What you get with this book: •A comprehensive guide on how to eat healthy without restrictive dieting •Motivational sto
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English Pages 102 Year 2020
Table of contents :
Chapter 1: Motivation
Motivational Stories
Tips to Get Motivated
Chapter 2: Healthy Eating
What Is Healthy Eating?
Why Should You Eat Healthy?
Counting Calories
Tips for eating healthy
Healthy Things to Eat
How to achieve a balanced diet
Chapter 3: Mental Exercising
What are mental exercises?
Why is it important?
Exercises to do to keep your mind in top shape like your body
Chapter 4: Physical Exercise
Exercises to Know Now and Later
Jumping jacks
Jump squats
Bicycle crunches
Twisting mountain climbers
Side planks
Glute bridge
Chapter 5: 5-Week Exercise Plan
Week 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 2
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 4
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 5
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Chapter 6: 7-Day Meal Plan
Week 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 2
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 4
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Week 5
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Chapter 7: Workout Playlist
Timeless Playlist
Rock and Metal Playlist
Home Workout for Beginners Get Back into Shape in 5 Weeks, Simple Exercises to Do from Your Home
Briar Scot Paget
Copyright © 2020 by Briar Scot Paget - All rights reserved. The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher. Under no circumstances will any blame or legal responsibility be held against the publisher, or author, for any damages, reparation, or monetary loss due to the information contained within this book, either directly or indirectly.
Legal Notice: This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.
Disclaimer Notice: Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book. By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: Motivation Motivational Stories Tips to Get Motivated Chapter 2: Healthy Eating What Is Healthy Eating? Why Should You Eat Healthy? Counting Calories Tips for eating healthy Healthy Things to Eat How to achieve a balanced diet Chapter 3: Mental Exercising What are mental exercises? Why is it important? Exercises to do to keep your mind in top shape like your body Chapter 4: Physical Exercise Exercises to Know Now and Later Lunges Jumping jacks Jump squats Squats Burpees Planks Pushups Bicycle crunches Twisting mountain climbers Side planks Sit-ups Glute bridge Supermans Chapter 5: 5-Week Exercise Plan
Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 5 Day 1
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Chapter 6: 7-Day Meal Plan Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 4 Day 1 Day 2
Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 5 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Chapter 7: Workout Playlist Timeless Playlist Rock and Metal Playlist Audiobooks Conclusion
When I was a child, I was a little overweight. Back then it never really bothered me because I still participated in sports and children weren’t as cruel as they are nowadays. At least not in the school I was in. I was fairly popular and had a whole bunch of friends. There really wasn’t a reason for me to look at my weight. I was a child; I had better things on my mind. It was like tossing everything into a box and putting it in the back of your closet, telling yourself that you will get to it one day…eventually. The truth is that you never get to it. Not until you have to move, and you have seven different boxes filled with stuff you never got to sorting out. That was how I felt about my weight when I got to high school. Still not morbidly obese but just a little overweight, I looked at all of those skinny kids and knew that I was a bus compared to them. There isn’t much room for loving if your life is filled with hatred toward your own body. Teenagers are the real evils in the world. Those queen bees who just love making other people look bad so they can feel better about themselves. The jocks who are more muscle than brain who enjoy chipping away at your self-worth. High school, my friends, was a nightmare. I like to blame it on my weight, but the truth was that it wasn’t my fault; the other kids were being jerks. It was their fault for not having the brains to say something nice instead if breaking a person down. My problem was that I believed them. I believed them when they said that no one was ever going to love me. I believed them when they told me I was fat, ugly, and worthless. The point of this very depressing story is that weight can make a big difference in how you see yourself. You feel awful, physically and mentally. You know that whenever you turn your back, people are whispering mean things about you. You know that your body has to work overtime to keep you and the extra pounds of fat alive. The sad truth is that there is nothing anyone can do to change that. There has been a lot of protests and speeches about body positivity but have any of those protests solved anything? Does anyone really think that it’s going to
make a difference? Bullying aside, being overweight is a danger your health and your health should be your number one priority as a human being. But eating right isn’t going to solve all of your problems. I have been on countless diets from keto, to going vegan, to those 28-day diets that make you want to claw at the walls from hunger. I have done Weigh-Less, carb counting, and I’ve cut out most carbs. I can’t even remember the last time I used sugar in coffee or tea. There are always these too-good-to-be-true advertisements about weight loss with these diets but what no one ever mentions is that those results come only when coupled with exercising. It’s easy to lose hope when you’re not losing five pounds in a week like the ads told you, but it’s impossible to lose weight without starving yourself if you do not exercise. If you sit around and do nothing all day, you aren’t burning the right number of calories. It just keeps piling on and piling on even though you are eating healthy. So, when I turned 16, I begged my parents to let me join a gym. Man, I hated the gym. I would have preferred being at school rather than at the gym. I couldn’t stand the feeling of sweat on my body. I couldn’t handle the looks I got from those fitness freaks looking at me like I was some sort of circus act on a treadmill. At that point in my life, I was used to it all. It didn’t make it any less painful. Over the summer break, I lost enough weight for me to feel confident in my own skin. It was a feeling that I never knew was possible. Getting out of bed used to be a task and a half even when I was dieting but when I was gymming, all of that disappeared. I was energized, I was pumped, and I had a new outlook on life. Nothing could bring me down. But as I settled into adulthood and I had to take care of myself, paying gym fees wasn’t possible anymore and I had to suspend my membership. As much as I hated going to the gym, I loved the feeling that the exercise brought me. It was amazing. The process was horrible, but the reward was great. In a desperate attempt to keep the body I had worked so hard to get and to
keep that form of satisfaction in my life, I did as much research as I could about home exercising. Now listen, friends, there are a lot of exercise guides that are complete rubbish. I have done my fair share of them. Some of them had me so sore I could barely walk for days and others were boring and made no contribution to my body. It was hard finding the right balance. I had to take some things from one guide and add it to another. I had to add sets, remove sets and tweak them. It took me a good year to finally find the perfect home exercise guide. I have contemplated giving up multiple times, but I knew that once I did, I was going to fall back into that pit I dug as a teenager. I had no intention of going back there. There was no way that I was going to let all that hard work go to waste. What I have learned from this is that it is easy to give up and finding the right exercises to do is difficult without a trainer there to help you. That’s what I am here for.
Chapter 1: Motivation
Motivational Stories Personally, motivation is my biggest enemy. I am not a lazy person, not at all, but there’s a difference between doing chores and exercising. Trust me, there’s a big difference. It’s the absolute worst when you are enjoying some down-time and you remember that you have that date with a treadmill. Then you sit for a good hour, thinking about a good reason why not to attend the date. If you can’t come up with a reason, you end up spending another hour trying to think up excuses when canceling anyway. What I found motivated me a lot is success stories. In an attempt to get you, the reader, pumped, I have interviewed a good number of people in my exercise community. Here are seven motivational stories that will change your way of looking at exercise. ❖
Battle against cancer
When Bethany was twenty-four, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. In one doctor’s visit, her entire world has been turned upside down and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She went into a month’s long depression, her family getting increasingly worried about her mental and physical health. In an attempt to get Bethany’s fight back, they intervened. During this intervention, the introduced Bethany to a woman who had battled against breast cancer most of her adult life. She claimed that exercising was the only thing that kept her alive. Bethany, hope back in her system and her family behind her, started working out. With the proper diet and workout plan, Bethany went from barely being able to run for a minute to outmatching any “healthy” person. She got her remission announcement one month after she turned twenty-five and she’s been healthy and clean for the seven years since.
Bethany swears by exercise being what saved her life. She’s often met with criticism and disbelief, but her motivation is inspiring. Her story has motivated countless cancer patients and has saved many lives. Her determination is remarkable. ❖
Eating disorder
This story tells the tale of two people. Frank, who’s been struggling with obesity since he was a child; and Amanda, who began with Anorexia and has now switched to bulimia. Frank was an emotional eater. Whenever he was sad, he’d drown his sorrows in a Big Mac; when he was happy, he celebrated with Taco Bell; when he was neutral, Frank indulged in ice cream. He had a toxic relationship with food, and he didn’t realize it until he nearly lost his life because of his weight. But Frank loved food and there was no way that he was going to give up having Big Macs for the rest of his life. He was willing to give it up, knowing that he would one day have it again but to get there, Frank had to exercise. Five years since he had a life scare, he still hasn’t eaten that Big Mac. I asked him why this was when he was rocking a muscled abdomen and V-line. Frank merely laughed and said that he realized how toxic his relationship with food was. He still has junk food from time to time but claims that he hasn’t had a Big Mac because it was a symbol of sorts; a time of his life that he never wanted to go back to. He has worked too hard to go back to it. When Amanda told me her story, she had tears in her eyes. All throughout high school, Amanda was terribly underweight. She hardly ate. Her family was so worried that they forced her to eat. Knowing that she wasn’t going to win the fight, she ate, but excused herself to the bathroom shortly afterwards so she could throw up. Whether it was stress or low self-esteem, she didn’t know. All she knew was that she had to be as skinny as possible. She even told me about the one goal she had; when she was sitting on the toilet, she wanted to see the ring of the seat. As silly as it sounded, she knew she had to reach that goal and she was willing to stop at nothing to get there. Amanda and her friend both suffered the same image of their bodies and one fateful day, Amanda got a phone call.
