Liber Exitii: Latter days of the Western Civilization vol III [3, 1 ed.]

Table of contents :
PRAEFATIO .............................................................. 11
MMXXIII 2023 V A.P...................................................... 13
A Nationalist’s View on the Russo-Ukrainian War ........................ 30
2023.01.24 335th Day of the Prelude War ................................ 56
PRAEPARATI SVPERVIVENT ................................................. 73
2023.02.24 Anniversary: 366th Day of the Prelude War ................... 122
MORBI ORBIS MORIBVNDI .................................................. 138
2023.03.24 394th Day of the Prelude War ................................ 190
The Battle for T-obrazka ............................................... 198
Military Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War So Far No3 ............... 216
The Battle for T-obrazka, Part 2 ....................................... 230
2023.04.24 425th Day of the Prelude War ................................ 272
ES QVOD EDES ........................................................... 290
2023.05.24 455th Day of the Prelude War ................................ 357
ACTA HONESTA ........................................................... 373
2023.06.24 486th Day of the Prelude War One Day Rebellion of ‘Wagner’ .. 459
DRAMATIS PERSONAE ...................................................... 487
POST SCRIPTVM .......................................................... 515
Appendix A 32-wind Compass Rose ........................................ 521
Appendix B Calendar .................................................... 523
Appendix C Military Time Zone Designators .............................. 529
Appendix D DEFCON Levels ............................................... 530
Appendix E Military NCO and Enlisted Men Ranks ......................... 531
Appendix F Military Officer Ranks ...................................... 532
Appendix G Abbreviations ............................................... 533

Citation preview

vt historia non oblitteraretvr XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MMDCCLXXVI (2776) AVC MMXXIII (2023) AD first edition of FIVE bookS O beatissime lector, lava manvs tvas et sic librvm adprehende, leniter folia tvrna, longe a littera digitos pone


Vol iII



For anyone, who would wish to donate, here’s the address to my Monero wallet:

44hp4dUD2XgLuccLduy8oZ5snk2vvtjK16CRvmvw5HguC1h1tYviuGCSsMW XdjWz4TD6SLQiUwBijCaCqH6DXH33Mocm6Zt


jewsdiditalljewsdiditalljewsdidi talljewsdiditalljewsdiditalljews diditalljewsdiditalljewsdiditallj Liber Exitii Latter days of the Western ewsdiditalljewsdiditalljewsdidi Civilization talljewsdiditalljewsdiditalljews IGNVS AESTIVS diditalljewsdiditalljewsdiditallj ewsdiditalljewsdiditalljewsdidi talljewsdiditalljewsdiditalljews diditalljewsdiditalljewsdiditallj ewsdiditalljewsdiditalljewsdidi talljewsdiditalljewsdiditalljews diditalljewsdiditalljewsdiditallj ewsdiditalljewsdiditalljewsdidi talljewsdiditalljewsdiditalljews diditalljewsdiditalljewsdiditallj ewsdiditalljewsdiditalljewsdidi Vol III




For the future, if any would be forthcoming. Some much needed insights provided by a dear friend of mine – XXXXXXXXX. Invaluable insights, sources and prima facie intelligence provided by a colleague and a very dear friend of mine – XXXXXXXXXX. This being one of the many things, for which I am eternally grateful to them, and use this opportunity to express my thanks. A separate word of gratitude goes to my family, my most precious possession, for support and understanding they’ve given me, while I was consumed writing this chronicle.


We Will Rise Again In the west shall rise A sinister creed The rich will get what they want The poor will lose what they need The devil knows our fears He told all his friends They'll block the sun with their lies As darkness descends [refrain] Let the wars begin We'll keep our pistols near Our neighbors, frail and thin As they disappear Let the chaos come Let our houses freeze The lights will all go out But we'll finally see [refrain] When the sky has cleared And the storm has passed We'll walk arm in arm Down our promised path We'll watch the sun come up From its bed of black We'll enter Eden's Garden And never look back [refrain] Refrain: Oh Lord, the great collapse Won't be our end When the world falls into the flames We will rise again We will rise again

Dan Romer ft. Meredith Godreau 8

Table of Contents Praefatio ..................................................................................................... 11 mmxxiIi 2023 V A.P...................................................................................13 A Nationalist’s View on the Russo-Ukrainian War ............................................ 30 2023.01.24

335th Day of the Prelude War ...................................................... 56

PRAEPARATI SVPERVIVENT .................................................................. 73 2023.02.24

Anniversary: 366th Day of the Prelude War................................. 122

MORBI ORBIS MORIBVNDI ...................................................................138 2023.03.24

394th Day of the Prelude War ..................................................... 190

The Battle for T-obrazka ................................................................................ 198 Military Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War So Far No3 ........................... 216 The Battle for T-obrazka, Part 2 .................................................................... 230 2023.04.24

425th Day of the Prelude War .................................................... 272

ES QVOD EDES ...................................................................................... 290 2023.05.24

455th Day of the Prelude War .................................................... 357

ACTA HONESTA .....................................................................................373 2023.06.24

486th Day of the Prelude War One Day Rebellion of ‘Wagner’ .... 459

DRAMATIS Personae ......................................................................... 487 post scriptvm ......................................................................................... 515 Appendix A 32-wind Compass Rose .......................................................... 521 Appendix B Calendar ............................................................................... 523 Appendix C Military Time Zone Designators ............................................. 529 Appendix D DEFCON Levels ....................................................................530 Appendix E Military NCO and Enlisted Men Ranks .................................... 531 Appendix F Military Officer Ranks ............................................................ 532 Appendix G Abbreviations ........................................................................ 533


List of Plates


Pages between which the plate can be found

Plate name


Situation on the front between Svatove and Toretsk on 2023.01.31


“One of the most stunning victories in modern history on the part of the Russian Army”




“SVO” so far




Battle for T-obrazka, general location and the 1st attack


Battle for T-obrazka, the 2nd attack and ZSU retaking of the position


Bakhmut front on 2023.04.05


Situation in Bakhmut on 2023.05.07


Russian fortified defences in VasylivkaVelyka Novosilka sector of Zaporozhe front, an aggregate OSINT map, made using 422-423 Sentinel satellite imagery.


Kopani-Robotyne sector close up and topographical overlay by Pasi Paroinen





Praefatio “I weigh the chances that such things are now to be written by me as will seem neither credible nor probable to men of a later generation; and especially when the mighty stream of time renders the story somewhat ancient, I fear lest I shall earn the reputation of being even a narrator of myths and shall be ranked among the tragic poets. But I shall not flinch from the immensity of my task, basing my confidence on the fact that my account will not be without the support of witnesses.”


Procopius Caesariensis, Historia Arcana, Cap I. trange”, “mischievous and hateful and sordid gossip”, “vilest slander”, “anecdotes” – these are but a few of the epithets “awarded” to Procopius’ work in the foreword of the

(((scholarly))) translation to English, published by Loeb Classic Library. Historia Arcana is not included in the politically correct curriculum of the history classes. Procopius’ other work “the Histories”, or “De Bellis” as it were, is among the prime sources for the history students, concerning Justinian’s reign, while the true history by the same author is dismissed as a fluke and banished from the public discourse. For the ZOG and its (((scientific))) wing, it is by far more convenient to keep the image of Justinian “the Great”, the emperor, who gave many laws and almost reunited the lands that used to belong to the Roman Empire. The truth is inconvenient, always has been, and probably always will be. It is ridiculed, belittled, mocked, slandered and plain out forbidden under the pain of jail and sometimes death. Yet it has the habitual bad taste of surfacing from time to time. I share the sentiment of Procopius, when writing my own account of our times, especially this part – “will seem neither credible nor probable to men of a later generation”. With every passing day, the World is sinking ever deeper into the chasm of insanity and depravity. We have already reached levels never seen throughout the history and, if the situation would return to the normal human behaviour (which it will, given enough time and hardships), the posterity will try to gloss over the worst parts of these years. Just like historians today try to downplay the horrors of Caligula’s, Heliogabalus’ or 11

Nero’s reigns, so will the posterity attempt to dismiss most of the outrageous degeneracy the world went through at the start of XXI century. I could be accused of cherry picking the gloomy news and the worst of the globohomo instances, but for all it’s worth – this is not something I have to put an effort in finding. I don’t need to go out of my way and look for this filth. It is as every-day and “in your face”, as I put it here. I would be hard pressed to find good, wholesome news and all of them could be put on just a few pages. By the looks and the feeling, we are fast approaching an Event Horizon. In fact, we could have already passed it, because nothing in the past compares to what we are experiencing at the moment. It is as if the natural laws of human societies stopped working, all breaks on this train to madness failed and we are hurtling down into abyss. At the moment, a nuclear war would hardly be more horrendous than what is happening. If anything, it would be a mercy-killing of a deformed, disgusting “Massaraksh”1. I am starting to get tired of documenting all the filth, corruption, mental inadequacies and idiocracy. It is slowly sapping my will, determination and my sanity. I will go on as long as I can, but I definitely feel the fatigue.


A reference to Strugatski brothers’ book “The Inhabited Island”, it means “inside-out world”. 12

mmxxiIi 2023 V A.P. 2023.01.01

312th Day of the Prelude War appy birthday, Stepan Bandera! Yesterday’s Russian missile attack was complimented with Shahed136/131 drone attack tonight. ZSU claims to have shot down 45 of

these. In other news: “Medical staff on front line of China's COVID-19 fight say hospitals are 'overwhelmed'.”, 2022.12.26. Oh, we’ve seen those “overwhelmed” hospitals here in Lithuania. Tumbleweed and crickets, and security to throw you out, if you film it. 2023.01.02

313th Day of the Prelude War

The bombardment of Ukrainian cities went on tonight as well. Explosions were reported in Kiev, Dnipro and Zaporozhe. Ukrainians have probably responded likewise, because Russian (((social media))) were awash in messages about SAMs working in Voronezh. An explosion was heard in Bryansk region too. All in all, New Year seems to have triggered a massive missile and drone attack by the Russian Army on Ukraine and ZSU responded in kind (relatively). Ukrainians have also launched a HIMARS strike against a PTU1 No. 19 building in Makiivka yesterday. Apparently, excessive use of cell phones by the Russian soldiers in the area precipitated this attack. Pro-Russian voyenkors2 report Russian losses in this attack to have reached 50-80 soldiers, ZSU claims there were up to 400 casualties. Russian infosphere has gone bonkers about this attack, while the official narrative continues to diverge from the realities more and more. TASS reported that only 15 Russians were “wounded” as the result of the attack; Russian MoD admitted the death of 63 of their soldiers, but boasted that 2 out of 6 HIMARS rockets were shot down 1

Professionalno-technicheskoye Uchilishche (Ru.) – vocational-technical school. 2 Voyenniye korrespondenty (Ru.) – war journalists. 13

by air defence, as if that was any consolation. No one in Russia is paying attention to these “official” information releases anymore, not even fervent government supporters. ‘Strelkov’ fleshed out this news about Makiivka strike by providing more details. According to him, the building was obliterated after ammunition dump, which was in the same building as Russian chmobiki, exploded. ‘Strelkov’ also mentioned that there were military vehicles in the courtyard, which also got destroyed. And the death toll was “in their hundreds”, as he said without disclosing the exact number. Potent explosions were heard in Berdyansk (occupied Ukrainian territory, port city half-way between Mariupol and Crimea) today.

One of the “Russian” soldiers of the ChVK ‘Wagner’. This particular ape was filmed together with his recruiter – (((Prigozhyn))).

In other news: Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazilian president. For all the rumours, there are no news of the uprising by the Bolsonaro supporters. Israel conducted a strike against the main airport in Damascus, Syria. Facility has been put out of action according to the reports. 2023.01.03

314th Day of the Prelude War

Today, Nexta reports of another ZSU strike on a recreational building in occupied zone (Sahy, Kherson region), where Russian soldiers were 14

quartered. (((Social media))) posts with pictures were the culprit this time. One would think that after all this time and all these deaths Russians would have learned the hard lessons Ukrainians have learned after first few weeks (and the foreign volunteers too) – (((social media))) kill. And one more strike in Chulakivka was reported, with ZSU claiming ca. 500 Russians killed. Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses in the war so far: ~108 190 KIAs, 3 036 MBTs, 6 100 AIVs, 4 735 wheeled transports, 181 specialized vehicles, 2 033 artillery guns, 424 MLRS, 214 AA systems, 283 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 1 839 UAVs, 723 missiles shot down, 16 naval vessels. posted a video of a Ukrainian soldier raising Blue&Yellow over an island in Dnepr delta – Velikyi Potyomkin. ZSU refused to comment on the news. The question whether Ukrainians managed to establish permanent control over this island is irrelevant, just like it was with the raising of Ukrainian flag in KhNTU base last month (2022.12.06). Same arguments apply here – no infrastructure leading to or from, no convenient way to keep a larger garrison supplied and maintaining the foothold. “Loud clap” was reported from the Noviy Oskol in Belgorod region. Local sources reported that fire started in the military base and ammunition detonated after that. Late in the evening explosions were reported in Kursk and Rostov. In other news: “Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin1 collapses during game.” CNN, 2023.01.03. “Ok so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP. We seeing children DIE daily from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE.” Uche Nwaneri2, Twitter message, 2022.09.02. A few short months later: “Former Purdue, Jaguars lineman Uche Nwaneri dies at 38.”, Ryan Young, 2023.01.03. “‘We’re in a space race’: NASA sounds alarm at Chinese designs on moon. Administrator Bill Nelson says Beijing could seek ‘own’ resource-rich areas and next two years could be key to US-China contest.” The Guardian, Edward 1 2

A baboon player of American “football” (NFL – National Football League). Another baboon player of the NFL. 15

Helmore, 2023.01.02. Torrential rains and flooding in Saudi Arabia of all places. 2023.01.04

315th Day of the Prelude War

Russian MoD updated their KIA number in Makiivka strike. It is now 89. British intelligence thinks that Russian offensive on Bakhmut has stalled and foresees no possibility for a breakthrough in the nearest weeks. According to them, the ground attacks are still being conducted, but units participating have shrunk to the size of squad-platoon and are poorly supported by amour, artillery and aviation. Pro-Ukrainian/Western journalists rewatched the Russian MoD briefings and counted how many HIMARS launchers Konashenkov had claimed as destroyed. According to them (and here I believe them fully), Russians “have destroyed” 27 such launchers since the start of their deliveries. Interestingly enough, only 20 have been delivered, at least officially. And those “destroyed” MLRS continue to send Russian chmobiki to the afterlife in their hundreds. The office of Russian military commandant in Vasylivka was hit by the ZSU strike. And on the topic of obligatory fires in Russia, several tents in a military base in Tomsk, housing Russian chmobiki, burned down. At least this one, we can safely write down as an accident. In other news: “B.C.1 health officials monitoring COVID subvariant ‘Kraken’ spreading in U.S., Asia.”, Amy Judd, 2023.01.02. At this rate, they will run out of the scary names for the COVID boogeyman in a year; what will they do then? 2023.01.05

316th Day of the Prelude War

Pro Ukrainian MSM claim Ukrainian GUR declared that Russia has stationed nuclear weapons on Crimean peninsula and in Belarus. I watched the interview on Freedom TV with GUR press representative, Andrey Yusov, which was the main source for this claim and heard nothing of the sort. Yes, he implied that Russians are considering nuclear provocation from these 1

British Columbia. 16

areas, but he never said that nuclear weapons have been deployed there. There were explosions in Crimea again. Local occupation MSM claim that it was Russian AA systems working, in order to calm the population down, but the videos clearly show a hit on the ground after chaotic small arms fire into the sky. Yesterday, Western MSM reported that France will be delivering armoured jeeps Bastion and AMX-10RC1. The latter are fighting vehicles of an unclear classification – a bastard child born out of an unholy threesome between a truck, a tank and an IFV (we’ll see now how they perform on the battlefield; my scepticism here is only tongue in cheek). Still, it signals that the West is starting to send far heavier front equipment to Ukraine, as opposed to artillery and light APCs. And indeed today, the US has announced they are considering the deliveries of Bradley IFVs to Ukraine. Belarus MTZ2 factory is burning in St. Petersburg, there were 2 killed in the fire. Putin “asked” for (and Shoigu issued an official order) a unilateral ceasefire during the orthodox Christmas (from 1200(probably C) on January 6 to 2400(ditto) on January 7). This came after his pocket Patriarch of the RPTs3, Gundyayev4, urged to do that earlier. Ukrainians regard it with suspicion and 1

The AMX-10 RC is a French armoured fighting vehicle manufactured by Nexter Systems for armoured reconnaissance purposes. Equipping French [“]cavalry[“] units since 1981, over 240 are still in service with the French Army as of 2021. "RC" stands for "Roues-Canon", meaning "Wheeled gun". The vehicle can be described as a wheeled tank destroyer or light tank, being referred to as a "char", which is the French word for tank, in French service (Wikipedia). 2 Minskiy Traktorniy Zavod (Ru.) – Minsk Tractor Factory (or Works, as per Wikipedia), an old company (established in 1946), which survived the collapse of Soviet Union and continued its activities. During soviet times it provided the entire USSR with agricultural machinery to such an extent that all blue coloured tractors were called “Belorus” (Belorussian). 3 Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov (Ru.) – Russian Orthodox Church. 4 Kirill or Cyril (Russian: Кирилл, [...] secular name Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev, Russian: Владимир Михайлович Гундяев; born 20 November 1946) is a Russian Orthodox bishop. He became Patriarch of Moscow and all 17

distrust, as Podolyak commented on Gundyayev’s request, calling it hypocritical to the utmost. Russian Orthodox Church supported the war against Ukraine, calling it a “fight against Satanism” and more. Their priest were going around military units, sprinkling “holy” water on tanks and guns that were about to be sent to the front. After Putin’s order, Podolyak reiterated his position; pretty much the same was said by Oleksiy Danilov, XXX. It seems that Ukraine does not intend to honour this ceasefire. I think this was exactly what Putin was aiming at. This will give a field day for Russian propaganda. Then again, I can understand Ukrainians as well. After French decision to deliver their AMXs, Germans are also changing their decision not to give Marder IFVs to Ukraine. How wonderfully naive was this German attempt to appear independent in their decisions! “No, we won’t give this or that”, and then some weeks later, they suddenly “change their minds”. Pathetic! In other news: The freezing weather retreated, the thaw is everywhere. And suddenly all the MSM report with glee that this winter is “anomalously warm”, showing “apocalyptic” footage of snowless ski resorts. That is the memory span of the societies these days. 2023.01.06

317th Day of the Prelude War

Russian MSM has been talking about the need to turn their armies against Kazakhstan, for its disloyal behaviour in the aftermath of the invasion into Ukraine (as if they were able of doing that). Probably that is why McDonald’s1 “restaurant” chain is leaving Kazakhstan. Officially stated reason is of course different – difficulties in supplying the chain. Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~110 250 KIAs, 3 064 MBTs, 6 124 AIVs, 4 797 wheeled transports, 182 specialized vehicles, 2 059 artillery guns, 431 MLRS, 215 AA systems, 285 aircraft, 272 helicopters, 1 844 UAVs, 723 Rus' and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church on 1 February 2009 (Wikipedia). 1 A global chain of fast “food” “restaurants”, spanning the entire world. It sells what is now called goyslop – “food” made of chemical slur with addition of mystery ingredients, sometimes even human meat, meant for the goyim – cattle, i.e. not the kikes. 18

missiles shot down, 16 naval vessels. In other news: An Albanian wounded two Serbs with an automatic carbine in Kosovo. And here we go again. 2023.01.07

318th Day of the Prelude War

Pretty uneventful day. The only thing clear is that the promised “ceasefire” never materialized, just as expected. The trench warfare and artillery duels continued along the frontline. So far there was no squealing from Russian side about Ukrainians violating “Christmas ceasefire”. In other news: Open street battles erupted in Mexican territory controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel. The open violence in this failed country is nothing new, and this latest bout of this bellum omnium contra omnes1 resulted from the arrest of cartel owner’s son. He was slated for extradition to the US, but the violence was so brutal that the process was halted. The chainsaw decapitators2 won another round. That is certainly one part of the planet (apart from Israel) that would benefit greatly from nuclear carpet bombing. 2023.01.08

319th Day of the Prelude War

The strike on Makiivka PTU building, which killed scores of Russian chmobiki, just had an interesting twist, or rather a regular adjustment to the truth. Russian MoD claimed that the reason for so many fatalities (89 according to Russian MoD, around 400-600 according to Ukrainian estimates and rumours on Russian social media) was a massive usage of mobile phones by the chmobiki. This could have been the case indeed, but the reason why so many were killed in one place is far more prosaic. Just recently, a video from one of the survivors surfaced on the Internet, in which he recounted this: “My name is Anton Gorlovinski [the last name was hardly intelligible], mobilized from Samara, 44th Regiment. On December 15 [date was hardly audible], we were transported to Makiivka and quartered in the building of PTU. We asked to be accommodated separately, not everybody together. On the New Year’s night, we 1

Everyone’s war against everyone (Lat.). It refers to multiple videos posted by cartel members, wherein they execute people in most brutal and despicable ways, most infamously through sawing off the head with chainsaws. 2


were assembled in the main auditorium to listen to the New Year’s address by the President. We asked not to do this. All the locals knew about it, everybody knew about it. We were told to obey the order of that colonel. It was a criminal order. Colonel’s name is Roman Yenikeyev. It was his fault that almost all our guys were killed. I survived by a miracle. All commanding officers thought only how to get out of there as fast as they can, home, faster from there. We were left there on purpose. They assembled us all in one place. It should not have been done. [...]”1 In the world, where everybody is “armed” with a phone that can film and connect freely to the Internet, Russian MoD still operates under the assumptions of the last century that whatever they say will remain the official truth. Ukrainians conducted strikes in Melitopol; there were also reports of railway sabotage in the region by the partisans or Ukrainian DRGs. Strikes on electrical grid in Donetsk were reported by ‘Strelkov’. Another HIMARS hit was reported in Rubizhne, where further 14 chmobiki were killed, according to ZSU. RIA Novosti wrote the following message (emphasis in bold mine): “Russian Ministry of Defence reports: in response to the criminal strike by the Kiev regime [...] Within 24 hours, temporary quarters of Ukrainian soldiers were located in Kramatorsk. In the hostel No. 28 there were over 700 soldiers and in the hostel No. 47 – over 600. As a result of massive rocket [MLRS] strike, [...] over 600 soldiers were killed.” Russian MoD even called this “Operation Revenge”, but Ukrainian side only mocked this announcement, saying that they have learned the lessons of deconcentration back in the first months of the war. A separate word must be said about the utter cretinism of using a word “criminal”, when speaking of a strike against a strictly military target. Don’t you dare hitting back at our invading troops, that’s criminal! Is this how brain rot looks as an outward symptom? Belarus and Russia will be holding a rather sizeable Air Force exercise, which 1

Transcribed and translated from the video uploaded on Nexta by me. The man in the video had a heavily bandaged head and spoke with effort. 20

should span from January 16 till February 1. All airfields and Air Force ranges in Belarus will be used. In other news: In Germany, an Iranian and his brother were arrested under the suspicion of planning to conduct a terrorist attack using cyanide and ricin. Serbia asked NATO to station a policing contingent in Kosovo, in order to prevent further escalation of the conflict. NATO declined this request. I bet, if the shooting starts, Serbians will still be blamed for the conflict. In the centre of Moscow, a brothel of transcreatures was raided by the police. Apparently, one of the disgruntled “customers” called it in. So much for the World Capital of the Traditional Values. 2023.01.09

320th Day of the Prelude War

Russians claim to have captured Bakhmutske, SE of Soledar. And though ZSU HQ didn’t comment on this, as I understand from the other sources, it is clear that the battle has now moved into Soledar proper. This move is part of Russian attempt to encircle Bakhmut, but so far it doesn’t go very well for the Russians. Poland started talking that they are considering the delivery of Leopard-2 MBTs to Ukraine. Since these were bought from Germany, Poland will need an official consent from that side, before any deliveries could be made. On the other hand, the UK is saying the same about their Challenger-2. These are considered to be among the very best of contemporary MBTs and they are manufactured in the UK, so no need to ask permission from anyone. In other news: There were protests against the newly “elected” President of Brazil yesterday. Several government buildings were stormed and taken by Bolsonaro supporters, but today, Brazilian Prosecutor General claimed that the protests have been dispersed and buildings were retaken. Despite this, a state of emergency has been declared in the capital until the end of the month. 2023.01.10

321st Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~112 470 KIAs, 3 084 MBTs, 6 154 AIVs, 4 817 wheeled transports, 183 specialized vehicles, 2 073 artillery guns, 434 MLRS, 217 AA systems, 285 aircraft, 275 helicopters, 1 860 UAVs, 723 missiles shot down, 16 naval vessels. 21

RYBAR claims rather significant Russian gains North of Bakhmut. According to him, Soledar is almost completely in Russian hands and large breakthrough came between this town and Bakhmut, threatening to outflank both. Ukrainians have released a couple of videos yesterday, claiming that Russians have only taken weak positions in the outskirts of Soledar yesterday; otherwise, the information is scant from ZSU. It is quite possible that RYBAR’s information is accurate, since Ukrainians maintain silence and only admit that the fighting has been particularly hard these past few days. According to Hanna Malyar, the press secretary of ZSU, after the first failed assault on Soledar, Russians have regrouped, reinforced the battlegroup and renewed the attack.

Situation around Bakhmut, according to RYBAR, on 2023.01.09.

The rest of the pro-Russian internet is celebrating as if this was a total victory. Claims of massive desertion from the ranks of ZSU fly wildly. Multiple MSM 22

quoted (((Prigozhyn))), who, despite being an enemy and an owner of a mercenary company with all the traits thereof, said the following: “Ukrainian Army is fighting bravely in Bakhmut and Soledar. Soledar’s Western approaches are engulfed in fierce and bloody battles. ZSU are honourably defending Soledar territory. Today, there was information on Telegram channels claiming that SBU operatives were sent to Bakhmut with the mission to prevent desertion from ZSU. This is not so. That is why the information regarding massive desertion does not correspond to the truth.”1 Only ‘Strelkov’ continues to admonish the Russian public, by saying that “Russia is on the threshold of military defeat and capturing small towns and villages does not change the situation”. Another fire in Moscow. A warehouse of an automobile service is burning, with over 2 000 square meters of estimated fire spread. 2225J Mercenaries from ChVK ‘Wagner’ filmed themself in an urban environment claiming they have already taken the centre of Soledar. Meanwhile, CNN cites “US officials”, claiming that Russian artillery fire has diminished by “nearly 75%” throughout the front. If this is true it would corroborate the reports by ‘Strelkov’ that Russian forces are suffering from serious lack of arty ammo. For some days now, the hostility between Ukraine and Sakartvelo grew again. First, Sakartvelo has refused to condemn Russian invasion and join the sanctions. Now, Ukrainians have demanded Sakartvelo to return Buk SAMs, which they sold to this Caucasus country just before 2008 war, according to Radio Svoboda. Sakartvelo justly refused, explaining that the systems were bought and paid for. The other reason given caused even more “gnashing of teeth” in Ukraine – Sakartvelo does not want to provoke Russia into attacking their country again. In other news: “'It's the most rewarding work we've ever done': Canadian doctor who's euthanized 400 people proudly shares how she helped kill man deemed incapable of choosing assisted suicide – as another physician says 1

As quoted by Nexta, translated by me. 23

she's helped 300 die.”, Ronny Reyes, 2023.01.08. 2023.01.11

322nd Day of the Prelude War, citing “unnamed source”, claims that General Lapin was promoted to the post of the Chief of Staff of the Ground Forces of Russian Federation. This opened a renewed wave of outrage, as he was the commanding officer of the battlegroup, which was beaten in Izyum and Lyman offensives. Immediately after the defeat, Kadyrov severely criticized Lapin, calling for a demotion to private and demanding him to be sent “to the front, so that he may wash off his guilt with blood”. (((Prigozhyn))) also remarked sarcastically that the General was incompetent. ‘Strelkov’ was far more tempered then, noting that higher command was more to blame, but once this news broke, he also wrote a post on his Telegram channel, ranting against a travesty of promoting an officer, who was in command of a defeated battlegroup. ZSU denies the capture of Soledar by wagnerites. According to Ukrainians, the battle in the town is still ongoing. Judging from the reports, Ukrainians indeed still hold the NW part of Soledar. ‘Strelkov’ and others confirm it. RYBAR claims that ZSU positions in that part of Soledar are surrounded and are being systematically destroyed; (((Prigozhyn))) also declared as much. ZSU said practically the same (about the encirclement) by euphemistically calling it “enemy’s attempts to cut the supply routes” to Soledar. And to lessen the impact of the news, they added that the enemy is suffering heavy losses. One commentator on Radio Svoboda, Yevgeniy Dikiy, a veteran of ‘Aidar’ battalion, quoted his sources in the unit, saying that Ukrainians were planning to vacate the town in order to straighten out the frontline, but combined factors of enemy action and political decisions of Ukrainian (((government))) produced the situation as it is now. One particular video surfaced today and sent shockwaves through the Internet. It was footage made by a ‘Wagner’ mercenary. Apparently, a squad of wagnerites (there were at least two mercs filmed) flanked Ukrainian positions and came up from behind. After throwing a grenade, the filming merc approached Ukrainian pillbox with three soldiers in it, one of which was already dead. Then, the wagnerite proceeded to demand Ukrainians throw away their weapons and surrender. Ukrainians were either confused by the 24

attack from behind or contused from the grenade explosion, or both (one of them had blood on his face), and kept screaming that they are friendlies. After a failed attempt to take away the kalashnikov from the one Ukrainian, who had it, wagnerite let loose two burst of automatic fire at point blank range instantly killing the two. It was the most typical and a perfectly executed assault of enemy positions, and wagnerite even had good graces to demand a surrender (which is rather dangerous at such close range with armed enemy and seldom done in the middle of an assault). The video was of course violent, but so is war. The reaction of some MSM went so much over the top that I just need to include it here. Nexta_Live posted this text under the video, when they presented it: “Invader perfidiously shot up two Ukrainian soldiers, contusing them with a grenade and sneaking up from behind. They were confused and could not open fire.”1 I’m speechless. It is analogous with Russian whining about the Makiivka strike. How dares the enemy use proper tactics and try to win?! Everyone is becoming an even more retarded version of Greta Thunberg. Andrzej Duda, President of Poland, together with Lithuanian ZOG puppet Nausėda, is visiting Kiev. Duda declared that his country will be delivering a whole company of Leopard-2s to Ukraine, as part of a coalition effort. German officials said they have not received any formal requests regarding Poland’s intentions to transfer Leopards to Ukraine. Shoigu has signed an order, appointing Gerasimov (currently Chief of Staff) as the commanding officer of the Joint Task Group in Ukraine, replacing Surovikin, who, in turn, will become Gerasimov’s deputy. Yet another castling in this “special military operation”; how many more will they do? In other news: “Afghan attempted murder suspect indicted for rape of 14year-old boy in French village. The Afghan national, who had been living illegally in France, was previously charged with attempted murder after trying to stab a tourist in the neck in Paris.”, Thomas Brooke, 2023.01.10.


Quoted from Nexta_Live, translation and emphasis in bold – mine. 25

Armenia refused to host ODKB military exercise. As Pashinyan said – “in the present situation, we consider these exercises pointless”. The so called “defensive alliance” continues to flounder. An explosion and subsequent fire of a chemical plant were reported in (no, this time not in Russia) LaSalle, Illinois. Locals were warned not to go outside. The plant was producing chemicals for water treatment. 2023.01.12

323rd Day of the Prelude War

Germany declared that it will not give permission for Poland to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine, unless Americans will send their Abrams MBTs as well. Battle for Bakhmut and its extension in Soledar are still ongoing. There was no further news today from the site, except Ukrainian videos of soldiers claiming they are holding positions. The attack on Soledar and Russian success there seem to have drawn most of the capable Russian cadre (called by Ukrainians dyadki1) there, as Ukrainians in Bakhmut say they are only probed by chmobiki and zombiki2. In other news: “A man attacked and wounded six people at the Gare du Nord train station in Paris on Wednesday morning, leaving one with serious injuries, before being shot by off-duty police officers, authorities said [there was no mention of the attacker’s nationality anywhere in the article].” (((Reuters))), 2023.01.11. And only in obscure and altmedia sources we find: “Suspect in Paris knife attack is African under expulsion order, says Paris prosecutor.”, Nur Asena Erturk, 2023.01.12. Like clockwork, another pseudo-nationalist (((party))) shows just how much they care for their host nation: “Huge surge in Italy migrant arrivals despite PM Meloni's 'naval blockade' pledge.”, Andrea Carlo, 2023.01.12. “FBI reveals it uses CIA and NSA to spy on Americans. The FBI revealed how the bureau uses the CIA and National Security Agency to probe the private lives of Americans without a warrant in its updated rulebook, which is the 1

Uncles/old men (Ru.). Ukrainian nickname for the convict draftees of ChVK ‘Wagner’. Stems from word “zombie” – the undead, and was given to them, because they have no military training and just wonder into fields of fire. 2


first version made public since the Obama administration.” The Washington Times, Ryan Lovelace, 2023.01.10. 2023.01.13

324th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~114 130 KIAs, 3 098 MBTs, 6 167 AIVs, 4 833 wheeled transports, 184 specialized vehicles, 2 086 artillery guns, 437 MLRS, 218 AA systems, 286 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 1 865 UAVs, 723 missiles shot down, 17 naval vessels. Russian losses of tanks per 24 hours have dropped markedly over the past few months. This has several reasons, in my opinion. First, tanks are being used sparingly due to high losses previously. Second, they are now used more to support infantry from behind the lines, allowing them to shoot and duck back into safety. Thus, the number of destroyed tanks on Russian side (according to ZSU data) fell from 10 and more a day to 4-5. Today, (((Prigozhyn’s))) press representative denied the declaration about the encirclement of Bakhmut made by Igor Kimakovskiy, who is some local collaborator in L&DNR, according to Nexta. A wagnerite, who was killed in Ukraine, was buried in Neftekamsk with all military honours. One small detail mars the picture though, he was a convicted paedophile. RIA Novosti cites Russian MoD as claiming full capture of Soledar on January 12 and predicting full encirclement of Bakhmut in the near future. Russian MoD claimed Soledar was taken by an “unexpected maneuver of a VDV unit”, thus trying to pull the rug from under (((Prigozhyn’s))) boasts that it was ‘Wagner’ that solely took the town. ZSU denied the news about Soledar. And as for the encirclement of Bakhmut once Soledar is taken, that is very far from reality. In order to do that, Russians will have to make a much larger breakthrough and reach operational space. For now, they are merely pushing the Ukrainians lines in front of themselves, instead of fracturing positions and trying to penetrate. 1820J This Friday the 13 turned out to be true to its rumoured reputation. A gas pipeline exploded in Pasvalys, Lithuania today. My friend notified me about it before the MSM started reporting. According to him, Lithuanian SOF has not been put on alert so far, because the causes of the explosion are as of 27

yet unclear. In other news: Now Biden the Pedo has landed in hot water, after someone found secret documents in his old office, which he has taken during his tenure of vice-presidency under Obummer. Just as US Democratic Party attacked Trump the It’s Yuuge, now they fall over each other to downplay Biden’s fault. American politics have become a bad joke. 2023.01.14

325th Day of the Prelude War

Kiev, Kharkiv and Mikolaiv region came under missile attack this morning. According to reports, all hits came on “civilian infrastructure”. The Independent writes that the UK has pledged to deliver, at first, four Challenger-2 tanks and later further eight. 1500J Air raid warning spread across all of Ukraine. Ukrainian MSM tell of another massive salvo of Russian missiles and probably drones – explosions in Lviv, Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky, Mikolaiv and Odessa regions as well as Krivyi Rih, Dnipro and again in Kiev. Critical infrastructure was targeted, but one impact in Dnipro came on an apartment building, which Ukraine immediately used to show as evidence of Russians hitting civilians. ZSU claimed to have shot down 25 missiles, but haven’t clarified how many were launched at them. Ukrainians continue to fly Blue&Yellow in Soledar, at least if we believe the video published by ZSU soldiers. Yesterday, Radio Svoboda retold the report of a CNN journalist, who claimed he observed, allegedly from 4km away, Ukrainians retreating from the town. (((Prigozhyn))) also was filmed allegedly in Soledar. The question of who holds what in that town is completely unclear at the moment. In other news: The latest fad going around is to blame gas stoves for all possible ailments, saying that they are toxic and harmful. “US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission will move to regulate gas stoves as new research links them to childhood asthma.” (((Bloomberg))), (((Ari Natter))), 2023.01.09. 2023.01.15

326th Day of the Prelude War

Death toll of the hit on the apartment building in Dnipro rose to 21 civilians, 28

73 were injured and over 35 are still considered missing. A small scandal developed in Ukraine over this strike. Arestovich, in one of his regular video interviews, declared that the missile, which fell on the building, did so, because it was shot down by Ukrainian SAM. Russians used this immediately to blame the tragedy on Ukrainians This raised wrath from the mayor of Dnipro, who called Arestovich a “self-absorbed cattle” and even asked SBU to take notice of this “disinformation”; ZSU also officially denied they shot Russian missile down and are not responsible for the explosion. Nexta_Live now says that the UK will deliver 14 Challenger-2 tanks within coming weeks. And there’s more; according to the article on The Mirror, Brits are going to provide Ukraine with four Apache attack helicopters and 30 selfpropelled 155mm howitzers AS901. Later, UK MoD denied this information and asked to wait until tomorrow, when the full list of the intended deliveries will be published officially. Butusov, a Ukrainian journalist, who was in Soledar during the battle, says that Ukrainians lost the town. Analysts of ISW2 also say they do not think that ZSU holds any positions in Soledar. 2333J Ukrainians report that they have now counted 23 dead in Dnipro strike. And speaking of hitting civilian targets, a market in Belgorod was bombed today by Ukrainians, but there were no casualties. Russian soldier detonated a grenade in Belgorod military base. The number of 1

The AS-90 ("Artillery System for the 1990s"), known officially as Gun Equipment 155 mm L131, is an armoured self-propelled artillery weapon used by the British Army. It can fire standard charges up to 24.9 km (15.5 mi) using 39 calibre long barrel (comparable to Russian 2S19 Msta) and 30 km (19 mi) with 52 cal. one. The max. rate of fire is 3 rounds in 10 seconds (burst), 6 per minute for 3 minutes (intense), and 2/min. for 60 minutes (sustained) (Wikipedia). 2 The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) is a United States–based think tank founded in 2007 by [(((]Kimberly Kagan[)))], providing research and analysis regarding issues of defense and foreign affairs. It has produced reports on the Syrian War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War, "focusing on military operations, enemy threats, and political trends in diverse conflict zones". It currently publishes daily reports on the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as the Mahsa Amini protests in Iran (Wikipedia). 29

casualties is unknown1; the explosion resulted in fire and further explosions of the ammunition that was stored in the room, where the incident happened. Allegedly, the cause for this was soldier’s desire to impress the others. No wonder that Ukrainians immediately pulled out “the monkey and grenade” memes. In other news: “Canadians are now stealing overpriced food from grocery stores with zero remorse. [...]marked increase in social media users proudly declaring for all the world to see that they've been shoplifting from major Canadian grocery stores (or supporting those who do so) in retaliation against rampant "greedflation." Have we finally hit the point where shopliting from oligarch-owned supermarkets has become a socially-acceptable crime?”, Lauren O’Neil, 2023.01.14. “Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths.”, Jim Hoft, 2023.01.15. A passenger plane crashed in Nepal, all 72 people on board were killed. “Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee2 just introduced a bill3 that would make it a federal crime for White people, and White people only, to criticize mass immigration or to say anything that she claims would vilify “a non-White person or group.” National Conservative, Twitter message, 2023.01.14. A Nationalist’s View on the Russo-Ukrainian War his war has presented the nationalistically inclined people with an impossible dilemma. Which side to support? Who are the “good guys”? And most importantly, at least for me – what to do, if a similar situation arises in my own country? Russian case. Putin’s Russia has been claiming to be the last bastion of “traditional values”. There were several laws instituted, prohibiting and criminalizing some aspects of the globohomo. Faggotry and transgenderism in particular were disfavoured by Russian legislature. However, those laws 1

On January 17, 2023, it became known that at least 7 were killed. Actually, a female baboon, sitting in the US CONgress, so not really a “congressMAN”. 3 The bill proposal No. H.R. 61 was named “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023”. 2


just pay lip-service to the propaganda directed both at internal audience (which in fact is very anti-globohomo) and at Western altmedia. The general impression I have is that this particular measure was made far more famous among the Westerners than it was among Russians themselves. Most of the Russian population are too busy trying to survive to worry about faggots and mentally ill people, who require others to call them opposite of their sex. And there are very few faggots among the denizens of Russian “glubinka”1 – harsh conditions are not particularly conducive for sexual depravities. But for the survivors of the ZOG’s war for “minds and hearts”, Russian message (usually broadcasted by RT) rang very true. For the Westerners, it looked like finally there was at least one country that stood up for the family, sanity, tradition and which wasn’t North Korea or Iran. Unfortunately, it is all exactly that – lip-service and nothing more. As evidenced by several examples before, Russian establishment is full of kikes, faggots and depraved elites. Putin’s personal bankers are (((Rotenberg brothers))), not to mention his propaganda “troops” or the oligarchs, who support him. Russia is very much welcoming to all shitskins (the difference with the West being that most of them choose the easy life in the West against the hard realities of Russia). The amount of ass-kissing Russian government does towards the kikes is probably the same, if not more, as that of Western golems. A lot of kikes have indeed fled Russia, and the head rabbi of Russia (who is now safely back in the kikeland) called every hebe2 to abandon Russia. Some see it as evidence that Russia might be turning against the eternal parasite. I doubt it very much. Sure, there is strong sentiment among some Russians that kikes are not to be trusted3, but hardly more than anywhere else. Those kikes who escaped were merely pro-Western ZOG, nothing more. But that is only my opinion, based on what I observed. And even if Russia were genuinely anti-globohomo, even if the kike influence in Russia were overstated, how does it give them a right to attack the neighbouring country? I omitted here the usual “unprovoked attack” trope for 1

“Deep rural country” (Ru.), a.k.a. “the boonies”. Another slur for kikes. 3 ‘Strelkov’ sometimes points out that Solovyov, with whom he is in confrontation, belongs to “that nationality”. 2


a reason. Oh yes, Russia was provoked by the West, but as I’ve already noted, the provocation was not as evident and egregious (or explained so by Putin) as to warrant a full scale invasion. And besides, Putin made it painfully obvious it is the West, and the USA in particular, that are Russia’s enemies. Why kill their “brotherly nation” for merely falling into the sphere of influence of Americans? If anything, this can be blamed on the failure of Putin’s policy. Ukraine was a contested country, and in consequence of Putin’s action it fell squarely into Western alignment. A failure to put competent puppets in power, when pro-Russian governments were elected in the past, a failure to exert well-designed “soft power”1, and a failure to read and understand Machiavelli2 better3. Instead, Putin has poured out his frustration at the failure of his own policies on the nation, which has been a plaything in his and Western hands. If one nation would overthrow ZOG shackles, it would, no doubt, experience all sorts of economic, political and other provocations, pressure and antagonism. But to lash out with war is tantamount to failure. This has been shown to be true in WW2. However, in this case it is a moot question, as Russia is under ZOG, just of different flavour. Someone has justly summarized this conflict: “it is Orwellian ZOG fighting Huxleyan ZOG over who will control the world”. One must also understand that Russia is not, and can not be, a national country. It is a multinational empire (despite the fig leaf of “democratic federation”). Not only is it a multinational country, but also one, which is 1

“Soft power” is a term encompassing an array of measures of “non-kinetic” influence – PR, films, culture, cartoons, books, entertainment, music etc. These are used to turn the nations towards one or the other worldview. 2 I refer here to Machiavelli’s advice, expressed in “the Prince”, namely: “The prince who holds a country differing in language, customs and law ought to make himself the head and defender of his less powerful neighbours”. 3 There are passages, which can be construed as supporting current Russian braindead approach to the foreign policy. The famous “it is much safer to be feared than loved” and the seeming excuse for pre-emptive wars – “war cannot be avoided, but can only be delayed to the advantage of others”. However, that would be a very shallow treatment of “the Prince”. 32

rapidly turning against the founding nation. Muslim population is growing fast and threatens to overtake Russian numbers soon. Putin’s policies have been severely anti-national towards native Russians. While kadyrovite Chechnya is growing fat on the tribute from Moscow, Russian glubinka lives in post-apocalyptic desolation. Chechen gopniks are feared throughout Russia. Just recently, a band of kadyrovites from Rosgvardiya beat up a Russian guy in Crimea, because the latter tried to defend his girlfriend from them. The incident was hushed up immediately, kadyrovites were not punished or even arrested. No, Russia is no “saviour of the traditional white Europe”, and even if it were, it would not have been reason enough to invade Ukraine. Pre-emptive wars are still wars of aggression and are perceived as such1. If Russian government had any pressing matters, Ukrainian affair was not the top priority by any margin. Their population lives in horrid conditions, corruption is appalling, infrastructure crumbling and army is a joke. But ZOG is ZOG; it is never concerned with the well-being of their subject nation. Ukrainian case. And what about the target of the invasion? Surely, we should support the “poor victim of the unprovoked war of aggression”! The sovereign state, whose inviolability has been raped by the “big bad bear” should be supported and given all succour possible, especially when the invader is so much bigger and stronger than his prey. Everyone loves cheering for the underdog after all. Ukraine was and is a corrupt shithole, a typical post-soviet state. And by saying that, I do acknowledge that Lithuania is very much the same. And just like in Lithuania, ZOG went for a crash course in globohomo introduction in Ukraine. The naive population had no idea what liberalisation and “Europeaisation” meant. Over the course of 30 years, faggotry, influx of shitskins and niggers and financial rape of the natives accelerated to unseen levels. Once the conflict with Russia started in 2014, the process went to warp 1

This applies to the wars of the Great Golem – the USA as well. It also applies to the decisions made by Adolf Hitler during WW2, particularly the invasion of Norway (pre-empted British invasion) and the invasion of Soviet Union (pre-empted soviet attack, as per ‘Suvorov’s evidence). 33

speed1, as could be seen after the proper invasion in 2022, evidenced by the hordes of shitskins, faggots, cowardly liberals and transcreatures trying to escape the country, where they sucked off ZOG teat when all was well. Just as in Russia, all wealth is in the hands of a few oligarchs, who most often belong to the chosenite tribe. Laws don’t work, executive and legislative branches are in the hands of rival kike groups, and these in turn control the judiciary branch through political postings. At least there was some “change” since the start of the war – all internecine squabbles ceased, or were stifled by the purges (((Zelensky))) carried out under the guise of ridding the country of the traitors. And while on one hand it might look as a necessary move to unite the nation and the government apparatus, on the other – all the power is now unified in the grasp of the kikes. Ukrainians are putting up a stiff resistance to Russian invasion and it is truly a testament to their nationhood, to the contrary of what ‘Strelkov’ might have to say about it. However, the toll was heavy both on civilian population and on the Army personnel. By now, Ukrainian losses must be comparable to those of Russia; lower probably, as it always is for the defenders, but comparable nevertheless. This means Ukrainians are dying in a bloody war to secure the power of the small rootless international clique2. They are dying to defend the future, in which there is no place for them, except as slaves and cattle for the chosenites. Let’s not forget the very start of the war – total mobilization was postponed just enough for the kikes to escape from Ukraine. Of course, there were PR campaigns showing off one or two kikes (even a rabbi among them) posing in military uniforms and telling how they are fighting “for the country”, but there were also pictures of planefuls of hebes flying out of Ukraine just before the mobilization and closure of the borders were announced. As for the general ethnopolitical situation in Ukraine, it is a nightmare. It is a 1

A nerdy Sci-Fi expression, denoting extreme speed. “Es ist ein kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, die nicht will, daß sie zur Ruhe kommen.” (Ger.) – “It is a small rootless international clique, which sets nations against each other, which doesn’t want them to ever come to peace.” Hitler speech in Siemensstadt on November 10, 1933. 2


country with extremely convoluted history and even more fucked up borders. Ukraine, as it was declared independent in 1991, had several regions and slivers of regions incorporated in it by the soviet government. Western part has a strong Polish minority, there are Romanian and Hungarian districts along its borders, but nothing compares with the immense problem of Russians in Ukraine. The country is basically split in half between populace identifying itself as Ukrainians and that of Russian persuasion/birth. Separatism, nationhood and country’s integrity. Current war boils down to exactly these three issues. The international (((law))) proclaims the right of nations for self-determination. This overtly nice statement hits the snag as soon as it faces the reality. What is a nation? “A nation is a group of people with a common language, history, culture, and (usually) geographic territory”, says Encyclopaedia Britannica. When does ethnic dialect stop being a dialect and becomes a “common language”? Should Catalan be considered a separate language? What about Sardinian, Sicilian, Breton, Zhemaiche, Cornish and countless others? Does long occupation count as “common history”? As for the culture, the term is so vague that it is not even worth mentioning – the frontier regions always assimilate part of neighbouring culture through diffusion, but it does not make them a different nation. Besides, in today’s world, almost everybody should be considered American, based on “culture”. What about nations that are, without a doubt, distinct from the majority of the country they are part of? What about Wales, Scotland, Quebec and, again, countless others? Some say that they are free to choose their destiny according to the charter of the UN. Scotland had a referendum on the issue of separating from the UK. Officially, Scotland wanted to remain in the UK, but at this time in history, we can speak of deep seated Stockholm syndrome there. Scotland, Wales and most of the similar regions around the world have been conquered and incorporated into their new “homelands” ages ago. People there are incapable of thinking of independence like their ancestors did. However, when Catalonia started the same process, they were very swiftly crushed by the Spanish government. Where was the UN charter then? One of the shining examples of how this should be done properly was former 35

Czechoslovakia. After the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact collapsed, Czechoslovakia came to a fork in the road – should Czechs and Slovaks stay as one country or go their separate ways. They held a referendum; Slovaks decided to secede and were allowed to do so peacefully. But one must admit that this is a one-in-a-thousand fluke. More often than not, any such initiatives end up in bloodshed. I’m all for the nations to be allowed self-determination. But again, where does it stop? For certain actors in this world, a country fractured into a dozen small shards is far more desirable than a strong unified nation. Once upon a time, Germany was composed of a bunch of duchies, kingdoms and autonomous regions. Suffice it to say, France and Britain were only too happy with this arrangement. As soon as Germany was united and immediately kicked French arses1, both Brits and French started plotting to undermine this new thorn in their sides. WW1 and 2 soon followed. Separatism is a double edged sword and an uncertain issue at the best of times. When is it a genuine nationalistic fervour of the people to have a country of their own and when is it a step too far, or worse – subversion, instigated by the enemy to weaken their rival? Scotland should be independent, I agree, but then, in time there could be an “initiative” for the Highlands to have their own country, separate from the Lowland Scotland. And so ad infinitum, until every bloody village is a country on its own. This is especially true of small countries, like Lithuania (Zhemaitiya), Latvia (Latgale) Belgium (albeit the divide between Flemish and Walloons is very strongly expressed there) and others. Any such small region separating is a significant blow to the country and quite often the will to divide comes from the outside, as was the case with Transnistria in Moldova. American supported separatism vs. Russian supported separatism and hypocrisy of both. This new bout of separatism in Europe started with the collapse of Soviet Union. Naturally, such cataclysmic shift in the power balance unsettled old order and created opportunities for the benevolent and malevolent alike. As mentioned already, Czechoslovakia managed to do this like normal human beings. The case of Yugoslavia was a very different one. In 1

1870 Franco-Prussian war. 36

place of that country a plethora of new entities emerged: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia (and the latter had significant Albanian separatism issues). Serbs went to war and the region descended back to its natural state of constant low key warfare, small time genocide (on all sides) and general misery (with a bit of hyperinflation thrown in for good measure). Instead of traditional Turkey or Austria, Yankees decided to put their foot down and “settle” the conflict, when Kosovo war started in 1998. And just like everyone before them, they had their own ulterior motives, which turned this from one bad situation into a worse one. Instead of letting them kill each other and settle their differences in the only way Balkan people knew, Yanks declared Serbs to be the bad guys in this conflict and bombed the shit out of them. Since Serbs are pretty good pals with Russia (let’s remember how WW1 started), this was the very first stone throw into Russia’s garden since soviet collapse. Once “peacekeeping” started, it almost galvanized a conflict between NATO and Russia, when Russian paratroopers took control of Pristina airport right under the noses of ARRC1 troops. The situation solved itself, as the moment was that of a historical autumn, not winter, and famously, the British Lieutenant General Mike Jackson refused to attack Russians, saying to Wesley Clark, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe: “I'm not going to start the Third World War for you!” In 2008, this play had a second act. The referendum and the unilateral declaration of Kosovo independence took place and the West (mainly led by the USA) immediately acknowledged the freshly baked “independent” state. Russia was under other management by this time and this didn’t sit well with Putin, as he was unable to protect the integrity of Serbian borders. Not much was done to counteract the Kosovo independence apart from the usual “words of concern”, but Putin filed this incident under the “use it as an excuse for my own separatism projects”. Then again, the question of who started the separatism as a geopolitical tool is a fuzzy business (I am referring to the current row between Americans and 1

The Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization High Readiness Force (Land) Headquarters ready for deployment worldwide (Wikipedia). 37

Russians, the tool was used long before them, it goes back to antiquity in fact). As soon as the proverbial bells tolled for the Soviet Union, Russian ethnic minorities started stirring everywhere. In 1990, Transnistria War started, apparently by the disgruntled Russian population that didn’t want to be apart from their “mother Russia”. Russian Army detachment was used to help proRussian separatists and in 1992, Moldova was forced to sign a lasting ceasefire, which has held ever since. The conflict became frozen, Russia continued to support Transnistria, but nobody else recognized the sovereignty of this break-away region. The deeper roots of this conflict are apparent from the first glance. Soviets tried to russify Moldova with all available means. Once we look at the geostrategic location of Moldova, it becomes painfully apparent why this was done. Moldova is the Southern gatekeeper to the European Plain and crucial for the perceived safety of the greater Russia. The USA supported Kosovo Albanians, in their bid for independence, but not Abkhazians, South Ossetians, Transnistrians, L&DNR and other pro-Russian separatists. The UN charter works in mysterious ways it seems; applicable only when it suits the Great Golem. Likewise not a peep was heard from the US, when Catalans made their bid. The Kurds are also hanging in a limbo of American policies – they are supported enough to be a nuisance for Iraq, Syria and Turkey, but not enough to be granted full support for their independence. Americans also supported rebels in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria, but not in Qatar or Yemen. Putin, who likes nothing more than to point out American political hypocrisy, has done even more of the same: he supported Ossetians, Abkhazians, Transnistrians, L&DNR, but went with war on Chechens and opposed strongly Kosovo independence. He aided Assad of Syria against “insurgents”, while lauding Russian separatists in other countries as “freedom fighters”. The hypocrisy on both sides has reached absurd levels. When Putin started openly confronting the West, he got a lot of support from Western altmedia, because he and his RT dared to point out just how double-faced was American hegemony over the World. But his own shenanigans remained unnoticed by the broader anti-globalist crowd, because these were usually discussed by the MSM, which have lost all credibility in the West.


Russian colonists. When it comes to Russian territorial claims to other countries, it always goes as a subtext to the “defence of russkoyazychniye1”. These in turn are mainly2 the legacy of the soviet expansion in 1945. Several places in post-soviet sphere were “enriched” with Russian population now comprising up to 90%: Narva “boasts” 87.7%, Latgale 34%, Klaipėda 28%, Transnistria 23%. How was this done? In the aftermath of WW2, some places were nearly deserted by the natives (mostly German or Axis aligned). This was further exacerbated in the Soviet Union, where Stalin conducted genocide and deportation strategy to erase national distinctions and create the uniform mass of mankurts3 for the ease of ruling over them (current Western populations should take heed at this, for it is being done to them as we speak). One example stands out – Klaipėda, or Memel as it was, had around 40 000 inhabitants during the interwar years. After Russian siege in 1944-1945, Germans evacuated the city and only around 50 locals remained. Most of the city was resettled with russkoyazychniye, immediately creating a possible flashpoint in the future. But Lithuania was pretty lucky in that regard – only Klaipėda, Vilnius and Visaginas4 were significantly infested by the Russian colonists. When the same was tried in the countryside (replacing the local landowners, who were deported to Siberia or just plain out shot), partisans took notice and stopped 1

Russian speaking population (Ru.). Some are very old transplants from the times of Imperial Russia. 3 Mankurt is the term for an unthinking slave in Chinghiz Aitmatov's novel The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years. According to Aitmatov's fictional legend, mankurts were prisoners of war who were turned into nonautonomous docile servants by exposing camel skin wrapped around their heads to the heat of the sun. These skins dried tight, like a steel band, causing brain damage and figurative zombification. Mankurts did not recognise their name, family or tribe—"a mankurt did not recognise himself as a human being" (Wikipedia). 4 Small town in the Eastern Lithuania, which was built to support Ignalina NPP. NPP needed personnel and Lithuania had no nuclear physicist, so an entire town of Russians was established (only some returned to “mother Russia” once Soviet Union keeled over). 2


the colonisation in its tracks. As soon as a moskal1 family would take possession of a farm, partisans would show up at night and inform the colonists that if they stayed there another day, their entire family would be fertilizing Lithuanian land. Soon the grapevine worked its charm, and Russians refused to come to Lithuania. Bleeding-heart liberals would scream their lungs out today at such tactics, but it was mainly thanks to this that we avoided the fate of some Latvian or Estonian2 regions, where not only the cities, but the countryside too, were saturated with transplanted vatniks. After all this time, these colonists came to recognize the land they usurped as their own. As it always is with colonist psyche, they think the land always belonged to them, sometimes coming up with all sorts of distorted psychological cope with the fact that they are transplants. This way, Russians living in Königsberg, Ostpreußen, sometimes express the views that they are the original settlers of the region, going as far as claiming to be of German descent. Historical rights to the land. While speaking of Russian colonists, it is easy to dismiss their claims to the lands, as they are living there only very recently. It is far more complicated, when we dig a little deeper. Let’s regard the case of Königsberg again. Originally, it was settled by Aesti tribe called Prussians. Then, came the Eastern Crusades, German Teutonic Order conquered the land, subdued the one major uprising by the Prussians and called that land their own. Regular German folk soon came and colonised the land, while natives slowly assimilated and faded away into oblivion. Germans, who came there, started calling themselves Prussians, ergo the name Ostpreußen. They not only took the land, but also the name of the conquered people. Of the latter nothing remained – no language, culture or any other trace. Centuries have passed and Germans in turn got trampled by the soviets and Ostpreußen was scoured clean of them. Most retreated with Wehrmacht on its hard fought retreat to the Vaterland. Others got raped and 1

A slur for Russians, referring to their original name as Muscovites. Both Latvian and Estonian youth enlisted in German Wehrmacht and SS divisions, died fighting at the front and were no longer there to fight off Russian colonialism in the post-war era 2


murdered by the mongoloid hordes of Soviet Union. Those still remaining, got expelled after the war. So, who has the right to Ostpreußen? The original Prussians? Yes, but they are completely extinct. Consequently, it should belong to Germans, but they were all pushed out of the region. Russians, who have systematically erased all traces of the former owners from the land and even changed the name to Kaliningrad region (though neighbours call it Mordor1)? Russian tenure of Königsberg is not even legally (internationally) settled, as the land was given (in itself, an act of partitioning a sovereign country) to the Soviet Union, which is now defunct. Of course this is not mentioned anywhere, since any questioning of the results of WW2 would mean putting the legality of (((Allied))) actions under suspicion. Funniest of all, there is a third contester to the region – Poland. Trust the Poles to be the ones to demand lands, which never belonged to Poland or even Polish tribes. Even worse situation is with Ukraine. Ukrainians hail their origin from Kievan Rus, which predates even Muscovy2. However, ever since Mongols slaughtered and raped their way through Kievan Rus in 1239 to 1242 (with Muscovite help, no less3), no statehood was ever restored, as the region went from the hands of Mongols to that of Lithuanian Grand Duchy and later was split between Lithuania and Poland. Further down the road, LithuanianPolish Commonwealth went down the drain, no small thanks to the ravages of the unrestrained democracy, and Russian ascendancy took the stage in the region. After partitioning Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth with Prussia and Austria and waging several wars with Ottoman Empire, Russians took most of the current Ukrainian territory and held it right until WW1. Ukraine failed 1

A reference to J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy – a land of evil. Kiev was founded in AD 482, while the first known reference to Moscow dates from AD 1147 as a meeting place of Yuri Dolgoruky and Sviatoslav Olgovich. At the time it was a minor town on the western border of VladimirSuzdal Principality. 3 Moscow, which was then nothing more than a small village, was taken by Mongols hordes in 1238. Later, in 1263 Moscow was made into the capital of Grand Principality of Moscow by the Mongols and remained their vassal until 1480. 2


to establish an independent state during the interwar years, when it was the time of “a country for every nation”, and went through a harrowing period of Russian Civil War and some attempts at having something of their own (Batko Makhno1, Petliura2 etc.). Soviet Union soon re-established the control over Ukraine, and, with Stalin at the wheel of the state, Holodomor soon began – a systematic hunger based genocide. This undoubtedly was the major blow against the population of this country and after millions have died, Russian colonists soon took over the vacant lands. Russification during the time of Russian Empire and later Soviet Union almost finished the job. The point being, there are regions in Ukraine, where Russians have been living for hundreds of years and didn’t like being told that their “great empire” was no more and they lived in another country with different official language and different customs. As one can see, historical rights to the land are the stuff of conflicts. It could be argued endlessly who was the first on that particular patch of dirt and who 1

Nestor Ivanovych Makhno (8 November [O.S. 27 October] 1888 – 25 July 1934), also known as Bat'ko Makhno ("Father [more accurately – “Papa”] Makhno"), was a Ukrainian anarchist revolutionary and the commander of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine during the Ukrainian Civil War. Makhno was the namesake of the Makhnovshchina (loosely translated as "Makhno movement"), a predominantly peasant phenomenon that grew into a mass social movement. It was initially centered around Makhno's hometown Huliaipole but over the course of the Ukrainian Civil War came to exert a strong influence over large areas of southern Ukraine. Makhno and the majority of the movement's leadership were anarcho-communists and attempted to guide the movement along these ideological lines. Makhno was aggressively opposed to all factions that sought to impose their authority over southern Ukraine, battling in succession the forces of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Central Powers, White Army, Red Army, and other smaller forces led by various Ukrainian otamans (Wikipedia). 2 Symon Vasylyovych Petliura (Ukrainian: Си́мон Васи́льович Петлю́ра; 22 May [O.S. 10 May] 1879 – May 25, 1926) was a Ukrainian politician and journalist. He became the Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian Army and the President of the Ukrainian People's Republic during Ukraine's short-lived sovereignty in 1918–1921, leading Ukraine's struggle for independence following the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917 (Wikipedia). 42

are the rightful owners. Arguing endlessly works only when the history is in Spring, Summer or Autumn seasons, but when the weather goes cold, the conflicts flare up hot. Nobody is interested in debating the finer issues of the history and brains are being pumped full of propaganda, which is accepted readily. Lithuanian case. I wrote this chapter, because the Russo-Ukrainian War forced me to reconsider my stance on the defence of my own country. What should I, as an uncompromising nationalist, do, when the Russian bear comes stomping over my country again? Younger me would have immediately answered “resist, what else is there to do!” Now however, I fully understand that I would be fighting and dying for the benefit of the local ZOG parasites, puppets and my would-be neo-feudal lords. For the same people, who shamelessly stole from me and mine with all possible measures – taxes, cartels, price gouging, bureaucracy and more? Should I go and die for those, who intentionally destroyed their own army? Not to mention that they have actively participated in the genocide of my already small nation. To bleed and suffer privation, only to be exploited anew if you win? To kill and be killed, only to secure the final browning and perversion of your nation? Who would do that in their right mind?! In conclusion. Historical rights, language, culture and everything else are mere words. People either consider themselves to be a separate nation or not. And this conviction is ultimately challenged by the realities and tested in the war (except in the case of Czechs and Slovaks). If they succeed in carving out a piece of the planet for themselves, a nation arises, if not – they fade away into the footnotes of history. Colonists are not a nation; they are colonists – a ticking bomb awaiting the command to explode. Crimea didn’t want to be a country, their “independence” lasted less than a day. L&DNR didn’t want that either and only the convoluted geopolitical considerations of Putin determined that they should play “independent” states for 8 years. Same would apply to Transnistria. As soon as Russia would be in position, independence, in whatever form it was, would be discarded, like a snake shedding its skin, and the region would be incorporated into the Russian Federation.


I support Ukrainian struggle to preserve their country, though I also understand Russian point of view, despite there being no clearly expressed policy or goals. Ukrainian issue is particularly sensitive, as most of their current territory was Russian land for many a century. However, I am saddened by the fact that all Ukrainian sacrifices come as a profit for their handlers, both the kikes and Americans. I am for Ukrainians, but strongly against their ZOG. Invaders have to be resisted, there’s no doubt about that, but first and foremost, the war creates an environment that is conducive to removal of the local ZOG puppets. The argument, which was endlessly parroted in Ukraine during both Poroshenko’s and (((Zelensky’s))) terms, sounds like this “yes, we know there is corruption and hardship at home, but first, let us take care of the Russian invasion”. Well, they’ve been “taking care” of that for the past 8 years with no end in sight. Many a young man died hoping for a better future in his own country, only for the reality to be that he died for his jewish overlords. Once the invaders are dealt with, the business is back to normal – sheer and slaughter the sheeple, plunder the land, enforce globohomo, erase the nation. And once back to normal, there is no recourse against the slow and steady genocide of your nation, because then, your own nation serves the plan and would fight you to preserve the ZOG. The ZOG, especially the Western one, is far more insidious threat to the nation than any invader could ever be. No, what a true nationalist should do in the event of a foreign invasion is first, to eliminate every ZOG puppet he comes across and only then, bother himself with the invaders. And last, but not least, I do not think that any foreigners should go and fight for or, Gods forbid, against Ukraine. Foreign volunteers are seldom looked kindly upon, neither by the beneficiaries of their services or their enemies. Receiving nation will try to use foreigners as cannon fodder, sending them to their doom without any consideration for their lives, because losses of native soldiers can have political repercussions, losing foreigners costs nothing. This was the case during Finland’s Winter War, and it is twice the case now in Ukraine. As for the enemy, they will simply regard foreigners as mercenaries of the worst kind. If Russians behave brutally with Ukrainian POWs, then foreigners shouldn’t expect any quarter given and no mercy shown. But those 44

who go there seldom think in these terms. Simple minds are satisfied with simple reasons, given to them by the MSM. 2023.01.16

327th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~116 080 KIAs, 3 118 MBTs, 6 204 AIVs, 4 870 wheeled transports, 190 specialized vehicles, 2 099 artillery guns, 438 MLRS, 220 AA systems, 286 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 1 872 UAVs, 749 missiles shot down, 17 naval vessels. Death toll of Dnipro missile strike rose to 40. Britain officially published the general summary of what they will be delivering to Ukraine (according to Nexta): a “squadron” of Challenger-2 tanks, 8 units of AS90, APCs, “tens” of UAVs, 100 000 rounds for artillery, 100 missiles, spare parts for the tanks and APCs. Russian occupation authorities in Crimea reported that the peninsula was attacked by multiple Ukrainian UAVs today. Head of Sevastopol claimed 10 of these were shot down. In other news: “The bustling East London neighbourhood that feels like you're living in Bangladesh. More than half the residents are Bangladeshi in this corner of East London, and for many it feels like home. “The best thing about living in Shadwell is you are living with people like you,” says a local who has lived and traded in the area for more than 20 years. The heartland of the Bangladeshi community in London falls within the borough of Tower Hamlets, where over 40 per cent of people are Bangladeshi. In Shadwell North, that figure rises to 54.7 per cent.”, Mariam Khan, 2023.01.12. “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, the press destroys information, religion destroys morale and banks destroy the economy.” Chris Hedges After a very long pause, explosions in Chinese chemical plants resumed. One such obliterated a factory in Panjin city, Liaoning province, yesterday (2023.01.15). 34 injured and 12 Chinamen are “missing”. 45

“The people going to Davos…for the WEF Conference do NOT want vaccinated Pilots. “We’re getting calls now from wealthy businessman who require unvaccinated pilots and crew” to fly planes.” James Cintolo, RN FN CPT, Twitter message with the video of Alan Dana, a former Jetstar pilot1, whom James was quoting, 2023.01.15. Russia and Iran are allegedly planning to launch a crypto-currency tied to the price of Gold. These rumours aren’t new, midway through the war there were already talks about similar projects. Uzbekistan is experiencing “anomalous” winter – almost -20°C. School winter hiatus was extended until January 23, many workers were allowed to work from home. Electricity, natural gas and heating supply is failing in Tashkent, which is famously very warm city in the region2. 2023.01.17

328th Day of the Prelude War

Nexta reports that Vladimir Rogov, the collaborator from Zaporozhe, has announced that Putin will make a “very important address to the nation, regarding SVO in Ukraine” tomorrow. Ukrainians joke that after this message, tickets to neighbouring countries should have jumped in price again, hinting that if this announcement will be made, it will concern further mobilization. The search for dead and survivors in Dnipro is over. Final number of the killed civilians came up to 44, 5 among them were children; 39 were rescued from under the rubble. After the scandal with the informational “misfortune” about the Dnipro strike, Arestovich signed his resignation from the post of the advisor to the kike-in-chief. His resignation was accepted. The missile that hit the building (or was shot down by Ukrainian AA systems) was allegedly Kh-22. Immediately after the interview Arestovich gave, Ukrainian side started very strange explanation campaign, claiming that they physically can’t shoot down this type of missile. They even went so far as to deny the previously reported shot-downs of these missiles and said that these were probably erroneously 1

Alan Dana has been voicing protest against the coerced COVID19 “vaccination” among the pilots and when his employer Qantas insisted he take a novel Covid-19 injection, Alan refused. Qantas fired him. 2 In soviet times, the heat in Tashkent became proverbial. 46

reported as intercepted. A troop of “experts” were paraded, all postulating in unison that current AA systems in Ukraine are unable to intercept Kh-22 missiles. In other news: Altmedia is buzzing with rumours of ZOG’s plans to contaminate food supply with COVID19 mRNA “vaccine”. I don’t know whether this is feasible at all, so we’ll have to wait and see. 2023.01.18

329th Day of the Prelude War

A helicopter crashed in Brovary, near Kiev. The crash site was in the backyard of a kindergarten. According to preliminary reports, 17 people died in the crash, 4 children among them, 25 were injured, of them 11 kids. Ukrainian police said that Denis Monastirskiy, the Minister of Interior, his deputy Yevgeniy Yenin and the State Secretary of MoI Yuriy Lubkovich were killed in the crash. Russian MSM seized upon this opportunity and immediately claimed that the helicopter crash in Brovary was caused by Ukrainian AA fire. Ukrainian MSM, likewise hurriedly, declared that it was likely a failure of the aircraft, because “it was a French helicopter of a type, which is known for technical problems. Serbian President Vucic has turned sharply against Putin, declaring that “We, from the very beginning, said that we were not able and we could not support Russia's invasion against Ukraine. For us, Crimea is Ukraine, Donbas is Ukraine — it will remain so”. In other news: “TRAGIC: Claire Bridges was a 21 year old model when she received the mRNA vaccine. Clair ended up having legs amputated due to blood clots, and now suffers from myocarditis & kidney failure.” DiedSuddenly, Twitter message with the picture of the amputee that is as much telling as the message itself, 2023.01.17. “A months-long Townhall investigation reveals disturbing new details about the affluent LGBTQ-activist couple accused of sodomizing their young adopted sons—now ages 9 and 11—and distributing "homemade" child pornography of the sexual abuse. Half a year after the shocking story made national news, Townhall is the only outlet following up on the criminal case in Georgia that has since seen zero headlines written about it. We've found that 47

it's far, far worse than what was first reported. Not only did the married men allegedly rape the two










a they

were pimping out their children pedophiles

to in

nearby Atlanta-

area suburbs, Townhall's follow-up

investigation discovered.”,


Cathell, 2023.01.17. Behold – the true believer in science!


330th Day of the Prelude War

The only address Putin made today that I am aware of was in his meeting with veterans. And nothing important was said, as always. In fact, only more inane babble followed. Among the new examples of cretinism was “we started SVO to end this war”. Sweden is preparing to send a new batch of military aid to Ukraine. This will include Archer self-propelled guns, 50 units of CV-90 IFV and 57 NLAW ATGMs. And speaking of Sweden, two Iranian brothers were convicted of espionage for Russia. One got life sentence and the other 9 years. Apparently the two shitskins were working for Russians for over 10 years. A perfect example of the loyalty of the new “citizens”. In other news: Jacinda Arden, the Horse Face of New Zealand, has announced her intention to resign in February. She’s “tired”. Probably tired of raping her people, of imposing untold ZOG dystopia and tired of constant cognitive dissonance between what she spouts and the reality. Or maybe she grew tired of selling out her nation and accumulating untold amounts of fiat 48

in her “coffers”1? If only I could say “hooray” now that Jacinda’s gone, alas, she will be replaced with yet another ZOG puppet, who will be either more lenient or even more draconian, depending on the whims of ZOG. 2023.01.20

331st Day of the Prelude War

Russians claim that ‘Wagner’ group has taken Klishchiivka, South of Bakhmut, thus threatening to actually encircle the town. Just as it was with Severodonetsk – after months of stubbornly bashing their heads against the wall, trying to take the objective, Russians attempted going around and immediate results followed, albeit with heavy casualties. Ukrainians will most likely be forced to abandon Bakhmut in the coming weeks, but it will be yet another Pyrrhic victory for Russians. How many more of these “victories” before they are “undone”? Apparently many – Russians have enough warm bodies to bury Ukraine under them. Lavrov compared the “suffering of Russian people” with the so-called holocaust. Kikes immediately started enormous kvetching, demanding apology for the breach of their monopoly in victimhood. Whether someone will force Lavrov to bend the knee remains to be seen (the only one who could, is Putin himself). The Washington Post claims that William Burns, the head of the CIA, has secretly visited Ukraine and held a meeting with (((Zelensky))) at the end of the last week (around January 12-15) to appraise him of the Russian plans for the near future (weeks and months). The one member of the Ukrainian negotiating team2, who was allegedly killed after being suspected of collaborating with Russians, turned out (officially) to be a “real hero”. His name – Denis Kiriyev, a bankster, and he purportedly informed Ukrainian (((government))) of the incoming Russian invasion. GUR claimed he died “while participating in a special operation” and (((Zelensky)))


“FUN FACT: New Zealand's young Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern's 2021 net worth grew by more than 3100% to $25,000,000.00.” The Last Mohican, Twitter message, 2023.01.19. 2 Around the start of the war, while Russians were still trying to besiege Kiev. 49

awarded him a posthumous medal.1 According to British intelligence services, ‘Wagner’ group has reached the size of around 50 000 mercenaries. That is a serious force to be reckoned with, not just by Ukrainians, but by Putin as well. SBU claims to have uncovered a network of GRU spies/artillery observers, who, according to Ukrainian counterintelligence, have directed Dnipro strike. Post factum antics, just like Russian FSB catching tons of Ukrainian DRGs after more resonant incidents in Russia. Russians posted pictures on (((social media))), showing installation of PantsirS1 AA system on one of the high rise building roofs in Moscow. This is nothing extraordinary, as Americans and South Koreans have been doing that for some time. In other news: “Jamie Lee Curtis savaged on Twitter after she deleted photo of naked child in box: ’Strong Epstein vibes’. ‘What the actual f---,’ one user said in response to the photo.” Fox News, Jeffrey Clark, 2023.01.19. “Scotland: Edinburgh makes vegan menu mandatory in govt institutions2; 1st European capital to do so.”, 2023.01.19. 2023.01.21

332nd Day of the Prelude War

Nexta reports of even more AA systems being installed around Moscow, as they put it – “hastily”. Some were reported to be placed within the perimeter of Putin’s personal villa at Gelendzhik. Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~120 160 KIAs, 3 140 MBTs, 6 256 AIVs, 4 918 wheeled transports, 193 specialized vehicles, 2 135 artillery guns, 443 MLRS, 220 AA systems, 287 fixed wing aircraft, 277 helicopters, 1 891 UAVs, 749 missiles shot down, 17 naval vessels. Train cisterns with fuel are burning in Angarsk. Nexta claims these were slated to go to the front in Ukraine. Bulgarian President, Rumen Radev, urged Western countries not to send military hardware to Ukraine as it “raises risks of a global conflict”. Though 1

Although written in the past tense, this became known to me only today from Nexta quoting The Wall Street Journal. 2 Including schools! 50

Bulgaria has been very ambiguous towards Russo-Ukrainian War, there are rumours that lion’s share of ammunition for old soviet military equipment has been coming from this country. In other news: There were heroes amidst the COVID madness, and they are being punished for it: “Plastic surgeon injected kids with saline instead of COVID vaccine, feds1 allege. A Utah plastic surgeon and three of his associates are facing federal charges for a year-long scheme in which they allegedly squirted around 2,000 vaccine doses down the drain, sold falsified vaccination cards for $50 each, and tricked kids into thinking they were vaccinated against COVID-19 by injecting them with saline, collectively, 391 times.”, Beth Mole, 2023.01.19.

Telling pictures from (((culturally enriched and vibrant))) Ireland.

“High egg prices may tempt you to start your own backyard flock, but chickens carry some health risks.” CNN, Jen Christensen, 2023.01.19. Oh no, goyim, you should never try to be self-sufficient! It carries (((health risks)))! How on earth have the humanity survived those millennia before there were kikes to tell us that free range chickens could have some germs.


Federals, a word describing all who work for the Federal ZOG in the USA, usually used as a slur, but not in this case, as the article condemns the doctor in question. 51


333rd Day of the Prelude War

With the new wave of Western military hardware incoming, Russian politicians are again threatening with nuclear sledgehammer. Vyacheslav Volodin posted this on his Telegram channel: “Deliveries of offensive weaponry to Ukrainian regime will lead to a global disaster. [...] Washington and Brussels are leading the world to a terrible war with their decisions. [...] Bearing in mind the superiority of Russian arms, foreign politicians, taking such decisions, need to understand: this can end in a tragedy of worldscale, which will destroy their countries.”1 Americans have declared that they will replace the tanks of any European country, which decides to send their Leopard-2s to Ukraine. A triple whammy – Ukraine gets modern MBTs, the USA “do not escalate” and German arms manufacturing industry gets shafted. All those, who get on this proposal, will be tied, buying American military hardware instead of German. RYBAR claims that “there’s movement on the front”. Allegedly, ‘Wagner’ has taken more settlements around Bakhmut and even regular Russian forces have advanced on Zaporozhe front in the vicinity of Orikhiv and Huliaipole. ‘Strelkov’ comments the news from the front slightly more reservedly. According to him, ‘Wagner’ is trying to advance towards Ivanovske from recently captured Klishchiivka. Battle for Avdiivka (namely – in the village of Vodiane), as well as around Bakhmut, continues unabated. And on Zaporozhe front, ‘Strelkov’ reports a Russian attack towards Kamianske. In other news: “An expert review into an unusually high level of deaths among newborn babies in Scotland has begun and expects to report back in the autumn. [...]Any link to Covid vaccines has been ruled out on the basis of international evidence demonstrating their safety in pregnancy, but PHS confirmed that it had not checked the vaccination status of any of the mothers affected.” The Herald, Helen McArdle, 2023.01.19. Yes, the madness goes on. We are going to investigate these mysterious deaths, but some things a priori can not be even considered as the cause. The state of the (((science)))-religion 1

Quoted from Nexta, my translation of the emphasized sentences by the author. 52

laid bare for all to see. A mass shooting in the USA again. 10 killed and 10 injured in Monterey Park in California, the suspect, a 30-50yo Asian male, is still at large. More secret documents were uncovered in the home of Biden the Pedo during police search. Apparently, ZOG has decided to remove the depraved vegetable and replace him with the mutt of unclear descent – current Vice President. Brazil and Argentina have announced they are starting a process to unify their currencies. Another step forward for the globalists. 2023.01.23

334th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainians denied any major Russian attacks or gains on Zaporozhe front. Baltic ZOG lapdogs are “urging Germany not to block deliveries of Leopard-2 tanks to Ukraine”. Mateusz Morawiecki, PM of Poland, has condemned Scholz of Germany for delaying the transfer and even declared that if Germany doesn’t consent, Poland will create a “coalition” and do it anyway. The pressure on Germany has risen considerably regarding this issue and German MoD seems to be caving in (if the initial reluctance was any sign of independent policy and not just an act) by announcing they would not protest against other countries (Poland in particular) delivering these MBTs for the war in Ukraine. Nexta_Live continues to escalate the narrative around Kinburn peninsula. According to them, Kinburn Spit has “enormous strategic value”, allegedly in creating “yet another front for the Russians” and “opening the way for deoccupation of Crimea”. That is of course a crock of shit, with the only possible aim of disinformation campaign aimed at Russians. If Russians fall for it, then they are dumber than I thought. Elementary glance at the map tells even the uninitiated that any foothold on Kinburn Spit/Peninsula would need enormous naval assets to be of any operational, let alone strategic, importance. Just how many transport ships, barges and other equipment would be needed to supply the troops there? And Ukrainians would need to


put up something resembling Mulberry harbours1 to be even able to unload the supplies and troops. All of that in the face of narrow front, no infrastructure on the peninsula, Russian artillery coverage. This doesn’t mean that Russians should completely disregard the threat on the peninsula, but putting serious forces to guard against such “naval landing operation” would be ill-advised. Videos of Ukrainian men, being forcefully taken by the mobilization authorities, started surfacing on the Internet. Who knows, maybe it is Russian propaganda production, but it is highly likely that something is really happening there. Norwegian chief of defence Eirik Kristoffersen has voiced their estimates of Ukrainian and Russian losses in the war so far – around 180 000 KIAs and WIAs on the Russian side and ca. 100 000 on Ukrainian. This confirms my suspicion that Ukraine’s losses could be comparable to Russian ones and explains why they would need to start forcefully conscripting the men. Losses for ZSU in Bakhmut alone are said to amount to hundreds per day, underscoring the dire situation. While Russia is able to sustain thousands and even hundreds of thousands in killed soldiers, Ukraine is much more finite in their human resources, especially after 8 million of them fled the country post the start of the war (granted, not all of them were fighting age 1

Mulberry harbours were two temporary portable harbours developed by the British Admiralty and War Office during the Second World War to facilitate the rapid offloading of cargo onto beaches during the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944. After the Allies successfully held beachheads following D-Day, two prefabricated harbours were taken in sections across the English Channel from southern England with the invading armies and assembled off Omaha Beach (Mulberry "A") and Gold Beach (Mulberry "B"). The Mulberry harbours were to be used until major French ports could be captured and brought back into use after repair of the inevitable sabotage by German defenders. The Mulberry B harbour at Gold Beach was used for 10 months after D-Day, and over 2.5 million men, 500,000 vehicles, and 4 million tons of supplies were landed before it was fully decommissioned. The still only partially-completed Mulberry A harbour at Omaha Beach was damaged on 19 June by a violent storm that suddenly arrived from the north-east. After three days the storm finally abated and damage was found to be so severe that the harbour had to be abandoned (Wikipedia). 54

males, Ukraine is not Africa or MENA after all)1. Russia has lowered the level of their diplomatic relations with Estonia in response to “rampant russophobia” and Estonian move to send some of Russian embassy workers out of the country. Estonia responded in a tit-for-tat manner and the ambassadors of both countries are to leave their postings at the same time. Latvia has joined Estonia in lowering their relations with Russia out of “solidarity”. Estonia is going even further – there are plans to close the Gulf of Finland to Russian naval traffic. If Lithuanian half-arsed “blockade” of Kaliningrad region warranted only slight irritation in Kremlin, blockade of St. Petersburg will surely bring Russia to the brink of war with NATO. I doubt if such action will be approved by the higher ZOG authorities, but who knows. The head of Russian (((NGO))) “Rus sidyashchiaya” claims that out of the 50 000 convicts conscripted by ‘Wagner’ only 10 000, or so, remain. The rest have deserted, were wounded, killed or gone MIA. Erdogan has declared that Turkey will not support Sweden’s accession to NATO. This came after vociferous Kurdish protests started in Sweden, during which they hanged the effigy of Erdogan in Stockholm. Another reason was recently done public burning of Quran in Sweden. In other news: “Suspected paedophile ring at Met2 Police as serving chief inspector is found dead.” The Telegraph, Martin Evans, 2023.01.19. “US is investigating first two cases of super strength gonorrhea strain that is resistant to EVERY antibiotic - as experts warn it poses ‘serious public health concern’.”, Luke Andrews, 2023.01.20. “Massive protest in London for those vaccine injured or killed. Families demand answers from those who told them these clot shots were safe and effective.”, Twitter message, 2023.01.22. “George Soros called for NATO to use Eastern European soldiers to ‘reduce 1

The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) records 7 976 980 refugees from Ukraine across Europe as of 17 January 2023. This amounts to around 19% of the Ukrainian population (estimated by Eurostat as at 2021). 2 Metropolitan. 55

the risk of body bags for NATO countries’ in 1993 ‘New World Order’ article. Soros called for Eastern Europeans to essentially be used as cannon fodder armed with NATO weapons, a prescient prediction given how the war in Ukraine has developed.”, John Cody, 2023.01.23. 2023.01.24


335th Day of the Prelude War

nother bout of purges in Ukraine. Some have resigned, some were fired. The first was of course the “scandalous” case of Arestovich. Today, Nexta reports that Kiril Timoshenko, the Deputy Chief of the

Office of the President, has resigned. Soon after this message, the resignation of the Deputy Minister of Defence, Viacheslav Shapovalov, was announced. Not even an hour later,



reported that Deputy State


Aleksey Simonenko, was fired from his office. It didn’t stop there, as by 1140J Ukrainian




resignation, that of Ivan


Deputy Minister of Infrastructure. 1240J The rain of resignations continues: Viacheslav Negoda, Deputy Minister of Development of the Societies Russian Army and ‘Wagner’ operations around Bakhmut from Soledar attack (Soledar itself not shown, higher to the North) to the taking of Klishchiivka. 56


Territories has just announced


quitting. I wonder, is

this anyhow connected with the helicopter crash in Brovary? 1653J Ukrainian (((government))) has declared a “change in cadre politics” and dismissed 4 Deputy Ministers and 5 regional administrators. Apart from the already named Deputy Ministers was the Deputy Minister of Social Policy, Vitaliy Muzichenko. As for the provincials, following regions got “cleansed”: Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhe, Sumy and Kherson. I bet every such station will soon be occupied by the representative of the “chosen tribe”. The news started rushing in today with all sorts of escalatory meaning. Germany is sending their Leopard MBTs to Ukraine, said Der Spiegel. Western MSM were reporting the course of Russian guided missile frigate “Admiral Gorshkov”, which is apparently steaming towards the Eastern coast of the USA. She is allegedly armed with newest Russian hypersonic missiles Zircon (also spelled Tsirkon). The headlines are maximally frightening: “Russian warship with ‘unstoppable’ 7,000mph hypersonic missiles ‘sails towards US and will soon be in strike range’”1. Further fuel to the fire was added by the “Doomsday Clock” group of “scientists”: “Doomsday Clock at record 90 seconds to midnight amid Ukraine crisis.”2 This latest wave of the scare campaign started right after Western MSM quoted Russian head propagandist Margarita Simonyan, who said: "In December, [Putin] voiced the way we see the finer things in life. In order for things not to go very badly right now our concerns have to be taken into account, as well as our vision of security. They should do this, that and the other. Remember how it went, one year ago, two months before the start of the special military operation, it was ignored. What was the result of ignoring that? The special military operation was the result of that. After those December points were voiced, I was arguing with guys at the table. I kept saying: 'Guys, there will be a big war, for sure! By the end of


The Sun, Will Stewart, 2023.01.24. Emphasis in bold added by me to show the unnecessary fear mongering, as Russians would hardly launch a nuclear attack on the USA with one frigate. 2 The Guardian, Julian Borger, 2023.01.24. 57

winter, something very big will happen.'”1 I find it suspicious, because Russian TV has said much more scary things before, and more often than I would care to count, yet only now, the West “took notice”. In other news: “Blood clots: Compound found in eggs linked to an enhanced risk of blood clotting.” Express, Solen Le Net, 2022.01.22. Wow, just wow! How this little “gem” slipped past the net of attention last year is unclear, but now we have bingo! Climate change, too energetic shaking of the pillows, sports, social seclusion of lockdowns and now eggs are to blame for the damage, but NOT the “vaccine”. I think I just saw a pig fly! “Bill Gates warns Australia to prepare for the next pandemic - which could be man-made and far more brutal than Covid.”, Aidan Wondracz, 2023.01.23. The dystopian project on the prison continent appears to have given a real hard-on for the Micro&Soft Vaccinator. Western MSM are also reporting that “according to scientists”, Earth’s core has stopped spinning. The consequences of this, even if it is true, are unclear, but the tone of the articles is, of course, ominous. I’m loath to quote an article from InfoWars, as it is a ZOG serving, wellpoisoning2, strawman3-creating operation, but I found this one to be interesting: “Chicken farmers on social media suspect tainted chicken feed could be why laying hens have suddenly stopped producing eggs.”, Adan Salazar, 2023.01.23. “Montrealer found guilty of hate against Jews after Daily Stormer4 post.” 1

As quoted and translated in “Russian TV Warns New 'Big War' Coming After Putin Ultimatum,” Newsweek, Gerrard Kaonga, 2023.01.23. 2 Propaganda tactic involving deliberate introduction of obviously idiotic notions among the alternative sources. Mainly used to divert and confuse. 3 Another tactic, rather similar or connected to the well-poisoning – in order to combat a threatening narrative, ZOG introduces easily defeatable opposition issues and then proceeds to destroy them on the MSM. Mainly used to stifle proliferation of opposition to a certain aspect. 4 A (((neo-nazi))) Internet forum. It is widely suspected of being a honeypot (something tempting used to catch and ensnare unaware simpletons) for all sorts of ZOG agencies, as evidenced by the event described in the article. 58

A card from a board game “Illuminati: New World Order” (1994). So many allegedly encoded future events were depicted on these cards that many on the alternative side of the populace are now using these both as memes and as confirmation of what is happening. I find it highly appropriate to include this one after today (2023.01.24). 59

Montreal Gazette, Paul Cherry, 2023.01.23. Yes, I will repeat it, so it really sinks in – guilty of hate against jews! 2023.01.25

336th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainians admitted they have lost Soledar. Today! What was obvious for almost two weeks was officially confirmed by ZSU only now. With the war becoming ever harder, Ukrainian reporting is turning into a copy of Russian MSM – hysterics, denial and more lies than truth. Main talking point today was of course the impending deliveries of Leopard-2 and possibly Abrams MBTs to Ukraine. Pro-Ukrainian and Western MSM are trying to portray these as some kind of panacea, a cure-all. Another “Wunderwaffe”1 that should finally win the war. It follows an already familiar pattern of agiotage: at the very beginning it was Javelins, then NLAWs, Bayraktar TB-2s , PzH2000, then M777 howitzers and the latest shtick was HIMARS. All of them had their uses and, without a doubt, helped Ukrainians stem the tide, but, few in numbers and expensive to operate, with limited ammunition reserve, these weapons could not “win the war”. The war is won by the people, by the nation and by the effectiveness of the government, more than anything. While Ukrainian soldiers (generally) have been showing miracles of defence and patriotism, their government was making money hand over fist, from all those weapon and fiat deliveries flowing without much accountability into the country. There are rumours and reports of Western military aid ending up on black market and even in the hands of Russians. Germans are promising 14 Leopards, Americans are talking about 31 Abrams 1

Miracle weapon (Ger.) – an expression born during the last phases of WW2, when Germany was clearly losing the war and German High Command was putting their last hopes on new types of weapons being developed. It was also used profusely in propaganda to raise the morale of civilians and soldiers alike, though with varying results. Some of these were also called Vergeltungswaffe – “revenge weapon” – mainly V1 & V2 rockets. Despite having rather little effect on the final war outcome, German efforts gave the world first assault carbines, jet engine, missiles, night vision optics, disposable AT weapons, remotely controlled vehicles, portable AA weapons and much more. 60

tanks, but more MBTs should come collectively from European countries – Spain, Poland, Finland, the UK and Netherlands. Somehow, nobody is talking about the tank famine that will ensue after these deliveries. The continent will be stripped of heavy armour overnight practically, and I wonder if that is not the ultimate goal after all. Replacements will not be forthcoming momentarily, that is guaranteed. There are reports of Russian advance on Vuhledar. Apparently they met with some success and have entered the town outskirts. In other news: A Palestinian shitskin used a knife to kill at least two and wound seven more on a train from Kiel to Hamburg. But this has grown to be nothing more than a background noise – “part and parcel”1 of living in the (((multicultural))) and (((tolerant))) West. “They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us? The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands. [...]The unvaccinated should by any moral measuring stick have done more to warn about the potential risks -- to help us make informed decisions about our health. And they must now ask us for our forgiveness,” ((( Honestly, I’m not even sure if this is a serious article, or some sort of sick trolling. 2023.01.26

337th Day of the Prelude War

There was Shahed drone attack on Ukraine during the night. Ukrainians claim to have shot down 24 of them. The morning was also busy; air raid warning throughout Ukraine, with “massive missile salvo” believed to be incoming. Explosions reported in Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk and Mikolaiv regions. SAM fire heard in Vinnitsa region. Russia accused Ukraine of storing military hardware in the immediate vicinity of nuclear objects. IAEA declared that they conducted control of Ukrainian nuclear complexes and found no military activity, basically calling Russian lie. That is, if we believe what IAEA says. 1212J Missile hits confirmed in Kiev, Zaporozhe, Odessa and Vinnitsa 1

Infamous explanation/excuse, given by the shitskin mayor of London, after yet another manifestation of the “religion of peace”. 61

(region). As soon as MBT deliveries were secured, the very same day Ukrainian kikes started kvetching that they need fighter jets as well to win the war. Sure, any army, aiming to win a war against a numerically and technically superior army in a conventional fight, needs a capable air force, but the manner in which it is all done is a caricature of jewish ingratitude and greed. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock just stated what was going on, probably without realising the (((Freudian))) slip she committed: “But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.”1 There is a rumour going on the Internet that Ukraine has requested forceful deportation of all fighting age males from European countries. Twitter provides alleged documents of request, sent to Lithuania and Latvia, but it is hard to tell whether this is a genuine claim. ‘Azov’ Regiment has officially expanded to brigade size. Spaniards arrested a suspect in the case of the letter bombs and packages with bloody animal eyes. Ukraine wants to order additional 11 self-propelled howitzers Zuzana-2, according to Slovakian MoD. This shows at least one thing – out of all mobile artillery delivered to Ukraine2, these must have proved to be the most reliable/effective. And one peculiar little message appeared on Twitter – “Taliban Public Relations Department” tweeted that they are sending trainer groups to help Russian Army prepare newly mobilized soldiers. They also added that around 1 000 of their “elite fighters” are fighting against Ukrainians as part of ‘Wagner’ group. Out of 55 missiles launched at Ukraine, ZSU claims to have shot down 47. In other news: “Crushed Bug "Additive" Is Now Included In Pizza, Pasta, & 1

Quoted from “German Foreign Minister Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud On Ukraine,” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.01.25, emphasis in the article. 2 I mean exclusively mobile gun artillery – CAESAR, PzH2000, AHS Krab. 62

Cereals Across The EU.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.01.26. 2023.01.27

338th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~124 710 KIAs, 3 182 MBTs, 6 340 AIVs, 5 001 wheeled transports, 199 specialized vehicles, 2 180 artillery guns, 452 MLRS, 221 AA systems, 292 aircraft, 283 helicopters, 1 941 UAVs, 796 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russia has declared that they will regard the use of depleted uranium (DU) rounds (used in armour piercing ammunition by NATO) as deployment of “dirty bomb”. Ukrainians should pay attention to what happened in Iraq, but I doubt they will. Blinded by kike MSM, they will turn their own country into mutagenic wasteland. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite the face! The battle for Bakhmut rages on. Nexta quoted one of the Belorussian volunteers fighting in the ranks of ‘Kastus Kalinouski’ Regiment: “Colossal intensity of combat in Bakhmut. They [Russians] begin their assault at 6 in the morning and end at 7 in the evening. That is, for 13 hours, they are endlessly throwing soldiers, hardware and we have combat for 13 hours, that is an assault... I have never seen anything like it anywhere.”1 ‘Strelkov’ reports of another Ukrainian attack over Dnepr. He reported earlier that a probing Ukrainian assault near Nova Kakhovka was repulsed by Russian artillery and the results of the latest attack were unknown to him. Girkin says that a major Ukrainian offensive over Dnepr (with the implied aim of cutting off Crimea) is likely. I would say that such an attack is probable indeed and could even be an operationally sound idea (natural obstacles being less dangerous than enemy forces, as per Liddell-Hart), but it depends on what forces Russians hold on Dnepr bank. And again – probing attacks might spur Russians to strengthen their defences on Dnepr, just like it was with initial attacks on Kherson foothold, subsequent Russian retreat notwithstanding. Germany got shafted again. German stance (at least outwardly) was that they will send their Leopard MBTs to Ukraine only if the USA does the same. 1

Volunteer ‘Den’, as quoted by Nexta and translated by me. 63

When Germany was forced to agree to make the deliveries, Biden the Pedo announced too that 31 Abrams tanks will be sent to Ukraine as well, so Scholz of Germany saved his face somewhat. However, not a day went by, when Pentagon started singing that it is impossible for them to send those tanks to Ukraine in the near future.



plan to






perfectly so far. The US declared ‘Wagner’ an “international ‘Wagner’ PMC (Private Military Company) patch.

criminal organization”. A good move! A just move! Now, how about the American ‘Blackwater’?

In other news: Anti-Putin channel on ‘Usy Peskova’ (Peskov’s Moustache, Ru.) compared 24 hour food expenditure standard, set by the cabinet of the ministers of the Russian Federation, with the expenditure on fodder for Moscow Zoo animals. According to the channel (semi-satirical, as evidenced by the name), Moscow Zoo spends 84 roubles to feed a hedgehog and 87 to feed a donkey, while Russian citizen’s average food expenditure amounts to 86. “So, not a hedgehog1 already, but not an ass yet”, the sketch ended. Anomalously low temperatures in Afghanistan killed 160 people and at least 70 000 cattle. Famine is expected in the country. Temperatures fell to -33°C. That damn climate keeps on warming changing! An armed assailant opened fire in the Azerbaijan’s embassy in Iran. Chief of security was killed and at least two embassy workers wounded. A shooting attack in one of Jerusalem’s synagogues. At least 7 kikes were sent off this world. Mi-8 helicopter crashed in Moscow Vnukovo airport. The aircraft belonged to 1

Yozhyk (Ru.) has a slight demeaning undertone in post-soviet sphere with carried connotation of “slightly dim-witted” or “confused”, due to the animated cartoon “Yozhyk v tumane” (Hedgehog in the fog). An ass is of course much more derogatory; in Russian it means “an idiot”. 64

an organization employed in air transportation of Russian high government representatives. Floods in Auckland, New Zealand. 2023.01.28

339th Day of the Prelude War

Large fire happened in one of the Moscow’s hardware markets. US Air Force General Mike Minihan has urged his colleagues to prepare for war with China in a memo sent to his subordinates. In his opinion the war will come by 2025. In other news: Five nigger cops killed some random nigger in the USA. The country is up in arms again. Start the civil war and be done with it, a melting pot will never be a country. “Tiffany Scott - formerly Andrew Burns, one of the most dangerous prisoners in Scotland has gained approval to be moved to the women’s prison estate. Scott has attacked female prison officers and stalked a child from prison.” Ash Regan MSP, Twitter message, 2023.01.28. P.S. He was convicted of rape. Another shooting in kikeland. “UK teen gets 11.5 years for hate-speech videos linked to Buffalo, Colorado mass shootings.”, Julia Shapero, 2023.01.27 (emphasis in bold by me). The retired General, Petr Pavel, has won presidential elections in Czech Republic. 2023.01.29

340th Day of the Prelude War

Iran claims they have been attacked by drones tonight. Some MSM report that Iran managed to shoot down the incoming threat, but the statement “a loud explosion at a military plant in Iran's central city of Isfahan was caused by an "unsuccessful" drone attack” sounds too much like Russian excuses after the strikes on Engels airfield. Nexta claims that an oil refinery and a drone factory were also hit and that there is Internet outage throughout the country, but I haven’t found any confirmation on other MSM. The implied attacker is of course Israel, though Iranian MoD did not say that. After the latest shooting in Israel, kikes threatened to start a retaliatory operation. So far, they have not confirmed the attack on Iran’s defence facilities. 65

RYBAR reported that ‘Wagner’ has taken full control of Blahodatne, a small settlement adjacent to Soledar from NW. A creeping encirclement of Bakhmut is underway.

