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Inside the Jury
 9780674455252, 0674455258

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Inside the Jury


THE JURY Reid Hastie Steven D. Penrod Nancy Pennington

Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England

Copyright © 1983 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Hastie, Reid. Inside the jury.


Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Jury—United States. I. Penrod, Steven. II. Pennington, Nancy. III. Title. KF8972.H3 1983 347.73'752 83-10694 ISBN 0-674-45525-8 (cloth) 347.307752 ISBN 0-674-45526-6 (paper)

To the memory of Gordon F. Pulsifer Chief Jury Pool Officer Middlesex County, Massachusetts Advisor, Critic, Friend

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research program reported in this volume was long and expensive. It is impossible to thank all of the people and institutions who contributed to its successful completion. Only the major contributors can be listed here, but the authors are also indebted to dozens of supporters who remain unnamed. Three foundations provided funding for the research: the National Science Foundation, the James Marshall Fund, and the National Institute for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Harvard University and Northwestern University contributed by providing congenial colleagues, excellent facilities, and institutional atmospheres in which hard, protracted intellectual work was possible. Several people were directly involved in conducting the research. Carol Augenblick, William Cole, Hilary Coons, Joan Dobrof, Jacob Ostrofsky, Steven Rosenblum, Daniel Stefek, and Judith Sykes served as research assistants on the project for six months or longer. Zoe Forbes, Marcia Penrod, and Charlotte Pieters edited and typed portions of the manuscript. Robert Des Maisons and his staff at Harvard Video Services provided technical assistance in creating the videotaped stimulus trial. Myra Klayman drafted the manuscript's figures and displays, which were photographed by CIMA Graphics. Many members and employees of the Massachusetts court system were generous with their time and advice. Justices Robert Hallisey, David Nelson, and Joseph Mitchell worked directly with the researchers. Chief Justices Walter McLaughlin, Robert Bonin, and James Lynch, Jr., granted approval to allow the research to be carried out in courthouse settings involving citizens called for jury duty. Joseph Romanow and his associates in the office of the Jury Commissioner were constantly supportive, and Gordon Pulsifer and other jury pool officers in Middlesex, Suffolk, and Norfolk counties were helpful in all phases of the research. Attorneys Joseph Travaline and Neil Collechio assisted in planning the research and in creating a realistic stimulus trial.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Literally hundreds of people have provided advice and criticism throughout the project's history. Foremost among these are Eric Davin, Phoebe Ellsworth, David Kenny, Richard Lempert, Judy Ungerer, and Eric Wanner. Our hope is that both the contributors we have named and the many left unnamed will be able to share in our satisfaction at the publication of the present volume.


CONTENTS Ί The Right to Trial by Jury 1

2 The Psychology of Juror and Jury Decision Making 15

3 The Study of Jury Decision Making 37

4 Products of Jury Deliberation 59

5 Contents of Jury Deliberation 83


Dynamics of Jury Deliberation 99


7 Individual Differences among Jurors 121

8 The Deliberation Process 151

9 A Model of Jury Behavior 175

10 Implications for Law and Social Science 227

APPENDIX The Statistical Analysis 243






The Right to Trial by Jury

The jury trial is the central element in the American conception of justice. The right to trial by an impartial jury, insulated from influence by oppressive political powers, is one of the oldest and least controversial guarantees in the Constitution. America is distinctive among all nations for the central role accorded the jury trial in its justice system. The more than 300,000 jury trials a year are of enormous practical and symbolic significance to those who are involved in them and to those who see or hear about them. To the typical American citizen, participation in government is represented by voting and jury service. Despite the long history of the jury trial and despite its current significance in the legal system, its future is uncertain. Changes in American society have created new demands for justice which may not be met by traditional jury trials. Increases in the volume of civil and criminal trials have clogged the court system and placed unprecedented strains on the ability of the jury system to dispense high quality justice. There have been dramatic increases in the length and complexity of trials. In some jurisdictions, jury selection alone may last as long as a week in a typical criminal case. Although not common, civil and criminal cases lasting months and even years place a burden on the system. On the civil side, advances in science and engineering have created complexities in disputes that challenge the experts in the field and would seem to require an unattainable level of sophistication on the part of jury members. Technological developments are also changing some of the conventions of evidence and procedure at trial and By Hastie


INSIDE THE JURY providing opportunities for public access through media reportage, which has altered the nature of the trial jury. There have always been disagreement and controversy over the proper place and form of the jury trial. Questions concern the types of disputes that should be submitted to a jury resolution, the standards by which to assess the quality of jury justice, and the optimal form and procedures to be followed by the jury (Kalven, 1955). Surprisingly few guidelines are available from historical and constitutional sources to resolve such basic questions as, "How large should the jury be?" "How much agreement must exist to render a verdict?" "How shall the performance of juries be evaluated?" The foundation for the right to trial by jury for criminal cases is the constitutional guarantee in the Sixth Amendment, but this guarantee is abstract and contains no reference to the proper size, decision rule, or selection procedure: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and District wherein the crime shall have been committed, which District shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense." As a result, considerable variety in jury procedures exists across states and for criminal and civil trials (Center for Jury Studies, 1981b). The twelvemember, unanimous decision jury is required in both criminal and civil trials in only seven states. Jury size ranges from six members to twelve across jurisdictions, and decision rules range from unanimity, which is required in all states for six-member juries (Burch v. Louisiana, 1979), to a two-thirds majority. Thus, the lack of specificity in the constitutional foundation has led to variability and controversy concerning the form of the jury. History also provides an uncertain foundation for the form of the jury trial (Forsyth, 1852; Holdsworth, 1956; Nemeth, 1981; Pollock & Maitland, 1898). For factors such as size, decision rule, and selection procedures, the historical record reveals enormous diversity across jurisdictions and historical periods. The earliest known juries composed of citizens, in Greece, probably included six members, but at some points in Greek history, such as the trial of Socrates for corrupting the youth of Athens, the total reached as high as 501. The unanimous decision rule that is required in most criminal trials probably originated in a British practice of the fourteenth century, called afforcement, which involved starting with a jury of twelve and adding jurors until a majority of at least twelve could agree on a verdict (Apo-


RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY daca et al. v. Oregon, 1972, p. 407n2). The use of disinterested citizens to try the facts of a case is a relatively new convention. At the earliest appearances of the jury in Anglo-American practice it was composed of those who were most knowledgeable and even most involved in the matter at dispute. The problem of motivating the jury to perform efficiently and fairly also produced different solutions. For example, in British practice centuries ago it was common to incarcerate the jury without food or water until a verdict had been reached. After the verdict was rendered, the jury members were subject to prosecution if later evidence demonstrated that their verdict was in error. In short, the history of the jury provides few clear guidelines for current procedures and standards. Uncertainty concerning the proper form and function of trial by jury is reflected in United States Supreme Court decisions. These decisions represent an effort to define the specifics of how a representative and impartial jury should be constituted and how it should behave. However, these decisions exhibit the same uncertainty that surrounds the jury's history. The decisions have been marked by high rates of disagreement among members of the Court and controversy among scholars and legal professionals. The Supreme Court has found that the traditional twelve-member jury size is not a requirement for state criminal or civil trials (Williams v. Florida, 1970). The limit on jury size was lowered to six in state criminal trials (Ballew v. Georgia, 1978). However, at the federal level twelve members are required in all criminal trial juries (Thompson v. Utah, 1898) and six in civil juries (Colgrove v. Battin, 1973). The Supreme Court has decided cases concerned with the proper decision rule, allowing nonunanimous, majority rule verdicts and setting a lower limit on the decision rule quorum requirement for six-person juries by finding that a five-sixths majority is not allowable (Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972; Apodaca et al. v. Oregon, 1972; Burch et al. v. Louisiana, 1979). The Court has also rendered controversial decisions on jury composition, attempting to establish conditions and procedures for representative and impartial jury trials, and on juror competency to try cases involving complex legal or technical matters, even curtailing the right to jury trial in very complex matters (Swain v. Alabama, 1965; Ristaine v. Ross, 1976; Witherspoon υ. Illinois, 1968; Dairy Queen Inc. v. Wood, 1962; Beacon Theatres Inc. v. Westover, 1959; Ross v. Bernard, 1970; Sperlich, 1982; Lempert, 1982). However, the Court has extended the right of jury trial to include disputes over relatively small claims and minor criminal offenses, thereby increasing the demand for jury trials to resolve criminal and civil disputes and heightening the public controversy surrounding the jury system (Duncan v. Louisiana, 1968; Baldwin v. New York, 1970).


INSIDE THE JURY It is important to examine in more detail the bases of these decisions and controversies. The Supreme Court's analysis of the right to trial by jury is important both because it defines the limits on jury trial procedures in practice and because it contains many insights into the behavior of juries. However, the Court's analysis of jury performance is limited, first, by its heavy reliance on the intuitions and personal experience of the justices; second, by its failure to develop theoretical principles to predict or explain jury behavior; and third, by its lack of rigorous methods to evaluate the empirical accuracy of assertions about jury behavior. The basic argument that will be advanced in this volume is that the behavioral sciences provide a new and useful source of findings and methods that are relevant to decisions concerning the right to trial by jury. Most of the fundamental questions concerning the proper form and function of the jury can be answered with reference to empirical facts about juror and jury behavior. Even those questions of ethics or values that are essentially undecidable with empirical findings can be sharpened or simplified when related empirical issues are resolved. Our goal in the review that follows in this chapter will be to identify concrete standards or tests from the Court's opinions that provide guidelines for an empirical evaluation of the quality of jury performance.

Form and Function of the Jury Although constitutional and historical guidelines are of limited use and members of the Court are in considerable disagreement, the record of decided cases yields a systematic set of principles governing the right to trial by jury. On the most general level, the Court has stated that the chief function of the jury is to "safeguard [the citizen] against arbitrary law enforcement" (Williams υ. Florida, 1970, p. 87). Reinforcing this purpose is the jury's role of preventing oppression by the government and providing the accused "an inestimable safeguard against the corrupt or overzealous prosecutor and against the compliant, biased, or eccentric judge" (Williams v. Florida, 1970, p. 100; Duncan v. Louisiana, 1968, p. 156). Two further conditions for a proper jury trial are "the interposition between the accused and his accuser of the common sense judgment of a group of laymen" and "the community participation and shared responsibility that results from the group's determination of guilt or innocence" (Williams v. Florida, 1970, p. 100). The requirement for community participation has been amplified to include the need for a representative crosssection of the community in jury decision making (Swain v. Alabama, 1965). For example, "meaningful community participation cannot be at-


RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY tained with the exclusion of minorities or other identifiable groups from jury service" (Ballew v. Georgia, 1978, p. 236). A related function of the community participation requirement is to free the jury "from outside attempts at intimidation" (Williams v. Florida, 1970, p. 100). Similarly, the "interposition of commonsense judgment" has been explicated to mean the promotion of an effective deliberation process. The jury should be an accurate and reliable fact-finder. Its members must make "critical contributions necessary for the solution of a given problem" and, in particular, must "remember important pieces of evidence or argument" (Ballew v. Georgia, 1978, p. 233). Furthermore, "because they have imperfect memories, the forensic process of forcing jurors to defend their conflicting recollections and conclusions flushes out many nuances which otherwise would go overlooked" (Apodaca et al. v. Oregon, 1972, p. 386). Jury deliberation should foster the correct application of common sense to these facts. This includes the "counterbalancing of various biases," to "minimize the potential bigotry of those who might convict on inadequate evidence, or who acquit when evidence of guilt was clear," and to "assure the parties that the jurors before whom they try the case will decide on the basis of the evidence placed before them, and not otherwise" (Ballew v. Georgia, 1978, p. 234; Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972, p. 398; Swain v. Alabama, 1965, p. 219). Deliberation should include "earnest and robust argument" that requires jurors to "fairly weight opposing arguments" (Apodaca et al. υ. Oregon, 1972, pp. 389, 396). The results of jury deliberation should be accurate. They should prevent conviction of the innocent, avoid inconsistencies, such as a decision on negligence issues that is inconsistent with a final award in a civil suit, and achieve consistent, rational compromise, such as achieving a consistent pattern of convictions across a number of counts and lesser included offenses in criminal trials. Variation in the verdicts of criminal cases should also be minimized, especially if "the variance amounts to an imbalance to the detriment of one side, the defense" (Ballew v. Georgia, 1978, p. 236). The jury's inability to render a "hung," no-verdict result has been interpreted as an indication that an antidefense imbalance was present. Maintaining "the great barricade known as proof beyond a reasonable doubt" is another major feature of jury deliberation. In particular, acquittal jurors should have "the opportunity through full deliberation to temper the opposing faction's degree of certainty of guilt" (Apodaca et al. υ. Oregon, 1972, pp. 391, 390). In pursuit of these general goals and purposes of jury trials, the Supreme Court has found two aspects of jury procedure to be crucial: the size of the jury and the decision rule or quorum required to render a verdict. On the issue of jury size, the Court concluded that "the fact that the jury at Com-


INSIDE THE JURY mon Law was composed of precisely twelve is a historic accident, unnecessary to effect the purposes of the jury system and wholly without significance except to mystics . . . there is no discernible difference between the results reached by the two different sized juries" ( Williams v. Florida, 1972, p. 102, 101). More recently, the Court concluded that small juries, those with fewer than six members, are less representative, less reliable, and less accurate than large juries (Ballew v. Georgia, 1978). On the appropriate decision rule for juries, the Supreme Court endorsed nonunanimous jury verdicts in state, but not federal, criminal trials when it upheld the conviction of a Louisiana defendant charged with robbery in a state court that allowed such verdicts. The final vote of the Louisiana jury had been nine to three for conviction. The Court found that the lack of jury unanimity alone does not establish reasonable doubt (Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972, p. 356). Furthermore, in a case decided at the same time, the Court maintained that there is no reason to assume that the majority of the jury "will deprive a man of his liberty on the basis of prejudice when a minority is presenting a reasonable argument in favor of acquittal" (Apodaca et al. v. Oregon, 1972, p. 413). The Supreme Court most recently has found that afive-sixthsverdict in six-member jurys in state criminal trials is unconstitutional (Burch v. Louisiana, 1979). Nationally there is near-uniformity in requiring unanimous verdicts from six-person juries in nonpetty criminal matters. The Court further noted that nonunanimous verdicts in small juries would threaten the principle that minimum size of juries is six persons by effectively allowing five or even four jurors to render a verdict. Our review of the Supreme Court decisions concerned with jury size and decision rule requirements has identified a set of abstract functions that characterize the performance of the proper trial jury. The Court has decided individual cases by applying these principles to the concrete details of particular jury trial procedures. We will now turn our attention to the Court's own reasoning about empirical questions raised in decisions concerning the right to trial by jury. This portion of our review also affords us an opportunity to summarize the views of the Court's members concerning the application of behavioral science findings to address legal policy questions.

Testing the Quality of Jury Performance Although some justices have cited social science research in their opinions, views on the utility of scientific research to legal policies and procedures are mixed. Justice Blackmun, writing the lead opinion in Ballew v. Georgia


RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY (1978), concluded that scientific studies provide "the only basis, besides judicial hunch, for a decision about whether smaller and smaller juries will be able to fulfill the purpose and functions of the Sixth Amendment in deciding these cases" (p. 232nl0). However, Justice Powell in his opinion in the same case stated: "I have reservations as to the wisdom as well as the necessity— of Mr. Justice Blackmun's heavy reliance on numerology derived from statistical studies. Moreover, neither the validity nor the methodology employed by the studies cited was subjected to the traditional testing mechanisms of the adversary process. The studies relied on merely represent unexamined findings of persons interested in the jury system" (p. 246). A systematic tabulation of social science citations in Supreme Court cases in five different years between 1954 and 1974 found the Court to rely increasingly on social science materials (Rosenblum, 1979). However, a detailed analysis of the contents of these citations revealed that although social science sources were cited with increasing frequency, they tended to be cited most heavily in cases of lesser importance, and the citations were used to support peripheral rather than central propositions in the justices' arguments. Nonetheless, the jury trial decisions exhibit a receptivity to social science research on the part of at least some important jurists. Furthermore, the critical review of the adversary system, as exemplified by proceedings in appellate court hearings, provides an excellent forum for the application of social science findings to legal institutions. In fact, scientific research is relevant not only to concrete issues, such as size, decision rule, and selection, but to most other aspects of trial by jury. Virtually all of the Supreme Court decisions concerned with the jury depend on empirical principles, although the Court has been slow to move beyond speculation and judicial intuition concerning the facts of jury performance (Cohen, 1959; Rosen, 1972; Cook, 1979; Loftus & Monahan, 1980; Ellsworth & Getman, 1982). A first step toward applying social science methods and findings to issues raised by the right to trial by jury is to derive empirical tests from each of the jury functions identified by the Supreme Court. The Court has already provided an empirical analysis for some of these functions, particularly those concerned with jury composition. In all, five characteristics of jury trials may be used to test jury adequacy: representative cross-section, counter balancing of biases, accurate fact finding, accurate application of the law, and accurate verdicts. First, the trial jury should be composed of a cross-section of individuals who represent the various types of individuals in the relevant jurisdiction. Assessing the representatives of jury panels or venire rolls typically involves assessing whether or not a cognizable class or distinctive subgroup, identifi-


INSIDE THE JURY able in the larger population of potential jurors, has been systematically excluded from the sample available to serve on jury panels. Enough cases have been considered by appellate courts with reference to the representativeness issue that the definition of cognizable class or identifiable subgroup is almost conventional. The forms of arguments for and against discrimination that threatens representativeness are well established. Typically, the plaintiff in an appeal concerned with jury representativeness tries to demonstrate, using statistical techniques, that a cognizable class, such as a racial subgroup, has been systematically excluded from jury pools or jury panels. Sometimes the plaintiff attempts both to demonstrate that a new type of group, such as individuals holding a certain attitude, qualifies as a cognizable class and that this group has been systematically excluded. The use of social science methods and data to resolve disputes concerning representativeness, proportionality, and discrimination has a long history in the courts. The first appellate court decision in this country that intensively relied on social research involved survey data of this type, when economic and psychological statistics were cited in afindingupholding a statute limiting women's working hours (Muller v. Oregon, 1908). Many courts now consider sophisticated arguments based on survey data (Barksdale, 1957; Baldus & Coles, 1977). Second, a proper jury should include a variety of viewpoints concerning matters to be decided upon so that there will be a counterbalancing of biases during deliberation. This counterbalancing of viewpoints requires both that differing views be represented and that they be expressed during deliberation in the case. Courts have been conservative in using social research on the deliberation process to evaluate the quality of jury performance. To some extent this conservatism derives from the lack of extensive empirical research on some of the legally significant aspects of performance and from the large inductive leap that is required to draw conclusions about jury performance from research on other types of group decisions, often studied in artificial laboratory settings. However, empirical results are underutilized in judicial decisions. Even a chain of inferences supporting a generalization from a scientific finding to a practical conclusion may be preferable to a judicial intuition about jury behavior. Third, the jury should be an accurate and reliable fact-finder. This requires at least three elements: accurate and complete memory for testimonial material; conservative but reasonable inference-making from explicitly stated propositions in testimony; and a fair weighting, particularly with reference to evaluation of credibility, of testimony from various sources and with various implications.


RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY Fourth, the jury should accurately and comprehensively interpret and remember the judge's instructions on the law. The task of correctly "finding" the law parallels the jury's task of finding the facts in a case. The Supreme Court has noted that the standard of proof in criminal cases (beyond reasonable doubt) and presumption of innocence, must be correctly apprehended and maintained by individual jurors (In re Winship, 1970; Estelle v. Williams, 1976; Kentucky v. Whorton, 1979). Substantive instructions concerning the crimes with which a defendant is charged as well as other procedural instructions concerning the presumption of innocence, evaluation of credibility, and reasonable inference should also be included. Although there is considerable variation in the extent to which jurors in state courts are admonished that they must accept the law as given to them in standard instructions by the trial judge, the comprehension and retention of those instructions is critical in the jury decision. Finally, the jury's verdict should be proper and accurate. At least three aspects of the verdict should be considered with reference to the accuracy standard: there should be little variance in verdicts for a single case, in the hypothetical situation where the same case might be tried repeatedly by similar juries; errors of two types, convicting the innocent and acquitting the guilty, should be minimized; and a few hung juries should occur, particularly in difficult cases, indicating that deliberation processes do not overwhelm all individual doubts. These five empirical test characteristics are dependent on one another. Varying one procedure in a jury trial, such as selecting a "blue-ribbon" jury of highly educated, highly verbal individuals, might "improve" the performance of that jury over a typical jury in one respect, such as the ability to remember information from testimony. However, the variation cannot be termed desirable, or even permissible, without examining its full impact on all of the critical functional characteristics. A change that produces an improvement in one area might actually lower quality in others, such as the extent to which the jury panel represents the community from which it is drawn, or the extent to which biases are counterbalanced during deliberation. Each of the characteristics is causally related to other characteristics in the set of functional criteria. For example, increasing the representativeness of a jury panel, at least in a heterogeneous community, tends to increase the variety of viewpoints represented on the panel. Increasing the variety of views, thereby producing a counterbalancing of biases, is likely to affect fact finding. Individuals from a variety of backgrounds are likely to attend to and remember different aspects of the trial evidence, making the jury as a whole remember the total pattern of evidence more completely. A similar



Fig. 1.1 Interdependence among the characteristics of a proper jury (arrows indicate direct causal relationships).


RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY argument can be made for the generation of reasonable inferences and the evaluation of witness credibility. A variety of viewpoints expressed during deliberation may also improve the individual juror's application of the beyond reasonable doubt standard of proof. Finally, all of these factors taken together are likely to affect the jury's verdict (Fig. 1.1). Two forms of test can be applied to compare types of juries or to evaluate a single type of jury with reference to the functional characteristics we have identified. The first kind of test compares a jury with a population standard. The test question is: Does the jury deviate significantly from the population mode of jury performance? Tests for jury representativeness are of this type. An ideal population mode is defined with reference to the characteristics of members of a population of potentially eligible jurors. Statistical tests are then performed to determine whether or not jurors called to serve, or actually impaneled, differ from the population mode with reference to identifiable characteristics. On a few occasions, appellate courts have considered a similar form of test for the adequacy of jury performance. For example, a jury that convicts with a greater probability than a modal jury from a jurisdiction may be ruled improper. This reasoning occurred in a California Supreme Court case where the petitioner contended that death-qualified juries, sitting on capital cases, were not impartial in deciding the defendant's guilt or innocence. The decision noted, "The concept of a neutral jury is intimately related to the Constitutional doctrine regarding the representative crosssection of the community," and "For present purposes it is assumed that a Constitutionally neutral jury is one which is drawn from a pool of persons eligible to serve in a noncapital criminal trial" (Hovey v. Superior Court of Alameda County, 1980, p. 1312, n. 54). Thus, the test for "diffused impartiality," or neutrality, was defined as a comparison between a population standard (jury drawn from pool of persons eligible) and a test case (deathqualified jury). A similar form of test was applied in a federal court hearing also concerned with death-qualified juries. Here the court defined a "functional equivalency" test under which "the necessary showing is that the difference in make-up of such a jury, as compared to a jury selected without regard to attitudes towards capital punishment for the determination of guilt, results in the functional difference in the operation of that jury" (Grigsby v. Mabry, 1980, p. 1388n23). The second form of test for performance quality postulates an ideal standard or ideal scale against which jury performance can be measured. For example, if one type of jury is less accurate at recalling information from trial testimony during deliberation than another, the less accurate jury can be deemed less desirable than the more accurate jury. Or if two juries have


INSIDE THE JURY equally complete and accurate recall during deliberation, the jury that recalls information equitably from both sides of the case, such as recalling testimony by prosecution and defense witnesses with equal correctness, can be deemed more desirable than a jury that differentially recalls information from the sides of a case. Tests of this form, called ideal standard evaluations, have not been applied by legal authorities. However, such tests may be useful in evaluating jury performance for at least four of the jury's functional attributes. First, a test for the counterbalancing of biases should favor, as more proper, a jury that exhibits greater heterogeneity of viewpoints and permits full expression of different viewpoints over a jury that is more homogeneous. Second, the same test of accuracy and equitability of recall of information from testimony can be extended to drawing inferences from testimony on both sides of a case or to weighting witness credibility from both sides of a case. An even more powerful test can be developed if the assumption is made that legal experts can render preferred or even optimal conceptualizations of case materials. With such an expert standard, it is possible to evaluate the acceptability of inferences drawn by jurors in jury deliberation. If a jury deliberation includes many departures from the expertdefined standard and these departures are not corrected during deliberation, the jury can be classified as improper. Third, the accuracy of representation and interpretation of the judge's instructions on the law can be evaluated with reference to expert or scholarly analyses of the trial judge's instructions. A jury whose discussion departs far from an acceptable interpretation of the law in the eyes of experts can be deemed less proper than a jury that adheres closely to the experts' interpretations. Fourth, for some cases expert opinion, such as the opinions of an appeals court, identify improper verdicts for a case or perhaps even indicate proper verdicts. This verdict evaluation can be used as a standard, and juries that depart from the standard can be deemed improper. Legal authorities have been reluctant to accept evaluations of quality based on comparisons to a rational or expert standard, and there are no precedents for such an evaluation in the Supreme Court's analysis of the right to trial by jury. Rather, the population mode, which is essentially a representativeness standard, has been applied to evaluate all attributes of quality. The preference for population standard tests over ideal standard tests derives from the difficulty of defining a rational or expert test standard and then implementing comparisons between the standard and test jury performances. But there are conditions under which the rational or expert standard test should be attempted. Several results from the jury decisionmaking study reported in this volume are evaluated by such a test.


RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY In summary, the jury trial is an important institution, whose form and place in the American justice system are controversial. Constitutional and historical precedents do not provide clear principles with which to evaluate the acceptability of jury performance. While some of the Supreme Court's analyses of the right to trial by jury have articulated and reviewed empirical tests of jury performance, this view is not acceptable to all jurists. Yet many functional attributes of jury performance are directly relevant to empirical tests of quality and adequacy. A major task in the design of the present empirical study has been the development of methods to measure these characteristics of jury performance. Empirical evidence, particularly studies of individual and group decision processes, is critically and perhaps uniquely relevant to an evaluation of the right to trial by jury. The study of jury decision making reported in this volume addresses many questions, both implicit and explicit, in the Supreme Court's analysis of the right to trial by jury. The experimental method employs an extremely realistic but highly controlled simulation of the jury decision task. The study was carried out in actual courthouses with the assistance of court personnel and using citizens called to jury duty as experimental subjects. The present study focuses on the effects of varying the jury decision rule on jury performance. Decision rule was selected for study because less is known about its effects than about the effects of variations in size or impanelment procedures and several Supreme Court decisions have been concerned with this issue. Another focus of the study is the juror's behavior during deliberation, a subject that has been neglected in scientific research on jury performance. Several of the critical functions of the jury that have been identified in Supreme Court decisions involve a consideration of events occurring during deliberation. Our review of legal analyses of the right to trial by jury produced eight attributes of jury performance that are relevant to the quality or permissibility of various jury procedures: counterbalancing of viewpoints in discussion of evidence, accuracy as a factfinder, thoroughness or robustness of deliberation, application of the standard of proof, accuracy and completeness of recapitulation and application of the judge's instructions on the law, accuracy of verdicts compared to a standard provided by experts, variance in verdicts across juries for a single stimulus case, and frequency of deadlocked juries. The study also deals with the influence of individual differences in background, which exist before jury service, on juror behavior. A large folklore of legal hypotheses concerns itself with the relationship between individual characteristics, such as demography, personality, and attitude, and the


INSIDE THE JURY juror's verdict preference, confidence, or influence during deliberation. The present study provides the most thorough analysis to date of individual differences in juror behavior. The final goal of the study is to develop a theoretical framework within which to view juror and jury behavior. Such a theory, grounded firmly on systematic empirical research, can reduce the dependence of legal policy makers on the vagaries of intuition and personal experience.



The Psychology of Juror and Jury Decision Making

The dominant theoretical paradigm in experimental psychology is the human information processing approach (Newell & Simon, 1972; Estes, 1978; Anderson, 1980). This approach is based on a metaphor of information flow and transformation from the environment, through mental processing stages within the organism, and back into the publicly observable world in the form of responses. Juror decision making can be analyzed within the information processing approach by describing the trial as a psychological stimulus, identifying the processing demands of the juror's decision task, and outlining the sequence of cognitive processes performed by the juror.

The Trial as Psychological Stimulus The trial produces "data," or information input, that the jurors have to utilize in their decision-making task. For criminal trials, this information can be divided into nine different conceptual units, which usually occur in court in a certain order (Fig. 2.1). First comes the indictment, a statement of the charge against the defendant, naming the crime that he or she is accused of by the government. This is generally read by an officer of the court, and a copy is sent into the jury deliberation room. Next, the defendant's plea, the response to the indictment, is entered. This may vary from pleading not guilty, to pleading guilty to a lesser charge, to pleading guilty as charged. In By Hastie and Pennington



Fig. 2.1 The trial data.


PSYCHOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING the case of a guilty plea, the juror usually has no decision making in which to engage. The prosecution's case, which is presented first, may begin with an opening statement by the prosecuting attorney. This statement is a general outline of what the prosecution intends to prove. Next, the defense may present an opening statement. This statement usually summarizes the evidence that will be used in denying the prosecution allegations. This statement is frequently presented after the witnesses for the prosecution and before the witnesses for the defense, if any, are heard. The major part of the trial is the testimony given by the various witnesses. This is usually a series of prosecution witnesses followed by defense witnesses. The testimony of a single witness typically does not describe events in the sequence in which they originally occurred. In addition to statements made by the witnesses, there are questions posed by the attorney who called the witnesses, questions by the opposing attorney, objections to testimony by the attorneys, and decisions rendered by the judge. After the presentation of evidence by the witnesses, closing arguments are made by the defense and prosecuting attorneys, in that order. These arguments are a summary of the case presented by each side, and they usually include statements outlining the inferences the attorney would like the jurors to draw from the evidence. Finally, the judge instructs the jurors in two areas. First, the judge informs the jurors what their task consists of during deliberation and what procedures they should employ in reaching a verdict. The procedures defined by the judge generally include the instruction that the juror is to regard the defendant as innocent until proven otherwise; that the burden of proof is on the prosecution; that the juror's task is to determine the facts on the basis of credible evidence; that certain information may be regarded as evidence, such as direct testimony of witnesses, charts and exhibits, observations of the witnesses, and reasonable inferences drawn from the testimony; that other information may not be regarded as evidence, such as statements and questions posed by the attorneys, or race and background of defendant; how to assess the credibility of testimony, such as each witness' opportunity to observe, possible bias, character, and contradictions in testimony; what constitutes a reasonable inference as opposed to unwarranted speculation; and what is the meaning and application of the standard of proof, namely beyond a resonable doubt, in assessing the truth of allegations. The second portion of the judge's instructions defines for the jurors a complete set of possible verdicts, of which they must choose one. Each verdict may be seen as a category which has criterial features that must be brought into correspondence with the identity, intent, and actions of the accused.


INSIDE THE JURY These nine input items constitute all of the data that the juror has to work with coming from external sources, namely the trial itself. However, other types of knowledge are used in the juror's task whose source is internal. The juror uses "factual" knowledge of the social and physical world that appears relevant to the case. Factual knowledge includes the juror's beliefs, although these beliefs are not necessarily true, such as beliefs about the effects of a certain weapon, motives and behavior, eyewitness memory, alcohol and its effects on motor coordination, or opinions about social customs among ethnic groups. Another type of information that is not part of the trial data is the "strategic" knowledge that the juror employs in the decision process. This knowledge comprises information-processing strategies that determine how the data is organized and combined to form a mental "product" that can be transformed into a decision.

Information-Processing Demands The juror's predeliberation task can be broken down into seven component information-processing components according to an analysis developed by Pennington and Hastie (1981a). However, this analysis of an ideal juror's performance is psychologically unrealistic in at least two ways. First, it suggests that the juror's decision-making tasks are performed in a certain order, that most tasks are performed after the judge has instructed the jury, and that they are completed before social influence processes begin in deliberation. These temporal specifications are almost certainly false in a typical courtroom setting. Second, few jurors are likely to complete all of the processing tasks prescribed for a typical legal trial. Thus, the set of seven perception, memory, inference, and decision processes describe a far more orderly and thorough judgment machine than the juror in a typical jury box. However, they provide a useful perspective from which to view juror and jury decision making both theoretically and in practice (Fig. 2.2). The first task component in juror decision making is encoding trial contents. The ideal juror is characterized as a relatively passive record-keeper during the trial who encodes the events of the trial verbatim. The representation of the juror as a tape recorder corresponds to an underlying assumption of the legal system that jurors suspend judgment and evaluation until all the evidence has been presented and until after they have been instructed at the end of the trial how to evaluate and what to judge. Actual juror performance may deviate from this ideal through mechanisms of selective attention, forgetting, inferential embellishment, and reorganization. There is always extensive cognitive activity by the perceiver in compre-



Fig. 2.2 The juror task.

hension and memory tasks (Crowder, 1976; Bransford, 1979; Kintsch, 1974; Tulving, 1974). The second task component in the model is establishing judgment categories. At the conclusion of a trial it is assumed that the juror has a fairly accurate recording of events during the trial. The task at this time is for the juror


INSIDE THE JURY to establish judgement categories based on the judge's instructions about substantive statutory issues, such as the elements of crimes in an indictment. Each verdict may be thought of as a category defined by a list of criterial features specifying the identity, mental state, circumstances, and actions that bear on the verdict choice (Kaplan, 1978; Saks & Hastie, 1978). The complexity of this set of concepts is illustrated by elaborate verdict categogories for a murder trial (Fig. 2.3). The complete representation of the verdict categories is a difficult task. The comprehension and memory problems are further complicated by the interference from erroneous descriptions of verdict categories presented in television, movies, popular fiction, newspapers, and other public media. The task requires that the juror set aside preconceptions of the verdict categories that are in conflict with the judge's instructions. Jurors are specifically instructed to do this by the judge. The third component of the decision task is selecting evidence. Jurors are instructed that certain trial input is not to be regarded as evidence in reaching a decision; that is, it is to be excluded from consideration. In a criminal trial this includes the fact that the defendant was indicted, the attorneys' opening statements and closing arguments, the attorneys' behavior and questions, the judge's behavior, the judge's mention of any facts in the case, and items of evidence declared inadmissible by the judge. The juror must now construct a plausible sequence of events. Using only information that has been selected, the juror must determine what happened at the time of the alleged crime. This is represented by the combined processes of construction, inference, and credibility evaluation. Construction involves the fitting of information into a coherent story or even more than one story. The companion process to construction is evaluation. Each item of information must be evaluated in two respects, for its credibility and for its implications. The juror has received guidelines regarding these evaluations in the judge's instructions on credibility and reasonable inference. Frequently the evaluations cannot be carried out on the item of information in isolation but require contextual or related information as well. It is for this reason that construction and evaluation are seen as interwoven. The construction component task is to make a story of what happened with respect to the defendant, the crime he or she is accused of committing, and the possible events surrounding the crime. Each evidence item is checked against the story for admissibility. If selected, it is compared to the story and evaluated for credibility and for implications within each context that refers to it. The results of this analysis are then inserted into the story and finally reevaluated for their credibility and implications. At the end of this procedure, the next evidence item is retrieved and the processes are repeated (Pennington & Hastie, 1981a; Pennington, 1981).


INSIDE THE JURY At the end of the construction and evaluation tasks, the juror has determined the facts of the case by constructing alternative versions of the story, evaluating their credibility, and drawing inferences with respect to the identity, intentions, and actions of the participants. Now the juror must consider this story construction in relation to the verdict categories to select a verdict. The processes in this decision component take the form of a category classification task. The juror evaluates the fit of the case, represented as the final output of the story construction stage, into each of the possible verdict categories presented in the judge's charge to the jury. This evaluation for goodness-of-fit can be characterized as a feature matching test in which each feature of the verdict category is compared to attributes of the case story structure. If the fit to one of the verdict categories is good, the juror will finish with a decision that the case fits the category to the degree specified by the relevant standard of proof, namely beyond a reasonable doubt.

The Story Model The idealized information-processing task analysis is closely related to a model of the juror's actual cognitive processing called the Story Model (Pennington, 1981). The Story Model has three processing stages. First, the story construction stage specifies the processing during which evidence is comprehended and organized into one or more plausible accounts describing "what happened" at the time of events testified to during the trial. The model postulates that general knowledge about the structure of human purposive action sequences, characterized as an abstract episode schema, serves to organize events according to the causal and intentional relations between them as constructed by the juror. Second is the verdict-category establishment stage, which involves the representation of each verdict alternative as a category with defining features and a decision rule specifying their appropriate combination. Third, the story classification stage specifies that the juror's decision takes the form of a classification in which the best match between story features and verdict category features is determined. Application of standard-of-proof and presumption-of-innocence procedures are central in this stage. This model retains the basic features of the ideal juror analysis but acknowledges that the ideal assumption that there is no important constructive and inferential processing during trial comprehension is unrealistic from a psychological point of view. In the Story Model it is proposed that stories organize information in ways that help the juror perform the three interpretive operations proposed in the ideal juror analysis: by locating the


PSYCHOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING central actions around which the point of the story will be drawn (story construction), by creating an interpretive context for the actions at the center of the story through inferences about the relationships among elements in the story (evaluation for implications), and by evaluating the interpretations against social frames to determine the degree of internal consistency and descriptive adequacy of completeness (evaluation for credibility). The Story Model addresses a problem identified as significant by legal and psychological experts on evidence (e.g. Wigmore, 1937; Schum, 1977) by providing a plausible psychological account of the linkages between events in each unique legal case which must be specified before inferences about guilt may be made. Empirical support is provided for the Story Model in an interview study of juror decision processes (Pennington, 1981). Citizens sampled from trial court jury pools watched realistic filmed trials and then talked aloud as they reviewed the evidence in reaching an individual verdict decision. The unconstrained talk-aloud period was followed by a systematic interview that probed the subjects' memories and inferences relevant to their verdicts. The interview protocols were found to exhibit story structures that can be characterized as causal event chains having a hierarchical episode structure. Central stories for subjects choosing different verdicts also vary in both content and structure, and these differences correspond to specific legally required features of the subjects' chosen verdict categories. And verdict category structure and story classification rules do not vary systematically by verdict group. The stories jurors tell are thus related to the verdicts they choose, and the causal relations between events referenced by trial evidence are central in the juror's representation of the decision-relevant evidence base. Variability in verdict computation, or verdict category representation and classification rules, cannot account for variability in verdict choice. The Story Model provides a complete psychological account of cognitive processing in juror decision making, and it receives support from jury research, political science analysis, jurors' accounts of their experiences during trials, and other work (Colasanto & Sanders, 1978; Bennett, 1978, 1979; Chaberski, 1973; Kennebeck, 1973; Timothy, 1974; Pennington & Hastie, 1980; Pennington & Hastie, 1981b; Kuhn, Pennington, & Leadbeater, 1983). Alternative models for juror decision making have been proposed based on a variety of mathematical formulations (Poisson process models: Thomas & Hogue, 1976; Kerr, 1978; information integration theory: Anderson, 1959; Ostrom, Werner, & Saks, 1978; Kaplan & Schersching, 1980; Bayes' theorem: Schum, 1977; Schum & Martin, 1982; Grofman, 1981). But none of them include the full range of juror decision task components, and they have not been applied to realistically complete juror decision tasks.



The Jury's Task As in the case of the individual juror's processing task, the analysis of the jury task demands is simplified, idealized, and speculative. It includes the major component tasks that have been cited by legal analysts, observed by social scientists, or reported by journalists. Virtually all models of jury decision making assume that individual jurors have reached initial predeliberation verdict decisions at the start of deliberation. Thus, the input at the beginning of the jury task is a set of jurors with verdict preferences. Each juror may be presumed to have completed all of the preliminary informationprocessing subtasks identified in the analysis of the juror's task before beginning the six component tasks in the jury decision task (Fig. 2.4). Most juries begin with a discussion of an agenda for deliberation or voting. Typically the jury returns to these plans periodically over the course of deliberation. Selection of a foreman is the first task addressed by many juries. However, in some courts, as in Massachusetts, the foreman is appointed by the trial judge before deliberation begins. The other major issues addressed concern the focus of discussion (as on evidence or verdicts, or on a specific verdict alternative or pair of alternatives) and the timing of events (such as taking a vote sooner or later, or terminating discussion for a lunch break). The second task is to review the evidence and instructions. This subtask is the center of the deliberation process. It includes the exchange of information and opinions pertinent to the decision. The third task is to identify juror verdict preferences. The jury has several mechanisms whereby to make known to all its members the distribution of verdict preferences. These mechanisms include public statements during deliberation as well as open or secret polling procedures. The fourth task is to check whether a verdict rendering quorum has been reached. The results of polls and personal tabulations are frequently compared to the verdict-rendering quorum size that was set by the judge's instructions on decision rule. Typically, in criminal trials the jury foreman periodically announces the results of each poll to determine if the jury is unanimous in its preference for a verdict category. When the necessary quorum is reached, deliberation is usually terminated, and the jury returns to the courtroom to make the verdict public. The fifth task is to assess progress toward consensus. Periodically the jury reviews its progress toward group consensus. When it is apparent that continued discussion and polling are unlikely to produce increased consensus, the jury may declare itself deadlocked and unable to render a verdict. In practice this decision is usually made when no changes in individual verdict



Fig. 2.4 The jury deliberation task.


INSIDE THE JURY preferences are observed across several polls. If the jury informs the trial judge that it is deadlocked, or if the judge infers from prolonged deliberation or requests for further instructions that deadlocking is likely to occur, the judge reads the jury a "dynamite charge" instruction which encourages the jurors to try once more to resolve their differences. Usually such an instruction is given only once. If a jury returns to the court deadlocked a second time, it is usually declared hung and dismissed. The sixth task is to request additional instructions. The jury is instructed that if progress toward a verdict is impeded by disagreement or confusion concerning the law or the evidence in the case, further instructions may be requested from the trial judge. Typically the jury votes on the matter of requesting instructions and makes the request in writing. Most judges are responsive to questions concerning substantive instructions and attempt to amplify or re-express their earlier instructions on the law.

Social Science Models Social scientists have developed many explicit models for jury decision making, but these approaches rarely provide a complete analysis of behavior in actual legal decision-making tasks (Pennington & Hastie, 1981a; Penrod & Hastie, 1979). For the most part these models are unrealistically simple or provide analyses of limited subtasks within the larger legal judgment task. Typically the simplicity or incompleteness of the social science models is deliberate. Many of the particular model applications were developed to demonstrate the extendability of theoretical formulations or to serve as examples of the direction in which useful developments might proceed. For example, the major models proposed by social scientists for jury decision making do not attempt to model events during deliberation. Three classes of models—Social Decision Schemes, probabilistic models, and Bayesian models—were designed to predict final verdict distributions of juries from initial verdict distributions of jurors (Davis, 1973; Davis et al., 1975; Walbert, 1971; Saks & Ostrom, 1975; Gelfand & Solomon, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977; Grofman, 1976). Empirical evaluations of these models have often used data aggregated over hundreds of different cases and case types; thus the models portray a population of cases represented by the sample rather than individual or group decision behavior. A fourth class of models is defined by the use of mathematical principles to characterize individual juror verdict-preference changes during deliberation (Klevorick & Rothschild, 1979; Penrod & Hastie, 1980; Kerr, 1981; Stasser & Davis, 1981). These models propose precise verdict-to-verdict


PSYCHOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING transition rules as well as principles as to when the transition rules are to be applied. Our favored approach to modeling jury behavior is to model all major trial events using a computer program simulation. This theoretical medium provides powerful representational capabilities so that principles from a diverse sample of models and empirical generalizations can be combined. The computer simulation approach, which requires precision from the theoretician, provides deductive power to derive implications from a system of assumptions. The approach also provides enough flexibility to model a wide range of jury or jury-like tasks in natural or artificial settings. A model of the jury decision process, implemented in the form of a computer program, will be presented in Chapter 9 of the present volume.

Jury Performance A sizable literature of behavioral science research on jury decision-making processes already exists. Conclusions concerning jury behavior come from three sources: postdeliberation interviews with actual jurors, observations by other nonjuror participants in the trial, and systematic observations of mock juries. These results identify the major determinants of verdicts, deliberation time, information pooling, and election to the role of foreman. The following review is a summary of these findings. A result obtained in virtually all research on small decision-making groups is that larger factions, within a group, exert more influence on the group's decision than do smaller factions. For example, a postdeliberation survey of jurors in 2 2 5 criminal cases concluded that "the jury in roughly nine out of ten cases decides in the direction of the initial majority" (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966, p. 488). A survey of trial judges found that 5.6 percent of trials resulted in deadlocked juries when unanimous verdicts were required, and the rate dropped to 3.1 percent when majority verdicts were allowed. Based on the jurors' retrospective reports, hung juries occurred only when a substantial minority faction existed at the start of deliberation, even though a minority of one might hang the jury at the end of deliberation, which occurred in twelve of the forty-eight hung juries studied. Deliberation time increases with case complexity and with strictness of decision rule (Saks, 1977). Nonverdict-rendering juries take approximately three times as long to deliberate as verdict-rendering juries (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966). Analyses of the contents of mock jury deliberations have conluded that jurors perform their task in a conscientious manner (James, 1959, 1967;


INSIDE THE JURY Kessler, 1973). Over 80 percent of the mock jurors' discussion was judged relevant to their decisions, and most of their discussion was of "high quality" in the eyes of attorneys, law students, and social scientist observers. Jury size and decision rule factors did not affect the content of deliberation (Saks, 1977). Four polling procedures have been observed in jury deliberations: the written secret ballot; the public show of hands; the verbal go-around; and the verbal expression of dissent only. The verbal go-around and written secret ballot procedures were most common in one study, accounting for approximately 70 percent of the polls (Hawkins, 1960). Juries that took an early poll in deliberation tended to render a verdict more quickly. Furthermore, the use of written secret ballot procedures was associated with the occurrence of jury deadlocking. Individuals involved in group discussions participate at sharply different rates, with a few individuals dominating discussion (Stephan & M ischler, 1952; Steiner, 1972). For example, three of twelve jurors typically produce more than half of the communications in deliberation (Strodtbeck, James, & Hawkins, 1957). Furthermore, variability in speaking rates increases as group size increases. In six-member juries approximately 5 percent of the jurors fail to participate at all, whereas more than 20 percent of the mock jurors in twelve-member juries are silent (Kessler, 1973; Saks, 1977). Faction size within the jury also affects faction members' participation rates (Hawkins, 1962). As factions grow, they account for an increasing amount of the total discussion, although the probability that individual jurors will speak drops as their faction grows. Juror sex and occupational status are correlated with participation rates. Males speak more than females, and higher socioeconomic status jurors participate at a higher rate than lower status jurors (Strodtbeck & Mann, 1956; Simon, 1967; Strodtbeck, James, & Hawkins, 1957; James, 1959; Hawkins, 1960). Physical location at the rectangular jury table also affects participation rates, with jurors seated at the ends and middle participating at higher rates than corner or flank jurors (Strodtbeck & Hook, 1961). The role of foreman is the only explicitly defined differentiation among members of the jury. When the foreman is elected by the jury, juror sex, social status, and seat location are correlated with election to the foreman role. Males, higher classes, and end seating are overrepresented in the role. Once selected, foremen participate in deliberation at a rate two to three times that of other jurors (Hawkins, 1960; Simon, 1967; Strodtbeck & Hook, 1961; Strodtbeck, James, & Hawkins, 1957). However, the correlations between sex, education, occupation, seat selection, foreman status, and other factors make it impossible to identify the unique causal contribution of each of these factors to participation rates or to other behavioral measures.



Jury Decision Rule There are several empirical studies of the effects of varying structural and procedural conditions of the jury decision task. Detailed summaries of the experiments and surveys concerned with jury decision rule and size will be presented because of their direct relevance to the original empirical research reported in this volume. Juries required to reach unanimous decisions were found likelier to hang, having a 5.6 percent rate, than were majority rule juries, with a 3.1 percent rate (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966). However, these differential hung jury rates are not necessarily related exclusively to the decision rule because the two sets of data were collected from different jurisdictions, and many factors in addition to decision rule may have varied. In an experiment on mock juries using college students, the jurors were presented with a 45-minute tape recording of a rape case and allowed to deliberate for a maximum of thirty minutes (Davis, et al., 1975). The jury size was six-person versus twelve-person, and the decision rule was unanimous versus two-thirds majority. The effects of the decision rule were small. Verdict distributions were not affected, and a two-thirds majority decision rule provided the best characterization of both unanimous and majority rule jury performance. One weakness in the method of this study that probably accounts for the lack of a relationship between decision rule and verdict distributions was the strong defense bias of the rape case materials. Only 22 percent of the individual jurors voted to convict on a postdeliberation ballot, and no jury voted for conviction. The decision rule did affect two measures of performance. Unanimous juries took longer to reach a verdict, and more polls were taken during a deliberation. Another experiment, which used a more realistic videotaped version of the rape case, obtained a substantial rate of convictions by juries. It compared the effects of decision rule on unanimous and two-thirds majority mock juries that were presented with no explicit definition of the beyondreasonable-doubt standard of proof, a "lax" definition, or a "stringent" definition (Kerr et al., 1976). Unanimous juries had longer deliberation times and took more polls than majority rule juries. A five-sixths majority decision rule provided a good characterization of jury performance for both decision rules. Although verdict distributions were not sharply affected by the decision rule manipulation, unanimous rule juries were more likely than majority rule juries to deadlock. Jurors in majority rule juries were less satisfied with their jury verdicts, and minority faction members were especially likely to believe that they had not had opportunity to express all their arguments concerning the case. Marginally higher hung jury rates also occurred


INSIDE THE JURY in unanimous as compared to five-sixths majority rule juries (Bray, 1974). Two mock-jury studies using college students and jurors who had recently served in Franklin County, Ohio, varied jury size between six persons and twelve persons and decision rule between unanimous and two-thirds majority (Saks, 1977). In one experiment the jurors read a ten-page transcript of a robbery case, and in the other they viewed a one-hour videotaped burglary case. Again unanimous juries took longer to reach verdicts and were likelier to deadlock before rendering a verdict than majority juries. Moreover, majority rule jurors communicated with one another more frequently than unanimous rule jurors, and majority rule jurors recalled more arguments raised during deliberation than did unanimous rule jurors. Two other studies examined unanimous and two-thirds majority rules in six-person mock juries (Nemeth, 1977). College students in one study read a short written summary of a murder trial and deliberated for a maximum of two hours. Predeliberation ballots were used to produce four-to-two initial faction splits either weighted toward or against acquittal in every mock jury. There were no effects of decision rule on conviction rates, but deadlocked juries were only observed under unanimous decision rules. Direct measures of total deliberation time did not show decision rule effects. However, there was a difference in functional deliberation time, defined as the point at which arguments for one verdict outweigh arguments for the other verdict to such an extent that a reversal of group opinion is practically precluded. Majority juries reached this critical point more rapidly than unanimous juries. The only decision rule effect on the quality of deliberation was that unanimous jury members found deliberation less comfortable and dominated by majority faction influence in contrast to majority rule jurors. Unanimous rule jurors also believed that their jury's verdict was correct with greater confidence than did majority rule jurors. The other study covering seven trials was too small in size and had too much across-case variability in deliberation to be sensitive to decision rule effects, but it at least showed no sharp deviations from jury performance in the first, more artificial experiment. When these two studies were analyzed for male-female differences in deliberation behavior and minority faction influence, the results were equivocal. Male jurors appeared to dominate deliberation by offering more suggestions, opinions, and information than females, but this difference was clear only in the more artificial experiment (Nemeth, Endicott, & Wachtler, 1977). Minority faction influence was also an extremely delicate phenomenon and did not manifest itself at a high enough rate in either study to yield a definite characterization (Nemeth, 1976; 1977). Other research on decision rule requirements has found a minority faction influence (Hans, 1978). Six-person mock juries, recruited from adults in


PSYCHOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING a Toronto science museum, listened to a fifteen-minute audiotaped robbery case and then deliberated to unanimous or five-sixths majority verdicts. Minority faction members played a more active role in deliberation under unanimous than under majority rule conditions. The increased participation rates for minority faction members in unanimous rule juries took the form of within-faction discussion rather than between-faction persuasive attempts. This conclusion was confirmed when law student observers were asked to rate the performance of the juries. The observers perceived minority faction members in unanimous rule juries as being significantly more influential and more active than minority faction members in majority rule juries. However, there were no differences in the perceived quality of the complete deliberation, although interobserver agreement on ratings of quality was fairly low (Hans, personal communication). Thus, the unreliability of rated quality may have obscured true decision rule differences. Verdict differences between decision rules were also not consistent, although there were slightly more hung juries in the unanimous rule condition. An exceptionally realistic mock-jury experiment used actual jurors from Queens County courts in New York (Padawer-Singer, 1977; PadawerSinger, Singer, & Singer, 1977). Juror volunteers were shown a three-hour videotaped reenactment of a murder trial and then asked to deliberate in six-person or twelve-person juries under unanimous or two-thirds majority decision rules. Hung juries were again more likely to appear in unanimous decision conditions than under majority rule instructions. College student subjects in a study at West Virginia University listened to a fifteen-minute audiotaped summary of a murder trial and then deliberated in twelve-member juries for up to two hours (Foss, 1981). Fourteen juries were instructed to deliberate to a unanimous consensus and fourteen to a ten-out-of-twelve majority quorum. Unanimous rule juries were more likely to deadlock than were majority rule juries; 6/14 versus 0/14 hung juries, respectively. Unanimous juries also required more time to complete deliberation. As shown by the changes in disagreement among jurors across the course of deliberation jurors converged on their final verdict more quickly in majority rule juries as compared to unanimous juries. That is, the rate of convergence was faster, an effect that occurred in addition to the shorter total deliberation time to reach a verdict. Another study used actual jurors viewing a thirty-minute videotaped reenactment of a murder trial in mock juries of varying size, namely six and twelve persons, and decision rule, namely unanimity and five-sixths majority (Buckhout et al., 1977). Although the experiment was cut off before a sizable sample had accumulated, decision rule appeared to affect the verdict distribution for the juries. The hung jury rate was exceptionally high under the unanimity rule, with only three experimental juriés rendering


INSIDE THE JURY verdicts, while only one jury hung under the majority decision rule. One last study had student mock juries deliberate on two criminal cases presented in a short audiotaped summary format (Friedman & Shaver, 1975). Neither the decision rule, unanimous and nonunanimous, nor the jury size, six and twelve persons, had any consistent effect on verdicts, deliberation time, or perceptions of deliberation. However, jurors' postdeliberation perceptions of the motivations of trial participants, such as defendants and victims, were affected by the decision rule. There are only two studies of decision rule effects on civil case verdicts. In one study, citizens sampled from jury pools were presented with an audiotaped automobile accident tort case (Broeder, 1958). Twelve-person mock-juries assigned unanimous and three-fourths majority decision rules did not differ in liability decisions or in the amount of damages awarded to the plaintiff. Similar no-difference results were obtained in a study of college student mock-jurors presented with different civil case materials (Bray & S truckman-Johnson, 1977). In summary, decision rules have four clear effects. First, hung or deadlocked final decision states are more common in unanimous than in majority decision conditions. The exception is civil trial juries, where decision rule has no apparent effect on verdict patterns. Second, unanimous rule juries tend to take more time and more polls compared to majority rule juries before rendering a verdict. Although this difference frequently does not reach levels of statistical significance, it must be taken into consideration in any conceptualization of decision rule effects. Third, overall satisfaction is higher in unanimous rule than in majority rule conditions. The lower satisfaction ratings for majority rule juries are produced by holdout jurors, who never join the verdict-rendering majority faction. Such jurors do not exist at the end of verdict-rendering deliberation under a unanimous rule. Related measures, such as each juror's belief that all case-relevant arguments have been fully explored and that deliberation has been thorough, reveal similar decision rule differences. Fourth, minority faction members participate with greater frequency and are perceived as more influential in unanimous as compared to majority rule juries.