Her friend, Jenny, was in the hospital thanks to starving herself. In the moments Amanda saw what state Jenny was in, she knew that she had to make some drastic changes, or she was going to end up in the same position. She had realized that she had broken down her body and if she was going to regain what she had taken from herself, she had to do more than eat right. To regain the muscle and strength, Amanda knew that eating right wasn’t going to do it. She had to exercise. That way she knew that she was still burning calories but eating healthy while doing it. Amanda found that she enjoyed the exercise so much that she needed to eat to fuel her body. She couldn’t exercise when she wasn’t eating properly so she was forced to do it if she wanted to exercise. ❖
This one is a little personal and hits close to home. My mother has been at war with fibromyalgia since I was twelve. After the shock of her brother’s sudden and brutal death, my mother went into a spiral that kept going down, down, down. I’m not even sure she can remember a lot of my transition into being a teenager. From the age of twelve to fifteen, my mother was a hollow, depressed shell of the woman she used to be. We have tried everything to stabilize her health, but fibromyalgia is a demon that has no weaknesses. It ate at her brain and her body. She could hardly get out of bed sometimes because of the pain. She was in a rut that I never thought I’d see her crawl out of and we were unable to pull her from it. One day, my mother had a hop in her step. Not the sort that came from walking on sore legs or a hip giving her problems; it was the sort of hop that made all of our hearts melt. Turns out that my mother had joined a fibromyalgia support group on Facebook, and they were planning on exercising daily at each of the members’ house. Every day, a member had a turn to play host. It’s been years since I saw my mother like that. I suppose it was because she has been unable to be part of something for so long that she was so excited to be a part of something, even something so small. At first it was tough. my mother had a tendency to overdo it and the exercise was more than her body could handle. We thought she’d give up, but she
never did. She went to every session, even if it was only to warm up. Every little thing felt like an achievement to her and that was all that mattered. She didn’t care for anything other than that. My mom describes fibro as “being in the head.” Her brain doesn’t process pain the same way ours does and it amplifies painful sensations. Exercising got her out of her own mind and into the real world. Even though it was painful and still is, she won’t ever stop because it proves a point. It proves that she is not dead yet, that she still has something left to give the world. Exercise is great for fibromyalgia, believe it or not, and there is a clear difference in my mother’s demeanor. Her life was changed by exercise and that says something, I believe. ❖
One of the men in our workout group, Graham, had a terrible mountain climbing accident when he was a teen. He had gone on a trip with his friends despite his parent’s protests and ended up rock climbing with his buddies. Now, I’m sure we are all aware of the obnoxious state of teenage boys. They challenged each other, trying to look cool and impress their friends. Unfortunately, when it was Graham’s turn to show off, he lost his grip and fell. The doctors claimed that he wasn’t supposed to survive the fall, that he was some sort of miracle human. Graham didn’t feel like a miracle. He could hardly walk anymore. That carefree, energy in human form was broken, and he knew it. He knew that he was never going to be the same again. He just knew it like he knew that the sun shone and the sky was blue. There was nothing anyone could do for him. His best bet was physiotherapy. Graham, being the stubborn man that he was, refused to believe that the physio could help. He was right. The physio couldn’t help him, not unless he helped himself too. One day, Graham woke up wearing new armor of determination. He didn’t know where that determination came from, but he was thankful for it. That day, he went to the physio with a new state of mind and no one could believe the results in only one session. The fitness junkie he was before the accident had finally paid off and his muscles were still loyal to him. No one could understand how it worked. Every person he spoke to thought he was spinning lies. Graham didn’t pay anyone much head and five years later,
there isn’t so much as a limp in his walk. He said it was a combination of his training before the accident and the beginner level exercises he did after. From push-ups to Supermans, Graham still thanks every exercise he did. He claimed they saved his life and I for one, believe him. ❖
Battle inner demons
We all have some sort of inner demons. That little voice that tells us that we are not good enough. That we are worthless, useless trash. Those evil little demons that pull at the depression strings, that give us anxiety attacks and make us doubt the people we are. Those demons need an army to fight them and most of the time, we don’t have the resources to feed that army. Laura-Anne was clinically depressed since she was a child. People thought that she was just gloomy, that she was a pessimist. Her parents said that depression was a mental, shallow thing and that it was a pathetic cry for attention. Laura-Anne grew up thinking that she was crazy for feeling the way she did. But when she grew up, she realized that the world was wrong and that annoyed her even more. She needed a form of release, something to take her mind off of things. Laura-Anne chose exercise. “There was a certain sort of relief that came from exhausting myself in the gym. It was like I was tiring the depression and I was finally winning. That was the only time I ever felt safe from it, from its claws,” Laura-Anne said. “It was like my mind could only focus on one thing at a time and whenever I was exercising, that was the main focus. Not my sadness, not the unexplained emotion or self-loathing. People don’t understand that there don’t have to be reasons for our emotions. They just, sort of, happen. I found my shield against them in exercising. Tiring it all out felt like the right thing to do. Eventually I got to the point where I had to exercise every day to keep it at bay. Whenever I miss a day, those terrible feelings overwhelmed me again. I know it sounds silly, but even if it’s just something I have somehow convinced my brain is true, at least it’s something that helps me when medication didn’t.” ❖
Self-love is easily one of the hardest things to achieve, it really is. It’s one of those things that most people believe is a myth and well, I have though that
too for the longest time. This isn’t so much a story, but a fact. There’s something in our minds that make us degrade and undervalue ourselves. Women won’t ever think they’re skinny or pretty enough and men will think that women want Dwayne Johnson’s while they’re really only interested in Mark Wahlberg’s. The truth is that nothing anyone can say can make it better. Once the mind is set, that is how it is going to stay. The only way that we can improve that, is by doing it ourselves. Exercise releases the “feel good” hormone which makes exercise addictive to some folks. They love the post-workout high. It’s great! Now, if you’re smart, you can use that high to build yourself up. If you feel good, you are instantly going to feel good about yourself, it’s just how it works. There are many stories, too many stories to count, where people claim that exercise has allowed them to love themselves. Even If they didn’t lose any weight or even gained it, it was still an eye-opener to them. How it works, I’m not entirely sure and I’m afraid of learning the technicalities behind it because maybe, just maybe it won’t work anymore. People can’t afford to lose one of the only things that allow them to love themselves. ❖
Stick it to them
Now, sometimes when I feel particularly cruel and want to punish myself, I go to the gym to look at all of those beautiful people and push myself because I want to have bodies like them. It’s crazy. Now, this one gym close to where I live has the most amazing owner that I have ever met. Derrick is the most enthusiastically, annoying man I have ever met in my life. He is one of those people who is far too nice. You know? It’s like morning people. They’re not supposed to exist when I am miserable. He annoyed the hell out of me when I first met him. He was the sort of person I wanted to throw my dumbbell at. Yes, you laugh, but it is true. Every word he said made my eyes roll like a car’s tires. Long story short, I didn’t like him, and he knew it. Which made him even more annoying because he made it his life’s mission to irritate me. But one day, when I was waiting for a ride because my car was in the shop, Derrick kept me company. Having nothing better to do while waiting and not wanting to seem ruder than I already was with the poor man, we had a serious
discussion. I asked him about the gym, and he went on to tell me the most dramatic story about how he got into fitness. Derrick was a 20-year-old gamer who lived in his mother’s basement. Back then, Fortnite wasn’t a thing and internet was still dial up. He was the perfect depiction of a Revenge of the Nerds character, which I couldn’t imagine because Derrick was the best built man I have ever seen in my life. He told me about his weight problem. He spent days in the same spot, only going to the toilet when he absolutely had to. His mom brought him food and snacks and he even slept in the recliner that he was gaming in. He was 300 pounds and was drastically losing years on his life. He hardly saw sunlight and the only fluids he ever drank was soda. I could imagine this so clearly when he was telling me the story. He made hand gestures and spoke in different voices. He was an incredible storyteller even though I wouldn’t have admitted it at the time, as I still despised him. 300 pounds became 600 pounds and he could barely fit through the doorway. He had to shimmy his way in and out of the bathroom door. The real knock to his ego came when he couldn’t fit in his best friend’s pickup and he had to sit on the back. It was like he was some sort of heavy machinery or equipment that they couldn’t fit in the car and they had to put him on the back of the truck. That was his lowest point, he claimed. He knew that he couldn’t get any lower. Partially because he knew that he was never going to lose the weight if he didn’t do anything at that time. He wasn’t even sure whether he was going to make it at that stage, but he had to try, at least. The other part was that he knew his health was going to give in and there was no recovery for him. He could barely walk up the stairs of the basement to the main house. He knew that there was something he had to do to get his life in order. So then Derrick started exercising. He started at home as he was too embarrassed and hard to transport to go to the gym every day. He bought himself some of those workout videos that were out of date and probably didn’t even do the right sort of exercises anymore. Derrick didn’t care, though. He was trying and that was all that mattered. That was all that mattered to his parents too.
He lost a hundred pounds, then two hundred, then three hundred. Eventually he came down to 250 pounds and he felt great. He felt as if he was on the top of the world. He finally felt ready to go to the gym. The home workouts weren’t enough for him anymore. The exercise has become a sort of drug to him and he needed more. Gymming, to Derrick, was a horrible experience. Not only did they laugh, poke fun at him and insult him, even the trainers gave him a hard time about his size. They didn’t care about the weight that he has already lost. All they cared about was the weight that was still there. But Derrick didn’t lose 350 pounds just to be pushed around like that. So like some cheesy, motivational movie, he stuck it to them. He gave them all the finger and dedicated mornings and evenings to the gym. No one could believe his transformation. He had turned into the hunk of the town and all of a sudden, everyone was so impressed with him. He couldn’t handle the fakeness of them all, so he moved and opened his very own gym. “I don’t want anyone to feel the same way I did when I walked through those doors of the gym for the very first time,” he said. “There are things that just break a person down, you know? You work your glutes off and then there are still those people that feel the need to tell you what a piece of trash you are. They want you to feel like rubbish. I don’t know why people do that. It makes me so angry. I know that I have the sort of stubborn personality that made me want to stick it to them, but I know that there are people out there that don’t have it. They don’t have the personality to fight back. Not the personality of the self-confidence, I suppose. So, I created this place. Where every overweight person is welcome, and every bully gets kicked out.” I thought about it then. I have seen multiple people storming from the gym because he banned them. I never knew what the reason was. But then I knew. I knew that he was sticking up for the other Derrick’s of the world who are actually trying. Derrick is the perfect example of what a person can accomplish by sticking it to the haters. He is the perfect man to put on a motivational poster. If a 600-pound man can lose all that weight and look like Chris Hemsworth incarnate, you can do a couple of squats at home.
Tips to Get Motivated ❖
Journals and calendars are your friends
Keeping track of your progress is important when you are exercising. I find that keeping track of progress in a journal is great motivation. Why? Because whenever I feel like giving up, I go back to the journals and have a look at where I started and where I am now. Sometimes that is the only motivation a person needs. ❖ Journals are also great for setting goals and planning ahead. Calendars on the other hand has just as many functions. Keeping track of progress on a calendar keeps it in clear view and the same goes for your goals. Calendars are also great for goals. If by Friday you want to be able to do ten pushups, then that is what you need to have in full view all of the time. Plus, if you added it in pen, it’s permanent and no one likes anything that’s crossed out. It’s a mental thing. ❖ Get rid of negativity Now, walk around in your house and shove all of the negativity in a trash bag. I’m serious. Take a plastic bag and walk through your house. If the negatives are imaginary, imagine them being picked from the air and shoved into the trash bag. The imagination is a wonderful thing, and, in this way, you can convince your brain that there is no negativity around anymore. This means that you get focus solely on the positive. ❖
Surround yourself with motivation
I’m talking cat posters, Tony Robbins lectures, “you can do it” signs on the walls, anything that makes you want to get up from the couch where you’ve been munching that popcorn and watching Titanic on and do something . There’s nothing quite like a cat hanging from a tree saying “hang in there” to make me hang in there. But in all seriousness, everything around you should motivate you. The world is a beautiful place full of things that need accomplishing and butts that need kicking. Surround yourself with people that support you and motivate you to get up and do things. Get rid of the downers. Those people don’t end up accomplishing much in life and they won’t help you to either.
Have a goal in mind
Set milestones and goals. I’ve learned that starting small is the best way to start. For example. You might want to try five sit-ups before you do ten. Five is your first milestone and you want to achieve that by the end of the week. Think small at first. Do one week, even one day at a time. Planning months ahead can get overwhelming. ❖
Group activities aren’t always bad
As a child, I hated group activities in school. Especially group projects. I was a track athlete, which meant I was on my own team. I didn’t play any team sports because I never seemed to get along with any of the players. But when I started working out from home, companionship. In track I still had to practice victory didn’t depend on us as a team. In everyone worked together, it was fun, and we companionship you need.
I realized that I needed that with other people even if the the rare group projects that had a ball. That is the sort of
You need to get a community going. People with the same dreams that share the same obstacles and troubles. If you are a single mom, there are a hundred more in the neighborhood that struggle with raising their kids and being adults at the same time. They also struggle with losing the fat that they still blame on their pregnancy three years ago. Surround yourself with people who know where you are coming from and work together to reach your goals. Those people also tend to check in on your progress. Also, there is a little competitor in all of us. Let that person show. ❖
Eat healthy
My brother always said that he wanted to eat whatever he wanted but he’d exercise to keep in shape. It was my duty as his sibling to tell him that is not the way it works. You can’t live on McDonalds and try to exercise the calories away. You might get rid of what you put into your body, but you won’t ever get anywhere. You won’t get that body you have always wanted. Eating healthy is just as important as exercise. A neat trick I have discovered is that eating the right food makes you want to exercise. Why? Because if I eat the chicken, rice, and boiled veggies with ten eggs and a can of tuna for dinner because I want a bodybuilder’s body, I am not going to miss out on leg day. I am eating those foods for a reason and not
exercising kind of defeats the purpose. Then you end up having a miserable dinner for no apparent reason. I, for instance, hate salad. If I wanted to eat salad, I’d become a rabbit. But I know that I have to keep my calorie count as low as possible while still getting proper nutrition, so a chicken salad is the way to go for me. If I don’t exercise, eating that salad had no real purpose. That is what motivates me. I love good food too much to give it up for nothing. That’s silly person logic. ❖
Schedule time to work out and stick to it. I mean it. Stick to it! It’s easy to schedule a time to exercise and then you remember the pie in the oven, or your son needs a costume for his play. There is always something to do and it’s always more important than exercising. Your body is like a dog; it loves routines and working on schedules. Eventually, when you get to the time of day that you need to work out, your body will tell you as much. It will crave it. Create a schedule that suits you best and in that time period, nothing is coming into your bubble. Everything else can wait. ❖ Working out is fun! At least tell yourself that The more you tell yourself that you’d rather stick your hand in a blender and listen to Donald Trump sing, the worse this is going to be for you. You have to tell yourself that this is a good thing and although you might not enjoy the exercise, you enjoy the endorphins and results. That makes working out fun and worth it. Ban all negativities toward exercising and replace them with good ones. Tiptoe around the fact that you do not enjoy. Soon enough, it will become a part of your routine; just like brushing teeth. ❖
Don’t fight the addiction
It’s common for a person to get addicted to the post-workout hormones. It makes you feel happy and energized and for some reason, people tend to fight it. The only thing I can tell you, is don’t. Don’t fight the addiction. This is a good kind addiction that will improve your quality of life instead of ruining it. This is a good kind of drug so embrace it. Take it like you would take a vitamin tablet, knowing that it’s good for you. Give into the addiction when you feel like working out. Even if it’s only a few squats. ❖
Playlists and audiobooks
If I’m not listening to my playlists, I’m listening to audiobooks. I have a strict rule that I am only allowed to listen to the audiobook when I am exercising. That way I look forward to the workout every day. I am the sort of person that has to know exactly what happens immediately, so the wait does kill me sometimes. If I’m being honest, I have done my exercises more than once a day to finish an audiobook and that is the sort of motivation you want. Know that you have set audiobooks for your workouts. They have to be binge worthy and addictive. They have to seduce you into working out. ❖
Instagram cares
Oh, but imagine the photos. If not for anything else, do it for the photos. The exercise photos, the post workout photos, the photos you’ll be able to take without being ashamed of your body. The sky’s the limit. Be the Instagrammer that you always wanted to be. Do it for the followers, if not for yourself. The photos are a great motivator to some people and although it might seem stupid, it works. You might start out doing it for other people but once the bug has bitten you, you will forget about them soon enough. ❖ Everything’s a competition Remember how your parents used to tell you and your siblings that everything isn’t a competition? Forget that because where working out is concerned, everything is a competition in a way. Compete with your yesterday’s self, your exercise buddy or even the set list of exercises you have. If you do one extra sit-up, that means that you have won, and the satisfaction is your prize. If you are working out in a group, you can either secretly compete or create a competition among yourselves. It will not only motivate yourself, but you will motivate others too and that is a great person to be; the motivator. ❖
Plan your workouts around your favorite shows. Either use it as a reward system to motivate yourself to workout, or workout while watching your shows. That way you will associate exercise with a good time rather than begrudgingly doing it on your own. ❖
If you start your day with a run, at least you know your day can’t get any worse
One of my friends asked me why I am so adamant on going for jogs in the
morning and this was my answer; “If I start my day with a jog, my day can’t possibly get worse.” It might be a morbid way of looking at things, but it works. If you hate running, keep telling this to yourself. It’s a sure way to motivate you. It doesn’t make perfect sense, I know, but it does trick the brain in a wonderful way. This way you create your own good days. ❖
Start small
The biggest mistake people do is start big. You can’t, it’s impossible. Does a toddler walk before he crawls? No, so why do you want to do that? If you are not used to exercise, chances are that your body is going to feel the slightest extra movements in a day and that is good. You want to at least feel like you exercised but not to the point where you can’t walk. People want to start big to prove a point and that is stupid. Not only do you set yourself up for failure, you also create the mammoth task that you will be afraid of tackling. ❖ Remember why you are doing it This is why setting goals is so important. You need to keep in mind why you are doing it and use it as fuel. If you are doing it for your health, keep that in mind. If you are doing it to lose weight, maybe your goal weight should be written somewhere or stuck to the fridge. Maybe a photo of your dream body should be with it. ❖
Motivate others
No one wants to be a hypocrite. You can’t motivate a person to do something and not do it yourself. Practice what you preach, buddy. This is great for forcing yourself to burn those calories and stay motivated. You now have an image to keep up and the only way that you are going to do that is by exercising. ❖
Post workout analysis
Write down what you are feeling after you had your workout. It’s often easy to forget the good when you are trying to convince yourself to get out of bed and get to working out. The hardest part is getting started and reading how you feel afterwards will remind you about the great effect that exercise has.