Situation on Soledar front according to RYBAR, 2023.01.29.

There was one Twitter message from an apparently pro-Ukrainian poster1, claiming that ZSU troops in Bakhmut have been given orders to conduct a fighting retreat from the town. Main forces will allegedly withdraw within a few days and will be covered by the Special Forces. Whether this is true will be evident “within a few days”, but if it will, it would be consistent with my prediction. ‘Wagner’ also claimed they came across “mutilated bodies” of foreign 1

Rakso Osint Luk. 66

mercenaries, fighting for Ukraine. According to them, these were Poles and kikes, and Ukrainians cut off their hands and heads to make identification impossible. ‘Wagner’ allegedly found phones, which helped make the situation clearer. Well, I wouldn’t put anything past neither of the sides in this war, but this time, this time it is just too much. An infamous, torturing, sledgehammer-executing band of mercenaries comes across a “scene of brutal mutilation” and posts the pictures to evoke an outrage against their enemies? Really? I am supposed to believe that? Andriy Melnyk, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, tweeted an (((idea))) that Germany should just give Ukraine one of German made submarines. The chutzpah1 on those bastards! The attack on Iran has already overgrown with speculations and rumours. Official story, according to Iran, is that only three drones were involved in the attack on facilities in Isfahan and all were shot down. The grapevine claims that the attacks happened in multiple places “all over Iran”, one town was even named and an unverifiable picture provided – Mahabad. There were even rumours that an earthquake took place directly after the attack, implying something extremely big was hit and exploded. In other news: “A Jewish family fleeing the Nazis sold a Picasso in 1938. Their heirs want it back.” CNN, Toyin Owoseje, 2023.01.25 (emphasis in bold by me). The story of egg shortages in the USA is taking ever more bizarre turns. First, Americans were shocked by astronomically rising prices of this staple; then articles about eggs being responsible for “blood clots” appeared. Soon, admonitions against raising your own egg laying hens appeared on the MSM and now: “Opinion: This simple ingredient has been substituted for eggs for generations. [...] Lately, savvy vegan bakers have mainstreamed the idea of whipping aquafaba, the liquid drained off a can of chickpeas or white beans, as they would egg whites, and folding them into batters to lighten them. Also in baking, bananas, dates, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and avocado can sometimes be substituted for eggs. Silken tofu, yogurt, and chia or flax seeds, 1

(((Yiddish))) term describing extraordinary gal, e.g. to shit on the porch, ring the bell and ask for toilet paper. 67

which turn to gel when soaked in liquid, can also do the trick.” CNN, Susan Puckett, 2023.01.28. “Whipping aquafaba, the liquid drained off a can of chickpeas or white beans”, I can’t even pronounce that, let alone use it to substitute my delicious free range eggs, laid by the happy hens raised on grass, grain, worms and sun. Though one passage from the article was rather indicative: “A year ago, we couldn’t have imagined people being so fearful of running out of eggs that they’d turn to smuggling cases across the Mexican border or renting chickens with portable coops to keep them in steady supply” (emphasis in bold by me). 2023.01.30

341st Day of the Prelude War

Newsweek published an article, in which they are quoting Rob Bauer, chairman of NATO's Military Committee and an admiral in the Royal Dutch Navy, who said in his interview to Portuguese TV that NATO is ready for direct confrontation with Russia. This was soon reposted by both Western and Russian MSM. Former UK PM Boris Johnson said in a BBC documentary that Putin threatened him with missile strikes during a phone conversation just before the invasion: “He threatened me at one point, and he said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you but, with a missile, it would only take a minute' or something like that.”1 Peskov immediately called it a lie. We live in a world of kettles and pots pointing fingers at each other, and I, unfortunately, have to report on it all. ‘Wagner’ issued a propaganda video, calling for NATO soldiers, but primarily Americans, to “fight against the evil” and join their PMC2 (ChVK). The pandemic virus of idiocy has just mutated and became even more debilitating. Not only have Ukrainian kikes demanded F-16 fighter jets, but have already named the number of the planes they will need to win the war continue demanding more. They demand 180, “for starters”. 1

Quoted from the article “Ukraine: Boris Johnson says Putin threatened him with missile strike,” BBC, James Landale & William McLennan, 2023.01.30. 2 Private Military Company. 68

In other news: The “eggpocalypse” in the USA continues – Twitter account @amuse reports that a plant of the largest egg producer in the country burned down. A suicide bombing in Peshawar mosque resulted in at least 47 killed. 2023.01.31

342nd Day of the Prelude War

The attack on Vuhledar was more loudly acclaimed by Russian MSM than it ever was effective. According to ‘Strelkov’, the town is extremely awkward to attack – it is basically a pustule of soviet block apartments in the middle of flat, coverless plain. Russians employed Marine Infantry brigade against the town, but they only managed to advance to the edge of the town and were soon forced to retreat. Roman Sviton, a Ukrainian “military expert”, while speaking on Radio Svoboda, said that Russians currently suffer from a chronic lack of heavy military equipment. According to him, most of the action at the front is now conducted by pure infantry units. But he also said that Ukrainian intelligence expects that Russian MIC will have ironed out their production lines by the summer and start cranking out armour in significant numbers. So much for the “Russian economy will collapse any minute now”. In other news: Death toll of the Peshawar mosque attack climbed to 88. “23-Year-Old University of Arizona Swimmer Ty Wells Dies ‘Suddenly’.”, Jim Hoft, 2023.01.31. The latest hit from Biden the Pedo: “Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, they’re all connected!” “Swedish authorities prevent Torah burning incident in front of Israeli Embassy in Stockholm - Israel envoy. [...] A week after a Quran burning in Stockholm, Israel's envoy to Sweden said Tel Aviv and the local Jewish community had prevented a burning of the Torah, in coordination with Swedish officials.”, Anadolu Agency, 2023.01.27. 2023.02.01

343rd Day of the Prelude War

(((Zelensky))) intensified purges today even more. He announced “further measures against corruption” and messages about searches and arrests started 69

flowing in. The property of (((Ihor Kolomoyskyi)))1 was searched, as well as that of Arsen Avakov2. (((Kolomoyskyi))) is suspected in financial machinations with Ukrainian oil companies and Avakov was searched in connection with the crash of MoI helicopter in Brovary. SBU claims they have uncovered a massive ($1 billion) machination by (((Kolomoyskyi))) within Ukrnafta. Simultaneously, searches are being conducted in the Tax Revenue Inspection, under suspicion that there was a massive manipulation of regulations and tax evasion. More charges were levied upon the employees of Ukrainian MoD. Former Minister of Energy, Ihor Nasalyk, was charged with corruption. Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers fired the entire upper echelon of Ukrainian customs service. Sakartvelo President, Salome Zourabichvili, just dropped probably the most incredible piece of (((political))) absurdity. She demanded that once the war ends (and apparently Ukraine wins), Russian troop withdrawal from South Ossetia and Abkhazia must be included in the peace treaty. I don't even know where and how to start dissecting this utterly moronic statement. First, Ukraine has to win, which is as close to reality as Zourabichvili’s mind to the 1

Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi (born 13 February 1963) is an Israeli-Cypriot billionaire businessman, once considered a leading oligarch in his native Ukraine. In 2020, he was indicted in the United States, on charges related to large-scale bank fraud, and in 2022 was deprived of Ukrainian citizenship by President Zelenskyy. Many of Kolomoyski's assets, particularly ones that were strategic to the Ukrainian state in light of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, including his ownership of Ukraine's largest gasoline companies, were nationalized by the Ukrainian government in November 2022 (Wikipedia). Most famously, or infamously, he established and funded numerous volunteer battalions after hostilities with Russia started in 2014, most notable among them being ‘Aidar’ and ‘Azov’. 2 Ethnically Armenian, Avakov was first an engineer, but after the collapse of Soviet Union was among those who managed grab a “piece of life” for himself, becoming a bankster and an oligarch. “From 2014 to 2021 he was Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs, first being appointed in the first cabinet of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. He was reappointed to the same position in three successive governments, the last one being the Shmyhal Government formed in March 2020. His appointment caused massive protests in the country under the slogan "Avakov is the devil" (Wikipedia)”. 70

sanity. Second, after refusing to levy sanctions against Russia, send any aid to Ukraine or even verbally support them, she makes demands to profit from their victory? Every night I go to sleep, hoping I will wake up from this terrible nightmare of living in an insane asylum run by the patients. Yet, every morning I am disappointed and every day it is worse and worse. “Admiral Gorshkov” resurfaced on the news again. Western MSM write that “Gorshkov” conducted a simulated launch of Zirkon hypersonic missile off the East Coast of the USA. More sensationally inclined media claim that “Gorshkov” jammed American radars, phones and internet (presumably in the near area) for 34 seconds during this drill. Ukrainian MSM is bristling with talks about the “imminent” Russian offensive. Speculations run wild as to whence the main thrust will come. Belorussian vector is among the main talking points. My friend’s source XX XXXXXXX says that everyone is expecting the attack and everyone is wondering where it will strike. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X 1. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X: 1) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X; 2) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X, X X X X X; 3) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X;


“X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 71

4) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X; 5) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X; X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. Among the promised military help to Ukraine, the US are sending medium range (150km) missiles for HIMARS launchers. This will cross yet another “line in the sand” for Russia, but Putin seems to have taken example by Obummer and those lines meant very little after they had been drawn. In other news: “Tragic: Fully Vaccinated and Boosted 6-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly. On January 25, at the age of 6, Anastasia Weaver passed away unexpectedly in the Emergency Room of Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman, Ohio, surrounded by her family.”, Jim Hoft, 2023.01.31. “London Police Recruiting Illiterate Officers Who Can Barely Write English To Meet Diversity Quotas.” ZeroHedge, Twitter message, 2023.01.31. “Valerio Petterle: “Le Morti Improvvise Sono In Aumento” (Sudden deaths are on the rise).”, originally published in Italian La Verita newspaper, 2023.02.01. Russia “temporarily” renamed Volgograd back to Stalingrad and unveiled Stalin’s bust there. Putin is expected to review a parade there and give a speech.


PRAEPARATI SVPERVIVENT hose, who experienced the revelation about the true nature of current (((civilization))), often ask what is to be done. The lone man attacks against the shitskins a la Tarrant or Breivik, raise only more public sympathy for the invaders (through MSM manipulation, of course) and has even more deleterious effect of ZOG accelerating gun confiscation measures, thus making the situation even graver for the future resistance. When this is explained, the question of “what to do” becomes even more frantic, and it is understandable. To sit idly by and do nothing, while your nation is being erased from existence and even suffers New Age damnatio memoriae1, is agonizing. Well, we have to bear the unbearable, there is no alternative. Attacking shitskins is fighting symptoms and even attacking the kikes or ZOG institutions, at this moment, is futile, unless you are extremely well trained and absolutely desperate. To live a life of a lone wolf and be constantly hunted under a threat of capture, all the while your own people hate your guts, because MSM told them you are an evil terrorists, is not for everyone. Such Himmelfahrtskommando life is not usually acceptable even for those who are SEAL or SAS members. The level of psychological fortitude needed for it is extraordinary. For some, the “line in the sand” is being crossed even now, but everyone should strive to postpone such drastic action as long as possible, without sacrificing their integrity. So what can an ordinary man do? The answer is simple – get ready! One needs to know that “this too shall pass”. History does not follow a straight line; it is a spiral, despite what the ZOG wants or tries to implement. The cyclicality of history will eventually lead to an utter collapse of the current status quo with all the following consequences. People, who love their nations, should therefore prepare accordingly. The collapse will not be pretty; it will be brutal, as brutal as the war raging in Ukraine now and probably much more. People need to get ready for exactly that. 1

Damnation of the memory (Lat.) – practised by the government against their competition and opposition; it entailed erasure of a person from all public and official records, destruction of all his or her images. Most notable examples include Tiberius’ edict against Sejanus and Caracalla’s against his brother Geta. 73

As always, this is not going to be a comprehensive manual to survival, just some of my thoughts on the subject. There are tons of books going into all the details of survival skills, one only needs to look them up. What is the most important thing for survival? It is not a full pantry of food, nor is it the latest and the most expensive gadgets. The most important thing, and the most neglected, is knowledge and skills one needs to survive. Knowledge and skills do not rust, and moths don’t eat them, if I’m to use a christian metaphor. Knowledge and skills have no weight, require no room in your backpack, nor do they cost any money, especially these days, when the collective knowledge of the human race is a few keyboard taps away on the Internet. First, one needs to understand human physiology. Without going into extreme biology detour, it means comprehending that the basic needs of a human being comprise three simple things – water, food and warmth. Water. When it comes to water, three sorts of contaminants should be considered: chemical, biological and particulate. All three sorts must be guarded against, if taking water from natural sources (rivers, streams, lakes, open/shallow wells). Many people have but a vague notion about potablewater safety rules and it usually summed up as “boil it and it’ll be fine”. Others think (especially prevalent among the militaries) that you only need a pill to make it drinkable. Well, it isn’t that simple. Most common contamination is particulate, it is also the only one that can be assessed visually (though clear water does not mean “safe water”). Muddy water is, first and foremost, laden with fine particles suspended in the water. If it is simple clay, it won’t be harmful per se, but water is seldom contaminated by nothing more. And if we are talking about complete societal collapse, a possibility of radioactive particles being present in the water becomes nascent. In that case, even visually clear water can still be contaminated with microscopic dust which could be very harmful. Particles are removed from the water either through settling or by using particulate filter. Settling is unreliable, because it works only with the largest and heaviest particles, everything else can remain suspended even after days. Particulate filters vary in quality, price and effectiveness. The market offers 74

everything from high-end ceramic filters to make-believe chinesium1 crap, which can be so bad that DIY2 filter would serve you immeasurably better. As for the latter, one has to understand that they are good only for emergency use and are unable to filter out the smallest of particles. Still, knowing how to make it is essential knowledge; it can make a difference between a mild malady and death. Second threat in the water is chemical contamination. It is very serious issue, because outwardly, water could seem perfectly clean, yet it could put you out of action or even kill within hours. Furthermore, there is no cure-all for this sort of contamination. The only available method to remove as much of it as possible in the field is the use of activated coal filter. DIY particulate filter should always include activated coal, and as for store-bought varieties, they sometimes come with it, sometimes not, and you need to know what you have. The problem with chemical contaminants is that not all of the substances can be easily removed from the water with just the coal filter. Distillation is another good approach, but there are chemicals that evaporate with water ending up in the final product. Besides, distillation takes either too much time (when using solar evaporators) or requires fire and a setup, which is not always available. The only other filter that is able to make the water practically as pure as possible (removing both smallest particulates, chemicals and biological contaminants) is the reverse osmosis apparatus. Unfortunately, it is completely inapplicable in field conditions. Third, and the most prevalent, contamination in the natural water sources is biological. It concerns everything from parasites to bacteria and viruses. Only a small fraction of them could be filtered out with the good filters, usually it‘s the biggest buggers like parasites, amoebas and some bacteria. High-end filters should, at least theoretically, remove the viruses as well, but in a 1

A derisive slang for products coming from China. Tools, instruments, materials and everything else madein China have been of such horrid quality that people started saying that they must be made from “chinesium”. There have been indeed several items that I was unsure what they were made of – plastic or metal, or something in-between. 2 Do It Yourself – very widely used (and abused) term describing all sorts of implements and jigs made by the user. 75

survival situation, I would not be so keen to bet my life on the honesty and quality control of profiteering companies. If distillation was used against chemicals, the water is already safe, but if coal filter was used, you need to take care of the microscopic creepy-crawlies. The best known method for that is of course bringing the water to the boiling point and boiling it for at least 15 minutes. Militaries are issued iodine or chlorine pills for this purpose – if fire is inadvisable or impossible to make, these pills kill the biologicals in the water within 5-10 minutes. From my experience, these pills should be used only in the direst of emergencies, because the chemical decontamination agent remains in the water and kills your gut flora, when your drink it. This usually causes either constipation or diarrhoea and it could be just as bad as infection from untreated water. Restoring the gut bacteria cultures is also practically impossible in the field. An alternative for both boiling and the pills is the Ultraviolet (UV) irradiance. Sunlight is needed for that, and fairly strong. I would not bet my life on this method though; boiling is still the best and simplest way to achieve drinkable water. So, if one is in a pure survival mode, improvised particulate filter with an added activated coal layer and subsequent boiling should do the trick. If time and resources permit, distillation is a very good method taking care of all three problems at once (though I would put the water acquired this way through coal filter for good measure). The main thing to remember is that all natural water, regardless of how pure it looks, must be treated against these three categories of contaminants. Improvised filters and treatment do not provide 100% safe water, but give a large safety margin. Survival is a game of minimizing risks and those who bluff, usually end up as worm food. Food. It is a broad topic, too broad and too specific to even generally describe here. To secure this aspect of survival, you will have to possess knowledge of edible plants, fungi and animals in your particular area. You need to have at least some practical skills, like trapping, hunting, slaughtering, skinning, gutting and cooking as a minimum. Gardening, raising poultry and cattle, fermenting, salting, drying, smoking, and more, are needed to fully utilize 76

and preserve food resources. One advice I can offer – forget your previous squeamishness of the civilized life, it will get you dead from hunger and malnutrition. If you think that you would never eat frogs, snails or earthworms, then you are already standing in a queue to receive your Darwin Award. If you think you could never kill for food, then you’re already dead; just lie down and let the moss reclaim you! Another advice – always consider the energy you would receive from a food resource vs. the energy you will expend to acquire it. If the net result is negative – you are slowly killing yourself. It requires constant vigilance as to your situation, surroundings and environment. In some instances, gathering and hunting might be the best strategy, in others, gardening and settled survival is better. Boil the food whenever possible. Not only does it take care of possible bacterial infections, it also allows you to use 100% of the meat or vegetables you gathered – boiled solids plus the broth. Besides, boiled food is easier to digest. Digesting also takes energy – remember the energy net game! Get a pot as soon as possible and boil your food. Roasting a rat rotisserie style is a romantic nonsense, induced by stupid Jewlywood movies. Baking and roasting is luxury in survival; boiling and stewing is the way to go! A short aside on food contamination. Unfortunately, food is not water and can not be treated to make chemicals or absorbed radioactive particles go away. The only safety measure here is to either use food that was sealed before the possible contamination or play the game of minimizing risks. To do that, consider the food chain – animals at the top of the food pyramid, i.e. predators, are always the ones that acquire the most of the contamination. A sheep eats contaminated grass, a wolf eats several sheep. Avoid them! Even worse are the omnivores. Besides, these animals usually carry all sorts of nasties inside them, not just chemical or radiological contamination. As for the grass munching animals, avoid using bones and inner organs for the food, as these tend to accumulate most of the filth. This is a controversial issue, as the inner organs and bones make for very good eating and comprise up to 50% of the animal. So, throw it away only if contamination is plausibly suspected (which is a hard call in a survival situation, Geiger counter is a rare thing to 77

have and needs batteries to work). While on the same topic – do not use dead or sickly animals for food, under any circumstances! Even when the technogenic contamination is not an issue! You could kill bacteria and parasites by boiling the meat, but it will be laden with the toxins bacteria produced while decomposing the body. So, just don’t! Fire. Fire making skills come in tiers. First tier is making fire with all the gadgets civilization provides us. Don’t scoff, I can bet that 70-90% of current population of the developed world wouldn’t be able to build fire out in the forest with matches or a lighter, even if their lives depended on it. Basics of fire building are simple (and apply to ALL methods of fire building): a. Prepare before starting fire (gather everything you will need and assemble within reach, prepare fireplace); b. Start small and build up (fire starter, small twigs (kindling), thicker twigs, branches and only then thick wood); c. Use dead, dry and hard (not rotten) wood; d. Fire shall be respected or it will burn you or your possessions (always be mindful of fire safety). Practice starting fire with matches, lighter and other comfortable gifts of civilization. Once you mastered starting fire with them in all conditions (rainy, windy, snow, dark etc.), you will have the feel of how fire behaves and what works for it in terms of woods and materials. Next tier are survival fire starters. I relegate the survival matches to the first tier of fire building skills. These mostly comprise magnesium sticks, which can be shaved to make a pile of fire starter and then scratched with steel to produce sparks, lighting the shavings and producing hot flame. Practice using these to start a fire in all environments, until you are secure in your skill mastery. Third level is the improvised fire starting. It includes: chemical, electrical and sunlight/optical methods. All of these presuppose the availability of specific items produced by the civilization. Fourth and final tier is the primitive fire starting. There are several methods, but the only two practically applicable in my opinion are the stick and bow 78

method (a.k.a. friction method, which can be done in a number of ways – with just your palms, stroking or drilling, with bow or even with a “sophisticated” centrifugal jig) and the steel & flint. Stick method is of course the most practical and probably the least hard to learn. Steel & flint method is rather more difficult to use effectively without special spark catcher (e.g. charred linen), as the spark it produces is small and goes out quickly. Once you can start and build a fire with a stick, while it is damp and cold and your hands are numb, you can say you have mastered this element and it will serve you well even in the emergencies of the normal life. Survival in temperate and subarctic regions. Cold is an unforgiving enemy. There are multiple misconceptions about the cold and how to combat its effects. The most important thing to remember is that the body reacts to cold in a very logical way. As soon as cold becomes a problem, outer blood-vessels contract, blood itself thickens and it limits the blood flow, protecting inner, vital, organs. That is why frost bites affect extremities first and foremost. Only when that fails, hypothermia sets in and once that happens, your terminal clock starts ticking. That is why it is important to take action even before cold is felt. Naturally, the most important thing is the clothing. Contrary to common belief, dressing in very warm clothes is not the best approach. Layers, multiple layers of clothing are the remedy, as well as very active adjustment of the clothing to the level of the activity you are doing. Underwear is as important as a warm outer jacket; garments closest to the body must be effective at absorbing perspiration and removing it from the skin. Then, a couple of layers of moderately warm clothes and the very outermost outfit should be a windbreaker. As the snow-dwellers say – “if you sweat – you die”, therefore undress, if you are going to walk or do strenuous physical activity. If the weather is good, it is completely sufficient to have the undergarments and only a windbreaker on. However, as soon as you stop, you have to dress up, because the body will immediately start to cool when you cease to move. Second important consideration in winter time is that the “energy net game” becomes absolutely vital. Cold drink and food draws immense amounts of energy, because your body needs to warm it up before it is consumed. So don’t eat snow (especially yellow snow, XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX) and 79

always, if possible, drink and eat warm food. Best food for the winter is rich in fat, energy and warm, dietologists be damned. Always shit and piss, before you go to sleep, because storing all that mass within your innards, while sleeping in the snow, takes inordinate amounts of energy – all of it must be kept warm as part of your body. Next thing is of course physical activity. It pumps the blood and raises your body temperature. But remember about the energy and the sweat! If you have no good food reserve, you are burning your body to stay alive, bear that in mind. Consequently all the myths about treating hypothermia or frostbite victims are worse than that – most of them could kill instead of help. Blowing on your hands to warm them up only deposits moisture on the skin of both your face and your hands and the frostbite becomes more assured. As one X X X X X X instructor admonished one of X X X X X X X X X X X X X – “if you would piss yourself – you’ll be warmer, for a few seconds”. Rubbing the skin, or gods forbid, rubbing it with snow is very bad – it can damage the frost bitten epidermis, because it is already weakened by the cold. Giving alcohol is also out of the question – not only does it burden the body with removing the toxins of this legally addictive poison, but, while the blood thins and becomes more fluid, the blood vessels contract even further. Warming hands and feet is also pretty bad; the blood in them has thickened and micro clots formed there. Suddenly warming these parts widens the blood vessels and allows those micro clots to travel inward, which could cause serious problems. The proper procedure is to raise the core temperature and do it not too suddenly. Warm, energy rich drink, like cocoa, is best in this case. If the victim is unconscious the best way to warm him/her up is body-to-body warmth, despite what the prudes might be thinking (or the perverts snickering about). You can be puritan or alive, but not both, in this case. First aid. First aid comprises somewhat of a problem after SHTF – it is by design aimed at stabilizing the victim before more professional help can be provided at the hospital. When in WROL1 situation, there will be no hospitals, or they will be very scarce and of limited capacity. Consequently, most of the 1

Without the Rule Of Law. 80

first aid techniques will just prolong the inevitable. Still, knowing how to stop the bleeding, immobilize a bone fracture, or treat a gunshot wound is necessary to raise the chances of survival. Medical support becoming completely unavailable puts a requirement to acquire at least basic knowledge in surgery and other medical treatments. So, beside the usual first aid, one should delve much deeper into the field; a highly recommended book in that regard is Hugh L. Coffee’s “Ditch Medicine”. Herbal remedies will be needed, as all anaesthetics and antibiotics will run out in short order. Herbal knowledge is something that can not be learned overnight; therefore it must be started on as early as possible. First aid training among the population should be comparatively high, judging by the requirements for many jobs and even for driver’s license. However, the real situation is much worse. Hardly anyone is capable, has knowledge or has mastered the skills needed even for basic life saving measures. Among the Western people, a certain conditioning has also been prevalent for the past decades, admonishing against the use of first aid skills. If you tried to save someone’s life and anything went wrong, you would be liable in the (((court of law))) for the damages. To say that it was not conducive for the proliferation of first aid skills among the people is an understatement. All the chronically ill, who require constant medication in order to stay alive, will perish. E.g. the amount of work and knowledge required to produce insulin in post-SHTF situation is practically unachievable. Dental problems will be another matter that needs to be addressed. Drilling and filling being out of the question, the only solution that remains is the removal of the diseased tooth. Doing it with a pair of simple pliers isn’t the answer though, as it may crush the tooth or damage the healthy ones nearby. If possible, good tooth pliers should be acquired and used. There is nothing more to add on this topic, as it is very specific and requires extensive time and effort expenditure. Self-defence. I envy Americans, when it comes to this topic. The importance of the availability of both firearms and facilities to train with them can not be overstated. In Europe, most people would be in serious disadvantage, when it 81

comes to self-defence post-SHTF. The proverb “never bring a knife to a gun fight” will be extremely relevant on the Old Continent once the SHTF. And while a firearm could be obtained much more easily when the system collapses, it is not a magic wand – any weapon requires training, firearms being no exception. Training with it with limited ammunition is a rather dubious endeavour. This detrimental situation can be alleviated partially by spending time and visiting those few shooting ranges and training with the firearms provided by the range itself. A professional instructor, who would explain the intricacies of aiming, trigger control, breathing, reloading and otherwise handling the weapon, is a must. The cheapest way to acquire these skills (and many more beside) would be of course to enlist in the army. This bears the risks though, to be sent to fight in the ZOG’s wars. All I can say – caveat emptor1! While the more primitive weapons are scoffed at by the survival community (especially by the Americans) and should not be relied upon completely, they do provide some cushion in the situation. Weapons like bows and crossbows have an added utility in food procurement and a marked advantage over the modern firearms in the way of reusable and easily made ammunition. As for the knife, it is a survival tool first and foremost and a weapon only in the direst of situations. However, a knife is an essential part of survivalist’s equipment. I would even go so far as to claim that you need a good knife before a firearm! As for hand-to-hand skills, learning them definitely adds to your overall fitness, strength and agility, therefore it is a good investment. But one must understand that resorting to such defence means you have failed, because success in such scenario is very low. Even if you are a “black belt” in whatever martial arts you chose, numbers and weapons overcome even the most ninjalike skills with ease. Speaking of fitness, if anything is as important as weapons, tools and skills, it is overall fitness. In SHTF situation an ability to trek long distances, run, climb, lift etc. is among the foremost requirements. Preppers in the USA, who invest untold amounts of fiat on all possible survival gadgets yet can not walk 1

Buyer beware! (Lat.). 82

to the nearest goyslop diner without losing their breath, because they weigh 200kg, are a dime a dozen. Whether bugging out or in, doing E&E1, hunting, gathering or any other of the multitude of tasks that will fall on your head, good physical condition is needed for all of them. Orientation. A pretty much self-explanatory skill set, yet it has been going out of fashion in all spheres of society, even the military. The technology that was developed pushed the paper map and the compass skills out from the domain of orientation. Now, every idiot with a GPS gadget can find their way in a foreign terrain. This problem has grown to such proportions that even soldiers have no good training in working with the “atavistic” maps and “unprogressive” compasses. However, the technology fails us all too often, even in the normal times. There are anomalous areas, where electronic compasses go haywire or the GPS stops functioning as it should. The overindulgence in technological wonders has made us weaker and feebler of mind. The repercussions of this utter reliance on fallible electronics are even more evident, if we consider a system-wide collapse. GPS relies on a functioning network of satellites and sometimes on the mobile network towers. At the very least, the device itself requires electricity. Needless to say, those things are one of the first things to go (except the satellites, which are susceptible to only a certain types of SHTF: CME, HEMP, global war including anti-satellite warfare etc.). And last, but definitely not least, GPS devices work both ways, i.e. you get your position on the map, but those who operate the system also see where you are. So, start dusting off the almost forgotten art of reading the map, getting your bearings with compass, sun, stars and even nature signs. It is not as easy as it seems, maps age, landmarks change, magnetic field has anomalies and so on and so forth. Russians got to experience this first hand, when they invaded Ukraine on February 24. First weeks were fraught with confused maneuvers, lost soldiers, units and hilarious results thereof. And Russians were not as reliant on digital positioning systems as Westerners are! Other useful skills. Anything practical will be worth more than gold in SHTF. People having auto-mechanical knowledge and skills, manufacturing 1

Escape and Evasion. 83

(anything – pottery, metalworking, woodworking, tanning, etc.), engineering, energy production, in-depth medical knowledge, and many more, will be sought after. Primitive skills are very good to have, because they usually do not require prerequisites to work. Many people will find out that making a simple bow from scratch is not as simple as it might sound. String alone will present you with considerable challenges. Things one really needs to buy and have in the EDC1. I shat so much on buying stuff that this next part might look like hypocrisy. I do acknowledge that certain things are best bought, because the alternative is either too time and effort consuming or would be of inadequate quality and ergonomics. First and foremost, one needs a good knife. If you have to splurge on anything, I would do it on a good knife. Having said that, my own knife is probably one of the cheapest available – Mora2000. It has served me over 20 years now and never failed me. It is made of stainless steel with all the advantages and disadvantages thereof. There are other survival oriented knives that are much better and far more expensive. Each should decide for himself what suits him best. Try out cheaper examples, get a feel of what you need and don’t hesitate to spend money on this essential survival tool. It has been said before, but let me reiterate these advices, concerning what a survival knife should and shouldn’t be. A survival knife must be as comfortable and maneuverable as possible. Forget all the notions of “Rambo survival knife” that had been planted in our collective psyche by the jewlywood. A survival knife is a short knife; 15cm blade is a maximum such a tool should rarely reach. For me, 10cm blade seemed to be the most utilitarian. Second, survival knife must be sturdy. The tang must go through the handle. The blade must not have any serrations, narrowing of the blade or any features that compromise the strength of the blade. There is nothing more debilitating as losing your best tool in the middle of SHTF situation! All those empty handle “survival” knives, which have “survival kits” in the hollow, are worse than trash. They give the false hope of security for its owner and fail the very moment you need them the most. Not 1

Every Day Carry – a package or a rucksack (or merely carrying it on your person in the pant pockets or on the belt) that you have with you all the time. 84

to mention that the “survival kit” in them isn’t worth the materials that were spent making it. The question whether to choose carbon or stainless steel blade is purely preferential. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the hindsight, I would choose carbon steel now. Stainless steel is a pain in the back end to sharpen, even if it holds the edge slightly longer. The only true benefit of SS (stainless steel) is that it doesn’t rust. Thickness, on the other hand, is important. It is tied closely with the sturdiness of the blade and thus should be hefty. Another piece of equipment that also warrants serious investment is a good pair of marching boots. These days there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of various boots and you could lose your head trying to find the right brand. “New technologies” are widely employed in the manufacture of the most, yet in my humble opinion the old, tried and tested leather army boots’ approach is still holding its head high among the competition. German Bundeswehr boots of 2000 model are pretty good. Finnish and Swedish boots of around year 2000 make are superb. American models are good for summer, but not during the rest of the year. The eternal wisdom about the boots is that once you have a brand new pair, you need to break them in. Some advise to walk in the morning dew and then walk for the rest of the day to help the leather shape around your feet. I only ever did it the hard way – just marching couple of days in the new pair until both my feet and boots made peace and stopped giving heartache to each other. Maintenance of the boots is as important as choosing which brand to buy. There are no magic boots that will hold no matter how you abuse them. Always clean and oil your boots after day’s march! Rendered geese fat is perfect material to apply some additional waterproofing for the leather. Choose a good brand of shoe polish (hunting stores usually carry several of the brands) and before using it, melt its surface slightly; apply to the boots once it is only warm to the touch. Good socks are just as essential as good boots. So far I haven’t worn anything better and more resilient than Swedish woolen (winter) and cotton (summer) 85

socks. German ones are OK, but short lived. Commercial brands rarely amount to anything but single use items. A good thing to have on you, when marching, is a package of women’s sanitary towels (the absorptive kind, wide, thick ones). If a trek through swampy terrain is approaching, put them on the inner soles of the boots and it will help absorb the excess moisture. Baby powder is also good to have. Marching should not be done all in one stretch, but sectioned 100-10 or 120151 with longer rests for lunch. During these rest stops, you should take off your shoes, change socks, wash (if the circumstances allow it) and dry your feet and powder them before putting on the boots again. But all this is just an aside – you could perfectly manage without the towels and the powder. Just take care of your feet by airing them and drying them before continuing on your way. Well-made clothing is also a good sphere to spend your money on. The logic is that there are some things that are nigh impossible to substitute with primitive skills. Good waterproof, tear-resistant, windbreaker clothing is among the most practical things to acquire. There is a consistent debate among the survivalist whether military clothing should be used or should the survival-minded stick with civilian apparel exclusively. The basis for the “anti-military clothing” argument is that camouflage can bring unwanted attention in post-SHTF situation and evoke negative reaction from certain groups of people. Instead, the proponents of this line of thinking are proposing the “grey man” concept – to dress as unexceptionally as possible – to blend in, in other words. The argument certainly has its merits, in certain situations. Out in the boonies you will be far safer and more comfortable in military clothing. Good army field uniforms are both resilient and provide camouflage. Uniforms of the 90‘s are usually some of the best, as the experience in the military clothing from the Cold War peaked at that time and downsizing, corruption and outsourcing hadn‘t taken their solid grip on the supply of these items yet. Another thing to buy and always keep at your side is a magnesium firestarter, or, as it is sometimes called, fire steel. There are several versions of this tool. 1

100 minutes march – 10 minutes rest, 120 minutes march – 15 minutes rest. 86

Some incorporate a serrated blade-like bit joined by a chain to a bigger metal rectangle with a thin magnesium strip on the edge. You are supposed to shave off some magnesium and set it on fire with the spark by striking the metal rectangle with the serrated blade. These are inferior in my opinion to the other type, which is basically just a magnesium stick up to 5mm in diameter. When you need a fire started, you sharply scratch the stick with the knife and produce very hot, big sparks that will set on fire birch bark shavings or cotton wool soaked in petrolatum, or any other fire starting media. This type serves for a much longer period and is far easier to use, in my opinion. Next, a solid mess kit is also worth its weight in gold in the field. I haven’t seen anything better than Swedish 90’s type – a mess kit made entirely out of stainless steel. It is needless to say that it is far superior to those manufactured from aluminium. The alcohol burner included in the kit is a good thing to have, but unessential. The “pot” part of the kit allows you to cook the food either on such burner or just plainly on an open fire. The thing is so good that I bought three for my family and myself. The last thing that one absolutely needs to spend money on is an IFAK1. Variety in this department is also mind boggling, but as always, I would propose to find and buy military issue IFAKs instead of getting commercially available kits. American kits are pretty good I hear. Kikes make very decent stuff for their ZOG army as well. Make sure that it includes blood clotting agent, as it is rather vital to have. Suture kit should be also regarded as necessary in the IFAK. If a complete IFAK is unavailable, one could complement it from separate parts. And finally, I have to say a few words on the commercially available “survival kits”. 99 out of 100 of them are utter crap and a waste of money. It is usually a fancy box with all sorts of things that seem very handy in a survival situation. The reality is far from what is advertised. Companies stuff the cheapest possible items into those boxes and sell them for considerably raised price. It is far better to assemble the EDC survival kit yourself. And while you’re at it – test the things you put in the kit before finalizing the contents. This way you will not be unpleasantly surprised in the worst possible moment – when your 1

Individual First Aid Kit. 87

life depends on the box marked “survival kit”. There are myriad of variations of what could be included in it; however, it should be as compact as possible in order to fit in the inner pocket of your clothes. This kit should be what is called the last line of defence – even if you lose your rucksack (first line), belt or the vest (second line) the clothes on your back should have this little package, bearing the absolute essentials. So, whatever else you decide to put in it, a firestarter, small folding knife (Victorinox produce perfectly sized examples – 5cm in folded state), a condom or two (to be used as water container), and water purification tablets (for emergency use) should be included. OPSEC. Ending this lyric excursion into the topic unrelated to the chronicle, I must broach the subject of OPSEC. Originally, it was a military term meaning “Operational Security” – it concerns everything keeping the military activity secret from the enemy, including disinformation, communication blackout, security clearances etc. For a long time, this term has been used heavily by survivalists to denote the need to keep your damn mouth shut about the preparations you do for yourself and your immediate family. When SHTF, there will be millions of people trying to survive, most of them have never done anything to secure their survival before the disaster struck. And as soon as the people understand that it is YOYO1 situation, their memory will be jolted to remember anyone, who boasted of their full pantry, a bunker or any other sort of preparations. So, whatever you do, resist the urge to brag about it, even to your extended family, unless they can be trusted. And by trusted, I mean they also prepare and maybe even coordinate with you on the enterprise. As the WW2 adage goes – loose lips sink ships! 2023.02.02

344th Day of the Prelude War

One more example of just how much the world is upside down and mentally deranged – couple of months ago, Russian MSM were falling over each other, taking interviews from L&DNR soldiers and regular Russian troopers, who claimed that Ukrainians go into battle pumped full of drugs to the extent that they no longer feel pain or fear. And today, the exact same words come out from Ukrainian MSM, regarding ‘Wagner’ mercenaries at Bakhmut. 1

You’re On Your Own. 88

Ukrainian Deputy MoD Shapovalov, who was only recently fired from his position, has been arrested on the orders of the court. He was charged with corruption and appropriation of defence funds by procuring items for the MoD on gouged prices. Former Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection was charged with machinations concerning land. Ukrainian MoD and intelligence services are claiming that Russians have concentrated around 320 000 soldiers within occupied Ukraine and further 150-250 000 in reserves after the post-mobilisation training outside the borders. Putin, in his speech to an assembled crowd of militaries and Russian top honchos in “Stalingrad”, again made not-so-vague threats to use nuclear weapons in view of the coming deliveries of Western MBTs to Ukraine. In other news: “I might easily fill ten pages…with anecdotes concerning the life of Richard Perls. He was born a Jew, but he eventually abandoned Judaism, a religion that he had come to hate. One year before his death, which occurred, to the best of my recollection, in 1897, he said to me: “Herr Klages, the ancient world was destroyed by Judaism, just as the modern world is about to be!” When I voiced my skepticism as to the accuracy of his prophecy…he merely responded: “Just wait—you will live to see my prophecy fulfilled!””1 Ludwig Klages Hans Eggert Schroder, “Ludwig Klages, Die Geschichte Seines Lebens”. “Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter. Right down the drain so we can pay $7 per litre for milk.” Bushels Per Acre, Twitter message, 2023.02.01. Iran officially accused Israel of conducting the attacks on Isfahan (and other 1

All Ludwig Klages’ quotes were taken from The Occidental Observer. Emphasis in bold, if present, is mine. 89

places presumably, but it was not mentioned, as that would conflict with the official Iranian version of what happened on the night of 2023.01.28-29. 2023.02.03

345th Day of the Prelude War

A pro-Russian collaborator was blown in his car in Enerhodar. According to Nexta, he was working for Russian cops. Ukrainians claim that the mobile Internet has been disabled by the Russian authorities in the occupied zone, encompassing L&DNR. Allegedly, this is due to locals providing coordinates for ZSU artillery. Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~129 870 KIAs, 3 215 MBTs, 6 388 AIVs, 5 068 wheeled transports, 202 specialized vehicles, 2 215 artillery guns, 460 MLRS, 222 AA systems, 294 aircraft, 284 helicopters, 1 952 UAVs, 796 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Apart from the 14 Leopard-2 tanks, Germany is going to repair and refit 881 Leopard-1s and deliver them to Ukraine. More so, Germany intends to buy back 15 Flakpanzer2 Gepard; these will be sent to Ukraine as well. Today, pretty strange news broke in the USA. A Chinese high altitude surveillance balloon was sighted above the country. The storm on the Internet and the MSM was



proportions. The “inviolable” sky

American MSM tracking the Chinese surveillance/meteorological balloon. 1














Curious coincidence, as 1488 is considered a symbol of neonazi organizations. “14” signifies the 14 words – “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” by David Eden Lane. 88 represents two 8th letters of the alphabet, ergo HH – Heil Hitler. 2 Armoured AA vehicle, literally – AA tank; Gepard – Cheetah (Ger.). 90

what to do with the interloper. Today’s Pentagon bickered whether it should be shot down, fearing that the debris could hurt someone. Civilians ranged in their opinions from indifference to panic. Rumours that the balloon was carrying a nuclear EMP charge spread like wild fire. China played cool and declared that the balloon was merely a “meteorological probe, which strayed off course”. (((Antony Blinken))) cancelled his visit to China, Drumpf demanded the balloon to be shot down and Biden the Pedo simply ignored the question altogether. In other news: “To the Jew, everything human is a sham. One might even say that the Jewish face is nothing but a mask. The Jew is not a liar: he is the lie itself. From this vantage point, we can say that the Jew is not a man. … He lives the pseudo-life of a ghoul whose fortunes are linked to Yahweh-Moloch. He employs deception as the weapon with which he will exterminate mankind. The Jew is the very incarnation of the unearthly power of destruction.” Ludwig Klages “Rhythmen und Runen”, 1944. “Where’d the Eggs Go? Multiple Studies Show Egg Yolk Antibodies Block the Binding of Multiple SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Spike Protein Variants in BOMBSHELL REPORT.”, Howard Roark, 2023.02.01. One would be tempted to doubt the above mentioned altmedia article, but the author provided the link to the study: “Immunoglobulin yolk targeting spike 1, receptor binding domain of spike glycoprotein and nucleocapsid of SARSCoV-2 blocking RBD-ACE2 binding interaction.”, [collective of authors, mostly Hindus], 2022.09.28. So it would seem that the mystery behind the “eggpocalypse” has been solved. 2023.02.04

346th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainians struck fuel cisterns and a factory, which has been producing metal structures for Crimean Bridge in Belgorod region. According to Russian authorities, there were no casualties. A bit later, Shebekino came under fire again. I wonder whatever is there and why it draws so much Ukrainian fire. POW exchanges between Russia and Ukraine resumed again. Nexta says 116 Ukrainians and 63 Russians were returned. This is surely one of the strangest 91

wars in the history. The story with Chinese balloon had its closure today. Once it was done flying over the entire continental US territory and was over the Atlantic Ocean, USAF finally shot it down. As Americans say, the ball is now in China’s field. In other news: “[...] after waging war against mankind for more than three thousand years, Jewry has finally achieved total victory over all of the nations of the earth.” Ludwig Klages Hans Eggert Schroder, “Ludwig Klages, Die Geschichte Seines Lebens”. 2023.02.05

347th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~131 290 KIAs, 3 220 MBTs, 6 405 AIVs, 5 091 wheeled transports, 203 specialized vehicles, 2 226 artillery guns, 460 MLRS, 227 AA systems, 294 aircraft, 284 helicopters, 1 958 UAVs, 796 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. I asked my friend to inquire his contact X X X X X X X X X X about the alleged shortages of ammunition for Russian artillery. His answer came today; according to X X X X X X X X X X X X X, Russians are shelling their positions without let and, in his words – “sometimes using up two days’ complement”. If there is any shortage of the shells, he must have “missed” it. The habitual artillery strikes on the near front towns and villages on both sides. Russians targeted Kharkiv, Kherson region, Kramatorsk and others. Ukrainians struck Belgorod region again. Despite the initial reverse, Russians continue advancing on Vuhledar. Another Bakhmut in the making? Could be. On the other hand, Russians regained a considerable part of the territory lost during Lyman retreat near Kreminna, or so RYBAR claims. 2023.02.06

348th Day of the Prelude War

My friend sent me an interesting article, regarding Russian tactics in Kherson region prior to withdrawal. The premise of the article was Russian combat orders, allegedly captured in Kyselivka after their retreat. The only document 92

depicted in the article was “Action Schedule”, describing hourly progress of the planned assault on Blahodatne. The main takeaway from it was that Russians had no artillery fire coordination on the frontline. Infantry advanced and operated based on the time schedule of the barrages, pre-planned and rigid, just like it was done during WW1. No forward artillery observers, no CAS liaisons; everything was done utterly inflexibly. And even the surveillance drone, which was used in the operation, was not employed to correct artillery fire, but merely surveyed the results of the barrage. The article claims that documents do not mention any prior reconnaissance of the attack objective. The assault itself was then conducted by a Himmelfahrtskommando understrength company, whose only mission was to advance as far as possible. Once the Forlorn Hope ran out of steam, it was then replaced by the reserve group, which dug in at the reached positions and consolidated the gains. The described instance involved 3 T-72B3 tanks, 7 BMD-2s (the unit conducting the assault was Airborne Infantry1) and two platoons, involving 40-odd soldiers. The reserve group was 80 soldiers. In other news: A potent 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Turkey and Syria tonight. In the middle of the day it was followed up by another 7.7 magnitude shake, which was probably too strong to be called a mere “aftershock”. Hundreds perished and thousands of houses crumbled to dust, according to preliminary reports. When Erdogan addressed the nation, he said that 912 were killed and 5 300 injured. By the end of the day, the number of killed in Turkey rose to 1 498, in Syria – 461. Large train crash happened in Ohio, USA. Dozens of cisterns, carrying hazardous chemicals derailed and caught fire. Authorities are now planning to release the chemicals from the containers and organize a large evacuation of the surrounding areas. 2023.02.07

349th Day of the Prelude War

Moscow Times claims that “Kremlin ordered to prepare fallout shelters throughout Russia”. 1

The article noted that the unit has been fully refitted with BMD-4Ms before the war (around March 2020), thus drawing the conclusion that all of the more modern IFVs were destroyed prior to the action in Blahodatne. 93

Ukraine has a new head of SBU – Rada has just confirmed the candidacy of Vasiliy Malyuk. He takes the office after his predecessor Ivan Bakanov was fired by (((Zelensky))) in the previous year, when multiple treason scandals rocked the counter-intelligence service. Igor Klimenko replaced the previous Minister of Interior, who died in the helicopter crash in Brovary.

“A flag worth defending”, Svenska Dagbladet, 2021.08.01 (the rainbow has been co-opted to represent the faggots and other perverts).

An oil refinery is burning in Kstovo, Nizhegorodskaya region. The fires that plagued Russia started in NATO territory as well – a factory producing 94

drones for Ukraine burned in Latvia today. Der Spiegel writes that German government approved the delivery of 178 Leopard-1 tanks to Ukraine. In other news: The “eggpocalypse” continues: “Fire At New Zealand's Largest Egg Farm Kills 75,000 Hens Amid National Shortage.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.02.07. I would spit in anyone’s face, if they told me this is all just “coincidental”. The earthquake in Turkey and Syria claimed over 5 000 lives already and the number is believed to climb further. There were smaller earthquakes in most of the Mediterranean basin, as well as in Taiwan and Argentina. Is it connected with the stopping heart of the planet? And the “Headline of the Year” award goes to – “Taliban Bureaucrats Hate Working Online All Day, ‘Miss the Days of Jihad’.” (((, Matthew Gault, 2023.02.06. After reading this, I just can’t find it in me to hate the Taliban. Glorious bastards! “Charles Silverstein, who helped declassify homosexuality as illness, dies at 87.” The Washington Post, Emily Langer, 2023.02.07. I’m sure that he being a kike and doing a lion’s share in normalization of faggotry is a pure coincidence. 2023.02.08

350th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~134 100 KIAs, 3 253 MBTs, 6 458 AIVs, 5 112 wheeled transports, 211 specialized vehicles, 2 236 artillery guns, 461 MLRS, 228 AA systems, 295 aircraft, 285 helicopters, 1 961 UAVs, 796 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Another oil refinery burned in Russia today. NPZ “Resurs” (“Resource”, Ru.) in Rostov region caught fire, but it was soon put out by the firefighters. There’s a rumour circulating on the altmedia that the US armed forces are operating on DEFCON 2 level. There was no official confirmation of this, but the latest news about the Chinese surveillance balloons, Russo-Ukrainian War and other stirrings in the world indicate it could be true. ‘Wagner’ continues its advance on the flanks of Bakhmut. They have recently


captured Krasna Hora1 (Red Mountain, Ukr.), a settlement just North of Bakhmut, and crept up to the highway Slavyansk-Krasna Hora/Bakhmut. Simultaneously, Russians started attacking the frontline from Soledar up to Kreminna, because all the major supply routes2 to that sector have been cut off, when they took Krasna Hora. RYBAR’s situation maps are showing Russian controlled area on Kreminna sector now extending all the way to Zarichne (on the map dated 2023.02.05), though Ukrainians say they still hold positions just outside Kreminna. RYBAR also marked Bilohorivka as also

Situation on Kreminna sector according to RYBAR dated 2023.02.05, strongly contradicted by Ukrainian reports.

under Russian occupation, Ukrainians deny this too. On Bakhmut sector, 1

Reported by multiple pro-Russian sources and even unofficially confirmed by 2 Except from the railway, going between Slavyansk, Izyum and Siversk. 96

Ukrainians admitted retreat and show situation consistent with Russian claimed gains. In fact, shows Russians advanced even further than what RYBAR reports, with a far greater extent of territory captured North of Krasna Hora. In other news: “Something has been killing American young people in sharply rising numbers, but it's not vaccines.” Bloomberg, Twitter message, 2023.02.03, (emphasis in bold by me). “‘Fit and healthy people are dropping down with heart issues’: Karl Stefanovic blasts fifth booster call. Karl Stefanovic has shocked viewers by blasting the fifth booster shot recommendation, declaring he is “done with the vaccine”., Elena Couper, 2023.02.08. “There are multiple cracks in Atatürk Dam of Turkey after the massive earthquakes. Nearby area are being vacant [vacated?]. Experts warned that [the] dam may break [at] any time and flood may impact in 30 square kilometres area near tha[t] dam.” Baba Banaras, Twitter message, 2023.02.06. Sakurajima volcano in Japan erupted today. Death toll in Turkey’s earthquake reached 7 108. It seems that the suspicion about Earth’s core stopping could be true. “Nord Stream Sabotage Was CIA, US Navy Covert Op: Seymour Hersh1 Bombshell Prompts White House Response. [...] After conducting his own investigation into who sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines via a series of underwater blasts on Sept. 26, Hersh has concluded the United States blew up the Russia-to-Germany natural gas pipeline as part of a covert operation under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise. Hersh, relying on unnamed national security sources, describes months of discussions and backand-forth involving the Biden White House, CIA, and Pentagon. The report says planning was in the works all the way back to December 2021, with a special task force formed under the aegis of US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.02.08. The article goes on to describe how Norway played a helping hand in the operation by providing 1

A kike – “Hersh was born on April 8, 1937 in Chicago to Yiddish-speaking Lithuanian Jewish parents who emigrated to the US from Lithuania [...]” (Wikipedia). 97

naval assets and staging ground for the operation. Shaped C4 explosives were planted on the pipelines by the divers. These explosives were later activated by a sonar buoy dropped from a Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane. The story checks out with all the markers noticed by anyone who paid attention, yet I remain circumspect about the source, it being a kike. Some ulterior motive is still possible behind the story or the details within it. 2023.02.09

351st Day of the Prelude War

(((Zelensky))) is touring Europe in hopes to scrounge the support for deliveries of Western fighter jets. Yesterday, the scruffy kike visited the UK and even met with Charles III the Circumcised. Today, he’s getting Legion d’Honneur1 from another ZOG puppet – Macron of France. This is the second time that the Ukrainian kike left the country to kvetch for more hand-outs and gather the accolades. By now it is painfully clear that Putin intends to suffocate Ukraine by sheer numbers. He most probably aims for the Winter War scenario, where even the incompetent Russian Army ground Finland troops and forced the country to concessions. Attrition warfare is the lowest possible form of military tactics, yet it seems to be giving some results. There is a growing realisation in Ukraine that the war is bloody, it’s here for a long time and in the end, Ukraine doesn’t have comparable manpower reserves to withstand the unceasing slogging match with moskals. My friend turned my attention to the fact that NATO heightened surveillance activity around Kaliningrad region. They were always keeping tabs on Russians in this exclave, but today something unusual must have happened to trigger a far more extensive buzzing around the place. While the situation around Bakhmut continues to worsen with every day, Russian attack on Vuhledar is floundering. Ukrainians naturally report very 1

The National Order of the Legion of Honour (French: Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur), formerly the Royal Order of the Legion of Honour (Ordre royal de la Légion d'honneur), is the highest French order of merit, both military and civil. Established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, it has been retained (with occasional slight alterations) by all later French governments and regimes. 98

little from Bakhut sector, but gladly publish the pictures of another failed Russian assault on Zaporozhe front. ZSU released the footage and pictures of over 30 enemy armour burnt outside of Vuhledar. Most of them comprise T72s and BMP-2s and belonged to 155th Marine Infantry Brigade. Elon Musk is fretting about the probable escalation of the conflict in Ukraine to WW3. His Starlink company announced they will be restricting Ukrainian use of their satellite Internet connection for operating drones so as not to allow “offensive weapon use with their help”. Well, many would say that he shouldn’t try to prevent it. I will say that Elon can fret all he wants, but WW3 is coming (it is already here, in fact) regardless of his fears.

Several NATO surveillance planes flying missions around Kaliningrad exclave on 2023.02.09.


In other news: These past few weeks, a lot of chatter on the Internet is going on about the use of “AI”1 generated images, videos and voice recordings. The forgeries made by the algorithms became so good that they are starting to become believable. North Korea farts out new messages to stay relevant on the world stage. Kim Jong-un addressed the troops of his country and ordered them to “prepare for war”, just like Xi did some time earlier in his address to Chinese troops. The death toll of Turkey earthquake climbed over 16 000, with more than 64 000 injured. Syria reports 2 992 dead. “Teen Steps in to Prevent Rape of 13 Year Old Girl: Alleged Attacker is Migrant with 11 Prior Convictions. A 49-year-old Algerian migrant with a series of criminal convictions was arrested after a teenager stopped him as he was allegedly trying to rape a 13-year-old girl in a suburb of the French city of Bordeaux.”, Chris Tomlinson, 2023.02.09. “Australia’s left-wing Labor government has announced the appointment of a new international Ambassador for Gender Equality.”, Simon Kent, 2023.02.09 (emphasis in bold by me). 2023.02.10

352nd Day of the Prelude War

Pro-Ukrainian MSM are starting to say that Russians are concentrating their forces on Svatove sector, implying that the main offensive could come from that direction. Ukraine came under another missile barrage. Hits in Kharkiv, Kiev, Krivyi Rih, Khmelnitsky, Lviv, as well as in Odessa, Poltava and Kirovohrad regions reported. ZSU claims to have shot down 61 out of 71 missiles and 5 Shahed drones launched at Ukraine. reports multiple artillery barrages outside of the active front in the South and East. All regions, bordering Russia, came under artillery fire. Russian drone hit a bridge in Odessa region. If anything, this looks like an opening salvo of a new massive offensive. ZSU representatives say that their lines come under constant probing attacks by Russian squads, trying to find 1

The “Artificial Intelligence”, which is a complete misnomer, since it is merely a set of algorithms, written by humans. 100

weak spots for exploitation. According to, Ukrainians responded with multiple strikes against Russian Air Force base near Melitopol. ‘Strelkov’ says that their forces have captured Dvorichne in Kharkiv region. He claims that it is far from the active front, deep in Ukrainian territory and was taken by an attack from Russia proper, thus drawing the conclusion that the “great Russian offensive” has begun. To the best of my knowledge, Russians kept control of that part of the Kharkiv region even after Lyman operation. Dvorichne was recaptured by Ukrainians, but they never advanced any further to retake that small NE corner of Kharkiv region. I have no idea what prompted ‘Strelkov’ to say that.1 In other news: Moldovan government resigned, citing lack of domestic approval. The number of killed people in Turkey continues to rise – the latest tally claims 18 991 died, with over 75 000 injured. USAF shot down another high altitude object. No more details were provided except that the object was “roughly the size of a small car” (but hasn’t been identified as a balloon) and was engaged and downed off the coast of Alaska, within US air space. Apparently, Biden the Pedo himself gave the order to shoot down the object. “Suspended and Arrested: High school student asserts there are only "two genders”. Josh Alexander, was suspended from St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario. The teen asserted in class that there are only "two genders”, which offended some trans students and he was suspended and then arrested when coming back to the school. Toronto Sun, Postmedia News, 2023.02.09. 2023.02.11

353rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~136 880 KIAs, 3 267 MBTs, 6 474 AIVs, 5 134 wheeled transports, 214 specialized vehicles, 2 270 artillery guns, 463 MLRS, 234 AA systems, 295 aircraft, 286 helicopter, 1 997 UAVs, 857 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Ukrainian MSM are now speculating that “die große Offensive” will fall on 1

Next day, he admitted that the news and his reaction were “premature”. 101

Kharkiv region, because of all the artillery strikes on the border areas. And since The New York Times wrote the same, it is now practically a “done deal”. The barrages in Chernihiv and Sumy regions add to the speculations. All it is so far is just hot air by the so-called “military experts”. Russians claim they have taken control of the Western outskirts of Vuhledar, Ukrainians keep saying they are destroying Russian attacks “in their dozens”. The assault on Bakhmut is still ongoing as well. Ukrainians shelled Shebekino in Belgorod region again. What the hell is in that town?! Western MSM claim that China has decided to expand their nuclear arsenal from ca. 400 currently owned to 1 500 by 2035. In other news: French are massively protesting against the raising of the age requirement for pension. But, as it always is with the (((democratic))) systems – people will protest, vent their anger and finally accept the inevitable decision of the ZOG. The number of the killed in Turkey after the earthquake is nearing the 25 000 mark. In a sad and ironic moment, Armenia sent a humanitarian convoy to help relieve the consequences of the disaster. Turks genocided Armenians after WW1 and gleefully bombed them with drones just two years ago only to receive help from them now.

Apocalyptic picture of the toxic plume, which was intentionally released after Ohio train crash.


After ZOG authorities released the toxic substances from the crashed train cisterns in Ohio, MSM stopped reporting on the incident. Altmedia is screaming that flora and fauna is dying in the path of the plume, showing videos of dead fishes and other animals. There were even reports that ZOGbots were arresting altmedia journalists, who were trying to inform the populace of the dangers. 2023.02.12

354th Day of the Prelude War

CNN published an interview with two POWs from ‘Wagner’ group, who were captured late last year. The interview was focused on their account of how ‘Wagner’ commanders were shooting anyone, who failed to accomplish the mission. The two captured mercs also told how they were thrown against Ukrainians in WW1 style human waves. According to them, out of the initial troop of 90, 60 were killed in the very first assault, mostly by Ukrainian mortar fire. Important note though – both of them are convicts, conscripted from the jail by (((Prigozhyn))) himself. Their story fits with the earlier Ukrainian accounts, regarding the manner, in which convict penal battalions are used in the war. In other news: Another “unidentified object” was shot down over Canada. ZOG puppet Trudeau consulted with Biden the Pedo and allowed USAF to fly the mission over his country. This time the object was “cylindrical”. In fact, all day today there were messages of “unidentified objects” in the US skies. It starts to look like a classical “Oh look, it’s a squirrel!” PSYOP. The only thing I don’t know is what exactly they are trying to divert our attention from. “A judge in Nova Scotia ruled that all black criminals in the province will have their sentence automatically reduced because of their pigmentation. Now, that ruling is going nationwide. Every black criminal in Canada will have their sentence mitigated.” Karlstack, Twitter message, 2023.02.11. 2023.02.13

355th Day of the Prelude War

US embassy in Russia issued another travel advisory for its citizens to avoid itineraries to this country “due to the unpredictable consequences of the unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces [...]”. ZSU has closed Bakhmut for civilian access. The town is semi-encircled and the situation is extremely precarious. Ukrainians will probably try to hold on 103

as long as possible, just like they did with Severodonetsk and Lysychansk, which always bears the possibility of being eingekesselt1. Needless to say, it is a very risky endeavour with minimal (mostly political) returns. According to Ukrainians, Russian 155th Marine Infantry Brigade was practically wiped out, trying to assault Vuhledar. The column, which was destroyed en route to the town, drove first into an extensive minefield and was then hit with artillery, corrected by the UAV. Meanwhile, the Western militaries get a taste of what ammunition expenditure is like in a conventional medium scale (compared to WW2) war. The Washington Post quoted Stoltenberg of NATO as saying that Ukraine is using more ammunition than NATO is able to supply them. ZSU denied the previous declaration by (((Prigozhyn))) that Krasna Hora has been captured. According to Ukrainians, the battle for the town is still ongoing. This could be true as the capture was announced at least two times – first on 2023.02.08 and a day or two later by (((Prigozhyn))). Mercenary War 2.0 keeps on providing more dehumanization stories. ‘Wagner’ released another video of an execution with a sledgehammer. The story is exactly the same as the first one – a convict joined the PMC, surrendered to Ukrainians and somehow ended up in the hands of wagnerites. Some MSM raised the question whether the video is genuine. Moldovan President, Maia Sandu, accused Russia of plotting a coup d'état in her country. This coup would allegedly involve “protests by the so-called opposition” and ultimately would “overthrow the constitutional order”. What I have concluded months ago starts to seep in through the MSM only now. Namely, that the World War 3 has already begun – French historian Emmanuel Todd said exactly that in an interview for Le Figaro. Hungarian MoFA Szijjarto Peter visited Belarus today, as he said “to find ways for peace in Ukraine”. Ukrainian and Western MSM practically called the visit an act of collaboration with the enemy. Ukrainian MSM went further and hurled a salvo of all sorts of insults on Hungary and its government.


Surrounded (Ger.). 104

In other news: Fish, cattle and pets are dying 100 miles1 away from East Palestine, Ohio, where the train with vinyl chloride crashed and the toxic substances were released by the “response” team. Around 100 000 gallons2 of that toxic shit was on the train cisterns. Media blackout on the matter continues in the USA, despite people raising tumult on (((social media))). The “squirrel show” of unidentified objects goes on as well – USAF released pictures of one of the objects. An octagonal UFO was shot down over Lake Huron. USAF General Glen VanHerck poured even more fuel on the fire by refusing to rule out the possibility of ET3 origin of the objects and adding that the propulsion system of the flying thing was not immediately recognizable. The matter is made even stranger by the claims that there was no debris from the UFOs. In a move obviously meant to garner even more attention and speculations, a female baboon, acting as the press-secretary of the White House, denied any possibility of the extra-terrestrial origin of the objects shot down. She said, and I quote, “there is no — again — no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns”. Tail wags the dog4. 0005J (2023.02.14) Messages on Twitter report of another train derailment in Enoree, South Carolina. 2023.02.14

356th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~139 080 KIAs, 3 286 MBTs, 6 500 AIVs, 5 155 wheeled transports, 218 specialized vehicles, 2 299 artillery guns, 466 MLRS, 234 AA systems, 298 aircraft, 286 helicopters, 2 011 UAVs, 857 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. According to Nexta, the US officials informed their Ukrainian counterparts that long range (300km) ATACMS missiles for HIMARS launchers can not be 1

160.934km. 37 8541.18l. 3 Extra-Terrestrial. 4 A reference to an American movie “Wag the Dog” (1997), which portrays how the policies function in the real world – a conjured kabuki theatre, meant to distract the sheeple from the disgusting things done by the perverts in power. Though it is presented as a sarcastic comedy, the real world parallels are uncanny. 2


delivered, because their stocks are insufficient. They further explained that sending any of these missiles from the existing stocks would compromise the combat preparedness of the US Armed Forces. Norwegian intelligence claims that Russian missile submarines started going out on combat patrols in the Baltic Sea, bearing tactical nuclear weapons for the first time in 30 years. First Moldova, and later Romania, caught an unidentified UAV on their radars within the airspace of the respective country. Moldova has even enacted a brief no-fly order because of this. Breaking911 Twitter account reported that NATO (most probably American) fighter jets intercepted 4 Russian aircraft, operating inside Alaskan Air Defence Zone. Again, it must be said that ADIZ (Air Defence Identification Zone) does not mean the sovereign airspace: “An air defense identification zone (ADIZ) is the airspace of a country plus an additional wider area over land and water in which a country tries to identify, locate, and control any civil aircraft in the interest of national security. They are declared unilaterally and may extend beyond a country's territory to give the country more time to respond to possibly hostile aircraft. The concept of an ADIZ is not defined in any international treaty and is not recognized by any international body.” (Wikipedia) As can be seen from the description of ADIZ, it is an arbitrary term and is clearly used to evoke emotions of “imminent danger” without any legal basis. In other news: “Encourage women to smell their poop to be more inclusive to Trans women. Some women have a hole where their penis used to be, and that hole often shares microbiome with the colon—creating a distinct transitioning odor. [...] Yes, we are sincerely asking all women to please spend more time smelling their poo during bathroom breaks from here on out.” (((, (((Jamey Braunstein))), 2022. “To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast.” The Wall Street Journal, (((Gabriel T. Rubin))), 2023.02.14. We are reaching kike chutzpah levels never seen before. They are slowly starving their host nations with fiat inflation, hidden inflation, chemicals in the food, pre-planned famine and other tricks, 106

all the while cackling at our faces and rubbing their hands in glee. “A Yale Professor [Yusuke Narita] Suggested Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan.” The New York Times, Motoko Rich & Hikari Hida, 2023.02.12. A spate of technogenic “accidents” overtook the USA. A pipeline leak was reported in Nevada, where a state of emergency was declared because of it. Another train derailed near Houston, Texas. This one involved “hazardous materials” as well. One is accident, two is coincidence; three is already a trend. Just as with fires in Russia, these start to resemble a pre-planned campaign of sabotages. The undeclared WW3 just escalated. EUssr Parliament has voted to ban diesel and petrol cars from 2035 onward. The mental retardation has arguably reached the peak. I guess the people in subarctic and arctic regions will have to go back to dog and reindeer pulled sledges, because no fucking electric car will survive that climate. Even here in Lithuania, I quake imagining the entire country driving those Tesla shitmobiles once the winter hits slightly harder. Apropos








(Environment Protection Agency) published a report, calling for the destruction of 30% of country’s cattle stock, by incineration. Erdogan voiced the updated death toll of the earthquake – it has now reached 35 418. 2023.02.15

357th Day of the Prelude War

Netherlands and Denmark reversed their decisions to deliver Leopard-2 MBTs to Ukraine, according to Radio Svoboda. Instead, they propose to pay for the servicing of the tanks that will be given to Ukraine by others. Maybe someone is starting to see that stripping their own defences in the face of Historical Winter is not the best of ideas. Ukrainians are still holding Bakhmut, but the situation around the town is continuing to go badly. ‘Wagner’ pushes on the creeping encirclement. EUssr adopted 10th sanction package against Russia, but it will be implemented on 24th of Ferbruary, i.e. on the very anniversary of the invasion. It turns out, EUssr will stop the trade of electronics, essential for drone production. Really? After a whole year of claiming that “we have put 107

crippling on










Russia? I rest my case. It’s the same story as with oil and gas, which, by the way, are still flowing from





Ukraine (!) despite the “war”. Another example of (((Solovyov’s))) son, demonstrating the deep-seated traditional values of the Russian “elites”.

the kind of people behind


“traditional” vision of contemporary Russia – (((Solovyov’s))) spawn is living in the UK (which is, in itself, rather telling about the level of kike’s “patriotism”) and some of the pictures he was making as a “male model” just surfaced. The kvetching from (((Solovyov))) was deafening; he even said that his son is actually very pious and all of this is just a smear campaign. Sure, current picture editing programs are capable of producing practically perfect fakes, but knowing the nature of the kikes, I reckon it is safe to say “methinks the parasite doth protest too much”. BBC reports that UK’s Minister of Defence, Ben Wallace, said that 97% of Russian Army is currently in Ukraine. Something very wrong went down between MI6 and Mr. Wallace; either he misread the report of the foreign intelligence service, or British spies have completely flunked their classes. What happened to the rest of Russian ground forces? Where did the conscript army go? Not even Russians would as dumb as to pull practically all their forces into SE Ukraine. What about the Far East? Kaliningrad? Western borders with NATO countries Latvia and Estonia? This estimate just can not 108

be serious. In other news: “Belgian goalkeeper Arne Espeel [25yo] died after he collapsed on the pitch while he was in action for Winkel Sport B against Westrozebeke just seconds after he had saved a penalty.”, Dominic Hogan, 2023.02.14. “Resurfaced videos from 2019 shows Turkish president bragging about builders skirting earthquake construction codes in areas now turned to rubble.”, Mia Jankowicz, 2023.02.14. 2023.02.16

358th Day of the Prelude War

Russia launched another missile salvo at Ukraine tonight. 32 in total, 16 of which were shot down, as claimed by the ZSU. Ukrainians answered with a UAV attack on Sevastopol.

Situation around Bakhmut according to RYBAR on 2023.02.15.

Ukrainian regions bordering with Russia, but not part of the active military front, have been shelled again. shows hits from Yanzhulivka 109

in Chernihiv to Rublene in Kharkiv. This now looks more like an intentional misdirection and pressure on Ukrainian High Command to keep troops from reinforcing the front, than an actual preparatory barrage before an all-out attack. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the kikeland visited his brethren in Ukraine today. EUssr is set to ban the sale of toilet bowls, bidets and other related equipment to Russia on the anniversary of the invasion. Truly, the Russia is doomed now! Russia expelled 4 employees of the Austrian embassy in response to Austrian side doing the same for some Russian “diplomats” suspected of espionage. Putin is set to address the nation on February 21. As always, this news prompted a storm of speculations on the Internet and as always, I expect it to be as repetitive, boring and devoid of content, as all previous Putin’s speeches were. WarSpotting Twitter account posted a breakdown of Russian losses near Vuhledar. According to the post, which is far from official, Russians lost 33 MBTs (5 destroyed, 1 captured, 26 abandoned, 1 damaged), 33 IFVs (22 destroyed, 10 captured, 1 damaged), 4 engineering vehicles (3 destroyed, 1 abandoned) and 1 wheeled transport. While the battles rage on in Vuhledar, around Bakhmut, Avdiivka and near Kreminna, Ukraine and Russia exchange POWs again. Can it be called anything but an intentional meat grinder, designed and planned for the biggest loss of life on both sides? Why would Russians care to do this with their “sworn enemy”? There is no benefit for Russians to do that – they have far bigger manpower pool and every Ukrainian captured is one less fighting against them on the front. And yet, the exchanges continue. In other news: “Two doctors or health care workers play with aborted fetuses, for their own entertainment. They use the dead babies as dancing puppets while they beatbox1.” Stew Peters, Twitter message with an attached video (which I didn’t watch, for obvious reasons), 2023.02.16. I dare anyone to say 1

Nigger manner of performing “music” by imitating drums with the mouth. 110

that this sort of (((civilization))) deserves to survive! Another train derailed in the USA (Van Buren township, on Huron River Drive, between Martinsville and Haggerty Roads). Massive fire broke out in a warehouse full of “plastic plant pots” in Kissimmee, Florida. We can safely assume now that this is part of similar sabotage campaign as the one progressing in Russia. 2023.02.17

359th Day of the Prelude War

‘Wagner’ keeps nibbling at Ukrainian positions. (((Prigozhyn))) announced that his forces have captured Parakoviyivka – a small settlement on the other side of Bakhmutka river opposite Krasna Hora. At this rate, the classical encirclement shouldn’t materialize, unless Ukrainians experience a complete brainfart and stay too long in the endangered positions. In other news: Massive unrest in Lebanon, after local ZOG puppets decided to fleece the populace and restricted the withdrawal of cash from the bank accounts. Similar situation is developing in Nigeria, where the old fiat has been declared defunct and severe cash shortage ensued. Biden’s administration denied Ohio’s request for disaster assistance. Apparently, “what East Palestine needs is much more expansive than what FEMA can provide”1. 2023.02.18

360th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~142 270 KIAs, 3 303 MBTs, 6 533 AIVs, 5 196 wheeled transports, 223 specialized vehicles, 2 326 artillery guns, 469 MLRS, 243 AA systems, 298 aircraft, 287 helicopters, 2 016 UAVs, 871 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Lukashenko is visiting Putin again. Speculations are flying wild as usual, especially with the nearing anniversary of the war in mind. Fire was reported in a warehouse in Kiev, for a change. The cause was not mentioned in the MSM. Russian chmobiki continue to whine about being used as cannon fodder in published videos. Whole units record public demands for “justice” and request relocation away from the frontlines. The theme is always the same: 1

As the refusal was later explained by the White House talking heads. 111

“we do not refuse to follow orders, but we were told we’ll be doing rear area duties or territorial defence activities in the regions where we live; instead, we were thrown right into the meat grinder without any proper training”. Most of them end up arrested and investigated by Russian MP1. In other news: “Tragedy as 12-year-old boy collapses and dies at football practice, after waiting over 30 minutes for an ambulance when NOBODY knew CPR2.”, Will Potter, 2023.02.17. Not only is this one of the countless “sudden & unexplained” examples, it also confirms my claim about the sorry state of public first-aid knowledge in the survival chapter. “1984” is here: “Roald Dahl3 books rewritten to remove language deemed offensive. Augustus Gloop now ‘enormous’ instead of ‘fat’, Mrs Twit no longer ‘ugly’ and Oompa Loompas are gender neutral. [...]Hundreds of changes were made to the original text – and some passages not written by Dahl have been added. [...] In The Witches, a paragraph explaining that witches are bald beneath their wigs ends with the new line: “There are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.” [...] Gender-neutral terms have been added in places – where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’s Oompa Loompas were “small men”, they are now “small people”. The Cloud-Men in James and the Giant Peach have become Cloud-People. Puffin and the Roald Dahl Story Company made the changes in conjunction with Inclusive Minds, which its spokesperson describes as “a collective for people who are passionate about inclusion and accessibility in children’s literature”.” The Guardian, Hayden Vernon, 2023.02.18 (emphasis in bold by me). I suppose we can all easily guess the ethnic and religious composition of the entities directing that “collective”. “19-year-old becomes youngest ever diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. A memory clinic in China has diagnosed a 19-year-old with Alzheimer’s disease, 1

Military Police – same shit as the civilian counterpart – the lowest form of life, regardless of the country of origin. 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 3 Roald Dahl (13 September 1916 – 23 November 1990) was a British novelist, short-story writer, poet, screenwriter, and wartime fighter ace of Norwegian descent (Wikipedia). Most famous of his works are “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (1964) and “Matilda” (1988). 112

making him the youngest person in the world to be identified with the condition. Neurologists at Capital Medical University’s Xuanwu Hospital in Beijing say the patient’s brain showed early signs of the neurodegenerative disease, including memory loss, hippocampal atrophy and shrinkage.”, Swikar Oli, 2023.02.16. 2023.02.19

361st Day of the Prelude War

‘Wagner’ continues to blame Russian Armed Forces for not providing artillery ammunition. Lately, ‘Wagner’ aviation (yes, this PMC even has their own CAS aircraft) tried to put more presence over the battlefield. Even (((Prigozhyn))) himself filmed a short video in a cockpit of one of their ground attack aircraft and boasted that he has just participated in a combat mission. Soon after, Ukrainians claimed they shot down at least one of these planes and Russian aviation retreated behind the frontline again, launching their payload from a considerable stand-off distance. ‘Wagner’ losses were colossal after the latest advances; British intelligence services estimate their KIAs in tens of thousands. The attacks of the South and North pincers around Bakhmut have ground to halt, at least for now. ‘Strelkov’ reports considerable diminishing of combat activities on all the major hotspots on the front – Avdiivka, Bakhmut, Makiivka and Vuhledar. He also writes that the springtime rasputitsa is rapidly approaching. According to his estimate, Russian ground forces have a shrinking window of 10-20 days to do their “Great Offensive”, before the ground turns into quagmire. ‘Strelkov’ concludes that such a window is not wide enough for anything serious. Besides, after the disastrous attempt at assaulting Vuhledar, he thinks that Russian forces are incapable of any large scale advance. In other news: Kikes launched a missile attack against the centre of Damascus. While others are sending help to relieve the suffering caused by the earthquake, kikes are sending missiles. Of course, the target, despite being an apartment building, was said to house “terrorists”. 2023.02.20

362nd Day of the Prelude War

Biden the Pedo is arriving in Europe. The rumour is that he will be visiting Kiev as well. There are reports that the centre of Kiev has been locked off for civilian traffic with the consequent implications. There is also heightened 113

USAF activity on the Polish border with Ukraine, indicating that something out of ordinary is going on. 1203J Nexta published a picture of Biden the Pedo with (((Zelensky))) in Kiev, thus confirming the rumour. During his visit, ‘Sleepy Joe’ promised more than 700 MBTs 1 000 IFVs, 1 000 artillery systems, 2 000 000 rounds for artillery, 50 rocket artillery systems, anti-ship, anti-air systems and over $500 000 000. There is an inherent irony in the fact that Biden the Pedo hasn’t even acknowledged the disaster in Ohio, let alone visited the stricken region, but it is lost on the people with two minute attention span. A point of interest – Americans announced the visit to Russians in a closed communiqué and proceeded with it only after receiving an assurance of safety for the paedophile-in-chief. Another point of interest – when Biden was walking through Kiev with (((Zelensky))), air raid warning sounded in the background. Western MSM quickly caught this moment, praising the senile paedophile for his bravery in visiting the country at war. One small catch – there was no missile or other air threat (as per agreement between Russians and Americans). Who ordered this is sham unclear, but the fact remains – the whole theatre was staged. ‘Wagner crept forward some more to the North of Bakhmut. RYBAR claims they have taken some terrain around Berkhivka and even a small section of Bakhmut proper. New Moldovan Prime Minister, Dorin Recean, expressed the determination of his government to “demilitarize” Transnistria and expel Russians therefrom. Of course, the only way this can be done is a direct military action, albeit he didn’t say that1. Russian TV started showing countdown to Putin‘s address to the Federal Assembly, which is basically the same as a speech to the nation (and technically was supposed to be done at the end of the last year). There were even billboards put up in the cities, urging to tune in. It is made to look like as if he is going to announce a nuclear jihad against the West. But, knowing Putin, it will be the same old shit, maybe in slightly different words. 1

He did comment later that Moldova is determined to use only “diplomatic means”. I would like to see such methods achieve this goal. 114

Situation in the immediate vicinity of Bakhmut according to RYBAR on 2023.02.20.

In other news: “Spain decriminalizes sexual relations with animals as long as there is no physical injury that requires a veterinary visit.”, Mister Retrops, 2023.02.19. Another earthquake was reported on the border between Turkey and Syria. It measured 6.4 on the Richter scale. 2023.02.21

363rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~144 440 KIAs, 3 326 MBTs, 6 562 AIVs, 5 210 wheeled transports, 226 specialized vehicles, 2 338 artillery guns, 471 MLRS, 243 AA systems, 299 aircraft, 287 helicopters, 2 023 UAVs, 873 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. An explosion tore apart I. Schuman & Co. metals plant in Ohio, US, injuring 14 workers. This happened just 70 miles1 from East Palestine, where one of the largest toxic disasters happened this month. American infrastructure has 1

112.654km. 115

been in a sorry state for some time, but just as with Russia, I just can’t ascribe all the incidents in such a rapid succession at this particular geopolitical moment to a mere accident. Dutch military intelligence claims that Russian Special Services are planning to attack critical Western infrastructure, like underwater cables, electric wind farms and gas & oil pipelines in the North Sea, according to OSINTdefender Twitter account. Pro-Western MSM have picked up a next topic for ridicule. Putin now travels only by the way of an armoured train apparently, so every “journalist” sees it as his duty to go on and compare Putin with Kim Jong-un. 1253J Just as predicted, Putin’s speech was reiteration of all the previous talking points. It was as boring as I expected and I managed to suffer only through half of it. “Economy is growing, we are strong, SVO will continue as planned, we will win because we fight against neo-Nazis and the truth is with us.” And of course, the obligatory, but carefully cherry picked, examples of the degenerate paradigm in the West. The only truly relevant point he made was the announcement of Russian moratorium on their participation in the treaty of offensive nuclear weapons1. ‘Strelkov’ echoed my thoughts about Putin’s address: “It seems that if Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] is fated to deliver another speech (on the results of the current year) [to the Federal Assembly], the audience will have to be lured with far more radical measures. For example – herd all government employees in an organized manner to watch the screens [TV] under control by MoI and Prosecutor’s Office; as for the rest, they’ll have to be offered 1

As I understand it, it must concern the “New START” treaty: “New START (Russian abbrev.: СНВ-III, SNV-III from сокращение стратегических наступательных вооружений "reduction of strategic offensive arms") is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation with the formal name of Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms. It was signed on 8 April 2010 in Prague, and, after ratification, entered into force on 5 February 2011. It is expected to last until 5 February 2026, having been extended in 2021.” (Wikipedia). 116

something like: “President will perform solo comedy program, will dance and sing, play harmonica, parody Joseph Biden and other contemporary political leaders! A pantomime, prophecies of the future by [Baba] Vanga, practical demonstration of shamanistic trance and culinary show from presidential kitchen await you. As a nice supplement – fairy tales about present realities.””1 (((Prigozhyn))) directly accused the Chief of Staff (Gerasimov) and the Minister of Defence (Shoigu) of giving orders not to supply ChVK ‘Wagner’ with ammunition, air support or even entrenching tools. The conflict between Russian MoD and (((Prigozhyn))) (and somewhat Kadyrov) has reached a boiling point it seems. Dorin Recean confirmed (((Zelensky’s))) conjecture that Russians plan to seize Chisinau (Kishinev) airport and then start sending in troops, in order to open a new front against Ukraine. While there is a very large soviet/Russian ammo dump in Transnistria, which would secure that aspect of supply, Russian forces operating out of Transnistria would need copious amounts of fuel and food (and other supplies besides). The only way to get these things into Transnistria would be through air, i.e. – 1) the most expensive transportation method; 2) completely within Ukrainian AA range; 3) it would be dependent on a single airport, effectively bottlenecking logistics of the whole operation. Can Russians really be that stupid or is it all just (((Zelensky’s))) inventions to draw Moldova into the conflict in one way or the other? ‘Strelkov’ has been predicting that Ukrainians will open up active operations against Transnistria, but Russian MoFA started raising rhetoric against Moldovan government for the past couple of weeks as well. Who will do what remains to be seen. Biden is visiting Poland today and giving a speech (no doubt, as useless and empty as the one his Russian counterpart delivered earlier). Interestingly enough, Maia Sandu, Moldovan President, is also in Warsaw, attending the same event. In other news: “The CDC edited the toxicology profile for vinyl chloride, massively increasing the lethal exposure level2 and removing information 1 2

Quoted from ‘Strelkov’s Telegram channel, translation by me. They changed the so-called Median Lethal Dose – LD50. 117

about how the chemical affects children, just two weeks before the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, that spewed vast quantities of the chemical into the environment. The CDC update changed the lethal exposure from 100PPM1 to 100,000PPM. The lethal exposure level had remained the same for 17 years before the CDC decided to update the number just prior to the derailment [...].”, Baxter Dmitry, 2023.02.17. This would effectively exclude the possibility of Russian sabotage and file it under “inside job” label, at least for this incident. Saudi Arabia has gone full retard on the mega-skyscraper projects. Apart from the gigantic “the Wall” skyscraper/city, they now unveiled plans to build a giant cube-city – Mukaab – in the middle of Riyadh. The “skyscraper index” just shot through the roof. 2023.02.22

364th Day of the Prelude War

(((Antony Blinken))) recently warned China not to provide any assistance to Russia, lest it will have dire consequences. The US allegedly sees indications that China intends to support Russia more actively. China reacted indignantly (and rightly so) – who the US think they are to dictate what a sovereign country can and can not do. As Chinese MoFA put it “you’re providing weapons to Ukraine, why shouldn’t we do the same to Russia?” Nexta (and Russian voyenkors) reports Ukrainian strikes against targets in Donetsk, Mariupol, Makiivka, Snizhne, Khartsizsk, Ilovaisk, Shakhtyorsk, Torez and “other towns” within the occupied zone. Transnistrian MSM claim there has been heightened Ukrainian military activity. claims ZSU is concentrating troops in Odessa region, near the border with Transnistria. (((Prigozhyn))) published a picture of dead wagnerites after just one attack. The point was to stress the lack (or as he put it – famine) of artillery ammunition, but the image is telling a whole lot more. His message next below the picture claimed that if there were enough artillery support, the heap of dead wagnerites would have been “five times smaller”. Russian MoD released an announcement, saying that despite the moratorium 1

Parts-per-million. 118

on New START treaty, Russia is going to keep adhering to the limitations imposed by it (regarding the number of offensive nuclear capable missiles) and will continue exchanging information about the nuclear forces. Russia pulled a “Biden” this time – the gerontocracy says one thing and later, the administration denies it. Putin and Lavrov were meeting Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi. This is probably tied with the planned Xi’s visit to Russia. It seems China is taking a stand in the war, and it doesn’t spell good tidings for Ukraine or NATO. Of course, chinks will try to feed Russians some help, keeping them from losing the war altogether, but not enough to provoke Americans into harsh measures. What China wants is pretty clear – for NATO (in particular – the USA) and Russia to bleed out in this conflict, laying the groundwork for the “Chinese Century”.

Dead wagnerites after one of their assaults on Bakhmut defences, source: (((Prigozhyn))) himself.

As the gig with the “brave” Biden the Pedo, walking around Kiev under blaring air raid warning, didn’t pan out, Western MSM immediately switched tracks and declared that Russia tried to test-fire their ICBM during Biden’s 119

visit to Ukraine and it failed. In other news: “A man who adopted nine boys from foster care is now accused of sexually abusing at least one of them after the teen called a podcast show, making an outcry of what allegedly was happening to him and his brothers, according to court documents. [(((]Hayim Nissim Cohen[)))], 38, has been charged with sexual assault a child ages 14-17 and continuous abuse of a child.”, Brittany Taylor, 2023.02.17. “Eggs and tomatoes are scarce – the first supermarkets are rationing sales. British egg production has fallen to its lowest level in nine years. Almost a billion fewer eggs were produced last year than in 2019. For tomatoes and cucumbers, the association expects production to fall to its lowest level since 1985. A number of cattle farmers also want to downsize their farms in the next twelve months - 40 percent of cattle farmers and 36 percent of sheep farmers.”, 2023.02.22. This is presented as a result of Brexit, war in Ukraine, rising electricity prices and even “climate change”. Nowhere is it mentioned that most of this is due to the intentional policies by the ZOG: environmental taxes, stifling bureaucracy, ruination of domestic fertilizer producers etc. “Rochester man1 gets 180 days in jail for raping two girls. A 20-year-old from Rochester will serve no prison time after he was convicted of raping two girls between the ages of 4 and 9, according to Crime Watch Minneapolis.”, Evan Stambaugh, 2023.02.02 (emphasis in bold by me). “Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein – who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck – despite no sign of weapon.”, Daniel Bates, 2023.02.22 (emphasis in bold by me). Damn, this brings back the memories of a bankster, back in ca. 2008, who “killed himself shooting several times in his head with a nail gun”. Clintonistas2 strike again. “The teacher was killed by a teenage pupil who stormed her Spanish class in a 1

A most disgusting representative of African simians, so no, not a “man”. A colloquial slur for the Clinton Clan, referring to the assassinations conducted by Sandinistas (communist guerrillas in Nicaragua 1961-present), because of their proclivity for unabashed political assassinations. 2


school in southwest France [Saint-Jean-de-Luz], according to the regional prosecutor. [...] No details have been released concerning his background.” Le Monde, 2023.02.22 (emphasis in bold by me). So, we’re back at not reporting shitskin involvement in the crimes. There was also a widely used wording that this could have happened because “the young man was mentally unstable” – also an old trick from the peak of 2016 invasion. 2023.02.23

365th Day of the Prelude War

Russian MoD accused Ukraine of planning a provocation against their garrison in Transnistria. Allegedly, Ukrainian saboteurs will be dressed in Russian uniforms and imitate attack against Ukraine, which should give ZSU excuse to open up a new front. A large fire started in a weapons factory in Radom, Poland, today. No further details were available as to the causes, though Polish sources indicated that the fire originated in the galvanization line. RYBAR reports changes in the Battle for Maryinka – after months of bashing their heads against ZSU positions in the built-up area, Russians finally realized it must be a better idea to circumvent the town. Gods, they are dense; every single time they start the attack against the urban terrain, every single time it ends in rivers of blood and months of exhausting combat and only then, Russian “strategists” decide to go around. In Bakhmut, ‘Wagner’ pushes on against Ukrainian opposition. Ever so slowly, ever so gradually, but going forward. Interestingly enough, according to RYBAR, they restarted the head-on attacks against Bakhmut proper. According to some Russian sources, RF Army is about to reactive a bunch of old soviet BTR-50P1 carriers/tows, because their pool of MT-LBs has been 1

The BTR-50 (BTR stands for Bronetransporter (БТР, Бронетранспортер), literally "armored transporter") is a Soviet amphibious armored personnel carrier (APC) based on the PT-76 light tank. The BTR-50 is tracked, unlike most in the BTR series, which are wheeled. [...]The BTR-50 was developed in 1952 and entered service with the Soviet Army in 1954. It was first shown in public in November 1957. It served in the motorized rifle regiments of tank divisions and mechanized brigades in the Soviet and East German armies (Wikipedia). All BTR-50s were decommissioned in 1970’s. 121

decimated by the Ukrainians. Su-25 ground attack aircraft crashed in Belgorod region today; pilot ejected unsuccessfully and was killed. Russians officially blamed it on technical issues with the plane. ZSU hit several targets in Mariupol, sparking debates what kind of weapon was used for that, as short range HIMARS missiles could hardly reach that deep into occupied zone and longer range ones theoretically haven’t been delivered to Ukraine. In other news: “The doctors failed me: Detransitioned1 woman - who had her breasts and uterus removed when she thought she was a man during mental health crisis – sues eight health care workers who helped her change.”, James Reynolds, 2023.02.22. “Drinking Coke and Pepsi leads to larger testicles, more testosterone: study.” The New York Post,, 2023.02.22. The propaganda is becoming ever more absurd. Who in their right mind would believe this drivel? Drink the drain cleaner and be a macho man?! I didn’t conduct any studies, but one of my sergeants died of stomach cancers – he was my age at the time, young lad, yet he withered away and basically, died of famine. His peculiarity was that he drank CocaCola like a camel every day. 2023.02.24


Anniversary: 366th Day of the Prelude War

n entire year has gone since the start of the Prelude War. While it is practically established that we are in the early stages of World War 3, everyone is doing their utmost to deny it. Russians

have failed miserably to achieve any substantial gains in the war, and their initial invasion reached its high tide at the beginning of the affair. After that, there were only reverses; the taking of Mariupol, Severodonetsk and Lysychansk, despite being trumpeted by the Russians as “great victories”, could be at best classified as Pyrrhic ones. On the other hand, Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kharkiv region was a successful one, but failed to achieve the main goal of any military operation – destruction of the enemy forces, 1

“Transitioning” means cutting off biological procreation organs, “detransitioning” is just stopping taking the hormones. As with everything with these mental cases – neither involves the desired result. 122

either by kinetic action or better yet – by outmaneuvering them. All Ukrainians gained was the terrain and some spoils. Russian withdrawal from Kherson was conducted almost exemplary, regardless of what one thinks of the move itself, in view of the strategic perspectives. The maskirovka, which Russians pulled over Ukrainian eyes, was so effective that even after the enemy left, ZSU was advancing very slowly into the vacant area. After Kherson, everything died down and gruelling trench warfare began, with pictures from the front reminiscent of the worst cases seen during WW1. With the winter being rather warm, both sides blamed the weather for not being able to conduct large offensive operations. Only closer to the end of the year, ‘Wagner’ started developing more significant gains towards Bakhmut. However, they failed multiple times at direct assault on the town and began to circumvent the hard spot, going for Soledar and Klishchiivka, to the North and South of Bakhmut respectively. ‘Wagner’ managed to squeeze the town from three sides, but Ukrainians, following the political will of their kike president, clung to the positions, despite withering losses from Russian artillery. So far, the results of Russia’s invasion have been the exact opposite of what Putin declared on 2022.02.24, around 0400C: Instead of “demilitarization”, Ukraine now regularly gets ammunition, training, even heavy armour and long range missiles. Instead of checking NATO’s encroachment on Russian borders, Sweden and Finland are all but official members of the alliance, even though they have been neutral for decades, and in Sweden’s case – for centuries. And as for the “denazification”, Ukrainian population has been terminally forged into a distinct and separate nation by the attack. 0947J Ukrainian MoD data on cumulative Russian losses over the year of the war: ~146 820 KIAs, 3 363 MBTs, 6 600 AIVs, 5 224 wheeled transports, 229 specialized vehicles, 2 363 artillery guns, 474 MLRS, 247 AA systems, 299 fixed wing aircraft, 287 rotary wing aircraft, 2 033 UAVs, 873 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. And as for Ukrainian losses, the official numbers they gave couple of times since the start of invasion are clearly and consciously underestimated. X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 123

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX. According to him, Americans unofficially said that 90% of pre-war Ukrainian Army personnel have been killed; same goes for 50% of their SOF. Even if we take it with a pinch of salt1, this would mean losses amounting to 84 000 or 152 000 (50% and 90% respectively of the 2016 reported ZSU strength of 169 000). Poland declared that they have sent first Leopard-2 tanks to Ukraine and they arrived in Ukraine today. Russian MoFA issued a statement that any activities posing threat to Russian “peacekeepers” in Transnistria will be regarded as an attack on Russia itself. ‘Strelkov’ has been predicting Ukrainian move against Transnistria for some time and today, he said this could unfold within the coming couple of days. He also remarked that Russia will be completely incapable to prevent Ukrainians from achieving victory in this region, for obvious reasons. In my opinion, there is one way that Russia could thwart Ukrainian attack on Transnistria, but I doubt Putin will use it, because it would bring about a geopolitical “Event Horizon”2. China has announced their 12 point “peace plan” for Ukrainian conflict. There were talks about it for two days now, but everyone was refusing to comment until the document itself was made public. The “plan” is rather a too lofty word for it, because it is really nothing more but a wish-list of rainbow farting, skittle shitting unicorn: 1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries; 2. Abandoning the Cold War mentality; 3. Ceasing hostilities; 4. Resuming peace talks; 5. Resolving the humanitarian crisis; 6. Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs); 7. Keeping nuclear power plants safe; 1

Here, the pinch of salt is that I applied 50% losses to the entire pre-war Army strength, not just SOF. 2 ‘Strelkov’ admitted as much on his video with E. Mikhailov released on 2023.02.25. 124

8. Reducing strategic risks; 9. Facilitating grain exports; 10. Stopping unilateral sanctions; 11. Keeping industrial and supply chains stable; 12. Promoting post-conflict reconstruction. Every point was accompanied with a string of politically correct worddiarrhoea. It is as inconsequential as celestials could make it. Not one practical or concrete step to stop the war. Naturally, because if any such would have been written, it would have invariably pissed off either Ukrainians or Russians, while China wants to appear “neutral” and only “concerned about peace”. ‘Strelkov’ conjectures that Chinese made the “plan” this way in order for it to be ignored by the West and Ukraine, which would give them excuse for supporting Russia more substantially. In other news: “Three fires broke out on Thursday at different facilities in Mexico and the United States operated by state-owned Mexican oil company Pemex, leaving five missing and eight others injured as of Thursday evening.” (((Reuters))), 2023.02.24. “A team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media has been exposed in a new investigation. The unit is run by Tal Hanan, a 50-year-old former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym “Jorge”, and appears to have been working under the radar in elections in various countries for more than two decades.” The Guardian, Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Manisha Ganguly, David Pegg, Carole Cadwalladr and Jason Burke, 2023.02.15. “Tunisia's President Saied claims sub-Saharan migrants threaten country's identity. In an official statement, the head of state said that immigration was part of a 'criminal plan to change the composition of the demographic landscape' of the country.” Le Monde, Lilia Blaise, 2023.02.23 (emphasis in bold by me). Today, there were reports that Tunisians started harsh deportation program against the apes. MENA ragheads are fucking smarter than emasculated white nations.


“In The United States, A Fire Broke Out At A Uranium Enrichment Plant [in Tennessee].” The Eastern Herald, 2023.02.23. Today, American MSM claim that the fire has been contained and that there was “no offsite impact”. Knowing how they report on Ohio toxic event, I would be very concerned, if I were an American. “CBS: Soaring Heart Attacks Due to Lack of Masking. CBS News’s medical expert has claimed that the unprecedented spike in the number of young people suffering sudden heart attacks is due to a lack of masking and a failure to keep up to date with vaccinations.”, Frank Bergman, 2023.02.20. 2023.02.25

367th Day of the Prelude War

So, the 10th sanction package has been announced. No, dear reader, my record isn’t scratched; it’s just how things work in the “pluralistic” European Union of soviet socialist republics. Apparently, Hungary (and this time other countries too) blocked it, because sanctions included Russian synthetic rubber production, to which Rooskies have almost complete monopoly. Later, Poland acted up, saying it will block the package, because it was “not severe enough”. But now it is confirmed, probably finally. The farce continues, although I wish this Gordian knot would be cut with extreme prejudice. Stop wanking about and go to war! Crimean bridge has been fixed. I think I heard this one before as well, but let’s say this time it’s true. The news concerns automobile bridge and Russians boast that repairs were completed months ahead the predicted schedule. Nothing was said about the status of the railway bridge. There was a large fire again in Kiev today. An unnamed factory burned in Podolsk district of the capital. It seems two can play this game. ‘Wagner’ has taken Yahidne, North of Bakhmut. In response, Ukrainians blew up the dam holding Pivnichny (Northern, Ukr.) pond – it flooded the creek bed between Yahidne and Bakhmut proper. I doubt it will change the situation for the defenders a lot. They are now squeezed tight from three sides and the window for withdrawal is starting to shrink. It’s Severodonetsk all over again. Why Ukrainians are playing this unnecessarily dangerous game of holding an almost surrounded position till the last is beyond me. One small 126

mistake and a large chunk of their army could be trapped and lost. In other news: Some days ago, WHO was stirring again with “rumours of diseases”. They declared Marburg virus epidemic in one of the African shitholes (Equatorial Guinea). But, since the COVID19 gave them an unrelenting boner, they try to make every virus and bacterium into a new pandemic. They tried and failed with the Faggot Pox; now, it’s Marburg’s time! “Spanish authorities detect first suspected case of Marburg disease.” (((Reuters))),








(((publisher))) of the “news” and the word “suspected”? Food factories continue to burn in the US; thus, the “Operation Sudden and Unexpected Famine” must be proceeding at pace. “According to local news ABC 30 KFSN, an early-morning fire on Feb. 23 at the Ruiz Foods plant in Dinuba, CA is now contained as crews investigate how it started.”, 2023.02.24. 2023.02.26

368th Day of the Prelude War

On the same day first Leopard-2s arrived in Ukraine, Poland reported that oil was turned off in the pipeline from Russia. And though they made quite a fuss, at least they didn’t act all indignant about it. The consequential relation between the two events is just too obvious and rather logical. I would even go further and say that it is rather strange that Russia continues trading with the openly hostile countries. Though there is no mystery at all – Russia needs all the money she can get from the oil and gas transactions. It is quite possible that oil deliveries will be resumed, once the “show of consequences” is ended. Radio Svoboda hosts a program “Chelovek Imeyet Pravo” (“A human has a right”, Ru.), where they discuss all possible “human rights” violations in Russia. Sometimes it is really disconcerting, as it pertains to torture and rape that are being perpetrated by Russian gopnik “Law Enforcement”, but mostly it concerns the globohomo whining. Yesterday, they were talking with one of the (((lawyers))) about the cases with otkazniki (refuseniks, Ru.). One particular story stuck with me, as it illustrates just how ridiculous the (((legalese))) can get. Just before the announcement of “partial” mobilization, Russian government apparatus was not fully empowered to prosecute those refusing to participate in the “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine. During 127

that time, many cases ended up with refuseniks being simply fired from the military and “Law Enforcement” structures. Some got a stamp in the military pass, branding them “deserters” or “traitors and unreliable”. That was the only way Russian authorities could exact some retribution against those, who refused to go to war. The interesting part was that refuseniks took the cases to court in order to be reinstated in their jobs in the Army or other power structures and demanding the stamps to be removed from their military documents. Among these cases, were the OMON and Rosgvardiya gopniks, who apparently were perfectly OK with kicking their own population to the curb, but chickened out when “delo zapakhlo kerosinom”1.

