This edition of Mar Jacob of Sarug's (d. 521) homilies on the prophet Elisha deals with some of the more difficult
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Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on Elisha
Texts from Christian Late Antiquity
28 Series Editor George Anton Kiraz
TeCLA (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity) is a new series presenting ancient Christian texts both in their original languages and with accompanying contemporary English translations.
Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on Elisha
Metrical Homilies of Mar Jacob of Sarug
Fascicles 23-28 Translation and Introduction by
Stephen A. Kaufman
Gorgias Press LLC, 954 River Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA Copyright © 2010 by Gorgias Press LLC All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC. 2010
ISBN 978-1-60724-302-1
Printed in the United States of America
ISSN 1935-6846
To the memory of my father Leo J. Kaufman 26 March 1915 – 23 August 2009 ʤʿʡʶʰʺ
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents....................................................................................................v Preface......................................................................................................................xi List of Abbreviations ...........................................................................................xiii I On Elisha the Prophet .........................................................................................1 Introduction..........................................................................................................3 Outline..............................................................................................................3 Jacob’s Emphases in this Homily ................................................................3 Other Exegetical Problems...........................................................................4 Types ................................................................................................................4 Summary ..........................................................................................................4 Text and Translation ...........................................................................................7 I. Proem: the Wealth of Scripture................................................................8 II. Elisha’s request for a double portion of spirit intrigues our poet ...10 III. The Story is True and Why it is So.....................................................12 IV. The Typology of the Gift.....................................................................16 V. The Power of Elijah’s Cloak..................................................................22 VI. The Waters of Jericho...........................................................................26 VII. The Typology of the healing of the waters......................................30 VIII. The Typology of the salt and the new pitcher...............................34 IX. The Prophet, not the salt, cured the water; thus typifying the Crucifixion ............................................................................................36 X. The insulting boys: Satan’s revenge......................................................40 XI. Why the death of the children was a good thing..............................44 XII. Why Elisha could not simply have acted out of anger ..................48 XIII. Elisha’s numerous prophetic riches ................................................50 XIV. The indebted widow ..........................................................................54 XV. The multiplication of the oil...............................................................58 XVI. The reason for the miracle was to perform a foreshadowing miracle ...................................................................................................62 XVII. A foreshadowing symbol of the Eucharist ...................................64 XVIII. The three inside the house symbolize the Trinity, and the Church’s mysteries ..............................................................................68 v
II The Second on Elisha and on the King of Moab who sacrificed his son upon the wall .........................................................................................75 Introduction........................................................................................................77 Outline............................................................................................................77 Summary ........................................................................................................77 Text and Translation .........................................................................................79 I. Scriptural exegesis requires Love and the absence of preconceptions.....................................................................................80 II. An astonishing and troubling passage is encountered ......................82 III. The great problem of the passage.......................................................86 IV. The reason that the Lord responded to the pagan sacrifice ...........88 V. Even having just witnessed a miracle, the Lord’s people doubted Him, while Moab’s king had faith in his idol ..................................92 VI. Abraham’s descendants forgot his faith.............................................94 VII. Why God was not concerned that His response would be misinterpreted ......................................................................................98 VIII. Nothing would have changed the participants’ ideas .................100 IX. Toward a proper understanding the meaning of the story ...........104 X. The lesson having been taught, the pagan’s punishment awaits the Day of Judgment.........................................................................106 III The Third on Elisha, and the Shilumite Woman 2 Kgs 4:8–37.............113 Introduction......................................................................................................115 Outline..........................................................................................................115 Jacob’s Emphases in this Homily ............................................................115 Exegetical Problems...................................................................................116 Psychology...................................................................................................116 Types ............................................................................................................116 Summary ......................................................................................................116 Text and Translation .......................................................................................119 I. The Lord’s Wealth is the only kind that is important.......................120 II. Why Elisha chose this house...............................................................122 III. The Shilumite as model wife, for women can be quite capable!..124 IV. The Prudent Woman convinces her husband to take in Elisha, and Elisha prepares to repay the good deed .................................126 V. There is nothing the Prophet can do for her, for her hope is in the Lord ..............................................................................................128 VI. Against all odds, a son is born...........................................................132 VII. Why the Lord took the child away..................................................134 VIII. The Shilumite relies on the Prophet to resurrect her son..........136
IX. How Elisha’s lack of foreknowledge was unusual .........................140 X. Why the Lord hid the death from the Prophet ................................144 XI. Elisha commands Gahzi to hurry back and not greet anyone on the way ................................................................................................148 XII. Why the Prophet’s staff was powerless in Gahzi’s hands ...........150 XIII. How the mother’s request typified that Grace who asked God to save Adam ............................................................................152 XIV. The significance of the Prophet stretching himself over the dead body............................................................................................158 XV. How Elisha’s act prefigures the Incarnation of the Son of God160 XVI. Elisha formed a Cross upon the Body to drive away Death .....164 IV The fourth on Elisha: About Naaman the Edomite and his disciple, Gahzi ............................................................................................................169 Introduction......................................................................................................171 Outline..........................................................................................................171 Exegetical problems ...................................................................................171 Summary ......................................................................................................172 Text and Translation .......................................................................................173 I. Proem: Your Praise, Lord, is sung by the Heavens ..........................174 II. Even the Hymns of the Heavenly Hosts are insufficient, but I shall sing the Lord’s Praises nonetheless .......................................176 III. The Story of Elisha, Naaman, and Gahzi is the Story of the Conflict between spiritual and material wealth.............................178 IV. Elisha’s World-wide reputation as a Healer ....................................182 V. Naaman comes to Elisha’s gate and is insulted by his Treatment 184 VI. The seven immersions symbolize the Seven Days of Creation which are the Seven Pillars of Wisdom..........................................186 VII. Naaman is cleansed and confesses Faith in God..........................190 VIII. Elisha rejects Naaman’s Gift ..........................................................192 IX. Gahzi runs after Naaman to get the Money....................................194 X. Seized by money Lust, Gahzi had forgotten that Prophets see All.........................................................................................................198 XI. The Prophet rebukes Gahzi and transfers Naaman’s Leprosy to him .......................................................................................................200 XII. The Example of the wickedness of Gahzi’s Greed is the Story’s Message ..................................................................................202
V The Fifth on Elisha and on the Vision of the Saints that is able to see hidden things...............................................................................................207 Introduction......................................................................................................209 Outline..........................................................................................................209 Summary ......................................................................................................209 Text and Translation .......................................................................................211 I. Proem: Worldly wealth darkens the soul; the Lord’s enlightens it .212 II. The Power of Prophetic Insight .........................................................214 III. Our souls are blind to what is actually all around us .....................216 IV. The saints can envision the supernal Court ....................................220 V. Elisha, the quintessential spiritual seer ..............................................224 VI. The King of Edom plans to capture Elisha ....................................226 VII. Angels were Elisha’s army ................................................................228 VIII. Elisha prays for the disciple to see the angelic army ..................232 IX. Elisha has the Edomites blinded.......................................................234 X. He leads them to Samaria ....................................................................236 XI. Elisha does the proper thing by feeding the enemy soldiers instead of killing them ......................................................................238 VI On the famine that was in Samaria in the time of Elisha the Prophet .243 Introduction......................................................................................................245 Outline..........................................................................................................245 Summary ......................................................................................................245 Text and Translation .......................................................................................247 I. Proem: Help us, Lord, to take advantage of Your true gifts ...........248 II. We have been granted the riches of Scripture..................................252 III. Of all Elisha’s wondrous deeds, I shall speak of his role at the seige of Samaria .................................................................................254 IV. What a woman might have said to her son before eating him.....258 V. The King learns of the women’s agreement to eat their children .262 VI. The King threatens Elisha without justification.............................264 VII. The King should have appealed to Elisha without threats .........266 VIII. Elisha promises relief.......................................................................268 IX. Why the Prophet’s promise was fulfilled.........................................270 X. The Lord made the Edomites hear the sounds of a great army....272 XI. The Edomites flee from the oncoming phantom army ................276 XII. Why the Edomites were made to abandon their supplies...........278 XIII. A festival is celebrated .....................................................................280 XIV. The prices fall and the doubting soldier is crushed by the crowds .................................................................................................282
VII About Elisha, when a Dead person revived upon his bones................287 Introduction......................................................................................................289 Outline..........................................................................................................289 Summary ......................................................................................................289 Text and Translation .......................................................................................291 I. Proem: the poet summons the instrument of his mind to sing praises to the Son and asks his auditors to listen with a receptive ear........................................................................................292 II. The bones of the just are made life-giving through the Church ...298 III. Elisha resurrected the dead both in life and in death ....................306 IV. Death failed when confronted with Elisha......................................314 V. What happened to the revived man ...................................................318 VI. All resurrection is through the Son of God ....................................320 VII. The miracle of Elisha’s bones was a type of the Resurrection through the Messiah’s death ............................................................326 VIII. Elisha’s bones should have taught the Jews the truth of Jesus.328 IX. Thus believers need no longer fear death........................................332 Table of Major Variants .....................................................................................337 Homily 116 ..................................................................................................337 Homily 117 ..................................................................................................338 Index of Names and Themes ............................................................................339 Index of Biblical References ..............................................................................343
PREFACE Mar Jacob’s homilies centered upon the figure of Elisha, some of which are based on an extended scriptural story, others upon but a single verse, and which appear to have been composed at various times during his literary career, concentrate upon two primary motifs: Elisha as a type of Christ—in particular foreshadowing Resurrection—and Elisha’s life as illustrative of the superiority of spiritual wealth over worldly wealth. In the case of the latter, we can assume that Jacob is reflecting upon the centrality of the figures of Elijah and Elisha as models for the ideal monastic figure that permeated Christian pietism, in both the East and West, for centuries. The Elisha narratives also provide Jacob the opportunity to explain two of the most problematic stories in the Hebrew Bible: the apparently successful sacrifice by the King of Moab of his son to his pagan god, and the bears who ravage the children who have made fun of the prophet. In both cases, Jacob’s exegesis is both innovative yet dependent on ideas of his predecessors. As usual, he takes the opportunity to emphasize that true scriptural exegesis can only proceed when it is imbued with the love of God and the love of the text. Jacob’s flair for the psychologically dramatic is limited here to the extended speech he places in the mouth of the woman about to eat her son during the siege of Samaria. Finally, of particular note are the allusions to gnostic exegetical traditions and Origen-like motifs in the introductory sections of the final homily presented here. Once again it is my pleasure to thank Katie Stott for her editorial work on these difficult volumes and Sebastian Brock, both for his insights as editor of this series and, more importantly, for single-handedly giving new life to Syriac studies in our generation—a modern day Elisha, as it were!
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Audo: B Bedjan Brockelmann CSCO HTR LS2 LXX M MT Payne-Smith Targum Wright
Thomas (Toma) Audo, Dictionnaire de la langue Chaldéenne, Mosul 1896; republished by Gorgias as Treasure of the Syriac Language, 2008 Bedjan’s main text JSB LS2 Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium Harvard Theological Review Karl Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum, 2nd edition, Halle, 1928 the Septuagint Mardin manuscript 137 The masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible Robert Payne-Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus, Oxford, 1879– 1902. Targum Jonathan to Kings, available at url, text numbers 51010 and 51011. W. Wright, Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, edited from Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum and Other Libraries, London, Williams and Norgate, 1871.
INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title: On Elisha the Prophet Source of Text: Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 4, pp. 261–281 and Mardin Manuscript 37, folios 46R–54R. [Homily 116] Lines: 646
OUTLINE This homily deals with the early incidents in the prophetic life of Elisha as found in 2Kgs chapters 2 and 4. (Chapter 3 will be dealt with in the next homily.) x His request and receipt of a double portion (understood in the Syriac tradition to be double the amount) of Elijah’s prophetic Spirit and its immediate aftermath. (2:9–15) x Healing the “sick” waters of Jericho (2:19–22) x The boys and the bears from the forest (2:23–24) x The poor widow and the cruise of oil (4:1–7) Jacob’s Emphases in this Homily Of the three categories of material typical of Jacob’s homilies, exegesis, typology, and drama, this one is particularly rich in typology and correspondingly devoid of human drama. Indeed, Jacob is far more concerned here and in the following homilies to deal with Elisha’s miracles as Christological types than he was in the case of Elijah. There is, however, a fundamental exegetical problem that occupies him: How is it possible that Elijah could have given Elisha twice the amount of his prophetic Spirit? This question provides him the opportunity to criticize those who do not know how to read Scripture correctly (i.e., with “spiritual intellect.”) The other major theme of the homily, obviously prompted by the story of the widow’s indebtedness but again common to most of his work on Elisha, is the importance of spiritual wealth in contrast to worldly wealth. (Note in particular in this regard the contrast between the themes of sections xiii and xiv.) 3
Other Exegetical Problems x x x x x x x x x x
Why did Elisha ask for twice the Spirit? Could Elijah have dropped his cloak inadvertently? How could salt cure “sick” water? Why the use there of a “new” vessel? Why did it matter that Jericho’s location was fine? Why did the boys taunt Elisha? Why was Elisha so cruel or angry as to have the bears tear the boys apart? Why did Elisha have to ask what the widow had in the house? Why did Elisha go through the complicated procedure of oil production to satisfy the widow’s creditors? Why did Elisha not go in the house with the widow and her children?
Types x x x x x x x
Elijah and Elisha: types of Jesus and the Apostles (103–139) The healing of the waters: type of Christ’s healing of Creation (223–242), (279–334) Salt in the new vessel: type of Christ in the Virgin’s womb (243– 276) The scoffing boys: types of the insulting Jews (349–364) The widow’s secret acts: type of the Church and the performance of the mysteries (i.e., the Eucharist) (571–598) The three performing the mystery with vessels from others: type of the Trinity and the Church (600–636) The creditor and the Prophet: types of Satan and the Son (637– 646)
Bedjan’s manuscript source (London, Add. 17,184) was deficient for the first 210 lines of this homily. They have been included from Mardin ms. 37, with substantive variants for the remaining material from that manuscript used and/or noted in the appendix.
SUMMARY I. Proem: the Wealth of Scripture (1–32) II. Elisha’s Request for a double Portion of Spirit (33–60)
III. The Story is True and Why it is So (61–102) IV. The Typology of the Gift (103–150) V. The Power of Elijah’s Cloak (151–208) VI. The Waters of Jericho (209–242) VII. The Typology of the Healing of the Waters (243–276) VIII. The Typology of the Salt and the new Pitcher (277–300) IX. The Prophet, not the Salt, cured the Water; thus Typifying the Crucifixion (301–334) X. The insulting Boys: Satan’s Revenge (335–374) XI. Why the Death of the Children was a Good Thing (375–406) XII. Why Elisha could not simply have acted out of anger (407–446) XIII. Elisha’s numerous Prophetic Riches (447–500) XIV. The indebted widow (501–526) XV. The Multiplication of the Oil (527–562) XVI. The Reason for the Miracle was to Perform a Foreshadowing Miracle (563–580) XVII. A foreshadowing symbol of the Eucharist (581–609) XVIII. The Three inside the House symbolize the Trinity, and the Church’s Mysteries (610–656)
I. PROEM: THE WEALTH OF SCRIPTURE With your gift, O Lord, richly adorn my mind So that it1 may speak Your sublime story distinctly through me. Let my word acquire strength through you, from your teaching So that it may constantly proclaim the sounds of Your praise through Your psalms. Let Your Word be a great torch of pellucid light So that it may enlighten me so my heart can sing meaningfully of You. By the light of Your Word let my word move along2 in contemplation of You So that it may become beautiful because of Your light with which it has been colored. Let me take You into my thoughts with love, in wonder, And may Your word, which speaks through me, be moved by Your wonder itself. Grant me wonder, that I may always sing praise with wonder, And Love, which richly moves my word toward You. Should I sing of You astonished that You cannot be encompassed Or should I keep silent worshipping You, since You cannot be comprehended? To You, Lord, shall I sing3 when I lovingly sing, And for You shall I also keep silent, when I prudently keep silent. I shall sing of You in my heart, and praise You in my thoughts. An eloquent mind is better than a mouth for sounding Your praises.
i.e., your gift, the only femine noun in the couplet. Alternatively, “so that You may speak.” 2 One might also read alternatively as an afel, “make my word move along.” 3 Emending ƢƉĥ to ƢƉĮĥ and ƢƉĮ. due to the clear response here to line 13. 1
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ON ELISHA THE PROPHET The mouth should speak Your praise out of the fullness of the heart. It should not proclaim Your Word to listeners out of habit. Let the soul’s prudence itself be moved to speak Your Word with Your Love from Your teaching, for Your sake. You are our Lord who freely provides for all our help From Your storehouse, and You are the one who fulfills all our needs. You desire to provide, so if one does not take it is his own fault For your gate rejoices both at those who request and at those who take. O those in need, come in and collect great wealth From the storehouse that is left open for those who seek it. The Word of Life distributes wealth to those who delight in it. And when it is revealed, the soul shines with Love from it. Give ear to me and receive a word full of wealth From the teaching that enlightens the soul when it has loved it. II. ELISHA’S REQUEST FOR A DOUBLE PORTION OF SPIRIT INTRIGUES OUR POET
Wonder prompted me to speak about Elisha. Discerning one, you shall not grow weary when you hear About the disciple rich in blessings and full of beauty, Of the perfect master, of beautiful achievements and of many endowments; About the double gift that he received from Elijah Through the two portions he took from him of the Spirit. The birth pangs of his story are attacking and motivating me So that it may be born, for it is also a wonder to the one who hears it.
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ł Ņ ł ƎƉň ň ł ťũíƆ Ņ ŏ džƊƌ Ņ ň IJǓŁĭŁ ťƉŴƘ ň ł ŧűƀƖŨ ň ò ŏ Ņ űſĽň ĴƢƉŤƉ Ņ Ō ĮƢƄƌ Ņ Ņ ł ŴƆł ĖťƕŴƊƣ ŏ Ņ ł ł ƗſĮŁƦƌ Ō ň ťƤƙƌĪ Ņ ł ųƍƣĿŴƘ ñ Ņ Ņ ŏ ĭĬŏ :ŴíLjƊƊƆ Ņ Ņŏ ň ŅŅ ŏ ň Ņ ň Ņ ŏ ĖĴƦíƇźƉ ƅƍƙíƆŴſ ƎƉ ĴƦíƇƉ ƅŨŴŷŨł Ņ ł Ņ ĭĬŏ Ʀƌĥ ŏ ŏ Ņ ł ħųſ ň Ņ ķƢƉ ł :ƎƀƌǓĪŴƕ ƈƃ ƎŬƉ ô ô ň Ņò ŏ ŏ ň ŏ ł ł ł Ņ ł ĖƎƀƍƠƌŴƏ ƈƃ ƨƊƉ ĭĬô Ʀƌĥĭ ô Ņ Ĵŵū ƼŨň ň ƎƉ ň ň œ ł Ņ ĵŁŁĪ ň Ō ň :IJĬô ųƇſĪŌ ƎƉ ƈƠƣŅ ƧĪĭł ƼŨĽ ň ŏò Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ò ŏ Ņ ł ƧĭŤƤŨĭ ň Ņ ƅƕĿŁĪ ĖťŨŴƐƍŨĭ ĭĬ ôł ŧűŶ Ņ ŏ ŴƙƏĭ ł ł ŴƆŴƕŏ ĭŁ ƎƀƠƀƍƏĪ Ō Ō ł ĭĥŅ Ņ ł ŧĿŁŴƕ :ťŨĿ ň Ņ ł ơƀũƣĭ Ō ł ŸſƦƘĪ Ņ ł ƼŨň ƎƉň Ō ł Ŧŵū ĖųƆň ƎƀƖŨűƆ Ņ ňò ł Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł ťƀŶĪ Ņ ł ŧĿŁŴƕ ñ Ņ ĨƢƘűƆ :ųŨ ŦƦíƇƉň ťŬíƇƙƉ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ťƤƙƌ Ņ ł ŧĿųƌĭ Ņ ł ň ťƉŅ ųƍƉ ñ Ņ ň ťŨŴŷŨ ĖťŷƌĪƦƉĪ Ņ ł Ō ł Ņ ň Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ŦƦíƇƉ ň ł ŦŁĭĽ :ŧĿŁŴƕ ťƀíƇƉĪ ƈũƟĭ ƁƇŨĬ Ņ ň ł Ņ Ņ ł ł ł ŅŅ ŏ ň ĿųƍƉĪŌ ťƍƙíƆŴſ ƎƉ ĖĬñƦũŶĥĪ ťƉ ň ťƤƙƌ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ł ł ł ł ň ƈƕł :ŴƇíƇƊƊƆ ŧĿĬŁ ƁƍƇƠƣ ƗƤƀƭ ł łŅ ł Ņ ł Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ĖƦƌĥô ƗƊƣ Ƨ ťƣĭƢƘ ň ł űƃňò ŏ ƅƆ Ō ƎƉĥŁ ł ĭĥł ň:ŧǔƘŴƣŏ ƨƉĭ ł Ō Ņ ťŨŴŹ ƢſƦƕ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ƈƕ ň ŏ Ō ł ň Ņò ň ň Ņ Ō Ņł ĖŧǓŁŴƕ ƁŬƏĭ ťƍŶƞƌ ŦŤƘ ŧƢƀƊū ťŨĿĪ Ņ Ō Ņ ł ł ł ň ł ŦƦƙƀƙƕ Ņ Ō ň ƎƉň ƈũƟĪ ŦƦŨĬŴƉ ƈƕ :ťƀƭ ň Ņ Ņ łò ł ł ł ƎſŁǓŁł ŦŁŴƍƊŨ ň ň ťŶĭĿ Ņ ŏ ƈƠƣĪ ĖųƍƉ ňò ň ň Ō ƨũŶ Ō Ō Ō ł ƁƆŌ ƎƀŷƉ ň Ņ ŦĬŅ ĬƢƉŤƉĪ :ƁƆ ƎƀƖſŵƉĭ ň Ō ł ň ĭĬŏ ĻĥĪŅ ŧűíƇƀíƆ ł Ņ ł ĭĬô ŧĿĬŁ ł ł ŦŁŤƌĪ ĖųƆň ƗƊƣűƆ
Ņ ŏ :ƅŷŨŴƣ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Let us ask first, then, why he went so far as to ask To receive more Spirit than his master, and it was given to him? It is necessary, now, for spiritual insights And for thoughts full of Love and Faith, For the mind to stand in the Word’s place when it pays attention. For if it does not look at it carefully from its own perspective, it will not understand it. Here it is said that Elisha received twice the Spirit Of the elect master, of whom there is none greater among the perfect ones.4 And whoever hears of this, if he is distant from the home of the mystery, Is confused and does not understand the point of the story. He looks at it this way: If he truly received two Portions of Spirit, he must, then, be greater than Elijah. But, when he again realizes that it is impossible for him to be greater, He says that therefore he must not have received a double Spirit. “If he received twice the Spirit, he is greater than him, But if he was not great, then he could not have received as it says!” He is forced to interpret that either the disciple was greater than his master Or that the gift was not given as requested. When a person is lacking in spiritual insight, He violates His Word inasmuch as he must interpret it literally.
III. THE STORY IS TRUE AND WHY IT IS SO You listen now spiritually, discerning one! Elijah was greater and Elisha did take twice his Spirit!
See to homily 115, lines 213ff.
2 Kgs 2:9
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
ň ň Ņ ƁŬƏĥ Ņ Ņ ł ĶűƟŴíƆ Ņ ŏ ťƖũƌ Ō ł Ɓƃł ťƍƊíƆĪ ň ł ƎƉň ŪŹŅ ťŶĭĿ ň ł ł ł ň ųŨĿ Ņ ŏ ƈũƠƌ ĖųƆň ƦŨųſŁĥĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ƈƕł ťƣĬ ň Ņ Ņ ŏ ƨƃŴƏ Ņ Ņ Ŧƞƭ Ņ Ņ :ťƀƍŶĭǓ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ň ł ňŅ ň ł ĖŦŁŴƍƊſĬĭ ťƍƀƕǓ ƈƕĭ ň Ņ ł Ņ ťŨŴŶň ƎƀƇƉĪ Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ł Ņ ł ĶŴƠƌĪ ñ ŁĥĽ űƃ ŦƦíƇƉĪ ñ Ņ ljĭĬ :ųíƆ ĬĿŁŤŨ Ņ ň ł ñ Ņ ĺűſł Ņ Ƨ ųíƆ ñ Ņ ľĥĪŅ Ƨ ĬĿŁĥ ñ Ņ ƎƉň ķĥĪň ĖųíƆ ň ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ł ųŶĭƢŨ ł Ō ň ƈƠƣ ň ŏ ƎſǓŁ :ƗƤƀƭ űŶĪ ŧƢƉĥƦƉ ŦĬ ł ł ťƀũū ň ł ň Ō ň ł Ņł Ņ ł ťŨĿĪ ĖŧǔƀƊŬŨ ƼƆ ųƍƉ ħĿĪĪ ň ł ƎƉň ķĥň ƗƊƣĪ ł Ņ ťƍſĥĭ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ô ĬĿŁĥ Ō ł ŦĮĿĥĪ :ơƀŶĿ Ņ łł łł ň Ņ ł ųƄň Əĭ Ņ ųƆň ĪĭĪƦƉ ĖƈƃƦƐƉň Ƨ ťŨƢƣĪ ňŅ Ņ Ō ł ķĥĪň ƎƃĬ ł Ņ ĿŤŶĭ ň ł ŧƢſƢƣ Ņ ŏ ƈũƟĭ :ťŶĭĿ Ņ łò ň ł ķŴƍƉ Ņ Ō ň ƎƉň ƎſűƉ ň Ņ ĭĬô ŏ ħĿł ƎſŁǓŁ Ėťƀƭ ł ň ƧŅ ťƀƭ ň ħĭŁ ŏ ŦŵŶĪ Ņ ň Ņ ťƉĭ Ņ Ō ň ƎƉĪ :ħĿŤƌŌ ŦƞƉ Ņ ł Ņ ťŶĭĿ ň ł ƨƘĥĪŅ ƢƉĥł Ņ ň Ņ ƈũƟ Ņ ŏ ƎſűƉ Ėťƙƕĥ ň ł ň ł ƋƆł ķĥň ň ň ŏ ł Ņ ŏ ƎſǓŁ :ųƍƉ ĭĬô ħĿ ťŶĭĿ űŶ ƈũƟ ł ň ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ň ł ł ň ƅſDŽũƟ ĖŁƢƉĥŁĥĪ ł ƨƘĥł ħĿň ƧĪł ł ĭųƌĥĭŌ ł ł ň ň Ō Ņ ñ ơƤƙƌĪ ŪſĿĮ :ųŨĿ ƎƉ ħĿ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ĭĥĪ ł ň ł ł ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ł ł ł ĖƦƆĥƦƣĥĪ ƅſĥ ňò ƦŨųſŁĥ Ƨ ŦƦŨĬŴƉ ĭĥñ Ņ ò ŏ ƎƉň ƥƌĥŅ ƢƐŶĪ ł ł ťƉŅ ň Ņ Ņ ŏ ƨƃŴƏ :ťƀƍŶĭǓ ô õ ň ň Ō Ņ Ņ ł ơƤƙƌĪ Ņ ĬƦíƇƊíƆ ň ł ł IJñ ųŨ ñŅ Ņ ųŶƢƏ Ė ƻŤƌƢŬƘ Ņ ł Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ťƣĬ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ĭĥ ƻŤƍŶĭĿ Ņ Ņ Ʀƌĥô ƗƊƣ :ťƣĭƢƘ Ōł ň ň ł ł ųŶĭĿ ŅŌ ň ň ŏ ƎſǓŁ ĖƗƤƀƭ ƈƠƣ űŶĭ ħĿł ťƀƭĪ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Just as it is obvious that a sea is bigger than a pool, This is clear: that Elijah was greater than Elisha. And just as it is obvious that two is more than one, So the Spirit was greater when in Elisha’s possession. For Scripture specifies that he received a double Spirit— It is clearly without question for whoever understands it. His master said to him, “Ask now what I may do for you.” And he said, “Let me have twice from your Spirit.” But there was a condition: if he saw him while he was led away, He would get a double Spirit, as he requested. So since he saw him, it is clear that he received the Spirit, And no one is able to explain away Scripture with alternative solutions, It being very obvious that he took twice the Spirit as he requested, It is also obvious that the master is greater than the disciple. That the one who gives is greater than the one who receives is beyond dispute. Elijah gave—and he is renowned for how great he was. For he said, “Ask what I may do for you before I am taken away.” And he did for him as he requested, as he had promised. No matter how great the gift might be, he was its giver. And no matter how much the disciple asked for, who is the receiver? Elijah gave, Elisha took; and it is clear That the one who gave was the master and that the one who took was the disciple. If Elisha was great inasmuch as he took away a double Spirit, How much the greater would be the giver of that gift.
2 Kgs 2:9
2 Kgs 2:9
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
ň ƎƉň ťƊſ Ņ Ō Ō ƅſĥĭł Ņ ł ĭĬô ŏ ħĿĪł ťƖſűſĪ ň Ņ IJĬŅ ťƀíƇū Ņ Ō ň ħĿĪł ŧĪĬ Ņ ł ł Ō ň ƎƉň ťƀƭ ĖƗƤƀƭ ň ł Ņ Ō Ō ł Ō Ō ł űŶł ƎƉň ƎſǓŁĪ :ķŴƌĥŏ ô ƎſŤƀŬƏ ťƖſ űſĪ ƅſĥĭ Ņ Ō ł ł Ōň ň Ņ ŏ ł Ņ Ņ ô ŦŤƀŬƏ ĖŁĭĬ ƗƤƀƭ űſĽ ťŶĭĿ ƎƃĬ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ň ł ł Ņ ł :ĺĪŴƉ ťŨǁ ťƙƕĥ ťŶĭĿ Ƣƀū ŦĭĬô ƈũƟĪ ł ł ň ł ƻĥƢſųƌ Ō Ņ Ō ł IJĬô ťƍſƢŶ Ņ Ņ ň ƧĪŅ ĖƈƃƦƐƉűƆ Ņ ň ň ŏ Ņ Ņ ƅƆŅ ĵŤƣĪ ň ł ųƆň ƢƉĥł ň ł ųŨĿ : ƅƆ űũƕĥ ķŴƉ ťƣĬ ň ł ŏ Ņ ň ň ƅŶĭƢŨ ł ň ł ň Ŧĭųƌ Ņ ŏ ƎſǓŁ ĖIJĪĥĽ űŶĪ ĭĬ ŦĭĬłô ƢƉĥĭ ň ťƉŅ IJĬŴſŵŷƌĪ ŏ Īň IJŴƌŁ Ņ ô ƢŨł ĪƦƉĪ ł ŁĭĬĭ Ņ ł ň ň ĭųƌĥ :ŦĭĬ ô ň ł ł ŏ Ņ ťŶĭĿ ň ň ŪƐƌ Ņ ô ĵŤƣĪł ƅſĥ ťƙƕĥ łň Ņ ųƍƉ ĖŦĭĬ ň ŏ ň ň ł ųíƆ Œ ł ł IJųſŵŶĪ Ņ ł ƈźƉĭ Ņ ŏ ƈũƟĪ ñ Ņ ƼíƇūŁĥ :ťŶĭĿ ô Ņ Ņ Ņò ł Ņ Ņ ň ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ĖŦǂƘųŨ ŧƢƤƌ ŸƄƤƉ ƥƌĥ Ƨĭ ň ł ł ł Ņ ŏ ťŨǁ ň ł Ņ ł Ņô ł :ĵŤƣĪ ƅſDŽƠƣ ťŶĭĿ ƎſǓŁ űŶĪ ťƀíƇū ŪŹ űƃĭ Ņ ł ĭĬô ŏ ħĿĪł IJĬŅ ĻĥŅ ťƀíƇū Ņ ł Ņ Ō ł ƎƉň ťŨĿ ĖŧűƀƊíƆŁ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ƎƉň ťŨĭųſ Ņ ŏ Ņ ħĿĪł Ņ Ņ ň ƧĪ ƧŴƠƣ :IJĬô ťƍſƢŶ ł ł ň ĭĬŏ ƁŬƏĥĪ Ņ ł ħųſł ťƀƭ ŅŌ ň Ō ł ťƊƃĭ ĖƑƇƟƦƉ ł ň Ņ ł Ņ ň ň ŏ ň ł Ƣƀūň ƢƉł ĥ :ƢŨĪŁĥ Ƨűƕ ƅƆ űũƕĥ ķŴƉ ĵŤƣĪ ň ł ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ĵŤƣĪ ł ųƍƉ Ō ł ň ƅſĥł ųƆň űũƕ ƅſĥĭł ĖIJĪĭƦƣĥĪ Ō Ņ ł ťƊƃĭ ł ł IJĬŌ ħĿĥŁĪ Ņ ł ñ Ņ ŏ Ņ ŦƦŨĬŴƉ :ĭĬô ųŨĭųſ ł ŏŅ ł Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł Ō ł ťƊƃĭ ĖĭĬô ƧŴƠƣ ƎƉ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ Ō ĵŤƣň ƁŬƏĥĪ Ō ň ň ł ťƀƭ Œ ł ł ň ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ħųſ ł ñ Ņ ƼíƇūŁĥĭ :ųíƆ ŪƐƌ ô ł ł Ņ ô ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ł ł ħųſĪĪ ł ł ƎſĪň ĭĬ Ņ Ō ñ ł ĭĬô ťŨĿ ĖŦĭĬ ŪƐƌĪ ô ł ł Ō ł Ņ ŏ ň ł Ņ ł ł ł :ťƙƕĥ ťŶĭĿ ƈƠƣĪł ƈƕ ħĿ ƗƤƀƭ ķĥĭň Ņ ł Ō ťƊƃ Ņ ô ħĿŤƌ Ņ ŦƦŨĬŴƉ ł ł IJĬĪ ñ Ņ ŏ Ņ ĭĬŏ ĖŦĭĬ ñ Ņ ųŨĭųſ Ō :ŦƼũƟ
{M 47r}
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Moses gave of his Spirit to seventy elders, And gave the seventy full measure without losing any of his own fullness. Here, Elijah, too, gave two times the Sprit, And it is beyond dispute that he was greater than the gift. Like a king he commanded, “Ask now what I may do for you.” And he did for him as he asked of him, and gave him the Spirit. Had he not given it, he would have been neither master nor giver, But inasmuch as he gave much, it was demonstrated how great of a master he was. As much as that disciple needed to take of the Spirit, He was even greater, and was able to give the one who asked him. And perhaps had he asked for even more, he would have received more, For Elijah himself would easily give whatever would have been demanded. As for the fact that he said to the disciple, “You have asked for a lot!” That was so that the gift would seem all the greater to him so that he would take it up: So that he would be hungry for it and would desire it, and become pure enough To open his soul, and would receive it as he had asked. IV. THE TYPOLOGY OF THE GIFT You, look now how very much Elijah gave! He was the master, and a person learns from his gift. It is like that one of the Apostles and our Savior, And that very type was depicted in the case of the master and his disciple. For our Lord promised thus with his disciples That if they believed in Him they would do more deeds than He did.
Num 11:16ff.
2 Kgs 2:9
2 Kgs 2:10
John 14:12
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
Ōò Ōò ł ň ň ťŶĭĿ Ņ ô ħųſ ň ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ťƣŴƉ ôŅ ł ƎƀũƏŅ ƎƀƖũƤíƆ Ņ ł Ō ò ł ƨƉĭ Ō Ƨ űƃł ƎƀƖũƤíƆ ĖĬŁŴƀíƇƉ ʼn ŏ ł Ņ ƎƉň ĭĬŏ ƢſƞŨ ň ł Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō ň ħųſ ł ƎſǓŁ Ņ ŏ ťƀƭ :ĭĬ Ļĥ ťŶĭĿ ô Ņ Ņ ł ł ň ŏ űŶŏ ťƃĿĬĭ ł ł Ņ Ō Ņ ň ĖIJĬ ťƍſƢŶ ƧĪ ŦƦŨĬŴ Ɖ ƎƉ ĭĬ ĭĬ ħĿĪĭ ô ô Ņ ň ň ŏ Ņ Ņ ƅƆŅ ĵŤƣĪ Ņ ł ƅſĥł űƠƘ ł ł ťƄíƇƉ :ƅƆ űũƕĥ ķŴƉ ťƣĬ ň ň ł ųƍƉ ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ĵŤƣĪ ł ƅſĥĭł Ņ ŏ ųƆň ħųſĭ ĖťŶĭĿ ô ł ųƆ űũƕ ŏ ň Ņ ƧŅ ħųſ Ņ ŏ Ņ ƧĭŅ ťŨĿ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ł ƧŅ Ŵƭĭ :ťŨĭųſ ô ň Ņ ô ħĿł ťƊƃĪ Ņ ł ľűŨŁĥ ł ł ħųſĭ Ō ł IJųŨĭ ĖŦĭĬ ñŅ ł ô ł ƁŬƏĥĪ ł Ņ ô ơƀƍƏĪ Ņ Ō ł ťƊƃ ł ň ŧűƀƊíƆŁ Ņ Ō Ņ ŏ ŪƐƌĪ :ťŶĭĿ ĭĬł ŦĭĬ ň ň ł ň ĭĬŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ Ƣſƻ Ņ ł ĵƦƌň ŸƄƤƉĭ Ō ł ĖųƆň ĵŤƣűƆ ł ň Ņ ħĭŁ ŏ ŦĭĬ ŏ Ŵƭ ŏ ň Ƣũƃĭ Ņ ô ƈƠƣ Ņ ô ƁŬƏĥ ł ł Ō ħĭŁ :ŦĭĬ ň ň Ō Ņ ŏ Ņ ô ĵƦƌ Ņ ťƀƭ ł ň ťƊƃ Ņ Ō ň ĭĬĪ ĖŦĭĬ ơƀƤƘ ŦĭĬ ƗŨŁƦƉĪ ô ň ł œ Ō ł ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ł ƼŬƏĥĪ ł ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƢƉĥĪĭ ł ň Œ Ņ Ō :ƦƆŤƣĭ ĭųíƆ Ņ ł ł Ņ ň Ņ łŌ ň Ņ Ǝƃĭ ň ŦƦŨ ñ Ņ ƈƠƣ ĖųíƆ ĬŴƉ IJĬ ųƆ ŁĭĬô ħĿĥŁĪ ł ł ň ł ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŦĬĪŵƌĭ Ņ ô ŭūĿƦƌĭ Ņ ô ƎƙƃƦƌĪ ł ł :ŦĭĬ ŦĭĬ ň ł ł Ņ ł ň ň ł ł ųƤƙƌ Ņ ô ĵŤƣĪ ň ł įƦƙƌĭ ĖŦĭĬ ƅſĥ ŦĭĬ ƈũƠƌĭ ô Ņ ł ťƣĬ Ņ Ō ň ħųſĭ Ņ Ņ Ʀƌĥô ł ĿŴŶŏ Ō ł ťƊƃĪ :ťƀƭ ô ł ƁŬƏĥĪ ň ł ł ň Ņł ŏ ŏ ň Ņ ƥƌĥŅ ĬƦŨĬŴƉ ĖųƆň ƚƇſ ƎƉĭ ťŨĿ ŴſĭĬ ô Ņ ŏ Ō ł ł Ņ ŧĪĬ ò ň Ņ ťƀƉĪ Ņ Ņ ł IJųíƆ ň :ƎƟĭƢƘĪĭ ťŷƀƇƣĪ ł Ņ ł ŏ Ō Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ō ŏ ň ĖĬűƀƊíƆƦŨĭ ťŨƢŨ ŦĭĬô ƢſĽ ŦĮĿĥô ŴſĭĬĭ ł Ōò ł Ņ Ƣƀūň IJĪĭƦƣĥ ł Ņ ķƢƉ Ō ł ň :IJĬĭűƀƊíƆŁ űſĽň ƎƃĬ ô ł ň ł ťƉŅ ķĭűũƖƌ ŏ ň ŧűũƕ ň ň ƢſƻĪ Ō ł ň Ņò ųƍƉ ĖųŨň ŴƍƊſĬĪ
{M 47V}
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET And he gave it to his disciples as he had said after he was raised, And they did more deeds than He did, as He promised. With his shadow Simon (Peter) healed all who were sick, And this is something our Lord did not do on the Earth when He walked upon it. He healed illnesses with a word and spit and His right arm, But it is not written that He cured with His shadow, as did His disciples. He kept this for Simon Peter, so that he would be triumphant through it, For as great as he became, he was His disciple, and He would be glorified through him. It is written that power emerged from His Garment and He healed, But it does not teach that His shadow healed anyone. This thing that He had not done was done by His disciples, Who cured illnesses with the shadow that worked upon them. The promise came to pass: that His disciples did more than He did. And this symbol Elisha depicted in that he, too, became greater And performed feats and wonders more than his master Just as the Apostles did more than our Savior. So because of this great symbol, so that it could be accomplished through him, He asked for twice the Spirit of his master, and it was given to him; So that he could perform feats more numerous than those of Elijah And depict that way of the Apostles, as we have said.
Acts 5:15
Matt 9:20=Luke 8:44
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Ō ł ƎƉň IJĬŴŷƀƇƤíƆ ł ł ł ň ƎƄſĥĭ ł ƢƉĥĪ ł Ō ò ł ħųſ ô ô ň ň Ƣſƻĭ ł ô ĭűũƕ ł ŧűũƕ Ō ł ň ƅſĥł ĭĭĬ Ō ł ň Ņò ųƍƉ ĖIJĪĭƦƣĥĪ ł ň Ō ŏ ň ƁƏĥ ŏ ĬƼƍíƇźŨ Ō ǔƃĪł ƈƄíƆ Ō Ǝſųſ Ō Ņň :ķŴƖƊƣ ň ł űƃł ťƕĿŤŨ ł Ņ űũƕ Ņ ł ķƢƉ ł Ƨņ ŧĪĬĭ ňŅ ñ Ņ ƅƆĬ ĖųŨ ł ňò Ō Ō ň Ō ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ň :ťŨŤƃ ƁƏĥ ųƍƀƊƀŨĭ ťƟĭĿĭ ŦƦíƇƊŨ ł ł ň Ō Ņň ò ň Ō Ō Ƨņ ĬƼƍíƇźŨ ĖIJĬĭűƀƊíƆŁ ƅſĥ ƋƇŶĥĪł Ūſǁ ô ł Ņ Ō ķŴƖƊƤíƆ ŏ ň ĬƢźƌ ňŅ ł ł ň ťƘŤƃ ñ Ņ įƞƌƦƌĪ ñ Ņ ł ŧĪĬ :ųŨ ł ł Ō ťƊƃĪ ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ĬűƀƊíƆŁ Ņ ł ł ł ň ųŨĭ ň Ō ĖŸŨƦƤƉ ħĿŤƌĪ ň Ņ ł ł ł ŏ Ō ŏ ł ƎƉň Ō ł ƨƀŶ :ƁƏĥĭ ơƙƌĪ ĭĬô Ūſǁ ųŹŴŹƢƉ Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ƼƏĥĪ Ō ň ƎſĪň Œ ŁĭĬ Œ ł ł ł ł Ƨ ƥƌƧŅ ô ĬƼƍíǑ ĖĺĪŴƉ Ņ ô ŧűũƕƦƉ ł ƧĪņ ŧĪĬĭ ňŅ Ņ ł ň IJĬĭűƀƊíƆŁ ł Ō ò ł ƎƉň űũƕ :ŁĭĬ ô ň Ņ ň ň ł Ņ ò Ō ŴƊƇŶĥĪł ň ŦƼƍíƇźŨ Ō ťŨŤƃ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ʼn ł Œ ŁƢƖƏĪ ò ĭűũƕ Ņ ň ň ƢſƻĪ ł ųƍƉ Ō ł ťſĪĭŴƣ Ņ Ņ ô ŏ ƋƟĭ :IJĬĭűƀƊíƆŁ ô ł Ō Ō Ņ ŅŅ Ņ Ņ ô ljĬĭ ł ň ĿĽŅ ŦĮĿĥ ĖħƢſň Ō ĭĬŏ ĻĥĪŅ ŅƗƤƀƭ ň ł ł ň ł ň Ņ ò Ō ł ƨƀŶ ò ł ƢƖƏĭ :ųŨĿ ƎƉ ŪŹ ŦŁųƀƉŁĭ Ō Ņ ł ĭűũƕ ł ŏ Ņ ƎƉň ŧƢſƻ ł ťŷƀíƇƣĪ ň ò Ō ł ƅſĥł ĖƎƟĭƢƘ ŏ ň ň ł ł ň ťŨĿ Ņ ł ŦĮĿĥ Ņ Ņ ƈźƉĭ Ņ Ņ ô ljĬ :ųŨ ƥƉƦƤƌĪ ň ł ň ł ň ł ł ň ťŶĭĿ Ņ ŏ ƎſǓŁ ĖųƆň ƦŨųſŁĥĭ ĵŤƣň ŌŅ ň ň ł Ō űŶŌ łųŨĿň ò ƎƉ ŏ ň :ťƀƭĪ ƎƉ ĭĭĬô ƎſŤƀŬƏĪ ƨƀŶł ĿŴƖƐƌĪ ł ł ł ň ƅſĥ ťŷƀíƇƣĪ ŏ ł ň ò Ō ł IJĬŅ ťŶĿĭĥ Ņ ŏ Ŀĭƞƌĭ ĖƎƌƢƉĥĪ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET He put on the form of the Only-begotten One as he was taken up, And in his disciple he inscribed the way of the Apostolate. The splendid and godly chaste one was also worthy, Through his beauty, to be a great tablet for the Son’s image. He was spotless, smooth, bright, and beautiful; and was ready To have the Son of God clearly depicted upon him. For had he not put on the image of the Only-begotten One And acquired His likeness, he would not have ascended to where he ascended. And, since he was splendid and similar to Him, this was also necessary: For his disciple to spiritually prefigure the Apostles: That just as they had done more than our Savior, The lad, too, would perform more feats than his master. Elisha excelled in carrying out these symbolic acts, That is why he asked for and took twice the Spirit. To the extent that Elisha extensively performed sublime feats, Elijah himself would triumph by means of his student. Even had he received a hundred doublings of the Spirit that he asked for, He was still the student, and Elijah5 was enriched through his gift. See you, now, and keep in mind that greatness Of the outstanding master when you hear about Elisha. Do not doubt that he received a double Spirit, And that Elijah was again affirmed as master because he gave it.
5 Reading as if without the awkward gentive d_ before “Elijah.” If we keep it, then it means something like “Elijah’s reputation was enriched.”
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ň ŏ Ō ł ň űƃł ťſűƀŷſĪ ň ĬŁĿĭĽ Ņ ô ƥũíƆ Ņ Ņ Ō Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ŏ ň Ō ł ł ñ Ņ ł ĬűƀƊíƆƦŨĭ ĖŦŁŴŷƀƇƣĪ ťŶĿĭƧ ųƊƣĿ ň Ņ ĻĥŅ Ņ ô ŦŴƣ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ťſĬĮ Ņ ł ƧĭƦŨ :ťſųƭĭ ŦĭĬ ņŏ Ņ ł ĬƢƘŴƤŨ ň ŏ ŦĭųƌĪ Ņ ł ųƊíƆƞíƆ ň ł ťŨĿ ň ň Ņ ł ťƘĪ ĖŧƢŨĪ ň ł Ƣſųƌĭ ň ł ŦĭĬ ň ł ł ŦŤƘĭ Ō ł ťƙƣĭ Ņ ô ƈũƠƉĭ Ņ ô űƠƌň :ŦĭĬ ł ƢſĽŁƦƌĪ Ō Ņ Ō ł Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ ł ƢŨł IJĬŴƇƕ Ō ň ĖƻĥƢſųƌ ôł õ ň Ņ ŏň ŏ ųƤũƆ Ņ Ņ Ō Ō ĬŁĿĭƞíƆ ň Ƨ Ŵƭ ñ Ņ ł Ƣƀū :ťſűƀŷſĪ ň ŏ Ņ ł ň Ņ Ƨ ơƇƏĪ ň ł ťƄſƧ Ņ ĬŁŴƉĪ Ņ ô ơƇƏ ĖŦĭĬ ņ Ņ Œ ł ň ň Ō ł ň ł ł ŏ ťƍƟĭ ň Ņ :IJĬ Ļĥ Łƞƭ ųƆ ƁƉĪŁĥĭ ƢƙƣĪ ƈźƉĭ ł Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ťŷƀíƇƤŨ ł ň Ō ň ò Ō ł Ŀĭƞƌŏ ĬűƀƊíƆƦíƆĪ ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿ Ō ł ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ł ŧűũƕĪ Ņ Ņ ƅſĥĪł :ƎƟĭƢƘ ƎƉ ŧƢſƻł ĭűũƕ ň Ņ òł ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ň ĖĭĬŏ Ļĥ ƎƉ ŪŹ ťƀíǑ Ō ň ƨƀŶ ł ųŨĿ ň Ņ ň ĿŴƖƐƌ Ņ Ņ ň ň ł :ƗƤƀƭ įƞƌ ŦĮǓĥô ƎƀíƆĬĪ ŦƦƤƊƣƦŨĭł ň ł ŅŅ ŏ ň Ņ ô ĵŤƣň ťŶĭĿ ł ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ƎſǓŁ ĖŪƐƌĭ ĭ ňò Ō ň ł Ņ űŶ Ō ljųíƇźƉ Ņ ň Ņ ł ł :ťƉǓ ƨƀŶ ƗƤƀƭ ƢƖƏ ŦĭĬô ƁŬƏĥĪ ťƊƃ Ņ ô įƞƌƦƉ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ Ō ň ĭĬŏ ň Ō ł űƀŨ ł ł ň ťƀƭ ĖĬűƀƊíƆŁ ň Ō łò ŦŤƉĭ ň ł Ŵƭ ŏ ň ƎƀƘŤƕ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ƈũƟ :ĵŤƣĪł ťŶĭĿ ň ł ł ł Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł Ņ Ō ň ĿƦƕ ĖťƀƭĪ ĬƦŨĬŴƊŨĭ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ň ŏ Ņ ŦĭĬ ł Ō Ņ Ņ ł ĬŁŴ Ņ Ņ:ťſĬĮł ťŨĿĪ ŨĿ IJĬĭ ťƣĬ Ʀƌĥ ñ ô ł Ņ IJŵŶ Ōň ł łŅ Ņ Ņ ł ł ł ĖƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ Ʀƌĥô ƗƊƣĪ ťƉ IJųſƢŹ ƅƤƙƍŨ ô ł ł ň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ŦĭĬ ň ł Ņ ô ƈũƟĪĭ :ŭƇƘŁŁ Ƨ ťƙƕ ťŶĭĿ Ō ł ň ŏ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ň ĖĿĿƦƣĥ ħĭŁ ŦĭĬô ħųſĪ ô ł ƈƕ ħĿ ťƀƭĪĭ
{M 48R}
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET V. THE POWER OF ELIJAH’S CLOAK One can never resolve Scripture’s words through the opposite. It is correct as regards all of them, and if you have not understood that, you have failed. Whatever it says, be certain of just what tells you, For it is correct, and plain, and full of love in every way. Thus we should follow it when it speaks, For its road is clear and full of light for the one who travels it. Elisha asked for the Spirit, and took as he asked In order to become a witness to how much greater his master was than other masters. He picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah, as it is written, And his master’s Spirit came upon him, as he had pleaded. Here, too, is a tale also needing insight, That must be struggled with a little in a spiritual manner, O listeners. For it is written of the cloak that it fell, but it is unheard of That anything would have fallen from Elijah unwillingly. A confused man, with disorderly affairs, Might drop something, but not Elijah, who was spiritual. For a scatter-brained, confused, hurried person has a tendency to drop things. Such a thing is not the case with Elijah, splendid in his carriage. So if such behavior was not his, why did he do it So that his cloak fell down like some hurried, careless man? So, since we cannot say such things about Elijah, We must say this: that he threw it down as he was ascending. For in that cloak was the mystery of Unction, Clergy, Priesthood, and Prophecy.
2 Kgs 2:13
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ň ň ŦĭĬ ň ŏ ťŨǁ ł ňò ŧƢƤƌĪ ň Ņ Ƨņ ĶĭƦƉ ŏ Ņ Ņ ųƇŨŴƠíƆ ł Ō ł ł Ņ Ō ň ŏ ĖƦƌĥô ƢƀƐŶ Ʀƌĥô IJųſƦƖƊƣ ņ ň ƢſƢƣł ƎſųíǀŨ ô ł łł Ƨĥĭ Ņ ł Ņ ƅſĥ Ƣƣĥ ł Ņ ƢƉĥĪ ł Ņ ķŴƉŏ ƈƃŏ ł ƎƃĬ :ƅƆ ƢƉĥĪ Ō ł ĶűƊíǀŨĪ ł ŻƀƤƘĭ Ņ ŏ ƨƉĭ Ō ł ƢſƢƣ ň ň ŏ ł ĖťŨŴŶ ʼn ň Ņ ƎƍŶĭ ň ł ł ťƉŅ ĵĮŤƌ ł ł ƎſűƉ ł Ō ĬĿƦŨ ň Ņ :džƊƉĪ Ņ ŏ ťƀíƇƉĭ ň Ņ ł ŧĿĬŴƌ Ņ ł ň ŏ IJĬô ťƀƙƣĪ Ņ ł ñ Ņ ŧĪĿűƆ ĖųŨ ň ł ł ł ł ł Ņ ųŶĿĭĥ Ō ň ŏ ł ĵŤƣň : ĵŤƣĪ ƎƄſDŽƠƣĭ ťŶĭĿ ƗƤƀƭ ň ň ň ł ħĿł ťƊƃ ň Ņò ł ƎƉň ųŨĿ Ņ ŧĪųƏ Ņ Ņ ŦĭųƌĪ ĖťƍŨǓ ł ł ŅŌ ň ň Ņ ł Ņ ł Ō ł ƅſDŽƙƌ ƎƉĪ ŧƢƙƖƉ ŦĭĬ ƈƠƣ :ŪſǁĪ ô łŌ ťƀƭ ł ł Œ ŁƢƣĭ Ņ ł ųŨĿĪ ň ł ťŶĭĿ Ņ ŏ IJĬŴƇƕ ƎƄſĥ ô õ Ņł Ņ Ņ ŏ ĖƑƀƘĥ Ņ Ō ħĭŁ ł ŏ Ņ Ņ Ļĥ ŏ ťƃĿĬ Ō ŧƢƉŤƉ :ƨƃŴƏ ƈƕ ĭĬô ơƀƍƏ Ņ ň ò ŏ Ņ ĭDŽƀíƇƟ Ō ŅŅ ŏ Ō ň ƻŤƍŶĭĿĪ Ō ł ƗſĮŁƦƌ ĖťƕŴƊƣ ł ł Ūſǁ Ņ ł ƈƕł Ņ ł ň ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƈƙƌĪ Ō Ƣƀūň ŧƢƙƖƉ :ťƖƉƦƤƉ Ƨĭ ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ň ň Ņ ô ƈƙƌł ťƀƭ Ņ Ō ň ƎƉĪ ĖťŨĽ ň Ņ ò ƧŌ űƃł ĶűƉŌ ŦĭĬ Ō Ņ Ņ ł ƨƀƇŨ :ĬŁ űƀũƖŨ ƥƀŬƣĪł ťƍſĥĭ ŧƢũūł ņ Ō ň ŏ ň ł Ņ ô ťƍŶĭĿĪ Ņ Ņ ťƀƭ Ņ ŴƆł ĶűƉ ň ň ƈƙƉ ĖŦĭĬ ň Ņ ŏ ł ƧĽ ťũſĬĿ Ņ Ō ł ƥƌĥĪ Ņ Ō ŧĪĭűƉ Ņô Ņ ł ŧƢƀƐŶ :ŦƦíƆŴƙƊíƆ ň ŏ ł ŦĬĮň ťƀƭĪ ň Ņ ųſñ ň ƻĥŌ Ņ Ō ň ŴƆł ŧĪĬ ĖųŨŴƃƢŨ ň Ō ŴƆł ŧűũƕ Ņ ô ųƇſĪ Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ ň ł ťƍƊíƆ Ņ Ņ ĭĬŏ űƃĭ :Ĭűũƕ ł ťƀƘĿ ň ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ł ƎƉł ƅſĥĭł Ņ ô ƈƙƌ Ņ Ō ŧƢũū Ņ ł ťũſĬĿ ĖĬƢƙƖƉ ň Ņ ƢƉŤƌĪ ł Ō ťſƞƉ Ņ Ō ň ƈƕł ƎƀƆĬ Ņ ł ƧĪĭ :ťƀƭ ņ ł ň Ņ űƃł ųƍƉ ŏ ŧĪĬ ň ň IJųſűƣ ł Ō Ņ ň Ņ ƢƉŤƌ ĖŦĭĬ ôŅ Ņ ĭĬĪ Ņ ô ŏ ơƇƏ Ō Ņ ł ĭųŨ ł Ņ ô ƻĥ ŦĮĿŅ ôĥ Ƣƀūň ŧƢƙƖƉ Ō ł ŦĭĬ :ŦŁŴŷƀƤƉĪ Ņ ŏŌ ł Ņ ŏ ŏ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ĖŦŁŴƀũƌĪĭ ŦŁĭƢƉŴƃĪĭ ŦŁŴƌųƃĪĭ
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ON ELISHA THE PROPHET And since all of those things were not required in that place Where he was going, he threw them down upon his disciple. In the Beyond, it is unnecessary for anyone to prophecy or to serve as priest, Or to have use of the Unction of this world. And because of this Elijah threw down that cloak of his Upon Elisha who was going to remain here, so that he could make use of it. It was a clerical, priestly garb, like the Ephod, And these things only serve as clerical raiment here. Now with this cloak Elijah had wrapped his face when he stood At Horeb and the Lord spoke to him out of the Fire. Next, he had cast it upon Elisha the first time When he had anointed him to serve the prophetic mission in his stead. With it he made prophets, kings, and the high priest. For he would take it along instead of an ephod when he was investing. He would perform his function only with that cloak Instead of neck chain, girdle, precious stones, and miters. He was an ascetic, devoid of possession, whose dwelling was the wasteland, And instead of all the priestly garb he had acquired a cloak. So, once it had been determined that he would no longer serve with earthly things, He threw it down to his lad who would remain in the World and for whom it would be useful. Elisha received such things also when he picked it up, For all of that usefulness that it had for Elijah he acquired along with it.
1 Kgs 19:13 1 Kgs 19:19
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Ņ ł ĭųŨĪĭ ň Ņ ŧĿŁĥ ň Ƨņ ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ơƇƏĪ ł ł ł ň ň Ņ ň ŏ ƎƀƆĬ Ņ ô ŧűƣ ò ň ŦĭĬ ň Ō Ņ Ǝſųíƿ ĖĬűƀƊíƆŁ ƈƕłł Ǝƀƌĥ ň ł ň ł ň Ŧƞƭ ł Ņ ņ Ƨņ ĵųíƆ :ķųƄƌĪł ĭĥ ƥƌĥŅ ô ťũƌƦƌĪ Ņ Ņ ł ŧĪĬ ň Ņ ŦŁŴŷƀƤƊŨ ł ł ň Ƨĭņ ŏ Ō ł ŸƤŶƦƌĪ ĖƎƌŁĪ ŏ ň ň ł ł Ņ Ņ ƈźƉĭ Ņ Ō ň IJųſűƣ Ņ ljĬ :ĬƢƙƖƉ ĭųíƆ ťƀƭ ô Ņ ô ƥƘŅ ƎƌŁĪ Ņ ł ƗƤƀƭ ł ł ň ŦĭĬ ł Ō ň ƈƕł ĖųŨň ŸƤŶƦƌĪ Ņ ŏ ŏ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ ł ƅſĥł ŦŁĭƢƉŴƃĪĭ :ŧĪŴƘĥ ŦĭĬô ljųƃ ŀŴũíƆ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ƎƀƆĬĭ ň ł ò Ō ň ĪŴŷíƇŨ Ņ łò ťƃĿĬ ŏ ł ƎƤƊƤƉ ĖƎſųƀƊƀƄƏŤŨ łò Ņ Ō ň ł Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ł :ƋƟ űƃ IJĬŴƘĥ ťƀƭ ĴƢƃ ŧƢƙƖƉ ƎſĪ ĭųŨ ô Ō ŏ ųƊƕ Ņ ň ł ň ň ł ťſƢƉ ŏ Ņ Ņ džƉĭ ĖŧĿŴƌ Ŵūł ƎƉ ŪſĿŴŷŨ Ō ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŧűƣ ł ň ƈƕł ħĭŁ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ĭĬŏ :ťſĿŴƣ Ņ ŏŌ ł ł Ņ ŦĭųƌĪ ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ųŷƤƉ ň ł űƃł ĖŦŁŴƀũƍŨ IJĬŴƙíƇŶ ô ň ň ł Ņ ƃŅ ťƄíƇ ò Ɖĭ ň Ņ ųŨň ł ťƀò ũƌ Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ ô űũƕ :ťŨŅĿ ljų Ņ Ņ ł ň Ņ ŦŁűƘň ƚƇŶĪ ň ł Īł ťƉŅ ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƈƠƣ ĖķųƄƉ ňò Ō Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ō ł Ņ ň łò ťƘŤƃĭ ŦŴíƿĭ ťƉĭĮƢƘĭ ƚƇŶ : ň Ņ ŏ ťƄƀƍƉĬ ň ň ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ň ĖĬƦƤƊƣŁ ƈƕ Ƣƀū ŦĭĬô ĶŤƟ ĪŴŷíƆ ŧƢƙƖƉ ĭųŨ ł ň ŏ Ņ ŏ IJĬĭƻĥĪŌ ťƟƢƐƉ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŧűƀŷſ Ņ ŌŌ :ĬƢƉŴƕ ťŨĿŴŶ ô ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ŏ Ņ ô ťƍƟ Ņ ŧǔƉŴƃĪ ťƣŴũíƆ Ņ ŏ ųƿ ƚƇŶĭ ĖŧƢƙƖƉł ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ł ň ł Ƨņ ŦƼƍƕǓŤŨĪ ŏ Œ ł ň űƃĭ ñ Ņ ƦƉƢū ųíƆ :ħĭŁ ƥƊƤƌ Ņ ųƀíƇźíƆ ň ťƊíƇƖŨ Ņ ô ŸƤŶ Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƥƘĪ Ņ ô IJųſűƣ ň ł ŦĭĬ ł Ņ ųƆĭ Ņ ĖŦĭĬ ô Ō Ņ ň ň ł ł ł ň ƎƃĬŅ ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ô ųƇƠƣł űƃ ƈũƟ ł :ŦĭĬ Ļĥ Ņ ł ł ťƀƭĪ ň ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƈƠƣ Ņ Ō ň IJĬŅ ŦƦŷƤŶ ñ Ņ ŏ ĖųƊƕ ųíƿĪ łò
{M 48V}
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET He began right away, mightily, with the stream, With the Spirit that he had put on from his father’s good patrimony. He stood at the river, accompanied by the might, The waves of the Prophetic Spirit moving within him, And began to say, “Oh6 God of my Master, Elijah!” Then he, too, struck the river, divided it, and made it into a pathway. The river’s waters were startled by him, for with him they felt That he had come into God’s inner circle, that he, too, could command. He was found trustworthy, and remained steward of the created beings. Creation had begun to tend to obey whatever he said to it. The power emerged from him and bound up the freeflowing river, Made it into a dam and trampled it down, so he crossed it to go on his way.
2 Kgs 2:14
VI. THE WATERS OF JERICHO But there had been observers to that deed from Jericho, So that the man’s splendor and his way of life would not be hidden. Immediately the prophets spoke of him in amazement Of how the Spirit of his master had fully settled upon him. And, as they would of a spiritual healer, they demanded he heal The sick and barren World that had become worn out.7
6 So in the Peshitta. The Syriac interjection ķĭĥ, difficult to translate, is a plea, while the Hebrew has !, “where is,” which is a question. 7 Note that Jacob omits any discussion of the search for Elijah, described in 2 Kgs 2:17f.
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Ņ ł Ōł Ņ ň Ō Ņ ŏ ĻĥŅ ƨŷƍŨ ĭĬ IJƢƣ ŧűŷƉĭ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň ň ł Ņ ŏ ŏ ł ĖIJĬŴŨĥĪ ŦƦũŹ ŦŁĭŁƢſ ƎƉ ƥũíƆĪ ťŶĭƢŨ Ņô ŏ Ņ ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ :ŦŁĭƢũƍū ŧĿųƌ ƈƕ ƋƟĭ Ņ ô ŏ Ō ł ųƆŅ ŏ ťſŴƆňò űƃ Ō Ō ň ł ĖŦŁŴƀũƌĪ ťŶĭĿĪ ƨíƇū ųŨň ƎƀƖſĮŁƦƉĭ ôŅ ł ŌŅ ň Ōł ň ķĭĥŏ ƢƉŤƊíƆ Ņ Ĭųƭ ł Ō IJƢƣĭ :ťƀƭ IJƢƉĪ Ņ ł ĭĬŏ ĻĥŅ ťŷƉĭ ň ł ųŬíƇƘĭ ň ł ŧĿųƍíƆ Ņ ŏ Ĭűũƕĭ Ņ ł ĖťŶĿĭĥ Ņò ł ųƍƉ Ņ ƌĪł ťƀƉ ň ň ň ĭĭĬ ł ô ŴƕĮŅ ň ł ƈƕł ŧĿų :ųŨ ŴƤūĿĥĪ ŏ ň ĭĬŏ ĻĥĪŅ Ŧųƭ Ō ł ň Ņ Ņ ł űſĽň ųƆň IJŴūŁĥĪ ĖĪŴƠƙƌ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ƎƊſĬŁĥ :ŦƻǔŨ ƈƕ ŦƼŨł ħĿ ƋƟĭ ŦĭĬ ô ł ł ň Ņ Ō ťƀíƆĽ ł Ņ ķŴƉŏ ƗƊƣŁĪ ł ł ł Ņ ł ƻƢƣĭ ñ Ņ ƢƉĥĪ ĖųíƆ ŦƻƢŨ Ņ ł ĬƢƏĥĭ ň ł ƨƀŶł ųƍƉ ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ơƙƌł Ņ ł ŧĿųƍíƆ :ťſƢƣ ņ ň ł ł ň Ņ ƢƄƘĭ ŏ ŦŁŤƌŌ Ƣũƕĭ ł ł ųƣĪĭ ň Ņ ųƊƏ ĖųŶňĿĭƧ Ō ň ł ŧűũƖƆ ň Ņò ł ĭĭĬ Ņ Ņ ł ųƆĭ ŏ Ō ƎƉň ťſŵŶ :ŴŷſƢſĥ Ņ ň Ņ ł ň ł ň ƧĪ ň ŏ ťƙŶƦƌ ň ŏ ťŹĬĿĭ ĖųŶĿĭĥĪ ŧƢũūĪ ĬƢƘŴƣ ņ ł ł ň ł ňò Ō Ņ ň Ō ł Ō :ƎſƢſĬŁŌ űƃ IJĬŴƇƕ ŴLjƉ ťƀũƌ ŧűŷƉĭ Ō ł ô ň ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ĖƻĥƢſƦƕ ųŨĿĪł ťŶĭĿ IJĬŴƇƕ ô Ņ ŁƢƣĪł ň ł IJĬŴƖŨŁ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ťƀƏƧĪ Ņ ł ƅſĥĭł :ƋƇŷƌ ô Ņ ťƀƍŶĭĿ Ņ Ō ťƕĿƧ Ņ ł Ņ Ō ł ŦƻŵŬ Ņ ô ťƠƀŷƣĪ ł ł Ɖĭł ŦŁųſƢƃ ĖŁĭĬ
Ņô ł :ƻĥƢũƍū
They saw the power within him, and asked him to cure the poisonous waters So that his trial would make the entire region refreshed.8 They were saying to him, “The city and its location are very fine, But the waters are bad and the ground is barren and gives us trouble.” He said to them, “Bring me a single new pitcher With salt in it.” Those people did as he told them, And he took it and went out to the spring and threw the salt into The bad waters and cured the ones that had been polluted. Here the Son’s symbol cured the bad water, And he healed that spring when he treated it. As soon as the Prophet had crossed the river, the symbol reached him That stands there like a glaring beacon for whoever looks into it. And since the symbol is patent, it became quite obvious That he did not cure other than as9 a type of the Confirmed10 things. The city whose site was fine is all of Creation, Which, before there was a violation of the Commandment, was beautiful. The bad waters are Sin that has ruled over human beings And poured out death upon the entire race, and through which it has become bereft.
2 Kgs 2:19
2 Kgs 2:20
In the Mardin ms., a second hand indicates a stanza division here. Var. M.: “That it was not a (single) symbol but rather.” 10 i.e., types with confirmed scriptural antitypes. 11 i.e., Satan. 8 9
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Ņ ł ň ł Ņò ł ťƏŤƌ ŏ ł ƨƀŶ ň ł IJĬŴƆŤƣĭ ň ò Ō ťƀƊíƆ :ťƤƀŨ ųŨ ĭŵŶ ô ň ŏ Ņ ł ň ň Ņ Ō ň Ō Ņ ŏ Ėųƿ ŧĿŁƧ ťƣŤƙƌ ųƇſĪ ťƀƟŴŨĪ Ņ Ņ űũƖƌ Ņ Ō Ō ň Ō Ō ł ñ Ņ ł ŦƻƢƟ :ųƆ ĭĭĬô ƎſƢƉĥ ƎſƢƀƙƣł ŪŹ ųŨƻĭ Ņò ł Ņ ł ƎƀƤƀŨ Ņ Ō ĭł ťſŵŬƉ Ō Ō ťƀƉĭ Ņ ł ťƕĿĥĭ ĖƎƆł ťƠƀƖƉ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņł Ņ ŏ ŏ ŦŁűŶ ŦƦƟŴƟ ķĭųíƆ ƢƉĥł :ƁƆŌ ĭƻĥł ŧűŶ ň Ņ ĭűũƕĭ Ņ ô ƢƉĥĪ ł ň ƅſĥ ƎƀƆĬ ł ł ĬŴŬŨ Ņ ň ñ Ņ ł ťŷíƇƉĭ ĖŦĭĬ ł ł ųíƇƠƣĭ Ņ ŏ ł űſĽň ơƙƌĭ Ō ł ťƕŴũƉ Ņ ň ƁƉĿĥĭ ñ Ņ ł :ťŷíƇƉ ň Ņò ł Ō Ō ł ķŴƌĥŏ ƁƏĥĭ ł ô ƎſųſƢƃĪ Ō ł ťƤƀŨ ň ò Ō ťƀƊŨ ĖĭĭĬ Ņò ł ƁƏĥ Ņ ł ĬĮĿĥ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ŧƢŨĪ ň Ņ ô ťƃĿĬ ň ò Ō ťƀƊíƆ :ťƤƀŨ ň ł űƃł ťƕŴũƉ ň ł ĭĬĭ Ņ ŏ ł ĭųíƆ ŏ Ņ ô ĬƢƖƏ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƋƇŶĥ ĖŦĭĬ Ņ ł ƢũƕĪ ł ł ŧűŷƉ Ņ Ņ ô ųŨň ƗŬƘ Ņ Ō ŧĿųƌ Ņ ň ł ťƀũƌ :ŦĮĿĥ łŅ ł Ņ Ōł ł ň Ņ ň ł ĖųŨň ň ĿŤŶűƆ ŧƢſųƌ ƅſĥ ĶŤƟĭ ƨūĪ ň Ņ ł ň ł Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł Ō ŦĮĿĥô ŦĭĬô ƨūĪ ƈƕĭ :ųƆ ƁƏƢƘŁĥ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ƁŬƏ ň ł ł Ņ ô ƁƏĥ Ō ŴƆĪ Ņ ĖŦŁǔſƢƣĪ ťƐƘŴŹ Ƨĥ ŦĭĬ ň Ō Ņ ł Ō ł Ņ Ō Ņ Ō ñ Ņ ŏ ŦƻƢŨ ñ :ųíƿ ųſƻĥ ųñ ŨŁŴƉ ƢƀƙƣĪ ŦƻƢƟ Ņ ł Ō Ņ ň ň ƧűƕĪ Ņ Ņ Ŧĭųƌ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ƣũƕ ĖŁĭĬô ŧƢƀƙƣł ljűƟŴƘ ł ň Ņ Ō Ņò ł ň ò Ō ťƀƉ Ņ Ņ ò ł ł ƦźíƇƣĪ :ťƤƍƀƍũŨ ŦƼźŶŅ ťƤƀŨ ň ŏ ł ň Ņ ň ųǀŨ Ō ł ň ťƐƍū ñ Ņ IJŵūŁĥĭ ĖųŨ ŦŁŴƉł ǂƐƌĭ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET At the head of the spring, the great Serpent11 gushed forth bitter venomous liquids, And the entire river of Man was fouled and begat Death. And, while Creation itself, in its natural state, is full of beautiful things, Sin polluted it so that it would become ugly and barren. Transgression of the Law brought Death and made the Earth barren Due to that filth that the Serpent concocted into Eve’s ear. The Dragon came down and swam in the clear pool and polluted it, And it filled with12 venom so that whoever drank of it would die. And though Creation itself is very beautiful from the Creator, The Serpent’s potion makes it barren and sick and destroys it.
Now this is the type that was alluded to in Elisha’s case by the words: “The location is pleasant, but the waters are bad and the land is barren.” And since the Prophet was enlightened by the Spirit and through revelations, He sensed the disease in the sick water and knew what it was.
Var. M.: “Filled it with.”
2 Kgs 2:19
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ňŅ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ŏ ł ƥſƢŨ Ņ ł ťſŴŶ Ņ ň ŧǓƢƉ :ťŨĿ ŦĭĬ ťƐū ťƕŴũƉ ô Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ł ųƿĭ ň ł ŸƆĪŁĥ ł ň ťƤƌĥĪ Ņ Ņ ô ŧĿųƌ ĖŦŁŴƉł űƆĭĥĭ Ņ Ō ň ŏ ťƀíƇƉ ł Ņ ł ųƍƀƄŨ ñ Ņ Ņ ł ųŨň ň ŦƻƢŨ :ŧǔƘŴƣ IJĬŌ űƃĭ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ Ō ň Ņ Ņ ųŷíƆĪ ñŅ ł ĖŦƻŵŬƉĭ ŦƼƍƏ ŦĭĬŁĪ ŦųźŶ ł Ņ ł ň ťƏŴƊƌ Ņ ųſŵūĭ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ƣũƕ ñ Ņ ł ŦŁŴƉł ƈƕĥ :ťƕĿƧ ň Ņ ĭĬł ƎƉň Ņ ł ťſŴŶ ł ł ŧƢŹŁ Ņ ň Ĩ ŵƉĪ ñ Ņ ň ŦŴŷíƆ ĖųƌĪŤŨ Ņ Ō Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ōł ň ñ Ņ ł ŦƼƙƣ Ʀŷƌ :ųŷíƆĪĭ Ņ ťƍƀƌŁ ň Ņ ťƍƀƖƊŨ ł ŏ ťŷƏ Ņ ł ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ñ ŦƦƣĪ ťƍſĥ ŁŴƊƌĪ ŦŁƢƉ ƦƇƉĭ ĖųƍƉ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ Ō ł ŪŹ ŦƻƢŨ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ƎƉň ŧƢƀƙƣ :ťſĭƢŨ IJĬŌ űƃĭ ł ł ŦŵŬƉ ł ł ł ĬƢƄƉĭ ň ł ťſŴŶĪ ň ň Ņ ň ųƀƠƣ ñ Ņ ƢƊŬƉĭ ĖųíƆ Ōł ň ň Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ :ƗƤƀƭ űſĽ ŦĭĬô džƉŁĥ ťƐƘŴŹ ljĬĭ Ņò ł Ƣƀƙƣ Ō ł ťŨŁŴƉĪ Ņ ĥĭł ƎƀƤƀŨ Ņ ł Ō Ō ťƀƉĭ Ņ ł ťƕĿ ĖťſŵŬƉ ňò Ņ ň ł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō ň Ņ ł ł :ťƍƀíƇŬŨĭ ťŶĭƢŨ ťƀũƌ ųƆ ŦĭĬô ĿųƌĪĭ Ņò ł ťƍŶŴƤíƆ ň Ō ťƀƉĪ ł Ņ ĺűſĭ Ņ ŏ ųƤū ň ł ł Ō Ŧųſǔƃ ĖŴƍƉ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET He looked carefully and saw from behind the veil of Prophecy The Son’s mystery, how he is a healer of all who are sick He learned of the illness that cannot be cured except by our Lord And depicted it with salt in order to treat the spring with it. The spiritual one saw that they were true exemplars13 And made use of the symbol to illustrate them clearly. He threw in the salt using a new vessel in order to depict therein The Perfect Child in Virginity’s pristine womb. He depicted the Virgin beside the spring of bad water, With a new pitcher to which filth had never come near. With the salt he symbolized Divinity’s Only-begotten One, For He is the one who seasons all tasteless things with its proper14 flavor. With the new vessel he depicted the pure body of the Lass, And with the salt depicted the Son who seasons flavors that have become tasteless. The salt descended into the bad waters and cured them— That is (the descent) of the Son, who cured the race of Adam by His birth. The city was completely ill and sick, though beautiful, Until the salt treated the waters and cured them. Similarly all of Creation was splendid but full of Death, Until the Son shone forth from Mary and cured Life.
13 14
i.e., the Prophet saw that his deeds foreshadowed Christ’s. Or, “His well-made flavor.”
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Ņ ŏŌ ł Ņ Ō ň ł Ņ ł ơſĪĥŌ ł :ŦŁŴƀũƌĪ Ƨĥĭ ƎƉŅ ŴŬíƆ ŦŵŶĭ Ņ ł ĬĮĿƧ Ō Ō ł ƈƃĪŏ ťƀƏĥ ň Ņô Ņ ŴſĭĬĪ ŏ ŏ ŧƢŨĪ ĖƎſųſƢƃĪ ň ł ł Ņ ƧĥŅ Īň ťŨŤƄíƆ ň ł ň ƧŅ ķƢƊŨ Ņ Ō ųƙíƇſ :ťƏĥƦƉ ňŅ ŏ ň ųŨň ťƕŴũƊíƆĪ Ņ ŏ ł ł ťŷíƇƊŨ Ņ ô ĿŴƖƐƌ Ņ ň ĬĿĽĭ ĖŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł ò Ņ Ņ ňò Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ :ň ŦŁǔſƢƣ IJĭĬŌô ŦŁƨƘĪ ťƍŶĭĿ ľĪ Ņ Ō ł ŦĮĿƧ ň ł Ņ Ņ ô ųƤƊƣĭ ň ł ł ƻĥƢſųƌ ĖƎƀƌĥ ĺĪŴƌ łŅ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ťŷíƇƉ ŏ ł ŦŁűŶł ljŤƊŨ Ņ ň ƁƉĿĥ :Ņ ƎƉŁ ĿĭƞƌĪ ŏ ŏ Īł ťƀƃĪ Ņ Ō ŧűíƇſ Ņ ŏ ŧƢƀƊū Ņ ł ťŨŴƖŨ Ņ ł ĖŦŁŴƆĭƦŨ ŏ Ņ Ņò ł ťƕŴũƉ Ņ ŏ ł ƈƕł ŦƦíƆĭƦŨ Ņ ô ĿĽŅ ň ò Ō ťƀƉĪ :ťƤƀŨ ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ ł ň Ƨ ĶĭƦƊƉň ŦŁĥĽĪŅ ŦŁűŶ ł ñ Ņ ƦŨƢƟ ĖųíƆ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ō Ō Ņ ň ŦƦƟŴƠŨ ň ł ñ : ŦŁĭųƭĪ ųſűƀŷƀƆ ťŷíƇƊŨ ųƆƦƉ ň ł ŦųƀƄƘ ň ò Ō ł ƈƃŏ ĴűƊƉ Ņ ł ųƊƖźŨ ŏ ŏ ň ł ŴſĭĬĪ ĖťƍƟŁ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ :ŦƼǑĪł ĿĽ ťƀƃĪ ŧƢŬƙíƆ ŦŁűŶ ljŤƊŨ Ņ ł ťŷíƇƊŨ ł ň ò ĴűƉĪ Ņ ô ĿĽŅ ĭ ň ł ŧƢũƆ Ņ ň ŦĭĬ ĖĭųƄƘĪł ň ťƊƖŹ ł ň Ņò ł ťŷíƇƉ ł ł ťƤƀŨ ň ò Ō ťƀƊíƆ Ņ ň ŁƦŷƌ :ķŴƌĥŏ ƼƏĥĭ Ņ ł IJĬŌ IJĬŅ ň ň ĬűíƇƀŨ Ō ł ŧƢŨĪ Ņ Ņ ųƐƍŬíƆ ň ł ƁƏĥĪ ĖĶĪĥĪ Ņ Ō Ņ ł ôŅ Ō Ņ Ō ł űƃł ųíƿ Ņ:ŧƢƀƙƣ ŏ ñ ťƕƢƉĭ ŦųſƢƃ ň ł ł ŏ ň ŦƻƢƟ ł ň Ņł ŏ Ņ ň ťƉűƕ ĖķŴƌĥ ķŴƌĥ ŁƢƖƏ ťŷíƇƉĪ Ņ ƼƏĥĭ Ņ Ō ťſŤƘ ł Ņ Ņ ł ųíƿ Ņ ł ƎƃĬ ñ Ņ ŏ ŦƻƢŨ :ŦŁŴƉł ťƀíƇƉĭ ňò ł Ō ł ł ł ň ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ĖťƀŶ ƁƏĥĭ ƋſƢƉ ƎƉ ŸƌĪ ŧƢŨĪ ťƉűƕ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Had the new pitcher not poured out the salt Upon the spring of polluted water, it would not have been cured. And if the Virgin had not given birth to the Son of God, The race of Man would not have risen from the Fall. He mixed in the salt into the waters’ potion so that everyone would drink, Just as God mixed His Son in with Man and gave Life to all. Come, see, the salt being drunk along with the bad water, While they consume the Son of God so that he might give life to the Dead. Through the salt did the waters—through the Body did the peoples—acquire healing, And the Earth revived as did Jericho that had been sick. VIII. THE TYPOLOGY OF THE SALT AND THE NEW PITCHER
With the new pitcher the pristine Virgin was foreshadowed By Elisha—the sea of symbols and allegories. He gave the waters healing with the salt, and depicted how the Son Heals the races and clans and families. For Jericho was like the Earth, which is also cursed, And perhaps that is why it had been cursed, so that it would become a type. A curse rested upon its spring and had polluted it, And through it was depicted the Earth, which is cursed through the sin of its children. So Elisha threw in the salt with the Son’s symbol And removed the curse and cured the waters that had been polluted. He showed how the Son of God was coming into the World And that the Earth’s curse would be taken away through Him and He would heal it.
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Ņł Ņ ŏ ŏň ł ň ƧŅ ťŷíƇƉ Ņ ô ǂƐƌ Ņ ň ŦŁűŶ Ŵƭ :ŁĭĬ ł ň Ņ ň Ō Ņò ł ŦƦƟŴƟ Ņ ŏ ł Ō ĖŴƀƏĥŁĥ Ƨ Ŧųſǔƃ ťƀƉĪ ťƕŴũƉ ƈƕł Ņ ŏ ŏ ň Ņ Ņ ô ŁűíƇſ Ņ Ņ ł ƢũíƆ ł ŦƦíƆĭƦŨ ł ň Ƨ Ŧųƭ :ŁĭĬ Ŵƭĭ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ĖŦĭĬô ĶŤƟ Ƨ ŦƦíƆŴƙƉ ƎƉ ťƤƌĥĪô ťƐƍū Ō Ņ Ņò ł ťƀƠƤŨ ŏ ñ ň ťŷíƇƊíƆ Ņ ň Ņ ň ųźíƇŶ ñ ł ťƀƉĪ :ƥƌŅDŽ ô ƃ ųſƦƤƌĪ ň ł ŦųƭĪ ł ťƤƌŤŨ Ņ Ņ ł ƅſĥł Ņ Ņ ô ĬƢũƆ Ō ł ŻƇŶ Ėƈƃŏ ƁŶĥĭ Ņò ł ťſŁƦƤƉ Ō ŦŁŅ ň ò Ō ťƀƊŨ Ņ ł ň űƃł ťŷíƇƊíƆ Ņ ň IJŵŶ :ťƤƀŨ ň ò Ō ň ł ň Ō Ņ ł ŅŅ ł ł ĖŦƼƉ ťŷƌĪ ųƆ Ǝƀƿĥ űƃ Ŧųƭ ƢŨĭ Ņò ł ťŷíƇƊŨ Ņ ł ťƀƉ ň ò ł ŧƢŬƙŨ Ņ Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ň :ťƍƊíƆŴŶ ŴƍƟ ťƊƊƕ Ņ ł ƼŶĭ Ņ ô ŦųſƢƃĪ Ņ Ō ł ŴŷſƢſĥĪ Ņ ł ŏ Ō Ō ƅſĥł ťƕĿĥ ĖŁĭĬ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ŏ Ņ ô ťƊƣĿƦƉ Ņ ł ň ŦƼƃĪ ł ŦƦƟŴƠŨ ŦƦíƆĭƦŨ ŦŁűŶ :ŁĭĬ Ņ Ņ ňò ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ł Ō ň ň ĖŦŁƨƘĪĭ ŦĮǓĥĪô ťƊſŅ ƗƤƀƭ ƎƉ ň Ņ ťƍƊíƆŴŶ Ņ:ŧƢũƆł ĬĿĽĭ Ņ Ņ ŏ ħųſ ò ł ťŷíƇƊŨ ł ťƀƊíƆ Ņ ň ô Ņ Ņ ł ł ň òŏ ňò ň ł ł ň ł ƎƄſĥĪ ĖŦƦŨǔƤíƆĭ ťƉĬŴŹĭ ť ƐƍŬíƆ ťƏŤƉ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň ŏ Ō Ō :IJĬŏ Ō Ļĥ ň ťźƀƆĪ ťƕĿƧ ťƀƉĪň Ƣƀū ŴŷſƢſĥ ł Ō ň Ņ Ņ ł Ƣũƃĭ ł ł Ņ ĖťƐƘŴŹň ŦĭĬŁ ŁĭĬô ƦźƀƆŁŁĥ IJųíƇƕ Ņ ł ł ł ųƕŴũƉ Ņ ŏ ł ƈƕł ƦƍƄƣ Ņ ô ĬƦŷƆĪĭ ł ň ŦƦŹŴƆ ñ :ŁĭĬ Ņ ł Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ ł Ō ň ñ ňò ł ƧŴƖŨ ñ ŁƢſĽŁŁĥĭ ĖųƀƍŨĪ ťźƀƆĪ ťƕĿĥ ł ųŨ Ņ:ŧƢŨĪł ĬĮĿň Ņ ŤŨ ťŷíƇƉ ň Ō ł Ōň ƁƉĿĥ ƎſĪň ƗƤƀƭ ôŅ Ņ Ņ ł ł ł Ō Ō ł ťƀƊíƆ ł ô ƎſųſƢƃĪ Ō ł ŦƦŹŴƆ ò ł ƁƏĥĭ ĖĭĭĬ Ƣũƕĥĭ Ņł ł Ņ Ņ ňŅ ł ł Ōł Ņ ŦŁĥ ƎƄſĥĪ IJŴŶĭ :Ŧųƭ Ņ ł ťƊíƇƖíƆ ł ł ƢŨ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ł ĬƦŹŴƆĭ ň ň ň ñ ťƏŤƉĭ ƨƟƦƤƉ ųŨ ťƕĿĥĪ ñ ĖųíƆ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Elisha annulled the decree of Joshua son of Nun And removed the curse from the spring with the salt that he threw in. He depicted the Messiah who abrogated the Father’s decree And took away the Earth’s curse by His Crucifixion, and it was healed through Him. The Father cursed the Earth in the Beginning because of Adam, And Joshua cursed Jericho when he razed it. With that salt the curse passed from Jericho, And, by the power of Elisha, Death, which had made it barren, was stopped. A great image was depicted there for the Son of God, Who abrogates the curse and keeps Death away from Humanity. And because of this revealed type that was to be achieved, The Prophet threw in the salt there with a new pitcher.
Josh 6:26
Gen 3:17 Josh 6:26
IX. THE PROPHET, NOT THE SALT, CURED THE WATER; THUS TYPIFYING THE CRUCIFIXION All prophetic beauty is found in our Lord, And through Him are impressed the foreshadowings of all true types. Through Him all revelations emerge from the Father’s realm, For He is the gate through which Man enters unto Majesty. He is the eye15 of Prophecy which sees the mysteries, And through Him does one who investigates the hidden things gaze.
Var. M:.ťƍƀƖƉ “source,spring,” i.e., “He is the font of mystery-seeing proph-
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Ņ ķŴƌŏ ƢŨł ĺŴƤſĪ ň Ō ĿŵŬƆ Ņ ł ŏ ň ųƍſĪ ł Ō ň ŧƢƣ :ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ŏ ł ƎƉň ŦƦŹ Ō ł ťŷíƇƊŨ Ņ ň ťƕŴũƉ ĖƁƉĿĥĪ Ƣũƕĥĭ ň ł Ņ ł ň Ō Ņ ł Ņ ŴƆ Ō ł ĿĽĭŅ :ƈźŨ ťŨĥĪ ųƍſĪ ĿŵūĪ ťŷƀƤƊƆ Ņ ł ň Ō ł ƈƠƣ Ņ ł ŦƦŹŴƆĭ ł ťƕĿĥĪ ł ł ň ųƙƀƟŵŨ ĖųŨň ƦƊíƇŶŁĥĭ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ťŨĥŅ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŻƆŅ Ō Ō ťƕĿƧ :ĶĪŅDŽźƉň ƼƤſƢŨ Ņ Ņ ô ĬƢƠƕ ŏ ň ŴŷſƢſƧ ŏ Ō Ō ŻƆĭ ñ Ņ ł űƃł ķŴƌŏ ƢŨł ĺŴƤſ ĖŦĭĬ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ň Ņ ł ŏ Ō Ō ƎƉň ŦƦŹŴƆ IJųŨĭ :ŴŷſƢſĥ Ņ ł ťŷíƇƉ Ō ň ł Ņ ł ŁƢũƕ ň ň Ņ ł ñ ñ ƈźŨĭł ĖƗƤƀƭ űƀŨ ųſŵūĪ ŦŁŴƉ ųƍƉ Ņ Ņ ł ƢũíƆ Ņ ł ƎƉŁ Ņ ł ƢſĽŁŁĥĭ ł ťŨĿ Ņ ł ťƊíƆĽ Ō ň : Ŧųƭ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň ňŅ Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ł ĖŦŁŴƤƌĥ ŦƦŹŴƆĪ ô ł ƎƉ ƨƃ ŦŁŴƉĭ ƈźũƉ ŏ ŏ ň ň Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ťƐƘŴŹ ljĬ ƈźƉĭ ťƀíƇū :ŦĭĬô ƥƉƦƤƌĪ Ņł Ņ ŏ Ō ł ŦŁűŶ Ņ ł ťƀũƌ Ņ Ō ťŷíƇƉ Ņ ň ƁƉĿĥ ĖƎƉŁ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ŏ ň ŏ ň Ņ ł ŦƦƟŴƠŨ Ņ ŧƢƘŴƣ ųƿ ĶŤƟ ķƢƊŨ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ō :ŦŁŴƀũƌĪ ň ň ò ķĭųíƿ ŏ ŏ ƎƀƊƀƣĿ Ō Ō ĭĬô ŏ ųŨĭ ł ťƐƘŴŹ ĖŦŁǔſƢƣĪ ł Ōò Ņ ň ŏ ƎƀƠƙƌ Ō Ņ ĭĬŏ ųŨň ƈƃ :ťŨĥŅ ƼŨň Ņ ƎƉň ƎƀƍƀíƇū ň ł ôŏ ŏ ł Ņ Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ň ĖŦŁŴŨĿ űſĽ ƥƌǃ ô ŤƕŅ ųŨĪ ťƕĿŁ ŴſĭĬĪ ň:ŦĮǓĥŅ ô ťſŵŶĪ Ņ ł ŴſĭĬ ŏ Ō ł ťƍƀƕ ŏ ŏ Ņ Ņ ŦŁŴƀũƌĪ łŅ ŏ ň Ņ Ņ ò ł ł Ņ ł ĿŤŶ Ō ł ťƍſĥ ĖŦƼƐƃ ƈƕ ơſűƉĪ ĭĬô ųŨĭ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET He is the Light for both the seers and of the hidden things, Without whom there is no means for them to see anything at all. Through Him the Father’s riches are transferred to the whole World, For He is the one who distributes all of humankind’s needs. Through His shadow did the Prophet cure the bad waters, For if not for Him there is no cure for the whole World. Water is not cured by salt naturally, But rather becomes fouled even more by it, so that it cannot be tolerated. So because of this you need to learn clearly That it was not through Nature but rather the Mystery that the spring returned to normal. He would not have accepted the task of blessing the cursed city Except through our Lord, through Whom the Earth’s curse was taken away. That very mystery signaled to him16 to keep Death from it, So that through his Prophecy he would declare the Raiser of the Dead. He took upon himself the type of our Lord and approached the spring, And through Him released the curse, cured the water, and held back Death. For had that type not been present there, The salt would have fallen into the water the opposite way. For normally, not even Crucifixion abrogates Death, Nor does a killed person have the power to revive the dead.
16 i.e., knowledge of the foreshadowing it entailed produced the revelation that prompted the prophet’s behavior. See lines 305–8.
