Ingmar Bergman: New Edition 9780814333600, 9780814338063, 0814333605

At a time when few reviewers and critics were taking the study of film seriously, Robin Wood released a careful and thor

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English Pages 347 Year 2012

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Ingmar Bergman: New Edition
 9780814333600, 9780814338063, 0814333605

Table of contents :
Introduction --
Journeys : For att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor --
Parents and victims : Frenzy, Prison, Port of call --
Innocence and experience : Summer interlude, Summer with Monika, Waiting women --
Broken dreams : Sawdust and tinsel, Journey into autumn --
Lessons in love : A lesson in love, Smiles of a summer night, Wild strawberries --
Doubts and fears : The seventh seal, The face, The devil's eye --
The Isaksson films : So close to life, The virgin spring --
The trilogy : Through a glass darkly, Winter light, The silence --
Intermezzo : Now about these women --
The world without, the world within : Persona, Hour of the wolf, Shame --
Moments of release : Cries and whispers (1973) --
Call me Ishmael : Fanny and Alexander (1983) --
Persona revisited (1994) --
Bergman, Sweden, and me.

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