Islam, Islamic Muhasabah, Sufi, Sufism and Lester Levenson Sedona Method

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Islam, Islamic Muhasabah, Sufi, Sufism and Lester Levenson Sedona Method

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THESIS This Final Project is Submitted to the Ushuluddin Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Islamic Psychology In Tasawuf Psikoterapi Department

LINA LATHIFAH Reg. Number : 094411044



Dear Sir, Dean of Ushuluddin Faculty State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Walisongo Semarang

Assala>mu’alaikum Wr. Wb. After correcting it to whatever extent necessary, we state that this thesis belongs to a student as below: Name

: Lina Lathifah

Reg. Number : 094411044 Department

: Tasawuf Psikoterapi (TP)


: Muh}a>sabah and Sedona Method (A Comparative Studies)

Is ready to be submitted in joining last examination. Wassala>mu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Semarang, June 7, 2013 Academic Advisor I

Academic Advisor II

DR. H. Abdul Muhaya, MA NIP. 196210181991011001

Ahmad Afnan Anshori, MA, M. Hum NIP.197708092005011003


RATIFICATION This paper was examined by two experts and passed on June 20, 2013. Therefore, this paper is accepted as one of requirements for fulfilling Undergraduate Degree of Islamic Psychology. Dean of Ushuluddin Faculty/ Chairman of Meeting

Dr. Machrus, M.Ag NIP. 19630105 199001 1 002

Academic Advisor I

Examiner I

Dr. H. Abdul Muhaya, M.A NIP. 19621018 199101 1 001

Dr. H . Hasyim Muhammad, M. Ag NIP. 19720315 199703 1 002

Academic Advisor II

Examiner II

A. Afnan Anshori, M.A, M.Hum NIP. 19770809 200501 1 003

Dr. H. M. Mukhsin Jamil, M.Ag NIP. 19700215 199703 1003

Secretary of Meeting

Dr. Sulaiman Al Kumayi, M. Ag

NIP. 19730627 200312 1003



I declare that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinions or findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, June 3, 2013 The Writer,

LINA LATHIFAH Reg. Number: 094411044




2 ِ ‫ َﻞ َﻣ ْﻮﺗِ َﻚ َو‬/ْ َ‫َﺎﺗ ََﻚ ﻗ‬8‫ َﺣ‬: ‫ َﻞ َ ْﲬ ِﺲ‬/ْ ً‫ٕاﻏْ َﺘ ِ ْﲌ َ ْﲬ ًﺴﺎ ﻗ‬ ‫َ َﻚ‬$‫ َﻞ َﺳ َﻘ ِﻤ َﻚ َوﻓَ َﺮا‬/ْ َ‫ﲱﺘَ َﻚ ﻗ‬ َ ِ ‫ َﻞ ُﺷﻐ‬/ْ َ‫ﻗ‬ َ‫ َﻞ ﻓَ ْﻘ ِﺮك‬/ْ َ‫ َﻞ ﻫ ََﺮ ِﻣ َﻚ َو ِﻏﻨَﺎكَ ﻗ‬/ْ َ‫ْ) َو َﺷ' َﺒﺎﺑ َ َﻚ ﻗ‬ Take advantage of five (state) before (the coming) five (another state) : your life before your dead, your healthy before your pain, your free time before your busy time, your youth before your old age, your rich before your poor*


* Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani, Shahih Jami’ as Shaghir Buku 1, Translated by Imran Rasadi and Andi Arlin, Najla Press, Jakarta, 2004, p. 474



This thesis is dedicated to:

! My dear parents, Mr. H. Ali Syafi’i and Mrs. Shobiroh My beloved sisters, Ulya and Azqi I do everything for the happiness of you all

! My big family, Bani Popi

! My dear partner, Ali Maftukin, S. H.I Hopefully you always by my side

! And all of people who love to study


PREFACE !"‫ــــــــ‬$%&‫ــــــــــ*) ا‬$%&‫ــــــــ! ﷲ ا‬,-

Alḥamdulilla>hirabbil’a>lamīn, all praises and thanks always give to Allāh SWT The Almaighty who has given His grace and guidance, so that writer able to finish the last task, that is thesis entitled: Muḥa>sabah and Sedona Method (A comparative studies). Blessings and greetings are extended to the great majesty Prophet Muḥammad and his family, his friends, and all his followers who has guide people from the time of ignorance toward the full of grace era. The writer learned a lot of patience in his struggle. He was the most perfect figure and the only one that deserves to be a role model. The writer ackknowladge that this writing will not be resolved on time if there is no help, support, and prayers of all parties. Therefore, the writer conveys the highest appreciation to: 1.

My dear parents, Mr. H. Ali Syafi’i and Mrs. Shobiroh who never stop praying for me, who never tired of giving affection and love, who patiently paying attention, and who always advise gently. Then for my beatiful and great sisters, Ulya and Azqi. You are my everything in my life. I do love you


The Dean of Ushuluddin Faculty, Dr. Nashihun Amin, M.Ag who has given permission to the writer to do this research. And the writer do not forget say thanks to the vices dean, who has provided adequate learning facilities.


My thesis advisors Dr. H. Abdul Muhaya, M.A and Ahmad Afnan Anshori, MA, M. Hum. They have guided with patience and sincerity, they have been encouraging and guiding as a teacher as well as father.


Dr. Sulaiman Al Kumayi, M.Ag and Fitriyati, S.Psi, M.Si as chairman and secretary of Tasawuf Psikoterapi Department. I thankful for the guidance and motivation is given to me.



All of my teachers and my lecturers, have educated me with patience and love. There is no reward for it all, just a prayer for you, may Allah gives blessings for you in the world until hereafter.


The Ministry of Religious Affairs RI for the scholarships provide to me during take education S1 in State Institute of Islamic Studies Walisongo Semarang.


My friends in the female dormitory Dārul Qur’ān who become a family when I far from my parents, who have graced my days for taking education S1 in Semarang. You have been with me when my tears fall, when my feet are tired, when there was no smile on my lips. Many unforgettable stories with you. Much of thanks and love for you all, espesially for Jeparanita, Mbak Fe, Mizky, Mbak Nabil, Mbak Nikmah. Special thanks are also given to Mbak Husnul, Mbak Muniroh, Mbak Tri, Mbak Anis, Mbak Ayu, Berbi (mbak Muslimah), Mbak Ama, Mbak Uji, Mbak Lutfi, Mbak Jikati, Mbak Fitri, Mbak Nada, Bunda, Mbak Arin, and Mbak Us.


Friends in courses of Islamic studies of Religious Affairs RI in Tafsir Hadith and Tasawuf Psikoterapi Department of Ushuluddin faculty. I will not forget every moment with you all. Mumun, Sugie, Bang Akrom, Bang Yasin, Kakak Latif, Lukman, Akhy Baha’, Pak Lurah, Kakak Ifu, Rofiq, Bang Kaji Nadhif, Lek Misbah, Mbah Saifudin Moro, Rozak, and Bang Zalil, thank you so much for your helps. It is honor to be your part.


All of my friends in KMJS (Trus Karya Tataning Bumi), and HMI, especially for Commisariat Iqbal who has give me a lot of valuable experince about organization. Especially for my seniors, Mas Afu, Mas Fatah, and Mas Ayis. YAKUSA.

10. My family of KKN, who gives a lot of meaning of love, tegetherness, and solidarity. Especially for Mr. H. Sugiran and family, they are my new family. Thanks to all of my friends, Bunda Raisya, Mas Royyan, Mas Shofyan, Mas Ma’sum, Mas Arifin, Mala, Alfin, Mbak Inna, Mbak Aat, Dek Mul, Mami Ulil, and special thanks for Mas Reza, be ready for next story.


11. Mbak Risa and mbak Tri. Thank you for guiding me in the first in semarang, You inspire me. hopefully success and happiness always be with you 12. My dear partner, Ali Maftukin, S. H.I who always accompany me in happy and sorrow. I want you to be the only one in my life. May God bless us. Heartfelt thanks for all your kindness may Allah SWT repay all of kindness with a better response in the world and in the hereafter.

Semarang, June 3, 2013 Writer, LINA LATHIFAH Reg. Number: 094411044


TRANSLITERATION* VOWEL LETTERS a long spelling i long spelling u long spelling

a> i< u> ARABIC LETTER ‫ا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ح‬ ‫خ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ز‬ ‫س‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ھـ‬ ‫ي‬

WRITTEN No symbol B T s\ J h{ Kh D z\ R Z S Sy s} d{ t} z{ ‘ G F Q K L M N W H Y

NAME Alif ba Ta s\a Jim h}a Kha Dal z\al Ra Zai Sin Syin s}ad d{ad t{a z}a ‘ain Gain Fa Qaf Kaf Lam Mim Nun Wau Ha Ya

* Quoted from Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Walisongo, Semarang, 2007, p.112-113


TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF TITLE .................................................................................. .....


ADVISOR APPROVAL ................................................................... ..........


RATIFICATION …………………………………………………………. iii DECLARATION .......................................................................... ............


MOTTO .......................................................................................................


DEDICATION ............................................................................................


PREFACE ....................... ........................................................................


TRANSLITERATION .....................................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................


ABSTRACT .. ........................................................................................ xiii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background ....………………………………….....................


B. Research Question ...………………………………………….


C. Aim and Significance of Research …………………………...


D. Prior Research ………………………………………………...


E. Methodology of Research ........................................................... 11 F. Writing Systematic ….................................................................. 13 CHAPTER II : MUḤĀSABAH A. Definition of Muḥa>sabah ........................................................... 15 B. Urgency of Muḥa>sabah ............................................................. 19 C. Steps of Muḥa>sabah .................................................................. 24 1. Muḥa>sabah in the implementation step ............................... 24 2. Muḥa>sabah in the increase step ........................................... 31 D. Advantages of Practicing Muḥa>sabah ....................................... 34


E. Dangers of Leaving Muḥa>sabah ............................................... 37 CHAPTER III : SEDONA METHOD A. Appearing History of Sedona Method ....................................... 39 B. Development of the Sedona Method .......................................... 41 C. The Release Technique .............................................................. 43 1. Release of Feelings ............................................................. 46 2. Release of Emotions ............................................................ 47 3. Release of Wants …………………………………………. 48 D. The Release Steps of Sedona Method ....................................... 56 1. Preparation Step .................................................................. 56 2. Implementation Step ........................................................... 58 3. Evaluation Step ................................................................... 61 CHATER IV : SIMILARITIES AND DEFFERENCES BETWEEN MUḤĀSABAH AND SEDONA METHOD A. Similarities and Differences between Muḥa>sabah and Sedona Method in the Goal Aspect ........................................................ 63 B. Similarities and Differences between Muḥa>sabah and Sedona Method in Implementation Technique ........................................ 67 CHEPTER V : CLOSING A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 76 B. Suggestions ................................................................................. 78 C. Closing ........................................................................................ 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY CURICULUM VITAE



Since ancient times to the modern era, there is no human being who wants static life. All human beings crave the future course of his life is getting better and better, either it in the form of physical aspect such as wealth, position, and so on. And also in the psyche aspect such as experience, knowledge, wisdom, religiosity, and so on. Most people know what he should to do for his life towards more advanced. However, the others are not able to even negligent that what he does now is contribution for future, either in the adversity or in the happiness. Therefore, people need to do self improvement before coming remorse. In, Islam itself has been teaching his followers about the importance of self-improvement with muḥa>sabah. Efforts to do self-improvement is also developed in the western, one of them is Sedona method. This method was discovered and developed by Levonson Lester, a physicist in United States. This method is increasly changing people's lives for the better. This research is a comparative study, in which two methods of selfimprovement will be researched about the similarities and differences aspect. The primary data is books that discuss about muḥa>sabah and Sedona method. The secondary data is scholary books or datas that talking about Sufism and psychology. Then, the datas will be analyzed using the content analysis method. Both of self-improvement method has similarities and differences. Some of these similarities are in the aspect of the goal that is to improve the physical and spiritual aspects, both use the questions in the improvement method aspect, their process must go through several steps, at the time aspect, they can be done anytime and anywhere, as well as continuing its lifetime. The differences of both method are muḥa>sabah always based on the consideration of religion, while the Sedona Method tends to psychology or humanitarian considerations. Another difference is in the implementation step, steps of muḥa>sabah are implementation step and improvement step. While the steps in Sedona method are diagnosis step, the release process, and evaluation. Both of these methods also have differences in terms of execution time. Muḥa>sabah implemented without waiting for self trouble, while the Sedona method only implemented when self trouble come.