Jury Size Research on the effects of panel size on jury performance indicates that the use of six-member juries does not result in significant differences in either trial outcome or deliberation quality. Critics have argued that methodological flaws make any conclusions from these studies tentative at best (Zeisel & Diamond, 1974; Lempert, 1975; Saks, 1977; Grofman, 1980). For example,


PSYCHOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING several archival studies are frequently cited as showing no differences between six- and twelve-person jury performance; however, all these studies were correlational, and alternate interpretations in each study undermine the conclusion that jury size does not causally influence jury performance. Moreover, since opportunities for data collection were limited by the existing legislation governing jury size, only civil juries could be examined. Verdict distributions were studied for 128 six- and twelve-member juries in the state of Washington (Bermant & Coppock, 1973). Cases were limited to those involving the Workmen's Compensation Act during a one-year period following the enactment of a statute providing for six-member nonunanimous juries at the Superior Court level except in cases where one party expressly demanded a twelve-member panel. There were no significant differences in the distribution of verdicts for plaintiff and defendant. However, these results may have been confounded by the fact that attorneys were free to select jury size at the beginning of trial proceedings. A similar study in the New Jersey courts, in addition to examining verdict distributions, collected data as to the type of case involved and the amount of damages requested and received (Institute of Judicial Administration, 1972). Six-person juries made more efficient use of trial time and jurors without affecting conduct or trial outcome. Although a number of differences between six- and twelve-member juries were reported, these were attributed to differences in the types of cases selected by lawyers to be tried by different-sized juries and not to jury size per se. Lawyers tend to prefer larger panels in more complex cases involving greater sums of money. For example, whereas six-member juries were used in 77 percent of the automobile negligence cases sampled, they comprised a mere 15.4 percent of the juries in malpractice suits. Similarly, significantly greater use was made of six-member juries in bifurcated trials, namely trials in which liability and damages are decided separately. Typically, lawyers reserved the option to have a twelve-member panel rule on damages. Three specific differences in performance between six- and twelve-member juries were observed: an increased proportion of nonunanimous verdicts in twelve-member juries (45.0 percent versus 20.2 percent), a tripling of damage awards in cases tried by twelve-member juries, and a doubling of trial time in cases tried by twelvemember juries. All of these factors may be attributable to differences in case complexity. Although deliberation time tended to be 33 percent shorter in six-member panels, this difference disappeared in cases where the damages awarded exceeded $10,000. The bias introduced by attorneys' systematic selection of different sized juries was eliminated in a study of six- and twelve-member juries in Michigan courts over two six-month periods, before and after compulsory use of a six-member civil jury was introduced (Mills, 1973). There were no signifi-


INSIDE THE JURY cant differences in verdicts or in the amounts of damages awarded. Although a significant difference was found in the amounts of damages awarded as a proportion of damages sought, this difference appeared only in automobile negligence cases. These results cannot be attributed to the size change, since the change from twelve- to six-member juries was accompanied by two other procedural changes which allowed for discovery of insurance policy limits and the creation of a mediation board. Either of these changes may have led to a greater number of settlements for certain types of cases. A survey of jury performance in 180 civil cases in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island also precluded the possibility of attorney bias (Beiser & Varrin, 1975). As compared to twelve-person juries, six-person juries were quicker to reach a verdict (median deliberation time was 2.5 hours versus 3.2 hours), less likely to find for the plaintiff (47.5 versus 76.9 percent), and less generous in the amounts awarded for damages (median award was $5100 lower). Although a differential in the amount of damages persisted even when the magnitude of the amount sought was taken into consideration, other factors, such as economic inflation and the high variance in awards, may also explain the observed difference. Experimental studies too have revealed few significant differences between six- and twelve-person juries. There were no significant differences in either verdict distribution or the number of votes taken in one study of sixand twelve-member panels, although the fact that no jury voted to convict the defendant limited the usefulness of these findings (Davis et al., 1975). Another study failed to uncover significant differences due to size effects (Buckhout et al., 1977). In still another study deliberation time decreased in six-member juries, but the average contribution by individual jurors was the same in juries of both sizes (Friedman & Shaver, 1975). Twelve-member juries were found to be more likely to hang than were six-member juries, which failed to have any hung juries (Padawer-Singer, Singer, & Singer, 1977). In 23.9 percent of the six-member juries studied, five or six jurors had similar predeliberation opinions on the case. In these juries, deliberation time was very brief (77 minutes versus 155 minutes), which suggested that six-member panels are likely to start deliberation with undifferentiated verdict preferences. Several effects of jury size replicate research on nonjury small groups (Saks, 1975). Large juries as a group recalled more trial evidence than small juries, were likelier to include divergent viewpoints and thus less popular views, and produced more discussion in deliberation. In a frequently cited study of jury size a videotaped reenactment of an automobile negligence case was presented to sixteen student mock-juries assigned to either six- or twelve-member panels (Kessler, 1973). Delibera-


PSYCHOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING tions were recorded on audiotape, and the juries were observed through one-way mirrors. In accordance with Michigan law, a five-sixths majority was required to render a verdict. Jurors on six-member panels were more likely to participate in discussion: 95 percent of jurors on six-member panels contributed to discussion, as compared to only 75 percent on twelve-member panels. However, this study had four major flaws (Diamond, 1974; Zeisel & Diamond, 1974; Saks, 1977). The sample size was too small. The stimulus case was heavily weighted in favor of the defendant and not a single conviction was reported. The major conclusion was partly an artifact of the way participation was measured: because there are fewer people in a sixperson jury, even with an equal rate of participation each juror will use up a greater proportion of the total deliberation time. And in six of the twelvemember juries and four of the six-member juries, predeliberation questionnaires showed that a verdict-rendering quorum had been reached before deliberation commenced. In a study at the University of Georgia student mock-jurors were randomly assigned to six- and twelve-member juries (Valenti & Downing, 1975). Half of the juries in each group heard an audiotaped case in which the apparent guilt of the defendant was high; the other half heard a case in which the defendant's apparent guilt was low. Deliberations were audiotaped, and visual observations were made through two-way mirrors. Jury size was found to have no effect on verdict distribution in cases where the apparent guilt of the defendant was low, but in cases where apparent guilt was high, six-member juries were more likely to vote for conviction. However, when hung juries were assigned verdicts, based on the majority faction preference, all effects on verdicts due to jury size vanished. Six-member jury deliberations were short and unlikely to deadlock, and members of six-person juries rated twelve-member juries as more thorough in comparison to six-member juries. These effects were particularly pronounced in six-member, high apparent guilt juries. Unfortunately, random assignment of juries to experimental condition does not necessarily equalize pre-experimental group differences. Subjects assigned to the six-member, high apparent guilt condition were more likely to be conviction-prone before deliberation. When statistical adjustments are made to account for this predeliberation difference, all of the major experimental findings wash out (Saks, 1977; Grofman, 1976). In summary, methodological flaws in the research designed to detect jury size effects render any conclusions tentative. A few tentative conclusions are warranted. Six-person juries reach verdicts more quickly than twelveperson juries. Recall of evidence during deliberation is likely to be more complete in larger juries. And, the variety of viewpoints represented


INSIDE THE JURY on a twelve-person jury is likely to be greater than on a six-person jury. A thorough review of research on jury decision making yields a large catalogue of empirical generalizations. However, events occurring during deliberation, including communication among jurors, are still poorly understood. Theoretical analyses of jury decision making are also uninformative on the topic of deliberation processes. The study of jury performance that is reported in this book is the most extensive analysis of behavior during jury deliberation that has been conducted to date. It concludes with a general and empirically validated theoretical model of jury decision making. We have presented conceptualizations of the juror and jury decision tasks based on current psychological theory. The juror task analyses concentrated on the comprehension and inference processes involved in: constructing a credible narrative by integrating trial testimony and arguments with general world knowledge, establishing the verdict categories as presented in the trial judge's charge, and classifying the story into the best-fitting verdict category. The Story Model of juror decision making will be cited frequently in our discussions of results that are relevant to individual juror behavior. Less is known about jury decision processes and our conceptual analysis is closer to a loosely structured description of deliberation events than to a tightly-knit predictive model. These events include: agenda setting, discussion, expression of verdict preferences, assessment of current faction sizes, deadlocking, and requesting additional instructions from the trial judge. One major goal of the present research is to develop this model by establishing well-defined relationships among these subprocesses (see Chapter 9). After presenting our own conceptual framework, we noted that most traditional social science models for juror and jury decision making are of limited use in understanding actual jury performance including the full chain of subtasks we have identified. Finally, we presented an outline of empirical results from past research on jury performance. We concluded that there are still large gaps in our knowledge, particularly on the nature of events occurring during jury deliberation. We are now ready to introduce our own research program to study jury decision making.



The Study of Jury Decision Making

The present study of jury decision making was designed to examine a major unexplored area: events during deliberation. Unlike most other research in social science, which is designed to extend the generality of theory, this study was planned primarily to obtain valid empirical knowledge about the performance of actual juries. However, it did not adopt the tactic of observing jurors in actual courtroom trials. Rather, because of laws prohibiting the direct scrutiny of actual juries and because of the important advantages of scientific experimental methods, the subjects chosen for study were mock juries, composed of prospective jurors deliberating to a verdict on filmed trial materials in a courtroom setting.

The Simulation Method The word "simulation" is applied to several types of methods. These methods include simulation games (such as war games, diplomacy games, and business games), role playing, psychotherapy techniques, computer models of complex natural systems, and experimental simulation research paradigms. The experimental simulation paradigm was used in the present jury study. Over one thousand citizens called for jury duty in state trial courts were asked to view a three-hour filmed reenactment of a murder trial. After viewing the trial twelve jurors retired to a jury room to deliberate to a verdict on the case as if they were actual impaneled jurors. By Hastie


INSIDE THE JURY This method is called a jury simulation or a mock jury experiment. The central concept of the experimental simulation method is that the researcher selects subjects, designs a research task, and measures factors that systematically mimic, often on a miniature scale, the characteristics of a natural setting to which conclusions will be generalized. For example, an engineer or architect may construct a small model of a bridge or a building to use in experiments to test a new design principle. Similarly the mock jury is designed to imitate many aspects of a real jury, while control over the conditions in which the mock jury operates is retained by the experimenter. Two major methodological concerns face a researcher when designing a study, namely internal validity and external validity. Internal validity refers to the degree to which changes in the measured dependent variables can be attributed to the manipulated independent variables. External validity refers to the degree to which the findings or results of research in one setting, such as a laboratory experiment, can be generalized to another setting, such as an actual courtroom. Threats to internal validity generally arise when factors other than the independent variables may be the causes of observed changes in the dependent variables. Threats to external validity arise when differences between the two settings—the research setting and the target setting—are such that effects found in the research setting do not hold in the target setting. There is a tension between the concerns of internal and external validity. The more control one has over an experimental environment, the more one can ensure that all variables other than the dependent variable are held constant, thereby decreasing or eliminating the possibility that these extraneous or confounding variables have a causal role in producing the observed effects. This means increased confidence in the internal validity of experimentalfindings.However, experimental control usually comes at the cost of increased artificiality of the research environment. This means decreased external validity or generalizability of any observed cause-and-effect relationships. In the other direction, the closer an experimental environment is to a real world setting, the more likely that any experimental result will be valid in the real world situation. But by drawing the complexities of the real world into an experiment, one usually sacrifices the control and simplicity of design that increase internal validity. For example, one field study identified a correlational relationship between the race of a defendant and the severity of sentence for interracial crimes (Bullock, 1961). However, it would be difficult to conclude with any confidence that the race of the defendant alone caused the differences in sentencing. Any one of a number of other factors that may not have been measured and which certainly were not controlled could have contributed to the observed difference in sentencing. Indeed, subsequent research showed that the observed differences


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING may have been attributable to the prior criminal history of the defendants rather than to racial factors (Green, 1964; Hagan, 1974). Yet carefully controlled research has been carried out in settings whose artificiality also renders useful practical generalizations untenable. Probably the only practical approach to studying the effects of such longterm causal contexts as media exposure, educational programs, and legal sanctions is through the use of relatively uncontrolled, nonexperimental, longitudinal methods (Cook & Campbell, 1979; Glass, 1968; Eron, 1982). In jury research, field studies may be even more difficult to execute than in other areas of social research. Because of legal and ethical restrictions, a jury researcher can seldom, if ever, systematically manipulate the conditions under which an actual jury operates, such as jury size or decision rule, and can never directly observe many events of major interest, such as the content of jury deliberations (Katz, 1972). As a result, most jury research has used the mock-jury simulation method. The main advantages of studying mock juries as opposed to real juries derive from the high internal validity of the controlled experiment. One of the most serious threats to internal validity is the possibility that the apparent cause in a cause-and-effect relationship is not the true cause (Suppes, 1970). To be confident that a particular cause is actually producing an observed effect, it is desirable to hold all conditions besides the independent or causal variable constant. Thus, for example, to study the effect of the defendant's race on sentencing would require making sure that all variables other than race were the same in each group of cases. This is not possible in a natural setting, where each trial is different, each defendant is different, and a large set of variables besides race may differentiate two groups of cases which have been divided into categories by race. In a simulation, these potentially confounding variables may be controlled. Social scientists often substitute statistical control for experimental control of confounding factors. Under some conditions statistical modeling methods can provide statistical control that allows a researcher to make causal inferences (Kenny, 1979; Cook & Campbell, 1979). In some cases, particularly where policy analysis is involved, statistical control may be more appropriate than experimental control (Fairley & Mosteller, 1977). However, experimental or converging experimental and nonexperimental analyses are always preferable to statistical control alone in scientific research (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Extraneous differences in a real trial, such as the facts of the case or the characteristics of the defendant, are not the only possible sources of confounding of a relationship. Differences in the personal characteristics of members of a real jury can also confound a relationship. Here the advantage


INSIDE THE JURY of a jury simulation is that the same stimulus trial may be shown to many sets of experimental juries. The performance of multiple replications removes the potentially confounding effect of individual differences, such as social class or gender. The method also permits study of a distribution of juror behavior, making it statistically possible to assess the replicability of observed differences. The experimental control in a jury simulation which allows for increased confidence in observed effects also allows for systematic evaluation of an independent variable far beyond what could be done in a natural setting. One can ask mock jurors questions that the legal system would not usually ask real jurors. Mock jurors may be asked demographic questions, attitude questions, and questions concerning their feelings toward jury deliberation and verdicts or their assessments of other jurors. In addition to flexibility in the choice of measures, the jury simulation allows for observation of the mock jury's reactions to the trial and juror behavior during deliberations. While methodological and practical reasons thus compel use of the simulation method for extensive jury research, the jury simulation entails drawbacks in the area of external validity. The seriousness of these drawbacks depends on the questions to be answered by the simulation and the way it is carried out. One problem has to do with the subject population. The vast majority of jury simulations have used students as mock jurors; only 12.5 percent have used subjects from an actual jury pool (Bray & Kerr, 1982). But the use of student subjects is questionable. (Foss, 1976). Because students differ as a group from actual jurors in terms of age, education, income, and ideology, students' behavior differs systematically from the behavior of real jurors (Simon & Mahan, 1971; Miller et al., 1975; Bray & Kerr, 1982; Colasanto & Sanders, 1976, 1978). Students tend to be less likely to vote for conviction than typical jurors. Younger jurors and jurors with less jury experience are apt to show leniency, which may explain the leniency bias found among students (Sealy & Cornish, 1973a). Since age and trial experience distinguish students from actual jurors, these two factors create a problem for generalizing from student mock jurors to real jurors. In general, evidence suggests that differences between students and real jurors pose a threat to the external validity of many conclusions from jury simulations that use only student subjects. Another important problem of simulation is the method of presenting the mock trial, including its format (written transcript, audiotaped summary, videotaped trial proceeding), location (classroom, psychological laboratory, courtroom), and procedural elements (voir dire, opening statements, testimony, closing arguments, judge's instructions, deliberation). The most common method in jury simulations is to use a written fact summary of a trial


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING and present it in an experimental laboratory simulation (Bray & Kerr, 1982). This unrealistic method of presentation eliminates the information available to the mock jurors through the trial participants' gestures and expressions. Furthermore, the written summary dramatically truncates the facts and circumstances of the case. These simplifications may cause the experimental independent variables to be unnaturally salient, thereby amplifying their effects (Miller & Fontes, 1979). Mock jurors in highly simplified simulations in fact experience an "extreme lack of involvement." Because of this, the findings in such simulations "may well be due to decisions being made impulsively without a thorough consideration of the evidence" (Foss, 1976). That is, typically unimportant nonevidentiary factors may play a larger role in simulation juries than they would in actual juries. Still another important issue for jury simulations is the difference between the consequences of real jury and mock jury decisions. A real jury decides the fate of an actual defendant; a mock jury usually knows that its decision will have no such impact. Comparison of the verdicts of "alternate" jurors (subjects from the jury pool who observed as a group in the gallery of a courtroom) with real jurors in ten cases, revealed a greater tendency toward conviction among the alternate juries (Zeisel & Diamond, 1978). In contrast, comparison of two groups of student jurors, half of whom were told they were actually deciding a student discipline case and half of whom were told they were mock jurors, found the mock juries more lenient (Wilson & Donnerstein, 1977). A similar study found no verdict differences between mock juries and real juries (Kerr, Nerenz, & Herrick, 1979). For the present, the conflicting results of experiments studying the effects of decision consequences on jury verdicts preclude the statement of any summary conclusions concerning the effects of this factor. Another problem concerns the unrealistic nature of most jury simulations that have been attempted. Given practical constraints, such as the impossibility of exactly replicating a live trial many times, the minimum requirements for a realistic jury simulation are subjects who approximate actual jurors in terms of demographic characteristics and attitudes, information and presentation conditions that closely approximate the actual courtroom trial, and conduct of deliberations so that mock juries are studied as group decision-making entities. An obstacle to the practical application of laboratory-based findings is that the major goal of psychological researchers is to evaluate abstract theories and hypotheses concerning human behavior. When research is primarily concerned with theoretical issues, it is sensible to choose or create research settings to maximize the exploration of theoretrical issues with little or no consideration of their application to important natural settings (Pennington & Hastie, 1981; Winkler & Murphy, 1974; Ellsworth, 1977).


INSIDE THE JURY However, the present study of jury decision making had a primary goal of understanding the performance of actual juries, and major experimental design and procedure questions were decided with this goal in mind. The major independent variable in the experiment, verdict decision rule, was selected because of its interest to contemporary courts and legislatures. The subjects were members of the major trial court jury pools in Massachusetts. A filmed reenactment of a typical felony trial was produced with the assistance of practicing trial attorneys and a Superior Court judge. The case materials were based on an actual murder trial transcript, and all essential testimony, argumentation, and instructions were preserved. Legal experts and jurors rated the film as extremely realistic. Mock jury behavior appeared to approach the performance of actual juries. The most frequently chosen verdict of mock juries in the research was second degree murder, which matched the actual jury verdict, and the median mock-jury deliberation time of 138 minutes was within 10 minutes of the duration of the actual deliberation. All experimental procedures were carried out on working days in courtrooms and jury rooms in Massachusetts courthouses. During deliberation the researchers were not present, and a single observation camera was placed out of the line of sight of jurors seated in the jury room, although jurors were fully informed at the time that observations were being made. Deliberation was unbounded in time but with a practical limit of around one week. The longest experimental jury deliberated for four consecutive days before rendering a verdict. Standard deliberation procedures, such as the option of asking for further instructions from the trial judge and the presentation of a special instruction to continue deliberation after reaching an initial deadlock ("dynamite charge"), were included in the research. Most of the experimental jurors had served on actual juries before participating in the research, and they gave the simulation extremely high ratings for realism and seriousness. When the experimental jurors were asked to rate the realism of the stimulus trial film and the seriousness of their deliberation, the average rating was over 8.5 on a 10-point scale. A vast majority of the experimental jurors believed that their verdict matched the actual trial verdict. A final evaluation of the seriousness and realism of the experimental mock juries was provided by a tabulation of jurors' oral references to the experimenters, to the experimental nature of the task, or to any other aspect of their role as research subjects. Less than 2 percent of all remarks fell into this category, and these remarks typically occurred only at the beginning and end of deliberation. Although the study used a simulation method that was very realistic, the method departed from an actual jury experience in some respects. First, the procedure was conducted by researchers, not court officers. Second, an un-


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING realistically brief voir dire procedure was employed to eliminate jurors who would probably not have been seated if the two participating attorneys had tried the case before an actual jury. Third, the impact of the trial in a videotaped medium may be subtly different from that of a live trial. For example, comparison of live and videotaped modes of presentation of the same civil cases has shown that although presentation mode does not affect jury decision, there is a significant improvement in accuracy of jurors' memory for testimony when presented on videotape rather than live (Miller, 1975; Miller et al., 1975). However, jurors are slightly more accurate at detecting deliberate lying by witnesses in live as compared to video- or audiotaped modes (Miller & Fontes, 1979). A study comparing live, videotaped, audiotaped, and written formats to present a civil trial, also seemed to show no impact of mode of presentation on verdict decisions, but nevertheless revealed significant effects on juror evaluations of the credibility of certain witnesses (Farmer et al., 1975; 1977). Fourth, the mock trial was shorter than a comparable live trial. The enactment was three hours long, whereas the trial on which it was based filled three working court days. The difference in lengths was due to the elimination of recesses, of pauses for bench conferences, of time spent waiting for witnesses to appear, and of repetitions in testimony, questioning, and instructions. Fifth, immediately after the case had been presented, the experimental jurors had to complete a one-item questionnaire to ascertain their predeliberation verdict preferences. Sixth, the mock jurors were aware that observers were recording their behavior during deliberation, which may have had an important effect on their behavior. For example, perhaps the knowledge that they were under scrutiny induced experimental jurors to be on their best behavior. Thus, estimates of the rates at which jurors openly expressed antidefendant prejudices, encouraged discussion of inadmissible evidence, or urged fellow jurors to reach a compromise verdict may have been low. Seventh, experimental jurors were aware that their verdicts would not affect a real defendant's fate. Although experimental jurors went so far as to discuss the effects of their verdict on the defendant and his family, the gravity of their deliberations did not match the quality of an actual murder trial. The clearest sign of this occurred at the end of the deliberation when a verdict was rendered. Experimental jurors typically greeted the end of their task with feelings of relief and pleasure, while a typical postconviction murder juror is a study in dejection and solemnity. The significance of this factor for the generality of the study's results is hard to assess. At a minimum, it sharply limits any conclusions about the emotional climate of deliberation. Yet emotional involvement in the experimental task was very high, and it


INSIDE THE JURY seems that other characteristics of jury performance, including the nature of the verdicts reached, would not necessarily be disturbed by this difference. The method in the present jury simulation study had considerable similarity to the actual criminal jury trials to which its conclusions are to be generalized. The major limitations on generalizing from this experiment to actual trials concern the jurors' violations of the judge's instructions on testimony admissibility and compromise verdicts, the overt expressions of ad hominem prejudice or bias, and the emotional quality of deliberation behavior. Given the realistic jury simulation method, another problem is created by the need, when testing the effects of an independent variable, to hold all the facts and content of the mock trial constant except for the levels of the manipulated independent variable. For this reason only one case is usually used in a jury simulation; the same case is presented to many mock juries under varying experimental conditions. The problem this raises for external validity has to do with whether effects found using a single case will also appear in similar cases. This question cannot definitely be answered without repeating the experiment using different cases. In the end, the evaluation of external validity involves the basic question: What is the relation between the results of the simulation and the operation of the naturally occurring phenomenon? There are four possible answers to this fundamental question. The first possibility is that the results of the simulation exactly match the real phenomenon. The second possibility is that the pattern of the effects is ordinally the same in the real world and in the simulation but that exact quantitative levels of measured variables do not match. For example, other mock jury experiments have found that unanimous juries deliberate longer before reaching verdicts than nonunanimous juries (Saks, 1977). This ordinal relationship may hold for actual juries under the different decision rules, but it is not likely that specific quantitative values will also hold. The third possibility is that the simulation produces an effect not present in the real setting or that the simulation fails to include an effect that is present in the real setting. For example, one problem in detecting the impact of variation in jury size on the quality of the jury's performance is that even very important differences in performance may be too slight to detect using a realistically complex mock-jury method with a limited number of juries (Lempert, 1975). The final possibility is for an effect found in one direction in the simulation to be found in the opposite direction in the real case. This last possibility is the most disturbing, in that it suggests that totally different processes operate in the simulation and in the situation it attempts to simulate. Improper generalization is probably the major error in social science


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING research (Meehl, 1977). It is never possible to say with absolute certainty exactly what relationship holds between a simulation and the natural phenomenon to which it refers. This problem of inductive reasoning from one case to another has been an enigma to philosophical and scientific analysis for centuries (Goodman, 1965; Cohen & Nagel, 1934). Modern statistical theory provides only limited solutions that apply chiefly to projections across time, and even these cases have been considered within a dense network of restrictive assumptions (Hacking, 1965). A systematic approach to the problem of induction can begin by assuming that the existence of a phenomenon, such as a cause-effect relationship, in one setting is a prima facie case for its generality. Then the projectability of the result can be systematically evaluated by examining each conceptual dimension along which variation occurs from one setting to the other. In studies of jury decision making the dimensions where differences occur include subject, as between college sophomore and citizen juror, setting, as between laboratory and courtroom, stimulus material, as between audiotaped trial summary and full courtroom trial proceeding, and task, as between completion of a questionnaire and deliberation as a jury (Davis, Bray, & Holt, 1977; Gerbasi, Zuckerman, & Reis, 1977; Pennington & Hastie, 1981a). The present experimental procedures were carefully designed to match actual trial conditions closely on the major dimensions along which generalization would depend. Whenever the experimental method departs from actual trial procedures in a manner that might threaten generalization from the experiment to actual trials, this limitation will be noted in our discussion of results obtained in the experiment.

Experimental Procedure Experimental subjects in the mock jury study were recruited from the Superior Court jury pools in three counties in Massachusetts. At the beginning of each one-month sitting, the study was described to the jury pool by a judge and one of the researchers. A printed volunteer form was passed out, and names of potential mock jurors were collected. Generally the volunteer rate ranged between 75 percent and 85 percent of the jury pool. Later in the sitting, when a mock-jury was to begin, the chief jury pool officer called a panel of sixteen to twenty volunteers. These volunteers were taken to a small hearing room and subjected to an informal voir dire conducted by the experimenter. During this voir dire jurors were excluded who were law enforcement agents or had members of their immediate families so employed, had recently been the victims of a violent crime, had heard


INSIDE THE JURY Table 3.1. Characteristics of participants in the mock-jury study and the jury pool. Characteristic


Jury pool

56 69

66 58

44 13 11 1 5 4 22 100

46 23 6 2 6 3 20 100


Male Married Occupation White collar Blue collar Housewife Student Retired Unemployed Other Total


from other jurors about the experimental procedure or the details of a previous experimental session, or had been excused from jury duty for the following day. As soon as thirteen mock-jurors—twelve actual and one alternate—had been selected in the voir dire, the remainder were excused and asked to return to the jury pool to participate in the study at a later date. The sampling procedure was designed to insure that the experimental mock juries would be composed of a representative cross-section of the population of citizens eligible for jury duty. The volunteers who participated in the study differed somewhat from jurors in the entire jury pool (Table 3.1). The proportion of female jurors who participated in the research was slightly higher than the proportion in the original pool. Married jurors participated in the research at a slightly higher rate than unmarried jurors in comparison with the relevant proportions in the pool. The distribution of occupations in the pool and in the sample of participants were similar, although blue-collar workers were underrepresented in the sample. Following the voir dire selection, the mock jurors were taken to a vacant courtroom or jury room to view a videotaped reenactment of an actual trial. At this point the mock jurors were instructed that the trial was a reenactment of a real case and that the reenactment included all of the important evidence, details, and testimony presented during the original trial. They were told to refer to the reenactment itself during deliberation. Finally, they were informed that they would be asked, after watching the trial, to deliberate to a verdict, and that they would be observed during the deliberation. At this point the experimenter selected a foreman, usually choosing a


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING juror who had previously served in that role. If none of the participants had previously served as a foreman, the experimenter selected a foreman at random by seat number, according to the procedure used in Massachusetts Superior Court trials. The Trial The stimulus trial was based on a complete transcript of a murder trial obtained with the cooperation of the Massachusetts Superior Court. The case was selected wth two criteria in mind: that it be typical of serious felony cases, and that it be sufficiently complex to afford a variety of plausible verdict preferences. The transcript was edited and the names and other details changed to conceal the identities of the original participants. The reenactment was performed by university faculty, professional actors, a police officer, a Superior Court judge, and two attorneys. Each actor was given a summary of the case highlighting his or her testimony. The participating judge and attorneys were provided with unabridged copies of the actual judge's instructions, selections of relevant testimony, and the actual attorneys' opening and closing arguments as they were originally presented. The reenactment was composed of spontaneous improvisations closely following the original case. The judge and attorneys acted in their usual courtroom manner, creating the mundane atmosphere of a real trial. The four-hour filmed trial was edited and condensed into three one-hour segments. The trial opened with the clerk's reading of the indictment charging Frank C. Johnson with the murder of Alan Caldwell on the night of May 9, 1976. Next, the prosecutor's opening statement outlined the state's case. A police officer patrolling his beat had been attracted by a loud exchange of words between two men standing in front of Gleason's Grill. As he moved closer, he saw the victim, Caldwell, strike the defendant, Johnson, and the defendant retaliate by drawing a knife and stabbing downward, in an overhand thrust, into the chest of the first man. The officer interceded, disarmed Johnson, and requested help over a police callbox telephone. A second officer arrived and took Johnson to the station house. The first policeman remained at Gleason's bar until Caldwell's body was removed by an ambulance. The first witness, the first police officer, took the stand and testified to the facts outlined in the prosecution's opening statement. On cross-examination the defense pressed the witness to establish details of the setting and the fight, eliciting the comment that in several years of prior acquaintance the


INSIDE THE JURY defendant had behaved as a "quiet, law-abiding citizen." An effort to obtain a comment on the victim's "reputation for peacefulness" was cut off by an objection from the prosecutor. The second witness, the police officer who took Johnson to the station house, testified to events at that time. He mentioned a conversation in the police cruiser, before Johnson had been apprised of his legal protections against self-incrimination ("Miranda rights"), in which Johnson remarked: "You know me, I don't cause any trouble. The man pulled a razor on me, so I stuck him." Following an objection by the defense, this testimony was stricken from the record and the jury was instructed to disregard it. On cross-examination the defense attorney established that the second policeman had known Johnson for years and that Johnson had not been in trouble before. The third prosecution witness, the medical examiner who performed an autopsy on Caldwell, testified concerning the condition of the body, its personal effects, and the causes of death. He noted that a closed straight razor was found in the left rear pants pocket. Caldwell had been drinking heavily before his death, and the blood alcohol level of 0.32 percent would indicate he was intoxicated. When pressed by the defense, the witness stated that his examination of the stab wounds could not reveal the exact direction of the knife thrust, whether downward from above or upward from below. However, considerable force would have been required to cause the wounds. The final prosecution witness was the owner and bartender from Gleason's Grill. He testified that on the afternoon before the fatal fight Caldwell and Johnson had engaged in a verbal quarrel. The quarrel ended with Caldwell threatening Johnson with a straight razor, at which point Johnson left the bar. Later that day, in the early evening, Johnson and one of his friends returned to the bar. A few hours later Caldwell entered the bar, and shortly afterward he and Johnson stepped outside together. The bartender looked out the bar window and caught a glimpse of the fight. On cross-examination, the defense established that a large neon sign blocked most of the view through the bar's window. The defense's effort to elicit comments on Johnson's reputation for peacefulness was blocked by objections from the prosecution. At this point the defense case began with an opening statement suggesting that self-defense was the motive for Johnson's actions during the fight. The first defense witness, the friend who accompanied Johnson to the bar on the night of the fight, testified that he and Johnson attempted to avoid an encounter with Caldwell that night. He noted that Caldwell entered the bar after their arrival and initiated the conversation that led to Johnson's departure with Caldwell. The witness also claimed that he was able to ob-


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING serve the fight through the bar's door and that he saw Caldwell strike the first blow and follow up by drawing a straight razor. The defense also established that Johnson often carried his knife to use when fishing. An effort to elicit testimony concerning Caldwell's reputation for violence was cut off by prosecution objections. Cross-examination emphasized how difficult it would have been for the witness to see details of the fight through the narrow barroom door. Redirect examination established that Caldwell was a big man, 6 ' 2 " tall and weighing over 200 pounds. The second defense witness, a barmaid from Gleason's Grill, confirmed the bartender's account of events inside the bar on the evening in question. She also testified that a car was parked in the street outside the bar, located where it would have obstructed the beat police officer's view of the fight. Again, the defense efforts to bring in testimony concerning Caldwell's reputation for violence were blocked by prosecution objections. The final defense witness, Frank Johnson, the defendant, testified about his personal background and then described the events on the day of the killing. His description of the quarrel in the afternoon credited Caldwell with losing his temper and threatening him with the straight razor after Caldwell misunderstood an exchange between the defendant and a woman customer in the bar. He left the bar to avoid trouble and spent the afternoon and early evening with his wife and six children. A friend, the first defense witness, stopped by his house at 9:00 P.M., and the two of them went out for a drink at Gleason's Grill. Caldwell entered the bar after Johnson and invited him to step outside for a conversation. Once outside, Caldwell became hostile, threatened to kill Johnson, and finally punched him in the face. As Johnson stumbled away after the blow, he saw Caldwell draw a straight razor. Johnson drew his fishing knife from his pocket, and Caldwell ran onto it as he attacked Johnson. Johnson concluded his direct testimony by noting that he carried his fishing knife by habit, to keep it out of the reach of his children, and that he was in poor health, suffering from asthma. Cross-examination focused on the knife, Johnson's reasons for carrying it, and on the details of the fight. Johnson did not deviate from his original account. The defense's closing argument outlined an interpretation of the testimony that would support a verdict of not guilty because Johnson acted in self-defense. The prosecution argued for first degree murder. After the closing arguments, the judge began his instructions to the jury, noting that they, as the "sole judges of the truth," performed an important service both for the parties involved in the case and for the community at large, and that in so doing, they should put aside all prejudices and conscientiously seek the truth. He informed them that in order to arrive at a lawful verdict, they must determine what actually happened from the evi-


