LEARNING PHP: From Beginners to Advanced 9798870822570

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LEARNING PHP: From Beginners to Advanced

Table of contents :
Introduction to PHP

Installation and Configuration of the Development Environment

Basic PHP Syntax

Variables and Data Types in PHP

Operators in PHP

Control Structures (if, else, switch)

Bucles (for, while, do-while)

Functions in PHP

Definition and Calling of Functions in PHP

Scope of Variables in PHP

Functions in PHP

Arrays and Data Structures

Numerical and Associative Arrays

Operations with Arrays in PHP

Arrays in PHP

Collections and foreach Loops

Working with HTML Forms

Collection of User Data

Server-Side Form Validation

PHP Security - Preventing CSRF and XSS Attacks

File Management in PHP

Reading and Writing Files in PHP

Directory Manipulation in PHP

File Upload in PHP

Connection to Databases with MySQL and MySQLi

Database Connection Configuration

Basic SQL Queries with PHP

Connecting to Databases with MySQLi


Introduction to AJAX

Asynchronous Communication with the Server

PHP and AJAX - Updating Web Pages without Reloading

Object Oriented Programming in PHP

Classes and Objects

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Encapsulation and Abstraction in PHP

Error and Exception Handling in PHP

Catching and Handling Exceptions in PHP

Good Practices for Error Handling in PHP

Security in PHP

PHP Security - Preventing Common Attacks

Safe Use of Cookies and Sessions in PHP

Secure Web Server Configuration

Best Practices and Tips

Use of Coding Standards and Conventions

PHP Application Deployment

Choice of Web Server

Production Environment Configuration

Implementation Strategies

Frameworks PHP

Introduction to Popular Frameworks

PHP Benefits and Use Cases

Practical Projects

Appendix: PHP Functions and Constructs Quick Reference

Additional Resources and Useful Links

Glossary of Terms

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