After finding out the similarities and differences of the both methods, the writer expect the readers to be more wise to choose a method of self-improvement which appropriate and useful for him, especially for a Muslim. Because, all human deeds not only will be counted, but also they will be responsibility in this world and until in the hereafter.



A. Background Today, more and more people are ignoring their afterlife affairs. They pursue the world affairs until forget the affairs of hereafter. They argue that what they do is to get a better life and happier than ever. While, everything that they get in the world including the happiness is only temporary, except with permission of God. Meanwhile, the eternal happiness is happiness of here after, which they ignore instead. If they want to think that the purpose of human life on earth is to prepare provision of eternal life, that is afterlife, they would not have to wasted it. In a hadis| related by al Hakim and al Bayḥaqi of the Prophet Muḥammad, that he said to a man to advised him:

ْ #َ %ْ َ& َ'(َ ‫َ َ*ا‬+‫'َ َو‬.ِ َ/0َ #َْ %َ& َ'َ13‫ ﱠ‬4 َ ِ5 ْ67َ #َْ %َ& ' َ َ58َ9:َ : < ِ ‫' َو‬ ِ .ْ َ= #َْ %ً& 8ً?.ْ َ= ْ ِ!َ1(‫إ‬ ُ ‫ك‬ َ *ِ /ْ َ+ #َ %ْ َ& َ‫ك‬8َ!(ِ ‫'َ َو‬7ِ *ََ ‫ ھ‬#َ %ْ َ& َ'َ%8َ%&َ ‫& ْ('ِ'َ َو‬

”Take advantage of five (state)before (the coming) five (another state: your life before your dead, your healthy before your pain, your free time before your busy time, your youth before your old age, your rich before your poor.” [Narrated by Al-Ḥakim and Al-Bayḥaqi].1

People should always be careful in life, in order not to regret in the future. Because of every human deed will get a replay from God. For example, hurt other people, betraying a friend, help a poor, give sympathize for orphans and other 1

Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani, Shahih Jami’ as Shaghir Buku 1, Translated by Imran Rasadi and Andi Arlin, Najla Press, Jakarta, 2004, p. 474



actions. All of these actions will get a replay soon, both of admirable or despicable, both to your self and to others. In addition, no matter how a small or hidden will still get something in return. Allāh said,





'#$%&'ִ☺7?9: . ;4? !"3 234++5 %/1+0?@-9AB'%) 8F14 ;4(I0J514 ;4(?G%&4=H 10& M47N%O ' KIG%L73=9 ; !-%.!3 7P%&Q-+֠ 0ST0 R 8F14 ;4(I00514=9


This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali



!> T!ִ8 8F14 %S(.&ִ☺sabah . Muḥa>sabah is a analysis of the hearts continuosusly include it’s circumstances are always changing.4 Introspection is a means of identifying themsleves, especially about the shortcomings or weaknesses. By knowing the shortcomings, people will realize that they are a being who is not perfect and they should devote themselves entirely to the One of the most perfect, Allāh SWT. For the Sufis, muḥa>sabah is one of the ways to draw closer to The Divine. The proximity of a case will not happen unless except already know or recognize the matter well. Similarly, the closeness to The Divine, it will never happen when a servant does not know his Lord. In a ḥadis| qudsi5, said that people will be able to recognize his Lord when he has identified him self.

ُ +َ‫ّـ‬%‫ َ*فَ َر‬0َ 1ْ َ/َ+ ُ+?َ 2ْ َ3 َ‫ ََ*ف‬0 4ْ 7َ

Those who recognize himself then he recognize his Lord6


Ibid. Amatullah Amstrong, Kunci Memasuki Dunia Tasawuf, Translated by M. S Nashrullah and Ahmad Baiquni, Penerbit Mizan, Bandung, 1996, p. 188 5 H}adis| Qudsi is something that was told by God to the Prophet Muhammad through inspiration or dream, then the redaction delivered by the Prophet himself. An Nawawi and Al Qasthalani, Kumpulan Hadits Qudsi Beserta Penjelasnnya, Translated by Miftahul Khoiri and Mohammad Asmawi, Al Manar, prints to-5, Yogyakarta, 2008, p. 3 6 Amin Syukur and Fatimah Usman, Terapi Hati, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 2012, p. 15 4


The way to identify self is by doing lot of muḥa>sabah . Because, muḥa>sabah will uncoverd the abominations of self that hidden. Lack of self-unconsious for a long time will be seen, and will be known the ḥijab that blocks closeness to God. Muḥa>sabah is form of counted ourselves against all actions, whether that has been done, is being done, or will be done. Muḥa>sabah of the actions that has not been done, will teach people to be careful in deciding an action. Muḥa>sabah of the actions that is being done will make people feel always be cared for God. While muḥa>sabah of the actions has been done is to give a consious assessment of the good and bad actions. If it has done something bad, then people will be more careful not to be repeated, or that could be improved going forward. Meanwhile, if

the act is a laudable charity, the act may be

continued and developed so that the longer the better.7 As performed by the Companions ‘Umar bin Khaṭṭāb. He is a man who always remember and think about what he had done. When night came ‘Umar ibn Khaṭṭāb would hit repeatedly his legs with corn grain and then he would ask himself, “what have you done today?”. Muḥa>sabah not only to acts done by hand, or legs, where he was going today, but also to oral and lust. Similarly, Umar ibn Khattab, he is the one who always look back about what he said and think about it again. If the word is bad then it will change to say the better word.8 By increasing the muḥa>sabah , it will make the heart smart and aware, and sensitive to the variety of symptoms that was inside him. In addition, people become istighfar and repent if he or she make mistakes, negligence, and immorality that causes sin.9 Muḥa>sabah to own self highly preferred before he muḥa>sabah over others. ‘Umar ibn Khaṭṭāb said,



Ahmad Fuad, Menyucikan Jiwa: Konsep Ulama Salaf, Risalah Gusti, Surabaya, 1993, p.


Abu Ḥamid Al Ghazali, Mukasyafatul Qulu>b, Dar al Jil, Beirut_Lebanon, 1991, p. 408 Ibid, p. 45



:9'0 ‫ازن‬65 ‫ أن‬#%& :sabah , the wish person who was checking the movement of the hearth that secret and hidden. He counted himself now without waiting until the day of resurrection.11 Allāh SWT said,


%S(IW% b, p. 408 This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali


People should evaluate himself for his actions, no matter how small it is, from their births until the moment when they repented. Better for People to inspect and weigh their self before examined and weighed by Allāh SWT. Because people who do not want evaluate their self in the world, so their weigh will very long in the hereafter.18 People should do muḥa>sabah, because Allāh SWT gave an intelligence that can be used to thinking, reflecting, and weighing everything will be done, is being done, and what has been done. By that intelligence, people can differentiate between good and bad. People will also be able to differentiate between commands and prohibitions, and they will know what have to do to fix and make their actions to be perfect. Allāh SWT explained that intelligent people should have three times, one of them is time for muḥa>sabah. In the Ḥadsi| Qudsi, Allāh SWT said,

, ‫ﺔ ﳛﺎﺳﺐ ﻓﳱﺎ ﻧﻔﺴﻪ‬,‫ وﺳﺎ‬,‫ﺔ ﻳﻨﺎﺟﺮ ﻓﳱﺎ رﺑﻪ‬,‫ ﺳﺎ‬, ‫ﺎت‬,‫ ﺛﻼث ﺳﺎ‬X ‫ﲆ اﻟﻌﺎﻗﻞ ان ?ﻜﻮن‬, ‫ﺎن ﻋﻦ اﰉ ذ ر‬3‫ رواﻩ ا^ﻦ ﺣ‬.‫ﺔ ﲣﻠﻮ ﻓﳱﺎ ﲟﻄﻌﻤﻪ و ﻣﴩﺑﻪ‬,‫و ﺳﺎ‬ The wish intelligent and wish people should divide his time to three times, an hour for khalwat, dhikir, and for pray to Allāh SWT. An hour for evaluated their self, and an hour is used for eating and drinking. (Narrated by Ibn Ḥibban)19 Worth people is people who is able to provide time to evaluate themselves, and advise each other in truth and patience.20 Allāh SWT said,


See, Imam Ghazali, Taubat Sabar dan Syukur, Translated by Nur hikmah and Suminto, Tintamas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1982, p. 86 19 Muhammad Tajuddin bin al Manawi al Haddadi, 272 Hadis| Qudsi, Translated by Salim Bahreisy, PT. Bina Ilmu, Surabaya, p. 65 20 Abdullah Gymnastiar, Jagalah Hati (MQ for beginners), MQS Publishing, Bandung, 2004, p. 16


(D!' . !;tִ/3=!28& wx!' . T;>@9E osp0= EQ)#du?v!2 32458*7289 *a-.֠01!2 .?)ִ0!.)yL=!2 324/..☺*58& z{|ִ03=!!!" 32*4#?2840)8& !;*=yL=!!!" 32*4#?2840)8& . By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (Surah Al-‘Aṣr (103): 1-3)21 In this case, Imam Al-Ghazali said, “you have to know, if a servant has time in the morning to listen the some counsels of truth, so he should has time also in the afternoon for evaluate him self. He has to contemplate again the all of movement and actions a long day. Wherever he moves, and what purpose did he move?”22 Muḥa>sabah should be done every day, or it should be done as often as possible. As well as ‘Umar bin Khaṭṭab, when night came, he sat with his legs flailing, and said, “what did you do today?”.23 So, more frequent people evaluate their self, so it will be better for them. This is what was done by Caliph ‘Umar bin Khaṭṭab all his life. If he found a defect in his actions in the daytime, so he repented and asked forgiveness immediately. According to Ijma’, muḥa>sabah is an obligation. The content of science in muḥa>sabah is faith in muḥa>sabah of Allāh SWT. Result of doing muḥa>sabah is i’tiṣam24 and istiqamah.