INSIDE THE JURY dence presented during the trial, including both testimony and exhibits, and must establish the component elements of the crime charged according to the law as he presented it. The judge suggested that in the task of reconciling conflicting testimony, they should consider certain factors that might bear on the credibility of a particular witness' testimony: the opportunity of a witness to observe and recall events and details, the potential biases a witness might have that would alter what was perceived, the contradictions or degree of consistency in a witness' account of the facts, and the character or personal characteristics that might affect the integrity of a witness. He then instructed the jury on the legal elements that must be established in determining the degree of the defendant's guilt and the possible verdicts they could render. Murder in the first degree was defined as a deliberately premeditated killing with malice aforethought. Murder in the second degree was defined as a killing with malice but without premeditation. Manslaughter was defined as a killing without malice, as when a person, in the heat of passion or in sudden combat, inflicts a fatal wound upon another. A verdict of not guilty by reason of self-defense derives from the right to protect oneself and pertains to a killing only when three circumstances exist: there is a reasonable expectation of suffering great bodily harm, all reasonable means of avoiding or escaping from the confrontation once it is apparent have been exhausted, and the means of defense is reasonable given the threat. The judge also instructed the jury that, according to law, every defendant comes to trial with the presumption of innocence and that it was the state's burden to pròve each of the elements of the crime charged beyond a reasonable doubt. He specified that the jurors were obligated to find the defendant guilty of the most serious crime of which he was guilty. He also reminded the jurors that, in making their decision, it would be improper for them to compromise on some unlawful, irrational basis. At the conclusion of the charge, the judge instructed the jurors on the decision rule governing the number of jurors who must agree on a verdict in order for it to be properly rendered. At this point changes were introduced in the instructions from the actual trial to create three different experimental conditions. One-third of the juries were given a unanimous decision rule, whereby all twelve jurors were required to agree on a verdict; one-third were given a majority decision rule whereby ten of the twelve jurors were required to agree on a verdict; and one-third were given a majority decision rule whereby eight of the twelve jurors were required to agree on a verdict. Juries assigned to the unanimous, or twelve-out-oftwelve, decision rule were told: "Under the law of this state a verdict by unanimous agreement of all jurors is a proper verdict, so that when all twelve of the jurors agree on a verdict, that is the verdict to be returned." Similar instructions were given,


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING with appropriate variations, to subjects assigned to the ten-out-of-twelve and eight-out-of-twelve deliberation rules. The Deliberation Immediately before the start of deliberation, the jurors filled out a questionnaire asking which verdict they would choose if they had to decide the case at that time, how certain they were of their choice, and which verdict they would select as a second choice. Responses to this questionnaire were used by the experimenters to determine jurors' membership in predeliberation verdict-favoring factions. The decision rule assignments were made according to a random schedule that equalized the number of juries run by each experimenter in each decision rule treatment and balanced these factors across the fifteen-month period when experimental data were collected, from December 1976 through March 1978. Twelve jurors were taken to an adjoining deliberation room where they were seated around a table with the foreman at one end. The table was arranged with ballot pads and pencils for each juror, photographs of the exhibits and of the street diagram used in the trial, and a copy of the indictment, just as in an actual trial. A small television camera was positioned in one corner of the room out of the direct sight of the jurors. They were instructed that a recording would be made of their activities during deliberation. The experimenter reminded the jurors of their decision rule and gave them instructions. They were provided ballot pads for the option of secret ballots, but they could vote in any manner of their choice, if they chose to do so at all. They would be given a lunch break and excused at the end of the day but would have to return until they finished their deliberations. If they needed further instructions on points of law, the foreman could put the jury's question in writing and give it to the experimenter, who would remain in an adjoining room throughout the deliberation. In the event that jurors asked for further instructions, the experimenter would replay those requested portions of the judge's instructions on a television monitor. Similarly, if the foreman declared the jury deadlocked, the experimenter would present a videotaped charge from the judge, encouraging them to try once more to agree on a verdict (Commonwealth v. Tuey, 1851; Commonwealth v. Rodriguez, 1973; Allen v. U.S., 1896; Yale Law Journal, 1968). Jurors would then resume deliberation until they rendered a verdict, or until they could not reach a verdict a second time, in which case they were declared a hung jury.


INSIDE THE JURY Immediately following deliberation, jurors were given a postdeliberation questionnaire to be completed individually without discussion. Jurors were instructed how to complete the questionnaire, and the experimenter stayed in the room to answer any questions and to ensure that jurors did not communicate with one another before the questionnaire was completed. The responses to this questionnaire provided five types of information: jurors' opinions about the character and quality of the videotaped trial and the mock deliberation experience, sociometric ratings of every other juror, personal and demographic background, recall of factual information contained in the trial, and postdeliberation opinions on pivotal issues in the trial. For the first kind of information, a few questions were asked to obtain the jurors' reactions to the videotaped trial itself. For example, jurors were asked how difficult the case had been for them to decide personally and how realistic they had found the reenactment. Other questions asked specifically about the deliberation process. For example, they were asked how confident they were that the jury had reached a just verdict, how thoroughly they had considered all the evidence, and how seriously they had treated the case. The second set of questions allowed jurors to rate themselves and every other juror on two dimensions. The first dimension concerned how influential and persuasive each juror had been in contributing to the group's decision. The second dimension concerned how open-minded and reasonable each one had been in considering opposing opinions. This rating task was aided by providing each juror with an individualized seating diagram that identified the respondent's seat in relation to the seats of every other juror. The third set of the questions dealt with the jurors' previous jury experiences and their personal backgrounds. They were asked how many cases they had served on and how many of those were criminal cases. They also were asked for information about their political views, educational background, age, marital status, and family income. The fourth set of questions assessed the jurors' ability to remember information contained in the trial contents and in the judge's instructions to the jury. First, jurors were asked to recall particular facts that could be viewed as important evidence relevant to major issues in the trial. For example, jurors were asked to recall the alcohol content of the decedent's blood, the location and nature of the stab wound, the distance from which a key witness had viewed the fight, and the order in which the two men had arrived at the bar that night. Second, jurors were to provide definitions of the verdict categories as specified in the judge's instructions to the jury, as well as definitions of some critical procedures the jurors had been instructed to employ, such as the criteria of reasonable doubt, of what constitutes evidence, and of reasonable inference.


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING In the final section of the questionnaire the jurors were asked to state their opinions about nine key issues in the trial. These nine issues were selected with the assistance of legal experts to represent the pivotal issues in the trial, opinions which would form the basis for discriminating between the four verdict choices available to the juror. These issues included why the defendant was carrying a weapon, why the defendant returned to the bar, who started the conversation and the ensuing fight, whether the victim had displayed his weapon, whether the key prosecution witness could see the fight, whether the defendant had tried to avoid combat, and how the killing occurred. The questions assessed the degree of agreement within a given jury on these important issues after they had agreed on a verdict. If the jurors had been convinced that the resulting verdict was indeed "correct" or "just," then the jury should also show internal consistency of opinion about the critical underlying issues. In contrast, if there was no internal consistency, it would imply that a high degree of superficial persuasion or coercion was involved in coming to verdict agreement. The questions also assessed the degree to which jurors and juries agreed on these critical issues in relation to the verdict they had decided on. In other words, they indicated if the jury was basing its decision on the same criteria as those deemed appropriate by legal experts. When all questionnaires were completed, the experimenter debriefed the jurors by explaining to them the general purpose of the research and answering any questions. The experimenter then thanked the jurors for their participation and implored them not to discuss the experiment, the case, or their verdict with other jurors in the pool.

Summarizing the Deliberation One distinctive characteristic of the present study, in contrast to most research on jury decision making, was that it aimed to measure a considerable amount of behavior during deliberation. An observational coding scheme was designed to summarize the videotaped deliberations along dimensions cited by legal and social science experts on jury performance: relative participation rates of jurors, voting patterns of the jury, extent to which the jury reviewed the evidence in the case, and accuracy with which the jury applied the law from the judge's charge to the evidence. Other observational classification schemes have been developed to study events that occur during social interaction, many of them designed to classify verbal and nonverbal behavior in psychotherapy or self-analytic groups as well as other types of groups (Russell & Stiles, 1979; Kiesler, 1973; Bales, 1950; 1970; Bales & Cohen, 1979; Schutz, 1958). But to apply them to the jury study


INSIDE THE JURY would have incurred a great loss of precision and task-relevant specificity (Hackman & Morris, 1975). The study's classification scheme was designed to capture the major events that were relevant to the jury's explicit information-processing task. The heart of the scheme was a system to code verbal references to evidence, the law, and statements of the relationships between the evidence and the law. Each jury deliberation was coded by one of two coders, working directly with the videotapes, who scored each "utterrance" into four kinds of categories. Category one identified each speaker by seat number (1 to 12). Categories two and three identified the content of each utterance with reference to the trial facts (evidence or testimony) and the legal issues (judge's instructions) that should be central to the jury's task of rendering a verdict. Category four indicated the type of each remark. Remarks were classified as conveying information (assertion), asking for information (question), or urging the group to take action as in a vote (direction). Special codes were used to indicate events such as balloting, requests for further instructions from the court, and declarations of deadlocking. For a given event in deliberation, the speakers, the facts, the legal issues, and the remark types identified the verbal activity, discussion, or procedural activity, such as receiving further instructions from the trial judge, that was occurring. Thus, the basic unit for an analysis of deliberation content was the four-variable, speakerfact-issue-type entry. At the start an attempt was also made to note the target of each speaking event, the juror or jurors to whom the remark was addressed, but coding this information from the videotaped recordings proved unreliable. Defining the event was the most difficult problem in the development of an adequate coding scheme. Most between-coder disagreement (coder unreliability) arose from differences in event definition. The first condition of an event was that it be an utterance with more content than a simple exclamation or expression of assent or dissent. Remarks such as "yes," "uhhuh," and "goodness" were not counted. The remaining constraints on a coded event derived from the nature of the information specified by the fact, issue, and type codes. The basic rule was that whenever new fact, issue, or type information occurred, it signaled the start of a new event. This rule was qualified to allow for expanding a single event into a more complex multiple event code without starting a new event. Multiple events occurred when a speaker interrupted another speaker and repeated the original remark; when more than one fact, issue, or type code applied to a remark; or when fact and issue codes were applicable to a remark but no semantic connection was explicitly stated by the speaker. The fact category, for which there were 43 classification codes, was used


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING to summarize speaking references to the trial evidence and testimony. There were three classes of fact codes: specific, undisputed testimonial assertions, such as, "The victim pulled a razor on the defendant in the afternoon," or, "The defendant spent the evening with his family at home"; clusters of facts concerned with a specific event, such as all references to the fight during which the decedent was stabbed, including the location of the fight, presence of witnesses to the fight, and lighting or noise during the fight; and key facts concerned with matters that were the focus of the dispute between the prosecution and defense cases. Most of these facts were associated with conflicting testimony from prosecution and defense witnesses, and all of them were cited as points of dispute in the prosecution and defense closing arguments. For example, the defendant's testimony that the victim drew a razor during the fatal fight was called into question by the medical examiner's testimony that a closed razor was found in the dead man's left rear pocket. References to drawing or not drawing the razor comprised one of the key fact code topics. These points of dispute were given key fact status in the coding scheme because verdict decisions were expected to depend on the resolution of the ambiguities present in each item. Legal experts supported the use of the distinction and suggested that a sensitive measure of the quality of deliberation might be the ratio of key fact discussion to total fact discussion. Several other types of discussion content were indexed by fact codes. References to the legal system concerning the conventions of trial procedure, the role of the juror, the disposition of the case, and laws not directly relevant to the jury's immediate decision were noted, as were anecdotes, analogies, and other references to personal experience. The relevance or nonrelevance of each event to Commonwealth v. Johnson was indicated in a type category code. Comments on the experimental procedures, the videotaping of the trial, and the research were also noted. A "zero code" was entered whenever remarks did not include fact category content, as when discussion centered on purely legal issues or on the procedures to follow in deliberation. The issue category, for which there were 39 classification codes, was based on material presented in the trial judge's instructions to the jury. Specific legal categories included the substantive verdict definitions for each crime, such as premeditation, malice, or reasonable defense, and procedural conditions, such as the reasonable doubt standard of proof, reasonable inference, and the admissibility of evidence. The trial judge's instructions concerning witness credibility were also noted, such as the witness' opportunity to observe and remember, personal bias, contradiction or inconsistency, and integrity. Again, as for the fact codes, a zero code indicated that no legal issues were cited in a remark.


INSIDE THE JURY The type categories, for which there were 18 classification codes, indicated the apparent function of a remark (Austin, 1962; Grice, 1968, 1975; Searle, 1967, 1969, 1975). Three major types of speech were distinguished on the basis of their function: statements (conveying information), questions (requesting information), and directions (suggesting that the jury take an action). Although these performative types do not correspond directly to philosophers' and linguists' typologies, they clearly distinguish among functionally important events during jury deliberation (Katz, 1977). Statement codes were used whenever the speaker expressed a point of view on an issue ("I think that it was first degree murder") or communicated information (answering a question or summarizing testimony content). Whenever a statement was in error, explicitly contradicting the content of trial testimony or the judge's instructions, a separate statement-in-error code was used. Questions and other requests for information ("What verdict do you favor?" "Did the defendant say that he left the bar first?") were coded in the question category. Coders were instructed to infer the intention of the speaker and to attempt to separate genuine requests for information from rhetorical questions that functioned as statements ("How can you possibly think that there was premeditation?"). These inferences depended on subtle cues, such as the general context of discussion, the speaker's tone of voice, and the nature of the responses elicited from listeners. The third type code, direction codes, was used to indicate jurors' suggestions or directions to other jurors to take an action. Typical directions included imperative remarks ("Let's discuss the definition of second degree murder," "I think that we should take a vote now"). Type codes could also indicate that the content of an entry was irrelevant to the jury task ("My car wouldn't start today and so I took the subway to the courthouse"). Finally, whenever more than four jurors spoke at once, an "outburst code" indicated that it was impossible to code the specific remarks by individual jurors. The outburst code was used on the assumption that remarks made in such confusion would not be of major significance in determining the outcome of deliberation, and, in any case, it was virtually impossible for the coders to capture specific remarks during an outburst. Nonspeaking events were also indicated with type codes, including balloting procedures, requests for instructions from the court, presentation of additional instructions, and instructions to a deadlocked jury. Two general standards, reliability and validity, are applied to evaluate measurement techniques such as the deliberation coding method. Validity concerns how well the method measures the target phenomenon. The jury study addressed this issue in three ways: by using measures that had high plausibility or face validity as measures of the target, by using measures that had been used by other researchers to measure the same target, and by


STUDY OF JURY DECISION MAKING using multiple measures that converged on a target phenomenon (Garner, Hake, & Eriksen, 1956). The reliability of a method has to do with how much nonsystematic, random error it introduces into the measurements. Both validity and reliability are necessary conditions for an adequate measurement instrument. However, reliability has precedence, at least procedurally, in that the assessment of reliability is fairly straightforward and is a necessary preliminary to the assessment of validity (Cronback, Gleser, Nanda, & Rajaratnam, 1972). The concept of reliability is closely associated with the notion that measurements should be repeatable. If measurement operations are applied to the same unchanging entity twice, the conclusions should match. This indicates that the measurement operations are free from nonsystematic, random error. Two evaluations were made of the reliability of the jury coding scheme. Two coders, one male and one female, college graduates in their early twenties, coded all of the experimental jury deliberation videotapes. In addition, one coded samples of the deliberation twice, separated by an interval of several months, to assess the repeatability of coding within coders. The same samples of videotaped deliberation were also coded by other coders independently, to assess the repeatability between coders. Six deliberations were selected for this purpose, two from each decision rule condition, and three 20-minute segments from each selected deliberation were coded by each test coder. In short, eighteen samples were selected to represent the full variety of the deliberation tapes. A statistic to indicate coding repeatability for nominal coding systems, called a Kappa was used to assess reliability within and between coders (Cohen, 1960, 1968). The mean Kappa for the eighteen samples evaluating within-coder reliability was acceptably high (+.84 for coder A, + . 8 9 for coder B). Between-coder agreement was somewhat lower (+.57), but when compared to the maximum Kappa that could have been achieved for these applications (+.65), it seemed reasonably high. In a typical 20-minute sample comparison of 162 events identified by coder A, there was agreement on 135 events. Eighty-three percent of coder A's events were matched by an event in coder B's results. This means that 27 events noted by coder A, or 17 percent, did not appear in coder B's results. Moreover, 85 of coder A's total sample of events, or 52 percent, were coded identically by coder B, showing exact agreement on speaker, fact, issue, and type codes. There was also substantial agreement on all of the similar-but-not-identical events, where only one variable code disagreed or the codes were semantically close in meaning. Although this high level of intercoder reliability achieved for the fine grain level deliberation coding system is important, even more important is


INSIDE THE JURY a high degree of reliability obtained for the dependent variables (Mitchell, 1979). Correlation coefficients across the eighteen 20-minute reliability check samples between the two coders for six quantitative dependent variables—namely number of events coded, facts coded, issues coded, different facts coded, different issues coded, and fact-issue pairings—ranged in magnitude from +.78 to +.93. An adequately high degree of intercoder reliability was achieved at the dependent variable level of analysis. The deliberation events for each jury and the questionnaires for each juror produced four major data files: by jury, by juror, by time, and by movement between factions. The major categories of the 100-150 independent and dependent variables contained in each of these files were: experimental conditions; demographic, sociometric, and general attitudinal background indices; verdict preferences; coalition behavior; volume, quality, extent, and integratedness of deliberation activity; and trial recall and opinion measures. Statistical analyses were performed using these variables as summaries of the practically and theoretically important aspects of jury performance. In summary, the advantages of the simulation method are its control of the experimental task conditions and manipulated variables, its power to "repeat" the task under virtually identical conditions for independent samples of subjects, and its opportunity to observe and measure behavior that would not be accessible in actual trial settings. The major weakness of the simulation method involves threats to the generalizability of results obtained with it. In the present study care was taken to ensure that the simulation was as realistic as possible to allow the application of results to actual jury trials. Checks on the realism of the method confirm its realistic nature and support the conclusion that results will generalize to actual juries.



Products of Jury Deliberation

The major products of deliberation are the jury verdicts and individual jurors' intellectual and evaluative reactions to the stimulus trial and the experience of deliberation. These products are the focus of legal discussions of the right to trial by jury, and they have been almost the sole characteristic of performance that has been captured in theoretical analyses of jury decision making.

Verdicts The modal verdict, second degree murder, was reached by thirteen juries in each decision rule condition (Table 4.1). There was a shift from the favorite predeliberation juror verdict preference of manslaughter to the final modal jury verdict of second degree murder. This shift was unexpected, and it could be the result of several processes of small group dynamics. For example, the shift might be a "polarization effect," such that the group verdict is more extreme on the conviction side of an acquittal-conviction continuum (Myers & Lamm, 1976); it might be a "harshness shift," such that groups are more callous to the consequences for the defendant than are individuals; or it could be a "shift to accuracy," such that the second-degree murder verdict is the most appropriate verdict for the particular case. However, in view of the initial distribution of juror preferences, the shift can be best understood as the natural resolution of social forces in the jury. By Hastie


INSIDE THE JURY Table 4.1. Pre- and postdeliberation verdicts and deliberation times. Decision rule Jury verdicts Postdeliberation First degree murder Second degree murder Manslaughter Not guilty Hung Predeliberation preferences First degree murder Second degree murder Manslaughter Not guilty Undecided Holdout jurors at end of deliberation in verdict-rendering juries (averaged) Deliberation time (averaged in minutes)3




0 13 7 0 3

5 13 5 0 0

1 13 8 0 1

21% 24% 30% 12% 13%

27% 22% 28% 08% 15%

17% 26% 33% 11% 13%

0.00 138

1.61 103

2.89 75

F(2,63) = 6.56 ρ < .003

MSe = 3096 a. See Appendix for statistical analysis procedures.

At first glance, the decision rule has no large or statistically reliable effects on the jury's verdict. On closer scrutiny, the data on decision rule have two notable characteristics: the relatively large number of hung juries under the unanimous decision rule, and the relatively large number of firstdegree murder verdicts under the ten-out-of-twelve rule. The high frequency of hung juries under the unanimous rule must be labeled a trend because in absolute terms the effect is small (three hung under unanimity rule versus zero and one under majority rules). However, this trend probably reflects a true effect of decision rules. Several other experiments and at least one survey have observed higher hung-jury rates under the unanimous rule (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966). Furthermore, on common sense and theoretical grounds, it is difficult to doubt that deadlocking would occur more frequently under increasingly strict consensus requirements in almost any group task. The relatively high frequency of first-degree murder verdicts in the tenout-of-twelve condition is the other distinctive feature of the verdicts. Even slight biases in the jury decision, especially biases that might oppose the


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION defendant, have great practical importance. For no apparent reason jurors randomly assigned to deliberate under the ten-out-of-twelve rule were likelier to prefer the first-degree murder verdict before deliberation started (an average of 3.3 per jury under the ten-out-of-twelve rule versus 2.4 and 2.3 per jury under other decision rules). This phenomenon, called sampling variability, can occur in real world juries when the distribution of initial verdict choices of the chosen jurors does not resemble the distribution of the population of potential jurors. Statistical examination of the frequencies of first-degree murder verdicts in all sixty-nine experimental juries classified as unanimous or majority rule (ten-out-of-twelve combined with eight-out-of-twelve) gives a probability of obtaining results that are as extreme or more extreme in the direction of more first-degree murder verdicts in majority rule juries than were actually obtained in the study. The Fisher exact probability statistic indicates that this probability is .08, which supports the conclusion that first-degree murder verdicts are more likely to occur in majority rule juries (Mosteller & Rourke, 1973). However, this test does not distinguish between the contribution of sampling variability at the start of deliberation and decision rule effects during deliberation. The appearance of first-degree murder verdicts only in majority rule juries is probably more than merely an accident of juror verdict preference sampling. Among juries that started deliberation with relatively large firstdegree murder verdict-favoring factions (containing four, five, or six jurors), five such factions are found in twelve-out-of-twelve juries, ten such factions in ten-out-of-twelve juries, and one such faction in eight-out-of-twelve. This difference in the appearance of large first-degree murder factions reflects the sampling variation effect. However, the fate of these juries is different in the three decision rule conditions: none of them render first-degree murder verdicts in the twelve-out-of-twelve condition (0/5); four of them end with a first-degree murder verdict in the ten-out-of-twelve condition (4/10); and the single jury in the eight-out-of-twelve condition reaches a second-degree murder verdict (0/1). A statistical analysis can be made to evaluate decision rule effects beyond the initial verdict distribution sampling effect. The sixteen juries that started deliberation with at least four jurors in favor of first degree murder allow comparison of the frequencies of first-degree murder verdicts in unanimous and majority rule juries (unanimous versus ten-out-of-twelve and eight-out-of-twelve). There are five such juries in the unanimous deliberation rule condition and no first-degree murder verdicts, while there are eleven such juries in majority rule conditions and four firstdegree murder verdicts. Here the Fisher exact probability is .18, which is substantial enough to imply that first-degree murder verdicts in


INSIDE THE JURY the stimulus case are associated with majority rule deliberation processes. A similar conclusion can be drawn from juries with smaller first-degree murder factions, comprising two or three jurors. None of the twelve such juries rendered first-degree murder verdicts under the unanimous decision rule (0/12), one of the ten ten-out-of-twelve juries (1/10) ended with first degree murder, and one of the fifteen eight-out-of-twelve juries (1/15) found the defendant guilty of first degree murder. Again, the only first-degree murder jury verdicts occurred in the majority rule experimental conditions. In addition, while less frequent, these verdicts were not restricted to juries whose initial faction for first degree murder was large. Sampling variability may have an advantage in determining final verdicts under less strict majority decision rule conditions. This possibility is reinforced by the fact that the first degree verdict for the stimulus case is virtually untenable in the eyes of legal experts. No experienced trial judge or attorney out of a sample of over twenty found the first degree verdict acceptable. Thus, a first-degree murder verdict is indicative of a failure of the deliberation process. Another indication that initial verdict preferences dominate final verdicts to a greater degree under less strict decision rules is the fact that majority rule deliberations are shorter and less thorough than unanimity rule deliberations, and jury verdicts are more closely related to initial juror verdict preferences in majority rule conditions. Thus, majority rule deliberations as contrasted with unanimous deliberations exert less of a moderating or damping influence on exceptional initial inclinations of individual jurors. Deviations from the second-degree murder verdict for the stimulus case are a cause for concern, because this verdict is the "correct" one on a number of grounds. First, the jury in the actual trial on which the case was based returned a verdict of second degree murder. Second, the legal experts who viewed the case consistently selected the second-degree murder verdict. Third, second degree murder is the modal verdict for the experimental juries. However, the issue of the correctness of the final verdict cannot be resolved in absolute terms, for there are no ideal rational or empirical criteria for accuracy in jury decisions. At a minimum, each jury's evaluations of witness credibility, reasonable inferences from the testimony, and reconstruction and interpretations of the judge's summary of the law must be considered in order thoroughly to assess verdict correctness. For example, in the stimulus case, if a jury decided that all testimony from defense witnesses was false, a verdict of first degree murder could be acceptable. Yet, such an interpretation of the evidence would be very unconventional. For the most part, the exceptional, nonsecond-degree murder verdicts were associated with jurors' errors of comprehension and memory for testimony or the judge's instructions. 62

PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION In short, juries under the three decision rule conditions are equally likely to reach the second-degree murder verdict that is the proper verdict. However, there is a trend to reach first-degree murder verdicts under the majority rule conditions. Moreover, all three hung juries under the unanimous rule would have rendered improper, nonsecond-degree murder verdicts if the largest faction had prevailed. Although these trends reach only marginal statistical levels of significance, they provide some evidence for differential "improper" conviction rates across decision rules for the stimulus trial.

Predicting the Final Verdict The major focus of all theoretical models of jury performance has been on predicting the jury's final verdict from information about the jurors' personal characteristics or from the distribution of verdict preferences at the start of deliberation. Predictions from five types of models can be compared to the performance of the mock juries: voting rule models, belief continuum models, choice agenda models, bellwether prediction rules, and discussion valence models (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2. Rules to predict jury verdicts. Correct predictions (%) Prediction rule





Plurality rule. Verdict category receiving greatest number of initial ballots is predicted jury verdict. If no plurality exists, predict a hung jury.





Unweighted average rule. Jurors' initial ballots are averaged with not guilty (NG) scaled as 4 points, manslaughter (MS) 3 points, second degree murder (M2) 2 points, and first degree murder (Ml) 1 point. Classification rule: Average Predicted verdict 0 - 1 . 5 0 points Ml 1.51-2.50 points M2 2.51-3.50 points MS 3.51-4.00 points NG






INSIDE THE JURY Table 4.2. (Coni.) Correct predictions (%) Prediction rule

Overall a















Weighted average rule. Jurors' initial ballots are averaged using the weighting rule determined from a linear regression model: Y = - . 1 2 X (votes for Ml) - . 0 3 X (votes for M2) +.10 X (votes for MS) +.14 X (votes for NG) +2.0. Classification rule: Weighted average 0-1.50 points 1.51-2.50 points 2.51-3.50 points 3.51-4.00 points


Predicted verdict Ml M2 MS NG

Social choice theory agenda rules. Based on initial verdict preference, each juror votes for the alternative set that includes the most preferred verdict. Each vote outcome is decided by majority rule; if there is no clear majority, no prediction is made. After each vote, losing jurors shift preferences to the nearest verdict category that has not been eliminated in earlier votes. First Vote Second Vote Third Vote Agenda # 1 M1 Ml Ml M2 M2 M2 MS MS NG MS NG NG

Agenda # 2 Ml M2 MS NG

Ml M2 MS

Ml M2

M1 λ M2

λ.c MS



PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION Table 4.2. (Coni.) Correct predictions (%) Prediction rule













Prediction Rule # 1. First verdict to "lead" with highest valence index will be the jury's verdict (hung juries excluded).





Prediction rule #2. First verdict to reach or exceed a valence index value of 5 will be the jury's verdict (hung juries excluded).





Juries in which final verdict has highest valence index at end of deliberation Juries in which final verdict has highest valence index at any point during deliberation Mean time at which winner first had highest valence index









83 min

63 min

48 min

Agenda # 3 M2 Ml NG

M2 Ml NG

M2 Ml NG


Bellwether juror rule. First juror to shift verdict preferences from initial vote will move to a verdict category that is the final jury verdict. Hoffman discussion content valence rule. The difference between the number of remarks made for and against each verdict category or its elements is the verdict's valence index.

a. Initially undecided jurors are excluded, but the additive constant (2.0) may reflect their influence. Ml, M2, MS, and NG denote the verdicts for first degree murder, second degree murder, manslaughter, and not guilty.


