan raspsrr - to provide towns and built-up areas with gardens Q3Q3PJI3N gardener Q3Q3PX3JI false omniscience Q3Q3PX3X to air one's knowledge, to blind with science, to show off Q33 (see 3pHHH D;33) Q33}1{ 1.1. breast, chest, thorax, D;33}K}{~ asax to port arms (Russ. na rpyns], D;33}K}{HH oaH astuteness, D;33}KHHH oaHTaH astute, OapHMaJI bust (statue), - napaa M3XHHX to greet with the right hand across the chest, - ~YYP3H utterly, - ~YYP3H oaHpTaH as pleased as Punch, - ~YYP3H OMOrTOH as proud as a peacock, sypar head and shoulders photo, D;33}K}{HHX33 xaxsrr oapax to be worried to death, D;33}K33P TYP3X to throw one's chest out, to look tough, - T3HHHX to be free of worries, - wap MaXbIr synraax to worry (someone) sick 2. memory, OH'lHr dictation (at school), - oOAJIoro (TOOJIOJI) mental arithmetic, - caHTaH (see D;33}KT3H) 3. the tip section of a horse-catching pole which carries the noose Q33)1{ II. the name of an infectious disease of the lungs in cattle Q33)I{HBQ vest, top Q33)I{HHH thoracic, D;33}K}{HH oax angina pectoris, D;33}KHHH ~YH~~ TaCJIaBlf mediastinum (anat.), - M3C 3aCaJI thoracic surgery, - XOJmHH thoracic cavity Q33.IKJI3X to memorize, to commit to memory, to learn by heart, XOOCOH - (XHH XOOCOH -) to learn by rote Q33)1{M3f sleeveless jacket (esp. wrestler's) Q33}1{M3N woman's sleeveless jacket

Q3Q3fJI3JI (- MaJmaJI) flowering, blossoming, flourishing (n.)

Q33}1{T3H having a good memory, retentive

Q3Q3fJI3JIT (see D;3D;3rJI3JI)



by heart, - M3~3X to know by

heart, - YHlIIHX to recite from memory 2. mentally, in one's head, - t5o~ox to do in one's head, to work out mentally




clear, silvery (voice), - XOOJIOH tenor broad, wide, spacious

Q33ll II. pool (in a river) Q33M3X to be too wide, to be too broad, to be too loose

Q33llmHX to sound clear, to sound silvery Q33llmp3X to become clear, to become silvery (voice)

Q33H3 Peony, Poeonio, Ilaraaa - P. 10 ctifloro, BraaH - P. onomolo

Q33P 1. tabu, prohibition, -


ban, -


to impose a ban

2. abstinence

Q33PllVVll3nT punishment Q33PllVVll3X 1. to cause to avoid as tabu

2. to punish Q33Pll3ll 1. deterrent, disincentive 2. punishment, - Y3YYJI3X to punish

Q33Pll3X 1. to tabu, to forbid,

H3P - to avoid a name as tabu, 9~9P rapar - to avoid unpropitious days, ~33PJI3C3H yr tabu word 2. to avoid as tabu, to avoid, to disdain

Q33Pf3H forbidden, prohibited, proscribed Q33PQ neat, tidy

q q too, even, though, -ever, HMap -- any, any sort of, -- xyprsn down to, even, § raau -- yyJIryH without a single cloud, MOHro~ H3r -- ynaa OqooryH





been to it is visible oaiiHa this

Mongolia, xaaaaac -- xaparnax 10M from everywhere, 3H3 asrsraa xaa -creature is found everywhere, -- oaii ••• -- oaii whether ... or, both ... and, -- f3JI33 (-- r3C3H) even, though, however, anryyc -- f3C3H even beasts, oafa -- f3C3H even though small, however small, yprax Ha~9JI Hb XHqH33H aHTaii TaaTaii -- f3JI33 however favourable the growing conditions may be, Hac ~33P rapcan -r3C3H though advanced in years, 1'OBq -- f3C3H even if only briefly, xarcaa -- oaiiJIaa f3C3H even though it is dried, np ye~33 -- f3C3H, onoo -f3C3H whether at that time or now

"lIAA an exclamation used for scolding sheep or goats, -- f3X HMaaryH Tyy f3X HOXOHryH without a penny to bless one's name

"lIAABAAC dash it!, oh dear! "lIAATAP theatre (Russ.) ~BrA 1. JUjube, Plum, HaH)KHH -- Nanking Date, ynaaa -- JUjube, xap -- prune 2. fruit of

Armeniaca sibirica (see fyHJIC) ~BrAHI.J; 1. nun, an old woman who has taken some religious vows but lives at home 2. old woman, crone, § IOYII -- 3aHTaH 30JIHf B3 what an old woman you are!, qH OHTrHH -- 3aH rapraan oaH don't go on like an old woman! ~B~PAX to dribble, to flow intermittently ~BHP (see uaspa]

~BPAH eatables ~BX




hammer (gun)

~BX II. marking-out cord ~BxrAP sturdy

~B~C string (of an instrument) ~B~CT string (adr), qaB~aCTX9f)KHM (see Xaf)KHM

2.) I. to dash, to rush


~Bx,n;AX II. to mark out with a marking-out cord ~Bx,n;AX

III. to pluck (a string)

~BQAPTAn tightly, -- XyJIHX to tie tightly, }KOJIOOf -- TaTax to rein in tightly ~BqHPrA club for beating people (hist.) ~BqHPrA,IJ;AX to club ~BqlfX

(see uaanax]


(see uaaxnax]

tIABtIPArAAX (see xaaxapranax]

~qyYP (see naaxyyp]

lIAfJKAAJIAX to make a sign (With the fingers), xypyyr -- to make a sign with the fingers lIAfHAAJI horn (auto.) (Russ.) lIAf~AX to hoot (auto.)

lIAfHAAPXAX to listen out qArHAJIT 1. listening 2. auscultation qArHAX 1. to listen, to listen for, to keep an ear open for, qHM33 auscultate


to listen out for a noise

2. to'

tIArHYYP 1. receiver 2. handset 3. stethoscope ~ 1.1. toggle, xapnaa sarraa fOJI cardan shah, q9~PHiiH


toggle of a hobble

2. pin,

xaxraanax -- safety-pin (of a grenade) ~ II. cross, shape of a cross, -- MaHfHHH crosswise, X3JI03PT3H






urarnaac cross stitch

tIAITArA rope securing the roof-ring of the tent tIAITnAX 1. to peg, to fasten, to catch, to secure with a toggle or pin, sarrancaa aass (seeHaBq) 2. to obstruct, to hinder

qAITPYY name of a Gobi bird l.IA,IJ;ABXH potential, capacity, ability tIA,IJ;ABXTAH with potential, able qA,IJ;Ar,n:AX to be had, to be got down tIA,IJ;AHnrAH tightly tIA,IJ;AJI (-- T3HX33 , -- xyq, -- ~apHr, -- qHH33) abil-

ity, copocity, strength, power, qa~bIH XHp33p to the best of one's ability, -- xyq strength, vigour

qA,IJ;AJIrYH unable, incapable tIA,IJ;A.JDKHX to increase in strength tIA,IJ;AnTAH capable, effective tIA)l;AJITAH 1. capable person 2. person with unusual or supernatural powers

tIA,IJ;AMrAH capable, skilful, MOPH~



on horseback

qA,II;AM)K copccity, capability

tIA,IJ;AMlIITYH incapable tIA,IJ;AM/KTAH capable tIA,IJ;AHrH (see qa.,o;aMfaH) tIA,IJ;AX 1. to be able, .to be capable of, -1.JHH33f33P33 (qa~aH anaa. qa~aH H~axaapaa, --



to the best of one's ability,

doinq one's best 2. [raan --) to get the better of, to put one over on, § T3r33~ raau caaa qa~a}K oaHxryH ioy so she's really put one over on us, eh?

~AXYHU possible, capable

52 1

qA,IJ;BAP capability, ability, capacity, XY~aJIJ:laH asax - purchasing power

~BAPfYH incapable, not capable, unable, incompetent, xa~anMapHHH - unable to work

qA,IJ;BAP}I{HX to become more capable, to gain in competence

qA,IJ;BAP}I{YYJIAX to make more competent ~BAPJIAr capable, competent

~BAPfAM capable, competent, HHC3X capable of flying ~JIAAPAA to the best of one's ability, doing one's best

qA,IJ;JIAPXAr powerful qA,IJ;MAT able, skilful, capable ~ IIA)l; XHHX (see 11~ XHHX) ~PAABAJI Protector of the (cemetery-)field (Kshetrapala) (Buddh.), xartpaaaansra nopnor a ritual of exorcism intended to word off danger from the direction of Chino

qA,IJ;YY well-off qA,IJ; XHHX to crock, to crackle (burning, gunfire, etc.) qAJIMA turban qAJIX 1. tone (med., mus.), OHeHHH - ~OPOHTOX to suffer from atony or languor 2. register (mus.) qAJIXfYH feeble qAJIUAM (see WaJICaH) qAJIqAA chattering, gabby, - spaa singing (slang)

qAJIqHHX to collapse,to go down, to deflate qAJIqHX 1. to chatter, to jobber, ~3MHH - to chatter, to gossip idly


to sing (slang)

qAM (oblique stem of 1IH), - WHr like you qAMAAP through you (instrumental of 1IH) qAMAAC from you, than you (ablative of1lH) qAMAMr you (objective of 1IH), - H3r you just wait

qAMAP dough of barley flour and butter ~APJIAX

to mix 1IaMap

~APXAH temple (anat.), 1IaMapXaHH HC temporal bone

qAMIiAM strong, sturdy, tough qAMIiAMJIAX to get strong, to be toughened up ~IiAH director of a temple-dance (Tib. 'chamdpon)

qAMrYH quite a bit qAM,IJ; to you (dative-locative of 1IH), - HH33~3M H~ xanaan no joke, no laughing matter, -


xaMaaryH xanaan 1IHM33ryH no business of yours, keep your nose out of it ~H (see 1IeMO~aH)

~HH curious, delicote. - roe smart, showy, - roe 3yHn fancy things, objets d'art, - Map3aH exotic, - TaHcar luxury (adj.), - XHH~T3H cunningly mode, delicately fashioned, - xeepxen delicate, charming, dainty, - x3p3rn33HHH 3yHnyy,n luxury goods, -10M (- 3~) curio, objet d'art, knick-knock, trinket (Chin.) ~HPXAJI affectation, pretentiousness ~HPXAX to be affected, to be whimsical, to be mannered, to show off ~JIAr,n;AX (C3Tr3M -) to be disappointed, to be dissatisfied ~JIAJIT disappointing, derisory ~JIAJITAH (see 1IaMnaJIT) ~JIAJITrYH positive, encouraging, nothing to complain about

~JIAJI1TAM(see 1IaMnanT) ~JIAM disappointing, - oara disappointingly little ~JIAMAAP (see 1IaMnaM)

~JIAX to be dissatisfied (with), to be disappointed (with), to complain (of), 1IaMnaXaap saara arra be thankful for small mercies, every little helps ~JIAXAAprYH sneezed at





~AM with you (comitative of 1IH)

qAHArIII further, later qAHA,IJ; beyond, XHnHHH 1IaHa~a~ abroad qAHA,IJ;AXb beyond, the other side of, XHnHHH - OPHYY~ foreign lands

qAHAJIrA boiling, cooking qAHAJIT (see 1IaHaJIra) qAHAM a boiling, H3r - Max one boiling of meat qAHAMAr 1. decoction 2. jam qAHAMAJI 1. boiled 2. decoction 3. (- BOIMC) jam, 1IaHaMnbIH WHn jam jar, jam pot

qAHAP quality, caHH1IaHapbIH (- caHTaH) good quality (adj.), sanapsrr annax to deteriorate, OaMaJI properties, - MYYTaH (- cynraa] poor quality (ad(), - xanan efficacy, - 1IaHCaa quality, nature, property, - uranrarx quality controller, 1IaHapbIH WaJIraJIT (1IaHapbIH XHHaJIT) quality control

qAHAPrYH shoddy, sub-standard, poor quality, - oYT33r~3XYYH sub-standard products

qAH)]; II.



(see saaan]

tIAHAP}KHX to improve in quality tIAHAP}KYYllAX to improve the quality (of something), to enhance tIAHAPJIAr good quality (adr)

qAH)];APashes, remains, qa~apT oYMoa funeral urn qAH)];APllAX to cremate

tIAHAP MO,IJ; Plane-tree

qAH)];rAH qJf){ Herb qOTI"OPHHH }KHMC)

tIAHAPTAH 1. good quality (adj.) 2. possessing a particular quality, OpOH uyrrHHH - local

qAH)];rAP firm, hard, stiff

tIAHAPbIH qualitative, qualitative change tIAHAX to boil


qAH)];ATA [Ilaraaa -) Arctic Hare, timidus, saanaraa uaraan snow-white



tIAHrA 1. strong, hard, tight, - arrax to grasp tightly, - OOOX to tie tightly, - rapraa mean, ~3rJI3M strict regime, - cyn tension, tightness 2.i. loud, - cyn intensity, ~YYHbI - cyn intensity of a sound, - HpHrlI loudspeaker, loud-hailer ii. forte (mus.), ~~ 33p3r - mezzoforte, HX- fortissi mo 3. back (ling.), - yr word of the back vowel series, - 3rwHr back vowel tIAHrAAMAll (- oy~aa) roasted and poundedup millet


Paris (also

qAH)];llAX 1. to be strict, to be severe, to take stern measures, xannnaa CaxHX to observe punctiliously 2. to make stricter, to tighten up, C3p3M}J{1fHr - to tighten up vigilance qAH)];MAllAX to be grouped in threes (like the corners of a triangle) qAH)];MAHb (- 3p~3H3) Chintamani (the wishing jewel), precious stone, jewel (Skr.) ~PYY ashes, specks of ash

tIAH)];PYYJIAr ashy, powdery qAHCAATAH 1. good quality (adj.) 2. with the quality of, good for, § OHe T3HXPYYJI3X - XOOJI strengthening food

tIAHrAAH3 Apricot


tIAHrAAX 1. to pull, to drag 2. to drag out, to protract 3. to pester, to harass, to importune

qAHX straight, direct, right, r3p33C - OMHa right in front of the tent, - aa~ OOCOX to rise straight up (smoke, etc.), - yparwaa srn xapax to look straight in front of one

tIAHrABTAP mezzoforte (mus.) tIAHrA)l;AX 1. to be too tight 3. to be too strong

2. to be too loud

tIAHrAllAllT tension

1. strictly 2. detention centre tIAHrAllAX 1. to tighten, xaaranaa OOOX to tIAHrAllAH

tie up tightly, xaaranan 03XJI3X [xaaranaa TOrrooX) to secure, to' fix tightly 2. to make louder, to amplify tIAHrAllYYP 1. peg (of an instrument) quet, - TaBHX to apply a tourniquet

QAPA1IIiA heretic (Buddh.)

(Tib. phyi-rol-pa)

qAPAMXHHx to be brisk, to be keen

2. tourni-

tIAHrAPA1I tension

(see xanrapan] tIAHrAPAX 1. to get tight, to get tense, to tighten up, to get toned up 2. to get louder 3. to get


stronger, to get more severe, to get more intense tIAHrAPYYJIArlI amplifier tIAHrAPYYllAX 1. to tighten, to tighten up 2. to amplify 3. to make more severe, to intensify tIAHrATrArq amplifier tIAHrATrAX to tighten up tIAH)]; I. strict, severe, - t5apHMTJIaX (- MOp~9X) to follow strictly, to observe strictly, - xaryy CaXHJIra strict discipline, - XHHanT strict supervision

qAPrA sledge, waaxaH - bobsleigh qAPrAH Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster (also .HpraH), MOHrOJI - C. mongolicum, Xap ypT-

C. melanocarpa qAPrAllAX to sledge ~rAqHH sledge-driver

qAPrYY rigid, awkward ~rYY~ to be too rigid, to be too awkward

tIAPrYYMAX hang on to

1. to be dragged along 2. to

tIAP,IJ;AHx 1. to be naked, to be bare emaciated qAP,IJ;rAP

2. to be

1. naked, bare 2. emaciated

tIAPllAA loud, blaring ~llAX to cry, to scream, to howl, to hiss

(see qapMaH H~r3H) tIAPMAH Gymnocarpos(bot.}, IIpJKeBaJIbcKHHH - G. Przewalskii (also YJIaaHTYJI33)


qAPMAHllT effort, - TaBHX to make an effort, to exert oneself qAPMAH HYQr3H stark naked

qAPMAHx to try, to strive, to do one's best qAPMAH illAJI,I(AH (see qapMaH H~r3H) qApXH mocassin (Bur.) qAC I. very, ever so, - ynaaa bri~ht red, - yJIaHX to go bright red, - XaJIYYH boiling hot

qAC II. bad, unlucky, unfortunate, - onep astrologically bad day for undertaking anything

qACXHHC3H (- caHH) top-notch qACXHHx 1. to squeal, to squawk, to be shrill 2. to itch

qAC qAC XHHX (see qaCxHHx)



qEMO;IJ;AHJIAX to carry in a suitcase qEHiK 1. money-changing 2. money-changer qEPHHll ink, qepHHJIHHH o8JIJIYYP ink-rubber, qepHHJIHHH cas ink-well


qH you (familiar singular), - OH ~33 XYP3X (- OH HOXOH raxaanaa XYP3X), to abuse each other, to slang each other

qJfB I. (intensifying particle), - qHM33ryH silent, without a sound

~3YYP side of the neck near the jaw (horse)

qHB II. penis (animal), qHBHHH TOJIrOH glans

qAXAP qAXAP ;IJ;YYrAPAX to go crunch

qHBTP3X to be tight, to get tight qJfBYYP sinker qJfBqJfPf3ll tightly qJfBqPYYll3X to tighten QHBQP3X (see qHBTP3X) qJfB3N cheek-piece of a helmet qJfB3llT sinful, wicked tIHr 1.1. direction, H3r qHrHHH XO~OJIrOOHT3H


tIAXPAJIT creaking, squeaking, 3yyHHH - needle-hiss

qAXPAX to creak, to squeak, xaxapcaa XOOJIOH creaky voice

~ I. limb, limbs, ~OO~ - lower limbs ~1I.height

tIAI(AprAHA Hippophae, H.. rhamnoides, BWHMYY - Sea Buckthorn, H. rhamnoides qAQAPXAT stalwart, strapping, big built qAQAPXAH mesentery (anat.) tIAI(ApXAHJIAX to excrete liquid (new-born livestock)

~rA (- aMaJIT) diarrhoea, uaraan - a complication of scour (Russ. KOJIH6aKTepHo3), uycaa - dysentery, - annax to have diarrhoea, to scour (livestock)

qAQllAr long-limbed ~ to take off a joint, to joint

qAQPAHllAJIT emission of the meconium (in young livestock)

qAQPAHJIAX to emerge (the meconium in young livestock)

qAQYY 1. equal, level, Hac - of the same age,

§ xawaa XOPOOTOH - uacaa xynrap packed snow level with the shelters 2. along with, while, as, just as, § ~aH yyxLIH - while drinking tea ~YYJIAr equivalent ~YYJIAX to make equal, to make level

qAQYYllHH Mole, Talpa, AJITaHH - Siberian Mole,

T. altaica

~YYPAX to become equal, to become level ~YYTAH contemporary, equal (n.) qEK cheque qEKHCT Chekist, security agent (Russ.) qEMO;IJ;AH suitcase (Russ.)


ry~aM1K one-way street, qHr33 annax to lose one's sense of direction, - OapHM1Kaa bearings, orientation, - OapHM1KaaJIaJI direction-finding, orientation, OapHM1KaaT orientated, CO~HaJIHCT - OapHM1KaaT oPHYY~ socialist orientated countries, - OapHMTJIaJI line (polit.), oo~oro line, policy, - 3aM direction, way, 3yr bearings, direction, - 3yr MYYTaH not up to it, qHr33 OJIOX to go about it, - yyp3r function, - xa~ara tendency, trend, - wyraM line (polit.), yJIC TOpHHH - wyraM political line, xaprac - uryrass reactionary line, - uryrasr OapHMTJIax to follow a line 2. (- wYJIYYH) straight, in a straight line

qJfr II. splint, - oapHX (- TaBHX) to put in a splint qJfr III. (see q) tIHr IV. wicker basket qJfr}KHllT packi ng qJfr}KHp (see XOp30H 1.) qJfr}KHX 1. to pack in, to cram, to stuff, wyyr33Im - to cram into a cupboard 2. to pack, to caulk (a joint, etc.)

qJfr}I{M3ll packed, crammed qJfrMPYYll3X to press, to compact qJfr}KP3llT compactness, density qJfrMP3X to become close, to become compact, to become dense

qHrMYY compact, dense, tight, tight-fitting, close together

qJfrMYYll3N 1. guide (mech.), - MTYiiHYY~



leading wheels 2. marker, leading man of a file

(mil.) trnf}J{33 packing, plug trnf}J{33C (see lJHr}l{33) tIHf}J{33CT3H packed, stuffed trnrJIYYJI3X to direct, to aim, - ~ leading wheels trnrJI3JI 1. direction, trend, oyy~ax - direction of fire, - erox to give a line, § XOB~bIH lJHrJl3J1HHH 3aM the road to Khovd 2. line, bent, speciality, MaxHbI lJHrJl3J1HHH yx3p beef cattle 3. school (of thought) 4. route trnrJI3JIT3H aimed, orientated, asc aXyHH economically orientated trnrJI3H towards, aiming for qJITJI3X to move towards, to aim for, to make for tIHrHYYP balance, scales tIHrH3X to weigh trnIT3H directed, aimed, focussed trnrtl (- nrynpara] upright, straightforward, honest qHrtlHM3X to pick (the teeth), wy~ - to pick the teeth trnrtlllYYP pick, IDYAHUH - toothpick trnrtlll3X to poke, to pick at trnr33 kumis (in west Mongolia) qHr33P HI» (see lJUr33p33 2.), TYYXHH - still in its raw state trnr33P33 1. straight on, straight forward 2. still, just the same, as before q~YH }l{HMC Olive, lJ~YH .>KHMCHHH TOC

olive oil

tIHH I. (- oy~ar, - Maa.>KHH) varnish, lacquer (Chin.) tIHH II. foot (length) (Chin.) tIHH III. rule, T-square, yean - spirit-level trnHr (- HOirr) dampness, moisture, xap - dew, - aBaxryii caa damp-proof container, - oaM (OaMbIH 8BlJUH, - eBlJHH) scurvy, - naax to get damp, - rarax to attract the damp, to get damp, - rarcaa moistened, dampened, 'lHHmHH rycraapnarx damp course, lJHHrnHH ynaaa XOpXOH (lJHHrHHH ynaaa] earthworm qHHr,IJ;3X to get damp trnHr}l{YYll3N humidifier, epee - room humidifier QHHf}l{YYll3X to moisten, to dampen, to humidify

qHHrJIYYJI3X (see lJHHr}l{YYJl3x) qHHrJI3r 1. moisture, damp, humidity, § HaHH XYBb OPlJHM - nexnan conditions of about eighty per cent humidity 2. moist, damp qHHrJI3X to moisten, to dampen qHHrcyy moisture-loving, yprassan hygrophytic plant qHHrC3r (see lJHHrcyy)



qHHITYYJI3X to moisten, to dampen qHHIT3H moist, damp qHHIT3X to get damp qHHrmHJI humidity, xapb~aHryH - relative humidity qHHrmHJIT (see lJHHrWHJI) qHHfmHX to get moist, to get damp qHHr3PXYY moist, damp qHHr3PX3r (see lJHHr3pxyy) q~3H 1. electric light, electric lamp, rap torch, handlamp, ~OXHOHbI - indicator light, warning light, WHP33HHH - table-lamp, - acaax to put the light on, lJHI\Q3HmHH WHJI bulb 2. bulb, 3YYH naansr - hundred watt bulb, HY~r3H - bare bulb (Chin.)

qHH }l{HMC Wild;Cherry, Prunus avium qHHJI3X to brew (tea) qHHp track of an animal QHHPll3X to tread down (pasture, track, etc.) qHHPC 1. straw 2. mat, matting, lJHHPC3H nHH mat shed qHHp3r stout, robust, powerful qHHP3f,IJ;3X to be well-developed qHHP3f}l{HJIT. strengthening, development, toughening-up, OHeHHH - body-building qHHp3r}l{HX to develop, to grow strong qHHp3r}J{YYJI3JIT buildlnq-op, strengthening QHHP3f}J{YYll3X to build up, to strengthen, OHe3 - to build up one's body QH:HxPAX (XOJlC -) to come out in a sweat, to brea k out ina sweat, XYHT3H xanc - to come out in a cold sweat qHHqAAH motorcar (Chin.) qHHq33 (see lJHHlJaaH) QRJIf3P strong, solid, sturdy, robust qRJIHHX to stretch (intrans.) qHJIYYP indisposition, upset qRJI3X 1. to grow numb, to get cramp 2. to get tired 3. (oue -) to feel ill, to be ill qRJI33 1. stiffness, fatigue, oHeHHH - raprax to stretch one's legs, C3'IT3J1HHH - apHJlax to cheer up, to feel cheered 2. indisposition, illness


(resp.) qHll33PXYY unwell, ill, indisposed, weary qHll33PX3JI indisposition

qJfM33JI3X to make a noise

qHll33PX3HfYH (see lIHJI33PXYY) QHll33PX3X 1. to feel tired, to feel weary 2. to feel ill, to be indisposed QHll33T3H indisposed, unwell QHll33X to tire, to weary, to trouble QHMX a pinch of, - T9~HH ~aBC just a pinch of salt QHMXHHx to feel a twinge, qHMXHHM XYHT3H perishingly cold QHMXJIYYP 1. exacting, demanding (work, etc.) 2. (- HHMoaH) meticulous QHMXJI3X to pick at, to pinch, 3aBWHX to pinch, to nick, to steal


qJfH true, firm, unwavering, - 30pHr firm determination, - 30pHIT determined, unwavering, 3ypXHHH cordial, sincere, - 3YPXH33C33 from the bottom of one's heart, - caHaaHbI sincere, - C3Tr3JI sinceri!y, - C3'IT3JIHHH sincere, C3Tr3JIHHH yraac from the bottom of one's heort. - C3'IT3JI33C devotedly, - YH3H the honest truth, - YH3HQ loyal, sincere, true qJfHAfllI (see uaaui] qJfHATIIIJIAX (see uaamnax] QH~:b (see QaHa~axb)

qJfHrHC XAAH Chingis Khan, Genghis Khan, ~HrHCHHH OHrOH (see 333H xopoo)

QHMXYYP tweezers

qJfHr3BQ still, however

QHMXYYP,IJ;3X to nip with tweezers

QHHr3JI (see Xoaxorxapraaa]

qHMX3X 1.1. to pinch, to nip, to tweak, to pick out 2. to bait, to mock

qJfHf3JI3f container, chest, bunker, YCHbI - the "water-cells" in a camel's rumen (a/50 JKapaH I(yHXJI3r), QHHr3JI3IT3H axaa (QHHr3JI3IT T'33B3p) container traffic, container transport, QHHr3JI3IT T3p3r covered wagon


II. to apply a border or edging

qHMtIHfHYYll3X to sting (trans.) qHMtIHfH3X to sting, to feel a burning pain

qJfHr3H3X to ring (metal)

qHMtIP3X (see QHMqHrH3X)

qJfHr3C XAAH (see QHHrHC xaaa]

qHM3f 1. ornament, decoration, - yr epithet 2. epithet (added to the title (QOJI) of a wrestler or a race-horse) qHM3fJI3N decorator qHM3fJI3JI ornamentation, decoration, embellishment, r3p3JI - (r3pJI3H -) illuminations, illuminated signs, TaH3HbI - scenery (theatre), XOrJKMHHH - ornament (mus.)

qJfHf3X (see T3r3x) qJfIDKAJI double-edged dagger qJflDI{YY 1. (YJIaaH -) Red Pepper, Capsicum, HorOOH - green pepper, xap - black pepper 2. Paprika (Chin.) QHHHH your (genitive of QH) qJfHHHx yours, QHHHHx33P OOJI in your opinion

qHM3fJI3JIHHH ornamental, decorative, MO~ ornamental tree, - ypJIar decorative art, qynyy ornamental stones, semi-precious stones

QHHCAH Chingsang (title of the assistant to a west Mongolian Toishi] (Chin.)

qHM3fJI3JIqJfH decorator

QHHX3P enamel

QHM3fJI3X to ornament, to decorate, to adorn, - ypnar decorative art

qJfJIqYY a type of silk

qHM3IT3H ornamented, decorated, adorned, - yr flowery language qHM3JI ornament, decoration QHM3X to ornament, to decorate, to adorn QHM33 1. (- aaap, - HM33) noise, sound, aMHaryH (- aHHpryH, - HM33ryH, - QHHpryH) quiet, silent, - HM33ryH napax to hush (something) up, - Ha~YYJIarq (- HaMXPYYJIarq) silencer (auto.), - nryyraaa noise, din 2. news, rumour QHM33fYH silent, - Oa~JIblr caXHX to keep silence QHM33JI3f noisy

qJfHXYY (see QHH)

1. (used after a noun or a pronoun: originallyan unemphatic possessive form ofQH, now often having only a vague reference, or no apparent reference, to the second person), §


OH T3r3X3~ - apsaa HaHMaH HaCTaH OaHJIaa I was eighteen when that happened, OH - onoo saaa what am I going to do now?, MaHaH 3H3 - this chap of ours, Ta xoep - you two, 3H3 xoep yyrraH 10M - roy 10M 03. Haanax - QaH ~aBC oaHxryH ioy what's this in these two bags? Why, that's tea and salt of course 2. (functioning as a postposition) when, but, and then, but then, § aMPbIHb 3PC3H - ~apcaHryH she greeted him but he did not reply, T3rC3H - then 3. (completin~ a verb form in a corroborative or explana-



tory sense), 9 T3PT3H T3Pryi'i OpOX 10M .. one way or another you'll be joining though qJ1H9P9JIT 1. ache 2. rush of blood qJ1H9P9X 1. to ache, to have a dull pain feel a rush of blood qJ1H9X

1. to ache 2. (qHH3}J( o~aHpax)



to swell

qJ1H99 1. prosperity, wealth, X9p9Hr9 .. property, belongings 2. strength, power 3. extent, size, XHp qHH33r33p33 (q~ax qHH33r33p33) to the best of one's ability, uraraaa .. the size of an ankle-bone, IOMbIH .. OO~OXryH to disregard, to think nothing of, qHH33Jm Hb TyJITaJI as far as it will go, to the limit qHH93f39P as much as possible qJ1H33JI3f comfortably off, well off, well-to-do, affluent QHH33JI3f}l{YYJI3X to enrich, to enhance QHPrYYJI 1. trailer (auto.), .. OHrOD; barge 2. drag (on a trap) QHPrYYJI)l;3X to get pulled along, to get dragged along QHPrYYJIT3H towed, on tow

399JIP9X to come to heel, QHXHHr Hb 09rJI9}J( XOHXbIr Hb xyJIraHJIaX to bamboozle, to hoodwink, - COHOp HY~ copror all ears and eyes, constantly on the alert, - TaBHX to keep one's ears pricked, to keep an ear to the ground, QHXHHH nBW pinna, auricle, qHXHHH Y3YYP ~3JIC3X to be half heard, qHXHHH Y3YYP33P COHCOX to half hear, - xanax to be embarrasssed, to be put to shame, qHXHHr xanyyU;YYJIax to make sorneone's ears burn, to embarrass, to make (someone) feel embarrassed, to put to shame, - xasrap XOOJIOHH 9BqHH ear nose and throat (ENT) diseases, xaryy ha rd of hea ring, - xaryypax to become hard of hearing, qHXH33C XOHX yaxto nag, to grumble, to keep on at, - XY~aJIq HY~ YH3Hq seeing is believing, qHXHHH X3Hr3p3r ear-drum, qHX33 D;OOJIOX to get one's ears pierced, qHX3Jm qHHpnX (qHX3Jm QHHP OOJIox) to be dinned into one's ears, QHX3Jm QHHpnHr33p deafeningly, QHX3Jm QHM3rryH unedifying, QHX3Jm QHM3rT3H a pleasure to listen to, music to one's ears, QHXH33 QHM3IT3H caaxaa M3~33 news to gladden one's heart, - wyymx tinnitus 2. linch-pin 3. peg (of a stringed instrument, at the end of the shafts of a cart, etc.) 4. lip (on a printing-block, etc.) 5. pan (of a flintlock) 6. earflap (of a hat) 7. (same as oYJI 3.)

QHPrYYJI3f drag on a trap

qHXAJI3YYP (see xaxanayyp]

qJ1PrYYJI3X (see QHPryyM3X)

qHXAJI3YYP~AX to grab by the side of the neck

qJ1P3f Trigonella (bot.) (also Xypraa Llaprac]

qJ1P3f~YYJI3X 1. to get pulled, to get dragged, to get towed 2. to be inconvenienced, to get given trouble

qHXfYH earless, - TOJIrOH M3T deaf as a post

QHP3f~3JI trouble, nuisance, inconvenience

qHXJI3X to sprout, to send out new shoots

tIHP3f~3X 1. to be pulled, to be dragged, to be towed 2. to be inconvenienced, to get given trouble

QHXM3JI 1. stuffed, 2. stuffed figure

QHP3X (QHpQ rynnpax] to pull, to drag, to tow

QHXM3JIQHH taxidermist

tIHCA (see xac


tIHCfYYP~3X to make a sound, to whine, to whistle

qHX)l;3X to take by the ears qHXJIYYP corburettor-jet qHXJI33C earmark

~ypc stuffed figure


QHXPAX (see xaxpax] QHXT3H flaps

I. with ears, II. Wild Ass

MaJIraH hat with ear-

tIHCQYY pongee, tussore silk (Chin.)


qHC3HIJ;3P (see IJ;3C3HD;3p)

QHXYY packed tight, squashed up

tIIIT Chita (p.n.)

QHXYYP glutton

tIHX 1. ear, ranaa .. [ranaan .. ) outer ear, ranaa qHXHHH XOHrHJI outer passage of the ear, ~OTOp - (~OTOO~ -) inner ear, ~YJm .. middle ear, ~YJm qHXHHH X9H~HH middle ear cavity, xoep qHXH33C Hb XOHW OpOX 10M something to eat, - aJIT OOJIOX to turn a deaf ear, qHXHHH r3~3C earlobe, qHX33 napax to cover one's ears, - ~9}J(P9X to be deaf, to have blocked ears, - ~YJIHHP3M deafening, - ~3JIC3X to be heard, - 399JI9H compliant, tractable, -

QHXIJ;3JI~3X to be squeezed together, to jostle together QHXIJ;3JI~33H congestion, crowding QHXIJ;3X to be squeezed, to be crowded, to be cramped QHX3BQ 1. ear-flap, ear-piece earphone



QHX3J1)l;YYP swelling of the intestines (in livestock)

qHX3JI,Il;3X I. to be squeezed, to be squashed, to be crushed qHX3JI,Il;3X

II. to suffer from 'IHX3MVYP

qHX3MTrHH gluttonous qHX3HIJ;3P auricle (of a leaf) qHX3P 1. sugar, uacan -- (3HC3H --) granulated sugar, 'IHXpHHH MaHlKHH Sugar Beet, 'IHXpHHH OB'IHH (-- llIHlKHH OB'IHH, 'IHXpHHH llIHlKHH OB'IHH) diabetes, 'IHXpHHH IIIYYC syrup 2. sweets, MOAOH -- lollipop, uaacran -wrapped sweets, sweets, -- OOOB confectionery, 'IHXpHHH .n;3Hryyp sweet-shop, 'IHXpHHH naac sweet-paper, toffee-paper qHX3P)KYYJI3X to sugar, to sweeten with sugar QHX3PJI3r sweet, sugary, -- IIIYYC syrup QHX3PJI3X to sugar, to sweeten qHX3P 9BC Liquorice,

Glycyrrhiza, YPaJI --

G. ura/ensis qHX3X 1. to squeeze, to squash, to pack 2. to push on to (someone), to land (someone) with, to blame (someone) for, to drop (someone) in it, § aMlKHHT rapsan OOPT90 aB'I, annaa nyrarnan OpBOH oyca.n; pyy 'IHX.IJ;3r Myy 3aHthe bad habit of taking credit oneself for successes and blaming others for the failures 3. to guzzle qHX33C plug, stopping, filling QHX33CT3H packed, stuffed QHQB3rH3X to twitch, to quiver QHQB3JI33X

(see 'IH'IB3rH3x)

QHqlfB XHHX to tremble, to twitch QHQHrH3X to tremble, to quaver, 'IH'IHrH3H .rarannax to twitch, § 'IH'IHrH3C3H 3YHbIH oy.n;3r r3p3H the dim light of the flickering lamp QHqlfpr3H3X

(see 'IH'IHrH3x)

527 QOHOH XAPMAr QHQP3JIT trembling, quivering, shaking, vibration, tremor QHQP3HrYH tremulous QHQp3Hr3

(see 'IHQp3HryH)

QHQP3X to tremble, to quiver, to shake, -rHHryyH3r'l trilled consonant qlfQYYJIJird, Meriones, MOHrOJI -- Mongolian Gerbil, M. unguiculatus, MOPHH -- Great Gerbil, Rhombomys opimus, Cyxaan -Tamarisk Gerbil, M. tamariscinus, map -Midday Gerbil, M. meridianus QOJiOMJiO lama in charge of sacrificial offerings (Jib. mchod-pa-po) (see TaXHH'I) QOrqOOXOH Wheatear, Myyq -- Wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe, JiYlKHM'I -- Isabelline Wheatear, O. isabel/ina, Mspaan -- Pied Wheatear, O. pleschanko, :QOHHHH -- Desert Wheatear, O. deserti QOMHH bUilding serving as the sepulchre or cenotaph for a high lama, etc. (Jib. mchod-rten) QOH)KHH 1. Protector of the Law, -- oYYHrax to bring down the Protector of the Law; to produce a frenzy (shamanist); to come down on like a ton of bricks, -- oyyx to descend (Protector of the Law); to be frenziedly possessed 2. -- HaM Oracle Lama (Buddh.) (Jib. chos-skyong) QoiuKXOPOJI the wheel of the law with two deer as found placed over the entrance to a temple (Jib. chos-kyi 'khor-Io) QOHH30H triangle QOHHXOP

(see 'IOHXOp II.)