Chapter 2: Healthy Eating
What Is Healthy Eating? Whenever I mention “healthy eating,” it is most often met with a disgusted expression and horrified eyes. But there’s a common misconception where eating healthy is concerned. People think that “healthy” means salads and green tea. And yes, although those things are good for you, it is not what eating healthy is all about. Healthy eating is about eating all of the right foods to stay healthy. It’s not a diet. If you want a diet, go join Weight-less. This is a lifestyle that has to stay with you your entire life. Eating healthy is important for every single human being on this planet. You won’t put poor quality gas in your car, will you? And a car is something you can replace. Your body isn’t. I’m not saying cut out chocolates entirely, I’m saying make the healthier choice. Nothing you eat can prevent you from getting sick, but it can help your body fight against it. It can’t cause you to get ill either unless you have cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes. But most of the time, being obese can cause these things. It’s important to have a good eating plan in place, especially when you struggle with diets or self-control.
Why Should You Eat Healthy? Here are a few reasons why eating healthy is so important and what it can do for you and your quality of life. ❖ Weight loss This is probably the main reason why you are doing this in the first place. It’s very rarely that people want to eat healthy and exercise just for the fun of it or
actually being healthy. Eating healthy and having a balanced meal plan can drastically help you lose all of those unwanted pounds especially when you are exercising too. That’s why these two go hand in hand. You cannot exercise and see the desired results if you don’t change your eating habits to go with exercising. Losing weight has a whole list of benefits in itself and living a healthier life is one of them. ❖
General health
There’s this common misconception that all thin people are healthy, and all overweight people are unhealthy. Though it might be true in some cases it’s really not true. Not all thing people eat healthy foods and not all overweight people eat unhealthy foods. Some are just luckier than others. My mother used to tell me that eating healthy would make me strong and help fight against diseases, but I never believed her. I was a sickly child. But when I started exercising and eating right, I hardly ever got sick. Eating healthy foods boost your immune system and your overall health will just be a hundred times better. ❖
Heart health
It goes without saying that obesity is the real villain in most cases of heart issues. When you are overweight, your heart has to pump a lot more blood to support the extra weight. When overweight, there is also a layer of fat that surrounds the heart which makes it harder to pump. Many foods help break down fats and increase the health of your heart. It is one of your most important organs, after all. You need to take care of it. It is also great for stroke prevention. ❖
Increasing productivity
I have mentioned that food is like fuel and you wouldn’t put bad fuel in your car. Your brain needs this fuel to function at its full potential and it’s your job to give it to your brain. You owe it to yourself. When your brain functions the way it should, productivity is instantly increased. It also helps with productivity with your exercising as it boosts your body and makes you feel refreshed and energized. That is exactly what you want when you are working out. You want to be able to push yourself to your full potential. ❖
Improved mood
When my sister was younger, she used to have these terrible moods. I could never understand why. Why was she always in such a foul mood? Did she hate all of us? She was in depression and there was nothing anyone could do to help her. But she adopted healthy eating habits and exercise after I introduced her to it and it’s like a different person entirely. Food is not a natural antidepressant, but it is a booster. It also reduces stress by raising cortisol levels. A protein rich diet is best for reducing stress levels. ❖
Improved memory
Vitamin D, C and E, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids and polyphenols are said to help prevent dementia and cognitive decline. Although it is impossible to prevent it 100% of the time, you will feel better knowing that you are doing everything in your power to preserve your mind. It also helps with day to day memories and are beneficial in many other ways too, not just for memory. Our memories are like flipbooks of our lives. If it were to get lost, it would be absolutely tragic. ❖ Reduced cancer risk Obesity increases the risk of cancer; did you know this? It is also bad for a person who already has cancer to be overweight as it worsens the condition. Antioxidants protect cells from damage. Cell damage can cause cancer. Foods rich with Vitamins A, C and E are great for this purpose as well as foods that contain beta-carotene and lycopene. Fruits, vegetables and fiber reduces the risk of cancers such as colorectal and liver cancer. Not that it is not a 100% prevention rate, but it does help a person’s body out against these evils. ❖
Bones and teeth
Low-fat dairy products, cauliflower, cabbage, legumes and broccoli are good sources of calcium that will strengthen your bones. But next to calcium, magnesium is just as important for strong and healthy bones. Magnesium is commonly found un leafy greens, seeds, whole grains and nuts. There are my other foods that contain magnesium and calcium, but these are the best sources to get it from. It is important to keep your bones healthy to fight against conditions like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. As a person gets older,
their bones become fragile and brittle. It’s important to keep it strong and healthy as young people so it’s not as tough on the body at an older age. ❖
Diabetes can be caused by a whole number of things, poor eating habits being one of those causes. A healthy diet is a good way to prevent this condition and when a person actually has diabetes, it is important to stick to the healthy diet and keep your blood sugar levels as level as you possibly can. This is hard, but there are just some things that a person doesn’t play with, diabetes being one of those things. It’s like catching a Red Roman with bare hands. ❖ Sleep Bad foods are known to keep people up at night. Sleeplessness is a demon that haunts most of us and one way to make it a little easier for a person without having to take medication, is eating healthy and drinking lots of water. Eating a variety of food and consuming those with the most antioxidants is the best way to get that much deserved sleep. When your body gets the nutrients it’s supposed to, it’s easier for it to function the way it’s made to. It is made to make you sleep at night and be wide awake during the day.
Counting Calories To live a healthy lifestyle, the average human being should not consume less than 1000 calories per day. Males need about 2000 calories a day to lose weight and 2500 calories to maintain their weight. For women it is a little lower. Women need to consume a maximum of 1500 calories to lose weight and 200 calories to maintain it. Counting calories is simple and you don’t need to be a mathematician to figure it out. All you need to do is keep a long of the calories contained in the food you eat and add them up. The calorie counts can be found on the nutritional value label on the packaging of your food. Make sure not to leave anything out! Even your milk has to be added to the total.
Tips for eating healthy
Fish is food, not friends
Fish is a great source of protein with very little calories and added fat. The omega-3 fatty acids as well as the wealth of other minerals make eating fish a must in any healthy diet if you are not allergic. ❖
Cut out sugar and saturated fat
Sugar is bad for your health as well as your teeth. Sugar is probably one of the things most to blame for obesity. People don’t think of sweets as meals and therefore don’t mind eating it between meals. The problem is that the weight loss process happens between meals when you are fasting in a way. Snacks break that fasting cycle. If you really do need a snack and feel like you are close to starving, have fruit instead. They contain a natural “free” sugar that isn’t nearly as toxic as the sugar we find in junk food. As far as saturated fat is concerned; you need it in your diet. But not as much as you are currently eating. Saturated fat increases the amount of cholesterol in your blood. Try to avoid fatty meat, sausages, biscuits, hard cheese and butter. ❖
Cut down on the salt
My parents have the sort of relationship where my father wants to drown his food in salt and my mother doesn’t allow him to do this. My father gets frustrated, but my mother has good reason. Excessive amounts of salt raises blood pressure and people like my father, people who actually have high blood pressure, can’t risk a spike. This can cause strokes or even heart diseases. The average human being should not eat more than 6 grams of salt a day. Children aren’t even supposed to have that much. Salt is bad for you. ❖ Smaller plates I have found that the human brain isn’t nearly as smart as we like to think it is. When we are doing portion control, our brain sees the plate as being half empty. That makes your brain think that you are not eating as much as you are used to. But if you use a smaller plate, your ❖ Get active Of course, this is going to be part of the tips. This is an exercise book
after all, isn’t it? Getting active will motivate you to eat healthier and vice versa. You will want the ultimate results which means you have to do both. It’s useless to get active and not eat right and although eating right is good on its own, exercising along with it is even better. ❖
Popcorn is good
Shockingly enough, this airy snack is rich in fiber and very low on calories. This is definitely the wiser choice when choosing a snack. Because it is high in fiber, it is not only good for your metabolism, but also good for disease prevention. This is even better when you make your own popcorn at home instead of buying microwave popcorn. Avoid prepopped popcorn as the added sugars and salts make them no better than chips. ❖ Get sleep Not only does this negatively affect your productivity, it also disrupts your appetite. When you are awake for long periods of time, you get hungry, which means you want to eat. This means that your calorie intake will drastically climb. Sleep is good for you and when you are sleep deprived, it can be as bad for you, if not more so, as it is good when you get it. So, in conclusion to this tip, not only does lack of sleep increase your appetite, it also increases the risk of multiple diseases. ❖
Lots of water
Sometimes weeks went by without me drinking a single glass of water. It was always some sort of hot beverage, lemonade or soda. I hated the taste of water, or well, the lack of taste water has. Drinking water benefits weight loss and is very important to your health. It flushes out all the toxins it can which means there are fewer things to battle in your body. It is also great if you can drink a glass of water before every meal as it will give you the illusion of being fuller that you are actually are. ❖ Breakfast is the most important meal of the day No, this is not an old folktale. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, but perhaps not for the reasons that you believe it is. Breakfast fuels you for the day, yes, but that’s not why it’s so important to weight
loss. You want to be active after you’ve eaten to burn the calories that you have taken in from the food. With breakfast, it has the whole day to process and it gets your metabolism going for the day as well. ❖
Whole grain and not refined
Although whole grain might not be that much lower in calories, it is known to carry a wealth of health benefits. Whole grain products also boost your metabolism and are high in minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium. Refined grain has been linked to many health issues and although many people prefer eating refined grain items, it’s worth switching over to whole grain. Whole grain also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. ❖ Eat your greens first When I was a child, my mother made me eat my vegetables first. She said that I can have the rest of my food as a reward. Now that I am an adult, I realize that it wasn’t as much a game as a trick she played on me. Once I have stuffed myself full of veggies, I didn’t really feel like having dessert or any other snacks. I still do that as an adult. I eat my greens first before I move on to the rest. That way I ensure that I do not stuff myself full of other food and leave the foods that are actually good for me. These greens are also great for diabetes as it slows down the speed at which carbs are absorbed.