Russian suicide and his letter.

Another story from the war, which happened early in the invasion. One of the Russian soldiers hung himself and there was allegedly a farewell letter to his wife found on him. The picture of the letter was provided, but unfortunately, the resolution was too bad for me to verify the veracity of the translation: Goodbye. Darling, in the time that I'm here I’ve seen hell. There were not so [as] many deaths in Chechnya or even Afghanistan. Seas of human meat. But that’s not why I depart. We here, Russian people, 1

An idiomatic expression with a rough meaning “things turned sour”, literally it would translate as “matter started smelling of kerosene” (Ru.). 128

are nobody, and Chechens rule. They drink, they are unhinged and they rape, they beat everyone and no one’s gonna do anything about it. Kitty, they took all the money you sent and they did a thing to me. This is to let you know that I resisted. And remember that you and me owe nothing to anyone. This is the only way out. Love. See you after death.”1

Situation around Bakhmut according to RYBAR on 2023.02.26

RYBAR reports further ‘Wagner’ gains North of Bakhmut. If this latest advance is true, then the time is running out for the garrison. Judging from the situation they now theoretically have two routes for withdrawal, but in reality it is only one, even if that. Highway T0504 could be within direct fire field of Russians advancing on Ivanivske and the small local road 00506 is being now threatened by the latest ‘Wagner’ breakthrough from BerkhivkaYahidne towards Bohdanivka. Next week will be decisive: either Ukrainians finally scrape together the leftovers of their brains and abandon Bakhmut or they will be enclosed in a pocket by wagnerites. 1

As translated by the user PhillyLove87 and corrected by user alkevarsky. Edited by me for text readability, emphasis in bold by me – the passage most certainly refers to rape. 129

Ukrainians report more Russian losses near Vuhledar. The video, which was uploaded to support the claim, showed a small force of one T-72 and two BMP-2s driving on the field road just South of Vuhledar. The leading T-72 came to a crossroad, which was already cluttered with several burnt out Russian vehicles, at which point it drove on a mine and stopped. As soon as the leading tank was blown by the mine, Ukrainians started laying low intensity artillery fire on the area. The tank crew started bailing out, while both BMP-2s came close to the crossroad, turned around and, without picking up the survivors or providing any aid, skedaddled thenceforth. 1847J Flash_news_ua Twitter account cites BYPOL1, reporting an explosion at the military airfield Machulishchi, just South of Minsk. So far it is the only source with this claim. 2201J Radio Svoboda also reported about the incident at Machulishchi. Svoboda didn’t have much wider source base, reporting what BYPOL said, but provided a bit more information. According to the latest, there were two explosions and one Russian military aircraft has been damaged. The cause of the explosions was said to be a UAV attack, conducted by Belorussian opposition guerrillas. In other news: “Global Warming strikes again, first snow in Saudi Arabia in 100 years.” @amuse, Twitter message, 2023.02.26. “Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says.” The Wall Street Journal, Michael R. Gordon & Warren P. Strobel, 2023.02.26. Wait, I’m wee confused – are MSM peddling conspiracy theories now or were they merely misinformed the other time? Oh right, the sheeple have attention span shorter than gold fish’s, so it’s OK to change the narrative 180 degrees – nobody will notice or question it. Also, it is rather conveniently timed, with China’s move to support Russia in the war. “The owner of the defunct Indian Point nuclear facility says it’s planning to dump about 1 million gallons of radioactive water into the Hudson River. The move, which the company describes as the “best option” for the waste, could 1

“Association of Security Forces of Belarus” or at least that is how it is named by Wikipedia and other online sources. It is an opposition group, allegedly comprising former Belorussian siloviki. 130

happen as early as August.”, Rosemary Misdary, 2023.02.17. “Without a deadly hate of that which threatens what we love, love is an empty word, a catchword for hippies, queers, and cowards.” George Lincoln Rockwell, “White Power”. 2023.02.27

369th Day of the Prelude War

Nexta published updated information about the strike on Machulishchi. According to it, the strike damaged A-501 DRLO2 plane, hitting it in the radar and cockpit areas. ‘Strelkov’ reposted a story by one of his subscribers, who apparently participated in the Kharkiv operation at the very beginning of the war. I find it important to include it in its entirety and as close in translation as I can hope to achieve. I will add punctuation and other signs, although they are not in the text; in other words, the text will be presented as I understood it, which could be to a variable degree different from what author intended (the text was written rather haphazardly): “As many know, 2 obrspn3 was entering the city [Kharkiv], namely 1st and 3rd Company 2 units [approx. translation of “otryad”] and 3rd company 3 units. Mission goal was to enter the city and dig in at the pre-planned points; final point for my group was the TV centre. We were to work together with ChVK [PMC], units from Rosgvardiya, as well as 25th Luzhskaya Motorized Rifle Brigade. All listed units had to enter the city after us, but this didn’t happen, because the command of the Western Military District did not issue the order to enter. As a result, we were left in the city alone, meandering through 1

The Beriev A-50 (NATO reporting name: Mainstay) is a Soviet airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft based on the Ilyushin Il-76 transport. Developed to replace the Tupolev Tu-126 "Moss", the A-50 first flew in 1978. Its existence was revealed to the Western Bloc in 1980 by Adolf Tolkachev. It entered service in 1985, with about 40 produced by 1992 (Wikipedia). In short, it is basically a Soviet/Russian equivalent of AWACS. 2 [Sistema] Dalnego Radiolokatsionnogo Obnaruzheniya (Ru.) – Long Range Radiolocation System or Early Warning System. 3 Otdelnaya Brigada Spetsyalnogo Naznacheniya (Ru.) – Separate Special Purpose Brigade. 131

the streets, awaiting further commands. There were [Ukrainian] tanks and BTR-4s Bucephalus1 in the centre of the city; we had nothing more than Tigr2 and Kamaz trucks with armoured capsules. On them, there were only kordy3 and AGSs [25mm automatic grenade launchers]; these were nothing against heavy armour. Shortly said, guys from 3rd Company 3rd Unit came closer to the centre, they fell into the trap, because of a long period without knowing what to do and whether there will be any reinforcements. Vehicles got hit and guys had to dig in in a school. Meanwhile, the order came to withdraw. I was in the 1st Company; we successfully exited the city without losses, due to skilful action of the commander. 2nd Company drove into an ambuscade on their way out, lost their vehicles and had to conduct a fighting retreat, returning to the RV4 only at nightfall. They lost 7 soldiers then [that day]. When we were leaving Kharkiv, the column of the 25th Luzhskaya Brigade stood in front of the city with tanks, ready to go in. It was also decided to maintain radio silence, as VSUshniki5 had captured 1

The BTR-4 "Bucephalus" (Ukrainian: БТР-4 «Буцефал», romanized: Butsefal, abbreviation of Бронетранспортер, Bronetransporter, 'armoured transporter') is an amphibious 8x8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed in Ukraine by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (SOE KMDB) (Wikipedia). 2 The Tigr (Russian: Тигр, lit. 'Tiger') is a Russian 4×4 multipurpose all-terrain infantry mobility vehicle manufactured by Military Industrial Company, first delivered to the Russian army in 2006. Primarily used by the Russian Armed Forces and Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is also used by numerous other countries (Wikipedia). 3 The Kord-12.7 mm heavy machine gun is a Russian design that entered service in 1998 replacing the older NSV [Utios] machine gun. Externally the weapon resembles the NSV; however, the internal mechanism has been extensively reworked [...] (Wikipedia). 4 Rendezvous point. 5 An expression denoting “ZSU soldiers”, but with rather derogatory connotation. 132

the radios from the well-known Tigrs1. 3rd Company of the 3rd Unit was practically completely destroyed, not many escaped and only late in the evening. The rest remained in the school and burned there, without any intention to surrender. Why did the command of the Western Military District left the guys to their fate, didn’t give the order to send in other units and no commands were given? I only know that our brigade commander punched one of the generals in his cocksucking face, for which he was suspended from his command. By the 7th of March, he was reinstated, because there was no one to replace him and because guys respected him. On March 7, there was a second assault planned for the night. We were to enter [the city] with thermiks [thermal vision goggles], together with Tambov Brigade and ChVK, but everything turned to cunt again. We stood all night outside the city’s ring road and started the assault in the morning for some reason. Then we got blasted by arty. A couple got killed, part [of the soldiers] were wounded and we retreated.” Rumours are coming in that China is bringing out a lot of artillery systems from their warehouses and getting them combat ready. The implication here is of course that these are slated for the delivery to Russia. However, any messages, coming from the inside of China, should be taken with a pinch of salt (the size of an excavator bucket). Nataliya Humenyuk, the press-representative of the ZSU ‘South’, confirmed Ukrainian force concentration near Transnistrian border. According to her, the move is purely defensive in nature. Ukrainian MSM quote the former governor of 1% of Luhansk region, Sergei Gaidai, saying that Russians have started their offensive on the front sectors of Svatove, Kreminna and Bilohorivka. As he put it, Russians have sent thither large numbers of heavy armour and other equipment. He said that small unit 1

“Well known” refers to the footage, which circulated on all the MSM during those days – ZSU eagerly showed the captured convoy of Tigr vehicles on the streets of Kharkiv. 133

probing attacks have intensified already. In other news: “"We're Dying Slowly": East Palestine Residents Report Bizarre Health Issues After Toxic Train Derailment.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.02.27. 2023.02.28

370th Day of the Prelude War

Russians are being trolled by what I assume could only be Ukrainian hackers. For the second time in the span of couple of days, Russian air raid warning system has been hacked and transmitted its ominous message through Russian radio channels, ordering listeners to take cover, because there was “missile attack threat”. RYBAR reports that due to “an unidentified flying object over St. Petersburg” special plan “Kovyor” (“Carpet”, Ru.) has been put in action, Pulkovo airport was closed to all civilian traffic and, as I presume, fighter jets must have been scrambled. Nexta cites Russian MSM, claiming a strike of two UAVs against an oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar region. The attack resulted in a fire at the plant. Lukashenko’s reaction to the strike at Machulishchi airfield was probably more devastating than the actual damage by the alleged partisan operation. He called up his Security Council and gave them a “pep-talk”. Too bad, the “talk” was so disjointed, so out of context that it probably made matters much worse. What’s more, it was broadcasted, and this short section was published on Nexta video: “We all should see, on the borders of our country, any, even the smallest aggressiveness towards our state, in order to take corresponding measures of reaction. They are using any events to shake the situation in Belarus and they will be doing it. I ask you, I demand of you to fulfil these directives; everything else is on me.”1 Additionally to the Machulishche incident, there was a very short mention of a small arms fire exchange on Belorussian-Ukrainian border. One Ukrainian soldier, belonging to Volyn Teroborona, was allegedly killed during it. 1

Transcribed and translated by me from Nexta video of 2023.02.27, late night issue. 134

Ukrainian MoD confirmed the death of the soldier, but the matter was soon hushed up. RIA Novosti claims Russian forces have identified Leopard-2 tanks on the front in the vicinity of Bakhmut. Now the race for propaganda gains is on – if Russians succeed to take one of them out, 6 months (at least) of gloating is ensured. Ukrainians will be likewise boasting endlessly, if the tanks manage to kick some Russian ass and remain relatively unharmed. There won’t be any substantial change at the front because any of it, but one of the sides will definitely have a field day, whatever the outcome. 1354J Russian MSM report of a UAV, which crashed in Podmoskovye (!) near Gubastovo and one of the Gazprom complexes. According to their information, it was UJ-22 Airborne1, manufactured by Ukrjet company.

Situation around Bakhmut according to RYBAR on 2023.02.28.


Range 800km, max speed 160km/h – according to Ukrjet data sheet; payload 15-20kg – according to Noviye Izvestiya article. 135

I just don’t understand what Ukrainians are waiting for in Bakhmut. Until the last road out will be physically cut off? What is the point of sitting in that bombed out town, surrounded on almost all sides by now and getting systematically shelled to bits? I said that the next week will be decisive, but it looks like the matter could be resolved during this one already. Now even Finland started building a wall on the border with Russia. The move has been initiated on the fear that Russians might send a wave of migrants, just like Belarus did against Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. In other news: “mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows. [...] Adults have sharply higher risks of being diagnosed with heart, skin, and psychiatric conditions for at least 90 days after they receive Covid jabs, a peer-reviewed study








shown.”, Alex Berenson, 2023.02.28. 2023.03.01

371st Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~149 890 KIAs, 3 395 MBTs, 6 638 AIVs, 5 257 wheeled transports, 230 specialized vehicles, 2 393 artillery guns, 479 MLRS, 247 AA systems, 300 aircraft, 288 helicopters, 2 055 UAVs, 873 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. An advisor to the Ukrainian kike-in-chief hinted that ZSU could be ordered to withdraw from Bakhmut. Now that is probably almost as dumb as not withdrawing at all. This idiot just signalled Ukrainian intention to withdraw forces from an already extremely precarious tactical position. What will ‘Wagner’ do now? Of course they will put more pressure; as much pressure as they can, especially on the flanks, in the direction of the two remaining roads. Oh yes, this could be “maskirovka” and some magical Ukrainian counteroffensive will materialize on the flanks of ‘Wagner’s pincers any day now, but I think it is safe to say this is rather low in probability. Truth be told, there were other rumours, allegedly also coming from high ranking ZSU commanders, that additional forces were slated to be fed into Bakhmut. Nothing would surprise me by now. Russians broadcasted footage of an A-50 DRLO plane, taxying on a runway, allegedly proving that there was no damage to the one at Machulishchi 136

airfield. If this is true, then there was more fuss about the attack than it was warranted. In other news: A passenger train crashed into a cargo train between Athens and Thessaloniki in Greece and fire started as a result. Preliminary reports say 32 were killed and 85 injured. “Canada moves one step closer to euthanizing CHILDREN: Critics slam 'reckless' and 'horrible' panel urging government to pass law allowing minors under 18 with terminal illnesses to die by assisted suicide.”, James Reinl, 2023.02.24. “The English countryside still feels like a white middle-class club. We can – and will – change this. [...] My [author’s] maternal grandparents moved from Jamaica to Stroud as part of the Windrush movement.” The Guardian, Dan Guthrie, 2023.02.28 (emphasis in bold by me). “Troops discharged after refusing COVID vaccine can now rejoin.” Military Times, Karen Jowers, 2023.03.01. Priceless, just priceless! At first, they coerce people, fire from their job and blacklist them, but once the realization of an extreme shortage of dumb fucks to be sent to die for ZOG really hits home, the decision is reversed, as if nothing has happened.


MORBI ORBIS MORIBVNDI he following graphs represent the diseases and other issues emergent in the (((modern world))). I will present these graphs without any further comment and let the posterity make their own conclusions. Many of them were really hard to find, despite the “free flow of the information”. Some of the issues I’ve searched for were never presented in graph form, or at all. And as always in the case with (((statistics))), you could find results almost diametrically opposed to the presented data.

Annual cases of persistent Lyme disease in the US, source: Bay Area Lyme Foundation.

Autism prevalence in the US, source: CDC. Note – “born”, I failed to find the graph with general rates, which are far more prevalent than mere 0.9%.


Prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (by decades, in the USA, from 1900-2050 [projection]), source:

Source: CDC NCHS, as found on The Washington Post.


Number of transcreatures, graph represents Holland data only but as noted in other articles it closely resembles the trend in the West overall, source: The Amsterdam Cohort of Gender Dysphoria Study (1972-2015): Trends in Prevalence, Treatment, and Regrets. Journal of Sexual Medicine 15 (4).

Source: WISQARS Fatal Injury Reports, as found on Wikipedia. Suicide rates are very different for the various countries; the US is representing the “better-off” (((First World))).


Share of the US married women at each age in each year. Source: American Community Survey.

Percent of children born to unmarried women (US data), source: Wikipedia.


Interracial marriages (US data).

Percentage of adult persons identifying themselves as perverts of various denominations by generation, source: Gallup.


Productivity vs. wages (the US).

Global wealth distribution, source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook 2021.


Purchasing power of US dollar, source:

US opioid crisis – drug-involved overdose deaths, source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics.


The death of the world in one picture: dead family, overdosed on opioids, found in their car as their little son sits in the back.




372nd Day of the Prelude War

1105J Russians claim Ukrainian DRG soldiers entered Bryansk region and took a number of hostages (6-100) from the population of the local villages. The messages on Russian channels (reposted by Nexta) vary wildly; some claiming 40 ZSU soldiers, or as they call them – “terrorists”, others say 60 or even 80. There was one claiming that Ukrainians shot up a school bus, killed the driver and wounded a 10yo boy. All these events seem to be centred on Sashuny and Lubechane villages in Bryansk region. 1227J Russian MSM announced that Putin will hold emergency meeting of Security Council. Ukrainians speculate it could mean either a declaration of war or a second wave of mobilization. Minutes after the announcement, a message on the MSM appeared, quoting Peskov, who denied there will be any Security Council meeting today. 1248J Nexta just published a video from the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps”, who recorded their manifesto in Bryansk region. It seems the whole event was not pure FSB false flag after all. RDK1 claimed to have come to Bryansk to “liberate” local Russians from Putin’s regime and are not acting as “DRG”. BYPOL, which apparently was behind the partisan attack on Machulishchi2, responded to the Russian video of the intact A-50 plane by posting their own footage. The first one was particularly embarrassing to Belorussian and Russian security at the airfield; it showed their recce flight of a small quadrocopter over the target area. The drone flew unmolested through the perimeter of the airfield and even landed for a short while on the radar dish of A-50 plane! Second video was allegedly showing the attack, but was cut short far before reaching the target. Mysterious explosions and fires continue in Ohio, US. According to, there were “several explosions” in the warehouses of 1

Ruskiy Dobrovelcheskiy Korpus (Ru.) – Russian Volunteer Corps – a unit comprising Russian volunteers (some were Russian POWs), fighting in the ranks of ZSU against RF invasion forces. 2 During Radio Svoboda interview, BYPOL admitted they are recruiting, training and coordinating partisans in Belarus. 147

Northeast Ohio in “recent weeks”. During this week, there was one peculiar story of a pro-Ukrainian propaganda campaign. It is unclear who the initiator was, but in the first instance it seems to have been Ukrainians (or more likely their kikes). Long story short, someone decided to transport a burnt out Russian tank from Ukraine all the way to Berlin, and place it there as a monument for Ukrainian perseverance. German population was already rather queasy about the whole Russo-Ukrainian War issue and this tank didn’t sit well with a large portion of them. Additionally, there are East Germans, who are mostly pro-Russian, and then there are so-called Wolgadeutsche1, who are nothing more than heavily Russified2 descendants of German colonists from various Russian regions. It is only natural that with a little help of Russian consulate, they all got together and put flowers near the tank with fliers, saying “for the Donbas kids”. A few scuffles developed between pro-Russian Germans, pro-Western Germans and newly arrived Ukrainian refugees, but nothing more extraordinary followed. Things got far more interesting, when ZOG decided to put the exactly same exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania. As expected, someone put flowers by the tank again. Oh, what a shitstorm of propaganda kvetching it started on local MSM! A veritable witch hunt can now be expected after what was said on TV, radio and newspapers. It didn’t end there! A tank was placed in Riga, Latvia, as well, and couple of days later – in Tallinn, Estonia. Everywhere, the same story developed. Still, ZOG representatives managed to act all surprised about the flowers each and every time. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to find out that the large portion of Russians is 5th column, after we allowed them to stay in our countries so tolerantly! 1

The Volga Germans (German: Wolgadeutsche, Russian: поволжские немцы, romanized: povolžskije njemcy) are ethnic Germans who settled and historically lived along the Volga River in the region of southeastern European Russia around Saratov and to the south. Recruited as immigrants to Russia in the 18th century, they were allowed to maintain their German culture, language, traditions and churches (Lutheran, Reformed, Catholics, Moravians and Mennonites). In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many Volga Germans emigrated to the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina (Wikipedia). 2 They are basically Russians for all intents and purposes. 148

2310J FSB declared that their reaction to the events in Bryansk region prevented an infiltration of Ukrainian nationalists into Russian territory. They claimed to have forced the “saboteurs” out of Russia and hit them with a “massive artillery strike” once in Ukraine. Nothing was said about the fate of “100 hostages”, who were allegedly taken during the attack. As for RDK fighters in Lubechane, they made themselves scarce rather quickly (as the village is only 150m from Ukrainian border). Notably, Russian MSM never mentioned RDK or the fact that Russian volunteers were involved in this “operation”. The reluctance to do this is pretty understandable – they don’t want to allow even the thought on the public discourse that there are Russian nationals, who would fight against Putin’s Russia. According to Radio Svoboda, Ukrainian Special Services denied any involvement in the whole incident. So far, the story is pretty unclear either way. In other news: “One-gallon size jugs of Acadia Spring Water — sourced about 20 minutes from where the Ohio train derailment spilled toxic chemicals in early February — will be voluntarily pulled from shelves at Stop & Shop stores throughout New Jersey, company officials told NJ Advance Media on Wednesday.”, Steven Rodas, 2023.03.01. They actually took water for bottling from the creek, which runs down from the Ohio toxic train wreckage! The world is in such a state that I am no longer sure whether this was done due to unimaginable malevolence or incomprehensible mental retardation. “Drag queen forces child to leave class for denying 73 genders, school teaches anal sex to 11-year-olds.” FOX News, Nikolas Lanum, 2023.03.01. “Vaccines don’t work, masks don’t work: Everything government told us about COVID-19 was wrong.” The Washington Times, Joseph Curl, 2023.03.01. Maybe if the author would have paid more attention during his basic biology classes, he would have known that a rag does not protect against viruses, because they are “like, very very small, like, tiny, y’know”1. “Stillbirths nearly doubled in Singapore, one of the world's most mRNA vaccinated countries, in 2022. Meanwhile, live births plunged. The changes began in March 2022, EXACTLY nine months after Singapore mass vaccinated 1

A mocking imitation of Millennial-Zoomer language, with excessive use of “like” and childishly simplified language. 149

people of childbearing age.”, Alex Berenson, 2023.03.01. 2023.03.03

373rd Day of the Prelude War

Today, (((Prigozhyn))) released a video allegedly from Bakhmut proper1, saying that the town was almost encircled and asking (((Zelensky))) to withdraw ZSU troops from the area. He also had three “POWs” with him – an old man and two teenagers (only the kids were dressed in partial ZSU uniforms – they basically had uniform jackets on top of their civilian clothes, the old man was dressed completely civilian), whom he used as an example to prove that Ukrainians were now scraping the bottom of mobilization reserves. Ukrainian MSM admit that the situation in Bakhmut is critical, but “not yet catastrophic”. Their “military experts” maintain that Ukrainian forces will be able to withdraw at will, despite wagnerites being almost upon the two remaining roads out. This could be a mere PSYOP, as there are reports that Ukrainians blew up the bridge in Khromove, which would indicate, as many have pointed out, that ZSU have withdrawn at least all military vehicles from Bakhmut, as that bridge was the only remaining viable route for mechanized forces. I would say that leaving pure infantry behind is even riskier, as they will be forced to retreat on foot from an enemy who will be closing in on their flanks and nipping at their heels. And finally – what kind of an idiot destroys the bridges on his retreat route before retreating?! Putin held a closed Security Council meeting. The only thing I know – they were definitely discussing the incident in Bryansk region. In other news: “Yes, we all generally have an idea that an economic collapse is on the horizon, but it of a lot closer than we could ever imagine. [...] a leaked video showing FDIC2 brokers discussing ‘Business Collapse’ and “Bail-Ins” to save themselves. It was recorded on January 3rd, 2023. These 1

Ukrainian channels claim they managed to geo-locate the video and it was done in a village of Paraskoviivka, outside of Bakhmut. 2 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – one of the many “federal” entities created during the formative years of jewish fiat in the US. FDIC props up the trust in the system by pretending to insure the fiat held by corporations and citizens in the banks of the USA. It was created with Banking Act of 1933. 150

banker jews are discussing ‘monetary emergency’ and the absence of confidence in the financial system and framework they have created in the West. More importantly, they are discussing how to hold the general population back from going crazy when the eventuation of a collapse materializes. [...]The most stunning moment in that clip is when one of the brokers bluntly says they should not put out info, because the public “does not have a professional need to know.” Then, the other jew responds with, “I think you’d scare the public if you put this out.” He goes on to say, “You have to think about the unintended consequences of telling the public, which may have more faith in the banking system than people in this room do...” and finishes by saying, “I would be careful about the unintended consequences of starting to blast this out in the general public.””, 2023.03.02. A 36yo “Allahu Ackbar” screaming shitskin stabbed a 9yo Dutch girl in the stomach yesterday in Göteborg, Sweden. He tried to land a killing blow on girl‘s neck, but her grandmother put an arm around her, shielding against the fatal injury. This was reported by Dutch magazine De Telegraaf, while Swedish MSM is all mum about it. 2023.03.04

374th Day of the Prelude War

A perfect example of why one should always be wary of drinking too much of your own propaganda Kool-Aid – Lavrov was visiting India and tried to explain Russia’s “plight”: “The war, which we are trying to stop and which was launched against us, using Ukraine [thunderous laughter from the audience] U... [stammers] Ukrainian people, uh, [laughter continues] of course it [dismissive shout from the audience] influenced, influenced, influenced, uh, the policy of Russia, including energy policy, uh [...].”1 In other news: “‘Shock and astonishment’ – 110 nursing home seniors evicted by Christian organization to make room for refugees in Berlin.”, John Cody, 2023.03.02. 1

Transcribed by me from the video posted on Nexta Telegram channel, Lavrov was speaking English. 151

“In apparent gesture to Netanyahu, Orban to move Hungary’s embassy to Jerusalem.” (((The Times of Israel))), (((Shalom Yerushalmi))), 2023.03.03. A good lesson for me – never trust anyone; everyone can be bought and everyone will compromise. Orban might think he is doing a pragmatic thing, buying himself and his nation some favours from the kikes, but if he believes this, he will be sorely disappointed. A far more probable version is that he was always on (((their))) payroll. 2023.03.05

375th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~153 120 KIAs, 3 414 MBTs, 6 692 AIVs, 5 299 wheeled transports, 232 specialized vehicles, 2 426 artillery guns, 488 MLRS, 248 AA systems, 302 aircraft, 289 helicopters, 2 071 UAVs, 873 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Ukrainian and Western MSM claim that Kadyrov has been poisoned and is now undergoing treatment in Abu Dhabi, UAE1. This could very well be true, as several of his “field commanders” were also stricken down with what was reported as poisoning. Western media speculate that this is part of the power struggle within Russia and could have been done by either the Army or FSB. Another train derailed in the USA and it happened again in Ohio (Clark County). ZOG officials hurriedly declared that there was no “risk to public health”, but the jury is still out on that one. There are pictures circulating the Internet of new Russian “modification” of the good old MT-LB. They welded 2M-3M 25mm automatic naval cannon turret on the rear end of the transporter. The purpose of these contraptions is unclear, except from getting something that shoots with slightly more umpf than the regular machinegun in MT-LB turret. ‘Strelkov’ mocked these, saying that they look like something straight out of ISIS workshops and my opinion is similar. When a country the size and calibre of Russia starts doing mutt technicals2, you just know it’s not going well for them. 1

United Arab Emirates. A technical, in American professional military parlance often called a nonstandard tactical vehicle (NSTV), is a light improvised fighting vehicle, typically an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle, mounting a machine gun, anti-aircraft autocannon, rotary cannon, anti-tank 2


In other news: Old news, but it is rather necessary to include it: “California Senator Introduces Bill to Legalize Gay Pedophilia, says it’s Anti-Semitic to Oppose it.”, 2020.08.13. I don’t think it is necessary to point out the ethnic belonging of this “California Senator”. “This Pakistani immigrant openly says there are just too many Whites in Scotland.” Stew Peters, Twitter message with an attached video from some parliament or municipal meeting, where the paki1 shitskin is enumerating how many official positions in Scotland are held by whites, 2023.03.05. 2023.03.06

376th Day of the Prelude War

Russian MSM2 showed footage from a drone and claimed that Ukrainian forces came under devastating artillery fire while retreating from Bakhmut. My friend found that this very same video has been used by other proRussian channels on Twitter. But there, it was claimed the footage showed “failed Ukrainian counterattack near Berkhivka a week ago”. Since the geolocation of the video is correct in the Twitter message, logically, it could not portray “Ukrainian retreat”, because Berkhivka is under Russian control and the place is nowhere near the corridor from Bakhmut. Yet another example of the forged news on Russian TV, albeit the Ukrainians, if and when they decide to withdraw from Bakhmut, will most probably be threatened by both direct and indirect fire systems of the besieging Russians. There is so much that remains beyond the history books. This war is no different in that regard. Almost every day a video pops up of yet another despicable, inhuman behaviour and regardless whether the video is real or staged, both sides start cheering for the perpetrators – pro-Ukrainian Internet posters for Ukrainian war crimes, pro-Russian for Russian atrocities. There was a video (clearly meant to show how bad Russians are) of a young man taking random interviews from the passers-by on the streets of some Russian city. One particular “babushka” stood out among them all, saying “all weapon, anti-tank gun, ATGM, mortar, multiple rocket launcher, recoilless rifle or other support weapon (somewhat like a light military gun truck or potentially even a self-propelled gun) (Wikipedia). 1 A slur for Pakistani. 2 Rossiya1 TV channel in particular. 153

Ukrainians need to be exterminated, even toddlers, because they no longer love us”. Of course masses of pro-Russian commentators agreed with it. When there was a video of an alleged execution of Russian POWs by Ukrainian soldiers, or dozens of videos, where Ukrainians urinate on the dead Russian soldiers, pro-Ukrainian audience cheered it on. Today, there was a video of an alleged Ukrainian POW being killed in a hail of bullets, after he resignedly said “Slava Ukraini”1 and again a round of standing ovations for the bestiality. It is completely irrelevant, if that video was real or just Ukrainian staged video to dehumanize Russians; the world is hurtling towards a lightless abyss and the end of humanity. I’m all for the hate towards the enemy, but there should be some boundaries that one does not cross. Kill if you have to, but cheering for wanton violence by the limp-wristed propaganda company faggots, sitting safely behind their computer keyboards or “smart”phones, is just too much for me. Just as it was with previous sabotages, “terrorist attacks” etc., FSB suddenly showed a flurry of activity, arresting malevolent, subversive elements in Moscow, of all places. They have allegedly prevented an assassination attempt on one of their oligarchs – Konstantin Malofeyev. Meanwhile, Ukrainians are denying their participation in the Bryansk raid. They also deny that RDK is part of the ZSU and claim it has not been given any permission or support for the raid against the villages of Bryansk border area. However, these denials are not very loud and not very persuasive. Some sources deny ZSU participation, others support the actions of RDK, still others maintain it was just an FSB false flag and all of it seems like a cacophony of retarded kids, screaming all sorts of nonsense at the top of their lungs. In other news: A scandal is developing in the UK, where the WhatsApp2 messages of Matt Hancock, who “served” as the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care during the COVID19 craze, leaked to the press: “Matt Hancock told aides he wanted to “frighten the pants off everyone” to ensure compliance with Covid-19 restrictions, according to the latest batch of leaked 1

Glory to Ukraine (Ukr.) – part of a common shout-and-answer of Ukrainian soldiers ever since 2014: “Slava Ukraini!” is responded with “Heroyam slava!” (Glory to the heroes!). 2 A free chat program for the “smart”phones, which offers no privacy at all. 154

messages which reveal discussions over when to “deploy” details of a new strain. [...] The messages, published in the Sunday Telegraph, show that cabinet secretary Simon Case suggested in January 2021 that the “fear” factor would be “vital” in stopping the spread of the virus. Hancock’s adviser said: “Rather than doing too much forward signalling, we can roll pitch with the new strain.” “We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain,” the then health secretary responded. “But the complication with that Brexit is taking the top line,” he said, in an apparent reference to media coverage of the UK’s EU exit. “Yep that’s what will get proper behaviour change,” the adviser said. “When do we deploy the new variant,” Hancock said. The conversation, on 13 December 2020, came amid concerns about the rapid spread of the virus in southeast England.” The Guardian, Nadeem Badshah, 2023.03.05. Despite the revelation about being treated like cattle, there is no news of massive summary executions of the ZOG puppets taking place in the UK. 2023.03.07

377th Day of the Prelude War

Lukashenko accused CIA and SBU of organizing and conducting the “terror”1 attack on Machulishchi airfield. He confirmed that the A-50 aircraft was damaged during the attack. The alleged “terrorist”, who was arrested in Belarus, is a Russian with Ukrainian citizenship. Yet another POW exchange was confirmed today. Russians received 90 of their own and released 130 Ukrainian prisoners of war. Again, very conflicting reports from Ukraine – some officials say that withdrawal from Bakhmut could be imminent; others say that ZSU will not withdraw and instead will reinforce that clusterfuck. (((Zelensky))) published his video address, in which he claims that during the briefing with the high command of ZSU he asked the opinion of the military leadership about the


It has become rather tiresome to point out every instance of the demented use of this term. Military target – military operation, civilian target – terrorist attack; how hard can it be to remember this simple classification? Excessive use of “terrorist this and terror that” only serves to completely devalue the term. Americans overused it once, but when Russians and Belorussians started employing it, the word has become utterly meaningless. 155

Bakhmut problem. According to the kike, Zaluzhnyi, Syrskyi1 and the rest of the general staff strongly recommended to continue holding the town. This looks nothing more but an attempt to distribute and even to displace the responsibility in case a disaster overtakes the defenders of the town. Western MSM are now trying to spin the narrative of the sabotage of Nordstream 1&2 away from the (((Hersh’s))) version (that the perpetrators were US forces in concert with Norwegians and maybe Brits) by developing the previously briefly mentioned suggestion about “Ukrainian involvement”. New York Times published an article blaming “pro-Ukrainian forces” of conducting the attack on the gas pipeline and other Western media soon reposted the information, pouring more water over the mill of disinformation. NYT article itself was a true sewage stream of speculations, unsubstantiated whataboutisms and in general looked like a pathetic attempt to say “look, guys, we dindu nothin2, pinky swear”. The Ukrainian POW, whose execution was filmed and the video spread worldwide yesterday, has been identified by the ZSU as Timofey Shadura. He served in 30th Separate Mechanized Brigade ‘Konstantin Ostrozki’ and was listed as MIA since February 3 of this year. However, there are doubts as to the identity of the soldier; Yuri Butusov claims he could be Aleksandr Matsiyevski of the Fire Support Company belonging to the 163rd Nizhyn Battalion of the 119th Separate Teroborona Brigade. “We are now at war in Europe. We need to move towards war footing. We are involved in that. We mobilized our procurement processes, we’re gifting equipment. We need to face Russia directly and reckon rather than leaving Ukraine to do all the work.” Tobias Ellwood, head of the British parliament's defence committee. Ever so slowly, ever so gradually, World War 3 slouches towards Europe to be born. In other news: “The World Bank is pausing talks over its future engagement with Tunisia following anti-immigrant comments made by the country's president, Kais Saied, according to an internal message to staff seen by AFP.” 1 2

Aleksandr Syrskyi, the Commander of Ukrainian Ground Forces. “Didn’t do anything” in nigger parlance. 156, 2023.03.06. It looks like the (((consequences))) were swift. Massive protests reported from France, where 1.1-1.4 million people took to streets against Macron’s plans for raising the age of pension. “House Bill 645 would ban individuals who received the COVID-19 vaccine from donating blood, making it a misdemeanor with a $500 fine to donate or accept blood from vaccinated donors. The bill would also ban people who have had a diagnosis of “Long COVID,” medically defined as “postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 due to chronic 27 SARS-CoV-2 viral infection.””, Nicole Girten, 2023.02.27. 2259J Protests, riots and clashes with cops started in Sakartvelo. The trigger for the unrest was the “Law of Foreign Agents”, which was introduced to the Parliament of the country and passed after the first reading this evening. The “law” is almost identical to the one used in Russia. Anyone receiving funding

The control zones of Mexican drug cartels.

(any form of funds) from sources abroad must register as a “foreign agent”. In theory, it should work for the security of the state, by outlawing covert funding of propaganda and other subversive activities; unfortunately, the 157

ZOG finds other uses for these formulations. After 4 Americans were kidnaped and 2 of them killed in Mexico, there are now calls in the US for a military intervention and open warfare against the drug cartels of that failed state. 2023.03.08

378th Day of the Prelude War

RYBAR claims Ukrainian forces conducted multiple counterattacks against the ‘Wagner’s pincers, trying to soften the grip on Bakhmut. The map he drew does not show any territory regained by these attacks though. He also reports wagnerite gains in the Eastern part of the city proper. This could be the reason why Ukrainians decided to stay in Bakhmut, thinking they can hold the corridor to the town open and force Russians into costly assaults of the urban terrain. ‘Wagner’ could indeed be exhausted somewhat after all these months of constant human wave tactics, but if they manage to concentrate enough forces to close the gap, ZSU forces in Bakhmut will be FUBAR’ed. Meanwhile, the battle for Avdiivka is also continuing to cook slowly, without any significant gains for the Russians. That is even despite the fact that Russians are trying to go around the hard defences of the town (after attacking it head-on for the better part of the war). There are no reports about any developments around Vuhledar. Another train derailed in the USA. The train allegedly hit a boulder and derailed, spilling diesel fuel into the nearby stream (New River, Summers County, West Virginia). In other news: Protests in Sakartvelo continue. Yesterday’s clashes with the ZOGbots resulted in several wounded people, according to reports. By the end of the day, protesters and Sakartvelo opposition declared an ultimatum to the government – they have one hour to strike down the contentious law and release all those arrested yesterday. It wasn’t reported what protesters intend to do if their demands are not met, but it looks more and more that a (((colour revolution))) and a second front against Russia is coming to Sakartvelo. Though the MSM do not report it1, severe unrest is proceeding in Greece ever since protests started after the train crash on 2023.03.01. According to an 1

Or do it rather under the radar, with articles not on the front pages. 158

anonymous poster on 4chan, there were molotov cocktail attacks on police stations, 70+ dead, 100+ wounded and 100+ missing; on the good side – over 20 cops got hospitalized. Allegedly, there was even an instance of one presstitute getting lynched by the mob. Nothing of it can be confirmed, as the English speaking altmedia, let alone MSM, does not report on it, but from what that Greek poster said it resembles something akin to a civil war. “Mystery as Australians dying at levels not seen in 80 years – and UK might be seeing same phenomenon.” The Sun, Isabel Shaw, 2023.03.07. Truly – a complete mystery; somehow people just started dropping dead left right and centre. We are all baffled by this phenomenon, because it surely can’t be related in any way with the coercive “vaccination” campaign just two years prior. There is a myth, peddled mostly by kikes and their shaboz goy “scientists”, that kikes possess a superior intellect. Allegedly, the IQ of the chosenites is significantly higher than that of the whites. Well, here’s a small demonstration of this “superior intellect”: “Former President Trump also delivered remarks that were in character but still dangerous. His claims about expelling warmongers, driving out globalists, casting out communists, and throwing off those who hate our country echo classic #antisemitic rhetoric.” (((ADL)))1, Twitter message, 2023.03.07 (emphasis in bold by me). So, if pointing out all those things is anti-semitic, it follows that they all are attributed to the kikes. I never thought I would live to see the day, when the kikes openly admit being warmongers, globalists, commies and parasites, who hate their host countries. 2023.03.09

379th Day of the Prelude War

A missile attack struck Kiev early this morning. Nexta claims that “critical infrastructure object” was targeted. A strike against Odessa region has also been reported; electrical grid lines were hit. At around 0840J, it was announced that three thermo-electrical plants have been hit. Ukrainians also say that a missile hit an apartment building in Lviv region. According to 1

(((Anti-Defamation League))) – a kike organization, established after (((Leo Frank))) was executed for raping and murdering Mary Phagan – a 14yo girl. Currently headed by (((Jonathan Greenblatt))). 159

Energoatom, Zaporozhe NPP was left completely without outside electricity supply after tonight’s missile attack. SBU confirmed the identity of the executed Ukrainian soldier. It wasn’t Malofeyev after all, but Aleksandr Matsiyevski. Russian MoD called the latest missile salvo a “revenge measure” for the raid on Bryansk region. Vergeltungsanschlag? They really went from 1939 to 1945 in a year. Russian MSM claim that an assassination attempt against the Transnistrian head honcho Vadim Krasnoselsky was thwarted and the would-be killer was arrested. Ukrainian SBU was of course blamed for the “event”. In other news: Severe clashes between protesters and the cops were reported tonight from Sakartvelo. There are wounded among the civilians. In the morning, MSM said that the “Law of Foreign Agents” has been struck from the books. At the end of the day, a report appeared on MSM, saying that Sakartvelo police released all the people arrested during the protests. “Chickens kept in gardens will have to be registered under planned new rules.” The Guardian, Helena Horton, 2023.03.08. Like always, the dystopian measures are presented as (((benevolent))) and concerning (((public safety))). In this case, the ZOG claims a need to prevent an outbreak of avian flu. “UK Parliament makes it illegal to pray near abortion facilities.”, Kevin J. Jones, 2023.03.07. “Norfolk Southern C.E.O. Says He Is ‘Deeply Sorry’ for Ohio Train Derailment.” The New York Times, Stephanie Lai & Mark Walker, 2023.03.09. Well, I guess that makes it all alright, he said “sorry” after all. Enjoy your dioxins, goyim! 2023.03.10

380th Day of the Prelude War

A baboon, acting as the Secretary of Defence of the US, Lloyd Austin, visited Israel and the MSM is now awash with very conflicting rumours. Some say that Austin “jabbed” at Netanyahu, because of the internal conflicts in Israel itself. Others claim that WW3 is on the way, because Israel hinted (and Austin allegedly reiterated) at an imminent military operation against Iran. Later it was “revealed” that the words of the baboon were “misinterpreted”, and the 160

declaration by the kikeland’s Minister of Defence was indeed thinly veiled threat, but not as straight forward as it was reported. Poland started placing anti-tank obstacles on their border with Belarus. Pictures from the border crossing points show concrete wave breakers1 and Czech hedgehogs. In other news: “Multiple dead in shooting at a Jehovah’s Witness2 center in Germany.” CNN, Nadine Schmidt, 2023.03.10. “Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells.” The Guardian, Hannah Devlin, 2023.03.08. Manmade horrors beyond our imagination. The story of the kidnapped and killed Americans in Mexico just had a most unbelievable climax – the cartel tied up and dumped those responsible for the murders in a middle of a town with a written apology. However, if the Great Golem intends to go to war in Mexico, this will not stop them from doing it. The most incredible news dropped today: Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to normalize their diplomatic relations and reopen the embassies. 2023.03.11

381st Day of the Prelude War

A fire was reported tonight in one of the plastic producing factories in Moscow region. According to Nexta, 5 000m2 were engulfed by the fire, which was contained and extinguished by the morning. Radio Svoboda reported that a new rule is being enforced in Russia – all employees of the state owned companies and corporations must relinquish their zagranpasports3 for “safekeeping with FSB” or face dismissal. 1

These are originally used for the construction of wave breakers on the flanks of the waterways into ports. They look like immense caltrops and it is rather an overkill to use them as an AT obstacle, but since there are existing production lines in maritime countries, it is easier to press them into service than to establish a fabrication of proper dragon teeth that would take far less concrete to produce. 2 A cult of Christian denomination, suspected of brainwashing, exploitation of its members and more, declared extremist in Russia. 3 The Russian passport (Russian: Заграничный паспорт гражданина Российской Федерации, romanized: Zagranichnyy pasport grazhdanina 161

Explosions reported in Zaporozhe, shelling in Kherson, “laud claps” at the airfield near Melitopol. Viktor Orban again warned of the possibility of war in Ukraine turning into a global confrontation. “The world has never been so close [to] “a local war” [turning into] “a world war”.1 Yesterday, it was reported that Turkey has decided to forbid the transit of sanctioned goods to Russia. Turks have been taking the middle course in the whole affair and making pretty penny in the process. They must have received “an offer they couldn’t refuse” from the US, if they decided to cease this profitable activity. A renewed bout of videos made by Russian chmobiki lamenting their fate at the front has been circulating on the Ukrainian MSM lately. Their requests are still the same, as is the target of their addresses – Putin. But Tsar is far away in Moscow and not concerned with the woes of dumb sheep; they are there for the slaughter and slaughtered they shall be, bleating or no bleating. In other news: Yesterday evening a hostage situation developed in Karlsruhe, where an assailant entered drug store. At 2110A, cops announced they have freed the hostages and detained the suspect without casualties. Merapi volcano erupted on the island of Java. No evacuation was declared as of yet. There are reports of couple of banks failing in the US, as well as rumours about Credit Suisse postponing their annual report, all of which sparked fears it could be the beginning of a “major economic downturn”.

Rossiyskoy Federatsii, lit. 'Transborder passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation') is a booklet issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Russian citizens for international travel. This external Russian passport is distinct from the internal Russian passport, which is a mandatory identity document for travel and identification purposes within Russia. Russian citizens must use their Russian passports when leaving or entering Russia, unless traveling to/from a country where the Russian internal ID is recognised as a valid travel document (Wikipedia). 1 As quoted on “World War III? It’s close, Orbán claims”,, Lili Bayer, 2023.03.10. 162


382nd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~159 090 KIAs, 3 466 MBTs, 6 769 AIVs, 5 348 wheeled transports, 242 specialized vehicles, 2 487 artillery guns, 493 MLRS, 259 AA systems, 304 aircraft, 289 helicopters, 2 108 UAVs, 907 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. The latest attack on Kiev was conducted using hypersonic Kinzhal missiles. There are rumours, most probably spread by Russians, on small and practically unknown altmedia sites, that it has hit a “secret NATO/US HQ” in the capital of Ukraine. According to these rumours, “dozens of top US officers” were “vaporized”. It goes without saying that there is absolutely no way of substantiating these claims, apart from the usual “the sources tell us”. It reminds very much of the similar rumours during the siege of Mariupol, where Russians were supposed to have captured French, British and Canadian top brass, but never presented them in person, for the world to revel in “the feat of Russian arms”. US Army has started a renewed advertisement campaign to lure more idiots for the ZOG. However, it seems that idiots are becoming rather hard to find. The first stint at advertisement was completely saturated with ZOG propaganda, showing shitskins, lesbians, transcreatures and other filth “serving in the armed forces”. That turned out to be an utter failure with recruitment numbers plunging even further. This time, kikes turned the indoctrination down a notch (only showing shitskins), but the reaction of the Twitter denizens showed that there are still some sheep with at least modicum of memory. One of the comments beneath the ad on Twitter read: “You need straight white guys to die for you again? Where are all your lesbian POCs1 you’ve been pandering to the last couple years? Quotas not working out?” And that pretty much encapsulates the true nature of the situation. Rather numerous pro-Russian protests went on today in Moldovan capital Kishinev. 50 participants were arrested and Moldovan cops announced they have prevented Russian provocation to destabilize the country. Truth to be 1

“People Of Colour” – the only politically correct expression used today to describe shitskins of any denomination. 163

told, most of those “protesting” in Moldova aren’t even Moldovan at all. Large portion of the so-called “disgruntled local populace” are from Russia, and don’t even speak Moldovan/Romanian. However, this does not prevent them from protesting against the recently adopted law, which renamed Moldovan language into Romanian. In other news: The story with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)1 is gathering pace. Bankruns are reportedly in progress. (((Janet Yellen))), the current head of the FED, said there will be no “federal” bailout of the bank. It has been noted that SVB is the second largest bank failure since 2008. ZeroHedge writes there are many other banks that could face bankruns and become insolvent. This would most certainly happen, if large enough percentage of deposits were to be withdrawn, as all banks operate on the (((fractional reserve))) rule, holding only 10% of the deposit in the accounts. Case in point – a bankrun is currently developing on First Republic Bank. In addition, I can only say that it comes on the heels of the leaked video of the FDIC meeting (mere 9 days ago). 1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves. 2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war. 3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil. 4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest. 5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes. 6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons. 7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing big. 8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause. 9. Our cause is sacred. 10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors. Lord Arthur Ponsonby2.


One of the currently failing banks. Arthur Augustus William Harry Ponsonby, 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede (16 February 1871 – 23 March 1946), was a British politician, writer, and social activist. He was the son of Sir Henry Ponsonby, Private Secretary to 2



383rd Day of the Prelude War

RYBAR claims there was a large breakthrough made by ‘Wagner’ forces from the Northern pincer over Bakhmut, towards



Minkivka. He shows that Russians established control over SE half of Orikhovo-Vasylivka. ‘Strelkov’ says only minor advances were made near Bakhmut. Girkin also said that there were





advancing North of Avdiivka and taking Krasnohorivka and Kamianka settlements. He remarked though that he had no real confirmation of this claim. In other news: The asylum has been taken over by the inmates back in 2016, but now it seems even they abdicated from the management. The

Situation around Bakhmut on 2023.03.12 according to RYBAR.

whole thing is now just a mob of completely insane idiots trying to outdo each other in the competition for the most idiotic way to destroy the building and all inhabitants therein. “SVB [Silicon Valley Bank] had NO head of 'risk assessment' for nine months before it collapsed... as woke1 boss for Europe, Middle East and Africa was busy organizing a month-long Pride2 campaign Queen Victoria and Mary Elizabeth Bulteel, daughter of John Crocker Bulteel. He was also the great-grandson of The 3rd Earl of Bessborough, The 3rd Earl of Bathurst and The 2nd Earl Grey. The 1st Baron Sysonby was his elder brother. Ponsonby is often quoted as the author of the dictum "When war is declared, truth is the first casualty", published in his book Falsehood in Wartime, Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations During the Great War (1928) (Wikipedia). 1 Someone participating in the spread of globohomo ideology. 2 “Pride” is a codeword for a public show of perverts, marching openly through the streets of cities with their depravity on display. 165

and a 'Lesbian Visibility Day'.”, Helena Kelly, 2023.03.11. The panic around the banks continues: “UK Tech Firms Face "Serious Risk" From Silicon Valley Bank Collapse, Chancellor Warns.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.13. “Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Fed, TSY, FDIC Announce Another Banking System Bailout.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.13. The bank collapse is also proceeding apace – “US Signature Bank shut down by regulators, days after SVB collapses.”, (((Alex Turner-Cohen))), 2023.03.13. Another example of ZOG being in control both in the West and the East. The UK has already announced their plans to introduce a “digital pound”, whatever that means. Simultaneously, they intend to limit the amount of this “currency” that can be held by the sheep. Russia is also doing the same, and while there were messages about it before, the plans appear to have been finalized: “Russia To Pilot The Digital Ruble [Rouble] From April 2023.”, 2022.10.13. My friend from Bayern tells me that his contact in Russia claims they intend to fully implement this NWO measure by May this year. While we’re on the subject of ZOG being the same everywhere – Russia might sometimes pay lip-service against the “homo” part of the globohomo, but they are actively supporting “globo”. “African students faced racism in Ukraine. Many of them where admitted to Russian universities to continue education in Russia free of charge. Any form of racism in XXI [century] shall be strongly condemned. Kiev regime is racist and nazi.” Russian embassy in Kenya, Twitter message, 2023.03.11. And let’s not forget the ceasefire around Kharkiv at the very start of the invasion, when Russians allowed the shitskin students to evacuate, only to resume bombing their fellow white people, as soon as the baboons were safely away. “Nearly 200,000 People In Thailand Hospitalized Because Of Air Pollution.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.13. 1559J The shit is really hitting the fan for the (((financial))) sector today. “Western Alliance shares plummet 70% as bank stocks take a beating after SVB's failure.”, Zahra Tayeb, 2023.03.13. “20 banks that are





securities 166




SVB.”, Philip van Doorn, 2023.03.13. Meanwhile: “Biden Insists "The Banking System Is Safe".” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.13. “The American Red Cross has been providing maps and guides to help migrants to illegally cross into the United States from Mexico, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.13. 2023.03.14

384th Day of the Prelude War

‘Strelkov’ is fuming about the “ungrateful” Poles, who blocked the border crossings with anti-tank obstacles. In his view, Lukashenko was trying to appease Poland by simplifying the rules for entering Belarus and Polish authorities “perfidiously” responded with an “act of aggression”. Too much publicity, when you are a collaborator with invaders, appears to be harmful to your health. Vitaliy Gura, whose death was simulated by Russian FSB in order to “prevent an assassination attempt on him”, was marched through Russian MSM and shown to be alive later on. It seems that this has rubbed some people the wrong way and today Nexta reports that Ukrainian partisan group “Atesh” blew up Gura’s car, wounding him in the process. Another partisan attack happened in Melitopol, where a car also exploded. The collapse of Bakhmut pocket didn’t come last week, as I predicted, proving once more that stupid political decisions coupled with hard determination of soldiers can prolong the suffering far beyond the limits of common sense. I really doubt there’s any profit in holding on that surrounded piece of scorched urban terrain. “Not an inch more of our soil to the enemy” is a fig leaf to intellectually challenged and criminally genocidal. The “grain deal” was prolonged for another 60 days. Peskov called the agreement “a gesture of good will”. They are fucking dumb as a pile of bricks. Don’t they understand that they are producing mocking material for the West themselves? Silly, just plain out silly. The US and South Korea are conducting large joint military exercise in the region. Norks responded by launching a missile from a submarine towards Japan. As always the missile fell in the ocean without hitting anything. 1915J There are reports that two Su-27 fighters of the Russian Air Force shot 167

down a US Reaper1 drone over the Black Sea. Americans claim that their Reaper was “performing routine operations in the international airspace”, when it was intercepted and destroyed. Initial reports also say that the drone was not shot down, but was destroyed in a collision with Russian fighter jet after Russian plane “dumped its fuel tank on the drone”. Russian MoD claims that American UAV was “flying with its transponder off and heading towards Russian territory”. Flightradar24 tracking does not support this claim, but it has been known to show false tracking data before. In other news: Iran has pardoned 22 000 arrestees from the ranks of antigovernment protests. There was another bout of protests, as rumours spread that the government was poisoning girls attending schools, but after that, the news stopped again. This latest report might signal that Iran has gotten the situation in the country under control. “'I no fit read until 18, now I be professor for Cambridge University'. One man wey no fit read or write until im be 18 go become di youngest ever black professor for di UK Cambridge University. Dem diagnose Jason Arday wit autism and global development delay for im early years, and im no fit speak until im be 11 years old.”2 BBC News Pidgin3, 2023.03.13. 1

The General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (sometimes called Predator B) is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of remotely controlled or autonomous flight operations developed by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) primarily for the United States Air Force (USAF). The MQ9 and other UAVs are referred to as Remotely Piloted Vehicles/Aircraft (RPV/RPA) by the USAF to indicate their human ground controllers (Wikipedia). 2 Quoted as is. In short, the article talks about an ape, who can barely speak, read or write and who is now officially a “professor” at Cambridge University. 3 A pidgin, or pidgin language, is a grammatically simplified means of communication that develops between two or more groups of people that do not have a language in common: typically, its vocabulary and grammar are limited and often drawn from several languages. It is most commonly employed in situations such as trade, or where both groups speak languages different from the language of the country in which they reside (but where there is no common language between the groups). Linguists do not typically 168

“The Welsh government says that statues of “old white men” such as Admiral Nelson should be removed or even destroyed because they may be “offensive” to Britain’s increasingly multicultural population, with de facto shrines to diversity set to replace them.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.14. 2023.03.15

385th Day of the Prelude War

Yesterday Kadyrov resurfaced after a lengthy period of absence. He came to Moscow and delivered a “report” to Putin himself. Nexta reports that Russians are establishing SAM sites around Moscow. These will probably be used for S-300/S-400, as Pantsirs, which were set up on the roofs in the middle of the capital, are short range AA systems. The car, which exploded yesterday in Melitopol, belonged to Ivan Tkach, who was a director of a transport company, and, according to Nexta, actively collaborated with Russians. Tkach died in the explosion. Italy accused ‘Wagner’ of facilitating migrant trafficking to Apennine Peninsula. “I think it is now safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also, to a not insignificant extent, part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries,” Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said. (((Zelensky))) fired more regional administrators today. Heads of Luhansk, Odessa and Khmelnitsky regions got the boot. Thus, Sergei Gaidai lost his position as OVA1 of 1% of Luhansk region. In other news: “Moody's cuts outlook on U.S. banking system to negative, citing 'rapidly deteriorating operating environment'.” CNBC, Jeff Cox, 2023.03.14. The risk of Credit Suisse failure grows. The bank failure contagion spread to consider pidgins as full or complete languages (Wikipedia). In other words, it’s a total evisceration of a language in order to further accommodate illiterate apes, invading the country. The fact that BBC has an entire separate section dedicated for it, says a score. 1 Oblastnoy Voyenniy Administrator/Administratsiya (Ru.) – Regional Military Administrator/Administration. 169

Europe as well. Today, trading of stocks for several banks in Europe was halted, after the price of their shares fell sharply. Credit Suisse’s stocks fell more than 22% before the trading was suspended. “China did not rob us of our manufacturing base, we robbed ourselves of it. Greedy people in Washington and the corporate sector shipped those things out. This is what people need to get in their heads: stop looking overseas for someone to blame for the misery that we confront today at home. We are the authors of our own mess, and those authors are principally in Washington and in the corporate sector. Americans need to wake up. That's the problem - it's not in Beijing, it's not in Moscow, it's here.” Col. Douglas McGregor. 2023.03.16

386th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~162 560 KIAs, 3 504 MBTs, 6 810 AIVs, 5 394 wheeled transports, 257 specialized vehicles, 2 539 artillery guns, 503 MLRS, 265 AA systems, 305 aircraft, 289 helicopters, 2 145 UAVs, 907 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. The race to get the downed Reaper from the bottom of the Black Sea is on between Russians and Americans. US Air Force released the video from the drone of the exact moment it was “attacked” by Russian fighter jet. In the video it is seen how Russian plane releases its fuel near the drone and in the second pass does the same, but the Russian hits UAV’s propeller with its fuselage as well, thus disabling it. The video, however, contains far more interesting thing, which probably was not intentional. In the footage of the second pass, there is land visible at the corner of the picture. This refuted the claim that the drone was flying in the international airspace1, or, at least, proves Russian narrative that it was nearing “their” territory in Crimea. It also proves just how manipulated and unreliable Flightradar24 tracking is, 1

By international law, a state "has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory", which corresponds with the maritime definition of territorial waters as being 12 nautical miles (22.2 km) out from a nation's coastline (Wikipedia). 170

because the flight path shown on that resource was at least 150km off Crimean shore. The issue of the ownership of Crimea is irrelevant for the question at hand; the video proved that Americans were lying. Poland claims to have liquidated a spy network consisting of 9 Russian spies. Their activity involved surveillance of railway traffic, which provided data on the weapon shipments to Ukraine. They planted several video cameras near logistical nexus points in Polish Subkarpathian region (Wojewodztwo Podkarpackie), which borders with Lviv region and sees the majority of weapon traffic going to Ukraine. Almost all of the military equipment sent to Ukraine arrives at Rzeszow-Jasionka airport and is later transported by railway to Lviv. Polish authorities also charged the spies with preparing sabotage acts.

Screengrab from the video showing the downing of American Reaper drone over the Black Sea. Large circle points out the landmass visible; the smaller one outlines the incoming Su-27.

RYBAR claims Russians have completely taken control of Krasnohorivka North of Avdiivka. This would mean that Avdiivka is now in the same situation as Bakhmut – heavily surrounded on three sides with all supply lines being threatened by Russian fire. ‘Strelkov’ says his sources at the front deny










Krasnohorivka. Girkin also writes that Novobakhmutka has gone from one side to the other twice already, but currently is in Russian hands. In Bakhmut itself – heavy 171

street fighting is ongoing with slow Russian advance. North of Bakhmut – Russians have taken Zaliznianske. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X are starting to see what is happening in Russo-Ukrainian War: “The country is in some incomprehensible mess. A lot of pessimism – guys are dying, while those suki1 [in power] can‘t divide [among themselves] money streams. [I’ve] had enough of them! They probably think that they can cash in – the war will hide everything, blyad.”2 While we’re on the topic of growing pessimism in Ukraine, The Washington Post and other large Western MSM have already written several articles about it in the past few days. Pro-Ukrainian MSM downplayed these articles as “propaganda, bought by Kremlin“. An explosion and subsequent fire has been reported in the territory of FSB Border Service building in Rostov-on-Don. Judging from the video, which was allegedly shot seconds after the explosion, the ground zero was inside the building, which indicates a planted explosive device; CCTV footage of the actual explosion only confirmed it. Russian MSM quoted their MChS, claiming that the fire was caused by “ignition of electric wiring”. Official Russian information has become such a joke by now, that even progovernment citizens mock it by posting messages like “It was a “clap” not an explosion. Therefore it’s OK, disperse [nothing to see here]”. “Train carrying hazardous materials derails in Mohave County [US].”, Alexis Cortez & Jason Sillman, 2023.03.16. 1826J Nexta quotes ForPost, claiming that Russians were first to get the Reaper from the sea. ForPost in turn cites “sources in Russian MoD”. More pictures of Russian ad hoc fighting vehicles appeared on the Internet. Either they are trying very hard to convince NATO that their situation is dire, or it really is. 1

Suka (plural – suki, Ru.) – bitch, also used as “whore”, “bastard”. Translation is mine; as always, some idiomatic expressions like “voyna spishet vsyo” are very hard to translate with full post-soviet connotation intact. 2


2307J This is getting ridiculous, yet another train derailed in the USA. The train crashed in Skagit County, Washington State, spilling 5 000 gallons1 of diesel fuel. Just as I was scratching my head at the failure of Russian FSB to prevent massive “accidental” fires in their warehouses and factories, I am flabbergasted at the apparent inability of American FBI to do the same with their railway system. I know that American infrastructure is crumbling due to neglect and obfuscation of funds, but this just can’t explain such sudden and simultaneous failures at this exact moment in history.

The latest Russian “invention” on the left and previously mentioned naval auto-canon turret on the chassis of MT-LB on the right.

In other news: “How this Jewish refugee became Times Square’s queen of porn. [...] “Queen of the Deuce,” which tells the unlikely story of how a toughas-nails Jewish lesbian narrowly escaped the Holocaust in Greece and became the successful owner of several pornographic movie theaters in New York City in the the 1970s.” (((Jewish Telegraphic Agency))), (((Sarah Rosen))), 2022.11.11. (((They))) are not even hiding it anymore – being blight on this world and proud of it. The situation with the banks, war, inflation and food staples has gotten so bad that the ZOG needs to throw even the most incredible “squirrels” onto the stage to distract the sheeple from the depth of the shitcreek we’re all in: “Pentagon officials suggest alien mothership in our solar system could send mini probes to Earth.” FOX News, Greg Wehner, 2023.03.14.


18 927l. 173

“Weimar is nothing compared to BRD1. I would fucking kill to go back and live in 99% ethnic German and 95% conservative (real conservative, not cuckservative2) Weimar Germany rather than this clown republic.” Anonymous German poster on 4chan. Despite furious protests by French population, the (((law))) for raising the age of pension was adopted by the government. ZOG puppet Macron used all its power and enabled government to pass the (((law))) without the vote in parliament. So much for the “of the people, for the people”. 2023.03.17

387th Day of the Prelude War

‘Strelkov’ reposted an interesting report about the construction of ‘Surovikin line’, or as it is called by Russian soldiers on the ground there – ‘Fabergé line’3. If it can be believed, the report was written by a group (DShRG ‘Rusich’4), which drove along the line in person. In short, it can be summed up thusly: 1. The line of anti-tank obstacles (dragon teeth and the AT ditch) is 1

Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Ger.) – Federal Republic of Germany (under ZOG). It is contrasted here with Weimar Republic, which is infamous by its depravity, hyperinflation and general misery of the German people under its rule. 2 A neo-slur for conservatives, it includes “cuck” (short for cuckold) to denote that today’s “conservatives” are anything but. All “conservative” parties in the West support faggotry, transcreaturism, shitskin importation and other anti-sovereign, anti-national and anti-traditional activities. 3 Most probably a reference to the amount of money spent on the fortifications. 4 Diversionno-Shturmovaya Razvedyvatelnaya Gruppa ‘Rusich’ – “The Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group (DShRG) "Rusich" (Russian: Диверсионно-штурмовая разведывательная группа «Русич») is a Russian far-right or Neo-Nazi paramilitary unit that has been fighting against Ukrainian forces in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Its co-founder and leader is Alexey Milchakov and it is part of the Wagner group. "Rusich" fought on the side of pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas war from June 2014 to July 2015, and in the Russian invasion of Ukraine alongside Russian troops” (Wikipedia). 174

constructed oftentimes without military consideration of the terrain; 2. Dirt that was dug up from the AT ditch is being piled on the defender’s side, thus making it into a 2.5m high defilade for the anticipated Ukrainian attackers; 3. Dugouts are being covered with planks and thin layer of dirt, making them useless as cover from even light artillery; 4. Trenches are not prepared with drainage and floors, making them liable for flooding. No overhead cover is being established for the trenches. 5. No camouflage is done over the fortifications; 6. No supply roads are being constructed in connection to the fortifications. (Movement along the line was described as “Kamaz lorry could drive at 35km/h and a car at 20km/h speed”.) Recently, Ukrainian government issued an order for the monks of Russian Orthodox Church to vacate Kiev Pechersk Lavra1 Monastery. This raised a shitstorm of biblical proportions on Russian MSM for understandable reasons. After the monks published a video in Ukrainian language, asking not to evict them, they were given a choice to reassign to Ukrainian Orthodox Church and stay within premises. The debacle is ongoing, though news is scarce at the moment. Yesterday, ZSU presented a briefing on their findings regarding captured and destroyed Russian T-90M Proryv2 tanks. While the briefing should be taken 1

Kyivo-Pechers’ka Lavra (Ukrainian: Києво-Печерська лавра, romanized: Kyievo-Pecherska lavra, Russian: Киево-Печерская лавра), also known as the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves, is a historic Eastern Orthodox Christian monastery which gave its name to one of the city districts where it is located in Kyiv. Since its foundation as the cave monastery in 1051, the Lavra has been a preeminent center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe (Wikipedia). 2 The T-90 is a third-generation Russian main battle tank developed from the T-72. It uses a 125 mm 2A46 smoothbore main gun, the 1A45T fire-control system, an upgraded engine, and gunner's thermal sight. Standard protective measures include a blend of steel and composite armour, smoke grenade dischargers, Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armour (ERA) and the Shtora infrared anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) jamming system. The T-90 was 175

with a grain of salt, knowing that ZSU has an inherent interest to downplay the military potential of the Russian Army, it is worth noting some of the points, voiced during the presentation. The first and the most interesting to me was that the first T-90M tank was destroyed by a soldier with a Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle1. To further prove the veracity of this claim, ZSU representative even named the unit, date and place of the event: soldier belonged to Kharkiv Teroborona Separate Brigade, the destruction of T-90 happened on 2022.05.04 near Staryi Saltiv, Kharkiv region. It was not specified what kind of round was used however, as there are several rounds designed for AT purpose, and most are not considered “tank killers”, at least not by Swedish instructors a while back. The main contention during the presentation was that T-90M is nothing more than a glorified slight modification of soviet T-72. The speaker even pointed out that in some cases, modernization made the tank somewhat worse than its predecessors, e.g. reactive armour limiting maneuverability. Electronics were another major point that was discussed. According to the briefing, Russians put into the tank mostly electronics imported from abroad and of subpar quality. Ukrainians even had a display, where they demonstrated electronics from the captured T90 with signs of severe corrosion. Most of the tank’s “nerve system” was illdesigned to withstand moisture that is a constant companion in military designed and built by Uralvagonzavod, in Nizhny Tagil, Russia. It entered service with the Russian Army in 1992. [...] The T-90M ‘Proryv’ [Breakthrough, (Ru.)] has received a principally new turret, the 2A46M-5 gun, and a more powerful engine. The Proryv is outfitted with a new multi-channel sighting system that allows employing weapons at any time of day or night and it can exchange data with other vehicles in real time (Wikipedia). 1 The Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle (named after Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori which initially produced it) is a Swedish developed 84 mm (3.3 in) caliber man-portable shoulder-fired recoilless rifle, initially developed by the Royal Swedish Army Materiel Administration during the second half of the 1940s as a close-range anti-tank and support weapon for infantry, which has seen great export success around the globe and is today a popular multipurpose support weapon in use by many nations. The Carl Gustaf 84 mm recoilless rifle is a lightweight, low-cost weapon that uses a wide range of ammunition, which makes it extremely flexible and suitable for a wide variety of roles (Wikipedia). 176

vehicles and on the battlefield. It was also mentioned that some other T-90 aspects, like Nakidka1 camouflage, have been completely or partially copied from the West. There are more and more reports of Russian regions starting a new surge of issuing povestki to the mobilization-liable males. Russian officials strongly deny that this means a new mobilization wave and claim it is only a measure to “check the details of reservists”. In the aftermath of Reaper’s demise over the Black Sea, Americans are flying their surveillance on the S-SW sector of Ukraine mission safely over the Romanian airspace. However, they rolled out B-52 bombers for flights near Russian border. Yesterday, couple of them flew over Poland and today, one of these nuclear capable bombers flew right over Lithuania, near Kaliningrad border. Russians, in turn, have also thumbed their noses at the US today: Shoigu awarded medals to the pilots, who brought down American UAV. Poland declared that they will be delivering 4 Mig-29 fighter jets to Ukraine within the next few days. Slovakia joined in with a similar announcement. Today, ICC2 in Hague issued an international arrest order for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. In my opinion, this action locked finally and irreversibly our path to World War 3. There can be no peace negotiations with Russia, while Putin remains in power. It also makes sure that Putin will now more than ever cling to the power and do all he can to win in this war; at least that would be the only logical course of action remaining to him. Also, this “international” arrest order will force all nations to choose a side in the coming conflict. If Putin goes to any country,


Nakidka is a Russian radar-absorbent material (RAM) camouflage that "eliminates the use of precision-guided weapons". Nakidka reduces the infrared, thermal, and radar band signatures of an object. It can be mounted on armored fighting vehicles, field fortifications, command posts, permanent air and vehicle sheds, and ammunition and fuel depots by infantry with no special equipment (Wikipedia). The word roughly means “overcoat”, literally “something to be thrown over”. 2 International Criminal Court. 177

signatory of Rome Statute1, on a state visit or a summit, local authorities should detain him and hand him over to ICC. Any such country, which Putin decides to visit, will have to make a decision. For some, this arrest order will be a binding document, for others – a roll of TP. Along with Putin, same order was issued for Mariya Lvova-Belova, Russian plenipotentiary on the Rights of Children. The charge against both of them – illegal deportation of Ukrainian children. Ukraine has been raising this issue ever more loudly these past few days. In other news: Massive riots broke out in Paris tonight as a response to the pension (((reform))). The riots are exactly what ZOG likes – dumb French sheep vent their anger, burn a bunch of their own cars, break windows of their own businesses, while the ZOG remains unthreatened and nothing at all changes. “U.S. FDA says India-made eye drop linked to some infections, blindness and




2023.02.03. “68 now sickened, 4 lose eyeballs


eyedrops.” Mole,





to Beth


shitting pajeets can’t even wash their hands, when producing medicine in their garage, yet they dream of becoming a “superpower”. “Tanzania has dispatched a team of Marian Magat’s book, for which he was arrested.






mysterious disease that has claimed


The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC). It was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome, Italy on 17 July 1998 and it entered into force on 1 July 2002. As of November 2019, 123 states are party to the statute. Among other things, the statute establishes the court's functions, jurisdiction and structure (Wikipedia). 178

the lives of five people, the government said. The illness was detected in “a total of seven people (with) symptoms including fever, vomiting, bleeding in various body parts and kidney failure,” the health ministry said in a statement released late Thursday.” Al Arabiya, 2023.03.17. A Slovakian writer, Marian Magat, was arrested because of his book “Judeocracy”. All printed books were seized too. Arrested for a book! You have the “freedom of speech”, goy, but only as long as you don’t name the puppeteers behind the curtains. 2023.03.18

388th Day of the Prelude War

Erdogan announced that Turkey has begun the ratification process of Finland’s accession to NATO. Sweden remains in limbo. Russians launched a wave of kamikaze drones at Ukraine tonight. ZSU claims to have shot down 11 out of 16 attacking UAVs, but those that got through still hit the targets. An “object of critical infrastructure” was struck in Novomaskovsk, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukrainian MSM said without specifying the nature of the infrastructure. Hits were also reported in Khmelnitsky and Lviv.

Parties and signatories of Rome Statute, source: Wikipedia.


Biden the Pedo declared that ICC decision to issue an order for Putin’s arrest was justified, saying “he's [Putin] clearly committed war crimes”. Mighty ironic, bearing in mind that the USA has withdrawn from Rome Statute and would not be obliged to arrest Putin, if he ever decided to come to the United States. 2233J A chemical plant is burning in Moscow region. Poland and Slovakia together promised 33 Mig-29s to Ukraine. In other news: Several meteors were observed tonight over Sacramento, California, sparking all sorts of rumours. With both Russian and US ZOGs cranking out propaganda by the bushels, sheeple feared it was Russian nukes; others believed it was alien drop-pods. The meteors looked like regular meteors on the pictures, but the reaction to them was telling about the state of sheeple in the US. 2023.03.19

389th Day of the Prelude War

Russian MSM claim Putin has visited Mariupol and drove a car through the city. Ukrainian MSM mock this message, retorting that, knowing Putin’s pathological fear of death, this must have been his doppelganger, furthermore – “an expendable doppelganger”, since there are Ukrainian partisans active in the region. Based on the previous behaviour by ‘Bunkerniy’1, I’m inclined to believe Ukrainians on this one. Belorussian KGB claim to have liquidated a “foreign citizen L.”, who allegedly resisted arrest with an automatic weapon and hand-grenades. According to the report, this happened in Grodno, on the Kurchatov Street. Polish Ambassador to France, Jan Emeryk Rosciszewski, said the following in an interview to LCI TV: “either Ukraine will defend its independence today, or we will be forced to enter into this conflict2”. Embassy later issued a declaration, claiming the quote was “torn out of the context” and “misinterpreted”.


This derogatory nickname is used on Putin by pro-Ukrainian MSM. As quoted and translated in a Twitter message of AZgeopolitics. Video of the interview was provided and although my French is a bit rusty, I can confirm that the ambassador said pretty much what was translated. 2


In other news: Riots in Paris against the French pension law are still going strong. “Nuclear power plant leaks 400,000 gallons of radioactive water. Minnesota regulators said Thursday they’re monitoring the cleanup of a leak of 400,000 gallons of radioactive water from Xcel Energy’s Monticello nuclear power plant, and the company said there’s no danger to the public.” NBC News, (((Associated Press))), 2023.03.17. 2023.03.20

390th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~165 610 KIAs,3 537 MBTs, 6 869 AIVs, 5 416 wheeled transports, 265 specialized vehicles, 2 577 artillery guns, 507 MLRS, 270 AA systems, 305 aircraft, 290 helicopters, 2 160 UAVs, 907 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russian ZOG excesses in supressing divergent views on the Russo-Ukrainian War have reached new heights. In one example, a girl drew an anti-war pictures in the school and showed them on the internet. She was seized and placed in an orphanage, while her father (single, by the way) was arrested. In another instance, a man was arrested after he viewed “untrue” photographs from the war on his mobile phone, while riding Moscow Metro. A fellow passenger noticed this act of disloyalty and notified Miniluv with predictable outcome for the thought-criminal1. Xi of China is visiting Moscow today. The visit was announced last week and Western MSM again wrote a lot of articles how China is preparing to support Russian in its war against Ukraine. That may be true, but chinks will definitely not raise the bets in the game to a level, where they are pulled in or have to make a definitive commitment. Chinese “12 point peace plan” earlier was equally non-committing and insubstantial, but raised enough tumult to prove that the US does not want peace in Ukraine or, at least, made them look like they don’t. The US tries to mask this by supporting Ukrainian position of “not an inch of our sovereign soil”, but it grows ever evident that the war is only meant to weaken Russia, not to help Ukraine. Of course, the ZOG in Ukraine does its best to do just that, while simultaneously genociding the 1

“Untrue”, “Miniluv”, “thought-criminal” – references to George Orwell’s “1984”. 181

flower of the Ukrainian youth.

Situation around Avdiivka according to RYBAR (confirmed by on 2023.03.20.

While Bakhmut battle stalled somewhat for ‘Wagner’, the situation in Avdiivka continues to deteriorate. Russian forces have advanced to the North and cut off railway line leading into the town. There still remains roads connecting Avdiivka with Ukrainian rear, main going through Orlovka, but the moment to withdraw quickly approaches. However, it is very possible that the kike-in-chief will order his goyim to stay and die, just like in Bakhmut. And the only excuse for the waste of their lives will be “we’re grinding down the enemy”. US DoD1 announced another package of military assistance to Ukraine. The official list is rather cheap on details, but here is what was declared to be sent: 1

Department of Defense. 182

ammunition for HIMARS; 155mm artillery rounds; 25mm ammo; HARMs1; 60mm and 81mm mortars and mortar rounds; AT-4s; small arms, grenade launchers and associated ammo; explosive ordinance and equipment for obstacle clearing; mine-clearing equipment; heavy fuel tankers; thermal imaging systems, optics and laser rangefinders; riverine patrol boats; testing and diagnostic equipment for vehicle maintenance and repair; spare parts and “other field equipment”. This list offers several conclusions, if they can be done. All in all, it reads very clearly as a package for the intended Ukrainian counter-offensive. Explosives, mine and obstacle clearing equipment are dead giveaways. Riverine boats could point that either Ukrainians are planning or Americans are pushing Ukrainians to plan for a counterattack from Kherson direction, i.e. over Dnepr. In other news: 6.9 magnitude earthquake shook Ecuador. According to local authorities, 14 were killed by the disaster. Greta Thunberg received honorary doctorate from Helsinki University. The retard, who skipped school and screamed incoherent crap, is now a “Dr.” The strange part is that it was Theology Faculty that granted doctorate to her. 2023.03.21

391st Day of the Prelude War

An explosion was reported by Ukrainian MSM near Dzhankoy airfield, on Crimea. Russian authorities didn’t comment on the issue. Czech President Petr Pavel (retired Army General), said the following during his interview to Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita on March 19: “The window of opportunity is open this year. After next winter, it will be extremely difficult to maintain the current level of assistance. [...] War fatigue is not only the exhaustion of human resources and equipment, the destruction of infrastructure in Ukraine, but also fatigue in the countries that provide aid. [...] I think Ukraine will have only one attempt to carry out a major counteroffensive. [...] Therefore, if (Ukraine) decides to launch a counteroffensive and it


High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile. 183

fails, it will be extremely difficult to get funding for the next one.”1 ‘Strelkov’ reposted a list of 20 richest “Russians” with second citizenship, made by Ravenstvo (Equality, Ru.) Media. His point is simple – how can Russia win a war, when its wealth lies in the hands of double “citizens”, I see a slightly different aspect to the list: Net Worth ($ billions)

Second Citizenship3

Andrei Melnichenko



Gennadiy Timchenko



Pavel Durov



(((Mikhail Fridman)))



(((Vyacheslav Kantor)))



(((Mikhail Prokhorov)))



(((German Khan)))



(((Roman Abramovich)))



8.1 (each; combined – 16.2)


Leonid Fedun



(((Yuriy Milner)))



Nikolai Storonskiy



Aleksey Kuzmichev



Dmitry Rybolovlev



(((Aleksandr Abramov)))



(((Viktor Vekselberg)))




(((Igor Bukhman, Dmitriy Bukhman)))


As quoted and translated in “Czech President believes Ukraine has one attempt to carry out major counteroffensive”, The Kyiv Independent, 2023.03.20. 2 Some have obfuscated their jewish roots, so there could be more of them belonging to the chosenite tribe; yet others are very tightly tied with kikes both in private and business life, despite not being genetically tainted. 3 I supplemented Ravenstvo Media data with Wikipedia, in some cases these (((international))) rats had more citizenships under their belts than it was claimed by Ravenstvo. 184

(((Petr Aven)))



(((Leonid Boguslavskiy)))



(((Zarakh Iliyev)))



Country codes for the table above: UAE – United Arab Emirates; FIN – Finland; FRA – France; ISR – Israel; UK – United Kingdom; PRT – Portugal; CYP – Cyprus; LAT – Latvia; CAN – Canada. As can be easily seen from the table, kikes outstrip all others in their combined wealth. Some, like (((Rotenberg brothers))), were not even listed as the “richest”, but still hold disproportionate wealth and influence through their connection with the “President ad perpetuum”. It is worth noting that kikes comprise only ~0.1% of total Russian population1. Partisan organization “Black Bridge” took the responsibility for the explosion and fire in the FSB building in Rostov-on-Don. Nexta published a screenshot of their Telegram message. In the latest video address, ‘Strelkov’ expressed his doubts as to the ability of Russian forces to completely take Avdiivka into encirclement. He said the same about Bakhmut. Girkin summarized the situation in these two pockets as “cruellest mutual meat grinder”. As to the Ukrainian situation, he said that ZSU has been forming strong reserves, which they didn’t use on the frontlines. He even cited his “insider sources”, claiming that Ukraine already has over 100 Leopard-2 tanks, some of which were “not officially part of the declared aid package”. In his opinion, ZSU is preparing a large counteroffensive within 3-4 weeks. He also noted bridging equipment and riverine boats sent to Ukraine, making the same conclusion as I did, that ZSU could be preparing a river crossing over the river Dnepr. Nexta joyously announced that the UK promised to deliver DU (Depleted Uranium) rounds for the Challenger tanks being sent to Ukraine. Idiots even remarked that “DU rounds are not considered chemical weapon and are unregulated”. How can people come to a state, when they cheer the poisoning of their own soil, making it a mutagenic wasteland for thousands of years to 1

According to “World Jewish Population 2020” by Sergio DellaPergolla, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (155 000 kikes out of 146 731 000 Russian population in 2020). Wikipedia claims it is 3%, without providing a source. 185

come? 2147J The evening issue of Nexta video shed more light on the strike against Dzhankoy. Apparently, ZSU claims to have used drones to take out railway station there, together with a bunch of Kalibr NK missiles meant for the Russian Navy. This railway station is a bottleneck of train lines into Crimea from occupied Ukrainian mainland. Russian governor of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, retorted that Russian AA systems “ma-ximally”1 protected Crimea and shot down all attacking drones; the debris struck “civilian buildings only”. In other news: The death toll of Turkey-Syria earthquake continues to rise, weeks after the event. At the moment it climbed over 50 000. 7.7 magnitude earthquake, with an epicentre in Northern Afghanistan, hit Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, China and, of course, Afghanistan. “Victoria [Australia] is set to outlaw the Nazi salute following a far-right demonstration at Parliament on Saturday.” 9News Melbourne, Twitter message, 2023.03.20. American ZOG maintains constant barrage of “oh, look, a squirrel” distraction campaigns. Yesterday and today, it was “Trump will be arrested”. However, it seems that these PSYOPs are delivering diminishing returns with every new session. As I’ve said before – American politics have grown so inconsequential that I find it useless to even report about them, more than providing a passing remark to point out the intent to keep the sheeple from waking up, by feeding the public with fake “happenings”. 2023.03.22

392nd Day of the Prelude War

Russians attacked Kiev with Shahed drones tonight. ZSU claims they shot down








inconsistency in this claim – 21 UAVs were launched, 16 of which were shot down. Potent explosions were heard in the port of Sevastopol. Russian mayor of the city, Mikhail Razvozhayev, issued a statement claiming that Ukrainians 1

Exactly as Aksyonov said it. 186

conducted a massive drone attack against Russian navy. According to him, all drones were destroyed. What caused the heavy explosions remains an open question. Conflict Intelligence Team, one of the many OSINT military analysts out there, claims that Russians started taking T-55 tanks out of deep storage. This conclusion is probably based on the videos of T-55 being transported on train flatbeds somewhere in Russia. Xi of China has left Moscow today, but not before saying this to Putin in a semiformal environment: “Right now, changes [are happening], which haven’t happened in a 100 years, and we are driving these changes together. Stay safe, dear friend!”1 Oh, what a campaign was started to convince dumb goyim in Ukraine that DU rounds, which are about to turn their future into living nightmare, are “nothing overly dangerous”. I would say it has been so hysterical that only one step separates it from the moment of actually trying to say DU is beneficial to one’s health. The usual and long overused tropes of propaganda went into action: “it has been used for some time now”, “Russia uses it too”, “it’s not scary at all”, “it has nothing in common with nuclear weapons”, “it’s just Russian propaganda”, but most importantly – “it is not forbidden by the (((international law)))”. (((Zelensky))) has allegedly visited troops near Bakhmut. Exact place was not disclosed of course and I’m left wondering whether this was a more qualitative propaganda stunt than the ones done by Russians or a genuine event. In other news: Uganda criminalized faggotry with punishment up to death penalty. Even African apes are smarter than white nations of the Old Continent (and the New one for that matter). A situation is developing in Mali. After a coup there, French were told to pack up and fuck off with their troops, which they did promptly. New 1

Transcribed and translated (what the Chinese translator said in Russian) from a video by me. 187

“government” brought in ‘Wagner’ to bolster the security in exchange for lucrative business opportunities for (((Prigozhyn))). The arrangement went rather well, until ‘Wagner’ focused too much on taking Bakhmut and started losing sufficient amounts of experienced mercs. By now, it is reported that ‘Wagner’ has grown too weak to keep Mali “government” in full control of their territory and ISIS (the negro branch) is taking large swaths of this Inner African country. Anthrax outbreak is reported in Russian region of Chuvashiya. One of the infected travelled to Moscow and has been hospitalized there. 2023.03.23

393rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~168 150 KIAs, 3 570 MBTs, 6 898 AIVs, 5 452 wheeled transports, 273 specialized vehicles, 2 608 artillery guns, 511 MLRS, 273 AA systems, 305 aircraft, 290 helicopters, 2 203 UAVs, 909 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Another car exploded in Melitopol. According to preliminary reports, local cop, who collaborated with the invaders, got his leg blown off. As predicted, the propaganda campaign to whitewash DU rounds has reached ridiculous levels, as Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung writes the following: “The IPPNW1 organization, an association of doctors working to prevent nuclear war, on Wednesday condemned the delivery of DU munitions to Ukraine because they lead to "long-term toxic and radiological damage". This is repeatedly claimed about Iraq, where the United States used large quantities of these missiles [projectiles] in the Gulf Wars of 1990-91 and 2003. An increased number of leukemia cases and birth defects in newborns have been reported, particularly from the city of Fallujah. On the other hand, the British Ministry of Defense referred to a study by the Royal Society from 2002. This study of the radiological and toxic effects came to the conclusion that in the worst case, in the event of a direct hit, one in a 1

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. 188

thousand (surviving) soldiers could die of lung cancer more than in the usual comparison group. In other cases, the scientists estimated the increased risk at 1 in 40,000; They considered the long-term consequences of environmental contamination to be even less. The risk of developing cancer from smoking is far higher – one in six smokers dies from it.”1 Yaroslavl motor factory2 “caught fire” today. According to Nexta, Russians were producing rocket engines for Topol-M ICBMs in this factory. The head of Viktor Orban’s Chancellery, Gergey Gulyas, declared that Hungary would not be arresting Putin if he came for a visit to the country. So much for the “authority” of the ICC. 2206J Nexta quoted ZSU HQ, claiming that Russian troops vacated Nova Kakhovka. Russian administration of the occupied part of Kherson region denied this and said it was merely a rotation of troops. Soon after, ZSU denied the news as well, confirming that Russian troops are still in place. The Economist published an interesting article regarding Russian tank production. Albeit some statements can not be substantiated, I would like to quote several passages: “Russia has only one tank factory left: UralVagonZavod, a huge complex built in the 1930s. But financial mismanagement and huge debts have slowed modernisation. [...] Novaya Gazeta, a liberal Russian newspaper, reports that the plant makes just 20 [tanks] per month. [...] In an attempt to meet the demand, Russia has increased the rate at which it restores old tanks, of which it has thousands in storage. [...] UralVagonZavod rebuilds about eight tanks a month, and three other armoured-vehicle repair plants each refurbish around 17, according to Russian media. Two more plants of similar 1

Translated by, emphasis in bold by me. OJSC «Autodiesel» (ОАО «Автоди́зель») known as the Yaroslavl Motor Plant (YaMZ), Russian: Яросла́вский мото́рный заво́д (ЯМЗ), romanized: Yaroslavskyi Motornyi Zavod (YaMZ), based in Yaroslavl, Russia, is an open joint-stock company that produces engines for many Russian companies (Wikipedia). 2


size are due to come online in the next few months. This means that, although Russia can only build 20 new tanks a month, it may soon be able to resurrect 90 or so a month from its boneyards. Still, that would not make up for the estimated 150 it is losing each month, according to analysis by Oryx. Russia is not alone in these problems. Ukraine and its allies also lack the ability to produce tanks quickly. Ukraine’s only tank factory, near Kharkiv, was destroyed early in the war. America, which has promised to send 31 M1A2 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, has one factory, with capacity to make 15 tanks each month. Production elsewhere in the West is similarly slow, leading to a scramble to find old tanks to donate.”1 Medvedev has meanwhile declared that “we will produce 1 500tanks this year alone”2. Of course, this is Medvedev – a “source” on his own. In other news: “Death toll linked to contaminated eye drops rising as more report vision loss. Four people have reportedly had to have their eyeballs surgically removed.” ABC7 News, Mary Kekatos, 2023.03.22. 2023.03.24

394th Day of the Prelude War

arge fire was reported in plastics factory in Yekaterinburg. 3 000 square meters have been engulfed by the flames. Bloomberg claims that (((Prigozhyn))) is shifting his mercenaries back to Africa. Apparently, the setbacks in Mali and internal tensions with Russian Army are beginning to bear fruit. However, the article is a climactic example of current (((journalism))) – Bloomberg based these conclusions on, and I quote, “the people said”. (((Prigozhyn))) denied this rumour. Russian (((social media))) swarm with reports of a heavy explosion in the region of Sevastopol’s Omega Bay. Strangely enough, there are no more talks of impending Russian attack, either 1

“How quickly can Russia rebuild its tank fleet?” The Economist, 2023.02.27, emphasis in bold by me. 2 Transcribed and translated by me from a video posted on Nexta Telegram channel. The part “we will produce” has been very unclear, as Medvedev’s speech was slightly slurred and it could have been “we produced”. 190

from Belarus or anywhere else. It is as if the entire Russian battlegroup in Belarus has vanished into the thin air. No more ominous messages, claiming that Russians have prepared their new units for combat operations. All the talks about the amassed Russian Air Force assets in the area disappeared and were forgotten the second it did. Ukrainian MSM have turned the page and are now talking almost exclusive about the “coming Great Ukrainian Counteroffensive”. At the cost of 10-15 000 troops, Russians managed to fix Northern Ukrainian forces in place and prevented them from reinforcing the front, or forming a reserve battlegroup, which could have conducted an operational level counterattack at the place of ZSU choosing. The fact that Russians have not managed to exploit the results of this faint is another matter. The issue of Kiev Pechersk Lavra is relentlessly closing to the climax. The monks continue petitioning Ukrainian authorities, asking to let them stay, yet the ZOG pretends to not hear any of it. The deadline is set on March 29. The whole affair is giving ample ammunition to Russian propaganda and all of it is made in Ukraine. While I understand that Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy is infested with KGB/FSB operatives, it is no excuse to move so indiscriminately against a religious institution. SBU should have prosecuted all suspected in clandestine activity, but left the rest alone. Even that would have raised indignation in Russia, but it would have had far lesser impact than the broad decision to evict the monastery altogether. In other news: Riots still continue in Paris and other French cities. According to MSM, over 1 000 000 people participated. There are videos of firefighters and even riot police joining the protesters. Bordeaux City Hall has been set on fire. The situation has gotten so bad that UK’s ZOG puppet “king” Charles III the Circumcised cancelled his visit to France in view of the unrest. 2023.03.25

395th Day of the Prelude War

A warehouse full of cellulose products is burning in Rostov-on-Don region. I don’t know how they do it these days, but cellulose was crucial for the production of gunpowder1 in my days. If that is still the case, then this fire 1

Nitrocellulose (also known as cellulose nitrate, flash paper, flash cotton, guncotton, pyroxylin and flash string, depending on form) is a highly 191

will land a blow on the already strained Russian efforts to produce ammunition. American base1 in Syrian Deir ez-Zor region, guarding Conico oil field, was bombarded with missiles and rockets, according to rumours on Telegram. No official confirmation or reports of casualties have been published as of yet, but some smaller MSM outlets have reported on it, saying that Americans have deployed additional forces to the region. Most interestingly, the American base was hit with Iranian Shahed drones, which were made fun of extensively in pro-Ukrainian and pro-Western MSM. Apparently, the “flying lawn mowers, assembled in a garage somewhere” were able to circumvent American Avenger AA system in place and inflict a humiliating strike upon the forces of the Great Golem. Someday, somewhere, ZOG will underestimate the wrong enemy and it will be the end of it. It seems Putin has made the final decision pertaining the stationing of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. In an interview for Russia24 TV, he said that this decision was greatly influenced by UK’s announcement about the delivery of DU rounds to Ukraine. “We will start training crews [of the nuclear capable planes] from April 3. And on the 1st of July, the construction of special depot for the tactical nuclear weapons will be finalized in Belarus” Putin said. At the same time, he remarked that the nukes will not be transferred to Belorussian control, going out of his way to point out that it will be an identical arrangement to the one the USA have with certain NATO allies, e.g. Germany, Italy and Turkey.

flammable compound formed by nitrating cellulose through exposure to a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. One of its first major uses was as guncotton, a replacement for gunpowder as propellant in firearms (Wikipedia). Currently, propellants using nitrocellulose (detonation velocity 7,300 m/s (23,950 ft/s), RE factor 1.10) (typically an ether-alcohol colloid of nitrocellulose) as the sole explosive propellant ingredient are described as single-base powder. Propellants mixtures containing nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin (detonation velocity 7,700 m/s (25,260 ft/s), RE factor 1.54) as explosive propellant ingredients are known as double-base powder (Wikipedia). 1 It was later reported that two bases were hit. 192

Yesterday, Russians conducted an air strike in Sumy region. RYBAR quoted Yuriy Ignat, a ZSU representative, who claimed that Russians used FABs1 retrofitted with gliding control for precision strikes, comparable to American JDAMs2. ‘Strelkov’ has been stressing the need of such retrofitting in order to take out the bridges over Dnepr, which would cripple the Ukrainian defences on the Eastern side of the river. If what Ignat said is true, Sumy strikes could be Russians testing their new toys, before employing them against more important targets. An ability to transform all those FABs in Russian warehouse into precision (even if of dubious quality) weapons would mean really bad news for Ukraine. In other news: Macron of France was giving an interview to one of the TVs of the country, explaining how people must sacrifice their welfare for the good of the country. Halfway through, the ZOG puppet noticed that he’s wearing the 80 000€ worth wrist watch on his arm. He immediately dropped his paws beneath the table and took it off, continuing the interview without the watch later. To put it in perspective – 80 000 in euro fiat is a sum that few earn in a year. The complacency of the sheeple breeds ruler’s contempt to them. And no, French riots do not count as resistance, they’ve been doing these “protests” for some time in that country, yet ZOG does what it pleases anyway. Lampposts are crying to be decorated. Riots and protests rage on in France. As some rightly remarked, French sheeple were perfectly OK with their country being flooded with shitskins. They didn’t riot, when “allahu ackbar” screaming muslim invaders ploughed “trucks of peace” through crowded city walkways. They didn’t protest, when most of their industry was exported to China. And they didn’t rise up, when despite the protests, “their” government imposed draconian COVID19 laws upon them and their offspring. But as soon as ZOG pushed for pension age to be raised from 62 to 64, Frenchies suddenly lost it and spilled into the streets in their millions with only one thought in mind – burn it all to the ground. 1

Fugasnaya Aviatsyonnaya Bomba (Ru.) – HE Aviation Bomb. These are simple free fall bombs and Russians have large stocks of them. They are trying to convert FABs into KABs as cheaply and as speedily as they can. KAB – Korrektiruyemaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba – Guided Aviation Bomb. 2 Joint Direct Attack Munitions. 193

Two shitskin spawns, aged 12 and 13, stabbed a 12yo German girl to death in Freudenberg, Germany. The older of the subhuman filth held Luise (name of the German girl) down, while the younger stabbed her 75 times. Out of all things imaginable, a chocolate factory exploded in West Reading, Pennsylvania. And it wasn’t any “sweet meltdown” either – 2 people are reported dead and 5 still missing. 2023.03.26

396th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~170 550 KIAs, 3 595 MBTs, 6 947 AIVs, 5 486 wheeled transports, 282 specialized vehicles, 2 631 artillery guns, 522 MLRS, 277 AA systems, 305 aircraft, 291 helicopters, 2 216 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. A warehouse with plastic products went up in flames tonight in Omsk. But that was not the end of it. Fires were also reported in a factory workshop producing secondary lead1 near Moscow and in a gunpowder production facility in Perm. The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine delivered a report about the situation in the war. Apart from the usual “we are deeply concerned with the human suffering caused by this war”, the report had several passages, which accuse Ukraine of being less than blameless in this Mercenary War 2.0. Needless to say, kikes in Ukrainian government reverted to the old tactics of “how dare you accuse the victim”. Well, some points of their critique were true – the report lacked substance when it comes to those accusations, but the Ukrainian reaction to it was pretty telling nonetheless. According to Matilda Bogner, who delivered the report: “Since 24 February 2022, we have documented 621 cases of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detention of civilians by Russian armed forces. Among the 127 that we interviewed after their release, 1

Lead derived from salvage of wornout end-product items, such as battery plates, cable covering, pipe and sheet, which are collected, remelted, and refined in secondary smelters to produce refined lead or various lead-base alloys ( According to Nexta, lead from this factory was used in vehicle batteries, wiring and ammunition, thus making it into a strategic target. 194

90 per cent reported that members of the Russian security forces tortured and ill-treated them while in detention, in some cases including sexual violence. [...]Since 24 February 2022, we have documented 91 cases of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detention committed by Ukrainian security forces. Of the 73 victims we interviewed, 53 per cent had been tortured or ill-treated by members of Ukrainian armed forces and law enforcement agencies. [...] Almost half of the 229 Russian POWs who we interviewed spoke of being tortured or ill-treated by members of Ukrainian armed forces and the SBU, and to a lesser extent penitentiary staff. The majority of these cases occurred during the initial stages of apprehension and interrogation. POWs were beaten, shot in the legs, stabbed in their limbs, electrocuted, subjected to mock executions, threats of sexual violence or death. [...] In relation to the treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war, we are also deeply concerned by the summary execution of 15 Ukrainian prisoners of war shortly after being captured by Russian armed forces. The Wagner Group military and security contractors perpetrated 11 of these executions. [...] However, the majority of Ukrainian prisoners of war who were captured








internment. Members of Russian armed forces and the Russian Security Service tortured and ill-treated them to extract military information, to intimidate or humiliate them, or as a form of retribution. Forms of torture included beating, electrocution, or in several cases, being shot or stabbed in the legs. Mock executions were also common. The report describes one case, where a POW died from injuries within hours after he was tortured.”1 The most contentious point in the report for the Ukrainians was the disparity in the killed POWs – 25 were allegedly killed by members of ZSU and only 15 by Russians. It is important to note that Bogner admitted that “Ukraine provided us with unimpeded confidential access to official places of 1

Quoted from 195

internment of Russian prisoners of war. The Russian Federation did not give us access.” Laying foundation of their report on already disparate investigative conditions was bound to produce skewed results, but that doesn’t seem to bother anyone. UN produced a clearly incomplete report and Ukraine raised a storm of kvetching, demanding their actions to be disregarded, because they are the victim of an invasion. Both are equally pathetic. In response to the attacks against US forces in Syria, Biden the Pedo notified the Congress of the United States of America of his decision to authorize an airstrike within Syria against what he called “Iranian affiliated facilities”. From what CNN writes, it looks like the strikes have already been conducted. Except from the usual blather about “ensuring security of US personnel, establishing deterrence” etc., there was no substantial information about the results or the exact targets. In other news: A massive tornado left 26 killed in its wake in Mississippi, US. 2023.03.27