('IOHPbIH nanan] (Buddh.) (Jib. chos-grva)





QlfqHPr33 trembling, vibration

QOH carnelian

QI{qlfPXHHJIJIHHH seismic, seismological

QHQPYY.D:3C shivering (n.)

QOHO Wolf, Canis lupus, ,!I;3HT -- Hyaena, Caapan -- Gray Wolf, :QOOBOp -- Dhole, Cuon alpinus; Hyaena, 'IOHbIH asraaac rapaan oapbIH aMaHA opox out of the frying-pan into the fire, -- OOPOOH.n; MY}' XYH CaMOaaH.n; (-OOPOOHOOP X3P33 oapaaHaap) fishing in troubled waters, on the sly, -- OTHOB'I HllIr3H.n;33 30B, ~OP}J{ OTHOB'I AorlKHpTOO 30B there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle, -rapsarauax a children's catching game (similar to What's the time, Mr. Wolf), -- yyp3H.n;33 OH3HHT3H honour among thieves, dog does not eat dog, 'IOHbIH xap name of a large trap for wolves, 'IOHbIH XOpBOC nettlerash, urticaria

QlfqPYYC shivering (n.), -- annax to shiver

QOHOrOHO jurinea

QHqlfPXHHJI3JI shake, shaking, tremor, ra3pbIH -- earth tremor, -- OH'IHr'I seismograph QHqlfPXHHJI3JIT


qHqlfPXHHJI3X to shake, to tremble, 'IH'IHPXHHHC3H XOOHOH a trembling voice qHqHX to poke, to prod, to prick, to stab, xypyy -- to point qHqjJ3X 1. to keep poking, to keep prodding, to keep pricking 2. to point the finger at, to get at


QHQp3rH3X to twitch, to shiver

qOHOJIOr wolfish, wolf-like

QHQp3r 9BQHH ague


(see Maxapc]

- OOOMT free port, free harbour, - BaJIIOT (see BaJIIOT), - uar free time, leisure, - HBaJIT play



(mech.) tIOHOIII(OP Jackal tIOHOXOP

tIeneeT3:H 1. free, qaJIaaT3Hr33p xennex to move freely 2. leisure (adj.)

Poacynum (bot.)

tIOHXOP I. meat set out in ceremonial fashion in various ceremonies, - sacaxto set out such meat qOHXOP

II. spire of a stupa

qOHXOpnOX to set out a qOHXOP


qOHbIH eprec Thistle, Carduus (also qoprac), Carcaa - Welted Thistle, C. crispus qOHbIH XOP nine

1. Aconite (see Xopc) 2.

qOHbIH 3n3r


qeMerJIeX to put on fat, to get fat (livestock)

Arctous (bot.)

qOHbIH X3JI Houndstongue,

qeprep (- TypaHxaH) thin, skinny, emaciated


qOPOC Charas (West Mongolian people) qOPtIrop fragile, frail qe,n:ep hobble, 1fO~PHHH MOpb horse kept ready for use, qa~OpT3H MOpb hobbled horse, MywrHX to twist a hobble, § - Hb xaa, CYM r3C3H ~C3H xoep X3cr33C OYP~3X ooroa~ xaaan Hb anra, xex, xar-r, CYM TYC oyp xoep, CYMa~ Hb anra, xex, xarr TYC oyp H3r oaHHa a hobble consists of two basic parts, the branches and the shah; the branches have two each of flat strap, loop, toggle and shah, and the shah has one each of flat strap, loop and toggle qe,n:epnex to prevent

qeMer 1.i. marrow (anat.), ynaaa - red marrow, map - yellow marrow ii. pulp iii. core (drilling) iv. filling (of a sweet) 2. (- HC) marrow-bone, ~YH~ - thigh-bone, femur, qOMraa ~~aPTaJI with might and main, ~YH~apTaJI a.>KHJIJIax to work one's fingers to the bone 3. the shah of a horse-catching pole (yypra)

1. to hobble (a horse) 2. to hinder,

1. Field Bindweed (see Atragene ochotensis, A. sibirica 3. Clematis aethusifolia 4. Vicia amoena (see

qe,n:ep eBC C3~3pr3H3) 2. X3BJl3r Tam]

qe,n:ep TAPHA Climbing Buckwheat, Black Bindweed, Polygonum convolvulus qenee 1. open space, square, avenue, eprea - square, avenue, boulevard 2.i. free time, leave, H}'Tf'HHH - (OpOH HyITHHH -) home leave (mil.), ~aJIHHryH - unpaid leave, ~aJIHHTaH paid leave, - asax to get leave, - 3aB free time, leisure; gap, - M3~YYJI3X (- X3JI3X) to ask for leave, - yxpan calmness of mind (Buddh.), 1faJIOaHHH xyynac ticket of leave, qaJIooryH asax to be absent without leave H. opportunity, chance

xenooner-r 1. liberator 2. liberating xeneenenr 1. liberation 2. exemption qeneenex 1. to free, to liberate 2. to exempt (from), to let off, ~3pmHH aJIoa~ TaTaxaac TYP 1faJIoaJIax to defer call-up, anaac - to remit (a sentence) 3. to dismiss, aaoraac - to relieve from a post, to layoff 4. to vacate S. to release qeJIeeT free, - oapHMaaH

(see oapHMaaH),


(see qOHbIH eprac)

qepen3ex to keep moving (something thin or slender) qepx qepx

I. headstall for an ox II. name of a fish, probably the Trout

qepXJIex to halter (an ox) qepqrep

(see xeprep]

qeTfep devil, ghost, spook, - asar (- anran) the devil take it!, - oyy M3~ who the hell knows?, 1f01TapHHH ran will-o'-the-wisp, - q TOITOXbIH apraryH quite unbearable, really hellish qeTfePHHH }l{HMC

(see qa~raH 1fux)

qeTfePT3H haunted qex gee up! qeXJIex to spur on qYJIYY stone, amrYH - boulders, oaapHHH stone in the kidneys, oYJI - (oYJI xap -) boulder, YH3T - precious stone, xarac YH3T - semi-precious stone, yywmH - [xeecoa -) pumice, yx3p - block of stone; boulder, erratic block, oOJIrox to turn into hard cash, - nonoonrox to play ducks and drakes, - ~3PJI3X to die, TaTax to tell fortunes using 41 stones, - xeanrex to take (someone) for a ride, - xaax to be taken for a ride qyJIyy,n:ArtI thrower qYJIYY,n:AX to throw, to hurl, to chuck, § 3crHH YY~HHr caXOH qYJIYY~aJK rspr OpOB threw up the felt door and went into the tent qynYY}l{HnT tartar (teeth)

1. petrifaction 2. stone,


qYJIYY}I{HX to become petrified, to turn to stone, oaap - to have kidney-stones qynYY}l{MAJl

(see 1fYJIYY}KCaH)

qynYY}l{CAH petrified qynYYJIAf



naaxpara lithosphere,


lIY.rryyJIrbIH 3YU petrography qYJIYYJIAX to take out the stones qYJIYYH stone (adi-), N oap lithography, N OH'IHr stone inscription, N 3YPXT3H bold, determined; hard-hearted, 3YPXT3H hero, lionheart, N 33BcrHHH ye Stone Age, ~YM N 33BCrHHH ye MesolithiC, xyyqHH N 33BcrHHH ye Old Stone Age, Palaeolithic, IDHH3 N 33BCrHHH ye New Stone Age, Neolithic, N caMoap stele, N HyypC (see HyypC), N HyypCHHH ranaB Carboniferous Age, N xypyyr (see asap I.), N XYH stone image, stone figure, N :QaH (see :QaH) N

qYJIYYHbI liHqJff The Stone Text (a prophetical work) qYJIYYH J];3fJ]; Plaice


qYJIYYHIJ;AP clinker qyJIYYPAX (see 'Iy.rryy}KHx) qyJIYYPXAr 1. stony, pebbly 2. stone-like qyJIYYCAf lithophytic qyJIYYT stony,


:Q9JI stony desert

qYJIYYTAX to get stony, oaap


renal calculus

qyJIYYllHH stone-mason

tIYXAJI important, serious qy)(AJJqJIAX to consider as important, to stress, to lay weight on, to take seriously qy){AM

(N ~33p33) in fact, as a matter of fact,

actually, 'IyxMblr X3JI03JI in fact, to tell the truth tIYX.AM)l;AA (see 'IyxaM) tIYXAMJIAX 1. to be precise, to be exact 2. to tell the truth qy){AMXYY (see 'IyxaM) qYJ];3H3 match, xaapnarraa N a box of matches, qy~3H3HHH oyJIaH name of a pattern, N sypax (N xaaapax] to strike a match, 'IY~3H3HHH HID (qy~3H3HHH MO~) matchstick, 'IY~3H3HHH roJIrOH head of a match, 'IY~3H3HHH xanpnar matchbox (Chin.) qylDKYfHOPOB (see 'IYH'IHrHopoB) qYlfqHfHOPOB moss agate

qynqPAA stammering, stuttering

qYlfq3HHOPOB (see qyH'IHrHopoB)

qYYJIAJIT XAAJIfA Kalgan (p.n.)

qyy gee-up!

qyYJIAX to meet, to gather, to hold an assembly

qyy AfI somehow or other, just about, only just

qYYJIliAP suite (mus.)

qYYT3H ~TAfI (see 'Iyy aH)

qYYJIfA 1. ensemble, complex (of buildinqs] 2.i. ensemble (theatre, music), ~yy OYBeOAaJlH3MaaC CO~aJlH3~ - to pass from feudalism to socialism, naxanraaasr 3HeprHA - to be transformed into electrical energy, WHH3 oapHJIraA WHJIlKHH opox to move into a new building, - PYOJIb transferable rouble, convertible rouble, WHJI1KC3H yrra figurative meaning, - XOAOJIrOOH miqrotion, movement (of population) 2. to modulate (mus.), aJlCbIH XOIT - to modulate into a distant key

IIIHJI}l{M3JI transferred, - yrra transferred meaning, figurative meaning

IIIHJI.lKP3X to move, to shift IIIHJIJKYYJI3r 1. transfer, cl>apHbI WHJI1KyyJIrHHH 3A aara dipping gear (auto.) 2. remittance

IIIHJIJKYYJI3JIT movement, transference, transplanting

IIIHJIJKYYJI3X 1. to move, to transfer, to hand over, to transform, ranaan yncan - to extradite, AYJIaaHbI 3HeprHHr :QaXHJIraaHbI 3HeprHA - to transform thermal energy into electrical energy, XOJIbIH r3pJIHHr OHpbIH r3p3JIA - to dip one's headlights, WYYX3A - to bring before a court, WHJI1KYYJI3H cyynrax to transplant (plants, organs), WHJI1KYYJIC3H yrra figurative meaning 2. to transpose into, to express as, to reckon in units of, MOPHHbI XyqHHA - to express as horsepower

IIIHJIJI3r vitreous, - oHe vitreous humour, - 3A name of a medicine manufactured from the eye-

balls of oxen and first developed in the 1960's

IIIHJIJI3r33 glazing nm:JIJI3JIT (see WHJIJI3r33) IIIHJIJI3X 1.1. to glaze, to glass 2. to bottle IIIHJIJI3X II. to take off the neck wool (of a camel)

IIIHJIMYYC needles, HapCHbI - pine-needles IIIHJIMYYCT coniferous, - MOA conifer IIIHJIM3JI picked, best, chosen, choice, select, - :Q3p3r picked troops, - cyyps selectively-bred herd

IIIHJI aBC Arrow-grass, Triglochin (bot.), Map:QHbI - Sea Arrow-grass, T. maritima IIIHJIP3X 1. to stray off alone at the time of calving (cow, camel cow, etc.) 2. to go missing IIIHJITr33H castle, fortress IIIHJIT3H bottled, a bottle of IIIHJIYYC Lynx, Lynx lynx IIIHJItIHH 1. glass-maker 2. glazier IIIHJI3BtI 1. the flat plate at the back of the metal cap of a woman's traditional headdress (hist.) neckpiece (of a hat) 3. headpiece (of a bridle or halter)


IIIHJI3JIT (- COHrOJIT) selection IIIHJI3M)l;3X to moisten, ypyynaa - to moisten one's lips

nm:JI3PX3r glassy, glass-like IIIHJI3X (WHJI3H coarox] to select, to choose, WHJI3H COHrOJIT selection IIIHJI33B3P poker IIIHJI33rYYP (see WHJI33B3p) IIIHJI33X to poke (a fire) IIIHM 1. (- wyyc) juice, sap, nutriment, nutritiousness, - OOAHC nutrient, - T31K33JI (- wyyJIT) nourishment, nutriment, - T31K33JIT3H (- T31K33JI caiiTaH) nourishing, nutritious, - WyyCHHH xanap nutritional value 2. abundant milk, WHMHHH apxa (WHMHHH 10M) milk-spirit, caiiTaH richly yielding 3. organic, - OOPAOO organic fertilizer, - epTOH:Q organic world, epToH~HH organic, - MaHAaJI (see MaHAaJI 11.2.), - Q)'JIC biomass, - WHJI Perspex (proprietary name), plastic glass

IIIHMrYH unnourishing, thin, barren IIIHMJI3r organic, - OOPAOO organic fertilizer IIIHMJI3X to enrich, to fructify nm:MT nourishing, nutritious, rich, fertile, - xepc fertile soil, - 'IaHap nutritional value IIIHMTf3JI deduction, fee, premium, naarraJIblH - insurance premium IIIHMTr3X to deduct

IllHMTJI3X to taste IllHMT3rJI3H Cronesbill. Geranium, Hyrsm « G. pratense, TOJIrO~IH - G. col/inum, Ilaraaa - G. albiflorum, IllHMT3rJI3HH oaor Geranium Family, Geraniaceae

IllHMT3H (see IIIHMT) IllHMT3HITH keen, eager IllHMT3X (IIIHMT3H COHHpXOX) to be keen, to be keen on, a}KHJIAaa - to be keen on one's work, IIIHMT3H cypax to study with a will IllHMYYP pipette IllHMYYC 1. nectar 2. squash (drink) IllHMIllPYYJI3X (3ypXHHr -, C3Tr3JIHHr -) to distress

IllHMIllP3JI distress IllHMIllP3HITH upset IllHMIllP3X (3ypX -, C3Tr3JI -) to be distressed IllHMIllP33X (see IIIHMIIIPYYJI3X) IlIHM3N 1. parasite 2. parasitic, - aMbAPaJI parasitism, - aMbAPaJlTaH parasitic, - cYMaaq parasitologist, - cYAJIaJI parasitology, yprassan parasitic plant, parasite, - XOpXOH (see XOpXOH) IlIHM3NrYHTr3X to eliminate parasites from IlIHM3NJI3N parasitic IllHM3NJI3JIT infestation with parasites IlIHM3NJI3X (IIIHM3rqJI3H aMbAPax) to be parasitical, aMbTaHA - to parasitize an animal IlIHM3JI)J;3r I. residue (from crushed seeds,

etc.) IlIHM3JI)J;3r 11.1. Dracocephalum, (also IiHPHHryy), IiOXOOH - D. nutans, 9MXHH -

D. foetidum 2. Polygonum sibiricum IlIHM3PC Hedysarum (bot.), MOHrOJI - H. mongolicum, Ceeren - H. fruticosum IlIHM3X to suck, to sip, IIIHM3H YHC3X to kiss, IIIHM3rq XOpXOH (see XOpXOH 1.) IllHM33C3r scythe IlIHHrYH Asafoetida (Tib. shing-kun) IlIHHrYYPT3H assimilable IlIHHr3BT3P 1. thinnish 2. runny, liquid IlIHHr3,IJ;3X to be too thin, to be too runny IlIHHr3JIYYP diluent IlIHHr3JI3JIT dilution IlIHHr3JI3X to dilute, to water down IlIHHr3H 1. (- cHHp3r, - TaqHpxaH) thin, sparse 2. thin, liquid, watery, - AaMJKyyJIarq fluid flywheel, - TaJlCT A3JIr3:Q liquid crystal display, XHH llqutd gas, - :Q3HX3p yraa thin blue smoke 3. liquid, fluid (n.), - T33B3pJI3rq OHrO:Q (T33rq xaner] tanker 4. urine, - MOP Y33X to



make water, IIIHHr3HHH HJIrapaJIT urination IIIHHr3PYYJI3N condenser (mech.) IllHHr3PYYJI3JITI3H diluted IIIHHr3PYYJI9X 1. to dilute 2. to thin out 3. to liquefy

IIIHHr3P3X 1. to be diluted 2. to become thin, to be thinned out

3. to

liquefy, to condense

IllHHr3X 1. to be absorbed, to sink into, to permeate 2. to be digested 3. to set (sun), Hap IIIHHr3XHHH yeA at sunset 4. to settle down at IIIHHr3U; digestion, IIIHHr3:Q3T npOTeHH (IIIHHr3:Q3T yypar) soluble protein IlIHHr3I..J;T3H digestible, assimilable, assapxaa - eosily digestible,

IlIHHr33JIT absorption IIIHHr33X 1. to absorb, AYY IIIHHr33rq MaTepHaJI sound-absorbing material, xepocaasrr IIIHHr33C3H naasyy paraffin rag, yc - to absorb water 2. to digest, XOOJIOO - to digest

3. to fix (atmospheric nitrogen) (chem.) 4. (IIIHHI'33H nasrax] to form a turned-

one's food

over edge to a metal workpiece by crimping

IlIHImHH market IIIHHEJIb greatcoat (Russ.) IIIHH)I{ feature, sign, characteristic, property, quality, peculiarity, - oaHAaJI characteristics, nature, - ep sign, portent, IIIHHJKHHH cynap sutra concerning the signs of a good horse,

IIIHH}KHHH CYAapq sreciaiist in the sutras concerning the signs 0 a good horse, - TOJIOB signs, characteristics, marks, - TOpX characteristics, nature, features, - T3MA3r symptoms; signs, features, rasap OPHbI - T3MA3r natural features, - xaaap quality, property, character, nature

IlIHH)I{rYH 1. no sign of, § ioy q oaiix - there was no sign of anything spiteful

2. despicable, mean,

IIIHH)l{HJIr33 (- cynanraa] study, research, examination, investigation, WHH}KHJIr33HHH aJKHJI research work, IIIHH}KHJIr33HHH aara research team, expedition (team), IIIHHJKHJIr33HHH aHH expedition (journey), IIIHHJKHJIr33HHH A33JK speci men IlIHH)l{HX 1. to examine, to investigate 2. to examine by divination

IlIHH)l{JI3JI (- CYMaJI, - cynanraa] study, research

IIIHH)l{JI3X (IIIHHJKJI3H cYAJIax) to study, to examine, to research into, OBqTOHHHr - to examine the patient



nrn:H}I{Jl3X YXAAH science, IIIHHlKJI3x Yxaansr AKAAeMH Academy of Sciences, -, ,IJ:33~ J)OJIOBCPOJIhIH XYP33JI3H Committee of Sciences and Higher Education, IIIHHlKJI3X YxaaHhI XYP33JI3H Committee of Sciences IIIHH}I{Jl3X YXAAHq scientific IIIHH}I{Jl3X YXAAHbI scientific, - ypaa 39rH9JIHHH 30XHOJI science fiction, - ~3C­ JI3JIT3H on a scientific basis, - scpsr unscientific IIIHH}I{T3H appearing to, looking like IIIHH}I{YYP criterion IIIHH}I{33q 1. geomancer (hist.) 2. expert (n.) (jur., etc.) 3. investigator

IIIHHX3f stink (of urine, etc.) nrn:Hnrn:X to smell, to sniff IIIHHIIIll3X to smell out, to sniff around for IIIHH3 1. new, newly, - apra New Style, Gregorian Calendar, - oa WHH3X3H yeHHH TYYX modern and recent history, WHHHHr caaaaxnar-r innovator, - copror (- csprsr] new, fresh, - TOPM9JIHHH cainozoic, - TYBTaM (- ~aM) brand new; for the first time, - TYJIrap new, newly founded, - naraaa modern, contemporary 2. neo, - KOJIOHHlIJIOJI neo-colonialism

IIIHH3-fA3AP APAJI Novaya Zemlya IIIHH3 rBHHEH New Guinea IIIHH3A the first ten days of the month, HaMphIH anar capsm WHH3~33P around the beginning of the last month of autumn

IIIHH3,IJ:3X to be too new, to be too fresh IIIHH3 3EllAH,D: New Zealand IIIHH3ll3f new, novel, innovative IIIHH3ll3X (- uaraanax] to celebrate the New Year, to give New Year's greetings, WHH3JI3H 30JIrOX to greet at New Year IIIHH3PYYll3X to renew, to replace IIIHH3C Larch, Larix (also Xap MO~), CHOHPh -

L. sibirica IIIHH9Trnrq reformer IIIHH9Trnll reform, renewal, renovation, modernization, innovation

IIIHH3TrnX to renovate, to reconstruct, to rebuild, to modernize

IIIHH9X to shrink, to contract IIIHH3X3H new, fresh, recent, latest, - LKHMC fresh fruit, § AOHrOJK - OITOJICOH MOA wood just freshly cut

IIIHH3 X1l3fAAP Sinkiang, Xinjiang

IIIHH3qll9ll renewal, updating, renovation, innovation

nrn:H3qll3llT (see WHH3'IJI3JI) nrn:H3qll3X (WHH3'IJI3H 99P'IJI9X) to renew, to revise, to update, to bring up to date, to restore,

WHH3'IJI3H oaHryyJIax to refound, to reconstruct, WHH3'IJI3H sacax to restore,to repa ir, WHH3'IJI3H HaHpyyJIax to revise nrn:H33P 1. anew, afresh, again 2. for the first time

nrn:H33P33 as good as new IIIHP I. hide, skin, X9X - hard leather (for bootsoles, etc.)

nrn:p 11.1. lacquer, varnish 2. earth colours IIIHPB9rnp thin, fine



sweeping, sweep 2. glancing

3. culling

IIIHPB3X Li, to sweep ii. to swipe 2. to look askance 3. to cull

nrn:PB33 thin, fine IIIHPB33,IJ:9X 1. (WHpB33A3H aHx) to be scared 2. to shiver, to shudder, to tremble

nrn:PB33T9X (see WHPB33A3X) IIIHPrnnT (see WHpr33JIT) IIIHPrnM3ll dry, dried up IIIHPrnH3 rash (med.) IIIHPrnx 1. to dry up (water, etc.), to run dry (milch beast) 2. to get one's head down

urarrsurrva inexhaustible maersanr 1. drying up (n.)


running dry

(milch beast)

IIIHPrn3X 1.1. to dry up, to drain dry 2. to dry up, to boil dry, to boil down, to boil away

(trans.), o~aJIraJK - to boil away, 333rHH - to make 333rHH nrn:Pf33X II. to aim low IIIHPA3f 1. (WHPM3JI -) quilted felt, quilted mattress, wHPA3rHHH XOOJIOH narrow strip of quilt forming part of the floor-covering of the tent 2. saddle-cloth wrapped round the humps of a camel

IIIHP,IJ:3X to lacquer, to varnish IIIHP.lKHfH3X to patter, to plop (rain, snow, etc.), to rustle

IIIHPll3X to cover with leather or skin, to put a covering of skin (over the front of the box of a stringed instrument), to pack (meat for preservation, etc.) in a hide

IIIHPM3JI quilted, stitched IIIHPM3H cast-iron (adj.) IIIHPT3X to gaze, to stare

IIIHPYYBT3P 1. rather rough 2. medium coarse



IIIHPYY,IJ;3X to get too strong, to get too fierce, to build up too much, to be too violent

IIIHPYYJI3X 1. to be rough, to be brusque, to be curt 2. to go smartly, to go quickly IIIHPYYH 1. rough, coarse, - HOOC (see HOOC), sharp sand

2. fierce,

hard, bitter, severe, - rapaap xaanax to treat roughly, - AorWHH violent, brutal, - AOpHyH HpHJIQax to have a set to, to have a slanging match, - epcenneoa fierce competition, - CaJIXH tempest, - T3MQ3J1 bitter struggle - 3JIC

IIIHPYYCf3X to build up, to increase (trans.) IIIHPYYC3X to build up, to increase, to get stronger, to get worse, to be violent

IIIHPYYX3H rough, gruff IIIHPX Louse (see Beec] IIIHP XHHx 1. to rustle, to crunch, to splatter, § anrannaa WHpXHHT3J1 HYJlHMaaA spitting noisily on his hands terrified


to be horror-struck, to be

IIIHPXJI3f fibrous, - 3A fibrin IIIHPXT3X to be infested with lice IIIHPX3f 1. item, xoep - aJIHM two apples

2. copy

(of a paper, etc.) 3. flake (snow, etc.), snowflakes 4. thread, fibre, onTHKHHH WHpX3IT uryrasr optical fibre cable 5. grain (of wood), oYAVYH WHPX3IT3H coarse-grained, HapHHH WHPX3IT3H fine-grained, - naryynaa with the grain, - TaTax to ~rain (wood), to paint so as to bring out the grain QaCHbI -

IIIHPX3fJI3f 1. flaky 2. fibrous IIIHPX3fJI3JI staple (wool) IIIHPX3fJI3H (see WHpX3rQJl3H) IIIHPX3NJI3H individucllv. item by item, OHQHX

to itemize

bride passes in an Ordas wedding cerenony

IIIHP3f./KHX to become turfed, to become 03X}1{JfX

to be rein-

IIIHP3f)l{YYJI3X to cover with grass, 03X}1{YYJl3H -

ing grass

IIIHP3fJI3f grassy IIIHP3fJI3X to purify by fire IIIHP3~3JI tangled

IIIHP3JI,IJ;3X to be tangled, to be matted, WHP3M3}1{ oarQapcaH (WHP3JIA3}1{ naaxapcaa] matted, WHP3J1AC3H yc tcnqled hair IIIHP3M33 tangle, WHp3JIA33r raprax to . untangle

IIIHP3M cast iron, uaraan - white cast iron IIIHP3Hf3 thicket, scrub, bush, - OH bush, maquis

IIIHP3Hr3JI3X to form a thicket, WHp3Hr3J13H yprax to grow in thickets IIIHP3X to quilt, to make firm by sewing IIIHP33 1.1. table, OH'IrHHH - desk, writingtable, QaHHbI - tea-table, WHP33HHH 0YT33J13r tablecloth, - AapBaJl}l{}fH foursquare, - sacax to lay the table, WHp33HHH HOM handbook, manual, reference book, WHP33HHH HYA (see HYA), WHp33HHH TaBQaH table-top, WHp33HHH TeHHHC (see TeHHHc), WHP33HHH X3BJl3JI desktop publishing, WHP33HHH QHHA3H reading lamp 2. throne, WHP33H33C oyyJlrax (WHp33H33C 0YYJlra}l{ WHPA3m33C WHJI}I{YYJl3X) to depose, WHp33HA sanax to instal, to enthrone (a high lama), WHp33T JIaM head lama; cardinal, WHp33HA cyyx to ascend the throne, WHP33H33C33 WHJIJKHX (WHp33H33C33 WHJI}l{P3X)

to be dethroned, to lose one's position

IIIHP33 II. with erect humFs ~camel), oaxT3H T3M33

TapraH -

a fat came With erect humps

IIIHP33,Il;3C spark (Bur.) IIIHP33JI3X to stand up, to be erect (camel's humps)

IIIHPX3Hf3P fibroma IIIHPqHfH3X to rustle, to jangle, to crackle IIIHP IIIHP rustling, crunching IIIHP3B TATAX to be disdainful IIIHP3f I. turf IIIHP3r II. Carex duriuscula (see Y J1aaJI}I{) , C enervis (bot.) IIIHP3r III. influenza IIIHP3f IV. the two ritual fires between which the

grass-covered, WHp3r}I{H}I{ forced with vegetation



to bind sand together by grow-

IIIHP33C stitching, quilting IIIHP33T head lama IIIHP33X 1. (WHP33}1{ rarnax] to weld 2. to temper, to harden

IIIHP33Q quilter IIIHcI>PJI3X to encode, to encipher IIIHIII Kaoliang, Sorghum IIIHIIIYYX3H Rat-like Hamster, Grey Longtailed Hamster, Cricetulus, YpT CYYJlT - Lesser Long-tailed Hamster, C. longicaudatus, Xox Striped Hamster, C. barabensis, QOMQ Mongolian Hamster, C. curtatus

IIIKAcI> cupboard, XYBQaCHbI - wardrobe (Russ.) IIIOB plopl, - XHHT3J1 yHC3X to give a smacking kiss



IIIOBrop 1. cone 2. pointed, conical, tapering 3. (MaHaaHhI -) watchman's hut IIIOBHP IIIOBHP munch munch (as of sheep grazing)

IIIOBOr cone" - yyn moxa cone IIIOBOHJIrOX to bring to a point, to put a point on, to make pointed

IIIOBOHX to come to a point, to taper IIIOBOJI30X to bob about IIIOBC XHHX to stick up, to bob up IIIOBX 1. point, tip 2. pointed 3. draw, tie, drawn match, WOBXOO aaax to win the tie, Y33X

to playoff a tie

IIIOBX):(YY pointed IIIOBXJIOX (see uroaoanrox] IIIOBXPOX (see urosozx] IIIOBIIIOX to smack one's lips IIIOBIIIPOJIT imitation of the call of an animal as a lure in hunting

IIIOBIIIPOX to imitate the call of an animal as a lure in hunting

IIIOBllIYYP hunter'swhistle for luring game (esp. fox and corsac) IIIOBllIYYP~AX to lure game with a WOBWyyp

IIIor 1. joke, joking, jest, humour 2. (- XOWHH) Witty, joking, teasing, - rapaa comic turn, 30XHon satire, - 30XHOn'l humorist, satirist, aypaax cartoonist, caricaturist, - sypar (XOWHH sypar] cartoon, caricature, - HaRpyynan satire, - c3TIyyn satirical magazine, yr joke, anecdote

IIIOrJIOJI joking, teasing (n.) IIIOrJIOHrYH teasing, mocking (adj.) IIIOrJIOX to make fun of, to tease, to mock IIIOrOJI a wooden case for keeping a book in IIIOrOJI,IJ;OX to put or keep a book in a wooden case

IIIOrOJIHr (see moron] (Bur.)

a hunter in approaching a marmot

IIIorIIIPoro Melick, Moor Grass, Me/ica, Canaan - M. virgata IIIOfIIIPOX to tut-tut, to click the tongue (in sympathy,


IIIOrIIIYYJIAX to go at a jog trot (rider) IIIO~rOp 1. short, stumpy (tail, name for the wolf

etc.) 2. tabu

IIIO~OH penis IIIO~OHX to get stumpy and sparse (tail) IIIO~OJIT drawing lots, toss-up

IIIO~OH short and scanty (tail,



I. to draw lots, to toss up, to cut, § X3H T3PrvYH xapsaxsrr WOA0}J{ drawing lots for first shot

IIIO~OX II. a game of forfeits played with the tailbones of oxen

IIIO)IITOP supercilious, stuck-up mO.lKHfHOX 1. to gurgle (liquid) 2. to tick IIIO}l{OOH stone-mason (Chin.) III030H pointed, tapering IIIOJIJiOfOP feeble, flabby IIIOJIJiOHx 1. to be slack, to be flabby 2. to be soggy, to be pulpy

llIOJIXrOp slack, flabby IIIOJIXHHx to go plop! IIIOJIXOHX to be slack, to be flabby IIIOMJiOrOp (see W030H) III()MJiO~Orq profiteer

IIIOMJiO~OX to profiteer

IIIOMJiOHX to taper llIOMJiOJI30X to swing, to sway, to teeter llIOH 1. (woHrHHH MOA) pillar, post, mast, oaTapeRHhI - battery terminal, r3pnHHH -lamppost, lamp-standard, YTaCHhI - telephone pole, - 300X to drive piles 2. posts with a tetheringline for animals

IIIOHrVH ineffectual, not up to it llIOHTrOp 1. point, 9cmRH - the point of the heel 2. sharp, pointed

IIIOITOH satirical, humorous

IIIOHTOHX to get sharp, to get pointed

IIIOrtl 1. humorist, joker 2. humorous, satirical

IIIOHTOH spine (of a bone), cyylKlDlH YPA A33A

IIIOrtlJIOX to make fun of, to tease, to mock IIIorIIIrOH cone (bot.) IIIornrnx


to go at a jog trot (horse) 2. to trot (hunter stalking a marmot)

IIIOfIIIHX II. to bubble up (kumis, etc.) IIIorIIIHX III. to sob IIIOfIIIOO 1. jog trot, trot, 2. trotting motion of

- anterior superior iliac spine

IIIOHXOHX to be hooked (nose)

1.1. Falcon, Fa/co, Peregrine Falcon, F. peregrinus, 333PA - Lesser Kestrel, F. Naumanni, H)VI3r - Saker Falcon, F. cherrug, Ha'lHH - Kestrel, F. tinnuncu/us, TypaMTaH Red-footed Falcon, F. vespertinus, Xaapryyaa - Merlin, F. co/umbarius, llIYYMaH - Hobby,


F. subbuteo 2. title given to the winning junior finalist at wrestling IIIOHXOP II. hooked (nose) IIIOHXOP 3SrHH Ichneumon Fly IlIOHXOPXOH aquiline, xasrap aquiline nose IlIOO 1. die, dice, MaaHHHH divination die N


with one syllable of the mani formula inscribed on each face, N OpXHX (N xasx] to throw dice, N Y33X to divine by dice 2.i. cube ii. (N ~OpBaJDKHH, X3J103PHHH) cubic, MeTp cubic metre, N HC quadrate (bone) (anat.) (Tib. sho) N


IlIOOBAOP despised, despicable, looked down on

IlIOOBAOPJIOX to despise, to look down on, to disregard, to reject, IIIOOB~OpJlOr~COH xyyx~yy~ neglected children

IlIOOAOX I. to have an aversion to, to feel repugnance towards

IlIOOAOX II. to throw dice IlIOOJIOJIT teasing, mocking (n.) IlIOOJIOHrYH mocking, scornful IlIOOJIOX (IIIOOJl}l{ 3J13rJl3x) to mock, to make fun of, to jeer at, to laugh at

the shahs of a cart)

IlIOOXOHX to be narrow-chested IlIOOq mocking (ad;') IlIOOtI,IJ:YY (see IIIOOq) IlIOP 1. spike, spit, ~33P yHaxryH IIIOpOOH ~33P JI yuax to land on one's feet 2. point IlIOPBHrOp bristly IlIOPBor 1. salt 2. salty, saline, yc salt water, N




saline soil

IlIOPBOrAOX to be too salty IlIOPBOr.I{YY salty, saline IlIOPBOrJIOr (see IIIOpBOrAYY) IlIOprOOJI./K Ant, aJK.HJlqHH MOpHH Termite, uspsr



IlIOprOOJI.lKHJIT infestation with ants IlIOPAOX to spike, to spit IlIOP.lKHrHOX to gurgle, to murmur, to purl, to babble (stream,

spike, to spit, auaar IIIOPJlO}l{ axax to, use a spike to secure the two halves of a camel s load

IlIOPHO Sea-Heath, Frankenia IlIOPHOH 1. Orache, Atriplex, CHOHPHHH

A. sibirica 2. Fat Hen, Chenopodium album (also N

Ilaraaa JIyyJIb) IlIOPOH (see IIIOpOO) IlIOPOH I. (OpOH

N, N rH~HH) prison, gaol, go to prison, IIIOPOH~ opyynax to send to prison, to imprison, IIIopOHrHHH TaB (IIIOPOHrHHH xanaac] gaolbird, old lag

IIIOPO~ opox to

IlIOPOH II. pointed IlIOPOH.lKHXto become adapted to prison life, to become a gaol-bird

IlIOPOHIIIHX (see IIIOPOH}K}IX) mopoo earth, soil, IIIOpOOH TYM3H myriad, xenanrex to be alive, IIIOpOOH nryypra dust N


mOPOoAoX 1. to get earth on, to get dusty

2. to touch the ground N to bring (an opponent's) knee to the ground (in wrestling)

IIIOPOOH rAPHr Saturn (astr.) IIIOPXHHT3JI slurping, sniffing, § ~aHHaac copse slurping his tea IlIOPXHPOX to puff, to wheeze IIIOPlfiIrHOX (see IIIOPlKHrHOX) IlIOY (N ~3Hr33H) show, N OH3Hec show-business IlIOXOH 1. lime, OOJlCOH slaked lime, 'l)'nyy N




2. plaster (surg.)

