HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN: A Comprehensive Technique that Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck

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HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN: A Comprehensive Technique that Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck

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  • Technique that Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck

Table of contents :
Chapter 1 - Causes of Back Pain
Chapter 2 - Exercises that Relieve Back Pain
Exercises for the cervical spine
Stretching exercises for the back
Exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles
Chapter 3 - Proper Nutrition
Chapter 4 - Self-hypnosis as a Power of Healing
Chapter 5 - General Recommendations for Correct Back and Spine Position

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HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN A Comprehensive Technique t hat Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck Allan Goodwin Copyright 2020 Allan Goodwin Published by Allan Goodwin at Smashwords License Notes No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, without the written permission of the author. You may not copy this book, post it on the website, or distribute it in any other way without permission. This book contains tips and information regarding health and physical well-being. The book is not intended to replace medical advice and should be used as a supplement and not a substitute for regular care by a doctor. Consult your doctor. The publisher and author are not responsible for any medical outcomes that may arise as a result of applying the methods proposed in this book. ∗∗∗∗

This book is available in hard copy at most online retailers. Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Causes of Back Pain Chapter 2 - Exercises that Relieve Back Pain Exercises for the cervical spine Stretching exercises for the back Exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles Chapter 3 - Proper Nutrition Chapter 4 - Self-hypnosis as a Power of Healing Chapter 5 - General Recommendations for Correct Back and Spine Position Conclusion Introduction Allan Goodwin book "HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN. A Comprehensive Technique that Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck " - this is an understandable and affordable complex technique that will help get rid of pain in the lower back, upper back and neck, developed based on many years of coaching experience of the author. By following the recommendations described in the five chapters of this book, you can always keep your spine in good shape, regardless of age and lifestyle. The first part describes the causes of back pain. In the second part, the book contains a set of back exercises, provided with detailed and visual illustrations. Next, the author will talk about an extremely important aspect of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. In the following chapters, the author will touch upon the correct emotional attitude and describe the correct position of the back in everyday life. The technique has proven its effectiveness for thousands of people, it will become indispensable for everyone who experiences pain and discomfort in the spine, who spends a lot of time in a sitting position and strives to always remain healthy and active. In your hands is a book that will change your life, all that is required of you is discipline and faith in a positive result. Well, let's start! Chapter 1 - Causes of Back Pain Persistent pain in the lumbar region may indicate the presence of internal diseases, a spina l injury (including a fracture). Neurological pain usually

indicates a disc injury, and sometimes it is a symptom of gastrointestinal tract pathology, kidney stones, etc.; lack of treatment of these can lead to serious consequences. In addition, there are actions that contribute to the occurrence of pain: • Constantly driving or in front of a computer; • Prolonged activity in a sitting or standing up position; • Working with great physical and psychological load; • Excessive exercise; • Obesity or pregnancy; • Working at low temperatures; • Smoking; • Adverse environmental conditions; • Abrupt cessation of training by professional athletes; • Hormonal disorders, endocrine and somatic diseases; • Hypothermia, infectious diseases; • Not following a diet; • Age changes; • Poor physical fitness; • Violation of the normal blood supply to spinal tissues; • Improper gym workouts; • Injuries; • Malnutrition; • Negative emotions; • Other. Chapter 2 - Exercises that Relieve Back Pain Exercise classes are one of the best activities aimed at eliminating back pain. The therapeutic effect occurs in different ways and have their own advantages: • Workouts for the lumbar spine help to stretch and relax smooth muscles. • Regular muscle work will help strengthen and restore the entire lumbar region of the spine. This affects not only the underlying condition causing pain, but also the general condition of the person. • With physical exertion, an increase in blood in the circulatory bed occurs. This helps to improve the absorption of nutrients into the articular apparatus, vertebrae, and restore the function of intervertebral structures. In persons leading a sluggish, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic processes are disturbed first of all, which further leads to the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy exercises benefit the body in the following ways: • With the help of training, blood circulation is normalized and the flow of oxygen to the tissues improves. • The load on the spinal discs decreases due to the expansion of the space between the vertebrae. • Spasms of smooth muscles pass. • Performance increases.

• The pinching of the nerve endings is eliminated, followed by the disappearance of the pain. Warning ! If at the time of the exercise you feel a sharp pain, stop immediately and rest a little. Then, if the pain is gone, move on to the next exercise. There are a lot of exercises. Chances are that several of them may not suit you but that is nothing to worry about. Do only those exercises that work best for you. But after a while, I still recommend returning to those exercises that previously caused pain. The fact is that exercise is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles that support our spine. Consequently, your spine becomes stronger after each time and after a while, those exercises that caused you pain may bring you joy and great benefits. I advise you to do your exercises in the morning, before breakfast. But this does not mean that if you miss your morning session, you cannot complete them before bed. The main thing is that the exercise is included in your routine. The whole set must be performed once a day. Two or even three times can be harmful since the goal of these activities is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles, after the exercise, the connective tissues need rest. If you repeat the routine after 5-6 hours, the connective tissues will not have time to recover, which will lead to micro tears. These will be accompanied by unbearable pain and will incapacitate you for several days. I beg you, do the exercises neatly, gently and smoothly. Refrain from jerky movements until you feel every working muscle. Exercises for the cervic al spine Exercise № 1

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Pull the chin forward, keeping the level of the ey es and lower jaw. And back retracting movements in the neck. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. This should be a stretching movement of the muscles. Try to stretch, mentally being in the cervical spine. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual.

Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 2

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Bend your head and neck forward, trying to touch your chin to your c hest. Then tilt your head and neck back to see the ceiling above you. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 3

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We bend the head and neck to the right, then to the left, trying to touch the shoulder with the head. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 4

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We turn from the beginning the head and neck to the right, then to the left. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 5

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Raise your shoulders up, reach for your ears. We lower it back. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing - deep breath when we raise our shoulders, exhale when we lower it. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 6

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We perform circular movements, first to the right, then to the left. It turns out the movement of the pendulum. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times.

Exercise № 7

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Tilt your head to the right, pull the muscles of the opposite side of the neck. Put your hand on top of the side of the head and stretch the neck muscles a little. We stay in this position, then remove the hand and return to the original position. The same exercise is repeated with a tilt to the left. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 8

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. We cross our arms into a castle. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Hands in the lock. We put our hands on the back of the head and offer re sistance, as if we want to tilt our head forward. We press on the head with our hands, but we resist with our neck. We delay 4 seconds. Let's put our hands down, relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Then we put our hands on the forehead and put a little pressure on the head, as if we want to tilt it back. We press on the head with our hands, but we resist with our neck. We delay 4 seconds. Let's put our hands down, relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as u sual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 9

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We put our right ha nd on the temple. We press on the head with our hand, but resist with our neck. We delay 4 seconds. We lower our hand, relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. The same exercise is done on the other side. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 10

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Put your right hand on your cheek. Hand press on the cheek, but the neck resists. Hold for 4 seconds. We lower our hand and relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. The same exercise is done on the other side. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Stretching exercises for the back I advise you to do the following exercises on a gymnastic mat. Since some exercises are performed on your knees, you can inadvertently harm yourself by shifting your body weight to one leg. It is better if the surface is moderately soft. Sometimes I am asked whether it is possible to perf orm gymnastics lying on the bed. The answer is no! The bed is too soft. The spine will begin to bend in places where it should not be done, which can lead to an aggravation of your position. Exercises should be performed only on a hard floor and only on a gymnastic rug. As a last resort, you can lay a large towel folded in half on the floor. For those weighing over 220 lbs (100 kg), I recommend purchasing knee pads with a soft pad. The fact is that it is very easy to damage the knee joint, but it is much more difficult to restore it, so do not neglect the sa fety measures and the exercises I have presented will bring you great benefit. For people with back pain, stretching is especially important because it can help reduce pain and even prevent future pain and injury. Regular stretching exercises keep the muscles and ligaments flexible, and in addition, reduces stress on joints, improves blood circulation and the supply of organs with nutrients. In their absence, stiffness, limited range of motion, and pain may appear or worsen. Among other things, stretching is an important way to prepare your muscles for strenuous work (such as aerobics or sports). Therefore, to prevent muscle strain and muscle pain, and to prevent injury, stretch should be done before and after exercise. Exercise № 1

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performi ng the exercise: Lying on your back, as you exhale, bend your knees. Clasp your knees with your hands and pull to your chest. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 2

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knees and extend the other. Grasp the knee of your bent leg and pull it towards your chest. Do the same with the other leg. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 3

Starting position: Get on all fours. The gaze is directed to the floor. The back is straight. Performing the exercise: Smoothly lower your back, lift your head up. Arch your back, draw in your stomach, tilt your head towards your chest, f ix the pose. When the back is bent upwards, it is necessary to exhale, when the back is bent down - a smooth inhalation. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 4

Starting position: Lie on your stomach. Hands are folded under the head. Legs are straight. The gaze is directed to the floor. Performing the exercise: When inhaling, stand up, leaning on your elbows and forearms, bend back. As you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 5

Starting position: Lie on your s tomach. Hands palms abut on the floor shoulder-width apart. Legs are straight. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Performing the exercise: When inhaling, straighten your arms, bend without lifting your hips from the floor. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 6

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Without bending in the lower back, we perform several alternate stretching with our feet towards ourselves from ourselves. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 7

Starting position: Lie on your stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows at chest level. Legs are straight. The gaze is directed to the floor. Performing the exercise: As you inhale, lift your torso, bend back, bring your shoulder blades tog ether with effort. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 8

St arting position: Sit on your knees with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands on your knees, gaze directed forward. Performing the exercise: With forward movements, as if walking with your hands on the floor, lie on your stomach on your knees. Pull the pelvis back a little. The arms are slightly bent, continuing the line of the body. Feel a slight stretch in your spine. Hold this position for a few seconds. Take the starting position. The forward delivery of the body is accompanied by a deep breat h, and the return to the starting position is accompanied by an exhalation. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 9

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are extended to the side. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: On exhalation, we perform , twisting, turning the knees to the right and the head to the left. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Then we twist to the other side. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 10

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down, left leg bent at the knee, right leg extended straight. The shoulder blades are pre ssed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are extended to the side. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: As we exhale, we turn our head to the left, and our knees to the right, while with the foot of our left leg we hook on the right leg at knee level. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Then we twist to the other side. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be perf ormed up to 10 times. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles Exercise № 1

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lying on your back, alternately press the shoulder blades, pelvis, heels of straight legs to the floor. Fix the pose for 5 seconds each time.

Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 2

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are hooked behind the back of the head. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Raise your shoulders and head. Press your lower back to the floor. Lock the pose for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 3

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands behind the back of the head. The gaze is directed at the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lying on your back, put your left leg on your right knee. With the right elbow, we touch the left knee. We do it up to 7 times. We accept the starting position. We do the same with the other leg. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times on each side. Exercise № 4

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down, legs bent at the knees and rest on the floor shoulder-width apart. The shoulder blades are pre ssed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are extended to the side. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lift your pelvis and tighten your buttocks without bending your lower back. Lock the pose for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 5

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms are extended along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Pull your knees to your chest. Straighten your legs forward and up. You can put your hands under the buttocks when doing the exercise, and cross your feet. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 6

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are located at the waist. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Perform ing the exercise: We raise our legs up and spread them to the sides, without bending at the knees. We tear off the shoulder blades from the floor. Stretch forward with our hands. We accept the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 7

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms are folded under the chin. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Alternately raise and lower the left and right leg, wi thout bending them at the knees. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 8

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms are folded under the chi n. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Raise and lower two legs without bending them at the knees. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 9

Starting position: Lying on your stomach w ith your legs extended. The arms are extended forward. Performing the exercise: Lift your left arm and right leg off the floor. Feel the muscles that hold your spine contract. Take the starting position. Do the same with the other leg and arm. Raising the arms and legs is accompanied by an intense exhalation, and lowering with a smooth inhalation. Concentrate not on the height of the leg and arm, but on the muscle contraction. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exerci se № 10

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The arms are extended forward. Performing the exercise: Lift your arms and legs off the floor, stretch them and hold them for 5 seconds. Lower your limbs to the floor and r elax for 5 seconds. At the moment of raising the arms and legs, it is necessary to make an intensive output, at the moment of lowering, inhale. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times . Exercise № 11

Starting position : Get on all fours. The gaze is directed to the floor. The back is straight. Performing the exercise: Bring your right leg back and lift your left arm up parallel to the floor, keeping balance on your left knee and right arm. Fix the position in which the right leg and left arm are parallel to the floor for 5 seconds. After that, take the starting position. Then take your left leg back and lift your right hand up parallel to the floor, keeping balance on your right knee and left arm. Fix the position in which the left leg and right arm are parallel to the floor for 5 seconds. Abduction of the leg and raising the arm is accompanied by exhalation, and the return to the starting position is followed by inhalation. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 12

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The palms are folded under the chin, the elbows are spread apart. Performing the exercise: Lift your right knee towards your right elbow with a slight twist of the body. T hen return to the starting position and lift the left knee to the left elbow, with a slight twist of the body. The upward movement of the knee should be accompanied by an intense exhalation, and the downward movement should be accompanied by an inhalation. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Chapter 3 - Proper Nutrition Back pain can be triggered by many factors such as hard physical labor, sedentary work, pregnancy, etc. But all of the above is what our life consists of. One way or another, sometimes we need to carry heavy bags from the store to the house or move the refrigerator and sofa to another corner. We spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer or TV. And, in the end, most girls dream of having a child. It turns out that our whole life is an unfavorable environment for our spine! Why do physical labor, sedentary work, pregnancy and other facto rs destroy our spine? Because it does not feel the proper support. In a word, the muscles and ligaments around the spine become worn and the spine itself becomes fragile and it's all the fault of malnutrition and a low level of physical activity. We figured out a little about activity, and in the previous chapter you became acquainted with amazingly effective exercises, so now let's talk about nutrition. Every day, for the normal development and vital activity of the body, a person must receive with food and water about 70 various ingredients (amino acids, organic and fatty acids, vitamins, inorganic substances, etc.), many of which are not synthesized in the body and therefore are essential. At the same time, in different periods of human life, the body's need for the amount and ratio of these ingredients changes. With a lack or excess in the diet of certain substances, metabolic disorders occur, which leads to serious pathological changes in the body and can even cause death. Assuming proper nutrition, food should provide the body with six main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral (inorganic) substances, water. To get all of these nutrients, a person needs to eat a variety of foods every day. In nature, there are no ideal food products that would contain the entire complex of substances necessary for a person. Food should consist of a variety of food products, both of vegan (for example, fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals, baked goods) and animal (for example, dairy, fish, meat products, eggs) origin. With a varied diet, which consists of both animal and plant products, a sufficient amount of nutrients enters the human body (since different products complement each other in the absence of individual components). Keep in mind that no amount of spinal exercises will help if, while doing them, you continue to eat improperly. Drinking water All minerals necessary for our bones dissolve in water before being included in the metabolic processes of the body. An insufficient amount of water prevents microelements from being absorbed, and its excess leads to the fact that vital substances are excreted from the body without bringing any benefit. It follows from this that water must be taken in the amount required by the human body. According to popular studies, t he average amount of water to drink per day should be at least 3% of a person's body weight. At the same time, some experts have a different idea: if a person is overweight, then the amount of water consumed should be calculated based on the “ideal”

person's weight. Without the required amount of fluid, the body becomes dehydrated, which leads to the development of numerous severe disorders. For example, not having enough fluid in the body can cause kidney stones. Remember to drink water in small portions. After all, the liquid should be included in the metabolism, and not be driven by a "waterfall" through the body, washing out useful minerals and diluting its vital juices. A natural question arises: what is the maximum amount of water that can be consumed per day? According to research by scientists, this figure is 2% of a person's weight for every 5.5 hours of wakefulness. This means that in total a person can consume an amount of water equal to 6% of his mass per day. Let's emphasize again: water should be taken in portions throughout the day. But even this figure may be overstated if there are breaks in the intake of liquids. Here are some more rules for drinking water: • Drink should be with any (even slight) sensation of thirst, even if at this time you are eating. • It is advisable to drink two glasses of water half an hour before meals. • About two and a half hours after eating, drink another glass of water or two. • Drink water when you wake up after a long sleep. If you've slept for more than two hours, your body needs to renew some of its fluids and eliminate partial dehydration. Accordingly, this rule must be observed in the morning. • Half an hour before any planned physical activity (sports training or just hard physical labor), you need to drink a certain amount of water to prevent dehydration. The more water you drink, given the nature of the muscular labor involved, the better. Of course, after exertion, this procedure must be repeated and not after half an hour, but immediately. pH balance Water bottles often have "alkalinity" written on them. Our body is an acid-alkaline environment, in which balance must always reign; or rather, the numbers should be skewed in favor of an alkaline environment. The blood pH should be in the range of 7.35-7.45. If your numbers are such, then your body is functioning wonderfully and the renewal of all cells occurs regularly. But if the pH is lower, then you are in big trouble! Everything that we eat or drink has a pH value. The pH can shift from 0 to 14. 0 is absolute acid and 14 is absolute alkali. Both the first and second indicators have nothing to do with our body. Remember the pH of the blood of a healthy person is 7.35-7.45. For example, let's take a well-known carbonated cola drink with a pH of 2.5. This means that fluid with such a low pH level lowers the pH of our blood. And if the pH of the blood approaches 6, then the person falls into a coma. Our body cannot allow this, and it begins to defend itself! How? Everything is quite simple: it sends minerals and, to a greater extent, calcium from the bones directly into our blood. Just think about that the body leaches calcium from the bones! And when a person takes a blood test, his calcium level is quite high and one might think that there is a lot of calcium in the body, but in fact there is little of it in the bones! Right now, you might think that the problem can be solved with 2.2 - 4.4 lb (1-2 kg) of cottage cheese. What could be easier than to load the body with calcium? But, unfortunately, not all that calcium you consume with food is absorbed; if the pH of the food is below 7, all the calcium will go into the blood. For greater clarity, I will give a few examples of how acidosis of the body threatens us (high acidity). Nutritionists believe that more than 200 diseases of our time that worry people occur precisely because of the oxidation of the body! Namely: • cataracts; • arthritis and all cartilage problems; • stones in the kidney, gall, pancreas and even stones on the teeth; • lack of immunity and, as a consequence, viral, bacterial and fungal diseases; • almost all types of allergies; • diseases of blood vessels and heart; • atherosclerosis; • headache; • depression;