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Ņ Ņ ò Ō ł ňò Ņ ł ł Ņ ŏ ŏ ŏ : ŦŁŵƀƍūĪĭ ŧĿĬŴƌ ŴſĭĬ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ň ň ŏ ťſŵŶĪĭ ň ň ł Ņ ň ƎƉĪ Ėƻĥ Ƨ ťƏĿŴƘ ĶűƉ ķĭŵŷƌ IJĬĭűƖíƇŨ ô ł ň ł ŏ ƎƀƇŨƦƐƉ Ō ň ųŨň Ņ Ņ ťŨĥĪ Ņ ł IJĬĭǓŁŴƕ :ųƿŏ ťƊíƇƖíƆ ô ň ł ŴſĭĬĪ Ō Ņ ò ŏ ƈƃŏ ŭƇƙƉ Ņ Ņ łò ł ƎƀƍƠƌŴƏ ŏ ŏ ĖťƤƍƀƍũƆ ł ň Ņò ł ťƀũƌ Ņň Ō ĬƼƍŌ íƇźŨ ň ò Ō ťƀƊíƆ Ņ Ō ƁƏĥ :ťƤƀŨ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň ł ųŨň ķĥň ƧĥĪŅ ň Ņ Ņ ŦŁŴƀƏĥ Ėųƿŏ ł ťƊíƇƖíƆ ƼƆ ŌŅŅ Ņò ł Ƣƀūň ƻŤƍƀƃ ň ň ƧŅ ťŷíƇƊŨ Ņ ň ťƀƉ :ƎƀƏĥƦƉ Ō ł Ņň ŏ ł ň ƧĪŅ ųŨ Ō ł ň Ƣſƻ ñ Ņ ƎſĬƢƃƦƉ ĖķŴƊƖŹƦƌ ŌŅ Ōł ł Ō Ņ Ō ň Ņ Ņ ň Ƨĥ ñ :ƻĥƢſųƌ ƚƆĥŁ ƅƆ ƻĥŅ ň ŧĪĬĪ ųƍƉĭ Ņ ł ň Ņ ŏ ł ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖťƕŴũƉŅ ƎƟŁ ŦĮĿŤŨ ô Ņ Ƨĥ ťƍƀƄŨ ŴƆĪ Ņ ňł ł Ō ŦƻƢƟ Ō ŦĭĬ ň ł Ƨ ťźƀƆĪ Ņ ô ƈũƠƉ Ņ ô ĴƢũƌĪ :ŦĭĬ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņň ł ł ň ųŨň ťƕĿĥĪ Ņ ł ŦƦŹŴƆĪ ĖƦƇƟƦƣĥ Ƨĥ Ņ ł ň ň ň ł ķƢƊŨ Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ŏ ñ ň ŦŁŴƉ ƨƄƌĪ ųƆ ŵƉĿ ŦĮĿĥô ŴſĭĬŏ :ųƍƉ ň ò Ō Ņ Ņ ł ł ň ł ŦƼƉĪ ŏ Ō ł ĮƢƄƌ ĖĬŁŴƀũƍŨ ťƍƊŷƍƊƆĪŏ ň ł Ņ ł ň ŏ ł ł Ņ Ņ ň :ťƕŴũƉ ŦĭĬô ƈƠƣ ķƢƉĪ ųƐƘŴŹ Ņ ł űſĽŅ ħƢƟĭ Ņ Ņò ł ƁƏĥĭ Ņ ųŨĭ ň Ō ł ŦƦŹŴƆł ŧƢƣ ĖŦŁŴƉ ł ƨƃĭł ťƀƊíƆ Ņ ŏ ŏň Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ťƐƘŴŹ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ƣƀūň Ƨ Ŵƭ :ƎƉŁ ljĬ Ņ ŏ ł Ņò ł ň ň ŁĭĬ ŏ ƈƘŁ Ņ ô ƨŨŴƠíƆĪ Ņ ň ĖķĭųŨ ťƀƊíƆ ťŷíƇƉ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ƨƘĥ Ƣƀūň ťƍƀƄŨ ň Ņ ŦŁŴƊíƆ ł ťƙƀƟĮ ŅŅ ł :ŧƢƣ ň ò Ō ňł Ņ ł ň Ō Ņ Ō ł Ņ ĖŦƼƉ ťŷƌĪ ƨƀŶ ųŨ ƻĥ ƨƀźƠŨ Ƨĭ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Because of this, it was a great mystery that should be celebrated How something that is the opposite gave healing to polluted water. If the water’s foulness was driven away by the salt, It17 foreshadowed the Crucifixion that held back Death from humanity. He threw salt into the foul waters and made them whole, As if to say with Death He held Death back from Man. These types were foreshadowed by Elisha, Whose soul had been filled with the Mysteries’ Light by Elijah.
X. THE INSULTING BOYS: SATAN’S REVENGE O discerning ones, pay attention to me for I have more to say About the disciple who further astounds me with his way’s splendor. His master had overwhelmed me, but I am done with him and speak no more of him. Now this one moves me again with his wonder and his deeds. It is surely true that he is the disciple of that splendid one, And that his splendors spew forth from his accomplishments wherever he goes. He achieved victory with the foul water that he cured, And gave healing to the sick and barren land. He set up a barrier against Death and stopped it with his prophecy, And proceeded to go on once his might had appeared.
The event.
cf. Heb 2:14
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ŏ ň Ņ ô įƞƌƦƌĪ Ņ ł ŦĮĿĥ Ņ Ņ ƈźƉ Ņ Ņ ô ljĬ ł ł ň ťŨĿ :ŦĭĬ ł ŏ ł Ņ Ņò ł ťƍƊíƆŴŶ ň Ņ ťƀƊíƆ Ņ Ņ ŏ ħųſ ł ĭĬô ƨŨŴƠíƆĪ ĖťƕǔƉ ƎƊŨň ô ł Ņ Ņ ň ň Ņ ł ò ŏ Ō ķĥ Ņ Ņ ťŷíƇƊŨ ťƀƉĪ ŦŁŴƤƀŨ :ŁĭĬô Ņ ŧĪƢŹƦƉ Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ň Ņ Ō ŏ Ņ ô ƎƉň ŦŁŴƉ ĖŦŁŴƤƌĥ ň ň ł Ņ ň ƨƃĪŌ ƦƊƣĿ ł ň ò Ō ťƙƀƟĮ Ņò ł ŏ :ķŴƌĥ Ņ ƎƟŁĥĭ ťŷíƇƉ ƁƉĿĥ ťƤƀŨ ťƀƊŨ Ņ Ņ Ņò Ņ ƎƉň ƨƃ ŦŁŴƊŨ ł ŦŁŴƊíƆ ł ƢƉŤƊíƆĪ ł Ō ł ƅſĥł ĖťƤƌĥ ôŌ ň ň Ņ Ō ł ň ťƐƘŴŹ ň ò ŏ ƎƀƆĬ ł ô ƎƀƊƣĿƦƉ ł ƎƉň Ō ĭĭĬ :ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ŏ ųƤƙƌ Ņ ł ň Ņ ô ŧĿĬŴƌ ň ł ƦƇƉĪ Ņ ň ƎƉň ŦĮǓĥĪ Ėťƀƭ ŏ Ņ ň ň ł ħĭŁĪ ŦŁĭĽł ƁƆŌ ŴŨĬł ťƣĭǔƘ ň ŏ Ņ ĭĥŅ :džƉĥ ŏ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ŏ ƁƆŌ ĿĬƦƉ ł ł ħĭŁĪ ň ŏ ŧƢƘŴƤŨ ĖųŶĿĭĥĪ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ƈƕł ň ň ł Ņ ň ň Ō ł ƁƍƍƐŶ ň ł ł ł ųŨĿ Ƨĭň ųƍƉ ƼƇƣĭ ň Ņ ò :ĬƦíLjƉ ň Ō ł ĬĿĬƦŨ Ņ Ō ljĬ Ņ Ņ ħĭŁŏ ŦĬĭ ĖĬŁűƀũƖŨĭ ƁƆŌ ƗſŵƉ ł Ņ Ņ ł ƎſĥŌ Ņ Ō ł ĭĬĪ ł ĭĬô ŏ ĬűƀƊíƆŁĪ ň Ō ŧĿƢƤŨ :ŧƢƀƙƣ Ņ ł ŏ ň ł ł Ƣƃł IJĬŴƌǔƕŴƏ Ō Ņ IJĬĭǔƘŴƣĭ ĖƅƆųƉĪ ô ň ł ŏ ƎƉň ƎƀƖũƌ ô Ņò ł ťƍŶƞƌ Ō ł ťƤƀŨ ł Ņ Ņ ň űũƕ ň ò Ō ťƀƊŨ :ķŴƌĥŏ ŅƁƏĥĪ ł Ņ ł ł ł Ō ťƕĿƧ Ņ ťƍƊíƆŴŶ Ņ Ņ ŏ ħųſĭ ł ŦŁųſƢƃ ô ň ĖŦƻŵŬƉĭ Ņ Ņ ł ł ťƉŴŶŁ Ņ ŏ ųƆň ƋƏŅ ŏ Ō ł IJųƀƿĭ ŦŁŴƊíƆ :ĬŁŴƀũƍŨ ô ň ŏŅ ł ł ł ň ň ł ł ł Ō ơƙƌĭ ĖĬŁĭƢũƍū ô ƻŵŶŁĥĪ ƎƉ ĵĮŤƌ
He had begun to make his way up the ascent to Bethel, When some scoffers encountered him with brazen insult: Accursed children, having been raised with the foul water, Made fun of the healer who had treated it without payment. Whom did he resemble if not our Lord when He was insulted By the Jews after he healed their sick?
Whom did they resemble if not those who saw The powers of our Lord but sinfully returned to reviling him? Symbolically they were just like those crucifiers, Because he, too, bore the symbol of the Son of God. He was insulted after he had cured the foul water, Just as the Messiah was insulted after his wondrous acts. He stopped plague, but in return the Hebrews, who were Constantly spurning his splendid deeds rewarded him with bad debts,. He had bandaged and healed a great sore,18 and did not take any reward, But that was insufficient; instead they paid him back with curse and insult. He treated the water and provided healing to the spring, And when he got up to go, they provisioned the good healer with insult. The Hebrews gave him insult as his travel costs, For they pay back debts to healers totally inversely. He did not ask for them to give him anything for having healed them, But the Accursed Vipers’ offspring were accompanying him with scoffing.
Var. M: “the water’s sore.”
2 Kgs 2:23
Matt 9:34; Matt 12:24
Mark 5:29ff.
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Ņ ł ł ł Ō ł ƈſĥŌ ƼŨĪ ň ŦƦƠƐƊŨĭ ň ň IJƢƣ ň ŏ ŧĪƢƌĪ :ųŶĿĭŤŨ ŌŅŅ ł Ņ ł ň ŴƖŬƘ ňŅòł ł ł ťƍŶŵũƉĭ ĖƻŤŶƢƉ ŧƢƕƞŨ ųŨ ł ň Ņ łò ňò Ņ Ņò ł ŦƼŨĿŁ Ō ƁƍŨ ò Ō ťƀíǑ ň ò Ō ťƀƉĪ ťźƀíƆ :ň ťƤƀŨ ł ł Ņ ł ťƀƏŤŨ ł ô ŴŶŵŨ łł Ņ Ņ ųŨň ĭĭĬ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ƢƖƏĪ Ņ łł ň ƎŬƉĪ ň ł Ņ Ƨĥ ŦĭĬ ň Ņ ƎƊíƆ Ņ ô ťƉĪ ł :ƢƖŹ ƞƉ űƃł ķƢƊíƆ ł Ņ ňò Ņ Ō ň ŏ ł Ō ł ƁƏĥĪ Ō ł ĿƦŨ ĖķĭųſųſǔƄƆ ô ƎƉ Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ł ťſĪĭųſ ň ň Ņ ł ł ł Ņ :ĭŵŶĪ ƎƀƆųíƆ ĭĭĬô ƎƀƉĪ ƎƊíƆ Ō Ņ Ņ ł Ƨĥ ŏ ķŴƌĬ ňò ł ł ł ķƢƉĪ ł Ņ ƨƀŶ ł ŴƄƘĬĭ ĖƻƧŴƕ IJ ĬŴƀŶĽ ô Ō ŅŅŅ ł ň ò ŏ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ň :ƻŤƌĮĿĥ ĭĭĬ ťŨŴíƆĽ ķŴƌĬ ƦƉŤƃ Ņ ł ł Ņ ô Ō ô ňŅ ŏ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ĖŦųƭ ƢŨĪ ŦĭĬô ƎƀƖŹ ĬĮĿĥô ĭĬ ĻĥĪ ƈźƉ ł Ņ Ņò ł ƁƏĥĪ Ņ ô įŵŨƦƉ Ō ł ĿƦŨ ł ł ň ťƤƀŨ ň ò Ō ťƀƊíƆ :ŦĭĬ ł Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł ò ł ł ĿƦŨ ł ł ƞƉň IJĬŴíƇƀŶ Ņ ô ƢƖŹ ĖŦĭĬ ťŷƀƤƉĪ ô ň òŏ Ņ ł ƅſĥŅ ň ł ł ŏ Ō ł ò Ņ ŴƄƘĬĭ ljŁŴƉ ƨƃ :ťƤƀŨŅ ƨŨŴŶ IJĬŴƕƢƘ ô łò Ņ Ō Ņ Ō ŏ ŏ ťſǔũƕ ň Ņ ň ƁƍŨ ł ĖŦŁǔƀƙƣ ƎƀƊíǑ ĶŴƀíƿĪ ł Ņ DŽƠƣ ł ƧĭŅ ťŨĿ Ņ ô ħƞƕ Ņ ł ťƍŶŴƣ Ō ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ƁƏĥĭ ł :ŧƢū Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ł ƨíƇƟ Ņ Ƨĥ ŁĭĬ ŏ ł ŧƢƕĽĭ ł ň ƧĭŅ Ņ ô ƦƠƙƏ ĖIJĬŴƕƢƘ ô Ņò ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ł ł ťƀƊíƆ ł Ņ ô ƢƖƏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ħųſ ł ťƕŴũƊíƆĭ :ťƍƊíƆŴŶ ô Ņ ł IJĬĭĪĭĮ ł Ņ Ņ ťƀƏ ł Ō ƋƟŅ űƃĭ Ņ ƧŅ ŧƢƕĽ ŏ ł ĵĮŤƌ ĖťũŹ ô łò ň ŴŨųſł ťŶŵŨ ł ň ŧƢūĥ Ņ ł ň Ņ ň ƁƍŨ Ņ ň IJĬŴƇūǓĪ :ťſǔũƕ ųƆ ô ô Ņ Ņò ł Ņ ň ò ŏ Ō Ņ Ō Ņ ł ĖŦŁŴƏƧ ƻŤƄƘĬ ƈƃĪŏ Ņ ŏ ň ƎƀƕƢƘ ňŏ ł ƨŨŴŶ ň ł ĶűƉ ŏ ň ň ň ķŴƆƦƌĪ :ķŴƌĥ ƗŨŁ Ƨ ķŴƌĥ ƋƇŶĥĪ Ņ Ņ òŏ ł łò ň ł ŦƼŶĭƞŨĭ ň Ņ ł ƁƍŨ ł ô ƎſŴíƇƉ ĖťƍƉǔŶ ųƆň ĭĭĬ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Satan grew envious of the splendid symbol that had been performed, And had his dogs bark so as to trip him up as much as he was able. He stirred up the youths and filled them with great insult, In order, with insult, to trouble the one who had calmed the troubled waters. The Enemy of all these lovely things grew embittered by all these splendid things, By the good deed done by Elisha at the springs. He had stayed there making the waters polluted in order to increase Death. So when the Prophet drove him away, he howled to insult him. XI. WHY THE DEATH OF THE CHILDREN WAS A GOOD THING
And since the Prophet sensed who it was who sang through the children, He cursed them, and the bears came out and tore them apart. He looked at the insult to his Lord and was shocked by how much they scorned Him, So he let loose the bears to take vengeance upon the insulters. That one who supplicated to hold back Death from the many Would not kill the children in anger for no gain. He saw in the insult that it was also a kind of sore where it was And he wanted to heal it, as he did to the water, so it would then go away. And so that the sore would not spread to where he had healed it, He performed a surgery that would uproot the widespread evil. He killed a few so that the many would benefit from the report By being kept away from abusing others by the punishment.
2 Kgs 2:24
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ň ŏ ťƍź Ņ ô ƥƉƦƣĥĪ ł ł ň ŦĮĿĥĪ ł Ņ Ņ ƒŅ ƋƐŶ Ņ Ņ ô ĬƢƘŴƤŨ :ŦĭĬ ň ł ł IJĬŴũíƿ ò ł ŸŨĥĭ Ņ ô ŦƞƉĪ Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƈƟƢƖƌĪ ł ł ň ł ťƊƃ ĖŦĭĬ ôň ł Ņ ň Ņ ł ťŶŵŨ ò Ņ ł ƥŬƣ ł Ņ ň ķŴƌĥŏ ƨƉĭł ťƀíƇźƆ :ťŨĿ Ņ Ō ŏ Ō Ņ Ņ ô ƁƙƣűƆĪ ò ł ŦĭĬ ł ł ł ťŷƀíƆĪ ň ò ťƀƉ ĖįŴƆűƌŅ ň ŧƢƕƞŨ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ƎſųíƿĪ ň ŏ ŦŤƍƏ ł ł ň :ŦŁǔƀƙƣ ŦĭĬ ƢƉƢƉŁĥ ô Ņ Ņ ň ò ŏ ł űſĽň ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ł ŦƦũźŨ ł Ō ň ƎƉň ŁĭĬĪ ĖťƕŴũƉ Ņ ň Ō ŏ Ņò ł ĬƢƄƉĭ ł ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ħƻ ň ň ťƀƉ :ŦŁŴƉł ťŬƐƌĪ ł Ņ Ō Ņ ň ł ĭĬ ň ł ň ł ł ł ĖųŨ įŵũƌĪ džſĥ ťƀũƌ ŦĭĬô ĬĪƢŹ űƃĭ ňò Ņ ł ł ŏ ł Ņ Ō ň Ņ ň ł :ťƀíƇźŨ ƢƉĮň ŴƍƉĪ ťƀũƌ ųƆ ŦĭĬô ƥūĿĥĪĭ ň ň ň ł ťŨĪ ò ł ł ķŴƌĥŏ ŦĭĬ ò ň ƁƠƙƌĭ Ņ ô ŻƆŅ ĖķŴƌĥŏ IJŁǔƘĭ ł Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ň Ņ ŧƢƕƞíƆ Ņ ł Ņ ô ƗſĮŁŁĥĭ Ō ň ľĪŅ ĬƢƉĪ :IJĬŴƊíǑ ô ŏ ťƊƃĪ Ņ ł ň Ņ ł ł ňò ň ł ł ň ň ŦƦƊƠƌ ĖűũƖƌ ljǔƕƞƊŨĪ ťŨĪ ƢƊƣĭ ňò Ō ł ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ł ň ł :ŦŤƀŬƏ ƎƉ ŦŁŴƉ ƨƃĭ ƚƤƃŁĥĪ ĭĬŅ Ņ ň Ņ ňò Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƧĪ ŦŵūĭƢŨ Ņ ŏ ťƀíǑ ĖljĿŁŴſ ŦĭĬ ƈźƟ Ƨ ô ł Ō Ņ ł ň ň ŏ ł ŏ Ņ Ņ ťƄſĥ ĭĬô ťƍŶŴƣ ĭĬ ĻĥĪ ťŶŵũŨ ųŨ ƢŶŅ :IJĬĭƻĥĪ ô ł ň ťƀŅò ƊíƆĪ Ņ ł ň ł ťƖŨĭ Ņ ô Ƣũƕ ł ł ƅſĥ IJĬŴƀƏŤƌĪ ł Ņ Ǝƃĭ ĖŦĭĬ ô Ņ ł Ņ ł ĭĬŏ ĻĥŅ ťƉŴƌ Ō ŏ ĴŴũíƇƌ ŏ ň ƧĪĭ Ō ł ŧĿŁŤŨ :ƁƏĥĪ Ņ Ō ŏ ň ŅŅ Ņ ô ŦŤƀŬƏĪ Ņ Ō ł ŦƦƤƀŨ ł ĖŁĭĬ ŧĿŵū ųƆň ħųſ ô ł ł Ņ ň ĿŴƠƖƌĪ ň ň ŏ ňò Ō ł ł ł ŧǓŴƕĮ ťƖƊƤŨ ŦŤƀŬƐíƆĪ ƈź Ɵ :ĿŁŴƌ Ņ ŏ ł ł Ņ Ņ òŏ ň Ō ł ň ł ĖŦŁĭĪƢƉ űƀŨ ŦƼŶĭĽ ƎƉ ƎſƢūĪŵƉ űƃ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET The Prophet saw that just as foul water kills, So does insult also kill those who approach19 it. And since it was a benefit to do so, he wanted to heal that also And therefore slapped it down with a judgment so that it would not grow. With what he had done he had cast dismay into the scoffers, And they were afraid lest another act be done. Out of the goodness of his heart and because he was full of compassion, He wanted to alleviate every fault that was in the place: There was water-pollution and insult in the middle of that land, But since he was wise, he bandaged up those two sores with his zeal. They were scoffers and were also drinking the foul water, But he had cured their water and taken away the insult from their mouth. He killed the children so that the word would go out throughout the region That whoever insults encounters Death because of the abuse, So that they should be frightened and guard their tongues, And good will come through the hands of the man full of good deeds. He took pains to aid people in every way, And because of this he cursed the children—to stop the insult. With good, clear, and spiritual intent He performed this in order to help the entire region.
Var. M: “who acquire.”
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
Ō Ō ł ł ŅŌ Ņ Ņ Ņò ł ƎſƼƊƉĪ ň ò Ō ťƀƉ :ťƤƀŨ ťƀũƌň ŦĭĬô ŦŵŶ Ņ ƅſĥĪ ň ň ł Ņ ł Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ĖųƆ ħƢƟűƆ ĭĬ Ļĥ ťŶŵŨ Ņ ƈźƟŅ ƎƃĬ Ņ Ņ ljųíƆ ň ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ťƖŨ Ņ ô ťũŹĪĭ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ųƆň Ļĥ ŦĭĬ :ťƏŤƌĪ ł ň ł ň ƧĪŅ ťƍſĪ Ņ Ō ĿŵŬŨ Ņ ł ųŷƙƟ ň ł IJĬŅ ƈƕĭ ĖťŨĿƦƌ ł Ņ ł ƁƉĿĥ Ō ťƍŶŵũƊŨ ňŅòł ł ł ł ĶűƊŨ ň ň ťƕĭĮ :űũƕĪ Ņ Ō Ņ ĭĭĬĪ ł ł ň ƧĪ ljƢŅ Ņ ƕŴƏŏ ƎƉň ƎƀƇŶĪ ł ł ĖƥƉƦƤƌ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ň ł ł ň ň ŁŴũźŨ ŏ Ņ ŦĭĬ ƨƉĪ ƈƕĭ ųũíƆ :ŦŁŴƍƊŶƢƉ ô ňł ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ň ƈƄíƆ ĖƨƖƌĪ ťƖŨ ŧĿŁŤŨ ŦĭĬô Ō ƻĥĪŌ ťƍƀƄƌ Ņò ł ŁŴƤƀŨ Ņ ł ĬŴŬŨ Ņ ô ƻĥ ťŶŵŨĭ ŏ Ō Ņ ň ťƀƉ ñ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ :ťƕĿĥĪ ł Ō ł ł ň Ņ ł ħƞƕ ň ò ŏ ķĭųſǓŁ ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƋƀƄŶĪĭ ł ťƍŶŴƣ ĖųƍƍźŨ ň Ņ Ņò ł ĭĭĬ ł ô ƎſƦƣŅ Ļĥ ĭĭĬ ł ô ƎƀƍŶŵũƉ ŌŅ ł ň ò Ō ťƀƉ :ťƤƀŨ ł ł ŏ ò ł ƁƏĥ ŏ ł ò ŏ ƎƉň ťŶŵŨ Ō ĭł Ņ ň ƈƠƣĭ ĖķĭųƀƉŴƘ ňŏ ňò ķĭųƀƉ łŅ ł ň ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ł ƈźƟ :ŧĿŁĥ ųǀŨ ŦƦíƇƉ ľŴƘŁĪŅ ťƀíƇźƆ Ņ Ō ŏ ň ł ň ł ł ł ł ƎƉĪ ĖŦƼŶĭĽ ƎƉ ŸƄƤƉ ŦŁŴƉł įŵũƉĪ Ō Ņ űƃł ĭĭĬ ŏ ŏ ł ŏ ò ł Ņ ň ĭĭĬ ł ƎſƢźƌ ł ķŴƕĭŵƌĭ :ķĭųƀƍƤíƆ Ņ Ņò Ņ ň ô Ņ ł ł ò Ō Ņ ô Ņ ň Ō ĖŦƦũŹň ƨƉ ŧƢũū IJűſŤŨ ŦƦũŹ ŦŁĥŁĭ Ō ŏ ťƤƍƀƍũƆ Ō Ō ò DŽƄŨ Ņ ô ŻƀƙŶ Ņ Ņ łò ł ĿűƖƌ ł ł ŦĭĬ :ƎƀƊƄƏ ň ň ňò Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ň ƨƄƌĪ ĖťŶŵŨ ťƀíƇźƆ ŻƆ ljĬŅ ƈźƉĭ Ņ ťƍƀŨƞŨĭ ŅŅ ň ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ťƀƙƣĭ Ņ ł ťũŹ :ťƀƍŶĭĿĭ ň Ņ ł łł ł ł ňŅ Ņ ł Ėųƿŏ ŧĿŁƧ ĿűƖƌĪ ƈƕ ŧĪĬ ŦĭĬô ƢƖƏ
When you hear that he cursed the children, you should not imagine That his anger got the best of him and that he was prepared to demand recompense for his insult. He was a completely good tree that produced no Bad fruit, for all of his fruit was splendid. A man who possesses the power of resurrection and prophecy Does not do any bad thing out of anger, as you might say. The only reason he bothered to curse them was to gain something, He would not have consigned the children to the bears on account of his insult. Do you, then, imagine of Elisha That because he was insulted, he had them slain because of a bad temper? Do you not see how splendid are his deeds, That everything was needed for healing and for human Life? Phineas, who killed to keep Death away from the camp, Would we say, then, that he was actually a killer since he killed? The splendid man carried prayer in his heart and a spear in his hand, So that in every possible way he could prevent the Death that was gaining strength. And it is not said that he killed and prevented, but rather that he prayed. For the fact that he killed as if through prayer was what was needed. That Seer of secret things looked at his intention And considered the fact that he killed in order to help to be a prayer.
Cf. Matt 7:17
Num 25:7ff.
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
ł łŅ Ņ ňò Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ƧŅ ťƀíƇźƆ :ƅƆŅ ƢũƏŁ ŻƆĪ Ʀƌĥ ťƉ ô ł ň ň ł ł ň ƗƊƣĪ ň Ņ ň ň Ņ ł ĖŦĭĬô ŪƀŹŁĥ ĬƢƕĽ Ņ ƗŨƦƌĭ Ņ Ņ ĬƦƊŶĪ ň ŏ ĬǁĮ Ņ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō :ŦĭĬô űũƕ Ƨĭ ųƿ ťũŹ ŦĭĬô ťƍíƇſĥ ň Ō ł Ō ķĭųíƿĪ Ō Ō ł IJĬĭǓŤƘ ŏ ŏ ťƤƀŨ ł ô ƎſƢƀƙƣ ň ò Ō ŧǓŤƘ ĖĭĭĬ ô Ņ ŏŌ ł ň ò Ō łł ň Ņ ł : ŦŁŴƀũƌĭ ƼŶ ųŨ ƻĥĪŌ ŧƢũū ł ł Ņ ł ŦƼƉ Ņ ň Ņ ƧŅ Ņ ô űũƕ Ņ ŏ ŦƦƤƀŨŌ ŦĭĬ ĖƦƌôĥ ƢƉĥĪ ƅſĥ ŦŵūĭƢŨ ł ł ŏň ň ò ł ł ƋƏŅ ƧŅ ĿŁŴƌĪ Ŵƭ :ķŴƌĥŏ ŻƆŅ űƃŅł IJĬŴƘĥ ôň ňò Ņ ň ł ŏ ň ň ò Ņ ł ň ĖŦĭĬô ƋƇƤƉ ĬƢƕĽ ƈźƉ Ō ň Ƨ ł ťŨűíƆŅ ťƀíǑ ł ň ł Ņł Ņ Ņ ł :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ ƅƆ ŧƢŨƦƐƉ ł ł ł Ɓƃň ťƍƃĬ Ō ň ł ň Ō Ō Ņ Ņ ĖťƤƀŨ ťũíƇŨ ťũſǔŶ ň ƁƉĿĥ įŵŨŁĥĪ ƈƕĪ ł ł Ņ Ō ł ťƊƃ Ņ ĬŁűƀũƖŨ Ņ ò Ō ł Ʀƌĥô ĿŤŶŅ ƧĭŅ :ķǔƀƙƣ ňò ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ Ņ ô ŸƤŶƦƉ ł ł ň ťƤƌĥĪ Ņ Ņ ô ťƀŶĭ ĖŦĭĬ ŦŁŴƀƏŤŨ ƈƃĪ Ņ Ō ł ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ł ň Ō :ŦƻƢƤƉ ƎƉ ŦŁŴƉ ł ƨƃĭ ƈźƟĪ ƑŷƍƀƘ ŏ ł ł ł Ņ ł Ō ň Ņ ƢƉŤƌ ĖŦĭĬô ƈźƟĪ ƈƕ ĭĬô ƧŴźƟŅ ĻĥĪŅ ƎſűƉ Ņ ŏ Ō ĬűſŤŨ ň ň ŦŁŴƆĽ Ņ ô ƎƀƖŹ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ň Ō ťŷƉĭĿĭ Ņ ŏ ųũíƇŨ :ťſĬĮ Ņ ł ň ň Ō ŏ ŏ ł Ņ ô ƎƤƕƦƉĪ ł ł ň ŦŁŴƉ ĖŦĭĬ ƨƄƌ ƎƀƏǓŴƘł ƈƄŨĪ Ņ Ņ ň ł ł Ņ Ō ł Ƨĥ ƨƃĭł ƈźƟĪ ň ƧĭŅ :ƁƆĽĪ ŧƢƉĥƦƉ ł ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ł Ņ ô ŸƤŶƦƉ ł ł ň ŦŁŴƆƞŨ IJųŨĪ ĖŦĭĬ ƅſ DŽ Ņ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ł ł źƟĪ ň Ņ ň :ŦŁǔſƦƏĪ ťſŵŶ ĭĬŅ ƢŶŅ ųƍƀŨƞŨ ł ł Ņ ŏ ųũƤŶĭ Ņ ô ĿűƖƌĪ Ņ ô ƈźƟĪ ł ł ł ŦĭĬ ñŅ ł ĖŦĭĬ IJųíƆ ŦŁŴƆĽ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET And so it is with all those sublime and enlightened ones— They are moved by the Spirit to perform certain acts in order to be helpful. Even when they kill, from their perspective they wish to give life, For their intention, like that of God, is beyond Evil. The spiritual person is invisible to the merely animate person through his actions, Who is unable to understand his intentions as they are performed. And because of this, he also is misled when he looks at him To imagine one thing instead of the other about the spiritual being. Thus when you look at Elisha, look how The entire man was full of Spirit and discernment, And he did all of the things he did With his soul intertwined with God, in order to help, with a good heart. His heart was bound up with God by the Spirit that he had received, And he was not able to function effectively without it. His soul was enlightened by the Lord, who was dwelling within it, And he would not stumble, for he journeyed with Him as if by the light of day. The man had become great with divine riches, From that treasure that his master had given him when he was ascending. He had taken the great key, that opens and shuts all of Creation, So that he could serve as steward of God’s house. XIII. ELISHA’S NUMEROUS PROPHETIC RICHES Look, discerning one, how manifold were his wondrous deeds, And learn from them about his limitless authority.
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łò ł ň Ņ ň Ņ ŏ ŏ ł Ņ Ņ ŏ ƁƍŨĭ :ŧĿĬŴƌ ťƉǓ ƎƀƆĬ ķĭųíƿ ƎƃĬĭ ŏ ł Ō Ņ ťŶĭƢŨ ł ň Ņ ŏ ƈƕł ƎƀƖſĮ Ņ Ņ ŏ ĖĭĿűƖƊƆ ljǔƕŴƏ Ō Ņ ťƉŅ ĻĥŅ ň Ņ ķŴŷƌŏ ł ƎƀƇźƟĪ ŏ ł ň ƎƉň ƎƀŨĽ :ķĭųſĪĥĽ Ņ Ņ ò Ō ň ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ŅŅ ł ł ĖŦƦƤƀŨ ķĭųƍƀŨĽ ĶĿ ŦųƭĪ ƅſĥĪ ň Ņ ò Ō ƎƉ ň ł Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉň ťƍŶĭĿ Ņ Ņ ŏ ĭĬô ťƍū :ĬŁűƀũƖŨ ň ťƍƤƙƌ Ņ ł ň ťƉŅ ĬŁŴŨĽ ŏ ł ŦƞƉ Ņ ò ň ƈƕł ĶŴƠƌĪ ň ƧĭŅ ĖķǔƕƦƐƉĪ łŅ Ņ ŏ ň ł ł ň ĻĥŅ ljĬ Ņ Ņ ƈźƉĭ ťƉ ƈƟƢƕƦƉ :ųŨň ĿŤŶĪ Ņ ł ł ň ĶűƉ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈƕł ƢũƐƌ ň ň ĶűƉ ň ň ƚƇŶĪ ĖťƍŶĭĿ ł łŅ Ņ ł Ō ň ŏ Ņł Ņ ł ťƉ ƗƤƀƆŤŨ Ʀƌĥô :Ʀƌĥ ôŅ ĿŤŶĪ ň Ņ ŏĿŴŶŅ ťƍƃĬ ň ŏ Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ ł ĖŦŁŴƣĭƢƘĭ ŦĭĬ ƨƉ ťŶĭĿ ŧƢũū ųƿĪ ô ŅŌ Ņ Ņ ł ł ŏ ł Ņ ŏ ƈƃĭ ň ł ƨſŵƕ ĬŴƌǔƕŴƏ :ųƤƙƌ ŦųíƆŤŨ űƃ IJ ô ł Ņ ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ĿűƖƌĪ Ņ ô ƢƖƏ Ņ Ņ ťũíƇŨ Ņ ň ŦĭĬ ł ł ł ķĭųíƆ ĖťũŹ Ņ ł ł ł ťŶĭƢŨ ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƢƀƏĥ Ņ űſĽň Ō ô Ŧųƭ Ņ ŏ ųũíƆ :ƈƠƣĪ Ņ ł ň ƧĭŅ Ņ ô ŸƄƤƉ ň Ņ ŏ ƈƕł IJĬĭűƖíƇŨ ĖljǔƕŴƏ ô ł ň ĺĭŵƌŏ ŦĭĬ ň ł ťſƢƊŨ Ņ Ōł Ņ ô ŧƢƣĪ Ņ ô ŧƢſųƌ ň ł ŁĭĬ Ņ Ņ ųƤƙƌ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ :ųŨ ň ň ƧĭŅ Ņ ô ŧĪĿň Ņ ųŨň ťƊƊſŤŨ Ņ Ņ Ō ƅſĥĪł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƈƟŁƦƉ ĖŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ŧƢũū Ņ ł ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ħƢſň Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ŧĿŁŴƖŨ :ťſųƭ Ņ Ō Ņ ň ň Ņ űƃł ųŨĿ ň ł ųƆň ħųſĪ Ņ ô ơƇƏ ł ŦƦƊƀƏ ĖŦĭĬ IJĬ ƎƉ ô ł Ņ Ņ ň ł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ň įƦƘĪ ťŨĿ ŧűƀƇƟ :ŦƻǔŨ ƈƃ űŶĥĭ Ņ łł ł ŏ ł ŦĭĬ ł ň ŦƼŨĿ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ Ņ ô ƈƠƣ ĖŦųƭ ƅſĥ ĶŴƠƌĪ ň Ņò Ō ł ťƊƃ Ņ ĬŁĭǔũŬŨ Ņ ł ł ťƣĭƢƘ Ņ ŏ Ņ ĿŴŶŏ :ķŤƀŬƏ Ņ ł Ō ƎſųƍƉĭ ň ň ňŅ ŏ ƈƕł ƚƇſ ł ł ň ƧĪ ųƍźíƆŴƣ ĖƅſƦƐƉ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Three kings demanded that he give them water to drink, And whatever was demanded, he was able to provide lavishly. A great thirst confronted the kings and the armies, And it forced them to petition Elisha. He was a wealthy, godly person, whose wealth was reliable, And the kings of the Earth trod his threshold like paupers. The generals and lords, in their time of want, Came to his gate so he would fulfill their needs. The poverty of this World is full of riches, Just as its riches are poverty for those who are discerning. That rich man did not have any gold or silver, Nor possessions, or buildings in this World. But he did have the ability to cure the waters when they were polluted, And to heal the sickened springs if they asked him, And to hold back Death and give Life to human beings, And to command the beasts of the forest to do his bidding, And to create lakes in a thirsty land for the armies, And to transform water into oil where it was necessary. And to give barren women children from their wombs, And if the occasion arose, to give life to the dead when he was petitioned, And to sweeten bitterness when it encountered him, And to multiply a small bit of bread through his prophesying, And to purify someone with leprous flesh if he touches him, And to see all secret things with a prophetic eye,
2 Kgs 3:16ff.
2 Kgs 2:19–22
2 Kgs 2:24 2 Kgs 3:16ff. 2 Kgs 4:1–7 2 Kgs 4:16–17 2 Kgs 4:34
2 Kgs 4:43 2 Kgs 5:1–14
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
ň ň ł Ņò ł Ōò ł Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ƎƀƄíƇƉ :ķŴƌĥŏ ťƠƤƌĪ ťƀƉ IJĬŴƖŨŁ ŦƦíƆŁ ô ŌŅ Ō ł ň ň ł ň ł ň ł ł ĖƻĥƢſƦƕ ƗŨŁŁĥĪ ƎƄſĥĭ Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ĵƦƌ ňò ł ŸƄƣĥ Ņ Ņ ł ťſĬĽ Ņ ň ł ťŨĿ :ŦŁŴíƇƀŶĭ ťƄíƇƊŨ ŦĭĬ ôň ƗŬƘ Ō ň ł ł Ō ň űſĽĭ ň ĖIJųƀƌŴƐƀƙƌĪ ô Ņ ň ŏ ł ķŴƌĥŏ ƎƃĿĥŅ ł ƗƤƀƭ Ō Ō ł ťſųƭ Ņ ł ŏ ƢſƢƣĪ Ņ ô ŧƢſƦƕ Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ ň ŏ ň :ĬĿŁŴƕ ł ň ò ł Ņ Īł ųƀƄíƇƉĭ ň Ō ò ň ƅſĥ ťƕĿĥ ñ ĖĬƦƘŴƄƏĥ ŴƣĪŅ Ņ ťƍƄƐƉ ňò ł ł ł ŏ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ł Ņ ƨƀŶ ƁŨǓ :ŦŁĭǔƉĭ ň ł ł ķĭĬŁŴƠƀƍƐŨ łň ň ł ò Ņ ŏ ŏ ŏ ł ĖķĭųƀƍƠƌŴƏ ķĭųíƆ ƨƊƌĪ ĭŁĥ ň ųƕĿƦíƆ Ņ ŏ ljĬ Ņ Ņ ĬŁŴƍƄƐƉ ŏŌ ň Ņ Ņ ťƊíƇƕĪ Ņ ł ŧĿŁŴƕ :ťƀíƇƉ Ņ ŏŌ ň ň ŏ Ō ŏ Ņ ł IJĬô ŦŁŴƍƄƐƉ Ņ ƅſĥł ĖƎƀƣĭƢƘűƆ ĬĿŁŴƕ ĻĥĪ Ņ Ō ł ĭųíƆ Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ƧŅ ťƉŤƏĭ Ņ Ō ťŨĬĪ ł ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ł :ŧƢſƦƕ Ņ ň Ņ ò ň Ƨĭ ťƍƀƍƟ ň Ņ ò ň ƧĭŅ Ņ Ņ ťƍƀƍŨ Ņ Ņ ťƊíƇƖŨ ĖljĬ Ņò ł ťƏŤƌ Ō ł ň ťƉŅ ťƀƊíƆ ň ł ƎſĪň ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƻĥŌ :ƎſĬƢƃƦƉĪ ň ł ťƕǔƉ ň Ņ ķĥň ƋƇŷƌ ň ł ťƕŴũƊíƆĭ ň òŏ ł ł ĖųƆň ƎƀƖŨ Ņ ł ň ň ň ňò ł Ņ Ņ ò ł ł ťƀŶ ĵƦƌĭň ŦŁŴƉ :ťƤƍƀƍũƆ Ņ Ņ ò ƨƄƌĭ Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ł ł ł ƈƕ ĪŴƠƙƌ ťũƕĪ ŦŁŴƀŷíƆĭ ĖIJĬŴƌǔƕŴƏ ôŅ ňò ł ň ň Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ ł ò ł ťƊūĥ ŦƻĬĽ ťƕĿŤŨĭ :ŦŁŴíƇƀŷíƆ ł Ņ ň űũƖƌ Ņ ň ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ô ƚƇŷƤƌĭ ò ł ł ĖŁƞƭĪ ťƄſĥ ťŷƤƊíƆ ň ťƀƉ ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņò ł ŦŁǔƠƖíƆĭ Ņ ł ł ň ł ò ŏ ƎƉň ĵƦƌň ťƀƍŨ :ƎſųƀŨŴƕ Ņ Ō ňł Ņ Ņ Ņ ň ł ł ň űƃł ŦƼƉ ĖƚƤƃƦƉ ŁĭĬô ŦĽƢƕň ķĥĭ Ņ ŏ ťŷƌ ň Ō ł ň Ņ ł Ņ ô ƨŷƌĪĭ ł ł :ųŨň ƦƖŬƘĪ ťƉ ŦŁĭƢſƢƊíƆ ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ťƊŷƇíƆ Ņ ł ŦĭŅ Ĭô ťŬƐƌĪĭ ŏ Ō ł ŧĿŴƕĮ ň ł ł ĖĬŁŴƀũƍŨ ňł ł ň ò ŏ ťŨƢū Ņ ô ťƃűƌĭ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ł Ņ ķĥň ťƊƣŴūĪ :ųŨň ƗŬƘ Ņ Ņ Ņ ò ł Ņ ł Ŧŵŷƌĭ ň ň ŏ Ō ł ťƍƀƖŨ ĖŦƼƐƃ ƈƃŏ ŦŁŴƀũƌĪ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET And to impose leprosy on someone who steals from him and lies, And to make wood sink into a river, which is not normal, And to make iron float on top of water, which is not natural, And to see ambushes of kings by means of the Spirit, and reveal them, And to pray and open eyes that had been shut, And for fiery horses to go along with him where he was walking, And to close the eyes of the enemies of God’s realm, And to see all events from far away as if they were close., And to make armies flee at the sound of weaponry without any fight, And to give plenty to cities through his prophesying, And to fell the kings’ warriors with his word, And to envision the secrets of future events through revelations. And to reveal their deaths to kings when they have become ill, And to prophesy who will rule before he rules, And to anoint kings so that they arise heroically, And to give strength to the fighters in their battles, And for them to ask Life of him for the dead if he is near, And to demonstrate his power through every kind of spiritual richness. XIV. THE INDEBTED WIDOW That poor man, who had had not acquired any gold or silver on Earth beside God, Could perform quite well using these riches, He had nothing, yet he was rich with everything, And whatever he was asked for, he gave to the needy and enriched them. A certain widow, who was being pressed by creditors, Made him an offering of tears due to her need.
2 Kgs 5:27
2 Kgs 6:1–7 2 Kgs 6:15–17 2 Kgs 6:20 2 Kgs 6:17 2 Kgs 6:18 cf. 2Kgs 4:27 2 Kgs 7:6 2 Kgs 7
2 Kgs 8:9ff. 2 Kgs 8:12
2 Kgs 4:1
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
ň ł ň Ņ ťƍſƧ Ņ ł ƥũíƇƌĭ Ņ ł ťŨƢū ł ł ŪƍūĪ :ųŨň ƈūň űƉĭ Ņ ł ťƐƀƠíƆ Ņ ô Ɨũźƌĭ ł ł ł Ņ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ł ƧĪŅ ŧĿųƍŨ ĖŧűƀƖŨ Ņ ł Ō ł Ņò ł ƎƉň ƈƖíƆ ň ƧĮƢƘ Ņ Ņ ł ƧĪŅ ťƀƉ :ťƍƀƄŨ ƚƀź ňò ł ňò Ō Ņ ŏ ň ƌĭ ł ň ň ł ŏ ĖķŴƌĥô ťƏƢƙƌĭ ťƄíƇƉĪ ljŤƊƃ ťŶĭƢŨ Ŧŵŷƌĭ łò Ņ ò Ō ł ň ò ł ł ň Ņ ň ł ł :IJĭĬô ķűƀŶĥĪ ťƍƀƕ įƦƙƌĭ ŦĭĬô Ƨƞƌĭ Ņ ŏ ťƤƃǓ ň ł ł Ƣƃł ŧĿŴƌĪ ň ł ķĭĪƢƌĭ ŏ ň Ņ ł ųƊƕ ĖƅƆųƉĪ ňò Ņ ň ł ň ò ł ŏ ň ň ťũŨűƇƖŨĪ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ :Ŧųƭ ťƍƀƕ ĪŴŶŤƌĭ Ņ ŏ ŏ ŏ ł ƅſĥĭł Ņ ň Ō ŏ Ņ ň ĖƎƀƌǔƕŴƏ ƈƃŏ ťƠŶĭƢŨ ŦŵŷƌŅ ťŨĿŴƠŨĪ ň Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ƨƀŶ Ņ ł ƨƠŨ ò ł ľƢƖƌĭ Ņ :ťƣĭǁŁ ƧĪ ň ťƍſĮĪ ň ň Ņ Ņò Ō ł Ņ ł ĵƦƌĭ ŏ Ō ł ťƖũƏ ĖŦƦƍſűƊƆ ĬŁŴƀũƍŨ ň ň ł ň ň ňò ł ň Ņ ł ł ĬƦíƇƊŨ ŧǔũƍŬíƆĭ :ķŴƌŏDŽƙƤƌ Ņ Ņ ò Ō ł ň Ņ ťƄíƇƉĪ ňò Ņ ô ň ł ł ň ĖŦŁűſƦƕĪ ŦĮǓĥô ľűũƌ ťƍƀíƇŬŨĭ ň ň ł ò ł ňò ł ł ŏ Ō ł ň ťƉŅ ťƄíƇƊíƆ :ķĭųſŁŴƉ ƈƕ ƎſĬƢƃƦƉĪ ƨŬƌĭ Ņ ł ň ł ŏ ł ňł ň ł ň ł Ƨűƕ ĖƅƇƊƌ ŴƍƉĪ ťũƌƦƌĪĭ ŌŅŅ ł ňò ƅƇƊƉ ŏ ŏ ł Ņ ô įŴƤƊƌĪĭ ŏ ň ł ťƄíƇƊíƆ ŦĭĬ :ƻĥƢũƍū ô ķŴƉŴƠƌ ň ň ŏ ł Ņ ŏ ł ò Ņ ŏ ĵƦƌĭ ň ł ł ťƍƣŴƕ ĖķĭųƀƣĭǁƦŨ ljƦŨǔƠƆ Ņ Ō ňò ł ň ň ŏ ň ň Ņ ķĥň ŦƼƊíƆ :ųƆň ħƢƟ ťƀŶ ųƍƉ ķŴƖũƌĭ ŏ Ō ŏ ň ŏ ł ň Ņ ň ł ł Ņ ĖųƇƀŶ ŦŴŷƌ ťƀƍŶĭǓ ƎſǓŁŴƕ ƈƄŨĭ ň ŏ ň Ņ ł ł ň ŧǓŁŴƕ Ņ ô ƅƘĬƦƉ Ņ Ō ň ĭĬł ŦĭĬ :ťƍƄƐƉ ƎƀƆųŨ Ņł ł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ ĖŦųƭ Ƌƕ ťƕĿŤŨ ťƍƟ Ƨ ťƉŤƏĭ ťŨĬĪĪ Ņ Ō ł ĶűƊíǀŨĭ Ņ ô ŧƢſƦƕ ň ň ŏ ł ĶűƉ ň ň ųƆň ƼƆł ŦĭĬ : ňŏ ł ł ň ò Ō ł ŏ ł ň ƎƉŅ ƈƃĭ ĖķŴƌĥ ĿƦƕĥĭ Ņ ťƠƀƍƐƆ ħųſ ô ł ł ƗŨŁŁĥĪ Ņ ł ł Ņ ň ò ŏ ƎƉň ŦĭĬ ň ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ Ņ ô ŦƞíƆĥƦƉĪ Ņ ŧűŶ :ťƕŴŨŁ ŏ ň ň ò Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ł ň ł ťƖƉűŨ ťƀŨĭƢƟ ñ Łűũƕ ĖųƍƠƌŴƏ ƎƉ IJĬĭĪĥĽ ô
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET The owner of the debt pressed her for payment, so she ran to Elisha To fulfill the role of her husband in her needfulness. The Lord is the husband of a widow, so in the Lord’s stead He was asked to give relief to the destitute woman. She latched on to him in God’s stead to fulfill for her The role of husband so that she would not be torn apart by the creditors. She knew of him that he was the steward of God’s house, Therefore she asked him to free her from the owner of her debt. For whom can a widow go to when she is in trouble If not to God alone, who is her husband. And since Elisha was steward of His house, she latched on to him To free her orphans from servitude to the debt’s owner. She ran to hand over their affairs to the Father of Orphans, For him to stand, as he had promised, for the unfortunate ones whose father had died. So, with a loud voice, she cried out thunderously before him For him to pay off her debt and free her children from servitude: “Your servant, my husband, has died,” the sensible woman said to him, “And the owner of the debt has now taken away the orphans to enslave them. You, yourself know that your servant was a worshipper of the Lord. Take his place for me, for the sake of the Lord whom he worshipped.”
cf. Jer 49:11
2 Kgs 4:1
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ł ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ł Ō ň űſĽň ƦŹĬĿĭ ñ :ƗƤƀƭ ťŨŴŶ ň ŧƢƉ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ł Ĭƞƭ ł ł ł ŏ ñ ñ ñ Ņ ƨƊƌĪ ĖĬŁŴƠƀƍƐŨ ĬƢũū ǁĭĪ ųíƆ Ņ Ņ ł ĬƢũū ł ł Ņ Ņ ƚƇŶĭ ł Ņ Ƣƀūň ŦƦíƇƉĿĥĪ ñ Ņ ł ĭĬô ťſƢƉ :ťſƢƉ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ň ň ťƣŤƙƌ ł ň ĭĬŏ Ņ Ō ŦƻŵŬƊƆĪ ĖűũƖƌ ŦĭĬô ƗŨŁƦƉ ň Ņ Ņ Ō ųƆň Ŧųƭ ł ł ŁĭĬ Ņ ô ťƄƀũíƆ Ņ Ņ ł ƚƇŶ ñ Ņ ƨƊƌĪ :ųíƆ ň Ņ Ņ ň ò ŏ ƎƉň ƑũƐŨŁŁ Ņ ł ǁĭĪ ł ŏ ł ł ƧĪ ŧƢũū ĖťƕŴŨŁ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ň ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ Ņ ô ŦƼŨ :Ŧųƭ ħĿĪň ųƆ ŁĭĬô ťƕűſ ň ň ł ųƍƉ ň ň ň ķŴūŏ űŨł Ņ Ņ ñ ł ŧƢƊíƆ ŧƢƤƌ ƦƖŨŁ ĖųŨŴŶ Ō Ņ ł ł ł ƎƉł űſĽň Ƣƀūň ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ Ņ ł ň ťƉŅ ĵĮĥŁ :ŦƞíƆĥƦƉĪ ł ň ŏ ł Ņň ŏ ŏ ŦųŅ Ņ ƭ ñ Ņ ł ŴſĭĬĪ űſĽ ĪŴŷíƇŨ Ƨĥ ĖĬƢũū ň łł ł Ō ň ł ň ň ł Ņ Ņ :ŁĭĬô ǂũƆ ųƆ ŦĭĬô ĬƼŨĿ ƗƤƀƭĪ ƈƕĭ ň ň Ņ ŧűũƕŴƣ ŏ ň Ņ ł ŧƢƉĪ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ųƀƉƻ ñ ò ł ľĭƢƙƌ ĖťŨŴŶ ł ň ňò ł Ņ ł ň ł ƦŹĬĿ ŏ ł Ņ ŏ ƈƖūŁĪ :ķĭųƀƌǔƕŴƏ ťƉƻĪ ťŨƧ ł Ō ł ŏ ň ŏ Ō ŏ ò Ō ł ň ƅſĥĪł ĖķĭĬŴŨĥŌ ƼƉĪ ťũƀíƇƖƆ ĶŴƠƌ IJĪĭƦƣĥĪ ł ň ųíƇƟ ł Ņ ŏ ł IJĬŴ ł ŏ ƦƠƕĮ ñ Ņ Ņ ĶĿŅ űƃĭ :ƻŤƉŴƕĿ ô ƉĪŴƟ Ņ ň ŏ ň ųƀƍũƆĭ ŏ ň ĬƦŨŴŶĪ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ľĭƢƙƌ ł ñ ò ł ĺĭƢƙƌ ñ ĖŧűũƕŴƣ ł Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ô ŧƢƉĥ ƼƉŌ ƁƇƖŨł Ĵűũƕ Ņ ł :ŦƼƍƊƖŹ ųƆ ŁĭĬ ň ň ł ňò ł Ō ň Ņ Ņ ł ŧƢƉĭ ĖķŴƌĥŏ űũƖƤƌ ťƉƻ ƅƀũíƆ ŦĬŅ ł ťŨŴŶ Ņ ô ƈŶĪ ł Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ł ťſƢƊíƆ ň Ņ ĻĥĪŅ Ʀƌĥô ĺűſł Ņ Ʀƌĥĭ :Ĵűũƕ ô ŏ ň ł ŏ ƁƆŌ ĶŴƟŏ ň ťſƢƉ Ņ ô ƈŶĪ Ņ Ņ ƈźƉ ň Ņ ųƆĪ ĖŦĭĬ IJĬŴƙíƆŴŶ ô
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET The sensible woman presented her case wisely So that the Prophet would be forced20 to take care of her affair— She said to him that her husband had died, and that he had been a God-worshipper, So that he would be concerned about both of her matters. She forced him to take the place of a husband for the widow And to free the Lord’s worshipper’s children from servitude. She knew of him that he was the Prophet of the One who had promised That He would repay the good obligations to the thousands of generations for those who love him. And it was that promise, placed with her as a pledge, That she asked the Prophet to fulfill for her on God’s behalf.
XV. THE MULTIPLICATION OF THE OIL The Prophet, too,21 as if justly indebted, Stood in God’s stead to repay all her obligations. Just as if his own name were in the contract He payed when pressed for payment, rejoicing that he could free the orphans. In God’s stead, he stood by the widow in need And fulfilled the role of her husband in her time of want. He was enquiring of her what she had with her in the house, And she informed him that she had some oil in a flask. So why did the elect Prophet enquire of the widow And learn what she had with her in the house?
Deut 7:9
2 Kgs 4:2
Jacob playfully uses the same word, űũƖƣ, for the debt-servitude of the orphans and Elisha’s being forced to accept the commission. 21 Literally, “as one indebted to Righteousness.” 20
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Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ł Ō Ņ Ō ł ñ :ŦƼƍƊƖŹ ųŨƢƣ ƦƇƕĥ ƻŤƊƀƄŶ Ņ ł ŏ ł Ō Ņ ô űũƕƦƤƌĪ ŏ ł ł ň Ņ Ņ ñ ĖųƌƢƕŴƏ ƈƕ ĶŴƠƌĭ ťƀũƌ ŦĭĬ Ō Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƈŶĪĪĭ Ņ ô ƼƉĪ ň Ņ ł ųíƇƖŨ ñ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ :Ŧųƭ ł ň ň ł ł ł ųƆň ŁĭĬ Ņ ô ŁƢƉĥ ł Ō ųíƇſĪ ñ Ņ Ō ƎſųſŁĿƦŨĪ ĖĻĽŤƌ ł Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ň ň ł ñ Ņ ł ƅſĥ ĶŴƠƌŏ ŦƦíƇƉĿƧĪ :ĬƢũū ŁĭĬô ĬŁűũƖƣ łò ł ň Ņ ƁƍŨĭ ŏ ň ň Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ĖŧűũƕŴƣ ƎƉ ľĭƢƙƌ ťſƢƉĪ ųƇŶĪ Ņ Ņ ł ĭĬô ŏ ųƀũƌĪ Ņ ô ťƕűſ ň Ō ł ųƆň ŁĭĬ Ō ł ň ĭĬĪ :IJĪĭƦƣĥĪ ň ň Ņ ň ňŅ ò ł ł Ņ ťƊŶǔƆ ò ŏ ŧǓĪĪ ò ƨŨŴŶ ň Ņ ťũŹ ĖĺƢƘ ťƙíƆƧĪ ł ň ň Ņ Ņ ň ł Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ñ ŦĭĬô ƋƀƏĪ :ťƍƄƤƉ ƅſĥ ųſĪĥĽ ťſĪĭŴƣŏ ĭĬĭ ň ŅŅ ł Ņ ñ Ņ ł ł ťƀũƍƆ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ƦƖŨ ĖŦųƭ Ņ ŏ Ō ł ƚƇŶŅ Ņ ł ųíƆ ł ƨƊƌĪ Ņ Ņ Ō ĭĬŏ Ļĥ ťũƀŶ ƅſĥ ťƀũƌ Ņ Ņ ò :ł ŦŁŴƠſĪĮĪ ŏ ň ƋƟŅ Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ ô ĺĭƢƙƌ Ņ Ņ ł ƚƇŶ ñ ĖĬƦŨŴŶ ƈƃŏ ŦĭĬ ň Ō ųƊƣĪ Ņ Ņ ň ŴŬŨ ň ł ťƉŅ ƅſĥł Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ųƇſĪ ł ŦĭĬ :ŧƢźƣĥ ňò ł Ņ ň Ņ ł ŏ ň ťƉƻĪ łł ň ł ƗŨŁŁĥ ĖľĭƢƙƌ ŦĭĬô ŧűŶ ł űƃ ħųſĭ ô Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ō ł ŦƦíƇƉĿƧ Ņ ô ťƠƀƍƏĪ Ņ Ņ ł ƚƇŶ ƋƟŅ Ŧųƭ :Ņ ŁĭĬ Ō ł ĬƢũū ł ŏ Ņ ô ƁƇƉ ñ ŏ Ō ł ųíƆ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ ñ Ņ ł ǁĭĪĭ ĖĬŁĭƢƀƐŷŨ ň Ņ ô ĵŤƤƉ Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ťƍƉĪ Ņ Ņ ł ĬƼũŨ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ ñ Ņ ł ųƊƕ ñ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ :ųíƆ ň ň Ņ Ō ŏ ł Ņ ň Ņ ñ ƻĥĪŌ IJĬŌ ĬƦƙƭĭł ĖŦƼŶĭƢƐƊŨ ťŷƤƉ ųíƆ Ņ ł ł ň ň Ō ňł ł Ņ Ņ ł :ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ƎƉ ƚƇſĭ ĵŤƣ Ɓƃ ťƍƊíƆĭ Ņ ł Ō Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ťƍƉĪ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ñ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ Ėťƀũū ťƀũƌ ŦƼũŨ ųƊƕ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET He motivated himself to perform a sign in the widow’s house And to cause whatever she had to increase and overflow. He had been given ability by God, by the Spirit he had received, That he could increase, diminish, and transform Creation. Therefore he asked her, “what do you have?” So that he could increase for her whatever she had found. Had she had something else with her in the house, He would have increased that and would provide her with support using what she had. So when she informed him that she had some oil, he intended To fill her whole house with oil so she could become rich from it. Elisha had received that great key of Elijah’s, To open and close Creation as steward. So by that power that first took shape22 in the widow’s house The flask was blessed so that its oil would be multiplied. His master had taught him and the Lord had given him the power To command Creation—that it serves him through its natural elements. Therefore he enquired what there was in the widow’s house So that he could summon Creation that was already present there23 to serve.
22 The precise meaning of this image, literally “the horn erupted,” is unclear to me. Perhaps, alternatively, something like “revealed only a portion?” 23 Var. B: “which was praiseworthy.” The M text is obviously to be preferred, but in fact the scribe of M seems to have been uncertain and wrote the kaph somewhat larger and more beth-like than normal.
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Ņ ł ł ň Ņ Ņ ň ň ň ł Ōł : ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ƼŨ ŦŁĥ űũƖƌĪ ųƤƙƌ ƗſĮĥ ł ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ň ň ň ł ųíƆ ñ ŦĭĬô ťŬƐƌ ñ Ņ ƻĥĪŌ ĶűƉĭ ĖŁĭĬô įŁĿƦƣŁĭ ųíƆ Ņ ň ł ł Ƣƕŵƌĭ Ō ł ųíƆ ł ł ťŬƐƌ Ņ ô ƚƇŷƤƌĭ ň ł ŦƻƢũƆ ñ Ņ :ŦĭĬ ł ł ň ł ł ťŶĭƢŨ Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŻƆƦƣĥ Ņ ŏ Ŧųƭ ĖƈƠƣĪ ňł ŅŅ ŏ ň Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ô ĵŤƤƉ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ ljųíƇźƉĭ :ƁƄƆň ƻĥ ťƍƉĪ ųíƆ ň Ņ Ņ Ō ň Ņ Ņ ł ųƆĪ ł ł ň ň ñ ŦĭĬô ťŬƐƌ ųíƆ ñ ŦĭĬô ŸƀƄƣĪ ĶűƉ ĭųíƆ ĖųíƆ Ō ň ň ŅŌ ŏ ň Ņ ł Ņ ñ Ņ ł ŦƼũŨ :ųƊƕ ŦĭĬô ƻĥ ĶűƉ ljƢŶĥô Ŵƭ ł Ņ Ņ ň ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ň ł ųƆň ñ ŦĭĬô ƑƌƢƙƉ ųíƆ ñ ƻĥĪ ƎƉ ƎƉĭ ŦĭĬô ťŬƐƉ ĖųíƆ ň ňł ł Ņ ƻĥĪŌ ĬƦƙƭ ò ł ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƋƏŅ ťŷƤƉ Ņ ň ųíƆ ñ :IJĬŴƘĥ űƃĭ ô ł ň ň ň Ņ ň ň ň Ņ ł ň ŏ ñ Ũ ųƿĪ ĖĿƦƕŁŌ ųƍƉĭ ťŷƤƉŌ ƨƊƌ ĬƼ ň ł ł Ņ ł ŧűƀƇƟ ň Ņ ł Ņ Ō ƈƠƣ ťƀƭĪ ĭĬ ťŨĿ :ƗƤƀƭ Ņ łł ł ŏ ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ň ł ĖŦƼŨĿ ƅſĥ ĪŴŶŤƌ įƦƙƌ ŦƻǔũíƆĪ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ł ł :ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ƼŨ ljƢƟ ƦƖũƌĪ ƨƀŶ Ƣƀūň ň ĭųŨ Ņ Ō ŏ ł ł ł ň ň ŦƼŶĭƢƐƉ ñ Ņ ň ťŬƐƌĪ ĖųŷƤƉ ǁƢŨŁĥ ųŨň Ņ Ņ ň ł ň ň ł ųŨĿ ň ł Ņ Ņ ųƙƭ :ŦƻǔũíƆ Ī ųƆ ħųſ ô ł ťſƢƉĭ ň Ņ Ŧĭųƌ ň ò ł Ņ ł ųƆň ƎƤƊƤƉĭ ň ň Ņ ò ł ł űƠƘ ĖƎſųƀƍƀƄŨ ň Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ł ƼŨ ŦĭĬô ƻĥ ťƍƉ ĵŤƣł IJĬŅ ƈƕĭ :ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ň ň ŁĭĬ ŏ ł ŧƢƠƌ Ņ ô ťŷƀ Ņ ƄŌƣĪł ŦƻƢũƆ ñ ĖĶŴƟŁĭ ųíƆĪ
And since he found some oil there, he commanded the oil and it overflowed. And the destitute woman’s need was met with it. After he had learned that she had some oil in the house with her, He told her to borrow empty vessels from her neighbors And then she and her family should come in and shut the door And fill the vessels with water. 24 So she did that And filled the vessels she had borrowed with water, and oil resulted. And the destitute woman’s house was enriched through the miracle that happened.
2 Kgs 4:3
Who, then, would give me a clear eye that sees the mysteries And a mouth empowered to speak of the secret things, And a soul full of the Love of the Lord and of Faith, And a revealed Word, that discernment motivates, And an ear that is full of great love and thirsts to listen To the splendors of the mysteries when they are spoken in their various kinds. With that widow who was complaining to Elisha A symbol was clearly drawn for one who studies it. The Prophet could have paid off the debt even without the use of oil, For had he commanded the creditor to do so, he would have forgiven it.
In the introduction to vol. iv Bedjan notes that the detail of turning water into oil is an invention of Jacob’s due to his typological thinking as detailed in the next stanza. 24
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ł ł ł ťŷƤƊíƆ ł ň Ņ ł ŸƄƣĥĪĭ Ņ ň ťŷƤƉ Ņ ň ƎƉŁ :įŁĿƦƣĥĭň űƠƘ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ŏ Ō ł ł ł ň ųŨň ŦƻŵŬƉĪ ñ ĖǂƉƦƏĥ Ō Ņ ň Ņ ĬŁŴƠƀƍƏĭ Ņ ł ň Ō ƎƉň Ņ ł Ņ ñ ñ ƻĥ ťŷƤƉĪ ŦĭĬň ô ƚƇſĪ :ųƊƕ ŦƼũŨ ųíƆ ňò Ņ ñ ň Ō ł ň ł Ņ ƢƉĥł ň ò Ō ljŤƉ ñ ĖťƠƀƙƏ ųƀũſǔƟ ƎƉ ĵŤƣŁĪ ųíƆ ň ô ł ŏ ň Ņ ł łò ł Ō Ņ ŏ Ņ ñ :ťƕĿŁ ĪŴŶĥŁĭ ĬƼŨ ƁƍŨĭ IJĬ ŁĭĬô ĵŴƕŁĭ ň ň ňò Ņ Ņò ł ķŴƌĥŏ ň ƨƉŁĭ ł Ņ Łűũƕĭ ł ň ljŤƊíƆ ĖƎƃĬ ťƀƉ Ņò ł ƦƇƉĭ ł ň ljňò ŤƉŅ ťƀƉ Ņ ł Ņ ƦƆŤƣĪ Ņ ň ųƆň ƋƟĭ :ťŷƤƉ ň ł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ŧĿĬƦŨ ł ł ł ĬƼŨ ñ ł ĿƦƕĭł ĖŦĭĬĪ ŦƻŵŬƉĪ ň Ņ ô ťſŵŶĪ Ņ ł ƁƆŌ ħųſ Ņ ł ťƍƀƕ Ņ Ņ ťƀƙƣ :ŦĮǓĥ ô ł ƎſĪň ƎƉł ňň ň ł Ņ Ņ ò ł ł Ō ł ťƉŴƘĭ Ņ ŏ ĖƎƀƌĥ Ņ džƊƌ ŦƼƐƃ ƈƕ ŻƀƇƣĪ ł ň ťƀíƇƉĪ ŏ Ņ ł ťſƢƉ Ņ ł ťƤƙƌĭ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ƦƊŶĿ :Ņ ŦŁŴƍƊſĬĭ Ņ ň Ņ Ō ŏ Ņ ųíƆ Ņ ťƖſŵƉĪ Ņ Ō ł ŦƼƇū ñ ĖŦŁŴƣŏ ĭƢƘ ŦƦíƇƉĭ ł ň ťſĬ Ņ ł ťŨŴŶ Ņ ŏ ťƀíƇƉĪ Ņ ň Ņ ł ljĪĥĭ ł ťŨĿ Ņ Ľĭ :ƗƊƣŁ Ō ł ň ťƉŅ ŦĮǓĥĪ Ņ ŏ ŏ ò ł Ō ň ƎƀƇíƇƉƦƉĪ ň Ņ ô ŧƢƘŴƣ ĖķĭųƀƊƄƏŤŨ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ô ťƍŬũƉĪ Ņ ł ł ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ł Ō ň űſĽň ŁĭĬ :ƗƤƀƭ łŅ ł Ō Ņ Ō ł Ņ IJųŨ Ņ Ņ Ņô ñ ĿŤŶűƆ ƻĥƢſųƌ ųŨ ñ ƢſĽŌ ŦĮĿĥ ĖųŨ Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ň Ņ ô ŦƞƉ ň ĬƦŨŴŶ Ņ Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ ň ƧĪĭł ťƀũƌ ñ ĺĭƢƙƌĪ :ťŷƤƉ ň ł ųŨŴŶ ň Ņ ŦĭĬ ň Ņ ķĥĪň Ņ ô ťƘƢƉ Ņ ô űƠƘ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ ñ Ņ ł ŧƢƊíƆ ĖųíƆ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET They offered him loaves25 and garments, but he would not take them, So he was unable to pay off the debt of the one who was complaining. He was going to ask the Shilumite26 what he could do for her. He was prepared say a word to the King on her account. Why did the one for whom it was easy to command kings about anything, then, Not command the creditor of that widow? Because of the mysteries that were manifestly accomplished through her Did he bring her in and shut the door behind her and her children.
2 Kgs 4:13
Our Lord is the breath of life of Prophecy, And there is no way for it to come into existence without His symbols. Unless He has inspired it, it has no power to function. For other than through his power, Prophecy has no foreknowledge. With that widow, who came in and closed the doors after her, Elisha depicted the mystery of the Church and of our Savior. He described the praiseworthy one when she is consecrating the Mysteries27 With the woman and her children who shut her door during the performance. “Come in and shut the doors after you and your children.” The Prophet commanded her in order to foreshadow the service of the Mysteries.
The word also means “talents,” i.e., large pieces of silver. See the introduction to mimro 118. 27 i.e., the Eucharist. 25 26
2 Kgs 4:4
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ň òł ň ł ň Ņ ƧĭŅ ųƆň ĭĭĬ Ņ ô ƈƠƣ ł ô ƎƀŨƢƠƉ Ō ł ŦƦŷƌĭ :ŦĭĬ ŧǔƄƃ Ņ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ň ł ň Ņ ñ ĖŦĭĬô ŸƄƤƉ Ƨ ťƍŬũƉĪ IJĬĪň ĬƦŨŴŶ ĺĭƢƙƌĭ Ņ ň ň ƎƉŅ ųíƆ Ņ ô ĵŤƤƉ Ņ ŏ Ō ł ŦƼƉŴƇƀƤíƆ ñ Ņ űũƖƌ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ :ųíƆ Ņ ň ł Ō Ņ ł ŦƦíƇƉ Ņ ô ŪƀŹŁĥ ł ł ň ųƀƙíƇŶ ñ ň Ņ ťƄíƇƊíƆ ĖŦĭĬ ƢƉŤƌĭ ňò ł ł ł ł ŏ ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō :Ɓƃ ťƍƉ ƈƕ ĪŴƠƙƌŅ ŦĭĬô ơƀƤƘ ťƄíƇƊíƆĪ ĭĬĭ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ł ň Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ĖŦĭĬô űƠƘŌ Ƨ ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ IJĬĪ ťŨŴŶ ŧƢƊíƆ ŏ ň Ņ Ō ł ųŨ ł ł ň ŦĮǓň Ņ DŽźƉ ñ Ņ ŴƤƉƦƣĥĪ :ƻĥƢſųƌ ô ňò ł ň ł Ņ ł űŶĥĭ ł ň ųíƇƕĥ ñ ňò ł ťƘŤŨĭ ñ ò ł ťƕĿŁ ñ Ņ ĖųƀƍŨĪ ųƀƘŤŨ ł Ō ł Ņ Ņ ŏŌ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ñ ñ Ĭĭƻĥ ųƟŴƏ : IJ ô Ō Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ķƢƉ ŏ ŦŁŴƀũƌĪň ųň ƤƙƌĪ Ņ Ņ ň Ėƻĥ Ƨ ťƏĿŴƘ ĶĭƦƉ ƎƉ ťŶŁ IJŅ ĬĭĮǓĥ ô ł ô űƖíƇŨĭ Ņň Ņ Ō ň Ƨ ųŨ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈƕł ťƖſĮŁƦƉ ñ Ņ Ÿƙƌł ƧĥŅ :ljƢƕŴƏ Ņ ŏŌ ł Ņ łŌ ł ň Ō ĖŦŁŴƀũƍƆ ƼƆ ųƇſűŨ ƧĥĪň ňò ł ň ł ł ŦƦƕűſ ł Ņ ň ł ň ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ł IJųŨ Ņ ñ :ųƀƘŤŨ ťƕǓŁ ŁűŶĥĭ Ņ Ōł ň Ņ ƦƇƕĪ ŏ Ņ ł ŦŁűƕĪ Ō ĬĮĿĥ ñ Ņ Ņô ĖƗƤƀƭ ĿĽ ƎƟł ĭƢƘĪĭ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ł ňŅ Ņ ł ł Ņ ñ :ŦƦŷũƤƊƆ ŦĮǓĥô ťƣűƠƉĪ ťƉ ł ųƊƣĿ Ņ ň Ņ ł Ņ ò ŏ ł ł Ņ ň ł ųƀƍũŨĭ ñ ñ ĖljƢƕŴƏ ƈƕ ųƕĿŁ ŁűŶĥĪ ŦŁƦƌŤŨ ô ň ł ò ł ƁƄƀƘŤŨ ň IJĪŴŶĥĭ ò ł ł ťƘŤŨĭ ò ł ł ťƕǓŁ ŏ ł ƋƆł ƁƆŴƕŏ :ƁƄƀƍŨĪ Ņ ň ň ł ŅŌ Ņ ł ň Ņ ô ŦƦƤƊƣƦíƆĪ ŏ ň ŦĮǓĥĪ ñ ĖĶŴƣƢƌ ťƀũƌ ĬűƠƘ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET She shut her doors and paid off her debt so that through her the Church Was foreshadowed—that it, too, closes its doors for the remission of its debts. She came in and shut the doors behind her as he said to her And poured out the water and filled the vessels as he ordered her. And the mystery was kept from outsiders, so they would not sense it. For she performed28 it among her children within her gates. Then Elisha, master of the mystery, sent the Spirit29 And it hovered there in the widow’s house within her gates, And by means of its hovering, the Spirit transformed the empty vessels That the mistress of the house had filled with water into oil, The woman’s debt was paid off by it, as she had pleaded, And her children were saved from servitude with the creditor. In her the image of the Church was clearly described, For it, too, with its children, enters and closes the doors behind it, And the Father, instead of Elisha, sends the Spirit to it, And through its hovering sanctifies the Bread so it becomes the Body, And indwells in the Wine, even making it into the innocent Blood, Filling its children with Life, as if they were empty vessels.
Var. M: “completed it.” Possibly “a spirit” rather than “The Spirit,” for which one might have expected ťŶĭƢƆ. 28 29
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ł ł ň Ņ ł ł ň ł ł ň ĬƦŨŴŶ ñ Ņ ƦƊƣĿŁĥĪ ñ ñ ň ŁűŶĥ :ųŨ ƦƕƢƘĭ ųƀƕǓŁ ł Ņ Ņ ň òł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō Ō ĻĥĪŅ ŦŁűƕ ñ ň ŧűŶĥ ñ ĖųƀƕǓŁ ųƀŨŴŶ ƎƠŨŴƤíƆ IJĬ ň ň ł ŁűŶĥĭ łň ł ň ƅſĥł ųƀƘŤŨ ł ň ƦƇƕ ñ Ņ ƢƉĥĪ ñ ò ł ťƕǓŁ :ųíƆ ňò Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ò ł ł ň ł ł ƅſĥł ljŤƉ ñ Ņ űƠƘĪ ĖųíƆ ƦƇƉĭ ťƀƉ ǂƐƌĭ Ņ Ō ŅŅ Ņ Ņ ô Ƣƀźƌ ł ł ň Ō Ō Ŀ Ƨĭ ťſǔŨ ƎƉň ŦĭĬ ŦĮĿĥĭ :ĭĭĬô ƎƀƤƀū ô ł ň ł ň ň ň ł Ņ ò ň Ņ ł Ņ ñ ñ ñ ñ ƼŨĪ ĖŁűũƕ Ĭűũƕ ųƀƕǓŁ ƎƉ ŴŬíƆ ųƀƍũƆ ųíƆ ň Ņ ƎſĪň ƗƤƀƭ Ņ Ņ ô ĬƢƉ ł Ōň ł ł ťŶĭĿ Ņ ŏ ŦĮĿĥĪ Ŀűƣ : ł Ņ ł ł ň Ņł ł ň ł ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ñ ň ƎƉň ŴŬíƆ ƼŨ ƎƉŁ ƦƙŶĿĭ ĖųƀƕǓŁ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ò ł Ņ ł ň ò Ō ňò Ņ :ŦƼŨ ƦƇƉĪ ťƠƀƙƏ ljŤƉĭ ň łŁƢƉň ťƀƉ ň ŏ ł Ņ Ņ ŏ ųƙŶĭĿ ñ Ņ Ņ ŏ űƀŨ ťŷƤƊíƆ ťŶĭĿ ĖķŴƌĥ ǂƘĬ Ņ ň ł Ņ ł ł ųŨň ŦŁƦƌĥĪł ĬƦŨŴŶĭ ł Ō ł ƅſĥ ƦƕƢƘŁĥ ł :ƦƐƀƘĥĪ ô ñ ň ň ł ň ň Ņ ł ŧƢƉĪŅ ŧűũƕŴƣ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉĭ ñ ò ťŨŴŶ ĖŴſƞƘŁĥ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ųƀƍŨ Ō ŦŁĿĭĽŏ ųŨ Ō ł ŦŁűƖíƆ ł ł ň ñ Ņ ƦƊƣĿŁĥĭ ňò :ƻĥƢſųƌ Ņ ł ň ŧƢŬŨĭ Ņ Ņ ƧŤƕŅ ųƀƍŨĭ ñ ł ťƕǓŁ ñ ňò ł IJĬŌ ĻĥĪŅ ĖųƀƘŤŨ Ņ ťŶĭĿ ł Ō ň ƚƇŶ łł ł Ņ ŏ ťŨĥŅ ł ųíƆ ñ Ņ ĿűƤƉĭ :ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ł ŦĭĬĭ ň Ņ ťƊŷƆ Ņ ł ťƣűƠƉ Ņ ł ųƙŶĭƢ ñ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ũĭł ĖŧƢŬƘ Ņ ł ťſƢƣĭ Ņ Ņ ł ťƉĪŅ ųƆň ŧűũƕ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĻĥŅ ŧƢƊŷŨ :ťƀƃĮ ň ò ł Ņ Ņ ñ ň ò ł ň ò Ō ňò Ņ ł ĖťƀŶ ťƀíƇƉ ųƀƍũƆ ťƠƀƙƏ ljŤƊíƆĪ ƅſĥĭł
That these mysteries were performed in the widow’s house Was not because the debt was too great for Elisha.30 There were only three people in her house for it to be performed— A trinity with a complete mystery without anything extra. The woman, along with her two children, were three; But it was one mystery, that was spoken of in a threefold way. Three spoke symbolically within closed doors, And poured and filled empty vessels with great wealth. The empty vessels were human beings, which were empty Of Life and of the divine Gift as well. And within the Church the Trinity pours out Life And fills them all with it’s treasure-laden Gift. With the entire event that took place there in the widow’s house, These mysteries that are within the Church were performed. That the Prophet told her to borrow vessels From both the street and from her neighbors and fill them, Describes how the Church takes people from all peoples Who are empty and fills them all with Faith. He said to her, “Borrow from the street and from your neighbors,” Corresponding to the Church taking from peoples and nations.
2 Kgs 4:3
Answering the implicit question, “why did Elisha not participate inside?”
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Ņ ł ł ň ł ň Ņ ł ł ň ŦĮǓĥ ň Ņ ô ƎƀƆĬ :ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ƼŨ ĭĭĬ ŴƤƉƦƣĥĪ ô Ņ ł ł Ņ ô ŦŤƀŬƏ Ņ Ō ł Ƣƀūň ĬƦŨŴŶ ł Ō ň ƎƉň ŁĭĬ ñ ĖƗƤƀƭ Ō ŏ ł Ņ ŴƆ ł ň Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ñ ƥƉƦƣŁĪ ĬƼũŨ ñ :ųŨ ŦĭĬ ƻĥ ĪŴŷíƇŨ ŦƦíƆŁ ô Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ł ŅŅ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō ĖŦƦƙƏĭŁ ƧĪ ťƊíƇƣ ŦĮĿŤŨ ŦŁŴſƼƆŁ ł Ņ ł ňò ł ň ł Ņ ô ł Ņ ŏ ò ñ :ķĭųſƦíƆŁĭ ųſűíƇſ ƎſĿŁĭ ŦŁƦƌĥô ŁĭĬô IJĬŌ Ō Ņ Ō ł ŅŅ Ņ ł ł ł ň ƻĥƼƆŁĪ Ņ ô džƉƦƉ ĖŦĭĬ ŦĮĿĥ ŦĭĬ űŶ ň ł ŅŅ Ņ Ņ ň ò Ō ň ł ôň ô ł :ŴLjƉ ŦĮĿŤŨ ô ŦƦíƆŁ ŧűƀŶĥň ô ťƕǓŁ ƎƉ ŴŬíƆ ł Ņ ł ł ŴƄƐƌĭ ň ò Ō ljŤƉ ò Ņ ŴƇƉĭ Ņ ł ł ĖťŨĿ ŧĿŁŴƕŏ ťƠƀƙƏ ňò Ņ ň ò Ō ljŤƉ Ō Ō ł ĭĭĬ ł ô ƎƀƠƀƙƏĪ ł ô ťƤƍƀƍŨ Ņ Ņ ò ł ťƠƀƙƏ :ĭĭĬ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ň ňò ł ň Ņ ĖŦŁĭųƭĪ ŦƦŨĬŴƉ ƎƉĭ ťƀŶ ƎƉ Ļĥ ňò ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō Ņ Ō ł ł :ťƀŶ ťƄƐƌ ŦŁŴſƼƆŁ ŦŁűƕ ŴŬŨĭ ňò ł ł Ņ ñ Ņ ł ł ň ŏ ŏ Ņ Ņ ĖŦŵū ŁƢƉ ĬƦŨĬŴƉ ƎƉ ķĭųíǀíƆ ťƀíƇƉĭ Ņ ł ł ň Ņł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň ŏ ŦĭĬĪ ŧűũƕ ųǀŨ :ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ƼŨň ƎƉŁ Ņ Ō ł ł ňŅ ň Ņ ł ô ŴƤƉƦƣĥ ł ł ŦŁűƕ ĖĭĭĬ ŴŬŨĪ ŦĮǓĥ ƎƀƆĬ ňò Ņ ł ň Ņ ł Ņ Ō Ņ ô ł ň Ņ :ljŤƉň ĵŤƣŁĪ ô ťƀũƌ ŦĭĬô ƢƉĥĪ IJĬŅ ň ň ŦŁƦƌƧ Ō ł ƎƉĭ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň Ļĥ ň ťƟŴƣ ň ŏ ñ ĖķŴƌĥ ƨƉŁĭ ųƀũſǔƟ Ņ Ņ Ō ò ł ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ŦŁűƕŌ ƨƠƣĪ Ņ ô ƋƣĿ ňŅ Ņ ŦĭĬ ł ŧĪĬ :ƎƀƊƊƕ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ŏ ŏ Ņ ň Ō ťƤƌĥ ò Ņô Ņ Ņ ťƠſǔƏ ĖŦŁŴƍƊſĬ ķĭųíǀíƆ ťƀíƇƉĭ ň ł Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ƁƆŤƣ ň ťƟŴƣ Ņ ô ƢƉĥł ƋƆł ƁƄƀũũƣ ò ł Ņ ƎƉĭ ñ Ņ ŦĭĬ :ųíƆ Ņ Ņ Ņ òň ň ň ò ł ň ŏ Ņ ĖŦŁűƕŌ ƨƠƣŅ ŦŁŴƉĥ ƎƉĭ ťƊƊƕ ƎƉ ŁŴƙíƆ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET Come and look how much her house full of mysteries resembles, For one who understands it, its31 gate full of riches. She filled each vessel that entered unto her empty. She borrowed empty ones and filled them richly. Thus does the Church do to the pagans and the outsiders Which it gathers to fill them up with Faith. It takes empty ones and produces filled and notlacking ones, Just like that woman who filled up the empty vessel and they overflowed. Outside her gates: chaotic, empty, and barren— While within her house: organized, filled, and completed. The Church fills up everyone who is devoid of God And makes him complete when it has brought him inside its gates. They would bring her empty vessels, and she would pour into them Until all the vessels that were empty were gone. And here she foreshadowed that filling up of all the peoples, All of whom enter unto God, and then—Fulfillment. Elisha depicted these mysteries with that widow When he commanded her to borrow empty vessels and fill them. That creditor who was prepared to take away her children And make them slaves—wears the likeness of the Slanderer. The sinner threatened to subjugate free men Like Satan, who subjugated human Freedom. The Prophet was zealous and released them from subjugation, And depicted the Son, who frees all from the Rebel.
i.e., the Church’s.
2 Kgs 4:5
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
Ņ ň Ņ ťƊƃ Ņ ô ťƉĪ Ņ ŦĮǓĥ ň Ņ ô ƼíƇƉĪ Ō ŦŁŅ ł ł ĬƼũíƆ ñ ł IJŵŶ :ŦĭĬ ň ŏ ł ł ñŅ ł ŅŅ ň ĺűſűƆ ł Ņ ł ŧǓŁŴƕ ĖųƆ ƼíƇƉĪ ųƕĿŁ ljųíƆ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ Ō ł ljŤƉ ŏ Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ƈƄíƆ ñ ťƠſƢƏ ƈƕĪ :ŁĭĬô ĬƦíƇƉ IJĬŌ ĬŁŴíƆ Ņ Ō ł ķŴƌĥŏ ň ƦƇƉĭ Ņ ł ƦƆŤƣ ł ň ťƠƀƙƏ ňò Ō ĖƻĥƢſƦƕ Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ň ò ł ŦŁűƕ ň Ņ ł ł ťƙƍŷíƆ :Ņ ťſǔũíƆĭ ň ň ň ŏ ŧűũƕŅ ƎƃĬ ł ł Ņ ł ŏ ŏ ĖŦŁŴƍƊſĬ ķŴƌĥ ƨƉŁ ķĭųíƆ ťƤƍƄƉĪ Ņ Ņ Ņò ł ťƊƀƠƉ ň Ō Ŷł ƧĭŅ ťƀíƇƉ ň ò Ō ƨƠƣ Ņ Ō ťƠƀƙƏ :ŧǔƀƐ ňò Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ł ťƠƀƙƏ ň ò Ō ljŤƉ ĖŴƖƙƣĭ ƦƇƉĪ ŦŁƦƌĥ ô IJĬ ƅſĥ Ņ:ťſŵŬƉĭ ň ò Ō ťŨǔŶ Ņñ ł ƎƉň ƢũíƆ ň ł ųƕĿŁ ł ò ł ł ł ťƠƀƙƏ ł Ņ Ņ ň ò ĬƼŨ ò ł ťƍƟŁ Ņ ł ò ł ł ťƀíƇƉ ł ł ñ ł ŴŬŨĭ ĖťƀíƇƊƤƉĭ Ņ Ō Ō ł ƎƉł ƈƄíƆ ŏ ťƀíƇƉ Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉň ơƀƙƏĪ Ņ Ņ ŦŁűƕ :ł Ŧųƭ ň ň ł Ņ ň Ņ Ņ Ō ł ĬƦíƇƕĥĪ ñ Ņ ƎƉň ŴŬíƆ ĖųƕĿŁ ťƉ ųƆ ŧƢƊū IJĬĭ ňò Ņ ñ Ņ ł Ō ň Ņ Ō ŏ Ō ł Ņ ò :IJĬ ķĭųŨ ťƄƐƌĭ ťƠƀƙƏ ljŤƉ ųíƆ ĭĭĬô ƎƀŨƢƠƉ ňò Ņ ŏ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ł Ō Ō ł ljŤƉ ł ô ƎƀƠƀƙƏĪ ĖĭĭĬ ķĭųíƿ ŴƀƘĭĥĪ ťƉűƕ Ņ ŏ ò ł Ņ Ņ ƦƊƣĿĭ ň ŏ ł ň Ņ :ťƊƊƕ ķĭųíƿĪ ťƀíƆŴƉŏ ĭĬł ťƃĿĬ Ō Ņ ň Ŧųƭ ŏ ŏ ƎƀƆŤƕĪ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ǝƃĭ Ņ Ņ ł űſĽň ķĭųíƿ ĖťƊíƆŴƣ Ņ ł ł Ņ ň Ņ ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ň Ņ ô ƎƀƆĬ ł Ō ň ĿĽŅ ŦĮǓĥ :ň ƗƤƀƭ ň ň ň ò Ō ňò Ņ ł ň Ņ IJųŨ ł ŏ ĖķŴƌĥ ƨƉŁĭ ťƠƀƙƏ ljŤƉ ĵŤƣŁ Ĭñ űƠƘĪ ł ň Ņ ł ň ŪƀŹŁĥĪ Ņ ł ŧƢƉ ł ň ĭĬł ťŨŴŶ ñ ňò ł ƢŨűƌ :ųƀƍũƆ ň ň ň ŏ ŧűũƕ Ņ Ō ĬŁŴƉĪ Ņ ł ň Ņ ŦĭĬ ň ò ł űũƖƌĭ ĖŦĽƢƠíƿĥĪ Ņ Ņ ł ô ł ƥƀũíƆ ň Ō łò ł Ņ ň ł ł :ƧŴƕ Ķŵū ŧǓŤŶŅ ƁƍũƆ ŦĭĬô űũƖƤƌĭł Ņò Ņ ŦŁĭĿŤŷíƆĪ ŏ Ō ł ťƍźƒ ň ł ťƤƌĥĪ Ņ Ņ Ņ ƅſĥ ĖűũƖƣ ôň ł Ņ ô ƎíŹĭ Ņ Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ķŴƌĥŏ ľƢł Ƙĭł ťƀũƌ :ŧűũƕŴƣ ňŅ ł ł ł ŧƢũƆ Ņ ł ĬĿĽĭ Ņ ŏ Ņ ƎƉň ƈƃŏ ĿƢŷƉĪ ĖŧĪĭƢƉ
ON ELISHA THE PROPHET That widow made use of water and oil, And paid off her debt, redeemed her children, and achieved relief for herself. This is the mystery of the water and the oil of Baptism— They pay the debts of the whole World. Praised be the One who redeems all.
ðýÙß~ áî ¾ÙâÊø
Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ Ņò ł ł ł ň ťŷƤƉĭ Ņ ň ťƀƊŨ IJĬ ŁĭĬ ƦŷƤŶŁĥ :ŦƦíƇƉĿĥ ô Ņ ł ł ň ĬƦŨŴŶĭ ł ň ųƀƍŨĭ Ō ƦƟƢƘ ł ł ň IJĬĭ ñ ňò ł ƦƕƢƘ ñ ĖƦŶĭĿŁĥ Ņ Ō ŏ ł Ņ ň Ņò ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ :ŦƻĪŴƊƖƉĪ ťŷƤƉĭ ťƀƉĪ ŦĮĿĥ ŴƌĬ ň ŏ Ņ Ņ ň òł ô Ō Ņ Ņ ň Ō ŏ Ėƈƃ ľƢƘ ƅſƢŨ ųƿ ťƊíƇƕĪ ťŨŴŶ ƎƀƕƢƘ ň Ņ Ō ƋƇƣ ł ťƀƉűƟ Ņ Ņ ł ŧƢƉŤƉ ł Ō ň ƈƕĪ .ƗƤƀƭ
INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title:The Second on Elisha and on the King of Moab who sacrificed his son upon the wall Source of Text: Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 4, pp. 261–296 and Mardin Manuscript 37, folios 54R–57V. [Homily 117] Lines: 300
OUTLINE This homily is devoted entirely to the exegesis of a single problematic biblical episode as told in 2 Kgs chapter 3: the war of the three kings against Moab and the King of Moab’s successful sacrifice of his son and heir upon the city-wall. There are no types adduced; there is no dramatic dialogue; very little of the biblical narrative is rehearsed; there is only the single overriding exegetical problem to be dealt with: Why was this sacrifice to a pagan deity apparently effective? In answering this conundrum, Jacob, as usual, reveals both his sensitivity to exegetical problems avoided or ignored by his predecessors and his independence from them.
SUMMARY I. Scriptural Exegesis requires Love and the Absence of Preconceptions (1–38) II. An astonishing and troubling Passage is encountered (39–66) III. The great Problem of the Passage (67–90) IV. The reason that the Lord responded to the pagan sacrifice (91–130) V. Even having just witnessed a Miracle, the Lord’s People doubted Him, while Moab’s King had faith in his Idol (131–160) VI. Abraham’s Descendants forgot his Faith (161–188) VII. Why God was not concerned that His Response would be misinterpreted (189–212) VIII. Nothing would have changed the participants’ Ideas (213–242) IX. Toward a proper understanding the meaning of the story (243–266) 77
X. The Lesson having been taught, the pagan’s punishment awaits the Day of Judgment (267–300) Bedjan’s text is based upon the single manuscript, British Library Add 17184. A few errors have here been corrected and interesting variants adduced based on the version preserved in Mardin ms. 37.
Scripture enlightens the soul’s eyes through study.32 Read, discerning one, and fill up with light from it through love. The Sun shines from divine scriptural readings Upon the minds of those who encounter them with discernment. Like lamps of a great light within the darkness God put Scriptures into the World so that it would be enlightened by them. The soul of the one who loves them is enlightened by scriptural readings And, possessing them, he walks as if in the great light of day. Draw near to Scripture, lovingly, and see its beauty, For without Love it does not allow you to see its face. If you read without Love you do not benefit, For Love is the gate through which a man enters unto understanding. Thus Scripture demands of you, when you have taken it up, Not to read in it unless you love it more than yourself. And it says to you, “If you read in me carelessly, I shall be reluctant to reveal any of my wisdom to you. Either love me, open, read, and see my splendors, Or do not read at all; for if you do not love me, you shall not benefit. Whatever idea you have of me when you have taken hold of me Is what I make myself into and am for you when I encounter you. If you are motivated by Love and the desire to understand me, I shall move all my riches to you, so that you may take them.
Reading the singular form, with M.
