Lester J. Hendershot - Press articles over time

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Table of contents :
1927.02.28 - The Decatur Daily Review - article
1927.09.28 - The Cushing Daily Citizen - article
1928.02.25 - Alton Evening Telegraph - article
1928.02.25 - Appleton Post Crescent - article
1928.02.25 - Brooklyn Times Union - article
1928.02.25 - Calgary Herald - article
1928.02.25 - Daily News - article
1928.02.25 - Dixon Evening Telegraph - article
1928.02.25 - Evening Huronite - article
1928.02.25 - Gastonia Daily Gazette - article
1928.02.25 - Hamilton Daily News - article
1928.02.25 - Hamilton Evening Journal - article
1928.02.25 - Helena Independent - article
1928.02.25 - Lancaster Daily Eagle - article
1928.02.25 - Ogden Standard Examiner - article
1928.02.25 - Olean Evening Times - article
1928.02.25 - Passaic Daily News - article
1928.02.25 - San mateo Times - article
1928.02.25 - Sheboygan Press - article
1928.02.25 - The Bee - article
1928.02.25 - The Birmingham News - article
1928.02.25 - The Chillicothe Constitution - article
1928.02.25 - The Daily Northwestern - article
1928.02.25 - The Daily Times - article
1928.02.25 - The Evening State Journal and Lincon Daily News - article
1928.02.25 - The La Crosse Tribune - article
1928.02.25 - The Miami News - article
1928.02.25 - The New York Times - article
1928.02.25 - The Warren Tribune - article
1928.02.26 - Billings Gazette - article
1928.02.26 - Decatur Herald - article
1928.02.26 - Decatur Review - article
1928.02.26 - Galveston Daily News - article
1928.02.26 - Helena Independent - article
1928.02.26 - Oakland Tribune - article
1928.02.26 - Ogden Standard Examiner - article
1928.02.26 - Syracuse Herald - article
1928.02.26 - The Abilene Morning Reporter-News - article
1928.02.26 - The Athens Messenger - article
1928.02.26 - The Los Angeles Times - article
1928.02.26 - The Los Angeles Times - article
1928.02.26 - The Morning News Review - article
1928.02.26 - The New York Times - article
1928.02.26 - The New York Times1 - article
1928.02.27 - Argus Leader - article
1928.02.27 - Argus Leader1 - article
1928.02.27 - Decatur Review - article
1928.02.27 - Edmonton Journal - article
1928.02.27 - Gastonia Daily Gazette - article
1928.02.27 - Lancaster Daily Eagle - article
1928.02.27 - Lincoln Journal Star - article
1928.02.27 - Miami News Record - article
1928.02.27 - New Britain Herald - article
1928.02.27 - Oakland Tribune - article
1928.02.27 - Reno Evening Gazette - article
1928.02.27 - Reno Gazette Journal - article
1928.02.27 - Saskatoon Daily Star - article
1928.02.27 - St. Louis Globe Democrat - article
1928.02.27 - Syracuse Herald - article
1928.02.27 - The Bee - article
1928.02.27 - The Birmingham News - article
1928.02.27 - The Buffalo Times - article
1928.02.27 - The Clearfield Progress - article
1928.02.27 - The Evening State Journal And Lincoln Daily News - article
1928.02.27 - The Kansas City Star - article
1928.02.27 - The Lincoln Star - article
1928.02.27 - The New York Times - article
1928.02.27 - The New York Times - article
1928.02.27 - The Newark Advocate - article
1928.02.27 - The Pittsburg Press - article
1928.02.27 - The Tulsa Tribune - article
1928.02.27 - The Warren Tribune - article
1928.02.28 - Alton Evening Telegraph - article
1928.02.28 - Austin American Statesman - article
1928.02.28 - Barrier Miner - article
1928.02.28 - Buffalo Evening News - article
1928.02.28 - New Britain Herald - article
1928.02.28 - Northern Standard - article
1928.02.28 - Ogden Standard Examiner - article
1928.02.28 - Port Arthur News - article
1928.02.28 - The Bangor Daily News - article
1928.02.28 - The Bee - article
1928.02.28 - The Bellingham Herald - article
1928.02.28 - The Billings Gazette - article
1928.02.28 - The Charlotte Observer - article
1928.02.28 - The Indianapolis Star - article
1928.02.28 - The McCook Daily Gazette - article
1928.02.28 - The New York Times - article
1928.02.29 - Battle Creek Enquirer - article
1928.02.29 - Kingston Daily Freeman - article
1928.02.29 - Morning Herald - article
1928.02.29 - New Castle News - article
1928.02.29 - Olean Evening Times - article
1928.02.29 - Portsmouth herald - article
1928.02.29 - Star Tribune - article