• insomnia; • edema; • cellulite; • cramps and muscle weakness; • caries; • thick blood; • high blood pressure… I hope I have convinced you that this issue is serious and requ ires an investigation. Let's figure out which foods oxidize us and which alkalize us. Oxidize: • meat; • cereals; • cheeses; • milk and yoghurts; • eggs. Alkalize: • leafy greens; • roots; • vegetables; • fruits; • berries. Of course, all of the above does not mean that you sho uld give up meat, eggs, or milk. It just means that you need to consume a lot more alkaline foods, namely at least 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg) per day. Then you can avoid the above problems. With water, everything is much easier. The labels say "alkalinity" or "pH". The pH level should not be less than 6.5-7, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste! Sometimes it is extremely difficult to find quality water, but I assure you it is possible! Just do not be lazy, pay attention to the labels of the water you buy. I will say a few words in favor of alkaline water and alkaline foods. Otto Warburg proved that at a blood pH of 7.43, cancer cells do not develop and for this he was awarded the Nobel Prize. You see how easy it is to prolong and improve your life! As soon as you start monitoring your pH, you will immediately feel it! Indeed, in a state of oxidation of the body (acidosis), it cannot fully absorb the minerals that we receive from food. The doctors prescribe us calcium. But this only aggr avates our condition, since unabsorbed calcium is deposited in the form of stones. If anyone is wondering what the exact ratio of alkaline to oxidizing foods should be in our diet, here they are. For every 0.22 lb s (0.1 kg) of meat, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, there should be 0.88 lbs (0.4 kg) of fruits and vegetables. Of course, this is a lot and most of you have never eaten like this. And I highly recommend adding fruits and vegetables to your diet gradually! Start at 0.44 lb (0.2 kg) per day and add 0.22 lbs (0.1 kg) daily. For example, if I eat 0.66 lbs (0.3 kg) fish + 0.315 quarts (0.3 liter) milk + 0.22 lbs (0.1 kg) eggs per day = 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg). I should also eat about 6.17 pounds (2.8 kg) of fruit and vegetables. It looks something like this: 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) apples + 0.66 lbs (0.3 kg) cabbage + 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg) orange + other vegetables and fruits. And I feel great. ATTENTION! You need to gradually add alkaline foods to your diet and monitor your health. You need to understand that , at first, the digestive organs can protest. The body does not spend a lot of energy on the digestion of sweets and starchy foods and the stomach barely contracts, which means that the muscles of the cavity atrophy. And to digest alkaline foods, our digestive organs need to work hard which, by the way, also burns a huge amount of calories. The main thing is to gradually accustom your body to a healthy diet, and it will only thank you! If I haven't convinced you yet, then with your pe rmission I will continue. I consider it my mission to change your life and the life of your loved ones for the better!

I am sure that the problems associated with back pain directly depend on our lifestyle. Proper nutrition will change your life beyond recognition. We were not taught this at school, but that does not mean that as we mature, we have to work for puppeteers. Our life is in our hands I sincerely believe that everyone is worthy of happiness, and happiness is unthinkable without health. Arthur Schopenhauer said: "Health so far exceeds all other blessings of life, that in truth a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." On average, 8 out of 10 people suffer from acidosis, that is, oxidation of the body. Just imagine that in a stadium that houses about 10,000 fans, 8,000 of them suffer from acidosis. This means that these 8,000 people are doomed to suffering, since we already know what they are threatened with: diabetes mellitus, heart disease, oncological diseases... yes, acid has such a detrimental effect on our body, and do not forget about it for a second. The acid blocks energy and biochemical p rocesses in cells. At birth, a baby's blood pH is 8.0, but our parents, and then we ourselves, make every effort to ensure that the acid penetrates into the most secluded corners of our body. Do you think I'm wrong and our parents did the right thing when they put fried sausage on our plates? Remember how much you drank in your childhood and, in general, in your entire life of carbonated sweet drinks. Now read carefully and don't repeat the mistakes of your parents. After all, even if you are not 20 years old, you can still help yourself, and even more so your loved ones, children, grandchildren... In carbonated drinks, citric acid is found in large quantities, which oxidizes the human body. What can we see in playgrounds and schools? We see how children constantly drink effervescent sweet drinks literally from 3-4 years old. Unfortunately, parents do not understand how this threatens their children. There is such a terrible disease osteopor osis (softening of bones) at the time of our grandfathers and grandmothers osteoporosis was an age-related disease and people who had reached the age of 60–70 suffered from it. Now osteoporosis is observed in children 6-12 years old. It's really scary! It is for this reason that a 12-year-old child may complain of back pain. Yes, yes, they are not lying; he really feels the same as you, that his back hurts! The acid is guilty of this, but first of all we are guilty, since we are irresponsible regarding our health. Maybe parents do not buy carbonated su gary drinks for their child, but when they are with friends or with grandparents, in 99% of cases they drink them! Therefore, you need to solve the problem; not with banning them or punishment, though , but with the help of a frank conversation. It is also worth having a conversation with your parents or grandparents. Someone might argue again that what is the connection between carbonated drinks and bones? I remind you that acid removes calcium from the bones, and about 150 diseases can develop from a lack of calcium! Also, do not forget that they are high in sugar, which raises blood sugar levels. That is, the use of sugary carbonated drinks is a direct path to diabetes. I have not met people who would drink 0.105 - 0.21 qt (0.1 - 0.2 L) of the drink. This is usually a minimum of 0.526 qt (0.5 L) or even 1.05 qt (1 L). This amount of carbonated drink completely changes the composition of the blood. Let's take a quick look at how a carbonated drink affects our body, so to speak, step by step: • sugar is absorbed in 10 minutes; • in 20 minutes insulin rises in the blood; • the liver converts all sugar into fats; • blood pressure rises in 40 minutes; • after 45 minutes, the body increases the production of dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure center of our brain; • 60 minutes after drinking carbonated sweet drinks, phosphoric acid begins to bind calcium, magnesium, zinc; • in 90 minutes these substances will be excreted from the body. And the worst thing is that the drink is so sweet, so after it you want to drink more. Thirst amplifiers are also added to it. After drinking a glass of the drink, a person will definitely drink more, and so the average person drinks 1.05 - 1.578 quarts (1-1.5) liters of carbonated drink. You already understood that such drinks are acidic that is, they remove more fluid from the body than we get from them. Sugary carbonated drinks are so bad that Indian villagers spray them on their plantations. Thus, they successfully con trol pests and are quite powerful. The effect is no worse than that of patented pesticides, only the price of drinks is much lower. I even watched a video clip on the Internet showing, how one sprayed his grapes with carbonated drinks with the desire to get rid of aphids. He got rid of aphids, but the grape shoots received a severe burn. Imagine what happens to the internal organs of a person, as well as the bones, and with them, the spine. Sometimes we forget that the human body is designed for 120 years of active existence, bu t subject to careful and cautious handling of it. For example, our liver is completely renewed every year. That is, every year a new liver is born in our body, BUT! Only on the condition of the healthy existence of its owner. Our skeleton is completely renewed every 10-15 years! This means that physically a person may not grow old. We deliberately bring ourselves closer to old age. For example, our bones constantly require calcium and a number of other micro-nutrients, and we, in turn, oxidize our body and do not allow the skeleton to renew itself. The reality is harsh, back pain has become a companion not only for the elderly, but also for the rather young. At the age of 20-30, young people complain about their health. It is because of the oxidation of the body that

bones become fragile, and not because of age. The information you just learned is priceless. Exercise is wonderful, but without proper nutrition, your efforts will be in vain. An integrated approach is needed. When you exercise , your heart rate rises, and by exercise 15 you will notice the extensor muscles of the spine increase slightly and become tighter. This suggests that this muscle group is filled with blood. For what? The fact is that blood is designed to deliver nutrients that we receive from food to all organs and systems. If we eat right, then the blood enriches our spine and muscles with the ligaments surrounding it with nutrients. And if an acidic environment prevails in the body, the spine does not receive anything nutritious; on the contrary, it only loses the already deficient calcium. Note, I do not consider weight loss or spine recovery as separate systems that solve one characteristic problem. I always insist on improving the body. By applying what you’ll learn about in this book, you’ll notice how you have gotten rid of not only back pain, but also a number of other issues of concern to you. I sincerely wish you happiness and good health. With your permission, I will continue. Number of meals You already know about the existence of alkaline and acidic foods. Now we need to figure out how to consume certain foods in order to get the most out of proper nutrition. Eating healthy foods just 1-2 times a day will not help you cope with back pain . I recommend dividing your eating into 4-5 meals. Servings may not be large, but meals must be frequent, otherwise your body will not be able to repair your spine. In order for your bones to regain their former density, they need a regular supply of nutrients. You need to eat about every 3-4 hours. Protein Protein is the main building block for cell, tissue and organ formation. It is proteins that contribute to the formation of new muscle fibers and also the restoration of injured cells and tissues. Our bones, skin, hair, muscles and organs are all protein structures. Proteins are divided into two types: vegetable and animal. Vegetable proteins include: legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, etc. For animals: eggs, dairy products, poultry, meat, fish and other seafood. The highest quality protein in terms of digestibility is egg white. Its level is approximately 100%, followed by dairy products, meat, fish, poultry. I would also like to talk about vegetarians. If you have decided to seriously refuse products containing animal protein, you need to purchase at the pharmacy: B vitamins, Omega-3, calcium, iron and zinc. The fact is that all these micronutrients are found in animal products, and without them the body will be very lacking. Iron deficiency threatens the body with a breakdown, pale skin, blood diseases and the development of anemia. Zinc deficiency makes bones porous and brittle, and the spine loses its shape. Also, zinc deficiency contributes to the development of epilepsy. And the worst thing is that scientists have already practically proven that a lack of zinc can lead to cancer. Lack of Vitamins B threatens with hematopoiesis, anemia, damage to the nervous system and all the way up to irreversible disorders. Also, a lack of Vitamins B can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome and digestive disorders. If you gave up not only meat, but also milk, then your body 100% lack s such an important mineral as calcium. With an initial calcium deficiency, there are dental problems, brittle hair and nails, and frequent bone curvature or fractures. If calcium is absent in the diet for a long time, then the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. Now you can see how important foods that contai n animal proteins are. Lack of zinc and calcium is one of the main causes of back problems. After all, if the bones are strong, the ligaments are elastic, and the muscles are in good shape, then in order to damage the spine it is not enough to lift a heavy object or carry three children. Healthy bones are stronger than concrete! This book gives you all the tools with which you can radically change your life, so do not miss this chance. Protein is essential for the restoration of your spine and overall health. We found out that foods containing a lot of protein oxidize our body, but this does not mean that we need to give them up. Try to combine protein foods with plant foods and your pH will be fine. Protein is the main building block of our muscle tissue. Therefore, if we want to strengthen our spine, we must take care of the muscles around it. And if the muscles do not receive the proper amount of protein, they will not be able to progress, and the recovery process will proceed so slowly that you may not even notice it. So that you can see the world through the eyes of a healthy person in a few months, I recommend that you include about 0.22 - 0.44 lb (0.1 - 0.2 kg) of animal protein in each meal. Let me tell you one secret: in order to feel 100% in the morning, you need to have food 30-40 minutes before bedtime. This can be a glass of yogurt or 0.22 lb (0.1 kg) low fat cottage cheese. The fact is that at night our body works tirelessly, and it just needs protein so that it does not engage in "self-eating".

After waking up , in the first 40 minutes, you simply have to have breakfast with protein and carbohydrate foods (we will talk about carbohydrates a little later). You don't drive to work with an empty tank, do you? People who go to work without having breakfast commit a crime against their health! Someone will decide that there is nothing scary here, but this is not so, because most often those people who do not have breakfast literally spend the night in the kitchen, and this is a direct road to serious health problems. Think about it! Carbohydrates From carbohydrates, we get a huge amount of energy for daily life. Carbohydrates promote the assimilation of proteins at the moment when protein is a building material for our body; carbohydrates are the very builders that deliver this protein to our muscles. Carbohydrates contribute to the complete oxidation of fats and they are also necessary for a normal metabolism and the work of our muscles, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. An energy exchange in the brain is carried out almost exclusively by glucose (carbohydrates) alone. When absorbed, carbohydrates maintain a constant adequate blood glucose level. Carbohydrates are "Slow" and "Fast". It depends on the rate of conversion into glucose. Insulin is responsible for processing. In simple terms, if a person wants to be healthy and not burden his body with unwanted fatty deposits, it is enough for him to exclude simple “Fast” carbohydrates from his diet, namely all kinds of pastries and sweets such as candies, chocolate, marshmallows, etc. Complex "Slow" carbohydrates are useful for our body. They are found in foods such as cereals, pasta, peas, lentils, beans, beets, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, whole grain breads, vegetables and vegetable juices, bran, herbs, wild rice, and crisp bread. The consumption of carbohydrates is very individual and depends on many factors: whether you are involved in sports, the nature of your work activity, metabolic rate and degree of satiety, as well as individual energy consumption for digesting food. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy body, you need to experimentally find out which foods saturate your body with energy and in what quantity, and which foods give nothing but a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. But remember one very important thing - if your work is not related to physical labor and you have to sit at the computer for a long time and you very rarely do sports so that carbohydrates are not deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat, eat food containing carbohydrates before 14:00 or as a last resort before 16:00. An excess of carbohydrates, and especially "Fast" and eaten after 18:00, leads to obesity, metabolic disorders, increased cholesterol levels and the development of diabetes. Fats Healthy fats are perhaps one of the main foods that will help you rebuild your spine. We don't care about the fats found in butter cream and refined vegetable oils, which are rich in horrible and dangerous trans fats. We are interested in Omega-3 and Vitamin E. Omega-3s are found in marine fish. These fats help reduce inflammation in our body, and also rejuvenate our skin, but Omega-3s are interesting to us precisely because they help maintain bone density . The benefits are great, but with everything you need to know when to stop. Eating only one sea fish for an extended period can lead to indigestion and internal bleeding. For healthy bones and spine, it is enough to eat sea fish only 23 times a week. Vitamin E is designed to give women and men youth and beauty. Vitamin E prevents oxidative stress, thereby slowing down the aging process. It also stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen; it stimulates the healing of wounds and abrasions; it protects the skin from UV rays; and it also maintains the water-lipid balance. Vitamin E perfectly removes stretch marks of the skin after pregnancy and successfully fights acne. Vitamin E restores the menstrual cycle, is very useful for nails, helps with liver dysfunctions, treats long-term chronic diseases, helps restore hair and most importantly Vitamin E will help you more than anything else to cope with inflammatory processes in the back that prevent you from living a normal life. On the way to your recovery, Vitamin E will serve as a kind of natural pain relievers, which will certainly make the process of spinal recovery more enjoyable. Vitamin E is found in seeds and nuts. 0.11 - 0.22 lb (0.05 - 0.1 kg) seeds or nuts per day is your daily requirement for Vitamin E. It's important to remember that refined vegetable oils don't have Vitamin E! For example, I don’t really like nuts, so I buy unrefined vegetable oil. Two tablespoons of oil a day with salad or porridge replenishes the body's need for this useful vitamin. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Vitamin E is afraid of light and heat, therefore a vessel with unrefined oil should be stored in the refrigerator; it is cold and dark there, just what you need. Calcium This is the main component of bones. 90% of calcium is found in the skeletal system, where it is used not only as the main ingredient in bone structure, but is also stored for the needs of the whole body. If the diet lacks natural organic calcium, then not only the bones will suffer from this, but the entire body as well. The most characteristic sign of a lack of calcium in the blood is increased excitability; nerve fibers do not transmit the appropriate signals and the body does not relax. Natural sources of calcium are diverse. Protein foods rich in calcium are liver, kidneys, heart, etc., natural, non-industrial yellow fat, fresh eggs, yogurts, cheeses, coarsely ground cornmeal, whole foods made from oats, barley, nuts and seeds, stalks of alfalfa, artichokes, beets, dandelions, mustard; all types of cabbage, lettuce, and carrots and cucumbers are all excellent sources of calcium. Fruits include oranges, sun-dried dates, figs and raisins.

