Marriage and Morals in Islam

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English Pages [85] Year 2019

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Marriage and Morals in Islam

Table of contents :
[Author(s): ]
[Author(s): ]
Topic Tags:
A. Why This Book?
B. Sex Education
A. Christian Sexual Morality
B. The Victorian Era
C. The Sexual Revolution
A. Defining the Islamic View
1. Marriage is Highly Recommended
2. Celibacy & Monasticism is Forbidden
3. Marriage Helps in Spirituality
B. Defending the Islamic View
1. Mernissi’s Views
Women are Considered Sexually Active in Islam
(B) Women are a Danger to the Social Order
(C) There Should be No Emotional Investment in Women
(D) Love Should be Exclusively Devoted to Allah
2. Al-Ghazali’s Views
The First Harm
The Second Harm
The Third Harm
3. Love for God Vis-a-vis Love for this World
C. Criterion of Moral and Immoral
1. Regulating Sex by Morality
2. Islam & Personal Freedom
A. The Beginning of Sexual Life
1. Bulugh & Rushd
2. What Should the Youths do?
First: With Family’s Support
Second: With Community’s Support
Third: Married Minus Financial Burden
Fourth: Married Plus Simple Life-Style
B. Handling Sexual Urge before Marriage
1. Immoral Ways
(A) Pre-Marital Sex
(B) Masturbation
(C) Homosexuality
2. Lawful Temporary Ways
(A) Temporary Abstinence
(B) Temporary Marriage (Mut 'a)
C. Marriage
1. Whom Can You Marry?
(A) Restrictions based on Relationship
(B) Restrictions based on Religion
2. Some Often Asked Questions
(A) Do parents have any right over the marriage of their children?
(B) By considering the hijab in Islam, is a boy permitted to look at the girl before marrying her?
(C) Can a boy and a girl who are engaged meet each other or go out together?
3. The 'Aqd
4. The Time of Marriage
(A) When to marry?
(B) The Wedding Night:
5. Days & Times for Sex
(A) Is sex forbidden at any time in marriage?
(B) Is it discouraged (makruh) to have sex at any time or on any day?
(C) Are there days and times when sexual intercourse is recommended?
(D) Are there times when it is obligatory (wajib) to have sexual intercourse?
6. Sexual Techniques
(A) Foreplay
(B) Techniques of Foreplay
(C) Sexual Intercourse
(D) Anal Intercourse:
(E) Decency & Privacy
A. Introduction
B. When Does Pregnancy Begin?
1. Criteria of Shar'i Definitions
2. The Shar'i Pregnancy
C. The Contraceptive Methods
1. Oral Contraceptives
2. Depo-Provera
3. Intrauterine Devices (IUD)
4. Barrier Devices
5. Abstinence During Fertile Period
6. Withdrawal (Coitus Interruptus)
7. Sterilization
Can a woman practice birth control without the consent of her husband?
D. Abortion
A. Human Reproduction Techniques
1. Artificial Insemination by Husband (AIH)
2. Artificial Insemination by Donor (AID)
3. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
4. Other Possibilities in Human Reproduction Discussed by Our 'Ulama'
5. Surrogate Motherhood
B. Some Ethical Questions
1. Destroying the Extra Fertilized Ova
2. Frozen Embryos
A. Introduction
B. The Causes of Ghusl Janabat
C. The Things Which are Forbidden for a Junub
D. The Acts Whose Validity Depend on Ghusl Janabat
E. Manner of Performing Ghusl
1. Ghusl Tartibi:
2. Ghusl Irtimasi:
F. Recommendable Acts of Ghusl
G. A Summary of Ghusl

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