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
B 117
.ŵƀƟ. ŧƢŅƉŤƉŌ Ōň Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ł ł ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄíƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕłĪ ƎſĿňŁĪł .ŧĿŅŴƣŏ ƈƕł ĬƢňŨ ŸŨłĪĪł
Ņ :ťƍňſŅǔƟň ƎƉň ťƤŅƙƌłĪ ťƍňƀòƕł ĿųłƍƉł ťŨŅǁ ĖųƍňƉň ťŨŅŴŅ ŷŏŨ ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ƁƇŌƉĭł ťƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ IJƢŌƟ ŏ Ņ ƭĪł ťƍňſŅǔƟň ƎƉň ŸƌłĪŅ ťƤŅƊƣň : Ŧ Ł ĭ ų Ō ň ĖƻŤƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ ƎƀƖŌŬƘŅ ķĭųŏŨĪł ťƍňƀŅƕǓ ƈƕłł :ťƃŅŴƤŏŶň ŴŬłŨ ťŨŅĿł ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏĪ ŧűňƀƙŌƊòíƆł ƅſĥ ň Ņ Ņł ĖĿųłƍƌň ķĭųŏŨĪł ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ťŨò ǁ ŦųŅƭ ƋƏŅ :ťƍňſŅǔƟň ƎƉň ųƤňƙƌł ŧĿŅųƌŅ ŪŷňƉłĪ ťƍŅſĥĭł ĖķĭųŏƀòƌłűŅŶĭŤŨŏ ł ƅƆňųłƉ ťŨŅĿł ťƊŅŅ ƊŅſŤŨŌ ƅſĥĭł :ĬƢňƘŴƣŏ IJŵŌŶĭł ł Ʀô ƌĥň ŪŷňƉł űƃł ťŨŅǂ Ɔł ħĭƢŏŅ Ɵ Ņ ĖIJĬŴłò Ƙłĥ ŦŵňŶŁŅ ƅƆŅň ħųňſŅ ň Ƨ ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ ƧĥĪň ł Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň : Ʀ ƌ ĥ Ŀ ƻ ô Ņ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ Ƨ ň ŧƢŅ ƟŁĪ ň ĭųƌŅ ĥ ł ťŨŴŶ űƖł íƇŏ Ũ ĖƨƃŴƏ űſŅ Ľ ƥƌôĥ ĵŤƕ ųŨĪ ťƕĿŅ Ł ĭĬô ťŨŴŅ ŶĪ ł íƆĪł ťƉŅ ƅƍŅƉň ƗŨłŁ ƎƃłĬŅ ťŨŅǁ :IJųôſǂ ũ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖųŨň ŧƢňƟŁ ƧŌ ƅŌ ƤŅƙƌł ƎƉň Ūň Ź IJųôſƦƊŶňĿ ƧĥĪň :ƻŤƍŅſŤƉł ƁŨŌň ŧƢňň ƟŁ ķĥĪň ƅſĪłĥĽň ƢƉłĥĭŅŅ ł ĖƁƿŅ ŴòƏŏ ƈƕł ƅƆŅ ƨūĥ ƅł ŨŅ ljŅŤƉŅ ƁƆŌł Ļĥł :IJǔłƘŴƣŏł IJŵŌŶĭł Ņ IJƢŌƟĭł įƦƘŅ ĭł Ɓƍƀũň ł ŶňĥŅ ĭłĥ Ņ ň ł Ņ ň ň ĖƦ ƌ ĥ Ŀ ƻ Ƨ Ɓ ƌ Ʀ ô Ņ ł ł Ņ ł ň ƊŶŅ Ŀ ƧĥĪ Ō ŧƢƟŅ Ņ Ł ň Ƨ ĭł ĥ :ƁƌǂũíƆĪ ťƉ IJĪŅ ĥĽ ƅƆ ƻĥĪ ťƍƀƕĿ ĭĬ ĖƅŨŅ ƦƖňŬƘňĪŅ ťƉŅ ĴŁŴŅíƆ ljŅĥĭň ƁƆŌ ljŅôĥ űũňƕŅň ł :ƁƿŅ Ŵňò Əŏ ƈň ƕł ŦƦū Ŀňĭ ťŨŅŴŶŏ ƅŅ ŨŅ ƗſĮŌ ŁƦƉň ķĥ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ŪƏłŁ IJǓłŁŴƕŏ ķĭųŏíƿŏ ĴŁŴŅíƆ ljŅôĥ ƗſŵŌƉ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB If I see that your soul is open to me with Love, I shall open all of my gates for you so you may enter. I possess measures, and weights, and portions,33 And I repay my debts to each person with honesty. I love the one who loves me when he reads in me, And if he asks me, I shall give him all my treasures.34 But when he reads in me without loving, then I in turn, like him, Shall confront him and confound him with external voices.35 Whoever holds on to me is able to subdue me with his own Love, So that I will array all my treasures before him if he loves me. Unless he loves he should not bother with me, for he will not benefit from me, For I will only offer him mere words without meanings.” Scripture says these words to the one who reads it And urges him to acquire36 Love and only then confront it. Thus it is necessary for Love to motivate whoever approaches Scriptural readings; then his mind shall have been enriched with understanding.
I picked up Scripture, and while I was reading, astonishment confronted me. At the passage about the King of Moab who sacrificed his son on top of the wall. I stopped and put down the text in great shock. Then I pressed on and came to an understanding through pellucid Love.
i.e., to measure what I owe accurately. Var. M: “wisdom.” 35 i.e., he will read with eisegesis instead of exegesis. 36 Var. M: “to be full of.” 33 34
2 Kgs 3:27
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
ň Ō :ƅƤŅƙƌňł ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ ƁƆŌ ťŷŅſƦƘĪł ł ljŅôĥ ŦŵňŶŅ ķĥ ł ĖķĭųŏŨ ĵŴƕŏŅ ŁĪ ƅƆŅ ljň Ņ Ņ ôĥ įƦƘŅŅ ƁňƕłǓŁ ķĭųŏíƿŏŌ Ņ :ŦŁŴò ƍłƉĭł ƨƟò ƦƉł Ļĥ ƨƀòƃł ŅƁƆŌ ƻĥ ĖķĭųŏíƆ ljŅôĥ ĺƢłƘŅ IJĬŴòíƇłŨŴŶŏ ƥƌŅôĥ ƥƌŅƧô ŦŁŴƌŏŤƄŌŨĭł :ųƆň ljŅôĥ ƋŶňĿŅ ƁŨŌ ŧƢňƟŅĪ ťƉŅ ƁƆŌ ƋŶňĿŅűƆł Ņ ĖųƆň ljŅôĥ ħň ųňſŅ ł IJƦƊòŏ ƀƏŌ Ǝſųňíƿŏ ƁƆŌ ťƖňŨŅŅ ķĥĭň :ĬŁŴŅň ƃĥ ħĭŁ ƁŨŌ ŧƢňƟŅ űƃł ƋŶňĿŅ Ƨ űƃłĭ Ņ ĖƢũłíƆĪł ƨƠò Ũ ųƆň ljŅôĥ ŧƢňƣŅĭ ųŨň ljŅôĥ ƗŬłƘŅ :ƁƆŌ űŶňĥĪŅ ƎƉň ł ƁƆŌ űũňƖƤłƉ ŦƞňƉň ųƤňƙƌłĪ ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ ł ĖƁƆŌ ƋŶňĿŅ ķĥ IJĬôŴƉłĪŅ ŴƟŏ ĿĭűŏƏĥ IJŵò ūłŅ ķĭųŏíƿŅ ŏ Ī ł Ņ Ō Ŀƻ Ō ƈźłũƌň Ƨ ƋŶňĿŅ Ƨĥĭň : Ɓ Ũ Ƨ Ī Ɓ Ũ ňň ň Ņ ĖƨƃŅŴòƏŏ ƧĪ ųƆň ljŅôĥ ŻƣňŴƉłŅ ĪŴŷŏŅ íƇŨł ň ĭĬô ƨƉò Ī ň :ųŨň ŧƢňƟŅűƆł ƢƉłĥ ťŨŅǁ ƨƉò ƎƀƆňĬŅ ĖųŨň ƗŬłƘŅ Ǝƃňĭ ťŨŅŴŶŏ ťƍňƠƌňĪ ųƆň ŻƙňŷłƉĭł Ņ ň Ņ ň ſŅǔƟň űſĽň ħƢňƟŅĪ ťƍŅſĥĪł ŦƞŅƭ : ť ƍ ƎſűƉ ŅŅ ŏ ň ň ł ł ň Ņ Ō ĖƨƃŴƏ ƎƉ ųƌĭĬ ĿƦƕ ŦĬĭ ųƖſŵŅ ƌ ťŨŅŴŶŏ ň :ŧĿŅĬŁ ƁŨŌ ƗŬłƘ ljŅôĥ ŧƢňƟŅ űƃłĭ ƦƇňƠŅ ƣň ťŨŅǁ ĖŧĿŅŴƣŏ ƎƉň ƈƖňíƆ ĬƢňŨ ŦĭŅĬô ŸŨłĪĪł ħĥŴƉŏĪ ťƄŅíƇƊłŨ :ťŨŅĿł ťƕŅĭŵłŨ ťƍŅſŅƢŅ Ɵň ƎƉň ƦƊňƟŅ ƦƇňźŨňĭ ĖťƀŅƙƣł ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ ƨƃŅŴƏŏ űſĽň ƦƇňƕň ŁƞňũŶňĭ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB The pagan had sacrificed his son upon the wall to an absolute37 demon, And the Wrath from God against Israel became fierce. Because of this, astonishment made me speak About that event whose purpose is hidden from many. He sacrificed to the demon and, through the Lord, defeated the great nation. The story is confusing to many when they hear it. So now I am determined to speak of it If there is Love in the ear that listens for comprehension:38 Three kings went out to battle against the Moabites— The Israelites, the Judeans, and the Edomites. Three kings39 had assembled for battle against Wretched Moab, to prepare for a difficult war with him. But they were confronted by a great thirst that exhausted them, So the kings came to Elisha, and he responded. The Prophet prayed, and, without wind and without rain, Torrents of quick-moving water sprang up for the massive nation, And, by means of the secret gesture,40 the stream filled up lakes of water And the nations who had assembled for battle drank, Regained their strength, and heroically met the struggle. The sword fell upon the Moabite: the sinner was at his end. The assembled armies surrounded him, Desolated his land, and in anger overthrew his inheritance.
Var. M: “unclean.” Var. M: “in the soul’s ear to comprehend.” 39 Var. M: “three nations.” 40 For remzo see to homily 112 line 128. 37 38
2 Kgs 3:9
2 Kgs 3:17
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
ł :ťƙŅƍŹ ŧĪŅŤƤŌíƆ ŧĿŅŴƣŏ ƈƕł ŌĬƢňŨ ŦĭŅĬô ŸŨłĪ ťƙŅƍŶł Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƎƉň ƈſňĥƢŅƐſň ĥ ƈƕł ŦŵŅūĭĿŏ ƚŏ ƟňŁĭł :ŴƇŏíƇŅň ƊłƊƆł ŧĿŅĬŁ ƁƍƇłƠƣł ljŅųŅíƇźƉňĭ ň ĖŦŤƀò ŬŌƏł ƎƉň ĬƦíƇƕň IJĬô ťƀŅƐƃłĪ ųƌňƢŅƕŴƏŏ ƈƕł :ťŨŅĿł ťƊŅƖłíƆ ťſŅƢƊŅŨ ťƃŅĮĭł ŧĪŅŤƤŌíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ŸŨłĪ ň ĖŦŤƀò ŬŌƏł űſĽň ųƖňƊƤňíƆł ł ťŨŅƢƣł ĭĬô ŏ ĪĭňűłƉĭł :ŴƇŏíƇŅƊłƊƆł ťƣŅĬŅ ƁƘò ĥ ƦƊňƏŅŌ IJĬôŴƇłƕĭň ł ŏ Ņł ň Ņ ƊƣŅĪ ljŅĪŤŨň ƻĥ ťŨŅŴŶŏ ķĥ ĖŴƿ Ʀ Ɛ Ɗ íƆ ť Ɩ Ņ ň Ņ ł :ħĥŴƉŏ ƁòƍŨĪł ťŨŅƢŅƠƆł ŴƠƙłƌ ŦƦíƆŅŁ ťƄò íƇƉłŌ ĖťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥĭł ťň ſňĪŅĭòųŏŌ ſĭŌ ťƀňíƆŅŅ ǔƐłſĥ ł ŏ :ťƣŅĭǁŁ ƈƕł ĭĭłĬô ŴƤƍłƃłŁĥ ƎƀƄò íƇƉł ŦƦŅ íƆŅŁ ĖťƀŅƤň Ɵł ťŨŅłƢŅƟ ųƊňƕł ĿűłƐƊňíƆ ťſŅĭĪŅ ħĥŴƉŏĪ :ķŴƌŏĥ ĻƢňŹň ĭ ťŨŅĿł ťſŅĬĽłŌ ķĭųŏŨ ŦĭŅň Ĭô ƗŬłł Ƙĭł ň ň ò ł ł ƀƭ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ťƍŅƕĭł Ɨ Ƥ űſŅ Ľ ťƄíƇƉ ĭŁĥĭň Ņ :ŧƢŅźƉň ƧĪĭł ťŶŅĭĿŏ ƧĪĭł ťƀŅũŌƌ ƁƆŌĽłĭ Ņ ň ĖťŨŅĿł ťƊŅƖłíƆ ťũňſĬŌǓ ťŅƀò ƉłĪ ŦƦíƇł Ņ ūŅ Ǔ ŸŅ ūŅ Ņ Ɛƃł ŦŵŅƉƢňŨ ťŅƀò ƉłĪ ťƊňòūĥ ƨŷƌł ƨƉĭł : ť ƀ ŏ ł Ō ĖťƣŅĭǁŁ Ō ƈƕł ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƤŌƀƍŌƃĪł ťƊňƊòƕł ŴſƦƣĥĭň :ƻŅ ĥƢŅũŅôƍūł ťƏŅĿŤƟŌ Ŵƕň Ŀłĥĭł ĭĭłĬô ŴƇƀłŶłŁĥĭň ĖƧŴŅƕł ƚƏŅĭ ťŨŅƢŅ Ŷł ĬƦŷƘłĽ ťƀŅŨŅĥŴƊŏíƆĭň ł :ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƤŌƀƍŌƃĪłň ŦŁŏ ŴŅíƇłƀòŶł ĭĭłĬô IJł ĬôŴƃŏƢƃłŁĥ ĖŴƙŷňƏł ŦŵŅūĭƢŏŨ ĬŁĭŁƢƀŅíƆĭł ųƕňĿƧ ĬñŴŨŏƢŶłĭ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB The battle grew fierce and razed41 his prosperous towns, And they destroyed and wiped out the splendor of his land and of his large cities. III. THE GREAT PROBLEM OF THE PASSAGE The pagan saw that the battle had become too strong for him And that he would not be able to meet the challenge of that struggle. So the king was determined to flee, but they would not allow him to, And he was stuck in the middle of the swift legions, The battle was all around him like the great sea’s flood, And there was no help, no rescuer, and no savior. Suddenly he grabbed his eldest son, whom he loved, And offered him up as a sacrifice on top of the wall, in the sight of the crowd. Then the Lord’s wrath waxed strong against the surrounding nations, And Evil strengthened against the Hebrews and the Edomites. The pagan king achieved respite through the sacrifice of his son, And the kings’ weaponry that had been threatening him failed. The great conflict abated from him through the sacrifice of his son. Through the blood of his eldest he triumphed in the heroic battle. And because of this is the major question: why, then, Did the pagan achieve victory through the unclean sacrifice that he offered up?
41 Reading as a singular verb whose subject is “the battle,” along with M and the text of B’s source.
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ Ņò Ō ł ň ŏ ł ł Ņ ŏ ł ň ñ : Ŧ Ʀ Ł ƎƤƕ ň Ņ ò Ō ƍſł ųƃ ųň ſǓłŴƟŅ ĭƢƠŏ ƕĭ ťň ƣĭǁ ł ĖĬƦƍſűƉĪĭ ųƕĿĥĪ ŧƢƘŴƣ ĭűŨĭĥĭ ŴƇũňŶłĭ :ųƍňƉň ťŨŅƢŅŅ Ɵ ųƆňŏ Ǝł ƤłƕłŁĥĪň ťƙŅƍŶł ŦŵŅŶĭł ĖŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƤƉňŅ Ƨ ťƣŅĭǁŁ ĭĬłĪł ųƏňĿŤƟŌ ĺĭĿŏŤƌŌĭ :ųƆň ĭĭłĬô ŴŨųôſł Ƨĭ ťƄŅíƇƉł IJĬôŴƘłĥ ťƀŅƟĭƢŏƖƆł ƋƏŅĭ Ņ ň ƼŨň ƋƟŅ ĺƞłƉłŁĥĭň ĖŦƦíƇŅƀòíƇŌƟł ljňŴòƀŏŬ Ɔ Ņ ł :ťŨŅĿł ťƊŅſłĪ Ņ ƧŴƊŏƉŅ ƅſĥ Ņ ťŨŅƢŅŅ ƟŌ ĬĿňűŶłĭ ĖŧĿŅĭűŏƕŅ Ƨĭ ťƍŅſŅƞƙłƉ Ƨĭ ƨſŅĥ ƼƆłĭ :ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ŪŷňƉłĪ ŧƢŅƃŴŨŏ ĬƢňũƆł ŦĭŅĬô ƅũłíƆ ŧűŅŷƉňĭ Ņ ň ĖŦŤƀò ŬŌƏł ƎƀƖŌíƆ ŧĿŅŴƣŏ ƎƉň ƈƖňíƆ ŦƦíƇŅƕ ųƠňƏĥĭł :ųƆň ƎƀƄŌſƢŌƃĪł ťƊňƊòƖłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƚƟňŁ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ĬŵňūĭĿŏĭ Ņ ĖťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥĭł ťſňǔŅũƕň ƈƕł ŦƦƤƀŨŌ ƦƍłƤƕňĭ :ĬƢňŨĪł ťŷŅŨűňŨ ťƙŅƍŶł ťň ƄŅíƇƊłíƆ ťƣŅŤƙŌƌ ŦĭŅĬĭł ĖŁĭŅĬô ťƊŅƀŷŌíƆĪł ųƍňƉň ťƄŅ ò íƇƉłĪŅ ťŨŅƢŶł ƦƇłźŨňĭ :Ņ ĬƢňŨĪł ťŷŅŨűňŨ ŦƦŨĿł ŦŁĿĬň ųƍňƉň ƦŷłƌŅĭ ĖŦŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūł Ī Ņ ťŨŅƢŅƠƆł ťƃŅŅ Į ĬƢňƃŴŨŏĪ ťƉŅŏ űŨłĭ :Ɓƃł ťƍŅƊŅíƆĪŅ ł ŦƦł ŨĿł IJĬô ŦƦƖŅŨ ljŅĬŅŅ ƈźƉňĭ ĖơƏňĥĪł ŦŤƊŹ ťŷŅŨűňŨ ťƙŅƍŷłíƆ ŦŁŴƃŏĮŅ ŁĭŅĬ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB The battle was the Lord’s, while the sacrifice was offered to a devil-spirit. Why, then, did the Lord grant him victory by means of a foul sacrifice? The idol of that king who sacrificed his son upon the wall to it Would not have been able to grant victory nor to cause defeat. While the Lord, in whose hands are triumph and victory42— The pagan’s sacrifice was not His, for it was that of idols. But it is written that the Lord’s wrath waxed strong against Israel, For it was not the demon who received the sacrifice who was responsible for the victory.
Let us now ask why it was that the Lord Gave victory to the King of Moab when he sacrificed his eldest to his idol. He saw how much the pagan trusted in his god, And His wrath flared up against His own people, Israel. That one firmly believed that his barren idol would rescue him, While the Lord’s people were in doubt that Lord would save them. Because of this did His wrath flare up against the Hebrews: That they did not love Him nor take pride in him as did the pagans. For if that pagan, whose god was not a god, Could love it so to the point of sacrificing his eldest to it:
Var. M: “hands is the triumph of armies.”
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
ň :ŦĭŅĬô ħƢłƟłŁł ĥ ŦŴŅſűłíƆ ťŷŅŨĪňĭ ĭĬô ťſłƢƉŅĪ ťŨŅƢŅƟ ł ĖťƙŅƍŹ ťŷŅŨűňŨ ťſŅƢƉŅ ųƀňƃĮł Ɓƃł ťƍŅƊŅíƆ ĭ ł :ŧĿŅŴƣŏ ƈƕł ĬƢňŨ ųƆň ŸŨŅ ł ĪĪł ĭĬł ťƄŅ Ņ íƇƉłĪ ĬƢňƃƦƘŅ ƀňŷłƌĪł Ņ Ƨĭ ťƃňŵłƌĪŌ ł Ƨ ŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƤƉň Ƨ Ņ ĖŪ :ŦŁŴũŏƀŅŶłĭ ŦŁŴƃŏĮŅ ƻĥ IJĬôĭűłòſŤŨŌĪ ťſŅƢƉŅĭ ł ĖŦĭŅĬô ŧǔňƃŌ ƦƘĪłĪ ŦĭŅĬô ųƇňſĪŌ ŴƆł ťƙŅƍŶłŌĪ ųŷňŨĪň :ŦĭŅĬô ƚƟňŁĪł Ņ Ūſǁ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƈƕłĭ ŏ ĮŅ űũłƕ ťŷŅŨĪň ƈũňƟłĪ ŧĪŅŤƣŌ Ƣƀūň ŴƆł ĖŦ Ł Ŵ ƃ Ņ ŏ :ħĥŴƉŏĪ ťƄŅíƇƊłíƆ ťƍŅƉŅ ƈźƉňĪ ťƣŅĬŅ ťƖňũƌň ł ĖĬƢňƃŴŨŏ ŦĭŅĬô ŸŨłĪ ĬƢňƃƦƙƆł űƃł ťſŅƢƉŅ ųƀňƃĮł Ņł :Ĭųňƭ ƈƕł ŦĭŅĬô ƈƀƃŌŁ ťƊŅŌƃĪł ťƙŅƍŷłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô IJųôſŵŅŶ ĖųƇňſĪŌ ťƊŅƕł ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥł ƈƕł Ĭŵňūĭł Ŀŏ ơƇňƏĭł ň ŦƞňƙłƉĪł Ƣƣłĥ ťŨŅƢŶł ĬƢňƃƦƙƆł ĭĬł :ųƆ Ņ ĖųƆň ľƢňƘŅ ƧĪ ťſŅƢƉŅ ƈƕł ŭƀƇŌƘ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ųŏ Ɗňƕłĭ :ťſňǔŅũƕň ƈŌ ƕł ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ŦĭŅĬô ơŅ ƇňƏ ljŅĬŅ ƈźƉňĭ ĖųŨň ƎſƢŌſƦŶĭł ųƆň ƎƀƊŌŶĿŅ Ƨ ťƙňòƍŶł ƅſĥĪł ƈƕł Ņł Ņ :ĭĬô Ŧųłƭ ŴƆł ĬųňƭĪł ĭĬł ťƙŅƍŶł ƋƆł ķĥĪň ĖųƆň ŦĭŅĬô įŴŨŏűƌň ĬƢňƃŴŨŏĪ ťƉŅűłƕ ųƊňŶĿł ƎƃłĬŅ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB “I, who am the Lord and God and Savior, Why, O Hebrews, have you not loved Me, as the idols? The King of Moab loved that non-thing as if it were a great something. And sacrificed his son to it with great love. While I, who am Being and Lord and a great something— The people considered me to be like a non-thing, hating me. And on account of this, before that pagan who has love For his god, I shall wipe out those who did not love Me. This one firmly believed in a falsehood and did not doubt, While my people make a lie of the Truth and are in doubt about salvation. This pagan, even while having seen neither might Nor assistance nor heroic miracle from his god, Nor signs nor victories in any way at all, Believed so firmly in him that he sacrificed his son to him and did not doubt. But Israel, who has seen My mighty acts and the effect of My sublime arm, That I divided the Sea, and split the rock, and sweetened the water, And that I brought down the Manna, and raised up the quail, and provided many blessings, And that I split the river and tore down walls and defeated kings, Mighty acts in Egypt, stupendous deeds at the Sea, wonders in the Desert, Awesome acts at Sinai, every kind of victorious achievement in every place— After all these heroic deeds that I have done, My nation doubts and is uncertain and does not firmly believe he can be defeated through Me.
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ :ljŅôĥ ťƟŅĭƢł ŏ ƘŅĭ ljŅôĥŏ ŦųŅƭĭłŅ ljŅôĥ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ljŅôĥ ł ĖŧǔňƃƦƙƆł ƅſĥ ƁƍƌŅĭƦƊŶňĿ ł Ƨ ťſňǔŅũƕňŅ ƎƊŅíƆ :ųƊňŶĿł ťŨŅĿł ĶűňƊňíƆĪł ƅſĥ ĶŅ űňƉň Ƨ ĭųłíƆ ĖťŨŅĿł ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ ĬƢňŨ ųƆň ŸŨłĪĭł ħŌĥŴƉŏĪ ťƄŅíƇƉł ł :ťŨŅĿł ĶűňƉňĭ ŧƢŅƉŅĭ Ņ ťſŅƻł ĥ IJƻĥĪŌ ljŅĥĭň ĖƁƆŌ ťƍňƏŅ űƃł ĶűňƉň Ƨ ƅſĥ ťƊŅƕł Ɓƍŏ ũłƤŶł :ťŨŅŴŶŏ ųŨň ƻŅ ĥĪŌ ťƙŅƍŶł ĭĬł ĶűŅƟ ljŅĬŅ ƈźƉňĭ Ņł ĖƁƌŴƊŏŶĿł ƧűƆł ķĭňųŏíƆŅ ljŅôĥ ƚŷňƏł Ņ Ņ Ĭųňƭ űſĽň :ŭƇłƘłŁĥ Ƨĭ ljŅĬŅ Ƣƣłĥ ŦŁŴƇŏūŅ űłíƆ Ō Ƙĭł ƈūň űłƉ ŧĿŅƢŅƤƆł ƁƊƕłĭ ĖťƍŅƟŅĿŴƘŏ ƈƕł ŭ ƀ Ƈ Ņ Ņ :ƨŅ ƀŶł ŦŵŅŶ Ƨ ĬŅ ųňíƆŅŤŨň ł űŅ ƃł ťƙŅƍŶł ljŅĬŅ Ņ ĖŦŁĭƢŏňũŅôƍūł Ī ŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ ƧĭŅ ljŅĿŅ Ņ ĪŴƕŏŅ ƧŅ ĭ Ņ :Ƌƀň ƄŌƏŅ ĥ ƎƉň űŷłŨ ťƍňŶŅƞòƌň Ƨĭ ŦŁĭò ł Łĥ Ƨĭ ĖŭƇłƘłŁĥ Ƨĭ ĬƢňŨ ųƆň ŸŨłĪĭł ĬƢňƣĥ ƎƃłĬŅŌ :ťƉŅĿŅ ƁƕĿŅĪĭł ƁƇłƀòŶł Ŧň ŵŅŶĪł ƎſĪň ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ Ėťŏ Ņƀò Ɖł ƼƇŌŶłĭ ťƘŅŤƃŌ ƦƕňĿŁĭ ťƊŅſł ƦŬňň íƇƘňĪ ł Ō ł ł ł ň ł Ņ ł :ťŨňŴòŹ Ƽ ňò Ŭł Əĥĭ ň IJŴň íƇƏň Ʀŏ ƠƏň ĥĭň ťƍƍƉŅ ł ŁƦŶň ĥĭň ĖťƄň íƇƉ ƦŨƢŶĭ ŧǓŴƣ ŁƢƠƕĭ ň ŧĿųƌ ƦƕĿŁ ň :ŧǓĬŁ ŧƢŅŨűƊłŨ ťŷňƌŴòł ūŏ ťƊŅƀłŨ ƨƀòŶł ƎſĿňƞƊňŨ Ō ĖƎƀƍŌŶŅƞòƌň ƈƃŏ ƎſǓŁĥŅ ƈƄŏŨĭł ťƕňĭòĮł Ɓƍłƀł ƐŌŨ :ƁƆŌ ķǔŅƀƖŌƏĪł ŦŁŅ ĭŅǔũŅôƍūł ƎƀƆňĬŅ ĿƦŨŅĭ ĖƁŨŌ ťƃňĪłŵƉňĪ ƁƆŌ ƢƤłƉł Ƨĭ ťƘňĿĭł ƁƊƕł ŭƀƇŌƘ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB So because of this I shall deliver it to the lost one, So that it might learn from him how it should trust in its God. That one loved his idol very much, though he had not tested him, While My people, my powers are well-proven to them, but they do not love Me. Moses taught, ‘Love your God;’ but the pagan, without having heard him, Slaughtered him, so much did he love his little idol. He sacrificed his eldest to it, even though he had no proof that it would help him, While My people disdained Me, although My saving acts are very numerous.” V. EVEN HAVING JUST WITNESSED A MIRACLE, THE LORD’S PEOPLE DOUBTED HIM, WHILE MOAB’S KING HAD FAITH IN HIS IDOL This is why His wrath grew strong against Israel When the Moabite sacrificed his son to his idol upon the wall: So that the nation would be ashamed that it did not love the Lord its Lord As did that pagan, who demonstrated his love through the sacrifice of his son. Those three kings who made war against that pagan Had seen that miracle accomplished by Elisha: Pools of water among the thirsty ones for a numerous people, Swift-flowing rivers in the desert without any clouds— And those armies drank but did not sing praise. They saw the sign, but were not moved to give thanks for the miracle. Therefore they were routed by the sacrifice of the pagan Who, without a miracle, committed his trust to his god. They saw in Elisha those powers of the great Moses: That he prayed and filled the wadi with water and let them drink,
Deut 6:5
Exod 17:6
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
ł ŏ :ŧűŅƀŨŌĥ ĶűŅƟ ųƆň ljŅôĥ ƢƐłƉŅł ljŅĬŅ ƈźƉňĭ Ņł ĖĬųňƭ ƈƕłŅ ƈƃňŁƦƌňŅ ƎƄłſĥ ƚƆłł ŤƌŌ ųƍňƉňĪ :ųƆň ƋŶňĿŅ ŪŅ Ź ň ųƀňƐƌł Ƨ űƃł ĬƢňƃƦƙƆł ĭĬł ĖƁƆŌ ƋŶňĿŅ ƧĭŅ ƨƀòŷłŨ ťƊŅƕł ƁƆŌ ťƐňƍłƉ ł ƁƆŌĭ ł :ųƖňƊƣł ƧĪĭł ťƣňŴƉŏ ųƙňƭ ĴųŅíƆŅƧ ƋŶłĿ ł ĖųƌňĭƢŏƃƦƙƆł ĭĬŏ ƋŅ ŶňĿŅ ťƊŅƃ ųƐňƄƌł ťƙŅƍŶł :ųŌ Ɔň ĿűłƖłƉĪł Ņ ųƀňƐƌł Ƨ űƃł ųƆň ŸŨłĪ ĬƢňƃŴŨŏ ł ĖƎſŤŌ ƀŬŌƏł ŪŹ ƁƌłǓŅĪŴƕŏ űƃł ƁƍźƣŅ ƁƊŏ ƕł ƁƆŌĭ :ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƈƕł ŦŵŅūĭĿŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƚƟňŁ ljŅĬŅ ƈźƉň ł ĖĬƢňƃƦƙƆł ŸŨłĪ ŧĿŅŴƣŏ ƈƕł ĬƢňŅ Ũ ťƀŅŨŅĥŴƉŏ űƃł :ĬƢňƉŅ ťſŅƢƊŅíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ƋŶňĿŅ ƧĪ ťƊŅƕł ŁųłũƌňĪł ĖĬƢňŨĪł ťŷŅŨűňŨ ųŨňŴŶŏ ŅIJŴŌŶłĪ ťƙňŅ ƍŶł ĭĬł ƅſĥ :ťƙŅƍŶł ĭĬłŌ Ƌƕł ŴŨƢňƟĥĪł ŦƦíƆŅŁ ťƄò Ņ íƇƉł ň ƎƀƆňĬŅ ň ĖƗƤłƀƭ ƎƉň ŁűłũƕłŁĥĪň IJĬŅ ŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ ĭŵłŶŅ :ťŨŅĿł ťƊŅň ƖłíƆ ljňĭŅ Ņ ĬòĽł ƼŨň ťŅƀò ƉłĪ ťŅ Ɗňūòĥ ĖƨƘňǔŅƕł ƧŅ Ī ŦŴŅŶƞłŨ ťũňſĬŌǓ ŦŁŌ ĭŅǓłųƌł :ĭĭłĬôŅ Ŵŷũłň ƣł Ƨĭ ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŶł ƎƀƆňŅĬŅ ŴŅ ſŅ Ʀƣĥĭň ĖŦŁĿŴł ƉŏĪŁ ƈƕł ķĭĪŏŴƌł ŴƕĮŅ Ƨĭ ŦŁĥ ŏ ĭŵłŶĭł :ĭĭłĬô ƎſĪŌƢŹƦƉň ťƙŅƍŶłĪ ųŷňŨűňŨŏ ljŅĬŅ ƈŅ źŅ ƉňŅ ĭ Ņł Ņ ĖĬųňƭ űſĽň ųƍňíƿĭŁ ƢƏłň ôĥ ŦŁĥ ƧĪĪł :ƗƤłƀƆŌŤň Ũň ĭŵłŶ ťŨŅĿł ťƣňŴƉŅ ŏ Ī ƨŅ ƀòŶł ƎƀƆňĬŅ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ƁƠŌƣĥĭł ťŅƀò Ɖł ƨŷƌł ƨƉĭł ƁƆŌĽłĪ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB And, like that rock that produced lakes in the wilderness On the way to Edom, streams gushed forth for the hosts. But since they rejected the glory of the great sign that occurred, They were condemned through the pagan who saw no sign but believed. The wretch had been defeated, his land destroyed, his people shattered, But he saw the mighty deeds that the Lord of the sons of Jacob had done. He heard the reports of the mighty deeds occasioned by Elisha, And saw with his eyes the sublime arm of the house of Adonai. The great armed struggle that had surrounded him grew too strong for him, And he was overcome by the battle that surrounded him on all sides. But he did not distance himself from his god because of the miracle that had occurred, Nor did the wretch doubt or reject his idol because he had lost. Neither did he give up on his faith because they had conquered him, Nor think that his god was not a god because it had not rescued him. But, after all these things, certain that it was going to help him, He sacrificed his eldest to it and had no doubts about salvation. VI. ABRAHAM’S DESCENDANTS FORGOT HIS FAITH
The Lord saw and his wrath flared up against Israel, Because he was not faithful to his God as was the pagan. That trust that that man had for a non-thing, Was what the Lord was demanding that His own people have for Him.
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
ŏ ƀƣŌĥł ŴŬłŨ ťƊňūòĥŅ ŁűłíƇſňĪ ťƘŅŤƃŌ IJĬŅ ƅſĥĭł : ķŴƊ Ņ ĖŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŅ ŷłíƆ ťň Ɩňƙòƣň ĭĭłĬô ŴŷūŅ ĶĭĪŏĥĪł ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ ł :ŁĭŅĬĪł ŦƦŨĿł ŦŁĥĪŅ ųñŷŅŨŴƣŏ ĭĭłŅ ĬôŅ ŴƊǑŅ Īł ƈƕłĭ ň ſĬłĭ ŦŁĥ ŦŵŅŶ ƧĪ ťƙŅƍŷłŨ ĖĭĭłĬô ƎſƢŌƐŨłƦƉň ƎƊ ł :ųƊňƕł ĸƢłūĭł ųƕňĿĥ ƦŨłƢŶňĭ ťſŅĭĪŅ Ŧň ĭŅĬô ŪŶŅ ł ĖħŴŌ ƠŏƖſł ƁòƍŨĪł ťſŅƢƉŅň űũłƕĪł ň ƨƀòŶł ŦŵŅŶĭł ň ň :ƗƤłƀł ƭ ƎƉň ĭĭłĬĪł ƨƀòŶłĪ ťũò Ź ƗƊłƣĭł ĖƁƌłĭĪŏĥň ƼŨňĪ ŅťƉŅĿŅ ťƕŅĿŅĪ IJĬôŴƍłƀòƖłŨ ŦŵŅŶĭł :ŁĭŅĬô ĬǁƢłƃĪł ŦƦŨĿł ťŨŅƢŶł ųƍňƉň ƦƍłƤƕňĭ ł ĖƎƀòũŌūł ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ĬĿňűŶłĪ ťƏŅł ĿŤƠŌŨ ŦĭŅĬŅ ô ƈƘłň ƦƣĥŅ ĭň Ņł :Ĭųňƭ ƎƉň ơŶňĿĥ ŁĭŅĬĪłň ŦŁĿŴƉŏĪƦŨ ƧŅ ĭ ł ĖĬƢňƃƦƙƆł Żň ƣŅĭ ŦĭŅĬô ŭƇŌ ł ƘłŁĥ ł ťſŅĭĪŅ Ūŏ ŶŅĪ ƧŅ ĭ :ĬŁŴƍŏƊŅſųłŨ ŧűŅſĥ ƁƘŌĿĥ IJĬôĭŤƃłĮŅ Īł ƧŅ ĭ Ņł Ņ ĖĭĬô Ŧųłƭ ŴƆł ĬųňƭĪł ƢũłƏ ųƟňƢƘł ƧĪł Ƨĭ :ųƆň ĿűłƖłƉĪł ųƆň Ƣň ƤłƉŅ ł űƃł Ǝſųňíƿŏ ĿƦŨŅĭ ĖťƍŅƟŅĿŴƘŌ ŏ ƈƕł ŭƇłƘłŁĥ Ƨĭ ĬƢňƃŴŨŏ ųƆň ŸŨłĪ :ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƈƕł ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ơƇňƏŅ ĭł ťſŅƢƉŅ ŦŵŅŶĭł Ņł ĖĬŅ ųňƭ űſĽň ŦĭŅĬô ƢſƢŌƣł Ƨ ťƙŅƍŶł ƅſĥĪł ŏ ƈƕł Ņ :ĶűňƉň Ƨ ƈƕł ĭųłíƆ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥĪŌ ťƍŅíƿĭŁŅ ĭĬł ĖųƊňƕł ƎƉň IJĬôŴƇłƕ ŦĭňųƌňĪ ťſŅƢƉŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƗŨłŁ ĭĬŏ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB That unwavering idea of Faith— He rebuked them, that they might acquire it with Love. With the sacrifice of the pagan he rejected them and drove them away Because they did not trust in God as he did. Those three nations that had fought with him Were Abraham’s children in their family lines: The children of Israel, the children of Judah, and the children of Edom— the children that Esau and Jacob had begotten, of the house of Isaac. It was being demanded of them that, by their behavior, They demonstrate for God a love like that of their ancestors. That idea that it would have been proper for them to have About God, the pagan had acquired for his god. And, like Abraham, who bound his son before his God, That one sacrificed his eldest to that one that he thought was his god. That one demonstrated the Love that they had been obliged To demonstrate, to that demon whom he worshipped. And the Lord became angry that the others had repaid their own gods With the Love that was due Him from His worshippers And that the pagan had acquired that faith, which had appeared with Abraham, for that devil-spirit to whom he had sacrifice made; While the children of Isaac, that one who had been bound to become a sacrifice, Forgot the Love of that God of their fathers,
Gen 22
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ íǑłƞƉň ƧŅĪ ŦŁŅŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĪ ťƍŅƀŅƕĿň ĭĬł : ť ƀ Ō ĖƻŤũň Ņ ƀũŌŶł IJĬôĭĪłĥĽňň ķŴƍŏƠƌň ķĭųŏíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ƑƄňƉł :ķŴƌŏĥ ľƢňƕĥĭł ķŴƌŏĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƐłŨ ťŅ ƙŅƍň ŶłĪ ųŷňŨűňŨ Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƈ ƕł ň ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƇŌƀŅ ƃŌŁ Ƨ ĬŁŴŅƃĥĪł ƈƕł ł Ņ Ł ťƊňƊòƕł ƎƀƆňĬŅ :ĭĭłĬô Ŵƣǁł Łĥ ųƊňƕłĪ ŦƦíƆ Ņ ł Ō ĖŦƦŨŅǔƣł ł ƎƉň ĭĭłĬô ķĭųŏſƻĥ ĶĬŅƢŅŨĥĪł IJŌ ĬôŴƍłŨ ŏ ĥ ƁłòƍŨĭł ŧĪŅĭųôſŏ ƁłòƍŨĭł ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƁłòƍŨ : Ķ ĭ Ī Ō ĖơŷŅƐſĥ ƼŨň ƎƉň ħŴƠŏƖſłĭ ŴƐŏƀƕŌ ĭűƆňĭĥł Īł ťŅƀò ƍłŨ :ķĭųŏòſųłŨŅĥĪł ťŨŅŴŶŏ ĭĬł ƅſĥĪł ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƖŌŨŁƦƉňĭ Ņł ĖķĭųŏſǔłŨŅĭűŏŨ ŦųŅƭ űſĽň ķŴƌŏĬň ķĭŴŏŷłƌ :ķŴƌŏĬň ķŴƍŏƠƌňĪ ķĭųŏíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ľĪňĮŅĪ ťƍŅƀŅƕĿň ĭĬłĭ Ņł Ņł ň ĖĬųňƭ űſĽň ťƙŅƍŶł ŦĭŅĬô IJųôƀƍŅƟ ŦųŅƭ ł űſĽł Ņł Ņ ň ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ł :Ĭųƭ ĶűƟ ĬƢũƆ ƢƄƘĪ ĶĬƢŨĥ ƅſĥĭ Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ ĖŦĭĬô ĬųƭĪ ŦĭĬô ƢƀũŌƏĪł ĭųłíƆ ĬƢňƃŴŨŏ ĭĬł ŸŨłĪ :ŴſŏŴŅŷłƊƆł ĭĭłĬô ƎƀũŌƀŅŶł ķŴƌŏĬňĪ ťŨŅŴŶŏĭ ĖųƆň ŦĭŅĬô űŬňƏŅĪ ŧł ĪŅŤƣŌ ĭĬł űſĽň ĭĬł ŦĭŅĬô IJŴŌŶł :ķĭųŏòſųłíƆŅƧ ljňǔŅŶôĥĪł ƈƕł ťſŅƢƉŅ ŵūň Ŀĭł Ō ŁƦƉňĪ ťŨŅŴŶŏ ĭĭłĬô ŴƕƢłƘ ĖIJĬĭòĪłŴŬŏƏŅ ƎƉň ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô Ū ƀ Ŷ Ņ ł :ĶĬŅƢŅŨĥ űſĽň ƻłŵŶłŁĥĪň IJĬŅ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ ĖŦĭŅĬô ŸŨłűłƉĪł ŦŴŅſĪł ĭĬł űſĽň ťƙŅƍŶł ŦĭŅĬô ųñƍŅƟ :ťŷŅŨĪň ŦĭňųƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƀƄŌƘĪł ĭĬł ơŷŅƐſĥĪŌ IJĬôŴƍłŏ Ũĭł Ņł ĖķĭųŏòſųłŨŅĥĪł ŦųŅƭ ĭĬłĪ ųŨňŴŶŏ IJĬôĭŤƖłŹ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB Fell in love with images, and became attached to vanities, And forgot and abandoned the faith of the House of Abraham. VII. WHY GOD WAS NOT CONCERNED THAT HIS RESPONSE WOULD BE MISINTERPRETED
The Lord grew angry because He saw that the King of Moab Appropriated their faith for his god And sacrificed his eldest due to the fervor of his faith, Which was burning for that image he worshipped. On account of that, the Lord’s wrath flared up against the Hebrews, Because He saw that their faith had cooled And that they did not love him even as much as the pagans did their gods, Nor honor Him as much as the misguided believers did their idols. Nor have pride in Him as much as the Moabites did their sculpted images, Nor believe firmly enough in Him so as to turn their preconceptions into sacrifices for Him. Their love for God was faint, foul, and minimal. All His splendid acts were being forgotten, and He was not being honored. And, so that they would be condemned for how devoid of honesty they were, His wrath was provoked at the pagan’s sacrifice, and He confused them. But the Lord did not fear43 that that lost one44 might think That that god of his had turned the tide of battle away from him;
Note how Jacob does not fear to use anthromorphism here. i.e., the King of Moab. Jacob will repeatedly use the term ŧűƀŨĥ “lost” or “ruined” in this homily to refer to those whose false faith is beyond redemption and who are thus certainly condemned to Hell (cf. the cognate term abaddon). 43 44
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ ň :ŦŁŴƠŏſƢŌłƐƆł ĭĭłĬôŅ ŴƙƠłƌł Łĥĭň ťƊò íƆĽł ŴƊŶňĿĭł Ņ ƢŅŨĥ ƼŨňĪ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſųłíƆ ĬñŴƠŏũƣł ŴƖłŹĭł ĖĶ Ĭ Ņ :ħĥŴƉŏĪ ťƄŅíƇƊłíƆ ł ŦĭŅĬô IJųôſŵŅŶĪł ƈƕł ťſŅƢƉŅ ŵūň Ŀĭł ĖĬųňíƆŅň Ƨ ĭĬŏ ųñíƇŅƠƣł ķĭųŏ ŏ íƇſĪŌ ķĭĬŏŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĪ :ĬŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĪ ťŶŅŁĿň ƈźƉň ĬƢňƃŴŨŏ ŸŨłĪĭł ĖŁĭŅĬô ťƙŅƀƙŌƏł ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô űŬňƏŅĪ ťƊŅíƆĽł ĭųłŨĪł :ťſňǔŅũƕň ƈƕł ŦĭŅĬô ơƇňƏ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ĬŵňūĭĿŏ IJĬŅ ƈƕłĭ ŏ ĖŁĭŅĬô ŧƢŅł ſƢŌƟł ķĭĬŏŁłŴƍŏƊŅ Ņ ſĬłĪ ŦŵŅŶĪł ƈźƉŅ ň :ķĭųŏòſųłíƆŅƧ ťƙňòƍŶł ƅŅ ſĥ Ƨł ĭ ųƆň ƎƀƊŌŶĿŅ ƧŅ ĭ ł ĖķĭųŏſǔłƃƦƙƆł ťŅƀò ƖłŹ ƅſĥł ųƆň ƎſƢŌƠŌ ƀłƉ ƧŅ ĭ :ķĭųŏƀƙłƀòíƇŌŬŨł ťƀňŨŅĥŴòƉŏ ƅſĥ ųŨň ƎſƢŌſƦŶ ƧŅ ĭ ň ĖķĭųŏƀƍłƀŅƕǓ ųƆň ķŴŷŏŨűłƌĪł ųƆň ƎſƢŌƤƉł Ƨĭ Ņł :ŦųŅƭ űſĽň ķĭųŏŅ ŨŴŶŏň ƢſƞŌŨĭł ŧƢňƏĭł ųƀƄŌƘłł ĭ Ņ Ō ł ň ŏ ƎƀŅƖòŹĭ łł ň Ņ ĖƢŏ ƠŌ ſƦƉň ƧĭŌ ĬŌ ŁǔƀƙƣŅ Ǝł ſųíƿ :ň ŦŁŴƌŤƃ ƎƉ ƎƀƠƀƙƏ ťƊƃĪ ķĭƢŏƐŨłƦƌňĪĭł ĖķŴƌŏĥ ĪĭňĪłĭł ŦŵŅūĭĿŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƚƟňŁ ťƙŅƍŶłĪ ųŷňŨűňŨŅ :ŧűŅƀŨŌĥ ĭĬł ljňƢƌň ťƊŅíƆĪłĪ ťſŅƢƉŅ ƈŶňĪ Ƨĭ Ņł ĖųƍňƉň ťŨŅƢŅƟ IJųŌƣł ųƇňſĪŌ ŦųŅƭ ĭĬłĪ
Nor that the armies of the Children of Jacob would think That the devil-spirit who had accepted the pagan’s sacrifice had made them flee. Nor did He keep a reason for stumbling45 from the Israelites Who might be looking for a reason to sacrifice to the worthless46 images. For He knew that for one whose faith in his God is firm There is no reason capable of making his love leave him. While one who despises, neither by signs nor by exceptional acts Is able to love, since he is in doubt about his faith.
VIII. NOTHING WOULD HAVE CHANGED THE PARTICIPANTS’ IDEAS God saw that the King of Moab, even if he were going to die, Would neither abandon his cult-image nor despise it; While He saw that the nation, even were He to perform a myriad of wonders, Was in doubt, weak, and its faith not firm; And without any reason for stumbling, had stumbled all by itself And was in love with sacrifices to demons through every possible method. Had He hesitated, and His wrath not flared up the way it did, Neither the Moabite nor Israel would have been helped, For that pagan would not have any doubts about his god, Nor would the nation be reconnected to the Lord to love Him.
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i.e., a justification for changing their belief. Var. M: “mute.”
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ Ņ ł Ņ :ň ħŴƠŏƖł ſł ƁòƍŨĪł ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŶł ķŴƌŏƢƌň ƧĪ Ƨĭ ň ƟłĪ ŦŴŅſĪłĪ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ľƢňŌ ƕĥ ťƙŅƍŶłĪ ųŅ ŷňŨĪň ƈ ũ Ņ Ņ Ņ :ťƀňíƆŅǔƐłſĥĪ ķĭųŏƍƉň ƨƤƃňĪ ŦƦíƇƕň ƨƃ Ƨĭ ł ň ĖťŨňǔŶł ťƊò íƆƞłíƆ ŴŷŏŨŅűłƊƆł ƎƀƖňŨŅ ĭĬô ŦƦíƇƕňĪ Ņł :Ĭųňƭ űſĽň ƢſƢŌƣłň Ī ťƍŅſĥĪł Ƣƀūň ŦĭŅĬô ĺŌ űłſŅŅ Ņ ĖųƍňƉň ųŨňŴŶŏ ŀĭƢŏƘŁŅ Ī ťŅ ſŅƞƉłŅ Ī ŦƦŅ íƇƕň ƻĥ Ƨ ň ŶŅƞòƍňŨ Ƨĭ ŦŁĭŅòŁŤŨ Ƨ ťƍňƏŅĪ ťƍŅſĥĭł : ť ƍ ň ŏ Ņ ł Ō ł ł ň Ņ ƄłƤƉň ŏ ĖĬ ň Ņ ŁŴň ƍƊŅ ſųŨŅ ĭŏ Ĭô ŭŅ ƀƇł ƘĪ ƈŅ Ņ ƕł ƋŶĿ Ÿ :ŁŤƉ ƎƘĥĪ ħĥŴƉĪł ťƄíƇƊíƆ Ŧųƭ IJųôſŵŅŶ Ņ Ō ĖųƆň ťƍňƏŅ ĭĥ ųň ƊňíƆƞłŨ ŧűŅſĥ ŦĭŅĬô ťƘňƢƉł Ƨ :ųƆň ň ƢƖłƏŅ ķĥ ƎƀƇŌƀòŶłŅ ŴŨŏĿňĪ ťƊŅƖłíƆ ŦŵŅŶĭł ĖĬŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬł ŧƢŅſƢŌƣł Ƨĭ ťƘŅň Ŀĭł ĭĬô Ņŏ ŭƀƇŌŅ Ƙ :ųƤňƙƌł ƎƉň ĭĬŏ ĭĬô ŏ ƈƀƤŌƃ ƨƤƃňĪ ŦƦíƇƕň ƧĪĭł ŏ Ũĭł ĖųƆň ƎƀũŌƀł ũŌŶł ŧĪňòŤƣŌĪ ťŷňŨòĪň ƎƀŅ ƏŌǓŴƘŏ ƈ Ƅ ł ŏ :ŦĭŅĬô ơƇňƏĪł ƅſĥ ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ơƇňƏ ƧŌ ĭ ƁŅ ƉŌĬĥ ŴƭĭňŅ ĖŦĭŅĬô ĿűłƕłƦƉň ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ Ƨĭ ťƀŅŨŅĥŴƉŏ ƧŅ Ņł :Ĭųňƭ ƈƕłł ŦĭŅĬô ŭƇłƘłƦƉň ťƙŅƍŶł ĭĬł Ņ ƧĪŅ ĖŦĭŅĬô űƊłŹ ƞƉň ƋŶłƢƌňĪ ťſŅƢƊŅíƆ ťƊŅƕł ƨƘĥ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB So the Lord saw that if he postponed it would do no good, And His wrath flared up, and their people defiled His faith. At that sacrifice of the pagan’s son He became angry with His nation And caused them to be defeated while giving victory to that other one. It did not trouble Him That the pagan would think that his god had came to his aid Or that they47 would think that the demon made them flee by means of the sacrifice Or that absolute Error would prevail there over the misguided ones— For the Lord had looked into their will and misled them.48 He accepted the fact that the pagan would think that his god was great, For that is what he was thinking even before he sacrificed, though he was in error. He also provided the children of the Hebrews the opportunity to stumble, For they were going to stumble, whether they would be victorious or not. The Lord enhanced each one’s own tendency in the thing that He did. Their conceptions were not changed by that which occurred. What more did the King of Moab have to offer With happy heart to his friend the demon other than his eldest? That God’s wrath against Israel grew fierce, Would not have served to increase his love for his god.
Israel. i.e., kept them in error; incorrect Var. (misreading?/misprint?) B: “That, of their very own will, the Lord was one but He had misled them.” 47 48
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ Ĭô ĿŁłŴƉł ƧŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƢŬłƉł ķĥĪň ťſŅƢƉŅ ŦŵŅŶĭł : Ŧ ĭ ň ĖĬŁŴƍŏƊŅſųłíƆ ųñŶŅƢƏł ķĭųŏƊƕłĭ ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ơƇňƏĭł :ųƊňƕł ƈƕł ŵūň Ŀ Ņ ťƙŅƍŶłĪ ĬƢňŨĪł ťŷŅŨň Īň ĭųłŨĭł ĖųƆň ƻłƢƃň Ō ƧĭŅ ƁƃŌĮł ĭųłíƆĭł ķŴƌŏĥ ŪƀňŶłĭ ň ſŅƧ ŦŁĥ ĭĬŏ ĬųňŅ ƭĪł ťƙŅƍŶł ljňƢƌňĪ : ų Ƈ ň ň ł Ņô ň ô Ņ Ō ŏ ĖķŴƌĥł ľƢƕĥ ťŷŨűŨŏ ŧĪŤƣĪ ƎƀƆňł ĬŅ ķŴƌŏƢł ƌňĭ Ņ :ŧűňƀòŨŌĥň ƈƕł ƁƀłƕŴŹ ųñíƿŏ ƎƉŅŁ ƅƇňƉŁĭ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ƁƖŌŹĥĭł ťſŅƢƉŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƢŶŅ ķĭųŏƍƀŅŨƞňŨĪł Ņł :Ĭųňƭ ħŅ ĿłĪ ťƙŅƍŶł ƢũłƐŅ ƌňĪ IJĬôŴƇłƕ ƈũňƟł ĖŦĭŅĬô ťƖňŹ űƃł įŴŨŏűƌň Ƨűƕł ŦĭŅĬł ô ƢũłŏƏŅ IJĬŌĪ ł :ťſňǔŅũƕň ƁòƍŨŅ ųŨň ķŴƇŏƤƃłƦƌň ŧĿŅŁĥ ħĭŁ ħųôſł ĖķŴƃŏŵƌň Ƨĥĭň ķŴƃŏŵƌň ƎƘňĥĭŅ ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƇŌƤƃłƦƉňĪ :űũłƕĪł ĶűňƊňŨ ĿƢłƣł ųƇňſűŌŨ ň ƥƍŅíǀŏíƆ ťſŅƢƉŅ ł ĖŁƢłƕƦƏĥĪŅň IJųŅŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƚƇłŶłŁĥ ķĭųŏŌ ƍƀŅƕĿň ŏ ŴƆłĭ :ŦĭŅĬô ħƢňƠłƌĪł ħĥŅ ŴƉŏĪ ťƄŅíƇƊłíƆ ŦĭŅĬôŅ ň ƻĥ ħĭŁ ƎƉŅ ĖťũŅŹ ťũŅíƇňŨ ĬƢňƃŌ ŴŨŏ Ƨĥ ųƊňŶĿŅ ŧĪŅŤƤŌíƆ Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƎƉň ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƈƕł ŦŵŅūĭĿŏ ƚł ƟňŁĪłĭ Ņ Ņł ĖĬųňƭ űſĽň ųŨňŴŷŏŨ ųƆň ŁĭŅĬ ŦƦƙƏłĭŁ ŴƆł
ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB What he was, the way he was, was a great heathen— And whether he won or did not win, he was going to love his idol. IX. TOWARD A PROPER UNDERSTANDING THE MEANING OF THE STORY
So the Lord’s wrath grew fierce against His own people On account of the pagan’s sacrifice, so that He might rebuke them for how badly they had rejected Him. For He knew that someone who has love for Him— No matter how much He punishes him—still loves Him after49 the punishment. While someone who doubts, and is full of stumbling and denial— All the blessings that He arrays before them are distasteful. And since Israel was one who rejected all the good things, He demeaned them through a pagan, who, despite his evil doings, did not despise his idol. He saw how exceptional the pagan’s own steadfastness was with his own Through the foul sacrifice; and the rebuke for the nation was made clear through great wrath. Whoever reads his story will stumble when he encounters it, And if he is unable to decipher it will be troubled by it. When it is recited, it is like an obstacle among scriptural readings For one whose insight is somewhat hindered from understanding.
Or “more than?”
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ ł ł ł :ťŨŅĿł ťƀŅƖŹ IJĬôĭƻĥĪŌ ƎƄłŅ ſĥ ŦĭŅĬô IJĬôĭƻĥĪŌ ĭĬł ł ŏň ŏ ĖƋŶňĿŅ ĬƢňƃƦƘ ťƃŅĮ Ƨ Ŵƭĭň ťƃŅĮ Ŵƭ ĻĥĪŅ ł :ųƊňƕł ƁòƍŨĪł ķĭųŏƀƇłƕ ťſŅƢƉň Ņ Ī ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ƚƟňŁĭł ĖIJĬôŴƊŏíǑł ťƊŅƃĪł ķŴƌŏĥ ƑƄňƌłĪ ťƙŅƍŶłĪ ťŷŅŨűňŨ :IJĬôĭŅ ĪłĥĽň ťŨŅŴŶŏ ųƆň ƻĥĪŌ ťƍŅſĥĪłŏ Ƣƀūň ŦĭŅĬô ĺűłſŅ ĖŦŁĭĪŏƢƉł Ņ ƎƉň ųƆň ƋŅ ŶňĿŅ ħň ĭŁ ųƆň ŧĪňĿŅĪ ťƊŅƃ :ŦŁĭĿŏŴƙŏƃŅĭ ƨƤƃň ƨƉĭł ŭƀƇŏ Ō ƘĪł ťƍŅſĥĭł ĖųŅƆň ƎŅ ſƢŌſƢŌƉł IJĬôŴƉłĪŴƟŏ ĿűłƏŅĪ ťŨňŴòŹ Ō ķĭųŏíƿŏ ŏŅ ň Ņ Ņ ŏ Ī ŦĭŅĬ ťƉŅŴǑ łĭ :ŦƦũò Ź ƈ ƃ ƈ ſ ĥ Ƣ Ɛ ſ ĥ Ī ƈ ƕ ô Ņ ň ł ĖŻƣŅ Ƨ ĬƢňƃƦƘ ĬƦƤŅƀòũŌŨĪł ťƙŅƍň ŷłŨ ĬƢňƐŨł :ťƙŅƍŶł ųƇňſűŌŨ ŦĭŅĬô Ņ ŦĬňĮ ťƊŅƃĪł ĬŁĭƞłŏ ƀƇŌŶ ŦŵŅŶ ĖťŨŅĿł ŦŵŅūĭƢŏŨ ťƀŅƙƣł ťƊŅƖłíƆ ŦŁŴƍŏƐŅƄƉłĭ ŦŤƊŅŹ ťŷŅŨűňŨ :ųŨň ƗŬłƘŅĪ ťƉŅ ƈƟňŁƦƉň ųŨňƢƤłŅ Ũ ŧƢňƟŅĪ ťƍŅſĥĭł Ņ ĖųƆň ĪĭłĪłƦƉň ųƆň ŸƄłƤƉň Ƨ ŦŅ ƦƖŅũŨł ŏ ķĥĭň :džłƉłƦƉňĪň ťƉŅ ťƍňſŅǔƟň ƼŨň ťƉňň ĪŅ ŦƦíƇƟĭƦíƆł ĖƨƃŅŴòƏŏ ƎƉň ƈƀƇŌƟł ĬŁŵŅŶ ťƀŅƄƌŅĪ ťƍŅſƧ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB Then the mind grows dim and stops at his story, when it looks at it, For it is murky and concealed if understanding does not enlighten him. But a prudent person is not confused when he encounters it, For his royal road is totally cleared of obstacles. Guidance from God’s realm is total Enlightenment, While the soul that is blind will stumble upon it without its Knowledge. His wrath grew fierce against Israel at the sacrifice of his eldest, But the knowledgeable person—without stumbling— understands That the Lord quite properly became50 angry with the Hebrews Because they were not proud of Him as the gentiles were in their gods.
This is also what He said, in reproach, at one time, “Send to the Islands of Qedar” to rebuke them. “Do the nations of the Earth exchange their gods As Israel has exchanged My glory for something without value?” He took an example from the worthless gods of the gentiles Humbling Himself to embarrass them by how much they had rejected Him. So here, by that sacrifice of a pagan, He rebuked them, Because they did not love Him like that heathen who scorned them.
Var. B: “After he has paid attention, that the Lord became.”
Jer 2:10 Jer 2:11
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ 294
ň ł :ųŨň ĿŤŶŅ űƃł ųŅ ŨňŅ ƢƤłŨ ljŅĭň Ĭł ĶŤƟŅ ĿųłūŅĭ ĖųƆň ĿųłƍƉł Ƨ ƨƃŅŴƏŏ ķĥ ťƍňŅūĭł İŴƊŏƕłĪ :ŏ ųŨň ƗŬłƘŅĪ ťƉŅ ĪĭłĪłƦƉň Ƨ ƎſĪň ťƣŅĭƢŏƘŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖŦƦíƇŅƟĭòŁ ƎƉň ųñíƿŏ IJĬô ťƀŅƙƣł ťƄŅíƇƉłĪŅ ųŶňĿĭĥĪ Ņł Ņ :IJĬô ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ Ņ ųñíƿŏ ŦŅ ųŅł ƭ ƼŨňĪ ŦŁŴƌŏƢŅŨűłƉ Ņ ĖŌ ĬñƦƕűłſŌ ƧĪ ųñŨŅ ƨƟŁƦƉň ťƀŅƊƏłĪ ťƤŅƙƌłĭ :ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƈƕł ŦŵŅūĭĿŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƚƟňŁ ĬŅ ƢňƃŴŨŏĪ ťŷŅŨűňŨ ł Ņ ĖĭĬô ŏ ƈƃłƦƐƉň ƈƟňŁƦƉň Ƨ űƃł ňljŅƦƕĭűŏſłĭ :ťſňǔŅũŌ ƕň ƈŅ ƕł ŦĭŅĬô ŵūň Ŀ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ĬŁĭƞŏſĿŌƦŨłĪ ĖųŨň ƎſƢŌſƦŶ Ƨ ķĭųł ŏ òſųłíƆŅŤŨł ťƊňƊòƕł ƅſĥĪł ƈƕł ĥĭŅ :ƎƀƍŌŨòĮł ƎƉň űŷłŨ ĬñƢŅƉň ĥ ŧűŅƐŷňŨ ŧĪňĬŅ IJĬŌ Ļ Ņ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ƑƄňƌł Ŀűłƣł ĿűŅƟňĪ ŦŁǓŅŵŬŅíƆĭł Ņł :ķĭųŏòſųłƭ Ņ ťƕŅĿĥĪł ťƊňŌ Ɗòƕł ƋƆł ƎƀƙŌíƇŷłŌ Ɖ ķĥĪł ň ĖķĿŅŁŴł ſŏ ƧűŨł IJƢƠŅſĥ ƚƇňŶł ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥĪ ƅſĥ ňŅ ł Ņ :ŦƻŴŌŶŁ ƈƠłƣ ťƊňň ƊòƕłĪ ťƠňſǔŌƏň Ŧł ųò ƭ ƎƉň ł ťƊŅƃĪł ķŴƌŏĥ ŁųňũƌłĪ ŦƦŶŁƦƉň űƃł ĖIJĬôŴƊŏíǑ ň ł :ķŴň ƌŏĥ Ƒƃňĥ ťƙŅƍŅ ŶłĪ ųŷňŨł Īň ĭĬł ƎƉň ťƃŅĿĬŅĭŅ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ƢƐłŨĪł ťƀŅƖŹ ĭĬł ƅſĥ ųƆň ƎƀƊŌŶĿŅ ƧĪ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE KING OF MOAB “The nations of the Earth do not exchange their gods While My nation exchanges Me for idols” he rebuked them. He humbled Himself and likened Himself to a worthless god Of the gentiles in order to shame His people who did not love Him. In order to put fear into Israel while rebuking them For the kind of insult they had brought upon God through their brazenness. “Suppose this—that I am an idol and you worship Me— Why have you exchanged me, something that is not done among the gentiles?” He scorned them by how much He demeaned Himself in order to teach them That He had not even mattered to them like an image that is not to be exchanged. So here, with the King of Moab’s sacrifice, He shamed them That they did not love Him the way that pagan did his non-thing. He kept a record of His judgment against the pagan for when He argues His case against the lost ones when He reveals his zeal against the pagans. He has ignored it until that time of Retribution So that He would not be held responsible for having shed innocent blood. That one was already lost, so he was unable to become lost any further, So the Lord withheld his decree until the Great Judgment. He made him seem honest, without accusation, until, by means of him, He could accuse The nation that did not love Him the way that one should love the one that one worships.
Jer 2:11
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ Ņł :ķĭųŏòſųłƭ ťƕŅĿĥĪł ťƊňƊòƕł ƋƆł ƎƀƙŌíƇŷłƉ Ƨ ł ĖŦĭŅĬô ƑƄňƉł ķĭųŏíƆ ŧǔňƃƦƙŨł ƁƊƕł ƁƆŌ ƚŌ ƇňŷłłƉĭň ł Ņł :ťƊňƊòƕłĪ ťƠŅſƢŌƏŅ ŦųŅƭ Ƌƕłĭ ŦĭŅĬô IJƦŶŁŁňĥ ĖųƆň ƋŶňĿŅ ƧĪ ųƊňƕł ŁŌ ųňũƌłĪ ŦĭŅĬô ƋŷłƘłŁĥ :ųƆň ƑƄňň Ɖł űƃł ƈſňĥƢŅƐſł ĥ ƈƕł ťƕŅĭĮł ťƉňƢƌłł Ī ŏ ƢŅƊłŨ ŦųŅíƆŅƧ IJųôſƢŅƟ ŧƢŅƕĽł ťƍŅſƧĪ ĖĬ Ł Ŵ Ŷ ł ł :Ʀô ƌĥ űŬňƏŅ ƁŅ ƆŌĭ ljŅôĥ ŧƢŅƃƦƘĪł ŧĪňĬŅ ƋƆł ƋƀƏŌ ł ň ň ƊòƖłŨĪł IJĬŅ ƁƌƦŅƙƇňŶł ƎƊŅíƆ ĖŧƢŅƕƦ Ɛ Ɖ Ƨ ť Ɗ ň ň :ķŴƌŏĥ ƚŅ ƇňƌłĪ ŦĭŅĬô Ʀŷňƌ ťƊŅƃĪł ķŴƌŏĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƐłŨŅ Ņ ł ĖƚƇłŶłƦň ƌň ƧĪ ťł ƊŅíƆŅ ĽłĪ ŦǁĭĪŏ ųƆň ĭĭłĬô ĭƢźƌ ƧĪ :ķŴƌŏĥ Ņ ŁųňŨĥ ħĥŴƉŏĪ ťƄŅíƇƉłł Ī ųŷňŨűňŨ ťƃŅĿĬŅĭŅ ĖĶűňƉň Ƨ ĭł ųłíƆ ťƙŅƍŶł ĭĬł ƅſĥ ųƆň ƎƀũŌŷƉł ƧĪ :ŧűňƀòŨŌĥ Ƌň ƕłĪ ŧƢŅƙƐňŨ ĬƢňźƌł ťƙŅƍŶłĪ ųƍňſűŌíƆ ĖŅ ƨūŅ ťƙňòƍŷłŨ ųƍňƍŅŹĪł ťƉŅ ųƍňſĪŌ ŪƠňƖłƌ :ŦŁŴƍŏƕŅĿŴƘŏĪ ťƍŅŨĮł ĭĬł űƕł ųƍňƉň ƁƉŌĬĥĭŅ ł ĖťƀŅƃŅĮł ťƉŅĪ ŦĭŅĬô Ņ űƣłĥĪňŏ ƈƕł ŦĭŅĬô ƗŨłŁƦł ƌň ƧĪ :ŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƤƉň Ƨ ħĭŁ űŨłŤƌŌĪĭł ŦĭŅĬô űƀŨŌĥ ĭĬł ĖťŨŅĿł ťƍŅſűŌíƆ ųŅƍňſĪŌ ĿŵŅŬƆłŅ ťſŅƢƉŅ ĬƢňźƌłĭ :ųŨň ťƣňĿŅ űƕł ŦŁŴƣŏƢƉłł ƧĪ ljŅŤƃŌŅ Ĭűňũƕłĭ ĖųƆň űŬňƏŅűƆł ĭĬŏ ƋŶňĿŅĪ ƅſĥ ƋŶňĿ ƧĪ ťƊŅƖłíƆ
109 275
It was as if He did not blame him, while his blame was actually very great, So that through him He might blame the nation with wrath, and only then judge him. He was an outsider, and it was not time for his punishment, For he wanted to admonish51 the insiders, through him, how ashamed they should be. This is why His wrath flared up against Israel. Praise to the Good One, who punishes but accepts back those who seek Him.
Var. M: “punish.”
ŧĿŴƣ ƈƕ ĬƢŨ ŸŨĪĪ ħĥŴƉĪ ťƄƇƉ ƈƕĭ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ƎſĿŁĪ
Ņ ł :Ɓň ŬŌƏł ŦĭŅĬô ħĿł ųƀňíƆŅűƕň űƃł ųƆňűƕł Ƨ ƅſĥ ĖųƆň ķĥĪŅ Ǝƃňĭ ŦŵŅūĭƢŏŨ ťƊŅƖłíƆň ųŨň ŦĭŅĬô ĵĭűŏƖƌňĪ :ŦĭŅŌ Ĭô ųñƍŅŨĮł ŴƆł ĬŁĭňĪŏƢƉł űƃł ŦĭŅĬô ťſŅƢŅŨł ĖƎſƻųŌŨł ťƊŅƃ ųŨň ŦŁƢƌł ťƖŅŨ ťňòſŴŅŬŏł íƆĪł Ō :ƈſňĥƢŅƐſĥ ƈƕł ĬŵňūĭĿŏ ŦĭŅĬô ơƇňƏ ljŅĬŅ ƈźƉňĭ Ņ ĖųƆň ƎƀƖňŨŅűƆł ťƍňƟŅĭ ŧĪňĿŅĪ ťũŅźíƆ ťŷŅŨŴƣŏ Ōň .ƗƤłƀƭ ƈƕłĪ ƎſĿňŁĪł ƋƇňƣ
111 295
INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title: The Third on Elisha, and the Shilumite woman Source of Text: Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 4, pp. 296–316 [Homily 118] Lines: 466
OUTLINE This homily tells the story of Elisha’s visit with the Shilumite52 woman of 2 Kgs chapter 4 and the resurrection of her son. It is a particularly rich homily in every respect, loaded with exegetical issues, psychological detail, language play, and typological foreshadowing, in marked contrast to the rather sterile homily that follows. Strangely, its proem about the evils of greediness would be much more appropriate for the latter, which itself has a seemingly irrelevant, albeit lengthy one.53 Jacob’s Emphases in this Homily Major Issues x Wordly riches are unimportant x Women are quite capable, in both practical and religious matters x Nothing God does is without purpose x The power of the Spirit x The nature of prophetic vision See to line 31. Obviously, both homilies are intimately connected by the presence of the figure of Elisha’s greedy disciple, Gahzi. See the introduction to homily 119. In light of my comments there, one might suggest the following redactional history of this material. The proem of 118 originally was written for the early-composed 119 and later appropriated for this one. (Jacob would neither have been the first nor the last artist to “borrow” his own material!) Another, generic proem was prepended to 119 by Jacob or, perhaps, a successor. 52 53
The importance of the apostolic mission The power, nature, and independence of Grace The power of the mysteries of the Son of God, in particular that of the Cross
Exegetical Problems x x x x x x
Why did Elisha chose the Shilumite’s house? Why did God put the child to death? Why was that death hidden from the Prophet? Why did he tell Gahzi not to greet anyone on the way? Why was the Prophet’s staff powerless in Gahzi’s hands? Why did the Prophet lie on top of the boy the way he did?
Psychology There is a major and moving expansion of the mother’s speech (of 4:30, lines 277ff.) Types Elisha prefigures Jesus, of course, in almost everything he does. Indeed, the need for such foreshadowing drives many of his actions, as explicitly detailed in lines 353ff.: x The instructions to the disciple(s) x The descent to raise the dead x The raising of the dead child represents the resurrection of Man/Adam. x In particular, the contraction of his body and the deep impression into his body represents the Incarnation of the Son. x The resurrection is accomplished through a cross-like figure, both upon the child’s body and by the Prophet’s walking about the room. The Shilumite of our story prefigures the action of Grace in urging God to save Mankind.
SUMMARY I. The Lord’s Wealth is the only kind that is important (1–18) II. Why Elisha chose this house (19–42) III. The Shilumite as model wife, for women can be quite capable! (43–74)
IV. The Prudent Woman convinces her husband to take in Elisha, and Elisha prepares to repay the good deed (75–98) V. There is nothing the Prophet can do for her, for her hope is in the Lord (99–130) VI. Against all Odds, a Son is born (131–150) VII. Why the Lord took the child away (151–184) VIII. The Shilumite relies on the Prophet to resurrect her son (185–214) IX. How Elisha’s lack of foreknowledge was unusual (215–250) X. Why the Lord hid the child’s death from the Prophet (251–288) XI. Elisha commands Gahzi to hurry back and not greet anyone on the way (289–322) XII. Why the Prophet’s staff in was powerless Gahzi’s hands (323–342) XIII. How the mother’s request typified that Grace who asked God to save Adam (343–388) XIV. The significance of the Prophet stretching himself over the dead body (389–410) XV. How Elisha’s act prefigures the Incarnation of the Son of God (411– 446) XVI. Elisha formed a Cross upon the Body to drive away Death (447–466)
The World’s riches load their possessor with respect. In You, Lord, let me be enriched, for riches are Life for the one who loves You. Every acquisition that a man acquires except for You Is a great trap and snare for whoever acquires it. Let us acquire54 You, Lord, for You are riches that cannot be taken away, And Your riches provide Life and blessings for the one who holds tightly to them. When riches disappear and pass away from their possessor, Why should the one who has mounted the wheel55 and changed his place rejoice? Real wealth is when a person becomes wealthy both outside and in And his wealth goes with him wherever he goes. The Lord’s servants were rich only in the Lord But they were poor in everything that is of the World. They were poor in brief, temporal possessions, But they were rich in God and in His gift. This is the wealth that is constant for the one who knows Him, And which remains unchanging with its possessors. Therefore have the just ones acquired it instead of anything else, For from it derive all of the unchangeable riches.
54 55
Or “He should acquire.” i.e., his fortune has changed.
B 118
.ŸƀƟ. ŧƢŅƉŤƉŌ Ō ň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ŏ Ō ł .ŦƼƉŴƇƀƣĭ ƗƤƀƭĪ ŦƦíƆŁĪ
:ųƆň ťƍňƟŅűƆł ƎƖňźƉł ŧƢŅƟŴſŏ ťƊŅíƇƕŅł Ī Ĭň ĿňŁŴƕŏ ň ĖƅƆŅ ƋŶňĿŅűƆł ĭĬô ťƀò Ŷł ĴĿŅŁŴƕŏĪ ĿƦƕĥ IJƢƉŅ ƅŨŅ :ƥƌŅôĥ ųƆň ťƍňƟŅ ƅƍŅƉň ƢũłíƆĪł ťƍŅƀŅƍƟň ƈƃŏ Ņ ĖųƆň ťŅ ƍňƟŅűƆł ŦƼƟŌŴƍŏŷƉłĭ ťŨŅĿł ĭĬô ťŷłƘł :ƞƇłŶłƦƉň ƧĪ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ĭĬô ŏ Ʀô ƌĥĪł ťƍňƠƌň IJƢŏ ƉŅ ƅƆŅ ň ĖųƆň ƚƠňƌŅűƆł ĴĿŅŁŴƕŏ ťƍňƠƉł ťŨňŴòŹĭ ťƀò Ŷłĭ ł :ųł ƀňƍŅƟł ƎƉň ƢŅ ũłƕŅĭ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ƚƇłŶƦƤƉňĪ ťƉŅ ĖŧĿŅŁĥ ƚƇňŶłĭ ƨŬƀūŌŌ ŪƃňĿĪł ųŨň ŧűňŶŅ ƎƊŅíƆ :ŴŬłíƆĭł ųƍňƉň ƥƌŅôĥ ƢſƦƕłĪ ťƉŅ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ĭĬô ljłĬŅ ň ĖƅƆňųłŌ ƉĪł Ƣƃł ĬĿňŁŴƕŏ ųƿŏ ŧĪňĿŅ ųƊňƕłĭ :ĭĭłĬô ƎſƢŌſƦƕł ĪŴŷŏíƇŨł ťſŅƢƊŅŨ ťſŅƢƉŅ IJűłũòƕł ĖĭĭłĬô ƎƀƍŌƄŌƐƉň ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥĪŌ ĶűňƉň ƈƃŏ ƎƉňĭ :ĭĭłĬô ťŌ ƍňƄŌƐòƉňň ŧĿŅŴƕŏĮ ťƍŅŨĮłĪ ťƍňƀŅòƍƟň ƎƉň ĖĭĭłĬô ŧǔňſƦƕł ĬƦŨĬłŴƊłŨĭł ƎſĪň ŦųŅíƆŅŤŨł :ųƆň ĺűłſŅűƆł ĭĬô ŧĿłŁŴƕŏ ĶŴſŏ ƈƃŏŅ Ī ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ŴƌłĬŅ ĖIJĬôŴòƀłƍŅƟł űſĽň ťƙŅíƇŅŶŴƣŏŏ ƧĪ ŦŴňƠłƉĪł ĭĬł ŏ ň :ĶűňƊňíƿŏ ƚŅ ƇŅŶ ljò ŤƃŌ IJĬôĭŤƍłƟ ljŅųŅíƇźƉňĭ ň ĖťƙŅíƇŅŶŴƣŏ ƧĪ ŧǓŁŴƕŏ ķĭųŏíƿŏ ƎƀƖŌũƌŅ ųƍňƉňĪ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN II. WHY ELISHA CHOSE THIS HOUSE Here Elisha has been made into a mirror56 for the sons of Truth, So that when they look into it they shall be adorned by it with inner splendors. He traveled with distinction upon the great road of Elijah’s entourage As an indigent, without possessions, but with a spotless Life. He was poor, but he enriched many. He had nothing, but possessed everything from the Lord of everything. Thus is also the great road of God’s57 realm, Trod by the poor, but higher than that of the rich. Pristine, spotless, despising riches that cannot truly be possessed, While the servants of the King walk along it without possessions. From Elisha you will learn about Perfection, For he was the disciple of that splendid one, the most praised of teachers. From his attic room in Shiloh58 see what he was: How in his dwelling he had not acquired any extra things that were not needed. He made use of only those things that were necessary According to need, not caring for having much.
In Syriac, both “mirror” and “exemplar.” Emend to Elijah? It is a difference of one letter. 58 So in the Peshitta, thus enabling the identification of this woman with the “Shulamite” of Song 7:1, spelled the same way. The massoretic text has “Shunem” and Shunamite.” Additionally, however, one must wonder if the reading “Shiloh” instead of of “Shunem” in the Peshitta is not already inspired by the kind of exegesis we find in our homily. Shiloh, after all, is connected with the site of the coming of the Messiah (“the one to whom belongs the kingdom”) in the traditional Jewish exegesis of Gen 49:10. 56 57
Ōň Ņ Ņ ł :ŦƦƣŴƟŏ ƁòƍũƆł ƗƤłƀƭŏ Ƌł ƀƏŌ ŦƻŵŌŷƉł ŦĬŅ ĖŴŬłíƆĪł ŧǔňƘŴƤŏŌ Ũ ųŨň ķĭŌƦũŹ ƞƌň ųŨň Ņ ƎſƢŌƀŶŅĪ ťƉŅĪ ň :ƻŤſŅĬĮł ŧĪŅŌ Ŀ ťƀŅƭ ƼŨňĪ ŦƦŨĿł ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŅŏ Ņ ƄŌƐƉň ŧűňƠòƌł ťňƀò ŷłŨ ťƍňƀŅòƍƟň ƧĪ Ė ƻ Ť ƍ ł ň :ŦĭŅĬô ĿƦƖƉł ĭĬŏ ŦŤƀò ŬŌƐłíƆĭł ŦĭŅĬô ťƍŅƄŌƐƉň Ėƈƃŏ ŧƢňƉŅ ƎƉň ƈƃŏ ŦĭŅĬôŅ űƀŶŌĥĭł Ķűŏ ň Ɖň ųƆň ƼƆłŅ Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƼŌ ŨňĪ ŦƦŨĿł ťŶŅĿĭĥ IJĬô Ō ƎƃłĬŅ Ļĥ ĖŧǔňſƦŅ ƕł ƎƉň ťƉŅĿŅĭ ťƤŅſĿŌĪ ťƍňƄŌƐòŅ ƊňŨĪł :ŧűňƟłƦƉňŅ ƧĪ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ťƀŅƍƏŅĭ ŧűŅƠƌłĭ ƨíƆƞłƉ ĖťŅ ƍňƀŅòƍƟň ƧĪ ťƄŅíƇƉł IJűłũòł ƕł ųñŨŅ ƎƀƄŌŌ íƆųłƉĭł ň :ŦŁĭƢŏƀƊŌŬƆł ųñíƆŅ Ʀô ƌĥ ƚƇňſŅ ƗƤłƀƭ Ǝł Ɖň ĖťƍňŨŅǓł ŸƀũŌƣ ŧƢŅƀƙŌƣł ĭĬłĪ ŦĭŅĬô ĬűňƀƊŌíƆŁĪ ň :ŦĭŅĬ ťƍŅƉŅ IJŵŌŶ Ņ ŴƇŏŅ ƀƣŌ Ō ŴŬłŨĪł ĬƼƇŌƕň ƎƉňŅ ĖƎƀŅƖòŨłƦƉň ƧĪ ŦŁǔŅſƻł ĬƢňƉŴƖŏŨ ťƍŅƟ ƧĪ :ŦĭŅĬô ŸƤłŶłƦŅ Ņ Ɖň ĪŴŷŏíƇŨł ƎſųŅ ň ƀƇłƕ ŦƞŅƭĪŅ ƎƀƆňųŅŨ ĖŦŁŤƀòŬŌƏł ĻƞňſŅ Ƨ űƃł ťƍŅƠŅƌŴƏŏ ŁŴƙŏíƆ
He turned in to the Shilumite’s distinction-filled house, For she was worthy to receive him through the Love of her Faith. He made use of that new command of our Lord Turning away from that Old Testament time. For our Lord had commanded the apostles to inquire Who was worthy when they would come into cities. And, since the Spirit59 of the former ones and of the latter ones was the same, Elisha was clearly guided by it.
III. THE SHILUMITE AS MODEL WIFE, FOR WOMEN CAN BE QUITE CAPABLE! He saw that the Shilumite was worthy for him to dwell with, So he regularly would visit her when he was passing by. You learn that she was worthy of him from her discernment And from her speech to her husband itself concerning Elisha: “I know that he is a holy man, the Lord’s prophet” She intelligently said to her husband about Elisha. She would not normally have received him without discernment, But rather with the motivations of a Faith full of Love. Therefore she said “I know that he is a holy man” And clearly revealed the beauty of her Faith. She depicted a beloved image full of splendors for women To look upon and to emulate with their husbands. It is easy for a wife to instruct her husband about splendid things And to be a cause of Good for her house through her faith.
See to line 312 for a clear statement of the meaning of this line.
Matt 10:11
2 Kgs 4:9
ň Ņ Ō ł Ņ :ťŅ ƍňƣŅǓŴƘŏ ƨƉ ŦƼƉŅŴƇŏƀƣŌĪ ĬñƼũłíƆ Ɓźƒĥ ĖĬñŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĪ ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ ųƇňũƟłŁŅ ųƆň ŁĭŅĬô ťſŅŴƣŅĪ :ŦĭŅĬô ŸƤłŶłƦƉň ķƢłƉŅĪ Ō ŦŁűôŶł ljŅűŅƟŴƘŏ ĭųłŨ Ņ ĖŦĭŅĬô ƅƘłĬłƦƉň ŦƦƠſƦƖłŨĪł ťƍŅŨĮł ĭĬł ƎƉň :ĭĭłĬô ķŴƆŏŤƤłƌĪł ķƢłƉŅ űƠňƘł Ƣƀūň ťŷňƀòíƇŌƤƆł Ņ ĖŦƦƍŅòſűŌƊŅ Ɔł ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƆŌŤƕŅĪ ťƉŅ ŦŴňƣŅ ŴƍŏƉł :ťſňǔŅŶôĥĪł ĻŌ ĥ ťƉňűòƟłĪ ťŶŅĭĿŏ ŁĭŅĬô ŧűŅŶŌĪł ƈƕłĭ ň ĖƻĥƢŅſųŌƌł ŦĭŅĬô ƢŨłĪłƦƉň ƗƤłƀƭ ųñŨŅ Ņ :ųñſĪňĥĽň ŧƢňƤƌňĪ ŦƼƉŅŴƇŏƀƣŌ ŁĭŅĬô ťſŅŴƣŅĪ ŦŵŅŌ Ŷ ĖŦĭŅĬôł ƢũłƕŅĪ ťƉŅ ųñíƆŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƖłƏŅ ƻŤƍŅƀƉŌĥĭł Ņ Ʀƌĥ ƚƇňſŅ ųñƍŅƣŅĿŴƘŏ ƎƉň ųƆň ŁĭŅĬ ťſŅŴƣŅĪ :ųñíƆ ô Ōň ô ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ĖƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ ĬñƢũū ŁŴíƆĪ ųñíƇíƇƊƉĪ ųƍňƉňĭ :ťſŅƢƉŅŌ Ī ųƀňũŌƌ ƋƆł ĭĬô ŏ ƥł ſűŌƟłĪ ň ljŅôĥ ťƕŅűſŅ ljŅôĥ Ņ ň ĖƗƤłƀƭ ƈŅ ƕł ŦƼƍŌƊŅƖŹ Ņ ŁƢłƉĥ ĬñƢŅũŬłíƆ :ťƍŅƣŅĿŴƘŏ ƧĪ ųƆň ŁĭŅĬôŅ ƨũƠłƉ ŧűŅƀŅƖŨł ŴƆłŅ ň ĖťŨŅŴŶŏ ťƀŅíƇƉłĪ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬň ł Ī ťƕňĭòŵłŨ Ƨĥ :ŦĭŅĬôŌ ťƤŅſűŌƟłĪ ťŅ ƕŅűſŅĪ ŁƢłƉĥ ljŅųŅíƇźň Ɖňĭ ĖƻŤƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ ĬñŁŴƍŏƊŅň ſĬłĪ ŧƢŅƘŴƣŏ ƨūĭł :ŁĿłĽŅ ťƤňòƍňíƆ ŧǔňƘŴƣŏ ƨƉĪł ťƊŅƀŶŌĿ ťƊŅíƆĽł ň ſǔłũūł űſĽň ųñŨŅ ƎƀŅƉòűłƌĭł ųñŨŅ ķǓŅŴŷŏƌĪł ĖƎ ſ ų ň ł Ņ ł Ņ :ŦŁŅ ǔŅƀƙŌƣł ųñíƇŅƖũłíƆŅ ŦŁĿŁĪ ŦŁƦô ƌƧ ĭĬô ŏ ơƀƤŌň Ƙ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖĬñŁŴƍŏƊŅſųłŨ ŦƦũŹ ŦƦíƇƕň ĬñƼũłíƆ ŦĭňĬŁĭ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN Women’s nature is not lacking in knowledge, And if they wish, they are very wise in their activities. Lax habits and the love of the World of vanity Brought women down from godly knowledge. But as created, the nature of a man and a woman are equal In knowledge, thought, discernment, and all kinds of intelligence. So if habit does not lower her to laxness, It should be easy for a woman to understand everything clearly. Note how when she tends to love something she cannot be stopped, And her entire being takes hold of it acutely because of her love, And that she is very insightful about those matters that are hers, And that when it is necessary for her to do something, she does it with gusto. Where she loves something, she is very loquacious with soft words, But where she hates something, she is extremely skillful with curses. When she insults her neighbor, her insult is smart and abrasive, And when she lies, she knows how to deny things skillfully. So if she wishes, she is quick-witted this way in all things, And is enlightened by divine instruction. IV. THE PRUDENT WOMAN CONVINCES HER HUSBAND TO TAKE IN ELISHA, AND ELISHA PREPARES TO REPAY THE GOOD DEED
See the Shilumite’s prudence and learn from her— For it would be proper for all women to take note of her— So that they would regularly practice righteous instruction, And be bound to the idea of holiness, And prove to be a good impetus for their husbands, And be seen to be teachers for their households,
Ņ Ņ :ŦƦƕűłſŌ ƎƉň ƢƀƐŌŶł ťƤňòƌňĪŅ ťƍŅƀŅƃ ŦĭŅĬô Ƨ ň òſűłũŅƖŨł ƎƊŅƀòƄŌŶł ŪŹ ƎƀŅŨòĽŅ Ŵŏ ƭĭň ĖƎ ſ ų Ņ :ŦŁŴƠŏſƢŌƏĪł ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ƦƊłŶĿňĭ ťƀŅƘłǓ Ō ŧűňòƀŅƕł Ņ Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƋƕłĪ ŦŅƦƕűłſŌ ƎƉň ťƤňòƍňíƆ IJƦŶŅ Ł ň :ĬƻƢŌŌ ũŨł ĭĬô ŦŴňƣ ŦŁŅ Ʀô ƌĥĭł ŧƢŅũūł Ī ťƍŅƀŅƃ Ƨĥĭň ĖƎƀŅ ƿŅ ŴòƏŏ ƈƃŏĭ ŦŁŴň ƣŏĭƢŏł ƘŅĭ ljŅŅ ĭĬłĭ ťƕŅűƉłĭ ŏ :Ō ŦŁŴƀŏƘĿł űſĽň ųñň íƆŅ ŦƦŶƦŅ Ɖ Ƨł ŧűŅƀŅƕ Ŵƭĭň ł ĖƻĥƢŅſųŌƌł ƈƃłƦŅ ƏŁ ƈƃŏĪł ŦŁƦô ƌƧ ĭĬô ŏ ơƀƤŌƘ :ťƀŅíƿłƦŌ Ɖň Ƨ ĶűňƉň ŪŶňŁĪ ťŅ ƀŅíƆĽłĪ ťƉŅĪ IJŵŌŶ Ņ ĖƻŤƙŅſƢŌŶł ųŨňŴŷŅŏ Ũ ŧűňŅ Ŷĥ ųñƤŅƙƌł Ņ ųñíƿŏ ĭ Ņ ſųŌƌł ŪŹ Ǝƀƌňĥ ųñíƇŅſĪŌĪ ŦŁŴŅŨòƞňŨĭł : ŧ Ƣ ň Ō ĖƻĥƢŅũŅôƍūł IJĬô ŧƢŅƖƏŅ Ņ ĿŴƖŏƏŁĪ ųñíƆŅ Ŧł ƞŅƭŅ ĪŅ ƎƉŅĭ :ƁŬŌƏł ƨƀƇŌƉ ťũŅŷƉłĪ ťƄŅł ſĥ ŦŁŅ ǓŅĽŴƍŏŨĭł Ņ ĖƦŨłĿł ŧƢŅſųŌƉ ťƀŅƍƏŅŅ Ī ťƄŅſĥ ŦƦŹŴòíƇłŨĭł :ĬñƢŅƕŌĽł ťƤňƟŏ ĭł ƋƀƄŌŶłň ĬñŁƢũłŶ Ņ ŧƢŅƕƞłƉĪł ťƉŅĭ ĖƻŤƍŅƉŅĭĥ ħĭƢŏƏŁĪ ťƕŅűſŅ ƨū űłƉĪł ťƉŅĭ ŏ :ŁĭŅĬô ťƙŅſƢŌŶł ƎƃłĬŅ ƎſųňíǀŏŨ ťƀŅŨĽŅ Ŵƭĭň Ņł ĖŁĭŅĬô ŧƢŅſųŌƌł ťſŅųŅƭ ťƍŅƙŅíƆŴƀŏŨĭł Ņ :ƚƇłſŌ ųñƍŅƉňĭ ŦƼƉŅŴƇŏƀƣŌĪ ųñƍŅƣŅĿŴƘŏ IJŵŌŶ ł ĖIJĭò Ĭô ķǓŅŴŷŏƌĪł ŦĭŅł Ĭô ľĪŅ ň ĮŅ ųñŨŅ ťƤňòƌň ƎſųňíƿŏĪ ł :IJĭò Ĭô ƎƍŅƉòĥƦł ƌň ŦŁŴŅ ƠŏſĪŌĮłĪ ťƍŅƙŅíƆŴƀŏŨĭł ł ĖIJł ĭò Ĭô ķŅ ǔŅƏŅĥƦƌňŅ ŦŁŴƤŏſűŌƟłĪ ťƍŅƀŅƕƢňŨĭł ł :IJĭò Ĭô ƎŷŅƃòƦƤƌň ŦƦũŹ ŦƦíƇƕň ƎſųňſǔłũŬłíƆĭł Ņ ł ĖIJĭò Ĭô ƎſŅŵòŶłƦƉň ŦƼŅ òƍƙŅíƇƉł ƎſųňſǔłƉŴƖŏíƆĭł
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN That good advice be spoken by their mouths To both their husbands and themselves within their homes— Like that woman, who was the cause for all advantages Through her good advice, so that her entire household was blessed . Through her faith she showed the way to her husband And made her house into a holy tabernacle for that saint. She said to her husband, “the Lord’s Prophet is holy” By means of her own love, which was pledged to God. Since she possessed discernment and faith, She knew how to understand just what that saint was. She gave the advice, and her husband listened to the faithful woman, And they prepared a place for the Prophet to stay when he would pass by. Now the Prophet, too, who was as prudent as God, Wanted to repay good debts to their makers. He saw the attic room that they had prepared according to his wish, In a destitute, empty, and modest manner, And he was ready to repay them the debts they had established Just as God repays good deeds to those who love Him. V. THERE IS NOTHING THE PROPHET CAN DO FOR HER, FOR HER HOPE IS IN THE LORD So as not to be ungrateful for the work of faith, The Prophet wanted to repay the cost of her love through which he had been honored. So the Prophet summoned her to learn from her what he might give her, And for her to tell him what she wanted him to repay her. Thus does God, too, give to the one who prays to Him And desires to answer all requests to those who request them.