Sulfur In nature, we know this element as a yellow powder. In the body of an adult, the total body weight should normally contain from 0.2% to 0.3% sulfur. The main reserves of the microelement are in the bone and cartilage tissues. Long-term clinical studies of the effect of sulfur of the bone tissue have shown an undoubted positive effect. Bone-cartilage tissues contain sulfur compounds such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. We must thank them for the fact that our ligaments and ca rtilage have elasticity and a strong structure. Every day, in the diet, a person should receive about 1 g of sulfur and its compounds; we spend the amount of the substance obtained on the birth of new protein molecules and other important internal processes. Turkey, chicken, pork, guinea fowl, beef, rabbit, goat and most fish are just a few of the high sulfur foods. For a healthy adult with an adequate protein intake, a serving of meat per day can fully provide the required amount of sulfur. Dairy products (milk, cheese) are also foods with a high concentration of macronutrients, and among fruits, bananas, pineapples and watermelon are rich in sulfur. In addition, there is a lot of sulfur in nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, coconuts) and seeds (sunflower, sesame). Eggs are equally good S sources. A serving of quail, for example, can provide nearly the same amount of macronutrient as a serving of meat. Chicken, especially yolks, are also rich in sulfur. Almost all fibrous, leafless vegetables, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, are rich sources of sulfur. This list includes corn, peas, spinach, different types of cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi), mustard, asparagus, okra, lettuce, eggplant. And almost all sulfur-rich vegetables have a common characteristic - a specific smell. The most recognizable sulfur-containing plants are: cruciferous: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese and other species; onions: onions, shallots, garlic, leeks. Phosphorus Combines with calcium and vitamins A and D in the required proportions to form a healthy skeletal system and balance metabolism. Natural sources of phosphorus: tongue, internal organ s of animals, fish and fish oil, natural cheese, soy pods, raw spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, peas, lettuce; rye and wheat grain, bran. Magnesium Helps calcium and vitamin D in building the skeletal system and preventing bone softening. Natural sources of ma gnesium: bean pods, peas, beans, cucumbers, alfalfa shoots, raw spinach, bran, whole grains, nuts, sunflower seeds, honey, raisins, prunes. Manganese An essential element that carries oxygen from the blood to the cells. This is especially important in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and cartilage, which do not have direct circulation. Natural sources of manganese: liver, egg yolk, poultry, internal organs of animals, all natural cheeses, seaweed, potatoes, especially peels, lettuce, celery, onions, peas, beans of all kinds, bran and natural corn flour, bananas, almonds, chestnuts , walnut. Introduce nutrients with a high potassium content into the diet. It is especially abundant in dry fruits and berries - apricots, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, peaches, dates, as well as in fresh fruits of black currants, bananas, dogwoods, pineapples, apricots, from vegetables . It's also in potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, parsley, dill. In addition to minerals, the spin e needs vitamins. Vitamins A, C and D are especially important for it. Vitamins of group B are especially necessary for the spinal cord and nervous system. Vitamins A and D The body needs these to fully utilize calcium and phosphorus, as well as for the normal functioning of the nervous system. In people with a low content of vitamins A and D in the diet, bone density decreases and their walls become thin and brittle. Natural sources of vitamin A are fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrots, artichokes, melons, yellow pumpkins, peaches; fresh eggs, liver of animals and fish. Natural sources of vitamin D: fish liver, unsaturated fats, fresh eggs, whole milk, butter. The main natural source of vitamin D is the sun. Daily sunbathing helps replenish the body's supply of this vitamin. It should be noted that after sunbathing, sweat should not be washed off immediately, but after a while, so that vitamin D has time to be absorbed by the body. Vitamin C

This is necessary for the nutrition of collagen, and collagen is necessary for the unification, bonding of cells in the bones. Vitamin C is a vital element for the body; without it, the body cannot exist. Given that Vitamin C does not accumulate in the body, its reserves must be replenished daily. Natural sources of Vitamin C: berries, citrus fruits, herbs, cabbage, bell peppers. These foods should be eaten raw, as vitamin C is destroyed when heated. B vitamins They have a beneficial effect on nerve and muscle tissues, allowing you to relieve pain, reduce the inflammatory process, and prevent its transition to adjacent areas. In addition, vitamins of this group saturat e tissues with oxygen molecules and improve metabolic and healing processes. B vitamins are considered the best vitamins for the back and spine. They have a strong analgesic effect in all joint diseases, improve neuromuscular conductivity, and accelerate the restoration of cartilage tissue. Medicines containing these trace elements are often prescribed for severe back pain, even on their own. After all, they act on the cause of the pain, restoring nerve fibers. Being Overweight We hav e already found out that back pain is often is a cry for help from the body as a whole. We have one head, one brain, one soul and one body we are an integral energy system, and when something is wrong in some part of the body, you cannot pay attention only to the diseased organ, you need to look at the big picture. In the chain, only the weakest link might break, but it breaks from the tension that the entire chain has experienced. Therefore, if we repair a link, the tension will break the next link and so on ad infinitum. It is necessary to restore the link and at the same time fight against tension in order to minimize its effect on our bodies. Above you became acquainted with the peculiarities of pH, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and rules of food intake, and all this will make you a truly healthy person. But if you, your friends or relatives are faced with being overweight which, of course, is a reflection of the state of your internal organs and systems, including the spine you need to cope with this very strong tension in the chain of your health. Being o verweight can be insignificant, for example 11 to 22 pounds (5 to 10 kg), in some cases it may indicate the normal range, and in other cases it is a risk zone. Excess weight is divided into two types: subcutaneous fat and internal fat. Subcutaneous fat is not as bad for our health as internal fat. After all, internal fat entangles human organs and, as a result, provokes the appearance of about 200 terrible diseases. In order to understand exactly where the hated fat is located under the skin or around organs, there is no need to undergo expensive examinations. It is enough to measure your waist. The norm for girls from 18 to 80 years old is 23.6 - 27.6 inches (60-70 cm). In males, from 29.5 to 33.5 inches (75 to 85 cm). All inches (centimeters) that are outside the normal range indicate the presence of internal fat, which must be said goodbye to, no matter how much you are used to it. Internal fat affects literally all organs and systems of our body. In fact a person with 22 pounds (10 kg) of excess weight, feels it every moment in their spine. But, unfortunately, or fortunately, fat itself does not hurt; joints, heart, spine and the liver hurt, but not fat, and therefore it is sometimes incredibly difficult for a person to pull themselves together and lose weight. Nutrition first I want to draw your attention to the fact that you should start with nutrition; you cannot expect serious results from exercise without proper nutrition. I understand that it is very difficult to change yourself in one day and there is really a lot of information. But I sincerely want to help you, which is why I wrote this book. If it helps you, I will be immensely happy! But in order for it to help, you must follow all the recommendations. If you try to apply all of the above in one day, most likely the next day you will return to your old way of life. Don't do that. Make healthy eating a part of your life gradually. It is very important that you experience pleasure in what you are doing. If you hate chicken fillets or eggs, you do not need to eat them; if you hate fish, you do not need to eat fish. If you are jarred at the sight of cottage cheese, then this is not your product. Choose what you like and eat to your health. Perhaps, in some places in this section, I "went too far" and slightly scared you. But believe me, I did not exaggerate the harm of certain products. Rather, I downplayed their impact on the human body. A nd if your friend has eaten sweets with marshmallows and hamburgers, washed down with all this sweet soda water, and has lived for 30 years and has never been to a doctor, believe me, this is not a reason to follow his example. The fact is that many things in our life and in nature in general change dramatically in the blink of an eye, but this does not mean that nothing has happened before. Returning to the analogy with the chain, we see damage only when the link has already parted, but before that, a tension of half a ton worked for several minutes to break a strong chain, without us noticing it. A person who smokes one cigarette will not get lung cancer, and after 100 cigarettes nothing will happen, but this does not mean that smoking does not cause lung cancer. A half full glass can take in a thousand drops, but it is the one drop that will be the last one that causes water to start pouring down the walls of the glass. You should not test the capabilities of your body and torture it with harmful food. I believe in you; I believe that you will have the strength to overcome all trials on the way to your cherished goal - a healthy spine! We and we alone are responsible for what happens to us. Not knowing that every marshmallow eaten brings a person closer to diabetes mellitus

will not free him from the terrible consequences that this disease carries. According to the latest estimates by the World Health Organization, about 1.5 billion people are overweight in the modern world. In Europe, on average, about 40% of the population is obese. Extra pounds (kilograms) are primarily an additional burden on the spine, heart and lungs. Proper nutrition is extremely important, and the key to your success is knowledge. Knowing what you need to eat to keep your skeleton strong, like you learned in school. Take responsibility for your health and read this section a few more times. Take notes or jot down the highlights in a notebook and use these cheat sheets until eating well becomes a habit. Life can be very exciting, but in order to enjoy it, we need to have a healthy spine. Chapter 4 - Self-hypnosis as a Power of Healing Self-hypnosis (autosuggestion) is the effect of suggestion on oneself. Treatment by self-suggestion, suggestion and hypnosis was known to yogis and Egyptian priests for thousands of years before our era. It was also known to the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle (4th century BC), Socrates (5th century BC) and others. Traditional healers often used suggestion to treat patients, setting them up for optimistic thoughts and faith in recovery. It is nec essary that a person directs their thoughts in the right direction. It is important for health that a person strives to develop the skill of optimistic thinking. Optimistic thoughts are a source of joy, health, and happiness. Only such thoughts create harmony, beauty and good mood. Every thought is a reality, a force that can be directed both for good and for evil. Pessimism combined with a bad mood is unusually detrimental to health. Pessimists are often angry, unfriendly people who do not notice the beauty around. They see only shortcomings in people, they are not always happy with themselves. Pessimistic thoughts are the main culprits in a large number of nervous diseases. That is why patients with pessimistic thoughts should be able to train their will, to develop faith in recovery. A man's thought is like a bird constantly flying from place to place. No matter how strongly the soul is excited by something, if the thought of the arousing object is constantly carried away from it, then the excitement itself weakens so that, finally, it completely disappears. The word collects the mind, moves, stops, attracts, directs, guides it and subjugates the soul. So, a timid person sometimes gives himself courage with his own voice and words and achieves the goal. The most important prerequisites for the successful treatment of chronic illness are good spirits, unconditional will and confidence in recovery. That is why a person should strive to be always cheerful, since joy is a medicine that everyone should be able to use. A good mood has the same effect on a person as the sun does on a plant. When treating patients suffering from manifestations of spinal trauma, it is very important to restore their peace of mind and balance. Stress is not only a common issue that exacerbates diseases, but stress also aggravates the severity of the disease. Faith is the basis of every miracle! Faith in goo d, in beauty gives strength. It supports the person. And a sad, gloomy imagination is a belief in unhappiness. A person who believes and knows what he wants achieves everything, and one who thinks “I can’t,” blocks his way to any success, to any opportunity to achieve a goal. A person must believe in himself. The manifested will is a step towards the goal. If a person doubts his strength, he must loudly command himself with a word. V.M. Bekhterev believed that the healing effect of prayer "is largely reduced to self-hypnosis, acting in connection with a religious emotion." Selfhypnosis, as an adjunct to other remedies, is a powerful weapon. Depending on certain circumstances, it can cause both extremely sad consequences or restore mental balance and accelerate the healing process. V.M. Bekhterev (1911), recommended treating with self-hypnosis while awake. He believed that "... the most appropriate time for self-hypnosis is the period before falling asleep and the period following awakening. He also believed that "for each individual case, a self-hypnosis formula should be developed, which ... should be pronounced on its own behalf, in an affirmative form and in the present, not in the future tense." The self-hypnosis formula depends not only on the disease, but also on the mental development, education and profession of the patient. The formula should be pronounced slowly, clearly and distinctly. S.P. Botkin cured asthenia and neuralgia after suffering typhus by the method of self-hypnosis. He "persistently and for a long time focused on the desire to get rid of fatigue and pain, continued to work, despite the strongest tension." At the beginning of the twentieth century, the techniques of "conscious (deliberate) self-hypnosis" were developed by the French pharmacist Emile Coue (1857–1926). He taught his patients to consciously use self-hypnosis, this "innate power of nature." Coue first of all convinced the patient of the power of his own self-hypnosis. Then he suggested that the patient close his eyes so as not to be distracted by the surrounding objects, and in the case of, for example, a "stomach disease", instill in himself, clearly moving his lips, that every morning there will be a chair, a good appetite, and at night a calm deep sleep. In addition, in case of any illness immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, Coue recommended to instill in himself: "Every day, in all respects, I am getting better and better." You need to instill without effort, without hesitation, mechanically, "like a prayer." When a person says these words, he should feel one desire: he should get better. At the same time, one should never forget the basic principle of self-hypnosis: constant and complete confidence in success. What is needed is not hope, but complete

confidence. In order to assess the degree of usefulness of this method, I recommend that you select just one text you like and read it immediately af ter waking up, before and after exercise, and before bed; the text of the auto-suggestion technique can be recorded and replayed each time. It only takes a few minutes, but your thoughts will no longer be attached to pain. Within a few days you will feel how the transformation of your consciousness is taking place how your thoughts become more positive. Self-hypnosis is the first step; try it and feel the huge difference between the new selfconfidence and the exhausted and depressed person you were before. Before using the auto-suggestion technique, you need to relax. Sit comfortably in a chair or sofa with your hands on the armrests, feet on the floor or on a small stand; do not cross your legs. If you wear glasses, remove them and loosen any restrictive pieces of clothing. Sit back and relax if possible. Text for self-hypnosis № 1 I am a strong, sturdy person. Every day I only get stronger and stronger. I have a strong, healthy back. I am becoming wiser and stronger from year to year. I have a powerful, reliable ro d inside me. I confidently walk through life. And the stronger my spirit, the stronger my spine! Text for self-hypnosis № 2 I love my life and am grateful for every moment. I love my body. I am full of energy and health. My young heart beats in unison wi th the sounds of nature. I am happy that I live. The air that I breathe is perfect; it fills me with energy. I so want to shout that I am the happiest, so that everyone hears and understands that this is possible. I love my life. I love my healthy body; I am so grateful to it that I can run, jump, travel on roads and swim in the water. I love my spine. Thank you cervical region for letting me turn my head freely. Thank you to the thoracic and lumbar regions for the fact that I can bend, turn and do my favorite sport. I love my spine for health and youth. A healthy body gives me boundless self-confidence. I know that I can do anything! Whatever I undertake, everything will be done at the highest level. My clear mind and young body make me the perfect person. Each of my cells radiates health and boundless energy. I can do anything; I get whatever I want. And I wish to be healthy and successful! Text for self-hypnosis № 3 My l ife is wonderful. I love the weather outside the window. I love the moment that I live in right now. My life is wonderful. My healthiest organ is my body. The possibilities of my body are endless; I do whatever my heart desires. I don't think about how old I am I just do it. It doesn't matter what others say; what matters is that I love it. I like to feel healthy. I like to run in the morning and smell the morning dew. I like doing exercises for the spine, because I am sure that it prolongs my youth. My life is wonderful. I live in a great place, dress in great clothes, eat great food and look great too. My secret is excellent health, my secret is a smile from ear to ear, my secret is gratitude for every moment of my life. My life is wonderful! Text for self-hypnosis № 4 My health is my pride. I am grateful to the higher powers that I am perfectly healthy. My friends are constantly asking me how I manage to look so great. The answer is simple - every second of my life I thank the higher powers for the fact that I have perfect health. I thank you that my legs are strong and energetic. I thank you that my hands are incredibly strong / very graceful. I thank you that my face looks so young. I thank you that my spine pleases me with its flexibility since childhood. I give thanks for everything I have and for everything I will have. My health is my pride! Text for self-hypnosis № 5 I reclaim the strength that originally belonged to me. There is a powerful, strong rod inside me . My spine, my back, my support is reliable and strong. My back serves me perfectly. I have a healthy, flexible and strong back. Af ter reading the five self-control techniques described above, you don't have to stop at one. You can use all the techniques one at a time, or day by day, or week by week, as you like. Try to believe what you are saying. Pass every word through your heart. I'm sure you will succeed! Chapter 5 - General Recommendations for Correct Back and Spine Position We never even suspect how often we ourselves are the cause of our suffering from back pain. Very few of us have at least a superficial idea of how to stand, sit, sleep, move weights, walk, etc. We tend to blame genetics, weather conditions, colds, our metabolism, traumatic and age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system for our problems, but we do not realize our ignorance in this matter. During the day, we perform a lot of different movements. Many people spend a lot of time sitting, which is not ideal for the spine. People often straighten in correctly or bend over too much; they move the torso too far from the center of gravity, forcing the back muscles to support a very large weight. Usually, the back muscles still cope with such a load, but at the same time they act to the limit of their capabilities. This is why by the end of the day our backs get tired and it becomes more and more difficult for us to maintain correct posture. How to S leep Properly