397th Day of the Prelude War

Yesterday, a heavy explosion rocked Kireyevsk in Tula region, Russia. Russian authorities said that a UAV fell and detonated there. It was speculated that it could have been another long range Ukrainian drone of the modernized soviet types, which probably executed the attacks on Engels-2 airfield. ZSU now confirms in full the use of retrofitted FABs with guided gliding modules by Russian aviation. Ukrainians noted active employment of Russian aviation on the entire length of the front, particularly in Kherson region. The hysteria around the Russian move of nuclear weapons to Belarus is reaching high pitch. I am aware of my increased use of the word “hysteria”, but I honestly find no better word to describe the rhetoric coming out of the MSM these days. The lamentations about “perfidious Russians, raising the stakes in nuclear tension”, are unceasing. American nuclear weapons, stationed in NATO countries, are going unnoticed in all of it though. Lithuanian MSM are marching in lockstep with the rest of the Western ZOG, gnashing their teeth at the “aggressive and unpredictable” neighbour. “We find ourselves in terrible, terrible times, let’s hope for peace to prevail this 196

year” an anchor on Žinių Radio moaned this morning, all the while stoking the flames of public hatred against Russia. If it were not for my kids, I would genuinely wish for the nukes to start flying, just so that the smug smirk on the faces of those parasitic kikes and their shaboz goyim ilk could be twisted into a horror grimace of apprehension. Russians bombarded Slavyansk with S-300 missiles, repurposed for ground attack role. Ukrainians reported several hits in civilian sectors with at least two killed and a number of wounded. ZSU commander in place declared Avdiivka to be closed for the press representatives and volunteers, helping the civilians (food, water, necessities and evacuation). The decision was taken because of worsening operational situation, according to him. An attempt to assassinate Mikhail Moskvin, the head of local collaborator police, was made in Mariupol. The pig unfortunately survived. In other news: Liberal branch of the kikes in Israel are protesting against the conservative (((Bibi))) and his reforms to the judicial system. This has been going on for a while with slight hiatus in-between. The conservative kikes are rather apprehensive of what their liberal brethren are doing to the kikeland – introducing same nation wrecking processes. And since the conservative kikes have some sort of self-preservation instinct left, they consider that it is OK to do that to the goyim nations, but (((liberals))) should hold their horses when it comes to the chosenites’ piece of the desert. The kikes are using the “good ol’ tricks” against their own sheeple. In view of the political unrest in the kikeland, this news broke today: “Israeli troops, extremists storm al-Aqsa mosque, force out Muslim worshipers”,, 2023.03.27. One does not need to be a (((Nostradamus))) to foresee what will happen next – Palestinians will be up in arms, renewed attacks against IDF and kike civilians will happen, the kike sheeple will be told to shut up and come together, because “the enemy is at the gates” and (((Bibi))) will have won. Meanwhile, he declared that the judicial reform, which started the whole uproar by the liberal minded hebes, has been postponed “indefinitely”. However, the protests still grow in Israel for now. The protesters closed off the main highway into Jerusalem. The flights from Ben Gurion airport (the 197

biggest in the country) have been also postponed because of the unrest. There were even reports of kike cops erecting barricades on the street leading to (((Bibi’s))) home; later video surfaced of the protesters breaking through that very same barrier. In a rare exhibition of good news, I’ve read today that “Italy bans insect flour from its pasta despite the eco buzz”, The Times, Tom Kington, 2023.03.24. The good news were immediately cancelled out by one of the worst – Scotland’s ruling SNP (Scottish National Party) elected their new “leader” and one would never believe whom. The new SNP “leader” and the most probable new Scottish PM is Humza Haroon Yousaf. The very same shitskin, who yammered about Scotland‘s offices being occupied by white men! There was a suicide attack near Afghani MoFA building in Kabul, Afghanistan. According to preliminary reports, two were killed and 12 wounded. The Battle for T-obrazka1 will make a short sidestep to recount the story of a small engagement just North of Verkhnokamyanske, in Bilohorivka-Soledar sector2. The “battle” was completely insignificant in both the scope and the object of the contention, but it was well filmed from a drone with a nigh perfect view of the situation, so I think it could be interesting to document it from the military standpoint. Besides, it featured several truly dramatic moments and could be illustrative for my rather bland retelling of the world-wide events. Ukrainians, who uploaded the video, claimed it to depict the defensive positions of the ‘K2’ Battalion of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade, which holds positions somewhere between Zolotarivka and Spirne, according to map (data could very well be outdated). The attacking force allegedly belonged to ‘Wagner’ group. Ukrainians further claim that the small 1

T-obrazka (Ru.) – T-shaped or T-alike, referring to the terrain feature of the defensive position. 2 Ukrainians claimed it to be located somewhere in “Soledar-Siversk” sector. After couple of hours of pouring through the Google Maps satellite images, searching from Soledar up to Bilohorivka, I finally managed to locate the place – 48°52'44.0"N 38°13'06.7"E. 198

position, for which the engagement was fought, was defended by 8 ZSU soldiers; Russians attacked it with 30 soldiers (most probably over time). The attacks allegedly continued for seven days, but only two actual attacks during daylight hours were shown in the videos. There was no mention as to the exact date of the events depicted (could be recent, as there was no snow cover). Both attacks came directly from the North, pointing out the inaccuracy of currently presented situation around Bilohorivka. That terrain is shown under ZSU control in all current OSINT maps. In both cases, Russians advanced along the tree line (zelyonka), which hugs the dirt road going in the same direction. To the left of the T-obrazka there was a large, roughly rectangular enclosure, made by ca. 3m high embankment. Russians used an overstrength squad (or an understrength platoon) in the two attacks. Ukrainian position was a short (~10-14m) bit of trench with several dugouts distributed along its line, slightly to the left of the centre of T-obrazka (see the plate). The first attack was going pretty well for the Russians. They tried to perform it in the best traditions of “how to storm a fixed position” by deploying fire support team and sending their storming party through the zelyonka with some cover between them and the ZSU position. However, the “perfect” operation ended there and the rest was a disjointed action, which ultimately resulted in a bunch of dead Russian soldiers and a ragged retreat. The video starts already half-way through the attack, at the moment when the assault party is already within a storming distance from the ZSU trench. The fire support team had not yet deployed into line to cover the assault team; at this moment they were still in a staggered column, if that could be called that. The assault party comprised 4 Russian soldiers (a fire team), poised to attack the position, but it is completely unclear what happened to them, because later video shows only the firefight between the trench and the Russian fire support team. A brief moment was shown when the storming party was shot at by Ukrainians, so I presume they ducked into the ditch on the other side of zelyonka and wheeled back. Ukrainians were supported by artillery, but it is clear that only two guns were working for that purpose. Due to the nature of the video (non-continuous), it was very hard to tell the timetable of the whole affair, but it seems that the 199

first two rounds of Ukrainian artillery came rather swiftly (or very delayed, if we assume the Russians were noticed much earlier). The first one overshot the target and the second landed almost on top of the trench itself, on the south edge of T-obrazka. The pauses between the rounds were rather significant and the artillery fire density could be called “harassing” at best. Couple of airburst shrapnel rounds made the Russian infantry come together like raw recruits, making the next happening a decisive one. After several hits close to the position of the enemy fire support squad, one round fell luckily right in the midst of them. And because Russians were bunched up in exactly that place, the explosion probably killed three, wounding 5 other. After that, the attack was basically over, the half-dazed survivors tried to continue the firefight, but those who could, retreated after they understood the futility of their continued presence in the area. Speaking of the attack, several mistakes by both sides were noticeable. Too bad the video didn’t show the Russian approach, but it is probably because they managed to creep up unnoticed (evidenced by the very late Ukrainian arty support). The initial deployment was haphazard, but at least it was conducted. It is also possible that Russians stumbled upon the Ukrainian position unawares. This would explain the strange behaviour by the assault party, which wasn’t assaulting, and the impromptu organization of fire support. It is unclear what happened to the assault team and it must have been that moment when the Russians lost the tactical initiative. As soon as the fire support commander realised that there won’t be any assault forthcoming, he should have called artillery strike on the ZSU positions and ordered immediate retreat, using fire and maneuver to extricate the remnants of his squad. Instead, the dumb bastard chose to stay on the open field and attempted to duke it out with the entrenched Ukrainians. With the wellcoordinated artillery, to which Ukrainian soldiers clearly had direct communication, this was not just foolhardy, it was pure madness. As for Ukrainians, the Finnish officer in an interview to said it best –


“being scared in the trenches for eight years does not make a skilled soldier”1. First of all, the trench was too small for the alleged 8 soldiers it housed. If the position indeed held 8 Ukrainians (I only saw one fighting) it had only ~1m of trench per soldier. More importantly, the trench covered only one side of zelyonka, the other side was invisible to the ZSU positions, and not only because of the trees and underbrush, which were bare and blasted to pieces, but because there was a ditch running along the road on the other side. That ditch and zelyonka was used for cover by the assault team, later by the retreating Russians and further down the road by the second attack. The enclosure made of embankment went unexploited as well; the escarpment would have provided a perfect place for a dug-through, camouflaged OP/LP with an elevated view over zelyonka approach. If that position were to be reinforced with a sniper or a machinegun, the whole setting would immediately transform into a deadly L-form ambush. Ukrainians failed to give a serious small arms response to the attacking force. In the video, there was only one soldier shooting at the assaulting team and later at the fire support group. The squad of 8 soldiers would have shot the Russian fire support team like fish in a barrel – they were out in the open, mere 20m in front of their fortified trench. Instead, I assume, they chose to stay in their dugouts. This was not the first instance of such behaviour by Ukrainian forces. One particular video grew especially popular on the Internet. In it, a single Ukrainian soldier shot up an entire Russian assault party and their BMP, constantly changing his position in the trench and dispatching some Russians at point blank range. All the while, his “comrades” sat in the dugout and only handed him ammunition and weapons. The last sin, committed by the Ukrainian commander, was the lack of proactive follow-up on the failed Russian attack. Despite Russians clearly losing the initiative, Ukrainians remained inert in their trench and didn’t counterattack to finish the stragglers off. It could be said that this particular engagement was won by one lucky artillery round and a bunch of Russian mistakes, because Ukrainian soldiers did nothing well, except correcting the artillery 1

“Finnish soldiers: Ukraine needs better training to win”,, 2023.02.28. For more details see the Chapter “Military Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War So Far No3”. 201

fire (and I’m not even sure about that – the artillery fire could have been corrected by the drone operator, who filmed the entire thing as well). The second attack was even more dramatic. The video started smack dab in the middle of the action. Russians were already on top of the trench and firing in bursts down at targets unseen to the camera. The picture was seemingly that of an end of a successful assault. But that did not stop Russians from snatching the defeat from the jaws of victory. Instead of throwing hand grenades and mowing down anything that moved, they kneeled down and started fumbling around. When they finally decided to continue their ill-fated “assault”, the Ukrainians were ready. As soon as one of the Russians moved in front of the entrance to a dugout, he got pumped full of lead and, incredibly enough, that was the end of the Russian attack. One of the two surviving Russians managed to throw the grenade towards the entrance of the dugout, but it landed on the breastwork and rolled off into the trench. After it exploded, one of the Ukrainians crawled out of the dugout and opened fire on the Russians, who still remained in the open outside of the trench. One was apparently hit, while the one who threw the grenade started returning fire. At this moment, an artillery round exploded in an airburst right over his head, showering him, his buddy and the trench with shrapnel. After this, the sole Russian survivor rolled off to the side and crawled into a shell hole on the road, where he remained for the rest of the video. There were several more artillery hits in the immediate vicinity of the Ukrainian trench, most probably because the commander of the defence ordered a strike on his position. The fun for the Russians was only starting, because soon after the artillery fire, Ukrainian armour emerged from zelyonka to the left of the T-obrazka. It was one BMP-2 and a tank. The BMP started pelting the Northward tree line with its main gun, firing in bursts, chopping trees and suppressing Russians, who by that time were retreating on the other side of Northbound zelyonka. Tank fired off a round as well and presumably used the machinegun. Next, the tank made a terrible blunder, which could have cost its crew dearly, would the Russians have kept their wits about. Instead, it turned out to be the death knell for the Russians. Without infantry support, it rolled straight towards the tree line, crossed it and crawled onto the straight road the Russians were retreating on. I think I will lower the curtain on the subsequent events, as it is 202

painfully obvious what happened next. I doubt I need to review the mistakes done by both sides during the second attack, because they are basically the same as the ones seen in the first video. Especially infuriating is the lack of measures to improve the tactical disposition by the Ukrainian commander. His trench was nearly overrun, again! He had to call in artillery on top of his position, again! He had no troops covering the Eastern side of zelyonka, again! The only new idiocy done by Ukrainians was the maneuver by the tank. Even one Russian with a disposable AT, hidden in zelyonka would have ruined the day for the tank crew. The fuckers in the trench had no situational awareness and did not provide any support for the armour. They didn’t even try to coordinate with the reinforcement. They did what they had done through both videos – sat in their dugouts with nary a care for the situation around them (except from that one Ukrainian, who fought off the assault party). No wonder then that at the end of the second video, a text message was shown, informing the viewer that the position was later lost to a Russian night-time attack. 2023.03.28

398th Day of the Prelude War

Yesterday, a telephone conversation between (((Iosif Prigozhyn)))1 and Farkhad Akhmedov2 was leaked. (((Iosif Prigozhyn))) immediately denied the veracity of the audio recording, calling it the work of “neural network”. He 1

Iosif Igorevich Prigozhin (born 2 April 1969, Makhachkala, Dagestan ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) is а Russian music producer of singers Valeria, Natalia Vetlitskaya, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nikolai Noskov, Aleksandr Marshal, Avraam Russo, Kristina Orbakaitė, Didulya and many others. He is the creator of the record label NOX Music, the organizer of Russian musical festivals, concerts, and television programs (Wikipedia). Not related to (((Yevgeniy Prigozhyn))) – owner of ChVK ‘Wagner’, except both of them being kikes. 2 Farkhad Teimurovich Akhmedov (Azerbaijani: Fərhad Teymur oğlu Əhmədov, Russian: Фархад Теймурович Ахмедов; born 15 September 1955) is an Azerbaijani businessman and a former politician in Russia, departing his role in 2009. He is a former representative in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia). 203

meant the newly emergent “AI” algorithms, which are able to forge video and audio recordings, making them similar to any sample given to them. Having listened to some of the examples of the forged voice recordings (Biden etc.), I find it extremely unlikely this was the case. The conversation is far too nuanced and idiomatic for that to be true. Here is one snippet that illustrates the state of mind among the Eastern ZOG (even if on the lower level, though): F.A.: “Tell me, where are we going? [...] The whole picture there, where does it go?” (((I.P.))): “It is the biggest tragedy. It’s all about what I...” F.A.: “They all shit on each other. Declarations are contradictory, unconsolidated, uncoordinated.” (((I.P.))): “Do you hear me? Yes, yes.” F.A.: “There is an internecine fighting, fighting for the power, which...” (((I.P.))): “Look, listen. They have united, Igor Ivanovich [unknown, could be ‘Strelkov’], Sergei Viktorovich [Lavrov] and Zolotov [the head of Rosgvardiya]. They blame Shoigu for everything. [They] call him a dumb fuck [dolboyob] behind his eyes [back], of course. And they have a mission to unseat him, blyad. But they aren’t doing it now, [it’s] cumulative moment. Yes, well, because you have to blame it all [idiomatic spisat] on someone, listen. With what this... suka hits here, blyad, for him it’s pokhuy1, he’s responsible for VPK2. He’s blyad suka. They are the most okhuyevshiye3 people. My opinion is simple – they are behaving like kings, like gods, blyad. They are koncheniye tvari4. That’s what I’ll tell you. I can say nothing good 1

Mongolo-Russian curse, verbatim meaning – “under the penis”, rough meaning – “something is completely irrelevant/uninteresting/unbothering to someone”. 2 Voyenno Promyshleniy Kompleks (Ru.) – MIC. 3 Mongolo-Russian curse, verbatim meaning – “penised”, rough meaning in this context – “brazen”. 4 An idiomatic expression, roughly meaning “utter beasts”. It is very demeaning, expressing ultimate disdain. 204

about them. They’re scumbags, blyad.” F.A.: “But they are collectively blameful. They’re all on the top, each responsible for his own sector.” (((I.P.))): “100% yes.” F.A.: “All sectors. Not even one... He said everything is nothing, the Army is most important. And it appears that there’s no Army either.” (((I.P.))): “Certainly! Certainly! They deceived him [Putin], they deceived him, they were deceiving him, blyad. They are living in their own, in their own, in their own paradigm. They are living in their own world, blyad. They are behaving exclusively; many of them have wives, who are former “super-secretaries”1, blyad. Do you understand? Well, it’s simply full pyzdiets2, blya3. Listen, Borya, Borya was here, Borya was here. Arkadiy’s brother [(((Boris and Arkadiy Rotenbergs))) – “Putin’s Bankers”]. Well, he’s a total moron, blyad. I’ll tell you honestly – total moron, blyad.” F.A.: “Well, he was always like that. Greedy.” (((I.P.))): “Okhuyet4 simply, it’s simply... I am so disappointed, blyad. These people, I would... blyad. I’m simply in a shock, blyad.” F.A.: “Well, will they manage to keep themselves [in power] or not? That’s the question.” (((I.P.))): “I don’t know.”


Personal female assistants, the left-over from soviet times, when CEOs had their personal female assistants, who were usually wielding rather big chunk of power, if they weren’t stupid bimbos. 2 An idiomatic vulgar expression, stemming from the word “pyzda”, meaning “cunt”. Could be translated as “fuckening”. 3 Slightly shortened “blyad”. 4 Mongolo-Russian curse/idiomatic expression transforming “khuy”, meaning “penis”, into a verb, describing a state of “being shocked”, or sometimes “being brazen”. 205

F.A.: “They fucked up1 the situation completely, they fucked up the country. They fucked up everything. Everything, everything was fucked up.” (((I.P.))): “Yes, yes. I don’t know. I know. What are we waiting for, eh, Ler [usually a shortened name of Valeriy – Lera, the phrase here is probably aimed at the other person in the vicinity of (((Iosif Prigozhyn)))]? Yes.” F.A.: “The question is what will there be after them? That’s what! And how it will be? There’ll come from one side kadyrovites, prigozhynites, there will be oprichniki2. There will be, blyad, makhnovshchina3, blyad.”4 It continued in the same vein for more than 30min, spilling the beans of what the “elites” of “Russian” (one is a kike and the other Azerbaijani) society really think of the current situation. I will include just one other quote of (((Iosif Prigozhyn))), which sums up the perspectives for Russia: “Listen, ah, they creatively, they lost to “Kvartal 95”5, blyad. And 1

Akhmedov used word “prosrali” meaning “shat out”, which has a slightly different connotation from “fucked up”. It describes a state, when something is purposefully sent “down the drain”. 2 Oprichnik (Russian: опри́чник, man aside; plural Oprichniki) was the designation given to a member of the Oprichnina, a bodyguard corps established by Tsar Ivan the Terrible to govern a division of Russia from 1565 to 1572 (Wikipedia). Today, the term is used in a rather strongly negative way to describe unthinking, bloodthirsty government thugs. 3 A slur describing followers of Makhno. Today, it is mostly used to generally describe anarchists. 4 Transcribed and translated from the audio recording posted on by me. 5 Kvartal 95 Studio (Ukrainian: Сту́дія «Кварта́л-95»; Russian: Сту́дия «Кварта́л-95») is a publicly held television entertainment [comedy] production company operating in Ukraine since 2003. The company was founded by now-President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and some of his school friends. The company produces audio and visual content (such as films, TV series and formats) in Russian and Ukrainian, and organises concerts (Wikipedia). 206

that they are telling [everyone] that against them are fighting those, these, there and here, they [Russian government] themselves gave the reason to them [Western coalition]. He [Putin] was cornered into this khuynya1. He cornered himself into this. Honestly speaking, well, blyad, if he would have stopped, he would have gotten a Nobel Peace Prize and could have gone nakhuy2. In any case, he gave up [his] country, blyad, you could say. He gave it up nakhuy. And we have nowhere to turn. We’ll be fucked raw. We have no variants [alternative courses of action], none, blyad. Even if he fucks off and pushes the button [nuclear], blyad, there is no future in this scenario for the nation nikhuya3. That’s all. He [Putin] fucked us all in the mouth.” A most unusual message appeared on Nexta: “Three cadets died in the Military Signal Academy in St. Petersburg. Just before death, foam started coming out of their mouths.” Another derailment of a train, carrying oil products, happened in the US (North Dakota). Digital screen billboards in Moscow started showing infoshow, teaching Russians how to assemble an “emergency bag”, a.k.a. BOB4. Russians were caught with another sloppy PSYOP attempt. Yesterday, a video was circulated, in which a “Ukrainian” patrol in a car (with the Blue&Yellow flag and Wehrmacht Balkenkreuz on the back, facing the dash camera5, so there wouldn’t be any misunderstanding) cut in front of a civilian vehicle. The 1

Another derivative of Mongolo-Russian “khuy” – a very broad term describing shit, shitty situation, irrelevant crap etc. 2 Yet another derivative of Mongolo-Russian “khuy”. This one is untranslatable in many cases, as it could mean almost anything. In most cases it means “go fuck yourself” or a “destination” where one could do that. 3 Yes, yet another derivative of “khuy”, amply demonstrating the versatility of this cuss word. Nikhuya roughly means “nothing, not a thing”, but also has many other context-dependent meanings. 4 Bug Out Bag – usually a rucksack, containing the most essential items for survival, when dislocating from home in times of emergency. 5 Tactical markings are usually painted on the sides of vehicles. 207

civilian target was, for the bigger psychological impact, a mother with a toddler. After stopping this vehicle, “Ukrainian” soldiers started harassing the “mother and her kid”, because she spoke Russian. Before leaving, they even discharged their automatic carbines in close proximity to the civilian vehicle. The newly born propaganda campaign was DOA1 though, because even proRussian voyenkors soon recognized the place and pointed out that these “nazi Ukrainians” were patrolling East of Donetsk, deep inside the occupied zone. Polish special services arrested further 3 persons in connection to the spy network that has been monitoring NATO’s weapon shipments to Ukraine. In other news: A troon2 opened fire in a christian elementary school in Nashville, USA. At least 7 were killed; the troon was ventilated by the cops. One of those rare instances when ZOGbots did something for the society instead of their ((paymasters))). Biden the Pedo had this to say on the occasion: “My name is Joe Biden [laughter from the audience of (((press))) representatives]. I’m Doctor Joe Biden’s husband [laughter] and I [unintelligible] ice cream chocolate chip [slight laughter]. I came down, because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream [some laughter]. By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs [laughter]. You think I’m kidding, I’m not.”3 The “leader” of the free clown world; I rest my case. The protests in France continue and so do the ones in kikeland. 2023.03.29

399th Day of the Prelude War

Northern Caucasus is beginning to stir. Yesterday, DPS4 post in Ingushetia was fired upon by presumably three unidentified men, who later made their escape. Today, Nexta reports that two men opened fire at ROVD5, but were killed by kadyrovites. This stirred Kadyrov and his lackeys somewhat 1

Dead on Arrival. A derogatory slur referring to a transcreature. 3 Transcribed by me from a video on 4 Dorozhno-Patrulnaya Sluzhba (Ru.) – Road Patrol Service (traffic cops). 5 Rayonniy Otdel Vnutrennikh Del (Ru.) – Regional Section of the Interior Affairs. 2


mightily; he personally came to the place together with his 17yo and 15yo sons, whom he has decorated with medals for “fight against terrorism” just a day prior. Explosions were again reported in Melitopol. According to messages on (((social media))) by the locals, the “loud claps” were heard in the vicinity of the train depot. Fires started spreading around even more. Chemical plant in Novara, Italy, is ablaze in what is called “major fire” by the MSM. Immediate area was evacuated and other locals were told to keep indoors and close the windows. (((Reznikov))) declared that Ukrainian counteroffensive will start either in April or June. Gods damn it, what the hell is happening in Ohio?! “Ohio River Disaster As Barge Hauling 1,400 Tons Of Methanol Smashes Into Dam. Three large barges, one carrying 1,400 tons of methanol, were wedged against a dam and partially submerged, on the Ohio River in Louisville, Kentucky, following their detachment from a tugboat.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.03.29. Bearing in mind that Berlusconi is a somewhat close friend with Putin, this news is rather disconcerting: “La Stampa: Berlusconi is looking for a house with a bunker for fear of nuclear war. The leader of the Forward Italy party, former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his girlfriend Marta Fashina are seriously afraid of the outbreak of a nuclear war and are looking for a house with a bomb shelter [...].”, Rosbalt, 2023.03.29. The kike-in-chief “explained” why he is throwing new waves of Ukrainian youth into the meat grinder of Bakhmut. It’s because “Putin will sell the taking of Bakhmut as a major victory to the Russian public”. It’s not tactics, not operational considerations; it has nothing to do with the strategy, as was painfully obvious to everyone. It’s just simple “I will not give him the satisfaction”. It would be OK, if the parasite was among those soaking in the trenches, getting shelled and blasted with TOS thermobaric rounds. Instead, being a typical kike, (((Zelensky))) just gives a pat on the shoulder for the dumb sheep getting sent off to the slaughter and goes back to sipping his latte in the warm office of his. May that accursed species burn in eternal fires! In other news: The New York Times was not to be outdone by the senile 209

Biden the Pedo in their reaction to the troon shooting up those school kids. This is what (((they))) thought was important to point out in the aftermath: “There was confusion later on Monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the Nashville shooting. Officials had used “she” and “her” to refer to the suspect, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as a man in recent months.” The New York Times, Twitter message, 2023.03.28. “The sun has developed a ‘coronal hole’ 20 times the size of Earth. [...] The sun has developed a massive “hole” 20 times larger than Earth, marking the second such occurrence in a week. The coronal hole is unleashing solar winds of 2.9 million km/h towards the Earth, which will hit our planet on Friday. Scientists are carefully monitoring the situation to assess if the winds will impact our planet’s magnetic field and satellites - with the potential for knockon effects on the internet, mobile phone networks and GPS.”, 2023.03.29. More good news from Italy: “Italy moves to ban lab-grown meat to protect food heritage. Italy's right-wing government has backed a bill that would ban laboratory-produced meat and other synthetic foods, highlighting Italian food heritage and health protection. If the proposals go through, breaking the ban would attract fines of up to €60,000 (£53,000).” BBC, Paul Kirby, 2023.03.09. It must be the “good” part of the (((infiltrated))) Italian “right wing”. Or it could be that the (((right wing))) government is just paying lip service to the traditions, while they import thousands, if not millions, of shitskins into the country. It is hard to say, with all the noise on the MSM. “A woman in northern France is to be put on trial on charges of insulting President Emmanuel Macron after describing him as 'filth' in a Facebook post, a prosecutor said on Wednesday.” France24, 2023.03.29. “Father stabbed to death outside Vancouver Starbucks after asking man1 to not vape2 near his toddler.” Vancouver Sun, Susan Lazaruk, 2023.03.28.


A shitskin from India, he was the one who stabbed the man. A new fad that started only some years ago. Instead of cigarettes, people, especially young, are now “vaping”, which involves using an electronic 2



400th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~172 900 KIAs, 3 610 MBTs, 6 974 AIVs, 5 518 wheeled transports, 291 specialized vehicles, 2 671 artillery guns, 526 MLRS, 278 AA systems, 306 aircraft, 291 helicopters, 2 239 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Rafael Grossi, the head of IAEA, visited Zaporozhe NPP again. More “strongly worded warnings” and “deep concern” without substantial action. IOC1 has taken the decision about the participation of Russian and Belorussian sportsmen and women in the international games (their future in the Olympic Games is set to be discussed later) with the ongoing war in mind. IOC ruled that Russians and Belorussians can participate in the games under following conditions: 1. No national flags, colours or anthems; 2. Athletes can not be listed in the Armed Forces (or any other siloviki organization) of either country (many currently are); 3. No team sports participation; 4. Participants must sign a document condemning the war. No doubt, it was intended as a “Solomon’s verdict”, instead it pissed off both Ukraine and Russia with Belarus. Russians called it “yet another demonstration of Western russophobia”, while Ukraine said it was unthinkable to participate in the games side by side with the representatives of the invading countries. Today, Orban got the taste of just how much loyalty he can expect from the ZOG of Russia. Disregarding all the Orban’s pro-Russian rhetoric, ignoring all the inconvenience Hungary underwent putting sticks into the wheels of device, vaporizing special blends of water, nicotine and flavours. It was advertised as a “safer way to smoke”. 1 The International Olympic Committee (IOC; French: Comité international olympique, CIO) is a non-governmental sports organisation based in Lausanne, Switzerland. It is constituted in the form of an association under the Swiss Civil Code (articles 60–79). Founded in 1894 by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrios Vikelas, it is the authority responsible for organising the modern (Summer, Winter, and Youth) Olympic Games (Wikipedia). 211

Western ZOG’s expansion to the East, overlooking Hungarian refusal to apply sanctions on Russia, the kikes running Russia just declared Hungary to be an “unfriendly nation”. This was announced today by the Russian ambassador to Hungary. China’s Xi said that he is preparing his country for war. He reiterated this statement at least three times today, calling for his generals “not to fear battle”. At the same time, Chinese DoD declared that “the Chinese army is ready to support international and regional security & stability with the Russian army. The two countries military trust and jointly safeguard international fairness and justice.” 2006J




arrested a Wall Street Journal reporter



He was accused of espionage. US




another call for its citizens to leave Russia immediately. According




multiple sources, ‘Wagner’ has made advances in Bakhmut town. Slivers of the Southern and Northern parts were seized Situation in Bakhmut on 2023.03.30 according to RYBAR.

by the mercs; the meat grinder continues unabated. For now, ‘Wagner’ seems to have little or

no forces left to try and continue the encirclement of the town. In other news: “Two HH-60 Blackhawk helicopters with the [soldiers of] 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) crashed in Trigg County, Kentucky, at about 10 p.m. Wednesday, according to a statement from Fort Campbell.”2 CNN, Tina Burnside, 2023.03.30. Typical dumb presstitutes, who can’t even distinguish between an IFV and a tank, called the 101st Airborne Division an 1 2

Possibly a kike. It was later reported that 9 servicemen were killed in the crash. 212

“Air Assault” one. Airborne troops are designated to be dropped with parachutes, while Air Assault troopers usually arrive on the battlefield in helicopters. Of course, airborne infantry could be used in an air assault mode, but they are designated “airborne” and that is what they are. Another variety of such troops is “Air Mobile” or “Air Transported” and that means any troops could be used in such role, when they are being ferried by air to the AO (Area of Operation). These are usually not expected to fight “out of the airplane/helicopter” and mostly come in as the reinforcements for the first two. “Hate crime experts to rule whether English countryside harbours ‘rural racism’. ‘Lived realities’ of ethnic minorities outside of the city to be studied amid fears they experience an 'exclusively English environment'.” The Telegraph, Craig Simpson, 2023.03.29. It is clear by now that the kikes feel they have won completely and are now engaging in mocking and taunting the conquered nations. 2023.03.31

401st Day of the Prelude War

Viktor Orban declared that EU is about to discuss sending “peace keeping” troops to Ukraine. Since there is no peace in Ukraine, this would invariably turn into “peace enforcing” mission and that is a ZOG newspeak for “let’s start war with Russia”. By all means! I hope they do and the whole shit heap of the civilization finally goes down the drain. Finland’s acceptance to NATO has been ratified by all member states. Sweden will have to wait a little longer, as Turkey continues to play hard to get. Wall Street Journal started kvetching quite excitedly about the arrest of their reporter, calling for the US to expel Russian ambassador and all Russian reporters from the country. Biden the Pedo “showed restrain” and declared that the US government does not see the need to do that at the moment. In other news: Grand Jury1 in New York has indicted Donald J. Trump the Zion Don on the charges of paying off a pornography actress to keep quiet 1

A grand jury is a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought. [...] A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning (Wikipedia). 213

about their alleged sexual relations. More smoke and mirrors for the sheeple of the USA. 2023.04.01

402nd Day of the Prelude War

Prima Aprilis, Fool’s Day, the day on which everyone, including MSM, is trying to lie to us. So, just another regular day under the ZOG. The main news on Ukrainian MSM today was the continuation of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra debacle. While the monks are vacating the buildings, SBU enforced an arrest warrant and search warrant on the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, Metropolit Pavel, a.k.a. Pasha Mercedes (because of his penchant for luxury). In other news: “Syphilis cases in babies skyrocket in Canada amid health-care failures.” CBC, Thomson Reuters, 2023.03.31. “Man ends his life after an AI chatbot1 'encouraged' him to sacrifice himself to stop climate change.” Euronews, Imane El Atillah, 2023.03.31. “ChatGPT2 banned in Italy over privacy concerns.” BBC, Shiona McCallum, 2023.04.01. “‘Everyone is kind of tired and has given up’ on COVID. But this new variant is ‘one to watch,’ the WHO says. [...] XBB.1.16, dubbed “Arcturus” by variant trackers, is very similar to U.S. dominant “Kraken” XBB.1.5—the most transmissible COVID variant yet, Maria Van Kerkhove, COVID-19 technical lead for the WHO, said earlier this week at a news conference.” Yahoo, Erin Prater, 2023.04.01. I don’t think this one’s an April Fool’s joke. (((WHO))) is really clinging desperately to the hope of bringing back COVID19. And they don’t seem to run low on fancy new names for the variants.

1 2

Algorithm driven program, which “chats” with real people. An “AI”, created and owned by Jewgle, i.e. an agglomeration of algorithms. 214



Military Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War So Far No3 trikes against electrical infrastructure. When Russians started hitting Ukrainian electrical infrastructure, Western and Ukrainian MSM called it “terrorism”, despite USAF doing exactly that at the start of every

major conflict they participated in. I think it is a completely pragmatic part of an overall strategy, as all aspects of national defence are highly dependent on electricity. But it is effective only if it comes as a part of a wider plan – you disable electricity, radars, AA, command posts, communication lines etc., thus crippling enemy’s ability to respond to your coming ground attack and making enemy even more susceptible to further air raids. Russian plan, as it appears from the flow of events, was just to disrupt electricity and foment discontent among Ukrainian civilian populace. In that regard, these strikes could be called “terroristic”. For some weeks, Russian Air Force and Navy sent wave after wave of Iranian drones and all sorts of missiles against targets in Ukraine. Gradually, the pauses between the salvos grew longer and longer, until they practically stopped. By now, they are only sporadic and much smaller, compared to initial volleys. Western “military experts” believe this is because of Russian missile stocks running low. This is certainly the conclusion that can be drawn from the ever diminishing amount of projectiles launched at Ukraine. However, the trend could have other explanations – diminishing returns, saving ammunition for the next phase etc. As with everything else Russia did in this war, the attacks on the electrical grid began with much gusto and ended in a whimper. It failed to achieve anything except some inconvenience to Ukrainian Army, economy and populace. What it did accomplish was that the West supplied Ukraine with modern AA systems, thus making any future attacks with air or missile assets far more difficult for Russian forces. Why Russia is doing everything like this (piecemeal) is a mystery to me. The easy answer is, of course, that their crippling incompetence forces them to jump to “solutions”, without actually having a solid plan how to achieve any substantial results. The possibility of it all being a part of an enormous maskirovka campaign, drawing ever more precious resources from the West before delivering a crippling coup-de-grace, grows ever more incredible.


Trench warfare. The last maneuver warfare moment went out with Kherson withdrawal. From that point onward, the war settled into WW1 style trench warfare, just with extra technology. Frontlines froze up, except from the creeping advance ‘Wagner’ group conducted towards Bakhmut. Ukrainians poured out video after video of drones dropping improvised explosives on Russian chmobiki in their positions. This tactic proved to be very effective in sinking Russian morale, as was evidenced by several videos showing Russians committing suicides after being peppered with jury-rigged hand-grenades from above. Russians tried to do the same, but it seems they were unable to achieve the same effectiveness. According to ‘Strelkov’, Ukrainians have even developed special tactic to use with this unconventional weapon. Ukrainians would not use a lone drone with a bomblet, but a swarm of them. Once a suitable target has been located, usually a trench or a group of dugouts with Russian platoon at least, it would get pummelled by the drones, flying in one by one on a rotation scheme, thus keeping a steady barrage of explosions on hapless Russians. The impunity, with which these attacks were carried out, would drive Russian soldiers to utter despair; some of them surrendering to drones (Ukrainians even started bombarding Russians with fliers telling them how to do exactly that), others just giving up completely. In view of it all, it surprised me to see that Russians did practically nothing to improve their overhead cover or camouflage. I know there is utter chaos in the command and supply lines of Russian Army, thus more technologically advanced protection from this Ukrainian tactic could not be expected, but making your own trenches and bunkers more drone resistant should not be particularly hard. I doubt there is particularly bad deficit of entrenching tools even among Russian chmobiki. Too many times I saw Ukrainian drones dropping their cargo directly into the entrance of a covered dugout and smoking out Russians taking caver within. How hard would it have been to dig out a sink for grenades at the entrance and putting an anti-grenade over the trench? Latest videos showed Russian trenches being covered, but that cover was made of plastic and light garbage they presumably found nearby, providing only psychological comfort and maybe some thermal protection. Both sides started using tanks in a shoot-and-scoot mode, trying to avoid committing them to the fight in fear of AT weapon systems also employed by 217

both sides. All in all, trench warfare is attritional in nature and so is the utilization of tanks as mobile, direct fire artillery pieces. I can not say that Ukrainians didn’t try any offensive moves during this period, but these were very few. Furthermore, those I saw were usually filmed by Russians and showed utter lack of tactical acumen on Ukrainian part. One in particular was an especially bad example: bunched up infantry advanced through an open field somewhere in the vicinity of Kreminna. Russians merely hit it with artillery and the “attack” stalled long before it actually began. After more than a year of active combat I have to ask – who would order such an attack, more so – who would obey such an idiotic order?! Russians continued to rely heavily on overwhelming artillery barrages. Near the end of the previous year, rumours of growing artillery ammunition shortages spread among Russian (((social media))). While critical sectors (Vuhledar, Maryinka, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Kreminna and Svatove) remained well supplied, as evidenced by X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X, others could have been neglected and experienced decreased artillery power. Ukrainian “military experts” on MSM started claiming that Russia is unable to produce artillery shells in sufficient amounts. ‘Strelkov’ confirmed these opinions and further elaborated that Russia has been experiencing worsening shortage of gunpowder and explosives for the production of artillery shells. I must point out though that ‘Strelkov’ is an FSB colonel, and as the old KGB adage goes – “there are no “former” KGB operatives”. It means that everything Girkin says must be always evaluated as possibly being part of a Russian PSYOP. On the matter of my previously mentioned close combat issue, I must remark one video of a successful Russian assault on Ukrainian trenches. In it, 5 Ukrainian soldiers were defending a short span of fortifications during an incoming Russian assault. Defenders were clearly suppressed, as the only way they returned fire was one of them raising his automatic carbine above his head and over the breastwork and firing blindly in a nigger-like fashion. Notably, he was the only one doing anything to prevent the trench from being simply overrun. The rest bunched up at the end of the line and did nothing. At around this moment, a single Russian soldier crawled up to the trench, rolled over the breastwork, slowly approached the firing soldier (and two 218

others keeping close to the shooter) and dispatched the group with two bursts at a point blank range. Two other Ukrainian soldiers surrendered. One Russian soldier took out a fortified position manned by a squad of enemy soldiers and made away with two POWs to boot! Skilful suppressive fire and poor reaction on Ukrainian part certainly helped immensely, but the fact remains – closing in with the enemy using combined arms doctrine does wonders, even in the age of fancy technology. As the old military proverb states – even the bravest are startled by sudden terrors. Bakhmut operation. Russians demonstrated exactly the same MO in their approach to Bakhmut like they did with every attack on other urban terrain in this war. At first, they threw wave after wave in head-on attacks pushing directly at the quarry. And this continued for months at a time. It happened with Severodonetsk and they didn’t mind using this “tactic” again against Bakhmut, despite the error of their ways being clear by the previous experiences. Only after reaching no significant gains for murderous losses, they started going for the flanking moves. In hindsight, it could be argued that Russians attacked the urban settlements with the aim to force Ukrainian defenders to concentrate their forces in the settlement, drawing them from the surrounding positions, thus making it easier for the subsequent attacks around the town. However, that can not be substantiated and I doubt the profitability of such an approach, even if it was true. It took months for ‘Wagner’ to approach Bakhmut, then some months went by fruitlessly attacking town’s outskirts, showing every taken shack as a “major advance”. Soon after reaching Bakhmut’s borders, (((Prigozhyn))) started heavily recruiting convicts from numerous Russian prisons. The way these were used up in the war was unofficially called the “revival of Zhukov’s three waves”. In popular parlance, it could be called “Zerg rush”1. The first two waves consisted of ill-equipped convicts with practically no training: the first was meant to show to the observers were enemy’s resistance points were, the second one was used to merely exhaust defender’s ammunition. Finally, the 1

A reference to 1998 RTS (Real-Time Strategy) game Starcraft by Blizzard Entertainment. In it, a large wave of cheap units, called “zerglings”, were used to soften up defender’s lines, basically sacrificing them en masse, before sending in more expensive troops to mop up. 219

third wave, consisting of the core mercenaries, experienced and wellequipped, were sent forward after severe artillery bombardment of the disclosed positions. At this moment, Ukrainians were usually forced to give way and abandon positions or risk being overrun. It must be said that even with these “tactics”, Russians failed to make advances in Bakhmut proper for months on end. Only when they went for Soledar, did the frontline begin to shift in a more substantial way. Trading masses of convicts (and a number of core mercs as well) for gains in territory worked relatively well as long as (((Prigozhyn))) was able to provide convicts and artillery support. Once he started making moves into political sphere, by criticizing Army and Shoigu in particular, personnel pool of convicts was taken from him and given to Shoigu. Artillery ammunition dried up as well. All of that led to a stalling advance, just as the encirclement of Bakhmut seemed imminent. Avdiivka operation. This sector is even more representative of the Russian “tactic” pertaining to the assaults on urban centres. Russians have been trying to take it head-on since the very start of the war, so – over a year ago. Only during these past two months they moved on the flanks and started making progress. According to ‘Strelkov’, most of the forces, facing Ukrainians on this sector, were comprised mostly of the former 1st AKNM DNR (Armeyskiy Korpus Narodnoy Militsii DNR – Army Corps of the National Militia of DNR, Ru.). He holds them in pretty high regard, and bemoaned often the improper use of this unit, as it was thrown at the fortified Ukrainian positions in Avdiivka. After the “referenda”, AKNM was slowly integrated into Russian Armed Forces, but the process was, as it has become a nasty habit with Russians, completely bungled. Russian command apparently held local units in low regard (evidenced by their use as expendable rear guard in Izyum and Lyman operations) and utilized them almost as badly as ‘Wagner’ did their convict recruits. At the very beginning of the invasion, kadyrovites tried their luck in Avdiivka, but got smashed in the nose pretty quickly and skedaddled thence back to their warlord. I remember only one video they made and published from Avdiivka, while in Mariupol, where they could safely film themselves behind the lines of Russian forces, they produced copious amounts of video material. The operations in and around Avdiivka were not publicized much on the 220

MSM, despite the town defences holding strong for over a year. From the military point of view, the operation has not been exceptional or remarkable in any other way, being a replication of other, similar Russian attacks. Another, even less known battle raged in Maryinka, West of Donetsk. The town was completely flattened by Russian artillery and yet they still failed to take it. The town is situated around a crossroad and Russians managed to reach it, before being stopped dead in their tracks. Their attempts to seize Maryinka ebbed soon after. By the time this happened, the town lost any meaning as a military target. It could not be used as a logistic hub, transportation nexus, stronghold or a base. All that remained of it was a flat field, strewn with rubble and an occasional surviving stump of a wall. Vuhledar assault. After a year since the last maneuver, done by Russian armoured forces, the attack on Vuhledar was attempted in exactly the same fashion like they tried around Kiev – a column of tanks with supporting vehicles was formed and tried to drive blindly forward. At the time, I wrote that Russians used the reorganized and refitted 155th Marine Infantry Brigade1 (probably a BTG with tanks). ‘Strelkov’ mentioned several times that the assault ended with the destruction of two full brigades near Vuhledar. I have not found out what unit the second brigade was. Regardless, the assault, if it could be called that, resulted in a catastrophic failure. As mentioned before, the column drove into a minefield and got hit with concentrated artillery barrage. Ukrainians claimed that cumulative losses (there were repeated attempts of varied scale) of Russian forces reached around 130 vehicles. Now, I don’t know what the manner of the minefield was in this particular case, but I have seen videos and pictures of both Ukrainian and Russian “laid” minefields in other sectors. Those comprised AT mines scattered around on the surface, without even superficial camouflage. The fact that such minefields actually managed to score kills on enemy armour is telling a lot about the quality of the crews and the commanders leading the affected units. Lack of reconnaissance, forward and side guards, as well as adaptive driving 1

ISW claims that 155th Brigade has been “raised from the dead” 8 times since the start of the war. I find it highly doubtful. 221

techniques, led to armour getting blown by mines lying in full view. I am baffled by both sides of these events: Why did engineers just throw AT mines on the surface? Why nobody bothered to check the route to be taken? Why did drivers steer their vehicles “buttoned up”1 while not in contact with the enemy? Why there was no mine clearing vehicle at the front of the column making a clean lane for the rest of the force? So many questions and no answers. Svatove-Kreminna sector. This part of the front differs somewhat from the rest of the contact line, as the Southern approaches to Kreminna are covered with large forested area. Not much news reach MSM from this sector and I can relate to only two videos I saw of the combat in Kreminna vicinity. One was the earlier mentioned inept Ukrainian attempt to attack, which happened in a rather open and flat locality. The other showed Ukrainian SOF raid in a wooded terrain. The video revealed one of the few examples of very good soldiership. Though footage was short and probably redacted heavily, the bit that was shown demonstrated how a military unit should act instead of how they usually act in this war. There was clear commander of the unit and his orders were followed. There was no haphazard independent action by individual soldiers. The spacing was maintained, nobody ran into another’s line of fire. Too bad only the retreat part from the raid was shown, it would have been nice to see all of it in order to judge the entire operation. Kreminna sector could be characterized as the playground of small infantry units. From that precious little information I have and with the terrain in mind, it must be most conducive to agile SOF unit tactics. Svatove front is adjacent to Kreminna sector from the North. It was settled after Russian retreated from Kharkiv region in consequence of Ukrainian Izyum operation. For some time, no news came from this part of the frontline, except that Ukrainians continued to probe Russian lines and attempted to cut Svatove-Kreminna highway. After some time, Russians amassed sufficient forces to start counterattacking in the area and now the place sees constant tactical level back-and-forth attacks by both sides. This was the first place, 1

Hatches down, driving using either triplex periscopes or external cameras for observation, visibility is curtailed for the crew. 222

where Russian chmobiki were sent to die, as I understood it from the reports on MSM and Russian channels. The very first wave of untrained recruits was just dropped in the fields as a stop-gap measure with predictable results. No matter how horrid, this tactic allowed Russians to stabilize the front. Transnistria. There was a bout of hysteria about the Transnistrian issue, but in the end it came to nothing, just like so many other “jump scares”1. Russians have no possibility to project force in Transnistria, thus the “danger” to Moldova constituted only the attempt to destabilize the country through protests. That is usually easily dealt with by the cops and counterintelligence, if no underlying societal problems exist. A serious investment of money and special services must be expended in order to spur serious unrest. Certain conditions and a shift of national mentality must be present as well. None of which existed in Moldova. Russian troops in Transnistria are barely sufficient to defend the narrow strip of the land running along the river Dniester. The “plans”, which Ukrainian SBU allegedly uncovered, called for the seizure of the airport in Kishinev; in itself a feat that Russia is unable to accomplish after the loss of most of its VDV troops during the initial phase of Russo-Ukrainian War. And then there are reasons I have already mentioned – it is quite impossible to maintain a separate front against both Ukrainian and Moldovan forces with only air-transported supply line, relying on a single vulnerable airport. Not to mention that all air transportation to and from Kishinev would need to cross Ukrainian territory and deal with NATO provided AA assets. It is quite possible that Ukrainians wished to either provoke Russians into making the first move or make a false flag attack in order to go in and seize the ammo dump in Transnistria. It is hard to say for sure what exactly prevented this scenario from playing out, but it is clear that the operation has been shelved. Without a serious change of strategic situation in favour of Russia in Odessa direction, there is no probability of Russians activating their forces in Transnistria. With Kherson in Ukrainians hands, the perspective of such 1

A term describing a cliché trick used in (((American))) horror movies – a long quiet take means that the audience will be “jump scared”, i.e. something horrible will appear suddenly. 223

change is even more remote. Therefore, it is safe to say that, unless Russians go completely dumb, the only way Transistria flares up in conflict is if Ukraine, or the West, decides it has to. Russian “Winter Offensive”. A separate word must be said about the overall picture of Russian operations during the winter. Apart from ‘Wagner’ grinding itself down on Bakhmut, failed RF Army attack at Vuhledar, ongoing attack on Avdiivka and skirmishes (operationally judged) along SvatoveKreminna front, Russians were sitting pretty inactively all the time. ‘Wagner’ is obviously not considered as part of the armed forces by the Russian High Command, so their losses can be easily written down as a win for Shoigu – Ukrainians lost scores of soldiers and expended tons of ammunition, trying to stop ‘Wagner’s advance. It also weakened (((Prigozhyn’s))) positions overall. Regular Russian forces suffered losses, yes, but not as much if they would have tried another major offensive. A question then arises in my mind whether this was intentional. Is it possible that the General Staff found some remnants of brains in those sculls of theirs and decided to sit this winter out, save as much forces as possible and meet the inevitable Ukrainian counterattack with more or less combat capable Army? The question, despite being crucial, is rhetorical, as there is no way to answer it without more tangible intelligence. OSINT can’t help in this regard as it is far too laden with propaganda, anecdotes, disinformation and PSYOPs. I just feel a need to record the possibility of such a turn of events. Ukrainian tactics. In conclusion, I would like to borrow heavily from an article1 on, which hosted an interview with “one senior Finnish officer, who has been in Ukraine since April, observing the war”. The article hinted that he was no longer on active duty. To say that his opinion of Ukraine’s defence force was scathing would be an understatement. His view on the ZSU was even worse than the one I had, but then again – he’d got to witness it all first hand. Moreover, I hold Finnish mindset and their approach to the defence of their country in high regard. These reasons combined prompted me to take the interview almost at face value. There was also a short addendum interview with a Finnish citizen, who had taken part in the actual 1

“Finnish soldiers: Ukraine needs better training to win”,, 2023.02.28. 224

fighting as a volunteer in ZSU. This officer said it clear – all the “successes” ZSU achieved to this day were due to the ineptitude of Russian invaders, not the superiority of Ukrainian Army. That would be probably the only point on which I slightly disagree. In a war, the victory almost always goes to the lesser of two retards. It takes one idiot to commit a blunder, but the opponent has to be at least slightly more in control of his wits to exploit that blunder. Thus, claiming outright that Ukrainian forces are utterly inept is a slight hyperbole. Having said that, he was absolutely right, when it comes to the Northern Front failure for Russia. Ukrainians did very little in terms of operational maneuver to collapse the Northern Russian battlegroup. Stubborn defence against the very point of attack vector and some small unit semi-guerrilla warfare against the logistical lines of the enemy hastened the decision by the Russian High Command to withdraw. However, even if Ukrainians would have done almost nothing at all, Northern attack was still doomed to fail. The force was too small in size, it operated in a narrow constrained salient and relied on very few roads for reinforcements and supply. Finally, Russian logistics were in such shambles that one is left wondering what made a bigger impact – Ukrainian attacks on their supply lines or Russian corruption and incompetence in the battlegroup logistics. While the guerrilla tactics against the soft spot of supply columns was definitely the very best of choices, the dogged defence against the Russian spearhead was hardly what a capable commander would have ordered. Instead of flanking the traffic-jammed and maneuver-incapable Russian column, which stretched almost all the way from Belorussian border to Hostomel, ZSU threw their regular units (guerrilla campaign was done mostly by Teroborona and SOF) into costly static defence in Hostomel-Bucha-Irpin triangle. The cost was not as significant as it is now in Bakhmut only thanks to tremendous impact the resistance made on the morale of Russian troops, but it was notable nonetheless. When it comes to Izyum operation, the Finnish officer said again that Russians left their front near Balakliya in total disarray and only this allowed Ukrainians to perform as well as they did. Here, I disagree on the basis of what I already said – Ukrainians could have attacked the “surface” on Donetsk front, but there was someone, who decided to go for the obvious 225

“gap” around Balakliya. This proves that not all on Ukrainian side were complete idiots. Even if we take the point of view of pro-Russian media and assume that ZSU acted only on the orders from Washington/Pentagon, we should then admit that not all Americans, coordinating Ukrainian forces, were drooling imbeciles. And as for Kherson, I have kicked that dead horse too many times already. Here, Finnish officer’s and my opinions agree completely. Overall, he concluded that “Those [Ukrainian counterattacks] were strokes of luck”1, which as I’ve pointed out is a bit of an exaggeration. He went on to sum up the reasons why the situation is as it is: “Really poor leadership, bad tactical and combat skills. They have taken their examples mainly from video games and movies. [...] The Ukrainians have a strong will and desire to win, but this style of warfare will not succeed. I have not seen any signs of it. [...] Ukrainians think that they are good soldiers. But being scared in the trenches for eight years does not make a skilled soldier. Soldiers are made through training [...] It's a Soviet system where you just do what you're told” Though it is really demeaning to ZSU, I find the “taken examples from video games and movies” to be extremely well-descriptive of what I have seen in the 99% of the combat videos. But the best quote of his was this – “The Ukrainian attack is a frontal attack. They don't know how to flank”. Consequently, the Finn was rather sceptical about the prospects of a major Ukrainian counteroffensive. He also remarked about the detrimental effect the mass hysteria on the Western MSM has on the process of planning and on the public perception of the war in European countries. “The Ukrainians have not been able to get through the entrenched Russian positions anywhere. If the public was given the real picture, everyone would start to become sceptical. And the will to win would fade. But the truth should be understood. [...] Marin2 says that the war will end when Russia leaves Ukraine. That won't happen. People in Finland are over-optimistic.” Further in the article, the officer discussed the problems faced while teaching Ukrainians the art of war. “If you start telling Ukrainians about other options, 1

The actual quotes of the Finnish officer taken from the article, henceforth to the end of the chapter. 2 Sanna Marin, Finland’s PM. 226

they take it as a criticism and immediately get defensive.” He even narrated how their Ukrainian interpreter told them that Finns “should not be so blunt”. It is fucking incredible – having the mental (in)capacity to tell the people, who are trying to teach you how not to die and how to win, not to be so blunt! The Finnish officer remarked though that the system could be changing, as many junior officers in Ukrainian Army were actually positively inclined towards the Auftragstaktik1 style of warfare. Well, if I’m allowed to pipe in here, I would say that it is an empty hope; the change never comes from the bottom up, at least not in the Eastern Europe and in most cases – not in the West either. By the time those junior officers reach the top, they will be weeded out from free thinking and independent will. Only the “good goyim” will advance their careers; the ZOG certainly has no use for intelligent and free-minded officers in control of the army. In (((their))) mind, this would constitute a direct threat to their hegemony and so, everything is done to have as dumb and emasculated Army command as possible, even if that means undermining the force structure keeping (((them))) in power. Strangely enough, his final conclusion about the war also aligned perfectly with my ruminations earlier – “Russia will not lose this war because Russia is a nuclear power. If Ukraine were to launch a major attack on Crimea, Russia would probably use a tactical nuclear weapon”. Of course, the question whether Putin will use nuclear weapons or not is far more nuanced than mere issue of Crimea, but at least it goes to show the expertise level of the “military experts”, who are paraded through the MSM in the West and Ukraine, claiming that Russia would never do that, or that Russian nukes are inoperable and unusable. 1

German WW2 (and later) doctrine of leading the troops through telling them WHAT needs to be done and WHY, instead of dictating them HOW to do it and micromanaging. This is of course a severe simplification of the concept, but it captures the essence, in my opinion. In American Armed Forces, this doctrine is called “Mission Command”; unfortunately, it has mutated and many different versions exist in the minds of the primary ZOG Army commanders (to a point when the concept is barely distinguishable from the “good old” Command & Control (C2 or C&C) – a direct antonym of Auftragstaktik). 227

The Finnish volunteer (also anonymous, named ‘Erkki’ for convenience) mostly reiterated what the officer has said before. The only thing different was that he noted the poor leadership not just among the higher command, but even among the squad leaders, who were, according to him, ill-prepared to command 9-12 soldier groups. The article wrote that in ‘Erkki’s opinion, two main problems on the tactical level were that Ukrainians “have no idea how to attack” and “when soldiers are in the barracks, they just lie around when they should be training”. 2023.04.02

403rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~174 550 KIAs, 3 618 MBTs, 6 986 AIVs, 5 537 wheeled transports, 296 specialized vehicles, 2 687 artillery guns, 527 MLRS, 279 AA systems, 306 aircraft, 291 helicopters, 2 249 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Around 1900J, Nexta reported an explosion in St. Petersburg, in a bar allegedly belonging to (((Prigozhyn))). The target was Vladlen Tatarskiy1, a rabidly pro-Russian propagandist. The assassination was carried out with a golden coloured statuette, which, according to Russian cops, was stuffed with around 200g TNT2. Tatarskiy died on the spot, 15 people in total have been 1

True name Maksim Fomin. He was born on April 2, 1982, in Makiivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine. In 2011, he robbed a bank and was incarcerated for it. Fomin escaped from the jail on August 27, 2014, when there was fighting between separatists and Ukrainian ATO forces in the vicinity. He immediately joined separatists. Soon, he was arrested again, by separatists this time, but was amnestied and re-joined the separatist forces. In 2019, he moved to Russia, changed his name into Vladlen Tatarskiy and started propaganda activity on (((social media))). Vladlen is a contracted abbreviation of (((Vladimir Lenin))). Summarized from an article on 2 Trinitrotoluene, more commonly known as TNT, more specifically 2,4,6trinitrotoluene, and by its preferred IUPAC name 2-methyl-1,3,5trinitrobenzene, is a chemical compound with the formula C6H2(NO2)3CH3. TNT is occasionally used as a reagent in chemical synthesis, but it is best known as an explosive material with convenient handling properties. The explosive yield of TNT is considered to be the standard comparative convention of bombs and asteroid impacts. In chemistry, TNT is used to generate charge transfer salts (Wikipedia). 228

“affected” by the explosion. Russian cops immediate spread a photo of a young woman, whom they suspected of handing the statuette to Tatarskiy. The video from the event, published on Nexta_Live, showed a man doing this. Maybe cops suspected her of tampering with the object prior to the ceremony? Nexta has presented a video, featuring a statement by Tatarskiy, wherein he sums up his views on the war: “We will defeat everyone, we will kill everyone, we will rob everyone, who needs [to be robbed]. Everything will be as we like.1” Let him be remembered by these words and his ending. Russian MSM immediately blamed this on Ukrainian “terrorists”. And yes, this act can be perfectly classified as “terroristic”. Without a doubt, a civilian person was targeted and what’s more – the attack was indiscriminate, wounding and killing other civilians in the area. However, I can’t find it in me to condemn Ukrainians (if it was indeed them) for this attack, just like I couldn’t do the same for the attack on Darya Dugina. RIA Novosti claim their source said the statuette was checked before the ceremony and the women in question was an acquaintance of Tatarskiy. Ilya Ponomaryov piped in again, saying that he knows who committed the assassination. It does look similar to the mistargeted attack on Dugin, it’s just that very few believed him or the existence of NRA2, like he claimed. 2308J The suspected woman is currently in a hospital, among other wounded. The number of victims (presumably wounded) rose to 23; 4 are in critical condition, one of the wounded is a child. In other news: Liberal kikes are still protesting against neocon3 kikes in Israel. Tonight saw over 150 000 of the professional kvetchers marching against the judicial reform, despite the fact that (((Bibi))) froze the whole deal “until further notice”. “Dutch TV show ‘Simply Naked’ exposes children to full-on transgender 1

Transcribed and translated by me from a video on Nexta. Natsionalnaya Respublikanskaya Armiya (Ru.) – National Republican Army, according to Ilya Ponomaryov – a loose confederation of diverse antiPutin groups, including nationalists, communists, anarchists etc. 3 Colloquial abbreviation of “neo conservative”. 2


nudity. Kids ages 10-12 were asked to look at undressed transgender adults and ask them questions about their bodies.”, Jonathon van Maren, 2023.03.31. “Reading ‘Lord Of The Rings’ And ‘1984’ Could Lead To Right-Wing Extremism, Gov’t Report Warns. Author Douglas Murray published a scathing review of the British government’s counter-terrorism Prevent program, which has apparently reported that authors like George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis can radicalize readers.”, Kay Smythe, 2023.02.16. “BREAKING NEWS: the lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH. WE MUST SUPPORT #Missouri #HB1169. It is LITERALLY the ONLY chance we have to prevent this… NO ONE knows the impacts of doing this but we are all potentially facing the risk of being a #DiedSuddenly if we don’t stop this.” Tom Renz, Twitter message, 2023.04.01. The science ain’t what it used to be: “Negative Expectations of COVID-19 Vaccines Led to More Adverse Events After Vaccination.”, Nina Cosdon, 2023.03.28. It looks as if the (((science))) has terminally crossed into the realm of magic – if you don’t believe in it, it won’t work.


The Battle for T-obrazka, Part 2 round March 31, Ukrainians released another video concerning the engagement for the position known as T-obrazka. After they lost it to Russian night-time attack (according to Ukrainian information),

Ukrainians decided to take it back. The counterattack was performed by the same ‘K2’ Battalion of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade. The position hasn’t changed at all since the first two videos. Russians merely occupied what was left by the ZSU soldiers. Same 10-14m trench was now held by 9 Russian soldiers. According to Ukrainian video, Russians also had Fagot ATGM1 system in place. There were no new positions prepared. 1

The 9K111 Fagot (Russian: Фагот; "bassoon") is a second-generation tubelaunched semi-automatic command to line of sight (SACLOS) wire-guided anti-tank missile system of the Soviet Union for use from ground or vehicle mounts. The 9K111 Fagot missile system was developed by the Tula KBP 230

Russians did not expand the fortifications or improved them in any way, except of having one soldier as a forward observer, who returned to the trench, as soon as the incoming attack was spotted. Russians sprinkled the approaches with AT mines, scattering them on the surface of the dirt road. Ukrainians showed a separate video, in which the drone is used to drop bomblets on the mines to clear them out. Ukrainian









Verkhnokamyanske) in the form of two T-72 MBTs, callsigns ‘Sokil’ & ‘Kochivnyk’ and a BMP-2, callsign ‘More’1. The BMP-2 was absent for most of the video, except at the very beginning, when the force made their approach and the IFV started supressing Russians in the trench. It is unclear whether it had any infantry complement at all, but it was clear that there were none participating in the storming of the position. The entire attack was conducted by the two tanks, supported with fire from BMP-2, which took a position further South, out of the video frame. After emerging from East-West running zelyonka, one of them (‘Kochivnyk’) drove to the North of the embankment enclosure, using it as a cover from Northbound zelyonka. Once in position it opened fire on the tree line, running North. The other one (‘Sokil’) went straight for the T-obrazka trench. According to the description of the video, the tanks had a direct communication with the drone operator, who was keeping overwatch, which was hardly a substitute for a proper infantry screen. At the same time as the tanks were starting their attack on the position, Ukrainian artillery opened fire on the zelyonka segment further East of Tobrazka, deploying smoke and shelling it. It would indicate that Russians probably had more positions further away. The other possibility could be that this harassing barrage was meant to prevent the reinforcement of T-obrazka, just like the ‘Kochivnyk’ did to the North. ‘Sokil’ headed straight for the trench. As it approached the trench, ‘Sokil’ fired off one HE round. At the very same moment, Russian Fagot ATGM shot back. Design Bureau for Instrument Building. 9M111 is the designation for the missile. Its NATO reporting name is AT-4 Spigot (Wikipedia). 1 Sokil (Ukr.) – Hawk, Kochivnyk (Ukr.) – Nomad, More (Ukr./Ru.) – Sea. 231

‘Sokil’ undershot and Fagot overshot. By this time, BMP-2 stopped firing upon T-obrazka, probably because of the close proximity of ‘Sokil’ to the target. It must be remarked that Russian AT crew showed good professionalism, holding their fire until the tank was not blocked by zelyonka. They overshot their target either because of the simultaneous blast from the tank or due to a lack of shooting experience with the ATGM. The rest of the video showed ‘Sokil’ shooting up the trench at point blank range, until there was no resistance left. Some Russians tried to throw fragmentation grenades at the tank, but they missed; though even if they would have hit their target, it would have made little difference. And although Ukrainians took the position and in a rather short period of time, I think it was a very strange thing to do – storming infantry trenches with a tank. The terrain was utterly flat and the trench makes a very poor target for the tank. Out of dozen rounds ‘Sokil’ loosed at the position, only the last one laid waste to the infantry within. That was only because it crawled up to an extremely close distance (probably within 10m, if not less) and shot down the length of the trench with the round exploding within the position. Otherwise, Ukrainians did a pretty good job, planning and executing the attack. They used BMP-2 ‘More’ to suppress the position with an automatic canon and a machinegun. They blocked both approaches to the position, negating any possibility for reinforcements – one with the tank ‘Kochivnyk’ the other with artillery and smoke. Russian mistakes were far more numerous this time. They failed to improve the position and thronged the entire squad into one tightly packed position. Even worse – they placed their only AT capable weapon system, Fagot, into the centre of T-obrazka, limiting its ability to hit approaching armour from afar, especially from the most likely direction – Verkhnokamyanske, as zelyonka blocked its LOS1. *



On March 3, the second part of the retaking of T-obrazka video was published on jewtube. It constituted mostly the mopping up of the position and establishing full control over T-obrazka. While there was no combat, it 1

Line Of Sight. 232

showed several interesting issues. The video started exactly in the same place where the first part ended – after the decisive shot from ‘Sokil’. Directly after that, very strange and inexplicable things started to happen. First, a stray round of an ATGM came from somewhere SE of T-obrazka. It was clearly aimed at ‘Sokil’, but overshot. However, there were no subsequent shooting and I presume this was a “friendly fire” incident, which was stopped, before the ATGM could correct its mistake. Then, ‘Sokil’ decided to drive onto the trench and mash it with its tracks. The ground was still very soft, rasputitsa having ended just a week or two ago, and the tank sank deeply. This did not dissuade the driver or the commander of the tank from doing the most idiotic thing imaginable – repeatedly driving on and off the trench. At one point, the tank got mired in the Eastern part of the position, with its vulnerable arse to the North (enemy direction) and its muzzle blocked between two trees, facing South (away from a possible enemy approach). ‘Sokil’ drove back and forth for some time, until it managed to free itself. The commander finally got the point that it was a pretty damn stupid thing to do, risking getting stuck on the FEBA1, and ordered the tank to be driven away from T-obrazka trench, leaving the positions in utter shambles. The one tool that is used to storm trenches, i.e. infantry, arrived on the battlefield at this point. The proudly named Assault Group ‘General’ of the 3rd Mechanized Battalion (54th MechBrig) came on a BMP from WNW direction. The infantry dismounted from the IFV and took the possession of, frankly, a messy, soggy ground. There was hardly any suitable cover left and it became obvious that the troopers didn’t feel very comfortable lying on the ground and playing dead, when a stray artillery round landed in the vicinity. The worst part is that I presume Ukrainians might take this attack as an example of a perfectly executed assault on a fixed position. This will lead to more tanks being sent to “storm” the trenches, until it will all turn to bite them in the ass, when they stumble upon more professional Russian opposition. In this latest case, one single AT team in a flanking position outside of T-obrazka (which was suppressed by BMP-2 ‘More’) would have destroyed ‘Sokil’ and 1

Forward Edge of Battle Area. 233

the entire Ukrainian attack would have ended then and there. 2023.04.03

404th Day of the Prelude War

The girl, suspected of being connected to the assassination of Vladlen Tatarskiy in one of St. Petersburg’s bars, has been arrested. Her name is Darya Trepova (born 1997). Meanwhile, the number of wounded in the explosion has risen to 30. (((Prigozhyn))) declared that since ‘Wagner’ has taken Bakhmut centre (municipal administration building) under control, “legally”1 it means the town is in Russian hands. Ukrainians are still holding Eastern parts of Bakhmut. Another car exploded in Melitopol. According to Nexta, Maksim Zubaryov, a local collaborator, was wounded. Russian ambassador to Belarus declared that the intended arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons, which is about to be stationed in this country, will be moved close to the Western border with NATO. This has nothing to do with strategic considerations, as it would only make those weapons more susceptible to a disarming strike from NATO. It is merely another PSYOP against Western populations, trying to scare them into anti-NATO/anti-war protests. It also comes after Poland has announced it is willing to accept American nuclear arsenal on its soil for permanent stationing. The reaction on Russian MSM and (((social media))) to the bombing of Tatarskiy was violent, to say the least. There were calls for strikes (including nuclear) against Kiev and other targets. The further this situation goes the more it is apparent that this we are on the threshold of yet another existential war. Most illustrative would be the reaction by ‘Strelkov’: “Адекватный же человек, глядя на случившееся сегодня скажет: это возмутительно!! Возмутительно... что это сделали не мы. Что это не мы сделали такую акцию в Киеве, Кривом Роге, Львове, Днепропетровске.







демонстративно и "общественно опасным" способом членов высшего политического и военного руководства, лидеров 1

(((Prigozhyn))) actually used this word to describe the “taking of the town”. 234

мнений укронацистского государства.” Translation: “An adequate person, on the other hand, looking at what happened today [the assassination of Tatarskiy in St. Petersburg on 2023.04.02], will say: this is outrageous!! Outrageous... that it wasn’t done by us. That it wasn’t us who did such an action in Kiev, Krivyi Rih, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk. Outrageous, that we weren’t the ones who killed, ostentatiously and in a “publicly dangerous way”1, members of the highest political and military command, leaders of the [public] opinion of the Ukronazi2 state.”3 It only shows that there can be no reconciliation. It also shows that we have passed into the territory of “it’s OK, if we do it”, and it is used by both sides. The death of Putin, whenever it should come, will change little in the whole dynamic. The process, once started, can not be easily reversed. In fact, whatever will come after Putin might be much worse than what we have at the moment. Jens Stoltenberg declared that Finland will become an official NATO member state tomorrow. Russian geostrategic situation just went completely to shitter. Of course, the West is rotting from the inside, so it is now a race between the two – the East is trying to outlast the West, at least until it is weak enough to be taken head-on, while the latter is trying its best to undermine the former. According to Nexta, Russia declared the state of anti-terrorist operation in Malgobek region of Ingushetia. Regarding the issue of train derailments in the USA: an article on NPR, just after the first disaster in Ohio, claimed that there are “3 derailments a week” in the land “of the brave”. Apparently, there were more than 1 000 train derailments in 2022. I’m not even sure whether this is true and it shows just how horrid the situation with American infrastructure is or it was a regular 1

Legal description of aggravating circumstances in a criminal code. One of the many slurs used by Russians against Ukrainians. 3 The direct quote from ‘Strelkov’s Telegram channel on 2023.04.02 2202C(?), translated by me. I included the original for veracity, the translation is as verbatim as I could manage, butchering the English language in the process (even more than I usually do). 2


“nothing to worry about, it happens all the time” MSM article1. In other news: The dancing crackhead Sanna Marin and her social-democrats lost the election in Finland. Moderate conservatives and “extreme far-right wingers” got most of the votes. 6.9 magnitude earthquake has been reported in Kamchatka. “French minister Marlene Schiappa to appear on Playboy2 front cover. Marlene Schiappa, minister for social economy and associations in Emmanuel Macron's government, says she is "defending the right of women to do what they want with their bodies".” SkyNews, 2023.04.02. Very (((progressive)))! What’s next? A pornographic performance for children maybe? Muslim gangs practically established a separatist state within France. After a video surfaced of fully armed muslims patrolling des Moulins district in Nice, French cops tried to reassert French sovereignty over the area, but were driven back. So far, none of this has made it into MSM and reports are only substantiated by contextless videos; however, knowing the state of things in France, it is a logical next step in the destruction of the old European nationstates under ZOG. 2023.04.04

405th Day of the Prelude War

Russians sent a wave of drones to attack Odessa. Ukrainians claim to have shot down 14 out of 17 UAVs. In their turn, ZSU sent their own drones to Bryansk region, targeting MoI building and a local voyenkomat. A graph from an article3 by Maxim Tucker on The Times is circulating on


“There are about 3 U.S. train derailments per day. They aren't usually major disasters”,, Joe Hernandez, 2023.03.09. 2 Playboy is an American men's lifestyle and entertainment [an euphemism for “erotic”, bordering on “pornographic”] magazine, formerly in print and currently online. It was founded in Chicago in 1953, by Hugh Hefner and his associates, and funded in part by a $1,000 loan from Hefner's mother (Wikipedia). 3 “In battle for Bakhmut, deaths mount for Russia and Ukraine”, The Times, Maxim Tucker, 2023.03.29. 236

4chan. The article is behind the “paywall”1, but even circumventing it does not show the graph anymore, because (((they))) deleted it in the final form of the article. This was done, because it showed what is being done to Ukraine.

The screenshot of the deleted graph on The Times above. The two other graphs represent population “pyramids” of Ukraine for 2021 and 2023 respectively (from left to right), source:

Other graphs remain on public resources showing exactly the same fact, but the one in the article demonstrated it just too patently. The graph is haunting, 1

A rather new money grabbing invention by the (((MSM))) – certain articles on certain MSM Internet sites are hidden unless you pay the bastards to read it. Luckily, there are ways to circumvent the scheme. 237

to say the least. It proves the suspicion that the war in Ukraine is a planned and executed genocide. The way both sides are fighting can not be called otherwise, with mountains of dead youth piling on either side of the trenches. The graph shows a loss of ca. 60% of the 18-35yo cohort of the Ukrainian population between the years 2021 and 2023. The graph and what it implies is the only explanation for the retarded excuse Putin used for Russian invasion, for the stupid, cretinous ways both Russian and Ukrainian troops have been conducting the war (with only marginal exceptions) and for the unwillingness of either side to change their overall MO. In short, the project “Khazaria 2.0” is a go. Finland is officially a NATO country now. The NATO border with Russia doubled “overnight”, the Eastern “flank” of the Alliance immediately transformed from an indefensible appendix into a threatening new front. The Baltic Sea became an internal NATO lake and Russian tenure of Kaliningrad exclave and Baltic Fleet turned into a never ending headache. 2238J As expected, Ponomaryov’s NRA took the responsibility for the bombing of Tatarskiy. They called the arrested woman, Darya Trepova, a hero and promised to do everything they can to free her. We’ll see how that goes. In other news: Erdogan forbade all Turkish officials to meet with the US ambassador, Jeffrey L. Flake, after the latter met with the opposing candidate for presidency of Turkey. 1830J Precious Metals jumped sharply in price. Something is afoot, although I can’t see anything on the news warranting such change. PPT1 will soon correct it, no doubt, but I wonder what caused it. Donald J. Trump the Zion Don went to New York and was arrested. 2023.04.05

406th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~176 240 KIAs, 3 629 MBTs, 7 005 AIVs, 5 573 wheeled transports, 299 specialized vehicles, 2 707 artillery guns, 532 MLRS, 280 AA systems, 306 aircraft, 291 helicopters, 2 283 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russian Orthodox christians protested in large numbers against the plans to 1

Plunge Protection Team. 238

build the biggest mosque in Moscow. Kadyrov and his minions reacted immediately: “Instigators are acting in the Western interests, regardless of the excuses they might be inventing. [...] This is a provocation.”1 – Kadyrov. “We’re not threatening, we’re warning you. If you are going against the will of the Almighty, we will be fighting you as well. It’s all the same to us whom to fight. [...] We’ll close our eyes on this once, so you could change your minds. If there will be another such video, we will surely get you!”2 – Kadyrovites. I would very much like to see the reaction to this by ‘Strelkov’, who is a staunch Russian Orthodox. So far, there has only been deafening silence from that “front”. Ben Hodges3 caused quite a stir among the Lithuanian ZOG, after he criticized local defence “preparations” in view of the growing Russian threat. In one of the (((international))) conferences, he was asked to give his opinion about the “deterrence and preparation” in the Baltic States. Disregarding the fact that Ben Hodges is himself a loyal ZOGbot, here are some of the things he said about Lithuanian, and Baltic in general, “defence preparations”: “So, Lithuania, of course, has been a “2%er”4 almost from the beginning [...], but having a big giant sign on your border that says “we spend 2%” is not gonna do anything. Alright? So, it’s not about 2%, it’s about “is Lithuania ready to defend itself?” I would say no. and you could have a German division here, that’s not the point. The point is “what are you doing, Lithuania, in accordance to Article 3 of 1

Translated by me from a quote on Nexta video on 2023.04.05. Transcribed and translated by me from the same Nexta video, which featured a filmed address by kadyrovites. 3 Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III (born 16 April 1958) is a retired United States Army officer who served as commanding general, United States Army Europe (Wikipedia). 4 Alludes to the defence spending agreement (minimum 2% of the GDP; signed in 2006), once you are a NATO member. 2


the Washington Treaty?” Everybody knows Article 5, right? [...] Article 3 says “you are responsible for your own defence and being ready to help others”. [He mentioned here a military integration with Poland and incorporation of German and American elements into the defence plans of the country.] Societal resilience. I’ve been in Lithuania, pfft don’t know how many times over the last ten years [...] I never get the feeling that there is a sense of urgency to create societal resilience. Like what you see in Finland. I don’t feel it. [...] I think that Lithuania probably has about 120 000 soldiers that are “reservists”, that are on a list somewhere. Almost none of them have been called, trained or anything. [...] that part of your defence has not been exercised. Let’s cut the number in half, let’s say the number is wrong. [...] 60 000 – that’s 12 brigades! You wantin’ Germany to come here with a brigade and you’ve got the manpower for twelve brigades! [...] Military mobility. [...] How long have we’ve been working on Rail Baltica? That’s still not finished! That’s incredible! I mean that’s, that’s what will bring tanks into the Baltic countries, and heavy equipment, and ammunition. And you still haven’t... and we’ve still haven’t finished this railroad. [...] And then finally, something that I have never understood... well, that’s not true – I do understand it, but it continues to frustrate me. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania have almost no equipment in common. I mean, you can’t use each other’s ammunition! How can three countries, the size of Estonia, Latvia Lithuania, how do you... you can’t afford to have three separate sets of armoured vehicles, or howitzers. You can’t afford it!”1 Well, as I’ve already written, it is far, far worse than that. We have different sets of systems in Lithuania alone. That is the measure of our cretinism. On the other hand, looking at what is happening in Ukraine, I’m starting to think we should be rather grateful for the idiots, traitors and incompetent nincompoops in charge of our defences. If we were to have “competent” ZOG, it would mean far greater slaughter of our sheep on the front line, once 1

Transcribed by me from a video on “2023.03.24 Vilnius security forum 2023. Deterrence in unity”. 240

Russians come. Right now, the Lithuanian Armed Forces, comprising around 23 000 personnel, would be dispersed and defeated rather quickly, leaving the subsequent fight to the partisans. If we were to have competent (((political management))), we would have 120-200 000 (in fact – up to 900 0001) of the nation’s menfolk thrown into a static defence (attritional in essence). It would mean genocide, just like it is being done right now in Ukraine. We, as a nation, would cease to exist. In typical post-soviet manner, our ZOG huffed and puffed at the words of Ben Hodges and finally declared that this was “not critique”, adding that “the general does not know what he’s talking about”. Nothing is going to change, it seems, and it could be a blessing in disguise. French ZOG puppet Macron is visiting China and will meet with Xi. On the occasion, Chinese ambassador to the EUssr said some interesting things. According to him, “China does not support Russian invasion of Ukraine” and the slogans of “unlimited friendship” between China and Russia, which overflowed Eastern MSM during Xi’s visit to Moscow, are nothing but “rhetorical devices”. The chinks are maintaining their poker face and trying to stay out of the brewing global conflict until the last possible moment, in order to reap the benefits of “the last man standing” position. Fire broke out in the Russian MoD building at the very centre of Moscow. The cause is “unclear”, but the fire was really small and not even reported by Nexta, a pro-Ukrainian channel that loves nothing more than to report all fires in Russia. It was mentioned by TASS though. Western MSM published a score of satellite images of the occupied Crimea showing massive Russian field fortification works. According to the articles, Russians have started a renewed campaign of digging the trenches, building dugouts and constructing lines of AT obstacles. It is clear this is done in the anticipation of Ukrainian spring-summer counteroffensive. In other news: Lithuanian MSM “exposed” our ZOG puppet president, Gitanas Nausėda. Oh my, I guess we now know what skeleton in the closet they had to scare him with, when they forced him to make that video, endorsing the COVID19 “vaccine”. In it, he looked like a clichéd hostage from 1

The stated mobilization reserve in 2009, source: CIA, The World Factbook. 241

a B rated action flick – stone faced and reading off of a script. Now, that they no longer have any use for him, the ZOG released the information – the dumb fuck has concealed from disclosure before the presidential elections the fact that he had joined communist party on June 15, 1988. Note: big deal, the previous ZOG puppet, Dalia Grybauskaitė, was a KGB agent and her ass is still kissed by the MSM. The protests in kikeland must be bothering (((Bibi))) somewhat mightily. Therefore, kike cops stormed Al Aqsa mosque, using flashbangs, shooting rubber bullets and putting all within the premises in plastic handcuffs. Some time later, realising this might not be enough to stir Palestinians into action; the kikes even launched an air raid over Gaza Sector. Canada continues to go ever faster down the drain: “The City of Toronto has released its sweeping plan to decriminalize all hard drugs, including fentanyl and crack cocaine for any age.”, Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, 2023.03.31. Trump was arraigned, processed and later released. A lot of Twitter kvetching from that loud-mouthed kike-ass-licker followed, but it seems American conservative sheeple are not reacting in the expected manner. This is probably a direct result of the fact that the fat fuck incited them to gather on January 6, 2021, and then left them to their fate, when (((democrats))) unleashed FBI on protesters. 2023.04.06

407th Day of the Prelude War

“Unknown assailants” in Ingushetia are again taking potshots at ZOG forces. Traffic control post has been attacked, three Rosgvardiya troopers were liquidated and 7 wounded. The fighters withdrew after the attack and were not caught. All the while, there is a declared anti-terrorist operation in the region. Ichkeria (Chechnya) is stirring as well. A group calling itself “Ichkeria Front” has demanded that Russia withdraw their troops from the country, lest they will fight against Russia and Kadyrov. They also demanded an immediate stop of mobilization of Chechens for fight in the Russo-Ukrainian War. More nightly explosions in Melitopol. Ukrainians claim this is a part of the preparation for “die große Gegenoffensive”. (((Reuters))) published an article, wherein they claimed Ukraine is preparing 8 242




40 000





counteroffensive. Mikhailo Podolyak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, is already spouting unrestricted predictions, saying that Ukraine has all the prerequisites to return Crimea back under the control of Kiev this year already. Such boasts are rarely fruitful, as the history shows. “The Chinese Government has announced that it will begin to Stop and Inspect any Ship that is seen Sailing through the Taiwan Strait; the Republic of China (Taiwan) has stated that it will Not Cooperate with any kind of “Search and Seizure” by the People’s Liberation Army Navy.” OSINTdefender, Twitter message, 2023.04.06. Well, looks like the (((legal))) capture of Bakhmut was not given a “notarial approval”. (((Prigozhyn))) admitted that ZSU does not retreat from the town blocks still held by them and hold their grip on the easternmost parts.

The kike (((Prigozhyn))) and his shaboz goyim from ‘Wagner’ behind him.

Russians claim to have prevented an infiltration of a Ukrainian DRG into Bryansk region. In other news: “Agatha Christie edited to remove offensive references to Jews.” (((The Times of Israel))), (((Gabe Friedman))), 2023.03.29. All the while, an ever growing undercurrent is being reported by both


altmedia and the MSM – BRICS1 are growing and the de-dollarization process is gathering pace: “BRICS Nations Developing "New Currency" As Quest For Global De-Dollarization Accelerates.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.04.06. “Malaysia, China to Discuss ‘Asian Fund’ to Cut US Dollar Dependency.” Bloomberg, Anisah Shukry, 2023.04.04. “Egypt joins new bank of BRICS bloc.” Egypt Independent, 2023.03.30. “BRICS Expansion: Gauging Kazakhstan’s Potential. [...] The expansion of BRICS has been widely discussed and analyzed; potential future members include Argentina, Indonesia, Iran, Turkiye2, and Saudi Arabia. “There are over a dozen countries that have knocked on the door,” said South Africa’s Ambassador Anil Sooklal, “we are quite advanced at looking at a further group of new members.””, Wilder Alejandro Sánchez & Radomir Romanov, 2023.03.31. “Thousands more Australians are dying amid a concerning surge in excess deaths, and wild theories are whirling as people demand to know why.”, Chloe Whelan, 2023.04.06. Suddenly, British ZOGbots started doing something about the rampant paedophilia in the country. At least that’s what appears from the articles; headlines, claiming that the “largest paedophile ring” was arrested, graced the MSM. The interesting part is that instead of all the shitskins that were responsible for the “greatest betrayal of British children”, the articles featured exclusively white faces. Let me guess – the paedophiles in ZOG sacrificed the white filth of their organization to show that it is “white man’s fault” in general? Silvio Berlusconi has been allegedly diagnosed with leukemia. Currently, he is hospitalized for “shortness of breath”. It doesn’t look like he will be able to find that fallout shelter he was looking for. 1

BRICS is an acronym for five leading emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The first four were initially grouped as "BRIC" (or "the BRICs") in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill, who coined the term to describe fast-growing economies that would collectively dominate the global economy by 2050; South Africa was added in 2010 (Wikipedia). 2 Yet another case of new-spelling, this one emerged almost simultaneously with the Ukrainian neologisms; means Turkey. 244

As planned and provoked, 30 rockets were launched against the kikeland from the territory of Lebanon. (((Bibi))) can now have his little “unifying” “special operation” of his own: “Israel has detailed attack plans for Lebanon; some of them will be executed today. Extensive mobilization of Air Force for now.” (((Israel Radar))), Twitter message, 2023.04.06. The kike cries as he strikes you. ““Hitler was right” was posted online over 70,000 times last year.” Stand Up to Jewish Hate, Twitter message, 2023.04.05. Yes, you filthy parasites, people around the globe are waking up to your shenanigans. The thing that you imagined in your “victim” minds might turn very much real this time! French protesters stormed and took control of a (((BlackRock))) building in Paris. This was reported only by private Twitter and other (((social media))) accounts; the MSM remain silent for now. Will they start kvetching about the “inherent anti-semitism” of the protests or will they keep mum about it and try to memoryhole the whole thing? We’ll see. 2023.04.07

408th Day of the Prelude War

Several Western MSM published articles featuring an interview1 with Pidpolkovnik (Lt. Col., Ukr.) Anatoliy Kozel ‘Kupol’, the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 46th Air Mobile Brigade. All he did was voice the losses his battalion suffered in the war and criticize the training and supply of the Army, for which he was demoted and had to quit the armed forces altogether. According to ‘Kupol’, all 500 original soldiers of his battalion were either killed or wounded by the time of his interview. He said that the new recruits coming to the unit were very poorly trained, mentioning that “some didn’t know how to throw a hand grenade or fire a rifle”. Here are other quotes attributed to ‘Kupol’ by the MSM: “I get 100 new soldiers. [...] They don’t give me any time to prepare them. They say, ‘Take them into the battle.’ They just drop everything and run. That’s it. Do you understand why? Because the soldier doesn’t shoot. I ask him why, and he says, ‘I’m afraid of the 1

Initially published as “Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow”, The Washington Post, Isabelle Khurshudyan, Paul Sonne & Karen DeYoung, 2023.03.13. 245

sound of the shot.’ And for some reason, he has never thrown a grenade. … We need NATO instructors in all our training centres, and our instructors need to be sent over there into the trenches. Because they failed in their task.”1 Because of this, he was accused by the ZSU command of “disseminating false information”. Similar to Russian authorities’ reaction to the open letter of demands by the survivors of 155th Marine Infantry Brigade, Ukrainian top brass said “the losses announced in the unit, of which he had command, are significantly overestimated”. Nothing must interfere with the slaughter of the goyim! To be honest, I must mention that ‘Kupol’s demotion was protested by some prominent Ukrainians. “One of the armed forces finest commanders has just been removed. [...] Instead of analysing mistakes that will defeat the Russian army, honest comments are suppressed and those who make them are punished.” – Yuriy Butusov said on the occasion. There was supposedly a “leak” from the Pentagon, of the plans for the incoming Ukrainian “Great Counteroffensive”. The way it all unfolded, it looked like a very lame attempt by the Americans to feed Russians disinformation. A whole drama developed, with Russians using it for their propaganda, someone doctoring the images, Americans clucking about the “security breach” etc. The most damning of all was the Pentagon “launching an investigation” into the leak. The Western MSM also piled on, singing in unison that the leak was the “first major Russian intelligence break”. I know Russian performance has been dreadful as of late, but does CIA (or whoever did this stunt) really think FSB/GRU are that stupid? Russian voyenkors are raising alarm, because according to them, ZSU started massively employing HIMARS precision munitions against Russian AA systems. They clearly imply this is part of Ukrainian preparations for the counteroffensive and an attempt to wrestle control of the airspace over the battlefield. If ZSU succeeds in achieving even temporary or local air impunity over the operation, the chances for their success would grow immensely. In other news: “Pranksters Vovan and Lexus posing as Zelensky tricked ECB 1

Quoted from “Ukrainian commander reveals true scale of losses – and pays the price”, The Telegraph, James Kilner, 2023.03.17. 246

President Christine Lagarde into disclosing her plan to launch a "Digital Euro" in October that will give central banks control over how citizens can spend money: "There will be control. You’re right. You’re completely right. We are considering whether for very small amounts, you know, anything that is around 300, 400 €, we could have a mechanism where there is zero control. But that could be dangerous...” KanekoaTheGreat, Twitter message with attached video recording of Christine Lagarde, 2023.04.07. Admittedly, the video is of rather poor quality and theoretically could have been forged. Some of the sheeple comments beneath this tweet were outright frightening: “well as long as the control is used for good and not tyranny” Todd Roy said. If that was sarcasm, I found no proof of it.

XXI century, early 20’s, (((sugar-free energy))) drinks. The first from the left – “ball-sack sweat” (Swe.), the second – “dingleberry juice” (Swe.), the third is self-explanatory.