2 Kgs 4:13
ň Ņ ň :ƎſųňƀƉłŴòƘŏ ƎƉň ĭĭłĬô ķŴƇŏíƇƉłƦƌň ťũò Ź ťƄò íƇƉňĭ ł ĖƎſųňƀƉłŴòƍŏƟĭł ƎſųňŅ ƀòíƇłƖŨł űſĽň ƎſŅ ųňòſƦł ŨŅ ŴŬłŨł :ljňǓŅŁŴſŏ ƈƃŏň Ī ŦƦíƇƕň ŁĭŅĬĪł ŦŁƦŅ ô ƌĥ IJĬŅ ƅſĥ Ņ ł ň ŏ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ Ĭô ĴƢłŨłŁĥ ĬñƼ ĖŦ ĭ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ũ ųł ƿĭ ťň ũŹ ł ųñƄł íƇƊŌ Ũ :ĬñŁŴƍƊſųŨ ťŶĿĭĥ ĬñƢũŬíƆ ųƆ ƻŴŶ IJĬĭ Ņ ĖťƤŅſűŌň Ɵł ĭųłíƆ Łűłũƕň ĬñƼũłŨ ťƣŅĪŴƟŏ ƎƄłƤƉłĭ :ŁƢłƉĥ ĬñƢŅũŬłíƆ ƋƆł ĭĬô ŏ ƥſűŌƟł ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ųƀňũŌƌ Ņł ĖŦųŅŅ ƭ ŁŴŅíƆ ŦŅ ĭŅĬô ƎƄłƤƊłƉĪł ųñƤŅƙƌłĪ ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ :ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ ŦŁŴƣŏĭƢŏƘŅ ųñŨŅ Ŧĭł Ņ Ĭô ƻň ĥĪŌ ƈƕł ł Ō ł ň ł ň Ņ ſűŌƟł ĭĬł IJĬôĭƻ Ėť Ƥ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ĥĪł ƎƄſĥŅ ųƕň ĪŁ Ʀł ƕűň ſ :ŦƦƍƊſųƊƆ ĬñƢũū ųñƖƊƣĭ ťƄíƇƉ ƦŨųſĭ Ņ ĖŦĭŅĬô ƢũłƕŅĪ ťƉł Ņ ťƀŅũŌƌ ŧƢňŏƤƌňĪ ŦǁĭĪŏ ŴƍƟňŁĥĭŅł Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƅſĥ Ņ ŦĭŅĬôň ljŅŴźƘŅĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ĭĬŏ Ļĥ ň ĖķĭųŏſĪłŴòũŏƖŅíƆł ťũò Ź ƨŨŴòŶŏ ĺĭƢŏƙƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬô ťƖŅŨ Ņ :ųƍňƀŅŨĽň ƅŌ ſĥ ųƆň ĭĭłĬôŌ ŴƍƟňŁĥĪł ŦƼŌ ƇŌƕň ŦŵŅŶ Ėƻň ŤƄŅƀƍŌƃĭł ň ƻŤƟŅƢƐłƉĭł ƻŤƍŅƄŌłƐƉň :ŴƀƉŌĿĥĪł ƨŨŴòŶŏ ķŴƌŏĥ ĺĭŅ ƢŏƙňƌĪ ŦĭŅĬô ŪƀłŹŁĥĭłň ł ƘŅ IJĬŴƊłŶǔŅƆ ťũňòŹ ŧűňòũŅƕ ŦųŅŅ ƭĪł ƅſĥ Ėĺ Ƣ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ô Ņ ł ŅŌ Ņ :ŦŁŴƍƊſĬĪ ƨƊƕ ťƀũƌ Ŧĭł Ĭô ĶŴƇŏźƌň ƧĪ ĖųŨň ƢƠłſłŁĥĪň ň ųñŨŅŴŶŏĪ ŧƢŅūĥ ĺĭƢŏƙƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬô ťƖŅŨ :ųñíƆŅ ĵƦƌň ƎƉŅ ƚƆŅ ł ŤƌŌ ųñƍŅƉňĪ ťƀŅũŌƌŌ ĬñƢŅƟĭł ĖųñíƆŅ ťƍňƙłƌĪł ųƆň ťƖŅŨŁ ƎƉŅ ųƆň ƢƉłĥŁ IJĬŌĭŅ Ņł :ųƆňŏ ťƖňŨŅűƆł Ņ ħųňſŅ ƎƃłĬŅ ŦųŅƭ Ļĥ Ņ ĖƎſųňƀƆłĭòŤƤŅíƆ ŦƦƆò Ťƣň ƈƃŏ ťƍňƙłƌ ťŨňĽŅĭ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN In his own mind the Lord’s Prophet was ready To give her whatever the woman who stood before him would say. And he learned from her if she wanted him to speak a word On her behalf to the King or the General, so that she might be helped. Look, Oh discerning one, how poverty that is with God Is full of wealth and all sorts of treasures for the one who acquires it. Elisha commanded kings of the nation as if they were servants, And generals and rulers as if hired laborers. The word of the great and the rich was ignored and despised, While his was great, just like the Lord of lords. With his poverty he humbled kings to make them obey him. His word was respected by generals, to be commanded by it. Whoever has not asked to acquire something of God Is above the World and commands everything in a lord-like manner. Note, discerning ones, how a single poor man of God’s realm Can order all of the affairs of generals and kings. “What is there to say to the King or the General On your behalf?” he said to the faithful woman. She said to him, “I live well in the midst of my people, lord, And do not lack for anything rulers might help me with.” Here that prudent and saintly woman showed him That her heart was bound up in that world of God’s realm, And that she had accepted it for the sake of the hope in the future things, And that no worldly affairs had compelled her to take refuge in it [the world].
2 Kgs 4:13
ł ň :ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ųƀňũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô Ūƀłň ŹŁĥ ťƍŅƀŅƕƢňŨ ųŨň ĖIJĬôŴƉłĪŴƟŏ ƦƊłƟŅĪ ųñíƆŅ ŦĭŅĬô ĵƦƌň ŧƢŅƉĥĪŅ ĶűňƉňĪ :ųñƀƙňíƆŴň Ŷŏ ƢƉŅ ł ŤƌŌ ŁĭŅĬô ťƀŅƖł ŨŅ ķĥĪň ųñƍŅƉň ƚƇňſĭŌ Ņ ĖŁĭŅĬô ĿűłƕłŁŁĪ ƨƀŶł ħƢłíƆŅ ĭĥ ťƄŅíƇƊłíƆ ŦƦíƇƉň Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƋƕłĪ ŦŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƉňĪ ťƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ ĿŴŶŏ Ņ ťƍňƟŅűƆł ŦƦŅƊŅƀòƏŌ ƈƃŏĭ ťƀŅíƇƉł ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ĖųñíƆ Ōň ł ň :ƗƤłƀƭ űƠłƘ ŧűňũòƖłíƆň Īł ƅſĥ ťƊŅƕłĪ ťƄò íƇł ƊłíƆ Ņ ĖťƍňŌ źƀòíƇŌƣłĭ ƨƀòŶłŅ ƁŨłǔłƆ ŧǔňƀūŌƧ ƅſĥĭł Ņ :ŧƢŅſƦŅ ƕłĪĭł ťŨŅĿłĪ ŦƦíƇƉň ťźƀƣŌĭ ŧƢŅƀƐŌŨ ĖŦł ŁĭŅǔłƉŅĪ ŦĭŅĬô ŧň ƢŅƉŅ ƅſĥĭł ťň ŨŅĿł ųƇňſĪŌĭ :ųƆň ķŴƖŏƉƦƤƌň űũňƖň ƣł ťƄò íƇƊłíƆ ň ĬŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƊňŨ ĖųñŨŅ ķĭűŏƠƘłƦƌňĪ ƨƀòŶł ƁŨłǔłƆ ĬƦíƇƉň ŁŅ ƢłƠſňĭł ł ł ň ň ň ň Ņ Ņ Ņƭ : Ŧ ų Ƌƕ ĶűƉ ťƍƠƌĪ ťƖŨ ƧĪ ťƍŅſĥ ŌŅŅ Ņ ň Ņ ĖƻŤƌƢƉ űƠƘ ƈƄŏíƆĭł ĭĬô ťƊłíƇƕŅ ƎƉň ƈƖňíƆ Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƼŨňĪ ťƍŅƄŌƐƉň ň űŶłĪ ťƣňň ĭǔŏƘŅ ĭŵłŶ Ō ǔŅƕŴƏŏ ƈƃŏ űƠňƘł ťƄò íƇƉłĭ ƨƀòŶł ƁŨłǔłƆ ĖƎ ƀ ƌ Ņ ł :ƨƀŶł ħƢłíƆ ĭĥ ťƄŅíƇƊłíƆ ƢƉłŤƊŌíƆ ĶűňƉŅ ň ƋƆłň ťƊŅíƆ Ņ ŏ ĖŦƦƍƊłſųłƊƆł ųñíƆŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƉłĥ ƁƃƦíƇŅźƉňŅ :ljŅôĥ ťŨŅƻŅ IJƢƉŅ ƁƊƕł ŴŬłŨ ƢƀƙŌƣł IJĬŌ ųƆň ŧƢŅƉŅ ĥ Ņ Ėťƍňźƀòŏ íƇŌƣł Ņ ƁƍƌŅĭĿŏűƖłƌĪł ljŅôĥ ťƠŅƀƍŌƏ Ƨĭ Ņ :ŦƼƍŌŨŅŴŹĭ ŦƦƣĭƢŏƘŅ IJĬŅ ƻłŴŶł ťƃŅĿĬŅ Ņł ĖųñũŅíƆň ŦĭŅĬô ň ƢƀƏŌôĥ ŦųŅƭ ƼŨňĪ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ĭŏ ųłŨĪł Ņ Ō :ŁĭŅĬô ĬƦíƇň ũňƟł ŦŁűŅòſƦƕĪł ŧƢŅũƏł ƈźƉňŅ ĭ ł ĖųŨň ĸŴłūłŁŁ Ĭñĭƞŏƭ ťƊŅíƇƕŅĪ ljňǔŅƕŴƏŏ Ƨĭ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN She had no desire for the King to help her, nor the General, For her hope had been placed with that King of all kings. VI. AGAINST ALL ODDS, A SON IS BORN The Prophet wanted to give her a son, even though she was not requesting one And had not asked to get a child from God. The distinguished one learned that she was barren and her husband was elderly, So he was confronted with two handicaps, but overcame them. The great Prophet struggled against barrenness and against old age, But he produced an offspring in spite of both of them. The Prophet saw a barren woman and an elderly man Who had been deprived of having a child, but enriched them through his gift. The Lord’s Word was in the mouth of that saint, So it was easy for him to make children, even out of stones! So because of this he had promised the barren woman And the elderly man to give them offspring and make them happy. The power of creation was shining forth between his lips, And Nature was unable to prevent him from what he would command. Confidently he promised the barren woman, And, just as he had promised, the Lord fulfilled it and gave her offspring. The barren woman became satisfied, the barren one rejoiced in offspring, The household was enriched with a beloved heir, and its inhabitants celebrated. Elisha, who had commanded the barren womb and made it fertile, triumphed, While the Shilumite delighted in the son she embraced.
Ņ Ņ Ņ :ƨƀŶł ħĿł Ƨň ĭ ťƄŅíƇƉł ĬñĿŅűƖłƌ ŁĭŅĬô ťƀŅƖŨŅ Ƨĭ ŏ Ī ťƄŅíƇƉł ĭĬł űſĽňĪ ĖĬñƢŅũƏł ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀƏň Ō ťƄò íƇƉł ķĭųŏíƿ Ņ :ųñíƆŅ ĵƦƌň ŧƢŅŨ ťƀŅƖŨŅ ň Ƨ űƃłĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ťŨŅĽĭłŅ Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƎƉň ň ŪƏłŁ ŧűŅíƇ ſł ƦƆłŤƣň Ƨ űƃłĭ Ņ Ņ ƖŨł ħŤƏĭł ŁĭŅĬ ŦŁƢƠłƕĪł ťſŅĬĮł ƚƇňſĭŌ :ųñíƇ ň Ņ ł ň ł Ņôò Ō ň ł ň ĖƎƀƌĥ ťƃĮĭł ħň ƢƟŅ ĥ ƎƤƀŨ ƎſŁĿŁ ŅƈũłƟŴƆŏĭ :ŦĭŅĬô ŀǁł Łĥ ŦŁŴũŏƀƏł Ō Ƌƕłł ĭ ŦŁĭł ƢŏƠł ƕł Ƌƕł ĖťŨŅĿł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŧĿŅŤƘŌ IJƻĥ ƎſųňſŁǓŁ Ņ ƎƉňĭ :ŧűŅíƆŅŴňƉł ƎƉň ł ĭĭłĬôň ƎſŵŌƀƇŌū Īł ťũŅƏŅĭ ŦŁƢƠłƕ ł ĖķŴƌŏĥ ĿƦƕĥ ĬƦŨĬłŴƊłŨŌ ĭł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅňĬô ŦŵŅŶ :ťƤŅſűŌƟłň ĭĬłĪ ųƉňň ŴƙŏŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ĬƦíƇƉň ĖűũňƕŁ ťŅƀò ƍłŨ ťƘò ŤƃŌ Ņ ƎƉň ĻĥŅ ĪŅ ųƆňł ŦĭŅĬô ơƀŏ ƤŌƘĪł :ťũŅƏŅ ň ŧƢŅũūłĭ ŦŁƢƠłƕ ŦŁƦň ô ƌƧ ljŅĬŅ ƈźƉňĭň ł ĖķŴƌŏĥ įƞłƙƌłĭ ŧĿŅŤƘŌŅ ĵƦƌňĪ Ŧĭň Ņ Ĭô IJĪŌĭƦƣĥ :ŁĭŅĬô ťŷŅƌĪłƦƉň ŦŁĭĪŏŴũŏƕŅ ĬŁŴŅƙòƏň ƼŨŅ ň ĖŦĭŅĬô űƠňƘŅĪ ťƊŅŨ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ŦƞňƕŅł ťƍŅň ƀŅƃ ŦƞňŌ ƉŅ Ƨĭ Ņ :ŦƻŵłŬłƊƆł ųñíƆŅ IJĪŌĭƦƣĥ ƻƨƀƃŌŁĭł ł ĖŧĿŅŤƘŌ ųñíƆŅ ħųôſłĭ ťſŅƢƉŅ ƁƇŌƊƣł IJĪŌĭƦƣĥĪň Ņ ƅſĥĭł Ņ :ŁĮłĭĿň ŧĿŅŤƙŌŨ ŦƻŵłŬłƉŅ ĭł ƦƖłũƏň ŦŁƢƠłƕ ł Ņ ĖIJĬôĭǓłŴƊŏƕŅ ĭĽĪŅĭ ťƊŅƀŶŌĿ ŦŁƢƀŅŨ ŦƼŨŌ ł ĿƦƕĭł ň :ŧƢŅƠƕł ťŨŅŴƖŏíƆ IJƢŌƘĥĭł űƠłƘĪł ƗƤłƀƭ įƞłƌ Ņ ĖŁĭŅĬô ťŶŅƞƘłƦƉň ƦƠłƙƕňĪ ŧƢŅũŨł ŦƼƉŅŴƇŏƀƣŌĭ
VII. WHY THE LORD TOOK THE CHILD AWAY Then the Lord wanted His chosen servant to triumph yet again And for his name no become great through the miracles that would be done. So He sent Death, and he snatched away the beloved fruit that had blossomed, And the barren vine that had born him was clothed in pain. He gave him and He took him away, to show His great might: That the Life and the Death of the entire World are located in His hands. The administration of God’s realm is most sublime, And there is no element of carelessness in its wise workings. All things His are a wonder to those who are discerning And cannot be comprehended except through Love and Faith. Even when the Lord takes something away from a person, It is like a gift for someone who knows how to comprehend it. When he gave the son to the barren woman, it was merely a gift. But when He took it back, it involved His Grace itself. He wanted to make His gift greater and to adorn it So that it would be loved and something quite special for the recipients. He gave the barren woman a child, but that was not enough for her, So He gave her a living one out of a dead one, so that she could rejoice in him. In fact He doubled the beloved gift that He gave, So that its beauty would be even greater and that through it the great Prophet would be praised.
ŏ :ťƀŅũūł Ĭűňũƕł įƞłƌłƦƌňŅ ħĭŁĪ ťſŅƢƉŅ ťŨŅĽĭł ł ł ĖIJĭò Ĭô ķǔŅƕƦƐƉňĪ ŦŁųŅƀòƉŌƦŨł ħŅ ĿłŤƌŌ ųƊňƣĭł :ťƖŅſĪŌ ťƊŅƀŶŌĿ ŧĿŅŤƙŅ Ō íƆ ųƙňźƟłĭ ŦŁŴƉł Ŀűłƣłĭ Ņ ĖųƆň ťƍŅƀƖŌŹĪł ŦŁƢƠłƕ ŦƦƏł ťƤŅŶł ƦƤłũƆňĭ :ťŨŅĿł ųƇňƀŅ Ŷł ŦĭŅĬô ŦŴňŷłƌĪł ųƇňƠƣłĭ ųŨňųſł ň ň Ėųƿŏ ťƊŅíƇƕŅĪ ŦŁŴƉłĭ ťƀò Ŷł ƎƀƊŌƀƏŌ IJŅ ĬôĭűłòſŤŨŌĪ Ņł :ťƉŅĿŅ ƁŬŌƏłŅ ŦųŅƭ ƼŨňĪ ŦŁŴƌŏƢŅŨŌ űłƉŅ Ņ ĖŦƦƊŅƀòƄŌŶł ĬñŁűŅƀòũŌň ƖŨł ťň ƊŅŬƣň ƻĥ Ƨĭ :ƎƀƣŌŅ ĭƢŏƘŅűƆł Ǝƀƌňĥ ŧĿŅĬŁ Ņ ň ųƇňſĪŌ ƎſųňíƿŅ ŏ ĖŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ ťŨŅŴŷŏŨ Ƨĥ ƎƃŅǓĪłƦƉň ƧĭŅ :ťƤŅƌŅƢŨł ƎƉň ĶűňƉň ťſŅƢł ƉŅ ƈƠňƣŅĪ ťƉŅ Ļĥł Ņ ĖųŅ ñ ŨŅ ťƠňŨłƦŅ ƌň ĺűłſŅĪ ťƍŅſƧ IJĬô ŦƦŨĬłŴƉł ƅſĥ :ŁĭŅĬô ŦƦŨĬłŴƉł Ŧň ŁƢƠłƖƆł ŧƢŅŨ ųñíƆŅ ŦĭŅĬô ħųŏ ô ſł űƃł ł ĖŦĭŅĬô ŸƤłŶłƦƉň ĬŁŴũŏƀźŨ ųñŨŅ ųň ƇňƠƣł ħĭŁ űƃłĭ Ņ :ŦĭŅĬô ƦŨňƞłƌň ĭł ħĿňŴƌłĪ ŦĭŅĬô ťƖŅŨ ĬƦŨĬłŴƊłíƆ ųñíƆ ň ĖƧŴòƠŏƣŅ Ņ ƈƕł ƁŬŌƏł ťŨŅĿłĭ ťŅ ƊŅƀŶŌĿ ŦŅ ĭňĬŁĪł :ųñíƆŅ ĭűŏƃň ł Ƨĭ ŧűŅíƇſł ŦĭŅĬô ħųôſł ŦŁƢƠłƕ ŦŁƦŏ ô ƌƧ Ņ ĖųŨň ŧűňŶłŅ ŁŁ ųñíƆŅ Ņħųôſł ťƀŅŶł ŦƼƉŌ ƎƉň ħĭŁĭ :ħųłſŌĪ ŦƦƊƀŶŌĿ ŦƦŨĬłŴƉł IJųŅíƆ ųñƙŅƕł ƚƖłƉň ĖťŨŅĿł ťƀŅũŌƌ ųñŨŅ ƑƇłƟłƦƌňĭ ĬñƢŅƘŴƣŏ ťŬňƐƌňĪ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN He gave him the power to give children to barren women, And added more to it, so that he could even snatch the dead from Death. He made the barren womb and Sheol fertile through His prophetic power. And through two barren wombs He demonstrated His might. And, so that His might could triumph throughout the World, The Lord killed the Shilumite’s son just then. God saw how great her faith had become And that she would ask of Him to revive the dead without any doubt. That is why He took away that beloved one who was berefting; So that his mother would urgently demand Resurrection of the dead from the chosen one. He knew that she would not leave that saint alone Until he raised him, and so He took him away from her through Death. The Wise-Hearted One sent Death to the barren one And made her dwelling—that had been made comfortable by her beloved—bereft. VIII. THE SHILUMITE RELIES ON THE PROPHET TO RESURRECT HER SON
So she then, the one full of wonder and faith, Was not quick to lose faith over the loss. The great Prophet was great in her eyes—as he in fact was— And she was certain that he would defeat Death and resurrect the dead one. She filled her soul with undefeatable Faith And set the Prophet against Death, and remained confident. Her beloved was dead, but she did not open a grave for him to go into. Instead she placed him in that attic room, redolent of Life.
Isa 54:1
Ņ Ņ ň ň ħųſł :ĵƦŅ ƌň ťŅƀò ƍłŨ ŦŁǔŅƠƖłíƆĪł ƨƀŶł ųƆ ŏô ł ň ò Ō ň ň ň ł ł Ņ ň ĖŧűƖƌ ň ŦƼƉ ŦŁŴƉł ƎƉ ĻĥĪ ųƆŅ ƚƏĭĥ ħĭŁĭ :ĬŁŴƀŏũŌƍŨł IJƢŌƘĥ ĵŴƀŏƤƆłĭ ŦŁƢƠłƕ ťƏŅƢƄłíƆ ĖųƇňƀŶł IJŴŌŶł ĭĭłĬô ƎſŵňŬłƉň Īł ƎƀŨŌŴòƕŏ ƎſĿňƦň Ũłĭ ň :ųƿŏ ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ĬŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūł įƞłƌł ŁŁĪĭłł Ņ ĖƎſűňſĬŅ ťſŅƢƉŅ ŦƼƉŅŴƇŏƀƣŌĪ ĬñƢŅũŅ Ɔł ƼƉŌĥ Ņł :ŁĭŅĬô ťŅ ŨŅĿł ťƊŅƃ ŦųŅƭ ƢŶŅ ĬñŁŴƍŏƊŅſųłŅ Ũ Ņ ĖťŬŅíƆŅŴƘŏ ƧĪ ŦƼƉŌ ťŷňƌłĪ ųƆň ŁĭŅĬô ťƖŅŨŁĭ :ŦĭŅĬô IJŵłŬłƉĭłň ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀŶŌĿĪł ĭųłíƆ ųƇňƠƣł IJĬň Ņ ƈƕłł ĭ ň ĖƗŨłŁŁ ťƀŅũŬłíƆ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŅ Ŷłĭ ųƉňĥ ĻƞňŶŁĪ :ťƤŅſűŌƟł ĭŅ ųłíƆ ųƆň ťƠŅũƣŅ ƧĪ ųñíƆŅ ŦĭŅĬô ĺűłŅ ňſŅ ĖųñƍŅƉň ŦŁŴƊłŨ ųƇňƠƣłŅ IJĬŅ ƈƕłĭ ųƊňŷƌł Ƨĥ Ņ :ŦƻĪŌĽŅ ƈƕł ŦŁŴƉł Ŀűłƣł ťũŅíƆň ƋƀƄŌŶł ł ĖųñũŅƀũŅ Ō Ŷł űƀłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ň ƎſłƦƣĥĪň ĬñƢŅƉŴƖŏíƆ ųſňŵūłĭ :ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ ŧĿŅĬŁ ƼłíƇƉł ŧĪňĬŅň ƎſĪň IJĬŌ ň Ņ ĖŧűŅƀƍŌƕł ƈƕłł ŧƢŅũƏł ľŴƐŏƘŁ ƦŨłĬĿłŁĥ Ƨ ł :IJĬôĭƻĥĪŌ ťƉŅ ƅŅ ſĥ ťŨŅĿł ťƀŅũŌƌ ųñƀƍňƀòƖłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ħĿł Ņ ĖŦƼƉŌ ťŷňƉłĭ ŦŅ ŁŴŅƊłíƆ ťƃňĮŅĪ ųñíƆŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƢſƢŌƣłĭ :ťƀŅƃĪŅł ŵƉň ƧĪ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬł ųñŅ ƤŅƙƌł ŁĭŅĬô ƦƇŅƉ ĖŁĭŅĬô ƨƀƃŌŁĭł ŁĿłűƏň ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦŁŅ ŴƉł ƈũłƟŴƆŏĭ :ĵŴƖŏƌň ŧƢŅũƟł ųƆň ƦŶłƦƘň Ƨĭ ųñũŅƀũňŌ Ŷł ƼƉŌŅ ň Ņ ň Ėťƀò Ŷł ťƖŅũƌŅĪ ŦƼƇŌƕň IJųŅŨ ĬƦƊƏŅ Ƨĥ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN She knew who dwelled in that night-time lodging room And was confident that as soon as he arrived he was going to make Life appear. She placed the boy in Elisha’s room and shut the door on him, So that the Prophet would come and drive Death from his chamber. She laid the body on the Man of God’s bed, So that he would come and crush Death, who had crushed her abode. She brought the dead into the lion’s den and shut the door, So that he could roar against Death itself to release him quickly. She put her dead down and made her way straight to Elisha, So that he could come and restore the captivity that Death had led away from her. She went to summon the healer who knew how to revive the dead, So that he would come and press upon the dead lad, and he would be resurrected. Through her faith, she sensed what his power was capable of And demanded of him that he do what was easy for him, like a hero. She made her way straight toward his mountain, to go up to bring him To come down to bring up the dead one from the whirlpool of the dead ones.60
2 Kgs 4:21
2 Kgs 4:21
Jacob has quite outdone himself with this couplet, alternating words for going straight and whirling around and bringing back, going up and going down, and singular and plural of the self-same word, into a compact, alliterative package. One almost sees him giggling in delight at his writing desk! 60
Ņ :ųŨň ŧƢňƣŅ ƎƉł ŦŁŴŨł ƼŨňň ĭųłíƆ ųƆň ŁĭŅĬô Ņ ťƕŅűſŅ ň ĖŸƌłűƉł ťƀò Ŷł ŦŁĥĪŅň ŧűŅŷƉňĪ ŁĭŅŌ Ĭô ƨƀƃŌŁĭł ł ň :IJĬôŴòƘłŤŨł ŁűłŶĥĭň ťƀŅíƇźíƆŅ ĬƦƊƏŅ ƗƤłƀƭ Ƽ Ũň ň ŏ ĖųƌňŴźƀƟł ƎƉň ŦŁŴƉł ĪĭƢŏźƌňĭ ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦŁŤƌŌĪ Ņł :ƦƊłƏŅ ŧűŅíƇłƣ ťſŅųŅŅ ƭ ŧƢŅũūł Ī ųƏňƢň ƖłŨ ň ĖĬƼƕŌł ŴŨŏƢƉł ơŷłƣĪł ŦŁŴƊłíƆł ľŴŷŏƤƌň ŦŁŤƌŌĪ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł ň ň Ņ ĿŁ ŁűłŶĥĭň ŦƼ : ť ƕ ŌŅ Ō ł Ņ Ɖ ł ƦƇƕň ĥ ťſŅ ĿĥĪ ųƖŏ ƠƍíƆň ň ł ĖƻƨƀƇŌ Ɵ IJĬôŴƀƘƢƌĭŏ ŦŁŴƊň Ũ ųŨ ŦĭĬô ĿŴƐň ŬƌĪ Ņ ň :ƗƤłƀƭ űſĽň ųñŶŅŅĿĭĥ ŁĽłĿŁĭ ĬñƼƊŌíƆ ĬƦƊň ƏŅ Ņ ĖųñƍŅƉň ŦŁŴƉł ƢŨłĪĪł ŦƼũŌŅƣ ťƍňň ƙƌł ŦŁŤƌŌĪň Ņ :ŦƼƉŌ ťŷňƌł ĺűłſŅĪ ťƀŅƏƧ ŧƢňƟŁ Ʀň ƆôĮłĥ Ņ ĖŦĭŅĬô ƋŷłƌłƦƌňĭ ŦƼƉŌ ťƀŅíǑł ħĭŅ ƞŏƖƌň ŦŁŤƌŌĪ :ŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƤł Ɖň ťƊŅƃ ųň ƇňƀŶł ƦƤłūŅ ĬñŁŴƍŏƊŅſųłŨ ĖŧƢŅũŅôƍūł ƅł ſĥ űũňň Ɩƌň ĬƦŏ ƖŨłŁ ųƆň ơƀƤŌƘň Īł ł ƎƉŅĭň ň ł ƟŴƆŏ ųñƀƘò ĥ ŁĽłĿŁ :IJĬôŴſƻŁ ơƏłŁ ĬĿňŴŹ ƈ ũ Ņ ň Ņ ĖŦƼƉŌ ŦƼò ƉŌĪ ŦŁƢƉłĽŅ ƎƉň ơƐňƌł ŁŴŷŏƌň
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN She wisely kept the secret from her partner, So that the child would revive and only then she would reveal it to him, so that he would not become upset. For she was confident that as soon as the Prophet arrived He would revive him, and so she kept the secret until he was revived. She left the dead one behind and ran toward the Tree of Life To pluck Resurrection of the Dead from it with great force.61
She went and came to the distinguished one’s mountain all aglow, The Faith that revives the dead burning within her. She came up to him and seized his legs to ask him, And the Lord revealed the reason for the faithful woman’s behavior to him. He understood well why she was so embittered, And was shocked with amazement that the secret had been hidden from him. He rebuked Gahzi for having wanted to send her away: “Leave her alone, for her soul is greatly troubled, But the Lord hid it and did not tell me what it was about.” Understand, discerning ones, that that wise man used to see everything. Through Prophecy his soul was as enlightened as in the daytime. For him hidden things were as easy to know as revealed ones.
2 Kgs 4:27
2 Kgs 4:27
This is somewhat of a word play; it is her power, but since the same expression is repeatedly used by Jacob in his homilies on the prophets to describe both God’s and the prophets’ might, that power is also clearly implied. 61
ł Ņ Ņ :ŦƼƍŌŅ ƊŅƖŹ ųñƘŅŁŴƣł ƎƉň ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ƼłƐƃł ĖƢƉłƢƉłƦƌň ƧĪ ųň Ɔň ťƀŅíƇūŅ Ǝƃňĭ ťƀŅíǑł ťŅ ŷňƌŌĪ :ųñƊŅƕł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦŁĥĪŅ ŧűŅŷƉňĪ Ƣƀūň ŁĭŅĬô ƨƀƃŌŁ ĖƋŷłƌłƦł Ɖň űƕł ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ƼłƐŌ ƃłĭ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƋŷňƍłƉ Ņ ň :ƦŹĬĿňŅ ťƀò ŶłĪ ťƍŅíƇŅſĥ űſĽňĭ ŦƼƉŌ ƦƠłũň ƣň ŏ ň ò Ō łł ň ň Ņ Ŀł ƨƀŷłŨ ŦƼ Ėť Ũ Ɖ Ƽ Ŷ ų ƍ Ɖ Ļ Ŵ ź Ō Ņ Ōł Ņ ł ň ŏ Ņ ł ň ƟŁĪ ł :ƻŤƊƀƊŶ ťſĬĮĪ ĬĿŴŹŅ ƦźƉĭ ƦƆôĮĥ ň ò Ō Ņ ł ĖŦƼ Ɖ ťƀŷƉĪ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬł ųñŨŅ ŧűŅƠſŅ űƃł ň ň :ųƍňƉň ťƖňŨŁ IJĬôŴƇłūǓ ŁűłŶĥĭň IJĬôĭĪŅ ł ĥĽň ƦŨłƢƟň Ņ ĖŦƦƍƊłſųłƉĪł ųñƌŅƢŅƕŴƏŏ ƈƕłŏ ųƆň ƨū ťſŅƢƉŅĭň :ųñíƆŅ ŧƢŅſƢŌƉł ťƍŅƉŅ ƈźƉňĪň ųƆň ľűłŨłŁĥ ĖųŅ ƍňƉň ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ƁƐŌƃłŁĥĪň ƈƕł ŧĿŅĬƦŨ ŦĭŅĬô ĺŅ ĮŅĭ :ĬñŁŴƟŏƢŅƙƊłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ťŨŅĽĪł ƈƕł IJŵŌŷŬłŨ ŦŤƃĭł ĖųñíƆŅ ŧƢŅſƢŌƉł ƁŬŌƏł ųñƤŅƙƌłĪ ŅƋƆł ųñƀƟňŴũŏƣĪł :Ɓƃł ťƍŅƊŅíƆĭł ƁƆŌ IJŴŌŶł Ƨĭ ƁƐŌƃł ťſŅƢƉŅĭ ĖťƊŅƀƄŌŶł ĭĬł ŦĭŅĬô ł ŦŵňŶŅ ƈƃŏĪ ťƣňĭǔŅŏ ƘŅ ŴƕĪł Ņ Ņ Ō ň ł ł ň ŏŌ ł ňň :ťƊƊł ň ſŤŨłò ƅſĥŅ ųŅò Ƥƙł ƌ ŁĿŅ ųŅ ƌ ò ŦŁł Ŵƀũň ƍŨ ĖƎƀƌĥ ĺűƌ IJĭĬô ŦƼíƇū ŦƼƐƃ ųƆĭ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN Through revelations from God’s realm he would burn much hotter Than the Sun, in order to see distant things up close. Height and depth, breadth and length, were revealed to him, For he was a saint, and everything is comprehensible62 to saints. For one who has achieved this level, that of Elisha, There is nothing in Creation hidden from him, or that he does not see. The back side of the World is in front of every such saint, For he sees everything, and everything is close to him in order to be examined by him. Before his eyes, sealed up natures are opened up, And his sight easily passes over all Creation. There is no hidden or secret thing that can withstand him, Nor any created thing that can hide from him when he gazes at it. Remoteness and closeness are all the same to him to see, And he gazes into all hidden recesses as if at the Sun’s disk. So this man managed to see everything this way, And you have to understand his word to his disciple on that basis. That affair of the Shilumite that he had not sensed— The Lord had wanted to hide it from him for a reason. As the amazing Prophet told his boy, Gahzi, “The Lord has hidden it and not told me what He did.”
2 Kgs 4:27
62 Bedjan vocalizes this word as an active participle, yielding “he could comprehend everything along with the saints.” I am reading it here as a passive.
Ņł :ŦĭŅĬô ĵĮłŴūłƦƉň ŦųŅƭ ƼŨňĪ ťƍňŅƀò íƇūň ƎƉňŅ Ņ ĖŦƦƠŅƀŶŌǔłň Ɔ ťŨŅĿŴƠŏŨ ŦŵňŷŅ ƌňĪ ťƤŅƊƣň ƎƉň ŪŹ :IJĬôŴƉłĪŴƟŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƨū ťƃŅĿĭĥĭŏ ťſŅƦƘ ťƠŅƉŴƕŏĭ ťƉŅĭĿł ĖťƤňòſŌ űŌƟł Ƌƕł ŦĭŅĬô Ņ ĴĿňűƉł ƈƃŏĭ ŦĭŅĬô ťƤŅſűŌƟłĪł Ņ ň :ƗƤłƀƭ ƼŨňĪŅ ŦƦŶŴƤŏƉ ŧĪł ň ųŅíƆ ťźƉĪł ťŌ ƍŅſĥŅ Ņ ĖųñíƆŅ ŦŵňŶŅ Ƨĭ ųƍňƉň ťƀŅƤŹĪ ŦƻƢŌŨ ƻ ł ĥ Ƨň ŏ ł Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ł ò Ņ Ō Ņ :ťƤſűƟ ƈƃĪ ĭĬô IJĬôŴƍƀƕ ĶűƟ ťƊíƇƕ ĿƦƐŨ ĖųŨň ťƠňŨłƦƌň ƈƃŏ ųň Ɔň ŪŌſƢŌƟłĭ ŦŵňŶŅ ƈƄŏŨĪł ň :IJĬôŴƍłƀòƕł ƦƉłĪŴƟŏ ķŴƌŏĥ Ǝň ƀŷŌſƦƘ ťƊňƀòƊŌ Ō Ź ťòƍƀŅƃ Ņ Ņ ĖŦƻŅ ǔŨň ƈƄŏŨ ĬŁŅ ŵŅŶ ŧƢŅũł ƕŅ ƻŤźƀƤŌŌ ƘĭłŅ :IJĬôŴƉłĪŴł Ɵŏ ĶŴƠŏƌĪł ŧĿŅƦƏň ĭĥ ťƀŅƍūł ň ň ƻĥ Ƨ Ņ ĖųñŨŅ ň ĿŤŶŅĪ ťƉŅ ň ųƍňƉň ŦƻƢŌŨ ťƤňŹŁŁ ųŨňĭ ŏ ĥ Ŧŵňŷƌň ķŴƌŏĥ űŶł ųƆň ťŨŅĿŴƟŏĭ ťƠŅŶĭĿŏ : ķ Ŵ ƌ ł ł ĖĿŤŶŅ ťƤŅƊƣňĪ ŧƢŅƙŌƏŤŨň ƅł ſĥ ƎƀƇŌƙòƟň ƈƄŏŨĭł :ł ƈƃŏ ŦĭŅĬôň Ŧŵňŷƌň ĴĿňĪĥ ƎƃłĬŅ ň ŧƢŅũūł ljŅĬŅĭ ĖĬűňƀƊŌíƆŁ űſĽň Ĭł ƦŅ íƇƉňĪ ųñƍŅƉň ĺĿłŁ ƅƆŅ ƻĥĭŌ Ņ :ųŨň ƥūň Ŀĥ ƧĪ ŦƼƉŅŴƇŏƀƣŌĪ ųƌňƢŅƕŴƏŏ ĭĬł ŏ ĖťƏŅĿŴƘŏ ƈźƉň ųƍňƉň ųň ƀňƐƃłĭ ŦĭŅĬô ťŨŅĽ ťſŅƢƉŅł :ųƀňíǑł IJŵŌŷŬłíƆ ŧĿŅĬŁĪ ťƀŅũŌƌŅ ŦĭŅĬô ljŅŁĪł ƅſĥ ĖűũłƕĪł ĶűňƉň ƁƆŌ IJŴŌŶł Ƨĭ ƁƐŌƃł ťſŅƢƉŅĪ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN Since all affairs were revealed to him so that he might see them, It says that the Lord had hidden that which had been hidden— As if to say, “had the Lord not hidden it from me, That affair would have been revealed to me like everything else.” X. WHY THE LORD HID THE DEATH FROM THE PROPHET Why, then, did the Lord hide the death of the boy From Elisha, and why did he not sense it when he was dying? Had he sensed it, he would have kept Death away from him, And would have prevented him from approaching him through his prayer. For him to have sensed it and to keep the boy from hurt, Would not have been as great a thing as for hime to resurrect him and to give him to his mother. The hero went down to the abode of the dead and extracted the dead From it with Life, and acquired outstanding fame in the World. And so that his heroic deed might be told through the miracle that he performed, The secret that the child had died was hidden from him— So that he could go down to do wondrous battle with Perdition, To defeat Death with the Resurrection of the dead that would be revealed. The Prophet had been kept back and not sensed this deed, So that when he did sense it, he roused himself for a miracle.
ň :ķŴƌŏĥ Ŧŵňŷƌň Ǝƀł ƌŌǔŅƕŴƏŏ ƈƃŏ ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƇňū Īł ƈƕł ĖŁĭŅĬô ŧƢŅƉĥƦƉňŅ ųƀňƐƃł ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ƁƐŌƃłŁĥĪň ĭĬłł ŏ :ƁƍƉň ƁƐŌƃłł Ƨ ťſŅƢƉŅ ŴƭĪň ƢƉłŤƊŌíƆĪł ƅň ſĥ ŏ ŅŅ ŏ ł ł Ņ Ņ ĖĶűňƉň ƈ Ōł ň ƃ ƅſň ĥ ljŅ ƢƕŅ ŴƏ Ō ĭĬł Ɓł ƉűŅ ƟŅ ŦĭĬôł ƨū :ƗƤƀƭ ň Ņ ƎƉł ťſƢň Ɖ Ɓň Ɛƃł ƁŅ ƃ ťŅ ƍƊł íƆĭ ň ł Ņ ĖŦĭĬô ŁŤƉ Ņ űƃ ųŨ ƥū Ŀĥ Ƨĭň ťƀíǑĪ ł ĬŁŴƉ ŏň :ųƍňƉň ŦŁŴƊłíƆŅ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƨƃŅ ƥūňň Ŀĥ Ŵƭ ĖųƆň ħƢňƟŅ Ƨĭ ųƆň ŏ ŦĭŅĬô Ƣūł ĮŅ ĬŁŴƖŏũŅŨĭł :ťƍŅƀŅƄƌňň ƎƉň ťƀŅíǑł ĿŴźƌňĭ ųŨň ł ŦĭŅĬô ƥūňƢƌłĪŅ ĖųƉňƧ ųŅ ƆňƦƌňĭ ųƊňŷƍłƌĪł ƅſĥ ŁĭŅĬô Ņ ťŨŅĿł Ƨ ň :ųñƍŅƉň ƧĪĭł ŧƢŅũŅôƍūł Ʀŷňƌ ŦƼò ƉŌĪ ŦŁĭųłíƆ Ņ ň ĖťŷŅſƞŌƌł ťƊŅƣ ŅťƊŅíƇƖŅŨň ťƍŅƟĭł ťƀò ŷłŨ ŦƼň ƉŌ :ƢƖłƏĪł ŦŁŤŨŅ ĬŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūł džłƉłŁŁĪĭň ł Ō Ī ųƍňƉň ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƁƐŌƃłŁĥ ĖŧĪŅŴƇŏſł Ƽ Ɖ ň ł :ljŅűŅŨĥ Ƌƕł ŧĿŅĬŁĪ ŧĿŅĪłŅ űũňƖƌň ŁŴŷŏƌňĪ ň ĖŁĭŅĬô ťŷŅƌĪłƦł ƉňŅ Ī ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŷłŨŌ ŦŁŴƊłíƆ ťƃňŵƌňĭ :ŦĭŅĬôŅ ƥūňň Ŀĥ ƧĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô Ƣƀł źƌ ŧűŅũŅł ƕ ljŅųŅíƆ ĖŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ ƈƕł ųƤňƙƌł ƢƀƕŌĥ ƥūň Ŀĥ ƎſĪň űƃł
He summoned Gahzi and he give him the staff, and sent him to go To drive away Death from the boy with great might.63 His mother said, “As the Lord lives, and as you live yourself, I shall not leave until I have brought you to revive my beloved one. I was barren, my Lord, and spared from the troubles Of the pangs of giving birth and the death suffering of those who give birth.64 I neither asked to give birth nor to bury, Nor ever to experience labor pains or sufferings. You know that I did not ask for a child from you But rather I said, ‘Do not ask for me to have a son.’ Now that he has come into being and Death has taken him, come on and go and bring him back. And raise him again just as you gave him, for it is easy for you. You produced a child from my barren womb when I did not ask. Now give me back Life from the realm of the dead now that I am pleading. The household has become accustomed to his voice and his affection. So revive him, now. Let it not be deprived of your gift. You made the old man grasp a staff though he did not ask you for it. Then Death came and snatched it from him, so now he is collapsing. Come, give it to back to him so that he might lean on it once again. So that the ancient one of days shall not be laid prostrate from suffering over his son.
63 64
See note above to line 224. i.e., those who must suffer the death of their children.
2 Kgs 4:30
2 Kgs 4:28
:ĵĮłŤƌŌ ĬĿňűƣłĭ ŧƢŅŹŴŅ Ŷŏ ųƆň ħųôſłĭ IJŵŌŷŅ ŬłíƆ ŧƢŅƟĭł ĖťŨŅĿł ƨƀŷłŨ ťƀŅíǑłĪ ųƍňƉň ŦŁŴƉł ň ĪĭƢŏźŅƌň :ƅƤŅƙƌł IJĬô ťƀŅŶłĭł ťſŅƢŅ ƉŅ ĭĬô ŏ Ņ ň ƁŶł ųƉňĥ ŧƢŅƉŅ ĥ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ň Ņ Ņò Ņ ĖƁň ƉŴŶƢŌ Ɔ ťŶŅ Ł Ō ĴŁƢł ŨĪ ƧŅ ĥ ljôĥ Ō ťƠũŅ ƣ ł ƧĪ :ŦƦƠƕ ƎƉ ƻŅ ĭĬô ťƄƀŅ ƐŶĭ IJƢƉ ƻĭĬô ŦŁƢƠƕ ň ĖŦŁň űŅòíƇŅ Ņ ſłĪ ŦŁŴƉŌ ł Ī ťŅ ƤŅŶŅ ł ĭ ŧűŅíƇſłĪ ťŨò ŤƃŌĪŅ ł :ĿŴũŏƟŏ ĥ ƨƘĥĭŅ űƭň ƨƘĥ ƻ ĭŌĬôň ťƀŅƖŨŅŅ ƧŅ Ņ Ņ ĖĶĭƦƉ ƎƉň ŦŵňŶĥ ťƤňòŶł Ņ ƨƘĥ ƨũòŶňł ƨƘĥ :ƅƍŅƉň ŧűŅíƇſł ƻĭŌĬô ƦƆňŤƣň ł ƧĪ ň ĭĬô ŏ Ņ Ʀô ƌĥ ĺ űłŅ ňſŅ ň ĖƁƆŌ Ŧĭňųƌň ŧƢŅŅŨ ƁŅ ƆŌ ĵŤƣŁ ƧĪ ŁƢňƉĥ Ƨĥ Ņ :IJųôſƻĥĭł ĵĮň ŦŁ ŦŁŴƉł ŏ ĬƢňŨĪłĭ ŦĭŅĬĪł ťƣŅĬŅĭ Ņ ĖƅƆŅ ĭĬô ŏ ơƀƤŌƘĪŅ ł IJųôƀƊŅŷňƌł ħĭŁ ł IJųôſƦŨųłſĪŌ ƅſĥĭł :ƦƆňŤƣň Ƨ űƃł ŧűŅíƇſł ƻƢŌƘĥ ŧƢŅƠƕł ƁŨŴƕŏ ƎƉň ň ň ĖljŅôĥ ťƐŅƀň ƙŌƉĪł ťƀò Ŷł ƁƆŌň ħĬł ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼŨň ƎƉňň Ņ :ĬŁŴƊŏƀŶŌƢŨłĭ ĬŁĭƞłŨ ŦŅ ƼŨł ųƆň űƀłƕłŁłĥ Ņ ĖĴƦŨŅ ĬłŴƉł ƎƉňŅ ŦŵňūłƦƌň Ƨ ł ƈƀƄŌƉň IJųôƀŶŅĥ ł :ƅƆŅŤƣł Ƨ űƃł IJųôſǂũňƭ Ʀô ƌĥ ťũŅƐŅíƆ ŧƢŅŹŅ ŴŶŏ Ņ ň ƌŅ ŦĬŅĭ ųƍňƉň ųƙňźŶł ŦŁŴƉł ŦŁĥĭň ĖųƆň ƈ ƙ ň ŏ Ņ ł :ųŨň ƅƉłƦƐƌň ŁŴƍŏƀŅƌŁ ħĭŌ Ł ųƆň IJųôƀŨŅĬł ŦŁŅ ĖĬƢňŨĪł ťƤŅŷłŨ ťƉňŴòſł ơſƦƕł ŸūłƢūłƦƌň ƧĪ
147 265
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN It is up to you, sir. Lighten the power of Death who took away our boy from us. Come and make a mockery of him, so that he might not mock that which is belongs to you. He is your gift, but Death took him away. Take him from him And give him back to us, so that once again your might shall be triumphant.” XI. ELISHA COMMANDS GAHZI TO HURRY BACK AND NOT GREET ANYONE ON THE WAY
The woman of Love said these things to the man of Spirit And with her request fired him up to do according to her wish. As we have said, he had sent Gahzi and given him the staff And ordered the boy to stay silent on the road and not to speak. “If anyone meets you on the road, do not greet him; If anyone greets you, do not answer him!” he said to him. This is what our Lord said, too, to His Disciples, That they should never offer greetings to anyone on the road. Both of these were said by the same Spirit, For our Lord Himself gave the prophets the Spirit of Himself. Through the Messiah, Elisha, too, was made wise And repeated the word of his Lord to his disciple when he said, “If anyone meets you on the road do not greet him.” For the Spirit of both the Prophets and the Apostles is the same. Elisha said that he should not greet any man on the road, While our Savior said that the Apostles should not offer greetings.
Luke 10:4
Ņ ł :ƎƍłƉň ťƀŅíǑł ƢŨłĪĪł ŦŁŴƉł ƁƇŌƟŅ ĥ IJƢƉŅ ƅƀƇłƕŅ ĖĭĬô ŏ ƅƇŅſĪŌĪ ťƊŅŅ Ũ ĭĬŏ įŵłũłƌ ƧĪ ųŨň Ņ įŵłŨł ŦŁ :ųŅ ƍňƉň IJųôƀũŅƏł ŦŁň ŴƉł ųŏ ƇňƠƣłĭ ĭĬô ŏ ĴƦŨĬłŴŏ Ɖł ĖĴŁň ĭƢŏũŅôƍūł įƞłƌł ŁŁ ħĭŁĪ ƎƆł IJųôƀŨŅŅ Ĭł ħ ĭŁĭ ł ŏ ň ł Ņ Ņ Ņ :ŁƢƉĥ ƎƀƆĬ ťŶŅĭĿł Ī ŧƢũŬłíƆ ňťŨŴŶŏĪ ŦŁƦŅ ô ƌĥ ĖųñƍŅƀŅŨĽň łƅſĥ ĿŴƖŏƐƌňĪ ĬŁƢŬłƣ ĬñŁŴƖŏũŅŨĭł ň ħųſłĭ IJŵŌŷūł Ŀűłƣł :ƎƌłƢƉłĥĪň ƅŅſĥ ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ ųƆ ô ł ň ň ň Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ĖŦĭĬô džƊƌ Ƨĭ ŅťŶĿĭŤŨ ƨƤƌĪ ťƀŅíƇźíƆ ĬűňƠƘłĭň :IJųôƀƃŅƢňŨłŅ Ł Ƨ ťŶŅĿĭň ŤŨŏ ŧƢŅũŏ ūłŅ ƅŨŅ ƗŬłƘŅ ķňĥ ĖųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƢƉłĥ ł IJĬôŴƀƍňƕŁ ħĭŁ Ƨ Ņ ƅƆŅ ĴƢňũłƉ ķĥ :ŏ IJĬôĭűłƀòƊŌíƆŁ űſĽň ķƢłƉŅ ĭĬŏ Ļĥ ƢƉłĥĪň IJĬô ŧĪŅĬŅŅ ĖĶĭƦƊƉň ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ ł ƥƌŅôĥĪ ťƊŅíƇŅƤŨł ĭĭłĬô ķŴƆŏŤƤƌňł Ƨł Ī ł :IJĭò Ĭô ķǔŅƉĥƦƉň ťŶŅĭĿŏ ŧűŅŷŨł Ƣƀūň ƎſųňſŁǓŁ ň ĖųƍňƉň ťŶŅĭň Ŀŏ ťƀò ũŌŌ ƍƆł ħųŅô ſł ķƢłƉŅ ŴſŏĭĬŏĪ ň :Ņ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƄłŶłŁĥ ƗƤłƀƭ Ļĥ ťŷŅƀƤŌƊŨł ųŨň Ņ ł ĖƢƉłĥ űƃł ljŅŅŁ ĬƢňƉŅĪ ŦƦíƇƉň ĬűňƀƊŌíƆƦíƆĭł :IJųôƀƃŅƢňŨłŁ Ƨ ťŶŅĿĭŅ ŤŨŏ ŧƢŅũūłŅ ƅŨŅ ƗŬłƘŅ ķĥĪň ň ƀòíƇŌƣĪł Ļĥ ťňƀò ũŌƌĪł Ļĥ ťŶŅĭĿŏ IJĬô ŧűŅŶĪł Ėť ŷ Ņ Ōň :ƗƤłƀƭ ƢƉłôĥ ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ ŧƢŅũŬłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ĴƢňũłƌ Ņ ƧĪ ĖƎƟłĭƢŏƘŅ ƢƉłôĥ ťŷňƀòíƇŌƣ ťƊŅíƇŅƣ ķŴƆŏŤƤƌň ƧĪĭł
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN This is the reason that a man should be alert to his task And, once commissioned, should be diligent upon the journey he has undertaken. He should quickly take care of the journey’s task With alertness, diligence, and reliability So that he be not lax or prevented from his work Or allow his journey, and the work he has undertaken, to come to naught through excuses. Thus a man should remain alert when he is commissioned, Not even to greet or be greeted, because he is in a hurry. But diligently and earnestly he must finish what he has been ordered to do, For this is what the entire enterprise of discipleship demands. The Apostles learned that they were not to offer greetings on the road, So that the desolate word of insipid things would not stop them. They should not even speak except for the announcement itself, And should deal with nothing except for what pertains to it. Aside from it, no business of their own should be spoken of, Not even to greetings, unless it was part and parcel of it. So since Elisha was led by the Spirit itself, He said to his boy not to greet any man along the way. XII. WHY THE PROPHET’S STAFF WAS POWERLESS IN GAHZI’S HANDS So he picked up his staff and went on ahead of him as he ordered him, Reached the dead one and installed the staff as he had said to him. But Death was not moved to flee from the disciple, Nor did he release the corpse that had been seized and go away.
2 Kgs 4:31
Ņ :ųƌňƢŅƕŴƏŏ ƈƕł ƥƌŅôĥ ƢƀƕŌ ŦĭňųƌňĪ ŦƦíƇƕň IJĬô ŧĪŅĬŅ ł ĖƅƀũŌíƆĪł ťŶŅĿŅ ĭŤŨŏ ųñŨŅ ƢƤłŅ ƃłƦƌň ĿĪłƦƣŅ ĥĪň ťƉŅĭ :ŦŁŌ ŴŅ ƍŏƀƉŌŤŨłĭ ŦŁĭƞŏƀŷŌŨĭł ŦŁĭƢŏƀƖŌŨĭł ĖƻƨƀƇŌƟł İĬňĿŅ Ŧĭňųƌň ťŶŅł ĿĭĥĪŏ ĬñűŅũŅƕŅ ŏ ƎƉň ƗźłƟłƦƌň ĭĥ ťƘňĿłƦƌň ƧĪ :ųƍňŷŅíƆ Ŵ Ƙ Ņ ŏ ł ň Ņ ň ĖƅƀũŌíƆĪłł ƨƊƕłĭ ųŶňĿĭĥ ƈźŨŁ ŦƦíƇŅíƇƖò Ũĭł :ĿĪłƦƤƉňĪ ťƉŅ ƥƌŅôĥ ƢƀƕŌ Ŧĭňųł ƌň ƋƆł ťƍŅŅ ƃłĬŅ Ō ĿĪł ƈźŏƉň ĴƢłŨłƦƌň ĭĥ ĴƢňũłƌ ƨƘĥĪŅ ĖŪ ſ Ĭ Ō Ō Ŷĭł :ƻĥƢŅƀŅ ƤŌƃł űƀƠŌƘł Īł ƎƉŅ ĭŏ Ĭł ĿŴƊŏŬƌň Ż ƀ ƙ Ņ Ņ ĖŦŁĭűŏƀƊŌíƆŁĪ ťŶŅĿĭĥ ųñíƿŏ ťƖŅŨŁ ƎƃłĬŅŅ Ī :ŴƙƇňſŌ Ņ ťŷňƀòíƇŌƣ ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ Ņ ťƊŅíƇŅƣ ĭĭłĬô ķŴƆŏŤƤƌň ƧĪ ĖŦŁųŅƀòƄŌŅ ƘłĪ ťŨŅƢŶł ƨíƇƊň ƉłŅ ň ķĭųŏƍƉň ľŴƐŅ ŏ ƙƌňĪ :ŦŁĭĮŏĭƢŏƄŅŨ ųñŨŅ ķĥ Ƨĥ ķŴƇŏíƇƊłƌ Ƨ ĻĥĪŅ ł Ō Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņň ŏ ł ň Ņ ĖIJĬôĭƻĥ ųñíƇſĪĪŅ ťƉ ĭųŨ Ƨĥ ķŴŷƤŶƦƌ Ƨĭ :džłƉłƦƌň Ƨ ķĭųŏƍƉň ťŨŅň ƢƣłŅ ň ųñƍŅƉň ƢũłíƆŅ ĭŅł Ņ ŏ ĖĬñƦíƇŅźƉňĭ ųñŨŅ ķĥ Ƨĥ ťŌ ƊŅíƇŅƣ ƨƘĥ :ŦĭŅĬô ƢŨłĪłƦƉň ťŶŅĭƢŏŨ ĭĬŏŅ ųñŨŅ ƗƤłƀƭĪň ƈƕłĭ ł ĖťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ ł ŧƢŅũŬłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ĴƢňũłƌ ƧĪ ųƀňíƇźíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƉłôĥ :ųƆň űƠłƘĪł ƅſĥ IJĬôŴƉłĪł ŴƟŏ Ƣũłƕĭł ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ ƼƃŌ ƈƠłƣ Ņ Ņ ĖųƆň ƢƉłĥĪň ƅſĥł ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƏŅ Ņ ĭ ŦƼƊŌíƆ ťźƉĭłŅ :ŧűŅƀƊŌíƆŁ ƎƉň ľĭƢŏƖƌňĪ ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ĺĮŅ Ǝł ſĪň Ņ Ƨ ĖŁĭŅĬô ŧűŅƀŶŌĥĪł ƁƍŌƣłĭ ŧűŅíƇłƣ ŦĭŅĬô ƁƘŌĿĥ Ƨĭ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN It was not that the staff was lacking in the power to revive the dead, Its holder was deficient and lacking in miraculous power. That Ark that divided the Sea and cleft the rock, And performed mighty acts in the hands of the great priest,65 Joshua, When on the other side66 was actually captured and its people killed . And was humiliated by exile at the hand of captors. In the hands of the greedy67 priests who carried it, it was not triumphant, So, too, in Gahzi’s hands the staff was not special. A lax person was carrying the firm staff, and it would not function for him Just as the Ark could not triumph for the greedy ones who carried it. The disciple did not have the power to function within him, Though the staff, itself, was full of power, like the Ark. Death ignored that thief and did not go away, He did not want to insult the staff, for it was wondrous. But when the staff’s owner came, he showed him That kind of power he had consigned to the boy, had he been diligent.
1 Sam 4:11
XIII. HOW THE MOTHER’S REQUEST TYPIFIED THAT GRACE WHO ASKED GOD TO SAVE ADAM The mysteries of our Lord are Prophecy’s splendor, And were it without them, it would not be splendid.
Bedjan notes “sic,” i.e., that Joshua was not, in fact, a priest. Referring not to the other side of the battle, i.e., the Philistines, but rather the “other side,” i.e., Satan’s side, as represented by the wicked sons of Eli. 67 Note the almost casual connection Jacob draws in these lines between the greed of Hofni and Phineas, as told in 1 Sam 2:12 ff., and that of Gahzi—the greed that is to become the central them in the following homily. 65 66
Ņ Ņ :ŦƼŅ ƉŌ ťŷňň ƌłĪ ƨƀŷłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƈƀŷŌƉ ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ ĭĬŏł ŴƆł ĖŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ ƎƉň ơƀƙŌƏĭł ŦĭŅĬô ơſƢŌƏ ĬĪňŴŶŏĥŅ ĭĬŏ :ŧĿŅŴƣŏ ĺĿłŁĭł ťƊŅſł ŭƇłƘĪłň ljŅĭĿŏĥ ĭĬł Ėĺ ŴƤŏſň ťŨŅĿł ljŅųƃŅ IJűłòſŤŨŌ ƨƀòŶł ƢƖłƏĭł Ō :ųƊňƕł ƈƀźƟĭł ŦĭŅĬô ťũňƣ ťũŅƤƉň ljŅƢŌŶŅ ôĥ ťũŅŬłŨ ň Ėťƀò ũŅƣł Ƌƕňł ŦĭŅ Ņ Ĭô Ÿūłł ƢūłƦƉň ŦŁŴƇŏŬŅŨĭł :įƞłƌł Łĥ ň Ƨ Ņ IJĬôŴƍŏƖŹĪ ťƍňƖòſł ljňųòƃŅ IJűłòſŤŨŌ ł ĖųƉłƦŅ ƣĥ Ƨ IJŵŌŷūł IJűłòſŤŨŌ ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ ƎƃłĬŅ :ųŨň ƢƖłƏŅ Ƨĭ ŦƞŅƀŅ ŶŌ ŧƢŅŹŴŷŏł íƆ ťƀŅƘĿł ŦĭŅĬô ƎƀƖŌŹł ĖŦĭŅŅĬô ťƃňĮŅ Ƨ IJĬôŴƍŏƖŌŹĪ Ņ ťƍňƖòƀłŨ ljŅĭł ĿŏĥĪŅ ƅſĥ :ĿŴƖŏƐƌň ƨƀŶłŅ ųŨňł ŦĭŅĬô ƻ ĥ ƧŅ ŧűŅƀƊŌíƆƦŨ ųŨň ň ĖljŅĭĿŏĥ ƅŅ ſĥ Ņ ŦĭŅĬô ƨƉ ƨƀŶł ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ ƎſĪň ĭĬŏ :ŦĭŅĬô ƁƍŌƣł ň Ƨĭ ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ŻƣŅ ťũŅƍŅūł ĭųłíƆ ĖŦĭŅĬô ŧĿŅĬŁĪĪł ƢƕłƞłƌĪł ťŨŅĽ ŧƢŅŹŴŷŏíƆŅ ň ųƆň ŴƆł :ųƆň ł IJŴŌŶł ĭĬŏ ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏĪ ĬƢňƉŅ ŦŅŁĥ ƎſĪň űƃł ŏň ł ĖƢƤłƃŅ ĥ Ŵƭ ťƀŅíƇň źíƆ ĬĿňűƣł ƨƀŶł ťƍŅſŤŨłĪ :ŦŁŴƀŏũŌƌĪł ķŴƌŏĥ Ņ ĬñƢŅƘŴƣŌŏ ķƢłƉŅ IJĮłǓŅôĥ Ņ ň ŏň ĖŧƢŅƀƙŌƣł Ƨ ųñſƻĥ Ŵƭ ķŴƌŏĬň ƧĪĭł
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN He is the One who gave Prophecy the power, and the clarity, And the ability to foreshadow His types clearly. From Him did it take the unfathomable, special hues To depict skillfully His images among those who read scripture. Our Lord himself is the vivifying Spirit of Prophecy, And it is set in motion through Him, just as when the body comes to life by means of the soul. Through Him did Elisha achieve wondrous triumphs, For throughout the course of his prophecy he had been inspired by Him. The great Prophet was constantly occupied with the mysteries of our Lord, And because of that he shone more brightly than the Sun over Creation. He armed himself with Him when going down to revive the dead And depicted His types with the entire course he set for himself. He came down from the mountain, as did the Messiah from His Father, To revive the boy just as his Lord revived Adam. The entire course of action of the Son of God Was clearly depicted in him through everything that he did. In the woman who came up pleading for him to revive her child, Grace itself was clearly drawn.68
68 These lines provide a particularly clear picture of Jacob’s theological position on the status of Divine Grace (ʝaybutha) as a quasi-independent entity, and its special concern for Man. Another interesting example of his personification of Grace is found in his homily on David and Bathsheba/Uriah (vol. v p. 374 l.10) where Grace is said to have temporarily raised itself off of (tloth naphshoh men) David when he saw Bathsheba so that he might be tested by God.
Ņ Ņ :ŦŁĭĿŏŴŌ ƖŏƏŅĭ ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏĭ ƨƀŏ Ŷł ųñíƆŅ ň ħųôŅ ſł ŴſŏĭĬŏ ĖƻĥƢŅſųŌƌł IJŅ ĬôŴƐłƘŴòŹ ĶŴƣŏĿŁĪ ŦŁŴƀŏũŌƍƆł :ƎƀƃŌĿŌĪłƦƉň ƧĪ ťŅƀò ũłū ljňŴòūł ƦƇłƠƣň ųƍňƉň ĖƻŤƊŅƀƄŌŶłŅ ťƍňſŅǔƟň ƼŨň IJĬôŴòƊłíƆĽł ĿĭĽŏŁĪł Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ł Ņ ŏ ŏ ŏ ũŌƌĪł ŦƼ : Ŧ Ł Ŵ ƀ ň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ Ŷ ł ťŶŅĭĿŌ ķƢƉň Ŵſĭň Ĭ ĖĶŤƟ ťƤƙƍŨ ŧƢŬƘĪ ťƉ ƅſĥ ťƖň ſĮ ŁƦŌ Ɖ ųŨĭ ň ň ň ŶŅƞòƌň ƈƕł ŦĭŅĬô ƢũłūłŁĥ ƗƤłƀƭ ųŨ : ť ƍ ň ŏŌ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ Ō ĖĬŁŴƀũƌĪ ťŶĿĭĥ ųñíǀŨ ŦĭĬô ƥƀũíƆ ĭĬ ųƆňĪ :ťŨŅĿł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƅƘłĬŅ ł ƦƉňł ķƢłƉŅ IJĮłǓŅŤôŨ Ņ ĖŦƻŅ ǔŨň ƈƕł ťƤŅƊƣň ƎƉň ŪŹ ĿĬłĮĥ IJĬŅ ƈ ƕłĭ ň Ņ Ō ňł Ņ :ŦƼƉŏ ťŷƌĪ ŦĭĬô ƦŷňƌŅ űƃł ƎſłĪłĮĥ ųŏ Ũň Ņ ĖųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƁƉŌĿł ĥĪł ťŶŅĿĭĥ ųñíǀŏ Ũ ŦĭŅĬô ł ĿĽŅ IJŏ ĬôŴƐłƘŴòŹĭ :IJĬôŴŨŏĥ űŅ ſĽň ƎƉň ťŷŅƀƤŌƉĪł ƅſĥł ŧĿŅŴŹ ƎƉň Ʀŷňƌ ł ĖĶĪŅƧ ĬƢňƉŅ ƁŶŌĥĪł ťň ƉŅ ƅſĥ ťƀŅíƇźíƆ ťŷňƌłĪ ŏ Ņł Ņ :ŦŌ ųŅƭ ƢŨłĪ ĬŁĭĿŏŴƖŏƏŅĪ ťŶŅĿĭĥ ųñíƿŏ ň ĖƻĥƢŅſųŌƌł űũłƕĪł ƎſųňíǀŏŨ ųŨň ŁƢłſĽŌŁŁĥ Ņ Ō ňł Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł ň Ņ ł :ŦƼƉ ťŷƌĪŌ ŁĭĬô ťƐƀƙƉĭ ƦƠíƇƏŅ Ī ŦŁƦ ł ô ƌŤŨŌ ł Ņ ň Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ĖƻĥƢſųƌ ŁĭĬô ťƊƣĿƦƉ ŦŁŴũƀŹ IJĬ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN Just as the boy was like Adam, so also the Prophet was like The Son of God, and so he revived the dead at that time. In the staff that he sent to revive the dead but did not revive Was depicted that mission of the Prophets who had been sent.69 Adam died through the decree that the Fruit gave him, But supplication arrived from Grace on his behalf And the Lord gave the Spirit to the Prophets and sent them out To chase away from him Death and the Error that had taken hold. But since those who came were servants, they were unable To revive Adam, who was entangled in the bonds of Sheol. But Grace beseeched God to go down And to give life to the one lying dead, so that he would be resurrected. He was enticed to go down to the Earth by means of her request, And she did not cease pleading until He went down. She was concerned for his condition just like a merciful mother, And brought the Lord down from the top of the Heights, and he resurrected Adam. The boy’s mother depicted this type at the mountain, And at her plea Elisha went down to revive her son. She was not relieved when he sent the staff with her For she had wanted him to foreshadow the course of the Son of God:
i.e., all the prophets before Jesus who were ultimately ineffective; see lines
Ņ Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƢũłŨ ťƀŅũŌƌ ĭĬł ŏ Ļĥ ĶĪŅŤŨŅ ťƀŅíǑłň Ņ ĖƎſűňſĬŅ ŦƼł ƉŌŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶŌĥ Ǝƃňĭ ŦĭŅĬô ƁƉŌĪł Łĥ Ņ :ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶŌĥ Ƨĭ ŦƼƉŌ ťŷňƌł ĿűłƣłĪ ŧƢŅŹŏ ŴŷŏŨ ł ň ĖĭĭłĬô ĭĿĪłƦƣĥĪň ťƀò ũŌƌĪł IJĬŅŅ ťŶŅĿĭĥ ŧƢŅſĽŌ :ŧĿŅŤƘŌ ň ųƆň ħųôſłĪ ťƍŅſĪŌ ĿŵŅŬŨł ĶĪŅĥŅ ŦĭŅĬôł ƼƉŌ ŏ ĖĬƦíƇŅźň Ɖň ŦĭŅĬô ƈƕł ťƐŅƀŅƘ ŦŁŴũŏƀŹ ƎƉňĭ ň :ķŴƌŏĥ Ŀűłƣłĭ ťŶŅŏ ĭĿŏ Ņ ťſŅƢƉŅ ťƀò ũŌƍƆł ħųôſłĭ ĖŁĭŅĬô ŧűŅƀŶŌĥĪł Ɓň ƀłƕŅ ŴŹłĭ ŦŁŴƉł ųƍňƉň ĻĪłƢƊňíƆ :ĭĭłĬô ŴŷƄňł ƣĥ Ƨ ĭŁĥĪň ƎƀƆňĬŅ ĭĭłĬô ŅŧűňũòƕłĪĭł ĖĵŴƀŏƣĪł ƨũòŷłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ĵĮłł ƢƖłƉĪł ĶĪŅƧ Ņ ķŴŷŏƌłłĪ :ŦĭŅĬô ŁŴŷŏƌň ƦƖŅŨ ŦųŅíƆŅƧ ųƆň ƎſĪň ŦŁŴũň ŏ ƀŹ Ņ ň ĖŦĭŅĬô ƋŷłƌłƦƌňĭł ťƀŅƉĿł ŦƼł ƊŌíƆ ťƀò ŅŶł ĵƦƌňĭ :ŦĭŅĬô ĵĪłƦƤƉň ťƕŅĿƧ ŁŴŷŏƌň ĬñŁŴƖŏŨŅ űƀłŨŅ ĖƦŷňƌĪł ťƉŅűłƕ ťƐŅƀƙŌƉĪł ƎƉň ŁĭŅĬô ňƦƟłƢƘň Ƨĭ Ņ :ųŅ ƇňſĪŌ ƦƘłƞſň ŦƼƍŌƊŅŶƢłƉ ťƉŅĥ ŁŴƉŏűŨłĭ ł ĖĶĪŅƧ ųƊňŷƌłĭ ŏ ťƉňĭǓł ƥſĿŌ ŏ ƎƉň ťſŅƢƉŅ ŁƦŶĥĭň ł :ŁĿłĽŅ ŧĿŅŴźŨ ťƐŅƘŌ ŴŹ ljŅĬŅ ťƀŅíǑŅ ł Ī ųƉňĥ ň ĖĬñƢŅũƆł ťŷňƌł ƗƤłƀƭ Ʀŷňƌ ĬñŁł ŴƖŏň ũŅŨŅ ĭł :ųñƊŅƕł ŧƢŅŹŴŶŏ Ŧŏ ĭŅĬô Ŀűłƣł űƃł ƻłĿƦƣĥ Ƨĭ Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƢŨłĪ ųŶňĿĭĥ ĶŴƣŏƢƌň ŁĭŅĬô ťƀŅƖŨŅ ųƆňĪ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN To go down to revive the heir who had departed from his father’s house, And to prefigure Adam, who also shall live and go back to Eden. This is the course that was foreshadowed by Elisha When he set off from his mountain to go down with the great power. He accepted the plea of that mother whose child had died, And went down with her to return her son to her with life. XIV. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROPHET STRETCHING HIMSELF OVER THE DEAD BODY
The Prophet descended, full of the Spirit and Faith, Prophecy, Love, Power, and Effectiveness. With the Son’s mysteries emerging from him like rays, Carrying all of the types of his Lord like lamps, His soul full of the Resurrection of the Dead and heroicness, With the revival that he brought to the house of the departed running along with him. The boys mother going down close beside him, She, too, full of hope for resurrection. The Prophet came, reached Shiloh heroically And found the dead child who was lying on his bed and in his attic. He skillfully extended himself over the body And activated the mystery of the One who gives Life to one who cleaves to him. He placed his mouth upon that mouth of the one lying dead there, And, further, placed his eyes upon his eyes, as it is written. He spread out his hands and placed them on his hands, as if to say That he entirely impressed his essence into all of him, so that he might be revived by it. Here is a miracle that too sublime for human speech And for tongues to speak of it in a literal manner.
2 Kgs 4:34
Ņ ł :IJĬôŴŨŏĥ ƼŨň ƎƉň űƍłƕĪł ŦŁƢƀŅíƆ ťŷňƌł Ņ ŁŴŷŏƌňĪ ĖķűňŌ ƖƆł ťƍňƘŅĭ ťƀňŶŅ ĭĬŏ ĻĥĪŅ ĶĪŅƧ ŏ Ŀĭƞŏƌĭł ň :ƗƤłƀŅ ƭ ƎƉň ŁĭŅĬô ťƊŅƣĿłƦƉň ťŏ ŶŅĿĭĥ ŧĪňĬŅ ĖťŨŅĿł ƨƀŷłŨ ŦĭŅĬô Łň Ŵŷŏƌň ĵĪŅ ĬĿňŴŹ ƎƉň űƃł :ĬñĪŅŴƇŏſł ƼƉŌĪ ťƉŅĥ IJĬŅ ƎƉň ƈũňƟł ťƐŅƀŅƘ Ņ ũƆł ťňƀò ŷłŨ ųñíƆŅ ťƍňƙłƌĪł ųñƊŅƕł Ʀŷňƌĭł ñ Ė Ĭ Ƣ ň Ņ :ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ Ņ ťŶŅĭĿŏ ƨƉĭł Ņ ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƦŷŅň ƌ ĖŦŁĭĿŏŴł ƖŏƏŅĭ ƨƀŶłĭ ťŨŅŴŶŏĭ ŦŁŴƀŏũŌƌĭł :ťƠňƀòíƆŌĮł ƅł ſĥ ŧƢŅŨĪł IJĬôĭĮłǓŅôĥ ŏ ųƍňƉň ƎƀƠŌƙƌŅĭ ň ĖŧĪňòŤƙŌŅ ƊƆł ƅſĥ ĬƢňƉŅĪ ťƐňƘŴòŹ ųƿŏ ƎƀƖŌŹĭł ň :ŦŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūłĭ ŦŌ Ƽò ƉŌ ƼłŶł ųƤňƙƌł ťƀŅíƇŅ Ɖłĭ Ņ ĖŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƼũňíƆŅ IJƻĥĪł ŦƦƊƀŅƟň ųƊňƕł ťŹĬĿŅĭ :ųƊňƕł ŦƦŷƌŅĭ ťƀŅíǑłĪ ųƉňĥ ųƆňŅ ťƙŅƀƠŌƌłĭ łĭ ĖťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ Ō ƈƕłĪ ťŨŅĿł ŧƢŅũƏł IJĬŌ Ļĥ ťƀŅíƇƉ Ņ Ņ :ƻĥƢŅũŅôƍūł ŴƇŏƀƤŌíƆ ťźƉĭł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦŁĥĭň ň Ņ ĖĬƼŌ ƇŌƖňŨĭł ųƏňƢƖłŨ ťƉňĿĪł ŦƼƉŌ ŸƄłƣĥĭň :ƻŤƊŅƀƄŌŶł ŧűŅíƇłƣĪł ųñƀƇňƕ ųƤňƙƌł ŻƤłƘĭł ň ĖųƆň ƚƠňƌŅűƆł ťƀò Ŷł ħųňſŅĪ ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ƗſĮŌĥĭł Ņ Ō ň ŴƘŏ ĭĬł ƈƕł ųƉňŴƘŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƏŅ :Ō ťƀŅƉĿł ŦƼ Ɖ Ī ų Ɖ ŏ ł ĖŪſǁĪł ƎƄłſĥ IJĬôŴł ƍłƀòƕł ƈŌ ƕł ħĭŁ IJĬôŴƍłƀòƕł ŦĭŌŅ Ĭô ƋƏŅĭ :ƢƉłŤƊŌíƆĪł ƅſĥ IJĬôĭűłòſĥ ƈƕł ƋƏŅ IJĬôĭűłòſĥ ŻƤłƘĭł ň ň ň ĖųŨň ƋŷłƌłƦƌňĪŅ ĬƻŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƗũłŹ ųǀŏ Ũň ųƿŏ :ĭĬô ŏ ĶĿŅ ťƤŅŌ ƌŅôĥĪ ŦƦíƇƉň ƎƉň ĻĥĪŅ ĭĬô ŧĿłĬŁ ťƃŅĿĬŅ ň ĖƻŤƍŅƊŅƣŴūŏ IJųôƀƌŅŴƇŏíƇƊłƌĪł ťòƍƤŅíƆň ƎƉňĭ
ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN The perfect man measured himself out upon the small boy And, by his very measuring, made himself small like him, because of him. The man’s stature was spread upon the child And, for a good reason,70 descended into the boy’s dimensions.
XV. HOW ELISHA’S ACT PREFIGURES THE INCARNATION OF THE SON OF GOD Prefigured there was the great One who achieved smallness, The sublime One who descended into humbleness to revive Adam. The fact that God became a human being was foreshadowed typologically There in the great man who became a boy. The man became small and ended up like a child in size, But that man did not lose that which he had always been. He showed in the World that when God became human He remained in His own character, inasmuch as He was God, like His Parent. No transformation came upon the man who became a boy, Nor was God transformed by having become a man. The great man contracted himself upon the child And ended up being his size, while his greatness did not become small. The Son of God gathered His greatness into a small womb, But He was not diminished in it from the great size that He always was.
The reason is to be discussed in detail in the next stanza.
ł :ųƤňƙƌł ŦĭŅĬôň ŸƤłƉ ŧĿŅňŴƕŏĮ ł ťƀŅíƇźŨ ň ŧƢŅƀƊŌū ŧƢŅũūł ŏ ĖĬƦíƇŅźƉň ĬŁŴŅƃĥ ƢƕłĮ ĬƦŶŴƤŏƊŨłŅ ųñŨŅĭ Ņ :ŁĭŅĬô ťźƤƘłƦƉň ŧĪŅŴƇŏſł ƈƕł ň ŧƢŅũūł Ī ŦƦƉŴƟł ŏ ł ĖťƏŅĿŴƘŏ ƈźƉŅ ň ŁƦŷƌň ťŅƀŅíǑłĪ ĬƦŶŴł ƤŏƊƆł ň ųñíƆŅĭ :ŦŁĭĿŏŴƕŏŅ ŵƆł ŦŁĥĪň ťŨŅĿł ƎƉŅŁ ƢſĽŌŁŁĥ Ņ Ƨ ťŷňƌłĪ ťƄŅƃŅŴƉŏ űſĽň ƦŷňƌĪł ťƉŅĿŅĭ ĖĶ Ī ł ŏ :ƎƉŅŁ ťƐŅƘŴźŨ ťƀŅíǑł ŦĭŅĬĪł ťŨŅĿł ŧƢŅũŬłŨ Ņ ĖŁĭŅĬôł ťƊŅ Ņ ƣĿłƦƉň ťƤŅƌŅƢŨł ŦĭŅĬ ŦųŅƭĪł IJĬŅ Ņ ŴƇŏſł ƅſĥ ŦƦŶŴƤŏƊŨł ƋƟŅĭ ŧƢŅũūł ŦĭŅĬô ƢƕłĮ : ŧ Ī ł Ņ ŏ ł ĖĶĭƦƊƉň ŧƢŅũūł ŦĭŅĬô IJĬôĭƻĥĪŌ IJųŅíƆ ŦĭŅĬô űŨňĭĥ Ƨĭ Ņł :ťƤŅƌŅƢŨłł ŦĭŅĬ ŦųŅƭ űƃłĪ ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ IJŴŌŶłĭ Ņ ĖĬĪňŴƇŏſŅ ƅſĥ ĭĬô ŦųłƭĪł IJųŅŨ IJŴŌƟł ųƇňſűŌŨ :ťƀŅíǑł ŦĭŅĬĪł ŧƢŅũūł ƈƕł ƈƕł ťƙŅňíƇŅŶŴƣŏ ŴƆłŅ ł Ņł ĖťƤŅƌŅôĥ ŦĭŅĬĪł ŦĭŅĬô ƚƇłŶƦƣĥ ŦųŅƭ Ƨĭ :ŧĪŅŴƇŏſł ƈƕł Ņ ťŨŅň Ŀł ŧƢŅũūł ųƤňň ƙƌł ŦĭŅĬô ƑƙłƟ ĖŁĭŅĬôň ŁƢłƕĮň Ƨ ĬŁŴŨŏŅ Ŀł űƃł ĬƦŶŴƤŏƊŨł ƋƟŅĭ ł ł ŏ Ŀł ƈƊłŶ ŦŁĿŴƕŏĮ ťƏŅƢƄłŨ ŦųŅŅ ƭ : Ĭ Ł Ŵ Ũ ƢŨ ŏ ň Ņł ł Ō ł ň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ĖĶĭƦƊƉ ťŨĿ IJĬôĭƻĥĪ ƅſĥ ƎƉ ųñŨ ŦĭĬô ƢƕĮ Ƨĭ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN Elisha became the figure and type of the Son of God And openly showed how He becomes small when He redeems us. He stretched out with him so that Death would become frightened of him In order that he might release the body that was held among the departed. The Prophet embedded himself71 into the boy as he was being revived. He became as small as him and gave him Life through a great mystery. He fell upon the dead to raise him from his Fall. He fastened himself to the body so that Life would ask for it from him. He placed his mouth upon the dead’s mouth, as if to say The living one poured the Soul into the dead one to whom he was fastened. He dared to depict the image of how his Lord would act When he was lowering himself to revive Adam lying dead. He fell up the dead and raised him up to Life along with him: This is: that the Son lay down in Sheol and revived Adam. He pledged himself upon the body when he was reviving it; He placed himself in its stead and took it back from perdition through suffering. Thus did our Lord place himself as a pledge Instead of Adam while saving him, and only then was he revived.
71 As often in Syriac, it is difficult to be sure if the poet means for us to take napsho to be “self,” “soul,” or both!
ŏ Ņ Ōň Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƢũłíƆ ťƐŅƘŴŹĭ ŦŁĿĭĽŏ ƗƤłƀƭ ŦĭŅĬ ĖƎƆł ľŅ ƢňƘŅĪ ťƉŅ ƢƕłĮŅł ƎƄłſĥĪł ťƀŅíƇŬňŨ IJŴŌŶłĭ :ųƍňƉň ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ĪĿłƦƐƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬô ųŷňƤƉł ųŨň ĖŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƼŨň ŁĭŅĬô ŧűŅƀŶŌĥĪł ŧűŅíƇłƣ ťƘňƢƌł ł :ƋŷłƌłƦƉň űƃł ťƀŅíƇźŨ ųƤňƙƌł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦňĭŅĬô ł ƗũłŹ Ņ Ŀł ŦĮŅĿŅŤôŨ ťňƀò Ŷł ųƆň ħųôſłĭ ĬŁŴŅƃĥ ƢƕłĮ Ėť Ũ ň Ņ :ĬƦíƆŴƙŏƉł ƎƉň ŦĭŅĬô ųƊňƀƠŌƌĪł ŦƼƉŌ ƈƕł ƈƙłƌ ň ĖųƍňƉň ťł ƀò Ŷł ųƆň ĭĭłĬô ķŴƖŏũƌňĪ ŧűŅíƇłƤƆł ƚƠňƌ Ņ :ƢƉłŤƊŌíƆĪł ƅſĥ ųƉňŴƘŏ ŦƼƉŌĪ ųƉňŴƘŏ ƈƕł ƋƏŅ Ņ ĖųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƚƠňƌĪł ŦƼƊŌŨ ťƀŅŶł ųŨň ƅƐłƌ ťƤŅƙł ƌł :ƢƖłƏŅ ƎƄłſĥĪł ĬƢňƊŅíƆŅ ťƊŅíƆĽłň Ŀĭł ƞŏƌĪł įƢłƉĥ Ņ ĖťƀŅƉĿł ŦƼƉŌ ĶĪŅƧ ťŷňƌłĪ ŦƦŶŁƦƉňĪ ťƉŅ Ņ ň :ųƊňƕł ťŅ ƀò ŷłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ųƊňƀƟŌĥĭł ŦƼƉŌ ƈƕł ƈƙłƌ ĖĶĪŅƧ ƁŶŌĥĭł ĵŴƀŏƤŨł ƑūňĥĪł ŧƢŅŨĪł IJĬô ŧĪňĬŅň :ųñíƆł Ņ ťŷňƉł űƃł ŧűŅíƇłƣĪł ųñƀƇňƕ ŦĭŅĬôň ƎƄłƤƉłŁĥ ĖljŅűŅŨĥ ƎƉň ťƤŅŷłŨł ųñíƇŅƠƣłĭ ƋƀƏŌŁŁĥ ųñƀƙňíƇŅŶ :ťƍŅňƄŅƤƉň ƅſĥ ųƤňƙƌł ŦĭŅĬô ƋƏŅ ķƢłƉŅ ƎƃłĬŅ ĖƋŷłƌł Łĥ Ǝƃňĭ ųƆň ľƢňƘł űƃł ĶĪŅĥĪŅ IJĬôŴƙłíƇŅŶ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN He spread out his hands and placed them upon the dead boy’s hands, And Death saw the Cross and fled from Elisha. When he was stretching out his own arms upon those of that dead person, He depicted the Cross, and that is why Death fled disappearing. XVI. ELISHA FORMED A CROSS UPON THE BODY TO DRIVE AWAY DEATH All the things that happened there were full of symbols, For there is no Life except for the mystery of the Son of God. He depicted the Cross upon the body itself and with the attic, For he walked around here and there and foreshadowed the Son’s sign. The man was embedded with the Son of God’s Crucifixion, And therefore he was able to give Life like God. That saint’s attic was like Golgotha And he was like our Lord, who produced Life for the dead and then he lived. The Capturer saw the King’s standard by Elisha And returned that captivity that he had taken away, so that it would return to its place. Through the Crucifixion he drove Death from his attic And the Resurrection of the dead appeared clearly there. The Prophet came down from the top of the mountain with these symbols And depicted these types upon the dead one when he was reviving him. He looked here and stretched himself over that boy And became small along with him on his account, in order for him to live through him. The man descended to the size of the boy and gave him life, Just as God revealed himself upon Adam in the body of a man.
Ō Ō Ņ :ŦƼƉŌ ťƀŅíǑłĪ ŧŌűňòſĥ ƈƕł ƋƏŅ IJĬôĭűłòſĥ ŦŅĭŅĬô ŻƤłƘ ň ĖƗƤłƀƭ ƎƉň ľƢłƕĭł ťƙŅƀƟŌĮ ŦŁŴł Ɖł ŦŵŅŶĭł Ņ :ŦƼƉŌ ĭĬłĪ Ņƈƕł ųƇňſĪŌ IJĬôŴƕłǓŅĪ ŦĭŅĬô įƦƉŅ űƃł ĖľƢłƕł ĭł ŦŁŴƉł ƁƍŌƣł IJĬŅ ƈƕłĭ ŦĭŅĬô ĿĽŅ ťƙŅƀƟŌĮ ł :ƎƉŅŁ IJĭò ĬĪł ƎŌ ƀƆňŅ ĬŅ Ǝſųňíƿŏ ƎŅƀò íƇƉł ŦĮňǓŅôĥ Ņ Ņł ň Ėƻĥ Ƨ ťƀò Ŷł ŦųŅƭ ƢŨłĪ ĬĮňĿŅŤôŨ ƧĥĪň Ņ :ŦƼƇŌƖňŨĭłň Ņ ŧűŅíƇłƣĪł ųñƀƇňƕ ŦĭŅĬô ĿĽŅ ťũŅƀƆŌĽ ĖŧƢŅŨĪł ĬŁĥ ƋƣłĿĭł ƅƆňĬł ťƄŅíƆ ĭł ťƄŅíƆĪł ň Ņł :ŧƢŅũūł ŦĭŅĬôł ƗƀũŌŹ ŦųŅň ƭ ƢŨłĪ ň ĬŁŴƙƀƟŵŨłĭ Ņł ň ĖŦųŅƭ ƅſĥ ťƀò Ŷł ĵƦƌň ŸƄŅ ł ƣĥ IJĬŅ ƈƕłĭł ň :ťƤŅſűŌƟł ĭĬłĪ ĬƼƇŌƕň ŁĭŅĬ ŦƦíƆŴŬŏūł Ņ ƅſĥ Ņ ň ĖťƀŅŶĭł ŦƼŌ ƊŌíƆ ťƀò Ŷł IJƢŌƘĥĪł ķƢłƉŅ ƅſĥ ĭĬŏĭ ň ň ŅŅ ł Ņ Ņ ł ň Ō ł ƀƭ :Ɨ Ƥ ł ň ň űŅ ſĽ ťƀł ũƣł ŦŵŅ Ŷ ťŅ ƄíƇŌ ƉĪ ųŌ Ƥƀłƌ Ņ ĖĬñĿŁƧ ťƍƘŁ ŦĭĬô ƢŅ ŨĪĪ IJĬ ŦƼł ũƣŅ ƁƍƘĥĭ ň :ĬƼƇŌƕňŌ ƎƉň ŦŁŴƊłíƆ ĬĪňƢŹ ŦŁł ŴƙŏƀƟŌŵŨł ň ò Ō łł Ņ Ņ ſųŌƌł ŦƼ Ė ƻ ĥ Ƣ Ɖ ƼŶ ƎƉŁ ƦŷłƌĪňĭ ŏ :ŧĿŅŴŹ ƥſĿŌ ƎƉň ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô Ʀŷňƌ ŦĮňǓŅôĥŏ ƎƀƆňųŅŨ Ņ ĖųƆň ťŷňƉł űƃł ŦƼƉŌ ƈƕł ĿĽŅ ťƐňƘŴòŹ ƎƀƆňĬŅĭ :ťƀŅíǑł ĭĬł ƈƕł ųƤňƙƌł Ÿň ƤłƉĭł ŦĭŅĬô ƢŶŅ ťƃŅĿĬŅ ŏ ĖŦĭŅĬô ťŷňƌŌ ųŨňĪ ĬƦíƇŅźƉň ųƊňƕł ƢƕłĮĭł ň :ťƀò Ŷł ųƆň ħųŅ ô ſłĭ ťƀŅíǑł ƦŷłƣŴƊŏíƆ ŧƢŅũūł ŦĭŅĬô Ʀŷňłƌ Ņ Ņ ĖĶĪŅĥ ƈƕł ŸƌłĪ ťƤŅƌŅôĥĪ ŦƦƉŴƠłŨ ŦųŅƭĪł ƅſĥ
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ON ELISHA AND THE SHILUMITE WOMAN He resurrected the boy with the symbol of his Lord and gave him to his mother. Praised be the living One who died as He wished and gave Life to Adam.
ň ł :ųƉňƧŅ ųŨňųſłĭ ťƀŅíƇźł íƆ ųƊňŷƌł ĬƢňƉŅĪ ŦĮŅĿŅŤôŨ ĖĶĪŅƧ ƁŶŌĥĭł ťŨŅĽĪł ƅſĥ ƼƉŌĪ ťƀŅŶł ĭĬô ŏ ƅſƢŌŨ Ōň Ņ .ƗƤłƀƭ ƈƕłĪ ŦƦíƆŅŁĪł ŧƢŅƉŤƉŌ ƋƇňƣ
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For the regular change of Aram to Edom in Syriac scriptural texts see my note to homily 112, line 338. 73 The Syriac reading of this name is not easily explained, since it comports with neither the Hebrew nor the Greek. 72
INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title: About Naaman the Edomite and Elisha’s Disciple, Gahzi Source of Text: Homilae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis, edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 4, pp. 318–332. [Homily 119] Lines: 318
OUTLINE This homily rehearses the tale of the healing of the Leper, the pagan general Naaman, and the greed of Elisha’s disciple, Gahzi, as told in Second Kings, chapter 5. It emphasizes the centrality of poverty and the hatred of wealth among the prophets, and the dangers of greed. Exegetical problems The only exegetical problem in this straightforward story is the reason for the Prophet’s instruction to bathe in the Jordan seven times rather than just once. This is a somewhat unusual homily within Mar Jacob’s corpus of those on the Stories of the Hebrew Bible: x The introductory proem is very long. Indeed, Bedjan has divided it into two stanzas. More significantly, the proem as absolutely nothing at all to do with the theme of the homily.74 It could have been used with any. x Several psychologically rich incidents within the biblical narrative are not discussed at all by the author, specifically the Israelite King’s frustration at the beginning of the tale, and the fact that it is True, one could make the case that the centrality of the seven days of Creation in stanza vi as the exegetical explanation for Naaman’s seven immersions in the Jordan prompted the thoughts about the glories of God’s Creation and glorification by the supernal beings. 74
Elisha himself who initiates the healing. Also, Naaman’s apology for his previous false worship in vv. 17f. is unmentioned. x Elisha’s foreshadowing of Jesus is alluded to, but no examples of specific types are adduced. x The style is only mildly repetitive—parallel figures rarely lasting more than a quatrain. x Jacob’s distinctively frequent use of adverbs in –â’îth to end his lines is very rarely employed here. Much more frequent are compound adverbs formed by prepositional phrases using ’a(y)kh, even though there would usually be no metrical difference between the two forms. In sum, if this homily has been correctly ascribed to Mar Jacob, it is probably a very early one, prior to the mature development of his distinctive style. Bedjan has here used only the single British Library ms. Add. 17184
SUMMARY I. Proem: Your Praise, Lord, is sung by the Heavens (1–30) II. Proem part 2: Even the Hymns of the Heavenly Hosts are insufficient, but I shall sing the Lord’s Praises nonetheless (31–52) III. The Story of Elisha, Naaman, and Gahzi is the Story of the Conflict between spiritual and material wealth (53–80) IV. Elisha’s World-wide reputation as a Healer (81–108) V. Naaman comes to Elisha’s gate and is insulted by his Treatment (109– 138) VI. The seven immersions symbolize the Seven Days of Creation which are the Seven Pillars of Wisdom (139–172) VII. Naaman is cleansed and confesses Faith in God (173–190) VIII. Elisha rejects Naaman’s Gift (191–220) IX. Gahzi runs after Naaman to get the Money (221–250) X. Seized by money Lust, Gahzi had forgotten that Prophets see All (251–276) XI. The Prophet rebukes Gahzi and transfers Naaman’s Leprosy to him (277–300) XII. The Example of the wickedness of Gahzi’s Greed is the Story’s Message (301–318)
I. PROEM: YOUR PRAISE, LORD, IS SUNG BY THE HEAVENS You are Wonder, Lord! Grant me a soul that is full of wonder. With which I might speak of You in the congregations betrothed to You. The dead whom You have resurrected through Your Crucifixion look to Your Word. Awaken my word and awaken them to sing praise.75 By You are all the dark souls enlightened. Become the light that shines among the dark ones for my word. Your Word is a torch, and through Your teaching the World is enlightened; Let my word shine through Your Word, to enlighten those who are in the dark. See how the appearances of the evenings and mornings are laden with You, At their watches and at their varying times. All the days and nights sing praise of You, Lord, As does the cycle of the seasons, which You put in motion with great wonder. The light sources in their paths, too, move to sing Your praise And announce that You are the unlimited light. The great path upon which the Hosts are driven Sings Your praise, for You trod it with great might. Harbors and fords; distant islands, too, Marvel at You and at how sublime You are in Your works.