INSIDE THE JURY Combinatorial voting rule models assume that the relationship between the predeliberation distribution of juror verdict preferences and the final jury verdict can be stated as a simple election rule, such as "majority wins" or "two-thirds majority wins, otherwise hung." For example, postdeliberation interviews with jurors from 225 trials to reconstruct first-ballot verdict distributions found that "the jury in roughly nine out of ten cases decides in the direction of the initial majority," implying that a "majority wins" election rule described the jury decision process (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966, p. 488). Presumably this study dealt with convict-acquit verdict decisions, but the majority rule applies as well to multiple verdict alternative cases. One application to results from the present experiment lumps all convictions together and predicts conviction verdicts for all but three of the mock juries. The precise majority prediction rule is: ignore initially undecided jurors; total the numbers of jurors voting for first degree murder, second degree murder, and manslaughter; compare the number for conviction to the number for not guilty; and then predict the final verdict from the winner. Since no jury returned a verdict of not guilty, the rule is very successful. However, as it does not predict hung outcomes and predicts not guilty in three juries, it misses in six out of sixty-nine juries, for a 91 percent accuracy rate when guilty versus not guilty outcomes are the only consideration. However, it is possible to go beyond the majority rule and attempt to predict final verdicts from the most popular initial verdict, again, ignoring initially undecided jurors. This plurality rule has an overall accuracy of 43 percent, or slightly higher under the eight-out-of-twelve decision rule. The logic of the plurality rule is close to the faction size principle for social influence, which predicts that the larger the most popular faction is, the likelier it is to prevail. This prediction is supported by the mock jury results, for when the most popular initial faction (plurality) has 8 or more members, it prevails 100 percent of the time; 7 members, 75 percent; 6 members, 57 percent; 5 members, 47 percent; 4 members, 33 percent; and 3 members, 25 percent. However, the shift from the modal juror verdict preference of manslaughter to the modal jury verdict of second degree murder is problematic for majority or plurality rules. Probably the most sophisticated voting rule models for consensus-seeking groups are Social Decision Schemes (Davis, 1973; 1980). In the past these models have been applied only to two-alternative jury decisions, with a third possibility, "hung," for the group product. Social Decision Schemes are typically defined by presenting a matrix with individual verdict preference distributions at the start of deliberation as a row index (such as 12 versus 0 votes for guilt, 11 versus 1 votes, etc.) and final jury verdicts as a column index (such as guilty, not guilty, hung). Thus, the cells of the matrix represent every possible initial deliberation-final verdict combination. A


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION Table 4.3. Transition matrices for twelve-member juries with three verdict alternatives. distributions of



Two-thirds majority

verdict preferences Not Not Not (guilty, not guilty) Guilty guilty Hung Guilty guilty Hung Guilty guilty Hung 12, 0 11, 1 10, 2 9, 3 8, 4 7, 5 6, 6 5, 7 4, 8 3, 9 2,10 1,11 0,12

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1.00 .92 .83 .75 .67 .58 .50 .42 .33 .25 .17 .08 .00

.00 .08 .17 .25 .33 .42 .50 .58 .67 .75 .83 .92 1.00

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Social Decision Scheme is then defined by a pattern of probability values assigned to the cells in the matrix. Transition matrices for three Social Decision Scheme models can be defined for three example group decision principles (Table 4.3). The first principle is a simple "majority wins, otherwise hung" rule. The second principle is a proportional probability rule model, where the proportion of initial verdict preferences directly predicts the proportion of juries across many cases rendering each final verdict. The third principle is a "two-thirds majority, otherwise hung" rule. Each entry in a matrix indicates the probability that a jury with a certain initial juror verdict preference distribution will render a particular verdict. For example, consider each model's prediction for juries that begin deliberation with five jurors voting guilty and seven jurors voting not guilty. The first model predicts the verdict will be not guilty with a probability of 1.00; the second model predicts .42 of the juries will reach guilty verdicts and .58 not guilty verdicts; and the third model predicts all juries will hang with a probability of 1.00. The Social Decision Scheme representation has been applied to empirical results in two ways. In the model-testing approach the matrix of probabilities is specified before jury performance data are examined and then the matrix is compared using statistical tests of overall goodness-of-fit to evaluate its validity. Typically several alternate Social Decision Scheme matrices


INSIDE THE JURY are defined a priori and a competitive goodness-of-fit testing procedure is used to select the best-fitting matrix. For example, Davis and his colleagues (Davis et al., 1975) tried thirteen alternative Social Decision Schemes for data from a mock jury study and concluded that the best-fitting model assigned probabilities to the matrix in accord with a 2/3 majority rule (if 2/3 of the initial preferences favor a verdict, predict that verdict for the jury; otherwise, predict a hung jury). The second application of Social Decision Schemes, which is labeled model-fitting, involves starting with a summary of the data as probability entries in the standard matrix (Kerr, Stasser, & Davis, 1979). Then an a posteriori Social Decision Scheme model is induced by searching for a parsimonious summary of the structure of the matrix. The plurality rule and the majority rule can easily be treated as Social Decision Scheme models. The plurality rule predicts victory for the largest faction, otherwise hung. An alternative form of this Social Decision Scheme would predict victory for the largest faction, otherwise the probability of victory matches the proportion of committed jurors in the largest factions ignoring undecided jurors and small faction members. For example, this scheme would predict a .50 chance of victory for both manslaughter and second degree murder from an initial distribution of one first-degree murder vote, four second-degree murder votes, four manslaughter votes, two notguilty votes, and one undecided juror. The same logic could be extended to yield a strictly proportional model in which each final verdict's probability is defined as the proportion of initial votes for each verdict. Proportionbased rules are frequently proposed within Social Decision Scheme applications, although tests of their validity require considerably more data than is available in the present mock jury study. Enough groups must be studied to allow the researcher to estimate empirically all probabilities in the matrix. A second approach to the verdict prediction problem begins by representing individual and jury verdicts as locations along a unidimensional subjective belief continuum, such as convictability, probability of guilt, or seriousness of the defendant's offense. For example, the juror verdict alternatives in the mock jury study can be ordered from least to most serious: not guilty, manslaughter, second degree murder, first degree murder. One can go a step beyond this ordinal scale and apply modern psychological scaling methods to establish quantitative interval scale values for verdict seriousness that provide both ordinal and between-verdict distance information (Thurstone, 1927; Coombs, 1967). For simplicity, an equal-spacing interval rule was used which arbitrarily assigns first degree murder a value of 1; second degree murder, 2; manslaughter, 3; not guilty, 4. (Alternate analyses using interval scaled values based on college students' ratings produce similar results.)


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION One plausible prediction rule is an unweighted average, or center-ofgravity, rule that predicts the jury verdict from the average predeliberation preference on the verdict seriousness continuum. There are two parts to the prediction procedure: first a calculation procedure that estimates the average verdict for each jury, and then a classification procedure that assigns each estimate to a predicted final verdict category. For example, in a jury with no initial votes for first degree murder, six votes for second degree murder, three votes for manslaughter, one vote for not guilty, and two undecided jurors, the jury average would be 2.5 ([0 X 1] + [ 6 X 2] + [3 X 3] + [1 X 4])/10). The classification procedure used for the mock jury study is: if the jury average is less than or equal to 1.5, predict first degree murder; if the jury average is greater than 1.5 but less than or equal to 2.5, predict second degree murder; if the jury average is greater than 2.5 but less than or equal to 3.5, predict manslaughter; if the jury average is greater than 3.5, predict not guilty. The example jury would be classified in the second-degree murder verdict category. The accuracy rate of this rule for the sixtynine experimental juries is 59 percent. A slightly more sophisticated version of the averaging model is an unequal weight-averaging model in which different initial verdict preferences receive different weights to maximize predictive accuracy. Several processes for deliberation could produce unequal weights. For example, jurors favoring particular verdicts, such as relatively extreme verdicts, might also be more persuasive during deliberation, or simply more talkative, or more stubborn. An illustrative weighted-average prediction rule was derived from a statistical regression analysis (Mosteller & Tukey, 1977). The weighting rule obtained in this analysis implies that initial votes for second degree murder are relatively uninformative as predictors of the final verdict, being weighted only —.03. This prediction rule includes an additive constant which might be interpreted as the final verdict prediction for a jury with all members undecided initially. This constant was estimated to be 2.0, suggesting that undecided jurors would eventually favor a seconddegree murder verdict. This rule has fairly high predictive utility, and it classifies 75 percent of the experimental juries correctly. The relatively large weights assigned to more extreme verdicts in the unequal weight prediction rule (—.12 to first degree murder verdicts and +.14 to not guilty verdicts) are consistant with a polarization effect; a tendency for individual judgments to shift during group discussion to become more extreme with reference to the midpoint of the relevant decision continuum. Thus, in a laboratory experiment focusing on mock jurors' judgments on a guilty-not guilty continuum, individual opinion shifts occurred such that members of juries that were predominantly not guilty before discussion were more extreme in their final not-guilty ratings, and the opposite shift


INSIDE THE JURY occurred for juries initially voting guilty (Myers & Kaplan, 1976). The overall shift from a modal verdict preference of manslaughter to second degree murder, for both jury verdicts and individual postdeliberation ratings in the present study, is consistent with the polarization shift interpretation. Recently economists and political scientists have applied game theory and other economic developments to nonmarket decision making (Black, 1958; Farquharson, 1969; Fishburn, 1973; Arrow, 1963; Brams, 1975). The earliest contributors to this analysis of social choice were French social philosophers concerned with the establishment of political voting procedures that would maximize social welfare or, at a minimum, would not violate principles of consistency in social preference (deBorda, 1781; deCondorcet, 1785). Social choice models have not been extensively applied to the jury decision task, although some prescriptive, normative analyses are closely related, as are the combinatorial voting models (Smoke & Zajonc, 1962; Friedman, 1972; Grofman, 1981). Agenda influence models are one especially promising development of social choice theory (Plott & Levine, 1978). Whenever a series of votes is used to express individual preferences among three or more alternatives, such as political candidates, policy actions, or verdicts, it is possible to influence the outcome of the votes by choice of voting scheme (majority, unanimity, preference ranking); addition or removal of alternatives from the choice set; deliberate misrepresentation of voters' preferences (insincere voting); or variation in the order or agenda in which alternatives are voted upon (Grofman, 1976). An agenda is a series of partitions that groups alternatives into sets to be decided among by voting. For example, consider a jury that is attempting to decide between not guilty and guilty verdicts in the stimulus case, where the set of guilty verdicts includes manslaughter, second-degree murder, and first-degree murder alternatives. Following the first not guilty versus guilty decision, the jury might attempt to decide between manslaughter and murder, and finally between murder in the second and first degrees. The series can end at any point if a decision favors an alternative set containing only one verdict: not guilty on the first decision or manslaughter on the second decision. This example is not the only agenda decision tree that can be defined for the four alternative verdicts. Alternatively the agenda might pit the most serious verdict (first degree murder) against the others or start with a split between murder (first and second degree) and nonmurder (manslaughter and not guilty). In fact, fifteen distinct agenda trees are possible for a four-verdict alternative case. Social choice theories predict the effects of varying the agenda structure on group choice for various distributions of individual preferences within the group (Plott & Levine, 1978). Three individual decision rules are postu-


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION lated, one of which describes each voter. The sincere voting rule holds that a voter deciding between two sets of alternatives will vote for the set that includes the most-preferred alternative. The avoid-the-worst rule prescribes that, given a choice between two sets, the voter will vote against the set that includes the least-preferred alternative. The average value rule holds that the voter will choose the set of alternatives with the highest average value across all of its members. Assuming that the majority wins at any vote, predictions can be made as to which agendas favor which alternatives under various distributions of individual preferences. A possible application is the use of agenda models to predict final verdicts from initial vote distributions in the present study. For this purpose, five simplifying assumptions are made. Verdict alternatives are treated as vote alternatives in the agenda. Only two-way voting decisions are considered in the agendas, such as a choice of not guilty or manslaughter versus second or first degree murder, or of not guilty versus manslaughter or second degree murder. A majority wins, or otherwise deadlocked rule will determine winners at each decision point. After a vote is taken, jurors who voted for the losing set will change preferences to prefer the nearest alternative along the not guilty, manslaughter, second-degree murder, first-degree murder continuum, and initially undecided jurors will be ignored in determining the outcome. Finally, the individual juror will vote according to the sincere voting hypothesis. Given these assumptions, the general concept of a voting agenda, and the distribution of initial individual verdict preferences, it is possible to determine whether or not a specific agenda decision tree is consistent with a jury's behavior. That is, given these hypotheses about voting processes and an initial juror preference distribution, each agenda tree structure uniquely predicts either a final verdict choice or undecided. The predicted verdict can be compared to the mock jury's verdict; if they match, the agenda tree is consistent with the result. (The next step in a thorough evaluation of the agenda model approach would be to examine the pattern of formal balloting during deliberation, so as to evaluate the consistency between the sequence of votes in each agenda decision tree and the sequence of formal decisions by the jury.) The performances of three agenda structures are compared to results from the study of jury decisions (Table 4.2). The first structure starts with a murder versus not murder decision, namely first or second degree murder versus manslaughter or not guilty, followed by a decision between the pair of verdict alternatives in the winning set, namely between first and second degree murder or between manslaughter and not guilty. The second structure is an intuitively plausible sequence that begins with a guilty versus not guilty decision; then murder versus manslaughter; and finally first degree versus second degree murder. The ordering of decisions seems quite plausi-


INSIDE THE JURY ble in that more serious charges are considered only if lesser charges are rejected. However, the appearance of conservativism ("reluctance to consider serious charges") is superficial, and the agenda gives an advantage to more serious verdicts under most distributions of verdict preferences. For example, it correctly predicts that there will be no not-guilty verdicts but allows three first-degree murder verdicts under nonunanimous decision rules. In the third agenda structure sets of alternatives are constructed by ignoring any sensible ordering according to the harsh-lenient continuum. For example, first degree murder, second degree murder, and not guilty are grouped together as a set and pitted against manslaughter in the first decision. This anomalous structure is considerably less successful than the first two intuitively more plausible agendas. Even this simplified application of the most successful agenda model ( # 2 ) can yield a 65 percent accuracy rate. Furthermore, it would probably be more reasonable to assume that each jury might adopt one of several possible agendas. Thus, rather than selecting a single most consistent agenda across many juries, the analysis could identify the best-fitting agenda for each jury separately. The examples presented here also ignore the complexities of considering characterizations of the alternatives that are partitioned to produce decision sets in the agenda structures. Most cases can be structured according to a multitude of evidentiary and legal issues. The use of special verdict interrogatories in many actual cases is an acknowledgment of the importance of the jury's decision agenda, and the contents of interrogatories suggest that the representation based solely on verdicts is simplified and perhaps invalid. Actual balloting during deliberation includes many examples of deliberate or incidental agenda setting. The most common instances occur when not guilty versus guilty (manslaughter, second degree murder, first degree murder) ballots are suggested and taken. First degree murder versus lesser verdicts (second degree murder, manslaughter, not guilty) is also a common starting agenda. Many jurors understand the power of these simple agendasetting strategies. Jurors in weaker factions defined with reference to these example agendas often resist balloting by arguing for alternative agendas or to defer voting. The existence of majority rule juries, multiple verdict alternative trials, and special verdicts, especially if taken together, virtually guarantees that agenda structure can affect jury decisions (Levine & Plott, 1977). The differential success of the simple family of agenda models presented here is evidence for the significance of agenda structure. Furthermore, agenda models have potential as devices to predict final jury verdicts from initial verdict juror preferences. Bellwether juror prediction rules hypothesize that the first juror to shift


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION from verdict preference to verdict preference has special significance as a predictor of the final jury verdict (Hawkins, 1960). In two-verdict alternative cases one study of college-student mock juries found that the first shift predicted the final verdict in 81 percent of the juries (Kerr, 1981). The same rule of thumb was applied to the data from the present mock jury study. Predict accuracy is higher if the behavior of initially undecided jurors is ignored, with final jury verdicts predicted correctly in 45 percent of the juries. If the predictive standard is relaxed, requiring only that the first shift is in the direction of the final verdict along the harsh-lenient verdict continuum, accuracy increases to 63 percent. Behavioral scientists studying managerial decision making have used the contents of discussion at the beginning of a meeting to project to the conclusions reached in the meeting. In a study of group problem-solving discussions, the numbers of remarks made for and against possible solutions to the problems were coded (Hoffman, 1979). A valence index was constructed by subtracting the total number of remarks against a solution from the total number of remarks for the solution. The first solution that had a valance index greater than 15 was declared the winner and predicted to be the group's final choice. This prediction was correct in approximately twothirds of the experimental groups. This principle can be applied to jury decisions but with modifications to fit the jury's task. The earliest empirical research on the valence model was conducted on leaderless college students in three- or four-member groups who attempted to solve a production-team management problem (Hoffman & Maier, 1964). Their task differed from the jury decision task in important ways: the groups were small and discussed without an appointed leader; solution categories, analogous to verdict categories, were not provided in the problem statement; discussions were relatively brief, presumably lasting about forty minutes; the problem statement was short and available during discussion so that case-specific memory limits were not a critical determinant of performance; and discussion was not likely to be organized as a debate among competing factions, as it often is in jury deliberations. A problem-specific coding scheme allowed observers to identify and tabulate remarks for and against each solution to the managerial production problems (Hoffman, 1979). One positive valence point was counted for each statement that described a solution, noted the positive benefits of a solution, indicated agreement with descriptions or justifications, urged other group members to accept a solution, or requested more information about a solution. Negative points were counted for critical remarks of the same types: rejection; justification of rejection; disagreement; urging others to reject; or, questions implying doubt. In the present study a parallel series of codes was set up for the mock juries within the general deliberation content coding


INSIDE THE JURY scheme. In essence the codes substituted verdicts and verdict elements for problem solutions and counted agreements and disagreements with statements, questions, and advocacy of verdict alternatives. Because the jury codes tended to include fewer types of statements than the discussion codes, valence indices were not as large as those obtained by Hoffman. Thus, the prediction rule declaring the first solution to reach a valence index of 15 the winner, had to be modified. Several absolute threshold rules were tried, such as calling the first valance index to reach 5 the winner, as well as relative thresholds, such as calling the first valence index to lead (the second place index) by 5 the winner. All these rules performed at comparable levels of accuracy. For example, the first verdict to lead rule was 38 percent accurate; the first verdict to lead by 5 rule was 35 percent accurate; and the first to reach a valence index of 5 rule was 40 percent accurate. Although the valence index prediction rule is not impressively accurate, the verdict valence is clearly associated with the final verdict choice. The verdict with the largest valence index matched the jury verdict in 81 percent of the verdict-rendering juries. Thus, valence is correlated with verdict although the early valence index is a poor predictor of verdict. One explanation is that the jury task—namely story construction, verdict category establishment, and classification of story into verdict category—implies that discussion of verdict alternatives will tend to follow the jury's review of the evidence. Thus, verdict valence will not matter until the jury turns to the classification subtask. A tabulation of the average minute at which the final winning verdict first had the largest valence index was consistent with the view that the valence index does not favor the winner until well after the half-way point in deliberation for the average jury. A conceptual problem also arises when a simple version of the valence model is applied to the jury task. In this application the valence model predictions may be primarily a reflection of the faction size effect that is the basis of the plurality rule Social Decision Scheme. Or discussion valence may cause solution choice rather than being an effect of an underlying true cause which might be faction size. However, it is impossible to distinguish among the alternate causal models that could relate valence, faction size, and verdict. Fluctuations in faction size and in the valence index across deliberation shows that the two variables tended to track one another's movements. Thus, the two variables were correlated within deliberation. However, there was no systematic tendency for shifts in one index to precede shifts in the other, and there was no support for either a simple "valence causes faction size" interpretation or the reverse. At a minimum, the simple valence index model does not add predictive power to the plurality Social Decision Scheme in the mock jury study. It is


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION still possible that a more elaborate form of the valence model could improve on the plurality model, perhaps by identifying juries in which reversals are likely to occur. However, the current form of the valence model may not be appropriate for consensus-seeking discussion groups in which the decision task is composed of conceptually distinct but functionally necessary subtasks. For example, it is not sensible to speak of "effective deliberation time" in a jury task where the verdict classification subtask depends on the previous completion of the story construction and verdict establishment subtasks. Finally, there is no empirical analysis that demonstrates that discussion valence exerts a causal influence on group solution adoption. The practical predictive usefulness of these five types of psychological models can be determined by two comparative standards: actuarial base rates of verdicts for similar cases in typical courts and judgmental accuracy of legal experts. On the first standard, most criminal cases that go to jury trials are decided against the defendant. A survey of trial judges produced an estimated conviction rate of 63 percent, and current statistics from the Massachusetts courts where the mock jury study was conducted put the rate at 85 percent to 90 percent (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966). If the base rate for conviction is 85 percent, a predictor who simply guessed conviction for every case would be correct 85 percent of the time. The majority rule for prediction could improve on this to yield a 91 percent correct rate for the guilty-not guilty prediction when jurors' predeliberation verdict preferences are known. Given the high base rate of convictions that occur in typical jury trials, only an exceptionally powerful predictive rule could be of much use in making guilty-not guilty predictions (Meehl & Rosen, 1955). However, to give the theory-based prediction rules due credit, the prediction of specific verdicts in complex, multiple verdict cases would be an impressive accomplishment. The predictive rules are doubtless all superior to simple actuarial rules. The second evaluative comparison is between the predictive powers of the theoretrical device and the predictions of expert observers. The mock jury study did not include the collection of data on expert predictions for the stimulus case, experimental juries, or other actual jury trials. These experts would prersumably be very accurate in predicting trial outcomes if given a summary of evidence or observations of the trial itself. However, they would probably not be impressively accurate at predicting individual jurors' initial verdict preferences when given the personal background of each juror, or the jury verdicts when given juror backgrounds or even intial verdict preferences (Penrod, 1979). In short, present theory-based prediction rules are of limited utility. Major limits on their application stem from the unavailability of informa-


INSIDE THE JURY tion required to generate predictions, such as predeliberation verdict preferences and first vote shifts. A better approach to the practical and theoretical prediction problems would be to develop a model of the entire jury trial process from initial jury pool composition to final verdict rendering.

Final Faction Patterns Although the jury verdict distributions were virtually indistinguishable for the three types of mock juries, final juror consensus patterns varied dramatically. At the end of deliberation, verdict-rendering juries under the unanimous rule included no jurors who dissented from the jury verdict, while ten-out-of-twelve juries included an average of 1.6 dissenters, and eightout-of-twelve juries included an average of 2.8 dissenters. The postdeliberation questionnaires, where jurors could privately note that they rejected the jury verdict even though they had supported it publicly, confirms this impression: there was an average of 0.9 dissenters per unanimous jury, 2.4 per ten-out-of-twelve jury, and 4.3 per eight-out-of-twelve jury (hung juries were excluded). The lower rates of final consensus in nonunanimous juries are reflected in lower ratings of satisfaction with deliberation, lower juror agreement with the final jury verdict, lower ratings of the quality of other jurors' performance, and other measures of perceived adequacy of jury decision processes. These products are not as important in practical terms as jury verdicts. Nonetheless, satisfaction with the jury decision process is a critical attribute of the jury as an institution in American society. Public belief that jury decisions provide thorough, humane, and fair resolutions to important disputes is one of the major justifications for the jury institution. The conclusion that individual jurors are less satisfied with their verdicts under nonunanimous rules than unanimous rules is an important consideration in assessing the social value of alternative forms of jury trials.

Deliberation Time The mean deliberation times for the mock juries showed a clear effect of decision rule, such that the stricter the rule, the longer the deliberation, with twelve-out-of-twelve being the strictest (Table 4.4). This result has been obtained in every experiment that involved variations in decision rule quorum requirements. Moreover, hung juries required almost twice as much deliberation time as verdict-rendering juries, again replicating the results of previous studies.


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION Table 4.4. Perceptions of the deliberation, verdict, other jurors, evidence, and instructions. Decision rule 12/12



Pressure to change opinionsa Majority 3.01 2.76 2.75 2.47 Holdout 3.28 3.75 F(2,785) = 2.78, ρ < .06, MSe = 6.02 Decision difficulty3 5.04 4.83 4.55 Majority 4.26 Holdout 4.71 6.19 F(2,785) = 8.12, ρ < .0003, MSe = 5.76 Thoroughness of deliberation3 8.29 8.05 7.99 Majority 7.86 6.94 7.22 Holdout F(2,785) = 3.73, ρ < .20, MSe = 2.30 Seriousness of deliberation3 Majority 8.27 7.93 7.92 Holdout 8.29 7.67 7.38 F(2,785) = 2.28, ρ < .10, MSe = 2.15 Agreement with verdict3 Majority 8.06 8.28 8.00 Holdout 4.43 3.64 4.08 F(2,785) = 0.27, ρ < .76, MSe = 3.53 Confidence in verdict3 Majority 7.81 8.03 7.78 Holdout 3.43 4.53 5.09 F(2,785) := 2.32, ρ < .10, MSe = 3.48 Agreement among jurors on nine key issues (100 = perfect agreement) Majority 86 87 82 Holdout 70 76 79 F(2,785) = 0.62, ρ < .54, MSe =: 290 Persuasivenessb Self 3.46 3.29 3.20 Other 3.12 2.98 2.98 F(2,613) = 3.91, ρ < .02, MSe == 1.1 2.77 3.09 Ingroup 3.05 2.17 2.63 Outgroup 2.84 F(2,468) = 5.27, ρ < .005, MSe = 1.20 Open-mindednessb Self 4.41 4.20 4.00 Other 3.85 3.66 3.72 F(2,664) = 13.56, ρ < .00001, MSe == .63


F(1,785) = 0.81, ρ < .37, MSe = 6.02

F(1,785) = 2.79, ρ < .48, MSe = 5.76

F(1,785) = 11.68, ρ < .0007, MSe = 2.30

F(1,785) = 1.39, ρ < .23, MSe = 2.15 F(1,785) = 211.99, ρ < .00001, MSe = 3.53

F(1,785) = 161.32, ρ < .00001, MSe = 3.48

F(1,785) = 15.96, ρ < .0001, MSe = 290

F(2,613) = 42.22, ρ < .00001, MSe = .64 F(1,468) = 36.92, ρ < .00001, MSe = .53 F(2,664) = 122.84, ρ < .00001, MSe = .57

INSIDE THE JURY Table 4.4. (Coni.) Decision rule 12/12


Ingroup Outgroup


3.68 3.79 3.81 2.84 3.08 3.48 F(2,478) = 5.36, ρ < .005, MSe = 1.41 .59 .61 .60 Juror memory for facts from testimony0 Juror memory for judge's instructions0 .42 .45 .46 F(2,825) = 0.73, ρ < .48, MSe = .07 Jury memory for facts from testimony0 .93 .92 .93 Jury memory for judge's .81 instructions0 .81 .85

F(l,478) = 80.72, ρ < .00001, MSe = .57 F(1,825) = 399.15, ρ < .00001, MSe = .03

a. Scale ranges from 0 to 9. b. Scale ranges from 0 to 5. c. Proportion correct (1.00 = perfect memory).