This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali Arif Supriono, (ed.), Seratus Cerita Tentang Akhlak, Republika, Jakarta, 2006, p. 24 23 Abu Ḥāmid Al Ghazali, Mukasyafatul Qulu>b, p. 408 24 I’tisham is holding fast, its mean that hold past to the book of God that is Al Qur’an and keep His laws. Whereas Istiqamah is the firmness and independence of the tendency of the two base cases are held. Istiqamah has a distinctive purpose for its substance and for other purposes. For the substance is an intermediate stage entrance to al-jam’, from the abyss tafriqah. See, Imam Ghazali, Rauḍhah: Taman Jiwa Kaum Sufi, Risalah Gusti, p. 137 22


Meanwhile, Ibrahim at-Taimy said, “I imagined myself initially had entered paradise, and enjoying the delicious of fruits and drink. There and drinks. There is a river that flows in the paradise, and there are many angels whose faces are very beautiful. Then I imagined myself go to hell also. I imagined that I ate branches of zaqum, I drank water pus, and I suffered because I was chained” then Ibrahim at Taimy ask to himself “O soul, which one do you want?”. Then he answered that question “I want to return to the world for doing pious charity (doing well)”. Ibrahim at Taimy said again to him self, “now, you have to get what do you want. Well get a charity!”.25 Judgment of all deeds is a sure thing for every people. Prophet Muḥammad SAW emphasized that the day of reckoning (yaum al ḥisa>b) is true (hāqq). No one be able to escape from ḥisa>b in the hereafter. Allāh SWT said,





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For to Us will be their return; Then it will be for Us to call them to account. (Surah Al-Ghasyiyah (88): 25-26)26

Allāh SWT said,

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Abu Ḥāmid Al Ghazali, Mukasyafatul Qulu>b, p. 409 This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali






5+&hK% .f!*A./3=!!!" "On the Day when every soul will be confronted with all the good it has done, and all the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between it and its evil. But Allāh cautions you (To remember) Himself. And Allāh is full of kindness to those that serve Him." (Surah ‘Ali ‘Imra>n (3): 30)27 When the Day of Judgment comes, there is no opportunity to do good charity and improve it. Therefore, every people must be preparing for them selves to face that day to multiply good deeds in the world. ‘Ali bin Abu Ṭalib said, “The world is always moving away from human life, while the hereafter is always on the move toward him. Each of them has a loyal slave. Therefore, be a people who are be a slave for hereafter, and do not be a slave for world. Verily, in this world is a place of charity and there is no judgment here. While in the hereafter is a place of judgment and there is no opportunity for charity.” Therefore, there is no reason for people to reject muḥa>sabah for themselves before its too late, which is before coming of death. When death has come, there is no opportunity for charity again. The thing to do just wait to the Day of Judgment, in that day all of action will be shown without any missing. Conduct a muḥa>sabah now is better than putting it off, in order to avoid regrets and disadvantages.

C. Steps of Muḥa>sabah According to Toto Tasmara, in the process of muḥa>sabah, people will use his two potentials, namely fu’ad potentials (mind, thought) and ṣadr potentials (emotions, dhikir). As for the process, there are two steps that must be performed 27



by someone who evaluate himself to reach a better quality of life and happiness in the world to hereafter. Both of them are muḥa>sabah in the implementation stage and muḥa>sabah in the increase stage.


Muḥa>sabah in the implementation step Muḥa>sabah in the implementation step is muḥa>sabah that is done before practicing an act or when doing an act. This Muḥa>sabah step is to know the truth or falsity of an act according to Allāh SWT. And it is to know advantages and disadvantages if it is done or it is abandoned. Muḥa>sabah before act is evaluate appearing of the desire or the will early. Then it is not done immediately, if the act is not clear, whether the act is better to do or to left.28 As word of Ḥasan Baṣri that quoted by Margaret Smith in his book Mistikus Islam Ujaran-ujaran dan Karyanya. Hasan Basri said that a believer when faced with the emergence of the nice things. Then they say, “You are really nice to me and really I needed. Nevertheless, it is not necessary, there are limits of punishment between you and me, and this is muḥa>sabah before act. Whereas if a believer is already doing something wrong, then they said, “O soul, what do you want exactly? I will not forgive you, and Walla>hi, Insya> Alla>h, I will do this again forever.”29 In muḥa>sabah at this implementation step, there are several steps that must be performed by someone who doing muḥa>sabah or evaluate himself. Among others that: First, people have to know every act that will be do. It means that he understands the reason,

Why I do this?

28 Ibnu Qayyim al Jauziyyah, Tombo Ati: Cerdas Mengobati Hati Sendiri, Translated by Muhammad Babul Ulum, Maghfirah Pustaka, Jakarta, 2005, p. 101 29 Margaret Smith, Mistikus Islam Ujaran-ujaran dan Karyanya, Risalah Gusti, Surabaya, 2001, p. 183


What the act is done for?

Whom the act is done for?

What does purpose this action?

And, what advantages or disadvantages that would be gotten if the act is done for them?

Muḥa>sabah of the actions that have not been done is by stop first and think,

Is it better done or left?

When if he do is well, he will think again, is the motivation because of hoping blesses of Allāh SWT or because of people. If his motivation because of Allāh SWT, he still has to think again, if he does it, •

Is there people will help him if he needs it?

If nothing helps, he will refrain of it. As Prophet Muḥammad SAW refrained to jihad in Makkah before he has the strength and support. But, if people sure that they will get support, so should he determined to go forward, because there will definitely be a help.30 The steps before deciding on an action need a careful calculation. Every time, when people will go to next action, should people to make a long time to think before to avoid the hasty nature that cause regret later. Actually hasty nature is belonged to devil, as the hadis| related by Tirmiz|i>,

: ‫ﻠﻴﻪ و ﺳﲅ‬, ‫ ﻗﺎل رﺳﻮل ﷲ ﺻﲆ ﷲ‬: ‫و ﻋﻦ ﺳﻬﻞ ^ﻦ ﺳﻌﺪ رﴇ ﷲ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻗﺎل‬ ‫ رواﻩ اﻟﱰﻣﺬى‬.‫ﻴﻄﺎ ن‬%‫ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺸ‬kl‫اﻟﻌ‬


Ibnu Qayyim al Jauziyyah, Tombo Ati: Cerdas Mengobati Hati Sendiri, p. 102


Hasty action is includes devil. (Narrated by Tirmiz|i>)31 By a lot of thinking before doing something, people will know the cause and the effect of their each act, as well as the good and bad also. People will think that not all of desire has to do, and not all that is in ability well to do. Not all that well done is because of Allāh SWT, and Not all are done because of Allāh will be helped. Second, should people to evaluate them self by mura>qabah. Generally, mura>qabah is mean researching of self, introspection, or selfcontrol. murāqabah is control of self by realizing that at the same time, he was being supervised by Allāh SWT, The Almighty. Imam al Qushairy an-Naisabury said that, etymologically, mura>qabah is researching the destinations, while in the terminology, mura>qabah is seeing God with heart, because Allāh SWT always see motion and silence of every people.32 According to ‘Abdullāh al Murta’isy, mura>qabah is keeping away the inner self, because of awareness of the supervision of The Almighty in every sight and speech.33 According to Toto Tasmara, mura>qabah is the way of people to investigate into the self, seeing into all the nerves of heart, so they will understand that the entire of heart or soul runs on and in the tendency to God. In others words, mura>qabah is calculation of a servant about his interaction with Allāh SWT, The Almighty. 34 Allāh SWT always knows every movement of people, even though the movement inside, in the deepest of heart. Allāh SWT will make calculation for all of it. Allāh SWT said,


Ibnu hajar Al-Asqalani, Terjemah Lengkap Bulughul Maram, Translated by Abdul Rosyad Siddiq, Akbar Media Eka Sarana, Jakarta, 2009, p. 692 32 Imam al Qushairy an Naisabury, Risalatul Qusyairiyyah: Induk Ilmu Tasawuf, Translated by Mohammad Luqmanul Hakiem, Risalah Gusti, Surabaya, 2000, p. 218 33 Ibid, p. 221 34 Toto Tasmara, Kecerdasan Ruhaniah (Transcendental Intelligence), p. 79


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, K91!*åWç Q*7 $Vqabah will make people always be careful in all his act are done. As a worker who is supervised his boss when he on duty, so he will be careful more and more, because if something goes wrong, the boss will angry at him, and hate him, and even his boss can cut off his salary. That is parable of the servant who always doing mura>qabah, he will be very careful and thorough in his doing, because of his fear, if God does not give His bless for his charity. Allāh SWT said,

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Eqabah, those are:40 1.

Mura>qabah in the ṭ}a’at state is doing devotion with sincerity, doing to improve it, keep the rule of it, and protect it from defects. Because people realize that all of intention is known by God, so that in running devotion, they are not influenced by the surrounding situation, either being alone or in a crowd.

39 Sa’id Hawwa, Mensucikan Jiwa: konsep Tazqiyyatun-nafs Terpadu Intisari Iḥya>’ ‘Ulumuddīn al Ghazali, p. 139 40 Al Ghazali, Intisari Iḥya’ Ulumuddīn Al Ghazali(Mensucikan Jiwa), Risalah Gusti, p. 139



Mura>qabah in immorality state is researching themselves are doing immorality with repentance, releases it, shy because of it and busy doing tafakkur on the immorality that is being done.


Mura>qabah in the mubaḥ state is secure in rules or Islamic teachings then pay attention to bounties that have been gotten and thankful for it. Make a relation with other in a good way, honest, amanah, responsibility, brave, simple, and so forth. Mura>qabah in this state will foster a love from other people, as well as God will love them. A servant must be able to control himself in all of state above. Each of

three states above are has some limitations that must be kept by mura>qabah continually. Allāh said,

g1!2 ִf&75P @7ִ/*M*% Q*78& C

C Z:k#d34*> E+P.0 >70'0R And any who transgresses the limits of Allāh, does verily wrong his (own) soul. (Surah Aṭ-Ṭalāq (65): 1)41 After people practicing muḥa>sabah in the implementation stage, they should to consistence. Smart people never ignore themselves come to badness or immorality back, but they have to increase it. 2.

Muḥa>sabah in the increase step Practicing muḥa>sabah in this stage is to know the increase o decrease in the quality and quantity of actions or charities. This muḥa>sabah is done after doing action and then people can decide whether action is needed to continue and to increase, and whether action is not needed to continue and to increase. According to Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, muḥa>sabah after action is divided into three kinds. First, evaluate about the validity of action or charity, 41

This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali


its means whether devotion to implement the rights of God has been fulfilled as it should? There are six rights of God that must be fulfilled by a servant in serving to Him, there are: 1.) Sincere in their studies 2.) Faithful to the God 3.) Follow the Prophet Muḥammad SAW 4.) Witnessing the goodness 5.) Acknowledging the gift of God for self, and after this 6.) Acknowledging of the defects Second, evaluate the action that better if leave it. Third, evaluate the mubaḥ of action and the action that usually to do. Does every actions that they usually do is to expect the God’ bless and the happiness in the hereafter? So they will luck or do the actions just to expect the happiness in the world so will make them lose?42 Muḥa>sabah in this increase stage is an effort to improve on everything that has not been good in the past. First, in fixing self is stop the act if it bad act according to The God. One of ways to stop the bad act is by pressing and controlling hard desire, and always alert.43 Then hurry up to repent to Allāh, because repentance is part of muḥa>sabah process. People do repentance after research what has been done and if that act is bad, immorality, and included in the prohibition of God, then they regret it and never repeat it.44 Allāh SWT. said,






Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, Menyelamatkan Hati Dari Tipu Daya Setan Juz 1, p. 179 Ibid, p.177 44 Sa’id Hawwa, Mensucikan Jiwa: konsep Tazqiyyatun-nafs Terpadu Intisari Iḥyā’ ‘Ulumuddīn al Ghazali, p. 140 43


And I do call to witness the self-reproaching spirit: (Eschew Evil). (Surah Al-Qiyāmah (75): 2) 45

If the people find him self in a state of z}ālim to someone in the afternoon, hurry up to apologize to him as soon as possible. If he cannot, he should be determined to fix it when he meets that people in the future. Prophet Muḥammad SAW said,

‫ ) َﻣ ْﻦ‬: ‫ﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﲅ‬, ‫ ﻗﺎل رﺳﻮل ﷲ ﺻﲆ ﷲ‬: ‫وﻋﻦ اﰉ ﻫﺮ?ﺮة رﴈ ﷲ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻗﺎل‬ ‫( رواﻩ اﳌﺴﲅ‬.‫َﻠَﻴﻪ‬, |‫ا‬ ُ { ‫ ْن ﺗ َْﻄﻠُ َﻊ اﻟﺸ{ ْﻤ ُﺲ ِﻣ ْﻦ َﻣ ْﻐ ِﺮﲠِ َﺎ }َ َب‬1Ç ‫ َﻞ‬3ْ َ‫}َ َب ﻗ‬ Whoever repents to Allāh SWT before sun rises from the western direction, so Allāh SWT will accept his repentance. (Narrated by Muslim)46

