How not to play chess

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English Pages [118] Year 1961

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How not to play chess

Table of contents :
Title page
Editor's Introduction
Author's Preface
Avoid mistakes
Do not make the opening moves automatically and without reflection
Do not memorise variations, try to understand them
Do not believe all that you are told. Examine, verify, use your reason
In war, topography dictates the operations
Do not abandon the centre to your adversary
Do not give up open lines, seize them and hold them
Do not create weak points in your game for the enemy to seize
Do not lose time
Unless you analyse the position, you will achieve nothing
Do not leave any piece where it has no range of action or is out of touch with your other pieces
Do not play too quickly
It is not a move, even the best move, that you must seek, but a realisable plan
Do not despise the small details; it is often in them that the idea of the position will be found
Do not think too soon about what your opponent can do; first get clear what you want to do
Do not lose confidence in your judgment
Never lose sight of your general idea, however thick the fight
Do not modify your plan
Do not be content wich attacking an existing weakness; always seek to create others
Do not get careless when, after general exchanges, the end game is reached
Haste, the great enemy
Do not relax in the hour of victory
Do not entangle yourself in a maze of calculations
Never omit to blockade an enemy passed Pawn
Do not leave your pieces in bad positions
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