Healthy Things to Eat ❖
Strawberries are low in carbs and calories, but that’s not where it ends. They are also rich with nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber and magnesium. ❖
While blueberries might not be the most delicious fruits, but they are very good sources of antioxidants. In fact, they are among the most powerful sources. ❖
High in vitamin C, oranges are also a great source of fiber and antioxidants. ❖
It’s common knowledge that bananas are rich in potassium but that’s not the only thing they’re packed with. They are also high in fiber and vitamin B6. ❖ Avocados Unlike most fruits, avocados aren’t packed with carbs, instead they contain generous amounts of fat. Good fats, though. They are great for snacks. ❖
Apples are high in fiber and vitamin C, not to mention the good number of antioxidants it possesses. Apples are healthy and filling and is a good snack instead of that packet of chips a person usually leans toward. ❖
Bell peppers
These colorful veggies contain a lot of antioxidants and a wealth of vitamin C. ❖
Kale is high in fiber, Vitamin C, vitamin K, and countless other nutrients. People often eat this with dip or in a salad. ❖
Carotene antioxidants are very high in carrots as well as fiber and vitamin K. it is said that carrots improve eyesight, others say it makes your hair curly. All I know is that they are tasty and very healthy. ❖ Tomatoes Tomatoes are loaded with nutrients and are extremely versatile. Vitamin C and potassium are among the nutrients pumped into this fruit. (Yes, tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables.) ❖
According to my mother, I have hated cucumber since the day she tried to feed it to me for the first time. I love vegetables, I really do, but when
they consist mostly of water and taste like nothing at all, they are not my friend. Cucumbers don’t contain a lot of nutrients but they do contain some, nonetheless. If you are fond of cucumbers, you can expect small amounts of vitamin K coming your way. ❖
Low on carbs and calories, Asparagus is an awesome source of vitamin K. ❖ Broccoli Broccoli contains a lot of protein compared to other vegetables. It’s also high in fiber and vitamin C which makes it one of the best vegetables to eat. ❖
Chicken breasts
There’s a reason why bodybuilders eat so much chicken. They rely on a protein-based diet and chicken is very, very high in protein while having a low fat and calorie count. ❖
Although a very fatty meat, lamb is very high in omega-3 fatty acids which might be a healthier choice compared to pork. ❖
Boiled eggs are great fat burners and are among the most nutritional foods you will ever find. ❖
Lean beef
Right up there with chicken, is beef. It is a great source of protein and bioavailable iron. Avoid the fatty bits if you are on a low-carb diet. ❖ Sardines I remember that by grandfather used to buy sardines and eat them out of the can. With child-like curiosity I asked him why he did this. He replied saying that they were the secret to his immortality. He died at the age of 94. Although my grandfather was wrong about the immortality thing, he was right about sardines being the secret to something. That secret being that
it is one of the most nutritious food a person can eat. They contain almost all of the nutrients the human body needs to function healthily. ❖
Salmon is probably one of the most popular species of fish to eat. Its nutrients include protein, Vitamin D and omega 3. This is definitely something to consider adding to your diet. ❖ Tuna Tuna is low in both fat and calories but still has a high protein count. ❖
Much like tuna, this crustacean is very low on fat and calories while being high in protein. It is great for high protein and low-calorie diets. It also contains selenium and vitamin B12. ❖
Shellfish is more than just common usage of a pun. It comes with the same nutrient density as organ meats. ❖
Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are higher in monounsaturated fats than any other nuts but are lover in Omega 6 fatty acids. These nuts are delicious and a great snack on the go. ❖
Chia seeds
Over a third of chia seed’s weight is nutrients. It contains nutrients like magnesium, calcium, fiber and many more. It is one of the world’s most nutrient-dense foods. ❖ Coconuts Yes, Coconuts are more than just cocktail bowls. They are actually very high in fiber and MCT’s which are powerful fatty acids. ❖
One of the few nuts that will actually help you with weight-loss, almonds are packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamin E and more nutrients. ❖
Brown rice
Vitamin B1, magnesium and fiber can all be found in brown rice. Personally, I am not a fan, but if the meal calls for brown rice, you know I’ll have some brown rice. ❖
This grain is high in fiber and magnesium and is also considered a pantbased protein. This is a good alternative for the more health conscious people among us. ❖ Ezekiel bread I have always hated healthy loaves. This started as a kid and matured with me into adulthood. Ezekiel bread is the only health bread that I will eat because it is just so tasty. It also has a good load of fiber and nutrients, which makes it even better. ❖
Beta glucans is a fiber that exists in oats. It is proven to be beneficial for ladies in particular and are very high in nutrients. By far the best breakfast you can have. ❖
Kidney Beans
As toxic as they are raw, they are awesomely loaded with vitamins and minerals when cooled. It’s odd to think that something so toxic can be so good when cooked. ❖
Lentils are a plant-based protein and are high in fiber. ❖
Peanuts, although the name might suggest otherwise, are not real nuts. But as misleading as its name is, the benefits of it don’t lie. Peanuts are proven to help with weight-loss and are high in nutrients. Note that this is peanuts and not peanut butter. ❖ Yoghurt Just like milk, yoghurt is wealthy in nutrients and vitamins. But as yoghurt is made by adding friendly probiotic bacteria to milk, it has even more benefits.
It has recently become a realization of mine that I might have been a rat in a previous life. I love cheese and will probably eat an entire block of it if I am not careful. It is high in fat, so be careful about over-indulging. Cheese isn’t all bad though and one slice of it contains more nutrients than an entire cup of milk. ❖
We all know that milk contains calcium and that calcium is good for us. But did you know that it is also rick with other vitamins and nutrients your body needs? (it’s also great for sleeplessness.) ❖
Coconut oil
Coconut out isn’t just good for skin, but also weight loss and diseases like Alzheimer’s. of course, this is only speculation, but it wouldn’t be common knowledge If it wasn’t at least a little true. ❖ Olive oil Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest vegetable oil out there and contains a lot of antioxidants. It also adds great flavor to the food. ❖
Potatoes and sweet potatoes
These are called tubers. Why? Because the storage organs of some plants which means that they contain a lot of nutrients. Potatoes are loaded with potassium and rumor has it that it contains almost every nutrient you need. Pretty neat, huh? Another cool thing about it is that it is very filling. This means that you will stay full for longer when you eat potatoes and don’t have to snack so often. Don’t shove sweet potatoes aside though, as they are just as rich in nutrients as its average brother. ❖
Apple cider vinegar
My mother used to believe that mixing apple cider vinegar with a little warm water would promote weight loss. Now, despite never having experienced this myself, apple cider vinegar is great for blood sugar levels. Most people claim that it is a good, natural weight loss “drug.” Using this as salad dressing is delicious.
Dark chocolate
Yes friends, chocolate is on this list. However, it might not be everyone’s favorite as dark chocolate is more bitter than any other chocolate. The great thing about dark chocolate that many people don’t know is that it serves as one of the planet’s most powerful sources of antioxidants. Not to mention it is a delicious treat.
How to achieve a balanced diet
Here is a perfect example of the ratio the food has to be in on your plate to have the perfectly balanced meal. ❖ Fruits Fruit are great snacks and alternatives to junk snacks like potato chips, chocolates or sweets. The sugar in fruit is natural which makes it the much healthier alternative to sweets when you are craving something sweet. If you have diabetes, it’s best to stick to the low sugar fruits like raspberries, strawberries and kiwis. There is also a limit to how much and what fruit you can have when you
are trying to lose weight, though. So, keep an eye on those calories. ❖
Most nutrients, fiber and minerals are found in vegetables. Opt for dark, leafy greens whenever you can as they have the most nutrients of them all. I’m not saying you should only have leafy greens, but they are good to add to a meal more than others. Other veggies might have different minerals than what can be found in the greens to make sure you get everything you need. ❖ Grains Whole grains are great for filling up that tummy. They are rich in fiber and other nutrients. Try brown rice, brown pasta and brown bread instead of the refined grains that you are used to. ❖
If you are a vegetarian, chances are that you are getting the necessary proteins from nuts and beans instead of meat like other people. Low-fat meats are great to have as they do not contain all of the fatty bits and have the nutrients instead. Nuts and beans don’t only contain protein but also have a wealth of other nutrients too.
Chapter 3: Mental Exercising
Mental health is just as important as your physical health so here is a short chapter on keeping your mind just as firm as your stomach.
What are mental exercises? Mental exercises are exercises you to do keep your mind fit. The word “exercise” says all of it already. Just like exercising your body, we exercise our minds too. To get fit, you need to do certain activities to stimulate the muscles in your body, and with mental exercises, we stimulate the parts of our minds that we need the most to function properly. Mental exercises can be anything from playing monopoly or scrabble, to solving a Rubik’s cube or recalling memories. Anything that you need to use your mind with is part of mental exercises and unlike physical exercise, you can do this in public without people staring at you as if you are crazy. These exercises can take place at any time of day. While you are doing mind numbing filing at work, try playing a game with yourself too to keep your brain active and wide awake.
Why is it important? Mental fitness is important, and it often gets left behind. People don’t tend to focus on mental fitness and it’s a shame, it really is. If you want to be healthy, you have to keep your mind in the right condition as well. As we age, our minds get a little slow and that is why we have to keep them nice and strong. Think of it this way; the more you exercise your mind, the more you help your body. Training your brain can increase the fluidity of your thoughts and
even your intelligence. Having a healthy, strong mind means that your body will be strong too. You know how weak you feel when you’re tired? It’s because your mind is tired, and it needs rest. Everything your brain feels; your body feels so get that mind of your pumped up and ready to exercise. Having a strong mind battles stress and anxiety just like physical exercise does. Now, if you combine the two, you will no doubt live a nearly stress-free life. Here are some more benefits to having a fit and healthy mind. ❖
Improve reaction time
Your mind? That thing is a computer. It stores all of your information, processes everything you put into it and controls your entire body. Without your mind to tell your body what to do, you won’t be able to move. Your mind is a critical part of your life. I know, I know, when you’re stuck in traffic it’s easy to believe that some people aren’t using their brains at all, but that isn’t true, and you know it. We need to be able to think to do things. With mental exercises, you increase the speed at which your mind processes things. When you look at the sky, what do you see? Is it the moon or sun? Why am I asking you this? Because you see something and then your mind has to process what it is. The slower your mind is, the harder it is to recall the names of things and their purpose. That little pause before you register what something is, is your reaction time. ❖ Memory booster Most mind exercises require you to recall memories or even memorize certain things. When I was in school, I had OCD. Part of this was that I had the obsessive tendency to memorize every aspect of a room or scene. I would walk into a room and take a good minute to familiarize myself with my surroundings until I felt like I could point out everything in the room at any given moment. As an adult, I have outgrown the most of my OCD, but I still like to memorize what’s around me as a sort of game. Then afterwards, I like to close my eyes and imagine the room or scene in my head and recall it word for word and brick by brick. It sounds silly, I know. I don’t blame you for thinking I’m half crazy, but I cannot tell you how much my memory has improved since I started this. Both short term and long term have been affected and it feels like that sheet that
prevents you from seeing into certain scenes of the past has been removed. Of course, this is not a solution to any memory loss condition, but it can help keep the mind fresh for as log long as you possibly can. ❖
With a healthy mind, it’s easier to stay positive than with a mind littered with fragmented thoughts. With a healthy mind. Your body will automatically try to catch up and that is exactly what you want to do. You want your body to work harder even without you noticing. When your mind gets exhausted, so does your body and when you are exercising, it is easy for your mind to get tired. When your mind is still wide awake and thinking clearly, your body feels like it can still go on which means you can push yourself a little further than what you usually do. Not only this, but the positivity alone will motivate your body to work harder. All in all, it’s just important to keep your mind as fit, if not fitter than your body. You are thinking to yourself that you signed up for exercise, not brain games, but trust me, this will improve your exercise routing like you have never experienced before. Statistics state that more people struggle with mental health than people who don’t have those problems. Exercise is a great way to get those problems out of your head, but it doesn’t solve any of the problems. Exercise is not the solution to mental health, but having a fit, healthy mind might just be your best bet.