We spend a third of our life in a dream, and this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting our posture. That is why the bed on which we sleep must be flat and firm. To maintain the habit of perfect posture, there is no better way than to constantly correct the disturbances in the spine by sleeping on a firm, level bed. A firm, flat bed contributes to an even distribution of body weight, maximum muscle relaxation and correction of subluxation and curvature of the spine. The pillow should be of medium height, but very soft, so that the back of the head can fall in its center, and the edge of the pillow located under the cervical spine could be formed in the shape of a roller to maintain the normal configuration of the cervical bend. The most important quality of the pillow - its degree of softness - is very useful in the lateral position, since such a pillow can be optimally formed in height so that the cervical spine does not bend and is perpendicular to the shoulder girdle. The choice of position during sleep is of great importance. Lying on your back, right or left lateral positions are optimal; the position on the stomach is rejected due to the following disadvantages. First, the lumbar bend increases, which causes tension and pain in the lower back. Secondly, functional blockages are formed, leading to limited mobility at the level of the cervicothoracic junction. Thirdly, the unfavorable position of the cervical spine in the position of twisting and extension can lead to impaired blood flow in the vertebral arteries that feed the cerebellum, trunk and posterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres. How to Sit P roperly The main thing is not to disturb the balanced head position. You cannot slouch while sitting, but you should not arch your back and protrude your chest. The correct position is the head is in line with the pelvis, the knees are apart. Find yourself a comfortable chair or recliner. Different chairs are designed for different activities, and the best chair for computer work may be completely unsuitable for, say, writing. Choose a chair that is comfortable for the type of activity to which you devote most of your time. If you choose a chair yourself, check the height of the seat, its depth and width, the tilt and softness of the cushion, the height of the back and its shape, the angl e between the seat and the back and the height and distance between the armrests. It is advisable that you can regulate all this yourself at your own discretion. In order to preserve the spine, avoid furniture that is too soft - it is not for you. That way the body weight does not put excessive pressure on the spine; the body must be supported by the ischial tubercles, and this is possible only on hard seats. The fo llowing requirements are necessary for furniture on which you have to sit for a long time: • the height of the chair, the chair must correspond to the length of the lower leg - it is necessary that the leg rests on the floor; • the lower back should have support; • the seat should be at a height so that the knees are just above the hips and the soles of the feet are firmly and confidently on the floor. If the feet rest on the floor, this not only helps to relieve the lower back but also prevents you from constantly spinning around your axis in order to reach for any important papers in the office without getting up from the chair. Better to stand up, take what you need, and sit back: frequent rotation can negatively affect the lower back; • the maximum seat depth is approximately 2/3 of the hip length; • there should be enough legroom under the table so that they do not have to bend too much; • if you have to sit for a long time, try to warm up a little every 15–20 minutes and change the position of your legs; • make sure that your back is tight against the back of the chair; • sit up straight with your head tilted slightly and without bending your torso so as not to strain your muscles. Try not to sit for a lo ng time in the same position. If you sit all day at a desk or look at a computer monitor, the neck will be subjected to a heavy load. It is recommended that you change your posture from time to time, as well as get up and take a break every 30 minutes. Periodically change your position in front of the TV screen, get up to stretch. Sit back in a chair, relax your muscles, take a few deep breaths. If you have to sit for a long time, try to keep your neck in a neutral position. Do not tilt your head forward, do not tilt your head back. In addition, the chair should be positioned so that the hips and knees are at a 90 ° angle to each other. For those who spend a lot of time at t he computer, the presence of armrests at the optimal height will allow for "unloading" the shoulder girdle and

cervical spine. The seat should be semi-soft, in order to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve by the sciatic tuberosity of the pelvic bone, as well as displacement of the tailbone, which leads to chronic tension of the pelvic floor muscles and pain in the sacrococcygeal region. The flat seat of the chair should be chosen shorter than the thigh so that the edge of the chair does not press on the arteries under the knees. Seat to floor height is the same as hip to floor height. If the feet do not reach the floor, this can cause compression of blood vessels and nerves in the popliteal fossa area. An appropriate height support for your feet will avoid such undesirable consequences. The placement of items on the desktop is also important. So, the computer monitor should be placed directly in front of you, at the optimal height for yourself, at eye level. This will avoid twisting the cervical spine, which is inevitable when the monitor is positioned to the side. Incorrect positioning of the monitor in height leads to rapid fatigue of the neck due to its excessive flexion when the screen is low or unbending when it is high. You also need to know how to use the phone. Often, by holding the telephone receiver to the ear, the person tilts his head and thereby strains the neck muscles. It is advisable to avoid the bad habit of propping the handset between your ear and shoulder to free your hands. I do not recommend talking on the phone for too long. But if necessary, use a microphone or headphones and try to switch ears more often. The phone must be placed close to you so as not to reach for it across the table. When you sit, the base of your spine should be on the back of a hard and straight seat, your back close to the back of a chair shaped to match the curves of your spine. The abdomen is firm, not relaxed, the shoulders are straight and the head is raised high. In other words, "sit up straight." Don't cross your legs! This causes pain in the lower spine and can lead to genital problems. Don't fall on the cha ir with all your weight! Each time you do you strike a sharp blow to the vertebrae, which is why the cartilaginous plates and discs are gradually erased. When sitting on a chair, lower your body lightly and gently, head forward and upward, neck relaxed, spine extended. Body weight falls only on the feet, ankles and thighs - these powerful elastic levers should gently lower the body into the chair. Remember that excessive bending of the legs under the seat of the chair is detrimental to the blood flow in them. Prolonged tilting of the body and head impede the work of the respiratory system, heart, blood circulation, and brain. When a person performs delicate work with their hands, writes or draws, his elbows should be on the table. You should take into account that the intervertebral discs experience the greatest stress when a person sits in a chair that is too soft. The pressure on the disc in a sitting position is double that in a standing position, and this pressure can damage the discs if there is no good supportive muscle. Therefore, while still a sedentary lifestyle, get a seat that will help maintain correct posture. Special devices can be used to keep your back and neck healthy. Here is a rough list of some of the more commonly used tools of this kind: • Convenient portable support that complements the back of the chair or sofa you are sitting on. • Supports for the neck and head. In stores or in catalogs with household items, you can find such "miracle pillows" created to protect the cervical vertebrae. Some of them are fixed around the neck so that the head does not “fall off” during sleep, when you want to take a nap in the car or on a plane. How to stand correctly When a person stands for a long time, the spine experiences significant stress, especially its lumbar region. There are many jobs associated with long periods of time in which a worker stands in a forced position for varying amounts of time (for example, surgeons, operating nurses, conveyor workers, food industry workers, etc.). The standing position becomes even more complicated when the worker often needs to fix the body for a long time in an inclined forward and sideways position with arms raised horizontally and slightly forward, which additionally loads the muscles of the back and neck. In a standing position, the amount of blood in the lower extremities increases significantly with a simultaneous relative exsanguination of the brain. In this case, there is a change in blood supply and blood distribution: in the legs and feet, the pressure almost doubles, and in the thigh area, compared to the horizontal position, it increases by 50%. Such a distribution of blood with prolonged standing leads to adverse consequences - headache, dizziness, and fainting are observed. Working while standing with an inclination forward or to the side, repeated for a long time, makes changes in the configuration of the spinal column and leads to the usual narrowing of the chest, which in turn affects the filling of the ventricles of the heart with blood and increase heart rate. Working in a forced posture with a tilted back of the head causes pain in the cervical and occipital muscles, and also causes an increased load on the cervical vertebrae. Pain in the shoulder and arm, which is sometimes reported by long-term workers, is a symptom of developing changes in the intervertebral cartilage. To protect the sp ine during prolonged work in a standing position, observe the following rules:

• Change your position every 10-15 minutes, while leaning on one or the other leg. This will reduce the stress on the spine. • If possible, walk in place; move. • From time to time, bend backward, stretching your arms up, and take a deep breath. This can somewhat relieve fatigue from the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, nape and back. • If you are washing dishes, ironing clothes, etc., alternate putting one leg and then the other on a small bench or box. • When cleaning the apartment, working with a vacuum cleaner; also try not to bend low, as it is better to extend the hose with additional tubes. When cleaning under a bed or under a table, kneel down on one knee. • To lift an object off the floor, squat down or bend over with your knees bent and your hand resting on a chair or table. This way you do not overload the lumbar spine. • To relieve the lumbar vertebrae when standing for a long time, make yourself a support under one leg using a small bench or other elevation. Change your supporting leg from time to time. How to Properly Move W eights Objects One of the main causes of disc damage and the formation of herniated intervertebral discs, especially in the lumbosacral region, is improper lifting and carrying of weighted objects. Acute and unexpected, there is pain in the lower back in those cases when weights are lifted abruptly, jerkily, and then a heavy object is moved to the side, while turning the body. Since it is difficult to imagine our life without moving heavy objects, in order to keep the spine healthy, remember the basic rules of their competent movement. These rules are as follows: • Make the most of technical means of moving goods: carts, wheelbarrows, etc. • When working, it is best to move a heavy load rather than holding it in your hands by lifting with both hands (feet shoulder-width apart) whenever possible. • To prevent displacement of the intervertebral disc before lifting weights, it is useful to inhale and hold your breath while lifting. This makes breathing easier, like lifting a barbell for a weightlifter. • It is undesirable to make sudden movements of the body like twisting the axis, or to stand on straightened legs for a long time; it is useful to periodically relax them one by one. • The load to be lifted should be closer to the body. • Do not rush when carrying a large load. • When moving heavy objects, it is useful to have shoes with wide grooved soles. • Sometimes specially selected straps, hooks, backpacks or levers make work much easier. • It is important to use rollers, carts, means of mechanization, automation or transport to facilitate labor. • It is undesirable to start work on an empty stomach, but you should not overeat either. • Do not overuse the weight of items or materials to be moved. It is not desirable for a patient with a damaged disc to lift and carry weights over 33 lbs (15 kg). • Do not carry a heavy load in one hand, especially over long distances. To avoid overloading the spine, separate the load and carry it in both hands. • It is unacceptable to hold a weight and sharply bend and unbend (bend back). • A backpack with wide shoulder straps is very convenient for carrying heavy loads over long distances. The weight of a full backpack is distributed over the weight of the spine and the hands remain free. But if you still have to lift weights, follow these rules: put on a weightlifter belt or any wide belt; squat down with the back and neck straightened; grab a weight with both hands; rise without bending your back. In order to tilt the spine as little as possible, it is better to turn only after the load has been lifted. • Clothes and shoes must be rated by you for safety. Shoes should have low, stable heels, with non-slip soles.

• Any dangerous elements around and in the path of the load must be removed. When moving it, you need to make sure that the load cannot slip. • If one of the arms is free, it is advisable to use it to maintain the balance of the trunk. • When two or more people are lifting a load, one should act as the leader and give commands, but only after making sure that colleagues understand it and are ready to act. The strongest must stand on the lift of the heavier part of the load. Whenever possible, people moving the load should be roughly the same height. • Use your body weight and perform the movements in the same rhythm as the other participants in the movement. Be aware that your hands may come loose, especially if they are wet. How to Walk C orrectly If you have a strong, elongated spine and you walk upright, then all concussions when walking are smoothed out by cartilaginous plates and discs, which act as a shock absorber and protect the spinal cord and brain from damage. Here are some guidelines for walking: • Keep your head and chest high and your spine straight. • Do not lean on the railing; instead, lift yourself from step to step using your feet only. • You need to walk as if the legs begin in the middle of your torso, setting in motion the muscles of your back, abdomen, and thighs. • In this case, the arms should rhythmically move from the shoulder and the chin is raised high. Nature has made walking an ideal exercise that rejuvenates the entire body. Buy comfortable shoes. Be aware that a high heel will cripple the foot and intervertebral discs. When walking, you should strive to wear shoes with elastic soles and a soft, stable heel. Work shoes are usually leather shoes with a wide toe, a hard heel and a soft sole; perhaps, a heel, but no more than 0.78-1.18 inches (2-3 cm) with an, orthopedic insole - an instep support. Don't work in slippers. They are not physiological and do not protect the foot and spine from injury. Remember that this shoe is for short-term wear only. With a prolonged stay in them, the leg overheats, the muscles of the foot relax and, as a result, flat feet develop or a hammer toe, where the big toe turns inward, which causes not only cosmetic defects, but also pain. Have two pairs of shoes and change them throughout the day - the working muscle group will change and your legs will become easier. It is not recommended for women to wear high-heeled shoes, as this arches the lower back forward and increases the load on the lumbar spine. During the day, for at least 15 minutes, take a horizontal position with raised legs; relax, paying special attention to the muscles of the face, neck and back. You should know that cold leads to muscle tension. Therefore, when going for a walk or on business in bad weather, make sure that your neck and lower back are warm. Put on a turtleneck sweater, wrap a scarf around your neck, and use woolen warming belts. Lumbar stability can be helped by wearing a special corset or a wide leather belt for a weightlifter. Those who by profession are associated with frequent bending forward and lifting weights should almost constantly wear a corset or belt. It should also be worn at any sign of pain. Conclusion My book teaches you how to approach the issue fro m all sides, and this is perfect, because health is not only exercise, not only nutrition, not only our thoughts and our brain. This is a combination of all of the above and a reasonable application of the knowledge gained. Thank you, dear reader, for your time and effort. I assure you that the work we have done together will have the most beneficial effect on your body. I hope my book has sparked in you the desire to get out of the dire plight of so many people around the world. I thank you for patiently reading each line, believing that thi s book will help you. It is said that the teacher appears exactly when the student is ready. So know that you are holding this book in your hands precisely because you are ready for another life, for a life without pain. Forget everything that came before, drop doubts and fears, and just do it. One of the main laws of life, a happy life, is the law of attraction. In order to receive something, we must give something. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands the meaning of these words. In your hands is a wonderful book filled with truly strong knowledge. On the path of your recovery, you will meet many people who will not believe in your success, or who will not want to move with you. Your task is to provide all possible assistance to those who want to follow you. If, with your help, someone gets rid of back pain, then consider that you have repaid the Universe with good coin for leading you to this wonderful book, which opened the doors to a completely different life for you. If you think that only a few tips will do harm, then advise a curious friend to get my book. I will be immensely grateful to you, and believe me, the good you have done will return to you immediately in the form of good health and a happy life.

HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN A Comprehensive Technique t hat Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck Allan Goodwin Copyright 2020 Allan Goodwin Published by Allan Goodwin at Smashwords License Notes No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, without the written permission of the author. You may not copy this book, post it on the website, or distribute it in any other way without permission. This book contains tips and information regarding health and physical well-being. The book is not intended to replace medical advice and should be used as a supplement and not a substitute for regular care by a doctor. Consult your doctor. The publisher and author are not responsible for any medical outcomes that may arise as a result of applying the methods proposed in this book. ∗∗∗∗

This book is available in hard copy at most online retailers.

Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Causes of Back Pain Chapter 2 - Exercises that Relieve Back Pain Exercises for the cervical spine Stretching exercises for the back Exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles Chapter 3 - Proper Nutrition Chapter 4 - Self-hypnosis as a Power of Healing Chapter 5 - General Recommendations for Correct Back and Spine Position Conclusion Introduction Allan Goodwin book "HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN. A Comprehensive Technique that Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck " - this is an understandable and affordable complex technique that will help get rid of pain in the lower back, upper back and neck, developed based on many years of coaching experience of the author. By following the recommendations described in the five chapters of this book, you can always keep your spine in good shape, regardless of age and lifestyle. The first part describes the causes of back pain. In the second part, the book contains a set of back exercises, provided with detailed and visual illustrations. Next, the author will talk about an extremely important aspect of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. In the following chapters, the author will touch upon the correct emotional attitude and describe the correct position of the back in everyday life. The technique has proven its effectiveness for thousands of people, it will become indispensable for everyone who experiences pain and discomfort in the spine, who spends a lot of time in a sitting position and strives to always remain healthy and active. In your hands is a book that will change your life, all that is required of you is discipline and faith in a positive result. Well, let's start! Chapter 1 - Causes of Back Pain Persistent pain in the lumbar region may indicate the presence of internal diseases, a spina l injury (including a fracture). Neurological pain usually indicates a disc injury, and sometimes it is a symptom of gastrointestinal tract pathology, kidney stones, etc.; lack of treatment of these can lead to serious consequences. In addition, there are actions that contribute to the occurrence of pain: • Constantly driving or in front of a computer; • Prolonged activity in a sitting or standing up position; • Working with great physical and psychological load; • Excessive exercise; • Obesity or pregnancy; • Working at low temperatures; • Smoking; • Adverse environmental conditions; • Abrupt cessation of training by professional athletes; • Hormonal disorders, endocrine and somatic diseases; • Hypothermia, infectious diseases; • Not following a diet;

• Age changes; • Poor physical fitness; • Violation of the normal blood supply to spinal tissues; • Improper gym workouts; • Injuries; • Malnutrition; • Negative emotions; • Other. Chapter 2 - Exercises that Relieve Back Pain Exercise classes are one of the best activities aimed at eliminating back pain. The therapeutic effect occurs in different ways and have their own advantages: • Workouts for the lumbar spine help to stretch and relax smooth muscles. • Regular muscle work will help strengthen and restore the entire lumbar region of the spine. This affects not only the underlying condition causing pain, but also the general condition of the person. • With physical exertion, an increase in blood in the circulatory bed occurs. This helps to improve the absorption of nutrients into the articular apparatus, vertebrae, and restore the function of intervertebral structures. In persons leading a sluggish, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic processes are disturbed first of all, which further leads to the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy exercises benefit the body in the following ways: • With the help of training, blood circulation is normalized and the flow of oxygen to the tissues improves. • The load on the spinal discs decreases due to the expansion of the space between the vertebrae. • Spasms of smooth muscles pass. • Performance increases. • The pinching of the nerve endings is eliminated, followed by the disappearance of the pain. Warning ! If at the time of the exercise you feel a sharp pain, stop immediately and rest a little. Then, if the pain is gone, move on to the next exercise. There are a lot of exercises. Chances are that several of them may not suit you but that is nothing to worry about. Do only those exercises that work best for you. But after a while, I still recommend returning to those exercises that previously caused pain. The fact is that exercise is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles that support our spine. Consequently, your spine becomes stronger after each time and after a while, those exercises that caused you pain may bring you joy and great benefits. I advise you to do your exercises in the morning, before breakfast. But this does not mean that if you miss your morning session, you cannot complete them before bed. The main thing is that the exercise is included in your routine. The whole set must be performed once a day. Two or even three times can be harmful since the goal of these activities is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles, after the exercise, the connective tissues need rest. If you repeat the routine after 5-6 hours, the connective tissues will not have time to recover, which will lead to micro tears. These will be accompanied by unbearable pain and will incapacitate you for several days. I beg you, do the exercises neatly, gently and smoothly. Refrain from jerky movements until you feel every working muscle. Exercises for the cervic al spine Exercise № 1

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Pull the chin forward, keeping the level of the ey es and lower jaw. And back retracting movements in the neck. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. This should be a stretching movement of the muscles. Try to stretch, mentally being in the cervical spine. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 2

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Bend your head and neck forward, trying to touch your chin to your c hest. Then tilt your head and neck back to see the ceiling above you. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 3

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We bend the head and neck to the right, then to the left, trying to touch the shoulder with the head. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 4

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We turn from the beginning the head and neck to the right, then to the left. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 5

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Raise your shoulders up, reach for your ears. We lower it back. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing - deep breath when we raise our shoulders, exhale when we lower it. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 6

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We perform circular movements, first to the right, then to the left. It turns out the movement of the pendulum. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 7

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Tilt your head to the right, pull the muscles of the opposite side of the neck. Put your hand on top of the side of the head and stretch the neck muscles a little. We stay in this position, then remove the hand and return to the original position. The same exercise is repeated with a tilt to the left. We do everything carefully, softly and smoothly. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 8

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. We cross our arms into a castle. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Hands in the lock. We put our hands on the back of the head and offer re sistance, as if we want to tilt our head forward. We press on the head with our hands, but we resist with our neck. We delay 4 seconds. Let's put our hands down, relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. Then we put our hands on the forehead and put a little pressure on the head, as if we want to tilt it back. We press on the head with our hands, but we resist with our neck. We delay 4 seconds. Let's put our hands down, relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as u sual. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 9

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: We put our right ha nd on the temple. We press on the head with our hand, but resist with our neck. We delay 4 seconds. We lower our hand, relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. The same exercise is done on the other side.

Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Exercise № 10

Starting position: We stand upright or sit on a chair, maintain an even posture. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Put your right hand on your cheek. Hand press on the cheek, but the neck resists. Hold for 4 seconds. We lower our hand and relax. Breathing is arbitrary, we breathe calmly, evenly, as usual. The same exercise is done on the other side. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times. Stretching exercises for the back I advise you to do the following exercises on a gymnastic mat. Since some exercises are performed on your knees, you can inadvertently harm yourself by shifting your body weight to one leg. It is better if the surface is moderately soft. Sometimes I am asked whether it is possible to perf orm gymnastics lying on the bed. The answer is no! The bed is too soft. The spine will begin to bend in places where it should not be done, which can lead to an aggravation of your position. Exercises should be performed only on a hard floor and only on a gymnastic rug. As a last resort, you can lay a large towel folded in half on the floor.

For those weighing over 220 lbs (100 kg), I recommend purchasing knee pads with a soft pad. The fact is that it is very easy to damage the knee joint, but it is much more difficult to restore it, so do not neglect the sa fety measures and the exercises I have presented will bring you great benefit. For people with back pain, stretching is especially important because it can help reduce pain and even prevent future pain and injury. Regular stretching exercises keep the muscles and ligaments flexible, and in addition, reduces stress on joints, improves blood circulation and the supply of organs with nutrients. In their absence, stiffness, limited range of motion, and pain may appear or worsen. Among other things, stretching is an important way to prepare your muscles for strenuous work (such as aerobics or sports). Therefore, to prevent muscle strain and muscle pain, and to prevent injury, stretch should be done before and after exercise. Exercise № 1

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performi ng the exercise:

Lying on your back, as you exhale, bend your knees. Clasp your knees with your hands and pull to your chest. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 2

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knees and extend the other. Grasp the knee of your bent leg and pull it towards your chest. Do the same with the other leg. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 3

Starting position: Get on all fours. The gaze is directed to the floor. The back is straight. Performing the exercise: Smoothly lower your back, lift your head up. Arch your back, draw in your stomach, tilt your head towards your chest, f ix the pose. When the back is bent upwards, it is necessary to exhale, when the back is bent down - a smooth inhalation. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 4

Starting position: Lie on your stomach. Hands are folded under the head. Legs are straight. The gaze is directed to the floor. Performing the exercise: When inhaling, stand up, leaning on your elbows and forearms, bend back. As you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 5

Starting position: Lie on your s tomach. Hands palms abut on the floor shoulder-width apart. Legs are straight. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Performing the exercise: When inhaling, straighten your arms, bend without lifting your hips from the floor. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 6

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Without bending in the lower back, we perform several alternate stretching with our feet towards ourselves from ourselves. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 7

Starting position: Lie on your stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows at chest level. Legs are straight. The gaze is directed to the floor. Performing the exercise: As you inhale, lift your torso, bend back, bring your shoulder blades tog ether with effort. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 8

St arting position: Sit on your knees with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands on your knees, gaze directed forward. Performing the exercise: With forward movements, as if walking with your hands on the floor, lie on your stomach on your knees. Pull the pelvis back a little. The arms are slightly bent, continuing the line of the body. Feel a slight stretch in your spine. Hold this position for a few seconds. Take the starting position. The forward delivery of the body is accompanied by a deep breat h, and the return to the starting position is accompanied by an exhalation. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 9

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are extended to the side. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: On exhalation, we perform , twisting, turning the knees to the right and the head to the left. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Then we twist to the other side. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 10

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down, left leg bent at the knee, right leg extended straight. The shoulder blades are pre ssed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are extended to the side. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: As we exhale, we turn our head to the left, and our knees to the right, while with the foot of our left leg we hook on the right leg at knee level. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Then we twist to the other side. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. It should be stretching muscle movements. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be perf ormed up to 10 times. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles Exercise № 1

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs straight. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lying on your back, alternately press the shoulder blades, pelvis, heels of straight legs to the floor. Fix the pose for 5 seconds each time.

Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 2

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are hooked behind the back of the head. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Raise your shoulders and head. Press your lower back to the floor. Lock the pose for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 3

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands behind the back of the head. The gaze is directed at the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lying on your back, put your left leg on your right knee. With the right elbow, we touch the left knee. We do it up to 7 times. We accept the starting position. We do the same with the other leg. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 7 times on each side. Exercise № 4

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down, legs bent at the knees and rest on the floor shoulder-width apart. The shoulder blades are pre ssed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are extended to the side. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Lift your pelvis and tighten your buttocks without bending your lower back. Lock the pose for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 5

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms are extended along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Performing the exercise: Pull your knees to your chest. Straighten your legs forward and up. You can put your hands under the buttocks when doing the exercise, and cross your feet. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 6

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your back down , with your legs bent at the knees. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands are located at the waist. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Perform ing the exercise: We raise our legs up and spread them to the sides, without bending at the knees. We tear off the shoulder blades from the floor. Stretch forward with our hands. We accept the starting position. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 7

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms are folded under the chin. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Alternately raise and lower the left and right leg, wi thout bending them at the knees. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 8

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms are folded under the chi n. The gaze is directed forward. Performing the exercise: Raise and lower two legs without bending them at the knees. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 9

Starting position: Lying on your stomach w ith your legs extended. The arms are extended forward. Performing the exercise: Lift your left arm and right leg off the floor. Feel the muscles that hold your spine contract. Take the starting position. Do the same with the other leg and arm. Raising the arms and legs is accompanied by an intense exhalation, and lowering with a smooth inhalation. Concentrate not on the height of the leg and arm, but on the muscle contraction. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exerci se № 10

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The arms are extended forward. Performing the exercise: Lift your arms and legs off the floor, stretch them and hold them for 5 seconds. Lower your limbs to the floor and r elax for 5 seconds. At the moment of raising the arms and legs, it is necessary to make an intensive output, at the moment of lowering, inhale. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times . Exercise № 11

Starting position : Get on all fours. The gaze is directed to the floor. The back is straight. Performing the exercise: Bring your right leg back and lift your left arm up parallel to the floor, keeping balance on your left knee and right arm. Fix the position in which the right leg and left arm are parallel to the floor for 5 seconds. After that, take the starting position. Then take your left leg back and lift your right hand up parallel to the floor, keeping balance on your right knee and left arm. Fix the position in which the left leg and right arm are parallel to the floor for 5 seconds. Abduction of the leg and raising the arm is accompanied by exhalation, and the return to the starting position is followed by inhalation. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Exercise № 12

Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your legs extended. The palms are folded under the chin, the elbows are spread apart. Performing the exercise: Lift your right knee towards your right elbow with a slight twist of the body. T hen return to the starting position and lift the left knee to the left elbow, with a slight twist of the body. The upward movement of the knee should be accompanied by an intense exhalation, and the downward movement should be accompanied by an inhalation. We do everything neatly, softly and smoothly. Number of repetitions: The exercise must be performed up to 10 times. Chapter 3 - Proper Nutrition Back pain can be triggered by many factors such as hard physical labor, sedentary work, pregnancy, etc. But all of the above is what our life consists of. One way or another, sometimes we need to carry heavy bags from the store to the house or move the refrigerator and sofa to another corner. We spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer or TV. And, in the end, most girls dream of having a child. It turns out that our whole life is an unfavorable environment for our spine! Why do physical labor, sedentary work, pregnancy and other facto rs destroy our spine? Because it does not feel the proper support. In a word, the muscles and ligaments around the spine become worn and the spine itself becomes fragile and it's all the fault of malnutrition and a low level of physical activity. We figured out a little about activity, and in the previous chapter you became acquainted with amazingly effective exercises, so now let's talk about nutrition. Every day, for the normal development and vital activity of the body, a person must receive with food and water about 70 various ingredients (amino acids, organic and fatty acids, vitamins, inorganic substances, etc.), many of which are not synthesized in the body and therefore are essential. At the same time, in different periods of human life, the body's need for the amount and ratio of these ingredients changes. With a lack or excess in the diet of certain substances, metabolic disorders occur, which leads to serious pathological changes in the body and can even cause death. Assuming proper nutrition, food should provide the body with six main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral (inorganic) substances, water. To get all of these nutrients, a person needs to eat a variety of foods every day. In nature, there are no ideal food products that would contain the entire complex of substances necessary for a person. Food should consist of a variety of food products, both of vegan (for example, fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals, baked goods) and animal (for example, dairy, fish, meat products, eggs) origin. With a varied diet, which consists of both animal and plant products, a sufficient amount of nutrients enters the human body (since different products complement each other in the absence of individual components). Keep in mind that no amount of spinal exercises will help if, while doing them, you continue to eat improperly. Drinking water All minerals necessary for our bones dissolve in water before being included in the metabolic processes of the body. An insufficient amount of water prevents microelements from being absorbed, and its excess leads to the fact that vital substances are excreted from the body without bringing any benefit. It follows from this that water must be taken in the amount required by the human body. According to popular studies, t he average amount of water to drink per day should be at least 3% of a person's body weight. At the same time, some experts have a different idea: if a person is overweight, then the amount of water consumed should be calculated based on the “ideal”

person's weight. Without the required amount of fluid, the body becomes dehydrated, which leads to the development of numerous severe disorders. For example, not having enough fluid in the body can cause kidney stones. Remember to drink water in small portions. After all, the liquid should be included in the metabolism, and not be driven by a "waterfall" through the body, washing out useful minerals and diluting its vital juices. A natural question arises: what is the maximum amount of water that can be consumed per day? According to research by scientists, this figure is 2% of a person's weight for every 5.5 hours of wakefulness. This means that in total a person can consume an amount of water equal to 6% of his mass per day. Let's emphasize again: water should be taken in portions throughout the day. But even this figure may be overstated if there are breaks in the intake of liquids. Here are some more rules for drinking water: • Drink should be with any (even slight) sensation of thirst, even if at this time you are eating. • It is advisable to drink two glasses of water half an hour before meals. • About two and a half hours after eating, drink another glass of water or two. • Drink water when you wake up after a long sleep. If you've slept for more than two hours, your body needs to renew some of its fluids and eliminate partial dehydration. Accordingly, this rule must be observed in the morning. • Half an hour before any planned physical activity (sports training or just hard physical labor), you need to drink a certain amount of water to prevent dehydration. The more water you drink, given the nature of the muscular labor involved, the better. Of course, after exertion, this procedure must be repeated and not after half an hour, but immediately. pH balance Water bottles often have "alkalinity" written on them. Our body is an acid-alkaline environment, in which balance must always reign; or rather, the numbers should be skewed in favor of an alkaline environment. The blood pH should be in the range of 7.35-7.45. If your numbers are such, then your body is functioning wonderfully and the renewal of all cells occurs regularly. But if the pH is lower, then you are in big trouble! Everything that we eat or drink has a pH value. The pH can shift from 0 to 14. 0 is absolute acid and 14 is absolute alkali. Both the first and second indicators have nothing to do with our body. Remember the pH of the blood of a healthy person is 7.35-7.45. For example, let's take a well-known carbonated cola drink with a pH of 2.5. This means that fluid with such a low pH level lowers the pH of our blood. And if the pH of the blood approaches 6, then the person falls into a coma. Our body cannot allow this, and it begins to defend itself! How? Everything is quite simple: it sends minerals and, to a greater extent, calcium from the bones directly into our blood. Just think about that the body leaches calcium from the bones! And when a person takes a blood test, his calcium level is quite high and one might think that there is a lot of calcium in the body, but in fact there is little of it in the bones! Right now, you might think that the problem can be solved with 2.2 - 4.4 lb (1-2 kg) of cottage cheese. What could be easier than to load the body with calcium? But, unfortunately, not all that calcium you consume with food is absorbed; if the pH of the food is below 7, all the calcium will go into the blood. For greater clarity, I will give a few examples of how acidosis of the body threatens us (high acidity). Nutritionists believe that more than 200 diseases of our time that worry people occur precisely because of the oxidation of the body! Namely: • cataracts; • arthritis and all cartilage problems; • stones in the kidney, gall, pancreas and even stones on the teeth; • lack of immunity and, as a consequence, viral, bacterial and fungal diseases; • almost all types of allergies; • diseases of blood vessels and heart; • atherosclerosis; • headache; • depression;

