Model Study of Radiant Heating

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A' d isse rta tio n su baitted in p a r tia l fi lfillm e n t o f the requiresients fo r the degree o f Doctor o f Biilosoyhgr, in the D ep artan t o f Mechanical Engineering in tjhe Graduate College o f The S tate U niversity of lov/a June 19^0

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OOB, pp. 929-9UO. 6* Adlam, T. H*, "Present Methods of Heating by therm al R adiations", Heating and V entilating, Vol. 23, July, 1931, pp. 79-80* 7 . Adlam, T. N*, "Radiant Heating and Cooling fo r Hew Plant C afeteria", Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 19, Ho. 6, June, 19^3, p . 277-280. 8. Adlam, T. M*, "liadiant Heating Job P ictu red ", H eating, Piping and A ir Conditioning, Vol. 13, Mo, 6, June, l9 iil, pp. 3f?2-393* 9* Adlam, T. N,, "Radiant Heating Today", Heating and V entilating, Vol. 39, July, 1938, pp. 22-29* ID. Adlam, T. H*, "Results of Tests on Radiant Heating In sta lla tio n s 0, Heating and V en tilatin g , Vol. 28, Ifovember, 1931, PP* 99-62. 11. Adlam, T. M., "Some Problems I*ve Met in Radiant Heating", Heating. Piping and A ir Conditioning, Vol. 20, Ho. 6, June, 191$, pp. 8H-89. 12. Adlam, T. H ., "Some Temperature Studies in Radiant Heated Rooms11, Heating and V entilatin g, Vol. 28, June, 1931, pp. 69- 72. 13. Adlam, T. M., "The Theory o f Radiant Heating", Heating and V entil­ atin g , Vol. 28, ’lay, 1931* PP* 96-62.

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42. Chapman, W. P* and &* &. F ischer, “G raphical Solution o f D irect Equation fo r Radiant Panel Areas”, Heating and V en tilatin g , Vol. 45, No. 1, January, 1948, pp. 88-92* W, P. and R. E» F ischer, “Sim plifying Comfort Control fo r Radiant Heating®, Heating and V entilating , Vol* 45,

No. 6, June, 1948, pp.74~f?.

44. G o d ego n e, G ., *Sul Calcolo d el Hiscaldamento a P anneili”, Energia T eraica, Vol. 7, No. 12, December, 1939, PP* 278-282.

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pp. 63-65. 47* G o rlett, 1 ., “C alculating R adiation by Use o f Charts®, Heating and V entilating , Vol. 29, December, 1932, pp. 17-19. 48. C utler, J* A ., “Control fo r Radiant Heating”, Heating, Piping and A ir Conditioning, Vol. 53, No. 6, Jane, 1946, pp. 25-29.

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55* Sigenmaim, A., nV ppTD.^-lH?. 73. H all, &», "Answers to Radiant Heating Questions”, Heating and Ven­ tila tin g ,, Vol. 1*2, January, IsfiS, pp* 5?~6G* 7b. H all, E ., "Army A ir Force Airplane Hangars”, Heating and V entilating, Vol. 1*0, 'September, 191*3, pp* 51-53* 75* H all, a . 0 ., "P rac tica l Radiant Heating”, A rchitectural Vol. 9k, Ho* 2, August, 191*3, p p . 6 g M , ' W . ' ' ‘ 76. H artford, 11. L ., "Get Hare Comfort, B etter Heating E fficiency From D irect Radiant Room Heating”, S te e l, 7ol. 108, Ho. 6, Febn a r y , ip id , p p . 78-79, 91* 77* Hawk, C. A. J r ., "R&diant Heating fo r Modem Construction”, Power, Vol. 90, Bo. 5, la y , 191*6, pp. 307-309. 78. Hawk, 0* A* J r ., "Radiant Heating Systems Advance Human Comfort”, Power Plant Engineering, Vol. 1*8, Mo. 12, December, 19kk, p p + ^8 ^9 ,r'' 91. 79* Hawk, C. A. J r ., ,filia t 500 in sta lla tio n s Have Revealed About Radiant Heating”, Heating, Piping and A ir Conditioning, Vol. 16, Ho* 1, Jam ary, "l9^It, pp. 26- 315 Ho, 3 ,l£ & r ^ l9 m $ p* 136. 80. H ettinger, la x , "Beitrag zur Bereehnung und B eurteiling der S trahlungsheizung1*, Gesundhelts Ingenieug, Vol. 61, No. 33, 1938, pp. hh9~h9h, 1»6.5-^72.


