Limit-phenomena and phenomenology in Husserl 9781786605009, 1786605007

This major new work by Anthony J. Steinbock, a leading authority in Phenomenology and Husserl Studies, explores an inter

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English Year 2017

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Limit-phenomena and phenomenology in Husserl
 9781786605009, 1786605007

Table of contents :
Limit-phenomena --
Limit-phenomena and the liminality of experience --
From immortality to natality in phenomenology: the liminal character of birth and death --
Generative method --
Generative problems as problems of the crisis --
Spirit and generativity: phenomenology and the phenomenologist in Hegel and Husserl --
Individuation and vocation --
Individuation and the possibility of decisive limits to experience --
Vocational experience and the modality of the absolute ought.

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