Lose Weight and Get Fit With No Diet - No Gym: Be Healthier, Stronger, and Live Longer

The unknown truth of how to lose weight seems so hard to find, but I have found it and am willing to share it with you.

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Lose Weight and Get Fit With No Diet - No Gym: Be Healthier, Stronger, and Live Longer

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  • Lose Weight and Get Fit With No Diet, No Gym Be Healthier, Stronger, and Live Longer

Table of contents :
Chapter 1: Why People Try To Lose Weight
Weight Gain or Loss
Health Risks
Cardiovascular Health
Joint Pain
Abdominal Fat
How Excess Fat Puts You in Danger
How Much Is Too Much?
Brain Health
How Weight Affects Brain Function
Losing Weight Improved Cognition
Better Health
More Energy
Feel Better and Stronger
What About Being Underweight?
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Chapter 2: The Hidden Causes Of Excess Weight
Your Diet
What You Drink
Portion Sizes
Quality of Food
Why You Eat
Food for Comfort
Food Addiction
Lifestyle Influences
Being Sedentary
Low Energy
Poor Sleep
Friends and Family
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Chapter 3: Lose Weight Without Dieting
Your Eating Habits
Enjoy Your Meals
Combat Compulsive Eating
No-Diet Approach to Weight Loss
Watch Your Carbs
Plant-Based Approach
Stay Hydrated
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Chapter 4: Exercise Without Punishing Yourself
Calories In, Calories Out
Counting Calories
Tracking Calories
Embracing Fitness
Get Moving
Endurance Zone
Walk Your Way to Weight Loss
Can You Lose Weight Just by Walking?
Steps per Day
Every Step Counts
The No Diet, No Gym Weight Management Steps
Chapter 5: Burn More Calories, Even With A Slow Metabolism
Understanding Metabolism
Metabolic Rate
Why Your Metabolism Might Be Slower
Adrenal Fatigue
Thyroid Conditions
Give Your Metabolism a Boost
Strength Training
Interval Training
Resistance Training
Foods That Increase Metabolism
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Chapter 6: Binge Eating And Weight Gain, Plus 10 Binge Eating Food To Avoid
Emotional Overeating
Consequences of Binge Eating
Overloads Your System
Digestive Discomfort
Emotional Effects
Confronting Binge Eating
Be Aware of Eating Habits
What to Do After Binge Eating
Foods to Avoid
Chapter 7: Gut Bacteria And Weight
How Your Gut Impacts Weight Loss
Gut Microbiome
What Can Affect Gut Bacteria?
Improving Gut Health
High-Fiber Foods
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Chapter 8: Fat Burn And Foods To Eat
How the Body Burns Fat
Hard Fat
Soft Fat
Signs Your Burning Fat
Fat Burn Through Exercise
Fat Burn Through Diet
Foods to Increase Fat Burn
Daily Low-Calorie Foods
Daily Protein
Daily Fats
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Chapter 9: Let’s Talk About Stress
Negative Effects of Stress
Instant Stress Relievers
Anger Management
Breathing Exercises
Additional Stress Reduction Activities
Long-Term Stress Management
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Time Management
Guided Visualizations
The No Diet, No Gym, Weight Management Steps
Photography References

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