I have hear regularly rendered the Syriac verb ÑÂü and related nominal forms as “to sing praise” rather than the customary “to praise” or “to glorify.” In reference to God, the Aramaic word almost always refers specifically to the singing of hymns. 75
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
B 119
.ŻƀƟ. ŧƢŅƉŤƉŌ ł Ņ ł ł ł Ōň Ņ Ņ ŏ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈł ƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕłĪ ťƖŅŨĿĥĪł .ĬűňƀƊŌíƆŁ IJŵŌŷūł ƈƕłĭ
ň ł ň :ŧĿŅĬŁ ťƀŅíƇƉłĪ ťƤŅƙƌł ƁƆŌ ħĬł IJƢƉŅ Ʀô ƌĥ ŧĿŅĬŁ ň Ņ ķǔŅƀƄŌƉĪł ŦƦŅƣŅŴòƍŏƄŨł ųñŨŅ ƅƇŅíƇƉłĥ Ėƅ Ɔ Ņ Ņ ň :ĴŁŴƙŏƀƟŌŵŨł ƼŶŌĥĪł ŦƼň ò ƉŌ ƎſƢŌƀŶŅ ĴƦíƇƊňíƆł ĖŴŷŏũŅŅ ƤłƊƆł ķŴŅ ƌŏĥ ƢƀƕŌĥĭł IJƦƇłƉň ƢƀƕŌĥ :ŦǁŅ ŴòƤŏŶň ŦƦƤŅƙòƌł ƈƃŏ ķǓŅųƌŅ ƅƍŅƉň ĖťƃňŴòƤŏŶň Ō ƼŨň ŸƀƌŌĪĪł ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ IJƦŅ ƇłƊňíƆ ųñíƆŅ IJĭŌĬ :ƈƀŨňŁ ŧĿŅųƌŅ ƅƍŅƙŅíƆł ŴƀŏŨĭł ň ĴƦíƇƉň IJĬô ťūŅƢŅƣ Ņ ĖƎƀƃŌŴƤŏŶňűƆł ĿųłƌŁ ŸƌłĪŁ IJƦƇłƉň ĴƦíƇƊňŨ :ķĭųŏƀòŷłƌĪň ƈƕł ŧǔňƘĽłĭ ťƤňƉǓł ƅƆŅ ƎƀƍŌƀƖŌŹ ŦĬŅ ĖķŅ ĭųŏƀòƌłűŅƕňĪ ťƙňíƇŅŶŌ Ŵòƣŏ ƈƕł ķĭĬŏŁǔŅźƉł ƈƕł ň :ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòíƆłĭ ťƊò ň ƊŅſĥ ƈƃŏ IJƢƉŅ ƅƆŅ ƎƀŷŌũƤłƉ ĖťŨŅĿł ŧĿŅĬƦŨ ųƆň ƦŅ ƖłſŵŌƉŌ Īł ťƍňŨòĮłĪ ťƃŅƢƃňĭ :ķĭųŏƀƇłƀòŅ ũŌƤŨł ŧǔňſųŌƌł Ļĥ ƎƀŹĬĿŅ ƅŷŅŨŴƤŏíƆ ł ĖƅſłƦƐƉň ƧĪŅ ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ĭĬô ŏ Ʀô ƌĥĪł ƅƆŅ Ņ ƎſƢŌũƐłƉĭŏł :ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŶł ųñŨŅ ƎſűŌſƢŌŹĪł ŦƦŨĿł ťŶŅĿĭĥ Ņ Ņ ĖťŨŅĿł ƨƀŷłŨŅ ĬñƦƣĿłĪŅ ĭĬô ŏ Ʀô ƌĥŅ Īł ŧƢŅƉĮŅ ƅŷŅŨŴƣŏ ň :Ņ ŦƦƠŅƀŶŌǓł ŦŁǓŅłŵūŅ Ļĥ ŧǔňũƕňĭ ljò ł ŤƊŌíƆ ĖĴŁűŅƀòũŌƖŨł Ʀô ƌĥ ĶĿŅ ťƊŅƃĪł ķǔŅſĬŌŁ ƅŨŅ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI The World and the Sea, the great Ocean with its monsters, Exist through Your power; and were You to neglect them the structures would disappear. The sound of Your praise thunders awesomely among the congregations, And through it the impudent song of idolatry was silenced. From Your hymns, Your sermons, and Your teachings The entire inhabited World76 shouted out and thundered to sing praise. By the sweet voices of the young women who sing Your praise You have captured the World so that all of it would be moved to Your praise. The World had seemed lost to the music of Idolatry Through the songs of the virgin daughters of the pagans. The captivity that You have returned from the stumbling blocks has applauded. All of the nations have gathered and assembled for Your song of praise.
II. EVEN THE HYMNS OF THE HEAVENLY HOSTS ARE INSUFFICIENT, BUT I SHALL SING THE LORD’S PRAISES NONETHELESS You are the One who is praised, Lord, while those who give praise do not approach You. For You have within You Your praise and wonder and might. Not even those hidden hosts on high Contribute to Your divinity when they sing Your praise. Not even the Seraphim, who in awe proclaim You holy, Can adequately proclaim Your mastery with the holy proclamations77 coming from their mouths.
76 77
For Syriac tebel see Mar Jacob’s first homily on Elijah, l. 784. i.e., the Trisagion.
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
ň ƀòƌŌ Łł Ƌƕł ťŨŅĿł ťƉŅĭĬŏŁ ťƊŅſłĭ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ : ť ƍ ŏ ł ŏ ĖťƍňƟŅĭòŁ ŅŴƙƏŅ ƼƉŌĬĥ Ŵƭĭň ƎƀƊŌƀƟŅ ƅƇŅƀŷłŅ Ũ :ŦƦŅ ƣŅŴòƍŏƄŨł ƈƀŶŌĪĭł ƋƕňĿŅ ƅŷŅŨŴƣň ŏ Ī ƨƟŅ ł ł ĖŦŁĭƢŏƃƦƘĪł ŦŵŅſŵŌíƆ ŏ ŧƢŅƉŅĮ ƁƆŌƦƣĥ ųŨňĭ Ņ ǓĭŁ ƎƉň ƅƀƇłíƆŅĭòĬŏ ƎƉň :ƅƍŅƙŅíƆŴſŏ ƎƉň ƅƀƊłū Ō Ņ ĖŴŷŏũŅƤłƊƆł ƈƀŨňŁ ųñŅ íƿŏ ƦƊłƕĿň ƦƇłŬ Ũň ň Ņ Ņ :ƅŷŅŨŴƣŏ ķǔŅƉĮŅĪ ŦƦƊŅƀòíƇłƕĪł ťƀò íƇłŶ ƨƠò Ũ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł ň Ņ IJųſƼ ĖĴƦŶŴũƣŁ ƈƕł ųƿŏ ł ƗſĮŌ ŁƦŅƌňĪ ťƊŅíƇ ƕ ũƣ ô ň:ťƀƉŅǓĥ ƦŅòƍŨ ŦƦíƆŅĭòƦŏŨĪł ƎſųňſǔłƉŅŵŨł Ō ň Ņ ł ĖŦŁĭƢŏƃƦƘĪł ŅťũŅŨŅŴſŏ ŏ ĭųłíƆ ƈƀŨňŁ ĬƦƖŅŹ Ņ :ťƙŅň ƃł ƦƤłƠƌň ŦƦíƇŅƟĭòŁ ƎƉň ƼƍŌƘĥĪł ŦƼũŌƣ Ņ ĖĴƦŶŴň ũŏƣŁ Ņ ƈƕł ťƊňƊòƕł ķĭųŏíƿŏ ƦƤł ł ƍƃł ƦƆłųƟłĭ :ƅƆŅ ƎƀŅ źƉŅ Ƨ ťƍňŷŅũòƤłň Ɖĭł IJƢƉŅ ĭĬô ŏ Ʀô ƌĥ Ÿ ƀũŌƣ Ō ĖŦŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūłĭ ŧĿŅĬŁĭ ťŷŅŨŴƣŏ ƅŅ ƆŅ ƻĥ ƅŨŅ ƅƆŅ Ņ ĪŅ :Ņ ƈƖňíƆł Īł ŦŵňƀòƍŌū ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŶł ƎƀƆňĬŅ ƨƘĥ ĖĴŁĭųŏíƆŅƧ ĶűňƉň ƎƀƌňųƉł ƎƀŷŌũƤłƉĪł ťŅ ƉŅŅ :ƎƀƇŌƀŶŌĪł űƃł ƅƆŅ ƎƀƣŌűƠłƉĪł ťƘňǔŅƏ ƨƘĥ ĖķĭųŏƀƉłŴòƘŏ ƎƉň ťƣňĪŴòƟŏ ƎƀƠŌƙƌŅ ƅƇŅſĪŌ ƅƏŅĿŴƙŏíƆ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI Not even the Cherubim, when they bless You with great commotion, Benefit You at all, for You are awesome beyond the supernal beings. None of the voices directed at You from every mouth Benefit you, for You have no need of the hymned praise. It is the Love within You that brings you lower and brings You down To accept the voices of the praise-givers as an offering of first fruits. You lower Yourself to hear them so that they might benefit from You. They throw praise upon Your table like farthings. And You accept the sound of the holy proclamations, the sound of the blessings, The musical sounds of the praise-singers of every kind. You are the Creator, so if it is the case that Your praise does not ascend to You From Your creatures, what else do they have to offer? I am Your creature, Lord. Move my word toward singing Your praise. Although You have no need, I shall throw my farthing upon Your table! The Word of the Lord is sweeter than honey upon the mouth. Let us be sweetened by it, for it is the light for the one who loves it.
Mark 12:41ff.
The World is asleep, and no one awakens for instruction To sweeten, with discernment, through the Word. those who love life. The whole World is a vapor, or even a shadow; But God is light and riches for the one who loves Him.
Eccl 1:1
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ Ņ :ƎƀƃŌƢũłƉĪł ťł ƉŅ ťŨŅĿł ťƕŅĭŵłŨ ťŨňĭǔŏƃ Ƨ Ļĥ ň Ėťƀò íƇŅƕň ƈƕł Ʀô ƌĥ ƈƀŶŌĪĪłł ƅƆŅ Ķň űňŅ Ɖň ƎƀƌňųƉł :ƎƀƉŌŴòƘŏň ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ł ƅƆŅ ƎſĿŌĪƦŅ ƤƉňĪ ƨƟò ķĭųŅ ŏ íƿŏ Ņ ĖŦƦŶŴň ũŏƣŁł ƈƕł Ʀô ƌĥ ơƀƍŌƏ ƧűŨł ƎƀƌňųƉł Ƨ ƅƆŅ :ƅƆŅ ŦƦŶƦƉĭł ƅƆŅ ƅƄňƊłł Ɖ ĭĬŏ ƅŨŅ ƻ ĥĪŌ ťŨŅŴŶŏ ň Ņ Ō Ō ň ŷŅũòƤłƉĪł ƨƟŅò ƈũňƟłŁ ĖŦ Ƽ Ƥ ſ Ŀ ƅ ſ ĥ ť ƍ ň ł ň :ķŴƌŏĥŏ ƗƊłƣŁ Ʀô ƌĥ ƦŷłƌłƦƉň ƅƍŅƉň ķĭĿŏŁŤƌŌĪ ĖĴŅ ĿŅĭƦƘŅ ƈƕł ťŷŅŨŴƣŏ ƎƀƉňĿŅ ljł ň ŴòƊŏƣŅ ƅſĥĭł :ŦǁŅ ǓŴŨŏ ƈň ƟŅ ťƣňĪŅŴòƟŏ ƈƟŅ Ʀô ƌĥ ƈũňƠłƉĭł ĖƎƀƊŌƄŌƏòĥ ƈ ƄŏŨ ťƍňŷŅũòƤłƉĪł ťũňŨŅŴłò ſŏ ƈƟŅ Ņ :ƅƆŅ ơƇňƏŅ Ƨ ƅŷŅŨŴƣŏĪ Ōĭųŏƌĥĭň Ʀô ƌĥ ťſŅĭƢŏŨŅ Ņ Ņ ň ň ŏ ƢŅƠłƊƆł ƎſųňíƆ ƻĥ ƎƉŅ Ĵƻ ĖŴ Ũ ł Ņ Ņ ǔŨŅ ƎŌ Ɖ Ņ ŏ ň ł ł ň Ō :ĴƦŶŴŏũƣŁ ƈƕ IJƦƇƉ ƗſĮĥ ł IJƢƉ ljôĥ Ĵƻ Ņ Ƣł Ũ Ņ Ņ ł ł ŏ Ņ Ō Ņ ĖĴĿĭƦƘ ƈƕ ƁƌŴƊƤíƆ ťƉĿĥŅ ƦƠƀƍƏ Ƨň űƃĭ :ťƀŅíƇŶł ťƉŅŴƙŏíƆ ťƤŅŨĪň ƎƉň ŪŹ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ĬƦíƇƉň ň ĖųñíƆŅ ƋŶňĿŅűƆł ŧĿŅĬŅ Ŵƌŏ ųñſƻĥĪŌ ƋƐłŨłƦƌň ųñŨŅ :ťƍŅƙŅíƆŴſŏ ƈƕł ƥƌŅôĥ ƢŌ ƀƕŌŁƦƉň Ƨĭ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ųƆň ƅƉňĪ Ņ ň ňò ł ł Ņ ĖƻŅ ŤƣŅĭƢŏƘŅŅ ƋƐňũłƌ ŌŦƦíƇ Ņ Ɗň Ũ Ņ ťƀŶŅ ƁƊň Ŷŏ Ǔ ł Ņň :ƨíǑ Ļĥ IJĬôĭƻĥ ƨŨĬ ťƊíƇƕ ųƿ Ņł ĖųƆň ƋŶňĿŅűƆł ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏĭ ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ƎſĪň ŦųŅƭ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI Look how the World hastily dismisses, having one generation after another pass by— Family after family, nation after nation, along with their possessions. Those who love the World—their eras and their names have passed away, While those who love the Lord—they are famously remembered. Crown-wearing rulers have ended up in ruin, While those who hated the World’s riches have become rich in God. Poverty is a beautiful word to the one who acquires it, While the love of money78 is a noose and an embarrassment. Look how illustrious Elisha became, who despised money, While how disgraced was greedy Gahzi, who wanted to acquire it. You judge now between the one who had and the one who had not! Which was the poor one and which the rich when one looks at him? Who has the beautiful name and the sweet aroma? And who has been disgraced and become a watchword of shame throughout the World? Possessiveness produced leprosy and a bad name, While poverty achieved mighty and heroic deeds. The distinguished master who despised money acquired triumphs, While that disciple who loved money achieved disgrace. Let the whole matter be decided now by two men— By greedy Gahzi and gold-hating Elisha.
78 Except where it is clear oposition to “gold,” I have here regularly rendered Syriac kespo as “money” rather than the literal “silver.”
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ō Ō :ƎſǓĪŅ ƎſǓĪŏ Ņ ƢũłƖƉłĭ ŧƢňƣŅĭ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ŪſĬŌĿ ŦĬŅ ĖķĭųŏƀòƌłűŅŶĭŤŨ ƎƀƊŌƊòƕł ƎƀƊŌƊòƕł ƎŨŅǔƣł ƎŨŅǔƣł :ķĭųŏòſųłƊŅƣĭł ķĭųŏƀòƍłŨĮł ĭƢũłƕ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ƁƊłŶǓŅ Ėķĭųŏƀł ƌłǔŅƃĭĪŏ ƎƀŷŌſƞŌŅ ƌł ŦĬŅ ťſŅƢƉŅĪ ťƊňŶǓŅĭ ł Ņ :ljŅűŅŨƧ ŴƃƢňƣ ťūňòŁ ĭƢźƟĪł ťƍňźƀòíƇŌƣł ł ĖŦųŅíƆŅŤŨł ĭĿƦƕ ťƊŅíƇƕŅĪ ĬĿňŁŴƕŏ ŴƍłƏŅ Īł ƎƀƇňſĥĭł :ųñňíƆŅł ťł ƍňƟŅűƆł ŧƢŅƀƙŌƣł IJĬô ťƊŅƣ ŦŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƉň Ņ ĖťƘò ĥ Łň ŁųŨňĭ ŦƼƟŌŴƍŏŷƉł ťƙŅƐƃň ƦƊłŶĿňĭ :įƞłƌł Łĥ ťƊň Ņ ƃ ťƙŅƐƃň ťƍŅƏĪł ƗƤłƀƆŌŤŨň ĿŴŶŏ ĖįŵłŨłŁĥ ťŅ ƊŅƃ ťƍňƠƌň ťƖŅŨĪł ťƍŅƖſł IJŵŌŷł ūłĭ :ťƀŅƍŅƟłł ƨíƆ ťƀŅƍŅŌƟł ƼŨň ťƣŅĬŅ Ʀô ƌĥ ķĭĪł ŏ ĖųŨň ĿŤŶŅűƆł ƢſƦƕł ťƍŅſĥĭł ƎƀƄŌŌƐƉň ťƍŅſĥ :ťƀŅíƇŶł ťŷŅſĿŌĭ ŧƢŅƀƙŌƣł ťƊŅƣ ųƆň ƻĥ ŴƍŏƊłíƆ ň Ėųƿŏ ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ŧűŅƐŶň űƀũŌƕĭł įŵłŨłƦƉňŅ ƎƉłĭ :ťŅ ƤŅƀŨŌ ťƊŅƣĭł ň ƦŨłųſň ťŨŅƢŅūł ŦŁŴƀŏƍŅƟł ĖŦŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūł Ī ƨƀòŶł ŁƢłƖƏň ŦŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƉňĭ ň Ņ òň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ňò ł ł :ťƍň Ŷƞƌ Ņ ťƍƟň ťŨĬň Ī ł ťƍŅ ƏĪŌ ťſĬł Į ťŨł Ŀ ĖťƘĥ ŁŁųŨ ťƙƐƃ ƋŶĿĪ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ĭĬĭ ň :ťŨŅƢƣł ųƿŏ ťƣŅĬŅ ƎſĪŌ ŁƦň ƌň ƎſǔŌũūł ƎſĿňƦŨł ĖťŨŅĬĪł ťƍňƏŅ ƗƤłƀƆŌŤŨĭł ťƍŅƖſł IJŵŌŷŬłŨ
Through them let us see the World’s riches and its poverty. For who has the fame and the triumph and the confidence? Who is it that would hate poverty and a good name, Or who loves gold and leprosy and great disgrace? IV. ELISHA’S WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION AS A HEALER The time is too short for me to speak about Elisha, Money’s hater and a lover of absolute poverty, Doubly triumphant, and chosen vessel of Prophecy: Of miraculous visions, and a sea of divine allegorical mysteries.79 Great sea of the Spirit80 and might and action, A treasure house full of all divine triumphs. The distinguished one was clothed in the austerity of Elijah’s entourage, And had trampled upon the World’s riches with poverty. He was a fountain from which all kinds of assistance flowed out— All kinds of healings and all kinds of prophetic revelations. He had acquired the power to provide children to childless women, And even to employ resurrection of the dead where it was necessary. He was full of the Spirit and would not keep anything else. And because of this, he would not agree to get any money. He had no room for gold or possessions, For the distinguished man was full of the mysteryrevealing Holy Spirit,
i.e., of the foreshadowing of Jesus’ miraculous acts. i.e., the Holy Spirit providing prophetic insight, i.e. the Paraclete, a common emphasis in Jacob’s descriptions of the great prophets. See line 96 and to homily 114, line 366. 79 80
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
ň :Ĭň łŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƉňĭ ťƊŅíƇƕŅĪ ĬĿňŁŴƖŏíƆ Ŧŵňŷƌň Ō ƎƀƆňųŅŨ ĖťƘò ĥ ŁŴƀŏíƇūłŅ ĭ ťƍŅŶŅƞƌňĭ Ņ ťƊŅƣ ųƆň ƻĥ ƎƊłíƆĪł :ťũŅŹ ťƊŅƣĭł ŦŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƊňíƆ ťƍňƐƌň ŴƍŏƉłł Ņł Ņ ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ł Ōł ň ĖťŨĿ ł ťŶŵŨŏ ĭ Ņ ťŨł Ƣūł ĭ Ņ ťŨł ĬĪ Ō ƋŶĿ ŏ ƎƉ ĭĥ :ƗƤƀƭŅ ƈƕ ŴƇíƇƊƊƆ ťƍŨĮ ƁƆ ĿŴƕĮ ň Ņ ĖŦŁŴƍŏƄŌŅ ƐƉň ųñíƿŏ Ī ťƊŅŶĿŅĭ ťƙŅƐƃňĪ ĬŤƍƏŅ :Ņ ŦŁŴƀŏũŌƌĪł ťƀŅũūł ljŅŤƉŅĭ ťƍňŶŅƞòƌň ƚƀƙŌƕ Ņ ň ĖŦŁĭŅ ųŏƭĪł ųñſĮňǓŅ Ņ ôĥĪ ťƊŅſłĭ ťòƍƀŅíƇūň ƢſĬŌŁ :ŦŁĭĿŏŴƖŏƏŅĭ ƨƀŶłĭ ťŶŅĭĿŏĪ ťŨŅĿłň ťƉŅĭĬŏŁ ł ŌŅ òň ŏ ňòſųŅŅ ƭ Ėť ƎƀƍŶƞƌ ƈƃ ƨƉĪł ŦŵŅūł Ņ ŌŅ ň ƼŨňĪ ŦŁŴƟŏƢƐłƊƆł ťſŅĬĮł ŦĭŅĬô ƥƀũŌíƆ Ņ :ťŏ ƀƭ ĖŦŁŴƍƄŌƐƊňŨ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƥſłűłƉ ťƊŅíƇƕŅĪ ĬĿňŁŴƕŏĭ :Ņ ƎƀƌŌǓŅĪŴƕŏ ƈƃŏ ųƍňƉň ƎſĪňĿŅĪ ŦĭŅĬô ťƕŅŴũŏƉł ĖŦŁŴƀŏũŌƌĪł ň ƎƀƍŌŅƀò íƇūň Ņ ƈƃŏ ƎƀƍŌƊŅŅ íƆŴòŶŏ ƈƃŏ :ĵƦƌň ťŅƀò ƍłŨ ŦŁǔŅƠƖłíƆĪł ƨƀŶł ŦĭŅĬô ťƍňƟ ň ĖŦĭŅĬô ŸƤłŶłƦƉň ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŅŷłŨ ŦƞŅƭĪŅ ťƄŅſň ĥĭł :ĶűňƉň ljŅƢŌŶôĥ ŦĭŅĬô ŧƢňƕŅ Ƨĭ Ņ ťŶŅĭĿŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƨƉ ŏ ĖťƙŅƐƃň ťƍňƠƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬô ƈũňƠłƉł Ƨ ljŅĬŅ ƈźŌƉňĭŅ :ťƍŅƀŅƍƠňíƆĭłň ťŨŅĬűłíƆ ŧĿŅŁĥ ųŨň ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥ Ƨ ĖťſŅĬĮł ŦĭŅĬô ƨƉ ŦĮňǓŅôĥ ƼłíƇūŅ ťƣŅĪŴƟŏĪ ťŶŅĭĿŏĪ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI And he was sustained by prophetic visions, And would ruminate81 upon Holiness and excellence. It was easy for him to heal pains and perform mighty acts, To heal the sick and to give relief to the stricken. His heroic name was famous among the Hebrews, And his outstanding renown disturbed the land of the Edomites. His healing was like a spring that flowed and gave drink To the Israelites, and overflowed to give the Edomites drink. The Leper Naaman, general of the Children of Esau, Had heard the report of how easy it was for him to heal a leper. His name shone throughout the regions like the Sun, And from every direction all those in pain gathered at his gate.
V. NAAMAN COMES TO ELISHA’S GATE AND IS INSULTED BY HIS TREATMENT So Naaman the Edomite came along with the crowd, That he, too, might strip off the leprous coat by means of Elisha. The leprosy-wearing general came and stood at his gate, Pleading for healing from Elisha. Then that wondrous prophet sent word saying to him, “Bathe in Jordan seven times and you will be cleansed.” But Naaman grew angry and belittled the word he had heard, And went away complaining and full of anger. He was enraged and complaining and cursing: “Why did he not come out to me to heal my pain?
2 Kgs 5:3
2Kgs 5:9
2 Kgs 5:10
In Syriac as in English, the word means both to chew on and to meditate on.
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ ł ň :ŦŁŴŅ ƀŏũŌƌĪł ťòƍƀŅíƇŅ ūň ƈƕł ŦĭŅĬô ƅƉłƦƐƉňĭ ŏ ĬŵłŨĭł ŦŁŴƤŏſűŌƠłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ĿĿłŴūłƦƉňĭ ĖŦ Ł Ŵ ſ ň ň :ƨƀòŶł ĿŴƖŏƐƌň ťŨò ŤƃŌ ƋƇňŷƌł ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ơƀƤŌƘĭł ĖűũňƖƌň ťƣŅŤƙŌň ƌ ťƀŅŷłƊłƊòíƆłĭ ŦųňſǔŌƃ ťƏňŤƌł :ťſňǔŅũƕň ƼŨň ĬŁĭł ƢŏũŅôƍūł Ī ťƊŅƣŅ ŦĭŅĬô Ÿſň ƞŌƌł ň ň Ėťƀò ƉŅĭĪŏĥĪł ťƕŅĿƧ ĬñŴƤŏŬƣłł ťũò ň Ź IJĬôŅ ŴòũłŹĭ :ƁƠŌƣĥĭł ŧĪŅĿĭł ťƕŅł ŴũŏƉł ƅſĥ ĬŁŴƀŏƏĥ ŁĭŅĬŌ ĖťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏƧŅ ťƠňƤƌł Ɨƙłƣĭł ťƀňíƆŅǔƐłſƧ ł :ŴƐŏƀƕŌ Ɓƍò ŨĪł ƨƀŶł ħĿł ĭĬł ň ťŨŅƢūł ƎƊŅƖƌł ĖťŨŅƢūł Ņ ťƏňŤƌł ųƆň ĭĬô ŏ ơƀƤŌƘĪł ųũňŹ ŦĭŅĬô ƗƊłƣ :ŦŁĭŅǓłŁŤŨł ťƤŅƊƣň ŁŴƉŏűŨł ųƊňƣ ŦĭŅĬô ŸƀƌŌĪł ł ň ŏ ƎƀũŌòūł ƈƃŏ ƎƉňĭ ĖųƕňĿŁ ƈƕł ŴƤƍłƃł ťŨò ŤƃŌ ķĭųŏíƿ Ņ ň :ťƀŅŌ ƉŅĭĪŏĥ ƎƊŅƖƌł ŦĭŅĬô ŦŁŌ ôĥ ŦŤƀò ŬŌƏł Ƌƕłĭ ň ĖƗł Ƥłƀƭ űƀłŨ ťŨŅƢūł ƎſŁŴƃŏ ŸƇłƤŅ ƌň ĭĬŏ ĻŅ ĥĪŅ :ųƕňĿŁ ƈŌ ƕł ƋƟŅĭ ťŨŅƢūł ƥƀũŌíƆĪł ƨƀŶł ħĿł ŦŁôĥ ň ĖƗƤłƀƭ ƎƉň ťƍŅƊŅíƆŴŶŏň ƈƕł ƚƤłƃłƦƉň űƃł :ųł Ɔň ƢƉłĥĭň ŸƇłƣ ŧĿŅĬŁĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ljŅĬŅ ƎſĪň ĭĬŏ Ņ ĖƦô ƌĥ ťƃňŅ ĪłƦƉňĭ ŦƦƍŅŨòĮł Ɨũłƣ ƎƌŅĪĿŴƀŏŨ ƁŷŌƏĪł ł :ƗƊłƣĪł ŦƦíƇƉň ň ųƆň ƦźƀƣŌŁŁĥĭň ƎƊŅƖƌł ŵūň Ŀĭł ĖŦŵŅūĭĿŏ ƨƉĭł ĵűłƕłƦƉň űƃł ĵĮłŤƌŌ ơƙłƌĭł :ŦĭŅĬô ťŶňƞłƉĭł ŦĭŅĬô ĵűłƕłƦƉňĭŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƦƊłŶłƦƉň ĖƁŨŤƃŌ ƁƆŌ ťƏňŤƌł IJĪłĥĽň ơƙłƌ Ƨ ƋƆł ťƍŅƉŅ ƈƕłĪ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI There is no lack rivers in the Land of Edom. If that is all it takes, let me go and bathe, and I shall be cleansed.” That general, when he was coming to Elisha, Was relying upon the high status of rulers. But at that saint’s gate there was none Of the sycophancy with which rulers are to be shown respect. The rich and the poor were treated equally there. And perhaps someone poor would be respected even more! For the Edomite, since he relied upon status, They did not open up, so that he could not even come in to visit Elisha. The poor came in to be healed of their pains, But they kept the general from coming in to visit the saint. He had thought that the people would come out to meet him at Elisha’s house And receive him as they would a nobleman being honored, Bowing down to him and giving him a lofty throne. Even adoration like that due to the chief leader of a country. But he came and felt insulted that he had not come in to Elisha, Nor had the Prophet even come out to him to heal his pain. At that gate he had not encountered that sycophancy With which lords were customarily shown respect. VI. THE SEVEN IMMERSIONS SYMBOLIZE THE SEVEN DAYS OF CREATION WHICH ARE THE SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM So he was angry to have to go, but his servants approached and were trying to persuade him: “Lord, go and bathe needlessly as he commissioned you.”
2 Kgs 5:11f.
2 Kgs 5:11
2 Kgs 5:13
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ Ņ :ĶĭĪŏĥĪł ťƕŅĿŤŨłň ŦŁĭŅǓłųŌ ƌł ƎſƢŌƀƐŌŶł Ƨň ĖljŅôĥ ťƃňĪłƦƉňĭ Ņ ťŷňƏĥ ĵĮłĥ IJŅ Ĭô Ō ƎƃłĬŅ ķĥ Ņ :ťŌ ƍňźƀòíƇŌƣłĪ ŦŁŴƉň ŏ Ņ ĿŅ ƈƕł ƨƀŶł ħĿł ĭĬł ł ň ĖƗƤłƀƭ űſĽňŌ ŦĭŅŅ Ĭô ŦŁĥ űƃł ŦĭŅĬô ƅƉł ł ƦƐƉň :ųŨň ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥ Ƨ ťƤŅſűŌƟł ĭĬłĪ ųň ƕňĿŁ ĭųłŨĭł Ņ ĖťƍňźƀòíƇŌƣł ųŅ Ũň ķĭŌ ƢŏƠſłƦŅ ƌňĪ ťƘò ł ŤŨł ŪƐłƉł :ťƍŅƄŌƐƉň Ļĥ ŧƢŅſƦƕł Ļĥ ł ƎƉŅŁ ŦĭŅĬô ŦŴňƣ ĖŦĭŅĬŅ ô ƢƠłſłƦƉň ƎƀƄŌƐƉňĪ ťƍŅſĥ ƁŬŌƏł Ƣũłƃĭłł ŏ ĿŅ ƈƕł ŦĭŅĬô ƅƀƊŌƏĪł ƈƕł ťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏƧ : Ŧ Ł Ŵ Ɖ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ōň ł ĖƗƤłƀƭ űſĽň ĵŴƖŏƌňĪ ƨƘĥ ųł Ɔň ĭĭłĬô ŴŶƦƘ Ƨ :ķĭųŏƀòŨłŤƃŌ ƎƉň ĭĭłĬô ķŴƏŏĥƦŏ ƌňĪŅ ťƍňƄŅ Ō ƐòƉň ŴƇƕł ĖťŌ ƤŅſűŌƟł űſĽň ĵŴƖŏƌňŏ IJĬôĭƨƃ ƨƀŶł ħƢłíƆĭł ň :ƗƤłƀƭ ƼŨň ųƕňĿĭƧ ťƤŅòƌŅôĥł ƎƀƠŌƙƌŅĪ ŦĭŅĬô ljŅĿ ĖƢƠłſłƦƉň űƃł ťŨŅƢłíƆĪł ƅſĥ ųƆň ƎƀƇŌũƠłƉĭł :ťƉŅĿŅ ťŨŅŁŴƉł ųƆň ƎƀŨŌųſŅ űƃł ųƆňł ƎŅ ſűŌŬƏŅ űƃłŅ Ņ ŁĥĪł ťƤŅſĿŌĭ ťŨŅƢłíƆĪł ƅſĥ ŦŁűŅŬòƏň Ļĥ Ėŧ Ŀ Ņ Ņ Ōň :ƗƤłƀƭ űſĽň ŦĭŅĬô ƈň ƕł ĭĬŏ ƧĪ ŻƀƣŌŁŁĥĭň ŦŁŅ ĥĭňŅ ň ŤƃŌ ťƏňŤƌł ĬŁŴŅíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ơƙłƌ ťƀŅũŌƌ ƨƘĥ Ėų Ũ ň ň Ņ ł :ťƘò ŤŨł ŪƐłƉŅ ł ŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƣĥ Ƨ ťƕŅĿŁ ĭĬł ƈƕł ĖŦŁĭŅǔłƉŅ ųŨň ƎſƢŌƠſłƦƉňĪ ŧűŅƀŅƕĪł ĭĬł :ųƆň ƎƀƐŌƀƙŌƉĭł IJĬôĭł űłũòƕł Ō ŴŨƢňƟĭł ĵĮłŤƌŌ ŵūň Ŀĭł ĖƅƆŅ ŸƇłƣĪł ƅſĥ ĭƢŏſƻł ƎƉň ƁŷŌƏĭł ĵĮň IJƢƉŅĪ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI So he went and bathed seven times as he had been commanded And stripped off his leprosy and became clean by the great power. So why, then, had he commanded him to bathe seven times, Since the power is unique and not dependent upon numbers? With the great power Moses brought down instruction For the whole human World from Mount Sinai. And from it the entire World learned that it has a Lord, And there is a Creator, and He moved the World to come into being. And in six days the creatures and their boundaries came to be, And on the seventh day He rested from His construction work. And that because of this He honored the Sabbath, the one of seven days For it is the crown with which all Creation was sealed. Wisdom built for itself a great house full of splendors And supported it with seven pillars that it set up within it. The World runs about its various courses for seven days While they, every day, surround it and sustain it. The seven stand like columns, holding it up— The days of week upon which the entire World stands. So it is because of this that the Prophet taught the Edomite The mystery of the week through the seven times that he bathed and became clean. So that should a question about the number be raised, The mystery of the week would come in and show itself.
2 Kgs 5:14
Prov 9:1
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
ł Ņ :űƠłƘłŁĥĪň Ņ ƅſĥ ŦƦƍŅŨòĮł Ɨũłƣ ťŷŅƏĭł ĵĮłĥĭň ĖťŨŅĿł ƨƀŷłŨ ťƀŅƃŅ Īł ŦĭŅĬĭł ųŨňƢūł ŸƇłƣĭł :ťŷňƐƌň ųƆň űƠłƘ ŦƦŅ ƍŅŨòĮł Ɨũłƣ ƁŅ ƃł ťƍŅƊŅíƆĭł ł ĖűũłƕƦƤƉň Ƨ ťƍňƀŅòƍƊňíƆĪł ƨƀŶłŅ ĭĬô ŏ űŶłĪ ň ŏ ŏ ƙŅíƇƉł íƆ Ŧ Ł Ŵ ƍ :ťƤŅŅ ƍŅƀòƍłŨĪł ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ųǀ ŏ ł ĖťŨŅĿł ƨƀŷłŨ ťƣňŴƉŏ ƦŶňĥ ƁƍłƀƏŌ ĿŴŹ ƎƉň ň :ŧƢŅƉŅ ųƆň ƻĥĪŌ ųƿŏ ťł ƊŅíƇƕŅ ƚƇňſŌ ųñƍŅƉňĭ ĖĶŴƠŏƌĪł ťƊŅíƇƖŅíƆ ųƖňſĮŌĥ ĭĬŏĭ ťſŅĭƢŏŨŅ Ņ ƻĥĭŌ Ņ :ƎſųňƀƉłŴòŶŏŁŏ ĭł ŦƻŅ ǔŨň ƁƊòň ƟŅ ƎƀƉŌŴòſł ŦƦƤŨňĭ ĖIJĬôŴƍłƟŅĭòŁ ƎƉŅ ň ŸƀƌŌ ŁŁĥ ťƉŅŴſł ťƀŅƖŅƀũŌŏ ƤŨłĭ :ťƉňŴòſł ƦƖłũƣł ŦƦũƤłíƆ ĬñƢŅƠſł ljŅĬŅ Ņ Ō ƈźƉňĭ ł Ņ ĖŦƻŅ ǔŨň ƈň ƃŏ ųñŨŅ ĶƦŶłŁĥĪň IJĬô ƨƀƿŅ Īł ƈƕł Ņ :ŧǔňƘŴƣŏ ƨƉĪł ťŨŅĿł ŦƼň Ũł ųñíƆŅ ƦƍŅŨ ŦƦƊƄŶň ĖųŨň ƦƊłƀƟŌĥĪł ĬǂƊłƏ ťƖŅũƣł ŧĪňŴòƊŏƖłŨĭł :ťƙňíƇŅŶŴòƣŏ ƈƕł ťƊŅíƇƕŅ İĬňĿŅ ƎƀƉŌŴòſł ťƖŅũƤłŨ ĖųƆň ƎƀƊŌƀƠŌƉĭł ųŨň ƎƀƃŌƢƃłƦƉň ĶŴſŏ ƈƃŏ ķŴƌŏĬňĭł :ųƆň ƎƀƍŌƀƖŌŹĭł ťň ƖŅũƣł ƎƀƊŌƀƟŅ ŧĪňŴòƊŏƕł ƅſĥ Ņ ň Ėųƿŏ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ Ķł ŤƟŅ ķĭųŏŨĪł ŦƦũƣłĪ ťŏ ƉňŴòſł ł :ťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏƧ ťƀŅũŌƌ ųƙňƭ ljŅųŅíƇźƉňĭ Ņ ĖťƃňĪĭł ťŷňƏĪł ƎƀƍŌŨòĮł ƗũłƤŨł ŦƦũŅ ƣłĪ ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ :ťƍŅƀŅƍƉň ƈƕł Ŧĭňųƌň ƗſĮŌ ŁƦƉň ƧĥŴƣŏ ňķĥĪň Ņ ĖųƤňƙƌł ŦŴňŷłƌ ŦƦũƣłĪ ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ĵŴƖŏƌň ŦŁŤƌŌ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI So let the beauty of that number shine from the Torah, For through it did the Creator establish the worlds and their structures. That the Edomite was cleansed was a miracle, But along with the miracle some instruction was desired. So the Prophet put that number of the seven days So that it would cause the Edomites to gain something from them. For when they were enquiring about the seven-fold number, They would learn of the power from the Torah, mistress of treasures. So the story of Creation and its constructions shone forth, And that of the Creator who erected the Worlds in seven days. VII. NAAMAN IS CLEANSED AND CONFESSES FAITH IN GOD Then Naaman bathed, his leprosy fled, his body became strong, And he got new flesh like that of a newborn. When he had first heard the word he reviled it as trivial, But once it was accomplished, he was astounded at how great the miracle had been. That great power that accompanied Prophecy, Stood in the river and fixed the destroyed flesh. The creative power that had completed the World in seven days Transformed flesh through the seven times that Naaman bathed. His flesh was fixed, he was astounded at the miracle, his heart rejoiced, And his soul was full of faith in God’s realm. His leprosy having fled, the stumbling blocks fled from his thought. He saw the miracle and was moved to praise for the wondrous event.
2 Kgs 5:14
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ ŏ :ťƍŅƀŅƍƉň ĭĬłĪŏ ĬƢňƘŴƣŏ Ÿƌłűƌňł ŦƻĿŅĭĥ ƎƉňĭ ň ĖķĭųŏƀƍłƟŅĭòŁł ĭ ťƊò íƇƕŅ ƋƀƟŌĥ ťſŅĭƢŏŅ ŨŅ ųŨňň Ī :ťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏĥ ƁƃŅ Ō Īł ŁĥĪň IJĬŅ ŁŅ ĭŅĬô ŦŁň ĿŴƉŏĪŁ ĖŁĭŅĬô ťƀŅƖŨłƦƉň ŦŁŴƍŏƙŅíƇƉł ŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ Ƌƕłĭ :ƎƀƉŌŴòſł ťƖŅũƣłň Ī ł ťƍŅƀŅƍƉň ĭĬł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƏŅĭł Ņ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ĿŁŴƌłĭ ŦƦíƇƕň Ŧĭňųƌň ťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏƧĪ :ƎƀƍŌŨòĮł ƗũłƣĪł ťƍŅƀŅƍƉň ƈ ƕł ƎƀŅ ƆŌŤƤłƉĪł ťƉŅĪ ŏ Ņ ň ĖŦŵò ūł ŁƢłƉŅ ŏ ŦƻĿŅŅĭĥ ƎƉň ƨƀŶł ķŴƙŏíƆŤƌŌ :ťƍňƟŅĭòŁĪĭł ŦŁŴſŏĭƢŏŨŅĪ ťŨŅƢƣł ŸƌłĪĭł ň ĖťƉňŴòſł ťƖŅũƤłŨ ťƊò íƇƕŅ ƋƀƟŌĥĪł ťſŅĭƢŏŨŅĪĭł Ņ Ɩƌł ŦĭŅĬô ťŷŅƏ :ĬƢňŬƘł ƎƟňŁĭł ųŨňƢūł ľƢłƕĭł ƎƊ Ņ ĖŧĪŅŴƇŏſłűƆł ťƉŅ ň ĪŅĪ ŦŁűôŶł ťƊŅƣŴūŏ ťƍŅƟĭł Ņ :ŁĭŅĬô ŧƢŅſƞŌŨĪł ųñźƣŅ ŦƦň íƇƊňíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ųñƖŅƊň ƣł űƃł ł ĖŁĭŅĬô ťŨŅĿł ťƊŅ Ņ ƃ ĬñĿŅĬŁ ƎƉň ĺĮŅ ŁƢłƕƦƏĥ űŅ ƃłĭ :ŦŁŴƀŏũŌƍƆł ŦĭŅĬô Ŧł ŴňíƆĪł ĭĬł ťŨŅĿł ƨƀŶł ĖŦĭŅĬô ƈũłŷłƉĪł ťƊŅƣŴūŏ ƎƟňŁĭ ŧĿŅųƍłŨ ŦŅĭŅĬô ƋƟŅ :ƎƀƉŌŴòſł ťƖŅũƤłŨ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ŁƢłƊūň Ī ŦŁĭĪŏŴũŏƕŅ ĖƎƊŅƖƌł ťŷŅƏĪł Ǝň ƀƍŌŨòĮł ƗũłƤŨł ťƊŅƣŴūŏ ƦƙłíƇŶł :ųũňíƆň IJűŌŶĭł ŧĿŅĬŁ ƎƉň ĺŅ ĮŅĭ ųƊňƣŴūŏ ŦĭŅĬô ƎƟňŁ Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ Ƽ ŨňĪ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬł ųƤňƙƌł ƦƇŅƉĭł ň :ųƍňƀŅƕŅ Ŀň ƎƉň ň ƨƤòƃň ŴƟƢłƕĭł ųŨňƢūł ŦĭŅĬôň ľƢłƕ ĖŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ ƈƕł ŸũłƤłƌĪł ĺĮŅĭ ŧĿŅĬŁ ŦŵŅŶĭł
He turned back to the godly man’s gate rejoicing To bestow praise in return for the great wonder he had seen. He openly confessed: “There is no god in the whole Earth Except among the Israelite people, and Him shall I worship. He is that one who erected the World in seven days, And He has the power over the created beings in order to transform them.”
VIII. ELISHA REJECTS NAAMAN’S GIFT The Edomite brought money and gave it to Elisha, And was urging him to accept it from him as an offering. Here did wealth and poverty engage in a conflict At the gate of that godly, poor man’s house. He trampled upon riches, which are odious to God and remote from Him, And did not reach out his hand to take the money that was offered to him. The one who rebuked leprosy so that he fled considered it an insult To lower his hand for wealth like a weakling. In his eyes the Edomite’s money and his leprosy were odious, So he steadfastly drove both of them from his threshold. He made his leprosy disappear; he rejected his money, for leprosy and money Were all the same to him, and he despised and reviled the both of them. He very much urged him to take it from him, but he would not demean himself, For he was contemptuous of all such rulers’ treasures. Faith was burning in Naaman’s soul, And the love of the Lord was ignited within him like a flame. So he was longing to give a lot of money; But the man who hated to acquire riches would not accept it.
2 Kgs 5:15
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
ł Ņł :ťſŅųŅƭ Ņ ŧƢŅũūłň Ī ųƕňĿƦíƆ ŧűňŶŅ űƃł ťƍŅƘ Ņ ĖŦŵŅŶĪł ł ŦƦŨĿł ŦŁĿŴƉŏĪŁ ƚƇŅŶ ťŷŅŨŴƣŏ ĺĭƢŏƙƌňĪ Ņł Ņ :ťƕŅĿĥ ųñíǀŏ Ũ ŦųŅƭ ƼƆłĪ ťƀŅíƇŌ ŬňŨ IJĪŌĭĥĭŅ ň ł ĖljŅôĥ űŬňƏŅ ųƆňĭ ťƀňíƆŅǔƐłſĥĪ ťƊŅƖłŨ Ƨĥ :ƎƀƉŌňŴòſł ťƖŅũƤłŨ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ƋƀƟŌĥĪł ljŅĬŅ ĭĬô ljłĬŅ Ņ ł ŻƀƇŌƣł ŴſŏĭĬŏĭ ĖƎƀƌňĥ ƚň ƇňŷƤłƌ ŦƻŅ ǔŨň ƈ ƕ Ō ł ł :ƗƤłƀƆŌƧ ł ħųôſłĭ ťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏĥ ťƙŅƐƃň IJƻĥ ĖťƍŅŨŅĿŴƟŅ ŏ ƅſĥ ųƍňƉň ŪƐłƌňĪ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƑƀƙŌƉĭł :ŦŁŴƍŏƄŌƐƉňĭ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ŧĿŅĪł ĭĭłĬô ĭűũłƕ ťƃŅĿĬŅ ł ň Ņł ĖťſŅųŅƭ ťƍŅƄŌƐƉň ĭĬłĪ ĬƼŨłĪ ťƕŅĿƦŨ Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƎƉň ơƀŶŌĿłĭ ťƍňƏĪł ŧĿŅŁŌ ŴƖŏíƆ ųƣňŅ ĪŅ ĖųƆň ħƢłƟłŁĥĪň ťƙŅƐƃňŅ ƈũňƠłƌ Ĭűňſĥ ŻƤłƘ Ƨĭ :ľƢłƕĭł ťŨŅƢŬłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ŦŤƃł Īł ĭųłŌ íƆ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ŧƢŅƕĽł ĖťƤŅíƇŅŶł ƅſĥ Ĭűňſĥ ƎƃňƢƌł ljŅŴƊŏƊŅíƆĪł :ťƀŅƉŅň ĭĪŏĥĪł ųŨňňƢūłĭ ųƙňƐƃň IJĬôŴƍłƀòƖłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ťƍňƏ ĖĬƦƘŴƄŏƏĥ ƎƉň ķĭųŏł ſǓłƦƆł ĪƢłŹ ŧƢŅſł ƢŌƣł ƅſĥĭł :ųƆňň ŦĭŅĬô ŦŴňƣĪł ƁƇŌƏĥ ųƙňƐƃň ľƢňƕĥ ųŨňƢūł ĖķŴƌŏĥ ƢƐłŌ Ũĭłł ķň ĭųŏŅ ſǓłƦƆł ŻƣŅĭ ťƙŅƐƃňĭ ťŨŅƢūł ł :IJƦŶŁŁĥ Ƨĭ ųƍňƉň ŪƐłƌňĪ ƁŬŌƏł Ĭƞňƭ Ō ňŅ ň ĖťòƍźƀƇŌƣłĪ Ŧŵò ūł ķĭųŏíƿŏ ųƆň ĭĭłĬô Ņ ƎƀźƀƣŌĪ :ŦĭŅĬôł ťƙŅƀƙŌƏł ƎƊŅƖƌłĪ ųƤňƙƍłŨ ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬł Ņ ň ťſŅƢƉŅ ƦƊłŶĿňĭ ĖŦƦíƆĮłŴūł ƅſĥ ųŨň ŁĭŅĬô ƦƠłíƆ Ī ň :ŦĭŅĬô ĨƢłū ĿłƦƉň ťƙŅŅ Ɛƃň ĵƦƌňĭ ŦĭŅĬô ťŬňƐƌłĪĭł ĖŦĭŅĬô ƈũňƠłƉ Ƨ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ťƍňƠƌňĪ ťƍňƏŅĪ ŧƢŅũūłĭ
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ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI That Naaman’s leprosy had disappeared was God’s doing, But that the Prophet refused the money was his own decision. That beauty of his soul that fled from wealth Condemned the riches which inflame many with their fire. The love of money, that sometimes strangles even saints, The Prophet killed, expelled, and trampled down outside his gate. God’s power triumphed in that Naaman had become cleansed, But the Prophet himself triumphed when he defeated the love of money. That command that the Son of God gave his Apostles Was fixed in his soul: to despise money as a disciple. With the supreme insight of prophecy, he kept his eye on that Road of the Apostles, and would travel it without possessions. IX. GAHZI RUNS AFTER NAAMAN TO GET THE MONEY But that love of money that had been defeated by Elisha, Prepared an ambush to destroy the weak disciple. Since the master had defeated it, it turned to the disciple, And having found him weak, crushed and humiliated him. The fire that had been quenched in Elisha ignited in Gahzi And flamed up in him so that he would be burned by it instead of his master. The sin that had succumbed to that master full of distinction, Turned to the disciple full of greed.
cf. Luke 16
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ :ŁĭŅĬô ŦųŅƭĪł ƎƊŅƖƌłĪ ųŨňƢūł ŦĭŅĬô ľƢłƕĪł IJĬŅ ĖŁĭŅĬô ųƇňſĪŌ ƎƉň ťƙŅƐƃň ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƁƇŌƏĥĪł IJĬŅĭ :ljŅŴƊŏƉŅ ƎƉň ľƢłƕĪł ŴƌłĬŅ ųƤňƙƌłĪ ŧƢŅňƘŴƣŏ ň ĖűƟňŴƉł ĬĿňŴƍŏŨ ŦŤƀò ŬŌƐłíƆĪł ŧĿŅŁŴƖŏíƆ ųźƣŅĭ :ł ťƤňòſűŌƠłíƆĭł ťƠŅƍŶŅ ƎŨłŵŨłĪ ťƙŅƐƃň ƦƊłŶĿň ĖųƕňĿŁ ƎƉň ƢũłíƆ ň ųñƣŅĪŅ ơƘňĥĭł ťƀŅũŌƌ ųñíƇŅźƟł Ņł :ųŨň ň įƞłƌł Łĥ ŦųŅƭ ƈƀŶŌ ƎƊŅƖƌł ťƃňĪĪł Ėįƞłƌł Łĥ ĭĬŏ ťŨŅĬĪł ƦƊłŶƢňíƆ ťƀŅũŌƌ ťƃŅĮĪłĭ Ņł :ŦųŅł ƭ łƢŨł IJĬôŴŷłƀòíƇŌƤƆł ħųôſłĪ ljŅűŅƟŴƘŏ ĭĬŏ ĖŧűŅƀƊŌíƆŁ ƅſĥ ťŨŅŏ ĬűłíƆ ťƍňƐƌňĪŅ ųƤňƙƍłŨŅ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀƏŌ :ťŶŅĿĭƧ ŦĭŅĬŅ ô ĬñŵŅŶ ŦŁŴƀŏũŌƌĪł ŦƦƉĿŅ ťƍŅƀƖłŨ ň ƀŅòƍƟň ƧĪ ŦĭŅĬô ŧĪňĿŅ ųñŨŅĭ ťŷňƀòíƇŌƣĪł IJĬŅ Ėť ƍ Ōň :ƗƤłƀƭ ƎƉň ł ƼłƃĪłĮĥĪň IJĬŅ ťƙŅƐƃň ƦƊłŶĿňĭ ł ĖűŨňĭŁ ťł ƀŅƘĿł ŧűŅƀƊŌíƆƦíƆĪł Łűň ł ũƕň ljŅŤƊŌƃ ł ųñíƆŅ ƼłƍƘłŁĥ ťŨŅĿł ųñƃŅĮĪł :ň ŧűŅƀƊŌíƆŁ ƈ ƕ ň ň ĖŁĭŅĬô ĬƦíƇŌƙňƣłĭ ĬƦƣĪŅ ťƘňĿĪł ĬƦŷƄłƣĥĪň ƈƕłĭ ň :ƗƤłƀƭ űſĽň ǂłƕĪňĪ ŧĿŅŴƌŏ ƦƠłíƆĪň IJŵŌŷŬłŨ ňĭ ĖųñŨŅ űŅ ƟłŤƌŌ ĭĬŏň ųŨňĿł ƚƇŅŶĪł ųŨň ŁĭŅĬô ƦƙłƏ Ņ Ō :Ņ ŦŁŴſŏĬĮł ň ƨƉ ťŨŅĿł ĭĬł ł ƎƉň ƦũłŶŅĪ ŦƼźŶň ĖŦŁŴƍŏƖſł ƨƉ ŧűŅƀƊŌíƆŁ ƈƕł ųñíƆŅ ƼłƍƘłŁĥ
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI He had seen that his master rejected the Edomite’s money, And he complained and was scornful, for he was intoxicated with the love of gold. Lust for riches cast its arrow into him and he was wounded and collapsed, And it even led him to go out to become a thief. He did not stand still to acquire only when they were giving it to him But instead ran off actually to make a special effort to steal. Instead of being a possessor, he became a thief in his boldness, Inflamed by the love of money that was burning within him. He complained to his master over why he had spared the Edomite And not taken the money he offered after having been healed. He considered this lovely act to be a mistake His master made, that he rejected the Edomite’s money. So since he was intoxicated with odious lust and love of gold, His distinguished master’s decision was odious in his eyes. Thinking, then, that he was making up for his master’s omission, The thief ran after Naaman, saying to him: “Some indigent people came to our master for him to support them, And he wanted to give those in need a talent of silver.” Then the general, happily and willingly, Gave the talent and fine clothing, just as that thief had requested. He gave him double the amount, and he quickly brought it back. He hid it, buried it, secreted it and craftily arranged it.
2 Kgs 5:20
2 Kgs 5:22
2 Kgs 5:23
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
:ťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏĥĪł ťƙŅƐƃň ƁƇŌƏĥĪł ųŨňƢłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ŦŵŅŶ ĖťŨŅĬĪł ƦƊłŶƢňŨ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô IJĭŌĿĪł ƢƐłŨĭł ĵűłƕĭł :ƈƙłƌĭł ƗƇłŨĭł ŧĿŅŅ Ťūň ųŨň ŁűŅƣ ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ňƦūł Ŀň ĖťũŅƍŅūł Ļň ĥ Ŧĭňųƌň ľŴƙŏƌň ŁĭŅĬô ĬŁƢŨłĪĭłň :ųƆň ƎƀŨŌł ųſŅ ķĥ ĪŴŷŏíƇŨł ťƍňƠƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬô IJŴŌƟł ƧŅ ň ĖŧƢŅƀƤŌƃł ƅſĥň ŪƍłŬƉň ħŴƍŏŬƌňĪ ųƆň İĬňĿ Ƨĥ :ĬŁŴŶŏƢŅƊłŨ ťũŅƍŅūł ŦĭŅĬ ťƀŅƍŅƟł ƚƇŅŶ ĖųŨň ťƙŅł ƀƙŌƏłĪ ťƙŅƐƃň ƦƊłŶƢňŨ ŦĭŅĬô űƠňſŅ űƃł :ťƀŅƉŅĭĪł ŏ Ƨ ųƄňƐŶł ƎƉŅ ƈƕłĪ ųŨňƢłíƆ ųƆňűƕłŅ ĭ ĖƁƏŌĥŁĥĪň ƎƉň ħųłſĪŌ ťƙŅƐƃň ųƍňƉň ŪƐłƌ Ƨĭ :ťſŅŤƘł ŧűŅũŅƕ ljŅųŅíƆ ųũňƤŶł ŧĿŅĽŅŴŨŏ ƅſĥĭł ĖťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏĥĪł ųƙňŅ Ɛƃň ƁƇŌƏĥĪł ųŨňĿł űũłƕĪł Ņ :ťŨŅĬĪł ƦƊłŶĿňĪ ŦƼƍŌƏ ŦƦūƢňŨ ŦĭŅĬô ŦĭňĿĪł ƈƕłĭ ĖťſŅĬĮł ťŨŅĿłĪ ųƍňƣŅĿŴƘŏŅ ĭĬł IJĬôŴƍłƀòƖłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ťƍňƏ :ƁƇŌƉł ųŨňŅ ĿłĪ ŦŁĭƢŏƀƐŌŶłĪ ųƆň ƢũłƏŅ űƃłĭ ł Ėųň Ɔň ƢƉłĥ űƃł ƎƊŅƖƌł ĿƦł ŨŅ ťũŅƍŅūł İĬňĿ :ķŴƌŏĥ ĴŴƊŏƐƌň ƎŨłĿł űſĽň ĭŁôĥ ťƠňň ƀòƍŌƏ ťƤŅòƌŅôĥ ĖƎſƢŌƀŅ ƐŌŶłűƆł ťƙŅƐƃňĪ ŧƢŅƄƃł ĵƦƌňŅĪ ťƖŅŨĭł :ťũŅŹ ťũŅíƇňŨ ŧűňŶŅ űƃł ħųôł ſł Ǝň ſĪň ƨƀŶł ħĿł ĖťũŌ Ņ Ņ ƍŅūł ĭĬł IJųôƀƖŅŨŌ Īł ƎƄłſĥ ŦƦŷòƌłĭ ŧƢŅƄƃł :ƻƨƀƇŌŌ Ɵł ƅƘłĬĭł IJƻĥĭł ųƆł ň ħųôſł ťƙŅƕŅł ĖƻŤƊŅƀƄŌŶł ƎƟňŁĥĭł ƁƍŌūĥ ƢƊłŹĭł ƁƤŌŹ
X. SEIZED BY MONEY LUST, GAHZI HAD FORGOTTEN THAT PROPHETS SEE ALL Did foolish Gahzi simply forget who his master was? Or was he just intoxicated and lost his mind over the love of gold? Oh you, Gahzi! What is hidden from Elisha? And when does he ever not look to see the hidden things? What secret has ever been hidden from Elisha That your money should defy him and he not sense it? A lust for something is a thing all bound up in itself And it ignores what it finds odious so as not to see it. Were a man’s82 conscious mind to think something through before sinning, It would show him that his sin is odious and he would not sin at all. Once lust has started moving toward doing something, though, The conscious mind’s judgment fails to function properly with the lust. Money lust had seized Gahzi, and he did not consider That his master possessed the hidden eye that sees secrets. So he dug and buried it thinking that he would not be aware of it. And since he was intoxicated, his soul was too dim to understand. He was careful to bury his money craftily And came and stood before Elisha as if innocent. But his master, whose soul was full of the spirit of revelations, Began to enquire where Gahzi was coming from. The fool says, “Your servant has not gone off anywhere in particular” With the denial that is associated with thievery.
Emending prepositional l_ to d_.
2 Kgs 5:25
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
ł Ņ :ųŨňĿł ŴƍŏƉłĪ ťƖŅŹ ťƖŅźƉň ĭĥ ƨƄƏł IJŵŌŷūł ł ĖťŨŅĬĪł Ō ƦƊłŶƢňŨ ųƌňĭĬłň űŨňĭĥĭł ŦĭŅĿ ŦĭŅƢƉň ĭĥŅ ň :ƗƤłň ƀƭ ƎƉň ƁƐŌƃłŁĥ ƎƉŅ IJŵŌŷūł ƅŅ ƆŅ ĭĥ Ņ ĖƎƀƌňĥ ŦŵňŷŌ ƌňĪ ŦƼŅ Ɛòƃł ƈňƕł ơſŏűŌƉ Ƨ ťƄŅſĥĭłł ň :ƗƤłƀƭ Ņ ƎƉň ƁƐŌƃłŁĥ ĶĭƦƉ ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ťƍŅſĥ ł Ƣƌň Ƨĭ ųƍňƉň ĪƢłƊƌň ƅƇŅſĪŌ ƅƙŅƐƃňĪ ĖųŨň ƥū ł Ņ ł :ťƤŅƙƌł ƁƘò ŤŨł ťūŅ ĿƦƐƉň IJĬŌŅ ĶűňƉňĪ ŦƦū Ŀň ĖťƍňƏĪł ň ŧűŅũŅƕ Ņ ťſŅŵŶŅ ŁĭŅĬô ň ƧĪ Ō ųƆň ťƀŅƙŷłƉĭň ł ň Ƨűƕł ťƤŅƌŅƧô ĬŁĿĥŁ ųƆň ťƍŅſĪŅ ķĥ : ť ź ŷ ƌ ň Ņ Ņ ĖťźŶŅ Ƨ ƅƏŅĭ ťƍňƏĪłł ĬųňźŶ ųƆň ťŅ ſŅŴŷłƉ IJĬŌ :ljŅƢŅƕŴƏŏ ƈƕł ƦŹĬň Ŀň ƦƕłĮŅ ƎſĪň ŦƦŅ ūŌ ĿňĪ ťƉŅ Ņ Ō Ņ ň Ņ ŦƦŅūƢňŨ ŦŁĿĥŁĪ ťƍŅſĪŌ ĖŦ Ƽ Ɔ ĭ Ǝ Ɖ ƈ ź Ũ ň ł ł ň Ņ Ņ :ƈƃłƦƏĥ Ƨĭ IJŵŌŷŬłíƆ ĬƦƙźŶ ťƙŅƐƃňĪ ŦƦū Ŀň Ņ ĖųŨňĿł ŦĭŅĬôŅ ťƍňƟ ŦĮňǓŅôĥ ťſŅŵŶŅĪ ŦƼƐŌƃ ťƍŅƀƕłĪ :ųŨň ŅƥūňƢƉł ƧĪ ųƆň ƢũłƏŅ űƃł ƢƊłŹĭł ƢƙłŶĭł ĖƨƃŅŴŅ Əŏ ƎƉň ųƤňƙƌł ǂłƤŶň ŦĭŅĬô ŦĭňĿĪł ƈƕłĭň :ŦŁŴƍŏł ƉŅĭŤŨŏł ųƙňƐ ƃň ƢƊłŹĭł ŦĭŅĬô ĸƢłƘŅł Łĥ Ō ň ĖťƊŅƀƉŌŁ ƅſĥ ƗƤłƀƭ ĶűŅƟ ųƆň ƋƟŅ ŦŁĥĭň ň :ťòƍƀŅíƇūň įĭĿŏ ň ųŅ Ƥňƙƌł ťƀŅł íƇƉłĪ ťŨŅĿňł ƎſĪň ĭĬŏ ł ŦŁĥ ťƄŅƊňſĥ ƎƉň ĵŤƤłƌ IJƢŌƣł ĖIJŵŌŷū Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ :ĴűŅũƕł ƁŅŬŌƏĥ ťƄŅíƆ Ƨĭ ťƄŅíƆ Ƨ ƨŅ ƄƏł ƢƉłĥ ĖŦŁŴũŏƍŅŬłíƆ ųñíƆŅ ťƙŅƀƠŌƌłĪ ŦŁŴŨŏĭƢŏƐŅŨ
So the Prophet began rebuking him and berating him, Exposing for him and telling him what happened on his journey: “My heart has shown me that he came down from his chariot to meet you. The man gave you money! You brought it and have hidden it.”
XI. THE PROPHET REBUKES GAHZI AND TRANSFERS NAAMAN’S LEPROSY TO HIM The heart of that wondrous prophet was a mirror That was full of light and sees secrets by spiritual means. From in his house he saw Naaman beyond the mountain Wrapping up the talent and giving it to that thief, Gahzi. Just as if he were with him and next to him, the secret was revealed to him, And he rebuked him and he was shamed that he had been exposed in front of many people. “Is it not so, disciple!? What have I taught you—if you have learned it? And when and where do we have need of the love of money? Why, Gahzi, are you doing this new thing that you have not seen me do, Acting like a thief and very greedy person? What for possessions? What for vineyards? And what for olive orchards And the impermanent, corrupt wealth of the wicked World? I had commanded you when I sent you to raise the dead Neither to be greeted by nor to greet whoever encounters you. I had commanded you to go quietly along the sublime road of prophecy, But now you have filled it with thievery.
2 Kgs 5:26
cf. 2 Kgs 5:26
2 Kgs 4:29
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
ł :ųƆň ĿŤƄłƉĭł ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƑƄňƉł ťƀŅũŌƌ IJƢŌƣłĭ ň ĿĭĥĪŏ ŧűŅũŅƕ ųƆň ŦŴňŷłƉĭł ųƆň ťƏňƢƙłƉĭł Ėų Ŷ ŏ Ņ :ŦƦũƃłƢƉł ƎƉň ƅŌ ƕŅĿĭƧ ƦŷňƌĪł ƁƍſłŴŶł ƋƆł ƁũƆň ł ĖƅƆŅ ƁƤłźƉĭł ƻƻĥĭł ň ťƙŅƐƃň ƅƆŅ ħųôſł ŧƢŅũūł Ņ :ŦĭŅĬô ŦƻŵŌŷƉłŌ ŧĿŅĬŁĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ljŅĬŅĪ ųũňíƆň Ņ ŶŅĭĿŏ ŦĮňǓŅôĥ ťſŅŵŶŅĭ ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ťƀŅíƇƉłĪ Ė ƻ Ť ƍ ŏ ł ň :ŧĿŅŴŹ ĿƦƐŨň ƎƊŅƖƍłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô IJųôſŵŅŶ ĬƼũłŨ ĭĬŏ űƃł ĖťũŅƍŅūł ĭĬł Ņ IJŵŌŷŬłíƆ Ŧň ĭŅĬô ħųôſłĭ ŧƢŅƄƃł ĿĽł űƃł :ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ųƆň ƨū ŦĭŅĬô ĬŁŴŅíƆĭł ųƊňƕłĪ ťƉŅ ƅſĥĭł ň ĖŦŤƀò ŬŌƏłł ĶűŅƟ ƁƏňŌ ƢƘłŁŅ ĥĪň ƈƕł ŁųňŨĭł ųƐł ň ƃĥĭŌł ňł :Ʀô ƌĥ ƚƀƇŌſł ķĥ ĴƦƙƭ ƎƉŅ ŧűŅƀƊŌíƆŁ Ǝſĥ ĖƎƆł ŸƤłŶłƦƉň ťŨŅĬŅ Īł Ņ ƦƊłŶƢňŨ ťƄŅſĥĭł IJƦƉłĥĭň ł ťƍŅƊŅíƆ :ƁŨŌ ƅƆŅ ŦŵňŶ ƧĪ ŦŁűôŶł ŧűŅũŅƕ ł IJŵŌŷū ł ĖťŨŅĿł ťƍŅƖſłĭ ťũŅƍŅūł ƅſĥ Ʀô ƌĥ űũňƕŅ ŦĬŅ ň :Ŧƻò Įł ƎƊŅíƆĭł ťƉňǔƃł ƎƊŅíƆŅ ĭł Ņ ťƍňƀŅòƍƟň ƎƊŅíƆ ĖťƤŅƀŨŌ ťƊŅíƇƖł Ņ Ũ ŧűňŅ ƟłƦƉň ƧĪ ƨƀƇŌŨ ŧĿŅŅ ŁŴƕŏĭ Ņ :ŦƼƉŌ ťŶňŁĪ ĴŁĿűłƣł űƃł ƻ ĭŌĬô ĴŁň űƠňƘłŅ Ņ Ņ ĖƅŅ ŨŅ ƗŬłƘŅŅ űƆł ĴƢňŨłŁ ƨƘĥ Ĵň ƢłŨłŁŁň Ƨň Ī ŏ ũŌƌĪł ŦƦŨĿł ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ İĬłĿŁĭ ƨƣŁĪ : Ŧ Ł Ŵ ƀ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖŦŁŴũŏƍŅūł ĬñƼƇłƉ ťƣŅĬŅĭ ƻĭŌĬô ĴŁűƠňƘł
ABOUT NAMAAN THE EDOMITE AND HIS DISCIPLE, GAHZI Let the leprosy of Naaman the Edomite, whose money you took, Cling to you. Take his leprosy and keep it, too. Keep the money and the leprosy, for one is just as odious as the other. Keep both of them, and become a laughing stock throughout the World.” The word of that saint acted quickly in a divine manner And clothed greedy Gahzi with the cloak of leprosy. At the same moment as his word, the deed came to pass with great might, Gahzi’s flesh became clothed with uncleanliness, and he acquired his shame. XII. THE EXAMPLE OF THE WICKEDNESS OF GAHZI’S GREED IS THE STORY’S MESSAGE That garment that Naaman had stripped off, Gahzi put on. And the great prophet demonstrated his might by two miracles: By his mouth’s utterance he made one strip and one become clothed, For there was great might in his word whenever he was speaking. He cleansed Naaman, while he imposed uncleanliness on that greedy one, And lust for gold and thievery were shamed and stopped. He despised wealth and gave victory to poverty And made greed shameful throughout the World. Since Gahzi had desired to acquire fine clothing, The Prophet gave him a fine cloak of leprosy. He put it on, and was disgraced. He made that one into an example for those who love riches, And made the thief proverbial throughout the World. The Prophet depicted that thief as the image of disgrace And put him in His scripture, and now all of Creation looks at him.
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ ơŨłűƌň ĭĬŏ ťƀŅƉŅĭĪŏĥł ƎƊŅƖƌłĪ ųŨňƢūł : ƅ Ũ Ņ ĖųƆň Ļĥ Ɓł ƍŌƟĭł ųŨňƢūł ƅƆŅ ŪƏł ųƙňƐƃň ƦƇƠłƣĪł :ĭĬł ƅſĥ ljŅĬŅ ĭĬô ťƍňƏĪł ƅƆŅ ƁƍŌƟ ťŨŅƢūłĭ ťƙŅƐƃň ň Ėųƿŏ ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ťŶŅŵŨň ň IJĭŌĬĭł ķĭł ųŏſǓłƦƆłŌ ƁƍŌƟ Ņł :ťƤŅſűŌƟł ĭĬłĪ ĬƦŌ íƇƉň ƦŹĬĿň ň ƻĥųŅƭ ĖťƍŅƖſł IJŵŌŷŬłŅ íƆ ťŨŅƢūł ƎſŁŴƃŏ ŁĭŅĬôň ĬƦƤũňƭĭł :ťŨŅĿł ƨƀŷŅł Ũŏ ŧűŅłũŅƕ ŦĭŅĬô ŦĭŅĬ ĬƦíƇƉňĪ ųñƊŅƕł ĖĬűňƐŶň IJűŌƟłĭ ŦŁĭŤƊŹ ƥũňíƆ IJŵŌŷūł Ī ųŌƊňƣŴūŏĭ :IJŵŌŷūł ųñƤŅũƆł ƎƊŅƖƌł ŸƇłƣĪł IJĬŅ ťƍŅň ſŁŴƃŏ Ō ĖťŨŅĿł ťƀŅũŌƌ ųƇňłƀŶł IJŴŌŶł ƎſǓĬŁ ƎſĿňƦŨłĭ ł :ƥũňƭ űŷłíƆĭł ŦĭŅĬô Ÿň Ƈłƣĥ űŷłíƆ ųƉňŴŌ Ƙŏ ƦƇłŅƊňŨ ĖdžňƊŅ ł Ɖŏ Īł ł ťƉŅ ĬƦíƇƊňŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥ ťŨŅĿł ƨƀŶłĪ :ŦŁĭŅ ŤƊŹ ħųôſł ťƍŅƖſł ĭųłíƆĭł ƎƊŅƖƍłíƆł ƁƃŌĪł ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ł ł Ŀň ƦƊłƟŅ ŁŁųŨňĭ Ņ ĖŦŏ Ō ŁŴũň ƍūĭ Ņ ťŨŏ ĬŅ Ī Ʀū :ŦŁŴƍƄƐƊíƆ ŦŁŴƃĮ ħųôſłĭ ŧĿŅŁŴƖŏíƆŅ ĬƢňƐŨł ň ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ň ñŅ ł ŏ ł ĭł Ėų ƿ ňŏ ň ň ťƊŌ íƇƖł Ũ ŧň űƐò ł Ŷ ĬűŅũƕ ŦŁŴł ƍƖƀíƆ :ķŴƌĥ ťƍƠƌĪ IJŵŷū ŦƦŷƍíƆ ŦĭĬô ĨƢū ĿłŁĥĪň Ņ ĖįŵłŨłŁĥĭň ƥũňíƆ ł ťƀŅũŌƌ ųƆň ħųôſł ťŨŅƢūł Ī ŦƦŷƌł Ņ :ŦƻŵŌŷƉł ƅſĥ ljŅųŅíƆ Ņ Ĭűňũƕł ŧĿŅŁŴƕŏ ƁƊłŶǔŅƆ ň Ėųƿŏ ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ƧƦƉł Ĭűňũƕł ťũŅƍŅŬłíƆĭł :ťũŅƍŅūł ĭųłíƆ ťƀŅũŌƌ ųƆň ĿĽŅ ŧűŅƐŶňĪ ťƊŅíƆĽł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ėųñíƿŏ ŦƻƢŌŨ ųŨň ŧƢŅƀŶŅ ŦĬŅĭ ųŨňǂŨł ƋƏŅĭ
From him a person will learn how unclean is the love of money And that it is a hidden kind of leprosy and very odious to the one who has it. Victory’s crown is his who refused to acquire money. Praised be He who gave him a beautiful name throughout the World.
ĬűƀƊƆŁ IJŵŷū ƈƕĭ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƊƖƌ ƈƕ :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕĪ ťƖŨĿĥĪ
Ņ ł :ťƙŅƐƃň ƦƊłŶĿň ŦŤƊŹ ťƊŅƃĪł ƥƌŅôĥ ƚƇňſŅ ųŨňĭ ĖųñíƆŅ ťƍňƟŅűƆł ťƀŅƍƏł ƁŬŌƏłĭ ťƀŅƐƃł IJĬô ťŨŅƢūŌł ĭ :ťŨŅĬĪł ťƍňƠƌňĪ ŦĭŅĬ ťƍŅƏĪł ĭųłíƆ ťƍňŶŅƞòƌň ƈƀƿ ň ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō łô Ņ Ėųƿ ťƊíƇƖŨ ŧƢƀƙƣ ťƊƣ ųƆň ħųôſłĪ ĭĬô ŏ ƅſƢŌŨ Ōň .ƗƤłƀƭ ƈƕłĪ ťƖŅŨĿĥĪł ƋƇňƣ
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INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title: The Fifth on Elisha and on the Vision of the Saints that is able to see hidden things Source of Text: Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 4, pp. 333–349 [Homily 120] Lines: 355
OUTLINE This homily tells the story of Elisha and the army of the Edomites83 sent to arrest him in the second half of 2 Kgs chapter 6. It focuses exclusively on the prophetic insight that enabled Elisha to know what was going on in the King of Edom’s palace and to see the heavenly hosts that were preserving him. Like other such highly focused homilies, it offers no typologies and finds no exegetical problems to solve.
SUMMARY I. Proem: Worldly Wealth darkens the Soul; the Lord’s enlightens it (1– 24) II. The Power of Prophetic Insight (25–68) III. Our Souls are blind to what is actually all around us (69–112) IV. The Saints can envision the Supernal Court (113–156) V. Elisha, the Quintessential Spiritual Seer (157–190) VI. The King of Edom plans to capture Elisha (191–218) VII. Angels were Elisha’s army (219–246) VIII. Elisha prays for the Disciple to see the Angelic Army (247–272) IX. Elisha has the Edomites blinded (273–302) X. He leads them to Samaria (303–340) These are Aramaeans in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles. For the Peshitta’s regular substitution of Edomite for Aramaean whenever the latter is an enemy of Israel, see my note to Elijah homily 112, line 338. 83
XI. Elisha does the proper thing by feeding the enemy Soldiers instead of killing them (341–355) Bedjan’s text is based upon the single manuscript, British Library Add 17184.
I. PROEM: WORLDLY WEALTH DARKENS THE SOUL; THE LORD’S ENLIGHTENS IT Son of God, desire that I sing sounds of praise to you Richly and discerningly with soulful emotion. The Worlds take whatever they need from Your gift. Fill my lack, too, our Lord; for I am needy. Grant me the word, and grant me the voice, and grant me the love With which I might speak of You assuredly with great wonder. You are always agreeable to grant all requests, For You do not end up lacking when You give to one who makes a request of You. You treasury is full and is never lacking as a result of those who make requests of it. It is a great spring from which a great sea gushes out. You are riches, my Lord. Woe is the one who is not enriched through You, Even if he acquires the whole World but does not acquire You. You are riches. You are light. You are hope, And whoever has acquired You has ruled with You in Your Father’s realm. The riches of the World have been revealed as unreliable, For little by little they turn into dust for all those who acquire them. Temporal wealth misleads people to possess it; They enjoy it, and then, when they have strayed along with it, it leaves them behind. It darkens the soul and makes it bereft of God And veils it so that it cannot see anything at all properly. Worldly worry is firmly entangled with our soul And does not allow it to see divinity’s beauty. Worry muddies the soul like smoke does the eye So that it does not begin to see God’s hidden beauty.
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
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Ņ Ō .ƅƟ. ŧƢƉŤƉ ŅŅ ł :ƗƤƀƭ ł ťƤƊŶĪ ň ò Ō ł ŦŁŵŶ ł Ō ň ƈƕĪ Ņ ł ťƤſűƟĪ ƈƕĭ Ņ Ņò Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ň .ŦŁŵƀƍŬƆ ťſŵŶ ťŷƄƤƉĪ
Ō Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł ň Ō ŅŅ ł ł :ƻĥƢſƦƕ ƢƉĮĥĭ ƁŨĽ Ŧųƭ ƢŨ Ō Ņ ƅƆ Ņ ŏ ł Ņò Ņ ł ťŷŨŴƣ Ņ ł ťƕĭŵŨ Ņ ŏ ƁƇƟ ĖƻŤƣĭƢƘ ťƤƙƌĪ ňò Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ł ł ň ŏ ł Ņ ò ŏ ťƊíƇƕ ƎƀƇƠƣ Ņ ĴƦŨĬŴƉ ƎƉ :ķĭųƀƍƠƌŴƏ Ņł ł Ņ ŏ ƨƉ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ Ėljĥô ťƠƀƍƏĪŅ ł ķƢƉ ƁƇſĪŌ ĻĥŅ ƁƌƢƏŴŶ ł ƨƟŅ ƁƆŌ ħĬĭ ł ŦƦíƇƉň ƁƆŌ ħĬł Ņ ŏ ƁƆŌ ħĬĭ :ťŨŴŶ Ņ ň ťƍſƢŶ Ņ ł ň Ņ ł ŧĿĬƦŨ Ņ Ņ ň ƧĪŅ ųŨň ƅƇíƇƉĥĪ ĖťŨĿ ň Ņ Ņ ňò Ō ł ƅƆŅ ŏ ĵŁŁ ƅƆŅ Ƣƀƙƣ :ŦƦíƆŤƣ ƈƃŏ ĶŴſŏ ƈƃ Ņ ťƖŨűƆ ň Ņ ł Ʀƌĥł ħųſĪ ň Ņ ťƉŅ Ʀƌĥô ł ƢƐŶ ł Ņ ƧĪŅ ĖƅƆ ô ňò ŏ Ņ ň ł Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ň ĭĬô ƨƉ ƎƉ ƢƐŶ ĶĭƦƉ Ƨĭ Ĵŵū ƼŨ :ƧŴƠƣ ł Ņ Ņł ł ň ň ň įŤūĪ Ņ ŏ ųƍƉ Ņ ł ťƉĭĬŁ ĖťŨĿ ťŨĿ ĭĬ ťƖũƌ ô Ņ ł Ō Ņ ŏ Ņ ťƍſƧ Ņ ųƆň IJĭŅ IJƢƉŅ Ʀƌĥô ł ŧĿŁŴƕ :ƢſƦƕł Ƨ ƅŨĪ ň ŏ Ņ Ņ ňŅ ňŅ Ņ ųƿ ň Ņ ƧŅ ƅƆĭ ĖťƍƟ ťƊíƇƕ ťƍƟ ƎƘĥł Ņ ŏ ĭĬŏ Ʀƌĥł ŧĿŁŴƕ Ņ ŏ ĭĬŏ Ʀƌĥ Ņ:ŧƢũƏł ĭĬŏ Ʀƌĥł ŧĿĬŴƌ ô ň ô ô łô ô ô ň ł ŏ ŏ Ņ ł ł Ņ ł ł ĖĴŴŨĥĪ ĬĿŁŤŨ ƅƊƕ ƅƇƉĥ ƅƍƟĪ ƎƉ ƈƃĭ ň ŏ ųƆň ƁƏƢƘŁĥ ł Ō ł ŴƆĪ ł ťƊíƇƕĪ Ņ Ņ ĬĿŁŴƕ Ō ł ň :ĭĬô ŧƢſƢƣ ŏ ŧűſŤŨ ł Ņ ł ƈƄŨ ň ł ƞƉň ŦĬĪŅ Ņ Ō ŧűſŤŨ Ņ Ō ŧűŹ ĖIJĬôŴòƀƍƟ Ņ ŏ ň ł ťƍŨĮĪ Ņ ŏ ł ł ťƤƌƧ Ņ ł ŧĿŁŴƕ Ņ Ņ ô ťƖźƉ : IJųƀ ƌĭűƠƌĪ ô ň Ō ł ň ł ł Ņ ňł ň ĖķŴƌĥŏ ƁƘĿĥ ųŨ ŴƖŹĪ ťƉĭ ųŨň ƎſűŶƦƉĭ ŅŅ ł ň ñ Ņ ň ł ł Ņ ł ň ł ťƤƙƌ ƅƤŷƉ :Ŧųƭ ƎƉň ųíƆ ŦŵŬƉĭ Ņ Ō ň ł ł ł ň ł ŦŵŶŁ ĶűƉ ň ƨƘĥĪŅ ųíƆ ñ Ņ ųƊƄƉĭ ĖƢƀƙƣ łò ł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ň ň Ņ Ņ ĬƦƘĽ ł ł ƁƘŤŨ ťƊƀƟĭ ťŬſƢƏ ťƊíƇƕĪ :ƎƤƙƌ Ņ ŏŅ ł ň ŏ ň ň Ņ Ņ ƧĭŅ ñ ñ Ņ ťŨųſ ĖŦŁĭųƭĪ ųſǔƘŴƣ ŦŵŶŁĪ ųíƆ Ņ Ņ ł ťƍƌŁ Ņ Ņ ň ƅſĥł Ņ ł ťŷíƆĪ Ņ Ņ ťƍƀƖíƆ :ŦƦƘĽł ň ťƤƙƍíƆ Ņò ł ŧǔƘŴƣ ň ŏ ťſŵŶ Ņ Ņ ƻĥĪŌ ťƀƐƃ Ņ ô ƧĪŅ Ņ Ņ ŁĭĬ ĖŦųíƆƧ
II. THE POWER OF PROPHETIC INSIGHT The soul’s nature is of sublime creation and full of splendors, And the great image of divinity stands over it.84 When it turns aside from worldly affairs, When it is not soiled by alien desires, When it has been made into the mistress of the body and it does not control it, But rather it guides it with saintliness and it does not compel it, 85 And when it has been purified of all bodily motivations, It looks and sees the hidden Worlds in a spiritual manner.86 And if an angel should pass before it, he is not hidden from it, But sees devils and angels face to face. Those secret hosts are not hidden from it, For it looks and sees their legions clearly. Every saint who trains his soul with spirituality Comes to see everything on the Earth clearly. All the saints see just as the Lord’s angels do, And there is nothing in God’s realm hidden from them. Height and depth, width and length, are placed before them; They see the backside of the Worlds and what is beneath the Earth. Not even the depths of the seas and the deep-sea monsters are hidden from Those saints who have become worthy of godliness.
i.e., the nature. See next note. There is no other way to translate this sequence literally, but in Semitic, where pronouns are marked for gender, it is all quite clear: “when the body does not control the soul, but rather the soul guides the body and the body does not compel the soul.” Still, Jacob is undoubtedly just having himself a good linguistic play here. 86 For Jacob’s use of the word “spiritual” and “spiritually” in the context of prophecy see his discussion of Elijah’s theophany at Horeb in vol. I, homily 112 line 283. 84 85
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ň ł Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ł ŅŅ ň ŏ ƨƉĭ ñ ñ ň :ŧǔƘŴƣ ĶĿ ťƤƙƌĪ ųƍƀƃ Ņ ŏ Ņ ĬƻƢũŨ ł ł ĶŤƟĭ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖŦŁĭųƭĪł ťŨĿ ťƊíƆĽł IJĬŴ Ƈƕ ô ňò Ņ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł ł Ņ :ťƀƍƊíƇƕ ljǔƕŴƏ ƎƉ ƨíƆƞƉĪ ťƉĭ Ņ ŅŅ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ŅŅ Ņ Ņ ĖŦƻǔƃŴƌ Ņ Ņ ł ŦƦŬƀūǔŨ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŦĥĽŌ ƧĪł ťƉ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ñ űƠƘ Ƨĭ ŧƢŬƙíƆ ŦŁƢƉ ŧűƀũƕĪ ťƉĭ :ųíƆ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ƧĭŅ ŦŁŴƤſűƠŨ ñ Ņ Ŧƞƕ ųƆň ŧƢŨűƉĭ ĖųíƆ Ō ò ł ŏ ƎƉň ƼƃĪŁĥĪ Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ł ƎƀƕĭĮ ł ł ň ťƉĭ :ťƀƌǔŬƘ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņƈƃ ň Ņ Ņ ò Ņ ťſŵŶĭ ò ł ťƊíƇƕ Ņ Ņ ŧƢƀŶ ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿŅ ťƀƐƃ ł Ņ ł ķĥĭň ň ŏ Ƣũƕ ň Ƨ ųƀƉĪŴƟ ł Ņ ťƃƨƉ ñ Ņ ň ťƐƃ ñ :ųƍƉ Ōò ł Ōò ł ňò ł ł ł ň ò ł Ņ Ņ ƎƀƘŤŨ ĖťƃƨƊíƆĭ ŦŴſűíƆ ťſŵŶ Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ň Ņ ň ƎƀƘĥĭŅ ň Ō Ņ ň ò ñ Ŧŵƀƍū ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ƎƀƆĬ ƎƀƐƃ Ƨĭ :ųƍƉ ŌŅ Ōł Ņ Ņ ƻĥƢſųƌĪ ŏ ł ò ŏ ň ťſŵŶĭ Ņ Ņ ŧƢƀŶ ĖķĭųƀƌŴƀŬƇíƆ Ņ ŏŅ ŏ ň Ņ ťƤſűƟ ň ł ŀĿĪĪ Ņ Ō ł ƈƃŏ :ŦŁŴƍŶĭƢŨ ųƤƙƌ ŌŅ Ōł ňŅ ň Ņ Ņ ł Ō ƈƃŏ ĖƻĥƢſųƌ ŦŵŶ ŦĭĬ ťƕĿŤŨ ƻĥĪ ł ňò ł ł ň Ņ ťſƢƉĪ ň ò Ō ł ƈƃŏ ƎſŵŶ Ņ Ņ ťƃƨƉ :ťƤſűƟ Ō ƅſĥŅ Ņł ň ň ň ŏ ň Ņ ł ň ĖŦųƭŅ ƼŨ ķĭųƍƉ ťƍūĪ ĶűƉ ƻĥ Ƨĭ Ņ Ņ ŏ ťƉĭĿ ŏ łŅ Ņ ł ƋƀƏŌ ķĭųƀƉűƟ Ņ :ťƃĿĭĥĭŏ ťſƦƘ ňŏ ň ťƠƉŴƕĭ ł ňò Ņ ł ň Ņ ƼŶŁĭ ň ł ťƊíƇƕ Ņ ťƕĿĥ ĖķŴƌĥł ƎſŵŶ ĿƦƐŨĭŅ ň ò ŏ ƧŅ ĻĥŅ ķĭųƍƉ ň:ťƍƀƌŁ ŏ ň ťƍū ň ò Ō ƧĭŅ ťƉĭĬŁ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ł ł ň Ņ ň ò Ō ł Ƨň ĖŦŁĭųíƆƧ ĭŴƣĪ ƎƀƆĬ ťƤſűƟ ƎƉ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS The vision of each saint functions together with the intellect, And thus he sees while thinking, without confusion. When he has been totally cleansed of evil deeds like an angel, He comes to see spiritually like an angel. Once his body has been trained by divine motivations, And all of it has become a chosen vessel full of holy things, And there is no emotion or small, troubled idea, Nor any thought at all tending toward the World and its affairs, The soul and its functions become infused with divinity, And thus it looks and sees nature in a divine manner. Moses testifies to that, for when he was standing on Mt. Nebo He looked and saw the entire land of the Jebusites, Canaanites, Amurrites, and Hittites. And all the expanses of the regions and their borders. Then Ezekiel, when he was in captivity among the Chaldeans, Saw all the things going on in Jerusalem. The Prophet, while he was in Babylonia, spiritually Saw the women in the idol-chambers. He saw the men and heard their blasphemous voices And saw the women with the pollution of their idols. He heard and saw them weeping to Tamuz With the sublime eye that saint had. While sitting in the land of Babylonia he looked and saw All those things had gone on in Jerusalem. III. OUR SOULS ARE BLIND TO WHAT IS ACTUALLY ALL AROUND US
All those who have lived spiritually Are empowered to see hidden things. The soul becomes enlightened by spiritual practices Until it sees everything in the World unveiled,
Deut 34:1
Ezek 8, 9, etc.
Ezek 8:14
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ňŅ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ňł Ņ Ō ł ƈƃĪŏ ĬŁŵŶ ťŹĬĿ ljĭĬĪ ųƊƕ :ťƤſűƟ Ņ ł ł Ņ ň Ņ ƎƃĬĭ ň Ņ ťƉŅ ƅſĥ ŦŵŶ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƧĪ ljĿĪ ĖŧĪĭĭĪ Ņ Ņò Ō ň Ņ łł ł łł ň Ņ :ŦƦƤƀŨ ƎƉŌ ťƃƨƉ ƅſĥ ƈǑĽĥĪ ťƉł ł ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ ŦŵŶŅ ŦĭĬ ťƃƨƉ ƅſĥ ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿ ň:ťſųƭ ł ł ň ťƉŅ ň ł ŀĿĪŁĥĪ ň ò ł ĬƢŬƘ ò Ņ Ņ ł ťƕĭŵŨ ň ň ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ųƿ ň ò ŏ ƨƉĪł ťƀũū Ņ ł ljŤƉ ĖťƣĪŴƟ Ņ Ņ ł ŦĭĬĭ Ō Ņ Ņ Ō ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ :ŸƀƆĪĪ ŧĿŴƕĮ ťũƣŴŶ Ƨĭ ťƕĭĮ ƻĥ ň Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ƧĭŅ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ł ô ƌǔƕŴƐíƆĭ ťƊíƇƖíƆ ƧĽĪ Ņ ťƀƌĿ ƨƘĥ Ņ ĖIJĬŴ Ņ ł ųƀƕĭĮĭ ŏ Ņ ł ųíƆ ł ň ñ ň ò ł ťƤƙƌ ñ Ņ ťźíƇŶƦƉ :ŦŁĭųíƆŤŨ Ō Ņ Ņ ł ňò Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ Ėƻĥųƭ ťƍƀƃ ŧƢƀŶ ƎƃĬĭ ň Ņ ťſŵŶĭ ŏ Ņ ł ň Ņ ŏ ĪųƏĭ ŏ Ņ Ņ ň :ŴũƌĪ ŧĿŴźŨ ŦĭĬô ĶŤƟ űƃĪ ťƣŴƉ Ņ ł ųíƿ Ņ ƢŶŅ ň Ņ ò ŏ Ņ ťƕĿĥ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ñ Ņ ŏ ŦŵŶĭ ĖťƀƏŴũſĪ Ņň ò Ō ł ň Ņ ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ò ô ł ł ĭ ťſǓŴƉĥĪĭ ťƀƍƖƍƃĪĭ :ťſƼŶĪ Ņ ł ňò ň ķĭųíƿĭ ò ŏ ŏ ŏ ł ł Ņ ŏ ŦŁĭǓŁĥĪł ťŶƦƉ ĖķĭųƀƉŴŶŁĭ ň Ō ł ňò Ņ ł ƼŨň ťƀũƣ Ņ ł ĭĬŏ űƃł ƎſĪň ƈſŤƀƟŵŶ :ťſűíƿ ň Ō ŏ ŦŵŶ ł ł ň ƎƀƌǔƕŴƏ Ō Ņ ŏ ƈƃŏ ƋƇƣĿĭŤŨ Ņ ñ Ņ ŴƤƉƦƣĥĪ ĖųŨ ł ł Ņ ňò ň ťƉűƕ Ņł ň ŏ ň ò ŴŬŨ ł ljĭŁ ł ťƤƍíƆ Ō :ŅljĭǔƃƦƘĪ ň Ņ ĭĬŏ űƃł ťƀũƌ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ Ņ Ņ Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ƈũũŨ ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿ Ņ ň ł ŏ Ņ ò ŏ ƨƟŅ ƗƊƣĭ ł ł ŧǔũŬíƆ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ :ķĭųƀƘĪŴūĪ Ņ ł ł ň ň ł ł ťƤƍíƆ ò ň ŦŵŶĭ Ņ ł ŏ ł ŦŁŴƣŴźƊŨ ĖƎſųſǔƃƦƘĪ ł łò Ņ ò ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ł IJĭĬ ł Ņ ŏ :ŦĮŴƉƦíƆĭ ô ƎƀƄũƉĪ ŦŵŶĭ Ņ ŦĭĬô Ņ ƗƊƣ ł ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƻĥĪŌ IJĬŅ ŦƦƉĿ ťƍƀƖŨ Ņ ł Ņ Ō ł ĭųíƆ ĖťƤſűƟ ň Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ň Ņ ťƕĿŤŨ Ņ ô ƢŶŅ ƈũŨĪ Ņ ô ħƻŅ űƃł Ņ ł ŦĭĬ :ŦŵŶĭ ň ł łò ò ł Ō ŏ ŴŬŨ ň Ņ Ǝſųíƿ ň Ŀĭĥ ň ŏ ƋƇƣ ł ƎƀƆĬ ĖIJĭĬ ô ƁƤƉƦƣĥ ŌŅŅ ŏ ł ł ŏŅ ŏ ŏ ň Ņ ķŴƌĬ ķĭųíƿ ƎƀƆĬĭ :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ň ŴƀŶĪ Ņ Ņ ò ł ł ŏ Ō Ōł ň ň ŏ ĖƎƀƌĥ ķĭŵŷƌĪ ŦƼƐƃ ƈƕ ķŴƌĥ ƎƀźƀƇƣ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ô ťƤƙƌ Ņ Ņ ŏ ŧǔŨĭĪ ň:ťƀƍŶĭǓ Ņ ł ŧĿųƌ Ņ ł Ņ Ō Ņ ł ƻĥĪŌ ƈƃŏ ťſŵŶĪ Ņł Ņ Ņ ťƉűƕ ĖŦƼƙŶŁ ƧĪ ťƕĿŤŨ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS And comes to look at both hidden and revealed things, And there is nothing anywhere that is hidden from it. We have so darkened our soul through desires That it becomes blinded and unable to see spiritually. We have troubled it with worries and inappropriate behaviors. It has grown and remained dark, and there is no way for it to see well. By means of these worldly and bodily lives, We have made our soul blinded by objects. It cannot easily see anything except for gross substances alone: Land and mountains, and the bodies of men and animals. Our soul views these physical bodies But has is powerless to see the hidden things. We have become like cattle in the things we do, And because of this our vision has become as dark as that of cattle. We do not see spiritually as do those saints Who have apprehended height and depth, width and length. We have buried our soul with fraudulence, with gluttony, With foodstuffs, and with improper desires, With the love of money and the desire for the World and for possessions, For buildings and for constant, abominable excesses. At times lust and at times wrath burns within us— Two evils that bite us like wild beasts. And because of this our soul has dimmed, become befogged and darkened. Its beauty has been lost, and it is not bright enough to see anything. The demons are standing watch throughout the World, While we do not see the enemies who inhabit our neighborhood.