IlIOXOH.rJ;OX 1. to whitewash 2. to put in piaster


IlIOXOH.»tiiJIT calcification IlIOXOH.IKHX to calcify IlIOXOH./KYYJIAX to lime (soil) IIIOXOHJIOr limy, xepc limy soil IlIOXOHHIJ;OP limestone IIIOXOOPXOrq enthusiast IIIOXOOPXOJI keenness, interest, hobby IlIOXOOPXOX to be keen on, to be taken by, to be loscinoted by, § qaMHH roe 3yiiJl~ to N

Worker Ant, Soldier Ant, IIIOprOOJl}I{HbI 0)'1' ant-heap, ant-hill, moprooJI}I{HbI yyp ants' nest, IIIOprOOJlJK.HH xarar carbuncle, IIIOprOOJl}I{HbI XyqHJI (see xyqHJI) N


mOPOO.I{YYJIAX to bring to the ground, esner

IlIOOMETP cubic metre IlIOOPXYY Be cuboid bone IlIooxrop narrow-chested IlIOOXOH pad-saddle (to distribute the load of

saline water,



IlIOPJIOr shcshlik IlIOPJIOX 1. to sharpen, to put a point on 2. to


be keen on luxuries

IIIOIII bean IIIOIlIro label IIIOIIIJIOH Lupin, Lupinus IIISBrsp pointed IIISBrSPAYY (see urenrep]



III9Br9P9X to reach the final stages (wrestling,

etc.) III9Br9PXYY (see uresrep] III9BHHJIr9X to make pointed III9BHHX to come to a point, to taper III9B9r I. awl, spike III9B9r 11.1. semi-final, WOBmHH ~OPOB last four contestants, semi-finalists 2. final stages (wrestling), oara WOBmHH ~OPBOH OOX the four losing quarter-finalist wrestlers, HX WOBrHHH xoep OOX the two losing semi-finalist wrestlers, WOBmHH apsaa aypraa the last sixteen wrestlers in a match

m9B9r,n;9X 1. to pierce with an awl, to bore into 2. to stir up, to incite, to provoke

m9B9rJI9X (see menrepex] m9B9r BP pustular dermatitis (also aMpYY, ~ap~aH;

see cYB~JIaa)

m9B9JI39X to wriggle, to squirm m9BX sharp, pointed m9BXJI9X to bring to a point, to put a point on, to make pointed

III9BXP9X to come to a point, to taper m9JI Li, soup, oop - broth, yean - bouillon, xap - soup with meat, - caifraif meaty, nourishing ii. a beast (for eating), WOJIHHH raau a sheep, - raprax to slaughter a sheep, WOJIHHH MaJI (WOJIHHH 10M) beasts for eating 2. broth (for bacteria culture)

m9JI9PX9r soupy m9MliHHJIr9X (see WOBXJIOX) m9MliHHX to come to a point, to taper m9Mli9r9P conical, pointed m9Mli9r9PX9H rather conical, rather pointed 1lI9Mli9JI39X (see WOMOHHx) m9MHHX to shrivel up 1lI9HHHH night (adj.), nocturnal, - aMh~paJITaH nocturnal,


KJIyo night-club,



X3p3rC3JI night sights (gun) m9HHHH HHJI Platanthera (bot.), XOCHaBtIHT - Lesser Butterfly Orchid,

P. bifolia

1lI9H9 night, - oOJIrox to go on till nightfall, WOHHHH oop XOHor the hours of darkness, ~OJI (- AYJI) midnight, late at night, - ~OJI OOJITOJI till midnight, till late at night, - ~YH~ midnight, - o~opryH day and night alike, xaracnax to spend half the night

m9H9,n;9X to be benighted 1lI9H9)KHH all night long

m9H9M}I{M9JI MeJandrium (bot.) III9HTr9P sharp, pointed III9P (see uroper 1., 2.) III9PBHHX to be bristly III9PB9C (see WOpMOC) m9pr99X to rub against, to brush against, oHe OHe3 - to rub against each other III9PJI9X to spike, to spit III9PM9C (- uraanac] sinew, WOpMOCOH qyJIYY asbestos

III9PM9CJI9r sinewy m9PM9CJI9X to take out the sinews III9P9Br9P bristly III9P9r 1. spike, peg, pin 2. a device made of two pieces of wood joined at their centres and fixed to the muzzle of a young animal to prevent it from sucking its mother 3. chevaux-defrise, spi ked fence

III9P9r,n;9X to pin, to peg III9P9rJI9JIT pinning, pegging 1lI9P9rJI9X (see uropernex] m9PXJI9X to link a camel to the camel in front of it in a caravan by jamming its leading-rein beh ind a load lash ing

IIIIIPHIJ; syringe, H3r ynaa X3p3rJI3X - disposable syringe


IIITAIi headquarters (Russ.)

IIITYPMAH navigator (Russ.) IllYAH3 brush (Chin.) IIIYBT right through, right along, all along IIIYBTAAXAH Rockcress, Arabis, Caassrap A. pendula IIIYBTAHX to taper IIIYBTAH bevelled, tapering, - apaa bevelled pinion, - MOPT3H with sloping shoulders IIIYBTAH)l;YY (see UIyBTaH) IIIYBTAH:QAP (see WYBTaH) IIIYBTAPrA 1. end, ~OJIOO XOHomHH UIyBTapraap towards the end of the week 2. final (sport) 3. pull-through (gun)

IIIYBTJIAX to strip off, nrap - to unfrock (a lama) IIIYBTPAX 1. to come to an end, to draw to a close, to run out 2. to go through, to run through, to penetrate 3. to squeeze, to pull at, to run through the fingers, caxnaa - to stroke one's whiskers, xex - to pull at an udder, 3PHX33 to run one's rosary through one's fingers 4. to slip off

IIIYBYY bird, ~ - (~ -) song-bird, YCHbI woter-bi rd, WYBYYHbI OOJI30P stormy weather in spring when migratory birds arrive, UIyBYYHbI

3aA stormy weather in autumn when migratory birds depart, - HYPYY rolters. - HYPYYHbI xan roher, IIIYByyH TOnrOHTOH microcephalic, IIIYBYYH ~33}KT3H pigeon-chested IIIYBYYHYAPAfA Polypody, Polypodium, IIIYBYYHY)J;parbIH oaor Polypody Family, Polypodiaceae

IIIYBYYH X9JI Allium anisopodium (bot.) IIIYBYYXAH a little bird IIIYBYYlIHH poultry-keeper IIIYBYYlIJIAX to catch birds IIIYfAM l.i.line, raJIbIH - firing line, WlDnOMaT nryrasraap through diplomatic channels, )J;3Bcr3p - stave (mus.), COpOH30H XyqHHH lines of force, renerpoa - telephone line, T3HXn3rHHH - white long along the middle of the road (traf.), T3HXn3rHHH racanncaa - broken white line, T3HJm3rHHH ypr3n}KHnC3H continuous white line, T3PrvYH - front line {mil.}, X3BT33 - horizontal line, uaxanraan )J;aM}Kyynax - power line, cable, naxanraaa - mains, wiring, 3rQ - vertical line, - oapurQHHr cynnaru margin-release {typewriter}, - sypar (TeXHHKHHH - sypar] technical drawing, - MO)J; lath, nryrasrsm panao (see PaAHo), - cyn}K33 network, grid, circuit, rap OPHbI uaxanraan cyn}K33 domestic wiring, nynaaasr - cyn}K33 (XaJIaaJITbIH - cyn}K33) heating pipework, heating network, heating system, xonOOOHbI cyn}K33 communications network, XOTbIH renedoa - cyn}K33 urban telephone system, TOMOP lines, rails (rail.), - X3n03pHHH (x3no3pT3H) linear H. production-line 2. rule, ruler, straight edge, rypBaJI}KHH - set square, norapH4>MbIH - [roonnsm -) slide-rule, MOpHHH - ruler for spacing lines on a printing-block

(xyl.), X3M}J{IIX - rule, ruler, yardstick 3. line, route, uryrasm rapax to go on the road, to go into service (bus, etc.), myraM)); raprax to put on the road, to put into service

IIIYfAMAH linear, long and narrow, - xonfiooc ligature (joining tails at two or more notes) (mus.) IIIYfAMAPXYY linear, long and narrow IIIYf~ to rule, to draw lines

IIIYfAMJIAX to form a line, nryrasrnaa acarcaax to line up (trans.) IIIYrYf! wood, grove, - mHp3Hr3 thicket IIIYrYH)KYYJIAX to provide (an area) with woods

IIIYAAf (see I'onan-oac] IIIYAAPfA (see urynpara I., II.) IIIYAAPrYY (see nrynpara II.) illY,II;PArA I. (- XOr}KHM) a three-stringed plucked musical instrument (also known as urans], - ~OXHX to play the -



IIIYAPAfA II. (- qHrq) straight, honest, loyal, upright, just, - oyc dishonest, unfair, - 6yc opcenneea unfair competition, - )J;aHH just war, - ec justice, equity, fairness HHHrMHHH - ec social justice, § O~H33C yyqJIaJI ryHx Hb ecoan HHHQ3X oaiix by rights they should ask our pardon

IIIYAPAfA)l;AX to be straight IIIYAPAfAJIAX to keep (something) straight IIIYAPAfACAX to get straight, to get right IIIYAPAfAq urynrapa-plcver IIIYAPAX to rub, to scrape, to wipe IIIYJIAAq shark, rogue IIIYJIAJIT (see nrynnara] IIIYJIAM devil, demon IIIYJIAX 1. to strip off (meat from a bone, etc.), to bone, uryncaa Max boned meat 2. [urynsc MonlKHX) to cheat, to exploit, to rip off IIIYJIIiAHx (see urontionx] IIIYJIfA tongue-tied IIIYJIfAHAA Chat, Xap 3PX3T - Stonechat, Saxico/a torquato IIIYJIfAHAAH babbling, prattling IIIYJIfAHAX to chatter, to prattle, to twitter, ~3MHH 10M - to talk nonsense IIIYJIrYf! damp withered grass appearing when the snow melts in spring IIIY~C meat stripped off the bone

IIIYJIJIAfA stripping, de-boning (of a carcase) IIIYJIMAC (see urynass] IIIYJIYYAAX (30pHr -, canaa -, C3Tr3n -) to decide, to make up one's mind

IIIYJIYYH 1. straight, - ~aJIaBqTaH Orthoptera (zool.), - OHQOIT right-angled, rectangular, uryrasr straight line 2. straight line, - rarax to draw a straight line 3. (- urynpara] upright, honest, frank, strciqhilorword. - urynapraap X3n03n to be quite frank 4. plain (hist.) (cf. XOBOOT), - IIIapbIH xomyy Plain Yellow Banner IIIYJIYYPAX to become straight IIIYJIYYCAX (see nrynyynax] IIIYJIYYCfAX to straighten out IIIYJIYYTfAfq rectifier (elec.) IIIYJIYYTfAX 1. to straighten 2. to rectify (elec.) IIIYJIYYXAH straightforward, direct, - XY~aJI X3n3X to tell a downright lie IIIYMIiAfq diver IIIYMIiAX to dive, to plunge, myMoarq OHrOQ



IIIYPAr II. screw, myparr oHeT3H Spirochaete, myparr oyy rifle

UIyMo~ar OHrO:Q

submarine; dive-bomber, (mYMoarq

xoner oaron] submarine, UIyMoaH

oOMoor~ox to dive-bomb

llIYPArJIAX to screw (in, up, down) lIIYPAHXAH falsetto, high register used in singing a long song

IIIYMIiYYJIAX to dip (sheep)

lIIYPAHXAHJIAX to sing falsetto, to use a high

llIYMIiYYP Duck, Tsaarr - Tuhed Duck, Aythya fuligula, Ynaan XY3yyr - Pochard, A. ferina,

lIIYprAAr pole, post

Y~ap Hy~3H - Ferruginous Duck, A. nyroca, Illynxaa - Red-crested Pochard, Netta rufina

llIYMYYJI Mosquitoes, Gnats, Culicidae, aaorpenecaan - Anopheles Mosquito, xYMXaaH - Malaria Mosquito

lIIYprAJIAX [urypranan H3BTp3X) to infiltrate, to worm one's way in

lIIYprAJIYYJIAX to infiltrate (trans.) lIIYprAMAJI intrusive, -

qynyynar intrusive


llIYHAr (- cynnar] greedy, avid, MaXaH~ - craving meat, - rasaan

register in singing a long song

(see uryaan]

IIIYHArJIAX to lust, to desire

lIIYprAX 1. to penetrate, to effect an entrance, to go into 2. to sneak in, to infiltrate 3. [urypraac yuax) to collapse, to tumble, to fall down

llIYHAJI greed, cupidity, - Hb nrynasr oonCOH consumed by greed, - rasaan desire, passion

llIYHAJIT (see urynanraa]

lIIYprAU; aperture lIIYPrYY insistent, persistent, stubborn, tireless, keen

llIYHAJITAH 1. greedy, avid, apxaan - crav-

lIIYPrYYJIAX to insert, to push through, to push

ing drink 2. sensual, lewd

into, to slip through

llIYHAMXAf1 (see myuaxaH)

lIIYPrYYJIrA drawer

llIYHAMXAHpAX to be greedy, to be rapa-

lIIYP~X to do something suddenly, urypnXHHH opox to burst in,to rush in, myp~HH 3pr3X to whirl round


IIIYHAX to covet, to crave, uryaaa yaaa covetously, greedily,

§ MOHrOn OPHbI 3~


rasap nyrarr uryaaac coveting the wealth and the land of Mongolia, 3~ oaHnrHHr onzc xypaaxsm Tonoo - to be avid for amassing riches

lIIYPXHPAAH noise lIIYPXHPAX to make a noise, to do noisily lIIYPXHAr trouser-legs

llIYHAXAH (IOMa~ -) greedy, grasping, rapacious, mercenary, - C3Tr3n greed, rapacity, mercenariness, self-interest

llIYHAXAHPAJI greed, covetousness (something) for gain

IIIYHrAAtI Goldeneye, Bucephala, AJIar Common Goldeneye, B.


llIYHrnHAX to whiz, to whirr, to whistle

P. cristatus

IIIYYrHAH 1. (- qHM33) noise, din, row, -

IIIYYrHAHTAH 1. noisy 2. sensational bance

IIIYYrHHAX to roar, to whistle (wind, etc.)

llIYHJIAHB title of the head or director of stud-


IIIYHX 1. vermilion, cinnabar 2. blood from the


IIIY~AX to colour vermilion

IIIYHXJIAX 1. (see nryaxnax] 2. to have a nosebleed

I. to be turned back, to be tucked up ~r~AX II. to lose flesh, to get thin

IIIYYrHJIAAX to make a row, to make a distur-

llIYHrYYP Grebe, Podiceps, QrrOT - Great

IIIYPAr I. mast, flag-pole


hit the headlines

IIIYHrnHAA whizzing, whirring, whistling

nose, nose-bleed

IIIYY forearm, - HC radius (cf. OOIToc),. - HCHbI

TaBHX to make a row, 2. sensation, - TapHX to

IIIYHrAX (see mYMoax)

ies of certain of the Urga colleges (~a:QaH)

IIIYP IIIAPXHHX (see urypxaax) lIIYPIIIHrAHAX to purl, to murmur (water) ~33~ oynyyxaH head of the radius

llIYHAXAHPAX to be greedy, to covet, to do

Crested Grebe,

lIIYPXHHX to swish, to whistle

IIIYYrHX to make a noise, to be noisy, uryyran uraaraa noisily IIIYY rvnx to come up, to swell up IIIYY,D; 1. direct, - aanan direct flight, - oa ~aM direct and indirect, - oyc (- OHW) indirect, xypaanr (see xypaanr]. - mynyyu direct, stroiqhltorword 2. strict, absolute, - xoparnox to prohibit strictly

IIIYYAAf wrestler's briefs, briefs (cf.




IIIYYAAf,IJ;AX to grab by the briefs (in wrestling) IIIYYAAH sack,

bag, 3J1CT3H - sandbag, WYYAaHH raap sack-cloth, myyAaAA XHHC3H yxpHHH 3B3P like cat and dog, wYYAaHA WOBor HYY>K oOJIAorryH the truth will out (Chin.)

IIIYY,IJ;Al1JIAX to bag, to put in sacks IIIYYAAH 1. post, mail, 3J1eKTPOH - E-mail, OHqHr correspondence, - 300rq (- TYI'33rQ, xypr3rQ) postman, postwoman, uryynaan orex

to post, to put (something) in the post, - rapaax (- TYI'33X) to deliver the mail 2. (- canfiap] postoffice, TaB - Central Post-office 3. mail van

IIIYY,IJ;AHrHHH postal, postage, -

MapK (T3MA3r) postage-stamp, - HHAeKC post-code, canfiap post-office, - TapHcI> postal charges,

postal rates, - xaapuar post-office box IIIYYAAHq postman, postwoman IIIYY,IJ;AX (see IIIYYAPax) IIIYY,IJ;PAX 1. to go straight ahead, to go straight on to


to go to it, to do (something) with a will, get down to (something), cypryyrrs Xuq33J1A33 - to get down to one's lessons, C3IT3J1 caaaa - to make up one's mind, to be determined

IIIYY,IJ;YY 1. channel, -

TaTax to make a channel, to dig out a channel 2. trench (mi/.), XapHJI~aX - communication trench (Chin.)

IIIYY,IJ;YYJIAX to make a channel IIIYY3 salted meat, preserved meat IIIYY3JIAX to preserve (food), uryysancaa


salted meat

IIIYYJITIAH trussed up (skirt of a tent, etc.) IIIYYMAA3 a small bag (Chin.) IIIYYMAf (OMAHHH -) trouser-legs IIIYYMAfIX to get thin IIIYYMAJI 1. croft of sticking thin paper or cloth over a removable model or over a rough core

2. pcpier-moche

IIIYYMfAfI coming to a point, tapering IIIYYMfAP (see WYYMraH) IIIYYPAHXAH (see urypanxaa] IIIYYPAHXAHJIAX (see urypaaxannax] IIIYYPAX I. [uryypx yyr3X) to blow hard, to rage (wind), xapaap - to blow a gale

IIIYYPAX II. to waste away IIIYYPfA storm, blizzard, AaJIaHH

- typhoon, yraJI3aH - sandstorm, xap - hurricane, tempest, uacaa - snowstorm, blizzard, WOpOOH - duststorm, 3J1C3H - sandstorm, HBraH - low snow-

storm, surface snowstorm, surface blizzard,

uryypraa >KHJI stormy years, myypax) to blow, to rage (storm)



IIIYYPfA)l;AX to be exhausted by a storm IIIYYPfAJIAX to blow herd. to rage (wind) IIIYYPYYJIAX to get blown away IIIYYPxAfI efficient, ready, quick, smart, OYP3JIA3XYYU (- x3C3r) flying squad

IIIYYPXAfIJIAX to get on with, to deal with decisively, to push, to get a move on

IIIYYX 1.1. to raise, to put up, to tuck up, r3pHHH xaaar - to tuck up the skirting of the tent, XOpMOH - to tuck up one's skirts 2. to cut back, to shear, § Xa>KyyrHHH MOQpHHr wyy>K HapHHcrax to thin out the side branches, 3M HOOCblr - to shear the fine wool (of a camel)

IIIYYX II. to make a statue, etc., by sticking thin paper or cloth over a removable model

IIIYYXHHAA cold, blocked nose IIIYYXHHAX to wheeze, to puff, to snort, to snuffle, to snivel

IIIYYXHPAX (see nryyxaaax] IIIYYXHTHAAH wheezing, grunting, snorting (n.) IIIYYXHTHAX (see uryyxanax] IIIYIIIMAA 1. a Chinese in Mongolia 2. ignoramus, dimwit (Chin. shuo shenme) IIIYBT3P ammonia IIIYfJI3X to possess, to haunt (evil spirit, etc.) IIIYf3JI whistle IIIYf3JI,IJ;3X to whistle IIIY,IJ; 1. tooth (onot.), oaHHrbIH - (TOITMOJI -) permanent teeth, HHJIXbIH - (cyyu -) first teeth, milk teeth, YVA3H - front teeth, incisors, XHHM3J1 - false teeth, XOpT - poison fangs, acan - adult teeth- (horse, camel, etc.), - asax to extract a tooth, - syyx to clench the teeth; to bear a grudge, IIIYAHHH 00 toothpaste, IIIYA3HA OpCOH Max WHr >KaaxaH 10M a mere pittance, - OBAOX to have toothache, IIIYAHHH OBQHH toothache, IIIYAHHH COH3 toothbrush, - rarax to examine (a horse's) teeth, IIIYA33 yraax to clean one's teeth 2. tooth (sow, etc.), MOXOO IIIYAT3H TapMYYP blunt-toothed rake 3. tooth (of perforation of a stamp) 4. tooth or horizontal stroke as in the letters a and e in Mongol script f(O/SO auar], ypr - long tooth as in the letters i and y in Mongol script (a/so WHJl(3), IIIYAHHH xyrra knife for cutting teeth on a printing-block (xy/.)

IIIY,IJ;)I{HJIf33 dentition IIIY,IJ;JI3f 1. toothed 2. barb



IIIY~ll3r,IJ;YY toothed

IIIY,IJ;ll3H horse, ox, yak, sheep or goat in the third year IIIY~ll3X 1. to teethe, to grow teeth 2. to ascertain the age of a beast from its teeth, .-. KOMHCC committee for assessing the ages of the horses before a horse-race 3. to be toothed, to be dentate, WY~3JIC3H saxraa dentate (leaf)

IIIY,IJ;3H3 (see qy~3H3) IIIY,D:3H :uArAAH (see Xyp~aH Ilaraan 1.) IIIY,IJ;3HU3P small teeth, serration IIIY,IJ;3PX3r toothed IIIY)I{HrH3X to crunch (snow, stones, etc.) illYllC 1.1. saliva, spittle, wyJICHHH oyJI'IHpXaH (see oyJI'IHpxaH), WYJIC33 sanrnx to swallow one's saliva; to lick one's lips, WyyJIC33 xaax to spit 2. spider's web

illYllC II. foot and mouth disease (also wyJIXHH) illYllC,IJ;3X to dribble on, to slobber over, to salivate upon

illYllCT3X to have foot and mouth disease

nrrnr I. nourishment illYllT 11.1. alkali 2. (¥HCHHH .-.) lye illYllTll3r I. alkaline, .-. OP'lHH alkaline medium, .-. 'IaHap alkalinity, .-. 'IaHapTaH alkaline urvnrnsr II. nourishing urvnrnsrnvv (see wyJITJI3f I.) illYllT3rH3X to be obsequious, to be overpolite

illYllT3PXYY (see wyJITJI3f I.) nrvnrsrxsr (see WYJITJI3f I.) IIIYllYYC (see illHJIYYc) urvnxaa I. (.-. aB'IHH) foot and mouth disease (also urvnc] nrvnxaa II. slobbery IIIYllXHHP3X to get foot and mouth disease illYllXHHT3X to have foot and mouth disease illYll3r (.-. HaHpaf, .-. HaHpafJIan) poem, verse, poetry, apsaa ~9pBaH M9pT .-. sonnet, 3awaH .-. free verse, ~afaaH .-. blank verse, unrhymed or unalliterated verse, WOfJIOOM .-. epigram, .-. XOJIOOO (see XOJIOOO .-.) (Skr.) illYll3rll3ll (see urvnsr] urvnsrnanr HOM Shijing (The Book of Songs)

illYll3rll3X to versify, to compose in verse, WYJI3fJI3H aryyJI3X to tell inverse illYll3flI poet

illYHr3HYYP whirligig (spinning toy made of a loop of string threaded through two holes in a flat piece of wood, etc.)

illYHr3H3X to whirr, to hum IIIYHC3r (see cymuar] IIIYHC3rll3X (see cyamarnex] IIIYHIIIHr (see CYHWHf) illYHIIIHrll3X (see CYHWHfJI3X) IIIYP coral, Wyp3H apan coral island (Tib. byi-ru) IIIyprnllT contact, friction, rub urvrranex to form a group (Bur.) IIIyprnX 1. to touch, to brush against, to graze, § nan Wypf3}K anaa rising seventy, pushing seventy 2. fricative (adj.) (ling.) illYPTXHHllr3X to do smartly illYPillHrq 1. sprayer, araap-uraarsaaa .-. (XHH-WHHf3HT .-.) aerosol, oy~ar .-. paint sprayer 2. aerosol

IIIYPIDHllT spraying, sprinkling IIIYPIIIHX to sprinkle, to spray, nyJIeMeTOOp .-. to spray with machine-gun fire

illYPIIIYYP shower, spray, oy~af WYPWHX .-. paint-sprayer, WYPWYYPHHH ycaan opox to have a shower

illYP3H T3HrHC Coral Sea (p.n.) illYP3H-YH,IJ;3C Corallorhiza, Iypaancaa .-. Coralroot Orchid, C. trifida illYTr3X to ream illYTll3r (.-. OHWP3JI) piety, faith, worship, religion

illYTll3IT3H pious, religious IIIYTll3IT3H believer, .-. OJIOH believers illYT3llU3ll proportion, ratio illYT3llU3X to be correlated with illYT3llU33 1. proportion, ratio, lIIYY~ lIIYT3JI~33T3H in direct proportion, ceper lIIYT3JI~33T3H (3Cp3f lIIYT3JI~33T3H) in inverse proportion 2. correlation, .-. XOJIOOOTOH connected, interrelated

IIIYT3llU33T mutual, interrelated illYT3H IiAPHMAX to be linked causally, to connect With, to be related to, myT3H OapHJI~aXbm apaaa xoep mlIIYYH the chain of twelve links of causes (Buddh.) IIIYT3H IiAPHll~llArA dependent origination, chain of causes (Buddh.) IIIYT3X 1. to believe in, to worship, to reverence, oypxaHlIIalIIHH'-' to believe in Buddhism, IIIYT3H OHlIIP3f'l admirer, fan, WYT3}K OHWP3X 3pX freedom of worship 2. to rely on, to depend on, OHOJIOfHHH apran .-. to rely on biological



IlIYT33H 1. cult, worship, anfian eCHbI

official religion 2. object of veneration, idol, myr33HHH CyM shrine

IlIYY I. (~ormuH N) saltpetre, MOCOH N sodium sulphate

IlIYY II. (N ~33) (final emphatic particle) llIyyr,IJ;3N I. the accused, person on trial· llIyyr,IJ;3N II. filterable, BUpyC filterable virus llIyyr,IJ;3C filtrate IlIYYN 1.1. judge (jur., sport) 2. reader, editor (xyl.) 3. referee (sport), Xa}KyyruHH linesman IlIYYN II. filter, araap air filter (auto.), uaac filter paper, 3JIeMeHT filter element IlIYYf33 cupboard llIyyr33HQ3P locker IlIYYWHHH-OHM Botrychium, Capan N









B. lunaria

IlIYYP,IJ;3C discharge (med.) IlIYYP,IJ;3X 1. to sweep, to comb, yc

N to comb the hair, myyp~3H asax to sweep up 2. (myyp~3H Q3B3PJI3X) to sweep out, to comb out, to mop up

IlIYYPC I. (see cyypc) lIlYYPC II. (see myyp3JI) IlIYYPYYIT3X to strain IIIYYPXHH 1.1. half-cooked, underdone, O~9r soft-bailed egg, xaaax to parboil N


2. ha If-baked

IlIYYPXHH II. leaky IlIYYPXHHIT3X to leak, to ooze IlIYYPXIT3X to swoop post, to skim over lIlYYP3IT 1. oozing, seeping, seepage 2. secretion

IlIYY,IJ;3P dew, OHqUH patchy dew IlIYY,IJ;3Pf3H3 (see IlIYY~3p Q3Q3r) IlIYY,IJ;3P Q3Q3r Greater Celandine, Chelidonium majus (also XyaHJIHH, lIlYY~3pr3H3) IlIYY,IJ;3C exudation IlIYY,IJ;3X to treat (a hide) with saltpetre IlIYYITT 1. examination, interrogation 2. filtering IlIYYITTYYP filter, uaac filter paper IlIYYITTYYPf3H with a filter, filter-tipped, HH}KYYP filter-tipped cigarette IlIYYIT3f examination, test, asax to examine IlIYYIT3Hf3 official in a uraas oror assisting the saacaa (hist.) IlIYYIT3X to cure (a skin) in saltpetre IlIYYM}I{ review, critique, criticism IlIYYM}I{IT3rt1 critic IlIYYM}I{IT3IT criticism, critique, OOpUHH selfcriticism, myyM}KJI3JIUHH MOpOOp in the woke N


IlIYYP3nT I. (see myyp3JI) IlIYYP3ITT II. grabbing, snatching (n.) IlIYYP3MXHH oozing, QYc oozing blood lIlYYP3X I. to trickle, to filter, to percolate, to leak, to strain, to seep, myypq roo1KHX to leak, § raspaac myyp3H rapcan oyJIar a spri ng seeping through the ground, yc ~33. myypC3H HHJIQraH urapx a sticky wound oozing water N

and pus




of criticism

IlIYYM}I{IT3IT 9rYYIT3IT Lunyu (Analects of Confucius)

IlIYYM}I{IT3nT critical IlIYYM}I{IT3ITT3H (see mYYM}KJI3JIT) IlIYYM}I{IT3X to criticize, to discuss, mYYM}KJI3H asuaax to retute IlIYYM3f strainer IlIYYP I. brush, whisk, OBCOH besom IlIYYP 11.1. filter, oY,IM'H coarse filter, HapuHH fine filter, uranaraa pierced ladle for straining, myypuHH naac filter paper, myyp3H HC ethN




moid bone 2. grate, Iirebors

IlIYYP III. fine comb

lIlYYP3X II. to grab, to snatch, to grasp, to pick up, aBC to tear off the grass (grazing camel), § HaH myypq saax to be pushing eighty, 3XH3PUHH rapaac myyp3H Oapb}K seizing his N

wife by the hand

lIlYYC 1. food provided for special occasions, fruit-!u~ce, rations 2. juice, }KHMCHHH XO~OO~HbI gastric juice, myyC3H ynnaa \UICe, juice drink 3. fluid, secretion, matter 4. (N mUM) sap, 3CUHH cell-sap tabu word for Max N




6. gravy

lIlYYCIT3r succulent, juicy, sappy, yprasran succulent (n.) lIlYYCIT3X I. to extract (juice from fruit, sap from N



lIlYYCIT3X II. to dine, to feast lIlYYCT succulent, juicy, sappy lIlYYC3PXYY (see myyCT) lIlYYC3PX3r (see myyCT) lIlYYTr3IT checking, proof-reading (xyl.), myyrr3JIUHH TOJIb proof-reading mirror lIlYYTr3ITQ copy-reader (xyl.) lIlYYTf3IT3N (see myyrr3JIq) lIlYYTr3IT3X to correct proofs (xyl.)



IllVVX 1.1. court (jur.),

aHXaH WaTHbI - court of first instance, ~aB}K saannax WaTHbI - court of appeal, ~33~ - supreme court, Hpr3HHH -civil court, OJIOH HHHTHHH - social court, OYP3~3XYYH complement of a court, WYYX3~ erex to take to court, to take proceedings against, WyyxHHH TOrroOJI court decree, WyyxHHH TOM'OOJI ryH~3'IT3rq (WYYXHHH WH~B3P ryH~3'IT3rq) bailiff, WyyxHHH WH~B3P judicial decision, judgement, WYYX3~ WH]J}KYYJI3X to bring before the courts, - HaM Ministry of Justice 2. to judge, to try, to decide, - aaotnnaraa court proceeding, WyyH TaCJIaX to judge, to decide (a case), WyyH TaCJIaX a}KHJI justice, administration of justice, WyyH TaCJIaX rasap court, HOXPHHH WyyH TaCJIaX rasap (HOXpHHH -) comradely court (an early form of the social court established in 1930), - xypan trial, hearing, - xypannaan judicial session, - uaas justice, - uaasnsr OHQHr penal code, - 3MH3JIrHHH forensic-medical, - 3MH3JI3r forensic medicine

IllVVX II. to strain, to filter, sarac - to net fish, wyy}K canrax

to strain off,

WyyH TYHraax

to fiI-

ter, to filter out

IllVVXP3X to whistle with the lips IllVVIllHr a small biscuit (Russ.) IllVX3P 1. parasol, umbrella,

illYX3PJI3X 1. to form an umbel 2. to fan out (the tail) (bird), CyyJI33 mushroom (dust, etc.)



to fan out the tail 3. to

illYX3PQHH parachutist ill3JI33IT

(W3JI33fi3H MaJIraH)

felt hat (Russ.)

ill33r urea, excreta ill333rHH small dung-basket ill33JIrYYP catheter I1133JIr3X 1. to let urinate 2. diuretic I1133P3H incontinent ill33P3Hr3 I. (see W33p3H) I1133P3Hr3 II. Campion, Catchfly, Silene I1133P3X to make water, to keep making water Ill33C urine, piss,

WHH}KHJIr33HHH - urine sample, - annax (- annpax] to be incontinent of urine, - 03JIrHHH CyB genito-urinary tract, ranaruryynax diuretic (adj.), - ~aM}KYYJIaX ryypc (- ~aM}KYYJIaX nopro. ypcryyp XOOJIOH,


liThe One with the White Parasol" (Buddhist deity and scripture) 2. parachute 3. umbel (bot.), ~3JIr3p3HryH - (HHHJIM3JI -) compound umbel, - oar ~3~3r urnbellilerous


flower, HHHJIM3JI - oar ~3~3r compound umbelliferous flower, 3HrHHH - oar ~3~3r simple urnbelliferous flower, - ~3~3IT3H Carrot Family, Umbelliferae





urinary tract, - caarax (xaarnax] to be retained (urine); retention of urine, W33CHHH caa chamber-pot, bed-pan, W33CHHH CyB urethra, W33C33P TYYJIrax to act as a diuretic, - xypr3rq 3M diuretic (n.), W33CHHH 3aM


(see XyqHJI),


anrax CHCTeM

urinorv system

Ill33X to urinate, to make water, to piss

3B 1.1. (- se] peace, concord,

amity, unpleasant, nasty, - 30XH~OJI harmony, agreement, - 3yH harmony, aHJI r3pHHH - 3yH domestic harmony, - 3yHr33P (3BHHH apraap] peaceably, by negotiation, - 3yHr33p 30XHIO'YJIax to settle (a question) by negotiation, - 3yH OJIOX to come to an arrangement, to reach agreement, - MOWlbI naanasr a ceremony of friendship performed twice a year by the Mongols of Khankh and their Russian neighbours involving the fitting together of an inscribed block of wood which had been split in two, - MYYAax (- Tacpax, - TYHlKHH xarapax, - xarapax, - 3BAP3X) to fallout, to quarrel, MYYTaH at odds; awkward, - HaiipaMAaJI friendship, accord, - HaHpTaii harmoniously, in friendship, - H3rA3JI (- caaaaasr H3rA3JI) friendly relations, agreement, accord, solidarity, - H3rA3JIT3H in agreement, in accord, caaaa H3IT3H in sympathy (with), in solidarity (with), - raapannax (- Taapax) to be convenient, to go smoothly, - 'fYIDKHHryH (- 'fYIDKHH MYYTaii) at odds, - 'fYIDKHHT3H friendly, on good terms, - XaMT communism; communist, XaMT HaM communist party, - xasrrax communistic, - xasrrax Y33JIT3H communist-minded, 3BHHH X3JI3JI~33 peace negotiations 2. fit {n.}, - AOJIOO tangram, 3BHHr HHHJI3X to fit together, 3B3HA opox to go back into place, 3BT Hb opyynax to put or put back into position, canax to come apart, 3B33P canran oyyJIrax to take apart at the joints 3. knack, hang, - AvH dexterity, -)W'HrHH Hb OJIOX (- raasrr Hb OJIox) to get the hang of it, to get it right, - ,LWHryii (ypryH, - xaBryH, - xas MYYTaii) clumsy, awkward, - ,rwHT3H skilful, neat, 3BHHr OJIOX to find a solution, to find a way, to manage 30XHM1KJYH

3B II. {intensifying particle}, - 3pyyJI in the pink 3BfYH 1. unpleasant, nasty, disagreeable,


9BWYYJI9X to disrupt 9BW9JI 1. (-

CyllA3JI, -

CyHP3JI, -


damage, destruction, breakdown, OP'IHH3yHH - ecological damage, qyJIyyJIrbIH - decomposition of rocks, - r3MT3JI breakdown, fault {auto., etc.}, - nypanr collapse 2. (- 3JI3rA3JI) erosion, caJlXHHbI - wind erosion, xepcHHH soil erosion

3BW9JIQ9X to fall out with each other, to quarrel

9BW9X 1. to break, to get broken, to break down, to be damaged, to spoil, 3BA3P'l r3MT3X (3BA3P'l X3MXp3X) to get damaged, to be broken, 3BAP3H sanpax to fall apart, to collapse, 3BAP3H aypax to fall into ruins, to collapse, 3BAP3H cyIlA3X to be destroyed, to be ruined 2. (3B -, 3BAP3H MYYAax) to fallout, to quarrel

9BA3PXHH 1. broken, smashed, out of order 2. bits, fragments, - aypar ruins 9BA9PIIIrYH unbreakable 9BA9X to break, to break down, to destroy, to wreck, to spoil, record, 3BA3lK

to break a ryraax, 3BA3lK r3MT3x) to harm, to wreck, to spoil, 3BA3H cyiiTr3x to destroy, 3BA3H X3MXJI3X to break, to smash

9BHH (-

MHHb, -



xeepxaa] ah me!, oh dear!,

poor thing!