409th Day of the Prelude War

There are reports of another, even bigger, “leak” of the “super-secret Pentagon documents”, pertaining to Ukraine and their counteroffensive. While I highly 247

doubt the veracity of these documents, I will relate the numbers of the losses (cumulative for the entire war period up to March 1 of this year) of both sides listed in one of the documents: Russia: 35.5k-43k (thousands) KIA, 154k-180k WIA, 2 048 MBTs, 3 900 AIVs, 986 artillery, 72 fixed wing aircraft, 81 helicopters. Assessed combat sustainability: ground forces – 63%, air defence – 97%, air – 92%. Ukraine: 15.5k-17.5k KIA, 109k-113.5k WIA, 468 MBTs, 1 020 AIVs, 328 artillery, 60 fixed wing aircraft, 32 helicopters. Assessed combat sustainability: ground forces – 83%, air defence – 73%, air – 68%. ‘Strelkov’ released another video dedicated to the analysis of the current situation and the prospect of Ukrainian counteroffensive. He backpedalled on the assumption that Ukrainians could go for the main thrust over the river Dnepr. He now says that this direction could be at best a supporting vector, or a feint, to draw off Russian forces from the sector, where the main attack would fall. He regards Zaporozhe-Vuhledar front to be the most likely place of the true attack. My opinion is identical, Ukrainians have no resources and more importantly – no experience and training to pull off a river crossing of such magnitude. Zaporozhe front is the most conducive to Ukrainian advance both in terms of Russian dispositions and the terrain. Latvia reintroduced compulsory military service after having played with professional and semi-professional “army” for some time. Nexta reported an explosion in an airplane factory in Voronezh. There were pictures of a missile trace in the sky at the moment of explosion, but Russian authorities denied any attack. A long range missile was shot down near Feodosiya (Theodosia) on Crimean peninsula. MSM speculate it could have been Ukrainian Hrim-21 missile. 1

Hrіm-2, Grim, Grom or OTRK Sapsan (Ukrainian: ОТРК "Сапсан", lit. 'peregrine falcon'), also known as Operational-Tactical Missile System Hrim (Ukrainian: Оперативно-тактичний ракетний комплекс «Грім», romanized: Operatyvno-taktychnyi raketnyi kompleks "Hrim", lit. 'thunder'), is a Ukrainian short-range ballistic missile system being developed by Pivdenne Design Office and A.M. Makarov Southern Machine-Building Plant, designed to combine the features of a tactical missile system and a multiple 248

In other news: “Newly-Elected Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson1 Declares Blacks Should Be Free To LOOT Without Fear Of Criminal Prosecution.”, 2023.04.06. “Travis County Jury Finds Texas Soldier Guilty of MURDER For Shooting Armed BLM-Antifa2 Protester in Self Defense During 2020 Riots.”, Christina Laila, 2023.04.07. “Livestock Vax Based On COVID-19 Vaccine Technology Raises Concerns, But Biologist Says Fears Are Unfounded.” Cowboy State Daily, Kevin Killough, 2023.04.06. 2023.04.09

410th Day of the Prelude War

The tactical situation in Bakhmut started paying dividends for the Russians. The supply route to the town is under Russian fire and the road is littered with burnt out vehicles of all types. In addition, Ukrainians blew up the only bridge connecting Bakhmut with their main lines weeks ago, so I suppose they must have thrown an AVLB to enable supply traffic. The town was a handy tool to grind the Russians, when most of the surrounding area was in ZSU hands; now it is nothing but a drag on resources and a device to kill off more Ukrainian sheeple in uniforms. Why are military men so stupid? Why no local commander can take a responsibility and sacrifice his career to save the lads? A very large fire was reported in the warehouses of Hamburg’s Rothenburgsort district. Railway traffic was suspended and local inhabitants were told to “close their windows and stay indoors”. Russians published a video of an air strike against a bridge over river Sudost in Chernihiv region. Their explanation for the attack is not as important as the fact that they have the capability of destroying bridges at will. This must be rocket launcher. The original Sapsan version of the missile, for Ukraine's own use, was to have a range of 500 kilometers (Wikipedia). 1 One vile nigger replaced another, ensuring that Chicago remains the infamous Shitcago. 2 BLM – “Black Lives Matter”, Antifa – “Anti-fascists”, both groups were founded and are funded by the kikes. BLM organized masses of rabid niggers for riots throughout the USA cities in 2020. 249

the direct result of retrofitting their old FABs into gliding precision weapons. The excuse was to prevent DRG infiltration into Bryansk region. However, if they won’t do the same against the bridges over Dnepr, it will prove once and for all that both sides in this conflict have only one goal – a common desire to kill off as many Ukrainian and Russian goyim as possible, without even trying to achieve decisive results in the war. Polish farmers are protesting on the border with Ukraine against the imports of Ukrainian grain. Globalist policies and wanton support for Ukrainian economy drove the price for grain down and made domestic agriculture unprofitable. No wonder that Poles are up in arms about it. The proverb “umom Rossiyu neponiat”1 proves true once more. A Russian medic, who participated in the “special military operation”, was so patriotic that he went on to create off duty courses in field medicine. Unfortunately for him, there was someone “more patriotic”, who took part in Yevich Yuriy’s courses. The “good doctor” apparently expressed unpatriotically critical opinions about the state of Russian medical supplies and services in the war. He was hastily reported to the proper authorities and is now facing charges for “discrediting the army”. Old habits die hard and Russians seem eager to recreate Stalin’s era. Macron said some juicy stuff during his visit in China. He declared that Europe should strive to free itself from the American vassalage, reduce its dependency on the USA and avoid getting dragged into the conflict between China and Americans over Taiwan: “The great risk [Europe faces is that it] gets caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy. [...] The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just America’s followers. [...] The question Europeans need to answer … is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No. The worse thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the U.S. agenda and a


Rough meaning – “you can’t comprehend Russia with your mind/common sense” (Ru.). 250

Chinese overreaction.”1 Needless to say, this speech made chinks extremely happy. And while I agree with the general notion that European countries should conduct their independent policies both in international politics and economy, the French ZOG puppet should be the last to say anything on the matter. Instead of licking American arse, he chose to kiss the Chinese one. He fancies himself a “new and coming” leader of the entire Europe, all the while killing his own nation. Gods forbid he would take reins of the whole subcontinent! In other news: (((Benjamin Ferencz))), the 103yo last surviving (((Nurnberg trial prosecutor))), died today. May he burn in hell for all eternity! “The UK’s biggest teaching union has voted to have Drag Story Hours across all British schools. The National Education Union (NEU) conference, overwhelmingly voted to push LGBTQI+ initiatives in schools. [...] Source: LBC2.” Oli London, Twitter message, 2023.04.08. Dalai Lama3 was filmed, asking a small boy to “suck my tongue” after he kissed him. Once upon a time, Dalai Lama was held by a large portion of Western populace as a general guru on all things spiritual and the “beacon of nonviolent resistance”, regarding his political struggle against the Chinese occupation of Tibet. His influence was so big that many weak-minded westerners even converted to Buddhism. Back in the day, it was a major fad to do it; even the (((popular culture))) was portraying Buddhism as a trait of an educated man (e.g. Liza Simpson4). But after a while, China grew into an 1

As quoted in “Europe must resist pressure to become ‘America’s followers,’ says Macron”,, Jamil Anderlini & Clea Caulcutt, 2023.04.09. 2 Leading Britain’s Conversation news portal 3 Dalai Lama is a title given by the Tibetan people to the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest and most dominant of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, who lives as a refugee in India. The Dalai Lama is also considered to be the successor in a line of tulkus who are believed to be incarnations of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion (Wikipedia). 4 Lisa Marie Simpson is a fictional character in the animated television series The Simpsons. She is the middle child and most accomplished of the Simpson 251

indispensible economic powerhouse with cheap labour and criticizing it became ever more inconvenient. Now we got this video, showing the leader of the “most serene, tolerant and pure” religion for what he actually is. Paedophilia was proven not to be exclusive to the Western ZOG or the catholic church. This whole world is one giant cesspool in dire need of extreme culling. 2023.04.10

411th Day of the Prelude War

China is conducting massive military exercise with live fire drills all around Taiwan. Even their only (so far) aircraft carrier is participating in the exercise. According to Global Times Twitter message, PLA1 Eastern Theatre Command Spokesperson Shi Yi described the maneuvers as “a stern warning to “Taiwan independence” secessionist forces and their collusion with external forces, and a necessary move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity”. A warehouse with spare parts is burning in Nakhabino, near Moscow. Western MSM are still discussing the veracity of the “leaked” Pentagon documents. Americans allegedly threatened Telegram into deleting the channel, which posted the documents (Donbas Devushka, Ru. – Donbas Girl). All the “experts” on the MSM are busy debating just how authentic the documents look and that American (over)reaction to the “leak” only proves that the whole event was “absolutely true”. One of the few documents I would take at face value is the meteorological estimate of the length of rasputitsa. The map shows when the Ukrainian counteroffensive could be expected at the earliest. If the assessment is true, ZSU could make their move around the middle of May. The preparations for the attack are already family. [...] Intelligent, kind and passionate about the planet and all living things, Lisa Simpson, at nine years old, is the second child of Homer and Marge, the younger sister of Bart, and the older sister of Maggie (Wikipedia). The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical depiction of American life, epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture and society, television, and the human condition (Wikipedia, emphasis in bold by me). 1 People’s Liberation Army – official name of Chinese Armed Forces. 252

underway, as can be judged by the intensity of the strikes against Russian rear areas. In other news: Tunisian President is providing people with some ray of hope that not all can be bought or cowed into submission. If the translation is to be trusted, he said the following recently: “What do you want? You want us to sell Tunisia? Tunisia is not for sale! Foreign dictates that will lead to more poverty are unacceptable. [...] The world must understand, as well as the financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, that human beings are not figures, or a set of numbers, for a subtraction and addition.”1 Kais Saied, Tunisian President. Another mass shooting happened in the USA today. A gunman, who was facing job termination, killed 4 and wounded 9 people in the bank, where he worked, in Louisville, Kentucky. 2023.04.11

412th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~179 320 KIAs, 3 644 MBTs, 7 038 AIVs, 5 620 wheeled transports, 316 specialized vehicles, 2 765 artillery guns, 535 MLRS, 282 AA systems, 307 aircraft, 293 helicopters, 2 332 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. US DoD is starting a large nuclear C&C (actually – nuclear deterrence) exercise Global Thunder ’23 today. It is said, the exercise is annual, but the timing is suspicious, coinciding with Chinese maneuvers around Taiwan. Russian MSM claim a Ukrainian UAV with a combat loadout fell near the fence surrounding Belgorod airport. If Pentagon were a ship, the amount of “leaks” it has had would have already sent it to the depths of the sea. It is unclear, which “leak” is now referenced, but The Washington Post wrote an article based on such documents, claiming that Pentagon knew Egypt had taken a decision to supply Russia with 40 000 rocket artillery rounds and gunpowder. As for the source: “The Washington 1

Transcribed by me from a subtitled video posted on “Rage against the vaccine” Twitter account, 2023.04.09. 253

Post obtained the document from a trove of images of classified files [dated February 17, 2023] posted in February and March on Discord, a chat app popular with gamers. The document has not been previously reported.”1 I think that the latest one was posted on Telegram channel, but I can not be sure which is which and whether these “leaks” are two different things or one and the same. Armenia and Azerbaijan again blame each other for attacks near the border. OSINTdefender Twitter account reported that initial clashes between the two grew into full confrontation, with application of artillery, armour and air assets. The fighting is reportedly centred on the village of Tegh. Apparently, even Iran is flying its surveillance drones along the border with Azerbaijan in connection to this flare-up of hostilities. Russian Duma adopted a new law introducing electronic povestki (mobilization orders for the citizens). Those, who receive a digital order to register with the local voyenkomat, will be restricted from leaving the country. I suspect the lessons from the first “partial” mobilization wave are being taken into account. More importantly, the summons to voyenkomat will be delivered through the state service digital network, i.e. place where people check their pensions, get state official permits etc. Povestka will be considered as “received” at the moment of its posting on that particular individual’s personal account, thus making it equivalent to him receiving and signing the summons in person. According to (((social media))), Russian male population is panicky on the levels comparable to the announcement of “partial mobilization”. In other news: Volcano Shiveluch in Kamchatka erupted, spewing out the biggest pyroclastic cloud in 60 years, according to MSM. Dalai Lama apologized for asking the boy to suck his tongue, saying that he “wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the hurt his words may have caused”. Apparently, he “regrets” the whole incident. I bet he does, his cash flow will no doubt suffer 1

“Egypt secretly planned to supply rockets to Russia, leaked U.S. document says”, The Washington Post, Evan Hill, Missy Ryan, Siobhán O'Grady & Samuel Oakford, 2023.04.10. 254

because of it. 2023.04.12

413th Day of the Prelude War

Gigantic fire consumed a plastic recycling factory in Richmond, Indiana. 2 000 people were evacuated; the smoke is visible from 40km away. The firefighters say that the plant will burn “for days”, due to the nature of combustibles. Another video of bestial behaviour in this war surfaced. In it, someone, who appears to be a Russian soldier, cuts off a head of an alleged Ukrainian POW. The identification of national belonging is attributed only by the white (Russian) and yellow (Ukrainian) bands on the persons involved, as well as Russian language without Ukrainian accent used by the executioner. The scenery is green, suggesting that the video was taken some time during last year’s summer. Russians have returned back to the “US-Ukrainian bio-laboratories” narrative. Their representative of RKhB (NBC/CBRN) troops is again telling that Russians have found various military grade disease samples in the “biolaboratories, which were taken by Russian Armed Forces”. 2023.04.13

414th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~180 590 KIAs, 3 646 MBTs, 7 053 AIVs, 5 637 wheeled transports, 320 specialized vehicles, 2 777 artillery guns, 535 MLRS, 283 AA systems, 307 aircraft, 293 helicopters, 2 339 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russian FSB declared that it was Ukrainian special services and expatriate Russian opposition members behind the assassination of Vladlen Tatarskiy in St. Petersburg. According to them, Yuriy Denisov, a citizen of Ukraine, delivered the bomb to Darya Trepova after entering Russia through Latvian border. He left Russia on April 3 through Armenia to Turkey. Poland requested permission from Germany for the re-export of Mig-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Germany graciously granted this request. I just have one small question – how, in the Pluto’s butthole, could the Polacks promise those Mig-29s to Ukraine weeks ago, without actually having this permission? The world is really getting weirder by the day. Apparently, cow farms are prone to explosions. Yes, I know that cows produce rather big amount of 255

methane, but I have never heard of explosions plaguing this particular field of agriculture. Anyways, a “barn explosion” obliterated 18 000 cows in South Fork Dairy in Dimmitt, Texas. 2300J FBI identified and arrested a suspected “leaker” of the super-secret Pentagon documents. He turned out to be an intelligence officer of Massachusetts Air National Guard, one Jack Teixeira, 21yo. He was active on the same video gamer chat room as the boy, who actually posted the pictures publically. The title “intelligence officer” should predispose the public to believe the “leak” has been genuine, but I’m still unconvinced – how did the secret and top-secret documents landed in the hands of the junior officer of the National fucking Guard?! In other news: Protests in France still continue. Protesters blocked the avenues of approach to the building of Constitutional Council with barricades made from garbage bins. The Council is set to declare their decision on the pension reform instigated by Macron. 2023.04.14

415th Day of the Prelude War

North Korea launched another ballistic missile towards Japan. Japanese authorities sounded air raid warning in the Northern Hokkaido and advised citizens to take cover. The missile fell in the Sea of Japan. The “leaked” Pentagon documents are still the main topic on all MSM. They are being quoted left right and centre. Equal measure of denial and attempts to confirm them can be heard on the same medium, depending when you listen to it. Having read the available documents, I can say that the information is mostly what has been known from OSINT sources, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. I’ll include one chapter regarding the situation in and around Bakhmut to demonstrate: “(U//FOUO) The below information is current as of 1200 ET/1700Z1. [...] (TS//SI//REL TO USA, FVEY/FISA) Ukrainian forces as of 25 February were almost operationally encircled by Russian forces in Bakhmut, Ukraine and Ukrainian Main intelligence Directorate 1

12:00 Eastern Time/17:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 256

(HUR1) Chairman Kyrylo Budanov on 28 February ordered that an elite HUR combat unit be deployed there for 2 weeks to stabilize what







Presidential Office Deputy Roman Mashovets on 25 February provided Ukrainian Presidential Office Chief of Staff Andriy Yermak with an update, which assessed that the situation in Bakhmut was rather difficult. According to Mashovets, there was only one UAF supply road to Bakhmut, which was subject to shelling, as well as a couple of foot crossings to the left bank of an unspecified river2 in Bakhmut. He asserted that the contested area had a “204.8 elevation” and that, if the Russian forces gained full control of it, then they would have almost the entire section west of Bakhmut and a direct line of sight to the UAF supply road. Also, if Russian forces were to take control of an unspecified filtration station, then the supply road would again be under a direct line of fire. Mashovets reported that, for those reasons, the morale in Bakhmut was low, with the Ukrainian forces under the impression that they were almost operationally encircled. Budanov on 28 February explained to UAF Ground Forces Commander Lt. Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyy, HUR First Deputy Chief Maj. Gen. Oleh Ivashchenko, and a HUR officer identified only as Vova that HUR would bring in units to Bakhmut for a brief time to stabilize the situation. Budanov later relayed to Vova that the situation in Bakhmut was “catastrophic” and Syrskyy declared a need for HUR’s Kraken unit to prevent the UAF from losing Bakhmut. Also that day, Syrskyy asserted to Budanov that Ukrainian forces desperately needed to reach Yahidne, Ukraine because an unspecified road was the UAF’s “last breathing tube.” (COMMENT: This is possibly the supply road that Mashovets referenced.) Budanov ordered Vova to send one of “Shaman’s” units to Bakhmut for no more than 2 weeks, instructing him to bring in only the unit’s combat element and not its command post. (COMMENT: “Shaman” likely refers to the call sign for HUR officer 1 2

Holovne Upravlinnya Rozvidky (Ukr.) – Main Intelligence Directorate. Most probably the creek between Khromove and Ivanivske. 257

Ihor Polonskyy. It is unclear if “Shaman’s” unit and the Kraken unit are the same.) Vova criticized UAF leadership for insisting on sending a “combat element” to the front lines in Bakhmut without proper command and control, noting that the UAF needed clear control on the ground and that the Kraken unit has demonstrated that it has enough power and resources to establish it. (U) 3/00/122312-23”1 As can be seen, nothing out of ordinary was written in the document. The presence of Ukrainian SOF was known from Ukrainian MSM, although at the moment it was speculated that SOF was there to facilitate the withdrawal of regular troops from Bakhmut before abandoning the positions altogether. X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XX X X X, so at least in this regard the report is misinformation or not fully up-to-date – X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. The document is nonetheless labelled “TOP SECRET”. Another very powerful explosion reported from the general direction of Melitopol’s railway station. In other news: Kikes let slip their true mindset from time to time, but usually, they try to hide it immediately after. So was the case with a tweet by (((Haaretz))). On 2023.04.10, ((( posted the following on Twitter: “The Jewish people always believed in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations. But throughout history, this was a supremacy that lacked an apparatus for wielding control over non-Jews”. The message was soon deleted. 2023.04.15

416th Day of the Prelude War

An explosion happened when Japan’s Prime Minister was visiting Saikazaki port in Wakayama prefecture. Fumio Kishida came out of it unharmed; the attacker was detained. (((Prigozhyn))) called for the end of the “special military operation”. He said that, in a way, the goals of the “operation” have been “achieved”: 1

Copied by me from the photography of the “leaked top secret document”. All formatting (text in bold, cursive and underlined) is as it was in the text. Completely unedited. 258

“[...] to declare the end of SVO, announce to all that Russia achieved those results that were planned, and in some way, we really achieved them. We ground huge number of ZSU fighters down and we can account to ourselves that the goals of SVO were accomplished. [...] Now there’s only one way left: to tightly entrench, dig in our claws in the territories that we already have.”1 Russian MoD put their entire Pacific Fleet on full combat readiness today from 0900K (Vladivostok). Announced reason – raising defence capabilities against possible hostile attacks from the direction of the ocean. Locals report a large explosion from the direction of a tank range near Kazan, Russia. Pictures and video show something out of ordinary has exploded – a large white smoke column is billowing from the site. Authorities denied anything happened. In other news: French Constitutional Council approved pension (((reform))). Paris was in flames tonight. ZOG puppet Macron signed the age adjustments into law. There is a coup attempt ongoing in Sudan. Army is fighting with so called Rapid Support Forces (some sort of paramilitary formation, previously allied with Sudanese Army), which are described as paramilitary group by the Western MSM. RSF seized Khartoum airport, after accusing the Army of attacking them first, and the clashes have grown into full blown war, as the Army used fighter jets to bomb the RSF HQ. “'Eaten alive by insects': Atlanta man2 found dead in jail cell infested with bed bugs, coroner says.”, Natalie Neysa Alund, 2023.04.15. “Netherlands to legalize euthanasia for children below 12. The Netherlands, which was the first country in the world to legalize euthanasia, will expand the right-to-die to include children between the ages of 1 and 12, the government announced on Friday after years of debate. [...] Last year, 8,720 people died by euthanasia in the Netherlands, or roughly 5% of all deaths in the country. Only one of them was a child. More than 91,000 people in the 1

As quoted on, translated by me. A nigger, but it was still a horrible way to go, especially in the so-called “First World country”. 2


Netherlands have died by euthanasia since it was legalized in 2002.”, 2023.04.14. The bastards admit that there were instances of the misuse of the law, but say it comprised “only 133 cases”. We should assume that “the benefits outweigh the risks” then. 1942J There are reports that Sudanese RSF took captive a unit of Egyptian Army, when they seized Khartoum airport. 2023.04.16

417th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~182 070 KIAs, 3 657 MBTs, 7 083 AIVs, 5 658 wheeled transports, 326 specialized vehicles, 2 795 artillery guns, 538 MLRS, 284 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 293 helicopters, 2 339 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. (((Reznikov))) plays the game of kikes, saying that “Ukrainian losses in the war against Russia were fewer than the number of killed as the result of Turkish earthquake”. That one amounted to 50 090, according to the latest tally. Consequently, Ukrainians should be content with the slaughter of their youth, because “it is less than that horrible earthquake”. These non-human parasites are the most despicable biological creatures to ever walk on this planet. On the occasion of Russian Orthodox Easter, ‘Wagner’ claimed to have released 130 Ukrainian POW. Whether it was ‘Wagner’ or not, but Nexta did report the return of 130 Ukrainians from Russian captivity. Reacting to the farmer protests, Polish government restricted the imports of Ukrainian grains into the country, allowing only the transit of said goods. Today, Hungary followed Poland’s suit and also forbade imports of Ukrainian grains. ‘Wagner’ has suffered irreplaceable losses in the assault of Bakhmut. It is evidenced by the rising number of VDV troops thrown into the sector by Russian High Command. Ukrainian “military experts” remark that those aren’t really the old VDV soldiers, merely dressed up chmobiki. For once I believe these “experts” – Russian Airborne forces suffered horribly during the first months of the war and are unlikely to have restored their combat capabilities within the short time. Some days ago, Russians hit an apartment building in Slavyansk. Rescue 260

services finished clearing out the debris and announced the final death toll – 15 civilians were killed. These hits on civilian targets happen quite often as Russians employ S-300 missiles, which they have a good supply of, in ground attack role. Since these missiles are designed as SAMs, ground targeting is not their best employ, thus resulting in unintended hits on civilians. In other news: “Terrifying bodycam1 footage shows moment New Mexico cops shoot innocent man dead after knocking WRONG house on domestic violence call – before firing at victim's screaming widow.”, Miles Dilworth, 2023.04.15. Popocatepetl volcano erupted today in Mexico. “Po Ljubljani z nožem zabada ljudi, v rodno Afriko ga ne morejo izgnati. [“Attacks people with knife in Ljubljana, we can’t banish him back to his home Africa“ – approximate translation by me].“, Domen Mal, 2023.04.15. “UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children.”, Cassy Fiano-Chesser, 2023.04.14. Sudanese Army claims to have stormed and taken several RSF outposts throughout the country. 2023.04.17

418th Day of the Prelude War

The killing of Vladlen Tatarskiy had an impact on Russian domestic activities – several cities suspended the celebrations and parades on May 1 (International Workers’ Day, mostly celebrated by socialists and was a state holiday during soviet times). Slovakia is also suspending grain imports from Ukraine. The example was infectious. Meanwhile, EUssr thinks this was a very bad example of countries trying to retake their sovereignty and shook their flabby fist at Hungary and Poland for doing what sovereign countries should always strive for – protecting their own national interests. 1

“Body camera” – a video recording device, specifically designed to film the actions of the cops. These recordings are sometimes “conveniently” not released to the public, but when they are, they usually show the absolute disdain ZOGbots have for the citizenry they are supposed to “serve and protect”. 261

One of the personas behind the Donbas Devushka Twitter account, which was the primary disseminator of the “leaked” Pentagon documents, turned out to be a former US Navy NCO: “the person who hosted podcasts as Donbass Devushka and oversees these accounts is a Washington-state-based former U.S. enlisted aviation electronics technician whose real name is Sarah Bils. [...] Ms. Bils, 37 years old, served at the U.S. naval air station on Whidbey Island until late last year, even as the accounts she had established and supervised glorified the Russian military and the paramilitary Wagner Group.” The Wall Street Journal, Yaroslav Trofimov, 2023.04.16. Ukrainian hit Belgorod with UAVs again. One of the targets was the local thermo-electrical plant; the strike there cut the power to the city. In other news: A court in Iran found 10 military men guilty of shooting down Ukrainian airliner back in 2020. The commander of the unit received 10 year sentence in jail, others got 1-3 years. German government disconnected the last three nuclear power plants from the main electric grid in preparation for final decommissioning. The (((greens))) are celebrating; common sense people understand that the hardships are just starting. “This week in Bahrain the Navy told sailors that they talk to their children at age 12 about gender identity, sex, STD’s, pregnancy, etc. without notifying parents. When asked if "the Navy’s policy circumvents a parents right to know?" the @USNavy official answered "Yes". Insane.” Robby Starbuck, Twitter message with attached video of LCDR1 Nichole Benson, Navy nurse practitioner (some mutt baboon) giving the briefing to the parents in service, 2023.04.14. “Italy's Meloni Declares 'State Of Emergency' As Illegal Immigration Quadruples. Italy could see up to 50,000 migrants arriving a month if current trends hold...” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.04.17. Without much ado in the MSM, the IMF recently implemented yet another step towards the NWO: “IMF unveils new global currency known as the "universal monetary unit" to "transform" world economy. A new global 1

Lieutenant commander. 262

currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened. The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden. 2023.04.15. 2023.04.18

419th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~183 130 KIAs, 3 661 MBTs, 7 098 AIVs, 5 676 wheeled transports, 330 specialized vehicles, 2 810 artillery guns, 538 MLRS, 285 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 293 helicopters, 2 353 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Im Osten nichts Neues. Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian President, threatened the kikes that if Israel were to attack Iran, Tel Aviv and Haifa would be destroyed. Stop talking and do some real damage for once! Why are Easterners so prone to lofty words with little to show for? Speaking of lofty promises: Kyrylo Budanov, the head of HUR, confirmed his “forecast” that Ukrainians will be in Crimea by the end of the spring. Putin, or maybe his doppelganger, allegedly visited Russian command post somewhere in Kherson region. The video was published, claiming he did it yesterday. Unfortunately, in the video, Putin brought with him an icon as a gift for the generals and said “as the Easter will be [soon]”, when presenting it, clearly denoting a date before Orthodox Easter. Kremlin soon published a redacted version, wherein Putin’s “will be” has been cut out. Peskov explained the “misunderstanding” by claiming that the Easter is continuing for a whole 40 days and Putin said “as [it is] Easter”. Founder of (anti-Putin Russian Internet site), Vladimir Osechkin1, published two videos of phone interviews he took with two former 1

Became well known after he was placed on a wanted list by Russian state in November 2021, because he leaked a large archive of documents, photos and videos with hundreds of cases of rape and torture of inmates in Russian prisons directed by prison officials. 263

wagnerites, one of which was a convict before ‘Wagner’. In these videos, they admitted to killing civilians in their dozens and hundreds, including children as young as 5 or 6yo. The convict soon published another video, denouncing his “confession” and noting that “(((Prigozhyn))) saved him”. Fucking stupid Russians and Russian kikes, they don’t even get how propaganda should work. In other news: Teenaged baboons are rioting, looting an attacking random white people in Chicago. Former mayor of the city, a fish-faced mutant baboon, by the name of Lori Lightfoot, reacted to the press coverage of these riots by saying “it’s wrong to say it’s mayhem”. Nah, that’s just innocent frolicking by the youth, in the best traditions of “fiery, but mostly peaceful”. 2023.04.19

420th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian authorities disclosed the number of Ukrainian MIAs since the start of the full blown war – “slightly over 7 000”. They estimate that 60-65% of that number are POWs. A plastics factory burned today in Dzerzhinsk, Russia. Russians attacked Odessa with Iranian kamikaze drones. Ukrainians say most of them were shot down, but some still got through and struck “an object of critical infrastructure”. 2259J ‘Strelkov’ writes that Ukrainians have conducted multiple small scale reconnaissance attacks. He noted that while some were most likely diversionary in nature, others fell on the frontline judged to be the most prospective for the incoming Ukrainian counterattack – Vuhledar and Zaporozhe sectors. In other news: “If Western Civilization Dies, Put It Down as a Suicide. We are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit.” Wall Street Journal, Gerard Baker, 2023.04.17. In 2013, I called it so; now, I would term it as a “death from parasite infestation”. And the fact that such articles appear on the Western (((MSM))) is indicative of the small, but growing, kike undercurrent, which sees the dangers of accelerationism conducted by the eager-beavers of the unrestricted libtardation. They want to go back to the slow and steady genocide of the whites, where they can enjoy the benefits of the civilization, without risking an open revolt or sudden 264

collapse. Truly apocalyptic videos came from Constantinople today. A gigantic black cloud descended upon the city, plunging it into utter darkness. Within 5 minutes it was as black as the middle of the night. Someone is finally taking a stand against the blackwashing of the history by the kikes in Jewlywood and again it is not a white nation. “Egyptian lawyer sues Netflix for depicting Cleopatra as Black woman. Many Egyptians are furious that Netflix's new series depicts its titular "Queen Cleopatra" as Black despite the ancient ruler's well-known Greek heritage.” Al Monitor, Muhammed Magdi, 2023.04.18. 2023.04.20

421st Day of the Prelude War

Happy birthday, Adolf Hitler! Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~184 420 KIAs, 3 667 MBTs, 7 120 AIVs, 5 707 wheeled transports, 332 specialized vehicles, 2 825 artillery guns, 539 MLRS, 285 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 293 helicopters, 2 386 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russian MoD data on Ukrainian losses: 8 757 MBTs and AIVs, 4 626 artillery guns (including mortars), 1 090 MLRS, 9 631 “special military wheeled vehicles” (these most likely include civilian cars that ZSU employs extensively), 415 AA systems, 411 fixed wing aircraft, 228 helicopters, 3 779 UAVs1. Sergei Popko, the head of municipal administration of Kiev, declared that a satellite fell near the capital tonight. After NASA denied the possibility of such an event, ZSU admitted that it could have been a meteorite. ZSU says Patriot AA systems2 have been delivered to them. Americans were 1

As presented on, cumulative losses of ZSU up to 2023.04.20. The MIM-104 Patriot is a surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, the primary such system used by the United States Army and several allied states. It is manufactured by the U.S. defense contractor Raytheon and derives its name from the radar component of the weapon system. The AN/MPQ-53 at the heart of the system is known as the "Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept on Target", which is a backronym for "Patriot". Starting in 1984, the Patriot system began to replace the Nike Hercules system as the U.S. Army's primary 2


rather reluctant to send these systems to any third party, especially where it could be captured or re-exported to the hostile countries (Russia, China). The commander of Russian Pacific Fleet has resigned (or was made to) from the post. The resignation is ostensibly tied with the snap exercise, which has put the entire fleet on full combat readiness.

“The report focuses on a Russian vessel called the Admiral Vladimirsky. Officially, this is an Expeditionary Oceanographic Ship, or underwater research vessel. But the report alleges that it is in fact a Russian spy ship.” BBC, Gordon Corera, 2023.04.19.

Iran has claimed that they had forced the USS “Florida” – a nuclear powered/armed submarine – to surface in the Strait of Hormuz. US Navy High to Medium Air Defense (HIMAD) system and the MIM-23 Hawk system as the U.S. Army's medium tactical air defense system. In addition to these roles, Patriot has been given a function in the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system. The system is expected to stay fielded until at least 2040 (Wikipedia). 266

denied this claim almost immediately, saying that their “submarine has NOT transited the Strait”. According to US Navy rebuttal, “US 5th Fleet continues to operate wherever international law allows”. Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish MSM conducted a joint investigation into Russian covert naval activities in the North Sea. They claim that Russians have been sending civilian ships into the North Sea in order to locate, map and analyse the possibilities for sabotage on NATO wind farms and communication infrastructure in the region. According to the article on BBC, the attacks on these objects are planned in case of an open conflict with NATO countries. Unnamed Scandinavian and British intelligence officers confirmed such activity and assured that they are monitoring Russian moves in the area. In other news: “A North Carolina 6-year-old and her parents were shot Tuesday night by an angry neighbor1 who fired at them after a basketball rolled into his yard, a report said. Kinsley White was wounded along with her mother Ashley Hilderbrand and father William White when a gunman opened fire at around 8 p.m. in Gaston County after he became enraged about the bouncing ball, according to WSOC-TV.” New York Post, David Propper, 2023.04.19. “Moonbin, K-pop2 star and member of boy band Astro, dies aged 25.” The Guardian, 2023.04.20, emphasis in bold by me. “The Dangerous Chemical Bill Gates Is Coating Your Organic3 Produce With. It's almost impossible to know even if your organic fruits and veggies are safe. You can’t even trust buying organic produce anymore, thanks to The Bill & 1

Unsurprisingly – a rabid African baboon. Korean Popular music genre. 3 A rather recent (10 year old or so) advertising trick. Food articles that were allegedly produced without using pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals are marked as “organic” and fetch premium price. As could be expected, regular products are often sold using this gimmick and thus provide a very substantial profit increase for the “Big Agro” companies. There are legitimately organic small farms that receive the license to sell under “organic” brand, but they are usually subjected to withering governmental inspections and must submit to gruelling bureaucratic requirements. 2


Melinda Gates Foundation, Katy Perry and Oprah. There’s a new label on your produce, and it’s anything but ap”peel”ing. Apeel is a “plant-based protection that helps the produce you love stay fresh for longer”… or, in other words, a chemical coating put on your produce which you can’t wash off so it doesn’t









time.”, 2023.04.15. A Kennedy is making a bid for the presidency of the USA once more. After his father and uncle were both murdered by the deep state of the Great Golem, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. will try to challenge Biden the Pedo in the US Democrat primaries. RFK was against the COVID19 “vaccines”, so, right of the bat, he is being called a “conspiracy theorist”. He has all the right qualifications to be joining the other Kennedy clan members at the pearly gates, if he manages to overcome the (((democratic))) election process. But I doubt it will come to that, the unexpected Trump victory in 2016 was already too much for the (((establishment))), even despite the fact that Trump licked kike-arses like no one before him. Elon Musk’s company tried to launch “the biggest space rocket ever”. It exploded scant seconds into the flight. Since it is mostly done on grants from the government, i.e. printed fiat and taxes, Elon promised that the company will “learn the lessons” and attempt anew in a couple of months. 2023.04.21

422nd Day of the Prelude War

Russian stand-off missile, or maybe a retrofitted glide bomb, launched by Su34 from inside the territory of the Federation, exploded in Belgorod. Two people were injured, 4 apartments damaged. Russian MoD unexpectedly admitted the fuckup. Stoltenberg of NATO visited Kiev yesterday. He invited (((Zelensky))) to NATO summit this summer in Vilnius. Victory Day Parade has been cancelled in Sevastopol as well as in Kursk and Belgorod. Ukrainians joke that this is not due to the “security concerns” about “terrorist threat”, but rather the lack of vehicles to show in the parades. In other news: “Liver cancer rates are surging in Australia – and climate change could be to blame.” The Sydney Morning Herald, Liam Mannix, 2023.04.19. 268

“Silver approaching historic deficit as demand surges to record high.” Financial Post, (((Reuters))), 2023.04.19. Who could have thought it – an anonymous campaign SETF (Silver Ends The Fed) managed to back the (((international banksters))) into a corner. PPT is running out of steam and we might see the true valuation of Silver in fiat. “Police hunt for tomato-throwing attacker. Police are investigating a series of attacks in which fruit was hurled at pedestrians - leaving one person seriously injured by a tomato aimed at their head. [Happened in Eastbourne and Hastings]” BBC, Flaminia Luck, 2023.04.21. It seems that the license to buy, carry and use fruits and vegetables is coming to ZOG UK. Once again, I will let Biden the Pedo, and his (((Freudian))) slips, speak, without commenting it (despite it being old news from 2013): “The Jewish people have contributed greatly to America. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita as all of you standing before you, and all of those who went before me and all of those who went before you. [...] “The embrace of immigration” is part of that, as is the involvement of Jews in social justice movements. [...] Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes [faggotry, womenlib, unrestricted immigration, destruction of family unit, destruction of morals etc.], whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good.”1 2023.04.22

423rd Day of the Prelude War

Latvia made another completely demented decision. They will transfer all their Stinger MANPADS to Ukraine. Just how stupid, crazy and not caring for your own safety do you have to be to give up all your man portable AA systems to another country, when the danger of invasion has never been so real? The benefit of having (((Egils Levits))) for a president, no doubt. A plastic and rubber recycling plant is burning in Liubertsy, Moscow region. 1

As quoted on “Biden Praises Jews, Goes Too Far, Accidentally Thrills AntiSemites”, Intelligencer, (((Jonathan Chait))), 2013.05.22, emphasis in bold by me. 269

According to reports, 1 500 square meters are engulfed by the flames. The battle for Bakhmut has ground to a complete crawl. Neither ‘Wagner’ nor the “VDV” troops make any significant progress in the town.




alternate between trying to take




directly and attempting to circumvent it. It looks like Situation in Bakhmut according to RYBAR on 2023.04.20.





attacks from the Northern bulge in order to cut the road into Bakhmut, through which Ukrainians are

The close up of the part of the supply route of Ukrainian Bakhmut battlegroup, NW of Khromove. Burnt out Ukrainian vehicles can be seen on the road, where they were hit by enemy artillery. Russians have managed to advance right up to the road, according to their own latest claims.

funnelling supplies and reinforcements. The road has already been nicknamed “the road of life” and “the road of death”, depending on which side you would listen to. It is clear that Ukrainian movement along the road is 270

perilous, but hardly deserve the name “the road of death”, which was used on the highway from Kuwait during “Desert Storm” operation. Apparently, Russians dropped two bombs on Belgorod the other day. The second one failed to explode, and it was removed for destruction by EOD specialists. Russia announced that Germany is doing a “mass expulsion” of Russian diplomats. They promised a “mirror-like response”. A little later, reported that the mutual expulsion will involve 34 diplomats on each side. It is unclear what exactly caused this new bout of diplomat repatriation. In other news: “In a recent Facebook post, Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb announced he now identifies as a Black woman. He clarified with I-Team 8 he identifies as an American Indian woman.”, Jasmine Minor, 2023.04.19, emphasis in bold by me. “Alamogordo, NM – 22 year old dental assistant Nicole Marie Prieto died on Mar.31, 2023 from a ruptured brain aneurysm[;] "she was on life support for 3 days before dying"[.] Post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine aneurysms are killing many young people now.” William Makis MD1, Twitter message, 2023.04.21. 2023.04.23

424th Day of the Prelude War

There are reports that ZSU have taken a lodgement on the left bank of Dnepr – the Southern bridgehead of Antonov Bridge. ‘Strelkov’ scoffed at this, describing it as “purely propaganda” move, as according to him there are no roads leading out of the place and the taken terrain comprises only some half sunken marshy islet. He said that this small group is supplied with riverine boats and presents no danger to the Russian positions. At first I thought that he meant some other Ukrainian stint on the other side of Dnepr, but currently there is only this one incident. ISW proclaimed the taking of bridgehead after analysing geolocation of Russian voyenkor footage. ZSU representative neither confirmed nor denied the claims. If Antonov Bridge Southern end has been indeed taken, it is far more serious than ‘Strelkov’s assessment, but it depends on the positions ZSU holds there. If they have one of the countless islets in Dnepr, then it is nothing at all. But if Ukrainians have indeed taken a 1

Medical Doctor, if one is to believe such Internet credentials. 271

foothold almost reaching Oleshky village, then they now control the bridgehead on the main road leading from Kherson to Crimea, Melitopol and the rest of Southern Ukraine. ‘Strelkov’ also reported that Russians continued their attack on Avdiivka, trying to encircle it from the South this time. The attack was repulsed with heavy casualties. The battle for Bakhmut burns slowly with heavy house-tohouse fighting. The Russian attack on the road leading to the town has been repulsed, according to Girkin. He mentioned several small scale Ukrainian attacks on Zaporozhe front sector, drawing conclusion that it is the combat reconnaissance phase before the incoming offensive. The attacks, ‘Strelkov’ said, were conducted by units ranging between squad and company in size; all of them were repulsed by Russians. In other news: Sweden’s Riksdag (Parliament) voted to approve the sending of an expeditionary force (400 strong) to Sudan. This force, in coordination with other countries, will have to provide relief and evacuate Swedish nationals from Sudan, where civil war has started. US military is already evacuating their embassy staff from the country. “The Red Cross Is Asking Players To Stop Committing War Crimes In Games.”, Josh Coulson, 2023.04.20. Without any doubt, it is the most pressing matter for the Red Cross, while dogs are eating dead soldiers and civilians in Ukraine, POWs are getting castrated, executed by cutting off their heads with knives and deserters are being dealt by sledgehammering their heads. 2023.04.24

425th Day of the Prelude War

hese days, it is best letting kikes and their shaboz goyim slaves speak for themselves to damn themselves: “We are thankful to our allies for their military help. But: it is not enough. Ukraine needs 10 times more to finish russian aggression this year. Thus we call upon our partners to cross all artificial red lines & devote 1% of GDP for UA1 weapons deliveries.” Andrij Melnyk2, Twitter message, 2023.04.22, emphasis in bold by me. The first response to this tweet was this: “Yes. We can add that any dollar invested 1 2

Ukraine. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. 272

in Ukraine's fight against the terrorist-state Russia is well-invested money in Europe's/Western nation's future, freedom, and security. And we shall never forget that Ukrainian put their lives in danger for a better Europe.” (((Peter Engelman))), Twitter message, 2023.04.22. Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~187 080 KIAs, 3 683 MBTs, 7 139 AIVs, 5 753 wheeled transports, 339 specialized vehicles, 2 849 artillery guns, 539 MLRS, 289 AA systems, 308 fixed wing aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 413 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russians report another USV attack on Sevastopol. They claim that one of the attacking vessels has been destroyed, another one detonated by itself. Lavrov went to New York in order to attend the Security Council of the UN. A number of Russian journalists were to come together with the delegation, but American authorities refused to issue visas to them. Lavrov seemed pretty pissed off because of this. Aside from the usual “so much for the freedom of speech, press and all things democratic”, he said “we will not forget nor will we forgive”. Unfortunately for him, the threatening meaning of his words was rather diluted by Russian establishment previously flooding the media with countless other “ominous” messages and threats, which never materialized. In other news: “Unvaccinated Australians form singles groups to ‘keep the bloodline pure’.”, Samantha Maiden, 2023.04.24. 2023.04.25

426th Day of the Prelude War

The new round of diplomat expulsion between the West and Russia keeps escalating. Moldova sent away their Russian ambassador, and Moscow responded in kind. Today, Sweden announced that 5 Russian diplomats will be expelled. Medvedev has again started a new series of nuclear threats and warnings of impending WW3. This gave fodder for the Western MSM to scare their own populations. But knowing just how inconsequential the “reserve Russian President” is, I would not be worried, if it was his ramblings alone. Alas, the world is indeed going down the drain and cretins rule the flock on both sides. BRICS summit is coming up in SAR1. With Putin’s ICC arrest order issued, 1

South African Republic. 273

this presents something of a problem to the SAR apes in power. In a perfect demonstration of just how much stock there is in the international treaties, SAR president Cyril Ramaphosa announced today that the ruling baboon party, self-assuredly named “African National Congress”, has decided to exit SAR from Rome Statute. In other news: The US have brokered a ceasefire in Sudan. As always, it remains to be seen how long it will hold. The protests in kikeland continue. Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was even revelling that his prediction about the “dissolution of Israel in 25 years” is giving fruit far sooner. I would not be so confident; kikes are not so easily dispatched. Chinese ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, said some spicy things about the post-soviet countries: “In international law, even these ex-Soviet Union countries do not have the status, the effective [status] in international law, because there is no international agreement to materialize their status as a sovereign country”1. The reaction in the Baltic States was lively. Estonia and Latvia demanded that Chinese ambassadors in their countries give an explanation for the declaration made by Lu Shaye. The next day, China “reiterated its respect for the sovereignty of all states”, but did not condemn the interview or did anything against the ambassador in France. Chinese antics aside, this incident gave another fine opportunity to observe the drones of EUssr in “action”. Joseph Borrell, EUssr’s chief on foreign affairs, said this – “the EU can only suppose these declarations do not represent China’s official policy”, while commenting the issue. The epitome of “let’s pretend it is not what it is”. They either think everyone else is a complete idiot, or they themselves are braindead automatons. It doesn’t get more official than the interview given by the official ambassador, especially when the statement is not condemned immediately after by the origin country government. The Western ZOG has decided to use Russian shtick of bio-laboratories too. (((Reuters))) reports that one of the fighting sides in Sudan civil war has seized a biolab. According to TASS, (((WHO))) claims the installation holds 1

As quoted in “Baltics blast China diplomat for questioning sovereignty of ex-Soviet states”, Politico, (((Antonia Zimmermann))), 2023.04.23. 274

several dangerous pathogens and the power to the biolab has been cut, thus raising the risk of a leak. “[...] show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did. I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the C.D.C.’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that.” Anthony Fauci the COVID Mascot, as quoted in “Dr. Fauci Looks Back: ‘Something Clearly Went Wrong’,” The New York Times Magazine, David Wallace-Wells, 2023.04.24. Somehow, an image of rats and a sinking ship springs to mind after reading that. But more importantly, I think it is imperative I include this quote, by none other than Fauci himself: "If you take it [a vaccine] and a year goes by, and everybody's fine. Then, you say, 'okay ― that's good, now, let's give it to a five hundred people'. Then, a year goes by and everything's fine. So, well now, let's give it to thousands of people. And then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose; and then, what have you done?"1 Dr. Anthony Fauci, speaking about possible AIDS vaccine. (February 1999) “Trans teen died from vaginoplasty2 complications during landmark Dutch study used to justify child sex changes.”, Mia Ashton, 2023.04.24. 2023.04.26

427th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~188 410 KIAs, 3 692 MBTs, 7 162 AIVs, 5 792 wheeled transports, 352 specialized vehicles, 2 877 artillery guns, 539 MLRS, 292 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 440 UAVs, 911 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Vyorstka published an article, claiming they have spoken with “sources close


Transcribed by me from the video of Fauci’s interview. Plastic operation of “forming a vagina in a male body”, which is of course a gross misnomer for “forming a gaping wound and preventing it from healing”. 2


to Russian government”1. The article claimed that Putin made the decision to attack Ukraine back in 2021, around the end of February or beginning of March. More importantly, Vyorstka claimed that the reason for the decision was “some personal offense and desire for vengeance”. Although I put little stock in “sources close to Russian government”, I still think that the true reason for the attack has not been sufficiently uncovered. Therefore, every bit of information on the topic peaks my interest. After starting rather vaguely with “some personal offence”, Vyorstka elaborated that the final straw was the closure of pro-Russian MSM channels in Ukraine, belonging to Medvedchuk. I have written about this at the very start of the war, in volume I of this chronicle. I’m still not convinced that this is the true, or the only, motive, but Vyorstka built on the point, saying that Putin was persuaded to attack by his friend – businessman Yuriy Kovalchuk. He allegedly convinced Putin that “Europe is divided and the moment is ripe for a fast operation”, thus pushing Putin those final meters towards the decision. In a way, he was right. The Europe was divided (and still is), but the problem was in the “fast campaign” part – Russians were unable to achieve that. The failure of the “fast campaign” is laid at the feet of Medvedchuk – Vyorstka’s “sources” unanimously blame him for convincing Putin that Ukraine was ripe for Crimean annexation scenario, which led directly to understrength invasion force. The rest of the article reiterated the old tropes – it was not known just how badly Russian Army was organized, Russia, as the state, was not ready for drawn-out conflict etc. One minor quote from the article confirmed my early opinion on Russian thoughts about “EuroMaidan” in Ukraine, back in 2014: “It was not about Ukraine. There was not just a maidan [protest action in Ukraine], it was a full destruction of all game rules” – Vyorstka quoted the “person close to Putin”. It seems Russians are trying to recreate the Battle of Kursk. Ukrainians claim Zaporozhe region came under withering artillery fire during the night. According to Yuriy Malashko, the head of Zaporozhe Regional Military 1

“"Вёрстка": Путин принял решение о войне с Украиной ещё в 2021 году” (Vyorstka: Putin made the decision about the war with Ukraine back in 2021), 2023.04.25. The original from Vyorstka – “Как Путин возненавидел Украину” (How Putin grew to hate Ukraine), Ilya Zhegulyov, 2023.04.25. 276

Administration, Russian armed forces conducted 67 strikes (53 artillery, 6 MLRS, 7 UAV and 1 airstrike) against the region. Russians are clearly trying to inflict as many losses and cause as much disorganization as possible against the forces amassed for coming Ukrainian offensive. (((Zelensky))) and Xi of China had an hour long conversation over the phone today. According to the kike-in-chief, “an entire complex of issues” was discussed during the conversation. He then proceeded to spill a worddiarrhoea, which bore no meaning of what was actually said or decided between the two. Reading between the lines, I could only say that absolutely nothing was concluded, and that is only natural, since both sides belong to the most word bending races on the planet Earth – kikes and chinks. US are fast approaching Schrödinger’s superposition – they want their armed power maintained, at the same time destroying it with all their might. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said she supports “requiring the US Armed Forces to adopt all-electric vehicle fleet by 2030”. Just for the record, I would very much like to see such an “experiment” done in practice and I bet Chinese and Russians would be excited about it too. US ZOG continues to denigrate, mock and exterminate in a passive-aggressive manner all straight1 white men. All the while, American MSM bemoan the lack of willing recruits. Just three days ago, (((FOX News))) released another article: “Concerns grow as US military faces recruitment crisis for second year in a row: 'Cultural rot' is spreading”2. In it, they said that “a survey found only 13% of young Americans are 'highly willing' to serve”. I can only add that “a survey” does not even translate into real world recruitment numbers. Very similar situation developed in Lithuania, when “a survey” was conducted in order to find out how many would be willing to defend the country in case of an invasion. The results showed that the biggest percentage of those “willing” (who were not as numerous as ZOG had hoped) to fight were the globohomogenized inhabitants of the Lithuanian ZOG central – capital Vilnius. Some commentators rightly remarked that saying you would fight, while sitting comfortably on your sofa and sipping your Starbucks pigswill, is a bit 1 2

Heterosexual, normal, as nature intended. FOX News, Ashley Carnahan, 2023.04.23. 277

different from actually picking up the rifle, after Russian Grad rocket has redecorated your neighbourhood in bright red colours. In other news: Spain is suffering from an unusually harsh drought this spring. Most of the water reservoirs are said to be down by 40-50%. “‘Demonic’ MS-131 felon dismembered Florida Uber Eats2 driver before stuffing remains in trash bag: sheriff.” New York Post, Selim Algar, 2023.04.25. “Father-Son ‘Vigilante’ Duo Who Killed Prowling Thief With Samurai Sword and Dagger Get Life in Prison.” Breitbart, Peter Caddle, 2023.04.26. Erdogan of Turkey has been hospitalized after he fell ill during live TV interview. First reports said he suffered from “stomach illness”; rumours on (((social media))) and MSM right now claim he could have experienced a “myocardial infarction”. His condition is reportedly as “critical”. 2023.04.27

428th Day of the Prelude War Another collaborator cop was blown to bits in Melitopol. Aleksandr Mishchenko was killed by an explosion in the staircase of his apartment building. Polish authorities found debris of what they call (at the moment) a surface-to-air missile near Bydgoszcz. Polish MSM pointed out that the missile had “Russian text” on it. The investigation is underway. Some

Mikhail Mizintsev the “Butcher of Mariupol”.





Mizintsev, called “the Butcher of Mariupol” by Ukrainians, has been fired from the

position of the Deputy Minister of Defence. 1

Mara Salvatrucha, commonly known as MS-13, is an international [composed of South and Central Americans, that’s all there is to this “international” name] criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, in the 1970s and 1980s (Wikipedia). 2 Uber Eats is a variation of Uber – an application based taxi service. Uber Eats participants deliver food instead. 278

1321J It should be embarrassing, but nobody cares. Polish authorities declared that the missile debris found near Bydgoszcz belonged to Polish Armed Forces. The “Russian text” was due to the weapon being manufactured back in soviet days. Russians published several videos showing the hits on Ukrainian AA systems (S-300s and Gepards). The attacks I saw were all conducted using Lantset1 kamikaze drones. Videos were recent, as evidenced by the green scenery in the background. It is clear that Russians are withering ZSU‘s airspace denial in order to secure better chances to provide their defence with CAS. If Russians succeed in achieving even temporary air superiority, even over the limited operational area of the Ukrainian offensive, the whole ZSU plan will be DOA and it will turn into Slaughterhouse-52. In other news: “Transgender State Representative Moves To Allow “Sexual Attachment









Orientation”.”, Genevieve Gluck, 2023.04.26. “Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It. Here’s another revealing video by Rabbi Michael Laitman, the Jewish Kabbalist whose theory is that Jews are sent from “another universe” to “take the form” of various human peoples — and “conquer” them through subversion of their “world ego”.” National Vanguard, Chris Rossetti, 2018.11.15. “Justin Trudeau claims he never “forced” anyone to get vaccinated. “There are potential side effects... While not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure all the incentives… were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated”.” Michael P Senger, Twitter message with attached video of Trudeau’s interview, 2023.04.25. It is fast becoming a trend. Yes, goyim, you did it to yourselves, nobody forced you to take the mystery juice!


The ZALA Lancet (official designation: Item 52/Item 51) is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and loitering munition developed by Russian company ZALA Aero Group (part of Kalashnikov Concern) for the Russian Armed Forces. It was first unveiled in June 2019 at the ARMY-2019 military expo in Moscow. It is a further development of the ZALA KYB-UAV (also known as KUB-BLA) loitering munition (Wikipedia). 2 A reference to Kurt Vonnegut’s book. 279

“A Wisconsin gun dealer whose YouTube channel







"conspiring machine






devices" that were nothing more than metal bottle openers etched with patterns called "lightning links" that, when milled, can convert a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle into an automatic machine gun. [...] Ervin faces a maximum penalty of 110 years in federal prison.”




2023.04.27. First of all, you can’t convert an AutoKeyCard 3in1 with Bottle Opener – something that will send you to prison for 110 years.

AR-15 into a “machinegun”. You can make it capable of automatic fire, but that will not make a “machinegun” out of an automatic carbine. This is such an absurd example of

victimless crime that I really must include the picture of the “device”, which sent a man behind bars. An interesting collage of dates is circulating the Internet, regarding Sudan conflict. It is called “Sudan Cliff-Notes” and here it is in its entirety: “Aug. 24, 2022 – US Ambassador appointed to Sudan (following a 25 year lapse); Sept. 28, 2022 – US Ambassador warns Sudan against finalizing Russian naval base deal; Nov. 11, 2022 – Blinken urges Sudan to consider “US support for the rapid formation of a civilian-led transitional government”; Dec. 5, 2022 – UN brokers Framework Agreement between Sudan’s military leaders and leading pro-democracy parties; Dec. 7, 2022 – Blinken threatens travel ban for Sudanese who endanger Framework Agreement deal; Feb. 12, 2023 – Sudan confirms deal for Russian naval base, key players Lavrov and Burhan; Feb. 16, 2023 – Biden Admin sends $288 million in humanitarian aid to Sudan; Mar. 9, 2023 – Victoria Nuland visits Sudan to “discuss democracy”; April 8, 2023 – Conflict escalates between Sudanese Armed Forces (under General Burhan) and paramilitary group RSF (under Dagalo)”. Meanwhile, the ceasefire in Sudan is holding, barely. Reportedly, the intensity of the fighting has gone down significantly, but sporadic clashes are still 280

happening. “Runner Steve Shanks Dies 'Out of the Blue' Hours After Completing London Marathon. Shanks completed Sunday's marathon in 2 hours and 53 minutes before his "sudden death," the marathon organizers said.”, Natasha Dye, 2023.04.26. Ron DeSantis, the “hero” governor of Florida, who started “fighting back” against the globohomo (exclusively against the “homo” part), went on a visit to Israel. While there, he licked his masters’ collective arses by taking a large, steaming dump on the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution – he signed a bill (HB269), enacting criminal charges against anyone doing “hate speech” and especially against anyone speaking ill of the (((true rulers of the World))). 2023.04.28

429th Day of the Prelude War

An alleged video of the “falling object” near Bydgoszcz appeared on the Internet. First of all, the date on the camera footage shows 2023.04.21, thus few days earlier than the first news of it seeped in on the MSM. Second of all, the object, which was moving very fast, to say the least, on the stop frames did not look like any missile at all. I find it hard to describe it even, as it appeared like shapeless lump of solid. With the video editing software being prolific, it could have very well been a forgery. But if the footage is combined with strange and very circumspect declarations by the Polish authorities, most bizarre conclusions come to mind. Yesterday, Russians shelled Kherson and Mikolaiv, tonight they did Dnipro, Uman and Kremenchuk. In return, there were explosions heard in St. Petersburg, near the airport. The amount of forced and violent mobilization events in Ukraine has become so prevalent that PR people probably decided to do something about it. A video of voyenkom troops beating up a man in Cherkassy was shown even on pro-Ukrainian MSM, with the following comment: “I don’t want to believe that Ukrainian mobilization goes according to Russian methods, but I want to believe that this case is flagrant exception”1.


Transcribed and translated by me from Nexta video of 2023.04.27 (evening edition). 281

Nizhegorod region declared red level of measles threat. In other news: “The World Economic Forum Says It Will ‘Accelerate’ Implementation of Globalist Agenda 2030.”, Jake Welch, 2023.04.26. “Pope, in Hungary, warns of rising nationalism in Europe, appeals for accepting migrants.” (((Reuters))), Philip Pullella, Krisztina Than & Boldizsar Gyori, 2023.04.28. “And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” Thomas Jefferson in May 28, 1816, letter to John Taylor. 2023.04.29

430th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~190 040 KIAs, 3 697 MBTs, 7 184 AIVs, 5 836 wheeled transports, 355 specialized vehicles, 2 908 artillery guns, 543 MLRS, 294 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 471 UAVs, 932 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. The missile hit in Uman yesterday struck





civilians were killed, according to Ukrainians. Russian MoD claimed that all attacks were made by “precision weapons” and struck ZSU reserves. The attack came after considerable hiatus, during which Russians tried to diminish Ukrainian AA capabilities. Ukrainian UAV attack on Sevastopol set






according to Russians. The view is

The fire in the port of Sevastopol after Ukrainian UAV attack.

positively apocalyptic.

Moldova forbade all major Russian authority individuals from coming to the country. Russians reacted indignantly. 282

Poland opened a repair and service centre for Leopard tanks that will operate in Ukraine. The complex was established in Gleiwitz (Gliwice), furthest away from Eastern Polish border, probably thinking strategically in case of Russian attack against NATO. (((Prigozhyn))) kvetched that ‘Wagner’ might cease to exist due to “lack of supply from the Russian Army”. In other news: A man1 in Texas killed an entire family of his neighbours after they asked him to stop shooting in the middle of the night. He shot and killed five people, including one eight-year-old child. 2023.04.30

431st Day of the Prelude War

Irish parliament demanded that Russian ambassador in Ireland, Yuriy Filatov, be expelled from the country after this statement, issued by the embassy on Friday: “We have noted that on April 28 Tánaiste2 has expressed his sympathies to the family of Finbar Cafferkey following reports of his death fighting presumably with the Ukrainian military against Russian armed forces. Mr. Martin called him “obviously a young man of clear principles”. Every loss of life is sad and regretful. We do not know who Finbar Cafferkey was, except that for whatever reason he was fighting in a foreign land. We do not know what his principles were. What we do know, though, is that in a very big way it is the Irish Government and media to who bear responsibility for the death of Finbar Cafferkey. It has been the Government and media who have been 1

When I wrote this, I genuinely believed this was one the few instances, when a white guy went off his rails. However, it appears that I was mistaken – the creature, who killed the family, is an Aztec-Spanish mutt by the name of Francisco Oropeza and he is, as of now (2023.04.30), still on the loose. 2 The Tánaiste is the deputy head of the government of Ireland and thus holder of its second-most senior office. The Tánaiste is appointed by the President of Ireland on the advice of the Taoiseach [The Taoiseach is the head of government, or prime minister, of Ireland]. The current office holder is former Taoiseach Micheál Martin, TD, who was appointed on 17 December 2022 (Wikipedia). 283

promoting anti-Russian propaganda, distorting the truth about the conflict in Ukraine, misleading people like Finbar Cafferkey. Now they face the results of their own efforts. We also do not know if Mr. Martin’s remarks signify support for the Irish to take part in combat in Ukraine, but we do know that if that is the case, then Ireland would be the direct participant of the conflict with all the ensuing consequences.”1 Swedish and Finnish Navies were allegedly put on heightened combat alert after the reports that Russians might be aiming to sabotage electrical cables within the territorial waters of the two countries. After the Sevastopol fuel depot strike, Nexta again reports that local Russian civilians are fleeing Crimean Peninsula. They showed long traffic jam, allegedly outgoing from the peninsula, but how truthful the report is, I can not verify. Poland has evoked another bout of angry rhetoric from Kremlin, after Warsaw municipality decided to expropriate the building, which Russian embassy used as the school for the staff children. In other news: “USA The Insanity Continues [–] a 350% increase in rare a Brain Abcess Disease in children....And guess what, Su[r]prise Surprise, it has only spiked up since 2021 when the vaccine was realeased...” Risemelbourne, Twitter message with an attached video segment from CNN News, reporting the rise in brain abscesses, 2023.04.30. An eight-month-old girl died in Rostov-on-Don, after her father tried to kick her mother, missed and hit her on the head instead. After the child died, the “parents” dismembered her body and put it plastic bags for later disposal. “Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer. [...] William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency since 2021, had three meetings scheduled with Epstein in 2014, when he was deputy secretary of state, the documents show. They first met in Washington and then Mr. Burns visited Epstein’s townhouse in 1

“Remarks by the Embassy of Russia in Ireland”,, Embassy of Russia in Ireland, 2023.04.28, emphasis in bold by me. 284

Manhattan. [...] Kathryn Ruemmler, a White House counsel under President Barack Obama, had dozens of meetings with Epstein in the years after her White House service and before she became a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in 2020. [...] Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, invited Epstein, who brought a group of young female guests, to the campus. Noam Chomsky, a professor, author and political activist, was scheduled to fly with Epstein to have dinner at Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse in 2015.” The Wall Street Journal, Khadeeja Safdar & David Benoit, 2023.04.30. The article also mentioned other connections of (((Epstein))) – Joshua Cooper Ramo, who worked for (((Kissinger))) and none other than a representative of (((Rothschild))) brood – (((Ariane de Rothschild))). Wherever you’d spit in the story of (((Epstein’s))) child trafficking, torture, paedophilia, murder and blackmail, you would be sure to land a hit on a kike. They all have “normal” explanations for why they met with this monster – “discussion of political and academic topics” by (((Noam Chomsky))), “asking for donations” by (((Leon Botstein))) and “scouting civilian employment” by William Burns. And of course, “none of them knew that there was any sordid history” behind (((Epstein))). As for the (((Rothschilds))), here’s a quote from the article: “In 2019, after Epstein was arrested, the bank said that Mrs. de Rothschild never met with Epstein and it had no business links with him. The bank acknowledged to the Journal that its earlier statement wasn’t accurate. It said Mrs. de Rothschild met with Epstein as part of her normal duties at the bank between 2013 and 2019, and Epstein introduced the bank to U.S. finance leaders, recommended law firms and provided tax and risk consulting”, (emphasis in bold by me). “People watching the Coronation1 will be invited to join a "chorus of millions" to swear allegiance to the King and his heirs, organisers say. The public pledge is one of several striking changes to the ancient ceremony revealed on Saturday. In a coronation full of firsts, female clergy will play a prominent role, and the King himself will pray out loud. [...] The Archbishop of Canterbury said it would "recognise and celebrate tradition" as well as contain "new elements that reflect the diversity of our contemporary society".” BBC, 1

Of the king Charles III the Circumcised. 285

Aleem Maqbool & Harry Farley, 2023.04.30. 2023.05.01

432nd Day of the Prelude War

Tonight Russians launched another missile salvo at Ukraine. They are seriously checking the results of their previous attacks on ZSU’s Air Defences. Ukrainians claim they have shot down 15 out of 18 missiles; if it’s true, it indicates a really small attack, compared with previous bombardments. Ukrainians struck Russian airfield at Berdyansk. An enormous plume of the explosion was photographed by the locals. “Unknown perpetrators” blew up LEP1 tower in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) region. A train carrying fuel derailed in Bryansk region after the railway was sabotaged. 1805J According to Russian voyenkors, Russian forces are trying to fight off Ukrainian UAVs over Sevastopol at this very moment. Yesterday, there was one video of an extremely large explosion somewhere in Ukraine, most probably in Dnepropetrovsk region. “Something exploded, turning the night into a day” was among the comments regarding this event. No MSM reported on it, and there are only three videos so far of the incident, albeit it is hard to confirm if the videos are genuine and if they depict the same explosion. Some claim to have geo-located the explosion to an alleged decommissioned ICBM booster stage storage almost in the exact centre of a triangle between Pavlohrad-Vesele-Verbky in Dnepropetrovsk region. Nexta in its video reported the explosion in Pavlohrad, quoting Nikolai Lukashuk, the head of Dnepropetrovsk regional council, but called it a “series of hits”. He said that the “explosions” damaged local industrial complex (most probably the chemical plant to the North of Pavlohrad), 19 multi-story apartment buildings, 25 private houses, 3 schools and 3 kindergartens. Russian MSM claim they struck a Ukrainian regimental storage of S-300 missiles. Neither story corresponds well with the videos of the explosion. 2023J Nexta and other Russian language pro-Western MSM write that Finland and the US are preparing a separate defence treaty, which would allow the placement of American military bases in the territory of the newest NATO 1

Liniya Elektroperedachi (Ru.) – High-Voltage Power Line. 286

member. Sever Realii1 news referenced Helsingin Sanomat article on the matter. The Finnish site, in turn, based their article on the declaration by Mikael Antell, the Deputy MoD. This would constitute yet another crossing of the red lines drawn (and redrawn) by Putin. ZSU claims to have conducted counterattacks in Bakhmut and say that they have taken “some Russian positions” in the town. In other news: An explosion and subsequent fire took over Sinochem chemical plant in Shandong province, China. Just a small sample of how politicians operate – here are some quotes by RFK Jr., current US Presidential Candidate: “The journalists in America are no longer covering critical stories. Investigative journalism is gone. Foreign-news coverage is gone. The press is owned by five giant corporations.” “How can democracy function without a free and unbiased press? As President, I will free FCC2 from its corporate captors and force the agency to follow the law by revoking the licenses of networks that put the mercantile ambitions of advertisers ahead of the public interest.” “Clean up the regulatory agencies, get corporate money out of public health, and guarantee free, open, uncensored public and scientific discourse.” “Our universities, once strongholds for free speech, now corrupted by tens of billions in NIH3 + military funding, have become collaborators in the government’s illegal project to censor American citizens and muzzle dissent.”4 “I think they [climate change sceptics] should be in jail. I think they should be enjoying three hots [hot meals] and a cot at the 1

North Realities (Ru.) – a part of similar news sources, operating in a group together with (((Radio Svoboda))). 2 Federal Communications Commission. 3 National Institute of Health. 4 All the quotes above are taken from RFK Jr. Twitter messages, emphasis in bold by me. 287

Hague with all the other war criminals who are there.”1 I just must stress the point that after shedding crocodile tears about the loss of free speech, when it concerned COVID “vaccine” propaganda, RFK Jr. turns around and calls for the imprisonment of those who express their scepticism about the “climate change” or certain parts of the “ecological” narrative. He didn’t demand jail time for those who actually harm the nature! No, just those who “deny” (((climate warming change)))! A constitutional amendment referendum was conducted in Uzbekistan, “zeroing out” presidential term limits for the current president-king of the country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The change has been “approved” and he can now rule until 2040. Various MSM report that SAR warned Putin that he might be arrested, if he attends BRICS summit this year in their country. Earlier the ruling baboon party of SAR tried to exit the country from Rome Statute, but they “changed their minds” later. “Calais Migrant Stabs French Gendarme for Trying to Prevent Illegal Channel Crossing.” Breitbart, Kurt Zindulka, 2023.05.01. Today was a day of “liar, liar, pants on fire”. Right after I caught RFK Jr. flipflopping his position on “free speech”, Tucker Carlson decided he would not be outdone. After he was fired from FOX News, allegedly because of his proRussian position, he started spilling all kinds of “redpills”2. Unfortunately, that is a pretty tricky ground to thread on, after you have spent most of your life working for the ZOG: “If you go on TV tonight and say ‘I think the Earth is flat’ people would just laugh at you. They don’t care, if you think the Earth is flat, it’s not a threat to anyone. But if you say, like, wha... what actually happened with Building 73? Like, that is weird, right? It 1

Transcribed by me from a video interview with RFK Jr., posted on Aimee Terese Twitter account on 2023.04.29, emphasis in bold by me. 2 Redpill is a widespread colloquialism for something that awakens you to the true nature of the world, originally a reference from the movie “Matrix”, 1999. 3 WTC7 (World Trade Center building No. 7) – one of the three skyscrapers that collapsed on September 11, after the alleged “terrorist” attacks in New 288

doesn’t... If you were to say something like that on television, they’d flip out. They would flip out. I’m sure you would, like, lose your job over that. Why? Why? [...] I don’t really understand. Do buildings actually collapse..? No... they... Maybe they do, I don’t know. But, like, why can’t I ask questions about that? Anything you are not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking more questions about.”1 Tucker Carlson, short time after being fired from FOX News. (2023.05.01) “Mr. Griffin joins us from Santa Barbara, California. Mr. Griffin, thanks for coming on, you have no evidence that the government is behind 9/11. And I frankly think it’s an awful thing to allege, considering it’s not true and you haven’t proved that it is. [...] I’m merely saying it is wrong, blasphemous and sinful for you to suggest, imply or help other people come to the conclusion that the US government killed 3 000 of its own citizens, because it didn’t.”2 Also Tucker Carlson, after September 11 Falseflag, while interviewing David Ray Griffin about his “conspiracy theory” books on 9/11. (2006.08.09) Protests in Paris started anew and even escalated. Molotov cocktails are now starting to be used by the protesters. What a piece of shit country! They were a-OK with shitskins ravaging their country, they were OK with every bit of the ZOG crap dished out at them, but as soon as pension age was raised by York and Washington. While there were two planes that hit WTC1&2 prior to their collapse, WTC7 was completely unharmed by any plane. Yet, WTC7 collapsed in its footprint in a “controlled demolition” manner shortly after the WTC1&2. 1 Transcribed by me from a video interview posted on Pat Webb Twitter account on 2023.05.01. 2 Transcribed by me from MSNBC footage used in a French documentary on “Wrong, Blasphemous and Sinful – 10 years of 9/11 media coverage”, posted on 2013.10.31. One has to admire the way Tucker Carlson “debunked” the “crazy conspiracy theories” of Mr. Griffin – “it’s not true”. 289

two years, they started civil war. I have no sympathy at all. The banking crisis in the USA is still ongoing, despite the news on the MSM having subsided. “First Republic Bank seized, sold in fire sale to JPMorgan. Regulators seized troubled First Republic Bank early Monday, making it the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history, and promptly sold all of its deposits and most of its assets to JPMorgan Chase in a bid to end the turmoil that has raised questions about the health of the U.S. banking system.” (((AP))), Ken Sweet, 2023.05.01.



ood brands 'cheat' eastern European shoppers with inferior products. [...] From fruit drinks and fish fingers to detergents and luncheon meats, the eastern versions of brands sold across

Europe have repeatedly been found to be inferior in quality to those sold in the west, Jourová1 said, even when they are wrapped in exactly the same branding.” The Guardian, Daniel Boffey, 2017.09.15. The quest to find food items that are not completely made from chemical soup and garbage has become ever more troublesome, especially so in Eastern Europe. If goyslop is bad in the West, it is doubly so in the East. For some time, it was rumoured that (((Western))) factories had two separate lines of production – one for the West and another for the Untermenschen2 of the East. For the last decade, people, in Lithuania at least, have been starting “businesses” of buying food, baby products, and almost everything else, from the West and bringing it back to the country to resell. All (((official))) investigations into these allegations declared that this is merely “conspiracy theory” and there is no difference between the products in the West and Eastern Europe. The culprits, i.e. the manufacturers, claim that any differences that exist were made to “accommodate local tastes”. In short – all is well, just consume what we sell, goyim! Yet, when I was in Sweden, Germany, France and Netherlands I needed to specifically look for food items that had various excessive chemicals in them, to the stark contrast with Lithuania, where finding something fit for human consumption is a challenge in itself. Truth to 1 2

The Czech commissioner, Věra Jourová. Subhuman (Ger.). 290

be told, the biggest poisoners of the people in Lithuania are actually Lithuanian food producers, as the imported food products constitute only a small part of the consumer basket. EUssr bureaucrats have decided that hiding every chemical and natural food ingredient behind a code was even better idea, so if you want to know what’s in your food, you have to carry a book with yourself. Besides, reading “E650” on the label is far less frightening than “monosodium glutamate”. Especially for those who only glance at the ingredient list – instead of A5 format list of sulfites, glutamates, nitrites and whatnot, you would see a neat, short list of a dozen E’s. Let’s take a quick look at what is being put into the goyslop and what we know about those “ingredients”. MSG (Monosodium glutamate). It is a flavour enhancing chemical. It is a naturally occurring chemical that can be found in tomatoes, cheese and other perfectly normal food items. The problem is that it is now produced industrially and used in unnatural quantities. Of course, the “food safety” tests have been conducted and MSG was deemed safe. Disregarding the obvious bias in the FDA1 (or other similar organizations) and those who lobbied FDA to introduce MSG into the industrial food production, there are studies and opinions, claiming that this flavour enhancing chemical affects brain directly, with possible negative impact on the consumers. Most importantly, this chemical is used to make the degrading quality food products still palatable for the sheep. It is being often misused to “recycle” meat and other food items into “new” products. Meat is going bad? Just grind it, put in some spices, pour in a “healthy” dose of MSG and nobody will be able to tell the difference. You have fish guts and bones, but you want to make fish fingers? The same procedure. MSG opened a whole new horizon on scamming the sheeple in the food sector. It reduces the amount of spices needed to mask anything “fishy”, because it acts like a transistor by amplifying even small quantities of the flavour. And it expands the liberties that the Big Food can take with the consumables. Of course, making MSG in the quantities needed for the food industry does 1

Food and Drug Administration, US. 291

not imply anything “natural”, despite the propaganda claiming that this is a natural flavour enhancer. Nobody goes about extracting minute traces of MSG from tomatoes or Parmesan cheese. Here is a snippet from Wikipedia, describing the process used to obtain industrial amounts of this chemical (emphasis in bold by me): “MSG has been produced by three methods: hydrolysis of vegetable proteins with hydrochloric acid to disrupt peptide bonds (1909– 1962); direct chemical synthesis with acrylonitrile (1962–1973), and bacterial fermentation (the current method). Wheat gluten was originally used for hydrolysis because it contains more than 30 g of glutamate and glutamine in 100 g of protein. As demand for MSG increased, chemical synthesis and fermentation were studied. The polyacrylic fiber industry began in Japan during the mid-1950s, and acrylonitrile was adopted as a base material to synthesize MSG. (Wikipedia)” Bon appétit! GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). This one goes hand in hand with Tesla’s quote about “manmade horrors”. Tomatoes with the genes from spiders, corn with goat genes, pork with human genes. There is no foresight and no breaks on this mad train into abyss. Nobody asks the question how this blatant game of playing the God will end up affecting humanity. A generation, two, or more, down the road, we might find out that this crap wipes out half the population or causes horrendous mutations, diseases and suffering. Nobody gives a fuck! Profit above all else! How will a crop that was manufactured splicing multiple species to achieve resistance to extremely potent herbicides, pesticides and fungicides echo on our children and our children’s children? Doesn’t matter! Apres moi, le deluge!1 But the kikes are not content with fucking up the future. This gene-editing has already ruined the lives of countless people. Companies, going heavy on the GMOs (most prominent among which is Monsanto2), have been using patent 1

After me, the flood (Fr.) – a quote attributed to Louis XIV of France. The Monsanto Company was an American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation founded in 1901 and headquartered in Creve 2


system to fuck over farmers and sue them out of their lands and livelihood. They buy tracts of farmland near regular farms, plant their GMO shite and then sue the neighbours, because their natural crops have been crosspollinated with their frankenstein genes. According to the (((law))), this constitutes a “theft of patented biomaterial”. This disgusting practice was widely used in the USA first and foremost, but also in India and other countries. Europe has banned GMOs, for the time being. However, there are rumours that this policy will not hold for long. HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup. It is made from corn starch. HFCS first appeared in the early 1970’s. It soon started pushing out regular sugar from the food production because this chemically derived syrup was cheaper and “easier to handle”. Bearing in mind that practically all corn used for HFCS is GMO, we have the first point of concern. Then, there is clear correlation between the amounts of HFCS used in food production and obscene obesity epidemic raging in the West. Furthermore, until at least 2009, HFCS production used mercury. All these concerns are dismissed with the smug smirk by the MSM, Big Food and FDA-type organizations using template phrases like “there is no evidence”, “found little evidence”, “that was then, it






An average American at the start of XXI century. (over 42% of Americans are obese and further 30.7% are considered overweight in 2017, according to (((CDC))), and the numbers are expected to have risen since then.

Coeur, Missouri. Monsanto's best known product is Roundup, a glyphosatebased herbicide, developed in the 1970s. Later, the company became a major producer of genetically engineered crops (Wikipedia). Monsanto is a subsidiary of Bayer AG (after 2016 acquisition). Wikipedia: The name Monsanto was no longer used [after Bayer AG purchased the company], but Monsanto's previous product brand names were maintained. In June 2020, Bayer agreed to pay numerous settlements in lawsuits involving ex-Monsanto products Roundup, PCBs and Dicamba. 293

However, some still remember that the same was said about radioactive products, first polio vaccines, thalidomide, smoking, DDT and many other things. Science religion demands that you “just believe in it”. The syrup is so prevalent in food nowadays, that it is featured in memes, representing the globohomo and “antichrist” regime. Artificial sweeteners. Almost as soon as sugar of lead1 was discontinued, the quest for new unnatural sweetening agents began. Especially so when in XX century “scientists” started barking that sugar is bad for people. Saccharin was the first to “grace” our mouths. But it too was soon found to cause cancer. Some countries banned the stuff, but not the US. As expected, contrarian studies were soon “conducted” and an explanation was found – apparently, saccharin cause cancer only among mice, it is “generally safe” for human consumption. Even warning labels were removed, while cancer rates continued to grow. Of course, saccharin can not be solely blamed for that, but who could deny that it did contribute? Aspartame is another of the infamous chemicals used to substitute good old sugar. Safety concerns were raised and scientifically tested, and yet again “multiple authoritative reviews have found it to be safe for consumption at typical levels used in food manufacturing”2. The kikes love this type of legalese – “at typical levels”. As if that means anything. Every human being is different; one is small the other – big; one has fast metabolism the other – slow, but they manage to find one “typical level” that is apparently safe for everyone. If it is so safe, why even mention the condition “at typical levels”? The last “argument” mentioned on (((Wikipedia))) is even more laughable – “aspartame has been deemed safe for human consumption by over 100 regulatory agencies in their respective countries”. Truly, a lemming type argument, if I ever saw one. There are many other artificial sweeteners, almost all produced by chemical 1

Lead(II) acetate, also known as lead acetate, lead diacetate, plumbous acetate, sugar of lead, lead sugar, salt of Saturn, or Goulard's powder, is a white crystalline chemical compound with a slightly sweet taste. [...] Like many other lead compounds, it is toxic (Wikipedia). 2 (((Wikipedia))). 294

processes. The only natural sweetener, which is listed among the chemicals, is Stevia Rebaudiana leafs. And unsurprisingly, it raises “concerns about safety and potential for toxicity” for the FDA. This staunch guardian of (((corporate))) profits first banned the imports of the herb and later relented to only issuing “an import alert”. Preservatives. Forget sugar and salt, forget even the somewhat controversial, though used for some time, nitrite salt. We now have preservatives by the bushel. Benzoates, sorbates, sulphites, nitrates, propionates, citrates, acids, and more, get added to the food products. The situation with these chemicals is especially heavy in the USA; to the point that there is an ongoing joke how Americans do not need embalmers anymore, as their corpses do not decompose, because of all the preservatives muttburgers1 ate throughout their lives. I really don’t get the need for such amounts of chemicals in our food. I might sound like an old fart, always complaining about the “changing times”, but when I was kid, there were just salt, sugar and nitrite salt (in meat products, to prevent botulism). And even today, we still manage to produce our own preserves with just salt and sugar, for some products adding vinegar (mostly marinated







conservation methods, like smoking, drying, heating and hermetic sealing, provides secure and safe long term food preservation. Somehow, the industry finds it insufficient. Somehow, they need to preserve more and for longer, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands tons of food are going directly to the landfills, because the food items reached their “best before” date without getting bought. Palm, Canola and other new oils. In Lithuania at least, new, untested vegetable derived oils started surfacing a few years ago. Previously, there was only sunflower and olive oil for all culinary needs, but then suddenly, as if by a flick of a magic wand, you couldn’t find a cookie or a white bread or any bakery goods without palm or canola (rapeseed) oil. The effects of these oils on human organism are still very much debated, but it doesn’t stop the Big 1

Slur for Americans, combining “mutt” and their iconic “food” – “burgers” (hamburgers). 295

Food from putting them in practically every product. Allegedly, such oils became so widespread because they are cheaper than the predecessors. However, combined with other, completely unnecessary chemicals a grim picture is starting to form – a wide ranging conspiracy to poison the sheeple and cause cancer and other lingering diseases, hooking them up on Big Pharma drugs. The main issue with these oils is not just the source of the oil, but the process, by which they are extracted. Because these plants were never naturally harvested for oil, it always contains chemical treatment, which doesn’t add to the health of the consumers. And while both Big Food representatives and ZOG puppets in the governments continue squawking that all is well and the food additives (including these new oils) are perfectly safe, cancer rates are skyrocketing, obesity has reached pandemic levels and all sorts of chronic diseases plague human kind. Colorants. Colourful food sells better, that is a simple fact of life. It is because of how our primordial instincts work, that is also why women put tons of toxic, but brightly red, paint on their faces. Unfortunately for us, chemical colorants are much brighter, thus giving an edge for the products they are used in. Natural colours are much more subdued and they fade much faster, which is of course not good enough for the merchants. As long as the product sells better, they couldn’t care less, if the chemical colours give kids attention problems, behavioural deviations, headaches and gods only know what else. Insects. A complete mystery so far; there isn’t even a theory as to why this particular crap is being pushed on the sheep throughout the Western World. One thing is clear – the touted reason for introduction of insects as a “substitute” for the meat because “it saves the planet”, is utter bullshit. The only thing is certain – if ZOG peddles it and forces it, it must be bad for you. If there is anything that can be gleaned from the history of food additives, it’s that every piece of poison was declared “generally safe” for human consumption. The studies to the contrary are obfuscated, belittled and outright ignored. Plastics. Everything is packaged in plastic these days. There is so much plastic that according to some sources, there is a Great-Britain-sized plastic garbage 296

patch floating around in the Pacific Ocean. The clear ecological repercussions aside, the plastic does not decompose; the sun only makes it brittle until it crumbles into microscopic particles, called these days “microplastic”. Furthermore, it has been proven that plastic seeps chemicals similar to estrogen into the food or beverages it is in contact with. Some go as far as to blame the current explosion of transcreaturism on this fact. It is definitely a contributing factor, but I think the massive proliferation of (((birth control))) pills is far more dangerous. It was proven multiple times that the estrogen in female contraceptive pills does not break down and is drained into sewage through urine, whence it enters general water circulation. It has been shown that the accumulation of the hormone has grown so much that it is affecting frogs and fishes in the natural water reservoirs (turning males into females). Clearly, this shit is returning back into our food chain and causes the rise of effeminate “men”. Examples. Wiener sausages “Hot Dog”, made in Lithuania, price per kg – 2.79€, ingredients: mechanically separated chicken meat 65.8% (origin – EUssr), chicken skins, water, pig skins, potato starch, salt, emulsifier E450, dextrose, antioxidizers: E300, E301; scent additive (smoke), spice extracts, conservative materials: E262, E250; maltodextrin, thickening agent E412. This is one of the cheapest sorts of sausages, though not the worst, as I’ve seen some with the list of “E vitamins”1 twice as long. E450 means “disodium pyrophosphate and other sodium and potassium polyphosphates”; dextrose is a type of sugar, E300 is ascorbic acid; E301 – sodium ascorbate; E262 – sodium acetate; E250 sodium nitrate (nitrate salt); maltodextrin – “flavour and texture improving agent”; E412 – guar gum. Strangely enough, this “food” item didn’t have E621 (MSG), which can be found in practically all “food” items. Maybe MSG was just too expensive for the ultimate goyslop. To demonstrate how absurd this shit is – simple chicken breast – 100% pure meat costs 2.99€ per kg. To further demonstrate the absurdity of the current “food market” let’s take another example. Beef sausages “Kai Norisi Mėsos” (When [you] want meat, 1

A tongue-in-cheek colloquialism given to the E-denominated food additives by the people in Lithuania. 297

Lt.), made in Lithuania, price per kg – 12.82€, ingredients: beef 90% (origin – EUssr), water, salt, thickening agents E466, E407a, E412; stabilizing agents E331, E451; antioxidant E301, sugar, yeast extract, spices and their extracts, dextrose, scent agents, powdered milk 0,1%, colorant E120, preservative E250. E466 – Carboxymethylcellulose is made from cellulose, commercially prepared from wood and chemically modified. E470 – carrageenan is a natural polysaccharide, produced by different seaweeds (Chrondrus crispus, Gigartina stellata, Euchema spinosum, E. cottonii) in Europe, Asia and America. However, short-chain carrageenans may cause intestinal leakage and are not permitted for use in foods, but who’s to say how strictly that is monitored. E331 – sodium citrate, commercially prepared by fermentation of molasses with the mould Aspergillus niger (Black mould). E451 – potassium and sodium tri-phosphates. E120 – carmine or cochineal, produced from insects Dactylopius coccus. Can cause hyperactivity and allergic reactions. And all of that for mere 12.82€! Well, how about you buy an entrecote steak (not of the best quality, granted) for 11.99€?! But that would require the sheeple to actually spend some effort to prepare their meal, cook it, season it and know how to do it. It is far easier to just buy chemical goyslop for the same price of pure meat. Big Food has come out with ersatz butter and at first they weren’t bashful to present it as good old butter (just with a few additive, to make it taste better, of course). EUssr has decided to give sheeple a chance and forbade this practice, thus all of these “products” are now called “spreadable mixture of fats”, in Lithuania at least. Here’s one example – SMoF “Saulutė” (Little Sun, Lt.) with HERBS, made in Lithuania, price per kg 12.9€, ingredients: butter (82% fat content) 63.5%, vegetable canola oil 14%, herb mixture 1.9% (in varying ratios: glucose syrup, onions, garlic, parsley, carrots, pepper, parsnip, herbs (0.02%), scent agents, salt. Meanwhile, simple good old butter costs 8.83€ per kg, ingredients – 100%. For the desserts, let’s have some honey cake. “Prie kavos” (With coffee, Lt.) made in Lithuania, price – 7.16€/kg, ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, inverted sugar syrup (sugar, water, dough raising agent sodium bicarbonate, acidity regulating agent citric acid), water, palm oil, cacao powder, canola oil, dough acidity regulating agent ammonium bicarbonate, dough raising agent sodium 298

bicarbonate, preservative calcium propionate, scent agent vanillin. And for the grand finale – the good old goyslop – soda drinks to wash it all down. PEPSI, produced in Latvia, but originated in the US, price per litre – 0.86€, ingredients: CO2 enriched water, corn syrup, caramel, sugar, phosphoric acid, citric acid, caffeine, natural scent agents. That would look almost consumable if not for corn syrup, phosphoric acid and 110g of sugar in every litre of this swill (to counteract the taste of teeth eating phosphoric acid). These are but a drop from the ocean of chemically and genetically modified filth that is being shoved down our throats these days. 2023.05.02

433rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~191 420 KIAs, 3 701 MBTs, 7 193 AIVs, 5 851 wheeled transports, 360 specialized vehicles, 2 930 artillery guns, 544 MLRS, 298 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 477 UAVs, 947 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. American intelligence estimates that Russians lost ~100 000 in Bakhmut alone over the course of 5 months. According to them, this number includes 20 000 KIAs and 80 000 WIAs. Meanwhile, RIA Novosti reported that according to Shoigu, the number of Ukrainian KIAs over the last month was more than 15 000. For the same period, Russian MoD also claims to have destroyed 430 tanks “and other armoured vehicles”, 277 UAVs and 8 fixed wing aircraft. The US reportedly supplied Ukraine with an array of sensors meant to detect nuclear explosions and determine the fission products in order to conclude the point of origin. This was reported by The New York Times on 2023.04.28, albeit not on the front page – buried instead in “science section”, i.e. where almost nobody would read it. The alleged purpose of these sensors is to “deter Moscow, by letting it know that Washington can expose what is called a falseflag operation”. “First of all, sir, if I could, I’d like to, uh, underline your comment about the specificity of the degradation of the Russian forces. Uhm, much of the Russian military has not been affected negatively by this conflict. One of those forces is their undersea force. Uhm, it’s hard to talk in public, as you well know, sir, about, about undersea warfare and our efforts in that regard, but I can say that the Russians 299

are more active than we’ve seen them in years. And their patrols into the Atlantic, uhm, and throughout the Atlantic, are, are, uhm, are at a high level, most of the time. At a higher level than we’d seen in years, and this is, as you pointed out, despite all of the efforts that they’re undertaking inside Ukraine.”1 US General Christopher Cavoli, testifying to House Armed Services Committee on Russian submarine capabilities on 2023.04.26. Railway saboteurs in Bryansk region continue their work. There are reports that three explosions derailed another train close to Snezhetskaya station. Partisans in Melitopol are also keeping Russians and their minions on their toes – an unnamed collaborator was wounded in an explosion earlier today. An explosion was also reported in an FSB training camp near Simferopol. In other news: An assassination was attempted yesterday on Bulgarian Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev. An explosive device blew up near the road, when Geshev’s motorcade was going to Samokov region. No one was wounded or killed during the incident; the investigation is underway. “Le Pape François propose de repeupler les villages avec des migrants pour compenser la chute de la natalité autochtone en Europe. [Pope Francis proposes to repopulate the villages with migrants in order to compensate the fall of native births in Europe (translation by me).]” Damien Rieu, Twitter message with an attached video interview with hell’s spawn, a.k.a. Pope Francis I, 2023.05.01. 2023.05.03

434th Day of the Prelude War

Russians launched Shahed drones at Ukraine tonight. ZSU says they shot down 21 out of 26 UAVs. Three of the surviving drones, according to Ukrainian authorities, struck a fuel depot in Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad region, setting it on fire. Meanwhile, Ukrainian UAVs attacked an airfield in Bryansk region. According to Russian MSM, one An-1242 plane received 1

Transcribed by me from a video posted on Spriter Twitter account on 2023.05.02. 2 The Antonov An-124 Ruslan (Ukrainian: Ан-124 Руслан; Russian: Антонов Ан-124 Руслан, lit. 'Ruslan'; NATO reporting name: Condor) is a large, strategic airlift, four-engined aircraft that was designed in the 1980s by the 300

minor damage. ZSU also struck a fuel cistern in Taman port, right next to the Eastern end of the Crimean Bridge. (((Zelensky))) is visiting Finland today. I would say that is a highly unusual target for a state visit, all things considered. 1609J Russians published a video of a UAV attack on Kremlin, which presumably happened tonight (around 0200C). Kremlin press release claimed there were two UAVs, both exploded after reaching Kremlin domes, the first explosion started a fire on the roof. Naturally, they blamed Ukraine for the attack. Russian officials declared that this attack was an attempt on Putin’s life. Putin himself warned Ukraine against any further “terrorist” attacks, lest there would be “severe response”. The Victory Day parade has not been cancelled. Verily, it is one of the strangest wars in history, where neither side even bothers pretending that they want to win. It’s a dumbed down TV show for the masses, while they kill a shit load of young men and some civilians to boot only for some imaginary ratings.

A frame from the video of the moment the UAV exploded over one of the Kremlin domes.

Antonov design bureau in the Ukrainian SSR, then part of the Soviet Union (USSR). The An-124 is the world's second heaviest gross weight production cargo airplane and heaviest operating cargo aircraft, behind the destroyed one-off Antonov An-225 Mriya (a greatly enlarged design based on the An124) and the Boeing 747-8. The An-124 remains the largest military transport aircraft in service (Wikipedia). 301

More and more videos of the attack are coming up on the Internet. The very first one interestingly showed two people climbing up the same Kremlin dome that got hit at the very moment the UAV struck. Another UAV allegedly fell in Kolomna, Moscow region. (((Zelensky’s)))







involvement in the attack on Kremlin. Representative of the Ukrainian Air Force also joked that those must be UFOs, at the same time implying that it was Russian false-flag operation in order to escalate the conflict. quoted a “source”, saying that directives were sent to Engels and Shaikovka strategic bomber bases, ordering a missile attack on administrative targets in Kiev tonight. Additionally, the “source” told that nuclear weapon could be used for the first time. Allegedly, 2 “items” of that sort are already deployed in one of the mentioned airbases. 1850J (((Zelensky))) joined the denial chorus and said that Ukraine had nothing to do with the drone attack on Kremlin and didn’t try to kill Putin. US administration declared that they need to verify the whole incident before establishing their position vis-a-vis the drone attack on Kremlin. In other news: “Switzerland Wants Children to Eat Less Chocolate, More Insects. [...] “They are young, more open to novelty,” noted Mr. Olivier [Timothée Olivier, who works for Swiss Insects, an association of companies that sell bugs for human consumption]. “At some point, if not tomorrow then later, they will include insects in their diet”.” The Wall Street Journal, Matthew Dalton, 2023.05.02, (emphasis in bold by me). “Ireland








Legislation'. Irish authorities are pushing forward a bill that will make it a crime to disseminate and possess content deemed to be hateful [...]” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.05.03. Other altmedia sources delved deeper into the proposed (((law))), here’s what they had to say about it: “Up to a year in prison for refusing to hand over passwords under new hate speech bill. The Government’s proposed hate speech legislation will make it an offence for any person, when a search warrant has been issued under this legislation, to refuse to provide police with their computer or phone passwords.”, Gary Kavanagh, 2023.05.02. “Ireland Passes Law Making It ILLEGAL To Read 302

Non-Mainstream News Sources. [...] The new legislation means that anything viewed online that has been deemed “hateful” by fact-checkers will result in prison time for those who have viewed or shared it.”, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 2023.05.01. A school shooting happened in Belgrade. A 13yo teenager killed 9 – 8 children and one guard. “The US Navy invited an active-duty drag queen to be a “Digital Ambassador” – as part of a recent drive “to attract the most talented and diverse workforce” and combat plunging recruitment.” New York Post, (((Yaron Steinbuch))), 2023.05.03. I love the smell of double-down in the morning, smells like... failure! Even the die-hard ZOGbots start to wake up to the shit they’ve helped create. Here’s one of the SEAL1 members, who allegedly participated in the raid, during which Osama bin Laden was allegedly killed: “Alright. The U.S. Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter. I’m done. China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bullshit.” Robert J. O’Neill, Twitter message, 2023.05.03. “US track and field star Tori Bowie - who won Olympic gold at Rio 2016 and two world titles in her sprinting career – dies aged 32.” Daily Mail, Jake Fenner & Kate McGreavy, 2023.05.03. “An exhibit at the European Parliament in Brussels depicting Jesus surrounded by gay men in leather outfits has caused anger among right-wing politicians from Italy and Poland, who have branded it “blasphemous”. “It 1

The United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) Teams, commonly known as Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's primary special operations force and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command. Among the SEALs' main functions are conducting small-unit special operation missions in maritime, jungle, urban, arctic, mountainous, and desert environments. SEALs are typically ordered to capture or to kill high level targets, or to gather intelligence behind enemy lines. SEAL team personnel are hand selected, highly trained, and possess a high degree of proficiency in direct action (DA), and special reconnaissance (SR), among other tasks like sabotage, demolition, intelligence gathering, and hydro-graphic reconnaissance, training, and advising friendly militaries or other forces (Wikipedia). 303

represents Jesus surrounded by apostles dressed as sadomasochistic slaves,” Maria Veronica Rossi, an MEP from Italy’s far-right Lega party, told The Times.” The Times, Jack Parrock, 2023.05.03. Christian and Hindu tribes are clashing violently in Manipur region, India. 2023.05.04

435th Day of the Prelude War

Putin is quickly turning from a legendary political leader, who maneuvered skilfully around the West most of his early career, into a joke and now into a farce. Instead of a knockout punch against Ukrainian government or maybe even a nuclear escalation, I read today that the best response to the attack against Kremlin Russians could manage was a lame Iranian drone attack. According to ZSU, 18 out of 24 Shahed drones and one additional UAV of undetermined type were shot down. All drones directed at Kiev were destroyed before reaching their targets. Yesterday’s artillery shelling of Kherson city left 23 killed and 46 wounded, all presumably civilians. (((Zelensky))) went to Netherlands after his visit to Finland. US State Department denied any American involvement in the drone attack on Kremlin, after Russians blamed them for giving the order to do so. Earlier today, Peskov said “we know very well that decisions about such actions, about such terrorist attacks, are made not in Kyiv [Kiev] but in Washington”1. In other news: The USA is back at their “debt ceiling” theatre. And the proposition of minting a “trillion dollar coin” is back on the table. I don’t think I’ve written about this particular mental retardation before, so this is best done now. The US, and most of the other “First World” countries, are in a hopeless debt abyss. The debt is of course owed to the (((Central Bank)))2, which issues all the fiat “money” around the globe. In slightly over a 100 years, countries have accumulated debt over 100% and more of their GDP3. 1

As quoted in “Russia Blames U.S. For Drone Attack On Kremlin”, Forbes, Alison Durkee, 2023.05.04. 2 Not all of it, but still. 3 Gross Domestic Product – very deceptive and intentionally (((flexible))) term, describing the sum total of the value produced in any given country over the course of one year. 304

The debt ceiling (at least in the US) is constantly raised, in order to “kick the can down the road”, but recent developments with inflation and dedollarization must have triggered some of the kikes to start rethinking their

Probably the most succinct and best explanation of GDP and fiat economies in general. Not surprisingly, the main characters are (((Ben Bernanke))) and (((Paul Krugman))).

whole scam. Thus, an idea of a magic coin was born – the US mint should issue one coin with nominal value of $1 000 000 000 000 (I hope I’ve got all the zeroes right), made of Platinum, to give it some dignity. This coin would then be given to the FED, I presume, during a grand ceremony, ending the Great Debt of the Great Golem. Arbitrary tokens for arbitrary debt in a world of skittle-shitting and rainbow farting gender neutral POC unicorns. “Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing).” Thought Catalog, (((Emily Goldstein))), 2015.05.26. 2023.05.05

436th Day of the Prelude War

(((Prigozhyn))) again filmed a field covered with dead wagnerites and recorded strongly worded message to the high command of Russian MoD: 305

“These are ChVK ‘Wagner’ guys, who were killed today. The blood is still fresh. [to the cameraman –] Film them all! Listen to me now, suka blyat! These are someone’s blyat fathers and someone’s sons! And these bastards [mrazi], who don’t give us ammunition, suka, will be eating their guts in hell blyat, pidorasnya! We have a 70% ammunition deficit! Shoigu! Gerasimov! Where is our fucking ammunition?! Look at them, suka! [points the finger at dead shaboz goyim] [slur follows, but was censored1 out of the video] You, creatures, sit in expensive clubs. Your children enjoy2 life and film youtube videos. You think you are the masters of this life and that you have the right to control their [again points finger at the dead goyim] lives. You think that if you have warehouses for the ammunition, you have the right for it. There are elementary calculations: if you give a [required] compliment of ammunition, there is five times less of them [again points the finger]. They came here as volunteers and are dying, so that you may enjoy a free ride3 in




[dramatically leaves the scene].”






Well, you have to give it to the kikes – even those without actor training have a natural knack for it. (((Prigozhyn))) managed a stellar performance, almost as if he just returned from the frontline, where he witnessed the death of those Russian mercenaries himself, which of course never happened. After the video with dead wagnerites, (((Prigozhyn))) issued a threat that his PMC will leave Bakhmut on May 10, if his demands for artillery munitions will not be met. Ukrainians shot down one of their Bayraktar UAVs over Kiev yesterday evening around 2000J. Today, they hurriedly declared that it was done because they “lost control over the drone”. 1

All slurs and cusses were censored, but this was “bleeped” out completely. Prutsa (Ru.) – prison slang, remotely meaning “they are enjoying”. 3 Zhyrovali (Ru.) – colloquial slang, roughly meaning “enjoying a free ride”. 4 Transcription with minor editing by me from a video posted on Wartranslated Twitter account on 2023.05.05. 2


New explosion was reported in Ilskiy NPZ1, Krasnodar region. Genadiy Trukhanov, the mayor of Odessa, was arrested on the charges of corruption. Russian Duma member Andrey Zhuravlyov, proposed training eagles to counter Ukrainian UAVs. Needless to say, even pro-Russian propaganda channels laughed the idea out. Another Duma member, (((Anatoliy Vasserman))), proposed to set up nets over the Russian fuel depots, thus “protecting” them against hostile drones. Last week, The Wall Street Journal penned an article about how Pentagon “consolidated” its explosive purchases by putting all of its black powder production in one single factory in Minden, Louisiana. With the state of the American infrastructure as it is, the factory blew up in 2021, according to the article, thus rendering US military without the supply of explosives needed for “bullets, mortar shells, artillery rounds and Tomahawk missiles”. The “consolidation” process was described like this: “Military suppliers consolidated at the Cold War’s end, under pressure to reduce defense costs and streamline the nation’s industrial base. Over the past three decades, the number of fixed wing aircraft suppliers in the U.S. has declined from eight to three. During the same period, major surface ship producers fell from eight to two, and today, only three American companies supply over 90% of the Pentagon’s missile stockpile. [...] The blast that wrecked a World War II era building in a remote compound 30 miles from Shreveport has extinguished all production of black powder in North America. [...] Only one foundry in the U.S. makes the titanium castings used in howitzers, and only one company makes the rocket motor used in the Javelin antitank weapon widely used in Ukraine.”2 The article went on to say that the mill was refurbished and should resume its operation this summer (note the time, which was needed to restart the 1

Oil refinery. “The U.S. Military Relies on One Louisiana Factory. It Blew Up.” The Wall Street Journal, Gordon Lubold, 2023.04.26, emphasis in bold by me. 2




Russians, despite their utter lack of competence, and more importantly – Chinese, should be paying close attention to these snippets of information. Winning



confrontation with the US (and NATO by extension) is as simple as wrecking half a

The crater left after Pavlohrad explosion.

dozen factories. The Wall Street Journal didn’t stop with pointing out the chokepoints made by the “consolidation”. They enumerated other problems plaguing the Hegemon of the World: “a lack of skilled workers in casting and forging, shortages of infrastructure for battery technology and periodic shortages of advanced microchips”. The problems don’t stop even there, as the following part reminded me of the book “The Collapse of Complex Societies” by Joseph Tainter: “The network is so vast, the military has limited visibility, according to a Pentagon report, and “does not track these vulnerabilities as they impact weapons programs.” A failure down the supply chain can go unnoticed for months by prime contractors such as Boeing Co. or Lockheed Martin Corp., let alone the Pentagon.”1 ‘Strelkov’ wrote that ZSU started limited counterattacks near Vuhledar and succeeded in pushing Russian forces back to Mykilske village, ESE of Vuhledar. He also said that there have been multiple small scale attacks by Ukrainians in all the “major directions”, meaning Maryinka, Bakhmut and Avdiivka, during the last couple of days. The satellite image of the Pavlohrad explosion crater surfaced on the Twitter. It is claimed that the depth of it is around 30m and width 80m. (((Social media))) accounts claim that Russian temporary administrator of the occupied Zaporozhe region, Yevgeniy Balitskiy, declared partial evacuation of 1

Same article as before. 308

civilians from a wide belt near Zaporozhe front. “Partial” most probably means all the collaborators and their families, although Balitskiy himself claimed the measure was directed at elderly, invalids, infirm and children with their parents. According to War Monitor Twitter account, the following 18 settlements are slated for a probable “gesture of good will”: Timoshovka, Smirnovo,






Tokmak, Malaya Belozerka, Vasilyevka, Velikaya Belozerka, Dneprorudnoe, Mikhailovka, Kamenka-Dneprovskaya, Energodar, Canopies, Horse Discord, Rozovka. It is being speculated that Mizintsev was removed from the Deputy MoD, because he was supplying ‘Wagner’ with ammunition. The ground for this theory is that Mizintsev allegedly got a position as a deputy commander of ‘Wagner’ group shortly after his dismissal from Russian MoD. In other news: There was another mass shooting in Serbia tonight. A man opened fire from a moving car, killing 8 and wounding 14. The incident began after the suspect had an argument with a cop. Serbian President declared that he will be implementing a wide reaching gun grabbing campaign in response to the shootings that happened during these past few days. How predictable. 2023.05.06

437th Day of the Prelude War

(((Prigozhyn))) claimed that even despite the lack of artillery munitions, his ‘Wagner’ advanced around 120m over the past 24h in Bakhmut. The ‘Wagner’ will be replaced with kadyrovites, when they’ll withdraw from Bakhmut, as per (((Prigozhyn’s))) and Kadyrov’s declarations. Today, the car of Zakhar Prilepin, a rabidly pro-Putin writer and mercenary, was blown up. There was a multitude of rumours as to the fate of Prilepin himself, but it seems he came out of it relatively unscathed. He must have survived rather miraculously, because there was a sizeable crater (indicating that it might have been a mine or a poorly placed large explosive) and the car was just cut in half. Prilepin’s driver wasn’t as lucky though, he was killed on the spot. A group called ‘Atesh’ took the responsibility for the attempt on the life of Prilepin.


In other news: “For the average person, all problems date to World War II; for the more informed, to World War I; for the genuine historian, to the French Revolution.” Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, “Leftism Revisited: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot”. I can only add, with silent despair, that for average person, all problems date to yesteryear’s “elections”. As for genuine historians, (((Abraham))) comes to mind as the point of origin.

While banks are crumbling all around, people are struggling for their daily bread and the war draws ever closer, ZOG puppet king went all-in on his “coronation”.

Another shitskin attack in Germany: “Germany: Berhan S. stabs 2 young girls 310

inside Berlin’s Protestant School as 30 children watch on in horror. The perpetrator had a long criminal record and was suspected of being involved in another stabbing attack from 2009 but was never charged. Thirty elementary school children were present when 38-year-old Berhan S. climbed over a fence of a school on Mainzer Straße in the Neukölln neighborhood in Berlin and proceeded to stab two girls, aged seven and eight, several times with a knife. The two students, who attend the Protestant School in Neukölln, were nearly killed. [...] Berhan S. allegedly stabbed the eight-year-old in the neck as well as the seven-year-old several times in the upper body.”, John Cody, 2023.05.06, emphasis in bold by me. The coronation of Charles III the Circumcised is today. “Globohomo galore” is all that can be said about the “ceremony”. 2023.05.07

438th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~194 430 KIAs, 3 723 MBTs, 7 248 AIVs, 5 952 wheeled transports, 380 specialized vehicles, 3 010 artillery guns, 554 MLRS, 306 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 947 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russian MoFA, represented by Zakharova, blamed Ukraine and the US for the attempted assassination of Prilepin. Yesterday, FSB had already arrested one suspect in the case and he immediately “confessed his crimes and whom he worked for”. According to TASS, ‘Wagner’ received needed artillery ammunition. One of the most talked-about news on the MSM these couple of days is the downing of Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile. At first, all pro-Ukrainian MSM claimed that this was the work of Ukrainian SAMs. The very same day, ZSU denied their hand in the play, but a day passed and Ukrainian Air Force command claimed the “victory”. They said that American Patriot system was the tool used to shoot down the vaunted hypersonic weapon. Very large fire was reported in Moscow in an apartment building under construction. Even bigger one started in Pervomaiskoye near Yekaterinburg, where gunpowder warehouses began burning. The latter was blamed on the wildfires raging in the area. RYBAR wrote some details (according to Russians) about the Pavlohrad 311

explosion. The message claimed that 100 rounds for Vilkha1 got destroyed by the explosion. I suppose the rumour about the ballistic missile engines being stored there has also originated from this RYBAR post, as he wrote about those as well. He concludes that the total explosive equivalent was around 4kt. The estimate of the power of the explosion is very plausible, judging by the videos, but it doesn’t correspond well with their own estimates of the explosive material formerly present on site – 1.5kt In other news: A “man”, as (((MSM))) reported it, killed 8 people and wounded 7 others in a mall in Dallas, Texas. The fact that he had Mexican gang tattoos and was clearly a beaner didn’t bother them in the least, because writing “a man shot people in Texas” almost immediately conjures an image of a white man (due to very long period when US was still majority white and any deviation from majority was reported as such). 2023.05.08

439th Day of the Prelude War

Potent explosion in Odessa tonight. Russians claim they have destroyed a large cache of ammunition. Kiev got hit as well; Ukrainians showed photographs of damaged apartment buildings. ‘Strelkov’ wrote today the following: “[My] constant readers and listeners should remember the evaluation of the situation [regarding the war], which I gave (and said) in the last winter. One of theses was: “if the necessary measures for the successful conduct of the war will not be taken by May [of 2023] – we will not be able to win in this war”. I conclude: NO MEASURES WERE TAKEN. Neither organizational, nor cadre related. The goals of the war were not formulated, the realization that “this war – [will go] until full victory of one of the sides” has not materialized in [the heads of] the inhabitants of the


Vilkha (Ukrainian: «Вільха», "Alder tree") is a Ukrainian heavy multiple rocket launcher that fires guided missiles. Designed by the Luch Design Bureau, it was based on the BM-30 Smerch rocket launch system and developed in the 2010s. Vilkha entered service in the Ukrainian armed forces in 2018 (Wikipedia). 312

Rosy Pony Planet1. Consequently, since there is no goal – there is no strategy. No strategy – there is no conscious work for its realization.”2 In other news: “Chelsea Clinton: ‘It’s Time To Force-Jab Every Unvaccinated Child in America’. Chelsea Clinton has declared that unvaccinated children in America must be forced to take the mRNA jab with or consent.”

without parental,

Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 2023.05.05. German government banned the display of Russian and Ukrainian flags during May 9 celebration of ZOG’s victory over the 3rd Reich. However, the administrative court

The spawn of Clintonistas clan – Chelsea Clinton the Lesser Demon.

in Berlin lifted the ban and this was immediately followed by hoisting (((bolshevik))) Army’s flag over the Reichstag building. Only in this world of inverted values, such mockery is possible. The army that raped and murdered its way through Ostpreußen and later through Germany is now celebrated by the descendants of the victims. In Berlin alone, over 100 000 women were raped by mongoloid swarm, according to modern estimates. “Officials Probe Texas Mall Shooter’s Possible Link to White Supremacy.” The Wall Street Journal, Dan Frosch, Sadie Gurman, Ginger Adams Otis & Adolfo Flores, 2023.05.07. “The gunman who opened fire on an outlet mall in a Dallas suburb on Saturday, killing at least eight people, had an apparent fascination with white-supremacist or neo-Nazi beliefs that are now being examined by investigators as a possible motive for the attack, people familiar 1

Zhyteli Planety Rozovykh Poni (Ru.) – ‘Strelkov’s neologism for the Kremlin clique. 2 Quoted directly from ‘Strelkov’s personal Telegram channel 2023.05.07, translated by me, formatting according to the original. 313

with the investigation said Sunday.” The Washington Post, Jack Douglas,


Barrett, Marisa Iati, Bryan Pietsch, Brittany Shammas, Maham Javaid, Justin Wm. Moyer and Niha Masih, 2023.05.07. In both of the quotes above, emphasis in bold is mine. Meanwhile, the shooter – Mauricio Garcia is a typical savage from Mexico. 2023.05.09

440th Day of the

Prelude War Mauricio Garcia – “neo-nazi “white” supremacist”, who killed 8 people in Texas.

