Microbal Forensics [3 ed.] 9780128153796, 0128153792

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Microbal Forensics [3 ed.]
 9780128153796, 0128153792

  • Commentary
  • Third Edition

Table of contents :
1. The Kameido Anthrax Incident2. Microbial Forensic Investigation of the Anthrax Letter Attacks3. Food-Bourne Outbreaks4. Genotype and Geography5. Microbial Forensics of RNA Viruses6. Forensic Plant Pathology 7. Microbial Source Tracking8. Influenza Forensics9. Keeping Track of Viruses10. Microbial Forensic Analysis of Trace and Unculturable Specimens11. Assessment of the Threat12. Select Agent Regulations13. Biosurety in the Post-9/11 Era14. Forensic Public Health15. Forensic Analysis in Bacterial Pathogens16. Forensics and Epidemiology of Fungal Pathogens17. Ricin Forensics18. Clinical Recognition19. Forensic Aspects of Biologic Toxins20. Use of Host Factors in Microbial Forensics21. Collection and Preservation of Microbial Forensic Samples22. Sampling for Microbial Forensic Investigations23. Toxin Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry24. Proteomics Development and Application for Bioforensics25. High-Throughput Sequencing26. Bioinformatics27. Genomics28. Design of Genomic Signatures for Pathogen Identification and Characterization29. Non-biological Measurements on Biological Agents30. Inferential Validation and Evidence Interpretation31. Microbial Forensic Investigations in the Context of Bacterial Population Genetics32. Biorepositories and Their Foundations33. Research Strategy for Microbial Forensics 34. The National Bioforensic Analysis Center35. Quality Assurance36. Validation of Microbial Forensics in Scientific, Legal, and Policy Contexts37. Specific Court Cases38. Admitting Evidence into Court39. Academic Programs in Microbial Forensics40. Microbial Forensics: What Next?

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Edited by

Bruce Budowle Steven Schutzer Stephen Morse

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Contributors M.W. Allard Division of Microbiology, Office of Regulatory Science, CFSAN, US FDA, College Park, MD, United States

Robert L. Bull United States

James Burans National Bioforensic and Analysis Center, Frederick, MD, United States

Jonathan Allen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States

David O. Carter Laboratory of Forensic Taphonomy, Forensic Sciences Unit, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Chaminade University of Honolulu, Honolulu, HI, United States

Philip S. Amara College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, United States Neel G. Barnaby United States

FBI Laboratory, Quantico, VA,

FBI Laboratory, Quantico, VA,

Angela Choi Department of Microbiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States

John R. Barr Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Laboratory Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States

Brooke L. Deatherage Kaiser Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States

Aeriel Belk Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States

R. Scott Decker Bio-Logic Security, LLC, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Nicholas H. Bergman National Bioforensic and Analysis Center, Frederick, MD, United States

Heather Deel Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Christopher A. Bidwell Federation of American Scientists, Washington, DC, United States

David M. Engelthaler TGen North, Translational Genomics Research Institute, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Dawn Birdsell The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Hector F. Espitia-Navarro School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States; PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Thomas A. Blake Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Laboratory Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States E.W. Brown Division of Microbiology, Office of Regulatory Science, CFSAN, US FDA, College Park, MD, United States

Jacqueline Fletcher Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States

Sibyl Bucheli Department of Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, United States

Jeffrey T. Foster The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Bruce Budowle Center for Human Identification, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Adolfo García-Sastre Department of Microbiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States; Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,




NY, United States; Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States; The Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States Jennifer S. Goodrich National Bioforensic and Analysis Center, Frederick, MD, United States Bradley Hart Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States David R. Hodge Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC, United States Paul J. Jackson Adjunct Professor, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Monterey, California, United States Crystal Jaing Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States Rudolph C. Johnson Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Laboratory Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States I. King Jordan School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States; PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia; Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory, Atlanta, GA, United States Suzanne R. Kalb Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Laboratory Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States Arnold F. Kaufmann United States Public Health Service, Stone Mountain, GA, United States Paul Keim The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States Terry L. Kerns Bio-Logic Security, LLC, Las Vegas, NV, United States Ali S. Khan College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, United States Rachel E. Kieser Center for Human Identification, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Rob Knight Department of Pediatrics, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Microbiome Innovation Center, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States Asja Korajkic U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH, United States Steven B. Lee International Forensic Research Institute, Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States; Forensic Science Program, Department of Justice Studies, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, United States Anastasia P. Litvintseva Mycotic Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, United States Douglas G. Luster USDA ARS, Foreign Disease Weed Science Research Unit, Fort Detrick, MD, United States Aaron Lynne Department of Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, United States Leonard W. Mayer PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia; Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory, Atlanta, GA, United States Ulrich Melcher Oklahoma State University, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Stillwater, OK, United States Eric D. Merkley Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States Jessica L. Metcalf Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States DeEtta K. Mills International Forensic Research Institute, Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States Stephen A. Morse States

IHRC, Inc., Atlanta, GA, United

Ted D. Mullins American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, VA, United States Randall Murch Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Arlington, VA, United States Forrest W. Nutter, Jr. Iowa State University, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Ames, IA, United States



Francisco M. Ochoa Corona Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States

Orin C. Shanks U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Sam Ogden Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Tom Slezak Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States

Richard T. Okinaka The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Jenifer A.L. Smith District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences, Washington, DC, United States

Talima Pearson The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States Bernard R. Quigley States

IHRC, Inc., Atlanta, GA, United

Lavanya Rishishwar School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States; PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia; Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory, Atlanta, GA, United States Jason W. Sahl The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Frank P. Simione American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, VA, United States

Carla S. Thomas University of California, Plant Pathology Department, Davis, CA, United States Stephan P. Velsko Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States Richard R. Vines American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, VA, United States Amy Vogler The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States David M. Wagner The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States Karen L. Wahl Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States

Stephen A. Saltzburg Wallace and Beverley University Professor, The George Washington University Law School, United States

Charles H. Williamson The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Harald Scherm University of Georgia, Department of Plant Pathology, Athens, GA, United States

Mark Wilson MRW Analytics, LLC, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

David G. Schmale, III Virginia Tech University, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Blacksburg, VA, United States

August Woerner Center for Human Identification, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States; Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Sarah E. Schmedes Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD, United States Steven E. Schutzer Department of Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, United States

David S. Wunschel Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States


I am honored that the authors have asked me to contribute the foreword to the third edition of Microbial Forensics. My connection to the book and to the field in general was as a facilitator rather than as a researcher, and it was in the distant past, 20 years ago! Microbial Forensics received input and direction in a series of meetings held at the Banbury Center, a conference center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Indeed, some meetings held at the Banbury, which predate the emergence of Microbial Forensics as a formalized discipline, laid some of the groundwork for this must-needed forensic field. Banbury has an international reputation for intensive discussion meetings with fewer than 30 participants of topics in the life sciences that would benefit from critical review, topics that are frequently controversial and often involve issues of policy as well as science. In 1999, Suzanne Vernon and Bill Reeves of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) approached me about a meeting to be funded by CDC to discuss how it would be possible to detect and develop tests for unknown pathogens. CDC was interested because it had been proposed that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was an infectious disease, but the pathogen detection techniques used by CDCdserology, culture, PCRdhad failed to identify an infectious agent associated with CFS. By 1999, new techniques were coming online, and CDC wanted to review how these might be used to find novel or previously uncharacterized pathogens associated with CFS.

Banbury already had held a series of meetings on what was still a “newly emerged” disease, Lyme disease. The first meeting was held in 1991, only nine years after Willy Burgdorfer had identified the previously unknown pathogen, the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. I put Suzanne in touch with the organizers of those meetings, Steve Schutzer and Ben Luft, and the three organized the April 2000 meeting “Strategies for Detection and Identification of Unknown Pathogens.” The primary focus of this meeting was health, and the word “forensic” did not appear. However, one of the participants was Roger Breeze, then with the US Department of Agriculture. While the title of the meeting he organized in October 2000 had the rather innocuous title “The Challenge of Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century,” his view of unrecognized infectious disease was quite definitely forensic; the invitation referred to the need for strategies to deal with new and emerging threats “.of which biological terrorism is the latest.” Finally, in November 2002, Schutzer and Breeze with Bruce Budowle (then with the FBI Laboratory in Quantico) organized the first “Microbial Forensics” meeting, followed by additional four meetings. The final meeting in 2010 was on “Microbial Forensics in the Era of Genomics,” which reviewed techniques for DNA sequencing and bioinformatics that were unfathomable mere eight years earlier. Despite these and other dramatic advances in technology, it is not surprising that the same



broad issues remain, some of which are identified in the authors’ introduction, for example, the differing needs of the worlds of public health and forensics; the latter required meeting the legal standards for evidence that might be used in the court. The authors refer to the issue of whether microbial forensics will be centralized, for example, at the National Bioforensics Analysis Center, or become distributed. If the latter, adequate resourcesegraining and infrastructureewill be needed, but this may be hard to justify for what one hopes will be rare events. In some ways, I am reminded of the early days of forensic DNA fingerprinting. The techniques and associated population genetic analyses had been developed in academic laboratories, and there were many obstacles to be overcome before DNA fingerprinting was accepted. It required training in techniques and theory, as well as an acceptance by the public, law enforcement, and defense attorneys, before

it became a powerful tool for the justice system. I am proud to recall that a Banbury Center meeting in 1988 (attended by Bruce Budowle) contributed to cementing this technology as the gold standard of the forensic sciences. Finally, I fully endorse the authors’ closing remarks. Scientific evidence carries great authority over and above its evidentiary value. This responsibility requires that those employing scientific techniques in the service of forensic science do so to the highest standards possible. It took several years for DNA fingerprinting to reach that position, and it will take the same commitment for microbial forensics to attain the same level of credibility and acceptance. But without a doubt, it will be well worthwhile as this burgeoning discipline continues to fulfill its promise. Jan A Witkowski PhD Professor Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Introduction Stephen A. Morse1, Bruce Budowle2, Steven E. Schutzer3 1

IHRC, Inc., Atlanta, GA, United States; 2Center for Human Identification, University of North Texas Health Sciences Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States; 3Department of Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, United States

Deliberate dissemination of a biological agent via several different routes, including air, water, food, infected vectors, and manmade avenues, presents a challenge to global health and security. The ability to identify the perpetrator(s) in an expeditious and effective manner is of paramount importance as both a deterrent and for gauging an appropriate response. Eliminating those individuals who are falsely associated with evidence or a crime is of equal importance. The past decade has seen major advances in the scientific discipline of microbial forensics, whose core objective is attribution: the investigative process aimed at identifying the perpetrators of a biowarfare, bioterrorism, or biocrime event and bringing them to justice. This highly interdisciplinary field, which has largely emerged through US initiatives (Tucker and Koblentz, 2009; U.S., 2010), encompasses traditional law enforcement and forensic investigative methods as well as the detailed characterization of samples containing biological agents. Moreover, with the advent of high throughput technologies, such as massively parallel sequencing, microbial forensics as a discipline has expanded beyond its primary focus on microbes and their products involved in bioterrorism and biocrimes to other applications such as exploiting the human microbiome for human identification, human geolocation, and determining post mortem interval.

Microbial forensic investigations and molecular epidemiologic investigations share many aspects but are performed for different reasons. An epidemiologic investigation aims to identify the source of an outbreak and to understand routes of transmission in order to prevent further spread and reduce the risk of future outbreaks through effective preventive measures. A microbial forensic investigation is undertaken to identify the perpetrator of a crime and to gather high quality evidence that can be used for indictment and conviction of perpetrators or to help decision makers prepare an appropriate response to an attack. A microbial forensic investigation has been described as consisting of three interrelated stages: identification of the biological agent(s) responsible for an event; characterization of the event as intentional, unintentional (e.g., due to negligence or carelessness), or naturally occurring; and, if the event is deemed illegitimate (i.e., intentional or unintentional), attribution of use to a specific perpetrator(s) (Koblentz and Tucker, 2010). Additionally, analyses may be used to determine the process(es) used to produce a bioweapon, which can provide additional forensic evidence and insight into the sophistication of the production process. Regardless if an event was intentional or accidental, an immediate goal is to prevent additional attacks and protect the public.



Many of the questions asked during the first two stages of a microbial forensic investigation are identical to those of an epidemiologic investigation, and the same methods and technologies are generally used to answer them (Sjodin et al., 2013). However, the attribution step is unique to microbial forensics. In addition to traditional forensic analyses of recovered evidence from the crime scene (analysis of human DNA, fingerprints, fibers, etc.), detailed analyses are conducted of the responsible biologic agent (bacterium, virus, fungus, or toxin). It is possible that the results of an epidemiologic investigation may suggest a deliberate or unintentional release of a biological agent and thus lead to the initiation of a microbial forensic investigation. The intentional release of a biological agent can be done overtly, in which case the perpetrators will announce their responsibility, or covertly, in which case they will not call attention to the release of a biological agent (Budowle et al., 2005). It is likely that most unintentional releases will be covert-like in nature (Zimmer and Burke, 2009). Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 2005, the field of microbial forensics has evolved substantially in its ability to attribute the source of microorganisms and toxins that have been used in cases of bioterrorism and in biocrimes. The 2001 anthrax mail attack (often referred to as “Amerithrax”) fortunately remains the worst and best-known example of successful bioterrorism on US soil (Chapters 2 and 3). At the time, the US was ill prepared to investigate the unique types of microbiological evidence for attribution that were generated by that investigation, although traditional types of forensic evidence could readily be collected, analyzed, and interpreted within the framework of a statistically sound scientific foundation. The first edition of this book had only limited reference to the anthrax mail attack because much of the scientific examination was still in progress and methodologies were still under development. Early capabilities were initially limited to

detection and identification and did not include detailed characterization and comparative analyses. Thus, the first edition was developed as a foundational text to stimulate scientists, legal experts, and decision makers responsible for analyzing and interpreting evidence from an act of biological warfare, bioterrorism, biocrime, or inadvertent release of a microorganism or toxin for attribution purposes and to describe the discipline. In addition, the initial edition of this book discussed some of the future opportunities and challenges for the microbial forensic field. The second edition of this book, published in 2011, contained several chapters that brought the Amerithrax investigation to a conclusion. The anthrax mail investigation, one of the most intense and expansive investigations to date by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and US Postal Service (http://www.fbi.gov/antrhrax/ amerithraxlinks.htm), is now considered closed. However, the third edition of this book revisits this case and provides a first-hand account of the investigation as well as lessons learned on what should be done in microbial forensics to support an investigation and equally important what should be avoided. Many of the elements discussed in the first and second editions of this book are echoed in the 2009 US National Research and Development Strategy for Microbial Forensics (U.S., 2010), which identifies threat awareness, prevention and protection, surveillance and detection, and response and recovery as the essential pillars of US national biodefense policy. “Attribution”dthe investigative process by which the US government links the identity of a perpetrator or perpetrators of illicit activity and the pathway leading to criminal activitydis part of the surveillance and detection pillar. Making a determination of attribution for a planned or actual perpetrated biological attack would be the culmination of a complex investigative process drawing on many different sources of information, including traditional forensic analysis of material evidence collected


during an investigation of a planned attack or material evidence resulting from an attack and relevant subject matter experts. One of the key sources of attribution information in a biological attack is the result of a microbial forensic investigation. Future investigations of biological warfare, bioterrorism events, or biocrimes are likely to be as multifaceted as the Amerithrax investigation, if not more so, and will demand more integration and better communication among government agencies. Fortunately, the technologies today provide much better capabilities to respond with a strong microbial forensic program. At the same time, microbial forensics is still a developing field facing numerous scientific challenges. For these and other reasons, governments are making investments, often for public health purposes, to provide a robust capability to detect, identify, and characterize biological agents. Advances in this area have been sufficiently exciting and significant to make this third edition of Microbial Forensics both timely and necessary. There is growing interest and application of microbial forensic principles in food safety, water quality, and bioinformatics, and thus this edition contains chapters to cover a broader audience interest than that of national security. We recognize that traditional detective investigation, coupled with scientific analysis of evidence and frequently additional ongoing and novel experimentation, can generate investigative leads. Thus, chapters on microbial forensic approaches to human identification and the determination of postmortem interval have been included. The first edition of this book was developed for individuals entering the field of microbial forensics who were looking for a single source for initial guidance and information. The second edition supported that need with a combination of basic texts and chapters on more sophisticated technologies, such as nonbiological analytical tools and next-generation sequencing methods. The rapid advance in technology and its


application have led to the third edition. This edition recognizes the combination of diverse disciplines that must be exploited to analyze evidence, including biology, microbiology, medicine, chemistry, physics, statistics, population genetics, computer science, and computational biology. New techniques must be developed and employed to extract the most information from forensic evidence obtained from terrorist and criminal events, especially when more traditional forms of evidence are either not available or very limited in content. Yet microbial forensicsda maturing disciplineddepends very heavily on some traditional and frequently overlooked scientific values: willingness to share often priceless samples with others across international boundaries, rigorous curation of microbial repository samples over decades, and organization and execution of international collaborative studies with recognition of all involved. Over the past century, science has played an increasingly greater role in criminal investigation (Budowle et al., 2008, 2009). Microbial forensic science will continue this tradition. But scientific analysis is only part of the process. Forensic science results must be integrated with other information, and attention must be paid to steps that will assure the quality of results as well as support their admissibility in a court of law (see Chapter 23e27). We stress quality control and quality assurance as the means to ensure integrity of the evidence. Practices such as adherence to chain of custody procedures, documentation of activities, and the use of validated reagents, calibrated equipment, negative and known positive control samples, validated procedures, standard operating procedures, and so on are the essence of reliability and confidence. These criteria in turn ensure admissibility in court. The scientific foundations of microbial forensics will be strengthened, built upon, and likely remodeled by our present and future colleagues. Their accomplishments over the past eight years



have led to this new edition. We look forward to their continued input, interaction, and insight.

References Budowle, B., Bottrell, M.C., Bunch, S.G., Fram, R., Harrison, D., Meagher, S., et al., 2009. A perspective on errors, bias, and interpretation in the forensic sciences and direction for continuing advancement. J. Forensic Sci. 54, 798e809. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Ascher, M.S., Atlas, R.M., Burans, J.P., Chakraborty, R., et al., 2005. Toward a system of microbial forensics: from sample collection to interpretation of evidence. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71, 2209e2213. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Morse, S.A., Martinez, K.F., Chakraborty, R., Marrone, B.L., et al., 2008. Criteria for validation of methods in microbial forensics. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74, 5599e5607.

Koblentz, G.D., Tucker, J.B., 2010. Tracing an attack: the promise and pitfalls of microbial forensics. Survival 52, 159e186. Sjodin, A., Broman, T., Melefors, O., Andersson, G., Rasmusson, B., Knutsson, R., et al., 2013. The need for high-quality whole-genome sequence databases in microbial foremsics. Biosec. Bioterror. 11 (Suppl. 1), S78eS86. Tucker, J.B., Koblentz, G.D., 2009. The four faces of microbial forensics. Biosecur. Bioterror. 7, 389e397. U.S., 2010. National Science and Technology Council, Executive Office of the President, National Research and Development Strategy for Microbial Forensics. http:www.white house.gov/files/documents/ostp/NSTC%20Reports/ National%20MicroForensics%20R&DStrategy%202009 %20UNLIMITED%20DISTRIBUTION.pdf. Zimmer, S.M., Burke, D.S., 2009. Historical perspective e emergence of influenza A (H1N1) viruses. New Engl. J. Med. 361, 279e285.


1 The Kameido anthrax incident: a microbial forensic case study Arnold F. Kaufmann1, Paul Keim2 1

United States Public Health Service, Stone Mountain, GA, United States; 2The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States


primarily adapted from the reviews by Hudson, Smithson, and Tu, is useful (Hudson, 1999; Smithson, 2000; Tu, 2002). The Aum Shinrikyo was founded by Shoko Asahara, whose birth name was Chizuo Matsumoto. Born into poverty in 1955 and suffering severe visual impairment due to infantile glaucoma, Matsumoto was sent at a young age to a government-subsidized boarding school for the blind. He purportedly felt abandoned by his family, which may have later led to an Aum Shinrikyo rule that followers were to cut off relationships with their parents to attain the supreme truth. Having limited vision in one eye, Matsumoto developed influence over the other blind students, who paid him for various services. During his student years, he developed a reputation as a bully and con artist. After high school graduation in 1975, Matsumoto established a successful acupuncture clinic, but he had to move to Tokyo in 1977 due to his involvement in a fight that resulted in injury to several persons. About this time, his stated ambitions included becoming the leader of a robot kingdom or the Prime Minister of Japan.

The Aum Shinrikyo, an apocalyptic religious sect based in Japan, first came to worldwide attention in 1995 as the result of their deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system (Hudson, 1999; Smithson, 2000; Tu, 2002). Subsequent investigations revealed that the Aum Shinrikyo had launched earlier attacks with both chemical and biological agents. The biological attacks utilizing Bacillus anthracis spores and botulinum neurotoxin were notably unsuccessful, with failure to produce any casualties in at least seven alleged attempts over several years beginning in 1990. In this chapter, an attack in 1993 that was launched from the Aum Shinrikyo headquarters building then located in Kameido, a Tokyo suburb, will be discussed, with emphasis on laboratory and epidemiological studies (Takahashi et al., 2004; Keim et al., 2001).

The Aum Shinrikyo: a brief history To put the Kameido incident into context, a brief history of the Aum Shinrikyo and its founder,

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00001-5


© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The Kameido anthrax incident

In Tokyo, he found work as an acupuncturist and enrolled in a preparatory school for the Japanese college entrance examination, with a goal of qualifying for matriculation in Tokyo University. Failing the entrance examination, Matsumoto married and established an acupuncture clinic and a natural foods shop. As a sideline, he concocted an alcohol extract of tangerine skins that he marketed as a miracle drug for weight loss and a variety of other conditions. His success in sales of this product attracted the attention of the police and subsequent arrest and imprisonment for violating the Japanese Cosmetics and Medical Instruments Act. This experience may have contributed to his animosity toward established authority. After his move to Tokyo, Matsumoto became interested in religion and, in 1981, joined Agon Shu, a new religion based on Buddhism and yoga. In 1984, Matsumoto quit the Agon Shu and established Aum Shinsen, a yoga club which rapidly grew from 15 to more than 1000 members. He also changed his name to Shoko Asahara or Bright Light in Japanese. Following a trip to India in 1986e87, Asahara changed the name of the yoga club to Aum Shinrikyo. Aum is a Hindu syllable representing the spoken essence of the universe, and Shinrikyo is derived from the Japanese words for “supreme truth.” In 1989, Aum Shinrikyo was officially recognized as a religious sect in Japan, giving the sect tax advantages as well as the ability to claim the members’ work in the sect’s various enterprises as voluntary. The sect’s growth continued with spread to other countries, including the United States, Germany, and Russia. Sect members lived a Spartan life and were expected to cut off all associations from their past life, to take a chastity vow, and to turn over all their assets to the Aum Shinrikyo. They were subjected to a heavy diet of their master’s “wisdom,” often simultaneously undergoing food and sleep deprivation. Members were expected to voluntarily labor in the sect’s various commercial enterprises, such as sales of herbal teas and natural

medications, operation of noodle shops, health clubs and baby-sitting services, and computerrelated services. Those who balked were driven ever harder, drugged and confined. In some extreme cases, defectors were murdered. To carry out its activities, the Aum Shinrikyo developed a complex organizational structure consisting of 22 ministries plus the Offices of Religious Members. The latter was charged with recruitment of persons having needed skills, such as members of the Japanese Self Defense Forces and scientists. In effect, the Aum Shinrikyo assumed the form of a shadow government which could supplant the existent Japanese government if Asahara’s ambitions were fulfilled. By 1990, with membership in the tens of thousands spread over six countries and an estimated 300 million to a billion dollars available, the Aum Shinrikyo was well positioned to further Asahara’s ambitions and delusions. The Aum Shinrikyo initially attempted a conventional approach to political power by fielding a slate of 25 candidates for the national elections that year. None of the candidates, including Asahara, were even modestly successful. Asahara believed that the Japanese government had cheated him rather than that the electorate was put off by the doomsday overtones of the candidate’s speeches. His belief was reinforced by the fact that the number of votes received by all the candidates was far fewer than the number of Aum Shinrikyo members in Japan. Based on a pastiche of apocalyptic scenarios drawn from various religions, Asahara preached that Japan was destined to suffer a number of overwhelming catastrophes, including a poison gas attack by the United States. Asahara and his followers would survive the looming Armageddon and evolve into a super race dominating the world. He became more vocal in expressing this belief after the humiliating electoral defeat in 1990. Not content to allow the catastrophes to occur in their own time, Asahara initiated development of chemical and biological weapons to speed up the process.

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The Kameido anthrax incident

Only the chemical weapons program had some success. After overcoming initial production problems, the Aum launched an attack with sarin gas in Matsumoto City in June 1994. The attack targeted judges presiding over a land use dispute between the Aum Shinrikyo and a local real estate agent. Suspecting that the judges would make a decision unfavorable to the cult, Asahara ordered their assassination. This gave an opportunity to test the effectiveness of their sarin on humans. The sarin release utilized a spray device and resulted in 311 known casualties, with 58 hospitalized, including 7 deaths. The judges were unharmed. Investigation of the Matsumoto City attack proceeded slowly, without definitive evidence linking the crime to a specific individual or group. The Aum Shinrikyo was suspected, and a sarin degradation product was detected in soil near a building in an Aum Shinrikyo compound, the Seventh Satayan, in Kamakiuishiki. The police did not seek a warrant to search the facility because of a conservative interpretation of pertinent laws. In an unrelated kidnapping case, however, the police found fingerprint evidence that an Aum Shinrikyo member was involved. This gave a justification for obtaining a warrant to investigate the facility. In March 1995, Asahara learned of the plans for a police raid from Aum members within the Japanese Self Defense Forces. In a ploy to distract the police and buy time, Asahara decided to release sarin in the Tokyo subway system. Two days later, the attack was carried out, resulting in several thousand casualties, including 12 fatalities. During the same period (1994e95) they also produced 100e200 g of VX, which was used to attack three persons (one died). Hence, the Aum’s chemical weapons program was more extensive than sarin. The Aum Shinrikyo cult had been thought to be an odd group and even a nuisance on occasion. Investigations after the Tokyo sarin attack revealed a more sinister aspect of the sect and its leader. In addition to the chemical weapons


development program, the Aum Shinrikyo was found to have been actively pursuing biological weapons, albeit without success due to incompetence. In particular, the ineffective release of B. anthracis spores in Kameido was discovered, leading to the investigations discussed in this chapter.

The Kameido anthrax incident On June 29e30, 1993, complaints about foul odors were registered with local environmental health authorities in Kameido in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Takahashi et al., 2004). The odors originated from the eight-story headquarters building of the Aum Shinrikyo. Some of the exposed persons reported appetite loss, nausea, and vomiting. Birds and pets were also reportedly ill, but the nature of these illnesses was not defined. The environmental health officials requested permission to inspect the headquarters building, but Aum Shinrikyo members at the scene refused. The officials checked the building’s exterior, collected air samples, and began surveillance of activities at the building. Other than the nuisance posed by the odor, definitive human health risks could not be identified. On the morning of July 1, neighbors began to complain about loud noises and an intermittent mist originating from one of two structures on the roof which were thought to be cooling towers (Fig. 1.1). As the day progressed, 118 complaints about foul odors were received from nearby residents, primarily to the south of the building. Winds (2e4 m/s) that day blew from a northeasterly direction (Takahashi et al., 2004). Light rain (7 mm total) fell in the early morning, with cloudy conditions thereafter. The temperature ranged from 16.9 to 19.9 C through the day. A “gelatin-like, oily, gray-to-black” fluid from the mist coming off the “cooling towers” collected on the side of the building (Takahashi et al., 2004). Samples of the fluid were collected by the environmental health officials and stored in a refrigerator (4 C) for later testing.

I. Anthrax


1. The Kameido anthrax incident

FIGURE 1.1 Mist being dispersed from spray device on the roof of the Aum Shinrikyo headquarters building, Kameido, Japan, July 1, 2006 (Takahashi et al., 2004).

The next day, July 2, Shoko Asahara agreed to stop using the rooftop devices and to clean and vacate the building (Takahashi et al., 2004). An environmental inspection found no equipment, including the rooftop devices, remaining in the building, and black stains on the walls were the only notable observation. The problem, apparently being resolved, was largely forgotten until 1996. Police investigations of the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway system revealed that the Aum Shinrikyo was also involved in bioterrorism. Following the conservative Japanese policy of not revealing criminal evidence until the time of trial in court, the true nature of the Kameido incident was first disclosed to the public in May 1996 when Asahara was arraigned (Smithson, 2000; Takahashi et al., 2004). Aum Shinrikyo members had confessed that the odors resulted from efforts to aerosolize a liquid suspension of B. anthracis spores. The motive was to trigger an inhalational anthrax epidemic and a subsequent world war. The war would culminate in the Aum Shinrikyo members becoming a super race which would rule the world in accord with Asahara’s preaching (Takahashi et al., 2004).

Many questions about the incident remained unanswered. For example, did the attack actually occur? If so, were B. anthracis spores utilized? Could the specific B. anthracis strain and its origin be identified? Was the strain virulent? Why did the attack apparently fail? Had illnesses occurred but gone undetected? Investigations were initiated to better characterize the alleged attack and its consequences.

Microbial forensic investigation Fluid, that had been collected from the Aum Shinrikyo headquarters building in July 1993 and subsequently stored at 4 C, was examined in January 2000 for bacterial content (Keim et al., 2001). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screening of the fluid was positive for B. anthracis. Microscopic examination of the fluid after staining with malachite green and safranin revealed spores, nonspecific debris, and bacterial cells other than large bacilli. The fluid was cultured by spreading on sheep blood agar plates and incubating at 37 C under ambient CO2 concentration (Fig. 1.2). Based on the number of

I. Anthrax

Microbial forensic investigation


the pX02 plasmid entirely. Amplification of these loci can occur in closely related Bacillus cereus strains, but the actual amplicon sizes had been previously observed only in B. anthracis. The MLVA genotype observed was consistent with results obtained with the Sterne anthrax vaccine strain (Fig. 1.3). The Sterne strain is a member of the A3.b diversity cluster, and in a study of 419 isolates only four naturally occurring B. anthracis strains in the electronic database of worldwide isolates had the same seven-marker genotype, though these strains were pX02 positive (Keim et al., 2000). As the ability to perform whole genome sequencing has improved, one isolate collected FIGURE 1.2 Blood agar plate of the sampling from the Kameido site (Takahashi et al., 2004).

bacterial colonies observed on the plates after incubation, the fluid contained approximately 4  104 bacterial colony-forming units (CFUs) per mL. Most colonies grew only weakly and were morphologically inconsistent with normal B. anthracis characteristics when grown under these conditions. The poorly growing bacteria were not further characterized. About 10% of the colonies on the plates were typical of B. anthracis, being large and having a nonhemolytic, “gray ground glass” appearance (Fig. 1.2). The number of observed colonies consistent with B. anthracis was consistent with a concentration of 4  103 CFU per mL of the fluid. Forty-eight of these colonies were purified by single-colony streaking and subjected to the 8-locus multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) (Keim et al., 2000). All 48 colonies were B. anthracis and had an identical MLVA genotype, though the VNTR marker on the pX02 plasmid failed to amplify. The genotype of all 48 strains was vrrA, 313 bp; vrrB1, 229 bp; vrrB2, 162 bp; vrrC1; 583 bp; vrrC2; 532 bp; CG3, 158 bp; pX01-aat, 129 bp; pX02-at, no amplification. The lack of PCR amplification at the pX02 markers is consistent with strains that are missing

FIGURE 1.3 Multiple-locus, variable-number tandem repeat analysis of a Kameido isolate and the Sterne strain of Bacillus anthracis (Takahashi et al., 2004).

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1. The Kameido anthrax incident

at the release site was DNA sequenced using short read Illumina technology (Keim, unpublished data). The resulting sequence was identical to that of the Sterne genome available at NCBI. This suggests that the cult directly used a commercial stock without manipulation or extensive laboratory growth. The Sterne 34F2 anthrax vaccine strain is commercially available in Japan for veterinary use. It had been previously reported that the Aum Shinrikyo had obtained a veterinary vaccine strain of B. anthracis which may have been used by them for bioterrorist attacks (Hudson, 1999). Our results are consistent with this previously unsubstantiated report. The Sterne strain has low virulence due to lack of the pXO2 plasmid, which is the location of genes coding for the poly-D-glutamate capsule, a major virulence factor of B. anthracis.

Epidemiologic investigation Culture-confirmed anthrax is a nationally notifiable disease in Japan, with physicians being required to report all cases (Takahashi et al., 2004). Only four human anthrax cases were reported during the 1990s, with a single case being reported in Tokyo. The Tokyo case was diagnosed in a man who was in his eighties and resided in Sumida ward which is adjacent to Kameido ward. The case occurred in August 1994 and had no obvious association with the 1993 Kameido incident. Could additional anthrax cases from the 1993 attack have gone unrecognized or unreported? A retrospective case-detection survey was conducted in 1999 to address this question (Takahashi et al., 2004). Using the official registry of “foul odor” complaints, the residences of the 118 complainants were mapped to identify the area of presumed highest risk. The 0.33 km2 high-risk area determined by this approach contained approximately 3400 households and 7000 residents. A telephone survey was conducted of

physicians at 39 medical facilities (15 internal medicine, 7 dermatology, and 15 other specialties) serving the area. None of these physicians had treated cases of anthrax, unexplained serious respiratory illnesses, or hemorrhagic meningitis, a common complication of systemic anthrax in residents of the high-risk area (Holty et al., 2006).

Discussion Several lessons can be learned from the Kameido incident. The investigation suffered from a failure to detect the incident at the time. The Aum Shinrikyo did not attract much official attention until the sarin attack in Matsumoto City in 1994. The Japanese culture is very tolerant of varying religious beliefs, an attitude reflecting Japanese constitutional guarantees of religious freedom. The Aum Shinrikyo was but one of more than 180,000 minor religions active in Japan (Hudson, 1999). The police policy of conservative interpretation of pertinent laws was another factor. In addition, the policy of not revealing details about a criminal investigation until the time court procedures are initiated slowed communications between pertinent agencies, delaying investigation even after the Aum Shinrikyo’s attempt to utilize biologic weapons first became known during the investigation of the 1995 sarin attack on the Tokyo subway (Tu, 2002). Awareness of potential threats, a low threshold of suspicion, and active sharing of information between governmental agencies having pertinent expertise and/or authority are some key components in early detection of terrorism incidents. Early characterization of the Aum Shinrikyo biological weapons program was primarily based on statements by the perpetrators and expert opinions (Hudson, 1999; Smithson, 2000; Tu, 2002). Physical evidence and independent corroboration of the claims were notably absent. Fortunately, health officials had collected a specimen of fluid from the building at the time of the

I. Anthrax


Kameido incident although it was not been analyzed at the time. The fluid was kept as potential evidence in the event disease could be associated with the incident. A policy of keeping evidence for a period of years allowed its examination in 2000, more than 6 years after the incident. From a forensic perspective, however, the lack of formal chain-of-custody documentation might be an issue in some jurisdictions. The MLVA analysis of the B. anthracis strain isolated from the fluid from the building revealed a genotype consistent with that of the Sterne 34F2 anthrax vaccine strain. A direct comparison, however, was not made with the Sterne 34F2 strain used to produce anthrax vaccine in Japan. In addition, the MLVA genotypic match was not unique to Sterne as the published database contained additional samples with identical (excluding pXO2) genotypes. No samples from Japan had ever been characterized using MLVA and, as such, the natural background B. anthracis was unknown. As noted above, whole genome sequencing has been recently performed and the exact identity between the Kameido isolate and the commercial Sterne strain genome strongly supports the position that this is what the cult used. In addition, no effort was made to isolate B. anthracis from the building’s environment or adjoining areas of Kameido to provide evidence that the strain isolated from the fluid had been dispersed and the extent of the dispersal. The ability of B. anthracis to survive many years in contaminated environment makes such an effort potentially productive (Turnbull, 2008). Why did no disease result from the attack? One possibility is a small inhaled dose of spores for exposed persons. Although presumably strain dependent, the minimum inhaled dosage capable of causing human disease is unclear. However, unknowns such as aerosol dispersal device efficiency in generating a fine particle aerosol, concentration of spores in the fluid being dispersed, and aerosol cloud movement preclude making defensible estimates of inhaled dosage for persons exposed during the attack.


Another possible factor in lack of detected disease is the low virulence of the Sterne strain for humans. Despite frequent accidental inoculations of the vaccine during immunization of domestic animals, no documented cases of associated disease have been reported. The Sterne strain lacks a capsule, and other strains of B. anthracis lacking a capsule rarely produce human illness. Only three reports of illness associated with nonencapsulated strains have been made, with one case being in an immunocompromised person and the causeeeffect relationship of the isolate to the illness observed in the other two cases being uncertain. Serologic studies were not done at the time of the event but could have been potentially useful. For example, antibody and cell-mediated immune responses in persons who were exposed in the 2001 bioterrorism attack at the United States capitol were used to demonstrate infection without resultant disease (Doolan et al., 2007). If a similar study had been done in Kameido at the time of the attack, the question of whether infection had occurred in absence of disease could have been addressed. The long lapse of time between the Kameido event and the epidemiologic study would compromise the validity of such studies at this time. The isolation of B. anthracis and the results of the MLVA testing might have proven useful in prosecuting some Aum Shinrikyo members, but this will have to remain conjectural. Criminal charges related to the biologic weapons development and attacks were not made, and, hence, the microbiological evidence was never tested in court. However, 13 Aum Shinrikyo members, including Asahara, have been convicted for perpetrating the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway and condemned to death. Three of the Aum Shinrrikyo members including Asahara were executed by hanging in 2018 after appeals had been exhausted for all of the accused. Despite the convictions of many leaders, the Aum Shinrikyo continues to exist, having been renamed Aleph, the first letter of the Phoenician

I. Anthrax


1. The Kameido anthrax incident

alphabet. A splinter group, Hikari no Wa or Ring of Light, broke off from Aleph following discord within the Aleph leadership. Surveillance of the two groups for potential terrorist activities has been maintained, and they have been formally designated terrorist organizations by several countries, including the European Union, Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, and the United States.

Challenges The Kameido incident underscored a number of essential concepts in microbial forensics. Implementing these concepts must be a high priority for law enforcement jurisdictions. Early communication and information sharing between appropriate governmental agencies, particularly law enforcement and public health, are essential to an optimal outcome of microbial forensic studies. Public health agencies have a major role in the investigation of suspected and documented bioterrorism incidents, but the similarities and differences in public health and law enforcement investigations must be understood and coordinated so that both can be more effective (Butler et al., 2002). Investigations must, of necessity, be multidisciplinary and draw on the best available expertise whether or not located in a governmental agency. Specimen testing must follow established chain-of-custody procedures, and all involved groups must be trained in these procedures. Strain subtyping is a powerful investigative tool for tracing the origins of microbial agents, but the procedures must be validated and have yet to be accepted by the courts. Epidemiologic studies are essential to putting laboratory findings into the context of a bioterrorist event.

References Butler, J.C., Cohen, M.L., Friedman, C.R., Scripp, R.M., Watz, C.G., 2002. Collaboration between public health and law enforcement: new paradigms and partnerships for bioterrorism planning and response. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 8 (10), 1152e1156. Doolan, D.L., Freilich, D.A., Brice, G.T., Burgess, T.H., Berzins, M.P., Bull, R.L., Graber, N.L., Dabbs, J.L., Shatney, L.L., Blazes, D.L., Bebris, L.M., Malone, M.F., Eisold, J.F., Mateczun, A.J., Martin, G.J., 2007. The US capitol bioterrorism anthrax exposures: clinical epidemiological and immunological characteristics. J. Infect. Dis. 195 (2), 174e184. Holty, J.E.C., Bravata, D.M., Liu, H., Olshen, R.A., McDonald, K.M., Owens, D.K., 2006. Systemic review: a century of inhalational anthrax cases from 1900 to 2005. Ann. Intern. Med. 144 (4), 270e280. Hudson, R.A., 1999. The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why? Library of Congress, Federal Research Division Report Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Keim, P., Price, L.B., Klevytska, Smith, K.L., Schupp, J.M., Okinaka, R., Jackson, P., Hugh-Jones, M.E., 2000. Multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) reveals genetic relationships within Bacillus anthracis. J. Bacteriol. 182 (10), 2928e2936. Keim, P., Smith, K.L., Keys, C., Takahashi, H., Kurata, T., Kaufmann, A., 2001. Molecular investigation of the Aum Shinrikyo anthrax release in Kameido, Japan. J. Clin. Microbiol. 39 (12), 4566e4567. Smithson, A.E., 2000. Rethinking the lessons of Tokyo. In: Smithson, A.E., Levy, L.E. (Eds.), Ataxia: The Chemical and Biological Terrorism Threat and the US Response. Stimson Center Report No. 35. Simpson Center, Washington DC, pp. 71e111. Takahashi, H., Keim, P., Kaufmann, A.F., Keys, C., Smith, K.L., Taniguchi, K., Inouye, S., Kurata, T., 2004. Bacillus anthracis incident, Kameido, Tokyo, 1993. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 10 (1), 117e120. Tu, A.T., 2002. Chemical Terrorism: Horrors in Tokyo Subway and Matsumoto City. Fort Collins CO: Alaken Inc. Turnbull, P. (Ed.), 2008. Anthrax in Humans and Animals, fourth ed. World Health Organization, Geneva.

I. Anthrax


2 The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics R. Scott Decker, Terry L. Kerns Bio-Logic Security, LLC, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Concern for the future

collect and preserve the evidence, and coordinate its forensic exploitation. At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US Public Health Service medical officer Scott Lillibridge with the help of microbiologist Stephen A. Morse initiated the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program (BPRP). Richard F. Meyer from Plum Island and Richard B. Kellogg soon joined Morse, and they began identifying state-of-the-art technology for characterizing microbes.

The 1990s saw a dramatic rise in awareness of the use of biological weapons and terrorism. Secretary of Defense William Cohen startled the nation one Sunday morning by equating the amount of anthrax1 powder with a bag of sugar and its capability to kill one-half of Washington, D.C.’s population; United Nation’s inspectors uncovered the extent of Iraq’s biological weapons program; Richard Preston’s bestselling book, The Hot Zone, followed by The Cobra Event brought microbes gone awry to the public’s eye (Decker, 2018). Those in government circles took note and realized the nation was unprepared for a biological attack they feared was looming on the horizon. In the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory Division, Deputy Assistant Director Randall S. Murch stood up a new unit, the Hazardous Materials Response Unit (HMRU). Its mission was to respond to crime scenes involving use of a weapon of mass destruction,

Laboratory Response Network In addition to building the CDC’s BPRP and the FBI’s HMRU, Morse and Murch developed the idea for a national Laboratory Response Network (LRN)da concept simple, elegant, and noveldhighly effective and efficient. The CDC’s headquarters in Atlanta hosted the January 1999 kick-off meeting. Attendees included representatives from the Departments


Anthrax is defined as the disease caused by the bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. However, in conversational usage, anthrax and Bacillus anthracis are often used interchangeably.

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00002-7


© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


2. The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics

of the Army and Navy and the American Public Health Association. Top public health officials from around the country and the FBI’s Laboratory Division joined them. That meeting began efforts for the standardization of methods and use of equipment for the detection and identification of microbes used in bioterrorist and criminal events. The Department of Health and Human Services through the CDC rebuilt the nation’s public health infrastructure by providing funds to state and large county public health labs for the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment for microbiological identification. At the same time, scientists from national institutions such as the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the Naval Medical Research Laboratory, and CDC’s Rich Meyer would develop, standardize, and validate protocols. Standardized reagents and training would also be provided. It was an ambitious undertaking, but one soon desperately needed. In the months following 9/11, the LRN would provide invaluable resources and rescue the nation from near-panic over white powder letters and hoaxes. While the public health labs were well attuned to processing public health samples, they now learned to process evidentiary samples. In the Phoenix FBI Division, for example, agents added chain of custody documentation to the existing public health accession paperwork and processes were developed for cross-referencing evidentiary samples with public health cataloging systems. On arrival at an LRN member lab, the FBI’s evidence would be stored in a dedicated and secure area. Following testing for biological threat agents, laboratory personnel would transfer the evidence to a second, secure area to avoid cross-contamination with new incoming samples. Entry to secure areas was limited and records of ingress/egress maintained. Following

intake of suspected samples, the LRN labs would communicate daily with the submitting FBI field office; test results were relayed immediately to victims and their designated healthcare professionals. The equipment provided to the LRN was available for day-to-day public health work, and in the instance of a suspected biological attack or threat, available to analyze evidence collected through the coordination of FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces. Evidence that tested positive for a pathogen or toxin (e.g., ricin) would be transferred to a national-level facilitydCDC or a Washington, DC area Department of Defense labdfor confirmation and forensic analysis. Specialized testing, such as genome analysis, would take place at partner laboratories such as Paul Keim’s laboratory at Northern Arizona University. The primary advantage of using local facilities was timely turn around. In 1998, any threatening material, such as an envelope filled with a powder, was transported to a national-level lab for testing, taking days before an answer, usually negative, could be given to victims, risking unnecessary administration of antibiotics or in the case of a positive test, costly delay. Should the country be deluged with anthrax hoax letters as in 1998, the volume of testing would threaten to overwhelm national assets. Beginning in 1998, the FBI added microbial forensics to its list of available investigative approaches. It built and strengthened relationships with the country’s microbiology experts and was able to provide rudimentary testing to its field offices around the United States. Contracts and Memoranda of Agreement were put in place as vehicles for funding and reimbursement. Microbial forensics would not be a stand-alone tool to prove innocence or guilt, but one of many available to generate investigative leads (Fig. 2.1).

I. Anthrax

Post-9/11: the second wave of attack


Flow chart for investigation of use of a biological weapon of mass destruction as presented to first responders and public health personnel by the authors while assigned to the FBI’s Hazardous Materials Response Unit (c. 1998e2001).


Post-9/11: the second wave of attack The events of September 11, 2001, are one of those days in history that everyone will remember where they were. The near simultaneous airliner attacks on the World Trade Center towers (Fig. 2.2) and the Pentagon, along with the diverted attack to a coalfield in Pennsylvania,

remain scorched in our national collectiveness along with Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor and the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Members of the FBI’s HMRU responded to all three of the 9/11 crime scenes. In New York City, epidemiologists from the CDC began monitoring area hospitals for mysterious illnesses.

FIGURE 2.2 The Ground Zero Pile. A Caterpillar excavator clears steel and concrete from the wreckage of Manhattan’s World Trade Center complex following an attack by hijacked commercial airliners on September 11, 2001.

I. Anthrax


2. The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics

Concern ran through government of a biological bomb aboard one of the airliners. Officials worried about a biological attack coming on the heels of 9/11. Around Washington, D.C., the Department of Energy deployed its Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System (BASIS) technology to sample the air for biological aerosols, Bacillus anthracis at the top of their list. USAMRIID tested the small filters collected hourly from BASIS monitoring stations deployed throughout the National Capital region. While the locations of the stations were confidential, USAMRIID staff were aware of the testing, and it generated speculation about what was coming next. Three weeks after 9/11, early in the morning, Robert Stevens of south Florida admitted himself to the JFK Medical Center located between West Palm Beach and Boca Raton. He had been vomiting and incoherent during the night. By the time he arrived at JFK, delirium had taken over. Initially, doctors suspected bacterial meningitis and administered multiple antibiotics. Six hours later he suffered a seizure and was placed on a ventilator (Cole, 2003). Farther south, Stevens’ coworker, Ernesto Blanco, a mail room worker at American Media, Incorporated (AMI) checked himself into Miami’s Cedars Medical Center as he became increasingly disorientated. The medical staff soon administered intravenous antibiotics and hooked him up to a mechanical respirator. A definitive diagnosis for Blanco would elude them for days. An examination of Stevens’ cerebrospinal fluid revealed gram-positive bacilli and a Florida Public Health laboratory, using the new LRN protocols, identified the bacteria as B. anthracis, 44 h after Stevens was admitted to JFK. The bacteria were sent to Atlanta where the CDC’s BPRP confirmed the diagnosis of anthrax. BPRP staff inoculated samples of Stevens’ B. anthracis onto an agar slant and flew it to Northern Arizona University. There, working through the night, Paul Keim and his staff identified the B. anthracis as the Ames strain, a research strain

used to assess vaccine efficacy. At the same time, the CDC’s Alex Hoffmaster, using the Multiple Locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) Analysis (MLVA) developed by the Keim lab, confirmed the Ames identification (Keim et al., 1997, 2000). Finding that a laboratory strain infected Stevens and not an unknown environmental strain pointed toward an intentional actdpotentially the first act of deadly bioterrorism in the United States. On October 5, 2 days after entering JFK Medical Center, Stevens succumbed. He was the first case of lethal inhalational anthrax in the United States since 1976. Blanco’s diagnosis was not as straightforward. Repeated attempts to identify viable bacteria in Blanco failed. The CDC case definition required viable B. anthracis for a diagnosis of anthrax. However, in his Rapid Response and Advanced Technology lab at CDC, Rich Meyer had validated a new assay, a highly sensitive and quantitative immunoassay he termed Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF). Applying TRF to Blanco’s pleural fluid, Meyer detected high levels of inert B. anthracis antigens, convincing Meyer that Blanco had inhalational anthrax. But CDC executive leadership needed more convincing. After several days of tensionfilled meetings and terse discussions, the CDC front office agreed that Ernesto Blanco was the second inhalational anthrax victim since 1976 (Blanco’s case would lead to the CDC revising their criteria for anthrax diagnosis). While the extraordinary high levels of intravenous antibiotics may have confounded an early diagnosis, they undoubtedly saved Blanco’s life. He would go on to a full recovery (UCLA, Fielding School of Public Health). On Friday, October 12, 2001, 9 days after Stevens’ initial diagnosis, suspicions of a bioterrorist attack were confirmed. After a circuitous search, a letter addressed to NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw in Manhattan was recovered containing dry B. anthracis spores. The envelope was postmarked “Trenton, NJ.” Three

I. Anthrax

Quality of spore materialdbehavioral assessment

days later, a second spore-filled letter was recovered in the Capitol Hill offices of US Senator Tom Daschledthe handwriting and eagle prestamped envelope identical to the Brokaw letter. However, the Daschle letter, also postmarked “Trenton, NJ,” bore a New Jersey return addressdwhich proved to be fake. One week after recovering the Brokaw letter, a B. anthracise filled letter was recovered addressed to the editor of the New York Post in Manhattan. In early November, a letter filled with spores was recovered in quarantined mail. This one was addressed to US Senator Patrick Leahy. Four letters were recovered in all, the Post and Leahy letters were unopened. Recovery of the Leahy letter allowed for a range of destructive forensic analyses. The two letters sent to New York City contained granular dark brown dried spores mixed with debris; the two Capitol Hill letters sent to Daschle and Leahy contained light gray powder, very fine and little to no debris (Fig. 2.3). The dried powder in these letters consisted of tiny clumps of spores and single

FIGURE 2.3 Powder of dried Bacillus anthracis spores recovered from envelope and letter addressed to US Senator Patrick.


spores. When the Daschle letter was opened in his office, the powder behaved as an aerosol and spread through office buildings on Capitol Hill. Cleanup took months. In New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Florida, and Connecticut, victims presented with cutaneous and inhalational anthrax. By the end of November 2001, there were 22 total cases of anthrax, 11 inhalational and 11 cutaneous. The inhalational form claimed five lives, one in Florida, one in Connecticut, two in Maryland, and one in New York City. Seventeen of the victims recovered from their infection; many remain disabled or disfigured.

Quality of spore materialdbehavioral assessment The Senate letters were of the greatest interest in terms of purity and concentration. Estimates are that 0.8e1.0 g of powder filled the letter mailed to Senator Leahy, with a density of 2  1012 spores per gram. The NY Post letter material was of considerably lesser purity with estimates of 2  1011 spores per gram. For the two Capitol Hill letters, the two New York letters and assuming one letter at the AMI building, the FBI Laboratory estimated the attacker mailed approximately 3.7  1012 spores. Conclusions about the amount of time required to produce the material varied widely, from 2 to 3 days to months, assuming liquid culture in shaking flasks or a fermenter (Gast et al., 2011). Studies of the material in the Daschle and Leahy letters revealed a bimodal particle distribution. The powder consisted of single spores with a 1.5 um diameter that represented 1% of the total spore mass. The remainder consisted of clumps approximately 20 um in diameter. These measurements were conducted with an Aerosizer (TSI, Inc.) following aerosolization of the powder. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed a bimodal particle distribution:

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2. The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics

single particles with a morphology consistent with B. anthracis spores and clusters of spores. However, the powder was subjected to autoclaving before SEM analysis and that may have affected size distribution (Gast). The level of purity provided a forensic clue to the sophistication of the material’s producer(s). The transition of the crude New York letter material within 3 weeks to the fine powder in the Capitol Hill letters indicated a quick learner and astute microbiologist. This information was factored into the behavioral assessment being developed by FBI profilers in Quantico.

Amerithrax Task Force Anthrax victims were located in six FBI divisions, but FBI headquarters recognized the attacks were likely the work of one person or a single group and consolidated the growing investigation. The Washington Field Office (WFO) in Washington, D.C. was designated Office of Origin (OO). In FBI parlance, the OO would bear responsibility for solving the case. The WFO quickly formed a task force; headquarters gave the investigation a codename, AMERITHRAX (AMX). It included FBI agents with science backgrounds and United States Postal Inspection Service inspectors. Together with scientists from the FBI Laboratory’s Forensic Science Research Unit, the science agents began brainstorming sessions. Originally, it was hoped that forensic methods already in place at the FBI would provide investigative leads, but those hopes quickly dissipated. The envelopes had been taped shut, and there were no stamps with water-soluble adhesive, leaving little hope for recovering human DNA. Nor were latent impressions found that could be fed into the Automated Fingerprint Identification System. Examiners quickly determined that the ink used to write the envelopes’ addresses was common and of no value for attribution. Neither letters nor envelopes contained

indented writing. The mailbox used to post the letters was eventually located in Princeton, NJ, but a search of the area turned up no surveillance cameras. Traffic citations issued in the area were of no value and nearby shop owners and residents provided no clues. The brainstorming sessions identified novel science applications. Considered were stable isotope analysis for attribution to a geographic area; the presence of hemoglobin as an indication blood agar had been used to culture the microorganism; origin of the silicon identified in the spore coat; dating the spores with carbon-14; analysis of plasmid DNA for mutations specific to the mailed B. anthracis. Of the techniques considered, three provided leads or corroborated investigative conclusions.

Colony morphology and DNA sequencing As often happens in science, great discoveries begin as accidents, followed by astute observations. Such was the biggest lead in the anthrax investigation. While characterizing the spores from the Daschle and NY Post letters (most of the powder in the Brokaw letter was lost before its transportation to the CDC), USAMRIID microbiologist Terry Abshire set up culture plates and diluted the spores to allow single colony propagation. On one occasion, she let the plates remain in the incubator at 37 C, rediscovering them several days later. She noticed a minority of the colonies had morphologies different than the predominant wild-type B. anthracis. Based on their experience, Abshire and her supervisor, John Ezzell, suspected the variants might be due to mutations in the sporulation pathway. Patricia Worsham, also a USAMRIID microbiologist, was the institution’s expert on bacillus sporulation. She began working with the Amerithrax Task Force to characterize the morphology variantsdsoon known as “morphs.” She found them in all three letters, Daschle, Leahy, and

I. Anthrax

Colony morphology and DNA sequencing

NY Post. The variants were stable in culture, an indication of being the result of DNA mutation. She isolated several and designated them A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, and E, estimating they accounted for 10% of the total colonies. Luck, fueled by persistence and deliberation, comes into play during law enforcement investigations as well as those of science. During a consent search of refrigerators in conjunction with interviews of USAMRIID personnel, the original agar slant of the Ames isolate was discovered. Its tube was dated February 1981 and viable spores remained. Finding the 1981 Ames gave the FBI an ideal candidate to provide a baseline, unaltered DNA sequence of the genome from the original sample (Ravel et al., 2009). A pioneer in whole genome sequencing, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) of Rockville, MD, was soon under agreement to perform the work. Before the isolation and initial characterization of the morphology variants and whole genome sequencing of the 1981 Ames, the FBI had begun an ambitious project. Beginning with select agent transfer regulation records from the CDC, coupled with literature and patent reviews, and field interviews, the FBI tracked down locations of laboratories possessing the Ames strain of B. anthracis. The effort would take agents to 16 laboratories in the United States, laboratories in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Sweden; the involvement of at least one foreign embassy and two trips across the Atlantic by private aircraft. Collecting Ames samples began in the fall of 2001 and was completed during fall 2006 (Fig. 2.4). Following completion of the 1981 Ames’ genome DNA sequence, TIGR began sequencing DNA isolated from the morphology variants. Worsham isolated and propagated A1-3, B, C, D, and E colonies; the bacteria were transferred to Paul Keim for DNA isolation (TIGR was not approved to work with live select agents); the DNA was sent to TIGR for genome sequencing; and lastly, samples containing putative mutations returned to Keim for confirmation. All



One of 1082 samples of Bacillus anthracis Ames strain collected worldwide. Each sample was submitted to the FBI repository in duplicate. One of the duplicates samples was sent to Paul Keim at the Northern Arizona University for strain confirmation and emergency backup storage in case of loss of power, fire, water line break, etc., at United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Photo courtesy of Tom Reynolds, NEXT Molecular Analytics, LLC.

scientists received coded samples and did not know their identity or origin. During 2003, the efforts of the FBI, Worsham, Keim, and TIGR began to pay off. The B variant’s morphology was attributed to a single point mutationdthis would prove unrealistic for developing a screening assay with technology that was available. However, an A variant was found to contain a 2024 base pair (bp) insertion in one of the eleven 16s RNA genes. This insertion was amenable to developing a screening assay. Mutations were also identified in additional A, and C, D, and E variants (Rasko et al., 2011). For a complete list, see the 2011 report from the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences (Gast). The FBI contracted the comparison of the evidentiary morphology variants and the Ames exemplars in their repository to Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Incorporated (CBI). With the identification of the morphology mutations, CBI began developing Taqman real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The FBI imposed strict specifications. Each sample in its Ames repository would be screened in

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2. The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics

FIGURE 2.5 The 70 C freezer used to transport the repository of collected Ames exemplars to Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Inc., accompanied by members of the FBI’s Hazardous Materials Response Unit. Photo courtesy of Tom Reynolds, NEXT Molecular Analytics, LLC.

triplicate on different days by different technicians. In addition, both strands of the resulting PCR DNA amplicon would be sequenced. Following validation of CBI’s screening assays using blinded samples provided by Pat Worsham, CBI began screening for the A1 (2024 bp) and A3 (823 bp) mutations during the spring of 2004 (Fig. 2.5). Collection for the Ames repository continued while CBI screened for mutations. Screening for D and E morphologies was added. By the conclusion of these analyses, 8 matches were identified out of 1082 samples. All matches derived from a single source, a flask of reference Ames spores, RMR-1029, in the custody of Bruce Ivins, a civilian microbiologist employed by USAMRIID.

Carbon-14 dating During the initial brainstorming sessions, scientists of the FBI’s Forensic Science Research Unit identified recent technology that enabled carbon-14 dating of minute samples. The use of carbon-14 radioactive decay to estimate the age

of organic material is attributed to University of Chicago scientist, Willard Libby, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1960 for his work. Unfortunately, carbon-12/carbon-14 ratios fluctuated over time using Libby’s original method making the range of error in carbon dating significant. In late 1963, all nuclear weapon testing in the atmosphere or ocean came to an end when President Kennedy signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. During the prior decade, nuclear testing had created a “bomb spike,” measurable as a dramatic rise of radioactive carbon in the atmosphere. The banning of all open-air and underwater testing halted this steep increase in carbon-14 levels, and the radioactive isotope began a sharp and predictable decline. Coupled with this phenomenon, the application of accelerator mass spectrometry, known as AMS, replaced the original method of measuring radioactive carbon. AMS requires 1000 to 2000 times less material to measure carbon-14 levels than past methods. Material can now be dated to an accuracy of one to 2 years (Taylor and Bar-Yosef, 2014).

I. Anthrax

Flexographic print defects

Milligram amounts of the Leahy letter powder were subjected to carbon-14 dating. Two independent laboratories tested the spores: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and the National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Results indicated that the Leahy spores went through at least one growth step after 1998. Thus, the spores were likely prepared between 1998 and September 2001. This timeframe ruled out the mailed spores coming from stockpiles of the disbanded United States’ Biological Weapons (BW) Program of the 1950se60s. The identification of the mailed spores as Ames strain confirmed that the mailed B. anthracis did not come from old stockpiles; Ames was isolated in 1981 and the US BW Program weaponized the Vollum strain.

Flexographic print defects All four recovered envelopes were sold by the United States Postal Service. They bore postage stamps printed with blue and gray ink, designated Federal Eagle stamps. The formal term for the inked stamps is “pre-franked.” The stamp is an image of an eagle standing on a bar with out-stretched wings. Under the talons is “USA” and under that is “34,” denoting a denomination of 34 cents. As each envelope cost $0.34 to purchase, the same as individual adhesive stamps, the Postal Service treated the envelopes as currency and kept exacting manufacture and shipment records. The reverse side of the envelope also bore printing: “THIS ENVELOPE IS RECYCLABLE AND MADE WITH 100% RECYCLED PAPER, 30% POST-CONSUMER CONTENT.” In addition, the envelopes bore phosphorescent markings, visible with alternate light sources. A private corporation under contract to the Postal Service manufactured the envelopes using flexographic printing. The process uses printing


plates made of a flexible polymer that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. A film negative of the printing is placed on the surface of the polymer and exposed to UV light; exposure hardens the exposed and the protected areas of polymer remain gummy and are removed by washing. The finished plates are then placed on large printing rollers and inks applied to the exposed areas. During repetitive inking/printing, the polymer surface accumulates wear; minor abrasions appear and disappear. One plate printed approximately one million Eagle envelopes before being replaced. Postal records indicated that 45 million Eagle envelopes had been produced from December 6, 2000, through March 3, 2002. Manufacturing production runs took place on 57 days during the 15 months. On January 9, 2001, the Postal Service ordered a change in ink formulation; the four recovered envelopes bore the new ink formulation, indicating manufacture after January 9, 2001. Thirteen production runs took place before January 2001 and seven production runs took place after the mailing of the two Capitol Hill letters. Thus, the mailed envelopes were manufactured during one of 37 runs, totaling 31 million envelopes. The Task Force turned to the expertise of the United States Secret Service Forensic Services Division. The Secret Service has long been recognized as the country’s experts in detecting slight imperfections and subtle differences of inked impressions. Over the years, they have developed methods to examine microprinting, evaluate water-markings, and analyze microscopic lenses of colored plastic making up the flaxen and cotton paper used in today’s currency. Examination of the evidentiary envelopes under a dissecting microscope revealed a number of defects in the inked printing. Examiners found a slight blue line along the bottom edge of the stamped Eagle’s right wing. Imperfections also appeared on the reverse side of the envelopes; a faint line appeared between the “P” and “S” of “USPS.” Matching defects appeared on the

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2. The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics

Daschle and Post envelopes, likewise identical defects appeared on the Brokaw and Leahy envelopes, but different than those on Daschle and Post (Decker; The United States Department of Justice, 2010). While the Secret Service examined the evidentiary envelopes, Amerithrax agents and inspectors visited post offices, collecting remaining, unsold Eagle envelopes (the Postal Service terminated sale of the envelopes when the first attack envelope was identified). Collecting the envelopes in their shipping boxes, which bore manufacturing lot numbers, the Task Force matched the envelope exemplars with the shipping records maintained by the Postal Service. Each box of collected envelopes could be identified by its time of manufacture with the day of shipping and arrival at its final postal destination. A total of 200,245 exemplars were collected. Defect analysis in flexographic printing had not been used before in an investigation, nor had it been documented in the scientific literature, and the Task Force asked the manufacturer to conduct a controlled production run. Over the course of 14 1/2 h, 525,000 envelopes were printed and packaged. As the Secret Service scientists examined the envelopes, they saw that defects appeared, changed, and finally disappeared as production continued. They concluded that a defect appeared and remained during production of 2,000 envelopes before disappearing. The occurrence of defects and the number of envelopes exhibiting a defect with similar characteristics was low (LaPorte et al., 2010). They also noted that a specific defect appeared on every other envelope in a box until it disappeared. Alternatively, the intervening envelopes bore completely different defects, which also appeared and then disappeared. The chief examiner hypothesized that this alternate pattern was due to the use of two printing plates in a production rundplates on opposite sides of the cylindrical printing rollerdthat accumulated different defects.

During examination of the collected exemplars, examiners identified a box of envelopes from Elkton, Maryland, bearing defects very similar to those on the evidentiary envelopes. A review of the shipping and distribution records found boxes had been sent to Elkton, Severna Park, Cumberland, and Galena, Maryland, and Fairfax and Machipongo, Virginia, on the same day and bore nearly identical defects. Furthermore, the records showed a box of 1,000 envelopes was shipped to the post office in Frederick, Maryland, that day. Unfortunately, the Frederick shipment had been destroyed before agents could retrieve it. Nonetheless, based on the results of the controlled run and the similarity of defects, the Secret Service chief examiner concluded that the evidentiary envelopes most likely originated at the Frederick, Maryland post office; the same post office where the investigation’s prime subject leased a mailbox (Decker; Department of Justice).

Bacterial contamination One item of microbial evidence was identified which had the potential for proof of attribution rather than limited to lead potential. The Brokaw and NY Post letters contained noneB. anthracis bacteria. First noticed in cultures on agar plates, it was originally thought to be a strain of Bacillus licheniformis; DNA sequencing subsequently identified it as Bacillus subtilis. While the arduous journey of the Brokaw letter would likely have led investigators to conclude that the contamination was introduced after the envelope had been opened, the Post letter was recovered unopened. Sequence analysis showed the B. subtilis isolates from the Brokaw and Post letter were indistinguishable, although the B. subtilis DNA from the Brokaw letter was not fully sequenced. Estimates put the level of contamination at 1%e5% of the total bacteria.

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Operational concernsdcollection and preservation of microbial evidence

DNA screening tests, based on TaqMan technology, were designed for the B. subtilis. One marker within the sboA locus was generic to all B. subtilis strains tested. Three markers in additional loci were specific to the B. subtilis found in the New York letters. The presence of the B. subtilis contamination in the NY letters was the subject of search warrant affidavits and searches were conducted, but a match was never found. Likewise, screening of the repository of Ames B. anthracis exemplars found that 322 of the 1082 samples contained B. subtilis, but not the strain that contaminated the New York letters (Gast).

Operational concernsdcollection and preservation of microbial evidence The FBI’s HMRU and field division Hazardous Materials Response Teams (HMRTs) are trained to process chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) crime scenes. The majority of scenes processed by HMRU and the HMRTs contain evidence visible to the human eye, such as powders, equipment for fabrication, and literature. Visual evidence provides guidance on how and where to collect. There are also a variety of detectors that will locate nonvisible chemical, radiological, and nuclear evidence. A bioterrorism attack that leaves behind visible evidence can be processed according to standard and tested protocols. However, in the case of the anthrax attacks, the AMX Task Force encountered crime scenes containing evidence not visible by the naked eye, which necessitated additional collection procedures be developed. Examples of these include the search for the Leahy letter, the search for the mailbox(s) used for the mailings, and locating the source of


B. anthracis in the AMI and Brentwood buildings. From 1998 through mid-2001, FBI HRMTs collected biological evidence using sterile, individually packaged cotton swabs and screw-cap polypropylene tubes. Attempts were made by HMRU and the field HRMTs to collect samples directly on culture medium, such as agar in Petri dishes. Incorporating this method into their collection and processing protocols proved difficult. Downrange hot-zone2 operators, working in encapsulating personal protective equipment (PPE) and filtration masks under strict time constraints, tore the culture medium when attempting to transfer the material from the cotton swab. Their protocols required consistency and reproducibility between operators; this directive proved elusive. Had they been successful, the improvement would have saved time once samples arrived at microbiology lab(s). Following 9/11, anthrax-laden letters appeared in the mail and compounded the state of fear and nervousness pervading our country. The anthrax letters in turn led to copy-cat hoax mailings during October, November, and December 2001 and threatened to overwhelm LRN resources across the United States. Requests by the FBI for environmental testing came on top of public health’s primary mission: testing clinical samples from persons potentially exposed to B. anthracis. More efficient methods of collecting biological evidence were needed. At the FBI Laboratory, microbiologist Doug Beecher experimented with sampling techniques utilizing Petri dishes containing sheep blood agar. In contrast to a traditional concave agar surface below the plastic rim, agar in Beecher’s culture plates rose into a convex surface above the rim. A hot-zone operator could remove the dish’s lid, press the agar to the area in question, and replace the lid for transport. The innovation


A Hot-Zone is an area that is considered dangerous. In the case of bioterrorism, it is the maximum area that may be contaminated by a select or biological threat agent.

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2. The FBI’s Amerithrax Task Force and the advent of microbial forensics

greatly decreased time downrange, eliminated tedious manipulation of swabs and screw-caps, and decreased processing time at LRN labs. Processing a biological terrorism crime scene when reacting to an attack or executing a preventive search warrant requires an operation plan. During the Amerithrax investigation, operational plans included personnel paired with individual expertise, a sampling scheme, type of PPE, decontamination protocols, and medical contingencies. Potential risks were factored in, including slip/ trip/fall hazards and weather conditions. Time downrange is inverse to temperature. Considered was operator time in the hot-zone and the decontamination line while still wearing PPE. The sampling plan was often based on visible physical evidence and interviews of witnesses that may have been downrange before the realization a bioterrorism crime scene existed. This occurred on numerous occasions during Amerithrax: arrival at Senator Daschle’s office, and processing the myriad buildings on Capitol Hill. Often, as with the Daschle and Brokaw letters, Evidence Response Team and HAZMAT personnel were not the first to arrive, but took control of rapidly evolving situationsdnerves and emotions near breaking points. No matter what operation plan is used for CBRN-contaminated crime scenes, guidelines and principles are followed in contrast to stringent standard operating procedures. In the case of the Amerithrax investigation, the guiding principles of traditional crime scene processing were combined with expertise from alternate disciplines to devise a sampling plan. If microbial evidence was to be collected from a large area such as a floor or a desktop, what was the best sample collection tool and method to collect that evidence? The ultimate goal was exploitation of the items collected, whether by traditional forensic examinations or by microbial analysis (Budowle et al., 2006). Often, initial sampling for microbial evidence will assist in focusing an investigation. Such was the case processing the AMI building. Investigators conducted a limited

and directed sampling first. It established the presence of B. anthracis spores and suggested mail as the mode of delivery. A thorough, exhaustive sampling followed. The processing of crime scenes and execution of search warrants during the anthrax investigation were complicated processes that incorporated the expertise of many disciplines and agencies. Safety of the public and the responders was paramount. Shortcuts could not be taken; processing Amerithrax crime scenes were not trivial undertakings. FBI and Environmental Protection Agency HAZMAT operators recovered the unopened Senator Leahy letter under extremely dangerous circumstances. A multitude of considerations went into planning, slowing processes but ensuring well-being of personnel and preserving microbial evidence and chains of custody. All the time incorporating newly discovered information and adapting to changes of investigative direction.

References UCLA, Fielding School of Public Health, AMIemployeegoback, 07 August 2005; accessed 29 July 2019. http:// www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/AMIemployeegoback. html. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Burans, J.P., Beecher, D.J., Cebula, T.A., Chakraborty, R., et al., 2006. Quality sample collection, handling, and preservation for an effective microbial forensics program. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72, 6431e6438. Cole, L.A., 2003. The Anthrax Letters: A Medical Detective Story. Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC, p. 4. Decker, R.S., 2018. Recounting the Anthrax Attacks: Terror, the Amerithrax Task Force, and the Evolution of Forensics in the FBI. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, p. 4. Decker., Recounting the Anthrax Attacks. 160. Decker., Recounting the Anthrax Attacks. 179, 201. Gast., The National Academies. 79. Gast., The National Academies. 116e119. Gast., The National Academies. 104e105. Keim, P., Kalif, A., Schupp, J.M., Hill, K., Travis, S.E., Richmond, K., et al., 1997. Molecular evolution and diversity in Bacillus anthracis as detected by amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. J. Bacteriol. 179, 818e824. Keim, P., Price, L.B., Klevytska, A.M., Smith, K.L., Schupp, J.M., Okinaka, R., et al., 2000. Multiplelocus

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variable-number tandem repeat analysis reveals genetic relationships within Bacillus anthracis. J. Bacteriol. 182, 2928e2936. LaPorte, G.M., Stephens, J.C., Beuchel, A.K., 2010. The examination of commercial printing defects to assess common origin, batch variation, and error rate. J. Forensic Sci. 55, 136e140. Rasko, D.A., Worsham, P.L., Abshire, T.G., Stanley, S.T., Bannan, J.D., Wilson, M.R., et al., 2011. Bacillus anthracis comparative genome analysis in support of the Amerithrax investigation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 5027e5032. Ravel, J., Jiang, L., Stanley, S.T., Wilson, M.R., Decker, R.S., Read, T.D., et al., 2009. The complete genome sequence


of Bacillus anthracis Ames “Ancestor”. J. Bacteriol. 191, 445e446. Taylor, R.E., Bar-Yosef, O., 2014. Radiocarbon Dating. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA. The National Academies. In: Gast, A.P., et al. (Eds.), 2011. Review of the Scientific Approach Used during the FBI’s Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, pp. 75e80. The United States Department of Justice, February 19, 2010. Amerithrax Investigative Summary, p. 53. The United States Department of Justice., Amerithrax Investigative Summary. 51e56.

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3 Microbial forensic investigation of the anthrax letter attacks: how the investigation would differ using today’s technologies Paul J. Jackson Adjunct Professor, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Monterey, California, United States The 2001 bioterrorism attack using Bacillus anthracis spores perpetrated very shortly after the September 11 terrorist attacks, infected 22 people, caused 11 cases of inhalational anthrax, and resulted in 5 deaths. From a purely medical standpoint, the attack did not infect most of the people who were exposed to the anthrax spores. However, the attack clearly demonstrated that the dissemination of B. anthracis spores sufficient to infect a number of individuals and to significantly contaminate public and private infrastructure could be accomplished without the use of sophisticated equipment, instead simply using the US Postal System to deliver and disseminate the spores. The letters also demonstrated the outscale effect of a small-scale attack; the social and political response to the letters was extreme, costly, and long-lived, largely because of a lack of knowledge about the impact of spore release

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00003-9

and persistence of viable spores in a public venue.

Methods used to analyze the attack isolate Until the mid-1990s, no forensic methods were available that could differentiate among different B. anthracis strains. In 1996, Andersen et al. identified a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) in B. anthracis that differed among different strains and thus allowed the sorting of all B. anthracis isolates into several categories based on the number of tandem repeats present in a particular strain (Andersen et al., 1996). In 1997, Keim et al. demonstrated that amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis could be used to identify genetic differences among different isolates of what was found to be a


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3. Microbial forensic investigation of the anthrax letter attacks

genetically very monomorphic species (Keim et al., 1997). In 1997, Jackson et al. showed there were additional VNTRs in B. anthracis (Jackson et al., 1997), and in 2000, Keim et al. demonstrated that a large collection of B. anthracis isolates could be subdivided into 81 different genotypes based on signatures created using 8 different VNTR loci (Keim et al., 2000). This method became to be known as multiple locus variable number tandem repeat analysis or MLVA. In the late 1990s and during the first decade of the new millennium, DNA sequencing was expensive and labor-intensive, and the cost and time required to sequence even the two large B. anthracis plasmids was considerable (Okinaka et al., 1999). Sequencing and assembling the entire 5.2 million nucleotides of a single B. anthracis genome required a level of effort and cost that was beyond the means of most laboratories and investigators. Such research was normally conducted by a very few specialty laboratories and results were published in prestigious journals. However, directed sequencing of specific genetic loci (multilocus sequence typing) was done routinely, and in B. anthracis, strainspecific sequence differences were demonstrated in the pagA gene that encodes a key protein in anthrax pathology and vaccine development (Okinaka et al., 1999; Price et al., 1999). More extensive single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis of B. anthracis was conducted as DNA sequencing technology improved and costs declined, but this work did not proceed until well after the investigation into the 2001 anthrax letters had begun (Van Ert et al., 2007a,b). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was responsible for investigating the anthrax letter attack. However, at that time, they had only just begun reviewing different forensic methods that could be applied to B. anthracis and none of the methods had yet been fully validated. Indeed, the development of many of the microbial forensic methods eventually applied to the

letters and their spore contents proceeded more rapidly because of the investigation. The development of new forensic analysis methods necessarily requires extensive testing and validation to demonstrate the accuracy and limitations of the methods. Consequently, microbial forensic analysis of the anthrax letter samples proceeded, sometimes at a slow pace, through most of the first decade of the 21st century. The FBI relied on the scientific expertise and experience of the country’s academic resources, national laboratories, and private industry to assist with the development, validation, and application of forensic methods to the Amerithrax samples. The scientific team included personnel from the FBI, the Department of Defense, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Science Foundation, the national laboratories, academia, and industry. The large number of people involved often led to extensive discussions and, sometimes, disagreements about the value and validity of the forensic methods applied. It must be emphasized that microbial forensics, in itself, is not sufficient to provide the information needed to identify the perpetrator of such a crime; rather, forensic results are used to provide leads and clues that, in turn, lead to further analysis that may eventually identify the perpetrator. The attack strain was quickly identified by Northern Arizona University and the CDC as the Ames strain. MLVA analysis generated a fragment pattern for the attack strain that was identical to the pattern generated from an archived Ames strain sample (Hoffmaster et al., 2002; Cole, 2009). The Ames strain of B. anthracis (originally isolated from an infected animal) has been used extensively in laboratory studies and for vaccine development and testing because of its high virulence. However, at the time of the anthrax letters, there were relatively few B. anthracis isolates available for comparison. Thus, the fact that the MLVA profile of the attack isolate matched that of the Ames strain

I. Anthrax

Methods used to analyze the attack isolate

did not rule out the possibility that it also might match one or more other B. anthracis isolates not yet characterized via MLVA. In fact, the Amerithrax MLVA profile also matched that of a B. anthracis isolate collected in 1997 from a Texas goat (Van Ert et al., 2007a,b). In 2001, the only method known to provide more resolution than MLVA profiling was genome sequencing. The cost to sequence a single B. anthracis genome in 2001 was approximately $150,000 (US) and it took several months to complete and assemble the sequence. However, simply sequencing the genome of a single strain provided little information of value because there were no other full genome sequences available for comparison. Therefore, the FBI in consultation with anthrax experts decided that the genomes of 20 different B. anthracis genomes, selected for their genetic diversity, would be sequenced by The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) at an estimated cost of $3 million (US) (Enserink, 2002). TIGR had previously sequenced an Ames isolate cured of its two large plasmids and had found differences between this isolate and the Ames isolate collected from the Florida patient, the first Amerithrax victim (Read et al., 2002, 2003). However, because the process of curing B. anthracis isolates of their two plasmids often involves the use of high temperature and chemical mutagens that can introduce mutations into the plasmid-cured isolates, this original comparison was of little value. While 20 isolates were a relatively small number, the sequencing effort was limited by cost and time. The Keim laboratory selected the strains to be sequenced based on the known diversity within the species as determined primarily by MLVA analysis. The early whole-genome sequencing effort did not provide useful investigative leads, but it did confirm earlier investigative results that showed the isolate had not been genetically modified. The information derived from these sequences was also used to develop SNP assays that provided a four-SNP signature specific to


the Ames strain, which could then be used for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Real-time PCR assays that identified these SNPs were much faster and far less expensive than whole genome sequencing or MLVA analysis. As more microbial genomes were sequenced and added to databases, microarray analysis and other hybridization methods became more valuable in the interrogation of medical, veterinary, and environmental B. anthracis samples (Jaing et al., 2015; Thissen et al., 2014; Be et al., 2014).

Bacillus anthracis strain archives The size of the reference population is critical to any system that intends to specifically identify an isolate based on its specific DNA signature. A reference sequence database of 20 selected B. anthracis isolates is far too small to be able to draw conclusions about the species in general or a specific isolate in particular, especially if the starting collection is biased in any way. An apparent match to an isolate already present in a collection only demonstrates that the isolate in question has a genetic signature identical or very similar to something that has already been collected and studied. It is not known how frequent that same signature may occur in the environment. Moreover, as specific isolates are transferred among different laboratories and are grown under differing conditions, formerly identical isolates will begin to diverge as a result of mutations and selections during culturing and handling. A good example of this is the presence of morphological variants in the spores found in the 2001 anthrax letters. Staff at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) with extensive experience in culturing and handling B. anthracis noticed variants in colony morphology when growing plates of the Amerithrax spores (Rasko et al., 2011). Such colony morphology differences likely

I. Anthrax


3. Microbial forensic investigation of the anthrax letter attacks

would not have been noticed or would have been dismissed as variations in agar plates or other experimental biases by scientists with less experience handling this pathogen. These variants exhibited altered sporulation phenotypes. All of the anthrax letter variants identified by colony morphology were poorly sporogenic when compared to the Ames Ancestor (the earliest known archived culture of the Ames strain and the original stock from which all other Ames cultures were derived). The genomes of these variants were sequenced and the sequences compared to the genome sequence of the Ames Ancestor, revealing SNPs, insertions, deletions, and large duplications often close to genes involved in sporulation and its regulation. A thorough analysis of the differences found in the anthrax letter spores and a comparison of those results to the FBI’s 1077 repository samples, collected during the investigation, revealed that only eight repository samples contained the same variant signatures. All eight samples were derived from a USAMRIID spore stock known as RMR1029. Genome analysis results were consistent with subculturing of the RMR1029 stock to produce the attack spores. The match of the variant profile of the attack spores to the RMR1029 stock narrowed the investigation to a small number of possible suspect samples, but it did not identify any single individual who might have perpetrated the attack.

Analysis using today’s advanced forensic methods Given the advances in molecular biology and microbial forensics that have occurred since 2001, how would the letter samples be analyzed today? (We note that immunologic and other detection and characterization methods have also made substantial progress over this same period.) The microbial forensic analysis of the B. anthracis spores in the Amerithrax letters used methods developed shortly before and

during the investigation. Indeed, the investigation accelerated the development of new, groundbreaking methods, and many of these assays and methods have now been fully validated and are readily available. DNA sequencing and microarray analysis, in particular, have led to major advances in microbial genetics since the early 2000s (Goodwin et al., 2016; Levy and Myers, 2016). Such an analysis today could be done much more rapidly, more economically, and in much greater depth than was possible during the initial investigation. The cost of DNA sequencing and related methods has been reduced significantly, and the ease with which a microbial genome can be completely sequenced using very small amounts of DNA has placed the sequencing of even large genomes and large populations of genomes within the reach of almost any laboratory. (Many research laboratories no longer maintain a DNA sequencing capability of their own, choosing instead to contract with companies that specialize in this technology.) With the availability of large numbers of microbial DNA sequences, the information derived from these sequences has been used to develop different DNA-based approaches to sample analysis. The reagents required for these molecular assays can now be readily and rapidly obtained simply by specifying and ordering online the oligonucleotides and other necessary reagents from a number of reputable companies. If a similar bioterrorist attack occurred today, direct DNA sequencing would replace many of the analysis methods used on the 2001 anthrax letters. However, DNA sequencing would not be the only technique used. It would still be useful to conduct SNP analysis of any attack isolates and compare these to archived profiles to help focus the DNA sequencing effort on relevant isolates, especially if archived isolates are not immediately available for sequencing (as might be the case for isolates from foreign collections). Once DNA sequences are available, genome annotation methods developed over the last

I. Anthrax

Limits to sample analysis and other issues

decade would be used to thoroughly characterize the attack strain’s genome (Fricke and Rasko, 2014; Tanizawa et al., 2018). Instead of just comparing sequences among different strains, such characterization makes it possible to look for specific changes in the genome that might affect the organism’s phenotype, including possible resistance to different antibiotics and other factors related to survival of the spores upon release or medical treatment scenarios for exposed individuals. Indeed, the mere presence of genome differences associated with genes known to play a role in pathogenesis, survival of spores, or other factors that might influence the impact of an attack would be an indication that the attack strain was intentionally manipulated and released. If such changes were identified, deep DNA sequencing would then be applied. Deep DNA sequencing refers to the sequencing of a genome or region of a genome hundreds or even thousands of times. This method allows the detection of rare cells within a population and might alleviate the need to collect and culture rare mutants existing in a microbial population that depend on colony morphology differences for identification (Lasken and McLean, 2014; Salk et al., 2018). Such methods can also be used to identify other microbial species that might be rare contaminants within the original release material, which would provide a unique, sample-specific molecular signature.

Limits to sample analysis and other issues Although significant advances have been made over the past decade in DNA sequencing and annotation as well as in the development of deep sequencing methods and rapid assays for genome characterization, some significant hurdles still exist. In particular, the number of archived B. anthracis isolates available for comparison is very limited, and often there is only minimal information about individual isolates


in the archives. Many of the archived isolates were collected from different geographic origins, but all that is known about them is the date and location of collection and the material from which they were collected. In most cases, virtually nothing is known about the specific pathogenic properties of these isolates. Most of these isolates have not been extensively studied in vitro or in vivo, and for many, it is not even known whether or not they are pathogenic. Without specific information about the pathogenic and other properties of these archived strains, they have no value in studies to better understand these properties and their genetic control in B. anthracis based on its DNA signature. This lack of information about so many of the archived isolates also limits the use of comparative methods in a forensic investigation. The match of an attack isolate to an isolate in a strain collection only demonstrates that those two isolates are identical within the limits of the analysis method that was used. It does not rule out the possibility that the attack isolate is also identical to one or more isolates that have not yet been collected or that exist in an archive but have not been genetically characterized. The failure of an attack isolate to match archived isolates is actually more valuable in a forensic analysis because the lack of a match rules out those previously characterized isolates as attack isolate candidates. Isolates from many foreign microbial archives are not always readily available to researchers, and the “select agent” regulations (C.F.R Part 33; C.F.R Part 73) that were enacted after the 2001 anthrax letters attack make it unlikely that such isolates could be rapidly obtained in the event of a similar attack today. Moreover, these regulations have significantly curtailed academic research efforts to collect and characterize new isolates or further study the pathology and other characteristics of the available isolates. In the absence of such studies, it is unlikely that archives of this pathogen will grow significantly or that new or improved methods to effectively

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3. Microbial forensic investigation of the anthrax letter attacks

treat B. anthracis infections will be developed anytime in the near future. It was fortuitous for the Amerithrax investigation that several of the anthrax letters were collected intact, allowing analysis of the population of spores within each letter. Such an analysis eventually led to the conclusion that the spores were propagated from the RMR1029 stock. If intact letters had not been available for analysis and spores could only have been collected from environmental sources or victims, it would have been impossible to establish the frequency and distribution of the rare mutations that eventually provided the molecular signature that tied the letter spores to the RMR1029 flask. Collection and forensic analysis of spores already released into the environment and not from a defined source would make source attribution much more difficult or impossible. Advances in DNA sequencing and related diagnostic technologies have been accompanied by significant advances in methods that allow easy and direct modification of a microbe’s genome. In 2001, when the anthrax letters were mailed, genetic manipulation of such microorganisms was possible but only within the realm of specialty laboratories working on those pathogens. Today, genetic manipulation is relatively easy with inexpensive kits and reagents that can be purchased online to introduce specific genetic modifications into B. anthracis and other pathogens. Some would argue that such manipulation would reduce the possibility that the modified microbe would still be highly pathogenic, as it is well known that extensive handling of pathogenic microbes in a laboratory may reduce their pathogenic properties. However, as demonstrated by the 2001 anthrax attack (which infected only a handful of individuals), terrorist use of an intentionally modified threat agent with only moderate pathogenicity would be massively disruptive both socially and politically. What sort of changes might a perpetrator attempt to introduce into B. anthracis? What comes to mind are changes to increase the

virulence of the pathogen and its survival during handling and dissemination and following release as well as changes that would make the prevention or treatment of infection more difficult. Successful introduction of such changes would require an in-depth understanding of the physiology, biochemistry, and genetic modifications underlying the changes, including identifying the specific gene(s) involved and their regulation. Although the introduction of antibiotic resistance in some cases involves changing only one or several nucleotides, changes that affect other phenotypic characteristics are typically much more complicated and in many cases not yet understood. It is also conceivable that a perpetrator would seek to make changes to disguise the source of the attack or perhaps confuse or defeat the systems in place to detect an environmental release of spores. The introduction of such changes would require a high level of expertise in the long-term growth and handling of B. anthracis as well as an in-depth understanding of the capabilities of deployed detection and analysis.

Conclusion Significant advances in DNA detection, characterization, sequencing, and annotation have been made since the 2001 anthrax letters, which would enable a much more rapid and in-depth analysis should such an attack occur today. Despite these advances, there are still limitations to our microbial forensic analysis capabilities. Archives of B. anthracis isolates remain limited. While expanding the size and geographic representation of these archives would be of great benefit, such efforts are extremely difficult as a result of changes to the “select agent” regulations implemented since the Amerithrax investigation. Expansion of the archives must be accompanied by a more detailed analysis of the archived samples to better understand differences in their pathogenic properties and the genetic changes

I. Anthrax


responsible for these. Advances in microbial forensics have been accompanied by advances in the methods available to genetically modify microbes. While much of the physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of this pathogen must still be understood to introduce genetic changes that impact phenotypic traits of this pathogen, this information will become more readily available as investigations of the specific pathogen continue. The potential target of an investigation today might be significantly different than the unmodified Ames strain mailed in the 2001 letters. Forensic tools are therefore needed to rapidly identify the signatures associated with such changes and the impact they might have on the viability, virulence, and other properties of a released isolate. Rapid, in-depth DNA sequencing will continue to be used to provide a molecular signature of any released isolate. Methods to rapidly determine the phenotypic characteristics of an isolate based on its DNA signature are still not mature and require a better understanding of the pathogen and its interaction with its hosts and the environment.

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4 Foodborne outbreaks E.W. Brown, M.W. Allard Division of Microbiology, Office of Regulatory Science, CFSAN, US FDA, College Park, MD, United States

Whole genome sequencing for foodborne outbreaks

Regulatory decisions are made based on a threelegged stool consisting of (1) the genetic signal supporting shared ancestry of isolates; (2) evidence gathered from inspections and investigations along the farm-to-fork continuum of the implicated production line documenting contamination on site and possibly recovering additional foodborne bacterial evidence; and (3) epidemiological evidence based on exposure questionnaires to various foods that sickened people share. Genetic evidence and linkages are not by themselves regulatory proof that the source of the outbreak has been found but are one piece of the combined evidence. A strong genetic signal can assist so that investigations are acted on rapidly. In an ideal pathogen surveillance network based on WGS data, diversity in the genomic database should represent the realworld, global, microbial diversity (Allard et al., 2016; Gardy and Loman, 2018). Contamination events identified in the United States (US) may involve foods that were traded half-way around the world (Kwong et al., 2016a,b). As more countries share the genomic data from the contaminants that they discover, we are seeing more outbreaks linked through global trade (Lambert et al., 2017). The GenomeTrakr database, which was developed by the US Food and Drug

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has been applied to the source tracking of foodborne pathogens where often there was insufficient resolution of existing subtyping tools (Allard et al., 2012, 2013; Hoffmann et al., 2014; Kupferschmidt, 2011; Lienau et al., 2011). The primary application and use of WGS is for pathogen characterization and to cluster genomes from a recent common ancestor, between clinical, food, and environmental isolates. Close phylogenetic matches define WGS linkage which may support additional investigation and/or direct additional inquiry into the causes of the observed genetic signal (Bell et al., 2015; Dallman et al., 2016a,b; Gonzalez-Escalona et al., 2016; Waldram et al., 2018). The ability to reconstruct the evolutionary history of very closely related isolates enables the identification of a recent common ancestor and often the determination of the root cause of the contamination event (Chen et al., 2017a,b; Haendiges et al., 2016; Hoffmann et al., 2016). These WGS phylogenetic methods are reproducible and accurate, often providing the first physical evidence showing a connection between isolates in an epidemiological investigation.

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00004-0


© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


4. Foodborne outbreaks

Administration (FDA), is publicly available in real time to support global public health and food safety (Allard et al., 2016). The database is housed within the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at their Pathogen Detection website to leverage the NCBI tools (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pathogens/). The Pathogen Detection portal is updated daily to provide WGS linkages and phylogenetic trees. Additionally, the PulseNet Network also uploads WGS data to the Sequence Read Archive at NCBI as does the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Services. Together these data comprise an integrated onehealtheoriented database where clinical, domestic animal, food, and environmental WGS data are combined to discover novel linkages among foodborne pathogens. As WGS data provide detailed information and an increased degree of certainty in identifying the sources of foodborne contamination, these phylogenetic tools are examined daily to identify new clusters of interest to the regulatory offices. The GenomeTrakr database is leveraging WGS data in an open access database to improve public heath through more rapid identification of the root sources of foodborne illness, which in turn allows a faster public health response that will reduce morbidity and mortality. Providing large amounts of genomic information also fosters innovations in new rapid tests kits, methods, and equipment, by providing more detailed information on the genetic variation and diversity of foodborne pathogen present in populations. WGS has been deployed across FDA field laboratories and is now being applied to many isolates of Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and L. monocytogenes as they are isolated from food and environmental sources. WGS is now a regular tool used by federal and state laboratories to support foodborne outbreak detection and investigations. In the daily monitoring of the NCBI Pathogen Detection website, federal and state investigators are looking for matches to the isolates that they have uploaded. Important

signals that are monitored are whether any clinical isolates match food or environmental ones. Matches to recent clinical isolates are a possible signal that a problem is current, while older clinical cases indicate that the pathogen has been virulent in the past and may represent an emerging risk. Clusters of interest to the federal laboratories are prioritized and watched to see if they are increasing in size, and matches are followed up with other state, federal, and international collaborators that provided the WGS of the clustered isolates. Approximately 200 clusters are identified each year and are further investigated. FDA investigators also reanalyze clusters identified on the NCBI Pathogen Detection website using validated software (Davis et al., 2015). A public version of this validated software pipeline is also available on the Galaxy server for state, industry, and international collaborators. FDA watches the NCBI Pathogen Detection database to discover new contamination events and to see if older known events have been cleaned up from the food supply. The initial assumption is that contamination occurs in the food supply chain along the farm-to-fork continuum, though other sources of contamination may arise. One new WGS application is to include sequences in the database of all known positive controls used in the laboratory, to determine if contamination is arising in the testing laboratory as a false positive. Another potential use of WGS might include the discovery of an intentional contamination event. For example, in 1984, the Salmonella outbreak in the Dalles, OR, was initially attributed to a natural outbreak until an informant came forward. Much later, it was realized that it was an intentional contamination event to influence an election (https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Rajneeshee_ bioterror_attack). The foodborne pathogen strain used in this bioterror attack was a laboratory strain obtained from the ATCC. So, if the Genome Trakr had been available in 1984, the genome sequence of the strain would have indicated that it was a laboratory strain and likely

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Drivers for scientific development

the result of intentional contamination. FDA and many of the GenomeTrakr members are part of the Food Emergency Response Network which is able to respond to emergencies involving biological, chemical, or radiological contamination of food with the goals of prevention, preparedness, and response.

’Omics and global scientific and regulatory trends With the globalization of the human food supply over the past two decades, the importance of food safety has become a collective concern, and efforts aimed at the prevention of and response to foodborne illness have become an ever-more important focus by the world food community. As food imports and exports continue to rise globally so too does the reach of the agents of foodborne illness previously associated with certain commodities. For example, Salmonella, which persisted as a bacterial contaminant of poultry and eggs for many decades in the US, has recently reemerged in a number of unexpected food sources including dry spices, numerous produce commodities in the fresh-cut market, and processed products such as peanut butter and cereal. As many of these pathogens now follow the trade routes of the food reservoirs in which they reside, ’omic tools, capable of providing extensive genotypic and phenotypic detail about a foodborne pathogenic strain, are poised to mitigate our response to these challenges. In particular, in the areas of detecting, identifying, and responding to foodborne outbreaks, genomic technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) may provide the basis for the rapid and highly specific global monitoring and surveillance of the food supply for dangerous pathogens. Examples continue to amass in the scientific literature reporting on the use of NGS to augment infectious disease outbreak investigations (i.e., foodborne, nosocomial, and community-acquired) by (i) delimiting


the scope of a contamination event; (ii) providing detailed information on the potential reservoirs or sources of pathogen contamination; and (iii) illuminating the vehicle for spread and/or dissemination of the causative agent through a population. Additionally, such a system allows for enhanced and more detailed pathogen risk assessments and preventive control strategies for various sectors of the food supply (Franz et al., 2016). Indeed, economic, scientific, and public health drivers do exist for the continued development and deployment of such ’omic technologies. In the case of pathogen detection, identification, and traceability, a framework for the operation and regulation of such a system has recently emerged. Of course, precisely how the data from such systems will be shared among global stakeholders including developing countries remains an important question to be answered. Here, we frame the ethical, regulatory, and scientific challenges surrounding the global emergence of a genomic system capable of establishing the next paradigm for foodborne pathogen detection, identification, and subtyping.

Drivers for scientific development Arguably, the greatest drivers behind the development and deployment of ’omic systems on a global scale come from the need for enhanced foodborne pathogen detection tools in both public and private health. From a public health and food safety perspective, NGS provides a new opportunity to develop worldwide food pathogen sequence databases that are portable, updated in real time, and completely transferrable among governmental public health stakeholders focused on surveillance and detection of pathogens in the food supply. However, the drive for such a system does not emanate only from public health settings. The point-ofcare testing community also drives the demand for a genomic pathogen identification system.

II. Applications of microbial forensics


4. Foodborne outbreaks

A single genomic system containing an extensive pathogen genome sequence database would provide unprecedented accuracy for global testing and surveillance of the food supply. Moreover, such a system will also serve those who are diagnosing and treating foodborne illnesses and understanding the root cause for infection control, a single platform from which to extract extensive detail about a particular microbial food contaminant or bacterial/viral agent of foodborne illness. Diagnostic information gleaned from a next-generation pathogen database could include information on drug susceptibility (i.e., multidrug resistance), determinants of virulence and pathogenicity, other genetic factors associated with persistence or tolerance to heat, desiccation or oxidative assaults (e.g., preservatives), and important biomarkers for clustering for traceability and molecular epidemiological tracking. Perhaps most importantly, global deployment of such a database by its very nature provides a standardized approach to frontline stakeholders such as the food testing and food quality assurance communities. This, in turn, will make harmonization for testing much more achievable between countries as much of the information learned about a contaminant will be derived from a common shared global database, and with a common data-input platform, e.g., whole genomic sequences (Cheung and Kwan, 2012; Eng, 2004; Gwinn et al., 2017; Howard et al., 2013; Niesters et al., 2013). One of the single most important drivers of ’omic technologies in food safety and public health is the eventual loss of culture in clinical microbiology and therefore pathogen isolates, many of which are associated with foodborne illness. Recently, the CDC projected, with impending urgency, that clinical isolates of foodborne pathogens will continue to dwindle due to the availability of rapid, culture-free diagnostics which continue to be licensed for use by the point-of-care testing community for the diagnosis of infection by pathogenic microbes, including

many foodborne species such as S. enteritidis, shiga-toxin producing E. coli, and L. monocytogenes. The eventual loss of clinical cultures associated with foodborne illness will have a marked deleterious effect on the food safety and surveillance community’s ability to detect and react to disease outbreak clusters on a global scale. PulseNet, the current global subtyping network administered by the CDC and used in most of the developed and developing world, requires a pure culture for PFGE analysis. The resulting fingerprint is uploaded into an expansive database to query for matches from the food supply and among individuals sickened by particular food sources. Loss of culture capacity is driving the development of future ’omic methods, which will enable the capture of important and detailed strain information including those strain attributes listed in the preceding paragraph such as antimicrobial resistance, virulence, and discriminatory markers for subtype investigation. While many ’omic approaches involve the extraction and purification of DNA from pure cultures, it is envisaged that metagenomic approaches, akin to those being used currently in the human microbiome effort, will ultimately be deployed to obtain essential genotypic details about a pathogen directly from contaminated food sources or from associated clinical or environmental samples as well. The data could then be fed directly into the crosscompatible databases described above (i.e., MetaGenomeTrakr) (Ottesen et al., 2016). Although partially encompassed under public health or food safety, additional drivers from both academia and the regulatory sector can be envisioned for the advancement and deployment of a globally distributed nextgeneration ’omic system. From an academic perspective, a database comprised of comprehensive, sharable, and standardized data (e.g., genome sequence data) provides a single data mining vehicle along with a cornucopia of biomarkers and other diagnostic targets for international scientists to engage in more

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Drivers for scientific development

effective molecular and biochemical methods development for food safety testing. Moreover, a genome sequence database of this nature, to operate most effectively, will include a vast number of environmental strains as well as clinical strains. At an even more basic level, a single data platform for microbes should encourage the unification or merging of several microbiological subdisciplines including environmental microbiology, clinical microbiology, food microbiology, and industrial microbiology (Chokshi et al., 2007; Pang, 2009; Relman, 2011). In addition, regulatory agencies in both developed and developing countries would benefit greatly from an ’omic system for food safety. As mentioned above, regulatory agencies partially rely on risk assessments to focus limited resources on areas of greatest concern in the food supply. ’Omics systems are poised to provide highly accurate risk assessments to regulators (Franz et al., 2016). Another area of regulatory science that will benefit from such a system is compliance. Efforts to ensure food industry compliance against contamination from pathogenic bacteria are often hampered in areas where a contaminating pathogen possesses a common and highly ubiquitous genotype that is shared with other geographically unrelated isolates, or conversely, has a highly unstable or diverged genotype among ecologically or geographically closely related isolates. Previous studies have already revealed the highly discriminatory nature of NGS technology for providing a detailed comparative genomic and phylogenetic examination of otherwise indistinguishable bacterial strains associated in time, place, or ecology (Allard et al., 2013; Lienau et al., 2011; Jacobsen et al., 2011; Ronholm et al., 2016). Indeed, compliance to ensure food safety benefits the entire farm-to-fork continuum. High resolution and detailed pathogen identification systems can prevent inaccurate or intangible industry or farm sourcing of contaminated food commodities. Investigators in the office of compliance


watch the NCBI pathogen detection website to see if any isolates associated with known past contamination events or outbreaks reappear in clusters from recent events. A new genome clustering with an older inspection isolate may indicate that the preventative controls put in place to control the contamination at a specific food facility has failed, and that a resident pathogen from a known facility has contaminated the food supply (Allard et al., 2019a,b). It is important to note that not all drivers of the deployment and application of ’omic technology emanate from end users or public health stakeholders. In fact, the rapid advancement of the technology itself is playing a significant role in its strategic positioning as a future and potential global pathogen surveillance and identification tool. The continued simplification and streamlining of available genomic technology front-end machinery, such as desktop sequencing platforms and targeted gene resequencers, is making NGS technology very attractive for globally shared applications in food safety. Concomitant with the move toward a turn-key solution, a simplified front-end sequencing machine is the rapid expansion of bioinformatic toolboxes that will enable end users to interface with sequence databases with the intent of providing immediate and simple feedback concerning findings related to the presence of a pathogen or the onset of a foodborne outbreak disease cluster. Another favorable condition for global availability of ’omic technology is that the cost associated with the generation of these kinds of data continues to decrease. Portable desktop sequencers from several different vendors now cost 8 million possibilities in the offspring (a gross underestimation as recombination is not considered in this calculation). Independence of markers is not the case for bacteria as all bacterial cellular reproduction is intrinsically clonal in nature. The degree of diversity is caused by variation in mutation, mutation rates, genetic drift, horizontal gene transfer, recombination, and the rates of recombination. Bacterial horizontal gene transfer and the resulting recombination of genes represent a form of sexual reproduction and in populations where it is occurring can greatly increase the level of diversity. An interesting component in the forensic analysis of a bacterium such as B. anthracis is that all offspring and their descendants are genetically identical to their parent until a mutation occurs in one of the descendants. Unlike the situation in humans where a progeny’s genome is already a complex mixture of the two parents, it may take a 1000 generations or more before a single nucleotide change would be observed in a B. anthracis lineage. But mutation rates vary considerably in the landscape that makes up the bacterial genome, and in the following section we describe the progression of discovery that has allowed B. anthracis to be dissected down to the level of individual isolates.

Bacillus anthracis: a model system Several years before the 2001 anthrax-letter attacks, B. anthracis, the causative agent, was known to be a genetically monomorphic species

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Bacillus anthracis: a model system

with few molecular markers that could be used to differentiate individual isolates (Harrell et al., 1995). But in the ensuing years, research on molecular genotyping of B. anthracis evolved rapidly as a model for developing evolutionary relationships and molecular signatures for clonally propagated microbes. In 1997, Keim et al. (1997), using an emerging technology, AFLP or amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses, provided the first high level resolution map of 31 genotypes among 79 distinct B. anthracis. By 2000, a multiple locus variable number tandem repeat (MLVA) analysis method was published (Keim et al., 2000) using sequences generated from the original AFLP markers and the initial whole-genome sequences (WGSs) of the plasmids pXO1 and pXO2 (Keim et al., 2000; Okinaka et al., 1999). These sequences were used to identify small repeat regions that would mimic the rapidly evolving genetic markers that were being used in human forensics (Budowle et al., 1998; Butler, 2005). These analyses identified 89 genotypes within 419 B. anthracis isolates (Keim et al., 2000) and eventually provided the first forensic evidence that the anthrax-letter attacks of October 2011 were fostered by a clone of the Ames strain (Hoffmaster et al., 2002). While the MLVA approach revolutionized our view of the strictly, clonal population structure of B. anthracis, it is the use of wholegenome sequencing and comparative genomics tools that promises to resolve these populations down to the level of individual isolates. B. anthracis was the first species to have a phylogenetically meaningful number of genomes (more than three) sequenced in their entirety (Pearson et al., 2004). A comparative analysis of five WGSs of B. anthracis uncovered 3500 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among these isolates (Pearson et al., 2004). The distribution of these SNPs among these five isolates, (i.e., the number of SNPs unique to each isolate vs. the SNPs that were shared between the different isolates) created an accurate


evolutionary relationship among these isolates and resulted in an SNP-based “phylogenetic tree” for B. anthracis (Pearson et al., 2004). The accuracy and conserved nature of the B. anthracis SNP tree was reinforced by designing genotyping assays for each of 990 SNP positions and using each of these assays to type 26 diverse B. anthracis isolates. These w25,000 assays demonstrated the conserved nature of the branches and also indicated that the 990 assays contained a large number of redundancies (Pearson et al., 2004). Two important concepts evolved from these analyses (Keim et al., 2004). First, it was clear that for each branch on a tree, a single SNP could be chosen as representative of all SNPs on that branch. These few “canonical” SNPs (canSNPs) located at strategic positions within the tree could replace the need for 990 SNP assays and still accurately “bin” all B. anthracis isolates into phylogenetically conserved subgroup. Initially, 12 subgroups were designated, but it is the concept rather than the assays that is important as SNPs on novel clades or clades of interest can easily be turned into assays. Secondly, a hierarchical approach (Progressive hierarchical resolving assay using nucleic acidsdPHRANA) was proposed (Keim et al., 2004) to genotype any new isolate of B. anthracis to initially define an accurate phylogenetic position and then to provide the highest-resolution genotype available (Fig. 9.1). This figure illustrates how the canSNP assignments could be paired with more rapidly evolving markers (two different VNTR systems) in a hierarchical manner to provide the highest resolution for each B. anthracis isolate (Panels A, B, and C). These ideas were verified when 1033 worldwide isolates of B. anthracis were first placed into one of 12 subgroups or sublineages using only 13 canSNPs. This was followed by MLVA using 15 VNTR markers to identify 221 different genotypes (Van Ert et al., 2007). Furthermore, by combining the canSNP groupings with the MLVA15 and four singlenucleotide repeat (SNR) assays, the number of

II. Applications of microbial forensics


9. Forensic analysis in bacterial pathogens

FIGURE 9.1 A hierarchical approach to the resolution of Bacillus anthracis. (A) 13 canonical SNPs separated 1033 B. anthracis isolates into 12 major phylogenetic groups; 8 of these are shown in this diagram (Keim et al., 2004; Van Ert et al., 2007). (B) MLVA15 analysis of a large but extremely conserved cluster of 285 isolates designated Western North America (WNA) yielded 17 unique types (Pearson et al., 2009). (C) SNR-4 analyses were conducted on 47 isolates recovered from a natural anthrax outbreak in North Dakota in cattle in 2005 and revealed 7 closely related subtypes (Kenefic et al., 2008).

unique genotypes could be increased to >450 (Keim et al., 2004; Kenefic et al., 2008). Given the declining costs and increased accessibility of whole-genome sequencing, combining VNTR systems with SNPs is no longer the ideal method of obtaining high-resolution phylogenetic genotyping. The fast evolution rate of VNTR loci is offset by the ability to interrogate the entire genome for SNPs. As such, wholegenome SNP comparisons can provide unmatched ability to distinguish between closely related strains. Most importantly, however, is that the evolutionary stability of SNPs provides the best means of creating an accurate phylogeny that is not confounded by character state inconsistencies (homoplasy) and unclear evolutionary patterns that plague VNTR analyses (Pearson et al., 2009).

The number of genotypes, however, is still miniscule in comparison to the odds that can be generated in human forensics. But bacteria possess several properties that can be advantageous in developing evidentiary material. Their relatively compact genomes and the declining costs of next-generation sequencing allow the luxury of being able to generate the WGS of a pathogen from any incident as an “on the fly” operation. The value of whole-genome sequencing and the comparison of strict clonal organisms was discovered in the Ames letter attacks (Florida strain, for example) when the genomes from the Florida strain were shown to be identical (at w 5 Mb positions) to what is believed to be an ancestral strain of the Ames isolate (Ravel et al., 2009). From an evidentiary point of view, these datasets indicate that for recent and clonally derived pathogen sequencing and analytical tools are readily available to demonstrate that the whole genomes from an incident and a source can be matched. The value of an exact genotype match has been shown in human identification, but this concept has also complicated the interpretation of near matches. The judicial system came to expect an exact match and anything less was suspect. Near matches do occur and for human identification this might signify a close relative (a completely different individual) or possibly a somatic mutation resulting in a chimeric genotype. In bacteria, the single (or few) mutation can be phylogenetically analyzed to determine if it is ancestral or derived from the reference type. If it is ancestral, the bacterial strain is possibly representative of a predecessor, while a derived allele is one evolutionary step further along. A derived genotype would still be a member of the index strain’s clade and hence could be an investigative lead to the attack strain. As was shown in the anthrax-letter investigation, a culture derived from the spores might not be homogeneous but could also contain subpopulations carrying derived mutations (Rasko et al., 2011).

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Bacillus anthracis: a model system

Large reduction in the cost of next-generation DNA sequencing has caused dramatic changes in processing, definition, and the interpretation of large numbers of related bacteria. Two relatively recent examples in the whole-genome sequencing of B. anthracis and its close relatives exemplify this idea.

The pan-genome of Bacillus cereus sensu lato Zwick et al. (2012) generated high redundancy sequences of 45 Bacillus cereus sensu lato (closely related) species including one B. anthracis strain. Their objective was to better understand the genetic background and diversity of the anthrax-causing strains in comparison to an assortment of very close relatives. This study defined the “pan-genome” of B. cereus sensu lato as consisting of a large number of core genes (shared by most strains) and a subset of accessory and/or unique genes. These accessory and unique genes help to define and separate B. anthracis and the “insecticidal” Bacillus thuringiensis strains from all others, e.g., it is also clear from this and other studies that the toxin-encoding genes or subregions of these extra chromosomal elements (e.g., pXO1, pXO2, and various insect toxins) can be horizontally transferred between members of this group (Klee et al., 2010; Hoffmaster et al., 2004). This pan-genome analysis also confirmed that B. cereus sensu lato is separated into three major groups. It is common for microbial pathogens to show signs of genome reduction and the accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations as a result of selection against nonessential regions of the genome. Two of the major groups of B. cereus sensu lato group, including the B. anthracis strains, do not show either of these traits. Does this reflect an age or dormancy factor or maybe that B. anthracis has a life outside of its pathogenic phenotype?