(3BHiiJI}K axaHJIax)

to sigh over, to

fuss over


9BJIYYJI9X 1. to put together, to fit together, to

3BfYHPX3X 1. to be out of sorts 2. to feel uncomfortable, to feel awkward, to feel embarrassed 3. to be disagreeable

3BfYHP3X (see 3BryH~3X) 3BfYHT3X (see 3B~3X),

AOTOp - to have a stomach upset, 3aMbIH 3BryiiTC3H X3C3r uneven road (traf.)

3BfYHQ3JI upset, indisposition

tage assemble, to get together, to piece together, to assemble an assault-rifle, HCHbI xyrapnsrr 3BJIYYJI3H sacax to reduce a fracture, 3BJIYYJIJI3H oapHX to manipulate and set, AYPC jigsaw puzzle, 3BJIYYJI3H 3yHx to piece together, 3BJIYYJIA3r OHbCOH TOrJIOOM assembly puzzle 2. to reconcile aBTOMaTbIr -

3BJI3f 1. (-

polite, courteous, convenient

asran, - HJIAaM)

gentle, kind 2. (-


9BJI3fX3H (see 3BJI3r)

3BfYHQ3X 1. to be upset, to feel unwell,



to demolish, 3BWI3H CyH1T3X (3BAJI3H YC1Tax) to destroy, 3BWI3H CyHTr3X xyq destructive power aypaax


to have a stomach upset

- to have a stomach upset

9BAJI3X to destroy, to smash, to ruin,

3BKAJIHIIT MOA Eucalyptus 9BJIYYJI9f 1. assembly 2. assembling 3. mon-

awkward, - A)'Yrapax to make a nasty noise upset, uncomfortable, distressed

3BfYH):J;3X to be upset, to be out of order,



to turn nasty

3BJI3JI 1. league, union 2. League (of Revolutionary Youth)

3BXM3JI 1. folding, collapsible, folded, -



folding rule, -

3BJI3JI,IJ;3X to come together, to unite, Ha~ 3BJI3JI~3H H3r~3X to form a party


folding butt, - TOHrOpor (- xyrra] pen-knife, pocket-knife, - xyynac leaflet 2. ornamental, - yor ornamental script MapJIartI

3BXP3JI,IJ;3X to curl up

3BJI3H XOBJIOH YHJIAX to weep and wail 3BJI3PYYJI3X to reconcile

3BXP3X (3BXp3H arapax] to curl up, to be curled up

3BJI3PIIIfYH irreconcilable, implacable, uncompromising

3BJI3P3JI reconciliation, YH~3CHHH

3BXP33 curl 3BX3X to fold up, to roll up, 3B~3r







3BX33C fold, crease

3BJI3P3HrYH conciliatory, - xannax to turn a blind eye

3BJI3P3X 1. (3BJI3P3H 30~OX) to make peace, to make up, to become reconciled 2. to compromise, to go along with, to put up with, to be complaisant, to resign oneself, to come to terms, 3aHnmryH 3yHJIT3H - to come to terms with the inevitable, 3BJI3P3H OaOpaHXHHnOX to go along with things, § yJIC opasrr xyaaacaaraa X3333 tI 3BJI3P3xryH they will never resign themselves to the division of their country

3BX33CT3H folded 3BX33T3H (see 3BX33CT3H) 3BIJ;3JI 1. hybrid 2. sexual intercourse 3BIJ;3JI,IJ;YYJI3X 1. to mate (trans.) 2. (3B~3JI~to cross, to cross-breed, to cross a wild camel with a domestic camel, H3r oa xoep OOXT T3M33r - to cross one and two-humped camels YYJI3H 3PJIHH3}KYYJI3X)


r3pHHH T3M33T3H -

3BIJ;3JI,IJ;3llT copulaton

3BJI3X 1. to make peace, to make up 2. to cope

3BIJ;3JI,IJ;3X 1. to copulate 2. to cross-breed (intrans.)

3BOmoIJ; (- xar}I{HJI, - xyascan] evolution 3BP3BQ horn-covering, horn-cap (for cattle)

3BIJ;3X (see 3BOX) 3BIII female bear

3BP3Hr3P keratoma (med.)

3BIIIHll association,

3BP3X to dry, to dry out, to dry off (intrans.), xypnaa 3B3p~3r TOC quick-drying oil

3BP33X to dry, to dry out, to dry off (trans.) 3BCYYJI3X to compose, to put together 3BC3r kind, considerate 3BC3JI 1. alliance, bloc, coalition,


coalition government, 3BC3JI~ H3r~33ryH OPHYY~ non-aligned countries, 3BOJI~ yJI H3r~3X oOMoro policy of non-alignment, - yp embryo, - XOJIOOO alliance, - 3C zygote 2. harmony, co-ordination 3acrHHH rasap

3BC3ll)l;YYll3X to combine (trans.) 3BC3ll)l;3X to come together, to join up, to combine, to team up

3BC3llIJ;3X (see 3BOJI~3X) 3BC3X to join in with, to act together with,


CYJI033JI~3X to ally oneself, to conspire

3BC33PX3H (see ascaapxaa] 3BT (see 3BT3H),



(3BT ~apBOH aMhTaH)

the "Four Friendly Animals" (Buddh.) (see

nraasraa oyra oapHHa (- uraasran JIyy oYYJIra~ar) unity is strength 3BT3H 1. convenient, comfortable 2. (- HaflpTaA) TYMOamH), -

friendly, on good terms, strength

3BT3HX3H (see



unity is

ypraMJIhIH -



3Bill33JIrnX 1. to yawn 2. to flex (a bow) 3Bill33llT the draw of a bow 3Bill33X to yawn 3B3P 1. horn, antler, OyrhIH - antler, xyypsrar (- xyypsrar] hornblende, nycaa - young antler, nycaa - Typ3X to grow antlers, scaa - ossified antler, - ryH}K HB}K tIHX33 annax to get above oneself, to ride for a fall, - ypranaa 3X x3p3rryH to sow one's wild oats, - ypraran ad nauseam 2. horn (adj.), - yrana "horn-pattern" (name of a border pattern), - XYP33T3H horn-rimmed 3. corn (on a toe), - yprax to get a corn 4. the upward or downward hooks for the letters I and m in Mongol script, noonr xapcaa - downward hook, ~33m xapcan - upward hook 5. tuft (of a child's hair)

3B3P)l;3H tether attached to a cow's horns 3B3P)l;3X to catch by the horns 3B3P)I{YY horny, calloused 3B3Pll3r 1. horny 2. (- OYPX3BtI, HY~HHH - 3~) cornea 3. horny parts

3B3Pll3X to de-horn, to remove the antlers 3B3PT3H horned, -


phantom, chimera

3B3PT3H horned TYYPaHTaH)

animals, - CYYJIT3H the high-ups, the upper ten

3B3PIIIHX to get horny, to chap (lips)


3B3P1lI33X to suffer, to feel pain 3B33P amicably, peaceably, §


llIHH~3X to decide the matter not amicably but by force

OHm xytI33P

3f Wf XMHx to be tongue-tied, to falter 3f,IJ;VV annoyance, disgust, --- xenenrex (--to annoy, to upset, --- Xyp3X to be annoyed, to be disgusted, to be affronted


3f,IJ;VVPX3X (see 3r~~3x) 3f,IJ;VVT3H 1. shocking, horrible 2. disgusted 3f,IJ;VVU;3ll (--- 33B~3n) annoyance, disgust 3f,IJ;VVU;3X to be annoyed, to be disgusted, to be exasperated, 3r~3H gusted, to be incensed


to be dis-

3f33f 1. complication, catch 2. possibility, chance, ---


raapsan with any luck

3f33IT3H delicate, sensitive, TYYX3H --- ye a delicate period in history, --- acyynan a tricky question

3f MAf hesitant, undecided, irresolute, sr MaI'XHHx


aCYYMbIr ---

to be hesitant, to be undecided, to be


3fHVVll3X to line up, to put side by side 3fH3IT always, absolutely, indubitably, for ever 3fH3ITHHH eternal, permanent 3fH3X I. to be lined up, to be in a row,


33P3~3X to line up, to be in line

3fH3X II. to equal, to come up to, to be a match for

3fH3X III. to measure lengths of cloth together

viewed from directly above, --- ~3311I33 straight upwards

3fU;llVVP (~1KHHT ---) plumbline 3fU;llVVPHHH perpendicular, --- nryrax perpendicular line

3fU;ll3X to straighten, to make straight, to put straight, oHe3 3r~3H sorcox to stand with the body straight, 3~3H xapax to look directly at 3fQP3X 1. to straighten up, to straighten oneself 2. to become steep, to become vertical

3N 1. elder sister, --- ~ sisters 2. older than (female)

3NM3,IJ; 1. eldest daughter 2. older (female) 3fIIIHf 1.i. music, musical sound, melody, tune ii. note (mus.), ~33,n; 3rUImHH oaHpnan tessitura (mus.), 3rUImHH 3P3M03 scale, enre napaancaa 3rllIrHHH 3P3M03 chromatic scale, xor napaancaa 3rmrHHH 3P3M03 diatonic scale 2. vowel, oanapxaH --- (O~OM ---, or~OMlIICOH ---) reduced vowel, oomHO --- short vowel, JKHHp3r --epenthetic vowel, caapsrar --- neutral vowel (H), rycnax --- auxiliary vowels (H e e 10 bI H), ypr --long vowel, YJl)J;C3H --- basic vowels (a 3 HOY o V), xarac --- semi-vowel, xoc --- diphthong, 3M --- (cyn ---) front vowel (30 V), 3P --- (qaHra ---) back vowel (a 0 y), snrax --- distinguishing vowel (used to distinguish ng from front n and back g from front g in non-first syllables), --- 30XH~OX ec principle of vowel harmony

3fH311IfVH matchless

3fIIIHfllYVll3X to play, to perform (music)

3fH33 1. row, rank,

3fIIIHfll3ll delivery, performance (mus.), --- 3yH

ap --- back row, 33BC3IT ranks of the armed forces, HaMbIH --- the party ranks, H3rA\T33p --- first rank, front rank (mil.), OBOp --- front row, xoepnyraap --- second rank, rear rank (mil.) 2. lane (traF), oapYYH ransra --- right-hand lane, 3YYH ransm --- Iefthand lane, X9~9nr09HHH --- traffic-lane XyqHHH --- the

3fH33ll3X to be lined up, to be in line, to be in a row, xoep --- to form two lines, 3rH33n3H cyyx to sit in a row 3fH33CT3M lined up


3fIIIHfll3HT melodious, --- aanryy sonata 3fIIIHfll3HT3H (see 3rllIHrn3HT) 3fIIIHfll3X 1. to sound melodiously, to sound tunefully, 3rllIHrJI3H AYYnax to sing sweetly 2. to be played, § TOpHHH nyynan srurarnsn the national anthem was played

3fIIIHIT melodious, --- xaapuar gramophone 3fIIIHllT drying (n.)

3rYV,IJ;3X (see YY~3X)

3fIIIHH (see arUIHH)

3rYVll3X to return, to give back,

3fIIIHX I. to dry, to dry up, to dry off, to dry out (intrans.)

asspax to bring back, establish


3ryyJI3H TorTOOX

to re-


(3rllIH}I{ M3rllIux)

to whimper

3rYVHHHf him, her, it, this (obiective of 3H3) 3rYVP,IJ; for ever

3fIIIll3rn the front-series letter g in Mongol

3rYYPH YAAArYH not long since

3rIIIP3X (see 3rllIHX I.)

3fQ steep, direct, straight, abrupt, --- OOCOO erect,

3fIII33X to dry, to dry UF?, to dry off, to dry out (trans.), ycsrr --- to dry off the water

straight upright, bolt upright, --- ~OOllIOO straight downwards, --- ~33P33C xapcan oaH~an as


3f3ll ordinary, simple, ---


Protozoa, ---

sran ronan


OOp (- oopmJl) ordinary, quiet, unassuming, OOOMC (- x3C3r) elementary particle, - Aapyy simple, modest, - CCOHA opyynax to laicize (a lama), - 1KH}lHHH ordinary, simple, routine 3f3n fO~Hn (see fOAHJI-OBC) 3f3n ~AJ16HfA (see 3r3J1 xap Moor) 3f3JIW3fn3X to shoulder, to put over the shoulders 3f3JIW3X (see 3r3JIAP3rJl3x) 3f3n 3YPfHH Hop, Humulus lupulus 3f3M collar-bone, clavicle (see TOB'IJIYYP), 3r3MHHH AOOpXH aprepa subclavian artery 3f3X to return, to go back

3m3 1. just, exactly, quite, -

IDKHJI just like, § TaHTaH - H3r3H aAHJI just like you 2. hardIy, pretty well, nearly

3f33n really, truly 3f33P3ll desire, wish, hope. 3f33P3X to desire, to wish for 3f33T3H just about, barely 3~

I. they, these

3~ 11.1. thing, material, - aryypc (- oapaa, yypc) goods, wares, - aara (- X3C3r) part, component, - 3yiiJI things, belongings, property, MaTepHaJIbIH (- MOpHHH, - yypcnar] material (adj.), - MORrOHHH X3p3r financial crime, MOpHHH oapHMT (- MopHiiH OaTaJIraa) material evidence (jur.), - OJIor material, - OJImHH 3yHJI material objects, - xapayuar« employee in charge of property, - xorUIHJI belongings, goods and chattels, equipment, - xepeare property, possessions, - X3p3rJl3rt1 consumer, - X3p3rJI3J1 (- X3p3rC3J1) goods, equipment, 3PXT3H organ (anat.), - 10M thing, article, object, - IOMC things, materials 2. (- H3XA3C, 3C) tissue, oYJI'lHHJIar - muscular tissue, XOJlOOrq - connective tissue, - 3CHHH histological, ORrOH - epithelium

3~ liNJ: XHHx to deal with 3~ liO~

XHHx (see 3A OaA XHiix)

3~rnpYYn3,nT healing, curing

3~rnpYYll3X to cure, to let get better

3~f'3P3nT recovery (from illness), healing (of a wound), YAaaH 3Ar3p3JITT3H wapx slowhealing wound 3~f'3P3X to recover, to get better 3~f'3X to recover, to get better

snrsn recovery 3~f'3IIIrYH incurable

3~f33P these 3~f33X (3Ar33}K aaaraax] to cure

3~HHH material (adj.), - OOJlOBCPOJl (- COCJI) material culture 3~HHH 3ACM

1. economy 2. economics

3,IJ:HHH 3ACArtI economist 3~HHH 3ACfHHH economic, CO~aJIHCT 0PHYYAbIH - XapHJI~aH TYCJlaJI~ax 30BJIOJI Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, Comecon, (CMEA), - XaMTbIH aacannaraa XOr}KJIHHH oaHryyJIJIara Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), - WHH3 oOAJIoro New Economic Policy (NEP) (hist.) 3~n3ll goods, articles, ware, material, 300JlOH - soh furnishings, HOOCOH - woollen goods, TOMOpJlOr - metalware, - X3p3rJl3JI (X3p3rC3J1) goods, equipment, - xepeare property 3~n3H (- rasap] property, estate 3~n3X

1. (3A3J1}K X3p3rJl3x) to use, to enjoy, to experience, to suffer, to undergo, 30BJlOH - to undergo suffering, T3Tr3B3p asax 3pX- to enjoy the right to a pension 2. to serve (a sentence), HJI - to serve a sentence

3~n3XYYH article, material

3~HHH their (genitive of 3A I.)

3~HHHf them (objective of 3A I.)

3.D:HHHx theirs 3.D:HHHx3H they 3~HYYC these people

3~P3H implement used for dressing a skin

3.D:Yf33 now, - yeA (- narr] now, today, nowadays 3.D:Yf33fHHH present, present-day, contemporary 3.D:Yf33tIn3ll 1. modernization 2. seeing the past in modern terms 3.D:Yf33tIll3X 1. to modernize, to revamp, to bring up to date 2. to see the past in modern terms 3.D:3ll63P use, utilization, YYJlbIH - X3C3r mining concession, - rasap (- TaJIOaii) land in use, estate, plot, OHJI'I33pHHH - rasap pasture lands 3.D:3llrn3 use, wear, YAaaH 3A3J1r33T3H (CaH'raH, - YAaauTaH) hard-wearing, YAaaH 3A3JIr33T3H oapaa consumer durables, 3A3J1r33H33C rapcan (- AYYCcaH) discarded, put out of service, - naax to stand up to use, to resist wear, - naax xanaap (3A3J1r33HHH xaaap] durability 3~3llrn3HHH working (adj.), - MaJI working animal

3,IJ;3HT3H with them (comitative of 3~ I.)


3,IJ;33ll3X (see ~33n3x) 3E (.- Hailp, .- 3B) harmony, peace, concord, friendship 3EBPYY (see 3eB3pryy 3EB3PfYY 3EB3PrYY


I. pleasant, agreeable II. the trigram kun

33HHH fOJI Etsingol (river)

3E,IJ;3X to be in agreement, to fall in with 3E.JI)J;3f (.- napyy, .- aeonea. .- naapcar] polite, courteous, gentle, kindly, .- oyc impolite, .- 3aH xapanuaa (.- Hn~aM 3aH) politeness, courtesy 3EJI3X (.- 3Bn3x) to make peace, to bring harmony 3EH3P3H Euonymus (bot.)

333fH3JI occupation, control 333fH3X to occupy, to take over 333IT3H lady of the house, mistress of the tent, lady 333M,II;YY attractive 333M,II;3X to possess, to hold, to occupy, to take hold of, to preoccupy, to claim, C3Tr3n .- to occupy the mind, to preoccupy 333MIIIHflI 1. owner, occupier 2. person in charge, TeXHHK'- person in charge of machinery or a vehicle

3EPrYY pleasant, gentle 3EPYY (see 3epryy) 3EPYYJI3JI euphemism 3EPYYJI3X to use a euphemism, .- xsnnsr euphemism 3EP3f positive (ef. ceper], ypaa 30XHonbIH .oaaTap positive literary hero, .- ~YH positive result, .- ypsan positive reaction, .- ~3H3rr3H positively charged 3E3P 3AC~ (see 3eB33p 3acarq) 3./KHH mum, mother

AXAH friends

33 ill omen 33rYH 1. vacant, untenanted, 2. absent, not at home

33JI3XYYHHH volumetric 33JI3XYYHJI3f three-dimensional, round, in the round 33JI3XYYHT3H (see 33n3XyywI3r)

3EB33P 3ACAflI reign title of the emperor Shunzhi




33rYH,D;YYJI3X to neglect, to leave unattended 33rYH,D;3X to be abandoned, to be deserted 33rYHP3X (see 33~3X) 33rYHtIJI3X to take advantage of someone's absence 33 ,IJ;HHJI3X to be domineering, to be tyrannical 33JI3f,IJ;3X to be occupied, to be captured, 33n3r~C3H HYTar occupied territories 33JI3JIT occupation (mil.) 33JI3M)I{ quota, share, proportion 33JI3X 1. (33n3H aBa.'1C) to occupy, to capture, to take over, ypan~aa~ T3PIYYH oailp .- to take first place in a race, 33n3H OpWHX to occupy, 2. to account for, to take up, § YYHHH ~OTOP 3M3rr3Hqyy~ onoaxa XYBHHr 33n3JK oaHHa of these, women account for the greater proportion 33JI3XYYH 1. volume, oHeTHHH'- volume of a body (geom.) 2~capacity (battery, engine, etc.)

333MIIIHJI 1. handling, mastery 2. ownership, possessions, HHHTHHH .- common ownership, .rasap estate 3. occupation, 333MWnHHH oyc occupation zone, 333MWnHHH uspsr (see

nspsr 2.) 333MIIIHJIT (see 333MIIIHn) 333MIIIHX 1. to handle, to master, to use, TeXHHKHHr.- to handle machinery or a vehicle 2. to get possession of, to take over, to possess, 333MIIIHJK aurarnax to hold, to have tenure of 3. to occupy, cyyu « to occupy a dwelling 333MIIIHXYYH property, rasap estate, property



333H Li, owner, master, holder, person. responsible, raapsra « (see rasap], r3pHHH .- (see rap 1.), ronopxoa .- individual specifically responsible, Tanax .- person responsible for payment, xapaynax .- person responsible, someone to take responsibility, XHHM3C3H'- the person who had (something) made, xynannaac asax .- purchaser, 33HHH OHW irresponsible, 33HHH ecoop (.- XYJIHH ecoop] in a responsible manner, 33HHH C3IT3n feeling of responsibility, .XHQ33B3JI saaa XHQ33H3 Heaven helps those who help themselves, § X3nC3H yr3~33 .ooncoHryH did not keep his word ii.lord, 333HT ync (333HT ryp3H) empire, HX MOHronbIH 333HT ync the Mongol empire, 33HHH a.rroa 33nJKT3H xaaasr a.rroa xanaaraa all good things come to an end, .- xaaa emperor, .- xaanr ync empire, 33HHH 3cr3C3H rasap a name for lands set aside for official use in Manchu Mongolia (hist.) iii. spirit, spirit-lord, spirit-owner, Born yynbIH .- the spirit of the Bogd uul (mountain) 2. host (to parasites), JKHHX3H3 .- definitive host, aascpsra .intermediate host, .- aMbTaH host creature, .-

3JIIi3r)l{YY 1. abundant, plentiful2. expansive



3JIIi3r)l{YYll3X to make more plentiful, to make more prevalent

yprasran host plant 333HrYH 1. unoccupied, vacant, with the owner absent, raspsm rapaara ypxaanaa TOrJIOB when the cot's away the mice will play 2. masterless, N HOXOH masterless dog 3. unattended (machinery, etc.) N

333HrYMYYll3X to neglect, to leave unattended, to abandon responsibility for

3llli3IT3H rich in, sarac


rich in fish

3llli3rmHX (see 3JI03rlKHX) 3llli3rmyyll3X (see 3JI03r}KYYJI3x) 3JI1i3llIJ;3X (3JI03JI~3H TYCJIaJI~ax) to share in doing, to help with, a:>KHJI,A 3JI03JI~3H TYCJIaJI~ax to take a hand in the work 3llli3HX Raccoon Dog, Nyctereutes procy-


333HrYH,n:3ll neglect, negligence 333HrYM3X to have no one in charge, to have no one responsible, to be neglected

3llli3P3ll 1. respect, filial respect 2. (N axnan] care, parental care, N xaHp loving care, § N Torc aas my Father, f~11 of kindness

333HrYHP3X to be deserted,to be abandoned, to be leh untenanted

ansaranr 1. filial,

333HC3r responsible, tude

3llli3P3X to respect, to regard



respectlul 2. benevolent

3llli3P3llT3H (see 3JI03P3JIT)

333H TAHXY empress dowager

3llli3X to help, to work with

333HT3H occupied, taken (seat, etc.)

3llr3BtI belly-band (for a new-born beast, a rider, etc.)

333H XOPOO the "Genghis Khan Sanctuary" in Hx 3yy aHMar in Inner Mongolia 333PXHH (see 333px3r)

3llr3BtIll3H on the stomach, face-down, X3BT3X to lie face-down

333PXHHll3ll domination

3llr3BtIll3X to put on a belly-band

333PXHHll3X to act despotically

3llr3r fine sieve

333PXYY (see 333px3r) 333PX3r despotic, domineering, imperialism; imperialist (n., adj.)


3llr3MCYY (see 3JIr3MC3r) N


3llr3MC3rwarm, intimate, fond, fond of one's family

rap oyJIA33 N

333PX3X to control, to dominate, to get power over

3llr3MC3X to be warm, to be intimate, to be close

3KOllOrtl ecologist

3llr3H 1. liver-like, NTapar(seeTapar}, -Xyp3H chestnut, brown, N lIYJIyy bloodstone 2. closely related, related by blood, N Ca,AaH (N TOPOJI) relatives, N XOJIOOOTOH closely linked 3. dear, nyrar native place, homeland, beloved, canxaa OpOH MHHb my beloved country, N XaJIYYH warm, ardent, intimate, affectionate, N XaJIyyH HaHpaM,AaJI warm friendship 4. steep, precipitous, capsnarprecipitous snow-covered peak, xan sheer cliff



excursion, trip (Russ.)

3KCIIE,IUfIJ; expedition (Russ.) 3KCIIOPTllOX to export (Russ.)


3K3ll name of a west Mongolian fiddle 3ll this, this same, the present, the said, yqup so, for that reason 3llli3r 1. (N A3JI03r, N xaaranyyn] plentiful, abundant, rich, BUTaMHHaap N T3}K33JI vitaminrich feed, N XOBOp degree of rarity, rarity, § N A3JI03r aMbAapAar OaH}K33 used to live in plenty 2. frequently, N TOXHOJIAOHO occurs frequently, is frequently met with 3. loose, roomy, baggy, with room to spare, N A33JI baggy gown, § anraa A33P N oaITax 10M it fits easily into the palm, OUA naaaa Hb 3JI03r aM}KHHa we'll manage it easily before then N

3ll1i3r,n:3HrYH oversize 3ll1i3r,n:3X 1. to be over-plentiful 2. to be too big, to be too roomy 3llli3r)l{HX to become more plentiful, to become more prevalent




3ll,n:BHHH various, all sorts of, a lot of, yr a lot of nonsense


3ll,n:B33P in all sorts of ways, every way one can 3ll,n:M3ll dressed, curried (skin) 3ll ,n:Oll IiOllOX to get inured to 3MYYP I. dressing, currying (of a skin) 2. pounding, banging 3ll,n:YYP II. rolling-pin 3ll,n:YYPtIHH tanner 3ll,n:3B









various, all sorts of, 3MBUHr

OO~OX to worry, - ~OJIOor asrcax to have seen everything, to have had a lot of experience, to have been through the mill, - ~OJIOOH 3yH.rr this and that, all sorts of things, - TOpJIHHH heterogeneous, all sorts of, - xoep this that and the other, - xoep 3aHryit: straightforward


3JICJI3X to stratify (seeds, by storing in sand before sowing)

3JICC3r sand-loving, psammophytic

3~3BJI3X to do one's best, to contrive

3JICT I. sandy

3~3B-OtrnP crossed thunderbolts design (also

3JICT II. Elista (p.n.)

aauarnopac] 3~3BqJI3H in

every way

3~3BqJI3Xto try everything possible, to try by hook or by crook 3~3JIT dressing, currying (of a skin) 3~3HIIIHJI softening (through dressing or currying, etc.)

3~3HIIIHX to get soft (through dressing or currying, etc.) 3~3HIIIYYJI3r working, softening

3~3HIIIYYJI3JIT working, softening, xepc tilling, breaking up of soil 3~3HIIIYYJI3X to work, to soften (ground, hides, etc.) 3~3X 1.1. to dress, to curry (a skin) 2. to rollout (pastry), rypan - to rollout pastry 3~3X II. (3J1)l;3H xoex] to chase, to pursue, to drive

3JIEKTPOH electronic 3JIEKTPOH)I{YYJIAJIT provision of electronic equipment

3JIEKTPOH)I{YYJIAX to provide with electronic equipment

3JI3r II.

3JICYYJI3X to enlist, to enrol, to admit, to recruit, lIIHH3 rHmyyH - to enrol new members 3JIC3r I. (see 3JI3rC3r) 3JIC3r II. Stint, Sandpiper, Canap - Long-toed Stint, Cclidtis subminuto, CHHOH - Broad-billed Sandpiper, Limicola folcinellus, TeMMH~HH­ Temminck's Stint, C. Temminckii, Yxaa Curlew Sandpiper, C. ferrugineo, IIIap 1YPYYT - Rufous-necked Sandpiper, C. ruficollis 3JIC3r,n:3X to be recruited 3JIC3rJI3X to be on good terms 3JIC3rtI recruit, new entrant 3JIC3JIT 1. recruitment, enrolment, 3JIC3JITHHH

ypannaanr uranranr entrance examination, entrance competition



3JIC3H:Q3P (- xepc] sandy soil, sandy loam 3JIC3PXYY sandy 3JIC3PX3r (see 3JIC3PXYY) 3JIC3X to join, to enrol, to join up, to enlist, HaMbIH rHlIIYYH33P - to become a party member, H3r~3JI~ - to join a co-operative, ~3P3rT - to join up

3JITJI3X to chip 3JITP3X to be chipped away, to crumble

3JIEMEHT element, raapsm XOBOp - rare earth element (Russ.)

3JIT3C (see HJIT3C)

3JIHH (- oanaH) confused, disturbed, wandering

3JI XYJIb abandoned, deserted, remote, unfre-

3JIHHP3X to be confused, to be disturbed

quented, desolate, cheerless

3JIq I. messenger, emissary, courier

3JIHT elite 3JIM3r (see 3MH3r)

3JIq II. (see HJItI)

3JIC sand, HYY~3r (3JIC3H ~eJI) desert, TOMOX to go on a MaHX sand-dune,

3JIqHJIITH deserted, uninhabited, desolate

drifting sand, 3JIC3H ross sandy waste, 3JIC33P ~33C wild goose chase, 3JIC3H

3JICH33C TOp1K 3p3rH33C

YHaaryit: being human beings and not beasts,

3JICHHH ypraxan sand-plant, psammophyte, 3JIC3H uar sand-glass, hour-glass, 3JIC3H tIHX3p granulated sugar, 3JIC3H qynyy sandstone, 3JIC33P lIIyplIIHX annapar sand-blaster 3JIC)KHJIT sanding up, encroachment of sand 3JIC)KHX to become sandy, to be sanded up 3JIC)l{M3JI sandy, sanded up 3JICJI3r sandy 3JICJI3JIT stratification (of seeds)

3JIqHH 1. (- caH~) ambassador, - caH~IH HaM embassy



3n3r I. (- noor] mockery, derision, - oapHX to deride, to treat with contempt, - noor OOJITOJI lIIOOJIOX to deride, to laugh to scorn 3JI3r 11.1. liver, sides, belly, breast, OHtIHH - the small lobe of the liver, - oYPYY (- MYYTaH) disparaging, - oYPYYJIax to disparage, - 0YT3H with all the family in good health, 3JI3rHHH nyrarnan liver-failure, 3JIrHiIr ~3BT33X to relieve, to solace, - 3YPXHHH intimate, dear, - 3YPXHHH xaapr dearly beloved, - HHMr3H tenderhearted, - H3rT3H friendly, at one with, H3rT3H friend, sympathizer, - TaTax to be fond

3ll3fC3rJI3X to like, to be fond of


3JI3ITYH of one's own, -

3ll3rC3X to like, to be fond of

fond of one's own, epidemic hepatitis, Botkin's disease, 3J1r33 T3BP3X to huddle up, to cower, - xaraax to treat badly, - xarax to long for, to miss; to be parched, - XaTTaJI rOMAOX to feel deep resentment - xaTYYPaJI (- xaTYYPax OB'IHH) cirrhosis of the liver, 3J1r33 XOIUTOJI HH33X to split one's sides with laughter, 3J1r33p33 X3BT3X to lie on one's belly, - ~aHx whitening of the liver (stage in the development of a beast, aIso C3MlK cyyx), 3J1r33 3BX3X to be huddled up, 3JIr33 3MTJl3X to distress oneself, - 3MTP3X (- 3ypX 3MTp3X, - OB)];OX) to be distressed 2. belly (of a composite bow), 3B3P 3J13fT3H HYM bow with a horn belly TaT)')'

3J13mHil TaxaJIT YP3BC3J1

ansrrva uncaring,


3ll3IT3H devoted to, keen on, well-disposed towards, § MaJI)]; - MaJI'IHH devoted to their beasts



3ll3rIIIHX (see 3J13rC3x) 3ll3HXHH worn-out eaer (- 3~3r) great-grandfather, - xynaan forebears,- 3M3r (- 3X) greatgrandmother

3ll3HQ: -

3ll3HQ3r 1. (see 3J13~ 3~3r) 2. whatever,

what the dickens, § 3J13H~HHH 'lHHb QHX3P B3. tIyJIYY oaiixryii ioy what the dickens do you mean, sugar? Stones more like it

3ll3X I. to wear out, to rub away (introns.) 3ll3X II. to soar, to be wafted,



soar, to be wafted; to pass away, to die

3ll3rAM3ll worn (by use)

31133 Kite, Milvus

3ll3r~YYll3X to wear away, to rub away

3ll33llT wear, erosion


3ll33X 1. to wear out, to wear away, to erode,

wear, wearing away, erosion, CaJIXHHbI - wind erosion, XOpCHHH - soil erosion, xepc ranaprsra - surface erosion, 3J13r)];3J1)]; opox to be subject to erosion, xopornon wear and tear, - xopornnsra WHMTr3J1 depreciation, - xyyspan deterioration, wearing out, - 3B)];P3J1 erosion

3ll3r~3llT (see 3J13r)];3J1)

3ll3r~3X to wear, to get worn down, to get

dilapidated, to be eroded, 3J13r)];3lK ,u;yycax (3J13r)];3lK xyyqpax) to get worn out, 3J13r)];3lK MOJlHHx to get worn down with use (printingblock, etc.), 3J13r)];3lK MYY)];ax to deteriorate, 3J13r)];3lK yparnax to be worn out, to be worn through, 3J13r)];3lK 3B)];P3X to be eroded

3ll3rllYYllM J)YYllrAX to make a bellylanding

3ll3rll3ll ridicule, mockery, 3J13rJl3J1T ,u;yypHaJI

31133 XAJIAr oh dear!, oh my goodness! 3M I. (-

)];OM) medicine, - oapHX to doctor, to act, as a doctor, - OHQYYJI3X to get a prescription, - 03MM3JI medicinal preparation, - 3aJIax to ask for medicine (from a lama, etc.), - sacan medical treatment, - 3aCaJI'I medical man, doctor, - 3yHq pharmacologist, - HaiipYYJlarq pharmacist, - HaiipYYJIax yxaaa pharmacy, pharmaceutics, - cy)];JIarq pharmacologist, CY)];JIaJI pha rmacology, - CY)l;JlaJIbIH pha rmacological, - TaH (- TapHa) medicine, medicaments

3M 11.1. (- XYH) woman 2.i. female, - XOHb ewe, - ~3~3r female flower, - HMaa nanny goat ii. front (ling.), - yr word of the front vowel series, -


3ll3rll3X I. to lie or crawl on the belly, X3BT3X

to go on from year to year, to let the years go by 2. to undergo, to experience

)KHJI - (OH - )


to lie face down

3ll3rll3X 11.1. to ape, to imitate 2. XOqJlOX, 3J13rJl3H WOOJlox)


to mock, to make

fun of bow with horn)

3ll3rll3X IV. to be of the consistency of liver [rapar, etc.) 3ll3rPYYll3X to process rapar to the consistency of liver

3JI3rP3X to be processed to the consistency of liver [rapar] affectionate


front vowel, vowel of the front vowel

3Mrnr 1. sickness, ailment, -

coror defect, pathogen 2. morbid, pathological, - aHaTOMH morbid anatomy, - lKaM pathogenesis, - cynnaax patholog ist, - CY)l;JIaJI pathology, - TOpXTOH pervert, deviant, TOpXT3H perverted, deviant


