Are you dealing with massive data volumes at work or in your hobbies? Need a powerful, reliable programming language to
395 149
English Pages 179 Year 2023
Table of contents :
AIntroduction A A
AChapter A1: A ASetting Aup Aa AC++ ADevelopment AEnvironment A A
Setting Aup AYour AText AEditor A
AWindows AIDE AInstallation Aand ASetup A A
Mac AOS AIDE AInstallation Aand ASetup A
Linux ACompiler AInstallation A
AChapter A2: A ABasics Aof AC++, APrinciples A Aof AProgramming A A
Principles Aof AProgramming A
Overview Aof Athe AC++ ASyntax A
First AProgram: AOutput Aand ABasic AStrings A
Using ACout A
Using AEscape ASequences A
Using AEndl: AInput/Output AManipulators A
Omitting ANamespace A
AChapter A3: A AVariables Aand AData ATypes A A
Input Aand AOutput: ADeclaring AVariables A
Basic AData ATypes A
Power Aof AC++: AAdvanced AStrings A
Operation: AString AConcatenation A
String AObjects: ALength() AAttribute A
String AIndexes Aand AArrays A
Cin Aand Agetline() Afunction A
AChapter A4: AOperations Ain AC++ A A
ABinary AOperators A A
Arithmetic AOperators A
Relational AOperators A
Logical AOperators A
Bitwise AOperators A
Unary AOperations A
Ternary AOperators A
AChapter A5: A ADecision AMaking Ain AC++ A A
Loops A
If()…Else A
Nested ATernary AIf AElse AOperator A
ASwitch A A
ACreate Aand ACall Aa AFunction A A
Parameter APassing A
AFunction AOverloading A A
AExpanding AYour APractice: APreparing AYour ACoding AEnvironment A A
ACoding ABest APractices: AOwnership Aof ALearning Aand ACollaboration A A
Take AAway: AComputer AScience AConcepts Ain AC++ A
AGlossary A A
AReferences A A