81* H ettinger, Wm*: "Beclcen - und tosbodenheizung", Gtesundheits Ingenie u r, Vol. 57, Ho, 21*, pp. 253-296. 82* H ottinger, Sax,. "Kliraa and Heizung", Gssundheits Ingenieur, Vol. 60, SO, 1?, 1937, PP. 2hl-2h&* 83* H ottinger, Viax, "Kliisa und Heizung11, Gesundheits Ingeniour, Vol. 60, Ho, 18, 1937, pp. 357-365. * 8tU H ottinger, la x , MSbrahlnnghei zung, Ldftung und KlthTang Orossen Warenhauses", Gesundhejts Xngenieur, Vol. 6 l, Mo. 9, February, 1938, pp. 117-121; Ho. iC te o h V 1938, pp. 129-13&* 85* H ottinger, Max, "Der M meverbrauch b ei Deckerfa©izungenM, Gesuadh e iis Ingenieur, Vol. 6 l, Ho* 5 l, October, 1933, pp. 86. Houghton, F. C. and I1* McDermott, “Gold Walls and T heir delation to the Feeling o f Waj^ath", Transactions, American Society o f Heating and. V entilating Bngineers, Vol. 39, 1933, pp. 83-957 87* Houghton, F. 8 . e t a l . , "ladi& tion as Factor in Feeling o f ilam th in Convection, R adiator and Panel Heated Rooms1*, Heating, Piping and A ir Conditioning”, Vol. 13, Ho* 12, December, 88* Houghton, F. C ., G. G utberlet and S, C. Hach, "Radiation as a Factor in th e Feeling o f Warmth in Convection, Radiator and Panel Heated Roms**, Transactiong, A fric a n Society of Heat­ ing and V entilating Engineers, Vol. liS , $$t2» pp* 5fPF5* 89. Houghton, F. 0, and S. B. Gunst and J. Suciu, J r ., "Radiation as a Factor in the Sensation of iarmth*1, Transactions, Ameri­ can Society o f Heating m d V entilating IMglneers, Vol. i f , m i , pp. 93-122. 90* Humphreys, 0. Im alis and C, G utberlet, "Physiological Response o f Subjects 'Exposed to High E ffective Temperatures and Elevated Mean Radiant TemperaturesF, Transactions, American Society o f Heating and V entilating Sfogtneera,. Vol. 52, 191*6, pp.. 153l5p.

9 1 * Hutchinson, F . / f * , "Panel Heating Throughout World", Heating, Piping and A ir Conditioning, Vol. 13, Ho. 2, February*’ 19kl, ‘g fr W Q & r 92. Hutchinson, F. W,, "Procedures and Economic Advantages o f Radiant Panel Heating", Industry and Power, Vol. % , Ho. 6, to ® , 19k8, pp*

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102. Inseho, C. 0 ., ”Radiant Heating H e ld as Seen by Contractor-D ealer”, tetesM e Engineering, Vol. 169, Ho. 1 , January, 191*7, pp. 103. Jalonack, I . , ’’Radiant Heating Panel C alculations”, Heating and V en tilatin g , Vol. 1*1, December, 19bbs pp. 59-$7. lCAi* Janser, A, M. J ., ”In£ra~R@d in Relation to Space Heating”, I n s ti­ tu tio n o f Heating and, V entilating Engineers, Vol. li*, Bo* 138, ibYembe^Deeeiaber, 3^*6, pp. 320-3J43V 3li3~3$2. 10$. Ji&raan, H* G ., ”I w Large Scale Radiant Heating System”, In d u stria l Heating Erigineering, Vol. 9, No. 3$, May, 191*7, 'pp. 88-90.

8$ and

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113* Kalous, K arl, “Prakiiaehe Berechaung der Strahlungsheizung”, Gesuadh a lts Xagenfoar, Vol. $2, Bo. 37, 1939, pp. $$3-958.

1 3 J u Kalous, K arl, ’’Stehiungsheisang”, Gegnndheits Ingenieur, Vol. 60, No. h% 1937, pp. 7^3-TUi. Salons, -Karl, n3trahlnngsheizung”, Gesundhelts Inganlear,- Vol. 6 l, , No. 26, t o e , 1938, pp. 357-3??: U S . Kalous,. K arl, "Theorie General© da Chmf&gp par Surfaces Eayonnran tes”, Chaleur a t In d u strie , Vol. 19, Mo* 22k, December,. 2938, m * r 20, HP* 228, A pril, 1939, pp, 329-331. Kalous, K arl, ’‘Wesea und Ausfdhrang der StrahlnngsheizungH, Gesondh e its Ingeniear, Vol. 6o, No. $0, 1937, p . 769.


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^fel* 3% l&rch, 19ltl,



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G? 132* le a sin g , F*, nach C r itta ll0, Gesundheits IngenI tot, M t &>» So* 12, 1937, pp* 176-177* 133* M ils,- 0m km and Q* Olge, “Control o f Body'Heat Loss through Rad­ ia n t Means'*, Heating, Piping and H r Conditioning^ Vol. 9, So* 11, & v e s £ r, 1937, pp* 697^6997 ♦ H H s , 0, A* and J* (to rre ll, “H ospital In s ta lls Radiant Condition­ ing System**, H asting, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 10* 12, Beeestoer, 1936, p. 7^2T 133* M ills, B* L ., “S ^ ric a tio n of Copper Tube C oils fo r Panel Heating”, Heating, Piping and A ir Conditioning, Vol. 55, Ho* 1, Jann ary , 1 9 ^ , pp* 19-21. 136. M ills, B* L* and JU J* La f a r t , “Panel Heat ?J±t& Copper Tubing®, Heatigg and Tcnt:Q#tingfo Vol. I4I4., Ho. 10, October, 19hT> pp. &5-69S Ho* 11, J^w&ber, 19&7, p* 95? Mo,* 12, December, 1$±7, PP* 75-78. 137* M issenrad, Andre, “rhysiologische Eiafl& sse b ei Yerschiedenan l^rsaeHrlmngen master- Besonderer Bertiahslchtigimg der S trah3jaapfet&Bsgg’V Oesandheits fngenlear. Vol. 61, Ho*- 37, September, 138. Morehouse, K. P ., “Panel Heating in- Lew Cost Housed, Gas Ago, V ol. 93, Mo* 2, January 27, 2 M h pp* 11-13* I 39* Monder, L* L*, “American P rac tic e in Panel Heating®, Heating* Piping asd A ir Conditioning* Vol. 9* Mo* 7, Jb ly , 1937, pp*

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