Prophet Muḥammad SAW said,

:‫ﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﲅ ﻳﻘﻮل‬, ‫ ﲰﻌﺖ رﺳﻮل ﷲ ﺻﲆ ﷲ‬: ‫وﻋﻦ اﰉ ﻫﺮ?ﺮة رﴈ ﷲ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻗﺎل‬ ‫ﺎرى‬Ü‫ رواﻩ اﻟﺒ‬.(‫ﺒﻌﲔ ّﻣﺮة‬%‫ﻛﱶ ﻣﻦ ﺳ‬1ٔ ‫ﺗﻮب إﻟﻴﻪ ﰱ اﻟﻴﻮم‬1ٔ ‫ﺘﻐﻔﺮ ﷲ و‬%‫ﺳ‬0ٔ ‫)وﷲ إﱏ‬ 45

Self-regretting is when people doing the goodness they will regret, why do they not do more? But when people doing badness they will more regret, why did they do this? This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali 46 Yusu>f bin Ismail An Nabh}a>ni, Mukhtas}ar Riya>d}us}s}alih}i>n, Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut_Lebanon, 1996, p. 29


And by Allāh, actually I beg His forgiveness and I repent to Him not less than seventy times every day. (Narrated by Al Bukhārī)47

Actually, Prophet Muḥammad SAW is ma’ṣum and maḥfuḍ, which is kept by Allah SWT from all of sin. But, Prophet never stops to ask His forgiveness. More over, people are the ordinary person who never free from doing sin every day. Then they should doing muḥa>sabah and repent to God more than the Prophet did. After doing repentance, a servant has to keep it from mistakes and inadvertence. In order to the mistakes and inadvertence are not repeated in the future. Repentance is the result of muḥa>sabah from the act that is forbidden by Islām, Allāh never bless people who does it. However if the result of muḥa>sabah had shown that their act during this time is in accordance with teachings of Islām, then they should to continue their act and improve it, never feel enough and satisfied, and never stop it. Prophet Muḥammad ever said, whoever charity today is better than yesterday, so they are lucky people. Whoever charity is today as well as yesterday, so they are stupid people. Whoever charity today is worse than yesterday, so they are lose people.

Prophet Muḥammad SAW said,

ِ‫ ْ َﲻﺎل‬0‫ا‬Ç ْ ‫ي‬å ‫ َا‬:‫ﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﲅ‬, ‫ﺌﻞ اﻟﻨﱯ ﺻﲆ ﷲ‬%‫ ﺳ‬:‫ﺸﺔ رﴈ ﷲ ﻋﳯﺎ اﳖﺎ ﻗﺎﻟﺖ‬í‫ﺎ‬, ‫ﻋﻦ‬ ِ ‫ﺐ ا َﱃ‬å ‫َا َﺣ‬ ‫ﺎرى‬Ü‫ رواﻩ اﻟﺒ‬.(‫ ) َاد َْوا ُﻣﻬَﺎ َوا ِْن ﻗ {ﻞ‬:‫ﷲ ؟ ﻗﺎل‬ ï 47

p. 1000

Imam Az-Zabidi, Ringkasan Hadis} Ṣaḥiḥ Al-Bukha>rī, Pustaka Amani, Jakarta, 2002,


From ‘Aisyah ra, she said: I asked to Prophet Muḥammad SAW: which one of act that most loved by Allāh? Prophet said: the most favorite charity according to the God is the Good act that is done routinely, although a bit (Narrated by Al Bukhārī)48 The next step in the increase stage is preservation of self. After knowing what should be fixed. Then fix it, after that people have to keep what has been repaired to prevent it from the badness before. Preservation of self that can be done by people that is increase the worship, such as dhikir, fasting, and reading the Holy Qur’an. Preservation of self can also be done by stay away from places that can lead to badness, because the environment has a strong to influence on self. Then, attending the assemblies of dhikir, assemblies of scientific study, and gather with righteous people, it all is better. When they doing mistakes, they will be reminded immediately and they will be guided back in the goodness. D. Advantages of Practicing Muḥa>sabah Everything that was ordered by God, it certainly contain a specific purpose, or contain some advantages. Similarly, the order that people have to doing muḥa>sabah. Many advantages is gotten if people want to practicing muḥa>sabah. The real advantage when people process muḥa>sabah is they become a person who is increasingly better. Because of practicing muḥa>sabah, they always know their mistakes or defects in themselves, the fix it as soon as possible. Without practicing muḥa>sabah, people will not can realize their mistakes and will never fix it. Truly, muḥa>sabah keep people in the goodness continually. Al Ḥasan said, “A servant, always in the goodness, as long as he still has advisor in himself and he cares to evaluate himself or practicing muḥa>sabah”.49 When people have know their disability or their defect, they will be more respectful to others, and they will love others more that he loved them selves. 48 49

Ibid, p. 1015 Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, Menyelamatkan Hati dari Tipu Daya Setan Juz 1, p 173


Muṭarif bin ‘Abdullāh said, “If I do not understand my disability or defect of my self. Surely I have hated all over the world”.50 Therefore,








muḥa>sabah by always remember Him. In addition, they have to hurry up to repent, if the act was done by them is an act that is hated by Allāh SWT. Allāh SWT said,




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*D&:;st*A$7 +/{ 20X!†0R Those who fear Allāh, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allāh to remembrance, when lo! They see (aright)!. (Surah Al A’rāf (7): 201) 51 People who want practicing muḥa>sabah, then they fix and he repent, so he ask the forgiveness of God. They are people who will get the advantages in the world and later, in the hereafter. Allāh SWT. said,



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And O ye Believers! Turn ye all together towards Allāh, that ye may attain Bliss. (Surah An-Nūr (24): 31)52


Ibid, p. 184 This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali 52 Ibid. 51


People should count all his acts, both of the good action or bad action, then weigh both of them. If people only count their goodness, and ignore their badness. It can cause ‘ujub in the heart. And it will only hurt them selves. Because of that, muḥa>sabah keep people from ‘ujub and complacency of their goodness. Beside of that, muḥa>sabah will guide people to know which one the actions have to do or leave. In the life of this world, should people always be careful in the every action, not just follow their want, their lust, but weigh it by God’s laws. Al Ḥasan ra said, “Allāh SWT bless a servant who think before he do something, or want something, he will do if it is because of Allāh SWT, and he will stop if it is because of others”. Some people interpret the saying of Al Ḥasan above, “if an Nafs moves to do something that a servant wants, it will stop for a moment and think” he will ask to himself “am I can do it or not?”.53 When muḥa>sabah or self evaluation has become a people habit, and they fix their action immediately, so in the Judgment day, their responsibility will be easy. As word of Ḥasan Baṣri (110H/728M)54 that quoted by Hafidz Sulaiman, Mutiara Kaum Sufi: Pokok-pokok Ajaran Sufi dalam Mendekatkan Diri kepada Allāh SWT. Hasan Basri said that a believer to God, he has to lead him self, he has to evaluate himself because of Allāh SWT. So in the next of Judgment day will be light for him, who is man who always evaluates himself in this world. Conversely, the judgment day will be so hard for man who never evaluate him self for introspect or muḥa>sabah in this world. 55 Whereas, according to KH. Toto Tasmara, people who always doing muḥa>sabah will get many advantages, as follows:


Arif Supriono, (ed.), Seratus Cerita Tentang Akhlak, p. 24 Ḥasan Baṣri is a Sufi who was born in Medina and he grew up in Basra. He was known because of his the simplicity of life (zuhud). He was also known because of his speeches that were delivered in Baghdad. He is a Sufi that laid the foundation of ‘ilmu al qulūb which was developed by other Sufis in the next period. See, Margaret Smith, Mistikus Islam Ujaran-ujaran dan Karyanya, p. 3 55 Hafidz Sulaiman, Mutiara Kaum Sufi: Pokok-pokok Ajaran Sufi dalam Mendekatkan Diri kepada Allāh SWT., Putra Pelajar, Surabaya, 2002, p. 182 54



Being a virtuous, efficient, and effective people in the every action.


Being the people that always keep their speech in the communication with others. It has to accordance with the law of Ilahiyah, syadidan, and layyinan.


Being people who can control themselves, because they always aware that devil never stop to tempt themselves to badness. 56

E. Dangers of Leaving Muḥa>sabah Verily, the believer is community that barred by Qur’an from the act that will harm their life. In this world, a believer likes a prisoner. He walk with a bound neck, he never feel safe until met Allāh SWT, The Almighty, later. He knows that his self will be asked the responsibility of his hearing, his sight, his speech, and all of his body. He will be asked the responsibility of all those. As word of Abu Hafṣ that quoted by Hafidz Sulaiman, Mutiara Kaum Sufi: Pokok-pokok Ajaran Sufi dalam Mendekatkan Diri kepada Allah SWT. Abu Hafs said that those who never reproach him self, never fighting his will, and never

force to do something that is hated by him. So he will be someone who forgets himself. Those who admires himself because of something in him self, its mean he was destroying himself.”57 Comment of Abu Hafs above explained, that people who neglect, reluctant, indifferent doing muḥa>sabah, even up to leave muḥa>sabah. Surely, they are the loser and they were endangering for them self. This is state of people who forget themselves, people who close their eyes of result of their action, they can not control themselves and they only rely on the forgiveness of God. Therefore, they will ignore muḥa>sabah of themselves and they do not think about the consequences that will happen. If this happens, they will be easy to follow their lust and the sin. They love sin and they will so difficult to separate it of themselves.


Toto Tasmara, Kecerdasan Ruhaniah (Transcendental Intelligence), p. 76 Hafidz Sulaiman, Mutiara Kaum Sufi: Pokok-pokok Ajaran Sufi dalam Mendekatkan Diri kepada Allāh SWT., p. 183 57


If people know that lust will only invite to destruction, it will help the enemies of people that is devil to disturb them, and lust will invite people to follow the crime and other deviant way. So surely, people will doing muḥa>sabah as soon as possible, and they will also beg the forgiveness of Allāh SWT. Beside of that, if the sin is relation with other people, then their responsibility will be harder later. Because they will be required to seek the sincerity of that people or their heirs. If they can not find their sincerity in the world, their searching will be continued in the hereafter. But if in the hereafter, they do not get the sincerity yet, so their good charities will be a replacement of their sin. But if their good charities are not enough for replace it so the bad charities of that people will be transferred to their weights of charities. Therefore, the most important for people is doing muḥa>sabah for themselves, for their acts. Then fix or replace it with the good act before the coming of their death, before coming of Judgment day that so very careful. Abu Qatadah said, “Your God always remind that coming of the Judgment day is so near, So He always say that its coming is tomorrow”.58 Actually, it is very dangerous for people who leave muḥa>sabah. Ibnu Qayyim said, “Generosity is manifested by self evaluation, while damage of heart is manifested by ignoring to the desire”.59 So it is clear that leave muḥa>sabah can make the damage of heart.

58 59

Toto Tasmara, Kecerdasan Ruhaniah (Transcendental Intelligence), p. 77 Ibid.