Postdeliberation Impressions and Memories One frequently cited benefit of the jury trial system is the increased respect accorded to legal institutions by citizens who have served. An effort was made to assess the jurors' attitudes toward the experience of deliberating in the mock jury and their memory of decision-relevant trial information. In the questionnaire administered following deliberation, jurors rated the quality of the deliberation in terms such as thoroughness and seriousness, the quality of the verdict in terms of their agreement on it, and the characters of other jurors in terms such as persuasiveness and open-mindedness. They also completed a test of memory for information from the trial testimony and from the judge's instructions (Table 4.4). The questionnaire data were separated into ratings by majority faction jurors, who were usually in verdict-rendering factions, and holdout jurors, who did not agree with the final jury verdict. It is difficult to interpret the responses of the holdout jurors because under some conditions, most notably the twelve-out-of-twelve decision rule, all holdout jurors were members of hung juries. Thus, the ratings of majority faction jurors are emphasized in this summary. Jurors' global impressions of the character of deliberation suggest that be-


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION havior in unanimous rule juries is more thorough and grave than in majority rule juries. Two measures of the quality of deliberation were the perceived difficulty in reaching a group decision and the perceived pressure to change one's opinion, each of which showed consistent decreases across decision rules. Unanimous rule majority-faction jurors felt more pressure to change their opinion from other jurors, and they also felt that the group decisionmaking process was more difficult than did members of nonunanimous juries. Holdout jurors, under unanimous decision rules, felt considerably more pressure to change their opinions than majority jurors or jurors in the eight-out-of-twelve decision rule condition. Unanimity rule jurors also rated the perceived thoroughness of deliberation and the seriousness of jurors in their juries as higher than did jurors in the nonunanimous conditions. Individual jurors' agreement with the jury verdict was indexed with three measures of consistency of the jurors' attitudes concerning the verdict at the finish of deliberation. Jurors were asked to rate their confidence that their jury verdict was a proper or correct verdict. This rating did not vary systematically with decision rule for members of majority factions, although majority faction jurors were more confident than holdout jurors that their jury had rendered a proper decision. If the jury as a whole is taken as the unit of analysis, nonunanimous juries, where there are more holdout jurors, show an overall lowered confidence in the jury's verdict. Jurors were also asked to rate the extent to which they agreed with their jury's verdict. These ratings exhibited the same pattern as the ratings of confidence that the jury verdict was correct. A final measure of group decision consistency was based on jurors' ratings of their beliefs on nine verdict-relevant issues within the trial. For example, jurors were asked to rate whether they believed that the victim had run onto the knife held by the defendant or had been stabbed in a violent attacking action by the defendant. This issue and eight other key issues were rated by legal experts as central to the discrimination between verdict categories in this case. The extent to which the members of each jury gave similar patterns of ratings across these nine issues was taken to reflect the extent to which jurors' conclusions about the overall pattern in the case were consistent with one another. This average interjuror agreement on the nine issues showed a slight decrease across decision rules from unanimous to eight-out-of-twelve. However, the big difference was between majority rule jurors and holdout jurors. Holdout jurors showed considerably less agreement with the overall jury on key decision issues than did majority rule jurors. Again, considering that there are more holdout jurors in nonunanimous decision rule conditions, the overall verdict-relevant agreement in a jury is clearly lower in the nonunanimous conditions. Another important product of a jury trial concerns the interpersonal per-


INSIDE THE JURY ceptions of persuasiveness and open-mindedness that develop during deliberation. Each juror was asked to rate every other juror's apparent persuasiveness and open-mindedness. One clear effect is the tendency to rate one's own persuasive influence and open-mindedness as higher than average ratings for other jurors. This egoistic tendency was apparent in all decisionrule conditions. Jurors had more positive impressions of all participants in deliberation in unanimous rule juries as compared to majority rule juries. Ratings on persuasiveness and open-mindedness were separated according to assignment to members of the rater's own verdict faction (ingroup persuasiveness) or to all other faction members (outgroup persuasiveness). To assure generality, in- and out-group classifications were calculated at three separate points during deliberation, based on initial ballot verdicts, mid-deliberation factions, and on final factions. These three calculations yielded very similar rating patterns and they are collapsed together in the statistics. Nonverdict rendering or hung juries are not included in the analysis. The ingroup-outgroup comparison paralleled the self-other comparison; ingroup members were given higher ratings on persuasiveness and openmindedness than outgroup members. A decline in all ratings occurred between unanimous and majority rule juries, such that majority rule jury members rated either ingroup or outgroup members as less persuasive and less open-minded than unanimous rule jurors. As a result, self and ingroup members were given higher ratings on persuasiveness and open-mindedness compared to all others or to outgroup members across decision rules. In addition, all ratings showed a clear tendency to drop across decision rules. This suggests that jurors leave nonunanimous deliberations with a relatively low impression of their own and other jurors' persuasiveness and openmindedness. Individual postdeliberation memory for information from the trial testimony and memory for information in the trial judge's instructions was not related to decision rule conditions or to majority or holdout status. Although it is difficult to draw any conclusions about absolute levels of memory, jurors seemed to perform remarkably poorly on this test. Memory on the eight fact items tested appeared to run at a rate of about 60 percent accuracy for information directly stated in testimony, such as recall of the items that the medical examiner testified were found in the decedent's pockets. Performance on the judge's instruction memory questions were even lower, less than 30 percent accurate on questions about material stated directly in the judge's final charge, such as the elements of the legal definition of second degree murder. It is also difficult to make a direct comparison between accuracy of memory for testimony and memory for the judge's instructions. However, memory appears to be more accurate for testimonial matters than for information in the judge's charge. This impression


PRODUCTS OF JURY DELIBERATION is strongly supported by analysis of the errors made in discussion during deliberation. A more meaningful examination of memory in the jury decision task is provided by group memory data (Hartwick, Sheppard, & Davis, 1982). Memory accuracy was calculated by crediting each jury with recall of information if any member of that jury had recalled that information. This composite of individual jurors' recollections interprets jury performance to reflect the best possible performance of all its members taken together. The picture of jury memory provided by the composite memory index is considerably more positive than the average juror recall statistics. Jury memory averages over 90 percent correct for evidentiary material and over 80 percent for information from the judge's instructions. There is no systematic variation with decision rule. Specific types of information were forgotten by jurors. The major sources of error on the evidence concerned the knife wound, where somewhat technical material was embedded in complex testimony from the medical examiner, and a verbal exchange between the defendant and a police detective after his arrest, where some information was stricken from the evidence on an instruction from the trial judge. In this last circumstance poor memory is actually a sign that the jurors were behaving according to the court's instruction. The failures to recall information from the judge's final jury instruction were more disturbing. Most errors of recall concerned definitions of the verdict categories of manslaughter and not guilty by reason of self-defense. In fact, the modal performance for over 75 percent of the juries on each of these items was less than perfect: approximately one-half of the elements or conditions were recalled for each verdict by the most accurate juror out of twelve. In summary, expert views of the stimulus trial, the verdict of the actual jury in the original trial, and the modal verdict for the mock juries all declared the second degree-murder verdict the most proper or correct verdict for the case. Juries from all three decision rules were equally likely (13 out of 23 juries in each condition) to reach the second-degree murder verdict. There was some variation in the fates of juries that did not reach this verdict across decision rules. In particular, there was an elevated rate of firstdegree murder verdicts under the ten-out-of-twelve majority decision rule and of hung juries under the unanimous decision rule. The task of predicting the final jury verdict, given information about the initial verdict distribution, early voting behavior, or early contents of discussion, was used to compare alternate models for jury decision making. The weighted averaging prediction rule, based on a regression analysis, and the social choice model using an agenda decision-making rule are the win-


INSIDE THE JURY ners with reference to proportions of accurate predictions. However, all of the models are of some value conceptually in helping to understand jury decision making. However, none of the models appears to be extremely useful in practical prediction situations. With reference to the group products of jury decision making, two decision-rule effects were expected. First, the stricter the decision-rule quorum requirement, the longer it took for deliberation to meet that quorum requirement. Second, in nonunanimous juries deliberation usually ended with substantial numbers of holdout jurors who subscribed to a minority, nonverdict-rendering point of view. Postdeliberation ratings of the quality of deliberation by individual jurors provided the first substantial sign that the nonunanimous decision rules might not be desirable. In general, jurors deliberating under nonunanimous (ten-out-of-twelve, eight-out-of-twelve) decision rules viewed deliberation as less thorough and less serious, and jury members, regardless of whether there were any holdout faction members, were less apt to agree on the verdict and on the issues underlying the verdict under the nonunanimous decision rules than in the unanimous decision rule condition. Furthermore, jurors had a relatively negative view of their fellow jurors' open-mindedness and persuasiveness under the less strict decision rules. Individual and group-composite memory measures yielded negative evaluations of the jury decision-making process. Juries operating under all three decision rules performed poorly on the memory tests. In particular, individual juror recall of information from the trial judge's instructions was disturbingly poor.



Contents of Jury Deliberation

The Supreme Court's evaluation of jury performance raised issues about the content of discussion during deliberation, such as the thoroughness of the decision process and the extent to which unpopular viewpoints were represented. Social psychological analyses have raised similar issues regarding information pooling and the bases of social influence. One of the distinctive characteristics of the present mock jury study is the use of a detailed, case-specific coding method to capture the major events occurring during deliberation. The few other studies that have attempted to deal with deliberation content reported only excerpts or partial content (Simon, 1967; Saks, 1976). The present study goes further and examines the complete pattern of communication as well as the context in which it occurs, including balloting, instructions from the trial judge, and other procedures. The overall deliberation content under each decision rule is reflected in the three variables in each coded speaking entry identified in the analysis of videotaped deliberations. This content was analyzed in terms of the total volume of deliberation (speaking entries only) that included references to trial testimony, and in terms of the proportion of speaking entries relative to the total speaking entries for the entire deliberation that comprised each subcategory figure. Summaries were also made of the discussion of legal issues raised in the judge's instructions, and the jurors' remarks were broken down functionally into pragmatic types. By Hastie 83

INSIDE THE JURY Table 5.1. Discussion of trial evidence. Decision rule Trial evidence


Non-key testimony Mean number of entries (Proportion of total discussion) Key factual material General aspects of legal system Voting procedures Personal anecdotal material Experimental realism Total trial evidence Total speaking entries Different evidence entries (Proportion of 43 possible entries) Different key evidence entries (Proportion of 15 possible entries)



„„, F(2,63) ρ value MSe

344.6 (.26)

272.1 (.26)

193.9 (.28)

4.92 .01 20,181

270.9 (.21)

215.4 (.21)

147.0 (.21)

4.16 .02 17,407

18.1 (.01) 20.2 (.02) 18.3 (.01) 14.7 (.01) 686.9 (.53) 1306.4

15.2 (.01) 18.3 (.02) 17.3 (.02) 16.5 (.02) 555.1 (.53) 1041.3

10.0 (.01) 16.1 (.02) 7.9 (.01) 7.0 (.01) 382.3 (-54) 702.3


37.3 (.87)

37.2 (.87)

34.4 (.80)

13.3 (.89)

13.3 (.89)

12.0 (.80)

.02 87


.06 26


.03 182


.04 130

5.22 .009 131,475 5.81 .005 304,472 6.06 .004 10 5.79

.005 2.1

References to Testimony Decision rule shows a simple effect across all categories of testimony discussion (Table 5.1) such that larger volumes of discussion are associated with stricter rules. T h e explanation for this pattern is that speaking occurs at a fairly constant rate during deliberation and the decision rule requirement determines the length of deliberation. Thus, unanimous decision rule juries take the longest to reach a verdict, and volume of speaking in any of the coded fact categories is highest under this decision rule. All of these decision rule effects vanish when the proportions of speaking events are calculated. Statistical tests calculated to assess the reliability of decision rule differences on proportion measures revealed only two signifi-


CONTENTS OF JURY DELIBERATION cant effects, and these small differences are probably not replicable. The constancy of these proportion measures across decision rules is remarkable. Comparisons of specific content categories within juries are of limited generality in that they depend on the nature of the particular case materials and the structure of the experimental coding scheme. For the stimulus case, about 53 percent of the remarks made during deliberation included references to information presented in the trial testimony. These remarks did not focus more sharply on the fifteen key factual testimony categories defined by the experimenter than on the twenty-eight non-key categories. Remarks on aspects of the legal system (such as case disposition or juror duties), voting procedures, personal matters, and the experimental nature of the mock jury task and setting occurred at a low but measurable rate. Two indices were used to measure the breadth of fact coverage, namely the total number of different fact citations out of a possible forty-three and the total number of key fact citations out of a possible fifteen during the entire deliberation process. These statistics are critical measures of the thoroughness of deliberation. The average jury in any of the decision rule conditions covered about 85 percent of the relevant coded categories. Thoroughness dropped with the decision rule requirement, and both these differences reached the ρ < .01 level of statistical significance.

References to Judge's Instructions The primary measures of each jury's application of legal principles were based on the contents of deliberation divided into subcategories according to references to legal issues cited in the trial judge's instructions (Table 5.2). About 25 percent of the remarks in deliberation made reference to the instructions. The same pattern of decision rule effects that was apparent with respect to trial testimony appears here. All measures of volume of entries reflect deliberation times and are directly related to the decision rule requirement. When proportions are considered, almost every decision rule effect vanishes. The sole exception to this generalization is the difference in proportions of deliberation time devoted to the evaluation of witness credibility. This difference, which is .03, .04, and .06 for the three decision rules, is marginally significant (F[2,63j = 4.34, ρ < .017). It also accords with an impression, based on examination of the deliberation videotapes, that eight-out-of-twelve juries frequently exhibited a discounting strategy in the evaluation of testimonial evidence, whereby witnesses were classified as either absolutely reliable or absolutely unreliable ("Do we believe the policeman or the defendant?"). An integration strategy, whereby portions of testimony were compared and combined, seemed more common in twelve-


INSIDE THE JURY Table 5.2. Discussion of legal issues. Decision rule Legal issue Standard of proof (Proportion of total discussion) Reasonable inference Witness credibility Inadmissible evidence Verdict preference (not included in total issues) Verdict elements Verdict definitions (not included in total issues) Verdict-evidence relationships Total legal issues Different legal issues (Proportion of 39 possible issues) Total fact-issue pairings Different fact-issue pairings




F(2,63) ρ value MSe

13.8 (.01)

12.5 (.01)

7.8 (.01)


4.3 (.00) 44.7 (.03) 4.1 (.00) 64.3 (.05) 146.0 (.11) 161.8 (.12) 99.3 (.08) 312.1 (.24) 21.0 (.52)

4.0 (.00) 46.8 (.04) 3.9 (.00) 48.0 (.05) 123.6 (.12) 151.5 (.15) 84.2 (.08) 274.9 (.26) 21.3 (.54)

1.3 (.01) 40.3 (.06) 2.3 (.00) 34.2 (.05) 81.5 (.12) 94.0 (.13) 55.7 (.08) 188.9 (.27) 17.9 (.43)


171.3 (.13) 71.1

150.3 (.14) 63.1

112.8 (.16) 47.2

.37 179 .07 23


.944 1,159


.22 16


.06 1,711


.04 6,465


.015 4,656


.12 3,928

2.95 .06 23,944 2.99 .05 23,945 1.52

.22 8,567


.07 889

Total speaking entries




out-of-twelve juries ("The policeman's testimony needs to be qualified by consideration of his opportunity to observe, and the defendant's remarks may be biased"). T h e discussion of the standard of proof, beyond reasonable doubt, occurred at a very low rate in all juries. Although there is no standard amount of discussion that should concern the standard of proof, expert observers and the experimental coders were disturbed at the extremely low amounts of deliberation devoted to the issue. Again, the deliberation videotapes yielded a plausible explanation for the apparent procedural error. In general, jurors did not understand that the reasonable doubt standard was rele-


CONTENTS OF JURY DELIBERATION vant to their verdicts, given that the defendant was unquestionably the agent of the decedent's death. Research using different trial materials supports this point. When a probabilistic issue, such as the possible identification of the perpetrator of a crime as the defendant, is the focus of the trial, then discussion of the standard of proof is prominent in deliberation. However, when the standard of proof is applied to intuitively less probabilistic elements of the crimes charged, such as the defendant's state of mind, then the jury fails to heed the trial judge's instruction that each element of a crime must be established beyond a reasonable doubt to return a guilty verdict. Considerations of the judge's instructions on inadmissible evidence, such as references to the decedent's personal character or statements made by the defendant prior to the Miranda warning at arrest, were brief. Typically, one juror raised the topic of the stricken testimony explicitly in the form of a question ("Should we talk about the victim's reputation for violence?"). A brief discussion ensued, which concluded that such considerations were illegitimate. Thus, a clear finding emerges that the judge's instructions were extremely effective in stopping discussion that would ordinarily, without the instruction, have occurred during deliberation. This result may have arisen from the experimental nature of the research task. One plausible reason that jurors were well-behaved when the discussion of inadmissible testimony was at issue may be their knowledge that in the mock jury they were being observed by outsiders. Furthermore, the mere fact that the jury does not discuss the stricken testimony does not establish that the testimony does not affect individual juror decisions. Experiments have been conducted to detect the subtle and possibly unconscious impact of inadmissible testimony on juror decisions (Hans & Doob, 1976; Sue, Smith, & Caldwell, 1973). They have consistently obtained evidence that stricken information does influence judgment. These demonstrations are a warning that the jury study's method, focusing on overt responses, such as deliberation content, is not a sensitive test of the influence of inadmissible testimony. Even the results showing that memory for stricken testimony is abnormally poor do not demonstrate that such testimony has no effect on judgment. Poor memory may reflect forgetting processes that are independent of initial comprehension and judgment effects. One conception of the jury's task emphasizes its function to relate general legal categories and procedures to the evidence in a specific case. This means that the frequency with which instruction (issue) codes are paired with evidence (fact) codes is a critical measure of jury performance. For example, frequent evidence-instruction pairings include applications of the judge's remarks concerning credibility evaluation to determine the weight accorded to testimony or comparisons between crime event features and


INSIDE THE JURY verdict category elements during the later stages of the verdict rendering process. Two measures of fact-issue pairings are total pairings and different pairings. Both measures show the typical volume effect of decision rule with the frequencies of both indices increasing with decision rule strictness. In this case the trend across decision rules reverses for the total fact-issue pairings measure when proportion of speaking entries are considered. Proportionally more discussion of fact-issue pairings occurs in the nonunanimous decision rule conditions (i|2.63] = 3.33, ρ < .042). This marginally significant difference is attributable to the larger proportion of discussion spent on credibility issues in these juries. Most credibility evaluation is comprised of pairings of references to testimony and to the credibility issue.

Functional Types of Communication The major function of discussion during deliberation is to generate a pool of shared information relevant to the case under consideration. However, linguists and social psychologists have identified a variety of more specific pragmatic functions served by information exchange. All entries measuring speaking and nonspeaking events during deliberation were classified by functional type (Table 5.3). Statements asserting or conveying information are the most frequent functional type by far, making up about three-quarters of the deliberation content under all decision rules. Two categories of statement, errors and corrections of errors, are of special importance in the deliberation process. An analysis was made of the specific content of remarks that were classified as errors. For the stimulus case, more errors occur in citation of the judge's instructions than in references to testimony. Fact errors occur at about one-half of the rate with which judge's instruction errors occur in twelve-out-of-twelve and ten-outof-twelve juries (.36 and .38 of total errors were errors of fact respectively). In eight-out-of-twelve juries fact and instruction error rates are about equal (.47 of total errors were fact errors). The findings on postdeliberation memory and on deliberation content converge on the conclusion that difficulties with comprehension, memory, and application of the trial judge's instructions are major obstacles to proper jury performance. Another critical factor is the rate at which a juror corrects an error once it has occurred. The frequencies of corrections under the three decision rules are .50, .30, and .50. The ten-out-of-twelve decision rule jury error correction rate (.30) is significantly lower than the comparable rates (.50 and .50) in the other experimental juries (F[2,63] = 5.31, ρ < .01). The analysis of jury verdicts (Chapter 4) found that first-degree murder verdicts occur with a slightly higher frequency under the ten-out-of-twelve rule.


CONTENTS OF JURY DELIBERATION Table 5.3. Discussion classified by functional types of contributions. Decision rule Function

Statement Error Correction Question Direction Irrelevant Verdict statement Total Formal voting (hand or written ballots) Dynamite charge Request for information from the judge Outburst



Verbal discussion 987.0 784.3 (.76) (.75) 13.2 14.7 (.01) (.01) 6.2 3.7 (.00) (.00) 113.1 93.0 (.09) (.09) 110.8 86.0 (.08) (.08) 12.8 8.3 (.01) (-01) 62.0 52.9 (.04) (.05) 1306.4 1041.3 Nonspeaking events






531.3 (.76) 7.2 (.01) 3.1 (.00) 63.0 (.09) 59.7 (.09) 3.6 (.00) 34.7 (.05) 702.3

5.28 .008 186,104 4.61 .01 79 5.29 .008 13 3.37 .04 3,681 5.38 .007 2,472 3.97 .02 142 6.88 .002 598

5.9 0.4

6.7 0.1

3.8 0.0

2.1 42.3

2.1 28.7

1.1 23.0


T h e five first-degree murder juries did have slightly lower error correction probabilities (.26 versus .30 for second degree and .39 for manslaughter verdicts), but the difference was not statistically significant. For some unknown reason, experimental juries reaching all verdicts under the ten-out-oftwelve decision rule generated corrections at a relatively low rate. Questions occur at a fairly constant rate, in about 10 percent of the speaking entries, across all decision rules. The same is true of organizational directives, individual suggestions, or imperatives to take specific actions such as voting or setting a topic for discussion. Expressions advocating specific verdict positions also occur at a constant rate across decision rule conditions. Deliberation task-irrelevant remarks occur at a negligibly low rate (about 1 percent of total speaking entries). Again, jurors may be especially well-behaved in this regard when they are aware that they are being studied by social scientists.


INSIDE THE JURY Formal voting rates show a different pattern across the three decision rule conditions. Votes occurred, on the average, about once every 23.4 minutes for unanimous rule juries. Votes occurred at a higher rate, averaging every 15.4 minutes and every 19.7 minutes, in the nonunanimous juries. This difference may reflect a strategic variation between unanimous and nonunanimous juries. The need for unanimous agreement may induce an integrative, evidence-driven deliberation style, while the lower verdict requirement in nonunanimous juries produces a discounting, verdict-driven deliberation style (see Chapter 8). Deadlocked juries were routinely presented a videotaped instruction requesting further consideration of the case and another vote. Wording of this dynamite charge followed current precedents in Massachusetts trial courts ('Commonwealth v. Rodriguez, 1973; Commonwealth v. Tuey, 1851; Yale Law Review, 1968). Eight juries under the unanimous decision rule received the charge, and five of these rendered verdicts, always in accord with the largest faction's preference (four second-degree murder and one manslaughter). Three juries in the ten-out-of-twelve condition received the charge, and all rendered verdicts, one for first degree murder, one for second degree murder, and one for manslaughter. Only one jury in the eightout-of-twelve condition received the charge, and it remained deadlocked. One of the most dramatic endings to a deliberation occurred in a unanimous jury that ultimately deadlocked with a majority of eleven opposed by a lone holdout. In this instance the Commonwealth v. Rodriguez (1973) instruction was presented after three hours of deliberation, when the jury declared itself deadlocked, ten jurors versus two. The instruction exerted a positive influence not by encouraging jurors to reconsider their own views but by stimulating discussion by the holdouts. After an attempt to express and defend his position, one of the two holdouts joined the majority. The final holdout made a short-lived attempt to express his viewpoint and then refused to engage in further interaction with the other jurors, thus terminating deliberation. Jurors, in short, do not respond to the dynamite charge by arbitrarily changing their stands on the verdict decision. Rather the charge appears to work by encouraging jurors who have been relatively uncommunicative to engage in discussion. Their own effort to express themselves is the critical factor that facilitates opinion change. Requests for clarification of the trial judge's instructions occurred in sixteen of the twenty-three unanimous juries, in fourteen of the ten-out-oftwelve juries, and in eight of the eight-out-of-twelve juries. The lower frequencies of instruction requests under the majority rules doubtless reflect the shorter, less thorough character of deliberation in these juries. This is especially worrisome because of the high error rates noted for both postdeliberation juror memory and discussion during deliberation. Furthermore,


CONTENTS OF JURY DELIBERATION repetition of the judge's instructions appeared to affect individual verdict preference shifts. The probability of shifting verdict preferences was considerably higher immediately following the presentation of instructions than at other times during deliberation. This suggests that changes in beliefs about the verdict category definitions, such as the contents of the instructions that were repeated, are an important, if not the most important, basis for shifts in verdict preferences. Group outbursts, when five or more jurors spoke simultaneously, occurred on the average about once every three minutes of deliberation in all decision rule conditions. The rate of outburst events was not related systematically to other signs of disorganized deliberation, such as error rates or jury verdict choice.

Equity and Rate of Participation Some general characteristics of discussion that are not captured in direct measures of frequencies or proportions of participation in deliberation involve equity of participation across jurors and the pace of discussion (Table 5.4). Variance in speaking volume for a single deliberation is a measure of equity in the division of deliberation time. The measure is based on individual jurors' contributions to deliberation. Each of the twelve jurors was assigned a single number representing the proportion of total speaking entries produced during the entire deliberation. These twelve numbers were percentages that would total 100. If participation was perfectly equal across jurors during deliberation, these percentages would all be equal to about 8.5 percent and the variance would approach zero. To the extent that a few jurors dominate deliberation and others participate at a lower rate, the differences between juror contributions will increase, and variance will also increase. Thus, the speaking variance measure is sensitive to inequity in deliberation participation. The speaking variance measure shows a nonsignificant trend with higher Table 5.4. Variance and rate of speaking in deliberation. Decision rule

Variance in individual juror speaking entries Speaking rate (events/minute)











F(2,63) ρ value MSe 1.84 .16 38,935

INSIDE THE JURY variance, indicating less equity in discussion, in the eight-out-of-twelve rule condition (Fig. 5.1). When the curves relating mean proportion of speaking entries to participation rank are plotted, on the average, the most talkative juror (rank = 1) under the twelve-out-of-twelve rule contributed 23 percent of the speaking entries to deliberation. A comparison of the decision rule conditions reveals that the higher speaking variance for eight-out-of-twelve juries is produced by the relative elevation of speaking, to 26 percent of the entries, by the highest ranked juror. In about two-thirds of the juries the first-ranked juror was the foreman. Thus, the inequity in speaking rates is probably higher in the eight-out-of-twelve juries because the foreman dominates the relatively shorter deliberation to a greater extent than in twelveout-of-twelve and ten-out-of-twelve juries. The inequity in amount of participation across jurors within a jury reflects a consistent finding in many types of discussion groups (Stephan & Mischler, 1952; Kadane & Lewis, 1969). No general theoretical analysis has accounted for the shape of the participation rank curve, but it is doubtless created by a combination of factors, including individual differences in talkativeness, a dominance hierarchy within the group, and social conventions governing polite debate. A disturbing fact is that most juries include several members who virtually never participate in the group. For example, most juries, or 41 of the 69, included at least three members whose individual participation did not include more than 3 percent of the speaking entries during deliberation. These jurors barely expressed themselves outside of the formal balloting procedures, and they had no notable direct influence on the jury verdict decision. Nonetheless, they did have an opportunity to be heard. Furthermore, as they were typically members of large factions, it is plausible that they found their points of view being expressed by other jurors. Absolute participation frequencies rather than proportions may be of interest in some evaluations of jury performance. The relatively shorter deliberations under nonunanimous decision rules result in many more jurors whose participation is minimal. For example, a juror who contributes as few as ten entries in an entire deliberation, including voting and verdict statements, is truly a nonparticipant in discussion. Such jurors appear much less often in unanimous juries than in majority rule juries: 24 jurors in twelveout-of-twelve juries, 33 in ten-out-of-twelve juries, and 56 in eight-out-oftwelve juries. Speaking rates are also measured as entries per minute. The differences between decision rule conditions on this variable were not significant. On the assumption that higher speaking rates might be associated with greater disorganization within juries, correlation coefficients were calculated between speaking rate and error rate (r=—.06, n.s.) and between speaking rate



PARTICIPATION R A N K Fig. 5.1 Participation ranks for each decision rule.


INSIDE THE JURY and outburst rate (r=+.ll). However, these correlations were not significantly different from zero, implying that the three measures of deliberation process coherence were not related.