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~195 620 KIAs, 3 734 MBTs, 7 257 AIVs, 5 969 wheeled transports, 388 specialized vehicles,

3 031 artillery guns, 554 MLRS, 307 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 618 UAVs, 955 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. This year’s May 9th Victory Parade in Moscow was a sight to see. Not because of Putin’s speech (same old shit), not because of the air show (there was none), but because of the display of Russian Army’s tank force. Either Russians are overplaying their bluff of “we’ve ran out of tanks” or they are really in an ocean-deep shitter – the whole force was represented by a single T-34-85! All the signs point to Russians running out of tanks: the losses reported by ZSU (probably higher than in reality), Western “military expert” opinions, the use of de-conserved T-62s and even T-55s and finally very intense Russian MSM campaign claiming that even their few T-14 Armata’s are now fighting on the front, despite the lack of reporting from Ukrainians or actual proof. However, this “Victory” parade in Moscow today made me very suspicious of all these claims all of a sudden. It reminded me too much of how Russians get too cocky with their “maskirovka”, when they get overly used to the gullible Westerners. It reminded me of a story, how Soviets caught and turned one of the British spies in Moscow back in the 50’s. They started feeding British intelligence with false information through him and were so successful in doing it that they soon lost all common sense. When the “British spy” was asked to take a sample of the water from the Moscow River, Soviets surmised that Brits are trying to assess their nuclear reactor in the area. In order to 314

convince Brits that they were stronger than they really were, commie dumbfucks sent a flask of water taken directly from a nuclear reactor! And that was how Brits finally understood that they were being duped all along. In my cautious opinion, same thing could be happening with this single T-3485 on the Red Square. When I look at this story logically, it doesn’t make any sense – if Russians were completely out of tanks, they would try to demonstrate that they still have them. They would pull tanks from the front, if need be, just to show to their own populace, as well as the Westerners, that they are doing great. Instead, they parade a single T-34-85 museum piece, whilst simultaneously driving Msta self-propelled howitzers and other military hardware (albeit 4 times less than previously and no IFVs either), which are as much needed at the front as the tanks. If none of the other vehicles were there, if only WW2 vehicles were there, I would have understood. If only strategic forces were displayed, I would have understood the message. But this? Russians really pulled a number today, and it was just short of parading a banner with big, bright red text – “WE HAVE NO MORE TANKS; p.s. it means we are weak!” This looks more and more like that flask of radioactive water. I could be overreacting to this fact, and it is quite possible that Russia did indeed run out of tanks and IFVs to parade, but it is always better to overestimate your adversary than underestimate. There were reports that “some unidentified UAVs” were spotted on the approach to Moscow during the parade, but nothing came out of it. Russians fired 25 missiles at Ukraine; ZSU said they shot down 23 of them. If that is to be believed, Russian “Victory” Day fireworks failed miserably, even despite the latest concentration of attacks on Ukrainian SAMs. Ukrainians conducted a successful tactical attack, throwing Russian regular forces back some 500m along ~2km front sector South of Bakhmut. (((Prigozhyn))) used this as an excuse to kvetch that the Army (under his mortal enemy Shoigu and Gerasimov) is leaving bare his flanks in Bakhmut. Of course, such an attack can be hardly classified as a “success”, yet Russians react very painfully to any gains by ZSU, especially in Bakhmut, which constitutes the only place, where Russian armed forces have advanced at all (apart from attacks to the North of Avdiivka). 315

In other news: I didn’t really want to include this part, as it was so despicable in its graphic representation that I wanted to spare the future from seeing it. However, since ZOG puppet Emmanuel Macron of France has opened his trap in defence of this utter filth, I now find myself forced to record it. Besides, it is yet another example of the influence the chosenites are exerting on the “civilization” these days – “President Macron stands up for artists after vandalism of controversial [(((]Miriam Cahn[)))] painting. French leader says defacing the work, which will remain on show at the Palais de Tokyo, is "attack on values".” The Art Newspaper, Gareth Harris, 2023.05.09, emphasis in bold by me. I will now include the (((art))) this quote mentioned and may the posterity forgive me for soiling the future with it. It represents the “values” of our times after all. It is timely to remark that the current (((civilization))) loves to point fingers at National Socialists of the 3rd Reich (or as the kikes call them “nazis”) for “destroying art” and




mentioning the nature of the “art” or the “books”. The “art” was similar to what I included, and the “books”




transcreaturism, depravity

propaganda. “Kristofer Kearney was extradited from Spain last September and pleaded guilty to two offences of disseminating


publications. An alleged far-right

The “art” that the she-kike (((Miriam Cahn))) shat out from her disgusting demonic psyche.

fitness guru who distributed terrorist manifestos and claimed Adolf Hitler "did nothing wrong" told a court he does not believe in violence. Kristofer 316

Thomas Kearney used the name Charlie Big Potatoes on Telegram when he shared the manifesto of Norway killer Anders Breivik, but said he did not know it was among the library of literature he posted as he "just gave it a quick scan". A judge will determine whether posts shared by Kearney were "reckless" or if the evidence is consistent with an intent to encourage terrorism. The self-described British fascist is part of the right-wing group known as Patriotic Alternative. He added the main aim of the organisation was "not to become minorities in our own home"., Patrick Edrich, 2023.05.08, emphasis in bold by me. Verily, this is a very dangerous individual, he disseminated brochures and said the he doesn’t want to become a minority in his own home country. Good thing that courageous British ZOGbots apprehended him. 2023.05.10

441st Day of the Prelude War

Poland delivered 10 Mig-39s to Ukraine. The following foreign leaders participated in the “Victory” Day Parade in Moscow: Kazakhstan President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, Kyrgyzstan President Sadyr Zhaparov, Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Tajikistan President Emomali Rakhmon, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and, finally, Belorussian President Viktor Lukashenko. The latter was clearly under the weather – walked with effort, hung back and didn’t stay for the “after-party”, leaving Moscow as soon as the parade was over. Ukrainian information channels claim that the attack near Bakhmut by ZSU forces was larger than it was first reported. According to Andrey Biletskiy, Ukrainians managed to smash Russian front 3km in length and advanced 2.6km in depth. In the process, the 6th and 8th Companies of the 72nd Motorized Brigade of Russian Armed Forces were destroyed by the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade ‘Azov’ of ZSU. Russia is about to denounce the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty)1. Putin just signed a directive, appointing Sergey


The 1992 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) limited key armaments from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains between NATO and the Warsaw Treaty Organization. These constraints were intended to 317

Ryabkov (Deputy MoFA) as the official RF President’s representative for the denunciation process. Poland decided to recommend using toponym Krolowiec instead of Kaliningrad in their official documents, road signs and communications. This of course lit the fuse on Russians, as was probably intended. No official response as of yet, but pro-Russian Telegram channels are already fuming. In other news: Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, was arrested by the current authorities, sparking a wave of protests and clashes with cops. These later grew into large scale riots and the protesters even stormed several military bases and government buildings. Wildfires are laying waste to large regions around the globe – currently Alberta in Canada and Kurgan in Russia are the largest still raging. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago” 1958–1968, first published in 1973. The Kikeland is under rocket fire from Palestinian lands (what remains of impede each bloc’s ability to launch surprise attacks or large-scale offensives (Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation). 318

them anyway). Unfortunately, jewish Iron Dome1 has reportedly shot down all incoming missiles. Kikes immediately retaliated with airstrikes against Gaza Strip. “Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, a serving member of the Irish parliament, has been filmed telling a voter to “fuck off” after they quizzed him on the issue of immigration.” Breitbart, Peter Caddle, 2023.05.10. I don’t understand what all the fuss is about; everybody is acting as if they are shocked over the fact that “people’s representatives” are not there to represent them at all. “Are the "vaccines" also driving people crazy? Bizarre "altercations" all around the world attest to the destructive cognitive and psychological effects of COVID "vaccination". While tracking the reports of people “dying suddenly,” and falling gravely ill, we’ve also noticed what appears to be a sharp uptick in “shocking” incidents of violence, or “altercations”—sudden melées, screaming matches, physical attacks, breaking out at sports events (including golf matches), on airliners, in restaurants and other places, in what seem to be unprecedented numbers, more and more as time goes on.”, Mark Crispin Miller, 2023.05.10. “A European study has concluded that COVID-19 vaccines are causing ‘Longterm brain damage’. A new pre-print paper at bioRxiv reveals that spike proteins from mRNA jabs are relocating to the brain tissue of vaccinated people. Researchers found that spike proteins from the shots accumulates in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma, further explaining that the “injection of the spike proteins alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue”.” Pat Webb, 3 Twitter messages, 2023.05.10. 1

Iron Dome (Hebrew: ‫בַּ ְרזֶל כִּ פַּ ת‬, romanized: Kippat Barzel) is a mobile allweather air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. The system is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) to 70 kilometres (43 mi) away and whose trajectory would take them to an Israeli populated area. From 2011 to 2021, the United States contributed a total of US$1.6 billion to the Iron Dome defense system, with another US$1 billion approved by the US Congress in 2022 (Wikipedia, emphasis in bold by me). 319

“You deserve what you tolerate.” Anonymous meme maker. 2023.05.11

442nd Day of the Prelude War

Retardation in Russia grows and, I would say, acquires new, previously unseen, proportions. Peskov, when commenting the slow progress of the Russian troops in Ukraine, said the following: “And you will say, why are Russians acting so slowly? Because Russians are not conducting war, we are not conducting war. To conduct a war – it is a completely different matter, it is a total destruction of infrastructure, it is a complete destruction of cities. We are not doing this. [...] [Russia] tries to spare the infrastructure and human lives [...]”1 We just got a continuation of the Bydgoszcz “UFO” story. Polish MSM now write that the object, which fell near Bydgoszcz, was in fact a Russian Kh-552 missile and it crashed in Poland around December of 2022, apparently negating the video which I mentioned before and completely reversing the version that it was Polish owned missile. The scandal is developing in Poland; as it turned out, the military tracked an unidentified object in December last 1

As quoted in ““Война — это тотальное уничтожение городов. Мы этого не делаем”: Песков рассказал иностранному телеканалу, что Россия не воюет в Украине” (“War – it is total destruction of cities. We are not doing this”: Peskov told a foreign TV channel that Russia is not conducting a war in Ukraine, Ru.), 2023.05.11, translated by me. 2 The Kh-55 (Russian: Х-55, also known as RKV-500; NATO reporting name: AS-15 "Kent") is a Soviet/Russian subsonic air-launched cruise missile, designed by MKB Raduga in the 1970s. It has a range of up to 2,500 km (1,350 nmi [nautical miles]) and can carry nuclear warheads. Kh-55 is launched exclusively from bomber aircraft and has spawned a number of conventionally armed variants mainly for tactical use, such as the Kh-65SE and Kh-SD, but only the Kh-101 and Kh-555 appear to have been put into service. Contrary to popular belief, the Kh-55 was not the basis of the submarine and ground-launched S-10 Granat or RK-55 Relief (SS-N-21 "Sampson" and SSC-X-4 "Slingshot") designed by NPO Novator. The RK-55 is very similar to the air-launched Kh-55 (AS-15 "Kent") but the Kh-55 has a drop-down turbofan engine and was designed by MKB Raduga (Wikipedia). 320

year on their radars, lost it somewhere in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz, but never notified the civilian government of the country about the violation of sovereign airspace. The search for the fallen object they conducted back in 2022 failed to find any wreckage. The most embarrassing fact is that Bydgoszcz is in the centre of Poland, making this missile incursion a very serious accusation against AA capabilities of Polish Army.

Situation around Bakhmut on 2023.05.11 according to Aleksandr Simonov. Note a very strange marking near Klishchiivka (!), saying “Lost by 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade and 374th Motorized Rifle Battalion, retaken by ‘Wagner’”.

The UK delivered long range, air launched stand-off missiles Storm Shadow1 to Ukraine. So, yet another of Putin’s “red lines” was crossed. Putin is now 1

Storm Shadow is an Anglo-French low-observable, long-range, air-launched cruise missile developed since 1994 by Matra and British Aerospace, and now manufactured by MBDA. Storm Shadow is the weapon's British appellation. In French service, it is called SCALP-EG (which stands for "Système de Croisière Autonome à Longue Portée – Emploi Général"; English: "General Purpose Long-Range Cruise Missile"). The missile is based on the Frenchdeveloped Apache anti-runway cruise missile. They differ in that the Storm Shadow carries a warhead instead of submunitions (Wikipedia). 321

officially more pathetic than Obummer ever was. (((Prigozhyn))) claimed that Ukrainian counteroffensive is going full speed at the moment. He referenced, of course, the ZSU attack on the Southern flank of Bakhmut. It is rather tiresome, when the cooks start giving their assessment of the military situation on the front without having served a single day in the armed forces. Ukrainians continued to conduct small scale attacks on the Russian salients around Bakhmut with tactical success. Neither scale nor direction of attacks point to any larger envelopment in mind, which leads me to concluded that this is merely a move to lessen the pressure on the positions in the town itself and maybe an attempt to draw addition Russian forces from elsewhere. The US nigger ambassador to South Africa (rather fitting) accused SAR of supplying arms and ammunition to Russia. Interestingly enough, this is portrayed on the MSM as a violation of SAR’s professed neutrality towards the war. Logically, this should mean that the US, which are supplying Ukraine with enormous quantities of weapons, ammunition, training and military intelligence, are participant of the conflict as well. In other news: A potent explosion happened today in Milan, Italy. According to preliminary reports, oxygen containers blew up in a parked van. “An explosion at a residential building in western Germany injured at least a dozen [10 firefighters and 2 ZOGbots] people Thursday, some of them seriously, a senior security official said. [...] Firefighters and police were called to the building in the morning after concerns were raised about two residents, Reul [Herbert Reul, The interior minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Land] said. When they forced open an apartment door, they found a fire and one of the inhabitants used an unidentified object to cause an explosion, the minister said.” (((AP))), 2023.05.11. Apparently, the ZOGbots tried to raid “COVID19 denier” and got served their just deserts: “Reul zufolge gibt es Informationen, dass der Mann sich “gedanklich im Umfeld der Coronaleugner” aufgehalten habe. (“According to Reul, there is information that the man was ideologically within the sphere of Corona liars/disinformation spreaders”, Ger. my translation.)” Der Spiegel, 2023.05.11. According to the latest information, the man was taken alive by the ZOGbots, after a special squad stormed his 322

apartment. “The mayor of Saint-Brevain, who has been threatened with death, has resigned after the arson of two vehicles and of his house following the project to install the reception centre for asylum seekers.” AlertesInfos, Twitter message, 2023.05.10, emphasis in bold by me. Could it be that “fire rises”1? Some “unofficial” US strategists suggested destroying Taiwan’s electronic chip industry in order to deter Chinese military invasion of the island. “Two US scholars have proposed a “scorched-earth” semiconductor strategy based on the idea it would make no logical sense for China to seize Taiwan by force. One key recommendation in the article, published by the US Army War College, is for the US and Taiwan to threaten to destroy facilities of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co if Beijing invades.” Asia Financial, George Russell, 2022.01.05. It took a whole year for the Taiwanese to react, but react they did: “Defense minister says Taiwan will not let US 'blow up TSMC' during Chinese attack. 'If they want to bomb this or that,' armed forces will not tolerate this kind of situation” Taiwan News, Keoni Everington, 2023.05.09. “Italy calls crisis meeting as pasta prices jump almost 20 percent.” The Washington Post, Stefano Pitrelli, Annabelle Timsit & Niha Masih, 2023.05.11. “Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why.” The Mirror, Kieren Williams, 2023.05.11. Incredible mystery! Why are there no studies done to find the cause of this mass die-off? I did not document this particular story, because I thought it was rather inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, it being yet another example of continued transcreaturism propaganda campaign. But the outcome of it gives me some hope about the future, so I will recount it now. Anheuser-Busch, one of the biggest, if not the biggest, beer producer2 in the US, hired a she-kike for their marketing department – (((Alissa Heinerscheid))). After (((proudly))) branding herself the “first female to lead the largest beer brand in the


A quote from the movie The Dark Knight Rises, 2012, which is part of the Batman franchise. 2 The producer of the brand “Budweiser” and its branch-off “Bud Light”. 323

industry”1, she started implementing globohomo agenda in earnest. Marketing department under her launched an advertisement campaign for one of their most sold brands – “Bud Light”, involving a fairly known in the US transcreature– Dylan Mulvaney, a “TikTok star”2. The disgust produced by this abomination immediately sank the sales of Bud Light beer and the stocks of Anheuser-Busch began to fall. Stupid she-kike tried to double down on her propaganda, calling the customers “fratty and out of touch”3. This didn’t sit too well with the “despicable straight white men”, who happened to be the majority of Bud Light drinkers. The sales plummeted even more and lately, Anheuser-Busch fired the she-kike and is now in a crash course of damage control. However, the sales tanked across the US (in some case 29% down) and I hope they go fucking bankrupt for this blatant kike propaganda; it’s the absolute least that should happen to them. Just for the record, I think that American “beer” is nothing but a piss-water, transcreature advertising or not. Then again, I drink a bottle of beer once in two months, so I am not a connoisseur in the matter. 2023.05.12

443rd Day of the Prelude War

Yesterday, Ukrainians bombarded Bryansk region with UAVs. An oil depot in Klintsy was hit, but without much damage it appears. Another UAV struck a voyenkomat building in Starodub in the same region. Again, ‘Strelkov’s assessment of the situation around Bakhmut is identical to mine, he also pointed out that these attacks were tactical in nature and at best could only divert Russian forces from the possible main thrust direction. Yesterday evening, he wrote that there are reports of heavy Ukrainian shelling of Horlivka, wondering if this is also a diversionary tactics, or if Ukrainians are stupid enough to start their offensive towards the Donetsk urban agglomerate. 1

“Meet Alissa Heinerscheid, Bud Light’s VP of Marketing”,, Citizen Frank, 2023.04.10. 2 “Bud Light sales continue to fall weeks after Mulvaney ad debacle”, CBS News, Kristopher J. Brooks, 2023.05.10. 3 “WATCH: Bud Light VP Calls Customers “Fratty and Out of Touch” as Sales Fall, Stock Price Drops” The American Tribune, Ellis, 2023.04.11. The article had an attached video of the interview with (((Alissa Heinerscheid))). 324

Ukrainians continued attacks around Bakhmut and retook positions South of Berkhovskoye reservoir today. Russian voyenkors portrayed the situation in very grim tones, but I fail to see how this changes the general disposition in any way. Ukrainians landed two hits in Luhansk city, setting either an oil refinery or a machine factory on fire. According to ‘Strelkov’, the targets hit were oil depot and electronics factory. In other news: An immigrant crisis is again developing on the Southern “border” of the USA. Large hordes of beaners are gathering on the approaches and already entering the US. Apparently, it’s not just beaners, but a massive horde of chinks as well. Some are even speculating that among these slanteyed gooks there must be a whole load of chink spies and saboteurs, which would make perfect sense from China’s point of view at least. The Border Guard is incapacitated by Biden the Pedo and in addition, government shutdown is likely with the looming debt ceiling debacle. Several days ago, Erdogan resurfaced after his health incident. As the election for presidency draws near, he first promised “free” gas for the household needs and later, he pledged to raise the wages of all state employees by 45%. The kikes are going full steam with the damnatio memoriae of the white nations. (((Netflix))), a.k.a. Jewflix, released a trailer1 of their newest “hit 1

The standard repository for all knowledge and wisdom in the universe is called “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and it has this to say about movie trailers: Movie trailers are designed to give you an idea of the film in question in a very short space of time. Typically, they begin with an introduction of a main character, who will very shortly have something so utterly fantastic happen to him that someone just had to make a movie about it. Often, this section is preceded by the words “in a world”, but sometimes not. Trailers also normally employ a deep voice that sounds like a seven-foot tall man who's been smoking cigarettes since childhood. Ehm. The goal is to create a piece of advertising that’s original and exciting, yet intelligent and provocative. In other words – lots of things blowing up; occasionally interrupted by a girl in a bikini. Generally, trailers also feature a heartless, evil villain, hideous creatures, dolphins, physical violence and, of course, the promise of true love. And lastly, there is a “final montage”, often set to rock music, which is designed simply to blow away whatever synapses you have 325

piece” movie “Queen Charlotte”. As one anonymous poster on 4chan remarked, they are basically just “cock-slapping us” at the moment. Unsurprisingly, not only XVIII century European royal courts were saturated with hideous baboons from Africa, but the Princess Charlotte of MecklenburgStrelitz1 herself was the most disgusting she-nigger the kikes could find. I just wonder – do they realize they are setting up their own dreams of holohoax to become real in the future? The mass invasion of Canada by the street poopers from India is finally giving tangible results. It appears that you can drag the pahjeet from shit covered streets of his home town, but you can not erase his “noble tradition” from his minds. There are accounts on (((social media))) that the beaches on Lake Erie are getting “culturally enriched” by the newly arrived “Canadians”. Both turds and garbage mounds now grace the previously pristine Canadian countryside, which was unbearably “white-privileged” before. 2023.05.13

444th Day of the Prelude War

Tonight, Russians attacked Kiev again with Iranian kamikaze drones. City administration claimed all of them were shot down. Khmelnitsky wasn’t as lucky though. A large explosion rocked the city in the night. All in all, ZSU claimed to have intercepted 17 Shahed-136/131 and 1 Orlan-10 drone out of 21 launched against Ukraine. Polish Air Defence forces reported they have traced an unidentified flying object








Preliminary, they speculated it was a surveillance balloon. The radar contact was lost near Rypin, ~94km East of Bydgoszcz. Another Ukrainian strike near Luhansk was reported by Russian voyenkors. According to them, an Academy of MoI, which was being used for stationing

left in your brains. This culminates in a reveal of the main title, like so – “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, followed by the release date, so that the audience might plan the next few months of their lives accordingly. 1 Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Sophia Charlotte; 19 May 1744 – 17 November 1818) was Queen of Great Britain and of Ireland as the wife of King George III from their marriage on 8 September 1761 until her death in 1818 (Wikipedia). 326

Russian troops, was targeted in Yubileyniy. Slightly later, another explosion was reported in Luhansk. All these strikes in and near Luhansk were attributed to newly delivered British Storm Shadow missiles. The kike-in-chief of Ukraine is visiting Italy today. He will be meeting with Italian government officials and later, with none other but the Jesuit Globohomo Commie Pope Francis I himself. Russians hit something really big again, this time near Khmelnitsky. The explosion even produced a nice mushroom cloud, though it wasn’t a nuclear one. Immediately after the first explosion, a second, similarly powerful one, happened right next to the first.

Explosion in Khmelnitsky, date and time of the video 2023.05.13, 1014J (exact moment of the explosion).

Even fervent pro-Putin propagandists are starting to lose their confidence in the ruling “elites” of their country. Step by step, they have observed various “red lines” being crossed by the West, while Putin and his clique remained like that proverbial dog in a burning room, unperturbed – “this is fine”. After British Storm Shadow missiles got to Ukraine and started raining down on the remote targets in previously relatively safe areas, Mardan questioned one of his guests on his program (from Telegram channel Russkiy Tarantas), asking “what should be done about it by the Russian government”. And he got his answer: 327

“Well, it [Kremlin] just can’t do anything now. Let’s be honest [unintelligible]. There are neither instruments nor will for that.”1 Hotel “Intercontinental” is on fire in Moscow. 1400J A spate of mishaps with helicopters started occurring for the Russians. Yesterday, one Mi-28 crashed in Crimea, both pilots were killed. Today, first one Mi-8 fell in Klintsy, Bryansk region, second Mi-8 helicopter “negatively took off” in Suretskiy Murovei, near same Klintsy. At least one of today’s unfortunates could have been shot down by a “friendly” AA fire. But Russians decided to outdo themselves today; mere minutes after the reports about the second helicopter crash, Nexta posted information that Russian Su34 fighter-bomber plane made an “unscheduled landing” in Bryansk region. All pilots in all cases were killed. Russians suspect this could be the work of Ukrainian DRG, armed with MANPADS and operating within the region. Russians declared an emergency plan “Perekhvat”2 in effect, but even Russian voyenkors started writing that it was most probably not MANPADS that shot down all three birds today. 1458J Today is “Twilight Zone”3 in Russia. Normal rules of reality stopped working and they’ve entered metaphysical plane of parallel possibilities. A fighter plane Su-354 went down in the same “Bryansk Triangle”. Ukrainian


Transcribed and translated by me from an excerpt video of Mardan, reposted on Nexta. 2 Interception (Ru.) – SOP counter-sabotage plan name in Russia. 3 The Twilight Zone (marketed as Twilight Zone for its final two seasons) is an American science fiction horror anthology television series created and presented by Rod Serling, which ran for five seasons on CBS from October 2, 1959, to June 19, 1964. Each episode presents a stand-alone story in which characters find themselves dealing with often disturbing or unusual events, an experience described as entering "the Twilight Zone", often with a surprise ending and a moral. Although predominantly science-fiction, the show's paranormal and Kafkaesque events leaned the show towards fantasy and horror. The phrase "twilight zone", inspired by the series, is used to describe surreal experiences (Wikipedia). 4 The Sukhoi Su-35 (Russian: Сухой Су-35; NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) is the designation for two improved derivatives of the Su-27 air-defence 328

MSM are having field day with the material. In other news: Local people in Dublin’s Pearse Street fought a stand-off with one of the (((NGOs))) bringing in shitskins to Ireland. (((The Revolutionary Housing League))) had established a shitskin metastasis, euphemistically called “a site where international protection applicants are sleeping in tents”, in Pearse Street, Dublin. Barricades and fires went up, as people tried to evict the unwanted invaders. The (((MSM))) stepped up immediately with all their “good old” tricks: “One person staying at the location on Sandwith Street told The Journal today that the residents [of the tent camp] are “normal people” seeking a better life. “It’s just normal people who are looking for a future life, a better life. That’s all,” they said.”1 “One person”, right. They didn’t even hide that that “one person” was not one of the locals, who actually have to live next to the invader cesspool. And how that “one person” suddenly turned into “they” will remain a mystery for the ages. “Bud Light’s sales drop is accelerating amid Dylan Mulvaney fiasco — and is now spilling into other Bud brands.” New York Post, (((Lisa Fickenscher))), 2023.05.09. 2023.05.14

445th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~198 880 KIAs, 3 756 MBTs, 7 325 AIVs, 6 018 wheeled transports, 404 specialized vehicles, 3 116 artillery guns, 562 MLRS, 314 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 696 UAVs, 970 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Russians continue to pummel Ukraine with drones, but if ZSU is to be believed, not much of it comes through. According to Ukrainians, 25 UAVs and 3 missiles were shot down tonight. Murmansk regional voyenkomat burned tonight. fighter. They are single-seat, twin-engine, supermaneuverable aircraft, designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and built by Sukhoi (Wikipedia). 1 This and the previous quote in this section come from “Govt condemns 'intimidation' after clashes at tents of homeless refugees in Dublin.” The Journal, 2023.05.12, empasis in bold by me. 329


Boyevoy Komplekt (Ru.) – Ammunition Complement. Translation by me. 330

West post TikTok videos, bragging about their new clothes, coffee and fancy food or whining about a broken nail. In other news: And some really good news at last: “Now world’s No. 1 opioid consumer per capita, Israel faces addiction epidemic. New report traces spike in use of fentanyl and similar drugs; experts attribute abuse and addiction to overprescription, lack of understanding, and health system problems.” (((The Times of Israel”, (((Renee Ghert-Zand))), 2023.04.30. Finally, the chickens are coming home to roost. The kikes are starting to reap what they’ve sown in other countries and nations. Presidential elections are underway in Turkey. Erdogan is trying to remain in the post while his main opponent Kemal Kilicdaroglu is well on his way to challenge Erdogan’s rule. “Six dead after attack near synagogue on Tunisia’s Djerba island. Tunisian naval guard shot dead two visitors to Djerba’s Ghriba Synagogue and a security guard before being killed.” Al Jazeera, 2023.05.10. “Highly Contagious and Drug-Resistant Ringworm Reported in US for First Time.” The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, 2023.05.13. 2233J At the moment, 75% of votes have been counted and Erdogan appears to be leading the elections in Turkey against his opponent with 50.76% for him and 43.43% for Kilicdaroglu, according to Anadolu state news agency. 2023.05.15

446th Day of the Prelude War

Russian attacks with Iranian Shahed drones subsided and Ukrainian AA systems shot down only 4 of them tonight. Ukrainians continued their tactical level attacks near Bakhmut. Yesterday, they took more ground to the South of the town, cutting off the tip of the salient that was protruding towards Chasiv Yar. Furthermore, Russian MoD confirmed the death of two high ranking Russian commanders in the area of Bakhmut – polkovnik Yevgeniy Brovko, the commander of the 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade, and politruk1 of the 2 Army Corps, polkovnik Vyacheslav 1

In the military, a political commissar or political officer (or politruk, a portmanteau word from Russian: политический руководитель, romanized: politicheskiy rukovoditel; transl. political leader or political official) is a 331

Makarov. Russian voyenkors report that these are not the only Russian officers that turned into Gruz200: according to Andrey Morozov, an unnamed brigade staff commander and other brigade level officers were killed by Ukrainian artillery, using UAV spotting. From what ‘Strelkov’ writes, this concerns most of the 4th Brigade’s HQ. It has been some time since any serious PSYOP was attempted by the West and they thought it must be time to try again. The Washington Post claimed that (((Prigozhyn))) contacted Ukrainian Intelligence Service (HUR), offering to leak the positions of Russian Armed Forces around Bakhmut in return for withdrawal from Bakhmut, so that his ‘Wagner’ could claim the victory in the town. Not even ‘Strelkov’, who doesn’t hide his disdain towards (((Prigozhyn))), believes in these outlandish tales. From the first glance, the tale looks probable, it even fits the (((profile))), but it is doubtful that ‘the Cook’ would take such risks for quick political points, which the victory in Bakhmut would have provided him. Russians are trying hard to convince everyone, especially Ukrainian locals, that the strike on Khmelnitsky, which produced such a spectacular mushroom cloud the other day, has detonated a stockpile of British provided DU rounds. Simple-minded sheeple can’t even understand the difference between conventional high yield explosion and a nuclear one. More so, DU rounds are unable to fission and produce a nuclear explosion. The most believable theory about the explosion in Khmelnitsky was that it could have been an explosion of a large fuel depot. An explosion in Luhansk today was most probably DRG work. The commander of local militia Igor Kornet was targeted, when he was visiting a barber’s shop. He survived with heavy wounds, as reported by Nexta. The kike-in-chief continues his tournée through Europe. Yesterday, he visited France and today he’s in England. Meeting with the shitskin PM Rishi Sunak must be right up his alley, seeing the end-product of what he intends to supervisory officer responsible for the political education (ideology) and organization of the unit to which they are assigned, with the intention of ensuring political control of the military (Wikipedia). Current name of the position is “Deputy Commander of the Corps for the Military-Political Work”. 332

accomplish in Ukraine. According to ISW, Russians have redirected their missile, UAV and air strikes against military, industrial and logistical targets instead of their previously conducted campaign to destroy electrical infrastructure. It is interesting to note this, because if one would go solely by the reporting on Ukrainian MSM, it would seem that Russians were attacking civilian buildings exclusively, which is clearly not true, as evidenced by the strikes in Pavlohrad and Khmelnitsky alone. In other news: After all votes were counted in Turkey, Erdogan has gathered the support of 49.35% and Kilicdaroglu – 45%. There will be a second tour of the elections on May 28, since Turkish constitution requires a vote of over 50% for an immediate win. And that is how smart dictators conduct “democratic” elections. Take note, Mr. Lukashenko! Then again, Lukashenko is seriously ill, going by the latest rumours. Unconfirmed reports say that he was transported to a hospital. He wasn’t well during “Victory” Day Parade in Moscow and has gotten only worse ever since he returned. If he goes away, Belarus could flare up in instability once more, as surely both Putin and the West will try to seize control. Lukashenko’s


problems, if they turn out to be severe enough or even terminal, could spark yet another flashpoint on our doorstep. (((financed))),

Western “democratic”

Belorussian opposition has

No comment.

already declared they “have plans in case Lukashenko is unable to keep the grip on the power in Belarus”. Naturally, Putin will not sit idly by, while his geostrategic situation turns from worse to terrible. By the way, Lukashenko reappeared in public today, for the first time since May 9 visit to Moscow. He didn’t look well either. Belorussian opposition gloated that ‘Batka’ has allegedly been diagnosed with myocarditis.


“Flesh-eating zombie drug 'tranq' takes over LA streets as users with rotting skin are seen hunched over and spaced out across the city – while officials say they can't ban it because it's LEGAL.” Daily Mail, Stephen M. Lepore, 2023.05.15. “Netflix’s ‘Queen Cleopatra’ [nigger movie] Appears To Have The Worst Audience Score In TV History. [...] It has not just the lowest audience score in Netflix history, it has essentially the lowest audience score possible on Rotten Tomatoes1, a 1%.” Forbes, Paul Tassi, 2023.05.15. 2023.05.16

447th Day of the Prelude War

I barely mentioned that Russian air attacks on Ukraine have been petering out and they launched another massive wave at Kiev tonight. ZSU claimed a large collection of the attacking projectiles shot down: 6 Kinzhal, 9 Kalibr missiles, 3 unidentified ballistic missiles, 6 Shahed 136/131 drones, 3 UAVs of Orlan and SuperCam2 type. Right now, Russians and Ukrainians are competing in how many fancy missiles they shoot down, or say they shoot down. Ukrainians were confused about how the first Kinzhal went down, but finally decided they intercepted it with Patriot AA system and today they claimed 6 (!) of these missiles. Konashenkov, likewise, claimed that Russian AA troops shot down 7 HARMs, 1 Storm Shadow and 10 HIMARS rockets. Furthermore, Russians claimed they have destroyed one of the Patriot AA launchers in Kiev tonight. Neither side provided convincing evidences for their boasts. The Kinzhal, which was allegedly shot down by ZSU, looked far too small in the pictures than it really is. As for Russian claims, well, I don’t think they ever bothered with any evidences, apart from the stalwart announcements by the “voice of truth” – Konashenkov. Macron of France declared that Russia is becoming a vassal state of China. Peskov immediately rejected this description saying they “categorically disagree” with it. As for Macron, the proverb about a kettle and a pot comes to mind.


Movie and TV show rating site on the Internet. For some reason misspelled on the ZSU infographic as “SuperCum”, a rather vulgar “joke” (“cum” meaning an ejaculation of sperm). 2


Ukrainian DBR1 announced official charges of high treason against “one of the commanders” of the 501st Separate Marine Infantry Battalion. The suspect, who is described as “the chief of battalion’s logistics”, had allegedly convinced the commander of the battalion to surrender during the siege of Mariupol in 2022. According to DBR, 277 marines were captured by Russians as a result of suspect’s actions. The REMF2 continued his treasonous activity after Mariupol as well – he moved to Berdyansk and went on urging Ukrainian soldiers to surrender and/or to provide tactical intelligence to the Russian forces. The charge against this suspect cancelled out the case of desertion against all 277 marines, which was opened after their surrender. I just wonder, when will DBR investigate (((Zelensky))) and his (((clique))) for letting Mariupol to be surrounded and leaving the troops there to the Russians? Oh, right, they will never do that. The PSYOP “Cook Off” intensified today. ISW wrote that Kremlin has allegedly prepared informational operation to remove (((Prigozhyn))). First, they planted ideas into Kremlin drones about (((Prigozhyn))) being a traitor and now they target (((Prigozhyn))) himself, by trying to convince him he might be under a threat from Kremlin. If only this wasn’t so obvious and laughable that even such an uninformed old fart like me notices the white threads this was sewn with. American CIA launched an actual advertisement, openly calling Russians to spy for them, under the guise of “you will be fighting for a better tomorrow”. With the state of intellectual capacity around the globe being as it is, I’m starting to be more inclined to believe this is a really naive, straightforward advertisement, instead of what it could be – another PSYOP, designed to send FSB chasing ghosts and rumours, draining resources and wasting time. Those alleged leaks from Pentagon keep on giving, or they are made to appear so. Apparently, the “documents” described a Ukrainian plan to blow up Russian oil pipeline: “according to leaked documents from the United States intelligence agencies, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky proposed at a 1

Derzhavne Buro Rasliduvan (Ukr.) – State Investigation Bureau (a Ukrainian FBI equivalent). 2 Rear-Echelon Motherfucker. 335

February meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko that Ukraine should blow up the pipeline in order to incapacitate the part of the Hungarian energy infrastructure reliant on Russian oil”1. This “revelation” irked Hungarians for obvious reasons. Some (György Nógrádi, a Hungarian “security policy expert”) even called this a clear case for NATO Article 5. I have just one question – how come these “leaked Pentagon documents” continue to “leak” – the package was online for some time, everyone who wanted them – had them, everyone should have read them long time ago. And yet, the “scandals” continue to pop up, as if this happened just yesterday. As The Washington Post writes – “the documents, which have not been previously disclosed, are part of a broader leak of U.S. secrets circulated on the Discord messaging platform and obtained by The Washington Post”2. This newspaper is owned by Jeff Bezos, and it alone decides what and when from those “leaked” documents gets re-leaked to the general public. Very confidence inspiring. In other news: “Migrant crossings from Africa to Italy soar by 300% so far this year.”, Thomas Brooke, 2023.05.15. How do you like them apples3, Ms. Giorgia Meloni? “WHO Pushes "Early Childhood Masturbation" For Toddlers, Encourages Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.05.16. Nuclear war just can’t come too soon. 5 more years of this and humanity will not survive the kike infestation. 2023.05.17

448th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~200 590 KIAs, 3 771 MBTs, 7 365 1

“‘This is an attack on Hungary and therefore NATO’ – Ukraine’s plan to blow up pipeline supplying Hungary with oil would constitute Article 5 violation, says security expert”,, Denes Albert, 2023.05.16. 2 “Zelensky, in private, plots bold attacks inside Russia, leak shows”, The Washington Post, John Hudson & Isabelle Khurshudyan, 2023.05.13. 3 "How do you like them apples?” is an expression that supposedly originated during the first World War, when the Allies' anti-tank grenade [actually, a mortar round, which was used as an improvised anti-tank mine] was colloquially called a “toffee apple” because of its bulb-like appearance on a stick. The phrase was a taunt against the enemy (Wiktionary). 336

AIVs, 6 067 wheeled transports, 417 specialized vehicles, 3 166 artillery guns, 562 MLRS, 318 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 748 UAVs, 982 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Yesterday, an explosion of a gas pipeline Yamal-Europe happened. 1 person was killed and 5 were injured. The affected section of the pipeline was allegedly inactive for some time. The explosion happened during repair works. Ukrainians say Mikolaiv was targeted by Russian Kalibr missiles tonight. According to MSM (CNN), a “US official” confirmed Russian hit on Patriot system in Kiev, but said that it was “likely damaged, but not destroyed”. We are drowning in euphemisms and disinformation. After (((Reznikov))) called for “more reserved expectations” for the planned Ukrainian counteroffensive, the talks about the “imminent attack” and retaking of “Southern Ukraine and maybe even Crimea” subsided on the MSM. I think, if Ukrainians intend to do anything, the time is in – the hype has peaked and deflated, after the MSM craze is over, Russians have been thoroughly confused (to some degree at least) and the whole thing starts to appear as a “nothingburger”. Erdogan announced that Russia has agreed to renew the “grain deal” for another 2 months. Zakharova confirmed it, which sparked a storm of furious posts by pro-Russian commentators. The audience clearly interpreted this “grain deal” as treason and collaboration with the hostile West. Russians upped their claims pertaining Patriot destruction. While Americans said that Patriots sustained only minor damage, Russians now claim that 5 Patriot launchers were destroyed. Valentin Rybakov, Belorussian representative at the UN, declared that all the talks about nuclear weapons being stationed in Belarus were just that – talks. According to him, nothing practical was done in that regard. In other news: “Jada Pinkett Smith [some inconsequential sheboon] Says ‘White Supremacy’ Responsible for Cleopatra’s Terrible Audience Score.”, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 2023.05.16. “One third of Canadians fine with prescribing assisted suicide for 337

homelessness.” National Post, Tristin Hopper, 2023.05.16. Lost your home to banksters? Fuck you, to the gallows you go! “Excess deaths – Japan has skyrocketing excess deaths after its population was mRNA COVID-19 vaccine overdosed – 2023 is going to be the worst year yet.”, Dr. William Makis MD, 2023.05.13. “NHK, Japan's public broadcasting station (equivalent to the BBC), reported an interview with people who lost their beloved family members as a result of vaccination. However, NHK cleverly and cunningly edited the interview to make it look like they all died of covid-19, even though they were actually victims of the vaccine.” You3_JP, Twitter message with an attached video segment of the NHK television broadcast, 2023.05.16.

“Data update from Japan from Fujikawa Kenji, Director of Medical Statistics Information and Communication Research Institute.” Ausie17, Twitter message, 2023.05.08, provided to me by Japanese anon on 4chan. The bars represent COVID19 “vaccine” doses administered and the blue line – excess mortality.

French ex-president, Nicola Sarkozy was sentenced for a year in jail in the case of illegal surveillance. 2023.05.18

449th Day of the Prelude War

“Developers of Putin's hypersonic missiles arrested for treason. The wave of high treason cases that swept Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine has reached the largest scientific center of the domestic defense industry. Three scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Theoretical and Applied 338

Mechanics (ITAM), who were involved in the creation of hypersonic aircraft, were arrested in turn by the security forces under an article, the maximum punishment for which this year became life imprisonment. On Tuesday, May 16, ITAM employees published an open letter in which they announced the arrest on suspicion of treason Valery Zvegintsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences and chief researcher, who founded the high-velocity aerogasdynamics laboratory at the institute.” The Moscow Times, 2023.05.17, translation by the Moscow Times. Russians bombarded Kiev and Odessa tonight. ZSU claims to have shot down 29 out of 30 launched missiles and 4 UAVs. Someone blew up the railway in Crimea and derailed a train carrying grain cargo. Sabotage against the railway happened in Kazan as well – four relay boxes were torched and train traffic was suspended.

Situation around Bakhmut on 2023.05.18, according to Aleksandr Simonov. 339

Ukrainian forces to the South and North of Bakhmut continue inching forward with tactical attacks. 3rd Assault Brigade ‘Azov’ pressed on with the attack on the Southern horn of Russian forces gripping Bakhmut. Today, they claimed to have broken through an area 2km long and 700m deep into Russian positions. In other news: A treasure of 30 Gold coins from the times of Alexander of Macedon was found in Crimea. “NEW: Bud Light Launches Camo-Print Cans To Appease Base As Sales Continue To Crash.”, Mark Steffen, 2023.05.17. Pathetic fucking shaboz goyim and their dumb kike handlers, they deserve everything that’s coming to them, and more. 2023.05.19

450th Day of the Prelude War

Russians are still peppering Ukraine with drones and missiles during the nights. Kiev, Krivyi Rih and Lviv were targeted. All drones attacking Kiev were allegedly shot down. Meanwhile, (((Zelensky))) is in Saudi Arabia. Few days ago, Russia froze all bank accounts belonging to Finland’s embassy and consulate. According to some reports, ZSU now holds the last block of urban terrain in Bakhmut – Western side of the last street (Chaykovskoho and maybe Yubileynaya). Russian MSM were starting to claim that Bakhmut was completely taken, but it was soon denied by (((Prigozhyn))). G7 summit started in Hiroshima today. Russo-Ukrainian War is the main issue on the agenda and (((Zelensky))) is slated to appear in person at the summit. In other news: We haven’t heard from ‘Lurch’ for a long time, and it seems he decided to correct the situation by rejoining the NWO choir: “John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’. Small farms are significant emitters of nitrogen, according to Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry who is pushing for the U.S. federal government to crack down on farming in America to combat “global warming.” Kerry insists that the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical “green agenda” goals laid out by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).”, Baxter Dmitry, 2023.05.17. It looks like the 340

“Children’s books” in the (((West))). Gods willing, we will burn the “books” again, together with their authors and publishers. Because, if we don’t, there won’t be any tomorrow. 341

expropriation campaign in Netherlands was a trial balloon for a bigger target – the US farms. “Nigel Farage: ‘Brexit has failed’. Former UKIP [United Kingdom Independence Party] leader blames Tory government for not taking advantage of leaving the EU. “What Brexit has proved, I’m afraid, is that our politicians are about as useless as the commissioners in Brussels. We’ve mismanaged this totally,” Farage said, responding to a raft of data suggesting there had been a negative economic impact of Brexit.”, Andrew McDonald, 2023.05.16. For the better part of the past couple of decades, we’ve been hearing how China’s foreign policy was “building bridges, schools and hospitals” in poor countries, as opposed to the USA bombing the same things. Well, the time has come to pay the piper, and it matters little whether you have sold yourself to the FED, IMF of chicoms: “‘In a lot of the world, the clock has hit midnight’: China is calling in loans to dozens of countries from Pakistan to Kenya. A dozen poor countries are facing economic instability and even collapse under the weight of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign loans, much of them from the world’s biggest and most unforgiving government lender, China. An Associated Press analysis of a dozen countries most indebted to China — including Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia, Laos and Mongolia — found paying back that debt is consuming an ever-greater amount of the tax revenue needed to keep schools open, provide electricity and pay for food and fuel. And it’s draining foreign currency reserves these countries use to pay interest on those loans, leaving some with just months before that money is gone.”, Bernard Condon & (((The Associated Press))), 2023.05.19. A perfect lesson – don’t spend the money you don’t have, because the free cheese is found only in traps. “Ibuprofen Shrinks Testicles, Lowers Testosterone, Linked to Infertility.”, Sean D., 2023.05.07. 2023.05.20

451st Day of the Prelude War

Tonight’s Russian aerial attack against Ukraine resulted in 20 Shahed drones and 1 Merlin-BP UAV being shot down by Ukrainian AA fire, according to ZSU. 342

After (((Zelensky’s))) tournée through Europe, the talks of giving F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine returned to the pages of the MSM. The UK, Poland and Netherlands started considering forming a “coalition to provide Ukraine with F-16s”. The US declared it would not block such an initiative. Russians suspended cargo truck traffic over Crimean Bridge, out of “security considerations”. Russians tried their own PSYOP couple of days ago. The explosions in Khmelnitsky have, according to Russians, destroyed a cache of DU rounds, delivered by the UK to Ukraine. I documented that (noting the absurdity of the initial claims, which equated the mushroom cloud with a “nuclear explosion caused by Depleted Uranium”), but I didn’t mention the subsequent PSYOP, which has been slowly developing. At first, Russian Internet assets started pointing out a slight increase in background radiation, measured by Lublin University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska (UMCS). The claims were so laughably blown out of proportion, so misreported and so misinterpreted that I didn’t want to put it in the chronicle at first. UMCS radioactivity monitoring station registered a sharp (comparably with the usual activity) increase of Bi-214 (214Bi) isotopes. The graph looked “terrifying” enough for the Russians to use it in PSYOP and let the devil take the common sense or details! The problem was that the actual radiation, produced by this “sharp increase” in isotopes, barely reached 0.065µSv/h (anomalous radiation level is considered anything above 0.114µSv/h by UMCS). Bi-214 is a naturally occurring radioactive isotope of Bismuth chemical element, which has absolutely nothing to do with Depleted Uranium. This was also omitted by the Russian PSYOP effort. What prompted me to write about this was that while this PSYOP first originated on obscure “altmedia” and (((social media))) accounts, yesterday, it was voiced by none other but Patrushev himself. RIA Novosti summarized the super-duper spy-security officer and former FSB director, saying that “a rise in radiation was registered in Poland after the destruction of ammunition with Depleted Uranium in Ukraine. [...] Radioactive cloud is moving towards Europe”1. The increase in Bi-214 was clearly precipitated by the rain, which occurred at the same time (also 1

RIA Novosti Telegram channel message, 2023.05.19, translation by me. 343

documented by UMCS). To be honest, I take radiation threat seriously, and as this uptick in radiation was “reported” by Russian disinformation bureau, I first went and checked outside radiation near recent pools of rainwater with my RAD-35 radiometer-dosimeter. This radiometer can register dose rate of up to 10mSv/h (0.1R/h). For the higher dose rate I would have needed my old soviet DP-5V, but the situation was clearly nowhere near “nuclear war” levels – RAD-35 showed normal background radiation of 0.07µSv/h. 1550J Around 1500J, pro-Russian (((social media))) accounts started trumpeting the final capture of the last houses in Bakhmut. This time, (((Prigozhyn))) confirmed the rumours. ZSU still denies the allegations, claims they hold “certain parts” of the town district “Litak” (“Airplane”, Ukr.) and their forces are engaged in heavy fighting. In other news: “Orcas have sunk 3 boats [carrying shitskins] in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same.”, Sascha Pare, 2023.05.19. Even the nature appears to be fighting off this invasion, but white nations still won’t lift a finger to help themselves. And just as I start thinking that this clown world, made by the ZOG, could never surprise me again, they go on and publish shit like this: “Why Waking Up Early Is Rooted in White Supremacy.”, Anthony Bernardi, 2023.05.19. “WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies. UK authorities are investigating an “unusual” surge in severe myocarditis which has hit 15 babies in Wales and England and has killed at least one, the World Health Organisation has announced.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.05.20. 2023.05.21

452nd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~203 160 KIAs, 3 783 MBTs, 7 398 AIVs, 6 115 wheeled transports, 425 specialized vehicles, 3 258 artillery guns, 564 MLRS, 327 AA systems, 308 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 822 UAVs, 1 011 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Note that Ukrainians never claimed the crashes of 2 helicopters and 2 fighter jets in Bryansk region as the work of their forces. Kiev was again attacked by Russians with Iranian drones. According to ZSU, all were shot down. The attack was rather weak; Ukrainians claim to have 344

shot down 4 out of 4 attacking UAVs. There were no missile attacks reported. According to Vadim Skibitskyi, Deputy Chief of HUR, Russians are able to produce only a limited amount of high-tech missiles a month: 25 Kalibrs, 35 Kh-101s, 2 Kinzhals and 5 9M723s & Iskander-Ms. Ukrainians again shelled Shebekino in Belgorod region. What is in that village that attracts Ukrainian artillery so much? There were also explosions reported in the vicinity of the airfield near Mariupol. ISW claims that Russians have relocated 2 brigades of GRU Spetsnaz from the frontline near Kreminna (Luhansk region) and Orikhiv (Zaporozhe region) to Tyotkino village in Kursk region. They speculate this move was precipitated by the alleged heavy losses these units suffered in the fighting. Russians have started claiming that Valerii Zaluzhnyi was killed or severely incapacitated by ‘Wagner’ artillery, whilst visiting Bakhmut. Ukrainians deny this vehemently, mocking the idea, but there is circumstantial evidence supporting this theory: Zaluzhnyi declined participating in NATO general staff meeting by letter (!), excluding even the possibility of remote presence via teleconference, due to “difficult operational situation” on the front line. Also, Ukrainian general hasn’t been seen in public since May 9, according to pro-Russian channels. While I can’t confirm the period, I did notice his absence from the Ukrainian MSM as of late. Putin congratulated wagnerites and soldiers of Russian Armed Forces for taking Artyomovsk (Russian name for Bakhmut). Meanwhile, Ukrainian MSM brought out the count of how many times Russians “have taken” various settlements in Ukraine, implying that Bakhmut is not completely taken. (((Zelensky))) is still in Japan, attending G7 summit. 60 000 pounds (~30t) of ammonium nitrate fertilizer went missing from the railcar slated to go from Cheyenne, Wyoming, to California. When the train stopped in Mojave Desert, the cargo was missing and the search began. Ammonium nitrate is also used to make cheap explosives, so the concern of the ZOG is understandable, although it is quite possible that the ZOG itself could be behind it. The initial explanations by the company responsible for the cargo (Dyno Nobel) are on the level of 9/11 Commission’s “Pancake Theory”: “The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were 345

still intact when it arrived in Saltdale. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit”1. It is very old news, but given the situation in Ukraine, I think this deserves to be documented: “Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews [are] in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine. [...] After Ukraine, bolstered by this support [from Israel], reestablishes control over all its territory, the current Autonomous Republic of Crimea would once again become an autonomous Jewish domain. The small-scale successor to the medieval empire of Khazaria (as the peninsula, too, was once known) would be called, in Yiddish, Chazerai. [...] As the Prime Minister has said, no one will tell Jews where they may or may not live on the historic territory of their existence as a sovereign people. [...] But then you have to expect us to exercise our historical rights somewhere else. We decided this will be on the shores of the Black Sea, [...] A veteran Middle East journalist said: “It’s problematic, but in a perverse way, brilliant. In one fell swoop, Bibi has managed to confound friend and foe alike. He’s put the ball back in the Palestinians’ court and relieved the pressure from the Americans without actually making any real concessions. Meanwhile, by lining up with the Syrian rebels and Ukraine, as well as Georgia and Azerbaijan, he compensates for the loss of the Turkish alliance and puts pressure on both Assad and Iran. And the new CypriotIsraeli gas deal props up Ukraine and weakens the economic leverage of both the Russians and the Gulf oil states. Just brilliant.” [...] Right-wing antisemitic groups pounced on the story as vindication of their conspiracy theories, claiming that this was the culmination of the Jews’ centuries-old plan to avenge the defeat of Khazaria by the Russians [actually, Kievan Rus] in the Middle Ages, a reprise of Israel’s support for Georgia in 2008. “Jews have memories as long as their noses,” one declared.” (((The Times of Israel))), (((Jim Wald))), (((Hirsh Ostropoler))) & (((I. Z. Grosser-Spass))), 2014.03.18, emphasis in bold by me. The article actually named the project as “Khazaria 2.0”, it was probably the first mention of this term. On the note of Russian ZOG being “anti-globohomo” – during the meeting of 1

“California Officials Investigating Loss of 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals”,, (((Ted Goldberg))), 2023.05.16. 346

the Council for Interethnic Relations, Putin blurted out a template phrase unequivocally used by every ZOG puppet: “Our state was built around values of multiethnic harmony. This is the bedrock foundation underlying our consolidation, which is only getting stronger in the face of external aggressions and threats. Our adversaries, that I mentioned earlier, people with neo-colonial mindsets – halfwits, in fact – are unable to realise that diversity makes us stronger.”1 I can only add another quote, albeit slightly dated, made during the shitskin invasion, which Putin’s vassal Lukashenko tried to organize against Lithuania and Poland: “The most beautiful children, it’s if uh... Egyptians, Lybians, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians marry our girls – the most beautiful children!”2 Fire started in the electric plant in Voronezh, Russia. Parts of the city are without power and water. Local (((social media))) accounts claim they heard “loud thunder”, before the plant went up in flames. In other news: “Two Australian Women Told They Broke The Law After Criticizing Trans-Identified Male Breastfeeding Child.” (((, (((Anna Slatz))), 2023.05.19. This nightmare is getting worse and worse by every passing day and there seems to be no respite at all. “Debt Ceiling Negotiations Crumble, McCarthy And Biden To Hold Sunday Call As Impasse Intensifies.” ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.05.21. “Men should fulfill the way of men while women observe the way of women, making absolutely sure that there is not the slightest confusion between their respective roles. It is therefore necessary to thoroughly defeat the propaganda and strategy of the Jews. That is to say, we must clearly point out the fallacy of their evil ideas 1

The quote is from official Kremlin site – “Meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations”,, 2023.05.19, translation on site, emphasis in bold by me. I watched the video excerpt and the quote is accurate. 2 Transcribed and translated by me from a video posted on Alfrothul, Twitter message, 2023.05.20. The phrase was uttered some time back in 2020, if my memory serves. 347

advocating freedom and equality, ideas that have dominated the world up to the present-day.” Hakuun Yasutani (安谷 白雲) 2023.05.22

453rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~203 880 KIAs, 3 785 MBTs, 7 407 AIVs, 6 129 wheeled transports, 427 specialized vehicles, 3 278 artillery guns, 565 MLRS, 327 AA systems, 309 aircraft, 294 helicopters, 2 830 UAVs, 1 011 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Tonight’s attack was directed on Dnepropetrovsk region, judging by the ZSU reports. 20 Shahed drones, 4 Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles and one Su-35 fighter jet were reportedly shot down. Ukrainian military command and MSM are in full coping mode. Not only do they refuse to admit they lost Bakhmut (which is completely insignificant achievement on the Russian part, by the way), they started claiming that they now








counterattacks allowed ZSU to retake some of the heights to the South and North of the town and somehow this is now considered as “semiencirclement”. For me, this looks like a desperate attempt to keep the Ukrainian population from questioning the competence of their “authority” figures and maybe, an effort to keep Russian attention fixed on Bakhmut direction for just a while longer. I have practically no doubt that Ukrainians started those attacks around Bakhmut only so that they could threaten Russian positions in the town even after ZSU lost the last buildings, in order to keep enemy units fixed there. But the time is running out and if ZSU doesn’t start their offensive in the coming days, Russian units, which are still combat capable could be relocated to the sectors that are threatened the most – Zaporozhe and Kherson. Russian MSM report of an intense fighting between a “Ukrainian DRG” and Russian forces near Dronovka village in Belgorod region (right on the border with Ukraine). According to the news, combat vehicles, drones and AA assets are being employed by both sides. shows extensive strikes 1

Hanna Malyar, 2023.05.21. 348

both in Belgorod region border area and in Ukraine, ranging from Dronovka to Shebekino in Russia and along the entire state border in Ukraine. A particularly heavy clustering of Ukrainian artillery fire is being reported from a triangle Kozinka-Bezymeno-Golovchino, Belgorod region. Russians are still trying to push their lame “radioactive” PSYOP. Yesterday (and especially today), news circulated on (((social media))) that the live map of Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring on the Internet site of the European Commission was stuck on the “loading” status and not showing the data. The site is indeed down; the map does





monitoring data. However, Lithuanian radioactivity monitoring site is still up and showing normal radiation background of 0.04-0.05µSv/h.




0.09µSv/h. What has most likely occurred is that Russians targeted EUssr’s monitoring site with a cyberattack, disabled it and are now trying to raise panic about it. 1524J Nexta_Live reported that Ukrainian HUR issued a statement, claiming that the

The emblem of the Legion ‘Svoboda Rossii’.

so-called Legion ‘Svoboda Rossii’ (‘Russia’s Freedom’, Ru.) and RDK (Russian Volunteer Corps) are conducting military operation within Belgorod region. It is worth noting that after the first incursion in Bryansk region, Ukraine denied any connection with RDK, and even the fact that it exists. Yes, it looks like diversionary attacks in Russian border areas are in full swing to draw off Russian units from Zaporozhe. ‘Strelkov’ has predicted as much. I personally did not regard the probability of significant Ukrainian incursions into Russia proper as high, mainly because I would not have chosen such course of action myself. 1616J Nexta reports that Legion ‘Svoboda Rossii’ has taken not only Kozinka but also Gora-Podol and continues to press the attack towards Grayvoron. Reportedly, there are traffic jams forming on the roads leading out of Belgorod. 349

1734J There are unconfirmed reports of Russian Mi-8 helicopter shot down in Belgorod region. Russians declared plans “Perekhvat” (“Interception”, Ru.) and “Edelweiss” to be in effect in the Belgorod region. All police forces were mobilized. Russians still call it an “operation to destroy enemy DRG”, though it looks more like a full blown raid. Podolyak piped in, saying that “Ukraine has no direct relation with the events in Belgorod”. According to some Russian channels, the 74th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade was sent to “deal with the DRG”. Curious fact: directly on the road from Kozinka to Borisovka, there’s a village Golovchino. ~4.5km NW of Golovchino there’s a nuclear weapon storage base, military unit No. 25624 12 of Central Command, “Obyekt 1150”. 1838J Belgorod regional governor stated that the region is now under the status of “counterterrorism operation”. 2234J (((Social media))) are awash with rumours of what is happening in Belgorod region. The roads are clearly jammed with traffic, as multiple videos show – Russian civilians are trying desperately to get away from the area were fighting could affect them. Russians were employing helicopters extensively, judging by the







residential areas in Belgorod/Grayvoron and releasing countermeasures1. The governor of The emblem of RDK.

Belgorod region published filmed address to the people, asking them “not to panic”. Everything

from this point on should be taken as “allegedly”: The road bridge over Grayvoronka River has been demolished. Grayvoron police station was captured by the “DRG”, which is clearly not a DRG, but a sizeable Ukrainian/Russian-opposition force. Pro-Ukrainian attacks were also reported in Bezludovka, Lubimovka and Churovichi. “Russian insurgents” claim to 1

Flares, designed to give off heat signature and confuse any heat-seeking missiles. 350

have captured one Russian T-72B3 during the fighting. Russians, in their turn, claimed they have recaptured Glotovo. An explosion was reported in Voronezh, allegedly caused by Russian aviation. Whatever the truth, it is highly doubtful that this raid will be over by tomorrow, as was the case with previous excursion into Bryansk region. In other news: “‘Shitty White filth!’ Young couple attacked by group of 10 migrants during evening stroll through Nice. The male victim managed to fend off the two initial assailants who then called for reinforcements and savagely attacked the young White couple. [...] The couple was walking down Boulevard de Gorbella in the southern French city when they were approached by two teenagers with whom they made eye contact. The two suspects reportedly proceeded to utter racist insults at the young couple. According to the victims’ lawyer, Rudy Amsellem, the couple were called, “Shitty French filth, White filth.” They were subsequently set upon by the two migrant youths, although the male victim, known as Noam, who reportedly has training in a combat sport, fended off his attackers who fled. However, the two minors, dissatisfied with the outcome, contacted associates gathered in a nearby apartment who came to their aid, and the young couple soon found themselves the target of an attack by approximately 10 assailants.”, Thomas Brooke, 2023.05.17. “We must be aware of the existence of the demonic teachings of the Jews who assert things like [the existence of] equality in the phenomenal world, thereby disturbing public order in our nation’s society and destroying governmental control. Not only this, these demonic conspirators hold the deep-rooted delusion and blind belief that, as far as the essential nature of human beings is concerned, there is, by nature, differentiation between superior and inferior. They are caught up in the delusion that they alone have been chosen by God and are therefore an exceptionally superior people.” Hakuun Yasutani (安谷 白雲) “Dystopia” is too weak a word to describe what is happening in the (((West))):


“At the time she [Clare Nowland, 95yo woman] was tasered1, uhm, she was approaching police, uhm, but it is fair to say, ah, at a slow pace. She had a walking frame2. [long pause] But she had a knife!”3 Assist. Comm. Peter Cotter, NSW Police. “Clare Nowland: Police 'don't intend' to release video of 95-year-old's Tasering. [...] Clare Nowland, 95, is in critical condition after an officer discharged the weapon at a care home in Cooma, New South Wales (NSW), on Wednesday.” BBC, 2023.05.21. “Canadian waterskier Micky Geller dies 'suddenly' at age 18. The Carp, Ont. native was a freshman at University of Louisiana-Layfayette.” Toronto Sun, Dan Bilicki, 2023.05.19. 2023.05.23

454th Day of the Prelude War

An explosion was reported in Belgorod’s regional FSB HQ tonight; it was caused by a drone. Russians attacked Ukraine with UAVs as well. ZSU claimed to have shot down 6 Shahed and 2 Merlin-BP drones. In the updated Ukrainian MoD infographic of Russian losses, one helicopter was added to the number, which confirms that Ukraine does have “direct relation” to the “events in Belgorod”. The Mi-8 crash there was the only Russian helicopter loss reported yesterday. The raid into Belgorod turned into trolling campaign for the Ukrainians. Yesterday, Mikhailo Podolyak tweeted this (the same Twitter message, which claimed that Ukraine has no direct relation with the events in Belgorod region):


Taser is an electric shock device, meant to temporarily incapacitate an opponent. Commonly used as a “non-lethal” weapon, it is known to cause death or severe injury to people with heart condition, very young, old and infirm. 2 A light-weight metal frame, specially designed to accommodate movement of very old and frail people; it is held with both hands and shuffled forward with each step, intermediately supporting the weight of the upper body. 3 Transcribed by me from a video posted on Avi Yemini Twitter account on 2023.05.20. 352

“As it is known, tanks are sold in any Russian voyentorg1 and underground partisan units consist of Russian citizens.”2 That was a clear reference to Putin’s declarations after Crimean annexation and fighting in Donbas. At the accusations of Russian Special Forces, judging by the uniforms, involvement in the cessation of Crimea, Putin retorted that those uniforms can be bought in any voyentorg. And when Ukrainians started reporting taking Russian servicemen prisoners in Donbas, he claimed that all separatist forces consisted of Ukrainian citizens and Russians “on vacation”. Needless to say, Podolyak’s Twitter message created somewhat furious reaction on Russian propaganda channels. Ukrainians also noticed the “unfortunate” coincidence: Putin has called “shameful” the name of one of the Ukrainian brigades – ‘Edelweiss’3 and then suddenly – Russians enact an emergency plan “Edelweiss”. This world is silly, this war is silly and the globe is inhabited by utter idiots.

The development of the Belgorod raid on 2023.05.22, according to RYBAR. Visualization is mine.


A conflated abbreviation of “Military Store” (Ru.) – during soviet times, a special store in the military base; currently means military surplus store. 2 Translation by me. 3 “Shameful”, because German 1st Mountain Division was named ‘Edelweiss’ during WW2. 353

Peskov said that Ukrainian raid into Belgorod region raises “deep concern”. Old political blather instincts die hard. Russian MoD’s Pravda1 voice Konashenkov, claims that Ukrainian incursion into Belgorod region has been “blocked and destroyed, remnants of the nationalists were repelled back to the Ukrainian territory, where they were continued to be shelled until complete elimination”. Konashenkov said that Russian forces killed over 70 Ukrainian “terrorists” and destroyed 4 AIVs & 5 pickup trucks. Konashenkov is fast becoming the (((Cramer)))2 of the military news. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX. 1544J Rumours fly that Ukrainians (or the Russian volunteers) have entered Russian territory in two more places – Gorkovskiy and Shchetinovka - BogunGorodok. 1648J A tractor spare parts factory is burning in Kursk, according to local Telegram channels. 2100J Vyacheslav Gladkov, the governor of Belgorod region, declared that the status of anti-terrorist operation has ceased to be in effect in the region. Russians published pictures and a video of destroyed and captured Ukrainian vehicles in Belgorod region, allegedly proving that at least some territory was recaptured. According to Zlatti71 (pro-Russian Serbian) Twitter account3, the total count is as follows: 2 American armoured cars M1224 MaxxPro (both captured), 2 American armoured cars HMMWV M1151A1 (both damaged and 1

Truth (Ru.), it was also the name of main soviet newspaper, notoriously printing anything but. 2 (((James Joseph Cramer))) – a hedge fund manager, bankster and whatnot. Most infamous, because he always gives the financial prognosis opposite of what transpires in reality. He has become an almost 100% trustworthy reverse-indicator of financial swings – if he tells you to buy stocks, sell them as fast as you can and vice versa. 3 Posted on 2023.05.23, 2032 Twitter time (depending on the time zone of the poster). 354

abandoned), 1 American cargo armoured car HMMWV M1152A1 (destroyed), 1 Ukrainian armoured car KRAZ COBRA (destroyed) and 1 Polish armoured car AMZ Dzik-2 (destroyed). Some of the pictures and parts of video have raised legitimate questions as to their veracity1. ‘Strelkov’ is equally perplexed at the conflicting news coming from Russian MoD, Belgorod region and Russian (((social media))). On one hand, we have the cancelation of anti-terrorist operation, MoD declaration of full destruction of the incursion force and on the other – we hear that Ukrainian forces still hold Kozinka, parts of Glotovo and contest villages of Gorkovskiy, Shchetinovka and Bogun-Gorodok. Joseph Borrell (that one EUssr drone with an extra-long job description) declared that Ukrainian pilots have started training on F-16 fighter jets. 2230J Just an hour ago, first altmedia and then MSM started reporting that Russian MoD issued a statement. Apparently, Russian Su-27 fighter jet intercepted two USAF B-1B bombers over the Baltic Sea. The statement sounded as follows: “On March 23, 2023, Russia’s airspace surveillance spotted two air targets approaching the state border of the Russian Federation over the Baltic Sea. An Su-27 fighter from the Baltic Fleet’s air defense quick reaction alert forces was scrambled to identify the air targets and prevent the violation of the Russian state border.”2 In other news: “Bud Light to buy back unsold beer following Dylan Mulvaney crisis.”, (((Ariel Zilber))), 2023.05.22. Pashinyan declared that Armenia is ready to acknowledge Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan territory, but needs guarantees of safety for the local Armenian population from Baku. The “opposition activist” Roman Protasevich, who was arrested after the forced landing of Ryan Air plane in Belarus in 2021, has been released from the prison. He spilled the beans on how the protests in Belarus were organized in 2020, while his parents in Poland kvetched that he was being tortured and coerced into giving these testimonies. While other opposition 1

Some of the questions were later resolved in favour of Russians. As quoted in “Russia: Su-27 jet intercepted US bombers over Baltic Sea, prevented border violation”, Al Arabiya News, Tuqa Khalid, 2023.05.23. 2


activists are rotting in Lukashenko’s jails, get tortured and even die there, this round-faced blubber-boy got released 2 years after the arrest, looking even fatter than before! His amnesty order was signed on May 16 this year, but it was announced only now (yesterday). “Gemma O’Doherty posts videos praising Hitler and claiming Holocaust is hoax. “Once you start researching the Holocaust, it is absolutely shocking – it doesn’t add up at all...” [...] The Jewish Representative Council of Ireland has made calls for Holocaust denial to be made a criminal offence as it is in Canada, Germany and Austria.” Sunday World, Eamon Dillon, 2023.05.22. Verily, holohoax is so widely known historical fact that you need laws criminalizing even questioning it. Let’s put people in jail for raising questions about it; that will surely teach them to love (((us)))! “Ray Stevenson, ‘RRR’ and ‘Thor’ actor, dead at 58. [...] No additional information about the cause of his death was immediately available.” CNN, (((Alli Rosenbloom))), 2023.05.22. “Rashid Buttar1 who has died aged 57 said a few days ago that he was poisoned after CNN interview.”, Neil Hague, 2023.05.21. “Alarm bells: U.S. senators are being given satellite phones to prepare for potential communication blackout.”,



2023.05.23. “Prepare for a disease even deadlier than Covid, WHO chief warns.” Daily Mail, Emily Craig, 2023.05.23.


(((Wikipedia))) describes Rashid Ali Buttar as “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxxer”. He campaigned extensively against COVID19 “vaccine”. So, all in all, an alright pahjeet. 356



455th Day of the Prelude War

nother telling testimony about the very beginning of the war was given by Pavel Gubarev1: “We went in [into Ukraine] on March 2, I crossed the border, in

2022, into the Chernobyl Zone, and I counted 6 burnt columns [of vehicles], ours, simply burnt. After that, they [Ukrainians] blew up all the bridges. A traffic jam formed and because of it, somehow, we were delayed for a week. The traffic jam of 2 000 vehicles – tanks, BTRs, kamazes, urals2, 2 000. Brits later took footage from above with satellites, entire world was shocked. And why didn’t we move? Because [the command] started searching for pontoon bridges, and it turned out there were none – spizdili3.”4

Aksyonov, the governor of occupied Crimea, declared that Kerch Bridge has been closed for all traffic due to military exercise. White cloud of smoke and puffs of black smoke were photographed over the bridge. Nexta claims that Russian intelligence gathering ship “Ivan Khurs” (project 18280) was attacked by USVs. The extent (or presence, for that matter) of damage to the ship has not been confirmed. RYBAR reported that this happened during the crossing of Bosporus Strait, there were three USVs and that the ship successfully repelled the attack. Note: Bosporus strait is closed for military vessels by the decision of Turkey back in 2022, soon after the start of RussoUkrainian War, so Russian claim is suspect on this count alone. 1

Pavel Yuryevich Gubarev (Russian: Па́вел Ю́рьевич Гу́барев, pronounced; or Pavlo Yuriyovych Hubariev Ukrainian: Павло Юрійович Губарєв; born 10 February 1983) is a Ukrainian-born Russian political figure and soldier who proclaimed himself the "People's Governor" of the Donetsk Region at the Regional Assembly on 3 March 2014, after separatists seized the building. Gubarev had earlier declared himself leader of the Donbas People's Militia. Since then, he has been sidelined by other separatist leaders and was banned from taking part in the 2014 Donbas parliamentary elections. These elections also eliminated the post of "People's Governor" (Wikipedia). 2 Kamaz and Ural are brands of Russian lorries. 3 Literally – cunted off (Ru.) – i.e. stole. 4 Transcribed and translated by me from a video excerpt posted on Nexta. 357

“Przygotujmy się na powstanie na Białorusi, bo to się stanie. Chodzi o to, żebyśmy nie przespali tego momentu [...].Trzeba być gotowym do wsparcia tych oddziałów, które będą prowadziły operację przeciwko Łukaszence. Mamy powody, żeby im pomagać, tak jak pomagamy Ukraińcom.” Translation by me: “Let’s prepare for an uprising in Belarus, because it will happen. It’s about us not oversleeping that moment [...] It is necessary to be ready to support those units that will conduct the operation against Lukashenko. We have reasons to help them, like we help Ukrainians.” Gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak, during an interview on the program “Gość Wydarzeń” (Guest of Events, Pol.) on Polsat TV, 2023.05.23. Interestingly enough, Russian MSM1 mistranslated the very first word in this quote – instead of “let’s prepare” (przygotujmy się), they wrote “we are preparing” (przygotujemy się). Then again, it is possible that my Polish is a bit rusty. RDK and ‘Svoboda Rossii’ gave an “impromptu” press conference after returning from the raid in Belgorod region. So first of all, the story is finished, though there still remain a lot of questions. Second, RDK claimed they had lost only couple of fighters and even they were merely 300’s, i.e. wounded. They also claim that they lost no vehicles and in fact captured some, coming out with a profit. ‘Svoboda Rossii’ was slightly more modest in their claims and admitted 2 KIAs and 10 WIAs. These days both sides lie so much that it is impossible to tell what the actual truth is. Not to be outdone by his vassal Lukashenko, Putin issued his own globohomo statement: “After Alexander of Macedon conquered Iran [Persia], he stimulated mixed marriages. Stimulated! Like, almost artificially. Whereas it happens naturally for us, for centuries, on household genetic level2. It creates a huge safety pillow [net] and [unintelligible] basis for our 1

RIA Novosti and all the others that quoted RIA, Nexta_Live as well. Whatever “on household genetic level” (na bytovom geneticheskom urovnie) is, will remain a mystery for the ages. 2


inter-ethnic and mezhkonsfesionalnogo [horribly mumbled-up word for “inter-religious”] unity.”1 (((Prigozhyn))) issued his interview regarding current situation. Amidst the flood of suka blyats and other gutter and gopnik language, there was one thing that caught everybody’s attention – he admitted losing over 20 000 wagnerites killed in the assault on Bakhmut. ‘Strelkov’ rightfully remarked that, even if this number is correct (he thinks that it is at least 1.5 times bigger), it would mean additional 20 000 “irreplaceable losses” – wounded beyond capability to return to combat duty. ‘Strelkov went further and dissected the wagnerite numbers given by (((Prigozhyn))): 50 000 convicts were recruited for the war, 10 000 were killed. At the same time, (((Prigozhyn))) claimed that 26 000 convicts were pardoned and returned to Russia, after serving their term in ‘Wagner’. 50 000-26 000-10 000 and we get a discrepancy of 14 000 zeks, who most probably “vaporized into thin air”. In conclusion, ‘Strelkov’ wrote: “Let’s count: 35 thousand fighters at the start of the operation. We add 50 thousand ZeKa [convicts] = 85 thousand. We subtract 40 thousand killed and wounded (I take minimum) and 26 thousand freed after the completion of a half-year shtrafbat [penal battalion] = 66 thousand. 85 – 66 = 19”2 In other news: An “AI” generated fake picture of an explosion near Pentagon crashed stock prices for a short time. It only goes to show the low intelligence of those running things in our world. Mount Etna is again erupting, showering the nearby settlements with ash rain. During these past couple of months an especially large number of American female teachers were caught having sex with their underage students. At least four or five (maybe even more, because I haven’t been paying attention to this particular “trend”) were on the news, which is an increase from the usual one or two in a year (in the USA). People are going completely nuts.


Transcribed and translated by me from a video of Putin’s teleconference with the representatives of Russia’s ethnic “minorities”, posted on UBERSOY Twitter account, 2023.05.24. 2 Translated by me from ‘Strelkov’s Telegram channel, 2023.05.24. 359


456th Day of the Prelude War

Hanna Malyar claimed yesterday that ZSU still holds positions in “Litak” district of Bakhmut. Overall situation in the sector remains complicated, but she noted that intensity of the combat has decreased – Russians reverted to using artillery and somewhat stopped ground attacks. ZSU claimed to have shot down all 36 Shahed drones that attacked Ukraine tonight. Smoke was noticed in the main building of Russian MoD in Moscow. However, TASS, which reported the smoke first, soon denied there was fire in the building. Locals complained about acrid smell from the smoke. (((Prigozhyn’s))) press service announced ‘Wagner’ is withdrawing its units from Bakhmut. The positions will be taken by regular Russian Army troops. Russia closed its main consulate in Göteborg, Sweden, and simultaneously recalled their permission for the Swedish consulate in St. Petersburg. Russia also expelled 5 Swedish diplomats. Iran demonstrated its newest ballistic missile Khorramshahr-4. It has the range of 2 000km and can carry 1 500kg payload. Just yesterday, Russians published a video showing the destruction of an attacking Ukrainian USV, allegedly from “Ivan Khurs”. This gave great credibility to their claim that none of the attacking drones reached the ship. Today, a video was posted on Telegram and later spread to Twitter, showing the footage of one Ukrainian USV that actually reached “Ivan Khurs”. How much damage the attack inflicted upon the ship is unclear. I have but one question – Russians know that there is always video feed from the USV, which is being recorded by the operators. So, if they were hit by one, why did they still claim that all naval drones were destroyed before reaching the ship? Zaluzhnyi made an appearance in a short video, clearly meant to troll Russians and their claims of his demise. It is quite possible that the entire “disappearance” was also staged to encourage Russians to spread these rumours. RDK and Ukrainian HUR claimed that Russian volunteers have again infiltrated Belgorod region and posted video, allegedly confirming it. 360

‘Wagner’ and ZSU conducted POW exchange. 106 Ukrainians were returned, the number of Russian POWs was not published. In other news: “Jim Caviezel blows lid off child trafficking, Epstein Island, Hollywood in Steve Bannon interview. 'Epstein Island isn't the only island out there where they have… children,' the Passion of the Christ actor told Steve Bannon.”, Stephen Kokx, 2023.05.23. It will no doubt go (((unnoticed))) by the MSM. “Former Teen Star Ricky Schroder Exposes Hollywood's Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.” A video on, TheLibertyDaily account, 2023.05.25. “Germany: Gang rapes hit another record high in 2022, half of offenses committed by foreigners. While foreigners make up 14 percent of the population, they account for 50 percent of all gang rapes in Germany.”, John Cody, 2023.05.25. Bearing in mind the nature of Germans, I would say the other half of the rapes were done by the “new Germans”. 2023.05.26

457th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~205 720 KIAs, 3 796 MBTs, 7 435 AIVs, 6 161 wheeled transports, 446 specialized vehicles, 3 384 artillery guns, 570 MLRS, 328 AA systems, 310 aircraft, 296 helicopters, 2 910 UAVs, 1 015 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Note: I must stress once more that even beyond the usual doubts one should have about the official Ukrainian numbers, some positions in the list are dubious all by themselves – KIAs are actually named as “liquidated personnel”, which could include WIAs, whether incapacitated or light; “artillery guns” could (and most probably do) include mortars of various calibres; “wheeled transports” could encompass civilian vehicles; “specialized vehicles” is a very spacious term that could button up over much more than radar, command, surveillance, bridging, salvaging, engineer, EW etc. vehicles; UAVs and “naval vessels” could also range between kamikaze drones (which self-destruct in any case), attack drones and small civilian quadrocopters, while naval vessels could include targets as big as “Moskva” and as small as patrol boats. Another massive aerial attack on Ukraine. Hits were reported in Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions. Ukrainian AA defences shot down 10 Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles, 23 Shahed and 2 Orlan/Merlin drones. One of those that got through, hit a clinic in Dnipro; 3 civilians were killed, 23 wounded, 361

according to Ukrainian MSM. Russian channels blamed this impact on “Ukrainian SAMs that have “redirected” Russian missile away from the military target it was intended for”. Ukrainians, in their turn, sent a drone to Krasnodar tonight. Russian sources did not mention what was hit or what was drone’s target. A most satisfying video was posted on the Internet today. The veracity is still in question, as it bore the watermark of Readovka – a pro-Russian Telegram channel. The video depicted a man, lying in a pool of blood with a ventilated head, and narrator’s voice, which explained what has happened: “This is what just happened in our unit. Kombata zakhuyarili nakhui [Battalion commander was whacked completely]. Yegor, rotnyi [company commander] killed kombat Anatolich, simply with a shot to the head. [female paramedic screams] It’s over, blyat. Over. [They] wanted to send us na myaso1, whereas Yegor [did this] for us. Now that is rotniy! The guy solved it for us.”2 Unfortunately, Russians don’t follow good examples, although they are in much greater need of fragging3 incidents. ‘Strelkov’ posted information that Russians themselves have dug through the naval tracking map and figured out that Russian forces are towing “Ivan Khurs” back to home port, either to Novorossiysk or Sevastopol. If this is true, it proves that the damage from the USV was serious enough to put the vessel adrift and requiring assistance. In other news: Elon Musk’s “Neuralink” received FDA approval to start 1

Na myaso (Ru.) – to send soldiers on a “meat grinder” attack – an unsupported, suicidal attack, usually in an unfavourable terrain. 2 Transcribed and translated by me from Readovka video posted on their Telegram channel on 2023.05.25. Noteworthy was the lack of any information about the event – unit, place or time of the incident. 3 Fragging is the deliberate or attempted killing of a soldier, usually a superior, by a fellow soldier. U.S. military personnel coined the word during the Vietnam War, when such killings were most often committed or attempted with a fragmentation grenade, to make it appear that the killing was accidental or during combat with the enemy. The term fragging now encompasses any deliberate killing of military colleagues (Wikipedia). 362

human trials for their brain-computer chip/link-up. Serbian President declared “maximal combat readiness” in country’s Armed Forces, again. Kosovo is stirring and Serbia puffed up its chest again, only for all of that to calm down in a day. Balkans! 2023.05.27

458th Day of the Prelude War

Shebekino is under fire from Ukrainian artillery today. I understand Tyotkino strikes, as there were reports of Russian GRU Spetsnaz brigades being relocated there for refitting and reinforcements, but what the heck is in Shebekino that warrants ceaseless shelling for some months now? Yesterday,









Unfortunately, not that New York – on a small town in Donbas. A very large explosion was reported in Berdyansk. Russians published a video depicting the return of “Ivan Khurs” to Sevastopol’s port. Both sides of the ship were shown and no damage was visible. The name of the ship has been painted over for some reason. Ukrainians naturally expressed their doubts whether this was “Ivan Khurs”. She has a sister ship, one other vessel of this type. Russian MoFA issued their renewed demands for Ukraine in order to conclude ceasefire or peace treaty. Mikhail Galuzin, the Russian Deputy MoFA, in his interview for TASS, listed the following: Ukrainian neutrality reestablished and re-affirmed; no NATO or EUssr membership; ZSU ceases combat; the West abstains from weapon deliveries; Ukraine acknowledges the reality of current situation, i.e. recognizes referenda in all occupied territories; securing the safety of Donbas inhabitants (whatever that means after previous points have been established); demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine (we’re back to that song again); removal of threats to Russia’s security stemming from the territory of Ukraine; and finally – the legalization of Russian language as state tongue in Ukraine. Needless to say, the Ukrainian government laughed it off. 1938J There are reports of clashes on Afghan-Iranian border and pictures of Taliban transporting artillery, allegedly towards the area. The latest rumour said that Taliban has captured the border post of Iranian forces.


In other news: “Deaths of suspected 30,000 mRNA vaxx victims will not be investigated by a senate inquiry. A motion put to the senate by Senator Ralph Babet on May 24 to establish an inquiry to investigate an excess, non-covid related death rate of 17 per cent, or some 30,000 suspected vaccination victims in the Australian population was defeated by one vote.”, 2023.05.26. “Only 10g of meat per day! New guidelines for the Germans. German Society for Nutrition (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE)) regularly gives new recommendations for the population’s diet. The forthcoming guidelines apparently foresee radical renunciation of meat. These plans are to be also incorporated into the new nutrition strategy of the Federal Government.”, 2023.05.27, translation by me. “Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit. A 60year-old home movie could finally reveal whether multiple shooters, and not a lone gunman, assassinated President John F. Kennedy – but the federal government has been hiding it for decades, according to an explosive new lawsuit.” New York Post, Mary Kay Linge, 2023.05.27. And somehow, MSM still think that “conspiracy theorist” is a derogatory slur. 2023.05.28

459th Day of the Prelude War

Taliban officially declared the war against Iran. So, we finally got a clearer picture of why Americans withdrew from Afghanistan and left all their military equipment to the “victorious” mujahedeen. Afghans were to become proxy arm against Iran, allowing to wage war against the enemy of the Great Golem and Israel without direct involvement. Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~206 600 KIAs, 3 797 MBTs, 7 456 AIVs, 6 192 wheeled transports, 451 specialized vehicles, 3 425 artillery guns, 574 MLRS, 329 AA systems, 313 aircraft, 298 helicopters, 2 993 UAVs, 1 056 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Note: Yesterday, ZSU issued a correction to their daily update of Russian losses (~1940J), changing several positions: they added 3 MBTs in the morning and subtracted 5 in the correction; +7 AIVs and added further 7 in the afternoon; +11 wheeled transports and +11 in the correction; +22 arty guns and +8 more later; +2 MLRS and +2 later; they added 3 aircraft and 2 helicopters in the afternoon correction; +31 UAV and further +49 in the afternoon; +10 missiles in the 364

morning and +31 in the afternoon. Such a correction has not occurred hitherto, and the numbers corrected were rather significant. There were no MSM reporting on the reason or the nature of the new numbers. Ukrainians claim to have shot down 52 Shahed drones tonight. Most of the wave was directed at Kiev, as per the information from (((Klitschko))), the mayor of the city. There were reports of explosions in former AzovStal factory territory in Mariupol. According to Ukrainian MSM, Russians used the complex for NURS1 storage. In other news: Viktor Orban congratulated Erdogan of Turkey with winning the elections, though there was no official confirmation of the fact yet. At 0800J, 75% of votes were counted and Erdogan was predictably leading with 53.4%. 2023.05.29

460th Day of the Prelude War

Russians launched against Ukraine again. 6 missiles and 10 UAVs were shot down, ZSU claimed. According to some Western media, Iran has established a reliable route for Shahed drone deliveries through the Caspian Sea, which can not be easily disrupted by the opposing forces, as it is surrounded by nearallies of Russia. This is believed to be the cause of recent massive attack waves by Iranian made UAVs. Pashinyan and Aliyev were “trying” to come to an agreement, with Putin as a “moderator”. No middle ground was reached and after diplomatically shitting on each other, the two parted ways. Pashinyan declared that there was no consensus-based agreement to sign. Shebekino, Belgorod region, is under fire again. There are explosions in central Kiev, according to (((Klitschko))). According to Belorussian opposition, Lukashenko was hospitalized after his meeting with Putin and his condition is allegedly deemed as “nontransportable”. Putin signed the denunciation of the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in 1

NURS – Neupravlyayemiy Raketniy Snaryad (Ru.) – Unguided Rocket Projectile. 365

Europe act into law. For the past couple of days, one of the main topics on the (((MSM))), both in the West and in Russia, has been the footage of Lindsey Graham’s (Senator for South Carolina, US) and (((Zelensky’s))) conversation in Kiev: (((V.Z.))) – “Now we are free. And we will be.” L.G. – “And the Russians are dying. [...]1 [It’s] the best money we’ve [the US] ever spent.” This was enough to send Russian establishment screaming bloody. An arrest order was issued on the Western ZOG puppet Lindsey Graham. Russian MoFA issued multiple statements, while Russian (((MSM))) was falling over each other cursing and spitting, calling it an open statement of American intent to kill Russians. After the editing fact was mentioned, Russian MoFA said that if Lindsey Graham’s statement was “torn out of the context”, he should issue a statement to that effect. Zakharova rightly commented also that in the West, there was no condemnation of the video editing done by the (((Ukraine’s Presidential Office))). The situation between Kosovo and Serbia continues to escalate. Serbian Army has started moving towards the Kosovar border and the clashes between local Albanians and Serbs intensified. NATO’s KFOR forces were reportedly employed to “calm down” the situation, but succeeded in making it worse by physically manhandling protesters (unsurprisingly Serbs) and using stun grenades on the crowds. In other news: Well, Viktor Orban was merely foreshadowing the inevitable. Erdogan won over Kilicdaroglu with ~52% vs. ~48% votes. “Democracy” has triumphed once again. Slight majority of Turks might even be for Erdogan – he has done well by them (relatively) over the years, but I have no doubt it was not without a “slight” help by some proper dictatorial shenanigans. However, Erdogan managed to portray this farce in the best tradition of Western (((democracy))), creating perfect illusion of the “free process”. Lukashenko should have paid attention to Erdogan’s ways of conducting 1

The video was cut here, so that these two sentences were presented next to each other. The editing of the video prior to the release was done by (((Zelensky’s))) office. 366

elections. Likewise unsurprisingly, the ZOG puppets in the USA “came to an agreement” pertaining the raise of the debt ceiling. All that huffing and puffing did was to divert sheeple’s attention for a bit longer. “Abbas and an unknown man raped a girl near preschool – the Court of Appeal: “not a grave crime”. The Court of Appeal supported district court’s decision.” Fria Tider, 2023.05.23, translation by me. The best commentary to this was: “This is what a nation looks like when it is in the midst of committing suicide in order not to be thought of as “racist”.”, Robert Spencer, 2023.05.29. “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is now so huge and permanent that a coastal ecosystem is thriving on it, scientists say.” CNN, Ivana Kottasova, 2023.04.18. And there I was, thinking that this was solved by banning plastic cocktail straws! 2023.05.30

461st Day of the Prelude War

Russians again launched a massive attack on Kiev tonight. 29 out of 31 Shaheds were reportedly shot down. This morning, Ukrainian UAVs attacked Moscow. At least couple of apartment buildings were hit; according to Russian MoD, 8 UAVs participated in the attack, 3 were “suppressed by the EW1 countermeasures”, the rest were allegedly shot down by Pantsir-S systems. Russian MoD called this attack a “terrorist act”. Soon, nuclear threats followed, which had been put slightly on a backburner for a while. Oleg Nilov, the member of Russian Duma, said this – “Российское тактическое ядерное оружие недолго будет стоять зачехлённым”2. Of course, he is as inconsequential as Medvedev, but then again, even if it would have come from Putin it would mean absolutely the same – more threats without any intent to carry them out. The kike-in-chief declared that he conducted a meeting with the ZSU High Command on the question of “the timetable of movement of Ukrainian forces”, clearly hinting at the “imminent” start of “die Großoffensive”. Lately, 1

Electronic Warfare. Russian tactical nuclear weapon won’t be standing covered for long, (Ru.) – “covered” meaning “in storage”, translation by me. 2


the topic has cropped up on the Ukrainian MSM again, with some Ukrainian (((officials))) claiming it has already begun, others saying it will begin shortly, and the third part of the (((talking heads))) saying they need more Western weapon deliveries to conduct the attack. (((Prigozhyn))) continues to shit profusely on the Russian MoD, clearly aiming for the highest political career. I am rather foul mouthed, but this gopnik is on another level altogether – 10min of his “speech”, if censored, would amount to one coherent sentence. But it seems Russians like this style. A zek kike as the President of Russia, now that would be an experience! 1421J Ukrainian MSM cite ZSU Command ‘South’ as saying that Russians have sortied 12 missile launch capable ships into the Black Sea. According to the report, each has a capacity of 24 missiles, which means Russians could be planning to send up to 288 missiles towards Ukraine. This would clearly be their response to the morning UAV attack on Moscow, as Russian MoD threatened to use “harshest possible measures” against Kiev regime. There are rumours that Hungarian KFOR soldiers refused to intervene against Serbs in Kosovo. Instead of engaging the protesters, Hungarians lowered their riot shields and just stood by, which elicited shouts of gratitude from the crowds, judging by the video. Russia continues making a complete joke out of itself. Their MoFA “decisively condemned attempted terrorist attacks by ZSU”, their MoI issued a warrant for the arrest of Valerii Zaluzhnyi and Putin nailed it all together by saying that Moscow AA defence worked in a “satisfactory” manner, although there was “room for improvement”. To the question of how Russia intends to react, he said “we’ll see what to do about it”. Lately, I've been wondering what's been going on I've been here before, but I don't remember when And every time we get to where we're entering I feel my beliefs and hopes surrendering Jack Savoretti, “Soldier’s Eyes” In other news: “EXCLUSIVE: The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of never-beforeseen emails and calendars gives unprecedented insight into late pedophile's


network of power and influence that includes Chris Rock1, Peter Thiel2, Richard Branson3 and Irina Shayk4.” Daily Mail, Daniel Bates, 2023.05.30. Lefty ZOG government in Spain collapsed, after the municipal elections turned sour for them. In view of the massive disdain the people showed for the globohomo progression in the country, the PM was forced to declare premature parliamentary election. 2023.05.31

462nd Day of the Prelude War

Shebekino was shelled again. According to the Russian governor of the region, the town came under “massive strike”; 4 people were wounded. Today, Russian authorities intend to evacuate children from Shebekino and Grayvoron districts. (((Zelensky))) declared that “Ukraine won’t even be thinking of any negotiations with Russia, until the occupation force is withdrawn from the entire territory of the country”. Meanwhile, (((Reuters))) claims that Ukraine has agreed to reopen Russian ammonia pipeline in return for the “grain deal” prolongation. Voyna voynoy, a obed po raspisaniyu!5 In other news: Wildfires in Halifax, Canada, continue to spread, despite all efforts to contain




evacuation of the inhabitants was started in the region. NASA organized a live pressconference, where a panel of Smoke plume from the wildfires in Nova Scotia. 1

An American nigger actor. A German-American billionaire and a co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund. 3 A British billionaire, owner of the Virgin Airlines. 4 Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova, Russian model and TV “personality”. 5 A hardly translatable idiomatic Russian expression, roughly meaning “War or no war, but the diner must come as scheduled”. 2


eggheads1 discussed the documented sighting of UAPs2. From all the intentionally vague and meandering jargon, one could discern the main underlying theme – there are documented sightings of UAPs, which imply extra-terrestrial presence. Why NASA is finally opening Overton Window3 on this topic at this particular moment remains to be seen. “RAF told to ‘stop choosing useless white male pilots’, leak reveals. [...] In an email dated Jan 19, 2021, Squadron Leader Andrew Harwin, who worked in the Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre, discussed the boarding process where candidates are chosen to pursue certain training courses. He wrote: “I noted that the boards have recently been predominantly white male heavy. “If we don’t have enough BAME4 and female to board then we need to make the decision to pause boarding and seek more BAME and female from the RAF. “I don’t really need to see loads of useless white male pilots, let’s get as focused as possible, I am more than happy to reduce boarding if needed to have a balanced BAME/female/male board”.” Yahoo, Danielle Sheridan, 2023.05.31. 2023.06.01

463rd Day of the Prelude War

Russians launched a salvo of Iskander missiles at Kiev. Each side is now trying to portray the other one in making these attacks as Vergeltungsangriff5 for the previous “insult”. Russians claim Ukrainians launched on Moscow, because Russian attack destroyed a command post, and Ukrainians say that the intensified attacks on Kiev are the answer for drones in Moscow. The UAV attack on Moscow had targeted Novo Agaryovo among other things, which is 1

“Scientists”. Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, previously known as UFOs. 3 The term is named after American policy analyst Joseph Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences. [...] The Overton window is an approach to identifying the ideas that define the spectrum of acceptability of governmental policies. It says politicians can act only within the acceptable range. Shifting the Overton window involves proponents of policies outside the window persuading the public to expand the window (Wikipedia). 4 Black, Asian and Minority Ethic. 5 Revenge attack, (Ger.). 2


where Putin has one of his residences. (((Prigozhyn))) took over ‘Strelkov’s narrative in full and called for total mobilization, both of military personnel and of the industrial complex. ‘Strelkov’ has not commented this turn of events. On the other hand, ‘Strelkov’ attempted to give an answer to the question “why Shebekino is under constant Ukrainian shelling”. Either consciously or not, he didn’t provide it though. ‘Strelkov’ merely postulated on the general turn of Ukrainian attacks against the “old” Russian territory. According to him, the attacks on Russia proper began as soon as Ukraine has gathered sufficient reserves and shored up its defences, while before, ZSU abstained from such attacks in order not to “poke the Kremlin old men”. Unfortunately, the particulars of Shebekino were not mentioned. Meanwhile, Ukrainians claim they have destroyed local MVD (MoI) troops in Shebekino. After Russians declared plan “Stronghold” and gathered their siloviki in the administrative building, ZSU launched an MLRS attack on the place.

Grandpa sits beside his killed granddaughter in Kiev. This picture is sad on so many levels – the defenceless, the most innocent die, while both sides use such photographs to urge their populations at each other’s throats for the benefit of the (((few))).