Happiness is a natural desire for everyone. However, most of people have a trouble to make it true, because they are tied by a certain routine in his life. They wake up in the morning, go to work, school, or course. And interact with a lot of people who most of them give impression of fun, and others do not give such an impression before. After that, they go back to their home that be greeted by another household task until the time of sleep coming again. They do not know what to do anymore and they do not know how it should the feeling see all these routines. So constantly, so the occasionally time for entertainment, for example by going to karaoke, a vacation to the beach, and going to peak or cinema. But that is only a temporary diversion feeling. After all was over, their true feelings will come back. That is experienced by most of people. In this third chapter, the writer describe a method that has been developed throughout the world, and shows amazing results for people in all sides of life that has been felt not give them happiness, although the success has been achieved. This method called the Sedona Method, which is a method of personal growth through a technique of release. A. Appearing history of Sedona Method In 1952, Lester Levenson, a scientist of physics as well as entrepreneurs is a man the pinnacle of success. he was experiencing the episodes of the toughest of his life. He had many problems with health, he got an enlarged liver, kidney stones, spleen trouble, hyperacidity, and ulcers that had perforated his stomach and formed lesions. He was having too severe depression because of that.


situation was getting worse, when he suffered a coronary heart attack a second time. Finally, a doctor who has been handling his self, his doctor was sending him



to Central Park South Penthouse apartment in New York City for his death. In fact, at that time his age was forty-two years.1 Lester was so desperate with the situation. But he was a man who loved a challenge. In that a desperate state, Lester decide to go back to the lab. He tried hard to find the answers to all the experiences to which he experienced. Finally, because of determination and concentration, he was able to find what he needs to pass through his mind awareness. Lester found a powerful way for personal growth, namely by removing all restrictions within. He discovered that in fact, all beings are not limited to, limited because of the concept of limitations only that held by his mind alone. Concepts of limitation or this restriction is not true. However, because of it is not true, this limitation going to be difficult for released or disposed of. Then Lester used that discovery intensively in the next three-month period. At the end of the period, his body became completely healthy again. This experience, making Lester understood, that what he found was not only could be practiced by him for himself, but he could teach it also to the others. As a result, Lester began to share his experience about what he had practiced, and he taught it to the others, both individually and collectively. Until in 1973, Lester has been share many experiences and teach what he practice for personal growth to others without a particular formulation. He also never thought of himself as a teacher for teaching his discoveries to many people. Because he believes that personal growth does not depend on the external source or external factors, including the teacher. Even so, the people who have taught by Lester about that technique still consider him as a teacher. Most of them were asking for Lester in order to formulate what he taught to be a system that could be taught again to the others in the same way. A way for change through the techniques those are very powerful for personal growth. Therefore, to meet the demand of the students, Lester then formulate techniques such releases and named Sedona Method. Therefore, to meet the demand of the students, then Lester 1

Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, Translated by Rina Mulyati and Hendro Prabowo, Ufuk Press, Jakarta, 2009, p. xxiv-xxv


formulates his releases techniques, and he named it as Sedona Method. Method means a technique, namely the release techniques. While, the Sedona itself was taken from the name of a small town in Arizona, United States.2 Lester Levenson was very happy and excited with the discovery. Furthermore, he entered a state of truly peaceful as never experienced before, until his death came on January 18, 1994.3 B. Development of the Sedona Method After the Sedona method is formulated into a special formula by Lester, Sedona method experienced extraordinary development. Now the Sedona method has been developed throughout the world. Because, Lester’s students teach again to the others. One of them is Hale Dwoskin .4 Dwoskin is a faithful student of Lester. The first meet of Dwoskin and Lester happened when Dwoskin was attending the Seminar and Lester came as invited guests. Dwoskin very impressed with Lester that by chance a table with Dwoskin’s group at lunch. When Lester asked Dwoskin, about what he was doing so as a peaceful and comfortable, actually Lester invited Dwoskin to attend a seminar that will be held on weekends. Lester told him that in the seminar, people just sit around the table and letting go. Dwoskin not sure about the meaning of letting go, but he believes that it has provided something of quality as embodied in Lester. At the end of the week, really Dwoskin is still not sure about that he was doing. Dwoskin followed that open course, he observed himself and other people who are also doing the letting go that was taught by Lester. Finally, Dwoskin understand the meaning of the release that was taught by Lester. As the other students of Lester, he felt a change for the better in himself. As the result,


The Sedona Method is term for mention a few of the techniques taught by Lester Levenson that developed in Sedona. So, it can be understood that Sedona method is a collection of some self-improvement methods of disposal for growing in Sedona United States. Ibid, p. xxv 3 Ibid. 4 Hale Dwoskin is one of twenty four of film contributor and book of The Secret. Hale Dwoskin is an international speaker and a lecture at Esalen and Omega Institute. Ibid.


Dwoskin share his experiences like the others students of Lester and he teaches that release techniques to many people. In 1996, Dwoskin founded the Transformational Leadership Council and CEO as well as leaders and coaches Sedona Training Associates. Sedona Training Associates is an educational and training organization that was founded in order to continue and fulfill the want of Lester Levenson to share his techniques that have made significant release of major changes in the lives of many people. This organization is headquartered in Sedona, Arizona, United States. In addition to holding seminars, this organization also publishes a quarterly report, release, and it has a site that can be accessed easily by anyone who wants to know or to learn the Sedona Method.5 More than a quarter of a century, Dwoskin taught Sedona Method continuously, either personally or as a group to various companies throughout the United States and Britain. Beside of teaching The Sedona Method in seminars or courses, Dwoskin also wrote a book by the title The Sedona Method. This book consists of the Methods or techniques of Sedona, he wrote it under the guidance of his mentor directly, Lester Levenson. In addition to books, there are also some guidelines of release through the audio program that is distributed throughout the world. So, that everyone can learn the Sedona Method without having to follow the course. However, the Sedona Method has been widely known in Indonesia. In Indonesia there are only three places that provide training Sedona Method, the Horizons Learning Center in Jakarta, Yogyakarta Potensia in Jogjakarta, and Tunjung Padma Bali. However, of that three addresses above, the writer has traced how the Sedona Method training activities carried out, but Sedona Method training is not held again.


Ibid, p. xxxii


C. The Release Technique In bringing of the change for the better, the Sedona Method does it by a key technique that is commonly called the release or letting go. The release here is the release of feelings and unpleasant emotions that have affected a person's life and that prevented him from happiness. In the perspective of psychology, there are two ways to manage emotions or feelings that are suppress and express. Pressing is a way of blocking the feeling in order not a form of behavior that appears.6 While, in the definition of Sedona Method, pressing is keeping closed the emotion, pushing it down, deny it, and pretend that feeling never existed.7 Feelings, emotions, or desires are suppressed are not necessarily lost. However, that feeling, emotion, or desire will be stored in the subconscious mind of human. 8 If someone press over, it would not be good for him. The more frequent in suppressing of emotions and feeling will cause person easy to be stress and get other psychological disorders. Too much in suppress feelings and emotions would 6

Pressing in the word of Ekman and Friesen is masking. Masking is one of the rules of selfcontrol display. Masking is the state of a person who may be able to hide or cover up the emotions they experienced. For example, a woman who was being harassed by her friend in crowd, he felt very embarrassed, he wanted to cry, and even he wanted to punch them. However, he presses the feelings. He covered the real emotions with a smile or a laugh in order to avoid the claim that he was not regarded as a bad-tempered, or no sense of humor. In other words, he pressed corporality symptoms caused by emotions or feelings in order not to appear or be seen by others. While Sigmund Freud, a doctor who did a lot of research in the field of mental illness, argues that the repression or suppress a defense mechanisms of the most basic and most important. Repression is a defense mechanism strategy that is focused to emotion. This emotional defense mechanism is done if there is a problem can not be controlled until a person can face a problem directly. Freud called this defense mechanism to mention unconscious strategy that is used by people to cope the negative emotions. Rita L. Atkinson, dkk, Pengantar Psikologi, Translated by Widjaja Kusuma, Interaksara, 2010, Vol. 2, p. 384 7 Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 11 8 The subconscious mind is part of the function of the human mind which receives information from the conscious mind that has been analyzed previously. The subconscious mind plays a much larger compared to the conscious mind in the process of human life. The conscious mind affects approximately 12%, while the subconscious mind is in control approximately 88% of human life. Psychologists describe the condition of the both phenomenon of "iceberg", what appears on the surface is only a fraction of what is in the iceberg itself. As Sigmund Freud's opinion that the impulse or memory that is too scary or painful excluded from consciousness to unconsciousness. Memory that cause embarrassment, guilt, or self-deprecating often repressed too. So many negative feelings or emotions that are stored in the subconscious mind. Willi Wong and Andri Hakim, Dahsyatnya Hipnosis, Visimedia, Jakarta, 2010, p. 16


be like a time bomb are walking, which could explode at any time, and it will be too late to fix it. In a study of people who always suppress shows that, people who often presses have a high level of susceptibility to coronary heart disease and cancer.9 But, press the feelings, emotions, or desires are not always be a bad thing Because, there are few conditions will be better if the emphasis was done.10 Then, what about expressing feelings? Expressing is raised the feeling into a form of behavior that appear and represent the feelings that experienced. Expressing is also means putting the feelings into action. If a person feels upset, he will express it by shouting or yelling at a subject that causes the resentment. On the other hand, if someone feels sad he would express his sadness by crying. For some people, expressing feelings is better than pressing it, they will feel relieved and better after that. Although in psychology view, express feelings, emotions, or particular desire is better than holding it down. However, often the culture has a different assessment.11 Even the positive thing was to express emotions or feelings are still many that are considered taboo, such as a man who declared his love to a woman who is admired by him. The Acts that are done by man is not a negative action


The negative effects of the press was also expressed by Sigmund Freud, he believed that repression rarely succeed fully. It means that the most of people who do it is not get goodness for the personal growth. People who are more often doing repression will more often have anxiety without realizing the reason, he will also use some other defensive method to maintain feelings or impulses that are repressed in order not to fall into consciousness. Rita L. Atkinson, dkk, Pengantar Psikologi, p. 384 10 Examples of condition which the press will be better, for example a student who is being scolded by his lecture because he was late to collect duties, while he has a justifiable reason why he was late to collect duties. Although he felt annoyed, but he had to suppress it, he does not need to be angry at his lecture does not give tolerated. Ibid. 11 Express the feelings or emotions more negatively assessed by most cultures around the world, for example, when a woman who wept as offended by the words of a friend of him, then the environment will tend to vote as a sensitive, easily offended, and so on. Another example, someone accidentally upset when someone else is using their own without permission, when he was annoyed and then angry, people will judge it as a bad-tempered or stingy. SeeDaniel Goleman, Emotional Inteligence, Translated by T. Hermaya, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2006, p. 411


and committed man is not a negative action and he also not harm to others, but some cultures judge that as immoral or taboo acts.12 Either suppresses or express, each has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the release technique is a technique that is considered as a balance between them.13 Basically, people have had a natural ability to letting go that not be aware. For example, there is a little boy who fell, then he saw around, is there any reason to get upset or cry? When the child feels no one look at him, instantly he will stand, remove it, and act as if nothing happened. In the same conditions, when the child fell and saw there are chance of getting attention, he would cry, and ran to his mother's arms. However, the ability of this natural release, as the example of a child above, finally that ability will disappear in most people as the maturity increases. Because of their development, they more trained to suppress or restrain. Thus, ability of natural releasing is lost. Environment even gives maturity category to someone that person is able to cope with her emotions or if he is able to suppress or hold back emotions, feelings, or desires as well. In psychology, there were no significant literatures or theory related to the release or letting go. However, the term of release is more widely used in contemporary terms, especially in the books of self-help that related to the emotions, changes in the attitudes, feelings, grief, creativity, management, or terminal illness. In the Sedona Method, the object of release or letting go is the feeling, emotion, and desire. Those objects must be understood well. Because people who do the release have to know what is released, whether it is the form of feelings, emotions, or Want, do not just letting go as they pleased.


In expressing the feelings and emotions, people have to understand truly how to express and when the time is right for express. Because, the inaccuracies to express the emotions and feelings, it will lead to greater conflict and uncontrollable, both within people itself and in relation to others. Ibid. 13 Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 13



Releasing Feelings Feeling is a condition caused by the perception of the stimulus that appears.