3ll3rll3X III. to face (the belly of a composite

3ll3rC3r (-



friendly, intimate, amiable,

3Mr3r3YH pathology 3Mr3rHHH pathological, - xyrapan pathological fracture, spontaneous fracture

3Mr3rllYYll3X to harm [sorneone's) health 3Mr3rll3X to ail 3Mr3rrnHll ailment 3Mr3rrnYYll3X (see 3Mr3rnyyJI3x) 3Mr3llM I. shamanist effigy usually of felt


3Mf3JIJK II. name of a hard knotty wood probably the Spindle Tree, Euonymus 3Mf3H old woman

3MIT3X 1I.(3pHHr-)

3Mf3H TYYP chestnut (n.) (horse) 3Mf3H XYMC Snail 3Mf3HIIIHJI63 Atraphaxis (bot.), Ceeroa frutescens, IIIHByypT - A. spinosa


3Mf3H3JI 1. sorrow, grief, sadness 2. (raIIIYY~aJI) mourning, 3Mr3H3JIHHH O~9P day of mourning 3. condolence, sympathy, - HJI3PXHHJI3X to express sympathy 3Mf3H3JIT tragic, sad, - OaH~aJI tragic situation, - JKyBrnr tragedy (theatre), - HB~aJI tragic events, tragedy


1. to bugger 2. buggery

SMH3r (- nornraa, - OHrOH, - XaHraJI) unbroken, untamed, wild, - a~ (- xaaran MOpb) unbroken horse, - cypranr horse-breaking, cyprax to break in a horse, - T3M33 cyprax to break in a camel 3MH3fIIIHX to turn wild (a beast which has been broken-in), to run wild, to go back to a wild state

3Mr3H3HrYH tragic

3MH3ITrHHH medical, - rasap hospital, clinic, - M3~33 medical bulletin, - cmrpr surgical spirit, - Y3JI3r medical inspection, - xyynac sick-note, doctor's certificate

3Mr3H3X (3Mr3H3JK rauryynax] to mourn, to grieve

SMHSIT3YHH clinical

3Mr3P3X to get old (woman) 3Mr33 old woman, old lady 3M}l{HX 1. to hem, to trim (a dress, etc.) 2. to edge, to border, to line, § ry~aMJK - ~3~3pJI3r gardens bordering the streets 3. to skirt, to go along by, § rOJIbIH spar 3MJKHH skirting the river bank 3M)I{SSP border, edging, surround 3M)I{33PITSX to surround with a border, to border SM3YH pharmacology 3M3YHH pharmacological

3MHSIT3YH therapeutics 3MHSIT3f 1. (XYH -) medical treatment, treatment, medicine, apnsra - folk medicine, MaJI veterinary medicine 2. hospitol. aHprHHH kumis sanatorium, H3r~C3H - polyclinic, 3MH3JI3IT X3BTyyJI3X to admit to hospital, 3MH3JI3IT X3BT3X to go into hospital SMHSX to treat (an illness, a person), 3MH3JK ~OMHOX to doctor SMC women, 3MCHHH XYP33JI3H brothel SMCrHH gappy, lacking some teeth SMcrsp

(see 3McrHH)

SMC3X to want a female (animal) SMT medicated

3M33f 1. (- HapHHH, - OHrOH, - 3HXpHH) delicate, fragile, frail 2. painful, sensitive to pain


3M3SrITYYIT3X to irritate, to touch, to affect

SMTITSX to chip, to nick, to break off

(see 3MT3pXHH)

SM3SrITSIT tenderness, sensitivity, pain

SMTPSITT chipping, nicking

SM3SrITSJIT (see 3M33rJI3JI)

SMTPSX to be chipped, to be nicked, to be broken off, C3Tr3JI - (3JI3r -) to be deeply distressed, to be heartbroken

SM33rITSX 1. to be sensitive, to be touchy, C3Tr3JI - to be upset, § TOMqyy~ ~3MHH IOMHaac 3M33rJI3~3r 10M grown-ups are touchy about little things 2. to be tender 3M3Srx3H

1. fragile 2. sensitive

3M33fIIIHIT 1. sensitivity, sensitiveness 2. susceptibility (to illness) SM3SrIIlHITTSH illness)

1. sensitive 2. susceptible (to

SM3SrIIlHX to be sensitive


1. chip, nick 2. chipped, nicked

3MX (- ~3rJI3M, - JKypaM) good order, order, system, -. 3aMoapaaryH (- JKypaMryH, 3aMXryii) disorderly, HHHTHHH - 3aMoapaaryH OaH~aJI public disorder, public disturbance, 3aMoapaaryHT3JI disorder, - 3aMoapaaTaH in a regular manner, in an orderly manner, - usrn good order, - ~3r~ryH untidy, - ~3r~3H tidy, well-ordered, - ~3r~T3H oOJIrox to tidy up, to put in order

SMHHH medicinal, - arrrex medicine-chest, first-aid kit, - OO~HC medicaments, - 03JI~3JI medicinal preparation, - 3yHJI medicinal substance, medicine, - can pharmacy, chemist's; medicine-chest, first-aid kit, - caax pharmacist, chemist, - yprasran herb, medicinal plant

3MXPSX to get right, to get into order

3MITSX I. to treat

SMXTrSrq compiler


3MXrYH chaotic, disorganized SMXITSX to arrange, to put in order, to put straight, to systematize, 3MXJI3H oaHryyJIax to form, to arrange, to build up, to make up

3M33JI saddle,

3MXTr3JI collection, compilation

liOPlKrHH -. Borjgin saddle (type of saddle used in central and southern Mongolia), CaMoyy -. Sambuu-saddle (type of saddle with high bows named aher the maker),


3M33JI33C33 OH~OP naaaa ~aBaaryH 3XH3P33C33



(3MXTr3H H3rIT3X)

to collect, to put


XYH TaHHaryH of limited horizons, inexperienced, 3M33J1T3H xasaapran saddled and bridled, 3M33JIHHH XOHX the hollow of a saddle-bow which fits the horse's back, 3M33JIHHH X3p3rJI3JI saddle-fittings

together, to compile

3MXT3H tidy, orderly 3MX3P,IJ;3X to hem, to secure an edge 3MX3TrnJI (see 3MXTr3JI) 3Mq doctor,

oara -. assistant doctor, MaJIbIH veterinary assistant, XYIDI:H oara -. assistant doctor, oara 3MqHHH canfiap medical station with an assistant doctor, r3pJIHHH -. radiologist, 30BJIOX -. consultant, HX -. fully qualified doctor, MaJIbIH HX -. veterinary surgeon, HX 3MqHHH cantiap medical station with a fully qualified doctor, MaJIbIH -. vet, veterinary surgeon, HapHHH M3pr3}KJ1HHH -. specialist, HOHpcyyJIarq -. anaesthetist, OpXHHH -. (opx r3pHHH -.) family doctor, GP, XYYXAHHH -. paediatrician, 3M3IT3HtIYYWIHH -. gynaecologist, -. ~OMq doctor, practitioner, medical man, 3Mq~ OqHX to go to the doctor oara -.

3MqHJIrn3 (-. yHJIqHJIr33) treatment, therapy, ap~IH -. folk medicine, O~PHHH 3MqHJIr33 day care, YCHbI -. hydrotherapy, XHMHHH -. chemotherapy, XO~OJIrOOHHH -. kinesotherapy, XO~OJIMOP -. work-therapy, [(aQllar -. radiotherapy, [(OqHP -. shock therapy, shock treatment, 3MHHH oyc -. d rug-free treatment, -. asaxrva untreatable, -. OHqHX to prescribe treatment, -. 3yH therapeutics, -. CYBHJIaJI (-. cYBHJIraa) treatment and nursing, 3~HJIr33HHH XOOJI diet

3MqHJIf33rYH untreatable 3MqHJIrn3T3H treatable 3MQHPX3X to act as a quack, to pose as a

nothing to fear

3M33JIJI3X to saddle,

MOpHO -.

to saddle one's


3M33JIQHH saddler 3M33HrYH anxious 3M33X to be afraid, to be fearful (-. T3p~) first of all, at the very beginning, -. TYPyyHHH (-. T3PryyHHH) the very first, immediate

3H I. very, most, -. TYPYY

3H II. width, area, size, -.

33p3r[(YYJI3X ec parallelism (lit.), -. 33p3r[(3X to stand alongside, to be on a level with, 3H 33p3r[(3xyH[( comparable, -. canyy (-. T3~, -. xauyy] equal in size, -. xanyypax to be equal in size

3H III. edge, -. sax edge, limits 3HrHHH ordinary, simple, -. OOJIOX to be demobilized; to be laicized (lama), -. napyy simple, modest, unassuming, -. :>KHPHHH XYH ordinary people, -. 3yr33P ordinarily, quietly, without fuss, -. OHJIrOMlKTOH clear and simple, -. xYB[(aCTaH plain-clothes (adj.), -. xYH civilian, -. X3p3r ordinary matter, -- XHJIOap simple, -. apaa everyday language, -- HPHJI[(ax to chat

3HrHHHnrn:X to be simplified 3HrHHH33P simply, § -. TOMbeOJIOX


3MQJIYYJI3X to get treated 3MQJI3X (3~HJIlK CYBHJIax,

3HrYH 1. immeasurable, endless 2. extremely, 3MqJI3H TOP~OX,

3~r3PYYJI3X, 3MqJI3H 3W33X) to treat,

to doctor,


yxaaa therapeutics

3MllIHX to become feminized 3M3r 3X grandmother, grandma, OH~OP



3M3IT3H 1. woman, female, 3M3rT3HtIYY~ women, 3M3IT3HtIYY~HHH OBqHH CYMaJI gynaecology, 3M3IT3HtIYYWIHH 3Mq (see 3Mq) 2. female (adj.), -. XYH woman, -. XYHHH women's

3M3fqHH female (animal) 3M3r 33)1{ (see 3M3r 3X) 3M33 old woman, old lady, grandma, -. grandma


to put it in simple terms

3MQJIYYJI3fq patient (n.)


3M33JIrYH without a care in the world, with

exceedingly, -. caHH extremely good, extremely well

3HITYH (see 3HrHHH) 3Hrnp 1. flap of a Mongol gown, lapel, -3a~raH [sanraa -- 3aaMTaH) open necked, low necked, -. aanraapax to sleep around, -. bed-fellow, -- 30PYYJI3X to go to bed together, 3Hr3p33 MHJIaax (3Hr3p33 [(OOJIox) to get a medal, to wear a medal, 3Hr3pHHH T3M~3r badge, 3Hr3pHHH xapaa the corner at the top of the flap of a gown, 3Hr3pHHH uar pocket watch 2. the southern or eastern lower slopes of a hill


3HrnPJI3r sloping to the south 33lK

3HrnPJI3X to follow the southern or eastern slopes of a hill

3Hf3Cf3,IJ;3X to put on rouge, to put on make-



3Hf3C3f rouge 3H,IJ; here,


here and there, the place


at your place here, T3~ T3HAryH everywhere, all over

erroneous, mistaken, take




.rauraa 3yHJI error, mis-

3H,IJ;YYP3JIT erroneous to mistake (for)



to admit one's error 2. death, mortality, XCbIH N infant mortality


3H,IJ;3r,D;3X 1. to make a mistake, to be mistaken to come to grief, to die

3H,IJ;3JI 1. (N rauraapan] mistake, error 2. accicar accident

3H,IJ;3X 1.1. to make a mistake, to be in error, to

2. to come to grief, to die

3H,IJ;3X II. here, which is or are here,



the people here




3HX AMrAJIAH reign title of the emperor 3HX.>KHHrHHH OpOH

3HX)KHX to become peaceful, to become calm 3HXPHH 1. (-- xanpr] dear, beloved 2. tender, delicate

3HXPHHJI3JI tenderness 3HXPHHJI3X to cherish, to caress, to fondle, 3HXPHHJI3H xanpnax to love tenderly 3HX3JI ,D;OHXOJI humps and hollows, uneven, rough

3HX3JI TYHXAJI (see 3HX3J1 3HX3P (see 3HXpHH)


3HX 3P,D;3MT reign title of the emperor Kangde

3HEPrH energy (Russ.)


3HHHr (see YYHHiir)

3HX3T Ii.HJI3YYXAH Waxwing, Bombycilla, B. garrulus

3HT3H whole, big, great 3HT33 this side, over here, --



3H,IJ;3r,IJ;3JI 1. mistake, error, 3HA3rAJI33 XyJl33X


this side

and that

3Hyyr33P here, around here 3HYYH (an oblique stem of 3H3),


mar like this


3H3 this,

M3TlIHJl3Hr33p like this, in this way, similarly, -- T3P r31K and so on, -- XHp up to now, till today, by now N



distress, grief, suffering

3H3JI3JIT distressed, unhappy


3H3JI3X to be distressed, to be grieved, to be

3HYYX3H 1. just here, not far, nearby, OapYYHTaH


peace-keeping force, N TaHBHaap 33p3r~3H opumx 3ap'IHM pri ncipie of peaceful co-existence, TaHBHbI xopnyc Peace Corps, TaHBHbI X3p3r the cause of peace, TaHBHbIr 3PX3MJl3J'l1 ranaa oOAJloro peace-loving foreign policy, TaHBaHlI peace-loving, TaJIOHyH calm, peaceful, T9BmHH peace, T)'HX hale and hearty, N T)'HX uar aJeaceful time, T)'HX, 3pyyJl capyyn alive an well, uar peacetime

3HX)KHH lasting peace,

3H,IIXMHHX3H the people here

go wrong



3H,IIXMHH (see 3HA3X II.)




3H,IJ;YYP3X 1. to be mistaken, to make a mis-



caxaynax XyqHH)


3H,IJ;YYP3JIrYH infallible




3H,IJ;YYP3JI error, mistake, slip

take, to go wrong

xypan] peace conference, to restore

(3HXHHH oara

TaHBaH oaliAan C3pr33H TOITOOX


3H,IJ;YYJI3X to mislead




3H,IJ;YY erroneous, mistaken, wrong,






just to the west here 2. just this

3HYYX3H,IJ; 1. just here, not for, nearby 2. common, commonplace, usual, ordinary, 3Hyyx3HA33 r3X3A amongst ourselves, speaking privately


asrranaa peace; peaceful, asrranaa oaliAaJI peace, state of peace, 3HXHHH r3p33 peace treaty, 3HXHHH AaHpaJIT (3HXHHH AOBToJlroo) peace offensive, 1KapraJI a board-game played on a board with 24 squares, each player having six counters, TaHBaH peace, TaHBHbI oara N

uraaanax to suffer

3H3HHH (see YYHHH) 3H3H33C (see YYH33C) 3H3P3JI kindness, compassion, mercy, J1HHH TYCJlaM1K

3HYYX3HT3H close by, not for 3HX peace, tranquillity, well-being,


3H3M3Tt1HJI3H like this, this way


humanitarian aid

3H3P3JIrYH merciless 3H3P3JIT (see 3H3P3J1T3H)





3H3P3JIT3H 1. kind, merciful 2. pathetic 3H3P3HrYH kind, sympathetic, compassionate, charitable, ec (-- y33J1) compassion, humanity, eCHbI humanitarian, Y33J1T3H humanist, yHJlC support N






can 3PB3rH3X to wriggle

3H3P3X to take pity (on), to show compassion

(towards), to be sympathetic (to), to be kind (to), 3H3P3H acpax to look otter, to take care of, 3H3P3H TYCJIax to give kind help to 3H3TX3r India, --eBpon X3JI Indo-European


3PB3:r3P (- C3pB3r3p) sticking out, sticking up,

bristling 3PB3ll33X (3pB3JI33H ,n;3PB3JI33X) to be lively,

to be sprightly, to be spry 3PB3H: - ,n;3PB3H HHC3X to flutter, - C3PB3H stick-

ing out, rough, ragged

3H3TX3r-X.HTNJ: Indo-China, 3H3TX3rXHTaAhIH xarac apan Indo-Chinese peninsula

3PB33ll)K 1. saddle 2. child's saddle

3H3TX3NYY,IJ; Indians (of India)

3PB33X3H Butterfly, liyr3r - Owlet Moths, Noctuidae, 3aapT - Goat Moth, Cossus cossus, 3aapT HJJ;3MXHi1- Leopard Moth, Zeuzera pyrina, TOOJIyypq - Loopers, Stick Caterpillars, Geometridae, Xyp - Eggars, Lackeys, Lasiocampidae , Ilaraaa - Pieridae , liaHD;aiIH

3H3XYY this, this very 3H3X3H just this, - T3PX3H this and that 3H3qJI3H in this way, thus 3P 1. man, male, caHH - Robin Hood type rob-

ber or bandit, bold bandit, popular hero,

3PB33ll)KJl3X to saddle

uaraaa - Large White Butterfly, P. brassicae, uaraaa - Black-veined White

Xaanraan - male elk, 3P,n; rapax to get married (woman), 3pHilr Hac, YYJIblr uac napaa age


weighs down a man, snow weighs down a mountain, to feel one's age, - HOXOp husband, - H3r 3H,n;,n;3r 3p3r H3r HYP,n;ar even Homer nods, - OXHHOO Y33JID;3X to take (someone, each other) on, to have it out, - OCO)K 3crHH cyaanar 10M time will tell, - 3M OOJI)K cyyx to live as man and wife, - 3MHHH sexual, - 3MHHH ec sexuality, - 3MHHH eCHbI yfm,n;3JI (- 3MHHH asnan] sexual intercourse, - 3MHHH eCHbI xyMyy)KHJI sex education, - 3MHHH xapsuaa sexual relations, - 3MHHH XOJIOOO TOITOOX to have a sexual relationship 2. male, masculine, - OHe OCOX to grow up, - OHeHHH (- OHpbIH) physical, bodily, - oHeHHH xyq qa,n;an bodily strength, - rasap hard ground, bare earth, 30pHr courage, - 30pHITOH courageous, cyuaH gelded and barren (livestock), - cyp hard leather, tough leather, - yr word of the back vowel series, - YX3P caasc 3JIr3H Tapar OYP3X to attempt the impossible, - xonrop ,n;yy sonorous voice, - XVII apsaa rypsaa M3XT3H there are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cheese, - XYHHH ,n;OTOp 3M33JI xasaapraa MOpb oyH to have big ideas, XYHHH 3aMbIH XY3YY ypr a man has a long way to go, - XYH caaacaanaa yp33 MOpb

uaraaa - Small White Butterfly, P. rapae, - Hac

xapancaanaa (- MOpb 30pHCOH,n;OO - XVII X3JIC3H,n;33) to achieve one's purpose, to get there in the end, - D;3p3r soldier, - D;3prHHH anoa military service, - D;3D;3r male flower, 3pHHH D;33 (- TOO.rryypHHH D;33) maturity, man's estate, 3PHHHD;33H,ll; xvpsx (3p D;33JI3X) to reach

man's estate, - xanan strength, power, - srurar back vowel, vowel of the back series 3. manliness, - MYYTaH feeble, effete 3PBHHX (3pBHH)K C3pBHHx) to stick out, to stick up, to be ragged, - J];3pBHHx33P with might and

main, with all one's strength, as hard as one



one's childhood pattern"

crataegi, days,




3PITH3 Argun River 3PITY I. (T3H3r -, - T3H3r) stupid 3PITY II. (- OBqHH) the staggers 3PITY IiOP Nightjar,

Caprimulgus europaeus

3PITYJI I. patrol (person, activity), - XHHx to go on patrol, 3pryyJIHHH XOHrOH XOJIor OHrOD; patrol-boat, 3ryyJIHHH uarnaa policeman on the

beat 3PITYJI II. rack, stand

turning, revolving, - caanan revolving chair, - urar spiral staircase


3PITY.JI,IJ;3X to importune, to harass 3PITYJI3BQ winding gear 3PITYJI3r I. thread, twist, turn, spiral 3PITYJI3r II. windlass, winch 3PITYJI3r III. swivel 3PITYJI3r IV. whirlpool, vortex, eddy 3PITYJI3r V. rack, stand 3PITYJI3r VI. trochanter


3PITYJI3rVIl. a cord helping to secure the roof-

ring of the tent 3PITYJI3r VIII. roundabout, merry-go-round 3PITYJI3JIT turning, rotation

1. to turn, to turn round, to turn over to turn up, apxa nape - to have a drop or two, MOpb - (see MOpb 1.), xepcaar - to turn up the soil, XYHHH TOJIrOHr - to turn sorneone's head 2. to return, to send back, to give back, to restore, 3pryyJI3H asax to get back, to recover, to take back, 3pryyJI3H aWHrJIaX to re-cycle,


rehabilitate (med.), letter of reca II 3. to round up, to turn back (livestock), to drive (gazelles) towards hunters4. XYYX3H - to make up to a girl 5. to dial





3pryyJI3H rarax }Kyyx oHlIHr

3PrYYP knob, dial


econom ic use, a}K aXyHH 3pr3JIT3~ opyynax to put to economic use, 3pr3JIT33C xacax to take out of use

3PrYYT3X I. to be foolish, to be silly

3pr3JITITH irreversible

3PrYYT3X II. to get the staggers

3pr3JITHHH 1. returnable, re-usable (packing),

3pr3BQ bearing (mech.),




3pr3JIqIfH MSprSJIQHH pilgrim, worship-

3prn,D;3X (see spsrnsx] 3prnJI (-


per, devotee


3pr3MYYJI3X to turn, to rotate, HY~33

3pr3JI3r turn, spiral -

to roll

the eyes

3prnMYYP 1. rotor 2.

3pr3M around, about, § TaBb 3pr3M HaCHbI H3r OBrOH

(oopTroHbI -)



3prnM3N rotating, rotary, revolving 3prnM3X 1. to turn, to rotate, to revolve, to go around, to circle, - XO~OJIrOOH rotary motion 2. to be in turmoil (waves, etc.)

3prnJI3M33P doubtful 3prnJI33JI doubt 3prnJI33JIT3H doubtful 3prnJI33HrYH sceptical 3prnJI33X to doubt, to hesitate, to wonder 3prnJI333 doubt, food for thought, -


to give rise to doubts

3prnJI333rYH without doubt, undoubted 3prnJI333T3H (see 3pr3JI33JIT3H) 3prnJIT Li, turning, rotation, turn-around, ~OPBOH ~arHHH - the passage of the four seasons, OH }KHJIHHH 3pr3JIT3~ in the course of the years, TapHaJIaHrHHH - rotation of crops, oYQaJITryH irreversible, 3pr3JITHHH panayc turning radius (auto.) ii. rounding up, driving (hunted gazelles) 2. revolution (mech.), § Mllll}'Ta~ MHHraH - XHHx to do a thousand revolutions a minute 3. cycle (mech., etc.), aMb~aJIbm - life-cycle 4. change, revolutionary change, turn, coup (polit., etc.), TOpHHH coup d'etat, ~3PrHHH - military coup 5. turn

(mech.), § mypar OypHHr H3r OYP3H 3pr3JIT33p slacken off each screw one complete turn 6. about-turn (mil.) 7. circulation, ~CHbI circulation of the blood, ~CHbI oara - pulmonary circulation, ~CHbI HX - systemic circulation, 3pr3JIT3~ opyynax to put into circulation (currency, etc.) 8. bend (traF), 3aMbIH O~OM - sharp bend 9. turnover, axaa T33BPHHH - freight turnover, xy~~aa - trade turnove 10.i. visit, (doctor's) rounds ii. visit, sending in of gihs (to a prisoner, a patient), opox to have a visit, --- opyynax to visit, 3pr3JITHHH nar visiting hours 11. circulation, cyJIJIaHa

non-returnable, one-trip, - JIOHX returnable bottle 2. - XOpOHrO working capital

H3r -

an old fellow of around fifty years of age

3pr3H TOHPOH 1. around, all around 2. surroundings

3pr3H3r stand, rack, cupboard 3pr3X 1. to turn, to go round, to rotate, to circle, caB - inversion of the uterus, - r3p3JI JJ;OXHO direction indicators (auto.), - ~OPBOH YJIHP~ season aher season, all the year round, ~OPBOH nar the returning seasons, - 3aM orbit, - 3aMbIH }KHJI astronomical year, sprsnsr TOrJIOOM roundabout, merry-go-round, XO~OJIrOOH rotary motion, 3pr3}K XOpBOX to toss and turn 2. to turn round, oapYYH THHm xarac spar half right turn! (mil.), oYQa}K 3pr3X to return, to go back; to make a U-turn (traF), oYQa}K 3pr3XHHr XOpHrJIOHO no U-turns, 3pr3}K oop;ox (3pr3}K nypcax, 3pr3H caaax, 3pr3H xapax) to think back, to look back, to review, to recall, to take a look at, 3pr3}K Hp3X to come back, to return 3.i. to visit (prisoner, patient, etc.) ii. to call on, to frequent, to haunt, to see

3pr3IJ; turnover, turnaround 3pr3IJ;YYJI3JI consideration, thought 3pr3IJ;YYJI3X (3pr3~JI3H oo~ox, 3pr3~caaax] to think over, to consider, to go over, to examine


3pr3IJ;3X 1. to hang around, to loiter, to keep going round 2. to think things over, to have one's doubts

3pr3IIlrYH irreparable 3P,D;MHHH academic, scientific, --- 33p3r higher degree

3P,D;CHHH mineral (adj.), - oop~oo [see tiopnoo

2.), -


mineral oil, ---



3P,D;YY I. dashing, spirited 3P,D;YY II. alto (mus.) 3P,D;3M 1. (culture,



education, learning, general education, --uneducated, - M3M3r knowledge, - HOM learning, - HOMryH unOOJIOBCPOJI)





educated, - HOMTOH educated, learned, - coen culture, - cypax to study, - mHJDKHJIr33 research, - mHH1KIIJIr33HHH a>KHJI research work, - mHH}l{HJIr33HHH OryyJI3JI learned article, - mHH>KHJIr33HHH xaiiryyJI scientific expedition, - IIIHIDKHJIr33HHH xyMyyC research workers 2. skill, ability, art, xapnyymaa - the art of archery, - yxaaa knowledge, skill, 'IaAaJI (- 'IaABap) talent, ability 3P.IJ:3MT3H learned 3P.IJ:3MT3H scholar, learned man, A3A - (see A3A), - M3pr3A scholars, learned men

yeHiiH - first generation hybrid, XYPJIHH3 hybrid, mongrel


hybrid, -

3PJIHH3)I{HJI crossing, hybridization 3PJIHH3}1{ID{ to be hybridized 3PJIHH3)1{YYJI3f crossing, hybridization 3PJIHH3)1{YYJI3JIT (see 3PJIHH3lKYYJI3r) 3PJIHH3)1{YYJI3X to cross, to hybridize, 3PJIHH3:>KyyJI:>K XypJIHH3:>KyyJIax to make mongrels of 3PJIHH3JI3X to be neither one thing nor the other 3PJI3r 1. (- xaaa, - HOMOH xaan] Erlig (the king of the underworld), 3pJI3mHH OpOH the underworld, 3pJI3rHHHA O'lHX to die, - pyy ssyynax to kill 2. a demon of the underworld, yxJIHHH(3pJI3rHHH 3JI'I) angel of death 3. enemy, bane

3P.IJ:3H3 jewel, gem, precious .thing, treasure, AOJIOOH - (see AOJIOO), eCOH - (see ec], 3PA3H3CHHH caa treasury, treasure-house, 3PA3H3CHHH ypaa napxaa jeweller, 3PA3HHHH lIYJIyy (3PA3H3CHHH lIYJIYY) precious stone, jewel, gem


I. (-

30pHMor) manly, vigorous, bold




3P.IJ:3H3 3YY Erdene Zuu (lamasery near the site of Karakorum)

3PM3JI fossil, - asrsraa fossil animal, - yprasran fossil plant

3P.IJ:3H3 QArAAH (see Ilaraaa Typyy)

3PM3JI3JI3JI (see 3PM3JI33JI)

3P.IJ:3H3T precious 3P.IJ:3H3

unnu Maize

3P,IJ;3C mineral (n., adj.), aar - accessory minerai, - OOAHc (- MHHepaJI) mineral, minerals, OOPAOO (see oOPAOO 2.), - AaBcYYA mineral salts, - cYAJIaJI mineralogy, - CYAJIaJIbIH mineralogical, - XOBOH mineral wool 3P,IJ;3C)l{HJIT mineralization 3P,IJ;3C)l{HX to become mineralized 3P,IJ;3C)I{C3H mineraiized 3P.IJ:3CJI3r mineral (adj.) 3P,IJ;3CT mineral (adj.), - yc mineral water 3P,IJ;3X to calculate on, to count on, to take advantage of, to make unscrupulous use of 3P)I{r3P rough, uneven 3P)l{HHX to be rough, to be uneven 3P)I{HH mother-of-pearl 3P333H rubber (Russ.) 3PHHX to be lined up 3PHH (- 3yy, - ye) era, age, aTOMbIH - atomic age, AYHAaA TOpMaJI - Mesozoic era, MaHaH 3pHHHH aMHa before our era, cancpsra - space age, IDHH3 TapMaJI - Cainozoic era, 3pTHHH TOpMaJI - Palaeozoic era, - yeHHH of the present era, contem pora ry, 3pHHHHr 333JIC3H epoch-making 3PHX (see 3pX I.) 3PJIHH3 cross, cross-bred, hybrid, H3rAYr33p

3PJI3r3P great big (eyes)



3PM3JI33JIstriving, aspiration, aim, bid, attempt 3PM3JI33X to strive (to), to strive (for), to aspire (to), apAbIH HaMbIH - apsaa 3yHJI the Ten Aims of the People's Party (hist.) 3PC

I. neutral

(vowel, etc.)

3PC 11.1. straight, straight out, direct, resolute, decided, abrupt, sharp, - TyyuITaH radical, resolute, - T3C severe, extreme, - T3C yyp asrscran (- T3C uar yyp) extreme climate, - xapm totally opposed, - mHHA3MmH resolute, - myJIYYH directly, straight out, - HJIraaTaHcompletely different 2. steep, vertical, § ryypraasr 3pCHHH T3H xarac XYPT3JI half way up the side of the wall, xaasra 3PCT3H Db T3H~ the height of the tent-wall, as high as the tent wall 3PC,IJ;YYJI3X to ruin, to destroy, to do for 3PC,IJ;3X to be ruined, to be lost, to be destroyed, to come to grief, to be done for, to lose one's life 3PCJI3X to be resolute, to be determined, to dare, canaa - to make up one's mind 3PCT3X (see 3PCA3X) 3PT early, - oanap primitive, - raJIObIH primaeval, - AHBaHrapbIH ancient, antediluvian, A33P yeHHH (- YPbAbIH) ancient, old-time, A33P yec (- uaraac] from of old, - OPOH X3333 OOJIOB'I someti me, sooner or later, - TapMaJIHHH palaeozoic, - ypra~IH early (potatoes), - YPbA ~aIT once upon a time, 3Ayyr33HHH (- oAraamHH) past and present


3PTr3P sticking up, turned up, raised up


3PT,IJ;3X to be premature, to be too early 3PT)KYYJI3JIT bringing forward (seed potatoes), rapaanax T9MCHHH- bringing forward of seed potatoes

3PT)KYYJI3X 1. to make earlier 2. to bring forward (seed potatoes, etc.) 3PfJI3X to be early, to start early, to get up early, 3PTJI3H OOCOX to get up early

3PfHHH ancient, archaic, - oaJIap QarHHH primaeval, - OOAHc CYWIaJI palaeontology, A3JIXHH AaXHHbI TYYX history of the ancient world, 3pTHHHr cYWIar1.J archaeologist, CYWIaJI archaeology, - CYWIaJIbIH archaeological, - T9PM9JIHHH palaeozoic, - yeHHH

TYYX ancient history, 3PfH33C (- aaaur] from of old

3PfC3X to be early 3PTYY,IJ; (see 3pT33p) 3PTYYP (see 3pT33p) 3PTYYPHHH (see 3PT33pHHH) 3PTX3H pretty soon, straightaway 3Pf3H manly, virile, capable, strong 3Pf3Cr3X to advance (trans.) 3Pf3tI 1. early rising 2. early (potato, etc.) 3Pf33,IJ;HHH recent 3Pf33P not long ago, some time ago 3Pf33PHHH recent 3PYY I. chin, jaw, nasxap 3pyyr3H double chinned, AOOA - lower jaw, A33A - upper jaw, 3PYYHHH AOOPX OYJI1.JHpXaH (see 0YJI1.JHpxaH), - OBAor HHHJIC3H (- OBWOO TYJICaH) bent with age, long in the tooth, 3PYYHHH caxan beard, - xaMXHX to shut up, to stop talking

3PYY 11.1. torture, eCOH - [econ - IllyyJIT) the nine types of torture (hist.), - TYJIrax to torture, -


nal proceedings, - HJI IllHHTr3JI crirnincl conviction

3PYY,IJ;3X I. to torture, to interrogate under torture

3PYY,IJ;3X II. to rest one's chin (on something) 3PYYJI 1. (- M3M, - 3HX) health, - axyii hygiene, - axyiiH healthy, hygienic, - axyii1.J hygienist, - M3HAHHH Y3JI3r medical examination, check-up, 3pyyJIHHr xasrraanax aJKHJI health care, 3pyyJIHHr xasrraanax oaHryyJIJIara health service 2. (- M3HA, - 3HX) healthy, - OHe capyyn yxaaa a healthy body and a healthy mind, - oyc unhealthy; insane, - capyyJI healthy, in good health, sound, - 1.JHHp3r strong and healthy, - 3HX 3JI3r oyr3H safe and sound 3. virgin, - rasap virgin soil 4. sober, - capyyn sober, sensible, sane, - yxaaa good sense, sobriety, - yxaaaraa sensible, sober 5. fresh, araap fresh air, - CaJIXH fresh wind

3PYYJI)l{HX 1. to improve in health,to be restored to health 2. to sober up (intrans.) 3PYYJI)KYYJI3X 1. to make healthy, to restore to health, OJIOH YJICbIH xapanuaar - to normalize international relations 2. to sober up (trans.), - oaHp (- rasap] sobering-up station

3PYYJItI detective, sleuth 3PYYJIIIIHX (see 3pyyJIJKHX) 3PX 1.1. rosary, - TaTax (- 3pryyJI3X) to tell one's beads 2. beads, counters (on an abacus, etc.) 3PX II. (- TaHXH, - 3M33r) spoiled, delicate, coddled, - Map3aH capricious, flighty,

3PX 111.1. rights, power, authority, TOpHHH - state power, XYHHH - human rights, - aurar interests, - OapHr1.J HaM ruling party, - OapHr1.JHA authorities, 3pXHHH OH1.JHr permit, licence, authority; coupon, certificate (fin.), - OYXHH competent, OYXHH oaHryyJIJIara competent authority, -

IllyyJIT torture, interrogation under torture, IllyyJIT TYJIrax to torture 2. criminal case, criminal proceedings, - yycr3x to bring criminal

napx privilege, prerogative, exemption, -

charges against

AapxTaH privileged, entitled, - AapXTaH privi-

3PYYBtI bib 3PYYBtIJI3X to tie under the chin, ManraH - to tie one's hat under the chin

3PYYfHHH criminal (ad(), - anfia criminal investigation department, - oaHQaaH IllHHTr3X 3pX criminal procedure law, - r3MT X3p3r (xspsr] crime, criminal offence, - TOJIOOJIOr1.J criminal investigator, detective, - xapayunaran rarax (see xapayunara], - xyyns (- 3pX) criminal law, criminal code, - xyyns TOITOOM}J{ criminal legislation, - X3p3r criminal case, x3prHHH TaHXHM Criminal Division (of the Supreme Court), - X3p3r yycr3x to take crimi-

leged person, - nypaapaa (- soproopoo] arbitrarily, wantonly, - }J{apran happiness, - M3A3JI competence, authority, - M3A3JIT3H person in authority, boss, - onrox to empower, 3PX3M33 opyynax to subordinate to oneself, to get (someone) into one's clutches, 3pXHHr cypaxaap o3pXHHr cyp learn by working not by playing, cyp authority, 3pXHHH TaCaJIOap permit, licence, - ryuraan authority, position, 'rsrur equality; on equal terms, 3pXHHH YH3MJI3X (see YH3MJI3X 2.), - rsrm X3JI3JIQ33P equal treaty, - yyp3r rights and duties, 3pxHHr xacax to disqualify, - X3M}J{33 competence, rights, 3pX33 X3TPYYJI3X (- X3M}J{33r33 X3TPYYJI3X) to

or twelve animals used in reckoning time



3PXT3H AAPXTAH high-ups, aristocracy, privexceed one's authority, .. 'IOJIOO freedom, .. 'IOJIOOH,o; ,D;yPTaH freedom-Iovi ng, .. 'IOJIOOHHH TOJIOO T3~3rq freedom fighter, .. HMoa privileges, .. HMoaTaH privileged person, high-up 2. law, Hpr3HHH 3pX civil law, 3pyyrnHH" criminallaw, .. 3yH law, .. 3yHH legal, .. 3yHH apra X3M}I{33 legal steps, legal measures, .. 3yHH oaH,o;aJI legal status, .. 3yHH WHH}l{JI3X yxaaa jurisprudence

ileged ones, nobs

3PXYY Irkutsk (p.n.) 3PXIIIHX to assert oneself, to gain power, 3pXWHH nacax to settle in, to make oneself at home

3PXIII33ll domination, sway, hold, 3pXW33JI,D;

nation of others

3PXIII33llT dependent

3PXliHIII without fail, inevitably

3PXIII33X to dominate

3PXfYH 1. without power to, not empowered

3PX3M 1.1. (..

to, not allowed to 2. (OOpHHH ..) involuntarily, in spite of oneself, perforce, willy-nilly

3PXHH (..


thumb, ..


xapsaax a

skilled archer

3PXHHBq archer's thumb-ring 3PXHHBQll3X to take between the thumb and the first finger

3PXHHH legal, .. TYCJI~aa legal assistance, .. mHH}l{JI3X

yxaaa jurisprudence

3PXJIYYll3X to gratify, to spoil (a child), to let (a child) have its own way, X3T" to overindulge (a child), 3pXJIyyJI3H HJI03X to pet, to fondle

3PXJI3rq chief, manager, director, person in charge,

score-keeper (archery), newspaper editor

caMoapbm ..