The Time Factor The full course of events during deliberation was analyzed by separating each jury's deliberation into quintiles of total time, each quintile being onefifth of the total deliberation time for a particular jury. The sequence of events in deliberation measured as changes in the content of discussion during each quintile of the total deliberation time is quite similar across decision rule conditions. This conclusion was supported by the absence of significant decision rule by quintile interaction effects in the statistical analyses. However, the similarity in discussion sequences appears only when the data are partitioned into quintiles and would not be expected to hold if absolute time were the metric for analysis. For example, a comparison of discussion content during the first forty minutes of deliberation across decision rule conditions found clear differences in the amounts of discussion devoted to many of the content code categories, such as discussion of standard proof and verdict elements. Sequential variations in the content of deliberation were parallel to the decision rule effects, as shown by statistical tests for quintile effects on the content measures derived from the observational coding data. Jurors' references to the testimony and evidence presented at trial tended to drop consistently across the five quintiles of deliberation. This trend was reflected in the means for key facts (F(4,315) = 3.11, ρ < .02) and the number of different facts cited per quintile (F(4,315) = 3.35, ρ < .01). The trend was paralleled by a tendency to discuss the credibility of witnesses at lower rates as deliberation progressed (F(4,315) = 11.19, ρ < .0001). Just the reverse trends emerged from analysis of jurors' references to material from the judge's instructions, particularly to verdict categories (F(4,315) = 6.35, ρ < .0001) and to the elements of the crimes (F(4,315) = 8.04, ρ < .0001). Similarly, references to the reasonable doubt standard of proof increased in frequency toward the end of deliberation (F(4,315) = 9.03, ρ < .0001). Generally performance under all three decision rule requirements exhibits a shift from factfinding to application of the law. First the jury reviews the evidence to create a "story" of the events described by testimony; then it moves on to specify the legal categories that are the focus of verdict decision; and finally it applies the decision procedures, such as the beyond reasonable doubt standard, to classify the case as a particular verdict instance. Analysis of the content of deliberation in terms of functional types of re-


CONTENTS OF JURY DELIBERATION marks made by jurors yielded expectable findings. Statements conveying information and questions decreased in frequency across deliberation, while statements directing the jury to take an action and statements expressing verdict preferences increased. Formal voting was relatively frequent in the early and late quintiles of deliberation. Requests for further instructions from the judge occurred at a fairly constant rate across the last four quintiles of deliberation, but never in the first quintile. Judge's instructions to deadlocked juries were necessary only during the fourth and last quintiles. Two general conclusions follow from this analysis of the sequence of deliberation content. First, it is unreasonable to conceptualize majority decision rule juries merely as unanimous decision rule deliberations that are cut off earlier than they would have been with the twelve-out-of-twelve requirement. The "cut-off" image would imply equivalent content at equal points in real deliberation time, whereas in fact there is sequential comparability in content across decision rules of equal proportions of real time. Second, the waxing and waning of discussion topics such as trial evidence, witness credibility, verdict definitions, and standard of proof, are consistent with the story-verdict-classification model for the jury decision process (see Chapter 2). One critical comparison in assessing the effects of the decision rule on deliberation concerns the content of deliberation before and after verdictrendering faction sizes are reached. For example, comparison of the quality of deliberation in twelve-out-of-twelve, ten-out-of-twelve, and eight-outof-twelve juries preceding the point at which the largest faction reaches a size of eight members yields a relatively pure comparison of deliberation quality among the three types of juries before any verdicts are rendered (Table 5.5). There is a clear decision rule effect on deliberation before and after the largest faction size reaches eight by almost every measure of activity. This occurs because the volume of before-eight deliberation events varies directly with decision rule strictness. The volume difference actually reflects the fact that large factions grow more slowly in juries with stricter decision rules. If the deliberation events are converted to proportions of speaking events, the decision rule conditions are indistinguishable on any of the major measures of quality of deliberation. Post-eight deliberation for each decision rule supports a different conclusion. Little occurs after the faction size reaches eight in juries deliberating under the eight-out-of-twelve rule. Deliberation continues for a few minutes, typically less than five, after the necessary quorum of eight members is reached. This contrasts to the case for twelve-out-of-twelve juries where approximately 20 percent of deliberation occurs after the largest faction contains eight or more members. The ten-out-of-twelve decision rule case is


INSIDE THE JURY Table 5.5. Content of deliberation before and after reaching an eightmember faction. 12/12 Content Trial evidence Non-key testimony Key testimony Legal issues Standard of proof Fact-issue pairings Errors Correction of errors Requests for additional instructions Total speaking entries









557.7 338.5 219.2 246.0 9.2 136.1 11.7 4.7

129.2 77.4 51.8 66.0 4.7 35.2 3.4 1.5

506.5 311.0 105.5 254.8 11.6 139.0 11.9 3.2

48.5 28.5 20.0 20.0

360.3 224.5 143.8 186.3

14.5 11.2 3.3 2.6

11.3 1.3 .5

108.1 6.8 2.8

4.7 .4 .2


1.9 945

.2 96

1.0 656

1.5 1046


.1 47

intermediate, with about 10 percent of the total deliberation time occurring after a largest faction size of eight is reached. The critical question is whether important procedural or legal events are likely to occur after the largest faction reaches a size of eight. The twelveout-of-twelve decision rule condition gives evidence that the last twenty to thirty minutes of post-eight deliberation are important. In seven juries the largest faction reached eight but failed to render the final verdict favored by that faction. Three of these juries finished deliberation in a deadlocked state with the largest faction favoring a manslaughter verdict. In four juries deliberation in the post-eight period reversed the largest faction's verdict to produce unexpected final verdicts, shifting from a majority of nine for second degree murder to a unanimous verdict of manslaughter, from nine for first degree murder to second degree murder, from eight for manslaughter to second degree murder, and from nine for second degree murder to a manslaughter verdict. Thus, in seven out of twenty-three juries, or over 30 percent, the conclusion of deliberation was not determined at the point that a majority faction of size eight had been attained. Moreover, in twelve-outof-twelve juries several important procedural events occurred during the post-eight period. Twenty-seven percent of the requests for additional instructions from the trial judge, twenty-five percent of the oral corrections of errors made during discussion, and thirty-four percent of the discussion of the beyond reasonable doubt standard of proof occurred during the posteight period. Furthermore, substantial amounts of the discussion of trial


CONTENTS OF JURY DELIBERATION testimony (20 percent) and of the judge's instructions (21 percent) occurred during the post-eight period. Similar calculations can be made for ten-out-of-twelve decision rule juries. However, because the post-eight period is much shorter in these juries, much less of consequence happens. The period following the point at which the largest faction reaches a size eight is thus an important part of deliberation in unanimous juries. This period includes some reversals of opinion and many important procedural events. Such a broad-stroke picture of the content and form of discussion during deliberation is limited not only by the particular case materials in the study but also by the fact that the surface content of discussion does not provide a view of the underlying individual decision processes that are also part of the jury process. However, no other research has attempted to provide this total view of deliberation content for any case materials. By any measure of volume of discussion, the stricter the verdict quorum requirement, the greater the volume of discussion produced during deliberation. This result follows from the differences in total deliberation time that are associated with the different decision rules. Slightly over half of the remarks made during deliberation cited testimonial material from the trial evidence. Discussion did not appear to focus on the key facts that experts had indicated were determinants of the central decision issues in the case. Rather, discussion focused on both key and non-key facts introduced as testimony at trial. In the average jury approximately 90 percent of both key and non-key facts were covered in typical deliberations under the unanimous decision rule, with a slight drop in breadth of coverage in the eightout-of-twelve decision rule. Typically about one-quarter of the remarks made during deliberation cited material from the judge's instructions on the law. Discussion of the judge's definitions of the verdicts and his instructions on the evaluation of witness credibility dominated references to the instructions. Discussion of credibility took up a larger proportion of discussion in nonunanimous than in unanimous decision rule juries. The disturbingly low rate of reference to the beyond reasonable doubt standard of proof during discussion was perhaps due to jurors' failure to understand when to apply this standard of proof. Paired references to evidence and to legal issues were probably of particular significance in the jury's task of finding facts and applying the law. A substantial proportion of the discussion made simultaneous reference to both facts and legal issues. In this case again there was a decision rule effect; the stricter the decision rule, the lower the proportion of joint factissue references. When the content of deliberation was classified by functional type, most


INSIDE THE JURY remarks were clearly motivated to communicate information concerning the case from one juror to the others, with about 75 percent of the remarks falling into this category. A low but non-negligible proportion of these remarks were errors, and most of these errors concerned references to the trial judge's instructions. The rate at which these errors are corrected by other members of the jury is a critical factor in the jury process. Correction rates were moderately high, with over 40 percent of the errors typically corrected by other jurors, except in the case of first degree murder verdict juries, where the correction rate was 26 percent, considerably lower than the rate for juries rendering other verdicts. The volume of remarks contributed by individual jurors showed considerable variation across jurors. Most juries included a few members who did not participate in oral discussion at all. Their presence was registered only in their votes during formal balloting procedures. A larger inequity in speaking participation rates occurred in the eight-out-of-twelve jury than in the ten-out-of-twelve and twelve-out-of-twelve juries. This inequity stemmed from a tendency for foremen in these juries to dominate discussion to an even greater extent than they did in the ten-out-of-twelve and twelve-out-of-twelve decision rule conditions. When the content of deliberation was analyzed by quintile to give a sense of the sequence of discussion, decision rule effects did not show up as simple differences in deliberation cutoff points. Although deliberation sequences were uniform across decision rules when compared quintile by quintile, deliberation contents differed across decision rules when compared at absolute times, such as the events occurring thirty minutes into deliberation under each decision rule. Sequential effects were consistent for all three decision rule conditions: references to evidence and testimony decreased as deliberation proceeded, references to verdict categories and definitions increased, references to issues of credibility decreased, organizational directives increased, questions and efforts to convey information decreased, and balloting increased. An analysis of the types of events occurring in deliberation before and after the largest faction in a jury reached a size of eight members is pertinent to policy decisions concerning the proper jury decision rule. In unanimous decision rule juries a number of important events, including reversals of the most popular verdict choice, substantial portions of the discussion, and requests for further instructions, occurred during the period after the largest faction exceeded eight members. This and other findings in the analysis of deliberation content strongly imply that the unanimous decision rule should be preferred over majority decision rules.



Dynamics of Jury Deliberation

The deliberation process extends across time, and among its most important characteristics are the dynamic changes that take place from moment-tomoment. The most important dynamic events in the deliberation process are the movement of individuals from verdict preference to verdict preference, the pattern of communication among jurors, and the growth of dominant factions.

The Development of Factions The most visible dynamic event in deliberation is the formation and development of verdict-favoring factions. During the study special note was taken of jurors' statements of verdict preferences. Any clear expression by a juror of a preference in hand or written balloting or in oral discussion was marked. Factions were defined on the basis of common verdict preferences. Thus, for example, jurors were grouped together as a faction if each juror's most recently expressed verdict preference was second degree murder. The initial distribution of verdict preferences was expressed on the predeliberation written ballot taken by the experimenters. The relationship between initial predeliberation preferences and final postdeliberation preferences under each decision rule can be summarized in the form of three verdict-to-verdict transition matrices (Table 6.1). The one anomaly in these By Hastie


INSIDE THE JURY probabilities is the high frequency of first-degree murder verdicts on initial ballots under the ten-out-of-twelve decision rule. This small concentration of harsh verdict preferences was partly responsible for the observed increase in first-degree murder jury verdicts under this decision rule. The probabilities of moving from one verdict state on the initial predeliberation ballot to another verdict state by the end of deliberation are conditional on the totals. These totals, to the right of each matrix, are the frequencies of mock jurors favoring each verdict (or undecided) at the beginning of deliberation. Thus, for example, under the twelve-out-of-twelve decision rule there was a .02 probability of starting deliberation with an initial vote for first degree murder and of remaining in favor of first degree murder throughout deliberation. Similarly, the movement from first degree murder as an initial vote to second degree murder at the end of deliberation occurred with the probability of .67, and the movement to a verdict of manslaughter occurred with the probability of .31 for jurors who initially preferred first degree murder. The three verdict transition matrices have several features in common. First, deliberation accomplishes its goal in the sense that no jurors remain undecided at the end of deliberation, although a sizable fraction, almost 10 percent of the jurors, started deliberation with undecided views on the verdict. Second, under all decision rules the most popular initial verdict choice is manslaughter. However, by the conclusion of deliberation, the most popular verdict has changed to second degree murder. Because the study used only one stimulus case, it is difficult to determine whether this shift is motivated by a desire for harsher verdicts, for more correct, second degree murder verdicts, or for some other reason. There are also differences in the transition probabilities under each decision rule. The sharpest difference concerns individuals who do not change from initial verdict to final verdict. These probabilities are comparable across decision rules for the verdicts of manslaughter and second degree murder. However, the initially less popular verdicts of not guilty and first degree murder reveal a dramatic difference. Jurors in the twelve-outof-twelve decision rule condition are unlikely to remain in these initial verdict positions, while jurors voting initially for first degree murder and not guilty under the nonunanimous decision rules are much likelier to remain in those verdict positions at the end of deliberation. This is another example of the holdout effect that appears at several places in the data. Jurors in the nonunanimous deliberation rule may remain in their initial unpopular verdict categories without deadlocking the jury. A statistic directly reflecting this difference is the ratio of nonchanging jurors to total jurors under each decision rule. These ratios are .33, .44, and .50 in the twelve-out-of-twelve, ten-out-of-twelve, and eight-out-of-twelve decision





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INSIDE THE JURY rules, respectively. Another related statistic is the ratio of individuals changing toward harsher verdict categories over individuals changing toward either harsher or more lenient categories. Calculation of this harshness shift over total shift ratio yields proportions of .51, .58, and .59 for the three decision rules. The movement of jurors from verdict category to verdict category across the five quintiles of deliberation in the three decision rule conditions can also be translated into fifteen transition matrices, each of which indicates the likelihood of moving from one verdict category to another from the beginning to the end of a quintile of deliberation (Table 6.2). Jurors who are initially undecided and unable unequivocably to select a single verdict position at the beginning of deliberation are a special case. First, changes from the undecided category to any other verdict category occur with a much higher probability than other type of change. No jurors remained in the undecided category at the very end of deliberation. Furthermore, jurors leave the undecided category more quickly in the unanimous jury than in the nonunanimous juries. For example, only one individual juror remains in an undecided category at the beginning of the final quintile of deliberation for the unanimous decision rule, while larger numbers of jurors are undecided under the nonunanimous decision rules at this point in time (six and eleven jurors, respectively). The most consistent difference between the unanimous and the ten-outof-twelve and eight-out-of-twelve decision rules is that in unanimous rule juries there are major shifts from initial verdict to end-of-quintile verdict throughout deliberation. These shifts in the twelve-out-of-twelve decision rule condition are especially apparent for the categories of not guilty, first degree murder, and manslaughter. The proportion of jurors shifting to a more lenient verdict preference, once a shift has occurred, excluding undecides, is much higher for the unanimous juries than for the nonunanimous juries at every point in deliberation. The most dramatic changes in verdict preferences under the three decision rules occur in the final quintile of deliberation. At that point there is a sharp difference in the rate at which jurors move away from not guilty and into the other verdicts. In the twelve-out-of-twelve unanimous decision rule this shift is almost universal, with only one juror failing to defect from the not guilty category. However, for the nonunanimous juries the likelihood of remaining in favor of acquittal is above 50 percent. The proportion of lenient to total shifts for individuals who shift verdicts changes in the last four quintiles of deliberation, when shifts toward leniency occur at a slightly higher rate for the twelve-out-of-twelve unanimous juries than for the nonunanimous juries. The tendency in nonunanimous juries at that point is to shift toward harshness, while in the unanimous jury


INSIDE THE JURY the lenient-harsh shifts are about balanced. This is not true, however, for the first quintile of deliberation, when there appears to be a striking shift toward leniency in the nonunanimous juries but a shift toward harshness for the unanimous jurors.

Faction Size and Attractiveness Faction size is the most important determinant of the outcome of deliberation (Hawkins, 1962; Davis, 1973). One measure of faction size effects is the probability of leaving a faction under each decision rule, excluding undecided jurors. These values were obtained by dividing the number of times an individual juror left a faction of each size, one through twelve, by the number of times such a faction existed (Table 6.3). These probabilities can also be displayed in curves for each decision rule, "smoothed" by replacing each value by the mean of itself and the two adjacent points (Tukey, 1977; Fig. 6.1), that reveal the important features of the data. First, jurors are much less likely to defect from large factions than from small ones. Second, the lower the jury decision rule requirement, the less likely that an individual will defect from a relatively small faction. This characteristic arises from the fact that there are substantial numbers of holdout jurors in nonunanimous juries. These jurors remain in nonmajority factions in eight-out-oftwelve and ten-out-of-twelve verdict-rendering juries at the end of deliberation. Table 6.3. Probability of leaving a faction (number of times a juror defected/number of times a faction of size F¡ existed). Decision rule Faction size (F¡)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

.754 .465 .423 .190 .162 .166 .063 .137 .063 .042 .006 .004

.592 .311 .299 .342 .214 .100 .104 .036 .031 .000 .000 .000

.377 .358 .279 .250 .214 .156 .040 .034 .055 .025 .000 .000



D e c i s i o n Rule

















9 CFj )

Fig. 6.1 Probability that a juror will leave a faction of size F, = 1 , 2 . . . 12.


INSIDE THE JURY A more incisive empirical question concerns independence of the verdict and size effects on movement from faction to faction. The two potential causal factors are confounded, for larger factions tend to favor second degree murder of manslaughter verdicts, whereas smaller factions invariably favor not guilty. Small faction sizes of one to four members make it possible to compare the independent effects of verdict category and size on movement from faction to faction. Such a comparison reveals a clear effect of faction size, in that jurors are less likely to desert larger factions, but only a hint of an effect of verdict category, in that jurors are unlikely to desert the second degree murder verdict and are relatively likely to desert the not guilty verdict when faction size is held constant. The meager data must be stretched quite far to produce these findings, which are suggestions rather than confirmed conclusions. The suggestion of a faction size effect is consistent with all theory-based and data-based expectations from a broad range of research on small group performance, and it emerges clearly in the present mock jury study. The verdict category effect is more tentative. The effect is doubtless dependent on the specific evidence structure for the stimulus case, and it is not exceptionally strong in the data. The suggestion that second degree murder has a special drawing power beyond faction size effects is plausible in view of the argument that this verdict has the most merit as a proper verdict for the case. The same argument implies that not guilty is the furthest from the truth and should therefore have the least juror-retaining power.

Faction Size and Speaking Rates Just as movement from faction to faction is a function of faction size and verdict associated with the faction, so are speaking rates (Hawkins, 1962; Zeisel, 1963). An index of speaking probability was calculated by dividing the number of spoken remarks made by members of a faction by the number of remarks made throughout deliberation while that faction existed. Speaking probabilities in large factions tend to be based on data drawn from later phases of deliberation, where larger factions are likelier to exist, and from factions advocating second degree murder or manslaughter verdicts, which are the typical final verdicts. Nonetheless, the speaking probability calculations include a fair variety of composition and deliberation phase samples for each faction size and faction verdict summary. In addition, faction size and verdict preference have independent effects on speaking. The probability of speaking, calculated for groups of jurors in each verdict-favoring faction under each decision rule, ranges from .08 for unde-


DYNAMICS OF JURY DELIBERATION Table 6.4. Proportion of speaking events per speaker. Decision rule Faction size (F¡)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

.130 .112 .096 .087 .074 .075 .097 .075 .070 .071 .075

.088 .102 .094 .094 .074 .077 .074 .077 .079 .077 .081

.081 .089 .096 .084 .091 .070 .077 .080 .074 .093 .083

cided jurors under the ten-out-of-twelve decision rule to .38 for seconddegree murder jurors under the unanimous decision rule. These results are not conditioned on the number of jurors within factions and so are a rough measure of the extent to which the various factions, not individuals, dominated discussion. Second-degree murder factions, which were larger than other factions, were the most dominant, doubtless because of their size. The proportion of speaking events per speaker was tabulated as a function of speaker's faction size under each decision rule, excluding undecideds (Table 6.4). These values were obtained by dividing the proportion of speaking events contributed by a juror in each of the faction sizes one to eleven by the number of speaking events that occurred while such faction sizes existed. These proportions are also displayed in curves for each decision rule, smoothed by replacing each value by the mean of itself and two adjacent points (Fig. 6.2). The twelve-out-of-twelve unanimous decision rule shows a decreasing likelihood for an individual to speak as faction size increases, as has been frequently observed (Hawkins, 1962). That is, the larger the faction size, the less likely that any specific faction member will speak. The ten-out-oftwelve decision rule also exhibits this decreasing likelihood of speaking as a function of increases in faction size. However, one notable difference between the two rules is that jurors in small factions of one to two jurors are extremely likely to speak out relative to members of large factions in the twelve-out-of-twelve decision rule, while they are much less likely to speak in the nonunanimous ten-out-of-twelve rule. This tendency is further exaggerated in the eight-out-of-twelve decision rule, where members of small



Decision Rule
















IN S P E A K E R ' S







(Fj )

Fig. 6 . 2 Proportion of speaking events per juror as a function of the number of jurors in the speaker's faction (F, ).

factions are quite unlikely to speak, and where the largest factions, with nine to eleven members, even tend to increase their likelihood of speaking relative to intermediate-sized factions. In summary, the probabilities for factions of sizes three to eight are fairly close to one another in the three decision rules. For small faction sizes, the likelihood of speaking is elevated considerably in the unanimous decision rule but is only slightly elevated, relative to intermediate faction sizes, in the ten-out-of-twelve and eightout-of-twelve decision rules. For large faction sizes the tendency is reversed, with higher likelihoods of speaking associated with larger factions 110

DYNAMICS OF JURY DELIBERATION for the eight-out-of-twelve decision rule juries in comparison to the unanimous rule condition. Faction size is related to probability of speaking in unanimous juries (Table 6.4; Fig. 6.2). This relationship is similar to a function obtained in other mock jury research (Hawkins, 1960, 1962). Three explanations can be suggested for the monotonically decreasing function. One is that the personality characteristics which make jurors active talkers also make them more resistant to persuasion. Minority factions thus tend to be made up of high participators with this tendency increasing across deliberation. Another explanation is that social pressure depends on the number of jurors who oppose a juror. Jurors in minority factions are thus pressed to talk, even if they do not want to, by large factions of opposition jurors. A third possible explanation is that certain positions, such as verdict preferences, provide more material for discussion than others. When these positions are relatively unpopular, namely preferred by smaller factions, then higher rates of speaking will be associated with smaller factions. There are four results that imply only one of these factors is the determinant of the relationship. First, although certain individual differences are correlated with speaking rates, these factors are not correlated with initial verdict preferences, final verdict preferences, measures of "stubborness," or size of faction. Thus, individual differences are an important determinant of speaking rate but do not mediate the relationship between faction size and speaking probability. Second, when individual difference factors, verdict preference, and point of time or quintile during deliberation are controlled, the relationship of faction size to speaking probability continues to appear. Thus, within the limits of the ability to identify and statistically remove the individual difference, verdict position, and deliberation sequence effects, the "pure" effect of faction size emerges when obvious alternate causal factors are controlled. The third and probably the most compelling argument for the importance of group pressure is the effect of decision rule on the relationship of faction size to speaking probability. It is relatively easy to explain why changes in the patterns of group pressure on small versus large factions result from variations in decision rule. However, it is difficult to understand why the personalities of jurors moving into or out of different-sized factions or why rate of speaking for one verdict position or another would also depend on decision rule. Therefore, the clear dependence of faction size and speaking probability on decision rule, technically called the interaction effect of faction size and decision rule on speaking probability, supports the group pressure explanation of the relationship. Fourth, as in the case of the faction-to-faction shift probabilities, the relationship of faction size and verdict category to individual speaking probability can be explored separately. Faction size effects are clear, with jurors 111

INSIDE THE JURY in larger factions less likely to speak in factions favoring all verdict categories. Verdict category effects are less definite, but undecided jurors talk the least, followed closely by not guilty jurors, regardless of faction size. Firstdegree murder jurors are the most talkative, but they are barely distinguished in talkativeness from second-degree murder and manslaughter jurors. This pattern of results is sensible: undecideds are quiet, waiting to be persuaded; not guilty arguments are convoluted and abstract, therefore difficult to articulate; and first degree murder arguments follow from a simple, easily expressed story line. However, because of the small amount of data and the lack of inferential statistical support, the conclusion that verdict preference is related to speaking probability is suggestive rather than final. These four arguments, particularly the interaction of faction size with decision rule, strongly implicate the group pressure explanation for variations in speaking probabilities. The group pressures affecting individual participation rates may take three forms. First, members of minority factions may assess the probability that their verdict position will either prevail in deliberation or at least prevent opposition positions from rendering a verdict. The perceived probability of affecting the outcome of deliberation, by reversing the majority preference or by deadlocking, may thus decrease as the decision rule requirement drops from unanimity to an eight-out-oftwelve majority. Second, members of majority factions may make the same assessment, and their perceptions of the likelihood of controlling the outcome of deliberation may then increase as decision rule requirements decrease, especially in cases with more than two verdict alternatives. Third, the closer the members of a faction perceive it to be to attaining its desired outcome, the more highly motivated its members may be to contribute to deliberation and to direct persuasive communications toward dissenters. One more factor may be relevant. The "social climate" of deliberation in many of the majority rule juries appeared to be quite adversarial, even combative, in contrast to a deliberate, ponderous atmosphere in many of the unanimity rule juries. It may be that larger factions in majority rule juries adopt a more forceful, bullying, persuasive style because their members realize that it is not necessary to respond to all opposition arguments when their goal is to achieve a faction size of only eight or ten members. Thus, they are not concerned that their persuasive tactics will leave a few opposition jurors untouched or even frozen into defensive postures. Growth of the Largest Faction The verdict is the most important product of jury deliberation, and the path followed during deliberation to reach the final verdict is the most important aspect of the jury's behavior across time. The path to the final verdict can 112

DYNAMICS OF JURY DELIBERATION be traced by following the growth of the winning or verdict-rendering faction through deliberation. A statistically unbiased description of the growth of the largest faction can be calculated as the relationship between deliberation time and the probability that the winning or verdict-rendering faction has reached a size of eight members, excluding hung juries (Fig. 6.3). This relationship measures the rate at which the winning faction grows. Such relationships for all decision rule conditions show a common S-shape, with gradual positive acceleration at first followed by negative acceleration as the final probability of 1.0 is approached. However, there is an orderly difference in relationships across the three rules, with winning factions in eight-out-of-twelve and ten-out-of-twelve decision rule juries reaching size eight more rapidly than in unanimous juries. Analyses of variance performed on the data for the minute at which the winning faction first reaches size eight show that the decision rule effect is significant whether or not hung juries are included (F(2,66) = 6.73, ρ < .002) and (F(2,62) = 5.46, ρ < .006). Similar analyses using faction sizes of six and ten as criteria support the same conclusion. Large factions form relatively quickly in the nonunanimous rule juries. To ensure that statistical artifacts were not responsible for the apparent decision rule differences, two related analyses were performed. First, the average time in minutes at which the winning faction size reached six, eight, or ten members was calculated. Juries that never reached the criterial largest faction size were excluded from these calculations. These analyses agreed substantially with the finding that the size of the largest faction increased more quickly under majority decision rules than under the unanimous rule. Second, the growth of the winning faction size across time, analyzed at ten-minute intervals, supported the conclusion that growth rates differed across decision rules. The decision rule effect on the growth of the winning faction was independently replicated in a jury simulation experiment conducted West Virginia University (Foss, 1981). When the disagreement among jurors on the verdict of a murder case was measured, ten-out-of-twelve majority rule juries moved toward agreement more quickly than unanimity rule juries. The basic phenomenon was the same as the differential growth of the winning faction obtained in the present study. The growth rate differences are an indication that the decision rule conditions are not qualitatively equal, differing only in duration. Something about the process of deliberation is reflected in the different faction growth rates that are produced by the manipulation of decision rule. Because the growth of the largest faction is central to any theory that would explain or predict the jury's verdict, almost every psychological factor relevant to jury behavior is implicated in hypotheses to explain the differential growth rates across decision rules. Ten alternate, but not exclusive, hypotheses may 113

V •o


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DYNAMICS OF JURY DELIBERATION account for the differences in the results from the mock jury study. Two causal accounts focus on differences between decision rule conditions in the rate at which ballots are taken or at which individuals express their verdict preferences. The notion is that voting or verdict preference statements occur at a faster rate under the less strict decision rule conditions and thus faction sizes appear to grow at a faster rate under these decision rules. That is, since faction size is defined by the rate at which jurors express their opinions, a condition under which opinion expressions occur at a faster rate would also show factions growing at a slightly faster rate. There is a problem with this account, which has to do with the rate at which votes are taken or verdict statements are expressed. Verdict statements do not occur at a higher rate during deliberation in the nonunanimous decision rules as compared with the unanimous rule. Formal voting rates for both hand and written balloting do increase slightly for majority rule juries, which vote every 15 minutes for ten-out-of-twelve juries and every 20 minutes for eight-out-of-twelve juries, as compared to unanimous juries, which vote every 23 minutes. However, this sequence of twelve-out-of-twelve, eight-out-of-twelve, and ten-out-of-twelve does not reflect the growth rate differences. Furthermore, there is no correlation between voting rates and verdict change rates, or between verdict preference expression rates and change rates across quintiles or across juries within decision rule condition. Thus, there seems to be little empirical evidence that the apparent differences in growth of the largest faction are produced by higher rates of discussion or expression of individual verdict preferences under the less strict decision rules. Another causal account involves the characteristic motivational state or mood induced in individual jurors by the decision rule. The notion is that decision rule affects the seriousness or gravity with which an individual juror addresses the decision making task. A lessened feeling of seriousness or gravity produces lowered motivation to review information thoroughly in the case before changing verdict preferences. This results in faster, less considered movement from initial verdict preferences to the most popular verdict within the jury. This concern was voiced in the Supreme Court opinions concerned with decision rule requirements, especially by Justice Douglas (Apodaca et al. υ. Oregon, 1972; Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972). The postdeliberation rating data in the mock jury study lend support to this possibility, for jurors in the majority decision rule conditions rated deliberation as less serious and less thorough than jurors in the unanimous decision rule condition. A fourth causal factor, which raises the issue of generalizing from the experimental setting to a real jury setting, concerns variation in experimental realism across the three decision rules. According to this view, jurors in the


INSIDE THE JURY nonunanimous decision rule took the entire experimental experience less seriously than jurors in the unanimous decision rule condition because the nonunanimous rule did not apply to criminal cases in the jurisdictions where the study was conducted. However, the data are not consistent with this view. For example, the rate at which comments about experimental realism occurred during deliberation did not vary as a function of decision rule. Furthermore, the filmed materials and experimental procedures were rated as just as highly realistic in all three decision rules. This suggests that variations in acceptance of the experimental task across decision rules do not account for differences in the seriousness of deliberation. A fifth possible explanation for the differences in growth of the largest faction across the three decision rules involves a shift toward harsher verdicts that is amplified in majority decision rule conditions. There was a consistent tendency to shift from less lenient to more harsh verdicts across the course of deliberation, and this shift was more pronounced in the majority rule juries. However, it would be imprudent to label this a shift to conviction or harshness. A more favorable and equally defensible label would be a shift to accuracy. For the stimulus case the most appropriate verdict is second degree murder, but the most common initial verdict preference was manslaughter. Thus, for this case, shifts toward a slightly harsher verdict are also shifts toward a more accurate or appropriate verdict. A further problem with the harshness shift account is that it is merely a descriptive label and does not provide a useful psychological explanation for the phenomena it describes. One explanation for a conviction shift, which is hinted at in some opinions by Supreme Court justices, is that there is a diffusion of responsibility in the majority rule conditions (Apodaca et al. υ. Oregon, 1972; Johnson v. Louisiana, 1972). Jurors feel less responsible for the final verdict of the jury when they are operating under a majority decision rule. The problem here is that a subjective sense of lowered responsibility is not clearly associated with majority decision rules. In fact, on the surface, a juror in a verdict-rendering majority under a nonunanimous decision rule is more likely to feel responsibility. Typically fewer jurors render the verdict, and often they render the verdict in the face of persistent opposition from an outvoted minority faction. These conditions would seem to be associated with a greater, not lesser sense of individual responsibility for the verdict on the part of the verdict-rendering jurors. However, if responsibility is defined as the ability of an outside observer to identify an individual juror's verdict preference at the end of deliberation, the unanimous decision produces the greatest sense of individual responsibility in that the observer can be certain of every juror's final vote. The majority rule decisions are associated with lowered responsibility in this sense, because an outsider might never be sure who


DYNAMICS OF JURY DELIBERATION was in the majority and who was in the minority. This interpretation would be consistent with the conclusion that heightened individual responsibility is associated with slower growth of the largest faction. The problem is that in a typical major felony case the jury is polled individually in court after the verdict is rendered. Jurors in the mock jury study were aware of this practice. Furthermore, no individual opinions were anonymous, under any decision rule condition, and jurors were fully aware that researchers were observing their deliberations. Thus, even this subtle version of the diffusion of responsibility account does not apply to actual trial procedures. A sixth possibility, which emphasizes cognitive factors rather than motivational incentives, is that individual jurors translate the jury decision rule into a personal standard of proof. Under this hypothesis, the juror's perception of the beyond reasonable doubt standard would be affected by the group decision rule. The more lenient the group decision rule, the lower the personal standard of proof. This possibility was not considered in the study, but ninety other mock jurors who were not part of the original sample and who did not deliberate in mock juries were shown the stimulus trial, including the three decision rule instructions. They were then asked to give quantitative ratings of 0 to 100, to indicate an acceptable level of confidence in their judgment to render a verdict "beyond a reasonable doubt" for the case. The median rating of confidence was 92, and it did not vary with decision rule. This finding casts the cognitive, standard-of-proof explanation in doubt. A seventh possibility is that certain final states are particularly aversive at the end of jury deliberation. In particular, under majority deliberation conditions, it is possible to finish deliberation as a minority faction member in a verdict-rendering jury. Any minority faction members at the end of deliberation under a unanimous decision rule would necessarily be jurors in a deadlocked jury. Thus, under unanimous decision rule conditions there are only three possible final states for individual jurors: majority faction members in verdict-rendering juries, majority faction members in hung juries, and minority faction members in hung juries. Under nonunanimous decision rules, a fourth state is possible: dissenting faction members in juries where a verdict has been rendered by the dominant majority faction. It seems likely that this fourth state is particularly aversive to jurors. If a juror finishes deliberation in this state, it usually means that he or she has worked hard but fruitlessly to advocate a position and perhaps received a dose of social abuse without affecting the product of deliberation. Thus, jurors may change verdicts to avoid the minority faction-majority rule jury state. An eighth incentive to change verdicts, closely related to the motive to avoid minority faction membership, may be to put the jury "over the top," to be the juror who makes the decisive, verdict-rendering shift. The avoid-


INSIDE THE JURY ance motive could be characterized as a desire to avoid being on the "losing team," while the over-the-top motive could be viewed as an incentive to "win" deliberation by scoring the final point. It is not possible in the present study to distinguish between these two incentives, namely to avoid losing versus to approach winning. One implication of both hypotheses is that jurors who change to avoid being in the minority faction in a verdictrendering jury or who change to put the jury over-the-top are conforming behaviorally but not cognitively. That is, such jurors change verdicts, but without resolving basic intellectual issues, to join jurors in a more attractive faction. The derived measures of agreement among jurors on key case issues yielded lower values for late changing jurors in majority juries as compared to unanimous juries. The implication is that late-changing jurors in majority rule juries are motivated to join the largest faction by considerations other than changes of opinion about fundamental issues in the case. A ninth explanation for differences in the growth of the largest faction derives from normative social influences in juries. In nonunanimous juries faction definition is more explicit or more frequently expressed, so a larger faction's normative prominence is defined more frequently and more clearly to all jurors. The problem here is that voting patterns and verdict statements during deliberation are not correlated with the rate at which the largest faction grows (see discussion of first explanation above). A final explanation for growth rate differences of factions focuses on the effect of information pooling in deliberation. The decision rule is hypothesized to affect the motivation of majority faction members to talk during deliberation. This effect is such that under the unanimous decision rule majority faction members dominate discussion to a lesser extent (generate fewer valid and novel arguments) relative to minority faction members in contrast with nonunanimous decision rule conditions. These differences in volume and quality of deliberation create different informational pressures to change on members of minority factions under the different decision rules. The greatest pressure to change, measured by the volume of opposition arguments, occurs under the least strict decision rules. There is considerable evidence for this hypothesis. Not only were differences in probability of speaking a function of a juror's faction size, but this effect interacted with decision rule. Members of small factions in unanimous decision rules were relatively likely to speak compared to members of small factions in majority decision rules. Just the reverse was true for the members of large factions: unanimous decision rule jurors in larger factions were relatively less vocal than members of comparable factions in unanimous juries. Thus, if sheer volume of speaking is the measure of information communicated, informational pressure to motivate change out of minority factions is greater in nonunanimous decision rules than in unanimous rules.