1928.02.29 - The Clearfield Progress - article
1928.02.29 - The Evening State Journal And Lincoln Daily News - article
1928.02.29 - The Times Recorder - article
1928.02.29 - The Warren Tribune - article
1928.02.29 - The Wellsboro Agitator - article
1928.03.01 - Daily News - article
1928.03.01 - Decatur Review - article
1928.03.01 - Gastonia Daily Gazette - articole
1928.03.01 - San Antonio Light - article
1928.03.01 - The Canberra Times - article
1928.03.01 - The Kingsport Times - article
1928.03.01 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.01 - Watauga Democrat - article
1928.03.01 - Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune - article
1928.03.02 - Bedford Gazette - article
1928.03.02 - Edwardsville Intelligencer - article
1928.03.02 - Modesto News-Herald - article
1928.03.02 - New Castle News - article
1928.03.02 - Northern Standard - article
1928.03.02 - The Bee - article
1928.03.02 - The Daily Northwestern - article
1928.03.02 - The Frederick Post - article
1928.03.02 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.02 - The Tech - article
1928.03.03 - Hamilton Evening Journal - article
1928.03.03 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.03 - The Times Recorder - article
1928.03.04 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.05 - Ogden Standard Examiner - article
1928.03.06 - Decatur Evening herald - article
1928.03.07 - Amarillo Globe - article
1928.03.07 - Evening Huronite - article
1928.03.07 - Oakland Tribune - article
1928.03.07 - Reno Evening Gazette - article
1928.03.07 - The Daily Northwestern - article
1928.03.07 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.08 - Havre Daily News Promoter - article
1928.03.08 - The Gettysburg Times - article
1928.03.08 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.09 - Amarillo Globe - article
1928.03.09 - Daily News Standard - article
1928.03.09 - Decatur Evening Herald - article
1928.03.09 - Decatur Review - article
1928.03.09 - Gastonia Daily Gazette - article
1928.03.09 - Lawrence Journal-World - article
1928.03.09 - Modesto News-Herald - article
1928.03.09 - Ogden Standard Examiner - article
1928.03.09 - Portsmouth Daily Times - article
1928.03.09 - San Antonio Light - article
1928.03.09 - San Mateo Times - article
1928.03.09 - Sheboygan Press - article
1928.03.09 - Syracuse Herald - article
1928.03.09 - The Athens Messenger - article
1928.03.09 - The Daily Northwestern - article
1928.03.09 - The Davenport Democrat And Leader - article
1928.03.09 - The Kingsport Times - article
1928.03.09 - The Vidette Messenger - article
1928.03.10 - Albany Advertiser - article
1928.03.10 - Appleton Post Crescent - article
1928.03.10 - Decatur Evening Herald - article
1928.03.10 - Geraldton Guardian - article
1928.03.10 - The Daily Northwestern - article
1928.03.10 - The Frederick Post - article
1928.03.10 - The Mail - article
1928.03.10 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.10 - The News - article
1928.03.11 - Oakland Tribune - article
1928.03.11 - Sunday Times - article
1928.03.13 - Decatur Review - article
1928.03.13 - Western Argus - article
1928.03.15 - Gastonia Daily Gazette - article
1928.03.15 - News-Palladium - article
1928.03.15 - San Antonio Light - article
1928.03.15 - The News - article
1928.03.16 - The Frederick Post - article
1928.03.16 - The New York Times - article
1928.03.16 - The Warren Tribune - article
1928.04.08 - Lima News - article
1928.04.20 - Daily News Standard - article
1928.05.08 - The Mercury - article
1928.05.13 - San Antonio Light - article
1928.06.03 - Cairns Post - article
1928.06.08 - Northern Territory Times - article
1928.07 - Popular Science page 1 - article
1928.07 - Popular Science page 2- article
1928.07.28 - The Warren Tribune - article
1928.10.02 - The Warren Tribune - article
1928.11.12 - The New York Times - article
1929.03.01 - The Redondo Reflex - article
1935.05.22 - The Pittsburgh Press - article
1944.10.11 - The Charleroi Mail - article
1994.10 - Extraordinary Science page 1 - article
1994.10 - Extraordinary Science page 2 - article
1994.10 - Extraordinary Science page 3 - article
1994.10 - Extraordinary Science page 4 - article
1994.10 - Extraordinary Science page 5 - article
1994.10 - Extraordinary Science page 6 - article