The Sverdlovsk genome In 1979, an accidental release of B. anthracis spores from a Soviet Production plant resulted in a large outbreak of anthrax in humans (Meselson et al., 1994; Abramova et al., 1993; Keim et al., 2017). Microscopic slides and paraffin blocks from necropsies from 42 patients that were preserved at the time of the incident became the source for the initial molecular analysis of these samples (Jackson et al., 1998). PCR-based analysis of DNA from 11 patient samples originally confirmed the presence of the main virulence factors, the toxin and capsule genes, in all these samples. The Sverdlovsk genome issue was recently revisited using the next-generation sequencing platforms from Illumina (MiSeq and HiSeq) to generate 300 million sequence reads and 20 Gbp of DNA sequence (Sahl et al., 2016) from two of the original Sverdlovsk tissue samples. Despite degradation and the presence of only 1.2% bacterial DNA in the tissue samples, the analysis recovered an average of 24 X depth of coverage of the bacterial genomes and >100X coverage of the plasmid genomes. The bacterial DNA was recovered by alignment to the recognized Ames B. anthracis genome. The assembly of the Sverdlovsk genome resulted in 128 contigs. The analyses of these samples were aided by the construction of a high-resolution global 193 strain, reference B. anthracis sequence library (Sahl et al., 2016). The combined analysis identified 329 SNP sites between Ames genome and the Sverdlovsk genome and all 329 SNPs were present in the composite Sverdlovsk assembly. Of the 329 sites, only 10 sites contained less than 10 reads per site, and these reads corresponded to the expected base changes. These datasets provide a high confidence level to support the conclusion that the reconstruction of the Sverdlovsk genome is accurate to a high degree. These analyses

II. Applications of microbial forensics


9. Forensic analysis in bacterial pathogens

identified 13 unique SNPs on the Sverdlovsk branch and 25 to another Soviet strain, Tsiankovskii. This section illustrates the enormous power of next-generation sequencing and provides the tools to help match degraded bacterial samples from a prior incident to samples from a known database.

cells are required to “jump start” 10, 20, or 500 L vessels. These inocula or mixtures of inocula are more likely to house dynamic and adaptive clones that can gain an advantage in these mass cultures and produce background “signatures” that become distinctive for a particular production. This happened in the case of the anthrax letters [see Chapter 2, The Amerithrax Case].

Mutation rates in bacteria DNA is now being used to study the evolution of bacteria and other microorganisms in the laboratory. In 2004, Lenski et al. (Crozat et al., 2005) generated nearly a million bp of sequence (36 regions  500 bp  50 clones) from 12 populations of E. coli that had undergone 20,000 population doublings. The goal of these experiments was to obtain some measure of the level of genomic evolution within their controlled laboratory experiments. Their random targeting of 36 regions for sequencing allowed them to observe rates of substitution at neutral (synonymous) sites and at sites that cause phenotypic changes (nonsynonymous). The results reinforce previous estimates (Drake, 1991; Ochman et al., 1999) and indicate that mutation rates for substitutions in wild-type E. coli are very low (1.44  10 10 per bp per generation). This information suggested that a significant challenge in the then on-going anthrax-letter case would be that the genomes from letter sources and the ancestral Ames strain would have very few if any differences (Ravel et al., 2009; Crozat et al., 2005; Read et al., 2002). But current comparative genome sequencing analysis of these laboratory evolution experiments (Barrick and Lenski, 2009) also addresses conceptual issues that may be common to large culture and serial transfer vessels that might be used in a production facility. Inoculums for large fermenter applications are often not pure isogenic populations because larger volumes of

Yersinia pestis and plague: another recently emerged pathogen Y. pestis, the etiological agent of plague, is a relatively young species whose most recent common ancestor likely arose less than 6000 years ago (Rasmussen et al., 2015). As a result, there have been relatively few base substitution genetic polymorphisms that have accumulated within this species as a whole. The lack of polymorphisms in Y. pestis was first demonstrated in a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis of six housekeeping genes that revealed no variation among 36 globally diverse strains (Achtman et al., 1999). Numerous other analyses using various techniques have confirmed this lack of diversity (Vogler et al., 2016). The lack of variation is especially evident in the Y. pestis 1.ORI group, which experienced a global expansion beginning in the mid-1850s when it was spread from coastal regions in China to new regions in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia during the third plague pandemic (Keim and Wagner, 2009). Despite its worldwide distribution, this group is genetically highly monomorphic due to its relatively recent emergence and because of a genetic bottleneck that occurred in China (Keim and Wagner, 2009). Specific subpopulations within the 1.ORI group, such as in North American and Madagascar, are even more monomorphic, likely because they appear to have resulted from single and even more recent introductions (Auerbach et al., 2007; Morelli et al., 2010;

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Yersinia pestis and plague: another recently emerged pathogen

Touchman et al., 2007; Vogler et al., 2017, 2013, 2011, 2008). An explosion in whole-genome sequencing data in recent years has provided great insight into the phylogeny, distribution, and history of Y. pestis. In 2004, an international consortium published the first SNP-based global population structure of Y. pestis (Achtman et al., 2004). In this study, a pairwise comparison of the three WGSs available at the time (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 91001; Y. pestis CO92 [1.ORI], and Y. pestis Kim [group 2.MED]) identified only 76 shared synonymous SNP positions in 3250 homologous gene pairs. Forty of these SNPs were screened across 105 globally diverse isolates, revealing a consensus phylogenetic tree containing three conserved, major branches (0, 1, and 2) and eight major populations (0.PE1, 0.PE2, 0.PE3, 0.PE4, 1.ANT, 1.ORI, 2.ANT, and 2.MED) (Achtman et al., 2004). Further whole-genome sequencing and SNP discovery expanded on this initial tree, identifying additional branch structure and populations, first with 933 SNPs identified among 17 WGSs (Morelli et al., 2010), followed by 2326 SNPs identified among 133 WGSs (Cui et al., 2013). Importantly, the genetic diversity identified in these studies is not evenly distributed across the global range of Y. pestis. Most of the diversity is restricted to Central Asia, the likely origin for Y. pestis. In contrast, the highly monomorphic 1.ORI group associated with the third pandemic is found all over the world (Keim and Wagner, 2009). Despite this low level of diversity, WGS comparisons have allowed for the identification of small numbers of phylogenetically informative SNPs, even from very recent subpopulations of this group, such as in North America (Auerbach et al., 2007; Morelli et al., 2010; Touchman et al., 2007) and Madagascar (Morelli et al., 2010; Vogler et al., 2017, 2013, 2011). Whole-genome sequencing and SNP analysis will undoubtedly be a key component of any future microbial forensic investigations of


Y. pestis. The related canonical SNP (canSNP) approach is also likely to continue to be important, particularly for lower quality samples that might not be sufficient to support wholegenome sequencing. For example, canSNPs have been used successfully to analyze ancient DNA, providing insight into the first and second plague pandemics (Bos et al., 2011, 2012; Haensch et al., 2010; Harbeck et al., 2013). Y. pestis is also suited to a hierarchical approach whereby canSNP analysis rapidly establishes accurate phylogenetic positioning, and multilocus variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) provides high-level subtyping resolution. This approach has been used successfully to analyze Y. pestis isolates from Madagascar (Vogler et al., 2017, 2013, 2011) and will likely continue to be of use for certain analyses. MLVA analysis is particularly useful when analyzing very closely related samples such as from outbreaks (Vogler et al., 2013; Girard et al., 2004). VNTR markers evolve several orders of magnitude faster than substitution mutations, and in vitro individual mutation rates for VNTRs included in a 43-marker MLVA system have been estimated using serially passaged (w96,000 generations) Y. pestis strains (Vogler et al., 2007). An understanding of VNTR mutation rates can be used in building probabilistic models for genetic relatedness between potential sources and human infections, providing important statistical considerations for potential attribution of disease outbreaks in epidemiological and/or forensic cases. A classic example involves two tourists visiting New York City from New Mexico who were diagnosed with plague in 2002. MLVA genotypes of these clinical samples were compared to genotypes of 632 isolates in an MLVA database and, although no exact matches were found, the closest matches were to isolates from the same county in New Mexico where the victims lived (Lowell et al., 2005). This finding was in agreement with other epidemiologic data that suggested that the victims were

II. Applications of microbial forensics


9. Forensic analysis in bacterial pathogens

infected from natural sources in New Mexico and not by a bioterrorism event in New York City. In this case, mutation rate data and transmission modeling suggested that several isolates from northern New Mexico were the most likely geographic source of the human plague infections described above and that several local infection sources were possible. Fleas infected with Y. pestis were found in the victims’ backyard as well as along a hiking trail that they utilized shortly before traveling to New York City. Isolates from both locations were close but not perfect MLVA matches to the isolate obtained from one of the victims (Lowell et al., 2005). Previous studies had determined the individual VNTR mutation rates (Vogler et al., 2007) for the genetic markers in question, and relative probabilities in a maximum likelihood framework were used to evaluate the significance of the genotypic near matches. These calculations established that the couple was most likely infected in their backyard (Colman et al., 2009). These kinds of analyses provide an example of how likely sources can be determined using relatively rapidly mutating loci.

Francisella tularensis and tularemia Francisella tularensis, causative agent of tularemia, consists of three official subspecies: tularensis, holarctica, and mediasiatica. In the past, Francisella novicida has sometimes been considered a fourth subspecies of F. tularensis, but this idea is now largely rejected by the scientific community (Johansson et al., 2010). F. tularensis subsp. tularensis is the most virulent and is geographically restricted to North America. F. tularensis subsp. holarctica causes a less severe form of disease and occurs throughout the northern hemisphere. F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica has virulence similar to F. tularensis subsp. holarctica but has only been isolated from a small region in central Asia (Keim et al., 2007). Like

B. anthracis and Y. pestis, F. tularensis is also highly monomorphic (Keim and Wagner, 2009). The deeper phylogenetic structure within the Francisella genus is not well understood, making the development of species-specific markers problematic. This lack of understanding is largely due to the fact that many Francisella species cannot be easily cultured and others cannot be cultured at all. This is not surprising as F. tularensis itself can be difficult to culture and is known to enter a viable but nonculturable state (Forsman et al., 2000). Nonetheless, the genomes of a number of new Francisella species have been sequenced in recent years (Challacombe et al., 2017; Qu et al., 2013; Rydzewski et al., 2014; Sjodin et al., 2014, 2012; Svensson et al., 2015), which has shed new insights into this cryptic genus. A global phylogeographic framework has been developed for F. tularensis based on whole-genome sequencing of globally diverse isolates (Vogler et al., 2009; Svensson et al., 2009). Because canSNPs have been designated for all of the major phylogenetic groups, F. tularensis strains from many global locations have now been placed into this existing framework (Wang et al., 2014; Ozsurekci et al., 2015; Kilic et al., 2015; Gyuranecz et al., 2012). More recently, researchers have employed wholegenome sequencing of all strains included in an analysis, such as those isolated from human outbreaks or obtained from specific geographic regions (Dwibedi et al., 2016; Johansson et al., 2014). Together these studies have revealed interesting patterns relevant for microbial forensic investigations of F. tularensis. First, many phylogenetic groups have very large geographic distributions, and multiple F. tularensis phylogenetic groups often cooccur locally in the environment and cause human disease, so there is rarely a given group that is the only group present in a given geographic area. Second, strains that are identical or almost identical at the genome level can be isolated across large spatial and temporal distances,

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Brucella spp. and brucellosis

and this has obvious implications for attempting to match specific genotypes to a particular event or location.

Brucella spp. and brucellosis Brucellosis is a ubiquitous disease of livestock and wildlife and is among the most common zoonotic infections worldwide, causing at least half a million human cases annually (Pappas et al., 2006). The disease is caused by closely related species of Brucella, a genus of bacteria that infects a wide range of animals including cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, marine mammals, rodents, and an ever-expanding list of other animals such as frogs (Al Dahouk et al., 2017). Despite a high degree of homology among the genomes of the Brucellae, host specificities are often associated with what have been defined as individual Brucella species; e.g., Brucella abortus with cattle, Brucella canis with dogs, B. melitensis with goats, and Brucella ovis with sheep (Moreno, 2014). Three of the Brucella (B. abortus, B. melitensis, and Brucella suis) are Select Agents because they are highly infectious (fewer than 10 cells cause disease), easily grown, and occur commonly throughout the world, particularly in politically unstable regions (Pappas et al., 2006). In 1942, the US military began developing B. suis as an incapacitating biowarfare agent; however, this weapons program was terminated in 1969 (Purcell et al., 2007). The risks to humans from an intentional release would be relatively minor in terms of mortality when compared with many other biothreat agents but an aerosol attack with B. melitensis is projected to have an enormous economic impact (Kaufmann et al., 1997). Although eradicated from most of Europe and North America, high levels of debilitating human and livestock infections remain common throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East and central Asia. Genotyping of Brucella has focused on two main approaches: MLVA and SNPs from specific


genes or whole genomes (Whatmore, 2009). Several MLVA systems have been developed for the Brucella spp. (Bricker et al., 2003; Huynh et al., 2008; Le Fleche et al., 2006; Whatmore et al., 2006). Despite indications for homoplasy in the more rapidly evolving markers, the selection of variable but relatively conserved markers allows for clustering to the species level and often higher resolution genotyping (Al Dahouk et al., 2007). An online database (MLVAbank; http:// microbesgenotyping.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/) has been created and as of September 2018 contained genotypes from 5611 strains. Because of its spatial and temporal breadth of samples, this database is the current standard for MLVA genotyping. While sample deposition standards for a public database might not be sufficient for forensic analyses, comparisons of sample genotypes to this database can serve as an initial starting point. Equally important for forensic purposes, the most rapidly evolving markers, e.g., HOOFprints (Bricker et al., 2003), offer markers whose diversity indices approach levels of 0.9. While these markers may not be phylogenetically stable, they can provide additional resolution when comparing closely related strains. Like B. anthracis, Y. pestis, and F. tularensis, the phylogenetic analysis and resolution of Brucella spp. have greatly benefited from the comparative analysis of WGSs, and SNPs are typically used as the characters. In the initial wholegenome analysis, w9000 polymorphic nucleotides were shared among all 13 genomes and revealed an extremely low homoplasy index (0.0104) (Foster et al., 2009). This suggests few phylogenetic inconsistencies within this tree and that Brucella has a clonal population structure. Thus, Brucella genomes offer features that are quite similar to the previously discussed clonal pathogens. Additional analyses using larger numbers of genomes have supported these findings, while also providing additional resolution within and among Brucella spp. (Kay et al., 2014; Wattam et al., 2014; Georgi et al., 2017). A proposed hierarchical approach to

II. Applications of microbial forensics


9. Forensic analysis in bacterial pathogens

FIGURE 9.2 Proposed hierarchical approach to resolving Brucella spp. The conserved SNP tree allows the selection of a limited number of canonical SNPs that can be used to place each Brucella isolate into appropriate positions on the SNP tree. The Brucella melitensis group (88 isolates) represents 80 different MLVA genotypes. The resolution of this species by canSNP groupings and subgroupings will provide additional resolution.

resolving the Brucella species is illustrated in Fig. 9.2, which is particularly useful in Brucella due to a large number of MLVA genotypes available from global sampling (see below). The whole-genome SNP tree in panel A (Fig. 9.2) shows strong differentiation and clustering at the species level. The hierarchical relationship depicted in Fig. 9.2 indicates three B. melitensis genomes that provide an initial genome-level structure where approaches such as canSNPs can be used. SNP-based assays can be developed for specific branches that allow for rapid and sensitive characterization of samples (Foster et al., 2008, 2012; Fretin et al., 2008). These sequencing assays help to determine the branch location for each isolate and whether there are new nodes (branch points) on each of the original branches. The 12 genomes are from 4 different Brucella species, and a phylogenetic analysis generated a tree with 3 major branches, with B. canis emerging recently from

B. suis. Although this was an early tree and many more genomes have been sequenced for the Brucella genus, the overall topology largely still remains the same within the three species of highest forensic interest (B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. suis). When examined using MLVA, 80 distinct genotypes can be resolved from the 88 isolates (Panel B). Despite this relatively high resolution using MLVA, however, we expect that whole-genome analyses will become the basis for primary genetic analyses of Brucella. For example, Kamath et al. (2016) used genomic analyses to assess the introduction, movement, and transmission of B. abortus in livestock and wildlife in the Yellowstone region over w50 years. At the same time, cBrucella spp. have relatively few mutations and forensic analyses may indeed depend on rapidly mutating markers such as VNTRs if insufficient resolution occurs within SNPs from whole genomes.

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Botulinum neurotoxineproducing clostridium species

Burkholderia pseudomallei and melioidosis Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is listed by the CDC as a Tier 1 Select Agent. B. pseudomallei commonly lives as a saprophyte in soil and freshwater and causes melioidosis which is endemic to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. Recent analysis of 33 WGSs suggests that not only are the populations of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia distinct, but that the Southeast Asian population is a monophyletic derivative from an ancestral Australian population (Pearson et al., 2009). The most dominant characteristic of B. pseudomallei is a high degree of recombination that obscures the overall clonality of the species. The genome contains a plethora of insertion sequence elements (Holden et al., 2009; Sim et al., 2008; Tumapa et al., 2008), genomic islands (Sim et al., 2008; Tuanyok et al., 2008), and VNTRs (Holden et al., 2009; U’Ren et al., 2007). Analysis of MLST data from >1700 isolates and >600 STs suggests that recombination is 18e30 times more likely than mutation to cause allelic changes (Pearson et al., 2009). The population dynamics of B. pseudomallei are extremely complex due to the high rates of genetic exchange or transfer between different lineages. As expected, the ancestral Australian population is genetically more diverse than the monophyletic Southeast Asian population; however, the Southeast Asian population appears to recombine more frequently (Pearson et al., 2009). Many other parameters that influence genetic exchange within this species are poorly understood. This includes identification of regions within the genome that are more likely to undergo genetic exchange and/or the frequency or rates of horizontal gene transfer and homologous recombination. The extensive role of genetic exchange within B. pseudomallei may present a distinct advantage over clonally derived pathogens when attempting to develop models for estimating confidence


limits for genotype “matches,” “near matches,” or “nonmatches.” The high recombination rate causes a relatively rapid “scrambling” of even the relatively conserved housekeeping genes that are used in MLST analysis (Pearson et al., 2009). An even more dramatic aspect of the evolution B. pseudomallei has been recently demonstrated in a study of four cases of humans with acute melioidosis (Price et al., 2010). An MLVA-23 system (U’Ren et al., 2007) was used to examine 182 isolates recovered from different infected sites in these 4 patients. The results of these analyses indicated that despite a relative short period of infection, isolates from all four of these patients showed significant divergence from the putative founder genotype (Price et al., 2010). These results suggest that MLVA mutation rates and probabilistic applications can be used in the tracking and identifying likely sources in the epidemiology and forensic analysis of melioidosis cases.

Botulinum neurotoxineproducing clostridium species Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), one of the most toxic substances known to man (Gill, 1982), is produced by diverse species within the genus Clostridium. These species are anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria and are endemic in soils and aquatic environments throughout the world (Smith and Sugiyama, 1988). Inhalation or ingestion of the bacterial cells, spores, or toxin can cause a flaccid paralysis due to the action of BoNT that may require mechanical ventilation and the administration of botulinum antitoxin. BoNTs are listed by the CDC as Tier 1 Select Agents because they are relatively easy to produce, extremely potent, and exposure requires prolonged intensive hospital care (Arnon et al., 2001). Unlike most bacterial species, the primary criterion for the classification of a Clostridium

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9. Forensic analysis in bacterial pathogens

isolate as Clostridium botulinum was the production of BoNT. This definition was adopted to prevent scientific and medical confusion regarding the intoxication known as botulism. However, this species definition resulted in a pathogen whose genomic background encompasses multiple species by 16S rRNA analysis (Collins and East, 1998; Hill et al., 2009). In addition, two other species, Clostridium baratii and Clostridium butyricum, were shown to produce BoNTs (Hall et al., 1985; Aureli et al., 1986), and Clostridium sporogenes has been differentiated from C. botulinum (Group I) using wholegenome comparisons (Weigand et al., 2015; Williamson et al., 2016). Importantly, not all members of these species are toxigenic. Recently, it has been proposed to use Latin binomial

nomenclature to identify the seven different previously named species whose members are known to produce BoNT (113). In addition to the genetic diversity within the BoNT-producing bacteria, there are seven serologically distinct BoNTs designated AeG (Fig. 9.3). Multiple BoNT types can be produced by members of the same species, and BoNT types B, E, and F are produced by multiple Clostridium species. Comparisons of the BoNT/A-G protein sequences reveal that BoNT protein identities vary by up to approximately 70% (Smith et al., 2007) and variation within the seven serotypes has resulted in the identification of over 40 BoNT subtypes (Peck et al., 2017) (Fig. 9.3). A possible eighth type of BoNT labeled H or FA has also been described (Dover et al., 2013;

FIGURE 9.3 Phylogenetic trees of botulinum neurotoxins and whole-genome SNPs. (A) A phylogeny displaying the diversity of botulinum neurotoxins, which are produced by multiple species within the Clostridia. (B) Whole-genome SNP phylogeny differentiating isolates within one BoNT-producing species (referred to as Clostridium botulinum Group I). Isolates within this species produce BoNT types A, B, and/or F. Gray boxes indicate taxa that produce BoNT/A. (C) Whole-genome SNP phylogeny of a set of closely related isolates producing BoNT/A1, which illustrates the resolution provided by a whole-genome SNP approach in forensic applications.

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Botulinum neurotoxineproducing clostridium species

Gonzalez-Escalona et al., 2014; Maslanka et al., 2015). The diversity observed among the various BoNTs indicates that the divergence of these proteins was not recent and their presence in diverse bacterial backgrounds (effectively seven different named species) appears to be the result of horizontal gene transfer. Thus, when identifying these bacteria, it is useful to indicate the BoNT type or subtype along with the species (Smith et al., 2018). Incongruence between the phylogeny of the toxin genes and genomic background indicates a complex evolutionary pattern, but these differences have been used in a hierarchical approach to resolve C. botulinum isolates that appeared to be tightly clustered. For example, Macdonald et al. (2008) linked BoNT/A gene subtypes (A1-A4) to an MLVA analysis of the genomes that contain the BoNT/A genes to identify 38 different genotypes, which provided an effective method for differentiating serotype A isolates. While subgenomic approaches such as MLVA are able to delineate isolates producing the same BoNT type or subtype, advances in DNA sequencing technology now allow for routine and comprehensive interrogation of the entire bacterial genome. From a forensics perspective, whole-genome comparisons provide a high-resolution method for differentiating BoNT-producing bacteria. An isolate can be assigned to a species using whole-genome sequencing data, and SNP phylogenies can provide a framework for characterizing isolates within each species (Williamson et al., 2016; Weedmark et al., 2015). For example, Panel B in Fig. 9.3 illustrates the phylogenetic diversity within a single BoNT-producing Clostridium species (referred to as C. botulinum Group Idmembers of this species can produce BoNTs A, B, and/or F). Raphael and colleagues found that SNP comparisons were able to differentiate strains producing the same BoNT type associated with several botulism outbreaks better than subgenomic methods such as MLVA (Raphael et al., 2014). Panel C of Fig. 9.3


demonstrates that closely related isolates producing the same BoNT subtype can be differentiated by SNP comparisons, which can then be used for source attribution in forensic investigations. Whole-genome sequencing data can also provide information regarding BoNT type or subtype, genomic location of the BoNT gene cluster (e.g., chromosome or plasmid), information about genes commonly found within the toxin gene cluster (e.g., ha, orfX, botR), insertions and deletions, and structural variations between genomes, which can provide resolution between BoNT-producing isolates. As more genomes representing BoNTproducing Clostridia become available, diagnostic tools targeting genomic markers specific to a particular species or clade of BoNTproducing bacteria may be applicable for forensics applications. For example, using comparative genomics, PCR assays targeting clade-specific markers have been developed to differentiate clades of BoNT-producing Clostridia (Williamson et al., 2017). Expanding on this methodology could enable high-resolution detection of BoNT-producing bacteria directly from complex samples using an amplicon sequencing approach targeting loci that provide information about phylogenetic placement/species designation as well as toxin type/subtype. Additionally, strain level characterization of unknown samples using SNP-calling strategies for low-coverage sequence data (e.g., WGFAST (Sahl et al., 2015)) may be possible, which would allow for differentiating BoNT-producing bacteria in a variety of sample types without the need for sequencing the entire genome or metagenome. Continued whole-genome sequencing and surveillance are important for maintaining a comprehensive database to provide context for targeted classification methodologies. Using these surveillance approaches, novel BoNT-like sequences have recently been identified outside of the Clostridia using bioinformatic approaches to screen publicly available genomic data (Williamson et al., 2017; Brunt et al., 2018; Zhang

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et al., 2018). These results suggest that additional genomic surveillance is required to understand how BoNT-like regions are being transferred between non-Clostridial species. The genomic diversity of BoNT-producing Clostridia is guiding the development of novel tools to better understand the composition and spread of BoNTs. In the future, improvements in DNA sequencing technologies and large-scale genomic comparisons will continue to play a key role in forensic applications for tracking the evolution and spread of BoNT-producing bacteria.

Conclusions Significant progress has been made since the anthrax-letter attacks in defining forensic approaches to evaluate potential biocrimes. In this review, the focus has dealt with developments for the genotyping and analysis of the bacterial pathogens B. anthracis, Y. pestis, F. tularensis, Brucella spp. B. pseudomallei, and C. botulinum. With the exception of B. pseudomallei, these pathogens are basically clonal organisms and do not possess the mating properties and the independent assortment statistics that greatly enhances human and plant forensic genetic analysis. A hierarchical approach allows for high-resolution genotyping for use in epidemiology and forensics; however, when possible, whole-genome sequencing usually provides superior resolving power, coupled with the benefit of increased phylogenetic accuracy.

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II. Applications of microbial forensics


10 Genomic epidemiology and forensics of fungal pathogens David M. Engelthaler1, Anastasia P. Litvintseva2 1

TGen North, Translational Genomics Research Institute, Flagstaff, AZ, United States; 2Mycotic Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, United States


The kingdom fungi

Fungi have unique characteristics that may present significant challenges for forensics and biodefense (Paterson, 2006). In spite of this, fungi are often neglected in microbial forensics and biodefense discussions. Most members of this taxon can produce large numbers of hardy spores that can be easily dispersed into the environment. Furthermore, sporulation can be induced in the laboratory setting, thus rendering these organisms amenable to use as bioweapons. In addition, these organisms have distinct biological, reproductive, and evolutionary characteristics compared with other pathogens, which can impact sampling, genotyping approaches, and/or phylogenetic analysis (Taylor et al., 1999; Aguileta et al., 2009) for forensic and epidemiological investigations (Fig. 10.1). Furthermore, several fungal species can produce mycotoxins that have potentially lethal toxigenic and/or carcinogenic effects and could be considered potential biothreats.

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00010-6

Fungi include mushrooms, rusts, smuts, puffballs, truffles, morels, molds, and yeasts, as well as many other less well-known organisms (Stajich et al., 2009). Although about 100,000 fungal species have been described thus far, it is estimated that 1.5 million species may exist in nature (Hawksworth and Rossman, 1997). Fungi are distinct from plant and animals and possess several unique features that include presence of a rigid cell wall composed of chitin and glucan. Fungi are also heterotrophic, meaning that they cannot produce their own food and obtain nourishment by secreting enzymes into the extracellular matrix for digestion and absorption of food. Fungi have a basic structural unit that is either a chain of filament-like nonmotile cells denoted as hyphae or an independent single yeast cell. Multicellular hyphal-forming organisms, called molds, increase in length as a result of apical growth of the individual hypha. Primitive molds have hyphae that lack septa or


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10. Genomic epidemiology and forensics of fungal pathogens

FIGURE 10.1 CDC epidemiologists collecting environmental samples in a fungal outbreak investigation. Image used from Litvintseva, A.P., Brandt, M.E., Mody, R.K., Lockhart, S.R., 2015. Investigating fungal outbreaks in the 21st century. PLoS Pathog. 11 (5), e1004804.

cross walls, whereas in other fungi the hyphae can be septate. In contrast, the single-cell yeasts propagate by budding out daughter cells from their surface; these buds may either be detached from the parent cell or remain attached and bud further to produce a chain of cells. Another distinguishing feature of fungi is the mode of reproductiondfungi reproduce by means of microscopic propagules called spores if produced sexually and conidia if produced by an asexual process, although not all fungi sexually reproduce. Fungal spores and conidia may be actively or passively released into the environment and be subsequently inhaled. Fungi notoriously produce numerous toxic metabolites termed mycotoxins, which when

ingested or inhaled can produce mycotoxicosis in man and animals (Frisvad et al., 2006). While there are no recorded instances of live fungal organisms being used for biological warfare or bioterrorism on humans, fungal toxins have been developed, in some cases, for use as bioweapons. Most notably, aflatoxins from Aspergillus species were produced and placed in warheads by the Iraqi government in the 1980s and 1990s (Zilinskas, 1997). These toxins are powerful carcinogens but are not thought to be highly important for biodefense. The other mycotoxins of primary concern for biodefense are the trichothecenes, produced by a number of molds, including Stachybotrys and Fusarium species (Sudakin, 2003). The trichothecenes had been reportedly used in warfare in Laos in the 1970s and Afghanistan in the 1980s. These compounds can induce immediate significant external and internal toxigenic effects, including death (Wannemacher et al., 1997). Several fungi and their toxins are important to plant health and agriculture, such as Phoma glycinicola and Synchytrium endobioticum. Forensic analysis of the use of toxins and plant pathogens is described in other chapters of this text and elsewhere (Paterson, 2006; Fletcher et al., 2006; Quarta et al., 2006; Lievens et al., 2008; Goss et al., 2009) and will not be further discussed here.

Pathogenic fungi Of the many thousands of fungi that have been described, less than 200 are recognized as fungi capable of causing systemic disease in man. Despite this, invasive mycoses have emerged as a serious public health problem over the last two decades with increased incidence seen in immunocompromised populations, including persons with AIDS, recipients of solid organ or hematopoietic stem cell transplants, hematologic malignancies, and individuals on immunosuppressive regimens

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(Warnock, 2006; K€ ohler et al., 2014; Perfect, 2017). There has also been an additional concern in fungal epidemiology, with more infections caused by fungi that are resistant to one or more antifungal drugs. Resistance mechanisms are difficult to identify using traditional methods of identification, such as with the recent global emergence of multidrug resistant Candida auris (Lockhart et al., 2016; Chowdhary et al., 2016) and triazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus (Abdolrasouli et al., 2015; Chowdhary and Meis, 2018). In recent years, several high profile fungal pathogen disease events have had significant public health and ecological impacts, bringing fungal microbes further into public’s view (Fisher et al., 2012; Lorch et al., 2016) and demonstrating the critical need for improved forensic and epidemiologic tools. Molecular epidemiologic approaches have provided both the laboratory and analytical tools to empirically define the etiology of an infection and design appropriate intervention and control strategies. Genotyping is central to understanding fungal molecular epidemiology, and the advances in genome sequence analysis have allowed the field to move from molecular epidemiology (i.e., strain typing and source attribution based on inference obtained from similarity of “DNA fingerprints”) to genomic epidemiology (i.e., typing and attribution based on empirical whole genome analyses). This advance in technological approaches is having a profound impact on both public health outbreak investigations and forensic analysis for criminal cases. For epidemiological surveillance, assessment of genomic mutation markers (e.g., single-nucleotide polymorphismsdSNPs) is a stable and reproducible (over time and between labs) method that allows for integration in exchangeable databases. Use of whole genome SNPs allows for variable levels of resolution, providing discrimination at the species, subspecies, and strain levels, which can be used to monitor species distribution and emergence. Importantly for fungi, whole


genomeebased analyses are agnostic to the organism and can be used for well-understood and previously unknown or understudied species alike. Although fungi cause enormous health and economic burdens, unlike bacteria and viruses, there are currently no fungi listed US Federal Government’s Select Agent list. Two closely related species, Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii, which can cause severe pneumonia and other invasive diseases in humans and other mammals, are the only fungal organisms that have ever been included on the Select Agent list, but have since been removed (Dixon, 2001). These dimorphic fungi cause substantial morbidity in endemic regions, primarily the desert regions of the southwestern United States, where they thrive in arid, thermic soils and can be inhaled as arthroconidia, causing pulmonary disease (Teixeira and Barker, 2017). Unlike most fungal pathogens, which primarily infect people with the impaired immune system, Coccidioides spp. can cause infection in healthy individuals, which makes them a particular threat to public health. The epidemiology and genomic analyses of Coccidioides are highlighted below. Other well-known human pathogenic fungi that are causative agents of invasive fungal infections include Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Candida spp., Cryptococcus spp., Mucormycetes, Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., Pneumocystis spp., and others. In addition, in recent years, a number of rare and unusual fungal pathogens were identified as the causative agents of outbreaks that caught national attention (Litvintseva et al., 2015; Bougnoux et al., 2018; Benedict et al., 2017). For example, Exserohilum rostratum was linked to the outbreak of fungal meningitis associated with the contaminated steroid medications, and the ensuing forensic analyses led to a federal murder trial (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012; Guharoy et al., 2013). Another example of an outbreak from a nontypical fungal pathogen

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10. Genomic epidemiology and forensics of fungal pathogens

was the cluster of necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis infections caused by Apophysomyces trapeziformis, originating from the deadliest tornado in US history, which occurred in 2011 in Joplin, MO (Neblett Fanfair et al., 2012). For the purposes of this chapter, an overview of the molecular epidemiology of select human pathogenic fungi, including brief descriptions of the methods employed to genotyping these fungi, is described in subsequent sections.

Coccidioides and coccidioidomycosis Background and epidemiology Although this genus is considered the most virulent of human and animal fungal pathogens, there have been no known uses of Coccidioides for criminal purposes (Warnock, 2006; Dixon, 2001). These soil-dwelling fungi are endemic to the southwestern United States and parts of Latin America (Teixeira and Barker, 2017; Hector and Laniado-Laborin, 2005; Lewis et al., 2015). C. immitis is largely confined to California and Baja California, whereas C. posadasii is the dominant species found in Arizona, Texas, Mexico, and South and Central America (Teixeira and Barker, 2017). These closely related species are haploid, filamentous ascomycetes that reproduce asexually both in the environment (using arthroconidia) and in the infected host (spherules containing endospores) (Lewis et al., 2015). Molecular diversity patterns suggest significant recombination and likely sexual reproduction are occurring. The actual recombination mechanisms are unknown and the extent, or frequency, of this phenomenon is not well characterized, although genomic evidence of sexual reproduction has been described (Mandel et al., 2007). Although Coccidioides previously had special Select Agent status, outbreaks of coccidioidomycosis outside the known endemic regions should be assessed in the context of the epidemiology of the disease. For example, sporadic cases have been identified in nonendemic regions, primarily

associated with recent travel to endemic regions (Benedict et al., 2018). Additionally, clusters associated with high-risk activities (i.e., archeology) have been reported in areas not previously known to be endemic (Freedman et al., 2018; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2001; Litvintseva et al., 2014b). Detection and identification Detection of Coccidioides in the clinical laboratory is typically accomplished by direct microscopy of spherules with appropriate stains, direct culture, and identification with labeled DNA probes, or serological analysis with enzyme immunoassays or immunodiffusion (Saubolle, 2007; Barker, 2017). Antigen detection methodologies have been published (Durkin et al., 2009; Kuberski et al., 2007); however, as with the above detection methodologies, these tests provide only genus level detection and provide no insight to genotype or genetic relation to other strains. Inefficient and time-consuming testing methodologies, along with insufficient education of physicians in endemic regions, results in a limited number of patients being tested and subsequent under reporting (Chen et al., 2011; Chang et al., 2008). PCR tests (including real-time and nested methodologies) have been developed for identification and characterization of Coccidioides (Binnicker et al., 2007; de Aguiar Cordeiro et al., 2013), including an assay that detects and differentiates C. immitis from C. posadasii based on SNPs (Benedict et al., 2017; Sheff et al., 2010). Real-time PCR assays have been recently developed to confirm the presence of Coccidioides in soils and air samples in atypical regions such as Washington state (Litvintseva et al., 2014b; Chow et al., 2016) and most recently as a novel clinical diagnostic tool (Saubolle et al., 2017). Genetics and genomics of Coccidioides Researchers have made great strides in understanding the genetics of Coccidioides. This haploid eukaryotic organism reproduces

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asexually and, likely, sexually. The apparent presence of extensive genetic recombination (Burt et al., 1996) and mating type genes (Mandel et al., 2007) complicate understanding the population structure. A major success of genetic investigations into Coccidioides was the identification of two genetically and geographically distinct species, C. immitis and C. posadasii (Burt et al., 1996; Fisher et al., 2002). What was first suggested to be the “California” subspecies and a “non-California” subspecies of C. immitis through the use of random fragment length polymorphisms (Zimmermann et al., 1994) was later confirmed to be two distinct species through advancing technology employing microsatellites (Burt et al., 1996; Fisher et al., 2000), SNPs (Koufopanou et al., 1997), and multilocus genotyping (Fisher et al., 2002). The advent of whole genome sequencing technology has now led to a better understanding of Coccidioides genomics and evolution. Comparative genomic analyses of Coccidioides and related genera have provided insight into this organism’s unique genomic makeup and offer a plausible explanation for the unusual ability of Coccidioides to infect immunocompetent humans and other mammals (Sharpton et al., 2009). This work demonstrated that, compared with other soil fungi, the genome of Coccidioides contains a very limited number of genes associated with plant cell wall degradation, such as cellulases and pectinases; however, it has an unusually large number of genes involved in the degradation of animal tissues, such as keratinase and proteases. These findings suggest that, unlike most other soil Ascomycetes, Coccidioides acquires most of its nutrients from digesting animal tissues either by infecting live animals or degrading animal carcasses in soil. Therefore, in contrast to “opportunistic” pathogens that do not rely on animal infection for their survival in the environment, Coccidioides can be considered one of the very few “true” fungal pathogens for whom infection constitutes an important part of their life cycle (Sharpton et al., 2009).


In addition, a recent comprehensive genomic study of global Coccidioides populations led to the understanding of the timing and possible mechanisms of dispersal of Coccidioides throughout the Western Hemisphere (Engelthaler et al., 2016). Molecular genotyping and forensics of Coccidioides A number of typing schemes have been developed for Coccidioides ranging from phenotypic variation to molecular genotyping; these methodologies have been appropriately reviewed elsewhere (Taylor et al., 1999; Barker et al., 2007). Here, we focus on the new “gold standard” of whole genome sequence typing (WGST). SNPs have been shown to be highly informative for both diagnostic identification and phylogenetic population analysis, as they provide markers that can be used to reconstruct evolutionary relationships among organisms as well as for strain typing (Keim et al., 2004). SNP-based phylogenies of clonal microbes have been shown to be highly accurate in terms of defining population subgroups and other genetic relationships among isolates (Pearson et al., 2009). Synonymous, or neutral, SNPs are thought to be more evolutionarily informative than most other molecular markers due to their slow mutation rates, limited character states, and distribution across the genome. However, there are challenges with using SNPs in recombining organisms as a result of character state conflicts, or homoplasy, arising from convergence; reversals and/or lateral gene transfer of such challenges can be overcome through the use of genome-wide SNP data sets and appropriate algorithms, as has been shown in other recombining fungal species (Taylor et al., 1999; Engelthaler et al., 2014). Next-generation sequencing provides high coverage sequence analysis of microbes, several orders of magnitude greater than previous sequencing tools. Additionally, with the added

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10. Genomic epidemiology and forensics of fungal pathogens

capacity to barcode, or index, a large number of samples in an individual run, the throughput capacity is unmatched by other technologies. Bioinformatic tools are now highly accessible for specific next-gen applications. These tools allow for rapid alignment of millions of reads to accurately detect SNP mutations, small deletions, and other features, and for other whole genome comparative analyses, and are now widely available with easy-to-use interfaces. Whole genome sequence typing

Comprehensive whole genome analysis provides the greatest resolution for genotyping and forensic epidemiology of fungi. The advantage of what is referred to as WGST (Litvintseva et al., 2015; Engelthaler et al., 2011) is that essentially all genetic differences in a group of isolate genomes can be discovered and compared. This is critical for linking individual samples for outbreak tracing and source attribution, negating the need for complex inferential statistical algorithms to assign isolates to a population. WGST also provides an unparalleled capability for defining accurate population structures. Reference C. immitis and C. posadasii genomes have been fully sequenced and partially annotated (Broad Institute, 2009) providing a basis for multiple genomic epidemiologic investigations and population studies (Litvintseva et al., 2014b; Engelthaler et al., 2011, 2016). Genomic epidemiology case study

A multipatient organ transplanterelated outbreak of Coccidioides was identified in southern California in 2009 (Engelthaler et al., 2011). C. immitis isolates recovered from each of the three infected transplant recipients was analyzed by WGST to enhance the epidemiological investigation of the outbreak. The challenge was that no donor-derived samples were collected and therefore the point source would have to be inferred from the genomics of the organ recipient isolates. The operating hypothesis was that isolates from the transplant recipients were

from the same original organ donor source and therefore the isolates would be clonal, having few to no SNP differences, as compared with isolates originating from different sources. Sequence reads from these isolates were aligned and analyzed using novel bioinformatic tools. WGST was conducted by comparing whole genomeeshared SNPs between the three genomes, as well as comparing the isolates to all previously sequenced C. immitis genomes. WGST revealed that all three recipients were infected with the same clone of C. immitis, as only three SNPs were found between all three isolates, in contrast to finding >30,000 SNPs when compared to the reference genome (Engelthaler et al., 2011). WGST not only allowed for definitive genomic epidemiologic linkage of isolates but also for an understanding of the phylogenetic placement of the suspect strains in the population of currently sequenced strains of Coccidioides. This represents the first instance of the use of whole genome sequencing for an epidemiological investigation of a fungal outbreak.

Other pathogenic fungi Traditionally, fungi have been identified by their phenotypic traits where a “morphospecies” is recognized as a group of isolates that have morphological characteristics similar to each other but distinct from other fungi. This methodology suffers from various limitations that include subjectivity, inability to identify cryptic species, and the expertise and time required to establish identification. Today, comparative sequenceebased analysis is considered the “gold standard” for fungal species identification (Summerbell et al., 2005). This method is based on PCR amplification of a selected region of genomic DNA, followed by sequencing of the resulting amplicon(s) and query of the consensus sequence against a database library for evaluation for species identification. Analysis of data

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can be performed by generating dendrograms, examining percent similarity/percent dissimilarity, or executing more sophisticated phylogenetic analyses. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA operon has been designated as the most appropriate DNA barcode for fungal species identification in environmental and clinical samples (Schoch et al., 2012) and has been most frequently used for identification (Martin and Rygiewicz, 2005; Bouchara et al., 2009; Leake et al., 2009). Some of the limitations of this region include (1) insufficient variability to delineate the various species in the Aspergillus and Fusarium species complexes (Balajee et al., 2009); (2) heterozygosity of this locus in Rhizopus species (Woo et al., 2010); and (3) problems with the reliability of the ITS sequences deposited in the reference databases (e.g., NIH’s Genbank). In consideration of these limitations, a staged sequenceebased identification strategy had been previously proposed (Balajee et al., 2009). Additional studies employ various other tools that exploit the variability of the ITS region for fungal identification, including targeted qPCR and targeted amplified sequencing for community analysis (Leake et al., 2009; VargasGastelum et al., 2015; Nash et al., 2017; Hern andez-Santos and Klein, 2017; Byrd et al., 2018). Further resolution can be obtained from comparative sequence analyses of other conserved genes with known variable regions, including elongation factor 1 alpha (Stielow et al., 2015); publicly available sequence databases are starting to include such targets, such as the ISHAM Barcoding Database (http://its.mycologylab.org/). The ongoing debate about taxonomy and nomenclature of fungi complicates interpretations of sequence data. In 2012, an old taxonomic rule, which required two different names for sexual and asexual stages of the same fungus, was abolished putting fungal taxonomy on par with the


other biologic kingdoms. The acceptance of the “one fungus, one name” rule (Taylor, 2011) facilitated the major overhaul of fungal nomenclature, which led to the renaming of many fungal genera and abolishment of some familiar names creating some misunderstanding among clinicians and other end users of fungal nomenclature. The name change process was exacerbated by the fact that most public databases were slow to update names often containing references to both old and new names making molecular identification especially difficult (Robert et al., 2013). At about the same time, the advancements in genomic-based typing methods prompted research into population and phylogenetic structures of many fungal pathogens, which resulted in the reevaluation of the established phylogenies and identification of numerous genetically distinct cryptic species. This development created yet another overhaul of fungal taxonomy and nomenclature and a new wave of the renaming process. As the result, many familiar species were split into several new species, for example, Cryptococcus gattii was recently proposed to be split into four new species and Cryptococcus neoformans into three species (Hagen et al., 2015). In addition, many established genera were also split and renamed to better reflect the evolutionary relationships among the taxonomic units. For example, a well-known pathogen Penicillium marneffei became Talaromyces marneffei, whose name was not familiar to many clinicians (Samson et al., 2011), and there is an ongoing debate about splitting and renaming the genus Aspergillus as well as several other genera (Pitt and Taylor, 2014; De Hoog et al., 2015). Although this debate helps to bring mycology into the 21st century, the continuously changing taxonomy and nomenclature creates challenges with interpretation of molecular data, especially because many public databases often lag behind the renaming process (De Hoog et al., 2015).

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10. Genomic epidemiology and forensics of fungal pathogens

Genomic epidemiology in action Ubiquitous in the environment, fungi have been implicated in numerous outbreaks in the community and in hospitals. In outbreak investigations, determining the source and route of transmission often requires detailed epidemiological investigation supported by appropriate laboratory strategies for determining strain relatedness. Next-generation sequencing analyses allow for accurate and discriminatory genomic typing of fungal species that lack existing genotyping methods. Many large fungal outbreaks, for example, the 2006 Fusarium keratitis outbreak (Chang et al., 2006), 2012 US outbreak of fungal meningitis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012; Litvintseva et al., 2014a), and other outbreaks (Litvintseva et al., 2015) were understood and controlled only with the use of appropriate molecular and genomic epidemiology tools. Molecular epidemiology guides outbreak investigations: Fusarium and Bipolaris Fusarium species are filamentous fungi commonly found in the environment, particularly in soil, on plants, and in water systems and can cause a spectrum of diseases in humans ranging from superficial, invasive, to disseminated infections via inhalation, ingestion, or direct inoculation. In 2005e06, a highly publicized keratitis outbreak spanned multiple states in the United States, concurrently affecting individuals in Hong Kong and Singapore (Chang et al., 2006). In the United States, the outbreak resulted in vision loss or the need for corneal transplant in over a third of the individuals affected. A caseecontrol study conducted by the CDC determined the most likely exposures associated with disease to be contact lens wear and the use of a particular brand of contact lens cleaning solution. Molecular strain typing using multilocus sequence typing (MLST, a genotyping technique that relies on sequencing of limited number of conserved loci from each

organism) demonstrated high genotypic heterogeneity within the isolates, highlighting the presence of multiple sources of contamination and ruling out the possibility of intrinsic contamination of the contact lens solution (Chang et al., 2006). From these findings, it was hypothesized that the chemical composition of the contact lens solution allowed for the growth of the fungus naturally found in these home environments, but was otherwise microbiologically sterile, resulting in the discontinuation of the entire product line. Bipolaris species, which has recently been renamed Curvularia, are dark pigmented plant pathogenic fungi that can occasionally cause human-invasive infections in patients with compromised immune systems. In 2013, a cluster of highly unusual surgical site infections caused by Bipolaris sp. was identified among pediatric and adult cardiothoracic surgery patients in 10 hospitals in Texas, Arkansas, and Florida, and the retrospective analysis uncovered additional cases back into 2008 (Vallabhaneni et al., 2016). Such a large number of the highly unusual infections in the same type of patients immediately raised the public health alarm, CDC was contacted and a contaminated medication or product was suspected. However, the subsequent epidemiological investigation failed to identify a common product shared by all patients. Furthermore, similarly to keratitis outbreak, molecular epidemiological investigation using MLST identified four different species and multiple strains causing infections, with no two isolates sharing the same MLST profile (Pham et al., 2015). These data refuted the original hypothesis about the point source of the outbreak and suggested multiple on-site infections possibly from environmental contamination. The reason for the unusual spike of this rare fungal infection remains unknown; however, Bipolaris and Curvularia are common endophytes of grasses and are frequently isolated from the environment. It is possible that a spike of conidia in the air caused this

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unusual cluster. Environmental surveys looking at the prevalence of different fungal species in the air samples may help to solve this conundrum. Whole genome sequencing helps to link fungal outbreaks to contaminated products: Exserohilum, Sarocladium, and Exophiala Federal murder trial

E. rostratum is a dark pigmented filamentous fungus found in soil in tropical and subtropical regions and is not typically a human pathogen. However, this fungus was the etiologic agent at the center of the largest and deadliest outbreak associated with contaminated medications in the US history, which sickened over 700 and eventually killed 76 people in 12 states (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012; Smith et al., 2015). Before 2012, fewer than 50 cases of E. rostratum infections had been reported (Katragkou et al., 2014); however, in 2012e13, this fungus caused a highly publicized outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections associated with contaminated injectable steroids. Victims were infected by receiving injections of contaminated methylprednisolone solution used for treatment of back and join pain (Pappas et al., 2013). The tainted solution was produced by the now defunct New England Compounding Center in Framingham, MA. Gross violations of manufacturing sanitary practices were discovered during the investigation, leading to federal charges of second degree murder and other crimes, resulting in prosecution and ultimate conviction of the company owner, the chief pharmacist and other employees on multiple counts of racketeering and fraud. Several genomic epidemiology and molecular forensic techniques were implemented during the outbreak response. To assist with identification of the infected patients, novel PCR assays for E. rostratum were developed and implemented (Gade et al., 2013, 2014). Critically, genomic epidemiology employing WGST was


used to confirm the potential source of the outbreak (Litvintseva et al., 2014a). That analysis identified only 0e3 SNPs among 30 isolates originating from multiple lots of the medication and from the infected patients across multiple states, while tens of thousands of SNPs were identified between any two unrelated isolates of the same species (Litvintseva et al., 2014a) (Fig. 10.2), which provided an unequivocal confirmation of the origin of the strain infecting the patients. Of note, this marks the first-time molecular evidence using whole genome sequencing data from a fungus was used as evidence both in a murder trial and in US federal court. Sarocladium deaths in pediatric cancer patients

Sarocladium kiliense is a filamentous fungus found in soil and water that can occasionally cause human infections. In 2014, this fungus was implicated in a multinational outbreak of bloodstream infections in Latin America, which affected 66 pediatric and 2 adult cancer patients from several hospitals in Chile and Colombia. The outbreak was epidemiologically linked to the use of intravenous antinausea medication (i.e., ondansetron) produced by a single pharmaceutical company in Colombia. Whole genome sequencing was also used to demonstrate that patient isolates from both Chile and Colombia, as well as isolates obtained from multiple lots of medication vials, were genetically indistinguishable. No more than 5 SNPs were found between the genomes of isolates from patients and vials in the two countries, whereas greater than 20K SNPs were found between each of the background isolates of S. kiliense that could be obtained (Etienne et al., 2016). Again, genomic epidemiology was critical in confirming the point source of this multinational outbreak (Etienne et al., 2016). Part of that investigation included retrospective whole genome sequencing of two isolates from a 1993 endophthalmitis outbreak of S. kiliense that were thought to be closely related, but molecular genotyping tools at the time of investigation were lacking

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10. Genomic epidemiology and forensics of fungal pathogens

Exophiala in an NYC oncology clinic


A whole genome sequence typing (WGST) phylogeny from the fungal meningitis epidemiological and forensic case investigation involving methylprednisolone contaminated with Exserohilum rostratum. Red circle contains the nearly identical genomes from isolates obtained from six vials of contaminated drug, originating from two separate lots, and from 19 patients infected across five states. Image adapted from Litvintseva, A.P., Hurst, S., Gade, L., Frace, M.A., Hilsabeck, R., Schupp, J.M., et al., 2014a. Whole genome analysis of Exserohilum rostratum from the outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections. J. Clin. Microbiol. 52 (9), 3216e3222.

(Fridkin, 1996). The whole genome sequence analysis showed that the two 1993 case isolates only differed from each other by one SNP (Etienne et al., 2016), providing empirical evidence of a point source exposure in that “cold case” investigation.

Exophiala dermatitidis is another dark pigmented fungus found in the environment that was recently implicated in another outbreak of bloodstream infections associated with the compounded medications (Vasquez et al., 2017). In 2016, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene notified CDC about four cases of E. dermatitidis in patients who received care in an outpatient oncology clinic. Further investigation identified 11 additional cases in patients attending the same clinic and receiving intravenous flush solution compounded on site. Near-genetic identity among clinical isolates (0e2 SNPS) were identified between any two isolates from the outbreak, while large differences were detected among the control strains unrelated to this outbreak (Vasquez et al., 2017). Unlike the previously described outbreaks of Exserohilum and Sarocladium, in which isolates from contaminated medications were available for testing, no fungal cultures were recovered from the clinic, although the epidemiological investigation pointed to a contaminated IV flash solution compounded and stored in a 1-L bag in a refrigerator for many weeks in the clinic and accessed multiple times daily to flush venous catheters. The use of whole genome sequencing on only patient isolates, joined with the epidemiologic exposure analysis, allowed for the confirmation of the point source of this outbreak.

Conclusions This is an exciting era for molecular mycology with thousands of whole genomes becoming available, and numerous novel and innovative molecular/genomic technologies are already in use for the detection, identification, and population structure analyses of these complex organisms. Genomic epidemiology is still in its early stages; however, it is clear that the empirical forensic investigations made possible by whole

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genome analyses illustrate the future of this field. The forensic, public health, mycology, and genomics communities will need to consider not only the utility of different sequence platforms and bioinformatic analysis tools but also the advances in science that are leading toward (1) comprehensive global and local population analyses; (2) confident case inclusion and exclusion; and (3) exact sample matching and source attribution. Challenges in genome data storage, curation, and sharing still need to be overcome for wide-scale adoption and regular utilization of genomics for surveillance and forensics; however, automated analysis and cloud-based storage are quickly bridging these gaps.

Disclaimer The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC.

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II. Applications of microbial forensics


11 Forensic human identification using skin microbiome genetic signatures Sarah E. Schmedes1, August Woerner2,3, Bruce Budowle4 1

Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD, United States; 2Center for Human Identification, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States; 3 Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States; 4Center for Human Identification, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Introduction In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the United States was subjected to a bioterrorist attack. Letters containing spores of the Ames strain of Bacillus anthracis were sent to several media and political offices on the east coast of the United States. At the time it was unknown if the 9e11 attacks and the anthrax letter attack were related or were perpetrated by separate, independent actors. Due to the serious nature and exigent circumstances at the time, the United States responded on a number of fronts to investigate the bioterrorist act, and one major effort was to employ forensic science to characterize the biological material to support the investigation and hopefully, to identify the perpetrator(s) (Morse and Budowle, 2006). However, the microbial forensic science capabilities in 2001 were not well-developed and lacked the ability to rapidly sequence the genome(s) of the “bioweapon” placed in the letters. The necessary tools were

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00011-8

not available in the FBI Laboratory to identify the unique or differentiating features that may be contained within the nucleic acids of the microbiological materials. To characterize the forensic genetic evidence within the letters, the U.S. government sought out a specialized genomics institute, the Institute of Genome Research (TIGR), which had the requisite expertise and facilities to sequence the genome of the B. anthracis strain used in the attack. Although TIGR was considered one of the world leaders in genomics and sequencing, it took about 3 months and about $250,000 to obtain the first sequence of the B. anthracis Ames strain from the letter attacks and the selected reference samples (Institute of Medicine, 2013; Rasko et al., 2011; Read et al., 2002; Schmedes et al., 2016). This task and effort were not trivial, and certainly, genome sequencing was not an approach that would be used for routine forensic analyses of microbiological evidence.


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11. Forensic human identification using skin microbiome genetic signatures

None the less, the anthrax letter attacks demonstrated the vulnerability of the nation, if not the world, to bioterrorism attacks. The United States began enhancing its forensic capabilities, instituted a microbiological forensics program, and the field of microbial forensics was born (Budowle et al., 2003). Microbial forensics uses scientific means to characterize microorganisms and their products for attribution purposes in a biological terrorist attack, biocrime, hoax, or accidental release of a biological agent (Budowle et al., 2003). Even with the substantial resources mustered at the time of the attack, it was not conceivable that routine genome sequencing could be performed. However, advances in technology, in particular massively parallel sequencing (MPS) and bioinformatics, have substantially expanded capabilities to sequence the microbial genomes, as well as metagenomes. Metagenomics determines the genomics of a community, in which, its various microbial members are simultaneously characterized genetically. Initially, metagenomics referred to microbial communities sampled from the environment, but it can be applied to any ecosystem. The substantial increased throughput, reduced cost, and continued development of powerful bioinformatics pipelines make MPS a viable technology for whole genome (or targeted) sequencing (J€ unemann et al., 2013; Margulies et al., 2005; Merriman and Rothberg, 2012; Metzker, 2010; Quail et al., 2012; Seneca et al., 2015). MPS and bioinformatics pipelines may be used to characterize microbes, abundant or trace, degraded or intact, and even genetically engineered genomes with one unifying approach. Indeed, several years ago at the onset of MPS, Cummings et al. (2010) demonstrated the utility of MPS to rapidly and reliably sequence several whole genomes at a substantial reduction in cost compared with that of the first B. anthracis Ames strain. Since then epidemiologists have applied MPS to several outbreak investigations (Cella et al., 2017; Chin et al., 2011; Durand et al., 2018; Grad et al., 2012; Mellmann et al., 2011; Gardy et al., 2011; Houlihan et al., 2018; Lienau et al., 2011; Eyre

et al., 2012; Koser et al., 2012), and MPS has become the routine method for the genetic analyses of foodborne pathogens by the FDA (Allard et al., 2018). A little over a decade ago, there were about 300 sequenced prokaryotic genomes in publicly accessible databases (Fraser-Liggett, 2005). Today, 63,771 bacterial1610 archaea, 705 eukaryote, and 8388 virus genomes have been sequenced at the finished, permanent draft, and draft status (Joint Genome Institute, 2017), and the number continues to increase rapidly. This increase of sequenced genomes in public databases allows for improved characterization of environmental metagenomes and microbiomes and for the detection of previously uncharacterized taxa (Human Microbiome Jumpstart Reference Strains Consortium, 2010). The increased throughput and decreased cost of sequencing have increased the size and representation of microbial diversity in public genomic databases, including the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Genbank (Benson et al., 2015), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) (Amid et al., 2012), and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) (Kodama et al., 2012). The Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea (GEBA) project expanded the diversity of microbial species in databases (Wu et al., 2009, Kyrpides et al., 2014a,b, Whitman et al., 2015). Large-scale metagenomics studies, such as the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) (Human Microbiome Project Consortium 2012a,b) and the Earth Microbiome Project (EMP) (Gilbert et al., 2014), were initiated to provide baseline data of microbial life in and on the human body and within environmental ecosystems around the globe, respectively. Currently, 20,199 metagenome datasets are publicly available on the Integrated Microbial Genomes & Microbiome Samples (IMG/M) databases (Markowitz et al., 2012). Numerous bioinformatics programs have been developed to support the analysis of single genomes and simple-to-complex metagenomes. Thus, today microbial forensic scientists can sequence

II. Applications of microbial forensics


Human microbiome

genomes relatively quickly and at a fraction of the cost (20,000 protein-coding genes (Human Microbiome Project Consortium 2012a,b; Clamp et al., 2007). This increase in genetic complement contributes to essential bodily functions, such as metabolism, digestion, and immune response and plays a vital role in disease and health status (Cho and Blaser, 2012). The NIH (National Institutes of Health) Human Microbiome Project (HMP) generated a baseline of healthy human microbiomes of various body sites, including the skin, nasal/respiratory tract, oral, gut, and urogenital tract, and characterized the taxonomic diversity and abundances of microbial species at each site (Human Microbiome Project Consortium. 2012a,b). The microbiome differs vastly in species composition and abundance at different areas of the body, and distinct microbial community signatures are specific to

II. Applications of microbial forensics


11. Forensic human identification using skin microbiome genetic signatures

changing abundances depending on various factors such as age, geography, diet, hygiene, health and antibiotic use (Turnbaugh et al., 2009; Yatsunenko et al., 2012; Fierer et al., 2008; Jakobsson et al., 2010). Variation and alterations of the human microbiome also have been associated and linked with conditions such as obesity (Turnbaugh et al., 2006, 2009), cancer (Ahn et al., 2013), irritable bowel syndrome (Kassinen et al., 2007), metabolic syndrome (Tilg, 2010), and bacterial vaginosis (Lambert et al., 2013), to name a few. Notably, microbiomes have been shown to harbor microbial community signatures that differ among individuals (Califf et al., 2014), indicating that microbiomes could be highly individualizing and potentially unique to each individual. Thus, analysis of the human microbiome may be applicable to forensic purposes such as for host attribution of touch DNA.

Human identity testing

FIGURE 11.1 Expanded human and investigative forensic testing using human genome and human microbiome genetic markers. Figure adapted from Schmedes, S., Sajantila, A., Budowle, B., 2016 Expansion of microbial forensics. J. Clin. Microbiol. 54 (8), 1964e1974.

particular body sites (Human Microbiome Project Consortium. 2012a,b; Costello et al., 2009). Human microbiomes consist of both relatively stable and transient microorganisms with

Cells and free DNA can be transferred from an individual to another individual or object. These touch DNA samples may be characterized to determine the identity of an individual(s) who may have touched an object at a crime scene. Current human forensic typing methods use a defined set of short tandem repeats (STR) (see references within Budowle et al., 2004; Budowle and Eisenberg, 2007, Chakraborty et al., 1999) and are beginning to use single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (see references within Budowle and van Daal, 2008; Churchill et al., 2017) markers to determine the identity of an individual. However, in many cases the amount of DNA left behind on an object is too low (i.e., low copy number or low template (LCN) DNA) to generate a complete (or even partial) genetic profile. Various methods have been used in LCN DNA typing to attempt to enhance the signal of a genetic profile using methods, which include sample dilution to reduce inhibition, sample concentration, increased number of polymerase chain

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Human host attribution

reaction (PCR) cycles, whole-genome amplification, postPCR purification, and increased injection times during capillary electrophoresis (CE) (Budowle et al., 2009). However, each LCN typing method has limitations and is susceptible to exacerbated stochastic effects. LCN typing methods and interpretation have been controversial at times and have had only limited success. Alternative methods using high-copy number markers, such as the hypervariable regions of the mitochondrial genome (Wilson et al., 1995) (and soon to be whole mitochondrial genome King et al., 2014), are typically used in cases with highly degraded or LCN DNA, such as unidentified skeletal remains. However, the discrimination power of the hypervariable regions is limited, and until recently, it was not possible to deconvolute mitochondrial DNA mixtures. Humans shed microbial cells from skin surfaces onto touched items, which leave traces of the microbe’s genetic material. Since microbial cells generally outnumber human cells, (i.e., the typical number of bacterial cells from a single swab and scraping from a finger can range from w10,000 bacteria/cm2 to w50,000 bacteria/cm2, respectively Grice et al., 2008), it is plausible that microbial genetic profiling can be used alone or in conjunction with human DNA typing for forensic human identity purposes. Combining human and microbial markers has the potential to have a higher typing success rate and to be a more robust assay. In addition, potentially more information could be retrieved from microbial DNA profiles, such as recent geolocation and drug network associations (Quagliarello et al., 2002).

Human host attribution The ideas that microbiomes are personal and unique to an individual and that their signatures can be exploited for forensic human identification have been supported to varying degrees. Studies using unsupervised machine learning methods


have demonstrated that skin microbiome signatures detected from touched objects resemble signatures collected from their respective donors (Fierer et al., 2010; Goga, 2012; Meadow et al., 2014). Briefly, unsupervised methods are primarily used for dimension reduction and data visualization and are conducted without utilizing information on the dependent variable (that is, the identity of the host individual) (Fig. 11.2). Fierer et al. (2010) demonstrated that skinassociated bacterial communities collected from touched objects, such as computer mice and keyboards, could be linked back to the owners. Goga (2012) demonstrated that in most cases, bacterial communities collected from shoes resembled skin bacterial communities of the wearers of the shoes. More recent studies have utilized supervised machine learning approaches for purposes of microbial human identification (Franzosa et al., 2015; Lax et al., 2015; Williams and Gibson, 2017; Schmedes et al., 2017b). Supervised methods are used for prediction and utilize information on both the dependent and independent variables (Fig. 11.2). Supervised learning includes regression (including linear regression), which is used for predicting continuous variables, and classification to predict categorical variables. Franzosa et al. (2015) used an implicit hitting set approach to identify minimum cardinality sets of presence/absence features, such as cladespecific markers and 1 kb genomic windows, to identify strain-level metagenomics codes specific to individuals. More than 80% of individuals could be identified using codes from gut microbiome samples; however, only w30% of individuals could be identified using skin microbiomes (i.e., from anterior nares) sampled over 30e300 days. Lax et al. (2015) and Williams and Gibson (2017) applied random decision forests using operational taxonomic units from 16S rRNA sequences to differentiate individuals using skin microbiome samples. Lax et al. (2015) performed a study of trace microbiome sampling from phones and shoes (and associated floor samples), as well as sampling from phones and shoes

II. Applications of microbial forensics


11. Forensic human identification using skin microbiome genetic signatures


Comparison of supervised and unsupervised learning. The unsupervised method (left) is an example of a principal component analysis, which is used to visualize linear combinations of independent variables. Blue circles represent potential clusters, which may or may not correspond to class labels. The supervised method (right) depicts inferred lines (more generally, hyperplanes) computed by a supervised classifier to separate data points based on the known class labels (e.g., body site). If an unknown test sample was introduced in the model, the classification assigned to the unknown variable would be in relation to the decision boundaries.

of individuals in three different geographical regions. They were able to associate skin microbiomes samples collected from phone surfaces (i.e., face and hand skin microbiome touch samples) to the owner of the phone with 96.3% accuracy; however, the majority of samples collected from each participant represented a single time point, a limitation shared with the results obtained by Williams and Gibson (2017).

Methodologies Studies to characterize the microbiome primarily have used one of two approaches: targeted 16S rRNA or whole-genome shotgun sequencing (WGS). Depending on the method used, different types of data may be generated and inferred for microbiome characterization. The characterization strategies employ the use of taxonomic classification of the whole microbial community, abundance ratios, alpha and beta diversities of the communities, functional gene content, and identification of specific genetic markers, including antibiotic resistance and virulence markers (Human Microbiome Project

Consortium, 2012b; Sommer et al., 2009; Segata et al., 2013). The choice for using one method over another (i.e., targeted 16S rRNA vs. WGS) depends on the types of data required, the research question, throughput requirements and/or limitations, and cost. The 16S rRNA gene encodes for the ribosomal RNA found in the small prokaryotic ribosomal subunit (30S). This locus is a common marker used for bacterial identification and phylogenetic characterization for bacterial metagenomic studies by identifying operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The gene consists of both conserved and variable regions allowing for conserved primer design across species. A substantial number of 16S rRNA studies and available databases (e.g., the Ribosomal Database Project Cole et al., 2014; Greengenes DeSantis et al., 2006; SILVA Quast et al., 2013) add to the appeal of using this marker for metagenomic applications. Targeted 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing was one of the main approaches used to determine taxonomic composition and diversity of human microbiomes as part of the NIH microbiome project (Human Microbiome Project Consortium, 2012a,b). However, there

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Targeted multiplex panel of clade-specific markers

are several limitations to using 16S rRNA alone (Schmedes et al., 2016). These limitations include insufficient genus or species resolution (Janda and Abbott, 2007), PCR bias (Suzuki and Giovannoni, 1996; Soergel et al., 2012), copy number variation (Klappenbach et al., 2000), sequence variability within a single bacterium (Wang et al., 1997), inaccurate phylogenetic relationships (Fox et al., 1992), and being subject to horizontal gene transfer (Asai et al., 1999; Schouls et al., 2003). As such, 16S rRNA can produce a misleading or inaccurate characterization of the metagenome. WGS metagenomics is an alternative approach to that of targeting the 16S rRNA gene. The shotgun approach provides the theoretical ability to sequence the entire genome (DNA or RNA) of a single microorganism or an entire metagenome of many microorganisms in a given sample. Being more comprehensive in coverage, WGS could provide species or strain level characterization, functional gene content, potential assembly of whole genomes, and identification of informative markers for antibiotic resistance and virulence genes, which is not feasible by single-marker analyses. However, WGS also has limitations. With WGS a given number of reads are obtained per run. As such, the larger the genome(s) characterized, the less read depth will be obtained for any particular site. This limitation potentially reduces the confidence of a base call from sequence data and can miss informative sites for speciation, strain resolution or functionality studies (which can impact accuracy of, for example, presence/ absence features). Therefore, the possibility of detecting species or strain-specific markers is reduced greatly. Highly complex metagenomic samples can contain thousands of species within a sample, therefore, making it difficult to obtain complete coverage of any one genome, especially those at low abundance. Depending on the complexity of the sample sequence, reads generated for lower abundant species (and even high abundant species) may not be obtained or may be limited. The informative targets may be


stochastically compromised and, although present in a sample, not detected by WGS. Various properties (or features) of the skin microbiome have been used with the unsupervised and supervised methods described above. Strain-level information from WGS metagenomics provide higher resolution than 16S rRNA based features, such as terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles (Goga, 2012, Nishi et al., 2014, 2017), OTUs abundances (Franzosa et al., 2015; Lax et al., 2015; Leake et al., 2016; Meadow et al., 2014, 2015; Williams and Gibson, 2017), and biological community distances (e.g., UniFrac distance) (Fierer et al., 2010, Lax et al., 2015). The greatest temporal stability of strainlevel features includes Propionibacterium acnes single-nucleotide variant (SNV) profiles (Oh et al., 2016) and gene-level features, including clade-specific markers and 1 kb genomic windows (Franzosa et al., 2015). Strain-level heterogeneity, measured by nucleotide diversity (as described by Nayfach and Pollard (2015)), also has shown to be greater between individuals than within an individual. Strain-level features likely are more appropriate for human identification using skin microbiomes.

Targeted multiplex panel of clade-specific markers An alternative metagenomics approach for human host identification could be a hybrid of 16S rRNA and WGS methods, i.e., enrichment and sequencing of a limited set of targeted, informative markers. Enrichment and sequencing of selected, informative markers has been shown to provide a degree of individual resolution of skin microbiomes that is robust enough for forensic applications. This approach allows for sufficient coverage of informative sites, even from body sites with low-abundant taxa. If the signatures are stable for a period of time (say a few months to a few years), the method could be useful for human identification. This method

II. Applications of microbial forensics


11. Forensic human identification using skin microbiome genetic signatures

could provide an independent or orthogonal approach that can be used in addition to standard human forensic typing methods. Recent work has focused on the development of a novel approach for human identification using stable, universal clade-specific markers from skin microbiomes. The identification of abundant and stable microorganisms would be the most desirable for human host attribution. Publicly available shotgun metagenomic datasets generated from skin microbiome samples can be analyzed for candidates and their clade-specific markers. The skin microbiome is comprised of four dominant phyla: Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes; and numerous other phyla have been detected in lower abundances (Fierer et al., 2008; Grice et al., 2009). As many as 19 phyla and 205 genera have been reported colonizing the skin (Grice et al., 2009), although these values vary depending on the study, sample cohort, and methodology used. The dominant genera of the skin microbiome include Proprionibacterium, Staphylococcus, and Corynebacterium (Fierer et al., 2008; Grice et al., 2009; Mathieu et al., 2013; Oh et al., 2014, 2016; Li et al., 2013). Overall, the skin microbiome is taxonomically more variable than the oral or gut microbiome (Flores et al., 2014). Although exposed externally, portions of the skin microbiome are highly stable and unique to an individual (Oh et al., 2016). Even after hand washing, microbial communities return to normal levels relatively quickly (Fierer et al., 2008). Thus, there appear to be requisite taxa for potential human identification. Schmedes et al. (2017a) described a novel approach to characterize skin microbiomes, in which, they used supervised learning to attribute skin microbial signatures to their respective individual hosts for potential forensic identification applications. Initially, publicly available shotgun metagenomic datasets generated from skin microbiome samples collected from 14 body sites from 12 individuals, sampled over three time points over the course of w3-year

period (Oh et al., 2016), were mined to identify stable, universal microbial markers. Supervised learning methods, specifically regularized multinomial logistic regression (RMLR) and 1-nearestneighbor (1NN) classification, were performed using two feature types derived from skin microbiomes signatures, Propionibacterium acnes pangenome gene presence/absence features and nucleotide diversity of universal clade-specific markers to classify skin microbiomes to their respective host individuals. 1NN predicts the state of a categorical variable (e.g., an individual), to which the classifier is blind, by assigning it [the label to that of its closest point] (i.e., its 1nearest-neighbor), with close being defined by the Euclidean distance function in the work of Schmedes et al. (2017a,b). RMLR predicts a categorical variable (e.g., an individual) using a multinomial logistic regression that has been regularized. Feature selection (attribute selection) was used to identify subsets of features, which provide similar prediction accuracies compared to using all features. Feature selection helps reduce noise and eliminate features that do not contribute to the performance of the classifier. A subset of markers was developed into a novel targeted metagenomics panel to generate individual-specific skin microbiome profiles to use for human identification. Building on their initial work, Schmedes et al. (2017a) developed a novel targeted panel, the hidSkinPlex, a multiplexed targeted amplicon MPS assay for skin microbiome profiling for forensic human identification. The hidSkinPlex is comprised of 282 bacterial and four phage markers from 22 family-, genus-, species-, and subspecies-level clades. These markers were based on a reanalysis of the data of Oh et al. (2016) as described in Schmedes et al. (2017a,b), to identify candidate markers that would differentiate individuals based on their unique skin microbiome profiles. The performance of the hidSkinPlex was evaluated using bacterial control samples to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the panel, amplification (or coverage) and

II. Applications of microbial forensics

Targeted multiplex panel of clade-specific markers

read depth of each marker, and uniformity of read depth across markers. To further evaluate the performance of the hidSkinPlex for prediction purposes, it was used to generate marker profiles from skin swab samples collected from eight individuals and three body sites (in triplicate). RMLR and 1NN were performed to attribute skin microbiome samples to their donor hosts. Classification was assessed for each body site and all samples together, regardless of body site. Skin microbiomes from their respective donors were identified with ca. 92%, 96%, and 100% accuracy using samples from the foot, manubrium, and hand, respectively. Additional prediction strategies to predict the host of a sample have been evaluated (Woerner et al., 2019). These include: (1) phylogenetic distance using the premise that microbes within samples from an individual are more closely related than microbes between/ among individuals; and (2) population genetic measures of diversity of clade-specific markers that assess microbial composition and quantification (see Fig. 11.3 for example of accuracy of hand sample to host classification). Additionally, skin


microbiomes were classified with ca. 97% accuracy when the body site was unknown; the body site origin could be predicted with ca. 86% accuracy. Notably, the hidSkinPlex system was able to detect taxa on the foot that were not found to be present on the foot in the publicly accessible WGS data (Oh et al., 2016; Schmedes et al., 2017a). This finding demonstrated the sensitivity of a targeted enrichment approach to characterize human microbiome samples. The results suggest that additional taxa are present on the foot but below analytical detection levels using the WGS methodology. However, by reducing the number of targets (to the universal subset of 286 markers or less with feature selection) and employing PCR amplification, greater read depth can be obtained. By doing so, stochastic effects may be ameliorated to some degree making it conceivable that a single marker panel can be developed that would identify the host of microbe communities derived from different places on the human skin.

FIGURE 11.3 Classification accuracy of the hand microbiome to host as a function of nearest neighbor (NN) and reverse nearest neighbor (rNN) distance based on either a phylogenetic (patristic) or nucleotide diversity strategy. The number (e.g., 153) is the sample size used; standard errors are 95% confidence intervals from the binomial. Pi (p) ¼ population heterozygosity.

II. Applications of microbial forensics


11. Forensic human identification using skin microbiome genetic signatures

During the analyses using the hidSkinPlex, there were examples of misclassifications, as there are with other studies, of microbiome sample to host, in which, replicate swabbings from the same body part, such as the hand, were more distant than between individuals. It is possible that the two individuals may be closely related (i.e., their microbiomes have a recent common ancestry) and/or that some of the features selected may, at times, confound classification. Woerner et al. (2019) have investigated this issue with the hidSkinPlex markers by computing FST on variable sites both between replicate swabbings of an individual and the misclassified nearest individual. FST is a measure of population differentiation due to the genetic structure, which can be estimated by contrasting the number of pairwise differences within populations compared to the number of pairwise differences between populations (Hudson et al., 1992). The concept is very similar to the use of FST for the selection of human genetic markers for forensic identification purposes (Zeng et al., 2016). Low FST markers have been better suited for identity testing, while high FST markers are more applicable to determining population affinity (i.e., bioancestry). Differentiating (or associating) microbiome communities and their hosts is more analogous to the latter application for human identity testing. The features with FST values 2000 bases in length and with large numbers of target molecules. Degraded forensic DNA samples often do not meet these requirements (Hughes and Lasken, 2005). In contrast, PCR-based WGA methods have been reported to be less dependent on high quality and quantity DNA templates, which may be useful when typing degraded samples. Degenerate-oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOPPCR) is an example of a WGA PCRebased method that may be used to analyze poor quality biological samples (Arneson et al., 2008; Cheung

and Nelson, 1996; Grant et al., 2002; Kiss et al., 2002; Telenius et al., 1992). Initially described in 1992, DOP-PCR provides complete coverage of the genome(s) within a single reaction (Telenius et al., 1992). DOP-PCR is similar to traditional PCR except that DOP-PCR employs only a single primer unlike the specific target primer pair used in traditional PCR. An example of a DOP-PCR primer is 50 -CCGACTCGAGNNNNN0 NATGTGG-3 , which is comprised of highly defined sequences at both the 50 and 30 ends with a degenerate (random) sequence between them. Telenius et al. (1992) reported that the defined sequences on the terminal ends of the primer are critical to the efficiency and success of DOP-PCR for WGA. There are two cycling stages in DOP-PCR, low-stringency PCR cycles followed by high-stringency cycles. Initially, the low-stringency cycles ensure the annealing of the defined 30 -end sequence to approximately 106 different complementary sites throughout the human genome. Once the 30 sequence anneals, the adjacent degenerate hexamer binds to initiate the DOP-PCR for WGA. The 50 defined sequence allows for efficient annealing of the primer to previously amplified DNA, thus, permitting higher annealing temperatures for the higher-stringency cycles. Attempts have been made to improve the DOP-PCR process

III. Methodology

13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

by modifying the degenerate (random) hexamer sequence on the DOP-PCR primer with some success (Ambers et al., 2016). Modifications to the degenerate portion of the primer allowed for better typing results for environmentally damaged bloodstains and human skeletal remains varying in age from contemporary human skeletal remains to American Civil War Era bones. However, in some instances, the original DOP-PCR primer displayed better performance than the modified primer (Ambers et al., 2016). DOP-PCR may be able to amplify regions of DNA that are not substantially degraded; however, it does not provide a substantial increase in sensitivity of detection to be applicable to the analysis of trace microbial nucleic acids. Although DOP-PCR appeared to be a WGA method that was able to improve typing success for poor quality DNA samples, MDA (another WGA technique) may be more robust because of its higher fidelity and processivity (Dean et al., 2002; Giardina et al., 2009; Hughes and Lasken, 2005; Nelson et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 1992). MDA is a method that amplifies low amounts of DNA by annealing random hexamer primers to a template (genomic DNA) and copies the template typically using the F29 DNA polymerase under isothermal conditions. Unfortunately, because MDA requires relatively intact single-stranded DNA templates for amplification, it is not applicable for the analysis of trace, degraded samples. With modification to the template sequences, however, MDA can function effectively and provide more genetic data from trace and damaged nucleic acid molecules. Rolling circle amplification (RCA) is a highly robust method that was designed for the amplification of a circular template, such as plasmids or viral genomes (Dean et al., 2002; Maragh et al., 2008; Nelson et al., 2002). RCA, a particular form of MDA, performs template copying on circular templates generating linear tandem copies. A circular molecule is essentially an unlimited length linear molecule, and thus


well-suited for MDA. Plasmids and many viral genomes are suitable for RCA without any other sample preparation steps. However, fragmented DNA from microbial forensic trace evidence may not be sufficiently intact (i.e., long unbroken, undamaged strands) and may not be circular; thus, RCA cannot be used directly on the sample. Molecular approaches to circularize available single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) include (1) T4 DNA Ligase, which catalyzes formation of a phosphodiester bond between 50 -phosphate and 30 -hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA or RNA, although not efficiently; (2) CircLigase II (Lucigen; Middelton, WI), an enzyme that circularizes ssDNA through intrastrand ligation, essentially creating an infinite template because there is no end point in a circular molecule (Tate et al., 2012); and (3) molecular inversion probes (MIPs), a circle-based enrichment approach that allows for copying specified targets (e.g., canonical single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) and permits standard PCR amplification of all targets. Of the two enzymatic methods for circularization of ssDNA, T4 DNA Ligase and CircLigase II, T4 DNA Ligase has been reported to be inefficient in the circularization process and it produces concatemers of ssDNA (Kuhn and FrankKamenetskii, 2005). The better approach is using CircLigase II, which is an enzyme that circularizes ssDNA template via intrastrand ligation of the 50 -monophosphate group and the 30 -hydroxyl group (Tate et al., 2012). Single-stranded DNA molecules ranging in length from 15 bases to 1.9 kilobases (kb) can be circularized (Protocol for CircLigase II ssDNA Ligase, https://www. lucigen.com/docs/manuals/MA298ECircLigase-II-ssDNA-Ligase.pdf). The products were shown to be circular by their resistance to exonuclease digestion. Treatment with exonuclease I and III digests remaining linear ssDNA and dsDNA, respectively, but not circular DNA. In addition, Tate et al. (2012) showed that CircLigase II does not generate any linear or circular concatemers under standard reaction

III. Methodology


13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

conditions. Traditional PCR amplification is not possible with highly degraded DNA samples because the homologous regions needed for the flanking primers to anneal and extend the DNA sequence may not be present; however, theoretically, CircLigase II could generate circular ssDNA molecules from the fragments of highly degraded DNA, which could be subsequently amplified by RCA. With circularized templates, RCA can make copies by using short random (degenerate) oligonucleotide primers that bind to just about any template region. Once the degenerate primers anneal to the template, a highly processive DNA polymerase can yield long tandem copies of the template without obstruction (assuming there are no lesions in the template that would cause the polymerase to halt) until the polymerase dissociates from the template after the incorporation of ca. 70,000 bases (Nelson et al., 2002; Polidoros et al., 2006). Essentially, RCA is the continued extension of random oligonucleotide primers that have annealed to a circular template. With a cascade of strand displacement events, continuous, tandem copies of the circular template are synthesized (Fig. 13.2). Dean et al. (2001) recommended the use of exonucleaseresistant random primers for RCA due to the potential for DNA degradation by the 30 e50 exonuclease proofreading activity of the F29 DNA polymerase. To achieve exonuclease-resistance, thiophosphate linkages could be added to the


30 terminal nucleotides. Additionally, higher concentrations of F29 DNA polymerase can be added to the RCA reaction to increase the yield of the amplification product (Dean et al., 2001). An advantage of achieving circularization of short fragments over longer fragments when typing trace, damaged samples is that the nucleic acid template is less likely to contain lesions that could negatively affect RCA. There are a number of commercially available RCA kits that can be used, such as GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit (GE Healthcare; Waltham, MA) and REPLI-g Mini Kit (Qiagen; Valencia, CA). Commercial kits should allow for more consistent reactions among laboratories. Theoretically, all the single-stranded DNA in a sample would be susceptible to circularization. Because of its high throughput, massively parallel sequencing (MPS) could be used to shotgun sequence the entire circularized product. However, the targets may be at low abundance and stochastically may be absent. Moreover, it would be very costly to sequence samples in this fashion as it would likely require one sample at a time to be sequenced. However, the entire genome(s) (or metagenomes) does not need to be examined to determine microbe identity. Specific sites of a genome can be targeted to identify the microbe(s) of interest. Only targets that resolve species/strain level are needed. To target and collectively pool together those specific regions, a method is needed to select for those fragments

Flow diagram depicting rolling circle amplification (Polidoros et al., 2006).

III. Methodology

13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

or circles that contain the particular target sites of interest. Capture, or genomic partitioning, allows for the selection of specific genetic markers amidst the entire genome(s) as well as separation from other microbial DNAs that are abundant in the environment. Ancient DNA typing routinely encounters samples with highly degraded DNA; therefore, researchers have pursued various approaches to optimize the recovery of target DNA. Capture methods to enrich highly degraded endogenous DNA have been


developed; two of these methods have been used with ancient genomic DNA and mitochondrial DNA, respectively (Carpenter et al., 2013; Templeton et al., 2013). Although these methods differ slightly, they both follow the same basic protocols of most capture methods (Figs. 13.3 and 13.4). A reference library is generated based on the desired markers of interest (e.g., target microbial SNPs), which is then fragmented and used to produce a set of RNA probes (or baits) that will hybridize to the specific target(s). All nonbound DNA is washed away leaving, in


Workflow diagram of capture method. Modified from Carpenter, M.L., Buenrostro, J.D., Valdiosera, C., Schroeder, H., Allentoft, M.E., Sikora, M., Rasmussen, M., Gravel, S., Guillen, S., Nekhrizov, G., Leshtakov, K., Dimitrova, D., Theodossiev, N., Pettener, D., Luiselli, D., Sandoval, K., Moreno-Estrada, A., Li, Y., Wang, J., Gilbert, M.T., Willerslev, E., Greenleaf, W.J., Bustamante, C.D., 2013. Pulling out the 1%: whole-genome capture for the targeted enrichment of ancient DNA sequencing libraries. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 93 (5), 852e864.

III. Methodology


13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

FIGURE 13.4 Workflow diagram capture method targeting circularized genomic ssDNA template. Modified from Templeton, J.E.L., Brotherton, P.M., Llamas, B., Soubrier, J., Haak, W., Cooper, A., Austin, J.J., 2013. DNA capture and next-generation sequencing can recover whole mitochondrial genomes from highly degraded samples for human identification. Investig. Genet. 4(1), 26.

III. Methodology

13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

theory, only the targeted (hybridized) DNA. Capture enrichment holds promise for microbial forensic applications because it enables specific targeting and, thus, increased sensitivity of detection with highly degraded samples. Mitochondrial DNA has been analyzed by the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, using a capture-based method to enrich highly degraded DNA from the remains of war dead (Marshall et al., 2017). The procedure is similar to that reported by Templeton et al. (2013), mirroring the developments in the ancient DNA field. While the procedure is low-throughput and labor-intensive, the results, after MPS, were human specific, extremely sensitive, and yielded entire mitogenome data from samples (degraded and chemically treated) that failed to yield reliable sequence data using standard PCR-based methods and Sanger sequencing. Another circle-based enrichment approach involves the use of padlock or MIPs (Hardenbol et al., 2003 and Hardenbol et al., 2005, Li et al., 2009, Turner et al., 2009a and 2009b). A MIP is a single-stranded oligonucleotide that possesses two complementary terminal regions flanking a SNP of interest (Fig. 13.5). When the targetcomplementary regions hybridize to the regions flanking the selected marker, the probe inverts (hence its name). The gap between them is filled with a polymerase and then ligated resulting in the complementary nucleotide of the SNP state of interest being integrated into the circularized MIP. The smaller the gap (ideally one base for SNPs), the shorter the template required for analysis. The circularized MIP dissociates from the target (i.e., by denaturation) (Fig. 13.6).



Exonuclease digestion removes any remaining nonhybridized probe(s). The circular MIP is subsequently linearized by enzymatic cleavage at the probe release cleavage site and then amplified by PCR. PCR primer sites are incorporated into the MIP allowing for efficient and standard PCR conditions. The same PCR primers (i.e., sites) can be used for all SNPs for more efficient replication, more so than a multiplex assay with different primers for each target region (Hardenbol et al., 2003, Hardenbol et al., 2005, Li et al., 2009, Turner et al., 2009a and 2009b). This method works best with SNPs or insertions/deletions (indels) as the target site is small. MIPs are highly specific, in that the probe ends must be close in proximity to each other so that the probe can be circularized and ligated. This feature reduces mismatches and supports efficient ligation. MIPs hybridize directly to genomic material, which is highly favorable for poor quality forensic samples where the DNA may be fragmented and damaged. MIPs can be multiplexed, targeting multiple SNPs within a single reaction. Thus, MIPs, in effect, are a capture assay. The main restriction of MIP design is to meet the short fragment template requirement with the two complementary flanking regions where the probe can hybridize the nearest SNP. To gain additional enrichment by RCA, if the PCR itself is not sufficient to yield necessary product for sequencing, the circularized MIP (with or without PCR primer binding sites) can be subjected to RCA. After MIP enrichment, the products are ready for sequencing by MPS as previously described.

Molecular inversion probe design and structure (Hardenbol et al., 2003).

III. Methodology


13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

1. Probe Annealing

2. Gap Fill- Polymerization

Probe Genomic

3. Probe Ligation

4. Probe Release

5. Exonuclease Digestion

6. Probe Cleavage

7. PCR Amplification


General single-nucleotide polymorphism detection and circular molecule generation when using molecular inversion probes (Hardenbol et al., 2003).

Because the captured/amplified products are complex, the processes themselves may not be highly efficient and may contain other enrichment products than the desired target SNPs. MPS presents an avenue by which these enriched target sites can be investigated. The high throughput of MPS allows for sequencing of the targeted DNA, even if it is not enriched sufficiently. Therefore, even if the assays to enrich the target SNPs are not 100% (or even close to) efficient, the high throughput of MPS can tolerate inefficiency. MPS can sequence the enriched sample (containing the targets) with a

shotgun approach. The targets can be identified among the myriad other nucleic acids using bioinformatic approaches. As stated above, MPS technologies provide a high-throughput platform (J€ unemann et al., 2013, Marguiles et al., 2005, Merriman and Rothberg, 2012, Metzker, 2010, Quail et al., 2008, 2012, Seneca et al., 2015) and combined with bioinformatics tools can facilitate analysis of trace targets. The value of MPS is in its comprehensive depth of coverage and speed in which it can generate results. With the capacity to perform millions of sequencing reactions in a massively

III. Methodology

13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

parallel manner within a single instrument run, multiplex assays can easily be accommodated. Because it is expected that the capture assay or enzymatic circularization will not be 100% efficient or specific as some sequence data will not be of the targeted markers, the highthroughput feature of MPS is highly desired to be able to detect target products as well as determine the level of inefficiency. The sequences containing the off-target regions will not align to genomic references during bioinformatic examination and thus should not confound interpretation; however, they will reduce the maximum coverage of the markers of interest. The highthroughput feature of MPS is necessary to ensure that the targeted fragments are sequenced and that the noise (nontarget sequences) does not obscure the results. MPS offers a substantial improvement in sensitivity of detection, a higher discriminatory power, increased throughput, superior typing of degraded DNA, and a wide dynamic range making these systems ideal for analysis of SNPs in degraded DNA. Although examples of the abovementioned enrichment strategies have not been used in actual microbial forensic casework applications, there have been a number of microbiology studies that employed circularization and RCA to address the challenges of analyzing lowquantity microbial samples. For example, Kang et al. (2011) developed a total transcript amplification assay for a single bacterium, Burkholderia thailandensis. They reported that there was a low fold change in bias and relatively low stochastic effects occurred that resulted in only a 4%e6% dropout rate of detectable genes typed using a microarray. Lamm et al. (2011) (based on a method described by Ingolia et al. (2009)) combined three capture methods followed by MPS to map the transcriptome of Caenorhabditis elegans. One method used direct capture of single-stranded RNA fragments and another exploited PCR of template that had been circularized with CircLigase. These methods provided a more complete map than other


approaches, especially for describing sequences and structures at the 50 ends of fragments. Gunisova et al. (2009) mapped telomere structures in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by reverse transcribing total RNA and then circularizing the cDNA. Fragments containing the ligated ends of the cDNA were amplified by PCR with nested primers and sequenced from both ends of the template (similar in concept to that of the MIPs). Sauvage et al. (2012) studied the family Picornaviridae (nonenveloped, positive singlestranded RNA viruses that can cause several human and animal diseases) in fecal microbiomes of two healthy piglets. They identified a novel viral genome which they named “Pasivirus” for “Parecho sister clade virus, with ‘Swine pasivirus 1’ (SPaV1) as the type species” by circularization of cDNAs, subsequent RCA, and MPS. Similar to that of Lamm et al. (2011), Sauvage et al. (2012) were able to determine the sequence of the ends of the cDNAs, particularly the end of the 3D polymerase and the 30 untranslated region. Winter et al. (2010) studied isolates of the Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV), the etiologic agent of Cassava brown streak disease. By employing circularization and RCA, they were able to determine the 50 genome sequence of the viral RNA genome which was used to epidemiologically demonstrate that isolates from East Africa clustered in two distinct clades. In conclusion, molecular biology tools of today enable genetic characterization of trace and/or damaged nucleic acids that may be in microbial evidence collected from crime scenes. There are numerous approaches that are available. A select fewdenzymatic circularization, capture, targeted probes followed by PCRd followed by MPS were described to gain an appreciation and to illustrate that technologies can be used to analyze nonviable and uncultivable microbiological materials. These capabilities broaden the microbial forensic toolbox and should allow a wide range of evidence to be analyzed.

III. Methodology


13. Select methods for microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis of trace and uncultivable specimens

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III. Methodology


14 The use of host factors in microbial forensics Steven E. Schutzer Department of Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, United States

Introduction and background Considerable advances have been made in the forensic analysis of microbes and toxins. These advances include sequencing, genomics, and microscopy. An underdeveloped and underutilized area in microbial forensics is how the host interacts with microorganisms in a way that provides unique signatures for forensic use. For forensic purposes, an immediate goal is to distinguish a potential victim and innocent person from a perpetrator, and to distinguish between a naturally acquired or intentional infection. Two principal methods that are sufficiently developed are characterization of the humoral immune response and identification of vaccine-induced immunity or antibiotics that may be present in a possible perpetrator. This chapter presents central elements of the host response in a simplified fashion and describes a few representative examples, which, in the appropriate context, have a high potential of providing evidence that may aid an investigation to distinguish a perpetrator from a victim who has been exposed to a particular microbe or by-product, such as a toxin. This chapter

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00014-3

also presents nonmicrobial forensicedirected information about the immune system so that the interested reader can have a fuller understanding of the immune response in general. The primary aims of a microbial forensics are to identify the biological agent, its source, and the individuals responsible for the event (Budowle et al., 2003). Analytic approaches differ when the suspected biothreat agent is encountered in a container or the environment, as opposed to in vivo in a human, animal, or plant. Analyses of trace elements, pollens, growth media, latent fingerprints, and microbial and nonmicrobial nucleic acids are all applicable to the container and environmental sample (States et al., 1999). However, once the microorganism or its toxin is in the living host, it is no longer possible to analyze the preceding items except the microbial nucleic acid. However, the host’s response to the biological agent may be available for analysis for clues. This is akin to other forensic studies where physical traces of bite marks, scratches, wound trajectories, and sizes of wounds are often surrogate evidence of the teeth, fingernails, and bullets (Averill and Odontology, 1991). While the forensic


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14. The use of host factors in microbial forensics

pathologist is familiar with evidence related to determining the manner of death including the host response, those involved with healthcare alone are more familiar with the host response. In the context of microbial forensics, it is important to integrate all of these with intelligence information so that they may be included in the analytical data and attribution picture. The physician and other healthcare providers may be among the first to realize that a patient is a victim of a biocrime. In the case of a covert attack, it may be the physician or medical examiner who first recognizes the index case. These healthcare workers are in key positions to preserve critical evidence and, thereby, contribute to the investigation (Schutzer et al., 2005). There are a number of steps that should be followed when the possibility of a biological attack arises, either with the consent of the patient or because individuals are compelled by law to interact with public health and law enforcement. A joint statement by the FBI, the CDC, and the DHS advises calling the FBI and public health authorities if a suspicious situation arises (Investigation et al.). Some guidelines on the procedure(s) to report of suspicions of biocrimes are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; http://www.cdc.gov), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI; http://www.fbi.gov), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS; http://www.dhs. gov) and detailed in previous article (Schutzer et al., 2005). The host response to a microorganism or other foreign substance is often a wellorchestrated series of events, which may protect the individual from harm (Zabriskie, 2009). At the same time, these host responses may provide clues as to identity of the offending microorganism or toxin as well as a rough chronology of when it occurred and for how long it has been persisting. Emerging technologies such as transcriptional arrays and bioinformatic analysis will eventually be refined and methods validated to provide even greater help in delineating

more of the pathways and components of the host response to an infectious agent (Sala et al., 2009; Popper et al., 2009; Ko et al., 2015). Other technologies are sufficiently mature to be of use today. The immune system and its components are a mainstay of our protection against infections and malignancies (Zabriskie, 2009; Paul, 2008; Murphy and Weaver, 2016). Inflammation is often a side effect as the immune system contains and eradicates a microorganism or eliminates foreign tissue. Specific arms of the immune system can be used as markers in support of or against the presence of an infection. The humoral or antibody response to an invading microorganism is one example of a specific arm that can have forensic value. Some of the antibodies produced may have a protective role together with other parts of the immune system by eradicating the pathogen or neutralizing a toxin. Other antibodies may not be as effective in this role. However, in their ability to recognize unique and specific microbial antigens, they can serve as indicators that a specific microorganism was recently present or was present in the past. In the case of a vaccine, specific antibodies may recognize highly specific epitopes of one microbe versus those of a related microbe (e.g., influenza virus). This is especially so with different recombinant vaccines and could have forensic importance. Substances such as antibiotics, which can rapidly kill a pathogen, may modify the immune response by removing or reducing the infectious driving force for a full-scale response. As noted above, in clinical and veterinary medicine, measurement of the immune response helps the diagnostician decide what infection was present and how recently. In these situations, the intent is to provide treatment. The forensic scientist may exploit parts of the immune response to discover who is likely a victim of an attack and who might be responsible. This chapter will discuss the basics of the host immune response in a simplified manner that can have utility in a forensic sense. Examples will provide a sense of what information is achievable and what is

III. Methodology


Introduction and background

not likely to provide clues with a high degree of certainty.

TABLE 14.1

Immunoglobulin classes and properties.

Immunoglobulin class






Size (kD)






General concepts

Serum half-life days


21e23 5e6



In response to a new exposure to a microbe, the innate immune system may be the first line of defense. Then the immune system starts to activate the antibody system. Typically, a cell known as a macrophage ingests and degrades some of the invading pathogens. It then presents part (antigens) of the microorganism to a helper T cell (a lymphocyte), which then directs other lymphocytes known as B cells to produce antibodies to those antigens of that particular microbe that were presented. It usually takes at least 4 days before any microbe-specific antibody can be detected (Parslow, 2001). Antibodies are a specific form of the proteins known as immunoglobulins (Igs). IgM, IgG, IgA, and secretory IgA are the principal classes of immunoglobulins with prime relevance to this chapter and will be discussed in more detail. In an infection, immunoglobulins usually appear in the order of IgM, IgG, and IgA. B cells first begin to produce IgM, and then some B cells undergo an irreversible switch to those that produce IgG. Later, some of these B cells undergo a switch to become IgA-secreting B cells. Immunoglobulins persist for varying times; for example, the half-life of particular IgM antibodies is approximately 5 days, while that of IgG can be as long as 21e23 days (Table 14.1) (Paul, 2008; Murphy and Weaver, 2016). In certain circumstances of ruling in or ruling out a suspect, the specific IgE may be of value. Those individuals unfortunate to have allergies have problems due to IgE against allergens (such as ragweed, peanut, or cat dander). In this case, the IgE molecules sit on the surface of mast cells and basophils. These cells can release histamine and other allergic mediators when the offending allergen bridges two IgE molecules.

Placental transfer






Complement fixation






Percentage of serum immunoglobulin






Similar to the effect from an infection with a live microbe, vaccines are often designed to provoke an antibody response. The vaccine can be composed of a live or attenuated microbe, a whole nonproliferating microbe, or an antigenic (recombinant) part of the microbe or a toxoid. Regardless, the intent of immunization with a vaccine is to engender protection, often by the generation of protective neutralizing antibodies. Although the half-life of an individual IgG molecule is less than a month, a population of antibodies of the IgG isotype form may persist for life. Memory B cells can sustain these antibodies and retain the ability to quickly generate the appropriate antibodies when challenged. When the immune system encounters another infection or is subjected to a revaccination (booster), the result is an accelerated production of the particular antibody and increase in the levels of antibodies that circulate in the blood (Fig. 14.1). Perhaps, the pattern of antibody response which has the most forensic value, by providing a timeframe, is the appearance of IgM first, followed by a B-cell switch to the longer-lasting IgG. During the early phase of exposure, IgM predominates, as time goes on, IgG may wax and wane and IgM is no longer found (Fig. 14.2). The antibody response to a particular agent may be directed to different antigens at different times, that is, early or later after the initial exposure. That response often involves IgM at the early stage and IgG later. Late in the course of

III. Methodology


14. The use of host factors in microbial forensics

Antibody levels

Secondary lgG response to re-exposure or infection

Initial IgG response









Years after vaccination

FIGURE 14.1 Illustration of the IgG antibody response to a vaccine antigen after the first immunization and subsequent exposure by natural exposure to the infectious agent or by another vaccination.

the disease or during recovery, only IgG to particular antigens may be seen. A classic example of this is the human antibody response to EpsteineBarr virus (EBV) (Bennett et al., 2015), a virus known to cause mononucleosis. During acute early disease, it is common to find high levels of antibody of the IgM isotype to the viral early antigen (EA) and viral capsid antigen (VCA). It is rare to find IgG antibody to the VCA or to EpsteineBarr nuclear acid (EBNA) in anything but low titers (levels). As the patient recovers from their first infection with EBV, it is rare to find anything but low levels of IgM to EA or VCA, but IgG to VCA in higher or increasing levels is common. Antibodies to EBNA are often very low during this stage. Several months after clinical recovery, IgM to EA and VCA remain at low levels, whereas IgG to VCA and EBNA are present at high levels, often for years. Table 14.3 illustrates this pattern by stage of the immune response to

EBV and its particular antigens. Fig. 14.3 is a graphic display of these antibody responses. For the clinician or epidemiologist, the antibody responses provide a framework to determine where in the course of the infection a patient may be. Tables 14.2 and 14.3 and Figs. 14.2 and 14.3 illustrate how responses to a biothreat agent or its toxin may be used to give some chronological indication of exposure. Combining the antibody response with detection of particular antigens can provide further definition as to a timeframe of infection or exposure.

Illustrative concepts A controlled experiment or normal clinical event illustrates what happens when the immune system responds to the infectious agent or a vaccine again. The controlled experiment may be in a laboratory animal or a patient

III. Methodology


Illustrative concepts

IgM response

Antibody levels

IgG response



3 4 5 Years after exposure




FIGURE 14.2 Illustration of the temporal relation of the IgM and IgG responses to an infection with IgM as the first and often transient response and IgG as the more sustained response.

Clinically ill

Ab concentration










Months after infection


Schematic response of IgM and IgG to different antigens of EBV over an extended period of time.

III. Methodology

212 TABLE 14.2

14. The use of host factors in microbial forensics

Antibody tests for epsteinebarr virus. Titers

Stage Acute primary infection IgM EA and VCA




Recovering from primary infection IgM EA or VCA






After several months IgM EA and VCA

Low or normal


Persist at high level for several years

receiving a booster vaccine. The uncontrolled but normal clinical event occurs when the patient is reexposed to the infectious agent. Consider a generic antigen exposure. The first time the immune system encounters antigen X (AgX), it responds as shown in Figs. 14.1 and 14.2. Initially, antibodies to AgX are barely discernible; then levels rise and later fall to a plateau. If a simultaneous exposure were to occur with AgX and a new AgY from another microorganism, the immune system would quickly mount a brisk response with high levels of Ab to AgX, while the course of Ab to AgY TABLE 14.3

would be slow and delayed, just as it was in the response to the first exposure to AgX. This phenomenon is termed immunological memory or an amnestic response. This can be useful when the symptoms and signs of exposure to either X or Y are similar. This is the case with the early flu-like symptoms of pulmonary anthrax (Raymond et al., 2009; Waterer and Robertson, 2009; Bush et al., 2001) and with the influenza virus itself (Meltzer et al., 2010; Cao et al., 2009; Lessler et al., 2009). Another example common to all of us is repetitive exposure to different strains of flu viruses (Meltzer et al., 2010; Janeway, 2001). As illustrated in Table 14.4, a person infected for the first time with one strain of the influenza virus has a response to most of its antigens (as a theoretical example, Ag 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Three years later, the same individual exposed to a partially similar influenza virus responds preferentially to those antigens that were also present on the original influenza virus. The person also makes a smaller initial antibody response to new antigens, that is, those not shared with the first virus. Ten or 20 years later, during a new flu season and exposure to a third strain of influenza, the most brisk responses would be to antigens previously recognized by the immune system. This is the scientific basis for giving the flu vaccine, which contains a variety of possible antigens common to multiple strains of the flu virus so that a rapid and protective antibody response will occur.

Antibody response at different time points to EBV antigens.

Disease status

Heterophile Ab











Very early infection






Active infection






Recent infection






Past infection






III. Methodology


Utility of serologic analysis of people exposed to anthrax: strengths and limitations

TABLE 14.4

Response to theoretical antigens from different flu viruses at the time of exposure (weak vs. strong).

Infecting strain and antigen Composition

Antibody response: Weak

Antibody response: Strong

STRAIN A Year 1 (antigens 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


STRAIN B Year 5 (antigens 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9)

7, 8, 9

1, 3, 5

STRAIN C Year 15 (antigens 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 13)

10, 12, 13

1, 3, 8

Utility of serologic analysis of people exposed to anthrax: strengths and limitations Our knowledge of the humoral response to infection with biothreat microbes is limited compared with our knowledge of the kinetic response to common human infections. Nevertheless, in the appropriate context and with sufficient background information, detection of antibodies to a particular microbe and its antigens can have important value for a microbial forensic investigation. This information may have critical probative value or it can guide investigative leads. The absence of a specific antibody response may also have value in a particular investigation. Certainly, its importance is increased in the context of information of what organism could be involved, when the exposure was likely to have occurred, the route of exposure, what symptoms and signs are manifesting in the host, and other data such as presence of antigens and microbial nucleic acids (Jackson et al., 1998). Other information such as how many hosts (people or animals) have had this infection in the geographic region, what is the incidence, and background prevalence of antibody titer to the organism in question or a related organism, in the population being studied, is also important. Vaccination responses can have forensic value. The current protective antigen (PA) vaccine has small amounts of EF and lethal factor (LF), which are responsible for some of the side effects, so one might expect to see antibodies

against these antigens as well as to PA. The recombinant PA is just PA so anti-LF and antiEF would be absent in an immunized individual. The 2001 anthrax-letter attacks raised multiple questions for every person infected, possibly exposed, vaccinated, or treated. Some of these questions included how these persons were infected by spores, if at all; that is, through breaks in the skin (cutaneous anthrax); by inhalation of spores (pulmonary anthrax (Bennett et al., 2015)), or by ingestion (gastrointestinal anthrax (Bravata et al., 2007; Tutrone et al., 2002)). Or, were they among the “worried well”? Consider the situation where a close associate comes down with symptoms compatible with inhalational anthrax after receiving a letter containing powder and that material is no longer available. Until this is shown not to be anthrax, great worry will ensue. In several cases of documented exposure, there was not enough time for the patient to develop antibody to a specific anthrax antigen, at least as probed for IgG. Serial serum samples obtained on November 16, 17, 18, and 19 of 2001 were tested for IgG antibody to the PA component of the anthrax toxins by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); all samples were nonreactive. Serial tests for serum IgG antibody to the PA toxin of anthrax were performed on 436 workplace-exposed persons. All but one test was negative. Most of the specimens were collected on October 10 and 17 (Traeger et al., 2002). It is instructive to look at the positive antibody case in the context of the nature and

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14. The use of host factors in microbial forensics

duration of that individual’s symptoms when he developed a positive test. Ernesto Blanco, a 73-year-old mailroom clerk (case 2), experienced fatigue on September 24. He worked in the mailroom of the AMI building and delivered mail to the index case. On September 28, he developed a nonproductive cough, intermittent fever, runny nose, and conjunctivitis. These signs worsened through October 1 when he was hospitalized. In addition, he had shortness of breath with exertion, sweats, mild abdominal pain and vomiting, and episodes of confusion. His temperature was elevated to 38.5 C (101.3 F), heart rate was rapid at 109/min, respiratory rate was slightly fast at 20/min, and blood pressure was 108/61 mm Hg. He had bilateral conjunctival injection and bilateral pulmonary rhonchi. At the time of admission, his neurologic exam was normal. No skin lesions were observed. The only laboratory abnormalities were low albumin, elevated liver transaminases, borderline low serum sodium, increased creatinine, and low oxygen content in the blood. Blood cultures were negative on hospital day 2, after antibiotics had been started. The chest X-ray showed a leftsided pneumonia and a small left pleural effusion but no “classical” mediastinal widening (Dewan et al., 2002). The patient was initially TABLE 14.5

given intravenous azithromycin; cefotaxime and ciprofloxacin were subsequently added. A nasal swab obtained on October 5 grew Bacillus anthracis on culture. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest showed bilateral effusions and multilobar pulmonary consolidation but still no significant mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Pleural fluid aspiration was positive for B. anthracis DNA by PCR. Bacterial cultures of bronchial washings and pleural fluid were negative. Immunohistochemical staining of a transbronchial biopsy demonstrated the presence of B. anthracis capsule and cell wall antigens. During hospitalization, his white blood count rose to 26,800/mm3, and fluid from a second thoracentesis was positive for B. anthracis DNA by PCR. Immunohistochemical staining of both pleural fluid cells and pleural biopsy tissue demonstrated the presence of B. anthracis capsule and cell wall antigens. Serial serum samples demonstrated > fourfold rise in serum IgG antibody to the PA component of the anthrax toxins by an ELISA assay. The patient was able to leave the hospital on October 23 on oral ciprofloxacin. Table 14.5 illustrates both the clinical and microbial forensic approach and context in which to analyze such a patient. It is likely to be common to most situations where a biocrime

Nonspecific and specific indications of a case of anthrax. Nonspecific laboratory evidence of an infection

Specific clinical evidence of infection with Bacillus anthracis

Known exposure by proximity to area and infected person

Chest X-ray and CT scan showing pneumonia and pleural fluid

Culture from nasal swab grew live B. anthracis

Cough, fever, shortness of breath

Elevated white blood cell count

Positive PCR for B. anthracis in pleural fluid on two occasions despite negative cultures

Clinical evidence of an infection

Sweats, abdominal pain, confusion

Positive immunochemical staining for B. anthracis capsule and cell wall antigens of transbronchial biopsy, pleural fluid cells, and pleural biopsy despite negative cultures

Abnormal breath sounds

Serum IgG to PA toxin component

Fast heart rate

Serum IgG titer to PA toxin increased within a short time period

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Utility of serologic analysis of people exposed to anthrax: strengths and limitations

is suspected to have affected an individual. The first set of questions is directed toward whether the person is sick: does the person have any indications of not being well and is laboratory evidence indicative of any infection? The second set of questions is oriented toward whether there is any specific and objective laboratory evidence of a particular infection. A third set of questions arise if the cause of infection was an agent on the Select Agent list (2003). These questions include was the infection acquired naturally or was it an intentional action that led to the infection; how did the particular individual acquire it if it was not a natural infectiondwas he the target or a bystander. An alternative possibility in the right circumstances is a laboratory-acquired infection. This case also demonstrates that cultures may be negative at different times from different fluids and tissues because of early administration of antibiotics. However, the remnants of the infection, even dead organisms, can be found by probing for antigens and DNA. This patient’s response demonstrated a classic principle of infectious disease, a rising antibody titer over time. In this case, it was IgG to a particular antigenic component of the anthrax toxins (Friedlander and Little, 2009; Cunningham et al., 2002). The subject’s antibody response may have been detected earlier if IgM to this component or to other antigens of anthrax had been sought. The case also points out the utility of integrating the presence of antibody with other indications of an anthrax infection such as culture, PCR, and antigen detection. These take on their greatest significance during clinical illness in someone who was possibly exposed. Early administration of antibiotics can prevent or interfere with the isolation of a pathogen by culture (Kaeberlein et al., 2002). Of the first 10 pulmonary anthrax cases associated with the 2001 letter attacks, three patients had no isolate of B. anthracis from any clinical samples; however, culture was attempted after initiation of antibiotic therapy. History of exposure in


conjunction with compatible symptoms and signs of disease and objective laboratory findings were the basis for the diagnosis. B. anthracis was identified in pleural fluid, pleural biopsy, or transbronchial biopsy specimens by reactivity with B. anthracis-specific cell wall and capsular antibodies or by the detection of DNA in pleural fluid or blood by PCR (Jernigan et al., 2001). It is important to understand the limitations of any assay used in medicine or forensics (Budowle et al., 2008; Schutzer et al., 2009). An IgG-based ELISA for anti-PA illustrates the importance of understanding the limitations of an assay. The ELISA was developed at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) and put into operation after optimization and internal validation at the CDC (Quinn et al., 2002) for functional sensitivity and specificity in detecting an antibody response to B. anthracis infection. Its major limitation was that only one antigen was used and only IgG was measured. Therefore, a negative result shortly after exposure may, in effect, be a false-negative result. A gap such as this may be filled by development of an assay for antigenspecific IgM, and by probing for other B. anthracis antigens or epitopes yet to be characterized. The assay may be very useful in its present form to screen asymptomatic people with possible exposure. The study by Dewan et al. (Dewan et al., 2002) provide a contemporary background database on a group of postal workers who may have been exposed to B. anthracis. Beginning on October 29, 2001, 1657 postal employees and others who had been to the Washington D.C. postal facility went to the D.C. General Hospital for antibiotics in addition to those people whose treatment began on October 21, 2001. Serum samples were also obtained from the 202 individuals who had been to the Washington D.C. postal facility during the precious 2 weeks. All were negative for specific anti-PA IgG, including three

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individuals who reported a remote history of anthrax vaccination. The consistent negative findings may be explained by the fact that antibiotic therapy was initiated before serum testing and that there were no baseline serum samples available for testing. In addition, the time period from exposure to sampling was very short. Among 28 individuals in the Capitol region with culture-positive nasal swabs who received prophylactic antibiotics immediately, none had a positive culture from a nasal swab repeated 7 days later, and none developed IgG to PA antigen 42 days after exposure. This again emphasizes the limitation and interpretation of a test in someone who had early antibiotic treatment. It does raise forensic utility considerations. Even with these easily disseminated spores, an antibody response may be aborted or modified with antibiotics by early eradication. Furthermore, antibiotics taken before exposure would likely be effective in preventing laboratory and clinical signs of an infection. Detection of microbial DNA, antigen, or the organism itself on a person’s body, clothing, or possessions should raise a red flag for exposure. The route of infection is important in interpreting results and the limitations of the assay used. The example of cutaneous anthrax in Paraguay illustrates this notion, as well as the need to search for other antigens as markers of exposure (Harrison et al., 1989). In an analysis of an outbreak of 21 cases of cutaneous anthrax that followed contact with raw meat from a sick cow, sera from 12 cases and 16 colony and 2 noncolony controls were examined by Western blot for antibodies to PA and LF 6 weeks after the outbreak. An ELISA was used to probe for antibodies to the poly-D-glutamic acid capsule. Of the 12 cases, 11 had antibody to PA, for a sensitivity of 91.7%; none of the 18 controls was positive. Only 6 of 12 cases had antibody to LF; all controls were negative. Anticapsule antibodies were positive in 11 of 12 but were also positive in 2 of 18 controls. The results of this study demonstrate the need to consider other antigens.

