Ālayavijñāna: On the Origin and the Early Development of a Central Concept of Yogācāra Philosophy, Part I: Text. Reprint
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English Pages [254] Year 2007
Table of contents :
1. Introductory, programmatic and methodological remarks
2. Introduction and original meaning of ālayavijñāna
3. Development of ālayavijñāna to the basic constituent of a living being
4. Development of the negative aspects of ālayavijñāna
5. Ālayavijñāna as a veritable vijñāna
6. Evaluation of the other occurrences of ālayavijñāna in the Basic Section of the Yogācārabhūmi
7. Discussion of divergent theories on the origin of ālayavijñāna
8. Supplement I: Reconsideration of some aspects of the methodology of exploring the history of early Yogācāra literature
9. Supplement II: Preliminary analysis of the Proof Portion
10. Supplement III: Mystical experience, elimination of ālayavijñāna and the question of vijñāptimātratā in the ālayavijñāna Treatise
11. Supplement IV: Two Remarks on the Structure of the Nivṛtti Portion
12. Supplement V: Remark on two quotations from the Nagarasūtra
Appendix I: The Sacittikā and Acittikā Bhūmiḥ of the Yogācārabhūmi
Appendix II: Paramārthagāthās 28-41 and their Commentary
Addenda et Corrigenda to the Reprint