Citation preview

"Fiielless" Motor Int~

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''It Works," Is Answer To Critics of Fuelless Motor Pittsburgh. Pa ., Feb. 2B-< A.P.l- wha t he said were e:uly phase:,; or

Although h is "fuclle$s" motor ha" , the Hendershot motor. declaring tha t

bern characterized as impractical and I the currtnt was supplied from cL"l l.,. "not a motor at all but a generator. · He said he had negotiatL"d with Hen• Lester J. Hendershot, of West Eliza- I dershot some time ago on .. what apbeth. Pa .. today stood by his asser- : pe facll,tJcs ot tho broadcutJng station for an hour eome ttme to tell hi.I! grievances qalnst t.he Standard OU co. and Indiana, connecte«1 with the Wood Rlver swimming pool. He rleslrea partlcutarly to answer John o. Rockefeller, Jr., and to tell the world thnt, when he wrote zeteer11 to John D. Rockefeller compla1nitlg of trouble& wtth the Standard 011 co. at Wood Rlver, absolut.cly no attenUon was given t.o his letters. Abdut the only reply Carstens has recetved front his JeLtcr wrlUng e11n1patgn waa an e.clcnowledgement. from President Coolidge t.h&t he 11ad recelved a Jett.er. Howe\'er it was ju.rt o. pollte acknowle4gement. None or the other11 to whom he addressed letters was· &o polite nnd CRratcns ts still nwalt.lng 1-cpllcs. Cl\rstens Intends now to write Senntor Walsh. Carstens ha.a carbon copies of nlt , hl~ letters he htUI written to Standard r OU offlclala. In one he protested ngalnst the .,Standard 011 Co. of tndlana. renting a site for a blll board on stnnda.rd OU property at Wood Mr. Carstens 111111 land for 1 River. bUl bollt'd s-Jtea and he does not beJleve Standard 011 h&H any tight to compete with hllll 1n that line. He sought in the lettet· information as to whether the ·s~andnrd Oil Co. 1 chnrter gave it right to rent any o( its property_for blll boards. · . Thl.a may be one . of the .matters , Ca:rsteq.s y.,llt_brlng up _when he goea , to at~nd the next stockholdera 1peetl lni . of tl}e_;.B tandard OU Co., ta.~ng

. 9rl~l: =::~~~:.:·w of

Bridge Work Continues in Cold and Wind


:Lindy Tests .lVew 1Hotor Which Doe sn't Use Fueli

~ - }·-- -Co lon el C'l l·•r h~H 1\. f ,in dl)(~rgh anc l f't)u1· St. l,o uis bn sinesB rn.P11 \\'h o ach: o ff from :-:iclfridgc: Vid.l i n a. c,vcr~· rcsr;cr.:,t." . _ Itya11 monopl:me at I l:20 A- M., tiJ ]\'o · rlirerl" Fl\lthority for nc~·.o, or ' Llay fol' un un1u111olmccd dest.i11atio11. LhC' l nvc11t.ion Wa!'I given other than Lhe.l il er11.a1111.tcd fro,n one cf t.hl!' 01-:l'JWl'l', l,.cb. 25- ·.(AP} T!1e Dr,- four mcn-:-:Co1. Linclbcrgh, Majo"' Lrnit. Freo Pre ~:,; . ~ j ct to1la~• ~h,1 t an L.nnphir.r, HtnHlcrslrnt· a.ud Peat. uii·plitnl} moto,· oJ•nnlcd ~•kclro~ : 'The Gugp;E'nhl!il'll l-~ou_nrlat.ion fot