Considerations and concerns raised by analysis of other infections Some of the principles discussed above are highlighted by a report on severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The appearance alone of this coronavirus responsible for this disease evoked concern of a possible terrorist origin at the onset. A report in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR (CfDCaP, 2003)) on the “Prevalence of IgG Antibody to SARSAssociated Coronavirus in Animal Traders” discussed the need to validate and interpret tests in appropriate populations. Also discussed was the inability to date the time of infection by the IgG assay, and the possibility of assay crossreactivity to a near neighbor that might be unknown. In a Promed bulletin, Dr. Steve Berger looked at the same data from a different perspective and reported “This week’s study in MMWR indicates that animal contact may indeed promote infection; however, the most striking finding seems to have eluded the authors: 1.2 percent to 2.9 percent of individuals in a healthy control group of adults were also found to be seropositive! The population of Guangdong Province is 86.42 million (2001), of whom 61.14 million are adults over age 14. If we assume that the seropositivity rates among controls is representative of the province as a whole, 734,000 to 1,773,000 adults in Guangdong have at some time been infected by the SARS virus. These figures are 87- to 211-fold the total number (8422) of SARS patients reported worldwide to date!” This comparison is a good illustration of the advantage of open dissemination and discussion of information as well as the need to question the methodology of acquisition of data before accepting their application in formulas or for analyses for forensics and epidemiology. It is also of value to remember that many infections include many with SARS coronavirus have been asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.

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Considerations and concerns raised by analysis of other infections

Plague, is a zoonotic infection caused by Yersinia pestis, which occurs in the western United States with regularity and has an animal reservoir (Bennett et al., 2015). The situation with the naturally occurring Yersinia is in contrast to the appearance of a case of smallpox which would raise an immediate red flag for a bioterrorist event. Cases need to be approached from an epidemiologic standpoint first to determine whether it is a naturally acquired case or whether the facts point to a deliberate introduction of the organism. Analytic techniques could include genomic analysis of an isolated organism and immunological response of the host. In the new era of rapid and deep sequencing, our capacity to investigate the genomics is growing (Mardis, 2008; Stavnsbjerg et al., 2017). In consideration of animal reservoirs, ELISA assays were compared with other tests for detection of plague antibody and antigen in multimammate mice (Mastomys coucha and. Mastomys natalensis) (Shepherd et al., 1986), which were experimentally infected and then sacrificed at daily intervals. IgG ELISA was equivalent in sensitivity to passive hemagglutination and more sensitive than the IgM ELISA and complement fixation. Antibody was detectable by Day 6 after infection using all four tests. IgM ELISA titers fell to undetectable levels after 8 weeks. Plague fraction 1 antigen was detected in 16 of 34 bacteremic sera from M. coucha and M. natalensis. This antibody pattern comparison shows that the principle of IgM versus IgG to this pathogen works to temporally situate the infection as an early versus late or past event. It also shows that when the information is combined with antigen detection, it engenders more confidence in the results. It should be noted that conclusions from this older reference has been substantiated with more defined antigens and assay technologies. Melioidosis is caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei (Ashdown, 1992). Key clinical signs and laboratory results may raise the possibility of an infection with this pathogen. Whether it is


an acute, persistent, or past infection can be determined by assessing several host responses. Often a simple indicator such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein (CRP) can raise a clinical suspicion of an infection. In a study of 46 patients with clinical melioidosis, 35 (22 culture-positive and 13 culturenegative) had relatively uneventful disease courses. Initially, they had elevated serum CRP that decreased with antibiotic therapy and returned to normal as the disease resolved. In another series of patients, IgM and IgG were measured by ELISA in 95 sera from 66 septicemic cases and 47 sera from 20 cases with localized melioidosis (Chenthamarakshan et al., 2001). Sixty-five sera from culture-negative cases seronegative for other endemic infections but suspected of melioidosis were also examined. Other controls included serum from 260 nonmelioidosis cases, 169 high-exposure risk cases, and 48 healthy individuals. The IgG-ELISA was 96% sensitive and 94% specific. All sera from cases with septicemic and localized infections and 61 of 63 sera from clinically suspected melioidosis cases were positive for IgG antibody. The sensitivity and specificity of the IgM ELISA were 74% and 99%, respectively. A geometric antibody index for IgM antibody in the sera of the melioidosis cases was significantly higher in cases compared with that of the noncase controls. In another study by some of the same authors, a rapid test for IgG and IgM was shown to have clinical utility (Cuzzubbo et al., 2000). A study with the intent of evaluating the utility of an IgG assay compared with other assays illustrates how the clinical and temporal context must be integrated for interpretation (Dharakul et al., 1997). It also illustrates how there is room for technical improvement in tests but the best setting is often the endemic area itself or at least using samples from that area in which the infections are occurring. These tests were evaluated in the actual clinical setting in an area endemic for melioidosis. Specificity of IgG (82.5%) and IgM (81.8%) assays was significantly

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better than that of an indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) (74.7%). The sensitivity of the IgG assay (85.7%) was higher than that of the IHA test (71.0%) and the IgM test (63.5%). Specific IgG was found in septicemic cases (87.8%) and localized infections (82.6%). The IgG test was also better than the IgM test and the IHA test in identifying acute melioidosis cases in the first 5 days after admission. IgG antibody to a B. pseudomallei antigen remained high for longer than 5 years in recovered, disease-free patients. Because this is a disease that may have an incubation of days to years, an acute case may very well be detected by a rise in specific IgM if it were a matter of days from infection. Although endemic for Southeast Asia, if B. pseudomallei was used as a biothreat agent in a different environment, its course and manifestations may not be recognized due to unfamiliarity with the disease. The above example also points out how the context in which a test is used determine is valuable. The concept of predictive value is instructive in determining how useful a test may be. In terms of disease detection, a high positive predictive value indicates the test is useful in determining that the disease is present. A high negativity predictive value would indicate that the test is useful in excluding the presence of the disease. 1. Concept of SensitivitydTrue Positives/ True Positives þ False Positives or how many with a positive test actually have the disease. 2. Concept of SpecificitydTrue Negatives/True Negatives þ False Negativesdor how many with a negative test actually do not have the disease. 3. Concept of Positive Predictive Valuedhow good is the test in predicting disease among a particular population or True Positives/True Positives þ True Negatives.

4. Concept of Negative Predictive Valuedhow good is the test in excluding the disease among a particular population under consideration or True negatives/true negatives þ false negatives. 5. High þ Predictive Values are seen where disease is highly prevalent and is low where disease is infrequent. 6. Negative Predictive Values are highest when the prevalence is very low.

Another zoonotic agent is Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), which can be transmitted via aerosols (Clark et al., 2018). One study with the intent at looking for improved tests showed the utility of IgM to determine an early exposure to RVFV (Niklasson et al., 1984). Two ELISA IgM tests detected specific IgM antibodies to RVFV during the first 6 weeks after vaccination. Three inactivated vaccine doses were given on days 0, 6 to 8, and 32 to 34. ELISA serum IgM on days 6e8 were negative or in the lower range of detection; on days 32e34 the serum antibody values were strongly positive; on days 42e52, they were waning and in later collected samples were negative. The plaque reduction neutralization test was negative on days 6e8 and became positive in later samples. Similar to the examples shown above, these data suggest that three doses of RVFV vaccine induced a prolonged primary antibody response. The authors of that study concluded that the ELISA IgM may be useful for early diagnosis of acute human infection. Good correlation of a neutralization test and ELISA IgG would indicate a later infection. Taken together, these examples illustrate that an ideal test or analysis for both clinical and forensic use would incorporate endemic and incident area controls, historical contextual information, knowledge of the route of exposure, background incidence, and kinetics of transmission.

III. Methodology

Possible scenarios of bioterrorism attacks: distinguishing victims from perpetrators

Possible scenarios of bioterrorism attacks: distinguishing victims from perpetrators Each of these scenarios must take into account multiple factors and the limitations of any analytic process to be applied. On one extreme is the situation that occurred with the onset of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) from the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) in the United States. Initially, there were no cases, and therefore a precise highly sensitive and specific test with excellent positive and negative predictive values (such as exists now when a combination of tests are used) would not likely yield a positive result in an area where there was little HIV infection and disease at the onset such as Kansas. A positive test by today’s methodologies from a 1970 serum sample from Kansas would be considered a probable falsepositive and warrant further investigation. Today, several viral and nucleic acid assays are available that would provide a definitive diagnosis in a short period of time (Bennett et al., 2015). However the same sample tested at the beginning of HIV testing could have been positive if the person had adult T-cell leukemia, which is caused by human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1) because the original tests for what became known as AIDS involved whole viral lysates in which up to 30% of the HTLV-1 sera cross-reacted. Questions regarding the interpretation of the test results could be raised by knowledge of different presentations of the infection. For example, HTLV-1 can actually be used in the laboratory to immortalize cells. In the patient, it actually increases the T-cell count, as is the nature with leukemia, instead of decreasing them, as with HIV infections. Other laboratory indicators such as hypercalcemia would now raise the leukemia as a consideration. Interpretation of a positive laboratory test must also take into account the health status of the person being tested. This is important for


the practice of medicine and can have relevance when extended to forensic analysis (Schutzer et al., 2005). The following examples illustrate this concept. Individuals who have syphilis, a treponemal bacterial infection, can typically have a positive fluorescent treponemal antibody test result for years, even after successful treatment. However, while infected they would have a positive venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test, which reverts to negative following successful antibiotic therapy. The VDRL test detects nonspecific anticardiolipid antibodies and can produce false-positive results with other conditions (e.g., pregnancy). There are some notable exceptions related to crossreactive epitopes or autoimmune diseases. These are readily distinguishable by history and clinical information. Similarly, individuals infected with active tuberculosis will likely have a positive skin test (Mantoux) or a positive interferon-gamma release assay (Dewan et al., 2006; Ota and Kato, 2017), whereas the uninfected healthy person will be negative. In certain instances, a sick person with a cell-mediated immune deficiency will be anergic, that is, he/she will be negative to multiple skin tests including common antigens such as Candida. The key difference here is that there is a great difference between the healthy person being tested and an ill or immunocompromised individual being subjected to the same test. Tests may also discriminate between the length of the infection (i.e., acute or chronic); limitations of these tests may lead to different interpretations unless one is familiar with those limitations. An example of this occurred with the bacterial infection of Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease. Antibiotics can abrogate the antibody response because ELISA results were negative in 30% of patients with known disease who were treated early (Dattwyler et al., 1988). In early cases, reactivity to a unique antigen, OspA, was also negative in serological assays despite a demonstrable T-cell

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response (Krause et al., 1992). Analysis of these same sera found that there was antibody to B. burgdorferi, but it was below the threshold of detection by conventional assays. It was detectable in its bound form, in immune complexes (Schutzer et al., 1990; Schutzer and Coyle, 2016). Anthrax can be used as an example where investigatory leads can be generated by considering a scenario in toto. The elderly woman who died in Connecticut from inhalation of anthrax clearly had no occupational exposure nor was she known to have had contact with anyone who had anthrax. It was possible that she had contact with cross-contaminated mail. However, if this case had occurred as the index case or out of context of the mail attacks, it would have been reasonable to question her travel history, what her work if any was, or if she received or used spore-contaminated products from an anthrax endemic area. Similarly, the Vietnamese woman who died of inhalation anthrax in New York City would also have had these questions investigated. It would have been useful to search for direct or indirect evidence of anthrax by physical examinations of her contacts or close neighbors. Inspection and cultures from her workplace, apartment, and apartment complex (especially contiguous neighbors) are important for detecting the presence of B. anthracis. Coworkers, friends, neighbors, and other contacts could have had their serum analyzed for antibody to antigens of B. anthracis. These samples could have been frozen so that if one were positive it would be available for a comparison study in the future. At a minimum, these types of studies could serve as future control data for the geographic region. With molecular methods, even trace amounts might be detectable (Lasken and Egholm, 2003) although parallel investigation as to background control would be necessary. Although hypothetical, several results could have occurred, and each will be considered separately. First example, a close contact is positive for IgM to one of the B. anthracis antigens, such as PA.

This finding would suggest that this person had recent exposure and, if nothing else, should be treated. This individual could conceivably be the one who knowingly or unknowingly passed the spores to the patient. Given the October 26 onset of illness, which is late in the mailing sequence, it would be less likely that this individual was a perpetrator but rather a recent victim. However, if this person were IgG-positive, then there are several other possibilities. Perhaps, this person had past exposure in an endemic region and was treated (e.g., Haiti, where anthrax is known as “charcoal disease”). Or this person could have been vaccinated for bona fide reasons such as a researcher who received it for occupational exposure. Or this person could have obtained the vaccine originally for legitimate or illegal purposes but was nevertheless vaccinated. The vaccine usage may have been for a clinical trial or animal experimentation. Animal vaccines may be more obtainable without strict record keeping. This person could have loaded the mail with relative impunity if there was protective antibody generated from the vaccination. Situations similar to this one will require intelligence information regarding access, ability, and motive. In an area where recombinant vaccines are being developed or used antibody response would be different between someone using one type of recombinant vaccine as compared with someone using another type of vaccine. Nevertheless, finding IgG to one or more antigens of B. anthracis could point investigators toward such a seropositive individual, whereas an IgM finding could justify critical therapy. Where information points to a particular individual, investigation could be extended to search for ingestion or injection of antibiotics as illustrated below in the ciprofloxacin example. Questions would be raised regarding access to antibiotics, recent ingestion/injection of them, half-life of the antibiotic, half-life of the metabolites of the antibiotics, and in which body fluids or tissues can the residual be found. As illustrated from

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the data in the earlier sections, someone with antibiotics in their system may be protected following exposure to a potential pathogen. This person would be antibody-negative and likely antigen- and microbial DNA/RNAnegative, because the infection would have been eradicated before the organism can proliferate in any significant quantity. The widespread prophylactic use of ciprofloxacin during the period following the anthrax mailing attacks is illustrative of an understudied area. Ciprofloxacin has been increasingly associated with tendonitis and ruptured Achilles tendons (Akali and Niranjan, 2008; Palin and Gough, 2006; Godoy-Santos et al., 2018). In the future, better methodology to follow the pharmacokinetics of an antiinfective compound may have forensic implications. In the last example, someone who takes an antibiotic prophylactically while manipulating a lethal microbe may exhibit side effects that in the proper context of an investigation may add to the picture of possible culpability. This area is far from established at this point in time. Strategies can be employed to examine suspicious but possible accidental transmission of infections. This approach is illustrated by a recent study of avian influenza using a multitude of assays. Tools to determine person-to-person spread as the mode of transmission included viral culture, serologic analysis, immunohistochemical assay, reverse transcriptasee polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis, and genetic sequencing (Ungchusak et al., 2005; Meinel et al., 2018). It is likely that future understanding of the immune system and evolving technologies will bring new analytic power to the field, but in the interim we can make good use of proven principles for forensic purposes.

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14. The use of host factors in microbial forensics

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III. Methodology


15 Toxin analysis using mass spectrometry Thomas A. Blake, Suzanne R. Kalb, Rudolph C. Johnson, John R. Barr Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Laboratory Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States

Introduction Toxins are produced by living organisms to support different biological needs (Wink and van Wyk, 2008). They are found in numerous forms with a broad array of chemical structures and biological activities. Challenges of toxin analysis include the need for ultrahigh sensitivity (Taylor, 1987) and selectivity (Humpage et al., 2010) in complex biological matrices because toxins can be lethal at a concentration of less than 1 mg/kg of human body mass (Llewellyn, 2006). Direct analysis methods, such as mass spectrometry, are required to confirm the presence of a toxin because toxins cannot be cultured and do not contain DNA. Preanalytical procedures have played a large role in improving the application of mass spectrometry. Toxins may require further purification to increase method sensitivity and remove matrix interferences, digestion may be needed to produce smaller toxin fragments that are compatible with instrument performance capabilities, or a preanalytical reaction may be needed with a substrate to mimic natural activity. As an alternative, prescreening of suspected

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00015-5

toxin-containing samples may be completed by sensitive, but less specific, immunoassays (Humpage et al., 2010) or other fluorescent techniques (van de Riet et al., 2011) with minimal type II errors to reduce operating costs. While mass spectrometers can be found in numerous configurations, the discussion of these instruments will be limited in this chapter to liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF).

Toxins The chemical structures of toxins are diverse, and there are numerous methods to classify them such as their respective biological sources, modes of toxicity, molecular mass, and structural characteristics (Wink and van Wyk, 2008). For the purposes of this discussion, toxins will be described as small molecule (Hall et al., 1990), peptide (Abbott et al., 2018; Helfer et al., 2014; Jehl et al., 1985; Yilmaz et al., 2014; Thapa et al., 2014; Rodriguez et al., 2015; Hoggard et al., 2017; Himaya and Lewis, 2018; Aili et al.,


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15. Toxin analysis using mass spectrometry

FIGURE 15.1 Representative chemical structures from the three toxin categories. (A) Small molecules (saxitoxin); (B) peptides (a-amanitin); and (C) proteins (ricin A chain [not including glycans]).

2014), or protein toxins (Fig. 15.1). (Schiavo et al., 1993c; Wang et al., 2014, 2015; Kalb et al., 2015a). From a detection perspective, it is important to consider each toxin’s unique chemical structure and stability characteristics when developing a sample preparation and analysis approach. Information on how each toxin interacts with the human body is also useful because it can serve as the basis for measuring toxin activity, as seen with botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) (Kalb et al., 2015a) and ricin (Kalb et al., 2015a; Wang et al., 2016). Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins are small molecule toxins which include saxitoxin (STX) and other STX congeners (Humpage et al., 2010; Llewellyn, 2006; Hall et al., 1990; Jansson and Astot, 2015; Dell’Aversano et al.,

2004). With an LD50 i.p. (mouse) of 10 mg/kg, STX is one of the most potent PSP toxins (Humpage et al., 2010). Human PSP usually results from consuming STX-contaminated seafood, and exposures may be recognized by the rapid onset of clinical symptoms such as tingling in the lips, gastroenteritis, respiratory paralysis, and possibly death (Humpage et al., 2010; Coleman et al., 2018). STX reversibly inhibits sodium channels in the body and is subsequently excreted intact in urine (Johnson et al., 2009). Sample preparation must be compatible with the high water solubility and alkaline instability of the toxin (Jansson and Astot, 2015). Because STX is part of a group of more than 30 related toxins, the distribution of these toxins has been used as a selective “fingerprint” for

III. Methodology


source attribution purposes (Humpage et al., 2010; Hall et al., 1990; Deeds et al., 2008). a-Amanitin, with an LD50 i.p. (mouse) of 100 mg/kg (Wink and van Wyk, 2008), is an example of a potent peptide toxin. A heatstable, bicyclic octapeptide with multiple congeners (i.e., amatoxins), a-amanitin, is produced by species of the genera Amanita, Galerina, and Lepiota (Wink and van Wyk, 2008; Wieland, 1986; Wieland and Faulstich, 1978). Animal and human exposure usually occurs after ingestion of amatoxin-containing mushrooms (accidental or intentional) with the majority of fatal poisonings caused by Amanita phalloides (Wink and van Wyk, 2008; Defendenti et al., 1998; Vo et al., 2017). Symptoms of amatoxin poisoning are unique and include an asymptomatic period during which protein reserves in the body are depleted due to inhibition of RNA polymerase II. After the body’s protein concentration reaches a critical level, severe gastroenteritis, liver failure, and death may follow. a-Amanitin (918 Da) may be detected intact in human urine following a poisoning and can be directly measured by mass spectrometry. a-Amanitin is slightly hydrophobic, heat and pH stable, and can be readily extracted from aqueous matrices. There are nine reported forms of amanitin (Filigenzi et al., 2007), with the a form being one of the most abundant. Because there is a natural distribution of amatoxins, it may be possible to develop this distribution into a toxin fingerprint for attribution purposes. BoNTs are protein toxins (Databank, 2019) with a mass about 500 times larger than STX. The toxic dose for an average adult is estimated to be about 70 mg through oral consumption (Herrero et al., 1967). Human exposure to BoNT results from ingestion of food containing these toxins (Prevention CfDCa, 1998; Schiavo et al., 2000), inhalation of the toxins, or through colonization of a wound (Prevention CfDCa, 1998) or the gastrointestinal tract of infants or immunocompromised individuals by Clostridium botulinum (or other species of BoNTproducing Clostridium). If the bacteria colonize the human body, they continue to generate the


BoNT toxin, further poisoning the host. Because of the high molecular weight of the toxin, BoNT is primarily excreted through stool. This matrix contains the highest concentrations of BoNT and is commonly used for determining human exposure to BoNT; however, serum is also an important clinical matrix (i.e., specimen) as some forms of botulism are not associated with toxin in the stool. A characteristic symptom of human exposure to BoNT is flaccid paralysis in which the patient is aware of their surroundings. BoNTs are fundamentally different from small molecule toxins because they consist of a heavy chain (100 kDa) and light chain (50 kDa). The light chain functions as a zinc metalloprotease that cleaves and inactivates proteins necessary for acetylcholine release. The heavy chain is responsible for both receptor binding via its C-terminal binding domain (Mahrhold et al., 2006; Dong et al., 2006) and for delivering the catalytic light chain to its target via its N-terminal translocation domain (Simpson, 2004). The light chain selectively cleaves neuronal proteins required for acetylcholine release and, although the light chain is responsible for the toxicity, it requires the heavy chain to produce this toxic activity in vivo. BoNTs are currently classified into seven recognized serotypes (A-G), but only serotypes /A, /B, /E, and /F are known to affect humans. BoNT/A, /C, and /E cleave synaptosomalassociated protein (SNAP-25) (Foran et al., 1996; Binz et al., 1994; Blasi et al., 1993; Schiavo et al., 1993a,b; Williamson et al., 1996), whereas BoNT/B, /D, /F, and /G cleave synaptobrevin2 (VAMP-2) (Schiavo et al., 1992, 1993c, 1994; Yamasaki et al., 1994a,b; Kalb et al., 2012). Only BoNT/C is known to cleave more than one protein as it also cleaves syntaxin (Foran et al., 1996; Schiavo et al., 1992, 1994). Cleavage of any of these proteins, which interact to form the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex, results in an inability to form this complex thus stopping nerve impulses. Ricin is another dual chain (i.e., A-B) protein toxin that is produced in the seeds of the

III. Methodology


15. Toxin analysis using mass spectrometry

decorative plant Ricinus communis. It has an LD50 in humans estimated to range from 70 to 70,000 mg/kg depending on the route of exposure (Bradberry et al., 2003). Ricin reacts rapidly in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract causing cell death by inhibiting protein synthesis. The toxin has a mass of 64 kDa, with two equivalent mass chains of 32 kDa (A chain and B chain) joined by a disulfide bond. The A chain is responsible for the toxin’s enzymatic activity, which involves the depurination of a single adenosine that is part of a GAGA tetraloop of the 28S ribosomal RNA (Endo et al., 1987; Amukele et al., 2005). This depurination results in the inability of the 28S ribosomal RNA to bind elongation factor 2, resulting in the inhibition of protein synthesis (Montanaro et al., 1975) and leading to the clinical symptoms associated with ricin poisoning. The B chain is responsible for delivering the A chain to its target via binding to a cell receptor (Simmons et al., 1986). The B chain is heavily glycosylated, and this glycosylation is thought to assist in receptor binding. Both chains are needed for toxin activity in vivo. Because ricin is extremely reactive with human cells, it is not excreted intact in urine like small molecule toxins, but it can be detected in aqueous matrices and blood (Kopferschmitt et al., 1983; Lim et al., 2009). TABLE 15.1

Ricinine is an alternative chemical target which may be measured in lieu of ricin. Ricinine is a toxic alkaloid present in castor seeds. It has a low molecular weight (164 Da) and is present at roughly 0.3%e0.8% of the seed mass (Johnson et al., 2005). Determining the level of ricinine present in a sample does not directly detect ricin but confirms that a sample contains components of the castor seed. Advantageously, ricinine is extremely heat and pH stable, making it a more persistent marker than ricin. Because ricinine is a marker for a toxin, the LD50 is not applicable (see Table 15.1). Basic analytical methods primarily determine the identity of the toxin and may include further information such as the quantity of toxin present in a sample and whether the toxin is still biologically active. Before completing these analyses, it is important to consider the matrices in which a toxin may be present. The toxin may only be stable or present in a sample matrix for a short period of time, and the concentrations that are associated with a lethal or sublethal exposure may be outside of the measurement capabilities of the selected assay. pH and temperature of a sample can also directly impact stability of the toxin. Additionally, because the toxins may be part of a class of toxins (e.g., STX, BoNTs), the presence or lack of other toxins in its respective

Summary of toxin examples and mass spectrometry methods. Related Confirmatory or Activity Molecular measured? weight (Da)a,b figures presumptive test

Toxin Natural source of category toxin

Mechanism of toxicity


Small Marine dinoflagellate, molecule cyanobacteria

Naþ channel No inhibitor in cells



Confirmatory, LC-MS/MS



Amanita phalloides mushroom

Inhibits RNA synthesis




Confirmatory, LC-MS/MS

Botulinum Protein toxin A

Clostridium botulinum bacteria

Nerve Synapses




Confirmatory, MALDI-TOF



Ricinus communis plant seeds

Inhibits RNA synthesis



1, 2

Confirmatory, MALDI-TOF



R. communis plant seeds





Presumptive, LC-MS/MS



Monoisotopic mass. These masses are approximate for A-B protein toxins. Ricin contains two equivalent mass chains of 32,000 Da. BoNT/A contains a light chain of 50,000 Da and a heavy chain of 100,000 Da. b

III. Methodology


class may be very helpful in determining the source of an exposure. Toxin activity measurements by mass spectrometry are primarily focused on high molecular weight protein toxins, which can be denatured and inactivated by heating or chemical treatment (e.g., bleach, solvent, etc.). Because no change in mass occurs following denaturation, mass spectrometry alone cannot differentiate an inactive from an active protein toxin. Reaction of a toxin with enzymatic activity with its substrate provides the basis for determining toxin activity as it results in alteration of the substrate which can be directly measured in the mass spectrometer. While many protein toxins do have activity that can be measured by mass spectrometry, it is important to note that not all protein toxins are enzymes. Some toxins (e.g., staphylococcal enterotoxins) are super antigens and do not have enzymatic activity. Additionally, small molecule toxins are generally not tested for activity by mass spectrometry because the tertiary structure of the toxin does not undergo denaturation like a protein toxin. It is assumed that if the presence of a small molecule toxin in a sample is confirmed by mass spectrometry, then it is considered toxic.

Sample preparation Sample preparation usually includes a purification step and reconstitution of the toxin in a matrix which is compatible with the selected mass spectrometry technique. Sample purification approaches generally include either chemical or immunoaffinity extraction to reduce sample complexity. Microbiological methods (e.g., culture, PCR) are not useful for the analysis of toxins because toxins are not living organisms (Audi et al., 2005). Because of the potent nature of toxins, their detection is performed by trace analysis techniques following selective sample purification. Ideally, sample preparation utilizes small amounts to conserve the sample. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is ideally suited for removing low molecular weight toxins from


a liquid matrix and can be used to filter samples to remove impurities or bind, rinse, and preconcentrate toxins (Telepchak et al., 2004). Common SPE sorbents include C18, C8, and derivatized silica (e.g., cation exchange, anion exchange). The format of SPE has traditionally been in a polypropylene tube with a flow-through design, although 96-well plate formats are widely available for increasing analytical throughput. The SPE cartridges or plates are disposable, low cost, and are frequently used for only one sample. A common sample size is about 0.1e1 mL and may require preextraction centrifugation to remove particulates. Quantitative SPE methods use internal standards which are precisely added to samples before any preparation steps. The fixed ratio of the toxin signal to that of the internal standard during mass analysis compensates for variability introduced by sample manipulation and extraction, as well as variability during the analysis itself. Stable isotopeelabeled internal standards are chemically identical to the target compound, but they can be readily differentiated in a mass spectrometer. The use of stable isotopeecontaining (e.g., 13C, 2 H, 15N) internal standards is collectively referred to as isotope dilution, and such internal standards need to be optimized for sensitivity, accuracy, and cost (Wang et al., 2014). Toxins may also be extracted using immunomagnetic separation (IMS), which offers much greater selectively than SPE (Bragg et al., 2018). IMS consists of using toxin-specific antibodies conjugated to a magnetic particle and a simple magnet (Bjorck and Kronvall, 1984). The antibody-coated magnetic particles are mixed with the sample to facilitate binding of the antigen (i.e., toxin) to the antibody. A magnetic field is then applied to separate the magnetic particles from the matrix, and the particles are washed to remove nonspecific matrix components. Sample volumes generally range from 10 mL to 1 mL, with the sample size limited by availability of analyte matrix. Following IMS, the toxin may be directly detected by mass spectrometry (Bragg et al., 2018). Alternatively, the

III. Methodology


15. Toxin analysis using mass spectrometry

activity of the toxin (e.g., BoNT (Kalb et al., 2014) or ricin (Kalb et al., 2015b)) can be measured by allowing the particle-bound toxin to react with an artificial substrate that mimics the toxin’s natural target in the human body. The presence of reaction products and/or unreacted substrate can then be measured by mass spectrometry to evaluate toxin activity. Qualitative and quantitative mass spectrometric measurements of protein toxins may involve treatment with a protease such as trypsin, which digests the toxins into characteristic peptide fragments. These peptides can be compared to electronic databases of peptides to qualitatively confirm the presence of a toxin. Quantitation requires the use of internal standards, which can be added following the digestion step, and usually include stable isotopeelabeled peptides (Norrgran et al., 2009). Isotopically labeled peptides are generally available from commercial suppliers and are more cost-effective than generating isotopically labeled protein toxins.

Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry is a highly sensitive analytical technique which can generate both qualitative data related to toxin mass and structure and quantitative data related to the concentration in a sample (Skoog and Leary, 1992). Qualitative analysis by mass spectrometry requires as much or more toxin than quantitative analysis. Stable-isotope internal standards compensate for sample-to-sample variability resulting from autosamplers and chromatographic variation and, as a result, increase analytical sensitivity. The most selective forms of mass spectrometry rely on either tandem (Dell’Aversano et al., 2004; Seto and KanamoriKataoka, 2005) or high-resolution mass analyzer configurations (Skoog and Leary, 1992). Tandem mass spectrometers incorporate multidimensional analysis by performing multiple stages of mass analysis. A widely used example of a tandem mass spectrometer is the triple quadrupole. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments

dramatically increase an analysis method’s selectivity and sensitivity by decreasing interferences. High-resolution instruments (e.g., MALDI-TOF or Orbitrap mass spectrometers) possess the ability to differentiate nominally similar ions that cannot be differentiated by low-resolution mass spectrometers such as triple quadrupole instruments. This resolution likewise dramatically decreases background interferences and increases method selectivity and sensitivity. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC or LC) further increases the selectivity of tandem mass spectrometers (Skoog and Leary, 1992). Besides facilitating delivery of the sample to the mass spectrometer, HPLC further concentrates and purifies the toxin before analysis and sequentially delivers toxin fractions to the mass spectrometer. The separation process on the analytical column is critical to the effectiveness of the method and is based on the selective partitioning of compounds between a solid stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase. The stationary phase is typically comprised of derivatized silica particles similar to those used in SPE but of much higher quality, more uniformity, and smaller particle sizes. HPLC also typically operates at much higher pressures than SPE. Because the effluent from the HPLC is a liquid and the mass spectrometer is a vacuumbased instrument, an ion source, which facilitates evaporation of the solvent and ionizes the toxin, is needed before mass analysis. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is the interface commonly used for the trace analysis of toxins; the configuration of the HPLC followed by ESI and tandem mass spectrometry is commonly abbreviated as LC-ESI-MS/MS or more simply LC-MS/MS. Some toxins are more efficiently analyzed following their dissolution onto a solid matrix and direct introduction into the mass spectrometer using MALDI. Key components of MALDI are an organic matrix in which samples are admixed, a laser to ablate the matrix, and a solid support. The matrix is typically an unsaturated carboxylic acid which absorbs laser radiation and is vaporized, causing simultaneous vaporization of the admixed compound. The acidic matrix also

III. Methodology

Specific toxin analysis methods

donates a proton to the target analyte, causing ionization. High-resolution mass analysis is commonly applied with MALDI to compensate for the lower front-end selectively due to the absence of the HPLC separation step. A common configuration for toxin analysis is the combination of MALDI and high-resolution mass analysis using time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF). The selection of an LC-MS/MS or MALDITOF approach is dependent on the requirements of the analytical method. LC-MS/MS is ideally suited for mixtures of compounds that would generate uninterpretable overlapping mass spectra in MALDI-TOF. An example of such a mixture would be a proteomics digestion solution which can contain thousands of peptides. MALDI-TOF analysis is ideally suited for high molecular weight compounds beyond the mass range of a quadrupole instrument (>3000 Da) and up to several hundred 1000 Da. MALDITOF can also be conveniently applied to the analysis of low molecular weight peptides for the sake of convenience or speed, assuming a very clean sample prepared using IMS.

Specific toxin analysis methods Saxitoxin analysis STX can be detected in liquid matrices such as water or human urine using SPE followed by LC-MS/MS analysis (Humpage et al., 2010; Dell’Aversano et al., 2004; Johnson et al., 2009), which is a common approach to the analysis of small molecule toxins. Cation exchange SPE has been shown to be effective for binding STX to carboxylic acids on the silica stationary phase through electrostatic attraction. Binding occurs when both the substrate and target ion are ionized at 2 pH units above the pKa of an acidic stationary phase and 2 pH units below the pKa of the basic toxin. For STX, a pH 6.4 phosphate buffer facilitates efficient toxin extraction. The solvents used during sample preparation, in order of use, are as follows: methanol, then water (to wet the substrate), pH 6.4 buffer (to charge


the substrate), sample addition, water (to remove excess phosphate and matrix salts), acetonitrile (to remove neutral interferences), and 5% formic acid in methanol (pH ¼ 1 to neutralize the stationary phase and elute the toxin). More recently, hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) SPE has been shown to be an effective extraction approach for STX (Xu et al., 2018). Following elution of STX from the SPE cartridge with a volatile solvent, nitrogen evaporation using mild heating (45 C) is used to concentrate the toxin and decrease method detection limits. Heavy isotope internal standards of small molecule toxins are difficult to synthesize (Bragg et al., 2015). Instead, microorganisms that produce the toxin can be grown in a heavy isotopee enriched environment (e.g., 15N2) so that the synthesized toxin already has the heavy elements incorporated. In the case of STX, Alexandrium dinoflagellates are grown in a 15N2-enriched medium to generate the 15N7-labeled toxin (van de Riet et al., 2011; Johnson et al., 2009). It is important to note that heavy isotope internal standards need to have a minimum number of labels to avoid cross talk in the mass spectrometer with the unlabeled toxin (Wille et al., 2017). STX can be measured using LC-MS/MS and HILIC (Dell’Aversano et al., 2004) with a high organic mobile phase for optimal retention and resolution of the polar toxin. The limits of detection are low nanograms-per-milliliter (ng/mL) concentrations in urine and water. These concentrations of STX are below the levels expected for significant human toxicity. It should be noted that if a complete fingerprint of all PSP toxins or the analysis of seafood is needed, the SPE scheme must be altered (Dell’Aversano et al., 2004). The fingerprinting of STXs has been previously discussed in detail (Hall et al., 1990) and can be used to differentiate the strain of dinoflagellate, to identify the source of contaminated seafood, and for geographic sourcing. However, the generation of toxins is a transient event, and it may not be possible to definitively identify the organism that produced the toxin if the conditions have changed significantly. An approach

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15. Toxin analysis using mass spectrometry

in this case would be to mimic the conditions in which a particular toxin was generated, using an assumed source organism, and determine if the toxin fingerprint was reproduced.

fingerprint of a sample would be ideal for attribution, there are limited sources for the a and b forms, and a fingerprinting methodology has not yet been reported for LC-MS/MS.

a-Amanitin analysis

Botulinum neurotoxin analysis

a-Amanitin is a hydrophobic bicyclic peptide which is amenable to traditional C18 SPE stationary phase and reversed phase chromatographic separation. A critical problem in the analysis of amatoxins, including a-amanitin, by mass spectrometry is the lack of readily available isotopically labeled forms of the authentic toxins to use as internal standards. This shortcoming is due to a lack of reported pathways for preparing key intermediates for making the bicyclic bridge when synthesizing the peptide. Additionally, sources for growing amatoxin-producing mushrooms in a heavy isotope environment have typically been severely limited. Previous methods have reported simple screening without use of internal standards (Herrmann et al., 2012; Jansson et al., 2012) or quantitation against structurally similar surrogate compounds as internal standards (Helfer et al., 2014; Leite et al., 2013; Tomkova et al., 2015). However, the production of 15 N-labeled a-amanitin has recently been reported in Galerina marginata (Luo et al., 2015). The 15 N-labeled a-amanitin was used in the development of a method for detecting a-, b-, and g-amanitin in human urine (Abbott et al., 2018). Amatoxins are structurally stable compounds, and the mass spectrometry analysis of a-amanitin is challenging due to limited available fragmentation pathways. Both positive (Abbott et al., 2018; Leite et al., 2013; Tomkova et al., 2015) and negative (Helfer et al., 2014) ionization modes have been reported; however, each has advantages and limitations. The reported limits of detection for a-amanitin in urine range from 0.22 to 1 ng/mL (Abbott et al., 2018; Helfer et al., 2014; Defendenti et al., 1998; Leite et al., 2013; Tomkova et al., 2015; Pittman and Johnson, 2010) which is sufficient to detect toxic levels in clinical samples. While measuring the amatoxin

Protein toxins, such as BoNT, can be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by detection of peptide sequences that are unique to that protein and by measurement of toxin activity. IMSs are integral to these methods and use serotype-specific antibodies for BoNT to bind these toxins to a ferromagnetic particle. After binding and washing the particles, a tryptic digest of the bound toxin generates peptides which are toxin specific. These peptides are analyzed by LC-MS/MS for confirmation of the mass and the amino acid sequence of each toxin-specific peptide. Quantification requires the use of isotopically labeled peptides as internal standards which are added following the digestion step. Activity measurements of BoNTs are performed in parallel or before tryptic digestion as digestion products are not enzymatically active. For BoNT, activity measurements include incubating the IMS-bound toxin with a peptide substrate corresponding to a shortened version of the toxin’s natural target, either SNAP-25 or VAMP-2 (Kalb et al., 2015a). The peptide substrate is cleaved in a specific location, which is different for each of the BoNT serotypes. The reaction product is then analyzed using MALDI-TOF. Detection of the peptide cleavage products corresponding to specific toxindependent locations indicates the presence of a particular BoNT serotype. As an example, the peptide substrate for BoNT/B is derived from the toxin’s natural target, VAMP-2. It has an amino acid sequence of LSELDDRADALQAGASQFESSAAKLKRKYWWKNLK with a molecular weight of 4025 Da. The singly charged peptide substrate appears at mass/charge (m/z) 4026, and the doubly charged peptide substrate appears at

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Validation of toxin methods

FIGURE 15.2 MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of the BoNT/B peptide substrate in the presence of BoNT/B. The intact substrate is present at m/z 4026 with cleavage products at m/z 1760 and 2284 indicating the presence of BoNT/B.

m/z 2013 (Fig. 15.2). BoNT/B cleaves the peptide substrate between the Q and the F residues. The N-terminal cleavage product, LSELDDRADALQAGASQ, appears at m/z 1760, and the C-terminal cleavage product, FESSAAKLKRKYWWKNLK, appears at m/z 2284. These cleavage products serve as biomarkers to indicate the presence of active BoNT/B in a sample. Additionally, the amount of intact peptide substrate decreases on the formation of the cleavage products.

Ricin analysis Ricin can be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed using the IMS and tryptic digestion approach described for BoNTs. Ricin activity can be determined by incubating the toxin with an RNA substrate that mimics the toxin’s natural target, 28S ribosomal RNA. The sequence of this substrate (rGrCrGrCrGrArGrArGrCrGrC) has a molecular weight of 4538 Da and forms a stem loop structure with a GAGA tetraloop. When ricin interacts with this GAGA tetraloop, one of the adenosines is depurinated. Depurination results in a mass shift from 4538 to 4420 Da (Kalb et al., 2015b). Detection of the depurinated substrate at m/z 4421 indicates the presence of active ricin in a sample (Fig. 15.3); if the mass

of the substrate remains unchanged, then active ricin is not present. Methods that either directly analyze toxins by detection of specific peptide sequences or by their activity are considered to be confirmatory methods, provided that the enzymatic activity and immunoaffinity capture are specific for that toxin. In contrast, a presumptive or screening method can be valuable from a sensitivity or throughput standpoint. Ricinine is a component of the castor bean and can be monitored to confirm the presence of a caster bean product, but not ricin itself. In contrast to the lengthy analysis of ricin which requires immunoaffinity capture and a tryptic digestion step, the biomarker ricinine can be measured more rapidly (Johnson et al., 2005; Isenberg et al., 2018). Ricinine is also more temperature stable, solvent resistant, and is generally stable at acidic and basic pH conditions. Therefore, it can be detected in matrices, such as urine, in which ricin has been degraded to nonspecific fragments.

Validation of toxin methods The general life cycle of a method includes development, validation, application, updates, and retirement. Some key issues to establish

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15. Toxin analysis using mass spectrometry

FIGURE 15.3 MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of the ricin RNA substrate in the presence of ricin. The unaltered substrate is present at m/z 4539 and is depurinated in the presence of ricin to yield a new peak at m/z 4421.

during method development include identifying the scientific objectives of the method, determining the appropriate toxin biomarker, and obtaining resources (e.g., reagents, proper instruments, personnel) to achieve those goals. Toxin methods are typically trace analysis methods (Taylor, 1987), and the analytical approach must include “fitness of use” or “fit for purpose” considerations (Wille et al., 2017; US Department of Health and Human Services FaDA et al., 2018). Once a method is fully developed, it must be validated, which includes a statistical characterization of all method parameters and stability of the toxin biomarker under expected use conditions. Method validation can only be started once all parameters for a method have been finalized from the method development process. Once validation is completed, a quality assurance program (Wille et al., 2017)

is needed to support the method during application. Updates to the method trigger an appropriate level of revalidation, and methods may be retired if no longer needed (Fig. 15.4). The level of validation for a specific toxin method should be proportional to the impact of its intended purpose. If a method will be used for critical measurements that result in a significant action, such as patient treatment or legal consequences, then validation should be more extensive than a method used for exploratory measurements (Wille et al., 2017; US Department of Health and Human Services FaDA et al., 2018). Screening methods, which are used for identifying samples for further confirmatory testing, should be developed to minimize falsenegative results. Establishing or validating a specific method extends beyond the characterization of quality control materials; scientists

III. Methodology

Validation of toxin methods


FIGURE 15.4 Method life cycle stages include separate stages of development, validation, and updating. Updating may require another validation stage, and the method may be retired if superseded or no longer needed.

have many perspectives on what constitutes complete method validation and minimum criteria (Wille et al., 2017; Jarman et al., 2018). The most common element of method development is identifying which biomarkers are best for the intended purpose. Biomarkers vary widely and directly impact the interpretation of testing results. Examples of specific biomarkers may be the toxin of interest or a processed part of the toxin. Highly valuable safety data can be obtained by measuring reaction products of the toxin with natural targets. Less specific data, such as biomarkers from the source and/or method of preparation, can also provide valuable information for investigations (Isenberg et al., 2018; Pittman et al., 2012; Fredriksson et al., 2018; Wunschel et al., 2012). Validation often includes establishing the selectivity of a toxin biomarker and stability in a matrix such as urine, blood, feces, extracted food, or environmental samples. Expected storage conditions of samples before and after preparation, as well as freeze-thaw stability experiments, also need to be evaluated (Scientific

Working Group for Forensic Toxicology (SWGTOX) standard practices for method validation in forensic toxicology, 2013; Chan et al., 2004; Budowle and Members, 2003). This can be especially critical if there is a long analysis period, where a toxin preparation may not be stable in an instrument autosampler. There are several documents related to method validation, and these are usually presented as minimum criteria (Wille et al., 2017; Scientific Working Group for Forensic Toxicology (SWGTOX) standard practices for method validation in forensic toxicology, 2013). A strong trend in the last 5 years has been the increased consensus of what is acceptable for method validation (Wille et al., 2017; US Department of Health and Human Services FaDA et al., 2018; Scientific Working Group for Forensic Toxicology (SWGTOX) standard practices for method validation in forensic toxicology, 2013). When considering toxin analysis data and whether it is valid and “fit for purpose,” some key questions to consider may include the following: (1) Were the positive and negative

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quality control materials measured within specified limits? If the quality control materials failed, then none of the reported results are valid; (2) Was the toxin measured in a previously evaluated matrix? If a new matrix is being evaluated, then the toxin stability, extraction recovery, and method accuracy are not known; (3) Are there similar methods available in the peer-reviewed literature? Peer-review is critical to establishing that the method uses accepted scientific principles; and (4) Were the analysts qualified to complete the method? These records are commonly retained for external auditing purposes if a laboratory is accredited.

Current limitations to toxin analysis Instrument manufacturers continue to expand the applications of mass spectrometry for toxin analysis. Instruments are faster and more sensitive and can now measure lower concentrations more precisely than ever before. As a result, mass spectrometry analysis is primarily limited by the availability of samples and appropriate reference standards/materials rather than by instrument performance. More sensitive methodologies are needed to detect toxins for a longer period of time after generation or exposure, especially when toxins are reduced in concentration due to environmental influences, matrix stability, or metabolism. However, because detection methods are statistically evaluated procedures, fundamental challenges will continue to be related to achieving optimal method quality, which will be based on recent recommendations for bioanalytical and forensic testing (Humpage et al., 2010).

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16 Ricin forensics: comparisons to microbial forensics Jeffrey T. Foster1, Robert L. Bull2, Paul Keim1 1

The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States; 2FBI Laboratory, Quantico, VA, United States

Introduction Castor beans from the castor plant (Ricinus communis) are the source of a potent natural toxin, ricin. Threats posed by ricin are threefold: first, the toxin has no antidote so medical staff can only provide supportive care; second, the source plant grows throughout most tropical and temperate regions of the world so it is readily available; and third, toxin extraction is relatively easy to perform with common chemicals. Although ricin is a plant toxin and not a microbial toxin, it is included within the general area of microbial forensics because the toxin is similar to those produced by several bacteria and is studied by the same select agentefocused biodefense community. Forensic approaches to the toxin and the plant’s DNA provide a means to compare and contrast forensic methods in microbes. Ricin is a frequently used agent for biocrimes in the United States. Each year a handful of instances occur where someone attempts to poison another with ricin. Preparations range

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00016-7

from crude extracts to purified toxin. Ricin purification methods abound on the Internet. In fact, a process for preparing toxin from castor beans was the subject of a US patent in 1962 (Craig et al., 1962). Detection of ricin and source attribution provides an excellent contrast to typing systems for bacteria. Typing of ricin consists of two aspects: assessment of the toxin and assessment of source plants. For ricin assessment, the process is nearly identical to procedures for toxin assessment from bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum. The toxin is detected by various assays, including antibody-based, enzymebased, or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based tests. Verification of the presence of biologically active toxin is a key element of forensic testing because it is required for legal proof of attempted poisonings. To determine if ricin is present in an evidentiary sample, a combination of analytical methods may be utilized. Each of the analytical tests detects a specific targetdimmunological assays and mass spectrometry for detection of the ricin protein, cellular toxicity assays or


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16. Ricin forensics: comparisons to microbial forensics

cell-free enzymatic assays for detection of ricin activity, and PCR assays for detection of residual DNA that frequently is a contaminant of the ricin toxin preparation. For clinical samples (i.e., urine), the biomarker ricinine, an alkaloid that is present in the seeds, is used to indicate ricin exposure (see Chapter 15). The other avenue of forensic attribution is genotyping of the plants that were the source of the ricin. Because many ricin preparations are crude extracts, DNA from the source plants is typically present. However, genotyping of plant DNA is quite different from many microbial pathogens because plants are at least diploid rather than haploid. Diploidy, sexual reproduction, and outcrossing result in chromosomal recombination in plants, creating a different challenge for assessing population structure and evolutionary history than for microbial pathogens. For instance, in diploid organisms, one rarely has a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that will define a particular lineage, as frequently occurs in bacteria. Thus, population genetic analyses in plants are of a statistical rather than phylogenetic nature, where diversity is partitioned in a nested fashion (e.g., Wright’s statistics). Like humans, plant cytoplasmic DNA (e.g., mitochondrial and chloroplast) is typically inherited maternally without recombination. These genetic components are conceptually similar to clonal pathogens and phylogenetic analysis is commonly used on targets in these regions.


Background History of castor beans Castor beans have a long history of cultivation, and seeds have been recovered from ancient Egyptian tombs. In fact, Egypt is close to the suspected origin of the plant in East Africa, with Ethiopia the center of both diversity and its native range (Vavilov, 1951). However, the plant is now distributed widely throughout the world due to human commercial transport and cultivation. The plant is not frost tolerant so although it can grow as an annual in temperate regions as far north as New England, it is largely found in tropical and subtropical climates. Castor plants have taken two paths since domestication, as a source of seeds for oil production and as a garden ornamental (Narain, 1974). The plant frequently escapes cultivation and can be found feral in places such as roadsides, abandoned lots, and streamsides (Weber, 2003). Castor plants are fast growing and can exceed 3 m in height in a growing season. The plant was historically a perennial shrub but has since evolved into a fast-growing annual (Narain, 1974), although both growth forms occur widely. The plant is characterized by broad morphological variation in nearly all of its characters, including color, size, and shape of leaves, stems, and seeds (Fig. 16.1), seed oil content, flower and fruit size, maturation, and plant shape from

A range of sizes and coat patterns of castor bean seeds.

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dwarfed and compact to large and full. Cultivation of castor plants for oil production is common in India, China, and Brazil (FAO, 2007). This high-quality oil can be used in a variety of products, including lubricants, cosmetics, soaps, paints, nylon, plastics, and other manufactured products (Ogunniyi, 2006). Castor oil or its derivatives are also used medicinally as a laxative and as additives in a range of drugs (BASF). Castor oil is derived from the seeds by either mechanical or solvent-based extraction (Ogunniyi, 2006). Ricin protein is not oil soluble so the toxin remains in the “cake,” a by-product of extraction. Thus, castor oil production facilities are a potential source for large amounts of ricin; because the oil has already been removed, the toxin is much easier to extract. The cake can be used directly as a fertilizer or detoxified by heat processing and used for animal feed (Poli et al., 2007). Oil from w100 million metric tons of castor beans is extracted annually, creating a large potential toxin source (Griffiths, 2011). Castor bean plants are not true beans from the family Fabaceae (legumes) but instead belong to the Euphorbiaceae, a large family of flowering plants that includes cassava (Manihot esculenta), rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), and poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Taxonomically, it is in the tribe Acalypheae and subtribe Ricininae. Based on analyses using several genes, the most closely related species is Speranskia cantonensis (Tokuoka, 2007), although a more complete sampling will likely uncover other closely related species. Commonly available plants within the same tribe are members of the large and well-distributed subtribe Acalyphinae such as Acalypha hispida and Acalypha godseffiana (chenille plants). Taxonomy is important for ricin forensics because assays must be able to distinguish R. communis from these genetically similar near neighbors. Thus, DNA-based assays should be screened against DNA from near neighbors to assure specificity.


Ricin poisoning Ricin is a heterodimeric glycoprotein composed of two chains (subunits)dA and B. The A chain is an enzyme (N-glycosidaserRNA) that inhibits protein synthesis by irreversibly inactivating eukaryotic ribosomes through removal of a single adenine residue from the 28S ribosomal RNA loop contained within the 60S subunit (Leshin et al., 2010). Ricin is considered a type II ribosome-inactivating protein (Barbieri et al., 1993). The B chain is a lectin and binds to galactose-containing glycolipids and glycoproteins expressed on the surface of cells, facilitating entry of the A chain into the cytosol where it can function. The A chain cannot enter a cell without the B chain. Thus, the two chains work in tandem (Lord et al., 1991). Replacement of the receptor-binding subunit with another binding moiety, such as an antibody directed against a tumor cell surface antigen, can be used to create chimeric molecules (i.e., immunotoxins), which can be used to direct ricin to tumor cells (Lord et al., 2003). Although the amount of ricin will vary among different cultivars, toxin quantity in beans is roughly 1%e5% by weight (Bradberry et al., 2003). The lethal dose for a person varies widely based on route of exposure. Based on studies with rodents and nonhuman primates, injection or inhalation is highly effective for administering lethal doses in a range of 3e15 mg/kg; oral ingestion is much less effective, requiring at least 20 mg/kg for a lethal dose (Poli et al., 2007). Despite its reputation as one of the most potent natural toxins, lethal dosages are only moderate when compared to toxins such as botulinum and abrin (Darling and Woods, 2004). An immunological response occurs after exposure to ricin, and immunization can occur through repeated exposure to low doses, which was first described in 1891 (Olsnes, 2004). Subsequent immunization and vaccine efforts initially focused on inactivation of the toxin with

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16. Ricin forensics: comparisons to microbial forensics

chemical treatment (toxoids) and more recently have used recombinant DNA technology to produce ricin A chain lacking detectable N-glycosidase-rRNA activity (Olson et al., 2005). Most troubling for healthcare professionals and exposed individuals, however, is that there is currently no antidote for ricin toxicity; only supportive care can be provided. Intentional poisonings have been far less common than those resulting from accidental ingestion of the seeds. Incidental poisoning of pets and livestock through either ingestion of the seeds or contamination of feed is the most frequent event and horses appear to be particularly susceptible (Albretsen et al., 2000; Aslani et al., 2007). Despite these somewhat frequent occurrences, the use of ricin in a biocrime or as a bioterrorism agent remains more commonly reported and sensationalized. The assassination in London of Bulgarian writer and dissident Georgi Markov by the Bulgarian Secret Police in 1978 remains the most notorious ricin event. Markov appears to have been injected in the back of the thigh with a hollow pellet containing ricin by a modified umbrella (Knight, 1979). In 2004, ricin was discovered along with a threatening note in a postal facility in South Carolina (MMWR, 2003). In a possibly related event, a letter containing ricin was sent to the White House demanding changes to various federal regulations (Eggen, 2004). These attacks and many others are detailed in a Congressional Research Service report to the US Congress after ricin was found in the Dirksen Senate Office building (Shea and Gottron, 2004). More recently, a man in Las Vegas was found in a coma and hospitalized after an apparent self-poisoning; 4 g of ricin was found with his belongings (Ritter, 2008). Similar incidents involving poisonings or attempted poisonings occur almost annually. Thus, in the United States and Europe, a series of events involving ricin have been perpetrated by individuals and potentially state-sponsored groups. As a result of its lethality, ubiquity, and ease of preparation and dissemination, the

active toxin is a considered a Select Agent by the US Department of Health and Human Services (see Chapter 27).

Ricin toxin detection Legally, forensic investigations must establish that biologically active ricin is present in the evidence for prosecution to be successful. Hence, sensitive assays that detect this toxin are the first step in an investigation. Highly purified forms of ricin are not necessary to prove intent and simply mashing up beans and distributing them via mail may qualify as an attempted poisoning. However, distribution of purified forms of the ricin toxoid or just one of the two chains may not qualify as a poisoning attempt. Detection of ricin toxin can be accomplished through a variety of techniques, including immunological methods, biological assays, and mass spectrometry. Each of these methods has strengths and weaknesses when applied to samples collected from a potential crime scene. In most cases, the primary tool for identification of ricin in a sample is a form of an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Formats include lateral flow and standard ELISA using a variety of conjugated reagents that facilitate the detection and possible quantification of ricin in the sample. In the ELISA, a capture antibody binds the ricin to a solid matrix and a detector antibody specific to ricin binds to the immobilized toxin, forming an antibodyetoxine antibody complex. The detector antibody may be conjugated to an enzyme (requires substrate) (Garber and O’Brien, 2008) or oligonucleotide as is the case for an immuno-PCR assay (Lubelli et al., 2006), fluorescent molecule, or any other compound that can be read visually or by an instrument (Garber and O’Brien, 2008). In other formats, an antibody specific to the detector antibody is conjugated with an enzyme or other molecule necessary for detecting the presence of ricin. In recent years, assays have been multiplexed into immunological arrays that can

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Ricin toxin detection

simultaneously screen a sample for multiple protein targets (Huelseweh et al., 2006). Some antigen-capture ELISAs have a sensitivity w1 ng. It is critical that immunological assays be validated properly, conducted by trained and proficient staff, and include appropriate controls to ensure proper interpretation of results. All antibody-based assays detect conformational epitopes; thus, the ricin protein must be in the appropriate conformation. This is critical when considering results of an antibody-based assay. If the protein that is the target of the assay is denatured, results of the assay may be negative even if ricin is present. For immunological assays, it is advisable to run positive controls, negative controls, and a matrix control to ensure proper interpretation of results. It is suggested that several different assays be run. For example, positive results with the cell-free assay would not differentiate between A chain and holotoxin. In addition, some immunoassays use polyclonal antibodies and others use monoclonal antibodies for the B chain-specific capture antibody and the A chain-specific detector. This variation can be potentially problematic because recent genomic analyses have identified a family of ricin-like proteins in castor beans with enzymatic activity but with differences in reactivity with monoclonal antibodies, suggesting that ricin levels may be underestimated by these assays (Leshin et al., 2010; Darling and Woods, 2004). A similar approach involves a time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) immunoassay, which uses ricin-specific antibodies to test for the presence of ricin (Kane et al., 2017). An added benefit of the TRF approach is its ability to test for the presence of ricin in complex environmental samples or samples that have been decontaminated. Frequently, assays for the detection of ricin activity are also used when examining samples, which require that the toxin not be denatured. Toxin activity can be assessed by cellular assays that measure cell death (Yoshida et al., 1990) or diminished protein synthesis (Mantis et al.,


2006) or cell-free assays that measure inhibition of protein synthesis using a rabbit reticulocyte translation system (Lindsey et al., 2007). As with antigen-capture assays, it is necessary for the assays to be validated properly and the competency of those that perform them established. In addition, the assays need positive, negative, and antibody-specific inhibition controls. To have confidence that the inhibition of protein synthesis is due to ricin, it is necessary to add a neutralizing antiricin antibody to the sample and show that the inhibition of protein synthesis is prevented. However, this is only relevant if the antibody recognizes all members of the ricin family. For ricin activity assays, as well as for ELISA, establishment of a threshold is a critical component of determining the performance of the assay. With clinical samples for detection of ricinine, it is possible to establish a sufficient sample size to establish a matrix background and a fixed cut-off. Samples that are frequently associated with a criminal investigation, however, are environmental in nature and likely have an undefined background. For this reason, it is critical that the setting of a threshold considers the matrix effects of the sample and that the assay controls and background be established for each sample. When the ricin protein is denatured or partially degraded, it may be appropriate to rely on mass spectrometry for identification. Mass spectrometry identifies the mass charge ratios of peptide fragments that are then compared against a database of potential matches. These methods are highly accurate but have some limitations. Mass spectrometry requires more sample preparation than immunological methods and, generally, has a lower sensitivity. Even with these limitations, the method has a role in the identification of ricin in some complex samples. Two technical approaches for ricin identification based on mass spectrometry are matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionizationetime of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF) (Brinkworth et al., 2009)

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16. Ricin forensics: comparisons to microbial forensics

and liquid chromatographyemass spectrometry (LC MS/MS) (Darby et al., 2001). MALDI TOF requires less sample preparation and has higher sample throughput, whereas LC MS/MS can identify ricin in more complex samples and provide amino acid sequence data of specific peptides, with quantification of ricinine also possible (Verougstraete et al., 2019). Mass spectrometry methods are also valuable tools for determining the purification methods used in ricin preparation. Additional information can be obtained by mass spectrometry on the fatty acid, carbohydrate and protein composition, residual solvents, and stable isotope ratio in the ricin preparation of interest. These methods, which are not specific for the toxin, provide valuable information on the production methods and may provide leads as to the environment in which the seeds were grown. More recently, a multi-omic approach using a set of biomarkers can determine the composition of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and proteins (Fredriksson et al., 2018), which is useful to determine the methods of sample preparation and composition for forensic attribution. Taken together, immunological, biological, mass spectrometry, and molecular analysis contribute to the investigation of samples suspected to contain ricin. It is necessary to understand the strengths and limitations of each these methods and to apply them correctly to the samples of interest. One solution is developing proficiency tests that detect and quantify ricin within samples, which also allows for a comparison across ricin detection approaches (Worbs et al., 2015). Moreover, because of the complexity of the compounds in castor beans and potential for cross reaction of nonspecific targets, extreme care must be taken when interpreting assay results. For example, RCA120 is a lectin glycoprotein of low toxicity found in castor bean seeds that can be a confounding factor in many assays for ricin (Yamashiro et al., 2007). Thus, multiple approaches for ricin identification are often warranted.

Castor bean genotyping The basis of genetic differentiation of castor beans remains in its infancy, although the field has advanced rapidly in the past several years. Because most previous genetic work had focused on R. communis as a crop plant, research has largely centered on oil production, growth attributes, and trait heritability (Dhapke et al., 1992). Genetic characterization of ricin preparations for sample attribution to a source is a new issue. Forensic investigations for sample attribution of ricin rely on PCR-based methods because other characters possibly used in forensic botany cases are typically not available (Coyle, 2005). From trace amounts of material, researchers must find genetic polymorphisms to differentiate individual plants or populationbased unique genetic characteristics. Analytic challenges with ricin preparations are threefold: first, sufficient quality DNA must be present for analysis; second, finding adequate DNA markers to differentiate samples; and third, ricin preparations are typically mixtures of seeds potentially from multiple plants. Even seeds from a particular plant probably represent genetically unique individuals due to sexual recombination. DNA quality is an issue because proteins and oils that inhibit PCR reactions can be found in ricin preparations. Furthermore, ricin purification methods can also remove much of the DNA from the sample. Even if DNA can be extracted from the samples, low genetic diversity poses an additional challenge to distinguish among potential sources. Many of the commercially available seeds, from either agricultural production or horticulture, appear genetically related (Allan et al., 2008; Foster et al., 2010). Finally, ricin preparations often come from seeds of several to dozens of plants and, hence, represent a mixture of genotypes. Forensic approaches for ricin genotyping must be sensitive to the analysis of mixtures and use a population genetics approach.

III. Methodology

Castor bean genotyping

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms


Chloroplast DNA

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) provide an effective means of genotyping, particularly when little is known about the genome or genetics of an organism. Restriction enzymes cut the DNA and adaptors are attached to the ends of the fragments. Fragments are then amplified using PCR and their varying lengths can then be visualized on gel or capillary-based platforms. AFLP is very sensitive for detecting genetic polymorphisms but requires relatively large amounts of high-quality DNA and has difficulty with mixture analysis. Thus, AFLP is not an ideal candidate for genotyping forensic ricin samples but has been used for population genetics of plants. Limited genetic diversity has been detected in a wide sampling of castor bean plants (Allan et al., 2008). Complete sequencing of the R. communis genome has made other genotyping methods more desirable than AFLP.

DNA from chloroplasts is a potentially strong candidate for genotyping because it has a much higher copy number than nuclear DNA. Thus, in trace amounts or in degraded samples there will be much more material for assays to target (Hinckley, 2006). Despite this benefit, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) has not proven to be highly informative. This was illustrated in a cpDNA study of seven highly diverse samples where the entire cpDNA sequence was determined. Despite this comprehensive analysis, only five cpDNA haplotypes were observed (Rivarola et al, 2011) and this limited number of haplotypes was also found in a global survey of nearly 900 samples (Rivarola et al., 2011). Furthermore, three of these groups were separated by only two SNPs, indicating that they are closely related. Therefore, cpDNA may be useful for determining broad-scale geographical patterns and may allow for exclusion in some cases. However, it lacks the discrimination power for strong “match” or inclusionary statistics.

Simple sequence repeats Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and other repeated regions such as microsatellites provide excellent targets and means of assessing genetic variation in samples. In general, the markers mutate rapidly to provide differentiation of even closely related samples. When nine SSR markers were screened against a worldwide collection of samples, minimal differentiation was observed (Allan et al., 2008). It appears that SSRs have low diversity, perhaps due to a historical genetic bottleneck. Potentially, all modern domesticated castor beans were derived from a small population, which resulted in a great reduction of genetic diversity. Furthermore, SSRs are difficult to interpret with forensic samples containing large numbers of mixed genotypes. Finally, SSRs fare poorly when only trace amounts of DNA are present.

Nuclear SNPs SNPs from nuclear DNA provide one of the only remaining genotyping options for ricin forensics. Nuclear SNPs may also be relatively rare due to a genetic bottleneck from domestication, but the genome is large with many potential SNP sites. This makes SNP identification difficult but does not diminish their discrimination power en masse once SNPs are found. SNPs are almost always biallelic, such that their discrimination capacity as individual loci is limited, but the number of SNP loci that can be used greatly exceeds AFLP, SSR, and cpDNA. Their biallelic aspect also allows for simpler analysis of DNA mixtures because individual allele frequencies will be a simple two-component ratio. SNP genotyping assays abound with some having very high capacity and others

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16. Ricin forensics: comparisons to microbial forensics

FIGURE 16.2 Map of distribution of five genetic groupings based on 48 single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Groupings were based on a Bayesian clustering algorithm. Originally published in BMC Plant Biology.

providing single molecule sensitivity for trace evidence analysis. Analysis of a worldwide panel of w600 samples using 48 SNPs differentiated samples into five distinct groupings (Fig. 16.2) (Foster et al., 2010). Similar to analyses with AFLPs and SSRs (Allan et al., 2008), however, these assays did not identify geographic structuring of plant populations likely due to widespread use of diverse seed stocks.

Challenges Reducing the availability of castor beans and castor plants as sources of the toxin is not currently a viable option, although the development of horticultural and agricultural varieties with negligible or reduced amounts of ricin is currently ongoing in agricultural plante breeding programs (Suhail et al., 2015). Because of its high oil content and good growth in poor soils even with low amounts of water, the plant

is a potential biofuel source and increased worldwide cultivation of the plant is possible (Severino et al., 2012). Development of plants containing seeds with low ricin levels and high oil yields would still be useful for agriculture, while eliminating their utility as a source of ricin. Robust assays on a variety of platforms are available for detecting the ricin toxin and verifying its enzymatic activity, but require sophisticated equipment, the assays are challenging to run, and other compounds in castor beans may mimic ricin. Despite recent sequencing of the R. communis genome, large methodological gaps remain for DNA genotyping. Although there have been recent genotyping advances for assessment of castor bean populations, high-throughput methods that can assess mixtures of castor bean genotypes accurately are currently not possible. New analytical methods will likely solve this issue but the remaining challenge will be adequate reference collections of seeds. With improved genotyping methods,

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seeds from agriculture, horticulture, and feral populations can be compared to samples from an incident to determine likely sources. An adequate population genetic framework for analyses is therefore essential.

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16. Ricin forensics: comparisons to microbial forensics

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III. Methodology


17 Proteomics for bioforensics Eric D. Merkley, Brooke L. Deatherage Kaiser, David S. Wunschel, Karen L. Wahl Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States

Introduction Microbial forensics has been defined as “a scientific discipline dedicated to analyzing evidence from a bioterrorism act, biocrime, or inadvertent microorganism/toxin release for attribution purposes (Budowle et al., 2003).” Despite great strides in this field, a number of persistent and emerging challenges remain. A 2014 NRC-sponsored review identified several key needs, including distinguishing between natural and deliberate outbreaks, using nongenomic methods for characterization of agents or production materials (e.g., culture media), integrating genomic methods with physical/ chemical methods (including other “omics” methods), and determining methods for identifying and characterizing biological toxins (The National Academies Press, 2014). In addition, the convergence of chemistry and biology was highlighted as a potential threat for chemical production of peptides as toxins and bioregulators in a recent report by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Scientific Advisory Board (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, 2014). Finally, a 2017 US Government Accountability Office

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00017-9

review of US national bioforensic capabilities highlighted the benefits of methods-based capabilities (i.e., those measuring classes of features instead of agent-specific methods) for characterizing genomic, proteomic, and other classes of sample attributes (United States Government Accountability Office, 2017). These strategy documents all indicate that nongenomic approaches such as proteomic methods are anticipated to be crucial for characterizing unknown samples, including engineered, novel, or synthetic biological agents. This chapter explores the role of protein and peptide analysis methods to provide data to support attribution and aid in microbial forensic investigations.

Why proteomics? Proteomics is the study of the proteome, or the total complement of proteins present in a cell or tissue under a given set of conditions. The term is often used as a shorthand for the analytical process used to study the proteome, especially the combination of liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics. Rapid advances in DNA sequencing, termed


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17. Proteomics for bioforensics

next-generation sequencing, have revolutionized molecular characterization that is also feeding the necessary increase in sequence information to advance the proteomics field. Proteomics provides information about both genotype (through genome-encoded amino acid sequences) and phenotype (through protein abundance levels). Phenotypes that change in well-characterized ways in response to the environment also report on that environment. Therefore, a proteomics analysis of a forensic sample can report on genotype and, through phenotype, the environment in which the sample was produced. Proteomics thus complements genome analysis and provides information about the identity/presence and character of both organisms and specific proteins of interest, often without customized detection reagents like primers or antibodies. Mass spectrometrye based proteomics provides both broad applicability and specificity which will be discussed in this chapter. Recent advances in mass spectrometry instrumentation, the increasing availability of protein

sequence databases derived from genome sequencing, and the sophistication of bioinformatics tools used to study the proteome allow for the identification of thousands of proteins from a given sample. These proteomics tools are used to investigate biological processes, such as when proteins are expressed, how proteins are modified, and the involvement of proteins in metabolic pathways. This fundamental understanding of biological responses provided by proteomics can now provide relevant information regarding the production process and growth environment of a forensic sample. While proteomics shares some features with genomics, such as combining high molecular specificity with applicability to a large number of targets, and the ability to identify microbes, there are applications in which proteomic analysis provides unique benefits. Microbial forensic application areas are depicted in Fig. 17.1, including detection and identification of proteins of interest (e.g., protein toxins), identification of organisms using protein

FIGURE 17.1 Applications for proteomics in microbial forensics. III. Methodology

Proteomic analysis workflow

taxonomic information, determination of signatures of the growth environment of an organism, and differentiation of natural- and laboratoryproduced organisms. Comparing this range of applications with the needs outlined in the Introduction shows that proteomics is poised to impact many microbial forensic applications.

Proteomic analysis workflow Bottom-up proteomics, or the identification of proteins via analysis of proteolytically digested peptides, is applicable to forensic samples. (Mass spectrometric analysis of intact proteins is known as top-down proteomics.) All bottomup proteomics workflows follow the same general series of steps (Aebersold and Mann, 2003): (1) protein extraction, (2) protease digestion, (3) separation by liquid chromatography (LC), (4) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS),


and (5) data analysis. This general bottom-up proteomics process is outlined in Fig. 17.2. Following protein extraction from a sample, proteins are digested into peptides using a proteolytic enzyme such as trypsin. Liquid chromatography is then used to separate peptides. Within the mass spectrometer, the masses of intact peptides are measured, peptides are fragmented, and the resulting masses of those fragments are also measured. Raw data are then analyzed via techniques such as database searching. This approach is very effective at identifying many (hundreds to thousands) proteins present in a sample and can be modified at any step to tailor the analysis to specific samples of interest. Instrumentation for chromatography and mass spectrometry is robust, well-established, and highly developed. The greatest challenges occur in the protein extraction and data analysis steps.

FIGURE 17.2 The bottom-up proteomic analysis process. Proteins are extracted from a sample (clean-up may be required) and then denatured and digested into peptides. The mixture of peptides is separated by liquid chromatography, and as the peptides elute from the chromatography column they are ionized and pass into the mass spectrometer. The first phase of mass spectrometry measures the mass (as m/z) of precursor ions (intact peptides). The precursor ions are isolated and further fragmented. The masses of the peptide fragments reveal the identity of the peptide through database searching or other data analysis procedures.

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17. Proteomics for bioforensics

Protein extraction Protein extraction includes any steps that isolate proteins from other sample components, such as cell lysis and clarification. Complex samples, such as those in microbial forensic applications, can be especially challenging. The process of extracting cells and/or proteins from a sample that is a complex mixture of components, contains matrices from which extraction of protein is difficult, or is limited in quantity requires thoughtful execution. To ensure efficient protease digestion in the next step, extracted proteins are denatured (unfolded) with chaotropic agents such as urea or organic solvents, and cysteine disulfide bridges are broken by reduction. To prevent reformation of disulfides, cysteine thiol groups may be blocked with an alkylating agent.

Protease digestion A protease, most commonly trypsin, is then added to enzymatically break the polypeptide chain of the intact proteins (usually hundreds to thousands of amino acids in length) into smaller peptides (6e40 amino acids in length). After digestion, salts and residual reagents are removed by solid-phase extraction. The resulting mixture can be very complexda digest of a bacterial cell lysate potentially contains as many as 104 tryptic peptides but is still amenable to successful LC-MS/MS analysis for protein identification.

Separation by liquid chromatography Such a complex mixture of peptides, if delivered at the same time, would overwhelm the ability of the mass spectrometer to detect sample contents. To remedy this, liquid chromatographic separation of the peptide mixture is used upstream of the mass spectrometer. Chromatographic separation presents the mass spectrometer with fewer peptides at a time,

concentrates each individual peptide into a chromatographic peak (which increases sensitivity), and minimizes suppression effects exerted by some peptides and matrix components. As peptides elute from the chromatographic column, they are ionized and desolvated via the electrospray ionization process and transferred to the vacuum region of the mass spectrometer.

Mass spectrometry At this stage of the workflow, the choice of mass spectrometer and operational conditions selected depends on what information is desired from the analysis. Proteomic analysis can be either tailored to detect a specific protein or proteins or used to collect the broadest feasible range of data. If the goal is to broadly characterize the abundance of many proteins in a sample, an untargeted or “shotgun” approach is used. In this approach, many peptide precursor ions are detected and prioritized for tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis according to their abundance. This ranking is performed by the instrument control software in real time. Untargeted analyses are typically performed on Orbitrap or time-of-flight instruments. If the goal is high sensitivity and precise quantitation of a few peptides of interest, a targeted workflow can be applied. Targeted measurements are most commonly made on a triple quadrupole instrument (or, increasingly on a high-resolution quadrupole-Orbitrap hybrid instrument), operated in a mode which records signals only from prespecified fragment ions from prespecified precursors. Thus, there is a trade-off between high sensitivity and precise quantitation for targeted methods, and broad information about the sample, including unanticipated components, for untargeted methods. This basic workflow has many variations which cannot all be discussed here, but which have potential or demonstrated forensic applications. Here, we focus on bottom-up proteomics because it is

III. Methodology

Proteomic analysis workflow

well established and has been proven to be useful in many applications. In an untargeted or “shotgun proteomics” experiment, the mass spectrometer makes two kinds of measurements: precursor ion measurements and fragment ion measurements. Precursor ion measurements are the masses of all intact peptides as they are eluted from the liquid chromatography column. Fragment ion measurements consist of the mass spectra produced by collisions of the preselected peptide ions with an inert gas to produce fragmentation patterns diagnostic of their amino acid sequences. Because peptides primarily break at the peptide bonds during gas phase fragmentation, and because each peptide molecular ion breaks only once on average, a series of fragment ions is created from the population of molecules representing each peptide. The distances between different fragments correspond to the masses of amino acid residues, allowing the sequence of the peptide to be inferred from the fragmentation spectrum. Thus, tandem mass spectrometry is the key to gaining sequence information, and thereby biomolecular specificity, from mass spectrometry experiments.

Data analysis After data have been acquired, processing is required to provide forensic information. The most important task in proteomics data analysis is peptide identification from MS/MS data. The analysis techniques discussed below are focused on untargeted workflows for two reasons. First, the peptides chosen as targets in targeted workflows are typically first identified as markers in untargeted experiments. Second, in targeted workflows, rather than relying on informatics to identify peptide sequence, the synthetic heavyisotope labeled targets used for quantitation also serve as standards to confirm peptide sequence. In untargeted studies there are three basic data analysis approaches to peptide identification (Nesvizhskii, 2010):


1. Database search. The database is the complete collection of protein sequences derived from the genome sequence of the organism being studied. Peptide sequences are derived from the protein sequences by applying the specificity rules of the protease used in the experiment. For example, if trypsin was used during sample processing, peptide cleavage would be expected at the C-terminal side of lysine and arginine residues. Predicted theoretical peptides within a mass tolerance of the observed signal and their tandem mass spectra are then compared with actual mass spectra in the data and the similarities are evaluated by means of a scoring function (Nesvizhskii, 2007). The best score above a determined cutoff is accepted as the sequence of the peptide. Database searching is the most commonly used method across many proteomic applications and has the best methods for estimating the uncertainty of a match (i.e., estimation of the false discovery rate by means of the target-decoy approach Elias and Gygi, 2010; Elias and Gygi, 2007). The disadvantage is that the organism studied must have an available sequence database, and it must be known what database is needed for the analysis. Peptides not in the database will not be identified with this common database searching approach. 2. Spectral library search. This approach (Griss, 2016) is similar to database searching, but experimental spectra are matched to previously acquired and identified spectra instead of theoretical or predicted spectra. It is faster than database searching, but only a few model organisms have spectral libraries available. The creation of spectral libraries for forensically important proteins, such as the protein toxins, is a research direction which should be pursued. 3. De novo peptide identification. This method (Ma and Johnson, 2012) uses various algorithms to directly infer the best-matching peptide sequence from the mass spacing

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between fragment ion peaks. It is less accurate than database searching but does not require the appropriate database to be known. In basic science research, it is generally used where databases are not available and may be combined with manual confirmation. Despite its lower accuracy, the large number of peptides identified in a typical run mean that de novo methods usually result in many correct peptides that can then be mapped back to sequence databases. Therefore, de novo peptide identification could be used to identify an organism or to discover the best database for database searchingdan active research area in our group.

Applications of proteomic methods in microbial forensics The foundation and methods of proteomic analysis have been widely developed and applied in the basic sciences and are now being applied to address questions in microbial forensics. Specific examples of the most promising applications of proteomics for microbial forensics are described below.

Distinguishing wild isolates from laboratory-adapted strains Microbial agents of forensic concern occur commonly in many natural environments. An important challenge in microbial biodefense is distinguishing outbreaks of naturally occurring, endemic microbes from human-caused releases, whether intentional or accidental. Because laboratory strains are closely related to the wild isolates from which they were originally derived, the genomic changes associated with laboratory cultivation may be of limited utility in answering this question. Complementary proteomics and genomics experiments comparing two fresh wild isolates of Yersinia pestis and their long-term laboratory-passaged

descendants were recently completed and published (Leiser et al., 2015). While there were mutational hotspots in key genes (as determined by whole-genome sequencing), none of the mutations were consistent enough to serve as a true biomarker of laboratory adaptation. However, many proteomics changes were more consistent and found to be biologically relevant and statistically significant in laboratoryadapted strains. These features included a decrease in the expression of virulence factors, an increase in the expression of proteins related to nitrogen assimilation and amino acid metabolism, and a decrease in proteins related to cell envelope formation chaperone activity. Datasets from multiple sources (data generated within this study, data from additional wild Y. pestis isolates, and Y. pestis proteomics data previously generated on completely separate projects) were combined to train a statistical classification algorithm to predict laboratory adapted or wild status using protein abundance data (Merkley et al., 2017b). This classifier, based on 51 datasets from 8 wild isolates and 76 datasets from 13 laboratory strains, was 99.5  0.58% accurate based on 10-fold internal cross validation. A permutation test revealed that the expected performance of the method in the absence of a real signature in the data is around 55% accuracy. Nine proteins were selected as the features that best predicted the laboratory/wild status, four of which were previously observed to have changing abundances in the prior serial passaging experiment. These results strongly suggest that endogenous protein abundance profiles can distinguish laboratory-adapted strains from wild isolates in Y. pestis. Current work in our laboratory is extending the method to other organisms, as well as to Y. pestis laboratory and wild strains after “passage” through a mammalian host. Proteomics may thus become a key method to determine the natural or anthropogenic nature of disease outbreaks.

III. Methodology

Applications of proteomic methods in microbial forensics

Elucidating methods of production: impacts of growth environment on endogenous protein expression In determining the methods of microbial production, we have found it useful to consider the source of the proteins in two ways, the endogenous proteome and the exogenous proteome (Fig. 17.3). The exogenous proteome consists of the proteinaceous components derived from production and purification materials and not produced by the biological agent itself. An example may be the detection of proteins and peptides present in the culture medium used for growth, which are associated with the cell surface. By contrast, the endogenous proteome is produced by biological agent and reflects the response to its environment. This may include differential expression of metabolic pathways to utilize different nutrient sources. The two possible types of proteome in a forensic sample provide complementary information and strengths. Whereas exogenous

FIGURE 17.3 The endogenous and exogenous proteomes of a microbial sample provide forensic information. Microbial samples contain an endogenous proteome, or those proteins expressed in response to environmental conditions (such as a metabolic response to the presence of a certain nutrient in growth media). The complementary exogenous proteome contains proteins that are retained on the cell surface from the environment itself (such as peptides from laboratory growth media).


components may be removed by some purification methods, endogenous proteins are not. Likewise, where the endogenous proteome may be influenced by interacting environmental influences, exogenous proteins have a direct link to aspects of agent production. Microbes respond to environmental conditions by altering gene and protein expression. While the genetic composition of an organism represents its biological potential, the complete set of proteins synthesized by the cells (or the endogenous proteome) provide a functional readout of the organism’s response to the environment. Our group has studied the endogenous proteome of multiple microbial systems in varying environments, with the goal of understanding how protein expression patterns are influenced by environment and how this knowledge can advance microbial forensics. Two studies of particular interest investigated the biothreat agents Bacillus anthracis and Clostridium botulinum, respectively. B. anthracis, which causes the zoonotic disease anthrax, remains a biothreat agent of concern. The spore is the infectious form of the organism and is likely to form in soil after an animal host dies. The changes in the proteome of sporulated B. anthracis can reveal responses to the sporulation environment. Liu et al. described transcriptome and proteome expression during stages of sporulation (Liu et al., 2004), and the structure and biology of this organism has been examined through proteomic analysis and was reviewed by Chitlaru and Shafferman (2009). However, the impact of culture environment on the B. anthracis sporulation proteome, including sporulation on soil, was only recently studied by our group (Wunschel et al., 2018). B. anthracis cultures were allowed to sporulate on several different medium types, including traditional growth media, blood, and soil, and these sporulated cultures showed distinct proteome profiles. Specific proteome trends were observed that distinguished sporulated cultures produced on two soils from the three laboratory

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media used in the study. For example, increased expression of proteins involved in phosphate and thiamine metabolism, catalases, and ABC transporters for phosphate and antimicrobial peptides was observed in cultures sporulated on soil. These findings mirror a soil metaproteomic study where abundant phosphate and phosphonate ABC transporters were also observed in the microbial community (Johnson-Rollings et al., 2014). The ABC transporters annotated as antimicrobial peptide exporters indicate a response to the antimicrobial peptides present in soil and likely produced by soil microbes. This finding is consistent with observations of ABC transporters for antimicrobial peptide export responding to the presence of antimicrobial peptides in Bacillus subtilis (Dintner et al., 2014). These results suggest that spores formed in a soil environment may have predictable proteomic profiles that are distinct from those produced on laboratory media. C. botulinum produces botulinum neurotoxin, which causes the disease botulism. While many studies have advanced our understanding of the neurotoxin itself, including mode of action, detection technologies, and taxonomic features, very little investigation has been focused on expression of cellular proteins in addition to the neurotoxin. We undertook a study in which we determined the identity and reproducibility of protein profiles of five Clostridium strains, grown in two different medium types for a total of 5 days (Deatherage Kaiser et al., 2018). Our goals were (1) to use mass spectrometry complemented by genetic sequence data to characterize the protein profiles of four strains of Group I C. botulinum that express either BoNT/A, /B, or /F, and nontoxigenic Clostridium sporogenes and (2) to explore whether there were protein expression features in common among multiple Clostridium strains that could be attributed to biological processes and might prove useful in the characterization of unknown samples. We explored three factors proposed to influence protein expression: strain (and botulinum

neurotoxin serotype of toxigenic strains), medium type, and growth phase. The most significant factor that influenced protein expression in this study was the growth phase of the culture. The proteins most significantly altered between exponential and stationary phase, as determined by statistical analysis, were enriched in functions related to metabolic processes. Exponential phase growth samples were enriched for expression of factors suggesting active metabolism and growth: acetate fermentation, ribosomal proteins, and other growth-related functions such as transcription and translation. Growth in stationary phase was characterized by expression of proteins responsible for butyrate fermentation, amino acid metabolism, and neurotoxin expression in toxigenic strains. These protein expression trends are consistent with the hypothesized changes in metabolism throughout growth and were reproducible across multiple strains and medium types. Furthermore, specific proteins that consistently and reproducibly showed significant expression changes between conditions were chosen to demonstrate how protein abundances might be used in a simple way to characterize unknown samples. For example, if we select two proteins that have opposite expression profiles in exponential and stationary phases, we may select protein A (highly expressed in exponential phase and expressed at a low level in stationary phase) and protein B (expressed at a low level in exponential phase, but highly expressed in stationary phase). A simple ratio of the abundances of protein A to protein B in exponential phase would be high, and in stationary phase would be low (in reality, this calculation would generate a range instead of a generic “high” or “low”). The opposite would be true if stationary phase data were considered. Therefore, by taking a simple ratio of the abundance of protein A to protein B in a single unknown sample, proteomic information could help determine conditions in which that sample had been cultivated. Taken together, these two example

III. Methodology

Applications of proteomic methods in microbial forensics

studies highlight the impact of the endogenous proteome in microbial forensic applications.

Elucidating methods of production: exogenous proteomic signatures of production methods Microbial growth environments often contain proteins or peptides. Pathogens growing in host tissue or laboratory medium will be surrounded by protein-rich components. Typical laboratory media contain digests of proteins, which can be used by the organisms as sources of energy, carbon, nitrogen, and specific amino acids. Peptides from the partially digested proteins that are a major component of culture media can remain associated with microbial cells, even if the cells have been washed in buffer (Clowers et al., 2013). Peptide components can be determined following elution of a cell sample with an appropriate organic solventdwithout cell lysisdand analysis by standard bottom-up


proteomic methods. We refer to these as exogenous peptides. Observed exogenous peptides provide information about (1) the specific protein from which they were derived; (2) the tissue in which that specific protein is expressed; (3) the organism from which that tissue was derived; and (4) the production process (Fig. 17.4). Thus, protein, tissue, and organism source information can be generated from peptides that match to predicted proteins within the appropriate sequence databases. This information alone may reveal whether a microbial sample was grown in a laboratory, particularly if components like bovine milk casein or soybean seed storage protein (glycinins) are identified associated with bacterial biomass. Each of these proteins is commonly present in tryptone and soytone which are used in tryptic soy broth, a commercial microbiological medium. The signatures of commercial media manufacturing are derived from the extraction and breakdown of proteins to amino

FIGURE 17.4 Proteomic analysis of exogenous material reveals the sources of proteins in the environment and, in the case of manufactured media, can yield a manufacturing signature in the form of peptide distributions.

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acids and the process can vary between manufacturers. These variations include whether acid or enzymatic hydrolysis is used, which endo- and exopeptidases are used, and the reaction time and temperature. As a result, different profiles of residual peptides remain in medium components from different processes. These peptide profiles (that is, different sets of peptides each with a characteristic range of relative abundance) may represent different lengths of peptides originating from the same or different portions of a protein sequence. Clowers et al. (2013) postulated that the profile of peptides can act as a signature of a manufacturing method that distinguishes between sources of the same type of medium component and possibly help to link a microbial agent to production materials. The concept of exogenous signatures can be extended to virus production. The culture medium for viruses consists of a host cell and cell culture medium, both of which are rich in proteinaceous components. Purification of virus proteins from host cells presents a challenge for proteomic analysis because host proteins can significantly outnumber viral proteins (MottazBrewer et al., 2008). The incorporation of host cell proteins into viral particles has been described for a number of viruses and makes detection of host cell proteins possible even following stringent purification steps (Krauss et al., 2002; Vanderplasschen et al., 1998; Varnum et al., 2004). As a result, the number and type of proteins associated with viral samples can provide information on the methods used for production. We examined the impact of poxvirus production systems and different purification procedures on proteomic signatures (Wunschel et al., 2013). In contrast to exogenous peptides associated with the surface of bacterial cells, which are identified without further proteolytic digestion, the exogenous proteome of viral samples consists of intact proteins which must be digested before analysis, similar to common bottom-up proteomic protocols. Increasingly

stringent levels of purification were employed, and the impact on the proteome revealed distinct shifts in the number and type of host proteins identified in each sample. Proteins with variable peptides that differentiate between mammalian hosts were also identified in some samples. That is, the proteomics measurements revealed whether the poxvirus sample was grown in human or monkey cell lines. These examples demonstrate the potential to expand exogenous proteomic signatures to viral samples to derive information on production methods.

Protein toxin identification LC-MS/MS-based proteomic methods are a natural fit for identifying the sequence of a protein of interest and for sensitive and specific detection. Numerous mass spectrometric methods to detect various proteins of forensic and biosecurity concern have been published. Many of these are targeted methods, sometimes including an enrichment step involving antibody capture (Schieltz et al., 2015; Dupre et al., 2015; Kalb et al., 2015; Kalb and Barr, 2009; Gilquin et al., 2017). Some approaches also combine a mass spectrometric measurement of the enzymatic activity of antibody-immobilized proteins (Kalb and Barr, 2009; Kalb et al., 2005). While targeted LC-MS/MS assays boast the highest sensitivity of any MS method, straightforward data analysis, and the greatest similarity to small-molecule methods that have historically been used for forensics and drug testing, there are drawbacks to using this approach. Targeted methods require separate assays for each protein toxin (or set of toxins for a multiplexed assay) with the associated time and cost for development and validation, and do not glean additional forensic information from the sample. In contrast, untargeted methods are far more flexible and able to accommodate numerous sample types, including complete unknowns. However, measurements are less sensitive, and

III. Methodology

Distinctive aspects of forensic proteomics

data analysis is more complex than for targeted methods. With appropriate data analysis, untargeted methods can be repurposed to answer multiple investigational questions; for instance, identifying the toxin and the matrix (or its components) in the same experiment. Additional data analyses can be applied to answer new questions as investigations progress and new hypotheses are put forward. Recently, an untargeted (shotgun) LC-MS/ MS assay for ricin has been developed and accredited under the ISO 17025 standard (Garrett et al., 2018; Merkley et al., 2017a; Heller et al., 2019). Because of its prevalence in forensics, our laboratory’s toxin work to date has focused mostly on ricin, but the considerations discussed here apply equally to any protein toxin of plant (e.g., ricin, abrin, viscumin), animal (venom proteins), or microbial (botulinum neurotoxin, Staphylococcus enterotoxin, tetanus toxin) origin. One of the greatest challenges in creating an untargeted assay is creating data interpretation guidelines. Appropriate criteria for the number of peptides, the confidence of peptide-spectrum matches, and the taxonomic distribution (specificity) of peptides must be created and validated. These guidelines are informed by, but distinct from, existing guidelines from the proteomics research community (Bradshaw et al., 2006) and the forensics/biosecurity community (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Scientific Advisory Board, 2009; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Scientific Advisory Board, 2012; World Anti-Doping Agency, 2010). Typically, peptides that are specific or unique to the target protein are sought, but uniqueness is an artificial construct that depends on the set of sequences considered. A peptide sequence that appears to occur in occurs in a single known protein or organism today might turn out to occur in multiple proteins or organisms in the future as more and more organisms and isolates are sequenced. This problem is known as signature erosion and occurs for nucleic acid sequence


targets as well as proteins (Pfrunder et al., 2016; Sahl et al., 2016). Recent work by Jarman et al. has shown how the peptides most characteristic of a toxin (or organism) can be identified by a statistical metric of occurrence frequency termed peptide strength (Jarman et al., 2018). By using strong (i.e., rare or characteristic) peptides rather than unique peptides, more peptides can be used for toxin identification (which increases sensitivity), and the problem of signature erosion is largely overcome.

Distinctive aspects of forensic proteomics Proteomics for microbial forensics is a new field, and there are still some distinct challenges and research gaps, some of which are discussed below. Efforts are in progress to further develop the tools needed to expand the applicability of proteomics to microbial forensic applications.

Complex and diverse samples In any proteomics application, sample processing and preparation for mass spectrometric analysis is perhaps one of the most challenging steps. When developing a protocol for sample processing, the goals are to maximize protein extraction efficiency and select the most appropriate reagents, manipulations, and clean-up steps. At each of these decision points, there are many options. Research laboratories that apply LC-MS/MS methods regularly have optimized sample preparation methods for sample types of interest, and those sample types (such as microbial cells grown in culture medium in the laboratory) may not vary much from experiment to experiment. In addition, samples in wellcontrolled experiments in the laboratory setting likely have known contents. Conversely, forensic samples may be of unknown origin and could contain multiple different organisms, challenging matrices (such as soil or food), and substances that interfere with sample processing

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or analysis. Thus, a standard sample preparation approach may not be appropriate for all forensic samples. Research is underway to mitigate these challenges and develop approaches that are amenable to a range of sample types and downstream analyses.

Single sample analysis As was mentioned in the introduction, proteomics in biological sciences is usually a comparative process, and the changes in protein expression under different conditions are the key results. In forensics, the analysis will often center on a single sample. Applications that use proteomics to identify the content of a sample, such as using peptide sequences to identify organisms or proteins of interest, are not affected by this problem, but any method that seeks to glean information about biologically driven changes in protein expression must address it. One way to get around the need for baseline or comparison samples is to use internal protein or peptide abundance ratios. The abundance of a protein of interest is compared to the abundance of a constitutively expressed (housekeeping) protein, or two proteins whose expression changes in opposite directions can be used, as described above for C. botulinum. Another way to approach this problem is to use machine learning techniques to classify samples, as described above for laboratory versus wild isolates of Y. pestis.

Rigor and confidence measures As the field of proteomics has continued to mature, a number of sensitive and flexible mass spectrometry platforms have become available that are capable of yielding thousands of identifications in a single analysis. An important aspect of proteomics, as it applies to forensic questions, is that the field has also focused on continuing to develop data analysis methods

for peptide identification that include objective measures of confidence and estimates of error rates. The estimate of error rates in particular addresses a key requirement for including proteomic data in legal proceedings. The continuing challenge is to make confident protein identifications when sequence databases are incomplete or prohibitively large (as with complete unknowns) where measures of confidence are difficult to calculate.

Selection of search database Database searching is the most widely used, the most accurate, and has the most mature error rate estimation tools of any peptide identification method. However, these advantages are realized only when the database searched appropriately matches the sample analyzed. If the sequences of proteins of interest are not present in the database, those proteins will not be identified by database searching. Unknown samples present a problem, because there is no obvious way to select an appropriate search database. This difficulty cannot be overcome simply by using very large databases. The larger the database, the more likely it is that an incorrect sequence will match to a given spectrum by random chance alone, which means that the error rates increase with increasing database size. In practice, the target-decoy method is used to estimate identification error rates, and the list of peptide-spectrum matches is thresholded by score. With more errors, the threshold score must be higher to achieve the same error rate, so many correct peptideespectrum matches are eliminated. Thus, large databases lead to decreased sensitivity and decreased accuracy. Selecting an appropriate search database is closely related to identifying the species giving rise to an unknown sample, and both are actively being researched in our laboratory. A number of approaches have been suggested, including iterative database searches in which the database

III. Methodology


at each step is selected according to the results of the previous step, statistical methods for determining taxonomic groups present in a sample, and using the partially correct results of a de novo peptide search to guide database choice. Finally, we note the validity of applying outside knowledge about a sample to limit the search database. For example, a search for a toxic protein in a sample derived from a tainted hamburger could reasonably include the proteome of Bos taurus (cow) in the search database. This is implicitly done in basic science proteomics on a routine basis. Furthermore, the choice of a sequence database can function as a hypothesis about the composition of a sample and the results of the search as a test of that hypothesis. For instance, if the investigator is not sure whether the tainted sample came from a beef hamburger or a vegetarian imitation, two searches using either the B. taurus or Glycine max (soybean) proteome sequences could be executed. Because the overlap between the two sets of sequences is small, the species that gives the greatest number of correct peptideespectrum matches is likely the right one.

Conclusions There are clear needs in microbial and toxin forensics identified in recent strategy documents from academic and government working groups that proteomics is well suited to address. In particular, proteomic tools have the ability to characterize bioforensics samples and address diverse questions related to organism/toxin identity, methods of sample production, matching samples, and determining whether the agent is natural or man-made. While proteomics is poised to address such questions, using this tool for forensic applications does have distinct challenges, including complex and diverse samples, single sample analyses with no comparator samples, correctly applying confidence measures to protein identifications, and


selecting the right sequence database for downstream data analysis. Continued development in these and other areas are ongoing to further apply proteomics technologies to microbial forensic questions.

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18 Bioinformatics Hector F. Espitia-Navarro1,2, Lavanya Rishishwar1,2,3, Leonard W. Mayer2,3, I. King Jordan1,2,3 1


School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States; PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia; 3Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory, Atlanta, GA, United States

Molecular epidemiology and typing Epidemiology entails the study of population distributions of determinants of health and disease, and molecular approaches to epidemiology rely on the analysis of genetically encoded biomarkers and risk factors (Wang et al., 2015). Molecular epidemiology studies are critically important for public health surveillance as well as disease management and control. In the postgenomic era, which is characterized by the rapid accumulation of numerous whole-genome sequences, molecular epidemiology increasingly relies on genome-enabled techniques. Genomic approaches to molecular epidemiology necessitate the use of sophisticated computer algorithms capable of analyzing massive amounts of data for the presence and distribution of genetic markers and risk factors. In this chapter, we cover the state-of-the-art

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00018-0

with respect to the computational genomic approaches used to support molecular epidemiology and typing. Molecular typing refers to the identification of the specific “types” of microbial pathogens that cause infectious disease. For the most part, this concerns the set of procedures used to identify distinct strains of bacteria within a given species. Accordingly, molecular typing techniques require a high level of resolution to distinguish very closely related organisms, which is critically important for molecular epidemiology (Wang et al., 2015). The accurate identification and discrimination of bacterial strains within a given pathogenic species allows scientists to (i) address the underlying biology of bacterial pathogenicity, including virulence, transmissibility, and response to drugs and vaccines, (ii) track the spread of bacterial pathogens locally and globally, (iii) identify natural hosts for bacterial


© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


18. Bioinformatics

pathogens and associate them with specific outbreaks, and (iv) infer the evolution and population structure of bacterial pathogens. The fundamental knowledge gained from the molecular typing of bacterial pathogens facilitates the design of public health strategies for the control and prevention of infectious disease, including tailored treatment schemes, vaccine development, and vaccine surveillance programs. Early approaches to molecular typing employed a wide variety of surrogate techniques that allowed for the indirect study of genetic variation among bacterial pathogens. These surrogate techniques measured the properties of bacterial proteins or cell surface antigens, via Western or immunoblotting and serotyping, for example, or nucleic acids assayed via nonsequencing-based techniques, such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). While the development and application of these early molecular techniques provided an important advance in bacterial typing, they were difficult to standardize, replicate, and scale-up. Perhaps, most importantly, surrogate techniques for molecular typing did not yield the depth of resolution needed to unambiguously distinguish closely related strains within multiple species of bacterial pathogens. The introduction of genetic sequenceebased techniques for molecular typing provided a quantum leap in terms of resolution, stability, and reproducibility for the typing of bacterial pathogens.

Multilocus sequence typing The first bona fide gene sequenceebased technique developed for bacterial typing is referred to as multilocus sequence typing (MLST). MLST was developed by the group of Martin Maiden at Oxford University for the analysis of Neisseria meningitidis and was intended to be a so-called “portable” typing scheme with results that could be directly compared among different

laboratories around the world (Maiden et al., 1998). It should be noted that the sequencing and analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA genes (or 16S rRNA) has also been widely used for the characterization of the evolutionary relationships among bacterial species and predates MLST by more than 20 years. However, 16S rRNA sequencing typically does not provide sufficient resolution for the discrimination of distinct strains within bacterial species. Indeed, Maiden and colleagues have provided an overview of the resolution of a variety of sequencebased typing schemes and show that 16S rRNA sequence analysis provides the most reliable resolution at the level of bacterial genus and above (Maiden et al., 2013). MLST employs typing schemes that are specifically tailored for individual bacterial species. Species-specific MLST typing schemes rely on sequencing fragments of a set of housekeeping genes, typically seven to nine loci, which are distributed around the genome. Essential housekeeping genes are chosen for MLST to ensure that the loci are universally present among isolates that are to be typed. Distinct gene sequences for each locus in an MLST scheme are referred to as alleles, and differences between alleles across all loci in the scheme are used to distinguish specific types (or strains) of bacteria within a species. Each distinct sequence (allele) of a given MLST locus is identified by a gene (locus) name and an integer number that uniquely identifies the allele. Locus-specific integer numbers denote the order of discovery for the alleles at that locus. For example, the ABC transporter ATP-binding gene abcZ is one of seven loci used as part of the traditional N. meningitidis MLST scheme; unique alleles of abcZ are denoted as abcZ_1, abcZ_2, etc., and as of this writing 881 distinct abcZ alleles have been identified in N. meningitidis. The combination of alleles characterized across all loci of the MLST scheme defines an allelic profile which is labeled with an arbitrary number that identifies a sequence type (ST). For example, for

III. Methodology

Molecular epidemiology and typing

N. meningitidis, the combination of the alleles abcZ_1, adk_3, aroE_4, fumC_7, gdh_1, pdhC_1, and pgm_3 results in the allelic profile 1e3e4e7 e1e1e3 that represents sequence type 2 (ST2) (Fig. 18.1). Each species-specific MLST scheme uses a database that contains all the known alleles for each locus in the scheme and a table that associates each observed allelic profile with an ST. To characterize an isolate, the seven loci of the scheme of the species under study are sequenced, and each locus-specific sequence is compared to the allele database of the scheme, using a sequence similarity search program such as BLASTþ (Camacho et al., 2009), to generate the allelic profile of the isolate. Finally, the unique ST identifier for the isolate is retrieved from the table of allelic profiles. STs for multiple isolates can be compared, using a minimum spanning tree for example (Fig. 18.1), to get a sense of the scope of diversity found in a given study. MLST was introduced in 1998, about 6 years before start of the next-generation sequencing


(NGS) revolution. At that time, sequencing was done using the Sanger method, which despite numerous technological improvements over the years was still relatively low-throughput, laborintensive, time-consuming, and expensive. Given the technological limitations at the time, MLST was designed in such a way as to capture genome-wide patterns of sequence variation via sequencing a very small portion of the entire genome. For instance, MLST alleles in the original N. meningitidis typing scheme are approximately 450 bp long per locus. The total length of the seven allele sequences in this scheme is 3,284 bp, which represents a mere w0.1% of an entire 2.3 Mbp N. meningitidis genome sequence. It is quite remarkable to consider how successful MLST has been for (fairly) high resolution bacterial typing given the diminishingly small percentage of overall genome sequence diversity that is represented in each scheme. One way that MLST was scaled-up was through the use of 96-well plates to perform multiple simultaneous PCRs for specific amplicons

FIGURE 18.1 Graphic representation of the multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method. An example is shown for the traditional MLST scheme used for Neisseria meningitidis. Seven different loci, distributed around the genome (not shown to scale), are used for this scheme. Unique allele sequences for each locus are characterized and compared against a speciesspecific MLST database to yield an allelic profile, and each allelic profile is then associated with a specific sequence type (ST). Multiple STs from one or more studies can be compared using phylogenetic analyses to characterize the extent of diversity and relationships seen among a set of bacterial isolates.

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across different bacterial isolates. PCR products were then characterized using Sanger sequencing reactions and analyzed on a parallel capillary electrophoresis instrument. MLST software packages, first STARS and later MGIP, were then used to automatically convert Sanger sequencing chromatograms to allele calls and sequence types (Katz et al., 2009). Further extensions of MLST were developed by including additional loci, particularly more variable antigen encoding loci, to yield so-called MLSTþ or extended MLST (eMLST) schemes. Extended schemes for N. meningitidis typically include combinations of an additional six loci, including the porA, porB, fHbp, and fetA antigen encoding genes. The inclusion of antigen encoding genes not only provides additional resolution to traditional MLST schemes but can also yield valuable information with respect to vaccine design and measurement of response.

Impact of NGS on bacterial typing schemes The advent of NGS techniques, and the resulting explosion of bacterial genome sequences (Fig. 18.2), has led to the development of new genome-enabled approaches for bacterial typing. First and foremost, it quickly became faster and more cost-effective to sequence an entire genome of a bacterial isolate using NGS platforms (initially Roche 454 and now primarily Illumina) than to amplify multiple specific MLST loci and perform Sanger sequencing on individual amplicons. Whole-genome sequencing obviously yields a massive amount of data far in excess of what is provided by traditional seven to nine loci MLST schemes. This explosion of sequence data presented two distinct opportunities for bacterial typing, each of which came with its own set of computational challenges: (1) the use of whole-genome sequence data for


Growth in whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of bacterial pathogens in the last 7 years. The graph represents the number of WGS data submitted to NCBI’s Pathogen Detection database since 2011.

III. Methodology

Impact of NGS on bacterial typing schemes

existing MLST schemes and (2) the development of novel, larger-scale typing schemes, which avail themselves of the substantial data generated by NGS. We will cover these two broad technological developments in turn, with an emphasis on the computational approaches used for each. Given the ability to readily generate wholegenome sequences via NGS, one may wonder why a small-scale approach like MLST would be needed at all. It may seem more desirable to simply discard the MLST approach and move on to techniques that better leverage genome-scale datasets. The answer to this question has to do with the vast amount of critically important legacy data that have been generated by the application of MLST schemes to scores of bacterial pathogens over the years. The most widely used MLST scheme databasedPubMLST https://pubmlst. org/databases/dcurrently hosts MLST schemes for 99 species (or genera) of bacterial pathogens along with 10 eukaryotic (fungal) pathogens, bacteriophages, and plasmids. These schemes cover many tens of thousands of distinct allelic sequences and have been widely applied in hundreds of molecular epidemiology studies around the world, including routine surveillance and outbreak investigations. Together, these data and results represent a wealth of information relating bacterial genome sequence variation to determinants of infectious disease. As such, it will remain critically important to continue characterizing bacterial isolates with respect to their MLST sequence types. Of course, with wholegenome sequences in hand, it will also be possible to apply one or more of the new larger-scale typing schemes to the same datasets used to generate MLST sequence types. These two approaches are by no means mutually exclusive. The remaining importance of MLST in the postgenomic era, combined with the fact that it is now faster and cheaper to sequence whole genomes using NGS platforms than to Sanger sequence MLST amplicons, necessitates the development


and application of computational techniques for MLST analysis using NGS datasets. Indeed, there has been a substantial developmental effort for genome-enabled MLST software over the last 8 years. As of this writing, there are at least 13 different genome-based computational methods for MLST analysis (Table 18.1). Our own group developed the program stringMLST, which uses a distinct k-mer-based approach for genomeenabled MLST to yield extremely rapid and 100% accurate MLST sequence types directly from NGS read data. k-mers are sequence substrings, or words, of length k. This alignment-free k-mer-based approach represents a substantial technological advance for computational methods for genome-enabled MLST, which other groups have recently extended. Genome sequenceebased approaches for MLST can be broadly classified into two groupsd(i) classic alignmentebased methods that use genome assembly and/or read mapping and (ii) newer alignment-free approaches that utilize k-mers to derive sequence types directly from NGS read data (Fig. 18.3).

Alignment-based computational methods Alignment-based methods for MLST, or other locus-based typing schemes, entail the comparison between isolate allele sequences and typing scheme databases using sequence similarity searches (Fig. 18.3A). A number of these approaches require an assembly step to work with short read data generated by NGS platforms. Once the NGS read data are assembled into longer contiguous (contig) sequences, they are compared with allele and profile databases to generate sequence types. Examples of this kind of typing software include BIGSdb (Jolley and Maiden, 2010), MLSTcheck (Page et al., 2016), and MLSTar (Ferres and Iraola, 2018). Genome assembly is computationally expensive, in terms of both CPU time and memory, and it can require substantial bioinformatics expertise

III. Methodology

272 TABLE 18.1

18. Bioinformatics

List of Alignment-based and alignment-free methods for multilocus sequence typing.

Computational tool Description

Input data User type interface Website

Release year Reference

Alignment-based method algorithms that utilize de novo assembly, genome mapping, and/or sequence alignment BIGSdb


Database and analytical platform designed for microbial loci-based typing schemes. Open-source, freeware, locally installable; base platform for PubMLST website; utilizes BLAST

Genome, gene sequences

Web/ GUI

https://pubmlst. org/software/ database/bigsdb


https://www. sanger.ac.uk/ science/tools/ mlstcheck


https://github. com/iferres/ MLSTar


https://github. com/B-UMMI/ chewBBACA


Jolley & Maiden (2010)

Page et al.