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
Ņ Ņò ł ł Ņ Ņ ò ł ł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŧƢƀŶ ťſĭŌ ĬĭŅ :ŦƼíƇŬŨĭ Ņ Ņ ł ł ň ŦƼƐƄŨĭ ň ň ƻĥ Ƨĭ ň ł ň ĖŦŁĭǓŁŤŨ ųƍƉ ťƍūĪ ĶűƉ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł Ō ł ł Ņ ň ł ƎƍŶ ł ñ :ŦƦŬƀūǔŨ ƎƇſĪ ƎƤƙƍíƆ ųƍƄƤŶĥ ŌŅŅ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ň ň ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿ ťſŵŶ ŁĭĬô Ƨĭ ŦƼƊƏ ŦĭĬŁĪ Ņ Ņ ň Ō Ō ł Ņ Ņ ł ň ųƍŷƆĪ ł ƧĪ ŧǔŨĭűŨĭ ŏ ŦƦƘƞŨ ñ :ƎſƢƀƙƣ ň Ō ł ŦŵŶŁĪ ł ň ł Ņ ǂƤŶ ň ťƏĿŴƘ Ņ ŏ ƻĥŌ ƧĭŅ ƦƊƟ ĖƢƀƙƣ ňò Ņ Ņ Ņ ňò ł ň Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ł ťƀƍƊíƇƕ : ťƀƌǔŬƘĭ ƎƀƆųŨ Ņ Ņ ò ň ň Ņ Ō ň ň ł ťƀŶ ł ñŅ ł Ņ ĖŦŁŴŨĽ ƎƉ ŦƼƊƏ ŦĭĬŁŅ ň ƎƤƙƍíƆ ųƌűũƕ ň Ņò ł ťƊƣŴū ň ò ŏ Ƨĥ ŦŵŶŁĪ ň Ō ŏ ł ťƀũƕ :ĪŴŷíƇŨ ŏ Ņ Ƨł Ņ Ņ ò ł ł Ņò Ņ ň ł ň ơƀƤƘ ĖŦŁŴƀŶĪĭ ťƤƌĥĪô ŧǔŬƘĭ ŧǓŴŹĭ ťƕĿĥ ňò Ņ ł ň ň ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ťƍƤƤūƦƉ ł ƎƀƆųŨ :ƎƤƙƌł ň ŧƢƀŶ ň Ņ Ņ ò ł ŧǔŬƘ Ņ Ōł Ņ ł ň ň ĖƎƀƌĥ ŦƼƐƃ ƈƕ Ƨĭ ł Ņ ò Ō ŦŵŶŁĪ ň ťźƀƇƣ Ņ Ō Ō ł ł ł ň Ƣƀū ŧƢƀƖũƆł :ķŁűƀũƖŨł ƎƍŶô ƎƀƉĪŁĥ ł ŏ ň Ņ Ō ł ƅſĥ ǂƤŶ ł ň ķŁŵŶ Ņ Ņ ƈźƉĭ Ņ ljĬ ĖŧƢƀƖŨĪ ŌŅŅ ŏ ł ňŅ Ņ ň ò Ō ł ƅſĥł ƻŤƍŶĭĿ :ťƤſűƟ ƎƍŶô ƎſŵŶ Ƨĭ Ņ ň ł ƎƀƆĬ ł ň Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ĖťƃĿĭĥĭ ťſƦƘ ťƠƉŴƕĭ ťƉĭĿ ŴƃĿĪĥĪ Ņ ŏ ŏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ŏŅ ł ł ñŅ ł :ŦŁŴŹŴƏŤŨĭ ŦŁŴŨŴƇƖŨ ƎƤƙƍíƆ ųƌƢƊŹ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ò ň ł Ņ Ō ł ƧĪ ŦƦŬƀūǔŨĭ Ėķǔƀƙƣ ŦƦíƿŤƊŨĭ Ņ ň ƦƊŶƢŨ ň:ťƍƀƍƟĪĭ Ņ Ņ ƦūƢŨ ł ň Ņ ò ň ł ťƊíƇƕ ł ň ťƙƐƃ ň ò ł ljǓŁŴƀŨĭ ňŅò ň ł ň Ņ ŏ ł ťƍƀƍŨĪĭ ĖĶŴſŏ ƈƃŏ Ņ ťƙƍŹ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ŦƦƊŶň ƎŨŵŨ ł ł ŦƦūĿň ƎŨŵŨ ł ł :ƎŨł Ņ ťƙƀƙƏ ň ł Ņ òł ł Ņò Ō Ņ ò ł ƅſĥł ƎƆł ķǂƍƉĪ ĖŦŁŴƀŶ ƎƤƀŨ ƎſŁĿŁ ł ň ň Ņ ł ł ł ň ŁųƊƃ ł ň ƦźƊƕ ł ł ǂƤŶ :ƎƤƙƌ ƎƀƆĬ űƀŨĭ ň Ņ Ņ ň Ō ł ň ň ł ň ŦŵŶŁ ŧƢſųƌ Ƨĭ ĬƢƘŴƣ ñ Ņ ŏ űŨĥĭ ĖĶűƉ Ņ ň ňò Ō ƎƀƊƀƟĭ Ņ ł ƈƕł ŧĪŤƣ Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ŦŁǔźƉ :ųƿŏ ł ťƊíƇƕĪ ňò Ņ ł ňŅ Ņ Ō Ņ ŦŤƍƏ ŏ Ņ ł ƎſƢƊƕĪ ĖķŁŴũũƤŨ ƎƍŶô ƎſŵŶ Ƨĭ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS Devil spirits are mixed in among us, in the streets and the roads, But they are hidden from us because our vision is not bright enough. Angels are here mixed in among us spiritually, But we have no pellucid eye to see them. Among us are devils constantly setting traps And angels lovingly helping us. Friends and enemies, secret hosts who are hidden, Mixed in with us, while our eye is to dense to see them. Satan rose to injure the priest in the holy sanctuary, But an angel rose and rebuked him and drove him away so as not to approach him. Zechariah saw both Satan and the angel, While he did not sense that he had been saved from injury. The devils want to destroy us if they are allowed to, But the angels are constantly alert to save us. IV. THE SAINTS CAN ENVISION THE SUPERNAL COURT If we had an eye that sees spiritually, We would see both the savers and the injurers. But because the World has darkened our vision and blinded us, The Hosts are hidden from us, even though they are with us. But those saints who have lived spiritually, See the devils and the angels just where they are. It is easy for them to see the winds going out on their paths And the course of all of the Hosts within their boundaries. They also see the supernal legions And the thrones and the river of fire that is before them. And the excellent stationing of the ministering angels before the Essence And the wondrously great service of the Sons of Light.
Zech 3:1–2
cf. Dan 7:9; Rev 4:2ff.
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ň ò ŏ ňò ł ł ł Ō Ō :ŦƦŶǓĭŤŨĭ ťƟŴƤŨ Ņ ł Ņ ł ŦŴſĪ ł ƎƊƕł ň ƎƀźƀƇŶ Ņ Ō ň ł ł ĖŧƢſųƌ Ƨ ķŁŵŶĪ ƈƕ ƎƍƉ ƎƀƐƃĭ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ł Ō Ō ňò ł ł Ņ : ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ťƃƨƉ ň ň ň Ņ Ō ƎƊƕŅ łƎƀźƀƇŶ Ō Ņ ł ŦĬ ł ŏ ĖķŴƌĥ ŦŵŶŁĪ ŦƼƙƣ ťƍƀƕ ƎƆ ƻĥ Ƨ ƎƆĭŌ ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ŦŴſĪ ňò ł ƎƀƆĽĪ ň ò ł ķƦƍƀŨ ŏ ŏ ťŷƘ :ĶŴƀíƿ Ō Ņ Ō ł ł Ō ł ł ňò ł ł ƻĥŌ ĖƻŤũƀũŶ ƎƆ ƎſĿűƖƉĪ ň ò Ņ ƻĥĭ Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ťƃƨƉ ň Ņ ň Ō ň ò ł ƎƀƐƃĪ Ŧŵƀƍū ŦŁŴíƇ ƀŶ ŦŤƍƏĭ ťƊŶǓ : ň ň ň ł ł Ō Ō ł ł ƎƀźƀƇŶ Ņ ł ƎƊƕ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ŦŵŶŁ Ǝƍƀƕ IJĬô ťƀũƕĭ ł ł ljųƄíƆ Ņ Ņ Ņ ƋƟŅ Ņ Ņ ťƄň ƌłĪ ťƍźƒ Ņ ŏ ƈƄſųŨ :ťƣĪŴƟ ŏ ň ƧĪŅ ųƠŶĪĭ ň ł ųŨň ƢƖū ł ťƃƨƉ Ņ ł ł ƋƟĭ Ņ ĖųƆň ħĭƢƠƌ łŅ ł ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł :ťƃƨƊíƆĭ ťƍźƓíƆĭ ťſƢƃĮ ŦŵŶĭ ň ň Ņ ô ƥƀūĿ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ň ĭĬł ŦĭĬ Ō ƧŅ űƃł ĖťƍƀƄƌ ƎƉ IJƞƘŁĥĪ ň Ņ ƎƌŴƇũŷƌĪ Ō ł ň ķĥň ŦŴſĪ ň ò ł ƎƀƖŨ Ņ ŏ ł ł :ƎƀƠŨƦƤƉ ňò ł ł Ō Ņ ƎſĪň ťƃƨƉ Ņ ŏ ł ł ĶŴſŏ ƈƃŏ ƎƀƊƀƟ ĖƎƌĭƞƙƌĪ ŌŅŅ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ł Ō ŏň ťſŵŶĪ ťƍƀƕ ƎƆ ƻĥ Ŵƭ :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ň Ņ ò ł ł ƎƍŶ ł ô ƎſŵŶ ł ô ƎſĭĬ ňŅ ň ò ŏ Ņ ł ťƍſƞƙƊƆ ĖťſŴƄƍíƆĭ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ļĥ ťƊíƇƕ Ņ Ņ ƅƤŶĥĪ ň ł ƈźƉň ƧĥŅ ň :ƎƆł ƁƊƏ ň łł Ņ Ņ łòł ł ň ň Ņ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ƎƊƕĭ ŦŁŴíƇ ƀŶ ƎƍƉ Ǝƀƍū ŦĬ ŌŅŅ ŏ ł ł ň Ņ ň ňòŌ ł :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ŴƀŶĪ ƎƀƆĬ ƎſĪ ťƤſűƟ ł Ō ł ňò ł ł ł Ō Ņ ň ò ł ŏ ĖķĭųſƻĥĪ Ƣƃ ťƃƨƊŨĭ ƎſƢƀŶ ŦŴſűŨ ł ò Ō ł ťŶĭǓĪ Ņ ł ķĭŵŷƌ ň ŏ ň ơƀƤƘĭ Ō ł ň ŏ ťƠƙƉ :ƎſųƀƇƀũƤŨ Ņ Ņ łòł ŏ ŏ Ņ ł ŏ ł ò ŏ ł ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ĖķĭųƀƉŴŶƦŨ ķĭųíƿĪ ťŹĬĿĭ Ņ Ņò Ņ ň ň ò ŏ ň ł ŏ ň ň Ņ :ŦƼíƇƕ ljŴƀŬƇíƆĭ Ņ ķŴƌĥ ƎſŵŶ Ņ ŏ ŧĿųƌĭ Ņ ł ŦŁŴƏ ŏ ŏ ł Ņ ł ŧĿŴƌĪ Ņ ł ǓŴƃĭ ĖķĭųƀƉűƟĪ Ņ ŏ Ō Ņ ňŅ ò ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ł :ŦŁĭƻĥň ĶűƟ ťƍƤƊƤƉĪ Ņ ťſĬĮ ťƉŴƟĭ łò ł ł Ņ Ņ ň ň ł Ņ ĖťŨĿ ŧĿĬƦŨ ŧĿĬŴƌŏ ƁƍŨĪ ŦƦƤƊƣƦíƆĭ
Daniel saw a myriad of myriad and a thousand thousands And saw the Exalted One on the awesome throne of flame. He honed his soul with absolute fasting and with vegetables And with prayers and even with godly behaviors. He became an agreeable splendid person who sees spiritually Because the nature of his soul had been honed through spirituality. Micah87 saw the Hosts of the heavenly beings At the right hand and left hand of God. He saw the Lord on an exalted throne in a supernal place, And saw that the Hosts were standing all around him. He heard the words in that awesome supernal camp That were spoken concerning the pagan, Ahab, that he would die. His soul’s nature had been honed in the midst of revelation, And he reached the point of seeing the supernal heights together with the saints. He distanced dissemblance and the fear of Death from himself And took up his stand to rebuke kings to their faces. There was no weak, confusing thought in his soul Nor even any anxiety over the fearsome rule of Ahab. Because of this, his soul’s vision was extended To the point that he could see the Lord and see His Hosts. His soul came and learned about the hidden, supernal mysteries And the Hosts that were devising a way for Ahab to die.
i.e., Micaiah; see vol. I, homily 113, ll. 698ff.
Dan 7:9
1 Kgs 22:19
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
Ōò ł ň Ņ Ņ ň ŏ ň ň ŌŅ Ņ ƚƭĭ ķŴŨǓ ŴŨĿ ƈſŤƀƌĪ ŦŵŶ :Ǝƀƙƭ Ņ Ō ň ł Ņ Ō Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ ƨƀŶĪ ťƀƏĿŴƄŨ ťƉƢíƆ ŦŵŶĭł Ō ł Ņ ł ųƤƙƌ ň ŏ ł ł ťſĬĮ ň ł Ɓƙƣ Ņ ł ťƉĭƞŨ :ljŴƕǓŵŨĭ Ņ Ņò ł ł ňò Ņ Ņ ł ŧǔŨĭűŨ ň Ņ ŏ ĻĥŅ ŦŁŴíƆƞŨĭ Ėťſųƭ ŌŅŅ ŏ ňŅ Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ ł : ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ŦŵŶĪ ťŬƀūĿ ťſĬĮ ŦĭĬĭ Ņ ŏŅ ŏ Ō ł ň ƈƕł Ņ Ņ ƁƘƦƣĥĪ ň ĖŦŁŴƍŶĭƢŨ ųƤƙƌĪł Ņ ťƍƀƃ ňò Ņ ł ł Ņ ł ò ł Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ťƄƀƉ ŦĭĬô ŦŵŶ :ťƍƀƊƣĪ ň ň ň ň Ō ł ƎƉň Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł űſĽň ĖųƇƊƏ ƎƉĭ ųƍƀƊſ Ņ ł ťƉĿŅ Ņ ťƀƏĿŴƄŨ ň ł ŧĿŁŤŨ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ Ņ Ņ ŏ ťſƢƊíƆ Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ :ƈƖíƆĪ Ņ ň ƎƀƄſƢƃĭ Ō Ō ł ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ Ō Ņ ŦŵŶĭ Ņ ł ò ł ƎƀƊƀƟĪ Ņ ł ĖųƆ ň Ņ ň Ņ Ō ł IJųŨ ň ł ŦƦíƇƀŶĪ Ņ ƨƉò ƗƊƣĭ ł ł Ō ŦƻƢƤƉ :ƈƖíƆĪ Ņ ŏ ň łò Ņ łò ň Ņ ł ŪŶŅ DŽźƉ ŏ ł ťƙƍŶ ĖŁŴƊƌĪ ł IJĭĬô ň ƎƇíƇƉƦƉĪ Ō Ņ Ņ ŅŅ ň ł ťƍƀƃ Ņ ň ł :ťƍƀíƇū ŴŬŨ ŦĭĬô ƁƘƦƣĥ ųƤƙƌĪ Ņ ň ł ťƉĭĿ Ņ ł Ŧŵň ŷƌň ťźƉĭł ň ò Ō ł Ƌƕł ƈƖíƆĪ ň Ņ ł ĖťƤſűƟ ò ł ŪƐƉ ł ň ťƘŤŨ ò ł ł ƎƉň ƈƠƣ ł ł ł IJĬŴƘĥ :ŦŁŴƉ ƦƇŶĪĭ ô ł ňò ł ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ò ł DŽƕł ťƄíƇƉ ĖķĭųƀƘ ƑƄƌĪ ųƆ ƋƟ ŦĭĬô ƈƕĭ Ō ň ł ł ƻĥ ųƤƙƍŨ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƧĭŅ ň ł ťƀƘĿ Ņ ł ťũƣŴŶ :ĪĭűƉĪ Ņ Ō Ņ ŏ ł ň Ņ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŦƦíƇƀŶĪ ĖŪŶĥĪ Ņ Ņ ƎƉŅ Ņ ťźƍƟ ŏ ƨƘĥ ň ŦŁŴƄíƇƉ ň Ņ ł ł ň ł ŦŁŵŶ ljĬ ƈźƉĭ :ŁĭĬô ƦŶƦƉŁ ň Ņ ł ò ł ĥ ųƤƙƌĪ Ņł ň ň ťſƢƊíƆ ň ň ťƉűƕ Ņ Ņ ŦŵŷƌĪ ĖĬŁŴíƇƀŷíƆ Ŧŵŷƌĭ Ņò ł ŦĮǓĥ ł ň ųƤƙƌ ň ł ťƀƐƃ łň ň Ņ ô ƦƙíƇſĭ ň ł ƦƇƕ :ƈƖíƆĪ Ņ Ņ łòł Ō ł ň ŦŁŴíƇƀŶĭ ŏ ł ĭĭĬ ł ô ƎƀƃƦƆƦƉĪ Ņ Ņ ŁŴƊƌĪ ĖŪŶĥ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS Thus see those who have lived spiritually, And these are the eyes that the soul has when it is enlightened. When it is not dirtied, when it does not tend toward desires, When it has no worry concerned for the World at all, When it has been freed of all bodily motivations, It reveals how elevated is its nature and how full of splendid things, How enlightened, how saintly, how splendid, How wise and how much it sees all hidden things. Everyone who lives spiritually with God Sees all hidden things this way just as it does the unhidden ones.
V. ELISHA, THE QUINTESSENTIAL SPIRITUAL SEER It was easy for Elisha, then, to see the secret things That were occurring, just as if they were mountains and hills. While staying in his house he saw Naaman the Edomite Giving the talent of silver to greedy Gahzi. That saint would see hidden deeds clearly That were taking place in the dark. Mountains and walls in between would not keep him From seeing something if it would happen anywhere in the World. He would openly see the kings’ ambushes, That were taking place in secret, as they were taking place. When hidden secrets were spoken about in the mountains of Seir, Elisha went and disclosed them in the land of Judah.88 There was a battle between the Edomites and the Israelites And a blood feud rousing strife and summoning war.
2 Kgs 5:23
2 Kgs 6:14ff.
2 Kgs 6:9
In both the Hebrew Bible and the Peshitta it is the land of Israel, of course. Is this merely poetic license (for the sake of the meter or for avoiding repetition with the words “Israel” and “Hebrew” in the next lines?) or did Jacob simply mean the “Jewish” land? 88
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ŌŅŅ ŏ ł ł ň Ņ ňŅ ł Ņ ŴƀŶĪ ƎƀƆĬ :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ Ō ň ò łƎſŵŶ ň ƎƃĬ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ł ł Ņ ťƍƀƕ ƎƀƆĬĭ ĖŧƢſųƌĪ Ņ ťƉ ťƤƙƍíƆ ųñ íƆ ƻĥ Ņ ł ƧĪŅ ťƉŅ ŦĥĽŅ Ņ ƧĪŅ ťƉŅ Ņ Ō ł ťƀíƆĽ :ŦƦŬƀūǔƆ Ņ ň Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ťƀƖŨĪ Ņ Ņ ŦƦƘĽ ň ň ťƊíƇƖíƆ ñ ƻĥ ƧĪ ťƉ ĖĶűƉ ųŨ ł ł ň ťƉŅ Ō ò ł ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ŁĿƢŶŁĥĪ Ņ Ņ ł ƎƀƕĭĮ ň:ťƀƌǔŬƘ ň ň ŏ ƨƉĭł ƁƇƖƉ ł ł ťƊƃĪ Ņ ł ųƍƀƃ Ņ ł ñ Ņ Ņ ťſŴŷƉ ĖŧǔƘŴƣ Ņ Ō ł ťƊƃ Ņ Ō ł ťƊƃ Ņ ťƤſűƟ Ņ ŧƢſųƌ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ťƊƃ :ŧƢƀƙƣ Ņ Ņ ò ł Ņ ł ťƊƀƄŶ Ņ Ō ł ťƊƃ Ņ Ņ Ņ ťƊƃĭ ĖŦƼƐƃŌ ƈƃŏ ťſŵŶ Ņ Ņ ł Ƌƕł ťƀŶĪ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ŧųƭ ň Ņ ƎƉł ƈƃŏ :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ Ņ Ņò ł ł Ņ Ņ ò ł ŏ ňŅ ł Ņ ĖŦƼíƇū ł ň ƈƃł Ō ŦŵŶň ƎƃĬ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň ŏ ƅſĥ ł ŦƼƐƃ :ŦƦƉǔƆĭ ŧǓŴźíƆĪ ƅſĥ ƎſĪ ƗƤƀƭ łò Ņ ł ň Ņ Ņ Ō ł ň ň Ņ Ō ĖIJĭĬô ķǔƕƦƐƉĪ ŦŁǔſƦƐƆ ŦŵŷƌĪ ŦĭĬô ơƀƤƘ ł ň Ņ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô IJųſ ł ĭĬô ŏ űƃł Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƊƖƍíƆ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ô ŵŅŶ ĬƼũŨ Ņ ň ŧƢƄƃ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ň Ņ űƃł Ņ ô ħųſ Ņ ł IJŵŷŬíƆ Ō ł ťƙƐƃĪ ĖťƍƖſ Ņò ł ŧűũƕ ňò Ņ Ō ł ň ťƃŴƤŷŨĪ Ņ ŏ ň ł ťƀƐƃ ł ô ƎſƢƕƦƐƉ :ĭĭĬ ŌŅ Ōł ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ ň Ņ ƻĥƢſųƌ Ņ Ō ł ĭĬł ķĭųíƆ ĖťƤſűƟ Ņ ł ł ňò ň ň ŏ ł ň Ņ Ņ Ō ťƏĥĭ ƻĥĪ ŧǓŴŹ ĭĭĬ Ǝƀƿ :ŦƦƕƞƊŨ ô ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ň ň ň ň ňƧ Ņ ñ ķĥň ĶűƉ ŦŵŷƌĪ ĖťƕĿĥ ųíǀŨ ł ň ŦĭĬô Ō Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ ňò Ō Ņ Ō ò ł ljŤƊƃ ł :ĭĭĬô ƎſƢƕƦƐƉ ƻŤƌĮĿĥĪô ťƄíƇƉĪ ŌŅ ł ŏ Ō ł ň ťƉŅ ķĭųíƆ ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ ň Ņ ƻŤƀíƇū ĖƎſƢƕƦƐƉĪ ŏ Ņò ł ň Ņ ł ł ň ĭĬŅ ł Ō Ņ :ƢƀƖƏ IJǓŴźŨ ťƀƐƃ ň Ō ŦĮǓĥô ł ŴLjƉŁĥĪ Ō ň ťƉŅ Ņ ŏ ł ŏ Ō ł ĖĪĭųſĪ ťƕĿŤŨ ķŴƌĥ ƁƏƢƘ ƗƤƀƭ ƋƟ Ņ ł Ō ťƀƉĭĪƧ Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ťŨƢƟ ŅŅ ň:ťƀíƆǔƐƀƆĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ň Ņ ŦŁĿĬň ƢƀƖƉĪ Ō ł ťƉĪĪ Ņ ł ťƏĿŤƟĭ Ņ ł ŧƢƟĭ Ņ Ō ĖťŨƢŶ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS But Elisha, while sitting among the Hebrews, Was disclosing the ambushes that the Edomites were preparing. Whenever the King of Edom planned to do something, Before he could act the word went out and the action was ruined. When he secretly prepared to a launch an ambush, It was disclosed by Elisha, the revealer of secrets. The King of Edom plotted secrets in his bed-chamber, And immediately they were spoken of openly among the Hebrews. The thoughts and plans of the Edomites And all their secrets were disclosed by Elisha. When he was in his own house this way he could look and see Everything that was hidden in the Edomites’ chambers. All the distances separating the countries Would not hide anything from him when he would look at it. The man had a pellucid sight, full of light And with it he would see all hidden things without hindrance. And when the Edomites tried to change actions, That Hebrew would see them and disclose them. Since he had an eye that sees all the secrets Of the Edomites spiritually, he would disclose them. VI. THE KING OF EDOM PLANS TO CAPTURE ELISHA The King of Edom grew bitter and upset That all his secrets were being revealed among the Hebrews. He lay ambushes with great cunning and skillfulness And set a trap in order to throw the Hebrews into the trap. But Elisha revealed all of his cunning and all of the secret, And the Edomite’s heart was broken because it had been disclosed. The King thought that one of his men was revealing the secrets To the Israelites and frustrating him from victory.
2 Kgs 6:8ff.
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ň Ņ ł ň ł Ōň Ņ ô ħƻ ň Ņ ň ƼŨň ŦĭĬ :ťſǔũƕ ł Ō Ņ ňò Ō Ņ űƃ ƎſĪň ƗƤƀƭ ł ĭĬŏ ò Ņ ň ŏ ĖťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎſűũƕĪ ljŤƊƃ ŦĭĬô ťƏƢƙƉ ŏ ň ĶĭĪĥĪ Ņ ł ŪƤŶŁĥĪ ŏ ł ťƄíƇƉ ł ł ň ťƉŅ ň ň ĿŴƖƐƌ :ĶűƉ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ň ŏ ň Ƨűƕ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈźŨ ŦƦíƇƉň ƦŹĬĿ ĿŴƖƐƌ ĖljƢƕŴƏ Ō ŅŅŅ ň ň Ņ Ō ł ł ň ťƉŅ űũƖƌĪ ljŤƊƃ ŪƀŹŁĥĪ :ƻŤƌĮĿĥ ô ň Ņ ł Ōň ň ň Ō ł ň ň Ņ ô ƨū ĖŦĮǓĥ ƗƤƀƭŏ ƎƉ ųƆ ƁƏƢƘŁĥ Ō ŴŬŨ Ņ ň ň Ņ ŏ ł ł ŦĮǓň Ņ DŽ :ĶĭĪĥĪ ťƄíƇƉł ųƌŴźƀƟ ƤŶ ô Ō ł ň ťƀíƇŬŨ ł ô ƎƀƇíƇƉƦƉ ň Ņ ň ƼŨň ĭĭĬ Ņ ň ŧűŷƉĭ Ņ ň Ėťſǔũƕ Ņ ŏ ł ò ŏ ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ŏ ł Ņ òŏ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ķĭųƀũƣŴŶ : ķĭųƀƃŁŴíƆĭ ŏ ŏ ł Ņ DŽƃĭ ł ô ƎƀƏƢƘƦƉ Ō ł ň ķĭųſĮǓ ł Ō ň ƎƉň ĭĭĬ ĖƗƤƀƭ ô ł Ņ ň ł Ņ ĬƼũŨ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ ł ĭĬŏ űƃł ň Ņ Ļĥ ĿŤŶŅ ƎƃĬ :ŦĭĬ ŏ ò ł Ņ ł ťƐƃĪ ň ł ƎƉŅ ƈƃŏ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ķĭųƀƌĭƦŨ ĖťƀƉĭĪĥĪ Ņ Ņł ł Ņ ł ł ňò ň ķĭųíƿĭ ŏ ŏ ŦƦƕƞƊŨ ƻĥĪŌ ťŶƦƉ :ŦŁĭǓŁĥĪ ł ň ł ƧŅ ň ň ĭĭĬ Ņ ô ĿŤŶĪ ł ô ƎƀƙŷƉ ň ň ųƍƉ Ņ ťƉŅ ĶűƉ ĖŦĭĬ Ņ Ō ŅŅ Ņ ŏ ƼíƇƉĭ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƻĥŌ ŧĿĬŴƌ ł ł ŦƼƙƣ ŦŁŵŶ :ŧƢũŬíƆ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ò ł ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ñŅ ĖŦƼƙŶŁ ł ƧĪ ŦƼƐƃ ƈƃ ŦĭĬô ŦŵŶ ųŨĭ ŏ ł ł ŴƖŨ ł ljǔƕŴƏĪ Ņ ň Ņ ŏ ťƉĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ķŴƙíƇŷƌĪ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ň ł ł ķĭųíƆ ŏ ŦĭĬ ŏ ťƏƢƙƉĭ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ ňŅ Ņ Ņ ň ĭĬł ķĭųíƆ ĖťſƢũƕ ŌŅŅ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň Ņ :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ťſŵŶĪ ťƍƀƕ ųƆ ŦĭĬô ƻĥĪŌ ƈƕł ň ł ĭĬŏ ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ŏ ł ǓŅDŽƃŏ Ņ ô ťƏƢƙƉ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ķĭųſĮ ĖŦĭĬ ô ł Ņ ň ň ł Ņ Ņ ł ł ŏ ł ł :ĶĭĪĥĪ ťƄíƇƉ ŦĭĬô ŸƆĪƦƉĭ ŦĭĬô ƢƉƢƉƦƉĭ ł ò Ņò ł ň ň Ņ ò ł ň Ņ ň ƼŨň IJĭĬ Ėťſǔũƕ ĬƼƐƃ ƈƃĪŏ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ ô ƎƀíƇūƦƉ ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô űũƕ Ņ ł ƨƄƍŨ ł ljŤƊƃ Ņ Ō :ŦŁŴƍƉĭŤŨĭ ťŨĿ Ņ ł ň ł ťŷƙŨ ň Ņ ň ł ťŷƘ Ņ ł ťſǔũƖíƆĪ Ņ ł ƧĽĭ ĖťƉƢƌ Ņ ŅŅ ň ŏ Ņ ň ň ŏ ł Ō ň ƨū :ƗƤƀƭ ŦĮĿĥô ųƿĭ ƨƄƌ ųƿĭ ł ł ň ň ƢŨŁŁĥĭ Ō ł ň ň Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ųũíƆ ĖƁƏƢƘŁĥĪ ƈƕ ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ň ň Ō ň Ņ ťƄíƇƉ Ņ ł ƢũƏĭ ł ł ł Ņ ô ƨūŅ ųƇſĪ :IJĬĭ ô ô ĮǓƧ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň ƎƉň ƥƌĥĪ ň ł ł ťƀíƆǔƐƀƆ ň Ņ ł Ō ĖŦŁŴƃĮ ƎƉ ųƆ ĪĭűƉĭ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS So the King began to accuse his servants, saying: “One of ours is revealing our secret to the Israelites.” Immediately they explained to the King of Edom about Elisha, And how he was disclosing their actions and their ambushes. The stupid King who heard this wanted to capture him, But did not know that it was too difficult for him and that he was not going to capture him. Oh you King! If it is easy for him to see hidden things, He will sense it and disappear. Why are you working so hard! He made the mistake of sending generals and armies To capture Elisha, the revealer of secrets, and to belittle him. So the Edomite army came as they had been sent And reached the city in which the Saint was dwelling. They carefully surrounded it on all sides In order to capture him as the King of Edom had ordered, Elisha was being protected by angels, And wherever he would go, Hosts would go along with him. For a camp of divine ministering angels Surrounds his believers and saves them from injuries. Watchers of fire were all around him from every side, And fear could not approach him or injure him.
cf. 2 Kgs 6:11
VII. ANGELS WERE ELISHA’S ARMY Then his disciple, when he saw the horses89 and the great army, Was frightened like a boy by how strong the legions were.
Jacob regularly uses the word ťƤƃĿ for horses in this pericope, following the Peshitta, although the Hebrew text uses the simple word for horse. It is a difficult word to translate since it regularly has the connotation of a horse equipped for battle, and the plural collective could well be better rendered “cavalry.” I have simply used “horses” throughout. 89
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
Ōł ò ł ťƣƢƌĪ Ņ ł IJƢƣĭ Ņ ô ƢƉĥł Ņ űƃł IJĬĭűũƖíƆ ň ň ťƄíƇƉ :ŦĭĬ ô ł ň ł Ō ƎƉň ƥƌĥĪ Ņô ň Ņ ł Ō ķĮĿĥ ł Ņ ô ƨūŅ ƎƇſĪ ĖťƀíƆǔƐƀƆ ł ŧűŷƉĭ Ņ ł ųƆň ŴƇū ŏ ł ťƄíƇƊíƆ ł Ō ň ƈƕł ĶĭĪĥĪ Ņ ň :ƗƤƀƭ ŏ ò ł Ō ł ķĭųƀƌǔƕŴƏ ŏ ł Ņ ŏ ťƏƢƙƉ ň ł ŴſĭĬĪ ŏ ŏ ĖķĭųƀƌŤƊƃĭ Ņ Ņ ŧĪĬ Ņ ł ł ł ƨƄƏł ťƄíƇƉĭ ň Ņ ƗƊƣĪ Ō ŏ ł ťƖŨ :IJĬŴ ô ſĪĭƞƌĪ ň Ņ ň ň Ņ ô ĺűſł Ņ ƧĭŅ ň ł ŦĭĬ ĖųƆň ĪĥĽŅ Ƨĭ ųƍƉ ĭĬô ťƤƟĪ Ņ Ņ ò ł ň Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň ň ųƆň ơƀƤƘ Ō ŦƼƐ ƃ ķĥ ťƄíƇƉ ƅƆ ĭĥ :Ŧŵŷƌ ł ňŅ Ņ ň ň ł ł ųƆň ƥūƢƉ ň ł ŦĬŅ ĖƦƌĥô ŦƧ ƎƊíƆ ťƍƤƉĭ ň Ņ Ņ ł ò ųƆ Ņ Ņ ô ťƖŹ ł ł Ŀűƣĭ ò ł ƁŨǓ ł ł ŦĭĬ ł ƨƀŶ :ŦŁŴíƇƀŶĭ ň Ņ ł Ō ň ŏ ň Ņ ô ƨū ł ł ł ŦĮǓĥ ĖųŨň įŵũƌĭ Ņ ł Īĭƞƌ Ņ ł ň ł ň Ņ ò ƗƤƀƆƧ ŏ ł ł :ĿĪƦƣĥĪ ƅſĥ ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ƨƀŶ ŦŁĥĭň ň Ņ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ô ħƻĪ Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ſűƟ Ō ł ĭĬł ųŨ ñ ĖťƤ ŦƻƢƠƆ ťźƉ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ōò ł ŏ ň ł ô ĬŴƃƢƃŁĥĭ ñ ŏ ł ň :ŦŁĭƢſĬŵŨ Ǝƀũū ƈƃ ƎƉ ĭĭĬ ł Ņ ł űƠƘĪ ł ł ƎƄſĥ ł IJųƀƌĭĪĭƞƌĪ Ņ ŏ ŏ ł ŏ ł ťƄíƇƉ ĖĶĭĪĥĪ ô ł ł ň ňò ł ň ň ł Ō ň Ņ ô ƢźƌƦƉ :ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ň łťƃƨƉň Ņ ƎƉŅ ƎſĪ ƗƤƀƭ ł ň Ņ Ƣƃĭ ĖŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ƎſĪĿ ŦĭĬô ĵĮĥĪ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ųƊƕ Ņ Ō ł ñ ň Ņ ò ł ł Ƣƀūň ŦƻƢƤƉ :ŦŁĭųƭĪ ųƀƍƤƊƤƉĪ Ņ Ō ò ł Ņ ŧƢſűŶ ň Ņ ò ň ƎƉň ķĭųíƆ ŏ ťſƞƙƉĭ Ņ ł ł IJĬŴíƇŶűíƆ ĖťƍƀƄƌ ô Ņ ŏ ŧǔƀƕ ň Ō ň ł ƎƀƄſƢƃ ò ŏ Ō Ō ŧĿŴƌĪ :IJĬŴũū ô ł ł ƈƃ ƎƉň ł ųƆň ĭĭĬ ô Ņ ň Ņ ƧĭŅ ň ł ĭĥ ĬŁŴíƆ Ņ ťźƍƟň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ħƢƟ ĖųƆň ťƄƉ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ň Ō ł Ņ ł ƨƀŶĭ :ťŨĿ ťƤƃǓ ŦŵŶĪ ƎſĪ ĬűƀƊíƆŁ łò Ņ ò Ō ł ň ò ŏ ň ň Ņ ł ł Ņ ĖIJĭĬô ķŵſŵƕĪ ljŴƀŬƆ ƎƉ ťƀíǑ ƅſĥ ĺĮ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS He was afraid and went back to Elisha in trembling And said, “Oh my Lord, how shall we escape the riders!?” But Elisha was not afraid of the legions And did not think the King’s forces to be anything at all. Around him were the Hosts of God’s realm, Who were much more numerous than the crowds surrounding him. Watchers of fire and Ministering angels of flame Were with him who were innumerable. Flaming troops rode out against the Edomites To form a barricade for that elect one of God’s realm. As soon as the King commanded that they come against Elisha, God commanded his ministering angels and looked right at them. The Lord of All gestured at a single troop of flame And it rode out to drive away the destroyers from Elisha. They rode out from the camp of the heavenly beings To confound those who had come against the splendid one. The Mountain was full of riders of fire and horses of fire And Hosts against an army of warriors. They were all around him, so if the Edomites approached him They could drop burning coals and save him from their hands. The King’s servants surrounded the city to capture him, While the Lord’s servants mounted the mountain to save him. The fire of the ministering angels was hidden within them Resting, but ready to show its strength if required. Fire had been mounted upon fearsome steeds of flame, Ready to flame up if anything should assail Elisha.
2 Kgs 6:15
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ł ł ň űƃł ƗƤƀƭ ł ł ƈŶĪĭ ł Ō ň űſĽň ƅƘĬĭ ň ł :ĪĿƦƐƉ ŏ ł ł IJƢƉŅ Ĭĭĥ ƢƉĥĭ ň Ņ ł ƎƉň ƢũƖƌ ł ň ł ň ƎƄſĥ ĖťũƃǓ Ņ ô ƈŶĪ ň ò ŏ ň ƎƉň ŦĭĬ ł Ōň ň Ņ ƧŅ ƎſĪň ƗƤƀƭ :Ņ ljŴƀŬƆ ňò ł Ņ ŏ ň Ņ Ō ƧĭŅ ň ň ƨƘĥŅ ťƄíƇƉĪ ĖĶűƉ ťƍƣŴƕ ųƆ ŦĭĬ ŪƀƤŶ ô Ņ Ņ łòł ň ł Ō Ō ň ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ ųƆ ĭĭĬ ƎſƢſűŶ :Ŧųƭ ô Ō Ō ł ťƤƍƃ ł ô ƎſŤŌ ƀŬƏĪ ň ò ň ƎƉň ŪŹŅ ĭĭĬ Ō ł ĖųƆň ƎƀƄſƢƃĪ Ņ Ō ň ł ňŅ ò ł ł Ņ ŏ ň Ō :ŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ ťƍƤƊƤƉĭ ŧĿŴƌĪ ŧǔƀƕŌ Ō ň ň ň ł ĭĭĬ ł ł ô ƻĥ Ņ Ņ ƎƉ ĭĭĬô ƎſŤƀŬƏĪ Ō ł ųƊƕ ĖťƍƀƍƉ ł Ņ ł ł łò ł ô ŴũƃĿň ŦƦíƆĮŴū ł ŏ ĭĭĬ ň Ņ ò ŏ DŽũƟŴƆ :ťƀƉĭĪ ƁƍŨ Ņł Ņ ň ŏ ň Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ł Ėķĭĭųƌ ťƀũū ĭųíƆĪł Ōł ň ŧĿŴƣł Ŧųƭŏ Ō ƼŨĪ Ņ ł űƠƘĪ ł ł ŧűŷƉ Ņ ň :ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ ķĭŁŤƌ ťƄíƇƉ ł ŏ ł ŏ ƢŶĭ ň Ņ ò ł ł Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ ł űƠƘ Ņ ťƍƤƊƤƊƆ ĖķĭųíƇũƟŴƆ Ņ Ō ň ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ň Ņ ŵƉĿ ł ŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ :ƈƃŏ Ō ŧƢƉ ŧĪŴū ŧűŷƆ ň ň ň Ņò ł ł ŏ ň ł ň ł ĖƗƤƀƭ ƎƉ ťƍíƇũŷƊƆ ĪĭƢŹŁ ƦũƃĿĭ ňò Ņ ł ł Ņ Ō ł ň ł ł ŴũƃĿĭ ň ł :ťƍƀƊƣĪ ŦƻƢƤƉ ƎƉ ŴƠƙƌĭ ł ň ň Ņ Ņ Ō ł ƈƕł ĭŁĥĪ ŏŅł ł ĖŧƢƀƙƣ ƎƀƆųíƆ ĭĪĭűƊƆ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ťƤƃǓĭ Ņ ŏ ťũƃǓ Ņ ŏ ƨƉĭ ň Ņ ŧĿŴŹ Ņ ł ŧĿŴƌĪ :ŧĿŴƌĪ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ łòł ł ŏ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶĭ ň Ņ ł ł ƨƀŶ ĖljƦŨǔƟĪ ƈũƟŴƆ Ō Ō Ō Ņ ķĥĪň ųƆň ĭĭĬ ł ô ƎſƢſűŶ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ųƆň ƎƀŨƢƟ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ ŏ ł ň ŏ ķĭĿƦƌ ŏ ł ò Ō ƎƉň IJųƀ Ņ ŏ ł ł ŧǔƉŴū Ėķĭųſűſĥ ƌĭƞƙƌĭ ô Ņ Ō ł ł ťƄíƇƉ Ņ ł IJűũƕ Ņ ŏ ŏ ł ŦƻƢƠƆ łò ł :IJųƀ ŴƃƢƃ ô ƌĭĪĭƞƌĪ Ņ ŏ ĭĭĬ ł ô ŴũƃĿň ťſƢƉ Ņ ŏ ł ł ŧĿŴŹ Ņ Ņ IJűũƕĭ łò ł ĖIJųƀ ô ƌĭƞƙƌĪ ŏ ł ò ŏ ł ťƍƤƊƤƉĪ ň Ņ ò ł ł ķĭĬĿŴƌ ŏ ŏ ťƀƐƃ Ņ ł :ķĭųƀƉŴƍƠŨ ň ł ťƀƖŨƦƉ Ņ Ņ ťƀíƇƣĭ Ņ ł ň ķĥĪň ťƊƀƟĭ Ņ ł ñ Ņ ŏ ŦŴŶŁ ĖĬĮŴƕ ň Ņ Ō ň ł òŌ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō :ŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ ƨƀŶĪň ťƤƃǓ ł ťũƀƃĿ ň ň ŧĿŴƌ ň Ō ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ň ĖĶűƉ ŧƢźƌ ƗƤƀƆƧ ķĥ űƟĭŁĪ ťƊƀƟĭ
Then, when the disciple was frightened of the fearsome army90 that he saw, His master encouraged him not to fear the multitude: “The Hosts that we have with us are much more numerous Than those Edomites surrounding us.” The distinguished one prayed for his disciple to see them, And the Lord opened the lad’s eyes as he had pleaded from him, And he saw the riders and the horses of fire filling the mountain— A startling and frightening sight for whoever looks upon it. It was the eternally blazing flame at its strongest, Equipped for action in the guise of military horses. On guard over the great, godly man Rode Fire to take Elisha’s place in battle. The man saw the Fire positioned in row after row, Troop after troop of horses of fire and their riders. He saw the flame, and out of it the riders and the horses, Shape after shape, image after image as they appeared. The disciple saw that legion of flame And belittled the Edomites and their mounts. But Elisha did not confront them right away, For he could see all time as if it were something near. The distinguished one had acquired that pellucid insight That looks and sees all hidden things, to see them spiritually.
2 Kgs 6:15
2 Kgs 6:16
2 Kgs 6:17
Bedjan read xello, “dust,” instead of xaylo. Dust makes little sense—though one thinks of the typical scene in a western movie where the hero sees the dust raised by his pursuers’ horses in the distance—nor does it comport with the biblical text. I have here made the simple emendation. 90
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
Ņ ł Ņň ň ł Ō ł űƃĭ Ņ ł ƨƀŶĪ ň ŧűŅ ƀƊíƆŁ :ŦŵŶĪ ƨŶ ƎƉ ƈŶĪ Ņ ňò Ō ł ň ł ł ň ň ł ųũũƆ ň ł ĖŦŤƀŬƏ ƎƉ ĪĿƦƐƌ ƧĪ ųŨĿ Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ŏ ňò Ō ł ł ł ƎƆł ƻĥĪŌ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ :ƎƊƕ ł ňķŴƌĥŅ ô ŦŤƀŬƏ Ō ł ò Ō ň ŪŹŅ Ņ ň ŏ ł ĖƎƆň ƎƀƄſƢƃĪ ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƎƀƆĬ ƎƉ Ō ł ň ň ŧűƀƊíƆŁ Ņ ł ƁƆĽĭ Ņ Ō ł ƈƕł ťſĬĮ :ķŴƌĥŏ ŦŵŷƌĪ ł ł Ō ł ƅſĥł ťƀíǑĪ ň ƘĥĪ ň ò ł ťſƢƉ Ņ ł ťƍƀƕ Ņ Ņ įƦƘĭ ĖųƐƀ ň ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ƨƉĪ :ŧĿŴŹ ťƤƃǓĭ ťũƃǓ ŦŵŶĭ ŅŅ ł Ņ ŧĿŴƌĪ Ņ ł Ņ ł ŦŁŵŶ Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ťƕĭĮĪ ñ ĿŤŶűƆ ŧĪĿŴƏĪĭ ĖųŨ Ņ Ō ň ł ł Ņ ŁƢƀŬƣ ł Ō ŦƼŨųíƇƣ Ņ Ō ł űƃł ƋƇƕ :Ŧŵſŵƕ Ō ň ŁĭĬ Ņ ô ŧűŬƙƉĭ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈƕł ťƤƃǓ Ņ ł ƋƀƄƏŤŨ Ņ ł ł ĖljƢƕŴƏ ň ł Ņ Ņ ł ĬŁƢźƉł ƈƕł Ņ ł ŧƢũūĪ Ņ Ņ ł ťŨĿ :Ō ťſųƭĭ Ņ ŏ ƦũƃĿ Ņ ťũū Ō ł ŧĿŴƌ Ņ ł ƋƀƟŁĪ ł ň ł ň ƚƇŶ ĖƗƤƀƭ Ō Ō Ņ ŏ ŧƢũū Ņ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ŧĿŴƌ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ Ņ :ƎſǓűƏň ƎſǓűƏň ťƊƀƟĪ Ņ ŏ ťƤƃǓ ŏ ł Ņ ł ŧĿŴƌĪ Ō ò ŏ ƎſĪŴū Ōò ŏ Ņ ł ƎſĪŴū ĖķĭųƀũƃǓĭ Ņ ł ł Ņ ň Ņ ųƍƉĭ Ņ ł ųƍƉĭ ñ Ņ ň ťũƃǓ ñ Ņ ň ŦƦíƆĮŴū :ťƤƃǓ ŦŵŶ Ņ Ņ ò òň Ō ň ň ł Ņ Ņ ò ň ŏ ŏ ĖƎſųƀƊƀƄƏŤŨ ķǓĭĽ ķǓĭĽ ķŴƉĪ ł ķŴƉĪ Ņ Ō ň ł Ņ ŏ ň Ņ Ņ Ō ñŅ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ĬŵŶ :ŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ ljŴƀŬƆ IJųíƆ ł ň ŏ ł ŏ ł ťƀƉĭĪƧ Ņ ô Żƣĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ŏ ŦĭĬ Ņ ĖķĭųƀŨŴƃǔƆĭ ňŏ ň ł Ō Ņ ł ķŴƌĥ Ō ł ł ň :ķŴƌł DŽũƟĥ ƻĥŁűŶ ŴƆ ƎſĪň ƗƤƀƭ ň ò ł ķĭųíƿĪ ŏ ŦĭĬ ŏ ŏ Ņ ô ŦŵŶ Ņ Ō ł ƅſĥ ķĭųíƆ ň Ņ ťƉŴſ ĖťũſƢƟ Ņ Ņ ò ł Ņ Ō ŅŅ Ņ Ņ ŦƼƙƣ ŏ ťſŵŶĭ Ņ Ņ ŧƢƀŶĪ :ŦƼƐƃ ƈƃ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ŏ ŏ ň ň Ņ ł Ņ ŦŁŵŶ ň ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿ ĶŴƀíƿ ŦŵŷƌĪ ťſĬĮ ŦĭĬô ťƍƟ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS His soul’s nature had been spiritually polished and cleansed So that he could constantly see the hidden things that were being done. He saw the angels of flame filling the mountain And petitioned the Lord that the disciple, too, might see them. IX. ELISHA HAS THE EDOMITES BLINDED So he went out and heroically confronted the Edomites, And petitioned the Lord and He blinded and dazzled them. He begin speaking and mocking the Edomites, “This is not the way and not the city; do not trouble yourselves. Come, I shall lead you to that man whom you seek.” Then he led them on the way to Samaria, which they were not seeking. The Lord is the light through whom all those who know Him shine, While one who is distant from God walks in the dark. The Lord’s servant’s eye was open and full of light, While phantasms were all about the Edomites. A solitary man of God tied up thousands and led them off, Brought them along, and brought them in to the midst of Samaria. So that the entire army, without a fight would be too feeble And too weak to be saved from the hand of a solitary man, He confused their vision and tied them up by their eyes And led them however he wished and humiliated them. They had been sent to capture him like heroes, But he captured them and led them off like weaklings. He brought a cloak of error and spread it over their faces And led them as if blind in order to shame them. They were going along with him, and if though they were looking at him they were not seeing him, So that they would be a laughing-stock for having been so brazen and crazed.
2 Kgs 6:18
2 Kgs 6:19
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ŌŅŅ ŏ ň ł Ņ Ō ųƤƙƌĪ ň ł ųƍƀƃ ñ ŅŅ ťƙƣĭ ŦĭĬ ơſƢƉ :ƻŤƍŶĭĿ ô Ņ łò Ņ ł ň Ņ ò Ō ł ň ň ŏ ƈƃŏ ŦŵŷƌĪ ĖIJĭĬ ŦŁŵƀƍŬƆ ĶŴſ ô ķǔƕƦƐƉĪ ň ł Ņ Ō ň ł ňò ł ł Ņ Ņ ŏ ƨƉĪ ťƃƨƊíƆ ŦŵŶ :ŧĿŴŹ ł ň ň ň Ņ ŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ Ņ ł Ō Ņ ťƖŨĭ ŏ Ņ Ņ ĖķŴƌĥ ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ĻĥĪ ťſƢƊíƆ Ō Ņ Ņ Ŧŵŷƌ ł ł ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ƗŬƘĭ ł ł ơƙƌĭ :ƻĥƢũň ôƍūł ťƀƉĭĪŤŨ Ņ ł ł ł ķŴƌĥŏ ň ųƊƃĭ ł ł ťſƢƊíƆ Ņ Ņ ťƖŨĭ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ĿĭŁĥĭ ň ł IJƢƣĭ Ōł Ņ ô įŵũƉĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦĭĬ ł ł ł džƊƉ :ťƀƉĭĪŤŨ ň Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ Ō Ƨ Ļĥ IJĬ ťŶĿĭĥ ł ŏ ł Ƨ ŦƻƢƟ Ņ ƋƆł ŴƆĪ ĖķŴŨĬĿŁŁ ô ŏ ň Ņ ŧƢũū Ņ ł ĭĬł űſĽň ķŴƄíƇŨĭĥ ŏ ň ł ĭŁł :ųƆň ķĭƦƌĥô ƎƀƖŨĪ Ō Ņ ťŶĿĭŤŨ ň Ņ ƧŅ űƃł ƎſƢƊƣĪ ł ł Ņ ŏ ķŴƌĥŏ ň űŬƌĭ ĖƎƀƖŨ Ō Ņ ųƍƉĭ ł ŏ ťſƢƉ ł ò ŏ ƎſĿųƌ ň ň ĭĬô ŧĿĬŴƌ Ņ Ņ :IJĬŴ ô ƕĭűſŏ Ņ ƈƃ Ņ ň Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉň ơƀŶĿĪ Ņ ł Ō ł ťƍſĥĭ ĖŧĪĿň Ņ ťƄƤŷŨ Ņ:ŧĿĬŴƌŏ ťƀíƇƉĭ ň ł ťƀíƇū Ņ ł ųƍƀƕ Ņ ł ťſƢƉĪ Ņ Ņ Ĭűũƕ ň ł łò Ņ ò Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦƼūǔūƢƣ ňò ł Ņ ťƀƉĭĪƧĭ ň ĖIJĭĬł ô ł ƎƙƀƠƌ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ŏ ťƙíƆƧ ŦųƭĪ :ķŴƌĥ űŬƌĭ ňŏ ň ł ŦĭĬŌ ô ƢƄƘ ň Ō űŶł ł ŏ Ņ ł ĖķŴƌ ķŴƌĥ IJƻĥĭ Ņ ƎſƢƊƣ Ņ ł ň ŏŴŬíƆĭ ŏ ł DŽƕĥ Ņ Ō Ņ :ťƣĭǁŁ ƧĪ ƨƀŶŅ ųǀíƆ ŧƢũūł űŶł ƢƀŨĪ Ō Ō ųƍƉ ň ň ķĭƞƘƦƌĪĭ Ō Ņ ł Ļĥ ƎƀƇƀŷƉ ŏł ň ł ĖƎƀƤíƇŶ ň ł ł ŏ łò ł ł ň ł ķĭĬŁŵŶ ŏ Ņ :ķŴƌĥŏ ƢƄƘ ƈƟƢƕ ňŏ ķĭųƀƍƀƖŨĭ ň ł ň ł ťŨĽĪ ł ķŴƌĥŏ űŬƌĭ Ņ ł ƎƄſĥ ł ł ĖķŴƌDŽƙƣĭ ň ł ł ň Ņ ł ƅſĥ ĭĭĬ ł ô ĭĿĪƦƣĥ Ņ ŏ ŏ ł ł IJųƀ ƌĭĪĭƞƌĪ :ŧǔũƍū ô ôň ò Ņ ł ƅſĥł ķŴƌĥŏ ň űŬƌĭ ł ł ĭĬŏ ķŴƌĥŏ ň ĪĽĭŅ ĖťƤíƇŶ ł ł ł ł Ō ł ł ŏ Ņ ł ŏò łDŽ :ķĭųƀƘ IJƻĥ ƁƀƕŴŹĪ ň ƕň ĸƢƘĭ ł ŏ ň ŦƦŷƌ Ņ ł ł ŏ ł ò ł ł ĖķŴƌĥ ŁųũƌĪ ťƀƊƐƆ ƅſĥ ķŴƌĥ űŬƌĭ Ņ Ō Ņ űƃĭ ł ųƊƕ ň ł ƎƀƆĮĥ ň Ņ Ƨ ųŨň ƎſƢƀŶ ŌŅ :ųƆň ƎſŵŶ ô ł ł ƎƉł ƈƕĪ ł ťŶŵŨ ň ł ň űƃł ŴŶƢƉĥ ŏ ň Ņ ň ķĭĭųƌĪ ĖƎƀƌƦƤƉ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS The wretches had been defeated by the angels of God’s realm Who were attached to him, and the light of their countenances fled. Phantasms from the flame of Elisha’s realm Were spread upon the faces of the Edomites. The hidden army had struck the open nation with bedazzlement And with blinding so that they would not know which one was the way. That flame that was sent from God Made them dim-sighted ones who look without seeing. X. HE LEADS THEM TO SAMARIA So that hero was going along on the way wrapped in victory Trailing along each of the hosts: The Edomites, who would have captured him if they could have, And the Watchers of Fire, who would help him if so commanded, Horses and riders of Fire on his right, And a great army of Edomites on his left, These revealed and those hidden from onlookers, While he was looking at the two sides in total light. It was easy for him to see both the human beings and the angels With the pellucid eye and that supremacy of keen vision he possessed. That camp of heavenly beings was all around him, And he was integrated into it spiritually like a fellowbeing. But the light of the Edomites’ eyes had been taken away, And he coaxed them along wherever he wished like blind people. The armies of Fire were with him like friends, While the enemy Edomites were with him but were not seeing him. He led them along and brought them into Samaria, Then called to the Lord “Open their eyes that have been closed!”
2 Kgs 6:20
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ňò ł ł ň Ō Ō ł Ŧųƭ ň ťƃƨƉ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ :ųƆň ƎƀƙƀƠƌĪ ƎƉ Ņ Ņ ł ł ł ł ŏ ł ł ŏ ò ŏ Ņ ĖķĭųƀƘĭĽǔƘĪ ŧĿĬŴƌ ľƢƕĭ ťſĭĪ ŴƖƇŨ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň ŦƦíƆĮŴū ł Ō ň ƼŨĪ ƎƉ ŦƼūǔūƢƣ :ƗƤƀƭ łò Ņ ł ň ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŏ ò ł ł ł ĖIJĭĬô ƎƏǔƘƦƉ ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ķĭųƀƘDŽŅ ƕ Ņ:ŧĿĭƦŨ Ņ ł ťƀƐƃ Ņ ł IJųƀ Ņ ł ťƊƖíƆ Ņ ł ƨƀŶł Ņ ťƀíƇū ŷƉ ô ŏ ł ň Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ł Ņ ł ķŴƿƦƐƌ Ņ ŏ IJĬô ŧűſĥ ĖťŶĿĭĥ ƧĪ ŦŁĭųƊƄŨĭ Ņł ň ł ł ň Ņ Ņ Ō ň ł Ņ :ŦųƭŅ ƎƉ ŁĿĪƦƣĥĪ IJĬ ŦƼŨųíƇƣ ň Ņ ŏň ł ň Ō Ņ ŧǓųū ň Ņ Ƨ űƃł ƎſƢƀŶĪ ĖƎſŵŶ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ł ł Ņ ŏ ķŴƌĥ ň Ņ Łűũƕ ĵĮĥ :ŦŁŴƃĮ ƚƀźƕŅ ŧƢũƍū ô ĭĬ Ņ Ņ ł ťŶĿĭŤŨ Ō Ōł ň ł Ņ ò ò ł ł ĖŦŁŴíƇƀŶĭ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ųƆ ƎƀƙƀƠƌĭ ň ŏ ň ł Ŵƭ IJųƀƌĭĪĭƞƌ Ņ ŏ ŏ Īł ťƀƉĭĪĥ ň Ņ ò ŏł :ŴŷƄƣĥ ô Ņ ŏ ŧǔƀƕĭ ň Ō Ņ ŏ ł ł ŧĿŴƌĪ Ō ł ň ķĥň IJųƀ ĖƎſűƠƘƦƉ ƌĭĿűƖƌĪ ô Ņ Ō ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ň Ō ł ƎƉň ŦƼŨųíƇƣĪ :ųƍƀƊſ ťũƃǓĭ ťƤƃǓ Ņ ł ň ò ň ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ƨƀŶĭ ň ŏ ĖųƇƊƏ ƎƉ ťƀƉĭĪĥĪł ťŨĿ ňò Ņ ł ƎƉň ƎƀƆĬ ň Ņ ƎƀƐƃĭ ň Ņ ƎƀƇūĭ ň ł ň ł ƎƀƆĬ :ťſŵŶ ł Ōò ł ň ł ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ƎſĿƦŨ ĖŧƢŅſųƌŌ ł ƅſĥ Ǝƀũū ô ĿŤŶĭ ňò ł ł ĭĬł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ơƀƤƘ ň:Ŧŵŷƌň ŦĭĬ Ņ łò ł Ō ťƃƨƊíƆĭ ŅťƤƍƀƍũƆĭ Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ ł ƦƉĿĭ ň ł IJĬŅ ťƟĭĪ Ņ ô ťƍƟĪ ł Ņ ŦƼƙƣ ĖŦĭĬ ťƍƀƖŨ ňò Ņ ł ł Ņ Ō ł Ņ ň Ņ Ņ Ō ŦƻƢƤƉ IJĬ ųƆ ŁĭĬô ŧƢſűŶ Ō Ņ Ņ :ťƍƀƊƣĪ ŏ Ō ťƐƍū ł Ņ Ņ ô ŻƀƇŶ Ņ ň ƢŨł ƅſĥĭł ñ ĖƻŤƍŶĭĿ ųƊƕ ŦĭĬ Ņ ŏ ųƆň ŦĭĬ ň ò ł ŧĿĬŴƌ Ņ ô Ūƀƍūĭ Ō ł ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ťƍƀƕĪ :ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ Ņò ł Ɔł ƅſĥĭł ň ł ťƀƊƐ Ņ ł ķŴƌĥŏ ň ĨƢū Ņ ł ťƄſƧ ĖťŨĽĪ Ņ Ņ łòł Ņ ŏ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ň ł ŧĿŴƌĪ ň ò Ō ł ƅſĥł ųƊƕ :ťũƀũŶ ňò Ņ ň Ņ òŏ ł ň ƎſŵŶ ň ł ŦŤƍƏ ň Ņ ƧĭŅ ųƊƕ ĖųƆ ň ň ł Ō Ņ ł ł ŏ ň ťƀƉĭĪĥĭ Ņ ô ƢŨĪ ŏ ł :ķŴƌDŽƕĥ ƎſƢƊƣ ŴŬíƆĭ ķŴƌĥ ŦĭĬ łò Ņ ò Ō ł ŏ ł ò ł ł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ŧƢƟĭ ĖIJĭĬô ķűƀŶĥĪ ķĭųƀƍƀƕ įƦƘ ťſƢƊíƆ
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ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS He took away from them that error in which they had been clothed, And they were enlightened and knew where they were and how they came. Him, too, they recognized—that he was the man they had been seeking, And they were astounded and confused over how they had not recognized him on the way. They realized that he was Elisha and that they had been seeking him, And that he had been speaking with them on the way and they had not recognized him. They were miserable and embarrassed, humiliated and full of emotions, Despised, foolish, and lower than the Death that had frightened them. They looked at how that godly man was And invoked a curse on the King that sent them. They greatly despised him over why he would want to belittle A man who was able to tie up thousands and imprison them— A man who was able, without sabre or weapon, To drive off ranks of armies and imprison them. He brought them inside the walls and the blockades And the high gates and imprisoned the Edomites, And humiliated them without a battle as if they were women. Lording it over them, he made them kneel down and turned them over. He brought the enemies of the King of Samaria And positioned them in his presence like weaklings. XI. ELISHA DOES THE PROPER THING BY FEEDING THE ENEMY SOLDIERS INSTEAD OF KILLING THEM
The King saw, and was moved to ravage them like a hero As if he had defeated them and brought them and imprisoned them.
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł ł ô ƎƀƤƀũíƆĪ Ō Ō ł ŦŁŴƀƖŹ :ĭĭĬ ŦĭĬô ƈƠƣ ł ň ł ł IJĬŏ ň ķĭųƍƉ ł Ņ Ŵƕűſĭ ł ł ł Ō ĭĿųƌĭ ĖĭŁĥ ƎƄſĥĭ ķŴƌĥ ťƄſĥ ň Ņ ŧƢũū Ņ ł ŴſĭĬĪ ŏ ł ųƆň ĻĥŅ ł ô ƎƀƖŨĪ ŏ ŏ IJĬŴ :ųƆň ĭĭĬ ƕűſ ô ŏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƄſĥĪ ł ł ĭĪĭĪŁĥĭ ł ł ň ŴƕĮĭŅ ł ô IJĬŴ ĖĭĭĬ ô ƕűſł Ƨ ťŶĿĭŤŨ Ō ň ĭĬŏ ƗƤƀƭĪ ň Ņ ųƆĭ ł ł ň ł ô ŴƿƦƏĥ ł ň ĭĭĬ :ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƖŨ ô ň ł ĭĬĭ ŏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ķĭųƊƕ ŏ ł ŦĭĬ ŏ Ņ ô džƊƉ ł ô IJĬŴ ĖĭĭĬ ô ƕűſł Ƨĭ ťŶĿĭŤŨ ň ň ò ł Ņò ł Ņ ĭĭĬ ň ò ł ƁƀíƇƉĭ ł ò ł ƨƙƣĭ ò Ō ťſĭĪ ł ƨſűƕ :ň ťƕĭĮ ň Ņ ň Ō ò ł ŧǔƀƐŨ Ō ł ŦŁŴƉł ƼŶŁĭ ň ł ƨƄƏĭ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ƗſĮĥĪ ł Ņ ł ųŨň ĭƢŶŅ ł ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ŧƢũŬŨ :IJĬĭ ôŅ ƻĥĪŌ ƎƄſĥ ťſųƭ Ņ ł ŴƊƏŅ ķŴƌĥŏ ň ĿűƣĪ Ņ ł ĭųíƆĭ ł ł ł ł ťƄíƇƉ ĖƨíƇƠŨ ŏ ł ŴƀŬƏĥ ň Ņ ƎƊŨĪ Ņ ô įŵũƌĪ ł ł IJĬĭ ł ł ł ťƖŨ Ō ł ŦĭĬ : ƢƐŨ ô ňò ł ň Ņ ł ŏ ň ŸƄƤƉĪ ł ň ŧƢũŬíƆ ŏ ň ťƙƭ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ŀŴũŷƌĭ ĿŴƄƙƌ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņł ł ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ƧĪĭ ƧĪĪ ŧƢũŬíƆ :ťƍſĮ Ņ Ņ ł ŸƄƣĥĪ ň ťƙƀƏ ň ŏ ň ň ň ŏ ŏ ò ł ŧǓűƏ ĪĭƢźƌ ĖķŴƌĥ ŀŴũŷƌĭ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶĪ ł ň ŏ ň ł ň ŏ ƎƉň ŴŬíƆ ň ň Ņ ťƕǓŁĭ ł ŧǓŴƣ ŧǔƃŴƏ ŴŬíƆ :ťƉǓ ň ňł ł ŏ ň ł ƎƉ ò Ņ ł ŏDŽ ň ŏ ĖťƀƉĭĪƧ ķŴƌĥ ƥũŶĭ ķŴ ƌ ň ň ł ň ňò ł ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ƕĥł ŏ ťƤƍíƆĪ ň :ķŴƌł DŽƙƣ ň ň ł ƅſĥň ł ťŨƢƟň ƧĪĭ ł ł ŏ ŏ ĖķŴƌĥ ƢƐƉĭ ķŴƌĥ ĴƢŨĥ ŦŤūƦƉ űƃĭ ň Ō ł Ō Ņ Ņ ł ňò Ņ ň ł :ķŴƌĥŏ IJƻĥ ťũŨűƇƖũƆł ň ƎſƢƊƣĪ ł ň ŏ ťƄíƇƉĪ ňò Ņ ł ƅſĥ ł Ō ŏ Ņ ĖķŴƌĥ ƋƀƟĥ ųƘĭĽƢƘ ĶűƟ ťƤíƇŶ ł ň ł ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ł ƅſDŽ :ŧƢũƍū ũŷƌĪ ŦŵŶĭ ł ôň ň Ō ĺĮĭł ťƄíƇƉ Ņ ŏ ł ŏ ł ŏ ĖķŴƌĥ ƥũŶĭ ķŴƌĥ IJƻĥĭ ťƃĮ ĭĬĪ ťƉŅ ƅſĥ
ON ELISHA AND ON THE VISION OF SAINTS He wanted to raise his arm with weapons and destroy them, But the man of the Lord stopped him from doing the evil thing: “Oh King, you did not humble them in battle, So you should not smite them either with your bow or your saber. Do not boast over a victory that is not yours. Feed them, give them drink, and surprise them, And defeat the evil with a good that shall come to the Edomites.” It was proper that that godly Saint Would nourish the men who had come to capture him. He astonished them with that great miracle that he had done And filled them wonder, and sent them off. Without a fight, he made peace between the two sides. Praised is the One who gave him the power and the might and the heroism.
2 Kgs 6:21
2 Kgs 6:22
K K ¿ÎÏ áî :ðýÙß~ áî ¾ýãÏ ¿ÎÙæÅß ¾ØÎÏ ¾ÐÝýâ ¾ýØÊø
ň ň ł ň ł Ō ł ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ô ťƖŨ ň Ō ƋſƢƌĪ ťŨǔŷŨ Ĭűſĥ :ķŴƌĥŏ Ņ űŨŴƌĭ Ņ Ō ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň ň ƧĪ ŦƦƤƀŨ Ņ ô űũƖƌ ĖŦĭĬ ƎƉ IJųƀ ƿ ťſƢƉĪ ŧƢũūĭŅ ô ň ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ƅƆŅ ĭĥ ŏ Ņ ł ł :ķŴƌĥ ň ƦƇƙƣň ťŨƢƠŨ ŴƆŅ Ņ ťƄíƇƉ Ņ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ƨƘĥ ĴƦƤƠŨ ň ĖķŴƌĥŏ ťŷƉŁ ƅƙƀƐŨ ƨƘĥ ň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł ŏ ł Ō ł Ņ :IJĬô ƅƇſĪŌ ň ŴƆĪ ŦŁŴƃĮ ƈƕ ĿųŨƦƣŁ ň ň ł ŏ ň ň Ƨł ł ł ŏ ŏ ĖķŴƌĥ ťƠƣĥ ł Ņ ŅĿĬŁĥĭŅ ķŴƌĥ Ņ Ō ķŴƌDŽƃĭĥ Ņ ò Ō ł Ņ ň ŏ ĖťƀƉĭĪƧ ťſĭĬĪ ŦƦũźŨ ŦƦƤƀũíƆ ƁƃĮĭ ł ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŦŤſň Ņ Ņ Ō ł ĭųíƆ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ťƤſűƟ :ťſųƭ ł ň ň ł ň ł ł Ņ ô ťƏĿƦƉĪ ŏ ŏ ł ĭŁĥĪ ŧǔũŬíƆ ŦĭĬ ĖIJųƀ ô ƌĭŅĪĭƞƌĪ ň ł ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ň Ņ :ķŴƌĥŏ ƗſĮĥŌ ň űũƕĪ ŦƦŨĿ ŦŁĿŴƉĪŁ IJųŨ ň Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ ł ł ťŨĿ ŧĿĬŁ ķŴƌĥ ƨƉĭ ĖķŴƌĥ Ŀűƣĭ ňò ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ł Ņ ťũū ťƍƀƣ ƧĪ : Ņ ł ŦĭĬô ň űũƕ ł ťƣĭǁŁ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ƦƍƀŨ Ō ŏ ŏ Ņ ĖŦŁĭƢũƍūĭ ťƍƣŴƕĭ ƨƀŶ ųƆ ħųſĪ ô ô ĭĬô ƅſƢŨ ň ł ťƤƊŶĪ ł Ō ň ƈƕĪ Ņ ł ƋƇƣ .ƗƤƀƭ
91 So ms. Add. 14,590. The text in the other ms. is simply “The Sixth on Elisha and on the Siege of Samaria.”
INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title: On the famine that was in Samaria in the time of Elisha the Prophet Source of Text: Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 4, pp. 349–367 [Homily 121] Lines: 377
OUTLINE This homily tells the story of the siege and relief of Samaria from 2 Kgs 6 and 7, albeit in a somewhat restructured manner compared to the biblical story. Devoid of typological foreshadowings or exegetical problems,92 it is instead replete with dramatic expansions explaining the actions of the characters, especially the moving, hypothetical speech of the mother to the child she is about to slaughter for sustenance in the famine in lines 117ff. As in the other Elisha homilies, Jacob manages to find instances of the theme of the evils of worldly wealth here as well.
SUMMARY I. Proem: Help us, Lord, to take advantage of Your true gifts (1–36) II. We have been granted the riches of Scripture (37–62) III. Of all Elisha’s wondrous deeds, I shall speak of his role at the seige of Samaria (63–92) IV. What a woman might have said to her son before eating him (93–136) V. The King learns of the women’s agreement to eat their children (137– 168) VI. The King threatens Elisha without justification (169–186) VII. The King should have appealed to Elisha without threats (187–204) VIII. Elisha promises relief (205–230) IX. Why the Prophet’s promise was fulfilled (231–250) 92
Indeed, no other biblical passages are mentioned outside of our pericope.
X. The Lord made the Edomites hear the sounds of a great army (251– 282) XI. The Edomites flee from the oncoming phantom army (283–317) XII. Why the Edomites were made to abandon their supplies (318–335) XIII. A festival is celebrated (336–355) XIV. The prices fall and the doubting soldier is crushed by the crowds (356– 377) Bedjan’s text is based upon the manuscripts British Library Add 14590 and 17184.
I. PROEM: HELP US, LORD, TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR TRUE GIFTS Let us intone Your glory in your assemblies, Son of God So that the World might be fully awakened for singing Your praise. Let the Earth be enlightened by Your teaching so full of life, So that the troublesome93 tumult94 of the vanities be brought to an end by it. Let the fire of Your love flame up in the World, our Lord So that the entire forest of error be burned out of the lands. Let the entire World love You, my Lord, instead of possessions, For You are riches and a great treasury for the one who loves You. Motivate our heart toward Your study and Your teaching, For we have sleepily neglected the subject of Your sweetness. Rebuke greed, and the injustice that now crouches down And bites like a lioness shall flee from us. Crush the envy and contention from among us, The evil serpent that venomously stings us.
Emend perhaps to ¿ÎØÎî “virulent?” Thus the text now reads. It makes little sense, however, given the imagery of the next couplet with which it should be in parallel. The simple solution is to read ťŨŴƃ instead of ťŨĭĿ and understand that the following word originally must have been a form of ŦŵſĮ, the heretofore unattested singulative of ljŵſĮò, “weeds.” The uniqueness of the latter form, then, would have been responsible for the scribal corruption. The literal meaning would be something like “weedy thorns.” 93 94
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B 121
Ņ Ō .ťƄƟ. ŧƢƉŤƉ Ō ň Ņ ň Ō ł ŏ Ņ ł Ņ .ƎſƢƊƣĪ ťƀƣŴũŶ ƈƕĪ :ƗƤƀƭĪ ŦƦƣĪ
Ņ Ņ òŏ ł Ņ ŏ ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ƢŨł ĴƦƣŴƍƄŨ :Ō Ŧųƭ ƅŷŨŴƣ ƋƕƢƌ Ō ł Ņ ŏ ň Ņ Ō ň ł ťƊíƇƕ Ņ Ņ ƢƀƕŁƦƌĭ ĖƻĥƢſƦƕ ĴƦŶŴũƣŁ ƈƕ ňò ł ň ł Ņ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł ł ň : ťƀŶ ƅƍƙíƆŴſ ƎƉ ťƕĿĥ ĿųƌŁ Ņ Ņ Ō ƨƉĪ ł Ņ ł ųƍƉ Ō Ņ ł ñň Ņ ň ƈźũƌĭň ĖŦƦƠſǔƏĪ ŦŵſŵíƆ ťŨĭĿ Ņ ŏ ł Ņ ťƊíƇƖŨ Ņ Ņ ųŨň ĵĮŴūŁŁ Ņ ŏ ŧĿŴƌ ł ł ƅŨŴŶĪ :ķƢƉ Ņ Ņ ł ň ł Ō ł ŏ Ņ ł ň ŏ ĖŦƦƕǓĥ ƎƉ űƟŤƌ ƁƀƕŴŹĪ ŧƢƖſ ųƿĭ ňò Ņ ň Ņ ň ŏ ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ųƿ :ťƍƀƍƟ ƚƇŶ ťƊíƇƕ ƋŶƢƌ IJƢƉ ƅƆ Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ĭĬŏ ƦƌĥĪł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň ł ĖƅƆ ƋŶĿűƆ ťŨĿ Ŧŵūĭ ŧĿŁŴƕ ô ô ł Ņ ł ł ň ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ :ƅƍƙíƆŴſ Ņ ƈƕĭ ƅƍƀūĬ ƈƕ ƎũíƆň ƗſĮĥŌ ŏ Ō ŨĪ ł ťƍƀƍƕ Ņ Ņ ň ƎƉň ƎƆł ƎƍƄƉĪĪ ł ň ł ĖĴŁŴƊƀƐ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ŦŁŴŨŴƇƕĭ ŏ ŏ Ņ ŦŁŴƍƖƀŨ ŏ ł IJŤƃ ł ň ťƟƢƕ :ƎƍƉ Ņ ŏ ł ł ł Ņ ł ł Ņ Ōł Ņ ĖŦŁŴſĿĥ ƅſĥ ƎƆ ŦǂƍƉĭ ťƄſƢŨ ŦĬĪ ł Ņ ł ň ŅŅ ň ł Ņ Ņ ł ŏ :ķƦƍƀŨŌ ƎƉ ťƍſƢŷíƆĭ ťƊƐŷƆ ĽĭĿ Ņ Ō ł ƎƆł ƞŨűƉĪ ň ł ł ťƤƀŨ Ņ Ō ťſŴŶ Ņ ň ĖƻĥƢſƢƉ
Extinguish from us our love of money that burns within us, That has enflamed us to be so concerned with superficial things. Lord, enable us to taste how sweet is poverty, for riches have captivated us To make us sated with loving them, but now they are strangling us. Place upon our neck the beloved yoke of humility, For now our soul is stuck, puffed up and bold in its haughtiness. Goad us, Rabboni, so that we might be awakened to function for Your service, For we have been asleep with desires that are not beautiful. Grant us the love through which we may tightly embrace our colleagues, For we have become hateful people, with great rage. Rebuke the spirit of harlotry, so that it disappears from our lands, For holiness has greatly been diminished in this lax time. Bring us, Lord, the good times of righteousness, And take away a time turbid with sin like a violent storm. Silence our improper, tumultuous talking, So that Your word alone resounds in our assemblies. Grant that Your Faith may become our breath of life, And the winds95 of the World shall not blow through us with their contentions. Grant us Your Word, that we may be sweetened richly by it, So that our ear’s aperture not become open to vanities.
John 20:16
The imagery here is difficult to translate straightforwardly. In the Semitic languages, “soul” (here rendered “life”) is also the organ of breathing and “wind” is also spirit. In both cases, both meanings are at work here. 95
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Ņ Ō ł ťƙƐƃ Ņ ň ƦƊŶĿ ň ł ł ň ƎƍƉ ł ň ƅƕĪ :ƎŨł ťƙƀƙƏĪ Ō Ņ ł ƈƕł ĻĽŤƌ Ņ ł ƎƆł ƎƌűƠſĪ ł ň Ō ł Ō ťƊƃĪ ĖŧƢſƻ Ņ ŏŌ ň Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ł :ŦŁŴƍƄƐƉ ťƀíƇŶ ťƊƃĪ IJƢƉ ƎƆ ƋƖŹĥ Ņ ŏ ƎũƣĪ ł ň ň ŧĿŁŴƕ ň ŏ ŦĭƢƌĪ ň Ņ Ņ ł ĖƎƆŅ ơƍŶŅ ŦĬĭ ųŨŴŷŨ ł ł ƈƕł ƋƀƏŌ Ņ Ō ķĿĭĽ ŏ Ō ł ťƊƀŶĿ Ņ Ō ŧƢƀƌ :ŦŁŴƄƀƄƉĪ Ņ ŏŅ Ņ Ņ Ō ťŷƀƙƌ Ņ ł ŧƢſƦŶ ł ł ťƀƉĿĭ Ņ Ō ŦŁŴƉƢŨ ĖƎƤƙƌ ŦĬĪ Ņ ň ň Ō ł Ō ł ŏ ň ŏ :ĴƦƤƊƣŁ ƈƕ ĶŴƠƌ Ņ ƢƀƕŁƦƌ ƁƆŴŨĿ ƎƆ ŁŴƟĮŏ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł ł ň ł Ņ Ō ł ƧĪ ŦƦŬƀūǔŨ Ėķǔƀƙƣ ƎƍƄƉĪĪ ł Ņ ł ò ł ň ň ł ł Ņ ƎƆ ł ħĬł ŏ :ķŁŴƍƄíƆ ųŨ ơƙƖƌĪ ťŨŴŶ ƎƆ Ņ ł ŦŵūĭƢŨ ł ł ł ň Ņ ŏ ł ƎƆł ƎƍſĭĬĪ Ņ ŏ ljŁǓŴƠƏ ĖťŨĿ ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ŏ Ņ ŏ ň ň Ņ Ō ñ IJŤƃ :ķƦƕǓĥ ƎƉ ŦŁŴƀƌĮŅ įĭĿ ƨƣŁ ųŨ ł ł ł Ņ ł ň ƁŬƏĪ Ņ ťƍŨŵŨ ŏ Ō Ō ł ĖťƀƘĿ Ņ ň ò ł ŁƢƕĮ Ņ ŏ Ō ł ňò ŦŁŴƤſűƟ Ņ ł :ŦŁŴƠſĪĮĪ ťũŹ ťƍŨĮ IJƢƉŅ ƎƆł Ŧƻĥ ňò Ņ ł Ō ljŴƊƀƃ ł ł Ņ ł Ƣũƕĥĭ Ņ ŏ Ō ƅſĥĪł ťƍŨĮ ĖŦųźŷŨ ŸƀƆĪ Ņ Ņ ň ł Ō Ō ł ƧĪ ƨíƇƊƉĭ ł ťŨĭĿ Ņ ł ƎƍƉ ł ň ľƦƣ :ƎſƢƀƙƣ ł Ņ òŏ ł Ņ Ņ ň ň ŏ ł Ņ ň ĖķƦƣŴƍƄŨ ŦĭĬŁň ĪŴŷíƇŨ ĴƦíƇƉĭ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ťƊƕĿ ł Ņ ł ň ħĬł ƎƤƙƌĪ ł ł ťƟŴƏ :ĴŁŴƍƊſĬ ƎƆ ŦĭĬŁ ň ł Ņ ň ťƊíƇƕ Ņ Ņ ƁŶĭǓ Ņ ò Ņ ƧĭŅ ł ŏ ƎŨł ƎũƤƌ ĖƎſųƀƍſǔŷŨ ŌŅ Ō ł Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ň ł ñ ƋƐŨƦƌ ĴƦíƇƉ ƎƆ ħĬŅł :ƻĥƢſƦƕ ųŨ Ō Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł ň Ņ ł ň ň ƧĪ ĖŦƦƠſǔƐƆ ƎƌĪĥĪ ťƕĿŁ ŸſƦƘ Ŧĭųƌ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA You have granted us all these things as we have desired. Do not, Lord, neglect us, if we neglect what is good for us. II. WE HAVE BEEN GRANTED THE RICHES OF SCRIPTURE Compel us, our Lord, and transform our evil desire So that it may flee from wicked things that are abominable to You. The teacher compels the child to learn when he does not desire to. The father, too, flatters the son when he gives him something. There is no love that is like Yours when You give something, Neither that of teachers, nor masters, nor fathers. It is easy for You to bear all the burden, because of the loving mercy embedded within You, So if you compel when you give something, it is proper for You. Open up our ear to lovingly hear Your story, For it very much tends toward the desiccate speech of vanities. You have restored the captivity. Do not allow it to abandon You For one thing after another while it tends towards desires. Oh shining Son, grant us Your love, that we may speak through it, And capture some listeners, to accept what we have to say with love. The Word of Life stands plainly revealed like the light, And grants riches and hidden treasures to the one who listens to it. All the good things have been given to us by God, But if bad things are done, those are ours. The King’s highway is without roadblocks for the one who travels it, But the one who wants to stray from it will encounter error.
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ň Ņ ň ŏ ƎƀƆĬ ł ł ƅſĥł ƎƆł Ǝƀƌĥň ň ƦŨųſ ł ô ƎƀŨĽĪ ł Ǝſųíƿ :ƎƍŶ ô ł ň ň ł ķĥ ťƉĬŁ ň IJƢƉŅ ƧŅ ł Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ƎƍŶ ł ô ƎƀƉųƉ ĖƎƌĿŁŴſ ň ł ťƤƀŨ ł Ņ ƎƆł IJƞƕ ł Ņ ň ł ķƢƉ Ņ Ō ƎƍƀŨƞíƆĭ Ō :ƚƇŷƣ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ŦƦƤƀŨ ň Ņ ŦĭųƌĪ Ņ ķǔſűƌĪ ň ň Ņ ò Ō ƎƉň ľƢƕ ĖƅƆ Ņ ň Ņ Ƨ űƃł ƚƆŤƌ ł Ō ťƀíƇźíƆ Ņ Ņ ĭĬ Ŧƞƕ Ņ Ņ ł ŧƢƙƏ :ťƖŨ ô ňŅ ň ł ťŨĥŅ Ļĥ ň Ņ ťƉŅ ĬƢũƆ ň ł ųƆň ħųſĪ ĖųƆň ĭĬô ŏ ł ƥŬƤƉ ô Ņ Ō ťƉĪĪ ň Ņ ťƉŅ ƅƇſűíƆ ň Ņ ťŨŴŶ Ņ ŏ ƻĥŌ ƧŅ :Ʀƌĥô ħųſĪ ňò Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖŦųŨĥĪ Ƨĭ ťƍŨ Ƨ Ļĥ ŏ ǓĪň Ƨĭł ň ŧǔƙƏĪ ł Ō Ņ ň Ņ Ō Ō ł ƎƖŹŁ ƅƆł ơƀƤƘ :ƅŨ ƎƀƇſŵƕĪ ťƊŶǓ ƈźƉ ł Ō ł Ʀƌĥ ħųſĪ ň Ņ ťƉŅ Ʀƌĥô Ŧƞƕ ň Ņ ķĥĭň ĖƅƆŅ ĭĬŌ ô ŏ Ƣƀƙƣ ô ň ň ł ƎƌĪƧ Ņ Ō ł ƅƀŨǔƣ ł ł ƗƊƣŁ ł ųƀŶƦƘ ň ł ñ :ƻŤũƀũŶ Ņ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ƁŬƏĪ Ō ł ĖŦƦƠſǔƏĪ ťŨƢŶ ƨíƇƊƊíƆ ťƀíƆĽ Ņ ł ł Ņ ň Ō Ō ŦƼũƣ Ņ ň ŧĪƢƉ Ņ Ņ ųíƆ ñ Ņ ťƘĿŁ Ƨ ƼƍƘĥ :ƅƍƉ Ņ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ňò Ņ ňò ĖŦƦŬƀūǔƆ ťƀíǑƞƉ űƃ ƎƇíƇƕ ƎƇíƇƖŨ ň ł ł ƅŨŴŶ Ņ Ō ł ŧƢŨ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƆł ħĬł ŧƢſųƌ :ųŨň Ō džƊƌĪ ŏ ł ł ťƕŴƊƣ ň ò ŏ Ņ ĪĭĽĭ Ņ Ō ł ƎƆł ķŴƇũƠƌĪ ŏ ĖƻŤũƀũŶ ł ňò ł ł ň Ņ Ō ł ƅſĥ ťƊƀƟĭ Ņ Ņ ťƀíƇū Ņ ł ťƀŶ :ŧƢſųƌ ƦƇƉ ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ŏ ł ò Ņ Ņ ł ò Ņ ł ñ ƗƊƣűƆ ťƀƐƃ Ŧŵūĭ ĖųíƆ ŧǓŁŴƕ ťŨųſĭ Ņ Ņò Ņ ŏ Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉň Ņ ò ł ň ŦƦũŹ ƈƃ :ƎƆł ƎŨųſƦƉ ň ł Ō Ņ ł ň ň ň Ņ ŅòŌ ĖƎƀƌĥň ƎƇſĪ ķǔƕƦƐƉ ķĥ ƎſĪ ŦƦƤƀŨŏ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ò Ņ ł ųŶĿĭĥ Ņ ň ň ñ ŧĪĿűƆ :ųŨ IJĬô ŦƦíƇƟĭŁ ƧĪ ťƄíƇƉĪ ł ň ň ł ň ťƣĭŁ Ņ ťƍſĥĭ Ņ ł Ņ ųƍƉ ñ Ņ ň ťźƐƌĪň ťƖŨĪ ĖŸƄƤƉ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA In Scripture are the meeting places, mile-posts, and dwelling places From which all splendid things set-out and in which they reside. Treasuries of gold, pearls, and precious stones Are in Scripture; so whoever is poor is among the negligent. The stories of the just men that are in Scripture are like the sea, And who is able to fathom the sea and count its waves? III. OF ALL ELISHA’S WONDROUS DEEDS, I SHALL SPEAK OF HIS ROLE AT THE SEIGE OF SAMARIA Wonder prompted me to speak of Elisha, But when I could not speak enough, silence overwhelmed me.96 But once I refrained, the wonder of his heroism goaded me on To recount his splendors as much as my word is able to, Inasmuch as his accomplishments are too sublime for the tongue. I have not dared to encompass his splendors among discerning men. Someone who sails the sea does not fathom its depth, Nor does the swimmer count the waves among the breakers; The mighty deeds and exploits that he has accomplished testify That Elisha is too sublime for both speakers and listeners. He achieved a victory in Samaria when it was besieged, So I turned my attention now to it.
96 This is a common topos for Jacob in speaking about the prophets. Compare the introductory stanza to homily 111 in vol. I.
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ňò Ņ ł Ņ ň ò Ō ň ò ł ňò Ņ ł Ņ :ljĭĥ Ļĥ ƨƀƉĭ ŧűƕĭ ťŨǂŨ ŦĬ ň Ō ň Ņ ķĭųŨĭ ŏ Ō Ņ ķĭųƍƉĪ ŏ ł ƎƀƟŵŶ ŏ ň ł Ėŧǔƀƙƣ ƈƃ ƎſƢƣ ňò Ņ ň ò ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł ňò ł :ň ťũŹ ťƖũŹĭ ŦƼƍūǔƉĭ ťŨĬĪĪ Ŧŵū Ō ł ň Ō ň Ņ ł ňò Ņ ł Ō ò ĖĭĬô ƨƀźŨ ƎƉ ƎƀƄƐƉĪ ťƍſĥĭ ťŨǂŨ ƻĥ ňò Ņ ł ňò Ō ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ł :ťŨǂŨ ƻĥĪŌ ljŤƃĪ ťŨǔƣ ƎƀƉĪ ťƊƀíƆ ł ò ł ň ŴƍƉĭ ň ň Ņ ŏ ł ł ŏ ň ŸƄƤƉ ł ťƍƊƌĭň ťƊſ ŀŴŬƌ ĖIJĬŴíƇíƇū ô Ō ň Ņ ƁƍƇƠƣ ŏ Ņ ł ł ŧĿĬŁ ł ł ƗƤƀƭ ł :ŴƇíƇƊƊƆ ƈƕł Ņ ň ň ł ł ň ň ł ň ň ťƟƦƣ Ņ ň ĖǂũƆ ƧĪĭ ň ŏ Ņ ł Ņ ĬƦíLjƉ ň ł łűƃ ň ƦƠƙƏ Ō ň ųƍƉ ƼƇƣĪĭł :ĬŁĭƢũƍūĪ ô ň ŧĿĬŁ ƁƌƦƟĮ Ņ ł ł ň ƨƀŶł ųŨ Ņ ł ň IJƦƇƊŨ ñ Ņ ƻĥĪŌ ťƊƃĪ ĖIJĬĭ ô ǔƘŴƣŏ ljŁŁ ň Ō Ņ IJĬŴ łŅ òň ł Ņ Ņ ň ƎƉň ķŴƌĥŏ ƎƀƉĿ :ťƍƤíƆ ô ƍŶƞƌĪĭ ŏ Ņ ƼŨň ƦƉŵū ł ŏ ƅƀƏĥĪ ň ň IJĬĭ ň ł ň ŴƆł ǔƘŴƣ ĖťƣňĭǔƘ ô ň Ņ ň ŏ Ņł ňŅ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ťƊƀŨň ŧĪĿĪ ťƍſĥ ƨƘĥŅ :ŀŤū ň ò ŏ ł ųƠƉŴƕ ň ň Ņ Ņ ł Ƨĭ ĖƧŴƤŷƉ ƼŨ ťƍƉŅ Ņ ƨíƇūłò ťƀŷƏ Ō ň ŏ ň ł ň Ņ ň ò ŏ Ņ ƎƉĭ ň ŧǓŴƉĥ :ťƕŴƊƣ ň ò ł Ō ĶĿĪŅ Ņ Ņ ł ƎƉł ƗƤƀƭ Ņ ň Ō ł ĖųƆň ķǔƀƖƏĪ ŦŁĭǔũūĭ ƨƀŶ ƎſĪųƏ Ō Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô űũƕ ł ťƍŶƞƌ Ņ Ņ ň űŶł ł ł űƃł ƎſƢƊƤŨ :ƦƤũŶŁĥ ł ł ò ƦƊƏ ŏ Ņ ł ł ƁƘĥ ł ň Ņ ťƣĬ Ņ Ņ IJĬŴ ĖŴƇíƇƊƊƆ ô Ƈƕĭł
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA Let us thus refrain from the many things he had done And talk about a single one, which is also a great wonder for those who are discerning. The great army of the Edomites had surrounded Samaria And strongly pressed in upon it greatly from every side. The walled and armored city was in distress Due to the fearsome pursuers’ onslaught that seized and distressed it. Armies had surrounded it that were extremely numerous, And it was enormously frightened and disturbed by the legions. The royal city bolted the gates and fortified the walls, And the besieged people secreted within it were in shock. Its byways were devoid of those coming and those going And were devoid of the living; and famine troubled the glorious city. The rations were used up and the famine grew stronger for the besieged people. Its stores ran out and its bad condition grew bitterly severe. Whoever attends to prophetic scripture carefully Will study that distress that occurred there:97 Impure meat was being sold for the price of that of good quality, And doves’ dung transferred at a high cost.