However, everyone has a different perception, so that the same

stimulus, a feeling that can appear will be different. For example, people who have lost their keys or glasses, his mind then perceives that it is something very bad. He became worried because he not able to lock up the house and the burglar could enter easily, or when the lost glasses, office jobs will be messed up, so the boss will scold him. In the end, people will surround the whole house even when he despaired, he will unload the garbage. However, for other people when they are experiencing the same thing, they can be calmer. He would prefer to sit and recall the last use.15 A feeling of worry, as the example above, is a feeling that no need, because the feeling is simply lying, as it is said in the Sedona Method, that feelings does not need to be serviced. From the examples above, form of serve feeling that is obey the worries with seek-searching for other parts of the home in a state of tension. Therefore, the Sedona method advocated for release that fears and for chooses to sit, calm, and think what to do, call a locksmith or remember where last used.16 In addition the releasing feelings in the form of psychological or psychiatric, the Sedona method also release form feeling physically or Heavens.17 As experienced by the Duke, he experienced fatigue syndrome for six years. The main symptoms of the disease, as well as fatigue is also due to the emergence of pain in the feet and palms. In the six years, he tried to 14

According to Chaplin (1972) feeling is a state of people as a result of the perception of external and internal stimuli. The appear of stimulus may have different feelings for each people. This is because the feelings are subjective, even more subjective than the other psychic events. Bimo Walgito, Pengantar Psikologi Umum, Andi, Yogyakarta, 1980, p. 203 15 See, Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 15 16 Ibid, p. 27 17 According to Bigot, the feelings can be classified into two: the heaven feelings and the psychological or psychiatric feelings. Heaven feelings is the feelings associated with sensory organs, such as feeling associated with taste, salty, bitter, sweet, and so forth. Included in this heaven feelings are also feeling hungry, thirsty, tired, sick, and so on. The feeling of psychological or psychiatric is divided into several types, namely (a) the intellectual sense; (b) feelings of decency; (c) sense of beauty; (d) sense of social and civic; (e) feelings of self esteem, and (f) feelings to the God. Bimo Walgito, Pengantar Psikologi Umum, p. 207


prevent the pain by taking a variety of medications. However, nothing that makes the situation better. Then, after Duke knows Sedona method, he began to release the pain. Duke began to feel the benefits appear to let the pain rather than prevent it by taking a variety of drugs.18 If people have trouble to identifying the feelings that come up, whether it is angry, sad, disappointed, or worried. Then people can be identified by distinguishing between pleasant feelings and unpleasant feelings. Pleasant feeling is the feeling that gives comfort, peace, and prosperity. The unpleasant feelings are the opposite of it. In recognizing the feeling, people itself that is able to do that. Therefore, people can decide which should be released and the feeling which should be presented. In Sedona method is also emphasizes that did not to say "I am sad" or "I am angry", because people referred to himself as sadness or anger indirectly. This will make it difficult to release, because of his sadness or his anger into one. Different if people say “I feel sad” or “I feel angry” its mean that himself and his sadness is not one. Therefore, it would be easy for him to remove. Better, to say “I feel sad” because the feeling is not fused with him and of course it would be easy to be released.19 2.

Releasing of Emotions Emotion is a form of stronger feeling. Emotions Occurs more intense than feelings, so that emotions often leads to changes in behavior or corporality. In addition, sometimes, emotion also can cause the relationship with the environment become distracted. Therefore, this is the reason why the need to release emotions, especially the negative emotions or detrimental to people in his life.20 18

Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 411 Ibid, p. 92 20 Until now, the meaning of emotions is still difficult to define by psychologists and philosophers. In the most literal, of the Oxford English Dictionary defines emotion as "any activity or agitation of mind, feeling, passion, every great turbulence mind and overwhelming". According to Daniel Goleman, emotion refers to a feeling and thoughts of his trademark, a biological and 19


According to C.T. Morgan, not all theories about emotion have the same starting point. There is some starting point that used to discuss about emotion, which is as follows: a) Emotion is something that related to the condition of closely, such as heart rate, blood circulation, and respiration. b) Emotion is something that is expressed, such as smiling, laughing, crying, and so on. c) Emotion is something that can be felt, because emotion is the form of feelings, but emotion is stronger, as the previous explanation. For examples, happy, disappointed, sad, and so forth. Some figures in this aspect breaks it down into eight sections, it is anger, sadness, fear, enjoyment, love, surprise, annoyance, and embarrassment.21 Here is the starting point in talking about the Sedona method which then classifies that emotions into nine groups, namely apathy (lethargy), sadness, fear, lust, anger, pride, passion, and willingly accept. Emotions groups are released in the Sedona method are lethargy, sadness, fear, lust, anger, and pride. While, the three emotions after is a positive emotion that can bring happiness, and that often people need. 22 d) Emotion is also a motive, which is to encourage someone to do something if people pleased, or prevent people doing something if he was not happy.23 3.

Releasing of Wants Having the want is a good thing, but if it's over want or exceeds its limit, it will cause mental disorder or some actions that conflict with existing

psychological state, and series of tendencies to act. Meanwhile, according to Chaplin, the definition emotions can be generalized, that is complexes reaction that containing a high degree of activity and a change in corporality that is associated with strong feelings. Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, p. 411 21 There are a hundred of emotions, along with, mixed, variation, mutation, and nuance indeed, there is more refinement than the emotions that people have to mention or renamed before. Ibid, p. 412 22 Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 63-95 23 Bimo Walgito, Pengantar Psikologi Umum, p. 211


regulations. Desire according to the Sedona Method is a form of selfincompetence or restrictions that prevent self. In Sedona method, there is four of wanting that should be immediately released, namely: a) Wanting to control The wanting to control is wanting to controlling person or something else to fit the way. Wanting to control shows people that people do not have the ability to control actually. Wanting to control are not fulfilled will mislead someone desperate or losing motivation to succeed. Another part of the wanting to control is the power that is opponents that is the wanting for be controlled. Wanting to be controlled by other people, its means they want to others to responsible for anything that relates to him. In other words, people would rather be a follower than a leader. Because be controlled is lighter accountability something.24 b) Wanting for Approval Wanting for approval or be loved is a wanting in order to everything presented to him. To get recognition or love, most of people will be focusing the opinions or expectations of others about him. So that, to get recognition or love, people will do anything despite the fact he refuses or does not suit him. People who want recognition usually feel that as if he does not get the recognition and love. Synonym of a wanting to be recognized there are wanting to be loved, supported, praised, handled, considered, understood, maintained, and be liked well.25 c) Wanting for Sense of security Wanting for Security will always make someone feel threatened and in desperate need of security. People feel that everything around him is a threat to himself. Even, people will avoid anything that could give him success for the future to avoid the risk that is not necessarily the case. Wanting for sense of security will only make people depressed and 24 25

Ibid, p. 157 Ibid, p. 164


become weak. At its core the desire of security will deter people to come forward. This is contrary to the purpose of release which is for personal growth. Therefore, the wanting of security needs to be released.26 d) Wanting to Separate Wanting to separate is wants to be not owned by others. The wanting to be separated is also driven by the wanting to be different from everyone else, have a distinctive identity, or have a certain privilege. The wanting to be separated also a form of wanting to show the existence of self. The wanting to be separate is a positive form in which people will more independent and responsible for them self. However, at the extreme things, the wanting to be separate can be people withdrawal from their environment, reject everything that comes from outside, and so on. The extreme of this wanting to separate that will be released in order to achieve a harmonious life in the society, because people are social creatures.27 Furthermore, in the Fortunas research about letting go, he also found that the process of letting go has an analogy with the process of solving problems that related to the change away from something that has caught it. As well as the technique of letting go in the Sedona Method. Technique of letting go in Sedona method trying to free the people from the six negative emotions towards three positive emotions at the next, as has been the writer explained earlier. The underlying reason why the six negative emotions must be released while the next three positive emotions to be preserved is to avoid the negative energy from the outside into the self as drawn by the negative emotions that have been held within. Similarly, the reason why the next three positive emotions to be preserved, that is because positive emotions also will attract positive energy

26 27

Ibid, p. 170 Ibid, p. 177


around him. Then, this is called by Remez Sasson as the electromagnetic field of the Law of Attraction.28 So, it is not surprising if inside of people always overshadowed by negative emotions or feelings, then that will happen is interested or negative things as it exists in the mind or feelings. Therefore, there are six negative emotions of people as above must be removed. That way, people can achieve next three emotions that are spirit, receive or sincerity. Technique of letting go in the Sedona Method will experience development, it’s mean that not only release the emotions, feelings, or specific desires, but also the release of the developing health, relieving pain, and so on. Besides of that, letting go technique will not show results quickly, but gradually in line with how much do the release. The more someone does release, it will be more sensitive to the feelings, emotions, or wants that are supposed to be released. It is no different with the result of Fortunas research, that letting go is a process of transition that will gradually widened over time, and in uncertainty period.29 In the Sedona method, the technique can be done through the release of the three approaches, as follow: 1.

Choosing to Release The release of this approach is by doing a release of the unwanted sensation directly, be it in the form of feelings, emotions, wanting, and disease. When people chooses this technique, he should focus on what he felt 28

Remez Sasson is an author and owner he has shared many method of self development and spiritual growth. As for some of the books he wrote is Peace of Mind in Daily Life, Will Power and Self Discipline, Visualize and Achieve, AffirmationsWord of Power. Law of Attraction Electromagnetic field is where the power of magnets can attract the same energy of the universe. This law will be implemented in many ways, including people are thinking or feeling. In one self there is a field strength of electromagnetic to pull the similar things around him. When he focused on something positive, which is interested in is a positive thing too, when he pulled by something negative then the interest is a negative thing too. Actually, Law of attraction has been around since the first, but has not been realized. Generally, people are more familiar as a suggestion. In the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, the influence of suggestion can move one's heart. A lot of Suggestion is practiced at therapy, especially in hypnotherapy, SEFT, and soon. Downloaded at 27 March 2013. and Downloaded at 27 of March 2013. 29 Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 35


now, not the past or the future. He should be able to know what he really feels now.30 After knowing what people is feeling now, people can initiate the release stage by asking the following questions,

Can I let go of that feeling?

Can I allow this feeling here?

Would I accept this feeling?

The answer “yes” or “no” to the question, both are acceptable answer. Release process will continue to occur, even though the answer to that question is always "no". Actually, these questions are not important questions, but the most important is to avoid the debate about the consequences of the answers given. Because, the question was intended to stop the habit that be held. Then, the next is by question, which is a form of request to release feelings or emotions that exist today, for example with the following question:

Would I let it go?

Would I set him free?

In the above question, although people still answer "no", he can still continue to the next question. At this stage, it is an invitation to let go of emotions right away with an easy question,31


Ibid, p. 21 These questions are easy questions. The question is designed to stop the habit of holding. So that any answer is given is not to be an important thing. Ibid, p. 22 31



When I release it?

The decision to release is the people right that can be done at any time. He can repeat the questions steps above as often as he needs. The advantage from this release will also be more visible, observable, and can be felt when done continuously. 2.

Choosing to receive At the release of this approach, the sensation has been recognized then released. But, technique of this release approach is different to previous approaches. Sensation is present is not allowed but released to rise to the surface without the slightest rejection. When people sad then he will cry, and then just shout when angry. Why is that? Because when emotions or feelings inside of a person then they will disappear by itself surely, will not occur permanently. Different if the emotions and feelings are suppressed, they seem to disappear, but actually still there, always looming, and will probably emerge with a stronger intensity at any time. So, accept and allow that feeling arises is better, because after that they would be lost, regardless of people.32 At the release of this approach, the first stage is same as the previous of the release approach, people who practice have to focus on the sensations that arise now and in the strong sensations. Usually release with this approach was to release anxiety. For example, the anxiety experienced by people who are driving, he worried voices other vehicles around it will cause an accident and hurt him. Anxiety experienced by people is allowed to emerge and the stopping of the vehicle turned up nothing happened. Similarly in the next people travels, so in the people minds will record that what he is worried about is not real. From the experience above, people will learn. He will know that when the emotions or feelings that arise, nothing will happen and do not need to 32

Ibid, 24


worry. They will disappear by it self certainly. In the end, people will not be distracted by the arrival of unpleasant emotions or feelings in him, because they will go away by it self, disappeared. So, when there is a same sensation or the other, people does not feel anxious or overwhelmed again. In psychology, release technique by through this approach is known as a state of mindfulness.33 In addition to the Sedona method, Mindfulness is also used in the practice of meditation widely. 34 Therefore, it is not surprising that letting go is also claimed to be the best technique in meditation. But, it different with the Sedona method, which is released in meditation is all of repressed mental contents. While the release of the Sedona method remove the feelings only or emotions are not just desirable.35 The meditation practice that same with the release of the Sedona method is letting meditation. Where in the letting meditation everything is left as it is aware, do not give orders, do not complain, and do not say anything. Whatever comes to people whether it is good or bad remains left as is, with no reaction at all.36 3.