Automated, scalable command line tool Genome for determining MLST from genome sequences sequences; utilizes BLAST


R-based package to determining MLST Genome from genome sequences; utilizes BLAST sequences


Comprehensive pipeline for creation of whole- and core-genome MLST (wgMLST and cgMLST) as well as determining wgMLST/cgMLST from genome sequences using BLAST Score Ratio (BSR)

Genome sequences



Web-based application for performing MLST analysis; utilizes de novo assembly and BLAST for MLST

Genome Web/ sequences; GUI NGS reads

https://cge.cbs. dtu.dk/services/ MLST

v1: 2012 v2: e

Larsen et al.


Read-to-genome mappingebased application for performing MLST from NGS read data

NGS reads CLI

https://katholt. github.io/srst2/

v1: 2012 v2: 2014

Inouye et al.

Modification of SRST2 for MLST analysis and Salmonella serotyping from NGS reads

NGS reads CLI







Ferres & Iraola (2018)

Silva et al. (2018)



https://github.com/ 2016 phe-bioinformatics/ MOST


Pipeline that performs read-to-gene NGS reads CLI mapping followed by targeted assembly

https://github. com/sangerpathogens/ariba


Hunt et al.

Novel algorithm that uses k-mers and dynamic programmingebased local alignment to perform MLST

https://github. com/paudano/ kestrel


NGS reads CLI

et al. (2016)


Audano et al. (2018)

Alignment-free algorithms that do not utilize assembly- or alignment-based techniques stringMLST


Loci-based typing using k-mer counting and hash tables

NGS reads CLI

Computationally efficient implementation of stringMLST; utilizes k-mer frequencies and enhanced suffix arrays

NGS reads CLI

III. Methodology

https://github. com/jordanlab/ stringMLST/




Gupta et al. (2017)

Espitia et al. (2017)


Impact of NGS on bacterial typing schemes

TABLE 18.1

List of Alignment-based and alignment-free methods for multilocus sequence typing.dcont'd

Computational tool Description MentaLiST


Input data User type interface Website

Release year Reference

Loci-based typing using k-mer counting NGS reads CLI followed by colored de Bruijn graph construction

https://github. com/WGS-TB/ MentaLiST

Loci-based typing from long-read sequencing data; utilizes k-mer counting

https://github. 2018 com/andrewjpage/ krocus

Long-read sequences

to generate reliable results. As such, assembly represents a major bottleneck for genomeenabled molecular typing studies, and these approaches do not scale well when hundreds of isolates need to be characterized. Assemblybased methods are also difficult to implement for larger-scale locus-based typing schemes that employ hundreds or thousands of genomewide loci. Another class of algorithms for bacterial typing with NGS data uses short read mapping to reference sequences as a more computationally tractable alternative to assembly-based methods. These methods can still be considered as alignment-based, because they rely on read-to-genome alignments; nevertheless, they are substantially more efficient compared with assembly-based methods. The Center for Genomic Epidemiology (http://www. genomicepidemiology.org/) provides a genomebased web platform for MLST, which previously implemented an assembly-based approach and has since evolved to use read mapping for allele calling (Larsen et al., 2012). The first program designed specifically to do NGS-based bacterial typing via read mapping was SRST (Inouye et al., 2014), which was subsequently modified by the same group to develop SRST2 and another group to develop the program MOST for Salmonella serotyping (Tewolde et al., 2016). More recently, the program ARIBA implemented a hybrid approach that uses read mapping to clusters of related alleles followed by constrained assembly of reads that map to specific clusters (Hunt et al., 2017).



Feijao et al. (2018)

Page & Keane (2018)

Alignment-free computational methods The development of alignment-free methods for genome-based molecular typing with NGS data was a major breakthrough that provided substantial increases in speed and efficiency compared with existing assembly or read mapping approaches. As the name implies, these methods proceed directly from raw NGS sequence read datadwithout any quality control, alignment, or assembly stepsdto call alleles and sequence types (Fig. 18.3B). The program stringMLST, developed by our group, was the first program of this kind designed for bacterial typing directly from NGS data (Gupta et al., 2017). stringMLST was designed and implemented to provide a turn-key solution of bacterial typing from genome sequence data, with minimal requirements for computational capacity or bioinformatics expertise. The stringMLST algorithm relies on the use of k-mer frequencies and hash tables for characterizing the sequence types of bacterial isolates directly from genome sequence read data. To type bacterial isolates from any given species, stringMLST requires a database built from the alleles of the species-specific typing scheme. To construct the typing scheme database, stringMLST generates all possible k-mers from each allele sequence in the scheme and stores them in a hash table that associates each k-mer with all of the alleles in which it can be found. To characterize an isolate sample, the stringMLST algorithm performs three steps:

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FIGURE 18.3 Schematic comparison of alignment-based and alignment-free algorithms for sequence typing. The figure provides the general overview of the two dominant paradigms for performing multilocus sequence typing from whole-genome sequence read datasets. Both methods utilize a database of allele sequences for each locus in the scheme and an allelic profile table that contains the mapping of allele numbers to a sequence type. (A) Alignment-based typing algorithms can be further subcategorized into assembly-based and mapping-based. Assembly-based algorithms make use of de novo genome assembly followed by sequence similarity searching algorithms such as BLAST. Mapping-based algorithms map the read sequences to either a reference genome or loci sequences, followed by variant identification. (B) Alignment-free algorithms utilize exact matching of substrings, also known as k-mers, between NGS reads and allele sequences in the database to identify the sequence type. Exact substring matching is computationally faster than genome assembly or sequence alignment, and these algorithms gain further speed by comparing only a small fraction of the input read dataset and discarding all noninformative reads.

(i) filtering, (ii) k-mer counting, and (iii) reporting. For the filtering step, the algorithm discards a read if the k-mer located in the middle of the read sequence is not present in the allele k-mer

database. This heuristic step provides the bulk of the speed and efficiency to the stringMLST algorithm by passing over reads that correspond to genomic regions not covered by the typing

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Impact of NGS on bacterial typing schemes

scheme. Because this genomic fraction corresponds to the vast majority of the genome sequence for MLST schemes, only a tiny fraction of the reads need to be fully processed by the algorithm. For the k-mer counting step, if the middle k-mer is found in the allele database, then stringMLST generates all possible k-mers from the read sequence. The algorithm then searches the read k-mers against all k-mers in the database and updates a table of k-mer frequencies for each associated allele. Steps (i) and (ii) are repeated until all of the reads are processed. For the final reporting step, the algorithm then reports the alleles with the maximum k-mer frequency for all loci in the typing scheme, thereby generating an allelic profile and calling the corresponding sequence type. Compared with existing genome sequencee based typing tools that utilize alignment and/ or the assembly, the stringMLST approach is far more efficient and at least as accurate for characterizing bacterial isolates. As reported in Gupta et al. (2017), stringMLST was the only tool able to correctly type each of 40 NGS samples from four different bacterial species (Campylobacter jejuni, Chlamydia trachomatis, N. meningitidis, and Streptococcus pneumoniae). It was up to 65 faster than other programs used to process the same datasets, showing an average of 45 s to process each sample read file. In the same study, stringMLST correctly predicted the sequence type for 99.8% of 1002 isolates of N. meningitidis requiring an average of 40.7 s and 0.67 MB of RAM to type each sample read file. Page et al. (2017) performed an independent comparison of eight different programs for genome-based MLST, including stringMLST as the only application on the category of alignment-free based methods. In addition to evaluating the accuracy of the tools on NGS data from past outbreaks, they evaluated the impact of sequencing depth and sample contamination on typing speed and accuracy using simulated data. Consistent with our own results, stringMLST was found to be


the fastest algorithm by far and also required substantially less computational resources than any of the other programs. In addition, stringMLST proved to be 100% accurate for bacterial typing on outbreak data, comparable to slower and more cumbersome tools that rely on sequence alignment and/or assembly. It is also worth noting that stringMLST does not require any read preprocessing or quality control, making it far easier to use than the other tools and ideally suited for deployment in public health laboratories or in the field. Despite the superior performance of stringMLST for genomebased MLST, it does suffer from scaling issues when applied to larger-scale typing schemes. We cover these issues, and how we are addressing them, in the subsequent sections on genomescale typing schemes. Several other groups have introduced k-merbased typing methods since the development of stringMLST. For example, the program Kestrel (Audano et al., 2018) uses a hybrid approach that combines k-mer analysis with dynamic programmingebased local alignment to call MLST alleles and sequence types. However, this approach is far slower and less efficient than the k-mer-only method used by stringMLST, which is 28 faster and requires an average of w60% of the RAM compared with Kestrel. This performance difference is likely due to the Kestrel algorithm’s reliance on the exhaustive dynamic programming step. The program MentaLiST (Feijao et al., 2018) extends the stringMLST approach of using k-mer frequencies and hash tables, by constructing a colored de Bruijn graph for each allele of the typing scheme. With this addition, MentaLiST selects a subset of k-mers that embodies the variation present in the alleles of the typing scheme, resulting in a substantial reduction in the size of the allele database. This database compression allows for substantial improvement of the computational performance on larger typing schemes that utilize hundreds or even thousands of loci genome wide. We cover the computational challenges and opportunities

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entailed by these so-called superMLST schemes in the following section. Yet another example of new k-mer-based typing software is Krocus (Page and Keane, 2018), designed for typing from uncorrected long-read sequence data. A problem with these kinds of data is that the current long-read sequencing technologies (Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore) exhibit high error rates. However, base errors tend to be uniformly distributed, a characteristic exploited by the Krocus developers to circumvent the high error rate problem. Perhaps the most attractive feature of Krocus is that it can type isolates in real time by taking batches of long-reads produced by sequencers that support continuous sequence streaming like those developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.

Genome-enabled bacterial typing schemes We previously described why whole-genome sequence data are still used for small-scale locusbased typing schemes such as MLST, owing to a combination of the low cost and ease of genome sequencing coupled with the epidemiological importance of MLST legacy data. Nevertheless, the ever increasing availability of numerous whole-genome sequences from bacterial pathogens (Fig. 18.2) provides both challenges and opportunities for the development of novel, large-scale typing schemes, which leverage the analysis of genome-wide variation data. Genome-scale bacterial typing schemes can be broadly categorized as (i) locus-based schemes or (ii) single-nucleotide variant (SNV)ebased schemes (Table 18.2). Locus-based typing schemes are direct extensions of MLST that rely on the analysis of hundreds or thousands of loci genome wide, as opposed to the handful of loci used by MLST schemes. For example, coregenome MLST (cgMLST) schemes utilize all of the loci that correspond to the core genome with all genes shared among a set of isolates (i.e., the intersection of genes in a set of genomes).

Whole-genome MLST (wgMLST) schemes are even larger-scale and use all of the genes (i.e., the union) found in a set of genomes; this approach includes both the core genome and the accessory genome. These large-scale locibased bacterial typing schemes provide substantially more resolution than traditional MLST schemes. In principle, SNV-based approaches to genome analysis provide even more resolution for the delineation of bacterial lineages than the largest-scale loci-based schemes, because there are far more possible single base differences among genomes than the possible number of differences among loci. As such, SNV-based schemes should be able to differentiate extremely closely related strains, down to 1 bp difference in principle. This feature makes SNV-based approaches better for microbial forensics and epidemiological studies that require extreme levels of resolution, such as source attribution in a bioterrorism event (Schmedes et al., 2016; Budowle et al., 2007) or contact tracing studies that seek to characterize the exact origins of bacterial outbreaks and their spread among patients (Stucki et al., 2015). A classic example of this approach is the single base pair resolution typing of Vibrio cholerae strains from the 2010 outbreak in Haiti, which ultimately pointed to United Nations peacekeepers from Nepal as the source of the outbreak (Katz et al., 2013). Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons why locus-based typing schemes are still widely employed for bacterial typing in the postgenomic era. Perhaps, most importantly, locusbased schemes are portable and more reproducible than SNV-based schemes. Because they rely on a predefined set of loci, and the accompanying allele databases, locus-based schemes generate results that can be directly compared among laboratories and among different studies. However, SNV-based schemes rely on the use of one or more reference sequences for variant calling and are thereby more difficult to standardize among groups. The use of reference sequences

III. Methodology

Genome-enabled bacterial typing schemes

TABLE 18.2


Comparison of locus-based and single-nucleotide variant (SNV)ebased typing techniques for bacterial typing. Locus-based typing

Single nucleotide variant (SNV) typing

• Ideal for microbial genome analysis • Allows for comparisons between different studies/outbreaks • Each isolate can be easily computationally represented in a defined space • Availability of several online, publicly accessible resources (tools and large databases) • Standardized pipelines are available • Can be configured to analyze core and accessory genome • Phylogeny reconstruction methods are simpler in nature (UPGMA, eBURST)

• Ideal for identifying and characterizing closely related microbial isolates, e.g., for source attribution or contact tracing studies as well as for complex Eukaryotic genome analysis, such as human • High level of discrimination power; allows inspection of every single-nucleotide change across the genome • Works well if a reference genome is standardized and internationally used • Can be detected using both sequencing and real-time PCR-based methods • Diagnostic SNVs exists for fine subtyping of select agents

Disadvantages • Requires a curated database of alleles and profile definitions • Loci-based schemes are often restricted to genic regions and does not capture variation in intergenic (or intronic) regions • Captures gene presence/absence but fails to capture other large structural variations, e.g., duplications and rearrangements

• Comparison between different studies/outbreaks is limited due to differences in reference genome • Requires an evolutionarily close reference genome, preferably finished • Mostly captures the core genome; misses variations in accessory genome • SNV calls are dependent on filtering criterion used • Does not capture large structural variation events, viz., insertion/deletion (indels), duplications, and rearrangements large • Computational storage grows exponentially as SNV data typically involves representing all sites across the genome • Commonly used phylogenetic methods are computationally intensive (Neighbor-Joining, Maximum Likelihood) • Fails to capture high horizontal gene transfer (HGT)


for variant calling with SNV-based schemes can also lead to a loss of information with respect to accessory genes, which are often important determinants of virulence for bacterial pathogens. Locus-based schemes, on the other hand, can readily accommodate important accessory genes via presence/absence calls for those loci. Additional details on the relative strengths and weaknesses of locus-based versus SNV-based typing schemes can be found in Table 18.2. Given the continued importance of locus-based typing schemes for genome-enabled bacterial typing, we focus on the computational approaches used for these kinds of schemes in the following sections.

Computational approaches to large-scale typing schemes As with MLST, large-scale bacterial typing schemes that leverage genome-wide datasets can be computationally implemented using traditional alignment/assembly-based methods or with the newer k-mer-based approaches. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the traditional methods lack the computational speed and efficiency needed to implement such schemes for rapid bacterial typing. For example, approaches that use de novo assembly followed by BLAST can take upward of 12 h for each isolate for cgMLST and/or wgMLST

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schemes, which require the analysis of thousands of loci per isolate. As such, the traditional methods will become increasingly irrelevant for epidemiological studies that need to type scores, hundreds, or even thousands of isolates. For this reason, we focus here on the latest developments in the computational approaches for large-scale bacterial typing schemes. We previously discussed how the application of the first k-mer-based approaches for bacterial typing in the stringMLST algorithm resulted in orders of magnitude speed-up for MLST without any loss of accuracy. However, the stringMLST algorithm did not scale well to large-scale typing schemes like cgMLST. When stringMLST was applied to schemes of this kind, it did not compute any faster than alignment/assemblybased approaches and required an unrealistically large amount of memory to run. This performance was because the underlying hashtable data structure used for the allele k-mer database are not optimally suited for largescale typing schemes, because it entails the storage of all existing k-mers for thousands of loci. As previously discussed, the more recently developed program MentaLiST addressed this challenge by using a de Bruijn graph to substantially compress the allele k-mer database while also providing for enhanced searching of the database. This revised data structure provides for robustdrapid and accuratedbacterial typing using large-scale typing schemes directly from NGS read data. Our own group is currently developing the algorithm STing (as a successor to stringMLST) that employs a more efficient data structure, thereby allowing for genomebased typing with large-scale schemes. STing is being developed and implemented for both bacterial typing and gene detection directly from unprocessed NGS read data (Espitia et al., 2017). The STing algorithm stores the allele k-mer databases for large-scale typing schemes using an enhanced suffix array data structure as opposed to the simpler hash table used by stringMLST. The suffix array provides

for a substantially compressed representation of the allele k-mer database as well as rapid search capability along the array. STing has been applied to MLST, cgMLST, and wgMLST schemes for a wide variety of bacterial pathogens. It can also be used for automated gene detection directly from read sequences, and this utility is currently being validated in the context of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors (e.g., Shiga toxin). Preliminary results on the performance of STing are very promising, and a more detailed description of both the algorithm and its accuracy is currently in preparation.

Community adoption of genome-based bacterial typing As we have mentioned several times, the genome revolution provides both amazing opportunities and profound challenges to the public health community. In principle, genome sequence data provide for unprecedented levels of resolution for bacterial typing, while also generating abundant material for the discovery of the genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance and virulence. Nevertheless, there are substantial technical hurdles that need to be overcome to ensure that the community can fully adopt genome-enabled approaches to molecular epidemiology along with the new bioinformatics techniques that they necessitate. One key feature of early sequence-based bacterial typing schemesdMLST in particulardwas portability in terms of the ability to broadly share uniformly comprehensible typing results among member laboratories distributed among surveillance networks. Portability refers to both the typing techniques, which should be standardized so that they can be carried out in any laboratory, and the typing results, which should have the same representation irrespective of where the results are generated. MLST is ideally suited for portability as it relies on a shared set of loci (allele) sequence definitions and produces

III. Methodology

Genome-enabled bacterial typing schemes

granular and static sequence types from the typing scheme’s allelic profiles. Larger-scale typing schemes face a number of challenges to ensure that they both (i) remain completely portable and (ii) allow for comparison with the results of previous generation typing techniques. The challenge to portability for genome-scale typing schemes is directly related to the scale of these schemes, which can cover hundreds or thousands of loci genome wide. The large scale of these schemes necessitates a highly coordinated effort to standardize the loci (allele) definitions that underlie the schemes and entails far more complicated allelic databases than is the case for MLST schemes, which typically utilize seven to nine loci. With respect to loci definitions, there needs to be an agreement concerning exactly which loci are used for any scheme and which part (i.e., sequence fragment) of each locus is used for typing. This aspect is relatively straightforward for schemes with a few loci but is substantially more complex when hundreds or thousands of loci are used. Furthermore, because genomescale typing schemes are being independently developed in multiple public health laboratories around the world, numerous different versions of the same typing scheme can end up being used. With respect to allelic databases, despite the fact that thousands of bacterial pathogen genome sequences have already been characterized, allelic and profile databases for larger schemes are either incomplete or do not yet exist. A coordinated effort by the public health community will be needed to address these issues and ensure that genome-enabled typing schemes remain standard and portable. This process needs to happen soon, because it will be difficult for individual laboratories, or particular surveillance networks, to change their typing schemes once they are developed and implemented. Another critical issue for genome-enabled typing schemes will be the ability to maintain some connection to the vast amount of historical information contained in results generated from


smaller-scale legacy typing schemes. In other words, genome-scale typing schemes should be backward compatible, to whatever extent possible, with previous typing schemes such as MLST or even the nonsequence-based pulsedfield gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing scheme. Public health laboratories will need to dedicate a substantial amount of bioinformatics expertise and effort to map the results of genome-scale typing schemes to the results of legacy typing schemes. An illustrative example of this challenge is the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PulseNet surveillance network (https://www.cdc.gov/pulsenet/). PulseNet was established in 1996 as a network of public health laboratories around the United States dedicated to surveillance and outbreak detection for food and waterborne illness caused by a prioritized set of bacterial pathogens. PulseNet laboratories use a restriction enzymeebased technique to digest genomes of bacterial pathogen isolates. Subsequently, PFGE generates characteristic DNA fingerprints of the digested genomes, which are captured as distinct banding patterns on a gel. The implementation of PFGE across the PulseNet surveillance network allowed for the discovery of clusters of disease that corresponded to outbreaks, thereby leading to better coordinated and more rapid responses to such public health threats. PulseNet’s use of the relatively low resolution and clearly outdated PFGE technique is expected to be phased out starting in 2019, after which time reliance will be exclusively on the far higher-resolution genome-enabled typing schemes. Nevertheless, given the amount of invaluable epidemiological information that is tied to specific PFGE patterns, it will be critically important to be able to relate the results of genome-scale typing schemes to previously characterized patterns. Accordingly, CDC scientists are working to develop approaches for the probabilistic association of PFGE patterns and genome sequence variation, and our own laboratory is involved in this effort via a collaboration with

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the CDC’s Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch within the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases (DFWED). The challenges for genome-enabled typing schemes outlined abovedrelating to uniform data standards, typing scheme portability, and backward compatibilitydalso suggest a pressing need for shared analytical platforms that can be deployed in public health laboratories around the world. Generating whole-genome sequence data is now rapid, cost-effective, and highly standardized. Accordingly, the rate-limiting step for genome-enabled bacterial typing corresponds to the suite of computational analysis tools and methods that need to be used to handle and interpret the massive volumes of data generated by NGS platforms. Here, we are considering mainly the software challenges entailed by the use of NGS data for bacterial typing, but there are also substantial hardware issues that need to be addressed. The sheer volume of data alone poses a fundamental challenge with respect to both computational storage and processing capacity. It is not realistic to expect that all public health laboratories will be able to address these joint challenges via the deployment of local computational capacity. In fact, we are closely reaching the point where it will cost less to sequence bacterial genomes than to store the resulting sequence data for an extended period of time. Similarly, the computational processing power needed to handle hundreds or thousands of genome sequences of bacterial isolates is likely out of reach for all but the most well-funded public health laboratories. Cloud computing environments, whereby computational storage and processing are provisioned as services that are accessed remotely over the Internet, offer an attractive alternative to the deployment of local computational capacity for bacterial genome analysis. One of the most compelling features of cloud computing is the flexibility entailed by the on-demand model whereby investigators only make use of the amount of computational capacity that they

need at any given moment. This relates to both processing power, in terms of the number and architecture of compute cores that can be accessed for any given analysis, and the elastic nature of cloud data storage capacity, with different models of data access for short-term and longer-term storage. Over the last 5 years, there has been a concerted effort to deploy computational genomics algorithms and pipelines across a variety of cloud computing platforms. In Table 18.3, we show examples of cloud computing resources in support of bacterial genome analysis with respect to both specific bioinformatics software packages as well as integrated bioinformatics platforms. The integrated platforms allow users to utilize existing bioinformatics analysis pipelines and/or build their own custom pipelines, which employ multiple applications to execute an entire workflow. Despite the promise of the cloud computing model for computational genomics, there is currently no standardized cloud computing platform to support genome-enabled bacterial typing. Given the explosion of bacterial genome sequences, coupled with the development of numerous genome-scale typing schemes, we anticipate a pressing need for the cloud deployment of a standardized genome analysis platform in support of genome-enabled bacterial typing in public health laboratories. A shared analytical platform of this kind should consist of (i) a uniform set of bioinformatics analysis tools, (ii) a shared set of standard analysis protocols or pipelines for the use of these tools, and (iii) a set of well-defined data models that cover both input and output standards for the bioinformatics tools as well as the loci (allele) databases that underlie bacterial typing for multiple schemes across multiple species. This platform should also include mechanisms for storing primary NGS data and secondary data (results) generated by the analytical platform along with transparent means for sharing data and communicating results among public health laboratories. Finally, the use of a unified approach to

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TABLE 18.3

Examples of integrated bioinformatics cloud computing software and platforms for microbial genome analysis.




Illumina BaseSpace

Illumina’s platform for subscription-based bioinformatics data analysis

https://basespace.illumina. e com/


Automated microbial genome annotation pipeline



Aziz et al. (2008)


Open-source, free-to-use software for a variety of bioinformatics data analyses. Cloud support through Amazon Web Services, CloudMan, Globus Genomics

CloudBioLinux Community-driven, cloud-based bioinformatics platform


Afgan et al. (2018)


Krampis et al. (2012)


CloVR Nephele

UK’s nationwide bioinformatics/electronic infrastructure designed to support the needs of the microbiology community


A desktop bioinformatics virtual machine capable of utilizing cloud computing resources


Cloud platform for microbiome data analysis

https://nephele.niaid.nih. gov

collect and distribute epidemiological metadata associated with bacterial isolates characterized as a part of routine surveillance and outbreak investigations will also be a critical component for such a platform. We envision that the integrated cloud computing service and the standardized bacterial genome analysis platform described above could be unified into a national or global surveillance network with constituent public health laboratories as nodes that are capable of both rapidly typing bacterial isolates and widely sharing the results with other laboratory nodes around the world. To our knowledge, no such integrated platform currently exists, and perhaps even more disconcerting, there is a real possibility that genome-enabled approaches to bacterial typing will ultimately hamper efforts to share bacterial typing results among different laboratories. In particular, if different public health laboratories continue to independently develop their own genome-scale typing schemes, it will become increasing difficult, if not impossible, to

Connor et al. (2016)

Angiuoli et al. (2011) Weber et al. (2018)

meaningfully compare results among laboratories. Obviously, such an outcome should be avoided at all costs; it would be truly unfortunate if the increased resolution afforded by genomescale typing schemes paradoxically leads to less resolution on the public health challenges to which these schemes are ultimately addressed. Ensuring that such a scenario does not come to pass will require an ongoing effort toward the development, standardization, and sharing of computational approaches to, and platforms for, genomeenabled bacterial typing.

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19 Genomics Tom Slezak, Jonathan Allen, Crystal Jaing Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States

. and in today already walks tomorrow. Friedrich Schiller (1800)

In 1995, the “genomic revolution” began with completion of the first microbial genome sequence (Fleischmann et al., 1995). For the first time, the genetic basis of a bacterial isolate was completely characterized. As new sequencing technologies are being developed that will facilitate access to genomic sequence information, the ongoing genomic revolution is expected to continue having its transformative effect and impact many aspects of our lives, including law enforcement and the forensic sciences. The goal of this chapter is to provide an introduction to genomics and its rapidly evolving technological environment, especially as it relates to the field of microbial forensics. Genomic research aims at revealing and analyzing DNA and RNA sequence information. Every organism on earth is defined by its genome sequence. The genomic signature is considered the most specific fingerprint that can unambiguously identify all people on earth. It can help distinguish even closely related organisms, that is, those exhibiting identical phenotypes and therefore is of special relevance to the field of microbial forensics. As an example, with knowledge of entire genome sequences, it

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00019-2

is now possible to distinguish two bacterial strains associated with the same foodborne disease outbreak. Furthermore, these two isolates could even be classified and assigned to an evolutionary tree showing their relationship. Up until now, high sequencing costs have precluded, except for a few cases (see anthraxletter investigation Chapter 2 as an example), application of whole-genome analysis as a forensic tool. However, new sequencing technologies continue to be developed that offer increasing sequence data output at decreasing costs per run, outpacing Moore’s law as applied to the growth of computing resources (https:// www.genome.gov/27541954/dna-sequencingcosts-data/) (Moore, 1965). New/nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) technologies provide the means to rapidly sequence the genome of thousands of individual bacterial isolates as well as mixed bacterial cultures (population genomics) or complex microbial communities (metagenomics). As a consequence, genomics has become standard not only to the research field but also to public health and microbial forensics. Genomics is not only a research field but also a universal laboratory tool and as such is now part of the microbial forensic investigator’s toolbox.


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19. Genomics

Sequencing technologies

Sanger sequencing: historic context

With the advent of NGS platforms, genomics is changing rapidly, a trend that is expected to continue. Some newer sequencing platforms produce large amounts of sequence data, while others provide significantly longer-read lengths but have reduced throughput. They have expanded the field of genomics into new research areas, such as microbial ecology (metagenomics) and single-cell biology (single-cell genomics). As sequencing costs continue to decrease, one can anticipate more applications will be developed, including medical diagnostics. Today, the cost of storing, processing, and analyzing large sequence datasets already far exceeds the cost of generating them. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is the standard for sequencing a microbial genome. NGS technologies, combined with improved computing resources, have enabled WGS sequencing for any genome project, irrelevant of the size of the genome. For this approach, the targeted sequence is sheared randomly into multiple overlapping fragments that are then sequenced in parallel high-throughput sequencing reactions. Following the sequence generation, bioinformatics software tools assemble the random sequence fragments into larger sequence fragments (“contigs”) and ultimately complete genomes in silico. In recent years, the cost of creating an initial “draft genome” (set of contigs) has dropped so low for microbial inputs that most projects remain at that stage. The labor cost of completing a microbial genome (closing all gaps) has not enjoyed a similar reduction in cost. The most common sequencing platforms today use sequencing by synthesis (Illumina), sequencing by semiconductor chip pH mediation (Ion), and sequencing single molecules in real time (Pacific Biosystems). Nanopore sequencing (Oxford Nanopore) features ultralong read lengths and is likely to continue to mature rapidly in the coming years.

For about 10 years after publication of the first microbial genome, Haemophilus influenzae in 1995 (Fleischmann et al., 1995), genome sequencing was based entirely on Sanger sequencing (Sanger et al., 1977), named after Frederick Sanger. Using this technology, not only microbes with small genome sizes (Kunst et al., 1997; Kaneko et al., 2000; Glass et al., 2000) but also the first eukaryotic genomes, including those of human (Venter et al., 2001; Lander et al., 2001), mouse (Waterston et al., 2002), fruit fly (Adams et al., 2000), and thale cress (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000), were sequenced, albeit at a very high cost. Electrophoretic sequencing with the Sanger method uses a modified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification protocol in combination with individually fluorescently labeled dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs). Incorporation of ddNTPs into the growing DNA strand during PCR occurs randomly, thereby terminating DNA strand extension and resulting in DNA fragments that vary in length by one nucleotide. These fragments are separated electrophoretically by size and are visualized by their nucleotide-specific fluorescent label. Base-calling software reads fluorescence emission and outputs the DNA sequence. Common challenges with this technology are low throughput and high cost on a per nucleotide basis. Furthermore, DNA fragments are first cloned to form either small insert plasmid and/or large insert fosmid or cosmid libraries. Because not all DNA can be cloned, this step can introduce biases. However, these inserts are usually sequenced from both ends, providing so-called paired-end sequence reads separated by a piece of unknown sequence of known length. This information is useful in the downstream bioinformatics assembly of the sequence reads into contigs. Sanger sequencing technology is still occasionally used to generate relatively large paired-end sequence reads, typically from

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Sequencing technologies

amplicons generated by PCR. Because of significantly higher reagent and labor costs per sequenced base pair, the genomics community has now completely switched from Sanger to NGS platforms, which provide higher sequence output at a much lower cost for all large-scale whole-genome projects.

Next-generation sequencing by synthesis, pH mediation, single molecules, and nanopores In 2003, the adenovirus genome was sequenced using what was then called “nextgeneration sequencing technology, 454 pyrosequencing” (Margulies et al., 2005). This technology and other platforms use an array-based approach that allows for simultaneous detection of millions of sequencing reactions, thereby significantly increasing the number of reads per sequencing reaction, over 100,000 reads per run in the first-generation 454 pyrosequencers (GS20) compared with 96 per run with Sanger sequencing. Since that early dawn of NGS technology platforms, their throughput has scaled dramatically, with current platforms capable of delivering billions of sequencing reads. While this throughput has been wonderful for sequencing full human genomes and cancer genomes (reducing costs to w$1000/genome, compared to the >$2 billion cost of the first human genome), the largest sequencing platforms can be a poor match for those wishing to sequence single microbial genomes quickly. As vendors have sought entry into the infectious disease market, benchtop and point-of-need sequencing platforms have begun to emerge that are scaled more favorably for microbial forensics.

Next-generation sequencing by synthesis All sequencing by synthesis approaches have taken advantage of photochemistry and/or fluorescence detection systems to monitor the


incorporation of individual nucleotides by a DNA polymerase into a growing DNA strand. The sole surviving, currently available commercial system, Illumina, amplifies and immobilizes DNA templates on a sequencing array (i.e., flow cell) that serves as the reaction chamber for the DNA synthesis reaction. Illumina requires the addition of adapters to sheared DNA fragment to form a sequencing library. This library is then amplified by PCR amplifications on sequencing arrays with immobilized primers (Bentley et al., 2008). Amplifications are intended to increase the signal intensity during the sequencing reaction. Currently, an Illumina sequencing run has a total sequence output of 1.2e6000 Gbp but in sequence reads of 50e300 bp in length, single or paired-end (depending on instrument model and chemistry used). The relatively short Illumina reads tend to have high accuracy but have presented a bioinformatics challenge for de novo microbial genome analysis. These data are therefore currently used heavily for resequencing of organisms for which reference genomes have been deposited in the sequence databases; longer-read technologies discussed below are often used for scaffolding for de novo microbial genome analysis. Another application for NGS by synthesis, which also depends on the availability of a reference genome, is sequencing of RNA transcripts for gene expression analyses. Technological advancements since the first edition of this book have reduced the cost of sequencing a microbial genome from more than $80,000 with Sanger sequencing to just a few hundred dollars or less depending on genome size, platform throughput, and the number of genomes multiplexed in the same sequencing run.

Next-generation sequencing using pH mediation Also called “semiconductor” or “Ion” sequencing, this technology utilizes semiconductor

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chip technology to implement a large array of tiny wells with individual pH sensing ability to electronically detect the release of ions as individual bases are serially incorporated (Rothberg et al., 2011). Single-use, disposable chips permit low-cost and rapid sequencing on a benchtop scale that is well-suited for microbial sequencing. Lacking the massive throughput of the competing Illumina systems that is required for metagenomic sequencing of complex samples, the Ion line of instruments (now sold by Thermo Fisher) is often used for isolate sequencing or coupled with a targeted amplification in the library prep stage to enhance for a specific set of known organism genes, or SNP targets. Examples include panels that enrich for all human exomes, sets of known antimicrobial resistance genes, or panels of SNPs that can provide rapid phylogenetic placement for key species. Recently, DNA Electronics (inventor of the technology which was licensed for the Ion product line) was awarded a contract by a US government agency to develop a semiconductor chip that could perform PCR in individual wells to detect the formation of amplicons of genomic regions of the key organisms involved in sepsis (Businesswire). While the initial versions will report a binary presence/absence of those regions, a future version will subsequently sequence those amplicons to provide nucleotide-level confirmation and indications of novel variants. Semiconductor sequencing leverages the industrial base and economy of scale that has driven the exponential rise in computing power (and drop in costs) over recent decades. Future advances in targeted semiconductor sequencing could lead to significant changes in both pointof-need medical diagnosis and aspects of microbial forensics, in each case via enabling rapid, precise, and low-cost pathogen identification.

Next-generation sequencing using single molecules In contrast to Illumina and Ion, Pacific Biosciences, however, focuses on the generation of

long sequence reads of several thousand nucleotides in length, using its single-molecule realtime (SMRT) sequencing technology (Eid et al., 2009; Ardui et al., 2018). Briefly, nanoscale wells (“zero-mode waveguides”) are used to contain single DNA templates. Successive applications of A/T/G/C bases with fluorescent molecules attached are applied and a camera detects which wells incorporated that base and released a visible signal. This technique yields highfidelity reads that can be thousands of bases in length (averaging 10e14 Kbp as of this writing). While the technology has been used to perform complete sequencing of microbes, its higher cost/base compared with Illumina has evolved rapidly to where long PacBio reads are used to provide long-range “scaffold” continuity when combined with Illumina short-read data. Modern assembly software packages are now frequently written to efficiently utilize both types of data. A comparison of Ion, Illumina, and PacBio sequencing technologies is available (Quail et al., 2012).

Next-generation sequencing using nanopores In recent years, the long-heralded nanopore sequencing technology has finally emerged and begun to mature (Lu et al., 2016; Jain et al., 2016). Electrical sensing of each nucleotide in the passage of a single strand of DNA through a biological pore provides DNA sequence information without the need for fluorescent labeling or sequence synthesis. While individual sequence reads of 250K nucleotides or longer are possible, in practice, one is currently more likely to see a read length distribution whose mean is a few tens of thousands of nucleotides. The biological pores are subject to blockage or other failures, leading to lot-to-lot variability and shelf-life issues that do not occur with the other sequencing technologies. The base error rates of early versions were quite high, but improvements in recent years have brought them down to more reasonable levels. Numerous demonstrations of point-of-need sequencing have been reported,

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Bioinformatics sequence analysis

including during a recent Ebola outbreak (Quick et al., 2016) and even a sample on the International Space Station (Castro-Wallace et al., 2017). The throughput of the nanopore devices is low enough that most applications have used isolates; however, implementation of a “read-until” feature (which allows a pore to eject the current DNA strand if real-time analysis shows the DNA is not of interest) provides a unique backend targeted sequencing capability for the USB plug-in nanopore device.

Future developments in microbial sequencing The historic high cost of sequencing microbes forced an assumption that picking a single colony from a culture plate for sequencing provided an adequate coverage of what was assumed to be a completely clonal population. We now know that this assumption is incorrect, that bacteria typically exist as a quasispecies cloud of variants, such as biofilms, that allow the species to adapt more rapidly to changing environments (Flemming et al., 2016). Recent advances in single-cell sequencing droplet-based library prep technologies allow individual particles to be uniquely barcoded so that software can later sort out exactly which reads came from which particle (Russell et al., 2018). Once validated, this approach could provide a populationbased variant signature allowing multiple samples to be compared at much higher resolution than what can be provided by today’s isolate sequencing. Illumina’s sequencing by synthesis technology is now quite mature, especially at the high end of sequencing complete human genomes efficiently at high throughput. Recent products show that the benchtop research market is now being addressed, and we can anticipate this to segue to a robust point-of-care diagnosis market when regulatory hurdles are finally overcome (Levy and Myers, 2016). It is not clear whether


any further breakthroughs are likely for sequencing by synthesis. Conversely, semiconductor (pH mediating) and nanopore sequencing are still maturing and scaling, with future technological advances very likely. Competition for market share in medical diagnostics applications will likely drive the ultimate large-scale success or failure of these newer technologies; however, these technologies will likely find viable niches in other research and application markets. While it is difficult to predict the success of each of these new sequencing technologies, it is safe to assume that the way sequencing is performed will continue to evolve in the coming years, impacting all fields of research and their practical applications.

Bioinformatics sequence analysis Sequence data can be close to meaningless without appropriate postsequencing bioinformatic analysis. As NGS technologies increase sequence throughput and, in some cases, read length, new algorithms have been developed to perform or optimize tasks associated with sequence processing and analysis. Traditionally, genome projects involve the following three steps: (i) assembly of individual sequence reads into larger contigs and ultimately complete genome sequences; (ii) gene prediction and functional annotation based on protein and protein domain comparisons to established sequence databases; and (iii) comparative sequence analysis of single genes, DNA fragments, or entire genomes to explore gene functions and genome architectures. Downstream sequence analysis methods to identify, for example, orthologous genes from different genomes (Ciccarelli et al., 2006), define a species pan genome (Bentley, 2009), or depict the evolutionary tree that characterizes the relationship of genes or entire chromosomes from different organisms (Ciccarelli et al., 2006; Wu and Eisen, 2008) mostly depend on comparative sequence

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analysis to references from sequence databases. Relatively well-established methods have now been developed to accomplish most of the analysis for each of these three steps for microbial size genome projects based on NGS data (Roumpeka et al., 2017; Del Chierico et al., 2015). The increasing amounts of sequence data being generated by NGS platforms, combined with an exponential growth in the number of genomes to be compared against, continue to pose a challenge and a major bottleneck, along with data management and storage.

The pregenomic era The transformative effect of the so-called genomic revolution is best explained by recalling limitations of microbiological research in the pregenomic era, which was characterized by the lack of absolute criteria for taxonomic classifications. Traditionally, microbiologists used to classify bacteria to certain microbial taxonomies based on observable phenotypes. Observable phenotypes can, however, evolve at rates that are different from the rest of the organism, for example, through the acquisition of a new genotypic trait by horizontal gene transfer. Without the knowledge of the genetic background responsible for a prominent bacterial phenotype, taxonomic classification can be difficult in dealing with bacteria with contradicting phenotypes. In addition, microbes can evolve into lineages that are indistinguishable without complex genotypic analyses. As an example, it became apparent during the resequencing of the original Bacillus subtilis 168 isolate that those laboratories that collaborated on the first B. subtilis genome project worked with different sublineages of the same strain, which had evolved from the original isolate over time through repeated cultivation in separate batches in different laboratories (Barbe et al., 2009). Molecular genotyping tools, such as restriction fragment length polymorphism or pulsed-

field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), were developed before genomic tools became widely available. Although offering only limited phylogenetic resolution, some of these techniques continue to be applied due to their high affordability and relatively modest technical requirements. The 2007 foodborne outbreak of spinach-associated enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 demonstrated that high-resolution genome-level phylogenetic analysis can be used as a fingerprinting method in epidemiological studies. In this study, some of the associated strains were misleadingly classified as being indistinguishable using traditional fingerprinting, while genomic analyses showed substantial variation in virulence gene contents (Eppinger, Ravel, and Cebula, unpublished). After the first complete bacterial genome sequences became available, microarrays were developed that used DNAeDNA hybridization assays to screen genomic DNA of unknown composition for the presence or absence of known sequence fragments. While providing a cost- and time-efficient approach to detect a microbial genotype, for example, E. coli strainspecific loci, virulence, or antimicrobial resistance gene clusters, microarray-based genomic tools have several limitations. First, the hybridization signal depends on strong sequence homology. Microarrays therefore depend on known sequence information and are unable to detect and characterize novel sequence features, such as new virulence or resistance genes. Second, they provide only very limited information about the nature of sequence variation. Genome evolution that manifests in singlenucleotide polymorphisms, as well as genomic recombination, can be difficult or impossible to detect through microarray hybridizations. Third, microarrays are unable to provide information about the genomic context of a detected feature. Whether or not a gene is chromosomally or plasmid encoded or whether it is predicted to originate from horizontal gene transfer has important implications for analysis of the

III. Methodology

Comparative genomics

evolution of a bacterial isolate. For example, the colocalization of virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes on mobilizable plasmids implies a direct threat for the simultaneous propagation of both phenotypes, which is more critical than if both phenotypes were encoded on separate locations of the chromosome (Fricke et al., 2009). All the described limitations can be addressed through whole-genome shotgun sequencing with newer sequencing technologies, although at a higher cost than microarrays. In the pregenomic era, microbial research was significantly limited by its dependence on cultivatable organisms for analysis. In general, an organism had to be isolated from a sample, cultivated, and reduced to a single clonal population before it could be studied using standard molecular methods. As a consequence, it was assumed that the single cell from the original sample is representative of the original population. However, this assumption could be wrong and misleading, as it is likely that not all members of a population or culture are genomically identical. Even if, for example, individual E. coli strains are being isolated from a sample, for which cultivation protocols are well established, it is not clear how much variation within the original E. coli population is overlooked simply by concentrating on only one clone per sample in the final analysis. Newer genomic sequencing approaches, which enable the analysis of total genomic DNA isolates from samples of bacterial cultures (population genomics) or entire microbial communities (metagenomics), or single cells provide a means of overcoming this limitation and are discussed in more detail later.

Comparative genomics At this point, over 14,000 microbial genomes have been completely sequenced, and over 140,000 more are available as draft unfinished sequences (Mukherjee et al., 2017). These numbers will only continue to increase exponentially as


NGS technologies enable the rapid sequencing or resequencing of thousands of microbial isolates. While a wealth of new information is provided, major bioinformatics challenges are created for comparative analyses. Soon after the first few bacterial genomic sequences became available, researchers discovered the possibilities of genome comparisons for functional genome analysis and to improve our understanding of genome evolution, a key element in microbial forensic investigations. New bioinformatic algorithms had to be developed to allow for the rapid comparison of nucleotide or amino acid sequences on a genome-wide level (Rasko et al., 2005; Kurtz et al., 2004; Morgenstern, 2004). In addition, the number of released genome sequences had to grow to allow for the comparison of related, as well as unrelated, species. Two different approaches are commonly used in comparative genomics: (i) distantly related species are compared that share a specific phenotype and (ii) closely related species are compared that differ with respect to a specific phenotype. In the first case, shared coding features present in all compared genomes are likely candidates for identification of the genetic determinants responsible for the shared phenotype. In the second case, those genetic determinants are likely to be identified among the unique coding features that are specific for only one of the two compared groups. The first approach has been used to identify the minimal gene set of viable bacterial cells (Koonin, 2003; Glass et al., 2006), which is of great interest in synthetic biology (Lartigue et al., 2009). A frequent application for the second approach is the comparison of genomes from pathogenic and nonpathogenic isolates, for example, of different commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains, to identify virulence factors responsible for a specific disease-causing phenotype (Rasko et al., 2008). A similar method has been suggested for the identification of genes that are shared by related pathogens and encode proteins with antigenic potential that could be used

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for the development of vaccines. This approach has been termed “reverse vaccinology” (Bambini and Rappuoli, 2009). While these analyses have application in basic research, microbial forensics utilizes aspects of these technologies to determine the relatedness and/or similarities between two microbial isolates. A large number of differences would equate a distant evolutionary relationship, while very few and subtle changes would indicate recent common ancestry and hence could link an unknown sample to its origin. Numerous phylogenetic analysis programs exist for this purpose (http://evolution. genetics.washington.edu/phylip/software.html has a list of nearly 400). Their inputs can range from entire genomes, pan-gene sets, variations within individual genes, or sets of canonical SNPs.

High-throughput screening assays Comparative genomics, as discussed in the previous section, can also be used to identify marker sequences specific for a group of bacterial species or serotypes or pathogens. Using PCR primer pairs designed to specifically bind these shared marker regions, large-scale screening assays can be set up for detection, amplification, and characterization of these genotypes from various samples. Not only do these screening assays provide information about the presence or absence of a genetic feature within a sample of unknown microbial composition, if the amplified PCR product is sequenced, the information can be used for phylogenetic analyses, that is, different isolated PCR products can be aligned to generate taxonomic trees that predict the evolutionary relationships between the different isolates. The classic example for this type of screening assay is amplification of 16S ribosomal RNA genes or gene fragments, which are conserved and universally found in every bacterial genome (Hugenholtz et al., 1998). The same approach has

also been used for epidemiological studies to follow disease outbreaks caused by specific bacterial pathogens (Harris et al., 2010). Multilocus sequence typing takes advantage of a limited number of conserved housekeeping genes to characterize bacterial pathogens, such as E. coli or Salmonella enterica (http://pubmlst.org/) (Urwin and Maiden, 2003). Taking advantage of the recently lowered price of genomic sequencing, whole-genome SNP analyses are now employed for high-resolution genotyping (Ahrenfeldt et al., 2017; Saltykova et al., 2018). Alignment-free methods have been developed for highly efficient whole genome SNP analyses that take raw isolate sequence reads as input and do not require prior assembly (Gardner et al., 2015). This technique works because sequencing errors map, in general, to only the “leaf node” of the phylogenetic tree: in this case, the unknown sample itself. Bacterial strains with common evolutionary backgrounds tend to have high redundancy in the higher levels of the phylogenetic tree (tens to thousands of SNPs shared in common between all strains at that level), so occasional read errors that duplicate one of those redundant shared SNPs can be easily ignored. Alignment-free analyses scale to handle tens of thousands of genomes; kSNP is run over 1M times per month as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analysis pipeline for whole-genome analyses of foodborne pathogens (Duncan MacCannell, CDC, personal communication).

Metagenomics Metagenomics approaches have become increasingly popular in large-scale genomics applications to study the taxonomic and functional composition of microbial communities from environmental, agricultural, and clinical settings. Unlike traditional single-genomics approaches, metagenomics does not rely on having to singularize individual bacterial clones

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Genome architecture and evolution

from complex microbial mixtures, but catalogs by sequencing all genes and genomes from a mixed community at once (Schloss and Handelsman, 2005). The single-isolate approach has been proven successful in the identification and analysis of diseases caused by essentially a single genotype. However, as practiced in epidemiological studies, selecting a single colony for sequencing might mask the possibility that a population of highly similar but still distinguishable individual genotypes may be responsible for the disease phenotype or outbreak. Moreover, if a sample such as human stool, consisting of genotypes from different bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic species, is to be analyzed, the one-genome-at-a-time approach would not be possible because not all microbial cells are cultivable. In metagenomics, whole-genomic DNA is prepared from samples, regardless of its microbial composition, and is characterized by WGS. The assignment of resulting DNA fragments, individual reads, or assembled sequence contigs, to individual taxonomic groups or known genome sequences is carried out by sophisticated bioinformatic tools. For example, many tools now exist that provide an overview of the species composition of metagenomic samples based on direct nucleotide sequence compositions (Wood and Salzberg, 2014; Ames et al., 2013; Brady and Salzberg, 2009; Huson et al., 2007), comparisons of conserved protein domainecoding sequences (Huson et al., 2007), identification of 16S rRNA sequences within the sample (Schloss et al., 2009), or oligonucleotide frequencies (McHardy et al., 2007). Other common types of WGS metagenomic sequence analyses include determination of the functional composition of a microbial community based on the assignment of protein-coding open reading frames to functional categories, such as protein domain families [Pfam (Finn et al., 2010)] or Gene Ontologies [GO (The Gene Ontology’s Reference Genome Project, 2009)] or antibiotic resistance (K€ oser et al., 2014). Consequently,


analysis of WGS metagenomics datasets involves a large statistical component, as sequence data must be evaluated based on relative abundances rather than on absolute presence/absence data. It should be noted that the metagenomics field is still under active development, and the application of NGS technologies is further changing the metagenomic landscape, increasing the amount of available sequence data to a point where it is now possible to fully characterize low complexity microbial communities. New types of bioinformatics sequence analyses are therefore to be expected.

Genome architecture and evolution A large part of our understanding of genome architecture and evolution comes from insights derived from comparative genome sequence analyses. However, our understanding of the basic evolutionary principles that drive the emergence of new pathogen species, the spread of antibiotic resistance phenotypes, and interactions of microbial communities within and outside of their host are still largely incomplete. For example, both environmental and host-associated populations of E. coli exist, and different E. coli strains can differ largely in their pathogenic potential, from commensal inhabitants of the healthy human or animal intestine (Tenaillon et al., 2010) to severe intestinal or extraintestinal opportunistic or nonopportunistic pathogens (Croxen and Finlay, 2010). Various virulence genes have been associated with pathogenic phenotypes, although not always is the presence of these necessarily associated with disease (Lartigue et al., 2009; Rodriguez-Siek et al., 2005). As several of these virulence factors seem to have the potential for horizontal gene transfer, it might be the complete population of E. coli within a sample that determines its infectious potential. Genome projects targeting thousands of individual genomes, as well as entire

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populations, will be necessary to improve our understanding of the dynamics of genome architecture and evolution of both pathogens and the hosts they infect (Splice-bio). This understanding is key to the microbial forensic investigator who is trying to establish a basic evolutionary link between two samples to evaluate their degree of relatedness and the possibility that one is derived from the other. Recent advances in single-cell sequencing (Zheng et al., 2017) have made it possible to obtain multiple sequence reads from individual cells in parallel, thus providing an alternative to individual sequencing of large numbers of isolates. Originally developed for phasing human genomes, the technique can also be used to understand the composition of complex microbial communities, including “quasi-species cloud” variants of a single species in biofilms or other formations. Development of novel bioinformatics analysis methods, scaled to match the growing input volumes, will be needed to keep pace with the advances in sequencing for research and microbial forensics.

Future challenges The availability of NGS technologies has brought affordability to large-scale genome sequencing, which, in turn, has led to an increasing number of sequencing projects decentralized from large sequencing centers. Such developments have led to an explosive rate of sequence data acquisition and to concomitant bottlenecks regarding data storage and computational needs. As mentioned earlier, the cost of warehousing data now exceeds the costs of generating data. Bioinformatic tools for sequence processing and analysis, originally developed and intended for single-genome projects, have had to be rewritten and require extensively scaled bioinformatics hardware support to work with data generated by large-scale, NGS projects. Genomics has been at a critical impasse

for years now due to exponential data growth and in need of continually improved infrastructure for both bioinformatics analysis and data storage. Of note, effective network transfer bandwidth now looms as a critical factor, even if one has enough local processing power and storage: downloading all 9000þ human genomes from NCBI for local analysis took nearly 2 months (Jonathan Allen, personal communication). To keep pace with the rapid increases in sequencing throughput, many of the standard bioinformatics tools (i.e., genome sequence assembler) have been completely rewritten or replaced to allow the processing of millions to billions of short-length sequence reads. When possible, de novo assembly of sequence reads is replaced by computationally affordable mapping of sequence reads onto a known reference. New genomics applications, such as metagenomic sequencing projects, have required the development of new types of sequence analysis and new bioinformatics tools to handle very largeescale data (Ondov et al., 2016). Consequently, researchers still face a lack of standardized tools and vocabularies to make the results of genomics research available to the community. In addition, newly generated sequence data and their processing require increasing resources for electronic storage, database management, and processing power. For example, a simple sequence comparison of all proteins from 100 genomes against each other, using the standard sequence alignment tool BLAST, can easily take hours of processing time, even on complex computer clusters. Numerous companies now target the bioinformatics sequence analysis bottleneck by taking advantage of cloud computing resources available via an on-demand basis over the Internet (Langmead and Nellore, 2018). This allows researchers to avoid large investments in local bioinformatics infrastructure by using leasable Web services instead. Ultimately, microbial and host databases will be too large for many users to download for local processing due to limitations in effective

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Genomics and microbial forensics

network bandwidth and budgets. We can anticipate seeing increased competition by public and private cloud service providers to provide affordable solutions by offering combined data storage and processing options. In recent years, concerns about privacy have mostly focused on human genome data. However, as our understanding grows about the importance of our microbiomes to human health, it is possible that privacy concerns may grow concerning microbiome data. We are now in the early stage of development of tools that attempt to provide adequate levels of privacy while using cloud computing resources (Navale and Bourne, 2018). We must also remain cognizant of the many sources of errors that can affect microbial sequencing and microbial databases (Ballenghien et al., 2017). These can include sample prep errors, general lab contamination, instrument run-to-run contamination, indexing errors, and postsequencing computational errors, among others (Abnizova et al., 2017).

Genomics and microbial forensics Past examples highlighted the potential of genomic techniques to become new tools for the microbial forensic investigators and provide a glimpse of how genomics could be integrated into a modern microbial forensic investigation. Using whole-genome shotgun sequencing on an Illumina platform, Harris et al. (2010) analyzed the genome sequence of 63 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates and demonstrated the potential of the platform for high-resolution genotyping and in-depth analysis of microevolution within a single bacterial lineage. The authors were able to trace the evolution of a single MRSA clone in health care facilities worldwide over the past decades as well as within a single hospital over a 7-month period at a level of resolution previously unachievable. This high-resolution


evolutionary investigation was achieved by identifying a few rare single-nucleotide polymorphisms between individual isolates. Not only did this study demonstrate the usefulness and economic feasibility of genomic tools for optimizing DNA fingerprint analysis but also called into question current methods such as PFGE subtyping, commonly applied for investigations of foodborne pathogen outbreaks in the United States (see also Chapter 3 on foodborne outbreaks and Chapter 29 on DNA signatures). Investigation of the 2001 anthrax mailings also relied on a combination of traditional microbiology and genomics analysis to point the FBI investigation to the Bacillus anthracis culture from which spores that were sent in the mail originated. The culture, like the spores from the letters, had a microbial fingerprint characterized by a consistent mixture of specific B. anthracis genomic variants. These variants were only detectable by whole-genome sequence analysis and afforded the rapid development of highthroughput genomic assays to screen samples from more than a 1000 potential sources. More recently, Fierer et al. (2010) demonstrated that an individual skin microbial community can be highly unique and, after touching a surface, can leave behind a characteristic fingerprint in the true sense of the word. Microbial communities from these surfaces could be recovered and, using 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic analysis, matched to a specific person, hence supporting the possibility of using skin microbiota for forensic identification. While far from being validated, this approach is novel and warrants further validation as a potential forensic tool. Thus, the relatively new and rapidly expanding metagenomics research field could provide additional scientific support in microbial forensic investigations. Similar applications of metagenomics as a forensic tool (e.g., to determine how closely several soil or human microbiome samples match) also require research and validation. The level of resolution to use for matching (16S

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rRNA, species, gene, or SNP) and the thresholds to use for determining the degree of match all need to be demonstrated and validated to gain acceptance. Funding for the CDC’s Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) program (https://www.cdc. gov/amd/) in 2013 spurred a major technological advance in the use of WGS for the analysis of foodborne outbreaks in the United States (https://www.cdc.gov/amd/projectsummaries/faster-tests.html). The CDC provided Illumina MiSeq sequencers to major public health laboratories in all 50 states (Carleton and Gerner-Smidt, 2016), and now thousands of outbreak samples are sequenced and deposited in NCBI each year, replacing the PFGE data that had been collected for nearly 30 years (Jackson et al., 2016). When one contrasts the low w20 Kbp resolution of PFGE with the singlebase resolution of WGS, it is obvious why this rapid change provides a huge advancement in the ability to confidently link multistate outbreaks of foodborne pathogens (Taylor et al., 2015). Ironically, the rapid deposition of thousands of whole genomes of large enteric pathogens caused scaling problems for comparative genomic analysis software that had been scaled to the previous limits of a few hundred bacterial genomes for one species. One possible future direction for genome storage and bioinformatics analysis is to just store and analyze variations from one or more reference genomes; this is straightforward for monomorphic species such as B. anthracis but is more challenging for highly reassorting species such as those of the Burkholderia genus and others. Similar kinds of compressed storage would be indicated for sequencing of the quasispecies variants of any type of microbe, which is likely to become increasingly important in understanding the health implications of many microbiome species. While the rapidly changing genomics and metagenomics fields raise great hopes for the microbial forensic investigators, it is important to understand that as forensic tools, both must still

pass the challenges of a court of law. For this to be realized, genomics, metagenomics, and the attendant genome sequencing technologies and sequence analysis algorithms must be valid, robust, and grounded with strong statistical support. However, this hurdle is readily being met with technologies, algorithms, and software that have been and promise to be developed to address the analysis of genomic data.

Acknowledgments This chapter is an update of the previous edition, authored by W. Florian Fricke, Thomas A. Cebula, and Jacques Ravel. We acknowledge the major contributions to food safety made by the late Thomas A. Cebula during his career.

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20 Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization Tom Slezak, Bradley Hart, Crystal Jaing Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States

Genomic signatures This chapter addresses some of the many issues associated with the identification of signatures based on genomic DNA/RNA, which can be used to identify and characterize pathogens for diverse goals such as medical diagnostics, biodefense, and microbial forensic. For the purposes of this chapter, we define a “signature” as one or more strings of contiguous genomic DNA or RNA bases sufficient to identify a pathogenic target of interest at the desired resolution and that could be instantiated with particular detection chemistry on a particular platform. The target resolution may be taxonomic identification of a whole organism, an individual functional mechanism (e.g., a toxin gene), or simply a nucleic acid region indicative of the organism. The desired resolution will vary with each program’s goals but could easily range from family to genus to species to strain to isolate. Resolution need not be taxonomically based but could be pan-mechanistic in nature: detecting virulence or antibiotic-resistance genes shared by multiple microbes. Entire industries exist around different detection chemistries and

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00020-9

instrument platforms for identification of pathogens, and we only briefly mention a few of the techniques that have been used at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to support our biosecurity-related work since 2000. Most nucleic acidebased detection chemistries involve the ability to isolate and amplify the signature target region(s), combined with a technique to detect that amplification. Signatures may be employed for detection and/or characterization of known organisms, by focusing on unique genomic differences, or as ways of discovering new ones by focusing on highly conserved genomic regions. Genomic signatureebased identification techniques have the advantage of being precise, highly sensitive, and relatively fast in comparison with biochemical typing methods and protein signatures. Classic biochemical typing methods were developed long before knowledge of DNA and resulted in dozens of tests (Gram’s stain, differential growth characteristics media, etc.) that could be used to roughly characterize the major known pathogens (of course, some are uncultivable). These tests could take many days to complete and precise resolution of


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20. Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization

species and strains is not always possible. In contrast, protein recognition signatures composed of antibodies or synthetic highaffinity ligands offer extremely fast results but require a large quantity of the target to be present. False positives/negatives are also a problem with some protein-based techniques (home pregnancy kits use this basic approach).

Different types and resolutions of genomic signatures Genomic signatures can be intended for many different purposes and applied at multiple different resolutions. At LLNL, we have been working on genomic signatures that can be broken out into several categories: (i) organism signatures, (ii) mechanism signatures, and (iii) genetic engineering-method signatures (or method signatures). Organism signatures are intended to uniquely identify the organism(s) involved. Mechanism signatures can be best thought of as identifying sets of one or more genes that result in functional properties such as virulence, antibiotic resistance, or host range. The primary reason to identify mechanisms, independent of organisms, is to detect potential genetic engineering. A secondary reason is that nature has shared many important mechanisms over evolutionary time, and thus they may not be sufficiently unique to identify specific “chassis” organisms. Knowledge of whether a particular isolate has the full virulence kit or possesses unusual antibiotic-resistance properties and whether it is human transmissible is important for biodefense and public health responses. Method signatures present yet another dimension of analyzing pathogens: evidence of potential bacterial genetic engineering may be seen in a genome by checking for traces of the bacterial vector(s) that may have been used to insert one or more foreign genes and related components (promoters, etc.) into the genome being modified. In the future, host

range signatures might indicate that an otherwise uncharacterized pathogen was potentially capable of evading or defeating the immune system of a particular host organism. It is also possible to think in terms of detection, diagnosis, and characterization as different classes of activities that may have diverse types of signature needs. Using anthrax as an example, a detection signature might be trying to answer the question “Is there Bacillus anthracis in this air or soil or surface swipe sample?” One or more signatures might be used for environmental sampling to indicate the possible presence of that pathogen. In contrast, a diagnostic signature would be attempting to answer, “Does this person have Bacillus anthracis in their nasal cavity now?” Such a signature would need to be embodied in an assay that is approved by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration; we are not aware of any licensed anthrax diagnostic assays at this time), even if the genomic signature is the same as in the environmental example (where regulation is not required). Characterization signatures would be trying to answer questions such as “Which known strain(s) are closest to this sample and what differences are observed?” or “How similar is this attack sample to another sample from a suspect’s home laboratory?”; both of which might be answered by whole-genome sequencing or a large set of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or other genomic markers via PCR or an array. Thus, signatures involve an intended use (detection, diagnostic, characterization), a specific required resolution (genus, species, strain, gene, SNP), a desired low error rate, plus cost, and time constraints specific to the use case.

Potential target organisms Genetic signatures can be used to identify any living organisms that contain intact DNA or RNA. Focusing on biosecurity, we are interested

III. Methodology

Genomic sequence data: what to use and where to get it

primarily in identifying bacteria, viruses, and fungi that could potentially be used to threaten human, animal, or plant life, to disrupt our economy, or to disturb our social order. Note that there is a wide range of genome sizes involved. RNA viruses are generally small (foot and mouth disease virus is about 8 kbp, SARS coronavirus is about 30 kbp), whereas the variola virus (causative agent of smallpox) is a large DNA virus of about 200 kbp. High-threat bacterial pathogens tend to be in the 2e5-Mbp size range (Yersinia pestis, causative agent of plague, is about 4 Mbp while Bacillus anthracis is about 5 Mbp.). Fungi can range from 10 Mbp to over 700 Mbp. As costs scale roughly with genome size, the sequencing databases have many more viral genomes than bacterial and many more bacterial genomes than fungal. In comparison, the human genome is about 3 Gbp and wheat is about 16 Gbp.

Signature resolution Organism detection signatures must be conserved sequences, reliable, and able to detect all variations of the target organism to minimize false negatives. The signatures should be unique to the target organisms and not detecting nontarget organisms to minimize false positives. Organism detection signatures can be at different taxonomic resolution, typically genus, species, or strain. In biosecurity applications, high-resolution signatures are needed to precisely identify isolates or strains. In past years, a large distinction was drawn between detection signatures and forensic signatures, where forensic signatures were typically thought of as at the strain level or below (typically thought of as substrain or isolate specific). When microbial sequencing was quite expensive, techniques such as MLVA (multiple locus variable number of tandem repeat Analysis) were employed for forensic characterization (Keim et al., 2000). PCR


amplicons covering regions containing variable numbers of tandem repeats were measured to provide patterns which corresponded to evolutionary distance. More recently, the distinction between detection and forensic signatures has become blurred because historic taxonomic distinctions have become less certain and because new signature techniques provide increased resolution levels. Using either wholegenome sequencing or current commercially available microarray technologies that allow a million or more signatures to be designed on each chip, one can simultaneously interrogate the entire resolution range (genus, species, strain, and isolate) for desired pathogen targets, providing both detection and forensic resolution. Signature design today is a combination of the desired signature purpose, our current understanding of the diversity of the organism being targeted, and the specific mission constraints that may dictate the detection chemistry and platform to be used for either biodefense or public health. Given the drastically lowered cost of whole-genome sequencing of microbes, we anticipate that the use of all techniques with lower resolution for genomic characterization will diminish in the coming years.

Genomic sequence data: what to use and where to get it There is no single resource for all microbial genomic sequence data pertinent to signature design. The most comprehensive public source for genomic sequence data is the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). The NCBI has reciprocal data exchange agreements with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in the United Kingdom and the DNA Data Bank of Japan, which are equivalent databases used heavily in those parts of the world. Most authors of published sequence data usually submit a final version of their sequence datasets to

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20. Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization

GenBank. However, numerous sequence databases exist that have organism-specific data that may not be found in GenBank during the interim period of data generation and manuscript preparation and those sites would need to be probed directly to obtain the most recent and up-to-date sequence data. Some examples of these publicly available resources are the Integrated Microbial Genomics project at the Joint Genome Institute (http://img.jgi.doe.gov), the Genomes OnLine Database at the Joint Genome Institute (https://gold.jgi.doe.gov/), the Broad Institute (https://www.broadinstitute.org/ data-software-and-tools), and the Sanger Institute in the United Kingdom (https://www. sanger.ac.uk/resources/downloads/). There are also numerous specialty genome databases at gene and/or protein resolution. Examples of these include UniProt, CARD (Canadian Antibiotic Resistance Database, https://card.mcmaster.ca/), and VFDB (Virulence Factor Database, http://www.mgc.ac.cn/ VFs/). One issue is that gene databases typically focus on protein sequences and may or may not contain a good representation of the DNA sequence variants that code for functionally equivalent proteins. Sequence data most useful for signature design fall into two major categories: finished and draft data of isolated organisms. A third category, raw sequence reads from an isolate, may be encountered but can be readily assembled into a draft genome. Draft genomes are composed of multiple sets of overlapping reads, called “contigs,” potentially with little or no information about the order or orientation of the contigs relative to the original genome. Draft sequence is often described by a depth factor, which is a numeric statement about the average redundancy of coverage at any base position, and thus confidence. A 30X draft sequence would have, on average, at least 30 overlapping reads that contain each base in the genome being sequenced; this is a common minimal average depth for modern draft sequencing, but microbial projects with far greater read depth are also common.

Finished whole-genome microbial sequences have undergone an iterative process to assemble contigs and then use a variety of techniques to order and orient them and close any gaps. This often lengthy and costly process, when and if completed, produces a single string of highquality bases from the individual and scrambled contigs of the draft sequence. Obviously, finished genomes are superior to drafts when it comes to performing annotation of gene content or other features, as well as for performing multiple-sequence alignments (MSAs) to compare two or more genomes. In our early Sanger sequence experience at LLNL, a 10X draft microbial genome provides sufficient information for DNA signature design purposes (Gardner et al., 2005); modern isolate sequencing of microbes typically yields at least 100X coverage (meaning on average at least 100 separate reads cover each base in the final genome). When you consider that finished microbial genomes can be 10 times as expensive as draft, due to the large amounts of skilled labor required to close draft sequencing gaps, it is not surprising that many microbial genomes may never be finished. Increasingly, short-read sequences are being mapped to reference genomes in lieu of a de novo assembly, and we expect finished genomes to become increasingly rare as the cost of draft sequencing continues to decrease. Another increasingly important category of data is metagenomic sequence, where no attempt has been made to isolate individual organisms for sequencing. Sometimes this is because of the lack of method to isolate and culture the particular organism(s) of interest. Only a tiny fraction of organisms can be cultured in vitro, and our knowledge base remains greatly skewed toward those that can. At other times, it is because what is desired is a sampling of an entire community of organisms. Although numerous metagenomic samples have been sequenced, it is exceedingly rare for complete assemblies of sequences from multiple organisms to result. One exception is a very small symbiotic bacterial community found living in an extremely harsh acidic environment in a

III. Methodology

Identifying conserved sequence among targets

mine (Allen et al., 2007). Metagenomic data are not currently of much utility for genomic signature development. A paper on the acid mine microbial community is providing clues about the evolution of viral resistance (Banfield and Andersson, 2008), which illustrates the vital role metagenomic sequencing will play in expanding our systems biology knowledge at both the organism and the ecosystem level. Searching for sequence data based on free-text queries can be problematic. For example, GenBank does not enforce consistency with sequence designation. Not all complete genomes have “complete genome” in the title, and some that do are not actually complete genomes. We have encountered complete genomes that were labeled “complete cds” (coding sequence), “complete gene,” or otherwise unlabeled as a complete genome. Curation is required to validate any sequence data obtained from a public resource, and periodic in-house testing against benchmark data is necessary to maintain a database of high fidelity. A related problem is distinguishing when a newly finished genome should replace a prior draft, as strain name, authors, or institutions may have changed and the linkage between the two forms of the same genome may be missing. Genome database quality is another important consideration when acquiring sequence data for signature design. In addition to the sequence designation issues mentioned above, genome databases may contain sequencing and/or assembly errors. Contamination errors may include sequence from other organisms present beside the desired isolate that assembled into your target sample genome, or contigs from other organisms present that were not properly screened out before database submission. Physical contamination of sequencing instruments or sequencing reagents have also caused problems with database quality, as have errors in the DNA barcodes used to multiplex samples on a single sequencing run. We have encountered situations where some human sequence present in one obscure draft microbial genome led that organism to show hundreds of


thousands of reads in every human sample analyzed, until the offending genome was removed from the microbial reference database. Beware that the other direction of contamination can also occur (microbial sequence incorrectly present in human genomes.) Ground truth is a slippery concept when it comes to genomic databases of any ilk due to all the possible sources of contamination and errors. Deliberate introduction of judicious genome data errors with malicious intent to confound detection of subsequent genetic engineering is a possibility that should be kept in mind.

Identifying conserved sequence among targets Finding regions of conservation across all target genomes can be done with “alignmentbased” methods and with “alignment-free” methods. The difference between the two methods revolves around a trade-off between time and quality. The first issue to be faced when searching for conservation with an MSA is the amount of sequence (breadth) that an alignment method can handle. Alignments sometimes fail when input sequences are very long or when there is a large number of sequences to be aligned (depth), even if the sequences are not particularly long. Failure happens because an MSA takes impractically long to finish due to the intractable algorithmic complexity involved or due to a lack of memory on the machine being use. These limitations mean that the optimal alignment approach may vary depending on the breadth and depth of sequences used as input. The recent explosion of genome sequence data has resulted in a lack of MSA algorithms that can scale appropriately. Clustering is one common way to attempt to reduce input data size. This works well when the goal is to analyze for regions in common to design signatures; however, it works less well when one is trying to detect SNPs that provide maximal differentiation. In recent years, with the massive numbers

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20. Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization

of whole genomes available for many species of interest, MSA has become an increasingly poor solution choice. Another topic of concern when identifying conserved sequence regions is whether an approach can incorporate incomplete and/or draft sequences. Incomplete sequences do not cover the complete genome of the organism. Draft sequences may cover the complete genome and may be of lower quality, particularly near the ends of contigs. Increasingly, the number of genomes being finished to completion is significantly fewer than the number of genomes that will remain incomplete and in draft form. MUMmer (Kurtz et al., 2004) is a notable MSA program in this respect because it can align draft and complete genomes. Note that any use of incomplete genomes carries an inherent risk because regions not present in the incomplete genome(s) will not appear to be conserved and thus may not be considered for signature mining. Alignment-free methods for finding consensus are now required to handle the full range of available microbial genomes for signature design in practical amounts of time. PriMux (Hysom et al., 2012) is one example of a non-MSA signature design approach that scales to handle thousands of input genomes, including draft genomes. Finally, viruses are often highly divergent at the nucleotide level. This high degree of divergence, common among many RNA viruses, can cause even alignment-free methods that rely on a pairwise sequence search to fail at finding all shared genetic regions. Some nonviral organisms have also been observed with enough divergence to make using alignment-free methods prone to error. To help overcome the hurdles of divergent targets, we have developed a novel method of signature generation, “minimal set clustering” (MSC), described later.

Identifying sequences unique to targets Finding regions of sequence unique to the target organism is done by searching large

sequence databases. There is a trade-off in sequence search between execution time and search sensitivity. “Heuristic” algorithms (methods that take reasonable shortcuts, which may decrease sensitivity) offer the best time performance. “Nonheuristic” algorithms (methods that guarantee complete coverage within the problem space) can have more sensitive results than heuristics but are slower and the additional sensitivity is not always significant. Heuristics are used most commonly because they make it possible to search extremely large databases such as NCBI’s NT (nonredundant nucleotide) database quickly. The most popular of these is BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990; Boratyn et al., 2013), which can scale to provide fast results with large databases by splitting the search space into many parallel processes across compute clusters. If additional limitations in search sensitivity are acceptable, other approaches, such as suffix treeebased Vmatch (http://www.vmatch.de/), can be faster. Another heuristic approach is to compute hidden Markov models that represent the sequence families of interest, such as in the program HMMER (http://hmmer.org/).

Mining for signatures After pathogen target regions of sufficient length from conserved and unique regions are found, they are mined for detection signatures. Signatures are found by searching for oligonucleotides with appropriate length, melting temperature, and GC ratio and by searching for oligonucleotide combinations with appropriate overall amplicon size and minimal interoligonucleotide hybridization potential. Programs such as Primer3 (Rozen and Skaletsky, 2000) can perform some or all the signature selection work from a given target sequence input. Primer3 can be integrated into any signature development pipeline, unlike other primer design packages that typically only offer a manual graphic interface.

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RNA viruses present additional challenges

RNA viruses present additional challenges High rates of mutation and lack of genome repair mechanisms in many viruses generate increased levels of intraspecies diversity and result in quasispecies, particularly for many single-stranded RNA viruses. Consequently, PCR-based signatures for viral detection often require high levels of degeneracy or multiplexing to detect all variants robustly. Large amounts of sequence data are often required to represent the range of target diversity, sometimes hundreds to thousands of genomes. As noted previously, building MSAs with many diverse genomes taxes the capabilities of most available software. Once an alignment is built, it may reveal insufficient consensus for even a single primer, much less a pair, to detect all members of some species (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus 1 or influenza A). One solution is to subdivide the targets into smaller or more closely related subgroups, such as clade, serotype, or phenotype, of interest (examples of phenotypes could include virulent vs. nonvirulent, domestic vs. foreign), and attempt to find signatures separately for each subgroup. This approach implies that multiple signatures will be required for species-level detection of all subgroups. One must make an assessment in advance of signature design of how best to subdivide the target sequences. A second approach is to allow degenerate or inosine bases so that a single signature will detect the diverse genomes within a target species. Specificity may suffer if some combinations of degenerate bases also pick up nontarget species. Sensitivity may decline, as the specific priming sequence for a given target is diluted in the degenerate mix. Several tools that require a MSA as input are available for degenerate primer design (e.g., SCPrimer Jabado et al., 2006 PrimaClade http://primaclade.org/cgibin/primaclade.cgi, Amplicon http:// amplicon.sourceforge.net/, and HYDEN http://acgt.cs.tau.ac.il/hyden/). A third approach employed is called MSC (Gardner et al., 2003). Because it avoids the


need for MSA or a priori subgrouping of target sequences, this method can be run blindly without expert knowledge of the target species. It begins by removing nonunique regions from consideration as primers or probes from each of the target sequences relative to a database of nontarget sequences. The remaining unique regions of each target sequence are mined for candidate signatures, without regard for conservation among other targets, yet satisfying user specifications for primer and probe length, Tm, GC%, amplicon length, and so on. All candidate signatures are compared to all targets and clustered by the subset of targets they are predicted to detect. To predict detection, we may require that a signature’s primers and probe have a perfect match to target in the correct orientation and proximity, or we may relax the match requirements to allow a limited number of mismatches, as long as Tm remains above a specified threshold or those mismatches do not occur too close to the 30 end of a primer. Signatures within a given cluster are equivalent in that they are predicted to detect the same subset of targets, so by clustering we reduce the redundancy and size of the problem to finding a small set of signatures that detect all targets. Nevertheless, computing the optimal solution of the fewest clusters to detect all targets is an “NP complete” or intractable problem, so for large datasets we use a greedy algorithm to find a small number of clusters that together should pick up all targets. LLNL has used this method to design signature sets for numerous RNA viruses, including influenza A HA serotypes, foot and mouth disease, Norwalk, CrimeaneCongo hemorrhagic fever, ebola, and other divergent viruses (Gardner et al., 2014). Fig. 20.1 shows the result of an MSC computation for Crimeane Congo hemorrhagic fever performed in 2005, with the resulting signatures displayed against a whole-genome phylogenetic tree of all the sequences available at that time. A fourth approach is to forego sequence alignment altogether and to look for sets of primerlength oligomers of length k, or “k-mers,” present in many targets and unique relative to

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20. Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization

nontarget sequences. Using combinatoric or greedy algorithms and allowing degenerate bases, PriMUX builds a signature set of k-mers such that each target contains at least two k-mers to function as forward and reverse primers. This approach demands large computing memory to store all candidate k-mers for large or many genomes, especially as k increases above 20, and may require suffix trees or other techniques for data compression (Gardner and Hall, 2013).

Signatures of potential bacterial genetic engineering Detecting evidence for genetic engineering in bacteria is challenging when the target modification is not known and the effects of an outbreak on human health are not well understood. We may, for example, anticipate a biological

outbreak that employs a bacterial host containing a foreign toxin, but the observed effects of the toxin may not implicate a known gene. Even in cases where the gene is known, it may be difficult to rule out a natural origin for the outbreak. In such cases, it may be useful to search for more direct evidence of the genetic engineering tools used to insert and express foreign genes in a bacterial host. Among the most widely used and readily available tools for genetic engineering in bacteria are artificial vector DNA molecules. Genetic engineering with artificial vectors began with efforts to improve on early work using natural plasmids for gene cloning. Natural plasmids are extrachromosomal replicons (self-replicating molecules) that come in both circular and linear form and are generally nonessential genetic material for the bacterial host but can confer important phenotypes such as virulence and drug resistance. These plasmids are mobile 54633827 28

SPU97-85 SPU415-85 51




Drosdov 28

50 Kashmanov




39840947 51

Turkey200310 45



38995175 51



17 60301550 51



17 ARD39554 51

56122593 1

45 UG3010

ArD8194 51

22 45

AP92 ArD15786 51



FIGURE 20.1 Result of minimal subset clustering signatures for CrimeaneCongo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) displayed against a whole-genome phylogenetic tree of available target genomes. Note that signatures 45 and 51 cover a wide range of isolates from one geographical location, whereas signatures 28, 39, and 50 cover isolates found in Eastern Europe. Signatures 1, 5, 17, and 22 are required to detect some historical isolates that are not likely to be in current circulation. III. Methodology

Viral and bacterial detection array signatures

genetic elements that serve as a natural mechanism for the exchange of genetic material across different bacterial species (Frost et al., 2005). Artificial vectors are natural plasmid derivatives designed to improve support for the insertion and manipulation of foreign genetic elements in the carrier plasmid. We use the term “artificial vector” to refer to replicons created through human intervention to explicitly distinguish them from their natural plasmid precursors. Sequence features designed to support genetic manipulation form the basis for methods used to distinguish artificial vector sequence from natural plasmids. The most common artificial vector-specific feature is the multiple cloning site region, which is a sequence insert containing clusters of restriction enzyme sites used to facilitate insertion of the foreign gene elements. Selection marker genes also play an important role in selecting bacteria, which maintain the artificial vector. The gene transcription control unit, which includes a promoter sequence and transcription terminator sequence for the foreign gene elements, is also an important feature, along with the origin of replication site required for maintenance of the artificial vector in the bacterial colony (Solar et al., 1998). Detecting an artificial vector sequence in a mixed bacterial sample is best accomplished via metagenomic sequence analysis. We note that this task can be very difficult if any E. coli is present in the sample, as most artificial vectors are derived from an E. coli chassis. Recent advances in synthetic biology and genetic editing techniques such as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) (Adli, 2018) make deliberate genetic engineering harder to detect than classical vector-mediated genomic insertion. The newer technologies make it easier to synthesize entire genomes or make arbitrary edits without leaving behind any “vector scars” that aid identification of nonnatural changes (Noyce et al., 2018). A recent National Academy of Sciences report (Biodefense) highlights some of the increasing concerns about advances in synthetic


biology and the risks of deliberate or accidental harm. The implication for microbial forensics is that current technologies make it possible to make nearly arbitrary genomic constructs or changes without leaving obvious genetic signs that the construct is unnatural or connecting it to a specific individual or group.

Viral and bacterial detection array signatures Numerous microarrays have been designed for viral discovery, detection, and resequencing (Wang et al., 2002; Palacios et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2006; Jabado et al., 2008). Resequencing arrays can provide sequence information for viruses closely related (0.90% similarity) to sequences from which the array was designed. Discovery arrays to detect more diverse and more distantly related organisms have been built using techniques for selecting probes from regions of known conservation based on BLAST nucleotide sequence similarity (Wang et al., 2003) or profile HMM and motif indications of amino acid sequence conservation (Jabado et al., 2008). Array design to span an entire kingdom on a single microarray demands substantial investment in probe selection algorithms. Beginning in 2007, LLNL designed a microarray to detect all bacteria, plasmids, and viruses based on all available whole-genome, whole-segment, and whole-plasmid sequences. We attempted to find probes that are unique to each viral and bacterial family and favor probes conserved within a family. We used probes 50e65 bases long, enabling sensitive detection of targets with some sequence variation relative to the probe. We used a greedy minimal set coverage algorithm to ensure that all database sequences (genomes or chromosomes or viral segments) have at least 50 (for viruses) or 15 (for bacteria and plasmids) probes per sequence. We allowed some mismatches between probe and target, based on previous mismatch experiments in which we determined that probes

III. Methodology


20. Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization

with a contiguous match at least 29 bases long and with 85% sequence similarity between probe and target still gave a strong signal intensity (Gardner et al., 2010). We developed a novel statistical method that is based on likelihood maximization within a Bayesian network, incorporating a sophisticated probabilistic model of probe-target hybridization developed and validated with experimental data from hundreds of thousands of probe intensity measurements (McLoughlin, 2011). The method is designed to enable quantifiable predictions of likelihood for the presence of each of multiple organisms in a complex, mixed sample, which is especially important in an environmental sample or one with chimeric organisms. Glass-slide platforms containing up to 400,00 total probes and capable of running 1, 2, 4, or 8 samples at a time were used for a very wide range of studies on human, animal, environmental, and product samples. This includes finding vaccine contaminants (Victoria et al., 2010), viral association with bladder cancer (Parad zik et al., 2013), identifying ancient pathogen DNA in archaeological samples (Devault et al., 2014), combat wound infection analysis (Be et al., 2014), and finding emerging viruses in clinical samples (Rosenstierne et al., 2014). Recently, our detection array has migrated to a new high-throughput platform, the Applied Biosystems Axiom Microbiome Array (Thermofisher), which can process 24 or 96 samples at a time, each sample being exposed to 1.4M DNA probes about 35bp in length. Over 12,000 unique bacterial, viral, fungal, archaeal, and protozoan species are represented. With reagent costs as low as $40/sample, this array is best suited for screening large numbers of samples to determine which samples clearly have pathogens of interest present and which samples may benefit from further expense of metagenomic or isolate sequencing. Recent advances in targeted sequencing, which can be viewed as “liquid arrays with sequence readout,” may indicate that arrays are headed for niche roles in the

future. One such development are the semiconductor arrays developed by DNA Electronics (Dnae), which can do targeted sequencing with direct electronic readout. While initial products are still under development (Genomeweb), the inherent cost scalability of semiconductor devices means that point-of-need targeted sequencing arrays are likely to become available in the relatively near future to compete with benchtop sequencing for detection of known organisms.

The future of genomic signatures Issues related to scaling, taxonomy, and technology advances continue to be main drivers for the future of genomic signatures. Scaling problems all stem from the exponential rate at which genomic sequence data are growing. In recent years, the PulseNet Project (https://www.cdc.gov/pulsenet/participants/ international/wgs-vision.html) (Pulsenet) has deposited many thousands of complete bacterial foodborne pathogen genomes into GenBank, far exceeding the capacity of most previously used bioinformatics tools to handle them. At the time of this writing in August 2018, NCBI holds 12,000þ E. coli, 9000þ Salmonella, 2500þ Campylobacter, 2500þ Listeria, and 1800þ Shigella genomes. This represents nearly three orders of magnitude increase over the genomes available when the first edition of this book was prepared in early 2003. Both analytical tools and techniques have evolved in recent years to deal with this flood of sequence information, much of which is in draft genome form. Comparative genomic tools involving MSA algorithms used in the early part of this century could not scale to thousands of genomes and have been replaced by alignment-free tools such as KRAKEN (Wood and Salzberg, 2014), LMAT (Ames et al., 2013), etc., which utilize “k-mers” (short strings of length k) to more efficiently locate regions of

III. Methodology

The future of genomic signatures

similarity and difference. One benefit of this class of tools is that they work well whether the input sequence is raw reads from a pure microbial isolate or a complex clinical or environmental sample. Another technique referred to as “read mapping” compares reads from an unknown sample against a high-quality RefSeq genome to reduce complexity (Ncbi). While utilizing a small high-quality reference database provides faster analysis speed, good coverage of strain variation can only be achieved by utilizing draft genomes as well. Signature design tools have been similarly challenged by the flood of available genomic sequence data. Digesting the complete set of available microbial finished and draft genomes to design the Applied Biosystems Axiom Microbiome Array described above required over 5 CPU years of computation time, using software that had not been revised to handle the explosive growth. An additional factor in scaling comparative genomic codes, including signature design codes, is that large-memory computation nodes can make a big difference in program execution time. A comparison of over 9000 full human genomes against all microbial genomes (Ames et al., 2015), looking for contamination in each, ran in 6 days on a cluster with over 800 Gb of memory on each node; running the same comparison on a standard cluster with 128 Gb of memory per node would have taken several months because accessing data over a network is one to two orders of magnitude slower than accessing local memory. The relationship between analysis algorithms and computer architecture needs to be considered to achieve optimal genomic analysis performance. Earlier we mentioned difficulties with the evolving taxonomy of pathogenic organisms, as classification schemes originally developed based on phenomenology are faced now with genomic inconsistencies. The current flood of metagenomic data is presenting us with an even larger problem: what exactly do concepts such as “species” and “strains” mean if it turns


out that microbial life is a broad spectrum with few well-defined transitions? It is now common to refer to a “core genome” and additional distinct gene content variations (“pan genome”) that presumably is responsible for different phenotypes (Nelson et al., 2004). It is possible that new concepts and terminology will be needed to map existing taxonomic categories into the genomic reality of the 21st century. Similarly, compressed genome data storage techniques, including just mapping differences relative to reference genomes of one or more species, may be leveraged to reduce data storage, transfer, and computation bottlenecks (Hosseini et al., 2016). The rate of advancement in sequencing technology exceeds that even of computers, fueled by the promise of personalized medicine if individual drug and disease reactions can be determined and if individual genetic variation can be determined efficiently via low-cost sequencing. The field of pathogen diagnostics is riding this technology wave, too small a market to have any direct influence. Note that the read lengths of some new sequencing technologies may be too short to provide confident pathogen identification based on a single read, meaning that direct metagenomic identification of human pathogens from complex clinical or environmental samples contains some degree of uncertainty. Microarrays will have to ride their own faster/less expensive/more information-per-chip curve if they are not to become obsolete within a few years. Alternatively, one could argue that future advances in protein detection technology could lead to breakthroughs in fast dipstick assays (similar to current home pregnancy test kits) that could provide fast, accurate, and inexpensive results for pathogen detection. In all likelihoods, all these techniques will continue to compete as they evolve asynchronously. Another technological advance is seen in the recent breakthroughs in gene and genome synthesis (Gibson et al., 2008) and editing

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20. Design of genomic signatures for pathogen identification and characterization

techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 (Adli, 2018). Not only do we need to deal with emerging natural viruses from every remote corner of the planet, but now we also need to deal with the fact that for rapidly decreasing amounts of money, it is possible to synthesize combinatorial versions of any DNA one might wish to (re) create. This potential ability to create a new class of supercharged pathogens, as well as the possibility of synthesized pathogens that do not exist in nature, puts a new urgency into ensuring that we have adequate tools to deal with these evolving biothreats. What all this means for genomic signature design is that we will have to exist in a combination of a data avalanche, new analysis tools, and rapidly evolving new technologies. Against this background of change, we will have to deal with new missions and new challenges from adversaries equipped with the latest technologies. Fittingly for biodefense, it is indeed a very Darwinian challenge that faces us.

Protein signatures: a new forensic approach? Recent work at LLNL has established that amino acid changes in human hair, teeth, bone, and skin samples can provide discriminating power in cases where no DNA is available for standard human forensics based on short tandem repeats. Called GVPs (genetically variable proteins), they are the protein analogue of SNPs in DNA (Parker & et al., 2016; Mason & et al., 2018). The initial emphasis of this work has been on hair which, due to its high protein content, makes an ideal forensic specimen for proteomic forensic analysis. Hair also has the added benefit of high stability over long time frames and under extreme conditions. Comprised primarily of keratins and keratin-associated proteins, hair exhibits high durability that contributes to its persistence. Packed into coiled-coils within the

hair shaft, hair keratins are stabilized via crosslinking by cystine disulfide bonds as well as by isopeptide bonds between proteins (Zhang et al., 2015; Wolfram, 2003). Finally, evidence comprised of hair, bone, and other major tissue types of interest are easily parsed, largely eliminating complications associated with mixed or multicontributor samples that can be limiting for DNA analysis. Although research continues to develop optimal sets of GVPs and to determine the maximum resolution possible, it has already been demonstrated that GVPs can provide objective and statistically valid identity discrimination. It has also been shown that it is possible to determine the sex from skeletal remains, specifically teeth, of children under 15 years of age, a range where classical morphological techniques are not reliable. In addition, different ethnicities have been shown to carry common amino acid mutations. These markers have utility in providing biogeographic background information, even from archaeological specimens. Once the procedures are validated and GVP reference libraries are established, GVPs will open up an entirely new field of forensics.

Acknowledgments This chapter is an update of the previous edition, authored by Tom Slezak, Shea Gardner, Jonathan Allen, Elizabeth Vitalis, Marisa Torres, Clinton Torres, and Crystal Jaing from Lawrence Livermore National Lab. We honor the groundbreaking work in this field performed by the late Shea Gardner.

Disclaimer This chapter was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the US government. Neither the US government nor Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,

III. Methodology


recommendation, or favoring by the US government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the US government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DEAC52-07NA27344.

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21 Collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples Jenifer A.L. Smith District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences, Washington, DC, United States Microbial forensics was first defined as “a scientific discipline dedicated to analyzing evidence from a bioterrorism act, biocrime, or inadvertent microorganism/toxin release for attribution purposes” (Budowle et al., 2003). Although microbial forensics is most often discussed in the context of the needs of law enforcement, it was also recognized as a discipline requiring collaboration of traditionally separated communities with somewhat disparate missions (Budowle et al., 2007). Coalescence of these communities into a dedicated national system became the goal of the US government (USG) in recognition of the relevance of microbial forensics to the broader national security mission. The release of the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats in 2009 specifically mentions the need to enhance microbial forensic capabilities to expand the government’s capability to “prevent, attribute, and apprehend” (National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats, 2009). The strategy states, “We must ensure that law enforcement, national security and homeland security communities have access to the full range of tools and capabilities needed to identify and disrupt the efforts of those with ill

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00021-0

intentdpreferably before they have the opportunity to conduct and attackdand apprehend and successfully prosecute all offenders.” In concert with the concept of developing investigative leads based on forensic evidence, the multiplicity of applications of microbial forensic science is adeptly discussed by Tucker and Koblentz in their article entitled the “Four Faces of Microbial Forensics” (Tucker and Koblentz, 2009). They discuss the “potential applications of microbial forensics in the investigation of alleged use by nation-states or terrorist organizations, the assessment of biological weapons capabilities possessed by adversaries; the monitoring of nonproliferation agreements, such as the United Nations Security Council resolution mandating the elimination of Iraq’s biological weapons program after the 1991 Persian Gulf War; and the verification of the Biological Weapons Convention.” They proffer that the four communities of interestdlaw enforcement, intelligence, nonproliferation, and verificationdshould be able to use the same basic tools and techniques but that the specialized mission requirements of each will dictate application of these methods. They cite differences in operating environment


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21. Collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples

such as a controlled crime scene processed by law enforcement versus a more nonpermissive environment that might be encountered by a defense- or intelligence-led effort to detect potential signatures of a suspect terrorist facility. They emphasize that regardless of the specific application, it is important to validate techniques and protocols for sample collection and preservation to ensure that each community is using reliable and robust methods. Thus, as the field of microbial forensics advances, it is critical that the diversity in application by different communities is recognized so that all are mutually aware of existing capabilities and, equally important, so that the breadth of scientific expertise and enterprise launched against these daunting national security efforts are fully engaged. Comprehensive microbial forensic programs are concerned with the development and implementation of validated technologies that address sample handling, collection, preservation, and technical analysis with interpretation of results (Budowle et al., 2005). Simple in concept, yet complex in actual practice, the best methods of collection and preservation are highly dependent on the purpose behind the need for the samples. In addition, the conditions under which the samples may be collected will often dictate the collection and preservation approaches that can be used. Finally, collection and preservation methods must allow for a variety of subsequent methods of analyses, such as microbial analysis of viable bacterial and infectious viruses, genetic analysis of DNA (plasmid and chromosomal), RNA and rRNA analyses, ligand analysis (antibody, peptide, aptamer), visual analysis (light microscopy, electron microscopy), mass spectrometry analysis, and other emerging analytical methods. In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security held a meeting at the Banbury Center of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory that focused on the collection, handling, and storage of microbial forensic samples. The group published an article entitled “Quality Sample Collection, Handling and Preservation for an effective Microbial

Forensics Program” (Budowle et al., 2006). The authors noted that a critical element of successful investigation and ultimate attribution subsequent to a biological event involves the collection and preservation of vital microbial forensic evidence. A primary goal of collection is to obtain sufficient biological agent to support both species/strain or toxin identification for critical public health decisions and complete signature characterization for valuable lead information. In addition, the collection of other relevant traditional forensic evidence must not be overlooked. Trace evidence, fingerprints, and other traditional evidence should be collected and preserved to support the attribution mission. This chapter builds on the recommendations of this group and broadly discusses general concepts of collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples that are relevant to all microbial forensic communities. This chapter does not detail specific applications and protocols, as these should be developed by practitioners within these communities because they are best suited to tailor protocols to their missions. Instead, this chapter outlines general “best practices” involved in the collection of samples because these elements should be incorporated into standard collection operating procedures, no matter the specific application. Relevant references on the specific protocols for a variety of microbial forensic communities of interests are provided in this chapter, as well as new collection and preservation efforts subsequent to publication of the Banbury conference results. This chapter concludes with a look to the future, outlining areas of potential research and development concerning the collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples.

General best practices of collection of forensic evidence In 1957, Paul Kirk best captured the potential “evidence” left by a perpetrator of a crime and the subsequent challenge faced by a forensic

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General best practices of collection of forensic evidence

investigator charged with attribution of the event to that same perpetrator (Kirk, 1953): Wherever he steps, whatever he touches, whatever he leaves, even unconsciously, will serve as a silent witness against him. Not only his fingerprints or his footprints, but his hair, the fibers from his clothes, the glass he breaks, the tool mark he leaves, the paint he scratches, the blood or semen he deposits or collects. All of these and more bear mute witness against him. This is evidence that does not forget. It is not confused by the excitement of the moment. It is not absent because human witnesses are. It is factual evidence. Physical evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent. Only human failure to find it, study it, and understand it can diminish its value.

To minimize “human failure to find it,” the National Institute of Justice issued general crime scene investigation guidance to the law enforcement and first responder communities to protect, preserve, and process crime scenes (Technical Working Group, 2000). These guidelines, although designed for law enforcement officers, are applicable for other professionals who may be responsible for the collection of microbial forensic samples. Although there are examples of more tailored guidance for physicians (Schutzer et al., 2005; Yeskey and Morse, 2003), coroners (Nolte et al., 2004), veterinarians (McEwen et al., 2006; Stacy), public health investigators (Emanuel et al., 2008; World Health Organization, 2000), and biological weapon treaty verifiers (Mohr, 1995), it is important to ensure that these procedures address several basic elements of sample collection “best practices.” Guidance intended to ensure protection, collection, and preservation of probative microbial forensic samples should involve the following: • Assessment of the scene/situation • Creation of the sampling plan of action • Safety of personnel • Compliance with all regulations and legal requirements • Prioritization of sampling


• Determination of appropriate personnel and equipment • Timetable • Documentation of • location, area, building, animal, subject • sample provenance and chain of possession • Application of validated collection techniques and equipment • Preservation and storage of samples Situation/scene assessment of location, animal, and subject to be sampled involves applying all a priori (preliminary) information known to individuals involved in the investigation or situation. This assessment should include any relevant intelligence concerning the purpose of the collection effort. It will allow for development of a plan that coordinates identification, collection, and preservation of physical samples. This initial assessment will shape the collection plan and identify the prioritization of sample collection, necessary equipment and personnel, address safety concerns, and estimate the amount of resources and time required for collection. Creation of the sampling plan before initiation of the sample collection is a critical step toward a successful sampling effort. Each plan should be uniquely designed to fit the circumstances. Overt collection plans such as those following a biocrime event or a mitigation effort will be very different from covert collection efforts. Medical sampling will differ from samples taken from agricultural sites. The purpose will dictate whether the overall strategy will require targeted or random sample collection. That being said, all sampling plans should address several common concerns. The plan should determine hazards involved in the collection effort to ensure that adequate protection is afforded all personnel; compliance with all regulations and legal requirements; necessary number and qualifications of the collection personnel; types and quantity of equipment, materials and reagents needed for collection and preservation, types of

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21. Collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples

samples, the sampling approach to minimize contamination to ensure both the welfare of personnel and the integrity of the evidence; prioritization of areas to be sampled to ensure timely and methodical collection of evidence; an estimate of the number of samples to be taken; and the amount of “time on target” needed for the collection effort. Creation of the sampling plan is a critical step that should not be given short shrift. Exigent circumstances often require expedient action concerning the collection of samples; however, some planning before initiation of sampling that covers the elements just given is strongly encouraged. Documentation before and during the collection effort will ensure integrity of the activity and provide a permanent record for later evaluation. It should include information on date and time; names of personnel present; written descriptions and or photographs (if possible) of the location, subject, and/or animal; and current environmental conditions. Documentation establishing sample provenance and chain of possession must be maintained to ensure sample integrity. In a legal application, this form of documentation establishes the “chain of custody.” Judges must determine the authenticity of evidence before submission as evidence in a trial. They consider factors such as nature of the article, circumstances surrounding the preservation and custody of it, and likelihood of contamination or tampering (Kuzmack, 1982). Chain of custody documentation is used to prove that integrity of the evidence has been maintained. Typical information recorded at the time of collection includes the sample’s unique identifying number, the name or initials of the individual collecting the item, the date(s) the item(s) was collected and transferred, and a brief description of the item. Although not all microbial forensic samples may be collected in support of a law enforcement effort, chain of possession documentation is strongly recommended. Application of validated sampling techniques and procedures reduces the risk of inefficient collection,

degradation, and/or contamination during collection, mishandling, and loss during transport or storage. Retrieving sufficient quantities and maintaining the integrity of the evidence increase the chances of characterizing the material to conduct subsequent characterization and attribution analyses (Budowle et al., 2008). Criteria for validation of methods in microbial forensics have been described previously as “the process that: 1. assesses the ability of procedures to obtain reliable results under defined conditions; 2. rigorously defines the conditions required to obtain results; 3. determines limitations of the procedures; 4. identifies aspects of the analysis that must be monitored and controlled; and 5. forms the basis for the development of interpretation guidelines to convey significance of the findings” (Budowle et al., 2008). Preservation and storage of samples must be addressed in any guidance relevant to the collection of microbial forensic evidence. Samples must be appropriately packaged, labeled, surface decontaminated, and maintained in a secure, temporary manner until final packaging and submission to secured storage or an analytical laboratory. Obtaining an analytical result can be affected by the manner and conditions under which a specimen is transported and stored. Storage conditions differ for some microorganisms. Because preservation of bacterial viability or viral integrity in specimens and samples will be affected by conditions, efforts should be made to store samples in appropriate media and at recommended temperatures. Additionally, the method of collection will affect the complexity of the storage requirements. Liquid or wet samples will need to be preserved differently from dry samples such as powders, dry surface swabs, or swipes. Additionally, consideration must be made for preservation of more traditional types of forensic evidence that may be present in the samples. Probative trace materials should also be preserved. Finally, shipping and transportation of samples must be considered, as there are numerous regulations

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Collection strategies and methods for microbial forensic sampling

concerning the transport of infectious substances. Organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Air Transport Association, and the US Department of Transportation have promulgated requirements and regulations concerning the shipping and transportation of infections materials. The US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Agriculture have lists of select agents and rules for the possession, use, and transfer of such agents. If a select agent or an item suspected of containing a select agent must be shipped or transported from one facility to another, both the shipper and the consignee must contact the appropriate state and federal authorities for guidance, instructions, and permission before such transfer occurs. In addition, the shipment must confirm that the recipients are approved for receiving select agents. Select agent rules are outlined in Chapter 28. Resources exist that provide current guidance concerning the handling, packaging, shipping, and storing of hazardous biological materials (World Health Organization, 2000; Select Agent Program).

Collection strategies and methods for microbial forensic sampling Key to determination of the appropriate strategy for collection of microbial forensic samples is the underlying question to be answered or mission to be accomplished. The selection of locations, equipment, or subjects to be sampled, as well as to the methods of collection, will be determined by the purpose of the investigation. Sampling to quickly determine the presence and identity of a biological agent following a suspected attack or sampling to discern between a hoax and lethal bulk sample requires a different approach from sampling intended to determine the cleanliness of an area following decontamination after an accidental or intentional release. Sample collection strategy may be a “targeted”


sampling strategy in which samples are collected from areas judged to have been most likely sites of contamination versus a “probability” sampling strategy in which samples are collected from random areas. In March of 2005, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report concerning sample collection and analysis by the US Postal Service (USPS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Environmental Protection Agency of various postal facilities subsequent to the anthrax attacks in 2001 (GAO, 2005). Conducted at the request of the Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, of the House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform, GAO was asked to describe and assess the agencies’ activities to detect anthrax in postal facilities; results of the agencies’ testing; and whether the agencies’ detection activities were validated. The report contains extensive information concerning the sampling and analytical efforts of the agencies. GAO concluded that results of the agencies’ effort may not be totally reliable because the agencies used targeted as opposed to probability sampling strategies and did not use validated collection and analytical procedures. They reviewed the collection of environmental samples from either surfaces or air that were taken to determine the extent and degree of contamination, assess the risk of exposure, support decisions related to medical treatment or cleanup, and determine when cleanup was sufficient to allow an area to be reoccupied. The targeted approach used by the agencies was site specific and designed to sample areas and equipment believed to be contaminated. The CDC proffered in the report that they used the targeted approach because they needed to identify the source of contamination rapidly to institute early public health interventions. The USPS stated that they used a targeted method against the areas and equipment most likely to be contaminated because the collection was limited due to insufficient laboratory analytic capacity. The GAO countered that the

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21. Collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples

targeting approach used by the various agencies was not sufficient, arguing that probability sampling would have better allowed agencies to determine, with some defined level of confidence when all results are negative, whether a building was contaminated. When deciding whether to use a targeted or probabilistic sampling strategy, it is important to ask what the purpose of the investigation is. The targeted collection is an appropriate approach for law enforcement when use of a biological agent is suspected or when information on the source of a possible biological agent is available (Budowle et al., 2006). The purpose for this sampling is different from that of a remediation effort as described within the GAO report. Following the release of a biological weapon, there will be many reasons to conduct environmental sampling (Canter, 2008). First responders will need to identify and characterize the contamination to determine public health risk. Law enforcement will conduct sampling to obtain investigative leads for attribution. Environmental and occupational health professionals will sample to determine methods to remediate and decontaminate the building. The decision to use a targeted scheme based on judgment versus a random approach will be determined by the circumstances and by the missions of the various government agencies involved in postevent actions. There are circumstances in which results from both approaches can be utilized. One environmental sampling model that combines judgmental (targeted) and randomly placed collection of samples has been proposed to address the “cleanliness” of a building following a decontamination postevent. This Bayesian acceptance sampling model combines information derived from both targeted and randomly collected samples and is designed to be used primarily for clearance sampling after decontamination or to demonstrate the cleanliness of an area that is presumed not to be contaminated during the original event (Sego et al., 2007). In this model, judgment is used for

sample collection, which is taken from locations believed to have been contaminated based on prior belief or knowledge and not in random fashion (i.e., targeted samples). If none of the judgment samples reveals detectable contamination, that information is used to reduce the number of random samples required to achieve the desired level of confidence that the room is clean. Microbial forensic samples may be collected typically by three general approaches: bulk collection of an entire item, collection of a portion of an item to include vacuuming or collection of liquids, and swabbing or wiping the surfaces. Bulk collection is applied to items that are removed easily from a facility or area. These items are packaged appropriately, transported to a laboratory designed to contain hazardous organisms/toxins, and processed thoroughly under controlled laboratory conditions. Often locations that are processed contain many immovable surfaces and equipment. Collection from these surfaces can be conducted by a number of approaches using swabs, swipes, and vacuuming. The previously mentioned GAO report concluded that no validated collection methods were available to the federal agencies who conducted sampling efforts subsequent to the 2001 anthrax attacks. Since that report has been issued, numerous studies have been conducted that have tested various equipment and techniques designed to address the collection of microbial forensic samples. Several studies have determined and reported various recovery rates of swabs (cotton, macrofoam, rayon, and polyester), wipes, sponges, vacuum samples, and contact plates/films used to collect from both nonporous (glass, stainless steel, painted wallboard, metal, polycarbonate) and porous surfaces (carpet, concrete, HVAC filters, cloth, brick) (Favero et al., 1968; Sanderson et al., 2002; Buttner et al., 2004; Rose et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2007; Brown et al., 2007; Brown et al., 2007; Edmonds et al., 2009; Estill et al., 2009; Frawley et al., 2008; Calfee et al., 2014; Calfee et al., 2016; Calfee et al., 2013). In a comprehensive review of several of these

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Collection strategies and methods for microbial forensic sampling

studies, Edmonds reported that recovery efficiencies varied from 20% to 90%, which he attributed to variations in study design such as composition of the surface sampled, concentration of contaminant tested, method of disposition on testing surfaces of contaminant (i.e., aerosol dispersion vs. liquid dispersion), and amount of surface area being tested (Edmonds, 2009). General conclusions from these studies indicate that use of premoistened swabs or swipe material on both porous and nonporous surfaces is more effective than the use of dry swabs or wipes (Rose et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2007; Frawley et al., 2008). Contact plates and/or adhesive tape has been shown to outperform swabs and swipes on flat nonporous, nonabsorbent, as well as porous surfaces (Frawley et al., 2008; Edmonds, 2009). Swab collection is most appropriate for small area sampling (10e25 cm2) with high agent concentration but has limited value for large surface areas with low agent concentrations (Brown et al., 2007). Enhanced collection devices, such as the biological sampling kit (BiSKit), have proven effective as large surface sample collectors. In the BiSKit, a foam material is integrated into a screw-on lid, enabling either wet or dry sampling. It is designed to sample surfaces for bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Testing with the BiSKit demonstrated that both wet and dry samplings are equally efficient (Buttner et al., 2004). Vacuuming, using equipment designed to take environmental samples and prevent cross contamination, is also an effective collection method and is useful when sampling large surface areas that would otherwise require numerous swipes or swabs (Sanderson et al., 2002; Brown et al., 2007; Calfee et al., 2014; Calfee et al., 2013). The majority of validation efforts described have focused on very specific tools or devices that can be used for collection. More comprehensive “whole protocol” validation studies that involve operational applications by field operators are more difficult to find in the published literature. Beecher provides an excellent example


of “real-world” sampling efforts used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to search for mail contaminated during the 2001 anthrax attack. It was necessary to develop a unique approach to ensure that the collection of evidence was done utilizing methods to reduce additional contamination (Beecher, 2006). Validation of the methods was conducted contemporaneously with sample collection. Another example of operational validation is a collaborative study that was conducted to validate collection methods for use by first responders who encounter visible powders suspected of being biological agents. Following the anthrax attack in 2001, there was heightened public awareness of unidentified “white powders.” When responding to a visible “white powder” event, emergency personnel followed local standard operation procedures, which varied from region to region. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognized that standardizing sample collection practices was needed to ensure that sufficient sample was available for laboratory and on-site testing to identify the substance expeditiously; potential criminal evidence was preserved; and chain of custody was traceable. The DHS convened a sampling standard task group representing 11 government agencies and one biodefense laboratory who worked together to develop the consensus standard “Standard Practice for Bulk Sample Collection and Swab Sample Collection of Visible Powders Suspected of Being Biological Agents from Nonporous Surfaces” as an American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard (ASTM Standard, 2017). They also conducted a study using six teams of civil support personnel and first responders to validate the method of collection described in the ASTM standard. The study concluded that the sample collection procedure allows for preservation of the unadulterated bulk sample for laboratory analysis and sufficient residue remains for on-site biological analysis (Locascio et al., 2007).

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21. Collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples

Looking to the future Several recommendations have been made to help focus research and development efforts to close microbial forensic collection capability gaps (Budowle et al., 2006) (see also Chapter 31). These recommendations included • Compiling a database of existing USG collection, storage, and transport protocols. This would allow preliminary comparison of methods to determine which are sufficiently validated; reduce duplication of effort and allow scientists to build on previous knowledge; and facilitate development of best operation plans. • Validating collection protocols using a broad spectrum of bacterial species or strains, viruses, and toxin. • Developing discipline-wide validation criteria. These criteria should include sensitivity, specificity, recovery efficiency, maintenance of integrity, impact on analytical assays, and baseline disease and pathogen data. • Establishing microbial forensic sample collection guidelines that can be used by multiple communities. Principles and guidance used for the collection of traditional forensic evidence can serve as a basis for this type of guidance. These guidelines should be available to each community that may be responsible for the collection of microbial forensic samples. Significant efforts have been made to improve and validate sampling technology. There remain areas for improvement in the standardization of evaluation criteria. Greater appreciation is needed to evaluate real-world samples. The majority of previously mentioned studies were conducted on very uniform surfaces such as glass, stainless steel, or plastic. Conducting testing on a wider variety of surfaces will be important to determine the best method of

collection across a range of surface compositions. It has been suggested that it may be more beneficial to first responders and sample analysts if consistency in recovery effectiveness across a range of surface compositions is considered in the definition of recovery efficiency (Edmonds, 2009). Closer attention also needs to be given to the methods in “seeding” the surfaces to be tested. Some experiments coated the test surfaces with liquid suspensions of bacteria, allowing them to air dry, while other experiments used aerosolization to deposit bacteria on surfaces (Calfee et al., 2013). Variability in recovery efficiencies occurred as a result of test surface preparation. Thus, standardization of experimental design is needed to refine recovery efficiency estimates of various collection techniques (Edmonds et al., 2009; Calfee et al., 2016). Finally, guidance concerning the path forward to improve sample collection, processing, preservation, and recovery and concentration of microbial pathogens and their signatures in microbial forensic samples is found in the USG’s National Strategy to Support Research in Microbial Forensics Attribution Investigations and National Security (National Strategy to Support Research in Microbial Forensics Attribution Investigations and National Security, 2009). The purpose of this strategy is “to guide and focus the research efforts of the USG to advance the discipline of microbial forensics and provide the nation with the most scientifically sound and statistically defensible capability to provide scientific data to support attribution investigations of a potential or actual biological attack” (National Security, 2009). Within the strategy, several actions are outlined concerning needed research and development efforts to improve sample collection, processing, preservation, recovery, and concentration of microbial pathogens and their signatures from collected samples for microbial forensic analyses. They are as follows: 1. Collect and evaluate all work conducted across the USG and academic sectors that has

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focused on the collection of microbial samples, preservation, recovery, and concentration of microbial agents and their signatures from collected samples and use results of the evaluation to identify current research gaps and consolidated research efforts to avoid duplication. 2. Develop and improve methods for the collection, processing, preservation, and recovery of microbial agents and their signatures from microbial forensic samples that do not interfere with subsequent forensic analyses of the sample. a. Methods are needed to collect, process, and recover a wide range of human, animal, and agricultural microbial agents from a broad range of common surfaces, matrix types, and sample collection devices. b. Methods are needed for the collection of trace microbial forensic evidence applicable to the recovery of viable organisms and nonviable trace signatures from a variety of sample collection environments. c. An interagency working group shall be identified or, if none exists, formed to develop scientifically acceptable standards of performance and the path to validate the approaches. Elevation of these issues within the national strategy will allow various USG agencies to continue efforts to develop and refine collection methods for all communities interested in microbial forensics. Greater collaboration among these disparate but capable communities will serve to hasten improvements in this arena.