MSN issued an article claiming that it is possible Putin will declare full mobilization in the coming days. To support this allegation, MSN quoted Igor 371

Sushko and his “FSB insiders”: “Alleged FSB source in Moscow: Full mobilization is most likely to be announced in the coming days in Russia”1. NATO sent 700-strong reinforcement for the KFOR in Kosovo. The current conflict started after municipality elections, which were boycotted by local Serbs and the turnout was mere 3%. The elections were nevertheless acknowledged as legitimate by Kosovar government and Albanian mayors got installed in predominantly Serbian settlements. Serbs predictably started protesting, Kosovo sent their goons and the conflict was well underway. RDK and Legion ‘Svoboda Rossii’ claim they have entered Belgorod region again. Local Russian authorities claim that tank battle has developed on the border and Ukrainian DRGs are trying to infiltrate “Mother Russia”. ‘Svoboda Rossii’ claimed they destroyed Russian self-propelled mortar Tyulpan2 and an accompanying Kamaz truck with ammo complement. SBU arrested one of ZSU sergeants and accused him of providing the locations of AA systems to FSB. Information about foreign weapon deliveries was also in the bargain. 1359J ‘Svoboda Rossii’ declared they have destroyed an entire “column of Grad MLRS”. Kadyrovites suddenly turned against (((Prigozhyn))). One of the main Kadyrov’s lackeys, Adam Delimkhanov, recorded a video laden with thinly veiled threats against (((Prigozhyn))). Soon after, other, more direct TikTok “attacks” followed. 1508J RDK claimed that their forward units are already engaging Russian troops at the approaches to Shebekino – Novaya Tavolzhanka and Titovka. “Monokristal” factory (one of the largest producers of artificial sapphires) is burning in the town. Meanwhile, Russians launched a missile attack on Kharkiv. 1

“Putin Orders 'Full Mobilization' of Military That Could Be on Scale of WW2 in ‘Coming Days'”, MSN, (((David Wetzel))), 2023.05.31. 2 The 2S4 Tyulpan (often spelled Tulpan, Russian: 2С4 «Тюльпан», lit. 'tulip') is a Soviet 240 mm self-propelled heavy mortar. "2S4" is its GRAU designation. The Tyulpan is the largest mortar system in use today (Wikipedia). 372

1653J Nexta posted one video, filmed by the local woman from Shebekino. In it, she claims that they have fled the town yesterday. ZSU is already in Shebekino, conducting an assault on the few Russian troops that were there. She also said that no evacuation was declared and they escaped on their own accord, there were no response to the growing shelling intensity of the town. The town is on fire. However, in the videos coming directly from Shebekino there is no small arms fire and only smoke, from what appears to be artillery strikes, is visible. In other news: “'Are the handcuffs necessary? I'm a good child': Shocking moment sobbing 12-year-old girl repeatedly apologizes as she's arrested for 'stabbing her nine-year-old brother to death' in Oklahoma.” Daily Mail, Germania Rodriguez Poleo, 2023.06.01. Latvian parliament elected new President of the country. After having a full kike, they now chose an unashamed faggot – Edgars Rinkevichs. Just let the nukes fly! This world needs a mercy killing. ACTA HONESTA t is so rare to find an honest MSM article about anything, especially this war, that when I stumbled upon one, I felt compelled to put most of it here. For the sake of brevity, I first intended to use extensive excerpts from the article, but ended up quoting it almost entirely. The original was published in The New Yorker on 2023.05.22 and was penned by Luke Mogelson, with photographs by Maxim Dondyuk. Reading it, I was transported back to the time, when there were at least some journalists with integrity, a time when “journalist” was not a common cuss word. All emphasis in bold (and sometimes underlined) was marked by me, everything else I left unedited and unchanged: TWO WEEKS AT THE FRONT IN UKRAINE By Luke Mogelson “Soldiers on the front in Ukraine adhere to a maxim that grows more sacrosanct the longer they survive: If you want to live, dig. In mid-March, I arrived at a small Army position in the eastern region of the Donbas, where shock waves and shrapnel had reduced the surrounding trees to splintered canes. Artillery had churned up so much earth that you could no longer 373

distinguish between craters and the natural topography. Eight infantrymen were rebuilding a machine-gun nest that Russian shelling had obliterated the previous week, killing one of their comrades. A torn piece of a jacket, from a separate blast, hung on a branch high above us. A log-covered dugout, where the soldiers slept, was about five feet deep and not much wider. At the sound of a Russian helicopter, everyone squeezed inside. A direct hit from a mortar had charred the timber. To refortify the structure, new logs had been stacked over the burned ones. Ukrainian soldiers often employ netting or other camouflage to evade drone surveillance, but here subterfuge would have been futile. Russian forces had already pinpointed the position and seemed determined to eradicate it. As for the infantrymen, their mission was straightforward: not to leave and not to die. The helicopter deployed several rockets somewhere up the tree line. The soldiers climbed back into the light, found their shovels, and resumed working. One of them, called Syava, had a missing front tooth and wore a large combat knife on his belt. The others began mocking the knife as unsuitable for a modern industrial conflict. [...] Everybody laughed. On the front, to talk about the future, or to imagine experiencing a reality distinct from the baleful present, smacked of naïveté or hubris. [...] Syava and his comrades belonged to an infantry battalion in the 28th Separate Mechanized Brigade, which had been fighting without respite for more than a year. The brigade was originally based near Odesa, the historic port city on the Black Sea. At the start of the invasion, Russian forces from Crimea, the southern peninsula that Vladimir Putin had annexed in 2014, failed to reach Odesa but did capture another coastal city, Kherson. The 28th Brigade was at the forefront of an ensuing campaign to liberate Kherson. For some six months, the Russians staved off the Ukrainians with a deluge of artillery and air strikes, exacting a devastating toll whose precise scale Ukraine has kept secret. Finally, in November, Russia withdrew across the Dnipro River. Battered members of the 28th Brigade were among the first Ukrainian troops to enter Kherson. Crowds greeted them there as heroes. Before they could recover, they were sent three hundred miles northeast, to the outskirts of Bakhmut, a besieged city that was becoming the scene of the most ferocious 374

violence of the war. Syava’s battalion, which numbered about six hundred men, was posted on the edge of a village south of Bakhmut. The village was controlled by the Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organization notorious for committing atrocities in Africa and the Middle East. For the war in Ukraine, Wagner recruited thousands of inmates from Russian prisons by offering them pardons in exchange for combat tours. The onslaught of expendable convicts proved too much for the Ukrainians, who were still reeling from Kherson and had not yet replenished their ranks and matériel. The commander of the battalion, a thirty-nine-year-old lieutenant colonel named Pavlo, said of the Wagner fighters, “They were like zombies. They used the prisoners like a wall of meat. It didn’t matter how many we killed—they kept coming.” Within weeks, the battalion faced annihilation: entire platoons had been wiped out in close-contact firefights, and some seventy men had been encircled and massacred. The dwindling survivors, one officer told me, “became useless because they were so tired.” In January, what was left of the battalion retreated from the village and established defensive positions in the tree lines and open farmland a mile to the west. “Wagner kicked our asses,” the officer said. The Russian mercenaries subsequently left for Bakhmut, to shore up other forces there, and the conventional troops who replaced them were far less numerous and suicidal. By the time I joined the battalion, about two months had passed since it had lost the battle for the village, and during the interim neither side had attempted a major operation against the other. It was all the Ukrainians could do to maintain the stalemate. Pavlo estimated that, owing to the casualties his unit had sustained, eighty per cent of his men were new draftees. “They’re civilians with no experience,” he said. “If they give me ten, I’m lucky when three of them can fight.” We were in his bunker, which had been dug in the back yard of a halfdemolished farmhouse; the constant rumble of artillery vibrated through the dirt walls. “A lot of the new guys don’t have the stamina to be out here,” Pavlo said. “They get scared and they panic.” His military call sign was Cranky, and he was renowned for his temper, but he spoke sympathetically 375

about his weaker soldiers and their fears. Even for him, a career officer of twenty-three years, this phase of the war had been harrowing. On a road that passed in front of the farmhouse, a board had been nailed to a tree with the painted words “TO MOSCOW” and an arrow pointing east. No one knew who’d put it there. Such optimistic brio seemed to be a vestige of another time. Just two of the soldiers who were rebuilding the machine-gun nest had been with the battalion since Kherson. One of them, a twenty-nine-year-old construction worker called Bison—because he was built like one—had been hospitalized three times: after being shot in the shoulder, after being wounded by shrapnel in the ankle and knee, and after being wounded by shrapnel in the back and arm. The other veteran, code-named Odesa, had enlisted in the Army in 2015, after dropping out of college. Short and stocky, he had the same serene deportment as Bison. The uncanny extent to which both men had adapted to their lethal environment underscored the agitation of the recent arrivals, who flinched whenever something whistled overhead or crashed nearby. “I only trust Bison,” Odesa said. “If the new recruits run away, it will mean immediate death for us.” He’d lost nearly all his closest friends in Kherson. Taking out his phone, he swiped through a series of photographs: “Killed... killed... killed... killed... killed... wounded... Now I have to get used to different people. It’s like starting over.” Because the high attrition rate had disproportionately affected the bravest and most aggressive soldiers—a phenomenon that one officer called “reverse natural selection”—seasoned infantrymen like Odesa and Bison were extremely valuable and extremely fatigued. After Kherson, Odesa had gone AWOL1. “I was in a bad place psychologically,” he said. “I needed a break.” After two months of resting and recuperating at home, he came back. His return was prompted not by a fear of being punished—what were they going to do, put him in the trenches?—but by a sense of loyalty to his dead friends. “I felt guilty,” he said. “I realized that my place was here.” Although the dugout where Bison and Odesa slept had become a target for 1

Absent Without Official Leave. 376

Russian artillery, it was about four hundred yards behind the Zero Line1—the trenches where infantrymen clashed directly with Russian forces. To reach the Zero Line, you had to traverse a barren valley pocked with mortar holes, where owls and pheasants sometimes burst from the scant underbrush, and then follow a densely wooded ravine that snaked eastward. Sleeping quarters had been constructed on the steep slope, but the ravine ran through a chalk vein, which inhibited digging. Some soldiers had used axes to hack into the white stone; others had cobbled together shelters with sandbags and branches. The boundary of Ukrainian-held territory was marked with loops of barbed wire. Steps cut into the ravine ascended to an observation post behind a berm. One morning in March, a draftee I’ll call Artem was there, peering through a periscope. From where he stood, an expanse of rotting sunflower stalks led to a tree line occupied by Russian soldiers. The distance was a few hundred yards. During previous reporting trips to Ukraine, I had encountered the Russian military almost exclusively as a remote, invisible source of bombs that fell from the sky. It was eerie to look across such a short gap at an actual Russian position—and to know that an actual Russian might be looking back. Artem shared my unease. “I shouldn’t be here,” he said. “I’m not a soldier.” He was a forty-two-year-old father of three who managed a grain elevator in a small farming community in central Ukraine. Men who have three children are legally exempt from conscription but, in December, Artem was still in the process of adopting one of his daughters when he was summoned by his local draft board. A physician, citing a skull fracture that Artem had once suffered during an ice-skating accident, deemed him medically unfit to serve; the board dispatched him to a military training center anyway. His training lasted a month and consisted of tutorials and marching drills— “theoretical stuff, nothing practical.” He shot a total of thirty rounds during two trips to a firing range. From the training center, Artem was assigned to the 28th Brigade, and a day after joining Pavlo’s infantry battalion he was on the Zero Line. “The first couple of weeks, I was so fucking scared,” he said. “I ran whenever 1

A.k.a. FLOT – Forward Line of Own Troops. 377

there was shooting.” Gunshots and explosions gave him migraines, which exacerbated his anxiety. He’d been there for six weeks and had not so much mastered his fear as accepted the illogic of running: there was nowhere to escape to. All the same, he was so timid by nature that it was difficult to imagine him repulsing a Russian attack. “I hate weapons and violence,” he said with wide-eyed incredulity, as if he still could not believe where he was. “I’m just trying to stay alive until I can get home.” [...] His call sign was Tynda. He had a prim goatee and wore a jungle hat whose floppy brim was snapped up on the sides. I spent twelve days with the 28th Brigade, and I never once saw Tynda, Odesa, or Bison put on body armor or a helmet. When I asked Bison about this, he replied, “If I’m going to die, I’ll die.” Such fatalism was endemic in the infantry, but sometimes it conveyed a hard-earned wisdom: the veterans had so internalized the soundscape of the war that they knew instinctively where each munition was coming from and where it would land. [...] At this moment, a more subtle but no less alarming noise emerged through the bedlam: the faint whirr of a quadcopter drone hovering above us. “Does it have a grenade?” a soldier asked. “Who the fuck knows?” Tynda fired into the air but missed the drone; as it shifted toward the ridge, he went to join the others in the trench. So did I, along with the photographer for this article, Maxim Dondyuk. Midway up the incline, a volley of zinging bullets forced us to crawl on our stomachs. [...] Both were circling straight above us: two black silhouettes against the blue, like a pair of buzzards. The machine gunner swivelled his muzzle almost vertically and unleashed a salvo, but the weapon was too unwieldy. [...] A grenade detached from one of the drones. A small geyser of earth erupted a few yards away from us. Between the snug walls, I hardly felt the explosion. The contact ended as abruptly as it had begun. The drones, which have a battery life of only thirty minutes or so, returned to their pilots on the Russian side. The Ukrainians set down their weapons and picked up their shovels. In the excitement, I’d forgotten about Artem. He was still at the observation post, one eye to the periscope. 378

While Tynda and his team were fighting from the trench, long and powerful fusillades had issued from another Ukrainian position, on a hilltop behind them. I later went there with Tynda. In a blind overlooking the no man’s land stood an improbably antique contraption on iron wheels: a Maxim gun, the first fully automatic weapon ever made. Although this particular model dated from 1945, it was virtually identical to the original version, which was invented in 1884: a knobbed crank handle, wooden grips, a lidded compartment for adding cold water or snow when the barrel overheated. The gun’s operator, a rawboned soccer hooligan with brass knuckles tattooed on his hand, spoke of the Maxim like a car enthusiast lauding the performance of a vintage Mustang. In the course of the past year, the U.S. has furnished Ukraine with more than thirty-five billion dollars in security assistance. Why, given the American largesse, had the 28th Brigade resorted to such a museum piece? A lot of equipment has been damaged or destroyed on the battlefield. At the same time, Ukraine appears to have forgone refitting debilitated units in order to stockpile for a large-scale offensive that is meant to take place later this spring. At least eight new brigades have been formed from scratch to spearhead the campaign. While these units have been receiving weapons, tanks, and training from the U.S. and Europe, veteran brigades like the 28th have had to hold the line with the dregs of a critically depleted arsenal.1 In December, while Pavlo’s battalion was being decimated by the Wagner Group, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, told The Economist that it was “more important to focus on the accumulation of resources” for future battles. “May the soldiers in the trenches forgive me,” Zaluzhnyi said. The most advanced and expensive U.S. contributions to the war have been longer-range howitzers and missile systems that operate from the rear. The infantry on the front relies on rudimentary muzzle-loaded mortars, for which 1

Not unlike A. Hitler’s “policy” of providing best and newest weaponry for the newly formed units instead of outfitting and reinforcing veteran divisions. Prioritizing is a good thing, but completely disregarding those who hold the front, especially one as battered as Bakhmut’s, brings a whole plethora of problems – disaffects the soldiers, saps morale and wastes combat experience. 379

there is currently a dire ammunition shortage. The major in charge of artillery for Pavlo’s battalion told me that in Kherson his mortar teams had fired about three hundred shells a day; now they were rationed to five a day. The Russians averaged ten times that rate. To help compensate for this deficiency, the battalion used a Soviet antitank gun called an S.P.G.-91. The sergeant responsible for the weapon was codenamed Kaban, or “Wild Boar.” He was forty-two years old and had been fighting since 2015, shortly after Russia first encroached on the Donbas. His beard was turning gray, he was going bald, and he walked stiffly, having recently torn a meniscus in both his knees. Still, his call sign denoted a toughness and pugnacity that were as visible as ever. When Kaban told me that he had an eighteen-year-old son, I assumed that both of them were in the Army. I’d met other fathers in the battalion whose adult sons were serving. But Kaban, despite his dedication to the military, had sent his son to Germany. “I told him, ‘If you come back, I’ll kill you myself,’ ” he explained. “We all understand we’re going to die here.” Kaban said this in front of his subordinate, code-named Cadet, who had just turned nineteen. When I asked Kaban what it felt like to supervise someone his son’s age, he answered, “Like fatherhood.” We were in a dugout where the pair lived along with a third man, a draftee in his thirties who sat mutely in the corner. The shelter was vastly more comfortable than the one where Syava, Odesa, and Bison slept, but it was claustrophobic nonetheless. The most important element of any dugout is the roof. Raw logs are brought on trucks as close to the front as possible, then carried by soldiers to the trenches. A proper roof consists of three layers of logs stacked crosswise under three feet of dirt—a thickness greater than the distance that most projectiles can penetrate during the millisecond between their impact and their detonation. Railroad ties serve as vertical posts. The 1

The SPG-9 Kopyo (Spear) (Russian: СПГ-9 Копьё) is a tripod-mounted manportable, 73 millimetre calibre recoilless gun developed by the Soviet Union. It fires fin-stabilised, rocket-assisted high explosive (HE) and high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) shaped charge projectiles similar to those fired by the 73 mm 2A28 Grom low pressure gun of the BMP-1 armored vehicle. It was accepted into service in 1962, replacing the B-10 recoilless rifle (Wikipedia). 380

dugout should be deep enough that the top barely crests the ground; from outside, all you see are steps descending to a subterranean door. Many of the dugouts that I visited had a cast-iron stove with a chimney pipe running to the surface. The interiors of more rearward shelters could be relatively plush: pallets laid down to make a floor, bunk beds with ladders, shelves and coat hooks mounted to walls that were lined with the lids of wooden ammunition boxes, like wainscoting. The major in charge of artillery had furnished his dugout with a folding garden chair and a glass hookah. Pavlo’s command bunker was adorned with children’s drawings, including one of a horizontal stick figure with a scribbled head wound, labelled “Putin.” Closer to the Zero Line, the dugouts were much smaller and cruder. Kaban’s was dimly lit by a string of L.E.D. lights powered by a car battery. A trench led from the entrance to a log parapet, underneath which the S.P.G.-9 was concealed from Russian drones. There wasn’t much to the weapon—a bazooka on a tripod—and it was in decrepit condition. The trigger mechanism was broken. To activate each warhead, Kaban had to pry open the rocket’s gunpowder-filled cartridge with a pocketknife, twist together two wires at its base, connect those wires to a household electrical cable, then hook the cable onto a loop of bare copper that was attached to the gun with masking tape. He and Cadet would lug the S.P.G.-9 out into the open, where Cadet would take aim and fire. Then they would hurry back to the dugout before Russian drones or artillery could find them. At around 7:30 p.m., the team was informed that the Russians might be preparing an assault. A mine-clearing vehicle had been spotted in the no man’s land. “Well, we have nothing to lose, right?” Cadet said. Kaban replied, “I’d hoped that you would get married first, so I could fuck someone at your wedding.” The draftee nervously stoked the stove. Suddenly, I had a keen sense of how isolated and vulnerable the position was. Other dugouts at the front had Starlink satellites, which enabled direct communication with the battalion command. Kaban used only a portable Wi-Fi router that depended on a local sim card with spotty service. Kaban’s point of contact, a young officer, sent 381

him short voice messages on Signal. [...] If their position was overrun, Kaban had told me, he would not allow himself to be taken captive. A few weeks earlier, a video had circulated on social media of Russian soldiers near Bakhmut gunning down a Ukrainian prisoner while telling him, “Die, bitch.” Another video, also from the Donbas, showed Russian soldiers castrating a Ukrainian prisoner with a box cutter. After I met Kaban, a video surfaced of a Russian soldier decapitating a Ukrainian prisoner as he screamed and writhed. “The bestcase scenario is that they just execute us,” Kaban told me. Before he left the dugout, his phone dinged with a new message from the officer. Kaban and Cadet were to shoot the S.P.G.-9 every hour until dawn. Kaban kept in his cargo pocket a digital tablet with several dozen targets flagged on a satellite map: Russian bunkers, trenches, and observation posts that had been identified by Ukrainian drones. “The key is regular strikes,” the officer said. “It’s crawling with infantry over there.” [...] Clouds covered the moon and the stars. The battalion had begun the war with about seventy-five American night-vision devices, but many had been lost as soldiers were killed or injured in firefights. Kaban and Cadet had to use red lights on their headlamps to navigate in the dark. An application on the tablet computed the coördinates of their weapon and the Russian target, factored in up-to-date meteorological data, and then advised Cadet how to adjust the gun’s angle and elevation. When he pressed the trigger, a dull click signalled a misfire. Kaban clambered out of the trench and fiddled with the wires. On the next try, the gun produced a thunderous clap and a radiant gush of flame that lit up the sky. It was hard to say which felt worse: not being able to see, or being able to be seen. As soon as we returned to the dugout—our ears ringing and pulses racing and nostrils filled with the metallic tang of the rocket’s propellant—Cadet lit a Marlboro menthol and began playing video games on his phone. This, I’d learn, was his routine. He had joined the Army the day after his eighteenth birthday, which had occurred four days after Russia invaded. He could not yet grow facial hair, his voice was still unsteady, and he retained the 382

roundish, doughy features of an adolescent. Cadet seemed to be so completely a child of the war that he’d never developed an instinct for self-preservation. He had grown up on a subsistence farm where his family raised pigs and chickens. In the Army, because of his age, he had first been assigned to a company of reserve soldiers who replaced casualties in other units; among the twenty-eight men in his platoon, he knew of only two who were still alive. [...] During one firing mission, a little after 2 a.m., he turned on a flashlight instead of his red headlamp. Back at the dugout, Kaban kicked him and demanded, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” “I forgot it,” Cadet muttered sullenly, like a grade-school student without his homework. Although Kaban had characterized his relationship with Cadet as a paternal one, I wondered whether he admired or resented him for not being in Germany, like his real son. Later, Kaban entertained us with stories about his past romantic escapades, and Dondyuk, the photographer, asked him whether he’d imparted any lessons to Cadet. “There’s no point,” Kaban said. “He’ll be dead soon.” Cadet laughed, but Kaban didn’t. As it happened, Cadet’s girlfriend was also a Ukrainian refugee in Germany. He’d found her on TikTok, and they chatted when the Wi-Fi in the dugout permitted. They’d never met in person. [...] Birds were chirping in the trees—the sun had risen. Possibly because of Kaban and Cadet’s efforts, the Russian assault had not materialized. [...] On February 24, 2022, Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, declared a general mobilization for male citizens between the ages of eighteen and sixty. Civilians of all stripes flocked to military-registration offices, eager to fight. Some waited in line for days, only to be told that no more men were required. Today, popular support for resisting rather than negotiating with Russia remains high, but, as in every war, the burden of sacrifice has fallen increasingly on the underprivileged. Nearly every draftee I met in the trenches had been a manual laborer—farmer, carpenter, dockworker, plumber—and stories abounded of Ukrainians with means dodging 383

conscription through graft or nepotism. “You could find people from the higher classes in the infantry at the beginning of the war,” one veteran told me. “But, after a year, you don’t see an end to this—your chances of dying are higher, you’re fucking tired. Now most of the people are being drafted.” The preponderance of draftees—and the corresponding dearth of professional soldiers—has shifted more responsibility onto the officer corps, which has also been diminished. Lieutenants and captains whose duties were traditionally more administrative have become front-line fighters. The officer who had directed Kaban via Signal, code-named Volynyaka, was thirty years old and had the gung-ho physicality of a high-school quarterback. In addition to overseeing the S.P.G.-9 team, Volynyaka commanded one of the battalion’s remaining combat vehicles. (Others had been wrecked by shelling.) The machine, a relic of the Soviet Union, was known as a B.R.M.1 It had tracks and a cannon but was too lightly armored to qualify as a tank, and its inability to withstand direct fire had earned it a grim epithet: the Iron Casket. When Volynyaka had put out a call for crew members, even Cadet had balked. “I’d seen how people burn alive inside,” he told me. “One R.P.G. or mortar strike, and that’s it.” Volynyaka, along with a driver and a gunner, had commandeered a vacated red brick house in Kostyantynivka, the town nearest to the Zero Line still inhabited by civilians. Twice a day, the three men brought the B.R.M. to a field behind the trenches, shot fifteen or twenty rockets, and returned to their base. (The vehicle was too conspicuous a target to park near the front.) The first time I accompanied them on this sortie, I rode behind the gunner, who was surprisingly compact in stature and stood in an open hatch wearing a black sweatshirt, a black beanie, black cargo pants, black boots, black gloves, black sunglasses, and a black neck gaiter pulled over his face, printed with the white teeth and jaw of a skull. When we got back to Kostyantynivka, the gunner removed his gaiter. Code-named Darwin, he was a baby-faced youth about the same age as Cadet. Darwin wore all black because uniforms turned that color anyway after two days in the B.R.M. “I feel less dirty like this,” he explained. He was from 1

Boyevaya Razvedavatelnaya Mashyna (Ru.) – Recce Fighting Vehicle. 384

Kherson, where he’d lived with his parents until two months into the Russian occupation. He had evacuated with another couple by pretending to be their underage son. After passing through nine Russian checkpoints, Darwin had gone to Odesa and joined the 28th Brigade. His small size was an asset within the B.R.M.’s tight nest of hoses, pipes, levers, and gears. Volynyaka, by contrast, was too big-boned and brawny to squeeze through the hatches while wearing body armor. A rosary hung near the dials and switches of the control panel, and as we approached a white church outside Kostyantynivka I noticed Volynyaka crossing himself. In town, I asked him if the war had made him more religious. “No, the opposite,” he said. “I’ve started to question the existence of God.” You didn’t need to believe in God to solicit his protection, though. The randomness and unpredictability of Russian artillery had turned many of the soldiers superstitious. Talismans were ubiquitous. The B.R.M.’s twentythree-year-old driver, code-named Criminal, had adopted a stuffed doll as a co-pilot. Pavlo, the battalion commander, carried an American silver dollar in his pocket. During seven years of war in the Donbas, he’d put no stock in lucky charms, but Kherson and Bakhmut had changed his perspective. “We need luck much more now,” he told me. The second time that I went out with the B.R.M., we passed an elderly woman walking down the road with a cane. When I looked back, she was blessing the crew. Such good-will gestures were the exception in Kostyantynivka. In other parts of Ukraine, people almost always waved or pumped their fists at any vehicles headed to the front. Here, most of the civilians averted their gazes. According to Volynyaka, “almost everyone” who had not already fled the town was pro-Russian. A clerk at the local grocery store had told him, “We don’t want you here.” I asked him if the hostility had eroded his motivation to keep fighting. He shook his head. “I know it’s my land—why should I care what they think?” The soldiers of the 28th Brigade, many of whom came from rural areas, shared a concept of Ukrainian land that was strikingly literal. In the trenches, several infantrymen had nodded at the dark-brown walls surrounding us, which were marbled with pale, healthy roots, and asked me if the soil in the United 385

States was as rich and arable as theirs. The fact that this same soil now shielded them against injury and death had only deepened their attachment to it. They had become a species that burrowed to elude predation. On the Zero Line, there was only enough water for drinking, not for washing, and the men’s cracked fingernails and thickly calloused palms were so encrusted with dirt that it seemed to have become part of them. [...] Darwin, manning the turret of the B.R.M. while it charged over an open field, had pulled back the string on an imaginary bow and released an imaginary arrow toward the Russian line. He later told me that his preferred avatar in his favorite video game, Skyrim, was an archer. “GROVE ST 4 LIFE,” a reference to Grand Theft Auto, was tattooed on his forearm. When he found enough bandwidth, he planned to download a game called World of Tanks onto his phone. Neither Darwin, Volynyaka, nor Criminal had been trained on the B.R.M.; they’d figured out how to operate it the same way that Kaban and Cadet had learned to hot-wire the S.P.G.-9—by consulting the Internet. Such digital literacy had its perils, though. Two days after I met the B.R.M. crew, the 28th Brigade was poised to attempt its own advance across the no man’s land. Then, on the eve of the offensive, a young member of the brigade posted a video of himself and his comrades in which he announced where “we will be attacking.” By the time the video was deleted, it had been viewed more than eleven thousand times. Early the next morning, Dondyuk and I went to a deserted village where one of the brigade’s medical platoons was based. The medics had stayed up all night preparing for the operation, which now appeared to have been cancelled. Nonetheless, an unusual number of Ukrainian tanks and Humvees were passing through the village. The activity prompted speculation that the video might have been a Ukrainian feint designed to divert Russian attention from elsewhere in the vicinity of Bakhmut. With both sides so adept at manipulating information, you never knew what was real and what was a stratagem.1 “It’s better not to think about it,” a medic advised. 1

And yet for all the “stratagems”, both sides were stuck in WW1 style trench warfare and meat grinder in urban terrain (Bakhmut, Maryinka, Avdiivka). 386

Five medevac teams worked in shifts around the clock. The team on duty was stationed in a sod-roofed root cellar on an abandoned wheat farm. The property owner had spray-painted the double doors of his barn with the words “do not break locks.” The locks had been broken. Inside was an M1131, an American personnel carrier from the Vietnam War. It looked like a green metal box on tracks: there was no turret or gun, and its aluminum hull could deflect bullets but little else. The driver, Kyrylo, was a middle-aged man with a stutter who’d grown up working with his father on tractors and combines. He’d never even seen a manual for the M-113. “I can drive anything with an engine,” he said. “A vehicle is a vehicle—you don’t have to be a genius.” A medic and a dispatcher made up the rest of the team. The medic, a fortyseven-year-old grandmother named Leonora, was the only woman I encountered in the 28th Brigade.2 She’d worked as a trauma nurse for more than a decade before joining the Army, in 2019, after her husband moved to France without her, and now she was a sergeant. She had silver hair and narrow eyes that almost vanished when she smiled, which she did when I asked her how it felt to be surrounded all the time by men, and infantrymen at that. 1

The M113 is a fully tracked armored personnel carrier (APC) that was developed and produced by the FMC Corporation. The M113 was sent to United States Army Europe in 1961 to replace the mechanized infantry's M59 APCs. The M113 was first used in combat in April 1962 after the United States provided the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) with heavy weaponry such as the M113, under the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) program. Eventually, the M113 was the most widely used armored vehicle of the U.S. Army in the Vietnam War and was used to break through heavy thickets in the midst of the jungle to attack and overrun enemy positions. It was largely known as an "APC" or an "ACAV" (armored cavalry assault vehicle) by the allied forces (Wikipedia). 2 Where are those “thousands” of women, who served in “combat units”? They were paraded and photographed with pristine uniforms, freshly made hair and make-up by the Ukrainian ZOG propaganda at the very beginning of the war to show just how (((progressive))) Ukraine was. Where are they now? And no, double digit number of exceptions does not count. 387

“I’m used to it,” Leonora said. “I don’t notice.” We were eating a breakfast of bread and Nutella when a request came over the radio for a medevac at the Lower Harbor—code for a specific trench position. “Fuck,” the dispatcher said. “It’s dangerous there.” Kyrylo was already running to the M-113. There was about an inch of clearance on either side as he pulled out of the barn. A ramp folded down, and Leonora, Dondyuk, and I climbed in. Two bloodstained canvas stretchers were propped on wooden ammunition boxes. Leonora grabbed a ceiling strap with each hand as Kyrylo accelerated toward the front. During evacuations, he drove at full speed. The maxed-out machine sounded like a blender full of silverware. [...] After five minutes or so, Kyrylo stopped. Leonora stood up and stuck her head through a hatch in the roof, announcing into her radio, “We have arrived at the Lower Harbor. We are waiting.” A burst of bullets whizzed by. “Shit, motherfucker,” Leonora said, sitting back down. Kyrylo moved the M-113 a few yards; from inside, we couldn’t see where we were or what was happening. Leonora tried again to hail someone. [...] “Where are we supposed to go?” Kyrylo asked. There was more small-arms shooting—and then what sounded like an R.P.G. Gazing up through his own hatch, Kyrylo either heard or saw a drone: “Fuck, there’s a bird [a drone] above us.” Leonora repeated into the radio, “We are waiting at the Lower Harbor.” After a second R.P.G. blast, she told Kyrylo, “I can’t reach anyone.” Amid extended exchanges of machine-gun fire, eight loud explosions reverberated outside. Kyrylo, concerned about the risk of fire if we were hit by artillery, said, “Maybe we should open the door.” [...] Dondyuk asked Kyrylo if he was worried that we might be trapped inside. “Yes,” Kyrylo said, his stutter almost preventing him from getting the word out. “It’s happened before.” Some minutes later, Leonora ascertained that the man needing evacuation was 388

not at the Lower Harbor but at another position a short drive away. When we arrived there, Kyrylo lowered the ramp. We were in a muddy field. A soldier, whose face was covered with dirt, emerged from some trees, supporting a limping man with a wounded chest. “Let’s go!” the soldier yelled. “Quickly!” The man belonged to an assault unit that had just captured a Russian trench. He had been injured by shrapnel. Blood was smeared across his brow, but his comrades had already bandaged his chest, and there was little for Leonora to do. The man winced in pain and clung to the other soldier, who hugged him close as Kyrylo sped off, dust and debris scudding into the compartment through the open hatches. About a mile and a half from the trenches, we arrived at a casualty-collection point—a dusty intersection filled with armored vehicles, including one with a metal chair mounted on its roof behind a twin-barrelled anti-aircraft gun. From the cramped hull, medics were extracting a man who couldn’t walk. Leonora handed over the wounded soldier, and Kyrylo proceeded to the farm. I never found out whether the assault unit’s attack was a downsized alternative to the offensive leaked in the Ukrainian soldier’s video, or whether the video was a deliberate diversion from the attack. [...] The following afternoon, I got a text from Odesa, the soldier who’d once gone AWOL. He was now in Kostyantynivka. Every week or so, the men in the trenches went to town to do laundry, bathe, eat a hot meal, and pick up mail. We met in the parking lot of a post office, where a line of soldiers snaked out the door. (Care packages often contained treats from home. While I was with the 28th Brigade, one infantryman received a Napoleon cake made by his mother; another, two plastic bottles of moonshine from his uncle.) When I told Odesa about the wounded soldier, he said he’d heard that the assault unit had killed several Russian soldiers. I asked how things were at his position. “The usual,” he said. Freshly showered and shaved, Odesa looked like a different person. But the trips to Kostyantynivka usually lasted only several hours. Most of the veterans had been granted extended leave just once during the past year— typically for a week and a half. [...] 389

Unlike U.S. soldiers in every American conflict since the Second World War, Ukrainian draftees are generally not being contracted for fixed periods of service or deployed on tours with defined limits. They are being indentured for as long as they are needed. One officer told me, “You come home with victory, without a limb, or dead.”1 A fourth option was desertion. “Sometimes they return, sometimes they don’t,” the officer said. In January, Zelensky signed legislation that raised the maximum punishment for desertion to twelve years in prison. It is unknown how many Ukrainians have been sentenced to date, but one factor potentially obstructing enforcement of the law is the reluctance of superior officers to denounce offenders. Odesa’s platoon leader, a senior lieutenant named Ivan, told me that he pitied the draftees in his platoon; like Pavlo, he placed the blame for their shortcomings on inadequate training. One of his soldiers, he said, “was just walking down the street when guys approached him and physically took him to the draft center—in less than two days, he was with the brigade.” Ivan did not begrudge Odesa the two months he had gone AWOL. All the old hands were burned out, the lieutenant explained, himself included. “I’m tired,” he said. “I want to go home. I just want three months of rest. After that, I’ll happily continue to fight.” Dondyuk and I were at Odesa’s position a few days after I’d seen him at the post office. Shelling had further razed the area; more trees had been knocked down, and those which stood were mangled and lacerated. The men were still rebuilding the machine-gun nest where their comrade had been killed. One of the medics I’d met had responded to the strike; it had been the first time, he said, that he’d seen shrapnel decapitate somebody. Ivan wanted the soldiers to dig more and better trenches. “The chances of dying when you’re not in a trench are much higher,” he scolded. “I’m not going to yell at you—I’m just explaining.” In contrast to the draftees, the lieutenant was elaborately outfitted, with high1

A sign of “Do or Die” War, which can also be called “Existential War”, yet it is not applicable to all people equally. Chosenites are a “different breed, meant to rule” over the “lessers”. 390

quality body armor, noise-cancelling earphones, a lightweight ballistic helmet, and a new assault rifle decorated with a Unicorn Princess sticker from his daughter. He’d bought most of the gear with his own money. Ivan had attended a reserve-officer-training program while in law school, spoke fluent English, and wore a Star of David patch given to him by a friend from Israel.1 When I asked him if he felt out of place in the infantry, he said that everyone did: “It doesn’t matter if you’re a soldier, a sergeant, a commander—you want to transfer from the infantry.” After I left Ukraine, Ivan joined a dronereconnaissance team, and texted me that he was now a “happy bastard.” [...] Everybody looked haggard and sleep-deprived. Exhaustion bred complacency, but so did habituation. When incoming artillery drove us into the dugout, I recognized a forty-three-year-old carpenter whom I’d met ten days earlier. At the time, he had just arrived and was clearly unnerved and disoriented. Now he seemed as unimpressed as Syava by the booming ordnance. When I remarked on the difference in him, he said, “I was a civilian,” as if he were describing some distant chapter of his life that was no longer germane. Despite the apathy and the lassitude, there was an animal alertness in the air. Nobody strayed more than a few steps from the dugout, and the taut communal anticipation of the next Russian strike recalled a row of sprinters in the blocks listening for the starting pistol. At lunchtime, some of the men forked cold meat out of cans while others opened up packages of stale jelly-filled rolls. The carpenter had recently made his first trip to Kostyantynivka, and had brought back a box of chocolate pastries to celebrate his son’s thirteenth birthday. The dugout was so tiny that the soldiers had to lie shoulder to shoulder—their clothes were kept outside. An explosion had incinerated Syava’s winter coat. Food and trash were strewn everywhere. The mess had attracted mice. Adding to the unsanitary conditions, feces and soiled toilet paper littered the periphery of the


“Star of David patch given to him by a (((friend)))”, and in any photograph thence, he would count as a “jew, courageously defending Ukraine, along with his goyim “brethren””. 391

position. Nobody wanted to die while burying his shit.1 [...] Not long after, Lyova was hospitalized with tuberculosis. It is unclear when and where he first fell ill, but in such unhygienic quarters, viruses were rampant. When a sergeant overheard a draftee telling me that he was sick, the sergeant interjected, “Everybody is sick.” [...] Ivan shared the dugout with his superior, the company commander, who was called Oper. A forty-year-old former police detective, Oper had reason to be preoccupied with staying dry. In Kherson, the relentless Russian shelling had precluded his men from building adequate shelters, obliging them to sleep on the ground. Oper had contracted a bacterial infection, which spread over his skin and was aggravated by ravenous fleas. For months, he was plagued by open sores that he could not stop scratching. “I almost rotted alive,” he said, taking out his phone to show me photographs of his torso mottled with pustules. Now he was perennially bundled in a down hoodie, a British Army coat, a German Army poncho, and a balaclava. His scraggly beard and eyebrows complemented the cold-weather apparel, giving him the look of an Arctic explorer. While we were sitting in the dugout, Pavlo, the battalion commander, informed Oper, via Signal, that the Russians were preparing a “feast,” or a heavy bombardment—perhaps in retaliation for the assault unit’s attack on their trench, or perhaps as a probing tactic ahead of their own offensive. “Be ready,” Pavlo said. The feast began soon afterward. Close impacts caused the dugout’s log roof to flex. A mortar blew open the door with a bright flash. The precise, repeated strikes made Oper and Ivan suspect that the Russians had realized the position was a command post. “Maybe the drone saw the Starlink satellite,” Ivan said. “Or they saw our toilet. It’s obviously for officers.” (The toilet was just a pit that had been dug deeply enough to afford its occupant protection while squatting.) 1

While Ukrainian propaganda constantly tries to juxtapose Ukrainian cleanliness against Russian “pigsty”. Granted – it could be very different in different units, but the forwardmost positions are not very conducive to daily house chores. 392

“They might have seen people getting dropped off here,” Oper said. “They’re not stupid.” [...] All the infantrymen told jokes to relieve the singular feeling of helplessness induced by artillery, but Oper’s sense of humor was unrivalled. As the feast went on, he recounted one bawdy anecdote after another, patiently delaying their punch lines while combing his fingers through his beard. Morale was as crucial an asset as any in the infantry. One day, while I was on the Zero Line, an “Army psychologist” had visited. He did not have a degree in psychology, and his role was limited to identifying soldiers who were incapacitated by fear and could not “overcome their paralysis.” He explained, “I try to convey to them why they must follow their orders. If that doesn’t work, then we send them to a real psychologist.” The Ukrainian military code for a wounded soldier is Three Hundred. For a dead soldier, it’s Two Hundred. Soldiers who refuse to follow orders are sometimes facetiously labelled Five Hundreds.1 Ivan claimed that men often faked injuries in a bid to escape the trenches. “It happens all the fucking time,” he said. But, he allowed, such desperation could arise from genuine psychological damage. The process for determining which Five Hundreds were malingering and which were what the Army psychologist called “mentally ill” was ambiguous. Few men seemed to satisfy whatever the criteria were for receiving medical leave. Almost all the veterans had suffered multiple concussions, but, as Kaban had told me, “If we get sent for treatment, who will stay in the trenches?” Post-traumatic stress disorder did not seem to be an apposite diagnosis for anyone on the front, because the traumatic event was still happening. Taking leave, however, could trigger episodes of P.T.S.D. Oper, who had last returned










psychologically to stay here. It’s hard to come back after visiting civilization.” 1

Gruz200, Gruz300 and Gruz500 (the latter being rather unofficial term currently), came from soviet times, particularly from Afghanistan War, when number and manner of KIAs was being hidden as much as possible. The designators are: Gruz100 – ammunition; Gruz200 – KIA; Gruz300 – WIA; Gruz400 – contused or POW; Gruz500 – originally meant medicine, now – a refusenik/deserter; Gruz700 – cash; Gruz800 – “special” or chemical weapon. 393

During the night that I spent with the S.P.G.-9 team, Kaban had recalled going to Odesa a few months earlier and experiencing a panic attack as soon as he exited the train station. The overwhelming stimuli—bustling crowds, speeding cars, jarring city noises—felt like an onslaught of potential threats. Strangers were rifling through their bags, making phone calls; Kaban instinctively reached for his Kalashnikov, only to realize that he was unarmed. When he spotted a group of soldiers patrolling the station, he ran to them, pale and shaking. “Don’t worry,” a soldier assured him. “You’re not the first. This happens a lot.” At least once a day, another Soviet armored vehicle, this one called a B.M.P., resupplied Ivan and Oper’s dugout. Its arrival triggered a frenzied rush to unload boxes of ammunition, bales of razor wire, cases of energy drinks, and other provisions. Soldiers who had been given permission to leave the front would scramble onto the roof, hugging the cannon or clinging to whatever they could as the vehicle roared off. [...] The evening after the feast, Dondyuk and I decided that it was time to leave the unit. We joined the men who were trickling into Oper’s dugout to await the B.M.P. Syava was there, using the Starlink connection to video-chat with his wife. They both laughed at his unkempt beard and hair, and Syava promised to “shave properly” when they were reunited. This time, perhaps in deference to Syava’s wife, no one chastised him for having reveries about returning home. At some point, Odesa showed up: he had reluctantly agreed to get fitted for a helmet. [...] At the start—when there were no Five Hundreds or fainthearted draftees, and everyone was still a volunteer, galvanized by a profound sense of patriotic duty—Oper had commanded twelve extraordinarily courageous men. He had loved them all, and all of them had died. The losses had broken something in him, and he no longer permitted himself to form comparable attachments to his subordinates. Yet the emotional distance that Oper placed between himself and his men— or that Kaban imposed between himself and Cadet—was nothing compared with the disconnect between the front and the rest of Ukraine. The whole country has been affected by the war, but nobody has absorbed its misery 394

and horror the way infantrymen have. Meanwhile, the scope of the conflict has shrunk even as its brutality has escalated, meaning that a smaller segment of the citizenry has been asked to suffer more for objectives that are increasingly less self-evident. This divide has fostered animosity. Oper believed that draft dodgers should lose their citizenship, and he did not think that having three children should exclude a man from serving. “It should be the other way around,” he said. “They have more to fight for.”1 At the 28th Brigade’s trenches south of Bakhmut, we could often hear the fighting in the city, and one of Pavlo’s three companies had been dispatched to join the urban combat. Thousands of Ukrainians are thought to have died in Bakhmut, and the city has become an uninhabitable wasteland, leading some to question whether the battle has been worth its cost in lives. Various strategic rationales have been offered: more Russian soldiers are dying than Ukrainian soldiers are; a withdrawal would merely shift the carnage to another town; it is advantageous to tie up Russian forces until the new Ukrainian brigades can launch their spring offensive. But Zelensky has also imbued Bakhmut with symbolic significance.2 While addressing the U.S. Congress, in December, he claimed, “Just like the Battle of Saratoga, the fight for Bakhmut will change the trajectory of our war for independence and for freedom.” This March, Zelensky told the Associated Press that if Ukraine lost the city Putin would “smell that we are weak” and “sell this victory to the West, to his society, to China, to Iran.” Such considerations may be justified,3 but they have an abstract quality that is far removed from the mud and blood of the front. “The infantry hasn’t changed since the First World War,” Oper said. “Weapons, communications, and logistics have changed, but our job is the same.” Another thing that 1

A typical example of a truncated and incomplete thinking pertaining to the causes, effects and profits of the war, any war. “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” – Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War (ca 410 BCE), which is applicable to all wars, but especially so to Russo-Ukrainian one. 2 A most definite sign of either a shitty decision or a genuinely genocidal one. 3 Justified only to an uninformed civilian, or a braindead military. 395

hasn’t changed is the expectation that infantrymen will do their job without necessarily understanding why.1 When it’s unclear how they figure into the broader strategic calculus—and whether they are being sacrificed carelessly, as Odesa had come to feel about his friends in Kherson—infantrymen fight to save one another. The campaign to win a war can then resemble a struggle to survive it. When the B.M.P. pulled up to Oper’s dugout, I climbed onto the turret and sat beside a twenty-two-year-old sniper whose call sign was Student. I’d met him on the Zero Line, where he’d stuffed two candy wrappers into his ears before firing a four-foot-long American rifle across the no man’s land. [...] Student and I each hooked an arm around the cannon between us, and the B.M.P. sped across the fields, spitting red sparks and black exhaust, rising and dipping over the muddy craters and fallow rows like a ship plowing through choppy seas. In the distance, a bright incendiary munition was drifting slowly down; flames were dancing on a nearby ridge. I’d hoped to see Pavlo a final time, but the battalion command center had been hit earlier that day, and the soldiers were digging a replacement. As the B.M.P. passed Pavlo’s old position, I saw that the farmhouse had been flattened. The hand-painted sign—“to moscow”—still hung on the tree. Spring had arrived practically overnight a few days before I left the front: bluebells and other wildflowers bloomed on the trench walls, and green shrubbery carpeted the ravine leading to the Zero Line. Since then, the mud throughout the Donbas had dried out, making fields and roads more traversable and setting the stage for Ukraine’s much anticipated offensive. [...] On May 20th, Prigozhin claimed that his mercenaries had “completely taken” Bakhmut. Zelensky was in Japan, attending a G-7 summit, and during a press conference he both denied that the city had been completely taken and cast Bakhmut’s fall as a Pyrrhic victory for Russia. “Today, Bakhmut is only in our hearts,” he said. “There is nothing on this place, just ground and a lot of dead Russians.” He did not mention dead Ukrainians, except obliquely: “Our defenders in Bakhmut... did strong work, and of course we appreciate 1

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy” – (((Henry Kissinger))). 396

them.”1 When Dondyuk and I departed the front and drove northwest, toward Kyiv, we passed through cities and villages that the last major Ukrainian offensive, in the fall, had liberated. Many of them lay in ruins. In Izyum, Russian forces had left behind a mass burial site containing hundreds of civilians; some showed signs of torture. A paved highway connected Izyum to Kharkiv, the second-biggest city in Ukraine and the focus of indiscriminate Russian shelling during the first months of the war. On the southern outskirts of Kharkiv, we stopped at a sprawling cemetery. Years ago, an “Alley of Heroes” had been reserved on one end of the grounds for residents who had been killed in the Donbas. By the time Russia expanded its invasion, the section contained dozens of granite headstones; since then, the toll had risen too steeply to keep up with, and new graves were little more than low mounds of dirt. A breeze was sweeping through hundreds of Ukrainian flags marking the mounds. Bouquets covered some of the plots; others had been planted with flowers. The soil was less dark than in the Donbas, but was just as soft and fertile. Beyond the rustle of the flags, I heard a familiar sound: on the edge of the cemetery, four soldiers were shovelling earth into a fresh grave. A group of mourners silently watched them. A few feet away, a second funeral was taking place. That casket was still open, displaying a middle-aged man in uniform under a silk sheet. Perhaps because the four soldiers were going to bury this man, too, they worked with a discordant urgency, stabbing the excavated dirt with their spades and flinging it back into the hole, sweaty and out of breath. They weren’t making a trench; they were unmaking one. But they dug as if their lives depended on it.” 2023.06.02

464th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~208 910 KIAs, 3 819 MBTs, 7 490 AIVs, 6 267 wheeled transports, 465 specialized vehicles, 3 501 artillery guns, 575 MLRS, 335 AA systems, 313 aircraft, 298 helicopters, 3 137 UAVs, 1 117 1

“Good goyim, you did your job”; words fail me, when I try to express my hatred of the kikes, this one in particular. 397

missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Explosions during the night in Kursk. Local authorities claim they shot down the attacking Ukrainian UAVs. Kiev was again attacked with missiles and drones. ZeroHedge and other altmedia outlets write that Mexican cartel members were spotted with AT4 disposable anti-tank rockets. Strong suspicion was expressed that these weapons came from the deliveries made to Ukraine. FSB accused Apple corporation of spying on Russian diplomats. Apparently, Apple provided backdoor for American NSA spooks1 to infect thousands of Apple “smart” phones, belonging to Russian diplomats, with spying software. Cracks appeared on piers of the Crimean Bridge. I would not be surprised if this happened at the spans, which were affected by the explosion. That is why no self-respecting combat engineer would recommend using the substructure of a bridge that was blown for the construction of a new superstructure. SBU claims they have apprehended Belorussian KGB agent in Rivne region. 1333J Missile strike landed in the port of Berdyansk, causing a large explosion. Pro-Russian voyenkor WarGonzo reported that there is a secondary incursion in Belgorod region by Ukrainian/RDK troops in the area of UrazovoVerigovka. The attacking force is reportedly over 100 soldiers strong. Although there are still videos coming on Twitter of RDK and ‘Svoboda Rossii” within Belgorod region, other MSM are strangely quiet about the issue. Even pro-Ukrainian MSM maintain silence. Some pro-Ukrainian channels claim that Russians have thrown units from the SOC2 ‘Senezh’ to Belgorod, in order to counter the incursion by RDK and ‘Svoboda Rossii’. According to the videos provided by ‘Svoboda Rossii’, Shebekino is under constant artillery barrage. Multiple fires can be seen in the town. There are reports of locals marauding stores already. “Kremlin often claimed it had the second strongest military in the world. And many believed it. Today, many see Russia’s military as the second strongest... in Ukraine. Its equipment, technology, 1 2

An American colloquialism for spies. Special Operations (Training) Centre. 398

leadership, troops, strategy, tactics and morale – a case study in failure.” (((Anthony Blinken))), speaking in Helsinki, Finland, 2023.06.02. In other news: “India cuts periodic table and evolution from school textbooks — experts are baffled.”, Dyani Lewis, 2023.05.31. “Syphilis spreading at record pace in Japan, with Tokyo seeing 20% more cases than in 2022.”, 2023.06.01. “He [Col Tucker ‘Cinco’ Hamilton, the Chief of AI Test and Operations, USAF] notes that one simulated test saw an AI-enabled drone tasked with a SEAD mission to identify and destroy SAM sites, with the final go/no go given by the human. However, having been ‘reinforced’ in training that destruction of the SAM was the preferred option, the AI then decided that ‘no-go’ decisions from the human were interfering with its higher mission – killing SAMs – and then attacked the operator in the simulation. Said Hamilton: “We were training it in simulation to identify and target a SAM threat. And then the operator would say yes, kill that threat. The system started realising that while they did identify the threat at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat. So what did it do? It killed the operator. It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective”.”1 Note: some time later, USAF denied the information presented in the article on “A Russian Muslim family, Swedish residents, rammed through the PolandBelarus border fleeing from the EU because their children were wanted by Swedish social services. The man held back the border guards to let his wife and kids escape into Belarus.” Very Interested, Twitter message with attached surveillance camera footage of the incident, 2023.06.02. One has to read the text twice, if not three times, to fully comprehend the madness – Russians, Muslims, living in Sweden, running from the (((child protective services))), to 1

“AI – is Skynet here already?”,, reposted on Siqi Chen Twitter account on 2023.06.01. 399

Belarus! The world is completely bonkers. 2023.06.03

465th Day of the Prelude War

Putin ordered MoD to take Maryinka. After the lofty goals of “denazifying and demilitarizing” Ukraine were downgraded to just “taking Donbas”, the goal posts were shifted yet again – now it is about taking one small bombedout town in bumfuck nowhere. As ‘Strelkov’ rightly commented – “considering that Maryinka is already 70% liberated1 and was even 90% liberated half a year ago”, it should be an achievable task. The fighting along the frontline continues; Russians intensified their attempts to surround and take Bilohorivka and have been gaining territory there. Otherwise, the front remains as frozen as a mammoth in Siberian permafrost. A car exploded in occupied Mikhailivka, killing a local businessman Sergey Didovodyuk, who actively collaborated with Russians. RDK seems to be still within Russian territory in Novaya Tavolzhanka. At least pro-Ukrainian Twitter accounts are still posting videos from the area. Artillery strikes cover the area relentlessly; RDK now claims that much of it is done by Russian forces. They found time and gall to troll Russians by submitting a request to Ukrainian government for a creation of a humanitarian corridor for the Russian civilians, who would wish to evacuate to Ukraine. Several Ukrainian UAV strikes have been reported over the past few days against Russian NPZs (oil refineries). Just today, there was a hit against NPZ near Peresna village, Smolensk region. Melitopol and Berdyansk were hit by Ukrainian missiles again. Railway tracks were destroyed by DRG/partisans to the SW of Melitopol as well. 2311J (((Reuters))) claim there has been an “incident” on the Egypt-Israel border, during which, one Egyptian security officer and three kike soldiers were killed. Kike officials said their bots were killed while “securing a military post at the Egyptian border early on Saturday, after Israeli forces successfully thwarted a smuggling attempt overnight”. Egyptian authorities say the incident happened during “an exchange of fire as the Egyptian security officer 1

It’s a Russian thing; they “liberate” everything, regardless of circumstances. 400

chased smugglers across the frontier”1. In other news: “The idiot West is sleeping as the end of the world draws near. The obsession with net zero has left elites bizarrely blind to the risks posed by AI, biowarfare and nukes.” The Telegraph, Allister Heath, 2023.05.31. You just know it’s bad, when even kosher2 MSM start pouring out such articles. Suddenly, multiple wildfires (20+ hotspots) started in Canadian wilderness on a clear day within 1 hour. Nothing suspicious at all. A train derailed in India, killing at least 288 pahjeets and injuring 850 more. Knowing how they travel on the trains, it is not surprising at all.

Typical street-shitter train travel.

“Ex-Anheuser-Busch exec reveals how lefty investment firms pressure companies to go woke. [...] During an appearance on Fox News’ “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Anson Frericks said behind-the-scenes politicking from firms like New York-based BlackRock3 and Pennsylvania-based Vanguard spur many of the controversial decisions sparking nationwide boycotts from 1

Both quotes are from “Three Israeli soldiers, Egyptian security officer killed in border gunfire incident”, (((Reuters))), 2023.06.03 0919C. 2 A kike word denoting something as “clean, acceptable”, mostly used when referring to food. 3 Yes, the very same (((Black Rock))), which now owns most of the world, pardon my hyperbole. 401

longtime more conservative customers — such as the ill-fated Bud Light promotion with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. He said BlackRock, Vanguard, and another firm, State Street, manage about $20 trillion in capital and use their clout to promote agenda politics being pushed on them by progressive lawmakers overseeing government pension funds that the companies profit from.” New York Post, Rich Calder, 2023.06.03, emphasis in bold by me. 2023.06.04

466th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~209 940 KIAs, 3 837 MBTs, 7 512 AIVs, 6 305 wheeled transports, 479 specialized vehicles, 3 555 artillery guns, 583 MLRS, 344 AA systems, 313 aircraft, 298 helicopters, 3 175 UAVs, 1 132 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Tonight’s aerial attack on Ukraine was much smaller than was usual this past week: Ukrainian shot down 4 Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles and 3 Shahed drones. Those that got through hit an airfield in Kropyvnytskyi (2 missiles) and infrastructure in Sumy region (drones). Also tonight, Ukrainians attacked Dzhankoy airfield in Crimea with 9 drones. Russians claimed 4 were destroyed by AA and the rest got jammed by EW. A rather bizarre story surfaced recently. Geo Leros1, who is Ukrainian Rada member from (((Zelensky’s))) party Sluha Narodu, posted a bold claim on his personal Telegram channel on May 30 this year. In it, he said that he appealed to Perchersky District Court of Kiev for the commencement of a pre-trial investigation against, as he claims, (((Zelensky & co.))) on the charges of state treason. He further elaborated that the charges are based on the kike’s responsibility for the infiltration of SBU by FSB agents, whom (((Zelensky))) and his lackeys (Yermak, Mashovets, Bakanov and Demchenko) helped enter Ukraine’s special services. Geo posted the picture of court’s decision, but all it said was hardly decipherable (((legal))) babble about opening investigation into the criminal negligence of DBR. Leros called DBR a “pocket” institution, meaning they all work for the kike-president. As I understand it, this “criminal negligence” was tied directly to DBR’s refusal to open the investigation on (((Zelensky))) about the FSB agent infiltration. I would wish 1

Armenian national, Ukrainian Rada member from 2019. 402

nothing more than to see the kike-in-chief get his dues for what he is doing to Ukraine, but I doubt this case will get any traction. The whole thing has been reported only by obscure pro-Russian sites and we all know how well the (((judicial))) system works. After the story surfaced yesterday on the (((social media))), today it has been called “false” and “fabricated” already. A Chinese warship almost rammed American destroyer USS “Chung-Hoon”. It came within 150 yards1 of the American counterpart during the joint naval exercise of US-Canadian Navies in Taiwan Strait. (((Prigozhyn))) pulled a de-escalation lever on the conflict between him and Kadyrov. He said he spoke with ‘Don Gandon’ himself and put the matter to rest. He also mentioned that this whole thing was instigated by “one tower of Kremlin”, which “didn’t understand what they were doing”. This came after there were reports that Putin held a Security Council meeting specifically addressing this issue. NoelReports Twitter account reported Russian advance in Maryinka, after kadyrovite troops were sent there to reinforce the assault. PDK2 published videos of their participation in Belgorod region incursion. I can’t wait for the Russian reaction to this. 1803J Nexta reposted a video of Belgorod region governor, wherein he addresses the soldiers of RDK (whom he called in far less complimentary terms) and confirmed that the fighting is still ongoing in Novaya Tavolzhanka. 2202J Radio Svoboda reported that RDK claimed they have captured several Russian soldiers and called Gladkov (Belgorod regional governor) to arrange a meeting for the exchange. At first, the meeting was being organized and even (((Prigozhyn))) promised to send one of his aides, but in the end, it wasn’t to be. RDK accused Gladkov of cowardice and showed 10 Russian POWs waiting for exchange. In other news: “Former Target exec says Pride collection's 'tuck-friendly' 1

~137m. Polski Dobrovolny Korpus (Pol.) – Polish Volunteer Corps, mentioned as PKO – Polski Korpus Ochotniczy (Pol.) – Polish Hunter Corps by the Polish MSM. 2


swimwear1 was the 'biggest mistake' after company lost $12 billion2 in market value since mid May” Daily Mail, Alyssa Guzman, 2023.06.03. Pro-globohomo protests brought thousands (some reports claim up to 0.5 million) of sheeple onto the streets of Polish cities. When people clamour for their own destruction you just know – “the end is nigh”3. 2023.06.05

467th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~210 350 KIAs, 3 848 MBTs, 7 523 AIVs, 6 312 wheeled transports, 484 specialized vehicles, 3 567 artillery guns, 584 MLRS, 349 AA systems, 313 aircraft, 298 helicopters, 3 189 UAVs, 1 136 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Arrests are being conducted in Kyrgyzstan in connection to an alleged state coup. The video that was uploaded on Nexta Telegram channel did look pretty staged though. ‘Wagner’ published a video wherein they interrogate the captured commander of the 72nd Brigade (Russian). Mercs are blaming him for opening fire on one of their cars. Konashenkov claimed that Russian troops successfully repelled a “large scale offensive” by ZSU “along five sectors” in Donbas. According to the press release, Ukrainian 23rd and 31st Mechanized Brigades were employed in an attempt to breach the front and were supported by other units. Russian MoD estimated that “the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost more than 250 service members, 16 tanks, three infantry vehicles, and 21 armored vehicles”4. Both the US and NATO officials are putting pressure on Turkey to acquiesce to Sweden’s membership in the Alliance. They all claim that Sweden fulfilled all the requirements and has satisfied Turkey’s demands. Erdogan has yet to 1

I have no idea what “tuck-friendly” is (and frankly, I don’t want to know), but the whole campaign centered on pictures of an African male ape in woman’s swimsuit. It sparked similar, if not more pronounced, boycott as the one that hit Bud Light after the troon advertisement. 2 $12 billion is small potatoes for those who hold $20 trillion. 3 A cliché phrase denoting a “crazy man” who believes the world is ending. 4 “‘Large-scale’ Ukrainian offensive repelled – Russian MOD”,, 2023.06.04. 404

comment on the issue. Factory “Krasnaya Etna” (Red Etna, Ru.) is on fire in Nizhniy Novgorod. The factory produces fasteners, springs and wires. Aleksandr Khodakovskiy, the commander of pro-Russian ‘Vostok’ Battalion, claimed that Ukrainians employed Leopard tanks for the first time. This allegedly happened near Novodonetske-Velyka Novosilka (Zaporozhe front). According to him, the situation for the Russian forces is difficult. ‘Strelkov’ is already speculating that this is the beginning of the Ukrainian offensive. I would say one swallow does not make a spring; although the appearance of Leopards is definitely a sign that ZSU committed parts of their operational reserves. ‘Svoboda Rossii’ proposed to exchange their Russian POWs for podpolkovnik Roman Vinivitin, the commander of 72nd Brigade of Russian Armed Forces, captured by ‘Wagner’. RDK claimed they now have full control over Novaya Tavolzhanka. According to them, Russians abandoned the village to incursion forces. HUR issued the picture of an ID, belonging to polkovnik (Colonel) Andrey Stesev, claiming he was killed during the fighting in Novaya Tavolzhanka. HUR said that he was the operational commander of the forces in Belgorod region fighting against pro-Ukrainian incursion. Meanwhile, (((Prigozhyn))) said that Russian Army units surrendered parts of Berkhivka, North of Bakhmut, to ZSU attack. Some time later, Deputy MoD Hanna Malyar declared that Ukrainian forces conducted successful attacks, advancing 200 – 1 600m at Orikhovo-Vasylivka-Paraskoviivka and 100 – 700m at Ivanivske-Klishchiivka to the North and South of Bakhmut respectively. ZSU maintains smug silence regarding the attacks on Zaporozhe front. 2215J Multiple sources claim that 6 Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers left Olenya airfield and are proceeding towards their launch line. ETA 00000030(either C or B). 2300J ‘Strelkov’ now thinks that current Ukrainian attacks near Velyka Novosilka bear only probing nature. He came to this conclusion, because, according to him, ZSU didn’t employ anything bigger than a supported mechanized infantry battalion in any of the assaults. 405

In other news: “Mystery epidemic of colon cancer in young people laid bare: Cases have DOUBLED in under-40s by 2030, it'll be the number one cancer killer, and experts believe bad diets or fungus is to blame.” Daily Mail, Emily Joshu, 2023.06.05.

Rectal cancer rates according to JAMA Surgery.

A bridge that is being built in India over the river Ganges collapsed for a second time in two years. 208 million dollars were allocated for the project. In another stunning display of money appropriation, Hindus posted a video, showing how authorities rolled out a carpet with a thin asphalt cover instead of a tarmac road. “7 women sexually assaulted in German swimming pool, Syrian migrant arrested for molesting 12-year-old girl.”, John Cody, 2023.06.02. 2023.06.06

468th Day of the Prelude War

Well, it looks like Russian High Command took the attacks yesterday as a serious enough indicator of the incoming Ukrainian offensive. The first news came from Russians themselves; they claimed that at 2300Z1 Ukrainians struck Nova Kakhovka Dam, destroying hydraulic valves of the dam. Soon it 1

~0100B ”Major dam breached in southern Ukraine, unleashing floodwaters”, (((Reuters))), 2023.06.06. 406

became obvious that it was Russians themselves, who blew up the dam and started the flooding of lower Dnepr valley. Ukrainians called it “terrorist” action, again, but it is anything but. Surely, this will present danger to the civilian population living downstream and will force Ukrainians to take

Nova Kakhovka Dam destroyed, view from the Russian side of Dnepr.

measures to safeguard said civilians. However, the destruction of the dam and subsequent flooding will make river crossing assaults over the lower Dnepr nigh impossible for ZSU and free up additional Russian forces to be thrown at the developing main attack on Zaporozhe front. It was perfectly logical and militarily reasonable thing to do. 11 out of 28 spans have been destroyed and 80 settlements are expected to be flooded. According to Nexta, the peak of flooding is expected to be reached at around 1100J. (((Zelensky))) called up the emergency meeting of Ukrainian Security Council. There are videos showing Russian mines exploding on the shores of Kakhovka Reservoir after they were washed up by the flooding. Further implications of this event could pronounce themselves at a later date, as Zaporozhe NPP uses Kakhovka Reservoir water for all its cooling needs. Tonight, a massive cruise missile attack was also launched at Ukraine. ZSU claimed to have shot down all 35 of the Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles.


CNN issued an article1, describing how Ukraine created a network of agents in Russia and provided them with drones, which were apparently used in the attack on Kremlin on 2023.05.03. CNN quotes “people familiar with US intelligence”, basing their entire article on these sources. The presence of extensive agentura in Russia was made obvious by the spate of fires, but I somewhat doubt Ukrainian SBU could do it, bearing in mind horrible infiltration by Russian FSB and corruption that was, and still is, prevalent in the service. Yesterday, Ukrainians performed a PSYOP against the population of Russian Kursk, Bryansk and Belgorod regions. TV and radio had been breached digitally and forged Putin’s address was broadcasted. In it, “Putin” informed Russians that Ukraine has started the invasion of these three Russian regions with the help of NATO. Civilians were called to calmly start evacuation from the regions and asked not to panic. British MSM (SkyNews primarily) published a document that allegedly proves Iranian weapon deliveries to Russia after the start of the RussoUkrainian War. Iran has been denying the deliveries and claiming all Shahed drones and other weapon systems were provided to Russia prior to the outbreak of hostilities. Currently disclosed documents are dated 2022.09.14. While British MSM quote “sources” claiming these documents are “100% authentic”, no further confirmation of their veracity was provided. So far there was no reaction from Russian or Iranian officials. Then again, it is quite clear that Iran is currently providing a steady flow of munitions to Russia, documents or no documents. 1131J A video uploaded on Nexta showed the remains of Nova Kakhovka Dam already submerged beneath the streaming waters of the reservoir. Western MSM report that Iran has unveiled its first hypersonic missile “Fattah”. Amirali Hajizadeh, the head of the IRGC aerospace force, was quoted as saying “the precision-guided Fattah hypersonic missile has a range of 1 400 km and it is capable of penetrating all defence shields”. Chosenites 1

“Exclusive: Ukraine has cultivated sabotage agents inside Russia and is giving them drones to stage attacks, sources say.” CNN, Natasha Bertrand, Zachary Cohen & Kylie Atwood, 2023.06.05. 408

must be experiencing acute sphincter convulsions at the news. 1245J Ukrainian municipality of Krivyi Rih issued statement that water will be rationed. People reacted immediately by buying up all bottled water in the stores. Russians in Crimea started posting videos and pictures of very muddy water coming out of their faucets (Crimea gets almost all of its water from Dnepr via an open canal from Nova Kakhovka). Both Kadyrov and (((Prigozhyn))) have clamoured to have their troops sent to Belgorod. The incursion is still ongoing, it appears, and Russians try not to allocate more serious forces thither so as not to weaken their front in Ukraine. Russian establishment still clings to the “Ukraine blew up Nova Kakhovka” narrative. Peskov declared that Ukraine conducted a diversion, because they failed to achieve results in the offensive. I really struggle to understand the mindset behind Kremlin stance. The ability to blather utter cretinisms and still maintain straight face is mindboggling. At the same time, both Ukrainian and Russian State Prosecution Offices opened criminal cases in relation to the Nova Kakhovka Dam explosion. Russian FSB claimed they have arrested Ukrainian pilots of small civilian aircraft, who were tasked with deploying a “dirty bomb” on a GSM1 depot in Bryansk region. According to FSB, the old fart, depicted in their interrogation video, belonged to a special Ukrainian HUR unit ‘Legion’, with the military unit No. 3449. Russian MoD issued probably the boldest claim since this war – they have allegedly destroyed 8 Leopard tanks





attempts to assault Russian positions. However, the dumb fucks in Russian MoD decided to release the video of the “destruction of vaunted German panzers”. I refuse to believe that even the biggest drunkard in the Russian General Staff could confuse the 1

One of the “Leopard tanks”, destroyed by the victorious Russian Army.

Goryuche-Smazochnyye Materialy (Ru.) – Fuel and Lubricant Materials. 409

tractors and combines depicted in the video with Leopard tanks, no matter how much krokodil1 he took prior to the “analysis”. This of course does not include ‘Olenyovod’ Shoigu, as he hasn’t served a day in the army and anything could be passed off as a tank for him. Ukrainians continued their attacks to the North of Bakhmut, taking more terrain in Berkhivka, completely retaking Orikhovo-Vasylivka and contesting Zaliznyanske. Gladkov declared that there are no more incursion forces within Belgorod region. Strangely enough, RDK and ‘Svoboda Rossii’ continue pouring out videos of them conducting operations in the area. I would say they even trolled Russians, showing a leisurely drive on two tanks through what appeared as a rather peaceful Russian countryside. RDK reiterated that Novaya Tavolzhanka has been completely abandoned by Russian troops and Shebekino is being robbed by marauders, because Russian government forces do not patrol the town. 2306J Ukrainian ZOG managed to misuse even the Nova Kakhovka flood. The main kvetching point for them became the (((ecological))) twist. (((Zelensky))) called it an “ecocide” and Ukrainian MSM posted pictures of the suffering animals all day long. The fact that hundreds if not thousands of people lost their homes is only a trivial matter – the most “heart-breaking” part of this catastrophe was a shivering elk on the sidewalk, somewhere in Kherson. The biggest tragedy in all of it was the destruction of a zoo in Nova Kakhovka! Third version of what happened at Nova Kakhovka has been raised – some say it is possible the dam crumbled because of previous damage (Russians destroyed part of the top road after the withdrawal from Kherson). It has been also reported that Russians raised the water level in Kakhovka Reservoir by 17m prior the destruction of the dam. This would have put additional strain 1

Desomorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid commercialized by Roche, with powerful, fast-acting effects, such as sedation and analgesia. [...] A desomorphine product has been created by the public as a street drug, usually using codeine. Such product is highly impure, which lends the street drug the name of krokodil (Russian for crocodile), due to the scaly sores and necrosis that develop around the injection site (Wikipedia). One of those nightmarish things that Russia tends to produce from time to time. 410

on the structure. In other news: “Abnormal Surge of Brain Abscesses in American Children, CDC Says.”, Michelle Starr, 2023.06.05. 2023.06.07

469th Day of the Prelude War

The tanks that were reported near Velyka Novosilka by Russians as Leopards turned out to be French AMXs, most probably. According to Russians, at least two were abandoned by Ukrainians. ‘Strelkov’




Kakhovka Dam was “of course” blown





opinion, this act was intended to wash away Russian fortifications, ammo dumps and troops from the left






postulates that the flood will help Ukrainians take Kinburn Spit and it will be nigh impossible for

Situation to the North of Bakhmut, centred on Paraskoviivka-Krasna Hora, around 2023.06.06 according to GeoConfirmed Twitter account. From North to South: 30th MechBrig, 56th MotoBrig, SBU ‘Alpha’ Special Group, 109th Mountain Assault Battalion.

Russians to take it back. Furthermore, he thinks that with the dam gone, water level in Kakhovka Reservoir will drop sufficiently to allow “riverine assault crossing of Dnepr” above Nova Kakhovka. Additionally, ‘Strelkov’ pointed out that there will now be 30-50 000 displaced and angry civilians, whom Russia will need to take care of. There are no “former” KGB guys and he amply demonstrated it. As soon as the official propaganda demanded it, he forgot all about his past musings about the Dnepr crossing. He shat on his usual “common sense” analysis and disregarded obvious facts. An assault crossing of the lower Dnepr is now out of the question for a month, if not more, until the water subsides and the ground dries up sufficiently. Note: it depends very much on the manner of the river bed at the point of the intended crossing. The assault crossing across the drained Kakhovka Reservoir is even more laughable, as there will now be at least 1.7km of mud and that is at the 411

narrowest point near Nikopol. It would be a shorter mud distance along the stretch between Zolota Balka and Nova Kakhovka, yet it is still not conducive to assault crossings. He is right about refugees and the washing off of Russian positions, but that would be a dubious benefit in return for making an entire Russian flank secure for a considerable length of time. Besides, so far Russia displayed very little concern for the displaced populace (even their own civilians in Belgorod) and the troops would not be washed away in great numbers at all (flat terrain dam – slow water rise). All of that is considering it was ZSU that destroyed the dam and Russians had no forewarning of the event. The only actually relevant argument for the case of Ukrainian involvement in the destruction of Nova Kakhovka Dam would be the denial of water to Crimea, especially in view of the developing drought. But ‘Strelkov’ didn’t mention it. Just as it was about to be relaunched, or maybe even just as it was relaunched, Tolyati-Odessa ammonia pipeline was damaged. According to Russians, who published a video of a massive ammonia leak, this happened in the vicinity of Kupyansk, Kharkiv region. The news about RDK incursion has become very confusing. Nexta wrote that anti-Putinist forces have made a renewed incursion into Novaya Tavolzhanka, while RDK video on NoelReports claimed they have kept the control over Novaya Tavolzhanka for 7 straight days (the video was not shot in the village). Russians still claim there are no incursion forces present in Belgorod region. At least Russians posted a video from inside Novaya Tavolzhanka, proving they have taken control of the settlement. Russians reported continued repulsion of Ukrainian attacks on Zaporozhe front. Again, extreme losses were claimed on the ZSU side without much confirmation. The areas of alleged attacks were vectors Lobkove-Pyatykhatky and Orikhiv-Robotyne. Increased Russian aerial activity was reported from around Mariupol, probably working as CAS for the Zaporozhe front. 2219J New version of the Nova Kakhovka Dam destruction has been raised by Volya (Will, Ru.) Telegram channel (pro-Western Russian language MSM). They were allegedly contacted by “sources within Russian Army”, who told an interesting story of how this disaster came to be. According to the 412

“source”, personnel from the Russian 31st Sapper-Engineer Regiment (Military unit No. 31777, Prokhladniy, Kabardino-Balkaria) was sent to the dam to check the laid explosives for the destruction of the structure, which was planned for the end of the week. Here’s the quote from the alleged military person, who contacted Volya: “Если коротко – всё пошло через жопу .Взрывать должны ближе к концу недели. Кто-то, а имено двое дебилоидов лейтенант Сивых и старлей Гончаров из недавно откомандированых саперах должны были просто проверить всё ли подготовлено. Что они там намудрили — все видят.” Translation: “If in short – everything went to shit. [They were] supposed to have blown [the dam] closer to the end of the week. Someone, particularly two imbeciloids – Lieutenant Sivykh and First Lieutenant1 Goncharov, from the newly arrived sappers, were supposed to simply check, if everything was ready [for the explosion]. What they have cooked up – everyone can see.” Volya confirmed the presence of the 31st Sapper-Engineer Regiment in the area from the “words of staff officers”. They also wrote that “one Russian officer, who was present at the place of flooding on June 6, also confirmed that he heard from other officers about the group of sappers working at the dam”. Despite the absolutely despicable level of “journalism” here, daring to publish words of a “I heard it from the others” source, Volya noted that both the officer and the initial source both agreed that the sapper group was killed in its entirety during the explosion. I gave this story a benefit of the doubt, since it explained the intensive blame game between Kremlin and Kiev as well as the videos showing Russian troops wading waste deep from the flooded positions, all of which hinted at “unintended consequences”. As Volya remarked – the unscheduled explosion messed up plans of both Russian and Ukrainian forces – Russians weren’t able to retreat from the affected zone prior to flooding and Ukrainians lost the possibility to attack over Dnepr (although that would have hardly amounted to anything more than mere 1

”Starley” is Russian military colloquialism for “First Lieutenant” or “Oberleutnant” in German. 413

harassing operations against Russian Kherson front in any case). Julian Röpcke posted a collage of pictures from a Russian video, showing Ukrainian attack attempt at Novodarivka (West of Velyka Novosilka). Röpcke concluded from the video that Ukrainian forces drove in a tight formation right into Russian minefield without any kind of support. ZSU lost 11 armoured vehicles in what looked like a reconstruction of Russian attack on Vuhledar. 2302J Radio Svoboda reported that Russia and Ukraine are also blaming each other for the damage to the Tolyati-Odessa ammonia pipeline. Ukrainians claim it was Russian artillery, Russians (Konashenkov) claim it was Ukrainian saboteurs and they allegedly did it back on June 5. Of course, there is always a possibility of a third side actor having done this sabotage in order to disrupt the “grain deal” and maybe push Putin even further towards the brink. The exact place of the incident is unknown and as it was reported to have happened “in the forest near Masiutivka”, it could have been either in Russian or Ukrainian controlled area. Since Russians published the video first and named the place, I’m more inclined to believe them. Besides, Putin is very anxious to have this ammonia being pumped again and would not have allowed it to be blown for mere propaganda purposes (he is, after all, just a glorified robber-baron). At the same time, both Ukrainians and the West tried to block the relaunch of this pipeline since the start of hostilities. In other news: Forest fires in Canada are chocking





America. The smoke is so thick that sun can be barely seen during the day. George Washington Bridge in Jew York, shrouded in smoke coming from the wildfires in Canada, presumably midday.

“A former U.S. intelligence officer has claimed that the U.S. is secretly operating a 414

UFO retrieval program and possesses “intact craft of non-human origin.” The whistleblower David Charles Grusch, who is a retired member of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), said that he was part of a task force that was established to identify what were once called “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOS, and now officially known as “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP.” (((Vice))), Chloe Xiang, 2023.06.06. “[...] Who’s in charge of the most powerful positions of our nation [the US]. Janet Yellen, secretary of the treasury, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; Merrick Garland, attorney general, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of homeland security for our country, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; Avril Haines, director of national intelligence, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; [addresses someone in the crowd]; Jeff Zients, White House chief of staff, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; 4 star admiral Rachel Levine, US assistant secretary of health [repeats the office], transgender – can’t figure out their gender but they’re the secretary of health for our country and a 4 star admiral – jew; Antony Blinken, secretary of the state, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; Wendy Sherman, deputy secretary of the state, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; [repeats Victoria Nuland]; Victoria Nuland, secretary for political affairs, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; David S. Cohen, deputy director of the CIA, dual citizenship with Israel – jew; Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Pritzker, transgender – jew. Now we’ll talk about who’s behind abortion. Mr. [Étienne-Émile] Baulieu, held [as] father of the “abortion pill”, known for [repeats the “title”], worldwide for his work on RU486 Mifepristone1 – jew; Allan Guttmacher, president of Planned Parenthood2, vice president of the American Eugenic Aociety – jew; Fania Mindell, started Planned Parenthood with Margaret Sanger3 and her sister – jew; Lawrence Lader, founding 1

The “abortion pill”. An (((organization))) promoting abortions, contraceptives and other population reduction measures. 3 Born Margaret Louise Higgins, an Irish-catholic woman, married to a kike. 2


father of abortion movement, one of the founders of the pro-abortion group NARAL1, Lawrence Lader – jew; Henry Morgentaler, father of abortion in Canada, first doctor in North America to use vacuum aspiration, which means using a vacuum to suck up the poor baby fetuses from the mother, he’s a jew; Gregory Pincus, father of the birth control pill, worked with Margaret Sanger and Abraham Stone2 to begin hormonal contraceptive research – jew; Malvin Weisberg, operated an abortion clinic in California with 16 431 aborted fetuses found in his shipping container on his property – jew; Paul Ehrlich, father of the overpopulation theory, says you’re having too many babies, says you gotta start cutting back and having abortions, wrote “The Population Bomb” in 1968 –jew. Now we’ll go through and talk about who’s taking the guns away, who’s taking your right to bear arms away. Senator Herbert Kohl, passed the Gunfree Schools Act of 1990, the Gunfree Schools Act of 1995, the Child Safety Locked Act of 1999, Herbert Kohl is a jew; senator Barbara Boxer, American Handgun Standards Act of 1999, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2000 and 2001, she’s a jew; congressman Emanuel Celler, Gun Control Act of 1968 – jew; senator Howard Metzenbaum, the every violation of Gun Control Act of 1968, helped pass the “plastic guns” ban, helped pass the “specific semi auto rifles” ban, helped pass the Brady Bill and the Brady Bill 2, which means you gotta wait a certain amount of time before you have your right to bear arms, he’s a jew; senator Dianne Feinstein, every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968, the large capacity ammunition magazine import ban, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2000 and 2001, she’s a jew3; congressman senator Chuck Shumer, helped pass the Brady Handgun Protection and the Brady Bill 2, the “assault weapons” provision, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2000 and 2001, Chuck Shumer is 1

(((National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws))). Born in Russia in 1890, immigrated to the US in 1905 with his parents, almost guaranteed a kike. 3 One of the most vile ones too. Pure evil incarnate. 2


a jew; senator Frank Lautenberg, outpast [helped pass] the Gunfree Schools Act of 1995, the Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation Provision, the Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999, the Gun Show Accountability Act of 1999, the Gun Industry Accountability Act of 1999, he’s a jew; congressman Jerrold Nadler, “protecting our kids act”, he’s a jew. Now let’s talk about who’s behind COVID [repeats the phrase]. We’ll talk about who’s trying to get people to take the experimental jab. CDC director, [i.e.] director of the Center for Disease Control Rochelle Walensky – jew; CDC deputy director Anne Schuchat – jew; CDC chief of staff Sherri Berger – jew; CDC chief medical officer Mitchell Wolfe – jew; CDC director in the Washington office Jeff Reczek – jew; COVID “czar” Jeff Zients – jew; COVID senior advisor Andy Slavitt – jew; [repeats the troon (((Levine)))]; head of Pfizer Albert Bourla – jew; Pfizer chief scientist Mikael Dolsten – jew; Moderna chief scientist Tal Zaks – jew; BlackRock CEO1 Larry Fink – jew; BlackRock president Rob Kapito – jew;









Waldstreicher – jew; chief medical officer of MerckMichael Rosenblatt – jew; executive chairman World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab, you either love them or you hate them, the head advisor working right there [is the] best friends with the guy that says you’ll own nothing one day and you’ll love it! Mr Yuval Hurari – jew. Now well go through and we’ll talk about the every... About the Federal Reserve. Who’s been operating the chair and vice chair of [“]our[“] Federal Reserve. William Harding, 2nd chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Paul Warburg 2nd vice chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Eugene Mayer, 5th chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Eugene Robert Black, 6th chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Arthur Burns, 10th chair of our Federal Reserve – jew; Paul Volker, 12th chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Alan Greenspan, 13th chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Ben Bernanke, 14th chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Alan Blinder, 15th vice chair of our Federal Reserve – jew; Janet Yellen, 15th chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Alice Mitchell Rivlin, 16th vice 1

Chief Executive Officer. 417

chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Donald Kohn, 18th vice chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; Stanley Fisher, 20th vice chair of the Federal Reserve – jew; [addresses someone in the audience]. Now let’s talk about 9/11. Who’s behind 9/11? Well, have you heard of Lucky Larry? Larry Silverstein, a jew, purchased the Twin Towers a few months before the terrorist attack. Happened to put an insurance policy for a few hundred million dollars. What did he collect a couple months later? 4 and a half billion dollars! [...]”1 Some extremely brave young lad on a public stand, somewhere in the US. The video was truncated, but even if it weren‘t, I could see that the lad was mentioning only the most notable (((personas))). If he would have endeavoured to list all the positions of power (Presidential Office, Senate, Congress, MSM, medical etc.) occupied by the kikes, he would have stood there at least a week and would have died of exhaustion before reading the complete list. 2023.06.08

470th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~212 760 KIAs, 3 891 MBTs, 7 576 AIVs, 6 384 wheeled transports, 500 specialized vehicles, 3 668 artillery guns, 595 MLRS, 355 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 299 helicopters, 3 234 UAVs, 1 171 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Large explosions and immense billowing column of black smoke were reported from Luhansk. (((Moshe Reuven Azman))), the chief rabbi of Ukraine, came under artillery attack while visiting Kherson. Unfortunately, the parasite escaped unscathed. According to Telegram channel Dva Mayora (Two Majors, Ru.), which is a pro-Russian voyenkor-run outlet, Ukrainians have taken Lobkove and a foothold on the Southern bank of a small river directly South of it. He then proceeded to count the losses of Ukrainians suffered during the attack (past 1.5 day): Orikhovo vector – 43 vehicles, of which 26 were “tanks and other 1

Somewhat edited and corrected transcription from a video on, posted on 2023.05.10. 418

armoured combat vehicles”; “Vremyevskiy salient”1 – 32 “tanks and other armoured combat vehicles”. The channel remarked that Ukrainians still have the reserve of those 7 fully armed brigades, when it comes to the armour and other vehicles. It was further claimed that Ukrainians have much bigger problem with their manpower, allegedly losing up to 30% of units’ strength within hours of combat. I find this last claim extremely highly unlikely. Losses of 30% manpower would mean “the unit is then essentially wrecked”2. Ergo, it would follow that Ukrainians are attacking Russian positions in human waves, WW1 style. As I’ve said, even with the genocidal nature of this war, I don’t think that Ukrainian individual soldiers suddenly lost all remnants of self-preservation and decided to commit seppuku in such a way. Not even Russians do that anymore, disregarding the ‘Wagner’s convicts, who were forced to act as a meat-shield. Russians published a video footage from a drone, showing, in very poor quality, the surveillance of Ukrainian forces. It showed a column of armoured vehicles with several Leopard-2 MBTs. The column had stopped on a newly formed dirt road (basically just a lane dug up by the tracked vehicles) and came under Russian artillery fire. At least one of the Leos was burning. Podpolkovnik Roman Vinivitin, the commander of 72nd Brigade of Russian Armed Forces, who was previously captured by wagnerites and was forced to apologize for the incident between him and ‘Wagner’ mercs, issued a video on a Telegram channel, created just today. In it, he read off a list of grievances he had with the wagnerites. The crimes of the mercenaries included: theft of vehicles and weapons; slight, abduction and torture of regular army soldiers, to a point when one of them committed suicide; torture with chemicals of one Russian Army NCO, use of regular army soldiers as slaves. By the looks of it, Russian forces are a very fun place to serve in. Former NATO secretary general, Anders Rasmussen, made some really ominous declaration: 1

Slight triangular bulge between Volodyne-Blahodatne-Novomayorske, immediately South of Velyka Novosilka. I have no idea why it was called Vremyevskiy. 2 “The relationship of battle damage to unit combat performance”, (((Leonard Wainstein))), 1986. 419

“If NATO cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action. We know that Poland is very engaged in providing concrete assistance to Ukraine. And I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that Poland would engage even stronger in this context on a national basis and be followed by the Baltic states, maybe including the possibility of troops on the ground. [...] I think the Poles would seriously consider going in and assemble a coalition of the willing if Ukraine doesn’t get anything in Vilnius. We shouldn’t underestimate the Polish feelings, the Poles feel that for too long western Europe did not listen to their warnings against the true Russian mentality.”1 Yevgeniy Balitskiy, Russian appointed governor of the occupied part of Zaporozhe region, ordered the evacuation of civilian population from Vasylivka, Tokmak and Polohy. In other news: A video was posted on GlendaM Twitter account of Castro’s Bastard, a.k.a. Trudeau, trying to deflect the question about the inflation and looming mortgage debt defaults with the issue of forest fires, which were, according to him, the result of (((climate change))). It is a very peculiar type of climate change indeed, when 20+ forest fires start within 1 hour under a perfectly clear sky. The ZOG doesn’t even make an effort to make their lies believable anymore. “EXCLUSIVE: Canada is on track for another record-busting year of euthanasia deaths, with a 35% jump to some 13,500 state-sanctioned suicides in 2022, a projection shows.” Daily Mail, James Reinl, 2023.06.07. A Syrian shitskin attacked a group of children in a playground in Annys, France. He proceeded to stab them with a knife until 8 of the kids were wounded. Local French were only able to squawk and cluck, demanding for


As quoted in “NATO members may send troops to Ukraine, warns former alliance chief”, The Guardian, Patrick Wintour, 2023.06.07, emphasis in bold by me. 420

someone to “appelez la police!”1 Apathetic bloody country, I have no sympathy at all. “Seven men charged with raping single vulnerable woman in Brent. The offences were alleged to have been committed against a single female victim, aged









31.”, Lynn Rusk, 2023.06.06. Further reading of the article revealed the names of the 7 perpetrators: Mariusz Piotr Brzegowy, Marusz Jantowski, Tomasz Oleszczak, Slawomir Jahn, Dominik Winiarczyk, Michal Biernacki, Jerzy Gazdowicz, proving that no sort of mixing nations is a good thing – all 7 were Europeans, Poles to be exact. Note: the story was present only on very obscure sites and it is possible it was just an “AI” generated text. The publication of the suspects’ names prior to the sentence lends credence to this suspicion. 2023.06.09

471st Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~213 770 KIAs, 3 901 MBTs, 7 600 AIVs, 6 410 wheeled transports, 502 specialized vehicles, 3 702 artillery guns, 599 MLRS, 359 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 299 helicopters, 3 247 UAVs, 1 171 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. ZSU shot down 4 missiles and 14 Shahed/Lantset/Orlan/Supercam drones out of the salvo launched by Russians tonight. Ukrainians continue evacuation of civilians from the flooded areas of right bank of Dnepr. At the same time, there are reports that Russians do not conduct any relieve operations on their side, even worse – according to some, Russian have put up block posts and do not let anyone without a Russian passport leave the area. Furthermore, Ukrainians accuse Russians of shelling the evacuation efforts in the flooded Kherson. The lowering of water level in Kakhovka Reservoir raised fears about the impending issues with Zaporozhe NPP. If water falls below 12m mark, NPP cooling system won’t be able to pump water from the reservoir and might experience problems. The issue is expected to manifest in the nearest several weeks. Shebekino and outlying settlements are still getting pounded by the Ukrainian 1

Call the police (Fr.). 421

artillery. RDK still claims they control Novaya Tavolzhanka; there was no comment on the fact that Russians previously published video from inside of the village. At the moment, Ukrainian main effort seems to be concentrated on two sectors of Zaporozhe front – Lobkove and Robotyne (initial reports mentioned clashes near Velyka Novosilka as well) directions. So far, they can not boast of a breakthrough and the attacks, probing or not, have been going on at least since June 5. Ukrainians continue to stubbornly claim these attacks are merely combat reconnaissance. Russian plan seems to have been a repeat of the Kursk Battle – extensive fortifications, at least three lines deep, across the expected attack direction. With Nova Kakhovka Dam destroyed, they can now redirect even more troops to Zaporozhe front without fear of getting harassed from Kherson direction. Ukrainians are now on the “horns of a dilemma” – they need a successful offensive to boost both their domestic support for the war and foreign military aid and confidence in ZSU’s ability to retake lost territory; on the other hand, their manpower is dwindling (although not as much as Russians try to portray it) and the only good outcome of the failed offensive is an ephemeral possibility of the escalation of the conflict by “Eastern NATO coalition of the willing”. The latter is still very much in doubt, as even one of the most anti-Russian inclined “head of states” – Kaja Kallas, the PM of Estonia, denied today the words of Anders Rasmussen about the willingness of Eastern NATO countries to form a coalition and “put boots on the ground” in Ukraine. Probably in view of Russian MoD claims and their videos of burnt Leopards, Ukrainian side started releasing their own footage. It mostly showed artillery strikes and subsequent retreat of Russian infantry from the positions. Meanwhile, a Russian video appeared of the previously shown column that got hit. This time it was in high resolution and it definitely showed one Leopard-2, which was abandoned, 4 destroyed Bradleys and one abandoned tracked mine clearing vehicle1. The newly “ploughed” road was also 1

According to NoelReports, it was BMR-2 mine clearing vehicle, but I haven’t found such a “beast”. BMR-2 is a wheeled Spanish APC (Blindado Medio de Ruedas). I failed to identify the vehicle, and can only note it was based on T-55 chassis. 422

explained by the abandoned mine plough attachment near the “road”.

Destroyed column of Bradleys, Leopard-2 and one engineer vehicle. Screengrab from Russian UAV footage.

2349J RVvoenkory, a pro-Russian Telegram channel wrote that “the 10th Army Corps of the Strategic Reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine replenished their ammunition, built equipment into march formations and began to move”, implying that a major Ukrainian push “along the Robotyne-Verbove line” is incoming. RVvoenkory promised “an unforgettable night” for ZSU. Putin also mentioned that Ukrainian offensive is under way, but has been repelled in all instances. Ukrainian officials continue to deny that the attack has begun. In other news: On the other side of Atlantic, the ZOG intensified its efforts to divert public attention. It is yet unclear from what exactly they are trying to divert the attention, but the attempt is clear. Today, a story broke about an “L.A.1 family, which reported 8-10 foot tall aliens, who crash-landed in their backyard”. This was coupled with the video from the cop’s body-camera, showing something getting hit by lightning and crashing. As some have rightly remarked – in the age of all pervasive “smart”phones and global culture of filming even the most gruesome incidents for (((social media))) points, the “L.A. family” didn’t figure to film those “8 foot tall creatures”. “Mass Immigration Doesn’t Work in Sweden. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf 1

Los Angeles, US. 423


publicly denounced




management of

immigration this week in a landmark opinion piece for the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet. [...] While not denouncing immigration entirely, Kristersson stresses the need to update integration policies and clamp down on bogus asylum seekers clogging up the country. Kristersson also calls for new citizenship tests that prioritise knowledge of the Swedish language among new arrivals, in the hope of reducing the number of refugees excluded from Swedish society.” The European Conservative, Thomas O'Reilly, 2023.06.07, emphasis in bold by me. After Sweden became the “rape capital” of Europe, after Swedish cities have no-go areas, after daily grenade bombings and shootouts in broad daylight, after murders, torture, child rapes and so much more, they decided to “do something about it”. I would say it is late to take Paracetamol1 after you’ve just cut your own head off. “BREAKING: A showdown is ramping up right now in Ottawa after the school board told all teachers to call all kids by "they/them" pronouns, permanently. Everyone student is now non-binary, and protesters are getting furious. Situation escalating.” Keean Bexte, Twitter message with an attached video, 2023.06.09, emphasis in bold by me. 2023.06.10

472nd Day of the Prelude War

Yesterday, Ukrainians started intense missile bombardment of Arabat Spit, to the East of Perekop Isthmus. Today, they resumed this activity – heavy strikes were reported along the Spit and Genichesk. Strikes on Arabat Spit have allegedly hit Russian ‘Dnepr’ Battlegroup HQ in the hotel “Chalet Thermal”, located in Schastlivtsevo village. Russian responded with a rather large wave of kamikaze drones tonight. ZSU claims they have shot down 20 Shaheds with 12 other types of UAVs and 2 missiles. Most were directed, as I understand, against Odessa. After the footage of multiple vehicle kills posted by Russian sources, Ukrainians are releasing ever more of their own combat videos. Their kills mostly comprise single vehicles – one tank, one BMP, one TOS-1A Solntsepyok. Ukrainians admitted their own losses (to a degree) but said that 1

A generic, light pain and fever relieving drug, prescribed nowadays against everything in the West by street-shitting “doctors”. 424

all the vehicle kills were made during the first days of the offensive. However, if Ukrainians will continue doing Russian Vuhledar attacks, they are going to burn their reserves and open themselves up for Russian counterattack. The videos of Ukrainian “CAS”1 leave much to be desired from their Air Force as well. In order to avoid the Russian AA zone, they launch their NURS2 rockets while raising their noses in flight, thus creating an artillery-like launch with a ballistic trajectory, extending the range of NURS. Unfortunately, it loses all precision, and thus the whole point of the CAS role. The practice was started by Russian pilots at the start of the war, as far as I know. Ukrainians reported an advance of over 1 400m near Bakhmut and presented it as great news. However, this does not make a good substitute for their lack of progress in Zaporozhe. In fact, even if they recapture Bakhmut or take it into encirclement, it will mean nothing, as Bakhmut is merely one of the many settlements along the great urban agglomerate North of Donetsk and would not open any operational freedom for the subsequent offensive. Ukrainian MSM and some Western analysts (British intelligence press-release) claim that ZSU have achieved breakthrough of the first line of Russian defences. The locality of the success has not been named, but it was called “in some areas”. The way it was phrased it could mean anything, but most like a reference to the Bakhmut attacks, which are quite inconsequential, as I’ve pointed out. In other news: “Toronto is getting a restaurant where all the food is made by chefs living with HIV.”, Viktoria Kuglin3, 2023.06.08. “BREAKING: California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’.” The Daily Signal, Tony Kinnett, 2023.06.09. “EXCLUSIVE: Is THIS the solution to global warming? Scientist claims we should MOVE the Earth away from the sun - here's how his wacky idea could really work.” Daily Mail, Jonathan Chadwick, 2023.06.10. 1

Close Air Support; put in quotation marks to note it is used only nominally in this case. 2 Neupravlyayemiy Raketniy Snaryad (Ru.) – Unguided Rocket Projectile. 3 Most probably a she-kike. 425

“Unabomber Ted Kaczynski1 found dead in prison cell. He was arrested in 1996 after a nearly 20-year bombing spree.” ABC News, Luke Barr & Meredith Deliso, 2023.06.10. And so, a rather legendary figure has gone to the afterlife. Note: it was later reported that Ted committed suicide. “Power depends ultimately on physical force. By teaching people that violence is wrong (except, of course, when the system itself uses violence via the police or the military), the system maintains its monopoly on physical force and thus keeps all power in its own hands.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.11

473rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~215 640 KIAs, 3 926 MBTs, 7 631 AIVs, 6 461 wheeled transports, 509 specialized vehicles, 3 736 artillery guns, 601 MLRS, 362 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 299 helicopters, 3 300 UAVs, 1 183 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Water supply canal from Kakhovka Reservoir to Crimea has gone dry. Russian situation on the peninsula is back to square zero and this time it will be for a very long time. Ukrainians posted a video showing an artillery strike and subsequent destruction of a Russian supply convoy (others say it was a column of 83rd VDV Brigade) South of Zapovitne village (Due South from Enerhodar NPP, on T0805 road). It had lorries with artillery guns in tow and they were loaded with ammunition.


Theodore John Kaczynski (May 22, 1942 – June 10, 2023), also known as the Unabomber, was an American mathematician and domestic terrorist. He was a mathematics prodigy, but abandoned his academic career in 1969 to pursue a primitive lifestyle. Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski murdered three individuals and injured 23 others in a nationwide mail bombing campaign against people he believed to be advancing modern technology and the destruction of the natural environment. He authored Industrial Society and Its Future, a 35,000-word manifesto and social critique opposing industrialization, rejecting leftism, and advocating for a nature-centered form of anarchism (((Wikipedia))). 426

Shoigu struck back at (((Prigozhyn))) – from July 1, all volunteers (‘Wagner’ fighters are considered as such also, since private military companies are theoretically forbidden by law in Russia) will be required to sign a contract with Russian MoD. There are rumours that Ukrainians took Blahodatne, South of Velyka Novosilka, reducing the salient in that sector. The claim allegedly came from the 68th Separate Jäger Brigade. The infantry hoisting the flag on the building behaved like they were pretty far away from the frontline, so it is safe to assume that if the village is indeed Blahodatne, the fighting has moved much farther away. Artillery cannonade is also only distantly audible. Rostselmash1 factory is burning in Rostov-on-Don. It is the biggest factory of agricultural machinery in Russia. (((Prigozhyn))) reacted to Shoigu’s countermove by sending him (verbally) on a long walk off a short pier. ‘Wagner’ will not be signing any contracts with MoD, because ‘Wagner’ is not part of the Russian MoD. And Shoigu’s directive concerns only MoD subjects, at least that’s what (((Prigozhyn))) thinks. 1720J Vladimir Novikov ‘Alabay’, the commander of Russian ‘Troya’ (Troy, Ru.) Volunteer Battalion, posted information that as of 1530 (either local (B) or Moscow (C) time), Lobkove2, Neskuchne3 and Levadne4 have been taken by Ukrainians. Likewise Storozheve and Novodarivka have been recaptured by ZSU. Most of the salient is gone, though that was a small bulge to begin with. A railway bridge was blown by partisans in Yakymivka, SW of Melitopol. This will cut off Russian supply to and from Crimea; Zaporozhe front and Kherson direction won’t be affected – they can still resupply from the mainland. Earlier today, it was reported that railway tracks were also 1

Rostovskiy (zavod) Selskokhozyaystvenykh Mashyn (Ru.) – Rostov (factory) of Agricultural Machines. It was founded in 1929. 2 EbS from Kamyanske, was reported captured by Ukrainians, later became contested after Russian counterattack. 3 SSW from Velyka Novosilka, must have been captured before Blahodatne. 4 Novodarivka and Levadne were on the western side of the Velyka Novosilka salient. 427

destroyed in Crimea Ukrainians claim that Russians opened fire on the boats trying to evacuate civilians from the flooded left bank of Dnepr. 3 civilians were killed, one of which was 74yo man, who covered his wife, trying to protect her from the bullets; further 10 were wounded. Among all of this, Russia returned 95 Ukrainian POWs. If this isn’t the most retarded and fake war ever, I don’t know what it is. 2105J There are rumours that Ukrainians managed to push their initial success in Velyka Novosilka salient farther South today. Allegedly, Northern outskirts of Makarivka and Urozhayne have been entered by ZSU soldiers. There are also reports, claiming Ukrainian General Staff let slip that Russians have ordered the redeployment of their “best forces” from Kherson front towards Zaporozhe. As expected and predicted, I would say, albeit the report can not be substantiated at the moment. 2248J Reports claim that Ukrainian forces have captured Makarivka, thus developing the breakthrough achieved in Velyka Novosilka salient. In other news: “Century-old statue of Revolutionary War hero removed in NY over slavery. A nearly century-old statue of the Revolutionary War hero Gen. Philip Schuyler — one of Albany’s largest slave owners — was removed from outside city hall in the state capitol Saturday morning. [...] The removal cost about $40,000, according to NewsChannel 13 Albany.” New York Post, (((Jon Levine))), 2023.06.10. “It would be better to dump the whole stinking system and take the consequences.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.12

474th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~216 180 KIAs, 3 931 MBTs, 7 636 AIVs, 6 471 wheeled transports, 510 specialized vehicles, 3 746 artillery guns, 601 MLRS, 362 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 299 helicopters, 3 307 UAVs, 1 183 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels.