• insomnia; • edema; • cellulite; • cramps and muscle weakness; • caries; • thick blood; • high blood pressure… I hope I have convinced you that this issue is serious and requ ires an investigation. Let's figure out which foods oxidize us and which alkalize us. Oxidize: • meat; • cereals; • cheeses; • milk and yoghurts; • eggs. Alkalize: • leafy greens; • roots; • vegetables; • fruits; • berries. Of course, all of the above does not mean that you sho uld give up meat, eggs, or milk. It just means that you need to consume a lot more alkaline foods, namely at least 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg) per day. Then you can avoid the above problems. With water, everything is much easier. The labels say "alkalinity" or "pH". The pH level should not be less than 6.5-7, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste! Sometimes it is extremely difficult to find quality water, but I assure you it is possible! Just do not be lazy, pay attention to the labels of the water you buy. I will say a few words in favor of alkaline water and alkaline foods. Otto Warburg proved that at a blood pH of 7.43, cancer cells do not develop and for this he was awarded the Nobel Prize. You see how easy it is to prolong and improve your life! As soon as you start monitoring your pH, you will immediately feel it! Indeed, in a state of oxidation of the body (acidosis), it cannot fully absorb the minerals that we receive from food. The doctors prescribe us calcium. But this only aggr avates our condition, since unabsorbed calcium is deposited in the form of stones. If anyone is wondering what the exact ratio of alkaline to oxidizing foods should be in our diet, here they are. For every 0.22 lb s (0.1 kg) of meat, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, there should be 0.88 lbs (0.4 kg) of fruits and vegetables. Of course, this is a lot and most of you have never eaten like this. And I highly recommend adding fruits and vegetables to your diet gradually! Start at 0.44 lb (0.2 kg) per day and add 0.22 lbs (0.1 kg) daily. For example, if I eat 0.66 lbs (0.3 kg) fish + 0.315 quarts (0.3 liter) milk + 0.22 lbs (0.1 kg) eggs per day = 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg). I should also eat about 6.17 pounds (2.8 kg) of fruit and vegetables. It looks something like this: 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) apples + 0.66 lbs (0.3 kg) cabbage + 1.1 lbs (0.5 kg) orange + other vegetables and fruits. And I feel great. ATTENTION! You need to gradually add alkaline foods to your diet and monitor your health. You need to understand that , at first, the digestive organs can protest. The body does not spend a lot of energy on the digestion of sweets and starchy foods and the stomach barely contracts, which means that the muscles of the cavity atrophy. And to digest alkaline foods, our digestive organs need to work hard which, by the way, also burns a huge amount of calories. The main thing is to gradually accustom your body to a healthy diet, and it will only thank you! If I haven't convinced you yet, then with your pe rmission I will continue. I consider it my mission to change your life and the life of your loved ones for the better!

I am sure that the problems associated with back pain directly depend on our lifestyle. Proper nutrition will change your life beyond recognition. We were not taught this at school, but that does not mean that as we mature, we have to work for puppeteers. Our life is in our hands I sincerely believe that everyone is worthy of happiness, and happiness is unthinkable without health. Arthur Schopenhauer said: "Health so far exceeds all other blessings of life, that in truth a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." On average, 8 out of 10 people suffer from acidosis, that is, oxidation of the body. Just imagine that in a stadium that houses about 10,000 fans, 8,000 of them suffer from acidosis. This means that these 8,000 people are doomed to suffering, since we already know what they are threatened with: diabetes mellitus, heart disease, oncological diseases... yes, acid has such a detrimental effect on our body, and do not forget about it for a second. The acid blocks energy and biochemical p rocesses in cells. At birth, a baby's blood pH is 8.0, but our parents, and then we ourselves, make every effort to ensure that the acid penetrates into the most secluded corners of our body. Do you think I'm wrong and our parents did the right thing when they put fried sausage on our plates? Remember how much you drank in your childhood and, in general, in your entire life of carbonated sweet drinks. Now read carefully and don't repeat the mistakes of your parents. After all, even if you are not 20 years old, you can still help yourself, and even more so your loved ones, children, grandchildren... In carbonated drinks, citric acid is found in large quantities, which oxidizes the human body. What can we see in playgrounds and schools? We see how children constantly drink effervescent sweet drinks literally from 3-4 years old. Unfortunately, parents do not understand how this threatens their children. There is such a terrible disease osteopor osis (softening of bones) at the time of our grandfathers and grandmothers osteoporosis was an age-related disease and people who had reached the age of 60–70 suffered from it. Now osteoporosis is observed in children 6-12 years old. It's really scary! It is for this reason that a 12-year-old child may complain of back pain. Yes, yes, they are not lying; he really feels the same as you, that his back hurts! The acid is guilty of this, but first of all we are guilty, since we are irresponsible regarding our health. Maybe parents do not buy carbonated su gary drinks for their child, but when they are with friends or with grandparents, in 99% of cases they drink them! Therefore, you need to solve the problem; not with banning them or punishment, though , but with the help of a frank conversation. It is also worth having a conversation with your parents or grandparents. Someone might argue again that what is the connection between carbonated drinks and bones? I remind you that acid removes calcium from the bones, and about 150 diseases can develop from a lack of calcium! Also, do not forget that they are high in sugar, which raises blood sugar levels. That is, the use of sugary carbonated drinks is a direct path to diabetes. I have not met people who would drink 0.105 - 0.21 qt (0.1 - 0.2 L) of the drink. This is usually a minimum of 0.526 qt (0.5 L) or even 1.05 qt (1 L). This amount of carbonated drink completely changes the composition of the blood. Let's take a quick look at how a carbonated drink affects our body, so to speak, step by step: • sugar is absorbed in 10 minutes; • in 20 minutes insulin rises in the blood; • the liver converts all sugar into fats; • blood pressure rises in 40 minutes; • after 45 minutes, the body increases the production of dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure center of our brain; • 60 minutes after drinking carbonated sweet drinks, phosphoric acid begins to bind calcium, magnesium, zinc; • in 90 minutes these substances will be excreted from the body. And the worst thing is that the drink is so sweet, so after it you want to drink more. Thirst amplifiers are also added to it. After drinking a glass of the drink, a person will definitely drink more, and so the average person drinks 1.05 - 1.578 quarts (1-1.5) liters of carbonated drink. You already understood that such drinks are acidic that is, they remove more fluid from the body than we get from them. Sugary carbonated drinks are so bad that Indian villagers spray them on their plantations. Thus, they successfully con trol pests and are quite powerful. The effect is no worse than that of patented pesticides, only the price of drinks is much lower. I even watched a video clip on the Internet showing, how one sprayed his grapes with carbonated drinks with the desire to get rid of aphids. He got rid of aphids, but the grape shoots received a severe burn. Imagine what happens to the internal organs of a person, as well as the bones, and with them, the spine. Sometimes we forget that the human body is designed for 120 years of active existence, bu t subject to careful and cautious handling of it. For example, our liver is completely renewed every year. That is, every year a new liver is born in our body, BUT! Only on the condition of the healthy existence of its owner. Our skeleton is completely renewed every 10-15 years! This means that physically a person may not grow old. We deliberately bring ourselves closer to old age. For example, our bones constantly require calcium and a number of other micro-nutrients, and we, in turn, oxidize our body and do not allow the skeleton to renew itself. The reality is harsh, back pain has become a companion not only for the elderly, but also for the rather young. At the age of 20-30, young people complain about their health. It is because of the oxidation of the body that

bones become fragile, and not because of age. The information you just learned is priceless. Exercise is wonderful, but without proper nutrition, your efforts will be in vain. An integrated approach is needed. When you exercise , your heart rate rises, and by exercise 15 you will notice the extensor muscles of the spine increase slightly and become tighter. This suggests that this muscle group is filled with blood. For what? The fact is that blood is designed to deliver nutrients that we receive from food to all organs and systems. If we eat right, then the blood enriches our spine and muscles with the ligaments surrounding it with nutrients. And if an acidic environment prevails in the body, the spine does not receive anything nutritious; on the contrary, it only loses the already deficient calcium. Note, I do not consider weight loss or spine recovery as separate systems that solve one characteristic problem. I always insist on improving the body. By applying what you’ll learn about in this book, you’ll notice how you have gotten rid of not only back pain, but also a number of other issues of concern to you. I sincerely wish you happiness and good health. With your permission, I will continue. Number of meals You already know about the existence of alkaline and acidic foods. Now we need to figure out how to consume certain foods in order to get the most out of proper nutrition. Eating healthy foods just 1-2 times a day will not help you cope with back pain . I recommend dividing your eating into 4-5 meals. Servings may not be large, but meals must be frequent, otherwise your body will not be able to repair your spine. In order for your bones to regain their former density, they need a regular supply of nutrients. You need to eat about every 3-4 hours. Protein Protein is the main building block for cell, tissue and organ formation. It is proteins that contribute to the formation of new muscle fibers and also the restoration of injured cells and tissues. Our bones, skin, hair, muscles and organs are all protein structures. Proteins are divided into two types: vegetable and animal. Vegetable proteins include: legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, etc. For animals: eggs, dairy products, poultry, meat, fish and other seafood. The highest quality protein in terms of digestibility is egg white. Its level is approximately 100%, followed by dairy products, meat, fish, poultry. I would also like to talk about vegetarians. If you have decided to seriously refuse products containing animal protein, you need to purchase at the pharmacy: B vitamins, Omega-3, calcium, iron and zinc. The fact is that all these micronutrients are found in animal products, and without them the body will be very lacking. Iron deficiency threatens the body with a breakdown, pale skin, blood diseases and the development of anemia. Zinc deficiency makes bones porous and brittle, and the spine loses its shape. Also, zinc deficiency contributes to the development of epilepsy. And the worst thing is that scientists have already practically proven that a lack of zinc can lead to cancer. Lack of Vitamins B threatens with hematopoiesis, anemia, damage to the nervous system and all the way up to irreversible disorders. Also, a lack of Vitamins B can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome and digestive disorders. If you gave up not only meat, but also milk, then your body 100% lack s such an important mineral as calcium. With an initial calcium deficiency, there are dental problems, brittle hair and nails, and frequent bone curvature or fractures. If calcium is absent in the diet for a long time, then the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. Now you can see how important foods that contai n animal proteins are. Lack of zinc and calcium is one of the main causes of back problems. After all, if the bones are strong, the ligaments are elastic, and the muscles are in good shape, then in order to damage the spine it is not enough to lift a heavy object or carry three children. Healthy bones are stronger than concrete! This book gives you all the tools with which you can radically change your life, so do not miss this chance. Protein is essential for the restoration of your spine and overall health. We found out that foods containing a lot of protein oxidize our body, but this does not mean that we need to give them up. Try to combine protein foods with plant foods and your pH will be fine. Protein is the main building block of our muscle tissue. Therefore, if we want to strengthen our spine, we must take care of the muscles around it. And if the muscles do not receive the proper amount of protein, they will not be able to progress, and the recovery process will proceed so slowly that you may not even notice it. So that you can see the world through the eyes of a healthy person in a few months, I recommend that you include about 0.22 - 0.44 lb (0.1 - 0.2 kg) of animal protein in each meal. Let me tell you one secret: in order to feel 100% in the morning, you need to have food 30-40 minutes before bedtime. This can be a glass of yogurt or 0.22 lb (0.1 kg) low fat cottage cheese. The fact is that at night our body works tirelessly, and it just needs protein so that it does not engage in "self-eating".

After waking up , in the first 40 minutes, you simply have to have breakfast with protein and carbohydrate foods (we will talk about carbohydrates a little later). You don't drive to work with an empty tank, do you? People who go to work without having breakfast commit a crime against their health! Someone will decide that there is nothing scary here, but this is not so, because most often those people who do not have breakfast literally spend the night in the kitchen, and this is a direct road to serious health problems. Think about it! Carbohydrates From carbohydrates, we get a huge amount of energy for daily life. Carbohydrates promote the assimilation of proteins at the moment when protein is a building material for our body; carbohydrates are the very builders that deliver this protein to our muscles. Carbohydrates contribute to the complete oxidation of fats and they are also necessary for a normal metabolism and the work of our muscles, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. An energy exchange in the brain is carried out almost exclusively by glucose (carbohydrates) alone. When absorbed, carbohydrates maintain a constant adequate blood glucose level. Carbohydrates are "Slow" and "Fast". It depends on the rate of conversion into glucose. Insulin is responsible for processing. In simple terms, if a person wants to be healthy and not burden his body with unwanted fatty deposits, it is enough for him to exclude simple “Fast” carbohydrates from his diet, namely all kinds of pastries and sweets such as candies, chocolate, marshmallows, etc. Complex "Slow" carbohydrates are useful for our body. They are found in foods such as cereals, pasta, peas, lentils, beans, beets, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, whole grain breads, vegetables and vegetable juices, bran, herbs, wild rice, and crisp bread. The consumption of carbohydrates is very individual and depends on many factors: whether you are involved in sports, the nature of your work activity, metabolic rate and degree of satiety, as well as individual energy consumption for digesting food. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy body, you need to experimentally find out which foods saturate your body with energy and in what quantity, and which foods give nothing but a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. But remember one very important thing - if your work is not related to physical labor and you have to sit at the computer for a long time and you very rarely do sports so that carbohydrates are not deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat, eat food containing carbohydrates before 14:00 or as a last resort before 16:00. An excess of carbohydrates, and especially "Fast" and eaten after 18:00, leads to obesity, metabolic disorders, increased cholesterol levels and the development of diabetes. Fats Healthy fats are perhaps one of the main foods that will help you rebuild your spine. We don't care about the fats found in butter cream and refined vegetable oils, which are rich in horrible and dangerous trans fats. We are interested in Omega-3 and Vitamin E. Omega-3s are found in marine fish. These fats help reduce inflammation in our body, and also rejuvenate our skin, but Omega-3s are interesting to us precisely because they help maintain bone density . The benefits are great, but with everything you need to know when to stop. Eating only one sea fish for an extended period can lead to indigestion and internal bleeding. For healthy bones and spine, it is enough to eat sea fish only 23 times a week. Vitamin E is designed to give women and men youth and beauty. Vitamin E prevents oxidative stress, thereby slowing down the aging process. It also stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen; it stimulates the healing of wounds and abrasions; it protects the skin from UV rays; and it also maintains the water-lipid balance. Vitamin E perfectly removes stretch marks of the skin after pregnancy and successfully fights acne. Vitamin E restores the menstrual cycle, is very useful for nails, helps with liver dysfunctions, treats long-term chronic diseases, helps restore hair and most importantly Vitamin E will help you more than anything else to cope with inflammatory processes in the back that prevent you from living a normal life. On the way to your recovery, Vitamin E will serve as a kind of natural pain relievers, which will certainly make the process of spinal recovery more enjoyable. Vitamin E is found in seeds and nuts. 0.11 - 0.22 lb (0.05 - 0.1 kg) seeds or nuts per day is your daily requirement for Vitamin E. It's important to remember that refined vegetable oils don't have Vitamin E! For example, I don’t really like nuts, so I buy unrefined vegetable oil. Two tablespoons of oil a day with salad or porridge replenishes the body's need for this useful vitamin. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Vitamin E is afraid of light and heat, therefore a vessel with unrefined oil should be stored in the refrigerator; it is cold and dark there, just what you need. Calcium This is the main component of bones. 90% of calcium is found in the skeletal system, where it is used not only as the main ingredient in bone structure, but is also stored for the needs of the whole body. If the diet lacks natural organic calcium, then not only the bones will suffer from this, but the entire body as well. The most characteristic sign of a lack of calcium in the blood is increased excitability; nerve fibers do not transmit the appropriate signals and the body does not relax. Natural sources of calcium are diverse. Protein foods rich in calcium are liver, kidneys, heart, etc., natural, non-industrial yellow fat, fresh eggs, yogurts, cheeses, coarsely ground cornmeal, whole foods made from oats, barley, nuts and seeds, stalks of alfalfa, artichokes, beets, dandelions, mustard; all types of cabbage, lettuce, and carrots and cucumbers are all excellent sources of calcium. Fruits include oranges, sun-dried dates, figs and raisins.