References Beecher, D.J., 2006. Forensic application of microbiological culture analysis to identify mail intentionally contaminated with Bacillus anthracis spores. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72 (8), 5304e5310. Brown, G.S., Betty, R.G., Brockmann, J.E., Lucero, D.A., Souza, C.A., Walsh, K.S., et al., 2007. Evaluation of a


wipe surface sample method for collection of Bacillus spores from nonporous surfaces. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73 (3), 706e710. Brown, G.S., Betty, R.G., Brockmann, J.E., Lucero, D.A., Souza, C.A., Walsh, K.S., et al., 2007. Evaluation of vacuum filter sock surface sample collection method for Bacillus spores from porous and non-porous surfaces. J. Environ. Monit. 9 (7), 666e671. Brown, G.S., Betty, R.G., Brockmann, J.E., Lucero, D.A., Souza, C.A., Walsh, K.S., et al., 2007. Evaluation of rayon swab surface sample collection method for Bacillus spores from nonporous surfaces. J. Appl. Microbiol. 103 (4), 1074e1080. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Einseln, A., Kelley, L.C., Walsh, A.C., Smith, J.A.L., et al., 2003. Public health. Building microbial forensics as a response to bioterrorism. Science 301, 1852e1853. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Ascher, M.S., Atlas, R.M., Burans, J.P., Chakraborty, R., et al., 2005. Toward a system of microbial forensics: from sample collection to interpretation of evidence. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71, 2209e2213. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Burans, J.P., Beecher, D.J., Cebula, T.A., Chakraborty, R., et al., 2006. Quality sample collection, handling, and preservation for an effective microbial forensics program. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72, 6431e6438. Budowle, B., Beaudry, J.A., Barnaby, N.G., Giusti, A.M., Bannan, J.D., Keim, P., 2007. Role of law enforcement response and microbial forensics in investigation of bioterrorism. Croat. Med. J. 48 (4), 437e449. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Morse, S.A., Martinez, K., Chakraborty, R., Marrone, B.L., et al., 2008. Criteria for validation of methods in microbial forensics. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74 (18), 5599e5607. Buttner, M.P., Cruz, P., Stetzenbach, L.D., Klima-Comba, A.K., Stevens, V.L., Emanuel, P.A., 2004. Evaluation of the biological sampling kit (BiSKit) for large area surface sampling. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70 (12), 7040e7045. Calfee, M.W., Rose, L.J., Morse, S., Mattorano, D., Clayton, M., Touati, A., et al., 2013. Comparative evaluation of vacuum-based sampling methods for collection of Bacillus spores. J. Microbiol. Methods 95, 389e396. Calfee, M.W., Rose, L.J., Tufts, J., Morse, S., Clayton, M., Touati, A., et al., 2014. Evaluation of sampling methods for Bacillus spore-contaminated HVAC filters. J. Microbiol. Methods 96 (1), 1e5. Calfee, M.W., Tufts, J., Meyer, K., McConkey, K., Mickelsen, L., Rose, L., et al., 2016. Evaluation of standardized sample collection, packaging, and decontamination procedures to assess cross-contamination potential during Bacillus anthracis incident response operations. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 13 (12), 980e992.

III. Methodology


21. Collection and preservation of microbial forensic samples

Canter, D., 2008. Environmental sampling today: advances since the 2001 anthrax attacks. In: Emanuel, P., Roos, J.W., Niyogi, K. (Eds.), Sampling for Biological Agents in the Environment. ASM Press, Washington, D. C., pp. 243e258 Edmonds, J.M., 2009. Efficient methods for large area surface sampling of sites contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms and other hazardous agents: current state, needs and perspectives. Appl. Microbial. Biotechnol. 84 (5), 811e816. Edmonds, J.M., Collett, P.J., Valdes, E.R., Skowronski, E.W., Pellar, G.J., Emanuel, P.A., 2009. Surface sampling of spores in dry-deposition aerosols. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75 (1), 39e44. Emanuel, P., Roos, J.W., Niyogi, K. (Eds.), 2008. Sampling for Biological Agents in the Environment. ASM Press, Washington, D.C. Estill, C.F., Baron, P.A., Beard, J.K., Hein, M.J., Larsen, L.D., Rose, L., et al., 2009. Recovery efficiency and limit of detection of aerosolized Bacillus anthracis Sterne from environmental surface samples. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75 (13), 4297e4306. Favero, M.S., McDade, J.J., Robertsen, J.A., Hoffman, F.K., Edwards, R.W., 1968. Microbiological sampling of surfaces. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 31 (3), 336e343. Frawley, D.A., Samaan, M.N., Bull, R.L., Robertson, J.M., Mateczun, A.J., Turnbull, P.C., 2008. Recovery efficiencies of anthrax spores and ricin from nonporous or nonabsorbent and porous or absorbent surfaces by a variety of sampling methods. J. Forensic Sci. 53 (5), 1102e1107. GAO Anthrax Detection Agencies Need to Validate Sampling Activities in Order to Increase Confidence in Negative Results, 2005. Available from: www.gao.gov/cgibin/getrpt? GAO-05-251. Kirk, P.L., 1953. Crime Investigation: Physical Evidence and the Police Laboratory. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York. Kuzmack, N.T., 1982. Legal aspects of forensic science. In: Saferstein, R. (Ed.), Forensic Science Handbook. Prentice-Hall, NJ, pp. 22e23. Locascio, L.E., Harper, B., Robinson, M., 2007. Standard practice for bulk sample collection and swab sample collection of visible powders suspected of being biological agents from nonporous surfaces: collaborative study. J. AOAC Int. 90 (1), 299e333. McEwen, S.A., Wilson, T.M., Ashford, D.A., Heegaard, E.D., Kuiken, T., Kournikakis, B., 2006. Microbial forensics for natural and intentional incidents of infectious disease involving animals. Rev. Sci. Tech. 25 (1), 329e339. Mohr, A.J., 1995. Biological sampling and analysis procedures for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq. Politics Life Sci. 14 (2), 240e243.

National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats, 2009. Available from: www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/ files/National_Strategy_for_Countering_BioThreats.pdf. National Strategy to Support Research in Microbial Forensics Attribution Investigations and National Security, 2009. Available from: www.ostp.gov/galleries/NSTC% 20Reports/National%20 MicroForensics%20R&DStrategy %202009%20UNLIMITED%20DISTRIBUTION.pdf. Nolte, K.D., Hanzlick, R.L., Payne, D.C., Kroger, A.T., Oliver, W.R., 2004. Medical examiners, coroners, and biologic terrorism: a guidebook for surveillance and case management. MMWR Recomm. 53, 1e27. Rose, L., Jensen, B., Peterson, A., Banerjee, S.N., Arduino, M.J., 2004. Swab materials and Bacillus anthracis spore recovery from nonporous surfaces. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 10 (6), 1023e1029. Sanderson, W.T., Hein, M.J., Taylor, L., Curwin, B.D., Kinnes, G.M., Seitz, T.A., et al., 2002. Surface sampling methods for Bacillus anthracis spore contamination. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 8 (10), 1145e1151. Schutzer, S.E., Budowle, B., Atlas, R.M., 2005. Biocrimes, microbial forensics and the physician. PLoS Med. 2 (12), e337. Sego, L.H., Anderson, K.K., Matzke, B.D., Sieber, K., Shulman, S., Bennett, et al., 2007. An Environmental Sampling Model for Combining Judgmental and Randomly Placed Samples. PNNL 16636. Select Agent Program, Select agent shipping and storage guidance. Available at: https://www.selectagents.gov/ compliance.html. B. Stacy, Handling of evidence: Maintaining admissibility. Available from: www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/IA/SRP/vfp/ admiss.html. ASTM Standard ASTM E2458-17, 2017. Standard Practice for Bulk Sample Collection and Swab Sample Collection of Visible Powders Suspected of Being Biological Agents from Nonporous Surfaces. Available from: http:// www.astm.org/Standards/E2458.htm. Technical Working Group on Crime Scene Investigation, Crime Scene Investigation, A Guide for Law Enforcement, 2000. U.S. Department of Justice. Tucker, J.B., Koblentz, G.D., 2009. The four faces of microbial forensics. Biosecur. Bioterror. 7 (4), 389e397. World Health Organization, 2000. Guidelines for Collection of Clinical Specimens during Field Investigation of Outbreaks, p. 6. Basic safety precautions. World Health Organization Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response. Available from: http:// www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/ surveillance/WHO_CDS_CSR_EDC_2000_4/em/. Yeskey, K., Morse, S.A., 2003. Physician recognition of bioterrorism-related disease. In: Roy, M.J. (Ed.), Physician’s Guide to Terrorist Attack. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 39e46.

III. Methodology


22 Assessment of the threat Jenifer A.L. Smith1, David R. Hodge2 1

District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences, Washington, D.C, United States; 2Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C, United States

National threat assessment: role of the Intelligence Community The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) serves as the head of the Intelligence Community (IC), overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and acting as the principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council (NSC), and the Homeland Security Council on intelligence matters. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is charged with ⁃ Integrating the domestic and foreign dimensions of US intelligence so that there are no gaps in our understanding of threats to our national security ⁃ Bringing more depth and accuracy to intelligence analysis ⁃ Ensuring that US intelligence resources generate future capabilities as well as present results (Office of the Director of National Intelligence). The National Intelligence Council (NIC) reports to the DNI and is the center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking. Its primary functions are to

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00022-2

⁃ Support the DNI in his/her role as head of the IC. ⁃ Provide a focal point for policymakers to task the IC to answer their questions. ⁃ Reach out to nongovernment experts in academia and the private sector to broaden the perspective of the IC. ⁃ Contribute to the IC’s effort to allocate its resources in response to policymakers’ changing needs. ⁃ Lead the IC’s effort to produce National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) and other NIC products (Office of the National Intelligence Council). NIEs are the DNI’s most authoritative written judgments concerning national security issues. They contain the coordinated judgments of the IC regarding the probable course of future events. The goal of the NIC is to provide policymakers with the best, unvarnished, and unbiased information, regardless of whether analytic judgments conform to US policy. NIEs often contain classified information that cannot be discussed openly. On occasion, unclassified versions of NIEs are released for public scrutiny. These provide valuable insights to the often


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22. Assessment of the threat

closed world of intelligence and national security. There have been NIEs released that help assess the threat picture concerning the counterproliferation and/or use of weapons of mass destruction. In the unclassified version of the 2007 NIE that addressed biological weapons and was entitled “The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland” (National Intelligence Estimate, 2007), it is stated ⁃ We assess that al-Qa’ida’s Homeland plotting is likely to continue to focus on prominent political, economic, and infrastructure targets with the goal of producing mass casualties, visually dramatic destruction, significant economic aftershocks, and/or fear among the U.S. population. The group is proficient with conventional small arms and improvised explosive devices, and is innovative in creating new capabilities and overcoming security obstacles. ⁃ We assess that al-Qa’ida will continue to try to acquire and employ chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear material in attacks and would not hesitate to use them if it develops what it deems is sufficient capability. In a recent unclassified version of the Worldwide Threat Assessment (January 2019) from the DNI, these same points were once again made in describing al-Qa’ida and its recent progeny, ISIS. While it is well known that alQa’ida tried to develop a biological program, thus far it is not known what their level of success was. It should be noted that while they may still seek such capabilities, there have been no known al-Qa’ida perpetrated biological attacks to date. The most recent assessments note that ISIS is capable of deploying chemical agents such as Sulfur Mustard, and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism (OPCW-UN JIM) concluded

this occurred at least twice in 2015 and 2016, and it is believed that the same agent was used in multiple attacks in Iraq and Syria. The use of biological agents is not mentioned, but it is believed that both organizations continue to desire such agents for asymmetric attacks on the United States and our allies. Syria has also used Sarin and Mustard Agent against rebel forces on multiple occasions as well as chlorine gas over the past five to 6 years, even though it has declared such agents were surrendered to the United Nations and Russia. Other groups are often tasked with providing national-level threat assessments. In December 2008, in accordance with the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-53), the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism submitted its report, “World at Risk” (World at Risk, 2009). That report assessed the nation’s activities, initiatives, and programs to prevent weapons of mass destruction proliferation and terrorism and provided concrete recommendations to address these threats. The report provided the following threat assessment that was unanimously expressed: Unless the world community acts decisively and with great urgency, it is more likely than not that a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013. That weapon is more likely to be biological than nuclear.

They further stated within the report: Biological science and technology today transcend borders. These fields engage a vast and expanding array of actors in the government, private, and commercial sectors, and they are advancing at a remarkable pace. The more that sophisticated capabilities, including genetic engineering and gene synthesis,

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

National threat assessment: role of the Intelligence Community

spread around the globe, the greater the potential that terrorists will use them to develop biological weapons.

Less than a month after this assessment, the DNI publicly endorsed it (Comments from DNI Blair Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence February 12, 2009). Their assessment was based on four factors. ⁃ Direct evidence that terrorists are trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction. ⁃ Acquiring WMD fits the tactical profile of terrorists. They understand the unique vulnerability of first-world countries to asymmetries, weapons that have a far greater destructive impact than the power it takes to acquire and deploy them. ⁃ Terrorists have demonstrated global reach and the organizational sophistication to obtain and use WMD. ⁃ The opportunity to acquire and use such weapons is growing exponentially because of the global proliferation of nuclear material and biological technologies. Over the coming years, we will continue to face a substantial threat, including in the US Homeland, from terrorists attempting to acquire biological, chemical, and possibly nuclear weapons and use them to conduct large-scale attacks. Conventional weapons and explosives will continue to be the most often used instruments of destruction in terrorist attacks; however, terrorists who are determined to develop CBRN capabilities will have increasing opportunities to do so, owing to the spread of relevant technological knowledge and the ability to work with CBRN materials and designs in safe havens.

Most terrorist groups that have shown some interest, intent, or capability to conduct CBRN attacks have pursued only limited, technically simple approaches that have not yet caused large numbers of casualties.


In particular, we assess the terrorist use of biological agents represents a growing threat as the barriers to obtaining many suitable starter cultures are eroding and open source technical literature and basic laboratory equipment can facilitate production. Terrorist chemical attacks . Al-Qa’ida is the terrorist group that historically has sought the broadest range of CBRN attack capabilities, and we assess that it would use any CBRN capability it acquires in an anti-US attack, preferably against the Homeland. There also is a threat of biological or chemical attacks in the U.S. Homeland by lone individuals.

The most current insight into the overall threat assessment concerning biological weapons can be drawn from the 2018 White House Biodefense Strategy (National Biodefense Strategy, 2018). The five main goals of the strategy include the following: GOAL 1: ENABLE RISK AWARENESS TO INFORM DECISION-MAKING ACROSS THE BIODEFENSE ENTERPRISE. The United States will build risk awareness at the strategic level, through analyses and research efforts to characterize deliberate, accidental, and natural biological risks; and at the operational level, through surveillance and detection activities to detect and identify biological threats and anticipate biological incidents. GOAL 2: ENSURE BIODEFENSE ENTERPRISE CAPABILITIES TO PREVENT BIOINCIDENTS. The United States will work to prevent the outbreak and spread of naturally occurring disease and minimize the chances of laboratory accidents. The United States will also strengthen biosecurity to prevent hostile actors from obtaining or using biological material, equipment, and expertise for nefarious purposes, consistent with the United States Government’s approach to

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22. Assessment of the threat

countering WMD terrorism. Goal 2 will ensure we have the capabilities necessary to disrupt plots, degrade technical capabilities, and deter support for terrorists seeking to use WMD. This goal also recognizes the “dual use” nature of the life sciences and biotechnology, in which the same science and technology base that improves health, promotes innovation, and protects the environment can also be misused to facilitate a biological attack. The United States seeks to prevent the misuse of science and technology while promoting and enhancing legitimate use and innovation. GOAL 3: ENSURE BIODEFENSE ENTERPRISE PREPAREDNESS TO REDUCE THE IMPACTS OF BIOINCIDENTS. The United States will take measures to reduce the impacts of bioincidents, including maintaining a vibrant national science and technology base to support biodefense; ensuring a strong public health infrastructure; developing, updating, and exercising response capabilities; establishing risk communications; developing and effectively distributing and dispensing medical countermeasures; and preparing to collaborate across the country and internationally to support biodefense. GOAL 4: RAPIDLY RESPOND TO LIMIT THE IMPACTS OF BIOINCIDENTS. The United States will respond rapidly to limit the impacts of bioincidents through information sharing and networking; coordinated response operations and investigations; and effective public messaging. GOAL 5: FACILITATE RECOVERY TO RESTORE THE COMMUNITY, THE ECONOMY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT AFTER A BIOINCIDENT. The United States will take actions to restore critical infrastructure services and capability; coordinate recovery activities; provide recovery support and long-term mitigation;

and minimize cascading effects elsewhere in the world. While the actual threats have evolved somewhat, and opponents have new opportunities and technologies available to exploit, many of the same issues persist for defenders of such attacks to this day with respect to detection, mitigation, and medical countermeasuresdnearly 18 years post 9/11. The previously mentioned threat assessments of the national security community impact policy decisions directly. An illustration of this point is the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats released by the NSC in December 2009. This policy was designed to reduce the risks presented by the deliberate or accidental release of a biological agent (National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats). It describes how the US government will address the challenges from the proliferation of biological weapons or their use by terrorists. It highlights the beneficial nature of advances in the life sciences and their importance in combating infectious diseases of natural, accidental, and deliberate origin, protecting the environment, expanding energy options, and enhancing agricultural production. It also outlines how risks associated with misuse and potential consequences of a biological attack require tailored actions to prevent biological threats. The strategy emphasizes the need to ⁃ Improve global access to the life sciences to combat infectious disease regardless of its cause ⁃ Establish and reinforce norms against the misuse of the life sciences ⁃ Institute a suite of coordinated activities that collectively will help influence, identify, inhibit, and/or interdict those who seek to misuse the life sciences. The concept of synthetic biology presents a plethora of different issues and potential threats and is discussed in the National Academy of

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Threat credibility assessments: role of law enforcement and public health officials

Sciences publication “Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology,” (2018)(Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology). A summary of the issues presented by synthetic biology include 1. Of the potential capabilities assessed, three currently warrant the most concern: (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) recreating known pathogenic viruses; (Office of the National Intelligence Council) making existing bacteria more dangerous; and (National Intelligence Estimate, 2007) making harmful biochemicals via in situ synthesis. The first two capabilities are of high concern due to usability of the technology. The third capability, which involves using microbes to produce harmful biochemicals in humans, is of high concern because its novelty challenges potential mitigation options. 2. With regard to pathogens, synthetic biology is expected to (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) expand the range of what could be produced, including making bacteria and viruses more harmful; (Office of the National Intelligence Council) decrease the amount of time required to engineer such organisms; and (National Intelligence Estimate, 2007) expand the range of actors who could undertake such efforts. The creation and manipulation of pathogens are facilitated by increasingly accessible technologies and starting materials, including DNA sequences in public databases. A wide range of pathogen characteristics could be explored as part of such efforts. 3. With regard to chemicals, biochemicals, and toxins, synthetic biology blurs the line between chemical and biological weapons. High-potency molecules that can be produced through simple genetic pathways are of greatest concern because they could conceivably be developed with modest resources and organizational footprint. 4. It may be possible to use synthetic biology to modulate human physiology in novel ways.


These ways include physiological changes that differ from the typical effects of known pathogens and chemical agents. Synthetic biology expands the landscape by potentially allowing the delivery of a biochemical by a biological agent and by potentially allowing the engineering of the microbiome or immune system. Although unlikely today, these types of manipulations may become more feasible as knowledge of complex systems, such as the immune system and microbiome, grows. 5. Some malicious applications of synthetic biology may not seem plausible now but could become achievable if certain barriers are overcome. These barriers include knowledge barriers, as is the case for building a novel pathogen, or technological barriers, as in engineering complex biosynthetic pathways into bacteria or recreating known viral pathogens. It is important to continue to monitor advances in biotechnology that may lower these barriers.

Threat credibility assessments: role of law enforcement and public health officials The intricate authorities, responsibilities, and actions of various agencies associated with response to a disease outbreak of known or unknown origin requiring federal assistance are addressed in the Biological Incident Annex of the US National Response Plan. The scope of this annex covers the US government’s response to a biological terrorism event, pandemic influenza, emerging infectious disease, or novel pathogen outbreak (Biological Incident). According to the annex, public health, law enforcement, and homeland security officials all share response and investigative responsibilities in either an accidental or an intentional release of a hazardous biological organism. The role of public health officials is to conduct epidemiological investigations that may be triggered by report of an outbreak or by normal surveillance

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22. Assessment of the threat

systems. Their goals are clear as they are to protect the public, stop the spread of the disease, and protect public health personnel. The scope of the law and responsibility of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been summarized by Budowle and colleagues (Budowle et al., 2007): Any actual or threatened use of a disease-causing microorganism or biological material (such as a toxin) directed at humans, animals, plants, or material is regarded as a crime. The possession of a biological agent, toxin, or delivery system that cannot be justified by a prophylactic, protective bona fide research effort or other peaceful purpose can result in arrest, prosecution, fines or imprisonment. Moreover, it does not matter whether the perpetrator actually possesses a bioagent, the intention to obtain and use a bioagent is sufficient for arrest and prosecution. Thus, interdiction and prosecution can occur even for those attempting to develop a weapon or for those who perpetrate hoaxes. Budowle et al. (2007).

Before the 2001 anthrax attack, public health and law enforcement officials would likely have conducted separate investigations of suspected biological attacks. Since that event, these communities have worked in closer collaboration and have developed training methods, materials, and operational protocols to foster a greater understanding among law enforcement and public health personnel in an effort to minimize potential barriers to communication and information sharing during an actual biological event (Budowle et al., 2007; Butler et al., 2002; CrimEpiHandbook, 2006). A bioterrorism attack may be conducted as either an “overt” (i.e., an announced attack) or a “covert” (a surreptitious release of a bioagent) operation. In an overt attack, law enforcement typically first detects the event, leads the initial response, and notifies public health officials. The FBI has established a process called the “Threat Credibility Assessment” that is initiated any time an event occurs that appears to be a potential attack using a chemical, biological, or nuclear weapon. Thus, if “any actual or threatened use of a disease-causing microorganism or

biological material such as a toxin directed at humans, animals, plant, or material” appears to have occurred, the FBI will trigger the Threat Credibility Assessment. The assessment will determine whether the threat is technically feasible and operationally practical. Such assessments are done in coordination and consultation with other government experts from agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US Department of Agriculture, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Food and Drug Administration, as well as subject-matter experts from academia and industry. This threat assessment is necessary to determine whether circumstances may be the result of an intentional or criminal act, warranting law enforcement involvement. If persons are ill or preventative health services are indicated, public health will also become involved in the emergency response. Initial consequences of a covert attack would be indistinguishable from those resulting from a natural outbreak or accidental releasedthe presence of ill individuals would be the first sign in such instances. Even though the covert attack would not be recognized immediately as an “attack,” public health officials would still recognize the problem and initiate appropriate measures to diagnose the causative agent, provide medical care, and determine the source and extent of the outbreak. If the relevant facts raise suspicion that the outbreak or event is unusual or not from a natural event, law enforcement will be notified and the threat credibility assessment will be initiated. If the event appears to be intentional, then a joint investigative approach will be pursued. Since the 2001 anthrax attack, there have been thousands of instances of suspicious letters or containers with potential biological threats, but the vast majority of threat credibility assessments conducted have determined that the alleged events were not bioterrorist attacks. In 2009, the FBI reported that they looked into more than 900 biological incidents from January

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Threat credibility assessments: role of law enforcement and public health officials

2007 to August 2008, the majority of which were “white-powder” hoax events (Hall, 2008). To assist federal, state, and local law enforcement and emergency response agencies, the FBI, DHS, and CDC issued guidance concerning appropriate actions to be taken with suspicious letters or containers with a potential biological threat. The guidance detailed procedures concerning agency notification, threat credibility assessment process, and handling of suspicious items. Some cases have resulted in criminal prosecution. On February 14, 2008, Roger Von Bergendorff, who was living in an extended stay hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, contacted emergency medical personnel because he was having trouble breathing. He was taken to a local hospital, where he was declared to be critically ill and placed on life support. Twelve days later, hotel personnel conducted an inventory of Mr. Bergendorff’s property, where they discovered several weapons. They notified the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, who confiscated several weapons and a silencer. The police also found castor beans, partially purified ricin, syringes, and beakers and a copy of “The Anarchist’s Cookbook,” which is a collection of instructions on the preparation of ricin and other toxins. This discovery triggered notification of the FBI, who initiated a Threat Credibility Assessment. A team from the FBI’s laboratory was sent to conduct searches of the hotel and other locations occupied previously by Mr. Bergendorff. The FBI collected castor beans, various chemicals used in the production of ricin, a respirator, filters, painter’s mask, laboratory glassware, syringes, and a notebook on ricin production during a search of Salt Lake City storage units rented by Bergendorff. On March 7, 2008, tests conducted by the National BioForensic Analysis Center determined that the material recovered from Bergendorff’s hotel room in Las Vegas contained 2.9% active ricin. The preparation was characterized as “crude.” During the investigation, the FBI ultimately ruled out domestic terrorism as a


motive for the ricin and found no evidence to indicate any intent to target an individual or individuals with the substance. On April 16, 2008, Bergendorff was discharged from the hospital in Las Vegas and was subsequently arrested by the FBI. On August 4, 2008, he pleaded guilty before U.S. District Court to one count of possession of biological toxin and one count of possession of unregistered firearms. Three months later, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison, 3 years of supervised release, and ordered to pay a $7500 fine (Friess, 2008; Manning, 2008). There have been numerous and well-publicized cases of biological agents (mainly ricin) used in letters or packages over the years since 2008. Many are hoax letters, a few did contain small amounts of ricin. Letters containing ricin were mailed to both Presidents Obama and Trump; however, both were intercepted before they reached their targets. More recently, in the July 27, 2018, Homeland Security Bulletin a description of five disrupted ricin-related plots in Europe and the United States, including three since the beginning of 2018, highlights an escalation of such plots by terrorists to use toxins in attacks (Homeland Security Intelligence Article (Unclassified) & Intelligence and Analysis Division, 2018). Violent extremists have maintained interest in using ricin in attacks for decades and the five recent plots demonstrate similaritiesdincluding the use of social media, acquisition of the toxin in conjunction with alternative attack tactics, and use of online instructions. While some homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) or other violent extremists are most likely to plot attacks involving vehicle ramming, small arms, edged weapons, or improvised explosive and incendiary devices (IEDs/IIDs), some may choose to conduct or attempt to conduct attacks using crudely produced toxins and poisons or both. The proliferation of information on how to develop and disseminate ricin and other crude toxins and poisons in violent extremist media, media coverage of high-profile criminal ricin

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22. Assessment of the threat

incidents, and continued calls by foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) to conduct attacks using toxins and poisons may further increase the level of interest in ricin among US-based HVEs and lone actors. Ricin may be of particular interest to violent extremists based on their inaccurate perception about ricin’s ability to cause mass casualties, and because of its lethality, lack of an antidote, and the ease of concealing, it is used in food or beverages. Ricin is probably not best suited for large-scale attacks due to the difficulty in effectively aerosolizing ricin toxin and the limited potency and purity of ricin likely to be produced by HVEs and inspired lone actors. However, a coordinated series of simultaneous small attacks could produce physical, economic, and psychological effects analogous to masscasualty incidents (Homeland Security Intelligence Article (Unclassified) & Intelligence and Analysis Division, 2018). In addition, abrin, a toxin with similar effects to those of exposure to ricin, has been sought by individuals for use in attacks and poisoning attempts. Abrin is a toxin that is found in the seeds of Abrus precatorius (Fabaceae or Leguminosae). A. precatorius has acquired >30 common names, such as jequirity, rosary pea, rati or ratti, crab’s eye, John crow bead, precatory bean, love bean, Indian licorice, akar saga, giddee giddee, or jumbie bead, and numerous other locally used common names, from its many uses. A. precatorius is native to Southeast Asia, possibly India or of Guinea in Africa, but grows in tropical and subtropical areas of the world where it has been introduced. In the United States, it is found in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. A. precatorius is a perennial climber and has a tendency to become weedy and invasive where it has been introduced (Roxas-Duncan & Leonard). There are also several recent cases in which individuals were caught either trying to sell or purchase abrin online. In 2015, a 16-year old was convicted of trying to purchase abrin over the Internet but was caught and tried and

convicted in Great Britain (Roxas-Duncan & Leonard). Individuals who develop inhalation or cutaneous anthrax often trigger a joint public health and law enforcement response. The following case highlights the successful joint epidemiologic and environmental investigation conducted by local, state, and federal public health, animal health, and law enforcement authorities in Pennsylvania and New York City to determine the source of exposure involving a person who developed inhalation anthrax (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2006). On February 16, 2006, a musician had traveled from New York City to northern Pennsylvania for a performance with his dance troupe. While performing that evening, he collapsed and was admitted to a local hospital, where he reported that he had been experiencing shortness of breath, dry cough, and malaise for a few days. The next day, his condition worsened. Blood samples were provided to the Pennsylvania Department of Health laboratory, which confirmed on February 21 the presence of Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of inhalation anthrax. That day, the Pennsylvania authorities notified the CDC, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and local FBI that they had a case of inhalation anthrax. On February 22, the CDC conducted additional testing and confirmed the original diagnosis. Subsequently, a joint epidemiologic and environmental investigation was initiated to (i) determine the source of exposure, (ii) identify other persons who were exposed and required postexposure treatment, (iii) enhance surveillance for additional cases through outreach to the medical community, and (iv) provide frequent updates as soon as available that were consistent and appropriate messages regarding risk to the public. Interviews of the patient, his family, and his colleagues revealed that he made traditional African drums by using harddried African goat and cow hides. The process

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Validation of biological agent detection assays

involved soaking hides for 1 h in water and then scraping hair from the hides with a razor, which reportedly generated a large amount of aerosolized dust in the patient’s workspace as the hides dried. He did not wear any personal protective equipment (e.g., mask or gloves) while working. After working on the hides, he usually returned home to his apartment and immediately removed his clothing and showered. He had recently returned from a trip to C^ ote d’Ivoire with four dried goat hides that he had been working on just before his trip to Pennsylvania. The CDC and DOHMH personnel conducted environmental sampling at the musician’s workspace, home, and automobile. Environmental and epidemiologic findings suggested that the patient’s primary exposure to aerosolized B. anthracis spores resulted from scraping a contaminated hide in his workspace. They also identified less contamination in his home and van, indicative of secondary transfer. This case was assessed and confirmed to be a case of accidental exposure to a biological organism and not a terrorist or criminal act. Finally, a more comprehensive and complex strategy emerged in the form of the US Health Security Action Plan (October 2018). This document lays out a very complex listing of remaining tasks and duties of interagency actors, along with yearly completion goals. The HHS, CDC, USDA, EPA, DoD, DoJ, DoI, FEMA, FDA, and DHS all are listed as participants, but in the past, these types of planning documents, while useful, rarely accomplish their goals. Many of the goals are clearly out of reach of the respective participants, and the budgetary requirements are not listed in the plan (U.S. Health, 2018).

Validation of biological agent detection assays The evaluation and response to the suspected presence of a biothreat agent requires three


essential elements to ensure that accurate laboratory results inform analysts of the appropriate findings and provide the basis for both criminal justice and public health authorities to take actions. The first element is appropriate collection and handling of samples in the preanalytic phase of testing, which needs to be conducted according to the rules of evidence, careful documentation of the chain of custody, and performing the tasks according to accepted protocols; deviations from these norms will certainly provide the defense with a wealth of challenges and objections to the admission of the evidence. The second element is appropriate sample processing and extraction of signatures (e.g., nucleic acid) compatible with the chemistry and technology employed in the analytical phase. The third element (analytical phase) is the use of the most robust and appropriate assay for the analysis of the processed sample for the target of interest. The current “criterion standard” for the detection of toxins and specific antigens of target organisms is immunoassay (Hodge et al., 2013). Sometimes mass spectroscopy is used to confirm the results of the initial immunoassay result. The presence of biothreat agent nucleic acid is usually detected by some form of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) chemistry. While seemingly simplistic, the pitfalls inherent in this type of analysis are numerous and must be addressed before using such detection assays. A competent defense expert could easily “poke holes” in many platforms and protocols used to detect biological select agents, and therefore, great care must be taken in the development, evaluation, and validation of such assays and platforms they utilize. Current platforms used to support biodetection and analysis employ plate readers, optics, and sensors for fluorescence excitation and emission collection, a computer, data acquisition, and analysis software. Similarly, real-time PCR instruments employ lasers and various optical detectors to detect and interpret results. Direct and indirect fluorescent antibody tests, using fluorescent

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


22. Assessment of the threat

microscopy, and fluorescent bead-based suspension arrays are other platforms and chemistries being used in laboratories for antibody-based detection assays. A variety of instruments are available, and each varies in sample capacity, detection technology, and most critically, overall sensitivity to target analytes. The law enforcement, public health, or military laboratories involved in such work use different commercially available instrument platforms in their laboratories or autonomous detectors in the field or facilities; as such, the comparative analysis must encompass all these variations. A critical element in assuring the accuracy of laboratory analysis is the training and qualifications of laboratory personnel, who should demonstrate competency through regular proficiency testing. Another element in providing accurate, actionable laboratory results is the postanalytic phase of results reporting and interpretation to ensure that investigative officials and decision makers receive timely, accurate results with an understanding of the robustness and limitations of the assay(s) employed and the options for supplementary or confirmatory testing. All of these elements should be supported and linked by a quality assurance program that ensures accurate results are available to support appropriate criminal proceedings and, if necessary, public health actions and decisions. The purpose of an assay evaluation and validation study is to obtain an accurate assessment of the sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, and limitations of a detection assay. To ensure an unbiased evaluation, blinded test samples are provided to the developer laboratory or to end user laboratories that perform analyses on a regular basis. If the evaluation of an assay is performed at the developer’s laboratory, a secondary analysis should be performed using a smaller subset of samples at other end user laboratories to ensure the results are reproducible. While this may seem to be a monumental undertaking, it is a small price to pay to obtain

convictions in major criminal cases. Once completed, the assay developer would provide a detailed validation package report describing the following elements to the courts or investigators to keep on hand if needed in a criminal proceeding. This type of evaluation data is typically lacking in a large number of government deployed assays and instrumentation and presents a serious impediment to obtaining reliable and accurate results. ⁃ chemistry associated with the assay (including reagents, concentrations, suppliers, etc.) ⁃ clear description of assay chemistry ⁃ reagent source (e.g., antibodies) ⁃ information pertaining to detection technology ⁃ detailed standard operating procedure ⁃ preliminary, empirically determined sensitivity and specificity data ⁃ established assay algorithms and the appropriate interpretation of the results to support the intended use and application of the assay ⁃ maintain a robust QMS for reagents, etc. ⁃ a list of recognized scientific experts to attest to the data and results obtained by the test Ricin, a heterodimeric toxin that is present in the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, is the biothreat agent most frequently encountered by law enforcement agencies in the United States. Even in untrained hands, the easily obtainable seeds can yield a highly toxic product that has been used in various types of threats, including “white-powder” letters. Although the vast majority of these threats are hoaxes, an impediment to accurate hazard assessments by first responders is the unreliability of rapid detection assays for ricin, such as lateral flow assays. The proper validation of antigenic detection methods and assays for ricin are sometimes lacking, and the assays therefore can present anomalous results. Starting with a proper panel of inclusivity and exclusivity materials and samples, such a validation project should include a comprehensive laboratory evaluation study of the assay using the proper inclusivity and

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Admission of scientific evidence

exclusivity panels of ricin and near-neighbor plant materials, along with panels of lectins and “white powders,” to determine the specificity, sensitivity, limits of detection, dynamic range, and repeatability of the assay for the specific intended use of evaluating suspicious white powders and environmental samples in the field. A full description of such a validation can be found at Hodge et al. (2013).

Admission of scientific evidence In its 1993 term, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of DAUBERT v. MERRELL DOW PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., (1993) No. 92e102 (Daubert, 1993). The litigation resulted from plaintiff’s allegations on behalf of their two minor children, that prenatal use of the drug Bendectin, (a trivalent formulation containing doxylamine succinate, an antihistamine with antinausea and antiemetic properties, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), and the antispasmodic dicyclomine hydrochloride) used to treat “morning sickness,” had caused multiple birth defects including malformed or absent limbs, cleft palates, serious hernias, and other developmental defects. The culmination of a decade long spate of lawsuits and federal litigation eventually resulted in the current legal standards under which expert scientific testimony is admitted by the federal courts in civil and criminal cases. The Daubert standard used in current federal practice instructs the trial judge to determine what technical or scientific opinion and results and expert testimony shall be allowed into evidence. Briefly, Federal Rule of Evidence 702 mandates that an individual providing testimony as an expert witness is so qualified by their breadth of knowledge, education, and practical experience in the field on which they are giving testimony, thus supporting their ability to opine on a particular matter before the court. The trial judge is given latitude and flexibility to decide


the admission of this testimony and data based on several key parameters, against which the determination is based. The court is allowed to examine whether the expert’s scientific training, technical knowledge, or perhaps publication record is sufficient to provide the court with a reliable basis under which it may resolve a question or questions regarding a certain issue being decided by the trier of fact. In other words, it may allow the court or jury to understand the answer to a technical question based on the opinion and views of a qualified expert. In making such a decision, the court will look carefully not only at the expert’s training and experience, but whether the testimony he/she is providing is based on well-established, sufficient facts and scientific data, and not some “outlier” from questionable science. While it is true there are many theories and hypothesis in science, it is up to the trial judge to determine if it is of acceptable quality to merit its inclusion as evidence. Moreover, the testimony being admitted must be derived or based on scientifically sound and reliable principles and accepted methods, or in the minimum, that the science or technique must be demonstrable to the court as sound and reliable. Finally, the court must be able to determine that the techniques or methods producing data or evidence were derived via the application of accepted scientific principles and methods of the particular field of science. For example, a court may consider the admission of data or testimony by examining the theory being applied by the expert and ask if others have tested the theory, or if it is commonly accepted in that particular scientific community. Whether or not the technique or theory has been generally accepted; has it appeared in peer reviewed literature; is there a known or potential error rate, and what scientific “standards” were used to compare the result against. During this review before admission as evidence, a judge may well ask the expert if he/she has accounted for any potential errors or alternative explanations for

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


22. Assessment of the threat

their observations and opinions. Opinions aside, an expert could easily mislead the court by using his/her ability to extrapolate from the evidence and observations, an opinion that incorrectly leads to a plausible but incorrect scientific explanation not founded on sound scientific methods. This problem is (hopefully) mitigated by vigorous cross-examination and presentation of adversarial experts to provide a counter argument to the trier of fact. The important question here is whether the information provided by the expert is valid and what methods and techniques were used to validate the opinions and techniques used to make a final determination of the results of the analysis of forensic or scientific evidence.

Conclusion Biological weapons in the possession of hostile states or terrorists pose unique and serious threats to the safety and security of the United States. An attack with a biological agent could mimic naturally occurring disease, potentially delaying recognition of an attack and creating uncertainty about whether an intentional event has even occurred. Advances in biotechnology and life sciences present the prospect of new biological elements that would require new detection methods, preventive measures, and treatments. These developments increase the risk for surprise and make predicting future weapon threats more challenging. Anticipating such threats through intelligence efforts is made more difficult by (i) the dual-use nature of biological technologies and infrastructure and (ii) the likelihood that adversaries will use denial and deception to conceal their illicit activities. The ability to conduct appropriate biothreat assessment of whether to provide guidance to policymakers at the national level or to initiate an immediate local public health or law enforcement response has been recognized as one of the essential pillars of the US government’s

biodefense strategy. Enhancement of threat assessment capabilities remains a priority, as evidenced by the NSC’s National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats. One of the objectives of the strategy is to “obtain timely and accurate insight on current and emerging risks” by improving relevant agencies’ threat identification, notification, and assessment capabilities (National Biodefense Strategy, 2018). Advancements in microbial forensics will serve to enhance threat awareness and assessment capabilities of all agencies involved in this essential element of national biodefense.

References Biological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans January 2017. Available at: https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/ 1511178017324-92a7a7f808b3f03e5fa2f8495bdfe335/BIA_ Annex_Final_1-23-17_(508_Compliant_6-28-17).pdf. Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology. Available from: https://www.nap.edu/catalog/24890/biodefense-inthe-age-of- synthetic-biology. Budowle, B., Beaudry, J.A., Barnaby, N.G., Giusti, A.M., Bannan, J.D., Keim, P., 2007. Role of law enforcement response and microbial forensics in investigation of bioterrorism. Croat. Med. J. 48 (4), 437e449. Butler, J.C., Cohen, M.L., Friedman, C.R., Robert, M., Scripp, R.M., Watz, C.G., 2002. Collaboration between public health and law enforcement: new paradigms and partnerships for bioterrorism planning and response. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 8 (10), 1152e1156. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2006. Inhalation anthrax associated with dried animal hidesd Pennsylvania and New York City. MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 55 (10), 280e282. Comments from DNI Blair Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, February 12, 2009. Criminal and Epidemiological Investigation Handbook, 2006. Available from: http://www2a.cdc.gov/PHLP/ docs/CrimEpiHandbook2006.pdf. Daubert, v, 1993. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/509/ 579/. Friess, S., 2008. In Accord, ricin owner enters plea of guilty. N. Y. Times. Available from: www.nytimes.com/2008/ 08/05/us/05ricin.html.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


Hall, M., 2008. White Powder Scares Cost Law Enforcement Time, Money, USA Today. Available from: www. usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-10-12-powder_N.htm. Hodge, D., Willner-Prentice, K., Ramage, J., Prezioso, S., Gauthier, C., Swanson, T., Hastings, R., Basavanna, U., Datta, S., Sharma, S., Garber, E.A.E., Staab, A., Pettit, D., Drumgoole, R., Swaney, E., Estacio, P., Elder, I., Kovacs, G., Morse, B., Kellogg, R., Stanker, L., Morse, S., Pillai, S., December 2013. Comprehensive laboratory evaluation of a highly specific lateral flow assay for the presumptive identification of ricin in suspicious white powders and environmental samples. Biosecur Bioterror 11 (4), 237e250. Homeland Security Intelligence Article (Unclassified), Intelligence and Analysis Division, July 27, 2018. Ricin: recent incidents underscore persistent, possible increasing interest by violent extremists and lone actors in toxins. Poisons. Manning, M., 2008. Man with Ricin in Las Vegas Hotel Room Sentenced, Las Vegas Sun. Available from: www. lasvegassun.com/nes/2008/nov17/ran-ricin-las-vegas. National Biodefense Strategy 2018. Available from: https:// www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ National-Biodefense-Strategy.pdf.


National Intelligence Estimate: The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland, 2007. Available from:: www.dni.gov/press_ releases/20070717_release.pdf. National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats, National Security Council November 2009 Available at: https:// www.hsdl.org/?view&did¼31404. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Available from: www.dni.gov/faq_about.htm. Office of the National Intelligence Council. Available from: www.dni.gov/nic/NIC_about .html. Roxas-Duncan, V.I. and Leonard, A.S. Of Beans and Beads: Ricin and Abrin in Bioterrorism and Biocrime. https:// www.omicsonline.org/archive-bioterrorism-biodefenseopen-access.php. U.S. Health Security Action Plan, October 2018. Available from: https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/interna tional/Documents/jee-nap-508.pdf. World at Risk, 2009. Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism. Available from: www.preventwmd.gov/ report/.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


23 Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence Stephan P. Velsko Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States

Introduction Microbial forensics has experienced only limited exposure in actual court cases and, as a consequence, testimonial language has not received much scrutiny. There are several reasons for an increased concern about setting standards for scientific testimony in this field. First, of course, are the recent controversies about testimony in traditional forensic science, such as criticisms of hair and fiber testimony, which raised questions about when it is permissible for an expert to use statistical terminology to express degrees of confidence about evidence interpretation (Kaye, 2015). New standards for examiner testimony have been adopted by the Department of Justice as a result (Lynch, 2016). In a related development, a recent appellate case State of Arizona v. Romero held it was an abuse of discretion to exclude expert testimony that would contest testimony from the forensic science disciplines based on foundational issues such as experimental design and statistics (State of Arizona, 2016). These events may provide lawyers a route to attack microbial forensic testimony through expert criticism that it does not adhere to

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00023-4

rigorous standards for statistical inference and is therefore unreliable or of little weight. More generally, the “irreproducibility crisis” that is claimed to affect many scientific disciplines has received considerable attention in the media and includes examples from the biological and medical sciences (Randall and Welser, 2018). Legal scholars have already made note of this potential problem (Chin, 2016). Some authors have detected a growing distrust of scientific evidence among the public, which, if true, is likely to influence jury perceptions of scientific evidence in court as well (Makri, 2017). All of these factors are likely to embolden defense attorneys to challenge expert testimony in microbial forensics, especially because many of the techniques and their inferential capabilities are likely to be “novel science” when they are introduced to the judicial system. Thus, it seems prudent to consider how scientists who perform microbial forensics can testify in a defensible way to avoid criticisms that might undermine their testimony. In a companion chapter, “Inferential Validation and Evidence Interpretation,” I discuss the design of validation experiments that permit rigorous statistical measures of confidence to be attached to


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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

inferences drawn from the results of tests developed for microbial forensic applications. Testimonial standards are debated out of a natural desire that evidence should be conveyed in a manner that reduces the risk of its being grossly over- or undervalued. However, there is little consensus on the “right” way to do this. For example, one legal evidence scholar points out [Studies] suggest that the legal system faces tradeoffs: the reporting formats that are easiest for lay people to understand are difficult to justify logically and empirically, while reporting formats that are easier to justify logically and empirically are more difficult for lay people to understand. Thompson (2018)

On the other hand, lay people will usually sense that there may be less certainty in an expert’s conclusions when the basis for his opinion is challenged, whether in cross examination or by an adversary’s witness. Arizona v Romero may signal that, as in the field of human DNA forensics, experts in experimental design and statistics will increasingly be used to challenge experts in other fields, to the extent that their testimony ultimately relies on those disciplines. Thus, the use of probability language or statistical concepts, whether quantitative or qualitative, may be challenged if opposing counsel can find grounds from the field of probability and statistics that the expert’s testimony is misrepresenting the degree of uncertainty in his inferences. Of course, one solution is to avoid the use of statistical terminology altogether. This approach poses the danger that the remaining permissible modes of expression will simply confuse fact finders about the degree of certainty of a conclusion. For example, if testimony about a microbial forensic analysis is restricted to the assertion that the alleged source “is only one of an unknown number of possible sources” (Fabricant, 2015), the value of the analysis will be questionable. If sufficient statistical data for determining a degree of certainty of a conclusion exist, or can be acquired, we should assume that it will be introduced by whichever side finds it supportive. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that reporting and testimony should be accompanied by

statistical expressions of the degree of certainty when this can be done rigorously. One goal of this chapter is to show how this prescription applies to various types of microbial forensic evidence. Toward this end, I first review some recent events regarding forensic science testimony that have a bearing on microbial forensics. These include changes that have been imposed on forensic hair comparison testimony and aspects of the 2016e17 deliberations of the National Committee on Forensic Science on testimonial language. Next, some problems with the way scientists often express uncertainty in publications and public communication are reviewed, with some examples from the microbial forensic literature. The following section discusses when quantitative statistical language is appropriate according to the principles of statistical inference established by frequentist statisticians, Bayesian statisticians, machine learning theorists, and others. Finally, I discuss four examples of testimonial uses of statistical language to express uncertainty: identification of an organism, “morph” analysis as was performed during the Amerithrax investigation, source inference based on genetic relatedness, and trace DNA detection. I conclude with some thoughts about more liberal standards for testimony than rigorous statistics would prescribe, and prospects for their adoption in the future.

Considerations based on recent criticism of forensic science testimony Because there are so few court cases where testimony on advanced types of microbial evidence have been presented, this section will review some relevant discussions about testimonial language for other kinds of forensic evidence that have taken place over the last few years. A primary concern has been that some examiners overstate the probative value of their evidence or use quantitative or qualitative statistical descriptors that are not derived from empirical data.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Considerations based on recent criticism of forensic science testimony

In 2012, the Department of Justice released a document describing an agreement between the FBI, the Innocence Project, and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers declaring that, with respect to forensic hair comparisons, Testimony that offers numbers or frequencies as explicit statements of probability, or opinions regarding frequency, likelihood, or rareness implicitly suggesting probability . exceeds the limits of science and is therefore inappropriate. U.S. Department of Justice (2012)

Three types of testimony were considered faulty: assigning a hair to a single source “to the exclusion of all others”; stating a statistical weight such as probability or likelihood to a source attribution; and citing prior cases to support a claimed low error rate. Subsequently the DOJ initiated a review of past cases in which comparisons were used as evidence to identify cases where the probative value of hair evidence may have been overstated. Recently, DOJ has generated guidance in the form of Uniform Language for Testimony and Reports (ULTR) documents for hair examination as well as other traditional forensic disciplines (Department of Justice, 2018a). An examiner can assert that his/her observations lead to the conclusion that the suspect can be excluded as a source of the hair, or that the examination was inconclusive. He/she can also say that the examination supports “inclusion” of the suspect as a source. However, the examiner “shall not offer ‘inclusion’ testimony unless he or she explains that the questioned hair could also have originated from additional individuals” (Department of Justice, 2018b). Of course, under cross examination he/she may be asked how many additional individuals could be sources, which in most cases is expected to be unknown. The ULTR guidance also specifies that “An examiner shall not provide


a conclusion that includes a statistic or numerical degree of probability except when based on relevant and appropriate data.” It is known that there is an empirical basis for estimating error rates in hair comparisons, and these rates are similar to some medical tests that are routinely used (Kaye, 2015). However, I am not aware of any cases where an examiner has attempted to use this information in court. While very similar “inclusion” criteria also apply to several other disciplines, the ULTRs permit assertions of “source identification” (came from the same source) in the case of fingerprint and fracture matching testimony (Department of Justice, 2018c). These assertions can be used when the examiner believes his/her observations provide “extremely strong support” for the proposition that “the probability [of a different source] is so small as to be negligible.” In spite of the probabilistic language, these statements are “not based on statistically derived or verified measurement..” Instead, the guidance asserts that the examiner’s opinion derives from “inductive inference.” It is not clear what considerations caused DOJ to permit “source identification” in the case of fingerprinting but not hair comparisons but possibly it was believed that “inductive inferences” for fingerprint comparisons were more reliable. In 2013, the Department of Justice established a National Commission on Forensic Science, which was chartered to, among many other things, develop recommendations regarding expert testimony and reporting standards in traditional forensic fields (Epstein, 2018). Before its tenure ended in 2017, the Committee generated several documents recommending changes to, or establishing standards for, the use of statistical language by forensic science experts or analysts. Most significant was a recommendation to discourage federal prosecutors and forensic

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

examiners from claiming that the conclusions of an examination were supported to “a reasonable degree of scientific certainty” (National Commission, 2016a)1. The Department of Justice adopted this recommendation in 2016, and it appears in the ULTR guidance for many of the disciplines. The Committee offered no recommendation for alternative language, but a Committee-approved “Views” document suggested that the topic needed “further study” (National Commission, 2016b). An additional Views document on Statistical Statements in Forensic Testimony indicated that the Committee “supports efforts to make the reporting and testimony of forensic analyses more overtly statistical and quantitative” (National Commission, 2017). However, the final version of this document was not approved by the Committee before it was discontinued in 2017. The net result of the hair comparison review, the National Commission’s deliberations, and the Justice Department’s response was to forbid certain modes of expressing a degree of certainty, but permitting others, depending on the discipline. A general, if vague, criterion for when statistical language is permitted is provided, and when this criterion is not met, only the use of exclude, inconclusive, and included in a set of possible sources is allowed. There appear to be two classes of forensic testsdthose which permit statements about source attribution without the need for actual statistical data and those that do not. A number of academic evidence scholars continue to criticize the extant standards (Epstein 2018; Giannelli 2018; Cole 2018). Unlike the case of traditional forensic disciplines, the adoption of uniform standards for testimony in microbial forensics may prove less contentious. Because it is a relatively newer forensic discipline, there is almost no chance of

causing reviews of large numbers of past court decisions once standards become accepted. Moreover, the developers and early practitioners of microbial forensics are typically academic or industrial scientists who are more familiar with, and largely accept the rigors of statistical methodology. However, these factors do not ensure that quantified expressions of certainty will always be adopted in accordance with the stated preferences of the National Committee on Forensic Science and legal evidence scholars. But, if statistical quantification can be done according to the prescriptions for valid statistical inference, not doing it may place any testimonydusing statistical language, or notdin a weak position during cross examination or from opposing experts.

Common practices in science communication may cause problems in testimony While committees and advisory groups largely influenced by research scientists have called for greater statistical rigor in forensic science, it is ironic that, as a community, research scientists themselves are generally not very rigorous in their use of statistics and the way they communicate the uncertainties associated with their inferences. In fact, statements about the certainty of conclusions couched in probabilistic language (probably true, likely, etc.) occur all the time in scientific discourse even though they are not rigorously supported by statistical data. A recent paper coauthored by a diverse group of scientists and forensic practitioners concluded that some of the perceived faults with testimony in the traditional forensic sciences could be


After this recommendation was adopted, Moretti and Budowle pointed out that statistical models for human DNA profiles can allow an examiner to assert a source attribution that is, in a practical sense, certain (Moretti and Budowle, 2017). Thus, in this context, the term “a reasonable degree of scientific certainty” is well-defined and is arguably permissible.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Common practices in science communication may cause problems in testimony

meliorated by developing a “scientific research culture” (Mnookin et al., 2011) However, microbial forensics is generally developed and performed by research scientists rather than forensic practitioners, unlike many types of traditional forensic science. These scientists typically work at universities, national laboratories, or commercial entities and have been trained in, and generally perform their everyday work within, the mainstream “scientific research culture.” Much of their work is published in peerreviewed scientific journals. It would be difficult to argue that the techniques that are used in microbial forensics do not have a well-developed scientific foundation. Nonetheless, it should be appreciated that the way that scientists commonly communicate uncertainty in publications, discussions, and communications to the public is not fault-free. Instead of precise, statistically supported expressions of quantitative uncertainty, scientists commonly engage in hedging. Hedging is the use of verbal expressions to express the degree of certainty in a conclusion in the absence of a defensible quantitative statistical basis. The use of hedging language is an intrinsic part of the “scientific research culture” (Hyland, 1996). It is important to distinguish hedging from caveating, which provides factual reasons why the experimental data itself may be suspect or inadequate to support an inference. A study conducted during 2012e13 identified examples of three types of hedging that are used as a substitute for quantitative expressions of uncertainty about the inferences offered by scientists presenting findings in microbial forensic investigations (Velsko and Osburne, 2013). These examples were primarily drawn from published papers and investigative reports and a few legal cases. The first type of hedging uses terms such as suggest and apparently to represent a more ambiguous or weaker form of inference than would be indicated by the logical terms infer or implies. The second uses qualitative probability terms such as probably or likely


without well-defined quantitative calibration. The third involves substituting an ambiguous inference for an exact one, for example saying that the short genetic distance between two pathogen isolates implies that they are “closely related” rather than that it implies that a certain disease transmission event occurred. It is also common to use “is consistent with” as a hedging term implying support for a hypothesis. The pervasiveness of hedging is illustrated in the NAS report on the Amerithrax investigation, which contains a notable section entitled “The Qualifiers of Uncertainty in the Biological Sciences” (National Research Council, 2011), whose purpose is to “review briefly the use of terminology to describe the strength of an association.” They proposed a graded scale for communicating an unquantified level of certainty beginning with the phrase “consistent with an association” indicating the weakest level of certainty, then progressing through “suggest an association” and “indicate an association” to “demonstrate an association” which indicates the highest level of certainty. In principle, one could argue that it is possible to make a formal correspondence of each of these expressions with a quantified range of certainty, although the committee made no attempt at this. Moreover, this proposal will not remove a more fundamental ambiguity that arises unless “an association” is taken as a general term for a welldefined (possibly complex) testable hypothesis. In other words, to empirically validate the inferential power of some technique in question, one needs to have an explicit way to generate pairs of test samples that are “associated” or “unassociated” according to the relevant definition. The authors of the NAS report risked criticism for being ambiguous when they framed the committee’s conclusions using a hedging expression: The committee agrees that the genetic evidence . supports an association between the RMR-1029 flask and the B. anthracis used in the three attack letters that were tested .. NRC (2011, p. 120)

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

It is arguable from the report’s context that “association” was meant to be shorthand for a precise hypothesis about the source of the material used in the letters: the anthrax powder found in the letters is “associated” with the anthrax in the storage flask RMR-1029 if the letter spores were directly obtained from RMR-1029 or from an intermediate culture step seeded by spores from RMR-1029. But it is also possible that the committee was attempting to convey uncertainty by avoiding a direct definition. If the term “association” is used without such a precise definition, ambiguity remains, and any inferences couched in this language constitute a type of hedging that has been called “saying less than one means” (Markkanen and Schroder, 1989). To the extent that “association” remains ambiguous, the hypothesis that two samples are “associated” is untestable, potentially running afoul of the Daubert criterion on testability. The phenomenon of hedging is especially prevalent in phylogenetic inferences about source attribution. Here, the genetic sequence of a pathogen isolated from an infected victim and the sequence from an isolate taken from a potential source are compared, and an inference about whether the victim was infected from that source is made, based on how similar the two sequences are. Phylogenetic trees are constructed based on the sequences from the victim, potential sources, and other possibly unrelated isolates to determine which of the alternative source sequences is most similar to the victim sequence. In the absence of any guarantee that all possible sources have been identified no rigorous inference can be made on this basis alone, but nonetheless a high degree of similarity between sequences is usually taken as evidence that supports a source hypothesis. In this sense, it is similar to hair comparisons, except that the definition of genetic similarity is arguably much more objective than the judgment of hair similarity based on microscopic observations. By analogy to the ULTR standards, a molecular biologist should only be able to testify that the alleged source was not excluded but can be included in a group of possible sources whose size is unknown. This expresses the scientifically

validated fact that the similarity of the source and victim sequences is, by itself, only evidence that they are both part of a local branch of a disease transmission network. In published scientific literature, conclusions based on phylogenetic source attribution are instead accompanied by various forms of hedging: The results of this study are consistent with Nepal as the origin of the Haitian outbreak. Hendriksen et al. (2011 p. 1)

[Our data] indicate that there is a close relationship between the Haitian isolates and . strains isolated in Bangladesh .. Chin et al. (2011 p. 33)

On the basis of our molecular typing results, we strongly suspect that B. anthracis spores were accidentally introduced into the heroin supply in Turkey . Price et al. (2012 p. 1311)

In a later section, I show that there are more statistically rigorous ways to express uncertainty in microbial source inferences made on the basis of genetic comparisons. Another problem that has been cited for traditional forensic science is “context bias,” where the interpretation of forensic testing can be influenced by prior ideas about guilt or innocence, or other information about a case or the suspects. Similar examples can be found in published scientific studies as well. For example, Katz et al. (2013) published a molecular clock analysis of the date of origin of the 2010 Haiti cholera outbreak, using a set of cholera DNA sequences collected over time. The molecular clock analysis estimated a most recent common ancestor date of September 28, 2010. The 95% credibility interval for the estimate was July 23rd to October 17th. The authors assert The credibility interval encompasses the date that the Nepalese soldiers arrived in Haiti ., as well as the first reported hospitalization of a cholera case .

This statement is clearly intended to convey the conclusion that the molecular clock analysis supported the prevalent narrative that cholera

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

When can statistical language be justified?

was introduced into Haiti by the Nepalese military contingent. However, the most likely date predicted by their analysis precedes the arrival of the peacekeepers by more than a week, and the credibility interval extends much deeper into the calendar before that arrival date than it does into the period after it. If they had no prior notion of who the guilty party was, the result of this analysis would support a search for travelers arriving in Haiti during August and September of 2010 to find potential sources of the outbreak. An unbiased conclusion that could be drawn from the molecular clock analysis was that it only weakly supported a transmission date after October 9 (the earliest date of the peacekeeper’s arrival) and more strongly supported an earlier date. Ambiguous expressions of uncertainty and potential problems of context bias may not have serious consequences when they occur in the context of academic discourse, but they could have when microbial forensics is used as a tool for helping fact finders in legal or national security contexts.

When can statistical language be justified? Overarching guidance from the ULTRs asserts that probability (and presumably other statistical measures of certainty) should not be used unless it is “based on relevant and appropriate data.” This leaves unanswered the question of what constitutes appropriate data. This section provides a view of the statistical “best practices” that allow measures of uncertainty to be attached to inferences based on empirical testing. While the ULTR focuses on probability, there are a variety of other quantities related to probability that can be used to express a degree of certainty. These include error rates, likelihoods, odds, and likelihood ratios. (There are also a variety of nonorthodox inferential metrics such as subjective probability, belief functions, and fuzzy probability that are not yet standard concepts in applied statistics but may be in the future.)


Error rate is one of the explicit Daubert criteria that can influence admissibility and is likely to be regarded by lawyers, judges, and jurors as a way to establish a degree of belief in an expert’s testimony. It makes sense to talk about error rates in the context of a well-defined forensic test. A forensic test is a procedure applied to a questioned sample that provides an answer that is relevant to a fact at issue in the courtroom. For example, the fact at issue may be whether trace amounts of Bacillus anthracis were present on the kitchen table of a suspected terrorist. The forensic test involves extraction and DNA sequencing performed on swabs taken from the table during the investigation, and the presence of anthracis-matching sequence fragments above a detection threshold is the criterion on which the inference of the presence of B. anthracis is made. This test is well-defined if a standard protocol for collection and analysis and a definite decision algorithm for declaring B. anthracis to be present exist. Statistical Learning Theory (Kulkarni and Harman, 2011) provides a simple prescription for determining the error rate of a test like this. First, it is necessary to assemble a “learning set” consisting of a number of swabs obtained under circumstances similar to those under which the questioned sample was obtained, but under conditions where it is known that B. anthracis is present or absent. Second, the analysis is run on the learning set, generating sequence data for each sample. The algorithm is optimized to distinguish those samples where B. anthracis is known to be present from those where it is not, based only on the sequence data generated for each sample. For some samples, even the optimized algorithm will get the wrong answer (perhaps because B. anthracis is present, but at too low a level, or because there is a low concentration of some other Bacillus species). The empirical error rate is simply defined as the ratio of the number of training samples the optimized algorithm gets wrong divided by the number of samples in the set that were analyzed.

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

There are three ingredients to this prescription that generalize to any sort of forensic test if we desire to have a well-defined error rate: • A standard procedure and decision algorithm that produces the test’s result • A learning set that is drawn at random from a population of samples; and for each sample in the set • An “oracle” that can tell us ahead of time which kind of sample it is (e.g., with or without B. anthracis) The notion of a “population” of possible samples and the idea that the learning set is randomly drawn from this population are subtle, but essential to make the empirical error rate useful as a basis for characterizing the degree of certainty of the test. In particular, the rate at which truly positive and truly negative samples are drawn for the learning set must reflect their prevalence in the population. The empirical error rate is only an approximation to the “true” error rate. First, the empirical error rate depends on the learning set, i.e., if someone assembled a different learning set they might get a slightly different empirical error rate. Second, the empirical error rate will depend on how large the learning set is, converging to the “true empirical error rate” as the learning set becomes infinitely large. Third, if a complex enough decision algorithm is used, the empirical error rate may be zero. A key question is whether the empirical error rate determined by this prescription, on some finite set of learning samples, is a good estimate of the error rate that we would find if the test is applied to the questioned sample and other new samples that might come up in other cases. Machine learning theory has answered this question definitively by proving mathematically that the difference between the empirical error rate and the “true” error rate is bounded (at least for decision algorithms that are not too complex). This proof allows a witness to assert, for example, “I am 95% certain that the error rate of this test is less than 1%.” However, such statements are only true if the learning set was randomly chosen from a population and

that the questioned sample was also drawn from that population. It is important to note that testimony does not quote the empirical error rate per se. One could always choose a complicated fitting algorithm that gives a zero empirical error rate on the learning set, but gives larger error rates on new, questioned samples. In this case, the inferred bounds will be larger (error bounds increase with algorithm complexity). Thus, rigorous testimony is based on the bounds on the error rate, and there is no benefit to choosing a very complex decision function just to lower the empirical error rate. The remarkable thing about machine learning error bounds is that they do not depend on what the population is, or how it is shaped, and we do not need to know anything about its structure to be able to use the error bound results. One of the downsides of this approach is that the mathematical expressions for these bounds can lead to unconvincing values (“I am at least 95% certain my error rate is less than 100%”) unless the number of learning samples is unreasonably large (this is not a problem with “big data” machine learning). Nonetheless, if the learning set is a random sample of the population, we can derive information about the population itself that allows us to sharpen the error bound estimates. In the B. anthracis example, what is the population in question? It is the imaginary set of all possible swab samples collected from all surfaces like the kitchen table in the scenario. How do we collect in an unbiased way from this population? Statistical good practice (Deming, 1950; Ramsey and Hewitt, 2005) dictates that we make a list of all possible relevant sampling locations (a sampling frame) and then randomly choose which ones to sample. In practice, such sampling might take place at sites used for threat assessment exercises, where “red teams” simulate terrorist attempts to grow B. anthracis using nonpathogenic surrogate organisms. A learning set composed of swab samples taken before and after such activities have taken place would arguably be a reasonable representation of the population,

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

When can statistical language be justified?

assuming that the simulants are similar to B. anthracis. Orthodox statistics asserts that an inference about a new sample based on a learning set is appropriate if the samples the learning set contains are exchangeable with the new samples (Lindley and Novick, 1981; Draper et al., 1993). In practice, this means that an essential factor in assembling a learning set is to ensure that obvious sources of bias are avoided, and that no important covariate factor is ignored. For example, the learning set would be biased if it contained by intentional design many more swabs taken from heavily contaminated surfaces than from lightly or uncontaminated surfaces. Another source of bias might be that there is a difference in production scale between the scenarios generating the learning set and the scale that could be reasonably attributed to the actual case scenario. Careful consideration of these issues is a necessary element for acquiring “relevant and appropriate data.” Evidence scholars have begun to recognize the important role of error rates in assessing the probative power of a proffered test (Jabbar, 2010; Meixner and Diamond, 2014). However, error rates have certain defects as conveyers of the degree of certainty. Consider a case where the questioned sample is analyzed and the algorithm classifies it as “positive.” Now assume that this sample’s characteristics were such that it falls just slightly to the positive side of the decision boundary (e.g., the Ct cut-off value) separating positive from negative. Compared to a sample that falls into the positive region well away from the boundary, the evidence for classifying a “near boundary” sample seems weak. There are several ways to quantify this weakness, including considering the probability that the decision would be reversed if a new training set happened to be collected. This problem with using error rate as a measure of evidentiary strength does not occur if likelihood ratios or posterior probabilities are used. These approaches use more detailed information


about the population that can be inferred from a randomly sampled learning set. Returning to the B. anthracis example, suppose that “Y” denotes “B. anthracis is present” and “N” denotes “B. anthracis is not present.” Suppose also that our decision-making algorithm takes the sequence information and constructs some sort of score x that reflects the amount of “B. anthracis-like” sequence that is present in the sample. The histograms of the score values determined for “Y” learning samples and “N” learning samples are representations of the likelihoods P(xjY) and P(xjN), respectively. The score for the questioned sample xq is compared to the histograms to estimate P(xqjY) and P(xqjN). The ratio of these two likelihoods is the likelihood ratio, which represents the degree of support a test result x gives to Y or N. The posterior probability that a sample is Y, given the test result x, can also be constructed in a similar way. An important question is whether the likelihood ratio can be “misleading,” i.e., what is the probability that the questioned sample is “Y,” but the empirical P(xqjY) < P(xqjN), implying that the evidence supports “N”? Analogous to the error rate bounds, there is a rigorous bound on this probability (Royall, 1997), which permits the expert to assert that, for example, “There is less than a 5% chance that the likelihood ratio for the questioned sample would be as high as the observed value of 20 in favor of “Y,” if the sample were actually “N.” Fig. 23.1 indicates the relationships between error rate, likelihood ratio, and posterior probability in terms of the likelihoods that can be estimated from the training set. In the next section, I will discuss another mode of reporting on trace detections of pathogen DNA based on a forensic test similar to the one described above. This approach uses null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) to provide statistical evidence that a detection is not the result of background or contamination. The point is that all of these statistical modes of expressing a degree of certainty rely on having

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

FIGURE 23.1 Statistical quantities like probability, likelihoods, etc., can be rigorously defined when a practical sampling space is available; otherwise, non-orthodox subjective measures of uncertainty must be used. In the latter case, the expert can be tested using a sampling space of case-like samples and statistical quantities used to describe his performance.

randomly sampled the learning set from the population of possible samples. If one cannot assemble a learning set like this, either because it is not possible to imagine a sensible frame for sampling or because random sampling is not practical even if a frame can be imagined, then the language of orthodox statistical inference is not available (Berk and Freedman, 2003). Under these conditions, nonorthodox modes of expression of uncertainties might be used, each of which relies, to some extent, on subjective (personal) expressions of uncertainty. This situation is summarized in Fig. 23.2.

Some examples of certainty expression in microbial forensics Microbial identification: asserting that an organism is a pathogenic strain Assertions about the identity of a virus, bacterium, or other pathogen are one of the most basic types of microbial forensic reporting and testimony. For example, an expert might assert “the

isolate found in the suspect’s freezer was identified as Bacillus anthracis.” The central role of identification in microbial forensic investigations is reflected in the Quality Assurance Guidelines for Laboratories Performing Microbial Forensic Work, which defines attribution as “the information obtained regarding the identification or source of a material to the degree that it can be ascertained” (SWGMGF, 2003). The process of identification consists of deciding if the microbe of interest can be categorized or classified as belonging to a known genus, species, or strain, or is something new. Identification allows us to attribute the proximate cause of an illness or outbreak to a named agent (Mahon et al., 2014). When a microbial pathogen has been isolated from an infected victim, the identification may be important for clinical or epidemiological decision-making, but it may not necessarily be critical evidence for prosecution. The virulent nature of the microbe will be supported by clinical descriptions of actual disease, and hence its status as a dangerous substance is easily established (United States, 2014). However, one can anticipate forensic investigations where there are no

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Some examples of certainty expression in microbial forensics



Relationships between error rate, likelihood ratio, and posterior probability in terms of quantitative estimates of various probabilities empirically determined from a set of “learning samples.” “Y” and “N” represent two hypotheses a forensic test is designed to differentiate. Semicolons indicate joint probabilities and bars indicate conditional probabilities.

actual infected victims. For example, an isolate may be obtained from a letter or other dissemination device that failed to cause any illness or an isolate may be seized from storage during an investigation before it could be used to commit a crime or act of terror. Under these circumstances, the identity of the microbe carries legal weight because of statutory prohibitions on the possession of isolates of certain named microbial species or certain types of microbes (Casadevall and Relman, 2010). The specific issue may be whether the microbe is a select agent, whether it is an exempt select agent, or whether it is a known pathogen, although not a select agent (Morse, 2015). It is important to recognize that identification is an inference from the measured or observed characteristics of the microbe. Currently, this kind of inference cannot be given an objective error rate or probability value because there is no way to generate a frame for all relevant microbes that can be sampled in an unbiased way for testing. All panels that represent a species or its near neighbors are actually “convenience samples” based on their availability in collections. Nonetheless, “gold standard”

polyphasic test panels (sets of tests that include genetic, immunological, and metabolic characteristics) undeniably support accurate clinical and epidemiological decision-making and have usually been developed over the course of many clinical cases to differentiate the microbe in question from similar but distinct pathogenic species (rule-in and rule-out). Thus, although it is difficult to formulate statistical language, it is not unusual for an expert to opine that an assertion about the identity of an organism is likely or probable, based on polyphasic testing. Identification of pathogens by polyphasic methods has so far been unchallenged in case law. However, polyphasic assays are not usually tested against a large number of nonpathogenic strains and may not carry any guarantee that a positive test result necessarily indicates a true pathogen. In normal clinical applications, this point is obviously moot and, as “gold standard” tests, they essentially are definitions of known pathogenic species. In general, the relevant forensic question is could a microbiologist using the generally accepted testing methods and criteria of his profession reasonably assign that identity to the microbe in question? That is, would most

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

experts make the same inference given the observed microbiological and genetic properties of that microbe? When microbial identity is a critical aspect of a case, the inference of pathogenicity might be questioned without doubting the species level identification. If a sample is seized during an investigation before it could be used to commit a crime or act of terror, and its true origin is unknown, the questioned microbe could arguably be a nonvirulent strain (e.g., a vaccine strain) in spite of conforming to the “gold standard” testing criteria for the known pathogen or being genetically similar to a pathogenic reference strain (National Research Council, 2010). This identification might fit into a defense narrative about “legitimate” research (e.g., for vaccine development). The issue of whether the questioned microbe is an excluded select agent might also arise in some cases (i.e., is it a strain explicitly excluded from select agent regulation because it is an attenuated or vaccine strain necessary for biodefense research). The critical evidentiary requirement is to show that the isolate fails to meet some criterion associated with the excluded strain. This may be the presence or functionality of an essential virulence gene, closer genetic distance to a nonexcluded strain, or a phylogenetic common ancestor with a select agent strain instead of the excluded strain. Medical microbiologists generally agree that pathogenicity in humans cannot be absolutely established without doubt unless a case of human infection and illness is observed: For the foreseeable future, the only reliable predictor of the hazard posed by a biological agent is actual experience with that agent. National Research Council (2010)

In the case of animal or plant pathogens, pathogenicity of a questioned agent can be established experimentally; ethical considerations usually preclude this for humans. Thus, a presumption

of human pathogenicity based on similarity to a known pathogen could be challenged in some cases, even though polyphasic testing or sequence similarity provides reasonable grounds for classifying the microbe as a known pathogen. Computational methods for predicting human pathogenicity from genome sequence data appear to have modest accuracy (Zheng et al., 2012). While they do not provide complete assurances, pathogenicity in animal models (Houpikian and Raoult, 2002) and similarity in gene expression profiles (Kawai et al., 2015) between questioned and reference microorganisms are generally accepted microbiological grounds for inferring pathogenicity. Based on the forgoing considerations, the following general forms of testimony regarding microbial identification are supported by the scientific literature (Velsko, 2017): Statements regarding identification This microbe has been identified as the select agent [or the pathogen] (name) by the standard tests used by clinical microbiologists (veterinary or plant pathologists), and microbial taxonomists. Identity is supported by the generally accepted testing methods and criteria used by clinical microbiologists and physicians to make decisions about treatment, patient isolation, and protection of hospital personnel. Culture morphology, microscopy, biochemical assays, . and genetic sequence similarity all support the inference that this microbe is the select agent X.

Statements regarding uncertainty in identification Errors in identification can certainly occur, but this tends to happen when a non-reference laboratory makes a preliminary determination using a limited set of tests. Errors in identification can occur, but the microbiological properties (and genetic sequence) of this microbe are consistent with the assigned identity and not consistent with any tested non-pathogenic near neighbor strain.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Some examples of certainty expression in microbial forensics

This last statement may provoke cross examination as to how thoroughly the collection of tested near neighbors represents the set of known near neighbors. In addition, an admission that there may be many untested near neighbors could be elicited from the expert. Statements regarding the presumption of pathogenicity We cannot predict with complete certainty that this strain is pathogenic to humans but it has the full complement of virulence genes found in known pathogenic strains and animal (and/or gene expression) experiments indicate it behaves like a pathogenic strain of X. Pathogenicity cannot be absolutely established without doubt because no human infection with this isolate has been observed. However, given the testing results, medical microbiologists would treat this microbe with all the precautions taken with the known pathogen.

As noted above, the issue of pathogenicity is only expected to arise when actual cases of human infection are absent, because the pathogenicity of a putative animal or plant pathogen can usually be established by experiment. However, in cases where this is not possible, similar modes of expression would apply to testimony about animal or plant pathogens. While I am not aware of any courtroom challenges to pathogenicity testimony about microorganisms, expressions of uncertainty about the actual toxicity of ricin preparations have been elicited from experts at trial, although the toxicity of ricin toxin per se was not challenged (United States v. Levenderis, 2015). The following statements should not be made unless an actual poll or census has been made among experts; this, in turn, requires either (a) the construction of some objective sampling frame or list of appropriate experts (e.g., academic, medical, or public health communities) or (b) a published consensus document from a relevant professional society such as the American Society of Microbiology.


The identity assignment is supported by a majority of microbiologists who are experts on this species.

The identity assignment is supported by a consensus of microbiologists who are experts on this species

Given our current knowledge about microorganisms, a majority of microbiologists would agree that this microbe is X, and treat it as if it were pathogenic.

By analogy with recent DOJ guidance, statements citing identification “to a reasonable degree of microbiological certainty” are not encouraged.

Morph statisticsdresponding to criticisms of imperfect tests One of the key scientific efforts in the Amerithrax case was motivated by the discovery that there were colony morphology mutants among the spores found in the Post, Leahy, and Daschle letters (Rasko et al., 2011; USDOJ, 2010). These mutants gave rise to colonies with noticeably different shapes and sizes (morphotypes) when grown on agar medium. Specific PCR-based assays were developed to detect the presence of spores with one of the four selected “morph” mutations within the population of spores produced by each isolate provided by the laboratories that contributed samples to the FBI Ames repository. When these assays were applied to the repository samples, only those samples that were directly derived from a particular stock of spores maintained at USAMRIID tested positive for all four morph variants (A1, A2, D, and E). From this, the FBI concluded that the stock in question, known as RMR-1029, could not be excluded as the ultimate source of the spores found in the letters. While it is convenient to think of these assays as indicating the presence or absence of a morph, in practice “absent” and “present” actually mean below and above some detection limit value,

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

respectively. Thus, in principle, a morph that is present above or below the detection limit of the assay could be included or excluded depending on stochastic sampling effects. Reports on the Amerithrax investigation by both the National Research Council (NRC, 2011) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO, 2014) cited the high apparent false-negative or inconclusive detection rates and high degree of variability among the morph assays when applied to replicate samples. For example, the assay for the A1 variant was only positive in 17 of 30 repetitive samples taken from the flask RMR-1029. Only the E morph assay had no negative or inconclusive results. (The interpretation of each “inconclusive” call was not stated explicitly, but inconclusive calls probably represented cases where one or two of the three replicate aliquots of a sample drawn from RMR-1029 tested negative.) Given the observation that an assay could “miss” detecting a morph in samples in which it is known to be present, it is natural to ask if there is a significant probability that one of the non-RMR-1029 samples obtained from other potential source laboratories in fact contained all four morphotypes, even though it tested negative for at least one. This question can be answered by Bayesian reasoning (Velsko et al., 2017). The empirical data from repeated measurements on samples from RMR-1029 allows us to estimate the likelihood of observing positive detections for all four morphs when all four are actually present in the sample. This ranged from a low of 0.17 under the assumption that all inconclusives are counted as negatives to a high of 0.79 under the assumption that all inconclusives count as positives. Thus, for stock samples as concentrated in morphs as RMR-1029, there appeared to be a considerable chance of missing at least one of the four morphs. Using Bayes’s equation, and an assumption of equal prior probabilities that a sample contains any particular morph pattern, one can calculate the likelihood that a sample contains all four morphs for each observed pattern of positives

and negatives over all four assays. For detection events in which only one morph is not observed, there is still considerable chance that the sample actually contains all four. In the case of a negative test for A1, that chance could be as high as 38%, and even for the E morph assay, which in replicate testing of RMR-1029 had no negative or inconclusive results, chances that all morphs are present could be as high as 10% in spite of a negative E result (this upper bound arises from the statistical uncertainty caused by having only 30 repetitive samples). Two or more unobserved morphs considerably decrease the chances that all four are present, although (negative for A1 and D, positive for A2 and E) would leave roughly a 1%e10% chance that the sample has all morphs present. Among the repository samples, there were only two cases where only one of four morphs was not detected. Both of these involved morph E ( ). The estimated likelihood that at least one of these E-negative samples had all four morphs was a, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. Thus, if P(Observed hitsjC0) > a, we cannot dismiss the hypothesis that the hits are due to contamination. Complete interpretation of a “hit” also depends on whether that hit is consistent with the picture of the activity that has been hypothesized to occur at the sampling site. Let S0

be the hypothesis that producing, handling, or dispersing the agent occurred at the site being investigated. If it can be argued that these activities, if they occurred, were very likely to deposit the agent at detectable levels on the surfaces that were sampled, then the observed hits support S0 as much as 1/a times more than they support C0 when P(Observed hitsjC0)  a. Therefore, it is important to report whether the observed hits are consistent with expectations derived from a plausible description of the activity as well as whether the null hypothesis can be rejected. In practice, whether hits are likely is dependent on estimates of the amount of agent that would be deposited in plausible scenarios, from empirical estimates of signature decay rate and from empirical data on signature collection efficiencies, extraction efficiencies, and detection limits. Ideally, these are benchmarked by field experiments involving mock activities with surrogates. This sort of estimation is also an essential element of knowledge needed for good sample collection planning. Clearly, a collection effort, with its attendant risk and cost, would be unwarranted if the probability of observing signature above the detection threshold were extremely improbable. For the null hypothesis test to be considered a defensible form of testimony or reporting, a number of additional conditions must be met. • The significance level a should be defined before testing, preferably documented in the SOP for the analysis procedure. This requirement prevents a from “sliding” after the analysis results become available. • Background samples should be obtained in the general vicinity of where the questioned samples are collected, but at locations where the pathogen signature would not be expected under the alternative hypothesis S0, but background would be expected, if it existed. Even where there is general agreement that no natural background exists, and the background hypothesis could be

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Can more liberal standards for expressing uncertainty in scientific testimony be justified?

rejected without testing, negative background samples help to validate the testing procedure in other waysde.g., as additional contamination controls. • The types and volumes (or area sampled) of background collection samples must be similar to those of the test samples. • The background and questioned samples should be “anonymized” before they are given to the testing lab (e.g., labeled only with random number designators, and not associated with particular sampling sites). Unless some very concentrated samples are expected among the samples expected to have trace amounts, samples should be analyzed in random order, with questioned, background, and blanks randomly mixed. • Blanks for contamination control should be prepared from surrogate materials like soil or wipes that enter the sample preparation laboratory in the same way that field samples do and are handled and extracted the same way that the field samples are.

Can more liberal standards for expressing uncertainty in scientific testimony be justified? People regularly express their sense of uncertainty about some proposition in terms of probabilities in the absence of rigorous statistical data. To say this mode of expression is nonscientific ignores that fact that scientists do it all the time, often using qualitative language such as “probable,” “likely,” or “unlikely.” In everyday interactions, it is assumed that the receiver of this language can interpret it sufficiently accurately to make judgments about the speaker’s degree of belief toward the proposition in question. Even when there are statistical data to support an assertion, the degree of certainty it provides can be misleading because of unknown factors, like


whether the population was fairly sampled, or whether there are unexamined covariates that might be relevant (i.e., that might make the questioned sample not exchangeable with the learning set). Thus, there are reasons to question, as a general conclusion, the assertion by the National Commission’s subcommittee on Reporting and Testimony that “an explicit statistical foundation for statements is necessary to enable forensic science and medicine providers to assess and express that uncertainty” (National Commission, 2017). Recent research has demonstrated that humans can produce calibrated estimates of probability based on nonstatistical information when there is sufficient information gathering and integration (Tetlock, 2015). It seems reasonable to imagine that forensic experts can do this too, if they used the same careful “outside view” and update methods that Tetlock and coworkers describe (Chang et al., 2016). “Outside view” formulations of likelihoods involve small sets of exemplars that do not conform rigorously to the orthodox statistical prescription of random sampling from a representative frame and often have only loose “exchangeability” with the scenario in question. There is, of course, a great deal of subjectivity in formulating probability estimates this way, but rigorous testing (that is consistent with statistical orthodoxy) has established its effectiveness (Mellers et al., 2015; Tetlock et al., 2017). Moreover, there are mathematically consistent alternatives to Bayesian inference (which simply elicits subjective probabilities de novo from the expert) that permit principled ways to quantify belief, doubt, ignorance (lack of information), and plausibility from nonstatistical information and to extract estimates of probability from them (Shafer, 1976; Josang, 2001). These systems, often referred to as DempstereShafer theory (DST), also allow the quantitative discounting of purely statistical information to account for uncertainties about whether the learning set is a valid

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

representation of the population in question. Unlike Bayesian statistics, no subjective prior probability is required for inferences. DST can be thought of first as a personal accounting system for an expert to give transparency to his formulation of a nonstatistical probability, and secondly, as a way for groups of experts to arrive at consensus judgments. Rather than focusing on the error rate of an expert, adoption of DST methods would allow one to consider exercises that test the calibration of the expert’s probability estimates. Gowdy has called attention to an analogy between the term “reasonable degree of certainty” and the term “reasonable doubt,” which has no rigorous statistical definition but is used in jury instructions all the time (Gowdy, 2017). Along these lines, a recent paper has explored the connection between DST and legal standards of proof (Clermont, 2015), while another has attempted to use DST to represent evidential reasoning about a mock criminal case (Curley, 2007). While these papers demonstrate the potential utility of DST as a model for evidential reasoning, it remains to be demonstrated that it can assist the forensic expert in clarifying and justifying subjective probability statements. There are, of course, many kinds of expert testimony where no explicit error rate is offered, and “in determining how accurate the expert’s method is likely to be, the judge must examine the methodology for flaws that are likely to produce errors” (Meixner and Diamond, 2014). This type of implicit error analysis can, of course, be applied to testimony that proffers explicit error rates as well. Examples of factors that will often need to be examined include the population definition, the accuracy of the sampling frame, and consideration of covariates and conditional dependencies. In the end, these factors may be sources of uncertainty that have no objective guaranteed statistical error bounds. In this case, the expert can offer only subjective assurances at best.

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23. Scientific testimonial standards for microbial forensic evidence

National Commission on Forensic Science, 2016a. Recommendation to the Attorney General Use of the Term“Reasonable Scientific Certainty”. Available at: https://www. justice.gov/archives/ncfs/work-products-adoptedcommission. National Commission on Forensic Science, 2016b. Views of the Commission Use of the Term“Reasonable Scientific Certainty. Available at: https://www.justice.gov/ archives/ncfs/work-products-adopted-commission. National Commission on Forensic Science, 2017. Views of the Commission Statistical Statements in Forensic Testimony. Available at: https://www.justice.gov/archives/ncfs/ page/file/965931/download. National Research Council, 2010. Sequence Based Classification of Select Agents, A Brighter Line. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2010. National Research Council, 2011. Review of the Scientific Approaches Used during the FBI’s Investigation of the Anthrax Letters. The National Academies Press, Washington DC, 2011. Pillay, D., 2007. Br. Med. J. 335, 460e461, 2007. Price, E.P., Seymour, M.L., Sarovich, D.S., 2012. Molecular epidemiologic investigation of an anthrax outbreak among heroin users, europe. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 18 (8), 1307e1313. Ramekers, J., Hummel, S., Herrmann, B., 1997. How many cycles does a PCR need? Naturwissenschaften 84, 259e262. Ramsey, C.A., Hewitt, A.D., 2005. A methodology for assessing sample representativeness. Environ. Forencics 6, 71e75. Randall, D., Welser, C., 2018. The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science. National Association of Scholars, 2018 ISBN: 978-0-9986635-5-5. Rasko, D.A., Worsham, P.L., Abshire, T.G., et al., 2011. Bacillus anthracis comparative genome analysis in support of the Amerithrax investigation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 108 (12), 5027e5032, 2011. Royall, R., 1997. Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm. CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida. Shafer, G., 1976. A Mathematical Theory of Evidence. Princeton University Press, Princeton. State of Arizona v, 2016. Joseph Javier Romero, 365 P.3d 358 (Arizona Court of Appeals). 2 CA-CR 2012-0378. SWGMGF, 2003. Quality Assurance Guidelines for Laboratories Performing Microbial Forensic Work. FBI Laboratory, Quantico, Virginia. June 20, 2003; Available in Forensic Science Communications 5:4 (October 2003). http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/lab/forensic sciencecommunications/fsc/archives. Tetlock, P.E., 2015. Superforecasting. Crown Publishing Group, New York. Tetlock, P.E., Mellers, B.A., Scoblic, P.J., 2017. Bringing probability judgments into policy debates via forecasting tournaments. Science 355, 481e483.

Thompson, W.C., 2018. How should forensic scientists present source conclusions? Seton Hall Law Rev. 48, 773e813. United States of America v. Jeff Boyd Levenderis, 2015. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals; Scholar. google.com/ scholarcase?case¼13745112242321167675&q¼Levenderis &hl¼en&assdt¼2003. United States Department of Justice, 2012. Microscopic Hair Comparison Analysis. Available at: http://www. mtacdl.org/attachments/CPE/Nelson/ FBILimitsofScience%20MicroscopicHairComparison.pdf. United States Department of Justice, 2010. Amerithrax Investigative Summary. February 19, 2010. United States Of America, v. Stewart Parnell, Michael, P., Mary, W., Defendants, 2014. Case No. 1:13-CR-12 (WLS). United States District Court. Albany Division, M.D. Georgia. August 8, 2014. United States Government Accountability Office, 2014. Anthrax: Agency Approaches to Validation and Statistical Analyses Could Be Improved, GAO-15-80. December 2014. Velsko, S.P., 2009. Bacterial Population Genetics in a Forensic Context. LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-420003. Velsko, S.P., 2013. When Is a Trace Detection “Significant”? LLNL Technical Presentation LLNL-PRES-637099. Velsko, S.P., Osburn, J., 2013. Hedging and the Communication of Uncertainty in WMD Forensic Science. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report LLNL-TRXXXXXX. Velsko, S.P., 2012. Null Hypothesis Significance Testing for Trace Chemical Weapon Analyte Detection. LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-607577. Velsko, S.P., Osburn, J.J., Allen, J., 2014. Forensic interpretation of molecular variation on networks of disease transmission and genetic inheritance. Electrophoresis 35 (21), 3117e3124. Velsko, S.P., 2017. Microbial Forensic Lexicon: Microbial Identity Final Report. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. July 17, 2017. Velsko, S.P., Osburn, J.J., Sharma, S.K., Ashley, J.D., 2017. Statistical Interpretation of the Amerithrax “morph” assay results. Electrophoresis 39 (2), 386e393. Zheng, L.-L., Li, Y.-X., Ding, J., Guo, X.-K., Feng, K.-Y., et al., 2012. A comparison of computational methods for identifying virulence factors. PLoS One 7 (8), e42517.

Further reading Bolstad, W.M., Curran, J.M., 2017. Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, third ed. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 14e15.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


24 Inferential validation and evidence interpretation Stephan P. Velsko Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States

Introduction Expert testimony generally consists of two elements, a description of methodology and an assertion of conclusions that are relevant to some question at issue in the case. The description of the methodology is expected to include assurances that the technique was performed properly, and that the primary results lie within certain limiting values with a prescribed level of confidence. These assurances are derived from procedures that have been called “analytical validation” (Velsko, 2011). Similarly, the assertion of conclusions that the expert infers from the results of evidence examination, and any assertion of the degree of certainty the expert attaches to those conclusions, may be challenged by a request for assurances that the inference and stated uncertainty are valid. The source of such assurances is activities that have been called “inferential validation” (Velsko, 2011). In the absence of analytical validation, the reliability of the method and the accuracy of the primary observations and measurements may be placed in doubt. Likewise, in the absence of inferential validation, factfinders may attach less certainty

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00024-6

to the expert’s conclusions than the expert asserts. This chapter is concerned with inferential validation for a particular class of microbial forensic methods that involve “pattern recognition” or “sample matching.” In this kind of analysis, one wishes to draw one of two conclusions (for simplicity I will call these “inclusion” or “exclusion”) about a questioned sample from the comparison of its properties with those of a set of known exemplars. Typically, the conclusion rests on the degree of similarity between the questioned sample and a particular subset of reference samples that exemplify the “inclusion” criterion. Examples of such methods in microbial forensics are shown in Fig. 24.1. Along with the conclusion, the expert expresses some degree of confidence, whether in reporting, testimony, or under cross-examination. How can this degree of confidence be justified? Frequentist, Bayesian, and most recently, Machine Learning schools of thought have addressed this problem from different points of view and have developed formal theories for optimal ways to draw inferences regarding inclusion or exclusion and for expressing the


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24. Inferential validation and evidence interpretation


Examples of forensic tests that have been used or suggested in the scientific literature.

uncertainty associated with such conclusions (Mayo and Cox, 2006; Bolstad and Curran, 2017; Kulkarni and Harman, 2011). A central concern is what a scientist who employs sample matching methods needs to do to have proper grounds for testimony that uses statistical language. Modern statistical practice is generally agnostic about the particular statistical philosophy in play (error rates, probabilities, likelihood ratios, significance levels, etc.) but recognizes that under different circumstances some viewpoints may be easy to apply and to explain correctly to nonexperts, than others. My intention is to sketch some ideas about inferential validation pitfalls that scientists may run into, which can generate valid criticisms from experts in statistical inference and might undermine

confidence in their conclusions. This chapter is an update on the chapter “Inferential Validation and Evidence Interpretation” from the previous edition of Microbial Forensics (Velsko et al., 2014).” I begin by defining the notion of a “forensic test.” This definition covers most kinds of analyses that have been used, or have been suggested, for microbial forensic applications. I next discuss requirements for validation that can be derived from this definition. This discussion relies on a notion of “statistical learning,” which has been adopted by the machine learning community and has roots in classical frequentist statistical doctrine. This approach emphasizes the error rate of a test based on empirical measurements on known exemplars. The reader

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Formalization of the idea of a “forensic test”

should note that human DNA forensics does not fit well into this framework. The statistical approach to human DNA forensics was characterized by a particularly simple signaturegenerating model (the product model) whose parameters could be determined empirically. Thus, it is possible to assert error rate estimates (essentially the random match probability) that would be difficult to arrive at by direct empirical determination using random examples of human DNA and looking for erroneous matches. The DNA validation paradigm is in this respect a poor model for microbial forensic validation where it seems unlikely that some simple datagenerating model will be found for most tests. Hence, I focus on the machine learning paradigm of purely empirical learning from examples and the resulting error bounds. Subsequently, the chapter turns to more subtle problems that scientists in microbial forensics may run into when they attempt to follow this rigorous statistical prescription for validation. I close with a discussion of validation issues that may arise in the forensic tests recently suggested by Schmedes et al. (2016) as part of the “expansion of microbial forensics”.

Formalization of the idea of a “forensic test” A “forensic test” links measurements or observations on a questioned sample to an inference about a relevant issue. An example from Fig. 24.1 is the test for agar traces, which is used to make an inference about whether a questioned biological agent sample has been made by growing a pathogen on an agar plate (Wahl et al., 2010). The Daubert criteria include the issue of whether a test like this has a known error rate. To understand the relationship between testing, validation, error rate, and uncertainty quantification, we need to describe the idea of a “forensic test” in general terms. The first step in defining a forensic test is to determine the hypothesis that is to be tested,


e.g., “this pathogenic agent was grown on agar plates.” The hypothesis must be unambiguous and testable. Second, a comparison metric must be defined, e.g., in a mass spectral test for agar determining, which mass spectral signatures (masses and intensities) can be used to decide whether the hypothesis of agar growth is likely or not. In some cases, it is convenient to define a “score”da single value derived from multiple signaturesdon which to base the decision (see discussion below). Once the measurements and score have been defined, analytical validation comes into play to ensure that the analytical process is valid and repeatable. Ideally, an analytical standard operating procedure (SOP) assures that other experts in the field would determine the same measurement and score values if they analyzed the same sample. The connection between measurement and hypothesis involves inferencedsometimes this is simply a logical inference, but most often it is a statistical inference because there is uncertainty attached to it. A modern approach to inference with uncertainty has been formulated in the theory of machine learning (also called statistical learning theory), which has roots in the frequentist tradition emphasizing the concept of error rate. In this framework, a “test” is defined by a decision rule or algorithm that maps the measurements or score values to a decision about the truth or falsity of the hypothesis. This algorithm is optimized to give the fewest errors on a “learning set” of samples that represents a random draw from a population of possible samples. For decision rules that are not too complex, the error rate of the test on new samples drawn from the same population can be rigorously bounded (Kulkarni and Harman 2011). The machine learning paradigm also allows us to rigorously formulate probability and likelihood ratio representations of the inferential uncertainty of the test. The validity of estimates of error rate, probability, and likelihood ratio all depend on whether the learning set is a random (unbiased) draw from the

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


24. Inferential validation and evidence interpretation

population of possible samples and that the questioned sample is drawn from this population as well. The key issues for inferential validation are the definition of the population and finding an unbiased way to formulate a learning set. For example, the learning set for the agar test must be composed of samples that were grown on agar and samples grown under other conditions, such as flask culturing, or production in an aerated fermenter. To be unbiased, these exemplars must be sampled at random from a frame that represents all possible ways and variants of generating the agent. This implies that the numerical representation of any variant in the learning set must reflect the relative likelihood of it being encountered in the real world. In practice, the process of optimizing and validating a forensic test may involve iterative experimentation that intertwines learning set generation, algorithm selection, and algorithm optimization. Moreover, the measurement process defining the test, and the inferences that would be drawn from the test about a particular sample, may change over time, so that a previous conclusion could be reversed. This might occur if a new metric with a better error rate were invented, a new learning set that better describes the population were assembled, or if a previously unrecognized covariate were discovered. There is no way to absolutely guarantee that a conclusion could not be reversed by some future discovery. Obviously, if there is a chance that a conclusion could be reversed, there must be some uncertainty in the conclusion in the first place. Conversely, by expressing uncertainty one is expressing the chance that a scientific conclusion could be reversed. An amicus brief to the Supreme Court during the Daubert case acknowledged the potentially transient nature of scientific conclusions, asserting that “It is how the conclusions are reached, not what the conclusions are that make them good science today” (Bloembergen et al., 1992).

The general description above is arguably the “best practice” for producing a scientifically supported forensic test. In the next section, I will review in more detail some of the requirements this prescription imposes on the process of inferential validation.

Requirements for inferential validation of a forensic test Validation provides empirical grounds for expressing confidence, and conversely, for expressing uncertainty. The machine learning perspective places rigorous requirements on how validation is formulated and carried out to generate valid measures of the degree of certainty according to orthodox statistical theory. I will discuss each of these below.

Defining the hypotheses to be tested A forensic test must have a well-formed hypothesisdone that can be objectively realized in a set of learning samples that can be subjected to the test. For example, the hypothesis that “the two samples are closely related” would not be well-formed because “closely related” is inherentlyambiguous. On the other hand, the hypothesis that “the two samples were drawn from a common batch of material” would be testable because it is possible to objectively produce test samples that are drawn from same or different batches. A test for a well-defined hypothesis H is whether it is objectively possible to label a reference sample H or not-H. In statistical learning theory, this idea is captured by the concept of “oracle” (Valiant, 1984). An ambiguous term such as “related” cannot be the basis for a wellformed hypothesis because it is impossible to find two samples that are not related in some way. Note that sometimes “not-H” is a composite hypothesis because there are many ways for a sample to be not-H. An example of this occurs

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Formalization of the idea of a “forensic test”

when the hypothesis is “the sample was grown in LB medium” because there are many other possible growth media that are not LB medium. This is not a problem in principle, but in practice, it can complicate the formation of a valid learning set that has to include all the other possibilities in numbers consistent with the defined population that the test is applicable to.

Choosing a set of signatures In machine learning parlance, this is usually called feature selection, the set of molecular, chemical, or physical characteristics that provide the basis for decision (H or not-H). In practice, this is often accomplished through an empirical, exploratory study that identifies observable (preferably quantifiable) differences between H and not-H samples. It is assumed that the measurement process for characterizing the signatures has undergone prior analytical validation and has been codified as a SOP before the inferential validation study is initiated.

Formulating a comparison metric Analytical techniques that produce large numbers of observed variables for a given sample can give rise to a fundamental problem in data analysis, the “curse of dimensionality” (Altman and Krzywinski 2018). Having many observations per sample, only a limited number of samples leaves data very sparsely distributed, making it difficult to collect data that are representative of the underlying population (Altman and Krzywinski 2018). Similarly, if the algorithm that classifies a questioned sample is highly parameterized, there is a danger of overfitting, in which the results reflect the “the random idiosyncrasies of the training sample” (Altman and Krzywinski 2018) rather than the true characteristics of the population. In pattern recognition, theory reducing a large set of observables to just a few salient variables is


often referred to as dimensionality reduction, and a large number of techniques have been developed for accomplishing this (Hastie et al., 2009). On the other hand, using a single “score” (e.g., a scalar metric such as a Euclidian distance) to characterize the similarity between the questioned and reference samples risks missing some features of the data that might greatly increase the accuracy of the test. There is a tradeoff with test accuracy that must be determined by some iterative exploratory process by the test developer.

Defining the population This step is often the most difficult to conceptualize but begins by identifying a “sampling unit” that the forensic test is run on. Examples might be a microbial isolate, a person, a sample of powder, a swab, a genetic sequence, etc. The population is then the set of all possible such units. The relevant population may be real or imaginary. Units of manufactured materials such as culture media components or synthetic DNA exist as real items that, in principle, could be listed in a frame (although this may not be possible in practice.) In contrast, biological warfare agents are not manufactured in all their potential variety, so the “population” of interest to microbial forensics is actually the imaginary set of possible manufacturing processes that could be used to make them. Sampling from this virtual population necessarily involves simulating the diversity in manufacturing methods by using “representative” recipes and capable laboratories to make surrogate reference samples. Whether the population is virtual or real, it is ultimately defined by the types of variation one could expect among case samples and the likelihood of encountering that variation among real samples. For a real population, this does not introduce any difficulties per se, as by definition the population must reflect variations at the

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24. Inferential validation and evidence interpretation

frequency they are found “in nature.” However, for imaginary populations, this presents new and potentially important issues. Consider “all possible ways to manufacture dry powders of Bacillus anthracis” versus “all published recipes for culturing B. anthracis and drying bacterial cultures.” In some sense, the latter might be considered a sample of the first. But is it a random sample? Clearly if there were a class of manufacturing methods not represented in the literature, but simple enough to be attractive to a terrorist, the use of only published methods to represent the population might be suspect.

Randomly sampling from the population to form the “learning set” Once the population is defined, the next critical element of an inferential validation study is to develop a sampling frame that adequately captures the population. For countable sets of sampling units, a frame is a list or tabular representation of actual members of the population that could be sampled (Deming, 1950). Alternatively, a frame could be a recipe for sample generation depending on choices of discrete or continuous parameter values. For example, culture temperatures found in the literature may fall into a range, and reference samples might be made at a series of temperatures randomly drawn from that range. Note that more popular recipes should be represented more often on this list, in conformity with the higher probability they are chosen by practitioners. Obviously, the sampling frame should include samples that conform to the hypothesis H and its complement not-H, which can be thought of as two subpopulations within the larger population of possible samples. Note that while the frames for real populations may be large, they are always finite. Frames for imaginary populations may be infinite, especially if the units are characterized by one or more continuous variables in addition to discrete parameters.

To determine how large a learning set is required, there are several options. Machine learning bounds are often formulated for determining the number of samples required to achieve a desired error rate at desired level of confidence. However, these are often very conservative. As will be discussed below, the most rigorous procedure is to optimize the empirical error rate on a small test set. Once an estimate of the empirical error rate is determined, the same formalism for calculating error bounds can be used “in reverse” to determine the number of samples that would be required to bound the possible true error rate to a desired limit at a desired level of confidence. Sometimes it is not possible to define a population that can be sampled according to this prescription. For example, it is not presently possible to construct forensic tests for “virulence,” say by learning which genetic sequences are indicative of a human pathogen because, among other things, there are clearly still many unknown kinds of virulent microbes in nature, and there is no oracle that can identify a pathogen except the fact of human infection and sickness. (It is also possible that a concept like “human pathogen” cannot be empirically learned from sequence data because the problem is mathematically isomorphic to the known problem of predicting deterministic finite automata Kearns and Valiant, 1989.) Even when a frame can be sensibly defined, it may not be possible to sample from it. An obvious example is the case of an outbreak in a foreign country that is suspected to be the origin of an agent used in an attack in the United States. Depending on US relations with the country in question, it may not be possible to obtain isolates from the outbreak.

Verifying the oracle The status of each sample in the learning set, i.e., whether it is H or not-H, should be verified.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Formalization of the idea of a “forensic test”

Sometimes this is simple, such as cases where a reference sample is produced in a laboratory, and the record of its production can be checked. In other cases, it may not be so clear cut, such as epidemiologically identified transmission pairs for viral transmission networks (Velsko et al., 2014). A SOP for inferential validation needs to provide assurances that the “oracle” has been verified. An important corollary of this requirement is that collections of case samples, although they are arguably random samples from the relevant population, may not be useable as learning sets because there is no oracle that can objectively label them H or not-H. In the absence of a true oracle, there may be a “gold standard test” whose low error rate has been previously established but which is inconvenient or too expensive to apply routinely (compared with the forensic test in question.)

Optimizing the decision rule (minimizing the empirical error rate) Machine learning theory imagines the process of decision algorithm optimization to be a search through a space of decision rules, i.e., functions that map the data from each member of the learning set to a category such as “Include” or “Exclude” and H or not-H. These rules have varying degrees of complexity. The more complex the decision rule is, the more likely it is to achieve the lowest possible empirical error rate after optimization, but the bounds on the true error rate can be larger than it would be for a less complex function (this is due to overfitting). There is usually an optimum degree of complexity that minimizes the error bound (Vapnik, 1998). Microbial forensics test developers must take into account two other factors when selecting decision rules. First, less complex rules are easier to explain to nonexperts. Second, in many cases, there are finite resources available for generating learning sets because these require extensive


laboratory sample preparation or field collection. Therefore, the number of exemplars in learning sets is likely to be relatively small. For small learning sets, it is generally accepted that simpler rules are better for minimizing error bounds, but the concept of “simple” is a subtle one. For example, the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) rule, which has essentially one adjustable parameter (k), decides H if the majority of a questioned sample’s k most similar neighbors in the learning set are H, and not-H otherwise. The error rate of this simple-sounding algorithm is guaranteed to be bounded by no more than twice the minimum possible error rate as the number of data points grows larger and larger (Cover and Hart, 1967). Yet, rigorous bounds on the error rate for the kNN classifier for finite learning sets have only recently been addressed, and it is not certain that the results of these investigations are useful for producing practical error-bound estimates (Bax et al., 2017).

Constructing estimators for error rate, probability, and likelihood ratio characterizations of degree of certainty Once a forensic test has been developed, the error rate can be determined either as a rigorous bound that is mathematically guaranteed or as an estimated bound based on the empirical performance of the test on the learning set (Langford, 2005) Strictly speaking, for the most rigor, the classification algorithm should be optimized on one set of data and then the error bounds calculated based on the empirical error estimate from a second independent set. However, there has been a great deal of research on the problem of simultaneously determining the best classification rule and estimating its error bounds on a single data set. These mathematical expressions are not always useful because the bounds so derived may not be tight enough to provide a convincing argument for the relevance of the test (Langford, 2005). On the other hand,

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it is important for the forensic test developer to avoid using machine learning techniques that do not have rigorous error bound analyses because it is not possible to assert a level of confidence that the empirical error rate is a close approximation to the “true” error rate on a questioned sample. As one textbook on statistical learning asserts We conclude that estimation of test error for a particular training set is not easy in general, given just the data from that same training set. Hastie et al., (2009)

In this regard, “cross-validation” methods are probably the most popular way to estimate error rates. Here, the training set is divided into separate training and validation subsets; the decision algorithm is trained on the training subset and the error determined for the test subset. This is repeated for various random partitions of the full training set. However, these hold-out methods estimate the average error (if we did the same validation experiment over and over using replicate reduced-size learning sets, there would be a distribution of error rates with some mean value). But this is not the same as the so-called conditional error rate, the true error rate that would be observed on new samples, given the particular (full-sized) learning set that is in hand. Cross-validation generates a distribution of error rates from which one can derive a statement like “with 90% probability we can say that the average error of validation exercises like this one is less than 3%.” Probabilities can be estimated directly from the learning set using kernel density estimation methods (Chen, 2017) Typically, the estimates of joint probabilities P(x, H) and P(x, not-H) suffice to determine the posterior probability P(Hjx), where x represents some measured feature or score value. For a probability P inferred from this method, well-defined error intervals can be asserted such as “the probability that P lies between P1 and P2 is greater than 95%.”

In some cases, priors on H or not-H are unknown because the examplars in the learning set were not collected as a random sample from a frame describing a real population or because it is not possible to assign priors to the imaginary population used to generate the samples. In this case, the likelihood ratio may be useful as a way to characterize the evidential strength of the test. The likelihood ratio is an orthodox statistical measure of how much support the data gives to H (Royall, 1997). Likelihood ratios can be estimated as ratios of probabilities estimated through kernel density techniques (Aitkin and Lucy, 2004) or a ROC curve can be constructed and the likelihood ratio estimated from the slope (Velsko et al., 2011). Like the error rate, likelihood ratios are also characterized by bounds on the probability that data will produce a “misleading” likelihood ratio value, i.e., one that supports not-H even though H is true (Royall, 1997). Thus, it is possible to state, e.g., “There is less than a 95% probability of observing a likelihood ratio as large as the one we observed in favor of H if not-H were true.”