DYNAMICS OF JURY DELIBERATION In short, four of the ten explanations for differences in the rate of growth of the largest faction were supported by results of the mock jury study. The notion that jurors take their task less seriously or with less gravity in nonunanimous decision rule conditions as contrasted with unanimous decision rule conditions found support in the postdeliberation ratings of jury seriousness. The argument that jurors are highly motivated to avoid ending deliberation as members of minority factions in verdict-rendering nonunanimous juries found support in the postdeliberation ratings of between-juror agreement on opinion issues relevant to the case. Jurors appear to be motivated to shift to the largest faction to put the jury over-the-top of the quorum requirement or to shift out of small factions to avoid finishing as dissenters. Finally, the role of informational influence in jurors' faction-to-faction shifts was supported. The largest faction grew most quickly under majority decision rule conditions where it also generated the highest proportion of discussion content. In summary, among the dynamic characteristics of behavior during deliberation are individual juror movement from verdict-favoring faction to verdict-favoring faction, speaking rates by jurors aligned in factions, and the growth of the largest faction across deliberation. Jurors' movements from verdict to verdict provide a comparison of the decision rule effects on performance. All initially undecided jurors eventually moved to join verdict-favoring factions. There was a shift from a modal initial juror verdict of manslaughter to a modal final juror verdict of second degree murder. The most obvious difference between majority rule juries and unanimous juries was signaled by the relatively large numbers of jurors who remained in favor of first degree murder or not guilty verdicts at the end of deliberation under majority decision rules, most of whom were holdout jurors. Jurors in majority rule juries also tended to shift toward harsher verdicts at a slightly higher rate than jurors in unanimous decision rule juries. Faction size was a major determinant of individual jurors' movements from verdict to verdict, although faction size effects were moderated by the holdout effect in majority rule juries. Finally, faction size had a definite effect on jurors' decisions to move from verdict category to verdict category, and there was a relatively strong attraction to the second-degree murder verdict category. Faction size was a determinant of the probability that an individual juror would speak. The effect of faction size was such that the larger a faction, the lower the probability that any individual member would speak. This faction size effect was moderated by decision rule. The tendency for members of very small factions to speak with a relatively high probability reached its extreme in the unanimous decision rule jury and diminished in the majority rule juries. Group pressure factors as well as other motivational


INSIDE THE JURY and social considerations were probably responsible for the diminished participation rates of small faction members under majority rule jury conditions. The verdict favored by a faction was also related to speaking rates, independent of the influence of faction size. In this case, first-degree murder verdicts seemed to be associated with the highest speaking rates, while manslaughter and not guilty verdict categories were associated with relatively low speaking rates. Finally, differential rates of growth of the largest faction within the jury were observed in juries assigned different decision rules. The largest faction attracted new members at a lower rate under the unanimous rule as compared to majority rules. Four accounts, based on both motivational and cognitive principles, were retained as viable explanations for the phenomenon, while six accounts were rendered implausible by the results of the present experiment. Factors such as the seriousness of the deliberation climate, jurors' desire to avoid holdout status on verdict-rendering majority rule juries, and persuasive influence produced by information exchanged during discussion were judged to contribute to the occurrence of the effect.



Individual Differences among Jurors

Individual differences in background, including demographic characteristics, attitudes, and personality factors, are related to behavior as a juror. Demographic factors, such as age, social class, and gender, and role, such as jury foreman, have effects on verdict preferences, performance during deliberation, and postdeliberation ratings, including ratings of each juror by others.

Juror Stereotypes Within the legal profession it is commonly assumed that differences between jurors in background, personality, and attitudes will influence a juror's decision making. This assumption acquires particular significance in states where attorneys are given an opportunity to examine prospective jurors, the jury voir dire, before the jurors are impaneled. The attorneys may challenge any jurors who exhibit demonstrable bias in a particular case (challenges for cause), and they may also exercise a limited number of challenges at their own discretion (peremptory challenges). Various selection strategies have evolved that are designed to alert trial attorneys to characteristics which supposedly reveal a juror's biases. Advice on the types of questions to ask includes references to virtually any demographic characteristic, such as occupation, wealth, ethnicity, religion, marital status, or age; attitudes toward the law, courts, police, and related By Penrod and Hastie


INSIDE THE JURY subjects; and probes to identify jurors with various personality traits (Bailey & Rothblatt, 1974; Belli, 1954; Ginger, 1975; Keeton, 1973; McCready, 1954). In fact, trial lawyers have been given so much often contradictory advice on what kinds of jurors to select, that the average practitioner would have no difficulty finding at least a few prospective jurors who possess the proscribed characteristics or answer questions in the wrong way. On the subject of occupation, for example, attorneys are told to avoid jurors having a special knowledge of areas about which expert witnesses will testify, for these jurors will think they know more than the other jurors and more than the experts (Heyl, 1952). The unemployed, pensioners, and people on relief are thought to be generous, but teachers, clergy, and lawyers should generally be rejected (White, 1952). The defense should accept jurors with the same occupation as the defendant (Biskind, 1954). Farmers are desirable for criminal prosecution and civil defense, for they believe in strict liability, whereas waiters and bartenders are forgiving (Belli, 1954). Avoid jurors with expertise in fields involved in the trial (Davis & Wiley, 1967). Bankers are bad for criminal defendants in robbery and theft cases but are good in white-collar crime cases (Campbell, 1972). Unless the defendant is a veteran with a good military service record, retired police, military men, and wives are undesirable, for they adhere to strict codes (Bailey & Rothblatt, 1974). On the question of gender, attorneys are instructed to avoid women in all defense cases (Darrow, 1936). Women are sympathetic and extraordinarily conscientious (Goldstein, 1935). With a woman as client, take all men (Heyl, 1952). Take women if the defendant is a handsome young man (Appleman, 1952). Women are unpredictable and influenced by their husbands' experience (Bodin, 1966). Women forgive male criminal defendants, but men are better jurors when counsel wants to avoid intuitive and sympathetic thinking (Belli, 1954). Females are good for all defendants except attractive female defendants (Katz, 1968-1969; Karcher, 1969). On the question of ethnicity, attorneys in a criminal defense are advised never to drop an Irish person, for the Irish identify with defendants (Darrow, 1936). The emotionalism of ethnic groups is ranked, on a scale from high to low: Irish, Jewish, Italian, French, Spanish, and Slavic. Nordic, English, Scandinavian, and German jurors are preferable if it is necessary to combat emotional appeals (Goldstein, 1935). On the question of demeanor and appearance, attorneys who are suing in an assault case should select weak jurors who would be frightened by a fight (Cornelius, 1932). Take smiling jurors, especially if they smile at the attorney (Darrow, 1936; Bodin, 1966). Avoid dominating types, for they will not change their minds and may sway others (Biskind, 1954). Take a favorable looking leader and argue the case to that juror (Keeton, 1973; Adkins,


INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AMONG JURORS 1968-1969). Avoid jurors who feel imposed upon and who resent being called for jury duty. Be wary of smiling jurors who are trying to disarm attorneys; they want to get on the jury and "murder" them (Harrington & Dempsey, 1969). Avoid jurors who have been mistreated by life, lest they spread their misery for the sake of company (Donovan, 1887). On the question of wealth and social status, attorneys are warned that wealthy people will convict, unless the client is accused of a white-collar crime (Darrow, 1936). On the matter of religion, attorneys who are defending are advised that Presbyterians are too cold; Baptists are even less desirable; and Lutherans, especially Scandinavians, will convict. Methodists may be acceptable. Keep Jews, Unitarians, Universalists, Congregationalists, and agnostics (Darrow, 1936). However, some experts warn that information on religion is not usually helpful (Appleman, 1952). On the question of marital status, married people are said to be good for civil plaintiffs and criminal defendants, for they are more experienced in life and more forgiving (Belli, 1966). And on age, younger persons are said to favor the defendant (Appleman, 1952). The elderly are generally lenient but in criminal matters are sometimes severe (Adkins, 1968-1969). Despite the conflicts in this advice, its reliance on ethnic, sexual, and other stereotypes, and its basis in idiosyncratic experiences rather than in more reliable forms of data, it has had enduring currency among practicing trial attorneys. In fact, these rules of thumb have produced stirring testimonials to the attorney's perspicacity, such as, "Trial attorneys have developed a perceptiveness that enables them to detect the minutest traces of bias or inability to reach an appropriate decision" (Begam, 1977, p. 78).

Systematic Jury Selection Social scientific methods have been used to assist trial attorneys in jury selection. These methods typically use individual differences as a basis for determining which jurors should be challenged and which should be retained. Survey research techniques were first used in jury selection in the 1971 Harrisburg Conspiracy Trial, in which seven co-defendants were charged with conspiring to raid draft boards and with other antigovernment activities (Schulman et al., 1973; Etzioni, 1974; Tivnan, 1975; Saks, 1976; Herbsleb, Sales, & Berman, 1978). Social scientists who supported the defendants and were themselves antiwar activists volunteered to assist the defense. As a first step, these social scientists conducted 840 telephone interviews of a cross-section of residents of the eleven counties from which jurors were to


INSIDE THE JURY be drawn. Next, follow-up interviews were conducted with 252 members of the original 840-person sample, to explore such topics as their knowledge of the case; media exposure; demographic characteristics; attitudes toward government, religion, trial issues, and antiwar activities; organizational memberships; and leisure activities. The research found that religion was significantly linked to attitudes relevant to the specific case, and that low levels of education and media use identified conservatives in the community. Using such information, the social scientists formulated profiles of both desirable and undesirable jurors for use by the attorneys in making peremptory challenges. A total panel of 465 jurors was thereby reduced to 46. The 419 rejected jurors were excused for various reasons, such as their knowledge of the case, biases, or unwillingness to serve. The survey information almost certainly played a significant role in guiding the selection of jurors. The defendants were acquitted. Similar methods were used by a group of psychologists to aid Angela Davis' defense attorneys in the selection of a jury for her 1972 murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy trial (Sage, 1973). A graphologist was also employed to examine prospective jurors' handwriting. Similarly, a group of psychologists aided the attorneys for Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo in their conspiracy trial (Ungar, 1972). Defendants of other political persuasions have also made use of social science methods, as in the MitchellStans-Vesco conspiracy trial (DiMona, 1974; Zeisel & Diamond, 1976). Systematic jury selection methods have been criticized by both legal and social science authorities. Referring to defense tactics in the Joan Little murder trial, defense attorney Edward Bennet Williams characterized social scientific jury selection as "bunk," whereas criminologist Marvin Wolfgang called it a "more formal and systematic process that reflects what attorneys have always done through intuition" (Tivnan, 1975, p. 31). These methods have also been assailed as "social science jury stacking" (Etzioni, 1974). Questions involve the extent to which one side's juror profiles ought to be made available, through legal "discovery," to the opposing side (Herbsleb et al., 1978). There is little evidence that the method makes any difference in trial outcomes (Saks, 1976; Sperlich, 1977). Adherents argue that the methods help to ensure that juries will be impartial (Bonora & Krauss, 1979). Although the methods used by social scientists have undergone modifications over the years, the general procedure is unchanged (Schulman et al., 1973; Kairys et al., 1975; Saks, 1976; Berk, Hennessey & Swan, 1977; Berman & Sales, 1977; McConahay, Mullin & Frederick, 1977; Bonora & Krauss, 1979). A random sample survey, such as the one in the Harrisburg Seven case, provides the basic data for the development of juror profiles. The survey method has three aspects that are of critical importance to its


INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AMONG JURORS effectiveness, namely sample representativeness, questionnaire design, and data analysis. First, care must be taken to ensure that the individuals sampled in the survey are representative of the population from which the jury venire is to be drawn (Berman & Sales, 1977). There may also be reasons for oversampling certain types of potential jurors. For example, if the defendant is black, it may be desirable to oversample from the black population. The second critical consideration is that questionnaire items provide valid measures of jurors' case-relevant attitudes, beliefs, and attributes. The questions selected for the survey should generally cover three areas: attitudes about the particular case and issues in the case; knowledge of the case and the defendants; and background characteristics, such as demography, general attitudes, personality traits, media use, and leisure activities (Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, & Sanford, 1950). A problematic aspect of question design is the choice of a measure of the respondent's verdict-rendering tendency. Ideally, the survey should make it possible to predict accurately how a juror with a particular profile will vote on the case at hand. Yet, no one interviewed in the survey will have actually heard the case evidence or been confronted with the task of deciding the defendant's guilt or innocence. Questions must therefore be included in the interview to represent the interviewee's probable verdict on the case. It is extremely difficult to specify precisely which responses will serve as an adequate predictor of how an individual will vote on a given case. Constraints of this kind have typically led to the use of factor analysis as a statistical method of data reduction. This analysis is designed to yield a variable that can serve as a surrogate for verdict preference or prejudgment. The third requirement is that proper statistical procedures be used to analyze the data. Once a measure of the respondent's tendency to favor or oppose one side in the case is chosen, two methods of data analysis are employed, either separately or in combination. The first, called the Automatic Interaction Detector (AID), systematically searches data for interactions between variables by a step-wise procedure that initially hunts for the single predictor variable which, when split dichotomously, yields the maximum explained variance on the verdict dependent variable in the two resulting groups (Sonquist, Baker, & Morgan, 1973). After the first split is made, a search begins for another variable that, when split, maximizes the explained verdict variance in the resulting groups. This process is repeated until the sample has been subdivided into a large number of groups all of which meet a minimum size requirement. AID is used primarily as an exploratory tool, presumably because of its propensity to capitalize on error variance or "noise" in data (Sonquist, 1970). The relationships it detects may not accurately reflect relationships


INSIDE THE JURY that actually exist in the general population represented by the interview sample. In a sense, this analysis may be overly sensitive to relationships in the sample interviewed and yield conclusions that are not general to the real population of potential jurors. The use of these results in jury selection is difficult because AID provides only relative comparisons rather than overall judgments of particular juror types (Berk et al., 1977). A method must still be devised for deciding which types to challenge and which types to accept. The second method of data analysis typically used to predict the dependent variable is multiple regression (Kerlinger & Pedhazur, 1973; Cohen & Cohen, 1975). Essentially, regression analysis is used to construct a predictive equation in the form of an additive combination of independent variables. For example, if data are collected on prospective jurors' verdict preferences for a particular case and on their characteristics such as age (in years), income (in dollars), education (in years), and political liberalism (on a 7-point scale), a regression analysis might show that jurors' verdict preferences (akin to the probability a juror would vote to convict) are an additive function of these variables such as: Preference for conviction = .008 (age) + .001 (income in thousands) — .015 (years of education) — .03 (liberalism score) According to this equation, a forty-year-old person earning $20,000 per year with sixteen years of education and a liberalism score of 3 would have a preference score of .19. An older person would have a higher score, while a better educated person would have a lower score. A regression equation that perfectly predicted all jurors' scores would account for 100 percent of the variance in juror preferences, but actual jury regression models have typically accounted for about a quarter of the variance (Berk et al., 1977). Significantly, reports on the strength of the relationship between juror votes and the dependent variables used in regression analysis are only anecdotal. Furthermore, regression analysis is susceptible to the same problem as the AID method of "overfitting" a sample, making it difficult to generalize to true population relationships. There is little evidence that these systematic techniques of jury selection do or can work (Saks, 1976). The empirical foundations of the survey profile methods are questionable, as is the generalizability of results obtained from individuals who have not heard the evidence. Most experimental studies of jury decision making have failed to detect systematic predictors of juror behavior, but they do suggest the strong influence of evidence on decision making. Similarly, research on the relationship between attitudes and behavior has failed to produce consistent or striking relationships.


INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AMONG JURORS In fact, estimates of the method's efficacy are not precise. An accuracy rate of 70 percent has been claimed (Kairys et al., 1975; Silver, 1978). However, if half of all jurors are expected to vote for conviction, simple guessing or coin-flipping would yield a 50 percent accuracy rate. And if 80 percent of the jurors prefer conviction, either in a single case or across cases, an 80 percent accuracy rate can be achieved by always predicting conviction. Efforts to select jurors on the basis of their demographic, personality, or attitudinal characteristics also have not enjoyed much success (Berman & Sales, 1977). The few relationships observed do not provide significant advantages in jury selection. In one study 780 jurors viewed the same videotaped burglary trial and then deliberated, as juries, to a verdict (Saks, 1977). Demographic and attitudinal information from the jurors was used to predict their votes. The single best predictor, a question on whether crime was mainly the product of "bad people" or of "bad social conditions," accounted for only 9 percent of the variance, and the four best predictors together accounted for less than 13 percent. The relationships between juror behavior and juror attitudes, personality, and demographic characteristics are not well understood. More than 160 jury studies provide little systematic evidence that personality variables, such as authoritarianism, locus of control, and legal attitudes, provide the predictive power needed to detect and challenge biased jurors, even assuming that requisite information on prospective jurors is available in voir dire (Berg & Vidmar, 1975; Buckhout, 1973; Boehm, 1968; Jurow, 1971; Buckhout et al., 1979; Sosis, 1974; Kauffman & Ryckman, 1979). Furthermore, deliberation may operate to nullify biases that exist before deliberation (Kaplan & Miller, 1978). On the whole, this implies low efficacy for jury selection strategies based on personality characteristics. But attitudes about crime in general, particular crimes, or particular cases are a fruitful source of information on juror bias. Public opinion polls find that jurors who are strongly opposed to the death penalty tend to be less conviction prone than jurors who are not strongly opposed (Bronson, 1970,1980; Harris, 1971; Ellsworth & Fitzgerald, 1983). Data from posttrial interviews with actual jurors and simulated juror decision-making studies are also consistent with the conclusion that those strongly opposed to the death penalty are likelier to vote for acquittal (Zeisel, 1969; Goldberg, 1970; Jurow, 1971; Ellsworth, Thompson, & Cowan, 1983). Researchers found that jurors' attitudes regarding rape are also related to their decisions in rape cases (Feild, 1978). Attitudes on punishment were found to be the best attitudinal predictor of recommended sentence in both a precipitory rape case and a nonprecipatory rape case. In one study 367 experienced jurors were presented 30-minute, audiotaped summaries of four different trials—murder, armed robbery, rape, and


INSIDE THE JURY a civil case—which included opening and closing arguments, witness testimony, and instructions by a judge (Penrod, 1979). Analysis of the jurors' attitudinal and demographic characteristics showed that no variable had a strong relationship to actual verdict preferences, the highest correlation being +.18. In addition, multiple regression techniques showed an average of 11 percent explained variance for the verdict preferences in the four cases, with the highest R2 = .16 for the rape case. This implies that anyone who is aware of the relationships between the attitudes, demographic factors, and verdict preferences in the rape case can, in principle, do better than chance in predicting juror preferences. If half the jurors in a jury venire vote to convict at the end of the trial, those relationships would accurately predict the verdict preferences of 70 percent of the jury venire, as opposed to the 50 percent accuracy rate obtained by coin flipping. Of course, this assumes that all the appropriate attitudinal and demographic data are available to the jury selection team. It is quite unlikely, however, that the usual systematic methods of jury selection will yield a criterion as reliable as the verdict preferences obtained in the Penrod study. AID analyses were also performed in Penrod's study. The results were similar to the regression results; in none of the four cases was it possible to predict verdict preference at high levels of accuracy. Although the AID analyses could sometimes account for as much as 25% of the variance in verdicts, subsequent tests demonstrated that much of the variance "accounted for" was actually error variance. In effect, no research has provided evidence that social scientific methods can be a powerful aid to attorneys in the task of detecting juror bias. However, attitudes, particularly case-relevant attitudes, such as toward the death penalty or rape, appear to be the most powerful individual difference predictors of verdict preference that have been studied to date. One purpose of the present mock jury study was to evaluate jury selection techniques. The 828 jurors provided information on their personal backgroands in a postdeliberation questionnaire, including age, gender, occupation, residence, education, political party, ideology, marital status, income, race, number of previous cases heard as a juror, and number of previous criminal cases heard as a juror. This information was entered into a step-wise multiple regression, with variables such as occupation and residence included to reflect socioeconomic status, and using predeliberation verdict preference as the dependent variable, assuming equal interval values ranging from one for first degree murder to four for self-defense. Only four variables produced significant F's (overall F [5, 742] = 5.22). Employed versus nonemployed, including retired, entered first with the highest correlation r = .119. Juror gender (r = —.073) brought the multiple R to .145, number of previous criminal cases as jurors (r = —.059) raised R to .155


INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AMONG JURORS and number of previous cases (criminal or civil) as jurors (r = .054) raised R to .179. No other variable added as much as 1 percent to R. At the fourth step the R2 was only .032. A subsample of 269 jurors completed a more extensive questionnaire that covered additional background characteristics, including years of employment, spouse's occupation, spouse's years of employment, years of residence at current address, number of children, newspaper most often read, frequency of newspaper reading, ethnic origin, and degree of ethnic identity. Self-perception questions were also asked concerning the extent to which jurors thought their verdict choices would be affected by the fact that a defendant had young children, the prospect of an unusually harsh sentence if the victim "got what was deserved," or the prospect of a death penalty. They were also asked whether someone should be punished simply because they caused another person's death. Finally, jurors rated their general attitudes toward the judges and the police. Analysis showed that five factors contributed significantly to predictions of verdict preference, namely residence in a wealthy suburb (r = —.20), attitude toward punishing someone who causes another's death (r = —.16, R = .30), marital status (r = —.13, R = .32), and newspaper read (r = —.08, R = .33). These factors accounted for 11 percent of the variance in verdict preference. Thus, even when a reliable measure of verdict preferences is available, as in the mock trial initial verdicts, predicting a particular respondent's preference is difficult. For example, using a discriminate function analysis only 45.6 percent of the jurors were correctly classified by verdict preference. When the jurors were divided into only two groups, those voting to convict for murder and those not voting for a murder conviction, 61 percent of the jurors were correctly classified. This is better than chance performance but is not an impressively powerful lever for use in courtroom selection procedures. Furthermore, in actual applications of the survey method in jury selection, there is no access to the jurors' verdict preferences, and it is not clear what measure could be substituted for these preferences. None of the attitudinal or demographic measures that might serve as a criterion in the analysis had more than a 20 percent correlation with the jurors' verdict preferences. The best that can be done in such a situation is to attempt to account for variance in a stand-in variable that is plausibly linked to verdict preference. Although there is no hard evidence that current systematic jury selection methods are useful in typical felony cases, there are five applications of the method which may be more promising. First, the survey method has been employed most frequently in relatively unusual types of cases, often cases with political implications. In some of these cases biased sentiments may


INSIDE THE JURY have influenced the jurors' decisions, in contrast to typical criminal cases in which systematic juror biases would be difficult to detect. Second, even in criminal cases there can be substantial variability in the verdict judgments made by jurors. Although trial evidence accounts for most of the variability in verdicts across cases, the variability in opinions within cases must be attributable largely to individual juror differences of some sort. The juror's world knowledge concerning the domain of events that are relevant to a case is the most important individual ingredient in the juror's decision. For example, in the stimulus trial in the present research the juror's knowledge of social customs that might govern barroom quarrels, the effects of alcohol on physical coordination, and the acuity of visual perception under various viewing conditions were directly pertinent in the verdict decision-making process. The juror's general attitudes toward events and individuals involved in a case or toward relevant legal institutions, procedures, or standards are also inputs to the decision process. For example, the juror's attitudes concerning police officers, rape laws, or the death penalty would be expected to influence verdicts when the decisions require consideration of related issues, such as the credibility of a police officer's testimony, consent of the victim of rape, or a capital crime. However, personality factors, such as authoritarianism, introversion versus extroversion, and the need for achievement, or demographic factors, would not be expected to influence verdicts unless these factors are related to cross-relevant knowledge or attitudes. For example, juror income or residence might be related to verdict performance in a case, such as the stimulus trial, where knowledge of lower-class social habits, such as behavior in barroom environments, would make one construction of the evidence more or less plausible than another construction. Thus, a juror from a lower-class environment might believe (world knowledge) that men frequently carry knives or other weapons without specific plans to use them, whereas a juror from an upper-class environment might see possession of a knife as a rare event and infer malice or premeditation from possession. Third, survey methods are not the only techniques employed by social scientists who aid in jury selection. Various nonverbal clues in the courtroom during voir dire may provide useful information about potential juror biases (Suggs & Sales, 1978). Another jury selection technique labeled the "Community Network Model" employs members of the local community or private investigators as informants to acquire background information about jurors whose names appear on the jury list from which trial jurors are to be selected (Bonora & Krauss, 1979). Fourth, even if survey methods fail to assist social scientists and trial attorneys at the voir dire stage of the trial, these methods are useful to attorneys who seek to change the location of the trial, or venue, on the grounds


INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES AMONG JURORS that it is not possible to obtain a fair trial in the place where the trial was initially scheduled. A survey can also be used to challenge the composition of the jury pool by demonstrating that certain segments of the population are systematically underrepresented (Bonora & Krauss, 1979). Fifth, social science strategies have been designed to optimize the effective use of peremptory challenges. These strategies, based on normative models from game theory and probability theory use the information available to an attorney about juror biases to maximize the advantage to one side of the case (Brams & Davis, 1978; Kadane & Kairys, 1979; Roth, Kadane, & DeGroot, 1977; Penrod et al., 1979). Thus, even when predictive information is weak, as in most voir dire situations, a significant competitive advantage may be obtained using scientific methods. The relationships between juror characteristics and performance during deliberation and jurors' perceptions of the trial and their own deliberation offer insights into the deliberation process and the influence of individual differences on that process. In collecting background data from the jurors who participated in the present study, five standard demographic characteristics were used, namely education, occupation, income, political ideology, gender, and age; two role variables, namely prior juror experience and foreman status; and a small number of variables that are based on juror performance during deliberations, including persuasiveness and open-mindedness as rated by other jurors, initial verdict preferences, and holdout status at the conclusion of deliberations. Some of these characteristics are dependent on one another. For example, education has a moderately strong relationship to persuasiveness and other characteristics that reflect socioeconomic status, such as occupation, income, and age (Table 7.1). The six juror characteristics of education, occupation, political ideology, gender, age, and prior jury experience were used to predict eighteen aspects of jury behavior, ranging from verdict preference to status as a holdout against a majority of other jurors (Table 7.2). The percentage of variance in jurors' behavior that is accounted for by juror characteristics ranges from less than 1 percent for holdout status to over 18 percent for persuasiveness during deliberation. It is thus not possible to make a confident prediction of whether a juror will end up as a holdout during deliberation on the basis of juror characteristics. But juror characteristics can be used to predict whether a juror will be persuasive. For example, if such characteristics were used to predict whether a particular juror would be above or below average in persuasiveness, the predictions would be correct over 59 percent of the time. The standardized regression coefficients that make up the regression equation for each of the dependent variables are the weights that are at-



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