3PXJI3HfYH coy, f1irty 3PXJI3X I. to run, to manage, to deal with, to be in charge of, to engage in, 3PX3JIC3H a}J{}fJI one's job, 3PX3JIC3H ~ryH out of work, 3PX3JIC3H TO,o;OpXOH a}I{HJIryH with no concrete employment, 3PXJI3H oaHryyJIax to set up, to establish, 3PXJI3H raprax to issue, to publish, 3PXJI3H y,o;Hp,o;ax (3PXJI3H XOTJIOX) to run, to manage, 3PXJI3H HByyJIax to practise, to carry on

3PXll3X 11.1. about petted



(3PXJI3H Tornox) to play, to play to make up to, to fawn on, to be

competent, authorized



3PXT3H I. organ, limb, ,o;OTOp" internal organs, ypran .. (see ypran) , yp}J{}fJI .. (see yp}I{HJI), xapax .. (see xapax 1.1.), XOOJI OOJIOBcpyyJIaX .. digestive organs, ~JI .. "solid" internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, pericardium), XOH,D;HH .. "hollow" internal organs (small and large intestines, gall-bladder, stomach, bladder, the three cavities), .. Oyr3H sound in limb, .. ra}J{}frTaH XYYX3,o; handicapped child, .. lJYTYY maimed, crippled, disabled

3PXT3H II. apsaa xoep .. the twelve branches


asrarnax to come under the domi-

,0;33,0;) honoured, respected, distinguished, noble, .. HaH,D;HH noble, sacred, .. YHmHrqH,o; dear readers, .. XyH,o;T3H honourable, .. xyH,o;3T ,o;OKTOp honorary doctor 2. important, 3pX3M,o; Y33X to value, to view as most important, .. xyxan essential, highly important

3PX3M 11.1. gentleman, 2. sir, you sir, § xyye .. 3PX3Mll3ll respect 3PX3Mll3X 1.

3H3 .. 33

this gentleman

I say, sir!

(3pX3MJI3H ,o;33,o;JI3X, 3PX3MJI3H

to honour, to respect, to esteem, to revere 2. to put first, to prefer, to favour, XysHHH amraar .. to put private interests first XYH,o;JI3X, 3PX3MJI3}1{ XyH,D;3Tr3x)

3PX3MH3X (see 3PX3MJI3X) 3PX3MC3r 1. honourable, noble, venerable, .. HoeH His Excellency, Your Excellency 2. affected, conceited

3PX3H (see 3PX3M I.) 3PX3~ (see 3pX33p)

3PX3C (T3Hr3PHHH .. ) heavenly body 3PX3X I. (3pX3}1{ ,o;ypryH~3X) to feel put out 3PX3X II. to get worse, to get complicated (med.) 3PX33P due to, because of the need to, needin~ t?, in the course of,


so as to get

a liVing 3PQ I. twist, turn, lay (of a rope), nasxap 3P'IT3H two-plied rope, .. xapax to unravel, to unlay (rope)


3PQ II. (..

xyq) vigour, energy, intensity, xap asax to go at full speed, to go full tilt, .. ,o;aJIaH~aH vigorous, energetic, .. M3,o;3H full tilt, .. xyq33 asax to gather momentum


3PQHllM3ll twisted 3PtIHM I. twist, turn, lay (of a rope) 3PtIHM

II. vigour,

.. xyq

energy, intensity, vigorous, .. xyq energy, ,D;yJIaaHbI thermal energy, HapHbI .. xyq solar




xyq [naxaa


xyq) renewable energy, -- XyqHHH HOXOH C3pr33rp;3X 3X yyCB3p renewable source of




3PlfiIMrYH sluggish 3PtIHMJKHJI intensification 3PtIHMJKHnT (see 3pqHM}KllJI) 3PtIHMJKHX to be intensified, to be promoted vigorously

3PtIHM)I{C3H (see 3pqHMT) 3PtIHM)I{YYJI3JIT intensification

3P3fQ3X (see sprsusx] 3P3rtIHH male (animal), -- 3M3rqH33 Y33X (see 3P OXHHOO Y33JI~3X)

3P3JI (-- cypan] search, -- OOJIOX (-- XH:fIx) to go in search of, to seek, 3pJIHHr cypraap OJIOX to find out by asking, -- TypmH~ experimentation, 3pJIHHH Y3YYPT at the end of the day, -- xaaryyn prospecti ng,

3PtIHM)I{YYJI3X to intensify, to promote, to

3P3JIT demand, -- HHHJIyyJI3JIT supply and

stimulate, 3pQHM}l{fYJI3H xor}l{YYJI3X to develop vigorously

demand, -- XYC3JIT demand, request, wants, -X3p3r~33 demand, demands, needs, requirements, -- X3P3~33T3H in demand, uraapnnara demands, wishes

3PtIHMT intensive, vigorous, energetic, cctive « 3~HJIr33HHH

racar intensive care unit

3PtIHMT3H (see 3pQHMT), -- 3MQHJIr33 intensive care

3PtIHC M9P9H River Irtysh 3PtIHT intensive

3P3JIXHHJI3X to look for, to be on the look-out for, to search for

3P3JIX3r manly, virile, brave, -- OaaTapJIar heroic, -- 30pHr courage, -- 30pHI'TOH courageous

3PtIJIYYP (-- p;yryii) flywheel

3P3JIX3X to lord it over

3PtIJI3X 1.1. to twist (rope, etc.) 2. to spin round, to whirl (dust, whirlwind, etc.)

3P3JItI seeker, searcher, -- noxon tracker dog,

3PtIJI3X II. to intensify, to become more intense

3P3JItIHH (see 3P3JIQ)

3PtIJI3X III. to reach man's estate

3P3M1i9 (-- p;apaa, -- napaanan. -- p;3C) rank,

3PtIJI33C 1. twist, turn, lay (of a rope) 2. thread 3PQYY,IJ; men, males

-- xaiiryyJlQ prospector

order, precedence, sequence, HaCHbI 3p3M033P in order of age, -- napaaraap (-- napaanaa]

3PQYYJI (see 3P'I\'Yp;)

in order, in sequence, -- napaananraa (-napaaraa] methodical, systematic, in order, --

3PIIIHX 1. to become like a man 2. virilism

3aMoapaa order, good order

3PIIIYY,IJ; resolute, determined

(Tib. rim-pal

3P3MIi9JI3X to arrange in proper order

3P3Br3P (see 3pB3r3p)

3P3MIi9T3H systematic, well-ordered, in order

3P3r I. bank, shore, coast, -- opQMhm coastal,

3P3MrHH intrepid, bold, daring

-- OpQHbI yJIC maritime state, -- xaBHHH coastal, 3pmHH XaMraaJIaJITbIH anfia coastguard service, 3prHHH uryrasr coastline

11.1. screw, bolt, nut, 3PB33X3H -- butterfly nut, -- Db cynapcan rickety, shaky, -- rnypar screw, -- rnypar Db XOAJIOX to have a screw loose, to be off one's rocker 2. thread (mech.)


3P3r,IJ;3X 1. to screw, 3p3rp;31K anax to unscrew and take off, 3p3rp;31K opyynax (3p3rp;31K cyynrax] to screw in, 3p3rp;3}1{ rarnax to screw shut, 3p3rp;31K ror-roox to screw down 2. to dial, TOOThlr -- to dial the number

3P3rJI3X to form a bank 3P3rH3r (see 3pr3H3r) 3P3IT3H 1. man, male 2. male (adj.), -- XYH man, male

3P3IT3HQYY,IJ; men, males 3P3rQYYJI3X (see 3pr3~J13x) 3P3rQ3r face, scarp (ge09.)

3P3M,IJ;3r (-- 33Mp;3r, -- 33p3Mp;3r) crippled, maimed, mutilated, invalid

3P3M,IJ;3rJi3x to cripple, to maim, to mutilate 3P3MQ3JIT romantic 3P3MQ3X to be devoted to, to be attached to, to be fond of

3P3MIIIHX to be arrogant, to lord it, to act with impunity, 3P3MIIIHH naspax to get above oneself, to be uppish

3P3H,IJ;33 Castor-oil plant 3P3X I.1. to search for, to look for, to seek, spsc cyparnax (3P}l{ cypax, 3P3H cypsamsnax. 3P3H CYS3I'l1JI3X) to search for, to enquire about, 3P3H cypsanacrara search, 3p}l{ xaax to search for, to prospect for, 3P3H IIIHH}l{JI3X to search, to make a search 2. to ask for, to request, asrpsrr -- to greet, to ask after, 30BIIIOOpOJI -- to request


3P3X II. to twist, to wind



3Cliereec or, or else, otherwise 3CB3JI or, or else, otherwise, - ••• H3r oon (- •••

3P3X III. (see 3pX 1.) 3P33 restraint, shame, 3p33r33 annax to be shameless, 3p33r33 oapcaH shameless, oapaaryH (- U;3P33ryH, - U;33PryH) frank, straight out, natural, unreserved

3P33B3P XYPAABAP all sorts of, of all sorts and sizes, jumbled up

3P33rOMliO Rhodiola quadrifida (bot.) (see also Myr33) 3P33rYH 1. candid, unceremonious, without ceremony

2. uninhibited, unscrupulous

3P33N motley, particoloured (female animal) 3P33JI}I{JIYYJI3X to dazzle (the eyes), HY~ to dazzle the eyes

3P33JI}I{JI3X 1. (HY~ -) to be dazzled (eyes)

2. to shimmer 3P33JI3X 1.1. to make colourful, to decorate 2. to look colourful

3P33JI3X II. (3p33JDK U;33pn3x) to feel embarrassed, to feel shy, 3p33n}K U;33pn3nryH uninhibited

3P33H (- anar, - MHpaaH) brightly coloured, vivid, gaudy, striped, spotted, motley, MorOHH - ranaaa, XyaHH - ~OTPOO a snake is motley outside, a man is motley (malicious, etc.) inside, - anar XOPBOO the world around us, the motley world, - oapaaH ups and downs, 3P33HT3H oapaaHTaH chequered, - MaiixaH decorated tent, - MO~ traffiC policeman's baton, - rapnaa spotted, speckled

3P33H TAXI> Zebra 3P33HT3X to look colourful 3P33H XOT Erlian (p.n.) 3P33C I. thread (mech.) 3P33C II. tensioning cord 3P33QHX (3p33l1H}K capaaxax] to scribble, to daub

3C I. cell (bioI.), 03nrHHH - gamete, aanrarx [sanrayp -) phagocyte, M3~3nHim - nervecell, neurone, H3r 3CT single-celled, unicellular, a~raH - egg-cell, aHwaH - ranarnryynax ovulation, ynaaa » red cells (blood), uaraaa « white cells (blood), WHH3 - new cell, zygote, 3P sperm, 3X"" mother cell, 3CHHH oypxyyn (3CHHH xaaa] cell wall, 3CHHH CHHB3H cytoplasm, ..., CY~aJI cytology, ..., WHpX3r item, detail, little bit, - WHpX3r oyp every last bit, 3CHHH wyyc cell sap

3C II. not, ..., oon or else, - T3rB3n otherwise, if that is not done, ..., yHn~3n failure to act, default


-) either ... or

3crAJI.AA)l; storehouse (Russ. cxnan] 3CrHH felt, naas - (lIaH3 -, uraaa -) fine handmade felt for clothes, - ryTaJI felt boots, - r3p felt tent, - r3p33C XOM0}K 3Hr3p r3pT33 OHPTOX to come to the end of one's life, - rarax to drag and rollout wool behind a horse to make felt, - TyyPraTaH dwellers in felt walls, nomadic peoples, - yy~ felt door (of the tent), - XHHx rasap HOXOH X3P3rryii mind your own business, 3crHHH wyyc sheep slaughtered to feast feltmakers

3CrHHJI3r felty, felt-like 3CrHHJI3X to make felt 3CrHHPX3r (see 3CrHHn3r) 3CrHHP3X to get felted 3CrHHQHH felt-maker 3CrYYJI or 3CrYYP 1. cutting-out knife 2. pattern, template 3. cutting, cutting-out (esp. round a pattern) 3CrYYPQHH cutter 3Cr3B3JI or, or else, otherwise

scrsr enzyme 3Cr3JIT cutting, cutting out (clothes, etc.) 3Cf3JI3H (see Hcr3n3H) 3Cf3X I. to cut, to cut out (clothes, etc.), to shear (metal, etc.) 3Cf3X II. (see acrsx] 3CJI3f I. cellulose 3CJI3r II. enzyme 3CMHH3 destroyer (ship) (Russ.) 3CPYY 1. freckles 2. rash 3CPYYH T3Hf3P the god Esrun, Esrua or Brahma

3CP3f 1. against, anti-, HHHrMHHH - anti-social, TapHHH - r3MT X3p3r crime against the state, uraurasr « anti-religious 2.i. opposite, contrary, counter, antagonistic, oHe oHeHHH - opposite each other, xoep - 'IHrn3M in two opposite directions, - aacannaraaran oynllHH antagonistic muscles, - arax counter-attack, - OHe (oHeT) antibody, ..., H3P (- )'1TaTaH yr) antonym, ..., opWHnT opposition (astr.), ..., a~ar x3no3pT3H obovate (leaf), ..., ceper opposite, opposed, contrary, antagonistic, - ceper U;3H3ryy~ opposite charges, - TaTnara counter traction (surg.), - Taparll antigen, - T3cp3r this way and that; opposite, opposed, contrary, antagonistic, - rscpar uaxanraaa U;3H3r opposite electrical charges, - yHnlln3n OyxHH counteractive, - yHnlln3n OyxHH HHn~3c antiserum,

- XyHCHHH XYHHH xysuac X3p3rn3X transvestism, - X3nX3~ oxymoron, - ~HKJIOH anticyclone, - 3IT33~ the other side, the enemy H. facing, r3pnHHH - facing the light, - ypcran oncoming traffic



3TYYP skewer, spike 3TYYPA3X to jab, to spike

3CP3fIJ;3ll opposition

3T3P full-grown bull reindeer

3CP3fIJ;3X to be in opposition, to be contrary

3T3X to jab, to spike

3CT cellular, - oyr3~ cellular structure

3cI>Y (- TaBHaH) imperial son-in-law (Man.)

3CTPA)]; 1. stage 2. variety, music hall, cabaret, 3CTPaw>IH l1YY (see l1YY 3.), - KOH~epT variety show, 3CTPaAbIH ypnar variety, vaudeville (Russ.)

3X 1.1. mother, XOHT- stepmother, - oapHrll mid-

3CXYll or, or else, otherwise, - ••• - either ... or 3C3f 1. ferment, leaven 2. (- ~33, - ~3r33) kumis

3C3ll (see HC3n) 3C3JI,IJ;3X (see HC3n~3x) 3C3ll.IK cellulose 3C3llT (see HC3nT) 3C3H (- M3~) all right, safe, safe and sound, in good hea Ith, hea Ithy

3C3H IiYCAH all sorts of, rubbishy 3C3H IiYCbIH (see 3C3H oycaH), § - aHH manrraap on a ny old pretext 3C3PITY 1. opposing, counter, anti, xysscounter-revolutionary, - oocnoro insurgency, - oyn3r oppositionist group, T3C3Pryy contrary 2. counter-revolutionary (n.) cranbIH -


resistance (also e/ec.) 2. protest, opposition, 3C3P~HHH acarcaan protest demonstration, - Hn3pXHHn3x (y3yyn3x) to make a protest


3C3PfYYIJ;3X 1. to resist, to oppose, TaHK anti-tank


to protest

3C3Pf3H next, coming, -


next year

3C3Pf3H3 rash (med.) 3C3X I. or not, § snoan O~HH Xypll xanax -

acyy~an the question of whether we would be able to get to Japan or not, sax - Hb what to do or what not to do

3C3X 11.1. to ferment 2. (3C3}J{ X99X) to rise 3C33 essay 3Trnp turned up, bent upwards 3Trn3A 1.1. side, onon 3IT33~HH multilateral 2. party {jur.}, rypasnaxs - third party 3. element, individual, character, sansr - cunning elements

3Tf33A II. (- COHHH) queer, odd, strange, eccentric, - asnryy (- yr, - xan] jargon

Wife, obstetrician, - oapHX to cut the umbilical cord and separate the child from the mother, to act as rnidwlte, to deliver; obstetric, - oapb}J{ asax to deliver (a child), - oapHXhIH cyaanarx midwile. obstetric nurse, - oapHX yxaaa obstetrics. - oonCOH sypraaa 3yHJI xastar asrsraa all living creatures, all creation, - raaap continent, - raspsm continental, - raapsnr XHTa~ mainland China, - naruna title of the consort of the eighth Jebtsundamba Khutuktu especially in his capacity as King of Autonomous Mongolia, ~3JIXHH mother earth, the earth, - HYTar homeland, - Hb X33p anar oon xyy Hb IIIHHp anar like father like son, - HHJIXaC mothers and babies, - OpOH motherland, fatherland, - OpOH H3IT compatriot, - OPOH'l patriot; patriotic, OPOHlI Y33JI patriotism, - OPHbI patriotic, 3xqyy~HH 9~9P Mothers' Day, - X3n mother tongue, 3XHHH 3pXT matriarchal, 3XHHH 3pXT ec matriarchy, matriarchal system 2. principal, capital 3. yeast, starter

3X 11.1. beginning, source, head, - anar annax (- saxaa annax] to be confused, to be in a muddle, 3XH33C anraa XYPT3JI from beginning to end, - a~arryH (- 3axryH, - MYXapryH, rapxarva] muddled, confused, untidy, allover the place, - anarraa straightforward, clear, oynar (- cypBan}J{, - ~apra, - ~pan, yyCB3p, - yycr3B3p, - yycr3JI, - yyc3n) source, fount, origin, Ha~apTaH - cypsanac a reliable source (polit.), - sax main lines, - Hb oynHHrapraa oon anar Hb oynHHrapTaH bad beginning means a bad end, - cyyps (- ~3C) foundation, - cyypHHr TaBHX to lay the foundations, - yypxaH source, focus, xannsapsm yypxaH focus of infection 2. first, xaspsm 3X3H cap first month of spring, 3X3H Tan recto side (xyl.) 3. original, original text, printer's copy, draft, xap - rough copy, - OHlIHr text; copy (for typing, etc.), - sarsap design, - aoxaors drafter, - 30XHon original version, original edition, draft, - 30XHOX to draft, - aypar design, sketch; original, - Hoopor draft, - cynnan textology, - 3crHH the pattern felt on which new wool is laid in felt making

3Tf33All3X to act oddly, to act strangely

3XllYYll3X to begin, to start (trans.)

3TYf3H (- 3X) the earth (hist.)

3Xll3ll beginning, start

end, - CYY~33 in the end, finally, at the end of the day, in the final analysis, - TarCraJIryH unending, endless, 3~3CT TYYJICaH having reached the goal, perfect (Buddh.)



3XJI3JIT (see 3XJI3JI) 3XJI3H starting from, from when, from the time when, § apasnyraap aHrHA oailxaacaa - from the time when he was in the tenth class, 3H3 uaraac - from this time on

3XJI3X to begin, to start,

Hph1K -

to begin to


xarac -

rearing young animals partly on the mother's milk and partly on grass, - OOH1KyyJIaX apra rearing young animals by leaving them with their mother all the time apra

3XHHH first, initial, -

OOTh first volume, the first eight months, - TaB)); opox to be amongst the first five, - ye)); at first

HaHMaH cap

3XH3P 1. wife,

oara - second wife, HX - first wife, - asax to take a wife 2. (- xyu) woman

3XH3PrYH unmarried, without a wife 3XH3PT3H married, having a wife, - 3P married man

3XYYH 1. pungent, acrid, - YH3P pungent smell,

2. biting, tart (taste)

3XIIIHX to be maternal, to be motherly, HHCTHHKT

to make a final decision meet one's end, to die



3H3 oyxmdi -

3D;3CJI3H (Hac -)


as a result

of all this

3XJI33P with its dam (young animal),

~aH pungent tea

3r(3CJIYYJI3X to put an end to 3r(3CJI3X 1. to come to an end,

3r(3CT as a result of,

3XJI33,n; to begin with, first


3r(3CrYH unending, endless

maternal instinct

3X3P TATAX to sob

3r(3CT33 in the end, finally 3r(3CXHHx (see 3~3X) 3r(3X to become weary, to get worn out, 3~31K

Ma~ax to strive one's hardest, to wear oneself out, 3D;31K TYPax to become emaciated, to get gaunt, 3~31K TYHJI));ax (3D;31K nyuax] to get worn out, 3~31K nynaxsrr M3));3XryH tireless, indefatigable






1. secret, concealed, clandestine 2. extramural, private, home, absent, - HJITr3JI


papers available but not read (at a conference), cypan~artI external student, - cypan~ax to study extramurally, - :mtI33JI extramural study -

3't1H33f33P in absentia sur (see Hill I., II.)

3X3C (see HX3C II.)

33 1.1. (final vocative particle) hey!, I say!, 3rt{ - I say, sister! 2. (final corroborative particle)

3r(CHHH final, last, -

33 II. (-

oyy));an terminus, end of the line, - OYJI3IT (- .n;ya));, - 3~3CT) finally, in the end, aher all, in the final analysis, oyr33r));3xyya end product, finished product - stepfather, 3~3rrYH spare the rod and spoil the chiId, - Man sire, - esren forefathers, 3~HHH 3pXT patriarchal, 3~HHH 3pXT ec (3~HHH 3pXT ec ));3rJI3M) patriarchy, patriarchal system, - 3XHHH 39BJIaJI parents' council (in school) 2. (in swear words) - tIHHb (3~HHr33 ann] damn it!, sanar 10M 3~H what the hell!

3r(3f 1. father,




damn!, -

xanar, -

oh!, -

oanap (- JIy));, -


TOOryH ));33 (- JIaMbIH ));OO));OX, tIaaBaac)

oh my!, oh dear!, what a


33B'tI (see 33B3p) 33B3P (-

HaMap, - 3Hr3p) in the sun, exposed to the sun, - rasap sunny sheltered spot

33B3PJI3X to bring or to come into the sun 33,Il;HH I)YY,IJ;AH cracked, not all there 33W3X 1. to be tangled, to be in a muddle


(X3JI -)

to stammer

3r(3fJI3X to make an offering of food or drink to the gods (hist.)

33W33 tangle, muddle, contusion, -

3r(3rmHX to be paternal, to be fatherly, -

33W33T (see 33.D;P33T3H) 33,n;P33T3H 1. tangled, confused 2. confused, complicated, - acyynan a tricky question


paternal instinct

3r(3JIT fatigue, - ~aJITryH tireless 3r(3HrH (see 3~3Hr3p) 3r(3Hf3P thin, emaciated, scraggy, scrawny,


33,n;YYJI3f 1. curdling





2. curdling

process, curdling

33,n;YYJI3X to curdle, to allow to curdle


3r(3HXHH (see

tongue-twister, -

33,n;3JIT curdling


3r(3C end, conclusion, to, to bring to an end, -


to put an end to come to an

33,n;3M curds leh aher whey (wap yc) is removed from curdled milk

33A3MJl3X to curdle


33A3MQ3P casein 33A3X to curdle (introns.)

3X MaJIbIr rapcan TOJI~ Hb -- to let the da ms get

33}1{ mother, mum

used to their young 2. to compensate

333rHH a milk product made by boiling most of the whey from the curdled milk of sheep, goats or cows and setting the residue to dry on a screen, -- 6~aJIrax to snore like a grampus 33.IKHH (see 33}1{)

33PM3Jl spinning, 33PMJIHHH 3aBO~ spinning mill 33PYY stutter, stammer 33PYYJI 1. spindle 2. a device for twisting and

33Jl good luck, good fortune, blessing 33JlrYH unlucky, ill-starred

dressing a leather strap 33PYYT3X to stammer, to stutter

33Jl}l{ 1. turn, XOHHHbI -- one's turn to mind the sheep, -- ~apaaraap (-- ~apaaJIaH, -- 33JI}I{33p) in turn, turn and turn about, -- napaananraa successive, stage by stage 2. shift, -- COJIHJIQOX to change shift 3. burst (of fire), 60rHHO -- short burst, ypr -- long burst 4. detail, relief (of a guard), xanax -- relieving detail, new guard, -xanaarya unrelieved 5. change (of clothing) 6. stroke (mech.), ~9PBOH 33JIJKHT XO~OJIryyp four-stroke engine 7. half (football, etc.), 3XHHH -- first haIf 33Jl.IKHHH 1. regular, -- aMPaJIT regular holiday, -- 6yc extraordinary, -- TYP 1.J:OJIOO regular leave (mil.) 2. alternative, interchange 3. shift (adj.), -- cypryyns "shift school" (a type of adult education arranged for shift workers) 33JI.lKHT regular, recurrent, successive, -- 6yc extraordinary

33PQ3r hip-joint 33P3rQ spinner 33P3JI hope, wish 33P3M I. deposit produced on the inside surface of the 6YPX33P by distillation 33P3M II. open, flat (plain), -- TaJI open plain 33P3M III. (see -- IIIapHJI}I{) 33P3HQ3r a type of dance, OPOOHbI -- birds' wedding dance 33P3HQ3X to caper, to hop about 33P3X I. to spin, to twist, cyp -- to dress a leather strap by twisting it while it hangs from a tripod under weight, yrac -- to spin thread 33P3X

33JI}I{JI3JIT alternation 33JI}I{JI3X to alternate, to take turns, 33JI}l{JI3H 6aHQaax to interrogate in shifts 33JIT (see 33JIT3H)


(X3JI --) to stutter, to stammer 2. to

keep crying (child) 33P3X III. to hang around, to haunt, to plague, to pester, to keep on at, OB1.J:HH -- to be chronically ill

33JIT3H beneficial, bringing good fortune, a blessing, lucky


33M3r earring

33Tr3P turned-up

33H3r familiar, friendly 33H3rIIIHJI 1. 2. compensation


33H3rIIIYYJI3JIT compensation 33H3rIIIHX 1. (33H3rwHH nacax, 33H3rillH}I{ H~33WHX) to get used to 2. to compensate

1. to allow to

to stop, to hold up, to block

33THHX to turn up, to curl up


33H3rIIIHJIT (see 33H3rWHJI)



get used to, §

33T3H turned-up, -- ryran boots with turned-up toes 33X to warm oneself (at or in something), to bask,

rann rapaa -- to warm one's hands at a fire, napann -- to bask in the sun 33Q (see Q9B)

====10==== IOAH YJIC Yuan dynasty, Mongol dynasty

r3:>K oo~oo~ thinking he would like to go and

see it

IOAHbIIAH (see HMTIaH I.) IOIiKA skirt, MaKCH - maxi-skirt, MHHH - mini-skirt

IOMCAH)K was, were

(Russ.) IOBYY (see HBYY)

IOMCAH)K33 (see IOMCaH:>K) IOMXAH thing, trifle, nothings, IOMXHaap 10M

IOHP3X to collapse, to break down, to crumble

XHiix to make the best of one's resources

IOHfAP Mustard (Tib. yungs-dkar)

away, to fall to pieces

IOJIfAH nimble, light-footed (horse)

1OH)]:3H swastika (Tib. gyung-drung)

IOM3PXYY lanceolate, gladiate (leaf-shape),

lOY I. (used as yy after a word ending in a long

vowel or diphthong)

TOHropyy - oblanceolate

IOJIT Goniolimon (bot.)

lOY II. what, - oaiix B3 what's the point of?,

IOJIXA local genius, spirit of the locality (Tib. yul-Iha)

IOJIXf3P fat, obese IOJIXHHX to be obese, to move obesely HX IOMaH)]; oo~ox to value highly, IOMaH)]; oo~oxryii (IOMaH 'IHH33 oo~oxryH, IOMaH 'IHH33~ oo~oxryii) to think nothing of (something), to scorn (something), IOMaH)]; ~ypTaH inquisitive, curious, - noon all the time, IOMHbI ytlHp M3~3X to know what's what, IOMHbI ytlHP M3~3xryii to be clueless, Y33r~3n phenomenon, - XyM things, belongings, bits and pieces, something or other, - xyM spamtax to chat, IOMTaH xyu IOMaapaa using one's own resources, IOMHbI 333H CYMHbI 3aHrH key man, leading light, IOMaH)]; asax to go off for something, to go on a job 2. is, are, § HHn33~ oaHH aHn - oaiiHa it is a rich family

10M 1. thing, something,

3. (used to complete a verb form ), §


eep X3n3X yr oaHxryH - OH3 ~33 there can't be any more to say, can there? 4. - yy or, either ... or, whether ... or, § Mapraam Hb - yy aereenop Hb oHnyy the next day or perhaps the dayaher

IOMfYH nothing, § XHHr~C3H - oaHB nothing had been done

IOMIiYY ingot (Chin.) IO~YY)KHH

(see e~YY}KHH)

IOM)KHX to make money, to get rich IOMC things, - Y33r~3n phenomena IOMCAH 1. was, were, § X3~3H }l{HnHHH OMHO - it was some years ago 2. (used to complete a past verb form), asyyncaa - sent, had sent 3. would, should, would like to, HHr3xryH n this should not happen, § xapanuaaraa oaHBan caHH - it would be a good thing if we had relations, XYYX3~ oaraqyy~blr M3CHHH 3yHn~ OHp oaHnraxryii oaiix - children should not be allowed near knives, TYYHHHr O'IH:>K Y33X -

what's the use of?, why?, why not?, § TYYH33C eep - oaiix B3 that's all there is to it, Hapax oaiix B3 what's the ,hurry?, - OOnOB'I in any case, IOYHaac oonoo~ for what reason?, r3C3H yr B3 what is the meaning of ... ?, 3H3 r3C3HyrB3 what is the meaning of this?, § HMap H3r X3nHHr M3~3 ransr - r3C3H yr B3 what does knowi ng a 10 nguage mean?, ioyraap 'I in no way, by no means, - n oa~ar OYX3H (- n oon -) anything and everything, - noon (- n oon noo] not likely; anything, everything, nothing, § 'IHHHH M3M3r 'I - n oon ~OO you know nothing about it, § - n r3:>K oo~on OO~ think what you like, IOYHbI OMHO (IOYHbI TYPyyH)l;. IOYHbI ypb~) above all, first of all, - canxaa ~yp caaxaa every man to his taste, IOYHbIyqHp what for?, - 'I anything, nothing, - 'I aryraa (- 'I ooncoH, - 'IOOJITyraH, - 'I r3C3H) anyway, in any case, at any rate, - 'I OHm nothing to speak of, nothing to write home about, - 'I x3n3nryH without a word, - 'I saxas it doesn't matter what, it's all the same, - 3C what not, whatever not, § YU3rHHH apse, pyonb op XOH:>KnHHH J

~aaBYY r33~ - 3CHHr aB'I

rapax r3:>K oponnnor

OHn33 they try to toke out fox furs, roubles, bedlinen and what not, XHiix 10M - 3Coaiix B3 there

is plenty to do, -lOyryii straightaway, at once, in a moment

IOYH what?, which?, - Mara~ (IOYHbI Mara));} perhaps, maybe, - TYPyyH)l; above all, first of all, § - ync 10M oon ~OO I wonder who they can be?, - xyu B3? who's there?, who's that?, oryyn3x X3p3r - aac (oryyn3x -) do I need to say?, there is no need to say, of course

IOYH)]: what for?, why? IOYHbI what?, how?, - Hb (- 'IHHb) why?, what for?, - eop oaHHa it is no different, - ytlHP T3P B3 why is that?

IOYHbIX why?, for what reason?, 3H3 - B3 why is this?

IOYTAH 1. with what?, COHHH - what news?









xaparnaaa B3 how pretty it looks!, uar xyranaa xypnaa onao B3 how quickly time passes



3. N XYYT3H (N X33T3H) bag and baggage, the whole lot 4. N OHn33 how would it be if?, what about?, N 'I anyway; no way, N q aryraa (N 'I oonoB, N 'I r3C3H) in any case, anyway, however that may be

IOYXAH not much, nothing much, nothing to it, a bit, a bit here and there, oaHx B3 nothing to it, child's play, NHHx3H (N xyyxaa, NX33X3H) things, bits and pieces, this and that, odds and ends N

lOY (used as ioy I. after front-vowel words)

IOY,IJ;9H 1. hood 2. a close-woven woollen cloth

IOY}K sheaf IOY}KJl9X to tie in sheaves IOYllYYP funnel (for pouring) IOYll9PXYY funnel-shaped, infundibular IOYJI9X 1. [ynaa N) to change horses, to change mounts 2. to pour (in, out), to drain, to empty,

N oarnaa drain-plug (auto.), N xoonoa (N HYX) filling-pipe (auto.)

IOYP9X to collapse, to break down, to crumble away, to fall to pieces

IOYTf9ll destruction, extermination

====51 BAB what's happened?, what's the matter?, § what's happened to my daughter?, X3JI3xryH ... why didn't you say?


BABAJI 1. how? 2. if one does what, ... sar come what may, § yyuHiIr ... should be done about it?



BABl.{ 1. certainly, of course, for sure, bound to 2. by no means, certainly not

BArAA: ... q yryH far from, not by a long chalk, too early, § HaMaHr XYJI33xryH ... B3 why didn't you wait for me?, napan oapyyuaa raurcaa OOJIOBq aAOp ... q yryH though the sun had declined in the west, the day was far from over, nar ... q yryH JI OaHJIaa it was not nearly time yet, qH opoxryH aaraas why don't you come in?, "'IOM OOJI what can have happened? BAr~ why?, how?, r3B3JI the reason is that, ... T3P B3 why is that?, q (... q r3C3H, ... q yryH) no way, by no means, never, ... q 10M somehow, just, ... q 10M 03 oyy M3A somehow or other, § X3H q ... q 30rCOO}K yJI xanaa there is no way anyone can stop him

BA)l;Ar do what?, § 3MJIaM

10M what do you want to open it for?, OAOO OHJI33 what's to be done now?, TYYHHHr X3JI3X3A ... 10M 03 suppose you tell me?, why not tell me? HHr33A (... HAlK)

somehow or

other, any old how, § qH ... oaHraa what do you think you're doing?

qHHb 3H3


BA}I{rHH (... }KaalKrHH) rickety BA}I{IIIYYXAH just how BAJIAA f3)1{ whatever for?, why?, of course not BAJIAA HHJI33 what happened to ... ? BAJITAH how?, ... OHJI33 what is to be done, what now?, § yH rawyya OOJIOXOOC OHm'" A33 how could they not be distressed?


(HaJIT q


yryH) no doubt about it,


BAM yamen (hist.), ministry (Chin.)

BAMAH good,

that's all right, never mind, what a good job, § MOHra q ... aMbA oaHraa qHHb JI HX 10M never mind about the money, the main thing is you're alive

BAMJIAX to attend a yamen for a ceremony or official duties (hist.) BAHA 1. what is to be done? 2. suppose, OCOJI OOJIOOJI ...

BAPAJIrYH without hurrying, without haste BAPAJITAH urgent, pressing, hurried, emergency, ... TyCJIaM}K emergency assistance, ... xypannaaa emergency session

BAPAHrYH hurriedly BAPAX to hurry, to be in a hurry, HapBaJI naapaa

BABl.{Hf (see HaBq)

BA}I{ how?, ...

BAPABl.{JIAX to hurry, to hasten, to act quickly BAPAJI hurry, haste

suppose there was an accident?