Exercises to do to keep your mind in top shape like your body ❖
Do you ever just take a stroll down to the park? Do you ever just walk and realize that you have walked for hours, letting your mind run wild? No? Well, you should try it. You are supposed to let your mind run wild for a little bit. Let it think up memories, let it go to places that you’ve never been before. Walking increases your alertness and encourages positive thoughts. The fresh air that you are sending to your brain is a welcome gift and you will notice that once you return home, your mind is much clearer than it was before you took the walk.
This is also great for people with anxiety issues, as the condition affects your breathing. Walking and practicing the steady breathing is great for those moments when you are feeling like the walls are closing in around you. ❖
Mind games
Play games that stimulate your mind like Sudoku, chess, or crossword puzzles. These are all great ways to stimulate your mind and to work on your problem-solving skills. Anything that requires you to think and solve problems is good for your mind. Now, some boomers might hate me for saying this, but even video games help stimulate your brain. Video games teach you how to think fast and increases your ability to learn new things faster. It is also a great way to exercise that attention span of yours. ❖ Boost your Vitamin B Vitamin B is very important to the health of your brain so you should boost it as much as you possibly can. There is a reason why doctors recommend Vitamin B to the elderly. It boosts their minds and mental health. Studies have shown that there is a big Vitamin B deficiency in depressed and anxious teenagers. Vitamin B is vital if you want to live a full and happy life. No one wants to be a grouch, and no one wants to lose ability to think clearly. When you do not have dementia and you are struggling with remembering things and recalling names and numbers, you might want to look into Vitamin B. ❖
What is reading? When we read, our brain processes the word, recalls its meaning, and puts it together with the other words to make sense. Think about it… Your mind is like a high-speed processor that processes every word and the meaning that you have learned as a child. It’s incredible. But if you don’t read, that ability deteriorates little by little and you end up with a chipped away mind that struggles to read. This is one of the most common reasons why people have trouble reading out loud. Their minds don’t process the words fast enough to say them out loud. Reading also allows you to visualize things. Here’s a good example: In the dead of night, the moon was full, and the stars shone bight. They
danced around the moon in an endless waltz. The air smelled like the sea, salty and a little grimy. The lapping of waves is what lulls me to sleep at night, and the roaring thunder in the distance tells me that a storm is brewing. Soon enough the waltz will end, end the thunderclouds will take the palace in the sky captive. See? Did you see the sky? Did you hear the waves? We hear the character’s voices as if they were real. As if they were a part of us, speaking in our ears. But you have to read to practice this magic. Sooner or later your brain will become lazy and the stories will be nothing but words on paper. You need to stimulate your imagination as much as the rest of your mind. ❖
Do one thing at a time
Contrary to what you might believe, doing a couple things at the same time does not mean you are actually doing them correctly. What you are doing is confusing your mind with the multiple things that you are attempting to do. It’s what’s making you mess things up sometimes. If you focus on one task instead of multiple ones, you will see that your concentration will greatly improve. Your mind is all over the place because you have trained it to do that. Now it is time to un-train your brain. ❖
Indulge in memories
Memories are like videos that are stored in our mental hard drive. What use is keeping a copy of what happened when you never indulge in it? Sometimes it’s good to think about the past. Let your mind think about things It would have done differently. This helps with problem solving. Let your mind play games with itself. Try to remember as many details as possible. How many rings was Susan wearing at that luncheon? What was the score when your team played their first real game and you were in the stands? What was that girl in elementary school’s name that used to chew gum loudly?
Chapter 4: Physical Exercise
Exercises to Know Now and Later The hardest part of exercise isn’t knowing what to do, but how to do it correctly. That’s the good thing about going to a gym and getting help from professionals. They help you on the right track more often than not and are great for showing you how to do certain exercises to benefit your body the most. Some exercises hurt our backs when in reality, it really shouldn’t. Our problem is that we are not doing it correctly. Remember that exercises are uniquely created to build muscle in certain areas of the body. If you are not doing it correctly by using the right muscles for the job, you are just wasting your time and getting back ache in the process. This is why I felt it was important to add a quick guide to tell you exactly how to do every exercise. This is a beginner’s book after all, and we all have to start somewhere. Chances are that you don’t even know what muscles a superman exercises. Here is a list of exercises that will be useful in this book, as well as later on when you move to more advanced exercises at home. Not all of them will be included in the exercise plan, but I don’t believe that details about every exercise will be included in other books you read about exercise. So, let’s hop in, shall we?
Lunges ❖ What are they? Lunges are the best way to workout your lower body. It puts a lot of strain on the knees but has a wonderful effect on the lower body’s strength.
What are their benefits?
Works on your symmetry Improved balance Work those glutes! Core stability Hip flexibility ❖
How to do them
When doing a lunge, it is important to keep your upper body straight. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your face facing directly in front of you. Keep your chin up. After you have your posture sorted, take a large forward with one leg and lower your hips. You want both knees to be bent at a 90-degree angle or you won’t get the full package with the lunge. The idea is that the shin of your leg you kept in place will be parallel with the floor and so will the thigh of the leg you used to step forward. Keep your weight on your heels and make sure that you are not touching the floor with your knee. Now it is time for you to push yourself back up into the starting position and stepping forward with the other leg. There are many variations of the lunge, but it takes the mastery of the basic lunge to move forward with more complicated ones. If you can’t do a basic lunge correctly, you won’t be able to do any of the others either. Work on your posture first. ❖ Pro tip If you feel like there is too much pressure on your knees, take a smaller step.
Jumping jacks ❖ What are they? Probably one of the first exercises you have ever learned as a child. It’s easy to do and is really good to get that heart rate going. This is a total body exercise that is sure to leave you breathless the first couple of times
until you get fitter. This is great not only for burning that pesky fat, but also toning your muscles. ❖
What are their benefits?
Improve coordination Great for warm up All in one – this exercise works most of your core muscles Flexibility Stamina Stability Strengthens your bones Tone those muscles ❖
How to do them
While you are standing up straight with your legs together and hands at your sides, bend your knees ever so slightly. Now, throw your arms up and spread your legs. You want this to be one solid movement. Your feet shouldn’t lag behind your arms. Now you can return to your starting position and repeat. ❖
Pro tip
Your legs should be spread wider than your shoulders to get the full effect of the workout.
Jump squats ❖
What are they?
Just like normal squats but with a little bit extra spice. These squats are the big sister of normal squats and can really work a person’s body. Once the normal squat is perfected, this is the next step to those perfectly toned glutes and thighs. ❖
What are their benefits?
Build muscle
Increases mobility Increased balance Tone your butt, abs and legs Improves circulation ❖
How to do them
Just like normal squats, you want to keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Now do a squat like you would have done a regular one but instead of coming back up to stand in your original position, you are going to push yourself off the floor and jump straight up in the air. When you land, you want to move back into that squat position. Your goal is to either be in the squat position, or in the air. You want to land as quietly as possible. ❖
Pro tip
When jumping, keep your arms straight out above your head and return them in their bent position when you are on the floor again.
Squats ❖
What are they?
A lower body exercise that targets the thighs and glutes. (This is great for achieving that bubble butt you’ve always wanted.) ❖
What are their benefits?
It builds muscle Improve flexibility Helps mobility Strengthens your lungs and heart Van possibly prevent injuries Improve balance Improve joints Posture Digestion and circulation
How to do them
Stand comfortably with your feet a little apart and your back straight. The best way is to put your feet shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly outward. Just like lunges, you want to look straight ahead. Now imagine someone is about to punch you. Feel how your abs are tensing up? Keep them that tense. Now that we have your posture sorted, let’s move on to the fun part. Without rounding your back, imagine that you are sitting down on a chair. A lower chair, lower… you want to go as low as possible and keep your thighs parallel with the floor. Don’t let your knees cave in. keep your legs strong and firm. When squating, you want to hold your hands out in front of you, elbows bent and fits just under chin height. ❖ Pro tip Think about squats as sitting back and not just bending the knees. You have to push your butt backwards and not just keep it in line.
Burpees ❖ What are they? This, my friends, is the evilest exercise I have ever done. It’s one of those that a person just loves to hate. While being tedious and incredibly hard on the body and stamina to do, they do have an incredible result. This workout trains your chest, abs, inner thighs, quads, butt, and triceps. Not to mention that heart rate that burns calories like you wouldn't believe. ❖
What are their benefits?
Works most muscle groups Improves cardiovascular fitness Increases balance Increases coordination Improves strength
Improves mobility ❖
How to do them
Lower yourself into a squat like I have taught you. Now, place your hands on the floor in front of you. You want to make sure that your hands aren’t further apart than your feet. Shift your weight from your feet to your hands and jump your feet back. Take on a plank position. This means that your body should be in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Don’t push your hips in the air and don’t let your back sag. Next, you want to jump up again into your starting position, give one big jump in the air, (like you would do with a jump squat) and land back on your feet. As you land, you want to immediately drop back into a squat to repeat the exercise. ❖
Pro tip
Break them up into smaller steps if you are feeling overwhelmed. This is a tough workout for anyone, especially beginners. Try to do chunks of it separately before putting everything together into one, big, exercise.
Planks ❖
What are they?
This is a very good exercise for working on your core muscles as well as neck, biceps, and shoulders, not to mention those glutes! By holding yourself in that position, you are straining all the right muscles to get the maximum benefits and exercise. They are evil, don’t get me wrong, but the results are oh-so satisfying. ❖
What are their benefits?
Improve core Decrease the risk of spinal injuries Improved metabolism Improve posture Improve balance Increase flexibility
Mental benefits ❖
How to do them?
The best way to do this is to get into a pushup position first. This means that you want to hold yourself up by your arms and toes with your body straight. Now, lower yourself to your elbows. You will now be resting your weight on your forearms. Keep your neck straight which means you will be looking at the floor and not in front of you. You are now doing a plank! Keep your breathing steady and even. You’ll know that you have done it long enough when your back is starting to sag, and your arms are giving in. ❖
Pro tip
This exercise is all about breathing and keeping your body as straight as possible. You are only benefiting form it if you are doing it properly. Keep your body straight at all times.
Pushups ❖
What are they?
Everyone knows what a pushup is, yes? All the girls love to watch those fit army men do them and all the men envy those who only use one leg and arm. Pushups are great for increasing upper body strength and toning those arms. ❖
What are their benefits?
Increases upper body strength Strengthens lower back Builds strength Work those glutes! Strengthens abdominal muscles Tones your arms ❖
How to do them
Get on the ground and set your hands flat on the ground. Your hands should be a tad further apart than your shoulders. There are many ways you can use your hands, from using your knuckles to using bars. Find what works best for you. I find that using my knuckles to push myself up is the best way to go. The wider your feet are apart, the more stable you will be while doing the push up, so remember that when placing your feet. It doesn’t really matter, as long as you can prop yourself up on your toes. Keep your body in a straight line. Don’s sag your back and don’t put your glutes in the air. You want to stay as straight as possible at all times. Your hands should never be far out from your body. It should only be an inch or so wider than your shoulders. Push yourself up so your arms are straight. You are now ready to behind your pushups. Lower you yourself until your elbows are in line with your shoulder and push yourself back up. ❖
Pro tip
If you have trouble staying in a straight line, this tip might be useful. Clench your glutes and flex your abs. If you are not yet comfortable with doing a normal pushup, why not try a bent knee pushup instead? All you have to do is use your knees instead of your toes. This means that you are not using the lower half of your legs like a normal pushup.
Bicycle crunches ❖
What are they?
Cycling is one of the best cardio exercises which leaves little room for surprise when I tell you that bicycle crunches are fantastic for weight loss. It is fairly easy to do and has a great result when done correctly. ❖ What are their benefits? Activates upper abdominal muscles
Strengthens your core Toning your thighs Defines your waistline ❖
How to do them
Start by lying down on the floor on your back. Now pretend that you are lounging on the beach with your hands under your head for support. Your arms should make a sort of diamond shape. This is where things get interesting. Start peddling! Pretend that you are on a bicycle and you are trying to win that race! Bring one knee up to your chest while stretching the other one straight. Don’t let the straight leg touch the ground. If you are pulling up your left knee, touch tour left knee with your right elbow and vice versa. Twist as far as you have to, to touch those knees and elbows. ❖ Pro tip Start slow and leave your arms and back firmly on the ground. Just peddle for a while to get used to it and to find the right rhythm you want to go at. When you are feeling comfortable enough, you can go ahead and add the elbows to knees. Remember to clench those abdomen muscles to get the full effect.
Twisting mountain climbers ❖ What are they? This is a dynamic exercise much like bicycle crunches but also a lot different. Instead of lying on your back, you are required to take a sort of plank position. ❖
What are their benefits?