Sulfur In nature, we know this element as a yellow powder. In the body of an adult, the total body weight should normally contain from 0.2% to 0.3% sulfur. The main reserves of the microelement are in the bone and cartilage tissues. Long-term clinical studies of the effect of sulfur of the bone tissue have shown an undoubted positive effect. Bone-cartilage tissues contain sulfur compounds such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. We must thank them for the fact that our ligaments and ca rtilage have elasticity and a strong structure. Every day, in the diet, a person should receive about 1 g of sulfur and its compounds; we spend the amount of the substance obtained on the birth of new protein molecules and other important internal processes. Turkey, chicken, pork, guinea fowl, beef, rabbit, goat and most fish are just a few of the high sulfur foods. For a healthy adult with an adequate protein intake, a serving of meat per day can fully provide the required amount of sulfur. Dairy products (milk, cheese) are also foods with a high concentration of macronutrients, and among fruits, bananas, pineapples and watermelon are rich in sulfur. In addition, there is a lot of sulfur in nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, coconuts) and seeds (sunflower, sesame). Eggs are equally good S sources. A serving of quail, for example, can provide nearly the same amount of macronutrient as a serving of meat. Chicken, especially yolks, are also rich in sulfur. Almost all fibrous, leafless vegetables, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, are rich sources of sulfur. This list includes corn, peas, spinach, different types of cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi), mustard, asparagus, okra, lettuce, eggplant. And almost all sulfur-rich vegetables have a common characteristic - a specific smell. The most recognizable sulfur-containing plants are: cruciferous: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese and other species; onions: onions, shallots, garlic, leeks. Phosphorus Combines with calcium and vitamins A and D in the required proportions to form a healthy skeletal system and balance metabolism. Natural sources of phosphorus: tongue, internal organ s of animals, fish and fish oil, natural cheese, soy pods, raw spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, peas, lettuce; rye and wheat grain, bran. Magnesium Helps calcium and vitamin D in building the skeletal system and preventing bone softening. Natural sources of ma gnesium: bean pods, peas, beans, cucumbers, alfalfa shoots, raw spinach, bran, whole grains, nuts, sunflower seeds, honey, raisins, prunes. Manganese An essential element that carries oxygen from the blood to the cells. This is especially important in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and cartilage, which do not have direct circulation. Natural sources of manganese: liver, egg yolk, poultry, internal organs of animals, all natural cheeses, seaweed, potatoes, especially peels, lettuce, celery, onions, peas, beans of all kinds, bran and natural corn flour, bananas, almonds, chestnuts , walnut. Introduce nutrients with a high potassium content into the diet. It is especially abundant in dry fruits and berries - apricots, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, peaches, dates, as well as in fresh fruits of black currants, bananas, dogwoods, pineapples, apricots, from vegetables . It's also in potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, parsley, dill. In addition to minerals, the spin e needs vitamins. Vitamins A, C and D are especially important for it. Vitamins of group B are especially necessary for the spinal cord and nervous system. Vitamins A and D The body needs these to fully utilize calcium and phosphorus, as well as for the normal functioning of the nervous system. In people with a low content of vitamins A and D in the diet, bone density decreases and their walls become thin and brittle. Natural sources of vitamin A are fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrots, artichokes, melons, yellow pumpkins, peaches; fresh eggs, liver of animals and fish. Natural sources of vitamin D: fish liver, unsaturated fats, fresh eggs, whole milk, butter. The main natural source of vitamin D is the sun. Daily sunbathing helps replenish the body's supply of this vitamin. It should be noted that after sunbathing, sweat should not be washed off immediately, but after a while, so that vitamin D has time to be absorbed by the body. Vitamin C

This is necessary for the nutrition of collagen, and collagen is necessary for the unification, bonding of cells in the bones. Vitamin C is a vital element for the body; without it, the body cannot exist. Given that Vitamin C does not accumulate in the body, its reserves must be replenished daily. Natural sources of Vitamin C: berries, citrus fruits, herbs, cabbage, bell peppers. These foods should be eaten raw, as vitamin C is destroyed when heated. B vitamins They have a beneficial effect on nerve and muscle tissues, allowing you to relieve pain, reduce the inflammatory process, and prevent its transition to adjacent areas. In addition, vitamins of this group saturat e tissues with oxygen molecules and improve metabolic and healing processes. B vitamins are considered the best vitamins for the back and spine. They have a strong analgesic effect in all joint diseases, improve neuromuscular conductivity, and accelerate the restoration of cartilage tissue. Medicines containing these trace elements are often prescribed for severe back pain, even on their own. After all, they act on the cause of the pain, restoring nerve fibers. Being Overweight We hav e already found out that back pain is often is a cry for help from the body as a whole. We have one head, one brain, one soul and one body we are an integral energy system, and when something is wrong in some part of the body, you cannot pay attention only to the diseased organ, you need to look at the big picture. In the chain, only the weakest link might break, but it breaks from the tension that the entire chain has experienced. Therefore, if we repair a link, the tension will break the next link and so on ad infinitum. It is necessary to restore the link and at the same time fight against tension in order to minimize its effect on our bodies. Above you became acquainted with the peculiarities of pH, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and rules of food intake, and all this will make you a truly healthy person. But if you, your friends or relatives are faced with being overweight which, of course, is a reflection of the state of your internal organs and systems, including the spine you need to cope with this very strong tension in the chain of your health. Being o verweight can be insignificant, for example 11 to 22 pounds (5 to 10 kg), in some cases it may indicate the normal range, and in other cases it is a risk zone. Excess weight is divided into two types: subcutaneous fat and internal fat. Subcutaneous fat is not as bad for our health as internal fat. After all, internal fat entangles human organs and, as a result, provokes the appearance of about 200 terrible diseases. In order to understand exactly where the hated fat is located under the skin or around organs, there is no need to undergo expensive examinations. It is enough to measure your waist. The norm for girls from 18 to 80 years old is 23.6 - 27.6 inches (60-70 cm). In males, from 29.5 to 33.5 inches (75 to 85 cm). All inches (centimeters) that are outside the normal range indicate the presence of internal fat, which must be said goodbye to, no matter how much you are used to it. Internal fat affects literally all organs and systems of our body. In fact a person with 22 pounds (10 kg) of excess weight, feels it every moment in their spine. But, unfortunately, or fortunately, fat itself does not hurt; joints, heart, spine and the liver hurt, but not fat, and therefore it is sometimes incredibly difficult for a person to pull themselves together and lose weight. Nutrition first I want to draw your attention to the fact that you should start with nutrition; you cannot expect serious results from exercise without proper nutrition. I understand that it is very difficult to change yourself in one day and there is really a lot of information. But I sincerely want to help you, which is why I wrote this book. If it helps you, I will be immensely happy! But in order for it to help, you must follow all the recommendations. If you try to apply all of the above in one day, most likely the next day you will return to your old way of life. Don't do that. Make healthy eating a part of your life gradually. It is very important that you experience pleasure in what you are doing. If you hate chicken fillets or eggs, you do not need to eat them; if you hate fish, you do not need to eat fish. If you are jarred at the sight of cottage cheese, then this is not your product. Choose what you like and eat to your health. Perhaps, in some places in this section, I "went too far" and slightly scared you. But believe me, I did not exaggerate the harm of certain products. Rather, I downplayed their impact on the human body. A nd if your friend has eaten sweets with marshmallows and hamburgers, washed down with all this sweet soda water, and has lived for 30 years and has never been to a doctor, believe me, this is not a reason to follow his example. The fact is that many things in our life and in nature in general change dramatically in the blink of an eye, but this does not mean that nothing has happened before. Returning to the analogy with the chain, we see damage only when the link has already parted, but before that, a tension of half a ton worked for several minutes to break a strong chain, without us noticing it. A person who smokes one cigarette will not get lung cancer, and after 100 cigarettes nothing will happen, but this does not mean that smoking does not cause lung cancer. A half full glass can take in a thousand drops, but it is the one drop that will be the last one that causes water to start pouring down the walls of the glass. You should not test the capabilities of your body and torture it with harmful food. I believe in you; I believe that you will have the strength to overcome all trials on the way to your cherished goal - a healthy spine! We and we alone are responsible for what happens to us. Not knowing that every marshmallow eaten brings a person closer to diabetes mellitus

will not free him from the terrible consequences that this disease carries. According to the latest estimates by the World Health Organization, about 1.5 billion people are overweight in the modern world. In Europe, on average, about 40% of the population is obese. Extra pounds (kilograms) are primarily an additional burden on the spine, heart and lungs. Proper nutrition is extremely important, and the key to your success is knowledge. Knowing what you need to eat to keep your skeleton strong, like you learned in school. Take responsibility for your health and read this section a few more times. Take notes or jot down the highlights in a notebook and use these cheat sheets until eating well becomes a habit. Life can be very exciting, but in order to enjoy it, we need to have a healthy spine. Chapter 4 - Self-hypnosis as a Power of Healing Self-hypnosis (autosuggestion) is the effect of suggestion on oneself. Treatment by self-suggestion, suggestion and hypnosis was known to yogis and Egyptian priests for thousands of years before our era. It was also known to the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle (4th century BC), Socrates (5th century BC) and others. Traditional healers often used suggestion to treat patients, setting them up for optimistic thoughts and faith in recovery. It is nec essary that a person directs their thoughts in the right direction. It is important for health that a person strives to develop the skill of optimistic thinking. Optimistic thoughts are a source of joy, health, and happiness. Only such thoughts create harmony, beauty and good mood. Every thought is a reality, a force that can be directed both for good and for evil. Pessimism combined with a bad mood is unusually detrimental to health. Pessimists are often angry, unfriendly people who do not notice the beauty around. They see only shortcomings in people, they are not always happy with themselves. Pessimistic thoughts are the main culprits in a large number of nervous diseases. That is why patients with pessimistic thoughts should be able to train their will, to develop faith in recovery. A man's thought is like a bird constantly flying from place to place. No matter how strongly the soul is excited by something, if the thought of the arousing object is constantly carried away from it, then the excitement itself weakens so that, finally, it completely disappears. The word collects the mind, moves, stops, attracts, directs, guides it and subjugates the soul. So, a timid person sometimes gives himself courage with his own voice and words and achieves the goal. The most important prerequisites for the successful treatment of chronic illness are good spirits, unconditional will and confidence in recovery. That is why a person should strive to be always cheerful, since joy is a medicine that everyone should be able to use. A good mood has the same effect on a person as the sun does on a plant. When treating patients suffering from manifestations of spinal trauma, it is very important to restore their peace of mind and balance. Stress is not only a common issue that exacerbates diseases, but stress also aggravates the severity of the disease. Faith is the basis of every miracle! Faith in goo d, in beauty gives strength. It supports the person. And a sad, gloomy imagination is a belief in unhappiness. A person who believes and knows what he wants achieves everything, and one who thinks “I can’t,” blocks his way to any success, to any opportunity to achieve a goal. A person must believe in himself. The manifested will is a step towards the goal. If a person doubts his strength, he must loudly command himself with a word. V.M. Bekhterev believed that the healing effect of prayer "is largely reduced to self-hypnosis, acting in connection with a religious emotion." Selfhypnosis, as an adjunct to other remedies, is a powerful weapon. Depending on certain circumstances, it can cause both extremely sad consequences or restore mental balance and accelerate the healing process. V.M. Bekhterev (1911), recommended treating with self-hypnosis while awake. He believed that "... the most appropriate time for self-hypnosis is the period before falling asleep and the period following awakening. He also believed that "for each individual case, a self-hypnosis formula should be developed, which ... should be pronounced on its own behalf, in an affirmative form and in the present, not in the future tense." The self-hypnosis formula depends not only on the disease, but also on the mental development, education and profession of the patient. The formula should be pronounced slowly, clearly and distinctly. S.P. Botkin cured asthenia and neuralgia after suffering typhus by the method of self-hypnosis. He "persistently and for a long time focused on the desire to get rid of fatigue and pain, continued to work, despite the strongest tension." At the beginning of the twentieth century, the techniques of "conscious (deliberate) self-hypnosis" were developed by the French pharmacist Emile Coue (1857–1926). He taught his patients to consciously use self-hypnosis, this "innate power of nature." Coue first of all convinced the patient of the power of his own self-hypnosis. Then he suggested that the patient close his eyes so as not to be distracted by the surrounding objects, and in the case of, for example, a "stomach disease", instill in himself, clearly moving his lips, that every morning there will be a chair, a good appetite, and at night a calm deep sleep. In addition, in case of any illness immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, Coue recommended to instill in himself: "Every day, in all respects, I am getting better and better." You need to instill without effort, without hesitation, mechanically, "like a prayer." When a person says these words, he should feel one desire: he should get better. At the same time, one should never forget the basic principle of self-hypnosis: constant and complete confidence in success. What is needed is not hope, but complete

confidence. In order to assess the degree of usefulness of this method, I recommend that you select just one text you like and read it immediately af ter waking up, before and after exercise, and before bed; the text of the auto-suggestion technique can be recorded and replayed each time. It only takes a few minutes, but your thoughts will no longer be attached to pain. Within a few days you will feel how the transformation of your consciousness is taking place how your thoughts become more positive. Self-hypnosis is the first step; try it and feel the huge difference between the new selfconfidence and the exhausted and depressed person you were before. Before using the auto-suggestion technique, you need to relax. Sit comfortably in a chair or sofa with your hands on the armrests, feet on the floor or on a small stand; do not cross your legs. If you wear glasses, remove them and loosen any restrictive pieces of clothing. Sit back and relax if possible. Text for self-hypnosis № 1 I am a strong, sturdy person. Every day I only get stronger and stronger. I have a strong, healthy back. I am becoming wiser and stronger from year to year. I have a powerful, reliable ro d inside me. I confidently walk through life. And the stronger my spirit, the stronger my spine! Text for self-hypnosis № 2 I love my life and am grateful for every moment. I love my body. I am full of energy and health. My young heart beats in unison wi th the sounds of nature. I am happy that I live. The air that I breathe is perfect; it fills me with energy. I so want to shout that I am the happiest, so that everyone hears and understands that this is possible. I love my life. I love my healthy body; I am so grateful to it that I can run, jump, travel on roads and swim in the water. I love my spine. Thank you cervical region for letting me turn my head freely. Thank you to the thoracic and lumbar regions for the fact that I can bend, turn and do my favorite sport. I love my spine for health and youth. A healthy body gives me boundless self-confidence. I know that I can do anything! Whatever I undertake, everything will be done at the highest level. My clear mind and young body make me the perfect person. Each of my cells radiates health and boundless energy. I can do anything; I get whatever I want. And I wish to be healthy and successful! Text for self-hypnosis № 3 My l ife is wonderful. I love the weather outside the window. I love the moment that I live in right now. My life is wonderful. My healthiest organ is my body. The possibilities of my body are endless; I do whatever my heart desires. I don't think about how old I am I just do it. It doesn't matter what others say; what matters is that I love it. I like to feel healthy. I like to run in the morning and smell the morning dew. I like doing exercises for the spine, because I am sure that it prolongs my youth. My life is wonderful. I live in a great place, dress in great clothes, eat great food and look great too. My secret is excellent health, my secret is a smile from ear to ear, my secret is gratitude for every moment of my life. My life is wonderful! Text for self-hypnosis № 4 My health is my pride. I am grateful to the higher powers that I am perfectly healthy. My friends are constantly asking me how I manage to look so great. The answer is simple - every second of my life I thank the higher powers for the fact that I have perfect health. I thank you that my legs are strong and energetic. I thank you that my hands are incredibly strong / very graceful. I thank you that my face looks so young. I thank you that my spine pleases me with its flexibility since childhood. I give thanks for everything I have and for everything I will have. My health is my pride! Text for self-hypnosis № 5 I reclaim the strength that originally belonged to me. There is a powerful, strong rod inside me . My spine, my back, my support is reliable and strong. My back serves me perfectly. I have a healthy, flexible and strong back. Af ter reading the five self-control techniques described above, you don't have to stop at one. You can use all the techniques one at a time, or day by day, or week by week, as you like. Try to believe what you are saying. Pass every word through your heart. I'm sure you will succeed! Chapter 5 - General Recommendations for Correct Back and Spine Position We never even suspect how often we ourselves are the cause of our suffering from back pain. Very few of us have at least a superficial idea of how to stand, sit, sleep, move weights, walk, etc. We tend to blame genetics, weather conditions, colds, our metabolism, traumatic and age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system for our problems, but we do not realize our ignorance in this matter. During the day, we perform a lot of different movements. Many people spend a lot of time sitting, which is not ideal for the spine. People often straighten in correctly or bend over too much; they move the torso too far from the center of gravity, forcing the back muscles to support a very large weight. Usually, the back muscles still cope with such a load, but at the same time they act to the limit of their capabilities. This is why by the end of the day our backs get tired and it becomes more and more difficult for us to maintain correct posture. How to S leep Properly