More subtle issues with inferential validation The above recipe for the inferential validation of a forensic test is often replaced in practice by a simulacrum in which an error rate is estimated by leave-one-out or similar cross-validation methods, but there is little consideration of how the learning set is constructed. In this section, I discuss some reasons why this simulacrum of validation can provide misleading conclusions and therefore is vulnerable to criticism in a forensic context. In the previous sections, I pointed out two common problems with the formulation of forensic testsdfailure to generate a good hypothesis and failure to identify the notional population for which the test is relevant. These two issues are interrelated in the following

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

More subtle issues with inferential validation

way: often hypothesis generation is limited simply by our ability to imagine a complete set of alternative hypotheses, i.e., possible explanations for observed evidence. This is often associated with the “not-H” hypothesis where there are lots of ways to be “not-H” but only one way to be “H”. Failure to recognize the full range of possible explanations is tantamount to neglecting some part of the relevant population. This neglect can influence conclusions and error rate estimates in a number of subtle ways. For example, when the relevant population is imaginary, one often does not know how to describe important details about its structure. This issue arose for proposed tests for “same batch” or “same process” based on compositional or isotopic similarities of two samples (Velsko et al., 2011). Here, the population depends on the number of laboratories that are potentially able to make the bioagent of interest, but this number is unknown. This restricts the types of hypotheses that can be tested by comparing sample composition. It is possible to validate the test for whether two samples were made in the same or different batches in the same laboratory but not whether they came from different laboratories. At best, one can assert that the similarity in composition provides two different likelihood ratios supporting the “same batch” or “same process” hypotheses, one that applies to the case where there are many possible laboratories and the other to the case that there is only one possible laboratory. Another population issue arises when databases or archives are used as surrogates for a population sample. When a database or archive is exhaustive, i.e., attempts to capture every member of the population, it can be the perfect frame for sampling. However, most collections are incomplete, and many cannot be considered random samples of what exists “in nature.” This difficulty is illustrated in recent work on identifying the origin of genetically engineered bacteria (Nielsen and Voigt, 2018). This chapter describes a machine learning approach to


attributing a genetically engineered sequence to a laboratory of origin by comparing a questioned sequence with plasmid sequences produced by laboratories that perform bacterial genetic engineering. The relevant population is, presumably, all plasmids produced by all the laboratories that perform this kind of genetic engineering, but for validation, the test developers have only public or commercial databases of plasmids that have been voluntarily contributed. In general, archives and databasesdand any learning sets derived from themdare either “convenience samples” or “representative samples.” The former are nonexhaustive collections that were not demonstrably generated by a random sampling process. This usually means that there are identifiable population members that did not have the same chance of being selected as those in the database. Representative databases or archives are collections aimed at capturing diversity, i.e., that cover the representative subtypes that the population might exhibit but do not include them in the proportions found in nature. In some sense, such collections provide equal probability of selection to subclasses, not individual units. Test developers should be particularly wary of using “representative” learning sets for validation. Validation on a “representative” set (say one that reflects the range of the underlying distribution rather than the distribution itself) is not the same as validation on a randomly sampled set. For example, consider a scenario where a particular dry bacterial growth medium is found in an otherwise unlabeled container in a makeshift lab during an investigation. A larger container of the same medium is found in the trunk of a suspect’s car. Consider a test whose purpose is to show that the unlabeled container is a subsample of the larger container by comparing trace element composition. The population is all commercial units (jars, drums) of that medium produced by all commercial suppliers that manufacture it. Validation on a learning set composed of equal numbers of units

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from all suppliers will not reflect the true error rate if each manufacturer makes and distributes different numbers of units per year. In general, it is much easier to differentiate samples from a “representative” set, making the test appear to have greater discrimination power than can be justified. A convincing visual illustration of the difference between “representative” and sampled sets is contained in Tenenbaum and Griffiths (2001). Whether the relevant population is virtual or real, it is ultimately defined by the types of variation one could expect among real samples. For example, for tests intended to decide questions about how an agent was manufactured, variation of relevant characteristics may be caused by the exact method of growth and production, the exact source of materials used in the production process, and the temperature and humidity conditions under which an agent might have been stored before dissemination. For a method to be applicable to a questioned sample for which factors such as these are not known, the set of samples used for validation must reflect an unbiased selection from a population in which those factors are allowed to vary over their naturally occurring ranges. Thus, as a prelude to any validation exercise, it is necessary to consider the possible factors that could affect the relationship between the measured quantities (features) and the hypothesis in question but cannot be controlled for and would not be known about a questioned sample. We will call these factors “covariates.” There are two kinds of problems associated with covariates. The first is that we fail to identify a relevant covariate and, unknown to us, our learning set and questioned sample are not exchangeable. Exchangeability is a requirement for inference from our learning set to a new individual from the original population (Lindley and Novick 1981). Legal evidence scholars have recently begun to scrutinize this issue (Faigman et al., 2014). If an opposing expert points out a covariate that has been missed, along with

evidence that the factor makes a difference, the evidence provided by the forensic test may appear weak, even if it is not clear what the covariate value is in the questioned sample. When the population is real, this problem is meliorated because a well-constructed learning set will contain exemplars of any covariate value with the same probability that they exist in the population. Thus, only small learning sets, or very rarely occurring exemplars, are of concern. On the other hand, if the population is imaginary, and our learning set is generated by drawing random samples of process parameters, a neglected covariate could clearly lead to bias. The second problem occurs when we are aware that a certain covariate can causes very different error rates when the test is applied to subpopulations of the training set defined by different values of that covariate, but it is not possible to ascertain what the value of the covariate is in the questioned sample. An example of this occurred in an effort to develop a forensic test to determine whether two bioagent samples came from the same original batch of material using elemental composition data (Velsko et al., 2011). It was observed that certain samples from the learning set had very similar compositions even though they had been made by different laboratories. These samples had been made by a process that was much more strictly defined than other processes in the frame because it was intended for vaccine production. It seemed reasonable that samples generated by this process were much more likely to look as if they came from a common batch of material than samples made by more loosely defined processes. It was not clear that one would always be able to tell if questioned samples had been made by this vaccine process or not. Under this circumstance, one could only assert that the probability that two samples were drawn from the same batch of material could be one of two values, one assuming it was made by the vaccine process and using only training samples made by this process to train the classifier and the

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

More subtle issues with inferential validation

other assuming it was not and training the classifier on samples made by other processes. Covariate effects are often referred to as “reference class” problems and are generally acknowledged to be one of the more nonintuitive areas of applied statistics (Lindley and Novick, 1981). In the example above, it is possible that the opposite conclusions could be drawn about the “same batch” hypothesis depending on whether one assumes that the questioned samples were made by the vaccine process or not. A less intuitive, but well-studied, problem is where learning sets representing two subpopulations corresponding to a binary valued covariate (e.g., vaccine process or not) lead to the same conclusion about a questioned sample, but the combined learning set (representing the entire population) leads to the opposite conclusion. This circumstance is known as a “Simpson reversal” or “Simpson’s paradox” and occurs for about 1 out of 60 data sets, according to the statistical analysis of Pavlides and Perlman (2009). This may be taken to imply that there is a sort of “built-in error rate” for a sample whose subpopulation membership is not known and where a covariate-undifferentiated learning set is used. Underlying the phenomena associated with covariate effects is the issue of conditional dependence. Conditional dependence between two items of evidence occurs when they both influence the truth of a hypothesis, but the truth of one affects the probability of the other. In the “same batch” test described above, the two evidence items are the observed compositional similarity of two samples and the fact of a vaccine process being used to generate them. Conditional dependence influences microbial forensic tests in several ways, including the way that results of two tests are combined and how tests that use multiple evidence items are validated (Velsko, 2013). For example, multilocus PCR assays are a mainstay of microbial forensic detection (Maurer, 2011). Are multiple PCR loci


independent pieces of evidence for the presence of a pathogen of interest? This will depend on whether the false positive and negative rates of the two separate assays arise from factors in common. Consider a case where contamination or the presence of PCR inhibitors can influence assays for two different signatures to a similar degree. If the two assays are run simultaneously in the same sample as a duplex, competitive effects may cause correlation between the positive or negative results for the two signatures. Finally, depending on the genomic location of the two signatures, the presence or absence of the two in background microbes could well be correlated. Hence, there are many plausible reasons to suspect that the diagnosticity of multilocus assays is influenced by conditional dependence. An example provided in Velsko (2013) shows how joint probabilities for a twolocus PCR assay extracted from a learning set containing positive and negative samples imply a 1000-fold reduction in diagnosticity compared with a prediction based on the assumption that the false positives and negatives of the two signatures are independent. Conditional dependence relations complicate rigorous validation, as discussed in Gustafson et al. (1969). In the domain of microbial forensics, this issue applies in particular to proposals to use Bayesian networkebased inference systems to extract detailed growth process information from multiple types of chemical and physical analyses on biological agents. For example, a 2008 study suggested the construction of a Bayesian network for combining various kinds of mass spectrometric data to infer the culture medium of B. anthracis samples (Jarman et al., 2008) Two such mass spectral techniques considered in this chapter were electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). In constructing the inference network, the authors invoked “the standard assumptions that any two child nodes [the probabilities of observing peak intensity values for ESI-MS and IRMS respectively] are

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conditionally independent of one another, given that we know the state of the parent node [representing the probability that agar has or has not been added].” An inferential model that invokes independence in this way requires empirical validation. To assess the possibility that this assumption may not hold, a minimum experiment would require creation of reference samples that are simultaneously subjected to ESI-MS and IRMS measurements so that joint probabilities of observing the ESI-MS and IRMS signatures can be estimated. When signatures are not defined to be dichotomous but have more possible states, the number of samples required to produce reasonable joint probability estimates increases rapidly. In general, assays that seek to answer a binary question, e.g., “was this sample made using agar or not?” are much simpler to validate than those that ask “how was this sample made?”

Validation issues with “expanded” forensic microbiology applications Because of the development and popularization of deep sequencing methods, there have been a variety of proposals for using microbiome metagenomic data for forensic applications. These include estimation of time of death, body fluid identification, human source identification, and geographical source identification of soil samples. These applications have been reviewed recently (Schmedes et al., 2016; Kuiper, 2016; Metcalf et al., 2017), and evidentiary issues that might arise in these applications have been discussed (Steussy et al., 2015). These authors often assert that validation of these new methods is desirable, but no description of what actually would constitute inferential validation is provided. In this section, I discuss these four applications and consider what sort of validation experiments would be necessary to establish

error rates or other statistical measures of uncertainty in the inferences they proffer.

Postmortem interval estimation Postmortem interval (PMI) or time of death determination using microbial metagenomic sequencing is based on the changes to the human bacterial community over time after an individual has died (Metcalf et al., 2016). The bacterial community relevant to PMI estimation has been called the “necrobiome” (Pechal et al., 2014). PMI determination is a parameter estimation technique, and the validation framework is somewhat different than the one described in this chapter. To validate any PMI estimation method, one would randomly draw from the general population a “training set” of human corpses whose time of death is known. The known time of death would be used to calibrate the changes in the chosen feature set by fitting fit to a predictive model. The empirical error rate for the chosen model is minimized by the fitting procedure (Hastie et al., 2009). For each sampled time interval, the values from the set of “training corpses” would be used to estimate the distribution of predicted times of death from the fitted prediction model, and from this a prediction interval is derived (Shrestha and Solomatine 2006). For a PMI technique that is calibrated this way, an expert can testify that, for example, “I am 95% certain that death occurred between 48 and 55 h ago.” Because it is usually difficult to assemble training sets with large numbers of exemplars, PMI determinations almost always have wide confidence intervals. Validation (or, strictly, calibration) of all PMI techniques is bedeviled by covariate effects, especially temperature and humidity, which have a strong effect on most biological processes and may vary significantly during the PMI in actual cases. Therefore, the parametric effects of temperature and other possible covariates have to be considered to produce a useful calibration.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


Validation issues with “expanded” forensic microbiology applications

When the temperature is known to have varied during the time after death, application of a calibrated model becomes more complicated, and direct validation of estimated confidence interval may not be possible. In all of these respects, validation (calibration) for bacterial community PMI estimation methods is no different than those required for other methods of estimating time of death.

TABLE 24.1


Using microbial community analysis for the identification of specific body fluids such as saliva, fecal, or vaginal fluid from crime scene stains depends on the observation that the presence or abundances of certain species may be unique to a body fluid or tissue. Giampaoli et al. demonstrated the concept for identifying vaginal fluid (Giampaoli et al., 2012), and a number of similar papers have appeared subsequently (Giampaoli et al., 2017; Jung et al., 2018; Hanssen et al., 2018). These papers demonstrate that it is possible to devise forensic tests that can distinguish between different microbial communities collected from different body fluids, but error rates determined over a large unbiased population of realistic samples have not been reported. Validating forensic tests for tissue identification based on microbial community analysis seems straightforward as a “learning set” of clinical tissue samples can be assembled as a draw from a frame of human subjects. An example of this is the paper by Hannsen et al., who used the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) and other data sets to validate a tissue identification test, using a procedure very close to the canonical validation protocol outlined in this chapter. Table 24.1 shows data extracted from Hanssen et al. along with the derived empirical error rate pemp and the upper limit error rate that can be asserted with 95% confidence. The HMP samples are very similar to clean clinical samples, although they may not be close

Empirical # errors





















Vaginal a

Body fluid identification


Error rate for fluid identification estimated from Hanssen et al., (2018), Fig. 24.1, V1eV3 region.

With 95% confidence that the error rate is less than Err95.

to a random draw from the general human population (see discussion in the next section). Moreover, the true population of possible case samples is more complex, involving different levels of environmental contamination and potential mixing of stain sources. Archival case samples where the fluid has been identified with high confidence by circumstance or through immunological tests may provide a more reasonable population for validation. Possible covariates effecting error rate are subpopulation, cultural, or dietary, and efforts to characterize this technique in non-Western populations has begun (Zou et al., 2016). A somewhat more difficult test to validate would be one that attempts to differentiate between a fecal stain or soil based on metagenomics as suggested by Kuiper (2016). The “population” of soil smear exemplars must include soils that are contaminated with feces from sewage or open defecation, in proportion to the frequency they would be expected to occur in case samples. It is difficult to see how to formulate a proper frame for sampling. It is likely that additional evidence such as the presence of mineral grains would be necessary to preclude this possibility for a test that is validated on a less representative population.

Human source attribution Two potential uses of microbial metagenomic data are determining if a certain person handled an item such as a cell phone or weapon and

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24. Inferential validation and evidence interpretation

determining if two items were handled or touched by a common person. The former application has been referred to (Fierer et al., 2010) as a method of “forensic identification, matching the bacteria on the object to the skin-associated bacteria of the individual who touched the object.” This application of metagenomics involves inferences that are based on comparisons between questioned and reference samples or, more precisely, the degree of sample similarity. As Fierer asserts, “surfaces that are touched can be effectively linked to individuals by assessing the degree of similarity between the bacterial communities on the object and the skin of the individual who touched the object.” Moreover, it has been speculated that individuals might possess unique microbial “fingerprints” that distinguish them from the population (Franzosa et al., 2015). There is a danger that terminology such as “matching,” “uniqueness,” and “microbial fingerprints” applied to metagenomic data interpretation might cause the layperson to erroneously assign comparisons of microbial communities the same probative weight as human DNA matches. There are key differences, of course. For example, unlike human DNA, time is a significant covariate that can reduce the degree of similarity and makes permanent databases much less useful. Moreover, even if pristine clinical samples from the same person have high degrees of similarity, samples from touched objects may be modified by preexisting microbial residues, contact by other persons postsuspect, and transient changes to the suspect’s hand community at the time of contact due to hand washing or hand shaking (Fierer et al., 2008). In this sense, microbial community evidence is like latent fingerprintsdclinical samples may be highly unique, but a sample from an object may be a very distorted representation of the source microbiome. Also, similar to fingerprints, as there are no data-generating models for community structure like the product rule for human DNA, direct validation from

examples is necessary. A number of demonstrations have established that metagenomic similarity does have some probative value for identifying human sources, but no rigorous validation exercise capable of establishing a practical error rate or any other statistical measure of uncertainty has yet been published. The intuition that more similar pairs of samples are more likely to have a common source is prevalent in forensics, forming the basis for many sample-matching techniques. For metagenomic comparisons, several different measures of metagenomic similarity have been adopted, including phylogenetic distancee based metrics such as UniFrac (Lozupone and Knight, 2015), compositional similarity indices such as the BrayeCurtis distance (Shade et al., 2014), and comparison metrics based on coding schemes (Franzosa et al., 2015). A study by Fierer compared UniFrac distances between the communities sampled by swabs from computer mice and hands. No explicit error rate was asserted, but from Fierer’s Fig. 4 (mice F8, M2, and M8), it is probable that errors in assigning a mouse to a hand do occur at a nonzero rate (Fierer et al., 2010). Lax, based on data from only two persons (but many shoe and phone samples taken over time), reported error rates in the range 1%e10% (Lax et al., 2015). Franzosa and coworkers compared clinical-like samples archived by HMP using a coding scheme designed to maximize code differences among the 242 subjects (Franzosaa et al., 2015). They estimated the error rate for the coding approach to be roughly 1/300; however, it is not clear that this method is scalable to larger data sets due to its computational cost. Schmedes et al. (2017, 2018) constructed a set of clade-specific markers and demonstrated that they could provide various degrees of discrimination among clinical (swab) samples obtained from different persons and different body regions. These authors properly caution about extrapolating from results obtained on a relatively small convenience

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Validation issues with “expanded” forensic microbiology applications

sample of persons to the population at large (Schmedes et al., 2018). In addition to small sample sizes, there are questions about covariate effects in available bacterial metagenomic data sets. A study by Chen et al. (2016) indicates that microbial diversity in the gut microbiome is correlated with race, with nonwhite subjects having lower species number and lower UniFrac measures of diversity than white subjects. It is possible that the ability to differentiate subjects within various subpopulation groups would be different, and an error rate determined on a training set containing data from primarily white subjects would exaggerate the accuracy of the test on nonwhite subjects. A significant observation was reported by Song and coworkers, who studied the fecal, oral, and skin microbiomes of cohabiting family members and found that the microbial communities of cohabiting persons are more similar to each other than to persons living in different households (Song et al., 2013). If closely interacting groups share similar microbiomes, then one would expect that an observed similarity between the microbial communities on a person and an object also presumptively implicates anyone in a “contact group” with that person. This applies to cohabiting family members but may also apply to unrelated people who work or live together in close contact such as criminal gangs, drug users, or other social groups. Investigators may not always be able to identify and test all people in the same contact group. The similarity between this situation and that of viral transmission between people suggests that a network framework for inferences might be appropriate, similar to the one introduced by Velsko (2013). Validation of network inference methods for metagenomic comparisons would require two distinct steps, one that establishes the probability of having a certain microbial community similarity (say using a distance measure such as UniFrac) between any two nodes having a given contact linkage and one


that establishes the probability that two network nodes (say the hands of persons in the human population) are linked by contact with each other or with common objects. Learning sets for this framework consist of samples from people known to be related by specific social interactions with direct and indirect social distances. A variety of types of contact relationships can be defined, for example, “works with,” “cohabits with,” “shares drug paraphernalia with,” and so forth. This defines a local contact network for microbial crosstransmission events that will cause similarities in community structure and content among persons in this network. These exemplars can be used to establish the probability that two metagenomes related by M transmission steps will exhibit a metagenomic distance d and the probability that any two persons in the network have a contact distance of M steps. There are, of course, possible complications to this framework. For example, contact network structure could exhibit significant differences due to covariates such as subpopulation or social group (e.g., family size) However, this can be anticipated in planning of the validation exercise. A more important issue is whether contact relationships within a “learning set” can be determined accurately; assessed family and work relationships are probably most reliable, but other social contacts may be more difficult to detect or verify from voluntary information. On the other hand, studies of transmission of pathogens among humans have indicated that predictions of the framework are not very sensitive to the precise transmission network, so approximate networks may be tolerable for metagenomic transmission inference as well. Another important issue is whether likelihood functions relating contact distance M to metagenomic distance d can be determined with sufficient accuracy for larger values of M. For pathogen transmission, where pathogen genome mutations are governed by Markov chain statistics, it is sufficient to determine the distribution

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24. Inferential validation and evidence interpretation

for M ¼ 1. There is no reason to believe that this kind of simplification applies to metagenomic community structure and the associated distance metric. On the other hand, empirically determined simplifications might be present if distance metric distributions become independent of M for larger M.

Inferences about geolocation Forensic geolocation refers to the use of trace material associated with soildpollen, mineral grains, microfossils, plant matter, or anthropogenic particulatesdto assign a geographical provenance to an object found to contain traces of soil (Stoney et al., 2011). This methodology has had a long history of application to criminal forensics where it has been practiced under the designations of forensic palynology (Bryant and Jones, 2006) and forensic geology (Ruffell and McKinley, 2008). Several authors have suggested that the metagenomic content of soil samples might also be useful as an indicator of provenance in such contexts. Examples include using residues on shoe soles to ascertain that a person has visited a certain location (Lax et al., 2015) or dirt found on a shovel to implicate it in the digging of a hole (Demaneche et al., 2016). Advocates of forensic geolocation have posed two distinct applications that can be designated location prediction and location association. In location prediction problems, soil residues obtained from a suspect (or object belonging to the suspect) are used to infer their geographic location of origin by using previously mapped soil properties (Pirrie et al., 2017). By inference, the location predictions provide an investigative lead that the suspect spent time in a certain geographical location. An excellent example of a study design for location prediction is provided by Damaso et al. (2018). They built a learning set of 1332 soil samples from partially randomized locations (they were constrained to use public land) in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Each

sample could be labeled with soil type (from previous independent mapping), transect (up to four per soil type, usually restricted to undisturbed land), and subplot (six randomly selected 1 m2 areas from within the transect area). Genomic data were generated from extracted DNA by binning taxa-related amplicons generated by length heterogeneity PCR. They randomly partitioned the total sample set into a learning set (2/3 of the samples) and a test set (the remaining 1/3) and applied various machine learning algorithms. Estimated error rates for label prediction were evaluated on the test sets. The best algorithm could predict the subplot with an error rate of around 33%. Much lower error rates were obtained for predicting soil type and transect. One of the important covariates noted by Damaso et al. was whether the soil had been disturbed by human activity. This factor reduced the correlation between the physical distance between samples and the degree of metagenomic dissimilarity. Location prediction tests ask the question “what location did the questioned sample come from?” In location association problems, the question is whether two samples have a common location of origin. Typically, this kind of test is used to associate a suspect (or object) with a specific known location by comparing soil traces found on the suspect with soils present at the known location. Location association is a type of sample matching problem in which the weight of evidence depends critically on the degree to which material features of a geographically unique character are present in the soil at the location of interest. At least one publication describes an application of this kind of forensic test utilizing metagenomic comparisons in an actual court case (Concheri et al., 2011). The reasoning supporting the probative value of the test closely followed that used in HIV cases (Metzker et al., 2002). The metagenomic similarity between soil obtained from the suspect’s vehicle and soil at the

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


Concluding remarks

crime scene was compared with the degree of similarity of the vehicle soil to a series of reference samples taken at locations progressively farther from the crime scene. The greater similarity of the vehicle soil to soils closer to the crime scene was taken to support the hypothesis that the suspect spent time at the crime scene. The publication does not discuss the potential error rate of this test, i.e., how likely was it that two soil samples from different sites could be as similar as a pair from the same site. A validation exercise to support an errorbound determination for a location association test might be constructed along the following lines. First, the universe of relevant soil samples needs to be delimited in a defensible way, to make sampling manageable. The plausible travel habits of the suspect and his vehicle may provide one limit on the relevant population of soil samples. Covariate factors could be used as well. For example, sampling regions could be restricted to those with similar chemical and physical soil characteristics to the crime scene. Next, the crime scene subregion must be defined. This must be small enough that concluding that a questioned soil sample comes from the same subregion as the crime scene soil sample will convincingly place the suspect at the crime scene. (Testifying that two soil samples come from the same 10 square kilometer region is unlikely to be very probative, while testifying that they come from the same 10 m square subregion is.) The resulting total relevant land area would then be partitioned into nonoverlapping subregions whose area is roughly defined by the extent of the crime scene subregion. The sampling frame for building the learning set consists of all soil samples that could be collected from every subregion. A learning set is assembled by randomly choosing subregions and collecting at least two samples from each of them. Let R be the hypothesis that two samples come from a common subregion and not-R be the hypothesis that they originate from different subregions. Let d be the metagenomic distance

between any two samples in the learning set. The test is defined by the value d0, which minimizes the error rate P(d>d0, R) þ P(d  d0, notR), or any other type of decision boundary that minimizes the empirical error. Published studies concerned with this application have used sample sets that are much too small and much too arbitrary to establish error bounds. For example, Khodakova et al. studied the ability of various metagenomic sequencing protocols to discriminate among six soil samples: triplicate samples obtained in a 1-m diameter region for two regions separated by 3 km. They correctly suggest that “[b]y increasing the amount of samples analyzed from each location and also by increasing the number of distinct geographical locations it will become possible to train algorithms that can then be used for comparison to unknown soil samples obtained as part of criminal investigations” (Khodakova et al., 2014). In a mock crime scene exercise, Demaneche and collaborators examined samples from a crime scene, a nearby site, and a more remote “alibi site.” A total of five soil samples run in duplicate or triplicate aliquots. This activity was part of a larger study that included soil analysis with chemical and physical methods. In both these studies, samples from more remote locations were easily distinguished, and the empirical error rate was, in effect, zero. However, the very small number of samples would rigorously only support very large error bound estimates, making them useless as evidence. So while these studies certainly support the notion that the metagenomic similarity of soils taken at locations farther apart diminishes with distance on average, they are inadequate to establish an error rate.

Concluding remarks Many research papers in microbial forensics employ inferential standards appropriate for exploratory research and development but are

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24. Inferential validation and evidence interpretation

not rigorous enough to underpin inferences or conclusions that could resist challenges in court by experts in statistical inference. This also applies to studies using modern computational machine learning algorithms, when inadequate attention is given to the analysis of population and sampling frame. A preexisting database, no matter how extensive, is not necessarily a foundation for valid statistical inference in forensics, even though it may serve to compare the performance of algorithms or support speculative science.

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Further reading Bax, E., Weng, L., Tian, X., 2014. Validation of K-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Using Inclusion and Exclusion, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY? Hacking, I., Romeijn, J., 2016. Logic of Statistical Inference. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Hale, W.B., Van der Woude, M.W., Low, D.A., 1994. Analysis of nonmethylated GATC sites in the Escherichia coli chromosome and identifiction of sites that are differentially methylated in response to environmental stimuli. J. Bacteriol. 176 (11), 3438e3441.

Kreuzer-Martin, H.W., Jarman, K.H., 2007. Stable isotope ratios and forensic analysis of microorganisms. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73 (12), 3896e3908. Rasko, D.A., Worsham, P.L., Abshire, T.G., et al., 2011. Bacillus anthracis comparative genome analysis in support of the Amerithrax investigation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 108 (2), 5027e5032. Yang, J., Yang, F., Ren, L., et al., 2011. Unbiased parallel detection of viral pathogens in clinical samples by use of a metagenomic approach. J. Clin. Microbiol. 49 (10), 3463e3469.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


25 Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics Paul Keim1, Talima Pearson1, Bruce Budowle2, Mark Wilson3, David M. Wagner1 1


The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States; Center for Human Identification, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States; 3MRW Analytics, LLC, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

Introduction and background Genetic analysis created a revolution in the field of forensics, and its application to microbial forensics will be a major part of many investigations involving a biothreat agent. The utility and importance of genetic analysis is not surprising, given that genomes contain extensive and varied information content that can be exploited to precisely characterize and identify biological evidentiary material and support other investigative efforts. In human forensic DNA analysis, molecular biology tools have become incredibly powerful due to their greater sensitivity of detection and especially due to a better understanding of human biology, the human genome, and, most critically, human population-level genetics. One of the early scientific and, later, legal challenges to “DNA fingerprinting” was the lack of high-quality human population genetic data on the forensically relevant genetic markers.

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00025-8

Over the last three decades, these data have been generated and represent an invaluable resource to forensic analyses as they are a point of reference against which forensic DNA profiles can be considered for weighing the significance of an observation. In contrast to the large-scale effort dedicated to generating human population data on forensically relevant genetic markers, generating, collecting, and accurately analyzing population genetic data represents a challenge for microbial forensics. Each pathogen has a unique biology and population genetic structure, and there is no widespread multiple laboratory effort contributing to such studies. Genetic and genomic analyses of forensic evidence can only be properly interpreted in the context of a specific pathogen’s population genetic structure, diversity, and reproductive mechanisms. Genetic and genomic analyses should lead to quantitative similarity data where evidentiary materials may “match,” “nearly


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25. Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics

match,” or “exclude,”dwhich represents just three points along a nondiscrete continuum of possibilities. Additionally, the evidence may be inconclusive such that there is insufficient data to render a conclusion about the relationship (or degree thereof) of the evidence to a reference sample(s). The significance of a genetic/genomic similarity measurement cannot be assessed without an understanding of a pathogen’s population genetic structure. Clearly, a historical and epidemiological context can add resolution but often these data are limited (particularly the manipulations that might have selected for genetic variants of the biothreat agent, which is often unknown to the microbial forensic scientist). As mode of replication (e.g., clonal) has such a large bearing on population structure, the genetic markers analyzed, statistical significance, and confidence of the estimation will be highly dependent on each pathogen’s mode of genetic inheritance. The analysis methods can be broadly defined as either “phylogenetic” or “statistical” (statistical methods are frequently based on genetic distance metrics) and should be selected based on modeling/analysis of empirical data collected from studying each particular pathogen. For example, some pathogens, such as HIV, have high rates of mutation and recombination, making an exact genotypic match unlikely. When evidentiary samples do not exactly match, relatedness can still be ascertained with empirically or theoretically derived statistical levels of confidence. Conversely, in populations with little diversity, exact genotypic “matches” may be common, decreasing the ability to attribute the particular source of the sample. Hence, the likelihood of sample attribution in bacterial pathogens is directly linked to fundamental biological characteristics of the species and/or source populations. With regard to match probabilities, replication (inheritance) mode is a critical intrinsic biological characteristic of a source population. Some bacteria replicate exclusively in a clonal fashion with no recombination between lineages.

As a result, differences between strains and isolates are driven by mutational and selection/drift processes with no mixing of preexisting genetic variation. Many species of bacteria, however, are known to undergo horizontal (i.e., lateral) transfer of genetic material. Horizontal gene transfer creates new multilocus genotypes by inserting new exogenous genetic variation within a genome that was acquired via the mechanisms of transformation, transduction, or conjugation. The contrast in these two reproductive modalities is similar to the differences observed in human genetics, where the mitochondrial genome and much of the Y-chromosome are clonally propagated, whereas the remaining nuclear genome is not. The autosomal, the X (mostly in females), and part of the Y chromosomes undergo frequent meiotic recombination that generates novel genotypes with every new human generation. The rate of this recombination is somewhat predictable and is the basis for Mendelian genetics and genetic mapping. In bacterial populations, recombination rules and frequency are less predictable. As a result, the effect of recombination on population structure will vary greatly, even within a single species. In contrast, the evolutionary rules associated with clonality are simple and well characterized, providing for more robust population genetic analyses. Hence, careful characterization of the relevant bacterial populations is desirable for microbial forensics and should lead to an understanding of their replication mode and ultimately dictate the appropriate analytical approach for calculating a match, phylogenetic inclusion, or similarity statistics and the degree of confidence/uncertainty in the result. Population genetic analysis of bacterial pathogens necessarily involves discovery of markers for differentiating among isolates. Traditionally, microbiologists used phenotypes (e.g., fermentation of sugars) or serological differentiation to discriminate among bacterial strains. Fortunately, the capacity to differentiate among

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Introduction and background

bacteria has been continually refined for more than a century. Phenotypic differences such as colony morphology, microscopic characteristics, and metabolic capabilities were usually sufficient for identifying new genera and species. Otherwise identical isolates could be differentiated immunologically, as different “strains” of bacteria had distinguishing antigens that could be identified with antibodies. The precise identification of bacterial pathogens was also essential for understanding disease outbreaks, the identification of cases and correlating them with a common sourcedthe basis of modern molecular epidemiology. However, phenotypic methods do not have the discrimination power to individualize isolates at the level desired for forensic attribution. Subtyping within a bacterial species for public health purposes segues into precise genotyping of bacterial genera, species, subspecies, strains, and, finally, individual isolates for forensic attribution. Population genetic analyses of bacteria became more robust and widespread with the advent of DNA-based methods. This revolution included many different approaches that have seemed to continually change over the last three decades, almost to the point of the absurd (Achtman, 1996). These rapidly changing innovations all used molecular technologies to detect underlying genomic sequence differences. The plethora of approaches has led not only to increased data generation but also to greater confusion as to their relative usefulness, strengths, and limitations. The lack of data uniformity across technologies resulted in many private databases that provided limited utility among researchers. Consequently, independent validation of these population genetic data was lacking. There were, however, some successes, including the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) (Maiden et al., 1998), and pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) separation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms. MLST and PFGE provided sufficient resolution to perform


population-level genetic analysis, but 16S gene comparisons did not. Large publicly available databases were established, bringing bacterial population genetics into the scientific mainstream and the public health arena. The resolution and quality of these methods and databases, however, are not sufficient for use by the forensic community where higher evidentiary standards and deeper resolution are essential for attribution. Inspired by the use of short tandem repeat (STR) loci for human forensics and the observation that bacterial genomes also have hypervariable loci (Andersen et al., 1996), high-resolution subtyping systems were developed for strain identification of bacterial pathogens (Keim et al., 1999, 2000; Klevytska et al., 2001). In the bacterial research community, these hypervariable loci were referred to as variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci. They proved to be multiallelic and to have relatively high mutational rates mediated by an insertion/deletion mechanism (see Vogler et al., 2006, for an experimental demonstration of this phenomenon). Similar to STRs, VNTR alleles were easily assayed by PCR amplification and electrophoretic separation of the amplicons based on variation in the number of repeats contained within an allele. Multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) increased the potential to detect allelic differences while decreasing the probability for identical MLVA genotypes due to convergent evolution at a single locus. MLVA systems have been developed for many common pathogens (Vergnaud and Pourcel, 2009) making this tool available for forensic analysis of many bacteria. Whole genome sequencing technologies have become widely available and inexpensive, providing the opportunity to detect differences across entire genomes. Some new whole genome sequencing technologies are best used for assaying some types of loci (e.g., SNPs), while others are better for surveying other regions of a genome (VNTRs). When these technologies first

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25. Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics

became available, sequencing was expensive and thus less practical for routine genotyping of a large number of isolates. As such, whole genome databases were quite small, making attribution statistics difficult to calculate with a high degree of confidence. Over the last decade, however, costs have steadily decreased and multiple genomes from the same species have populated online databases. By the end of 2017, more than 10 high-quality genomes in the GenBank database were available for 253 bacterial species (Microbiologyresearch). This growing database will be indispensable for our understanding of the biogeography, phylogenetics, population structure, and patterns of genomic change and will remain essential for forensic microbiology. With such knowledge, natural infections caused by a pathogen might be distinguished from those resulting from a nefarious act, the source population can more accurately be estimated, and quantitative values can be placed on the level of relatedness between samples.

A microbial forensic paradigm Based on the anthrax-letter attack investigation and our understanding of pathogen population genetics, we have devised a scheme for a microbial forensic response to a biological attack (Fig. 25.1). This multistep flow chart is independent of specific genotyping methods but starts with the assumptions that attack material (e.g., spores) can be obtained by investigators and genetic data can be generated. This approach is applicable to data from a wide variety of genotyping methods, from the high levels of genetic resolution obtained from whole genome sequencing to low resolution PFGE or MLST analysis of evidentiary material. Importantly, this model allows for multiple genotyping methods and technologies to be utilized to increase resolution and further refine the relevant reference population. The “attack material” genotype(s) could then be compared with other evidentiary material (e.g., from a suspect’s home or laboratory), which would result in a

FIGURE 25.1 Population geneticsebased confidence estimation for microbial forensics. In this schema, a logical sequence of genetic analysis activities is presented that will follow a biological agentebased criminal event. Inevitably, there will be a comparison of genotypic data to determine if crime scene sample(s) match other evidence in the case (e.g., from a suspect’s home or to a database). The genotypes may or may not match or may have different degrees of similarity. It is critical that these comparisons be quantitative and supported with confidence estimates based on statistical or probabilistic analysis, whenever possible.

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A microbial forensic paradigm

match, exclusion, or, perhaps, a similar genotype that is less than an exact match, or be uninformative. The significance associated with each of these possible results requires population genetic data, regardless of the methodology or genetic resolution.

Step 1davailability of population genetic data Forensic investigators will doubtlessly employ the best and most applicable genotyping technology and, as an investigation progresses, these methodologies may be improved on. In the case of the anthrax-letter attacks, the initial genotyping system was the 8-marker MLVA system that had been developed in a university research lab and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals (Keim et al., 1999, 2000). Publication of this study made the work widely known and facilitated technology transfer to a US Government laboratory at the CDC, which independently verified genotyping results in a relatively rapid manner during the investigation (Hoffmaster et al., 2002). The MLVA method was capable of resolving many samples and, not surprisingly, there were still many independent isolates that were identical. The second and higher resolution approach was to generate a whole-genome sequence using Sanger shotgun sequencing. This approach has the potential to differentiate any two isolates, even if they were very closely related and contingent that they harbored at least one genetic difference. But whole-genome sequencing was expensive and only one other partial genome sequence was available in early 2002, making the database of whole-genome sequences for Bacillus anthracis very small indeed. In contrast, the MLVA8 database was relatively expansive as this system had previously been applied to a large number of isolates (w500). In this example, the MLV8 genotyping data could be used to address a range of hypotheses, whereas addressing

hypotheses generated from sequences was very limited.


Step 2dpopulation genetic database development Population genetic database development involves generating genotypic data from a number of isolates. A larger number of isolates allow for more questions to be addressed and for greater confidence in interpreting any results. However, the total number of genotypes in a database can be very misleading due to selection biases that are likely. Thus, there will be redundancy in isolates that will not necessarily reflect the diversity of the microorganism as it applies to the case or a geographic location. The relevance of a database can be reduced if there is a lack of high quality metadata associated with entries. While a database may be perceived to be of high quality, its utility or application may not be known until a particular hypothesis is being addressed. For example, a database with a large proportion of isolates from North America may be adequate for addressing hypotheses regarding likely origins in North America but may be inadequate for addressing similar hypotheses on a global scale. Indeed, the anthrax-letter attack was unique, in that the diversity of the Ames strain was best determined by the samples collected from laboratories (because the Ames strain is rare in nature but is common in some laboratories). Most future cases will likely require different sampling strategies to develop relevant population datasets. In general, compiling data from a geographically and genotypically diverse set of isolates a priori is an important step for developing attribution capabilities for a bioterrorist event. Following an event, generation of additional population genetic data will be greatly dependent on the questions posed and the availability of strain collections. Archival collections from public health, academic, and/or private labs, as

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25. Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics

well as direct sampling of pathogen populations, may be needed. Subsequent genotyping efforts should be carried out with high quality standards. Genotyping errors in databases could lead to inflated diversity estimates and misinterpretation of forensic data. In an ideal situation, the population genetic database should be constructed at the same quality standards as the actual evidentiary analysis. (However, this is unlikely with the current infrastructure and approaches to microbial forensics.) If no population genetic studies are available, it is essential that a study be performed before any conclusions are made concerning the evidence. Although a large and comprehensive genetic database is the theoretical goal, this may not be possible, especially before an unanticipated biocrime or bioterrorism event.

be calculated within the context of an appropriate reference population. A simple hypothesis used in the anthrax-letter case might have involved the similarity of all B. anthracis Ames strain isolates. Given that all the “environmental” B. anthracis Ames strain isolates from the postal system genotypically “matched” the isolates from the victims and the letters, we could hypothesize that these were all part of the same criminal event and from the same source. A population genetic database would add support that would favor this hypothesis if there were no additional known natural isolates with the same genotype. In contrast, the hypothesis would be less supported if there were numerous (unrelated or unassociated) isolates in the database with the same genotype and may support an alternative hypothesis that they were from different sources.

Step 3ddefinition of specific hypotheses Depending on the specifics of a case, hypotheses can be formulated concerning the evidence. With even a rudimentary population genetic database in hand, it is possible to address specific genetically based attribution hypotheses and alternatives for investigation leads. For example, these propositions could include, among others, (a) if the evidentiary genotype matches a source, then its match probability vs. that of alternate sources can be calculated and compared. The comparison could be expressed as an odds ratio of these individual probability estimates to assess the likelihood of each source; (b) If evidentiary samples have genotypes matching each other but nothing else, the interpretation could lead to a further definition of the source. However, attribution to a specific source would not be possible in this case; and, (c) evidentiary samples having a near-match to other evidence would have to be assessed relative to nonevidentiary material to determine if the near-match is significant. Thus, the probabilities of each of these hypothetical examples will

Step 4dhypothesis testing needs to be done in the context of a relevant reference population It is important to recognize that the relevant reference population likely will not contain all of the available data in a database. Indeed, probabilities of observing the evidence for the hypotheses are highly dependent on the reference population which may include all or perhaps just a portion of the total genetic data available. The uniqueness of genotype profiles could be tested globally, regionally, or even locally. Doubtlessly, any hypothesis would necessarily include an assessment of all (known or available) genetic diversity within the entire species, initially. However, if the hypotheses involve sources in the same geographic region, such as New Mexico, the relevant population may be New Mexican isolates (Colman et al., 2009). The global diversity is of secondary importance to this particular set of hypotheses and may not be the basis for confidence

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

A microbial forensic paradigm

estimation. Inclusion of African isolates, for example, might inflate the rarity of a New Mexican genotype even though the hypotheses being tested are based solely in New Mexico. This does not rule out the relevance of nonNew Mexico strains especially vis- a-vis other hypotheses that may have a more global context or provide some inference about the diversity of the species. In the anthrax-letter investigation, the relevant population varied with particular hypotheses or questions. For example, additional sampling was carried out near the geographic origin of the Ames strain (Kenefic et al., 2008) to develop a relevant population to use to test for the Ames strain’s natural variation. Additional natural isolates were obtained but could be distinguished from the laboratory strain with whole genomeebased SNP analysis. This was not the case for isolates obtained from different laboratories, particularly because all laboratory isolates were derived from a 1981 isolate. In this case, the investigation returned to Step 2 to further expand on existing genetic population databases not by adding more isolates but by developing new genetic markers that could distinguish subpopulations that were identified from morphological variants within individual cultures (see Keim et al., 2010). Thus, for a particular hypothesis, the relevant populations differed from the clinical and laboratory isolates of the Ames strain to address the relatedness of evidentiary samples, to isolates collected from the natural environment to determine the natural variation of the Ames strain. In the Amerithrax investigation of a laboratory source, the collection of all lab samples/ isolates did in fact result in a highly representative genetic database, with nearly all US Ames cultures represented (or at least the dataset was fairly representative).

Step 5ddefine the replication mode Probability estimates will be calculated differently depending on in part the mode of


inheritance of the genetic markers within the pathogen. Determination of the replication biology of different bacterial species is generally possible from most types of population genetic data by calculating linkage among loci and by sequence and evolutionary biology analyses. For example, phylogenetic modeling is sensitive to recombination, and its effect on character distribution is generally discoverable from genetic datasets. However, it is important to realize that although some species may undergo recombination, subpopulations within these same species could be clonal. Indeed, while some populations will be completely clonal, other populations will exhibit varying degrees of recombination, making it important to recognize that the level of recombination is a continuous rather than a discrete variable. Therefore, the mode of inheritance needs to be determined for the relevant reference population (Step 4) within a species and should not be assumed from other populations but rather determined empirically from the data.

Step 6dinheritance mode: clonal replication Clonal species do not exchange DNA across lineages, rather, diversity is driven solely by mutational processes with mutant alleles inherited by the daughter cells, drift, and selection forces. Phylogenetic analyses (e.g., maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood) are highly appropriate for clonal (and nearly clonal) pathogens and even single allelic differences, or allelic matches, and can be powerful under the certain circumstances. Probability estimation can be performed using mutation rates and maximum likelihood ratios and works well for comparing alternate hypotheses. Colman et al. (2009) and Vogler et al. (2007) used VNTR mutational rates to calculate relative probabilities for alternate scenarios. Because interlocus allelic variation in clonal populations is highly correlated due to complete linkage, combinatorial probabilities (“product rule”) based on allelic frequency are

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25. Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics

inappropriate. In addition, the “counting method” has been used for mitochondrial DNA analysis in humans, which is also clonally inherited. In this case, a population genetic database is developed, and the evidentiary genotype’s rarity is based on how many times it has been observed in a reference database(s) (with sampling correction). The strength of this approach is greatly affected by the representativeness and relevance of the genetic database.

Step 7dinheritance mode: recombining or nonclonal replication Recombination permits transfer of alleles across genetic lineages. This genetic mixing is reminiscent of sexual reproduction in humans. Rates of recombination must be sufficient for identifying loci to be, for practical purposes, independent, such that allele frequencies can be combined using the “product rule” to calculate a combined random match probability. Consideration of the degree of recombination is important in these instances as the likelihood of allelic linkage disequilibrium decreases with an increase in recombination. The product rule assumes (for practical purposes) complete linkage equilibrium (zero disequilibrium) and serious violations of this assumption make this approach inapplicable. The “counting method” can also be used but requires larger genetic databases that sufficiently sample the relevant populations, but typically does not make full use of available data. The power of any conclusions will scale with database size and sampling of populations directly relevant to particular hypotheses.

Step 8dlikelihood ratios The comparison of estimates for the probability of particular hypotheses can be accomplished through likelihood ratio calculations using the

relative probabilities of the alternative hypotheses derived in either Step 6 for clonal populations or Step 7 for recombining populations. Likelihood ratios are simply a measure (comparison) of the probability of the evidence given each hypothesis (Colman et al., 2009).

Step 9devaluation of analyses Microbial forensic data will be interpreted within the context of the crime. The evaluation will be supported by the proper use of statistical and probabilistic analyses, but nevertheless a subject-matter expert will be essential for communicating the strengths and limitations of any result to the investigators, to the legal system, and to decision and policy makers. For example, if the probability of the evidence given one hypothesis is significantly greater than those given other hypotheses, these data will be combined with other information so that conclusions can be made. Conversely, the lack of a strong difference between probabilities given the hypotheses may be indicative of a lack of genetic resolution between samples and/or a lack of understanding of population structure and provide little support for conclusions to be made. Results leading to a conclusive interpretation may lead investigators to a particular source(s) (inclusion) or, perhaps, eliminate a source (exclusion) from consideration. Some conclusive interpretations may be very narrow in scope and only eliminate a wide alternative hypothesis, without strongly supporting a particular informative hypothesis. Oftentimes, the “exclusion” of a source from consideration will be highly supported (for practical purposesdabsolute) by population genetic analysis, while an “inclusion” conclusion will likely not be absolute. In addition, the weight of the microbial forensic evidence may be weak in relationship to other more traditional investigative lead data or other forensic data, even if the microbial forensic data

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Calculating match probabilities

provide a conclusive “match” between a crime and reference source material. The strength or limitation of a particular conclusion is best represented in a quantitative manner, but may be presented by nonquantitative statements. Results leading to an inconclusive interpretation may be due to lack of genetic resolution and/or quality of the evidence; additional analyses with existing methodologies may not further attribution efforts. Results must be presented as is, or an improved knowledge of population structure through further sampling of isolates and/or use of more genetic markers must be obtained. Better technologies may be developed to exploit challenged samples. More statistical power or perhaps additional hypotheses for testing (Step 3) might be employed that, in turn, could lead to different probabilities for hypotheses.

Step 10dimprove understanding of population structure A successful forensic analysis may require multiple iterations of refining hypotheses based on ever-increasing knowledge and new questions. This will be highly dependent on the level of population genetic analysis available at the time that an event occurs or developed after an event, as well as biological characteristics that are intrinsic to the population and species being studied that are relevant to the biologic agent.

Calculating match probabilities Calculating the probability of randomly selecting another individual from a given population and finding the same genotype depends on the mode of inheritance, the allele/haplotype frequencies in a population database(s), and statistical assumptions. In clonal populations, interlocus allelic variation will not be independent but rather “hierarchically associated” inside


the phylogenetic structure of the population. This clearly precludes the use of combinatorial probabilities based on allele frequency at different loci and calls instead for phylogenetic analysis methods or a simple counting method approach (or distance measures for metagenomic communities). It is important to realize that although some species may exhibit recombination, subpopulations within these taxa could still be clonal and not all genomic regions will be recombining equally. Perhaps in such situations, a range of probabilities may be provided based on a priori assumptions of recombination. For clonal populations, phylogenies can be used to determine relative levels of relatedness. Isolates that share a common ancestor are more closely related to each other than they are to isolates that do not share that common ancestor. The phylogenetic location of the common ancestor is indicative of how closely related its descendents are. Common ancestors display recent divergence as indicated by shared bifurcation points (nodes) that approach the terminal ends of the phylogeny. Thus, isolates that are most closely related to each other relative to all other isolates in the phylogeny will share the most terminal node in a phylogenetic reconstruction of the diversity. Therefore, phylogenetic reconstructions can be valuable tools in an assessment of diversity within a forensic context. Phylogenies can also be used to estimate relatedness for clonal populations. Once the most closely related isolates are identified, the genomic differences can be used to quantify levels of relatedness, with the ultimate goal of estimating the amount of evolutionary time that separates isolates (e.g., number of generations). Accuracy of mutation/substitution rate data will directly affect the accuracy of calculation on the number of intervening generations. If the amount of time needed for a given number of generations is known, then an estimate of the amount of time separating isolates can be made (under the assumption that there have been no external stresses on the

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25. Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics

microorganism). This level of quantification may be much more difficult for species such as B. anthracis that have quiescent stages (spores) of varying lengths where no reproduction occurs. Other factors that can create nonuniform evolutionary rates include ecological differences that alter the generations per year rates, environmental conditions that result in higher or lower mutation rates, and mutator variants that are defective in DNA repair resulting in very high mutation rates. Finally, for clonal populations, phylogenies can be used to establish the context of evidentiary material to a reference population. A phylogenetic approach would consider an association as two or more samples that are contained within the same phylogenetic clade and, hence, have a close evolutionary relationship to each other. Given a cladistic perspective on the question of inclusion, one relevant question could be at what node in the cladogram should one differentiate between those isolates that are excluded as originating from the same source as the evidence from those that are included? As an investigation develops, further phylogenetic data will refine the phylogenetic relationships around a location within a cladogram and hence provide a level of detail that is absent without such targeted typing efforts. All genetic data are relevant to certain questions that may be considered in these contexts, but the detailed structure of a phylogenetic tree more fully defines the placement of samples.

Reference database Weight assessments must be derived from relevant population data. This may be defined globally as the entire species or more regionally related to the crime under investigation. At the beginning of an investigation, the local population (phylogenetically and spatially) will likely be unknown, necessitating the inclusion of a broad range of isolates. Local populations may

be difficult to define. For example, the local population could be where the sample was generated, or where it was disseminated, or where individuals that are ill reside. Later, as more information is compiled, and the reference population becomes more refined, isolates closely related to the evidence will be the focus of further phylogenetic analyses. In some cases, it may never be possible to refine the reference population, and the limitation of focus should be stated. The size of the reference database will affect the power of the match probability primarily for lack of diversity and for genetic data in linkage disequilibrium. Genotypic match results will include a high degree of uncertainty if based on a small database, as the denominator in the point estimate will be small. A large and comprehensive genetic database is the theoretical goal, but in most cases will not be possible, especially before a biocrime or bioterrorism event and more so because it may never be possible to sample all diversity in the world or even a defined geographical location. An established database with accompanying phylogenetic structure could be instrumental for directing an investigation immediately after a biocrime event. The extent to which the reference database reflects the natural population will affect the accuracy of the match probability. Pathogenic organisms likely to be found in a biocrime or terrorist attack will generally not have population databases constructed for assessing the weight of a forensic association. To both place the microorganism in its evolutionary context and observe subtle changes that could assist in the question of forensic attribution, the forensic investigators will generally require as much of the available genetic data possible on a pathogenic organism. The data must be used carefully, however, because it is likely that the original data creation was for different purposes (e.g., molecular epidemiology). The quality of data in the reference database will affect the accuracy of the match probability.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


Although less likely, sequencing or genotyping errors can result in near matches appearing identical. It is more likely that errors will cause identical isolates to appear different. Therefore, poor quality genetic data will more likely result in an overestimation of match probabilities. Genetic data quality is not the only factor affecting match probability as errors in geographical and epidemiological source data may also cause isolates to be incorrectly included or excluded from a reference population.

Discussion Technologies will change over time, and although different technologies can have a profound effect on the efficiency, quantity, and quality of data collection, the end result of a thorough understanding of the population genetics remains paramount. This aspect of pathogen biology is vital for framing how data are analyzed at different points in an investigation. Understanding population structure requires a collection of isolates, the size and origin of which will have a direct bearing on the association and statistics generated from a forensic investigation. Perhaps the most important aspect of pathogen biology relating to determining association statistics is the mode of inheritance as it dictates the statistical/bioinformatic methods that should be employed. Genetic markers from clonal populations (or portions of the genome) can be analyzed phylogenetically, whereas genetic markers from recombining populations (or genome regions) might be analyzed combinatorially. All populations of B. anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii, and Francisella tularensis are probably clonal, but populations of Burkholderia pseudomallei, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium botulinum can be expected to have different levels of recombination. Although a species may be generally known to recombine, as the population becomes more narrowly defined, the population structure


may become clonal and analytical methods will have to reflect that change. Understanding how levels of recombination differ among populations will have a direct bearing on how forensic data are analyzed and compared. Another key aspect in calculating match statistics is the relative determination of how closely related two samples are. In general, samples that share more alleles can be assumed to be more closely related than samples with fewer shared alleles. The widely accepted principle of parsimony (Occam’s razor) invokes the simplest explanation for a dataset. In cases where there is little difference (i.e., of shared alleles), consideration of the likelihood of different types of mutations can add a finer level of resolution. Extensive studies of natural populations and laboratory-generated populations have led to a greater understanding of VNTR and SNP mutational rules, rates, and products (Vogler et al., 2006, 2007; Girard et al., 2004), allowing more precise comparisons of the levels of relatedness of samples at a finer scale (Colman et al., 2009). As match probabilities are based on the frequency of alleles or haplotypes in a population, the definition and identification of that population are critical. Large collections of isolates with extensive genotype data are ideal as they can help “jumpstart” an investigation by providing immediate direction for further forensic sampling. While much can be done to prepare for a possible bioattack, it is impossible to predict what species/strain will be used or whether it will be synthesized de novo. As such, much sampling will have to be performed post hoc, the direction of which will be determined as genotype results and further knowledge of the sample are gained. Importantly, the strength of a forensic association should be communicated in a quantitative fashion, whenever possible. Additionally, scientists must clearly formulate the forensic questions and, where appropriate, consider alternate hypotheses.

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25. Microbial forensic investigations in the context of bacterial population genetics

References Achtman, M., 1996. A surfeit of YATMs? J. Clin. Microbiol. 34 (7), 1870. Andersen, G.L., Simchock, J.M., Wilson, K.H., 1996. Identification of a region of genetic variability among Bacillus anthracis strains and related species. J. Bacteriol. 178 (2), 377e384. Colman, R.E., Vogler, A.J., Lowell, J.L., et al., 2009. Fine-scale identification of the most likely source of a human plague infection. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 15 (10), 1623e1625. Girard, J.M., Wagner, D.M., Vogler, A.J., et al., 2004. Differential plague-transmission dynamics determine Yersinia pestis population genetic structure on local, regional, and global scales. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 (22), 8408e8413. Hoffmaster, A.R., Fitzgerald, C.C., Ribot, E., et al., 2002. Molecular subtyping of Bacillus anthracis and the 2001 bioterrorism-associated anthrax outbreak, United States. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 8 (10), 1111e1116. Keim, P., Klevytska, A.M., Price, L.B., et al., 1999. Molecular diversity in Bacillus anthracis. J. Appl. Microbiol. 87 (2), 215e217. Keim, P., Price, L.B., Klevytska, A.M., et al., 2000. Multiplelocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis reveals genetic relationships within Bacillus anthracis. J. Bacteriol. 182 (10), 2928e2936.

Keim, P., Bruce, B., Ravel, J., 2010. Microbial Forensic Investigation of the Anthrax-Letter Attacks. Microbial Forensics. Elsevier, pp. XXeYY. Kenefic, L.J., Pearson, T., Okinaka, R.T., et al., 2008. Texas isolates closely related to Bacillus anthracis Ames. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 14 (9), 1494e1496. Klevytska, A.M., Price, L.B., Schupp, J.M., et al., 2001. Identification and characterization of variable-number tandem repeats in the Yersinia pestis genome. J. Clin. Microbiol. 39 (9), 3179e3185. Maiden, M.C., Bygraves, J.A., Feil, E., et al., 1998. Multilocus sequence typing: a portable approach to the identification of clones within populations of pathogenic microorganisms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95 (6), 3140e3145. http://mgen.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ mgen/10.1099/mgen.0.000199#tab2. Vergnaud, G., Pourcel, C., 2009. Multiple locus variable number of tandem repeats analysis. Methods Mol. Biol. 551, 141e158. Vogler, A.J., Keys, C., Nemoto, Y., et al., 2006. Effect of repeat copy number on variable-number tandem repeat mutations in Escherichia coli O157:H7. J. Bacteriol. 188 (12), 4253e4263. Vogler, A.J., Keys, C.E., Allender, C., et al., 2007. Mutations, mutation rates, and evolution at the hypervariable VNTR loci of Yersinia pestis. Mutat. Res. 616 (1e2), 145e158.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


26 Use of microbial forensics data in scientific, legal, and policy contexts Christopher A. Bidwell1, Randall Murch2 1

Federation of American Scientists, Washington, DC, United States; 2Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Arlington, VA, United States

Introduction In policy and legal contexts surrounding any biological incident or allegation, microbial forensics should be seen both for its investigatory value (determining what happened, what is happening, or what could soon happen) and its attribution value (determining if whatever did happen was the result of intentional malfeasance, an accident, or a naturally occurring phenomenon). These are the first two questions that the ultimate policymaker wants to be answered so that they can address the quintessential question: What to do about it? If a policymaker wishes to utilize microbial forensic data to answer these questions, that data must fit into a known and reliable decision-making framework. More often than not, that framework will be grounded in the logic and reasoning of the law and its associated procedural and evidentiary requirements, regardless of whether any legal or courtroom proceedings result from a given biological incident or allegation. In making decisions, microbial forensics analysis will not be dispositive in and of itself but should be combined with other relevant

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00026-X

analysis and circumstantial evidence. To the extent that microbial forensics data can be explained in relation to these other factors, it will more likely be useful in the policymaking process. In addition to legal frameworks, technical microbial forensics data will also be viewed through cultural, religious, professional, and generational lenses. In other words, useful microbial forensics data must not only pass significant scientific and technical validation hurdles, but several additional disassociated hurdles as well. Failure to clear any one of these additional hurdles could make scientifically valid microbial forensic analysis irrelevant to (or ignored by) those charged with making policy judgments. Another challenge for the forensic microbiologist will be one of effective communication as the legal, law enforcement, religious, media, political, diplomatic, emergency response, and medical disciplines each have their language, professional norms, idiosyncrasies, and decision-making time cycles. These different characteristics can sometimes inhibit clear interdisciplinary communication that is necessary for creating sound policy decisions that would utilize microbial forensics


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26. Use of microbial forensics data in scientific, legal, and policy contexts

data. The burden on the microbial forensic microbiologist will be to bridge those communication gaps and clear the validation hurdles of the different disciplines discussed above. Failure to do so could result in the diminishing utility of microbial forensics data in policymaking. Such failure could lead to a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the science behind microbial forensics data by policymakers that, in turn, could lead to the elevation of certain bits of data that may not be dispositive to the real issues at hand. Conversely, misunderstandings and miscommunications could cause policymakers to ignore the importance of certain microbial forensics findings. Either of these scenarios would inevitably spawn poor policy decisions. In this chapter, much attention is given to legal procedural and evidentiary requirements. While the policy is not as structured as the law, policymaking is often rooted in law, and more importantly, legal culture. Therefore, legal standards of proof are informative to an attribution determination but not always a dispositive factor. In most foreseeable scenarios, acceptance and validation of microbial forensics data, analysis, and findings will not take place in the courtroom. In fact, the sufficiency of microbial forensics data in any given biological incident will more likely be judged in the court of public opinion where politics, race, religion, socioeconomic status, education level, and other predetermined biases will also factor into the policymaking process. In the policy environment, microbial forensics data is part of a larger mosaic of evidence to be considered by senior policymakers in taking responsive action. This is not only true in a U.S. domestic context, but also an international one as well. When such legal or policy decisions impact transnational or international constituencies (such as putting restrictions on transportation, finance, and agricultural businesses), the level of attribution complexity dramatically increases and will affect the relevance of microbial forensic data and findings supporting it. Finally, it should be noted

that microbial forensics data may not only be helpful in attributing the source or cause a biological incident but, just as importantly, can be used to exonerate an alleged perpetrator(s) of a biological incident or threat.

Microbial forensics in a policy context In thinking about microbial forensics in a policy context, it is important to look at the drivers of that strategy, how others will respond, and what other considerations may factor into the discussion.

Historical drivers Biological attacks have existed as far back as the Greek empire; launching dead animals into camps and poisoning water sources have occurred throughout history (Strassler, 2008). More recently, in the fall of 2001, the United States experienced the challenges in attributing the source and cause of a biological incident involving Bacillus anthracis, the agent of anthrax (Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation). In response, the United States reportedly spent over $60 billion dollars on biodefense, a portion of which was spent on the development of the microbial forensics capability with the idea that it was an important component of attribution and possibly helpful in providing early warning of an impending attack (Hayden, 2011). Furthermore, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spent 7 years,600,000 investigator hours, established a special task force, and consulted 29 universities for scientific and technical support in the investigation of the 2001 anthrax mailings. However, a review of the evidence by the National Research Council concluded that it was “not possible to reach a definitive conclusion about the origins of the B. (Bacillus) anthracis in the mailings based on the available scientific evidence alone” (National Research Council, 2011). Of course, the FBI’s case did not rely exclusively on scientific evidence, and there

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Microbial forensics in a policy context

have been many advances in the science behind microbial forensics since then.

Current U.S. Strategy Despite the above-referenced expenditures and investments, the 2009 National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats (NSCBT) concedes that it is “quite possible” the United States will not obtain the information needed to respond in time to stop an impending attack (U.S. National Security Council, 2009). Given the limitations of prevention, one important means of reducing overall vulnerability to biological attacks is by improving responses when they occur and ensuring that those who are responsible are held accountable. The NSCBT highlights the importance of enhancing microbial forensics and attribution capabilities to generate “scientifically sound and statistically defensible” information that links a biological attack to its perpetrator(s) (NSCBT). To that end, the National Research and Development Strategy for Microbial Forensics aims to develop a microbial forensics research agenda; promote interagency communication, coordination, and information sharing on research and development efforts; and enhance interagency education and training on microbial forensics and related topics (National Science and Technology Council, 2009). These efforts build on nearly $200 million of investments made by the National Science Foundation in microbial forensic research since 2000 (National Science Foundation, 2013). Thus, in terms of U.S. government policy, microbial forensics is a vital component of attribution determination, which, in turn, creates the basis for retribution, which is the sine qua non of deterrence.

International considerations The laudable goals set forth in the NSCBT comprise a robust and ambitious national


strategy. However, an equally robust and ambitious international strategy for microbial forensics will help ensure that the “scientifically sound and statistically defensible” determinations yielded thereof will persuade audiences abroad to take action in support of a U.S. attribution determinationdor be a willing participant in an investigation to attribute a cause. An example of how this might work can be found in the recent chemical attacks in Syria. Although it involved chemical weapons use, the lessons learned from that event also apply to biological attribution. In the Syria case, scientific data and other technical evidence establishing chemical weapons use were instrumental in generating international momentum to remove chemical weapons from the country and to compel the Syrian government to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) (Gladstone and Chivers, 2011). While the question of whether or not chemical weapons were used has mostly been settled, disputes persist as to who used them: the government forces or rebel groups (Gutterman and Holmes, 2013). In the case of biological attacks, similar attribution challenges can significantly hamper efforts to hold parties accountable and develop fast and effective international responses. In addition to the technical challenges inherent in gathering and analyzing data, the microbial forensics field also faces practical challenges in communicating results that may be as difficult to overcome. Even assuming that the microbial forensics reaches the level of general acceptance as other forms of DNA forensic science, turning the data it yields into actionable knowledge for policymakers and public officials requires consideration as to how others will interpret it. Nuanced and logically sound methodologies have been proposed for synthesizing various scientific information, intelligence, and open-source reporting to confirm or disprove accusations of WMD use, including biological weapons (Katz and Singer, 2007). The usefulness of microbial forensics to attribute the biological attack to a

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26. Use of microbial forensics data in scientific, legal, and policy contexts

suspect nation, group, or person will largely be a function of the degree to which international partners understand the science and regard the information it yields as credible. Without doubt, geopolitics will play a role in shaping the responses of various foreign leaders to another nation’s claims about possible biological weapons use and matters pertaining to culpability. In addition, social and cultural factors play a role in how political leaders, public health professionals, the media, and the public writ-large will react to scientific information and what amount of evidence they deem sufficient enough to attribute a biological attack to any man-made cause and, by extension, any particular nation, group, or individual. However, microbial forensics could serve to discredit in quick fashion false accusations that a naturally occurring disease was the result of an intentional act by humans. Either way, epidemiology, and microbial forensics play a pivotal role in guiding policymakers on what to do in the wake of a biological incident. But it should not be taken for granted that they will accept this evidence at face value.

Microbial forensics in an international decision-making process The range of possible actions that any government may take in response to a suspected biological incident is varied. For example, relying solely on scientific or legalistic proof may not be enough to woo international partners into a coalition or convince others not to interfere with any government’s policy. The degree of attribution proof required for a government to produce the desired action by another sovereign nation can be scaled against the difficulty of the action requested. The firmer the requested action, the more attribution proof is needed. In addition, the strength of the relationship between the involved governments will affect the amount of proof required. Examples of difficult requests that government leaders are faced

with are detailed below (roughly in descending order of difficulty): 1. Persuading another sovereign nation (friendly or neutral) to join in taking military action; 2. Persuading another sovereign nation (friendly, unfriendly, or neutral) to take domestic police actions (e.g., the arrest of one of its own citizens); 3. Persuading another sovereign nation (friendly, unfriendly, or neutral) to change its behavior; 4. Persuading another sovereign nation (friendly, unfriendly, or neutral) not to interfere with the U.S. Government’s or another nation’s military actions; 5. Gaining another sovereign nation’s (friendly or neutral) support for political action or sanctions; and 6. Asking another sovereign nation (friendly, unfriendly, or neutral) to take domestic regulatory actions. An example of how to interpret this matrix can be explained as follows: a particular government’s request to another government to join in military action against a third nation will require a higher degree of attribution proof supporting that request than would be required if the request was to simply update domestic laws to ensure better levels of biosecurity and biosafety. For either type of request, it is much easier to request that a long-term ally join in a military coalition or update its regulatory laws than would be the case with a nonally.

Competing timelines The timelines under which microbial forensic science processes evidence are not well aligned with those of the policymaking, traditional media, social media, crisis response, and retribution communities’ timelines. This is especially true once a suspected biological incident starts being actively covered by the press, speeding

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Microbial forensics in a policy context

up the timeline for making effective policy decisions. Policy officials will cry out for immediate certainty as to cause, while forensic science may only offer likelihoods or probabilities (especially in the beginning stages of a suspected biological attack or developing threat). At the same time, medical professionals and first responders need to quickly understand the nature of the problem in order to take remedial action. Unfortunately, it can take a long time to establish this scientifically. Simultaneously, intelligence and law enforcement officials need to know quickly whether the introduction of the offending biological agent was indeed deliberate so that they may catch the perpetrators and, more importantly, take action to prevent future attacks. Meanwhile, media outlets are likely to report on the story as soon as it comes to their attention and to stay ahead of it with “breaking news.” Professional reporters and citizen journalists alike may be content with describing the outbreak as “potentially” the result of a deliberate act as they file their reporting or poststories on social media. The speed at which this occurs is breathtaking. From the early days of televised journalism that established the 24-hour news cycle to the introduction of continuous-coverage news channels, such as CNN, which compressed the cycle down to 24 min, and the advent of Twitter allows for a story or information to be spread around the world to millions of people in less than 24 s. When information pointing to a deliberately caused disease outbreak is sparse or conflicting, the mere possibility of a biological attack will have resonance with the media and likely gain rapid traction. Åsa Boholm, writing on the politicization of public health issues, explains that: For the media, the narrative dramaturgical structure is crucial: there must be a story to be told about intentions and motives, victims, villains, and heroes, all staged in a specific setting. Human consequences are spelled out, and so are meanings and emotions. Issues of blame, responsibility, and trust are topical and are intermingled with questions about causation and


speculations on plausible effects. Some episodes even develop a force to structure the interpretation of new events. Boholm (2003)

The “competing timelines” among the media, health professionals, and public officials will complicate efforts to inform the public narrative in the wake of a possible biological attack. Given the speed at which a story about a possible biological incident is transmitted, it is likely that the initial response of suggestions by policymakers will not be based on microbial forensic evidence. The only exception to this possibility is if the microbial forensics community can quickly present evidence that the narrative currently being spread is scientifically unsound or easily disproved through initial analysis. Positively attributing the source or cause of a biological incident through a microbial forensics process would simply take too much time. Following a suspicious disease outbreak, determining that a villain exists can be difficult; ascertaining his/her identity is even harder. Competing accusations of responsibility will come early and often, especially if the attack occurs as an extension of an existing conflict. Conflict areas, in particular, attract professional journalists as well the attention of independent journalists and bloggers worldwidedneither of whom will be left in want of data sources (accurate and inaccurate) for long. On-the-ground citizen reporting via social media has dramatically transformed the information-gathering environment from places once shrouded by the “fog of war” into a “fog of information surplus” (Varghese, 2013). While the mass democratization of reporting power can help “ground truth,” it also fuels the generation of inaccurate or only partially accurate media narratives which can box in policymakers and public officials into issuing public statements and making decisions about how to respond before facts, including microbial forensics evidence data, are available. Although medical and scientific information

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26. Use of microbial forensics data in scientific, legal, and policy contexts

will help establish a basis for appraisal of a biological incident, subjective “epidemiologic judgment” will also play a significant role in determining what constitutes an “unusual” disease outbreak (Treadwell et al., 2003). Consequently, the United States should prepare for disagreements among scientists (domestic and more problematically foreign), especially during the early stages of investigation into a possible biological incident. Even if an unusual virus strain is found among a group of people afflicted by illness, public health professionals still need to conduct some level of laboratory analysis before attributing causation. This could take days, if not weeks, and yet the judgments of various professionals, versed in different disciplines, may not, and likely will not, be unanimous. In fact, microbial forensic scientists responding to an incident will likely be more conservative than others, including political leaders, in their judgments about probable causes of a biological incident, and attribution thereof, to a deliberate act by a particular actor. The challenge is that political leaders need to get information out to the public quickly despite having very little in the way of concrete facts with which to judge the root cause of the incident at hand. Moreover, the strength of any epidemiologic or forensic evidence of a biological attack will not be weighed by policymakers or the public in a vacuum; it will be weighed against the strength of whatever evidence suggests an alternative explanation. In the ungoverned court of public opinion, trying to “chip away” at an alternative, more benign hypotheses circulating in the public narrative by raising the specter of bioterrorism might backfire when the evidence is not yet conclusive or not as strong as that which supports alternative explanations. Conversely, downplaying concerns about terrorism could have the same discrediting effect (Mckenzie et al., 2002). One way to counter some of the phenomenon described above is to have federal, state, and

local governments participate in training and scenario-based exercises. Knowing what can and cannot be done quickly in the event of a biological incident will help ease the confusion and sense of panic that can be expected to occur during such an occurrence.

Microbial forensics in a legal context In using microbial forensics data and analysis, both admissibility and sufficiency requirements must be met if the data are to be utilized in a legal proceeding related to a biological incident involving either individual perpetrators, groups, or nation-states. In U.S. courts, the process is twofold. First, there is the challenge of getting a presiding trial judge to allow microbial forensics data and analysis to be admitted as evidence in a legal proceeding. Second, the trier of fact (either a judge or a jury) must find the admitted microbial forensic evidence relevant and compelling. As opposed to the contested and adversarial approach to the use of experts in U.S. courts, in many foreign courts and international tribunals, a judge (or judges), consulting with his/her scientific experts, will determine both the admissibility of microbial forensic evidence and how compelling and/or relevant that evidence is. Because biological incidents can have a suspected element or connection with foreign countries, it is important to understand the nuances between different legal systems throughout the world in order to determine how best to utilize and present microbial forensics data and analysis. Finally, in U.S. courts, the legal standard for the use of microbial forensic evidence could vary depending on whether the evidence is being offered in a criminal or civil case. The standard of proof that the trier of fact would apply in a civil proceeding is “more likely than not.” However, the standard of proof in a criminal proceeding is a much higher hurdle: “beyond reasonable doubt.” If a plaintiff’s or prosecutor’s case requires microbial forensic evidence as a

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Microbial forensics in a legal context

necessary element of proof in support of a particular cause of action, then the microbial forensics evidence presented must meet the respective civil or criminal proof standard.

Admissibility Before any evidence can be considered by the trier of fact (judge or jury) it must be admitted into evidence. The test for admissibility of any scientific evidence varies between federal courts and some state courts. The standards have also evolved over time. The legal test for admissibility of expert scientific testimony, beginning in 1923, involving novel techniques was the “general acceptance” standard established by the Supreme Court in Frye v. United States (Frye v, 1923). In this case, the court ruled that: (i) expert testimony deduced from a wellrecognized scientific principle or discovery will often be admitted, but (ii) that from which the deduction is made must be sufficiently established to have gained “general acceptance in the particular field to which it belongs.” In other words, microbial forensics experts’ opinions must be supported by what others in the field accepted as established knowledge. Fifty years later, Congress promulgated the new Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) in 1975, which remains today as the authority on the admission of evidence in federal courts. Under current federal rules, if an expert scientific witness testifies as to the validity of a novel scientific technique, it must first be proven to the judge that: (i) the expert witness can, in fact, be qualified as an expert, and (ii) any such testimony by the expert scientific evidence is relevant to the case, as specified by FRE 104(a) and 104(b). Once qualified as an expert, a judge then determines under FRE 702 whether “the


testimony is based on sufficient facts or data, the testimony is a product of reliable principles or methods, and the witness has applied the principles and methods reliably to the facts of the case.” Next, the judge determines whether “the facts or data underlying the expert testimony are of a type reasonably relied upon by experts in the particular field in forming opinions or inferences upon the subject, as required by FRE 703.” In addition, as addressed earlier, the judge assesses the expert’s testimony to ensure that there is “a foundational process showing that a scientific process or system produces an accurate result,” as required by FRE 901. Finally, FRE 403 states that even if a judge finds an expert’s testimony to be reliable, the judge may exclude it from evidence if its likely prejudicial effect outweighs its probative value. It is only after clearing these evidentiary and procedural issues that the scientific evidence can be presented to the jury or trier of fact (Murch and Bahr, 2010). After the FRE were adopted, there was some confusion in U.S. courts as to whether these new federal rules or Frye governed the admissibility of scientific evidence. In 1993, the Supreme Court clarified this confusion in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (Daubert, 1993). The court recognized that, given the often-rapid advances being made in science, new discoveries and theories might be perfectly sound but still be new enough that they had not yet gained “general acceptance,” as mandated by the Frye standard. The Daubert Court held that FRE Rule 702 controlled the admission of expert testimony in federal courts and that, when applying Rule 702, a “trial judge must ensure that any and all scientific testimony or evidence admitted is not only relevant, but reliable” (Daubert, 1993). The merits of scientific validation play a significant role in the Daubert test. The Daubert court “directed federal judges to take a scientific approach to the admissibility of scientific evidence” (Harv. L. Rev, 1995) and insisted that in order for scientific evidence to be legally reliable,

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26. Use of microbial forensics data in scientific, legal, and policy contexts

it must be found to be scientifically reliable. The framework for analyzing the admissibility of scientific evidence under the Daubert test consists of five basic elements: • whether a method can or has been tested; • the known or potential rate of error; • whether the methods have been subjected to peer review; • whether there are standards controlling the technique’s operation; and, • the general acceptance of the method within the relevant community. In other words, “[f]or scientific testimony to be sufficiently reliable, it must be derived by the scientific method and must be supported by appropriate validation” (Perry, 2008). Daubert recognized that reliability and validity differ as scientific measures. Whereas validity describes how well the scientific method reasons to its conclusion, reliability describes the ability of the scientific method to produce consistent results when replicated (Harv. L. Rev, 1995). Therefore, the robust validationdper scientific standardsdof any novel scientific technique will be the prerequisite showing for the eventual acceptance and validation of that science by the state and federal courts that follow the Daubert test (Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 1999). If a scientific technique has been shown to meet the reliability threshold, a judge then determines whether the scientific evidence is also relevantdthe second part of the Daubert test. The relevancy prong requires that judges examine “the proffered connection between the scientific research or test result to be presented, and particular disputed factual issues in the case.” Therefore, the evidentiary reliability of future forensic microbiology evidence submitted to U.S. courts following the Daubert test will turn on whether it has been shown to be validated scientifically by showing that the science supporting the evidence is both (i) relevantdassisting the trier of fact in understanding or determining the pertinent factsdand (ii) reliabledits methodology is based on scientific knowledge (Harv. L. Rev, 1995).

However, not all state courts have adopted the Daubert test. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Daubert was based on the language of FRE 702 and therefore was not grounded in a constitutional right mandating adoption by the states. As of 2017, 39 states have affirmatively adopted Daubert or a similar test for use in their courts or had previously abandoned Frye and had developed a similar test. Eight states continue to adhere to the “general acceptance test” of Frye. Additionally, three states have not completely rejected the Frye standard, or adopted the Daubert factors (The expertinstitute). Whether forensic microbiology evidence is found to be legally admissible by a court or not would first depend on if the court in question has adopted the Frye standard, the Daubert standard, or its own unique admissibility standard. However, any forensic microbiology evidencedat a minimumdmust be shown to be either generally accepted by the relevant scientific community or validated based on reliable scientific techniques and relevant to the case at hand (Klein, 1991).

Case precedent Although the specific question of admissibility of microbial forensic evidence has yet to be tested in a U.S. court, other contemporary cases involving the validation of scientific evidence could give clues as to how courts might handle the submission of such evidence in a criminal prosecution for the use or threatened use of biological weapons. The most relevant of which would be State v. Schmid (State v. Schmidt, 1997), where genome-based phylogenetic analysis of blood samples was used to determine whether a doctor infected his lover with the HIV-infected blood from one of his other patients. After hearing the testimony of multiple expert witnesses, the court held that the phylogenetic analysis techniques used to analyze the samples were sufficiently validated to allow this particular type of genome-based forensic analysis into evidence. In this case, the combination of rigorous scientific validation of submitted

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Microbial forensics in a legal context

genome-based evidence and adequate expert testimony regarding the results of this evidence analysis were sufficient for the court to hold the evidence reliable and relevant, as required by Daubert and the rules of evidence adopted by the Louisiana legislature.

Microbial forensics evidence in comparison to other forensic disciplines (Bidwell and Bhatt, 2016) While the use of microbial forensic evidence in U.S. courts has not explicitly been permitted, the strength and accuracy of the forensic DNA analysis have improved to the point, where it has actually been used to exonerate people who had been convicted based on the conclusions from other, less reliable forensic techniques. Harry T. Edwards, a U.S. federal appellate court judge and cochair of the committee that authored the 2009 National Academies of Sciences report, argued that “DNA is really the only discipline among the forensic disciplines that consistently produces results that you can rely on with a fair level of confidence when you’re seeking to determine whether or not a piece of evidence is connected with a particular source” (Jones, 2012). Given these more recent revelations and advances in understanding, DNA evidence has become preferential in the courtroom. The good news is that current microbial forensic techniques are based on many well-established DNA identification techniques. As a result, its reliability may be perceived as similar to that of DNA evidence. However, the uncertainty associated with microbes, their biology, and how they relate to and impact identification and relevance to source attribution must be communicated so that a decision-maker understands the limits of what science can state and how it should be interpreted. Microbial forensic research is saddled with the explicit task of precisely linking the microbes found at a scene to the microbes at a source


based on unique and identifiable patterns of genetic polymorphisms. Similar to human DNA analysis, microbial forensic practitioners highlight particular loci at which individual strains among larger families of infectious agents differ in nucleotide sequence and use that information to infer common identity and/or lineage. This can be a key element in establishing a connection between the source of a biological weapon attack or biological outbreak event and its perpetrator(s) or cause. In 2011, a Department of Justice report described the use of microbial forensics in the following way: Unlike human forensic analysis, disease-causing microbial pathogens of humans exhibit remarkable genomic diversity generated through a number of elaborate mechanisms, including high mutation and recombination rates, as well as diverse responses to selection. One major goal of microbial forensics is to use this genetic diversity to identify the source of a pathogen used to commit a crime. Kshatriya et al. (2014).

Thus, microbial forensics is a rapidly evolving tool for identifying pathogenic transmission routes, and its underlying scientific processes have been improving as more research is done to strengthen its role as an attribution tool. Unfortunately, there are headwinds with regards to the general notion of using many forms of forensic evidence in the courtroom. The use of forensic evidence in the courtroom has only gained general acceptance in the last 100 years when the concept of matching fingerprints was first used in a criminal trial. Since then, myriad forensic sciences all based upon the idea of matching samples have come into being, including hair analysis, carpet-fiber analysis, bite-mark analysis, shoeprint analysis, and blood-splatter analysis. Laboratories that analyze these phenomena have varying degrees of acceptance and legitimacy. In the recent past, many scandals regarding shoddy work products from some of these laboratories and practices have caught the attention of the popular press and the consciousness of the public. In many

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26. Use of microbial forensics data in scientific, legal, and policy contexts

courtroom cases, subject matter experts will argue about the meaning of a particular match. If the experts are arguing, the question then becomes: Is forensic science really science (Kshatriya et al., 2014)? However, this is less of a problem regarding DNA forensics, which, fortunately, has similar processes as microbial forensics.

Basis for challenges Even if a particular scientific method or certain forensic evidence is verifiable by the scientific community, both judge and jury in each case have the discretion to conclude that a novel scientific technique has not been sufficiently validated. Thus, the ultimate reliance of a novel scientific technique and its results is only as strong as the credence in each court for each case, even if similar evidence has been heard in courts elsewhere. Opposing counsel could directly or indirectly attack the credibility of any forensic microbiology offered up as evidence in many ways. For example, an opposing counsel could question the professional qualifications of the expert witness who is to testify in support of the technique, thus attempting to disqualify the witness. Additionally, opposing counsel while not questioning the expert’s findings, could challenge the conclusions drawn based upon external issues, such as contamination of the collection site before the experts arrived on the scene. Here, the testimony of opposing experts or advice to counsel for crossexamination of prosecution experts can be most useful. If the opposing counsel can reduce or eliminate the value, weight, and/or credibility of the scientific evidence or the expert presenting the information, then the jury or judge could find that the prosecution could no longer meet its burden of proving culpability “beyond a reasonable doubt.” In presenting the results of any microbial forensic analysis in the courtroom, or the court of public opinion, the sources and methods used to back up that analysis will need to be

presented in intricate detail. This could present a particular problem for government-sponsored analysis which may have been wholly or partly classified. Failure to document and present all of the procedures, methodologies, samples taken (including where, what, how, and by whom), and confirmation practices will, at best, give opposing counsel or public commentators ample means by which to cast doubt on the findings. In the worst case, such failure may lead a judge rule the evidence is not admissible under FRE 903 or under Daubert.

The CSI effect Today, popular portrayals of forensic science can fuel both its expectations and conflation with empirical science. Forensic science is often understood as strong evidence in courtroom settings, but in reality, many recent events and federal reports cast doubt on its objectivity. The expectations of forensic science capabilities stem from confusions with empirical science, a phenomenon of high expectations and confidence in forensics that some legal observers and media accounts have dubbed the “CSI effect” (Rath, 2011). The “CSI effect” is a reference to a popular American TV show wherein criminal investigators use the latest science (or science that is currently in development) to solve a complex crime. The show often promotes fanciful notions of scientific certitude as the show’s writers attempt to compress difficult scientific and procedural concepts into a few scenes carved into a less than 1-hour television show. Left out are the many nuances typically associated with the techniques (e.g., the time it takes to gather and process evidence, the cost of such investigations, and/or the financial resources available to conduct such an expensive inquiry). The “CSI effect” has become very influential, especially for those whose introductions to complex science come primarily from mass media. Courtroom

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lawyers and judges have complained in recent years that juries have come to expect an exactness, certainty, and conclusiveness in scientific evidence that is unobtainable in the real world. In a policy context, the “CSI effect” can influence leaders (whom a government may wish to sway) into similar thinking regarding unrealistic expectations concerning evidence presented to them. This can then make the use of technical analysis, such as that associated with microbial forensics, a difficult sell. On the other hand, government officials themselves may expect too much from forensic science, causing them to discount solid forensic evidence that is helpful to, but not comprehensively supportive of, policy objectives “letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

Chain of custody issues The issue of keeping a reliable proper chain of custody is of paramount concern, not just in criminal cases, but in the international context of attribution. It is the most likely avenue of attack by those who would question an attribution claim. In looking at a chain of custody, it is vital that each step or activity in the chain is properly documented and recorded, including: (i) Development of, and adherence to, a reliable sampling protocol (sizes, location, and method of collection used to obtain samples); (ii) Collection of the samples; (iii) Transportation of samples to the lab for analysis; (iv) Preparation of samples for comparative analysis; and (v) The validity, history, chain of custody, and reliability of samples at the lab used for comparison with acquired field samples (Budowle et al., 2011). Any gaps or inconsistencies in the chain of custody would almost ensure that any microbial

forensic data and analysis would not be considered as valid evidence in a U.S. court, international court, or even the “court” of public opinion.

Conclusion Use of microbial forensics in policy or legal contexts may be on the upswing, but its use by decision-makers cannot be assured given its relative youth as forensic science, and perceived reliability. In any given biological incident, the microbial forensic expert will be one voice in a crowd of many. It is important that practitioners in this field endeavor to communicate their findings to multiple audiences in clear and understandable language and fit it into policy and legal decision frameworks. Certainly, the stakes for the application of probative, properly validated science can be crucial when an accused’s civil liberties are at stake when a successful prosecution, or a wrongful conviction, may result. We posit that the stakes are even higher if such science were to be applied to an actual or suspected event of transnational or global importance with its myriad considerations, potential outcomes, and effects. Across the spectrum and scale of biocrime, bioterrorism, biowarfare, and bioproliferation events that could present themselves, the decisions associated thereof will be informed by science to lesser or greater degrees. Ultimately, how legal and policy influencers and decision-makers understand, perceive, treat, assign value, and rely upon science will dictate the contribution that science has and what its role will be in the outcome.

References Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation.” Federal Bureau of Investigation. https://www.fbi.gov/history/famouscases/amerithrax-or-anthrax-investigation.

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Bidwell, C.A., Bhatt, K., 2016. Use of Attribution and Forensic Science in Addressing Biological Weapon Threats: A Multi-Faceted Study. Federation of American Scientists. Boholm, Å., 2003. The cultural nature of risk: can there be an anthropology of uncertainty? Ethnos 68 (2), 173. Budowle, B., Schultzer, S., Breeze, R., Keim, P., Morse, S., 2011. Microbial Forensics, second ed. Academic Press, Burlington, MA. Daubert, v, 1993. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579. Frye v., 1923. United States, 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923). Gladstone, R., Chivers, C.J., October 31, 2011. Forensic details in U.N. report point to Assad’s use of gas. N. Y. Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/01/world/ middleeast/syria.html. Gutterman, S., Holmes, O., September 18, 2013. Russia Says U.N. Report on Syria Attack Biased. Reuters. http:// www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/18/us-syria-crisisrussia-idUSBRE98H0RQ20130918?irpc¼932. Confronting the new challenges of scientific evidence. Harv. Law Rev. 108, 1995, 1481e1485. Hayden, E.C., 2011. Biodefense since 9/11: the price of protection. Nature 477, 150e152. http://www.nature. com/news/2011/110907/full/477150a.html. Jones, J., April 17, 2012. Forensic Tools: What’s Reliable and What’s Not-So-Scientific. PBS Frontline. http://www. pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/criminal-justice/realcsi/forensic-tools-whats-reliable-and-whats-not-soscientific. See: Katz, R., Singer, B., 2007. Can an attribution assessment be made for yellow rain? systematic reanalysis in a chemical-and-biological-weapons use investigation Politics Life Sci. 26 (1), 24e42. Katz’s methodology assesses the reliability of each source of information (scientific information, intelligence, and open-source reporting) in combination with the strength of its association with a deliberate WMD attack as opposed to alternative explanations. Klein, D.A., 1991. Reliability of Scientific Technique and its Acceptance within Scientific Community as Affecting Admissibility, 105 A.L.R. Fed. 299. Kshatriya, P., Doyle, V., Nelson, B.J., Qin, X., Anderson, J., Brown, J.M., Metzker, M.L., 2014. Progress towards Developing the Pathogen Tool Kit. https://www.ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/246954.pdf. Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 1999. 526 U.S. 137. This “weak evidence” effect has been studied among jurors, who tend to interpret evidence that does not meet the “minimum acceptable standard” of convincingness set previously by the other side as further proof that the other

side indeed had it right. See: Mckenzie, C.R., Lee, S.M., Chen, K.K., 2002. When negative evidence increases confidence: change in belief after hearing two sides of a dispute J. Behav. Decis. Mak. 15 (1), 14. Murch, R.S., Bahr, E.L., 2010. Validation of microbial forensics in scientific, legal, and policy contexts. In: Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Breeze, R.G., Keim, P.S., Morse, S.A. (Eds.), Microbial Forensics, second ed. Elsevier, pp. 649e662. 2010. National Research Council, 2011. Review of the Scientific Approaches Used during the FBI’s Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters. The National Academies Press, ” Washington, DC, p. 144. National Science and Technology Council, 2009. National Research and Development Strategy for Microbial Forensics. The White House, ” Washington, DC, p. 3. National Science Foundation, 2013. FY2013 Homeland Security Activities Budget Request. http://www.nsf.gov/ about/budget/fy2013/pdf/09_fy2013.pdf. Specifically, the NSCBT Calls for Establishing a Nationwide Research, Development, and Investment Plan in Microbial Forensic Science; Maintaining a National Biological Forensics Analysis Center to Support Local Law Enforcement Agencies; and Ensuring Coordination Among Professionals in Public Health, Law Enforcement, and Agriculture. Perry, v, 2008. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp, 564 F. Supp. 2d 452. Rath, A., February 5, 2011. Is the ‘CSI Effect’ Influencing Courtrooms? Frontline PBS. http://www.npr.org/ 2011/02/06/133497696/is-the-csi-effect-influencingcourtrooms. State v. Schmidt, 1997. 699 So. 2d 448. Strassler, R.B., 2008. The Landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian Wars. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. https://www.theexpertinstitute.com/daubert-v-frye-astate-by-state-comparison/. Treadwell, T., Koo, D., Kuker, K., Khan, A., 2003. Epidemiologic clues to bioterrorism. Public Health Rep. 118, 18. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC1497515/. U.S. National Security Council, 2009. National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats. The White House, ” Washington, DC, p. 2. Varghese, A., 2013. Social Media and the Syrian Civil War. Peace Brief 151. United States Institute of Peace. http:// www.usip.org/sites/default/files/PB-151.pdf.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


27 Lessons for expert witnesses Stephen A. Saltzburg Wallace and Beverley University Professor, The George Washington University Law School, United States

Introduction There are relatively few trials these days in which one or more expert witnesses do not testify. Law schools and continuing legal education courses teach lawyers and prospective lawyers how to conduct witness examinations. But, many individuals become expert witnesses without having a clear idea of their role and what is expected of them. This chapter is intended to remove some of the mystery for novice expert witnesses and to offer some lessons to improve the quality of expert testimony by both novice and experienced experts.

The legal standard Federal Rule of Evidence (FRE) 702 sets forth the requirements for expert witnesses in federal civil and criminal cases:


509 U.S. 579 (1993).


526 U.S. 137 (1999).

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00027-1

A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if: (a) the expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue; (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data; (c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and (d) the expert has reliably applied the principles and methods to the facts of the case. FRE 702 essentially codifies the Supreme Court’s decisions in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.1 and Kumho Tire Company, Ltd. v. Carmichael.2 Prior to the Supreme Court decisions, federal courts and most state courts


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27. Lessons for expert witnesses

relied upon what was known as the Frye rule drawn from the decision in Frye v. United States.3 Frye addressed the admissibility of an early version of the polygraph. The court stated the following: Just when a scientific principle or discovery crosses the line between the experimental and demonstrable states is difficult to define. Somewhere in the twilight zone the evidential force of the principle must be recognized, and while courts will go a long way in admitting expert testimony deduced from a wellrecognized scientific principle or discovery, the thing from which the deduction is made must be sufficiently established to have gained general acceptance in the particular field in which it belongs.

This became known as a “general acceptance” test. Over three-quarters of a century, courts debated what general acceptance meant, what particular fields were relevant, and what counted as a well-recognized scientific principle. The Advisory Committee that drafted the Federal Rules of Evidence made no reference to Frye, and Daubert decided that Frye was no longer good law under the Federal Rules of Evidence. Instead, Daubert focused heavily on the reliability of expert testimony and how it fits into the disputed issues in a case. The Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence amended Rule 702 to conform to the Supreme Court decisions. In the more than 25 years since the Supreme Court decided Daubert, there has been a clear trend among states to follow suit. At least 24 states have explicitly adopted the Daubert gatekeeper-reliability test to assess the admissibility of expert testimony in criminal and civil cases. The 24 states are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, 3

Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. See ABA Trial Evidence Committee, Daubert v. Frye: Admissibility of Expert Testimony at 149e50 (2016). Just as importantly, 13 more states are employing the Daubert factors and reliability requirements while not having yet specifically stated that Daubert controls. Those states are Alabama, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Id. Finally, many of the remaining states (such as New Jersey) are essentially flirting with the Daubert standardsdrequiring the judge to look to the expert’s methodology, relying freely on federal case lawdwithout coming out and saying that Daubert controls. See, e.g., Parker v. Mobil Oil Corp., 7 N.Y.3d 434 (2006) (citing federal case law and conducting a Daubert-like inquiry into the expert’s methods and application of methods).4 It is notable that the very jurisdiction that created Frye, and used it for more than a century, recently reconsidered the matter and adopted the Daubert/Rule 702 standard. See Motorola Inc. v. Murray, 147 A.3d 751 (D.C. 2016), where the court stated that “the ability to focus on the reliability of principles and methods, and their application, is a decided advantage that will lead to better decision-making by juries and trial judges alike.” (Emphasis added.) Both lawyers and experts should be aware that since the decision in Daubert many judges have become skeptical about various forms of expert evidence, including forensics. It is no

293 F. 103 (d.C. Cir. 1923).


See Cheng and Yoon, Does Frye or Daubert Matter? A Study of Scientific Admissibility Standards, 91 Va. L.Rev. 471, 474 (2005) (noting that Daubert’s shadow now casts itself over state court opinions even in jurisdictions that have not formally adopted the Daubert test.”).

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

An unusual process: lay judges rule on the reliability of expert work

longer the case that all that a party has to do is to say “we have been using this technique for many years.” Continued use is no guarantee of good science.

An unusual process: lay judges rule on the reliability of expert work Daubert, FRE 702, and similar state cases and rules create an unusual process whereby lay judges assess the reliability of expert work even though the judges are not usually familiar with the methodologies and principles that the experts rely upon. Although individual judges might be more or less demanding in their approaches, there are some constants that judges look to in making their rulings on the admissibility of expert testimony. When the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence proposed amending FRE 702 to codify the Supreme Court’s Daubert cases, it offered some useful analysis as to the factors that are indicia of reliability and those that might cast doubt on reliability. Although the Advisory Committee’s Notes are typically directed to lawyers and judges, the Note on Rule 702 should be very useful to witnesses who are preparing to give expert testimony. The following is excerpted from the 2000 Advisory Committee Note on Rule 702: Rule 702 has been amended in response to Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993), and to the many cases applying Daubert, including Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 119 S.Ct. 1167 (1999). In Daubert the Court charged trial judges with the responsibility of acting as gatekeepers to exclude unreliable expert testimony, and the Court in Kumho clarified that this gatekeeper function applies to all expert testimony, not just testimony based in science. See also Kumho, 119 S.Ct. at 1178 (citing the Committee Note to the proposed amendment to Rule 702, which had been released for public comment before the date of the Kumho decision). The amendment affirms the trial court’s role as gatekeeper and provides some general standards that the trial


court must use to assess the reliability and helpfulness of proffered expert testimony. Consistently with Kumho, the Rule as amended provides that all types of expert testimony present questions of admissibility for the trial court in deciding whether the evidence is reliable and helpful. Consequently, the admissibility of all expert testimony is governed by the principles of Rule 104(a). Under that Rule, the proponent has the burden of establishing that the pertinent admissibility requirements are met by a preponderance of the evidence. See Bourjaily v. United States, 483 U.S. 171 (1987). Daubert set forth a non-exclusive checklist for trial courts to use in assessing the reliability of scientific expert testimony. The specific factors explicated by the Daubert Court are (1) whether the expert’s technique or theory can be or has been testeddthat is, whether the expert’s theory can be challenged in some objective sense, or whether it is instead simply a subjective, conclusory approach that cannot reasonably be assessed for reliability; (2) whether the technique or theory has been subject to peer review and publication; (3) the known or potential rate of error of the technique or theory when applied; (4) the existence and maintenance of standards and controls; and (5) whether the technique or theory has been generally accepted in the scientific community. The Court in Kumho held that these factors might also be applicable in assessing the reliability of nonscientific expert testimony, depending upon “the particular circumstances of the particular case at issue.” 119 S.Ct. at 1175. No attempt has been made to “codify” these specific factors. Daubert itself emphasized that the factors were neither exclusive nor dispositive. Other cases have recognized that not all of the specific Daubert factors can apply to every type of expert testimony. In addition to Kumho, 119 S.Ct. at 1175, see Tyus v. Urban Search Management, 102 F.3d 256 (7th Cir. 1996) (noting that the factors mentioned by the Court in Daubert do not neatly apply to expert testimony from a sociologist). See also Kannankeril v. Terminix Int’l, Inc., 128 F.3d 802, 809 (3d Cir. 1997) (holding that lack of peer review or publication was not dispositive where the expert’s opinion was supported by “widely accepted scientific knowledge”). The standards set forth in the amendment are broad enough to require consideration of any or all of the specific Daubert factors where appropriate. Courts both before and after Daubert have found other factors relevant in determining whether expert

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27. Lessons for expert witnesses

testimony is sufficiently reliable to be considered by the trier of fact. These factors include: (1) Whether experts are “proposing to testify about matters growing naturally and directly out of research they have conducted independent of the litigation, or whether they have developed their opinions expressly for purposes of testifying.” Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 43 F.3d 1311, 1317 (9th Cir. 1995). (2) Whether the expert has unjustifiably extrapolated from an accepted premise to an unfounded conclusion. See General Elec. Co. v. Joiner, 522 U.S. 136, 146 (1997) (noting that in some cases a trial court “may conclude that there is simply too great an analytical gap between the data and the opinion proffered”). (3) Whether the expert has adequately accounted for obvious alternative explanations. See Claar v. Burlington N.R.R., 29 F.3d 499 (9th Cir. 1994) (testimony excluded where the expert failed to consider other obvious causes for the plaintiff’s condition). Compare Ambrosini v. Labarraque, 101 F.3d 129 (D.C.Cir. 1996) (the possibility of some uneliminated causes presents a question of weight, so long as the most obvious causes have been considered and reasonably ruled out by the expert). (4) Whether the expert “is being as careful as he would be in his regular professional work outside his paid litigation consulting.” Sheehan v. Daily Racing Form, Inc., 104 F.3d 940, 942 (7th Cir. 1997). See Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 119 S.Ct. 1167, 1176 (1999) (Daubert requires the trial court to assure itself that the expert “employs in the courtroom the same level of intellectual rigor that characterizes the practice of an expert in the relevant field”). (5) Whether the field of expertise claimed by the expert is known to reach reliable results for the type of opinion the expert would give. See Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 119 S.Ct. 1167, 1175 (1999) (Daubert’s general acceptance factor does not “help show that an expert’s testimony is reliable where the discipline itself lacks reliability, as, for example, do theories grounded in any so-called generally accepted principles of astrology or necromancy.”); Moore v. Ashland Chemical, Inc., 151 F.3d 269 (5th Cir. 1998) (en banc) (clinical doctor was properly precluded from testifying to the toxicological cause of the plaintiff’s respiratory problem, where the opinion was not sufficiently grounded in scientific methodology); Sterling

v. Velsicol Chem. Corp., 855 F.2d 1188 (6th Cir. 1988) (rejecting testimony based on “clinical ecology” as unfounded and unreliable). All of these factors remain relevant to the determination of the reliability of expert testimony under the Rule as amended. Other factors may also be relevant. See Kumho, 119 S.Ct. 1167, 1176 (“[W]e conclude that the trial judge must have considerable leeway in deciding in a particular case how to go about determining whether particular expert testimony is reliable.”). Yet no single factor is necessarily dispositive of the reliability of a particular expert’s testimony. See, e.g., Heller v. Shaw Industries, Inc., 167 F.3d 146, 155 (3d Cir. 1999) (“not only must each stage of the expert’s testimony be reliable, but each stage must be evaluated practically and flexibly without brightline exclusionary (or inclusionary) rules.”); Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 43 F.3d 1311, 1317, n.5 (9th Cir. 1995) (noting that some expert disciplines “have the courtroom as a principal theatre of operations” and as to these disciplines “the fact that the expert has developed an expertise principally for purposes of litigation will obviously not be a substantial consideration.”). When a trial court, applying this amendment, rules that an expert’s testimony is reliable, this does not necessarily mean that contradictory expert testimony is unreliable. The amendment is broad enough to permit testimony that is the product of competing principles or methods in the same field of expertise. See, e.g., Heller v. Shaw Industries, Inc., 167 F.3d 146, 160 (3d Cir. 1999) (expert testimony cannot be excluded simply because the expert uses one test rather than another, when both tests are accepted in the field and both reach reliable results). As the court stated in In re Paoli R.R. Yard PCB Litigation, 35 F.3d 717, 744 (3d Cir. 1994), proponents “do not have to demonstrate to the judge by a preponderance of the evidence that the assessments of their experts are correct, they only have to demonstrate by a preponderance of evidence that their opinions are reliable. . . . The evidentiary requirement of reliability is lower than the merits standard of correctness.” See also Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 43 F.3d 1311, 1318 (9th Cir. 1995) (scientific experts might be permitted to testify if they could show that the methods they used were also employed by “a recognized minority of scientists in their field.”); Ruiz-Troche v. Pepsi Cola, 161 F.3d 77, 85 (1st Cir. 1998) (“ Daubert neither requires nor empowers trial courts to determine which of

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

An unusual process: lay judges rule on the reliability of expert work

several competing scientific theories has the best provenance.”). The Court in Daubert declared that the “focus, of course, must be solely on principles and methodology, not on the conclusions they generate.” 509 U.S. at 595. Yet as the Court later recognized, “conclusions and methodology are not entirely distinct from one another.” General Elec. Co. v. Joiner, 522 U.S. 136, 146 (1997). Under the amendment, as under Daubert, when an expert purports to apply principles and methods in accordance with professional standards, and yet reaches a conclusion that other experts in the field would not reach, the trial court may fairly suspect that the principles and methods have not been faithfully applied. See Lust v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 89 F.3d 594, 598 (9th Cir. 1996). The amendment specifically provides that the trial court must scrutinize not only the principles and methods used by the expert, but also whether those principles and methods have been properly applied to the facts of the case. As the court noted in In re Paoli R.R. Yard PCB Litig., 35 F.3d 717, 745 (3d Cir. 1994), “any step that renders the analysis unreliable. renders the expert’s testimony inadmissible. This is true whether the step completely changes a reliable methodology or merely misapplies that methodology.” If the expert purports to apply principles and methods to the facts of the case, it is important that this application be conducted reliably. Yet it might also be important in some cases for an expert to educate the fact finder about general principles, without ever attempting to apply these principles to the specific facts of the case. For example, experts might instruct the fact finder on the principles of thermodynamics, or blood clotting, or on how financial markets respond to corporate reports, without ever knowing about or trying to tie their testimony into the facts of the case. The amendment does not alter the venerable practice of using expert testimony to educate the fact finder on general principles. For this kind of generalized testimony, Rule 702 simply requires that: (1) the expert be qualified; (2) the testimony address a subject matter on which the fact finder can be assisted by an expert; (3) the testimony be reliable; and (4) the testimony “fit” the facts of the case. As stated earlier, the amendment does not distinguish between scientific and other forms of expert testimony. The trial court’s gatekeeping function applies to testimony by any expert. See Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 119 S.Ct. 1167, 1171 (1999) (“We conclude that Daubert’s general holdingdsetting forth the trial


judge’s general ‘gatekeeping’ obligationdapplies not only to testimony based on ‘scientific’ knowledge, but also to testimony based on ‘technical’ and ‘other specialized’ knowledge.”). While the relevant factors for determining reliability will vary from expertise to expertise, the amendment rejects the premise that an expert’s testimony should be treated more permissively simply because it is outside the realm of science. An opinion from an expert who is not a scientist should receive the same degree of scrutiny for reliability as an opinion from an expert who purports to be a scientist. See Watkins v. Telsmith, Inc., 121 F.3d 984, 991 (5th Cir. 1997) (“[I]t seems exactly backwards that experts who purport to rely on general engineering principles and practical experience might escape screening by the district court simply by stating that their conclusions were not reached by any particular method or technique.”). Some types of expert testimony will be more objectively verifiable, and subject to the expectations of falsifiability, peer review, and publication, than others. Some types of expert testimony will not rely on anything like a scientific method, and so will have to be evaluated by reference to other standard principles attendant to the particular area of expertise. The trial judge in all cases of proffered expert testimony must find that it is properly grounded, well-reasoned, and not speculative before it can be admitted. The expert’s testimony must be grounded in an accepted body of learning or experience in the expert’s field, and the expert must explain how the conclusion is so grounded. See, e.g., American College of Trial Lawyers, Standards and Procedures for Determining the Admissibility of Expert Testimony after Daubert, 157 F.R.D. 571, 579 (1994) (“[W]hether the testimony concerns economic principles, accounting standards, property valuation or other non-scientific subjects, it should be evaluated by reference to the ‘knowledge and experience’ of that particular field.”). The amendment requires that the testimony must be the product of reliable principles and methods that are reliably applied to the facts of the case. While the terms “principles” and “methods” may convey a certain impression when applied to scientific knowledge, they remain relevant when applied to testimony based on technical or other specialized knowledge. Nothing in this amendment is intended to suggest that experience alonedor experience in conjunction with other knowledge, skill, training or educationd may not provide a sufficient foundation for expert testimony. To the contrary, the text of Rule 702 expressly contemplates that an expert may be qualified on the basis of experience. In certain fields, experience is the

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27. Lessons for expert witnesses

predominant, if not sole, basis for a great deal of reliable expert testimony. If the witness is relying solely or primarily on experience, then the witness must explain how that experience leads to the conclusion reached, why that experience is a sufficient basis for the opinion, and how that experience is reliably applied to the facts. The trial court’s gatekeeping function requires more than simply “taking the expert’s word for it.” See Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 43 F.3d 1311, 1319 (9th Cir. 1995) (“We’ve been presented with only the experts’ qualifications, their conclusions and their assurances of reliability. Under Daubert, that’s not enough.”). The more subjective and controversial the expert’s inquiry, the more likely the testimony should be excluded as unreliable. See O’Conner v. Commonwealth Edison Co., 13 F.3d 1090 (7th Cir. 1994) (expert testimony based on a completely subjective methodology held properly excluded). See also Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 119 S.Ct. 1167, 1176 (1999) (“[I]t will at times be useful to ask even of a witness whose expertise is based purely on experience, say, a perfume tester able to distinguish among 140 odors at a sniff, whether his preparation is of a kind that others in the field would recognize as acceptable.”).

The ultimate error The single greatest mistake made by individuals called upon to serve as expert witnesses in civil and criminal cases is to view themselves as advocates. They are not, or at least they should not be. The attorneysdthe prosecutor and defense counsel in criminal cases, and plaintiff and defense counsel in civil casesdare adversaries who must do their best to put forward the most persuasive case they can make in conformity with ethical standards, procedural rules, and the rules of evidence. They are not required to believe every witness, lay, or expert, they call to testify or to believe that all scientific and expert evidence they present is flawless. They are advocates and are expected and entitled to put the best face on the evidence they present.

An expert witness is not a lawyer and is not expected to assume the role of an advocate. Even a cursory examination of the Rule reveals that the focus is on ability and reliability. The expert must be qualified, which means he or she must have knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education in a subject beyond what typical judges and juries have. The expert’s expertise is expected to assist the judge or jury in understanding a disputed issue(s)dit must help the trier of fact (the judge or jury). The expert must have sufficient facts or data to offer an opinion or otherwise testify. Additionally, the expert must use reliable principles and methods and apply them reliably to the facts of the case. So, the requirements are (1) qualifications; (2) helpful testimony to assist the judge or jury by (3) using sufficient facts or data, (4) using reliable principles and methods, and (5) reliably applying those principles and methods to the facts of the case. The totality of the Rule indicates a judicial desire for accurate testimony, not testimony shaded to favor one side of a case or the other. FRE 702 is bolstered by FRE 703, which provides in relevant part as follows: “An expert may base an opinion on facts or data in the case that the expert has been made aware of or personally observed. If experts in the particular field would reasonably rely on those kinds of facts or data in forming an opinion on the subject, they need not be admissible for the opinion to be admitted.” This Rule focuses on reasonable reliance on facts and data, the kind of reliance that experts would typically engage in outside of the judicial process. One of the biggest threats to fair trials and defensible verdicts is that expert witnesses might confuse their roles with those of the attorneys. A related threat is that experts will feel beholden to the party or lawyer who retained them and feel their obligation is to serve that party or lawyer rather than the court. There is an obvious temptation when a lawyer approaches an expert and asks for an opinion on a particular subject for the expert to give the

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Expert exaggeration: a particular example of the ultimate error

lawyer the opinion he or she seeks even if that means compromising standards. The expert should not be driven by the billing clock that will stop the moment the expert tells the lawyer that “my opinion will not help you.” When experts stretch facts and data to the breaking point or, in the words of one experienced expert, “torture the data until they confess,” they are not advancing the search for an accurate result (often called the search for truth). Experts who exaggerate because they are anxious to help the party who retained them (and is typically paying them) can lead judges and juries to return verdicts that deny justice to litigants, victims, and the citizens who expect their judicial system to seek to do justice rather than to reward parties who can find experts willing to say anything for money.

Expert exaggeration: a particular example of the ultimate error The Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence has expressed concern about experts overstating the strength of their opinions. In preparation for its May 2019 meeting, the Committee’s Reporter prepared a memorandum for the Committee. Edited excerpts of that memorandum are set forth below. Many speakers at the Boston College Symposium in 2018 [an invitation event organized by the Commission] argued that one of the major problems with forensic experts is that they overstate their conclusions — examples include testimony of a “zero error rate” or a “practical impossibility” that a bullet could have been fired from a different gun; or that the witness is a “scientist” when the forensic method is not scientific. Expert overstatement was a significant focus of the PCAST report [The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology]. And a report from the National Commission on Forensic Sciences addresses overstatement with its proposal that courts should forbid experts from stating their conclusion to a “reasonable degree of [field of expertise] certainty,” because that term is an overstatement, has no scientific basis and serves only to


confuse the jury. The DOJ [Department of Justice] has weighed in with a prohibition on use of the “reasonable degree of certainty” language, as well as important limitations on testimony regarding rates of error (as discussed below). Both the National Academy of Science and PCAST reports emphasize that forensic experts have overstated results and that the courts have done little to prevent this practice — the courts are often relying on precedent rather than undertaking an inquiry into whether an expert’s opinion overstates the results of the forensic test. It goes without saying that most of the problems of forensic overstatement occur at the state level — and especially this may be so going forward, given the DOJ’s attempts at quality control at the federal level. But the case law digest on federal cases [which follows] supports the notion that overstatement of forensic results is a problem. There are many reported cases in which experts’ conclusions went well beyond what their basis and methodology could support — claims such as zero rate of error, or opinions to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty. And, as discussed below, there is an argument that problems remain with forensic “identification” testimony even under the DOJ protocols. Thus, it would seem that there is good reason to seek to control overstatement, especially in forensic evidence cases. The DOJ is making extensive efforts in trying to control some of the prior problems that were evident in the testimony of forensic experts. Apropos of overstatement, a DOJ directive instructs Department scientists working in federal laboratories, and United States attorneys, to refrain from using the phrase “reasonable degree of scientific certainty” when testifying, and to disclose other limitations of their results. There are a number of directives, each targeted toward a specific forensic discipline, but they all provide regulation on overstatement of results. An example is the directive regarding toolmark testimony, in pertinent part as follows: • An examiner shall not assert that two or more fractured items were once part of the same object unless they physically fit together or when a microscopic comparison of the surfaces of the fractured items reveals a fit. • When offering a fracture match conclusion, an examiner shall not assert that two or more fractured items originated from the same source to the exclusion of all

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27. Lessons for expert witnesses

other sources. This may wrongly imply that a fracture

standards on witnesses from state labs. This is not at all to

match conclusion is based upon statistically-derived or

understate the DOJ efforts. It is just to say that there may

verified measurement or an actual comparison to all other

be room for court regulation as a supplement to these

fractured items in the world, rather than an examiner’s


expert opinion. • An examiner shall not assert that examinations conducted in the forensic firearms/toolmarks discipline are infallible or have a zero error rate. • An examiner shall not provide a conclusion that includes a statistic or numerical degree of probability except when based on relevant and appropriate data. • An examiner shall not cite the number of examinations conducted in the forensic firearms/toolmarks discipline performed in his or her career as a direct measure for the accuracy of a proffered conclusion. An examiner may cite the number of examinations conducted in the forensic firearms/toolmarks discipline performed in his or her career for the purpose of establishing, defending, or describing his or her qualifications or experience. • An examiner shall not use the expressions “reasonable degree of scientific certainty,” “reasonable scientific certainty,” or similar assertions of reasonable certainty in either reports or testimony, unless required to do so by a judge or applicable law.