Increases heart rate Speeds up metabolism Increases aerobic fitness Increases agility
Increases flexibility Trains multiple muscles at the same time ❖
How to do them
Like many great exercises, start in the plank position. Position your arms like you would if you were doing pushups. Now bring your right knee to your left elbow and alternate. Right knee, left elbow, left knee right elbow, right knee, left elbow, left knee right elbow, right knee, left elbow, left knee right elbow. And that’s it! You are doing a mountain climb. ❖
Pro tip
Keep your body aligned. Do not slouch your back or bend your neck. The only things moving should be your legs and feet.
Side planks ❖
What are they?
These are probably the best ab workouts you will ever have to do. I am serious, if you do this you are pretty much guaranteed visible and fast result. The side planks work the muscles that don’t get trained as often such as the oblique abdominal muscles. ❖
What are their benefits?
Helps with your posture Strengthens your glutes Strengthens your shoulders Strengthens your arms Helps with balance Helps with coordination Strengthens your core ❖
How to do them
There are many simple things in life that are good. Vanilla ice cream,
black coffee, chocolate and even the side plank. Lie down on your side and stretch your legs out straight. With your forearm flat on the ground, push your upper body up. Keep your body perfectly in line for this exercise. It’s exactly like the plank, only on your side. Your free hand can either rest on your hip or stretch upward. Whatever works better for you. ❖
Pro tip
Your forearm that you are pushing yourself up on has to be in line with your shoulder and your feet can be staggered if you feel like it is easier for you to get into the exercise like that.
Sit-ups ❖
What are they?
This easy to modify exercise is one of the first things you will ever have to do while exercising. Who knew that laying down and sitting up can have such a positive effect on your body? ❖
What are their benefits?
Strengthens the core Improves your muscle mass Improves balance Improves stability Improves flexibility Helps with your posture Improves digestion Strengthens your back ❖ How to do them These are like pushups. Of course, you have seen them be done. But just for in case, here is how you do it correctly: Lie down on the floor with your back on the floor and your knees slightly
pulled up and bent. Anchor your feet firmly. Now, like the bicycle crunches, you want to put your hands behind your head and form a diamond shape with your arms. When you sit up, you want to inhale, and exhale when you lie back down. Speed doesn’t mean that you are doing better in this exercise so take it slow and stay in control. Keep your back straight and your abdomen flexed. ❖
Pro tip
Do not pull yourself up with your arms. You want to use your core muscles to do all of the work. That is the only way that it is going to work for you. The only thing you want to move is your core. The rest has to stay perfectly in position as you sit up and lower yourself back down. Don’t lift your feet off the floor either.
Glute bridge ❖
What are they?
This is an exercise that trains the hip, thighs, abdomen and back. ❖
What are their benefits?
Work those glutes! Strengthens your hamstrings Improves hip mobility Strengthens lower back ❖
How to do them
Get in the same position as a sit-up but instead of your hands behind your head, you want to keep your hands on the floor by your hips, palms facing up. Now, you want to combine the blank with this position so lift your hips until you are forming a triangular shape. Keep your back, hips and legs in a straight line. Hold it for a couple of seconds before slowly easing back down. ❖
Pro tip
Do not push with your heels. You have to keep yourself up while using
your hips and your hips alone.
Supermans ❖
What are they?
When you are just starting out, there is a good chance that you do not have a lot of back strength. This is the exercise for you to really work on those back muscles. It is honestly one of the exercises I enjoy the most. (Not because it I am obsessed with superheroes or anything okay?) ❖
What are their benefits?
Defines back muscles Improves posture Strengthens back muscles Strengthens abdomen muscles Strengthens hamstrings Increases back and hip stability ❖
How to do them
Let’s get to the fun part already, that is, actually doing this exercise. Lie face down on the floor with your arms stretched out above your head. It helps to imagine one of those old animated films where Superman is on his way to save the world. Now raise your left leg and right arm off the ground as far as is comfortable for you. Hold for about three seconds and relax. Then do the opposite side. Do not point your feet and don’t hold your breath. You need to breathe the entire time. Your arms and legs should never bend, and you should hold the position. You only know that you are doing it right when you feel the lower half of your back tense. ❖
Pro tip
You can modify this exercise by lifting both hands and both legs at the same time.
Chapter 5: 5-Week Exercise Plan
Week 1 This is it! This is finally happening! You are finally starting your fitness journey at home. In the first week, you will either take it too easy or push yourself too hard. Those are the two most common mistakes I see when someone starts working out. What you have to do is find a middle ground. This is what this week’s exercises are all about. You want to push yourself but not enough to render you immobile for week 2. You want to get the hang of things and not want to hang yourself, if you know what I’m saying. It’s also easy to take it too easy because you know it’s your first week. Don’t cut yourself too much slack. These exercises are made for beginners and anyone can do them. Try to do as many as you can. Push yourself. Anything more than this isn’t going to sit well with someone who is just starting out and doing less will be useless. This program is specifically worked out to get you in the best shape for the next week’s exercises. Added will be tips. Note that these tips aren’t necessary unless you think that your muscles aren’t working hard enough. You can also add any of the exercises that I have mentioned. Increase them gradually every day you do them. I recommend only adding one every day, so you don’t overdo it.
Day 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
10 jumping jacks 5 push ups 5 squats rest for a minute 5 jumping jacks 5 push ups 5 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add a plank into the mix.
Day 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
8 lunges 5 burpees (But try 10) 8 sit-ups Rest for a minute 8 lunges 5 burpees (But try 10) 8 sit-ups
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
7 jumping jacks 7 push ups 7 squats rest for a minute 7 jumping jacks 7 push ups 7 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add a plank into the mix.
Day 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
10 lunges 5 burpees (But try 10) 10 sit-ups Rest for a minute 10 lunges 5 burpees (But try 10) 10 sit-ups
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
10 jumping jacks 10 push ups 10 squats rest for a minute 10 jumping jacks 10 push ups 10 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add a plank into the mix.
Day 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
10 lunges 6 burpees (But try 10) 10 sit-ups Rest for a minute 10 lunges 6 burpees (But try 10) 10 sit-ups
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 7 ❖
Rest and try to stretch as often as you can to keep your muscles nice and loose.
Week 2 Day 1 ❖ ❖ ❖
15 jumping jacks 12 pushups 13 squats
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
Rest for a minute 15 jumping jacks 12 pushups 13 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add a few planks into the mix.
Day 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
12 sit-ups 15 lunges 8 burpees (but try 12) Rest for a minute 12 sit-ups 15 lunges 8 burpees (but try 12)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
18 jumping jacks 12 pushups 15 squats Rest for a minute 18 jumping jacks 12 pushups 15 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add a plank into the mix.
Day 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
15 sit-ups 18 lunges 10 burpees (but try 12) Rest for a minute
❖ ❖ ❖
15 sit-ups 18 lunges 10 burpees (but try 12)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
20 jumping jacks 15 pushups 18 squats Rest for a minute 20 jumping jacks 15 pushups 18 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add a plank into the mix.
Day 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
18 sit-ups 20 lunges 12 burpees Rest for a minute 18 sit-ups 20 lunges 12 burpees
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 7 ❖
Rest and try to stretch as often as you can to keep your muscles nice and loose.
Week 3
Day 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
23 jumping jacks 18 pushups 20 squats Rest for a minute 23 jumping jacks 18 pushups 20 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add several planks into the mix.
Day 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
20 sit-ups 20 lunges 13 burpees (but try 15) Rest for a minute 20 sit-ups 20 lunges 13 burpees (but try 15)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
25 jumping jacks 20 pushups 20 squats Rest for a minute 25 jumping jacks 20 pushups 20 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats, or add a plank into the mix.
Day 4
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
23 sit-ups 23 lunges 14 burpees (but try 15) Rest for a minute 23 sit-ups 23 lunges 14 burpees (but try 12)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
25 jumping jacks 25 pushups 23 squats Rest for a minute 25 jumping jacks 25 pushups 23 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats, or add some planks.
Day 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
25 sit-ups 25 lunges 15 burpees Rest for a minute 25 sit-ups 25 lunges 15 burpees
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 7 ❖
Rest and try to stretch as often as you can to keep your muscles nice
and loose.
Week 4 Day 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
25 jumping jacks 25 pushups 25 squats Rest for a minute 25 jumping jacks 25 pushups 25 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats, or add a plank into the mix.
Day 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
25 sit-ups 25 lunges 15 burpees (but try 17) Rest for a minute 25 sit-ups 25 lunges 15 burpees (but try 17)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
28 jumping jacks 28 pushups 28 squats Rest for a minute 28 jumping jacks 28 pushups
28 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats, or add a plank into the mix.
Day 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
28 sit-ups 28 lunges 16 burpees (but try 17) Rest for a minute 28 sit-ups 28 lunges 16 burpees (but try 17)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
30 jumping jacks 30 pushups 30 squats Rest for a minute 30 jumping jacks 30 pushups 30 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add some planks.
Day 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
30 sit-ups 30 lunges 17 burpees Rest for a minute 30 sit-ups 30 lunges 17 burpees
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 7 ❖
Rest and try to stretch as often as you can to keep your muscles nice and loose.
Week 5 Day 1 ❖ 30 jumping jacks ❖ 30 pushups ❖ 30 squats ❖ Rest for a minute ❖ 30 jumping jacks ❖ 30 pushups ❖ 30 squats Tip: Replace squats with jump squats, or add a plank into the mix.
Day 2 ❖ 30 sit-ups ❖ 30 lunges ❖ 18 burpees (but try 20) ❖ Rest for a minute ❖ 30 sit-ups ❖ 30 lunges ❖ 18 burpees (but try 20) Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 3 ❖
33 jumping jacks
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
33 pushups 33 squats Rest for a minute 33 jumping jacks 33 pushups 33 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats, or add a plank into the mix.
Day 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
33 sit-ups 33 lunges 19 burpees (but try 20) Rest for a minute 33 sit-ups 33 lunges 19 burpees (but try 20)
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
35 jumping jacks 35 pushups 35 squats Rest for a minute 35 jumping jacks 35 pushups 35 squats
Tip: Replace squats with jump squats or add several planks into the mix.
Day 6 ❖ ❖
35 sit-ups 35 lunges
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
20 burpees Rest for a minute 35 sit-ups 35 lunges 20 burpees
Tip: Good exercises to add will be bicycle crunches or mountain climbers.
Day 7 ❖
Rest and try to stretch as often as you can to keep your muscles nice and loose.
Chapter 6: 7-Day Meal Plan
This meal plan can be reused every week. You can vary it by replacing suggested proteins with other proteins with the same amount of nutrients and calories. Refer back to the healthy food section to choose your elective foods. Also, try to make enough meat for dinner to have leftovers for lunch and save yourself some time!
Week 1 Day 1 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
Tuna salad with crushed nuts of your choice Add avocado and cheese ❖ Dinner Chicken stir fry with potato wedges (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most
Day 2 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
Leftover chicken from stir fry salad with shredded carrots and sunflower seeds ❖
Salmon and Quinoa with veggies of your choice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most
Day 3 ❖
Avocado toast with sunflower seeds, tomato and arugula Use 1 or 2 slices of whole grain toast and spread crushed avocado. Add tomatoes, arugula and sunflower seeds as toppings. ❖
Leftover salmon on salad. If there is no salmon left, simply make a green salad and add a protein of your choice. ❖
Spaghetti and meatballs with steamed veggies (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.)
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 4 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Veggie soup and leftover meatballs Preferably homemade veggie soup, but canned works too. Add parmesan cheese as a topping. ❖
Lemon chicken with potatoes and salad (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 5 ❖ Breakfast ¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Leftover lemon chicken with low-fat mayo on toast. Add sliced onions and avocado too! ❖
Lean beef salad with sweet potatoes. (check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from
amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 6 ❖
Almond butter toast with sliced apple and cinnamon. ❖ Lunch Beef taco with lettuce, tomato and cucumber. ❖
Broccoli and roast chicken with spiced rice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 7 ❖ Breakfast Toast with rockets, diced cashews, sun dried tomatoes and shredded cheese. ❖
Leftover chicken wraps with lettuce, shredded carrots and shredded nuts of your choice. Add red bell pepper for an extra crunch. ❖
Roast with carrots and potatoes. serve with brown rice and gravy. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Week 2 Day 1 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
Chicken salad with lemon juice and sunflower seeds ❖ Dinner Vegetarian pizza with a low carb crust Add sun-dried tomatoes, bell peppers, grated cheese and onions. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 2 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
1 slice of toast with tuna
Add a salad if you are feeling hungry ❖
Chicken and Quinoa with veggies of your choice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 3 ❖
Fruit salad with cinnamon and crushed nuts. Use fruits with low fat and high nutrients. Add some low-fat Greek Yoghurt ❖
Leftover chicken on salad with lemon juice ❖
Bacon and broccoli rice bowl (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 4 ❖ Breakfast ¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Veggie soup and leftover meatballs.