We spend a third of our life in a dream, and this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting our posture. That is why the bed on which we sleep must be flat and firm. To maintain the habit of perfect posture, there is no better way than to constantly correct the disturbances in the spine by sleeping on a firm, level bed. A firm, flat bed contributes to an even distribution of body weight, maximum muscle relaxation and correction of subluxation and curvature of the spine. The pillow should be of medium height, but very soft, so that the back of the head can fall in its center, and the edge of the pillow located under the cervical spine could be formed in the shape of a roller to maintain the normal configuration of the cervical bend. The most important quality of the pillow - its degree of softness - is very useful in the lateral position, since such a pillow can be optimally formed in height so that the cervical spine does not bend and is perpendicular to the shoulder girdle. The choice of position during sleep is of great importance. Lying on your back, right or left lateral positions are optimal; the position on the stomach is rejected due to the following disadvantages. First, the lumbar bend increases, which causes tension and pain in the lower back. Secondly, functional blockages are formed, leading to limited mobility at the level of the cervicothoracic junction. Thirdly, the unfavorable position of the cervical spine in the position of twisting and extension can lead to impaired blood flow in the vertebral arteries that feed the cerebellum, trunk and posterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres. How to Sit P roperly The main thing is not to disturb the balanced head position. You cannot slouch while sitting, but you should not arch your back and protrude your chest. The correct position is the head is in line with the pelvis, the knees are apart. Find yourself a comfortable chair or recliner. Different chairs are designed for different activities, and the best chair for computer work may be completely unsuitable for, say, writing. Choose a chair that is comfortable for the type of activity to which you devote most of your time. If you choose a chair yourself, check the height of the seat, its depth and width, the tilt and softness of the cushion, the height of the back and its shape, the angl e between the seat and the back and the height and distance between the armrests. It is advisable that you can regulate all this yourself at your own discretion. In order to preserve the spine, avoid furniture that is too soft - it is not for you. That way the body weight does not put excessive pressure on the spine; the body must be supported by the ischial tubercles, and this is possible only on hard seats. The fo llowing requirements are necessary for furniture on which you have to sit for a long time: • the height of the chair, the chair must correspond to the length of the lower leg - it is necessary that the leg rests on the floor; • the lower back should have support; • the seat should be at a height so that the knees are just above the hips and the soles of the feet are firmly and confidently on the floor. If the feet rest on the floor, this not only helps to relieve the lower back but also prevents you from constantly spinning around your axis in order to reach for any important papers in the office without getting up from the chair. Better to stand up, take what you need, and sit back: frequent rotation can negatively affect the lower back; • the maximum seat depth is approximately 2/3 of the hip length; • there should be enough legroom under the table so that they do not have to bend too much; • if you have to sit for a long time, try to warm up a little every 15–20 minutes and change the position of your legs; • make sure that your back is tight against the back of the chair; • sit up straight with your head tilted slightly and without bending your torso so as not to strain your muscles. Try not to sit for a lo ng time in the same position. If you sit all day at a desk or look at a computer monitor, the neck will be subjected to a heavy load. It is recommended that you change your posture from time to time, as well as get up and take a break every 30 minutes. Periodically change your position in front of the TV screen, get up to stretch. Sit back in a chair, relax your muscles, take a few deep breaths. If you have to sit for a long time, try to keep your neck in a neutral position. Do not tilt your head forward, do not tilt your head back. In addition, the chair should be positioned so that the hips and knees are at a 90 ° angle to each other. For those who spend a lot of time at t he computer, the presence of armrests at the optimal height will allow for "unloading" the shoulder girdle and

cervical spine. The seat should be semi-soft, in order to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve by the sciatic tuberosity of the pelvic bone, as well as displacement of the tailbone, which leads to chronic tension of the pelvic floor muscles and pain in the sacrococcygeal region. The flat seat of the chair should be chosen shorter than the thigh so that the edge of the chair does not press on the arteries under the knees. Seat to floor height is the same as hip to floor height. If the feet do not reach the floor, this can cause compression of blood vessels and nerves in the popliteal fossa area. An appropriate height support for your feet will avoid such undesirable consequences. The placement of items on the desktop is also important. So, the computer monitor should be placed directly in front of you, at the optimal height for yourself, at eye level. This will avoid twisting the cervical spine, which is inevitable when the monitor is positioned to the side. Incorrect positioning of the monitor in height leads to rapid fatigue of the neck due to its excessive flexion when the screen is low or unbending when it is high. You also need to know how to use the phone. Often, by holding the telephone receiver to the ear, the person tilts his head and thereby strains the neck muscles. It is advisable to avoid the bad habit of propping the handset between your ear and shoulder to free your hands. I do not recommend talking on the phone for too long. But if necessary, use a microphone or headphones and try to switch ears more often. The phone must be placed close to you so as not to reach for it across the table. When you sit, the base of your spine should be on the back of a hard and straight seat, your back close to the back of a chair shaped to match the curves of your spine. The abdomen is firm, not relaxed, the shoulders are straight and the head is raised high. In other words, "sit up straight." Don't cross your legs! This causes pain in the lower spine and can lead to genital problems. Don't fall on the cha ir with all your weight! Each time you do you strike a sharp blow to the vertebrae, which is why the cartilaginous plates and discs are gradually erased. When sitting on a chair, lower your body lightly and gently, head forward and upward, neck relaxed, spine extended. Body weight falls only on the feet, ankles and thighs - these powerful elastic levers should gently lower the body into the chair. Remember that excessive bending of the legs under the seat of the chair is detrimental to the blood flow in them. Prolonged tilting of the body and head impede the work of the respiratory system, heart, blood circulation, and brain. When a person performs delicate work with their hands, writes or draws, his elbows should be on the table. You should take into account that the intervertebral discs experience the greatest stress when a person sits in a chair that is too soft. The pressure on the disc in a sitting position is double that in a standing position, and this pressure can damage the discs if there is no good supportive muscle. Therefore, while still a sedentary lifestyle, get a seat that will help maintain correct posture. Special devices can be used to keep your back and neck healthy. Here is a rough list of some of the more commonly used tools of this kind: • Convenient portable support that complements the back of the chair or sofa you are sitting on. • Supports for the neck and head. In stores or in catalogs with household items, you can find such "miracle pillows" created to protect the cervical vertebrae. Some of them are fixed around the neck so that the head does not “fall off” during sleep, when you want to take a nap in the car or on a plane. How to stand correctly When a person stands for a long time, the spine experiences significant stress, especially its lumbar region. There are many jobs associated with long periods of time in which a worker stands in a forced position for varying amounts of time (for example, surgeons, operating nurses, conveyor workers, food industry workers, etc.). The standing position becomes even more complicated when the worker often needs to fix the body for a long time in an inclined forward and sideways position with arms raised horizontally and slightly forward, which additionally loads the muscles of the back and neck. In a standing position, the amount of blood in the lower extremities increases significantly with a simultaneous relative exsanguination of the brain. In this case, there is a change in blood supply and blood distribution: in the legs and feet, the pressure almost doubles, and in the thigh area, compared to the horizontal position, it increases by 50%. Such a distribution of blood with prolonged standing leads to adverse consequences - headache, dizziness, and fainting are observed. Working while standing with an inclination forward or to the side, repeated for a long time, makes changes in the configuration of the spinal column and leads to the usual narrowing of the chest, which in turn affects the filling of the ventricles of the heart with blood and increase heart rate. Working in a forced posture with a tilted back of the head causes pain in the cervical and occipital muscles, and also causes an increased load on the cervical vertebrae. Pain in the shoulder and arm, which is sometimes reported by long-term workers, is a symptom of developing changes in the intervertebral cartilage. To protect the sp ine during prolonged work in a standing position, observe the following rules:

• Change your position every 10-15 minutes, while leaning on one or the other leg. This will reduce the stress on the spine. • If possible, walk in place; move. • From time to time, bend backward, stretching your arms up, and take a deep breath. This can somewhat relieve fatigue from the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, nape and back. • If you are washing dishes, ironing clothes, etc., alternate putting one leg and then the other on a small bench or box. • When cleaning the apartment, working with a vacuum cleaner; also try not to bend low, as it is better to extend the hose with additional tubes. When cleaning under a bed or under a table, kneel down on one knee. • To lift an object off the floor, squat down or bend over with your knees bent and your hand resting on a chair or table. This way you do not overload the lumbar spine. • To relieve the lumbar vertebrae when standing for a long time, make yourself a support under one leg using a small bench or other elevation. Change your supporting leg from time to time. How to Properly Move W eights Objects One of the main causes of disc damage and the formation of herniated intervertebral discs, especially in the lumbosacral region, is improper lifting and carrying of weighted objects. Acute and unexpected, there is pain in the lower back in those cases when weights are lifted abruptly, jerkily, and then a heavy object is moved to the side, while turning the body. Since it is difficult to imagine our life without moving heavy objects, in order to keep the spine healthy, remember the basic rules of their competent movement. These rules are as follows: • Make the most of technical means of moving goods: carts, wheelbarrows, etc. • When working, it is best to move a heavy load rather than holding it in your hands by lifting with both hands (feet shoulder-width apart) whenever possible. • To prevent displacement of the intervertebral disc before lifting weights, it is useful to inhale and hold your breath while lifting. This makes breathing easier, like lifting a barbell for a weightlifter. • It is undesirable to make sudden movements of the body like twisting the axis, or to stand on straightened legs for a long time; it is useful to periodically relax them one by one. • The load to be lifted should be closer to the body. • Do not rush when carrying a large load. • When moving heavy objects, it is useful to have shoes with wide grooved soles. • Sometimes specially selected straps, hooks, backpacks or levers make work much easier. • It is important to use rollers, carts, means of mechanization, automation or transport to facilitate labor. • It is undesirable to start work on an empty stomach, but you should not overeat either. • Do not overuse the weight of items or materials to be moved. It is not desirable for a patient with a damaged disc to lift and carry weights over 33 lbs (15 kg). • Do not carry a heavy load in one hand, especially over long distances. To avoid overloading the spine, separate the load and carry it in both hands. • It is unacceptable to hold a weight and sharply bend and unbend (bend back). • A backpack with wide shoulder straps is very convenient for carrying heavy loads over long distances. The weight of a full backpack is distributed over the weight of the spine and the hands remain free. But if you still have to lift weights, follow these rules: put on a weightlifter belt or any wide belt; squat down with the back and neck straightened; grab a weight with both hands; rise without bending your back. In order to tilt the spine as little as possible, it is better to turn only after the load has been lifted. • Clothes and shoes must be rated by you for safety. Shoes should have low, stable heels, with non-slip soles.

• Any dangerous elements around and in the path of the load must be removed. When moving it, you need to make sure that the load cannot slip. • If one of the arms is free, it is advisable to use it to maintain the balance of the trunk. • When two or more people are lifting a load, one should act as the leader and give commands, but only after making sure that colleagues understand it and are ready to act. The strongest must stand on the lift of the heavier part of the load. Whenever possible, people moving the load should be roughly the same height. • Use your body weight and perform the movements in the same rhythm as the other participants in the movement. Be aware that your hands may come loose, especially if they are wet. How to Walk C orrectly If you have a strong, elongated spine and you walk upright, then all concussions when walking are smoothed out by cartilaginous plates and discs, which act as a shock absorber and protect the spinal cord and brain from damage. Here are some guidelines for walking: • Keep your head and chest high and your spine straight. • Do not lean on the railing; instead, lift yourself from step to step using your feet only. • You need to walk as if the legs begin in the middle of your torso, setting in motion the muscles of your back, abdomen, and thighs. • In this case, the arms should rhythmically move from the shoulder and the chin is raised high. Nature has made walking an ideal exercise that rejuvenates the entire body. Buy comfortable shoes. Be aware that a high heel will cripple the foot and intervertebral discs. When walking, you should strive to wear shoes with elastic soles and a soft, stable heel. Work shoes are usually leather shoes with a wide toe, a hard heel and a soft sole; perhaps, a heel, but no more than 0.78-1.18 inches (2-3 cm) with an, orthopedic insole - an instep support. Don't work in slippers. They are not physiological and do not protect the foot and spine from injury. Remember that this shoe is for short-term wear only. With a prolonged stay in them, the leg overheats, the muscles of the foot relax and, as a result, flat feet develop or a hammer toe, where the big toe turns inward, which causes not only cosmetic defects, but also pain. Have two pairs of shoes and change them throughout the day - the working muscle group will change and your legs will become easier. It is not recommended for women to wear high-heeled shoes, as this arches the lower back forward and increases the load on the lumbar spine. During the day, for at least 15 minutes, take a horizontal position with raised legs; relax, paying special attention to the muscles of the face, neck and back. You should know that cold leads to muscle tension. Therefore, when going for a walk or on business in bad weather, make sure that your neck and lower back are warm. Put on a turtleneck sweater, wrap a scarf around your neck, and use woolen warming belts. Lumbar stability can be helped by wearing a special corset or a wide leather belt for a weightlifter. Those who by profession are associated with frequent bending forward and lifting weights should almost constantly wear a corset or belt. It should also be worn at any sign of pain. Conclusion My book teaches you how to approach the issue fro m all sides, and this is perfect, because health is not only exercise, not only nutrition, not only our thoughts and our brain. This is a combination of all of the above and a reasonable application of the knowledge gained. Thank you, dear reader, for your time and effort. I assure you that the work we have done together will have the most beneficial effect on your body. I hope my book has sparked in you the desire to get out of the dire plight of so many people around the world. I thank you for patiently reading each line, believing that thi s book will help you. It is said that the teacher appears exactly when the student is ready. So know that you are holding this book in your hands precisely because you are ready for another life, for a life without pain. Forget everything that came before, drop doubts and fears, and just do it. One of the main laws of life, a happy life, is the law of attraction. In order to receive something, we must give something. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands the meaning of these words. In your hands is a wonderful book filled with truly strong knowledge. On the path of your recovery, you will meet many people who will not believe in your success, or who will not want to move with you. Your task is to provide all possible assistance to those who want to follow you. If, with your help, someone gets rid of back pain, then consider that you have repaid the Universe with good coin for leading you to this wonderful book, which opened the doors to a completely different life for you. If you think that only a few tips will do harm, then advise a curious friend to get my book. I will be immensely grateful to you, and believe me, the good you have done will return to you immediately in the form of good health and a happy life.