BAH HHH somehow or other BAPABl.{JIAH hastily, in a hurry

more haste less speed, sapaa caanpaa (HapaH aapaa T3BA3H) hurriedly, hastily


BAPMAf fair, XYAaJI~aaHbI ... trade fair (Russ.) BAPCAH in a hurry, pushed BAPYY (... oaqyy, ... AaBqyy, ... cannpyy, ... T3B,rwy)

in a hurry, hurried, hasty, ... X3p3r emer-


BAPYYJIAX to hurry, to hurry up, to drive on (trans.) BAPYYXAH in a hurry, hurried, hasty BACAH 1. what has happened?, § ,n:OJIlKHH


what's happened to Doljin? 2. what a!, § ... caHH MOpb B3 what a fine horse! 3 q surely, absolutely, not at all, by no means 4 10M 03 what about?, why not?, suppose, § CaHaJI aCyyJIT HByyJIOaJI ... 10M 03 what a bout havi ng a poll? 03

BACXHH)I{ how? BACXHHH (see HaCXHH}K) BATYY hussy (Chin.) BAX (... HfIx) to do what, what to do, ... apraryH absolutely, no doubt about it, ever so, terribly, ... r3}K why?, what for?, ... HiooIHH apra Tacpax to be at one's wits' end, ... HiooIHH 3aBryH (... HHXHHH 3aBAaJIryH, ... HHXHHH 3yyp, ... HiooIAH

in a flash, before you know where you are, ... lOy oaflx B3 why not?, of course!, ... q yryH nothing to be done about it, can't do a thing about it, § O~OHOOP ... Hb B3 what do you want the can for?, HHr3lK ryHb}K ryraan ... OHJI33 what's the good of moaning like this?, HaMaHr saxaa eepcnee M3~ decide yourselves what to do with me, OAOO ... OHJI33 [onoo ... OOJI) what's to be done now?, Ta M3~33A ... Hb B3 what do you want to know for?, 3~ Hap MaHaflxaap Hb 10M OOJI I wonder what they want of us?, q Ha~aJIryH no good, done for 3yypryH)

BAXAAPAA why?, for what reason? BAXAB anyway, all right, what about?, never mind, § oaAJIryH ... (T3r3JIryH ...) of course, sa ... all right then, § MYY OXHH MHHb 3~33 XHqH33H caaacasrr X3JI33A ... didn't my little girl miss her dad, I don't have to tell you, oxaxnoo

'I aaxas, o~~aa n X3IWY 10M OaHHa naa it's

all right going, coming back will be the problem, caaaaraap ynaan - nothing to worry about, not to worry, xaanraa x HBcaH - anywhere will do, xyy'IHH xaHMap oaHcaH 'I - it doesn't matter if it is an old tyre, ~aH cyJDK oonoxryH OOJICHOOC XOHW acraxaac - as the milk can't be put in the tea, better throw it away, 'IH H8M IOMa~ caanpaan - there's no need for you to worry about such things, nrvxpasp u - what do I want an umbrella for?, HBaJIryH - I have to go

BAXAH how?



xyHHH 3aM pavement, footpath, - ~3p3r infantry, - saax to go on foot, to walk 2. low, - CaJIXH low wind, surface wind, - caanan low chair, low seat, - cyyx to squat, to crouch, ynr3p (see ynr3p), - x3pyyn tiff, - WHp33 low table, - wor joke, - wyypra (see wyypra), apaa gOSSip -

BBrAHAAP on foot, - 30P'lHf'l pedestrian BBrAPAX 1. to be dismounted, to have to go on

BAX B3 (see aaxas], § nyyraan - let's face it, COHHH YHWaa~ - why read the papers?, X3n33~ - B3 it goes without saying, ~aH 'I - never mind about tea, - Y3be never mind, let's have a go

BAXHHM ,IJ;33 what for?, why? BAXHH how? BAXJIAAPAA why?, for what reason? BBAAH,IJ;AA [ssaa -) in due course, in the course of time, as time goes on, in the long run

BBAr,IJ;AX to proceed, to be carried on, to hap-

foot 2. to be left in the lurch

BB,IJ;AJI 1. gait, pace, MOPHHbI - gait of a horse; performance on the fiddle imitating the gait of a horse 2. affair, event, OHe OHe~33 XYHA3Tf3X - mutual respect, OOJICOH - event, what happened, HX - CYY~aJI ooncomyH without any fuss or bother

BB,IJ;AJIrYH there is no question of, there is no need to, yryHcr3x - there is no denying

BB,IJ;AJITAM involved, problematical, troublesome

pen, to take place

BBAM appearance, air BBAMrYH dull, lacklustre, unattractive

BBHrHAX to speak rapidly, to natter

BB~ to have sexual intercourse

BBJIAr CAP Osprey, Pandion haliaetus

BBAJIT 1. movement, motion, gait, pace, XaJIX - (see xanxnax], Xap'lHH - (see xapxaanax]

BBJIHr (see asnar]


journey, run 3. travel (piston,


BBJIAr Long-eared Owl, Asio otus

BBCAAP in the course of time BBYY cowrie shell

BBAMTrAM on the go, restless BBAMXAH (see HBaMTraH)

BBYYJI passing, transient, - cyyryyn transient

BBAP broken country, badlands (geog.)


BBAP MYY poor as a church mouse, poverty-

BBYYJIAX 1. to send, saxaa - to send a letter 2.


BBAX 1. to go, to proceed, caaa HBaapaH goodbye, farewell, HBa~ Hp3X to come back, HBcaH HOXOH HC 3YYHa the early bird catches the worm, HBaH sacaap in the course of time, § 'IH ssaan cypaapaH just try it on!, do your worst!


to be, sanyy - ye~33 in one's young days,

3H3 saaa Hac this life, this existence, § T)'H aayyxaaapaa HBHa he is still hale and hearty

3. to be on (programme) 4. to get on, to manage S. (auxiliary verb expressing continuing action) § OH~ YYH33C YPb~ espon MaHfHHH xoon ~C33P HBcaH OHn33 before this we had been eating European-style food BBr~ to go on foot, to lack a mount

BBrAJIAX 1. to go on foot 2. to dismount 3. to cause to go on foot

BBrAH 1. on foot, foot, - aara infantry unit, -

and permanent

to carry out, oo~nofo - to carry out a policy

BBYYJIJIArA activities, doings BBYYJIbIH travelling, itinerant, in transit, mobile, - aJKHn'IHH migrant worker, - Y33cf3n3H travelling exhibition, - yHn'IHnf33 mobile services, travelling shop, - XYH traveller, person in transit; passer-by

RBYYPrYH ineffective, futile RBYYPTAM smooth, smoothly, without a hitch RBYYT on the move, on the way, - 3M'Inyyn3x to have outpatient treatment, - 3pf3X to turn on the move (mil.)

RBIJ; (- nponecc] process, course, OB'IHHH - the course of a disease, TYYX3H - historical process, § faJIT T3P3rHHH - WHpyyC3}K oaHHa the train is picking up speed


IJ:AB exactly,

precisely, punctiliously

oyc pedestrian zone, - ryyp footbridge, 30P'lHf'l (- XYH, - HBaf'l) pedestrian, - ~3H

RBQrYH ineffective, no use, a failure

on foot; poverty-stricken, - ypannaaa foot race,

RBQTAM effective, successfu I

jJ)l;AHrH poor, indigent



MAP (- AOpOH) weak, poor jJ)l;APrAA fatigue, weariness, exhaustion

jJBIJ;YY narrow, restricted, limited jJBIJ;YYAAX to be too restricted, to be too

jJ)l;APrAATAH tiring, exhausting jJ)l;APCAH tired

cramped jJBIJ;YYPAJI 1. tightness, narrowness 2. petti-

ness, narrow-mindedness jJBIJ;YYPAX 1. to be tight, to be narrow 2. to be

petty, to be narrow-minded jJBIJ;YYPYYJIAX to narrow, to restrict, to cramp

jJ)l;AX to be hardly able to, to be only /'ust able to, OHe3 Oapb1K - to be beside onese f, HACaH HOXOHA xarcan oaac it never rains but it pours, HAa1K TYHb1K saax to have a hard time, HAa1K Q9X9X to be hard put to it

jJBillHP kaolin

jJ)l;~ 1. at least 2. unfortunately, the trouble is

JJB jJBCAAP in the course of time

jJ)l;AXHAA at the very least

jJr (- Tar, - q yryii) quite, just, precisely, exactly, - AyypHax to imitate exactly, - THHM yes

indeed, absolutely, - xapannaa exactly opposite jJrAA decoration, ornamentation (on stirrups,

jJ)l;MAr poor, miserable, measly jJ)l;PAA tiredness, weariness, exhaustion jJ)l;PAAX to tire (trans.), OHe3 - to tire oneself jJ)l;PAJI (- 3YAP3H) tiredness, weakness, exhaus-


etc.) jJrAABTAP pinkish, violet

jJ)l;PAJIT (see HAparr)

jJrAAH pink, X3T - ultra-violet, X3T - TYHa ultraviolet rays, HHXaH - shocking pink, - OOHOP (see OOHOP 1.)

jJ)l;PAHrYH weary, tired

jJrAAHMH Madder, Rubia

jJ)l;PYY weak, enfeebled, weary

jJrAAPAX to turn pink jJrAAXAH pinkish, rosy, - xauap rosy cheeks

arrvn 1. really, truly, terribly, -

aJKHHCar really

hardworking 2. real, really good, quite something, § JIYBCaH MOHrOH OH'IHIT - XYH OaH1K33 Luvsan was really good at Mongol jJrAAX to be driven to extremity, to be at a loss


jJ)l;PAX 1. to be tired, to be weary, HAapq AOPOHTOX to be exhausted, to be broken down

in health 2. to be in want, to suffer want

jJrAAH,I{YY pink


jJ)l;PAMTrAH puny

YMapAbIH -


L. borealis

~ (- oyypaH, - AOpOH, - 3YAYY, - TaT}'Y, XOOCOH) poor, indigent, - 3YAYV oaHAarr poverty, - XOHHMor weak mixture (auto.), xanyy (- 'IaAYY 03HT3H 03HryH) rich and poor alike ~BTAP poorly off, rather poor, rather weak, weakish jJ)l;YY)I{HX to be weakened, to be made poorer jJ)l;YYJIAr poor, indigent, - oaHAan poverty

jJrJKrAP short, stubby

jJ)l;YYPAJI poverty, impoverishment, HAyypHbIH TYBIIIHH (HAYYPHbIH xsaraap, HAYYPHbIH nryrass]

jJrHX to moan, to grumble, to natter jJrHHH (see 3ypX3H Q3Q3r)

poverty line

jJITAX to be at one's wits' end

jJ)l;YYPAX to grow poor, to become impover-

ished, to come down in the world

jJrYYXAH slow, gentle jJrxHHX to plop down, HrxHHT3H with a thud,

with a bang

jJ)l;YYPYYJIAX to impoverish, to make poor jJ)l;YYC poor people, paupers

jJrQHC Yakshas (a class of demigods)



jJ)l;YYqyy~ (see HAffC)

jJ3 to bits, - QOXHX to smash

jJrillHX to be firm, to be persistent

jJ3AB XHHX (H3aB TaTaB XHAx) to twitch

jJrillMAJI exact, firm, -

jJ3AHX to be ranged, to be in a row



jJrillTAJI firmly, tightly, exactly, strictly, punctil-

iously jJ)l;AJK



(H3raHaH OBOH30X) to crowd

together, to swarm

1. at

least, just 2. not even

jJ)l;AM protective deity

(Buddh.) (Tib. yi-dam)

jJ)l;AM XYPYY (see xypyy 1.)


to twitch, to jerk

jJ3rAP ranged, in a row

1.i. root, basis, origin, line, - MaxooA element, ssryypsm TaBaH oypxaH the Five


Celestial Victors or jino (consisting of Vairocana, Akshobya, Ratna-sambhava, Amithaba and Amogha-siddhi) ii. root (ling., moth.), HA3BxryH .-. unproductive root (ling.), HA3BXT3H .-. productive root (ling.), KYOHHH .-. cubic root 2. basic, fundamental, traditional, original, .-. ypnar traditional art, .-. 3pX aIIIHr fundamental interests 3. family (not. hist.), ~33~ .-. superfamily R3rYYPT descended from, OH~OP .-. of noble birth, T3Hr3p .-. of divine descent R3rYYPTAH nobility, aristocracy, nobles R3JIAX to split, to burst open


R3MAf lumps, clots R3MAITAX to coagulate, to go lumpy R3PAJIT crack, split R3PAX to burst,to burst open, to be torn open, to be rubbed open RH)I{fAHAX to be rickety, to be tumbledown, to wobble RH)I{fAP (.-. JKaH}lITap)

(see HH}lITHH)

58 1


concrox to charge, .-. COHCOX to be charged, .-.

rynranr accusation, .-. TYnrax to accuse, to bring charges, .-. X3n3~3X to find guilty r3M) wrongdoing, crime

3. (.-.

RJIAA Fly, liaH~aaHbI .-. Cabbage-root Fly, Hy/em/yo brossicoe, )l{YHrHHYYP .-. Bee Flies, Bombyliidae, 3apaa.-. ParasiteFlies,Tachinidae, Maxasr .-. Flesh Flies, HatIHH .-. Robber Flies, Asilidce, COHrHHbIH .-. Onion Fly, C3rHHH .-. Blow Flies, Calliphoridae, C3ptIHrHYYP .-. Hover Flies, Syrphidae, Tacanraaasr .-. House Fly, Musco domestico, Tacanraaasr o3cp3r .-. Lesser House Fly, TOOHOrtI .-. Stable Fly, Stomoxys co/citrons, Yp yycr3rq .-. (r(3BPYYTYVn3rtI .-.) Gall Midges, Cecidomyiidae, YeTHHH .-. Gout Flies, Chloropidae, RnaaHbI oar Flies, Diptera, .-. oaTraHa (.-. myMyyn) flies, gnats, midges, HJIaaHbI rontio fly-spots anaaasr xop fly killer

Amanita muscorio

RH)I{rHH (.-. JKaH}lITHH) rickety

RJIAAHhI XOP Fly Agaric,

(see HH}lITHH) RH)l{HHX (HH:>KHHJK JKaH1KHHx) (see HHJKraHax) RH)l{HJI3AX (see HH}lITaHax)

RJIAAPXAf worried by flies (horse)

RHJIAX to smash

RJIAf,IJ;AJI defeat

RHP to bits, to pieces, HHpaH oonrox to break, to smash, to spoil, HHpaHOOJIOX to get broken, to get smashed, to get spoiled, .-. oIIIHrnyyJI3X to get kicked to bits

RJIAf,IJ;AX to be defeated, § MYY xaaaanaan HJIar~JIaa I went down with a nasty flu

RH)l{Hf (.-. JKaH:>KHr)

RHPAX to crumble, to shatter


RHPYYJIAX to smash

RJIAAPXAX to be worried by flies (horse) RJIAAPIIIHX

(see HnaapIIIHX)

RJIAf,IJ;AIIIfYH invincible RJIAfq winner, victor RJIAJIT victory, ~3B3P .-. clear win, clear victory (sport)

(see HJIMaa)

RHqHX to smash


RHIIIHH one of two vertical pegs fitted on each of the thills of a wooden cart

RJIAHrYRA especially, particularly, H3H'-' more especially, above all

RJI 1. (.-. HHX) punishment, sentence, .-. acyyx to seek a penalty, HJIbIH ~33~ X3MJK33 supreme penalty, .-. 3aax (.-. oHor~yynax, .-. OHOOX) to pass sentence, rHH~aH~ XOpHX .-. saax to sentence to imprisonment, .-. 3aBIIIHX to get off, to escape punishment, .-. 3aBIIIyyJIax to get (someone) off, .-. 33MJI3JI punishment, .-. 33MJI3JI~ opox to get into trouble, .-. TOJIOBJIOX to propose a penalty, .-. IIIHHTryyJI3rtI convicted person, .-. IIIHHTryyJI3X (.-. IIIHHTr3r~3x) to be convicted, .-. IIIHHTr3JI punishment, sentence, sentencing, .-.IIIHHTr3JI OHOr~JIax (.-. IIIHHTr3x) to convict, to sentence, to pass sentence, .-. IIIHHTr3JIryH without a conviction, not convicted, .-. IIIHHTr3JIT3H (ypb~'-' IIIHHTr3r~C3H) with a previous conviction, previously convicted, .-. 3Myyn3x to have a sentence served, .-. 3Myyn3x oaHryynnara penal institution, .-. 3M3X to serve a sentence 2. charges, .-.

RJIAPXAX to be hurt, to be pained RJIAPXYY vulnerable RJIAX 1. to win, to be victorious, oaooroop .-. to win on points, HnJK rerc HOrqHrCOH victoriously passed beyond (epithet of Buddha) 2. (HnaH nasax. anaa ~HJI3X, HJIaH TYYJIax) to beat, to defeat, to overcome, to triumph over RJIIiAf a dish prepared from chopped-up intestines (of marmot, etc.) flavoured with onion RJIfAA difference, distinction RJIfAArYH no different, all the same, alike, onop IIIOHO .-. day and night alike, § xaaaa tI YXC3H'-' it's all the same wherever you die RJIfAATAH different, XOopo~OO .-. different from each other RJIfABAP difference, distinction, § XYH aMbIH TOO, 3P3IT3H, 3M3IT3H, HaCHbI snraepaap pop-



ulation figures according to sex and age gJIfABAPrYH regardless of, irrespective of, § apse, ~3C, nranraa uryrnar, HHHrMHilH rapan o~an, 311; xepoare, 3P11;3M OOJlBCpOn regardless of race, nationality, faith, social origin and status, wealth or education gJIfABAPJIAf,n;AX to be different, to be distinguished, to be distinct

to take off, to extract, to obtain, anraa ranyypxax to discriminate against, apse eareep anraa ranyypxax racial discrimination, snraa saarnax to distinguish, Hnra:>K TaHHX to tell apart, to distinguish 2. to give off, to release, to eliminate, anraa raprax to give off (gas, etc.), - 3PXT3H excretory orga ns gJIfAQ interval (mus.) gJIfAQ rHIIIYYH article (gram.), T)'XaiIJIax definite article, 3C ryxaanax - indefinite article gJIrYYM gentle, mild, pleasant

gJIfABAPJIAJI distinction, discrimination

gJIrYYH (see HnryyM)

gJIfABAPJIAX to distinguish, to differentiate, to discriminate, anrasapnaa ranyypxax to discriminate (against), anraaapnacan oaonr differential diagnosis, anrasapnaa oaournox to make a differential diagnosis, anrasapnaa oaomnoxya differential diagnostics, anrasapnaa Y33X to discriminate (against), aara anraaapnaa Y33x'oo11;noro policy of class discrimination

gJIrYYCAH victorious

gJIfABAPTAH different, distinct

gJI,Il;AM 1. (- saaraa] gentle, mild 2. occasion, 3H3 HMaM11; on this occasion, Hn11;aM1); T3M11;3rn3X311; (HMaM1); x3n3x311;) incidentally, by the way BJI,Il;AMXAH charming, sweet gJI,Il;AP on the occasion of, taking advantage of Bll3 soft, boiled down, - oaH311;ax to beat up, T3:>K33nT3H saprophyte, - xaaax to boil down

gJIfAf,Il;AC (see anranac]

gJI3APMAJI rotten

gJIfAr,Il;AX to be distinguished, to be differentiated - mHH:>K distinguishing feature

gJI3APXAH rotten

anr Ar,Il;AXYHQ distinguishable

gJI3MAf humus, compost, § oYYQ, - 33p3r opranax OOP11;OO organic fertilizers such as dung and compost

gJIfAfll1. sorter (mail, etc.) 2. sorting machine gJIfMACexcreta, excretions, -o~droppings

gJI3JIAX to let rot

anr MCbIH excretory

Bll3MAIT rotted down, - nasxapraa humus layer

gJIfAJIrYH without distinction, all alike, xyilc regardless of sex

gJI3MAITAX to decay, to go musty

gJIfAJIJIAX to decline (gram.)

gJI3PAJI 1. rot, rotting, decay, HOHTOH - wet rot 2. rottenness, decay

gJIfAJIT sorting

gJI3PAJIT (see anspan]

gJIfAMrYH indistinguishable

gllfAPAA differentiation, contrast

gJI3PAX (HJl3paH eMXHiipex, Hn3apq r3MT3X, Hn3apq MY}'11;ax) to rot, to go rotten, to putrefy, to decay, xyypail - dry rot, anspaa saaxaapax to be corrupt; corruption, HJl3Pau sanpax to rot down, to decompose, HJI3Pau ynax to fall into decay

gJIfAPAJI (see snrapaa]

gJI3PYYJIAX to rot (trans.), to let go bad

gJIfAM}I{ distinction, difference gJIfAM}l{AA shade, distinctiveness BllfAM}I{TAH differential, different

gJIfAPAJIT secretion, m33C - secretion of urine

gJIHrYH (see HnHXryH)

RJIfAPAMrYH indistinguishable

BllHMfYH (see HnuxryH)

gJIfAPAM}I{ distinction, difference, contrast

BJIHMrYHX3H just a trifle

gJIfAPAX 1. to be distinguished, to stand out 2. to be given off, to be released, to be secreted

gJIHXrYH slight, petty, trifling, insignificant, unimportant, tiny, nothing much, - sapra HMaaHbI rapsraa (- IOMHaaC HMaaHbI raps] wasting a lot to gain a trifle, gaining a Pyrrhic victory, - 3yHJI (- 10M) a trifle, a trifling matter

gJIfAPYYJIAJIT secretion gJIfAPYYJIAX 1. to distinguish 2. to give off, to release, to secrete, to eliminate, - yiln excretion, - 3PXT3H excretory organs gJIfAX 1. to separate, to sort, to sort out, to distinguish, xypra - to separate lambs (from their dams), to wean lambs, anraa asax to separate,

BllHX IIIAJIHXrYH (see HnHXryH) gJIJIAf,Il;ArtI defendant (jur.) BJIJIArtI prosecutor, the prosecution, yncsnr public prosecutor


1. to accuse 2. to punish



BJIJIYYJIArtI the accused BJIMAA (-- MOrt;) Mulberry tree,


BJIT criminal (ad(), -- X3p3r crime, criminal act, -- 3IT33rt; offender, criminal, -- HByyJIJIara crim-

inal activity BJITAH criminal, convicted person BJITAC plate, flake, chip, ~CHbI -- platelet BJITfAP shallow (dish)

BJIYY 1. transom, lintel 2. cross-beam of a cart BJIXAHx to be flabby BJThrYH




RMAPBAA any, whatever, -- 3yHJI anything


1. Goat,

HMaaHbI Max XaJIyyH rt;33P33 in good time, while the iron is hot, HMaaH ossor hot temper, irascibility, HMaaH OMOITOH hot-tempered, irascible, HMaaH CyyJIT "goat-tailed" (name of a type of gun), -- TYiiJIaart; saraa 3Brt;3xryHT3M33TYiiJIaart; T3Hr3pT rapaxryH the weakest goes to the wall, HMaaH yc (HMaaH HOOC) coarse hair on a sheep similar to goat's hair, HMaaH XHJI3H (see xaMoa XHJI3H), HMaaHbI x3prnHr T3M33HHHx OOJIrOX to blow up out of


all proportion 2. convex face of an anklebone 3. buck (gym.) BMAAJI3

Tragus (bot.)


2. -- H3r any, some, some sort of, some ... or other, -- H3r apraap somehow or other, -- H3r XYH somebody, someone or other, -- H3r3H X3MlK33r33p to some extent 3. -- q some, any, none; however, -- 'I aT)TaH (-- 'I OOJICOH, -- 'I r3C3H) in any case, whatever happens, anyway, -- q OaHJIaa r3C3H however it was, -- 'I YHrt;3cryH without any justification, without any foundation, -- q xaMaaryH any old, § -- q XYH oaHlK M3J];H3 there may be anyone there 4. never, oyyrt;caH 'I -- OHOX OHW even if they shot they would never hit us, -- 'lHHHH XyyxHHHr OH oyJIaaqHX OHm I wouldn't think of pinching your girl BMAPTAH q in any case, anyway BMAPXYY

(see HMap 1.) (see HMap 1.)


BMIiA 1. high rank, office 2. privileges, dignity, -- ec ceremony, dignity, -- eCHbI (-- eCJIOJIbIH)

ceremonial (adj.)

1. to be privileqed. to enjoy privi2. to do oneself well



BMIiAPXAf stiff, stuck-up BMIiAPXAX to put on airs, to get on one's high horse, HMaa HMOapXalK oaHlK ycryH XO~OPHO

pride goes before a fall


(also XHJI3~3T AaJI3) (see Monron Ilorap] BMAATAX to burn (soot on a pot, etc.) BMAAX.AH Sphallerocarpus gracilis (bot.) (see

RMIiATAH privileged

BMAAH YYu; Scorpion

BMIiATAH dignitary, bigwig




BMAAq}fH goatherd

BMAIT always BMAITbIH constant

B~A IiYPXAH Yamantaka (Buddh.) BMAP 1. (-- r33qIDfH) what?, what. sort of?, -r33'1 3yiiJI what sort of thing?, whatever?, -30JIHr WHr hellishly, -- caaanaa of course, -yxCH33 (-- yJIHHr33, -- 3JI3HW33) what the hell, what the devil, § OH -- yJIHHr33 M3rt;3X B3 rt;33 how the devil should I know?, ,IJ;3'1HHraJIaOaap -- 3JI3HW33 XHHx 'lHHb B3 what the devil do want the Dechingalab temple for?, ypHH AYJIaaHA TYJI33 TYJIW33 03JITr3lK TaTalK oaHxryH -- YXC3H33 XHIbK oaHcaH aMbTaH 03

what the hell were they doing not to get the fuel in while the weather was warm?, 3H3 HX capscaap -- yJIHHr33 XHHx r3C3H 10M 03 whatever are you going to do with all that shagreen?

(see HMOHH)

BMIiHH worn out, broken down, the worse for wear, a write-off, -- J];}TYii a wreck of a bicy-

cle, -- uraasan old crockery BMIiHHx to be worn out, to be wrecked, to be

a write-off

(Chin.) I. screen wall (Chin. ying-bi) BMIIAH II. coarse earthenware BMTAH (see HMoaTaH) BMIiYY calico


BMTAX to have glanders, to be glandered

BMX inch BH

I. (--

OprHJI, -- capsnar] snow-covered peak,

peak BH

II. (-- arapxaa, -- HHH) germ, microbe, bac-


III. ringing noise, bang BHAr 1. loved one, lover 2. beloved, loved, lovBH

ing, -- aMPar (-- J];ypJIaJI, -- C3Tr3JI, -- xaHp) love BHArJIAJI love


.SIH3AfA kid, young of antelope, reindeer,



.SIH3AH,IJ:AA (see aaaaapaa]

.SIHAfnAHrYH fond, loving

BH3fAllAX to produce young (deer, etc)

.SIIUfnAX to love, HHarJIaH 3PXJI3X to make love


.SIHAfYYXb relative,

.SIH3rYH 1. unlikely, probably not, not looking like 2. disagreeable, unfriendly






(see XaJIHap)

.SIHAf I(3I(3f Fuchsia (bot.)

.SIH3rYHPX3X to be in a huff

.SIHArm since, 3PTH33C - from of old

BH3nAX to tidy, to doup, to make good, to trim up, yC33 - to do one's hair, xaPYY~a1K - to plane up

.SIHArmnAX to approach, to get nearer .SIHA)];this side (of something)

.SIH3TAH 1. looking like, looking as if, seemingly, ypaM xyrapcaa - looking discouraged, XHTa~ - oaAWHH Chinese-style buildings 2. strange, queer, odd 3. nice-looking 4. HMap - in what way?, how?

BHAP before .SIHrHA I. pack-saddle .SIHrHA II. shrill, - lJYY a shrill sound .SIHrHA III. flail .SIHrHAllAX to put a packsaddle on

BH3bIH 1. of a ... sort, OJIOH - (HH3 -) all sorts of 2. strange, queer, odd

.SIHrHHATAll tightly, - TYI'lKHX to bolt securely, - XYJI3X to bind tightly

BH-Hf musical notation

.SIHrHHAX I. to ache .SIHrHP (- HMaa) Mountain Goat, .SIHrHPI(Af 1.1. pack-saddle

Capra sioinco

2. reindeer saddle

.SIHrHPQAr II. (see Tapsaraa llIHiip) .SIHrHI( Ptilotrichum (bot.), (also Ilaraaa ,IJ:3M3r), IiYYPaJIlJYY - P. canescens .SIHrYY

(see WHH Huryy)

(see HMDaA II.)

.SIHTAH inkstone, inkslab


.SIH TAH exactly, fully, completely, right .SIHTfAP skinny, bony .SIHXAH prostitute, whore, tart, AYYWIarbIH - callgirl, HHXHbI raaap brothel, whorehouse BHXAH,IJ:AnT prostitution BHXAH,IJ:AX to engage in prostitution

.SIHrYYPXAX to snivel, to be a mollycoddle


.SIHrYYtI complaining, whining

(see HHXaH)l;aJIT)

.SIHXHfAP bony, big-boned, raw-boned

.SIHrYYtIHPXAX to be sorry for oneself

.SIHXHHX to be bony, to be big-boned, to be raw-boned

.SIHrYYtIllAX to make a fuss .SIH,IJ:AA a vesselfor measuring liquids, grain,

.SIHllAH (see HMoaA I.) .SIHllHH

.SIHrHHAX II. to screech, to whine

(esp. Buddh.)


.SIH,IJ:AH I. [yraaasr -) chimney, flue, funnel, exhaust-pipe, rassm - gas cylinder (AK 47), AYPaH periscope, - XOOJIoA pipe (Chin.) .SIH,IJ:AH II. hooter, - ~yyrapax to sound (a hooter) .SIH,IJ:AH III. skinny

.SIHXHP (see HHXHrap) .SIHQAfnAX to groan, to grunt, to moan .SIHQfAAllT neighing .SIHI(fAAX to neigh, to whinny .SIHtIAAH silver dollar, dollar, silver coin



.SIH,IJ:AX 1. to measure, HH)l;a1K oapwryH immeasurable 2. to be full, to brim

.SIHtIHP Mongolian zither

BH,IJ:AIIIfYH immeasurable

.SIHIIIHX to nag, to go on at, to pester

.SIH)KYYP cigarette, WYYPT3A - filter-tipped cigarette, - rarax to smoke a cigarette, HHJKYYPbIH xaapuar cigarette packet (Chin.)

.SIHllIYH Parsley, 33pJI3r - Wild Parsley

.SIH3 form, shape, kind, sort, type, way, look, oa~aJI appearance, - oypHAH (- HH3bIH) all sortsof, -MaHr style, - Hb it looks like it, apparently, - opyynax to make (something) look nice, to arrange nicely, to do up, - Y33X to test, to try it on, - aasaap variously (Chin.)

BH .SIH XHHX to grumble, to growl, to mutter

BH3AAPAA as before, as it was, just the same as ever

BHllIAA nagging, garrulous, talkative

BHbHHnfAX to notate, to write in musical notation (see also HH-Hr) .SIllOHJapan BP I. ulcer, boil, chancre, 399JI9H - soft chancre, - 9B'IHH syphilis .SIP II. knot (in wood), HpTaA MO~ knotty wood BPABfAP

1. grimacing, making a face, -

uapaanax to make a face 2. haughty, supercil-


ious, snooty

BPAfJIAX to groan, to whine, to whimper BPAHJIfAX to line up, to put in rows BPAfIx to be lined up BPAll3AX to flash, to glitter, to gleam, to sparkle BPAll3YYJIAX to flash (trans.), WY~33 .. to flash one's teeth

gPAllT slit, opening up BPAX to pull apart, to pull open, to slit, to part gPBAfAHAX 1. to grimace, to make a face


to be snooty, to sneer, to look sour

gPBAfAP (see apasrap] gPBAHCXHHX to pull a face gPBAHX (see spaaraaax] gPB~ (see apsaraaax]

gPBAJI3AX (see apsaraaax] gPBHf (.. 03PXW33JI) trouble, difficulty, complication

gPBHfrYH straightforward, uncomplicated gPBHITAH troublesome, difficult, demanding, serious

gPfA slaughtering, butchery, spraasr rasap slaughterhouse, .. mHx to slaughter, to butcher, HpraHbI XOHb a sheep for the slaughter

gPfAH (see qapraif) gPfAllArtI butcher. killer gPfAJIAJI slouqhter, butchery gPfAJIAX to slaughter, to mow down gPfAJIfA (see apranan] gPfAJIT boring, piercing (n.) gPfAX to bore into, to eat into gPfAqHH 1. butcher 2. assassin, hangman gPrHX I. to whine gPrHX II. to reinforce by sewing gprYH 1. Pasque Flower, Pulsatilla, Xax .. P. ambigua , Illap .. P. f1avescens, .. xaax to go otter pasque flowers (stags, etc., in springtime), .. xeecoa HMaa WHr luxurv-lovlnq, § HpryHH HMaa WHr yJI TOfTOHO was like a fly round a honey-pot 2. Anemone, Anemone,

Llaraaa .. A. crinita (also liyrbIH Llaraaa, Csrcrsp BpryH1KHH) gPrYH)l{HH Anemone, Anemone, Carcrsp .. A. crinita (see liyrbIH Llaraaa] gPrYHJIAX to let (animals) graze on pasque flowers or anemones

BPMf bad-tempered, hot-tempered, fiery BPMfJIAX to play up, to show one's temper BP3AHJIfAX to bare, WY~33" to bare the teeth


BP3AHX to stand out, to appear in a row, to be bared (teeth), Hp3aHTJIaa HH33X to bare the teeth in laughter

BPHA 1. talk, speech, conversation, oaaH .. OOJIOX (see oaaH), .. anra (.. oaiixryH) no doubt about it, .. ~3nr3X to chat, to chatter, to ~ossip, .. yryyJI3JI public opinion, general feeling, .. xeepee chat, .. xaapaaT3if chatty, .. xyH chatterbox, HpHaHbI X3JI spoken language, colloquial, .. X3JI~33 (.. X3JI3JI~33) talks, discussions, .. X3JI~33 XHiix to hold talks 2. phone-call


unquestionable, doubt about it



gPHAHrYH (see HpHaryH) BPHATAH talkative, garrulous gPHf talkative, garrulous BPHf,IJ;AX to be talked about, to be discussed, to be under discussion

gPHfJIAX to chatter, to natter BPHJITrYH unquestionable, no doubt about it gPHJIIJ;AAH talking gPHJIIJ;ArtI [xapanuan .. ) interlocutor BPHJIIJ;AX to converse, to talk to each other, to talk, HpHJI~aH Tompox to agree, ,to arrange gPHJIIJ;JIAfA 1. conversation, discussion, talk 2. interview, .. erex to give an interview BPHYP microphone gPHX 1. to speak, to talk, 51pb~ar HOM talking book, Hpb}K HHlliHX to chew the fat 2. to talk about, to speak of

gPJIAX to remove the knots or branch-bases from a tree-trunk

BPcXHHx to

flash, to show up

BPTAX to get syphilis gpyy melodious, musical, harmonious, expressive, .. annap glory, fame, good name, .. annapr glorious, famed, .. aCyyJIT rhetorical question, .. Haifpar poetry, aMaH" Haifpar oral poetry, .. HaifprnHH poetic, poetical, .. HaifprHifH 3yH poetics, .. Haifparq poet, .. cairxasr aesthetic, .. COHCrOJIOHT euphonious, .. TO~ clear, shining, .. TO~ 1KHlli33 a shining example, .. TO~ HJIP3JI a clear instance, .. TYHranar HaifparJIaJI symphon ic poem, .. ryaranar- HaifpaJI Xar1KHM symphony orchestra, .. X3p3rJIyyp rhetorical device gPYYXAH 1. melodious, musical 2. expressive BPXHfAP big, large gPXHHT3JI bang!, crash! BPllIHf 1. trouble, nuisance, .. TapHX to give



trouble, to be a nuisance

2. what a


gPillHITAH troublesome, a nuisance gpillHrmAAX to be inconvenienced, to find (something) a nuisance

gPillHJI ulceration gPillHJIT (see HPIIIHJI) gPillHX to become ulcerated gC 1. bone, - aMap cyyx to have an easy life, to take it easy, - asrpax to restone's weary bones, nothing but skin and bones, scaa to come to the end of one's life, to die, - oapHX to dispose of a corpse, - 03PT3X to break a bone, HCRbI rypan bone-meal, MaXHaacaa thoroughly, - Rb HHrHHax to be pierced to the heart, to be cut to the quick, scsrr 8HA8JI3YYJI3X to make (someone) turn in their grave, - cyyx to sit; to do time, § eC8H cap WOpOHA - cyy}K doing nine months, - TaBHX to inter, to bury; to die, HCHbl T3}K33JI XHMPaJI osteodystrophy, - xasranx (- XaBTaJI3ax, XaBTaJI3a}K nee ~aJIrHX) to be frightened, to be scared, to be in fear and trembling, HCbl Rb xasraaran WYYMJK.1I3X to tear a strip off (someone), - XaHJIT a bone of contention, stirring up trouble, - xasx to cast a bone of contention, to stir up trouble, HCRbI X8JIC rapax to get better, to feel better, HcaH1( XYPT3JI M3~3X (- MaxaHAaa WUHr3T3JI oanrox] to know from bitter experience, scaa X3~3r [scan X3JIX33) nothing but skin and bones, scaa ~ailx to be in trouble, to have one's work cut out, scan my~ MOpb old horse with worn-down teeth, - HHrHHaM ~8C ~ap~aM Xyirr3H bitterly cold 2. (- qaHap) quality, - M8C88 oapllllXcaH heartless, - MYYTaii of bad quality, - cafl'raii of good quality 3. shell (fish, fruit) 4. lineage, line, house, xap - low birth, common descent, uaraaa - high birth, noble descent, - YJm3C nationality, ethnic origin, - xaranax to declare two lines of descent in a lineage separate and admitting of inter- apse OOJICOH


marriage aher a certain number of generations 5. exact, - TOO exact number 6. (- MO~) framework, skeleton (building, door, window, saddle, etc.)