These standards addressed directly to overstatement obviously represent an important advance and they are an excellent development. But despite these efforts there remains an argument that an amendment limiting overstatement [to FRE 702] will be useful and even necessary. This is so for a number of reasons: • There are questions of implementation of the DOJ protocols, as the edict has been in effect since 2016 and experts are still using the “reasonable degree” standard in many courts, according to the case digest. A case from 2018, discussed in the case digest, indicates that a ballistics expert was prepared to testify that it was a “practical impossibility” for the bullet to be fired from a different gun. Also there are questions about the impact of the DOJ


The 2018 Report of the American Statistical Association on Statistical Statements for Forensic Evidence supports [a] conclusion that the DOJsanctioned statement of “identification” raises the possibility of a problematic overstatement of an expert’s conclusions. The Association states as follows: The ASA strongly discourages statements to the effect that a specific individual or object is the source of the forensic science evidence. Instead, the ASA recommends that reports and testimony make clear that, even in circumstances involving extremely strong statistical evidence, it is possible that other individuals or objects may possess or have left a similar set of observed features. We also strongly advise forensic science practitioners to confine their evaluative statements to expressions of support for stated hypotheses: e.g., the support for the hypothesis that the samples originate from a common source and support for the hypothesis that they originate from different sources.

An example of careful science and the lessons it teaches The Institute of Medicine at the National Research Council examined the science used by the FBI in its investigation of anthrax spores sent through the US mails in October 2001. The Council concluded that “it is not possible to reach a definitive conclusion about the origins of the Bacillus anthracis used in 2001 anthrax mailings based on the available scientific evidence alone, this National Research Council committee finds. Scientific analysis played a central role in the FBI’s investigation of the anthrax mail attacks.”5


IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

An example of careful science and the lessons it teaches

The Report described the Council’s task: In 2008, seven years into the investigation, the FBI asked the National Research Council to conduct an independent review of the scientific approaches used during the investigation of the anthrax mailings. A committee of experts evaluated the scientific foundation for the experiments conducted by, and on behalf of the FBI, to determine whether they met appropriate standards for scientific reliability and for use in forensic validation, and to determine whether the FBI reached appropriate scientific conclusions from its use of these techniques. The committee did not undertake an assessment of the probative value of the scientific evidence and did not offer any view on the guilt or innocence of any individual(s) in connection with the 2001 mailings. There are many different strains of B. anthracis, each with distinct genetic features, which have evolved over time. Before the anthrax mailings took place, scientists had developed molecular methods to search the DNA of anthrax spores for markers to differentiate the various strains. Using these tests, researchers identified the dominant organism in the letters as the Ames strain of anthrax. Because the Ames strain had been widely distributed among laboratories around the world for research and countermeasure development, this finding suggested that the attack material had come, either directly or indirectly, from one of the laboratories that possessed the Ames strain. Further analysis of the genome sequence of the letter- associated anthrax spores determined that it was unlikely that this strain had been genetically engineeredda concern for investigators who feared the strain may have been altered to enhance anti-biotic resistance or to increase virulence. Having determined that the anthrax used in the letters was the Ames strain, the FBI worked to establish a repository of Ames strain samples held in laboratories around the world. In all, 20 laboratories provided a total of 1070 samples of Ames strain anthrax stocks to the FBI.To identify the source of the letter materials, researchers searched for a link between the material recovered from the letters and samples in the repository. Microbiologists at USAMRIID had observed that some spores from the attack material grew to produce bacterial colonies with distinctive appearances, different from typical Ames strain anthrax colonies. These variants were suspected to be the result of genetic mutations that had


spontaneously arisen in the attack spore population. Researchers determined the nature of the mutations associated with some of the unusual colonies in the attack material, and then designed specific, targeted marker tests to search the FBI’s repository of anthrax stocks for samples that contained these same mutations. The tests showed that 8 samples from two laboratories contained the same set of four mutations that had been selected from the attack material as the basis for subsequent tests. The FBI, through its other investigatory efforts, stated that all of these samples derived from a flask labeled RMR-1029, found in a laboratory at USAMRIID.

The Report concluded “that genetic analysis of the FBI’s repository was consistent with the finding that the spores in the attack letters came from flask RMR-1029; but the analyses did not definitively demonstrate such a relationship. Overall the committee found that the scientific link between the letter material and flask RMR-1029 is not as conclusive as stated in the Department of Justice’s Investigative Summary.” The Report also concluded that “the FBI’s scientific data provided leads as to the origin of the anthrax spores in the letters, but these data alone did not rule out other possible sources.” At the end of the Report the Committee wrote that it “has learned several lessons from the Anthrax investigation that may be helpful in future events: • The scientific investigation of any future biological attack would greatly benefit from a robust process of independent oversight and ongoing review. To accomplish this, the government could maintain a standing body of scientific experts with proper security clearance who are fully briefed on matters of importance for preparedness and response against a biological attack. When an investigation is launched, members of this group could help guide the scientific investigation. • It will be important in the future that relevant agencies review and periodically update the appropriate protocols and experimental designs to use best strategies for collecting, preserving, and documenting evidence,

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exploiting samples for scientific information, and meeting subsequent legal challenges. • As was done in the anthrax investigation, at the outset of any future investigation, the responsible agencies will need to develop a scientific plan and decision tree considering the breadth of available physical and chemical analytical methods. The plan will also need to allow for the modification of current methods and for the development and validation of new method.”

Judicial skepticism Several federal cases illustrate judicial skepticism regarding the reliability of expert testimony.6 United States v. Burgos-Montes, 786 F.3d 92 (1st Cir. 2015), was a drug prosecution in which the defendant was charged with murdering a cooperating witness. The government introduced evidence that a “cadaver dog” had alerted at a place identified as a possible grave site during the investigation 6 months earlier of the witness’s disappearance, although no remains were found. The court stated that it “tend[ed] to agree with Burgos [who had objected on Rule 702 grounds] that the government did not lay out much of a case that a dog could reliably identify a spot in which there had been (presumably months earlier) a human cadaver, as opposed to simply responding to animal remains or the leash-holding handler’s conscious or unconscious cues,” but it concluded that it did not need to determine whether admission of the evidence was an abuse of discretion because any possible error was harmless. In United States v. Dorsey, 45 F.3d 809 (4th Cir. 1995), the court held in a bank robbery prosecution that there was no abuse of discretion in excluding testimony about bank surveillance photographs from forensic anthropologists, as

there was no showing the method had been tested, subjected to peer review, or widely accepted in the relevant scientific community, and the known rate of error was very high. Furthermore, there was no indication that the witnesses were better able than the jury to compare photographs. In United States v. Frazier, 387 F.3d 1244 (11th Cir. 2004) (en banc), a prosecution for kidnapping and sexual assault, the defendant proffered testimony from a former chief investigator in a medical examiner’s office that the absence of either the defendant’s hair or bodily fluids on the victim’s person or in the car where the assaults took place cast doubt on the assault claim. The trial judge excluded the evidence, and an en banc court held that this was not an abuse of discretion, since the witness never explained how his experience or the texts he referred to supported his opinion that the recovery of inculpatory hair or seminal fluid “would be expected” if a rape had in fact occurred. Furthermore, the opinion would not assist the jury, since they had no way of knowing whether finding hair or seminal fluid was a virtual certainty, a strong probability, barely more likely than not, or just a possibility.

Judicial findings of reliability The previous cases illustrated judicial skepticism about expert testimony. But, there are other cases that illustrate that careful judicial screening can result in the admission of expert testimony. In United States v. Chiaradio, 684 F.3d 265 (1st Cir. 2012), the court affirmed a conviction for possessing and distributing child pornography, finding no abuse of discretion when an FBI agent was permitted to testify about identification of the defendant through use of an enhanced

The case summaries in this section and the next section are drawn from Stephen A. Saltzburg, Michael M. Marin & Daniel J. Capra, Federal Rules of Evidence Manual Section 702.03[45] (11th ed. 2015) and December 2018 Cumulative Supplement.


IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


Expert credibility

peer-to-peer file-sharing program developed by the FBI. Although the reliability of the program’s source code had not been subjected to peer review, that was to be expected given the need to keep it secret from the pornographers against whom it was used, and the reliability was sufficiently shown by testimony as to manual operations confirming the results. In United States v. Mahone, 453 F.3d 68 (1st Cir. 2006), the court affirmed a conviction for attempted armed robbery and found no abuse of discretion when a government witness was permitted to testify as an expert with respect to footwear impression identification, even though she was not qualified through the International Association for Identification. The court also found that there was an appropriate hearing into the “ACE-V” method for assessing footwear impressions, and sufficient evidence of the reliability of the method and its application in this case. In United States v. Rodriguez, 581 F.3d 775 (8th Cir. 2009), the court affirmed a conviction for kidnapping resulting in death, finding no abuse of discretion in permitting a government pathologist to testify about the results of acidephosphate tests conducted on the victim’s body, indicating the presence of semen in her vagina and cervix. The pathologist “did not invent acid-phosphate testing; he testified to attending national medical conferences and reviewing scientific literature on the topic. The test results are based on scientific data, and assist the jury in its fact-finding.” Although the expert’s conclusion was based on living people and there could be uncertainty about the timing of the chemical process in a corpse, this went to weight and not admissibility.

States, whereas state rules and interpretations may vary. But, interesting state cases arise. One was State v. Schmidt, 669 So. 2d 448 (La. Ct. App. 1997). In that case, the defendant, a gastroenterologist, was charged with attempted seconddegree murder by injecting the HIV virus into the victim, a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. One issue before the Louisiana Court of Criminal Appeals was whether the State could rely on expert testimony that the HIV in the victim was similar to the HIV found in another of the defendant’s patients who the State claimed was the source of the HIV the defendant injected into the victim. Louisiana had an evidence rule similar to the federal rule before the US Supreme Court in Daubert, and the Louisiana Supreme Court had decided to follow the Daubert approach. The Louisiana court of appeals analyzed the testimony before the state trial judge and concluded “that the trial court did not err in finding that the methodology used by Dr. Metzker in his investigation satisfied the Daubert standards.” The defendant argued that the trial judge abused discretion in not considering alleged defects in the manner in which the investigation was conducteddi.e., the steps in the protocol were not done correctly. But, the court of appeals found that “[w]hether these protocols were properly applied is a question for the trier of fact and not a gatekeeping function of the trial court.” This case is discussed in Budowle, B., and Harmon, R.: HIV legal precedent useful for microbial forensics. Croatian Med. J. 46(4):514e521, 2005.

State cases

Expert credibility

State courts and state judges have to make the same types of admissibility rulings as federal courts and federal judges. This chapter focuses on federal cases because the Federal Rules of Evidence are uniform throughout the United

In most cases the credibility of an expert is determined by the trier of fact, i.e., the judge or jury deciding the case. Typically, a judge asked to rule on the admissibility of expert testimony assesses methodology and focuses on reliability.

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27. Lessons for expert witnesses

But it is incorrect to say that the judge never makes credibility determinations. Judge Edward R. Becker of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit considered the complex relationship between expert credibility and reliability in Elcock v. Kmart Corp., 233 F.3d 734, 750e751 (3d Cir. 2000). The trial judge in Elcock held a Daubert hearing and determined that one of the plaintiff’s experts did not pass the reliability threshold. The judge relied in part on the fact that the expert had engaged in criminal acts involving fraud which meant the expert lacked credibility even though the fraud was not related to the expert’s professional work. Judge Becker found the trial court’s reliance on these bad acts to be error and stated that on remand “the district court should not consider Copemann’s likely credibility as a witness when assessing the reliability of his methods.” Judge Becker added, however, a caveat that many experts and lawyers fail to recognize; We do not hold . that a district court can never consider an expert witness’s credibility in assessing the reliability of that expert’s methodology under Rule 702. Such a general prohibition would be foreclosed by the language of Rule 104(a), which delineates the district court’s fact-finding responsibilities in the context of an in limine hearing on the Daubert reliability issue. Indeed, consider a case in which an expert witness, during a Daubert hearing, claims to have looked at the key data that informed his proffered methodology, while the opponent offers testimony suggesting that the expert had not in fact conducted such an examination. Under such a scenario, a district court would necessarily have to address and resolve the credibility issue raised by the conflicting testimony in order to arrive at a conclusion regarding the reliability of the methodology at issue. We therefore recognize that, under certain circumstances, a district court, in order to discharge its fact-finding responsibility under Rule 104(a), may need to evaluate an expert’s general credibility as part of the Rule 702 reliability inquiry.

The importance of discovery Federal and state courts have discovery rules that vary in their scope. The purpose of such rules is to avoid surprise and to assure that parties and their lawyers have an adequate opportunity to assess evidence to determine whether and how they should engage in the settlement of a dispute or to prepare for a trial. There has been increasing recognition over many years that it is especially important for adequate disclosure of expert testimony, because the fact that it is typically beyond the understanding of nonexpert lawyers means that special preparation on the part of these lawyers is required for them to understand what experts are saying, to assess its reliability, and to prepare to rebut it. Thus, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (26)(a) provides in relevant part as follows: (2) Disclosure of Expert Testimony. (A) In General. In addition to the disclosures required by Rule 26(a) (1), a party must disclose to the other parties the identity of any witness it may use at trial to present evidence under Federal Rule of Evidence 702, 703, or 705. (B) Witnesses Who Must Provide a Written Report. Unless otherwise stipulated or ordered by the court, this disclosure must be accompanied by a written reportdprepared and signed by the witnessdif the witness is one retained or specially employed to provide expert testimony in the case or one whose duties as the party’s employee regularly involve giving expert testimony. The report must contain: (i) a complete statement of all opinions the witness will express and the basis and reasons for them; (ii) the facts or data considered by the witness in forming them;

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

The importance of discovery

(iii) any exhibits that will be used to summarize or support them; (iv) the witness’s qualifications, including a list of all publications authored in the previous 10 years; (v) a list of all other cases in which, during the previous 4 years, the witness testified as an expert at trial or by deposition; and (vi) a statement of the compensation to be paid for the study and testimony in the case. The mantra of many federal judges is that “if it is not in the report, it is not in the case.” Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 16(a) (1) is not quite as specific, but clearly is intended to avoid surprise in federal criminal cases when experts are expected to testify: (F) Reports of Examinations and Tests. Upon a defendant’s request, the government must permit a defendant to inspect and to copy or photograph the results or reports of any physical or mental examination and of any scientific test or experiment if: (i) the item is within the government’s possession, custody, or control; (ii) the attorney for the government knowsdor through due diligence could knowdthat the item exists; and (iii) the item is material to preparing the defense or the government intends to use the item in its case-in-chief at trial. (G) Expert Witnesses. At the defendant’s request, the government must give to the defendant a written summary of any testimony that the government intends to use under Rules 702, 703, or 705 of the Federal Rules of Evidence during its case-in-chief at trial. If the government requests discovery under subdivision (b) (1) (C) (ii) and the defendant complies, the government must, at the defendant’s request, give to the defendant a written summary of testimony that the government intends to use under Rules 702,


703, or 705 of the Federal Rules of Evidence as evidence at trial on the issue of the defendant’s mental condition. The summary provided under this subparagraph must describe the witness’s opinions, the bases and reasons for those opinions, and the witness’s qualifications. This Rule permits a defendant to obtain the government’s scientific and expert evidence, but does not require the defendant to seek that information (although they almost always do). Section of Rule 16(b)(1) provides in relevant part as follows: (B) Reports of Examinations and Tests. If a defendant requests disclosure under Rule Rule 16(a)(1)(F) and the government complies, the defendant must permit the government, upon request, to inspect and to copy or photograph the results or reports of any physical or mental examination and of any scientific test or experiment if: (i) the item is within the defendant’s possession, custody, or control; and (ii) the defendant intends to use the item in the defendant’s case-in-chief at trial, or intends to call the witness who prepared the report and the report relates to the witness’s testimony. Thus, if the accused in a criminal case requests the government’s expert and scientific evidence, the defendant must provide the government reciprocal discovery. States have different rules that govern discovery but one common denominator is a concern that parties should be able to avoid unfair surprise relating to expert testimony. The expert needs to assure that he or she complies with the requirements of relevant rules in preparing a report. But, the expert should be able to obtain assistance from the lawyer who retained the expert in assuring that the expert understands the legal requirements.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


27. Lessons for expert witnesses

Anticipating impeachment and attack Both attorneys and experts must understand that they operate in an adversary system which means that every witness, lay or expert, may be attacked and impeached (having his or her credibility attacked). There are many ways for an opposing side to attack an expert. They include the following: • The expert always works for prosecutors, plaintiffs, or defendants and is biased. • The expert expressed views in writing that contradict the expert’s opinion in the case at issue. • The expert expressed views in prior cases that contradict the expert’s opinion in the case at issue. • The expert has billed excessive hours and/or has charged excessive fees. • The expert has previously been retained by the same lawyer relying on the expert in the case at issue so the expert is biased in favor of the lawyer. • The expert belongs to a professional organization with a particular viewpoint. • The expert has failed to do adequate research and has missed relevant sources. • The expert’s testimony is contradicted by leading treatises in the relevant field. • The expert has previously been disciplined for professional misconduct. These are just examples of some familiar attacks on experts. There is an obvious incentive for the lawyer who retains an expert to explore whether these or other attacks might be successful before deciding to retain the expert or to call the expert as a witness. Some experts are tempted to hide damaging material from the lawyer who seeks to retain the expert, but that is dangerous. If the other side finds the damaging material, the expert will be damaged, and the lawyer who hired the expert would justifiably believe the expert is a fraud. This could and

should be ruinous to the expert’s reputation and future as an expert witness. In some cases, lawyers will retain two experts on the same subjectdone who is expected to testify and another who is expected to be an advisor to the lawyer and to test the opinions of the testifying expert before the testifying expert completes a report or testifies at trial. The best testifying experts welcome the addition of a second expert because the best testifying experts understand that if their tentative opinions and conclusions are put to the test early, they can be refined, corrected, and strengthened. The best testifying experts want to present the most reliable, bullet-proof testimony possible to meet the highest standards of their profession.

Some tips for expert witnesses 1. There should be a contract between the expert and the lawyer or the party retaining the expert. The contract, which can be drafted either by the expert or by counsel, should clearly state a. The expert’s billing arrangementdincluding any minimum fee, any fixed fee, any hourly rate(s) (describing how portions of an hour are billed and whether travel time is billed), and any special fee or hourly rate for depositions and trial testimony; and a description of any costs in addition to fees (e.g., travel, mailing, Internet); b. Any due dates for expert work to be provided to counsel; c. A description of the specific work to be done by the expert; and d. That the expert is not guaranteeing specific opinions and is entitled to be paid for all work done regardless of any opinions that the expert ultimately arrives at. 2. The expert should be prepared in federal cases to provide counsel with a current

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data

Cross-examination of government tanker expert





resume; a list of all publications authored in the previous 10 years; a list of all other cases in which, during the previous 4 years, the witness testified as an expert at trial or by deposition. The expert in state cases should be prepared to provide all information required by court rules to be disclosed. The expert should be prepared to produce for counsel all publications that are conceivably relevant to the retention and a list of cases in which the expert previously provided opinions on related subject matters whether or not the cases arose during the previous 4 years. The expert should disclose anything that might limit the opinions that the expert is retained to provide. The expert should not disclose the fact that he or she has been retained before counsel has identified the expert in a judicial filing. The expert should have no discussions with third parties about work being done, reports (draft of final), or proposed testimony without the permission of counsel with whom the expert is working. An expert should answer a cross-examiner’s questions without evasion. An expert who evades and gets caught pays a heavy price in loss of credibility. Here is an actual example with the actual names changed:

Cross-examination of government tanker expert In this case, a New York Stock Exchange Company sued the United States claiming a taking when the United States enacted statute barring use of single hull tank barges, and the Company had invested heavily in those barges and accompanying tugs. The expert had been a partner with a former Company Vice President. The government approached the expert to testify for the government against the company, and the expert agreed without telling his partner.


The partnership dissolved since it was clear that the former Vice President would testify for the Company while the expert had agreed to testify for the government. They had a clear and undeniable conflict of interest. The expert testified on direct examination for the government. Q. The former Vice President and I wrote this down. I think I have the words right. He is an extremely trustworthy person. That was your quote. Is that not true? A. Through Monday I would have said he’s one of the most ethical people I know. Q. You had to know that he might be a witness in this case. A. I didn’t know where his relationship with the Company stood after he left the board. Q. You did work for the Company, you have said. You did not know he was the Vice President in charge of operations in ____, the year this entire case revolves around? A. Oh, yes. I was very much aware. Q. Then you had to be aware that what he reasonably believed and understood, along with others, was likely to be an issue in this case, right? A. Yes. He’s one of the people who would have known why they built double hulls, just as several others were. Q. You were in this relationship where you have agreed with him you are going to do the tug and barge stuff, yet you decide that you are going to take on the possible role of becoming a witness and put yourself directly in conflict with the person who have a business relationship with? A. I don’t think I would characterize it that way. Q. We seem to have to be here in exactly that position, do we not? A. We do now, but you are saying what was my frame of mind when I took on the assignment, and that wasn’t my frame of mind. I didn’t know how he was going to react.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


27. Lessons for expert witnesses

Q. Your frame of mind was you wanted the money, right? A. I’m in business as a consultant. I’m not in business to turn down jobs. Q. You wanted the money? A. And I thought I was being asked to work for the correct party. Q. You wanted the money? GOVERNMENT: Objection, Your Honor. This is unduly argumentative. He has asked the same question three times, and it is irrelevant. THE COURT: But he has not answered it yet. I suppose it is implied, but if you answer it, he will move on, I guess. CROSS-EXAMINER: I will. I promise. I will only ask it once if I get an answer. BY CROSS-EXAMINER: Q. You wanted the money? A. I would like to be hired on this job, yes. Q. You wanted the money? Was that a yes to my question? A. Yes. I want to be paid for working on this job. There is nothing wrong with an expert witness wanting to be paid. Even though the witness might have looked like he tried to cheat on his partner, his attempt to be evasive badly damaged his credibility. The case was a bench trial, and at a recess the judge ordered his law clerk to “find out how much this guy is being paid.” 7. An expert who discovers a flaw in a proposed line of testimony or in a report should inform the lawyer who retained the expert as soon as possible. Neither the expert nor the lawyer benefits if the flaw is discovered and pointed out during a deposition of the expert by an adversary. 8. Throughout all of the work the expert does, the expert should adhere to the same standards he or she would use in important work outside the litigation context. In short, the expert should be committed to using a reliable methodology, applying it in a reliable way, and having sufficient facts or data to support any opinion that the expert

offers. Daubert and similar state decisions or rules will require this, but an expert who seeks to be viewed as a consummate professional should be committed to adhering to the highest standards of his or her profession. 9. An expert should be careful not to overstate an opinion. One of the major problems with forensic experts is that they overstate their conclusionsdexamples include testimony of a “zero error rate” or a “practical impossibility” that a bullet could have been fired from a different gun; or that the witness is a “scientist” when the forensic method is not scientific. An expert should be aware that the National Commission on Forensic Sciences has proposed that courts should forbid experts from stating their conclusion to a “reasonable degree of [field of expertise] certainty,” because that term is an overstatement, has no scientific meaning, and serves only to confuse the jury. Any expert for the Department of Justice should be aware that the Department has prohibited use of the “reasonable degree of certainty” language and placed other limitations on testimony regarding rates of error. 10. Not all expert witnesses become embroiled in the adversary process. Rules like Fed. R. Evid. 706 permit a federal judge to appoint a neutral expert for a variety of purposesde.g., to tutor the court on a complex subject. But, if the expert becomes a trial witness, both parties will have an opportunity to cross-examine the expert. Note that Rule 706 requires an expert to acquiesce in an appointment.

Rule 706. Court-appointed expert witnesses (a) Appointment Process. On a party’s motion or on its own, the court may order the parties to show cause why expert witnesses should not be appointed

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data



and may ask the parties to submit nominations. The court may appoint any expert that the parties agree on and any of its own choosing. But the court may only appoint someone who consents to act. (b) Expert’s Role. The court must inform the expert of the expert’s duties. The court may do so in writing and have a copy filed with the clerk or may do so orally at a conference in which the parties have an opportunity to participate. The expert: (1) must advise the parties of any findings the expert makes; (2) may be deposed by any party; (3) may be called to testify by the court or any party; and (4) may be cross-examined by any party, including the party that called the expert. (c) Compensation. The expert is entitled to a reasonable compensation, as set by the court. The compensation is payable as follows: (1) in a criminal case or in a civil case involving just compensation under the Fifth Amendment, from any funds that are provided by law; and (2) in any other civil case, by the parties in the proportion and at the time that the court directsdand the compensation is then charged like other costs. (d) Disclosing the Appointment to the Jury. The court may authorize disclosure to the jury that the court appointed the expert. (e) Parties’ Choice of Their Own Experts. This rule does not limit a party in calling its own experts.

Conclusion There is good news for legitimate scientists and honest expert witnesses: that is, courts are focused today on reliability of the scientific and expert testimony that is offered. So any expert witness who is careful, uses well-established methodologies, and is as rigorous in preparing testimony as in out-of-court professional work is likely to be comfortable as an expert witness. And, if the expert understands that he or she is not called upon to be an advocate but to be an honest broker, the expert should be comfortable in presenting data and opinions that are defensible and consistent with the highest standards of the expert’s profession. Our legal system is adversarial, which means that expert witnesses, like all witnesses, will be cross-examined. Their mistakes will be highlighted as they should be. But the experts who adhere to professional standards, take care in their work, and avoid exaggeration will be less likely to crash and burn than those who misunderstand their roles. And the best news is that when experts satisfy the demanding standards of decisions like Daubert and rules like FRE 702, justice is served and the accuracy of results in any given case is likely to be advanced.

IV. Legal aspects and interpretation of data


28 Select agent regulations Stephen A. Morse, Bernard R. Quigley IHRC, Inc., Atlanta, GA, United States

Introduction Several events over the past 23 years have changed the way scientists acquire and work with pathogenic microorganisms and biological toxins in the United States (US) and internationally (Morse, 2015). These events, which have increased national and international awareness of the potential or real threat of terrorism (including bioterrorism), include the unlawful attempt by an individual with ties to white supremacist groups to acquire Yersinia pestis (Carus, 2002); the documented unsuccessful anthrax attack in Kameido, Tokyo (Olsen, 1999; Takahashi et al., 1993; Danzig et al., 2011) and the release of the nerve agent sarin in the subway system of Tokyo in 1995 by the Aum Shinrikyo (Olsen, 1999; Danzig et al., 2011; Kaplan, 2000); the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 (Smoak and Geiling, 2004); the terrorist attacks using commercial airlines on September 11, 2001 (Smoak and Geiling, 2004); and the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US (Cole, 2003; Decker, 2018). The 2001 anthrax attack was a major impetus in the development of the field of microbial forensics. In an effort to control the misuse of dangerous pathogens and toxins by those wishing to do harm, the US passed several laws (Public Law 104-132, 1996;

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00028-3

Public Law 107-188, 2002; Public Law 107-56, 2001) and subsequently promulgated regulations (i.e., Select Agent Regulations) (42 C.F.R; 9 C.F.R; 7 C.F.R) designed to limit unauthorized access to these agents. For a historical perspective on the development of these regulations, the reader is referred to Morse (2015). The creation of an oversight role for the federal government in the area of biological sciences has evoked concern within the scientific community and is considered by some to actually increase societal vulnerability to biological attacks and natural epidemics (Casadevall and Relman, 2010). The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the Select Agent Regulations and other regulations that will impact the practice of microbial forensics.

The select agent regulations The practice of microbial forensics may necessitate working with evidence containing a select agent or toxin or with the select agents or toxins themselves. Individuals or entities who want to possess (including store), use, or transfer select agents or toxins should review the current requirements of the select agent regulations, which can be found at https://www. selectagents.gov. Entities must register with


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28. Select agent regulations

either the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) if they plan to possess, use, or transfer agents or toxins on the HHS or USDA select agent list, respectively. If the select agent or toxin is an overlap agent (i.e., regulated by both HHS and USDA), the entity may register with either HHS or APHIS, but is not required to register with both. Because the registration process, including the requirement for security risk assessments, may be time-consuming, an entity contemplating working with select agents or toxins should initiate the process well ahead of time. While registration is both agent and laboratory specific, the registration can be amended to include additional agents and laboratory spaces. A registration lasts for a maximum of 3 years (but may be granted for a shorter period of time).

Select agents and toxins The current HHS, USDA, and overlap list of select agents and toxins is shown in Table 28.1. The list is not static and is reviewed on a biennial basis by the respective select agent programs with advice and input from the Interagency Select Agents and Toxins Technical Advisory Committee (ISATTAC). The review is designed to provide an objective (i.e., quantitative) review in determining whether an agent or toxin should be added, removed, or maintained on the select agent list. Furthermore, agents and toxins can be added to (or deleted from) the list at any time by amending the regulations in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. x 552) by providing notification of the proposed amendment in the Federal Register and the opportunity for public comment, as illustrated by the addition of Bacillus cereus Biovar anthracis in 2016 (CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016). Currently, all

regulated toxins are on the HHS list. However, these toxins are subject to the regulation only if the aggregate amount of the toxin under the control of a principal investigator, treating physician or veterinarian, or commercial manufacturer or distributor exceeds the amount specified in the regulations (see Table 28.2). These de minimis amounts represent an attempt to balance the requirement for regulatory oversight of toxins that have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety with the need for their availability for critical research, forensic, and educational purposes. The de minimis amounts in the regulations are based on the amount a person with a legitimate need, such as a principal investigator, could safely possess without constituting a significant threat to public health and safety. While some select agent genomes are not covered under the select agent regulations, other native and recombinant nucleic acid molecules are regulated. The following genetic elements, recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acids, and recombinant and/or synthetic organisms are regulated as select agents: nucleic acids that can produce infectious forms of any of the select agent viruses that are indicated in Table 28.1; recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acids that encode the toxic form(s) of select agent toxins if the nucleic acids can be expressed in vivo or in vitro or are in a vector or recombinant host genome and can be expressed in vivo or in vitro; and, select agents and toxins that have been genetically modified. For example, positive strand RNA viruses (e.g., Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus) and certain DNA viruses that utilize host polymerases contain nucleic acids that can be used to produce infectious forms of the viruses. Such nucleic acids are subject to the select agent regulations. Any organism that contains regulated recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids are subject to the regulations unless the organisms or nucleic acids are excluded as (i) a nonviable select agent or nontoxic toxin; (ii) an excluded attenuated strain, or (iii) an excluded

V. Miscellaneous

The select agent regulations

TABLE 28.1


DHHSa and USDAb select agents and toxins.

DHHS select agents and toxins Abrin Bacillus cereus Biovar anthracisc Botulinum neurotoxinsc Botulinum neurotoxineproducing species of Clostridiumc Conotoxins (Short, paralytic alpha conotoxins containing the following amino acid sequence X1CCX2PACGX3X4X5X6CX7) d Coxiella burnetii Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) Eastern equine encephalitis viruse Ebola virusc Francisella tularensisc Lassa fever virus Lujo virus Marburg virusc Monkeypox virus Reconstructed replication competent forms of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus containing any portion of the coding regions of all eight gene segments (reconstructed 1918 influenza virus) Ricin Rickettsia prowazekii SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Saxitoxin South American hemorrhagic fever viruses (Chapare, Guanarito, Junin, Machupo, Sabia) Staphylococcal enterotoxins (subtypes AeE) T-2 toxin Tetrodotoxin Tick-borne encephalitis complex (flavi) viruses (Far Eastern subtype, Siberian subtype, Kyasanur Forest disease virus, Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus)e Variola major virus (Smallpox virus)c Variola minor virus (Alastrim)c Yersinia pestisc Continued

V. Miscellaneous

428 TABLE 28.1

28. Select agent regulations

DHHSa and USDAb select agents and toxins.dcont'd

Overlap select sgents and toxins B. anthracisc B. anthracis Pasteur strain Brucella abortus Brucella melitensis Brucella suis Burkholderia mallei (formerly Pseudomonas mallei)c Burkholderia pseudomallei (Formerly Pseudomonas pseudomallei)c Hendra virus Nipah virus Rift Valley fever virus Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruse USDA Veterinary Services (VS) select agents and toxins African horse sickness virus African swine fever virus Avian influenza virus (highly pathogenic) Classical swine fever viruse Foot-and-mouth disease virusc,e Goat pox virus Lumpy skin disease virus Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (contagious caprine pleuropneumonia) Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides small colony (Mmm SC) (contagious bovine pleuropneumonia) Peste des petits ruminants virus Rinderpest virusc Sheep pox virus Swine vesicular disease viruse Virulent Newcastle disease virus USDA Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) select agents and toxins Peronosclerospora philippinensis (Peronosclerospora sacchari) Phoma glycinicola (formerly Pyrenochaeta glycines) Ralstonia solanacearum Rathayibacter toxicus

V. Miscellaneous

The select agent regulations

TABLE 28.1


DHHSa and USDAb select agents and toxins.dcont'd

Sclerophthora rayssiae Synchytrium endobioticum Xanthomonas oryzae The current list of select agents and toxins can be found at https://www.selectagents.gov/SelectAgentsandToxinsList.html. a DHHS regulation 42 C.F.R. Part 73. b USDA regulations 7 C.F.R. Part 331 and 9 C.F.R. Part 121. c Tier 1 Select Agents. d C ¼ Cysteine residues are all present as disulfides, with the first and third cysteine and the second and fourth cysteine formingespecific disulfide bridges. The consensus sequence includes known toxins a-MI and a-GI and a-GIA, Ac1.1a, a-CnlA, a-CnlB; X1 ¼ any amino acid(s) or Des-X; X2 ¼ asparagine or histidine; P ¼ proline; A ¼ alanine; G ¼ glycine; X3 ¼ arginine or lysine; X4 ¼ asparagine, histidine, lysine, arginine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, or tryptophan; X5 ¼ tyrosine, phenylalanine, or tryptophan; X6 ¼ serine, threonine, glutamate, aspartate, glutamine, or asparagine; X7 ¼ any amino acid(s) or Des-X and “Des-X” ¼ “an amino acid does not have to be present at this position.” For example, if a peptide sequence were XCCHPA, then the related peptide CCHPA would be designated as Des-X. e Nucleic acids from these select agent viruses can produce infectious forms.

TABLE 28.2

Permissible toxin amounts.a

DHHS toxin Abrin Botulinum neurotoxins Short, paralytic alpha conotoxins Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) Ricin

Amount (mg) 1,000 1 100 10,000 1,000



Staphylococcal enterotoxins (subtypes AeE)


T-2 toxin Tetrodotoxin

10,000 500

The current permissible toxin amounts can be found at https://www. selectagents.gov/PermissibleToxinAmounts.html. a Toxins listed in 42 C.F.R. Part 73.3(d) are not regulated if the amount under the control of a principal investigator, treating physician or veterinarian, or commercial manufacturer or distributor does not exceed, at any time, the amounts indicated here.

select toxin modified to be less potent or toxic (see below). Under the current select agent regulations, the following are examples of genomic materials from select agent viruses that would not be regulated as a select agent: (i) material from regulated genomes that has been rendered noninfectious; (ii) cDNA made from genomes of regulated select agent pathogens; and (iii) complete genomes of

single-stranded, negative-strand RNA viruses, double-stranded RNA viruses, and doublestranded DNA viruses that require a unique polymerase (e.g., monkeypox virus). The select agent regulations do not apply to variola major genetic elements because the World Health Organization (WHO) has already placed significant restrictions on the possession, use, and transfer of these materials. Institutions other than the two currently recognized WHO collaborating centers (CDC, Atlanta, GA, and State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk, Russia) may not possess genetic fragments exceeding 20% of the variola major virus genome (for further information refer to http://www. who.int/csr/disease/smallpox/research/en/). These restrictions are followed by the CDC but are not legally binding. However, 18 U.S.C. x 175c makes it unlawful for any person to knowingly produce, engineer, synthesize, acquire, transfer directly or indirectly, receive, possess, import, export, or use, or possess and threaten to use the variola virus. Genomic material from bacteria or fungi on the select agent list is not regulated as a select agent. Additionally, the nucleic acid sequences of select agent pathogens are not regulated. In 2006, the National Science Advisory Board on Biosecurity was concerned that advances in

V. Miscellaneous


28. Select agent regulations

technology could lead to the ability to recreate or synthesize select agent viruses. The Board recommended that the government should take steps to increase awareness among providers and users of synthetic genomic materials regarding compliance with the select agent regulations and provide providers with a list of genomic materials explicitly covered by the regulations. In response, HHS developed recommended baseline standards for the gene and genome synthesis industry and other providers of synthetic double-stranded DNA products regarding the screening or orders so that they are filled in compliance with current US regulations (Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). The first de novo synthesis of horsepox virus, a member of the orthopoxvirus group, which includes Variola virus, has heightened concerns about the reemergence of smallpox as a threat to global health security (Koblenz, 2017).

Tier 1 select agents The select agents and toxins differ significantly in their pathogenicity, toxicity, and ability to be utilized as an agent of bioterrorism, and therefore, the risk that they might pose to human, animal, and plant health varies substantially (National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, 2009). Nevertheless, the 2005 Select Agent Final Rule applied the same regulatory controls regardless of the agent, which made it difficult to conduct legitimate research using less pathogenic select agents (Casadevall and Relman, 2010; National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, 2009). Therefore, it was recommended by a government advisory board (National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, 2009) that the list of select agents be reduced or stratified. Subsequently, Executive Order 13546, which was signed on July 2, 2010, directed the Secretaries of HHS and USDA to designate those select agents that pose the greatest risk of deliberate misuse with the greatest potential for mass casualties or devastating

effects to the economy, critical infrastructure, or public confidence as Tier 1 agents and toxins (see organisms indicated by footnote c in Table 28.1) and amend their respective regulations to establish security standards specific to these agents and toxins (The President, 2010). A federal panel employed several criteria, as well as information from the intelligence community, to identify 13 agents that were classified as Tier 1 (Bhattacharjee, 2011). The number of Tier 1 agents was subsequently increased to 14 in 2016 by the addition of B. cereus biovar anthracis (CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016). Currently, only nucleic acids that encode the toxic forms of botulinum neurotoxins, or infectious forms of Foot-and-Mouth Disease virus, are regulated as a Tier 1 agent, which means that all Tier 1 regulatory requirements apply to these nucleic acids (see below). The determination that the B. anthracis spores used in the 2001 anthrax letters presumably came from a federal laboratory facility (Decker, 2018) was an important factor in designing the security changes needed to address the insider threat. Specific changes in the regulations related to Tier 1 agents are described in Table 28.3. Specific guidance for these and other requirements of the Select Agent Regulations can be found in guidance documents (Table 28.4), which can be found at https://www.selectagents.gov. The National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity also issued several recommendations related to hiring and employment practices and to fostering an awareness of biosecurity and promoting responsible conduct as an approach to reducing the insider threat (National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, 2011).

Restricted experiments Certain experiments with select agents or toxins are prohibited unless approved by and conducted in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Secretary (HHS or USDA).

V. Miscellaneous

The select agent regulations

TABLE 28.3


Select agent regulation (42 C.F.R. x 73, 7 C.F.R. x 331, and 9 C.F.R. x 121) requirements for working with tier 1 agents.




Entities with Tier 1 select agents and toxins must conduct annual insider threat awareness briefings on how to identify and report suspicious behaviors (training).


The biosafety plan must include an occupational health program for individuals with access to Tier 1 agents and toxins, and those individuals must be enrolled in the occupational health program (occupational health).


Entities with Tier 1 agents must provide the following additional information in the incident response plan: (i) a plan for how the entity will respond to the activation of the alarm system or information on an intruder in the laboratory; (ii) Procedures on how the entity will notify the appropriate federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies of suspicious activity that may be criminal in nature and related to the entity, its personnel, or its select agents or toxins (incident response plan).

11(f)(1); 11(f)(3)

Persons with access to Tier 1 select agents and toxins must have additional preaccess suitability and ongoing assessment requirements (security plan).


Entities must describe procedures for how an entity’s Responsible Official (RO) will coordinate their efforts with the entity’s safety and security professionals to ensure security of Tier 1 select agents and toxins and share appropriate relevant information, which may affect the security plan (security plan).


Limit access to laboratories and storage facilities outside of normal business hours to only those specifically approved by RO or designee(s) (security plan).


Procedures must be in place for screening visitors, their property, and vehicles at the entry points to the areas registered for Tier 1 select agents and toxins (security plan).


A requirement for three barriers (physical structure that is designed to prevent access to Tier 1 agents by unauthorized persons [security plan]).


A requirement for intrusion detection system (security plan).


Entity must describe procedures to ensure that security is maintained in the event of the failure of the access control system due to power disruption (security plan).


Entity must determine the response time for response force (security plan).

See, for example, 42 C.F.R. x 73.13 (restricted experiments) and appropriate guidance document (Table 28.4). Restricted experiments are those (i) utilizing recombinant DNA that involve the deliberate transfer of a drug resistance trait to select agents that are not known to acquire the trait naturally, if such acquisition could compromise the use of the drug to control disease agents in humans, veterinary medicine, or agriculture, and (ii) involving deliberate formation of recombinant DNA containing genes for the biosynthesis of select agent toxins lethal for vertebrates at an

LD50 < 100 ng/kg body weight. Approval to conduct a “restricted experiment” requires submission of a written request to the Select Agent Program with supporting scientific information and documentation. A written decision granting or denying the request is issued by the responsible Select Agent Program (i.e., CDC or APHIS). A number of requests to introduce drug resistance genes have already been approved. However, unlike excluded attenuated strains of select agents, which once excluded are no longer subject to the regulation (as long as the attenuated strain

V. Miscellaneous


28. Select agent regulations

Guidance documents.a

Plan and personnel guidance

appropriate precautions and containment will be utilized.

Select Agents and Toxins Biosafety/Biocontainment Plan Guidance (July 2018)b


TABLE 28.4

Drills and Exercises Guidance (August 2017) Guidance for Select Agent Regulation Training Requirements (March 2017) Incident Response Plan Guidance (February 2018) Information Systems Security Controls Guidance (March 2017) Occupational Health Program Guidance (June 2016) Responsible Officials Resource Manual (March 2017) Security Plan Guidelines (October 2017) Suitability Assessment Program Guidance (March 2017) Shipping and storage guidance Guidance for Completing the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goodsc Guidance on the Inventory of Select Agents and Toxins (May 2017) Guidance on the Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins (October 2017) Select agent and toxin use guidance Avian Influenza Viruses (February 2018) Exclusion Guidance Document (March 2017) Guidance on the Inactivation or Removal of Select Agents and Toxins for Future Use (August 2017) Guidance on the Regulation of Select Agent and Toxin Nucleic Acidsc Restricted Experiments Guidance (October 2017) Select Toxin Guidance (May 2017) a

Guidance documents are available at www.selectagents.gov/compliance. html. b Date of last revision. c No date given for current version.

is not manipulated to restore or enhance its virulence) and can be used by any investigator (see later), each request to conduct a restricted experiment is reviewed separately to ensure that

The select agent regulatory exemptions provide that individuals or entities that may find themselves in possession of a select agent or toxin are not required to be in compliance with the select agent regulations if they take the specific actions required and/or meet the specific conditions proscribed by the regulations. The current exemptions in the regulations include (i) diagnostic, verification, or proficiency testing specimens in clinical or diagnostic laboratories; (ii) products licensed or otherwise approved for use by the federal government under specific statutes; (iii) investigational products approved by the federal government under specific statutes; and (iv) when either the HHS Secretary or the USDA Secretary grant specific exemptions due to a public health or agricultural emergency, respectively. A few examples of exemptions should suffice. A clinical laboratory that isolates a select agent from a clinical specimen is exempt from requirements of the select agent regulation, provided that (i) within 7 calendar days after identification, the select agent is transferred in accordance with the regulation or destroyed on-site by a recognized sterilization process (Isolation of a Tier 1 select agent or toxin requires the immediate notification of the Select Agent Program by telephone, facsimile, or email) followed within 7 calendar days by the submission of an APHIS/CDC Form 4; (ii) the select agent is secured against theft, loss, or release during the period between identification and transfer or destruction; and (iii) identification of the select agent is reported to the CDC or APHIS and to other appropriate authorities when required by federal, state, or local law. Another example is that select agents or toxins or products containing select agents or toxins are exempt from the select agent regulation provisions if they are cleared, approved,

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licensed, or registered under certain laws. These laws include the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. x 301 et seq.) and Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act pertaining to biological products (42 U.S.C. x 262). Examples of these products are the three Type A botulinum neurotoxins and one Type B botulinum neurotoxin preparations that have been approved for production and distribution on the US market.

Exclusions There are certain circumstances (i.e., exclusions) under which the Select Agent Regulations do not apply to the possession, use, or transfer of one of the biological agents or toxins listed in the Regulation. These exclusions include (i) any select agent or toxin that is in its naturally occurring environment, provided the select agent or toxin was not intentionally introduced, cultivated, collected, or otherwise extracted from its natural source (for example, B. anthracis spores in the soil of a ranch in Texas would be excluded from the regulation); (ii) nonviable select agents or nonfunctional toxins (for example, the purified B chain of ricin toxin is not subject to regulation); and (iii) HHS toxins under the control of a principle investigator, treating physician or veterinarian, or commercial manufacturer or distributor if the aggregate amount does not, at any time, exceed amounts listed in the regulation (Table 28.2). For example, a single investigator may possess up to 1000 mg of purified ricin and not be subject to the regulation. Attenuated strains of select agents or attenuated toxins may be excluded from requirements of the regulation based on a determination by either the CDC or the APHIS that it does not pose a severe threat to public health and safety, animal health and animal products, or to plant health and plant products. To apply for an exclusion, an individual or entity must submit a written request and provide supporting scientific data to either the HHS or USDA Select Agent


Programs. The submitted documentation is reviewed by ISATTAC with input from appropriate subject-matter experts. Based on this review, a written decision supporting or denying the request is issued by the appropriate Select Agent Program. If granted, the exclusion becomes effective on notification of the applicant. Exclusions are listed on the Internet at https://www.selectagents.gov. The current list of excluded strains of select agent bacteria and viruses is shown in Table 28.5; excluded toxins are shown in Table 28.6. If an excluded strain or toxin is subjected to any manipulation that restores or enhances its virulence or toxicity, the resulting select agent or toxin becomes subject to requirements of the regulations. An example of this type of manipulation is the introduction of the virulence plasmid pXO2 into the excluded Sterne strain of B. anthracis (pXO1þ pXO2). The current Select Agent Regulations address concerns raised by law enforcement agencies related to seizures (i.e., possession) of known select agents or toxins. While the revisions do not authorize the seizure of a select agent or toxin by a federal law enforcement agency, they establish the conditions under which a federal law enforcement agency can conduct certain law enforcement activities (e.g., collecting evidence from a laboratory crime scene) without being in violation of the regulations. Sections 73.3(f) and 73.4(f) of the HHS regulation provide that any known select agent or toxin seized by a federal law enforcement agency will be excluded from the requirements of the regulation during the period between seizure of the agent or toxin and the transfer or destruction of such agent or toxin provided that (i) as soon as practicable, the federal law enforcement agency transfers the seized agent or toxin to an entity eligible to receive such agent or toxin or destroys the agent or toxin by a recognized sterilization or inactivation process; (ii) the federal law enforcement agency safeguards and secures the seized agent or toxin against theft, loss, or release and reports any theft, loss, or release of such agent or toxin;

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434 TABLE 28.5

28. Select agent regulations

Select agent exclusions.

• Avian influenza virus (low pathogenic). Any low pathogenic strains of avian influenza virus, avian paramyxovirus serotype1 viruses which do not meet the criteria for Newcastle disease virus, including those identified as pigeon paramyxovirus-12 isolated from a nonpoultry species • Avian influenza virus (highly pathogenic). Recombinant vaccine reference strains of the H5N1 and H5N3 subtypes (effective 05-07-2004) • Bacillus anthracis strains devoid of both plasmids pX01 and pX02 (effective: 02-27-2003); strains devoid of the plasmid pX02 (e.g., B. anthracis Sterne, pX01þ pX02) (effective: 02e27-2003) • Brucella abortus-lacZ DnorD DznuA (vaccine strain) (effective: 06-02-2011); B. abortus S2308 Dpgm (vaccine strain of S2308) (effective: 08-09-2006); B. abortus strain 19 (vaccine strain) (effective: 06-12-2003); B. abortus strain RB51 (vaccine strain) (effective 05-07-2003) • Brucella melitensis-lacZ DnorD DznuA (effective: 07-07-2015); B. melitensis strain 16MDvjbR (effective: 12-22-2014) • Burkholderia mallei Dasd strains (ATCC 23344 Dasd; Ivan Dasd; China 5 Dasd; 2002721278 Dasd) (effective: 12-13-2017); B. mallei strain CLH001 DtonB Dhcp1 a mutant of B. mallei strain ATCC 23344 (effective: 08-20-2015) • Burkholderia pseudomallei Dasd strains (DL2 Dasd; DL25 Dasd; DL28 Dasd; MSHR503 Dasd; NAU44A6 Dasd; MSHR840 Dasd; MSHR1655 Dasd; MSHR87 Dasd; MSHR367b Dasd) (effective: 12-13-2017); B. pseudomallei strain 576mn DpurM derivative of strain 576a (effective: 08-18-2017); B. pseudomallei strain JW270, a capsular polysaccharide deletion mutant (effective: 07-022014); B. pseudomallei strain B0011, a Dasd mutant of strain 1026b (effective: 12-07-2011); B. pseudomallei strain Bp82, a DpurM mutant of strain 1026b (effective: 04-14-2010) • Coxiella burnetii Phase II, Nine Mile Strain, plaque purified clone 4 (effective: 10-15-2003) • Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus, South American Genotypes (effective: 12-04-2012); EEE virus/Sindbis chimeric construction that includes the structural gene (only) of EEE virus (effective: 05-29-2007) • Ebola virus, DVP30 replication incompetent virus (effective: 01-02-2013) • Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMD). FMD-LL3B3D A24 Cruzeiro vaccine strain (effective: 04-30-2018) • Francisella tularensis subspecies tularensis, SCHU S4DclpB strain (effective: 11-10-2014); F. tularensis subspecies novicida (also referred to as Francisella novicida) strains and F. novicida-like strains (effective: 11-10-2014); F. tularensis subspecies novicida strain Utah 112 (ATCC 15482) (effective: 02-27-2003); F. tularensis subspecies holarctica LVS (live vaccine strain; includes NDBR 101 lots, TSI-GSD lots, and ATCC 29684) (effective: 02-27-2003); F. tularensis subspecies tularensis strain B-38 (ATCC 6223) (effective: 02-27-2003) • Junin virus vaccine strain Candid No. 1 (effective: 02-07-2003) • Lassa fever virus, Mopeia/Lassa (MOP/LAS) arenavirus construct ML-29 (effective: 03-02-2005) • Monkeypox virus, West African clade (effective: 12-04-2012) • Mycoplasma capricolum. All subspecies are excluded except capripneumoniae (contagious caprine pleuropneumonia) • Mycoplasma mycoides. All subspecies are excluded except mycoides small colony (Mmm SC) (contagious bovine pleuropneumonia) • Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus live-attenuated vaccine candidate strain DNSs-DNSm-ZH501 (effective: 03-12-2012); RVF virus vaccine strain MP-12 (effective: 02-07-2003) • SARS coronavirus, NATtrol-treated SARS-CoV molecular controls (effective: 02-08-2013)

V. Miscellaneous

The select agent regulations

TABLE 28.5


Select agent exclusions.dcont'd

• Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) subtypes ID and IE (effective: 12-04-2012); VEE virus/Sindbis chimeric construction that includes the structural gene (only) of VEE virus (effective 05-29-2007); VRPs constructed using the V3014 derived helper of VEE virus (effective: 12-29-2004); VEE virus vaccine candidate strain V3526 (effective: 05-05-2003); VEE virus vaccine strain TC-83 (effective 02-07-2003) • Yersinia pestis CO92 triple mutant Dlpp Dmsb Dail (effective: 05-19-2016); Y. pestis strains which are Pgm due to the deletion of a 102-kb region of the chromosome termed the pgm locus (i.e., Dpgm). Examples are Y. pestis strain EV or various substrains such as EV76 (effective: 03-14-2003); Y. pestis strains (e.g., Tjiwidej S and CDC A1122) devoid of the 75 kb lowcalcium response (Lcr) virulence plasmid (effective: 02-27-2003)

TABLE 28.6

Select toxin exclusionsa,b.

• Catalytically inactive Botulinum neurotoxin (ciBoNT) B, C, E, F (effective: March 23, 2016) • Botulinum neurotoxin type C atoxic derivative (BoNT/C ad) (effective: December 23, 2014) • Fusion proteins of the heavy-chain domain of BoNT/ translocation domain of diphtheria toxin (effective: August 28, 2011) • Recombinant catalytically inactive botulinum A1 holoprotein (ciBoNT/A1 HP) (effective: May 7, 2010) • Recombinant botulinum neurotoxin purified protein A1 atoxic derivative (BoNT A1 ad) E224A/Y366A (effective: July 22, 2009) • Recombinant botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (R362A/ Y365F) (effective: March 28, 2006) • Conotoxins (nonshort, paralytic alpha conotoxins (effective: December 4, 2010) • Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) single-site mutant Q210A (effective: June 1, 2016) • Staphylococcal enterotoxin C (SEC) single site mutant N23A (effective: June 1, 2016) • Staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) triple mutant L48R/ D70R/Y92A (effective: January 16, 2014) • SEB triple mutant L45R/Y89A/Y94A (effective: January 16, 2014) • SEC double mutant N23A/Y94A (effective: January 16, 2014) • Anhydrotetrodotoxin, a derivative of wild-type tetrodotoxin (effective: May 15, 2015) a

Nontoxic HHS toxins (section 73.3 (d)) and excluded toxins modified to be less potent or toxic (section 73.3 (e)). Additional information is available at https://www.selectagents.gov/ SelectAgentsandToxinsExclusions.html.


and (iii) the federal law enforcement agency reports the seizure of the select agent or toxin by submitting APHIS/CDC Form 4. If a federal law enforcement agency seizes a suspected select agent or toxin or unknown material, it will be regarded as a specimen presented for diagnosis or verification and, therefore, will not be subject to the regulations until it has been identified as a select agent or toxin.

Transfers With two exceptions (see later), the transfer of a select agent or toxin must be authorized by the CDC or APHIS before transfer occurs. A transfer may be authorized if the sender (i) has an active and approved certificate of registration at the time of transfer that covers the particular select agent or toxin; (ii) meets the exemption requirements for the particular select agent or toxin (see earlier discussion); or (iii) is transferring the select agent or toxin from outside the US and meets all import requirements. Regulations governing importation of etiologic agents of diseases of humans (42 C.F.R. x 71 Foreign Quarantine. Section 71.54); diseases of livestock, poultry, and other animals (9 C.F.R. xx 92, 9496, 122, and 130); and plant pests (7 C.F.R. x 330) have been previously described (Ezzell, 2005). The recipient must also have a certificate of registration that includes the particular select agent or toxin at the time of transfer. To obtain an authorization for transfer, APHIS/CDC Form 2 must be submitted to either the CDC or

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28. Select agent regulations

APHIS. This authorization for transfer is only valid for 30 calendar days after issuance. After an authorized transfer, the recipient must submit a completed APHIS/CDC Form 2 within 2 business days after the select agent or toxin is received. In the event that the select agent or toxin has not been received within 48 h after the expected delivery time or if the package has been damaged to the extent that a release of the select agent or toxin may have occurred, the recipient must notify the CDC or APHIS immediately. It is also important to note that the sender must comply with all applicable laws concerning the packaging and shipping of hazardous materials. Select agents are not permitted in the US postal system. Select agents are considered hazardous materials and fall under the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) of the US Department of Transportation (DOT). HMR are issued by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and govern the interstate transportation of materials by highway, rail, vessel, and air. HMR are the legally enforceable shipping regulations for hazardous materials in the US and are enforced by the Federal Aviation Administration for air transport. For complete information, see 49 C.F.R. xx171-180 at http://www.phmsa.dot. gov/hazmat/regs. The DOT HMR applies to the offering, acceptance, and transportation of hazardous materials to, from, or within the US and to any aircraft of US registry anywhere in air commerce. Select agents, infectious substances, toxins, and other dangerous goods are not allowed in the passenger compartment of aircraft. Transportation of an infectious substance by a federal, state, or local government agency or the military in a vehicle (e.g., automobile, truck, airplane) operated by a government or military employee is not subject to the HMR, which may be important, in certain circumstances, for transporting forensic evidence containing an infectious substance or toxin by law enforcement or military personnel.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions (TI) on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air augment the broad principles governing the international transport of hazardous materials by air contained in Annex 18 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The DOT HMR authorizes transport in accordance with the ICAO TI as a means of compliance with the HMR. Because both the DOT HMR and the ICAO TI are based on United Nations (UN) recommendations, the DOT allows shippers to follow the ICAO TI for domestic air transport, but additional requirements may exist (see 49 C.F.R. x 171.23, Requirements for specific materials and packages transported under the ICAO TIs, IMDG Code, Transport Canada TDG Regulations, or the IAEA Regulations). The International Air Transport Association (IATA) was formed to simplify the extensive and complicated requirements for transport by aircraft. IATA is an international trade organization that represents approximately 230 airlines comprising 93% of scheduled international air traffic. The Dangerous Goods Regulations, which IATA publishes every year, is technically not a regulation per se, but a user-friendly guide for the regulatory ICAO TI. Working closely with the UN Committee of Experts and other national authorities, IATA ensures that the rules and regulations governing the transportation of dangerous goods are effective, efficient, and in complete compliance with ICAO and the UN Model Regulations. For more information, see https://www. icao.int/ and http://www.iata.org/index.htm. It is important to remember that under the DRG, carriers can refuse improperly packed packages and international shipments. The two exceptions concerning the transfer of select agents and toxins mentioned previously are that (i) a select agent or toxin that is in a specimen for proficiency testing may be transferred without prior authorization from the CDC or APHIS provided that the sender reports to the

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The select agent regulations

CDC or APHIS the select agent or toxin to be transferred and the name and address of the recipient(s) at least 7 calendar days prior to the transfer and (ii) on a case-by-case basis, the Secretary of HHS or USDA can authorize a transfer of a select agent or toxin, not otherwise eligible for transfer, under conditions prescribed by the secretary. Specific guidance on the transfer, importation, and shipment of select agents and toxins has been developed and can be accessed at https://www.selectagents.gov/compliance. html and is updated as needed (Table 28.4).

Records Proper record keeping is important for the forensic analysis of microbial evidence. It is also a requirement under sections 73.17, 121.17, and 331.17 of the Select Agent Regulations. The select agent regulations require an accurate and current inventory for (i) each select agent (including viral genetic elements, recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acids, and recombinant and/or synthetic organisms) held in long-term storage (placement in a system designed to ensure viability for future use, such as a freezer or other storage container or lyophilized materials); (ii) any animals or plants intentionally or accidently exposed to or infected with a select agent (including number and species, location, and appropriate disposition); and (iii) each toxin held. Specific guidance on the inventory of select agents and toxins is available at https://www.selectagents.gov/ compliance.html and updated periodically (Table 28.4). The information in the guidance document is meant to provide additional information to regulated entities in meeting the requirements of the select agent regulations.

Security The select agent registration process requires each laboratory to develop a written security plan that is based on a site-specific risk assessment.


Regulations governing the assessment do not specify who must perform it, meaning that it can be performed by officials for the laboratory itself. Each laboratory must implement a security plan that is sufficient to safeguard select agents against unauthorized access, theft, loss, or release. The assessment must provide protection based on the risk and intended use of the select agent or toxin. It includes four assessments: an agent-specific risk assessment, threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, and graded protection determination. Before being issued a certificate of registration, an entity must comply with all security requirements (and all other provisions of the Select Agent Regulations). To assist entities in developing and implementing the required written security plan, the CDC and APHIS developed a Security Risk Assessment Tool to assist in creating the entity’s site-specific risk assessment, which is the core of a robust security plan. The Security Risk Assessment Tool and specific guidance for developing and implementing a security plan in compliance with the select agent regulations are available at https://www.selectagents.gov/compliance. html. The guidance document includes information regarding site-specific risk assessments, planning requirements, access, inventory and audits, and barriers and is updated periodically as needed (Table 28.4).

Biosafety/biocontainment The Select Agent registration process requires each entity to develop and implement a biosafety/biocontainment plan to ensure biological containment and safe handling of select agents and toxins. The biosafety/biocontainment plan must be based on a site-specific assessment, which provides protection commensurate with the risk of the agent and its intended use. Biosafety procedures (e.g., operational work practices and personal protective equipment) and physical containment features (e.g., facility design and engineering controls) sufficient to contain the agent must be included. The plan

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28. Select agent regulations

must be reviewed, and drills must be conducted at least annually. A guidance document (Table 28.4) is available to assist entities in developing this written plan and can be accessed at https://www.selectagents.gov/compliance. html. The guidance document has links to several valuable resources including the guide Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (Chosewood and Wilson, 2007). Entities registered for Tier 1 select agents and toxins also require an occupational health program. Information regarding the occupational health program may be incorporated into the biosafety/biocontainment plan.

Incident response A written incident response plan must also be developed as part of the registration packet. This plan should be coordinated with all entity-wide plans and must include response procedures for biological containment and security breaches, natural disasters, and other emergencies. Information must include emergency contact information for responsible persons; roles and lines of authority; and emergency evacuation, medical treatment, first aid, and decontamination procedures. The plan must be reviewed, and drills must be conducted at least annually. A guidance document for developing and implementing an incident response plan has been established (Table 28.4) and is available at https://www.selectagents.gov/compliance. html. It contains information regarding requirements, natural disasters, and goals of incident response planning.

principles and practices before having access. A guidance document (Table 28.4) that includes what types of training are required, training programs, frequency requirements, and maintenance of training records is available at https://www. selectagents.gov/compliance.html.

Summary The goals of the Select Agent Programs are to regulate the possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins that have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal health or animal products, and to plant health and plant products. Because of the threat these agents pose, they are likely to be used by bioterrorists and other criminals and, therefore, may become the subject of forensic analyses. Performing research of select agents and toxins is also critical for the development of effective medical countermeasures and, ultimately, the development of effective vaccines. The Select Agent Regulation has been in effect for more than 20 years. During this time, hundreds of entities have registered with the CDC or APHIS to possess, use, or transfer select agents and toxins, and thousands of individuals have been approved to work with these agents at registered facilities. The CDC and APHIS have developed a highly integrated regulatory oversight program, characterized by uniform regulations, a common database (the National Select Agent Registry), and a shared common website (https://selectagents.gov).

References Training The Select Agent Regulations require that each person with approved access to select agents and toxins, or any person who works in or visits areas where select agents and toxins are handled or stored, must be trained in biosafety and security

7 C.F.R. x 331: Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins. Available at: http://www.Selectagents.gov/ Regulations.html. 9 C.F.R. x 121: Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins. Available at: http://www.Selectagents.gov/ Regulations.html. 42 C.F.R. x 73: Select Agents and Toxins. Available at: http:// www.Selectagents.gov/Regulations.html.

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Bhattacharjee, Y., 2011. Panel selects most dangerous select agents. Science 332, 1491e1492. Carus, W.S., 2002. Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents Since 1900. Fredonia Books, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Casadevall, A., Relman, D.A., 2010. Microbial threat lists: obstacles in the quest for biosecurity? Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 8, 1e6. CDC, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016. Possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins. Addition of Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis to the HHS list of select agents and toxins. Fed. Regist. 81, 63138e63143. U.S. Department of health and human Services, CDC and NIH. In: Chosewood, L.C., Wilson, D.E. (Eds.), 2007. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, fifth ed. U.S. Govt. Printing Office. Cole, L.A., 2003. The Anthrax Letters. A Bioterrorism Expert Investigates the Attack that Shocked America. Skyhorse Publishing, New York, NY. Danzig, R., Sageman, M., Leighton, T., Hough, L., Yuki, H., Kotani, R., et al., 2011. Aum Shinrikyo. Insights into How Terrorists Develop Biological and Chemical Weapons. Center for a New American Security, Washington, DC. Decker, R.S., 2018. Recounting the Anthrax Attacks. Terror, the Amerithrax Task Force, and the Evolution of Forensics in the FBI. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010. Screening Framework Guidance for Providers of Synthetic DoubleStranded DNA, Washington, D. C. Available at: https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/guidance/ syndna/Documents/syndna-guidance.pdf. Ezzell, J.W., 2005. Forensic handling of biological threat samples in the laboratory. In: Breeze, R.G., Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E. (Eds.), Microbial Forensics. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 213e231. Kaplan, D.E., 2000. Aum Shinrikyo (1995). In: Tucker, J.B. (Ed.), Toxic Terror: Assessing Terrorist Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons, BCSIA Studies in International Security. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 207e226.


Koblenz, G.D., 2017. The de novo synthesis of horsepox virus: implications for biosecurity and recommendations for preventing the reemergence of smallpox. Health Securit. 15, 620e628. Morse, S.A., 2015. Pathogen security- help or hindrance? Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2, 83. https://doi.org/ 10.3389/fbioe.2014.00083. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, 2009. Enhancing Personnel Reliability Among Individuals with Access to Select Agents, Washington, D.C. Available at: http://www.osp.od.nih.gov. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, 2011. Guidance for Enhancing Personnel Reliability and Strengthening the Culture of Responsibility, Washington, D.C. Available at: http://www.osp.od.nih.gov. Olsen, K.B., 1999. Aum Shinrikyo: once and future threat? Emerg. Infect. Dis. 5, 513e516. Public Law 104-132, Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, 1996. Available at: http://www. gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-104publ132/pdf/PLAW104publ132.pdf. Public Law 107-188, Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, 2002. Available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ188 /pdf/PLAW-107publ188.pdf. Public Law 107-56, Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Requires to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, 2001. Available at: http://www. gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW107publ56.pdf. Smoak, B.L., Geiling, J.A., 2004. Mass casualty events. Lessons learned. In: Roy, M.J. (Ed.), Physician’s Guide to Terrorist Attack. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 3e19. Takahashi, H., Keim, P., Kaufman, A.F., Keys, C., Smith, K.L., Taniguchi, K., et al., 1993. Bacillus anthracis incident, Kameido, Tokyo. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 10 (2004), 117e120. The President, 2010. Executive order 13546: optimizing the security of biological select agents and toxins in the United States. Fed. Regist. 75, 39439e39442.

V. Miscellaneous


29 Biorepositories and their foundation Frank P. Simione, Richard R. Vines, Ted D. Mullins American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, VA, United States

Managing microbial forensics biological resources Biological resources are living organisms and cells, their derivatives, and biospecimens such as tissue or serum, collected and maintained for the purpose of supporting scientific research, development, production, and testing. A resource established to meet the needs of the microbial forensics community must be prepared to deliver a diversity of materials, and accompanying data, to investigators in a timely and efficient manner under a quality management system. While a variety of resource systems are widely available, frustration in the microbial forensics (and greater microbiology) community stems from the inaccessibility of many of them due to access restrictions, international transfer complications, ownership and intellectual property rights, and cost. The days of free exchange of biological resources are over, and those who utilize these resources, partnered with those who manage them, must develop novel mechanisms for assuring the resources are available as needed. Institutions responsible for managing biological resources and ensuring their availability are collectively called Biological Resource Centers (BRCs). While all BRCs have the same

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00029-5

overall purpose, their specific tasks and operations differ depending on the type of biological materials housed and their intended use. A BRC dedicated to supporting microbial forensics initiatives and activities benefits from the long-term experience of existing BRCs, some of which have been serving the scientific community for more than a century. Most of these organizations have long-term experience managing and distributing biological resources globally and in the process made gains in improving their procedures as the life sciences have advanced. The operational aspects of BRCs evolved as new technologies became available and new regulations and best practices on handling, transporting, and controlling the end use of the materials resulted in innovative ways of managing risk and ownership issues. To highlight current biorepository practices, examples of programs developed primarily by the United States federal government are included. While renewable resources, such as microorganisms and their derivatives, are the primary focus of a microbial forensics resource, nonrenewable resources may be collected as well for specific studies or investigations. These materials include human and animal biospecimens, such as tissues or serum, as well as arrays of uncharacterized primary isolates that because


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29. Biorepositories and their foundation

of their origin might serve as standards for testing. Unknown or uncultivable material characterized by molecular methods only, which might or might not be replicable, could also be part of the resource. Renewable resources, which have been well characterized and authenticated and have been in wide use in the scientific community, often become broadly acceptable de facto standards. Attempts in recent years to improve the management of bioforensic resources and repositories have been frustrated with the heterogeneity of existing repositories, access restrictions, and cost. This chapter provides an overview of how a BRC can support microbial forensics in a manner that minimizes access restrictions and assures delivery of quality materials, using current state-of-the-art practices. As several terms are used to describe resources of biological materials, e.g., biorepository, biobank, etc., definitions for these terms are provided in Fig. 29.1. This discussion focuses on the aspects of a well-developed and well-managed BRC as a valuable means of supporting microbial

Definitions: Biobank – a collection of clinical, medically relevant biospecimens and associated data. Biological Resource Center (BRC) – an organization that manages all aspects of biological material storage and distribution, including ownership rights, and transfer and use compliance. Biorepository – a collection of biological materials; a facility that collects, stores and distributes biological materials. Culture Collection – a collection of renewable microorganisms and cells; a facility that collects, authenticates, preserves and distributes.

FIGURE 29.1 Definitions of entities engaged in storing and providing biological materials.

forensics activities and provides some guidelines on how an ideal microbial forensics resource might operate.

Biological Resource Centers Culture collections have been in existence for more than a century and were initially established to ensure that biological materials used in research continue to be available to scientists in the future. The original collections simply maintained the donated materials without extensive authentication and in the early years without low-temperature preservation. As demands increased from both the scientific community, and US and international regulatory agencies, new methods of operation evolved. These demands included better quality materials in more user-friendly formats, and with the advent of the biotechnology business, ownership protection of donor material, and intellectual property rights. New and revised regulations covering safety and security also placed new burdens on these evolving collections. The designation, BRC, and the overall definition of what constitutes BRCs originated at a 1999 Tokyo Workshop on Biological Resource Centers (OECD, 2001). As technologies and research activities evolved, it became obvious that simply maintaining and providing a biological resource would not suffice. Biorepositories have been passive storage banks for large numbers of specimens for which the donor of the material is the sole source of the characterization and quality represented by the specimens. Many biorepositories now consist primarily of arrays of microorganisms or biospecimens collected for specific purposes. Culture collections, which have been in existence for many years, function as biorepositories for replicable materials, such as microbes and cells. While passive storage and distribution was originally their primary function, they evolved to provide active authentication of the materials available from them.

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Biological Resource Centers

BRCs provide services ranging from the level of a traditional culture collection, such as providing authentication and distribution of their holdings, to a fully functional BRC that engages in product development and provision of better tools and more user-friendly packaging. A full-service BRC also provides mechanisms for equitable and timely access of the biological resources, ownership and intellectual property protection for contributors, and assurance of safety and security during handling and delivery of high-risk materials. Well-managed BRCs also implement good practices for assuring minimal capital and operational investments to provide the highest quality materials at reasonable costs. Culture collections traditionally acquired materials by passively accepting contributions from scientists; however, in recent years, the acquisition process has become more active. BRCs now pursue new deposits based on the perceived need in the scientific community and manage the acquisitions under policies that consider ownership and intellectual property rights. While authentication of acquired materials has always been a focus of culture collections, BRCs now add value by enhancing the usefulness of their holdings and providing more information such as genomic sequence analysis, taxonomy, and phenotypic characterization. Development of the biological resource holdings is a mechanism whereby the BRC can contribute to broader use of the materials. Some BRCs develop new packaging and ready-to-use product delivery formats in an effort to support efficiency and reproducibility across scientific studies. Advanced BRCs, with the relevant scientific expertise, engage in product development by finding new uses for the biological materials, many times in partnership with the scientific and biomedical community. Distribution of material holdings to end users is an important part of the activities of a BRC for ensuring timely and quality delivery. Two key components of a good distribution system are employment of


cold chain management to ensure that the integrity of the shipped materials is not compromised and compliance with US and international regulations. Some of the challenges in managing biological resources are the diversity of the materials and the varied processes required to preserve and manage them. Lack of standards and process standardization present challenges when materials from disparate collections are utilized in research and development. Large BRCs that manage diverse biological materials are constantly faced with the economic challenge of developing and applying standardized processes. Created to support scientific research in general, successful BRCs have met the challenge of collecting and maintaining biological materials that are useful and current, without overwhelming their ability to maintain large numbers of materials and missing materials that might be of value to the scientific community. One of the major challenges is to ensure that only relevant biological materials are collected and made available to control costs. Even with reasonable financial resources, collecting all extant specimens would be an impossible task, and government agencies have recognized that funding such endeavors is not an effective use of resources. When BRCs are established for specific needs, such as a microbial forensics biorepository, the effort must focus on the specific materials of interest. However, to enable access to related materials, biorepositories with a specific focus such as microbial forensics should establish a means for providing their users access to other diverse and disparate collections. As an example, the federal government recognized a need and established a program that included a biorepository containing biological materials related to biodefense and emerging infections. The biorepository provides biological materials to scientists and companies engaged in research, development, and production focused on high-risk biological agents. The goal of this program was to provide centralized

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oversight of available reagents for better management and quality, as well as to stimulate greater research interest. This program requires coordination among disparate biorepositories and agencies to ensure compliance with all regulations directed at the handling and distribution of biological materials. This ability to collaborate provides end users with a single source for diverse materials and assures the highest quality and standardization, including compliance with all regulations. The success of this repository led the federal government to establish a similar biorepository focused exclusively on influenza to support R&D efforts, surveillance, and detection. This resource was proven invaluable in the response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic with global distribution of critical reagents and illustrated the potential role that biorepositories may play in global health emergencies and other health crises. In 2008, an international initiative was launched to develop a Microbial Research Commons. Frustration over the cost and challenge for obtaining microbial resources warranted efforts to provide access “from the perspective of publically funded research, public-private interactions, and developing country concerns” (Designing the Microbial Research Commons, 2011). Goals included simplifying and standardizing the global processes for obtaining research materials. The model is not new, as the World Federation for Culture Collections has engaged in attempting harmonization of access to global resources in the past and still has ongoing efforts taking place. While the ideal model allows all biological holdings to be easily accessed at minimal cost, reality has forced many existing BRCs to undertake a business-like approach to survive, especially with decreasing government subsidies for scientific collections. Some countries in Europe and Asia provide government funding for major culture collections to ensure that biological resources are available for research and development initiatives. In others, such as the United States, funding is

provided primarily on a case-by-case basis as specific needs arise. When those specific needs are no longer viable, the funding for the resource ends and the materials are either abandoned or absorbed into another collection. A biorepository dedicated to supporting microbial forensics should not rely solely on funding targeted toward a specific objective but should pursue means of enabling broader use of the materials to garner additional support for the resource and longterm sustainability. This effort requires evaluating the holdings for other potential uses. For example, a microbial strain that provides a standard for forensics testing may also possess characteristics that can fulfill completely different needs, such as in public health.

Creating value One of the challenges facing all BRCs is determining what to acquire and what to ignore. Those that maintain large diverse collections for broad use by the scientific community are often petitioned by individual scientists to consider their materials as being the most useful. Acquiring these types of specialty materials with potentially limited applicability distracts financial and other resources from being available for acquisition of more needed items. A successful BRC operates with the foundational principle that its value is determined by the target user community’s needs. Materials to be acquired and housed in the resource should either come from the microbial forensics community directly (i.e., research institutions, investigative studies, or other sources where microbial forensics activities are ongoing) or should be sought out and acquired by the biological resource staff based on recommendations from the user community. To ensure the acquisition activities are efficient and meaningful, a panel of external stakeholders should be established to advise the BRC on what materials to acquire and make available.

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When the panel identifies materials for acquisition, some level of priority must be established for the BRC to ensure the most critical materials are acquired and processed first. This task is not easy, as different parts of the user community will each consider materials relevant to their work the highest priority. Decision-making should occur at the highest level possible in the hierarchy of managers, advisors, and those with overall responsibility for the resource. The value of a microbial forensics biological resource cannot be determined by the biorepository staff, as is the case for all biorepositories. BRCs were created based on a determination by the ultimate end users of the resource of what materials are useful, in what configuration, and the level of quality and validation testing needed. While BRCs have the general expertise to maintain biological materials and the associated data, the experts for each discipline area represented reside in the user community. These experts must be relied on to provide specific training and support on the proper handling of their materials during acquisition, maintenance, and distribution.

Sustainability Ensuring the sustainability of a BRC requires innovative thinking and implementation of novel processes not normally considered when managing biological resources. While the first priority of a microbial forensics biorepository should be to support the forensics user community, evaluation of broader use of the holdings should be a consideration. If the value of a biological resource can be expanded, it can contribute additional support for the core use. Novel uses for the holdings cannot easily be predicted; however, simply making the resources more broadly available can stimulate the development of new applications. Promoting the collections to a larger community of scientists leads to expanded interest in the renewable holdings. Greater variety in the use of the


materials may require the development of modified products and more user-friendly tools. Acquisition of materials resulting from forensic investigations or studies should be carefully evaluated as their usefulness may extend beyond support of that specific project. Careful consideration of how they might be more widely useful to the forensics community and potentially beyond should be part of the acquisition process. Simply collecting large numbers of strains can quickly overwhelm the biorepository resources. Promotion of collection holdings should be part of an overall business plan to ensure that the increased cost of encouraging wider use of the collections is eventually covered by fees generated from the user community. Knowledge of the characteristics of the acquired materials allows targeted promotion toward disciplines that maximize the opportunity for development of commercial products. The biorepository cannot be expected to accurately predict where commercial development will occur, but merely publishing lists of the holdings is not a good business practice. Engaging a commercial entity or a technology transfer consultant could help in ensuring greater return on the effort. Another option to augment BRC sustainability is to leverage in-house testing protocols developed for characterizing and authenticating the collection holdings into revenue generating services. While this effort requires investing in laboratory space and staff to perform the service activities, it can result in ongoing revenue streams in support of the BRC. For example, BRCs that manage cell cultures must apply tests for identification and for assuring the cells are free of contaminating agents. Tests such as karyotyping and DNA fingerprinting for identity verification, and mycoplasma detection and other tests used in assuring purity of the cell lines, are available to the scientific community for a fee. The need for these services is increasing as greater pressure is placed on scientists to assure their cell cultures are authenticated.

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Additionally, leveraging the value of the collection through licensing for special uses offers an opportunity to generate ongoing revenue for the biorepository. Negotiating licenses can be complicated and requires experienced staff to understand and manage the elements of license agreements. The process starts with acquiring material under agreements that allow broader use of the materials in which the depositor, or owner, benefits from the licensed use and the biorepository collects fees for providing the licensing opportunity and managing it, as well as ongoing royalties. The commercial value of an item is often created through research and development outside of its targeted use.

Building a biological resource The challenge in creating a biological resource focused on microbial forensics is to balance the current targeted needs of the microbial forensics community with broader considerations to ensure that future unforeseen needs are met and that the resource is set up for long-term sustainability. A new resource can benefit from the experience of existing BRCs, which were not built in their current form de novo but evolved as scientific needs changed. Focused biorepositories, created to serve a specific purpose, become limited to housing only those materials necessary for the designated use. When the specific area of focus changes, the existing resource may not meet the new requirements. There are two options for creating a biological resource in support of microbial forensics. The most obvious is to build a physical biorepository in a central location and place all related specimens in that location. A second, more novel option is to build the collection virtually by utilizing a network of existing biorepositories. This would entail identifying and partnering with a variety of biorepositories, including not only publicly held collections but also those located at universities and other institutions

where most specialized collections reside. There are advantages and disadvantages of each option that should be carefully considered. Creating a centralized resource to support the microbial forensics community requires facilities that house laboratories and a low-temperature storage area, both of which are very costly to capitalize. The need for laboratories at different biosafety containment levels would increase the capitalization and ongoing management costs significantly. In addition, staffing the resource with scientists, laboratory personnel, and biorepository technicians requires ongoing funding. Potential depositors are often reluctant to place their materials into a centrally located biorepository where they lose control of its dissemination and ultimate end use. However, if the biological materials are centrally located, they are under the direct control of the biorepository, which greatly facilitates proper inventory management, quality oversight, storage, and distribution. Creating a virtual biorepository may reduce the costs for developing and operating the resource and may provide availability to many diverse items. The infrastructure costs for acquiring and handling the biological materials and for support staff are distributed across the network. However, this approach removes direct control of the biological resources, which may result in lower quality reagents, a lack of standardization, and difficulties with network coordination due to differing processes for acquisition of new materials. The larger the pool of participating biorepositories, the greater the challenge in maintaining the quality and integrity of materials. Negotiation of an upfront agreement with each virtual biorepository would be required to establish standards for quality and access by the microbial forensics user community. All members of a networked biorepository are subject to the same regulations for possession, storage, and distribution of biological materials. In the event of discrepancies in critical biological holding information, such

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Assuring quality and standardization

as strain origin, taxonomy, or nomenclature, the aforementioned panel of external experts may be engaged to provide guidance to the biorepository network.

Long-term maintenance A biorepository of living biological specimens and their derivatives requires the use of longterm maintenance processes to assure genetic and performance stability (Simione, 1992). Microbial specimens are easily maintained at cryogenic temperatures when properly preserved, and many can also be stabilized using lyophilization and other drying processes. Cryogenic storage requires the use of specialized equipment such as liquid nitrogen dewars and mechanical freezers; transfer of specimens at cryogenic temperatures requires specialized packaging and shipping. Lyophilization, or freeze-drying, allows specimens to be maintained and shipped at ambient temperatures. The chosen preservation method is dependent on the type of materials and their intended use. For long-term maintenance of reference materials, the preferred method is cryogenic storage. Preparing cells for freezing and storage starts with harvesting a population of cells at their healthiest stage, preferably midlog phase for those in culture, because “one cannot expect to recover from the process better quality specimens than were present prior to preservation” (Stevenson, 1963). Chemical additives, such as dimethylsulfoxide or glycerol, are added at the appropriate concentration to suspensions to protect the cells during the freezing process. Slow, controlled cooling is preferred for most cells, although many microbes will survive a less stringent process. The controlled method involves cooling the specimens at a rate of approximately 1 C per minute to 40 C followed by rapid cooling to the desired storage temperature. Once this temperature is achieved, it is critical that specimens be transferred to the storage vessel without


compromising the achieved temperature. The ideal storage temperature for assuring longterm stability is at or below 130 C, at which point all metabolic activities cease. Sophisticated storage units using liquid nitrogen (LN2) are required for maintaining temperatures to support long-term storage. The temperature gradient in these devices ranges from 196 C at the LN2 liquid/vapor interface to 130 C or lower at the top of the unit. These LN2 units provide for storage of material in vapor phase (approximately 150 C) to prevent exposure of the stored material to liquid nitrogen. It is critical that such long-term storage units be validated for use (Simione and Karpinsky, 1996) in a manner that mimics normal operating conditions and responses to deviations. Biorepositories managed under a certified quality system will mandate that validation include installation qualification/operational qualification/performance qualification before use.

Assuring quality and standardization One of the difficulties in assuring the consistent quality of biospecimens used in research and investigational studies is the lack of standardization at different biorepositories for handling the same materials. To minimize the problem, attempts have been made to harmonize practices among entities, and in 2003, the National Cancer Institute proposed the establishment of a National Biospecimen Network, as a system for linking repositories of biospecimens used in cancer research. The project was challenged by the lack of standardized procedures for the collection and maintenance of biospecimens and associated data. Another attempt to harmonize processes for biorepository management was made by the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) who have documented good management practices via input from those who actively manage biorepositories.

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ISBER consists of representatives from commercial and government-operated biorepositories, supporting manufacturers and suppliers. The society provides a forum for exchange of information on best practices among its members and offers training and certification of biorepositories. The ISBER Best Practices for Repositories (ISBER, 2018) provides current guidance for biorepositories. Biological standards are key to replicable scientific research, and the lack of standardization has led to a major concern about irreproducible research (The Case for Standards in Life Science Research, 2013). Standards are important in assuring that biological materials from a central resource are performing consistently when used in research, development, and testing. These standards include material for the identity and authentication of the biological materials themselves and process standards for handling, production, characterization, storage, and distribution of the materials. The key to standardizing the material holdings is to assure that each item is unchanged from when it was originally deposited. Standardization is not improvement but simply assuring consistency. When an item has been used widely, and its performance characteristics validated, it becomes an official standard either by convention or mandate. For example, specific bacterial strains have been designated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for antibiotic susceptibility testing. While a strain may be designated a standard by convention, those mandated for testing purposes must be performance validated. Written standards to document processes are developed under consensus guidelines established by organizations such as ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute). Consensus standards assure that bias in developing the standards is minimized by including all who have an interest in the standard. However, any methodology developed in support of a biological resource

becomes a standard when it is repeatable and used consistently without alteration. Recently, irreproducible research has focused attention on the potential waste in research funding due to the inability to replicate published studies (Freedman et al., 2015). A reputable biological resource must establish procedures to ensure that the materials it provides meet the standards required for quality testing and replicable research. Microbial forensics is especially dependent on assurance of quality and standardization and cannot accept the lack of standards currently impacting life sciences research. To assure that biological material standards meet consistency levels and do not change, traceability and minimal passage levels are important. Unlike physical objects that for the most part remain unchanged, biological materials are constantly changing. Traceability is important in verifying the source of the material and assuring that it has been handled in a manner that minimizes changes. Frequent subculturing can lead to genetic drift and contamination introduced during laboratory handling. To minimize genetic drift and reduce the risk of manipulative changes, cultures should be preserved as close to the original source in passage number as possible. When replenishing inventory, the earliest passage possible should be used as the starting material. While quality assurance is important for all materials stored at low temperatures, some materials may require compliance with requirements for development of regulated products. Regulated products may include biologicals or reagents used in treating or testing of humans or laboratory test systems that rely on biological materials for validation or quality testing. Biological specimens used to support regulated products must be handled under Good Manufacturing Practices as delineated in the FDA quality systems for pharmaceuticals or medical devices. FDA’s quality system requirements include the organizational structure, procedures,

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Data management and integration

responsibilities, and resources for implementing and assuring quality management. The elements of a good quality system include validation of equipment and methods for storage and handling of biospecimens, as well as procedures for assuring the stored material is handled properly. Temperature deviations should be reported and recorded for future reference, and stocking and retrieval activities may require oversight by a quality assurance specialist or at a minimum, a second scientist to verify that the material is handled properly and accurately located. A Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) program should be established to ensure that action is taken when problems do occur and to avoid repeating them in the future. Developing and adhering to a quality management system for a biorepository supporting microbial forensics results in standards and biological materials that support better testing and yield defensible results.

Data management and integration An inventory management system should be chosen based on the intended use of the stored material (Simione, 1999). A number of purposebuilt solutions are available and should address the following potential user requirements: Usability • Ease of use • Search function analogous to common Internet search engines • Ability to customize (pre-/postinstallation and/or deployment) Security/access • System protections • Role-based permissions • System to be accessible by all networked computers • Dual sign off for transactions Inventory management


• Ability to track all biological specimens and types from arrival to final disposition • Ability to segregate based on studies, programs, agencies, etc. • Ability to support labeling (e.g., print labels and barcodes) • Ability to receive data from barcode or RFID scanners Reporting • Ability to report out on inventory, including any special collections • Ability to report out on test results Data • Ability to link supplementary data to inventoried items • Ability to import or export data Quality assurance/quality control of data, inventory information • Audit capabilities • CAPA support The efficiency and usefulness of a BRC to microbial forensics are dependent on management of both the specimen data and the associated metadata captured in the inventory management system. Specimen data include inventory records and information on the specimen itself such as identity, characteristics, and performance criteria. Metadata are those data associated with the origin and use of the specimen and can include information on its isolation or development, including the depositor and their affiliation, as well as newly discovered characteristics emanating from studies or tests performed using the specimen. Such information may be critical for use in investigations and legal proceedings. A robust information system and the necessary technical support are required to manage large quantities of metadata associated with the housed specimens. These data should be available to users, ideally with online access via a website, and require scrupulous quality control.

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Metadata on the origin and chronological history of acquired materials, based primarily on information obtained from depositors, are the responsibility of the biorepository staff to collect, manage, and organize. Depositor-provided information on the material is critical and includes source, date of isolation, and all known relevant characteristics. Too often, scientists do not document the source of their materials, and when exchanges among colleagues occur, the origin and history of the material is lost. Of course, reliance on depositor provided information puts the biorepository at risk of providing inaccurate information. Like a computer, the biorepository can only manage and manipulate the data provided to it; it cannot validate the accuracy of the information. Traceability is important for all materials, as two items with the same strain designation from two separate sources may differ because they were handled under dissimilar conditions. Thus, when a problem is encountered with a specific strain, the ability to trace the history of the strain to its origin can sometimes lead to discovery of where the problem originally occurred. The ability to trace the origin of a strain is invaluable when determining attribution, as public culture collections may quickly become the suspect source when misuse of a culture is realized. Production records for each lot of biological material can provide valuable information including personnel handling the samples, culture media and other reagents used, passage levels, dates of production, testing, and preservation. The inventory management system also maintains a history of all transactions with the biological reagents such as receipt, transfer for testing, distribution, etc. Traceability is key to assuring continuity and quality of the repository materials supporting microbial forensics.

Acquisition Several mechanisms are available for obtaining biological materials in support of microbial

forensics. The most efficient method is to negotiate upfront agreements with scientists and their institutions to facilitate timely access when materials are needed and available. Deposition to the repository could become a requirement associated with federal grant or contract funding, whereby any scientists who receive support focused on microbial forensics would be mandated to deposit their cultures in the microbial forensics repository. There is precedent for mandatory deposits in two areas: (1) microbial taxonomy and (2) biotechnology patenting. International nomenclature rules require deposit of a type strain (i.e., a reference strain) to name a new species; an agreement by convention that, if not complied with, the community may not accept the new name. To obtain a US or international patent claiming or using a biological material, the material itself must be deposited in a recognized patent depository. The rules for deposit and use of the material were developed through international harmonization and in the United States are mandated via the Code of Federal Regulations and are enforced via the United States Patent and Trademark Office. BRCs and smaller biorepositories primarily obtain materials directly from scientists who have isolated and developed them. Deposit agreements are set up with the depositor and their institution to provide clarity on the deposit conditions and ownership of the material. Two means of deposit have been established: (1) a gifted deposit specifies that the material is provided free of any ownership rights and (2) a bailment deposit whereby the recipient BRC has the right to utilize and distribute the material, but all ownership rights remain with the depositor. In these types of situations, a commercial application of the deposited material may lead to a financial benefit for the depositor. Obtaining materials from established collections avoids the time and cost for isolation and eliminates the need to build the collection slowly from individual deposits. Permission for use of material from another collection can be achieved via collaborative agreements that assure the

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Equitable access

depositing BRC has oversight of the quality and shares in the benefits from its distribution and use.

Equitable access Before the patenting of life forms and the BayheDole Act, which allows federally funded institutions to retain rights to their inventions, scientists more freely exchanged biological materials. However, institutions supporting research, and the research scientists themselves, soon recognized the value of the materials they acquire or develop and some became hesitant to share their resources. This reluctance created a potential roadblock to furthering scientific research and frustrated government efforts to respond to threats such as bioterrorism. Biorepositories, including a microbial forensics resource, should be established to house useful materials and importantly to develop a mechanism for obtaining resources from other sources. Thus, a thorough assessment is required of the types of materials the resource needs, identification of which of those materials are currently available, and where the materials are located. An innovative approach must then be developed to allow access to those materials as needed in a timely manner. After the materials and the institutions housing them are identified, agreements and arrangements should be established in advance to assure the materials are available when needed. Efforts to manage the acquisition and sharing of biological materials in the new environment led to the development of (a) material deposit agreements (MDAs) to document the terms and conditions for deposit and use of the material and (b) material transfer agreements (MTAs), which govern the transfer of materials between institutions. Well-crafted MDAs delineate the terms and conditions for transfer of material from the owner to the BRC. These documents define the terms of the deposit regarding gifting


or bailment and what rights to use of the material the depositor, or their institution, retains after the deposit is made. On the other hand, MTAs define the conditions under which biological materials received from a BRC may be used by a recipient. They cover topics such as user rights from an ownership perspective, third-party transfer options, and compliance requirements including use in humans. While MDAs and MTAs work well, they are often negotiated directly with the scientist requesting or donating the material. This approach often leads to time-consuming and sometimes laborious negotiations resulting in delays in obtaining the material. A good strategy for a biorepository is to try to establish a broad agreement with source institutions to allow the scientists to contribute materials without the need for specific negotiation on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions may occasionally need to be handled, but the general practices of a broad agreement make the acquisition process much more efficient. Another factor for allowing access to biological resources is traceability on users and their ultimate use of the materials. As microbial forensics is focused on attribution when an incident occurs, it behooves BRCs to attempt to ensure that the material they provide is not used maliciously and that misuse is not attributed to them erroneously. The biorepository cannot control the ultimate end use of the provided material but can only caution the recipient about misuse in the MTA. Vetting end users is an important part of the distribution process and can often frustrate those requesting materials. Similar to the agreements set up with potential depositors, agreements set up in advance to acquire material from the BRC helps expedite the process. No urgency, short of a national emergency, can allow overriding of the safety and security components of biological material transfer. For example, the international patent deposit process for supporting patents involving living organisms,

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established by the World Intellectual Property Organization under the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purpose of Patent Procedure, assures that all patent deposits located anywhere in the world are accessible to anyone requesting them at any time. However, the rules are clear that the International Depository Authorities managing those deposits are obligated to comply with safety and security requirements and local restrictions on transport. A US-based patent repository cannot export a patent deposit to a US-embargoed country without approval by claiming universal patent deposit rules.

Safety and security Adherence to biosafety practices is required as a microbial forensics biorepository may contain hazardous microorganisms. Biosafety guidelines, as provided in Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL, 5th Edition), also apply to handling of microorganisms in the biorepository. While specimen vials are not opened in a biorepository, safe handling of the vials and preparedness for accidents that can expose workers to the organisms must be in place. Repository staff should be provided a copy of the BMBL and required to read and understand it, even if they are not trained biologists. Standard operating procedures should be established detailing the response to vial breakage and spills, including who to notify and under what circumstances. There are two aspects to security in a biorepository operation: (1) ensuring that high-risk materials, especially select agents, are accessible only to those qualified to handle them and that they are protected from attempts by outsiders to gain access and (2) providing security of the materials from damage or loss. In either instance,

security is not foolproof, but adherence to established practices will minimize the risks. Select agents are defined as biological agents and toxins that have been determined to have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal or plant products. For all entities registered to handle select agents, there are mandatory compliance requirements for limiting access and assuring the biospecimens are secure. Some of these practices are suitable for protecting valuable, hazardous, and nonhazardous materials from damage or loss. These requirements include authorized access only by trained and certified individuals, including those cleared for access to select agents. Workers must be thoroughly educated on the importance of maintaining security at all times by ensuring restricted access areas and freezers are locked at all times when stocking and retrieval activities are not ongoing. Admittance to the facility should be controlled by card key access or some other means of physical security barrier. Additional security requirements include surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and intruder alarms. Alarms should be monitored at all times internally and, if possible, by an outside entity that can report alarm conditions to designated staff immediately. In any biorepository containing select agents, background checks and constant monitoring of staff for “suitability” are required for ensuring that unscrupulous or negligent behavior is prevented or detected early. Readers are referred to the Federal Select Agent Program at www.selectagents.gov for further guidance. Security and safety of the stored materials should also be addressed through system monitoring and good biorepository practices. System monitoring includes alarming all freezers to indicate deviations from temperature set points and maintaining liquid levels in liquid nitrogen freezers. For temperature monitoring, a hightemperature alarm should indicate when the

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Regulatory compliance

freezer temperature reaches a maximum allowable point. The temperature alarm should be set for a maximum allowable temperature of approximately 10 degrees above the normal operating temperature of the freezer. This leeway allows for small temperature deviations during stocking and retrieval activities. A greater temperature range may be needed in upright mechanical freezers due to their design. A low-temperature alarm is not typically needed for most materials, as a lower temperature is not deleterious. However, if the material must be maintained at a fixed temperature, a low-level temperature probe/ alarm should also be used. Liquid nitrogen level probes are needed for liquid nitrogenecooled freezers. A low-level alarm indicates when a nitrogen refill is needed to avoid disruption of the temperature gradient through vaporization of the liquid nitrogen. The frequency of fill will depend on the amount of stocking and retrieval activity within the freezer. High-level alarms are necessary to assure the liquid nitrogen level does not rise above the lowest level of the inventory, exposing material stored in the bottom of the freezer to the liquid.

Regulatory compliance Compliance with regulations is a crucial element of a BRC and requires constant vigilance to ensure procedures are current. Individual country and international regulations govern the transport of biological materials by ground and air, possession and handling of dangerous organisms, importing and exporting, and the collection and use of human biospecimens. With the exception of international transport by air, the discussion of relevant regulations will cover only those emanating in the United States. Transport of biological materials by air is regulated by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and enforced nationally. In the United States, the Department of


Transportation enforces compliance with the IATA rules and its own rules for ground transportation. These regulations govern the transport of dangerous goods, including infectious substances, and were revised about 10 years ago to ease the compliance requirements for clinical and diagnostic specimens. Currently, there are two categories of biological substances with regard to packaging and shipping: (1) Category A that includes human or animal pathogens for which there is little or no treatment, no cure, and which represent a danger to individuals and the community; and (2) Category B that includes human or animal specimens not in Category A. Both categories require strict adherence to the regulations and carry penalties from infractions. Any personnel involved in the packaging and labeling of hazardous biological materials for shipment by air must be IATA trained and certified. Importing infectious agents into the United States is regulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for human pathogens and by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for plant and animal pathogens. A permit may be required from one of these agencies before importing a pathogen, and depending on the nature of the pathogen, transfer within the United States may also require permitting. The US Department of Commerce (DOC) regulates export from the United States, and its Bureau of Industry and Security enforces the regulations. The Commerce Control List contains certain microorganisms and toxins that require an export license issued by the DOC. The DOC also controls shipments to countries embargoed by the United States, and violation of the export rules can result in, at a minimum, revocation of export privileges. Possession and handling of dangerous microorganisms and toxins are regulated by each individual country. In the United States, the CDC and USDA regulate human and animal pathogens under the Select Agent Rules promulgated in 1997 for transport and upgraded in 2005 for

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29. Biorepositories and their foundation

possession. BRCs that house and distribute select agents must be registered with either the CDC or the USDA and must comply with all elements of the rules, including clearing of personnel who have access to the agents. These rules require enhanced security features, as well as facility and personnel surveillance. Freezers containing select agents must be sequestered and maintained separately from other biorepository holdings. Only cleared and authorized individuals may be given access to these freezers, and surveillance cameras and motion detectors should monitor all activity near the select agent freezers and ideally within the entire repository. The biorepository inventory management system should allow for role-based permissions to restrict electronic data access to approved users and also log all transactions of materials. Depending on the type of materials handled by the BRC, other regulations may apply. For example, some cell lines currently used as standards in testing are derived from endangered species, and their transfer is regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Failure to apply in advance for permission to move these types of materials can result in detention at country borders and return of the material to the shipper. Detailed information on the source of the applicable regulations can be found in Peterman and Simione (2009) and Simione and Sharp (2017). The collection and management of human biospecimens requires the oversight of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) if the collection is supported by federal funding and is good practice for any biorepository handling human biospecimens. IRBs review the proposed studies including the plans and processes for collection, storage, and use of the biospecimens. Recent discussion and controversy have taken place regarding a tissue donor’s right to determine the specific use of the donated material. A wellmanaged biological resource of human

biospecimens must have a mechanism in place to ensure that restrictions on the use of the materials do not become an impediment.

Ideal microbial forensics biological resource The ideal biological resource for supporting microbial forensics studies and investigations should comprise of both a central resource and a means of obtaining specimens from external sources. A central resource allows for establishing all the standards, procedures, and operating principles of a good biological resource (e.g., production, authentication and quality testing, storage, regulatory compliance, distribution, data management, and agreement and licensing negotiations for intellectual property concerns). The centralized resource functions as the control center for establishing and managing standardization, quality, and compliance. The development of a microbial forensics biological resource should benefit from the knowledge and experience of BRCs that have been operating for nearly a century. To ensure ongoing sustainability of the resource, the value of the holdings should be leveraged beyond the microbial forensics community. Making the holdings more widely available can lead to potential new discoveries, broader collaborations, and unforeseen commercial uses that will generate income to support the microbial forensics resource. This BRC will have the components necessary for both assuring resources are available to the microbial forensics community and for generating the additional support needed for ongoing sustainability. The resultant BRC would provide safe and secure long-term storage of biological materials and the associated metadata to support investigations and the scientific understanding of microbial diversity and forensics.

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Further reading

References Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, fifth ed., 2009. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, public health service, centers for disease control and NIH, Bethesda, Maryland. Designing the Microbial Research Commons, 2011. In: Uhlir, P.F. (Ed.), Proceedings of an International Symposium. National Academies Press, Washington, DC. Freedman, L.P., Cockburn, I.M., Simcoe, T.S., 2015. The economics of reproducibility in preclinical research. PLoS Biol. 13 (6), e1002165. https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pbio.1002165. International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER), 2018. ISBER Best Practices for Repositories, fourth ed. OECD, 2001. Biological Resource Centres: Underpinning the Future of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. Peterman, K., Simione, F., 2009. Preservation, storage and transport: integrity and compliance. In: Schaechter, M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Microbiology. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 261e270. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0123739445.00111-5. Simione, F.P., 1992. Key issues relating to the genetic stability and preservation of cells and cell banks. J. Parenter. Sci. Technol. 46, 226e232. Simione, F.P., 1999. Cryopreservation: storage and documentation systems. In: Avis, K., Wagner, C., Wu, V. (Eds.), Biotechnology: Quality Assurance and Validation, Drug Manufacturing Technology Series, vol. 4. Interpharm Press, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, pp. 7e31. Simione, F.P., Karpinsky, J.Z., 1996. Points to consider before validating a liquid nitrogen freezer. In: Validation Practices for Biotechnology Products. ASTM STP 1260 American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 24e30.


Simione, F.P., Sharp, T., 2017. Best practices for storing and shipping cryopreserved cells. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Anim vol. 53 (10), 888e895. Stevenson, R., 1963. Collection, preservation, characterization and distribution of cell cultures. In: Proceedings: Symposium on the Characterization and Uses of Human Diploid Cell Strains. International Association of Microbiological Societies, Opatija, Yugoslavia, p. 417. The Case for Standards in Life Science Research: Seizing Opportunities at a Time of Critical Need, 2013. Global Biological Standards Institute, Washington, DC.

Further reading Baird, P., Simione, F., 2000. The strategic case for a centralized biorespository. SIM News 50, 57e62. Cypess, R.H. (Ed.), 2003. Biological Resource Centers: Their Impact on the Scientific Community and the Global Economy. ATCC, Manassas, Virginia. Mundelein, IL: American Biological Safety Association. Simione, F.P., 2000. Global issues in shipping of biological agents. In: Richmond, J.Y. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th National Symposium on Biosafety: Prudent Practices for the New Millennium, pp. 56e67. Simione, F.P., Cypess, R.H., 2012. Managing a global biological resource of cells and cellular derivatives. In: Management of Chemical and Biological Samples for Screening Applications. Mark Wigglesworth and Terry Wood, pp. 143e164. Standard Guide for Inventory Control and Handling of Biological Material Maintained at Low Temperatures, E 1565-93, 1993. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Conshohocken, PA. ASTM International. Transformation of an Icon: ATCC and the New Business Model for Science, 2016. ATCC, Manassas, Virginia.

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30 The National Bioforensic Analysis Center James Burans1, Jennifer S. Goodrich1, Robert L. Bull2, Nicholas H. Bergman1 1

National Bioforensic and Analysis Center, Frederick, MD, United States; 2FBI Laboratory, Quantico, VA, United States

History of the NBFAC The anthrax letters of 2001 prompted the realization within the US Government that forensic analysis of evidence from a biological terror event or biocrime was not something that could be easily performed in conventional laboratories. Forensic laboratories could not handle the evidence from such an event safely because the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) laboratory and others similar to it are not typically built with biocontainment capabilities, and so evidence contaminated by a biological threat agent such as Bacillus anthracis puts the forensic laboratory staff at risk. Conversely, biocontainment labs (that is, those with BSL-3/BSL-4 operations that can safely contain threat agents) are normally used for research and/or countermeasure development purposes and are rarely equipped and maintained with the needs of a forensic investigation in mind (strict workflow and cross-contamination control measures, for example). The combination of biocontainment and forensic capabilities simply did not exist in the United States in 2001, and so during the early course of the FBI’s “Amerithrax” investigation,

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00030-1

local and state public health laboratories, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), military biodefense laboratories including the US Army Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC), and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), and university laboratories were used for containment laboratory, bacteriological, molecular biology, and electron microscopy support. Although these laboratories contributed significantly to the rapid identification of the B. anthracis Ames strain in all the mailed letters, they were largely public health or research laboratories and did not have established procedures for the processing of environmental forensic samples, the ability to support traditional forensic techniques such as fingerprint or trace fiber analysis within biocontainment, or the ability to handle large and bulky evidentiary items such as mailboxes or car seats. In addition, they did not have procedures in place to strictly control for the potential of nucleic acid or antigen crosscontamination in their laboratories, and they had unique public health, biodefense, and research missions, which were significantly


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30. The National Bioforensic Analysis Center

interrupted and were not available for the duration of a long investigation. Thus, it became very clear that a new biocontainment laboratory devoted to a forensic mission was needed. In direct response to this need, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-10 (HSPD-10) (Bush, 2004) was drafted and states that “We have created and designated the National Bioforensic Analysis Center of the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, under the Department of Homeland Security, as the lead Federal facility to conduct and facilitate the technical forensic analysis and interpretation of materials recovered following a biological attack in support of the appropriate lead Federal agency.” More recently, the National Biodefense Strategy of 2018 (Whitehouse, 2018) reaffirmed the need to have a forensic capability to support investigation following biological events to “Conduct operations and investigations, and use all available tools to hold perpetrators accountable.” The National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC) provides dedicated staff, containment laboratories, equipment, and procedures to conduct operational forensic analysis to support the development of scientific data that can be used by investigators for attribution analysis of planned and actual biocrime and bioterrorism events. The NBFAC opened its doors with CDC-certified and newly renovated and equipped BSL-2 and BSL-3 laboratories within USAMRIID in May 2004, and within hours it received its first samples in support of the ongoing FBI Amerithrax investigation. In 2010, the NBFAC moved its laboratories into the new NBACC building on the National Interagency Biodefense Campus at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and has been operating in that space since that time.

NBFAC operations NBFAC’s concept of operations was designed with three main goals in mind: first, to apply the

best possible scientific approaches to the analysis of evidence in support of biocrime/bioterror investigations; second, to provide the nation with a facility in which those analyses as well as traditional forensics could be performed safely and securely on evidence that may be contaminated with the most dangerous pathogens in the world; and third, to provide an environment in which those analyses could be done with the highest confidence and meet the standards of the forensic and legal communities. Each of these significant challenges, which require continual effort to maintain, had not been fully tackled before the establishment of NBFAC. Scientifically, NBFAC is composed of a number of independently staffed groups, each composed of a mix of PhD, MS, and BS-level scientists who are specialists in their respective area. These groups represent the traditional disciplines normally found in a biocontainment laboratorydbacteriology, virology, toxinology, molecular biologydas well as the functional areas that support method-based approaches such as genomics, bioinformatics, analytical chemistry/mass spectrometry, and electron microscopy. Each group has its own dedicated labs for both casework and capability expansion (i.e., development, evaluation, and validation of new methods) so that new methods can be tested without the possibility of contaminating spaces or equipment that is being used for casework. There is also a separate group of sample processing specialists whose role is to manage evidence handling and storage and facilitate the transfer of evidence from investigators to groups for analysis. Each of these groups maintains capabilities at BSL-2, BSL-3, and BSL-4. In addition, NBFAC maintains space at BSL-3 and BSL-4 to support traditional forensics such as fingerprint analysis, document exams, and computer analysis on contaminated evidence within biocontainment. This eliminates the need for potentially damaging inactivation procedures that would otherwise be needed to safely remove the

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NBFAC science

evidence to a conventional forensic laboratory. All of this is done to ensure that NBFAC can support analysis of any biocrime-derived material, no matter what threat agent might be present. This range of biosafety levels requires a great deal of training as well as redundant equipment, but it makes it possible to conduct bioforensic analysis safely on any sample. Perhaps the most unique aspect of NBFAC’s design and operations is its adherence to the principles of forensic laboratories. Where many biocontainment laboratories are built with the assumption that BSL-3 and BSL-4 space are at a premium and thus must support multiple projects, NBFAC’s spaces are typically used by a single group for a relatively small set of methods. Similarly, NBFAC’s workflows are designed to be unidirectional so that samples move on a directed path through the labs as they are analyzed; this is counter to the flexibility that most biocontainment laboratories build into their design. Finally, NBFAC spends a significant portion of its resources every year gaining and maintaining ISO 17025 accreditation for its methods. This accreditation provides thirdparty oversight of its methods and processes and facilitates the acceptance of NBFAC’s analysis during legal review (e.g., the Daubert standard), but it requires significant effort from NBFAC’s staff and also means that spaces and equipment are often “locked” into being used for a single purpose.

NBFAC science One of the biggest challenges NBFAC has is that its core mission is constantly evolving and so must its science. The emergence of new infectious agents such as Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), as well as variants of well-known microbes such as Ebola virus, means that the list of threats is always growing, and NBFAC’s methods must keep up with the pace. In addition, even relatively well-


characterized agents such as B. anthracis have turned out to be much more complex than previously thought, as large-scale genome sequencing and phenotypic surveys have identified very close relatives that are harmless as well as more distant relatives that cause anthrax-like disease, and again NBFAC’s analytical tools must be adjusted to eliminate both false positives and false negatives. The lesson here has simply been that NBFAC must maintain a broad repertoire of orthogonal analytical methods so that multiple types of analysis can be brought to bear on a given sample and also that NBFAC must establish a culture of continual improvement so that the methods can evolve with a changing threat landscape as well as rapidly advancing technology. The general scientific approach that NBFAC has adopted uses a wide range of both agentspecific and agent-agnostic methods (that is, method-based rather than agent-based). Agentspecific methods include real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunological assays that allow for the extremely sensitive detection of high consequence microbial and toxin targets such as B. anthracis, Yersinia pestis, and ricin. Although NBFAC maintains a large repertoire of agent-based assays to cover a wide range of targets, it is readily apparent to anyone familiar with the world of biology that this approach will eventually fall short, simply because there are so many possible biological threats and no organization can validate and maintain assays specific to each. To meet this challenge and to extend NBFAC’s analytical capability to newly emerging, engineered, or even synthetic biological agents, several different types of agentagnostic approaches have been established. These include electron microscopy, broad bacteriological and virological culture, genomics, and mass spectrometry. Although the agent-based assays are often more sensitive, these methodbased approaches allow for a much more flexible analysis where the question being asked is not simply “Is Agent X in the sample?” but also

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30. The National Bioforensic Analysis Center

“What is in the sample?” Together, agent-based and method-based approaches allow NBFAC to provide exquisite sensitivity in the detection of known biothreats, as well as to be ready for the threats that have not yet been seen. The combination of agent- and method-based approaches allows NBFAC to tailor its analysis to the needs of the specific investigation, whether the priority of that case is speed, sensitivity, specificity, or all of the above. The use of multiple complementary approaches also allows for confidence in reporting, whether the results are from methods that have been used for decades or from cutting-edge techniques that are much newer. NBFAC’s mandate to provide cutting-edge scientific support to the investigators means that whenever its scientists are not performing casework, they are working on developing and evaluating new methods. These efforts are particularly critical for the method-based approaches such as genomics and bioinformatics, where technological advances are occurring very rapidly. New sequencing platforms and new software tools often offer new capabilities and must be evaluated relative to NBFAC’s mission and goals and then rapidly validated and integrated if they add value. The same is true of other areas such as analytical chemistry and mass spectrometry, and while agent-based assays are still also added as needed, the bulk of NBFAC’s developmental work is focused on method-based approaches. Significantly, this work is published and/or made available as open-source material whenever possibledthis allows the greater scientific community to work with NBFAC scientists on things like new software tools, and it provides another mechanism for external review of NBFAC’s methods. The last key piece of NBFAC’s scientific strategy is its relationships with partner organizations. Early in NBFAC’s history, it maintained close ties with many other laboratories that had expertise in specific areas such that despite the fact that it had relatively few capabilities itself,

it could serve as the “hub” in coordinating the actions of many different “spoke” laboratories to conduct a complex analysis for investigators. Spoke laboratories included the FDA, several DOE National Laboratories, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, and a few other academic and private laboratories. As NBFAC became more established, the expertise that these other laboratories provided were incorporated into NBFAC’s in-house competencies, but the relationships were largely maintained, and many of NBFAC’s capability expansion projects are still done as collaborations with outside organizations. The continued success of the NBFAC requires coordination with partners in academic and government laboratories. In the past 10 years, NBFAC scientists have published more than 60 peer-reviewed manuscripts describing the development, evaluation, and/or demonstration of new bioforensic methods, and well over half of them have involved collaborations with partners throughout the scientific community. These relationships have been absolutely critical to NBFAC’s success in establishing itself as a leader in biodefense and in being able to offer investigators the best possible scientific support.

