Mercenaries in Medieval and Renaissance Europe [0 ed] 9781476612072, 1476612072

In medieval and Renaissance Europe, mercenaries played violent, colorful, international roles in warfare, but they have

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English Pages 219 pages Year 2013

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Mercenaries in Medieval and Renaissance Europe [0 ed]
 9781476612072, 1476612072

Table of contents :
Table of Contents
Introduction. An Overview of Medievaland Renaissance Warfare
I. Meeting the Warriors and the Tools of Their Trade
II. The Long-Haired kings
III. ""Human thoughts are inclined to greed
IV. ""They went about in bands of thousands
V. ""All the foreign knights, bowmen, their attendants and the mercenaries
VI. ""An escort of galloglas armed with battle-axes
VII. ""Drink thy blood, Beaumanoir
VIII. ""They were bold and warlike fellows
IX. A Skeleton in Armor
X. ""The Light of Italy
XI. ""Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous. ConclusionAppendix 1: Armor
Appendix 2: Swiss Mercenaries
Chapter Notes

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