gCAPXAf bony gCAPXYY (see scapxar] gCJKHJIT ossification gCJKHX to ossify, to turn to bone, to become bony

gCJIAf 1. bony, raw-boned 2. stone (adj.) (fruit) gCJIAX to bone (a fish, etc.) gCJIH creche (Russ.) gCHAACAA thoroughly gCHhI real, proper, born gCT bony gCTAH a people, a nationality, an ethnic group, - YJm3CT3H

peoples, nationalities, ethnic groups

gCT M3JIXHH Tortoise, Turtle, Chelonia gCtIHH cemetery attendant, corpse attendant, noxon scavenger dog (hist.) gTAP Fritillary, Fritillaria (bot.) gTfA the Mongolian zither, OOCOO - harp gTfMAX to play the zither gTfAJIfA urging, exhortation, persuasion, instigation, incitement

gTfAJIT (see arranra] gTfAX to urge, to exhort, to try to persuade, to encourage

gTYY Partridge, Perdix, Ilaryypsnr - Daurian Partridge, P. daurica, Ilaraaa - Willow Ptarmigan,

Lagopus lagopus

IDCHP I. harsh, -


hard work, demanding


IDCHP II. pernickety IDCHPJIAX to be pernickety BIllHJI Buckthorn, Rhamnus, R. erythroxylon, YJIaaHMO~or


R. erythroxylon

=:=:==ADDENDA=:==== AAXb YYXb puffing and panting ABAJIQMAll agglutinative (ling.) ABAX 6. to deliver (a child), ascaa 33JK the

IiAfA 1. 6arbIH H3P childhood name

woman who helps deliver a child

ABJIHfA bribery, corruption ABTO: aBTbIH MeXaHHKq motor mechanic AfAA a polite form of reference or address to an older relative

IiA)l;JIHYH (see 6a~PHYH) IiA)l;MAJIHHXYA (see Jlsaxya] (Tib. pad-ma,



IiA3MAJI squeezed, pressed

A,IJ;IliHH: - T3H3r asranraa MaIT~ar it's a stupid man who praises his own wife (proverbial criticism of a stupid man)

~YY (- 6y~pyy) uneven, bumpy

A)KHJI: - 6aHwIbIH TO~OPXOHJIOJIT curriculum vitae, CV, aacnaacaa MYJITpax to get the sack, aJKJIbIH X3C3r working party AH3AMT rhythmic AHMAH YHMAH flustered AJIAfJIYYJIAX 1. to make or let be colourful, gay or chequered

ABrAHQAP cup, jar, MOXOeJI~eCHHH - icecream cone, xysaauap - plastic beaker ARHIIIPAX to get travel-worn, to get travel-stained

2. to treat without distinction,

§ Maxblr HCTaH HCryHr33P Hb aJIarJIyyJIaH sapac selling the meat as all the same, whether with or without bones

AJIfACAX: :>KllJI - xyranaaan every other year AJITAHXYA (see HaMYY ~3~3r) AM I.1. aMblr 6apHX (aMbIr Hb6apb:>K aasrsrr Hb xaax) to scotch, to put paid to 3. aMHbI 63JIr33C aunnaa 63JIr3 a good omen! (response to a compliment or expression of good will)

AMHJIAX 2. to be vocalized by the addition of one of the four vowel signs (for e, i, 0 or u) (Tibeta n consona nt), srurrasp aMHJIaaryH rHHryyJI3rq unvocalized consonant

AMHJIYYJIAX 3. to vocalize (a Tibetan consonant) by the addition of one of the four vowel signs

AMb,IJ;: - saax 3pX the right to life AMb,IJ;PAJI: aMb~aJIbIH Xyp33


(po/it.) AMbCfAJI 3. a period of four seconds (hist.) AMbXAH,IJ;AA by oneself, for oneself AHrHP: Xansaa - Mandarin Duck, Aix go/eric-

u/oto AHHBqyyp always blinking, prone to blinking AP 3. § - OBOpJIOH X3:>KII:>K going along the north and south slopes

APBHQ 2. know-all AXHJIT progress AR 1.1 - 30XHOrQ music writer

IiAHrAJIHHH: - aeeu rasap nature reserve, uoruontiop protected area (comprising a number of features)

IiAPbQAAJIAX 4. to take hostage IiH: - HBJK 6aHHa 1i33:>KIIH cyyJK 6aHHa it's dogged as does it

IiHE 1. 6He3 cyn TaBHX to relax 2. - TOJIOOJIOrll personal representative

IiH3HECQH,r( business people IiHTYYH: 6HTYYHHH asrranaar aHJITraX to greet (older relatives) on the last day of the lunar Old Year

liorIIIOOX to tire out, to exhaust IiO,IJ;HC: aHTH - anti-matter IiO,IJ;JIOrOrYH thoughtless, reckless IiOH}I{HP (see 6oHnop) IiOHTor III. antlers (in the early stage of growth) IiOJI}l{MOP:




Me/onoeorypho mongo/ieo IiOJIOBCPOJI 1. CypryyJIHHH OMHOX -

Lark, pre-

school education

IiOJIOX 4. 60JI:>K orooryH it was no go, it didn't work out

IiOHrO (see Xopc) IiOOX 3. (6oo:>K asax) to deliver (a child), 600COH 33:>K the woman who helps deliver a child IiOP II. young otter 1i9H 1i9H bouncily 1i99MH9P9X (see 6oorHopox) 1i99H 3. (- ~OOH) IiYfA I. IIIoo - name of a small reddish deer, possibly the Roe Deer

IiY,IJ;AJIT painting, dyeing, colouring IiYJIAH I. - TapHX to make trouble IiYPYY 1. - QHX33P COHCOX to turn a deaf ear 2. - orex to blame IiYPXAH 1. 6YPXHbI qyyJIraH (see uornraa] IiYY: - xanax to chat, to natter

rYHQ3Tr3X: ryH~3IT3H 3aXHpaMlKJlaX 6aHryyJIJIara executive-ad ministrative body


svx I.

liYX I. 6yxa~ axcaa axaa nrar, 6ypyy HillHnC3H cvx urar (see 6ypyy HillHnC3H cyx mar], § 6apb~ annaac 6yxbIH cyyn3~ xyrraa xyran6an saaa suppose we falter and fall at the last fence?

Ii~AH bullock liYX MPAX a primitive method of using a natural current of air to raise the temperature of a fire when smelting are liYI(AX at

2. 6yn;a}l{ asnax to shrink from,

to flinch

liYilHT: - Man valued livestock



1. 6ycn3H xaax

to blockade

liYT33JIQHH conjurer, magician li3JI

III. -

(see r3H3ryH)

r3P 1. r3p33C rapcaa T3MA3IT 6HqHr licence issued to a lama resident in a lamasery (hist.) r3P3JI: - noxaynax to wipe off (photo., etc.), to wipe out, § Xopsnyraap rorroon xanaacaan oaHcaH X3AHH MaaHb Tan xYBHHr rspan ~OXHYnqHXCaH the No. 20 decree wiped out half of all we had in our pockets r3P33

1. aM -

verbal contract

,D;AA)l{HrHAJI mockery

I. - 3PXT3H privileged

,D;~ XOT Daidu, Peking


,D;AJIAHJIrAJIT intimidation

BAHJIHr kingdom

,D;AJIliArA ,D;AJIliArA slapping, flapping, casnax to slap, to flap (something broad and flat)



I. raspsra TOC camphor oil


1. raspsra raau allover the


rA3PbIH YC "Ground-heir" (name of a rare bluegreen alga growing in the Gobi, prized as a delicacy especially by the Chinese and also said to act as a medicine) (also Xap OBC) rAJI 1.1. ransm MaillHH fire-engine, - xapaarx flame-thrower rAMliAHx to look smart

(bot.) rAP 1. rapaa anAMap butterfngers! rAQAA 111.2. narrow passage (between rocks rAMliA Q3Q3r Mimosa

and water)

rosx roexon ronaonsr cyyn H3M3P gilding the

,D;AHrHHYYJIAX to get through, to polish off (work) ,D;AH)I{: AaH}l{HHH rasap (AaH}l{HHH rryyc) pawnshop ,D;APAX

2. to arouse (emotions), urap


(see rypnsnax]

rPAHAT: - xapsars (see rpanarosrer] rYHBrAHAX to sway, to stagger rYJIAJI3AX to be elegant rYY IV. (oHqmiiH -) explanatory sheet on certain official documents (hist.) rYYPC 1. ryypcr MOpb [ryypcr xoner] tireless horse, tireless steed (possibly "tubed")

8. to

discharge, to repay, to payoff


(see AapBaiix)

,D;APXM II. Mongols in charge of the shrine and cult of Genghis Khan in Ordas ,D;AilAHQJIAJI meditation ,D;OBOH

(see AOB)

,D;OJIOO: § sypraaa - XOHOCHbI napaa six weeks later ,D;OMOr: - cynnan mythology ,D;epee



maintain, to declare,' to profess

,D;MrAP tight, skimpy

63HqHH caATaH well-off, moneyed

r030JI3YYJIAX to infuriate

2. to

r3H3 C3H3rYH



liilPYY: 3P - bullock BEKCEJIb bill of exchange, bill


,D;AAJIYY 1. naanyynsr ryHillHH a call in verse form at dominoes

liYP3M3JI formation, make-up liYCJI3X

rYP ,D;YY song (usually of a religious nature) (Tib. mgur)

r3P3JIT3H bright, - ears bright colour

liyr,D;: - HaHpaMAaX Y33nT3H republican (n.) liyprn,D;: ,D;3nT - Egyptian Vulture,

rYlDKH,IJ;: ryH*AHHH TOC sesame-oil

1. xasapraa -

stirrup made of strip metal

,D;YTYY: - ancaa MorOHmar sluggish, at a snail's pace ,D;YY 2.i AY}Taa xypaax to stay mum, AY}Taa aHA shut up! ,D;YYP

wYP (see TOOp TOOp)

,D;YYPb: nror - comic opera ,D;YHXYYP3X to be stupefied, to be dazed ,D;3rJIHH

I. 333PA - Purple Heron, A. purpureo

,D;3JI III. Sesame ,D;3JIXHH: A3nXHHA sapraa world-famous

,IJ;3~HHX (see ~3H}KIIHx)


,IJ;3PqHHX to protrude, to stick out (ears, etc.), ~3pqmiC3H qHXT3H with protruding ears EBPOr a morbid condition of the teeth in livestock characterized by a long sharp tooth wearing away the opposite tooth (also xap apaa)


3YHrYYJI wild, gone wild 3YJIliAPAH (see 3YJIOa~ac 2.,


EBPOrOTOX to suffer from espor

3YPAf 1. cyyps easel painting, yyn YCHhI landscape painting, J{yPCJI3JI representation

EHrOPYYH swastika (Tib. gyung-drung)

3YPAIT: syparraap rapax to be on the tele


3YPrAAJliKHH hexagonal


ecoopoo naturally

}KAIIIHH single-panelled tent door }KHrYYP

1. 3YYU }KIIryypHHH left-wing (adi-)

}KHJIIi3H II. the thin part of the femur justabove the knee, }KllJI03HrHHH OOOJIT a strap for securing the flaps of a rider's clothes




3YYrYYJI (see 3yHryyJI) 3YYQJIAN

3. middleman

33BC3rJI3JI: X~

heavy weapons


33CPYYJI3X to fence, to pass on stolen goods 333JI}KHX to obtain credit, TYCraH 3PX Special Drawing Right (from the International Monetary Fund) N

}KHMli3rnp thin,



thin lips

}KHHJIYYP II. (see QHHJIYYP) }KHIIIHM q YrYH (see }KllIIIHMryH) }KOJI joke, funny, toy (money, etc.)

H,IJ;M3PIIIHX to look worn, to look the worse for wear

}KOJI,IJ;OX to be insignificant, to be nothing much





pert, forward

}KOMIiOrOp tapering

HJI3X II. to send, to send off

}KOHOH 2. a title of nobility during the Period of Autonomy 3. title of the prince in charge of the cult of Genghis Khan in Ordos 4. prince

HMH3X II. to castrate (livestock)

}KYJIq name of a structure in the development of the foetus, perhaps the amniotic sac or foetal membrane in general

HHrEHEP engineer,



flight engineer

HHrnC T3Hr3C33P IiAHrAA)l; what with this and that HCr3M3JI fermented HTr3M./KHT:




}KYH3 name of an (unidentified) plant whose fat root is used to stop diarrhoea in young livestock


3ArAJIMAHJIAX 2. to cross oneself, to make the sign of the cross

HX3C II. OpIIIOOX to bury the placenta (customary action after childbirth)

3. stylization 3ArBAPQJIAX 3. to stylize 3AH 1.1. HX arrogance, side

KAIIHH cent, penny (also ynaaa rarraa]


XYBh~ in principle

3ACAr 2. qaaHXHHu sacraaa rasap minority government, saxapraa aaacapnax to drop out (of organised society) N

3ABAJiAP wooden die for impressing a pattern on leather 30BHHOX (see 30BHHX) 300C I. 300CHhI OP~OH mint 30~Or (see qOQMor)

39BJI9X 2.ii.





2. OiIOH

N) licence



soap opera, soap

JIABAH CAP the last month of winter JIArEPb:



death camp

JIHHXYA (see Jlaaxya] JIOrJIOrOp (see nyrnarap] JIYBQ armour, mail MAA}KYYP 1.2. 9BCHHH



MAHMAAJIAX (see HafIMaanax)

1. T3BXYY3 a type of peaked hat, a type of hat apparently worn in southern Mongolia and described as being made of velvet 3. head (of a nail, a tent-pillar)


nyyc consultancy

39BIII99P9JI 2.

fully-grown (race-)horse

KACKMEP stunt-man (Russ.)


3AHHMAAJI)l;AX to have a go at, to go in for, § onoo HH33~H xaaoroop canaaraa I'm planning to have a go at a comedy film now 3apQMhIH









39HT9r (see senor]


3Y3AATrAJI thickening, reinforcement, strengthening




xyu an awful/ot of people

MAHqyyprA cudgel, club, pestle




MAX: .... ~CHbI racapxaa one's own flesh and blood

HYPYYBqJIAX to carry on the back, to shoulder HYCrAH 1..... }I{yp xyy urchin (liter.)

MAIII II. lock (gun)

HYTAr: HYTarT Hb oyn;aax to repatriate

MA.HIT 2. template (for cutting out decorative designs, etc.)

HYrH3H abstinence, mortification (Buddh.) (Tib. prob. bsnyungs-gnas)

Mor3rop (see MOr}Kl'Op) MO,n; III. XYH .... court card MO,n;EPHH3AQH modernization MOHrOJI 2. uaraan .... "White Mongols", the

HY,n; 1. TOpMOH .... bright eyes, sparkling eyes, ....

Monguor of Gansu

HYYP 4.i. OH'ImHH .... (see ryy IV.) HYYPC 1. sru .... anthracite

MSHrs 2..... canrax to cash in, MOHrOHHH xamuaar yaarax to devalue MSHSSXSH just now MSP 1.1. .... oyr3H aM TOCTOH well fed and clothed, with all one's wants provided for

MSP 11.2..... napax to start a new line MSP,n;SX 2.i. MOPAOH Momrox (MOPAOH XaB'IHX) to persecute, to victimize

MSXMSJI extinct MYPrHHAX to wriggle, to squirm MYPHr CAPHr (see MYPyH capyA)

MYXJI.AH,n;.Ax 2. to probe,

AaJIbAPax to be unable to look at, to be unable to face, .... 'IH'IHX to have it in for, to pick on

to pry into

MY a square measure for land (about .06 of a hectare) (hist.) (Chin.) M3X 1. (.... rox) M33Tf3P (see M3Tr3p) HAAJI,IJ;AHrH 2. adhesion (surg., etc.) HAr}l{fAP short, low, squat HAr}l{HHx to be short, to be low, to be squat HAHJI3YYP 2. (see HaHJI3yypxaH 2.) HAHJI3YYPXAH 2. submaxillary gland HAHMAJI}l{HH octagonal HAHTAAJIrAJIT sneezing HAMHA awn, tendril HAPrHJI coke HAC: .... WYA age (horse)

HEPqyy Nerchinsk (p.n.) HHHJIIi3P: .... AYHr33p on aggregate HHHJI3M33H mating, HHHJI3JIA33HHH ye mating season

HOrOOJI30H Siskin, Spinus spinus HOMTOH 2.i. well versed in the Buddhist scriptures ii. learned HYfAPXAH 2. f1exional (ling.) HYfAC I. BMaaH CyyJIT .... White-headed Stiff-tail, Oxyura leucocephala

H3r 1..... YAaamHH 3yy disposable needle, .... YAaarHHH TapHyp disposable syringe

H3JIXr3P (see H3JIM3r3p) H3JIXHHX I. (see H3JIMHUX) H3JIXHHx II. (see HHJlXHHX) H3MYYP (see H3M3p) H33ft1 discoverer H33JITT3H: .... sax open market (fin.) OBfOPYY,n; ruffians, bully-boys, toughs OBJIHrOrYHT3X to be unstable, to be unbalanced, to be unpredictable

OBJIOX to pretend, to feign O,n; 1. OAOH OOMoor also tennis, .... 3yHq astronomer O~OPrYH bottomless

OHMC: WIIJI3H .... nylons OHOO 3A.HA sexual organs (deer, etc.) OPOfHOJI: .... ryHr'IHA asylum seekers OPOH 6 ..... oaHpHbI XYJIraH burglary OPOOf,n;OX to be occupied with, to be bothered by, to be plagued by, OB'IHHA .... to be plagued by illness

OPOOQOMOHrYH tangled, muddled OPYYJIAX 3. to import OPqHH 1..... ye}l{YYJI3X to modernize SB: .... YJIaM}J{JIaJITaH traditional SBSP 1.1. OBpOO H33X (see .... 3aAJIax) SHfS 1. r3p3JIT3H bright colour SHQSf 2. }K}fwyy oblique angle SSB SSB a sound used to call or coax cows SP I..... aJIACaH XHTaA WHr down in the mouth SPfSJIT I. srnrarnsx .... tonic accent, 'l)'XaJI'lJIax .... emphatic stress

SPfSSJISX 2. to marry (resp.) SCrHH 2. OHAOP OCrHHT high heels


lIAf: -- cyyx to be in deep trouble, to be up


against it

lIAP T3P3f name of a type of ox-cart useful for transporting logs

lIYYIIIHr: xox -- name given to Russian Belomorkanal cigarettes

lIRH3 2. (seeurar II.) (explained as a dialect term used in some Gobi areas)

CAAJIb 1.2. crossbow

CAAMX 3ArAC Codfish, Cod cAAMXAH 3AfAC (see CaaMX sarac] CABCfAHAX to flutter, to flap CAJIliAPbIH sectional CAMliAP 2. ~OHXHbI -- casement CAH 2.i. I'anaan -- (Hx --) the "Outer Fund" ("Great Fund") of the jebtsundornbo Khutuktu which dealt with economic and business matters, ,IJ;OTOO)l; -- the "Inner Fund" which dealt with the Khutuktu's domestic affairs, YP}KYYJI3X -- a section of the "Outer Fund" which dealt with finance, Hlanap -- a section of the "Inner Fund" which dealt with the Khutuktu's personal affairs

CAPCfAP stiff CAPXAJI3AX (see capraax] CAPbCAPXAr web-like, webbed CAXAJI 1. caXJIbIH xyrraa TOP razor-wire CAXHJI: ca.xHJIbIH H3P name in religion CAXHJIfATAfI disciplined CAlIHHTAfI capable of, up to CHCTEM)KYYJI3X to systematize CKOOq,n;OX to tape, to tape up, to tape over COfOO 2. poppet, popsy COH)KYY locks or tuhs of hair leh to grow on each side of a small girl's head

CYfAI.3. back fold in a "folded letter" [nyranfiap OH'IHr) (cf. xassap 3.ii.)

cypr AAJI

2. -- aannax to preach

CYPfAM)K: -- yr maxim CYPHAr name of an unidentified scented plant (ohen occurring in texts in conjunction with Ilans I.) CYY,IJ;AJI 1. CYY)l;JIbIH napyynra seat-belt CYM 2. -- T3M)l;3r cynnax yxaaa heraldry CYP 9BqHH mountain sickness CYX3BQ protective pouch for an axe-blade C3fC3JI33X (see C3rc3rH3x) C3JIT3PXHH chipped off, peeled off C3M)K II. empty honeycomb C3PB3fHYYP erratic, moody

TABAAPHIIIJIAX to shake hands, to greet TABAH CYPfAM)K Panchatantra (liter.) TAflJIHAH (-- uaac] a type of paper smooth on one side and rough on the other

TAJI I. ransm raan allover the place TAJIliAfl 2. TanoaHH TOJIOOP parking fee TAJIITH unfriendly, unfavourable TAMfAJIAJI branding TA~YYJI nark, snooper TAHHJI 1. TaHHJITaH OOJI ransra 'IHH33 TaHHJIryH OOJI anrsm 'IHH33 what matters is knowing the right people

TATBAP I. -- HOr)l;OX opnoro taxable income, -aornyynax opnoro net taxable income, taxable income less allowances

TATYYPfA 8. pull-cord TAIIIHMfAfl obsequious TAIIIHMrAflJIAX to creep, to toady TEH,IJ;EP tender, TeH)l;ep 3apJIaX to invite tenders, to put out to tender THH yes

TOf,IJ;OJI30X (see rorm-oaox) TOHPOX 2. § 3)l;HHH 3aCrHHH XHMPan ran TYHM3PT3H T3~3X oaiiryyJIJIarbIr Toiip'l rapaaryH the economic crisis has not spared the fire-fighting organization

TOJIfOH 10. YHrap yCrHHH apsaa )l;OpBOH -- the fourteen Uighur letters which formed the basis of the old Mongolian script

TOJIPOX to shine, to gleam TOJIb Li, TOJIHHbI rycran mirror image TOHfOPOJIT reversal TOOHO I. X3JIX33 -- a type of roof-ring with integral rahers

TOC 1. -- ryHnr3x (see TOCJIOX 2.) TOXHPOJI 2. winning numbers (in a lottery) TOXHPOQ proficiency, capacity TOXOH 2.ii. foot T9B 2. -- ec (-- eCHbI Y33JI, -- eCHbI yxaan] Middle Way, Madhyamika Buddhism

T9M9P: -- HYYP raprax to be stern-faced, -- HYYPT3H stern-faced T99H9JIT burning, scorching (n.) T9P: TOPHHH OMHOOC orOTHO with ideas above one's station, speaking out of turn

T9PHHH: -- oaHryyJIanT state structure, -- oyc oaHryyJIJIara non-governmental organization, -- M3)l;JIHHH national, state-owned, -- xaMraa-



YYJI3AX: - nsr meeting-point

YXAAH 1. nanr state protection


also wild,


YXBAPTAH intelligent

T9C9JI: ~YPMHiiH - droh regulations

YtIHP 1. - Hb yn M3~3r~3X dubious, question-

TYJIAX 1. - usr fulcrum TYJIrYYP Li, - Y33nT3H fundamentalist

Yf 1. apnsra ymHH rapan CYMan folk-etymology

TYHfAllAfIIIPAX to get bright, to get clear TYH}KAAH (see TYH1KaaH) TYPrHJIT snorting TYCfAHJIAf isolating (ling.)

able, suspect, - yxaaa meaning

YfYHCf3IIIrYH undeniable Y33JI: - oapuMTnan also concept, idea YJI3M~3X to get too great, to get too much

YH3: - aacarx broker

TYYJIAIJ; performance, endurance (auto.)


TYYPfA 1. - rycraapnax to become indepen-

YC3f: 3yynT3T - Tibetan letter with a subscribed letter, ronroar - Tibetan letter with a super-

dent, to gain one's independence

TYf TAf (see Tyr ryr] TYf33X: Tyr33H oopnyynar'l distributor TYH III. pah! (expressing disgust) TYHB3X to be disturbed, to be in confusion TYP3f)I{HX to be Turkicized TYP33CJI3X: nasxap - to sublet T3B T3B sprightly T3fHYYP,IJ;3X to weigh in a balance T3M33 1. - HMaa mar snraaraa as different as chalk and cheese

T3HIJ;B3PrYH: - oaH~an imbalance T3PC: - Y33nT3H dissident T3IIIHX II. to engrave YfAAJIfA 1.ii. laundering (money) YfAX to creep, to crawl Y,IJ;HPTfAll 3. prelude (mus.)

YH,IJ;: YH~TaH yCTaH hospitable, welcoming, open-handed

YH)l{HX 2. to default on, to fail to meet, asmacaaa - to break one's promise, rarsapaa - to default on one's tax

YPAH I. - xaneapraa master, - anarnsrs satirist YPHAJIAX: ypaanaa ~~ax to callan, to challenge

YPCfAJI l.i. - saaap spontaneity YPT 1. - '1HXT3H keeping an ear to the ground YC: yean asmax to run down YCHbI YX3P II. Hippopotamus YTAA 1. yraaraa myyp~3X to "spring-clean" before the celebration of the lunar New Year

YTfA 1. OYP3H yrraapaa in the full sense of the word

YY)I{HM: - ~OTOPTOH big-hearted YYJI I. - xapax HY~ yyurar naax my~ not up to it any more, past it


quantum leap

scribed letter, rynrapsm - ornamental Manchu script (Man. fukjingga hergen), yrra ideogram

YT3f female genitalia YYJIf3P 2. (- ~yynr3p) rash, impulsive YYC3JI: (- rapan, - rapaan] C!>JIOT: xynannaaasr - merchant navy C!>TOP)KYYJIAX to fluoridate, to add fluoride XAAfAX to swank, to show off XAAf,IJ;AJI obstruction XABHPfA: - xanax to separate the ribs from the spine

XABCA.l1,nAJIT ganging-up, collusion XAfIIIHX to grunt (yak, etc.) XA,IJ;AACAH IJ;3IJ;3f (see Baurap II.) XA,IJ;APfAH greedy, gluttonous XAJIAArYYP 2. radiator XAJIAf,IJ;AX to get the sack XAJIfYH harmless XAJI3PAJIT baldness, hair-loss XAJITAP 1. - MO~ debarked dried wood XAJITYYP second job, moonlighting, - XUHx to moonlight

XAJITYYP,IJ;AX to scamp, to do a slapdash job XAJIIJ;fAH II. (- TYn~3H) ow! (cry of pain on being burned)

XAM 1. - oyp~3n complex (n.) XAMAP 3.ii. front fold in a "folded letter" [nyrantiap oU'lur) (cf. cyra 1.3.) XAHrHHAX 1.2. to be brisk, to be active XAHHAJIfAJIT coughing XAHIIITAH costing, priced at XAP 1. - apaa (see eapor], - MOPbT name given to Russian Kazbek cigarettes

XAPAM)K 2. tip


XAPHYJIAJIT response, retort XAP SBC "Black grass" (see fa3PbIH yc) XACTAH with well-developed thighs (horse) XATAITAH 1. T3PrvYH - First Lady (po/it.) XATAM)l{HT tough XATAH fOJI The Yellow River, Huanghe XATAX 2. (in expressions of disdain), § 3H3 lJ }l{HHX3H3 xaHp nypnan MOH ~OO. Ilypnanaa lJ xar That's real true love. Love? Not on your life, ryaasaa lJ xar naa Call that a restaurant?, YXC3H xarcansr qHHb aareaep. 333HT3H r33lJ Less of the "Engineer"! Say "Sir"!

XA.HA 2. xasaraa MaHaHryH guarded, cautious XHAM,IJ;AJI botulism XH)l{Hf 2. OHJKPYYT - spotted fever, typhus

XoHxHYYP 1. a

bit to the north


a bit to the


XOJIXfOP swollen, paunchy XOJI XOJI XHHX (see xonxaax] XOHOX: XOHOCOH xoon left-overs XOOJI 1. - XHHx to cook, xoonnsr xonsu condiments, herbs and so on used to flavour food

XOOJIOHqHH butcher (esp. Chinese butchers in Urga)


XOPHf 1. xanaacnsr - pocket-veto (U.S.A.) XOPHr,IJ;OJI: ync TOpHHH - state prisoner, prisoner of state

XOPMOH 1. - XOTbIH HB~arr affair XOPXOHqJIOH avidly XOTOJI II. - xyynraa everything one can want, qyynraH OYP~C3H fully furnished, lacking nothing XO:QPOX 1. § ranr T3P3rH33C33 XOQOPlJ33 she missed her train

XSB III. mouldering, decay, XOBT naparnax to moulder away

xer 111.3. - annax to get out of tune Xe,IJ;SJIMSp: xo~onMopHHH OHPJK (xo~onMop­ HHH sax] job centre xeJI 1. xenaan raps wasted journey, - M3~3H full tilt, - xeepuer happy; busy xeePIIIHX (XOOpIlIHH HpHX) to chat, to talk xeec xeec a sound used to coax a camel cow to accept its young

xep39H 2. - HYVPC coke X9X99H AHpAr Orostachys Fimbriata (bot.) XYBAAJIT division XYBHHH: - X3BIlIHn private sector XYBQAC: - aarnapsm C3Tryyn fashion magazine XYBb 7. minute (n.) (hist.)


XY,IJ;A.JI,IJ;AA: lJOnOOT - free trade, xynannaaasr TOB warehouse XYJIfAHA 1. - aanracaa MorOH IlIHr all innocence

XYH,IJ;ATA: XYHJlaraHbI yr toast XYYJIb: rynryyp - constitution, - ryyns oonCOH the law is flouted

XYH II. - napcan qy.rryy a special stone used at birth to part the umbilical cord


XYII III. - epTOHQ (- opxnoa] the world, creation XYJIC incense-burner, censer XYJI3M)K: xyn3M}l{HHH XHH greenhouse gases XYHJI3f: - oyc inhuman XYHC: (- xspran] XYP,IJ; 1.2. - 3pryyn3x to turn a prayer-wheel XYP,IJ;T3X to be infested with maggots X3JI63PIIIYYJI3X (see X3n03pJKyyn3x) X3JITJI3X II. to overcome (suffering, etc.) X3JIT3rH3X to wobble, to rock X3M)K33T 1. - saspxnsn suzerainty X3HT3r irascible X3P3fJI3f,n;vYH material (n.) X3P3fQ33: 2. X3p3fQ33r xanrax to satisfy [sorneone's] requirements

X3X3JI33X to swagger X.HPAMQAf 3. opaque, murky X.HPfMAC shearings, shavings X.HPXArJIAX to pass along an edge or ridge, xapxarnaa aJKHX to scan (a ridge) QABHJIAH a girth placed around the area of the groin of a beast

QABHJIYYP (see QaBHnaH) QABqAAJI 600MT Juyongguan (p.n., an opening in the Great Wall)

QAr 1. - raprax to make time, - X3~HHH3 OOnJK33 it is high time to, - llIHnJKyyn3x to alter the clocks

QArBAP Snow-leopard QAH: XOMOO - a type of tea grown and manufactured in Tibet, QaHHbI MOHro tip, QaHHbI cepaas tea-service QAJIrHX: § ax Hb uarraa lJ oac nanraac aanaa myy ~33 I've had my good times too QAJIHH 1. QarrHHrHHH ~OO~ X3MJK33 (~OO~ -) minimum wage

QAPAH 2. (- Hb) to all appearances QAXJIAH I. MOCHHH - Glaucous Gull, L. hyper-



boreus, 3PM3JI _ (see PeJIHKT -)

QOfIIIHH painted pantheon of lamaist deities

(Tib. tshogs, shing) QOMQOf tent or pavilion with a pointed top (at 333H Xopoo) QOOPXOH 6. loophole, xyyJIHHH _ loophole in the law

QOXHJIT 6. (- lIHM3rJI3JI) an interruption in the voice flow. in.lon~-song singing used as an ornament: varieties Include aMbCraJIbIH _ breathstop, XOOJIOHH _ throat-stop, ~33}1{J1HH _ chest-stop

QOXHYPqHH percussionist, drummer QYC 1. _ X90pOX hyperaemia QYTfABAP II. a casting QYYPXAH: § aaan _ asraa TaT shut your big mouth!

Q3JI3M a type of woollen cloth Q3H)J;3IT3X to suffer from ~3HA3r Q3H3fJI3N 2. bowser Q3C 1.1. 9pr9X _ returns (of information submitted regularly to higher authority) (hist.) qABfA 1. xaaran ynaaa purplish red qABMf 1. rare, scarce 2. greedy, stingy, miserly 3. trickling

qAfHAX 1. _ T9X09P9M}K (- X3p3rC3JI) listening device, bug

qAfHYYP 4. nark, snooper qAHThIHXAH prison-camp inmates, cons qAH)J;AA (raaJIHHH -) register of duty levied on traders (hist.) qAPfAilIi. tall qHfJI3JI 1. OJIOH qHrJI3JIT3H OOJIrOX to diversify qHJI,II;3H (see ~3JIA3H), _ xap pitch black qHMXM3JI pinched qHHJIYYP a period of twenty-four seconds (hist.) qHX 1. QHXHHH osror earlobe qHX3P 2. 309JIOH _ chocolates qHqJIYYP XYTfA dagger qHqJI33C stab qOHfO (thisword appears to be the name of the licence issued to a lama.) (hist.) q9,IJ;9P: _ OHbC ballista (mil.) q9M9f 4. fatness, TOCOH _ cyynrax to get one's livestock to put on "oily fatness" (a stage in the year's development before 09XOH rapra]

IIIAAJITYYP the process of working materials

such as silver or leather with a maanr II. IIIABAP 2. HapHHH uaraaa _ kaolin

IIIABIIIJIArA 1. splashing 2. wet compress (med.) IIIAP 1.1.i. _ CyyJIT filter-tip IIIAP III. _ r030JI3YYJIax to infuriate IIIATJIAJI 2. band (tax) IIIAXYYPfA 3. clip, fastener IIIAIIIHHqJIAX to spiritualize IIIHBM3JI pricked, pierced MO,IJ; Hazel IIIHHrnJIT absorption IIIHHrn3X 5. to accommodate, to find a home for, § HHM 10M aaxaxaan X9A99 OqH}K xaaaaa _ B3 if I bought things like that and then went to the countryside, where could I find room to


put them?

IIIOHXOP 1.1. Llaraan _ Arctic Falcon, F. gyrfaleo IIITAHfHCT weight-liher (Russ.) IIIYfAM 2. r3p3JITyyJIrHHH _ ruled guide placed beneath the paper on which official documents were written (hist.)

IIIYHrYYP: Yxaa _ Horned or Siavonicin Grebe Podieeps auritus ' IIIYYIIAH portable desk

IIIYPYYIIT3X to screw (Russ.) IIIYTJI3IT3H 2. fan IIIYYX 1.2. myyH X3JI3JI~3X to discuss, to consider

3BJIYYJI3f 4. effects (cinema, etc.) 3B3PJI3f MO,IJ; Beech tree 3B3PIIIHJIT hardening 3B3PIII33JI pain 3f3JIrYH uncommon 3,IJ;JI3JI: _ 3yycr3JI (- 3yyJI3r) accessories 3,IJ;3JIIi3PJI3X to utilize 33: _ rarax to bode ill 33rYH 1. _ apan desert island 333H 1.i. _ oHeryH impersonal (gram.) 3JI,II;3BT3H resourceful, _ xyu jack of all trades 3JI3fIIIHX II. to solidify 3M I. 3MHHH XOPAJIOro iatrogenic illness 3prnJI,II;YYJI3X 2. to turn over (eeon.) 3PYYJI}l{HJIT improvement in health 3PX 111.1. _ M3A3JI xysaapananr separation of powers (polit.) 3PXJI3X I. 3PXJI3H M3A3X to run, to manage 3PXT3H 1. HlIHMXHH _ (HYYWaH -) private parts

3C3HJI3X to be born (resp.)


3THHx to be turned up, to be bent upwards 3XtUl3ll matriarchy

IOJI,IJ; (see 11M)


MaJITaii -

BBrAH 1. (BJIAA: -