NBFAC and the future of bioforensics Driven by both evolving threats and new technologies, NBFAC’s mission and capabilities are expanding. Where the focus was once microbial forensics and pathogen detection, NBFAC is now fully embracing the concept of bioforensicsdthe analysis of any biological material that may be part of a biocrime/bioterror investigation. This concept aligns with the establishment of method-based approaches that are not only capable of detecting high-consequence biothreats but can also produce a profile of an entire sample, perhaps identifying background components that represent unique signatures, such as the Bacillus subtilis contaminant present

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in some of the Amerithrax letters. In the future, NBFAC’s strategy is to focus not on specific threats, but to aim to fully characterize the nucleic acids, proteins, and small metabolites in a bioforensic sample using a combination of genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. This does not mean that the agent-specific assays currently in use will be discarded, as it will likely be years or decades before the method-based processes can match the single molecule sensitivity that the agent-based methods often provide. It simply means that NBFAC will continue to invest in method-based assay development, while using agent-based assays or combined approaches such as amplicon sequencing when sensitivity or high throughput is required. It also means that the computational methods needed to support genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analysis will be a key element of NBFAC’s development work going forward, as will the inferential and predictive methods that aid in interpreting those data and identifying new or hidden threats. Key to this strategy will be continuing NBFAC’s partnerships within broader scientific community because in many areas continued expansion of NBFAC’s capabilities will require resources beyond what NBFAC can directly support. As an example, advances in genome sequencing have resulted in rapidly expanding sequence databases that offer improved resolution to genomic analysis, but require more and more computing resources. It has become clear in recent years that machine learning and artificial intelligence might offer more effective ways of processing these data. NBFAC has established collaborations with partners in the DOE National Laboratories as well as in academia that leverage other groups’ expertise to produce advanced solutions in bioforensic analysis. NBFAC will continue to seek partnerships and expand capabilities that ensure readiness to rapidly identify any threat in a bioforensic sample.

Conclusion The NBFAC has and will continue to have a significant impact in protecting the nation from biocrime and bioterrorism. As part of its longterm goals for the future, the NBFAC is working toward the ability to fully characterize a bioforensic sample using a combination of method-based approaches, and in doing so to be able to detect any biological threat in any sample. Through its continuously available dedicated laboratories and staff in addition to ongoing capability expansion to meet new, emerging, and potential unknown biological threats, the NBFAC stands ready now and in the future to rapidly support attribution investigations to successful closure.

Standard Acknowledgment This work was funded under Agreement No. HSHQDC-15C-00064 awarded to Battelle National Biodefense Institute by the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) for the management and operation of the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the US Department of Homeland Security or the US Government. The Department of Homeland Security does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this presentation. In no event shall the DHS, BNBI, or NBACC have any responsibility or liability for any use, misuse, inability to use, or reliance upon the information contained herein. In addition, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, accuracy, or adequacy is provided regarding the contents of this document.

References Bush, G.W., April 28, 2004. Biodefense for the 21st century. In: Homeland Security Presidential Directive 10. Available from: http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/ hspd-10.html. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 09/National-Biodefense-Strategy.pdf.

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31 An international microbial forensics research strategy and its collaborative pursuit is needed Randall Murch1, Bruce Budowle2 1

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Arlington, VA, United States; 2Center for Human Identification, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Introduction and background Microbial forensics began to emerge as a scientific discipline with the creation of a national Weapons of Mass Destruction forensic investigative program in the United States circa 1996. Since then, numerous strategic and program visions and technical articles have been written, meetings have been held at scientific conferences and within government circles, and collaborative exchanges between governments have occurred. Other national programs have been established, in addition to that in the United States, and have matured. Now that a multinational campaign is underway to create a network of laboratories to support the United Nations Secretary-General’s Mechanism (SGM), an International Research Strategy for Microbial Forensics should be developed and published so that assets, capabilities, and investments can be leveraged to combat bioterrorism, illicit bioproliferation, and biowarfare worldwide.

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00031-3

Government agencies, companies and corporations, nonprofit organizations, and even religious institutions develop forward-looking “visions”, strategies, strategic plans, and “road maps” to benefit and inform their own organizations, as well as stakeholders, shareholders, constituencies, and communities of interest. Such documents typically detail the current state of affairs overall or for a particularly important problem or opportunity and what a desired future state will be, with priorities, requirements, and challenges articulated. These documents are often written with a specific time frame in mind (e.g., 1, 3 or 5 years) with defined goals, major phases, and milestones to be achieved. Such documents can be quite useful for (i.) providing a foundational framework; (ii.) unifying and purposing a workforce; (iii.) holding leadership and key personnel accountable; (iv.) communicating priorities; (v.) identifying what resources will be needed and how they will be used to achieve goals and objectives; and (vi.) managing


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31. An international microbial forensics research strategy and its collaborative pursuit is needed

expectations. These actions lead to detailed plans to inform the ensuing execution plans and metrics. Specific “deep dives” can be conducted to flesh out complex or difficult scenarios, gaps, or problems to achieve sufficient fidelity to develop courses of action to maximize the likelihood of success and return on investments. Visions, strategies, and road maps are revisited periodically, updated, and published to keep those responsible or having a stake informed, aligned, and/or updated. For documents such as these to have any impact or value, a responsible authority must issue and manage them. Microbial forensics was created out of the Hazardous Materials Response Unit (HMRU), which was established by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (Ember, 1996; Murch, 2001). This unit was the first Weapon of Mass Destruction forensic investigative program, which also focused on infusing actual forensic requirements, expectations, and practices into its nuclear and chemical cousins. Early in its evolution, the creators of this program and the emerging discipline of microbial forensics realized the need to formulate and communicate a strategic vision (Murch 2001, 2003; Budowle et al., 2003), collaborate with others to establish a community of interest, and articulate directions, goals, objectives, priorities, needs, gaps, and desired outcomes (Budowle et al. 2003, 2005a,b). The results of these initial efforts were memorialized in the peer-reviewed literature in reputable journals and more importantly were authored by subject matter experts who were committed to developing and advancing the discipline and crucial capabilities that were being established to carry out the much-needed mission. However, while they made major contributions to establishing the new discipline and the directions that should be pursued, they did not carry the authority or imprimatur of a government agency or organization, either national or international. Nevertheless, they provided considerable value to the foundations of microbial forensics and its ongoing evolution

as well as informing US government planning and programming. Some of the early articles are still considered primary sources by interested parties around the world.

The strategic path to Zagreb The first two strategic views for microbial forensics were published by Murch (2001) and Budowle et al. (2003) in 2001 and 2003, respectively. Murch proposed that establishing and resourcing an integrated national CounterWeapons of Mass Destruction program, which was focused on law enforcement and intelligence, was extremely important. He offered a historical perspective that was rooted in the existential threats created by national bioweapons programs such as in the former Soviet Union and its aftermath as the size of this program was fully understood. He buttressed his reasoning with further existential concerns with the rapid evolution of and ready accessibility to emerging “dual-use” science and technology, which could be used or directed for nefarious purposes. The discussion was further honed by noting that in 4.5 years before publication of the chapter, the FBI’s HMRU had supported a large number of investigations of events involving biological threat agents or substances purported to be threat agents (i.e., hoaxes). Because of the increasing number of incidents in which the role of HMRU was pivotal, a core collaborative network of Federal scientific resources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and components of the Department of Defense and Department of Energy National Laboratories, was established to support forensic analyses and to perform research for enhanced capabilities. To complete the initial phase, HMRU made significant progress toward engaging the Federal, state, and local “first responder” communities to optimize and standardize crime scene investigation involving hazardous biological (as well as

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The strategic path to Zagreb

chemical, radiological, and nuclear) threat agents. This formalization identified gaps that could be addressed by research, development, procurement, and implementation of new scientific methods and technologies. Clearly, the creation of a US “microbial forensics” investigative program had been quickly realized as being important to the nation by providing competent forensic investigative capabilities, which would support attribution and subsequent legal prosecutions or policy decisions and associated follow-on actions. The rapid emergence of microbial forensics also drew on crucial “lessons learned” from the well-established “bioforensics” program which was, and still is, essential to forensic investigations, namely human DNA analysis and its integrated national database support system. Those lessons also included an understanding that proper quality assurance practices, legal requirements, privacy concerns, and effective policies must be leveraged when seeking acceptance of new forensic science and technology. In turn, continuous assessment led to being better informed on what research, development, and transitions would be prioritized, selected, configured, conducted, and validated. Budowle et al.’s paper (2003) was a particularly well-timed strategic contribution. It focused specifically on the quality of science within microbial forensics, leveraging the maturation of the US national program (Murch, 2001, 2003) and the need to respond to exigent circumstances, such as the Anthrax Mailing Attacks of 2001 (“Amerithrax”). Budowle et al. substantially increased awareness of microbial forensics to a broader audience. Their paper laid out what the US national goal was in the immediate aftermath of the anthrax letters attacks, i.e., the establishment of a Federal interagency consortium to develop microbial forensics as a scientific discipline under an umbrella of high-quality assurance. This national scientific working group, led by the FBI Laboratory, had an overarching mission to improve and advance a coordinated


national forensic science response that would promote collaboration, information sharing, and technical development and support. Technical recommendations would provide plans and programs and the pursuit of foundational forensic quality assurance guidelines to ensure proper alignment and utility of the emerging enterprise. It also described a key national strategic investment, a national laboratory for microbial forensics support, the National Bioforensic Analysis Center. Even though there was no published national strategy at that time, the US government and its associated contributors were advancing the cause of microbial forensics and the national technical investigative capability. By the time this article was published, outreach to other countries had begun for support of these investigations, which, in turn, raised awareness and set the stage for these and other countries to consider establishing their own programs. One well-established program is at the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense’s Defense Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down. This laboratory works on behalf of defense and security customers to provide chemical and biological analyses for attribution purposes. There is a strong emphasis on quality assurance and proficiency testing at this laboratory as there is recognition that stakeholders require information with high confidence (or at least with the proper association of uncertainty) to make strategic decisions or render a proper response if an event were to occur. Another well-established program with similar capabilities is that of Public Health Canada, which works with law enforcement and security concerns within Canada and, like the UK’s Porton Down facility, has excellent collaborative relationships with the United States and other countries to advance microbial forensics science and capabilities. Murch independently published an article complementary to this one in 2003 (Murch, 2003) In addition to a number of the points covered in the Budowle et al. article (2003),

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31. An international microbial forensics research strategy and its collaborative pursuit is needed

he added the value of microbial forensics for high-impact international political, legal, and policy-decision making. He suggested that the full exploitation of forensic evidence is an important contributor to linking crime (or suspicious event), modus operandi, and perpetrator in these settings just as it is in criminal investigations and legal proceedings, even though the processes for treating forensic evidence might be different. He also asserts that without forensic evidence, these links might not be possible or as robust as they would be without it. Further, decision-makers at the global level should expect the analysis of and reporting on forensic evidence to be held to the same standards of relevance, accuracy, reliability, repeatability, and defensibility as does national or international jurisprudence. Several of the recommendations he made in that paper would apply today if they were recast from the global perspective. In particular, “assess current capabilities, gaps, and needs use the report as a basis for a national investment strategy” and “determine the potential impact and value of microbial forensics on global nonproliferation, counterproliferation, and deterrence of biological weapons and bioterrorism” apply to the contemporary scenario. In 2005, Budowle et al. published another early key strategic paper as a comprehensive technical guide to others interested in and seeking to develop their own or link to ongoing initiatives (Budowle et al., 2005a). They raised several important points which from the outset have been reflected in the evolution of the field: (1) microbial forensics applies to both biocrime and bioterrorism investigations, as well as hoaxes and inadvertent releases; (2) microbial forensics and epidemiology are closely related and should be integrated and leveraged during investigations of biocrime and bioterrorism, beginning with the “trigger” that will likely be noticed first by public health and other first responders; (3) microbial forensics begins when the crime scene investigation is initiated and ends with reporting and/or court testimony

(although intelligence gathering and prophylaxis to thwart an attack are other aspects to consider under the microbial forensic mission); (4) quality forensic expectations should be infused in the front end of the process and throughout analyses for biothreat agent identification, characterization, and attribution; (6) analyses for the assignment of source attribution require the deepest and most definitive methods possible; (7) forensic quality management requirements have been framed for microbial forensics based on existing human DNA analysis guidelines and practices; (8) the initial “target list” of biothreat agents that require methods for robust forensic analysis is defined, and yet one should recognize the enormity of the potential microbial threat agent universe that may have to be addressed to be prepared (especially today with the possible dual use of synthetic biology); (9) microbial forensic investigations also include associated classic forensic evidence (e.g., fingerprints, human DNA, chemistry, trace evidence, digital media, tool marks, materials); (10) microbial forensics should embrace threatened, suspected, and actual attacks against both the public and agriculture, thus for the latter the analytic “targets” must include priority animal and plant pathogens; and, (11) expertise, response capabilities, and laboratory resources will not likely exist in any one agency or organization so refined and responsive interagency and multiinstitutional partnerships are critical for preparedness and success (before an event occurring). Further, these authors detailed how genetic analysis had been developed and validated for microbial forensic analysis to that point in time. In 2005, Budowle et al. (2005b) published a summary of a meeting that was sponsored by the US Department of Homeland Security in late 2004, which was intended to elicit specific areas for research investments to advance microbial forensics. The entire microbial forensics “system,” from sample collection through reporting, was examined at that meeting. This

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Developing international microbial forensics research Priorities, Zagreb 2013

event and report were intended to assist the US government with its funding strategy and to inform a broader community of interest regarding what the US community leadership believed should be prioritized. An additional intent was to engage the greater scientific community to elicit input and to motivate some to consider what their own priorities were and how they should be undertaken. The authors recommended using a thorough, systems analysis approach to identify gaps and one that simultaneously describes the attributes and limitations of then-current methods and capabilities, including attribution, against a forensic requirements and expectations framework. This approach had several benefits and should continue to be employed, as will be described later. This team recommended addressing gaps in priority areas such as approaches for distinguishing between an intentional and natural event; end-to-end evaluation of past cases (e.g., lessons learned from emerging disease outbreaks); sample collection, handling, and preservation protocols; extraction protocols; validation of analytical and interpretive protocols; understanding microbial diversity as it applies to microbial forensics; an effective bioinformatics toolbox; achieving quantitatively based conclusions; the composition of databases of genomes and signatures (of pathogens and near neighbors) and of methods (genetic, chemical, physical); process analysis of plausible recipes for production; the legitimacy of using surrogates for validation and verification testing; understanding the effects of decontamination on evidence; systematic procedures for selecting and ordering analytical methods (decision trees or triaging); and determining whether host immune responses and pharmacokinetics of prophylactic drugs can significantly inform microbial forensics analyses. The authors are aware that some of these remain as high priorities within the community of interest. The results of the assessment of Budowle et al. can still be used to benchmark progress on the evolution of microbial forensic science and technology and


inform a contemporary research strategy and path forward that is actionable, justified, and defensible. Soon thereafter, a comprehensive contemporary publication on plant pathogen forensics capabilities, needs, and recommendations was published by Fletcher et al. (2006). The authors provided an overview of the vulnerability of US crops, rangelands, and forests to plant pathogens and the history of the use of plant pathogens as biowarfare agents. They supported the role of microbial forensics as important aspect to the nation’s crop biosecurity and then systematically addressed the technical “building blocks” of a robust microbial forensics capability. Their treatment included sampling; epidemiological tools and models; comparative assessment of then-current identification and typing methods and their attributes and limitations for attribution; genome dynamics, phylogenetics, and systematics; mutation, evolution, and the environment; pathogen gene expression and protein modification; criteria for isolate matching and discrimination; and informatics and data analyses. The authors concluded by summarizing recent and current initiatives, detailing the major categories of gaps and laying the groundwork for an effective national plant pathogen forensics capability. This article, too, could be used to benchmark and measure progress of the evolution and effectiveness of current capabilities and inform a future strategy.

Developing international microbial forensics research Priorities, Zagreb 2013 In October 2013, the US National Academy of Sciences, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the International Union of Microbiological Societies, and the United Kingdom’s Royal Society sponsored a meeting in Zagreb, Croatia, which was intended to “foster collaboration within the international scientific community to support technical understanding and enhanced research on microbial forensics” and to “develop

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31. An international microbial forensics research strategy and its collaborative pursuit is needed

the beginnings of an international roadmap for how to do the necessary science, including priorities among potential topics.” The 59 participants from 21 countries included some of the world’s most prominent experts in microbial forensics and closely aligned disciplines from academia, government agencies, and international organizations. Five important questions framed the discussions: (1) Why is there an important need for microbial forensics? (2) What is the current state of the art? (3) How do the forensics used for criminal investigations differ from epidemiological investigations for public health? (4) What are the research challenges for the field? (5) How can basic science be used to solve the current challenges for microbial forensics and how might this help in other areas, such as public health? (National Research Council, 2014). Over several days of presentations and discussions, the assembled experts covered a wide range of theoretical and applied topics and considerations against the backdrop of realistic scenarios. The discussions encompassed operational, legal, and policy stakeholder requirements and • • • • • • • • • • •

expectations. The real-world experiences of those who had to identify or develop, validate, and apply existing or new analytical methods and interpret results for high profile investigations also infused the proceedings. From this event, a report was published entitled “Science Needs for Microbial Forensics: Developing Initial International Research Priorities” (National Research Council, 2014). This document provided a detailed account of the meeting and, indeed, laid the foundation for an international microbial forensics research road map. The authors urged readers to review this report and consider its recommendations when developing their own frameworks or ways that they may be able to contribute to future microbial forensics initiatives. While space does not permit an in-depth retrospective narrative, a summary of the categories of needs are instructive and insightful (Fig. 31.1). In this report, Randall Murch, Bruce Budowle, and Paul Keim, who are characterized as pioneers in microbial forensics, are cited for their proposal that “grand challenges” existing in

Undertake a systematic effort to identify, monitor, and characterize a far higher proportion of global microbial species to increase knowledge about endemism and background Develop high-confidence methods to distinguish among natural, accidental, and deliberate outbreaks of infectious diseases Increase emphasis on development and validation of processes and analytical method Establish how to best share microbial forensic data and develop cogent arguments that can be persuasive to political leaders and scientists worldwide Design and establish more systematic and comprehensive reference collections and databases for pathogens and other microorganisms Determine whether mechanisms of pathogenicity, including virulence factors and host immune responses, can be useful for forensic analysis Prioritize research on metagenomics and determine the forensic value of the other “omics” (e.g., proteomics) Greatly improve global disease monitoring and surveillance in humans, animals, and plants to facilitate rapid response and better disease control and facilitate better integration with microbial forensic investigative capabilities Seek, validate and transition improved molecular diagnostics and sequencing capabilities that are fast, affordable and have simple workflows Prioritize research and development to improve physical and chemical analyses, in particular for biological toxins of concern Refine bioinformatics and statistical methods particularly those that scale to very large or complex datasets

FIGURE 31.1 Prominent research priorities. Adapted from National Research Council, 2014. Science Needs for Microbial Forensics: Developing Initial International Research Priorities. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. V. Miscellaneous

Additional perspectives

• • • • • • • • • • • • •


Discriminating with a high level of confidence among similarly presenting natural, accidental, and deliberate outbreaks, within a matter of hours, anywhere in the world Establishing the limits of current and near-term microbial forensic characterization methods for identification of priority threat agents Defining the probative value for different methods (e.g., method-specific, agent-specific, single approach, and combined approaches) Rapidly developing and validating new and agile forensic analytical methods as a response to a “surprise” event Sampling and forensic characterization of any relevant microbial background to provide key context for microbial forensic analyses, interpretation, communication, and resulting decision making Determining the probative value of a “small signal” (microbe of interest) in a “big noise” (highly cluttered with other material or microorganisms) sample, with defined confidence Exploiting the “clutter” (microbiota other than the threat agent of interest) in metagenomic samples for forensic value, including potential use in the comparison of samples from known and questioned sources Determining the maximal characterization for forensic value that can be achieved for biological toxins Maximally reducing the “discovery-to-decision” timeline, across all threat agents, with optimal probative value and confidence Create international data-sharing forums and quality and nomenclature standards, taking into account and overcoming governmental restrictions on sharing Determining how to measure with certainty and report whole-genome–sequencing comparisons performed during forensic analysis, and communicate error accurately Ensuring maximal quality of sequence data and the results of bioinformatics analyses is as high as possible so as to optimize the forensic value of databases, as well as comparisons of samples against them Integrating disparate data (different analytic approaches) to provide a single value which can be reliably and confidently used by decision makers to assess and leverage the value and weight of the totality of analytic results and conclusions

FIGURE 31.2 Examples of “microbial forensics research grand challenges”. Adapted from National Research Council, 2014. Science Needs for Microbial Forensics: Developing Initial International Research Priorities. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.

this field, which if significantly addressed, would provide for “grand leaps” in the discipline. These are summarized in Fig. 31.2. In the authors’ view, it is highly likely that many of these topics deserve attention well into the future, in concert with “deep dives” for each that provides assessments of the current state of capabilities, reveals instant gaps, and elucidates new gaps or shortfalls and future research initiatives and programs.

Additional perspectives In this chapter, Murch (2011) stressed the need for a competent, robust, and defensible

internationally supported microbial forensic capability to support United Nationsedirected investigations, which would occur under the auspices of the SGM (UNODA, 2018). This position statement followed his earlier presentation at the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Experts Review in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2010 detailing the operational, technical, and decision-supporting capabilities that should be incorporated into such a program. The pillars that were identified to support this program were accuracy, reliability, and defensibility. Further, he pointed out that the envisioned capability must be able to (i.) adapt to the advancement of science and technology; (ii.) respond to validated requirements and

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31. An international microbial forensics research strategy and its collaborative pursuit is needed

stakeholder expectations; (iii.) address needs and gaps to provide for full forensic analysis of current and emerging biological threats; (iv.) address new requirements for system quality and timeliness; and (v.) respond to fluxes in requests for analysis and reporting. To achieve each feature, a coherent, dynamic, and evolutionary research, development, validation, and technology transfer program is required along with the resources to support it. Coherence implies that a strategy and plan exist and are followed. Murch followed up on these proposals with a presentation at the BWC Experts Review in 2015 and published an integrated, strategic perspective for the establishment of microbial forensics capabilities to advance global biosecurity (Murch, 2015). Although it was not the only area of which a recommendation was offered, science and technology did receive its due “collaborative research by multinational teams focused on ‘microbial forensics grand challenges’,” and proffered “that fundamental leaps in knowledge and capability could be funded and pursued to galvanize attention on these topics and contribute to substantial advancements in knowledge and technology that would benefit microbial forensics and closely related fields.” If this philosophy was incorporated into the called-for program, a strategy with priorities and a plan with milestones, goals, and objectives would obviously follow. Each national microbial forensics program, current or future, will have sets of protocols, methods, and technologies that they have selected to meet their respective program requirements and purpose. Each should have implemented a strategy and plan that informs programs, budgets, and procurements leading to acceptance and use. How this process is accomplished may not and likely will not be uniform, nor does it need to be. However, with an internationally recognized and accepted program, those forging the unified SGM support program are now cast in the situation of

negotiating requirements, protocols and methods to be adopted, the human and physical infrastructure required, and the quality management system that supports these efforts. The parties involved will have to come to an agreement of what “best” is, which may not be exactly what each country finds ideal or what each country might use. While this process is certainly the priority in the short term, the recognition of capability gaps and prioritization of scientific needs should occur in parallel or follow closely. A semistructured fashion could allow each country to nominate and justify the gap or shortfall and its priorities, and the group would decide what to pursue. In contrast, a more rigorous process could be undertaken. This approach would begin with a critical baseline analysis, which would include a thorough review of the literature, evaluation of unpublished data held by government agencies, an objective analysis of the attributes and limitations of current methods, an assessment and prioritization of gaps, and an assessment of opportunities such as with emerging science and technology. This analysis would also include how best to get from gap to solution, whether a solution is partial or total, and what the temporal component is to reach an optimized method. During this systems analysis, revisiting the concept of “grand challenges” (National Research Council, 2014) should be considered, not simply what they are but consideration of options as to how best to undertake and address them (Murch, 2015). Either approach should inform a research strategy and plan that would be made available to the global community of interest, for awareness and confidence-building purposes and to promote collaboration. Alternatively, recognized outside experts could participate in the process giving a more comprehensive and independent perspective that should convey greater confidence for the diverse global community of interest.

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An international research strategy matters to the United Nations office of disarmament affairs, the SGM, and beyond

An international research strategy matters to the United Nations office of disarmament affairs, the SGM, and beyond Organizing for and undertaking an international research strategy has many potential benefits, and not only for the UNODA SGM microbial forensics support program being established. In addition to contributing to the advancement of the SGM microbial forensic laboratory consortium, benefits to national programs may be realized as they identify, validate, and resource their own priorities. As yet unidentified confluences from other fields of science could be determined that would accelerate understanding of emerging gaps, solutions, and new performers and collaborations that could address them. Other stakeholders, such as those who will rely on the outputs from the SGM consortium, will gain a better understanding of the current state of the science as well as what could be expected as improvements or demonstrated as persistent limitations over time. For the various constituents, explaining why something is being prioritized and pursued is as important as to what currently is being pursued. Educating customers is an important aspect for support and confidence building. Another derivative benefit of a research strategy could be the discovery or innovation of solutions, such as through independently funded projects that could produce collateral benefit for microbial forensics or through established global academic programs, i.e., the International Genetic Engineering Machine (International Genetic Engineering Machine, 2018) or similar. The international laboratory consortium is being formed to support the SGM, and UNODA is the organization that is assigned responsibility for the SGM. Therefore, it follows that UNODA should be responsible for undertaking, publishing, and managing the International Microbial Forensics Research Strategy and for development of the strategic plan. In order for these to occur, UNODA should take ownership of the


international strategy, staff itself with experts who can oversee and direct the international laboratory consortium, and direct and guide the strategy and plan and their associated processes and outcomes. Additionally, UNODA should coordinate and identify (and hopefully secure) the necessary resources required to develop and enact the strategy and plan; otherwise, these documents will be of little to no value. Once the strategy and plan have been formalized, UNODA would be responsible for measuring progress against these documents, understanding the evolution and emergence of threats for which forensic capabilities should be required, and identifying new science and technology that can improve capabilities. Above all, none of these necessary aspects of the program will occur unless there is dedicated and committed leadership that has vision and is empowered to carry out the objectives. The scientific and decision-informing capabilities of the international microbial forensics consortium are not solely about applied science. Rather, and more importantly, the consortium should have the purpose of informing investigations and legal or policy decisions, potentially all the way up to the most senior levels of nations as well as the United Nations itself, not only the Security Council but the World Health Organization that has responsibility for coordinating public health and safety responses. The contributions of forensic science, including microbial forensics, to stakeholder decision-making are discussed at length by Murch (2014). The authors have confidence that the core participants in the laboratory consortium understand the importance and gravity of their efforts. To ensure that the analyses and reporting will couple tightly to what decision makers need, their requirements should be factored into the design, capabilities, and outputs. This awareness is also important from another perspective; when an SGM investigation is launched, it will almost certainly garner the attention and scrutiny of a broad and diverse community of interest. That

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31. An international microbial forensics research strategy and its collaborative pursuit is needed

interest will likely include media and “experts” of uncertain quality that may be influential even if they do not have the depth of understanding regarding what they are reporting or on what they are commenting. It would be wise for the convening authority for the International Microbial Forensics Research Strategy to factor user requirements, make the information openly available, and prepare informed responses to better convey to the various communities what may have occurred and how to react (especially during the immediate chaos that is likely to ensue if a bioterrorism act were to occur). Both authors have been heavily involved in and made seminal contributions to the establishment and evolution of microbial forensics and its global spread, since its inception in the mid1990s. The progress that has ensued since those early days is both encouraging and gratifying. Soon, the long-envisioned laboratory component will be in place and available to support SGM investigations with reliable, high-quality, and supportable microbial forensic science on a global scale. The concomitant piece is to lay out what the future of microbial forensics will be for this consortium and perhaps microbial forensics worldwide. Only time will tell whether UNODA and its consortium partners step up and accept this responsibility and challenge of developing and supporting both the establishment as well as the advancement of microbial forensics endeavors. If they can do so, there is every expectation that the future of this important pillar of global biosecurity will be robust and enduring.

References Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Einseln, A., Kelley, L.C., Walsh, A.C., Smith, J.A.L., 2003. Building microbial forensics as a response to bioterrorism. Science 301, 1852e1853. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1090083.

Budowle, B., Murch, R.S., Chakraborty, R., April 2005a. Microbial forensics: the next great forensics challenge. Int. J. Leg. Med. 119 (6), 317e330. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Ascher, M.S., Atlas, R.M., Burans, J.P., Chakraborty, R., Dunn, J.J., Fraser, C.M., Franz, D.R., Leighton, T.J., Morse, S.A., Murch, R.S., Ravel, J., Rock, D.L., Slezak, T.R., Velsko, S.P., Walsh, A.C., Walters, R.A., May 2005b. Toward a system of microbial forensics: from sample collection to interpretation of evidence. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2209e2213. Ember, L., 1996. Science center to handle terrorism at the Olympics. Chem. Eng. News 74 (29), 11e12. Fletcher, J., Bender, C., Budowle, B., Cobb, W.T., Gold, S.E., Ishimaru, C.A., Luster, D., Melcher, U., Murch, R., Scherm, H., Seem, R.C., Sherwood, J.L., Sobral, B.W., Tolin, S.A., June 2006. Plant pathogen forensics: capabilities, needs and recommendations. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 450e471. International Genetic Machine Competition, 2018. www. igem.org. Murch, R.S., 2001. Forensic perspective on bioterrorism and bioproliferation. In: Layne, S.P., Beugelsdijk, T.J., Patel, C.K.N. (Eds.), Firepower in the Laboratory: Proceedings of the Symposium on Research Needs for Laboratory Automation and Bioterrorism. Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC, pp. 203e214. Murch, R.S., 2003. Microbial forensics: building a national capacity to investigate bioterrorism. Biosecur. Bioterrorism Biodefense Strategy, Pract. Sci. 1 (2), 117e122. Murch, R.S., 2011. The internationalization of microbial forensics to advance global biosecurity. In: United Nations Implementation Support Unit, Turning International Obligations into Effective National Action: The 2007 e 2010 Intercessional Process of the Biological Weapons Convention, pp. 247e256 (Geneva, Switzerland). Murch, R.S., 2014. Designing an effective microbial forensics program for law enforcement and national security purposes. Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp. 62 (3), 179e185. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00005-04-0289-7. Murch, R.S., June 1 2015. Bioattribution needs an organized international approach to improve global biosecurity. Frontiers: Bioeng. Biotechnol. 3. https://doi.org/10. 3389/fbioe.2015.00080. Article 80. National Research Council, 2014. Science Needs for Microbial Forensics: Developing Initial International Research Priorities. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs, 2018. Secretary General’s Mechanism. https://www.un.org/ disarmament/wmd/secretary-general-mechanism/.

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32 Education and training in microbial forensics Steven B. Lee1,6, DeEtta K. Mills1, Stephen A. Morse2, Steven E. Schutzer3, Bruce Budowle4, Paul Keim5 1

International Forensic Research Institute, Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States; Senior Scientist, IHRC, Inc., Atlanta, GA, United States; 3Department of Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, United States; 4Center for Human Identification, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, United States; 5The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States; 6Forensic Science Program, Department of Justice Studies, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, United States


Microbial forensic research has led to the development, expansion, and evolution of new technologies, tools, and analytical capabilities bolstering our collective preparedness and response. A parallel commitment to education and training in this field is needed to prepare the next generation of scientists. The scientific bases, advances, applications, interpretations, and lessons learned by those who have been intimately involved in the early years of microbial forensics need to be documented and transferred to the next generation of scientists and decision makers so that society can be better protected from potential harm resulting from acts of bioterrorism and biocrime. An understanding of the microbial forensic field is essential to determining what evidence is collected, what proper and safe methods of collection and preservation to

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00032-5

employ, how the evidence is analyzed, what the significance of a result is, and what is supportive in identifying a perpetrator for prosecution. Thus, the burgeoning field of microbial forensics should be accompanied by a concomitant development of educational infrastructure and resources targeted at the next generation of practitioners, as well as diverse elements for the policy, research, and law enforcement communities. A microbial forensic education program can take many forms depending on its purpose and target audience. It can be broad, providing information encompassing all aspects of the field from science to policy, or more focused. On one end of the target audience spectrum is the student at an academic institution who desires to enter into the discipline of microbial forensics and would like to be well prepared for a career choice. Students


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32. Education and training in microbial forensics

following a broad academic education and training pathway have many options. They may, for example, (1) become forensic scientists analyzing crime scene evidence for law enforcement or intelligence agencies; (2) work as a research scientist in a government laboratory such as the CDC, FBI, USDA, or EPA; (3) work as a scientist in an industrial or commercial setting; or (4) enter graduate school toward a career in academia. Alternatively, the student may become an investigator who employs traditional law enforcement approaches with the most effective evidentiary documentation, collection, and preservation techniques merged with those of epidemiology for attribution purposes or crime investigation (Budowle et al., 2007). An individual may become a law enforcement official whose responsibility is to understand the scope of an investigation and what tools are available to generate investigative leads. Policy makers must have a general understanding of microbial forensic results, keep abreast of technological and analytical advances, and develop better appreciation of their implications to effect sound and defensible policy decisions. Finally, an important group that informs the public and government is the news media. They are frequently the primary interface between the scientist and the public, publishing and reporting their observations, insights, or inaccuracies of great importance and impact. Social media avenues have dramatically increased the speed with which news stories, factual or erroneous, are promulgated to the public. Educational efforts will better prepare such individuals to be informed and responsible and must be varied in depth and scope to match the target audience of various entities involved in microbial forensics. There can be many formats and venues for microbial forensic education. Full academic-style programs should be developed at universities to comprehensively educate individuals in this appliedscience. Microbial forensics will necessarily cover a broad range of topics (microbiology, epidemiology, evolution, forensic science, genetics, statistics, infectious diseases, etc.), and no one can be

an expert in all aspects. However, all interested parties need to have some requisite, core knowledge in the various aspects of the discipline. There are currently no full academic undergraduate (UG) of graduate degree programs in microbial forensics as of the writing of this chapter to the best of our knowledge. However, there are academic programs in microbiology, molecular biology, and forensic science, and related topics, with affiliated courses and training opportunities that provide avenues and strategies for the preparation of students. Additionally, a full academic program likely is not practical for working professionals; more abbreviated educational/training activities, similar to that of a continuing education course format, could be very effective at integrating professionals into the microbial forensic discipline. Microbiologists, epidemiologists, public health, and law enforcement officials are highly trained in relevant aspects of microbial forensics but may need additional training to integrate effectively their expertise with the demands of this new discipline. Shorter courses or symposia will be useful for expanding the knowledge base of trained professionals. To broadly educate and to specifically educate those involved in the widely varied aspects of microbial forensics represents an educational challenge that must be met to develop the experts and expertise that we desperately need to combat bioterrorism and biocrime. Microbiology, epidemiology, and forensic science education are all at the heart of this field. Program directors, educators, and trainers may review the recommendations and resources from academic, government, and professional organizations in these and related areas. For example, the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Education Board on microbiology education (asm) has developed and published many educational resources that may be useful for developing training strategies. The ASM proposed a document on Vision and Change in microbiology education (vision and change) with five recommended overarching microbiology curriculum concepts: (1) Evolution;

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Microbial forensic curricula and training

(2) Cell Structure and Function; (3) Metabolic Pathways; (4) Information Flow and Genetics; (5) Microbial systems; and a sixth applied concept, the Impact of Microbes. The new curriculum guidelines were derived to be in line with recommendations from the American Association for the Advancement of Science Vision and Change education publication (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2011) Resources from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (aafs) for forensic science education tools and opportunities are available. These include the Forensic Education Program Accreditation Commission recommendations for forensic science coursework, electives and laboratory courses fit to specific subdiscipline areas (fepac), a Young Scientists Forensic Forum providing a forum for student-led seminars, research, and networking (yfsf), an International Education Outreach program (international), and an annual Forensic Science Educators Conference targeted at high school teachers (forensic). Microbial forensic educators and trainers may find these resources useful. These ASM and AAFS resources are dedicated to educating future scientists and contain recommendations for core, elective, and required laboratory courses, preparation on legal issues, seminars, public speaking, and court testimony. Other useful groups include the Council of Forensic Science Educators (cofse), the National Forensic Science Technology Center (nfstc), the National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law (ncstl), and the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science Interdisciplinary Virtual Subcommittee on Training (nist) that all provide educational tools and resources in forensic science. Additional resources may be found in reports and conference proceedings on biocrimes, defense, and biothreat agents (disarmament) that may be available from DHS, CDC, and DoD, for example (frontiersin). A list of topics in Table 32.1 covers the spectrum of educational opportunities in microbial forensics and could form the template for a


comprehensive education and training program. Clearly some areas are more relevant to scientists, others to crime scene investigators, and others to decision makers. Many of the subjects naturally overlap. Some general areas are identified and discussed briefly as potential parts of the core curriculum for scientists. Most of these topics are addressed in greater detail in other chapters of this book.

Microbial forensic curricula and training Microbial forensics is defined as a scientific discipline dedicated to analyzing evidence from a bioterrorism act, biocrime, or inadvertent release of a microorganism/toxin for attribution purposes (Budowle et al., 2003). It is the same as other forensic disciplines except for its focus on a particular type of crime (Budowle et al., 2003; Carter et al., 2017). Based on past history and with current technology capabilities, the potential use of biological weapons is greater than at any other time in history. Only a few semiexpert individuals are needed with access to dual-use equipment (e.g., equipment used in the pharmaceutical or food industries) to produce bioweapons inexpensively. These bioweapons will contain signatures that might be exploited to help identify the perpetrators. One may consider attribution solely to be the “DNA fingerprinting” of a pathogenic agent, but unique genomic identification of a microorganism may not always be possible because of the clonal nature of many microorganisms and, on a case-by-case basis, lack of population and phylogenetic data. Microbial forensics employs the same general practices as other forensic disciplines. Recognizing a crime scene, preserving a crime scene, chain of custody practices, evidence collection and handling, evidence shipping, analysis of evidence, and interpretation of results are carried out in the same general manner as other forensic evidence. A common exception is that evidence will be handled as a biohazard (even

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476 TABLE 32.1

32. Education and training in microbial forensics

Overview and origins of microbial forensics.

Basic epidemiology Molecular epidemiology Microbial forensic curricula and training Basic and advanced Microbes and their products a. Viruses b. Bacteria c. Fungi d. Eukaryotic parasites e. Toxins The host targetdhow does a person or animal become ill? Immunology The plant as a targetdhow does a plant or crop get damaged? The host response as a forensic indicator a. Immune system b. Pharmacokinetics c. Antibiotics Processes and technology a. Sample collection b. Forensic handling c. Preservation d. Extraction e. Advanced microscopy f. Proteomics g. Genomics h. Bioinformatics i. Statistical analysis and confidence estimations j. Indicators of engineering k. Synthetic biology l. Population genetics m. High-throughput sequencing n. Nonbiologic tools o. Sensitive signature detection and characterization p. Evolving, nascent technology Quality assurance and quality control Investigative genetics (i.e., forensic genetics) a. Interpretation b. Forensic science in general Crime scene investigation a. Identify crime scene b. Evidence collection c. Sampling strategies d. Sample storage and transportation e. Trial preparation including moot court Case histories a. Civilian i. Food safety and public health 1. FoodbornedShigella, Salmonella (spinach) 2. Anthrax 3. Ricin

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Microbial forensic curricula and training

TABLE 32.1


Overview and origins of microbial forensics.dcont'd

ii. Agriculture 1. Foot-and-mouth UK 2007 2. Mad cow disease US 2003 (attribution by host genetics) iii. Environmental science Poultry industry water contamination Arkansas iv. Emerging infections 1. H1N1 2. Severe acute respiratory syndrome 3. Monkeypox 4. HIV b. Criminal i. US anthrax 2001 with focus on technology and investigation HIV ii. Ricin c. Biodefense Terrorism and biocrimes Legal issues a. United States b. International Select Agent rules Operational and intelligence issues National-level capabilities and resources a. Country capabilities i. What and how should any country be prepared? ii. What strategies make sense? iii. Planning, implementing, and measuring effectiveness iv. Exercises v. Where can additional support be sought? vi. Epidemiologic investigation as a basic country skill Public information (media and public) Dissemination of accurate information in timely manner Entertainment industry Depiction of accurate information

more so than, for example, HIV-infected blood). It is anticipated that the majority of microbial forensic evidence will fall into a category with shared characteristics, with some data being very informative and some being less informative. An understanding of the field is essential to determining what type of evidence is collected, how it is analyzed, what the significance of a result is, and what is supportive in identifying a perpetrator and for prosecution. To support a career in microbial forensics, a university microbial forensic curriculum will necessarily cover a broad range of disciplines, which

may include microbiology, chemistry, statistics, epidemiology of infectious diseases, evolution, genetics, genomics, and forensics. These courses could be taught individually or merged into a few dedicated microbial forensic courses. From a practical standpoint, many microbial forensic training programs will be based in other majors or minors in epidemiology, genetics, molecular biology, or microbiology as there are numerous graduate programs already in place for epidemiology and these other fields (publichealthonline). A major in epidemiology or microbiology could easily become a training platform for microbial

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32. Education and training in microbial forensics

forensics with the addition of select courses that include fundamentals in forensics. Alternatively, a forensic science program with additional training in basic sciences such as microbiology and epidemiology could serve to educate microbial forensic scientists. It will be important to emphasize integration of the material toward a specific microbial forensic profession. Concurrent enrollment in microbial forensic seminars, capstone courses, and internships will be needed to provide students the contextual importance of the basic material toward their chosen discipline that will often be taught more generically or under an unrelated discipline. Research internships and forensic seminars provide important opportunities to conduct hands-on experimentation, analyses, and data interpretation and exposure to recent advances in the field. Seminars also provide a forum for student research presentations and public speaking. External workshops, conferences, and meetings (index; scientific; meetings) augment opportunities to present research, gain further insights, network, and to become aware of emerging advances in the field from microbial forensic experts. Students that present and publish their results contribute to moving the field forward and advancing their careers. Training in the communication of science is a pivotal aspect of preparing our future science leaders and should be an integral part of any microbial forensic education program.

Curricular guidelines from the American Society of Microbiology and American Academy of Forensic Sciences Recent national reports have addressed the need for changing how science courses in higher education are taught, so that students develop a deeper understanding of critical concepts and the analytical and cognitive skills needed to address future challenges. Our competitiveness and national success depend on our students’

science aptitude (edsource). National Science Teachers Association teachers point to lack of student motivation as a major concern in US science education (news). The need for a new approach to improve science and math education is compelling and well supported. In the American Academy for the Advancement of Science Project 2061, “just doing more science was not the answer” (project 2061). Current methods put more value on learning correct answers versus exploration, collaboration, and inquiry. They recommend “practices where the learning of science is as much about the process as the result or outcome, and where students can ask questions and are actively engaged in the learning process, refocusing student learning from knowledge and comprehension to application and analysis.” (project 2061). Inquiry is “central to science learning” as students develop their understanding of science concepts combining knowledge, reasoning, and thinking while enhancing comprehension through hands-on learning. The National Research Council agrees. They state “effective instruction capitalizes on students’ early interest and experiences, identifies and builds on what they know, and provides them with experiences that serve to engage them in the practices of science and sustain their interest” (NRC, 2011). Because discipline-specific professional societies have national stature and are often the organizations that set guidelines or standards within a discipline, they are well-suited to play a role in promoting systemic change. In 2010, the AAAS and the NSF released the report entitled “Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action” (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2011). In response to these recommendations, the ASM revised its curriculum guidelines for introductory microbiology courses to emphasize a deeper “understanding of core concepts, critical thinking, and essential laboratory skills.” (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2011).

V. Miscellaneous

Microbial forensic curricula and training

In 2012, the ASM Education Board published curriculum guidelines and recommendations for education in microbiology (Merkel & the ASM Task Force on Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology, 2012). “These Guidelines incorporate many of the recommendations made in Vision and Change. They embrace the scientific process and thinking skills put forth in Vision and Change, adding microbiologybased laboratory skills. Further to adopting the five core concepts of Vision and Change, the Guidelines added a sixth core concept, Impact of Microorganisms, specific to this field. Each of the six core concepts is exemplified by four or five microbiology-specific fundamental statements, which reflect basic concepts that are important for all microbiology students to understand in depth. These 27 fundamental statements, together with the four scientific thinking skills and seven laboratory skills, form a comprehensive framework for an undergraduate microbiology course. (Merkel and the ASM Task Force on Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology, 2012). In addition, the ASM Curriculum Guidelines were designed to focus microbiology teaching on studentcentered goals and priorities and to enable educators to adopt the discipline-based approach to course design for microbiology courses.”(Horak et al., 2015).

The American Society for Microbiology has developed a number of educational programs and resources with student-centered learning modules that may be useful in developing forensic microbiology education programs (Merkel, 2016). The resources cited above are codified in Table 32.2. (Merkel & the ASM Task Force on Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology, 2012), 32.3 (Merkel, 2016), and 32.4. (Merkel, 2016) (Tables 32.3 and 32.4). Additional guidelines have also been published for Nursing and Allied Health (McKay and ASM MINAH Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines Committee, 2018). The Undergraduate Education Committee has developed a set of curriculum guidelines for microbiology majors in “ASM’s curriculum recommendations: Microbiology Majors Program”(Emmert and the ASM Task Committee on


Laboratory Biosafety, 2013). In this document, ASM provides “recommendations for conceptual knowledge, recommended core and elective courses, and laboratory skills and safety as well as issues for further action and discussion . to be used by programs in their own assessment, maintenance, and formation of strong programs in microbiology.” Table 32.5 contains the recommendations for UG microbiology education and core and elective courses, and Table 32.6 lists recommendations for laboratory skills, laboratory safety guidelines from ASM have also been published and are listed for BSL1 and BSL2 levels (Emmert and the ASM Task Committee on Laboratory Biosafety, 2013). These recommendations provide a starting framework for developing curriculum requirements fit to the goals of programs and the target students they serve. ASM prompted further discussion in its curricular recommendations stating “A major problem noted was time and resources. The list is long and it is not possible to fit all of these courses into a 4year program nor are all courses appropriate for all students. A critical component to this issue may be in getting the students into the major early. The Introduction to Microbiology course should be designed so that it can be taken no later than the fourth semester (end of second year) of study. This will allow for two years of advanced study of microbiology” (Emmert and the ASM Task Committee on Laboratory Biosafety, 2013). Another potential solution would be to require students to double major. In this dual BS model, students would be required to complete two BS degrees. Core science and laboratory courses would be covered in the first BS science degree (to fit the target career trajectory). The BS in Microbial Forensics specialty area would therefore have additional coursework space for upper division science and elective laboratory courses. There are a few forensic science programs that use this model such as the University of Central Oklahoma.

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480 TABLE 32.2

32. Education and training in microbial forensics

ASM Curriculum Guidelines: list of recommended skills, core concepts, and fundamental statements.

Evolution 1. Cells, organelles (e.g., mitochondria and chloroplasts), and all major metabolic pathways evolved from early prokaryotic cells. 2. Mutations and horizontal gene transfer, with the immense variety of microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms. 3. Human impact on the environment influences the evolution of microorganisms (e.g., emerging diseases and the selection of antibiotic resistance). 4. The traditional concept of species is not readily applicable to microbes due to asexual reproduction and the frequent occurrence of horizontal gene transfer. 5. The evolutionary relatedness of organisms is best reflected in phylogenetic trees. Cell structure and function 6. The structure and function of microorganisms have been revealed by the use of microscopy (including bright field, phase contrast, fluorescent, and electron). 7. Bacteria have unique cell structures that can be targets for antibiotics, immunity, and phage infection. 8. Bacteria and archaea have specialized structures (e.g., flagella, endospores, and pili) that often confer critical capabilities. 9. While microscopic eukaryotes (for example, fungi, protozoa, and algae) carry out some of the same processes as bacteria, many of the cellular properties are fundamentally different. 10. The replication cycles of viruses (lytic and lysogenic) differ among viruses and are determined by their unique structures and genomes. Metabolic pathways 11. Bacteria and aarchaea exhibit extensive, and often unique, metabolic diversity (e.g., nitrogen fixation, methane production, anoxygenic photosynthesis). 12. The interactions of microorganisms among themselves and with their environment are determined by their metabolic abilities (e.g., quorum sensing, oxygen consumption, nitrogen transformations). 13. The survival and growth of any microorganism in a given environment depends on its metabolic characteristics. 14. The growth of microorganisms can be controlled by physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological means. Information flow and genetics 15. Genetic variations can impact microbial functions (e.g., in biofilm formation, pathogenicity, and drug resistance). 16. Although the central dogma is universal in all cells, the processes of replication, transcription, and translation differ in bacteria, aarchaea, and eeukaryotes. 17. The regulation of gene expression is influenced by external and internal molecular cues and/or signals. 18. The synthesis of viral genetic material and proteins is dependent on host cells. 19. Cell genomes can be manipulated to alter cell function. Microbial systems 20. Microorganisms are ubiquitous and live in diverse and dynamic ecosystems. 21. Most bacteria in nature live in biofilm communities.

V. Miscellaneous


Microbial forensic curricula and training

TABLE 32.2

ASM Curriculum Guidelines: list of recommended skills, core concepts, and fundamental statements.dcont'd

22. Microorganisms and their environment interact with and modify each other. 23. Microorganisms, cellular and viral, can interact with both human and nonhuman hosts in beneficial, neutral, or detrimental ways. Impact of microorganisms 24. Microbes are essential for life as we know it and the processes that support life (e.g., in biogeochemical cycles and plant and/or animal microbiota). 25. Microorganisms provide essential models that give us fundamental knowledge about life processes. 26. Humans utilize and harness microorganisms and their products. 27. Because the true diversity of microbial life is largely unknown, its effects and potential benefits have not been fully explored. Downloaded from Susan Merkel* and the ASM Task Force on Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology (2012). The Development of Curricular Guidelines for Introductory Microbiology that Focus on Understanding. J Microbiol Biol Educ. 2012; 13(1): 32e38. Published online 2012 May 3 Downloaded from https://www.asm.org/getattachment/1b074b9e-8522-4d9d-bbc3-c0ca9b9abf1a/FINAL_Curriculum_Guidelines_w_title_page.pdf.

TABLE 32.3

Examples of lower-order and higher-order learning outcomes and assessments from some ASM fundamental statements.

Example core concept and fundamental statement

Example lower-order learning outcome: after this unit, students should be able to ..

Example higher-order learning outcome: after this unit, students should be able to ..

Evolution Mutations and horizontal gene ... describe three mechanisms of transfer, with the immense variety of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. microenvironments, have selected for a huge diversity of microorganisms.

... interpret sequence data to determine if horizontal gene transfer has occurred.

Cell structure and function The structure ... explain how the cell structure of and function of microorganisms have gram-negative and gram-positive been revealed by the use of microscopy. cells leads to a given gram stain result.

.. .compare and contrast the effects of doing the gram stain incorrectly on gramnegative and gram-positive bacteria.

Metabolic pathways Bacteria and archaea exhibit extensive, and often unique, metabolic diversity.

... draw a diagram that shows the process of nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria.

... design a mechanism that would allow a bacterium to protect its nitrogenase from oxygen.

Information flow and genetics Genetic variations can impact microbial functions.

... identify each of the following: point . predict whether or not a given mutation mutation, genetic insertion, genetic (genotypic change) would result in a deletion and frameshift mutation. change of function (phenotypic change).

Microbial systems Most bacteria in nature live in biofilm communities.

... order the stages of biofilm formation and maturation.

... develop a drug that would prevent biofilm formation.

Impact of microorganisms Because the true diversity of microbial life is largely unknown, its effects and potential benefits have not been fully explored.

... measure cell density using viable cell counts and microscopy methods and explain the differences.

... propose an experiment that would allow you to prospect for antibiotics in a new environment.

From: Merkel, S., August 2016. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 363(16), pii: fnw172. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsle/fnw172. Epub July 12, 2016. American Society for Microbiology resources in support of an evidence-based approach to teaching microbiology: Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/femsle/article/363/16/ fnw172/2197755 and content available at https://www.asm.org/ASM/media/Education/FINAL-Learning-Outcomes-w-title-page.pdf.

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482 TABLE 32.4

32. Education and training in microbial forensics

List of ASM resources that support evidence-based teaching and learning.




ASM Curriculum Guidelines for an Undergraduate Microbiology Course

Concepts and competencies for an introductory undergraduate microbiology course

https://www.asm.org/index. php/guidelines/curriculumguidelines

Learning outcomes for the ASM Curriculum Guidelines

Examples of lower-order and higher-order learning outcomes

https://www.asm.org/index. php/guidelines/curriculumguidelines

ASM Sample Questions in Microbiology (release in 2016)

Collection of peer-reviewed http://www.asmscience.org multiple-choice and true/false questions

Microbiology Concept inventory and Microbiology for Health Sciences Concept inventory (release in 2017)

Tested questions developed to assess how well students understand critical concepts

facultyprograms.org/index.php/ resources/concept-inventories

Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education

Open access, peer-reviewed collection of research articles and activities

http://www.asmscience.org/ content/journal/jmbe


Peer-reviewed visual resources and laboratory protocols


ASM Faculty Programs

Portal to the ASM educational resources http://www.facultyprograms.org


Interactive 4-day conference for biology educators


Biology scholars Program

Five-month hybrid courses offering a range of training in microbiology education

http://www.facultyprograms. org/index.php/biology-scholarshybrid-courses

Science Teaching fellowship Program

Five-month online program to prepare doctoral-trained students for science teaching positions

http://facultyprograms.org/index. php/stf-program

ASM webinars

Online courses on teaching and research

http://www.facultyprograms. org/index. Php/webinars

Guidelines for biosafety in Teaching laboratories

A comprehensive guidebook of best practices for safely handling BSL-1 and BSL-2 microbes in teaching labs.

https://www.asm.org/index. php/guidelines/safety-guidelines

Downloaded from Merkel S., August 2016. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 363(16), pii: fnw172. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsle/fnw172. Epub July 12, 2016. American Society for Microbiology resources in support of an evidence-based approach to teaching microbiology. https://academic.oup.com/femsle/article/363/16/ fnw172/2197755.

Another issue that the ASM membership identified is the recommendation that the core courses all have labs. Laboratory courses are by their nature expensive. ASM raised the following question: “How can departments with limited resources deal with this resource problem?” One suggestion is to offer a two-semester sequence of independent lab courses that teach the skills

needed to be a microbiologist rather than offer a lab with every course. This approach may reduce the current recommendation of five lab courses in the core curriculum to two semesters of independent lab courses that cover the basic skills and one advanced course with laboratory (Emmert and the ASM Task Committee on Laboratory Biosafety, 2013).

V. Miscellaneous

Microbial forensic curricula and training

TABLE 32.5


Recommended core and elective courses from the ASM Curricular Guidelines.

Core courses for microbiology majors • Introduction to microbiology (with lab) • Microbial physiology (with lab) • Microbial genetics (with lab) • Microbial diversity and eecology (with lab) • One advanced course that includes laboratory • Capstone course (e.g., senior seminar presentation, independent research project, internship) Elective courses for microbiology majors • Immunology • Pathogenic microbiology • Food and dairy microbiology • Environmental microbiology • Marine microbiology • Industrial and applied microbiology • Biotechnology • Bioinformatics • Virology and other acellular agents • Parasitology/protozoology • Mycology • phycology • Epidemiology • Public health • Undergraduate research and internship • Careers in microbiologya • Bioethicsa Support courses for microbiology majors • General biology with lab (1 year) • Cell and molecular biology • General chemistry with lab • Organic chemistry with lab • Biochemistry (1 semester) Continued

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484 TABLE 32.5

32. Education and training in microbial forensics

Recommended core and elective courses from the ASM Curricular Guidelines.dcont'd

• Math (through calculus) • Physics (1 year) • Statistics (1 semester) • Scientific writing and technical communication a

Bioethics and careers in microbiology could be integrated into core course material to ensure exposure of all students to the topics. Downloaded from Merkel S., the ASM Task Force on Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology, 2012. The development of curricular guidelines for introductory microbiology that focus on understanding. J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ. 13(1), 32e38. Published online May 3, 2012 Downloaded from https:// www.asm.org/getattachment/1b074b9e-8522-4d9d-bbc3-c0ca9b9abf1a/FINAL_Curriculum_Guidelines_w_title_page.pdf. Also available from- https://www. asm.org/Articles/Education/ASM-Recommended-Curriculum-for-Microbiology-Majors.

TABLE 32.6

Recommended scientific thinking and laboratory skills from ASM curriculum recommendations.

Scientific thinking 1. Ability to apply the process of science a. Demonstrate an ability to formulate hypotheses and design experiments based on the scientific method. b. Analyze and interpret results from a variety of microbiological methods and apply these methods to analogous situations. 2. Ability to use quantitative reasoning a. Use mathematical reasoning and graphing skills to solve problems in microbiology. 3. Ability to communicate and collaborate with other disciplines a. Effectively communicate fundamental concepts of microbiology in written and oral format. b. Identify credible scientific sources and interpret and evaluate the information therein. 4. Ability to understand the relationship between science and society a. Identify and discuss ethical issues in microbiology. Microbiology laboratory skills Properly prepare and view specimens for examination using microscopy (bright field and, if possible, phase contrast). Use pure culture and selective techniques to enrich for and isolate microorganisms. Use appropriate methods to identify microorganisms (media-based, molecular, and serological). Estimate the number of microorganisms in a sample (using, for example, direct count, viable plate count, and spectrophotometric methods). 9. Use appropriate microbiological and molecular lab equipment and methods. 10. Practice safe microbiology, using appropriate protective and emergency procedures. 11. Document and report on experimental protocols, results, and conclusions. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Downloaded from https://www.asm.org/ASM/media/Education/ASM-Curriculum-Guidelines.pdf.

The depth of the curriculum will vary depending on the level and occupation of the student. High school students may have abbreviated versions that can pique their appetites to learn more. College students will need comprehensive training to prepare them for graduate school or for entering the workforce. Legal experts will require an overview to understand the limitations of the field and how to support or refute scientific findings.

Basic epidemiology Epidemiology is a cornerstone of public health and is critical to microbial forensics. One goal of epidemiology is to recognize infectious disease outbreaks and to attribute the outbreak to a source to prevent additional cases (see Chapter 16 for further detailed information). In many aspects, microbial forensics employs the same

V. Miscellaneous

Host factors including immune responses

tools as those used in epidemiology. A training program in microbial forensics will parallel many parts of current programs in epidemiology. Models can be obtained from epidemiology curricula, and experience from natural outbreaks will help guide how microbial forensic scientists will perform investigations of biocrimes. Tracing the course of an outbreak will assist in identifying the index case, cause, and/or time of the outbreak. With many disease outbreaks, as well as cases of unusual infections (e.g., monkeypox), the recurring question will be: Is this a natural event or an intentional attack? Epidemiological factors will help distinguish between natural or intentional events and enable more effective responses in either event. A biocrime may be recognized through surveillance linking multiple unusual disease occurrences in contiguous or noncontiguous geographic areas. A microbial forensic investigation may be based on initial public health findings and then proceed further to address attribution to identify the perpetrator(s) of a biocrime or bioterrorist act.

Molecular epidemiology Molecular epidemiology focuses on the contribution of potential genetic, identified at the molecular level, and environmental risk factors to the etiology, distribution, and prevention of disease within families and across populations (Riley, 2004; Eybpoosh et al., 2017; Jagielski et al., 2016) [(3) also see the Genomics section below]. The field provides a good example where application of newer technologies may help overcome many of the same problems encountered with traditional epidemiology with respect to study design and interpretation (4). Molecular tools can be employed to characterize and potentially individualize samples and isolates to address forensically relevant questions. This subdivision of epidemiology has special importance in microbial forensics because it is desirable to


determine the source of a particular microbe used in a crime. Highly discriminating assays can precisely identify strains and isolates, resulting in a more focused and effective investigation. These types of data could associate a sample with a single geographic area, even possibly a particular laboratory or flask, or with the specific conditions and nutrients used to culture the microorganism. Some of these aspects are discussed in the chapters on anthrax.

Microbes and their products as biological weapons Agents that can be used in biocrimes span the microbial world of viruses, bacteria, fungi, eukaryotic parasites, and toxins. It is important to have a basic understanding of each type of microorganism to appreciate the factors that make a particular microbe a serious threat as a weapon. These factors include accessibility, stability, transmissibility, associated history with weapons programs, and the capacity to produce disease with transient or sustained consequences, including death. Different technologies are needed to culture bacteria and viruses, as they differ greatly in growth requirements. Indeed, some microbes are difficult or impossible to culture. Such information may help an investigator understand what microbes should be considered as a high threat and how they might have been used in a particular circumstance. A basic understanding of different microbial classes and their products would include human, animal, and plant pathogens (Schutzer et al., 2005; Schmedes et al., 2016; Teshome, 2016).

Host factors including immune responses It is important to understand how the host responds to microbes and the unique signatures that can be found, including those in response

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32. Education and training in microbial forensics

to exposure to a particular microbe or for timing the exposure to a pathogen [(Tomkovich and Jobin, 2016) and see Chapter 20]. For forensic purposes, an immediate goal is to distinguish a potential victim from a perpetrator and to distinguish between a natural or intentional event. A basic understanding of the immune system, how antibodies are generated, when different classes of antibodies appear, and what cell types and their signatures are generated may assist in criminal investigations.

Processes and technology Sophisticated equipment (technology) that resides in the laboratory is only part of the process for obtaining reliable and meaningful information. The process begins with sample acquisition and proceeds with packaging, storage, and analysis and ultimately ends up with interpreting the results. All aspects are important and must be integrated effectively to have high confidence in results.

Crime scenes and chain of custody After recognizing that a bioterrorist act or biocrime has occurred, defining the crime scene is the first important part of an investigation. Depending on the nature of the crime, there may be multiple crime scenes requiring different sets of skills, knowledge, equipment, and abilities (see Chapters 21 and 22 for more details). Once the crime scene(s) has (have) been identified and delimited, a plan is needed to properly collect and maintain integrity of the evidence that may be subsequently analyzed. Practices are needed to maintain the integrity and that minimize contamination of the evidence. The handling and storage of evidence is integral to minimizing degradation of the target analytes. Microbial contamination may be somewhat different from other types of contamination because the contaminating organisms can replicate thus confounding results. The nuances of a microbial forensic

investigation add a layer on top of traditional crime scene investigations, particularly because of the hazardous nature of the evidence. The need for proper documentation may seem obvious but it is a very important part of maintaining the integrity of the evidence. Crime scenes are chaotic and missteps can occur. To minimize missteps in handling documentation procedures should be established so the crime scene can be reconstructed at a later date for investigators or in a court of law. It is likely that biocrimes and acts of bioterrorism will add another dimension of complexity because (i) there is less experience in crime scene collection due to (fortunately) fewer cases, (ii) addressing the safety of victims will not be trivial, (iii) investigators will be wearing cumbersome but absolutely necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), (iv) the best approaches for collection and preservation of evidence may have to be determined at the scene given the limited extant information available, and (v) the response to biocrime events by using forensic science in an attribution involves a complex interplay among science, policy, law, law enforcement, public health, medical, and media communities (bioattribution) and may require several different areas of expertise and authority. This aggregation of diverse disciplines and professions, “brought together to develop an understanding and action plan in response to a suspicious event” is challenging in a domestic context, and even more formidable if an event has global implications (Bidwell et al., 2016). The historical knowledge of experts intimately involved in past events and their understanding of the dynamics of the interplay of scienceelawe bureaucracyemedia are pivotal in developing effective and efficient responses for future attribution determinations as well as in the training of our students. Thus, crime scene investigation, safety, PPE, collection, chain of custody, and sharing important past casework experiences and examples of how to manage the interplay of the different disciplines and professionals should be included as essential parts of any curriculum.

V. Miscellaneous

Processes and technology


The first responder community needs to be aware of the safety issues and the methods of collection because they may become involved in performing evidence collection. Laboratorians must understand these processes because better decisions can be made as to what evidence is pertinent for analysis. Lawyers and judges will want to understand the basics of chain of custody to be assured that acceptable handling methods have been exercised to maintain the integrity of the evidence. Those who will have contact with the crime scene, as well as those in the laboratory who require downstream interoperability of collected evidence, will have to learn basic do’s and don’ts of crime scene investigation (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory FBI, 1999) to effect a better systems-based process. Education about crime scene investigation will help ensure use of validated microbial identification practices that will collect the most pertinent evidence and will best preserve the integrity of the evidence for analysis in a forensic laboratory. Training resources, tools, and opportunities that may be useful to educators are available from other dedicated academic, government, and private industry groups in many of the subtopics listed in Table 32.1. For example, there are research papers, newsletters, webinars, seminars, and guidelines at CDC, the Biological Security Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) US Homeland Security Office and disaster, mortuary operations response team units (DMORT) (emergency; topic; Nolte, 2003; Preparedness), which may be useful to educators, trainers, and students depending on the goals of the training and target audience.

Chapters 21 and 22 (*new Budowle et al., 2005, 2006)). While most approaches focus on collection tools, it is very important to consider sampling strategies to obtain the most relevant data, which involves strategic planning, logistics, and statistics. Conditions that are proper for collection and/or preservation of one microbe may be deleterious for another and, for that matter, to traditional forensic materials such as human DNA, fingerprints, and trace materials. For example, foodborne pathogens are particularly vexing; conditions that are intended to preserve the material may promote growth of natural bacteria in a food product, and this overgrowth may destroy or obscure the initial bioweapon. Tools for collection need to be validated for efficient collection and for determining that they do not react with the target of interest. Tools developed for powder collection may be inefficient or ineffective for collecting plant material. Sample collection is not trivial and requires substantial consideration. Issues related to the practices of sample collection, handling, transportation, and storage of microbes in the investigation of biocrimes and guidelines for the collection of evidence by physicians and medical personnel from potential victims of bioterrorism have been published and are valuable for education and training programs (Schutzer et al., 2005). The same issues about evidence collection will need to be applied to preservation processes. It is imperative to prevent further degradation of the evidentiary target once collected. Conditions for preservation apply for packaging and shipping, for maintaining of the evidence in the laboratory, and for postanalysis storage.

Sample collection and preservation of forensic evidence


One must understand the tools available to collect the sample as well as the limitations posed with a collection process or tool (see

Extraction efficiency, particularly of interest to the scientist, pertains to obtaining the highest quality and quantity yield as possible of the target of interest. Yield is related to the quantity

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32. Education and training in microbial forensics

and purity of target and removal from the collection matrix. Targets can include cells, nucleic acids, proteins, nutrients, growth materials, and elements.

Advanced microscopy Various forms of microscopy may be used to visualize the evidence. These tools may range from light microscopy to electron microscopy to atomic force microscopy and are available for characterization of a microbe. These approaches are rapid and can be used to identify candidate threats as well as to dismiss hoaxes.

Proteomics Defining chemical and physical properties of a biological agent can provide information on how and when the agent was produced and can be used to determine if two microbial samples were produced by the same process. Proteomics is a comprehensive study of the protein composition of biological systems at a moment in time or at different stages of a microbe’s growth. Many proteins are conserved and can be used for general identification, while other proteins may be expressed in response to environmental stimuli, growth state, or growth conditions. Protein profiling can provide information beyond genomic analysis about the conditions of the bioweapon before host exposure (Gil and Monteoliva, 2014).

Genomics One of the fastest growing areas with implications for microbial forensics is genomics. More rapid and in-depth sequencing of microbes is possible today than it was a decade ago; sequencing and targeted methods such as those used in the investigation of the anthrax-letter attack seem almost antiquated today. Genomic analyses will continue to be essential in

identifying species, strains, isolates, and individual samples to assist in a microbial forensic investigation. (Schmedes et al., 2016; Budowle et al., 2017; Karlsson et al., 2013). The rapid expansion of sequencing capabilities, where sequencing some microbes within a day at very deep coverage, has raised the importance of genetic identification. It will likely be a mainstay of the microbial forensic investigation of any attack with any microbe. The cost of wholegenome sequencing has decreased at least 100fold in just a few years. This technology has now matured into one of the methods of choice to examine the genetic structure of a particular pathogen and to identify signatures of forensic relevance. (Schmedes et al., 2016; Budowle et al., 2017; Karlsson et al., 2013)] In addition, the legal profession should have a basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of these technologies to be successful in the courtroom, just as has been necessary for human DNA forensics. Several chapters in this book expand on technology in detail.

Interpretation, statistical analysis, and confidence Interpretation of results and the bases to support interpretation by scientists will be critical to the end-user stakeholders that rely on microbial forensic evidence for legal proceedings, for setting policy or responding to a threat or an attack. Interpretations could be as simple as positive or negative to very complex evaluations using limits of detection, complex algorithms for identifying. A host of answers and additional questions can arise from data interpretation. Central to interpretation is, when possible, a statistical analysis of the findings which should be performed to provide significance of the result, uncertainty, or to convey the strength of the evidential results. A variety of statistical approaches exists, and it is imperative to understand which ones apply to particular analyses and interpretations.

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Processes and technology

One needs to consider that traditional statistical analyses may not apply to microbial evidence in some cases. With the advent and ease of massive parallel sequencing on various platforms and long-read sequencing with the MinIon (Oxford Nanopore) or PacBio (Menlo Park, CA), whole genomes of suspected biothreat agents can be quickly and easily obtained. However, the sequence differences may be limited to only informative single-nucleotide sequence (SNP) differences as represented by the genus Bacillus (Derzelle et al., 2015). Genetically similar microbes are analyzed via comparative genomics tools where multiple SNP patterns (canonical SNPs (canSNPs)) emerge and can distinguish geographically unique strains from one another when compared with reference strains of known biothreat agents (Dahiya, 2017). Many different phylogenetic tools and software are available now to perform such genetic comparisons. Working groups such as the AniBio Threat project (anibiothreat) in Europe developed standard protocols and expanded molecular databases to better assist in determining if an outbreak is natural or intentional (Derzelle and Thierry, 2013). Both scientists and legal analysts need to understand (or at least appreciate) the results and their significance. Moreover, the degree of confidence that can be placed on a result must be understood so that the weight of a comparative analysis is not overstated. Basic statistics, probability, and population genetics are essential requirements of any curriculum involving the analysis of forensic biological evidence.

Bioinformatics The term “bioinformatics” was developed as a result of the Human Genome Project. Because of the immense amount of data generated, it became necessary to apply more sophisticated computational techniques beyond what the average bench biologist had available. Bioinformatics requires a


combination of data handling and analysis skills (including standard statistics) that connect routine biology with high-powered computation. As scientific investigations and data generation expand using high resolution, deep sequencing of genomes of microbes, and large-scale proteomics, computational analyses will be more critical than ever. This subject can be taught in a simplistic form for the biologist or a more complex form for the computationally inclined scientist. This interdisciplinary field has greatly impacted microbiology as well as forensics, medicine, agriculture, and other disciplines. Bioinformatic algorithms have simplified comparative genomics. Bioinformatics for medicine, microbial genome, and agriculture (Dahiya, 2017) are able to determine biologically relevant patterns in complex datasets (Damaso et al., 2018) as well as allow analyses of wholegenome shotgun sequencing of complex mixtures such as microbiomes (Citation: Chen and Pachter, 2005). The information derived from complex data will have to be extracted using algorithms such as support vector machines (Xu et al., 2015; Schlecht et al., 2008), neural networks (Vidaki et al., 2017; Vidaki and Kayser, 2017), and other more complex algorithms yet to be developed. All scientists and individuals with interest in microbial forensic sciences will need to have a basic understanding of statistics and bioinformatic tools.

Indicators of engineering With rapid developments in molecular biology to benefit humankind also comes a great potential for manipulating a microorganism for nefarious purposes. Microbes could be engineered to be more virulent, and difficult-toobtain microbes may be synthesized de novo in a laboratory. There is a need to detect not only the microbe but to determine if it was genetically manipulated or perhaps is a novel chimera.

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32. Education and training in microbial forensics

Signatures indicative of manipulations or synthesis may be detected through sequencing and bioinformatic analyses. The skills and materials needed to manipulate a microbial genome may provide clues about the perpetrator and degree of sophistication used to develop the biothreat agent. This capability should be of interest to law enforcement and the intelligence community for supporting investigative leads.

Population genetics A knowledge of population genetics is essential for understanding the rarity of a genetic (and sometimes protein) profile derived from an evidence sample. Molecular epidemiology is increasingly applying the principles of evolutionary and population genetics to pathogens. It is important to understand what constitutes a sample population as opposed to a sample collection, the mode of inheritance related to a genetic marker, what significance or weight to apply to a genetic marker, what the mutation rate of a marker is, and how to combine the weight of multiple markers. Training of the student in this discipline will require basic genetic courses and more advanced courses in phylogenetic analyses and other forms of comparison. Such educational material will be found in population genetics and systematic and evolutionary biology programs. The population genetics of pathogens and its importance for microbial forensics are covered elsewhere in this book. An example of a forensic application of population genetics is the human skin microbiome. Schmedes et al. assessed human skin microbiome populations and, using supervised learning algorithms, were able to associate specific human microbiome profiles with their hosts with a high degree of accuracy (Schmedes et al., 2017). Recent comprehensive skin microbiome analyses (Ross et al., 2018) suggests that the skin microbiota have undergone coevolution with their corresponding mammalian hosts

providing support for future development of forensic applications using skin microbiomes (Ross et al., 2018).

Nonbiological tools This topic is broad and can encompass tools that characterize a microbe morphologically or chemically. Subjects will range from microscopy to basic chemistry to analytical chemistry. The Amerithrax investigation demonstrated the importance of nonbiological measurements on samples of biological agents. A variety of mass spectral, spectroscopic, and other instrumental methods were used in an attempt to answer questions related to how, when, and what materials were used to produce the spore powders. Such information can be used to compare evidence directly to a reference sample or indirectly to infer something about the processes used to culture, stabilize, and/or disseminate the biothreat agent. Bioelectronic scent detectors have also been developed using human olfactory and taste receptors that detect microbes in drinking water (Son et al., 2015; MankiSona et al., 2017), These human receptors have been shown to be capable of distinguishing one trillion different olfactory targets (Bushdid et al., 2014). Dogs have also been used for the detection of scents to track human waste in microbial source tracking in storm drains (Canine Scent Detection and Microbial Source Tracking of Human Waste Contamination in Storm Drains, 2014).

Forensic science Forensic science is the application of science to answer questions of interest to a legal system as well as for military or state decisions (1,5,6). While science may not offer definitive solutions to the problems of society, it does serve a special investigative role, particularly in the criminal

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Legal issues

justice system. The areas of science that have been traditionally exploited are diverse, but typically include the major disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, and geology. Within each discipline are many scientific subcategories that may be used in a forensic science investigation. For example, within the discipline of biology are the subdisciplines of medicine, pathology, molecular biology, immunology, odontology, serology, psychology, and entomology. The specific discipline(s) employed depends on the circumstances of the crime. Mathematics, especially statistics, is used to place weight or significance on observations or data retrieved from crime scene evidence. The ultimate question addressed by forensic science is usually “who committed the crime?” (i.e., attribution) or “who did not commit the crime?”, and crime scene evidence can play a role in answering these questions. Evidence can be any material, physical or electronic, that can associate or exclude individuals, victim, and/or suspect with a crime. It typically comprises materials specific to the crime as well as control samples for background information. Types of evidence may be fingerprints, blood, semen, saliva, hair, fibers, documents, photos, computer files, videos, firearms, glass, metals, plastics, paint, powders, explosives, tool marks, and soil. Scientists and other practitioners need to be cognizant of the types of evidence, how these different forms of evidence interplay, and how they can be used to help reconstruct the crime and/or identify the perpetrator.

Case histories A case history is a detailed account of a person or event. Studies of case histories are instructive because they provide analysis of information in the relevant context, including real complexities. The study of a variety of incidents can be tailored to the particular group learning about them (see Chapters 1, 3, 10, 17 and 39). The Amerithrax case is likely to be studied for years by many

different groups ranging from scientists to law enforcement to lawyers. In addition to this case, many other cases are described in chapters of this book and the previous edition (Budowle et al., 2005), as well as in specific publications [(Schutzer et al., 2005) (Seth Carus, 1998)]. Among these threats are foodborne illnesses from bacteria, such as Shigella and Salmonella, and toxins such as ricin. In addition, there have been events involving agriculture, including a foot-and-mouth outbreaks in the United Kingdom (Jamal and Belsham, 2013) and mad cow disease in the United States (Sigurdson et al., 2018). Environmental contamination is also an area of interest (Yates et al., 2016; Cano and Toranzos, 2018), such as microbial source tracking to detect water contamination by human sewage (see Chapters 6 and 7) or animal farming such as by the poultry industry in Arkansas. Perhaps the most common area where issues of natural versus intentional events arise is related to emerging infections. This question has arisen with the outbreaks of influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome, monkeypox, and specific cases of HIV infection (Jester et al., 2018; Lucas and Nelson, 2015; Morand et al., 2017).

Legal issues Legal issues are of obvious importance to the legal community but are also important to the scientific community. There will be times when the evidence will be used in a court of law to prosecute an individual who has been arrested for a biocrime. There are standards for admissibility of scientific evidence in a legal setting. The scientist may be asked to provide expert testimony. These standards need to be known and appreciated so that admissibility of evidence can be achieved. The government will use microbial forensic scientists and other experts, their results, the scientific literature, and supporting validation studies to support its position. The

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32. Education and training in microbial forensics

defense will defend its client vigorously to attempt to achieve an acquittal. Because of the adversary system, challenges are expected to the credibility of the science and its practitioners in the United States and other English-based law countries (Harmon et al., 2005; Kirsch and Daubert, 1995). Studying the science behind headlines can be a very instructive and creative way to interest students. Some controversial issues in forensic DNA, which can be used instructively, involve (1) the use of low quantities of template DNA (Budowle et al., 2009; Gilder et al., 2009), (2) population genetics issues and associated degrees of confidence (NRC), (3) potential contamination and background signals, (4) sufficient and appropriate validation studies, and (5) access to proprietary information or intellectual property. The standards and court proceedings, however, will vary for each country. For example, in the United States, possession of unauthorized material can be considered a crime by itself. Therefore, an understanding of the relevant laws for handling and possessing, for example, select agents is important.

acted upon is likely to be of interest to any level of student.

National-level capabilities and resources Policy and decision makers need to learn about and support advances in microbial forensic strategies and capabilities, such as were described in the “National Science and Technology Council, National Research and Development Strategy for Microbial Forensics, Office of Science and Technology Policy (2009) (National Science and Technology Council, 2009), and Science Needs for Microbial Forensics: Developing Initial International Research Priorities, 2014 (Science Needs for Microbial Forensics, 2014).” The following aspects should be addressed: (i) What and how should a country be prepared? (ii) What strategies make sense? (iii) Planning, implementing, and measuring effectiveness. (iv) Training and evaluation exercises. (v) Where can additional support be sought? (vi) Leveraging of epidemiological tools.

Conclusion Operational and intelligence issues Evidence derived from a microbial forensic investigation may not necessarily end up in court. For example, such evidence can be used for intelligence purposes. Information can be gathered to determine the risk or probability of an individual, a group, or a state to use (or has used) a bioweapon in an attack. The primary goal is to intercede and thwart the attack before it can happen. Alternatively, if an attack has occurred, a head of state may require some evidence to determine whether to retaliate and to whom retaliation should be directed. Results from microbial evidence are far reaching and have consequences. Training individuals in understanding the strengths and limitations of scientific evidence is essential so that proper decisions and responses can be made. Understanding how information is gathered, analyzed, and

Education of the next generation of microbial forensic scientists, the continuing professional development and training of practitioners, and informing those in the legal community and policy makers are our collective responsibility and of paramount importance. The evolution of technology, analytical capabilities, and, equally as important, the need for incorporating advances into our education and training programs continue to evolve and expand rapidly. This chapter along with the educational resources cited indicates some resources that could be considered to educate and train those interested in the field of microbial forensics. Other forms of education should include didactic lectures, workshops, conferences, practical demonstrations, and discussions at specialty meetings. Those interested in the development of formal microbial forensic degree programs will find

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resources from academic, government, industry, and professional societies. The target audience may include laboratory directors, bench scientists, other practitioners, faculty, college students, law enforcement representatives, medical care and first responder personnel, lawyers, and judges. Those who fulfill teaching roles, whether by profession or indirectly as reporters and even entertainment writers, can become informed so that their writings are founded in facts that could serve as well to better educate stakeholders.

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33 Microbial forensics: what next? Stephen A. Morse1, Bruce Budowle2, Steven E. Schutzer3 1

IHRC, Inc., Atlanta, GA, United States; 2Center for Human Identification, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Ft Worth, TX, United States; 3Department of Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, United States

Microbial forensics combines genomic, microbiologic, and epidemiologic methods to identify, characterize, and ascribe the cause of an incident or the processes used to produce a weaponizable agent resulting from the intentional or unintentional release of a harmful pathogen or toxin. Before October 2001, several forensic investigations of events involving microbial agents had been carried out to address public health questions as well as attribution. Microbial forensic approaches, although not termed as such at the time, were used to attribute the “reemergence” of H1N1 human influenza in 1977 to the escape from a laboratory in China or Russia of a virus sample that had been originally isolated around 1950 (Zimmer and Burke, 2009). Similarly, microbial forensic techniques were used to retrospectively show that inadequately inactivated vaccines were likely responsible for most VEE outbreaks that occurred in Latin America between 1938 and 1972 (Powers et al., 1997). Perhaps, more notable were investigations on intentional releases such as Salmonella contamination of salad bars in the Dalles, OR (Torok et al., 1997), contamination of muffins with

Microbial Forensics, Third Edition https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815379-6.00033-7

Shigella dysenteriae in Dallas, TX (Kolavic et al., 1997), the Aum Shinrikyo Kameido “anthrax” attack (Keim et al., 2001), and the retrospective analysis of the unintentional Sverdlovsk anthrax incident (Meselson et al., 1994). In all these examples, the subsequent investigations involved infectious disease epidemiology and the use of laboratory methods, including molecular genetic typing, which played an important role. However, the technical analyses employed were primitive by today’s standards, and the involvement of law enforcement forensic laboratories was limited or nonexistent. Microbial forensics as a discipline was affected dramatically by the dissemination of spores of Bacillus anthracis through the US postal system and the intense investigatory effort associated with the Amerithrax investigation that followed. The Amerithrax case involved highly sophisticated technologies of the time, the development of novel scientific analytical approaches, and was driven by federal law enforcement efforts (National Research Council, 2011). In addition to the massive scale of the Amerithrax investigation, the engagement of the law enforcement


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33. Microbial forensics: what next?

community led to new standards for microbial analyses that have had a positive effect on how epidemiologists and public health officials approach normal disease outbreaks. Doubtlessly, future criminal investigations will quickly result in law enforcement-driven forensic analysis and will capitalize on the very latest in technological and bioinformatics innovations. Consequently, analysis standards will be set high to support the prosecution of the perpetrators within the judicial system and to exculpate individuals not involved in an attack. Microbial forensics is no longer just a “side activity” for epidemiologists but rather a discipline all its own that will rely on specialists trained in multiple disciplines. Since the publication of the second edition of this book (Budowle et al., 2011), several excellent books have been published (Cano and Toranzos, 2018; Iftikhar, 2019; Carter et al., 2017; Cliff et al., 2012) or already existed (Riley, 2004; Emanuel et al., 2008) on various aspects of forensics, pathogen tracking, and molecular epidemiology. However, this book is unique in trying to combine the essential components and timely topics of microbial forensics into a coherent body of work. The third edition of Microbial Forensics covers a broad range of topics relevant to microbial forensics and in a manner focused on this topic. As such, we believe that it remains the definitive guide on the topic, to date, and will be useful to a broad range of readers interested in microbial forensics. While molecular forensic methods can enhance an epidemiological investigation of a naturally occurring disease outbreak, an important difference between an epidemiological investigation and a microbial forensics epidemiological investigation is that results of the latter need to withstand the scrutiny of the legal system, especially an adversarial one. Controlling the crime scene, maintaining chain of custody, validating methods, proficiency testing, defendable interpretation of results, and associated degrees of uncertainty will need to be performed to very high standards.

Likewise, the actual methodologies for microbial forensics are evolving rapidly and new methods are being devised and applied to investigations of disease outbreaks as well as biocrimes. The explosion in genomics, phylogeography, and population dynamics is evident to all; however, tremendous improvements are also being made in the physical and material sciences for understanding the exact evidentiary composition from isotopes to elements. Coupling highresolution microscopy to elemental analysis was a key to understanding the anthrax letter spores (National Research Council, 2011). A complementary suite of methodologies will ultimately provide scientists with better investigative strategies. Preparing to investigate future criminal events has largely been focused on a small list of pathogens and toxins, primarily developed from knowledge of state biological weapons programs (Khan et al., 2000). The biology of each pathogen and toxin will necessitate agent-specific expertise and analysis. Inevitably, an unanticipated pathogen or toxin will be used in a future attack, requiring microbial forensics to adapt previous approaches to a novel event. Practitioners will gain considerable expertise by using these approaches for natural outbreaks of novel, emerging, or reemerging infectious diseases. A better understanding of these agents will lead to a quicker response when one is used in a criminal event. Finally, microbial forensic investigations must be approached with an eye toward the final legal stage. Investigators must be using methods that will meet legal standards for scientific evidence (e.g., the Daubert admissibility standard) and validated with a level of rigor that can be defended successfully against inevitable critical objections. This required rigor and special demands lead to the question of whether microbial forensics will become a stand-alone science or whether it will remain a subspecialty of others. It is currently organized as either a subspecialty of infectious disease epidemiology or of traditional

V. Miscellaneous

33. Microbial forensics: what next?

forensics, and its growth into its own discipline likely will proceed for many years. The necessity to be a separate discipline will be dependent on the number of biocrime events and the resources available for such investigations. The specialized need to conduct forensic examinations in a highcontainment environment for biosafety purposes does not separate it from molecular epidemiology and traditional forensics. The National Bioforensic Analysis Center located at Ft. Detrick, Frederick, MD, is the US government’s response to this need for an infrastructure with both capabilities. However, if microbial forensics is to be practiced outside this single-focused environment, it will likely be closely associated with either infectious disease epidemiology or forensics. Indeed, other national assets currently are relied on for their unique expertise to address the novel events that occur. Biocrimes may remain rare events; thus, while local disease control and law enforcement efforts will need to be prepared continuously (Treadwell et al., 2003), microbial forensics will need to be practiced less frequently than many traditional forensic applications. Maintaining widespread capacity focused solely on microbial forensics would appear to be unneeded and expensive. However, preparedness is essential. We would envision some capacity, training, and preparedness in all regions and locations and across both public health and law enforcement agencies. As technological advances occur, such as next-generation sequencing, the democratization of the capability to perform genomic analyses and chemical analyses will allow for ready access by investigating agencies of the tools to meet the challenges and carry out attribution of a biocrime or bioterrorist act. Challenges still exist for efficient and effective microbial forensic investigations, including the development and maintenance of large strain repositories as references to evidentiary material. While genetic methods have become less expensive, faster, and with better discrimination power, strain repositories remain problematic.


Federal regulations, agency-specific restrictions, and international paranoia have placed additional barriers for strain acquisition and sharing. Complicating the situation is the need for comprehensive strain (or source) collections for each pathogen and toxin investigated, which multiplies the size of the challenge, effective coordination, and the expense. In addition, genomic technologies are changing so fast that the standardization of methods and even data formats remains a hurdle. Error rates and differential quality across data sets must be estimated, captured, and understood to minimize false investigative leads, which would expend resources unnecessarily, degrade public confidence in microbial forensic analysis, and, ultimately, impact the ability to prosecute perpetrators successfully. Evolutionary models, coupled with repository databases, need to be applied to evidence to generate confidence estimates associated with any results. Regardless of analysis results, their interpretation and subsequent communication to peers, lawyers, judges, juries, and other stakeholders will have to be effective. The microbial forensics community must strive for a common language to describe investigative outcomes effectively and accurately. Prospects for this are good if the science is rigorous and the community is open to critical review. Crimes of all types cost societies valuable resources in term of money, productivity, safety, and peace of mind. Indeed, in extreme cases, the cost is measured in lives lost. Ineffective and inaccurate forensics compounds these societal problems with injustice while failing to curtail crime. Scientific rigor needs to be applied to microbial forensics to maximize its effectiveness and benefits. Hopefully, this will result in fewer biocrimes and bioterrorist events by removing perpetrators as well as providing a deterrent to future perpetrators. Performing microbial forensics accurately with valid interpretation will not always result in the identification of the perpetrator, but inappropriate use of microbial

V. Miscellaneous


33. Microbial forensics: what next?

forensics that attributes a crime to an individual, group, or state erroneously will come with a much greater cost. The work and developments from the nascence of microbial forensics to date suggest that we are on the right track. Foundations have been laid and we must remain vigil to ensure that the standards and high quality that we advocate continue to be a major part of the growth of the very important discipline microbial forensics.

References Cano, R.J., Toranzos, G.A. (Eds.), 2018. Environmental Microbial Forensics. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Budowle, B., Schutzer, S.E., Breeze, R.G., Keim, P.S., Morse, S.A. (Eds.), 2011. Microbial Forensics, second ed. Academic Press, San Diego. Carter, D.O., Tomberlin, J.K., Benbow, M.E., Metcalf, J.L. (Eds.), 2017. Forensic Microbiology, first ed. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. Cliff, J.B., Kreuzer, H.W., Ehrhardt, C.J., Wunschel, D.S. (Eds.), 2012. Chemical and Physical Signatures for Microbial Forensics. Humana Press, NY. Emanuel, P., Roos, J.W., Niyogi, K., 2008. Sampling for Biological Agents in the Environment. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Iftikhar, S. (Ed.), 2019. Trends of Environmental Forensics in Pakistan. Academic Press, London. Keim, P., Smith, K.L., Keys, C., Takahashi, H., Kurata, T., Kaufmann, A., 2001. Molecular investigation of the

Aum Shinrikyo anthrax release in Kameido, Japan. J. Clin. Microbiol. 39, 4566e4567. Khan, A.S., Morse, S., Lillibridge, S., 2000. Public-health preparedness for biological terrorism in the USA. Lancet 356, 1179e1182. Kolavic, S.A., Kimura, A., Simmons, S.L., Slutsker, S.L., Barth, S., Haley, C.E., 1997. An outbreak of Shigella dysenteriae type 2 among laboratory workers due to intentional food contamination. JAMA. 278, 396e398. Meselson, M., Guillemin, J., Hugh-Jones, M., et al., 1994. The Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak of 1979. Science 266, 1202e1208. National Research Council, 2011. Review of the Scientific Approaches Used during the FBI's Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC. Powers, A.M., Oberste, M.S., Brault, A.C., Rico-Hesse, R., Schmura, S.M., Smith, J.F., et al., 1997. Repeated emergence of epidemic/epizootic Venezuelan equine encephalitis from a single genotype of enzootic subtype ID virus. J. Virol. 71, 6697e6705. Riley, L.W., 2004. Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Torok, T.J., Tauxe, R.V., Wise, R.P., Livengood, J.R., Sokolow, R., Mauvais, S., et al., 1997. A large community outbreak of salmonellosis caused by intentional contamination of restaurant salad bars. JAMA. 278, 389e395. Treadwell, T.A., Koo, D., Kuker, K., Khan, A.S., 2003. Epidemiologic clues to bioterrorism. Public Health Rep. 118, 92e98. Zimmer, S.M., Burke, D.S., 2009. Historical perspective e emergence of influenza A (H1N1) viruses. N. Engl. J. Med. 361, 279e285.

V. Miscellaneous

Index Note: ‘Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicates tables and “b” indicates boxes’.


a-Amanitin analysis, 232 Accumulated degree day (ADD), 175b Accumulated degree hours (ADH), 175b Advanced microscopy, 488 Agricultural bioweapons, 51e52 Alignment-based algorithms, for sequence typing, 274f Alignment-based computational methods, 271e273 Alignment-free algorithms for sequence typing, 274f Alignment-free computational methods, 273e276 American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 478e484, 480te481t American Society of Microbiology, 478e484, 480te481t Amerithrax Task Force, 11, 16 bacterial contamination, 20e21 carbon-14 dating, 18e19 collection and preservation of microbial evidence, 21e22 colony morphology and DNA sequencing, 16e18 flexographic print defects, 19e20 laboratory response network, 11e12 post-9/11, 13e15 quality of spore materialebehavioral assessment, 15e16 Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 247 AMS, 18 “Analytical validation”, 361 Anthrax, 213e216, 214t Antibody tests for EpsteineBarr virus, 212t Antigenic drift, 91 Antigenic shift, 91e92 Antiplant biological weapons, 51e52

Antiviral drugs, 98 Apophysomyces trapeziformis, 143e144 Application-specific field demonstration, 79, 79t Appropriate quality controls, 81 Assessment of threat admission of scientific evidence, 335e336 biological agent detection assays, 333e335 national threat assessment, 325e329 threat credibility assessments, 329e333 Aum Shinrikyo, 3e5, 6f

B Bacillus anthracis, 25, 123e128, 257e258 strain archives, 27e28 Bacillus cereus, 127 Bacterial contamination, 20e21 Bacterial pathogens, 123e124 Bacillus anthracis, 124e128 Bacillus cereus, 127 Botulinum neurotoxin, 133e136 Brucella spp. and brucellosis, 131e132 Burkholderia pseudomallei and melioidosis, 133 Francisella tularensis and tularemia, 130e131 human vs. bacterial pathogens, 124 mutation rates in bacteria, 128 16S sequences and rapid ID of microbes, 124 Sverdlovsk genome, 127e128 Yersinia pestis and plague, 128e130 Bacterial typing schemes, NGS on, 270e276 Bioinformatics, 156e157, 489 Biological agent detection assays, 333e335 Biological Resource Centers (BRCs), 441e444


Biorepositories acquisition, 450e451 assuring quality and standardization, 447e449 biological resource, 446e447 biological resource centers, 442e444 creating value, 444e445 data management and integration, 449e450 equitable access, 451e452 ideal microbial forensics biological resource, 454 long-term maintenance, 447 microbial forensics biological resources, 441e442 regulatory compliance, 453e454 safety and security, 452e453 sustainability, 445e446 Bioterrorism attacks, 219e221 Bipolaris, 148e149 Body fluid identification, 373 Bone, 184 Bottom-up proteomic analysis process, 253, 253f Botulinum neurotoxin, 133e136 analysis, 232e233 Brucella spp., 131e132 Brucellosis, 131e132 Burkholderia pseudomallei, 133

C Carbon-14 dating, 18e19 Castor bean genotyping, 242f, 246e248 Chain of custody, 486e487 Chloroplast DNA, 247 Clade-specifc markers, 161e164 Clostridium botulinum, 133e134, 258 Coccidioides, 144e146 genetics and genomics of, 144e145 molecular genotyping and forensics of, 145e146 Coccidioidomycosis, 144e146

502 Colony morphology, 16e18 Comprehensive microbial forensic programs, 314 “Core genome”, 309 Crime scenes, 486e487 Cryptococcus gattii, 147 Culture-confirmed anthrax, 8

D Data analysis, 255e256 Data management and integration, 449e450 Decision rule, 367 DNA sequencing, 16e18 Document performed procedures, 81e82 Dual-use research, 89e90, 98e99

E Earth Microbiome Project (EMP), 156e157 Ebola virus disease (EVD), 107 Endogenous protein expression, 257e259 Environmental settings, HF183 target survival in, 78 Environmental variables on microbial clock, 185e186 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), 55 EpsteineBarr virus, 212t Exogenous proteomic signatures, 259e260 Exonuclease digestion, 201 Exophiala, 149e150 in NYC oncology clinic, 150 “Expanded” forensic microbiology applications, 372 body fluid identification, 373 human source attribution, 373e376 inferences about geolocation, 376e377 postmortem interval estimation, 372e373 Expert exaggeration, 411e412 Expert witnesses anticipating impeachment and attack, 418 appointment, 420e421 cross-examination of government tanker expert, 419e420 example of careful science, 412e414 expert credibility, 415e416 expert exaggeration, 411e412


importance of discovery, 416e417 judicial findings of reliability, 414e415 judicial skepticism, 414 lay judges rule, 407e410 legal standard, 405e407 state cases, 415 tips for expert witnesses, 418e419 ultimate error, 410e411 Exserohilum, 149e150 Exserohilum rostratum, 143e144 Extraction efficiency, 487e488

F Federal murder trial, 149 Flexographic print defects, 19e20 Foodborne outbreaks developing and transitioning countries, 42e43 drivers for scientific development, 37e40 omics and global scientific and regulatory trends, 37 regulatory framework and trends in standard setting, 40e42 roles for international organizations, 43e45 whole genome sequencing (WGS) for, 35e37 Foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs), 331e332 Forensic analysis in bacterial pathogens, 123 Bacillus anthracis, 124e128 Bacillus cereus, 127 Botulinum neurotoxin, 133e136 Brucella spp. and brucellosis, 131e132 Burkholderia pseudomallei and melioidosis, 133 Francisella tularensis and tularemia, 130e131 human vs. bacterial pathogens, 124 mutation rates in bacteria, 128 16S sequences and rapid ID of microbes, 124 Sverdlovsk genome, 127e128 Yersinia pestis and plague, 128e130 Forensic capability, 65 Forensic evidence case histories, 491 forensic science, 490e491 legal issues, 491e492 national-level capabilities and resources, 492

operational and intelligence issues, 492 sample collection and preservation of, 487 Forensic plant pathology, 50, 66 agricultural bioweapons, 51e52 education and outreach, 63e64 epidemiology in forensic investigation, 57e59 gaps, 65e66 investigation, 61e62 mutation, evolution, and forensic plant pathology, 59e61 naturally caused versus intentional introduction, 50e51 need for, 52e53 pathogen detection and diagnostics, 53e57 resources and infrastructure, 64e65 roles and responsibilities, 62e63 USDA APHIS-PPQ plant pathogen, 54t Forensic proteomics, 261e263 Forensic public health, 105e106 challenges, 119e120 deliberate introduction of biological agent, 108e113 dynamics of disease transmission, 106e107 molecular strain typing, 113e119 outbreak investigation, 108 phenotypic typing methods, 114t Forensic science, 490e491 testimony, 340e342 “Forensic test”, 362e363 formalization of, 363e368 Francisella tularensis, 130e131 Frye rule, 405e406 Fungal pathogens, 141e142 kingdom fungi, 141e142 pathogenic fungi, 142e150 Fusarium, 148e149 Fusarium graminearum, 58

G Genetically variable proteins (GVPs), 310 Genetic inference, 353e355 Genome-based bacterial typing, 278e281 Genome-enabled bacterial typing schemes, 276e281 GenomeTrakr database, 35e36 Genomic epidemiology



in action, 148e150 case study, 146 Genomics, 283, 488 bioinformatics sequence analysis, 287e288 comparative genomics, 289e290 future challenges, 292e293 genome architecture and evolution, 291e292 high-throughput screening assays, 290 metagenomics, 290e291 and microbial forensics, 293e294 pregenomic era, 288e289 revolution, 288 sequence data, 301e303 sequencing technologies, 284e287 signatures, 299e300, 308e310 Global Microbial Identifier (GMI) movement, 40e41

H Hand-launched unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), 56, 57f Hazardous event response, 73e74 Hazardous Materials Response Teams (HMRTs), 21 HF183 qPCR method analytical performance, 77e78 application-specific field demonstration, 79, 79t concentration link to public health risk, 80 interlaboratory performance, 78e79 nonfully validated, 80e82 target survival in environmental settings, 78 HidSkinPlex system, 163 H1N1 “Russian Flu”, 99e100 H1N1 “Spanish Flu” pandemic, 92e93 H1N1 “Swine Flu” pandemic, 93e94 H2N2 “Asian Flu”pandemics, 93 H5N1 epidemics, 94e95 H5N1 virus, 101e102 H3N2 “Hong Kong Flu” pandemics, 93 H7N9 epidemics, 94e95 Human-associated fecal source identification method, 73 Human-associated HF183 qPCR method, 74e75 Human decomposition studies, 181e182

Human fecal pollution occurrence, 81 Human fecal source identification solution, 72e74 Human host attribution, 159e160 Human identity testing, 158e159 Human microbiome, 157e158 Human pathogens, 124 Human source attribution, 373e376 Hypothesis testing, 386e387

I Ideal microbial forensics biological resource, 454 Immune responses, 485e486 Immunoglobulin classes and properties, 209t Immunoglobulins (Igs), 209 “Inclusion” type testimony, 353e355 Indicators of engineering, 489e490 Inferences about geolocation, 376e377 Inferential validation, 361 of forensic test, 364 subtle issues with, 368e372 Influenza A virus genome, 90e91 isolate names, 91 subtypes, 91 Influenza forensics, 89e90 antigenic and genetic characterization, 95e96 antigenic drift and shift, 91 antiviral drugs, 98 as biological weapon, 98e102 diagnostics, 96 influenza A virus genome, 90e91 influenza nomenclature, 91 influenza pandemics and epidemics, 92e95 influenza virus, 90 influenza virus vaccines, 97e98 protection against influenza, 96e98 surveillance, 95 Influenza nomenclature, 91 Influenza pandemics and epidemics, 92e95 Influenza virus, 90, 100e101 vaccines, 97e98 Initial disease assessment, 61 Intelligence Community, 325e329 Interlaboratory performance, 78e79 Internal transcribed spacer (ITS), 147 International microbial forensics research strategy, 463e464

additional perspectives, 469e470 United Nations office of disarmament affairs, 471e472 Zagreb, 464e469

K Kameido anthrax incident, 3, 5e6 Aum Shinrikyo, 3e5, 6f epidemiologic investigation, 8 microbial forensic investigation, 6e8

L Laboratory-adapted strains, 256 Laboratory response network, 11e12 Large-scale typing schemes, 277e278 Law enforcement, role of, 329e333 Legal context in microbial forensics, 398e399 admissibility, 399e400 basis for challenges, 402 case precedent, 400e401 chain of custody issues, 403 CSI effect, 402e403 evidence, 401e402 Legal issues, 491e492 Lessons for expert witnesses, 405 anticipating impeachment and attack, 418 appointment, 420e421 cross-examination of government tanker expert, 419e420 example of careful science, 412e414 expert credibility, 415e416 expert exaggeration, 411e412 importance of discovery, 416e417 judicial findings of reliability, 414e415 judicial skepticism, 414 lay judges rule, 407e410 legal standard, 405e407 state cases, 415 tips for expert witnesses, 418e419 ultimate error, 410e411 Liquid chromatography, 254 Locus-nucleotide variant (SNV), 277t Long-term maintenance, 447 Lysozymes, 173

M Machine learning predictive tools for microbiome data, 179b Macrophage ingests, 209 MALDI-TOF mass spectrum, 232e233, 233fe234f

504 Mammalian model systems, 180e181 Massively parallel sequencing (MPS), 156e157 Mass spectrometry, 254e255 toxin analysis using, 225e231, 226f, 228t current limitations to, 236 sample preparation, 229e230 specific toxin analysis methods, 231e233 validation of toxin methods, 233e236 Melioidosis, 133 Microbial clock of different sampling environments, 182e185 Microbial ecosystems, 180 Microbial evidence, 21e22 Microbial forensic, 207e210, 251, 252f, 476te477t analysis of other infections, 216e218 basic epidemiology, 484e485 as biological weapons, 485 capabilities, 52e53 curricula and training, 475e484 general concepts, 209e210 illustrative concepts, 210e212, 211f processes and technology, 486e490 proteomic methods in, 256e261 serologic analysis of people, 213e216 Microbial forensic biological resources, 441e442 Microbial forensic data, 393e394 in legal context, 398e399 admissibility, 399e400 basis for challenges, 402 case precedent, 400e401 chain of custody issues, 403 CSI effect, 402e403 evidence, 401e402 in policy context competing timelines, 396e398 historical drivers, 394e395 international considerations, 395e396 in international decision-making process, 396 U.S. Strategy, 395 Microbial forensic evidence, 339e340 certainty expression in, 348e357 forensic science testimony, 340e342 science communication, 342e345 scientific testimony, 357e358 statistical language, 345e348


Microbial forensic investigations, 6e8, 381e384 advanced forensic methods, 28e29 calculating match probabilities, 389e390 methods to analyze attack isolate, 25e28 microbial forensic paradigm, 384e385 definition of specific hypotheses, 386 evaluation of analyses, 388e389 hypothesis testing, 386e387 inheritance mode, 387e388 likelihood ratios, 388 population genetic data, 385 population genetic database development, 385e386 replication mode, 387 understanding of population structure, 389 reference database, 390e391 sample analysis and other issues, 29e30 Microbial forensic nucleic acid analysis, 195 capture methods, 199e201, 199fe200f exonuclease digestion, 201 mitochondrial DNA, 201 molecular inversion probes (MIPs), 201, 201fe202f multiple displacement amplification (MDA), 195e196 rolling circle amplification (RCA), 197e198 whole genome amplification (WGA), 195 Microbial forensic paradigm, 384e385 definition of specific hypotheses, 386 evaluation of analyses, 388e389 hypothesis testing, 386e387 inheritance mode, 387e388 likelihood ratios, 388 population genetic data, 385 population genetic database development, 385e386 replication mode, 387 understanding of population structure, 389 Microbial forensic samples, 313e314, 320e321

collection of forensic evidence, 314e317 collection strategies and methods for, 317e319 Microbial sequencing, 287 Microbial source tracking HF183 qPCR method, 75e80, 76t analytical performance, 77e78 application-specific field demonstration, 79, 79t concentration link to public health risk, 80 human-associated, 74e75 interlaboratory performance, 78e79 nonfully validated, 80e82 target survival in environmental settings, 78 human fecal source identification solution, 72e74 Mitochondrial DNA, 201 Modes of agent transmission, 106, 106t Molecular epidemiologic approaches, 143 Molecular epidemiology, 485 and typing, 267e270 Molecular inversion probes (MIPs), 201 design and structure, 201, 201fe202f Molecular strain typing, 113e119 Morphs, 16e17 statistics, 351e353 Multicellular hyphal-forming organisms, 141e142 Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), 113e114 Multilocus sequence typing (MLST), 128e129, 268e270, 272te273t Multiple displacement amplification (MDA), 195e196 Multiple locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), 9, 25e26 Municipal stormwater discharge characterization, 72e73

N National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC) and future of bioforensics, 460e461 history of, 457e458 operations, 458e459 science, 459e460



National-level capabilities and resources, 492 National threat assessment, 325e329 Natural vs. deliberate introduction, 58e59 Necrobiome, 372 Next-generation sequencing (NGS), 37, 285 on bacterial typing schemes, 270e276 by synthesis, 285 using nanopores, 286e287 using pH mediation, 285e286 using single molecules, 286 Nonbiological tools, 490 Nonfully validated HF183 qPCR method, 80e82 Nonpoint human fecal pollution, 72 Nonpoint pollution sources, 72 Nuclear SNPs, 247e248 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 18

O Operational and intelligence issues, 492 “One fungus, one name” rule, 147

P Pathogenic fungi, 146e147 Pathogen identification and characterization conserved sequence among targets, 303e304 different types and resolutions of genomic signatures, 300 genomic sequence data, 301e303 genomic signatures, 299e300, 308e310 identifying sequences unique to targets, 304 mining for signatures, 304e305 potential bacterial genetic engineering, 306e307 potential target organisms, 300e301 protein signatures, 310 RNA viruses, additional challenges, 305e306 signature resolution, 301 viral and bacterial detection array signatures, 307e308 Pediatric cancer patients, sarocladium deaths in, 149e150 Phenotypic typing methods, 114t Phytophthora ramorum, 53e55

Plum pox virus, 60e61 Policy context, microbial forensics in competing timelines, 396e398 historical drivers, 394e395 international considerations, 395e396 in international decision-making process, 396 U.S. Strategy, 395 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 6e7, 55 Population genetics, 490 database development, 385e386 “Portable” typing scheme, 268 Postmortem interval (PMI), 171e172 adoption of technology, 186e188 decomposition and estimation of, 172e177 estimation, 372e373 knowledge gaps and areas of investigation, 186 microbial clock, 177e186 Potential bacterial genetic engineering, 306e307 Potential target organisms, 300e301 Proficiency testing with environmental samples, 82 Protease digestion, 254 Protein extraction, 254 Protein signatures, 310 Protein toxin identification, 260e261 Proteomic analysis workflow, 253e256 Proteomics, 488 for bioforensics, 251e253 distinctive aspects of forensic proteomics, 261e263 microbial forensics, 251, 252f proteomic analysis workflow, 253e256 proteomic methods in microbial forensics, 256e261 Public health officials, role of, 329e333 Public health risk, HF183 concentration link to, 80

R Rapid bacterial typing genome-enabled bacterial typing schemes, 276e281 molecular epidemiology and typing, 267e270

multilocus sequence typing, 268e270, 272te273t NGS on bacterial typing schemes, 270e276 Regression models for postmortem interval, 177e180 regularized multinomial logistic regression (RMLR), 162 Restricted experiments, 430 Ricin, 241 analysis, 233 poisoning, 243e244 toxin detection, 244e246 Ricin forensics, 241e242 castor bean genotyping, 246e248 challenges, 248e249 history of castor beans, 242e243 ricin poisoning, 243e244 ricin toxin detection, 244e246 Rolling circle amplification (RCA), 197e198

S Salmonella typhimurium, 108 Sanger sequencing, 284e285 Sarocladium, 149e150 deaths in pediatric cancer patients, 149e150 Sarocladium kiliense, 149e150 Saxitoxin analysis, 231e232 Science communication, 342e345 Search database, 262e263 Select agent regulations, 425e438, 431t biosafety/biocontainment, 437e438 exclusions, 433e435, 434te435t exemptions, 432e433 incident response, 438 records, 437 security, 437 training, 438 transfers, 435e437 Signature erosion, 261 Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 247 “Simpson reversal”, 371 Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 145, 158e159 Single-nucleotide variant (SNV), 277t Single sample analysis, 262 Skin microbiome genetic signatures, 155e157 human host attribution, 159e160 human identity testing, 158e159 human microbiome, 157e158

506 Skin microbiome genetic signatures (Continued) methodologies, 160e161 targeted multiplex panel of clade-specific markers, 161e164 Soil, 184e185 Source attribution, 58 Spore materialebehavioral assessment, 15e16 Stages of decomposition, 172e174 Sterne 34F2 anthrax vaccine strain, 8 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 113e114 SuperMLST schemes, 275e276 “Suspicion inertia”, 50 Sverdlovsk genome, 127e128


“Threat Credibility Assessment”, 329e333 Tier 1 select agents, 430 Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF), 14


Toxin analysis, using mass spectrometry, 225e231, 226f, 228t current limitations to, 236 sample preparation, 229e230 specific toxin analysis methods, 231e233 validation of toxin methods, 233e236 Toxins, select agents and, 426e430, 427te429t Trace DNA detection, 355e357 Transmigration, 180 Tularemia, 130e131

U United Nations office of disarmament affairs, 471e472 USDA APHIS-PPQ plant pathogen, 54t

V Variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR), 25e26, 129

Viral hemorrhagic fever viruses, 107 Vulnerability assessment, 58

W Waterborne disease outbreak response, 73 Water quality best management practice evaluation, 73 Water quality challenge, 81 Whole genome amplification (WGA), 195 Whole genome sequence typing (WGST), 145e146 Whole genome sequencing (WGS), 27, 35e37, 129, 149e150, 161

Y Yersinia pestis and plague, 128e130

Z Zagreb, 464e469