Forbes writes that Ukrainians have lost half of their Leopard-2R1 vehicles, while trying to break through Russian forward line of defence to the South of Mala Tokmachka. The units involved in the fighting, according to the article, were engineer battalions of the 33rd and 47th Assault Brigades. “At least five” of the attacking force engineer vehicles (German Bergepanzers2 and IMR-2s3) have been lost as well. Russian voynkors report that Russians have fallen back on their second line of defence in Velyka Novosilka sector. Note: neither first nor the second line of defence in this context mean the main defensive line of fortifications, which was constructed ~15km South of the current frontline. The battle is now proceeding for Urozhayne, which is defended by OTBF ‘Kaskad’4, supported by artillery. Russians claimed one of their naval vessels was attacked by a USV in the Black Sea. The drone was destroyed before reaching the target. Ukrainians report that Russians blew up another dam. This time it was a small dam in Klyuchove on Mokriye Yaly river, which will send the water towards the Velyka Novosilka and all the recently captured settlements in that valley. The amount of water won’t be serious though and will hardly impede Ukrainian movement. A temporary disruption of cross-river operations could 1

The Finnish Army purchased 114 Leopard 2 A4’s from Germany. 10 have been converted to heavy mine breaching vehicle used to clear a path through a mine field. They are mounted with a plough or a dozer blade, and an automated marking system. All work has been carried out by Finnish Firm Patria ( These mine clearing vehicles were donated to Ukraine, as Finland found them inadequate for their needs. 2 Armoured recovery vehicle. 3 The IMR-2 is a Soviet and Russian tracked military engineering vehicle built on T-72 main battle tank chassis. IMR stands for Inzhenernaya Mashina Razgrazhdeniya (Russian: инженерная машина разграждения-2; ИМР-2), meaning "Clearing Engineering Vehicle". Development of the IMR-2 begun in 1970s and completed in 1980, while commercial production commenced in 1982. IMR-2 developed to replace aging IMR which built on the basis of T54/55 tank (Wikipedia). 4 Operativno-boyevoye takticheskoye formirovaniye ‘Kaskad’ (Ru.) – Operational-combat tactical formation ‘Cascade’. DNR military unit, formed in 2017. 429

be expected. NATO is starting a large Air Force exercise over Germany – Air Defender 2023. 25 countries, 250 aircraft and 10 000 personnel will be participating. 1408J Russian channels claim that their forces are conducting a counterattack towards Neskuchne and have retaken Makarivka. At the same time, Ukrainians claim their 88th Separate Marine Infantry Battalion (belonging to 35th Marine Infantry Brigade) has repelled Russian counterattack towards Storozheve, destroying 4 armoured vehicles in the process. The information about the Russian unit redeployment from Kherson direction towards Zaporozhe front was confirmed by Hanna Malyar. It was also clarified that these units mostly comprise of Russian Marine Infantry, VDV and parts of 49th Army. According to The Messenger News, the US are preparing evacuation plans for American citizens in Taiwan. The plans have been in the works for the last six months but have been put on full steam over the past two. Of course, it is “a very prudent thing to do”, as Mark Cancian1 said, the issue is that it was kept secret. And it was kept secret in order not to alarm Taiwanese population and their government. In other news: “Ignore the doomsayers: The world is better than ever.” FOX News, Marian L. Tupy, 2023.06.11. “Greta Thunberg demands Vladimir Putin be punished for ‘ecocide’ in Ukraine.”, Sam Montgomery, 2023.06.09. As if we didn’t have enough with wars, famines, plagues and kikes, we have to deal with retarded teenagers as well. Berlusconi shuffled off his mortal coil at the age of 86. It seems he won’t be using that “home with fallout shelter” he was searching for. A good example (that will go unheeded) for the “elites” of this fucked up world – you will still die, no matter how much you steal, no matter how much of your nations you sacrifice for the ZOG. You will die and not one iota of your power or fiat money or villas will help you in the afterlife. 1

A senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies who has run Taiwan war games and was involved in the 1975 evacuation of Americans from Saigon. 430

Mass animal die-offs are back on the menu again: “Hundreds of thousands of dead fish found on Quintana Beach. Quintana Beach County Park officials provided an update on Facebook, saying Texas Parks and Wildlife confirmed the cause of the dead fish, mostly menhaden, was due to LOW dissolved OXYGEN!” Anu Ruhanen, Twitter message, 2023.06.11. “If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.13

475th Day of the Prelude War

Yesterday evening, it was reported that 6 Tu-95 strategic bombers took off towards their launch line and today ZSU claim they have shot down 11 Kh101/Kh-555 missiles. There was only one Shahed drone shot down during the night. As I predicted, the Leopard-2 kills were seized and utilized to the fullest by the first side with an opportunity for it. Since Russians managed to do that, they have been making most out of this victory. Today they have published a video of their soldiers looting the destroyed Bradleys and Leopard-2 and the dead Ukrainian soldiers, at the same time expressing disdain for the professed “Wunderwaffe”. While the Ukrainian offensive is still hanging in the balance, Russia is winning the propaganda campaign at the moment. Russians have failed to retake Makarivka it seems. At least, that is what has been reported by pro-Russian military bloggers. The previous claims of the settlement being retaken were “premature”. WarGonzo, who admitted this, also mentioned that Ukrainians are reinforcing their infantry with small batches of soldiers, traveling in civilian cars, which makes it extremely difficult to prevent it, forcing Russians to utilize their drones against the troops already in positions. Makarivka has been captured by the soldiers of the 137th Battalion belonging to the 35th Marine Infantry Brigade. Ukrainians reported their missile attack has killed general mayor (Major General, Ru.) Sergey Goryachev, the Chief of Staff of the 35th Combined Arms Army. It was confirmed by Russian sources. 431

An oil refinery in Krasnodar region has been hit and is on fire. Large fire was reported in an industrial complex in St. Petersburg as well. Ukrainians accused Russians of preparing to blow chemical plant “Krymskiy Titan” (Crimean Titan, Ru.), if/when Ukrainians reach Perekop Isthmus. The US decided to also provide DU rounds to Ukraine. This is all a moot point, as those Western tanks never came into contact with Russian MBTs, before getting pounded by UAVs, Russian CAS and mines. And Ukrainians are successfully using the same tactics to dispose of Russian armour. Direct tank vs. tank engagements were extremely rare during this conflict so far. On the topic of lost Western armour – CNN reported that Ukraine has already lost 16 Bradleys, which constitutes 15% from the delivered amount. Putin piped in today, claiming that Ukrainians lost “more than 160 tanks and over 360 armoured vehicles”, adding that “this is only what we see”. He couldn’t resist the urge to show off and said “according to MY calculations, this is approximately 25, maybe even 30% of the amount of the vehicles, which were delivered from abroad”. During the same “chat with the voyenkors”, Putin “promised” again that “if this [the attacks on Russian territory] will continue, then we will have to consider the question, I say this very precisely, of creating some “sanitary” zone on the territory of Ukraine”1. They warned Ukraine against striking Russia, they warned against long range weapon strikes inside Russian territory and now they warn against continued strikes. It’s beyond pathetic and it has become too tiresome long time ago. Do it, or shut your traps! It is clear that the “great spring-summer offensive” is not doing what Ukrainian ZOG promised (even releasing Jewlywood-style trailer for it). Instead, we are getting separate videos of UAV attacks and drone-coordinated artillery strikes, which is attrition warfare, nothing more. It is also clear that Ukrainians failed to use Western armour in its proper capacity, by failing to create not just an AA “bubble” over the advancing troops, but moving said “bubble” with the spearhead. Infantry cooperation with the armour leaves 1

Translated and transcribed by me from a video of Putin’s press-conference to voyenkors and military bloggers, posted on NoelReports Twitter account on 2023.06.13 1758B. 432

much to be desired and the worst part is the lack of direct artillery support for the assault elements, which leaves them relying on their own suppressing means in order to circumvent/storm the positions. Truth to be told, I have yet to see an example of Ukrainians circumventing any Russian “surface” and going for deep penetration instead of trying to clear the way for the “offensive” main force. The fact that Ukrainians were attacking in only two narrow sectors (Orikhiv & Velyka Novosilka) points to them using “reconnaissance push” instead of “reconnaissance pull”. Of course, there is still a chance of success, depending on how Russian Army is doing, but it would be achieved due to attrition effect rather than skill and stratagem of Ukrainian command. I know I said that Kakhovka Reservoir will not be usable for an assault crossing any time soon, but recent footage from Zolota Balka-Nova Kakhovka stretch showed rather promising river banks. If Russians really redeployed most of their combat ready units from the sector, it would be highly advisable to strike there as soon as possible, even if with less heavy units. Meanwhile, with the offensive floundering, there is no more news about the RDK and ‘Svoboda Rossii’ incursion into Belgorod region. There were no reports as to how it ended or whether it ended at all. Putin declared that Russia is considering leaving the “grain deal”. Clearly, after Tolyati-Odessa pipeline got blown, there is no point for him to try and get a deal regarding it. One of the Russian missiles hit an apartment building in Krivyi Rih tonight. The strike killed 11 civilians. This conveniently took all Ukrainian MSM attention away from the “offensive”. In other news: “The Vision Pro1 Is the Perfect Gadget for the Apocalypse. Apple’s latest product will insulate users from a burning world.” The Atlantic, Charlie Warzel, 2023.06.12. The author of the article is being sarcastic, which is, by the way, hard to tell these days. Even the previously happy-go-lucky tech journalists are beginning to question the Zeitgeist2. Instead of trying to 1

A newly launched VR (“Virtual Reality”) goggles for the braindead and the brainless alike. 2 The spirit of the times (Ger.). 433

prepare, survive, help others, fight or do anything that even the least intelligent creature would do in a disaster, ZOG corporations are trying to produce1 digital “soma”2 for us to consume, while the world around us crumbles and falls. At the same time, the author was wearing other, immaterial goggles – the mental veil pulled over his eyes by the very same MSM he’s been working for for the most of his life. The main argument of the article was that you should see the smoke of the wildfires and not hide from the “inescapable climate emergencies”, implying of course that all those nighsimultaneous forest fires in Canada happened because of the (((climate change))). There was faggot and transcreature party on the White House lawn, where they undressed and demonstrated their self-mutilation results, filming it all and posting it on (((social media))). “Hundreds attend ‘soulless’ AI-generated church service. ChatGPT sermon told attendees to not fear death. Hundreds of people have attended an AIgenerated church service in Germany, involving virtual avatars delivering sermons







2023.06.13. “Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system and this is plausible because when an individual doesn't fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a cure for a sickness and therefore as good.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.14

476th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~217 330 KIAs, 3 943 MBTs, 7 653 AIVs, 6 482 wheeled transports, 516 specialized vehicles, 3 783 artillery guns, 603 MLRS, 364 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 300 helicopters, 3 324 UAVs, 1 196 1

And make a pretty penny at the same time – the cost of one such set is around $3 500. 2 A happiness-producing drug from Aldous Huxley’s distopian novel “Brave New World”. 434

missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. During the night, Russians launched against Ukraine again. 3 out of 4 Kalibr missiles and 9 out of 10 Shahed drones were reportedly shot down. Odessa got hit with 3 civilians killed as a result. Ukrainian General Staff gave an update on the “progress” of the offensive: ZSU advanced 200-1 400m in the direction of Berdyansk (Velyka Novosilka vector), fighting continues in Makarivka, Novodanylivka and Novopokrovka. They are literally banging their heads at the same hard place, expecting different results. They are copying Russian advance on Bakhmut in all but name and place – even their press SitReps are the same – announcing an advance of 200m as some sort of a major victory. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and presume they are trying to draw most of Russian forces to that sector before renewing attacks in different direction (Orikhiv, Huliaipole or Kherson). There are reports by Russian voyenkors that Ukrainians stepped up artillery shelling and small recon group attacks from Huliaipole towards Marfopil and Dorozhnyanka. By the nature of it, they are still using “recon push”. ZSU continue their slow advance around Bakhmut as well, but the gains are negligible, if any at all – they are still fighting in Berkhivka and Klishchiivka. Lithuanian ZOG puppets can not resist the urge to produce content, which is both pathetic and makes everyone (with common sense) cringe with “Spanish shame”. Our State Prosecution opened criminal investigation against Belorussian government for the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children. This was done on the request from Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Yes, the very same inconsequential refugee, who continues to play the role of “legitimately elected Belorussian President”. Just what jurisdiction our State Prosecution has over the subjects of another sovereign nation has not been clarified. 1319J Kadyrov raised tumult about his butt-buddy Adam Delimkhanov, whom he could not reach via mobile phone. Immediately, rumours started spreading that Delimkhanov was either wounded or killed in Ukraine. Kadyrov even posted a message asking Ukrainian SBU to provide information! Russian Duma Chairman Volodin declared that Delimkhanov is alive and well after allegedly having a conversation with him. Soon after, Apti 435

Alaudinov declared that ‘Akhmat’ Battalion has been tasked with finding Delimkhanov and is now withdrawing from Maryinka where they were trying to take the town (or rather what is left of it) as per Putin’s order. The head of IAEA, Rafael Grossi, intended to visit Zaporozhe NPP this week in view of the situation with Kakhovka Reservoir and NPP’s cooling needs. He announced that the visit can not be conducted at the moment on account of security issues. 1436J The “drama” around Delimkhanov continues to grow. Allegedly, it was Ukrainian SOF unit ‘Banderlogi’1, who were working behind enemy lines, trying to locate ammo dumps and troop concentration areas in Primorsk, West of Berdyansk. Incidentally, Delimkhanov’s cortege stopped right in front of their LP/OP, so they could not pass up such a target. A missile strike was ordered and the convoy was destroyed. Just now, the ill-fated Vinivitin piped in, implying that ‘Wagner’ leaked Delimkhanov’s coordinates to Ukrainian SOF and thus exacted revenge for Kadyrov’s recent hint at the source of (((Prigozhyn’s))) wealth (his catering contract to the Army). The strike and the target seem to have been rather significant, as the remains of kadyrovites were allegedly evacuated with “12 helicopters”, as per Vinivitin’s message on Telegram. Novocherkaskaya electrical plant is on fire in Rostov region. 5th power block exploded, according to a local, who took a video of the burning plant. Pro-Russian channel Zlatti71 reported that “unidentified people” set fire to a NATO military fuel truck on a flatbed. This happened in Salaspils (an outskirt town near Riga). Two explosions were allegedly reported by eyewitnesses. 1720J Kadyrov found his Delimkhanov. He hurriedly declared that all this drama was fake, only meant to “pour more fuel on Ukrainian hysteria”. 1938J Serbians report they have arrested “3 Kosovar Special Forces operatives” in Central Serbia with small arms and in full military gear. Earlier 1

Bandar-log is a term used in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (1894) to describe the monkeys of the Seeonee jungle (Wikipedia). The name was also used in soviet cartoon “Adventures of Mowgli”, 1967, and became ubiquitous in post-soviet sphere. In this case, it is also used as a homophone with the name of Stepan Bandera. 436

today, there were rumours that EUssr is considering economic sanctions against their own creature – Kosovo, because it has allegedly gone off the reservation with all the actions prodding Serbia. Americans already announced further deliveries of Bradleys, Germans promised at least 20 Marders in the first shipment and Denmark is preparing to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16s. In other news: Trump is getting arraigned in another set of criminal charges. MSM are trying very hard to portray this as casus belli for the CONservatives. In short – the “oh, look, a squirrel” operation is going full tilt. “Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.15

477th Day of the Prelude War

Russians launched 4 missiles and 20 drones against Ukraine tonight. Reportedly, all 20 drones were shot down, but Ukrainian AA managed to down only one of the missiles. Surviving projectiles hit Krivyi Rih and Dnepropetrovsk region. Lukashenko became all excited and lively, after the tactical nuclear weapons got delivered to Belarus. He expressed his joy that his country is now under the nuclear umbrella and turned rather delusional, to a point when he started ruminating that these weapons are somehow under his control. According to him, if the war starts, nobody will be “looking around” or “making the calls [to ask for permission]”. penned an article, which just can’t be rephrased and must be quoted: “Sergey Karaganov1: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save 1

Professor Sergey Karaganov, honorary chairman of Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and academic supervisor at the School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, according to 437

humanity from a global catastrophe. A tough but necessary decision would likely force the West to back off, enabling an earlier end to the Ukraine crisis and preventing it from expanding to other states.” Rafael Grossi is visiting Zaporozhe NPP today, despite earlier information that this visit will be postponed. The new Ukrainian narrative is that the counteroffensive has not yet begun, thus sayeth Mikhailo Podolyak. This comes directly after similar opinion was expressed by Czech president Petr Pavel, who said that this is only the beginning and what he sees at the moment is “battlefield shaping operations”1. Petr Pavel said something else today, and I predict this will raise hell on Russian MSM and MoFA’s agenda. He said that Russian nationals should be watched much more closely by the security services in NATO countries, because Russia is clearly a hostile entity. He called to harken back to the days of WW2, when the US interned Japanese, German and some Italian nationals in concentration camps as a precaution, while the country was fighting for the ZOG. “Strangely” enough, Germany did exactly the same, i.e. interned hostile elements for the duration of the conflict, with the communists, anarchists and others. The fact that up to 98% of the commies happened to be kikes is a curious little factoid often omitted by the history curriculum. Ukrainians cite pro-Russian channels, which reported that Russian forces suffered serious losses in Kreminna sector, after one of their columns was covered by HIMARS fire. Dozens or maybe even over a hundred Russian soldiers were killed as a result. In other news: “WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’.”, Frank Bergman, 2023.06.10. The kike’s spawn confirms – you have to get rid of them all or this is never going to end: “Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”.” The People’s Voice, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 2023.06.12, emphasis in bold by me.


Fancy American name for preparatory action – striking enemy command centres, AA sites, airfield, logistic lines, ammo and fuel dumps etc. 438

“Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.16

478th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~218 500 KIAs,3 965 MBTs, 7 683 AIVs, 6 519 wheeled transports, 519 specialized vehicles, 3 812 artillery guns, 606 MLRS, 364 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 301 helicopters, 3 357 UAVs, 1 199 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. A Ukrainian UAV struck Bel-Pol textile factory in Kursk region, starting a fire over 2 000m2. Currently, an assembly of African states are trying to introduce yet another “peace plan”. Their representatives will be visiting Ukraine today and plan meeting with Putin tomorrow. RYBAR claims Ukrainians have made a crossing of Dnepr and are holding a small foothold near Oleshki. While the African representatives with their “peace plan” were visiting Kiev, Russians launched a missile salvo at Ukraine, which of course resulted in an air-raid warning and everyone being forced to take shelter. Interestingly enough, one of the Africans (Vincent Magwenya, SAR President’s spokesperson) said this to South African News24: 439

“I took the video from the hotel here in Kyiv. It's very strange that we didn't hear or see an explosion. There's obviously some deliberate misinformation being spread here. People are going on about their day. As we expected this mission was never going to be easy but some of the hurdles are deeply disturbing, like the treatment you all received and others outright amusing, like this socalled explosion.”1 Russian MSM seized the opportunity immediately, saying this proves that much of what Ukrainians claim is fake. Western MSM reported seeing the Africans entering the air raid shelter of their hotel. Who is lying? Only gods know. ZSU claims to have shot down 6 Kinzhal, 6 Kalibr missiles and 2 surveillance drones during this attack. “У меня много друзей-евреев — с детства. Они говорят: Зеленский не еврей, это позор еврейского народа.” Translation by me: “I have many friends-jews – since childhood. They say: Zelensky is not a jew, it’s the shame of jewish nation.” President of Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin, speaking during SPIEF2 on 2023.06.16. So it boils down to this – everyone’s killing goyim and trying to compete in “who’s a better kike”. An electrical plant is on fire in Dzerzhinsk, near Moscow. A strange story has been broached recently. Some Western MSM started writing articles, claiming that Russia transferred a group of Ukrainian POWs to Hungary. And the “shipment” was apparently organized by Russian Orthodox Church to Hungarian Catholic Church. Ukraine was kept out of the loop until the whole scheme has been published by the Western MSM. In other news: A rabid African baboon killed three people in Nottingham, England, on 2023.06.13. Such things have become non-news stories, part and 1

As quoted in “South African President's spokesperson Vincent Magwenya questions the authenticity of the explosions in Kyiv”, Svidomi, Oleksandr Ihnatenko, 2023.06.16. 2 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a wannabe (((WEF))). 440

parcel of living under the (((vibrant and enriched))) ZOG. What was rather noteworthy was the eulogy given by the mother of one of the victims. Emma Webber, the mother of Barnaby Webber, who was killed in the attack. She said this on the occasion: “Please hold no hate that relates to any colour, sex or religion”1. “Conspiracy theorists keep getting things right; experts warn that’s dangerous. Not just online any more: dangerous movements like the "freedom convoy"2 are fueled by conspiracy theories, and when those theories are correct, it legitimizes them.”, ~2023.06.08, emphasis in bold by me. “Up to a point, having fun is good for you. But it’s not an adequate substitute for serious, purposeful activity. For lack of this kind of activity people in our society get bored. They try to relieve their boredom by having fun. They seek new kicks, new thrills, new adventures. They masturbate their emotions by experimenting with new








philosophies, new technologies. But still they are never satisfied, they always want more, because all of these activities are purposeless. People don’t realize that what they really lack is serious, practical, purposeful work—work that is under their own control and is directed to the satisfaction of their own most essential, practical needs.” Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski. 2023.06.17

479th Day of the Prelude War

Putin, while speaking during SPIEF, updated the “Ukrainian losses suffered in the offensive”: 186 MBTs and 418 AIVs. Ukrainians are indeed losing vehicles, there’s no doubt about it, but come on! At least stay in the field of the probable! ZSU continues to press the attacks on Orikhiv and Velyka Novosilka vectors, 1

As quoted in “Suspect named as ex-student at the university attended by Grace O'Malley-Kumar”,, 2023.06.16. 2 A convoy of Canadian citizens, protesting COVID19 dystopia back in January-February 2022. 441

but only with minimal gains. Ukrainian MSM continue to present these 100200m gains as major victories, enumerating two-house villages they liberated and calculating square kilometres they took back. In other news: “US envoy confident Japan will ban LGBTQ discrimination. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel said Wednesday he has “full confidence” that the Japanese government will take the necessary steps to ban discrimination against LGBTQ people. LGBTQ people have been campaigning for the government to adopt an anti-discrimination law after an aide to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters he wouldn’t want to live next to LGBTQ people and that citizens would flee Japan if same-sex marriages were allowed. Kishida quickly fired Masayoshi Arai, the aide.” (((AP))), Mari Yamaguchi, 2023.02.16. Lately, the Great Golem started pushing Japan deeper into globohomo, promoting faggotry and shitskin immigration. Since Japan is still an occupied country, it is rather impossible for them to resist this push. “A Clermont County man is accused of lining his three young sons up and shooting them with a rifle, executing the boys, who were ages 3, 4 and 7. Chad Doerman, 32, allegedly confessed to police that he had planned the Thursday triple homicide [...].”, Michelle Everhart, 2023.06.17. Please, Gods, pull the plug on this world! “The army is considering replacing centuries-old ranks such as rifleman and guardsman with gender-neutral terms because they are too masculine.” The Times, Charlie Parker, 2023.06.16. “Alright, God save the Queen, man!” President of the USA, Joseph R. Biden the Pedo, 2023.06.16. 2023.06.18

480th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~219 820 KIAs, 3 984 MBTs, 7 729 AIVs, 6 571 wheeled transports, 522 specialized vehicles, 3 847 artillery guns, 610 MLRS, 364 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 304 helicopters, 3 371 UAVs, 1 211 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. A lot of Ukrainian vehicle kills on Zaporozhe front has been done by Russian attack helicopters (primarily Ka-52) and Ukrainians reported yesterday that Russians were relocating more of these gunships towards the area, clearly in an effort to bolster their CAS. Naturally, ZSU has been trying to whittle down 442

the number and they have scored three Ka-52 kills in the past couple of days, according to ZSU. Russians are still attacking Ukraine with Iranian drones during the night, but the number has gone down again. 4 Shaheds, 1 Lantset (near front) and 7 surveillance drones have been shot down tonight, as per Ukrainian Air Force report.

Ukrainian advances on Zaporozhe front since ~2023.06.05 on 2023.06.18, according to NoelReports.

Ukrainians destroyed a large ammunition warehouse in Rykove, Kherson region. A little later, Russian channels also reported that Ukrainian missiles destroyed Russian 80th Motor Rifle Brigade command post. Over the past couple of days, Western and Ukrainian MSM were actively discussing the failure of sanctions against Russia. They noted the inordinate rise of export rates from the countries neighbouring Russia. For instance, exports from Armenia to Russia rose 185.7% YoY in 20221. Simultaneously, EUssr drones “noticed” that while the exports from European countries to Russia dropped after the introduction of sanctions, the flow of goods to Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other Russia’s neighbours rose


“US, EU need to block main re-exportation channels to Russia for Ukraine to win”, Sofia Globe, Igor Chalenko, 2023.05.10. 443

dramatically, implying most of it was re-exported to Russia1. Altmedia reports very large increase in military activity within the US and Canada. A flood of videos showed tanks being transported in Idaho, Marines dropped by Osprey VTOLs in California residential areas and traintransported military hardware in Montreal, Quebec. NoelReports posted a picture of Dnepr near Nova Kakhovka, commenting that one could almost go from one bank to the other without getting wet. The condition of the ground on the river bed would be very interesting to know. Russians intend to kill off their enemies with incredulity. Peskov declared today that “in fact, this mission [demilitarization of Ukraine] has been accomplished for the most part”. He even tried to explain the cognitive dissonance, which clearly appeared in that little empty bone-box he calls his head – “that is because Ukraine is utilising less and less its own weapons and uses more and more the weapon systems, which are delivered by the Western countries”. How such blathering idiots get into the positions of power is beyond me. Then again, there were millions of Americans who actually voted for ‘Sleepy Joe’ the Pedo. 2218J Ukrainians claimed to have downed another Ka-52 attack helicopter. In other news: “Twelve-year-olds are being taught about anal sex in school while nine-year-olds are told to 'masturbate' for homework: The shocking lesson plans used by teachers in UK classrooms.” Daily Mail, Chris Matthews, 2023.06.18. “A 12-year-old is facing a criminal harassment charge for making antisemitic comments to their Jewish teacher [(((Morrison Robblee)))], who has since resigned.” Insider, Erin Snodgrass & Michelle Mark, 2023.06.18, emphasis in bold by me. Note: the “antisemitic comments” were: a crudely drawn face of Hitler, badly written text, saying “I dont appriceate you” and a smiley at the end. It seems that orcas ramming shitskin importing boats have irked the chosenites. “Killer Whales Are Not Our Friends. Stop rooting for the orcas 1

“Some clarifications on the circumvention of EU sanctions against Russia”,, Joseph Borrell, 2023.05.19. 444

ramming boats.” The Atlantic, (((Jacob Stern))), 2023.06.17. You can’t make this shit up – the kikes will attack even animals, if they go against their globohomo agenda! Just as it was when Taliban defeated Soviet Union in Afghanistan, it is happening again. Taliban destroyed all the poppy fields, where opium production was done after the Soviets left. As soon as Americans invaded Afghanistan to spread their (((democracy))) and (((progressive values))), the country became the No. 1 opium producer in the World, responsible for up to 98% of global supply of this drug. The Americans left with their tails between their legs and Taliban has cut short the business again. Satellite images show complete eradication of poppy fields in the country, scant years after the Great Golem troops left. 2023.06.19

481st Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~220 450 KIAs, 3 989 MBTs, 7 735 AIVs, 6 613 wheeled transports, 526 specialized vehicles, 3 865 artillery guns, 610 MLRS, 370 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 305 helicopters, 3 383 UAVs, 1 211 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Ukrainians posted an interesting video, shot from a drone. Russians sent a T-621 tank filled with explosives towards Ukrainian positions near Maryinka. It hit a mine and was struck with an RPG seconds later, at which point it blew up in an enormous explosion, confirming Ukrainian claim about the explosives. Pro-Russian channels are raising the question of Nova Kakhovka Dam destruction again. Now that the reservoir water is almost gone and the vulnerability of Kherson direction becomes ever more acute (again – it depends wholly on the ground conditions, which are impossible to assess remotely), they claim this is the best evidence that it was Ukrainians who did it. I agree – this is a valid argument. However, where were they with these arguments on June 6th, 7th or even 8th? Regarding this issue, I must say that even if the ground becomes favourable for Ukrainians to conduct a crossing of lower Dnepr, the supply of the attacking forces will remain problematic, as 1

According to the description on NoelReports Twitter post, the video was inconclusive on the type of the MBT in question. 445

the river bed is rather wide and easily covered with surveillance, artillery and air assets. Besides, Ukrainian battlegroup in Kherson is pretty weak and ZSU can’t redirect their operational/strategic reserves from Zaporozhe front quickly or stealthily enough. In this case, Russians operate on shorter “inner lines”. Still, this sector does provide far better prospects for the offensive than current head-bashing against prepared and densely manned positions on Zaporozhe front. If the ground of the river bed does not allow the crossing, every effort should be spent in trying to find ways to make do – artificial road cover should be laid over the mud. Terrain and nature are always far less fearsome adversaries than enemy’s army. Russians managed to lay timber roads through Belorussian swamps during Bagration operation, came out on the other side, where there were almost no German resistance, and it was curtains for the entire Heeresgruppe Mitte. The workshop of Central Mechanical Repair Plant in Moscow is ablaze, sending an enormous black column of smoke into the sky above Russian capital. (((Antony Blinken))) is currently visiting China and met with Xi today. 1821J ZSU reports that their forces are experiencing difficulties on KupyanskKreminna sector. According to the statement by Hanna Malyar, Russians have opened active offensive activities on the front and are trying to reach the administrative border of Luhansk region. Can this be a mental preparation of the public for the cancelation of Ukrainian Großoffensive? When the African “peace delegation” arrived in Russia on 2023.06.17 for a meeting with Putin to discuss the possibility of peace negotiations with Ukraine, the latter played hard done-by. Over a year after the events, Putin whipped out a “peace treaty” that was allegedly signed by Ukrainians in return for the Russian withdrawal from the Northern front back in the spring of 2022. The poor chap was duped by Ukrainians and the West, according to him. All the while, African “dignitaries” were sitting around the table and nodding their heads like those proverbial mandarins. The “great victory” of today, according to Ukrainian MSM and ZSU HQ was the taking of Piatykhatky village on the Vasylivka vector. By the end of the day, Russian voyenkors were already trumpeting the recapture of the village, 446

while pro-Ukrainian channels were rhetorically asking if this could be the same scenario as with Makarivka, i.e. a case of “premature” reporting. 2200J "Everything is going according to the plan, which was approved, which was developed. There are no deviations from the plan. There; what the plan is, only a limited circle of people know [...]."1 Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Just how lacking in self-awareness you have to be to utter such words? Don’t they remember how they mocked Putin for the “SVO goes according to the approved plan”? Brain damage is affecting more and more people and becomes ever more acute. Is it a result of COVID19 “vaccine”? Sun spots? Moon phase? Planet Earth passing through the Galactic Plane? Who knows, but if it keeps up, we will be drowning in drooling idiots banging a square peg into a triangular hole. Couple of days ago, pro-Russian hacker groups Anonymous Sudan and Killnet threatened to bring down Western Internet resources belonging to banks and other institutions. Ever since, there were reports of disruptions in various Internet services. For instance – today, a DDoS attack on European Investment Bank was reported by smaller MSM outlets. So far, this has not been felt as a very severe menace and I can bet that the security has been stepped up since the threat was issued. Whether this will amount to anything serious in the future remains to be seen. In other news: “Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the disgraced founder of collapsed FTX Crypto exchange and the second biggest Democrat donor in the 2022 midterms, had several charges against him dropped by the feds.” The Daily Fetched, Jason Walsh, 2023.06.17. And another kike goes scot-free after fleecing powerless sheeple, scamming the nation and shitting on everyone with his overinflated ego. Syrian and Lebanese shitskins are openly waging war on the streets of Ruhr 1

Transcribed and translated by me from an interview excerpt posted on NoelReports account on Twitter, on 2023.06.19. 447

region in Germany. According to German MSM, hundreds of shitskins have been hacking at each other with machetes on the streets of multiple Ruhr towns for days now. 2023.06.20

482nd Day of the Prelude War

A noticeable wave of Shahed drones was launched at Ukraine tonight. According to ZSU, 32 out of 35 UAVs were shot down before reaching their targets. Ukrainians claimed another Ka-52 kill. A warehouse with lacquer and paint production is on fire in Yaroslavl, Russia. Reportedly, 2 500m2 of the chemical storage area is ablaze. The satellite image of the Storm Shadow missile strike on a warehouse, which housed Russian Army ammunition in Rykove, shows complete destruction of the entire complex close to the railway station “Partizany” (Partisans, Ru.). Biden the Pedo declared that the threat of Putin using a tactical nuclear weapon is real. Well, since the “grand expert” said it is real – it is real. And now, “military experts”, who claimed completely opposite thing for over a year, will join the chorus of proving just how real this threat is. Gunpowder factory blew up in Katovsk, Tambovsk region. 4 people reportedly died in the explosion. The cause of the explosion was reported as “human factor”. Oil refinery is burning 20km from Bishkek,



claimed there was an explosion before the fire. In




Shocking footage of African man [ape] brutally attacking woman and little girl in Bordeaux, France. A Rabid ape attacks a woman and a little girl in Bordeaux. The video of the attack was far more violent and sickening than this screengrab could ever depict.


woman and little girl were attacked on Monday after a man [a rabid African ape] pulled the two from inside





France.” Human Events, Hannah Nightingale, 2023.06.19. Of course, this pales in comparison with the legislation to raise pension age from 62 to 64, therefore – no reaction from the French sheeple. Just as there was no reaction to the stabbing of toddlers by the Syrian shitskin the other day. “Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis. At a casual glance, the recent cascades of American disasters might seem unrelated. In a span of fewer than six months in 2017, three U.S. Naval warships experienced three separate collisions resulting in 17 deaths. A year later, powerlines owned by PG&E started a wildfire that killed 85 people. The pipeline carrying almost half of the East Coast’s gasoline shut down due to a ransomware attack. Almost half a million intermodal containers sat on cargo ships unable to dock at Los Angeles ports. A train carrying thousands of tons of hazardous and flammable chemicals derailed near East Palestine, Ohio. Air Traffic Control cleared a FedEx plane to land on a runway occupied by a Southwest plane preparing to take off. Eye drops contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria killed four and blinded fourteen. While disasters like these are often front-page news, the broader connection between the disasters barely elicits any mention. [...] All these systems must be assumed to work for anyone to make even simple decisions. But the failure of one system has cascading consequences for all of the adjacent systems. As a consequence of escalating rates of failure, America’s complex systems are slowly collapsing.” Palladium, Harold Robertson, 2023.06.01. It is rather nice to know that I am not the only one noticing, but damn it, it took them all those years to realise the obvious. And now that we are already hurtling down the abyss, the articles suddenly appear, appealing to the common sense and calling for the action. Too late, bastards, and it is a good thing it is too late – this (((world))) that you all aided and abetted in creating deserves to burn and crash to the ground. Estonia legalized faggot marriages today. It took wee bit over 30 years to change from a traditional society into full globohomo (((progressive))) shithole. One tiny generation and it was over. Another “squirrel” came on the news today. Some dumbskies were going down to see the wreckage of Titanic (or maybe Olympic, who knows) on the bottom of North Atlantic. Surface lost contact with their submersible dingy and now MSM are counting hours of remaining air for the brain deficient 449

tourists, while the search is ongoing. 2023.06.21

483rd Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~222 000 KIAs, 4 006 MBTs, 7 771 AIVs, 6 667 wheeled transports, 539 specialized vehicles, 3 920 artillery guns, 615 MLRS, 375 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 306 helicopters, 3 428 UAVs, 1 214 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Partisans (or a DRG) destroyed railway tracks in Feodosiya (Theodosia) in Crimea. I am forced to report this, but the same has been said all throughout this war and nothing was done based on these threats: “According to our data, the command of Ukrainian Armed Forces plans to strike at the territory of Russia, including Crimea, with HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles. The use of these missiles outside the zone of the implementation of the special operation will mean a full involvement of the US and Great Britain in the conflict and will entail immediate strikes on decision-making centres in Ukraine.”1 I suppose Shoigu considers the strikes in Crimea and Arabat Spit to be the results of smoking in restricted areas and violation of fire safety rule. I’m not even talking about hits in Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk region, Engels airbase and even Moscow itself, since those were done with UAVs. Documenting the ramblings of cretins became truly tiresome this year. After the Ukrainian offensive has floundered for the moment, all the major Western players started announcing renewed military and financial aid to the Khazaria 2.0 project. The US, UK, Canada, Germany, EUssr as a whole, and many more, are sending weapons, ammunition, armour, fiat and everything else they can scrounge up for the war effort. There are no breaks on the idiot train formerly known as Latvia – their Prime Minister declared that Latvia will be sending all of their military helicopters to Ukraine. Granted – it‘s not much, but the formulation is enough to send any 1

Transcribed and translated by me from the excerpt video of Shoigu’s briefing to Russian MoD on 2023.06.21. 450

sane person screaming for euthanasia – “all of them”. 1855J A large explosion was reported in one of the biggest Romanian oil refineries – Petromidia (Navodari town on the Black Sea shore). The complex is currently on fire. 1902J An explosion happened in Paris’ 5th district. Preliminary reports claim it was gas leakage. Belorussian Armed Forces are conducting exercises in mobilization measures. Drills are scheduled to proceed in Minsk region from today until June 30. Belorussian officials say these drills are annual. British Intelligence report, based on recent satellite imagery, declared that Russians are hurriedly fortifying Perekop Isthmus. If this is true, the situation at the front must be getting pretty complicated for them. Though planning for contingencies is a sound approach, even if you are planning an advance, let alone if you find yourself in the situation Russians currently are in. Since Russians have been fortifying the entire peninsula since the talks about Ukrainian offensive began, the trenches that spurred Brits to report on them must be fairly new. In other news: Another story showing how stupid sheeple fall for the globohomo indoctrination on the most basic level – believing that certain dog breeds, despite their genetics, can be “brought up in a right way”. Here’s a horrible instance of the “it’s the upbringing” theory going unfathomably bad: “Pit bull puppy chews off five fingers from infant in Port Charlotte home. The child was left laying in a bassinet back on February 14, in the same room as a three-month-old puppy that was just brought into the home less than 24 hours earlier. That’s when the baby’s mother, Chloe Wisniewski, 21, left to go to the bathroom, leaving the child and puppy together alone, according to her arrest records. She came running out of the bathroom to the sound of her child screaming and the dog laying in the bassinet with the child, chewing off her fingers.”, Gage Goulding, 2023.06.21. Just like with the sheeple and the African baboons or shitskins from other places – thousands upon thousands of horrid accounts of rape, murder, torture and wanton violence, yet suffice it for the kike MSM to say it was caused by the “white privilege” or “social ostracism” and the sheeple go back to their normalcy bias slumber. No, 451

there is no fixing this, people have gone completely, irredeemably dumb. Only a global disaster or a war and years of incredible hardships could (probably, maybe) reverse this de-evolutionary trend we are witnessing today. Four kikes were killed in Israel today. (((‘Bibi’))) happily announced the incoming punitive action against Palestinians. “The puberty blocker1 “Lupron” given to kids is the same drug used to chemically castrate pedophiles.”, Jonathon Van Maren, 2022.05.30. Old news apparently, but that was new to me. 2023.06.22

484th Day of the Prelude War

One good thing can be said about Ukrainian offensive – as soon as their “massive attack” bogged down and Russians ventilated several of the Wunderwaffe Western armour pieces, ZSU stopped doing that. Instead, they immediately went for Stosstruppentaktik, trying to clear the way for the main forces, without engaging their strategic/operational reserves. However, this will not bring about a deep penetration that was expected after the lofty Ukrainian trailers and smug videos before the operation. What they need is a different operational direction at the moment, and it must be done quickly and stealthily enough to prevent Russians from reinforcing the newly threatened sector. Interestingly enough, “military experts” on Radio Svoboda discussed what I mentioned few days ago – the possibility of combat crossing of the abated Dnepr; they even expressed the same concerns I have, regarding that vector. Ukrainians struck the two road bridges at Chonhar and one railway bridge at Syvash early this morning, stopping all traffic on one of the two main arteries connecting Crimea with Continental Ukraine. The damage appears rather significant – the spans show serious damage, much more than what was done with the first HIMARS strikes against Antonov Bridge at Kherson. The main bridge at Chonhar is definitely out of action for good. Of course, Russians, being who they are, could just slap a bit of plaster and use it anyway, but it 1

Puberty blocking is part of the “transitioning” process for the kids, who had been affected by the mental malady or were influenced by the “adults”/general (((indoctrination))). 452

would soon prove the new proverb true – “you can ignore the reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring the reality”. Russians say the bridges were hit with Storm Shadow missiles. At the same time there are reports of a continuing partisan activity around Melitopol. A large fire (2 000m2) engulfed “Klassik” market in Rostov-on-Don. (((Zelensky))) accused Russia of planning a “terrorist” false-flag attack on Zaporozhe NPP, which would result in a blowout of radioactive materials. Later in the day he was even quoted as threatening Putin with liquidation: “I think that if he [Putin] won’t cease threatening the world with nuclear weapon, I am certain that the world knows a format of how to deprive him of his vital activity.”1 Mikhailo Podolyak claimed that Russians targeted a dam in Krivyi Rih with Kinzhal missiles. In other news: “Poland condemns EU migrant relocation plan. Parliament passes resolution opposing plan, calls for referendum.”, Ahmet Gencturk, 2023.06.16. And just a few days later: “Easier immigration into Poland for the citizens of over 20 countries. [...] Ukraine, but also: countries of the Near East (Saudi Arabia, Iran Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, UAE), Caucasus (Armenia,







Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam), as well as Nigeria and Moldavia.”, Szymon Cydzik2, 2023.06.20, translation by me. “Over 724 Babies Left to Die in Queensland, Victoria After Failed Abortion Attempts. Over a 10-year period, 724 babies in Victoria and Queensland survived failed abortion attempts but were left to die by medical staff, and experts warn that number could be higher given the lack of data across most Australian jurisdictions.” The Epoch Times, Daniel Y. Teng2023.06.13. “Lab-grown chicken approved for sale in the US. The United States has approved the sale of man-made chicken created from animal cells, paving the way 1 2






Translation by me from a quote posted on Nexta. Probably a kike. 453




supermarkets.” The Times, Keiran Southern, 2023.06.22. 2023.06.23

485th Day of the Prelude War

Unsurprisingly, after the strike on Chonhar bridges, Russians launched a significant missile response against Ukraine tonight. ZSU claims they have shot down 13 Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles from the launched salvo. (((Prigozhyn))) just published his video address, which obliterated Putin’s reasons for attacking Ukraine: “They were striking us [Russian forces in Donbas] and this was happening all those long 8 years, from [20]14 till [20]22. Sometimes, the amount of various firefights rose, roughly speaking – the exchange of live ammunition, exchange of shots fired, sometimes it ebbed. Up until 24th of February [2022] there was nothing out of ordinary. Yet now, [Russian] Ministry of Defence attempts to deceive the public, attempts to deceive the President [Putin], and tell a story how there was an insane aggression from the side of Ukraine and how they, together with the entire NATO bloc, were going to attack us.”1 (((Prigozhyn))) is still trying to pay lip service to Putin, implying he was “deceived by the MoD”, but the declaration is striking at the very foundation of the narrative that has been peddled for the Russian masses since Putin’s speech on the night of February 24. Something rotten (more than usual) is brewing in the kingdom of Russia. SBU arrested another member of ZSU, who worked for the Russians. Apparently, Ukrainians hit a nerve with Chonhar bridges. Satellite images show that Russians have already built a pontoon bridge next to the main one, which was all but destroyed yesterday. That was quick, very quick! It only shows how important this logistical line is for Russian efforts on Zaporozhe front. Ukrainians struck Henichesk today with missiles. According to preliminary reports, Rosgvardiya base was hit. 1

Transcribed and translated by me from a video excerpt posted on NoelReports Twitter account on 2023.06.23. 454

FSB claimed they arrested “a criminal group”, which allegedly possessed 1kg of radioactive Caesium and was planning to transport it to Ukraine for “provocations against Russian Army”. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat (((Richard Blumenthal))) introduced a resolution to the US Senate, proposing to regard any sort of radioactive contamination of NATO soil as Article 5 instance, requiring full military response. This is of course directed against Russia with the renewed talks about the dangers posed to Zaporozhe NPP. 2140J (((Prigozhyn))) went completely off the reservation and for all intents and purposes declared a rebellion: “Council of ChVK ‘Wagner’ commanders took a decision: EVIL, which is brought by the military command of the country, must be stopped. They disregard the lives of the soldiers1. They forgot the word “justice”. And we will return it [justice]. That is why those who destroyed our guys today, those who destroyed tens, many tens of thousands of Russian soldiers’ lives, will be punished. I ask – nobody should resist. Everyone who will be resisting, shall be considered as a threat by us and will be destroyed immediately, including any road blocks in our way, including any aviation we see above our heads. I ask everyone to keep their calm, do not succumb to provocations, stay in your homes, preferably – do not go out on the streets along the route of our march. After we have finished what we started, we will return to the front for the defence of our motherland. Presidential authority, government, MoI, Rosgvardiya and other structures will continue to work in the usual order. We will deal with those who destroy Russian soldiers and [we] will return to the front. Justice in the Armed Forces will be restored and after that – justice for all of Russia.”2


Thought it is redundant at the moment, I must point out that this particular kike killed at least 40-50 000 of those Russian soldiers (and convict soldiers) in Bakhmut alone for his own political/financial gains. 2 Transcribed and translated by me from an audio recording posted on NoelReports Twitter account on 2023.06.23 2137B. 455

This came minutes after Ukrainians reported chatter on ‘Wagner’ associated Telegram channels, which claimed that wagnerite camp was hit by massive rocket artillery fire from Russian Armed Forces. Although, the video that showed the alleged aftermath of the “Russian shelling of the wagnerite base” gave off the feeling of amateur acting. 2231J There are unconfirmed rumours (based on cell phone chat screenshots) that Russian High Command has given orders to concentrate all their available SOF units against ‘Wagner’ mercs. Same was said about the special units of the Ministry of Interior. The rumour is rather believable after the latest demarche by (((Prigozhyn))). If such “operation” were to be ordered, it could go “South” very quickly with all kinds of unintended consequences. ‘Strelkov’ has not published any confirmation about this latest story, but it seems the rest of Russian (((social media))) is going bonkers over it. ‘Strelkov’ is clearly distressed at the possibility of an internecine conflict, as it would be catastrophic for Russia at this juncture. At the same time, he speculated this could be a PSYOP by Ukrainians or the West. 2357J Rosgvardiya units with armoured vehicles have been recorded on the streets of Rostov-on-Don. There are reports that FSB and SOBR units have set up road block on the highway leading from Rostov-on-Don to Voronezh and thence to Moscow. Allegedly, plan “Stronghold” has been announced to be in effect in Rostov-on-Don and some even claim the same has been done in Moscow. Further rumours claim that ATS-11 and ATS-22 communication lines were turned off. Stock market in Moscow is going down. Things might turn either way now, but I think (((Prigozhyn))) overestimates his influence, military power and ability to raise Russians against Shoigu or the establishment. His ‘Wagner’ has bled off significantly in Bakhmut (no small thanks to his own demands the town should be taken regardless of the 1

ATS-1 ("Kremlin") telephone communications for senior leaders in the offices of heads of Russian Federation ministries and department(first deputy ministers upward), and also some other organs of authority ( 2 ATS-2 ("Hotline") is similar, and is used by deputy ministers, heads of departments and main administrations in important ministries and departments, and a number of other officials at similar levels of responsibility ( 456

losses sustained). Civilians in Russia never played a significant role in the political squabbles – they will try to stay out of the way. The only unknown is how file and rank in the Russian Army will react to all of this. It is no secret that neither Shoigu nor Gerasimov enjoy respect and love from their subordinates, but whether they will be willing to take up arms in support of a kike oligarch, because of the shitty way this war has been conducted, remains to be seen. Central Russian authorities started acknowledging the situation around (((Prigozhyn))). According to Peskov, Putin knows the situation and “all measures” are being taken. Russian State Prosecution as well as FSB declared that (((Prigozhyn))) is conducting and inciting an open rebellion. Most of the establishment seems to be against (((Prigozhyn))). 0100J Pictures of armoured vehicles (BTRs) on the streets of Moscow. In other news: The “squirrel” drama of the submersible dingy is over. Dumb tourist, who decided to trust their lives to diversity-hire service crews and skinflint “design” of the submersible dingy, were crushed and killed soon after submerging beneath the waves of North Atlantic, according to the US Navy. It is a most satisfactory tale of contemporary Zeitgeist and a premonition whither our (((civilization))) is heading. The CEO of the company was recorded as saying that he didn’t want “50yo white men”, who were “military submariners” before, and hired progressive, young and diverse crews to “inspire” others. He had built the dingy using cheapest possible parts – his “submarine” was controlled via cheap knock-off video game controller and the light was provided by the lamps bought from a camping store (that is the least we know about it so far). The best part is the passenger manifest Hamish Harding1, Shahzada and Suleman Dawood1, Paul-Henry Nargeolet2 1

George Hamish Livingston Harding (24 June 1964 – 18 June 2023) was a British businessman, pilot, explorer, adventurer and space tourist based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He was the founder of Action Group and was chairman of Action Aviation, an international aircraft brokerage company with headquarters in Dubai, UAE. As an adventurer, he was a member of The Explorers Club who visited the South Pole several times, descended into the Mariana Trench, broke a Guinness World Record for circumnavigation of the Earth, and travelled into space (Wikipedia). 457

and finally, the star of the show – Stockton Rush3, the CEO of the company that organized this shitshow. A bunch of wealthy idiots, sailing smooth on the corrupt waves of the world, destroying their own power base with greed and promotion of the incompetence and ultimately paying the price for their own ignorance, while trying to get cheap thrills, is the perfect allegory of our times. And I pray to Gods that other brainless rich dumbskies do not take lesson from it, though their “intellectual prowess” would probably never allow them to go so deep as to understand the implications, as the incident showed. The OceanGate drama has also given ample ammunition for the (((NGOs))) to kvetch about the drowning shitskin invaders off the coasts of Europe, as couple of boats sunk recently, taking hundreds of the rapefugees to their watery graves. The previous Operation “Squirrel” had not yet ended, when another one started in the midst of it – yesterday, Elon Musk challenged (((Mark Zuckerberg))) to a cage fight4 and the latter agreed. Today, Musk’s mommy forbade him to fight. The amount of distractions is pouring as if from the Cornucopia. What is being concealed by this circus of the demented is yet unclear. “Geauga County pastor pleads guilty to sexual crimes against minors. [...] According to court documents, Dennis Laferty pleaded guilty to two counts of gross sexual imposition and one count of sexual imposition. Laferty, 37, was indicted following an investigation by detectives into allegations of sexual 1

Father-and-son Shahzada and Suleman Dawood [were] members of one of Pakistan's most prominent families. Their firm, Dawood Hercules Corp., based in Karachi, is involved in agriculture, petrochemicals and telecommunication infrastructure (NBC Boston). Shahzada Dawood was part of (((WEF))). Shahzada’s Dawood joined the Board of Engro Corporation in 2003 and currently [served] as the Vice-Chairman (WEF). 2 Paul-Henri Nargeolet (2 March 1946 – 18 June 2023)  was a French deep sea explorer and Titanic expert. Known as "Mr. Titanic" [...] (Wikipedia). 3 Richard Stockton Rush III (March 31, 1962 – June 18, 2023) was an American engineer, pilot, and businessman. He was the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of OceanGate (Wikipedia). 4 Unarmed fighting in a cage, for the amusement of the crowd. 458

abuse involving minors between Nov. 30 2019 and Jan. 30. Laferty was the pastor at the Thompson United Methodist Church.”, Julia Bingel, 2023.06.22. 2023.06.24

486th Day of the Prelude War One Day Rebellion of ‘Wagner’

ven (((Prigozhyn’s))) favourite Surovikin called wagnerites to stop their course of action and “submit to the will of nationally elected President of the Russian Federation”. Meanwhile, there are rumours that several Russian Army units (45th VDV Brigade in particular) allegedly refused to leave their quarters and move against ‘Wagner’. Moscow saw increased military activity. According to reports, the most important public infrastructure targets have been taken under guard. An unidentified military base is burning near Moscow. This happened in the night and the man filming it said it all started with a series of explosions. Around 0100B, Nexta reported that ‘Wagner’ columns started moving towards Rostov-on-Don, citing Russian Federal News Agency. At ~0200, (((Prigozhyn))) issued the following statement: “At the current moment we crossed the state border in all places. Border Guards went out to meet us and hugged our fighters. We are now entering Rostov. Units of the MoD, conscripts to be exact, who were thrown to block our way, stepped aside. We are not fighting with children, we do not kill children.”1 Russian State Prosecutor informed Putin that he opened a criminal case against (((Prigozhyn))) for “an attempt at armed rebellion”. At 0232B, Nexta reposted (((Prigozhyn’s))) statement, wherein he claimed that Gerasimov ordered to open fire on wagnerites. He also said that Air Force pilots refused to carry out the order. Soon after, VKontakte started blocking messages from (((Prigozhyn’s))) account. Cars are being checked upon entry to Moscow, special attention is being given to lorries. At the same time, a massive aerial attack is being reported in Ukraine. All 1

Translated by me from a quote on Nexta_Live 2023.06.24 0209B. 459

regions are under air-raid warning, explosions were heard in Kiev and Kharkiv. ‘Strelkov’ also considers (((Prigozhyn’s))) rebellion to be premature. He thinks that the Army will not support him. In his opinion, this rash decision came about because of MoD’s decision to cut all logistic to ‘Wagner’, which meant that (((Prigozhyn))) could have maintained his 25-30 000 private army for no longer than a couple of months. ‘Strelkov’ judged that if by 0500-0600 ‘Wagner’ has not achieved significant gains, the rebellion will be seriously hampered. Echoing my thoughts, ‘Strelkov’ said that much of rebellion’s success or failure will hinge on the support or lack thereof from the Army units. At 0430B, videos of ‘Wagner’s columns in Rostov-on-Don started appearing on the Internet. Tanks, IFVs and military lorries were filmed all over the city. No sounds of combat could be heard, leading me to believe that ‘Wagner’ has captured the city without much fighting. The rebellion got pretty serious. At 0459B, a video of dismounting wagnerites near MoD building in Rostov was posted on Nexta. No resistance by MoD or MoI forces has been reported. Lukashenko’s personal airplane Bombardier Challenger 850 No. EW-301PJ left Belarus at 0001B. It is unknown what passengers or cargo is being transported. At the moment of reporting on Nexta (0508B), the plane was in the Turkish airspace. Note: Nexta later claimed that the airplane carried Lukashenko’s family members and landed in Turkey. By









administration, local FSB, MoI and one police department building in Rostov. The amount of wagnerites in the centre of Rostov is estimated around 300, according to unconfirmed reports. By 0533B, a video of small arms fire somewhere on the highway towards Voronezh was published. Conflict Intelligence Team claims that soldiers appearing in the videos from Rostov are not wagnerites but MoD kontraktniki and conscripts. However, locals have filmed their interaction with some and soldiers nodded in approval to the question whether they are from ‘Wagner’. (((Prigozhyn))) claimed that an MoD helicopter was shot down. Several 460

videos appeared confirming it, though they were not verified at the moment. By 0700B, most of the MSM attention moved towards Voronezh, as Rostov seemed to be firmly in wagnerite hands. The highway between the cities has been allegedly blockaded. There was at least one instance of combat contact on the route, with pictures showing an alleged wagnerite technical and a civilian lorry on fire. 0704J “We came here. We want the Chief of Staff and Shoigu. Until we get them, we will remain here, blocking Rostov and going to Moscow.”1 (((Yevgeniy Prigozhyn))) According to ‘Strelkov’, (((Prigozhyn))) claimed three helicopter kills. Note: all seem to have happened in Voronezh region. With the first major gain for ‘Wagner’, ‘Strelkov’ now deems the possibility of civil war as practically inevitable – “now, either civil war right now or... a bit later”2. FSB raided ‘Wagner’ centre in St. Petersburg. Much good it will do to them – all the action is in the South and it seems much of it was improvised, i.e. there won’t be any plans to capture, not in St. Petersburg at least. 0820J Nexta published a video, showing ‘Wagner’ column going full steam on the highway towards Voronezh. Governor of the region claims that “situation is under control”. Putin should address the nation at “the closest possible opportunity”, right after the meeting of Security Council, according to Peskov. 0900J ‘Strelkov’ writes that wagnerites took Voronezh without a fight. This is apparently despite the “status of an active counter-terrorist operation”, which was declared in the region. (((Prigozhyn))) claims that “military targets were taken under control by ChVK ‘Wagner’ in Voronezh. The Army is going over to the side of the nation”3. By the way, (((Prigozhyn))) stated his main objective with all of this – public execution of Shoigu and Gerasimov on the Red Square in Moscow.


Translated by me from a quote on Nexta. Translated by me from ‘Strelkov’s channel at 0744B. 3 Translated by me from a quote on Nexta. 2


1010J “Обращаюсь к россиянам, военным и силовым ведомствам и к тем, кого обманом и угрозами толкнули на путь вооружённого мятежа. Россия ведет тяжелейшую борьбу за своё будущее, против России направлена вся военная и информационная машина Запада. Любые распри нужно отбросить в период спецоперации, сейчас решается судьба нашего народа. Мы столкнулись с предательством, непомерные амбиции привели к измене России”1 Translation by me: “I address Russians, military men and force institutions and those, who were sent on a way of armed rebellion by deception and threats. Russia is conducting the heaviest fight for her future, entire military and informational machine of the West is directed against Russia. Any strife must be rejected during the period of special operation, the fate of our nation is being decided now. We are faced by treason, unreasonable ambitions led to the treason against Russia.” Vladimir Putin, incumbent President of the Russian Federation (((Prigozhyn))) has been rejected by Putin, all his previous lip services being in vain. The civil war in Russia has been all but officially announced by Putin. So far, the power balance remains in Putin’s court – all regional governors expressed their loyalty to him; most of the propaganda remained quiet and shocked during the first hours of the rebellion, but now turned to support the shaky throne. Some have remained ostensibly silent – Kadyrov, Medvedev and some smaller fishes try to wait until it is absolutely necessary to make a decision. Funniest of all is, of course, the silence of Don Gandon, who otherwise just can’t shut up, while licking Putin’s arse. Unconfirmed reports of Russian Air Force working on the highway M-4. Another picture of shot down helicopter was posted, unclear if this is a new kill of just one of the previous claims. ‘Wagner’ mercs captured NPZ near Voronezh. A bridge over Oka River near Serpukhov (due South of Moscow) 1

As quoted on Nexta. 462

has been blocked off by MoD forces. Rostov-on-Don was the first target of (((Prigozhyn))), because it was the place of MoD HQ, which commanded the entire military operation in Ukraine. Both Shoigu and Gerasimov were supposed to be there, but there are rumours they fled the HQ and the city before wagnerite arrival. 1200J Kadyrov gave voice finally. He wrote that his “forces have departed towards the zone of tensions”. Unfortunately, I do not have access to his channel, so this is how he was quoted by Nexta. He apparently wrote much more. Slightly earlier, it was reported that there was a small, “spontaneous” proestablishment rally in Rostov-on-Don, but it was quickly dispersed by wagnerites. Other civilians seem to be simply curious and indifferent towards the entire affair, judging by the videos I’ve seen. There is a natural and understandable concern about the safety, but again – only by some. Other sheeple gathered to gawk at the ‘Wagner’ tanks and soldiers taking up positions in the city’s streets. There are those who are “mildly annoyed” at the whole “inconvenience” as well. In short, sheeple demonstrate their complete lack of situational awareness yet again. 1230J Gooood morning, Medvedev!1 The dude woke up from his vodka stupor and finally threw in his lot with Putin. NPZ in Voronezh is on fire, it is rather unclear whether this was the one captured by wagnerites earlier today. Now there is a video, showing military column, presumably belonging to ‘Wagner’, driving towards Moscow on M-4 highway in Lipetsk region. One video, recorded by a wagnerite, claimed they have shot down three helicopters and one transport airplane. He claimed they have broken through 1

A rephrased signature call from a movie “Good Morning, Vietnam” – “a 1987 American war comedy film written by Mitch Markowitz and directed by Barry Levinson. Set in Saigon in 1965, during the Vietnam War, the film stars Robin Williams as a radio DJ on Armed Forces Radio Service, who proves hugely popular with the troops, but infuriates his superiors with what they call his "irreverent tendency". The story is loosely based on the experiences of AFRS radio DJ Adrian Cronauer” (Wikipedia). 463

the defences set up by MoD forces in Voronezh region and are moving towards Moscow. The claim of MoD air assets being employed along M-4 highway have been partially confirmed by CCTV footage of the route, where presumably ‘Wagner’ column was hit with a missile. 1400J Explosions were reported in Rostov, near the HQ of Southern Military District. Small arms fire was also reported in the city. 1420J Nexta says there are reports of kadyrovites entering Rostov. 1445J Nexta reported that Putin’s personal airplane has left Moscow towards St. Petersburg. Soon after, the plane disappeared from the flight radar tracking, most probably meaning that its transponder was shut off for security reasons. 1500J More airplanes were reported leaving Moscow in the direction of St. Petersburg. PM Mishustin and loads of others, which were unnamed, seem to be fleeing the drowning ship. Deputy PM Denis Manturov has left the country entirely, according to Nexta. More videos appeared, showing kadyrovites moving on Russian roads, but no news as to where they are going and what the situation in Rostov is. Belorussian siloviki show activity, but so far it is unclear what direction Lukashenko will take, now that Putin might be relying on him instead of the other way around. Belorussian “Air Force One” left Minsk towards Moscow, but turned back after entering Orsha region. All consumables disappeared from the stores in Rostov by now. Whatever remains has been rationed by the stores to only a couple of pieces per customer. 1630J Nexta reports that ‘Wagner’ is 300km South of Moscow; forward elements have passed Yeletsk in Lipetsk region. A video was posted, showing excavators digging a deep ditch across a tarmac road. The driver, who got blocked on the wrong side of the obstacle, said it was just before “Chepuinsk” district, which was impossible to locate on any maps. Similar pictures were posted slightly later, allegedly from Lipetsk region. 464

1650J According to Nexta, Russian MSM write that kadyrovites finally reached Rostov. Apparently, earlier reports were just wishful thinking. Separatist fliers started appearing in Dagestan and Tatarstan. Vadim Prokopyev, who is apparently a “significant public figure” in Belarus, according to Nexta, published a video with the following text: “10, 9, 8. I address people of Minks, who have not turned the page [probably means the people, who hold themselves in opposition to Lukashenko]: stop gawking at the screen, watching how suki fight thieves. Set yourselves, prepare yourselves. A statement by a person from the circle of Lukashenko will serve as a signal. He and part of siloviki will go over to the side of nation and will ask for help. Do not ask me when, just be prepared.”1 Russian MSM reported that a bridge between Borisoglebsk and Anna has been destroyed in Voronezh region. This is an interesting direction, as the vector goes due East from Voronezh towards Saratov and Engels Air Force base, housing strategic bombers of Russian AF. According to Hanna Malyar Ukrainians began attacking on multiple sectors in Ukraine; “on all directions there has been advances”. More videos of kadyrovites “driving towards Rostov” and never reaching their destination. Traffic jams are more effective than military resistance it appears. 2009J Lukashenko’s press service claims he has conducted negotiations with (((Prigozhyn))) and convinced him to stop the advance. There was further blather about the agreement not to let this grow into a “bloody slaughter” in Russia and some vague guarantees for the safety of ‘Wagner’ mercs. Allegedly, Lukashenko has presented a “completely acceptable” proposal to resolve the situation. 2028J (((Prigozhyn))) posted voice recording, which apparently puts the whole thing on reverse: “[They] wanted to disband ChVK ‘Wagner’. We went on a “March 1

Transcribed and translated by me from a video uploaded on Nexta on 2023.06.24 1834B. 465

of Justice” on June 23. Within 24 hours, we came within 200km of Moscow. During this time we haven’t shed a single drop of blood of our fighters. Now, the moment arrived when the blood could be spilt. Therefore, understanding the whole responsibility for the shedding of Russian blood, on one of the sides, we reverse our columns and go in the opposite direction – to the field camps, according to the plan.”1 At least six Russian helicopters, two of which were irreplaceable EW units, were lost by Russian MoD today, as per ‘Strelkov’s post on his Telegram channel. ‘Strelkov’ later updated this information, writing that Russians lost three Mi-8mtpr (EW), one Mi-8, one Ka-52, one Mi-35 (export version of Mi24) and an airborne command centre Il-18(22) VZPU. 2112J Nexta reports that wagnerites are leaving Rostov-on-Don. The “March of Justice” Rebellion seems to be over, for now. ‘Strelkov’ doubts if this is the case. I just wonder what Lukashenko could have said to (((Prigozhyn))) to warrant such reverse of the events, when there seemed nothing to stop him on his way to Moscow. The only thing that comes to mind is the tactical nuclear weapons, which were only recently planted in Belarus. It is possible that Putin had serious doubts as to the integrity of his own strategic forces, especially in such internecine conflict as this, and therefore called for Lukashenko’s aid in the matter. One thing is clear though – this will not go down as quietly as it looks at the moment. Basically, there can be three variants of explanations as to what has happened today: Putin promised the removal of Shoigu and Gerasimov (more or less mainstream









(((Prigozhyn’s))) position2 through Lukashenko as a proxy (my working theory, haven’t seen anyone raise this one yet) and some had raised the theory this was all for show (PSYOP), thus Putin decided that the theatre went long enough and it’s time for curtains. First theory has several holes in it – if Putin had conceded to Shoigu’s removal, (((Prigozhyn))) would have most probably 1

Transcribed and translated by me from the audio recording posted on Nexta. MoD HQ in Rostov, where (((Prigozhyn))) spent most of the time during this “One Day” Rebellion. 2


pushed on and would not have mentioned “bloodshed on one of the sides”. Even if the theory were true, this would mean horrible consequences for both Russia and Putin. If Shoigu is removed within the coming days, everyone, including Kadyrov and other small warlords, will see it as the ultimate sign of weakness and Russia will become a free-for-all buffet. “Theatre” version does not withstand the scrutiny of the events of today – for a mere show, Russians would have lost one NPZ, 6 helicopters (2-3 of which are crucial and hardly replaceable), one airborne command post, damaged several roads and most importantly – shaken the power foundation of Russia with Kremlin’s clique running away from Moscow (this little factoid will definitely settle in the minds of Russian sheeple for a long time, as a stark contrast to Stalin, who remained in the capital even when Wehrmacht was within 40km during the winter of 1940). There is another, more obscure theory, claiming that (((Prigozhyn))) could have been a CIA/American asset and got the signal that he achieved what was aimed for. But it has no facts or even circumstantial evidence to back it up, except general “the US wants to hurt Russia” notion, which is true of course, but not enough in this case. Logically, I regard the nuclear strike threat as the most believable at the moment. If it is correct, Putin will most likely order the execution of (((Prigozhyn))) in the nearest possible future, if he hasn’t done it already. If he keeps his “word” and lets (((Prigozhyn))) escape scot-free, Putin would be activating the effects of the “Shoigu’s removal” version – enabling further rebellions and disloyalty. Aside from these theories, one thing must be said – Putin “successfully” demonstrated that he has become a geriatric ruler, with no personal strength left. His speech in response to the rebellion was weak and disjointed, he even refused to name (((Prigozhyn))) in his speech (giving rise to the “theatre” theory of the events). There was no concerted effort to stop and destroy the mutiny/rebellion. ‘Strelkov’ went as far as calling Putin a “sitz-President”, as in “sitting on the chair of the President, without performing the function of the office”. The roads are being restored along the route of ‘Wagner’, all emergency state directives are being cancelled in Lipetsk, Voronezh and Rostov regions. Road blocks are being dismantled in Moscow. Peskov declared that criminal case against (((Prigozhyn))) and wagnerites will be cancelled. Wagnerites are to be 467

incorporated into regular Russian forces, after they sign contracts with MoD. He also said that (((Prigozhyn))) will go to Belarus. The guarantee for his safe passage to that country is “President’s word of honour”. Peskov also denied that there was any MoD personnel change discussed in the negotiations with (((Prigozhyn))), presumably vis-a-vis Shoigu and Gerasimov. During the day, FSB revealed the finds they got in the raid against (((Prigozhyn’s))) office in St. Petersburg. A van with boxes, containing billions in roubles, dollars and gold, a fake passport1 and other documents, was taken by Putin loyalists. (((Prigozhyn))) admitted that the money belonged to him. 2023.06.25

487th Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~224 630 KIAs, 4 030 MBTs, 7 806 AIVs, 6 735 wheeled transports, 552 specialized vehicles, 4 034 artillery guns, 624 MLRS, 385 AA systems, 314 aircraft, 308 helicopters, 3 472 UAVs, 1 259 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. During the One Day Rebellion, Russians launched a massive salvo at Ukraine – almost 50 missiles, 41 of which were shot down, according to ZSU. There is an unconfirmed claim by a Russian Air Force related channel that ‘Wagner’ still controls some military airfields in Rostov region – Milerovo and Rostov. After a bridge collapsed in Montana, a train carrying hot asphalt and molten sulphur went into Yellowstone River, contaminating the waters. Ukrainians said that kadyrovite units dislocated yesterday from their positions in Maryinka and presumably marched off towards the “civil war” in Russia. Which they never reached, by the way; going, going and never arriving. Apropos. Today, kadyrovite clowns posted a video near some bridge leading from Voronezh to Moscow, boasting they are there to protect the capital against the rebellion. When will they realize just how pathetic their TikTok posturing is? The rebellion has been over since yesterday’s evening. Lame gopniks, able to terrorize civilians and unarmed, unorganized individual soldiers, they are always the first to post “heroic” videos, after the action has 1

Issued to one Vladimir Bobrov, but carrying (((Prigozhyn’s))) photograph. 468

been long resolved. Many pro-(((Prigozhyn))) fighters, and supporters in general, expressed their deep disappointment in the turn of events, after yesterday’s capitulation. And by “deep disappointment” I mean they basically sent him nakhui. There are rumours that Shoigu-Gerasimov tandem has resigned and the new Minister of Defence could be former Putin’s bodyguard and current Tula governor Aleksey Dyumin with Surovikin as the Chief of the General Staff. Potent explosions were reported in Luhansk and Donetsk today. In Donetsk, a business centre was hit; not exactly a military target now was it. Budanov, the head of SBU, claims that Russia has drafted and approved a plan to blow up 4 out of 6 reactors of Zaporozhe NPP. According to him, Russians have prepared explosives on the cooling system of these reactors for demolition. “The situation was never as dangerous as it is now” – Budanov said, according to Nexta and Western MSM. The New York Times wrote an article late yesterday, claiming that US intelligence agencies knew about the brewing merc rebellion in Russia days in advance. The exact day, when this became known to American spooks, is unclear, but presidential administration and defence authorities were briefed on the issue on Wednesday (2023.06.21). This information was not made public or passed on to Putin or other Russian authorities, because the US allegedly did not want to give Putin reason to implicate them in the rebellion. More likely, the reason was a hope that the rebellion might affect the situation at the front in favour of Ukrainian forces, ZeroHedge remarked and I concur. In other news: “Basketball Player Oscar Cabrera Dies At 28 After Blaming Heart Issues On Pfizer Fake Vaccine.”, Neil Hague, 2023.06.25. “BREAKING: Fully-naked adults riding bikes expose their genitalia to children at Seattle Pride.” The Post Millennial, Twitter message with an attached video, 2023.06.25. “At the #MinneapolisPride event today attended by many local and state Democrat politicians, a heavyset man twerks in front of children in his underwear.” Andy Ngo, Twitter message with an attached video, 2023.06.25. “'We're here, we're queer and we're coming for your children': Topless drag 469

queens spark outrage with inflammatory chant at NYC Pride march.” Daily Mail, Harriet Alexander, 2023.06.25. 2023.06.26

488th Day of the Prelude War

Tonight, ZSU claimed 2 Kalibr missiles, 7 Shahed and 4 unidentified drones were shot down. Russian MSM broadcasted a video of Shoigu, flying in a helicopter and visiting “frontline command post”. So much for previous declarations of (((Prigozhyn))), who claimed he had achieved his goals with the rebellion. So far, there was no new public footage of the “rebellious” kike. Russian channels noticed however that the video was a “preserve” – a previously filmed event, presented as fresh footage. Yesterday, Russian channels were reporting that Ukrainian forces have crossed lower Dnepr and taken a small foothold at the Southern bridgehead of Antonov Bridge. Ukrainian MSM confirmed this today with published videos of the crossing and fighting on the other side of Dnepr. A video showed Russian forces evacuating their positions in the bridgehead: an AIV drove towards the bridgehead, laying intense suppressive fire, made a sharp U-turn, pulled up alongside the destroyed Nayry motel on the West side of the highway, ca. 450m from the shore, loaded up infantry, which was waiting there and drove away. Russian channels report that their motorized riflemen are suffering losses in the area and have been requesting aerial bombardment of the bridgehead without success for the past hours. Dachi has been taken completely by ZSU forces, according to pro-Russian voyenkors. However, further down the road, there is a small town of Oleshki and it is covered by Konka rivulet (a branch of Dnepr delta) with a bridge connecting the marshlands North of it with Oleshki and the proper left bank of Dnepr. Death toll of Nova Kakhovka Dam destruction and subsequent flooding at the moment is considered to have reached 48; all of them are presumably civilians. If one is to believe some Russian MSM, the cretinism in that country continues its reign. Authorities started “purges” in the aftermath of the failed rebellion. No, Kadyrov was not arrested, neither was Medvedev, nor the commanders of the units that surrendered to ‘Wagner’. Instead, simple soldiers, who were 470

given orders to lay down their weapons, are being persecuted for “treason”, while their commanders, who gave the order, resume their posts. Russia is incorrigible. Russian news outlet Kommersant claims that the criminal case against (((Prigozhyn))) has not been closed and he is still under the investigation. Ukrainian police arrested a creature from Zakarpattia region, who conducted a “business” of selling toddlers for organ harvesting. The filth was looking for “socially vulnerable” families and took their 1-2yo babies for organs, later to be sold in (((Western Europe))). At least three children were thus taken. 1243J Russians are finally doing something about the Dachi lodgement it seems. Reports are coming in of artillery fire and Russian aviation dropping laser guided bombs on both sides of Antonov Bridge. Antonivka in particular is being hit, as per Ukrainian information. Germany plans to post a permanent detachment of ca. 4 000 soldiers to Lithuania. This comes after Lithuanian ZOG kvetched about the “dangers posed by (((Prigozhyn))) coming to Belarus”. RIA Novosti, a Russian state news agency, confirmed that State Prosecution has not terminated the criminal case against (((Prigozhyn))). Ukrainians took Rivnopil today. Russians rolled back and continue defending the line further South; there is no breakthrough, no encirclements and the “turning point” remains elusive. The so-called offensive has boiled down to nibbling attacks and attrition measures along the front, but since they have not burned through their reserves, Ukrainians must be searching for an opportune moment and place. I doubt they will find any such on Zaporozhe front. (((Prigozhyn))) published his first public address after the One Day Rebellion fiasco. It is far too long to transcribe and translate in full and does not bear such historical significance, given the circumstances, but the main points need to be presented (paraphrased): We acted in the interests of Russian state; we always acted solely in those interests. ‘Wagner’ was ordered to disband by July 1, 2023. We tried to find other possibilities to keep ‘Wagner’ personnel in one unit, but it turned out to be impossible. Then we decided to pack up and give it all up ostentatiously to the SVO HQ in Rostov on June 30, 2023. While 471

we were loading our vehicles on flatbeds and conducting stocktaking, we were attacked by artillery and later with air assets. We haven’t been posing any danger to anyone, yet MoD attacked us. Around 30 wagnerites were killed, several got wounded. Then the decision was taken to move on Rostov and later Voronezh and Moscow. We tried to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed, only answering fire with fire. After our forward elements came within 200km from Moscow, we conducted a reconnaissance and saw prepared positions with Russian units ready to open fire on us. I understood that bloodshed is inevitable and therefore decided to abort the march. President Lukashenko called me with a proposition for ‘Wagner’ to continue existing within legal boundaries in Belarus and I took it. The people loved us when we went through Russian towns. They met us with Russian and ‘Wagner’ flags. They continue to support us; I get multiple letters. Some are even disappointed that we didn’t continue. While we went on this march with the sole purpose to save ‘Wagner’, people saw us as delivering them from the bureaucracy and corruption1. We conducted a march of unprecedented scale – 780km, within 24h. If a unit, comparable with ‘Wagner’ in morale, training and cohesion, would have participated in the opening move on Kiev back on 2022.02.24, the SVO would have possibly ended within one day. There were other problems then, but it doesn’t matter. We showed how SVO should have been done. We didn’t want to remove legitimate government, we merely wanted to protest. We didn’t want bloodshed. The part about people loving him and his wagnerites was most probably a quip towards an article in Der Spiegel, which claimed that (((Prigozhyn))) might have stopped his rebellion, because he saw the lack of popular support. He even added “I answer these questions so that blatherers on our (Russian) and certain Western outlets would go quiet”. 2358J Near the end of the day, Putin delivered a speech concerning the One Day Rebellion. I have not listened to it, and I doubt I will. Almost all proWestern outlets dismissed it as yet another inconsequential blather. As I understand it, most of it was empty word bending, claiming that rebellion 1

Prigozhyn actually said he was going to rid Russia of bureaucracy and corruption in one of his statements during the One Day Rebellion. 472

was doomed to fail, as would be any other attempts to do a similar thing. Wagnerites betrayed their country, but they are actually patriots and were just mislead. They are all pardoned and can go either to Belarus or join MoD ranks. Funnily enough, there were other declarations by the representatives of Russian establishment, who said that wagnerites “of course will be persecuted for their actions”. Desynchronization of Russian central power continues. Putin claimed he took steps to avoid large bloodshed. I guess we’re supposed to believe that the practically unopposed march of wagnerites towards Moscow, because Putin did not give command attack the rebels, was some sort of very clever move, expecting wagnerites to run out of fuel and determination along the way. Putin also said, in stark contrast to what (((Prigozhyn))) declared earlier, that rebellion failed because Russian population consolidated and united around the government. This was also the main motif on Russian TV. ‘Strelkov’ clarified the situation around the Ukrainian foothold on Dachi bridgehead. According to him and his sources (who, as he claimed, are stationed at the sector in question), the foothold is very fractured, Ukrainian soldiers hold positions right next to Russians, sometimes occupying opposite houses in Dachi. Main Ukrainian strongpoint in the foothold has been dug right into the embankment of the bridge and thus has great overhead cover. Russian attempts to bomb the foothold didn’t meet with success, as their ordnances fell 4km from the target. At the same time, Russians experience problems, as resupplying and reinforcing their own units in Dachi is difficult due to terrain peculiarities. The only way to provide logistics for their forces in Dachi is via the main road, over the Konka River bridge and this route is within LOS1 from the Ukrainian bank of Dnepr, which is on a higher elevation. Thus, Ukrainians employ ATGMs, artillery, mortars and remotely deployable mines against any attempts to provide Russians on the Ukrainian side of Konka with ammunition and reinforcements. This account does not correspond well with the video I described earlier, which showed the withdrawal of a group of Russians from Dachi. In other news: Just how (((BlackRock))) “controls the world”? We can see a 1

Line of Sight. 473

glimpse of it, the public glimpse they allowed by publishing their F13 filing1, which is small potatoes probably, compared to their true power: Rank










5 6

Google (Class A) Google (Class C)



8 9

14 15 16 17

UnitedHealth Group Meta Berkshire Hathaway (Class B) Johnson & Johnson Exxon Mobil iShares Core S&P 500 ETF Visa JPMorgan Chase & Co Procter & Gamble Co Mastercard


Home Depot

19 20 21 22 23 24

Eli Lilly And Co Merck & Co AbbVie Chevron PepsiCo Coca-Cola Co

10 11 12 13

Sector Information Technology Information Technology Consumer Discretionary Information Technology Communications Communications Consumer Discretionary Health Care Communications

Value of Holdings (USD billions) $171 $155 $63 $51 $44 $38 $37 $35 $32



Health Care Energy

$31 $30



Finance Finance Consumer Staples Finance Consumer Discretionary Health Care Health Care Health Care Energy Consumer Staples Consumer Staples

$28 $25 $24 $24


$23 $23 $22 $22 $22 $20 $19

The 13F is a mandatory, quarterly report that is filed by institutional investment managers with over $100 million in AUM (ZeroHedge). 474

Information $19 Technology The data was provided in “From Merck To Microsoft: These Are The 25


Companies That BlackRock 'Controls' The Most Of”, ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden, 2023.06.25. And a very telling quote from the article – ““They [BlackRock] don’t want to be in the news. They don’t want people to talk about them. They don’t want to be anywhere on the radar,” Varlay1 said”. “Bud Light triples down, SPONSORS Toronto pride event that promoted naked adults in front of CHILDREN — Event reportedly had booths pushing SEX ED2 TO KINDERGARTNERS.” Chuck Callesto, Twitter message with an attached video, 2023.06.26. I guess they thought “what the hell, if we’re going down, we might as well triple down”.

The depression of American children.

“Number of teens who ‘don’t enjoy life’ has doubled with social media.” New York Post, Rikki Schlott, 2023.06.19. Whether this is solely attributable to 1

A BlackRock recruiter named Serge Varlay (ZeroHedge). Sex Ed – Sexual “Education” – what was started as an (((honest attempt))) to stem the tide of teen pregnancies and the spread of STD, turned into full (((depravity indoctrination))). 2


(((social media))) pervasion is questionable though, but it definitely is a contributing factor. “Woman [Kristel Candelario, 31yo, Ohio resident] charged with murder after leaving her baby home alone for 10 days to go on vacation.” Independent, Graeme Massie, 2023.06.25. “A former Michigan priest accused of abusing a young child in the 1980s has been [now] sentenced to 365 days in jail and five years' probation on one count of first-degree attempted criminal sexual conduct, state officials announced Tuesday.” The Detroit News, Mark Hicks, 2023.06.13, emphasis in bold by me. 2023.06.27

489th Day of the Prelude War

Shoigu appeared in person at the meeting Putin had with the heads of siloviki institutions yesterday late evening. It has been reported that a personal airplane, belonging to (((Prigozhyn))), took off somewhere East of Rostov at 0437UTC1 and landed at the military airport of Machulishchi near Minsk, around 0740(most probably B). Yesterday, Western MSM reported that Belarus started erecting field camps for ‘Wagner’ on its territory. First camp for around 8 000 mercs is going up near Asipovichy in Mogilev region. (((Prigozhyn’s))) exact whereabouts are still unknown. Russian state governed “Institute of Political Research” claims that Putin’s approval grew to 90% after the failed One Day Rebellion. Right before Putin’s speech yesterday evening, Peskov declared that it will be “fateful” for Russia. As nothing of the sort materialized, it was later claimed that the “fateful” part might come after the Security Council meeting. Finally, Peskov himself dismissed the “rumour” about “fateful” speech, saying it was fake. “1984” is nervously smoking in the corner. Yesterday, Russians posted a video of another ill-fated Ukrainian attack. A 1

Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about one second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (Wikipedia). 476

company in Bradley IFVs drove into a very dense minefield. At least four Bradleys got knocked out by AT mines (presumably, because only the aftermath was shown) and after the infantry disembarked it turned out to be a mixed AT-AP1 minefield. From the hit marks, I suspect the column was also shelled with artillery. Whatever the case, what followed was a horrible spectacle of gore and tragedy, as Ukrainians tried desperately to extricate themselves from the minefield without proper procedures. Time and again they triggered AP mines, losing limbs and lives. The criminal case against (((Prigozhyn))) has been cancelled, again. Ukrainian 46th Separate Air Assault Brigade confirmed the expansion of the foothold they held at Dachi, on the left bank of lower Dnepr. According to their and Russian messages on Telegram, the bridgehead is being pounded by Russian artillery almost constantly. Lukashenko put Belorussian Army on full combat alert, following the One Day Rebellion and subsequent messages of German contingent of 4 000 soldiers being sent to Lithuania. After running away from Moscow and disappearing from the public during the One Day Rebellion, Putin seems to be desperate to repair his image and consolidate power. He gave one speech yesterday to the nation, met with the siloviki leaders and today, he spoke with siloviki assembly in Moscow. His meeting with siloviki leaders yesterday was especially telling – Putin’s subdued, apologetic and frankly, fearful tone was so apparent that he tried to rectify the situation today with a slightly better performance during his speech to the assembled siloviki in front of Kremlin. Ultimately, he failed in both, as his speech in front of the entrance to Kremlin was disconnected horribly from the realities, as they were during the rebellion. There are rumours that Russians sent a special airplane to allegedly repatriate their diplomats from the USA. How many or why is anyone‘s guess, though Russian officials said it was not due to an expulsion of diplomats. Zolotov, a rather retarded Rosgvardiya chief, embraced the “the West organized (((Prigozhyn’s))) coup” version of the rebellion today. Well, what 1

Anti-Personnel. 477

can I say, the theory became even less believable now. In other news: And a bit more about the “consistency” of current political puppets: “Guests urged to be vaccinated at anti-vaxxer Robert F Kennedy Jr’s party.” The Guardian, Martin Pengelly, 2021.12.18. 2023.06.28

490th Day of the Prelude War

According to some reports on unofficial Twitter accounts, Ukrainian pontoon units were spotted near Antonivka, hinting that a serious foothold might be considered at Dachi. I think that out of all possible places, Ukrainians chose probably one of the worst for making an attempt to conduct a serious crossing of Dnepr. Most of the highway from Dachi to Oleshki is very vulnerable to air attacks and circumvention of the section is impossible there. It resembles “Hell’s Highway” in Holland during Operation “Market Garden” too much. Ukrainians continue to signal their goals clearly with their small opening moves and I would venture a prediction – even if ZSU succeeds in expanding their foothold in Dachi, Russians, if they are not completely drunk by the time, will blow the bridge over Konka and render the whole affair moot. Russians struck a pizzeria in Kramatorsk today. According to Ukrainians, 9 civilians were killed (some children among them) and 60 wounded. Note: next day 12 were reported dead, 3 of them children, 65 wounded. According to Russians, foreign mercenaries were celebrating at the venue the moment Russian missile struck the target. Note: Radio Svoboda claimed that foreigners, wounded during the attack, were all “humanitarian volunteers”. Clearly, some civilians got hit, but if there was indeed a party of foreign mercenaries/volunteer (depends on which side you support), then it is in no way different than that Ukrainian strike against a civilian restaurant in Donetsk, during which Rogozin acquired his famous wound in the arse. 1551J Ukrainians claim that an entire company of VDV troops surrendered near Klishchiivka, South of Bakhmut. 1755J The kike-in-chief takes care that no matter what war, flood or other bane is afflicting his host nation, the march of (((NWO))) must never stop. He called Ukrainian Rada to legalize cannabis: “All the best practices in the world, regardless of how difficult or unusual they’d be, must be implemented in Ukraine, so that all 478

Ukrainian citizens wouldn’t be needing to suffer pain, stress and war traumas.”1 In short: “We see that the war is going badly, people don’t want to go and die for our (((project))), they start to resist forceful mobilization efforts. Therefore, let’s dope them out.” “[...] he’s [Putin] clearly losing the war in Iraq.” Joseph ‘Sleepy Joe’ R. Biden the Pedo, the “President” of the USA, 2023.06.27. Russian MoD “corrected” the angle, on which all of the pro-Russian narrative about today’s Kramatorsk strike justification hinged. According to the Konashenkov’s gang, the pizzeria in Kramatorsk housed the HQ of 56th Motorized Infantry Brigade. Yet again, the official Russian account is forcing me to believe Ukrainian version of events. Russian voyenkors write that none other but General Armii Sergey Surovikin himself was “taken” to Lefortovo2 yesterday. A strange twist of events, bearing in mind he was one of the first to call for wagnerites to stop the mutiny. That is, of course, if the information isn’t a fake. One of the more stressed points today on the pro-Ukrainian MSM was the part of Putin’s speech to the leaders of siloviki institutions two days ago, where he admitted that ‘Wagner’ was completely financed by Russian government. The MSM juxtaposed this statement with the previous denial of any connection between ‘Wagner’ and the state, uttered by Putin during his 1

Translated and emphasized by me from a quoted posted on Nexta_Live. Lefortovo Prison (Russian: Лефортовская тюрьма) is a prison in Moscow, Russia, which has been under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Justice since 2005. The prison was built in 1881 in the Lefortovo District of Moscow, named after François Le Fort, a close associate of Tsar Peter I the Great. In the Soviet Union, during Joseph Stalin's 1936–38 Great Purge, Lefortovo Prison was used by the NKVD secret police for mass executions and interrogational torture. Lefortovo was an infamous KGB prison and interrogation site (called an "investigative isolator", or СИЗО: следственный изолятор) for political prisoners. In 1994, the prison was transferred to the MVD; from 1996 to 2005, it was under the jurisdiction of the FSB, a KGB successor agency (Wikipedia). 2


press conference with Macron of France on 2022.02.07. Radio Svoboda quoted Lukashenko, recounting how he quelled the One Day Rebellion – in short, he threatened (((Prigozhyn))) that if he moves farther, he’ll be “squashed like a bug”. ‘Strelkov’ had written almost an exact quote, when speculating about the reasons for the abrupt end of the rebellion. Since there was practically no organized defence outside of Moscow (and even there, defensive measures were questionable), it leads me back to my version of a nuclear threat, or at least something comparable (a thermobaric strike against (((Prigozhyn’s))) location). In other news: “An outbreak of syphilis in a Russian kindergarten. One of the female teachers in Chelyabinsk caught syphilis, but continued to go to work. Alas, the disease is transmitted not only via sexual intercourse but through domestic contacts as well. The office of the kindergarten tried to conceal ChP1 from the parents.”, Twitter message with an attached video, showing how kindergarten representative refuses to explain to parents why their children must give blood for testing and what the emergency is, 2023.06.27, translated by me. Another Quran burning was done in Stockholm, Sweden. Interestingly enough, it was burned by a shitskin from Iraq, Salwan Momika. Not only did he burn the book, but before doing that, he even laced it with bacon strips, according to reports on MSM. Well, I guess Sweden can kiss their NATO aspirations goodbye. 2023.06.29

491st Day of the Prelude War

Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~227 780 KIAs, 4 038 MBTs, 7 857 AIVs, 6 780 wheeled transports, 569 specialized vehicles, 4 116 artillery guns, 627 MLRS, 388 AA systems, 315 fixed wing aircraft, 308 rotary wing aircraft, 3 513 UAVs, 1 261 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Nexta reports that Russians started command-staff exercise of nuclear disaster response in Zaporozhe NPP. There are reports that ‘Wagner’ is being completely liquidated in Russia. 1

Cherezvychaynoye Proisshestviye (Ru.) – an Emergency Event, anything out of ordinary. A very broadly used abbreviation. 480

Allegedly, Putin informed Syrian, Central African and Mali governments that ‘Wagner’ group is being taken over by the Russian state. Forbes wrote1 that there are several Ukrainian brigades still “missing” from the action on the Zaporozhe front, hinting that my assessment of most Ukrainian reserves being yet unused could be true. According to the article, those include the following units: 21st, 32nd, 117th and 118th Mechanized Infantry and 82nd Air Assault Brigades. The latter was even called “comically powerful”2 and was thought to lead the “offensive”, as it was armed with Challenger-2 MBTs (14pcs), Stryker IFVs (90pcs), Marder IFVs (40pcs) and M119 towed howitzers (~20pcs). Before the snail paced “offensive” began, it was rumoured Ukrainians had assembled 8-9 fresh brigades armed with the weaponry received from the West. Ukrainians continue reporting advances around Bakhmut. They are constantly pressing Russians there and gaining ground, but it is as useful as tits on a bull in a grand scheme of things. But these gains give political breathing







internationally, and so the attacks will be forced on. Somehow, ‘Strelkov’s rhetoric turned very foul-mouthed lately. He sometimes allowed himself a cuss there and there, but over the past couple of days he’s almost indistinguishable from (((Solovyov))) in his remarks about Ukrainians and supporters of the failed One Day Rebellion. His reaction to Kramatorsk strike being a good example: “About Kramatorsk. Civilians were affected. Bad and regrettable. Very. People are unrelated [to the fighting] and should not suffer because of live-shield tactic used by Kiev. But all the shiteaters peddling all this, why are your stinking mouths not opening every day about Donetsk? Why don’t you weep for the killed in Golaya Pristan [Hola Prystan] by Storm [Shadow] missile?


“Several Powerful Ukrainian Brigades Are Missing In Action”, Forbes, David Axe, 2023.06.22. 2 “Ukraine’s 82nd Air Assault Brigade Is Ridiculously Powerful—And Could Lead The Coming Counteroffensive”, Forbes, David Axe, 2023.05.03. 481

Two-faced filth.”1 Typically enough, when Ukrainians have their militaries close to civilians, it’s “meat-shield tactics”, but when the same is done by Russians – crickets and tumbleweed. And vice versa by the Ukrainian side. And an apparently unrelated bit of news surfaced on small Internet sites, claiming that an unusual species of mosquitoes were discovered in Finland, Sweden (Skåne region) and Leningrad oblast (region, Ru.) in Russia – Culex modestus. The peculiarity of this mosquito is that it is the primary vector for West Nile fever – one of the known weaponized diseases. The article2 claimed that the disease itself was not found anywhere in the new habitats of the Culex and we all should remain calm. This short message, which appeared on the side-line of a side-line Internet site, looks much different in the light of Russian claims about the bioweapon research conducted by the USA and some of their claims that there were even attempts to release biological agents, or at least their vectors. The article’s explanation for this unusual “guest” was, of course, (((climate warming change))). There are more confirmations and rumours that Surovikin met with a fishy consequences for his flirtation with (((Prigozhyn))). Kremlin and MoD continue to “no comment” the question. In other news: After 17yo illegal shitskin with a long rap sheet3 was shot by French ZOGbots, when he refused to stop the car4, which he had no license to drive, riots broke out all over France. The dumb cop, who has not yet understood that there are different sets of rules for native French and invading shitskins, has been denounced by the French ZOG puppet supreme, Macron, suspended from the service and put in custody. “Artificial sugar replacement aspartame, found in thousands of 'diet' replacements – like Diet Coke, Extra chewing gum and even bread, to be 1

Translated by me from ‘Strelkov’s personal Telegram channel, message posted on 2023.06.28. 2 “New Species of Mosquitoes Discovered in Finland”,, University of Helsinki, 2023.06.29. 3 A criminal record. 4 Reportedly, a product of Mercedes-AMG – a rather expensive vehicle. 482

declared 'possibly carcinogenic to humans' by WHO.” Daily Mail, John Ely, 2023.06.29. But it was perfectly OK all those years, eh? I guess they found a better poison now, and the old one can be retired. The irony of what I wrote in ES QVOD EDES chapter corresponding with this latest news is unsavoury. Back then, I could have been called a “kook” and “crazy conspiracy theorist”, who doesn’t “believe in science”, but couple of months pass and suddenly it transforms from an “uneducated redneck theory” into a “respectable opinion of the WHO experts”. SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) ruled to outlaw affirmative action in college admissions today. Affirmative action is one of the (((system’s))) neologisms, meaning that illiterate African apes and other “minorities” get inducted into higher education system (and jobs) instead of the straight white males – a priori nazis, according to the same (((system))). It seems that someone in the (((old guard))) realized just how badly their “managed” collapse is going and decided to pull a break on the runaway accelerationism. Fortunately, the whole apparatus has gone way too far by now and I don’t think there is any going back. “In the last 10 hours 28 boats with 2 500 illegal immigrants have invaded Italy. Another 500,000 are on the way. A real apocalypse. Giorgia Meloni in 9 months has allowed 110,000 illegal immigrants to invade Italy, 420 a day, only men! Stop the invasion, save Europe!” Radio Genova, Twitter message, 2023.06.29, emphasis in bold by me. Wildfires in Canada are still raging. 2023.06.30

492nd Day of the Prelude War

“I don't know what our government's plans are, but it looks like an extermination of its own [Ukrainian] population. Let’s say, of the combat-ready and working-age population. That’s all.” Unnamed Ukrainian soldier.1 Russia issued an open letter to UN, proclaiming they have no plans to blow up Zaporozhe NPP and asking Kiev to “abstain from provocations”. 1

Transcribed and translated by me from a (((Vice))) video interview posted on KanekoaTheGreat Twitter account on 2023.06.30. 483

Budanov claims that FSB received an order to organize a speedy departure of Mr. (((Prigozhyn))) towards pearly gates. Today Mariya Zakharova claimed practically the same as Nexta did yesterday, just about Ukrainians – according to her, new radioactivity monitoring devices were installed in Kiev and exercises in several Ukrainian regions started, simulating a disaster in Zaporozhe NPP. Nexta called it ravings of “lunatic Zakharova”. In other news: Consider, dear reader, the following string of events: “Gates Foundation and Oxitec Fight Malaria with GeneticallyModified Mosquitoes.”, Clara Rodríguez Fernández, 2018.06.20, updated on 2021.06.24. “Bill Gates-Funded Firm Released 150,000 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes






2021.05.05. “EPA OKs plan to release 2.4 million more genetically modified mosquitoes. Following Oxitec's 2021 release of 144,000 mosquitoes in the Florida Keys, the EPA approved an expanded plan that added sites in California.” NBC News, Tim Fitzsimons, 2022.03.12. “First U.S. malaria cases diagnosed in decades in Florida and Texas. Five cases of malaria have been confirmed in Florida and Texas, the first time the potentially fatal mosquito-borne disease has been locally acquired in the United States in 20 years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday.” (((Reuters))), (((Sharon Bernstein))), 2023.06.28. Shitskins in France organized a veritable uprising. “Riots and clashes with police” don’t cut it as a description anymore.500 buildings and more than 1 900 cars are burning, shitskins parade through streets with weapons; the entire picture is that of a complete collapse and anarchy. Meanwhile, ZOG puppet Macron of France blamed it all on “video games”. “Limerick minister [Patrick O’Donovan]: ‘Waiting to see how others get on with [COVID19] vaccine is cowardly’.”, Donal O'Regan, 2021.01.11. Two years later: “Minister [Patrick O'Donovan] collapses while


taking questions in Dáil chamber1. [...] He became ill while speaking on Topical Issues, answering a question in Irish as minister of state for the OPW. The 46-year-old TD for Limerick county could be seen labouring in his speech as he attempted to give his reply. He subsequently collapsed.”, Senan Molony, 2023.06.29. “Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and