Choosing to Explore The release of feelings, emotions, and wants to further approach is choosing to explore. Exploring is focus towards the core of sensation that present. On this release process, people need a calmness and leisure time in order to really focus inside. Focus into inside to find out what the core of

33 Mindfulness is a quality of self awareness is defined as increasing of attention and conscious awareness of the reality of existence is happening now, in this place without elaboration, without judgment, and accept all thoughts, feelings, sensations that arise from the canter consciousness now.. Downloaded at 20 March 2013 34 According to Linda L. Davidoff, she said in her book by the title Introduction to Psychology that meditation can be identified as a certain method of practicing that aims to transform the consciousness. Linda L. Davidoff, Psikologi Suatu Pengantar, Translated by Mari Juniati, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 1988, p. 304 35 Meditation is a relaxation practice that involves the release of the mind of all things interesting, over burden, or worrying in the daily of life. Downloaded at 13 March 2013. 36 See, Ajahn Brahm, Super Power Mindfulness, Translated by Chuang, Ehipassiko Foundation, Denpasar, 2012, p. 101


sensation exactly. Why do they appear? And what is the actual in that sensation?37 Actually, sensations that arise both in the form of feelings, emotions, or desires is just the surface. Under the surface there is a core of human sensations are often not aware of. In general, people are afraid to explore into the core, because they fear it will become worse. Nevertheless, in reality is very different in the core surface. In the core, there is peace and truth only. For example, a feeling of disappointment to someone who is actually a form common to the surface, when seen far into again, it was no disappointment there, but only a sense of belonging and love strong. As Margie experience, he was very sad because he felt betrayed by a non-governmental organization staff. While following courses Sedona method, Margie tried to explore the grief. Margie surprise, he can enter a state of peace in a short time. Finally, he realized that his sadness is an empty space, there is peace only.38 Therefore, the Sedona method assumes that sensation, especially feelings and emotions actually just a lying. Because when that sensation is rationalized, it will bring up the question, what is that be served for? Or why they should be retained? And so on. People can choose one of the most effective techniques for him self from three technical approaches above. Effectiveness in this release can be felt only when people do it by the heart, not by head. It means that people do not need to think about how this process can work. But, how people can feel the positive changes of the release technique which they did.

37 38

Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method, p. 24 Ibid, p. 27


D. The Release Steps of Sedona Method The release of this Sedona method is aware release that can be learned and taught to others, it is not like unconscious release as in children who do not have a formula or specific techniques that can be explained. In Sedona method, there are steps that be done in a release, that is preparation step, implementation step, and development step. 1.

Preparation Step In the preparation step, there are two things have to note that is diagnose and select the right strategies or approaches of release according to the sensation that arise. a) Diagnose Diagnose is step to know the sensation that present. Diagnose step is a very important step for further processing. Because of this step people will decide the next of release technique or proper treatment. Similarly, if people cannot know the sensations are present, it is not accurate at recognizing sensations are present, it will lead to the selection of techniques that are not right anyway. Diagnose technique in Sedona can be done by the following steps: 1) By open or close the eyes. Generally, at therapeutic techniques and relaxation technique to recognize the sensation that arises will be easier to do by close the eyes. Because when the eyes closed, people will not be distracted easily by the surrounding circumstances, so that they will easy to focus on what he felt.39 2) To focus the mind on something that can make a better mind. For example, people can imagine being in a quiet, peaceful, relaxed, and very comfortable.40

39 40

Ibid, p. 21 Ibid.


3) After feel better or more calm and relaxed, people can imagine what they feel exactly, what he wants or he has experienced. After people can recognize emotions, feelings, or desires, then he can let them present in him. If individuals have difficulty in recognizing the sensations are present. People can write what they feel or happened on a piece of paper or a notebook with spiral binding. In this paper people can write everything in mind, anything that makes disrupted and so on.41 If these people do not know about what he feels, he should not move towards the next step, until he can identify these feelings. Because, if this identification process is not appropriate, then the feeling that want released is also inaccurate. And finally the release process does not give results as expected. b) Determine the release technique When people determine the release technique, it must be ascertained he had done the diagnosis properly. Because of the diagnosis, people will know how the feeling, emotion, or wanting that turbulent. People also know when it happened, and what is the purpose they want. Individuals can choose one of three approaches in the release technique as has been mentioned earlier by the writer, choosing to release, choosing to receive, and the last is choosing to explore. For the strong feeling or strong emotions, people may use the approach of release technique by choosing to release or choosing to receive. While, for the feeling has passed but still have an effect on the present life or something that has not happened yet has disrupted life now, then people can choose the third approach of release technique that is choosing to explore.


The reason why people is recommended to use a paper with spiral note is the emotion or feeling that is wrote by people and after it has been released too. So that people do not come back to that feeling and emotion. Ibid, p. 30



Implementation step Implementation Step is step of process of the release technique that is selected in accordance with the sensations that arise. Three techniques in the release approaches above is choosing to release, choosing to receive, and choosing to explore the core, they can be implemented by the following methods: a) Visual method Visual way is way to presenting the images when doing release questions.42 For example, people make a image or visualization of release by imagine a rope knot. The knot is a symbol of an emotion or unpleasant feelings that interfere or not required, or as a symbol of the desire to suppress mental. Then people giving questions for him self, such as:

Can I let go of the knot it?

Can I allow this rope knot here?

Will I receive the knot this rope?

As saying of writer has been delivered before, that is answer “yes” or “no” still be received. The most important thing here is to avoid the debate about the consequence of the answer. Then, people will continue to the next question, which is a form of request to release the feelings or emotions that exist now43, for example by the following question:

42 43

Ibid, p. 43 Ibid.

Would I parse the knot of the rope?

Would I let go of the knot?


With regardless of the answer yes or no, then go to the next question immediately. At this step, it is an invitation to let go of emotions right now by a simple question,44


When I will parse the knot?

If people choose to answer “yes”, then he will visualize their hand to parse the knot of the rope immediately, right now. Whereas, if the answer is “no”, people can repeat the earliest question and he still get a benefit that is skilled to stop the habit of suppress and express. People can repeat this visualization method as often as he needs. The visualization of this knot of rope is as one of visual example. People can make a visualization by them self that can make them easier to do the release. For example, visualization by holding a heavy burden on their hands, and so on. The another way of visualization is write the feeling, emotion, or wants in a piece of paper, as well as when people make a diagnosis. People can write down the questions like the example above, and then people answer them according to what he thinks or she feels. b) Kinesthetic method Kinesthetic Method is a method that is done by the release of the physical sensation. People give the sensation of touch or movement of certain parts that very strong when feeling, emotion, or want that is being churned.45 Generally, part of the body that is very sensitive to the feelings or emotions is part of the solar plexus, the area around the abdomen and chest.

44 45

Ibid, p. 22 Ibid, p. 44


Basically, the release by the kinesthetic method is similar with the method before. People who release, he will provides release questions also as above, but in this kinesthetic method, there is form of visualization that involve the body movement significantly. The following is one example of a method that is done by the release of kinesthetic method. People can make a strong of fist as a form of emotion or feeling pressed. Then, that fist placed on the solar plexus. Furthermore, people give the release question to instruct the fist to be open slowly. It is as a form of release of emotions or feelings, as well as the loss of tensions. If people still can not let it go, they should not deceive themselves by pretending to have been let go. Because, it is in the end it will them self only. c) Auditory Method As methods before, the auditory method is doing the release by release questions are guided by the audio program of release.46 In this method, people will be facilitated by following the simply questions only, because that questions have be set in an audio program. This auditory method is also very appropriate to be used by people who experience anxiety, so they unable to control him self. This auditory method, in addition to be done by using guide of audio programs that have been provided by the Sedona Method, it can also be done by listening to the instructions or manual release of a partner.47 Each partner gives the question to his partner in turn. Because the questions in the release process are very important, therefore, as far as possible the questions are not ambiguous and confusing. So that, each partner should be able to choose the right words and practice to saying it. In addition, each partner can share each other before doing the release in order to know what had happened and what is wanted by their partner. 46

Ibid. Auditory method is not only by listen the auditory program that has been provided by the Sedona. But it also can be done when people do it with their partner. Ibid, p. 46 47


Although the release of audio method with a partner more complicated and many aspects that must be considered, but this auditory method more precise and effective, because the release of questions to be flexible and significant, it is mean that it can be adjusted and focused on a specific feeling or emotion. 3.

Evaluation Step After going through the step of the release process, the next step is evaluation. Evaluation is intended to find out the success in doing the release. The change in shape can be a change in feelings or emotions better. Form of that change is a change of felling or emotion can be better. These changes will not only be felt by people itself, but people who are around people also. Although the process of release has been managed by people is success, but the process does not necessarily stop after the release of feelings or emotions unwanted gone. Because of the release process will not be maximize by releasing certain feelings and emotions only. But, this release should be continued and should be applied in all aspects of life without the limited space and time. This means that letting go can be done anywhere and anytime. As if people have not been successful or they are not felt well after the release, there are some strategies that can be done, namely: a) Repeat the Method When the release process does not give a positive result, people should repeat the release process, by the same method. Because of the failure could be occurred by a lack of focus, concentration, seriousness, and so on. However, if people have been repeated in many times and still do not give change or outcome, then people should do next strategy. b) Evaluate the method of release If people have been evaluated by repeat the same method, but the result is same, so people have to evaluate the method that is chosen, whether it is right or not. If the method is not appropriate, then people may change


by the other release method that appropriate with the feelings or emotions that arise. c) Repeat to diagnose If the evaluation of the method was also not given the results or the better change, people can make diagnose again. Because diagnose was very influential on later step of release. Therefore, if the diagnosis is not appropriate, then the release will not change for the better surely. So that in making diagnose, people should be really focus, concentration, and relax.48


Ibid, p. 23


The Study will be presented in this chapter is to analyze the similarities and differences that writer has found between the two methods of personal growth, namely Muḥa>sabah and Sedona. A. Similarities and Differences between Muḥa>sabah and Sedona Method in the Goal Aspect The fundamental similarity of these two methods is the goal. Both of this method aims to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of self and after this doing the self-improvement in order to achieve a happy life. The main improvement is the improvement in mental or spiritual aspect. Because if spiritual condition is good, then act committed people also will always tend to the good, and vice versa. In the way of a human life, he was never apart of mistakes, even the lover of Allāh as the Prophet has ever made a mistake and an oversight. Moreover, common people who does not have knowledge as much as they do. But, the best of people is people who want to repent. The Prophet Muḥammad SAW said,

ّ ‫ )ﰻ ﺑﲎ ادم‬:‫ﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﲅ‬7 ‫ ﻗﺎل رﺳﻮل ﷲ ﺻﲆ ﷲ‬:‫"ﺲ رﴈ ﷲ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻗﺎل‬$ٔ ‫ﻋﻦ‬ ‫ﺧﻄﺎء و‬ ّ ‫ﲑ‬3 ‫ رواﻩ اﻟﱰﻣﺬى‬.(‫اﻟﺘﻮاﺑﻮن‬ ّ ‫اﳋﻄﺎﺋﲔ‬ Every son of Adam was having mistakes, and the best of those who err are those who would repent. (Narrated by At-Tirmiz|ī)1 1