Preferably homemade veggie soup but canned works too. Add parmesan cheese as a topping ❖
Salmon fillet with stir fry Add some nuts for extra crunch (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 5 ❖ Breakfast ¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Leftover stir fry on toast with almond butter ❖
Bean, Kale and Egg Stew (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 6 ❖ Breakfast Almond butter toast with sliced apple and cinnamon. ❖
Beef taco with lettuce, tomato and cucumber.
Vegetarian Tortilla Casserole (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 7 ❖ Breakfast Toast with rockets, diced cashews, sun dried tomatoes and shredded cheese. ❖
Spicy chicken & avocado wraps ❖
Chicken, Pepper and Corn Stir-Fry (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Week 3 Day 1 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit add cinnamon
Tuna salad with crushed nuts of your choice. add avocado and cheese ❖ Dinner Chicken stir fry with potato wedges (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 2 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit add cinnamon ❖ Lunch Leftover chicken from stir fry salad with shredded carrots and sunflower seeds ❖ Dinner Salmon and Quinoa with veggies of your choice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 3 ❖
Avocado toast with sunflower seeds, tomato and arugula Use 1 or 2 slices of whole grain toast and spread crushed avocado. add tomatoes, arugula and sunflower seeds as toppings. ❖
Leftover salmon on salad. If there is no salmon left, simply make a green salad and add a protein of your choice. ❖
Spaghetti and meatballs with steamed veggies (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 4 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Veggie soup and leftover meatballs. Preferably homemade veggie soup but canned works too. Add parmesan cheese as a topping ❖ Dinner Lemon chicken with potatoes and salad. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 5
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Leftover lemon chicken with low-fat mayo on toast. Add sliced onions and avocado too! ❖
Lean beef salad with sweet potatoes. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 6 ❖
Almond butter toast with sliced apple and cinnamon. ❖
Beef taco with lettuce, tomato and cucumber. ❖ Dinner Broccoli and roast chicken with spiced rice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 7 ❖
Toast with rockets, diced cashews, sun dried tomatoes and shredded
cheese. ❖
Leftover chicken wraps with lettuce, shredded carrots and shredded nuts of your choice. Add red bell pepper for an extra crunch. ❖ Dinner Roast with carrots and potatoes. serve with brown rice and gravy. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Week 4 Day 1 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖ Lunch Chicken salad with lemon juice and sunflower seeds ❖ Dinner Vegetarian pizza with a low carb crust Add sun-dried tomatoes, bell peppers, grated cheese and onions. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 2 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
1 slice of toast with tuna Add a salad if you are feeling hungry ❖
Chicken and Quinoa with veggies of your choice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 3 ❖ Breakfast Fruit salad with cinnamon and crushed nuts. Use fruits with low fat and high nutrients. Add some low-fat Greek Yoghurt ❖
Leftover chicken on salad with lemon juice ❖
Bacon and broccoli rice bowl (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.)
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 4 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Veggie soup and leftover meatballs. Preferably homemade veggie soup but canned works too. Add parmesan cheese as a topping ❖
Salmon fillet with stir fry Add some nuts for extra crunch (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 5 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Leftover stir fry on toast with almond butter ❖
Bean, Kale and Egg Stew (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from
amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 6 ❖
Almond butter toast with sliced apple and cinnamon. ❖ Lunch Beef taco with lettuce, tomato and cucumber. ❖
Vegetarian Tortilla Casserole (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 7 ❖ Breakfast Toast with rockets, diced cashews, sun dried tomatoes and shredded cheese. ❖
Spicy chicken & avocado wraps ❖
Chicken, Pepper and Corn Stir-Fry (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Week 5 Day 1 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
Tuna salad with crushed nuts of your choice. Add avocado and cheese ❖
Chicken stir fry with potato wedges (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 2 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) 1 cup of berries or low-fat fruit Add cinnamon ❖
Leftover chicken from stir fry salad with shredded carrots and sunflower seeds
Salmon and Quinoa with veggies of your choice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 3 ❖ Breakfast Avocado toast with sunflower seeds, tomato and arugula Use 1 or 2 slices of whole grain toast and spread crushed avocado. add tomatoes, arugula and sunflower seeds as toppings. ❖
Leftover salmon on salad. If there is no salmon left, simply make a green salad and add a protein of your choice. ❖ Dinner Spaghetti and meatballs with steamed veggies (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 4 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Veggie soup and leftover meatballs.
Preferably homemade veggie soup but canned works too. Add parmesan cheese as a topping ❖
Lemon chicken with potatoes and salad. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 5 ❖
¾ cup Oatmeal with berries. (Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter for something extra.) ❖
Leftover lemon chicken with low-fat mayo on toast. Add sliced onions and avocado too! ❖ Dinner Lean beef salad with sweet potatoes. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 6 ❖
Almond butter toast with sliced apple and cinnamon. ❖
Beef taco with lettuce, tomato and cucumber.
Broccoli and roast chicken with spiced rice. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖ Snack Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Day 7 ❖ Breakfast Toast with rockets, diced cashews, sun dried tomatoes and shredded cheese. ❖
Leftover chicken wraps with lettuce, shredded carrots and shredded nuts of your choice. Add red bell pepper for an extra crunch. ❖
Roast with carrots and potatoes. serve with brown rice and gravy. (Check your calorie count for how much you can eat. may vary from amount of snack you have consumed.) ❖
Any 2 fruits that will benefit your nutritional needs the most.
Chapter 7: Workout Playlist
Working out can be a tedious task, I know this better than anyone. It’s annoying, makes you tired and gets you all gross and sweaty. Something that I have learned makes it more bearable is Music. But not just any music, no. No, none of those Ed Sheeran love songs that either make you want to cry or fall in love. Nothing by Adele that gets those heart strings pulled and absolutely nothing by Celine Dion that makes you think about sinking ships. No, you need a playlist that gets your heart pumping. It’s the thing you need that makes you get up and move those hips, things with a good beat that you can’t resist moving to. Now, I have two playlists. One that I listen to at the gym and one that I listen to at home when I can play it out loud. Usually at the gym, I enjoy listening to the heaviest metal music I can find. Things that make me want to punch and kick the living daylights out of a punching bag. I am by heart a metalhead, so it’s pretty easy for me to get into the music and lose myself in the lyrics. However, I do like my “more normal” music from time to time and I have created a playlist that I am comfortable with playing at home on the days that I cannot hit the gym. This way I don’t mind if my neighbors hear it for the hour or two that I work out. These songs also have the tendency that gets my hips moving instead of my fists, so it is perfect for the home workout. If you are finding it particularly difficult to create the perfect playlist, I have supplied you with both of mine below. If you are feeling experimental then I do recommend the metal playlist but if you prefer the more mainstream music, then the timeless playlist is for you. Each contains 50 songs that I have found pumps my blood and really gets me into whatever exercises I am doing at whatever time. As a little bonus, I have added 50 binge worthy audiobooks that will make you crave exercise to find out what happens next. From comedy, to sci-fi, to nonfiction, and horror. I’ve got you covered.
Timeless Playlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
One More Time/Aerodynamic by Daft Punk You Shook Me All Night Long by ACDC Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) by Michael Jackson Addicted to You by Avicii Single ladies (Put a Ring on It) by Beyoncé Turn Down for What by DJ Snake and Lil Jon Push It by Salt-N-Pepa Enter Sandman - Metallica Paradise City - Guns N’ Roses Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by C+C Music Factory Radioactive by Imagine Dragons Times Like These by Foo Fighters Hard to Explain by The Strokes Dark Horse by Katy Perry and Juicy J Black Widow by Iggy Ilazea and Rita Ora Animals by maroon 5 Dancing on My Own by Robyn Eye of The Tiger by Survivor We Will Rock You by Queen Jump by Van Halen Dumb Blonde by Avril Lavigne and Nicki Minaj Chainsaw by The Band Perry Hey Ya! by Outkast Circus by Britney Spears Happy by Pharell Williams Gamma Ray by Beck Hypnotize by The White Stripes Walk This Way by Run-DMC and Aerosmith Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj Shake it off by Taylor Swift Another One Bites the Dust by Queen Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
Greyhound by Swedish House mafia Wolves by Selena Gomez and Marshmello Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Move Your Body by Sia Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers and Daya Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha Try by P!nk The Monster by Eminem and Rihanna Move Your Feet by Junior Senior LA Devotee by Panic! At the Disco Welcome to The Jungle by Guns N’ Roses You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring Square Hammer by Ghost Shape of You by Ed Sheeran Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Lips Are Movin by Meghan Trainor
Rock and Metal Playlist Note that this is not for everyone and if you do not enjoy metal or any form of “heavy” music, then you can just skip this list entirely. You have been warned. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Black Wedding by In This Moment and Rob Halford Come for Me by New Year’s Day Big Bad Wolf by In This Moment Anger Left Behind by Atrayu Ich Will by Rammstein Du Hast by Rammstein Down by Betraying The Martyrs Brand New Numb by Motionless in White Drowning in the Sound by Trivium The American Nightmare by Ice Nine Kills
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
Beast Within by In This Moment Eternally Yours by Motionless In White Fake by Five Finger Death Punch Dirty Pretty by In This Moment Animals (cover) by Ice Nine Kills I’ll Be There by Bad Wolves Haunt Me by While She Sleeps Larger Than Life (cover) by Jonathan Young and Lee Albrecht Another Life by Motionless in White Like Sand by In Flames Heathens (cover) by Rivals Shadows Inside by Miss May I Bloodline by Northlane Zombie (cover) by Bad Wolves I Am Above by In Flames The Guilty Party by While She Sleeps Bottom Feeder by Parkway Drive Under Fire by Miss May I In the End by Black Veil Brides Bow Down by I Prevail Bring Me Home by Whitechapel Low by Wage War Modern Misery by Architects Unsainted by Slipknot Catatonic by Buried in Verona Kill or Be Killed by New Feel Nothing by The Plot in You I Am the Fire by Halestorm Nightmares by Conquer Divide Rats by Motionless In White I Miss the Misery by Halestorm You Are We by While She Sleeps When Everything Means No by Fit For A King Voices by In Flames Alone in A Room by Asking Alexandria Voices by Motionless in White
47. 48. 49. 50.