2 Kgs 6:25
97 Is Jacob referring only to the following verse with this cryptic comment or to the entire story that follows? Bedjan, by his insertion of a stanza division at this point, apparently thinks the former is the case. The obvious allusion would be to the selling of doves in the temple described in the gospels (Matt 21:12, Mark 11:15, John 2:14.)
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ňò Ō ł ň ň Ņ ň ň Ō Ō ł ŦŤƀŬƏ ƎſűƉ ƨƤƌ :ųƆň ƎſƢƀƖƏĪ ň ŏ Ņ ƎƉ ł Ņ ŏ ł ł ł Ō Ō ĖƎƀƣĭƢƘűƆ ĭĬô ŧĿĬŁ ĭĬŅ ĻĥĪ ƢƉŤƌ űŶł ƈƕĭ Ō Ņ ŦĭĬ ł Ņ ô ĴƢƃ Ņ ł ƨƀŶł ƎſƢƊƤíƆ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ťŨĿ : ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ Ō Ņ Ōň Ō ł ñ ňò ł ƈƃŏ ƎƉň Ĭĭƞƭ ñ ŏ ł ŴƀŬƏĥĭ ĖƻŤƙƀƟŁ ųƀũū Ņ ň ŏ ł Ņ ŧǓŴƣĪ ŏ ŁĭĬ Ņ Ņ ł ŁƢƉĭ ŅŅ Ō ljƞíƆĭŤŨ :ťƍſĮ ŦƦƍſűƉ ô Ņ Ō Ņ Ō ň ŏ Ņ ƎƉň Ĭƞƭĭ ñ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ĬűŶĥĪ ñ Ņ ł ƨƀŶĪ ĖťƘĭĪǓ ťƏĿŤƠŨň Ō Ō ł ł Ņ ł ò ñ ŏ ł :ƎſŤƀŬƏ Ņ ŪŹĪ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶł ĭĭĬô ĬŴƃƢƃŁĥ łŅ ň ò ŏ ň ƎƉň Łűƌł Ņ ƦƕĮĭ Ņ ò Ō ł ljŴƀŬƆ ĖŦŁŵſŵƕ ňò ł ł Ō ň ł ň ťƕǓŁ ň ł ŁűŶĥ ł ň ťƄíƇƉ ƦƍſűƉ :ŧǓŴƣŏ ŁƢŬƏĭ ł ł ł Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł ñ ĿƦƐƉĪ ťƤƀũŶ ĖųŨ ťƊƕ ťƕĭŵŨ ŦĭĬĭ ň ŏ Ņ ň ò ŏ Ņ ƎƉĭ ò ŏ Ņ ƎƉň ĬƦŶǓĭĥ ň ƧŴíƇƕ ñ Ņ IJĪĽłò :ťƟŴƙƌ Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ňò ł ł ł ñ ĖŦƦŷũƤƊƆ ťƍƙƃ ųŷíƆĪĭ ťƀŶ ĭƢƐŶĭ ł ł Ō Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ƢƊū ň ł :ƥƀũŶĪ ťƍƙƃ ƎƤƕĭ ljĭŵƉ Ō Ņ Ō ťƊƖíƆ ł Ņ Ō ųƍƏĥ ł ñ Ō ƦƍƤƕĭ ł ň ƁƘĭĥ ñŅ Ņô ĖƻĥƢſƢƉ Ņ ŏ Ō ł ĬƦƤƀŨ Ō ł ł Ņ Ņ ň ƈƕł ųƆň ƈƀźŨĪ ťƍſƢƟ ƎƉ :ŦŁŴƀũƌĪ ł Ņ ł ŅŅ ŏ ł ł ň ł ŏ Ņ ĖƎƉŁ ŦĭĬĪ ljƞíƆĭĥ Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ĭųŨ Ō ĭĬô ƈƃƦƐƉ ň ň Ņ ł ò ł :ŦĭĬô ƎŨĪŵƉ ŦƦũŹ ťƊƀźŨ ŦŤƊŹ ŧƢƐŨ Ņò ł ƁŬƐŨ ł ł ł ô ƎƀŨųſƦƉ Ō ł ň ťƀƉĪ Ņ ł IJǔŶĭ Ō ł ljŴſ ĖĭĭĬ
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What should I say about that famine that occurred there In which women were forced to eat their children? That women should eat their loved ones is a frightening and greatly shocking Thing to hear, from which the sense of hearing itself recoils. The famine destroyed the affection of the women who had born children So that they would not pity their children as they were being killed. They became destructive beasts instead of mothers And, in distress, would eat the flesh of their beloveds. The famine had driven out the motherly affection and made it flee To be turned no longer toward the child who was being destroyed. The famine’s arrow struck the nursing mother; she fell to her knees, And so that she could live, she began to eat of her dear one. What a great shock, that a woman who has embraced an heir should kill him, And that motherly love should disappear in sudden famine. She did not tremble in fear, even when the boy was pleading beneath the knife, Nor was she reduced to fear when her hands were swimming in his blood. Nor while biting and eating flesh from her child Did grief seize her or her heart move her not to eat. She had been struck down and murdered by famine’s sword And was concerned only to keep herself alive by any means. She had neither the affection of those who give birth Nor even the love that mothers have toward their children.
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
Ņ ł ŦĭĬĪ Ņ ł ťƍƙƃ Ņ ł ĭĬł ƈƕł ƢƉĥł Ō ťƍƉĭ Ņ Ņ :ƎƉŁ ŏ łò ň łò ňò ň ųŨň IJĭĬ ň ò ƍŨ ł ťƤƌ ŅŅ ƿĥĪ Ɓ ĖljƞíƆĭĥ ƎƉň Ǝſųƀ ô Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ŦƦƖƊƤƉ ň ň ťƟƢƕ :ųƍƉ ĻĥĪ ƨƀŶĪ ťƖƊƣ Ņ ňò ň ťŨĿ ò Ņ ł ň ň Ō ł Ņ ł ťƕĭĮĭ ò ł ƎƿŤƌ ťƤƌĪ ĖƎſųƀũƀũŶ Ņ Ņ ò Ņ ł ňò ň ň ł ň ł ťƍƙƃ Ņ ł :ŦŁűíƇſ ťƤƌĪ ťƊŶǓ ƈũŶ łò Ņ ò ŏ Ņ Ō ł ň űƃł ƎſųſűíƇſ ň ò ł ł ƈƕł IJĭĬ ĖƎƀƇźƟƦƉ ƎƏŴŷƌ ƧĪ Ņ Ņ Ņò ł Ņ Ņ ò ł ł ò ô Ņ Ņ ò ň Ņ :ŦƦíƇũŶ ŦŁŴƀŶ IJĭĬô ň ŦŁųƉĥ ŏ ƚƇŶ łò Ņ Ņ łò Ņ ň IJĭĬ ň ň ł ŏ ł ŧƢƐŨ ĖƎſųƀƉŴŶǓĪ Ɓƿĥ ljƞíƆĭĥ ƎƉĭ ô ň ň ł Ņ ň ň ł Ņ ł Ņ ł :ķŴƌĥŏ ľƢƕĥĭ ťƉĥĪ ťƊŶǓ ŦĭĬô ĪƢŹ ťƍƙƃŅ ŏ ł ň ƧĪ ň Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ł ƈƕł ķŴƄƘĬƦƌ ł ĖŦĭĬô ƈũŶƦƉĪŅ ŧĪŴƇſ Ņ ň ł ň ǁƢŨĭ ł ň ŦƦƠƍƀƊíƆ ł ł ťŷƉ Ņ ł ŧĿŤū Ņ ťƍƙƃĪ :ƦƇƙƌ ł ň ł ł Ņ ňŌ ł ñ Ņ Ō ł ň ƎƉň Ņ Ʀƿĥĭ ĖųũƀũŶ ƻƢƣ ŁĭĬô ťŶŁĪĭ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ō ł ťŨĿ Ņ Ņ ł ťƕĭĮ Ņ :ĵŴźƟŁ ŦŁƢſŅ ŁĭĬô ťƄƀũíƆĪ Ōł ł ł ťƍƙƄŨ Ņ ò ň ĭĬł ťŨŴŶ Ņ ŏ ơſƢƕĭ Ņ ł ŦŁųƉĥĪ ĖĽƢƕĪ ň Ņ űƃł ƧĭŅ Ņ Ō ł ƼŶŁ Ņ ł ťƍƀƄƏ ň ťƖū :ƦƕĮł Ņ ťƀíǑ Ō Ņò Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ťƕĭŵíƆ Ņ ł ųƉűŨ ň ł ųſűſĥ ñ ňò Ņ ƎƀŷƏ ĖǁƢƣ Ņ Ņ űƃł ƧĭŅ ŏ Ņ ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ñ Ņ ƎƉ ŧƢƐŨ ƨƃĥĭ Ŧǂƌ űƃ Ƨĭ :ň ĬĪŴƇſ ł ŏ Ņ Ņ ô ĺĮŅ ĭ ťŷƌŴū Ņ ŏ ĬűŶĥ ñ Ņ ň ŦĭĬ ñŅ ĖŁĭĬô ĵŴƃĥŁ Ņ ƧĪ ųũíƆ Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł Ņ ł Ņ ô ƨƀźƟĭ :ŁĭĬ ŁĭĬô ťƖƀƇŨ ťƍƙƃĪ ťƙƀƐŨ łň Ņ ŏ ł Ņ Ō ŏ ƈƄŨĭ ł Ō Ņ ł ñ ĖŁĭĬô Ņ ťƙſƞſ ųƤƙƌ ťŶŁ ƎƀƏǓŴƘ Ņ Ō Ņ Ņò Ņ ł ťƊŶǓ ň ł ƨƘĥ ųŨ Ņ ô ƻĥ ƧĭŅ Ņ ŦĭĬ ñ :ŦŁűíƇſĪ Ņ Ņ ò ň ň ò ł ł űſĽň ŦŁųƉƧ Ņ ŏ ƧŅ ĻĥŅ ĖƎſųſűíƇſ ƻĥĪŌ ťŨŴŶ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA Perhaps that wretched woman said to that child While killing him to eat of him, that she was forced to do it: “The famine seeks kill both me and you! What I shall do to you Is a terrible calamity, but there is no way for the two of us to survive. Should I die in the sudden famine, who shall keep you alive? Come, be emergency food for me; perhaps I shall live. I squeezed out my breasts’ flesh for you, my son, and also reared you. From my bosom I became your nourishment, so that you could become a man. The wheel has turned and the bad times have come, So that now I must eat of you, for I am forced to. At one time I gave you to eat of my limbs, But now this time demands of me to eat of you. Whether I eat of you or not eat, child, It is a terrible calamity in which no life for human beings is to be found. The evil has grown so strong here that I and you both could die. What do you gain if I die and then you do not live? The famine is now killing me and you, and finishing us off, So if I eat of you and live, one would be saved. But if I should let you alone, the famine shall not let you live. So die, then, that I might live of you when I have eaten you!” Having talked to her son with these emotion-filled words, She spoke, she killed, she cooked, and she ate. What a calamity!
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
Ņ ŌŅ Ņ ł ň ł ł ł ŦƻĭĪ Ņ ŏ ł ĭųíƆ :ŧĪŴƇſ ňIJĬ ŁƢƉĥ Ņ Ƣũƃĭ Ō ł ň ň ň ŏ Ņ űƃł Ņ Ņ ĖŁĭĬô ň ŦƞƀƭĪ ųƍƉ ĵŴƃĥŁ ųƆ ƨźƟ ŏ ň Ņ ł ň Ņ Ņ Ō ň ƎƉŅ ĵŴźƠƌĪ ťƍƙƃ ťƖŨ ƅƆĭ ƁƆ :ƅƆŅ űũƕĥ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ňŌ ł Ņ Ō ł Ō Ėƻĥ Ƨ ťƏĿŴƘ ƎſǓŁ ťŷƌĪĭ ťƤƀŨ ĭĬô ťƏĿŤƟ Ņ Ņ ň ł ł ťƍƙƄŨ Ņ ł ljĥŅ ô ŦƼƉ ň ł ƎƉł ĽƢƕĪ :ƅƆŅ Ō ťŷƉ Ņ ŏ ł Ō Ō ķĥŅ Ņ ł ł ł ň ĖťŶĥ ƢũƃĪŅ ťƕĭĮĪ ƨƃĭĥ Ʀƌĥô ƁƆ IJĭĬ ŦŁ Ņ ň ň IJĪŁĪ łò ł ťƊƣŴū Ņ ŏ :ĴƼŨŌň Ŀł Ļĥ ųŨň ƅƆŅ ŁĿƞƕ ł Ņ Ņ ł ŦĭĬŁĪ ň ň Ō ô ĴƼƏĿŁ Ō ƁƇſĪŌ ťſűŶ Ņ ł ƎƉĭ ĖŧƢũū ƻĭĬ Ņ ł ł ł ň ň ò ł ĭŁĥĭň ƨŬƀūŌ ųíƆ ň ò Ō ťƍŨĮ ñ Ņ ǂƘĬŁĥ :ťƤƀŨ Ņ ň ĵŴƃĥŏ ň ljĥŅ ň ťƣĬĪ Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ƅƍƉ ĖljĥŅ ô ŦƞƀƭĪ ňŏ ň łò Ņ ł ň ň ſň ljĥŅ ƎŨŵŨ ł ł ƎƉ ĵŴƃĥŁ ƦŨų :ƁƉĪĬ Ņ ŏ ň ƅƍƉĪ ł Ņ Ņ ł ljĬĭ Ņ ň ƁƆŌ ƗŨŁ ŅŅ ĖĵŴƃĥ ňŏ Ņ ň Ņ ł Ņ ň ŦĬ ťƍŨĮ ŏ ň ĭųƌĥ ŏ ň :ĵŴƃĥ Ƨ ķĥĭ ťƀíǑ ƅƍƉ ĵŴƃĥĪ ňò ł Ņ Ō Ņò Ņ ťƀŶĪ ł Ō Ō Ō ƧŅ ťƤƌƧ ĖųŨň ł ƎƀŷƀƄƣ ťƤƀŨ ĭĬ ťƏĿŤƟ ô ô ň Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ł ň Ņ ŏ ň ŦƦƤƀŨ ñ ƦƍƤƕ ŦĬ :Ʀƌĥ ųíƆ ôł Ļĥ Ņ ljĥŅ ŁŴƉĥĪ Ņ Ņ ň ł ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ ĖƦƌĥô ťƀŶ Ƨ Ʀƌĥĭ ô ljĥô ň ŦƼƉ ķĥ Ʀƌĥô Ŀƻ ƎƉ ł Ņ ƁƆŌ ł ł Ņ ł ƅƆĭ ł :ƎƆ ƢƊŬƉĭ ƎƆł ƈźƟŅ ŦĬŅ ťƍƙƃ ň Ņ ň ĵŴƃĥŏ ƎſĪň ķĥň ň ł ň űŶł ťŶĥĭ ň Ō ƅƍƉ ĖĭĬô ŦƞƘƦƉ ň ł ƧŅ ťŶŁĪ ň ł ĭĬŏ ķĥň Ņ ł ƅƀƘĿĥĪ ň Ō ťƍƙƃ :ƅƆŅ ťƘƢƉ Ņ ł ň Ņ Ņ ň ň Ō ň Ņ Ņ ĖĴƦíƿĥĪ ťƉ ƅƍƉ ťŶĥĭ ƎſűƉ ň ŅƅƆ ŁŴƉŏ ň łò ł ƨƟò ƎƀƆųŨ ň Ņ ł ťƕĭĮ Ņ ł ƁƀíƇƉ ñ Ņ ł ŁƢƉĥ :ĬƢũƆ ł ň ł ł ł ň ł ł Ņ ł ťŷƌŴū Ņ ŏ Ʀƿĥĭ ĖťŨĿ ƦƇƤŨ ƦƇźƟ ƦƇíƇƉ
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Two women made an agreement concerning their sons That they would eat them because of the distress troubling them. A difficult famine had suddenly come upon them and intertwined them, And they had planned how to eat their loved ones. The shady characters had determined to eat one on one day, And so the one98 acted honestly: they killed and ate him as they had said. Then the time arrived for the agreed upon second one to come and die To be food for the two of them just like the first. But his mother had concealed that one so that he would not be destroyed, For her affection had been heightened by the eating of that first one. Then the mother of that first child that had been eaten Rose to demand fulfillment of the agreement between the two of them. Anger grew, and there were words between the two of them To the point that it even came to be spoken of before the King. That wretched, pain-filled woman approached the King And recounted the affair to King just as it had played out.
2 Kgs 6:28
The text is awkward, as demonstrated by the variant ŧűŶĪ űŷƆĭ “they killed the one (son) of the one (woman)” in the other ms. I have chosen simply to ignore the initial preposition. 98
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ň ł łò Ō ò ň ƎſŁĿŁ ò Ņ ƎƀƤƌ ň łò ł ƈƕł IJŴƌŁ ł ň IJĭĬ :ƎſųſűíƇſ Ɓ ƊƏ ô Ņ ò ň ň ł ljƞíƆĭĥ ň ň ĪĭĪĪ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ķŴƌĥŏ ň ƎƿŤƌ ĖƎƀƌĥ ňň ň ł Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ł :ƎƀƌDŽƟƢƕĭ ťƀƤƟ ťƍƙƃ ƎſųƀƇƕ ŦĭĬô ĽƢƕ Ņ ò ň ł ł łò ł ł ň ň ł ò Ō ł ƎƿŤƌ ĖƎſųƀũƀũŶ IJĭĬô ƁƏǔƘŁĥĭ Ņ Ņ ò ŏ ň Ņ ò ň łò ƎƄſĥĪ ò Ņ űŶł ťƉŴſ Ņ ł űŷŨ ł :ŦǁŴƤŶł ƎƿŤƌ IJĭĬô ƁƊƏ łò Ņ ò Ņ ł ł ł ŁƢƣň ŧűŷƆĭ ł ň ƅſĥ IJųƀ ł IJųƀíƇźƟ Ņ ĖIJĭĬô IJǔƉĥĪ ô ò ô ƿĥĭ ň ň Ņ ł ň ŏ ł ŦŁŤƌŌ ƎſĿŁĪł ĭĬł ĻĥĪŅ IJŴƌŁ ł ƦźƉĭ :ŁŴƊƌĭ Ņ ŏ ň ň ň ł ł ł Ņ Ņ ł ƅſĥł ƨƃĭĥ ĖťƀƉűƟ Ŧĭųƌ Ņ ŅŅ ň ƎſųſŁǓƦíƆĭ ň Ņ ł ň ň ł ł :ƈũŶƦƌň ƧĪ ljųíƆ ųƉĥ ŁĭŅ Ĭô ĬƼƤŹĭ ŏ ň ƎƉň ųƀƊŶǓ ł ĬƦíƆŴƃŤƉ ł ô ŴƕĮĪŅ Ņ Ņ ł ĭĬĪ ñ ň ł ĭĭĬ ĖťƀƉűƟ Ō ł ťƉűƟ Ņ ł ŧĪŴƇſ ł ųƉĥň ň ƎſűſĬ Ņ ŏ ł ĭĬĪ ň Ņ :ƈƀƃĥĪ ň ň ł ł ň ň ŁĭĬĪ Ņ ł IJŴƌŁ ł ƗŨŁŁ ł Ņ ł ƦƊƟ ĖƎſųſŁǓŁ ƼŨ ň ł ł ƼŨň ƨƟŅ Ņ ŦĭĬĭ Ņ ł ŦŵūĭĿ Ņ ŏ ƎƤƕĭ ň ł :ƎſųſŁǓŁ ň ł ł ň ťƄíƇ Ņ Ɖł ĶűƟĭ Ņ ô džƉƦƌ Ņł Ņ ł ŦŁŤƌĪŌ ťƉűƕ ĖŦĭĬ Ņ ŌŅ Ņ ł ň Ņ ł ňò ł ƼíƇƉĭ ł ł ŦƻĭĪ :ťƤŶ IJĬň ƦŨƢƟ ťƄíƇƊíƆ ł ň ł Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ljƢƕŴƏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ĭĬĭ ĖƥƉƦƣĥĪ ƅſĥ ťƄíƇƊíƆ ĬƦƌŁ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA She was complaining to him, not that she was distressed over her child, But distressed rather because her friend’s son had been concealed. Since she had been despoiled, and defrauded, and cheated, She drew near and complained that the child should be turned over to her to eat. Just as if she were complaining about some everyday matter, She spoke her words—that the child who was concealed should come. She cried out to the King, “Save me, my Lord, for I have been cheated!” So the King set out to learn from her what the injustice done to her was. “Let the Lord save you! For whence shall I save you, For there is neither threshing floor nor wine-press for the besieged people? What is wrong, woman?” So she began to recount the wicked deed Just as if it were a matter that should be spoken about openly. She said to him that she killed and ate her son the previous day, She along with her friend, and that she was demanding that she bring her son today. “But now she has concealed the boy today and he is not there to come So that we can eat him as we ate that one of mine yesterday!”
2 Kgs 6:27 2Kgs 6:28
The King was shocked by the shocking story that was told And ripped his clothing and wailed and groaned over report he heard. He swore and threatened godly Elisha, That he would take off his head because of the frightening story he heard.
2 Kgs 6:30 2 Kgs 6:31
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ŴƆł ųƆň ŁĭĬ Ņ ô ƨũƟ ñ Ņ ŏ ł ƈƕł ťƠƖƉĪ :ĬĪŴƇſ Ņ Ņ ƁƤŹŁĥĪ Ņ Ņ ƧĥŅ ň Ō ł ň ƈƕł ťƠƖƉ ñ ł ł ŧƢŨ ĖĬŁƢũŶĪ Ņ ô ťƊƀǑĭ Ņ Ō ł ŁĭĬ Ņ ô ťũƀƇƕĭ Ņ ŅŌ ł Ņ Ō ł ŁĭĬ :ŁĭĬ ňŏ Ņ ł Ņ ň ł ň ł ň ô ŦŵſŵŨĪ ł ň ñ ťƍƘƦƌ ƦƇũƟ ĖĵŴƃĥŁ ťƀíǑ ųíƆ ƦŨƢƟ Ņ Ņ Ō ljƢƕŴƏ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈƕł ƨũƟĪŅ ťƉŅ ƅſĥł ň ň ťƊƀŷƣ :ĶűƉ ň Ō ň ňò ł ň Ņ ô ƁƤźƉĪ Ņ ł ŦŁŤƌ ł ł ł ťƀíǑ ñ ĖŦĭĬ ųƀƇƉ ŁƢƉĥ Ō ł Ņ ň ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł :ljĥô ťƊƀǑĪ IJƢƉ ƁƍƀƟĭƢƘĪ ťƄíƇƊíƆ ųƆ ƦƖƟ ŏ ł Ō ťƄíƇƉ Ņ ł ųƆň ƋƟĭ Ņ ł Ņ ųƀƉŴǑ ñŅ ñ Ņ ň ƚƆŤƌĪ ĖŴƍƉ ųƍƉ ň ŏ ň Ƣƀūň ťƄſĥ ň ň Ņ ł ƎƉň ťſƢƉ Ņ Ņ ƁƄƟƢƙƌ :ljĥŅ ľĭƢƘĥ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņň Ņ Ņ Ō ł ťƊƖíƆ Ņ ł ŦŁĿƞƖƉ ĖƥƀũŶĪ Ƨĭł ŧĿĪĥ ƨƘĥĪ Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ťƀƌŁ ƻƢƣĭ ŦŁƦƌĥô ƁƄƆň ťƉŅ :ťƤƀŨ ŧűũƕ ňò ł ň ł ł ň ťƘĥ Ņ ô džƉƦƌ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƅſĥł ĖŦĭĬ ųƆ ƻĥĪŌ ljƢƕŴƏ ł ň ł ň ñŅ ł ň Ņ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ʀƿĥĭ :ƎƉŴſ ƦƇźƟ ĬƢŨĪ ųƆ ŁĭĬ ŧƢƉĥ ň ł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ łô ł Ō Ņ ł ñ ñ ĖƎƉŴſň ŦƻŁ ĬƢũƆ ťƖŨŁĭ ĬŁƢũŶĭ IJĬ ň Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ł Ņ Ō Ņ ł :ƎƉŴſ ťƀíǑ IJĬĭ ŦĬĭ ô ƼƆĭ ł ŏ ĬƼƤŹ ň ŦŁŤƌĪ ň ł ň Ņ ł ł ň Ō ĖƁƇƉŁĥ ƁƇſĪ ĭĬ ƎƍíƿĥĪ ƅſǃŴƃŤƌ ųƆ ĻĥĪŅ ł ł ň ťƕĭĮĪ Ņ ł ťŨƢƤŨ Ņ ł ƗſĮŁŁĥĭ Ņ ô džƉŁĥĪ Ņ ł ťƄíƇƉ Ō ň :ŦĭĬ ň ň ł ųƣŴũíƆ Ņ ł Ņ ł džſĥĭ ł Īł ťũźŨ Ņ ň ŏ ŧĿĽĭ ĖƗƊƣ ťƖūĭ Ņ Ō ł ł ťƊſĭ ł Ō ň ƈƕł Ķŵūĭ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ƗƤƀƭ :ťſųƭ Ņ ŏ ł ł ƨƀŶĪ Ņ ł ƈźƉň ųƤſĿ łň ň Ō ŪƐƌĪ Ō ťŨƢƣ ĖƗƊƣĪ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA Oh you, King! What harm did the Lord’s Prophet do you Who was quietly staying in his house and was besieged within the city just as you were? If it is the case that the women are eating their children, what is it that has happened To the daughters of Samaria so that they killed and ate their loved ones? If the Edomites are oppressing you, what is the repute of one who is Neither troop-leader nor general, that he might do something for you? What does the prophetic man owe you that here you are threatening To take off his head as if he were an Edomite? You have weaponry and you have generals! Either go out and do battle, or do not threaten Elisha! What should he do for the ones who have eaten their loved ones, Or what might he do to the Edomites who have surrounded you? Explain to Elisha whatever accusation it is that you have On account of all of which you are threatening here to take away his head. VII. THE KING SHOULD HAVE APPEALED TO ELISHA WITHOUT THREATS
The King of Samaria knew just what the man was And was certain that had he wanted to he could have performed a rescue. He understood that since he neglected the request, The city was in distress, and its people were in distress, and he was not going to rescue it. He imagined that had he merely prayed with the tip of his tongue, His prayer would have gone out and destroyed thousands of Edomites. If he were to summon fire, it would come down upon the outsiders, And if he were to command the Earth with a gesture, it would have struck them down.
2 Kgs 6:32
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ň ł ķŴƉŏ ťſƢƉĪ Ņ ł ƅƆŅ ĭĥŅ ň Ō ťƄíƇƉ Ņ Ņ ųƀũƌ :ƅŨŅ ƈƄƏĥ Ņ Ņ ł Ō Ņ ł ł ł ň ł ň ł ĖĴŁŴƃĥ ƥƀũŶ ťƃƢƃ ŴŬŨĭ ĬƼũŨ ƨƣĪ Ņ ò Ņ ň ò ł ňò ň ŏ ň Ō ł ŏ Ņ :ŪſƢƟ ƎƉ ĭĬ Ǝƿĥò ƎſųƀƍŨ ťƤƌĪ ĭųƌĥ ł ò ň ò ł ł Ō Ņ Ņò ł ň ł ò Ō ł Ɓƿĥĭ ĖƎſųƀũƀũŶ ƦƍũƆň ň Ņ ŏ ƁƇźƟĪ łŏ ƎſƢƊƣ Ņ ò ň Ņ ň Ō Ņ ķĥ :ųũŹ ťƉ ĭĬ ťƀƉĭĪĥ ƅƆ Ǝíſƞƭ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň ň ƎƉŅ ƨƀŶ ĖƅƆŅ ł űũƖƌ ħĿ Ƨĭ ŧĪŴū ƥſĿŌ ƧĪ Ņ ł ƅƆŅ ŪƀŶ ň Ņ ŦĬĪŅ ťƀũƌ Ņ Ō ŧƢũū Ņ ł ƎƉŅ :Ʀƌĥô Ķŵū ł ł ł łň ň Ō ŪƏŁ Ņ Ņ ŏ IJĬĭ Ō ťƉŅ ƅſĥ ųƤſĿ ĖťƀƉĭĪĥ ƻĥĪ ô Ņ Ņ łòł łł Ņ Ō ťƍſĮ Ņ ł ƅƆŅ ƻĥŌ : ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ƁŨǓ ƅƆ ƻĥĭ ň ł ľŴƘŏ ĭĥł ŏ ň ƧŅ ĭĥł ħƢƟĥ ł Ō ň ƈƕł ĶĭŵūŁ ĖƗƤƀƭ łò ň ň Ņ ň ł ò Ō ł ƁƿĥĪ ň ň ťƍƉ Ņ Ņ :ƎſųƀũƀũŶ ƎƀƆųíƆ űũƖƌ ł Ņ ƎƀƄſƢƃĪ Ō Ō ł ťƀƉĭĪƧ ň ň ƎƉŅ ĭĥł ň Ņ ò ŏ űũƖƌ ĖƅƆ Ņ ł ƅƆŅ ƻĥŌ ťƀíƆűƕ Ņ Ņ ň ƎƉŅ ł Ō ň űſĽň ŦŴŶ : ƗƤƀƭ ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ň Ō Ņ ł ŏ Ǝſųíƿ ň ŏ ƚƇŶĪ ĖƦƌĥô Ķŵū ŦĬ ųƤſĿ ĵŴƠƣŁ Ō Ņ ťƄíƇƉ Ņ ł ųƆň ŦĭĬ Ņ ł Ņ ô ĺűſł Ņ ƎſƢƊƣĪ ŏ ł ŧƢũŬíƆ :ŴƍƉ ŏ ň ň Ņ Ōł ň Ņ ŴƭĪ ł ťƖŨ Ņ Ņ ŏ űũƕ ĖťƍƟĿŴƘ ŦĭĬô ƢſƢƣĭ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň Ō ł ŏ ň ųƆ ł ł ň Ņ ô ƈƃƦƐƉ ƈźƉĪ ŦĭĬ :ŦŁŴƖŨ ƎƉ ƁƉĬĥĪ Ņ Ō Ō Ņ Ō Ņ ň Ņ Ƨĭ ųƊƕ ñ Ņ ľƢƘ ñ Ņ ł ƞƀƭĭł ŦƦƍſűƉ ĖųíƆ Ŧƞƀƭ ŏ ň ô ň Ņ ňô Ņ ň Ō Ō ň Ņ ł ųŨ ŦĭĬň ô ljĿ :ųƍƤíƆ ƥſƢŨ ňò ł ƁƆĽł ŴƭĪ ŏ ò ł Ņ ň ŏ ł ĖťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ťƙƭŅ ƦŨƢŶň ƦƠƙƌň ĬŁŴƆĽ Ņ ŏ ųíƆ ň Ņ ķĥň Ņ ŧƢƟ ň Ņ ł ƈƕł ŦƦŷƌŅ ŧĿŴƍíƆ ñ :ň ťſǔŨ ň Ņ ķĥĭň ł ň ŦŵƉƢŨ Ņ ł ųíƆ Ņ ň ťƕĿƧ ñ Ņ űƠƘ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ƦƖíƇŨ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA Had he sent forth his word, it would have gone out to their ranks And would have flattened them and wiped them out with any fighting. The King was besieged in the city and silenced by distress, And it did not trouble him that the women had eaten their loved ones. This king was the son of blood-thirsty Jezebel And was prepared to renew his mother’s action. He knew of Elisha that he had the power, So why did he not appeal to him without threatening action? The city was besieged due to the sins of the people, But the fool was threatening to cut off that Saint’s head. VIII. ELISHA PROMISES RELIEF Elisha, then, sitting in his house, sensed That the King was threatening and had sent to take away his head. Through those spiritual powers of sight that he had, He saw the messenger who had gone out to come for the matter. And, while being distant, he saw the hateful deed up close And told the elders who were sitting with him about the messenger. Like a judge, they were arguing with him to bring peace And to rebuke the Edomites and make them flee, And that he should provide plenty in distressed Samaria And that he should grant all blessings to the besieged people. They knew of him that he had the power to do these things And were threatening to take off his head in great anger:
2 Kgs 6:32
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ň ň łł ŏň ł ň ĬƦíƇƉ ŏ ł ň ƈƕł ƦƠƙƌ :ķĭųſǓűƏ Ŀűƣŏ ł ŴƭŅ ň ŏ ŏ Ņ ł Ō ł Ņ ĖķĭųíƆ ƚƀƐƉĭŏ ķĭųíƆ ŦĭĬô ň ƈƙƤƉ ƧĪ Ņ Ō ťƣĭǁŁ Ņ ň ł ł Ō ł Ņ Ņ :ljƞíƆĭĥ ƎƉ ťƄíƇƉ ƨƣĭ ŦƦƍſűƊŨ ƥƀũŶŅ ô ł ň ň ò ň ň Ō ł ò ò ň Ņ ĖƎſųƀũƀũŶł ťƤƌ ƁƿĥĪ ųƆ ťſƢƃł Ƨĭ Ņ ł ljĬ ň Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ ł ƻĬĽ Ņ ô ĬƢŨ ŅŅ ł ł ƈŨŵſĥĪ ñ Ņ ťƄíƇƉ :ťƉűƆ ň ň ŧűũƕ Ņ ô ŁűŷƌĪ Ņ ô ŪƀŹŁĥĭ łł ň ň ł ł ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ŦĭĬ ĖųƉĥĪ Ņ Ņ ô ĺűſł Ņ ƗƤƀƆƧĭ ł Ōň ł :ƨƀŶł ųŨň ƻĥĪŌ ųƆň Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ň Ņ Ƨ űƃł ƑƀƘĥŌ ł ƧŅ ƎƊíƆ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈƕł Ķŵū ĖljƢƕŴƏ łò ł ŏ ò ł Ņ ł Ņ Ō Ņ Ō Ņ ł ƁƍŨĪ ķĭųſųźŷŨ ŦƦƍſűƉ ťƤƀũŶ :ťƊƕ ô Ņ ł Ō ł ň ł ŏ ň ň Ņ Ō Ņ ĖťƤſűƟ ĭĬĪ ųƤſĿ ľŴƐƙƌ Ķŵū ƨƄƏĭ ň ł Ņ ň ł Ōň ň ł ĬƼũŨ ŦĭĬô ħƻŅ űƃł ƎſĪň ƗƤƀƭ :ƥūĿĥ ŏ ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ł ĶŵūĪ Ņ ô ĿűƣĪĭ ň Ņ ň Ō ĵŴƠƤƌĪ ł ł ł ťƄíƇƉ ĖųƤſĿ ŏ ň Ņ ň ò ł ƎƀƆųŨ Ņ ô ƻĥĪŌ ťƀƍŶĭ ň Ņ Ņ Ǔ ťƟĭĪ ł ň ŦĭĬ :IJĬĭ ô ĪĥĽ Ō ň ł ł ŧűū Ņ Ņ ŏ ƈƕł ŦŁŤƌŌ ơƙƌĪ Ņ Ņ ł ŵſƧ IJųſ ĖljƢƕŴƏ ôł ŵŶ ł Ņ ô ơƀŶĿ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ŦŵŶ Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ł ŧűũƕ Ņ Ņ ťŨĿŴƟ Ō űƃĭ :ťƀƍƏ Ō ł Ņ ł ňò Ņ Ō Ņ ťũƐíƆ ł ň ƎƀŨƻĪ Ņ ł ŵſDŽƕ IJĬĭ Ėŧűū ĪĥĽ ƨūĭ ô ň ň Ō Ņ ťƍƀƣ ł ô ƎƀƖŨŁ Ņ Ņ ł ƅſĥł ųƆň ĭĭĬ Ņ ł ĵƦƌĪ :ťƍſĪ ň ň ł ň ł ťƀň ƉĭĪŤŨ Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŦŤƄƌĪĭ ŏ ň ľƢƖƌĭ ĖķŴƌĥ Ō Ņ ťƖũƏ Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ň ň ł Ņ ô ŦƞƀƭĪ Ņ ô űũƖƌĪĭ Ņ Ō ł ƎſƢƊƤŨ :ŁĭĬ Ņ ň ň ł Ņ Ņ ò ƈƃŏ ŦĭĬ Ō ł ťƊƖíƆ Ņ ł ŦƦũŹ Ņ ô ĵƦƌĪĭ ĖƥƀũŶĪ Ņ ł ň ň Ņ űũƖƌĪ Ō Ņ ň ň ƨƀŶ ł ô Ǝƀƕűſ ųŨ ƻĥĪŌ ųƆň ĭĭĬ :ƎƀƆĬ ł Ō Ņ ŏ ň IJĬŴ Ņ ł ŦŵūĭƢŨ Ņ ŏ ųƤſĿ ň Ō ķŴũƐƌĪ ĖťŨĿ ô Ƈƕ ƎƀƉŵūĭ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA “Make the Edomites flee or you die!” They demanded peace and great plenty of him without arguing. But that man, who was filled with the Spirit of God, Endured the vexation and did not become angered at the brazen men. They had not perturbed him when they were threatening to put him to death, But instead he endured them and answered them and calmed them down. Heroically he motivated himself for a miracle And raised his voice in prophecy and great wonder: “Tomorrow there will be peace! Tomorrow there will be plenty and a great wonder! Tomorrow the city shall open its gates in confidence. Tomorrow the besieged of the town shall emerge from the distress And the famished shall be satisfied and forget the famine that has ravaged them. Tomorrow at the gate of Samaria the entire nation shall find A large measure being sold for a small price!” IX. WHY THE PROPHET’S PROMISE WAS FULFILLED
The Prophet spoke by divine revelation, But the King’s retinue held the greatness of the word in contempt. They had been threatening to take off his head because of the famine, And when he promised that there would be plenty, they did not believe it. The chief of the soldiers began to speak against him With a haughty spirit that was not anything near belief:
2 Kgs 7:1
2 Kgs 7:1
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ł ň ł ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŏň ň ł :Ʀƌĥô ŁŤƉŅ ĭĥ ťƀƉĭĪƧ ľƢƕĥ Ņ ł ł Ō ķŴƌĥ ł Ō ŏ Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł ĖťŨĿ ťƖũƏĭ ťƍƀƣ IJĬŴ ƖŨŁ ƎƀƐƀƙƉ Ƨ ô ň ł Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň űƃŏ Ņł ŏ Ņ :Ŧųƭ įĭĿ ƨƉĪ ŧƢũū ljĬ ƎſĪ ĭĬ Ņ ň Ņ ł ł ł Ņ ł ł ł ň ƈƕ ƦƊŶŁĥ ł Ƨĭ ťźƀƕ ĖťŶǔƉ ƢũƀƏŅ ň ŏ Ņ ł ł ł Ō ł Ņ űƃ ĭĭĬô IJĬŴ ŏ ł Ƨ :ĬŁĭƦƊƊƆ ĭĭĬô ƎƀƉŵū ô ŷíƆĪ ňŏ ň Ō ł ķŴƌĥŏ ťƍƕĭ ł ł ƧĥŅ ň Ņ ł ƢũƀƏ ĖķŴƌĥ Ÿƀƌĥĭ Ņ ŏ ň Ō Ņ Ņ ł ň ł Ōł ł ƻĥƢũƍū :ŦŁĿŴƉĪŁ ƈƕ ƗſĮĥ ň Ņ ŏ Ō ô ł ųƤƙƌ Ō ł ł Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ĖťŨĿ ŧĿĬƦŨ ŦŁŴƀũƍŨ ųƇƟ ƋſĿĥĭ ň Ņ Ņ ł ƢŷƊƆ Ņ ł ŧĿĬŁĭ ł ł ƢŷƊƆ Ņ ł ĭĬô ťƍƀƣ Ņ ł :ň ł ťŨĿ ťƖũƏ ł Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ò ŁŴƀíƇŬŨ ŏ ł ųƀƕǓŁ ñ ň ŦƦƍſűƉ ĖťƘĥ ƢŷƊƆ ŏ ň Ō Ņ ô Ņ ł ťŶƦƘ Ņ ł Ņ ňòŌ Ņ :ljƞíƆĭĥ ƢŷƊƆ ťƃƢƃĪ ťƤƀũŶ łň ƎƀƠƙƌ Ņ ňŏ ƎƉ ň ťƍƙƃ Ō Ņ ň ò ł ƎƀƖũƏĭ Ņ ł ƎƀƖŹĭ ĖķŴƌĥ ĻƢŹĪ ťƍƙƃ ň ŏ ł ň Ņ ł Ō Ņ Ņ ł Ņ ł ųƿ :ťƊƕ ŸƄƤƉ ƢŷƊƆ ƎſƢƊƣĪ ťƕĿƦŨ Ņ ł ň ŏ ňòŌ ł Ņ ł ƨƀƃ ł ň űƃł ŧǓŴƕĮ ĖƎŨĪŵƉ ťƊƀźŨ ťŨĿ Ō ŅŅ ł Ō ŅŅ ň ň ł Ņ Ō :ƻĥųƭĭ ƻŤƍƀíƇū džƉ ťƀũƌ ŏ Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ŏł ň Ņ ł ň ł ñ ñ ĖĬŴźƣ ŦƦíƇƉĪ ĬŁŴŨĿ ƎƉ ťƄíƇƉ ƼŨĪĭ ŏ Ō Ņ ųƤſĿ ŏ ň Ņ ł ƈźƉň ųƆň ĭĭł Ĭô ƎƀƉŵū ň Ō ķŴũƐƌĪ :ťƍƙƃ Ņ ň ł Ņ ł ŦĭųƌĪ ł ň ň IJĪĭƦƣĥ ł ô ĭƢƣĥ Ō ł űƃĭ ł Ƨ ťƖũƏ ĖĭĭĬ ň Ņ ł ƥſĿŌ ųƇŨŴƠíƆ ň ŏ IJƢƣĭ ŏ Ņ ł ł ŧǔũƍū Ōł :ŴƇíƇƊƊƆ ô Ņ ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō ł ƧĪŅ ŦƦƉĿ ĖŦŁŴƍƊſųíƆ ťũſƢƟ ťŶĭƢŨ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA “If the windows in the heavens on high do not open There is no way for the thing you are speaking about to occur!”99 The elect one says, “You will in fact see just what I have said, But you shall not eat from that plenty once you have seen it!” The Prophet was able to do just as he said. His was the Word and God’s the great act. The Lord’s Spirit was speaking through him by revelation, And he, God, fulfills His words—everything his says to him. Peace and war were found at the tip of his lips, So that he might say the word and the matter would swiftly come to pass. He promised that there was going to be peace and there was going to be plenty, And there was going to be a festival full of good things and ease. And God wished to bring his word to pass just as he had promised, So He made the Edomites flee through a miracle.
2 Kgs 7:2
2 Kgs 7:2,19
So the Lord gestured to the Hosts100 mightily And they ran about making frightful loud noises and made them flee. Snorting horse, crashing weaponry, noisy people— A great host threatening and rushing to battle— Frightful noises that were heard out of a whirlwind— Of horses and men that were greatly threatening to do battle—
2 Kgs 7:6
99 This is an interesting negative re-phrasing of the biblical text. The Hebrew text is a complicated hypothetical question: “Even if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing happen?” The Peshitta then changed it to “if the Lord makes windows in heaven this will happen.” 100 The Heavenly Hosts; see line 269.
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ňò ł ŏ ň ň ŦŴƃĪ Ņò ł ň ƧŅ ťƀƊƤŨ Ņ ł ł ƈƖíƆ :ƎŶƦƘƦƉ Ō Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ň ł ł ň ň ĭųƌĥ ň ň űƉ ŦĭųƌĪ Ėƻĥ Ƨ ťƏĿŴƘ Ʀƌĥ Ķ ôł džƊƉĪ ň ň ƎƄſĥ ł ŦŵŶŁ ň ň ŦŵŷƉ Ņ ň ťƀũū Ņ ł ƢƉĥł Ņ :ŁƢƉĥĪ Ņ ł ł Ņ Ņ ł ł ň ŏ ň ƎſĪň ƧŅ ĖIJųſ ťƉ ťƖũƏ ĭĬ ƎƉ ĵŴƃĥŁ ô ƻŵŶĪ ł ł űũƖƌ ł Ņ ťƀũƌ ň ň ƎƃĬĪ ł ň ƎƄſĥ Ņ ô ŦƞƉ ň Ņ Ō ŦĭĬ :ƢƉĥĪ Ņ Ņ ł ł ň Ņ ł ŦƦíƇƉň ųƇſĪŌ Ņ ŧűũƕ Ņ Ņ ŦųƭĪĭ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ň ŏ Ō Ņ Ņ ĖťŨĿ Ņ ô ƨíƇƊƉ ťſƢƉĪ ųŶĭĿ :ƻŤƍƀíƇūň ųŨň ŁĭĬ ň ň ł ò ŏ ň ŏ ł Ņ Ņ ł ĭĬĭ Ņ ƈƃ IJĬŴíƇƉ ł Ŧųƭ ƨƊƤƉ ĖųƆ ô ň Ņ ò ƢƉĥĪ Ō Ō ťŨƢŶĭ ł ô ƎƀƊƀƏ Ņ ł ťƍŅ ƀƣł :ĬŁŴƙƏň ŀƢŌŨŌ Ņ ųƆň ĭĭĬ Ņ Ō ł ŧűũƕ ň ň ŦƦíƇƉň ƢƉŤƌĪ ł Ō Ņ Ņ Ŧĭųƌĭ ĖƻƨƀƇƟ ň ł Ņ ł ŦĭĬĭ ň Ņ ťƍƀƣ ň Ņ ŦĭĬ Ņ ô IJĪĭƦƣĥ Ņ ł ŦĭĬĪ Ō :ťƖũƏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň òŏ ň ł Ņ ł ňŅ ĖŦƦŶĭǓĭ ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ťŨŴŹŅ ƨƉĪŌ ťŬŶ ł ň ŦĭĬĭł Ō :ƋƀƠƌ ĬƦíƇƉĪ Ŧųƭ ł ŏ ň ťŨĽ ň IJĪĭ Ņ ŏ ƅſĥĭ ł ƦƣĥĪ ň ł ò Ņ ň ŏ ĖťƀƉĭĪƧ ķŴƌĥ ľƢƕĥ ŦŁĿŴƉĪƦŨĭ ŌŅ Ōł Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ł ł Ņ Ņ ŵƉĿĭ ŦŁŴíƇƀŷíƆ ťſƢƉ :ƻĥŵſŵƕ ň ň ł ň ò Ō ň Ņò ň ł ň ł ĖķŴƌĥŏ ŴƟƢƕĥĭ ƨƀŶĪ ƨƟ ŴƤƟƢƟ ŴŹĬĿĭ ł Ņ ťƀƏŴƏ ň Ņ ťƍſĮ ł Ņ Ņ ł ƢƙƌĪ Ņ ŏ Ņ ň :ƥŬƣĪ ťƊƕ ƥƠƌĪ Ņ ł ł ŏ ł ŪſĬĿĭ Ō ł ĶŵūĪ Ņ ł ƨƀŶ ň Ņ ťŨĿ Ņ ĖťƣĭǁŁ ƈƕ ň ò Ō ň Ņò ŅŅ ł ň ł Ō ł ň ƨƀŶĪ :ƨƖíƇƕ ƎƉ ĭĭĬ ƎƀƖƉƦƤƉĪ ƨƟ ô ŏ ł ł Ņ ł ł Ō ł Ņ ò Ņ Ņ Ņ ťƤƌĥĭ ĖťƣĭǁŁ ƈƕ ƦŨĿ ƎƀƉŵūĪ ô ťƤƃǓĪ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA Frightful clamor and the sound of soldiers along with their guileful Threats that they would destroy the Edomites— Sounds ringing in their ears from behind them— Ambushes that sprang up on every side upon the camp— Ranks running to capture the Edomites— A great clamor like the sound of a sea of armies— The Lord sounded frightful noises into their ears And threw shock and tumult into their imaginations: The sound of weaponry and the sound of mighty horsemen, The grinding of teeth and the challenges of attackers— He terrified them, delivered them, and made them flee By the sounds of mighty legions they were hearing. The Hosts of God’s realm made all kinds of loud crashing noises Like that of a battle, with great commotion. It was that camp which was usually with Elisha, Protecting him from injuries wherever he would go. Those were the horse and the riders who were with him When the Edomites had wanted to capture him.101 That troop of Fire that the disciple had seen Which filled the mountain—that one drove the Edomites away. The army that had brought phantasms and misled them— This is the one the sounded the noises and made them flee. At one time the Prophet had confused the eyes of the Edomites. The other time he sounded confusing noises in their ears.
This episode is described in detail in homily 120.
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü 362
Ņ Ō Ņ Ņ ň Ņ ł ƈƟĭ Ņ ŦƦíƇƀŶĪ ŏ ł Ņ ò ŏ ŧǔũƍū :ķĭųƀƃŁŴíƆĭ ŦƦũŨĿ ôł ŏ ò ŏ Ņ ł łŅ ł ò ň ŏ ł ł ĖťƀƉĭĪƧ ĭĭĬ ķŴƇũŷƌĪ ķĭųƀƉŵūĭ ô ň Ņò ň Ņ ƨƟ ŏ ł ň ƎƉň ķĭųƀƌĪĥ ŏ ò ł ň ƈƕł ƎƀƉĮĪ :ķĭĬĿƦƐŨ Ņ Ō ł Ōò ł ňò Ō ŏ ƎƉň ŴƖũƌĪ ł ł ljŤƊƃ ĖŦƻƢƤƉ ƈƕł Ǝƀũū ƈƃ Ō Ņ ň ň ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ĭűſƞƊƆ ŏ Ņ ł ł ƎƀŹĬĿĪ ťƀƉĭĪƧ : Ņ Ņ łòł Ņł ł Ņ ł ŧǓűƏ Ņ Ņ ł ĖŦŁŴíƇƀŶĪň ťƊſň ƈƟň Ņ ƅſĥ ťŨĿ ťŨĭĿ ŏ ò ł DŽƕł ƨƀŶĪ ł ł ò Ō ƨƟò ťſƢƉ Ņ Ņ ƗƊƣĥ :ķĭųƀƌĪ Ņ ŏ Ō ł Ņ ł Ō ł ŏ ł Ņ ň ŦŁŴũſĬĿĭ ĖķĭųƀƍƀƕǔŨ ťƕĭĮ ƁƉĿĥĭŅ Ņ ł ł Ņ ťƍſĮĪ ł Ņ ł ƨƟŅ Ō Ō ň :ĭĭĬô ƎſŵſŵƕĪ ťƣǔƘ ƈƟĭ Ņ Ņ Ņ ò ł ňò ň Ņ ŏ ň Ņ ł ł ŦƼíƇƟĭ ĖljƦŨǔƟĪ ľĿŴŶĭ ň ň ł ŏ ň ł ťƍƣ ň ň ł ł ŏ :ķŴƌĥŅ ľƢƕĥĭ ķŴƌĥ ƢƐƉĥĭ ķŴƌĥŏ ĪƢƏ ň Ņò Ō Ņ ƨƠŨ ň ò ŏ ň ƎƉň ƎƀƖƊƣĪ Ņ ò Ō ł ljŴƀŬƆ ĖŦŁŵſŵƕ ňŅ ł Ņ Ņ łòł ň ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ ŴƤƠƌł Ŧųƭ :ƨƟò ĭĭĬ ô Ōò Ō ň ŏ Ņ ł ťŨƢƟĪ Ņ ł ťƕĭŵŨ Ņ Ņ ł ƅſĥł ƎƀƊƄƏ ĖťŨĿ Ō ň ň Ņ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ DŽŌ ƄŨł ł :ƗƤƀƭ űſĽ ŧűƖƉĪ IJĬ ŁĭĬô ŦƻƢƤƉ ňò Ņ ň ň ň Ņ ł ł ł ťƍƀƄƌ Ņ ň Ņ ƢƄíƆ ĖŦĭĬô ĵĮĥĪ ƎƉ ųƆ ŧƢźƍƉĭ Ņ ň Ņ ł ň ň Ņ Ō Ņ ł ķŴƌĥŏ ň ƎƀƆĬ :ųƊƕ ŦĭĬô ƻĥĪ ťũƃǓĭ ťƤƃǓ ł ň Ņ űƃł ł ô ƎƀƖŨ Ņ ŏ ŏ ł ťƀƉĭĪĥ ň Ņ ò ŏ ĭĭĬ ĖIJųƀ ô ł ƌĭĪĭƞƌĪ Ņ ŏ ŧĪŴū Ņ ô ŦŵŶĪ Ņ ł IJĬŅ ŧĿŴƌĪ Ņ ŏ Ņ Ō :ŧűƀƊíƆŁ ĭĬł ł ŦĭĬ ň ň ł ŏ Ņ ƨƉĪ Ņ ô ŁĪƢŹ ň Ņ ò ŏ ŁĭĬ ł IJĬŌ ŧĿŴŹ ĖťƀƉĭĪƧ Ō ł Ņ ł ň Ō ł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ŦƼūǔūƢƣ IJƻĥĪ :ķŴƌĥŏ ƁƖŹĥĭ ň ň ł ň Ņò ł ł Ņ Ņ ƨƀŶ ŏ ŏ ŏ ĖķŴƌĥ ľƢƕĥĭ ƨƟ ƗƊƣĥĪ ljĬ ŴſĭĬ ň ł ťƀũƌ ň ò ł ƎŨŵŨ ł ł ƈƟƢƕ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ťƍƀƕ ŅŌ :ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ň ň ł Ņ ŏ ł ò DŽƕł ĶĮĥň ťƤƀŬƣ ł ł ň ò Ō ƨƟò ƎŨŵŨ ĖķĭųƀƌĪ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA That camp of God’s realm that was with him Had gone out and made the noises and driven them away. XI. THE EDOMITES FLEE FROM THE ONCOMING PHANTOM ARMY
So the Edomites heard and were frightened, and were dismayed By the frightful sound of the warriors that had terrorized them, They said: “The King of Samaria sent and hired armies and kings of the nations and brought them with him— Equipped and warlike servitors to destroy our country!102 Look here! The Egyptians and the Hittites, together with the Hebrews, Are coming mounted! Who is able to confront them? Frightening, enthused people, girded for battle, Rushing for a fight, who cannot be kept from taking spoil, Who are cannibals and are thirsting for the Edomites’ blood! Come on, let us escape! They are not far from the camp!” The fear of death drove out the Edomites. They were startled and confused, and neglected their belongings— The wretches abandoned pitched tents and all sorts of riches, For in the whole World life is more loved than riches. Gold and silver are ignored in the presence of death, For a droplet of life is better than anything in the World.
Bedjan’s text is here lacking the first line of the couplet.
2 Kgs 7:6
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
Ņ Ō ł Ņ ň ł ŦĭĬ ň ŦƻƢƤƉ Ņ ô ƻĥĪŌ Ŧųƭ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ :ųƊƕ IJĬ ň ł ň ň Ņò ł ň Ņ ł ň Ō ŏ ĖķŴƌĥł ŁĪƢŹĭ ƨƟ Łűũƕ ŁĭĬ ƦƠƙƌ IJĬ ô ł ň ťƀƉĭĪĥ ł ô ĭĪĿƦƏĥĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŴƇŶĪĭ ň ł ł ł :ĭĭĬ Ņ ł ŅŅ ňŏ ň ł ň Ņ ł ŴƖƊƣĭ ĖķŴƌĥ ħĬĿĥĪ ljƦŨǔƟĪł ƨƀŶĪ ƨƠŨ Ō Ņ ł ň ł Ņ ł ň Ņ ťƄíƇƉĪ ƎƃĬ ƢƉĥĭ ł ł ƎſƢƊƣĪ ł Ŀűƣ :Ƣūĥĭ Ō ł ň ò ł ňò ł Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ň ł IJƻĥĭ ĖųƊƕ ťƊƊƕĪŅ ťƄíƇƉĭ ŦŁŴíƇƀŶ ł ł ŏ ň Ō ŧűũƕ ň ł ł ŦŵſǓĮ ňò ł ĖķĿŁĥ ħĭƢŷƌĪň ljƦŨǔƟĭ Ņ ňò ň ŦĬĭ Ņ ťſǓƞƉ ň Ņ ň Ƌƕł ťſƦŶ ň Ņ ň ŦĬŅ : ťſǔũƕ ň ň ŏ ň ŸƄƤƉ ł ň ŴƍƉĭ Ō Ō ŏ ł ƎſŁĥĭŅ ƎƀũƀƃĿ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ĺĭĿŤƌ ň ò Ō Ņò Ņ ň ò Ō ƨƀŶĪ ł Ō ťũƀũíƆ Ņ ŏ ł ƈƕł IJŵſǓĮ : ťƣĭǁŁ ô Ņ ťƤƌĥ ň ł ň Ņ Ņ ň ŏ ň ň Ō Ō ĖƎſƦŶŁƦƉ Ƨ ŦŁŵŨ ķŴũƐƌĭ ƎƀũſĬĿŌ ŦŁĿųíƆ Ņò Ņ ň ł ƎƀƿĥŅ ťƤƌĥĪ Ņ ł ƎſĬĽĭ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ťƉűƆ :ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ Ņ Ō ł ň Ō Ō ł Ņ ł ł ň ôł ĖŦƻƢƤƉ ƎƉł ƎƀƠƀŶĿ Ƨ ŻƇƘƦƌ Ņ ł ł ĭŁň Ņ ò ŏ ķŴƌĥŏ ň ŁĪƢŹ ň:ťƀƉĭĪƧ ł ň ŦŁŴƉ Ō Ō ł ł ł ň ƦƇŶĪŅ ň ŏ ł ò Ņ Ņ ĖķĭųƀƍƀƍƠŨ ŧűſĥ ŴƀƘĿĥĭ ĭĪĭĪŁĥĭ ŴƕĮĭ ň ŏ Ņ ŏ ňò Ō ňò ł Ņò ł Ņ ŴƠũƣ ł ųƿ :ťſĭĪ ŧĿŁŴƕĭ ťƤƀƠƌ ťƍƄƤƉ ň ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ŏ ň Ņ Ō Ō ňò ł Ėųƿň ťƊíƇƖŨ ŧĿŁŴƕ ƎƉ ŪŹ ƎƀƊƀŶĿ ťƀŶĪ Ō Ō Ņ ł Ņ Ō ťŨĬĪ ŏ Ņ ł Ō Ƣƃł ťƉŤƏĭ ķŴƌĥ Ǝƀźƀƣ ŦŁŴƉ ƻĥĪ : ňò ł Ņ ŏ Ņ Ņ ųŨň ƻĥĪŌ ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ťƀŶĪ Ņ Ņ ťƊíƇƖŨ ĖIJĬô ťũŹ ŦƦƘŴŹĪ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA Possessions are precious until one stares Death in the face, For if Death has shown itself, possessions become shameful. An hour of life is much more precious than treasures, And a person would not exchange life for all the gold in the World. The Edomites left behind everything they had and fled, For they thought that Death had come to pounce upon them. They grabbed at their lives and neglected their worldly goods, For there is no way for riches to take the place of life. As they were fleeing, the alarming sounds were frightening Anyone who had taken something with him and making him toss it away. In haste he would only hurry to save himself And would not be sorry if he tossed away the gold and not his own life. Fleeing, they tossed away their equipment at the clanging Of those sounds that were being heard incessantly. Alarming thundering of the frightening sounds of hosts Pursued them and made them flee from the camp. Those sounds did not allow them any moment at all To take anything that had been kept in the camp. XII. WHY THE EDOMITES WERE MADE TO ABANDON THEIR SUPPLIES
Whatever had been in the camp was kept for The great festival proclaimed by Elisha. So the Edomite was not allowed to take anything He had acquired, for it was kept to belong to the Hebrews. The Prophet evaluated how and how much all the provisions Which were in the Edomites’ camp were to be sold for.
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü 364
Ņ ł Ō ł Ņ ł ŅŅ ň Ō ł ň ŦŁŴƉ ơſűƉĪ ťƉűƕ ťƍƀƍƟ :IJĬĭ ô ĪĥĽ Ņ ł ƋƀŶĿ ň ò ň ň Ō ł ň ň ķĥň Ņ ł ĖťƍƀƍƟ ĭŁųŨ ųƤƙƌ IJŴŶ ŦŁŴƉ ƎſĪ Ņ Ņò Ō ň Ō ł ňò ł Ņ Ņ Ņ Ō ťƀŶĪ ƎƉ ƁŬƏ IJĬ ťƊƀŶĿ :ŦƦƊƀƏ ô ł Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ňò ł Ņ ň ł ŦƦƖƣŅ Ņ ñ ĖťƕĿĥ ųíƿĪ ťŨĬűŨ ťƀŶł ƥƌĥô ƚƇŷƉ Ƨĭ ł ň ł ƎƉŅ ƈƃŏ ł ł ł ťƀƉĭĪĥ ň Ņ ò ŏ ƎƀƍƟĪ :ŴƟƢƕĭň ĭĭĬô ŴƠũƣ Ņ ł Ņ ł ł ł ŏ ň ł ł ŦŁŴƉ ĖķŴƌĥŏ ł ŸƘƞƌĪ ĭƢũƏĪ ƈźƉ Ō ťźƉĪ ł Ō ŏ ŏ ò ł ł ŴƙźŶ Ņ ł ł Ņ :ķĭųƀŹĬǔƊŨň ŧűſĥ ŴƀƘĿĥĭ ķĭ ųƀƀŶ ňò ł ł ŏ Ņ ŏ ƨƊƌł ťƏĿŴƘ Ņ ŏ ƻĥŌ ƧŅ ťƀŶ ĖŧĿŁŴƕ ǁĭĪĪ ł ŏ Ō ł ł ň ň ł ł ł ň :ĶűƉ ųƊƕ ƈƠƣĪ ƎƉ ƈƃ ĭĭĬô ƎƀƟƢƕŅ űƃ ň Ņò ň Ō ƨƟ ň ň ŧűƤƌ ł ô ƎſĪƢƐƉ Ō ł ťũſĬǓ ň ň ųƆň ĭĭĬ ĖųƍƉ Ņ ŏ Ō ł ŏ ł Ņ ň ł Ō ųƤƙƌ ň ł ŻƇƙƌ :ŦŁŴũſĬƢŨ ĪŴŷíƇŨ ŦĭĬô ŪſĬĿ Ņ ň ň Ņ ô ĸŤŶŅ ƧĭŅ Ņ ł ŧűƤƌĪ ň ł ƧĪ ķĥ ťŨĬĪ ň ň ŦĭĬ ĖųƤƙƌ Ō Ņ űƃł ķĭųƀƌŤƉ ŏ ò ł Ņ ł ĭĭĬ ŏ ò ł Ņ ĭűƣ ł ô ƎƀƟƢƕ ł :ķĭųƀƤƠƍŨ ň Ņ ł Ņ ň Ņ Ƨĭ ĭĭĬ Ō ň ò ň Ņ ł ô ƎƀƇƣ ł ĖĭĭĬ ň ò Ō ň Ņò Ņ ƨƟŌ ƎƀƆĬĪ Ņ Ņ ł ò ł ô ƎƀƖƉƦƤƉĪ Ņ ł :ŦŁŴíƇƀŶĪň ƨƀŶĪ ƨƟĪ ťũſĬĿ ťƊƕĿ Ņ Ō ł ň ŏ ň ł ķŴƌĥŏ ň ĭĭĬ ł ô ŴƘĪĿł ĖŦƻƢƤƉ ƎƉ ķŴƌĥ ŴƟƢƕĥĭ ň Ņ ň Ņ Ņ ł ťƀíƇƣ Ō Ņ Ƨ ƨƟŅò ƎƀƆĬ Ņ ň ĭĭł Ĭô ƎƀŨųſ :ƢƊŬƆ Ņ Ō ł ň ň ň ŏ ň Ņ Ō ł ŦƻƢƤƉ Ņ ô ŧƢƀźƌĪ ĖŁĭĬ Ō ň ň Ņ ł ł ň ƎƉŅ ł ĶűƉŅ ł ķŴũƐƌĪ ł :ƗƤƀƭ ƎƉ ŦĭĬô ƎƉĪĮĥĪ ťŨĿ ťŬŷíƆ Ō Ņ Ō ł ł Ņ ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô Ƣƀźƌ ĖŦƻƢƤƉ ŴŬŨ ŦĭĬô ł ƻĥĪŌ ťƉŅ ĭĬł ŦĭųƌĪ Ō ł ƧĭŅ Ņ ô ŻƀƇƣ ł ň ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ ŏ ĶűƉ ň ň ŪƐƌĪ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ Ō ňŅ ň ł ň ł ŏ ň ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô Ƣƀźƌ ťſǔũƖíƆĪ ťƍƟĪ ƈƃ ƎƉ ĖŦĭųƌĪ ł ł ŦĭĬ ň Ņ Ņ ł ƎƄſĥĪ Ņ ô ƞƟł ťƀũƌ ł ŅŌ ł :ŦĭĬô ƎŨĪŵƌ ťƊƃĭ Ņ ň ŏ Ō ł ł ťƍƏĥ Ņ Ņ ô ųƿ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦƻƢƤƊŨĪ ĖťƀƉĭĪĥĪ
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ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA So the Edomite was not allowed to load up anything Of all that which had been collected in the camp. The besieged of Samaria had been invited to the meal Of the Edomites, so they were unable to load up103 with anything. They left it behind and fled, and anyone who was courageous enough to take something, Tossed it away on the way to belong to those who were besieged. The Lord is able to perform heroic, mighty deeds, And in His hands are placed all the victories of all the victors. Where He wishes to make a people victorious, He makes a slight gesture104 And he makes the people victorious by means of the gesture alone, without any fighting. He made the Edomites flee from the camp And summoned the besieged people to rise up in victory.
XIII. A FESTIVAL IS CELEBRATED The governance of God’s realm performed a wonder In that good news should come to the people by means of some lepers. They went and brought the good tidings to the besieged people, And good reports were being heard out of every mouth. The besieged city opened its gates and its squares lit up, And it rejoiced having seen peace and plenty and heartfelt joy. The rich became rich, the poor took spoil, the famished became satisfied, And throughout the nation the faces that had been dark shone.
103 104
Reading ķŴƍƖźƌĭ; as Bedjan notes, the text is in error. For the divine remzo see to homily 112, line 128 in vol. I.
2 Kgs 7:10
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
Ō ł ƧĭŅ ł ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ŻƀƇƣ Ņ Ņ ŏ ł ĶűƉ ň ň ƎƖźƌĪ :ťƀƉĭĪĥ Ņ Ō ł ł Ņ ł ł ł ĶűƉ ň ň ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ĖŦƻƢƤƉ ŴŬŨ ŦĭĬô ƥƍƄƉĪ ň Ņ ťƤƀũŶ ł ô ŴƍƉĪĮĥĪ ł ł ň ƎſƢƊƣĪ Ņ ŏ Ņ ƈƕł ĭĭĬ ňòŌ :ljĭŵƉ Ņ ň ŏ ň ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ł Ƨ ĶűƉ ł ô ŴŷƄƣĥ ň Ņòŏ ł ň ň ķŴƖźƌĭ ĖĭĭĬ ł ł IJĬŴƠũƣ ł ł ųƤƙƌ ŏ ł ň ł ťƍſĥĭ Ņ ł ŴƟƢƕĭ ň ł ŪũíƆĪ :ƎƖŹĭ ô ň Ņ ŦĭųƌĪ ň ň ťŶĿĭŤŨ ł ô ƎƀƤƀũŶĪ Ņ ô űƣ Ō Ō ł ƎƀƆųíƆ Ņ Ņ ŏ ŦĭĬ ĖĭĭĬ Ņ ŏ Ņ ł ň ò ł ŏ ň ł ô ň IJųſ Ņ Ņ :ŦŁĭƢũƍūĪ ƨƀŶ ĿŴƖƐƌĪ ŸƄƤƉ ťſƢƉ ô Ņ ňò Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ò Ņ ŏ Ņ ò Ō łò Ō ĖťƀƃĮ ƈƃĪ ƈƃ ƎƊƀƏ IJĬĭ űſŤŨĭ ô ň Ņ ŦŁŴƃĮ ň Ņ ťƄſĥ ň ł ťƖŨĪ Ņ ł Ņ ł ťƃŵƌ ł ň ťƊƖíƆ :ƧĽ ĭĬô ŦŵƉĿ Ņ ł ň ł ťŨƢƟ Ņ ł ťƃŵƉ Ņ Ņ ƧĪĭ Ņ ň ťƊƖíƆ ŏ ł ŦŵƉƢŨ ĖĪŴŷíƇŨ Ņ Ō ł ň ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŏň ň ł : ŦƻƢƤƉ ƎƉ ťƀƉĭĪƧ ķŴƌĥ ľƢƕĥ Ņ ŏŅ ł Ņ ł ŏ Ņ ł ŧƢƟĭ Ņ Ō ťƊƖíƆ ĖŦŁŴƃĮ ƈƕň ĶŴƠƌĪł ťƤƀũŶ Ņ ŏŅ ł Ņ Ŧųƭ ł ň ŧĿĬŁ ň ŦŁŴƌƢŨűƉ Ņ Ņ ł ƼŨĪ :ŁƢƖƏ ň Ō Ņł Ņ ł Ņò Ņ űƀŨĪ ň ł ťƤƌĥ ĖŦŁĥŁ ťƊƖíƆ ŦŁƢũƏ ťŨǔū ô ł ňł Ņ Ō Ņ ł Ŵſƻĥĭł ŴƆĮĥł Ō ł ťƊƖíƆ Ņ ł ťũŹ Ņ ŧƢũƏ :ƥƀũŶĪ ňò Ņ ňò ň Ō ł ň ƎƀƉŴƘ Ō ò ŏ ƈƃŏ ƎƉň ťũŹ ł ô ƎƀƖƉƦƤƉ ĖĭĭĬ ł ł ň Ņ Ō Ņ ťũŹĭ ň ň ò ł ł ŏ ñ ñ :ųƀƟŴƣ ĭĿųƌĭ ųƀƕǓŁ ƦŶƦƘ ŦƦƤƀũŶ ŦƦƍſűƉ ô Ō Ņ ł ťƍƀƣ ł ł ťƖũƏĭ Ņ ň ŁĭűŶĭ Ņ ł ŁŵŶĪ Ņ ł ŁĽĪĭ łŅ ĖťũíƆ Ō ł ò ň ň ł ŴƖũƏĭ ň Ō ò ň ĭŵŨł ŧǔſƦƕł ĭĿƦƕ ł ł ťƍƄƐƉ :ťƍƙƃ ł ò Ņ ò ŏ ň Ņ ł ň ŏ ňò ł ł ł ĖIJĭĬô ƎƃŴƤŶĪ ťƊƕ ųƿĪ ťƘĥ IJǓųƌĭ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA The heart of the women who had eaten their loved ones found relief, And they forgot the famine because of the great plenty they had gone out and discovered. The besieged people were gluttonously consuming the booty they found And stuffing themselves with the Edomites’ foodstuffs. The vexed ones who exited the distress of the great famine Were stuffing themselves with bread and wine and oil and honey. The Edomites’ camp was like a banquet, And the despondent ones stuffed themselves with it in the plenty that they found. Samaria’s needy brought in all of the provisions That had been collected by the Edomites and diligently stored them up. They ate and had their plenty and began to sell what was left over. They celebrated that festival that had been occasioned by Elisha. XIV. THE PRICES FALL AND THE DOUBTING SOLDIER IS CRUSHED BY THE CROWDS
A market having been established, prices fell without any haggling To that which the Prophet had set the day before for all the buyers. “A measure of fine flour would be sold for a zuz” Thus the Prophet had set the price for it to be sold. The word of that achievement-filled hero came to pass, And there was peace and great plenty as he promised. He satisfied the famished and made the foreigners flee in terror, For his heroism was shining forth in a godly manner. His word shone and his prophecy became visible, For the Lord fully brought to completion whatever he said.
2 Kgs 7:1, 18
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ł ò ň ňò ň Ņ ň Ņ ň ł ŏ ł ƁƿĥĪ ťƤƌĪ ťũíƆ ŦĭĬô įĭĿł :ƎſųƀƉŴŶǔƆ ň ò ł ò ł ł ťŨĿ Ņ ł ťƍƙƃ ł ƁƠƙƌĪ Ņ ł ťƖũƐŨ Ņ ł ƁłƖŹĭ ĖƁŷòƄƣĥ Ņ ň Ņ Ō ł ł ň ŸƄƣĥĪ ł ň ŦŁŵũŨ Ņ ô ŪƖíƆƦƉ Ņł :ŦĭĬ ťƤƀũŶ ťƊƕ Ņ Ņ ò ň ĻĥŅ Ō ł ň ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ł ô ƎƀƊƐŨƦƉ ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦƦíƿŤƊŨ ĖĭĭĬ ň ł ł ł ťƘǔźƉ Ņ ł ťƍƙƃĪ Ņ ł ljƞíƆĭĥ Ņ Ņ ŏ ƎƉň ŴƠƙƌĪ :ťŨĿ Ņ ł ťƊŷƇŨ Ō ł ň ťƤŨĪĭ ł ô ƎƀƊƐŨƦƉ Ņ ł Ņ ň ťŷƤƉĭ Ņ ň ŧƢƊŶĭ ĖĭĭĬ Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ņ ŏŅ ł ň Ņ ò ŏ ł ŦƻƢƤƉ :ťƀƉĭĪĥĪ ŁĭĬ ŦŁĭƢƣ ƅſĥ ł ŏ Ņ ł ł ł ł ł ň ň Ņ IJǓŴƕĮ ųŨ ñ Ņ ŴƊƐŨŁĥĭ ĖŴŷƄƣĥĪ ťƖũƐŨ ťƤƙƌ ł ň ŏ Ņ Ņ Ņ ô ƥƍƄƉĪ ł ł ł ųƿ ň Ņ ò ŏ ŦĭĬ :ťƀƉĭĪƧ ô ł ł Ō Ņ ň ťƍò Əĥ ň ň ł ł ł Ō Ō ĖŧǔƀƤƃ ƅſĥ ŴƇƊŶĭ ŴƇƕĥ ƎſƢƊƣĪ ťƠƀƍƏ ł Ō Ō ł ĭĿƻĪĭ ł ň ŏ Ņ ł ł ŴſƢƣ ł ł Ŵƿĥĭ :ŴƍŨŵƊƆ Ōł ň ň ł ł ň ł ŴƖũƏĭ Ō ł Ņ ł ŴƊƀƟĥĭ ĖƗƤƀƭ ƎƉ ƎƉĪĮĥĪ ĭĬ ťŬŶ ł ň ťƟŴƣ Ņ ŏ ŦĭĬ ň ò Ō ƦƠƙƌĭ Ņ ô ŦĭĬ Ņ Ņ Ņ ň ƧĪŅ ťƊƀŹ :ťƍſƢŶ ŏ ťƀŅ ũƌ Ō ŦĭĬ Ņ ô ƋƏŅ ťƉŴſ Ņ ł ĶűƟĪ ň ò ŏ Ņ ƈƄíƆ Ņ ł ĖljŴŨĮ Ņ Ō Ņ ô ƎŨĪŵƉ ł ł ň ŦĮĭŵŨ Ņ ŏ ťſĪŴƉ Ņ ł ťƙƀƤƌ Ņ ŏ ťƀƃĪ :ŦĭĬ ł Ņ ň ò Ō ťƀũƌ Ņ ô ƎŨĪŵƌĪ Ņ ô ƋƏŅ ƎƃĬ ł ł ň ťƊƀŹ Ņ Ō ŦĭĬ ĖŦĭĬ ň ň Ņ Ņ ł ĭĬĪ ň Ņ ò ň ƨƉ ŧƢũƍū ł ĬƦíƇƉň ƦƊƟ ł Ņ :ťƍŶƞƌ ô ł Ņ ł ťƍƀƣ Ņ ł Ņ ł ťƖũƏĭ Ņ ł ŦĭĬĭ Ō ł ň ƅſĥ ťŨĿ ĖIJĪĭƦƣĥĪ ň ł ťƕĭŵŨ Ņ ł ťſǔũíƆĭ ňò ł ł ł ťƍƙƄíƆ ň Ņ ł ł ƗũƏ :ľƢƕĥ ň ŏ Ņ ł Ņ Ņ ł ň Ō ŅŅ ł ĖĬŁĭƢũƍū ƻĥųƭĪ ň ŏ Ō ô ł ŁĭĬ ňò ł ô ťŷƌĪƦƉ łò ł ň ň ł ň ŁĿųƌ Ō :Ņ ĬŁŴƀũƍƆ Ō ł ł ň ťƘĥŅ IJĭĬĭŏ ĬƦíƇƉ Ō ł Ņ ĖƻĥƢſƦƕ ƢƉĥĪ ƎƉ ƈƃ ƁƇƊƣ ťſƢƉĪŅ
ON THE FAMINE THAT WAS IN SAMARIA That soldier saw it, the one who had doubted the Saint And did not believe that there would be plenty as he promised. He saw it with his own eyes as the great Prophet had said to him, But he did not taste the plenty that he saw, as he had said to him. The crowds pressed in on him and crushed him, and he fell and became a laughing-stock. He saw but did not eat, just as that Saint had commanded. How many of the weak and elderly men and elderly women, too, Went out there to bring back spoil from the camp! But no one died except for that soldier alone By the decree that the Prophet gave him because he doubted. The Prophet of wonder, excellent in all exceptional deeds— Praised be the One who gave him the treasures and riches of prophecy!
2 Kgs 7:19 2 Kgs 7:20
çØûãü ¾ÙüÍÂÏ áî :ðýÙß~ ¿ÿü
ł ł ň ĭĬł ŧƢũƍū Ņ Ņ ł ŦŵŶ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ƈƕł ŭƇƘŁĥĪ :ťƤſűƟ ô ł ł ł Ņ ł ŦĭųƌĪ ň ň ŦĭĬ Ņ ô Ƣƣĥ ł ƧĭŅ ĖIJĪĭŌƦƣĥĪň ƅſĥ ťƖũƏ ł ň ƅſĥł IJĬŴ Ņ ł ťƀũƌ ł ò ł ŦŵŶĭ Ņ ł Ņ Ō ųƆň ƢƉĥĪ :ťŨĿ ô ƍƀƖŨ ł ł Ņ ł ŦĭĬ ň ƧĭŅ Ņ ô ųƊƖŹ ł ň ƅſĥ ŦŵŶĪ Ņ ł ťƖũƐíƆ ĖųƆň ƢƉĥĪ ł ł IJĬŴƣĪ Ņ ł ƈƙƌĭ ň ò ň IJĬĭ ŏ ł Ņ ň ŦĭĬĭ :ťŶŵŨ ô Ņ ƞũŶ ô ŏ Ņ ťƤƍƃ ł ň ł ł ƎƄſ ł DŽƃĥł Ƨĭ ŦŵŶ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ĭĬł űƠƘĪ Ņ Ņ Ņò ĖťƤſűƟ ň Ō Ō ł ťƊƃ ò Ņ ťƊƃĭ Ņ ł ƎƀƇƀŷƉĪ Ņ :ŦƦũƏŅ Ļĥ ťũƏ Ņ Ō ł ň Ņ ň ŏ ł Ņ ł ĖŦƻƢƤƉ ƎƉ ŦŁŵŨ ķĭƼƌĪ Ņ ň ƎƉƦíƆ ĭĭł Ĭô ŴƠƙƌł Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ĭĬł ĪŴŷíƇŨ Ņ ô ƼƉŌ Ƨĭ ŏ ł Ƨĥ ƥƌĥŅ ô ŦĭĬ :ŧƢũƍū ô ł ł ň ƈƕł ťƀũƌ Ņ Ō ĿŵŬŨ Ņ ł Ņ Ō ųƆň ħųſĪ ĖŭƇƘŁĥĪ ô ł ťƍſĪ ň ň Ņ ťƀũƌ ŏ ŧĿĬŁĪ Ņ ô įƞƌŁĥ Ō Ņ ò ň ƈƄŨ ŅŌ ł ł ƎƀƍŶƞƌ Ņ ŏ Ō:ŦĭĬ ň ŏ ňò ł ň Ō ĖŦŁŴƀũƌĪł ŧǓŁŴƕĭ Ŧŵū ųƆ ħųſĪ ô ł ĭĬô ŏ ƅſƢŨ
INTRODUCTION INFORMATION ON THIS HOMILY Homily Title: About Elisha, when a Dead person revived upon his bones Source of Text: Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis edited by Paul Bedjan (Paris-Leipzig 1905, 2nd ed. Piscataway, Gorgias Press, 2006) vol. 2, pp. 77–94 [Homily 35] Lines: 354
OUTLINE This homily of average length deals with only a single verse in Scripture, the line telling of the power of Elisha’s bones to revive a dead man in 2 Kgs 13:21, but it is rich in theological concepts and typology. The essential type, of course, is that of the dead Elisha’s resurrection of a man foreshadowing the way the death of Christ resurrected mankind. Perhaps as a way of emphasizing that this latter is the great mystery of Christian faith, he begins with a proem rich in themes prominent in the thought of the great mystics of his and earlier times, some with allusions to Gnostic traditions, specifically the five internal senses, the tuning of the mind and body as an instrument that needs to be tuned to resonate with God, and the “Virgin of Light.” It is important to note that this homily, though ostensibly dealing with Elisha, was not transmitted as a part of the Elisha group: It is not numbered as one of a group nor does it appear in the same manuscripts with the others. It has been included here both for its inherent interest and for completeness’ sake. Bedjan relied upon a single manuscript for this text, Oxford 135.
SUMMARY I. Proem: the poet summons the instrument of his mind to sing praises to the Son and asks his auditors to listen with a receptive ear (1–50) II. The bones of the just are made life-giving through the Church (51– 102) III. Elisha resurrected the dead both in life and in death (103–166) IV. Death failed when confronted with Elisha (167–208) 289
V. What happened to the revived man (209–242) VI. All resurrection is through the Son of God (243–288) VII. The miracle of Elisha’s bones was a type of the Resurrection through the Messiah’s death (289–310) VIII. Elisha’s bones should have taught the Jews the truth of Jesus (311– 332) IX. Thus believers need no longer fear death (333–354)
Wake up, my lyre, and sing out praise to the Son Discerningly and richly, with sounds full of love. Wake yourself, oh spiritual harp, To play rich sounds for the one who plucks you. Wake up and sing with the ten speech-endowed strings That have been woven into you by Grace105 for the singing of praise. Oh eloquent harp, that the Maker of all has made, Sound out from within yourself and sing out praise with new sounds. Sing praise openly with the five physical senses Then sing internally with the five spiritual ones. With smell106 and touch, taste and hearing, and vision, too— With those five senses sing praise physically. Then with knowledge and understanding, discernment Mind, and intellect—with the soul’s internal senses,107 give thanks.
Ps 33:3, etc.
Grace is the source of all human God-given gifts. Literally, “breath.” 107 The wide-spread concept of the internal senses is based on Aristotle (De Anima, book III) where three such senses—imagination, intellect, and memory— are specified, though one may also make a case for five; see the Catholic Encyclopedia, article “Intellect”: aisthetikon, dianoetikon, aesthesis, phantasia, and mneme. It then developed in three separate but constantly mutually hybridizing ways in the natural-scientific (Galen), mystic (from the neo-Plationists on; see in general Johannes Scotus Eriugena, De la division de la nature, vol. 3, Livre IV, La nature créée incréatrice [Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 2000]) and theological-exegetical traditions. In the patristic tradition it seems to have been formalized into the concept of the five spiritual senses primarily by Origen, followed by Evagrius Pontus; see K. Rahner, “Le début d'une doctrine des cinq sens spirituels chez Origène,” Revue d'ascetique et de mystique 13 (1932):112– 45, “The Spiritual Senses according to Origen,” in Karl Rahner, Theological Investiga105 106
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
B 035
ųƆ ŧƢŅƉŤƉŌ Ņ Ō Ņ ł ł Ōň ł ł ł .IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕł
Ō ň :ƻŤƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ Ō ťŷŅŨŌ Ŵƣŏ ƢƉłĮĭł IJƢƍŅƃň Ƣƀň ƕŌŅ ŁŁĥ ĖƻĥƢŅſƦƕł ťŨŅŴŶŏ ƎƀƇŅň ƉĪł ƨł Ơò Ũ ŧƢŅũƆłł Ņ Ō Ō Ņ Ņ ƍŅŶŅĭĿŏ ŧĿŅƼ : ť ƀ Ō Ņ Ō ł Ņ Ɵň Ņ ĭĥ ł Ƣƀƕĥ ƅŏ ƆŅ ł Ʀô ł ƌĥ ĖƻĥƢſƦƕ ƅŨ ƥƠƌĪ ĭųíƆ ŴũũƀƊƆň Ņ ł :ŦƦíƇŅíƇŅƉò ƎƀòŅ ƍŌƉň Ƣł ƐłƖŨł ƢƉłĮĭł ƢƀƕŌŁŁĥ ĖŴŷŏũŅƤłƊƆł ŦŁŴũŏƀŹ ƎƉňŅ ƅŨŅ ƎŬŅſǔŌƏĪŅ ł Ņ Ō ŏ ƎƟňƦƉł ĭĬł ƎƟňŁĥĪł ƨƀƇŌƉ ŧĿŅƼ :ƈ ƃ ň ò ł ň Ņò Ņ ŏ ł ł Ņ ň ł Ɵ ĭĥŏ ĖŦŁôűŶ ƨƠŨ ťŷŨŴƣ ƢƉĮĭ ƅƍƉ Ʀô ƌĥ ĺĭĮ ň :Ÿũłƣł ťƀŅíƇŬňŨ ťƀňƌŅǔŅŬƘł ťƤňūŏ Ǔ ťƤŅƊŷłŨ ł ƣł ťƀŅƐƄňŨ ťƀňƍŅŶŅĭǓŏ ħĭŁ ťƤŅƊŷłŨĭł ĖŸ ũ ł Ņ Ņ Ņ :ŦŁŵŅŷŨł ĻŌ ĥ ťƖŅƊƣňĭ ťƊŅƖŹĭ ŦƦƤūňĭ ł ťƟŅŴƐłŨ ň ĖƻŤƌŅƢŅŬƘł ŸũłŅ ƣł ťƤňūǓ ķĭųŏòſƦƤŅƊŷłŏ Ũ Ņ ƣŅĿŴƙŏŨĭł ƨƃŅŴƐŏŨĭł ŦƦŅƕűłƀŨŌ ħĭŁĭ : ť ƍ ł ĖŧĪŅĭĥ ťƤŅƙƌłĪ ťŅƀò Ɛłƃ ųñƀƤňūǔňŨ ťƕŅűƉłĭ ljŅĭĬłĭ
tions, vol. 16 (New York: Seabury, 1979), 81–103; C. Molenberg, “The Interpreter Interpreted,” Proefshchrift Univ. Groningen, 1990, pp. 265f. (The middle/neoPlatonist background of Origen, of course, has been well-studied.) Origen needed five senses because he used the concept in order to explain away all offending physical terminology in the Bible in the theological/allegorical terms of his primary exegetical approach (see note 117 below). The most recent extensive discussion of all of this would seem to be Gordon Rudy, Mystical Language of Sensation in the Later Middle Ages (Routledge, New York and London: 2002) pp. 1ff. and especially the notes there. In any case, for these early theologians the five are described using the same terms as the five physical senses, i.e., sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, even if in some way they were all manifestations of the well-trained intellect. Subsequent writers recognize five internal or spiritual senses but do not always agree on what they are; see Harry Wolfson, “The Internal Senses in Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew Philosophic Texts,” HTR 28(1935): 77, who notes that the “spiritual” five senses in particular are listed in the 11th century scientific/philosophical encyclopedia known as the Ikhwân al-Safâ’ as follows: imagination, cogitation, memory, speaking, and “the productive faculty,” i.e. the ability to do artistic things with the hands and fingers. According to Rahner, again (“The Doctrine of the ‘Spiritual Senses’ in the Middle Ages,” Theological Investigations, vol. 16, p. 107), in the mystical/theological tradition, too, the spiritual/internal senses were “merely different modes of activity of the intellect.” Note that by this time and in these traditions, these senses no longer parallel the physical senses directly as they do in Origen and his immediate intellectual heirs. The specific sequence of manifestations of mind used here by Jacob corresponds rather to that found in the Greek version of the Acts of Thomas, 27: “mind, thought, reflection, consideration, reason.” See the note by F. C. Burkitt to the translation by M. R. James in The Apocryphal New Testament (Oxford, Clarendon:1924): As for the five words for ‘mind’, they are clearly the equivalents of [hauna, mad'a, re'yana, mahshebhatha, tar'itha], named by Theodore bar Khoni as the Five Shekhinas, or Dwellings, or Manifestations, of the Father of Greatness, the title by which the Manichaeans spoke of the ultimate Source of Light.
Note that these lines, which were clearly understood to be Gnostic in orientation, are not found in our Syriac version. (At this spot [Wright, page Ĩ ƞƟ] we find instead the innocuous ŦŁŴƕĿŁĪ ŧűū ŵſĥ) For other connections of all of this with Gnostic thought see below, note 117.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
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WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Pluck the ten-string harp by means of these And sing out praise discerningly without stopping. As long as you exist, wake up and sing praise, oh idle one, For there is a time for every thing—give thanks during your time Before Death comes and dissolves your structure And cuts off the eloquent chords from singing praise, Before Death’s silence overcomes the mouth in Sheol And the sounds of the tongue that used to speak out cease, Before the golden apple108 full of splendors comes109 And Death cuts the silver rope of the desires. Before the silver goes back to its place to become dust, Sing praise—using the sense—with the eloquent instrument. While you still possess some time of life, sow teaching Into a land that richly produces fruits of praise. Lovingly open the ear, your hearing’s gate, to me So that my word might enter and cast my penny upon your table. Even when a farmer is hard-working and his seed high-quality, He does not succeed with ground that is a road or full of rocks. So, too, is instruction wasted, empty and devoid of Spiritual fruit in an ear that flees from instruction. Oh listeners, the word of Life is a choice seed. Be not thorny ground that chokes the seeds for it.
Eccl 3
Compare Eccl 12:6 Ps 31:17; 94:17; 115:17 Eccl 12:6 Compare Dan 2:35
Mark 12:41ff.
Mark 4:4–5
Mark 4:7
108 This is the “golden bowl” (MT 7%) as it appears in the Peshitta. In all the early exegetical traditions it seems to have been understood as a metaphor for the head (i.e., either synonymous with or a play on Hebrew 7%%, “skull”). 109 “Comes” makes no sense and must be an error from a scribe who misunderstood the syntax. What is needed is a word for “disappears.” Possible graphically similar and metrically appropriate forms are ťƘŴƌ, ƨƤƌ, and ĵĮŤƌ.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ :ƎƀòƍŌŌ Ɖň ƢƐłƕĪł ŧĿŅƼƟŌ ň ĽŴŶŏ ƎƀƆňĬŅ űƀłŨŅ ĭł Ņ ĭƢŏƘŅ ŦƦŅŶŴũŏƣŁ ƢƉłĮ ťƀŅíƇƣł ƧĪĭł Ėƻ Ť ƣ Ņ Ō ł Ņ ł ł Ō ň ł Ņł ł : ƨ ł Ņ ł ƀźŨň ĭĥ ŸŌ ũƣŅ łƢƀƕŁŁň ĥ Ʀň ô ƌĥň ƋƀƟ ŏ űƕ Ņ ĖŧĪĭĥ ƅƍŨŵŨ ųƆ ƻĥ ťƍŨĮ Ƣƀū Ņ ĶűƉ ň ƈƄŅ íƆ :ťũŅƃŅň ĭĿŏ ƎƉň ƅſƢňƤƌňĭ ŦŁŴƉł ŦŁŤƌŌ Ƨűƕł Ņ Ņ ł ň ĖŦƦŶŴũŏƣŁ ƎƉň ŦŅ ƦíƇŅíƇŅƉò ťòƍƉň ľŴƐŏƙŅ ƌňĭ :ĵŴƀŏƤŨł ťƉŅŴƙŏíƆ ŦŁŴƉłĪ ųƟňƦƣňň ĴĿňűƌł Ƨűƕł Ņ ĖŦĭŅĬô ŪũňƀłƉĪň ł ťƍŅƤŅíƆň ƎƉň ƨƟò ň ķŴƇŏƤŅ ƌňĭ :ŧǔňƘŴƣŏ ƨƉĪł ťŨŅĬĪł Ņ ĿĭŵŏŶł ŦŁŤƌŌ Ƨűƕł Ņ ĖŦƦŬŅƀūŌǓĪł ťƙŅƐƃň ƈũňł ŷƆł ŦŁŴƉł ľŴƐŏƙŅ ƌňĭ ŏ ň ł Ņ ň Ņ ł ň ň ň Ō Ņ :ŧƢƙŏ ƕŅ ŦĭŅ ųŌ ƌ ĬĿŁŅ Ƨ Ņ ťƙƐŅ ƃ Ĵŏ ŴƘųň ƌ Ƨűł ƕ ĖƻŤƣŴū Ŀ ƨƀƇƉ ljŤƊŨ ťŷŨŴƣ ųŨ ƢƉĮ ň :ťƍŅƙŅíƆŌ ŴſŏŌ ĺĭĿŏĮ ťƀò ŶłĪ ťƍŅŨĮł ƅƆŅ ƋƀŅƟł űƕł Ņ ł Ņ ŏ ň Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ł Ō ĖŅ ƻŌ ĥł ƢſƦƕň ťŷň ŨŴƣŅ Ī ł ŧǓŤƘŅ ň ťŨųŌ ſĪ ťƕłĿŤŨ :ƻŏ ŤũƀũŶ ƁƄƖƊƣĪ ťƕĿŁł ljĪĥ ƁƆ ƁŶƦƘň ĖƁƃĿňĭƦƘŅ ƈƕł ƁƌŴƊŏƣŅ ťƉňĿŁ IJƦƇłƉň ĵł ŴƕŏŁ :ųƕŅň ĿĮł ťƃňĪĭł ƢƀƙŌƣŏ ł Ŧĭňųƌň ŧƢŅƃŅĥ űƃł ň ĖųñŨŅ ƢƤłƄƉł Ƨ ťƕŅŴƣŏĭ ťŶŅĿĭĥ ųñſƻĥĪŌ ťƕŅĿŤŨłŅ :ťƍŅƙŅíƆŴſŏ ƎƉň ťƟŅƢƕŅĪŅ ljŅĪŤŨň ťƍŅƙŅíƆŴſŏ Ļĥ Ō ĖťƀŅƍŅŶŅĭĿŏ ĭĬôŅ ŧĿłŤƘŌ ƧĪĭł ơſƢŌƏĭł ƈƀźŨł ň :ťƕňŴòƊŏƣŅ ĭĥ ťƀò Ŷł ƦƇłƉň ł ťƀŅũūł ĭĬô ťň ƕłĿĮłŅ ĖťƕňǓĮł ťƠŅƍŶŅĪ ťŨňŴòƃŏĪ ťƕŅĿĥ ųñíƆŅ ķĭĭŏĬŁ Ƨ
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WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Good ground returns fruit a hundred fold. Be like it with your tongues’ praising fruit.110 In an ear that is full of discernment and faith, A word grows and grows, increases, and acquires splendors. But in an ear from which love is distant, a word sows seed But, having been sown, it yields no fruit. An ear in which there is love is a word’s nurse-maid, Which takes it in, nurtures it and produces fruit— Just as ground, too, nurtures seeds to make them increase, But if it is not good, it keeps them to itself, engulfs them, and holds them back. Bad ground chokes seed so that it cannot flourish, And in a stubborn ear a word is quenched and its beauty disappears. So there is need then for attention that is full of love So that the word shall be nurtured by it and its seed be returned multi-fold.