or ' 1iro11iolion


!lC!T(}ll;rntic~, th(', 1tftld~

·ul hot Iur.1, ha.o; bct>n tcstc,J. s11ccc:; !-i~ ~f.ii..l,. has arra.nl!:~ for an imnwdi.al~ fu llr IJ}• Col. Chnrlcs. A. Li11.1 lbergh d c mon~tni.tion of t he motor, which.~ a ml M11jo:· 'f'h onil\ ~ G . Ul11ph 1cr, , ~id to be ba~ed on lhc prii1ciple of Jligh l rn1mn1mrl l' f JI L S elfridge fi e !d . / ~lcclricnl ma g r1cti:m1, (Hl



'l'hl! mota r which, the ncw;1pa1lcr '. the rok•n~• mot.ion of tho earth. oi ~tr.d oui might rcvolulionb.c lho , Pe11tlr. He fie\\' secretly from St. Lou is, brina-ing h ih fin11m·ial bttckcl's. To. gether they went to Ford'fl. Lindbergh g;ot behind the 111\'ention wbolc-hea!'ted ly H e set out todar to de, whnt he could for its development.

-- ···· - - ·-- ·-

. -------:----

Electro-Magnetic· Motor for Planes '



Tested by 'Lin_dy'

:Cl~im It Will Attain Spee_d of 1,800..~evolutions . Per Minute Using -No F11el Except Magnetic Center and This Device Will Retain Its Charge ··.for. 2,000 to 3,000 Hours. . . ~

. '

' -ri~trolt




25 ,-(J'>-TI! c Dtt!"Olt nld Sat urda)· lh!!.~ · an Air. plan~ ·motor opernted clcctro-m11tu~tlt-fll· ! I]'. : \i.•Hllo11t gR,oUne or other !ue!, 21M br:r:n · teste~ ·guccei..sfully by Col." Chnrl~:i :11.., .1 ,1nd~rgll 11nd MaJ. Thomu; G. La.n-

Free Pre'.5.5·

: pMer, : Hight commander


nindt-, the ·1ioy,.er :1s only 11pplled to' ·i'i.M In a1rp1nne.s, Later ncvelopll'Lttlt!'t ar~ plnnnc(1 to extend Ille stopc '>r opL',r..!lon to cthl!r !Ir.Ids o! Jocamottnn·: "tfo other · rer.t& woro ol>ta,nRhlc, o~h~r' ttum the . mn ot tile Rlrc:r-11ft lnctustTy ,rom St. t.o\11!1 ptn.nn~d to takt! or:r Bn.turdny ror an unn:nnoum:ed de.stin11t1on. u 11ml hls agent. It 13 declucd here t.hflt onlS- 1:in e:-peThti auggenhei:rn toundn.t!on for pro- rlm~nlnl model ol the- _motor has b(: 1m motJon or ~.eronautks, the nrtlcle sn1d, construct~cJ. has ~rranged tor 11n Immediate· demonWIUle.m · n.· St~ut, · president o.t t he stratlon of Che motor. which ~s ~flfd to Stout Alr.',serflce, Inc., and destgucr at be 'based an the prlnclpte o! cif:'C t rfc:ril thll 11U-fuetal t,rpe of 'tr~m;port pllmer; mn.gnetlsm, ns appllc:d to the rot~t )' mo- bc1n ~ built by the Ford. Motor company,

emnn11,tcd from one of .the four menColon(:! Li1:1,,·cr

. .




or li2'hC l-If?rttlerc::hnt

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nu\~ U\.; l b~; x.· · h,n:,, i prod need n. 110 ,-.·er to liglJ t bar.. j r4eks. at Selfrid~e Field. he as~rt~d. ~1p1>lic