The Old Me by Memphis May Fire Until the World Goes Cold by Trivium Your Number’s Up by Ice Nine Kills Toxic (cover) by A Static Lullaby
In conclusion, I would like to add some tips and tricks to keeping the weight off (that you will no doubt have lost in this time) and keeping in shape after you are done with this book. Keeping up with the weight or keeping in shape is a big part of your success and that is why these pointers are so important. ❖
Keep on exercising
Once you reach your goal weight, it is easy to just stop with the exercises and go on with your life. That is probably one of the worst things you can ever do. You have to keep on burning calories as you consume them. Fat gets formed when you are consuming more calories than you are burning. Exercising also increases your metabolism so without it, you will go back to having a sluggish one. Other than sticking to a healthy diet that you are adapting into a lifestyle, exercise is the most important part of losing and maintaining weight. It has to become a part of your daily routine like showering and brushing your teeth. Unless you are too sick, there is no excuse for dropping exercises completely. It should be at the very top of things to maintain. Your body, weight and mind will thank you for it. ❖
The holidays
Holiday season can be tough. Vacations, Christmas, Easter, thanksgiving, and even Halloween, all of these events have one thing in common. Food and candy. Now, what scares a lot of people is the fact that they might not be allowed to ever eat candy or biscuits again. Believe me when I tell you that you can. You are allowed to have a cookie when you feel like it every now and again. You are allowed to eat what you want at thanksgiving and devour your child’s Halloween candy. It’s really okay. The only thing you can do is to get back up and go on with your routine. Don’t be the person who says, “I’ve already eaten candy, working out isn’t going to help.” It might not allow you to lose weight, but it will help you maintain it. You want to burn those calories. Don’t be afraid of
doing extra reps when you have cheated. Get as much of it burned away as soon as possible because you don’t want to sit with that problem at a later stage. Christmas only comes once a year and you have worked hard the entire year. One day is not going to make a difference, trust me. ❖
Americans do not get enough fiber in their diets and that is why they are ranked the 17th most obese country in the world. Fiber is what makes you feel full and what defeats the hunger demon. You want to eat food that have incredibly high fiber counts because you want to consume less calories but still feel full. You can find fiber in veggies, fruits, whole grains and more. Check how much fiber your food contains, and you will be shocked at how little there really is. If people are hungry, they eat, and that means they need to buy more food. It’s a marketing tactic and it is working. ❖ Read the labels There are so many hidden sugars, preservatives and calories hidden in processes food, it’s actually sad. When you are buying something, make sure to check the packaging. Other people might get annoyed with you but that is their problem. You are he one that has to read it, not them. Reading the labels are great for understanding how many calories you are consuming and how the food is going to affect your weight. Sometimes because something is whole grain you will just accept that it is the best bet when in fact, there is a wealth of calories and sugar in there. You want to read up about everything you put in your mouth. Don’t let a single bite you are eating have any form of mystery calories. It’s a tedious job but it works. If you are gaining unexplained weight, try reading the labels and you will probably find the answer on there. The great thing about this is that you will eventually learn everything by heart, and you won’t have to read every single thing anymore. ❖
Avoid temptation
If you know that you have a sweet tooth, why are you lurking in the candy aisle? That is playing with fire. Avoid temptation as far as possible and after a while, you will realize that you do not need those things in your life. You do not need to have those sweets and more often than not, the cravings for it disappear. Plan ahead when you are eating out or try to
cook at home more often than going out. One bite of cheesecake become two, and eventually you are going home with a box full of cake and nowhere to put it but the trash or your mouth. We both know what the best option will look like so just stay safe and try to avoid it as far as possible. ❖
Weigh your meals
You need to weigh your food in order to know how many calories are in every meal. You can’t eyeball these things. It’s impossible. You want to make sure that you are 100% sure of the amount of food you are consuming. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to carry a food scale everywhere to weigh your veggie at a restaurant. Just be as thorough as you possibly can when you are cooking yourself. One or two nights of extra calories won’t make much of a difference, but it will help you with controlling the majority of your meals. ❖ Do it for yourself One of the most common mistakes is that people do things for other people and not themselves. You are losing weight to impress a lady? You are working out to get that guy? Perhaps you want to impress your family and prove them wrong about you. That is not the mindset you want to do things with. Not at all. When you are doing things for other people, you get into the mindset that you are not doing anything for yourself. After this realization, you want to lash out and the first thing you do is eat. You shouldn’t have to do anything for other people. There is no reason for you to try impress someone who didn’t see you when you were a few pounds overweight or didn’t have abs. You have to be happy and that is the only thing that counts. You have to be happy doing it, otherwise it won’t stick. Do it for yourself and do it for your health. You are worth it. You are completely and utterly worth feeling and looking great in your own body. It will also give you an immense amount of confidence. ❖
Don’t let your emotions control your appetite
Emotions easily dominate all of our other thoughts. Some emotions are stronger than our restraint and it leads us to eating out emotions away. Eating is a sort of coping mechanism for a lot of people and it is truly an issue. What people don’t understand is that they can fight their emotions and actually win the battle. Emotions aren’t the boss of us, and you
shouldn’t let it be. Take control and say no. it’s easier than you might think and the feeling of victory over is a feeling that can’t be matched by food. ❖
Remember to have breakfast
Eating breakfast means that you have solid and strong eating habits. Skipping breakfast leads to weight gain and bad eating habits. It’s a fact. This being said, if you are not hungry in the morning, don’t eat. Perhaps just have an apple instead of a full breakfast. ❖ Protein Protein makes a person feel full and helps reduce your appetite. It is also great because it raises certain hormones in promotes weight loss as well as weight maintenance. Because it makes you feel full and stimulates your hormones, you are more likely to lose weight than someone who doesn’t consume as much protein. ❖
Protein is also great for your metabolism and has the best chance of working if it is about 30% of your daily calorie intake.
Protein takes a lot of energy for your body to break down which means that protein increases the number of calories you burn. Pair that up with exercise and you are good to go. ❖
Don’t bring back everything you have cut out
One of the biggest mistakes people make is bringing back the bad things they cut out of their diet. Sure, a burger or a slice of pizza now and then won’t do any harm, but if you bring it back again fully, you will end up right back where you started. Remember how you felt when you were eating unhealthily? Remember how sluggish you were, how much you battled to get the weigh those bad habits caused you off? Maintain a healthy lifestyle and allow yourself small cheats every now and then. ❖
Don’t fear the scale
Sure, stepping on a scale can be scary sometimes but is crucial to keep proper track of your weight. Don’t be afraid of it. So what if you have gained a few pounds? It’s easy enough to shake off again. Remember that your weight is not permanent and try to weigh yourself before breakfast the same day of every week. I usually discourage people from
stepping on the scale every day. Checking every week is more than fine and you don’t develop that obsession with checking your weight so often. If you are monitoring your weight and you have noticed some extra weight, you are going to eat less calories that week to make up for it. If you do not weigh yourself, you won’t know until your jeans won’t fit over your thighs . ❖
Count your carbs
Carbs are the enemy, so it is important to keep track of them wherever and whenever they appear. Refined carbs have been stripped of their natural fiber and this is a problem. Why? Because fiber is important for feeling full after a meal. That is why you are hungry again so soon after you have eaten any refined carbs. If you keep your carbs low, chances are very good that you won’t eat more calories than what you are actually burning during the day. Burning calories mean weight loss and weight maintenance. ❖ Keep a food log Keeping track of what you eat is a tedious task, I know. But it is important to know what things you eat when. If you are gaining a couple of pounds, the reason might be that you are consuming foods that aren’t agreeing with your body. Keeping track of what you eat will help you to determine what food the culprit is. Many people can’t eat certain things because it makes them feel bloated, and you won’t know what it is until you figure it out and test what foods work best for you. ❖
Don’t get negative when you gain some weight
Sometimes we gain a little weight before we lose it again. That is just how it is. Maybe sometimes you have a craving you just can’t shake or maybe you aren’t feeling the workout that day. These things happen and it’s important not to let these things get you under. Don’t give up over one minor setback, it’s not worth it. Just pick yourself up again and keep going. Stay positive. For ladies, there is a certain time of month when are feeling particularly miserable. Weighing yourself at this time is a big no-no because you pick up some weight in this cycle. ❖
Drink water
When you are feeling hungry, drink water instead of grabbing something to eat. Drinking water created the illusion of fullness and Is a great way to keep you from eating until your next meal. Drinking water also increases your metabolism and helps your body burn calories more effectively. Drinking water is also great for your organs which is enough reason on its own to drink more water if you ask me. Studies suggest that we should drink about two liters of water per day for our bodies to function at their full potential. ❖
Get sleep
Yes, friends, there is such a thing as a hunger hormone and its name is as evil as it sounds; ghrelin. This sneaky little bastard’s levels heighten when we do not get enough sleep. Not only is sleep vital to brain functions, but to weight control as well. People who sleep poorly also have a shortage leptin which is the hormone necessary for appetite control. Studies suggest that at least seven hours of sleep is necessary for optimal weight control and overall health. Now, when you are binge watching Game of Thrones into the morning hours with work the next day, ask yourself this: “Is Jon Snow worth weight gain?” ❖
Stop being a potato
Sitting and not moving around is also a big reason why people gain weight. Watch less television and so something active. Go for a walk or work. Everything you do that can burn calories, do it. Instead of sitting down after you have eaten, take a walk instead to burn some of those calories. I’m not saying you should never watch television, I myself am a binge watcher, I’m just saying that you should spend less time sitting on the couch and being unproductive and spend time doing things to make your life better and burn calories in the process. ❖
Reduce stress
There is a hormone called cortisol that releases into our body when we are stressed. This hormone actually increases weight gain, so it is probably best you keep the stress levels to the minimum. Stress also
drives your appetite wild. Most people that stress, stress-eat and that is one of the most common causes of weight gain. This means you eat on impulse and not because you are actually hungry. Most people cannot distinguish the need to eat and the want to eat and that is what makes it so incredibly dangerous. It’s not always possible but keep the stress on the low. ❖
There’s no shame in getting some support
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we just can’t stay positive, and that is okay because that is why there are other people around us that struggle with the exact same things we are. They too struggle with compulsive eating and not being in the mood to do those jumping jacks. Everyone struggles and sometimes it’s nice to just unload and talk about it. Those people who have lost their positivity needed someone to give some of theirs, and now you need them. That is the beauty of a support group. Everyone is in it together. ❖ Consistency is key Dieting is such an ugly word. I much prefer the term “lifestyle change” as that is what you should ultimately be doing. On and off diets are the devil of all devils. Your body gets confused and it’s not healthy. Your body likes routines, it likes consistency. You have to keep a consistent, healthy lifestyle if you want to keep those pounds off. I’m not saying that you should eat salad like a bunny for the rest of your life, just make healthier and smarter choices. Sure, have those chips, but know that you won’t be able to eat bread or pasta that day. This is a lifestyle that you are stepping into and you should prepare for that. I can guarantee you that you will regain the weight if you go back to your old ways. There’s this stigma that you have to leave all of your bad habits behind as soon as you start exercising. Apparently, you aren’t allowed to crave those sour worms, and you can’t have an ounce of doubt left. Know what I think? I think it’s rubbish. There will always be that voice telling you that you are not in the mood for working out today, that you are feeling ill, or that you want to eat your emotion away. There’s always going to be that person that looks at you with
their nostrils flared when you are telling them that you are working out. It’s just the way life works. It’s the way those little negative demons in the world worm their way into your mind and poison your thoughts. It’s not uncommon. In fact, it is more common than you might think. Why do you think people give up something so easily? The reason is those voices. Those darned voiced that make everybody’s lives miserable. There are many things in life that I wish I did earlier. I wish I had met my partner earlier. I wish that I wrote my book earlier, and I wish that I had the mind to start exercising when I was younger. I wish I had listened to the concerned aunts and fitness junkies at the mall. Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve is what I always say. Now, let me tell you something. You are allowed to feel miserable while you are exercising, you are. You are allowed to curse every sit up, every lunge, every jumping jack. You are allowed to hate all of those things and wish that you could just stop. What you are not allowed to do, is give into that sort of negativity. When you started, you had this childlike enthusiasm that made you want to pick up this book in the first place. You wanted that flat stomach and those toned glutes. You were desperate enough for it to actually start doing something to achieve those goals. Sure, you don’t have the funds or the means to go to a gym every day. What did you do? You decided to start a home workout. You didn’t know what exactly to do to get started? You got this book. If you have made it this far, my friend, you will make it to the end. Trust me on this. Getting started is the worst thing. When something is looming over you, you do not think about the eventual end, no. you think about the effort it is going to take to get there. You think about the sore muscles and the sweat, you think about the time and energy that you have to give up in order to get fit. It’s normal to think that way, it is, but you should stray away from the negative people and prove yourself wrong. Now, I have told you that I started exercising, what I didn’t tell you was the struggle to get to where I am today concerning fitness. I started gymming, but it was horrible. I hated it. There was a trainer that showed me that the way I was doing things was wrong this entire time and that was when the frustrations started. It was horrible having to learn all of
those things and what’s more, it really worked my muscles. I never felt the stiffness, never had the pain of working out until I started doing it correctly. It was terrible, I am not going to lie. Perhaps it was so awful because everyone told me how great it was, but no one told me how hard it was going to be to get to the stage where it is actually great. No one told me about the turning tummy and the bomb in my head thanks to the extra oxygen going to my brain. No one told me that I was doing things wrong. Knowing that you have wasted months on things that are not effective is the worst feeling in the world. It is absolutely and utterly terrible. All those hours lost, all those stupid mistakes you did while you could’ve had a bubble butt my now. My point is that you know all of these things before you begin. I am not sugar coating anything. Exercising sucks, but the results are incredible. The post-workout high, the jeans getting looser and looser. It’s rewarding and quite frankly, it’s worth it. Now, this is the part where I tell you that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. This isn’t true, someone with no musical talent cannot win The Voice. Not by will alone. But exercising at home? Anyone can do it. Young to old, any race, any gender. It takes no skill to do a lunge or a squat. All it takes is a little practice and the right information. If you aren’t doing it for your body, maybe you should do it for your health. Perhaps the world is in such a sickly state because no one does the effort to take care of themselves. Now, I will leave you with a few words my father used to say to me: “Kid, there is no way for you to win the match if you do not participate. You cannot publish a book if you don’t write it and you cannot be a success unless you get off your butt and do it. Successful people have suffered just like the rest of us. Suffering is cheap, kid, and it’s twice as common. The weaklings are the ones that get left behind while the strong ones go out and do the things they’ve always wanted to do and go through the things they have to, to get to the finish line with victory shining bright in their eyes. If you want to be skinny, exercise; if you want to be successful, work; and if you want positivity in your life, you have to create it yourself because other people
aren’t nice enough to give that to you.”