Imam Ibnu Hajar al Asqalani and Imam an Nawawi al Jawi, Melelmbutkan Qalbu Seperti yang Dilakukan Kaum Salaf, Translated by Ommy Yahya, Mitra Pustaka, Yogyakarta, 2006, P. 177



Therefore, people should repair themselves as a form of repentance immediately. Surely, only people who have been able to see his shortcomings can do repentance. For people who cannot see their shortcomings, it is impossible he want to do repentance. To know the advantages and disadvantages of self, people can do Muḥa>sabah and the Sedona method, because both of them have a purpose for people to see or to know the strengths and weakness of their self before making repairs themselves. Because, it is impossible people be able to do the repairs of their self without knowing what they will fix. So that, it is same, that they do something that improper and futile. The Prophet Muḥammad SAW said,

‫ﺮﻛﻪ‬: ‫ )ﻣﻦ ﺣﺴﻦ إﺳﻼم اﳌﺮء‬: ‫ﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﲅ‬7 ‫ ﻗﺎل رﺳﻮل ﷲ ﺻﲆ ﷲ‬: ‫ﺮة ﻗﺎل‬6‫و ﻋﻦ اﰉ ﻫﺮ‬ ‫ رواﻩ اﻟﱰﻣﺬى‬.(‫ﻣﺎﻻ ﻳﻌﻨﻴﻪ‬ Among the good of one's Islam is it leave things are not useful to him. (Narrated by At-Tirmiz|ī)2 Therefore, to know the advantages and disadvantages of self, people can know with Muḥa>sabah or the Sedona Method. In addition to these similarities, but there are some goals are not same between Muḥa>sabah and Sedona method. Muḥa>sabah

is a self-improvement that leads people to improvements in

religious rituals of daily life. Such as improving the obligatory worship, adds to the sunnah worship, reducing the immoral acts, leaving subḥat case, and so on. While, the improvements of Sedona leads to psychological aspects. Improvements aimed at making people wiser in dealing with feelings, emotions, and wants are churned. Because of feelings, emotions, and wants that cannot be controlled properly can be detrimental to themselves, even against positive things or enjoyable things. Allāh Almighty says,


Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani, Terjemahan Bulughul Maram, Translated by Abdul Rosyad Siddiq, Akbar Media Eka Sarana, Jakarta, 2009, p. 679


./012"3 !"#1$)%


!"#$%&'( 45689:;,? S08'% DOR9F 1ִ)% 45֠⌧3 J9H,? T$8$/":ִ8 ),6F#I%)% ִP":ִ8 MINO:N 3 4

This Qur’an and translation is taken from Al Qur’an player by ‘Abdullāh yusuf ‘Ali Ibid.


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To any that desires the tilth of the Hereafter, We give increase in his tilth, and to any that desires the tilth of this world, We grant somewhat there of, but he has no share or lot in the Hereafter. (Surah Ash-Shurā (42): 20)5 While, the Sedona method is more oriented to the life of this world. The purposes that want to be achieved in Sedona are during the life of this world tend to the world only. Improvements that be made tend to this life only, the afterlife is not a concern. While, the real world is not real life and it is not eternal. Allāh Almighty said,



),6F#I%)% *,2N,b,-




$8N$I"U,I Jִ☺'7 2sabah


Sedona method is in the implementation of diagnose that use difference way. As for in the Muḥa>sabah , the way is used is fairly simple way, that is people take a minute to learn about themselves directly by several questions before continuing to the next step. While, in the Sedona Method, implementation of diagnose is done by the relaxation12 process. When people in a relaxed state, they will be able to see far into their surroundings, so they will know what needs to be fixed in themselves. b) Implementation Process Step of Improvement The next similarity of both methods of personal growth is the implementation process step of improvement. This step is done after through a step of diagnose. Implementation process improvement is core processes in a self-improvement method. Both in Muḥa>sabah and the Sedona method, this process cannot be passed or be removed. Although, both have the same step of the implementation process of improvement. But in practice of implementation, both have differences. As for the Muḥa>sabah , the repair process is done by mura>qabah. Mura>qabah is felt that all of action is always supervised by God, so people must be careful in every act. Each action will be considered its advantage and disadvantage carefully, although the deed is loved by Allāh, The Almighty. While in Sedona, the implementation process of improvement is by questions. The question is an easy question to answer because the question is about the state of people itself. Whether right or wrong of the 11

Ibid. Relaxation is a technique to release the tension or tiredness. Relaxation can help people to control themselves and mechanism of heart. Relaxation is used as self control coping skill. Johana E. Prawitasari, dkk, Psikoterapi, Pendekatan Konvensinal dan Kontemporer, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2002, p. 139 12


answer can be known by people only. But, the honesty in answering greatly determine the success in self-improvement. These questions also were known as release question. Because the question it is question to train people in releasing all of negative thing in their self. c) Evaluation step A good activity is activity that is planned carefully, implemented as the planning, and evaluated afterwards. Evaluation was conducted to determine the extent to which the success of an activity. If people find many shortcomings of themselves, so they must be improved, make them better for the next. When they were good, so they must be improved also and make them increase to be better and better. So were contained in Muḥa>sabah

and Sedona method. In

addition, both the preparation step and the implementation process step of improvement, two methods of self-improvement are also through the evaluation step. That evaluation to learn about the extent to which the results obtained in that process of self-improvement. However, although equally evaluated, both methods have some differences in the implementation of evaluation. As for the Muḥa>sabah , the evaluation is done by asking to own self about the advantage and disadvantage of acts that have been done according to Islamic perspective. If it is a badness, then it must be stopped, but if it is a goodnessss then it should be continued and enhanced. While in Sedona method, the evaluation step only to the extent to which people have found happiness or prosperity that is wanted. If the recovery was not as desired, then people must be repeat the earlier step of improvement. If the result of improvement that expected is obtained, then people will stop doing the improvement process regardless of whether they have get in according to the teaching of religious doctrine or not.

C. Muḥa>sabah and Sedona Method as A Psychotherapy Method


The both of method are very good method of personal growth and they have many advantages. One of advantages of these method is it can be a method of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is everything related to the healing of the soul, mental, or liver. 13 As the focus of this both method of self-implementation that is doing improvement for mental or soul. Because of both give priority or precedence for soul or mental improvement. That improvement will facilitate the improvements in the physical aspects such as attitude, behavior, and health. Therefore, in the practice of psychotherapy, individuals can use both of these methods. People can practice the implementation of Psychotherapy for selfimprovement by the way Muḥa>sabah or the Sedona method. However, as a Muslim, they should prioritize Muḥa>sabah as a means of self-improvement. Because Muḥa>sabah

more oriented for the future of life until hereafter.

Especially for a Muslim who should have beliefs about the life after death. Additionally, Muḥa>sabah has elements of devotion to The God. Because, Muḥa>sabah is a command of God to be done by each Muslim. Muḥa>sabah is done either in state of wickedness and in state of obedience. So that, the advantage of Muḥa>sabah more than the Sedona method, that can improve themselves and get reward from Allāh SWT because it is as a means of increasing devotion to God.


Psychotherapy comes from two worlds that are psyche and therapy. Psyche is mean soul or heart. Therapy is mean healing or everything that related to healing. So, psychotherapy can be interpreted as a treatment or healing for soul or heart. According to Wolberg and Frank, as a quted by Amin Syukur in his book, psychotherapy is a form of treatment or healing for emotional problem, deliberately training in building professional relationships with client for eliminate the symptom, to drive a pattern of disturbed behavior, and to increase the personal growth and develop positive personal. Amin Syukur, Sufi Healing, Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Walisongo, Semarang, 2010, p. 51


A. Conclusion After writer doing reviewing and analyzing, there are few things of the two objects studies that can be conclude by writer, those are: 1. Evaluate self is very rewarding activities for people. Because of evaluate them selves, people will know their weakness that should be corrected and the excess of themselves that should be guarded and improved. Self-evaluation can be done by muḥa>sabah or with Sedona method. 2. Muḥa>sabah is a method of self-improvement that be done by evaluate all deed, either that which is psyche or physic. Neither the deed has been done, is being practiced, and that will be done. Evaluation is done by using the question method as through several steps. The steps in muḥa>sabah that are implementation step, and improvement step. 3. Sedona method is self-improvement method by the way of releasing feelings, emotions, or wants that can disturb the live of people. That release method is practiced by using the question method and through several steps. The step in the Sedona is the preparation step, implementation step, and evaluation step. 4. Both methods have some similarities and differences in some aspects, those are in terms of purpose, time, and the implementation process that includes the preparation step or diagnosis, implementation steps, and the evaluation step. a.

In the case of goal, the similarities are both aimed to improve the self either psyche or physic. While the difference in the goal is muḥa>sabah practice improvement for everything that related to the religion or in other words it is doing to improve worship to the God as preparation for hereafter. While the



goal of Sedona method is to improve the self that can obstruct people from the happiness and well-being of humans. b.

In the case of time. The similarities both method in case of time is the implementation of improvement can be done when ever and where ever, because both need a short time to do self-improvement. While, the differences is muḥa>sabah is implemented in every circumstance, either happy or sad, either in obedience or in disobedience. Whereas, Sedona method is only done when people feel something that not so good. If they feel good, they do not need Sedona method as means of self-improvement.


In implementation process, there are three steps, each has differences as follow: 1. Preparation step. The difference of preparation step or diagnose step is the question of muḥa>sabah based on religious perspective. While in Sedona method, the preparation step is done with relaxation and it will be continued with release questions. 2. Implementation step. The difference of evaluation step is muḥa>sabah doing the self-improvement with muḥa>sabah. Whereas Sedona method doing improvement with release question directly. 3. Evaluation step. The difference of both method are if in muḥa>sabah when people was found infamy they should be fixed, While in Sedona method, when found infamy, then they have to repeat the treatment later. However, if the corrections were found is good, so the improvement may be stopped. Neither muḥa>sabah or Sedona method, each has advantages and disadvantages in all sides. Therefore, people should be careful in choosing the right method of self-evaluation for him.

B. Suggestions


Based on the results of the study mentioned above, there are few suggestions that are delivered by the writer, that are: First, in making the Islamic sciences into inclusive disciplines, so it needs dialogue with a variety of other disciplines. Because if not, then religious disciplines will be exclusive disciplines and it is not earthiness. Second, from many research that compare between the Islamic thoughts and scientific disciplines, it shows that Islam is not a scientific discipline that separated from other scientific. Because exist theories show some similarities in certain aspects. Where each has advantages and disadvantages. So that, the dialogue between some disciplines will be able to enrich the science generally and Islamic sciences particularly. Third, Sufism is one of the Islamic disciplines that open and multidimensional. Because the ḥazanah Sufi can be paired with any science, one of them is psychology. Forth, in this research, writer has not enclosed peoples experience about the benefit of practicing Sedona method as media of self improvemnet. This is because of the limitation of writer’s ability to find people who implement Sedona method in Indonesia.

C. Closing Alḥamdulilla>hirabbil'a>lamīn, the gratitude did not stop writer is extended to Allāh, The Almighty, for all His love and mercy for writer. By His compassion, writer be able complete exhausting final task. Finally, after streaming blood and tears, the writer complete this thesis well. Peace and salutation may be upon to beloved prophet Muḥammad SAW, his inspiring attitude, indeed, inspires the writer to face bravely the storm eventually comes closer and makes too much disturbances in the process of work settlement.


Despite this paper is far from perfect, it is finished on time. As common human being, the writer is impossible free from mistakes, thus, she really excuses for those errors. With from the deepest of the heart, writer says thanks to all those who have helped resolve this paper. May God bless them. Nothing is wasted in this world, blood, tired, and tears watered this paper in the course of settlement may provide a lesson for the writer. Writer has great expectations of this thesis can provide a useful contribution for the triumph of science.

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