II. THE BONES OF THE JUST ARE MADE LIFEGIVING THROUGH THE CHURCH God has another Life, oh discerning one, And a world full of hidden good things that cannot be comprehended. For human beings this world is like a passage-way To another place beyond which there is no passage. This place in which we dwell is a place of appearances That allows for both defeat and victory. One who has diligently undertaken the righteous struggle— In no time at all it takes back the excellence-filled crown.
i.e., hear my words and repeat my message to others.
Mark 4:8, 20
Compare 1 Cor 9:24ff.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ Ņ ł ň :ŧǓŤƘŌ ťŨŅųſŅ ƎƀòƙŌƕŅ ŦŤƊŅŨł ŦƦũŹ ťƕŅĿňĥ ĖķŴƄŏƀòƍłƤŅŅ íƆňĪ ťŷŅŨŴƣŅ ŏ IJǓłŤƙŌŨ ųñíƆŅ ŴƉłĪł Łĥ :ŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ ŦŁŴƣŏĭƢŏƘŅ ťƀŅíƇƉłĪ ljŅĪŤŨň Ņ ĖŧǔňƘŴƣŏ Ņ ťƀŅƍƟŅĭ ťƀŅŨĿŅĭ ŦƦíƇƉň ťƀŅŬƏŅ ťŬŅƐƉň :ŦƦíƇƉň ťƕŅĿĮł ųñƍŅƉň ťŨŅŴł Ŷŏ ơƀŶŌĿłĪ ljŅĪŤŨňŅ ĭ ň ĖƦƕłĿĪłĮĥĪň ťƉŅň ƎƉŅŅ Ł ťſŅĭĬŅ ŧǓŤƘŌ ƧĪĭł Ņ :ťŨŅŴŶŏ ųñŨŅ ƻĥĪŌ IJĬô ljŅĪĥ ŦƦíƇƉňĪ ŦƼƍŌŅ ƀŅŨƢłƉ ň ĖŧǓŤƘň Ō ťŨŅųſŅĭł ųñíƆŅ ťƀŅŨƢłƉĭł ųñíƆł Ņ ƨũƠłƉĪł ł ŏ ĥ ťŬňƏŁĪ ťƕňǓĮł ťƀŅŨƢłƉ ťƕŅĿĥ ĻĥĪŅ ƅſĥ : ķ Ŵ ƌ ň Ņ Ņ ĖķŴƌŏĥ ƦƍłƐŶňł Ʀł ƖłíƇŨň Ņ ƦƊłƃŅ IJĬô ŦƦũŹ ŴƆł ķĥĭłň :įŁĿƦƤƌň ƧĪ ťƕŅĿŵłíƆ ťƠŅƍŶŅ ťƤŅƀŨŌĪ ťƕŅĿĥ Ņ ĖĬñƢŅƘŴƣŏ ťƘňŴƉłĭ Ņ ŦƦíƇƉň ťƄŅƕĪŅ ťƊŅíǑŅĪ ljŅĪŤŨňĭ Ņ :ťŨŅŴŶŏ ťƀŅíƇƉłĪ ŦƦƖƊłŏ ƤƉł ƈƕł ƈƀƄŌƉň ŦƞŅƭ ň Ņ ĖųñƀƕňǓĮł ťƙňƕòŤŨłŅ ķĭŁŤƌŌĭł ŦƦŌ íƇƉň ųñŨŅ ťŨňĿłŁŁĪ ň :ťƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ ĭĥŅ ŦųŅíƆŅƧ ƻĥ ŏ ljňǔŅň Ŷôĥ ťƀò Ŷł ĖƎƀƃŌĿĪłƦƉň ƧĪ ťŅƀò Ɛłƃ ťŨňŴòŹ ƨł ƉĪł ťƊŅíƇƕŅĭł :ťƤŅƍŅƀòƍłũƆł ljŅĬŅ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ĭŌ Ĭô ŦŅ ŁƢũłƖƉł ƅſĥł ĖĵųłíƆĭł ųƍňƉň ŧƢŅũł ƕň ƻĥ ƧĪ ljŅƢŌŶôĥ ŧĿŅŁƧ :ųŅ Ũň ƎƍłſƢňƣĪł ŧĿŅŁĥ ljŅĬŅ ĭĬô ljłĭŅŵŌ Ŷň ƼŨň Ņ ĖŦŁŴŅƃŏŵŅíƆĭł ŦƦŅ íƆŴƙŏƊłíƆĭł ŧűŅſĥ ħųňſŅĪ :ŦŁŴň ƠŏſĪŌĮłĪŅ ŦŌ ŁŴƐŏƀƆŌłŁŤŨł ƢƤłƃłŁĥĪň ƎƉł ĖťƍňŶŅƞòƌň ƨƉ ƨƀƿ IJűŌƕĥ ťƍŅŨĮł ƈƀƇŌƠłŨ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES While one who has been lax and failed in the struggle and fallen, They regard him to be a fool who hates the crown and possesses disgrace. A death full of righteousness is far more beautiful Than a life constantly driven by desires. The dust of the just, decaying into powder in Sheol, Is choicest gold and a fountain full of all good things. The dust of the just is a pure body that has not been stained by desires; It is a treasure-store in which there is grace for one who draws near it. In the dead bodies of the Lord’s servants there dwells a power, And they affect the place they are close to like heroes. A sweet aroma that fine oil cannot match Wafts constantly from their bodies in a spiritual way. The Presence111 of Divinity resides in their corpses, Like royalty in a palace112 of gold and gems. A Gihon113 of all healings flows from their bodies, For they were nurtured in the vicinity of the Tree of Life. While all human deaths are deaths, The death of the good is something else for the one who tastes it. A wicked person having died, the fear-laden Pit receives him. A righteous person having died, he jumps right over the horrible snares.114
That is, the shekinah. Syriac nawso (Gk. naos) is rendered “shrine” or “temple” like the Greek in the lexica, and so it is normally used. The early poets, however, use it in the sense found in the Peshitta where it consistently renders Hebrew *)4, something like the central building of a palace complex. 113 The Gihon, of course, was one of the rivers flowing out of Eden (see line 83), but is also used by Syriac poets because of its apparent etymology from the root “to gush;” thus here it means a river gushing with all healings. 114 Snares ¾Ðñ echoing the Pit ¿ÿÐñ of the previous line. 111 112
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ō :ƈƙłƌĭł ŧĿŅűłŨ Ņ ŧűŅŌ ſĥ ƈƣňĿĥĭłŅ ƁƘŌĿłŁĥĪň ƎƉłĭ ĖŧűŅƐŶň IJűŌŅ Ɵłĭ ƨƀƿň ťƍňƏŅ Ņ Ī ƨƄƏł IJĬôŴŨŏǁł :ŦŁŴƠŏſĪŌĮł ƨƉĪł ŦŁŌ ŴƉł ƢƀƙŌƣł ƁŬŌƏłŅ Ņ ň ĖŦƦŬŅƀūŌǔŨł ĶŴƀŏíƿŏ ƎƀŹĬĿŅĪ ťƀò Ŷł ƎƉň ŪŹ ň :ťŷŅƀŶŌŅ Īł ƈƕł ĵ ŴƀŏƤŨł ŸƀŨŌĿĪł ljò ŤƃŌĪ ŧƢŅƙƕł ň Ņ Ņ ĖŦƦũò Ź ƈ ƃŏ ƨƉĪł ťƖŅũƌňĭ ťƀŅũūł ĭĬ ťŨłĬĪł ňò Ō Ņ ł Ņ Ņ Ō ł ł ł ň Ņ Ņ ł ô Ņ ł :ljŤƃĪ ŧƢƙƕ ŦƦŬƀūǔŨ ĶǁŁĥ ƧĪ ťƀƃĪ ŧƢŬƘ ĖųƆň ħƢňƟŅűƆł ťƍŅƍŅŶ ųŅ Ũň ƻĥĪŌ ĭĬô Ŧŵłūł ƦƊłƀƏŌ :ƢƊłƕŅ ƨƀŶł ł ťſŅƢƉŅ IJűłũòƕłĪ ŧĪňĭĪŏǔłƤŨł ĖųƆň ƎŅ ƀũŌſƢŌƟłĪ ŧĿŅŁƧ ƎſƢŌƖƏŅ Ņ ŧǔňũŅôƍūł ƅſĥĭł :ťũŌ Ņ Ź ťŷŅƤƉň ųƆň ƋŷňƘŅ ƧĪ ťƀŅíƇŶł ťŷŅſĿŌ ł ĖƻŤŅ ƍŅŶŅĭĿŏ ķĭųŏƀŅ Ɖłǔūł ƎƉň ĶŴƀŏíƿŏ ƢźƕŅ Ņ :ŦŁĭųŏƭĪł ŦƦƍƀƄŌƣ ťſŅƢƣłŅ ķĭųŏòſűłíƇłƤŨłł Ņ ĖŦƼŅ ƍūŅǔƉłĭ ťŨŅĬĪłĪ ťƏŅŴƍłŨ ŦŁŴƄŏíƇƉł ƅſĥ :ƎƀƍŌƊŅíƆŴòŶŏ ƈƃŏĪ ŧĪňĿŅ ķŴŷŏƀūŌ ķĭųŏſǔň ł ŬƘł ƎƉň ň ĖĭĭłĬô ň Ǝƀň ŨňĿłƦƉň ťƀò Ŷł ƎƇŅſĥŌ ĪŌ ĬŁŴũŏũŅƤŨłĪ :ķŴƌŏŅĥ ŦŁŴòƉł ťƤŅƍŅƀòƍłŨĪł ƎſŁŴòƉł ƈ ƃŏŅ űƃł Ņ ň ĖųƆň ƋƖňŹűƆň ł ĶŅűňƉň ĭĬô ŏ ƎſƢŌŶôĥ ťũò ŹĪ ŦŁŴƉł :ŧĪŅĿŅŴƏŏ ƨƉ ŦƦŷƘł ųƇňũƟł ťƖŅƀƣŌĿł ƼƉŌ ĖťƤňƀòŨŌ ťŷňòƘłĪ ŧƢŅũƖňíƆ ĬĿňŴƣł ťƠŅſĪŌĮł ƼƉŌ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES An awful stench is exuded from a sinner at his death, But a righteous person is a choice incense burner of divinity.115 Once departure propelled him from the World into the Great World, He entered and stayed in his place and began to take care of his fellows. He constantly flows like the blessed spring of Eden. The body of the just is every delicacy116 for the one who draws near to it. A man of God draws near to God through death And distributes riches to those in need like a steward. He sweated in the battle, acquired the crown from the struggle And emerged from the righteous fight in victory. He slept with God and now life is always awake through him. He died from the World but proudly lived for his Lord.
All of this imagery of sweet aromas and incense burners is also found in Jacob’s homily on “The Prophet Hosea and the Two Wives He Took,” lines 133f. W. Strothmann (ed.), Jakob von Serug. Der Prophet Hosea, Goettinger Orientforschungen I. Reihe: Syriaca, Band 5, (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden): 1973. (The text is available online at text number 63400, subtext 002.) ò , i.e., the verbal noun etymologically connected to the 116 Emending to ljĪŴƕ “Eden” imagery of the stanza. The form with rish is otherwise unknown, despite the guess by Brockelmann (p. 518), which makes no sense at all. Since Bedjan gives no note, it must be a printing error. Alternatively, simply read ljǓĪŴƕ, “aids, assistances,” parallel to the “healings” in line 73; cf. line 180. 115
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
ň Ņ :Ņ ƗũłƌŅ ĬŁŴƊłŨ ťſŅƢƏł ťŷŅſĿŌ ťƀŅźŶł ƎƉň Ņ ĖŦŁĭųŏƭĪł ťƀŅũūł ĭĬô ťƉłƢƀƘŌ ƎſĪň ťƠŅſĪŌĮł :ťŨŅĿł ťň ƊŅíƇƖŅíƆ ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ƎƉň IJųôƀŶŅĪ ljŅűŅƌŴƕŏĪ ťƉŅ ĖĬŁŴŅƍłƄòíƆł ƑƌňƢƙłƉ IJƢŌƣł ĬĿňŁŤŨł ƋƟŅ ƈƕłł :ĶŴƀŏíƿŏ ŧĪňĿŅ ķűňƕĪł ťƄŅſƢŌŨ ťƕŅŴũŏƉł ƅſĥ ň ĖųƆň ħƢňƟŅűƆł ĭĬô ljňǓŅĪŴƕŏ Ņ ƈƃŏ ljò ŤƃŌĪ ŧƢŅŬƘł Ņł Ņ :ŦųŅƭ űſĽň ħƢňƟŅ ŦŁŴƊłŨ ŦųŅƭĪł ƥƌŅôĥ Ņ ĖƎſƢŌƀŏƐŌŶłł űƆł ŧĿŅŁŅ ŴŌƕŏ ŭƇňƙłƉ ŦƼŨłĿł ƅſĥĭł :ťƣŅĭǁŁ Ņ ƎƉň ƨƀƿ IJűŌƟłĭ ljŅŴūŏŤŅŨł ƦƕňĪ ĖŦŁŴƠŏſĪŌĮłĪ ŧĿŅĪł ƎƉň ơƇňƏ ŦŁŴƃŏŵŅŨĭł ŏ ŏ ňò ł ň Ō Ō Ņ Ņ Ņ ł ň ňò ł :ĶŴŏ ƀíƿł ťƀŶ ň ųŅ Ũ ƎſƢŅ ƀƕ ł ŦĬĭŅ ŦųŅ íƆŤňŨ ƅƉŌ Ī ĖťƘĥ ŁŴƀíƇŬŨ ĬƢƊíƆ ťƀŶĭ ťƊíƇƕ ƎƉ ƼƉ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES The Virgin of Light117 whom the Sun of righteousness betrothed In her wisdom treating the bones of all the righteous as special.
Mal 4:2 (=MT/LXX 3:20)
117 The “Virgin of Light” plays a major role in early Gnosticism as described in the Pistis Sophia (chap. 111 and elsewhere), as the power that judges the souls of the dead and enables them to achieve salvation. I find it remarkable that this Gnostic motif could still be used bgalyuth appe by Jacob, but once again, as so often is the case, Jacob remains with a particular text for the source of his imagery once he has begun. In this case, the connection is with Thomas’ hymn to the Virgin/Daughter of Light in chapter 6 of the Acts of Thomas (in the Syriac version rather: ŁƢŨ IJŁűƕ ŧĿĬŴƌ, “my Church, the daughter of Light!”), which also seems to have served as the ultimate source for the list of the five spiritual senses as noted above in note 3. Note especially that Thomas’ hymn focuses on the betrothal of the bride with the Son of the King, as related by Jacob as well (“the Sun of Righteousness!”). What is of particular interest, however, is the fact that in the Acts of Thomas, the role of the bride in judging the dead is only alluded to in the most indirect (the forgiveness of the cup-bearer in the World to Come and his death) and figurative (she leads the way to the City) of means. Clearly Jacob was familiar with an ancient and accurate exegetical tradition of allegorical interpretation for this text. This tradition may also have ultimately been due to Origen: The connection between this image and that of Origen’s spiritual senses discussed in note 3 is Jacob’s use of Malachi’s expression “Sun of Righteousness” here, frequently used by Origen and subsequent theologians as a fundamental image of Christ; see F. Ledegang, Mysterium Ecclesiae: Images of the Church and Its Members in Origen (Peeters, Leuven: 2001), pp. 620ff., and note his footnote 782 on the use of the image as the internally sensed sun as opposed to the physical sun. Further, Jacob next identifies this virgin bride of Christ with the Church (as found in the Syriac version of the text in this case, unlike that of the five senses), a common motif in Origen as well (see Ledegang, pp. 139ff. and especially, R. Murray, Symbols of Church and Kingdom [rev.ed., Cambridge:1977, reprint Gorgias, 2004] pp. 131ff.), but it is precisely the biblical source of this bridal imagery, i.e., the Song of Songs, that more than any other text required Origen to develop his theory of five spiritual senses in contrast to the five physical ones! Thus is the circle closed. Lastly, note that for Jacob, in spite of the use of the introductory word “Virgin,” the identification here is with the Church rather than with Mary as the “bride of Light;” for which see S. P. Brock, Bride of Light, MŇrĆn ‘EthŇ 6 (St. Ephrem Ecumentical Research Institute, Kottayam, 1994).
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ ŏ :ŦŁŴƠŏſĪŌĮłĪ ťƤŅƊƣň ƢƄłƉĪł ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ Ņ ƦƆłĭƦŨ ĖťƠňòſĪŌĮł ƈƃŏĪ ťƉňǔŬłíƆ ŧƢŅƠƀłƉ ĬñŁŴƊŏƀƄŌŷłŨ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES That Church knows that all the bodies of the Children of Light118 Are vessels deposited for the service of the King. They are sanctuaries in which Holiness dwells Through which Holiness and Faith are served. They are a fortress within which the people are heroically rescued In the time of calamity, even from armed-troops and raiders.119 They are a city built on a high hill Which the armies surrounding it cannot move. Life flows out richly from their bones, And if you are going to love, it behooves you to listen with enlightenment.
Luke 16:8
cf. Matt 5:14
Elisha died, who had revived the son of the faithful woman,120 But after his death, even his corpse itself burst forth with Life. Through his death, the Prophet was not dead but alive, Thus he lived so that he could give Life to others, too. That very power121 that was in him before he died Was in him when he died. It lived on and accomplished all kinds of good things.
118 Jacob regularly equates the prophets who achieved perfection with the angels—hence the “children of light” following a standard interpretation of the passage in Luke. There is little reason to connect this motif directly with the same expression in the now-famous Dead Sea “War of the sons of light with the sons of Darkness” text, where all the members of the true community are described by this term. 119 I have used “raiders” to describe the Edomite troop as more appropriate in English than the more literal but awkward “captors.” Later, though, Jacob will regularly use word play comparing Death with the Edomites as potential “captors.” 120 See homily 118. 121 See homily 118, note 62.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ :ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ƁòƍłŨĪł ķĭųŏſǔłŬň Ƙł ƈƃŏň ŦŁűƕŌ IJĬôň ťƕŅűſŅ ň ĖƎƀƊŌƀƏŌ ťŅƄŅíƇƉłĪ ĬƦƤƊňƣƦíƆĪł ķŴň ƌŏĥ ň ljò ŤƉŅ ŏ ſűŌƟł ŧƢŅƊƕŅ ķĭųŏŨĪł ķŴƌŏĥ ƨƄòſĬł : Ŧ Ł Ŵ Ƥ Ņ Ņ ł ĖŦŁŴƍŏƊŅſĬłĭ ŦŁŴƤŏſűŌƟł ķĭųŏŨ ťƤŅƉň ƦƤƉňĪ ň :ťƀò ũŅƣłŌ ƎƉňĭ ťƐňƀòūł ƎƉň ĻĥĪŅ ķŴƌŏĥ ťƍňƐòŶň ĖƻĥƢŅũŅôƍūłŏ ťƏŅĿŤƟŌ ƎŨłŵŨł ťƊŅƕł Ǝíň ſƞňƙłƉ :ťƉŅĿŅ ŧĿŅŴźŨ Ņ ťƀŅƍŨłĪ ťƍŅſűŌƉ ķŴƌŏĥ ķŴƌŏĬŅň ĖųñíƆŅ Ō ƎƀƄŌŌ ſƢŌƃĪł ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŶł ųñíƆŅ ƎƀƖŌſŵŌƉ ƧĪ Ņ ſƦƕł ƎƀƖŌũƌŅ ťňƀò Ŷł ķĭųŏƀƉłǔūł ƎƉň : ƻ ĥ Ƣ ň Ō Ō ł ň ł ň ĖŅ ƻĥƢŅſųŌƌł ƗƊłƣŁ ƅƆŅ ƻĥ Ʀ ô ƌĥ ŪŷƉ ķĥĭ Ō ň Ņ ł ł ł ł ł ł :ŦƦƍƊſųƉĪ ĬñƢũƆ ƁŶŌĥĪ ƗƤƀŅ ƭň ƼƉŌ ł ň ĖƦƖłũƌň ťƀò ŶłŅ ň ĬűňíƇłƣ IJĬŌ Ļĥ ĬŁň ŴƉł ĿƦŨŅĭ Ņ :ťƀŅŶł Ƨĥ ŦĭŅĬô ŦƼƉŌł ŴƆł ĬŁŴƊłŨ ťƀŅũŌƌ ň ĖŦĭŅĬô ħŅ ųôſł ťƀò Ŷł ljňǔŅŶƧô ĻĥĪŅ ĭĬô ŏ Ņ ƁŶł ƎƃłĬŅ :Ņ ŁŴƊŏƌň Ƨűƕł ųŨň ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥĪŌ ĭĬł ƨƀŶł ŴſŏĭĬŏ Ņ Ņ ĖŦƦũò Ź ƈƃŏ ƢƖłƏĭł ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶł ƼƉŌ űƃł ŦĭŅĬô ųŨň
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES The corpse of the divine man was placed in the tomb, But hidden within him, through a great marvel, was Resurrection of the dead.122 The Prophet was arrayed among the dead, through a great marvel, For within him was that power that dwelled within him during his lifetime. Elisha was buried, but buried within him was new Life To give, too, to others if they would approach him. “The Lord Lives,”123 and the Saints live along with Him, And wherever they die, they are buried124 with Him still living for Him. Come let us marvel at the man who, though dead, revived the dead, And, though lying asleep, extended Life to the one who approached him. When he was alive and when he was dead, too, he was a hero Whose power did not lose its effectiveness even through death. For when he had been alive, it revived the son of the praiseworthy woman, And even when he had died, it revived another and the marvel was doubled. That a dead person should rise is a very great thing to one who examines it, But for the dead to revive the dead—how much more must one marvel! Elisha, then, even when he had been alive had revived the dead. When he had died, too, he was used for Resurrection of the dead.
122 I have used “the dead” here both for the singular and plural forms in the Syriac to adjust to English style without always having to specify “dead ones, dead man” and so on. 123 Thus reusing the common oath formula of the Elijah and Elisha stories, especially 2 Kgs 2:4. 124 Reading, along with Bedjan’s note, ƎſƢũƟƦƉ.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņł :ťſŅųŅƭ ň ŧƢŅũūł Ī ŧűŅíƇłƣ ŧƢŅũƠłŨ ťƊŅƀƏŌ ň ĖťŨŅĿł ň ŧĿŅĬƦŨ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŶł ųŨň ŧƢŅƀƊŌŹĭł ň :ťŨŅĿł ŧĿŅĬƦŨ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƦƍŅƀŨł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƢſűŌƏ ĖŦĭŅĬô ƢƊłƕňŅ ųŨň IJĬôŴòƀłŷłŨĪł ĭĬł ųƇňƀŶł Ō ŦĭŅĬô ųŨňĭ ň ň ŌƟ :ŦŁôűòŶł ťƀò Ŷł ųŨňň ƎſƢŌƀũŌƟł ĭł ŅƗƤłƀƭ Ƣ ƀ ũ ň ň ĖųƆň ħƢňƟŅ Ņ ķĥ ljŅƢŌŶƧô Ļĥ ķŴƌŏĥ ĵƦƌňĪ :ťƤňòſűŌƟł Ļĥ ųƊňƕł ƎƀƀŌŶłĭ ťŌſŅƢƉŅ ĭĬô ŏ ƁŶł ĖųƆň ƎƀƀŌŶł ł űƃł ƎƀŨŌƢƟłƦƉň ųŨň ƎſƼƉŅĪ ťƄŅſĥĭł ł Ņ :ŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥ ƼƉŌ űƃłĪ ŧƢŅũŬłł Ũ ųŨň ĿĬłƦƌň ĭŁ ň ĖųƆň ħƢňƟĪł ĭųłíƆ ťƀò Ŷł ŻƣňĭŅ ĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƅƀƉŌĪł űƃłĭŅ :ŦĭŅĬô ŧƢŅũŅôƍūł ŦĭŅĬô ƼƉŌ űƃł Ļĥ ŦĭŅĬô Ņ ƁŶł űƃł Ņ Ļĥ ĖljŅŅ ƢŅƕŴƏŏ ƎƉň ųƇňƀŶł ŦĭŅĬôł ƢƕłĮ ŦŁŴƊłŨ ƨƘĥĪŅ :ň ŦƦŷũłƤłƉĪł ĬñƢŅũƆł ƁŶŌł ĥ Ƣƀūň ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶł űƃłŅ ĖŧĿŅĬŁ ųƆň ƚƕłł ĭ ljŅƢŌŶôĥ ƁŶŌĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƼƉŌ űƃł Ļĥ Ņ :ųñŨŅ ĿŤŶŅűƆł ťŨŅĿł ƁŬŌƏł ŦƼƉŌ ĶŴƠŏƌĪň ł Ņ Ņ ĖƥƌŅôĥ ĿĬłƦł ƌň ťƊŅƃ ŦƼƉŌ ťŷňŅ ƌł ŦƼƉŌ ƎŌſűňƌĥ Ņ ň :ŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶł űƃł Ļĥ ƎſĪň ƗƤłƀƭŅ ň ĖŦĭŅĬô ŸƤłŶłƦƉň ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŷłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƼƉŌ űƃł Ļĥ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Death was unable to take away his power from him, For as during his lifetime, its effectiveness was strong. When he was still alive he had hidden within him the life-giving spirit, And therefore, when he died, its burning was not quenched within him. When he was in the World, he was lit up with God like a torch, And thus Death did not darken him in the tomb. That resurrecting flame was burning within him, And after his death it showed that its power was still awake within him. He had hidden within his body both chastity and sanctity, And his bones blossomed divinely with the Resurrection of the dead. It is a marvel to say that a dead person, bound and lying in a tomb— The power to revive the dead in Sheol burst out of him. Some people were carrying a corpse going on the way to Sheol And saw a troop of Edomites125 and were frightened by them. In fright, they turned aside to that tomb of Elisha And put down the corpse, hurrying to flee from the raiders. The blind people ignored the Prophet and thought him dead And put another dead person down next to him in their hurry.
2 Kgs 13:21
Edom as is usual in the Peshitta for the Aramean enemy mentioned in a summary way in verse 22. But Jacob misremembered the text! Verse 20 tells us clearly, in the Peshitta, too, that it was a troop of Moabites who were the problem here! 125
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ ň Ņ :ųƍňƉň ųƇňƀŶł ŪƐłň ƌňĪ ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƣĥ Ƨ ĖŁĭŅĬô ŦŵŅſŵŌƕł ĬŁĭĿŏŴƖŏƏŅ IJĬôŴòƀłŷłŨĪł ƅſĥĪł Ņ :ŦƼƍŌƀŅŷƉł ťŶŅĭĿŏ ųŨň Ņ ƢƊłŹ ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶł űƃł ƎƉň ĖljŅűŅƠſł ƎƉň ųŨň ǂłƕĪň Ƨ Ƽł ƉŌ űƃł IJĬŅ ƈƕłĭ :ŦųŅíƆŅŤŨł Ŀųłƌ ŧűŅł ƀƙŌŅ ƊƆł ƅſĥ Ņ ťƊŅíƇƖŅŨ ĭĬŏ űƃł ŏ ĖųƆň ƅƤňŶŅ ĥ Ƨ ŧƢŅũƠłŨ ŦŁŴƉł ljŅųŅíƇźƉňĭ Ņ :ŦƼƍŌƊŅŷƍłƉ ŦƦíƆĮłŴūł IJĬŅ ųŨň ň ŁĭŅĬô ƦƙłƏň ł ĖųŨňŅ ŁĭŅĬô ŧƢŅƀƕŅŌ Ī ųñíƇŅŏ ƀŶł ƻłŴŶł ĬŁŴƉł ĿƦŨŅĭ :ŦŁŴƤŏŌ ſűŌƟłĭ ŦŁŴƆŏĭƦŨĭł ĬƢňŬƙłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƢƊłŹ Ņł ň Ėň ƻĥųŅƭ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŶł IJĬôŴƉłǔūł ŴƕƢłƘĥĭň ł Ņ :ƨƣĭł ŧƢŅũƠłŨ ŦƼƉŌ ƥƀũŌŶĪłŅ ƢƉłŤƊŌíƆ ŧĿŅĬŁ Ņ ĖĵŴƀŏƤŨł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ťŷňƉłĪ ƨƀŶł ųƍňƉň Ɨũłƌĭł :ĵŴƀŏƣĪł ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏ ŧĪňĿŅĭ ŧűŅíƇłƣ ťƊŅƕł ŦĭŅĬô ƎƀƖŌŹ Ņ ƀŬłíƆ ŦŵŅŶĭł ĖIJĬôŴƉłĪŴƟŌ ŏ ƎƉň ĺĮŅĭ ťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥĪł ťƐ ł :ƗƤłƀƭĪň ĭĬł ŧƢŅũƠłíƆ ƁǍĥ ťŨŅĬŅĿŴƐŏŨĭł ň Ėťƀò ũŅƣł ƎƉň ľĭƢŏƖƌň ŪſĬŌĿĭł ŧűŅíƇłƤƆł ƋƏŅĭ Ņ :IJĬôŴũŏƤŶł ŦƼƉŌĭ ťƀŅũŌƍƆł ŻƣŅ ŧƢŅſŴŌƕ ťƊŅƕł Ņ ĖĭĭłĬô ƎƀũŌſĬŌĿĪł IJĬôĭĪłĥĽň ĭĭłĬô ŴƊƏŅ ljŅƢŌŶôĥ ŦƼƉŌĭ
They were frightened of the troop but were not frightened enough to ignore the just bones And arrayed the plain person along with them without paying attention. They thought that hero to be dead like all the other dead And threw a dead person on top of him, fleeing from the raiders. But since he was a living person, he could not bear to carry the dead one; So he gave him life instead and dismissed him to go away from him. He awakened him in order to reprove his burying party clearly For the bones of the just and those of ordinary folk are different. The dead one who lived taught them clearly that Resurrection of the dead is hidden in the bones of all of the saints. He became a teacher for everyone in need of instruction That the Lord’s servants are alive even in their death. The Prophet lived to perform mighty acts heroically, And his power is within him, even when needed for Resurrection. The Spirit that he received from Elijah when he was ascending126 Did not even abandon his bones once that Saint had died. The body that grew up with purity and chastity127 Was a fountain from which Life flowed to the dead who revived.
See homily 116, passim. In the preserved homilies, Jacob details the early life of Elijah and his “purity and chastity” in his review of Elijah’s career in homily 115, but possibly he simply assumed the same for Elisha or detailed it elsewhere. 126 127
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ ň :ljò ŤƃŌ ťƉňǔūŅ ł İŴƤŏƌň ĺĮŅ Ƨĭ ťƐŅƀūł ƎƉň ĺĮŅ Ņ ĖťƍŅſŅŴŨŏ ƧĪ ťƊŅƀŷŌƣ ŦƼƉŌ Ō ķĭųŏƊƕł ĿűłƏĭłł Ņ :ŧƢŅũŅôƍūł ĭųłíƆ ŦƼƉŌ IJĬôŴũŏƤŶł ƎſƼò ƉŌ ƈƃŏ ƅſĥ Ņ ň Ėťƀò ũŅƣł ƎƉň ƎƀƟŌƢƕŅ Ņűƃł IJĬôŴƇłƕ ŦƼƉŌ ĭűłƣĭł Ņ :ŦĭŅĬô ƢũłƀƏł Ƨ ŦƼƉŌ ƎƖłźƌň ŦĭŅĬô ťƀŅŶłĪĭŅ ň ł ň ĖųƍňƉň ťƍňƤłƌ ĬƢňƊƣłĭ ťƀò Ŷł ųƆň ħųôſł Ƨĥł :ĿŴƐŏũƌň ťŬňƐƌł IJĬôĭǓłŴũŏƠŅíƆĪł ŦĭŅĬô ĬƢňƀƕŌĥ ň ĖťƊňƀòŷŌƣĪł ƎƉŌ ň ljò ŤƃŌĪ ťƉň ň ǔūł ƎƀƣŌƢƘŅ ĭĭłĬĪł ňł Ņ :ƻĥƢŅſųŌƌł ķŴƌŏĥ ƚƭ ťƀŅŶĪł ŦƼƉŌ ň ĖťƤňòſűŌƟł ƈƃŏĪ ťƉňǔŬłŨ ťƀŅƐƃł ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŶłĪ :ťƍŅƙŅíƆŴſŏ ƈƕł ơł ƀƍŌƏĪł ƎƉł ƈƄŏíƆ ťƍŅƙŅíƇň Ɖł ŦĭŅĬ ĖķĭŌ ųŏſŁŴòƊłŨĭň ł ťſŅƢƉŅ IJűłũòƕł ķŴƌŏĥ ƎƀƀŌŶłĪ :ƻĥƢŅũŅôƍūł ƨƀòŶł ĿŴƖŏƐƌňĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶł ĖŦĭŅĬô ŸƤłŶłƦƉň ťƊŅŶŅŌŴƍŏŨĭł ĭĬô ŏ ųŨň ųƇňƀŶłĭ ň :ŦĭŅĬô ơƇňƏŅ űƃł ťƀŅƭ ƎƉň ƈũňƟłĪ ťŶŅŅ ĭĿŅ ŏ Ō ł ł ň ł ł ĖťƤŅſűŌƟł ĭĬł Ƽ Ņ Ɖŏ űŏ ƃ Ʀł ƠŅ ũƣŏ łIJĬôŴł ƉǔŅŬł íƆŅ ƨƘł ĥ :ŦŁŴƆĭƦŨĭ ŦŁŴƀƃĪ Ƌƕ ťŨĿĪ ŧƢŬƘ Ņ ň Ņ ĖťƀŶĪł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ųƍňƉň ŦĭŅĬô ŧĪŅĿ ťƀò ŶłĪ ťƖŅũƌň
313 145
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Everyone who trusts in God lives on at his death, And it is easy for him to perform mighty acts like a hero. For God is not “of the dead” as it is written, “But of the living for they live” at their death. IV. DEATH FAILED WHEN CONFRONTED WITH ELISHA The great Prophet was placed in the tomb as you have heard, And when they placed another dead person with him, he gave him Life. Elisha requested a double portion of Spirit from Elijah And just as he requested, was given it by God. And by means of the double gift he received from God He was given the ability to resurrect two dead people as he requested. The Lord allowed him to revive one when he was with us And kept one for him to revive after his death, So that a prophet would be known and revealed to all discerning folk As one who, even when dead, would not be someone of diminished effectiveness, And so that the World would sense how much power and mightiness Resides in the bones of those who have come near to God, And so that everyone would run to the tombs of the Children of Light And take from them whatever assistance they need. The Prophet who revived the dead with his death taught Humanity to value the bones of all the Saints. The Earth learned that in the dead bodies of just men There resides a sentient, reviving spirit.
Luke 20:38; compare Mark 12:27
2 Kgs 2:9
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ 85
ň Ņł :ŦųŅƭ ƈƕł ƈƀł ƃŌŁĪł ƎƊłíƿŏň ĬŁŴƊłŨ ĭĬô ŏ ƁŶł ĖŧƢŅũŅŌ ôƍūł ƅſĥ ł ĿŴƖŏƐƌňĪ ƨƀòŶł ųŅ Ɔň ƎƀƠŌƀƤŌƘĭł ň Ņł :ŪſǁĪł ťƊŅƃň ĥ ŦƼò ƉŌĪ ŦĭŅĬôł Ƨ Ƣƀūň ŦųŅƭŅ ň ŏ ĥ ƎƀƀŌŶł ķĭųŏſŁŴòƊłŨĪł ťňƀò ŶłĪ Ƨĥ Ėķ Ŵ ƌ ł ŏ :ķĭƦƖƊłƣĪł ƅſĥ ťŨŅĿł ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀƏŌ ŧƢŅũƠłŨ Ņ Ō ň ĖųƆň ħųôſł ťƀò Ō Ŷł ljŅƢŌŶôĥ ŦƼƉ IJĬôĭĪłň ĥĽň ŴƊƏŅ űƃłĭ Ō ňŅ ň Ņ ƕŅ ťŶŅĭĿŏ :ťƀƭ ƎƉň ƗƤłƀƭ ĵ Ť ƣ ť ƙ ň Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƎƉň ųƆň ƦŨłŅ ųſłŁĥ ĵŤŅ ƣňĪ ťƍŅƄłſĥĭł Ņł :ňŦųŅƭ Ǝł Ɖň ƈũňƟłĪ ŦƦƙƀƙŌƕ Ō ŦƦŨĬłŴƊłŨĭł ĖŦĭŅĬô ĵŤƣĪł ƅſĥ ƋŷňƌłĪ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀƏŌ ƎſƼò ƉŌ ƎſĿňƦƆł :ŦĭŅĬô ƎƊłƕł űƃł ťŷňƌłň űŷłíƆĪł ťſŅƢƉŅ ųƆň ħųôſłĭ ł ł ĖŦĭŅĬô ƋŷňƍłƌĪł ĬŁŴƉł ĿƦŨň Ņ űŶł ųƆň Ƣźƌĭł :ťƣňĭǔŏƘŅ ƈƄŏíƆ ťƀŅũŌƌ ƨūĭł ƗſűŌſŌ ŦĭňŅ ųƌňĪ Ņ ĖljŅƢŅŅƕŴƏŏ ƎƉň ƨƀŅ ŷŌƉ ŦĭňĬŅ ƼƉŌĪ ťƉŅ ƨƘĥĪŅ :ŦŁĭƢŏũŅôƍūłĭ ƨƀŶł ťƊŅƃĪł ťƊŅíƇƕŅ ƥūłƢƌňĭ Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ űſĽň ŴŨƢňƟĪł ƎƀƇňſĥĪł ķĭųŏƀƉłǔŬłŨ ŧƢňƣ ł :ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ƁòƍŨĪł ķĭųŏſǔłũƟł űſĽň ƥƍŅíƿŏ İĬłƢƌňĭ ĖljňǓŅĪŴƕŏ ň ƈƃŏ ķĭųŏňƍƉň ŪƐłƌň ơƀƍŌƏĪł ťƊŅƃĭł ňł Ņ :ķŴƌŏĥ ƚƭ ĬŁŴƊłŨ ŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥĪł ťƀŅũŌƌ ĖťƤňòſűŌƟł ƈƃŏĪ ťƉňǔūł ķĭƢŏƠƀłƌ ł ťƤŅƍŅƀòƍłũƆł ň :ljò ŤƃŌŌ ťƤŅòƌŅôĥĪ ŧĪňĭĪŏǔłƤŨłĪ ťƕŅĿĥ ƦƙłíƇſň Ņ ĖƻŤƣŅŴūŏ ĿŅ ŦƼƍŌƀŅŷƉł ťŶŅĭĿŏ ťſŅƢƣł
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WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES The clumps of dust from a single righteous man acquire more power Than whole battle-lines of armies of warriors. In a small bone of all who live spiritually Resides the power even to defeat Death and Destruction. The bones of the dead man—if I am right to call him dead— Made wondrous struggle with Death in the midst of Sheol. Death had captured a certain Hebrew to bring him to his place, And on the way to the tomb his burying party saw a troop of Edom. Then, frightened and hurrying away from the raiders, They brought him in and placed him next to Elisha and fled. Since the spiritual man’s tomb was a fortress, The dead man they had brought in to him was also rescued. Those men fled from that Edomite troop, While he was rescued from Death himself, Sheol’s tyrant. The bones captured Death’s captive from its captor And were victorious in the great battle like heroes. Death failed, for the dead-body of Elisha defeated him And removed the corpse of the dead from him and gave it Life. The bones drew near to confront Death and overwhelmed his strength, Crushed him in his realm and took the dead out from between his teeth. Death was insulted within the tomb’s opening, For he captured a captive but the bones accosted him and snatched it from him. The quiet dust of the single righteous man that was there Loosed the bonds of the dead and made a joke of Death.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ :ťƠŅſĪŌĮł űŶłĪ Ņ ŧƢŅƙƕł IJĪłǔƘň ƨƀŶł ƎƀŅòƍƟŅł ň ĖŧǔňŌ ũŅôƍūł ƈƃŏĪ ŦŁŴŅíƇłƀòŶłĪ ŧǓűƏň ƎƉň ŪŹ ŏ Ī ŧĿŅŴƕŏĮ ťƉŅƢŬłŨ :ƻŤƍŅŶŅĭĿŏ Ņ ťƀňŶŅĪ ƎƉł ƈ ƃ ł Ņ Ėťň ƃňŵƌň ŦŁŴƉłĭ ljŅűŅŨƧ Ļň ĥĪŅ ŦĭŅĬô ŧƢŅƣ ƨƀŶł Ņ Ņ Ō ň ł Ō ľĪňĮŅ ķĥ ŦƼ :IJĬôŴſƢňƟĥ ŦƼƉŌĪ ƁƆ Ņ ł ł ł ƉĪŅ ťňƉǔūŅ ł Ņ ŏ ł ł ĖĵŴƀƣł Ī ĬñŴŬŨ ŦŁŴƉ Ƌƕ ĭűũƕ ŧĿĬŁĪŅ ŧĿĪ ň :ĬĿňŁƧ ŦƼƌłĪ ťſŅƢŅũƕň űŷłíƆ ŦĭŅĬô ťũŅƣ ŦŁŴƉł ĖĶĭĪŏĥĪł ťƐŅƀūł IJĬôĭǓłŴũŏƟŅ ĭŵłŶ ŧƢŅũƟłĪ ťŶŅĿĭŤŨŏĭ ň :ťƀò ũŅƣł ƎƉň ĭĭłĬô ƎƀũŌſĬŌĿĭłł ƎƀƇŌƀŌ ŶŌĪł űƃłĭ ň ĖķŴƌŏĬň ŴƟƢłƕĭł IJĬôŴƊŏƏŅ ŴƇƕňĥ ƗƤłƀƭ űſĽň :ťƀŅƍň Ņ ŶŅĭĿŏ ŧƢŅũūł Ī ĬƢňũƟł ŦĭŅĬô ťƍŅƐŶňĪĭŅł Ņ ĖŦĭŅĬô IJƞŌƘłŁĥ ųƆň ĭĭłĬô ŴƇƕňĥĪł ŦƼƉŌ ĭĬŏ Ļĥ :ťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥĪł ťƐŅƀūł ĭĬŅ ł ƎƉň ƎƀƆňĬŅ ĭĭłĬô ŴƟƢłƕ ĖĵŴƀŏƣĪł ljŅĭƢŏŹ ŦŁŴƉŏł Ī ųƍňƉŅ ň ŦĭŅĬô IJƞŌƘłŁĥĭň ň :ųñƀŅũŅƣł ƎƉň ťƉňǔň ūł ĬñĭŤũłƣ ŦŁŴƉłĪ ĬƼũŌƣ ĖĭĭłĬô ŌŴŶƞłƌł Łĥ ťŨŅĿł ťƏŅĿŤƠŌŨŅ ŧǔňũŅôƍūł ƅſĥĭł :ƗƤłƀƭĪň ťƃŅĮ ĬĪňĭĪŏƢłƣĪł ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ŪŶŅ Ņ ň ĖųñíƆŅ ħųôſł ťƀò Ņ Ŷłĭ ŦƼƉŌĪ ŧűŅíƇłƣ ųƍňƉł ň IJűŌƕĥĭł :ųƍňƣŴƕŏ Ŵƙƙňƃłĭ ŦŁŴƉł ƈũłƟŴƆŏ ŴŨƢňƟĥ ťƉňǔūł Ņ Ō ň ĥĭł ĬĿňŁŤŨł IJĬŴƣŏĪŅĭ ĖIJĬôŴòƍłƣň ƼŨň ƎƉň ŦƼ Ɖ Ŵ Ơ Ƙ Ņ ł Ņ ł ň ł ň ô ł ň Ņ ł ł :ŦĭĬô įŵŨƦƉ ŦŁŴƉ ŧƢũƟĪ ųƕĿŁ ƎƉ ŴŬíƆ Ņ ň ň ĖųƍƉ ĬñŴƙŏźŶłĭł ųŨň ŴƖŬłƘ ťƉňǔūłĭ ŦƼũŌƣ ťũŅƣĪł :ƎŅ ƉŅŁ ŦĭŅĬô ƻĥĪŌ ťƠŅſĪŌĮł űŶłĪ ťƀŅíƇƣł ĬƢňƙƕł Ņ ĖťƄŅŶŴūŏ ŦŁŴƊłíƆ Ĭűňũƕłĭ ŦĭŅĬô ŧƢŅƣ ŦƼƉŌĪ ŧǔňƄŅƘ
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WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES V. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REVIVED MAN Wretched Sheol was humiliated by Elisha, whose bones overwhelmed it and who revived the dead within its gate. Death failed and the Edomite troop failed, For the Hebrews escaped both the troop and Death. The two of them, Death and the troop, were shamed by the victory, For the dead man and his procession escaped the captors. The troop did not overtake the burial party to lead them off, Nor did the buried man stay in Sheol toward which he had turned. Death failed more than did the Edomites, For after he had bound the dead man and led him off he escaped from him. The burial party defeated the Edomites inasmuch as they did not catch them, But even more so did that dead man achieve victory and was saved; For captured, bound, led off, and imprisoned among the prisoners He got away from Death’s citadel and did not remain in his presence. Through his dead, Death was disgraced by Elisha, Who released his prisoner and made him into a laughing-stock in the eyes of many. After he had imprisoned the dead man he had captured in his lofty fortress, The Prophet broke it down, took out the captive, and the captor was defeated. The burial party fled and left behind the dead in order to disappear, But once he revived, he ran quickly and overtook them. Death released him, he saw the troop, and began to flee Along with the burial party, so that he, too, could escape the raiders.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ōň ň Ņ :ł ƗƤłƀƭ ƎƉň ŁĭŅĬô ŁƢłƐŨłŁĥ ŦƻĭŌĪŅ ĵŴƀŏƣ Ņ ĖųñƕŅĿŁ ƎƉň ŴŬłíƆ ŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥĭł ĬñŴƍŏƐŅ Ŷł IJĬôŴƉłǔūł Ī :ťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥĪł ťƐŅƀŅūł ŦĭŅĬô ŪŶŅŅ ĭ ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ŪŶŅ ĖťſňǔŅũŅ ƕň ŴƟƢłƕ ŦŁŴƉł ł ƎƉň Ļĥ ťƐŅƀūł ƎƉň Ņ ĻĥĪŅ :ŦŁŴƃŏĮŅ ƎƉň ĭƢƙłŶĥ ķĭųŏſǓłŁ ťƐŅƀūłĭ ŦŁŴƉł Ņ ň Ėťƀò ũŅƣłň ƎƉň IJĬôŴƍłſŅŴòíƇłƉĭł Ŧł ƼƉŌ ŻƇłƘĪłŅ ň :ķŴƌŏĥ ƢŨłűƌňĪ ťƐŅƀūł ĴĿňĪĥ ŧǓŴũŏƠŅíƆŅ ƧŅ ĖųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ťƍŅƘĪł ĵŴƀŏƤŨŌł IJŴŌƟł ŧƢŅƀũŌƟ Ņ ƨƘĥ :ťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥĪł ķĭųŏƍƉň Ƣſƻł ŦĭŅĬô ŪŶŅ ŦŁŴƉł Ņ Ō Ņ ł ł ň ĖųƍňƉň ŦĭŅĬô ŻƇłƘň ĬƢňŨĪłĭ ŦƼ Ņ Ɖň Ņ Ŧĭò ŏĬôł Ƣň ƄƘŏ ĪŅ ƎƉł Ī ŏ ł :ķŴƌĥ ŴƄũíƆ ƧĪ ťƀƉĭĪƧ ŧǓŴũƟ ŴŌ ƃĮ Ņ Ō ŅŅ ň Ņ ł Ō ƘłŁĥĭň ťƃŅĮ ŦƼ ĖIJ ƞ Ɖ ljĬ ƎſĪ ŧƢſƻ ň:ŧǔƀƏŌĥł ƼŨň ƥƀũŌŶĭł ƢƀŨŌĪĭł ƢƀƄŌƘĭł ƅƀũŌíƆĪł Ņ Ņ ĖIJĬôŴƉłĪŴƟŏ ƋƟŅ Ƨĭ Ō ŦĭŅĬô ơƙłƌ ŦŁŴƉłł Ī Ĭň ĪňƢƉň ƼŨň Ņ ƎƉňĭ ň ň :ƗƤłƀƭ ƎƉň ŦĭŅĬô ƢƖłŹ Ľĥ ĬƼƊŌŨ ŦŁŴƉł ň ĖŦŤƀò ŬŌƏł ƎƀƖŌíƆ Ĭűňũƕł ťŶŅŵŨňĭ ĬƢňƀƏŌôĥ ŧƢŅƣĪł Ņ :ťũŅƣĪł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ťƉŅĿŅ ųƍňƐŷňŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƥũłŶĪł ƎƉłň ĖťƀŅũŅƣł ŪŶŅĭ ťƀŅũƤłíƆ ųƠňƘĥĭł ťƀŅũŌƌ ųƕňĿŁ Ņ Ō Ō ł ň ŏ Ņ ł :ĭĭłĬôň ķŴƍŏƤłƌĪł ŦƼ Ņ ňƉ ŴƀƘň ł Ŀĥĭ ň ŧǓŴũŅ Ɵ ŴŅ ƟƢł ƕ ł ŏ ł ĖķŴƌĥ Ƣũƕĭ ťŹĬĿ ƈƟŅĥ ųƆ ŦĭĬô ťƀŶĪĭ ň Ņ :ľƢƕ IJƢŌƣłĭ ťƐŅƀŬłíƆ ŦŵŅŶĭł ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô IJųôſƢŅƣ ň Ėťƀò ũŅƣł ƎƉň ŻƇłƙƌň ĭĬŏ ĻĥĪŅ IJĬôĭǓłŴũŏƟŅ Ƌƕł
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES He had been saved from the tyrannical general of Sheol But was afraid that the Edomites would capture him. The Prophet, next to whom he had come, rescued him from one captivity, But he grew agitated lest he be brought down by another captivity. So he took to the road with an urgent run along with his burial party. And the one who had been dead and then lived became the first among those fleeing. And, perhaps, what’s more, he would have admitted, had he thought about it clearly, That he had been made able to forget two captivities through a single salvation. From one death he had been saved all by himself, But both he and his burial party were saved both from death and from the raiders. The bones of that Saint performed a great wonder With the dead man who revived, so that the World would be astonished at how mighty they were.
VI. ALL RESURRECTION IS THROUGH THE SON OF GOD The Son of God descends, dies—is resurrection, too, And he is the Resurrection by means of which that dead man was resurrected. For the early ones, the middle ones, and the latter ones, There is no resurrection except through the Son of God himself. Other than through His mystery, His likeness, or His Person,128 There is no way for any mortal to be resurrected.
Qnumo or “hypostasis” being an important term in the christological arguments of Jacob’s day, I have chosen to translate it more-or-less literally this way rather than simply something like “Him, Himself.” 128
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ ň :ĵŴƀŏƣł Īł ljŅĭƢŏŹ ƨƀŶł ħŅ Ŀł ƎƉň ŦĭŅĬô IJƞŌƘłŁĥ ĖťƀňƉŅĭòĪŏĥ IJųôƀƌŅŴũŏƤƌň ň ƧĪ ųƆň ŦĭŅĬô ƈŶňĪĭł :IJĬôĭĪłĥĽň ŦĭŅĬô ƈƕłĪ ťƀŅũŌƌ ųźíƇƘł ťƀŅũƣň űŶł ƎƉň ł ĖŦĭŅĬô ƈƘłƦƤƌň ljŅƢŌŶôĥ ťƀŅũŅ ƤňŨ ťƊŅíƆĪłĪ ŏ ųƆň ĺĮŅĭ :IJĬôĭǓłŴũŏƟŅ Ƌƕł ŦƞŅƀŶŌ ťŹĬƢňŨ ťŶŅĿĭƧ ųñƄŅũƆłĭ Ņ ĖťƀŅŶĪł ŦƼƉňŌ ťƀŅƉŅűƟł łŦĭŅĬ Ō ťƟňĭǔŏƖŅŨĭł :ŦĭŅĬô ŀƢňƘŅ ķĥ ljŅĬŅ ň IJĪŌĭĥ Ƣſƻł Ƣũłƃĭł ĖťƍŅƟŅĿŴƘŏ űň ŷłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƁƤŌƌł Łĥ ƎƀƀŌũŅ ò ƣň ƎſĿňƦƆłĪ :ŦĭŅĬô IJƞŌƘłŁĥ IJĬôĭĪłŴŷŏíƇŨł ĭĬŏ ŦŅ ŁŴƉł űŶł ƎƉňŅ ň ĖIJĬôĭǓłŴũŏƟŅĭ ĭĬŏ ťƀò ũŅƣł ƎƉňĭ ŦŁŴƉł ƎƉň Ļň ĥ :ťƤŅſűŌƟł ĭĬłĪ ťƉňǔūł ĭĭłĬô ĭƢƖłƏ ťŨŅĿł ŧĿŅĬŁ Ņ ĖƎſƢŌũŅôƍūł ťƊŅƃ ťŅ ƊŅíƇň ƕŅ ĿĬłƦƌňĪ ťƀŅŶĪł ŦƼƊŌŨ Ņł :ň ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ Ļĥ ŁŤƉŅ ƦŷňƌŅ ŦųŅƭ ƢŨł Ņ Ņ ŏ ŏ Ņ ĖƋŷłƌł Łĥ ųŨň Ŧł ƼŅ ƉŌ ĭĬł ĻĥĪŅ ŦƦ ƊƀƟ ŴſĭĬĭ ň:ťſǔŅŶƧô Ƨĭ ťňƀò ƕŅƞƊňíƆ ƧŅĭ ťňƀò ƉŅűƠłíƆ ƧŅ ň Ņň Ō Ņł ĖŦųŅƭ ƢũłŨł ųňŨň ķĥ Ƨĥ ťł ƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ƻŅ ňĥ ň ŏ ł ŏ ł ňŅ ň ò :ŏ ųŅ ƉŴƍň ƠŨ Ņ ĭĥ Ĭł Łł ŴƉň űŨ Ņ ĭĥ Ĭŏ ĮĿŤôŨŌ ƧĥŅ ĖŦŁŴƀƉ ƎƉ ƥƌôĥ ƋŷƌƦƌĪ ťƏĿŴƘ ƻĥ Ƨ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES There are places where His type has been depicted upon a resurrection, And there are places where the image of His death has revived the dead.129 He is Life, and there is no life outside of Him, And unless Resurrection of the dead is through Him, it cannot happen. Elijah resurrected the widow’s son through Him as well And spread his crucifixion over the boy, and so he was resurrected.130 Elisha, too, who revived the dead, revived him through Him And showed Death the image of His Passion and then he disappeared. That dead man, too, who revived in the tomb next to Elisha— That very mystery gave him life and through Him was he resurrected. For it was necessary for the image to be depicted in Sheol of the Man Who, the way He died, revived Adam that he might return to his place. And if Elisha, being dead, resurrected the dead, His Lord, who desired to become dead,131 how much did He resurrect everything.
1 Kgs 17:20
129 This couplet is basically a summary of Mar Jacob’s conception of the typology of resurrection as dealt with in his Elijah and Elisha homilies. 130 Here Jacob forgets his biblical text and contradicts his own (future?) exegesis, by confusing the incidents of resurrection in the careers of Elijah and Elisha. In the first homily on Elijah (see Vol. I), the typology of the resurrection of the widow of Sareptha’s child by Elijah is extensive, but does not directly deal with the Crucifixion. The Crucifixion is instead central to Jacob’s exegesis of Elisha’s actions during his saving of the child of the Shilumite, as recounted in homily 118, lines 460ff. and alluded to in the next couplet. It is, of course, possible that Jacob used the same theme somewhere before the preserved section in the Elijah homily since the preserved text begins in the middle of the typological discussion. 131 See line 331. That Jesus desired to die in order to accomplish His mission is a major theme in Jacob.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
ŏ Ō ł :ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ƈƕłł ųň ƐňƘŴŹ ƢſĽŌŁŁĥĪň ťƄŅł ſĥ ĭĬô ŏ ƻĥ Ņ ĖŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥ Ō ĬŁŅ ŴƉłĪ ťƊŅíƆĽłĪ ťƄŅſĥ ĭĬô ŏ ƻĥĭŌ ň ň :ƻĥ Ƨ ťƀò ŶłŅ ųƍňƉň ƢũłíƆĭł ťƀò Ŷł ň ŴſŏĭŅ Ĭŏ ň ò Ō łł ň Ņ ŵŶłƦƉň Ƨ ŦƼ Ėť ſ Ɖ ƼŶ ųŨŌ ķĥ ƧĥĭŅň Ņ ł ł ł ň :ŦƦíƇň ƉĿĥ ƢũíƆ ŦĭŅĬô Ƌŷňƌł ųŨň ťň ƀŅƭ Ļĥ ĖƋŷłƌł Łĥ Ǝƃňĭł ťƀŅíǑł ƈƕł ŻƤłƘ ĬŁŌŴƙŏƀƟŌĮĭŅł Ņ ň :ŦĭŅĬô ƁŶŌĥŅ ųŨň ŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥĪł ƗƤłƀƭ Ļĥ ĖŦĭŅĬô ƁƍŌƣł ƎŌ ƃňĭ ŦŁŴƊłíƆ IJŴŌŶł IJĬôŴòƤłŶłĪ ťƊŅíƆĽłĭŅ Ņ ň :ƗƤłƀƭň űſĽň ŧƢŅũƠłŨ ťƀŅŶĪł ŦƼƉŌ ĭĬł Ļĥ ň ĖƋŷłƌł Łĥ ųŨňĭ ťƀò Ŷł ųƆň ħųôſł ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ŴſŏĭĬŏ Ņ :ŧƢŅũūł ťƊŅíƆĽł ĵł ŴƀŏƤŨł ƢſĽŌŅ ŁƦƌňł Ƣƀūň ŁĭŅĬô ŦƞŅƭ ĖĬĿňŁƧ ťƍňƙƌň ĶĪŅƧ ƁŶŌĥ ƼƉŌ űŌƃł ƎƄłſĥĪł Ņ Ņ ň :Ƌŷňƌł ŦƼƉŌ ŦĭŅĬô ŦƼƉŌ űƃł ƗƤłƀƭ ķĥĭň Ņ Ėƈƃŏ Ƌŷňƌł ťƊŅƃ ŦƼƉŌ Ŧĭňųƌň ťŨŅĽĪł ĬƢňƉŅ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Because of this, the bones granted resurrection to the dead So that you would learn how the Body revived the dead ones in Sheol. The Son of the Living One died, and entered, and was placed among the departed, And, while dead, released the bound ones who had been imprisoned. He was placed in the tomb, and he opened the Garden for Adam to enter— Covered over and embalmed, while giving Life to all the entombed— Quiet among the dead, while his good news resounded in the midst of Sheol, Proclaiming Life to the souls that were locked up in it. The gate of tomb having been locked against him in the place of darkness, He was opening the gate so that the Light would enter for the departed. While he was dead, he sprinkled Resurrection upon all the dead And filled Sheol in which he was dwelling with new Life. His corpse came in and broke the bolts of the house of Destruction And cut up the bars of Death’s well-constructed fortress. The One entombed in the tomb performed a deed full of wonder, For he tied up Death, released Adam, and destroyed Sheol. The Living One surged up, granted Resurrection, and revived the dead, Broke the sharp edge,132 removed the Cherub, and the thief entered.
Cf. Ps.107:17 and Is. 45:2
Gen 3:24; Luke 23:40–43
The “flaming sword” of Genesis (4 % in the Hebrew) is rendered ťƍƍƣ ťŨƢŶĪ in the Peshitta. 132
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
ŏ Ņ :ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ŴŨųôſł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ťƉł ň ǔūł ljŅųŅíƇźŌ Ɖň ň ĖĵŴƀŏƤŨł ŦƼò ƊŌíƆň ŧƢŅŬƘł ƁŶŌĥ ƎƄłſĥĪł ƚƆłĥŁĪ :ŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƼŨň ƋƀƏŌŁŁĥ ŦĭŅĬô ƈƕłĭ ťƀŅŶł ƢŨł ƼƉŌ Ņ ĖĭĭłĬôŅ ƎſƢŌƀƏŌĥĪł Ņ ŧǔňƀƄŌƘ ŦĭłŅ Ĭô ŧƢŅƣ ŦƼƉŌ ĭĬŏ űƃłĭ :ĶĪŅĥ ĵŴƖŏƌň ŦƦƍūł įƦƘĭł ŧƢŅũƠłŨ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀƏŌ ň ĖƎſƢŌƀũŌƟĪł ƈƄŏň íƆ ťƀò Ŷł ħųňſŅĭ ŻƀƍŌŶĭł Ɓƙłŷłň Ɖ ň :ĵŴƀŏƣĪł ĬñŴŅŬłŨ ĬŁƢũłƏ ťƊŅƕĿŅĭ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼŨň ƨƣ Ņ ň ĖĮƢňƄƉł ťƀò Ŷł ųñł ŨŅ ķűŅƀòŶŌĥĪł ŦƦƤŅƙòƍłíƆĭł :ťƃňŴòƤŏŶň ƼŨň ŧƢŅũƟłĪ ťƕŅĿŁ IJĬôŴòƘłŤŨł ł ŦĭŅĬô űƀŶŌôĥ ł ĖŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƈƕł ŧĿŅĬŴƌŏ ĵŴƖŏƌňĪ ťƕŅĿŁ įƦƘŅĭ ň Ņ :ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ĸĿł ŦƼò ƉŌ ķĭųŏíǀŏŨ ŦƼƉň Ō ĭĬŏ űƃł ň ĖųñŨŅ ŦĭŅĬô ŧƢňƣł Īł ĵŴƀŏƤƆł ŦĭŅĬô ųñňíƇŅƉ ŦŁôűòŶł ťƀò Ŷłĭ :ljŅűŅŨĥ ƼŨňĪŅ ŧǔňƃŴƏŏ ŁƢłŨŁň ƦƇłƕň ĬűňíƇłƣ ĖŁĭŅĬô ň ťƍŅſųňŌ ƃłĪ ŦŁŴƉł ŁƢłƀŨŌĪ ƨƃŴòƉŏ ƦƉłűūłĭ :ŧĿŅĬŁ ƨƉĪł ŦĭŅĬô űũłƕ ŧűŅ Ņ ũŅƕ ŧƢŅũŅ ƠłŨ ŧƢŅƀũŌƟ ĖĵŴƀŏƤƆł ħƢňŶĥĭł ĶĪŅƧ ŧƢŅƣĭł ŦŁŴƉł ƢƄłƘĪł ň :ŦƼò ƉŌ ƁŶŌĥĭł ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ħųôſłĭ ťƀŅŶł ŦĭŅĬô Ɨũłƌ ĖťƐŅƀŅūł ƈƕłĭ ťŨŅĭƢŏƃ ƁƍŌƣłĭ ťƍŅƍŅƤƆł ƢŨłŁ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES He crushed the serpent, and made Eve rejoice and Adam forget. He fulfilled the contract, freed the slaves, and paid off the promises. He became the middle man: he reconciled the angry parties and pacified the sides. He tied up Sin and sent Righteousness free to move about. Quaking Earth, broken up rocks, opened tombs— Pulsating bones, the dead rising to sing praise— The whirlpool Sheol, that had swallowed and piled up every generation, Became a fountain and began to spew out all the races. VII. THE MIRACLE OF ELISHA’S BONES WAS A TYPE OF THE RESURRECTION THROUGH THE MESSIAH’S DEATH
When our Lord died, his death accomplished these mighty acts And Death was unable to abrogate His accomplishment. It is on account of this great mystery that it was transmitted: Elisha even revived the dead while being dead. With the dead that he revived he depicted a great image of the Messiah Who, by His death, too, resurrects Adam who is wasting away in Sheol. Those things that happened to the former ones were allegories Of that Truth133 that has also revived the latter ones today.
133 Meaning here both Christ as the embodiment of Truth and the fulfillment of all true foreshadowings.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ :ĶĪŅƧ ƁƣŌĥĭł ŦŴŅŷłíƆ IJűŌŶłĭ ťſŅŴŷňňíƆ ĬĽňĿł Ņ ĖťƍňƄŅíƆŴòƉŏ ħųôſłĭ ŧűňũòƖłíƆ ĿƢłŶłĭ ŧƢŅźƣĥ ĺƢłƘ ň :ťũòŅ ūł Ǝƀňƣłĭ Ŧň ŵňƀūŌǓ ƁƕŌĿłĭ ťƀŅƕŅƞƉň ŦĭŅĬ Ņ Ō ĖŦŁŴŌƠŏſĪŌĮł İĬłĿŁ Ŀűłƣłĭ ŦƼźŷƆł ƢƄłƘł :ƎƀŷŌſƦƘ ŧǔňũƟł ƎſĿňƞłƉ ťƕňŴòŌ ƣŏ ťƖŅſĮŅ ťƕŅĿĥ ň ĖŴŷŏũŅƤłƊƆł ƎƀƊŌƀƟŅĪ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƎŅ ſƦƘĿŅ ťƉňǔūł Ō :ƎſǓĪŅ ƈƃŏ ƈƕł ƦƊłƃŅ ƦƖłíƇŨňĪ ŦŁƢƉłĽŅ ĵŴƀŏƣ Ņ Ņ ł ŏ Ņ Ņ ł ł Ņ ŏ ł Ņ ĖŦ Ʀ ň ł Ņ Ũǔƣ ł ƈƃň ò ťł ƀƐūň Ņ ƻƢł ƣŅ ĭ ťƕŴŌ ũƉł ŁĭĬ :ĬŁŴƉ ŦĭĬôň ƢƖƏ ƨƀŶ ň ƎƀƆĬ Ņ ķƢƉ ƼƉ űƃ ň Ņ ĖĬŁĭĿŏŴƖŏƏŅ ƈźũłƌ ŦŁŴƉł ŦĭŅĬô ŸƄłƣŏ ĥ Ƨĭ ňĭ :ŦĭŅĬô ƈũłſłƦƉň ťŨŅĿł ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ł ljŅĬŅ ƈ ź Ɖ Ōň Ņ Ņ Ņ ĖŦĭŅĬô ŦƼƉŌ űƃł ŦƼƉŌ ƁŶŌĥ ƗƤłƀƭ Ļĥ Ņ :ƁŶŌĥĪł ŦƼƊŌŨŅ ťŷŅƀƤŌƊƆłň ĿĽŅ ťŨŅĿł ťƊŅíƆĽł ĖĵŴƀŏƤŨł ƁƇŌŨĪł ĶĪŅƧ ƋŷňƍłƉ ĬŁŴƊłŨ ĭĬŏ Ņ ĻŅ ĥň ĪŅ ł ł :ťƀňƉŅűòƟł űł ſĽň ŅIJĭò ĬĪł ƎƀƆňĬŅ IJĭò Ĭô ŦŁƨƘò ĖťſňǔŅŶƧô Ļĥ ƎƉŅŴſł ƁŶŌĥĪł ŧĿŅƢŅƣ ljŅĬŅĪ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Their complete accomplishment was due to the allegorical mysteries of our Lord, And their taking place was a foreshadowing of His images. For had Elisha not described the picture of the Son When He was placed in Sheol, what would have been necessary for him to revive the dead? His body spewed out Resurrection of the dead for the one who approached it And depicted an image of the living Dead One who resurrects all. Out of that dead man to whom the bones of the dead gave Life Went forth an explication of our Lord who, being dead, revived Adam. So that no one could say “How can the dead give Life?” He first displayed the miraculousness of his behavior by means of Elisha. When you hear that the Bound One released those bound in Sheol Look at Elisha, whose bones released the bound dead one. The bones spewed out Resurrection of the dead and became a type For the body from which Resurrection spewed out for all mortals. VIII. ELISHA’S BONES SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT THE JEWS THE TRUTH OF JESUS The Prophet was placed in the tomb, and his dust resurrected the dead And depicted the Son—how His body raises up the departed. Elisha depicted a great mystery among the dead And set up a sign post for the dead of Sheol to look at. He gave encouragement to all the ones lying waiting for the Resurrection And became an example, through deed, for the Son of God—
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
:ķĭųŏƀƌłǔŅƕŴƏŏ ĭĭłĬô ƎſƢŌƊūłƦƉň ķƢłƉň Ņ IJĮłǓŅŤôŨ ĖķĭųŏƀƄłŌ ƘŅĭòĬŏ ĭĭłĬô ƎƀƊŌƣň ĿłƦƉň ĬŁŴŅƉòŅ űňŨĭł ŏň ň :ƗƤłƀƭ ƋƣłĿ ŧƢŅŨĪł ĬŁĿĭĽŏ Ƣƀūň ƧŴƭ Ņ Ņ ĖŦƼƉŌ ťŷňƌł ŁĭŅĬô ŦƞŅƭ ķŴƉŏ ĵŴƀŏƤŨł ƋƀƏŌ űƃł ň :ųƆň ħƢňƟĪł ĭųłíƆ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŶł ŦĭŅĬô Ɨũłƌ ĬƢňŬƘł Ņ Ėƈƃŏ ƋŷňƍłƉĪł ťƀŅŶł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ťƊŅíƆĽł ųƆň ĿĽŅĭ ň Ņ ň :ťƀò Ŷł ųƆň ŴŨŅ ųôſł ł ŦƼò ƉŌĪ ťƉňǔūł Ī ŦƼƉŌ ĭĬł ƎƉň ĖĶĪŅƧ ƁŶŌĥ ƼƉŌ űƃł ķƢłƉŅĪ ťƠŅƣŅŴƘŏ ơƙłŅ ƌ Ņ ň :ťƀò Ŷł ħųňſŅ Ŧň ƼƉŌ Ō ƎƄłſĥĪł ƢƉłŤƌŌ ƥƌŅôĥ ƧĪ ň ĖųŶňĿĭĥĪŏ ŧĿŅĬŁ ƗƤłƀƭ űƀłł Ũ IJŴŌŶł ĶűňƟł :ĵŴƀŏƣĪł ųñſǔňƀƏŌôĥ ŧƢŅƀƄŌƘ ŧƢŅƣĪł Ʀô ƌĥ ƗƊłƣŅĪ ťƉŅ Ņ ĖƢƀƄŌƘĪłŏ ŦƼƉŌ IJĬôŴƉłǔūł ĭƢłƣĪł ƗƤłƀƆŌŤŨň ĿŴŶŏ ň :ťƐŅň ƘŴŹ ĭĭłĬĭł ťƉňǔūł ĭĭłĬô ŴƖũłƌ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƼłŶł ĖŦŁŴòƀŏƉŅ ƈƄŏíƆ ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ Ɨũłƌ ųƍňƉňĪ ŧƢŅŬƙłíƆ Ņ :Ƌŷňƌł ŦƼƉŌ ĬƢňƙƕłĭ ŧƢŅũƠłŨ ťƀŅũŌƌ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƀƏŌ ĖŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƋƀƠŌƉ ĬƢňŬƘł ƎƄłŌ ſĥĪł ŧƢŅũƆł ĬĿňĽŅĭ ň ň :ŦƼò ƉŌ ƦƍŅƀŨł ƗƤłƀƭ ĿĽŅ ťŨŅĿł ŦĮŅĿŅôĥ ň ĖĵŴƀŏƣĪł ŦƼò ƉŌ ųŨň ķĭĿŏŴŷŏƌĪł ťƤŅƀƌŌ ŦĭŅĬô ƋƏŅĭ :ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ƈƕł Ō ƎƀũŌƀƄŌƣĪł ƈƄŏíƆ ťũŅŨŅŅ ŴƆŏ ħųôſł Ņł ĖƻŤƌŅƢŅƕŴƏŏ ŦųŅƭ ƢũłíƆ ƧƦƉł ŦĭŅĬĭł
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES Of how Life flows out from him went he entered Sheol, And how his body spews out Resurrection for all the departed, Of how, though dead, he gives Life to all who are entombed, And how the dead rise up by means of his body to be resurrected. The dead man drew near the dead man and lived, and he showed just how Our Lord, while dead, gave Resurrection to dead Adam. The dead had given Life to the dead among the departed So that they would not doubt that Living son of the Hebrews. So that they134 would not mock Him when He was placed in Sheol for a purpose And say that he had ceased functioning and from providing salvation. And so they would know that he had work to do among the dark ones In order to set aright there everything that the Serpent had corrupted in Eden. And so that they would say, “If Elisha, who was our comrade, Revived the dead man who came near him while he was residing in Sheol, The Son of Adonai, who is our God and wanted to die— How many mighty deeds, then, shall He perform in Sheol among the departed!”
i.e., the other Jews.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
ň :ĵŴƀŏƤƆł ƈƕłĪ ťƉŅ ųƍňƉň ťƀò Ŷł ƎƀƖŌũƌŅ ƎƄłſĥĪł Ņ ĖŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƈƄŏíƆ ŦƦƊƀŅƟ ĬƢňŬƘł ťƐňūŅ ƎƄłſĥĭł ň :ƎſƢŌƀũŌƟĪł ƈƄŏíƆ ťƀò Ŷł ħųňſŅ ƼƉŌ űƃł ƎƄłſĥĪł ň ĖŴƊŏŷŅƌłƦƊňíƆ ĬƢňŬƙłŨ ŦƼò ƉŌ ƎƀƊŌƀƟŅ ƎƄłſĥĭł Ņ Ņ Ō Ņ ňƟ :ƎƄłſĥĪł IJŴŌŶłĭ ťƀŅŶĭł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ŦƼ Ɖ Ŧ ĭ Ĭ ħ Ƣ ô Ņ Ņ ĖťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ħųôſł ŦƼƉŌ ĶĪŅƧ ķƢłƉŅ ƼƉŌ űƃł Ņ Ņ ň :ŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƼŨň ťƀò Ŷł ŦĭŅĬô ħųôſł ŦƼƊŌíƆ ŦƼƉŅŌ Ėťŏ ſňǔŅũƕň ƢŨł ťƀŅŶł ĭĬł ƈƕł ķŴŏŬƇƘłƦƌň ƧŅ Ī :ťƏŅĿŴƘŏ ƈźƉň ĵŴƀŏƤŨł ƋƀƏŌĪ ťƉŅ ųŨňň ķŴƆŏųƌł ƧĪ ĖťƍŅƟŅĿŴƘŏ ƎƉňĭ ljŅƢŅƕŴƏŏ ƎƉň ƨƣĪł ķĭƢŏƉŤƌŌĭ :ťƃňŴòƤŏŶň ƼŨň ŧűŅũŅƕ ųƆň ƻĥĪŌ ƎƀƕŌł űſŅ ĭĭłĬĭł ĖķűňƖŨł ťſŅŴŶňł įƢłƏĪł ķŌ ŴƊŏíƿŏ ƎƉŅŁ Ņ ƎƟňƦƌłĪ ň ň Ō :ŦĭŅĬô ķƦƍŅƃĪł ƗƤłƀƭ ķĥĪ ƎſƢƉĥ ĭĭłĬĭł ł Ņ ĖIJĬôĭĪłĥĽň ŦĭŅĬô ƈƕłĪ ŦƼƊŌíƆ ƁŶŌĥ ĵŴƀŏƤŨł ƋƀƏŌł űƃł Ņ :ŁŴƊŏƌĪł ťŨŅĽĭł ĭĬô ŏ ķųłƭň Īł ƁƌłĭĪŏĥ ƢŨł ĖŧűňƀòƍŌƕł ƼŨň ĵŴƀŏƤŨł ƢƖłƏŅ ƨƀòŶł Ɓƃł ťƊŅƃ
This is a demonstration for one who looks at it clearly. Is it not encouragement for the one who listens discerningly? Here is a mirror full of spiritual splendors, That the Son’s body spewed forth Resurrection for the entire World. Oh entombed ones! Resurrection has now come in with you To sprinkle the dew of mercy there upon your bones. Oh dwellers in tombs! The Son of God entered the tomb And made great peace in that fear-filled place. Oh ones lying in Sheol! Resurrection has now come in with you. Wake up and praise the Son of God with new voices. Give thanks with voices, that a bright beam of Life came out of His body Upon your bodies; from the One who was pleased to become dead. Therefore the door of the tomb is now no longer frightening because of our Lord Who filled it with the peace and the clamor of Life when he was entering it. Life at the door—and within the tomb he poured out Resurrection So that hope would increase, within and without, for all mortals. He pointed the way to Resurrection first by means of Elisha, Out from whose tomb Life peered out in an abnormal way.
Ps 33:3, etc.
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ 93
ł Ņ ł ł Ō :ƻŌĥƢŅſųŌƌł ĿŤŶŅĪ ťƍŅſƧ Ŧƻł ŴŌŶŁ ŦĬŅ ĖƻŤƣŅĭƢŏƘŅ ƗƊłƣŅĪ ťƍŅſƧ ťũŅŨŅŴƆŏ ŴƆł Ņ Ō ł Ņ ň ƍŅŶŅĭǓŏ ŧǔňƘŴƣŏ ťƀŅíƇƉłĪ Ŧƻ : ť ƀ ŵŷƉ ŦĬ Ō Ņ ŏ Ņ ň Ņ ŏ ł ł ĖƈƀŨŁ ųñíǀíƆ ťƊŶŅŴƌ Ɨũƌ ŧƢŨĪ ĬƢňŬƘłĪŅ :ķŴƄŏſĪłĥĽň ƈƕł ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ŅŦĬł Ņ ƎſƢŌł ƀũŌƟĪł ĭĥ ĖķŴƄŏƀƉłǔūł ƈƕł ťƊňŶǓłĪ ƨŹ ƎƉŅŁ ĸĭƢŏƌňĪ Ņ :ŦųŅƭĪł ŧƢŅŨ ŧƢŅň ũƠłíƆ ųƆň ƈƕł ŧǔňũƟł IJǔłƊƕŅ ĖŧĪňǓŅŴƏŏ ƨƉ ŧĿŅŁŤŨł ųŨň űũłƕ ťŨŅĿł ťƍŅƀƣłĭ :ķŴƄŏſň ĪłĥĽň ƈň ƕł ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ŦĬŅ ĵŴƀŏƣĪł ųñƀũňƀòƄŌƣň Ņ Ņł ĖŦŁôűòŶł ƨƠò Ũ ŦųŅƭ ƢũłíƆ Ŵŷũłƣł ň ĭŅ ƢƀƕŌŁŁĥł ň :ĬƢňŬƘł ƎƉň ơƙłƌ ťƀò ŶłĪ ŧĿŅĬĮłĪ ƨƠò Ũ ĭĪłĭĥ Ņ ĖŦƼƉŌ ŦĭŅĬĭł ųƆň ƢƙłƣĪł ĭł ĬłĪ ķŴƄŏſǔłŬƘł ƈƕłŅ :ķƢłƉŅ ƎƉň ŦĬň Ņ ŧƢŅũƟłĪ ųƕňĿŁ ƈƀƄŌƉň ƈƀŶŌĪ Ƨ ň ĖųƆň ĵŤƕŅ űƃł ťƀò ŶłĪ ťŨŅĭĿłĭ ťƍŅƀƣł IJł ųôƀƇŅƉĪł Ņ ŶŅŴƌŏ ŸƆłĮ ŧƢŅũƟł ŴŬłŨĭł ťƕŅĿƦŨ ťňƀò Ŷł : ť Ɗ ň ĖŦŁŴòƀŏƉŅ ƈƄŏíƆ ŧƢŅũƏł ťŬňƐƌň ƢũłíƆĭł Ō ŴŬłíƆĪł ň ł ł ľűňŨł ĶűňƟł ƗƤłƀƭ :ťƊŅŶŅŴƌŏ ƈ ƕ Ņ ňò ł ł Ņ ł ł űƀň Ũ ł Ņ Ō Ņ ĖŧűƀƖŨ ƧĪ ťƀŶ ŴƠſĪĥ ŧƢũƟ Ŵū ƎƉĪ
WHEN A DEAD PERSON REVIVED UPON HIS BONES And He came in his Person and perfected the image of the mystery, In that He became dead, and all the dead were resurrected through Him. Through His death He fulfilled all the types of the beautiful135 things. Praised is the Living One through whom all the dead have been resurrected.
Probably an error for “the true things,” i.e. ŦŁǔſƢƣ, Jacob’s common expression in these homilies for foreshadowing “types” in the Hebrew Bible proven true by the events of the life of Jesus. 135
IJĬôŴƉǔū ƈƕ ŦƼƉ ťƀŶ űƃ ƗƤƀƭ ƈƕ
Ņ Ņ :ųƉňŴƍŏƠŨł ĭň Ĭŏ ŦĮňǓŅôĥĪ ŦŁĿĭƞŏíƆ ĬñƢŅƊūłĭ ŦŁĥĭň ň ò Ō ŏ ŏ Ņ Ō Ņ ł ň ŴƊŷłƌł Łĥ ŦƼ Ėų Ũ Ņ Ņ Ō ł ň ò ŏ Ɖ ŏ ķĭųŏ íƿň ĭ ŦłƼƉ Ō ŦĭĬł Ī :ŦŁǔƀƙň ƣĪ ťƐƘŴŹ ķĭųíƿ ĬŁŴƊŨ ƁƇƊƣ ň ĖŴƊŷłƌł Łĥ ųŨň ŦƼò ƉŌ ķĭųŏíƿŏĪ ťƀŅŶł ĭĬô ŏ ƅſƢŌŨ .ƋƇňƣ
TABLE OF MAJOR VARIANTS HOMILY 116 (variants to Bedjan from Mardin) 228 ŦĮĥĿ [ƁƏĥ M ñ 240 ųíƇƉĭ [ƦƇƉĭ 255 ŦƦƆĭƦŨ ŦĭĬ ĿĽ [ŦĭĬ ĿĽ ŦƦƆĭƦŨ 264 ťƀƉ M] ķŴƌĥ B 266 ƁŬƏĥĭ [ƁƏĥĭ 305 ťƍƀƖƉ [ťƍƀƕ 332 ŦŁŴƊƆ ŦŁŴƊŨ ]M ŦŁŴƊŨ ŦŁŴƊƆ ò 359 ťŨĿ ] M ťƀƉĪ 386 ƎſƢūĪŵƉ ] B ƎƀūĿĪŵƉ (an error in the ms., as noted by B.) 388 ħƢƟűƆ ] M ťƍƟűƆ ñ ŧĿŁŤŨ ųŨ 395 ťƕĿĥĪ ĬŴŬŨ ] M ĭĬ 398 ƁƏĥĭ ] B ƁƏĥĪ 419 ƨƄƌ ] B ƨƃĭ 447 ĬŁĭƢũū ] B (before his correction) ĬŁĭƢũƍū 486 ƎƉ ] M ƈƕ ñ 508 ťŨŴŶ ] M ųŨŴŶ ñ 517 M: ŦƼƍƊƖŹ ƻŤƊƀƄŶ ųŨƢƣ ƦƇƕĥ ò ĺƢƘ 524 ĺƢƘ ťƊŶƢƆ ťũŹ ] M IJĬŴƊŶƢƆ ťũŹ ô 524 ŸƀƄƣ ] B Ÿƀũƣ ò ƦƇƉĭ ǂƐƌĭ ò ǂƐƌĭ ] M ťƀƉ ò ljŤƉ 594 ljŤƉ ƦƇƉĭ ťƀƉ 596 Łűũƕ ] M ŁƢƊū 601 ĬƦŨŴŶĭ ] M ĬƦŨŴŶĪ 604 ťƕǓŁ ] M ťƕĿŁ
HOMILY 117 Variants to Bedjan’s JS 117 from Mardin 37
ò ò ] IJƦƊƄŶ 28 IJƦƊƀƏ 36 ťŨŴŶ ťƍƠƌĪ ] ťŨŴŷŨ ƨƊƌĪ õ 43 ťƙƍŹ ] ťƉŤŹ 50 ťƖƊƣĪ ] ťƤƙƌĪ ò 53 ƎƀƄƇƉ ] ƎƀƊƊƕ 73 ŪŷƉĪ ] ƋŶĿĪ ò 87 ŦŁŴũƀŶĭ ] ŦŁŴƇƀŷƆ 163 () ] ųƆ 167 () ] ķŴƌĥ 180 ŦĭĬ űŬƏĪ] ŸŨűƉĪ 208 ťŨǔŶ ] ťƣǔŶ 230 M: ƢŶ ķĭųƍƀŨƞŨĪ ] B űŶ ķĭųƍƀŨƞŨ ųŨĪ 265 M: ĬŁĭƞſĿƦŨĪ ] B ĬŁĭĽ ĿƦŨĪ 298 ŦŁƢƌ ] ŧĪƢƌ
INDEX OF NAMES AND THEMES Abraham II:170, 177, 184, 188 Adam I: 293 III:363ff., 378ff., 412, 438ff., 464ff. VII:260ff., 294, 322 Adonai II:152 VII:331 Ahab V:136, 142 Apostles I:105, 124, 128, 138 III:302ff. IV:217ff. Ark (Holy) III:329ff. Babylonia V:61, 68 Bread and Wine I: 606f. Canaanites V:57 Chaldeans V:59 Cherubim IV:37 Children of Light VII:93, 93n., 179 Church I:586ff., 603, 619ff. VII:93 Cross III:449ff. Crucifixion I:325, 330
IV:3 Daniel V:125 Death (personified) I:234, 237, 319ff., 373, 379, 400, 419, 422, 463 III:153, 172ff., 253, 325, 444ff. VI:301ff VII:19ff., 127ff., 190ff., 290 Epithets Capturer III:455 Disciples III:295 Eden III:384 VII:83, 328 Edom, Edomites II:52, 76, 146, 171 IV:104, 159ff., 191ff. V:57, 159, 169ff. VI:77ff., 177ff., 294, 320ff. VII:192ff. Egypt, Egyptians II: 119 VI:288 Eli III: 331n. Elijah I:37–201, 333ff. III:21 IV:87 VII:159, 169 Elisha, passim Esau II: 172 IV:105
Ezekiel V:59 Faith II:165 Father (God the) I: 293, 605 III:357 V:14 Gahzi III:221, 245, 265, 291, 334 IV:passim V:160 Garden VII:267 Gihon VII:73 Gnosticism VII:intro and fnn. 108, 117. Golgotha III: 453 Grace III:164; 362ff.(+n.) VI:6 Hebrews I:357, 363 II:76, 102, 193, 233, 265 V:171ff. VI:288 VII:324 Hittites V:57 VI:288 Horeb I:184 Hypostasis VII:247n. Isaac II:172, 185 Israel, Israelites II:44, 52, 132, 161, 171, 220, 299 IV:104, 188; V:169, 200 Jacob II:150, 172, 205
Jericho I: 209, 276, 281 Jerusalem V:60, 68 Jews I: 350 Jordan IV:114 Joshua I: 289, 294 III:330 Judah II:171 V:168 Judeans II:52 Judgment Day II: 289, 292 Law I: 237 Leprosy IV:passim Living One (Jesus) VII:265, 354 Lord (God) I: 1, 15, 23, 184 II 83, 133ff., 223ff. III:2ff., 244ff., 343ff. IV:1ff. V:153 VII:67 Epithets: Exalted One V:146 Good One II: 300 King VII:94 Maker of All VI: 7 Wise-Hearted One III:183 Lord (Jesus-expressed by “my Lord”, “our Lord, etc.”) I: 112, 249, 318, 321, 581; III:465; V:4ff.; VI:5; VII:262, 289, 304, 345 Love (divine) I:12, 22, 30, 44
INDEX OF NAMES AND THEMES Manna II:117 Mary I: 266 Messiah I: 291 III:299 VII:293 Micah (Micaiah) V:131 Moab, Moabites II: passim Moses I:87 II:127, 143 IV:145 V:55 Mysteries (i.e. the Eucharist) I: 586ff. Naaman IV:105ff V:159 Nebo V:44 Phineas I: 419 Qedar II: 268 Rabboni (Rabbuli) VI: 21 Resurrection III:passim VII:110ff., 244ff., 309ff. Riches III:passim IV:passim Sacrifice II:74ff Samaria V:278ff. VI:73ff., 176, 187ff., 285, 326 Satan I: 367, 650 V:107ff.
The Enemy I: 371 As Serpent/Dragon I: 233, 238f., 242, 366 VII:281 Savior I: 105, 124, 139 Scripture II:1ff. VI:57ff. Sea Monsters IV:19 Seir V:167 Senses (five physical and spiritual) VI: 9ff. Seraphim IV:35 Sheol III:438 VII:138ff., 190ff., 264ff., 294ff., 325ff. Shiloh III:31, 397 Shilumite I:575 III:35,75, 150, 176, 243 Simon Peter I:111, 115 Sinai IV:146 The Son (of God) I: 132, 134, 223, 248ff., 266ff., 285ff., 354, 652 III:357ff., 382, 391, 423ff., 438ff IV:217 V:1 VI:1, 49! VII:243ff., 299, 331, 339 Sons of Light V:124 Spirit (prophetic) I:38ff., 597ff. III:297, 302, 321, 349ff., 389
342 IV:85, 93, 96 VI:219, 243 VII:159, 169 Sun of Righteousness VII:91 Tamuz (divinity) V:65 Torah IV:170 Trinity I: 619 Trisagion IV:36n.
HOMILIES ON ELISHA Unction I: 173, 178 Virgin I: 254f., 259, 269, 277 Virgin of Light (i.e. the Church) VII:91 Watchers V:306 Word (divine) I:5, 7, 20, 29, 45 Zechariah V:109
INDEX OF BIBLICAL REFERENCES Genesis 3:17 3:24 22 Exodus 17:6 Numbers 11:16 25:7 Deuteronomy 6:5 7:9 34:1 Joshua 6:26 1 Samuel 4:11 1 Kings 17:20 19:3 19:19 22:19 2 Kings 2:9 2:10 2:13 2:14 2:19 2:19–22 2:20 2:23 2:24 2:29 3:9
3:16 3:17 3:27 4:1 4:1–7 4:2 4:3 4:4 4:5 4:9 4:13
I: 293 VII: 280 II: 177 II: 143 I: 87 I: 419 II: 127 I: 524 V: 57
4:16–17 4:21 4:27
I: 289, 294 III: 331
4:28 4:30 4:31 4:34
VII: 253 I: 184 I: 186 V: 132
4:43 5:1–4 5:3 5:9 5:10 5:11 5:13 5:14 5:15 5:23 5:27 6:1–7 6:8 6:9
I: 42, 69, 79, 91 VII: 169 I: 99 I: 159 I: 202 I: 218, 244 I: 461 I: 220 I: 345 I: 464 I: 376 II: 52
I: 450, 465 II: 57 II: 40 I 496, 513 I: 466 I: 534 I: 558, 627 I: 589 I: 641 III: 47 I: 575 III: 102, 122 I: 467 III: 195, 201 I: 480 III: 217, 223, 246 III: 273 III: 267 III: 324 I: 468 III: 402 I: 470 I: 471 IV: 106 IV: 111 IV: 114 IV: 120, 132 IV: 140 IV: 141, 174 IV: 188 V: 160 I: 473 I: 475 V: 172 V: 168
344 6:11 6: 14 6:15 6:15–17 6:16 6:17 6:18 6:19 6:20 6:21 6:22 6:25 6:27 6:28 6:30 6:31 6:32 7 7:1 7:2 7:6 7:10 7:18 7:19 7:20 8:9 8:12 13:21 Psalms 31:17 33:3 94:17 115: 17 Proverbs 9:1 Ecclesiates 1:1 3 12:6
HOMILIES ON ELISHA V: 200 V: 166 V: 222, 247 I: 476 V: 250 I: 478 V: 253 I: 479 V: 274 V: 277 I: 477 V: 320 V: 343 V: 348 VI: 92 VI: 162 VI: 137, 163 VI: 170 VI: 171 VI: 174, 210 I: 482 VI: 225, 230, 358 VI: 238, 240 I: 481 VI: 252, 286 VI: 337 VI: 358 VI: 240, 369 VI: 370 I: 485 I: 486 VII: 140 VII: 22 VII: 8, 342 VII: 22 VII: 22 IV: 154 IV: 55 VII: 18 VII: 20, 24
Isaiah 54:1 Jeremiah 2:10 2:11 49:11 Ezekiel 8 9 8:14 Daniel 2:35 7:9 Zechariah 3:1–2 Malachi 4:2 Matthew 5:14 9:20 9:34 10:1 12:24 Mark 4:4–5 4:7 4:8 4:20 5:29 12:27 12:41 Luke 4:29 5:20 5:22 5:23 5:25 5:26 8:44 10:4 16 16:8 20:38
III: 183 II: 268 II: 270, 276 I: 510 V: 60 V: 60 V: 65 VII: 25 V: 122, 126 V: 107 VII: 91 VII: 99 I: 117 I: 350 III: 40 I: 350 VII: 32 VII: 36 VII: 37 VII: 37 I:358 VII: 166 IV: 44 VII: 30 IV: 290 IV: 238 IV: 246 IV: 249 IV: 271 IV: 276, 287 I: 117 III: 296 IV: 218 VII: 93 VII: 166
INDEX OF BIBLICAL REFERENCES John 14:12 Acts 5:15 1 Corinthians 9:24
I: 108 I: 511 VII: 58
Hebrews 2:14 Revelation 4:2
I: 332 V: 122